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Journal of Nonlinear Science, Volume 34
Volume 34, Number 1, February 2024
- K. Uldall Kristiansen:
Publisher Correction: The Regularized Visible Fold Revisited. 1 - Liang Guo, Ning Jiang, Fucai Li, Yi-Long Luo, Shaojun Tang:
Incompressible Limit of the Ericksen-Leslie Parabolic-Hyperbolic Liquid Crystal Model. 2 - Richard M. Höfer, Amina Mecherbet, Richard Schubert
Non-existence of Mean-Field Models for Particle Orientations in Suspensions. 3 - Fu-Jie Jia
, Wei-Jie Sheng, Zhi-Cheng Wang:
Pulsating Fronts of Spatially Periodic Bistable Reaction-Diffusion Equations Around an Obstacle. 4 - Lucas Bouck, Ricardo H. Nochetto, Vladimir Yushutin:
A Hydrodynamical Model of Nematic Liquid Crystal Films with a General State of Orientational Order. 5 - K. Uldall Kristiansen
Blowup Analysis of a Hysteresis Model Based Upon Singular Perturbations. 6 - Erhan Bayraktar
, Qi Feng, Wuchen Li:
Exponential Entropy Dissipation for Weakly Self-Consistent Vlasov-Fokker-Planck Equations. 7 - Jason J. Bramburger, Giovanni Fantuzzi
Auxiliary Functions as Koopman Observables: Data-Driven Analysis of Dynamical Systems via Polynomial Optimization. 8 - Jiawei Hu, Ari Stern:
Hamiltonian Mechanics and Lie Algebroid Connections. 9 - Vito Dario Camiola, Vittorio Romano, Giorgia Vitanza:
Wigner Equations for Phonons Transport and Quantum Heat Flux. 10 - Riccardo Durastanti, Lorenzo Giacomelli:
Thin-Film Equations with Singular Potentials: An Alternative Solution to the Contact-Line Paradox. 11 - Renato C. Calleja, Alessandra Celletti, Joan Gimeno
, Rafael de la Llave:
Accurate Computations up to Breakdown of Quasi-Periodic Attractors in the Dissipative Spin-Orbit Problem. 12 - Feng-Bin Wang, Ruiwen Wu, Xiao-Qiang Zhao:
A Nonlocal Reaction-Diffusion Model of West Nile Virus with Vertical Transmission. 13 - Kuan-Wei Chen, Chih-Wen Shih:
Phase-Locked Solutions of a Coupled Pair of Nonidentical Oscillators. 14 - Talha Ahmed
, Dan Wilson:
Phase-Amplitude Coordinate-Based Neural Networks for Inferring Oscillatory Dynamics. 15 - Stephan Wojtowytsch
Stochastic Gradient Descent with Noise of Machine Learning Type Part II: Continuous Time Analysis. 16 - Samuel Jelbart
, Christian Kuehn
, Sara-Viola Kuntz
Geometric Blow-Up for Folded Limit Cycle Manifolds in Three Time-Scale Systems. 17 - Grégory Dumont, Jacques Henry, Oana Carmen Tarniceriu
Oscillations in a Fully Connected Network of Leaky Integrate-and-Fire Neurons with a Poisson Spiking Mechanism. 18 - Yongli Song, Hao Wang
, Jinfeng Wang:
Cognitive Consumer-Resource Spatiotemporal Dynamics with Nonlocal Perception. 19 - Xiuxiu Lin, Yanping Chen, Yunqing Huang
Error Estimates of hp Spectral Element Methods in Nonlinear Optimal Control Problem. 21 - Felix X.-F. Ye
, Sichen Yang
, Mauro Maggioni:
Nonlinear Model Reduction for Slow-Fast Stochastic Systems Near Unknown Invariant Manifolds. 22 - André de Laire, Guillaume Dujardin
, Salvador López-Martínez
Numerical Computation of Dark Solitons of a Nonlocal Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation. 23 - Daniel Gomez, Markus De Medeiros, Jun-cheng Wei, Wen Yang:
Spike Solutions to the Supercritical Fractional Gierer-Meinhardt System. 24 - Brian K. Tran
, Melvin Leok
Geometric Methods for Adjoint Systems. 25 - L. Blanco, Fernando Jiménez
, Javier de Lucas
, Cristina Sardón:
Geometry-Preserving Numerical Methods for Physical Systems with Finite-Dimensional Lie Algebras. 26 - Wenjie Hu, Tomás Caraballo
Pullback Exponential Attractors with Explicit Fractal Dimensions for Non-Autonomous Partial Functional Differential Equations. 27 - Qun Liu, Daqing Jiang:
Analysis of a Stochastic Within-Host Model of Dengue Infection with Immune Response and Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process. 28
Volume 34, Number 2, April 2024
- Björn Birnir, Luis L. Bonilla
, Manuel Carretero
, Filippo Terragni:
The Statistical Theory of the Angiogenesis Equations. 29 - Elisa Davoli, Lorenza D'Elia, Jonas Ingmanns:
Stochastic Homogenization of Micromagnetic Energies and Emergence of Magnetic Skyrmions. 30 - Clodoaldo Grotta Ragazzo
Vortex on Surfaces and Brownian Motion in Higher Dimensions: Special Metrics. 31 - Guodong Liu, Hao Wang
, Xiaoyan Zhang:
On a Chemotactic Host-Pathogen Model: Boundedness, Aggregation, and Segregation. 32 - Alexey V. Bolsinov, Andrey Yu. Konyaev, Vladimir S. Matveev
Applications of Nijenhuis Geometry V: Geodesic Equivalence and Finite-Dimensional Reductions of Integrable Quasilinear Systems. 33 - Dominic Breit, Prince Romeo Mensah, Thamsanqa Castern Moyo:
Martingale Solutions in Stochastic Fluid-Structure Interaction. 34 - Jesús Malo
, Jose Juan Esteve Taboada, Marcelo Bertalmío
Cortical Divisive Normalization from Wilson-Cowan Neural Dynamics. 35 - Giacomo Vecchiato, Michele Palladino, Pierangelo Marcati:
An Optimal Control Approach to the Problem of the Longest Self-Supporting Structure. 36 - Elizabeth Carlson, Adam Larios
, Edriss S. Titi:
Super-Exponential Convergence Rate of a Nonlinear Continuous Data Assimilation Algorithm: The 2D Navier-Stokes Equation Paradigm. 37 - Xiaodan Zhao, Lei Wang:
A Two-Component Sasa-Satsuma Equation: Large-Time Asymptotics on the Line. 38 - Mark A. Pinsky:
Effective Estimation of Trapping/Stability Regions and Bilateral Solutions' Bounds for Some Multidimensional Nonlinear Systems with Time-Varying Coefficients. 39 - Keith Promislow
, Abba Ramadan
Curvature Driven Complexity in the Defocusing Parametric Nonlinear Schrödinger System. 40
Volume 34, Number 3, June 2024
- Yu Yang, Cheng-Hsiung Hsu, Lan Zou, Jinling Zhou:
Threshold Dynamics of a Degenerate Diffusive HBV Infection Model with DNA-Containing Capsids in Heterogeneous Environment. 41 - Marco Bravin
, Sárka Necasová:
On the Trajectory of a Light Small Rigid Body in an Incompressible Viscous Fluid. 42 - Malte A. Peter, Jean Louis Woukeng:
On the Doubly Non-local Hele-Shaw-Cahn-Hilliard System: Derivation and 2D Well-Posedness. 43 - Tianyuan Xu, Shanming Ji, Ming Mei, Jingxue Yin:
Convergence to Sharp Traveling Waves of Solutions for Burgers-Fisher-KPP Equations with Degenerate Diffusion. 44 - Zeyu Zhou, Wei Jiang
, Zhen Zhang:
A Regularized Model for Wetting/Dewetting Problems: Positivity and Asymptotic Analysis. 45 - François Gay-Balmaz
