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Reality Collides: The Ezekiel Chronicles


A devoted Cartoon Network fan finds himself inexplicably transported into Total Drama world, assuming the role of the misunderstood character Ezekiel. With real-world knowledge and a burning desire for redemption, he must navigate challenges, alliances, and drama to rewrite Ezekiel's fate. Can he change his own destiny and make his Total Drama dreams come true? An Ezekiel S.I

Now with a TV. Tropes:

Chapter 1: Not So Great Outdoors

Chapter Text

Reality Collides: The Ezekiel Chronicles


"Well, it seems that's the end of another era." A young man stared as he finished what would be another of his works online. By finishing the last chapter of another of his fanfic works, stretched after another exhaustive time working hours to the final masterpiece of his work. "Well, I'm glad that I used this train trip to finish this."

The sound of locomotives over the rails was something that he kept relaxed, and seeing the window and how much the environment around the trip gave him a good excuse to a pause before going back to work.

A good trip as the train hornet made the young man enjoy even more taking good time for himself.

"Well, what I should do now? Another fanart of Steven Universe? Maybe Adventure time? Did I get a commission request?" The young man took his cellphone with him and tried to check his social media to see if there was another request or even another freelance project for him to get the money and funds for his things.

But at the time he was checking the cellphone, a sudden call came from his laptop.

"Hmm?" The young man stared surprised until he found who was calling towards a video call, and by smiling himself he pressed the accept button showing the figures of two adults in their mid 50's. "Hey mom, hey dad."

"Ezekiel." Both parents said as the family seemed happy to see each other. Until the mother who showed a bit of concern decided to ask "How is your trip around Canada going?"

"It's doing great so far. I have been around Vancouver for a few days. And even took a lot of pictures." Ezekiel replied, by passing over the social media his entire album of photos.

"I'm glad you are enjoying your trip. But I hope that at the moment you get home, your studies will be good enough for you to try your college application." The restrictive father pointed out which made not just the boy sigh and roll his eyes, but the mother slap behind the father's head. "Ouch, what is that for?"

"That's for you keeping being a teacher before being a father too. You know our little boy is going to do a great job and get accepted. Why are you so restricted to him?" The mother gave a sweet smile as she didn't understand why her husband was so silly.

"You too also put your teacher position before our son. AGH" The father murmured but it was enough to make the mother slap his head by "accident" again. Which made him roll his eyes.

"Well, my studies are fine. But I think what will be my most difficult challenge will be my social interaction… since I never went to school" Ezekiel knows that even if his two parents usually care for him, and even if knows many subjects and studies… his social skills would be need a lot to deal with. And going into college in that state may have some drawbacks.

Both parents stared at each other and looked at their son with apologetic expressions.

"I know it will be hard for you to deal with the future of your education son, but we did our best to make you homeschooled, and also give you the freedom you pass your time with your hobbies." The father even as showing his cold response, the expression on his face still showed a good remark of guilt among the feelings of coldness on the exterior. "We didn't have conduction for you to have a good education at a private school, and God's forbid be if I let you my only son go into a public school…"

"…" Ezekiel remained in silence, knowing that his father hated public schools because of one simple reason that has traumatized his whole family with it… the lack of security over the schools which caused one member of his own family to be a victim among the dozens of others because of the breaking of a guy who got feed up with his bullies…

"I'm not saying it's your fault Dad… and I know that you both wanted to protect me after what happened with Richard. I miss him too… But still, I wish I could have friends to help me with this issue." Ezekiel decided to end the subject, knowing that his parents would remain overprotective towards their only boy. It was for the best of him just accept their worries, and live the way he does. It wasn't that bad though. And he couldn't complain much. He loves what he does. "Well gotta go now. I will give you a call when I reach the final stop. Love you."

"We love you too Zeke." Both parents gave a slight wave before the call was over... making the homeschooled boy sit in his seat, and place his headphones on him.

"Well, that was it. Let's watch another episode of my file of shows… hmm… let's see, Adventure Time, Steven Universe, Total Drama… Which one should I choose? I already watched all of their episodes many times…hmm… Well, since I'm in Canada, I should enjoy a good classic of dodgebraw." Ezekiel clicked the buttons and enjoyed the screen showing another good episode of Total Drama… as the way he would enjoy his afternoon.

"Ezekiel wake up." He felt someone shaking him over and over until his eyes went wide open enough for him to stare at what would be a grown-up man wearing farmer's clothing. "It's already 5 a.m. and the person who will take you to that show is coming to get you today."

"Oh, that's right. Thanks, Pa." The boy woke up quickly and went directly to take his aqua green beanie with him. Quickly the boy went downstairs of the yarn, leaving the man staring at the boy with an amused expression.

"That boy… I hope he doesn't get into much trouble." The father sighed as he stared at the couple of papers around the yarn the boy was sleeping on it. Seeing the many drafts and concluded little draws that the boy was doing at that moment. The father rolled his eyes. "He and his drawings. Well, at least he is happy and out of danger… An imaginative mind, but at least a good story nonetheless…"

On the other part of the farm, the farmer's son came towards the bathroom around the farm, he wanted to take what would be probably the last good bath he would take for a long time, since the same day. The show awaited so much as to take him.

"Man, it has been 2 years. And I still have the same dreams of them… I wonder how my parents are today… okay, I need to stop this… I cannot be tied over the past, because I have to accept that I'm not coming back… It sucks, it does, and I miss them, but there is nothing more I can do… I'm the new Ezekiel, I'm here… living a new dream… I'm in Total Drama total drama." Ezekiel stared at his reflection, knowing at that moment, that he already accepted the outcomes of the new life he had. And with a new shower and with baggage done… He was ready to leave. "It's my new life, my new projects, and dreams… and I want to be famous."

