Chapter 1: Chapter 1
Chapter Text
Chapter 1.
Ext. Outer space- night.
It's night in the outer regions of outer space. Meteors, asteroids, anything you imagine are all flying by at their own different paces. However one of these colossal floating rocks is not like the others, one of these rocks happens to be a spaceship, a spaceship with strange yet very dangerous inhabitants. Inhabitants known as the last surviving Triceratons. A dangerous race of triceratops-like beings that rival the Kraang who’s homeworld was destroyed by them, only resulting in them being more dangerous. They once tried to destroy the earth. SUCCESSFULLY did it in another timeline, and almost did it again if not for the turtles and especially the Fugitoid. The explosion from the combined efforts of the Ulixes’ power core’s dark matter and Fugitoid’s own powercore was enough to wipe out the entire Mothership, until now we were uncertain if there were any Triceratons left. But it seems we know better now.
Mozar’s voice: Many days have passed since the failure to vaporize the earth.. To destroy the vermin Turtles… since the Fugitoid used the Dark matter against us.. So many of my people lost their lives to the blast, our existence was finitive before but now.. Now we are even more close to perishing than ever. No amount of years, no amount of time and resources can get us back to where we once were before! But I am not one known to just back down and be put down like a meer animal. There is a way.
It's revealed that Mozar is now alive and barely as he now has metal on half of him now and not only his beak now. It is also shown that the last remaining Triceratons are in the midst of planning something, blue printing and using any spare supplies they have left, along having little ship power left.
Mozar: And perhaps our old enemies will have some extra spare scraps and shelter just for us to retrieve.
Triceraton pilots begin to make a course for earth as that is being said.
Mozar: I may have failed before, but I will not make that an option this time. Not with how much is at stake.. And nothing or nobody will get in our way this time!
Chapter Text
Int. Stockman’s apartment- Day.
An alarm clock for 7:AM goes off which is weakly shut off by an unwilling hand. That hand belonging to Baxter Stockman, someone not eager to start this day and it would seem the feeling is mutual. His shower was cold, his coffee was spilled, his train was late, his next one wouldn’t be until another 20 minutes and his destination was already a far place, a passenger fell asleep on his shoulder in a crowded subway with no sitting, And finally he made it to work…20 minutes late. Into his desk. Starting the cycle once again. Until who knows how long.
Baxter’s voice: *sigh* ok, let's try to start from a simple beginning.
My name is Baxter Stockman. Baxter. Stockman. Please try to remember it. And the last 2 years of my life have been. An Interesting one. Sooo I had a normal life like everyone else. I went to school, got expelled, went to work, got fired, went back for revenge, met giant mutant turtles, got thrown in a trash can..repeatedly. But things got better…. Sort of.. I joined an assassin clan against my will, got treated poorly, betrayed them, met a really great woman. Got pulled back in, horribly mutated, had disgusting but pretty cool powers for a while. Etcetera etcetera..
But then I was cured & then the Shredder died. The foot clan disbanded, and I had nowhere else to go but back to my old life. So after I begged for my job back I've been.. here. For now. Just a minor setback. I have hope! This isn't the definitive ending for Baxter Stockman, my comeback will be amazing! Dramatic! The return of the century!-
Boss: Steckman! I want those files done by 11. And try to make sure they go through this time.
Baxter: *spooked* Geh! Y'sure sir & it's..*sigh* Stockman…
yep.. my comeback'll be. Great..
Int. Stockman’s apartment- Afternoon.
A woman in a chair is seen in the other room in front of a computer while wearing an earpiece & speaking to someone over it. This woman is revealed to be Claddia Brackston. Baxter's girlfriend & roommate. Also a former member of the Foot clan who had no other option than to go back to a normal mondaine life. Only she didn't go back to her old job, instead got a new one as a stay at home tech support..however it didn't take long for her to regret this decision..
Claddia: *annoyed* Sir. If you could just. No, I don't have an attitude, I only wish to help.
Claddia: Your laptop won't turn on ma'am? *Sighs to herself* Did ya try charging it?
… *The woman hangs up*
Claddia: idiot…
Claddia: Sir.. this is not that kind of hotline…
Claddia: Did you try turning it ON ma’am? ……………… *whispering* low intelligent time consuming fool.
Woman: ???
Claddia: I said thank you for calling Tech Support, have a LOVELY day..
She then hangs up and removes her headset.
Claddia: This is beyond degrading, and I was a mutant plant for 2 years.
Just then Baxter walks in, returning home from work himself.
Baxter: I guess you had a better day than me? Heheh.
Claddia: Hm. Hilarious. I mean it tho Baxter, I never think the human race can be so incompetent in itself. It really isn't a surprise they came from simians. They probably still didn't evolve all the way.
Baxter rarely acknowledges his partner's comment as he then takes a seat at the table & just lets out a defeated sigh.
Claddia: … Something on your mind?
Baxter: It's just.. Before the Foot clan, before the turtles & Kraang, everything. I was basically a nobody… As long as I can remember, I was always the footnote. But during those 2 years, as painful as they were, I finally felt like I had power. Things were finally going somewhere in my direction. But it all ended & now I'm back where I started. Nobody..
Claddia: Hey. You may not be well known, liked, respected or even a second thought in people's minds.
Baxter: this supposed to make me feel better?
Claddia: But you aren't a nobody. If I'm being theoretical. That would apply to everyone.
Baxter got a puzzled yet curious look on his face as she said that.
Claddia: My grandmother once said something along the lines of: Everybody is a nobody, but you will always be somebody to anybody. Especially if you make the impression.
Or. Something along those lines.
She said in a sad but happily nostalgic tone.
Baxter: *more positive* Wise lines.
Claddia: She was a wise woman.
Baxter: And the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
Claddia chuckles: You dork.
Feeling a bit better, Baxter composed himself & even got the motivation back to start his big return to the world.
Baxter: I have plans, Claddia. Ideas for us to get back at the world. The comeback of the century!
Claddia: A comeback? Just what are you planning?
Baxter: I- . Well. I'm not sure yet, but! The possibilities are endless. The Kraang still have to have some kind of tech still lying around, If I can just find the right equipment-
Claddia: As much as I want nothing more than to unleash an army of MOUSERS & other robots on the city,
I think perhaps we should try to remain dormant for now.
Baxter: Huh? How come?
Claddia: Baxter, with our troubled history, we're kind of lucky we haven't gotten jail time, let alone get this apartment.
Baxter: I mean, we were mutants, nobody recognized us.
Claddia: They did when you crashed into TCRI in your mech suit.
Baxter: *embarrassed* ehh.. everyone's….slowly forgetting about that.
Claddia: Look, I'm not saying not to do it at all. But we may be on our final strike especially if failure is on the table.
Baxter: Failure isn't on the table, only thing being served is success & sweet sweet revenge.
Claddia: I'm just saying Baxter, it would be prudent to behoove ourselves. At least. Make sure you have an ideal plan first.
Baxter was a bit hesitant but he knew Claddia was right. Especially on a valid plan.
Baxter: Alright Claddia, I'll put it into the idea box.
Can I at least check around for any scrap? It helps me think.
Please? 🥺
Claddia: *sighs* What is it exactly you do to me Baxter Stockman?
Baxter *with charm*: I'd like to think I just have a certain way with you.
Claddia: You certainly do.
The two then share a small brief kiss. Things may not seem like it now, but they were going to change for sure.
Ext. The streets of Manhattan-Night.
Baxter was strolling through the outskirts of the city with a shopping cart, hoping to collect scrap. Mainly anything left from the Kraang or even something else he hasn't stumbled across yet. Knowing New York, it wouldn't be too out of the ordinary to assume. After all, it's the same city that's had mutants, aliens, robots & even the supernatural such as ghosts & demons. So surely there'd have to be leftovers from any of those encounters.
Baxter: hmm. Nothing of any use. And this is my usual good spot too.
Time for Baxter Stockman to get even deeper.
With that said, Baxter proceeded to go through a different pathway. This path led to the inside of a nearby old empty warehouse, where he went down its stairs & to its basement, inside was soon an entrance to that of an underground passageway. In it he found an old facility. Probably one of the Kraang's many hiding places or even one of the Foot Clan's allies. Don Visioso's men had a surprising amount of good technology themselves, The Hammer was proof of that. Regardless. It was good enough for Baxter.
Baxter: Awesome! *While making sure the coast was clear* Juuuusst incase of anything beyond my grasp
He pulls out a remote control & pushes a button. And just like that, a few cybernetic meows turned louder as a dozen MOUSERS had showed up. Summoning to their master.
Baxter: Ok team, let's get to work.
Montage style, Stockman & his MOUSERS would then spend the next 20 plus minutes going through the entire passageway & all of its technology it had left. Some of the finds being good, others being scrap but if used right, made into something else, he is smart enough to rework anything. The MOUSERS also made things relatively quicker & easier with their abilities such as scanning, lifting heavy objects, destroying objects with their jaws & just overall scouting the area out, whether it were to look out on guard or just to see if there's anything else of value within the vicinity. Regardless, despite being robots, MOUSERS were resourceful & even curious creatures as one of them began to wander off on its own & attract itself to something. It walked over further down the corridor when it suddenly detected a noise. The MOUSER then screeched to alert the others including its creator.
Baxter: *Aloof* huh?
Baxter walks over to his MOUSERS to see what's alerted them. He looks & listens to see what it could be & he too hears the faint sound of machines moving. He's taken aback but not necessarily startled. He honestly didn't think anyone would be down here, let alone this deep underground. He should ignore it but at the same time..
He pushes another button on his remote & has half of his MOUSERS do a small recon as he follows behind them. Leaving the rest to stay put. The longer they followed, the louder noises grew.
Baxter: It's getting louder.. almost like I'm-
He then noticed the path was supposedly cut off. Nothing was there but walls. Maybe it was nothing, but on the other hand, Baxter couldn't think it was something to brush off. The sounds were much louder now. Not to mention it could possibly be more technology for him to take & tinker with.
Baxter: Scan.
The MOUSERS with him proceeded to scan the room around them. They picked up something & made noise at a certain spot.
Baxter: A secret passage, ey? *Confidently*
No passage can ever be kept secret by Baxter Stockman!
He goes towards the false wall to see its texture is different from the rest. It's definitely covering or hiding something or somebody. Regardless he's getting in. He had the MOUSERS do their thing & burrow through it. It took some time but they got through and even weakened it enough for Baxter to open it. The "door's" parts were already a red flag however.
