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Showing posts with label Economics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Economics. Show all posts

Monday, November 16, 2020

COVID-19 Tun M 
1. We know that COVID-19 not only threatens life but also destroys our economy. By preventing us from working normally, it reduces our productivity, and therefore our wealth generation.

2. While we should try to reduce the threat to our health and life, we should also try to resuscitate our economy. We know that certain industries actually do better during the pandemic. Certainly, the gloves industry has prospered greatly. But the automotive industry has also done quite well. Proton and Perodua are good examples.

3. I think there are many other businesses and industries which may benefit from the constrains due to the pandemic.

4. If we examine the demands worldwide, we may be able to identify industries we can go into. Even the businesses which have suffered because of reduced demand may present opportunities if we study the causes of the reduction in demand.

5. The Oil and Gas industry has declined resulting in a decline in the parts and component industry. Some of the suppliers have closed shop. But Oil and Gas still needs the support of numerous suppliers. Better marketing systems may enable the surviving suppliers or new suppliers to meet the reduced demands.

6. The cost of doing business must be lower now. The reduced demand which causes the closure of industries, would also result in loss of jobs. Cost of labour at all level would diminish. Even raw material would cost less. In many countries wage-earners are willing to accept cuts in their salaries. And this include top executives.

7. If production cost is less then products too would cost less. Investments which need less capital should make some projects feasible.

8. Today all transactions, buying, selling and delivering are done online. This had made the market bigger. More business can be done with this bigger market. We know how Jack Ma of Ali Baba has achieved huge sales volume. We should go for the world market. We should not confine ourselves to local markets.

9. Modern agriculture can contribute much to meeting food needs, through increases in productivity. It can also create new sources of income for those who have lost jobs. Modern agriculture does not depend on the size of the land available.

10. It is time we go into mix farming instead of depending on just one crop. Malaysia is blessed with having just one season throughout the year. When others are unable to farm in the winter, we can continue without stoppage.

11. The Government has a role to play to revive the economy. During the pandemic revenue must decrease but Government will need to support the people with stimulus packages. For this the budget needs to be adjusted.

12. Bureaucratic processes should be minimised when new products or new systems are introduced.

13. We need to be serious about reviving the economy. This pandemic is not going to end soon.

14. The economy cannot depend on old normals. New normals must be established taking the restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

1. Saya mengaku saya terlibat dengan ciptaan pendekatan untuk mengatasi masalah kewangan pada 1997- 1998.

2. Ya, memang pun cara kita selesaikan krisis menolong taikun di Malaysia.

3. Memanglah baik jika kita tidak menolong taikun dan biarkan mereka dan perniagaan mereka rugi, gagal dan terpaksa ditutup.

4. Dengan ini semua kakitangan mereka (yang kaya dan tidak kaya) akan menganggur. Eksport kita akan menurun dan tidak akan ada pengaliran wang asing ke dalam negara kita.

5. Kerajaan pula akan hilang cukai korporat dan cukai pendapatan kerana sebahagian besar cukai dibayar oleh taikun. Sebahagian besar dari dana Kerajaan akan hilang. Operasi dan pembangunan negara tidak dapat diteruskan. Segala infrastruktur tidak dapat dibangunkan.

6. Dalam keadaan kehilangan cukai keatas taikun kita terpaksa mengenakan cukai kepada yang bukan ditakrif sebagai taikun. Setelah membayar cukai oleh bukan taikun, mereka akan masuk dalam golongan mereka yang miskin.

7. Pada satu masa 70 tahun dahulu taikun dibunuh dan harta mereka dirampas di beberapa buah negara. Semua perniagaan dan perusahaan diambil oleh pemerintah dengan harapan 100% dari keuntungan akan diperolehi oleh Kerajaan.

8. Jika kita hendak kita boleh halau keluar semua taikun ini. Jangan tolong mereka. Biar mereka bankrap. Kita akan tolong yang bukan taikun sahaja.

9. Tetapi dengan apakah yang kita hendak tolong bukan taikun ini selepas semua taikun tidak dapat bayar cukai.

10. Itu soalannya?

11. Saya minta maaf kerana tindakan saya mengatasi krisis kewangan 1997-1998 menguntung taikun.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

GST Tun M 
1. Najib dan konco-konconya masih cuba pertahan cukai G.S.T. sebagai amat penting bagi kewangan Kerajaan. Kononnya tanpa GST Kerajaan tidak boleh berfungsi, tak dapat bangunkan negara.

2. Bahawa negara ini berjaya dibangunkan dahulu sehingga mendapat gelaran “Harimau Asia” tanpa GST tidak disebut sama sekali.

3. Sebenarnya pendapatan Kerajaan tiap tahun sejak 2009 hingga 2017 jauh lebih tinggi (3 kali ganda) dari pendapatan Kerajaan pada 1995-2002. Dengan pertambahan pendapatan yang begitu besar apa perlunya cukai tambahan seperti GST.

4. GST adalah faktor terbesar yang menyebabkan kos sara hidup melambung tinggi. Dengan ditarik balik berbagai subsidi termasuk minyak tekanan ke atas rakyat, terutama golongan miskin dan yang berpendapatan sederhana amatlah berat.

5. Sudah tentu kos sara hidup akan turun jika GST dihapuskan.

6. Penghapusan GST tidak akan menjejaskan pentadbiran dan pembangunan negara. Jika hari ini GST diperlukan sebabnya ialah kerana banyak wang Kerajaan disalah guna dan dibazirkan. Salahguna ini menjadi begitu besar menjelang PRU 14.