By carrying all his luggage, he already prepared everything to be done in the morning. Waiting for the driver of the show to carry him to the actual place was something he couldn't help but feel anxious about. So he decided to go over to his kitchen and eat something before leaving.

Walking towards the kitchen he found a very simple and humble woman, who was doing a simple task as the dishes. Leaving the brown-haired boy came near her.

"Hey ma. Good morning." Ezekiel granted the woman who was smiling by doing the chores, but the surprise look on her face, made her turn her head towards the boy who seemed to be almost ready to leave.

"Oh Ezekiel, good morning. Have you slept well before you leave today?" The mother smiled sweetly, but in the corner of her eyes, she seemed to get a bit of something contained inside of her, possibly a bit of envy or jealousy. "I remember the time when I was far younger than you. And I had to be on a trip with my family to the woods, where we had to explore around the caves near Niagara Falls, it was a crazy experience, but one thing that I will always cherish in my memories."

The moment the boy got over the table to have his usual breakfast, he saw that her mom had his pancakes with Canadian bacon on them, and with a good Orange juice nearby, the same way that his family had been planting for years.

Ezekiel munched his breakfast while he passed the time listening to her, nodding to himself after he carefully listened to his mom mumblings about the times she was a kid and she always did some little adventures by herself and her family, and seeing from another viewpoint. He always wondered how was possible for someone like his mom to change so drastically and contain herself so much.

The answer while being sexist, was also a bit of wholesome… His dad… Both his parents changed after meeting each other, and some of their changes became mostly for the best, but still, both of them had some kind of flaws. But nobody was perfect… And even Ezekiel was terrible in the first season, most people liked Beast Ezekiel in the future.

"Anyway, I read some of the papers you left while you wrote chapter 11… You seriously were planning to go for that route? I never thought it would cause so many problems in the future. But from my perspective after reading this chapter. Someone screwed up big time. Seeing him changing ages like that wasn't healthy." The matriarch of the family commented as she watched her son devouring the remaining of his pancakes. Receiving a happy nod from her boy.

"Yep, the moment the secret is out of the bag, it will be downhill for him, but it will be great for his growth in the future… But it would be best if he would hire a therapist after all this." Ezekiel couldn't help but give hints to his mom, since he was doing was trying to replicate one of his favorite shows into a book. He spent almost 2 years crafting and developing every single chapter. It took him a lot of time, but the rewards after he finds a way to publish it would be fantastic. He just hopes total drama would help him to achieve that.

Was it strange that he was looking forward to the next 5 seasons?

(The Total Drama Island)

At the dock, a man in his mid-thirty smiled at the camera with a grin, "Yo! We´re coming at you life from Camp Wawankwa! I'm your host, Chris McLean." He paused to let it sink in before speak up, "Dropping season one of the hottest new reality show on television, right now!"

Chris walks down the dock as if he was on a stroll, "Here's a deal, 22 campers have signed up to spend eight weeks right here at this crummy old summer camp." He halts his stroll in front of the camp sign, "They'll compete in challengers against each other then have to face the judgments of their fellow campers." Chris paused for a bit, "Every three days, one team will either win a reward or watch of their team member walk down the dock of shame and take a ride on the loser ship, never coming back...Ever!" He grinned, gesturing the dock.

(Campfire site)

"Their fate will be decided here at the dramatic campfire ceremonies," Chris thumbed at the campfire site, "Where all but one camper will receive a marshmallow." He grabbed a stick with a marshmallow and take a bite before tosses away, "In the end, only one will be left standing and will be rewarded with a cheesy tabloid fame and a small fortune," Chris pulls a treasure crest out of nowhere before whispered to the camera with a light chuckle, "Let's face it, they will blow it off in a week or so."


Chris returned to the dock, "Every moment will be caught on one of hundreds of cameras situated all over the camp. Who will crumble under the pressure? Find out here right now…" He takes a deep breath as he pointed at the camera with a grin, "TOTAL DRAMA ISLAND!"

(After the theme song)

"Welcome back to Total Drama Island." Chris beamed, "All right, it's time to meet our vic...*cough* eh, I mean campers. We told them they's all be staying at a five star resort," Chris chuckled, "So if they seem to be pissed off, that's probably why." As if it was on cue, the first ship was pulled up and Chris turn to face the first camper with his infamous grin, coming out from the boat with a luggage was a rather short girl with brown hair in a side pony tail. She had braces and thick glasses which Chris recognized which camper was the first."What's up, Beth!"

The farmer girl suddenly squealed as she tackled Chris in sequel, causing him to give her a weird look.

"It's so incredulous to meet you!" Beth then blinked as she noticed something about the host of the show. "Wow, you are much short in real life."

"Uh… Thanks?" Chris muttered with his raised eyebrow, not liking the commented made by the first contestant. But then he glanced to see a giant bulky looking dude wearing a white cap, a dark green shirt with white highlights on the neck, sleeve, waisline with the shirt having an orange D on the center of it as well as short jeans and sandals. The Jamaican walking up to him with a duffle bags and greeted him, "DJ."

"Yo, Chris McLean. How's it going?" DJ gave a Chris a high five before glancing at the scene, "Hey, you sure you got the right place here? Where's the hot tub at?" DJ asked the host, only to hear him confirming that it was the right place, "Hmm...Look a lot different on form…"He muttered, carrying his bags to other side of the dock while glancing around.

