Follow-up on the Costs of the Writer's Dice Kickstarter Campaign
In the spirit of transparency, I wanted to share a basic overview of costs for the Writer's Dice kickstarter campaign. Many thanks to my wife Megan who's been keeping track of this info. Our costs consider the following: • Kickstarter's cut • Amazon Payments' cut • Final product dice • Prototype dice • Baggies • Address labels • Padded envelopes • Mailbox rental • Shipping A total cost of $4375 . That's rounded up slightly to consider the stragglers we still need to ship out. The amount does not consider things like any returned packages (extra postage), printer ink, mileage, and our time/labor. We haven't found out the costs of North Carolina sales tax just yet, which Kickstarter doesn't have a way of calculating. Also, the amount of postage for parcels went up a bit before we were able to send everything out, which raised the overall cost of shipping somewhat higher than we expected. We probably could have saved a tiny bit of money by not...