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Instead of going right, Sirius Black followed the feeling of wards that screamed of family and home, going left. Wards he was positive felt exactly like the ones protecting Potter Manor, the only real home he’d ever had. Which couldn’t be right, he was in the middle of Merlin-forsaken nowhere with the hot sun beating down upon him. His simple act unrolled a whole new destiny, and this one…perhaps would be far happier than the one awaited him if he’d gone right. For this simple act would awaken King Arthur, Merlin and the knights of the round table that were always said in legend that they'd appear when Albions need was at it's greatest...and how greater could the need be when such rife corruption went all the way up the ladder to the Minister of magic himself?
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Chapter 3
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Last read 2 3 25 chapter 3
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Great worldbuilding so far. Sirius after getting on buckhead, ends up flying out of the country and into Brazil, where he finds a long lost uncle/cousin, Nic Charlus Potter-Black, who knows he's innocent. Incomplete 3ch