Work Text:
[Cruel King]
He's been pacing back and forth in his throne room, his hands twirling his scepter as he nervously glances at the door.
It hasn't been even a week since he's stolen the Icedagger from it's rightful place, and surely Shedletsky or Builderman would have already sent someone for him. But no! HE's been sure to cover his tracks well, make it seem like nothing was wrong-
You wouldn't know that, would you? The voice inside his head whispers, taunting him. They could be outside your castle at any moment, barging in and taking out your knights, bringing chaos to your doorstep-
No! He shakes his head, and tries to focus. It won't do. I cannot be suspected- not yet. I am of high repute among my subjects- the winter is just... settling in. Yes, that's right.
He steps forward, and fiddles with the Icedagger hidden at his side, under his cloak. It's strapped to his hip, painful to the touch and freezingly cold- but he has to have it. It's his only chance of saving his kingdom, of avoiding-
Civilians yelling and screaming in fear. A massive blizzard, and the roaring of the wind in the dead of night. He can't see anything, he can't do anything, powerless to stop them, to stop-
He pushes that thought aside, lest he go down a rabbit hole of fear and irrationality. The king has to be there for his people, has to be unbreakable. Because that is how a ruler should be seen.
"What to do, what to do..." He paces back and forth, mumbling to himself. And maybe in another universe, he would have overlooked an old memory and not find an answer to his problems.
However, his mind drifted, and it drifted to hearing the old court wizard his kingdom used to have talking about the royal libraries.
"I have to say, your collection of literature and research is especially fine, your majesty!" The wizened wizard chuckled, straightening up his cap. "I have to thank you, with the bottom of my heart, for lending me some of those works. It really helped me develop a lot of spells."
"OF course." He nodded. "Blackrock's resources are free to it's citizens, and I appreciate you working for my kingdom's benefit."
"As a token of my thanks, I've donated some of my arcane works to your libraries!" The wizard flourished his hand. "It's not much, but a lot of those books I had laying around from my old master's tower. Maybe you can find some use for them, when the situation arises."
"I will keep that in mind. Thank you, again, for your contribution."
That's... that's right. The royal libraries. Cruel King stopped his pacing, and took a second to breathe. "Hm. The royal libraries... I haven't visited them much."
They might be the answer to my problems. He groans, rubbing his head as he struts out of his throne room and into the bustling halls of his castle. But there's so many books... I might have to employ a few of my knights to assist me, if that is the case.
"Stand to attention, soldiers! His majesty is here!" One of the loyal knights under his command shouted. The rest of the knights lined up, making way for him. "At ease." He says, sighing. "Are a few of you free to accompany me?"
"Yes, sir!" One knight says, bowing. "Me and the others are ready to serve you at a moment's notice!"
"Good." The king flares out his cape authoritatively. "Follow me. To the royal library, north wing of Blackrock castle."
A group of three knights accompany him, along with one crossbow crony. The five march their way through the halls reaching the large oak doors in no time.
Two of the knights grunt as they push open the doors, and they open slowly, scraping at the stone floor. Cruel King steps forward, looking at the towering bookcases that reached high above all of them.
"Can anyone here bring a ladder and start searching for magical texts? Anything will do. Tomes, research, accounts..." The king of Blackrock begins skimming through the titles at the bottom rows, his eyes drifting over them.
"Yes, sir!" His knights get to work, with one of them sliding over a ladder. Another comically balances on top of their comrade's shoulders.
They look through everything that they can. One hour turns into two, and two into four, and before long, half of the day was spent combing through books and finding nothing that would help him in his current predicament.
Cruel King winces as the Icedagger acts up, his skin laced with pain as a wave of cold washes over his body. He glances at his knights, who are tired, but still diligently doing their tasks.
Keep it together. You can't show weakness in front of them- they are relying on you.
Unfortunately, one of the knights trips, sending the crossbow crony riding on his shoulders flying in the air. They end up knocking a ton of books onto the ground. "Agh! Careful!"
"You fool! Don't act so undignified in front of his majesty!"
A tattered, leather-bound journal fell at his feet. Curious, Cruel King picked it up and brushed off it's cover. "Kingdoms and the Historical Significance of Summonings, by..." He is unable to read the name, with the cover being damaged.
He flips through the pages, and for once, the cold subsides, if only for a minute second. His gut screams at him that this is the one, and that he found something of importance. Something that would help fix his kingdom, and avoid the destiny he's been shown.
"Thank you, all." He gets up and nods at the knights that followed him to the library. "I have found the book that I needed to- you all can return to your posts."
"It is our honor, your majesty!" The knights salute, and file out of the royal library in a neat manner. Cruel King sighs, relaxing as he opens up the book and reads it.
He scans over the first few chapter, then flips over to a random page. There's a diagram of... a summoning circle, along with a step of instructions.
"In times of need," The book states. "Especially within kingdoms, there is a time-honored tradition of summoning heroes or beings that would help resolve such problems."
Cruel King continues to read, realizing that he might have found a solution to his problems. "But the risk is high, and while wizards can perform the summoning ritual itself, it must be done with the full knowledge and intent of solving the kingdom's specific problem."
"In that case, either the king or another high-ranking individual in the kingdom's government should be performing the ritual, as it would guarantee the best outcomes."
He's already made up his mind before he's read the end of the page. Cruel King closes the book, and slips it into his cloak- if he's going to solve this problem, he's doing it himself.
No need to put my subjects or knights in harm's way. Anything, for Blackrock Kingdom.
It only takes him a day to practice the incantation for the ritual, drawing the ritual circle in chalk multiple times and focusing his mind. After all, it was necessary for a king to be smart and talented. The people deserved no less for a leader.
Cruel King takes a deep breath, looking at his empty, frozen throne room. The cold wind howls outside, despite it being mid-day. The once sunny-skies of Blackrock Kingdom are now overcast, snow falling everywhere.
I am sorry. An eternal winter... but it is necessary for my subjects to survive. He can feel the cold seep into his bones, and this time, he can't do anything to make it stop. I'll- I'll just have to live with it.
Cruel King does all the right things. He draws the summoning circle, flips to the right page, and stabs the Icedagger onto the floor.
"O great creators above, by the script's divine hand and Builderman's will..." He says, his voice echoing through the throne room. "I call upon you in my time of need."
"My kingdom and people have been prophesied to fall, and my fate is doomed with it." The circle begins to glow as he pours out his woes, and continues with the chant. "I am powerless to stop it."
"So please," He bows his head, and clasps his hands in prayer. "Lend me your guiding hand, and call upon me the one destined to answer my cries!"
Cruel King knew that it was foolish to try out an untested spell- especially him, a normal Robloxian who only had a modicum of magical power. The Icedagger was the one doing all of the heavy lifting in terms of magic.
The wind whips around him. It's... warm, and the ice in his throne room starts to melt in the area around the spell circle. The king steps back, nervous at the sense of power that is emanating from the spell circle.
"No, no- this- this has to work, this has to-!" The spell circle sparks, and it turns a reddish orange- before exploding in a burst of power.
Cruel King is knocked back, and coughs as the air is filled with smoke. He reaches for the Icedagger, taking it in his hand and gripping it- the only weapon in his arsenal that might be strong enough to stand a chance against whatever threat appeared.
He sees an intimidatingly large silhouette against the grey volcanic smoke, towering over him. The king holds up his weapon, ready to defend himself.
The massive figure flares out it's wings, and it blows all the smoke away with a flap. Cruel King is met with the sight of pale white skin, a spiraling horn jutting out of it's left eye, and dragon-like wings.
Demon, his mind supplies, and he tenses up. The demon is wearing a regal outfit, with a cream-colored jabot and orange gem on his neck. It's wearing a dark red suit and gold-colored boots, all prim and proper.
But the most intimidating thing about the tall demon was not its wings, its horn, nor its height. It was the massive spiked sword hilted at it's hip, emanating a constant heat and glowing like lava.
