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What Does It Mean to be Happy?


In the messy world we live in, sometimes comfort and pleasure come from an unexpected place; and when faced with life's challenges, the Hiiragi twins have to define what love means for them.


Feedback always appreciated! ♡

Chapter 1: Buttons

Chapter Text

The less you are, the less you express your own life, the more you have, i.e., the greater is your alienated life, the greater is the store of your estranged being.
–𝓚𝓪𝓻𝓵 𝓜𝓪𝓻𝔁

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Chapter 1: Buttons

It’d been a long day for Hiiragi Kagami. Her college classes have been getting busier and more stressful for the last few weeks, and her shitty barista part time job was trying to monopolize more and more of her time and energy. Her share of the household chores had been piling up in the small apartment she’d been sharing with Tsukasa for the term til now. All of these stresses were wearing down the poor woman’s mental constitution, amplifying how much her job sucks and how badly her back hurts. Six hours she’d been working that day; six hours where the beeps of the POS machines and the growing impatience of customers had been grating on Kagami’s brain, and the lack of staff in the cafe that left her to do the work of two or three people at a time.

After nearly slamming down a shitty black coffee with two splendas onto the counter, Kagami stepped back and cracked her neck, sighing loudly. At least Tsukasa’s been doing well, she thought with a sigh. Her mind drifted to her sister; Tsukasa had gotten into a different university that was luckily in commutable distance to the apartment Kagami found, so they decided to split the apartment during their studies. Tsukasa fell back in classes for a while, but had been getting much better lately. She wasn’t working a job at the moment either, so she’d thankfully been picking up Kagami’s slack on chores. Especially laundry; she seemed to get some sort of enjoyment from it. Maybe the time spent hanging clothes up was sort of meditative, Kagami had wondered. Tsukasa had taken to lots of self-soothing habits as she learned more about them, so it wouldn’t be out of the question. Maybe I should ask how she's so cheerful during such a stressful time of the term. I know her classes aren’t as intense, and her grades aren’t high, but shouldn’t she still be freaking out at least a little bit?

Ding! The bell above the door snapped the tired girl out of her thoughts, and she moved to the register to greet the new customer.

“I’m hoooome,” Kagami exhaled as she opened the door to the apartment.

Her sister recoiled at the sudden sound. “O-oh, sis!” she stuttered, slamming whatever book she was reading shut and standing up from the table. She hugged the book close to her chest. “Sorry, I didn’t think you’d be home so ea-” she started before getting a glance at the clock. “ OH! I must have lost track of time! It was my turn to make dinner tonight, but I guess I got really caught up in reading, hehehe…” She let out an embarrassed giggle.

Kagami heard the giggle and a warmth rose in her chest. She smiled, shaking her head. “Don’t sweat it, Tsukasa. Shit happens, and I know how bad your time blindness is.” It’d be hard to be angry at her for anything. She stepped out of her shoes and came over to ruffle her little sister’s short hair, which was pulled up into an adorable poofy high ponytail. “I’ve had a rough day, so I think I’m gonna pop a few ibuprofens and chug a glass of water and pass out for a little while.”

“Oh, you poor thing!” After placing the book on the table face-down, Tsukasa shuffled up to her sister to give her a quick hug. Stepping away, she smiled. “How about I do some laundry for you tonight? I know you already wore your favorite clothes, so that way you can have them ready for class tomorrow morning. Then I can just do something simple for dinner when you wake up!”

“I do not have favorite clothes!” Kagami protested, her face turning pink. She averted her gaze and shuffled her feet. “B-but thank you, that would be really nice. I’ll go change first, and then I’ll leave my hamper outside your door.” With that, she fetched the medicine from the bathroom and the water from the kitchen and went into her room, closing the door behind her.

After swallowing the pills, she looked at her bed longingly. I’m so tempted to just pass out right now. It’d feel so nice… She shook her head and huffed. No! I can’t do that to Tsukasa, that’d be so rude! God, I hate working full days. I’m always so damn TIRED after! She gritted her teeth and forced her aching body to comply. Eventually she succeeded in undressing herself, throwing her uniform and undies into her hamper and slipping on her loosest pajamas. When she opened her door she nearly bumped into her sister.

“Sorry, sorry! I didn’t mean to startle you, I just wanted to check on you.” Her eyes fell to her sister’s pajama shirt, and she giggled. “Oh sis, you buttoned them all wrong.” Looking down and seeing each button moved one buttonhole up, Kagami blushed and opened her mouth to say she’ll fix it later, but before she could her sister swooped in close and reached out. “I can help!”

Kagami stood in silence as she felt those soft, small hands undoing each button clumsily. Some of the buttons even gave her a bit of trouble, getting stuck on loose threads; but when Kagami reached her hand up to help, her sister’s focused face convinced her to give her a chance to succeed, which she did. With every motion, the fabric threatened to flash a little too much of Kagami’s skin, but thankfully her sister was careful to keep the sides of the shirt in check. After what felt like an eternity of silence, the younger twin giggled. “It’s really funny, I remember you doing this for me when we were little. And now it’s my turn! It’s neat how when you grow up, you start taking roles you didn’t think you ever would.” She started redoing the buttons from the bottom, humming a little bit as she worked. Soon the shirt was finally re-buttoned, and Tsukasa beamed at her older sister. “All better! I hope you sleep well, sis.”