Another boat came up to the dock and from this one was a goth girl, she wore a black shirt that exposed a small bit of her belly as well as lacking the neck area with blue and green sleeves. She wore a black and midnight blue skirt with a long black boots and dark gray stockings that went all the way up of her head. She had black eyes, teal lipstick and black hair with teal streaks.

"Hey, Gwen." The host greeted the goth girl receiving a sigh in response.

"You mean we're staying here?" Gwen jerked her head at the rundown cabins.

Chris chuckled, "Oh, yeah! By the way, my crib is this trailer with A.C."

"I didn't sign up for that!" She growled.

"Actually, you did." Chris smirked, proudly showing the contracts before Gwen grabbed it and tored itself apart, "...Good thing about lawyer is… that they make a lot of copies." Chris gave a victorius smile as he watched Gwen growling again before picking up her bags.

"I'm not staying here!" She narrowed her eyes, but that didn't phase the host since he likes to always have the final word.

"You sure? That mean you have to swim back since your boat just left." Chris pointed towards the boat who honked as it left the island. Leaving the poor goth girl unable to leave.

"Great…" Gwen murmured with sarcasm as the next boat pull over with a boy wearing a pink vest that showed off his chest, showing he had an eight pack, along with a cowboy hat with some blond hair coming out of it, a bead neck, short blue jeans, and sandals. When the boat reached the dock, the teen jumped off the boat with his suitcase being thrown on the dock.

"Wassup, Chris. It´s an honor to meet you, man!" The party boy greeted the host with fistbump.

"Geoff-ster! Welcome to the island, man!" Chris smiled as he gave the contestant a fistbump which it was already a great sign of him liking the camper on the show.

"Thank, man!" Geoff grinned, smiling in optimist of the new show he is going to participate.

Gwen was getting sickened of seeing both party boy and sneaky host talking together.

"If they say 'man' one more time, I'm gonna puke." Gwen whispered to DJ and Beth, earning some concern looks from them.

"Everyone, that is Lindsay." Chris looks at the dock again before introducing the new camper to other campers. The fifth boat showed a beautiful looking girl with a super model-like body. She is a blonde bombshell with a bandana around her head. She wore a red top under a brown sleeveless shirt with some of her belly exposed, a short orange skirt and brown feel boots with stars on them. Walking towards them and waving to everyone with a smile. Chris took the opportunity to whisper nearby the camera. "Not too shabby, eh?"

Lindsay walked towards at the host and then have something to point out.

"You look so familiar." The blond girl pointed as the host grinned at her.

"I'm Chris McLean." Chris proudly said his name, but then he noticed that the newest camper just blinked and stared at him with a confuse expression on her face. Which made him try another approach. "… the host of this show?"

"Oh, that's where I know you from." Lindsay pointed as she was now feeling excited which made the host looks dumbfounded at her.

"Um… Yeah…" Chris blinked as he was having an understanding that maybe all the applications of some of the people who wants to participate was in fact true, so he would need to find a way to deal with this kind of difficulty for the sake of the viewers.

Lindsay walk towards the group while some before murmured about her not being the bright light on the bulb.

The next participant was a girl with long light black hair, gray eyes. Wearing a dull red shoulder less top with straps around her neck, short-shorts and black open toed high tops.

"Heather." Chris greeted as he could see Heather walking forward, with a scowl on her face as Beth walked up to her.

"Hi!" Beth greeted, a little bit of spit coming towards to Heather making her recoil and snarl in disgust. "Looks like we're your new friends, for the rest of the next 8 weeks!"

Before any words could be said, a punk rock music was heard over the next boat coming towards them. And at the moment the next camper came, it was shown a boy wearing black low-cut hair with the top of his head being in the style of a mohawk that was dyed greed. He had a unibrow and piercings on his face, nose and ears. He had a small black beard and wore a spike collar, a black shirt with a skull on the center and bone white sleeves and highlight around the waist. He also had blue jeans and red and white sneakers.

"Duncan! Dude." Chris introduced the punk as Duncan who approached the host with anger on his eyes and raising a fist.

"I don't like, surprises." Duncan said to Chris threatened with a scowl, palmed his fist.

"Yeah, your parole officer warned me about that, man." Chris chuckle completely unfazed by his actions. "He also told me to give him a holler anytime and have you send back to juvie."

Duncan took a long breath through his nose before simply accepting the fact he was there.

"Okay, then." Duncan then took his bag and walked towards the end of the dock which he meet the group and eyed Heather for a bit. "Meet you by the campfire, gorgeous."

"Drop dead, you skeez." Heather told Duncan in a rude manner. Heather was already feeling the desire to kill someone on that point. She walked towards Chris. "I'm calling my parents. You cannot make me stay here!"

Chris response was simply grinning towards her and show the contract with was enough to make Heather angry. Meaning that she can't leave any time until it was the time she was eliminated.

The next boat approached with a honk which made everyone turns their heads watching the newest camper not coming from the boat, but actually riding it, by using water ski. He was using a red track suit, a red and white headband, brown hair and eyes, and basketball shoes.

"Ladies and gentleman! Tyler!" Chris introduced the sportist guy who waved but then ended up causing him to lose his grip on the handle of the rope and for him to flip throught the water at high speeds, hiting the dock and crash right into the pile of luggage with one bag splashing the lake.

Everyone winced at Tylers wipeout with Heather being the only one to get splashed by the water causing her to look down at her footwear.

"UGH, MY SHOES!" Heather yelled as water dripped off her body.

