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Together One Shots

Chapter 84: A Birthday for Two: Part Seven


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Anna Elizabeth lowered Liam to the ground before she sat down beside him.

"You're getting so big, Liam! But you're still my little brother."

He looked up at her and cooed. He then reached for her. She slid him back into her lap.

"You are too, little! 'Cause I'm your big sister."

He played with the sleeves of her costume and snuggled further into her lap.

"Really? I'm glad to be your big sister, too."

She then squeezed him tight. When she pulled away, he continued to tug on her costume.

"Yeah, it was fun dressing up for the party - this is my favorite costume. Daddy Killian helped me pick one out like it when we went to Evie's party."

"Pa?" He then reached for her hair - and she pulled away. "No, you didn't go to the party - it was before you were born."

He waved his hands at her. "Buh?" She answered, "No, they weren't boyfriend and girlfriend yet, but I knew they liked each other."

Liam shook his head back and forth. "I really did know! But I was still excited when they were a couple - and then they got married. I was the flower girl."

He then looked up at her. "It means I threw all the flower petals before Mommy Emma came down the aisle. You'll see me do it when Aunt Belle gets married to August."

The baby boy scooted away from her and grabbed another toy. He let out a squeal. Anna Elizabeth giggled.

"It is exciting! August gets to be our uncle now."

She then furrowed her eyebrows. "I don't know why he didn't come. He probably had to work. Yeah, that's it."

Liam then crawled back over to her and launched himself into her lap. She let out a giggle.

"I love you, too, Liam."

She then hugged him tightly. "Today has been the most fun! I bet next year will be just as fun, too."

"Too?" he repeated with wide eyes. She nodded. "Our birthdays are only one day apart, so we'll share them."

He giggled and clapped his hands. Anna Elizabeth smiled. "Even if we live in different places when we grow up like Daddy Killian and Aunt Belle, we can always have fun like we did today."

"Ahh!" he squealed as he clapped once more. She let out a laugh before she took his hands and commenced a game of patty cake.

She then whispered, "Can I tell you something?" At his curious blue-green expression, she continued, "I didn't really want to share my birthday, but you changed my mind."

He gurgled at her, to which she responded, "I was thinking about it before I went into your room. About how you're my favorite little brother - even though you do pull my hair."

She then groaned as his hands fisted her blonde curls. She managed to untangle them.

"See! That's what you do, Liam!"

She then took a breath. "But Mommy Emma and Daddy Killian say you'll stop when you're bigger."

"Bi?" She then told him, "Yeah, even when you're big, I'll still be your big sister."

She hugged him again. "And that's why it'd be okay if we shared birthday parties. Because I love being your sister, Liam."

He wrapped his arms around her neck and squeezed tight. She laughed and did the same.

When they pulled away, they continued to play. The pair became lost in their own little world, and it was just a snapshot of all the days - and years - ahead.


And that's a wrap! Thank you all for reading! Until next time, my lovelies! :)