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CISSE 2009: Bridgeport, CT, USA - SCSS
- Tarek M. Sobh
, Khaled M. Elleithy
Innovations in Computing Sciences and Software Engineering, Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Systems, Computing Sciences and Software Engineering (SCSS), part of the International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering (CISSE 09), Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA, December 4-12, 2009. Springer 2010, ISBN 978-90-481-9111-6 - Shivsubramani Krishnamoorthy, R. Loganathan, K. P. Soman:
Recursive Projection Profiling for Text-Image Separation. 1-5 - David C. Wyld:
Risk in the Clouds?: Security Issues Facing Government Use of Cloud Computing. 7-12 - Umm-e Laila
, Syed Faisal Ahmed Bukhari:
Open Source Software (OSS) Adoption Framework for Local Environment and its Comparison. 13-16 - Atif Farid Mohammad:
Ubiquitous Data Management in a Personal Information Environment. 17-22 - Amala VijayaSelvi Rajan, Arumugam Siri Bavan, Geetha Abeysinghe:
Semantics for the Asynchronous Communication in LIPS, a Language for Implementing Parallel/distributed Systems. 23-28 - Izzat Mahmoud Alsmadi
, Mahmoud Dieri:
Separation of Concerns in Teaching Software Engineering. 29-38 - Dawod Kseibat, Ali Mansour, Osei Adjei, Paul Phillips:
Student Model Based on Flexible Fuzzy Inference. 39-43 - Hongmei Wang:
PlanGraph: An Agent-Based Computational Model for Handling Vagueness in Human-GIS Communication of Spatial Concepts. 45-50 - Sitalakshmi Venkatraman, Siddhivinayak Kulkarni:
Risk-Based Neuro-Grid Architecture for Multimodal Biometrics. 51-56 - Erki Eessaar
, Rünno Sgirka:
A SQL-Database Based Meta-CASE System and its Query Subsystem. 57-62 - Darius Drungilas
, Antanas Andrius Bielskis, Vitalij Denisov
An Intelligent Control System Based on Non-Invasive Man Machine Interaction. 63-68 - Erki Eessaar
A UML Profile for Developing Databases that Conform to the Third Manifesto. 69-74 - Tatiana Zuyeva, Adnane Cabani, Joseph Mouzna:
Investigation and Implementation of T-DMB Protocol in NCTUns Simulator. 75-78 - Michael A. Redmond, Timothy Highley:
Empirical Analysis of Case-Editing Approaches for Numeric Prediction. 79-84 - Wanessa Machado do Amaral, José Mario De Martino
Towards a Transcription System of Sign Language for 3D Virtual Agents. 85-90 - Denis Berthier:
Unbiased Statistics of a Constraint Satisfaction Problem - a Controlled-Bias Generator. 91-97 - Edgy Paiva, Danielly Barbosa, Roberto Lima, Adriano Albuquerque:
Factors that Influence the Productivity of Software Developers in a Developer View. 99-104 - Stanislav Ustymenko
, Daniel G. Schwartz:
Algorithms for Maintaining a Consistent Knowledge Base in Distributed Multiagent Environments. 105-110 - Daniel G. Schwartz:
Formal Specifications for a Document Management Assistant. 111-116 - Jonathan B. Lori:
Towards a Spatial-Temporal Processing Model. 117-122 - Jonathan Lori:
Structure, Context and Replication in a Spatial-Temporal Architecture. 123-127 - Margareth Stoll, Dietmar Laner:
Service Oriented E-Government. 129-134 - Zhengping Wu, Hao Wu:
Fuzzy-rule-based Adaptive Resource Control for Information Sharing in P2P Networks. 135-140 - Monika Arora
, Uma Kanjilal, Dinesh Varshney:
Challenges in Web Information Retrieval. 141-146 - Zunera Jalil
, Anwar M. Mirza
An Invisible Text Watermarking Algorithm using Image Watermark. 147-152 - Yanjun Zuo, Malvika Pimple, Suhas Lande:
A Framework for RFID Survivability Requirement Analysis and Specification. 153-159 - Petra Maresová, Martina Hedvicaková
The State of Knowledge Management in Czech Companies. 161-166 - Tien D. Nguyen, Hong Guo, Raouf N. Gorgui-Naguib:
A Suitable Software Process Improvement Model for the UK Healthcare Industry. 167-172 - M. Dolores Gallego, Salvador Bueno
Exploring User Acceptance of FOSS: The Role of the Age of the Users. 173-176 - Issam M. Kouatli:
GFS Tuning Algorithm Using Fuzzimetric Arcs. 177-181 - Peng Ren, Armando Barreto
, Malek Adjouadi
Multi-step EMG Classification Algorithm for Human-Computer Interaction. 183-188 - Ying Gao, Armando Barreto
, Malek Adjouadi
Affective Assessment of a Computer User through the Processing of the Pupil Diameter Signal. 189-194 - Carlos Serrão
MAC, A System for Automatically IPR Identification, Collection and Distribution. 195-200 - Dawid Trawczynski, Janusz Sosnowski
, Piotr Gawkowski
Testing Distributed ABS System with Fault Injection. 201-206 - Yousef Abofathi, Bager Zarei
, Saeed Parsa
Learning Based Approach for Optimal Clustering of Distributed Program's Call Flow Graph. 207-211 - M. Hadi Zahedi, M. Mehdi S. Haghighi:
Fuzzy Adaptive Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Discrete Environments. 213-220 - M. Dobrojevic, B. Medjo, M. Rakin, A. Sedmak:
Project Management Software for Distributed Industrial Companies. 221-226 - Fei Cheng, Shanjun He:
How to Construct an Automated Warehouse Based on Colored Timed Petri Nets. 227-233 - Thibaut Varène, Paul Hillereau, Thierry Simonnet:
Telecare and Social Link Solution for Ambient Assisted Living Using a Robot Companion with Visiophony. 235-239 - Deniss Kumlander:
Contextual Semantic: A Context-aware Approach for Semantic Web Based Data Extraction from Scientific Articles. 241-244 - Deniss Kumlander:
Motivating Company Personnel by Applying the Semi-self-organized Teams Principle. 245-248 - Mohamed F. M. Firdhous, D. L. Basnayake, K. H. L. Kodithuwakku, N. K. Hatthalla, N. W. Charlin, P. M. R. I. K. Bandara:
Route Advising in a Dynamic Environment - A High-Tech Approach. 249-254 - Hieu Nguyen Trung, Duy Nguyen, Tan Dang Cao:
Building Security System Based on Grid Computing To Convert and Store Media Files. 255-258 - Ilona Bluemke, Joanna Fugas:
A Tool Supporting C code Parallelization. 259-264 - Mehdi Salkhordeh Haghighi, M. Hadi Zahedi, A. Mustafa Ghazizadeh, Farnad Ahangary:
Extending OpenMP for Agent Based DSM on GRID. 265-271 - Mircea Popa, A. S. Popa, Titus Slavici, D. Darvasi:
Mashup - Based End User Interface for Fleet Monitoring. 273-277 - Adam Piórkowski, Anna Pieta, A. Kowal, Tomasz Danek:
The Performance of Geothermal Field Modeling in Distributed Component Environment. 279-283 - Oleg Starostenko, J. T. Tello-Martínez, Vicente Alarcón Aquino
, Jorge Rodríguez-Asomoza, Roberto Rosas-Romero:
An Extension of Least Squares Methods for Smoothing Oscillation of Motion Predicting Function. 285-290 - Michael Hoppe, Patrick Seeling:
Security of Virtualized Applications: Microsoft App-V and VMware ThinApp. 291-295 - Shmuel Y. Miller:
Noise Performance of a Finite Uniform Cascade of Two-Port Networks. 297-300 - Fernando Alonso, José L. Fuertes, Loïc Martínez, Héctor Soza:
Evaluating Software Agent Quality: Measuring Social Ability and Autonomy. 301-306 - Radoslaw Hofman:
An Approach to Measuring Software Quality Perception. 307-312 - M. Daniela López De Luise, Débora Hisgen, M. Soffer:
Automatically Modeling Linguistic Categories in Spanish. 313-317 - Ivica Dimitrovski
, Suzana Loskovska, Ivan Chorbev:
Efficient Content-based Image Retrieval using Support Vector Machines for Feature Aggregation. 319-324 - Miguel Vargas-Lombardo, Armando Jipsion, Rafael Vejarano, Ismael Camargo, Humberto Alvarez, Elena Villalba Mora, Ernestina Menasalva Ruiz:
The Holistic, Interactive and Persuasive Model to Facilitate Self-care of Patients with Diabetes. 325-330 - O. N. Shalasiah, S. M. F. Rohani, H. Zulkifli:
Jawi Generator Software Using ARM Board Under Linux. 331-335 - P. Thubaasini, R. Rusnida, S. M. Rohani:
Efficient Comparison between Windows and Linux Platform Applicable in a Virtual Architectural Walkthrough Application. 337-342 - Sorin Herle
, C. Marcu, H. Benea, Liviu Miclea, R. Robotin:
Simulation-Based Stress Analysis for a 3D Modeled Humerus-Prosthesis Assembly. 343-348 - Jirí Giesl, Tomás Podoba, Karel K. Vlcek:
Chaos-Based Bit Planes Image Encryption. 349-353 - Taner Arsan
, Hamit Emre Saka, Ceyhun Sahin:
FLEX: A Modular Software Architecture for Flight License Exam. 355-360 - Neeta Verma, Pechimuthu Thangamuthu, Alka Mishra:
Enabling and Integrating Distributed Web Resources for Efficient and Effective Discovery of Information on the Web. 361-364 - Razib Hayat Khan
, Poul E. Heegaard:
Translation from UML to Markov Model: A Performance Modeling Framework. 365-371 - Ahmed Sharaf Eldin, S. AbdelGaber, T. Soliman, S. Kassim, Amany Abdo:
A Comparative Study of Protein Sequence Clustering Algorithms. 373-378 - Kamil Szostek, Adam Piórkowski:
OpenGL in Multi-User Web-Based Applications. 379-383 - Leonardo Jelenkovic
, Stjepan Gros, Domagoj Jakobovic:
Testing Task Schedulers on Linux System. 385-390 - Lucie Nohacova
, Karel Nohac
Automatic Computer Overhead Line Design. 391-393 - Helaine Sousa, Denivaldo Lopes
, Zair Abdelouahab, Slimane Hammoudi, Daniela Barreiro Claro:
Building Test Cases through Model Driven Engineering. 395-401 - Sumaya Abusaleh, Eman Abdelfattah, Zain Alabadi, Ahmad Sharieh:
The Effects of Educational Multimedia for Scientific Signs in the Holy Quran in Improving the Creative Thinking Skills for Deaf Children. 403-408 - Sara E. McCaslin:
Parallelization of Shape Function Generation for Hierarchical Tetrahedral Elements. 409-414 - Dongguang Li:
Analysis of Moment Invariants on Image Scaling and Rotation. 415-419 - Dongguang Li:
A Novel Binarization Algorithm for Ballistics Firearm Identification. 421-425 - Tzong-An Su, Hong-Ju Lu:
A Schema Classification Scheme for Multilevel Databases. 427-431 - Nagm Mohamed:
Memory Leak Sabotages System Performance. 433-436 - Serguei A. Mokhov
, Miao Song, Ching Y. Suen:
Writer Identification Using Inexpensive Signal Processing Techniques. 437-441 - Ghulam Rasool, Ilka Philippow:
Software Artifacts Extraction for Program Comprehension. 443-447 - Anna Derezinska
, Przemyslaw Oltarzewski:
Model-Driven Engineering Support for Building C# Applications. 449-454 - Cam Nguyen Tan, Son Dang Truong, Tan Cao Dang:
Early Abnormal Overload Detection and the Solution on Content Delivery Network. 455-460 - Mahesh A. Nair:
ECG Feature Extraction using Time Frequency Analysis. 461-466 - Muhammad Ali Khan, Sajjad Mahmood:
Optimal Component Selection for Component-Based Systems. 467-472 - Dawod Kseibat, Ali Mansour, Osei Adjei, Paul Phillips:
Domain-based Teaching Strategy for Intelligent Tutoring System Based on Generic Rules. 473-476 - Nazleeni Samiha Haron
, Ruzaini Amir, Izzatdin Abdul Aziz
, Low Tang Jung, Siti Rokhmah Mohd Shukri:
Parallelization of Edge Detection Algorithm using MPI on Beowulf Cluster. 477-482 - Miao Song, Serguei A. Mokhov
, Peter Grogono:
Teaching Physical Based Animation via OpenGL Slides. 483-488 - Jashua Rajesh Modapothala, Biju Issac
, E. Jayamani:
Appraising the Corporate Sustainability Reports - Text Mining and Multi-Discriminatory Analysis. 489-494 - Attila J. Farkas, Alen Hajnal, Mohd Fairuz Shiratuddin
, Gabriella Szatmary:
A Proposed Treatment for Visual Field Loss caused by Traumatic Brain Injury using Interactive Visuotactile Virtual Environment. 495-498 - Paulo Brito, António Portugal
Adaptive Collocation Methods for the Solution of Partial Differential Equations. 499-504 - Emiliyan G. Petkov
