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Automatica, Volume 28
Volume 28, Number 1, January 1992
- Karl Johan Åström, Chang Chieh Hang, Patrik Persson, Weng Khuen Ho:
Towards intelligent PID control. 1-9 - Melinda P. Golden, B. Erik Ydstie
Small amplitude chaos and ergodicity in adaptive control. 11-25 - Rogelio Lozano:
Singularity-free adaptive pole-placement without resorting to persistency of excitation : Detailed analysis for first order systems. 27-33 - Hamed M. Al-Rahmani, Gene F. Franklin:
Multirate control: A new approach. 35-44 - Hannu T. Toivonen:
Sampled-data control of continuous-time systems with an H∞ optimality criterion. 45-54 - Shinji Hara
, Toshiharu Sugie, Ryou Kondo:
H∞ control problem with jω-axis zeros. 55-70 - Alberto Tesi
, Antonio Vicino
, Giovanni Zappa:
Clockwise property of the Nyquist plot with implications for absolute stability. 71-80 - Yutaka Yamamoto, Shinji Hara
Internal and external stability and robust stability condition for a class of infinite-dimensional systems. 81-93 - R. Srikant, Tamer Basar:
Sequential decomposition and policy iteration schemes for M-player games with partial weak coupling. 95-105 - A. Jalali, Michael J. Ferguson:
Computationally efficient algorithms for on-line optimization of markov decision processes. 107-118 - Frank L. Lewis:
A tutorial on the geometric analysis of linear time-invariant implicit systems. 119-137 - Mario Sznaier, Mark J. Damborg:
An analog "neural net" based suboptimal controller for constrained discrete-time linear systems. 139-144 - Hakan Elmali, Nejat Olgaç:
Robust output tracking control of nonlinear MIMO systems via sliding mode technique. 145-151 - C. Frangos, Jan A. Snyman:
The application of parameter optimisation techniques to linear optimal control system design. 153-157 - Dobrila Skataric
, Zoran Gajic:
Linear control of nearly singularly perturbed hydropower plants. 159-163 - Cheng Jiaxin, Phil G. Howlett
Application of critical velocities to the minimisation of fuel consumption in the control of trains. 165-169 - J. P. Keller, Dominique Bonvin:
Selection of input and output variables as a model reduction problem. 171-177 - Romeo Ortega, Gerardo Escobar
, Francisco Garcia:
To tune or not to tune?: A monitoring procedure to decide. 179-184 - Liu Hsu
, Maria Chan, Amit Bhaya
Automated synthesis of decentralized tuning regulators for systems with measurable DC gain. 185-191 - Zdzislaw Kowalczuk
Competitive identification for self-tuning control: Robust estimation design and simulation experiments. 193-201 - Jukka Ruusunen:
Intertemporal electricity exchange through barter. 203-207 - Edoardo Mosca, Laura Giarré
A polynomial approach to the MIMO LQ servo and disturbance rejection problems. 209-213 - Mehrdad Saif
, Yuping Guan:
Decentralized state estimation in large-scale interconnected dynamical systems. 215-219 - Marco C. Campi:
On the convergence of minimum-variance directional-forgetting adaptive control scheme. 221-225 - Paolo d'Alessandro, Elena De Santis:
Reachability in input constrained discrete-time linear systems. 227-229 - Michael G. Rodd:
Real-time software for control: Program examples in C : David M. Auslander and Cheng H. Tham. 231-232
Volume 28, Number 2, March 1992
- George S. Axelby:
Automatica editorial staff changes - With additions. i - H. De Waard, Willem L. De Koning:
Optimal control of the wafer temperatures in diffusion/LPCVD reactors. 243-253 - A. Garcia, Mont Hubbard, J. J. De Vries:
Open channel transient flow control by discrete time LQR methods. 255-264 - Yury Stepanenko, Jing Yuan
Robust adaptive control of a class of nonlinear mechanical systems with unbounded and fast-varying uncertainties. 265-276 - James M. Krause, Gunter Stein, Pramod P. Khargonekar
