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Monday, August 3, 2015

Akaun Peribadi

1. Dalam usaha menghalalkan tuduhan terhadap Najib kerana memasukkan dalam akaun peribadinya wang sebanyak RM2.6 billion yang kononnya adalah untuk pilihanraya ke-13, saya dituduh berbuat perkara yang sama. Tuduhan ini tidak berasas, semata-mata fitnah.

2. Di waktu saya jadi Presiden UMNO, Ibu Pejabat mempunyai tiga trustees, iaitu pemegang amanah. Saya adalah antara pemegang amanah ini. Pemegang amanah memiliki akaun dalam bank. Semua derma, terutama semasa pilihanraya dimasukkan dalam akaun ini. Dua dari mana-mana tiga pemegang amanah diberi kuasa untuk mengurus akaun Ibu Pejabat dan menandatangani cek apabila mengeluarkan wang.

3. Pemegang amanah ini juga dinamakan sebagai pemilik saham-saham dan hartanah milik UMNO.

4. Di waktu saya letak jawatan sebagai Presiden UMNO, saya telah arah wang tunai dalam bank dan saham-saham serta surat milik hartanah diserah kepada Dato Abdullah Badawi. Pegawai yang menyerah ialah Nor Mohamad Yacob dan Noordin Bachik.

5. Jumlah wang tunai yang diserah melebihi 200 juta Ringgit. Jumlah nilai saham dan hartanah melebihi 1.2 billion Ringgit.

6. Tidak ada satu sen pun dari wang derma untuk pilihanraya yang dimasuk dalam akaun saya. Saya sedia semua akaun peribadi saya selama 22 tahun diperiksa oleh orang yang tidak ada kepentingan bagi mengesahkan pengakuan saya ini atau sebaliknya.

7. Pada pilihanraya 1964 dan 1969, wang tunai berjumlah 20,000 Ringgit dari Ibu Pejabat diserah kepada saya untuk diagih kepada kawasan parlimen 40% dan kawasan DUN 30% tiap satu. Kerana saya tidak sanggup simpan wang tunai sebanyak RM20,000 ini, saya masukkannya dalam akaun saya, dan saya keluarkan cek kepada jawatankuasa pilihanraya Dewan Rakyat dan Dewan Undangan Negeri mengikut agihan yang ditentukan oleh Ibu Pejabat. Wang ini bukan dari penderma tetapi ini adalah wang UMNO yang memang pun diberi kepada bahagian untuk kegunaan calon.

8. Di waktu saya disingkir dari parti pada 1970, Jabatan Hasil Dalam Negeri telah geledah rumah dan klinik saya. Mereka jumpa cek stub yang telah dikeluarkan oleh saya dan mereka mendakwa bahawa saya tidak lapur pendapatan saya sepenuhnya.

9. Mereka mendenda saya sebanyak RM300,000 dengan amaran jika saya bantah dan pergi ke mahkamah saya akan dikenakan denda tiga kali ganda.

10. Saya tidak pergi ke mahkamah. Sebaliknya saya merayu bahawa duit yang dimasukkan dalam akaun saya ialah dari parti. Tetapi Ibu Pejabat UMNO tidak mengaku wang itu dari UMNO.

11. Akhirnya saya dikenakan denda sebanyak RM130,000. Diwaktu denda ini dikenakan saya sudah dilantik Menteri dalam Kerajaan. Saya membayar secara beransur-ansur dan selesai bayaran semasa saya menjadi Timbalan Perdana Menteri.

12. Ada sedikit perbezaan antara wang tunai sebanyak RM20,000 yang saya terima dan cek sebanyak USD 700 juta bersamaan RM2.6 billion yang dikatakan dimasuk ke dalam akaun peribadi Datuk Sri Najib.

13. Jikalau disemak perbelanjaan pilihanraya lima kali yang diadakan semasa saya Presiden UMNO, tidak ada banyak wang yang diguna, terutama peruntukan dari Ibu Pejabat. Namun BN tidak pernah menang kurang dari 2/3 kerusi di parlimen.

14. Jika sekarang UMNO perlu 2½ billion Ringgit untuk pilihanraya, ia tetap melanggar aturan peraturan dan undang-undang pilihanraya. Akaun perbelanjaan pilihanraya tiap seorang calon pilihanraya perlu dilapor kepada pihak berkuasa. Adalah salah jika ia melebihi jumlah tertentu. Saya pohon maaf jika peraturan ini sudah digugur. Ia diadakan untuk mengelak dari rasuah berlaku.