Baxter: miraculous…
He whispered. His attention went back to the source of what the noises were. It was a tunnel. It went on for what could be described as 3 minutes, at the end of it waiting for Baxter was something he would have never guessed in a million years. He gasped but quickly covered his mouth out of fear of being discovered. He did the same one of his MOUSERS that almost let out a screech but stopped it in time.. leaving his fingerprints on it too due to sweat.. As it was a herd of Triceratons. All of them multitasking & building a very large machine.
Baxter: Holy!- are those.. Triceratons?..
He had heard about them & knew of their existence especially through the invasion & from what his colleagues of the Foot Clan told him as they actually fought them up close. Shredder included! He's definitely not even a close of a match for them. Especially that many.
Baxter: What are they doing here?. HOW did they get here…
*Looking up to the machine & curious* And the heck are they building?
Meanwhile on the Triceraton end, they were in the midst of building their machine & making different kinds of preparations for it. Chirping to one another as they guide each other. Behind them all was a figure watching over them. The figure being the now cybernetic & more sinister Mozar. He walks over & reveals himself fully to a nearby Triceraton scientist.
Mozar: Status.
Triceraton scientist: Sir, the Transdimensional PinArk is almost near completion.
Mozar: Excellent.
Baxter still in his hiding spot watches but also listens in on this.
Baxter whispering: Transdimensional?..
As he was distracted some of his MOUSERS began to wander around including the one he touched.
Mozar: Perhaps it is ready for testing.
Scientist: But sir, it's still too early. We're still calculating the variables of the multiple-
Mozar: Do I look like I care for your explanations?! It has been weeks since we've taken shelter in this mudball of a planet! And weeks we have been fortunate to have been undiscovered! our time along with my patience thins Zootarr. Begin testing.
Zootarr: yes captain.
With that said, the various scientists put one final small piece. A small vial full of some kind of energy matter into the machine. Sliding it in like that of a DVD player. Baxter seeing that and concluding it could be important. As it happened the machine then began to light up and activate. Its giant hoops, like windmills, began to spin. And in the center of the giant machine, a ball of multiple lights begins to grow. Bigger & bigger & bigger until it grows into a small portal. The Triceratons are all positively taken aback, Mozar himself beginning to look pleased. Baxter on the other hand, while on one hand mesmerized, the other half of him is completely freaked out.
Mozar: Let's see how many worlds there are.
He nodded to the scientists & they receipted back & dialed up a knob which caused the portal to get larger & more sporadic
Baxter: i think i should-
He then notices his rogue MOUSERS and mini freaks out. Desperately trying to get them back & undiscovered he pulls out his remote but because of his franticness he ends up dropping it. Making a bit of noise & causing Baxter to make a small panicked sound himself. This of course caused a nearby Triceraton to be alert & look around for the source of what he thinks is either an intruder or his imagination. Until he sees a MOUSER.
Triceraton: *Growl* Captain! We've been compromised!
Mozar: WHAT?!
He sees the MOUSERS himself and growls in anger.
Mozar: After them! And Search the entire base for any other visitors!
The Triceratons wasted no time going after the robots to which they scattered & began to attack back. At the same time the other Triceratons soldiers began to do a full search on the rest of the area & Mozar didn't need to repeat himself for Baxter to get the picture & start going from spot to spot to stay out of sight only with the more soldiers appearing and less spots he started to find he was running out of options. As this was all happening the portal started to grow larger & more unstable. Soon the entire room was shaking
Zootarr: Captain, we're losing stability! There's too many portals open!
We cut to the surface of New York where civilians began to feel the sudden shift in the ground, cars began to go off, anything with electricity started to go on the brink. TV's: static & channel switching. Street lights: Rapid blinking on & off. Even phones began to go off.
We Cut to the sewers, and even it's affected by this supposed earthquake & power blitz as we see in the turtles' lair.
Raphael: What the heck's going on?!
Michaelangelo: EARTHQUAAAAAKE!!!
Leonardo: Stay calm everyone!
Back in the Triceraton base the earthquake caused Baxter to slip & reveal himself to the dozens of Triceratons.
Triceraton: Holt human!
Baxter: AH! PLEASE wait! Don't-
The MOUSERS that were discovered & scattered have either been apprehended or destroyed by the Triceraton soldiers except for one that ran it's way up to the machine.
Mozar: Stop it! What's it doing?!
The soldier tried to grab it but the robot jumped at the last second and because of its momentum it jumped right into the center of the portal causing both to malfunction.
Mozar: What's happening?!
Zootarr: It's not ready! It wasn't ready for physical contact. The molecules aren't used to the foreign energies mixing, it's not going to hold!
The MOUSER screeched as it was slowly yet sporadically being digitally rearranged by the portal. With a close up on its shell we see fingerprints engraved on it revealing to us it's the same MOUSER Baxter had earlier touched. The DNA from Baxter's fingerprints mixed with the portal energy react in an unusual way. We even begin to see split second glimpses of 5 different universes & all of them centering on one person. They all look different but trust & believe they all have one thing in common. Suddenly, everything went boom. And with that, the earthquake stopped and the power went out. Almost everyone was down for the count. Baxter was slightly sluggish from the explosion but quickly remembered his situation. While the Triceratons were collecting themselves, Baxter very carefully & quickly got up & started to make his exit. That was until Mozar arose from the debris & made eye contact with the scientist. It lasted what felt like an eternity until Baxter snapped out of it & made a run for it as fast as he could.
Triceraton: Sir, should we subdue him?
Mozar: No. Make sure he escapes & makes it home safely.
Not needing to be informed twice, the Triceratons then averted their attention to the intruder & chased him. Baxter, already having the head start, used it to his advantage, not looking back or stopping once. Even taking his remote again to get his MOUSERS to give him more time, by making them distract his chasers. The robots did just that & ran towards the upcoming aliens, biting, screeching & doing everything they can to subdue them or at least by their master time. But they were all one by one destroyed in the process by the ruthless species & contained their pursuit. While he did stumble a few times, Baxter made it his mission not to fall or even stop once. He's usually a clumsy person but now is definitely not the time for it. Especially with his life quite literally being on the line. Before he knew it, he dodged a nearby Lazer that almost hit his head as he was now being shot at. This was getting extremely out of hand, but the exit was right ahead & Baxter practically dashed out & quickly looked for a place to hide. The Triceraton soldiers then followed behind & up to the surface. The aliens burst through the door & look around to find Stockman. But there was nothing in front of them but a dumpster & the now busy streets of Manhattan being zoomed by with ambulances. They would investigate further, but they can't risk exposing themselves to more earthlings. So they chirped to each other & retreated back into the basement & soon underground. Cutting back to the said dumpster the lid cracks open slightly not all the way revealing a panicked & heavy breathing Baxter checking to see if the coast is clear. Seeing no sign of the Triceratons he reluctantly gets out. To think, the thing that was used to humiliate him just saved his life. But there was no time to reflect on the irony now, he had to get moving & made another sprint for it & right home.
Int. Baxter's apartment- Night.
Baxter opened his door & stiffly made it into the comforts of his home. If it was even still safe. In his mind he was still trying to piece together & contemplate if what just happened 16 minutes ago was really real. Did all of that really just happen? Is he in danger? Is CLADDIA in danger?? Is the PLANET IN DANGER?! OF COURSE IT IS! All these various thoughts ran through his mind that his body was on autopilot as he barely realized he just walked back into his bedroom & laid down next to a sleeping Claddia.
Claddia *half awake*: mm.. get what you needed?.
Baxter: . . .
Baxter: s'sure…
He stammered. He most certainly wasn't going to get much rest tonight.
For those wondering, Claddia Brackston is my OC. You can learn a little more about her on my Tumblr (Baxterstockmanisthecenterfold) & D.A. (same name)
Chapter 3: Chapter 3
Chapter Text
Int. Baxter's apartment- Morning.
It was the morning & Baxter wasn't feeling much better from the events of last night. In Fact he's still shaken up by the things he saw & went through last night. Seeing the Triceratons, Learning they're alive & on earth, they have been for weeks now without anyone knowing, Not even the Turtles possibly, they built some kind of dangerous & unstable machine, & to top it off: They know what he looks like & that he saw them. It ate at him & kept him anxious ever since he got up. He barely even got through the morning. Currently he's just sitting at the table looking into nothingness as his mind is only on his discovery last night & its possible consequences.
Claddia: *yawns as she prepares herself a cup of coffee* Welp, another day another painfully long lasting cephalalgia. You know I did some thinking about what you said yesterday & perhaps I was a bit too quick to panic, I think you are..
Claddia's words began to muffle as Baxter was paying zero attention to anything she was saying as his mind was racing on his much bigger discovery/problem.
Baxter's voice/thoughts: They couldn't have followed me right? Noo. There's no way. They were undermatched, they probably couldn't risk getting discovered. But I did. I discovered them… I discovered them!.. They know my face. They know my build. Maybe they forgot. Triceratops are still reptiles slash lizards & lizard brains are…literally on par with birds & mammals on the most intelligent creatures on earth! I'm doomed! I'm-
Claddia: Of course I'm not saying your possible suggestions would be bad ideas, however I say my ideas are..
Claddia finally noticed her partner wasn't paying attention to her.
Claddia: Baxter? Baxter.
She gently shakes his shoulder.
Claddia: Baxter!
Baxter: Huh? Oh. Uh. Yeah. Yeah! No I definitely, 100% Thousand degrees, agree with all that you said & was definitely listening to, even if you feel like repeating it, whichidontmind! Cus ya know I listened But if you feel like it! Heheh..
Claddia: … Are you ok?
Baxter: Totally! Why would I not be? I'm the face of ok.
Claddia: Baxter. Something is clearly on your mind. What is it?
Baxter: It's. It's.. It's just. I, iiiii.
Claddia gave Baxter a look & he immediately knew she was serious & able to see through a lie. He needed to come up with something fast.
Baxter: I've just been thinking about yesterday & how right you are for a smarter approach at this..Comeback of the century. And uhh.
Claddia: I think I get it.
Baxter: You do?!
Baxter in his mind: SHE DOES??!
Claddia: You're scared aren't you? About the possibility of failure? The lack of a clear ideal plan? Second thoughts even?
Baxter: Oh!.. well, when ya put it like that.
Claddia: Baxter, it's alright if you feel this way. It's a rather big step & decision & considering everything we've been through I say you're validated to feel that way. Look.
She takes & holds his hands.
Claddia: As far as I know, we have no reason to rush this. And there's no reason for you to overwhelm yourself. Whatever happens we'll triumph over it together. The sky's the limit.
Baxter felt somewhat relieved, on one hand he appreciates Claddia & her understanding in all of this, on the other he still feels bad because of what he knows & that he can't see it in himself to tell Claddia, not now at least.
Baxter: You're right Claddia.
