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Truth or Dare

Chapter 9: chapter 9


Donghyuck turned to look at the closet but before he could even say anything he let out an extremely high-pitched yelp, "Ah!",

"What the hell?" he asked turning to their closet where Jaemin sat rummaging through their clothes, glaring down at the boot that was thrown at him.

"Nana?" he asked walking towards their shared closet, to find the omega sitting on the ground a pile of their clothes thrown next to him.

"Hyuck have you seen my gray sweater?" Jaemin asked his eyes focused on the mess of fabric in front of him, hangers poking up through the pile.

"Um no, have you checked your hangers?" he asked cautiously, he knew better than to anger a frustrated Jaemin.

"No I haven't checked my fucking hangers, I'm just sitting in the closet for fun," the omega replied sarcasm dripping down from his words,

Donghyucks eyes widened as he grabbed the other by his shoulders, "Oh my god, you need to calm down Nana."

"No, I just need to find my fucking sweater."

He rolled his eyes digging his hand to find the gray fabric lifting to his eye level, "This one?"


"Yeah 'oh'"


Hello, my dear readers!! The next chapters will be much more developed (less smut lol) and their dynamic so stay tuned.

I'm sure many of you are aware of the Seunghan Riize situation, I can't even put into words how upsetting it is. Knowing that he had been training since he was fourteen, a child, only to be betrayed by people who were supposed to be his fans. And for what? Dating? Having a life.

I am extremely disappointed in the company and many of the K-fans (the hateful ones), sending him death threats is such a horrendous thing. And the fact that it seemed he chose to leave, out of respect for his fans and members. I wish him and his members nothing but the best, I hope he knows how much he is loved and how many people are there standing with him.

And to all of his fans, I can't imagine the pain you must be going through. You're not alone, my comments are always here if you need to vent and talk.

From a nctzen who's felt similar to you, stay loved.
Riize was seven, Riize had been seven, Riize is seven.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Donghyuck whispers in his ear, “You better thank me for this later. " He looks up and grabs Jaemin by his arm.

"Ouch, my back. I think I need some ice. Why don’t you and Jeno go get some?” adding a grunt in for extra effect,

Jaemin stops moving mouthing ‘What the fuck?’ he sighs as he pushes Jaemin into Jeno yelling out “Hurry!”

Donghyuck was so dead.

"I think we can get some ice from the nurse's office," he said keeping his gaze from the ground,

"Uh yeah, for sure," Jeno said, still focusing on the omega in front of him.

They walked towards the nurse's office. Jeno noticed the omega's pace increasing as he practically ran towards the office. Before he could even say anything they had entered the nurse's office, the unamused staff member in the front pointing towards the 'on break' sign.

"Um, we just need some ice for our friend, since he's injured." an emphasis on 'injured' as Jaemin stared the woman down.

"He's going to have to wait," she replied scrunching her nose in disapproval as her gaze moved back to the computer in front of her.

"Okay, how long?" he sighed,

"We'll be happy to help in an hour," she sent a fake smile before setting her gaze back onto the laptop and rolling her eyes. Jaemin's eyes went wide in frustration as he dragged Jeno out of the office with him,

"No offense but how hard is it to give someone ice when they're injured, they are definitely getting a bad Yelp review.." he grumbled pushing through a group of students.

Jeno tried to say something but he was too focused on the grip on his wrist, his alpha enjoying the physical contact,

He turned his head in confusion towards the lack of response, his eyes following Jeno's.


He ripped his hands away holding them in a fist by his sides as his face burst into flames, his inner omega grumbling.

"S-sorry," he mumbled.

The alpha looked a bit upset, almost offended that Jaemin had moved his hand from his, "It's fine, why don't we check the cafeteria?"

Jaemin nodded as he stared at the ground, maybe the universe would be kind enough and just swallow him whole.

"I should've known the nurse's office would be helpless" he groaned out,

"And after you ran all the way there," Jeno laughed,

His eyes widened, "You're lying." he asked.

"Sorry," Jeno said shaking his head, trying to hold in his laughter.

"It's fine, I just tend to pace when I get nervous," he muttered under his breath trying to move forward.

But he felt his body being pulled backward as Jeno pulled him by his hand, his hands landing on the alpha's chest. His breath hitched as he tried not to grope the muscles under his hands. He could feel the muscles flexing under his hands, the basketball jersey acting as the only barrier.

He might have to start coming to these basketball games.

"I make you nervous?"

His eyes looked up into Jeno's, his heart rate increasing, "No- that's not what I meant."