7. Sogokan kepada pengundi meningkat dengan mendadak. Wang tunai beribu Ringgit diberi kepada pengundi tanpa sebab. Di tiap-tiap negeri diadakan Ekspo mempamer jabatan-jabatan Kerajaan. Swasta dipaksa ambil bahagian dalam Ekspo ini. Hadiah yang diberi kepada pelanggan cabutan nombor bertuah termasuk rumah dan tanah, kereta dan motosikal, beras berkampit kampit, alatan dapur dan bermacam lagi. Bermillion Ringgit duit Kerajaan disalah guna untuk sogokan ini.

8. Kontrak Kerajaan dinaikkan nilai supaya  sebahagian  diselewengkan untuk kegunaan parti Kerajaan dan orang tertentu.

9. Hutang Kerajaan sekarang sudah hampir 1 trillion. Hutang 1MDB sekarang dibeban kepada Kementerian Kewangan. Bayaran faedah hutang ini menelan ratusan juta Ringgit.

10. Walaupun hutang sudah begitu tinggi, Najib hutang lagi. Keretapi Pantai Timur tidak berdaya maju tetapi pembangunannya dirancang supaya boleh hutang lagi. Lima puluh lima billion Ringgit di hutang dari negara China untuk ECRL walaupun keperluan hanya 35 billion Ringgit.

11. Dirancang lagi keretapi laju dari Singapura ke Kuala Lumpur. Ini memerlukan 60 billion Ringgit. LRT/MRT Kuala Lumpur akan telan berbillion lagi.

12. Dahulu tanpa GST negara bangunkan Lebuhraya Utara Selatan, landasan keretapi berkembar elektrik, Lapangan Terbang KLIA dan di bandar-bandar lain, pelabuhan-pelabuhan, jaringan lebuhraya, pembangunan luar bandar, sekolah, universiti, hospital, bekalan air dan stesen janaelektrik dan bermacam lagi. Sesungguhnya tanpa GST pembangunan  dan pentadbiran negara tidak terjejas bahkan lebih hebat dari sekarang. Hutang negara juga tidak begitu tinggi. Beban bayaran hutang tidak memakan peratusan yang tinggi dalam belanjawan negara.

13. Dengan pendapatan  Kerajaan jauh lebih tinggi dari dahulu, pentadbiran dan pembangunan negara sepatutnya ternampak jelas. Tetapi hakikatnya tidak banyak pembangunan terlihat dan yang meningkat dengan tinggi ialah hutang.

14. Sesungguhnya bukan sahaja GST tidak diperlukan tetapi hutang juga tidak perlu dipinjam dengan begitu banyak.

15. GST tidak diperlukan. Yang penting ialah pentadbiran dan pembangunan negara dibuat secara berhemah, tanpa pembaziran, tanpa rasuah.

16. Jikalau dahulu kita dapat bangunkan negara sehingga dikenali sebagai Asian Tiger, tidak ada sebab kenapa kita tidak boleh bangunkan negara dengan lebih baik dengan pendapatan Kerajaan jauh lebih tinggi tanpa GST.

17. Dibawah ini diperturunkan angka-angka pendapatan Kerajaan antara tahun 1995 hingga 1997, pendapatan antara tahun 2000 hingga 2002, dan pendapatan antara tahun 2009 hingga 2017.

Monday, November 6, 2017


1. Dibawah dasar ekonomi Najib, ramailah orang Melayu yang sudah menjadi kaya. Separuh menjadi kaya dengan mudah. Apa yang diperlukan hanyalah memberi sokongan tidak berbelah bahagi kepada Raja Wang Tunai.

2. Jangan tanya dari mana wang itu datang. Jangan soal. Terima sahaja. Halalkannya dengan ibadah tertentu.

3. Jika dihadiah jawatan, guna jawatan untuk sauk duit yang ditangani. Jangan takut. Jika SPRM terjumpa, tindakan tidak akan diambil atau mengambil masa yang amat panjang.

4. Jika memegang jawatan yang tinggi dalam pemerintahan, peluang banyak akan terdapat untuk seleweng. Jika tidak ada tempat untuk simpan ratusan juta, bawah katil, bawah T.V. pun boleh. Untuk lebih selamat kongsi bersama pihak yang berjawatan tinggi dan berkuasa.

5. Jika berpeluang bawa wang tunai itu ke Hong Kong atau Australia. Jika dikesan dan kena tangkap tak mengapa. Kata tak faham bahasa Inggeris.

6. Jangan takut SPRM tak akan siasat. Kalau ada berbillion dalam akaun, okay. Ada A.G. Boleh sembunyi fakta, laporan, bukti.

7. Sekarang datang satu cara baru. Orang asing nak beli tanah di Malaysia. Pinjamkan nama sebagai Presiden, CEO, pengurus untuk tubuh syarikat Bumi Sdn. Bhd. Beli tanah. Harga tak penting. Beli, beli, beli.

8. Yang mudah sekali tanah orang Melayu. Tak mahu jual, naik harga. Naik harga, naik harga sehingga jual. Tanah milik bukan Melayu pun boleh beli jika kena harga.

9. Pemilik syarikat akan hadiah bermillion Ringgit kepada tuan punya nama pinjaman untuk syarikat yang didaftar sebagai syarikat tempatan milik bumi. Orang asing yang pinjam nama orang bumi amat kaya. Mereka memiliki berbillion Ringgit. Banyaklah tanah akan dimiliki oleh mereka melalui proksi Melayu.

10. Melayu ini akan kaya. Mereka akan naikkan pendapatan sekepala Melayu. Fikirkan jika seorang dari 1000 orang Melayu menjadi jutawan, pendapat purata tiap seorang dari 999 yang tidak berpendapatan akan berjumlah RM1000.

11. Inilah cara Melayu boleh jadi kaya dan pendapatan per kapita mereka meningkat.

12. Kemudian apabila dihitung, Melayu tak ada tanah lagi. Warga Malaysia lain pun sudah tidak ada tanah lagi. Bersama dengan TRX, Sg Besi, Melaka, Kuantan, Johor, Langkawi, Kedah, tanah yang berharga sudah tidak lagi milik rakyat. Ia sudah jadi sebahagian dari negara lain.

13. Tetapi okay. Melayu dan lain-lain warganegara sudah kaya. Sekurang-kurangnya sebahagian dari hutang 1 billion sudah dibayar. Bandar-bandar moden, canggih dan mewah terdiri di seluruh negara. Dan orang Malaysia, terutama orang Melayu dapat melihat dengan bangganya betapa Malaysia sudah jadi negara maju, penuh dengan pencakar langit. Mereka sendiri tinggal dalam pondok papan berbumbung zink di kawasan setinggan.

14. Kekayaan hasil dari pinjaman nama rupa-rupanya tidak kekal. Dan kembalilah orang Melayu ke pinggir hutan, jauh dari pencakar langit yang memenuhi tanah Melayu dahulu.

15. Ingat, kita jual Singapura. Masih kita punyakah? Tanah di Malaysia yang kita jual kepada orang asing, masih kita punyakah?

16. Bukan sahaja sudah bukan kita punya, undang-undang negara kita, duit negara kita juga tidak diguna. Masih kita punya kah?

17. Apabila kita sudah jual semua tanah kita, apakah Malaysia masih kita punya?

18. Sokonglah Najib, penyangak, perompak dan lanun Melayu.

Friday, November 3, 2017

IN an article published by Malaysiakini here on 30th Oct, 2017 titled “Najib launches into lengthy broadside against Dr M at dinner event” the PM made remarks which most believe is directed at me. I am reproducing Malaysiakini’s article below and my responses in bold. Malaysiakini reports Najib’s lengthiest broadsides against me though not by name.

He did this in a keynote address, titled “Governance in a Developing Democracy”, at a dinner organised by the United Nations Association Malaysia (UNAM) in Kuala Lumpur. The Prime Minister in his speech lamented what he termed to be the “epidemic of fake news”.

Dr M: What fake news! If they are fake prove that the Dept of Justice, America’s report about purchases of residence in UK and US, Wolf of Wall Street film, purchases of paintings, pink diamonds did not happen, that USD 3.5 billion of Riza’s money came from his family, that 1MDB money did not pass through Singapore banks as reported by officials, that USD 681 million was not in his account at AmBank, that Jho Low is not the recipient of 1MDB money.” Don’t just deny. Don’t ignore. Give prove. All money transactions are documented. Show us the documents on all the transaction involving 1MDB money. Sue the Dept. of Justice of America, the Monetary Authority of Singapore. Let Jho Low answer questions by American authorities.

Najib said: “From time to time, some Western media outlets have been featuring interviews with one of our former leaders and presenting his allegations about the country as facts.
“They are not. This former leader has been on a nearly three-year mission to illegitimately topple the democratically elected government of Malaysia in between election cycles.”

Dr M: What is illegitimate about toppling a democratically elected Government? It happens in Brazil, in South Korea and in many democratic countries in the past, between elections. The evidences against the overthrown leaders were not even clear. Already they were overthrown. Here the evidence is overwhelming – but hidden by the Attorney General. If the A.G. charges him in court, he would be overthrown today.

This former leader, Najib added, has tried “every method at his disposal and failed each time”.

Dr M: The attempts failed because there is no rule of law in Malaysia. Reports against Najib result in arrest and jailing of the man reporting. Reports by institutions are made official secrets. Judgement is passed by the A.G., not a court of law. Have a proper hearing and I will accept the verdict. If guilty step down.

As a result, Najib said, the leader was making himself available to any media organisation that was willing to listen so that he could “spread fake news and tell lies about his country for selfish political gains”.

Dr M: The print and electronic media in Malaysia is controlled by Government. Even Parliament cannot discuss 1MDB and the 2.6 billion Ringgit in Najib’s account. UMNO General Assembly was instructed to be silent on these. Am I supposed to censor myself when asked by foreigners. I have been talking to foreigners throughout my life. Prove that what I say is fake. Let’s have “Nothing to hide 3”.

Najib said: “He seems to think that if he tells a lie often enough, people will begin to believe it is true. And unfortunately, that may be the case as no one would expect a former leader to tell outright untruths.”

For instance, Najib cited the former leader’s oft-repeated claim that Malaysia was among the top 10 most corrupt countries in the world.
“When challenged to produce evidence for this, he is unable to do so. That is because it is nonsense.”

Dr M: It is the foreign media which repeatedly and extensively published Malaysia as among the 10 most corrupt country here , here , here , here and here to name a few. During by-elections money was openly paid to voters, kitchen appliances were given. The 2018 budget is offering money to people prior to an election. I don’t have to repeat my accusations. The people are already repeating them and telling me.

Citing Transparency International’s latest ranking, Najib pointed out how Malaysia was listed among the top third least corrupt countries, at 55th place out of 176.

Dr M: What about Transparency International (TI) Chief, Jose Ugaz’s speech on 2nd Sept. 2015 at the opening of the 16th IACC in Malaysia. Among other things Ugaz said;

“….What does that mean for Malaysia? The government has taken measures and initiatives to tackle corruption. We will surely hear that from the minister. We want to see more progress but that cannot happen while there are unanswered questions about the $700m that made its way into the Prime Minister’s personal bank account. In recent weeks we have seen the Attorney-General who was critical of the government suddenly replaced, the 1MDB taskforce suspended, investigators at the Anti-Corruption Commission arrested or transferred, and newspapers suspended for reporting on the matter. These are not the actions of a government that is fighting corruption. We may well hear promises of reform. That is not what is needed at this time. And promises alone will not restore confidence and trust. There are two questions that need to be answered: Who paid the money and why? Where did it go? One man could answer those questions. If that does not happen then only a fully independent investigation, free from political interference, can uncover the truth.
Until that happens, no claim from the government on anti-corruption will be credible.