"..." The two of them looked at each other in the eyes, with Cruel King ready to strike in order to buy his knights outside some time. Have I doomed my own kingdom to fall at the hand of this infernal being? Have- have I failed them? He's not shivering, for some reason...
"And who might you be?" The demon asks, cocking it's head to the side.
It's been an odd day for him. He's done his duties, recorded all the data he needed from the volcanoes surrounding the Inpherno supercontinent and made sure to mark when their possible eruption dates were- but after that, he still felt that he had some big, grand task to do.
"Strange." He overlooks Crossroads, his hand wrapped around the hilt of his holy sword. "I am sure I have finished my work, but why...?"
There's the feeling of something tugging on his chest. His clawed hand flies over to grasp at his suit, and it's not an unpleasant feeling per se, just wierd.
"O great creators above, by the script's divine hand and Builderman's will..." A voice echoes through his head, and he quirks an eyebrow up.
"My kingdom and people have been prophesied to fall, and my fate is doomed with it." The lord of fire feels a slight chill in his bones, like when he's next to his brother Icedagger. "I am powerless to stop it."
A noble wish, Firebrand thinks. Whoever is doing this... they are certainly taking a risk, calling out for me out of all demons.
"So please," The deep voice rings out in his head. "Lend me your guiding hand, and call upon me the one destined to answer my cries!"
Firebrand decides to amuse the poor demon who probably tried to summon him, to see what was going on. He accepts the call, but as the magic whips around him his eye widens.
This is- far too much power for a simple summoning spell! Firebrand tries to backtrack, to flap his wings and cancel the spell himself- but all that happens is that his sword sparks orange and the chill in his bones gets stronger. "Who dares-!"
He is yanked somewhere by the spell, appearing in an explosion of flame and ash. He groans, stretching as he gets up and takes in his surroundings.
Firebrand is in a throne room of sorts, with statues flanking the sides and a regal throne at the end of the hall. The whole area is covered in a thick layer of ice, which was currently melting a bit from his sheer presence.
He flaps his wings, clearing the smoke for a better view. He sees a neatly drawn summoning circle, a bluish-white sword that emanates a familiar power- and a regal yet shorter figure stands in front of him, pointing the sword at him in a tense manner.
The figure is unlike any demon he's seen before. Hornless, with frostbite-white skin, but with a small tint of color as if it was once yellow. A long red and white cape, with well-tailored robes and a pair of steel boots to match. There's a scepter attached to his hip, despite the sword he's pointing at Firebrand right now.
"And who might you be?" He crosses his arms, staring down at the mortal leveling the blade at him. Undoubtedly a king- but what is a king to a god?
"I- foul demon, if you wish to make my kingdom fall, I will place my life on the line!" The king growls, a hint of fear in his voice. "I may have botched the summoning spell, but the fault was mine alone- my subjects should not have to suffer for my mistakes!"
"Hm." Firebrand swoops over to the man, making him flinch. "And yet you called me here- the summoning spell must have been successful, if it has called me, the deity of fire, here."
"D-deity?" The hornless being seems to be much more intimidated, as if he didn't recognize Firebrand at first. Odd. "You- you claim to be of divine origin, demon?"
"Are you saying that you have not recognized me, mortal?" He spreads his wings out, slightly peeved that the king wasn't familiar with him. "My name is known throughout all of the Inpherno! I was the founder and ruler of Crossroads until me retirement! My repute and family are of the highest order!"
"I- I do not know you." The king makes sure to adjust his sword, in defense. "I- truly, you have been chosen by Builderman to save my kingdom? My summoning... worked?"
"I am not familiar with this 'Builderman' you speak of." Firebrand adjusts his cuffs, straightening them out. "But I have heard your pleas, before you... unceremoniously dragged me here."
The king relaxes- as if only for a little bit. "Perhaps... my kingdom is not doomed to it's fate, if you are truly here on behalf of my summoning." He still doesn't lower his sword. "But still- I will not let my guard down around you, demon."
"You speak as if you're not a demon yourself." Firebrand levels a curious look at him. "What are you, then?"
"... You don't know about Robloxians?" The king looks befuddled. "But... odd. I thought it would be obvious, with all of Robloxia being inhabited by them."
"Robloxia? This-" Firebrand furrows his brows. "Have you not heard of the Inpherno? Surely you jest- because it is the only continent within the Inphinity."
"... Apologies, I am unfamiliar with that."
"By the Spawn..." Firebrand mutters to himself, thinking out loud. "Have- have you transported me to another world? If so, I demand you send me back. My citizens cannot-"
The Robloxian (what an odd name for an odd species) flips through his book frantically, and begins to pale. "I- by Builderman, I cannot-" He begins to fumble. "I cannot send you back... I lack the means and knowledge to do so. The summoning spell, it- it seems to be one-way."
"Have you no shame?!" Firebrand begins to panic. I have my duties to return to! My grandkids to visit! And this mortal-he upends my life for THIS?! "Mortal, either you send me back now, or face my divine wrath!"
"I- I cannot!" The king looks terrified, but he still stands his ground. Firebrand is usually gentle compared to his siblings, but the sheer suddenness of the situation and the shock he was going through made him more irritable.
"Then either find a way as quick as possible, or I will be razing your kingdom down to ashes."
It's as if a switch was flipped the moment Firebrand threatened the king's kingdom. The mortal took a deep breath, leveled him the iciest glare he could manage, and pointed the oddly familiar blade right at his face.
"You will not. I will find a way to bring you back to your home, and you will leave this place, foul demon- but you will not lay even a single finger on my subjects or loyal knights, lest I come at you with all my might."
"..." Firebrand looks at the mortal up and down. "You have some spirit, for a mortal." He concludes. "Fine. I was never intending to harm anyone but you, since it was your fault that I am in this predicament."
The king sighs, and lowers his sword. "That... I can deal with. Take me, not- not my citizens."
He is nothing if not selfless, at least. Firebrand looks down at the mortal. "So- it seems like we should properly introduce ourselves. You first, mortal."
The mortal nods. "I... it was tradition that my name be replaced once I took the throne. So I have been called 'Cruel King' by the knights following me- it is... more of an ironic moniker after I oversaw their training."
"Hm." Firebrand looks at this mortal, this so-called "Cruel King" with some amusement. "It does not fit you, from what I can see."
"Cease with your mockery, demon. I will not be swayed by your words." Cruel King crosses his arms. "And you, divine infernal? What is your oh-so prestigious title and name?"
Firebrand spreads out his wings dramatically, extending his hands out. "I am Firebrand, one of the divine SFOTH. Former ruler of Crossroads, and lord of fire. You will not even come close to my level of power, mortal."
"... Pardon me. Firebrand?" The king's eye twitches. "As in- one of the SFOTH swords Shedletsky and Builderman oversee?"
"... What?"
[Cruel King]
It was... definitely quite the predicament, learning about the demon's origins. It made him have a headache, much more than wielding the Icedagger for too long.
"So what you are saying is- you are a geardemon. The embodiment of a gear, and your happens to be the Firebrand." Cruel King looks down at the intimidating-looking blade, noting how it looked nothing like what he'd seen the actual Firebrand to be. Much more elaborate.
"And you mean to tell me. That you rule over Blackrock Kingdom, the same Blackrock that is now going though the start of an endless winter- because you stole the equivalent of my younger brother's gear."
Firebrand looks like he's seething, and the king flinches. Maybe it was not the best of ideas to tell the deity what he had done- but the demon would have figured out later, and it was best to rip the bandaid off before it got worse.
"I- It was the only thing that could have saved my kingdom from certain doom. They said so." Cruel King's gaze hardens. "I will take responsibility for my theft of the sword- but not when the livelihood of my subjects are on the line."