"Really? Then why is your heart racing so fast?" he felt a hand raise his jaw as Jeno's eyes stayed on his.


He felt a pair of eyes staring at him as the woman from earlier leaned on the wall next to him, an ice pack in her hands "Don't mind me,"

Oh, what the fuck? The icepack in her hand practically taunting him.

He ripped himself away from Jeno's grasp ignoring the small growl that he heard before grabbing the ice pack and bowing slightly, "Thanks"

He and Jeno started walking back their hands brushing every so often, his eyes glancing over to the alpha nervously. He mulled it over in his head before blurting it out, "I- Do you want to watch a movie with me on Wednesday?"

"A movie?"

He nodded as he waited anxiously, overly aware of how close they were.

Jeno loudly sighed, "I would but I promised Renjun that I and Mark would hang out"

"They could come too, I  could even invite Donghyuck and Yangyang, I mean if you want?" he asked suddenly aware of how desperate he sounded.

"Yeah I'd love to" he replied.

He nodded to himself as they made their way back to the basketball court, rolling his eyes when he noticed that both Mark and Donghyuck were already gone.

He prayed for whatever souls they were bothering with their bickering.

"I'm pretty sure Hyuck already got impatient and left" he snickered,

Jeno didn't say anything for a while before he grabbed the omega's hand turning him around, "When I said I'd love to"


Was Jeno going to cancel on him after barely five minutes of accepting?

"I meant I'd love to even if it was just us."

He stood there his mouth slightly parted as he fell speechless, Maybe he would thank Donghyuck after all.


Donghyuck turned to look at the closet but before he could even say anything he let out an extremely high-pitched yelp, "Ah!",

"What the hell?" he asked turning to their closet where Jaemin sat rummaging through their clothes, glaring down at the boot that was thrown at him.

"Nana?" he asked walking towards their shared closet, to find the omega sitting on the ground a pile of their clothes thrown next to him.

"Hyuck have you seen my gray sweater?" Jaemin asked his eyes focused on the mess of fabric in front of him, hangers poking up through the pile.

"Um no, have you checked your hangers?" he asked cautiously, he knew better than to anger a frustrated Jaemin.

"No I haven't checked my fucking hangers, I'm just sitting in the closet for fun," the omega replied sarcasm dripping down from his words,

Donghyucks eyes widened as he grabbed the other by his shoulders, "Oh my god, you need to calm down Nana."

"No, I just need to find my fucking sweater."

He rolled his eyes digging his hand to find the gray fabric lifting to his eye level, "This one?"


"Yeah 'oh'"

He pushed himself onto the ground of their closet, "why're you so nervous, he likes you, Nana"

Donghyuck leaned back as Jaemin practically melted into his hold, "You don't know that for sure Hyuck, and what if he did like me and then sees me in this shitty outfit?"

He let out a loud laugh, "I'm pretty sure anyone can tell he's basically in love with you,"

His eyes softened when he could smell the unsettling pheromones filling the small closet, "Nana, if he likes you he'll like you in anything you wear, honestly he'll probably like you even more if you wear nothing. He'd be an idiot to not like you back."

"You can't be sure of that though,"

"Jeno's a sweet guy, and he's not really good at hiding how much he likes you. Plus even if it doesn't end well we have an excuse to eat ice cream,"

"'We have an excuse?" Jaemin asked

He pushed himself onto his feet pulling the other omega up by his hands "Yeah now come on you need to get yourself ready,"

"And what about you?" Jaemin asked placing a hand on his hip coming out in the grey sweater he was holding earlier.

"What about me?"

He stood there dumbfounded as Jaemin shuffled through the piles of clothes on the ground before shoving him into the bathroom, a handful of clothes thrown into his arms.

He can't help but check himself out in the mirror, as oblivious as Jaemin could be he knew what would look good on people.

"Nana you done yet?" he yelled out at the shut closet door,

"How do I look?" Jaemin asked walking out of the closet,

"Like you're about to suck Jeno's dick," he snickered before he felt the back of his head was smacked.

"Shut up," Jaemin said locking their door as they started to make their way to Jeno's dorm,

As they were about to reach Jeno's dorm Jaemin turned to him grabbing his shoulder, "You promise to behave right?"

His jaw dropped, "I'm not a dog Nana,"

"You know what I mean,"

He rolled his eyes moving Jaemin's arms off of his shoulders, "I think I can handle myself," as long as Mark shuts the fuck up he mumbled under his breath.