Educational Virtual Reality through a Multiview Autostereoscopic 3D Display. 505-508 - Safwan Shatnawi, Rajeh Khamis:
An Approach for Developing Natural Language Interface to Databases Using Data Synonyms Tree and Syntax State Table. 509-514 - Marisa de Camargo Silveira, Brandon Link, Silvio Johann, Adolfo Alberto Vanti, Rafael Alejandro Espín Andrade
Analysis of Strategic Maps for a Company in the Software Development Sector. 515-521 - Ahmed Nada, Badie Sartawi:
The RDF Generator (RDFG) - First Unit in the Semantic Web Framework (SWF). 523-525 - Igor Aguilar Alonso, José Carrillo Verdún, Edmundo Tovar Caro:
Information Technology to Help Drive Business Innovation and Growth. 527-532 - S. Shervin Ostadzadeh, Amir Masoud Rahmani:
A Framework for Enterprise Operating Systems Based on Zachman Framework. 533-536 - Cosmin Cernazanu-Glavan
, Stefan Holban:
A Model for Determining the Number of Negative Examples used in Training a MLP. 537-542 - Tomás Podoba, Karel K. Vlcek, Jirí Giesl:
GPU Benchmarks Based On Strange Attractors. 543-545 - Manan Joshi, M. Iyer, Navarun Gupta, Armando Barreto
Effect of Gender and Sound Spatialization on Speech Intelligibility in Multiple Speaker Environment. 547-550 - O. A. Shcherbina, E. A. Shembeleva:
Modeling Tourism Sustainable Development. 551-556 - J. Abaffy, Tibor Krajcovic
PI-ping - Benchmark Tool for Testing Latencies and Throughput in Operating Systems. 557-560 - Gunnar Piho, Mart Roost
, David Perkins, Jaak Tepandi:
Towards Archetypes-Based Software Development. 561-566 - Ovidiu-Constantin Novac, St. Vari-Kakas, Mihaela Novac, Ecaterina Vladu, Liliana Indrie:
Dependability Aspects Regarding the Cache Level of a Memory Hierarchy using Hamming Codes. 567-570 - Alberto Piedrahita Ospina, Alcides Montoya Cañola, Demetrio Arturo Ovalle Carranza:
Performance Evaluation of an Intelligent Agents Based Model within Irregular WSN Topologies. 571-576 - S. Silva Sotelo, R. J. Romero Domínguez, A. Rodríguez-Martínez:
Double Stage Heat Transformer Controlled by Flow Ratio. 577-581 - Zhengping Wu, Lifeng Wang:
Enforcement of Privacy Policies over Multiple Online Social Networks for Collaborative Activities. 583-588 - Paulo Igor Alves Godinho, Aruanda Simões Goncalves Meiguins, Roberto Célio Limão de Oliveira
, Bianchi Serique Meiguins
An Estimation of Distribution Algorithms Applied to Sequence Pattern Mining. 589-593 - Daniel Pérez, Ingrid Kirschning
Tlatoa Communicator. 595-600 - Rodrigo Augusto de Moraes Lourenço, Rafael Veras Guimarães, Nikolas Jorge S. Carneiro, Aruanda Simões Goncalves Meiguins, Bianchi Serique Meiguins
Using Multiple Datasets in Information Visualization Tool. 601-606 - Byoung Jik Lee, Hosin David Lee:
Improved Crack Type Classification Neural Network based on Square Sub-images of Pavement Surface. 607-610 - Júlio Tollendal Gomes Ribeiro, Neander Furtado Silva
, Ecilamar Maciel Lima:
Building Information Modeling as a Tool for the Design of Airports. 611-614 - S. Shervin Ostadzadeh, Mohammad Ali Nekoui:
A Petri-Nets Based Unified Modeling Approach for Zachman Framework Cells. 615-618 - Evangelos Dimitrios Christakou, Neander Furtado Silva
, Ecilamar Maciel Lima:
From Perspectiva Artificialis to Cyberspace: Game-Engine and the Interactive Visualization of Natural Light in the Interior of the Building. 619-621 - Félix A. Silva Júnior
, Neander Furtado Silva
Computational Shape Grammars and Non-Standardization: a Case Study on the City of Music of Rio de Janeiro. 623-625 - R. M. Bogza, Dorin Zaharie, Silvia Avasilcai, Laura Bacali:
Architecture Models and Data Flows in Local and Group Datawarehouses. 627-632
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