You can read the whole speech here or watch the video clip at the end of this posting

On the former leader’s claim that the country was going bankrupt, Najib refuted this by quoting the World Bank, which stated that the “Malaysian economy is progressing from a position of strength”.

Dr M: The Malaysian Government total debt is almost one trillion Ringgit. Show how you are going to pay this. Let independent auditors audit KWSP, Tabung Haji, KWAP, FGV and PNB.

Najib said: “Another, which is laughable, is that Malaysia is in danger of sliding into dictatorship.”

Dr M: There already is a dictatorship in Malaysia now. There is no rule of law. A.G. prevents Najib’s case from going to court. Opposition figures are hounded and detained. Possible supporters of opposition are accused by MACC of corruption and money laundering without proof.

Ignoring the 2.6 billion in Najib’s account, the MACC is instead accusing, detaining and questioning a former minister on unfounded suspicion of corruption.

Najib insisted that elections are fiercely fought in the country, while the opposition has significant representation in Parliament and also controls three states.

Dr M: Elections were free before. Now there is a lot of cheating especially postal votes. In Pekan, Najib’s margin of 250 in 1999 increased to 25,000 in 2004 while the electorate increased from 35,000 to 80,000. There is no way for these increases to happen .Obviously the additional voters were created out of nothing. Financing of the opposition is actively blocked by Najib. All banks, even private one are closed to the opposition.

Najib said: “We have allowed demonstrations against the government in Kuala Lumpur. These are not the markers of a dictatorship. The claim is ridiculous. The irony is that this former leader has admitted that he himself was a dictator when in office. And this is his words, not mine,” said Najib to laughter from the audience.”

Dr M: If I can call myself a dictator, Najib should call himself a tyrant. I respected the law and I resigned of my own free will. Let’s see Najib do the same. Najib abuses the law with the help of the IGP and A.G. Or he should consider calling himself a crook. After all he had attained that acclaim in the Newsweek report during his Trump visit.

Despite all these, Najib noted that many things have changed since the former leader’s time.
“We have made it clear that there will be no more crony capitalism. We have invested in the infrastructure and public transport Malaysia needs and in opposition states as well as BN states, unlike his time.”

Dr M: I had no Jho Low or Riza Aziz

Apart from his veiled attack against Mahathir, Najib in his speech outlined initiatives he had undertaken, which he claimed, were essential to good governance in the country.
“Firstly, the concept of 1Malaysia, People First, Performance Now, secondly, the Government Transformation Programme and thirdly, the Economic Transformation Programme.”

Dr M: This concept is great. People are the first to bail out Government through G.S.T. The only performance we see is the corruption of senior Government servants, hospitals without medicine, low-cost housing not built, additional taxes based on nothing, and raids to oppress people and deter them from supporting the opposition. Registration of the opposition coalition has not been given. 1 Malaysia is about BN first. The only transformation is the new security laws being tightened and more power to the PM to detain people.

He also cited his brainchild – National Transformation 2050 (TN50) – which he said was launched to further strengthen the country.

Dr M: TN50 is launched. By 2050 the debt will bankrupt the country. The 1 trillion national debt will increase to 3 trillion. The Ringgit will depreciate further.

The government’s bottom-up approach in TN50, he said, was a clear example of the government practising good governance in response to the changing needs of a young population.

Dr M: Bottom up means the people must pay GST, endure high cost of living, no scholarship for their children while Najib enjoy the billions stolen from 1MDB, KWAP, KWSP etc.

“The economic performance I have outlined and the acclaim we have received from international organisations should be conclusive proof of the good governance this government has practised in Malaysia,” Najib said.

Dr M: What acclaim! Is being called a kleptocratic country an acclaim?

Below is Transparency International (TI) Chief, Jose Ugaz’s speech on 2nd Sept. 2015 at the opening of the 16th IACC in Malaysia

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

1. Najib’s apologists have tried very hard to justify the GST. The Government collects more than forty-billion Ringgit from GST last year. And more will be collected in the coming years.

2. Unlike income tax, GST is not based on profits. Even when no profits are made or losses incurred the 6% GST must still be paid. It adds to the cost of doing business.

3. The G.T is paid up front. Naturally businessmen will pass on the tax to the consumers. The price of goods and services will have to be raised and this results in inflation. The cost of living would go up. And it has.

4. Effectively the GST is paid by everyone. Even a baby consuming milk would be taxed.

5. Some items might be taxed twice as GST is collected with each transaction. The Government promises to reimburse the tax paid if it is shown that the tax has been paid twice. But this is a slow process and may take months or years. The rebate will not be passed on to the consumers.

6. The reasons why Najib’s Government does not have enough money is because of his abuses in the management of Government funds to gain popularity for himself.

7. BR1M for example costs the Government seven billion Ringgit or more a year. Then there are other handouts such as RM300 for fishermen, RM800 for party members who are chairman of JKKK (Village Development Committee), thousands for Hajj Pilgrims, pensions for retirees not eligible for pension, etc.

8. The emoluments for civil servants have been revised frequently, sometimes by 25%. In addition the number of Government employees has increased to 1,600,000 from the 1 million in the 1980s. This will cause the salary bill to double or more.