"Wicked wipeout. Man!" Chris yelled to Tyler who fist rose up from the luggage pile and gave a thumbs up seeing that he was fine. DJ and Geoff grinned at each other and also giving thumbs up… Gwen rolled her eyes as she was already feeling tired to be there. And that was the first day.

Chris chuckled a little before he heard a loud breathing behind him. The host turned around to see the next camper behind him. A skinny ginger with a few beard hairs and glasses over green eyes. He wore a blue shirt that had a picture of a burger on it and a bright green highlights on the sleeves and neck area. He also seemed to have a light red long sleeved shirt underneat. He had dark green pants and white shoes with blue and green strips and he was carrying a keyboard and a suitcase.

"Welcome to camp, Harold." Chris greeted the skinny teen. Harold didn't respond since he was looking around the area to make sure if he got the right idea. But his silence was doing enough to start creeping out the others.

"What's he looking at?" Beth asked to the other campers, only to get shrugs as response and a few shivers.

"You mean this show is at this crappy summer camp and not on some big stage?" Harold asked which Chris already knowing what the nerd was going to say next, so he nodded at him. "YES! That's more favorable to my mad skills."

Chris shuddered a bit as Harold walked towards his fellow campers before another boat coming towards them. Which was the conestant number 10. A boy carrying a guitar case and wearing a backpack. He had a black hair and green eyes and wore a light green shirt with a black hand print in the middle with came sleeves. He also had a black pants and green shoes with dark green stripes.

"Contestant number ten is Trent." Chris enunciated as Trent came towards him with a fist bump.

"Hey, good to meet you man." Trent replied as he gave a sequel of fist bump two times. "Saw you on that figure skating show. Nice work, man."

"Hey, thanks man." Chris said to Trent as he went to go meet up the fellow campers. Chris was proud in one of those works. "I knew I rocked that show!"

"I saw that." Beth said as she understood which show they were talking about. "One of the guys dropped his partner on her head. So they got an immunity that week."

"Lucccckyy." Harold said as he looked at Beth. "I hope I get dropped on my head."

"Me too!" Lindsay said as she also planned to use anything to have an opportunity of immunity, while the other looked weirdly at the nerd and the blonde staring at them if they are a crazy bunch of mad people or just stupid.

"So, this is it…" Trent said as he looked around over the other 9 camps, and smiled as he counted the quantity of the campers excluding himself from being the number 10. And seeing clearly each contestant specially Harold sticking his finger in his nose he got weirded out. "Aaaaaalll righty, then."

Trent then stood himself next to Gwen and gave her a grin. Gwen scowled and looked away at first, but when Trent looked forward, the goth girl found herself smiling and peaking at the boy next to her. Actually enjoying his company.

And then the next boat passed by, and with this one appeared a girl with light blond hair tied up in a long point tail and green eyes. She wore a light blue hoodie that showed off a small bit of her stomach and jeans that went halfway down her was also carrying a very big surfboard.

The boat left her on the dock which she grabbed her bag but without taking out her own surfboard nearby her.

"Hey, whats up?" She asked the host with a calm smile on her face.

"All right, our surfer chick, Bridgette, is here." Chris introduced the surfer girl in front of him, with Geoff in particular smiling quite a bit at her arrival.

Duncan looked at the surfboard and snorted, he looked at Bridgette and said in sarcasm. "Nice board. This ain't Malibu, honey."

"I thought we were gonna be on a beach." Bridgette explained her reasoning as she brought the surfboard with her.

"We are!" Chris gestured his hand to the surrounding beach. Everyone looked to see the beach of the camp was littered with trash as a seagull caught in trash as dragged away by the tide of wave.

Bridgette sighed at the poor quality of the beach. "Great." She said sarcastically as she noticed that she didn't like the outcome.

"All right! That makes-" Chris was in the middle of the sentence until he got hit on the head by Bridgette's surfboard as the light blond walked over to the other ten campers. "Owww, darn it! That hurts!"

"Hey guys." Bridgette greeted her fellow campers.

"Hey!" Geoff grinned as he quickly introduced himself to her. "I'm Geoff!"

"What's up." Bridgette asked as she turned to Geoff causing the few campers nearby her ducking to avoid getting hit by the board like Chris a few seconds ago.

"Dang!" Harold said as he narrowly avoided the board. "Watch the board, man."

"Hi! I'm Beth!" And by sheer ignorance of not knowing the outcome of presenting herself towards someone with a surfboard on her hands. She introduced herself to the surfer girl.

"Hey." Bridgette said to Beth while turning to the shorter farmer girl causing everyone to duck again to avoid get hit by the surfboard.

"Okay, we've all met surfer girl." Heather had enough to activity of avoiding being hit by the blond surfer, so she rolled her eyes and made a point, as she finished wringing out her hair. "Can we get on with the show, please?"

"Looks like someone missed their double cappuccino macchiato this morning," Duncan smirked as he saw the type of girl Heather was. So he knew how to provoke then in the easiest way as possible.

"Get bent." Heather glared at the delinquent which was exactly the response he was expecting from her.

"Our next camper is Noah." Chris said with a toothy smile, as he saw the kid stepping onto the dock.

The kid was a skinny boy with slightly dark skin, brown hair, and brown eyes. He wore a red sweater vest over a collared short-sleeved shirt with a white long-sleeved shirt underneath. He had olive green jeans and shoes with darker green and white strips.

"You got my memo about my life-threatening allergies?"Noah asked as he walked forward.