"Tch." Firebrand looks at him with disdain. "Why bother? Your kingdom has been prophesied to fall- has it ever crossed through your mind that you are the reason why?"
Cruel King flinches. Firebrand continues. "We had a Blackrock Kingdom back in the Inpherno as well. It's now the Blackrock Federation, because the last king was so incompetent and corrupt that his own subjects rioted and tore down the monarchy themselves."
"Are you such a leader, mortal? Do you actually claim to do this for the good of your kingdom, or are you just another fool that seeks power?"
"I am NOT a power-hungry tyrant!" The king snarls, stiffening up in rage. "I refuse to be! I know that my kingdom will fall, and while my people may live on, who's to say that their lives will be better without it! They will be left without a government, and without the stability Blackrock gave them!"
"Tell that to yourself, mortal. I've seen many a ruler delude themselves into thinking that." Firebrand scoffs. The demonic deity checks out his claws, not paying attention anymore. "We have our own deals- you and I both want to be rid of each other. So you will have to let me stay until you find a method to return me back to the Inpherno."
"... Fine." Cruel King gets up, and his cape swishes in the wind. He sheathes the Icedagger (to think, there was a demon out there that embodied it's power) on his hip and looks at Firebrand with a glare. "Follow me. I will have to inform my royal guards of you, lest they mistake you as an intruder and attack."
Firebrand nods, and follows. Both of them walk down the halls in silence. Although, it's not long before a few knights in metal armor come rushing in.
"Your majesty, we heard a commotion and- DEMON!" His loyal knights raised their swords, but Cruel King took out his scepter to ward them off.
"This demon is to be an indefinite guest at Blackrock Castle, until I am able to bring him home." Cruel King barks out. "Treat him as an esteemed guest- he is a being of untold power, and I do not want any of you to be in danger because some fool decided to aggravate him." He glares at his soldiers. "Is that clear?!"
"Yes, sir!" The knights hilt their weapons, and Firebrand looks on with a hum of amusement. "You have them well-trained, mortal."
"They were personally trained by me." Cruel King says with a grumble. "Follow. You can stay at the north guest quarters."
The demon trails behind the king, looming over him with his massive stature. The king of Blackrock has to suppress a nervous shudder. Stay calm. He cannot kill you, not if you show no fear and send him back to the hellscape which he resides.
Firebrand and the king stop in front of a massive wooden door. The knight outside opens it to reveal a wide, luxurious room with stone walls, a bookshelf, a fireplace and a bed.
"Bathroom is to the left, with the door over there." The king gestures with his scepter. "The royal dining hall is down the stairs- you shall not be eating near my own knights. They are a rowdy bunch, and..."
"And you fear that I will harm them." Firebrand scoffs. "Do you think so lowly of me, mortal?"
"Yes." Firebrand blinks, not expecting Cruel King to be so... direct about it. Especially with the mortal's apparent fear of him. "I am not letting a... demon of your caliber within an inch of my subjects without me or my guards' supervision."
"Hmph. So be it." Firebrand lets himself get comfortable, taking off his suit to hang on the coat rack near the door. "I accept those terms. Do not fail to disappoint me, or I will make sure that your kingdom shall be without a king."
"... I will heed those words." Cruel King spins around, and storms off with a cold glare ahead.
The knight following him panics, and rushes to keep up. "Your majesty!"
"Yes, what is it?" He sighs, rubbing his temples. "I know he is a threat, but he's a threat that I mistakenly brought upon myself and my kingdom. I should not have tried that summoning spell..."
"Y-you only wanted the best for Blackrock, your majesty." The loyal knight bows. "But... why have you not fought against him, sir? Can your strength not best him... even with the Icedagger?"
"I- I cannot." Cruel King has a look of distress flash though his face before he steels his expression. Stay strong. For your kingdom. "Which reminds me- I should brief the other guards and knights on the power he wields. I wouldn't want any of you to attempt to attack Firebrand out of misplaced confidence."
"... I'm sorry sir, but did you just say Firebrand, as in-"
"Yes. Unfortunately."
And after a... very long talk with most of the knights roaming his castle, drilling it into their heads that no, you cannot attack the literal embodiment of a SFOTH sword, he goes to his royal bedchambers all exhausted and frustrated.
Why must I be plagued with such bad luck. He groans, tossing and turning, unable to sleep. Cruel King is stressed with a capital S. The only respite from this whole fiasco was that he wasn't hearing that blasted voice in his head, and-
Wait. He jolts up, realizing. I haven't been hearing that voice in my head since Firebrand was summoned.
There's some silence. A small, traitorous part of him is relieved at the break from hearing his impending doom and that taunting voice in the back of his head- but he ignores it.
No. I must get that infernal deity out of my kingdom, as quickly as possible. Cruel King shakes his head. I am not so foolish as to keep him around, merely as a remedy for myself.
For my kingdom. For my people. For Blackrock.
He falls asleep in an hour or so- it's much more peaceful without thoughts of doom and gloom echoing in his head.
It's... nice. Despite everything that's happened.
A week passes by as he does his duties. Firebrand is a common sight, roaming the halls of Blackrock castle and being accompanied by Cruel King. The ruler doesn't even remove his eyes from the demon, distrusting him.
"And when are you going to find a way home, mortal?" Firebrand checks his claws, and Cruel King growls under his breath. "I am. Trying my best." He gestures over to the mountain of books he and his knights are looking over. "The royal libraries are extensive, and if I do not find anything here, I am bringing in new books."
"Hm. And you're willing to shirk your royal duties, as well?" Firebrand says, a disdainful tone in his voice. "Your people need you, and yet here you are, fixing your own mistakes."
"Silence. You are a threat to us all." Cruel King looks through another book, but finds nothing. "And I will be returning to court... in a few hours. The nobles are complaining again."
"Of what? Tariffs, laws, reform?" Firebrand snorts. "Mortals are all the same. Even if you... 'Robloxians' are not demons, you still are mortals. And such trivial things to mull over."
"Tch. They are not trivial. Every request needs to be acknowledged by the king." Cruel King glares at Firebrand. "I do not know the manner in which gods operate, but we mortals are all interconnected. Tariffs could mean the difference between starvation and having dinner, laws are what structure everyday lives, and reform is how injustice is corrected."
"All trivial when you have centuries of life and no need for such things." Firebrand glances at him. "Still, I am familiar with such processes. It is much easier to go through when you have power such as I."
"And yet you criticize me for being a tyrant- her you are, talking about power and 'might makes right'." Cruel King snaps. "I am done searching for today- my guards have their jobs, and I have a court session to run."
Cruel King's knights order all the books into a neat pile of "already read", and he exits the royal library to march back down to his throne room. Firebrand follows him.
"Court is in session." He says, and the knights open the door to the throne room. "Speak your troubles, citizen."
And then several hours of political drudgery, arguing, and exhaustion follow. Don't get him wrong, he loves all his citizens and leading his kingdom- but sometimes the nobles are so bone-headed and out of touch that he wishes to just have them tossed out.
The noble that he's seeing is going on and on about an decrease in the value of Tix, and complaining that he would have to keep his prices in order to have customers afford his wares.
"And I should be able to raise those prices, your majesty, because then I wouldn't have to cater to the commoners and lower my revenue-" Cruel King is already bored out of his mind, but pretends to nod along.
"Ugh. What a pretentious little mortal." Firebrand glares at the Robloxian, and they yelp in fear. "Why is this- creature here with us, your majesty?!"
Cruel King jolts awake and growls. This fool is NOT dooming my kingdom with his errant insults! "I am monitoring him so that he does not kill us all, and it would be in your wisest interest to simply ignore him or treat him with respect. Is that clear?"
The noble nods and shivers, hastily getting out of the throne room. Word seems to have spread because the next few proposals during his court session seem to be less outlandish and stupid.
Everyone else took one look at Firebrand, said their words as quickly as possible, and got out. It was the most efficient court system that Cruel King had gotten in the years of his rule.
