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40 Bible Verses about Shame

Most Relevant Verses

1 Samuel 2:22

Now Eli was very old when he heard about everything that his sons used to do to all the people of Israel and how they used to have sex with the women who were stationed at the entrance to the tent of meeting.

Psalm 26:3

For I am ever aware of your faithfulness, and your loyalty continually motivates me.

Psalm 119:78

May the arrogant be humiliated, for they have slandered me! But I meditate on your precepts.

Isaiah 26:11

O Lord, you are ready to act, but they don't even notice. They will see and be put to shame by your angry judgment against humankind, yes, fire will consume your enemies.

Isaiah 44:11

Look, all his associates will be put to shame; the craftsmen are mere humans. Let them all assemble and take their stand! They will panic and be put to shame.

Isaiah 45:16

They will all be ashamed and embarrassed; those who fashion idols will all be humiliated.

Isaiah 45:24

they will say about me, "Yes, the Lord is a powerful deliverer."'" All who are angry at him will cower before him.

Jeremiah 17:13

You are the one in whom Israel may find hope. All who leave you will suffer shame. Those who turn away from you will be consigned to the nether world. For they have rejected you, the Lord, the fountain of life.

Ezekiel 16:61

Then you will remember your conduct, and be ashamed when you receive your older and younger sisters. I will give them to you as daughters, but not on account of my covenant with you.

Ezekiel 43:10

"As for you, son of man, describe the temple to the house of Israel, so that they will be ashamed of their sins and measure the pattern.

Hosea 4:19

A whirlwind has wrapped them in its wings; they will be brought to shame because of their idolatrous worship.

Hosea 10:6

Even the calf idol will be carried to Assyria, as tribute for the great king. Ephraim will be disgraced; Israel will be put to shame because of its wooden idol.

Exodus 32:25

Moses saw that the people were running wild, for Aaron had let them get completely out of control, causing derision from their enemies.

Ezra 9:6

I prayed, "O my God, I am ashamed and embarrassed to lift my face to you, my God! For our iniquities have climbed higher than our heads, and our guilt extends to the heavens.

Job 8:22

Those who hate you will be clothed with shame, and the tent of the wicked will be no more."

Psalm 44:15

All day long I feel humiliated and am overwhelmed with shame,

Jeremiah 23:40

I will bring on you lasting shame and lasting disgrace which will never be forgotten!'"

Ezekiel 32:30

"All the leaders of the north are there, along with all the Sidonians; despite their might they have gone down in shameful terror with the dead. They lie uncircumcised with those killed by the sword, and bear their shame with those who descend to the pit.

Hosea 4:18

They consume their alcohol, then engage in cult prostitution; they dearly love their shameful behavior.

Psalm 25:2

My God, I trust in you. Please do not let me be humiliated; do not let my enemies triumphantly rejoice over me!

Psalm 69:19

You know how I am insulted, humiliated and disgraced; you can see all my enemies.

1 Corinthians 6:5

I say this to your shame! Is there no one among you wise enough to settle disputes between fellow Christians?

2 Corinthians 7:9-11

Now I rejoice, not because you were made sad, but because you were made sad to the point of repentance. For you were made sad as God intended, so that you were not harmed in any way by us. For sadness as intended by God produces a repentance that leads to salvation, leaving no regret, but worldly sadness brings about death. For see what this very thing, this sadness as God intended, has produced in you: what eagerness, what defense of yourselves, what indignation, what alarm, what longing, what deep concern, what punishment! In everything you have proved yourselves to be innocent in this matter.

2 Thessalonians 3:14

But if anyone does not obey our message through this letter, take note of him and do not associate closely with him, so that he may be ashamed.

From Thematic Bible

Pride » Is followed by » Shame

Shame » Who shall be ashamed

Jeremiah 17:13

You are the one in whom Israel may find hope. All who leave you will suffer shame. Those who turn away from you will be consigned to the nether world. For they have rejected you, the Lord, the fountain of life.

Job 8:20-22

"Surely, God does not reject a blameless man, nor does he grasp the hand of the evildoers. He will yet fill your mouth with laughter, and your lips with gladness. Those who hate you will be clothed with shame, and the tent of the wicked will be no more."

Isaiah 65:11-13

But as for you who abandon the Lord and forget about worshiping at my holy mountain, who prepare a feast for the god called 'Fortune,' and fill up wine jugs for the god called 'Destiny' -- I predestine you to die by the sword, all of you will kneel down at the slaughtering block, because I called to you, and you did not respond, I spoke and you did not listen. You did evil before me; you chose to do what displeases me." So this is what the sovereign Lord says: "Look, my servants will eat, but you will be hungry! Look, my servants will drink, but you will be thirsty! Look, my servants will rejoice, but you will be humiliated!