Claddia smugly: As always.
Anyway, we can continue this when you get back if you feel like it, I don't want you to miss your train.
Baxter: AhUhhh actually I think I'm just gonna bus there today heheheh..
Claddia: Won't that make you an hour late?
Baxter: Maybe, Maybe not? Who are we to challenge the concept of time?
Claddia: Uh..
Baxter: In fact I think I'll test that theory now! Might even help the brain waves flow, heck I think I'll just walk! Anyway gotta go love ya!
He quickly leaves. Leaving Claddia even more confused & doubtful as ever.
Later on, Baxter is making his way down to his workplace, his mind still racing the entire time especially after his conversation with Claddia. Should he have hid the truth from her? Would it have been the right thing to do? Even if he did tell her what could they do?
Baxter's voice: We did good right? Totally. I mean. Did we lie to our girlfriend? Yes. Did we have a good reason to? E..yyess? I mean. Come on. W'What difference would it have made if we did tell her? What can we do? We're not even mutants anymore. Even if we were, we couldn't stand a chance. There were so many. At least 100. What if that's just the amount I saw there? What if there's more? And they've been here for weeks.. but no one knows.. Or do they? What if there's spies? They're watching me.. Everyone's a suspect. Everyone's-
Not paying attention to his surroundings he bumped into a co-worker.
Woman: Ugh! Watch it, Dexter!
She walks away annoyed.
Baxter: It's…Baxter…
Baxter's voice: Or maybe they don't know.
Inside his cubicle, he still remained thinking about possible solutions to this problem. Whether he ignored it or not, earth & himself were still in danger.
Baxter: …Should I tell the Turtles? gah, they wouldn't believe me, or trust me for that matter, Foot Clan? No, they disbanded. I don't even know where they are. Maybe Bebop & Rocksteady? Yeah they do the hero thing now.. ugh in Jersey. What am I saying? I'm Baxter Stockman. The greatest genius ever known, with my brains & mechanics I can think of something flawlessly to stop them. I just. Need to.. Figure out…what..
Maybe I can make another monster of doom, or trapped them in my own personal gambit. But that could take weeks & who knows if I have that time.
Maybe I could just use an army of Mouse….
His words were interrupted as he heard commotion coming from around him, his coworkers were all in a small panic as it would seem something got in the building. Or someone. Baxter froze for a bit as for a moment, he thought his fears came to life. That the Triceratons actually said fuck it & went after him & traced him to his job to find him. That he was done for. But there were no signs of them or even giant footsteps. If anything they were fast tiny metallic footsteps. Almost as if they were-
Baxter: Huh?! But I didn't- What?!
Baxter: Wait! I can explain, I I I-
He stammered on his words while also taking out his remote to see if he could call them off but nothing happened. In Fact it was like they weren't obeying him.
Baxter: Heheh must be a.. glitch in the… *to himself* Come on, come on!..
The MOUSERS kept causing a muck in the workplace & Baxter's boss (or former) was growing impatient. So Baxter just put down the remote & decided to try the old fashioned way. So he ran to their direction
Baxter: MOUSERS! Hault! uh.. please?
That's when he saw a clearer look at them. They were MOUSERS alright. But they weren't HIS MOUSERS.
Baxter: What the?..
These MOUSERS were a different color, had a different build to them & were even a different size than his. Bigger even! They however acknowledged Baxter for a second. All using their big bright eyes, they quickly scan Baxter as if he's an item. Once they finish. They collectively make a noise & go the opposite direction leaving Baxter more confused than ever
Baxter: H'H'Hey wait a second!
Baxter ran after the robots but he was too late. By the time he got out the doors, the mini machines had already disappeared into the streets of Manhattan. This confused Baxter even more & gave him even more questions in his head. That was until.
Baxter: oh hey you got it righ-
Boss: Thought you could pull another fast one on us huh?! Just like with that incident with the giant robo suit again huh?!
Baxter: Wait! I'I swear this wasn't me, th'th'those weren't my MOUSERS.
Boss: You know anybody else in New York City that builds MOUSERS?
Baxter: uh….
We cut to Baxter carrying a box full of his stuff outside of TCRI & the doors being slammed in front of him. He lets out a defeated but not surprised sigh. This was definitely the last thing he needed right now. Getting fired & now a possible imposter on the loose.
Baxter: Why would someone else be making MOUSERS? WHO could be able to make MOUSERS? Why would they- oh wait I already said that. *Ahem*. What could their reason be? When did they start doing it? And Where are they?..And how's the real Baxter Stockman gonna catch them? Hmmm.
He knew he had some investigating to do.
Ext. Outside TCRI- Noon.
Baxter came back around after hours to further investigate the origins of the MOUSERS incident from earlier. If these MOUSERS are like his, then they must have trails & signals to trace them back to the owner. However there's none in his sight. But that wouldn't stop him from finding them.
Baxter: Alright my pretties, let's see who's stealing your style.
He activates his MOUSERS & has them do a full digital scan on the area, for traces of tracks or any other damage they might have left behind. Anything can be a clue. Next to the building is a deep alley, possibly where they ran off too earlier & possibly leaving behind something to track them. The MOUSERS & Baxter go down it to verify if that could be the case. Once there they looked around for something that could have left a trail. And they were right. A MOUSER alerts Baxter to a steeper part of the alley to which he discovers a small borough, most likely where they disappeared to earlier.
Baxter: A burrowing function too? Ok just who IS this phony?
If he wants to know, he'll have to investigate the hole. Although, he was still wary of going underground after his prehistoric encounter last night.
Baxter: Maaybe it's best if you have a look for yourselves. I’ I wouldn't be able to fit down there anyway.
The robots let out a small mow and hop down the burrow. As they did that, Baxter pulled out his phone & activated a tracking device that he has in his MOUSERS, this way, he'll know where they end up & what they find, & more importantly if the thing they find is the imposter. Seeing as there's nothing more to do here, Baxter put the phone away and started to leave.
Int. inside an unknown location- Noon.
Meanwhile somewhere else, the different MOUSERS from earlier emerge from their burrow hole that leads to the inside of an unknown hideout where they’ve all seem to have resided in, but of course they aren’t alone. A pair of legs soon walk up to the small robots and stand over them revealing themself as the one in charge of them.
Woman’s voice: Report.
The MOUSERS do just that as the one in the front center of the woman opens its mouth and projects a hologram full of information ranging from written details to images one of them being an image of Baxter that was captured earlier during their brief encounter. The woman is a bit confused about his relevance yet strangely drawn to him. That's when the MOUSER reveals its information on him from the scan it took earlier and the woman begins to read it.
Woman: Well This just got a whole lot more interesting…
Chapter 4: Chapter 4
Chapter Text
Ext. Downtown Manhattan- Evening.
Baxter is on a bench in a park alone in his thoughts still processing the past 2 in a half days he's had. First learning the Triceratons are back, doing God knows what, said Triceratons getting a perfect I.D. of him & are probably after him & Claddia as we speak, losing his job over a MOUSER attack that wasn't his fault for once & oh that's right. A copycat of him is on the loose somewhere. So many issues in just a short amount of time. Baxter may be a genius but he's still only human. … Again. He lets out a long defeated sigh as he takes out his phone to see the tracking process with his MOUSERS.
Baxter: Never a dull day in New York.. Ok. Thinking time. Maybe this phony could be useful to me. If they really were that foolish enough to mimic & steal my ideas, then they can't be a total moron. Another genius is exactly what I need right now! Maybe they could even be useful to me. My very own protégé.. Clearly they must be a fan of my work, why else would they copy it? With my brains & talent, I can teach them so much more & rule over the Triceratons! And maybe even more heheheheh.
Unbeknownst to Baxter, something was in the leaves nearby. Something watching him. Something Not human. It made a brief noise & sent quick information to someone via technology.
Cutting back to Baxter he got off the bench & proceeded to make his way home. As he's walking something seems to be following him. Baxter was still walking, however he couldn't brush off the feeling he was possibly being watched. He briefly turned around to observe his environment but saw nothing except the empty park. Everything seems ok, but he still kept his guard up, he's learned the hard way by now that people (and mutants) are extremely good at stealth & hiding in plain sight.
Baxter: Hello?.
Nothing. Nobody's there or at least, appears to be for as soon as he turns back around a rustling came from the nearest tall bush. Baxter takes this moment to speed walk & even keep one hand in his pocket. Not even looking back at who or what could be behind him. Especially as he began to hear footsteps from behind.
Baxter: I’I should warn you I'm More intimidating than I look!
The steps began to get closer.
Baxter: I MEAN IT!
Suddenly a man behind Baxter puts his hand on Baxter's shoulder.
Man: Excuse me-
Before the man could finish his sentence Baxter panickly screams & tazes the man with a taser Claddia had given him just in case. He shocks the man enough to send him falling to the ground. Baxter quickly realizes what he had just done & looks down at his victim, a tall very well dressed light skin African-American man. Slightly older than him but not a senior citizen & overall clearly not a threat.
Baxter: Oh crap. Uhhh. Sir? Sir? Pleasedontbedead Pleasedontbedead Pleasedontbedead.
He says to himself before checking his pulse & a heartbeat. Thankfully he's not but a piece of information slips out of his blazer, what appears to be a business card. Baxter inspects it as it is revealed to be a TCRI business card but. It's different. Nothing like HIS TCRI. It’s also shown to have association with a company that reads “StockGen”. This captures Baxter’s attention greatly, he searches for the man's wallet to find his ID, when he finds it Baxter is in even MORE complete shock, for the name on the I.D reads “Baxter Stockman”...
Baxter: Who…What the… How the…
IDW’s voice: Alright let's try this one more time.
My name is Mayor Baxter Stockman. And if there's one thing the last 3 years of my life has shown me, it's that: Life truly is full of the unexpected & how you choose to equip yourself in order to handle it determines the outcome. And clearly I was more than equipped.
Like anyone else, I had a normal life. I went to school, graduated young, played chess, usurped my father of his company, discover the world isn't as black as white or as alone as it seems
*The flashback reveals General Krang & his army.*
Discover otherworldly technologies & secrets. Created new species with said secrets, carefully layout, plan & act out my next move for takeover, create a new more successful company, save New York City, Twice. . With some assistance.. Announce my candidacy for Mayor, and win the election to the surprise of no one. Granted there's been some.. Minor setbacks.
*The flashback Cuts to Old Hob, a former mutant henchman of Stockman's unleashing the mutagen bomb that mutated half of NYC.*
Regardless, nothing I haven't been able to handle. I may have gotten to a high position now, but my journey to this spot was still trial & error. Any failure is just an experiment to study from. I always find a way. After all, what kind of scientist would I be if I didn't have a plan B in store for any kind of situation?
