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Essentially this paper analyses a current debate on Taksim Square, which is the most commonly known open public space of Istanbul, Turkey. The debate is basically about the municipality’s project to pedestrianize the square, which is... more
Urban design competitions are very important platforms regarding their contirbutions to creative thinking and exploration of innovative ideas. Most of the time, competitions are based on specific problems that belong specifically to that... more
This paper will try to review the near past of the mega-event stadium construction, and the recent approaches in stadium-building in terms of sustainable urban development and architecture. The research will cover the period of 1990-2012,... more
Beginning from the 1980s, especially after the 1990s, there has been an increasing interest towards hosting large-scale sports organisations, i.e., mega-sports events. This paper aims first to explore the factors behind this interest and... more
The “Architecture of Transition” is the graduation project of the final year of the Architecture program of Izmir University of Economics in Turkey and it is one of the three units given in the 4th Year.... more
We made an invited talk in the closing panel of the conference. We discussed the possible tools of urban design practice in the age of climate crisis. We specifically focused on open public spaces and their current design problems in... more
Topography is one of the unique geographical characteristics of any city. There are signifıcant differences between a fiat and a hilly urban area regarding both morphological and ecological aspects. Valleys, hilis, ridges, shores,... more
Uludag, one of Turkey’s most significant mountain ecosystems, was the subject of a landscape planning and urban design competition held in 2008 and organized by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. The objective of this article is to... more
5-6 Kasım 2009 tarihleri arasında İstanbul'da düzenlenecek Urban Age Konferansı öncesinde Arkitera Mimarlık Merkezi ve London School of Economics tarafından, genç mimarlar ve şehir plancılarından oluşan ekiplerin katıldığı bir workshop... more
Kentsel tasarım yarışmaları, özellikle 2000’li yıllarda ivmelendi ve büyükşehirlerden küçük ilçe yerleşmelerine sıçradı. Bunun arkasında, “imarcılık” içinde sıkışmış planlama pratiklerinin yarattığı anlayış, kuram, yaklaşım, yöntem ve... more
Büyük-ölçekli spor organizasyonları, bugün için kentlerin ev sahipliği yapmayı istedikleri etkinliklerin başında gelmektedir. Bu hevesin arkasında çeşitli nedenler olmakla beraber, en çok öne çıkan nedenler, kentin sosyo-mekânsal geleceği... more
"Heykeltıraş atölyede, diğerleri ofiste" yerine, "birlikte, tek mekanda" olmayı tercih eden ekibin anıt fikrini, "bütün olarak çıkılan yolda çokluk ve zorlu koşulların sonunda ölümle biten yalnızlık" kavramları oluşturuyor.
An invited talk that I made at Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning
October 25, 2018, A talk to undergraduate and graduate students of Architecture at Ayvansaray University
October 31, 2017, An invited talk to graduate students of urban design at AURA (The Istanbul Architecture and Urban Research Academy)
This paper presents a novel approach for the materially efficient production of doubly-curved Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) form-work for insitu concrete construction and a novel application of a patented Glass Reinforced Concrete (GRC)... more
Kocaeli/Golcuk Ataturk Mahallesi Burcu Sokak’ta yer alan yaklasik 4.617 metrekarelik yesil alan Golcuk Vizyon 2023 projesi kapsaminda kent meydani olarak tasarlanmis ve tasarimin uygulama projesi gerceklestirilmistir. Golcuk Vizyon 2023... more