Shame » Shame of sin

Exodus 32:25

Moses saw that the people were running wild, for Aaron had let them get completely out of control, causing derision from their enemies.

Psalm 44:15

All day long I feel humiliated and am overwhelmed with shame,

Ezra 9:6

I prayed, "O my God, I am ashamed and embarrassed to lift my face to you, my God! For our iniquities have climbed higher than our heads, and our guilt extends to the heavens.

Shame » Who shall not be ashamed

Isaiah 49:23

Kings will be your children's guardians; their princesses will nurse your children. With their faces to the ground they will bow down to you and they will lick the dirt on your feet. Then you will recognize that I am the Lord; those who wait patiently for me are not put to shame.

Isaiah 28:16

Therefore, this is what the sovereign master, the Lord, says: "Look, I am laying a stone in Zion, an approved stone, set in place as a precious cornerstone for the foundation. The one who maintains his faith will not panic.

Romans 10:9-11

because if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and thus has righteousness and with the mouth one confesses and thus has salvation. For the scripture says, "Everyone who believes in him will not be put to shame."

Joel 2:23-27

Citizens of Zion, rejoice! Be glad because of what the Lord your God has done! For he has given to you the early rains as vindication. He has sent to you the rains -- both the early and the late rains as formerly. The threshing floors are full of grain; the vats overflow with fresh wine and olive oil. I will make up for the years that the 'arbeh-locust consumed your crops -- the yeleq-locust, the hasil-locust, and the gazam-locust -- my great army that I sent against you. read more.
You will have plenty to eat, and your hunger will be fully satisfied; you will praise the name of the Lord your God, who has acted wondrously in your behalf. My people will never again be put to shame. You will be convinced that I am in the midst of Israel. I am the Lord your God; there is no other. My people will never again be put to shame.

Psalm 31:17

O Lord, do not let me be humiliated, for I call out to you! May evil men be humiliated! May they go wailing to the grave!

Shame » General references to

Shame » Who causes shame

Shame » Whose glory becomes shame

Hosea 4:6-7

You have destroyed my people by failing to acknowledge me! Because you refuse to acknowledge me, I will reject you as my priests. Because you reject the law of your God, I will reject your descendants. The more the priests increased in numbers, the more they rebelled against me. They have turned their glorious calling into a shameful disgrace!

Habakkuk 2:6-16

"But all these nations will someday taunt him and ridicule him with proverbial sayings: 'The one who accumulates what does not belong to him is as good as dead (How long will this go on?) -- he who gets rich by extortion!' Your creditors will suddenly attack; those who terrify you will spring into action, and they will rob you. Because you robbed many countries, all who are left among the nations will rob you. You have shed human blood and committed violent acts against lands, cities, and those who live in them. read more.
The one who builds his house by unjust gain is as good as dead. He does this so he can build his nest way up high and escape the clutches of disaster. Your schemes will bring shame to your house. Because you destroyed many nations, you will self-destruct. For the stones in the walls will cry out, and the wooden rafters will answer back. The one who builds a city by bloodshed is as good as dead -- he who starts a town by unjust deeds. Be sure of this! The Lord who commands armies has decreed: The nations' efforts will go up in smoke; their exhausting work will be for nothing. For recognition of the Lord's sovereign majesty will fill the earth just as the waters fill up the sea. "You who force your neighbor to drink wine are as good as dead -- you who make others intoxicated by forcing them to drink from the bowl of your furious anger, so you can look at their genitals. But you will become drunk with shame, not majesty. Now it is your turn to drink and expose your uncircumcised foreskin! The cup of wine in the Lord's right hand is coming to you, and disgrace will replace your majestic glory!

Shame » Those that are ashamed of jesus Christ

Mark 8:31-38

Then Jesus began to teach them that the Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders, chief priests, and experts in the law, and be killed, and after three days rise again. He spoke openly about this. So Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him. But after turning and looking at his disciples, he rebuked Peter and said, "Get behind me, Satan. You are not setting your mind on God's interests, but on man's." read more.
Then Jesus called the crowd, along with his disciples, and said to them, "If anyone wants to become my follower, he must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and for the gospel will save it. For what benefit is it for a person to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his life? What can a person give in exchange for his life? For if anyone is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will also be ashamed of him when he comes in the glory of his Father with the holy angels."