Although I'll admit, nothing would have prepared me for what happened a few hours ago… I'm used to strange (or stupid) things happening around me. But this…
*We see Baxter in his office filling out some paperwork when suddenly the air 6 feet in front of him starts to ripple slightly. A small portal opened & quickly vanished.
Baxter noticed this… but didn't care at all as his eyes immediately went back to his paperwork. However the mystery portal started to open up again, slightly bigger than before. But once again the only part of Baxter that moved was his eyes as he just once again stared at the strange portal with zero reaction or care. He even put his eyes back on his paper continuing to write but the portal started to get bigger sporadically. The room was shaking & objects were flying due to the portal shooting dark blue lightning like strikes everywhere. NOW Baxter’s attention was caught.
IDW: what in the -..
He couldn't finish his sentence. Before Baxter knew it he was levitating and being pulled towards the large mysterious portal, before being sucked in though, Baxter grabbed what he could from his office such as 2 different lock boxes. One gray, the other white. & Double checking to make sure he still has his watch on to which he does thankfully. And just like that, the portal took Stockman & soon closed. Putting everything back on the ground.
Baxter flew through the portal screaming as he was traveling faster than light & seeing so many random things at once in this …Space? Realm? Never ending void? He has no clue where he is or where he's going, but something tells him he won't be wondering too long. The ominous tunnel eventually leads with a hole to society where Baxter shoots out of & landing on the streets of Time Square Manhattan, specifically hitting random garbage & small tourist attraction stands.
IDW'S voice: At first I just assumed I was just somehow transported into the middle of Manhattan. But something was different… This isn't MY Manhattan.. This isn't MY New York.. For one.
He looks at a News Paper from a newspaper box & takes it out to read its contents.
IDW'S voice: I'm NOT the Mayor.. In fact… Apparently I'm not anybody..
I'm not sure how I wound up here, or why. But it may have something to do with him.
Referring to OUR Baxter (2012) who he discovered by seeing his “Stockman Industries” billboard & later tracked down using the details on it, he opened the gray box revealing an entire swarm of small flyborgs which he activated using his watch & sent out to track down his alternate dimension counterpart to which was later proven to be successful as we saw earlier in the park. Leading to it signaling the newest Baxter & having a larger Flyborg drop him off behind our Baxter. Leading to this new Baxter getting tazed by ours.
IDW'S voice: Aaand I believe you know the rest from here.
We cut back to real time and the now 2 Stockmans as Baxter 1 is still processing what he just read, This man, this “Baxter Stockman”.. Could he be the person who’s been stealing his work? Is he stealing his identity too?
IDW: *Groaning* What.. What the-
Baxter 1 jumped as Baxter 2 started gaining consciousness again which the other Stockman also responded to as he quickly remembered his situation.
IDW: You!
Baxter: Me?! More, More like You! I’ve got a ton of questions for you!!
IDW: Yes yes, I imagine so. I suppose you taze every person you wish to question?
Baxter: Deh!- you you snuck up on me!
As the two Stockmans were still processing one another, a third party was hovering over in their direction. Spying on them from above them. A drone sized floating robot was looking at the 2 men, a black round shaped robot with insect like wings & a robotic stinger one large glowing scarlet eyes on each side of its head spread wide. Its aforementioned wings grew louder as it approached the Stockmans. Speaking of.
Baxter: Listen! I- huh?..
IDW saw his counterpart lose his focus & turned around to see why he did thus seeing the mysterious floating robot too.
Baxter: ..I don't suppose that's yours is it?
IDW: No, not really..
The Hoverbot then scanned the 2 men with its eyes. The lights glowing a darker color once it finished.
Baxter: What do you suppose that means?..
IDW: I think it's best we not find out.
IDW said as he clicked a button on his gold watch which then summoned 3 Flyborgs to him. One picking him up & another carrying Baxter to his complete shock & more confusion. The 3rd observing the Hoverbot. The Hoverbot’s stinger started to glow and shoots at the 2 men, luckily the 2 Flyborgs flew them off just in time, as the 3rd flyborg recognized the threat & flew right at the Hoverbot to attack it, the robot immediately shoots at the cybernetic mutant getting in good shots as it wounds the cyborg but not before getting a good chunking hit off of it, the Hoverbot now had a large gnash on it. The gnash only let out a small group of smaller Hoverbots that flew off as the previous larger one exploded after it was damaged. The new ones now flying after the Stockmans. The entire time this is all happening, Baxter is (justifiably) panicking.
IDW: Flyborgs. Part android , part mutant fly. They should buy us some time to-
Before he can finish, IDW's cut off by a laser that nearly grazed his head. He turns his head around to see that it was caused by a swarm of the smaller hoverbots that are chasing them throughout the sky.
IDW: And now I think I’d like a turn to ask the questions!
Baxter doesn't answer the other scientist but instead thinks to himself about this current situation. Thinking about the only possible solution.
Baxter: I completely forgot about them…! This has to be their way to silence me, I KNEW THEY WERE AFTER ME!
Baxter just lets out a scream as he sees an upcoming billboard he was going to collide into until the flyborg redirected him. Still barely avoiding the lasers being shot at them by the hoverbots. There are too many things going on right now & Baxter concluded he needs to finally deal with all of this. First things would be getting rid of these robots.
Baxter: We have to shake them!
IDW: Amazing. What made you come to that conclusion?
The sarcastic remark annoyed Baxter, but he still needed his help. Looking back at the robots, most of them were also able to avoid the same billboard except two that exploded on impact. Another hoverbot was able to zoom towards the scientist before being moved away quickly by the flyborg causing the robot to land on a roof and explode.
Baxter to himself: Hollow point expansion… They explode upon impact!
He then looks towards his counterpart’s direction to inform him of an idea.
Baxter: We need to fight back! They're compound based drones!
IDW: That would explain the sensitivity & how they're still on our trail! They're living hovering homing missiles.
Baxter: But how do we approach this?!
IDW quickly studied his surroundings & the impending doom that's following him & his variant, making a mental note of how many are chasing them (As of now 8). After his quick assessment he was ready.
IDW: I have a plan.
Baxter: Awesome! What is it?
The interdimensional mayor proceeded to click his watch & have his Flyborg lower him down & take him completely out of sight. Leaving Baxter to be completely alone in his fight.
The hoverbots had finally got up to him & began attacking the sitting duck of a scientist, however the Flyborg carrying him started it's defense system & began to fight back by now letting Baxter go sending him to plummet towards the ground as he screams in panic, while he does that, the mutant quickly strikes one hoverbot resulting in it blowing up, it then was able to grab a second hoverbot & throw it into another causing both to explode. The robot then as fast as it could nose diver flew down back to Baxter before he hit the ground & took the incredibly shaken up man back on another high ride through the rooftops of Manhattan. Stockman is still shaken up from nearly being a street pancake and still continuing to be shot at by the relentless hoverbots. But now there were only 4 of them thanks to the Flyborg, so Baxter couldn't entirely complain about it. Whatever his counterpart's plan is, it's seemingly working as terrible as it is in Baxter’s mind at least.
Speaking of the Mayoral figure, IDW's hands are seen from a different location pressing another button on his watch. This caused 5 brand new robots to start flying & appearing towards the others on site. But these weren't more hoverbots. These were MOUSERS! Flying white MOUSERS with drone like wings & they immediately went into combat with the hoverbots to Baxter's surprise AND confusion.
Baxter: His can fly?! HIS CAN FLY?!?!?!
There was now even more commotion in the sky as the 8 robots & 1 half robot flew around in speratstics trying to get one another. The flying MOUSERS got the heat off Stockman by attacking the hoverbots with a simple swift bite with their powerful jaws causing the expected explosion, granted this destroyed the MOUSERS in the process because of the close contact. The debris & impact of the exploding compounds & other metals started to affect Stockman & the flyborg as stray shrapnel contact hit the flyborg in its back & wings causing it to lose its mobility/balance. They were beginning to crash-land!
Baxter: Nononononononoooooo!
On a nearby rooftop, Michaelangelo is skateboarding & listening to some music on his headphones, most likely on a night patrol of the town making sure things are safe & normal in the city especially after the earthquake from last night. The Hamato Clan HAS taken into consideration it was just a normal regular earthquake, but they've had too many instances where their intuition was right, so it's better to be safe than sorry.
With that said, the youngest turtle hasn't seen any trouble or any sign of danger going on tonight, so he's considering turning it in for the night (before grabbing a slice or 10 of course) & going home. As soon as he makes his way towards his home he faintly hears what sounds like screaming and out of world machinery. Mikey removes one headphone & turns his attention to the noise only to immediately be greeted with a sideways Baxter Stockman being flown by a giant half mutant half cyborg fly being chased by 2 big brown circular drones with stingers followed by THEM being pursued by FLYING MOUSERS. The man & the teenager making eye contact in what felt like slow motion.
Mikey: Dexter Sparkman?
Baxter: IT'S BAXTER STOCKMAAAaaaaaann..!
The scientist & his “entourage” flew off into the other side of the city, Michaelangelo witnessing it all.
Mikey: Woah, flying MOUSERS & cyborg mutants, the others aren't gonna believe this.
. Who am I kidding? They won't.
The teen just puts his headphone back in & proceeds to skate off. In his mind: it is just Stockman. It can't be that bad or serious.
Getting back to Baxter, the flyborg was holding him could barely keep itself up anymore after the damage it received from the hoverbot shrapnel & Baxter was going down with it. Before it could allow that to happen the robo-mutant with its last strength was able to spin back and throw Baxter back to the flying MOUSERS to which he was barely able to grab onto & dangle from. Now he was in more direct contact with the last Hoverbot as it was destroyed by a MOUSER who tricked it into shooting the second hoverbot by flying out the way at the last minute. The remaining alien robot was more persistent with its targets not only shooting more lasers than before but even trying to crash itself into Baxter which he's been fortunate enough to avoid. The same can't be said in terms of the lasers as he was grazed twice. At this point Baxter started to have enough & with most of his strength started to pull the MOUSER down to a lower level so he could get a little closer to the ground below him. Looking back with his eyes, he made sure the hoverbot was behind him & was getting close enough. To his better judgment he made the MOUSER slowdown so the robot can catch up to them, exactly what the inventor wanted as he was able to grab the alien spacebot with his legs.
Baxter: Taste pavement, you oversized technomosquito!