"I'm sure someone did." Chris told Noah while pointing two fingers at him. Totally implying that he didn't care about the contestant healthy problems.

"Good. Is this where we're staying?" Noah asked while pointing to the crappy campsite, his tone was very sarcastic.

"No, it's your mother's house." Duncan told Noah while cracking his fist, already eager to have a brawl with the nerd who seemed to be snarky. "And we're throwing a party."

"Cute. Nice piercings original." Noah said sarcastically, not at all threatened by Duncan. "Do them yourself?"

"Yeah!" Duncan then harshly grabbed Noah's lip and pulled out a needle. "You want one?"

"Uh no thanks. Can I have my lip back please?" Noah asked, still not threatened by Duncan. Which the delinquent rolled his eyes and let go Noah's lip with the camper's expression unchanged. "Thanks."

"What's up, ya'll?" A loud voice got everyones attention as they looked to the next boat and saw the next camper coming at them. As they all saw a black girl with a beige shirt with a kumquat pattern across the chest area. Her black hair was in a thick and big ponytail and she had hoop earrings, jeans, and brown flats. Harold gasped as he admired her. "Leshawna's in the house."

The newest camper stepped on the dock and came directly at the host just to give a high five.

"How's it going? Feel free to quit now, save yourself the trouble cause I came to win." Leshawna said confidently before walking up to DJ and give a high five him as well. "Oh, what's up my brother, give me some sugar, baby!"

Harold then popped up next to Leshawna and looked her over a bit. "I've never seen a girl like you in real life before."

This caused a reaction that mostly people with a good sense would see it coming.

"Excuse me?" Leshawna asked with her hands on her hips.

And without thinking twice to rethink his words. Harold dug even further his own grave.

"You're real big," Harold said while spreading his arms apart from each other for emphasis. "And loud."

"What did you say to me? Oh, no you didn't!" Leshawna then stomped up to Harold while she glared at him with hatred of 1 thousand suns, ready to tear apart the stupid boy who didn't think the right words to say the girl who just assumed that he called her fat. "You have not see anything yet! I'll show you big, baby!"

DJ, Bridgette quickly went to hold Leshawna back as Harold dind't think he was being challenged by the black girl.

"Oh yeah, you want some of this? Well, come on then!" Harold full of confidence made a Kung Fu pose as he was ready to fight for his life.

"All right, campers! Settle down." Chris scolded the teens causing them to back up and stop their fighting. Leshawna finally let up and stopped trying to attack Harold, which the boy smiled sheepishly at the girl who was still peeved over him.

Once the conflict was over, another boat came up to the dock and dropped off not one but two girls. They were boht dressed the same black and white stripped tops, pink short-shorts, pink shoes, and even had the same style with their black hair being in both even had black eyes and wore the same pink lipstick. But despite the same cloths, their body types were completely different. The girl to the right was white and rather pudgy in all areas of her body while the other girl on the right was skinny and tan.

"Ladies! Sadie, Katie." Chris introduced the group the duo of sisters. "Welcome to your new home for eight weeks."

"Oh my gosh, Sadie look!" Katie said in an excited an peppy tone as she looked around the area. "It's a summer camp."

"Okay! I always wanted to go to a summer camp." Sadie said with the exact same excitement and peppy tone as her sister. "Eeeh!"

(In the boat)

"We are almost there." A profound voice coming from the boat captain called the boy who was just finishing drawing something on his paper. The said boy was nobody other than Ezekiel who was preparing himself around the trip. Quickly he made sure that everything he brought with him from the farm was there. And looking at the island far away was so much different from the show. It was far bigger than he ever expected than ever he ever thought in his life.

The nervousness crawled inside of his body, but at the same time, the excitement to meet the people he watched the cartoon for so many years. Knowing the plot of the episodes and even the character of every single one of them… It made him nervous in many ways.

"Okay calm down… they are people, the same way you are… You have good sense, even if you know about their lives. You shouldn't act as Sierra… Ezekiel may have been a weird sexist, but you are not him… You are you." Ezekiel mumbled to himself as a mantra. Still showing nervousness. And at the moment the dork was near the boat. He took a deep breath. "Just remember why you are in this show. And have fun. Yeah… let's go."

(The dock)

Another boat came by and dropped off a boy wearing a dull green hoodie, a dark green winter hat, blue jeans, and shoes matching his hoodie. He had gray eyes and brown hair that went down to his neck. Shaved face.

"Ezekiel!" Chris introduced the newest camper. "What's up, man?"

Ezekiel raised his hand, which Chris high-fived, then he lowered his hand which Chris gave a down five, and raised his fist to make a fist bump which Chris gladly did it.

"It's awesome to be here Chris. I watched your badminton movie, the ending made me cry." Ezekiel commented and Chris smiled proudly at the young man.

"I know, that movie will give me an Oscar I know that." Chris felt proud as he saw a potential fan among the contestants. "From your application, I saw that you are aware of how things will go. So you should have no regrets after you step on this camp.

"I have no reason for that. I said like the video. I came here to have a good time and meet friends. So it doesn't matter what, I'm going to enjoy here." Ezekiel replied which walked towards the group, and slowly stopped, as he saw every single person in front of him… They looked exactly like the show, but knowing that he was smaller than many of them, his nervousness went back in full force. But then he walked towards the giant Jamaican, knowing that from the entire group, he was the kindest.

"errr… what's up?" Ezekiel raised his hand to give a high five, which DJ smiled at him and gave to him which made him a bit better and more comfortable around him.

