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SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Volume 45
Volume 45, Number 1, 2006
- Rama Cont
, Peter Tankov:
Retrieving Lévy Processes from Option Prices: Regularization of an Ill-posed Inverse Problem. 1-25 - Adrian S. Lewis, René Henrion, Alberto Seeger:
Distance to Uncontrollability for Convex Processes. 26-50 - Tomás Prieto-Rumeau
, Onésimo Hernández-Lerma:
Bias Optimality for Continuous-Time Controlled Markov Chains. 51-73 - Francesca Da Lio, Olivier Ley
Uniqueness Results for Second-Order Bellman--Isaacs Equations under Quadratic Growth Assumptions and Applications. 74-106 - Zdenek Hurák
, Albrecht Böttcher, Michael Sebek
Minimum Distance to the Range of a Banded Lower Triangular Toeplitz Operator in l1 and Application in l1-Optimal Control. 107-122 - Patrizio Colaneri
, Augusto Ferrante:
Algebraic Riccati Equation and J-Spectral Factorization for Hinfty Smoothing and Deconvolution. 123-145 - Enrique Fernández-Cara
, Sergio Guerrero, Oleg Yu. Imanuvilov, Jean-Pierre Puel:
Some Controllability Results forthe N-Dimensional Navier--Stokes and Boussinesq systems with N-1 scalar controls. 146-173 - Debasish Chatterjee
, Daniel Liberzon:
Stability analysis of deterministic and stochastic switched systems via a comparison principle and multiple Lyapunov functions. 174-206 - Kazufumi Ito, Karl Kunisch:
Receding Horizon Control with Incomplete Observations. 207-225 - Paolo Mason
, Ugo V. Boscain, Yacine Chitour:
Common Polynomial Lyapunov Functions for Linear Switched Systems. 226-245 - Said Hadd:
An Evolution Equation Approach to Nonautonomous Linear Systems with State, Input, and Output Delays. 246-272 - Ruth F. Curtain, George Weiss
Exponential stabilization of well-posed systems by colocated feedback. 273-297 - J. W. Wang, Qing Zhang, Gang George Yin:
Two-time-scale Hybrid Filters: Near Optimality. 298-319 - Iasson Karafyllis:
Finite-Time Global Stabilization by Means of Time-Varying Distributed Delay Feedback. 320-342 - Frédéric de Gournay:
Velocity Extension for the Level-set Method and Multiple Eigenvalues in Shape Optimization. 343-367 - Olivier Bachelier, Driss Mehdi:
Robust Matrix Root-Clustering Analysis through Extended KYP Lemma. 368-381 - Dusan Bednarík, Karel Pastor:
Errata: Elimination of Strict Convergence in Optimization. 382-387
Volume 45, Number 2, 2006
- Ferran Puerta, Xavier Puerta, Ion Zaballa
On the Geometry of the Solutions of the Cover Problem. 389-413 - Eric V. Denardo, Uriel G. Rothblum:
A Turnpike Theorem For A Risk-Sensitive Markov Decision Process with Stopping. 414-431 - Vincent Andrieu
, Laurent Praly:
On the Existence of a Kazantzis--Kravaris/Luenberger Observer. 432-456 - Mario Sigalotti, Yacine Chitour:
Dubins' Problem on Surfaces II: Nonpositive Curvature. 457-482 - Johannes Leitner:
Optimal Control of Favorable Games with Expected Loss Constraint. 483-495 - Said Hamadène:
Mixed Zero-Sum Stochastic Differential Game and American Game Options. 496-518 - Nasir Uddin Ahmed, Charalambos D. Charalambous
Optimal Measurement Strategy for Nonlinear Filtering. 519-531 - Gengsheng Wang, Lijuan Wang, Donghui Yang:
Shape Optimization of an Elliptic Equation in an Exterior Domain. 532-547 - Arnd Rösch, Fredi Tröltzsch:
Existence of Regular Lagrange Multipliers for a Nonlinear Elliptic Optimal Control Problem with Pointwise Control-State Constraints. 548-564 - Yoichi Oshima:
On an Optimal Stopping Problem of Time Inhomogeneous Diffusion Processes. 565-579 - Raymond Rishel, Kurt Helmes:
A Variational Inequality Sufficient Condition for Optimal Stopping with Application to an Optimal Stock Selling Problem. 580-598 - Antonella Calzolari, Patrick Florchinger, Giovanna Nappo
Approximation of Nonlinear Filters for Markov Systems with Delayed Observations. 599-633 - Kurt Rohloff
, Stéphane Lafortune
The Verification and Control of Interacting Similar Discrete-Event Systems. 634-667 - François Dufour
, Boris M. Miller
Maximum Principle for Singular Stochastic Control Problems. 668-698 - Christian Meyer, Peter Philip, Fredi Tröltzsch:
Optimal Control of a Semilinear PDE with Nonlocal Radiation Interface Conditions. 699-721 - Huan Zhang, Matthew R. James
