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Literature Chaos Mod (Domestic/Romance)

Five Stages of Young Love


Ash and Goh have overcome many obstacles but sometimes the heart is the perfect guide to a happy ending.

Created: [DD/MM/YYYY] 12/04/2024
Completed: [DD/MM/YYYY] 13/04/2024

Pokémon Journeys: The Series © GameFreak/Nintendo

Chapter 1: Tropical Crush


If they ever strayed for too long the Legendary Pokémon brought them to the same spot so that they would never be lonely again.

He was a little bit sad that Goh couldn’t join him today for his birthday but there were lots of promises to see him as soon as his exams were done in Galar.


For my personal 'Literature Chaos Mod' challenge. More info. in footnotes.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 1: Tropical Crush


Ash Ketchum was a household name. The scruffy-haired boy with a red hat and Pikachu by his side had a thirst for adventure but occasionally would stop to call a new place ‘home’. The World Coronation Series Monarch (since the age of ten) was born and raised in Kanto. His home away from home was the tropical paradise of Alola. The rustic and mythical region of Galar was his third home.

Ash was sixteen today and his very active lifestyle kept him in great shape. He stood happily on the beach of Melemele Island in Alola, absorbing the natural energy that kept the soul of the region going.

It was nice to have a place to reset. To rest after a long journey and countless Pokémon battles. He was so grateful for all of the good times. He remembered going to school here in Alola. The first time he felt motivated to learn academically.

Then there was the Cerise Institute. Where he met Goh. On the back of Lugia!

Becoming a research fellow for Professor Cerise was unexpected but he loved every minute because with Goh there to ground and uplift him he was finally able to achieve victory in the greatest Pokémon championship worldwide! And Goh got to meet Mew again too…

His brown eyes shimmered happily.

When Goh caught Flygon during a sandstorm using HIS OWN creative battle style when he himself was depressed after losing the Gym Leader Bea… He felt closer. Closer to this lonely blue-eyed boy from his home region.

Even when they parted ways on their own adventures, Ash could never let go.

Ash kept in touch.

They reunited.

They kept in touch.

They reunited again.

If they ever strayed for too long the Legendary Pokémon brought them to the same spot so that they would never be lonely again.

He was a little bit sad that Goh couldn’t join him today for his birthday but there were lots of promises to see him as soon as his exams were done in Galar.

Ash filmed his celebrations with his friends and chosen family in Alola and sent every video and photograph to the trainee Pokémon Professor.


Professor Burnet could see it. She noticed it as soon as Ash introduced Goh to them six years ago. Professor Kukui – Ash’s chosen Dad – also did too. Ash had connected with someone he could relax around. Someone he could trust no matter what. Someone that shared in the same ambitions and experienced loneliness. Ash was popular, yes, but he was alone. Goh was alone and as sweet as he was he struggled to make friends. They completed each other. They were always physically close, seeking each other out or even simply thinking about their dearest friend.

Burnet wasn’t the only one who noticed. Delia Ketchum, Ash’s biological mother, saw it too. She had welcomed Goh immediately. A mother always could tell. For Ash, as oblivious as he was, was drawn towards his soulmate. His friends and family supported him unconditionally.

For the first time since Ash began his Pokémon journey, Ash was the one that had developed a crush on one of his companions. A crush that went both ways. After all of this time, it wasn’t one of the girls that pined for him, it was a boy that shared his spirit and obsessive desire to learn and explore about all Pokémon in the world!

His equal.

His other half.

They were different in many ways but that’s what kept the balance.

Ash and Goh would meet again… and maybe this time a confession would go properly.


Goh was exhausted. It was night-time in Alola by the time his plane landed but he wanted to see Ash.

Professor Kukui gracefully drove him to his own house in Alola to stay with him, Burnet, his six-year-old son Lei and Ash Ketchum.

Goh hugged Ash tightly. They held each other for an extended period of time.

“I missed you, Goh.”

“I missed you too, Ash. Happy belated Birthday!”

“Thanks! And I hope your exams went well! I bet it was super easy for you.”

Goh laughed, placing a hand behind his perfectly styled black hair. “I did my best!” He passed a paper gift bag to his best friend. “I couldn’t leave Galar without getting you a present…”

Ash rummaged through the bag excitedly. He looked like he hit the jackpot. “GALARIAN YUMMY TINY PASTRY THINGS!”

“Scones, Ash…” Goh deadpanned. “You should know this by now.” There was humour in his tone.

Burnet and Kukui giggled.

“Um, there’s another present in there.” He blushed. “Two, actually. Something for your Pokémon and another for you…”

Ash blushed lightly as he smiled. Their eyes met. “You’re the best.” He saw a First Aid Kit for Pokémon in the bag alongside a wrapped gift.

Goh watched in anticipation as Ash unwrapped it.

Ash gasped and held up a custom-made Gym badge. “Whoa!”

“It’s something I had made for you. To symbolise our journey together. One of a kind! It represents our friendship, our Pokémon and our greatest achievements…”

Ash held it reverently.

Goh continued. “It’s easy for you to be recognised as a Master Pokémon Trainer… but to me you are always Ash. Just Ash. Through your best and worst times.”

Ash was tearful. He examined the photo on the reverse-side of the pin and was awed once again. “There’s a photo of my Mum here!”

Goh smiled fondly at him. “So you never forget where you came from. She loves and misses you, Ash. Keep her close to your heart. She gave the seal of approval for this gift. The best authenticity stamp of them all!”

Ash held it close to his heart and allowed Goh to pin it to his shirt.

Their hands lingered together for a long moment.

Goh was special. More than special.

“Thank you, Goh. For everything.” Ash’s voice trembled with emotion. “For getting on a plane right after your exam to be here with me. For a gift that only you can deliver that has… has a BLAM of meaning! This badge! What a stunning tribute! Goh, you’re amazing!”

Goh was blushing from the praise and stammered a bashful response. “I’m happy you like it. I was afraid it wouldn’t be good enough. You have so many incredible friends…”

“And none are like you, Goh. You understand me on a whole other level!” Ash was beaming. “Come on, let’s get ready for bed. I’ll give Mum a call too.”

“Great! Then I’ll catch ya up on Galar…”

“And tell ya about all the Pokémon I met!”

Ash led Goh upstairs by the hand, their partner Pokémon Pikachu and Grookey following close behind.


Burnet turned to her husband. “They make a great team.”

Kukui smiled. “Yes, they do.”

Their complete family.



My Literature Chaos Mod Prompts for this story:

- Quotes: "What a stunning tribute!"
- Disasters: Sandstorm
- Relationships: Crush
- Locations: Tropical Island
- Seriously Random: Researchers

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