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The Little Firefly


Ace does not want to trouble his new family, the Whitebeard's, with his age regression, so after he becomes the second division commander he is able to Age regress freely without worry of being caught. That is until he forgets to lock the door.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

Thank you, Ace thought,Thank you commander's quarters. He had been made the 2nd division commander of the Whitebeard pirates a week ago, that in of itself was more than enough to be thankful for, especially after telling his father about Roger. His pops didn’t care, he was real happy for that, real happy to have a dad. Ever since he officially joined the family after his 100 day assassination attempt on Whitebeard, he became the newest member of the pirate crew, and because he didn’t want to be a burden to his new family, he worked hard and did his best to hide his regression.

They had an understanding of his narcolepsy due to the fact he fell asleep while eating with pops and some of the crew, and had to annonce it in the chaos that was his emotions after face planting in his brother Izo’s food. But that was different from regression, he didn’t typically need someone to understand his actions or any childish emotions with narcolepsy like he did regression. He knew how to regress alone, knew how to have fun drawing and talking to the fun little rocks and colored pens he found. His family finding out just wasn’t so necessary, they would take care of him more than they already did. And he did not want them to be a burden, no matter how much he is told he is not a burden by them and his brother in the East Blue.

He had managed to hide it the whole time on the Moby Dick so far, stealing paper and colored pencils to draw with, playing with paper clips and beads like they were alive in storage closets that were scarce with supplies. And he did not need any plushies or to experience his brothers or dads smile as he handed them a drawing he created. He didn’t. He made sure he knew that he didn’t.

Now that he has his own commander's quarters he could regress more without fear of being caught as long as he locked the door. He might even store his best drawings now. He knew he had no reason to be ashamed of his actions, but the fact that his brothers might have more to worry about put him off. So, he took out his collection of rocks, a few had a pretty blue color to them, some were white, gray, and even orange, his favorite color. He gathered the pens and pencils he found with color, and placed some yellow and white paper on the desk.

He thought of how a squid had crawled its way onto the ship and somehow ripped off the bottom part of Izou’s most used kimono. He thought of his upset visage and had the idea to draw Izou in the kimono as if it was never hurt, he thought of his happy sibling's face seeing the picture, even if Ace would never have the chance to give it to him.

And with that, he picked up a pink pen and started to draw.


It was 2 weeks since Ace became the 2nd division commander and, most importantly, It was dinner time, and Ace had not shone up. Which was odd as Ace usually had 3 plates full of meat by the time a quarter of the crew made either way there. The family had gotten a little worried about him by the time every other crew member had gotten the food they would chow down from the day's dinner options, and Marco reassured them with the promise he would walk around to find him and the logic that he might have just fallen asleep. The crew grew to their lively self's at that and started to stuff their faces.

He walked around the room where his family was eating, making sure he wasn’t already running there, before waking to the door to his new room. Marco already had a faint smile on his lips, imagining Ace asleep in his room and waking up only to immediately dash to the kitchen for food. He never once failed to be the most energetic or motivated when it came to food as far as the people on the ship could challenge. As slowly as he could he opened the unlocked door, eyes catching the color of his known bright orange cowboy hat. He took in Ace’s loud snoring, the fact that his milk chocolate colored desk chair was now facing the side of Ace’s bed, the red and orange fabric of his cover was wrapped around him and his head seemed to have fallen sideways in a pile of colored rocks and paper clips, his thumb in his mouth, drooling. He let out a small chuckle, making a note to ask about the items later.

He slowly walked up to his brother, patting his hand gently on his shoulder. Ace’s eyes darted open, his upper body straightening just as fast as he looked at the wall in front of him, thumb still halfway in his mouth. He stayed like that for a second before looking at Marco and letting out a confused noise.

“Feeling good-yoi?” He asked with a barely suppressed smirk at the look on his half-asleep brother's face.

“Mar-co..” Ace mumbles, thumb an inch away from his mouth. His face is the same until his stomach seems to remind him food exists with a crunching growl.

Ace let out a whine, pouting as he looked down and held his stomach. Whined, Marco thought in surprise. “Hun-gee” Ace slurred in a soft voice, the fuzz in his head making him comfortable enough to ignore how he sounded and even briefly forget that Marco had woken him up. Marco took in the fact Ace was acting more like a child than he normally did, kind of like little Thatch and little Haruta. Eyeing the rocks, drawings and pens on his desk, and the much more calm demeanor of Ace he decided to test it. “Hungry, little firefly?” He said softly, squatting down.

Ace glanced at Marco, looking at him with a half-surprised, half-contemplating look. He knew he should be hiding his face, telling Marco he was okay and would make it to dinner, just fell asleep, that's what big Ace would want. But being called the nickname in His big brother's nice voice combined with the light feeling he currently had made little Ace want to hug him and hold his hand to the dining area. And besides, he couldn’t say he wasn’t craving food.

He nodded, “Yea.”Ace looked at Marco, a smile on his lips despite big Ace at the nickname. “Is din-er?” He asked hopefully. He could trust Marco, Marco was being so nice to him.

Marco was right. He nodded, “Yes it is, would you like to come to the gallery with me, little one?” Marco held out his left hand, inviting the other to hold it. Ace looked at his hand, the top of his left thumb in his mouth before grinning and taking it. Big Ace couldn't say no to food, so little Ace decided not to either. Marco stood up as Ace shrugged the covers off of himself and got up from the chair. Marco glanced at the paper on Ace’s desk, 2 and a half colored pages as well as a blank sheet. “Look at those nice drawing’s -yoi. Did you draw them?”

