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A methodical approach to achieving equilibrium in the force, By the Chosen One

Chapter 14: Trust is Earnt


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Obi-wan was not fond of letting Anakin meet with the chancellor. It was a relatively new thing, but it made his hackles rise. He consistently asked the force for advice and yet is currents remained unaffected as if it hadn’t even heard his question.

As such Obi-wan gave into the political pressure exerted by the high council. A subject he could broach with Anakin or Healer Aglows in their next session? Explain why he was uncomfortable with the situation and make it clear Anakin was welcome to come to him if he didn’t feel at ease with the man.

As Obi-wan considered his course he got a message on his comm, from Quinlan, asking if he wanted to spar. Exactly what he needed to get out of his own head.

After he affirmed Quin replied with a meeting place which he headed towards. Oddly it was a room number he had never been to before, several levels down from the majority of the salles. Was it a sparing room typically used by shadows? It wouldn’t surprise Obi-wan if such a place existed, nor would it surprise him to have Quinlan break the rules and invite him.

Checking the room numbers he followed the numbering system to end up where he was meant to. Right before he commed Quin to find out exactly where they were to be meeting, no one being around, he spotted the dreadlocked kiffar.

“Obi, good to see you.” Quin greeted.

“Quin, I can't say I knew these rooms were down here?”

Vos reached up and scratched at the base of his dreadlocks, “Yeah well about that?”

Ahh he’d lied.

“I'm down to spar,” Quinlan said, “but you are wanted for a meeting first.”

Obi-wan raised an eyebrow, the cloak and the vibroknife meant shadow business.

Quinlan ushered him into a room. Obi-wan’s connection to the force dulled immediately, the lake becoming a distorted picture. He took a measured breath. His connection to the force wasn't fully blocked if he concentrated the cool lapping of its waters still swirled around his ankles. But he hadn’t had to concentrate on it since he was an initiate.

It was unnerving, but what he could perceive of the force was calm and Obi-wan trusted Quinlan with his life.

He looked around curiously. The room was large without natural light. There was none to have this deep in the temple but the artificial lights were placed well and must be capable of lighting the room fully. But if they were, someone turned them down to a dramatic gloom setting.

There were 12 people each wearing dark Jedi cloaks with their hoods raised. Blue distorted holo's covered the individuals faces.

Contrarily Obi-wan relaxed. Though there was no official conformation of their existence, it was common knowledge a shadow council existed. Similar to the high council, or the council of first knowledge. A council of twelve shadows, the Jedi special ops, met in secret in the bowels of the temple rather than the towers. This must be them. The room had to be part of the cells. Designed to keep force sensitive prisoners secure even the low security areas supressed the force. The shadows were rumoured to meet here to prevent force scrying. A habit from days were sith Lords and their magic was a threat.

What had Obi-wan done to be summoned before them? He fell into a bow, “Masters.”

“Knight Kenobi, do you know why we've summoned you?” one of the cloaked figures said. Their voice distorted and unrecognisable.

“I'm assuming its not to spar?”

“Indeed not,” the cloaked member at the centre, the leader? said, “It has come to the attention of this council you and your padawan contacted a freedom running movement last night.”

“Is that an issue?” Obi-wan hadn’t thought it would be, Ekkreth’s Lukka knew they were Jedi yes, but they were also aware they weren’t acting on behalf of the council.

“Yes and no.” The first figure spoke, a hint of amusement leaking into the distorted force.

Obi-wan was determined not to ask for clarification. The amusement rose in the silence until Quinlan eventually decided to take pity on him.

“The Jedi Order is entangled with the senate far more than we like to pretend,” Quinlan said.

Obi-wan nodded he was well aware of how close the Senate and the Order had gotten in recent times.

“Too many senate seats are filled with those who profit from cheap labour, they will never support anti-slavery efforts.” One of the council said.

“So the order, and members of the order must do the same? Pretend to care about Slavery while tying ourselves in knots to please slavers?” Obi-wan challenged the semi-circle.

“Yes and No,” the centre figure said. And the amusement swelled again.

This time Obi-wan allowed himself a mental eyeroll.

“The high council cannot know or authorise any large-scale freedom efforts.”

 “The individuals in the order are freer to act,” Another shadow continued.

“Individual Jedi are encouraged to act against slavery wherever they can.”

Keeping the Order looking more proactive with enough plausible deniability the senate couldn't accuse the Jedi Order of anything without revealing their own position far closer to pro-slavery than their constituents would be happy with. But there was still a problem.

“Individual actions make a difference, yes. But change requires a coordinated effort.” Obi-wan paused, “Which is where this council comes in.”

“You and Padawan Skywalker have the skills to be useful for the freedom trails.” The centre shadow said.

“You have an excuse to be more invested than most can justify.”

“We didn't ask you here to censor or request anything of you.”

“Rather to offer our support in your coming endeavour.”

Obi-wan’s eyes stung. Ever since he lost his master he had been alone. He'd received minimal support and missed how much his Padawan was suffering. But here was a hand up from one of the most influential authorities in the Jedi Order.

“Thank you Masters,” Obi-wan bowed deeply, “For now I believe we are simply helping Ekkreth's Lukka with their operations.” Obi-wan looked at Quinlan, “I believe I know at least two points of contact with this council.”

Both Quin and his Jedi Master Tholme were Shadows. In fact Obi-wan would bet one of the masked figures was Master Tholme.

“You are dismissed, knight Kenobi.” The centre figure said, peace and calm projected making him sure of his path forward.


So this is the end of the end of the first part, and the next chapter will have a three year time skip. And we'll see Anakin at 16 next. : )