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New combinatorial topology bounds for renaming: The upper bound

Published: 02 March 2012 Publication History


In the renaming task, n+1 processes start with unique input names from a large space and must choose unique output names taken from a smaller name space, 0,1,…, K. To rule out trivial solutions, a protocol must be anonymous: the value chosen by a process can depend on its input name and on the execution, but not on the specific process ID.
Attiya et al. [1990] showed that renaming has a wait-free solution when K≥ 2n. Several algebraic topology proofs of a lower bound stating that no such protocol exists when K < 2n have been published. In a companion article, we present the first completely combinatorial renaming lower bound proof stating if n + 1 is a primer power, then renaming is not wait-free solvable when K < 2n. In this article, we show that if n + 1 is not a primer power, then there exists a wait-free renaming protocol for K = 2n−1. Therefore the renaming lower bound for K < 2n is incorrect. More precisely, our main theorem states that there exists a wait-free renaming protocol for K < 2n if and only if n + 1 is not a prime power. We prove this result using the known equivalence of K-renaming for K = 2n − 1 and the weak symmetry breaking task: processes have no input values and the output values are 0 or 1, and it is required that in every execution in which all processes participate, at least one process decides 1 and at least one process decides 0.


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cover image Journal of the ACM
Journal of the ACM  Volume 59, Issue 1
February 2012
166 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 02 March 2012
Accepted: 01 December 2011
Revised: 01 March 2011
Received: 01 December 2009
Published in JACM Volume 59, Issue 1


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  1. Distributed computing
  2. combinatorial topology
  3. shared-memory
  4. upper bound


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