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In this paper I revisit previous critiques that I have made of much, though by no means all, bioethical discourse. These pertain to faithfulness to dualistic ontology, a taken-for-granted normative anthropocentrism, and the exclusion of a... more
Is attention both necessary and sufficient for consciousness? Call this central question of this treatise, “Q.” We commonly have the experience of consciously paying attention to something, but is it possible to be conscious of something... more
“Power is war, the continuation of war by other means”: Foucault’s reversal of Clausewitz’s formula has become a staple of critical theory — but it remains highly problematic on a conceptual level. Elaborated during Foucault’s 1976... more
La tesi presenta inizialmente il pensiero di Jacques Derrida sull'animalità. Il tema affrontato è la sovranità dell'uomo sul resto dei viventi, in particolare nei riguardi della discriminazione dell'animalità. Nei capitoli a seguire si... more
Presentación de la traducción del capítulo 5 del libro de Piers Beirne, Confrontando el abuso a animales. Ley, criminología y relaciones humano-animal (2009). Incluye la traducción realizada por Ana Zacil Vieyra Ramírez y revisada por... more
Modern-day zoos and aquariums market themselves as places of education and conservation. A recent study conducted by the American Zoo and Aquarium Association (AZA) (Falk et al., 2007) is being widely heralded as the first direct evidence... more
This is an early paper that reviews approaches to animal ethics and discusses their applicability to transformation of food animals using rDNA techniques. Although it may be useful to many readers, the content of the paper has been... more
According to the International Federation of Horseracing Authorities, 53,786 horses raced flat in the US, 30,271 in Australia and 22,995 in Japan in 2013 alone.(1) Horse racing is a lucrative business with $682,811,690 in prize money... more
Extraterritorial jurisdiction stands at the juncture of international law and animal law and promises to open a path to understanding and resolving the global problems that challenge the core of animal law. As corporations have relocated... more
The paper [in Polish] analyzes ethical aspects of invasive species extermination. It confronts two perspectives: conservation biology and animal welfare, which create a discourse around this problem. We advocate for including welfarist... more
Depuis son passage de l'utilitarisme des préférences à l'utilitarisme hédoniste, Peter Singer est exposé à l'argument du remplacement, fréquemment cité en éthique animale. Le philosophe l'accepte, il va jusqu'à affirmer qu'en théorie... more
In this chapter, I argue that we must think about justice for all animals through the cosmopolitan lens. After some preliminary remarks about global justice and cosmopolitanism, I explore the ways in which the current global order... more
Despite their centrality to the operation of contemporary accredited zoo and aquarium institutions, the work of zoo veterinarians has rarely been the focus of a critical analysis in the social science and humanities. Drawing on in-depth... more
The article uses the example of Kevin Warwick’s robot with the living brain (Robot Gordon) to review the phenomenon of brain organoids creation, one of the applications of which is to replace animals in neurological experiments. However,... more
Our main research question is how pliable Norwegian meat consumption practices are. However it is not any type of elasticity we are interested in. We are specifically interested in the scope for what we dub the “4Rs” of responsible meat... more
This chapter highlights several criticisms of zoos, then provides a vision for new zoos: “nooz.” Offering a new name to these institutions makes a clear break from the old model, which is fundamentally exploitative. The common denominator... more
To determine what are considered acceptable standards for animal research (AR) methodology and translation rate to humans, a validated survey was sent to: a) a sample of the general public, via Sampling Survey International (SSI; Canada),... more
The essential difficulty about Computer Ethics’ (CE) philosophical status is a methodological problem: standard ethical theories cannot easily be adapted to deal with CE-problems, which appear to strain their conceptual resources, and CE... more
This 5-part series of articles (written as an undergraduate major in Philosophy and Government) at the College of William and Mary) is the first major study of the animal rights and animal liberation movement that was fully emerging in... more
This book presents a series of possible future scenarios in wildlife and animal tourism by combining critical thinking and imagination to stimulate reflection and ways forward. The future of wildlife tourism faces uncertainties that... more
David J. Gunkel was a keynote speaker for “Identity, Agency, and the Digital Nexus”, April 2013, SSHRC funded international symposium hosted by Athabasca University. His talk challenged the audience to reframe and rethink the... more
Introdução: O emprego de animais vertebrados para obter-se o conhecimento existe há mais de 2.000 anos1, enquanto que o uso de invertebrados remonta desde século XIX2. Devido à crença que os animais eram inferiores ao homem, cientistas do... more
Commentary for "The Psychology of Cows" by Lori Marino and Kristin Allen If we come to find that cows have rich mental lives, are there ethically important consequences for how we relate to and treat them? A positive answer to this... more
Ethics of Animal Use by Peter Sandøe, Stine B. Christiansen is reviewed. Sande and Christiansen offer a helpful introductory book on ethics and animal use that is geared primarily toward teaching ethics in veterinary and animal science... more
For centuries, animals have worked alongside humans in a wide variety of workplaces, yet they are rarely recognized as workers or accorded labour rights. Many animal rights advocates have argued that using animals for their labour is... more
Animal Assisted Play Therapy® is a unique, theoretically integrative approach developed by coauthors Dr. Risë VanFleet and Tracie Faa-Thompson. It refers to the involvement of animals in professional mental health, allied health, and... more
Prosocial behaviours (providing benefits to a recipient with or without cost for the donor) have been found to be highly influenced by sex and by hierarchy. Rodents, in particular, are good model for studying prosocial responses , as they... more
In this article, we develop and defend an account of the normative significance of nonhuman animal agency. In particular, we examine how animals’ agency interests impact upon the moral permissibility of our interactions with them. First,... more
The cover of Multicultural Citizenship, Will Kymlicka’s influential defence of special rights for cultural minorities, reproduces Edward Hicks’s beautiful painting The Peaceable Kingdom. Hicks’s painting commemorates a treaty thepainter... more
The following is a draft excerpt from my forthcoming book, Eco-Nihilism: The Philosophical Geopolitics of the Climate Change Apocalypse. It concerns the the commodification of nonhuman animals, particularly endangered species. Climate... more
In this paper I defend the claim that many sentient nonhuman animals have a right to privacy. I begin by outlining the view that the human right to privacy protects our interest in shaping different relationships with one another by... more
Miranda Fricker (2007) explains that hermeneutical injustice occurs when an area of one's social experience is obscured from the collective understanding. However, Fricker focuses only on the injustice suffered by those who cannot render... more