Sufficient conditions for robust performance of adaptive controllers with general uncertainty structure. 277-288 - Stefen Hui, Stanislaw H. Zak:
Robust control synthesis for uncertain/nonlinear dynamical systems. 289-298 - Guoxiang Gu, Pramod P. Khargonekar
A class of algorithms for identification in H∞. 299-312 - Rudolf Kulhavý
Recursive nonlinear estimation: Geometry of a space of posterior densities. 313-323 - Christiaan Heij
Exact modelling and identifiability of linear systems. 325-344 - Frank L. Lewis:
A review of 2-D implicit systems. 345-354 - Gunnar Johannsen:
Towards a new quality of automation in complex man-machine systems. 355-373 - John Wagner, Rahmat Shoureshi:
A robust failure diagnostic system for thermofluid processes. 375-381 - Ahmad Hemami, Mostafa G. Mehrabi, R. M. H. Cheng:
Synthesis of an optimal control law for path tracking in mobile robots. 383-387 - Kostas J. Kyriakopoulos
, George N. Saridis:
Distance estimation and collision prediction for on-line robotic motion planning. 389-394 - Jastej S. Dhingra, Richard L. Moose, Hugh Vanlandingham, Thomas A. Lauzon:
A computationally efficient technique for state estimation of nonlinear systems. 395-399 - Edoardo Mosca, João Miranda Lemos
A semi-infinite horizon LQ self-tuning regulator for ARMAX plants based on RLS. 401-406 - Giuseppe Casalino, Riccardo Minciardi:
Further results on implicit models with application to LQ adaptive optimization. 407-410 - Qing-Guo Wang:
Decoupling with internal stability for unity output feedback systems. 411-415 - Wei-Yong Yan, Brian D. O. Anderson, Robert R. Bitmead:
The combined sensitivity and phase margin problem. 417-421 - Vladimír Kucera
Model matching of descriptor systems by proportional state feedback. 423-425 - Paraskevas N. Paraskevopoulos, Fotis N. Koumboulis
, Konstantinos G. Tzierakis:
Disturbance rejection of left-invertible systems. 427-430 - Anthony M. Bloch:
Stabilizability of nonholonomic control systems. 431-435 - Chiang-Ju Chien, Li-Chen Fu
A new approach to model reference control for a class of arbitrarily fast time-varying unknown plants. 437-440 - Thomas J. McAvoy:
Contemplative stance for chemical process control : An IFAC report. 441-442 - Christopher J. Harris:
Fuzzy control & fuzzy systems : W. Pedrycz. 443 - Csilla Bányász:
Continuous-time self-tuning control volume II - Implementation : P. J. Gawthrop. 444-445 - Peter Wellstead:
Dynamic modeling and control of engineering systems : J. Lowen Shearer and B. T. Kulakowski. 445-446
Volume 28, Number 3, May 1992
- W. Draijer, Maarten Steinbuch
, Okko H. Bosgra:
Adaptive control of the radial servo system of a compact disc player. 455-462 - Colin D. Tebbutt:
An expert system for multivariable controller design. 463-471 - Grantham K. H. Pang
A knowledge environment for an interactive control system design package. 473-491 - Ben M. Chen
, Ali Saberi, Peddapullaiah Sannuti:
Necessary and sufficient conditions for a nonminimum phase plant to have a recoverable target loop - A stable compensator design for LTR. 493-507 - Masami Saeki:
H∞/LTR procedure with specified degree of recovery. 509-517 - M. C. Tsai, E. J. M. Geddes, Ian Postlethwaite:
Pole-zero cancellations and closed-loop properties of an H∞ mixed sensitivity design problem. 519-530 - Roberto Genesio, Alberto Tesi
Harmonic balance methods for the analysis of chaotic dynamics in nonlinear systems. 531-548 - S. Kim, Semyon M. Meerkov, Thordur Runolfsson:
Aiming control: Residence probability and (D, T)-stability. 549-555 - S. Kim, Semyon M. Meerkov, Thordur Runolfsson:
Aiming control: Design of residence probability controllers. 557-564 - Cüneyt M. Özveren, Alan S. Willsky:
Aggregation and multi-level control in discrete event dynamic systems. 565-577 - Zhihua Qu, Darren M. Dawson, John F. Dorsey:
Exponentially stable trajectory following of robotic manipulators under a class of adaptive controls. 579-586 - Tor Steinar Schei:
A method for closed loop automatic tuning of PID controllers. 587-591 - Edoardo Mosca, João Miranda Lemos
, Teresa Mendonça
, Paolo Nistri:
Adaptive predictive control with mean-square input constraint. 593-597 - Tadashi Ishihara, Hai-Jiao Guo, Hiroshi Takeda:
A design of discrete-time integral controllers with computation delays via loop transfer recovery. 599-603 - Eugênio B. Castelan
, Jean-Claude Hennet:
Eigenstructure assignment for state constrained linear continuous time systems. 605-611 - S. A. Jalali, J. R. Jordan, R. D. L. Mackie:
Measurement of the parameters of all-pole transfer functions using shifted hermite modulating functions. 613-616 - Y. Liu, Kok Lay Teo:
Convergence rate for an approximation approach to H∞-norm optimization problems with an application to controller order reduction. 617-621 - K. Ichikawa, Romeo Ortega:
On stabilization of nonlinear systems with enlarged domain of attraction. 623-626 - Anton A. Stoorvogel:
The singular H2 control problem. 627-631 - Margreta Kuijper
Descriptor representations without direct feedthrough term. 633-637 - Guang-Ren Duan
Solution to matrix equation AV + BW = EVF and eigenstructure assignment for descriptor systems. 639-642 - Anna Maria Perdon
, Giuseppe Conte
, Sauro Longhi
Invertibility and inversion of linear periodic systems. 645-648 - Petr Zagalák:
Singular control systems : L. Dai. 649-650 - Ir. Frits Dumortier:
Control and dynamic systems : C. T. Leondes. 650-652 - F. Ley:
Programmable logic controllers - Architecture and applications : Gilles Michel. 652-653 - Karl Heinz Fasol:
Industrial automation - Circuit design and components : David W. Pessen. 654-655 - Peter C. Müller:
Robot dynamics and control : Mark W. Spong and M. Vidyasagar. 655-656
Volume 28, Number 4, July 1992
- John Hauser, Shankar Sastry, George Meyer:
Nonlinear control design for slightly non-minimum phase systems: Application to V/STOL aircraft. 665-679 - Iven M. Y. Mareels
, H. B. Penfold, Robin J. Evans
Controlling nonlinear time-varying systems via euler approximations. 681-696 - H. Demircioglu, Peter J. Gawthrop
Multivariable continuous-time generalized predictive control (MCGPC). 697-713 - Ye-Hwa Chen:
Adaptive robust control of uncertain systems with measurement noise. 715-728 - John T. Wen, Kenneth Kreutz-Delgado:
Motion and force control of multiple robotic manipulators. 729-743 - Anthony M. Bloch, P. S. Krishnaprasad, Jerrold E. Marsden, G. Sánchez de Alvarez:
Stabilization of rigid body dynamics by internal and external torques. 745-756 - Frank M. Callier, Joseph J. Winkin
LQ-optimal control of infinite-dimensional systems by spectral factorization. 757-770 - Georgios B. Giannakis
, Ananthram Swami:
Identifiability of general ARMA processes using linear cumulant-based estimators. 771-779 - Grazyna A. Pajunen:
Adaptive control of wiener type nonlinear systems. 781-785 - Riccardo Marino
, Patrizio Tomei:
Observer-based adaptive stabilization for a class of non-linear systems. 787-793 - Bernard Brogliato, Alexandre Trofino Neto
, Rogelio Lozano:
Robust adaptive control of a class of nonlinear first order systems. 795-801 - Gang Tao:
On robust adaptive control of robot manipulators. 803-807 - M. C. Han, Ye-Hwa Chen:
Polynomial robust control design for uncertain systems. 809-814 - Osvaldo E. Agamennoni, Eduardo E. Paolini
, Alfredo C. Desages:
On robust stability analysis of a control system using laguerre series. 815-818 - Mustafa Khammash
, Mohammed Dahleh:
Time-varying control and the robust performance of systems with structured norm-bounded perturbations. 819-821 - Hannu T. Toivonen:
Sampled-data H∞ optimal control of time-varying systems. 823-826 - Dragan Obradovic, Lena S. Valavani:
Stability and performance in the presence of magnitude bounded real uncertainty: Riccati equation based state space approaches. 827-830 - Peter J. Gawthrop
, Richard W. Jones, S. A. Mackenzie:
Identification of partially-known systems. 831-836 - Horacio J. Marquez, Christopher P. Diduch:
Sensitivity of failure detection using generalized observers. 837-840 - Tae-Sang Chung, Chia-Ju Wu:
A computationally efficient numerical algorithm for the minimum-time control problem of continuous systems. 841-847 - R. Brockhaus:
Automatic flight control systems series in system on control engineering : D. McLean. 849-850 - Shaohua Tan:
Feedback control of dynamic systems : G. Franklin, J. D. Powell and A. Emani-Naeini. 850-851 - Hideaki Kanoh:
Nonlinear systems vol. 1: Dynamics and control; vol. 2: Applications to bilinear control: Ronald R. Mohler. 852-853
Volume 28, Number 5, September 1992
- George S. Axelby, Patrick C. Parks:
Lyapunov centenary. 863-864 - Pavel S. Shcherbakov
Alexander mikhailovitch lyapunov: On the centenary of his doctoral dissertation on stability of motion. 865-871 - Denis Dochain
, Jean-Pierre Babary, Nadia Tali-Maamar:
Modelling and adaptive control of nonlinear distributed parameter bioreactors via orthogonal collocation. 873-883 - Sofiène Kamoun, Roland P. Malhamé
Convergence characteristics of a maximum likelihood load model identification scheme. 885-896 - John T. Spanos, Mark H. Milman, D. Lewis Mingori:
A new algorithm for L2 optimal model reduction. 897-909 - Li-Chen Fu
A new robust MRAC using variable structure design for relative degree two plants. 911-925 - X. C. Du, Alexandra Brella, Roland Longchamp:
Fast algorithm of chandrasekhar type for ARMA model identification. 927-934 - Michel Kinnaert, Vincent D. Blondel:
Discrete-time pole placement with stable controller. 935-943 - Li Qiu
, Edward J. Davison:
A unified approach for the stability robustness of polynomials in a convex set. 945-959 - Uri Ben-Hanan, Kalman Peleg, Per Olof Gutman:
Classification of fruits by a boltzmann perceptron neural network. 961-968 - Yau-Zen Chang
, Ron W. Daniel:
On the adaptive control of flexible joint robots. 969-974 - Long Gao, Lin Chen, Yushun Fan, Haiwu Ma:
A nonlinear control design for power systems. 975-979 - Makarand S. Phatak, S. Sathiya Keerthi:
A homotopy approach for stabilizing single-input systems with control structure constraints. 981-987 - Morten Hovd
, Sigurd Skogestad:
Simple frequency-dependent tools for control system analysis, structure selection and design. 989-996 - Min-Sen Chiu, Yaman Arkun:
A methodology for sequential design of robust decentralized control systems. 997-1001 - Peter Hippe:
Design of MIMO compensators for systems with unmeasurable disturbances: The polynomial approach. 1003-1009 - Benoît Raucent, Guy Campion, Georges Bastin, Jean-Claude Samin, Pierre Y. Willems:
Identification of the barycentric parameters of robot manipulators from external measurements. 1011-1016 - Oded Yaniv:
Synthesis of uncertain MIMO feedback systems for gain and phase margin at different channel breaking points. 1017-1020 - Salomon Oldak, Isaac Horowitz, Aharon Shapiro:
The sensor noise problem in dithered feedback systems. 1021-1026 - Patrick C. Parks, J. Militzer:
A comparison of five algorithms for the training of CMAC memories for learning control systems. 1027-1035 - Xiaoping Liu:
Output regulation of strongly coupled symmetric composite systems. 1037-1041 - Uwe Piechottka, Paul Martin Frank:
Controllability of bilinear systems. 1043-1045 - Paul M. J. Van den Hof
, Douwe K. de Vries, Peter Schoen:
Delay structure conditions for identifiability of closed loop systems. 1047-1050 - Ben M. Chen
, Ali Saberi, Peddapullaiah Sannuti:
On blocking zeros and strong stabilizability of linear multivariable systems. 1051-1055 - S. Samba, Jean-Claude Vivalda:
Global stabilization of a class of quadratic systems. 1057-1061 - Jyh-Horng Chou, Shinn-Jang Ho, Ing-Rong Horng:
Robustness of disk-stability for perturbed large-scale systems. 1063-1066 - Pradip K. Sinha:
Real-time microcomputer control of industrial processes: Spyros G. Tzafestas and J. K. Pal. 1067-1068 - Vladimír Kucera
Optimal control: Linear quadratic methods: Brian D. O. Anderson and John B. Moore. 1068-1069 - H. G. Natke:
System identification: Torsten Söderström and Petre Stoica. 1069-1071 - Vivek S. Borkar:
Weak convergence methods and singularly perturbed stochastic control and filtering problems: Harold J. Kushner. 1071-1072 - Henk Nijmeijer:
Phase portraits of control dynamical systems: Anatoliy G. Butkovskiy. 1073-1074
Volume 28, Number 6, November 1992
- Kenneth J. Hunt, Daniel G. Sbarbaro
, Rafal Zbikowski, Peter J. Gawthrop
Neural networks for control systems - A survey. 1083-1112 - R. B. Martin:
Optimal control drug scheduling of cancer chemotherapy. 1113-1123 - Timothy J. Graettinger, Bruce H. Krogh:
On the computation of reference signal constraints for guaranteed tracking performance. 1125-1141 - Changyun Wen
, David J. Hill:
Global boundedness of discrete-time adaptive control just using estimator projection. 1143-1157 - Dirk Aeyels, Jacques L. Willems:
Pole assignment for linear time-invariant systems by periodic memoryless output feedback. 1159-1168 - B. R. Barmish, H. I. Kang:
Extreme point results for robust stability of interval plants: Beyond first order compensators. 1169-1180 - Mark J. Willis, Gary A. Montague, Christine Di Massimo, Ming T. Tham, Anthony Julian Morris:
Artificial neural networks in process estimation and control. 1181-1187 - M. M'Saad, G. Sanchez:
Partial state reference model adaptive control of multivariable systems. 1189-1197 - MengChu Zhou, Frank DiCesare, Daryl L. Rudolph:
Design and implementation of a petri net based supervisor for a flexible manufacturing system. 1199-1208 - Kuo-Kai Shyu, Yao-Wen Tsai
, Chee-Fai Yung:
A modified variable structure controller. 1209-1213 - Tae-Yong Kuc, Jin Soo Lee, Kwanghee Nam:
An iterative learning control theory for a class of nonlinear dynamic systems. 1215-1221 - Vassilis L. Syrmos, Frank L. Lewis:
Robust eigenvalue assignment for generalized systems. 1223-1228 - Edoardo Mosca, Jingxin Zhang:
Stable redesign of predictive control. 1229-1233 - Wook Hyun Kwon, Hanhong Choi, Dae Gyu Byun, Seonbong Noh:
Recursive solution of generalized predictive control and its equivalence to receding horizon tracking control. 1235-1238 - Weiyong Yan, John B. Moore:
A multiple controller structure and design strategy with stability analysis. 1239-1244 - James J. Buckley:
Universal fuzzy controllers. 1245-1248 - Shin-Yeu Lin:
Complete decomposition algorithm for nonconvex separable optimization problems and applications. 1249-1254 - Ömer Morgül:
Dynamic boundary control of the timoshenko beam. 1255-1260 - Nie-Zen Yen, Yung-Chun Wu:
A multirate controller design of linear periodic time delay systems. 1261-1266 - N. Sivashankar, Pramod P. Khargonekar
Induced norms for sampled-data systems. 1267-1272 - G. Sommer:
A contemplative stance on the automation of the mining, mineral, and metal processing industry (MMM) an IFAC report. 1273-1278 - Henk B. Verbruggen:
Knowledge-based systems for industrial control : J. McGhee, M. J. Grimble and P. Mowforth. 1279-1284 - Jan H. van Schuppen:
Jump linear systems in automatic control : M. Mariton. 1284-1285 - Ron W. Daniel:
Control of machines with friction : Brian Armstrong-Hélouvry. 1285-1287 - Seiichi Shin:
Self-tuning systems control and signal processing : R. E. Wellstead and M. B. Zarrop. 1287-1288 - Leo Motus:
Temporal logic for real-time systems : Jonathan S. Ostroff. 1288-1289
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