"Hyuck! Jaemin-ah!" They looked forward to seeing Yangyang and Renjun standing in front of Jeno's dorm, he smirked a little as he saw the slight blush on the beta's face.

He bowed barely able to introduce himself before Jaemin interrupted, Before he could even try to tease one of them, the door opened to Jeno the alpha's eyes raking over Jaemin's figure taking in the sight.

"Uhh Jeno..?" Jaemin waved his hand in front of the alpha's face breaking him away from his haze, his face flushed when he realized he must've been staring.

"Oh yeah er- sorry come in," he said opening the door wide.

Donghyuck raised his eyebrows toward Jaemin getting a shove in return, he looked through the room in slight jealousy at its size. Jeno seems to lucked out, in a four-bedroom dorm with only one other roommate, the other two away on an exchange year.

He looked around as nonchalantly as he could not able to find Mark anywhere, huh? he just assumed Mark would be there already.

"Mark's coming in a bit" Renjun added, a brow raised as he looked at Donghyuck.

"I didn't say anything" he mumbled as Yangyang's eyes glanced between the two.

"Sure," the beta says returning his attention to the alpha beside him.

"Y'all brought snacks right?" Yangyang asked his fingers busy playing with Renjuns brown hair,

Jeno looked around sheepishly, "I have...microwaveable rice?" holding a plastic bowl of prepackaged rice in his hand,

"Oh hell no, if I'm watching a movie, I need snacks," Jaemin muttered an offended look on his face,

Donghyuck rolled his eyes, "We have to wait for Mark anyway, right? Why don't you and Jeno go get some snacks while we wait here?"

"I'm up for it if you are," Jeno looked over to the omega whose eyes were wide still staring at Donghyuck,


"Um yeah for sure," the omega's gaze flickering from the Jeno to the wall.

An awkward silence settles between the two as they start walking towards the convenience store, Jaemin turns his head towards the alpha almost snapping his neck when their eyes connect.

"So how have you been?" Jeno blurted out,

"Um fine, I guess, you?"

God, this was so unnecessarily awkward.


Jaemin fidgeted with his hands suddenly overly aware of how he was walking, were his arms moving too fast? Now they were too stiff, wait why was he waddling? Maybe he should sw-

"Are you excited to watch the movie?" Jeno asked his eyes focusing on the omega,

His arms dropped as he looked over, "Yeah, me and Hyuck have been planning to watch it since we heard it came out." Since they had watched the trailer for 'Smile', he and Donghyuck had planned to watch the movie together, marking the date on their shared Totoro calendar.

"Oh sorry we could watch another movie if you want to watch it with just Donghyuck," Jeno replied rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.

"No, it's fine. It's just that me and Hyuck have always watched horror movies together since we were in middle school."

Without thinking he grabbed Jeno's hand stopping them in their tracks on the busy sidewalk, "I invited you, I  wanted to watch the movie with you" his eyes staring into the alpha's.

"Me too, thanks for coming," Jeno said as the bell of the door rang as they entered the convenience store,

He hurries through the isles as his stomach fills with butterflies, walking towards Jeno and throwing his items in the basket, their eyes flutter to each other as they wait for water to fill their ramen.

Jaemin fiddles with his hands as they walk back to his dorm, his hands empty as the alpha had immediately scooped the bags out of his hands only letting out a small smile when he had asked to help.

As they made their way toward the alpha's dormitory building, he felt his hand being pulled back his lips meeting Jeno's. His eye widened as he pulled back his cheeks reddening,

"Shit, sorry I shouldn't have done that I just needed to know" The alpha blurted out,

His hands moved up and down as he tried to speak his mouth parting but no words coming out,

"It's fine, we can just pretend it never happened."

He stood there for a second before letting out a sigh, it was now or never.

He grabbed Jeno by his neck their lips meeting, at first they both stayed frozen for a couple of seconds. But eventually, he could feel the alpha smile against his lips before their lips started moving against each other. Jeno bit his bottom lip, the omega letting out a small gasp the alpha using the opportunity to push his tongue in.

The bags of snacks fell to the ground with a thump, long forgotten as the alpha's hands slitter around his waist squeezing softly as they part for oxygen, their foreheads still touching.

"Hey what are you guys doing?!" their heads turned to an older man staring at them his cane moving up in anger as he turned angry towards their PDA.

He blushed as Jeno grabbed his hand, the bags in his other hand as they rushed closer to the dormitory.


Donghyuck sat himself on the couch as he rolled his eyes watching Renjun blush at whatever nonsense Yangyang was spewing. His gaze moved towards the door as the handle swayed before it opened and Mark walked in, his eyes immediately finding Donghyuck.

