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Japanese American Military Experience Database

About the Military Database

The Japanese American Military Experience National Database preserves and shares the stories of Japanese American men and women who have served or are currently serving in the United States military. Developed and maintained by the Manabi and Sumi Hirasaki National Resource Center at the Japanese American National Museum (JANM), the database began as a list of names and units* and grew into a rich online repository that includes personal recollections, first-person narratives, and photos of veterans gathered through JANM’s ongoing survey. Survey responses are vital in helping JANM create educational materials to share with visitors.

In 2003, extensive data on members of the Military Intelligence Service from 1941 to 1946 was compiled by Seiki Oshiro, Paul Tani, and Grant Ichikawa. This information was donated to JANM and added to the database, greatly increasing the depth of information available on MIS veterans. JANM also collaborated with the National Japanese American Veterans Council in its project to locate and document oral histories of Japanese American veterans.

The Japanese American Military Experience Database is a living project that grows more comprehensive with each new respondent. If you are a Japanese American veteran who is not yet listed in the database or if you know someone who you feel should be included, JANM encourages you to download and submit a questionnaire. Questionnaires about deceased veterans may be completed by family members. Please note that the database is available in English only.

Download the Questionnaire

*Basic information (name, unit served or language school graduated from) contained in this database may come from two published sources: Bridge of Love, by John Tsukano (Honolulu: Hawaii Hosts, ©1985), and John Aiso and the M.I.S.: Japanese American Soldiers in the Military Intelligence Service, World War II, by Tad Ichinokuchi (Los Angeles: The Club, ©1988). Please send any corrections (with links to associated web pages) to

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Tips on Searching the Database

Use the Keywords search box to search for words and phrases occurring anywhere in the record other than in a personal name, for example: “ammo dump” “Lost Battalion” “Minidoka.”

Use the Name search boxes to find the personal name of any veteran in the database.

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