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Generation IV hybrid glitch Pokémon
The Bulbasaur hybrid, hexadecimal number 8001.
EV yield
HP ?
Atk ?
Def ?
Sp.Atk ?
Sp.Def ?
Speed ?
Exp. ?
Generation IV hybrids are glitch Pokémon that share the sprites of normal Pokémon. Before the battle starts, the Pokémon's sprite jumps around the screen in a line going left to right and they hover above the ground. They crash the game when their undefined Pokédex entry is viewed (some emulators can view the entry, but all cartridge versions will crash at this point), when they attempt to use their currently unknown glitch move, and when the player attempts to view their stats screen. All hybrids have a common moveset. They do not exist in Generation V because improved error handling capabilities withdraw the pointer data for species identifier modulo 651. This is also a similar case with Pokémon Battle Revolution, where any Pokémon with species identifier greater than 495 (or with a species identifier of 0) is taken as (no Pokémon).
Game data
Game location
Base stats
Type effectiveness
Research is incomplete at this time.
This section is incomplete. Please feel free to edit this section to add missing information and complete it. Reason: moves
- Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Generation IV hybrid
- Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an Evolution of Generation IV hybrid
- Click on the generation numbers at the top to see level-up moves from other generations
There are 494 hybrid forms, one for each Pokémon and an additional one for ----- (index #000).
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- Any given Generation IV hybrid's hexadecimal identifier is the same as the corresponding Pokémon's, but with an 8 at the beginning instead of a 0 (e.g. Bulbasaur is hex 0001, its hybrid is hex 8001).
- Generation IV hybrids can be caught in a cartridge version without the game crashing by using a Fossil modifier code.
- Generation IV hybrids grow to the levels 1, 4, and 9 twice.
- Generation IV hybrids skip levels 22, 30, 35, 44, 51, 56, and 62.
- The Generation IV hybrids' unknown starting move is similar to the -- move, as it initially has no available PP.
- At level 1, Generation IV hybrids attempt to learn an alternating sequence of Double-Edge and seemingly random moves.
- At level 42, Generation IV hybrids attempt to learn Signal Beam seven times.
- At level 64, Generation IV hybrids attempt to learn the glitch move "-" ten times.
- Generation IV hybrids can learn several signature moves, such as Present, Heal Order, Chatter, and Heart Swap.
- Generation IV hybrids try to learn Struggle at level 59.
- Generation IV hybrids can learn some TM and HM moves by level up. They cannot learn any HM moves by using HMs, and, by using TMs, they can only learn two moves, Light Screen and Charge Beam.
- The first Generation IV hybrid ever discovered (as documented online) was a hybrid of Tentacool by Gawaxay, Newo and others. Its index number is 0x8048.[1]
See also