9. The increase in minimum wage increases the salaries of all workers at all levels in the Government as well as the private sector. From about RM700, minimum wage has increased to RM1,200 – almost double. When the minimum wage is increased those already receiving more than the new minimum must be increased also. This is in order to sustain parity between different levels or ranks of the employees.

10. Najib also sets up numerous extra Governmental organisations. PEMANDU is a good example where huge salaries, well above the Government’s pay scale are paid to the heads and the staff. New posts are also created in and outside the Government which do not conform to Government’s salary scale. How much they are paid is not known.

11.  All these people who financially benefit from Najib’s largesse may be happy. But actually, the increases in their income benefits them very little. This is because the increases of their pay invariably cause a rise in the cost of living. In other words, the increase in pay does not increase the purchasing power.

12. It is not how much one is paid that is important. What really matters is one’s purchasing power. When cost of goods and services increases the extra income that one gets is quite meaningless.

13. We all know of countries where the pay is in millions but they are all poor because of the depreciation in purchasing power of their money. A country can fail and become bankrupt where workers are paid thousands or even millions every month.

14. During Najib’s premiership crude oil sometimes sold at USD130 per barrel. Petronas paid billions to the Government when petroleum prices were high. Now oil prices have come down to USD50 per barrel. Even then it is higher than during the 80s and 90s when oil was selling at less than USD30 per barrel. So at USD50 Government oil profits and taxes would still be much more than in those years of low oil price.

15. The same goes for profits made by banks and large businesses. It is not unusual to see them make billions of Ringgit in profits p.a. And accordingly the Government must receive much more money by way of petroleum profits and taxes and corporate taxes even today.

16. For all these reasons the Government of today must collect more than was collected in the 80s and 90s. But the Government claims it had to introduce the G.S.T because it is short of funds.

17. The truth is that Najib’s regime is abusing Government revenue by spending huge sums to get popular support for Najib.

18. One of the highest contributor to the shortage of fund is the loans taken by Najib. There is a ceiling to the loans that the Government can raise. But Najib resorted to borrowing by a Government company – the 1MDB, which is not limited by Government rules.

19. Although 1MDB is not a part of the Government, the fact is that it is 100% owned by the Government. This means that if the loan is not serviced or repaid, the Government will have to pay the loans and interest.

20. And so when 1MDB lost money, Government had to take over the company and pay the interest and the loan.

21. It is the same with the 55 billion Ringgit for the east coast Railway. Altogether it is estimated that Najib has borrowed almost 200 billion Ringgit. Some of the loans carry interest rates of 6%.

22. Assuming the average interest rate is 3%, the Government will have to pay 6 billion yearly in interest alone. Paying the principal will cost more billions. It may take two generations to settle all the loans.

23. For servicing and repayment of the loans Najib has resorted to buying Government land at a low price, revaluing it and selling the land at inflated prices.

24. For land at TRX (Tun Razak Exchange) 1MDB paid only RM60/- psf to the Government. It was sold at RM3,500/- psf to Tabung Haji. So the savings of poor people for performing the Hajj have given 1MDB very high returns.

25. The Airforce base at Sungei Besi was also sold by Najib, as were land in Melaka and Pahang.

26. Still the money raised through these land sales will not be able to service and repay loans. So money from normal Government revenue must be used. There will not be enough money in the Consolidated Fund. The next source would be to tax the people. And so the GST.

27. It is true that KWSP, with billions of Ringgit, will have difficulty in investing within the country. It should invest in good foreign companies. But the decision to invest in any company should be based on business considerations. It should not be influenced by political imperatives.

28. But clearly the KWSP is being forced to invest in the United States to please Trump and Najib’s need to have pictures of himself with Trump to show that what the American Department of Justice says about him is not true. But the DoJ has not stopped the investigation on Najib’s involvement in money laundering in the U.S.

29. If the Government wants to reduce the huge deficits every year, what is needed is to get rid of the belief that money can buy popularity. It cannot. It has only made the Government and Najib more unpopular.

30. All those things which increase the cost of governance should be dropped. The 1MDB money can be recovered as we know where the money is. Najib will not do this as it means surrendering all the money he has taken. Rosmah Mansor, Jho Low and Riza Aziz and others who has got the stolen money must also surrender. Najib cannot get the money frozen by the Governments of Singapore, the U.S. and Switzerland. There must also be quite a lot in the U.K. as well. The frozen money will not be returned until Najib who stole it is no longer the head of the Malaysian Government.

31. BR1M should be converted to unemployment benefit for the hardcore poor. Most of the present recipients can afford to do without BR1M. The actual amount of support for hard core poor should be raised and paid every month, not once a year.

32. The waters surrounding Malaysia should be patrolled by the Malaysian police, the Maritime Agency and the Malaysian Navy to prevent foreign fishermen from intruding into our territorial waters. With this the Malaysian fishermen would catch more fish and earn higher incomes. The RM300 allowance can be stopped.

33. Various other allowances to all and sundry should be revised or stopped.

34. Pay increases for Government servants should not be accompanied with inflation. There are ways of doing this.

35.If the Government is prudent in the management of Government funds, there should be no shortages. The need for new taxes can be avoided.

36.The GST is really not necessary for Malaysia. It can be abolished without affecting the revenues of the Government and without creating a burden for the people.

Monday, October 2, 2017

1. Di antara usaha Najib untuk menentukan kemenangan baginya ialah menyekat dana daripada didapati oleh parti lawan.

2. Orang yang berada dan mungkin menderma kepada parti lawan diugut dan didera dengan mengganggu kehidupan mereka. Institusi yang diguna ialah polis, Jabatan Hasil dalam Negeri dan juga SPRM.

3. Pegawai Jabatan Hasil akan menggeledah premis dan membuat tuntutan bayaran cukai korporat tambahan yang tidak berasas. Jika sasaran enggan membayar mereka akan senarai hitamkan syarikat, merampas buku-buku akaun dan rekod-rekod supaya perniagaan tidak dapat dijalankan.

4. Jika mereka sedang melaksanakan kontrak dengan Kerajaan, atau mereka membuat permohonan untuk kontrak, semuanya akan dibatalkan.

5. Bank-bank diarah supaya tidak memberi pinjaman modal atau apa-apa pinjaman kepada syarikat atau individu yang menyokong parti-parti lawan.

6. Cukai tambahan yang dikenakan boleh meningkat sehingga puluhan, bahkan ratusan juta.

7. Segala urusan perniagaan diganggu, kebenaran ditangguh berbulan bahkan bertahun.

8. Peniaga kecil juga diugut sehingga mereka terpaksa tutup perniagaan.

9. Sekarang ini tuduhan dibuat kononnya peniaga terlibat dengan pembersihan wang (money laundering) yang didapati secara salah, seperti dicuri atau dari perniagaan dadah. Bukti, kesalahan ini tidak ditunjuk. Hanya dengan membuat tuduhan maka akaun wang dalam bank pihak yang dituduh boleh dibekukan. Ini menghentikan perniagaan yang dituduh. Jika bangunan sedang didirikan, kerja terpaksa dihentikan. Peniaga mungkin kehilangan punca pendapatan sama sekali.

10. Pejabat boleh digeledah dan buku-buku dirampas. Mangsa tidak berani bantah atau bersuara kerana tindakan yang lebih keras akan dikenakan. Jika mangsa membuat pengaduan di mahkamah, perbicaraan akan mengambil masa yang panjang. Mangsa akan menderita bertahun-tahun.

11. Pegawai-pegawai Kerajaan yang bersara tidak berani menyertai parti lawan kerana ugutan dan tekanan yang akan dikenakan kepada mereka.

12. Parti lawan sekarang tidak dapat mengumpul dana untuk urusan parti. Walaupun ahli dan pemimpin sanggup berkorban untuk membiayai aktiviti mereka, tetapi untuk pilihan raya wang yang banyak diperlukan.

13. Poster, sepanduk, rapat umum, perjalanan, kempen, bendera dan bermacam lagi alatan perlu disediakan. Jika kempen yang kerap yang disertai dengan poster-poster yang menarik tidak diadakan maka pengundi tidak akan dapat penerangan perjuangan parti lawan serta menafi dan menolak secara berkesan dakwaan Parti Kerajaan.

14. Kata Najib “Cash is King”, “Wang tunai itu Raja” . Dengan duit yang banyak yang ada padanya dan penyalahgunaan wang Kerajaan, rakyat mudah tertipu.

15. Maka benarlah slogan Najib “Cash is King”. Baginya wang akan menentukan kemenangan baginya.

16. Pakatan Harapan dan parti-parti dalam gabungan pembangkang mungkin tidak ada dana yang cukup. Tetapi dana yang kurang ini diganti dengan semangat yang kental dan kesanggupan untuk berkorban apa sahaja demi bangsa, agama dan tanahair. Juga balasan diakhirat kerana berpegang teguh kepada kebenaran dan menolak kemungkaran.

17. Cash mungkin dianggap sebagai King oleh Najib. Tetapi rasuah tetap rasuah. Memenangi PRU dengan rasuah masih merupakan rasuah dan jenayah dalam masyarakat Malaysia. Ia masih juga berdosa disisi agama Islam.

Friday, January 6, 2017

FDI Tun M 
1. At independence Malaysia faced a big unemployment problem. To solve this we started with opening land for the landless. But development of land was not able to create enough jobs. It was therefore decided that Malaysia should industrialise. But Malaysia had no manufacturing expertise, no capital, no big corporations and no knowledge of the world market.

2. Accordingly Malaysia decided to invite foreign investors. By this we meant that foreign manufacturing companies could set up labour intensive plants in Malaysia to produce for export. The Government would provide land and infrastructure and give tax holidays.

3. FDI solved most of our unemployment problem and enriched the country through industrialisation and inflow of capital. But a large amount of the capital was raised domestically.

4. But today Najib’s Government has given a new definition for Foreign Direct Investment. He regards foreigners bringing in money to buy land and develop towns and cities where their people would come and stay as foreign direct investment.

5. The result benefits us not at all. Much of the most valuable land will now be owned and occupied by foreigners. In effect they will become foreign land.

6. When we sold Singapore island to the Brits we must know that Singapore with all its wealth and development has become a foreign country. We cannot be proud of its achievement anymore than we can of the development of other countries in the world.

7. Currently we are seeing huge tracts of land around Johor Bahru being sold to foreigners with no restriction on the sale of properties developed to them and mass immigration to take up residence in these new cities. One example is Forest City developed by a China-based company. Already thousands of units have been completed and sold to mainland Chinese. Bloomberg reports that 700,000 mainland Chinese would stay there. And the same agency pointed out that around Forest City, and therefore around Johor Bahru, there are 60 similar projects which can house more than one million people.

8. Typically Chinese contractors prefer to bring in their own workers, architects and engineers. Few Malaysians would be employed in these projects. And few Malaysians would be able to buy the flats being built.

9. Actually our own people are quite capable of developing our land. They may not have the capital to invest immediately. The development may be slower and the scale may not be so big. The buyers will be local.

10. It doesn’t need much imagination to see how much this benefit Malaysia, Malaysians and the Malaysian Government.

11. But if we consider inflow of foreign capital to buy, develop and occupy our land as FDI, then we must expect huge areas of our land becoming foreign enclaves.