His mouth parted to say something but before he could,

"Mark Hyung!" Renjun said lifting himself off the couch to dap the alpha up,

He closed his mouth focusing his gaze on the the couch fabric, fingering the fabric that had begun pilling. His eyes against his will look up to where Renjun and Mark are talking. His eyes dart back to the fabric when the alpha moves his hand to pick out a piece of fuzz on the beta's hair his stomach filling with an uneasy feeling.

"Hyuckie, didn't that alpha from your sociology class ask you out?" Yangyang asks him.

His face turns back in shock as he turns back to them, their eyes on him, "Shut up we're just friends" he mumbles. He feels guilty talking about his 'date' with Sungchan in front of Mark. He shouldn't because deep down he knows that their nothing going on between him and Mark, whatever fucked up form a relationship that they had would die down in a couple of weeks.

Mark's eyes glimmer with interest as he marches over to the couch, throwing his arm over the omega's shoulder as he sits down, "Yeah c'mon Hyuckie, tell us."

He scowled in response, "Shut up Mark, why do you even care?" trying to squirm out of the alpha's grasp.

"Don't flatter yourself, Sungchan tried out for the basketball team, shouldn't I care for my teammate?" Mark asks a small grin on his face,

He scrunched his eyebrows together, "He's on the basketball tea- Wait how did you know who I was talking about?" he asked,

Mark's eyes darkened as the memory of Sungchan asking the omega if he was single passed through his head, he tilted his head back scoffing "You're not exactly subtle you know,"

Donghyuck opened his mouth to reply when the door opened to Jeno and a flustered Jaemin, he walked over to help them with the bags moving over to the omega's side.

"Why are you blushing" he asked shuffling through the plastic bags, his eyes focusing on the 'Choco Boy' box.

"Shut up, I'm not blushing."

"Yes you are"

"No, I'm not"

"Yes, you are" he felt a hand slap against his mouth as Jeno awkwardly grabbed a Bungeoppang out of a box, the fish-shaped bread smushing as he hurried out of the small kitchen area.

Both the omega's eyes followed until Jeno seemed to have moved far enough, Jaemin let out a breath of relief before he turned around, "We kissed." he whisper-yelled.

Donghyucks eyes blew wide, "You're lying,"

"Holy shit are you guys like official?" he asked excitement clear as he grips on the omega's wrist.

"Shh- I don't know, but I'm pretty sure he likes me."

"Well he kissed you so I sure hope so," he mumbled,

"Yeah.." Jaemin said a small smile forming on his face.

He looked at his friend before bumping his shoulder into the other's, "You really like him, don't you?"

"Yeah, and I need this to go well. I know you despise Mark Hyung, but promise me you'll behave," he asked,

He groaned at the word 'behave', but before he could even reply he yelped tumbling into the other omega as he felt a breath blow by his ear,

He turned around only to be met with Mark's grin, rolling his eyes when Jaemin beelines his way over to the couch. He ignores the alpha's presence sifting through the bags, his body stills when he feels the alpha's chin rest on his shoulder from behind.

"Do you see any chips?"

He shudders as Mark's breath against his neck causes goosebumps to rise, his hands gripping the edge of the counter. "What are you doing Mark?"

"Now that's no way to talk to your hyung, baby" the alpha's voice whispered into his ears,

His grip on the counter increased as he struggled to not let out a primal whine, "Mark they're right there," he motioned towards the small gap between them and the living area.

Mark tsked quietly letting his lips push the younger's collar away mouthing at the exposed skin, "I'm not doing anything though?"

He scoffed, a mixture of annoyance and arousal filling his lower stomach. He turned his head around to be met with the alpha's face which was much closer than he expected. Mark hovered his lips over Donghyuck's, brushing over ever so slightly.

His lips jut out slightly but before they can meet, Mark looks straight at the table his hand grabbing a bag of honey-flavored chips before leaving for the living area.

He dropped his head into his chest, letting out a quiet groan.

This was going to be a long night.


He tossed the plastic bags onto the table in the middle of the room, his eyes traveling around the room. His gaze freezes when Mark starts patting the area next to him on the small couch. He tries to look for another free spot, groaning when he realizes his only option is to sit next to Jaemin.

He shuddered, he was not going to be a third wheel tonight.

He sighed before making his way over to the couch, it's fine he'd just have to ignore Mark for as long as he could.