The next boat dropped what would be the next camper which was a boy with brown hair, blue eyes, and had a bit of a chipped tooth. He had a beige shirt with darker sleeves, waist, and neck with a red and blue horizontal strip around the center and also had a blue jeans and green shoes with cream colored bottoms.

"Cody! The coaster, the Code Meister!" Chris hyped up this camper as he and Cody shared a high five.

"Dude psyched to be here, man." Cody said before strutting over to his fellow campers, specifically the female campers. "I see the ladies have already arrived. All right;" Codyd then walked past a few of the girls and then went back to them, specifically Leshawna, and was about to say something before Leshawna put a finger over his lips.

"Save it short stuff." Leshawna told Cody with a smirk promising that he would feel pain if he mess up, so he quickly backed away from her.

Next up, landing on the dock with a loud thud, was a rather bulky girl with a mole on her face, hazel eyes, and her black hair in pony tail. She wore a blue sleeveless top with dark blue gym shorts along with gym socks with two horizontal strips near the top with one blue and other dark blue and dark blue sneakers with white bottoms.

"Eva, Nice." Chris called, as receiving in response a permanent scowl on her face, she remained quiet but walked towards her fellow campers. "Glad you can make it."

As she approached the campers, Cody held his hand out for a high five only for Eva drop her bag on his feet.

"Ow!" Cody yelped, holding his aching foot while hopping on the other. "What's in there? Dumbbells?"

"Yes." Was the only answer the body builder said which made the whole group of campers shut their mouths and looked at themselves.

Most of campers looked nervously at Eva, and surprisingly both Duncan and Ezekiel looked at DJ.

"She's all yours, man." Both Duncan and Ezekiel said in the same time, which made both blinks toward each other, and making the gentle giant uncomfortable. Noticing that not just one, but two of them saying at the same time made him feel even more weirded out from the bulky girl who was ready to crush some bones.

"WOOOOOOHOOOOO!" A loud cheer was enough to make the nervous giant have a sigh of relief as everyone drop their attention to the next boat, which they would arrieve a rather large boy with black eyes and blond hair wearing a white T-shirt with a blue maple leaf on it, moss green jeans, and white and yellow shoes. "Chris! What's happening? Hahahahaha! This is awesome! Wooooohooooo!"

"Owen!" Chris revealed the name of the larger camper, who was very hyped over the competition and sharing the good enthusiasm. "Welcome!"

Owen quickly took Chris into a large bear hug, a cracking sound could even be heard from there, with the host of the show now wincing in response of such strength.

"Awesome to be here, man!" Owen said, as his hype didn't lower not even for one percent. "Yeah! Man, this is just so…"

"Awesome?" Gwen finished for Owen with her arms crossed but knowing that the hiped man wouldn't detect her sarcasm.

"Yes! Awesome! WOOOOOOOO!" Owen cheered before looking at Gwen. "Are you going to be on my team?"

"Oh I sure hope so." Gwen said sarcastically while twirling a finger around.

"WOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO!" Owen once again cheered loudly, and even the other campers couldn't help but also feel hyped from the enthusiasm from the large boy.

"Are you guys finished?" Chris grabbed the attention once again, wanting to continue the show at that moment.

Owen noticed that and decided to let go of the host. "Sorry dude. I'm just so psyched!"

Owen said as his smile never left his face.

"Cool." Chris said after straightening up his clothes. The host then directed his attention towards the next boat coming. "And here comes Courtney."

Now arriving was a girl with light brown skin with rown hair that went a little over her neck, she has black eyes. Wearing a gray top over a beige shirt along with skin tight green pnts and dark brown open toed shoes.
Chris took Courtney's hand and helped her off the boat.

"Thank you." Courtney said to the host before walking over the campers on the other side of the dock. "Hi, you must be the other contestants. It's really nice to meet you all."

"Wait until the end of the season 5. I want to see if she was going to say that again." Ezekiel remembered how different Courtney became from the show, since the actual show brought the worst of each contestant. Since aliances, betrayals, sues and all the crazy plots created by the seasons, Ezekiel still have to think how much terrible Courtney must have suffered during the seasons.

Feeling nervous, he took his winter hat off and started scratching his head, feeling the pressure of being part of the first episode of the entire show. The young boy still watched one of the iconic scenes of Owen being... well... Owen towards Courtney. Since he took her had and shook with such strenght.

Then at the next boat, Courtney was in a mid sentence when she was interrupted by being awestruck. The boat showed a boy that could onl be described with one word. Handsome. His tan skin making a good combination with short hair, a well fit and maintained body, flawless dark hair, and blue eyes. Wearing a dark green shirt and worn out jeans and dark green sandals.

"Here comes Justin... it's funny that they look like a bunch of thirsty people for him, and they didn't even meet Alejandro yet." Ezekiel still scratching his hair noticed that someone was staring at him. It was DJ.

"Are you okay dude?" DJ asked as he noticed an uncomfortable shift of manner seeing the young boy scratching his hair. "Do you have lice?"

"Nah, I'm fine. I just scratch my hair when I'm feeling nervous, and I already can feel the pressure." The homeschooled boy replied as he could see the reasoning of the jamaican dude, which in the next action made him sigh in relief and give a tumbs up to him.

"That's good to know little dude, and trust me, I'm feeling nervous too. So you don't have to feel anxious." The giant gave a tap on the little boy's shoulder, and which made Ezekiel place his snow hat over his head once again.

Both of them talked and they didn't notice that some of the girls fainted towards the new participant smile, which Chris was proud to annunciate his name.

