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IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, Volume 12
Volume 12, Number 1, January 2001
- Robert J. Schilling, James J. Carroll, Ahmad F. Al-Ajlouni:
Approximation of nonlinear systems with radial basis function neural networks. 1-15 - Alberto Ruiz, Pedro E. López-de-Teruel:
Nonlinear kernel-based statistical pattern analysis. 16-32 - Marcelo M. Lamego:
Adaptive structures with algebraic loops. 33-42 - Qiang Gan
, Chris J. Harris:
A hybrid learning scheme combining EM and MASMOD algorithms for fuzzy local linearization modeling. 43-53 - Fuchun Sun, Zengqi Sun, Peng-Yung Woo:
Neural network-based adaptive controller design of robotic manipulators with an observer. 54-67 - Faa-Jeng Lin
, Rong-Jong Wai, Chun-Ming Hong:
Hybrid supervisory control using recurrent fuzzy neural network for tracking periodic inputs. 68-90 - Tetsuya Hoya
, Jonathon A. Chambers:
Heuristic pattern correction scheme using adaptively trained generalized regression neural networks. 91-100 - Ahmad Fuad Rezaur Rahman
, W. Gareth J. Howells, Michael C. Fairhurst:
A multiexpert framework for character recognition: a novel application of Clifford networks. 101-112 - Yoshua Bengio, Vincent-Philippe Lauzon, Réjean Ducharme:
Experiments on the application of IOHMMs to model financial returns series. 113-123 - Ying Tan
, Jun Wang
, Jacek M. Zurada:
Nonlinear blind source separation using a radial basis function network. 124-134 - Martin Bouchard
New recursive-least-squares algorithms for nonlinear active control of sound and vibration using neural networks. 135-147 - Daouren Akhmetov, Yasuhiko Dote, Seppo J. Ovaska:
Fuzzy neural network with general parameter adaptation for modeling of nonlinear time-series. 148-152 - Mu-Chun Su, Hsiao-Te Chang:
A new model of self-organizing neural networks and its application in data projection. 153-158 - Tianping Chen, Shun-ichi Amari:
Stability of asymmetric Hopfield networks. 159-163 - Bin Tian, Mahmood R. Azimi-Sadjadi:
Comparison of two different PNN training approaches for satellite cloud data classification. 164-168 - Jooyoung Park, Cheol-Hee Kwon, Daihee Park:
An optimization-based design procedure for asymmetric bidirectional associative memories. 169-170 - Deng Jianping, N. Sundararajan, P. Saratchandran:
Nonlinear magnetic storage channel equalization using minimal resource allocation network (MRAN). 171-174 - Katheryn Margaret Adeney, Michael J. Korenberg:
On the use of separable Volterra networks to model discrete-time Volterra systems. 174-175
Volume 12, Number 2, March 2001
- Klaus-Robert Müller
, Sebastian Mika, Gunnar Rätsch
, Koji Tsuda, Bernhard Schölkopf:
An introduction to kernel-based learning algorithms. 181-201 - Jiann-Ming Wu, Shih-Jang Chiu:
Independent component analysis using Potts models. 202-211 - Alioune Ngom, Ivan Stojmenovic, Veljko Milutinovic:
STRIP - a strip-based neural-network growth algorithm for learning multiple-valued functions. 212-227 - Giuseppe De Nicolao, Giancarlo Ferrari-Trecate
Regularization networks: fast weight calculation via Kalman filtering. 228-235 - Boris Igelnik, Massood Tabib-Azar
, Steven R. LeClair:
A net with complex weights. 236-249 - Hsin-Chia Fu, Yen-Po Lee, Cheng-Chin Chiang, Hsiao-Tien Pao:
Divide-and-conquer learning and modular perceptron networks. 250-263 - Jennie Si
, Yu-Tsung Wang:
Online learning control by association and reinforcement. 264-276 - Wlodzislaw Duch
, Rafal Adamczak
, Krzysztof Grabczewski
A new methodology of extraction, optimization and application of crisp and fuzzy logical rules. 277-306 - Sang-Woo Moon, Seong-Gon Kong:
Block-based neural networks. 307-317 - Luigi Fortuna, Giovanni Muscato, Maria Gabriella Xibilia
A comparison between HMLP and HRBF for attitude control. 318-328 - Gloria Galán Marín
, José Muñoz-Pérez
Design and analysis of maximum Hopfield networks. 329-339 - Chi-Kwong Chan, Lee-Ming Cheng