With a quick swing, he's able to release the robot from his legs & send it flying towards the ground, as it bounced & scraped itself on the concrete it finally exploded. Finally putting an end to the hoverbots. Baxter is also able to finally land himself back on earth, granted it was still a rocky landing as he still fell & rolled on the ground as he let go 3 feet in the air. Baxter was relieved, hurt, & most importantly tired. This whole entire day was a calamity from start to end but at least this can be considered a long awaited win. Baxter lays down for a minute, catching his breath, he’s finally able to compose himself & stand up to look at the damage just done by himself & the robots. Speaking of, the remaining flying MOUSER begins to land itself next to Baxter, a little banged up from the commotion it dealt with from the hoverbots & even Baxter's handling. Baxter looked at the droned robot, observing just how different it is from his design.
Baxter: MOUSERS that can fly? That's nothing like my design. I never even considered the possibility of adding that into my models, I'm honestly a little jealous. … These MOUSERS aren't even that big. Not to mention they're white. Nothing like the ones in TCRI earlier. What if he has more than just one model?
IDW: You survived! Consider me impressed.
Baxter was caught off guard by the other scientist's all of a sudden appearance, but not as much as he was justifiably angry for putting his life at risk on top of being nonchalant about it.
IDW: Yes yes but you didn't, did you? Besides if you really are who I think you are, then you would have managed almost like I expected. Now then.
The new Stockman walked over to look through the remains of the recently destroyed hoverbot, he kneeled down & looked through the parts
IDW: Remarkable technology. Even for this “New York”, perhaps out of this world's world
As he was searching he spotted 3 really small & from our point of view irrelevant pieces, yet he still picked them up & reviewed them. A smirk appeared on his face as he did.
IDW: Bingo. These will be very useful for-
The other Stockman wasn't able to complete that sentence as he was immediately shocked again by Baxter's taser. Once again knocking him out.
Baxter: *siiiiiiigh* I should probably tell Claddia I'm gonna be a while…
Chapter 5: Chapter 5
Chapter Text
Int. - Stockman’s lab- Night.
We open through the POV of IDW Baxter Stockman as he's beginning to come back to, after becoming unconscious for a second time. He slowly opens up his eyes, his vision a bit distorted like he's waking up to a real hangover, only problem is he hasn't drunk a single drop of alcohol since his nonconsensual trip to this new strange reality.
IDW: hrr… I promised myself not to let myself fall trap to another unpresidented knockout like that again… my fortune for an aspirin.. Just what in blue blazes happened to…
The Mayor is finally awake & is first greeted by his captor, Baxter standing in front of him, arms crossed in a mostly dark room
IDW: Me?..
Baxter in a fake deep voice: I'll be asking the questions here.
IDW is revealed to be tied up to a chair in Baxter's old laboratory. The man not really being that impressed or phased by the situation.
IDW: Rrright then.. And what pray tell happened to your voice?
Baxter: NOTH- *aHrm* Nothing. This is my real voice!
IDW: So I take it our previous talks with one another was your “fake” voice? That would make much more sense considering how high pitched & broken it sounded.
Baxter: It's not broken or high-pitched!
IDW: Ah, so it's just intentionally grating?
Baxter: No! It's just my completely normal voice!
IDW: But I thought your previous voice was your normal voice?
Baxter: IT IS- RRRR IT IS!
IDW: So which is it?
Baxter: IT'S, I'M, GUHHH forget it. I'm the one that's supposed to be asking questions!
IDW: Then by all means, ask away.
Baxter: *grr.* First things first. Who are you really, & why are you calling yourself Baxter Stockman?
IDW: Because I am Baxter Stockman.
Baxter: Sure you are phony. There's only one Baxter Stockman in this town & you're looking at him.
IDW: Really hard to believe two people can share a name?
Baxter: Sharing names is one thing, but sharing inventions!?
Baxter pulls up the remaining flying MOUSER from earlier showing the other scientist.
Baxter: Mind explaining why you're also running around using my Mobile Offensive Underground Search Excavation & Retrieval Sentries?
IDW: I'm sorry, your what? Is THAT what you call them?
Baxter: Of course that's what they're called! What have you been calling them?!
IDW: Minefield Ordinance Unarming System Enhanced Robots.
Baxter: That's. Stupid.
IDW: And excavation & retrieval sentries are better?
Baxter: IT IS A- Ghr, we're getting sidetracked. How can you have my name AND my invention? Who really are you?
IDW: I've already been upfront about my identity Mr. Stockman, if you aren't satisfied with my answer that's more of a problem for you. If it's any consolation, I'm just as in the dark as you are about our entire meeting, & it certainly didn't help that I was attacked by killer drones & tazed unconscious. Twice. How am I so certain that you aren't the imposter Stockman?
Baxter: Because I can't be! .. I've been here first! Meaning I'm technically the real deal by default!
Idw just only rolled his eyes by this logic.
Baxter started to really think. Yes this guy is a dick, but he's also got skills to back up his attitude. Maybe he might be onto something.
Baxter: … Are you my relative?
IDW: I don't think-
Baxter: Me from the future?
IDW: I'm not from the future.
Baxter: My secretly made & disfigured clone?
IDW: Noo? And I'm pretty certain you just called me ugly.
Baxter: No no no i was just- i mean, we don't really look alike..
IDW: Any more bright guesses or are you going to try & get my perspective on this predicament?
Baxter: Okaaay. Where did you come from?
IDW: As I recall, I was in my office when suddenly a mysterious portal opened & pulled me through & took me here, leading us to now.
Baxter *whispering*: portal….
With just that one word, Baxter immediately called back his first encounter with the Triceratons & their machine & the word that followed with it: “Transdimensional”. He knows what they're doing. He knows WHAT they did.
Baxter: You're from a parallel universe, where you're me & somehow you've been unexplainably sent here to my universe!
IDW: Well well, it seems we finally have a winner.
Baxter: This. Is. AWESOME! Another me! Someone with my true awesome intellect! Someone I can actually team up with! And-
IDW: On the contrary my naive, underdog doppelganger, I only have 2 quarts of knowledge to share with you.
The transdimensional Mayor easily freed his hands from his tied back & got up to Baxter’s surprise.
Baxter: Gah! How the-
IDW: Lesson 1: Anticipate your obstacles & how you'll get past them.
Before the scientist could fully respond to this unexpected update on his predicament, IDW then proceeded to pull out his gun & aim it at Baxter.
IDW: Lesson 2: Never bring a taser to a gunfight.
Baxter didn't need to hear him repeat himself as he just put his hands up.
IDW looked at his watch to make sure it was still there, which it still was. He then checked his pocket to find the chips from the hoverbots he collected earlier were still there.
IDW: Well Mr. Stockman, I'd say it was a pleasure, but it was more of a disappointing vexation. I bid you adieu.
Keeping his word, Mayor Stockman walked out & left the hideout. Baxter immediately ran after & followed suite
Baxter: Wa-W’b’but wait! You, you, you can't leave! You're, you're me! I'm you!
IDW: Hardly.
Baxter: I'm still you! You have to help me,
IDW: I don't have to do anything except find out how to get back to my dimension.
Baxter: Well, you can't do that without me! I know where the Triceratons are!
IDW: Precisely why I had my MOUSERS & Flyborgs retrieve these spy chips from the robots that attacked us earlier. With basic rewiring & back tracing, I can find exactly who & what I'm looking for.
Baxter: You don't understand! The Triceratons are planning something dangerous & I'm in the crossfire of it. The entire planet’s at risk.
IDW: Not my problem.
Baxter: Notyour- Did you forget they literally have a device that can access the multiverse!? The same device you came out of & are looking for!? Whatddoyou think is gonna happen when their finished with my dimension? They'll come after yours next, & it WILL be your problem!
IDW looked down at the ground after hearing this, but still continued to walk away from his counterpart.
Baxter: Look, our realities & who knows how many others are in a huge muddle, I know this earth & these Triceratons better than you do & realistically, you couldn't have taken all of your technology with you, you've got to be limited. I have a supply's worth to spare! You need me & … I need you!..
The Mayor once again stopped in his tracks after hearing that. He again looked down at the ground, deeply contemplating his options especially in this new foreign world with this polar opposite man that is somehow his transdimensional counterpart. IDW let out a reluctant & defeated sigh. Knowing he might regret this, but this is a brand new chess game, with new pieces. He doesn't have any other choice but to receive this tutorial.
IDW: I suppose it would be prudent to have an ally I can work with in this strange new earth.
IDW turns around to face Baxter extending his hand for a handshake.
IDW: And what better ally to work with than myself?
Baxter is brought to joy with this development, wide smiling & reciprocating the handshake.
Baxter: Awesooomme! With our combined knowledge & power, the Triceratons or Anybody for that chance won't stand a chance against us! Against the… STOCKMEN! OF. DOOM!
IDW: I still have my gun by the way.
Baxter: That is true, let's just forget I said any of that.
Ext. The old warehouse- Night.
We then cut to inside the warehouse, to the very fateful place where Baxter first discovered his extraterrestrial visitors. Said man leading his otherworldly counterpart downstairs to the basement. The last location saw them in.
IDW: So. You claim our prehistoric habitués are hiding here?
Baxter: I know they are. With how many things they had set up, including that hard to miss machine, the .. Pinarc? Whatever they called it, it's there, it all is! All behind this door, & deeper down the hall, to THIS ROO-
When the 2 scientists walked into the lair, it was completely empty. No Triceratons. No technology. No PinArk. It was as if they were never even there.
Baxter: . What the heck?
IDW: *whistles* My my, there's even more of them than you said there were.
Baxter: I don't understand. There were hundreds of them, wires & technology everywhere! Th’there’s no way they could have got up & left with everything in just a day! Not with the time & resources they had!
IDW: In all honesty Mr. Stockman, I have to say, I'm a little disappointed in you.
Baxter: Now wait second, I’m not ly-
IDW: Did you really expect them to stay in the same spot after compromising their secret hiding spot? Think about it. If your enemies caught you here with your pants down in an undisclosed location & went back to inform their troops, would this not be the first place you'd look?
Baxter: You're.. you're right, they relocated somewhere else! Who knows where they could be now. But how.?
IDW: That's what I'm here for.
The businessman took a few steps around studying the area around him. Reaching into his pocket, pulling out a small gray box & opening it. He clicked his watch activating a small army of flies (cybernized of course) to fly out the box & look around the entire room. Baxter looked at all of this & couldn't help but be amazed by the other Stockman & what he was doing. The Mayor then received a beep on his watch, followed by the flies being set in a certain direction of the room to which he walked over to, his doppelganger following suit. When IDW looked to where his miniature cyborgs lead him to, he took notice of what looked to be a white small sharp rock & picked it up.
IDW: Perfecto.
Baxter: A rock?
IDW: Horn chipping. Our friends here must have been roughhousing.
IDW has a fly land on the horn & then walk all over it. Rubbing its legs & all. The Mayor then kneeled down to have the robo-insect open a hatch on its back to which he took out the chip from the hoverbot earlier & placed inside the tiny cyborg. Closing the hatch & its robotic eye briefly changing color. Flashing a light pink until quickly reverting back to red. After that the flyborg flew up & exited the warehouse, the small swarm from before following right after it.
IDW: Using the DNA from the chipped horn & the homing circuits in the chip from the hoverbot to trace the source of its creation, my flyborgs will know exactly where they went & where they're hiding in just a matter of hours.
Baxter was left a bit wordless at the discovery he just witnessed. Feeling a mixture of both amazement, adoration but also jealousy as he would have never even thought of doing or having the tech to do any of that.
Baxter: That is… that was… completely & totally amazing…
IDW: I know. Now then, like I said before, it won't be until much later on that we get our results. So until then-
Baxter: We'll have to lie low, plan & overall kill time. Soooo. You like Antonio's?
IDW is slightly confused by this, as he raises an eyebrow after that question.
Int. Baxter’s lab- Night.
Baxter & Mayor Stockman are back in Baxter’s old laboratory this time with some fresh ordered food from the famous Antonio’s pizza restaurant, a margarita pizza pie, chicken wings & some soft drinks.
Baxter: Mmmmm, Margarita. You have to admit this is great!
Mayor while not exactly head over heels over the food, he was still ok with it & helping himself to the chicken.
IDW: I would have preferred something less processed, but I guess this will do. Though it was so wonderful to pay the tab for this little feast.
Baxter: Heh, heh… I'm a … trying to save up a little. I mean, I did kinda just lose my job today. Oh thanks for that by the way.
IDW: Pardon?
Baxter: TCRI? You sent a pack of MOUSERS to my office earlier, got me fired too.
IDW: I assure you Baxter, I sent no machines to your place of work.
Baxter: Really? Those big gray MOUSERS weren't yours?
IDW: Correct. In case you've already forgotten my friend, my MOUSERS are white.
Baxter: But, aside from you & me who else could possibly be creating MOUSERS?
IDW: Hm, maybe there's a 3rd Stockman running around here somewhere. After all, we don't really know just how many of us were summoned here. There could be hundreds of us for all we know.
Baxter looked down a bit thinking about that possibility, awed by the idea of an army of himself.
Baxter to himself: an army of Baxter Stockmans?.. A Stockmanverse if you will… a team with this level of skill, knowledge & power could mean endless possibilities of success for me! We'd be unstoppable!
IDW: Do you normally whisper to yourself or is there something I should be concerned about?
Baxter: ihh.. that was not a good highlight of my character. … So. Tell me about yourself. Or myself. Ourself? Yeah I gotta figure out how pronouns are gonna work. A day in the life in your reality.
IDW: Not much to share. Aside from dealing with the occasional headaches such as mystic ninja soldiers, interplanetary tyrants & an annoyingly large number of mutants, I prefer to spend my time progressing my company, TCRI’s innovations & their profitabilities.
Baxter: You… Own TCRI?...
IDW: Then there's keeping up with my Mayoral duties, making sure the city isn't in complete self annihilation, which is a job in itself.
IDW: You sound shocked.
Baxter: How can I NOT BE?!- I mean. Not saying I haven't succeeded pretty great myself, but uhhh, M’Mayor's office is a pretty big step.
IDW: So I've noticed. I assume you haven't stepped into political power yet?
Baxter: Oh, Oh yeah! I've definitely got plans for that, See. when I say, the mayor's office is a pretty big step, I meant that as uh, a big step foorr my big plan ideas, see I want to aim higher than Mayor, I'm in the process of becoming the President!
IDW: President eh? Now That is a pretty big step. Do you have an EOP to aid in your campaign?
Baxter: Uh…
IDW: Executive office of the president?
Baxter: Oh uhhh, yeah, yeah! That's what I already have, they're in my contacts, just waiting for my signal of course, uh Anyways! Back to business, I may not own my TCRI but I do have my own business, Stockman Industries. I'm sure you've seen the billboard.
IDW: Hard to miss. Especially with tomorrow being spelled wrong.
Baxter: I'm sorry what?
IDW: You put 2 M’s instead of 1.
Baxter immediately pulls out his phone & checks his website.
Baxter to himself: it IS spelled wrong…
IDW: Though according to your reviews it doesn't look like you've had any customers except 2 people.
Baxter: ive had it up there for 4 years…
IDW: One of them being an old woman who claims you ruined her bathroom sink.
Baxter: why did nobody tell me?...
Suddenly IDW gets a ping from his phone. When goes to check it he sees that the alert was his Flyborgs. They successfully found the Triceratons’ hideout.
IDW: Bingo. We've found our dinosaurs.
Baxter: Where are they?
IDW: Scarsdale. I'll give them this. Nobody would try to find them there.
Baxter: How are we gonna get there? *gasp* Your Flyborgs gonna fly us all the way there like that?
IDW: What? No, that would be a waste of time & ridiculous. We get there like any other person.
IDW’s voice: Public transportation.
We cut to a bus driving the 2 men up to north New York’s more countryside town, Westchester county’s Scarsdale, as the bus drives up to the quiet county, we move further ahead into the area, specifically it's beautiful green & lively woods, but much deeper than were tourists or residents would wander to. The woods is then met with what appears to be a very large den that goes underground like it would belong to that of a black bear. Only there are no bears inside, instead it lays home to a much bigger & more deadly herd of predators…
Chapter Text
Ext. Unspecified woods of Scarsdale- Morning.
The 2 Stockmans had made it to their destination, which was the Triceratons' backup hideout, a large den that appears to be part of nature & overall harmless but inside the den leads to a very deadly one way ticket.
In a drone like POV, we see the interior of the Den revealing to be the inside of a spaceship, much bigger looking than the outside, with a large lobby occupied with different types of robots & on guard Triceratons, doing their respective jobs, further down the lobby leads a very long hallway ending with the laboratory for the Triceraton scientist wasting no time getting everything in production order working harder than ever now because of the recent chain of events that transpired since the other night. Time & effectiveness is of the essence, & the aliens aren't the only ones with this mindset as we then go up towards near the ceiling of the nearby wall to reveal a fly watching over them but not just any fly, one of Mayor Stockman's Flyborgs. Successfully reconning & reporting it's data back to it's creator as we now cut back to him watching the live feed from his device.
IDW: Well, our friends certainly wasted no haste. I'm almost impressed.
Baxter: Amazing. They turned their entire spaceship into a secret base. The technology they’re using must also involve some kind of cloaking. It's the best explanation as to how they've been here so long without anybody detecting them.
IDW: Perfect camouflage against the naked eye.
He continues to look through the security feed from all the miniature robot spies. Revealing multiple different Flyborgs in 6 different areas, the swarm perfectly scattered & camouflaged were all surveying out the rest of the area to see how many guards & security measures there are & out of them 3 Flyborgs were scouting more of the laboratory, hopefully finding the PinArk. As the 3 bugs spread out the area, one of them flies down towards the floor & crawls through a small crack. The crack leads to the basement of the laboratory and the hiding base of the machine the Stockmans are looking for. The PinArk.
IDW: Bingo.
With the information he now collected, IDW put his device back & began to think of the next move to make.
IDW: Hm… So the million dollar question now is how we make our next move… Got it.
IDW’s voice: I'll have one of the Flyborgs access the main database of the spaceship to get the full schematics of the data the Triceratons' have. With the information I've collected I'll be able to see every file available in their system, knowing how many there are, their plans, the PinArk & specifically what makes it work the way it does. As soon as I have the blueprints for their machine, I'll work on making a replica of their key component only mine will contain a virus. Afterwards, I'll have my remaining automatons create a diversion against the Triceratons, giving me enough time to return back & have my Flyborg destroy the gateway using the malware I concocted. Along with a small parting gift.. (this meaning his virus will also trigger an explosion possibly killing the Triceratons)
Baxter: That's.. That's genius! Grabbing the rug under them by using their own info against them, brains triumphing over brawns once again. But, wait whaddo I do?
IDW: Absolutely nothing.
Baxter: What?!
IDW: I didn't stutter Baxter, as useful as your guidance has been, your direct interference would be a liability & I'm pretty sure neither of us can afford for that to happen.
Baxter: But I'm not a liability! I can help with this.
IDW: Then by all means Mr. Stockman, tell me what part of my plan can you help with? In which of the 4 stages will your input improve?
Baxter: The last part. What if your Flyborgs aren't enough?
IDW: I assure you the Flyborgs are much stronger than they look.
Baxter: And so are the Triceratons! I can buy you time! I'll keep the Triceratons busy & destroy the PinArk when you leave.
IDW: You're not serious are you?
Baxter: As serious as anchovies on pizza! You said yourself you can't do this alone, and considering I'm you, you have twice a chance with my involvement. You have to trust me on this.
IDW didn't respond, the businessman just looked to the side pondering his options, thinking about what his counterpart said. Alas, he didn't continue the conversation and instead started to type into his watch to start his plan. Baxter saw that he wasn't going to get an answer, he wanted to argue more but decided to hold his tongue. This could be marked off as “crossing that bridge till they get to it” situation, right now they have more pressing matters to deal with joining his counterpart in watching the cameras. Without hesitation the miniature cyberspies got to work spreading out & scouting the layouts of the laboratory. They'll first need to find the control room. Splitting into 3 teams, the flies separate, one remaining with the PinArk, the second staying back upstairs with the laboratory & the final flyborg going off to find the control room. As it flies along the mothership it passes more kinds of machinery & other Triceratons with different tasks, suddenly it flies over another small crew of Triceratons, but one of them is much more different than the other ones.
Zootarr: Sir.
One of the scientists as he addressed Captain Mozar.
Baxter: YIPE! It's him… he's the one in charge & the one that wants to kill me.
Mozar: Status report Zootar.
Zootar: The PinArk’s stability testing is slowly making progress.
Mozar: Is there a reason the progress isn't faster?
Zootar: Due to the outcome of the other night, activating the machine has caused a large amount of aerial damage & what the earthlings call “an earthquake”. If we don't take the time necessary to stabilize it's opening our cover could be blown-
Mozar: Our cover is already blown as long as that one earthling still lives! Which reminds me. What is the status of our infiltrator? Were the Techno Mosquitoes successful in his eradication?
Zootar: I…I'm unaware sir, none of the drones seem to be responsive or online.
The cybernetic Triceraton only growled at this information, he was anything but happy with that answer & his underling immediately picked up on that.