Luke 9:22-27

saying, "The Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders, chief priests, and experts in the law, and be killed, and on the third day be raised." Then he said to them all, "If anyone wants to become my follower, he must deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it. read more.
For what does it benefit a person if he gains the whole world but loses or forfeits himself? For whoever is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of that person when he comes in his glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels. But I tell you most certainly, there are some standing here who will not experience death before they see the kingdom of God."

Shame » Who jesus Christ will be ashamed of

Mark 8:31-38

Then Jesus began to teach them that the Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders, chief priests, and experts in the law, and be killed, and after three days rise again. He spoke openly about this. So Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him. But after turning and looking at his disciples, he rebuked Peter and said, "Get behind me, Satan. You are not setting your mind on God's interests, but on man's." read more.
Then Jesus called the crowd, along with his disciples, and said to them, "If anyone wants to become my follower, he must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and for the gospel will save it. For what benefit is it for a person to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his life? What can a person give in exchange for his life? For if anyone is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will also be ashamed of him when he comes in the glory of his Father with the holy angels."

Luke 9:22-27

saying, "The Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders, chief priests, and experts in the law, and be killed, and on the third day be raised." Then he said to them all, "If anyone wants to become my follower, he must deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it. read more.
For what does it benefit a person if he gains the whole world but loses or forfeits himself? For whoever is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of that person when he comes in his glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels. But I tell you most certainly, there are some standing here who will not experience death before they see the kingdom of God."

Shame » Those that cause shame

Proverbs 17:2

A servant who acts wisely will rule over an heir who behaves shamefully, and will share the inheritance along with the relatives.

Proverbs 14:35

The king shows favor to a wise servant, but his wrath falls on one who acts shamefully.

Shame » Whose glory is in their shame

Philippians 3:18-19

For many live, about whom I have often told you, and now, with tears, I tell you that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ. Their end is destruction, their god is the belly, they exult in their shame, and they think about earthly things.

Shame » Jesus ashamed of those who deny him

Luke 9:26

For whoever is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of that person when he comes in his glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels.

Shame » Who covers shame

Shame » What is shame

Shame » Who knows no shame

Zephaniah 3:5

The just Lord resides within her; he commits no unjust acts. Every morning he reveals his justice. At dawn he appears without fail. Yet the unjust know no shame.

Shame » What brings shame

Shame » Destitute of, the israelites when they worshiped the golden calf

Exodus 32:25

Moses saw that the people were running wild, for Aaron had let them get completely out of control, causing derision from their enemies.

Shame » Of the cross

Shame » Of adam and eve

Shame » The unjust

Zephaniah 3:5

The just Lord resides within her; he commits no unjust acts. Every morning he reveals his justice. At dawn he appears without fail. Yet the unjust know no shame.

Sin » Leads to » Shame

Romans 6:21

So what benefit did you then reap from those things that you are now ashamed of? For the end of those things is death.

Sins » Penalty » Shame

Exodus 32:25

Moses saw that the people were running wild, for Aaron had let them get completely out of control, causing derision from their enemies.

Psalm 44:15

All day long I feel humiliated and am overwhelmed with shame,

Ezra 9:6

I prayed, "O my God, I am ashamed and embarrassed to lift my face to you, my God! For our iniquities have climbed higher than our heads, and our guilt extends to the heavens.

Topics on Shame

Eliminating Shame

1 Samuel 17:26

David asked the men who were standing near him, "What will be done for the man who strikes down this Philistine and frees Israel from this humiliation? For who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he defies the armies of the living God?"

Enjoying Shame

Hosea 4:18

They consume their alcohol, then engage in cult prostitution; they dearly love their shameful behavior.

Not Put To Shame

Isaiah 54:4

Don't be afraid, for you will not be put to shame! Don't be intimidated, for you will not be humiliated! You will forget about the shame you experienced in your youth; you will no longer remember the disgrace of your abandonment.

Shame Has Come

Psalm 44:15

All day long I feel humiliated and am overwhelmed with shame,

Shame Of Bad Conduct

Ezekiel 16:27

So see here, I have stretched out my hand against you and cut off your rations. I have delivered you into the power of those who hate you, the daughters of the Philistines, who were ashamed by your obscene conduct.

Shame Of Idolatry

Psalm 97:7

All who worship idols are ashamed, those who boast about worthless idols. All the gods bow down before him.

Shame Will Come

2 Samuel 13:13

How could I ever be rid of my humiliation? And you would be considered one of the fools in Israel! Just speak to the king, for he will not withhold me from you."

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