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BY 4.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter Open Access September 3, 2019

Using the humanoid robot Kaspar in a Greek school environment to support children with Autism Spectrum Condition

  • Efstathia Karakosta , Kerstin Dautenhahn , Dag Sverre Syrdal , Luke Jai Wood EMAIL logo and Ben Robins


Previous studies conducted with the humanoid robot Kaspar in the UK have yielded many encouraging results. This paper examines the influence of conducting play sessions with Kaspar on the social and communication skills of children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC) and suggests possible ways for using the robot as a (therapeutic) tool in a Greek school for children with special needs. Over a period of 10 weeks 7 children took part in a total of 111 individual play sessions with the Kaspar robot. Each child participated in between 12 and 18 sessions with the robot. The results from this study indicate that the play sessions with Kaspar appear to have positively influenced the behaviours of some of the children in specific domains such as communication and interaction, prompted speech, unprompted imitation and focus/attention. Furthermore, the children’s teachers expressed positive views regarding the impact of the play sessions on the children and offered interesting suggestions about the ways in which the robot could potentially be used in everyday teaching tasks and were eager to obtain a Kaspar for their classroom activities.


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Received: 2018-12-19
Accepted: 2019-06-03
Published Online: 2019-09-03

© 2019 Efstathia Karakosta et al., published by De Gruyter

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