"Better, is it not? To get straight to the point with power?" Firebrand says. Cruel King frowns, and huffs. "... I have to admit, it is... refreshing to have such a short court session in comparison to several more hours of drudgery."
"Although- I refuse to let you terrorize my citizens." The king furrows his brows. "They do not deserve to be threatened every time they enter my throne room."
"Threatened? All I have done is stand here and listen to their pointless tirades as well." Firebrand rolls his eyes. "You are making baseless assumptions, Robloxian. I am the most gentle out of my siblings."
"If that is gentleness, then I shudder to think of what the other SFOTH in your world are like." Cruel King snarks back.
It is... nice, to have an equal to talk to in such an informal manner. Cruel King thinks, before stamping the thought down. You are not an equal here. That demon is a deity, someone who can outlive you and your kingdom, and has untold amounts of power.
Focus. He gets up from his throne, stretching. "I suppose court is finished, for today- I shall get back to searching for a way for you to exit my kingdom, Firebrand."
"... On second thought, I cannot believe you are this dedicated to making me leave." Firebrand sounds... impressed. "Do you truly fear for your kingdom that much?"
"I have told you before, and I will tell you a million times again- I am dedicated to Blackrock and its people. Not myself." He sighs, and his gaze hardens. "If you were to kill me rather than my citizens, I would accept it- but even so, the kingdom would fall anyways without a king to guide them."
"... You are a funny one, mortal. That sort of dedication, you only see once every few centuries or so." Firebrand turns away, but his wing accidentally brushes Cruel King's hand.
It's an instantaneous effect. Cruel King shudders in shock as the chill in his bones is momentarily doused in warmth, and his skin stops feeling pained from the influence of the Icedagger on him. He actually feels alright for a fraction of a second, before the cold seeps in.
The winged demon looks at him oddly, seeing how Cruel King's eyes suddenly went wide and his face was flushed with color. "Hm?"
"... It is nothing." Cruel King dismisses it, trying to seem unaffected. "Just- let me do my duties." He walks down to the halls, about to go to the library to search again, before Firebrand pauses.
"Wait." The demon sighs. "Take a break. I'm already seeing that you're working hard to being me back- and I'd feel guilty if you collapsed from exhaustion after doing all this work."
"I didn't know demons like you could feel guilt." Cruel King says, a bit derisively. He didn't trust Firebrand one bit, still. "Do you really mean what you say, or are you trying to kill me when my guard is down?"
"Again, the way you think I'm a monster amuses me." Firebrand crosses his arms. "I am serious. Go to the dining hall and get something to eat- I do not wish for you to strain yourself."
"..." The king looks down. "Fine. But you are still eating with me." To monitor him, of course. What else?
The two of them walk over to the private dining hall, with Cruel King sitting at the end with his fancy chair while Firebrand sat by his side. Just in case he needed to restrain that demon from rushing off to kill his knights, or whatever.
The servants hastily bring over a meal of cooked turkey, mashed potatoes, vegetables- about everything Cruel King liked. Unfortunately, he did not drink his usual red wine- it was much too risky to be inebriated even the slightest bit, when next to such a dangerous individual.
He watches, chewing on his meal as he watches the demon eat the chicken and vegetables with all the grace of an aristocrat. Cruel King saw how those sharp, serrated teeth tore through the meat methodically, and Firebrand daintily wiped his mouth.
"... You unnerve me with those teeth of yours." Firebrand finally says. "All blunt and dull- unnatural, to the highest degree."
"I could say the same for you, demon." Cruel King mutters. He narrows his eyes. "I am the one afraid of you here."
"Just a note." Firebrand says, humming. And... maybe that little tidbit had ignited his curiosity, because he's never seen a demon before outside of literature or old texts, but... the king wants to know more.
"... What is the Inpherno like?" He asks, setting down his fork.
"Depends." Firebrand sighs, and taps his claws on the table. "All the regions are different in some way, mostly due to their different environments and political structures."
"Blackrock, then." Cruel King insists. "I know it is not my kingdom, but... what is it like?"
"... Presently? A technological oligarchy." Firebrand spins his fork in his claws. "They have the most advanced government out of all of the factions, with a high council regulating most of the politics and economy."
"However," Firebrand hums. "They are also known for being... highly militaristic. The soldiers that are there are slowly getting replaced by robots, and it has a reputation of some scientists being rather... unscrupulous in it's ethics."
"But it is stable, is it not? Is it strong enough to defend itself?" Cruel King asks. He seems more entranced by the idea of his kingdom becoming powerful and successful enough to not need him anymore. "Are the people... are the people there happy?"
"Stable and strong? Yes. Happy? ... No." Firebrand admits. "They barely celebrate anything there. No festivities, nothing of that sort. It's all business, science, war."
"... Ah." The king doesn't know what to say. I thought... if my kingdom was strong enough, they would be happy. They wouldn't need me as much. But... to sacrifice the happiness of my citizens for their safety...
... I don't think I can make that trade. He sighs. "And what is... your former rulership like? Crossroads, was it?"
"Neutral ground between the four factions. A bustling city, filled to the brim with apartments and businesses." Firebrand replies. "It's divided into layers, with how dense it is- I was quite proud of myself for founding it after the Faction War."
"... Was it- were the people happy?" Cruel King asked. He was genuinely curious.
Firebrand thinks it over. "I... like to think that they are. As a deity, there is a certain... disconnect, between me and the mortals. But Crossroads is the only neutral ground between all four of them, and... I hope that it provided enough demons with a safe haven from inter-faction politics."
"Isn't that the burden of all rulers." Cruel King muses. "We'll never really know what all of our subjects would think about us."
"Indeed." They continue to eat their meal in silence.
Interesting. It's how he would describe Cruel King, that odd little non-demon mortal.
He's not sure if royalty is different in this world or not, but that man was quite extraordinary in his dedication to his kingdom. Even if he is a bit cold at times- but aren't mortals supposed to have their little flaws?
Firebrand looks in amusement. It's been a few more weeks, and they still haven't managed to find a spell to send him back. Ordinarily, he would have smiled the king for taking so long, but he could see him working so hard to try and bring him back.
Although, that was only because I threatened him and his kingdom with destruction. Firebrand hums. I should have told him that it was a bluff. I would never- Windforce would. But not me.
He glances over at the king, still hunched over some more books and going through every page carefully, clearly exhausted. Firebrand sighs.
"I wish to go out, mortal." Cruel King jolts up from his seat, eyes wide. Firebrand elaborates. "It is rather tiring, being cooped up in this castle of yours. Welcoming as it is, I wish to see what your world is like."
"... And this is not a plot to find out my kingdom's weakness, or try and harm my citizens?" The king asks. Firebrand sighs. "Will you just stop it with the accusations. You have my word that I will not harm anybody but you for your own faults."
"... Fine. So be it." He gets up from the desk, and the two are escorted out of Blackrock Castle by the knights. A few citizens of his kingdom look to him and see Firebrand next to him, towering over their own king.
Firebrand can feel their gazes. Some of them are looking in wonder and amazement, while a few are trembling in fear. e gives them as gentle of a smile and wave as he can, but it doesn't really help with those who are shivering in his presence.
"You're scaring them." Cruel King growls, and Firebrand sighs. "Not like I can prevent that, with my appearance. You Robloxians are so skittish."
"Says the demon with a massive horn and wings. You look like you're about to burn someone to death."
"Again- I am not so hotheaded as to do such a thing."
The guards listen to them banter as Cruel King exits Blackrock, going across the snowy wilderness. Firebrand hums. "It's fitting of Blackrock to be so snowy."
"It wasn't always that way, before..." Cruel King trails off. "... You know of my involvement. It's better to have it be a bit cold, rather than everything to fall apart."
"Keep saying that, mortal." Firebrand spots a small town in the distance. "Ah, is this where you wanted to take me?"
