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Searching for Items

On the Items view, you can filter your Items by many different properties. Some properties are direct properties of the items themselves, while others are evaluated against the occurrences of the item.

In all cases, the Items search will return the matching items and the properties about those items. For filters that evaluate against occurrences, except as noted below, the aggregate statistics shown for each Item describe the Item as a whole (not the subset of occurrences that match the search).

Filters built into the UI

LevelFilters items by current level. Critical, Error, Warning, Info, Debug. Click on/off to choose any or all levels.
OwnerFilters items based on assigned owner. Find items assigned to a specific project member, any project member, or unassigned.
StatusFilters items by current status. Active, Resolved, Muted or Any Status.
EnvironmentFilters items by environment. Auto-populated based on the data in the project. Any Environment, or choose an environment.
FrameworksFilters items by source. Auto-populated based on the data in the project, and only appears when there is more than one source (i.e. language/framework). Any Source, or choose a source.
Date RangeFinds items that had at least one occurrence in the specified date range. Aggregate counts reflect the occurrences in the specified date range.
ActivatedFinds items that were activated (first seen, or reactivated after being resolved) in the specified date range.

Search commands

Many more search options are available via the search text box at the upper right of the items view.


Searching by context


  • hello world finds items whose title contains both "hello" and "world" (infix search).

Server Host

  • host:web finds items that occurred at least once on a host whose name starts with "web". Host filters impact the occurrence count, causing it to count only the occurrences from the specified host.
    (prefix search)

NOTE: Searching for server host is currently disabled, use RQL if you need to search items for this field.

  • context:home#index finds items with context matching "home#index" (prefix search).


  • has:comments finds items that have comments.

IP Address

  • ip: finds items that were seen by the ip address "" (exact match).

  • has:issue finds items that have a linked issue. (NOTE: This command can be negated using !has:issue)

  • user_id:12345 finds items/people associated with the user id "12345".
  • username:snowden finds items/people associated with the username "snowden".
  • email:[email protected] finds items/people associated with the email "[email protected]".

user_id:, username: and email: searches default to prefix searches unless an explicit suffix
search is made.

  • e.g. searching for username:alice will return alice, alice1234, aliceasdf.
  • e.g. searching for username:*alice will not return alice1234, aliceasdf.
  • e.g. searching for username:"alice" will perform an exact match search.

Stack Trace

  • file:index.php finds items with stack traces with at least one filename containing "index.php".
  • method:foo finds items with stack traces where at least one frame's method contains "foo" (case-insensitive, infix match)
  • finds items where the topmost stack frame contains "".
  • finds items where the bottommost stack frame contains "".
  • finds items where all stack trace filenames contain "".
  • finds items where no stack trace filenames contain "".
  • minfiles:2 finds items with at least 2 filenames in the stack trace.
  • maxfiles:10 finds items with at most 10 filenames in the stack trace.


  • exception:TypeError finds all items where the exception class is TypeError.

Code Version

  • code_version:abcdef finds items that have been seen in the code_version abcdef.

Item Number

  • #123 finds the item with counter number 123


  • is:group finds group items that were created by merging similar items
  • is:member finds items that have been merged into a group


  • fingerprint:my-custom-fingerprint finds items that have the fingerprint my-custom-fingerprint (exact match, useful in conjunction with Custom Grouping or sending your own fingerprint string).

Searching based on specific item payload values

If you need to search for items based on additional data not outlined above, such as specific fields or values, you can utilize Rollbar's flexible RQL feature. You would be able to filter and search based on specific fields or values. For additional information and usage examples, please refer to our RQL documentation.