He shuffled on the couch trying to get comfortable as his gaze settled on the TV in front of him, the television illuminating the dimly lit room. After about forty-five minutes, Donghyuck's gaze is still stuck on the TV his body subtly moving closer to Marks. He doesn't even realize it until his body jumps back slightly as the demon screams on the screen, he can feel his back touch the alpha's chest.

His breath hitches as he feels overly aware of his body he can feel every hair on his body rise when a hand pushes him against his chest. His mouth parts open to say something but before he can,

"I can't see the screen."


He doesn't know what he expected to hear or what he wanted to hear, but his eyes look down into his lap in disappointment.

His eyes move down in shock as he feels a hand grip at his thigh, he follows the hand up to Mark's figure. The older's gaze still staring forward at the screen, he scrunches his eyebrows as his face stays the same. He tries to ignore it returning his attention back to the screen.

And in his defense, Donghyuck does well for about eight minutes, maybe ten. But when the fingers start rubbing circles into his skin he tries his best to ignore it. He has to harden his gaze as the hands grip his shorts at his upper thigh, purposely ignoring a specific area. He holds his breath when the fingers graze the skin right by the edge of his shorts,  rubbing a line on his skin where the shorts end.

His body stills as he glances around the room, the rest of their friends too busy with the movie to notice. He thanks god for the blanket draped over his body acting as a barrier from his friend's eyes.

Mark's hands start to trail up to his upper thigh, still rubbing circles into his skin. Goosebumps rise on his skin as Mark starts to gently pinch the flesh between his fingers.

He grabs Mark's hands from over his shorts, stilling the alpha's movements much to his dismay. "You do realize our friends are right here," he whispers.

"I haven't even done anything though," Mark says turning his head back towards the movie.

He narrows his eyes at the older his grip tightening, "You're begging for me to throw this at you" he mumbles motioning toward the bowl of popcorn.

Mark lets out a quiet laugh, "I thought you were supposed to behave Hyuckie," his tone mocking as Donghyuck rolls his eyes at the nickname.

He scoffs before shaking Donghyuck's hand off of his from under the shorts, "Why don't you behave for hyung? Hmm.." his hands continue to play with the flesh under his hands,

The omega only grumbles but makes no motion to stop him, "Be quiet.."

Mark lets the comment slide as he moves his hands closer to Donghyuck's cock, tracing it over his boxers. He watches as the omega's breath hitches for a second waiting for him to move.

His hand falls palming the slight tent under his hands, "All this talk and look at you, you try so hard to deny it but your body can't even pretend." he whispers his lips nibbling under Donghyuck's ear.

"Mark.." Donghyuck whines quietly trying to move the alpha's hand from above his shorts,

"Uh-uh," he tsks, gripping the bugle under his grasp.

"You wanted to watch this movie right?" he asks pushing Donghyucks jaw towards the screen.

"Huh?" the omega tilts his head in confusion,

"Go ahead, keep watching the movie," he says his voice going husky,

Donghyuck has to focus his eyes on the edge of the TV frame, barely concentrating on what's happening on the screen. Mark's hands move under his boxers, his hands stroking the length slowly. His hands are fisted tightly as he has to hold back a moan, the hands move up and down his cock his thumb pressing on the tip.

"Hyung.." he whines trying to keep his voice low,

"Shh..focus on the screen" his hands squeeze around Donghyuck's length speeding up his hand. He pushes a couple of his fingers up to fondle the balls, stroking the cock at the same time, "Look at you rutting against me, you want to make a mess for me baby?" He releases Donghyuck's cock for a couple of seconds before returning to jerk him off.

Donghyuck parts his mouth his lower belly feeling fuzzy and warm, one more touch and he would-


Both their bodies are still as the rest of their friends let out a scream of fright at the screen, he groans as Mark shuffles his hand out of his shorts his hand going back to his thigh where they seemed to belong.

Donghyuck flushes red thankful for the lack of light, he'd almost let Mark get him off in the same room as his friends.  As the movie plays on the screen his gaze tears away traveling through the room, Jeno's arm wrapped around Jaemin's shoulders squeezing occasionally. His eyes follow as Yangyang and Renjun's hands intertwine, the beta's eyes looking up at the alpha.

His heart squeezes at the sight, his stomach filling with anxiety as he stares at his friends. He almost feels nauseous the grip of their hands looks caring and loving but the grip on his thighs is nothing but lust. Suddenly this entire thing feels disgusting almost shameful. He folds his legs trying to move Mark's grip off of him but when the hands return he feels even more confused than usual.

And when Mark's hand clenches around his thighs, his heart does too.


Thank you so much for reading!!


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