Kagami stuttered as she responded, still embarrassed by the gesture considering their age. “Y-yeah, thanks. I’ll see y-”

“OH!” Tsukasa interrupted. “Do you want me to do the thingy?”

“The thingy?” Her brain was too scrambled to understand.

“The back thingy! I know your back has been hurting a lot…”

“O-oh, sure! Yeah, that’d be great actually.”

The younger twin stepped forward and snaked her arms around Kagami, clasped her hands together, and yanked upwards right where she knew her sister liked it with an audible Crkrkrk!

“Ooufh! That felt amazing.” They separated and Kagami looked down at her sister beaming even brighter. “Thanks, you’re really sweet. I’m gonna collapse now, see you when I wake up.”

“Hehehe, okay sis! Sleep well ♡”

With that, Kagami handed the hamper to her sister, thanked her again, closed her door, and collapsed face-first onto her bed with a little bounce. She immediately felt all the burning tension in her body settle. Fiiiiinally, damn. A handful of minutes passed, but no sleep yet. Thankfully, after starting the load of laundry, Tsukasa’s door audibly closed, meaning she probably went into her room to keep from making too much noise. The overstimulation that’d been building all day started to ease. So tired… so… tired… just a quick nap won’t hurt me. Just one sleep cycle… Then I can work on homework for the rest of the night… With that, the last of her consciousness faded away.

A particularly loud sound jolted Kagami awake, immediately summoning the headache back. Prying her eyes open, she checked the clock. It’s only been 43 minutes! she whined internally. She heard another sound - this time, she recognized it as a bed squeak from Tsukasa’s room next to her own. And then another. And another. Squeak. Thud. Squeak. Squeak. Thud. The sounds were erratic and strange, like Tsukasa was dancing on her bed - which she’d done before. Unfortunately, even tiny nothing-sounds like that were putting Kagami back on edge, leaving her to figure out how to cope. Why does everything need to hurt when I’m like this? After ten minutes of trying desperately to ignore the sounds, a particularly nasty headache pang forced her to accept that she’ll have to grow a pair and ask her sister to shut up.

She sat up in her bed, massaging her temples as she tried to script with what little processing power her headache and overstimulation would let her have. ‘Tsukasa, keep it down!’ No, I know she’s been having a rough time lately, and I’m just grumpy. She needs something gentler. ‘What is this, a party?’ No, that’s dumb. She sighed and got up, shuffling down the hallway. ‘Hey sis… I’m getting really overstimulated, can you keep it down?’ Yeah, that’s it. I think she could take that fine. She gently opened the door, her request about to come out when the view froze her in her tracks.

Her precious little sister was sitting against her headboard, one hand clenched around a vibrator wand between her legs and the other holding panties - Kagami’s panties - against her blissed-out face. Her pjs had been hastily pulled out of the way of her breasts and crotch, and Kagami’s bra laid next to her. Completely stunned, Kagami froze in place, mouth agape, unable to let out a sound.

“Onee-chan pl- please… please I’m so cl-” she moaned frantically, barely able to keep her voice low. “Kagamiiii~!” The split second before climax she happened to open her eyes - and did a double take as her brain registered the object of her desires looming in shock. “Wai-” she started, but it’s too late; the sudden shock tipped her right over the edge and orgasm wracked her tiny body. Her toes curled in, her back arched, and she threw her head back as her body trembled. Her arms clenched, pushing the toy against her clit even harder, forcing cum to spill out onto the sheets below. The second that she regained enough control to move, Tsukasa tried to get up, panting and twitching while aftershocks pulsed through her. She reached an arm out, tears welling in her eyes. “W-wait, sis, I-”

“N-NEVERMIND! Sorry, goodnight!” Kagami threw the door close and ran off to her room, slamming her own door closed and backing against it to catch her breath. TSUKASA?! I saw my sister touching herself! I know that’s a normal thing and shouldn’t bother me but… She collapsed onto the floor, head in her hands. I watched my sister fucking cum! That’s so embarrassing! And when she came she…! Her eyes widened and her face turned beet red. She… said my name?! No, no way, I must have misheard that, yeah. As she slid down further, her panties caught on the door, compressing her bulge and sending a small shock up her spine, making it impossible to ignore the small wet spot at the front. And why is my body reacting like THIS? So inappropriate– Standing up with shaky knees, she barely made it to her bed before slumping onto it and curling up.

Embarrassment semi-chub. Yeah, that’s it. Like when you’re asked to write something on the board but your hormones are acting up! So you get hard, but because you’re thinking about it it gets harder! And then you just gotta walk in a way where your hard-on won’t pop out so the class doesn’t see. She nodded, smirking. That’s normal, so this is nothing to worry about. Just gotta distract myself… She looked at her bookshelf and singled out a book that looked particularly intense. Perfect! Swiping it off the shelf, she curled up and started reading as fast as she could. Surely the faster she reads, the harder it’d be to think of weird things. Yeah.

After about 20 minutes of near-manic reading, her body finally gave out and she eventually dozed off there, her light on and the book draped over her face.

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