“Restriction enzymes are the enzymes produced by certain bacteria that have the property of cleaving DNA molecule at or near specific base sequences.”
Read on to explore what are restriction enzymes, their types and applications.
What are Restriction Enzymes?
The restriction enzyme is a protein produced by bacteria that cleaves the DNA at specific sites. This site is known as the restriction site.
The restriction enzymes protect the live bacteria from bacteriophages. They recognize and cleave at the restriction sites of the bacteriophage and destroy its DNA.
Restriction enzymes are important tools for genetic engineering. They can be isolated from the bacteria and used in the laboratories.
The restriction enzymes recognize short and specific nucleotide sequences in the DNA known as the recognition sequences. When the restriction enzyme recognizes a DNA sequence, it hydrolyzes the bond between adjacent nucleotide and cuts through the DNA molecule.
The bacteria prevents its own DNA sequences from degradation by the addition of the methyl group at the adenine or cytosine bases within the recognition sequence with the help of enzyme methylases.
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These restriction enzymes cut the DNA far from the recognition sequences. However, they do not produce discrete restriction fragments, hence, are of not much practical value.
These are complex, multi-subunit restriction and modification enzymes. They were initially thought to be rare, but through genomic analysis, they are found to be common and are of considerable biochemical interest.
These enzymes cut at specific positions closer to or within the restriction sites. Discrete restriction fragments and gel banding patterns are observed. They are exclusively used for DNA analysis and gene cloning in the laboratories. These are a family of unrelated proteins. They are named after the bacterial species from which they are isolated. For eg., EcoRI is isolated from bacterial species E.coli. The restriction enzymes generate two different types of cuts. Blunt ends are produced when they cut the DNA at the centre of the recognition sequence, and sticky ends produce an overhang.
These are multi-functional proteins with two subunits- Res and Mod. It is a modification methyltransferase. The DNA sequence specific for the system is recognized by the Mod subunit.
They are used in RFLP techniques to cut the DNA into smaller fragments to study the fragment length differences among the individuals.
During cloning, a gene is inserted into a plasmid. Restriction enzymes cut the plasmid producing single-stranded overhangs. The two DNA molecules are ligated with the help of DNA ligase to form a single DNA molecule.
Also read: Principles Of Biotechnology
For more information on Restriction Enzymes, its types, applications and related topics, visit us @ BYJU’S Biology
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Frequently Asked Questions
How is a restriction site recognized by the restriction enzymes?
What are exonucleases?
How does a restriction enzyme protect its own DNA from cleavage?
How does the modified DNA remain protected after replication?
How many types of restriction enzymes are there?