"Mhm. Roadtown. Rather close to Blackrock Castle, if not for the walk there. I've met the mayor before- he used to be one of my adventurers."
It's a rather nice outing, with them having a small stroll around the area. The mortal seemed to be much more relaxed around him, chatting with a few of the town's inhabitants and checking up on them.
Not bad. Firebrand would have loved to explore more, but the next town ahead was a much farther walk away, and Cruel King said that he couldn't stray too far from Blackrock, so that was that.
When the two of them returned back to the castle, Cruel King looked much less exhausted and more ready to return to his duties. Looking out for his citizens made him much more happy to do his duties.
"Going into court again, mortal?" Firebrand says. "All that stress would make you age much faster, you know."
"As if a god like you would know a thing about aging like us mortals." Cruel King snarked back. "If you attend the royal court again, I'd maybe consider letting you go out more often."
"You say that as if I can't break out of here myself." Firebrand huffs, and smiles. "But alright. I will assist."
Court is as quick as the previous times before, especially with Firebrand intimidating the mortals with the more foolish proposals. It's nothing he hasn't done before in his time as ruler of Crossroads.
The rest of the day proceeds without note. So do the next few days, but the king really does accompany out of Blackrock's castle more, even getting less paranoid and snippy if he decides to interact with the knights or his citizens.
But Firebrand's a SFOTH- he misses having to train with his siblings and spar with them. What is a sword, if not to be used in battle? Perhaps the king would have the guts to challenge him to a duel, or some practice sparring...
"Absolutely not." Cruel King looks uneasy at the mere mention of his idea. "I am already thinking of everything that would go wrong if we tried that."
"I am a sword, mortal. It would be a shame if I didn't get the enrichment and training I needed." Firebrand argues.
"Exactly. You are quite literally made for fighting, with divine power and the direct counter to my Icedagger." Cruel King points out. "I would be defeated in an instant."
"We are sparring, not fighting. I am offering to both relieve myself of my boredom and train you to better use that... stolen gear of yours." Firebrand's mouth twitches into a frown when mentioning his little brother's gear, but he keeps his calm. "Think of it as a win-win."
"And what if you kill me? What then?" The king argues back. Firebrand sighs. "I have had centuries of experience, of honing my temper and my blade. I swear on the names of my siblings that I will not mortally wound you."
"... This is a foolish idea." Cruel King gripes, but he still gets up from his seat to walk over to his personal training quarters. "Absolute madness."
"Yet you are still considering it." Firebrand's smiles a bit. "What a fascinating mortal. So afraid, and yet still taking the risk."
"... It's what comes with being mortal." He opens the door to the small arena, and Firebrand ducks under the doorframe to step in.
The two of them prepare to spar, with Cruel King taking off his heavy cloak and Firebrand adjusting his gloves. "Victory by ring-out?" The king asks.
"... By knocking our blades out of our hands." Firebrand says. "It's better."
"Satisfactory." Cruel King takes a fighting stance, and points the shorter blade at Firebrand. "I am ready. And you?"
"Always ready." Firebrand nods, and draws his blade from his hilt as well.
Cruel King dashes forward, making sure to dodge Firebrand's downward slash as he takes a step and tries to stab Firebrand's hand. The lord of fire counters with a parry, and the two begin exchanging blows.
"You've got a nice handle on the blade, mortal." Firebrand comments, effortlessly blocking the Icedagger's quick stabs and slashes. "Much better than my little brother's own fighting prowess."
"Better than a god? Do not fill my head with such hubris." Cruel King does his best to parry yet another slash from the longsword, but grunts as he's slightly knocked back. "Ugh- I cannot let my ego get inflated by such nonsense."
"In that way, you've got much more tact than most other mortals." Firebrand smirks and laughs. "I've never seen a mortal deny such a compliment from us SFOTH. Truly... you Robloxians are something else."
They continue to battle, but it is clear that Cruel King is hopelessly outclassed. The only saving grace is that Firebrand isn't taking it seriously at all, and is purposefully making himself slower and more predictable for the king to dodge and hit.
"B-by Builderman, this is- I cannot keep this up." Cruel King pants, tired after 2 hours of exerting himself. "This- you really are on a different level."
"Of course. I wouldn't be a SFOTH if that weren't the case." The deity flares out his wings, and spins around. "Time to finish this."
He swings his blade with enough force to knock the Icedagger out of Cruel King's hand, making it spike in sudden pain from the sudden loss of the cold. "Agh-!"
The king is tipping back, falling onto his back because he's been knocked out of balance. Firebrand steps forward, grabbing his wrist and helping him back up. "Can't have a king landing flat on his butt, no? It would be rather unfitting of a mortal of your repute."
Firebrand pauses. He feels how cold Cruel King's skin is, how he's shivering and trembling-it's not natural, even though he's unfamiliar with how Robloxians are supposed to be like. It feels much softer than the average demon skin, and he could practically feel the man's flesh under his claws.
"You... are you okay, mortal?" He glances at Cruel King, whose eyes are blown wide and face is flushed slightly red. "You're awfully cold."
"I- I suppose the Icedagger is influencing me much more than I expected." He grunts, getting up and shaking his head. Cruel King massages his temple. "It's alright. I think... with your presence, it's much less worse than it could be."
"The Icedagger influences you?" Firebrand tilts his head. "No mortal was meant to wield the weapons of the gods. It's expected. But still..." He reaches out to Cruel King and grabs his wrist, inspecting the near-frostbitten state of his sword hand. "It's best if you not use it."
He doesn't notice how the mortal was shivering not out of the cold or fear, but because of an entirely different reason. Cruel King's breaths are heavy and ragged, not used to the way his cold-soaked bones are literally doused in euphoric warmth.
"A-ah.." He stutters, and tries to wriggle away from Firebrand's grip. "I- I'm sure that I am f-fine for now-"
"Nonsense, I need to inspect you, mortal." Firebrand traces a sharp claw over his skin, inspecting his veins. "They're not frozen stiff, but your blood flow seems to be much slower and more constricted... is this normal?"
"D-damn demon, get away from me!" Cruel King manages to wrench his arm away, his face ablaze with a mortified blush. "I am fine! I insist!"
"If you says so..." Firebrand pulls away, worried. "But you need to see a healer if this bothers you too much." Cruel King nods, and sighs. "Damn it all..."
They separate awkwardly, and Firebrand can't help but notice how soothing the mortal's skin felt. All cold and soft and velvety.
"You've got nice skin, mortal. Much more delicate than most demons." He comments. "Take care of it."
"Indecent!" Cruel King sputters, grabbing his red cloak and putting it back onto his shoulders. "Commenting on my skin?! After that?!"
"How is such a thing indecent? I'm only pointing out your good qualities." Firebrand muses. "If Robloxians have different standards, I wouldn't know."
"Still! I- silence!"
[Cruel King]
The ruler was mortified that he'd reacted in such a- such an embarrassing way to that demon's mere touch. Sure, it made sense that the demonic deity would be able to counter his curse, but still! Why did it feel that way?!
He's here to destroy your kingdom! He can kill you in an instant! The king is quickly power-walking back to his bedchambers, begging to Builderman that the demon did not see the obvious bulge in his pants.
"I suppose that concludes our day today, does it?" Firebrand chuckles, completely unaware of what he's done. "You're in a hurry to get to bed, mortal."
"Goodnight." Cruel King quickly leads the demon back to his quarters, and has to march down the hall with his cloak draped in front of him to hide his shame.
I CANNOT be feeling this! I cannot be enamored at some- some infernal demon who seeks to bring me to ruin! Cruel King's bones ache for that feeling of addicting, soft, blazing warmth-
NO! The king shakes himself and tries not to think about it. He closes his door with a slam, locks it, and shucks his cloak off to the side. The king drops onto his bed, trying to sleep off the mortification and doing his damn best not to think about the demon he summoned in such a way.
