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Quickstep: a data platform based on the scaling-up approach

Published: 01 February 2018 Publication History


Modern servers pack enough storage and computing power that just a decade ago was spread across a modest-sized cluster. This paper presents a prototype system, called Quickstep, to exploit the large amount of parallelism that is packed inside modern servers. Quickstep builds on a vast body of previous methods for organizing data, optimizing, scheduling and executing queries, and brings them together in a single system. Quickstep also includes new query processing methods that go beyond previous approaches. To keep the project focused, the project's initial target is read-mostly in-memory data warehousing workloads in single-node settings. In this paper, we describe the design and implementation of Quickstep for this target application space. We also present experimental results comparing the performance of Quickstep to a number of other systems, demonstrating that Quickstep is often faster than many other contemporary systems, and in some cases faster by orders-of-magnitude. Quickstep is an Apache (incubating) project.


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cover image Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment  Volume 11, Issue 6
February 2018
210 pages
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VLDB Endowment

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Published: 01 February 2018
Published in PVLDB Volume 11, Issue 6


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