15. Saya tidak hendak soal dari mana datang USD 700 juta ini. Saya akan tunggu sehingga Auditor-General dan PAC buat lapuran terakhir, walaupun saya tidak lagi dapat terima bulat-bulat segala kenyataan yang akan diperbuat.

16. Saya tidak ingin sentuh 1MDB walaupun saya sebagai rakyat yang membayar cukai berhak untuk menyoal kewangan negara. Tetapi seperti yang saya jelaskan saya terpaksa bayar cukai pendapatan dan denda ke atas wang yang terdapat dalam akaun saya.

17. Soal yang saya ingin tanya ialah apakah Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri telah bertindak dengan kuasa yang diberi kepadanya ke atas wang sebanyak RM2.6 billion yang terdapat dalam akaun peribadi Datuk Sri Najib.



1. In order to justify the charges against Najib for putting in his personal account the sum of RM2.6 billion ostensibly for the 13th General Elections, I was accused of doing the same thing. These are unfounded allegations, simply slander.

2. At the time I became president of UMNO, Headquarters has three trustees. I was one of the trustees. The trustee has a bank account. All donations, especially during the elections are deposited in this account. Two of any of the three trustees are empowered to take care of the headquarter’s account and sign cheques when withdrawing money.

3. The trustees were also named as the owners of shares and property belonging to the party.

4. At the time I resigned as president of UMNO, I had directed that the cash in bank and shares and title deeds to properties be handed over to Dato Abdullah Badawi. The officers who surrendered them were Nor Mohamad Yacob and Noordin Bachik.

5. The amount of cash handed over was more than 200 million Ringgit. The value of shares and property exceeded 1.2 billion Ringgit.

6. Not even a cent of donated funds for election was deposited in my account. I am prepared that all my personal accounts during the 22 years be examined by people who have no personal interest to confirm my declaration, or otherwise.

7. During the elections in 1964 and 1969, cash totalling RM20,000 from Headquarters was handed to me for distribution, 40% to parliamentary constituency and 30% to state assembly constituency each. As I was not willing to hold this sum of RM20,000 in cash, I put it in my account, and I issued a cheque to the Election Committee of Parliament and the State Assembly for distribution as determined by the Head Office. This money is not from donors but this is UMNO’s money that is usually given to constituencies for use by candidates.

8. At the time I was expelled from the party in 1970, the Department of internal Revenue had searched my home and clinic. They found the cheque stub that was issued by me and they claimed that I did not disclosed reported income in full.

9. They fined me a total of RM300,000 with a warning that if I disagree and go to court I will be fined three fold.

10. I did not go to court. Instead I appealed that the money which was deposited in my account was from the Party. But UMNO Headquarters did not confirmed that the money was from the Party.

11. Finally, I was imposed a fine of RM130,000. During the time the fine was imposed I was already appointed a minister in the Government. I paid gradually and I finished paying when I was the Deputy Prime Minister.

12. There is a little difference between a cash of RM20,000 that I received and a cheque of USD700 million, equivalent to RM2.6 billion, said to be deposited into personal account of Datuk Sri Najib.

13. If the spendings during the five times election were held when I was President of UMNO were to be examined there was not much money used, particularly provisions from Headquarters. But BN never win less than 2/3 of the seats in Parliament.

14. If the present UMNO needs 2½ billion Ringgit for the election, this definitely violates rules and regulations of the electoral law. Expenses account for each election candidate should be reported to the authorities. It is wrong if it exceeds a certain amount. I apologized if this rule has been dropped. It was done to avoid occurence of corruption.

15. I do not want to question from where the USD700 million came. I will wait until the Auditor-General and the PAC make the final reports, even though I can no longer accept in total the announcements that will be made.

16. I do not want to touch on 1MDB even as a citizen paying taxes I am entitled to question the country’s finances. But like I had explained, I had to pay income tax and penalties on the money found in my account.

17. The question that I would like to ask is whether the Inland Revenue Board has acted, with the authority granted to it, on the sum of RM2.6 billion deposited in the personal account of Datuk Sri Najib.

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