"I am. Such a horrid king." Cruel King bemoans, burying his face in the pillow to scream in frustration. "WHY?!"
He... well, he tries to sleep it off, he really does. But all that ends up happening is that his dream ends up doing the exact opposite of what he wants.
"Mortal." The demon looks down at him, towering over the king as he flashes his sharp teeth. "So this is what you've been hiding? How pathetic." Firebrand tilts his face up with a claw. "You couldn't even keep yourself away from my power."
"I- It's not! I am NOT a harlot for demon scum like you!" Cruel King sputters, but Firebrand just chuckles and steps closer, cornering the king on the throne he was sitting on. He gets so close that the Robloxian has to spread his legs apart to let Firebrand loom over him.
"Your demeanor tells me otherwise..." The demon leans down, cupping the king's cheeks. That glorious, addicting warmth courses through his veins as Firebrand leans in closer. "So needy. You fall apart if I'd even graze you with my claws... I wonder how you would react if I'd actually touch you somewhere more sensitive."
The king is panting, and his face is flushed and dizzy as the god caresses his face. He yelps as he's flipped over, so that instead he's sitting on the god's lap and hugging Firebrand.
"This is so much better, don't you agree?" Firebrand purrs in his ear, tracing a stripe up his neck and flicking his ear. "You're putty in my hands. I like that, mortal." The king lets out a strangled, happy whimper as he tries to compose himself.
But it's so hard to do so, when every inch of his body is screaming in ecstacy from the relief of that damned icy curse. Cruel King feels like he's been lost in the cold wilderness of Blackrock only to be invited into a sauna for the first time in his life.
"Such beautiful noises." The lord of fire chuckles, fanning his wings out and hugging the king closer. "Does this soothe your weary bones? You kingdom shall be warm and safe, with my power... and so will you."
"I must- I-!" Cruel King gasps, overwhelmed. Here was Firebrand, telling him that he'd do the two things his heart wanted the most- protect Blackrock from it's fated doom, and give him this- this slice of heaven on earth.
"All you have to do, your majesty-" The demon leans to whisper into his ear, the sheer heat of his power making the cold air fog up. "Is to let me make you mine."
"Y-yes, o-oh gods, yes- I- I'd do anything for my kingdom to be safe, for you to- for-" Cruel King is stuttering more than he ever has in his life, not even before his coronation was he this excited and nervous. His whole body is aflame.
"Then the deal is sealed." Firebrand smirks sharply, and leans in close to the king. "And for it to be official... you'll have to kiss me, mortal."
Cruel's King's heart is pounding out of his chest as he leans in, feeling the way the demon's heat emanated from his body. He wraps his arms around Firebrand's shoulders, keeping himself steady, as the demon leans in and-!
Cruel King wakes up, his bed a mess and his face red. He's still dizzy and disoriented from his dream, expecting a kiss- but then his mind kicks in and he realizes what exactly he just dreamed about.
The king lets out a mortified yell, face-planting into his own pillow. "N-no! Surely you jest-?!" He curses himself, his blasted heart, that damn Icedagger for making him have that curse, and especially that damn otherworldly demon for making him feel this way. "Aagh!"
He's a king. So he has to compose himself, make himself look presentable and unfettered as he dresses himself and sets out for another day of work.
Cruel King tries not to look abashed as he waits in front of Firebrand's door for the demon to get ready. "Are you decent, Firebrand?"
"What happened to calling me 'demon', hm?" Firebrand says, opening the door.
Cruel King's eyes widen, and he's met with the sight of Firebrand in his cream-colored undershirt and with rolled sleeves. He can see the large, firm muscles on the demon's forearms and the way his shirt can barely contain the slightly plump yet toned physique of the demon.
"I... apologize for scaring you last night, as we were battling..." Firebrand looks sheepish and apologetic. "You were shivering and freezing up every time I tried to look over you, and I realized- you must have been terrified to have someone as large and imposing as me loom over you."
"So I decided to dress more casually, so that you can see that I am not intending to pull any tricks or flaunt my power over you." He spreads his hands out, giving Cruel King a clear view of his body. "Well? Is it working?"
"..." Cruel King's right eye twitches. Inside, he's having a complete crisis at how the demon somehow looks more tantalizing and strong, and how in the world someone with so much power could be this sheepish and mindful-
Oh by Telamon's name. Forgive me, for I am having THOUGHTS about this infernal demon. Cruel King coughs, hiding a slight blush. "It is- sufficient. I am touched that you have thought about my own discomfort, but I assure you, I was not scared in any way."
"Oh! Well, if that's the case, I can simply put my suit back on-" Firebrand steps inside his room, but Cruel King interrupts him hastily. "N-no! There is no need, you can simply come along as is-"
"But it's not exactly proper with me looking like this in your court-"
"Nonsense! I believe you look quite well enough, and nobody would dare criticize you, you know-"
In the end, Firebrand ends up dressing like that to stand by Cruel King's side at the royal court. The king decides that this is a very good choice, as now he has (some eye candy) something nice to look at when dealing with his duties.
The mortal has been acting rather odd lately, staring at him much more than usual. He glances at every part of him, especially at his chest and face.
Is he trying to see if I am still a threat? Firebrand wonders. Hm. He is nothing if not diligent.
The god of fire is currently sitting in another library in the castle with Cruel King, careful not to touch any of the books by accident. He can control the temperature of his skin, yes, but he doesn't want to burn them by accident.
He's still shocked that the Robloxian can even touch him without getting burned, but he supposes it's because of the influence of the sword in the man's possession. Icedagger also had a decent immunity to his fire.
"Ugh. This is- at least a third of the south library." Cruel King complains, flipping through yet another book. "This- this is a biology book! Not even anything on spells here?!"
"Biology, you say?" Firebrand glances at the ruler, and down to the book that he's holding. On it is a diagram of a body, presumably a Robloxian one, with all the organs mapped out and labelled. "Interesting. May I see?"
Cruel King leans over, letting Firebrand look over it. The deity notes all of the intricacies of the body, and how some of the organs are completely different.
"Hm. An odd set of glands here." He points to it, careful to not touch the paper directly with his claws. "What do they do?"
"Endocrine glands. They pump hormones into the Robloxian bloodstream, with functions such as growth, metabolism, all the sort..."
"Demons have those too. But why do many?" Firebrand tilts his head, curious. "There's no need for a lot, especially in the lower stomach area."
"Wh- I won't even question that." Cruel King sighs, and sighs. "Are you going to bother me again when I'm trying to look for a way to you to go home?"
"Is it not natural to be curious? I've been around you Robloxians for a few month or so now, and still I have little information on your species' biology." Firebrand notes. "I've seen your culture- you all avoid conflict like the plague. But I want to know what makes you... you."
Cruel King flushes slightly pink. "... Fine. We can take a break from the search- I'll answer any questions as best I can."
The two of them are sitting down on a table in the library. Firebrand taps his claws on the table. "So, can I see your teeth?"
"... What?" Firebrand leans in closer, and his hand hovers near the king's mouth. "Your teeth. I told you before that they unnerved me, flat as they are... but I want to see them."
"Wh- with those claws? You'll slice up my mouth!" Cruel King complains, trying to find any way to make this not more embarrassing for him.
"I will be careful. And in return, you can ask me questions, too." Firebrand negotiates with the Robloxian. "I'm willing to let it be reciprocal."
"T-then- damn it." The king curses. "Fine. Let me inspect your horns and wings, and I will let you... do that."
"Thank you." Firebrand gingerly opens the mortal's mouth, getting a clearer look at those blunt teeth. Fascinating... he does have canines, but there's only four of them. And they're still relatively dull compared to the canines of most demons.
"Your molars are much flatter too- it reminds me of some herbivorous animals back in the Inpherno, with how they're shaped..." He traces the soft part of his claws against the king's teeth, and he hears a strangled noise from him.