"This is justin." Chris introduced the handsome teen as he stepped onto the dock. The host shared a fist bump with Justin as he said. "Welcome to Total Drama Island."

"Thanks, Chris." Justin smiled before looking around the area he was at. "This is great."

"Just so you know, we picked you based entirely on your looks." Chris informed Justin as he walked over to meet the other campers.

"I can deal with that." Justin shrugged, not offended by the statement. Since he already guessed it was the reason.

Owen smiled at the new camper as he still looked awestruck. "I like your pants."

"Thanks man." Justin smiled at the compliment, but kept walking towards the other campers who remained looking at him in admiration.

"Cause they look like they're all worn out." Owen chuckled nervously, as he kept staring at the teenager walking, he seemed to be in showing a side that he didn't know he had. "Did you buy them like that?"

"Uh, no." Justin shook his head in response. "Just had them for a while."

And with that, Justin left Owen who complimented, not before slapping himself on the head for being stupid.

Chris still trying to ignore the akward interaction, he decided to go for the next camper.

"Hey everyone!" Chris got the attention of all the other campers as he introduced the next camper on the island. "Izzy."

Everyone watched another boat came by with the girl standing on it having orange hair, orange lip and geen eyes. She had a grass green top that completely exposed her belly as well as bracelet on the right wrist. She had gren shorts with light green skirt tied around her waist.

"Hi, Chris!" Izzy waved towards the host as she walked forward. "Hiiiiii! Whoa!"

Izzy walked but by mistake, Izzy ended up tripping right off the boat and ended up hitting the bottom half of her jaw against the dock.

"Oooooohhh." Ezekiel winced as he kept opening and closing his jaw as he imagined how it must felt on that moment. He quickly walked towards the end of the dork to help the fallen person.

Tyler also felt the pain as he concluded with one sentence. "That was bad."

"Guys! She can be serious hurt.!" Courtney ran towards to the other end of the dock to help Ezekiel take Izzy out of the water. By grabbing Izzy's hand both helped the orange girl to get onto the dock. Izzy used that moment to shake all the water off them like an animal.

"That felt sooo...good!" Izzy was back on her feet quickly and didn't seem affected by the pain she just felt before, she was hyped since she was using her hyperactive voice. "Except for hitting my chin. This is a summer camp? That is so cool. Do you have paper Mache here? Are we eating lunch soon?"

"That is a good call!" Owen agreed with what the orange haired girl had just said, which made Ezekiel just smile and shake his head.

"Alright everyone. First thing, we need a group photo for the promos. Everyone on the end of the dock!" Chris gave a call which made the group started gathering away. While Ezekiel walked towards the beach. "Ezekiel the dock is the other way."

"Oh, sorry Chris." Ezekiel said as he launched all his luggage, his winter hat, and his hoddie over the sand which made him run back towards the group. "I will be on my way."

Chris rolled his eyes, but seeing the homeschooled boy finally went back around the group. He went nearby towards the front of the group since he was the smallest of them all. Chris smiled as he took the camera and aimed at the campers who were smiling towards him to take the photo.

"Okay! One, two, three...Oops! Okay, forgot the lens cap." Chris then removed the lens cap off the camera, and aimed it at the campers once again. "Okay, hold that pose. One, tw- oh wait, cards full. Hang on!"

"Come on, man." Leshawna rolled her eyes at Chris. "My face is starting to freeze."

"Got it, okay!" Chris once again imed his camera at the group of campers and this time ready to that the photo. "Everyone say Wawanakwa!"

"WAWANKWAAAAAAAA!" The time everyone was saying the name of the island, the dock under them collapsed as Chris took the picture of everyone falling into the water.

"Okay guys." Chris smiled towards the wet campers. "Dry off and meet at the campifire pit in 10."


"That is Camp Wawanakwa, your home for the next eight weeks." Chris waved at the scene, "The campers sitting around ou will be your cabin mates, competition, and maybe even your friends." The campers glanced at each other. "You dig? The camper who manages to stay on Total Drama Island the longest without getting vote off will win 100,000 bucks."

"Excuse me," Duncan smirked, as he pointed his thumb towards Heather. "What will the sleeping arrangements will be, because I'd like to request a bunk under her."

Heather looked in disgust as she gasped. "They're not co-ed, are they?"

"No." Chris shook his head, making multiple girls as Heather relieved to not share their dorms with the boys. "Girls get one side of each cabin and dudes get the other."

"Excuse me, Kyle." Lindsay spoke up, calling Chris the wrong name. "Can I have a cabin with the lake view since I'm the prettiest?"

"Okay, you are." Chris said causing Lindsay to smile to someone agreeing with her. But Chris narrowed his eyes towards her. "But that's not really how it works here and it's Chris."

Ezekiel rolled his eyes as the most iconic and most annoying scene repeated itself once again from the show. Katie and Sadie claiming they can't live without each other, which for many fans opnion was one of the stupidest scenes ever made from the show.

"This cannot be happening." Gwen complained exactly the words from the homeschooled boy's mind. Still having the difficulty to accept everything happening around her.

"i know your pain Gwen... I really do." Ezekiel thought as he was seeing the complaining of the campers was indeed tiring and worth of a headache. "But that's the first episode for you. Nobody knows how much innocent they were since the first season. And in comparisson to all the seasons until the season 5... Would they still complain about the start of season 1?"

"Awww come on guys!" The optmistic Owen, the first winner of season 1 of Total Drama showed the good point of view into appreciating the good things, even from the misfortunes of the show. "It'll be fun, it's like a big sleepover!"

