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IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, Volume 4
Volume 4, Number 1, March 2017
- Peng Cheng, Ling Shi, Bruno Sinopoli:
Guest Editorial Special Issue on Secure Control of Cyber-Physical Systems. 1-3 - Ziyang Guo, Dawei Shi, Karl Henrik Johansson
, Ling Shi:
Optimal Linear Cyber-Attack on Remote State Estimation. 4-13 - Chensheng Liu, Jing Wu
, Chengnian Long, Yebin Wang:
Dynamic State Recovery for Cyber-Physical Systems Under Switching Location Attacks. 14-22 - Devendra Shelar, Saurabh Amin:
Security Assessment of Electricity Distribution Networks Under DER Node Compromises. 23-36 - Jonathan Ponniah
, Yih-Chun Hu, P. R. Kumar:
A Clean Slate Approach to Secure Ad Hoc Wireless Networking-Open Unsynchronized Networks. 37-48 - Shaunak Mishra, Yasser Shoukry
, Nikhil Karamchandani, Suhas N. Diggavi, Paulo Tabuada
Secure State Estimation Against Sensor Attacks in the Presence of Noise. 49-59 - Sean Weerakkody, Xiaofei Liu, Sang H. Son, Bruno Sinopoli:
A Graph-Theoretic Characterization of Perfect Attackability for Secure Design of Distributed Control Systems. 60-70 - Abhishek Gupta
, Cedric Langbort, Tamer Basar:
Dynamic Games With Asymmetric Information and Resource Constrained Players With Applications to Security of Cyberphysical Systems. 71-81 - Miroslav Pajic
, Insup Lee, George J. Pappas
Attack-Resilient State Estimation for Noisy Dynamical Systems. 82-92 - Victor S. Dolk
, Pietro Tesi
, Claudio De Persis, W. P. M. H. Heemels
Event-Triggered Control Systems Under Denial-of-Service Attacks. 93-105 - Fei Miao, Quanyan Zhu, Miroslav Pajic
, George J. Pappas
Coding Schemes for Securing Cyber-Physical Systems Against Stealthy Data Injection Attacks. 106-117 - Yu Wang
, Zhenqi Huang, Sayan Mitra
, Geir E. Dullerud:
Differential Privacy in Linear Distributed Control Systems: Entropy Minimizing Mechanisms and Performance Tradeoffs. 118-130
Volume 4, Number 2, June 2017
- Sadegh Bolouki, Roland P. Malhamé
, Milad Siami
, Nader Motee:
Éminence Grise Coalitions: On the Shaping of Public Opinion. 133-145 - Bo Zhao, Feng Lin, Caisheng Wang, Xuesong Zhang, Michael P. Polis, Le Yi Wang:
Supervisory Control of Networked Timed Discrete Event Systems and Its Applications to Power Distribution Networks. 146-158 - Cameron Nowzari
, Victor M. Preciado, George J. Pappas
Optimal Resource Allocation for Control of Networked Epidemic Models. 159-169 - Daniel Zelazo, Mathias Bürger:
On the Robustness of Uncertain Consensus Networks. 170-178 - Shun-ichi Azuma, Takahiro Yoshida, Toshiharu Sugie:
Structural Monostability of Activation-Inhibition Boolean Networks. 179-190 - Takashi Tanaka, Farhad Farokhi
, Cedric Langbort:
Faithful Implementations of Distributed Algorithms and Control Laws. 191-201 - Xiang-Gui Guo, Jianliang Wang
, Fang Liao, Dong Wang:
Quantized H∞ Consensus of Multiagent Systems With Quantization Mismatch Under Switching Weighted Topologies. 202-212 - Masaki Ogura
, Victor M. Preciado:
Optimal Design of Switched Networks of Positive Linear Systems via Geometric Programming. 213-222 - Shih-Ju Ho, Chun-Yuan Chen, Bor-Sen Chen:
Analysis for the Robust H∞ Synchronization of Nonlinear Stochastic Coupling Networks Through Poisson Processes and Core Coupling Design. 223-235 - Xiwang Dong, Guoqiang Hu
Time-Varying Output Formation for Linear Multiagent Systems via Dynamic Output Feedback Control. 236-245 - Holly Borowski, Jason R. Marden:
Fast Convergence in Semianonymous Potential Games. 246-258 - Ather Gattami:
Optimal Network Control With Stochastic Link Variations and Indefinite Quadratic Constraints. 259-266 - Nikolai Matni:
Communication Delay Co-Design in ℋ2-Distributed Control Using Atomic Norm Minimization. 267-278 - Evan Gravelle, Sonia Martínez:
An Anytime Distributed Load-Balancing Algorithm Satisfying Capacity and Quantization Constraints. 279-287 - Saleh Soltan, Dorian Mazauric, Gil Zussman:
Analysis of Failures in Power Grids. 288-300 - Ye Yuan, Anurag Rai, Enoch Yeung, Guy-Bart Stan
, Sean Warnick, Jorge M. Gonçalves
A Minimal Realization Technique for the Dynamical Structure Function of a Class of LTI Systems. 301-311 - Graziano Chesi:
Control With Communications Constraints: Measuring the Instability in Parametric Linear Systems. 312-322 - Sepideh Pourazarm, Christos G. Cassandras
Energy-Based Lifetime Maximization and Security of Wireless-Sensor Networks With General Nonideal Battery Models. 323-335 - Franco Blanchini
, Daniele Casagrande
, Giulia Giordano
, Pier Luca Montessoro:
A Robust Decentralized Control for Channel Sharing Communication. 336-346 - Mohit Sinha, Florian Dörfler
, Brian B. Johnson, Sairaj V. Dhople:
Uncovering Droop Control Laws Embedded Within the Nonlinear Dynamics of Van der Pol Oscillators. 347-358 - Kohnosuke Ogiwara, Tatsuya Fukami, Norikazu Takahashi
Maximizing Algebraic Connectivity in the Space of Graphs With a Fixed Number of Vertices and Edges. 359-368 - Guodong Shi, Alexandre Proutière, Mikael Johansson, John S. Baras, Karl Henrik Johansson
Emergent Behaviors Over Signed Random Dynamical Networks: Relative-State-Flipping Model. 369-379 - Gabriele Oliva
, Roberto Setola, Christoforos N. Hadjicostis:
Distributed Finite-Time Average-Consensus With Limited Computational and Storage Capability. 380-391 - Jing Wang, Ioannis Ch. Paschalidis:
Botnet Detection Based on Anomaly and Community Detection. 392-404
Volume 4, Number 3, September 2017
- Xudong Chen, Mohamed-Ali Belabbas, Tamer Basar:
Controllability of Formations Over Directed Time-Varying Graphs. 407-416 - Mohammad Akbari, Bahman Gharesifard, Tamás Linder:
Distributed Online Convex Optimization on Time-Varying Directed Graphs. 417-428 - Shiyu Zhao, Daniel Zelazo:
Translational and Scaling Formation Maneuver Control via a Bearing-Based Approach. 429-438 - Jeongho Jeon, Anthony Ephremides:
Channel-Aware Random Access in the Presence of Channel Estimation Errors. 439-450 - Daniel U. Campos-Delgado
, Jose Martin Luna-Rivera
, Alejandro J. Rojas, Carlos A. Gutiérrez
Power Allocation in Mobile Cellular Communication Under Multiplicative Noise and Interference Uncertainty. 451-461 - Mac Schwager
, Michael P. Vitus, Samantha Powers, Daniela Rus, Claire J. Tomlin:
Robust Adaptive Coverage Control for Robotic Sensor Networks. 462-476 - Jalal Habibi, Hamid Mahboubi, Amir G. Aghdam:
A Gradient-Based Coverage Optimization Strategy for Mobile Sensor Networks. 477-488 - Azam Khalili, Amir Rastegarnia, Saeid Sanei:
Performance Analysis of Incremental LMS Over Flat Fading Channels. 489-498 - Ahmet Yasin Yazicioglu
, Magnus Egerstedt, Jeff S. Shamma
Communication-Free Distributed Coverage for Networked Systems. 499-510 - Hamidreza Tavafoghi, Demosthenis Teneketzis:
Multidimensional Forward Contracts Under Uncertainty for Electricity Markets. 511-522 - Stacy Patterson, Neil McGlohon
, Kirill Dyagilev:
Optimal k-Leader Selection for Coherence and Convergence Rate in One-Dimensional Networks. 523-532 - Xiaozhe Wang
, Hsiao-Dong Chiang:
A Hybrid Quasi Steady-State Model for Long-Term Stability Analysis of Electric Power Networks: Model Development and Theoretical Basis. 533-543 - Simon Apers, Alain Sarlette:
Accelerating Consensus by Spectral Clustering and Polynomial Filters. 544-554 - Ather Gattami:
Team Decision Problems With Convex Quadratic Constraints. 555-563 - Martin Andreasson, Dimos V. Dimarogonas, Henrik Sandberg
, Karl Henrik Johansson
Distributed Controllers for Multiterminal HVDC Transmission Systems. 564-574 - Li Qiang, Jie Li
, Eitan Altman:
A Novel Distributed Network Selection Scheme for Heterogeneous Wireless Network Environments. 575-586 - Chengzhi Yuan, Fen Wu
Delay Scheduled Impulsive Control for Networked Control Systems. 587-597 - Victor M. Preciado, Michael M. Zavlanos:
Distributed Network Design for Laplacian Eigenvalue Placement. 598-609 - Edo Abraham
, Ivan Stoianov