12. In most countries foreigners are not allowed to buy land. They may be given contracts to build but they will be only contractors. Certainly what they build will not be for huge numbers of foreign people to occupy almost exclusively.

13. But we are very generous. Even when we limit foreign buyers to buying only the expensive property but the Government, including the state Government would give exemption so that even low cost or affordable houses can be bought by foreigners.

14. We claim that – these foreigners will not stay permanently in the enclaves they develop. We claim they will stay here only for the winter months.

15. But we are kidding ourselves. Can we imagine hundreds of thousands of foreign people flying into the country to stay for three months and then flying out to their country to live there for nine months. Can we imagine for nine months these towns and cities will be empty – the shops, flats, offices, hotels, and recreation areas being closed. They will become ghost cities and towns. Empty roads and streets. Empty shopping complexes. It is absurd. Denying that 700,000 would occupy Forest City is self-deluding. No condition on who can stay in these houses has been stipulated.

16. But some point out that the investment will come from many countries. Agreed. But most of them have not enough people to settle in foreign lands. They would be investing in industries to benefit from our low-cost labour. They would build their plants in the industrial estates we put up. They will not engage in huge housing development projects. They will not settle here.

17. We can allow for foreign ownership of small plots of land. We can lease the land to them.

18. But we cannot allow thousands of acres to be owned, developed and settled by foreigners. If we do that literally they would become foreign enclaves, troublesome for local authorities to manage. Indeed difficult even for the central Government to manage.

19. We want our country to develop. Experience have shown that Malaysians can develop their own country. Their development is second to none. But their development would be for Malaysians.

20. But during Najib’s China trip, he claimed that he succeeded in getting 150 billion Ringgit of FDI. No details were given. I am sure that most of this FDI would involve selling land, Government’s and 1MDB land to pay the debts which everyone knows have been incurred by them. We are going to see large chunks of Malaysia being developed by the foreign buyers and being occupied by them. Eventually they would demand for citizenship and they will participate in Malaysian politics including in elections. Whatever ideology they believe in might change the colour of Malaysian politics.

21. As much as we cannot be proud of the development in parts of land which have become a foreign country, we cannot be proud of a magnificently developed Malaysia, occupied and owned by foreigners.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016


1. Kerajaan negara-negara yang berdedikasi untuk meningkatkan kekayaan negara mereka menyedari kepentingan perdagangan antarabangsa. Lebih-lebih lagi selepas kehilangan Empayar Eropah di mana dasar Keutamaan Imperial (Imperial Preference) memastikan monopoli import dan eksport dari dan kepada wilayah jajahan.

2. Yang terbesar di antaranya negara-negara imperialis adalah Britain. Ia menjadi negara yang paling kaya dan yang paling berkuasa di dunia.

3. Tetapi selepas Perang Dunia Kedua imperialis Eropah kehilangan empayar mereka dan monopoli perdagangan yang mereka nikmati selama itu. Persaingan sengit dari negara-negara Asia Timur mengurangkan perdagangan mereka lebih lagi.

4. Tetapi mereka masih menikmati pendapatan yang lumayan daripada menjual senjata. Untuk menjana lebih banyak eksport senjata, mereka perlu mengadakan peperangan proksi yang diperjuangkan oleh negara-negara yang tidak menyangkanya, terutamanya di antara negara-negara yang mereka tubuh semasa zaman kegemilangan empayar mereka dahulu.

5. Kita perhatikan pada hari ini senjata yang begitu canggih digunakan dalam peperangan melibatkan pembunuhan antara saudara yang sedang berlaku di beberapa negara Arab bekas jajahan. Tidak ada cara bagi negara-negara ini mencipta dan menghasilkan senjata secanggih itu. Mungkin mereka boleh menghasilkan bom dan roket yang primitif. Tetapi kereta-kereta kebal, kereta perisai, mesin-gan dan peluru berpandu perlu dibeli dari negara-negara maju.

6. Negara-negara maju ini mengutuk perdagangan senjata sebagai perniagaan. Tetapi tidak ada sebarang keraguan bahawa mereka adalah orang-orang yang paling terlibat dalam perdagangan senjata.

7. Perdagangan senjata adalah besar. Pesawat pejuang, kereta kebal, kapal perang, roket, peluru berpandu, kapal selam dan lain-lain menelan belanja berbilion-bilion dolar. Pendapatan daripada penjualan senjata banyak menyumbang kepada kekayaan sesebuah negara.

8. Jadi mereka tidak terlalu memilih kepada siapa yang mereka menjual senjata. Pelanggan mereka mungkin adalah diktator yang menindas dan Perdana Menteri yang rasuah. Mereka boleh mengutuk orang-orang ini kerana tidak demokratik dan menindas. Tetapi mereka akan turunkan nada kritikan jika orang-orang ini menawar untuk membeli senjata yang mahal daripada mereka.

9. Mengeluh dan mengutuk ketidakadilan dan penindasan diktator-diktator adalah hanya acara sampingan untuk meredakan hati nurani mereka. Akan tetapi merekalah yang menggalakkan rasuah dan penindasan diktator oleh banyak Kerajaan-Kerajaan di dunia.


1. The Governments of nations dedicated to increasing the wealth of their countries realised the importance of international trade. This is especially so after the loss of the European Empires during which a policy of Imperial Preference ensured the monopoly of imports and exports from and to the colonial territories.

2. The greatest of these imperialist countries was Britain. It became the richest and the most powerful country in the world.

3. But after WWII the imperialists of Europe lost their empires and the trade monopoly that they enjoyed. Strong competition from East Asian countries reduced their trade even more.

4. But they still enjoy good incomes from selling arms. To generate more exports of arms they need to have proxy wars being fought by unsuspecting countries, particularly between the countries they created during their imperial heydays.