Ace felt cheeks heat up at the compliment, looking down at the floor. No one else has ever seen his drawings before, nonetheless said nice things about them. One time he had left a drawing he made at Dadans and a bandit had ripped in up laughing at how stupid it looked, he didn’t draw again until he was on the Moby Dick, drawing utensils and paper seemed to be the only things he could find besides paperclips and random beads. And he drew a lot, he had forgotten how good it felt.

“Yea. Tank u’.” His food found itself playing at the crack in the floorboard.

“Now,” Marco said, reaching over to pick the 3 papers up, “Is this Izou, little firefly?” Marco asked, looking at the first drawing, recognizing the pink clothes and black hair of the person as their brother Izou.

Ace nodded and let go of Marco’s hand reaching for the pile. He held up the second paper with a smile. “An dis is lu in da tee.” He handed it to Marco, who gladly accepted it. “And dis is pa!” He exclaimed with a grin at the half finished drawing, leaving their dad with half a torso.

Marco felt his heart warm at the sight of the pure joy on Ace’s face. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a better portrait of pops.” Marco said energetically, using a hand to ruffle Ace’s raven black hair. “Do you wanna go give Izou and Pops your drawings? I’m sure they’ll love them-yoi!”

Ace looked at Marco, beaming as he said, “Ou ‘ink!” Big Ace knew Marco was honest, so did little Ace. Being told they would like them made him over the moon. Marco slipped the paper he was holding back to Ace, though he wished to keep it, he did not want to worry his little brother with a stolen picture. “I know they will.” Marco reassured as he took a step to the door, Ace following suit, gleaming at his drawings. They made it out the door of his room to the door of the dining room. Ace held the drawings face first to his chest, looking nervously at the ground. Marco gently patted his head with a warm smile, and Ace smiled back, letting his nerves calm. Marco said Pa and Izo would like his drawings, so he had no reason to worry.

Marco then took a step forward opening the door to the more than loud eating area, walking in with Ace at his side. Ace covered one ear and shoved his other ear in Marco’s shoulder, using one arm to hold his pictures. Marco noticed this, and hit the wall beside the door, grabbing everyone's attention and getting them to stop talking. For a second, before they were up and yelling again and talking to Ace, asking how and where he was. That only worried Ace more, though they were family, they were a loud family. He took a step back pushing his forehead against the back of Marco’s shoulder, now using his own shoulder to cover the newly uncovered ear. Marco held out his hands stopping some of the crew from coming to them. “Quite down!” He semi-yelled with a look of urgency. And, like magic, the voices, over the course of a few seconds, quieted to murmurs.

“Is Ace okay?” Questioned Izou, seated at a table on their right, taking in account of Ace who was uncovering his ears, still buried behind his older brother. “How about it, little firefly?” Marco looked back at Ace, who peaked his head up, eyes making it past Marco’s shoulder.

He nodded, whispering, “It wa jus loud’.” Ace looked at his brothers, and saw their looks of confusion, concern and worry at the idea of something being wrong with their new 2nd division commander. He didn’t want them to worry, he was okay. “I’m pine.” He said loudly, putting his chin on Marco’s shoulder and holding his sleeve with one hand. Instantly looks of surprise and understanding passed over their faces. He was regressed. And to the little’s embarrassment his stomach gave the loudest growl he’s ever heard from himself. Heat flushed over his face and he once again buried his head behind Marco’s shoulder. Marco led Ace towards the food as some of the crew let out gentle laughter and began to talk again, though this time they were more quiet. They reached the counter with all the food on it, and Marco picked up a plate getting ready to pile Ace’s favorites on it before Whitebeard's voice said, “Whacha got in your hands son?” Which once again quieted the crowd and caused all eyes to be on Ace.

He was sitting at the side of a table a few feet away from where they were at the food counter, fatherly warmth in every one of his features. Ace and Marco looked up at their dad, Marco with a small smile and Ace with a newly joyful gleam. “Oh- yea!” Ace said, looking down at his drawing and holding the Whitebeard one, in one hand while running over to him. Leaving Marco to fix up his plate of food. He made it to his father and held out the drawing, “Dis ou’!” He said beaming at his Pop. Whitebeard laughed and took the drawing, looking at it. “This looks wonderful my son!” He picked Ace up and sat him on his thigh, hand around him. “You like drawing?” Ace nodded and held the picture of Izou in his hand, “Tank ou pop-es!” He held out his drawing of his brother in his kimono in Izou’s direction, “I may ou one, Izo!”

“Oh?” Izou said, standing up and walking over to them with a curious smile. He arrived at his pops right leg and took the drawing with a thank you. “Ou sad at squid tear up ou mono, so I doll ou in it ok’.” Izou looked at the drawing and almost began to tear up when Ace explained it, he couldn’t help it, his little brother was too cute. “Thank you, I think I’ll hang it up in my room.” Ace started to rock back and forth at that, “Erie?” Ace slurred out, looking at Izou. “Of course, little one.” He said, assuming that Ace meant “really”.

And suddenly Marco appeared with a plate full of food and handed it to Ace, moving to sit next to him with his own plate. Izo went back to his food with a giggle as Ace looked down at his meal drooling.He licked his lips as his stomach gave another growl. He immediately began eating.


This is my first fanfic, and honestly I wrote it on a whim with no plan. I hope you like it.

Series this work belongs to: