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When the Levee Breaks

Chapter 5: Here We Go!


“Morning…babe? What are you doing up?” Josuke asked Rohan that morning as he walked into the living room to see Rohan sitting up watching TV with the drapes closed. “You had another nightmare again, didn’t you?” He then asked as he came over with some coffee for them.

“Yeah, I did, the thing is, I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I can’t eat, I can’t sleep and I feel like I want to rip my skin off. You know it took me an hour to clean myself up when we got home from the hospital, right?” Rohan replied as he pulled the blanket around him tightly to keep from being touched.

“I know, I was out here in the kitchen making dinner for us, but babe, you can’t live on coffee forever, believe me, I’ve tried. Now I at least want you to try and eat something, please.” Josuke said as Rohan collapsed onto his chest. Soon, he got up to make breakfast for them.


So a little clarification here - I accidentally retconned myself in the last chapter and didn't realize it until after I posted it, but this is more in line with how I had planned it (the dream sequence was to add a Silent Hill-like feel, I guess...somedays I don't even know what's going on in my head)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Josuke and Rohan’s apartment, several months later - Tallacatcha

“Morning…babe? What are you doing up?” Josuke asked Rohan that morning as he walked into the living room to see Rohan sitting up watching TV with the drapes closed. “You had another nightmare again, didn’t you?” He then asked as he came over with some coffee for them.

“Yeah, I did, the thing is, I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I can’t eat, I can’t sleep and I feel like I want to rip my skin off. You know it took me an hour to clean myself up when we got home from the hospital, right?” Rohan replied as he pulled the blanket around him tightly to keep from being touched.

“I know, I was out here in the kitchen making dinner for us, but babe, you can’t live on coffee forever, believe me, I’ve tried. Now I at least want you to try and eat something, please.” Josuke said as Rohan collapsed onto his chest. Soon, he got up to make breakfast for them.

“Alright, I’ll try, hopefully I won’t throw it up again.” Rohan stated as he watched Josuke cook for them and as he brought it over to the coffee table, he began feeding Rohan small bites, watching him to make sure that he didn’t run to the bathroom to shove his fingers down his throat like he had been doing lately. Eventually, Rohan pushed the bowl of cream of wheat away, a signal that meant that he didn’t want anymore and Josuke set the bowl down and began eating his own breakfast. Afterwards, he took the bowls back to the kitchen and put Rohan’s away in the fridge before returning to the couch to see him still sitting there.

“Good, look, I’m not trying to force you to eat to be cruel, but I think there’s something more going on inside your head than just what happened to you.” Josuke said as Rohan again rested his head on his chest as they watched TV. “You know, they say that therapy might help with this…do you want to talk to Mia about finding a therapist?” He then asked as he held his mate close and rubbed his back.

“Yeah, I want to get better and I can’t do that if I keep hiding in the house.” Rohan replied and at that, Josuke reached over and called Mia who agreed to find Rohan a therapist. Two days later, Rohan began his sessions at the medical center with Josuke by his side and soon, he began having Josuke wait for him in the waiting room, a sign that he was getting comfortable with being in there alone. Eventually, he decided that it was time for him to tell him about his past and how he became who he was.

The apartment, one month after Rohan started therapy - All I Could Do Was Cry

“Look, I know you heard most of this from Kira when he was about to have me raped, but I want to tell you the full story and not just the bits and pieces I told you when we first met. First of all, ‘Sachiko’ is my deadname - ‘Rohan’ was the name of my younger brother who died at birth along with my mother and a year later, my father remarried a woman who was of a different social class. In keeping with my family’s new social status, I was sent to France to be ‘educated,’ but instead, I was sold into servitude. I later found out that my stepmother wanted to get rid of me since I was an ‘abomination,’ her words, not mine, and that was the start of my bad luck. When I was in Paris, I began leading a double life - during the day, I was Sachiko Fukujima, but at night and on my days off, I was Rohan Kishibe. During that time, I started binding my breasts and wearing men’s clothing. This was in 1716, the next year, my bad luck returned - my employer’s wife caught me in bed with him, not my choice, mind you, and tossed me out onto the street.”

“At that point, I made my way to the Cour des miracles and became a sex worker and this lasted until I was arrested and placed in the Hôpital général de Paris. Once there, they put me to work weaving cloth. The mens’ clothing I favored was taken away and I was forced to wear womens’ clothing which was the same gray robes and caps as the men. By the way, I wouldn’t keep a dog in that place, the conditions were so unsanitary that I ended up with a case of ringworm on my back that left a bad scar. Anyway, in 1720, I was selected to be a casquette girl and sent to New Orleans aboard the ship La Mutine. Upon my arrival, I was placed in the care of the Ursulines, but there was something wrong with me. I began to stay inside during the day and I left each night to hunt for blood.”

“I later learned that there were vampires aboard the ship that turned each of us as we slept and unfortunately for me, Kira was the one who turned me. I found this out when I made my way to his house and he welcomed me in, as for my casquette, it was sealed up in the attic of the convent with the others. Upon my arrival, Kira made me his plaything, replacing another girl from my village - Reimi Sugimoto - who he had murdered by letting her burn to death in the sunlight. As the centuries went by, I began to fear that I would meet the same fate as her and my dysphoria got worse to the point where I would run away from Kira to try and escape his cruelty. That’s how I met the Queen, she took me in and gave me sanctuary in the Cabildo starting in 1799, seventy-nine years after I arrived in New Orleans. She then helped me get sterilized to ease my dysphoria somewhat, but I still continued to bind my breasts, I wasn’t ready to get rid of them yet. One day, I decided to go out and that was when Kira ‘recovered’ me and that night, he discovered that I was sterile and I was cast out of his bedroom and into the kitchen.” Rohan explained as he and Josuke relaxed on the couch that evening watching House of Wax - a favorite movie of Rohan’s - on TV that night.

“Damn…I guess he put you through hell, huh?” Josuke finally said as he handed his lover a bowl of popcorn from the bag they had. “So I’m guessing that he abused you, right?” He then asked as the movie cut to commercial and Rohan got up to get them some drinks.

“Yeah, but to be honest, it was nothing new to me, I’ve been abused all my life. First by my stepmother, then by my employer in Paris and the men in the Hôpital. Kira was my final abuser and the straw that broke the camel’s back, so to say. At that point, I decided that enough was enough and I wanted to take back my freedom and when Shinobu arrived, I saw my chance when the hunters arrived and killed everyone. Thing is, I didn’t expect Kira to come back with the Carter brothers and get revenge on me.” Rohan replied as he sat back down on the couch with his drink after handing Josuke his.

“I know, we both didn’t expect that, so how about this - since I’m now eighteen, why don’t we start dating and see how things go from there.” Josuke suggested, surprising Rohan.

“Sure, I’d like that, besides I’ve always wanted to date, in fact, let’s do that next Saturday night. We’ll meet here and watch Invaders from Mars and The Dark Crystal.” Rohan said as he set his drink down and cuddled up next to Josuke as they finished the first film and as Labyrinth began, Rohan smiled, but soon he remembered that he would have to tell Josuke that he was moving out to a new apartment that he would be sharing with Mia.

The next morning - Magic Dance

“So you’re moving out, huh? I figured as much when you suggested meeting up here to watch movies next Saturday. Besides, this is a good step for you to take and remember, I’m just a phone call away.” Josuke said as they ate breakfast that morning before Rohan packed up and headed out to Mia’s place which just happened to be two doors down from Josuke. Soon, they began dating starting with movie nights on Saturdays at Josuke’s place and meeting for coffee at Cafe du Monde after Rohan’s therapy sessions and soon, it came time for Josuke to finally make Rohan his.

Rohan’s birthday, one year after Josuke and Rohan started dating - Chilly Down

“So why bring me to Antoine’s tonight?” Rohan asked as he and Josuke ate dinner in the Last 1940: Tabasco Room that evening. The meal was lavish as always - starting with Oysters Rockefeller and ending with creme brulee served with cafe brulot diabolique.

“Simple, I asked Mia when your birthday was and she told me, plus she told me that you’ve never really celebrated it, so I figured no time like the present, right? Besides, I have something to ask you too.” Josuke replied as he pulled a small box out of the inside pocket of his suit jacket and knelt before his boyfriend. “Rohan, my love, will you marry me?” He asked, surprising Rohan as he opened the box and showed him the ring.

“Y-yes! Yes, I will!” Rohan exclaimed as Josuke slipped the ring onto his finger and he marveled at the gold band that held an oval cut green moss agate instead of the traditional diamond.

“I found it online and I realized that it would suit you better than the traditional diamond ring.” Josuke explained as Rohan fell into his arms and kissed him.

“I love it and now this means that I have to start planning our wedding and don’t worry, I’ll make it spectacular.” Rohan replied as he smiled at Josuke.

“Happy birthday baby.” Josuke said as he smiled back at his lover, unaware that Rohan was going to send him on a scavenger hunt through the city with a surprise at the end.

To be continued…


Almost done...