The convergence properties of a clipped Hopfield network and its application in the design of keystream generator. 340-348 - Xue-Bin Liang, Jennie Si
Global exponential stability of neural networks with globally Lipschitz continuous activations and its application to linear variational inequality problem. 349-359 - Hong Qiao, Jigen Peng, Zongben Xu:
Nonlinear measures: a new approach to exponential stability analysis for Hopfield-type neural networks. 360-370 - Sandro Ridella
, Stefano Rovetta
, Rodolfo Zunino:
K-winner machines for pattern classification. 371-385 - Christoph Rasche, Rodney J. Douglas:
Forward- and backpropagation in a silicon dendrite. 386-393 - Erdogan Çesmeli, DeLiang L. Wang:
Texture segmentation using Gaussian-Markov random fields and neural oscillator networks. 394-404 - Hujun Yin
, Nigel M. Allinson
Self-organizing mixture networks for probability density estimation. 405-411 - Wen Yu, Xiaoou Li
Some new results on system identification with dynamic neural networks. 412-417 - Qing Tao, Tingjian Fang, Hong Qiao:
A novel continuous-time neural network for realizing associative memory. 418-423 - Sabeur Abid, Farhat Fnaiech, Mohamed Najim:
A fast feedforward training algorithm using a modified form of the standard backpropagation algorithm. 424-430 - Jim Y. F. Yam, Tommy W. S. Chow:
Feedforward networks training speed enhancement by optimal initialization of the synaptic coefficients. 430-434 - Xia Hong, Chris J. Harris
Nonlinear model structure detection using optimum experimental design and orthogonal least squares. 435-439 - Donq-Liang Lee:
Improving the capacity of complex-valued neural networks with a modified gradient descent learning rule. 439-443 - Katheryn Margaret Adeney, Michael J. Korenberg:
Errata to "on the use of separable volterra networks to model discrete-time volterra systems". 443 - Daouren Akhmetov, Yasuhiko Dote, Seppo J. Ovaska:
Errata to "fuzzy-neural network with general parameter adaptation for modeling of nonlinear time-series". 443
Volume 12, Number 3, May 2001
- Jesús Cid-Sueiro
, Aníbal R. Figueiras-Vidal:
On the structure of strict sense Bayesian cost functions and its applications. 445-455 - Satoshi Matsuda:
Theoretical limitations of a Hopfield network for crossbar switching. 456-462 - Ronald G. Spencer:
Bipolar spectral associative memories. 463-474 - Marco Russo
Distributed fuzzy learning using the MULTISOFT machine. 475-484 - Marco Baglietto
, Thomas Parisini, Riccardo Zoppoli:
Distributed-information neural control: the case of dynamic routing in traffic networks. 485-502 - Stergios Papadimitriou, Seferina Mavroudi
, Liviu Vladutu
, Anastasios Bezerianos
Ischemia detection with a self-organizing map supplemented by supervised learning. 503-515 - Hau-San Wong
, Ling Guan:
A neural learning approach for adaptive image restoration using a fuzzy model-based network architecture. 516-531 - Azzedine Zerguine
, Ahmer Shafi, Maamar Bettayeb:
Multilayer perceptron-based DFE with lattice structure. 532-545 - Teong Chee Chuah, Bayan S. Sharif
, Oliver R. Hinton:
Robust adaptive spread-spectrum receiver with neural net preprocessing in non-Gaussian noise. 546-558 - Nikos Vlassis, Yoichi Motomura:
Efficient source adaptivity in independent component analysis. 559-566 - Xiao-Ping Zhang:
Thresholding neural network for adaptive noise reduction. 567-584 - Valeri M. Mladenov
, Nikos E. Mastorakis:
Design of two-dimensional recursive filters by using neural networks. 585-590 - Dan Wang
, Jie Huang:
A neural network-based approximation method for discrete-time nonlinear servomechanism problem. 591-597 - Jiun-Chi Jan, Shih-Lin Hung:
High-order MS CMAC neural network. 598-603 - Sheng Chen
, Ahmad K. Samingan, Lajos Hanzo
Support vector machine multiuser receiver for DS-CDMA signals in multipath channels. 604-611 - Andrew D. Back
, Thomas Trappenberg
Selecting inputs for modeling using normalized higher order statistics and independent component analysis. 612-617 - Heinz Mathis, Thomas P. von Hoff, Marcel Joho:
Blind separation of signals with mixed kurtosis signs using threshold activation functions. 618-624 - Peter F. McGuire, Gabriele M. T. D'Eleuterio:
Eigenpaxels and a neural-network approach to image classification. 625-635 - Xue-Bin Liang:
A complete proof of global exponential convergence of a neural network for quadratic optimization with bound constraints. 636-639 - Vinay Deolalikar:
Mapping Boolean functions with neural networks having binary weights and zero thresholds. 639-642 - Irwin W. Sandberg:
Comments on "Classification ability of single hidden layer feedforward neural networks". 642-643 - Ke Chen
, V. Kvasnicka, P. C. Kanen, Simon Haykin:
Supervised and Unsupervised Pattern Recognition: Feature Extraction and Computational Intelligence [Book Review]. 644-647 - Ke Chen, V. Kvasnicka, P. C. Kanen, Simon Haykin:
Multi-Valued and Universal Binary Neurons: Theory, Learning, and Applications [Book Review]. 647 - Ke Chen, V. Kvasnicka, P. C. Kanen, Simon Haykin:
Feedforward Neural Network Methodology. 647-648 - Ke Chen, V. Kvasnicka, P. C. Kanen, Simon Haykin:
Neural and Adaptive Systems: Fundamentals Through Simulations. 648-649
Volume 12, Number 4, July 2001
- Yaser S. Abu-Mostafa, Amir F. Atiya
, Malik Magdon-Ismail, Halbert L. White:
Introduction to the special issue on neural networks in financial engineering. 653-656 - Halbert L. White, Jeffrey S. Racine
Statistical inference, the bootstrap, and neural-network modeling with application to foreign exchange rates. 657-673 - Xiaohong Chen, Jeffrey S. Racine
, Norman R. Swanson:
Semiparametric ARX neural-network models with an application to forecasting inflation. 674-683 - Malik Magdon-Ismail:
The equivalent martingale measure: an introduction to pricing using expectations. 684-693 - John N. Tsitsiklis, Benjamin Van Roy:
Regression methods for pricing complex American-style options. 694-703 - Christian Keber, Matthias G. Schuster:
Evolutionary computation and the vega risk of American put options. 704-715 - Christian Schittenkopf, Georg Dorffner
Risk-neutral density extraction from option prices: improved pricing with mixture density networks. 716-725 - Ramazan Gencay, Min Qi:
Pricing and hedging derivative securities with neural networks: Bayesian regularization, early stopping, and bagging. 726-734 - Hans-Georg Zimmermann, Ralph Neuneier, Ralph Grothmann:
Multi-agent modeling of multiple FX-markets by neural networks. 735-743 - Michael A. H. Dempster, Tom W. Payne, Yazann S. Romahi, Giles W. P. Thompson:
Computational learning techniques for intraday FX trading using popular technical indicators. 744-754 - Marcelo C. Medeiros
, Álvaro Veiga
, Carlos Eduardo Pedreira
Modeling exchange rates: smooth transitions, neural networks, and linear models. 755-764 - Bailing Zhang, Richard Coggins, Marwan A. Jabri, Dominik R. Dersch, Barry Flower:
Multiresolution forecasting for futures trading using wavelet decompositions. 765-775 - Lester Ingber
, Radu Paul Mondescu:
Optimization of trading physics models of markets. 776-790 - Yaser S. Abu-Mostafa:
Financial model calibration using consistency hints. 791-808 - Tony Van Gestel, Johan A. K. Suykens
, Dirk-Emma Baestaens, Annemie Lambrechts, Gert R. G. Lanckriet, Bruno Vandaele, Bart De Moor, Joos Vandewalle:
Financial time series prediction using least squares support vector machines within the evidence framework. 809-821 - Lei Xu:
BYY harmony learning, independent state space, and generalized APT financial analyses. 822-849 - Apostolos-Paul Nicholas Refenes, Will T. Holt:
Forecasting volatility with neural regression: A contribution to model adequacy. 850-864 - Peter Tiño
, Christian Schittenkopf, Georg Dorffner
Financial volatility trading using recurrent neural networks. 865-874 - John E. Moody, Matthew Saffell:
Learning to trade via direct reinforcement. 875-889 - Nicolas Chapados, Yoshua Bengio:
Cost functions and model combination for VaR-based asset allocation using neural networks. 890-906 - Vasant Dhar, Dashin Chou:
A comparison of nonlinear methods for predicting earnings surprises and returns. 907-921 - Ngai Hang Chan, Christopher R. Genovese:
A comparison of linear and nonlinear statistical techniques in performance attribution. 922-928 - Amir F. Atiya
Bankruptcy prediction for credit risk using neural networks: A survey and new results. 929-935 - Samuel Kaski, Janne Sinkkonen, Jaakko Peltonen
Bankruptcy analysis with self-organizing maps in learning metrics. 936-947
Volume 12, Number 5, September 2001
- Monica Bianchini
, Marco Gori:
Theoretical properties of recursive neural networks with linear neurons. 953-967 - Eduardo Jose Bayro-Corrochano:
Geometric neural computing. 968-986 - Michalis K. Titsias, Aristidis Likas:
Shared kernel models for class conditional density estimation. 987-997 - Ramani S. Pilla, Sagar V. Kamarthi, Bruce G. Lindsay:
Aitken-based acceleration methods for assessing convergence of multilayer neural networks. 998-1012 - Ka Fai Cedric Yiu, Song Wang, Kok Lay Teo, Ah Chung Tsoi
Nonlinear system modeling via knot-optimizing B-spline networks. 1013-1022 - Dimitrios Charalampidis, Takis Kasparis
, Michael Georgiopoulos:
Classification of noisy signals using fuzzy ARTMAP neural networks. 1023-1036 - Scott Weaver, Leemon C. Baird III, Marios M. Polycarpou
Using localizing learning to improve supervised learning algorithms. 1037-1046 - Licheng Jiao
, Jin Pan, Yangwang Fang:
Multiwavelet neural network and its approximation properties. 1060-1066 - Filipe Araújo
, Bernardete Ribeiro
, Luís E. T. Rodrigues:
A neural network for shortest path computation. 1067-1073 - Yee Leung, Kai-zhou Chen, Yong-Chang Jiao, Xing-Bao Gao, Kwong-Sak Leung:
A new gradient-based neural network for solving linear and quadratic programming problems. 1074-1083 - Ke Chen
, DeLiang Wang:
Perceiving geometric patterns: from spirals to inside-outside relations. 1084-1102 - Jin Young Choi, Jay A. Farrell
Adaptive observer backstepping control using neural networks. 1103-1112 - Sarangapani Jagannathan:
Control of a class of nonlinear discrete-time systems using multilayer neural networks. 1113-1120 - Sheng Lin, Andrew A. Goldenberg:
Neural-network control of mobile manipulators. 1121-1133 - Dong-Chul Park
, Young-June Woo:
Weighted centroid neural network for edge preserving image compression. 1134-1146 - Natalija Vlajic, Howard C. Card:
Vector quantization of images using modified adaptive resonance algorithm for hierarchical clustering. 1147-1162 - Henry Leung, Titus K. Y. Lo, Sichun Wang
Prediction of noisy chaotic time series using an optimal radial basis function neural network. 1163-1172 - Xin Jin, Dipti Srinivasan
, Ruey Long Cheu
Classification of freeway traffic patterns for incident detection using constructive probabilistic neural networks. 1173-1187 - Oscar Fontenla-Romero
, Amparo Alonso-Betanzos
, Bertha Guijarro-Berdiñas:
Adaptive pattern recognition in the analysis of cardiotocographic records. 1188-1195 - Mahmood R. Azimi-Sadjadi, Wenfeng Gao, Thomas H. Vonder Haar
, Donald L. Reinke:
Temporal updating scheme for probabilistic neural network with application to satellite cloud classification - further results. 1196-1203 - Siu-Yeung Cho, Tommy W. S. Chow:
Neural computation approach for developing a 3D shape reconstruction model. 1204-1214 - Da-Zheng Feng, Zheng Bao, Xian-Da Zhang:
A cross-associative neural network for SVD of non-squared data matrix in signal processing. 1215-1221 - Burkhard Lenze
Improving Leung's bidirectional learning rule for associative memories. 1222-1226 - Camillo Gentile, Mario Sznaier:
An improved Voronoi-diagram-based neural net for pattern classification. 1227-1234 - Francesco Lampariello, Marco Sciandrone:
Efficient training of RBF neural networks for pattern recognition. 1235-1242 - Tomo Munehisa, Masaki Kobayashi, Haruaki Yamazaki:
Cooperative updating in the Hopfield model. 1243-1251 - Eduardo de Azevedo Botter, Cairo L. Nascimento Jr.
