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62 Bible Verses about Rejoicing

Most Relevant Verses

Deuteronomy 12:7

Both you and your families must feast there before the Lord your God and rejoice in all the output of your labor with which he has blessed you.

Deuteronomy 16:11

You shall rejoice before him -- you, your son, your daughter, your male and female slaves, the Levites in your villages, the resident foreigners, the orphans, and the widows among you -- in the place where the Lord chooses to locate his name.

Psalm 5:11

But may all who take shelter in you be happy! May they continually shout for joy! Shelter them so that those who are loyal to you may rejoice!

Psalm 32:11

Rejoice in the Lord and be happy, you who are godly! Shout for joy, all you who are morally upright!

Zephaniah 3:14

Shout for joy, Daughter Zion! Shout out, Israel! Be happy and boast with all your heart, Daughter Jerusalem!

1 Samuel 2:1

Hannah prayed, "My heart rejoices in the Lord; my horn is exalted high because of the Lord. I loudly denounce my enemies, for I am happy that you delivered me.

1 Samuel 11:15

So all the people went to Gilgal, where they established Saul as king in the Lord's presence. They offered up peace offerings there in the Lord's presence. Saul and all the Israelites were very happy.

Matthew 2:10

When they saw the star they shouted joyfully.

Acts 8:39

Now when they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord snatched Philip away, and the eunuch did not see him any more, but went on his way rejoicing.

Acts 16:34

The jailer brought them into his house and set food before them, and he rejoiced greatly that he had come to believe in God, together with his entire household.

Philippians 3:1

Finally, my brothers and sisters, rejoice in the Lord! To write this again is no trouble to me, and it is a safeguard for you.

Psalm 66:1

For the music director; a song, a psalm. Shout out praise to God, all the earth!

Psalm 67:4

Let foreigners rejoice and celebrate! For you execute justice among the nations, and govern the people living on earth. (Selah)

Psalm 100:1

A thanksgiving psalm. Shout out praises to the Lord, all the earth!

Isaiah 29:19

The downtrodden will again rejoice in the Lord; the poor among humankind will take delight in the Holy One of Israel.

Job 8:20-21

"Surely, God does not reject a blameless man, nor does he grasp the hand of the evildoers. He will yet fill your mouth with laughter, and your lips with gladness.

Job 33:26

He entreats God, and God delights in him, he sees God's face with rejoicing, and God restores to him his righteousness.

Psalm 33:1

You godly ones, shout for joy because of the Lord! It is appropriate for the morally upright to offer him praise.

Psalm 64:10

The godly will rejoice in the Lord and take shelter in him. All the morally upright will boast.

Psalm 68:3

But the godly are happy; they rejoice before God and are overcome with joy.

Psalm 97:11-12

The godly bask in the light; the morally upright experience joy. You godly ones, rejoice in the Lord! Give thanks to his holy name.

Psalm 107:42

When the godly see this, they rejoice, and every sinner shuts his mouth.

Psalm 33:21

For our hearts rejoice in him, for we trust in his holy name.

Philippians 1:25

And since I am sure of this, I know that I will remain and continue with all of you for the sake of your progress and joy in the faith,

1 Peter 1:8

You have not seen him, but you love him. You do not see him now but you believe in him, and so you rejoice with an indescribable and glorious joy,

Romans 5:1-2

Therefore, since we have been declared righteous by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in the hope of God's glory.

1 Chronicles 16:10

Boast about his holy name! Let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice!

Psalm 40:16

May all those who seek you be happy and rejoice in you! May those who love to experience your deliverance say continually, "May the Lord be praised!"

Psalm 70:4

May all those who seek you be happy and rejoice in you! May those who love to experience your deliverance say continually, "May God be praised!"

Psalm 105:3

Boast about his holy name! Let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice!

Zechariah 10:7

The Ephraimites will be like warriors and will rejoice as if they had drunk wine. Their children will see it and rejoice; they will celebrate in the things of the Lord.

From Thematic Bible

Rejoicing » Instances of

Acts 16:34

The jailer brought them into his house and set food before them, and he rejoiced greatly that he had come to believe in God, together with his entire household.

1 Samuel 11:15

So all the people went to Gilgal, where they established Saul as king in the Lord's presence. They offered up peace offerings there in the Lord's presence. Saul and all the Israelites were very happy.

Matthew 2:10

When they saw the star they shouted joyfully.

1 Samuel 2:1

Hannah prayed, "My heart rejoices in the Lord; my horn is exalted high because of the Lord. I loudly denounce my enemies, for I am happy that you delivered me.

More verses: Acts 8:39 Luke 1:47

Rejoicing » In tribulation, examples of » In evil forbidden

Job 31:29

If I have rejoiced over the misfortune of my enemy or exulted because calamity found him --

Psalm 35:19

Do not let those who are my enemies for no reason gloat over me! Do not let those who hate me without cause carry out their wicked schemes!

More verses: Obadiah 1:12

Rejoicing » In tribulation, examples of » Famine

Habakkuk 3:17-18

When the fig tree does not bud, and there are no grapes on the vines; when the olive trees do not produce, and the fields yield no crops; when the sheep disappear from the pen, and there are no cattle in the stalls, I will rejoice because of the Lord; I will be happy because of the God who delivers me!

Rejoicing » In tribulation, examples of » Poverty

Rejoicing » In tribulation, examples of » Imprisonment

Acts 16:23

After they had beaten them severely, they threw them into prison and commanded the jailer to guard them securely.

Rejoicing » In tribulation, examples of » Fiery trials

1 Peter 4:12-13

Dear friends, do not be astonished that a trial by fire is occurring among you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice in the degree that you have shared in the sufferings of Christ, so that when his glory is revealed you may also rejoice and be glad.

Rejoicing » In tribulation, examples of » Loss of property

Rejoicing » In tribulation, examples of » Persecution

Topics on Rejoicing

Eating Drinking And Rejoicing

Deuteronomy 12:7

Both you and your families must feast there before the Lord your God and rejoice in all the output of your labor with which he has blessed you.

Rejoicing In Evil

Psalm 25:2

My God, I trust in you. Please do not let me be humiliated; do not let my enemies triumphantly rejoice over me!

Rejoicing In God's Word

Psalm 119:162

I rejoice in your instructions, like one who finds much plunder.

Rejoicing In God's Works

Psalm 92:4

For you, O Lord, have made me happy by your work. I will sing for joy because of what you have done.

Rejoicing In Relief

Psalm 105:38

Egypt was happy when they left, for they were afraid of them.

Rejoicing In Success

Esther 8:15

Now Mordecai went out from the king's presence in purple and white royal attire, with a large golden crown and a purple linen mantle. The city of Susa shouted with joy.

Stopping Rejoicing

Jeremiah 7:34

I will put an end to the sounds of joy and gladness, or the glad celebration of brides and grooms throughout the towns of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem. For the whole land will become a desolate wasteland."

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