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In several educational settings aiming to teach English as a foreign language, the myth of the superiority of native English speaking teachers (NESTs) over non-native English speaking teachers (NNESTs) seems to hold strong especially... more
Kemaloglu, E. (2002). A descriptive analysis of the equivalence relationships in “Usta Beni Öldürsene!” in terms of the phenomenon of authority. In B. Blackwell-Gulen, I. Boztaş & C. Veldhues (Eds.), Translation Studies in the New... more
Kemaloglu, E. (2008). Proje destekli yabancı dil öğrenimi: kazanımlar, sorunlar, çözüm önerileri. Project-aided language learning: gains, problems, solutions. In E.Kınsız, A. Ince & K. Demir (Eds.), Proceedings of the 1st Conference on... more
Kemaloglu-Er, E. (2017). Design, implementation and evaluation of ELF-aware lesson plans – Lessons, activities and tasks for EIL teacher preparation. In A. Matsuda (Ed.), Preparing teachers to teach English as an international language... more
Kemaloglu-Er, E., & Bayyurt, Y. (2016). ELF-aware teacher education with pre-service teachers: A transformative and technology enhanced case from Turkey. In N. Tsantila, J. Mandalios & M. Ilkos (Eds.), ELF: Pedagogical and... more
This is a list of the conference papers I have presented. If you need any further information about the papers and/or if you have any comments or suggestions, you can contact me.
Kind Regards,
Elif Kemaloglu-Er
This study investigated the intrasentential patterns of code-switching in Turkish-English bilingual discourse in L2 English classroom interactions. The patterns were structurally analyzed in terms of their consistency with two grammatical... more
This study combines two areas of study, namely project-based learning in English language pre-service teacher education and English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) awareness. Project-based learning involves creating meaningful, real-life based... more
The research on the effects of teacher’s reading aloud versus students’ silent reading on reading comprehension in EFL contexts is limited. This study is significant as it is the first of its kind investigating the effects of teacher’s... more
Codeswitching is reported to be a common feature of group work in EFL classes, particularly those with learners sharing the same native language. On the other hand, there is little research on codeswitching in group work in EFL contexts.... more
Academic literacy is a crucial means to read, comprehend, and reflect on academic texts. In tertiary English preparatory classes, to lay strong foundations for academic literacy, it is necessary to build a well-structured framework for... more
Teacher questions play a significant role in English classrooms since they trigger interaction and promote oral production. Among teacher questions, referential questions that seek information not known by the teacher and are asked to... more
Types of teacher questions play a crucial role in students' foreign language development. Among teacher questions, referential questions asked to enable students to provide data not known by the teacher, express their views and exchange... more
This study presents the evaluation of a form-focused instructional program offered to the intensive English classes of an English-medium university in Turkey. The evaluation, intended to be utilization-based, realistic, and socially... more
The research on the effects of teacher’s reading aloud versus students’ silent reading on reading comprehension in EFL contexts is limited. This study is significant as it is the first of its kind investigating the effects of teacher’s... more
Translation is a real-life activity, increasingly essential in today’s multilingual and multicultural global world. Despite its ubiquity, this bilingual activity has long been ignored in the field of ELT. Yet, translation is an invaluable... more
This study investigated the intrasentential patterns of codeswitching in Turkish-English bilingual discourse in L2 English classroom interactions. The patterns were structurally analyzed in terms of their consistency with two grammatical... more
Blended learning which synthesizes face-to-face instruction with distance education opportunities in educationally meaningful ways aims to take advantage of the affordances of both genuine and virtual types of teaching and ubiquitously... more
Blogs can be used as constructive means in EFL teaching allowing learners to exert control over their own writing and enabling them to communicate with the global community of internet users. Among different types of blogs, travel blogs... more
Despite the sheer reality of English used as a lingua franca in and outside L2 English classrooms, many teachers are still unaware of the concept of English as a lingua franca (ELF), which makes integration of ELF awareness into teacher... more