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When the Levee Breaks

Chapter 4: Walking to New Orleans


'Oh god…my head fucking hurts…that’s it no more going out clubbing ever again…' Rohan thought as he regained consciousness and as he raised his head, he saw the one person that he hoped he would never see again - Yoshikage Kira. “What the fuck?! You’re supposed to be dead! I saw that bitch kill you!” Rohan screamed as he struggled against the ropes that bound him.

“Really? Well, I hate to say it, but that woman’s aim was quite off and of course, it does help to have a contract with the Black Queen as well. Thanks to her, I was able to come back and take my revenge on you, my darling Sachiko.” Kira said to Rohan, calling him by a name that he hadn’t used in centuries. “Now then, I’m going to let my associates have their way with you. Funny, you were such a beautiful woman, but you had to go and ruin that for me. Still, I may get some use out of you, even if you end up a corpse again.” He added as he stepped back and the Carter brothers moved forward.


Here we go, chapter 4 and I want to include a warning here. This chapter does contain rape/non-con, as well as misgendering and deadnaming along with Kira being a transphobic asshole and the word cunt is used as well.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The warehouse - The Thrill is Gone

'Oh god…my head fucking hurts…that’s it no more going out clubbing ever again…' Rohan thought as he regained consciousness and as he raised his head, he saw the one person that he hoped he would never see again - Yoshikage Kira. “What the fuck?! You’re supposed to be dead! I saw that bitch kill you!” Rohan screamed as he struggled against the ropes that bound him.

“Really? Well, I hate to say it, but that woman’s aim was quite off and of course, it does help to have a contract with the Black Queen as well. Thanks to her, I was able to come back and take my revenge on you, my darling Sachiko.” Kira said to Rohan, calling him by a name that he hadn’t used in centuries. “Now then, I’m going to let my associates have their way with you. Funny, you were such a beautiful woman, but you had to go and ruin that for me. Still, I may get some use out of you, even if you end up a corpse again.” He added as he stepped back and the Carter brothers moved forward.

“You fuckers lay one hand on me and you will regret it!” Rohan shouted as he began kicking the brothers to get them away from him. But his efforts were in vain as they grabbed him and threw him onto the floor before ripping off his clothes and flipping him onto his stomach. “Please…stop…” Rohan then begged when the realization of what was going on hit him. However, his cries fell on deaf ears as the Carters forced themselves on him with Kira soon joining them.

“God damn, this bitch’s cunt is fucking tight, shame we have to kill her, don’t you agree, Wayne?” John then said to his brother and just before Wayne could say anything, a massive paw burst through his chest and two glowing blue eyes were shining in the dim light of the warehouse. “Shit!!! You didn’t tell us this bitch had a fucking loup-garou!” He said as he pulled out and began to run while another paw ripped off his brother’s head and tossed it and the body outside and before he reached the door, the loup-garou lunged toward him and ripped his head off before dragging his corpse outside to join his brother’s as the sun began to rise. As the beast returned to the warehouse, he moved towards Kira with the intent to kill him while Rohan gathered the last of his strength and dragged himself under a workbench to hide from both the beast and the sun.

“Please, no! I’m merely an innocent victim here…it was the Carters and the Black Queen who did this…” Kira begged as the beast picked him up by the throat and growled at him.

*Don’t fuck with me, I heard everything you said and I saw how you treated my master. You deserve to die and this time, you won’t be coming back.* The beast said as it ripped out Kira’s throat and then it took him outside and staked him to the ground and as the sun began to shine, the three vampires caught fire and burned until there was nothing left but bones. Once that was done, the beast headed back inside and found Rohan hiding, his eyes wide with fear.

“Please…don’t…hurt me…” Rohan begged, his voice hoarse from having his face fucked as the beast shifted into its human form to reveal Josuke.