Optimal Control of Hybrid Systems and a System of Quasi-Variational Inequalities. 722-761 - Luc Miller:
The Control Transmutation Method and the Cost of Fast Controls. 762-772
Volume 45, Number 3, 2006
- Anna Jaskiewicz, Andrzej S. Nowak
Zero-Sum Ergodic Stochastic Games with Feller Transition Probabilities. 773-789 - Jean-Pierre Raymond:
Feedback Boundary Stabilization of the Two-Dimensional Navier--Stokes Equations. 790-828 - Francesco Delli Priscoli
, Lorenzo Marconi, Alberto Isidori:
A New Approach to Adaptive Nonlinear Regulation. 829-855 - Michael Karow, Diederich Hinrichsen, Anthony J. Pritchard:
Interconnected Systems with Uncertain Couplings: Explicit Formulae for mu-Values, Spectral Value Sets, and Stability Radii. 856-884 - Yun-Gang Liu, Ji-Feng Zhang:
Practical Output-Feedback Risk-Sensitive Control for Stochastic Nonlinear Systems with Stable Zero-Dynamics. 885-926 - Lionel Rosier, Bing-Yu Zhang:
Global Stabilization of the Generalized Korteweg--de Vries Equation Posed on a Finite Domain. 927-956 - Rifat Sipahi
, Nejat Olgaç
Complete Stability Analysis of Neutral-Type First Order Two-Time-Delay Systems with Cross-Talking Delays. 957-971 - Helmut Gfrerer
Second-Order Optimality Conditions for Scalar and Vector Optimization Problems in Banach Spaces. 972-997 - Nigel J. Newton
Dual Kalman--Bucy Filters and Interactive Entropy Production. 998-1016 - Pierre Cardaliaguet, Claudio Marchi
Regularity of the Eikonal Equation with Neumann Boundary Conditions in the Plane: Application to Fronts with Nonlocal Terms. 1017-1038 - Xi Wu, Stephen S.-T. Yau:
Classification of Estimation Algebras with State Dimension 2. 1039-1073 - Tatsien Li, Lixin Yu:
Exact Boundary Controllability for 1-D Quasilinear Wave Equations. 1074-1083 - Karim Yakoubi, Yacine Chitour:
Linear Systems Subject to Input Saturation and Time Delay: Finite-Gain $L{\lowercasep}$-Stabilization. 1084-1115 - Alexander J. Zaslavski:
Nonoccurrence of the Lavrentiev Phenomenon for Many Optimal Control Problems. 1116-1146
Volume 45, Number 4, 2006
- Prashanth Krishnamurthy, Farshad Khorrami
On Uniform Solvability of Parameter-Dependent Lyapunov Inequalities and Applications to Various Problems. 1147-1164 - Pavel I. Plotnikov, Jan Sokolowski:
Domain Dependence of Solutions to Compressible Navier--Stokes Equations. 1165-1197 - Michael Hintermüller, Karl Kunisch:
Feasible and Noninterior Path-Following in Constrained Minimization with Low Multiplier Regularity. 1198-1221 - Delin Chu, Wen-Wei Lin, Roger C. E. Tan:
A Numerical Method for a Generalized Algebraic Riccati Equation. 1222-1250 - Imad M. Jaimoukha
, G. D. Halikias, Umar Malik, S. K. Gungah:
On the Gap Between the Complex Structured Singular Value and Its Convex Upper Bound. 1251-1278 - Marco Fuhrman, Ying Hu
, Gianmario Tessitore
On a Class of Stochastic Optimal Control Problems Related to BSDEs with Quadratic Growth. 1279-1296 - Ramon van Handel:
Almost Global Stochastic Stability. 1297-1313 - David L. Russell:
Forward Stabilized Spline Interpolation. 1314-1328 - Ji-Woong Lee, Geir E. Dullerud:
Optimal Disturbance Attenuation for Discrete-Time Switched and Markovian Jump Linear Systems. 1329-1358 - Randy Cogill, Sanjay Lall
An Approximation Algorithm for the Discrete Team Decision Problem. 1359-1368 - Alexander B. Kurzhanski, Pravin Varaiya:
Ellipsoidal Techniques for Reachability Under State Constraints. 1369-1394 - Enrique Fernández-Cara
, Sergio Guerrero:
Global Carleman Inequalities for Parabolic Systems and Applications to Controllability. 1395-1446 - Martin Burger, Roman Stainko:
Phase-Field Relaxation of Topology Optimization with Local Stress Constraints. 1447-1466 - Ulrich Oberst:
Stability and Stabilization of Multidimensional Input/Output Systems. 1467-1507 - Mihai Sîrbu, Steven E. Shreve
A Two-Person Game for Pricing Convertible Bonds. 1508-1539
Volume 45, Number 5, 2006
- Liqian Zhang, Biao Huang
, Tongwen Chen
Model Reduction of Uncertain Systems with Multiplicative Noise Based on Balancing. 1541-1560 - Serge Nicaise, Cristina Pignotti
Stability and Instability Results of the Wave Equation with a Delay Term in the Boundary or Internal Feedbacks. 1561-1585 - Eduardo Casas
, Jean-Pierre Raymond:
Error Estimates for the Numerical Approximation of Dirichlet Boundary Control for Semilinear Elliptic Equations. 1586-1611 - Paola Loreti, Bopeng Rao:
Optimal Energy Decay Rate for Partially Damped Systems by Spectral Compensation. 1612-1632 - Rahul Jain
, Pravin Varaiya:
Simulation-based Uniform Value Function Estimates of Markov Decision Processes. 1633-1656 - Anurag Ganguli, Jorge Cortés
, Francesco Bullo
Maximizing Visibility in Nonconvex Polygons: Nonsmooth Analysis and Gradient Algorithm Design. 1657-1679 - Rifat Sipahi
, Nejat Olgaç
Stability Robustness of Retarded LTI Systems with Single Delay and Exhaustive Determination of Their Imaginary Spectra. 1680-1696 - Robert Ghrist, Steven M. LaValle:
Nonpositive Curvature and Pareto Optimal Coordination of Robots. 1697-1713 - Eero Immonen
, Seppo Pohjolainen
Feedback and Feedforward Output Regulation of Bounded Uniformly Continuous Signals for Infinite-Dimensional Systems. 1714-1735 - Mark French, Achim Ilchmann, Eugene P. Ryan:
Robustness in the Graph Topology of a Common Adaptive Controller. 1736-1757 - René Dáger:
Insensitizing Controls for the 1-D Wave Equation. 1758-1768 - M. Kanat Camlibel, Jong-Shi Pang, Jinglai Shen
Conewise Linear Systems: Non-Zenoness and Observability. 1769-1800 - Hendra I. Nurdin
Spectral Factorization of a Class of Matrix-Valued Spectral Densities. 1801-1821 - Roland Griesse
, Karl Kunisch:
Optimal Control for a Stationary MHD System in Velocity-Current Formulation. 1822-1845 - Imen Bentahar, Bruno Bouchard:
Barrier Option Hedging under Constraints: A Viscosity Approach. 1846-1874 - Christophe Prieur, Emmanuel Trélat
Quasi-Optimal Robust Stabilization of Control Systems. 1875-1897 - Uwe Helmke, Joachim Rosenthal
, Xiaochang Alex Wang:
Output Feedback Pole Assignment for Transfer Functions with Symmetries. 1898-1914 - José Claudio Geromel
, Patrizio Colaneri
Stability and Stabilization of Continuous-Time Switched Linear Systems. 1915-1930
Volume 45, Number 6, 2007
- Peng-Fei Yao, George Weiss
Global Smooth Solutions and Exponential Stability for a Nonlinear Beam. 1931-1964 - Maatoug Hassine, Sophie Jan, Mohamed Masmoudi:
From Differential Calculus to 0-1 Topological Optimization. 1965-1987 - Kalle M. Mikkola
Coprime Factorization and Dynamic Stabilization of Transfer Functions. 1988-2010 - Jovan Stefanovski
Simplified Formula for a Controller in Optimal Control Problems. 2011-2034 - Cornelis Praagman, Harry L. Trentelman, R. Zavala Yoe:
On the Parametrization of All Regularly Implementing and Stabilizing Controllers. 2035-2053 - Alberto Bressan
On the Intersection of a Clarke Cone with a Boltyanskii Cone. 2054-2064 - Eero Immonen
On the Internal Model Structure for Infinite-Dimensional Systems: Two Common Controller Types and Repetitive Control. 2065-2093 - Bernhard H. Haak, Peer Christian Kunstmann:
Weighted Admissibility and Wellposedness of Linear Systems in Banach Spaces. 2094-2118 - Jianghai Hu, Maria Prandini
, Claire J. Tomlin:
Conjugate Points in Formation Constrained Optimal Multi-Agent Coordination: A Case Study. 2119-2137 - Wim Michiels, Silviu-Iulian Niculescu:
Characterization of Delay-Independent Stability and Delay Interference Phenomena. 2138-2155 - Heinz-Uwe Küenle:
On Markov Games with Average Reward Criterion and Weakly Continuous Transition Probabilities. 2156-2168 - Amarjit Budhiraja, Kevin Ross:
Convergent Numerical Scheme for Singular Stochastic Control with State Constraints in a Portfolio Selection Problem. 2169-2206 - Guofeng Zhang
, Tongwen Chen
, Xiang Chen:
Performance Recovery in Digital Implementation of Analogue Systems. 2207-2223 - Rainer Buckdahn, Jin Ma:
Pathwise Stochastic Control Problems and Stochastic HJB Equations. 2224-2256 - Feng Ding, Tongwen Chen
, Zenta Iwai:
Adaptive Digital Control of Hammerstein Nonlinear Systems with Limited Output Sampling. 2257-2276 - Lorenzo Marconi, Laurent Praly, Alberto Isidori:
Output Stabilization via Nonlinear Luenberger Observers. 2277-2298 - Vivek S. Borkar:
Dynamic Programming for Ergodic Control of Markov Chains under Partial Observations: A Correction. 2299-2304
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