, Takashi Yoneyama
A neural network with asymmetric basis functions for feature extraction of ECG P waves. 1252-1255 - Jianfeng Feng
, Peter Williams:
The generalization error of the symmetric and scaled support vector machines. 1255-1260 - Donq-Liang Lee:
Relaxation of the stability condition of the complex-valued neural networks. 1260-1262 - Tianping Chen:
Some queries on "Comments on 'Approximation capability in C(R¯n) by multilayer feedforward networks and related problems'". 1262-1263
Volume 12, Number 6, November 2001
- Kiyoshi Nishiyama, Kiyohiko Suzuki:
H∞-learning of layered neural networks. 1265-1277 - Georgios Papadopoulos, Peter J. Edwards, Alan F. Murray:
Confidence estimation methods for neural networks: a practical comparison. 1278-1287 - Chih-Jen Lin
On the convergence of the decomposition method for support vector machines. 1288-1298 - Tom Heskes
Self-organizing maps, vector quantization, and mixture modeling. 1299-1305 - Leonardo Franco
, Sergio A. Cannas
Generalization properties of modular networks: implementing the parity function. 1306-1313 - Chi-Sing Leung
, Ah Chung Tsoi
, Lai-Wan Chan:
Two regularizers for recursive least squared algorithms in feedforward multilayered neural networks. 1314-1332 - Felix A. Gers, Jürgen Schmidhuber:
LSTM recurrent networks learn simple context-free and context-sensitive languages. 1333-1340 - Srimanta Pal, Amitava Datta, Nikhil R. Pal:
A multilayer self-organizing model for convex-hull computation. 1341-1347 - Daniel J. Simon:
Distributed fault tolerance in optimal interpolative nets. 1348-1357 - Xiaoqin Zeng, Daniel S. Yeung:
Sensitivity analysis of multilayer perceptron to input and weight perturbations. 1358-1366 - Mark A. Girolami
The topographic organization and visualization of binary data using multivariate-Bernoulli latent variable models. 1367-1374 - Liang Zhao
, Elbert E. N. Macau
A network of dynamically coupled chaotic maps for scene segmentation. 1375-1385 - Andries P. Engelbrecht
A new pruning heuristic based on variance analysis of sensitivity information. 1386-1399 - Wen-Jing Li, Tong Lee:
Hopfield neural networks for affine invariant matching. 1400-1410 - Alexander G. Parlos, Sunil K. Menon, Amir F. Atiya
An algorithmic approach to adaptive state filtering using recurrent neural networks. 1411-1432 - Mahesh S. Iyer, Donald C. Wunsch II:
Dynamic re-optimization of a fed-batch fermentor using adaptive critic designs. 1433-1444 - Giovanni Simone, Francesco Carlo Morabito
RBFNN-based hole identification system in conducting plates. 1445-1454 - Giacomo Indiveri
A neuromorphic VLSI device for implementing 2D selective attention systems. 1455-1463 - Monica Bianchini
, Marco Gori, Franco Scarselli
Processing directed acyclic graphs with recursive neural networks. 1464-1470 - Aapo Hyvärinen:
Blind source separation by nonstationarity of variance: a cumulant-based approach. 1471-1474 - Sumio Watanabe:
Learning efficiency of redundant neural networks in Bayesian estimation. 1475-1486 - Xue-Bin Liang:
A recurrent neural network for nonlinear continuously differentiable optimization over a compact convex subset. 1487-1490 - Javier Fernández de Cañete
, Antonio Barreiro
, Alfonso García-Cerezo
, Inmaculada García-Moral:
An input-output based robust stabilization criterion for neural-network control of nonlinear systems. 1491-1497 - Li-Hua Li
, Iuon-Chang Lin, Min-Shiang Hwang:
A remote password authentication scheme for multiserver architecture using neural networks. 1498-1504 - Howard C. Card:
Compound binomial processes in neural integration. 1505-1512 - Lutz Leistritz, Miroslaw Galicki, Herbert Witte, Eberhard F. Kochs:
Initial state training procedure improves dynamic recurrent networks with time-dependent weights. 1513-1518 - Vijayan K. Asari:
Training of a feedforward multiple-valued neural network by error backpropagation with a multilevel threshold function. 1519-1521 - Xue-Bin Liang:
Qualitative analysis of a recurrent neural network for nonlinear continuously differentiable convex minimization over a nonempty closed convex subset. 1521-1525 - Sandro Ridella
, Rodolfo Zunino:
Empirical measure of multiclass generalization performance: the K-winner machine case. 1525-1529 - Sheng Chen
, Steve R. Gunn, Chris J. Harris
The relevance vector machine technique for channel equalization application. 1529-1532 - Tianping Chen:
Global convergence of delayed dynamical systems. 1532-1536 - Kyunbyoung Ko
, Sooyong Choi, Changeon Kang, Daesik Hong:
RBF multiuser detector with channel estimation capability in a synchronous MC-CDMA system. 1536-1539 - Olcay Taner Yildiz
, Ethem Alpaydin
Omnivariate decision trees. 1539-1546 - Te-Won Lee:
Advances in independent component analysis [Book Review]. 1547
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