A place to read, write, and deepen your understanding
A place to read, write, and deepen your understanding
MovableType 小技集 【更新】ソーシャルメディアに共有するボタンの設置方法(Twitter, facebook, mixi, GREE, Evernote, Google+, Tumblr, Pinterest, はてブ) ソーシャルメディアの各サービスがこぞって「いいね!」などの共有ボタンをリリースしています。ブログやニュースメディアでも頻繁に目にする昨今ですが、色々なソーシャルボタンの設置方法をまとめて紹介したいと思います。 目次(兼ショートカット) Twitter「Twitterボタン」 Facebook「Share」「Like(いいね!)」 mixi「mixiチェック」 GREE「Social Feedback(いいね!)」 Evernote「Site Memory(Clip)」 Google+「+1」 Tumblr「Share on Tumblr」 Pinterest「
PACS Group, Inc. is a holding company whose subsidiaries comprise a rapidly growing national platform investing in post-acute care facilities, senior living communities, and related professionals and ancillary services. We are revolutionizing the delivery, leadership, and perception of post-acute healthcare and support services nationally.
Internet radio may be facing uncertain times, but many musical social networks continue to thrive. If you're in a band, these sites are essential for promoting your music: take note, and sign up for as many as possible to maximize your reach. For fans, meanwhile, we've included some great places to just listen to music. We won't mention the obvious one, of course: MySpace remains the hub for music