Firebrand looks down. Cruel King looks embarrassed, his cheeks flushed bright red against his pale skin and trying to wriggle away. The lord of fire quickly pulls his claws away. "Ah- apologies. I forgot that I was inspecting a king such as you- this must be awfully demeaning."
"I- It is fine. Just don't ask to do that to me again." Cruel King says, wiping his mouth. "But a deal is a deal. Show me your horns."
Firebrand bows down, letting the Robloxian access the horn on the left side of his face. Cruel King reaches out with his mildly calloused (yet still soft by demon standards) hands to trace them.
Firebrand's cheeks instantly heat up and his wings flare up in embarrassment- because usually, it would be uncomfortable for another demon's claws to be touching another person's horns. It's the equivalent of touching bone with an unsettlingly sharp object, akin to a dentist's tools scraping against teeth but on one's head.
But Cruel King? With his soft, cool hands and gentle touches? This feels like heaven to him. Firebrand melts into the touch, trying his best not to purr as the king inspects him.
"It feels like bone and rock." Cruel King mutters, dipping his finger into one of the junctions of Firebrand's horn. The lord of fire lets out a gasp and chuffs. "C-careful. Demons can feel through their horns."
"I'll take note of that." Firebrand is shivering a bit, unsure if he should keep going though this absolutely sublime feeling- it feels way too intimate.
Cruel King's hands dip to the back of his head and rubs the part where his skin touches his horns, and he bites his lip hard enough to draw blood. The ruler hums, fascinated. "It really is bone, is it not? Is it used for fighting? Do all demons have horns as magnificent as yours?"
Firebrand wants to sputter and act all mortified that the Robloxian is saying such things about his horns, but calms himself down. He's not a demon. He doesn't know about our culture, and surely he doesn't know that he's flirting with me-
"N-no. Every demon's horns are different, from color to shape." He stutters a bit, but keeps his composure. "Mine is... a mutation of sorts. I only have one eye as a result."
"Amazing..." Cruel King says. His hands lift from Firebrand's horn, and the deity is about to protest- when they instead go to his back and trace his wings so softly.
This time, Firebrand can't help but make a noise of surprise, arching his back. "A-ah-" He exhales, trying to not act all surprised by the king's hands. All that soothing coolness, applied directly to one of his more sensitive parts.
"Are you alright? I can cease if you feel-" Firebrand cuts him off. "No! Everything is fine!" He pushes his back towards the king's absolutely divine hands. "Just slightly cold."
Cruel King continues to inspect Firebrand's wings, and the demon gets more and more flustered and unsteady with each action. The Robloxian had to rub at the joints, pinch the membrane gently between those soft fingers and-
Firebrand feels bliss greater than any time in his centuries of life with the mortal traces his fingers down his back, and proceeds to inspect the base of his wings. "M-mmph- d-damn it."
I want to knock horns with him, I want to pin him against a wall and fight him and rub our horns together- I want to kiss him all over and bit him and-
Firebrand jolts out of his reverie and yelps. "T-that is enough!" Cruel King scrambles back, terrified that he might have done something wrong. The lord of fire hurries to correct himself.
"I mean- you are not in trouble, it is just that- I feel like this is enough research for today." He brushes his shirt off and hastily gets up. "We have long overstayed our welcome, and it is getting dark outside."
"I- yes, I agree." The flustered man gets up from his seat as well, and the two both walk off to their bedchambers. Cruel King stops in front of Firebrand's door. "... Good night, Firebrand."
"Good night to you too, mortal." He closes the door gently- and proceeds to go to his bed and have a mental breakdown.
By the Spawn HOW am I into this man?! I cannot- just a few touches, and he-?! Firebrand kind of just stares blankly ahead of him. He doesn't even have a pair of horns for me to spar with! He's so much weaker in comparison to me!
Firebrand has had a few flings with mortals in the past- one does not simply live for centuries without getting some companionship. But this is the first time a mortal has made him feel as hot-blooded and eager as his old self, before he'd developed the discipline and temperament that defined him today.
Stars almighty, he isn't even a demon! How would I even- we're not biologically compatible! He has no gear to speak of, so even if- how?!
Firebrand spends the rest of his night in a similar panicked, flustered predicament as Cruel King. As they say, birds of a feather flock together, and these two old men are HORRENDOUSLY down bad.
It's a few painfully tense days later of nothing but "is he flirting with me" and "what is wrong with me" before Firebrand and Cruel King are eating dinner together- this time, the ruler finally let him eat in the dining hall with the rest of his royal knights.
Firebrand is chowing down on a taco, sighing happily. "By the Spawn, this food is delicious. Send my regards to the chef." The servant who served both him and Cruel King bows, and rushes off.
He looks at Cruel King, who is also similarly in a good mood. The knights are glancing at them at the end of the table once in a while, but overall, it's not bad.
"You know, my grandchildren would absolutely love the food here!" He comments, and for some reason, the king... deflates in disappointment?
"Ah. Grandchildren?" He asks, and Firebrand shrugs. "Well, yes. My... actual child is estranged from the family, after an unfortunate series of events. My grandchildren are much more successful."
"I- I see." Cruel King says, disappointment still heavy in his voice. "Congratulations to the lucky wife, then."
(The knights sitting at the table perk up, and look at their king. Why does he look so disappointed at the mention of the demon having a partner?)
"Wife?" Firebrand looks absolutely baffled. "Why did you assume that I had a partner?" He genuinely looks confused at how Cruel King jumped to that conclusion.
"Well, you have grandchildren. And a child." Cruel King says, as if it explained everything. Firebrand is still not understanding what he's saying. "What in the world does having a child have to do with having a partner?"
"... Because you need a partner to have a child?" Cruel King says, further confusing Firebrand. "Mortal- I know that two demons are needed to sacrifice a portion of their gear's power to create offspring at the Spawn, but I am a SFOTH. I have no need for a partner to create children."
"The- the Spawn? What does that mean-" Cruel King freezes. "You... have no partner?"
"Well, I've had a few flings in my centuries of life, but never a partner- it's been a century since I've seen anyone-"
Cruel King seemed to have a weight lifted from his shoulders, and he sighed in massive relief. "Oh, thank Builderman..." He muttered. "I still have a chance..."
(His knights still look confused, but one of the older ones, Mantis, spits out his drink in shock as he realizes what exactly is going on with the king and that winged demon. He elbows his friend, whispering to her- and she drops her fork on the table at his words.)
("Holy fuck Mantis." She and him rush off to the training barracks to gossip with the rest of their comrades- because this is the tea of the century- nay, since Blackrock Kingdom's inception.)
"Well, if that's the case- it is rather fascinating, to see that demons are created in such a manner." Cruel King finishes his plate, wiping his mouth.
"Robloxians aren't made through the Spawn?" Firebrand tilts his head in confusion, definitely interested. "Where do they come from, then?"
The few knights still left in the room react in various ways- mainly whipping their heads around in shock, tripping over, or dropping their plates. Cruel King's face quickly flushed red. "Pardon?"
"Demons are made through the Spawn, and yet you say so in a manner that implies that Robloxians are spawned- er, made differently." Firebrand tilts his head. "How do you reproduce, if not with a Spawn?"
"That is- not a question to be asked in public, Firebrand!" Cruel King is mortified, his face looking more like Firebrand's sword. He actually seems to be horrified at the turn of the conversation.
"Ah, okay. I suppose I'll simply ask you when we're in private company, then." And with Firebrand's words, all the knights in the dining hall proceeded to devolve into chaos, either dropping their silverware or grabbing each other by the shoulders and rushing out.
Cruel King buries his face in his hands and screams in a muffled way. Firebrand looks concerned. "What? Was it something that I said?"
"... My reputation is never going to recover from this."