“Relax, it’s just me, sorry if I scared you.” Josuke replied as he grabbed the same cloak that he had wrapped Rohan in when they first met and again wrapped him in it. Then he picked him up and carried him out to a waiting ambulance. Once they were inside, Rohan was sedated to keep him calm during the trip to the hospital and upon their arrival, he was taken to the ER and insisted on Josuke staying beside him. Afterwards, he was moved to a private room to recover with Josuke by his side holding his hand.

Tulane University Medical Center - Tupelo

“How’re you doing?” Josuke asked as Rohan slowly woke up from the sedative that he was under.

“Honestly, I’ve had better days than this, besides, I doubt I’ll be able to sleep with the image of those glowing blue eyes in my mind.” Rohan replied as he looked over and saw that Josuke had the same color eyes as the beast that he saw hours ago.

“Yeah, sorry about that, I got so pissed when they kidnapped you that after I left the Cabildo, I shifted into my wolf form and tracked you down. When I got there, I stayed in wolf form since it would be easier to kill them and rescue you. By the way, I heard what Kira said to you, and I do have questions, but they can wait until you’re ready to tell me about it. Plus I also don’t give a rat’s ass about your name, it’s not what I fell in love with. I fell in love with a person and I will stay by your side until the day we die.” Josuke explained as he moved onto the bed and held Rohan close to him, being careful not to wreck the IVs that were in his arms.

“I was definitely scared, but now that it’s over, what happens for us next?” Rohan asked as he began to drift off to sleep again.

“I don’t know, but for now, get some rest, you’ve earned it.” Josuke said as he continued to watch the door for any would-be assassins. Meanwhile, Rohan was dreaming of an old friend that he hadn’t seen in centuries.

The dreamworld - Wang Dang Doodle

'What the…It’s my old village…but why am I back here?' Rohan thought as he walked through the empty streets of Morioh that appeared to be unchanged since the day he left following a cholera epidemic brought by missionaries from Portugal. As he continued to walk the silent streets, he heard a voice calling his name.

“Rohan! I knew it, it was you!” Reimi Sugimoto said as she ran toward the child that she used to babysit and hugged him. “So how have you been?” She asked as they headed to the old teahouse that her family ran before the epidemic destroyed everything they knew.

“Well, I finally transitioned and not just in name, but also physically too and I have someone who loves me too - he’s a loup-garou named Josuke. In fact, he’s saved my life twice now and he’s even confessed his love for me. Naturally, I don’t know what to do, I mean, I want to run away, but at the same time, I want to tell him how I feel. What do you think I should do?” Rohan explained as they sat down on the bench and Reimi listened to him.

“I think it’s time for you to stop running and tell him how you feel, I know I told you to run back then, but back then, it was to save your life. Now it’s time to stop because you’re safe now, Kira’s officially dead and no longer a threat to us. So go back and be happy with your new love.” Reimi replied as she kissed Rohan on the forehead and as she disappeared, Rohan began to wake up again, this time to the sound of voices.

Rohan’s room - Devil Got My Woman

“You doing okay, babe?” Josuke asked as Rohan woke up and pulled him into a gentle kiss. “Wow, what brought this on?” He then asked.

“Because it’s time for me to stop running and face my feelings for you - I love you.” Rohan said as he rested his head on Josuke’s chest and saw that Mia was in there with them.

“Aww…anyway, as happy as I am for you two, let me say this - you had me worried with that little stunt you pulled and as punishment, the next time that someone is stalking you, don’t give them any bait, just get the hell out of town. Also, the next time you want to feed, go to one of the feeding salons in the French Quarter, I’ll even leave a standing reservation for you.” Mia said as she glared at her friend.

“Fine, but right now, I think I’ll focus on healing and to start, I want to move out of the house and back to the apartment.” Rohan said.

“Alright, we’ll go back to my apartment once you get released.” Josuke replied as he continued to cuddle his new lover and Rohan fell asleep again, Josuke stayed by his side, unaware that they were in for an uphill battle.

To be continued…


two more chapters left!!