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An adaptive write buffer management scheme for flash-based SSDs

Published: 24 February 2012 Publication History


Solid State Drives (SSD's) have shown promise to be a candidate to replace traditional hard disk drives. The benefits of SSD's over HDD's include better durability, higher performance, and lower power consumption, but due to certain physical characteristics of NAND flash, which comprise SSD's, there are some challenging areas of improvement and further research. We focus on the layout and management of the small amount of RAM that serves as a cache between the SSD and the system that uses it. Of the techniques that have previously been proposed to manage this cache, we identify several sources of inefficient cache space management due to the way pages are clustered in blocks and the limited replacement policy. We find that in many traces hot pages reside in otherwise cold blocks, and that the spatial locality of most clusters can be fully exploited in a limited time period, so we develop a hybrid page/block architecture along with an advanced replacement policy, called BPAC, or Block-Page Adaptive Cache, to exploit both temporal and spatial locality. Our technique involves adaptively partitioning the SSD on-disk cache to separately hold pages with high temporal locality in a page list and clusters of pages with low temporal but high spatial locality in a block list. In addition, we have developed a novel mechanism for flash-based SSD's to characterize the spatial locality of the disk I/O workload and an approach to dynamically identify the set of low spatial locality clusters. We run trace-driven simulations to verify our design and find that it outperforms other popular flash-aware cache schemes under different workloads. For instance, compared to a popular flash aware cache algorithm BPLRU, BPAC reduces the number of cache evictions by up to 79.6% and 34% on average.


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ACM Transactions on Storage  Volume 8, Issue 1
February 2012
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Publication History

Published: 24 February 2012
Accepted: 01 June 2011
Revised: 01 May 2011
Received: 01 November 2010
Published in TOS Volume 8, Issue 1


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  1. NAND flash memory
  2. SSD
  3. flash-aware cache
  4. write buffer


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