
Work Header

Trying To Convince Myself I'm Fine

Chapter Text

“Thanks again for helping Hazel with her summer homework,” Nico told his boyfriend.

“It’s not a problem,” Will said sincerely, giving a gentle squeeze to Nico’s hand. “They probably won’t take it to grade but it’s a good way to get ahead in the year.”

“But Will I don’t wanna,” Hazel complained, burying her face in his shirt. 

“Sorry bumblebee,” Will said, picking her up.  “But your folks said you had to plus after this we can all go get some ice cream.”

“Mm okay,” Hazel said. 

Will chuckled. “Good.” He put her down despite her complaining (Hazel adored Will). “Now go get your backpack okay?”

Hazel nodded and into the living room to grab her bag. 

“You’re good with kids,” Nico said.

“I guess it’s just second nature at this point. I have a big family.”

“And Hazel doesn’t really take to anyone that’s not family. I mean she’s still wary about Steph.”

Will chuckled. “Well Hazel’s known me her whole life.” He smiled. “Now come on, I know you have some homework too.”

“Ugh don’t remind me,” Nico complained. “The only reason I’m doing this is because Mr. Henderson is going to be my math teacher again next year.”

“That’s the spirit!”

Nico rolled his eyes. “You’re such a dork.”

“Hey you would have been studying during time anyway,” Will pointed out.

“Mm maybe it’s a good thing I didn’t go.”

Will frowned. “Oh shut it. You are going next year.”


“I promise! I’ll start saving up right now.”

Nico frowned. “Tesoro, I already told you that you shouldn’t.”

Will shook his head before offering Nico a smile. “Come on, you’re going to be my smart lawyer husband. You should get this opportunity to put on a college resume.”

Nico laughed. “So it’s an investment in your future?”

“Do you think I’ll still count as a trophy husband if you’re also hot?”



“Hazel’s going to be down soon! Can it with the flirting will you?”

“Fine,” Will complained. “But as soon as it’s back to us hanging out I get to extra flirt with you.”

“Sure sunshine.” 

But it was about twenty minutes into their study/tutor session that Nico’s dad walked in.

Nico glared at him. He still wasn’t over what had happened last night. They were supposed to be having this tutoring session over at his dad’s, but his mom thought it would be better to have it here given what happened.

She was right of course, because Nico refused to step a foot back into that house with what his dad did. Yelling at Nico was one thing, but yelling at Will when he hadn’t done anything wrong was different. 

“Dad!” Hazel greeted with a hug. 

“Hi sweetheart,” he said, picking her up. “Say, can you go into the living room? I have something I wanna say to your brother and Will.”

“Okay,” she said, getting down and hurried to the living room. 

Nico wasn’t amused. Was his dad really going to lecture him? This wasn’t even his house! Nico didn't have the energy to deal with this after the math he did. He stood in front of Will, wanting a quick escape if his dad got hostile again. 

“Ah, boys, I wanted to apologize for what happened last night.”

“It’s okay—“

Nico stopped Will. “No it’s not okay Will.” He reached for Will’s hand. “Dad you can’t just yell at us when we’re following mom’s rules.”

“I know, sweetheart,” he said. “I know your mom has different rules and I know you’re a man of your word, Nico, but you have to understand how hard it is for me,” Hades said. “I see you as my little boy.”

“I’m not little anymore.”.

Will wanted to argue with that given that he did think Nico was little, but now wasn’t the best time for that comment. 

“I know figliolo , but that’s just how parents view their children. And most parents aren’t okay with you sleeping next to your boyfriend.”

Nico frowned. “I know, but, dad, for a long time Will was the only person I had to confide in. He was there when I felt so alone.”

Will squeezed Nico’s hand in an attempt to comfort him. Nico had spent a lot of days and nights crying on Will because of how overlooked he felt. He remembered the helplessness he felt trying to fix things for his boyfriend. It’s why Will had saved everything and then found more work to come up with half of the money for Nico’s trip. If only he had been faster…

“And I’m sorry I made you feel like you had no one to turn to.” Hades seemed to be sincere, but Nico knew that his dad wasn’t a bad guy. He just had a lot. Still, it felt nice that his dad was acknowledging everything. 

Nico sighed. “I appreciate it dad, but feeling alone wasn’t just you. I mean Bianca has her own life and you’re so busy with them and Hazel. And I get it, you know cause of Cecelia and Hazel. But mom was gone too. She went with Persephone and I know she’d call, but it was hard. Now we have three parents and it’s getting better. I mean you know how crazy Persephone is for kids.”

It made his dad chuckle. “I think you just mean crazy.”

Nico chuckled. “But I was in a bad place when this all started.” Nico glanced at Will and smiled before turning back to his dad. “But Will, he helped me out a lot dad.”

Hades nodded. “He loves you so much,” Hades said. “I can see that now.”


“Well when I came in yelling, sorry again, he practically threw himself over you.” Hades turned his attention to Will. “I owe you an apology too, William.”

“It’s really not-”

Nico squeezed his hand. “Yes he does need to apologize, Will.”

“I know you care about my son and for that I’m grateful. Knowing that you only have good intentions with my Nico.”

Will smiled. “I just want what’s best for Nico.”

“Well then it seems like we have a common goal.”

Nico beamed and leaned back on Will. 

“You have a good guy, Nico. Don’t take him for granted. There’s not many guys who’d save up their paychecks just so their parents could go study abroad. Let alone when they're in high school”

Nico’s eyes widened and he turned to face Will. “You did what?”

“Ah, you know, Hazel’s been waiting for a while now. I think I’ll take her to get that ice cream,” Hades quickly said, leaving the room and grabbing Hazel.

“Is he telling the truth?” Nico asked. 

Will pursed his lips. “You deserved to go,” he said. 

“But Will how did you- you went on jobs with your dad!”

“I did,” Will admitted. 

“That’s why you were so tired! Will you shouldn’t have.”

“I know I didn't have to, but I wanted to,” Will said. “And I had half of the money, but your mom said you dad had already taken it. But, Nico, if I had just been quicker, you could-”

He was cut off by Nico throwing his arms around him and kissing him. It took Will a second to kiss him back, still caught off guard by Nico’s sudden action. Though Nico did this often so he really should have been used to it by now. 

“I love you,” Nico told him as they separated. 

Will smiled like it was their first time saying it (it wasn’t, not by a long shot, but it still gave him butterflies). “I love you too, Nico.”

Nico pulled him into another kiss. “You are too sweet for your own good, Will.” He gave him another kiss. “I love you so much.”

Will hugged Nico tight, his smile growing. “I can’t tell you how much I love you Nico, but I’m sure that one day I’ll find the words to tell you, but until then, you’re going to have to deal with me saying I love you over and over again.”

“I’m fine with that Solace.”

Will kissed Nico first this time. “Well since your dad took Hazel out to get ice cream, can I take you out to grab something sweet?”

“Always, Will.”


- Cariño: Dear
- muñeco: doll
- Amor mio: My love
- Caro (Italian): dear

Bussolai Buranei is a Vancian Cookie here's the link to it:

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