(Mantis and Blaze burst into the training rooms, which is practically packed with knights after lunch. The ones that left the dining hall before their king came in with the demon deity look at the two in curiousity.)
("OUR ROYAL MAJESTY WANTS TO FUCK THE DEMON!" Blaze yells, and the room devolves into more chaos. Training gear is dropped, knights cry out in shock, and friends grab each other by the shoulders and shake each other.)
(The next few knights rush in and yell as well, panting and out of breath. "THE KING- THE KING IS SEDUCING HIM IN HIS CHAMBERS! RIGHT NOW!")
(The crowd goes even more wild.)
[Cruel King]
He ends up in his bedchambers with Firebrand, but not for the reason everyone thinks he is.
There's a book on Robloxian anatomy, flipped open to the "reproductive organs" section. He's got his face in his hands and is more embarrassed than he has in his entire life. Never, in his entire years of living on this gods-forsaken earth, did he expect to be teaching sex-ed to the literal embodiment of the Firebrand and a demon deity.
"And- and that is how Robloxians are born." He groans, absolutely done with this shit. "I- I am not explaining this again, this is obscene and blasphemously lewd to the highest degree-"
Firebrand doesn't look embarrassed at the whole thing, in fact, it was more slight disgust, morbid fascination, and absolute bafflement. "You just- pop out newborns? Out of there?"
"No! I am biologically male, so I don't have those parts-"
"But wouldn't it be more efficient to have both sets of reproductive organs in a species, as to have more compatibility?"
"You know very well that is not how evolution works, unfortunately only a small percentage of Robloxians are intersex and-"
"This... makes no sense at all." Firebrand sighs, and pinches his forehead in bafflement. "I mean, you can say it is intimate and taboo, but I don't really have a metric to go off of this... cultural aspect of yours-"
"Look." Cruel King sucks in a breath, and sighs. "How do I put this in better terms, for someone who doesn't understand..."
He sets down his scepter and the Icedagger onto his bedside table, and wrings his hands nervously. "It is... something that lovers do as an act of intimacy. Typically in an exclusive fashion, as we're mainly monogamous."
The Robloxian tries to gesture to himself. "It's... physically pleasurable, to an obscene amount, and is not something discussed in public. Do you understand?"
Firebrand is silent for a few moments, until something clicks for him and he makes a noise akin to a half-gasp and mortified choke. "Have you been telling me that I proposed to horn-tapping you in front of all your knights?!"
"I wouldn't know that, but from your reaction I assume that this is analogous to intercourse for demons." Cruel King sighs, and tries to ignore Firebrand's embarrassed gaze. "So please- do refrain from saying such things again, unless..."
Unless you actually love me. Unless you can hold me and never let go. Cruel King says this part silently in his head.
"..." Firebrand's cheeks are red, and there's a distinct warmth emanating from him that seems more cozy in comparison to before. "I... I must confess something, mortal."
Cruel King freezes up. The deity continues. "I- I must admit, you are... on my mind a lot. Ever since I met you... you've fascinated me."
He reaches out, and a claw cups Cruel King's cold cheeks. "Your bravery, despite how you clearly feared and distrusted me at first."
His other hand reaches out to pull Cruel King closer, as he sits down on the bed with the ruler. "Your dedication to your kingdom and subjects- because no demon in the Inpherno was like that under their own rule."
And Firebrand proceeds to pull him close enough, until their bodies are pressed together in a soft, gentle embrace. "And... I am- embarrassed to say this myself- but your touch. It's simply..."
They both can't say anything. Cruel King thinks he's just ascended to heaven right then and there, because that warmth. The one that permeated his bones with just the slightest touch, the one that he dreamed about all those nights-
It feels better than I've ever expected. He melts into the hug, practically becoming boneless. There's no need for words. He feels like he can just dissolve into snow, right then and there- and join the blazing inferno that was the god's mere presence.
"I... I love you." Just three words. That's enough. "I love you, and- and I'm nervous and afraid, because this was never like before and I've never felt this way in my centuries of life-"
"Silence." Cruel King shifts his weight so that he's sitting directly on the bigger demon's lap, looking him straight in the eye. Firebrand's breath hitches. "I- I love you too. I cannot, for the love of Builderman, believe that I have fallen for a demon like you- but I will take my chances."
They are quiet once again. It's another round of tense, quiet reflection among themselves before Firebrand breaks it with a nervous, low tone.
"Perhaps... if that is the case. Can we share... a kiss?" He wraps a firm arm around Cruel King's wired, muscled waist.
"... We can." And Cruel King leans in, slowly but surely-
This... this must be what Nirvana feels like. Because the demon's lips are surprisingly firm and gentle, warmer than the most comfortable fireplace, like kissing warm sunlight itself.
It feels like he's reached a zenith that no other Robloxian would- kissing a literal god, becoming his most loyal follower. No wonder Firebrand is a deity- because he would gladly get on his knees and worship whatever being would make him feel this close to heaven.
Their kiss is soft and sweet. Firebrand pulls away first, flustered and shy- but it's Cruel King that pulls him in again needily and licks his lips, diving in to another kiss.
They kiss again, and again, and again, and again. It's a veritable barrage of love, and Cruel King can't get enough.
And the more they kiss, the more Cruel King pushes things. He starts with a swipe of his tongue here, a gentle brush of his fingers against Firebrand's horn there...
He deepens this next kiss, shoving his tongue inside and pinning the taller demon down to his mattress. Firebrand lets out a surprised moan, as if he's not expecting this. "M-mmph-?!"
Gods, it feels so good with his tongue entwined with a larger one, tracing those dangerous, sharp teeth. Firebrand was a monster, all right- but that just made the thrill of it much more enticing.
Firebrand's eyes roll back, and Cruel King feels pride at having overwhelmed the lord of fire- because he's making out with a deity that seems to be astounded at the things he's doing.
"I'm the first to be pinning you down like this, correct?" Cruel King smirks. "Bet you've never expected that."
"N-no, I- a-ah!" The demon croons in that deep, gentle voice of his. Cruel King places his mouth on the demon's horns, and gently drags his tongue across the warm, rough surface. "Beautiful."
Cruel King had expected the bigger demon to be the one overpowering him, for him to be the one helpless and under Firebrand's control- but he knew better now. Firebrand was a rather restrained and gentle individual. He would fold easily.
"Focus on me, love." Cruel King says, and Firebrand opens his mouth in a delightfully lewd o-shape as the Robloxian treats his horns with care and begins to trace those soft, cool fingers on the base of his wings. "You're such a majestic, powerful thing... reduced to a puddle by me, a mortal."
"A-aah, d-don't- I don't want to-" Firebrand whimpers, trembling a bit. "I don't want to- lose myself and-"
"Then it is fortunate that I am a man that likes taking risks." Cruel King kisses him deeply again, and continues to make out sloppily with the demon, sitting on his lap as they do so. "So be it."
They go at it for the rest of the night. ironically, Firebrand is louder than Cruel King- so he's thankful that his bedchamber walls are soundproof.
The next morning, Firebrand stumbles out of the king's room with a flustered face, barely able to take a step without stumbling a bit. He sure as hell doesn't have any reproductive organs like humans do, but the sheer way in which Cruel King pleasured him was enough to render him unsteady.
Cruel King, on the other hand, saunters out of the room with a confident smile and holding Firebrand's hand. The knights on guard duty in the halls gape at the two.
"Carry along now, I have business to attend to." Cruel King says, chuckling. "No need to gossip about what you saw here.
The knights look at each other. There's a silent nod of communication between them that says 'yes, we ARE going to tell the others', and they sprint off to give the king and the demon their privacy.
"Now where were we..." Cruel King mutters, walking off to the library with Firebrand in tow. "I did think there was a section of the south library that contained all the books on magic... I should have checked there first."
"Y-yes, of course, mortal." Firebrand stutters, still flustered to hell and back.
"Well then. Let's make haste, shall we?"