5. We see today very sophisticated arms being used in the fratricidal wars, which are being fought in a number of Arab ex-colonies. There is no way for these countries to develop and produce such sophisticated weapons. They may produce primitive bombs and rockets. But the tanks, armoured cars, machine guns and missiles must be bought from the developed countries.

6. These developed countries decry the arms trade as a business. But there can be no doubt that they are the ones most involved in the trade.

7. The weapons trade is huge. The warplanes, tanks, warships, rockets, missiles, submarines etc cost billions of dollars. The income from the sale of arms can contribute much to the wealth creation of a country.

8. They are therefore not too choosy as to who they sell their arms to. Their customers may be oppressive dictators and corrupt Prime Ministers. They may condemn these people for not being democratic and oppressive. But they would tone down their criticisms if these people offer to buy expensive arms from them.

9. The moaning and decrying over the injustices and oppression of dictators are just side-shows to assuage their conscience. But it is they who promote corruption and dictatorial oppression of many Governments in the world.

Thursday, December 31, 2015



1. The Government could not care less for whatever opposition that is voiced by anyone in Malaysia or abroad against signing the TPPA. It will go ahead and sign.

2. The MITI Minister assures us that we can get out of the agreement anytime we want.

3. Yes indeed we can. But it is not going to be easy and the cost would practically bankrupt us.

4. In the TPPA agreement companies can sue Government for loss of profit including future profit if Government action results in the loss.

5. In one case in a Latin American country, for reasons of massive pollution, the Government decided to stop the mining operation granted to an American company. The company then sued the Government for loss of profit, including future profit amounting to several billion US Dollars.

6. A decision to withdraw from the TPPA will obviously result in loss of profit and future profits by companies investing in Malaysia or trading with Malaysia.

7. The withdrawal will involve numerous companies and the purported loss will run into hundreds of billions. The court will not be ours where we can count on sympathy and concern for what will happen to our economy and finances. There is also no way we can pressure or bribe the courts. We will just have to pay the billions.

8. So please don’t talk about extricating ourselves from this treaty for controlling trade and investments called the TPPA. It is not for promoting free trade. It is entirely dedicated to regulating trade.

9. Against this perhaps we should remember that when we had entered into no such treaty we became the 17th biggest trading nation in the world. We were free to protect ourselves and to devise policies beneficial to all of us Malaysians. We grew fast at that time. We traded with whomever we liked.

10. I can say a lot of other things which are bad about the TPPA. But the Government wouldn’t care of course. The Government will do what it wants to do. Don’t ask why. You know what answer tou will get when you ask the Government any question.


1. Kerajaan tidak kisah apa jua tentangan yang disuarakan oleh sesiapa sahaja di Malaysia atau di luar negara terhadap menandatangani TPPA. Ia akan terus menandatanganinya.

2. Menteri Kementerian Perdagangan Antarabangsa Dan Industri (MITI) cuba meyakinkan kita bahawa kita boleh keluar daripada perjanjian itu pada bila-bila masa yang kita mahu.

3. Ya, memang kita boleh. Tetapi ianya tidak akan menjadi semudah itu dan kosnya boleh mufliskan kita.

4. Dalam perjanjian TPPA ini syarikat boleh menyaman Kerajaan kerana kehilangan keuntungan, termasuk keuntungan masa depan, jika tindakan Kerajaan mengakibatkan kerugian itu.

5. Dalam satu kes di sebuah negara Amerika Latin, atas sebab-sebab pencemaran besar-besaran, Kerajaan telah memutuskan untuk menghentikan operasi perlombongan yang diberi kepada sebuah syarikat Amerika. Syarikat itu kemudian menyaman Kerajaan beberapa bilion Dolar AS kerana kehilangan keuntungan, termasuk keuntungan masa depan.

6. Sesuatu keputusan untuk menarik diri daripada TPPA sudah pasti akan menyebabkan kehilangan keuntungan dan keuntungan masa depan oleh syarikat-syarikat yang melabur di Malaysia atau berdagang dengan Malaysia.

7. Penarikan diri ini akan melibatkan banyak syarikat dan jangkaan kerugiannya dikatakan boleh mencecah beratus-ratus bilion. Mahkamahnya bukan milik kita di mana kita boleh bergantung untuk simpati dan prihatin terhadap apa yang akan berlaku kepada ekonomi dan kewangan kita. Tidak ada cara di mana kita boleh memberi tekanan atau merasuah mahkamah. Kita akan terpaksa membayar berbilion-bilion.

8. Oleh itu, tidaklah perlu bercakap tentang melepaskan diri daripada perjanjian bagi mengawal perdagangan dan pelaburan ini, yang dipanggil TPPA. Ianya bukan untuk menggalakkan perdagangan bebas. Ia adalah khusus untuk mengawal selia perdagangan sepenuhnya.

9. Berbanding dengan ini, mungkin kita perlu ingat bahawa apabila kita tidak memeterai sebarang perjanjian seperti ini, kita menjadi negara perdagangan ke-17 terbesar di dunia. Kita bebas untuk melindungi diri kita sendiri dan merangka dasar yang memberi manfaat kepada kita semua rakyat Malaysia. Kita tumbuh dengan pesat pada masa itu. Kita berniaga dengan sesiapa sahaja yang kita suka.

10. Saya boleh banyak berbicara tentang perkara-perkara lain yang tidak baik mengenai TPPA. Tetapi Kerajaan sudah tentu tidak akan mengambil berat. Kerajaan akan melakukan apa saja yang ia mahu lakukan. Jangan soal mengapa. Anda tahu apa jawapan yang anda akan dapat apabila anda bertanya kepada Kerajaan sebarang soalan.

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