Constraint-Preconditioned Inexact Newton Method for Hydraulic Simulation of Large-Scale Water Distribution Networks. 610-619 - Yingbo Zhao, Jorge Cortés
Gramian-Based Reachability Metrics for Bilinear Networks. 620-631 - Yuzhe Li, Daniel E. Quevedo
, Subhrakanti Dey
, Ling Shi:
SINR-Based DoS Attack on Remote State Estimation: A Game-Theoretic Approach. 632-642 - Nicoletta Bof, Giacomo Baggio
, Sandro Zampieri
On the Role of Network Centrality in the Controllability of Complex Networks. 643-653 - Jason R. Marden:
The Role of Information in Distributed Resource Allocation. 654-664 - Arastoo Fazeli, Amir Ajorlou, Ali Jadbabaie:
Competitive Diffusion in Social Networks: Quality or Seeding? 665-675 - Sina Yamac Caliskan, Paulo Tabuada:
Correction to "Compositional Transient Stability Analysis of Multimachine Power Networks". 676-677
Volume 4, Number 4, December 2017
- Thang Nguyen
, Hung Manh La, Tuan Dzung Le, Mohammad Jafari
Formation Control and Obstacle Avoidance of Multiple Rectangular Agents With Limited Communication Ranges. 680-691 - Lei Miao, Jianfeng Mao
, Christos G. Cassandras
Optimal Energy-Efficient Downlink Transmission Scheduling for Real-Time Wireless Networks. 692-706 - Tansel Yucelen, John Daniel Peterson:
Distributed Control of Active-Passive Networked Multiagent Systems. 707-715 - Chunyan Wang, Zongyu Zuo, Zongli Lin, Zhengtao Ding:
A Truncated Prediction Approach to Consensus Control of Lipschitz Nonlinear Multiagent Systems With Input Delay. 716-724 - Zhi Feng, Chao Sun, Guoqiang Hu
Robust Connectivity Preserving Rendezvous of Multirobot Systems Under Unknown Dynamics and Disturbances. 725-735 - Hamid Mahboubi, Amir G. Aghdam:
Distributed Deployment Algorithms for Coverage Improvement in a Network of Wireless Mobile Sensors: Relocation by Virtual Force. 736-748 - Georgios S. Paschos, Leandros Tassiulas:
Sustainability of Service Provisioning Systems Under Stealth DoS Attacks. 749-760 - Tomonori Sadamoto
, Takayuki Ishizaki, Jun-ichi Imura
Average State Observers for Large-Scale Network Systems. 761-769 - Mohamad Kazem Shirani Faradonbeh
, Ambuj Tewari, George Michailidis:
Optimality of Fast-Matching Algorithms for Random Networks With Applications to Structural Controllability. 770-780 - Meng Guo, Charalampos P. Bechlioulis
, Kostas J. Kyriakopoulos, Dimos V. Dimarogonas:
Hybrid Control of Multiagent Systems With Contingent Temporal Tasks and Prescribed Formation Constraints. 781-792 - Sepideh Pourazarm, Christos G. Cassandras
Optimal Routing for Lifetime Maximization of Wireless-Sensor Networks With a Mobile Source Node. 793-804 - Angeliki Anastopoulou, Iordanis Koutsopoulos, George D. Stamoulis:
Optimal Targeting and Contract Offering for Load Curtailment in Nega-Watt Markets. 805-815 - Ziyang Meng, Dimos V. Dimarogonas, Karl Henrik Johansson
Attitude Coordinated Control of Multiple Underactuated Axisymmetric Spacecraft. 816-825 - Zhenliang Zhang, Edwin K. P. Chong
, Ali Pezeshki
, William Moran, Stephen D. Howard:
Near-Optimal Distributed Detection in Balanced Binary Relay Trees. 826-837 - Yuan Yan, Yasamin Mostofi:
Efficient Clustering and Path Planning Strategies for Robotic Data Collection Using Space-Filling Curves. 838-849 - Dimitra Panagou, Dusan M. Stipanovic
, Petros G. Voulgaris:
Distributed Dynamic Coverage and Avoidance Control Under Anisotropic Sensing. 850-862 - Mahnoosh Alizadeh, Hoi-To Wai, Mainak Chowdhury, Andrea Goldsmith, Anna Scaglione
, Tara Javidi
Optimal Pricing to Manage Electric Vehicles in Coupled Power and Transportation Networks. 863-875 - Xuehe Wang
, Nan Xiao, Lihua Xie, Emilio Frazzoli
, Daniela Rus:
Analysis of Price of Total Anarchy in Congestion Games via Smoothness Arguments. 876-885 - Yara Abdallah, Zizhan Zheng
, Ness B. Shroff
, Hesham El Gamal, Tarek M. El-Fouly
The Impact of Stealthy Attacks on Smart Grid Performance: Tradeoffs and Implications. 886-898
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