Zootar: T-T-The Mosquitoes ARE programmed to combust upon impact, it's possible to safely assume they-
Mozar: We can assume NOTHING!
The leader boomed as he punched a hole in the wall while still maintaining eye contact with Zootar.
Mozar: Our enemies always Assumed that they had destroyed us, & every time we proved them wrong terribly.. I will NOT make the same mistake Zootar. I want you to personally make sure that the earthling “Baxter Stockman”, is deceased & no longer a liability to our plan.
IDW: Think he's talking about you.
Baxter just glares at his counterpart.
Mozar: See to it both tasks are completed, am I understood?
Zootar: Yes captain.
The 2 extraterrestrials went their separate ways, with that wrapped up the flyborg also dismissed itself & continued its hunt. Although it looks back at the hole Mozar made, a bit of light was even illuminating from the cracks.
IDW: I wonder…
Staring for a moment, the fly enters the hole. As it crawled through, it was greeted with mostly wires but it was still a hole, meaning there was an entrance & on the other side was an unintended room with mostly computers. Just the place IDW was looking for.
IDW: *chuckled* Much obliged you jurassic oaf, now to let the game begin.
As IDW began to hack the mothership data, Baxter's attention started to wander elsewhere. Something told him to look near the entrance to the Mothership & his instincts were right as the minute he did, his eyes were greeted by 6 MOUSERS surveying the area. The same MOUSERS that appeared in TCRI that don't belong to either him OR IDW apparently.
Baxter: Uhh... Baxter?
IDW: Not now. I need to focus.
Baxter: Right, but I really think-
IDW: Whatever it is, it can wait a few minutes.
The MOUSERS proceeded to start burrowing & making their way into the mothership. Baxter just witnessed & realized this wasn't going anywhere as he just put his hands on his face & deeply inhaled before muttering to himself
Baxter: ohtheheckwithit!
After that, the scientist just snuck away from his dismissive counterpart & went to confront the MOUSERS, despite knowing where they just went inside of & WHO is waiting for him in said location.
Baxter: what am I doing, what am I doing, what am I doing?
Is all he could say to himself as he was about to put himself in this dangerous situation. After making it to the burrow, Baxter needed to think good & carefully about his next step. Was he really going to follow them there? Would he jeopardize the mission if he did? Will the MOUSERS jeopardize it if he doesn't? There's only one way he'll get his answer and that was to jump on the burrow hole & go after the mysterious gray robots.
Int. inside the Triceraton hideout- Morning.
We cut to an unknown room inside the Triceraton hideout and a giant hole inside of it, caused by the mystery MOUSERS. Crawling out of the hole right now however is Baxter, taking him a bit of time as it was harder than it looked to follow the burrows he apparently made & then exit them, nonetheless he was able to get out of it.
Baxter: *grunting & then panting* wow. That is. Surprisingly harder than it looks. Hm?
The inventor looked around his surroundings & saw he was now inside the hideout but in a large semi dark room. The lights were off but the room still had an Orange pink like lighting to it that painted everything in it, Baxter included. From what he could make out of it though, it looked like it was a storage room of some kind.
Baxter: Ok. Ok. Ok. You've got this. Find the MOUSERS, get out. In & out. Easy peasy. …Pleasy?
He said as he began cautiously wandering the room for the robots. The room got bigger the more he walked around, he feels like it's definitely an important room, yet there's no Triceratons guarding it. Then again considering his situation that's probably a good thing.
Baxter: *whispering* Hello? MOUSERS? Anybody?
The room started to slowly light up a bit as he went further inside, but with that deeper dive he saw more wires in the area, the sizes varying from small & thin to large & thick tube like wires, there was also more energy absorbing like devices present in his view.
Baxter: There's so many cable cords & batteries in this place, even for a storage room. Unless… wait a second..
Before he knew it Baxter was in the presence was practically the heart of the mothership. Cables lined up to a large glowing ball of metal, glowing that peach color that illuminated the room from before. It all added up now.
Baxter: This is the main power room. All the energy in the ship runs from this. But wh- oh no.
His fears were confirmed to be correct as the lights in the room started to flicker on & off. Baxter ran closer towards the powercore & quickly scanned the wires below it. Below & behold the MOUSERS already making their way destroying the ships power, the robots eating the cables & the backup wiring inside of the core itself. This caused Baxter to yell in fear.
Baxter: Nonononononono! Stop stop stop! Why won't you stop!?
The lights continued to flicker & short out little by little & the MOUSERS continued their objective in destroying the ship’s power. Before he knew it, Baxter saw all the cables were completely destroyed now & one MOUSER was in the process of doing the final blow as it had a mouthful of wires in its mouth still attached to the machine’s backup wiring. It was going to yank them out like a dog with a rope toy. Causing Baxter to talk to it like such
Baxter: Noooo!
The MOUSER acknowledged the scientist as they both stared at one another, the wires still in its grasp.
Baxter: No! Don't do it!
The robot tilted its head at Baxter
Baxter: You better not!
It slowly pulled its head back with the wires
Baxter: Dooont!
It pulled back a little more
Baxter: DON'T!
A little more
Baxter: DER!
The MOUSER then put its head forward into the box seemingly letting the wires go.
Baxter: *relieved sigh*
The sigh was extremely premature for as soon as Baxter did that the MOUSER instantaneously ripped out the final wires causing an official power outage.
Baxter: You mother-
We cut to the rest of the ship & the Triceratons differently reacting to the sudden loss of power & energy on the ship & all their wristbands all began to sound off an alarm. The dinosaurs-like extraterrestrials chirping & alerting one another. We see Mozar himself react to this with an angered roar. And finally we cut back to IDW who had just finished gathering his data but also noticed the sudden darkness & multiple alarms on his feed
IDW: What the hell?
That was when the mayor noticed his empty peripheral vision & fully turned around to see Baxter completely gone & with the sudden calamity going on inside the ship it did NOT take the man long to put two & two together. And he was anything but ok about it.
IDW: That credulous little-
He then took a very angered deep breath as he then got up from his spot & started to get a move on
IDW: Of all the universes I wind up in, it has to be the one where I have the brain of a damn child!
Back inside with the Triceratons we go to Mozar with his subordinates wasting no time getting to the bottom of this insanity.
Mozar: Head to the main power room, our energy couldn't have just gone out like that! I suspect our systems were a mere victim of “Foul play.”
Back in the power room, Baxter could hear the alarms from the various Triceratons going off & the increasingly louder footsteps following them. A million different thoughts were going on in his head, all of them being panic. After the sabotage they caused the MOUSERS started to head into a different direction & Baxter didn't hesitate to follow after them. They got him into this they may as well get him out of it, & his instincts to go with them weren't wrong because just then he heard the doors being forced open by the entering Triceratons. It was more than enough motivation for the scientist to book it with his little vandals. The robots all ran back towards the same way they came in & started hopping back into the burrow they made earlier by the time Baxter caught up with them he heard the Triceratons behind him. The 5 investigating the powercore & the damage caused by it.
Triceraton 1: *to his wrist* Captain, you were right the cables have been destroyed
Triceraton 2: Search everywhere! The saboteur couldn't have gotten far!
The aliens turned on the lights on their guns & began to walk around & scan the crime scene. Baxter looked down at the MOUSERS going in the hole waiting but also rushing for them to hurry up so he can enter too. But in the back, one of the guards scanning the room caught Baxter's bright pink sweater in his flashlight, immediately compromising him
Triceraton 3: HAULT!
Baxter jolted at that & immediately jumped inside of the burrow, in perfect timing too because the Triceraton started to shoot at him as he was doing this. Baxter now inside the hole was down from the sudden fall but quickly got himself up to start running towards the exit with the MOUSERS. As soon as he did he heard the Triceratons above him surrounding the burrow he just came in & saw the multiple plasma beams hitting the ground he was just laying on moments ago, he knew that meant it was a “ kill first ask questions later” situation so he started rushing his way out of the burrow as fast as he could. He knew the Triceratons were too big to fit down the burrow themselves but at the same time he couldn't take the risk & kept going until he saw the light that was the great outdoors of Scarsdale. Now back outside we see the last MOUSER exit the hole & wander off with its herd Baxter not far behind frantically crawling out of the burrow as well as he can & taking a very deserved deep breather. It seemed like the worst was behind him for now. Keyword “for now” because without warning Baxter started to hear what sounded like teleportation. When he turned to see the source of the noise his eyes were greeted by 2 Triceratons now outside with him due to their beaming technology instantly teleporting them outside, now on the hunt for Baxter.
Baxter: Oh come on!
As the super saurians began to look for him, Baxter started to make another run for it. Where exactly he was going, even he didn't know. What he did know was it just had to be far away from here & hopefully far away from teleporting distance. As he was making his blind escape Baxter was suddenly grabbed by a random arm & pulled behind a tree, he was startled at first until he saw the arm belonged to IDW, all was good until he realized it's IDW & he was startled again.
IDW: What did you do?
He growled at Baxter.
Baxter: I can explain?..
The “explanation” will have to be put on hold however, in a flash rapid gunfire began to go off near the two men. The Triceratons had found them & slowly approached them, still shooting their lasers at them. IDW started to activate his watch & press a button on it. After doing so, his swarm of Flyborgs from before ambushed the colossal soldiers buzzing & flying all over their faces, completely distracting them as they kept trying to sway them away.
IDW: Let's go!
As soon as he said that, IDW grabbed his counterpart’s hand & started to run into the woods so they could make their way back to civilization.
Baxter: What's the plan this time?!
IDW: As of right now: Not dying.
Baxter: … Good plan!
Sticking to Operation: “don't die”, the 2 men continued to evacuate the woods making good distant progress as the hideout was no longer visible to them & neither were the soldiers thanks to the flyborg diversion. It seemed like they were in the clear until IDW heard a loud CRACK. This made the man stop in his tracks as he had a feeling he knew what that sound was.
He yelled as he lunged at Baxter moving him out of the way of a falling tree which looked to have been knocked over by another tree like giant dominos. Before they could react to that safe they saw another pair of trees fall on the opposite side of them.
IDW: They're trying to trap us with the trees.
The trees continued to fall & the Stockmen found themselves hearing their pursuers getting closer.
Baxter: Quick call your bigger Flyborgs to get us out of here!
IDW: Not an option. They're all the way back in Manhattan, it'll take them 35 minutes at best to arrive here.
Baxter: You're kidding me!
IDW: I wish.
