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Food provision has increasingly become a topic of international political debate. Fueling this debate is a growing concern over the escalating privatization and corporatization of food systems around the world. Over the last several... more
Over the past several years, we have been engaged in human-rights/disabilityrights activism and organizing with disabled and/or traumatized survivors who have been victims of the state violence (e.g., war, incarceration, forced... more
Freire’s influential text, Pedagogy of the Oppressed, relies on both anthropocentric and speciesist arguments to articulate a pedagogy for human liberation. While Freire’s anthropocentric understandings of “nature” have been more... more
Freegans and raccoons experience social and cultural vilification within North America. Rather than separate phenomena, there is a distinct interdependence of discourses relating to humanity and animality that inform popular... more
Essay on vivisection, resistance, and empathy published as part of the liner notes for the documentary Maximum Tolerated Dose, "A look inside modern animal experimentation with the animals who lived through it and the people who walked... more
This contemporary social theory course takes conversation as its central metaphor and critical thinking as its guiding principle. As such, the course can be understood as a set of conversations among those who critically analyse social... more
A Spanish version of my Animal Voices interview with Sociologist David Nibert, "Cows, Colonialism, and Capitalism" (tran. Hajime Espinosa) published in the Latin American Journal of Critical Animals Studies. Translated by Hajime... more
2016. In J. Castricano and L. Corman (Eds.) Animal Subjects 2.0. (pp. 243-512). Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press. “The Ventriloquist’s Burden: Animal Advocacy and the Problem of Speaking for Others,” addresses animals and... more
This chapter asks critical animal studies scholars, intersectional nonhuman animal advocates, and anyone who recognizes that profit drives the overwhelming majority of violence against other animals to take seriously their exploitation... more
Link: Los trabajos editados y compilados en el libro "Anima animalia: el animalismo o el coraje de devenir otro", por Anahí Gabriela González, Cassiana Lopes Stephan y Nahid Steingress-Carballa, constituyen... more
This paper bridges critical conversations regarding animal exploitation and racialized violence that have been occurring throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. We apply Claire Jean Kim’s analysis of taxonomies of power to help make sense of... more
This chapter puts the torture and subsequent trauma resulting from the human experiments at the now infamous Oak Ridge psychiatric facility— a maximum security forensic hospital— in conversation with the torture and subsequent trauma... more
This paper engages with Ghassan Hage's concepts of 'ungovernable waste' and 'generalized domestication' to think critically about the sociopolitical position and futures of farmed animals in the context of ongoing climate and ecological... more
Drawing on interviews, archival research and statistical data, this paper compares the status of women and men in the teaching profession in Saskatchewan through an examination of changes over time in the sex composition of teachers,... more