General Relativistic Lagrangian Continuum Theories Part I: Reduced Variational Principles and Junction Conditions for Hydrodynamics and Elasticity. 46 - Zirui Zhu, Yancong Xu, Xingbo Liu, Shigui Ruan:
Modeling the p53-Mdm2 Dynamics Triggered by DNA Damage. 47 - Huan Liu, Jing Shen, Xianguo Geng:
Multiple Higher-Order Pole Solutions in Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensates. 48 - Simon Hochgerner
Nonlinear Feedback, Double-bracket Dissipation and Port Control of Lie-Poisson Systems. 49 - Anji Yang, Sanling Yuan, Tonghua Zhang:
Environmental Stochasticity Driving the Extinction of Top Predators in a Food Chain Chemostat Model. 50 - Fanze Kong
, Michael Jeffrey Ward, Juncheng Wei:
Existence, Stability and Slow Dynamics of Spikes in a 1D Minimal Keller-Segel Model with Logistic Growth. 51 - J. Penalva, Mathieu Desroches, Antonio E. Teruel, Catalina Vich:
Dynamics of a Piecewise-Linear Morris-Lecar Model: Bifurcations and Spike Adding. 52 - Naziru M. Awal, Irving R. Epstein
, Tasso J. Kaper, Theodore Vo
Strong Symmetry Breaking in Coupled, Identical Lengyel-Epstein Oscillators via Folded Singularities. 53 - Franco Flandoli, Dejun Luo, Eliseo Luongo
2D Smagorinsky-Type Large Eddy Models as Limits of Stochastic PDEs. 54 - Han-Han Sheng, Bao-Feng Feng, Guo-Fu Yu:
A Generalized Sine-Gordon Equation: Reductions and Integrable Discretizations. 55 - Martin Bauer, Nicolas Charon
, Eric Klassen, Sebastian Kurtek, Tom Needham, Thomas Pierron:
Elastic Metrics on Spaces of Euclidean Curves: Theory and Algorithms. 56 - Omran Kouba
, Dennis S. Bernstein
On the Dynamics of a Bead Sliding on a Freely Rotating Slanted Wire. 57 - Yong Chen, Jinqiao Duan
, Hongjun Gao, Xingyu Guo:
Modulation Analysis of the Stochastic Camassa-Holm Equation with Pure Jump Noise. 58
Volume 34, Number 4, August 2024
- Qiaomin Xiang, Qigui Yang:
Chaos of Multi-dimensional Weakly Hyperbolic Equations with General Nonlinear Boundary Conditions. 59 - Sajjad Bakrani
, Narcicegi Kiran
, Deniz Eroglu
, Tiago Pereira
Cycle-Star Motifs: Network Response to Link Modifications. 60 - Norapon Sukuntee, Saifon Chaturantabut:
Parametric Nonlinear Model Reduction Using Machine Learning on Grassmann Manifold with an Application on a Flow Simulation. 61 - Manh Hong Duong
, Hung Dang Nguyen
Asymptotic Analysis for the Generalized Langevin Equation with Singular Potentials. 62 - Yanqing Wang, Wei Wei, Gang Wu, Yulin Ye:
On the Energy and Helicity Conservation of the Incompressible Euler Equations. 63 - Thazin Aye, Jian Fang, Yingli Pan:
On a Population Model in Discrete Periodic Habitat. II. Bistable Pulsating Waves and Propagation Direction. 64 - Sárka Necasová, John Sebastian H. Simon:
On a Nonlocal Two-Phase Flow with Convective Heat Transfer. 65 - Rouslan Krechetnikov:
Transverse Instability of Concentric Water Waves. 66 - Dan J. Hill
Predicting the Emergence of Localised Dihedral Patterns in Models for Dryland Vegetation. 67 - Daniel W. Boutros
, Simon Markfelder
, Edriss S. Titi
Nonuniqueness of Generalised Weak Solutions to the Primitive and Prandtl Equations. 68 - Rong Zhou, Shi-Liang Wu, Xiongxiong Bao:
Propagation Dynamics for a Degenerate Delayed System with Nonlocal Dispersal in Periodic Habitats. 69 - Tiago de Carvalho, Douglas D. Novaes, Durval José Tonon:
Sliding Mode on Tangential Sets of Filippov Systems. 70 - Chunhua Jin
Finite Time Blow-Up and Chemotactic Collapse in Keller-Segel Model with Signal Consumption. 71 - Georgios Fotopoulos
, Nikos I. Karachalios
, Vassilis Koukouloyannis
, P. Kyriazopoulos, Konstantinos Vetas
The Discrete Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation with Linear Gain and Nonlinear Loss: The Infinite Lattice with Nonzero Boundary Conditions and Its Finite-Dimensional Approximations. 72 - Sean P. McGowan
, William S. P. Robertson
, Chantelle Blachut
, Sanjeeva Balasuriya
Optimal Reconstruction of Vector Fields from Data for Prediction and Uncertainty Quantification. 73 - Daniele Avitabile
, Nikolai V. Chemetov, P. M. Lima:
Well-Posedness and Regularity of Solutions to Neural Field Problems with Dendritic Processing. 74 - Rafael López
The Hanging Chain Problem in the Sphere and in the Hyperbolic Plane. 75 - Shangkun Weng, Wengang Yang, Na Zhang:
Smooth Subsonic and Transonic Spiral Flows with Nonzero Vorticity to Steady Euler-Poisson System in Concentric Cylinders. 76 - Christian Bick
, Tobias Böhle
, Christian Kuehn:
Higher-Order Network Interactions Through Phase Reduction for Oscillators with Phase-Dependent Amplitude. 77 - Shuangquan Xie, Wen Yang, Jiaojiao Zhang:
Oscillatory Motions of Multiple Spikes in Three-Component Reaction-Diffusion Systems. 78 - Bertram Düring, Jonathan Franceschi
, Marie-Therese Wolfram, Mattia Zanella:
Breaking Consensus in Kinetic Opinion Formation Models on Graphons. 79 - Manuela A. D. Aguiar
, Ana Dias
, Pedro Soares:
Towards a Classification of Steady-State Bifurcations for Networks with Asymmetric Inputs. 80
Volume 34, Number 5, October 2024
- François Gay-Balmaz, Cesare Tronci:
Complex Fluid Models of Mixed Quantum-Classical Dynamics. 81 - Laurel Ohm
Well-Posedness of a Viscoelastic Resistive Force Theory and Applications to Swimming. 82 - Michael Hintermüller, Steven-Marian Stengl:
A Generalized Γ-Convergence Concept for a Class of Equilibrium Problems. 83 - Marzia Bisi, Silvia Lorenzani:
Mathematical Models for the Large Spread of a Contact-Based Infection: A Statistical Mechanics Approach. 84 - Yu Jin, Rui Peng:
A Time-Periodic Parabolic Eigenvalue Problem on Finite Networks and Its Applications. 85 - Janusz Ginster
On the Formation of Microstructure for Singularly Perturbed Problems with Two, Three, or Four Preferred Gradients. 90 - Jorge Silva Garcia, Tomoki Ohsawa:
Controlled Lagrangians and Stabilization of Euler-Poincaré Equations with Symmetry Breaking Nonholonomic Constraints. 91 - Ali Ellouze, Bastien Fernandez:
Dynamics of Buyer Populations in Fresh Product Markets. 92 - Na Zhao, Jian Song
, Ke He, Shenquan Liu:
The Bifurcation and Multi-timescale Singularity Analysis of the AII Amacrine Cell Firing Activities in Retina. 93 - Peng Li, Xiaofeng Zhang, Rong Yuan:
Asymptotic Behavior of a Stochastic Generalized Nutrient-Phytoplankton-Zooplankton Model. 94 - Brian K. Tran, Ben S. Southworth, Melvin Leok:
On Properties of Adjoint Systems for Evolutionary PDEs. 95 - Hebai Chen, Hao Yang, Rui Zhang
, Xiang Zhang:
New Criterions on Nonexistence of Periodic Orbits of Planar Dynamical Systems and Their Applications. 96 - Andrew R. Axelsen
, Courtney R. Quinn, Andrew P. Bassom:
Finite-Time Analysis of Crises in a Chaotically Forced Ocean Model. 97 - Ya-Jie Liu, Hui Alan Wang, Xiang-Ke Chang, Xing-Biao Hu, Ying-Nan Zhang:
Integrable Variants of the Toda Lattice. 98
Volume 34, Number 6, December 2024
- Guowei Dai, Fei Xu, Yong Zhang
The Dynamics of Periodic Traveling Interfacial Electrohydrodynamic Waves: Bifurcation and Secondary Bifurcation. 99 - Stefan Krömer
, Martin Kruzík
, Marco Morandotti
, Elvira Zappale
Measure-Valued Structured Deformations. 100 - Gaoyang She, Fengqi Yi:
Stability and Bifurcation Analysis of a Reaction-Diffusion SIRS Epidemic Model with the General Saturated Incidence Rate. 101 - Ernest Fontich, Antonio Garijo, Xavier Jarque:
Chaotic Dynamics at the Boundary of a Basin of Attraction via Non-transversal Intersections for a Non-global Smooth Diffeomorphism. 102 - Angel Durán, Nuria Reguera:
Solitary-Wave Solutions of the Fractional Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation: I - Existence and Numerical Generation. 103 - R. Ahmad, Mark D. Groves, D. Nilsson:
A Resonant Lyapunov Centre Theorem with an Application to Doubly Periodic Travelling Hydroelastic Waves. 104 - Jesús Dueñas
, Carmen Núñez
, Rafael Obaya
Critical Transitions for Asymptotically Concave or d-Concave Nonautonomous Differential Equations with Applications in Ecology. 105 - Bing Luo, Wei Li:
Biologically Inspired Pectoral Propulsors with Flapping and Rowing Control for a Specified Stroke Plane Angle. 106 - Yassine Tahraoui
, Fernanda Cipriano
Invariant Measures for a Class of Stochastic Third-Grade Fluid Equations in 2D and 3D Bounded Domains. 107 - José F. Cariñena, Anindya Ghose Choudhury, Partha Guha:
Levinson-Smith Dissipative Equations and Geometry of GENERIC Formalism and Contact Hamiltonian Mechanics. 108 - Shuqiang Zhu:
The Schubart Orbits in the Curved Three-Body Problem with Two Equal Masses. 109 - Luis C. García-Naranjo
, Juan Carlos Marrero
, David Martín de Diego
, Paolo E. Petit Valdés:
Almost-Poisson Brackets for Nonholonomic Systems with Gyroscopic Terms and Hamiltonisation. 110 - Théophile Dolmaire, Juan J. L. Velázquez:
Collapse of Inelastic Hard Spheres in Dimension $d \ge 2$. 111 - Matthew Enlow, Adam Larios, Jiahong Wu:
Calmed 3D Navier-Stokes Equations: Global Well-Posedness, Energy Identities, Global Attractors, and Convergence. 112 - Anna Vainchtein, Lev Truskinovsky:
Solitary Waves and Kinks in FPU Lattices with Soft-Hard-Soft Trilinear Interactions. 113 - Dongchen Shangguan, Qimin Zhang, Jing Hu, Xining Li:
Geometric Ergodicity of a Stochastic Reaction-Diffusion Tuberculosis Model with Varying Immunity Period. 114 - Miguel Vaquero, Jorge Cortés, David Martín de Diego
Symmetry Preservation in Hamiltonian Systems: Simulation and Learning. 115 - Brett Ehrman, Mathew A. Johnson, Stéphane Lafortune
Orbital Stability of Smooth Solitary Waves for the Novikov Equation. 116
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