The mayor said as he got his gun ready & cocked it. Baxter got out his taser & nervously prepared himself for the worst too as the men tried to get over the fallen branches but also braced themselves for their inevitable encounter. Suddenly there was silence. No trees. No footsteps. Not even the birds or other wildlife. It was too quiet. Something is definitely wrong here & it didn't take long for the 2 scientists to see that because without them noticing a Triceraton guard right next to them, almost crushing them with his giant arms but the men dodged in time. IDW started shooting at the creature. The bullets had little to almost zero effect on the Triceraton as it just continued its pursuit after him returned the favor on the shooting as it fired its plasma gun causing IDW to hold back & run again. Baxter tried to help his counterpart by tazing the alien. This proved to stop the Triceraton in its tracks as it was slightly affected by the sudden electricity, but not enough to truly stop it as it grabbed Baxter's arm & took the taser from him, crushing it to pieces with zero struggle. Knowing how boned he was just by that alone Baxter let out a nervous chuckle before he was ultimately thrown into his multiversal doppelganger knocking both the men down on the ground. While in that vulnerable state, the other Triceraton throws a small triangular device in front of the Stockmans thus activating it. Before the Baxters could react to what just happened or what was placed in front of them the device went off & trapped both of them inside of a large orange bubble like balloon, encasing them instantly. IDW tried to break out of it but it was no use. They had successfully been caught.
Triceraton 1: The perpetrators have been apprehended. Escorting them back to base where they will be dealt with properly.
After finishing the message to his brethren, the 2 suddenly hear movement around them making both the aliens back in guard for any more surprises or unexpected visitors. That was when the source of the noises revealed themselves, it was once again the same mystery MOUSERS from before, the 6 robots surrounded the guards in a circle. Before getting a chance to fire their guns, the robots simultaneously began to unleash a loud screech stunning the guards in their places as they cover their ears from the noise, the imprisoned Stockmans doing the same thing. In the midst of the commotion 2 chips were shot at each Triceraton immediately latching onto their clothes, before they could react the chips activated and electrocuting them both at such a high voltage, much higher than Baxter’s taser that once it was finished shocking them, the guards immediately collapsed left completely unconscious & the Stockmans confused. What had just happened? It looked like they were going to get they're answers quickly because before they knew it a woman walked into the scene. Another African-American wearing a labcoat over her purple button down & a tie & the same boots from what we saw much earlier in the story, the woman controlling the mystery MOUSERS. The woman then approached the bubbled Stockmans & picked up the device that was holding them, after examining it for a brief second she deactivated it & the bubble vanished releasing the 2 men (while also dropping them)
Baxine: Hello boys. I didn't burst your bubble with my involvement did I?
IDW *to himself*: how wonderful another comedian..
Baxter: Wait, so.. it
Paying attention to the MOUSERS now approaching their mistress with their new data & job completed
Baxter: They belong to you?
Baxine: You sound surprised.
Baxter: Well, it's just umm… i uh wasn't expecting, NoT saying it wouldn't be possible but I mean-
IDW: What my colleague means to say is, just who exactly are you now?
Baxine: My name is Dr. Baxine Stockman, & I too am from another universe like this one.
Baxter & IDW looked a bit surprised at this revelation & then turned to face each other, they knew they made a theory earlier that more than one Stockman may have come out the PinArk but it wasn't 100% certain they would be right if that's the case. But this, it WAS the case & now this changes everything, there is more than just IDW roaming this this dimension now there is a 3rd Stockman in their presence now all they can think is: How many Stockmans actually got out? How many more are there? And more importantly, will they find them all so they can go home? Or even stand a little bit of a chance against the Triceratons?
Baxine’s voice: Ok everyone let's go through this one more time.
My name is Dr. Baxine Stockman & for as long as I remember, the world will lead a path to your door of success with a better mousetrap. And I for one couldn't agree more with the sentiment.
I started my life like everyone else. Went to school, repaired technology. Frequently.
*We see a 10 year old Baxine assisting her father in repairing the TV, and then the toaster, and then their car's engine.*
My father was the one who awoke my talents. Even if it wasn't my first decision. Regardless I utilized it, completed school, exceeded my peer's expectations & made my way to the top of the economic food chain. I've also dealt with a few. Unexpected hiccups,
*We see her mousers being destroyed in her laboratory by the Turtles of her universe & then directing their attention towards her*
But it's still nothing I couldn't handle. I know better than to not have a plan B in store for measurements like these
*Baxine managed to escape them & even covered up her tracks about her involvement in the robberies her MOUSERS created blaming it on a system hack on an equally dirty technology company she's rivaled with letting her go Scot-free. She's since then remained a formidable enemy to the turtles since rarely doing direct crime involvement but mostly pulling strings behind the shadows*
With the existence of mutants, aliens & apparently ancient monsters I know my life is anything but normal. But I didn't think it'd get this bad.
*Baxine is seen currently fighting off the turtles in some unknown location when the same mystery portal that abducted IDW began to open up right behind her. Baxine was about to shoot one of the turtles with her shock gun until she saw the portal behind her before the scientist could even react to what it even was, she was sucked inside of it, some nearby mousers being taken as well & the portal closed, one of Raphael's sai’s stabbing the wall it was just at almost as a last attempt to stop Stockman.
Just like IDW, Baxine was traveling faster than light, multiple random things flashing all at once in the void*
Before I knew it I was being slingshot across time & space itself until the mystery portal spit me out in Central Park.
*Baxine is seen falling on a tree, which softened her fall a bit until she finally hit the ground*
Yet something told me this wasn't the Central Park I knew. It was different. Time travel? No. Something bigger. Turns out the multiverse is real & I got a front row seat worth of proof. So I spent the last 2 days learning what I could about my new location & why I'm even here & I learned 2 things in my studies.
1: I have a male counterpart. (Make that 2 now)
& Second: This entire situation is a whole lot bigger than I thought it was.
*As she followed the Flyborgs & learned of the Triceratons & the PinArk*
Which brings us-
Baxine: Back to here.
IDW: Fascinating.
Baxter: You got me fired by the way.
Baxine: Hm. It was probably for the best anyway, Stockmans shouldn't have to take orders from others.
Baxter looked down after that comment, Baxine’s Independent & seems to have her things in order like IDW too…Was there something wrong with him?
Baxine: So did you fellas learn anything useful about our prehistoric kidnappers & why they even brought us here if they wanted to kill us so badly?
IDW: While I still can't answer the ladder aside from an educated guess that we're in the way of their plans, I did copy & steal all the data they have in their base.
IDW opened his blazer revealing in the inside pocket was his flyborg he had gathered the information from earlier, it had survived & was on his person the whole time.
IDW: As soon as I upload this to a device I'll know everything they know.
Baxine: *genuine* Impressive Doctor.
IDW: I know.
Baxine: It won't be long before they get their systems back online, but my mousers still caused them a big delay regardless so I advise we make haste.
Baxter: Oh! That reminds me. What's your MOUSERS abbreviation stand for? Considering the underground search excavation I think it's pretty obvious what your answer is.
Baxine: ….Nothing? They mean Mousers. Did. Did you two abbreviate yours?
The Men became quiet & had a “well..” look on their faces.
Baxine: Well that's stupid.
Baxine walked away after that comment causing both the Stockmans to be a little embarrassed in their own respective ways. The Baxter Stockman universe truly is unpredictable.
Int. inside the Triceraton hideout- afternoon.
We check back in on the Triceratons & Captain Mozar, currently looking over at all of his scientists repairing the main power core damage caused by Baxine's mousers. A serious blow to Mozar’s plans as now was ANYTHING but the time to make failures or time consuming setbacks. Without time the Triceratons are more at risk than ever in being discovered especially without power to beam back into hiding, without power, they won't be able to use their energy to activate the PinArk & without the PinArk…
Triceraton: Captain.
Mozar: Did you catch him?
The soldier hesitated to answer but ultimately nodded no.
Mozar: Then WHY bother coming back at all you useless excuse of a soldier?!
Zootar: Sir, this may not be as entirely bad as it seems. The human wasn't alone during his stay here.
The scientist showed a tablet displaying IDW & Baxine from earlier during the chaos
Zootar: But that's not all.
He then opened his hand to reveal a dead flyborg & one of the electro chips from Baxine's gun.
Zootar: My scanner indicated that only was their DNA identical to one another but it also picked up interdimensional waves of energy. Neither being of this universe's origin. The other humans are not of this universe, which means.
Mozar's mood changed, he began to smile
Mozar: The PinArk works..
Zootar: What do you wish to do now Captain?
Mozar: Finish repairing the main power core, after that, resume your duties on the PinArk's development. As for the rest of you. Find this “Baxter Stockman” & all of his variants with him. Make sure their demises are efficient & painful.
He said with an evil smirk.
Ext. The streets of Manhattan - afternoon.
The 3 Stockmans had just made their way back to civilization via bus drive, now all they were doing was walking back but not without conversing.
Baxter: So you added a sonic screech & a scanner setting to your design? I've honestly been thinking about upgrading the MOUSERS a little bit but I wasn't sure.
Baxine: Upgrades take time & decision. And I must say even I never thought of making the MOUSERS distance attackers with those laser eyes you have on your model or even holographic projections.
IDW: Even I never considered using them for communication. I might even take the idea into consideration.
Baxter glowed at that & the overall feedback he's getting in general. Aside from Claddia, Baxter wasn't used to this kind of treatment. He wasn't used to finally being around people that truly get him at the end of the day. But at the same time, these people ARE him so it only makes sense they do, frankly it's a very much welcomed change of pace for the scientist.
Baxter: You know, after defeating the Triceratons & stopping life as we know from getting obliterated, maybe.. Maybe we could take a page out of their book, ya know, still keep in touch afterwards.
Baxine: Hm, perhaps we can work something out.
IDW gave a small “hmf” like chuckle at the idea as well. Crossing it off as another “we'll see”. Regardless, both responses were good enough for Baxter. Before they knew it the scientists were back outside the entrance to Baxter’s old hideout/laboratory
IDW: I believe we've reached our destination.
Baxter: Our house of wonders Lady & gentleman. For behind this roll-up door is our key to victory! With the info we have, our combined brainpower & resources inside, nothing even as a chance of standing in our- CLADDIA!!
When Baxter had lifted up the roll-up door he turned to see that on the other side of it was his partner Claddia arms folded & smiling. Although all 3 Stockmans knew that was not a real smile. It was a “I’m mad” smile.
Claddia: Hello Baxter. Would you mind telling me what the everloving hell is going on here? And DO pick your next words carefully.
For those who most likely won't know. Baxine is my take on the 2007 version & is from the 2007 universe. The general summary for her creation was I saw a Mouser parts in Splinter's memory shelf meaning Stockman exists in that continuity I just decided what he looks & acts like, and I made him a woman because why not. More about her on my Tumblr Baxterstockmanisthecenterfold