"At least you don't have to sleep next to him." Tyler whispered to Gwen as he pointed at Duncan who was currently and harshlt nogging a dear.

"Alright, here is the deal." Chris called everyones attention towards him. "We're gonna split you into two teams if I call your name out go stand over there. Gwen, Trent, Heather, Cody, Beth, Lindsay, Katie, Owen, Leshawna, Justin, and Noah."

All people called by Chris moved to where he has pointed. Once they were in place, Chris picked up a green banner and launched towards them. "From this moment on, you are officially known as, the Screaming Gophers."

At the moment they unfolded and revealed of a logo of a gopher fiercely screaming on it.

"Yeah!" Owen cheered as he looked at the banner he was helping carry. "I'm a gopher!Wooooo!"

"Wait, what about Sadie?" Katie asked, not wanting to be on a different team without her best friend and sister.

"The rest of you over here." Chris directed the remaing 11 campers. "Geoff, Bridgette, Tyler, DJ, Sadie, Izzy, Courtney, Ezekiel, Duncan, Eva, and Harold. Move, move, move!"

"But Katie's a gopher," Sadie yelled as she was the only one who wasn't starting to move to where Chris instructed. "I have to be a gopher!"

"And here comes the drama again," Ezekiel rolled his eyes, as he walked towards the group following the group of boys who walked towards the line. While Courtney did her best to console Sadie from not being able to be into the other team. Specially since the duo of sisters kept shouting at each other as they are going to miss themselves from being depart of each other... "Why are they here anyway?"

"Tsk, both dunderheads is really getting into my own nerves" A voice was enough to be heard by the homeschooled boy, and by looking behind him, was literally the one person who have the same intimidation factor, also the same class of badassery in some ocasions, and also a mistery towards his own kindness... the punk who came from juvenue, and one of mvp characters of the entire show. Duncan. "What are you looking at greenbean?"

Ezekiel noticed on how the delinquent was already annoyed, but he couldn't help but also feel empathy towards him, since being on there personally was different than watching the show from the television. It was even more annoying to deal with the duo of sisters.

"I want to ask if you have a pair of headphones. Because I think my ears are bleeding out from constant nagging of the twins." Ezekiel tried to not be nervous. Since it was his first day on the show, and he needed to create the aliance between the group the quickest as possible.

Duncan stared at the homeschooled boy, staring at him surprisingly. But then a scream from the sisters crying loudly was enough to make both flinch and cringe from their noise.

"If I had to I would have used instead, so tough luck brat." Duncan said as he tried to cover his ear from ringing, and by staring at the boy, he could see him nodding at him.

"Though so, it was worth a shot to try." Ezekiel sighed as he accepted on how screwed the group was, and while he turned his back towards the delinquent, he didn't see Duncan grinning from enjoying to see someone having the same thoughts as him.

Once the remaining 11 campers were in the place, Chris pulled out a red banner and tossed it over the other team. "You guys will offically be known as... the Killer Bass!" Harold and Ezekiel both caught the banner and opened it up with the show logo of a fierce looking bass.

"Ahhh... a killer bass." Ezekiel repeated, as he could see the logo with more detail, and he couldn't help but enjoy his team. "Not going to lie, holding the flag of a team like that is really cool."

"I know right?" Harold comented as he also looked at the logo and smiled. "It's like... amazing."

"All right, campers, you and your team will be on camera in all public areas during this competition." Chris informed everyone of that particular detail. Since they are on a reality show, they should be expected to be watched pretty much 24 hours every day.


Confessional - Chris

"You will also be able to share your innermost thoughts on tape with video diaries anytime you want." Chris explained as he sat down in an outhouse with a camera attached to the door with flies buzzing around. "Let the audience at home know what you're really thinking. Or just get something off your chest."

Confessional - Gwen

"Um, okay..." Gwen began before looking right into the camera. "So far this stinks."

Confessional - Ezekiel.

"To be honest, I just want to use here before someone has a good idea about farting this place," Ezekiel commented as he took off his hat and started scratching his hair. "Being homeschooled without having any social interaction than my father and my mother, it's a scary experience. I just hope what Chris said is true, that I would make good friends on this show."

Confessional - Lindsay

"Um, I don't get it." Lindsay said while turning around and standing up, her butt right in front of the camera. "Where's the camera guy?"

Confessional - Loon

A loon could be seen inside the confessional putting on lipstick before it let out a quack as it saw the camera attached to the door.

Confessional - Owen

"Hey everyone. Check this out." Owen said with a serious tone and face. "I have something very important to say."

Owen was silent for a momment before farting and starting to laugh.


"All right. Any questions?" Chris asked the campers only for them to remain quiet. "Cool. Let's find your cabins. Gophers, you're in the east cabin, Bass, you're in the west."

"weeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssst." Ezekiel whispered to himself while he did a W with his two hands, while he recalled one of his favorite jokes from one cartoon show about an adventurer kid in the middle of the sea.

Luckly nobody saw him doing it, but the way he chuckled to himself, not noticing that the camera was also recording on that moment, but he was too happy to actually care of being recorded for remaking one good scene.

The two teams quickly headed to their assigned cabins with the boys heading into one half and girls in the other.

At the Gopher cabin, Heather was the first girl of the Gophers to reach the girls had, after examining everything she decided to ask.

"Bunk Beds?" Heather quickly complained as she knows how much annoying the entire show will be. "Isn't that a little… summer camp?"

"That's the idea genius." Gwen rolled her eyes at Heather before passing by her.

"Shut up, weird goth girl!" Heather gçared at Gwen which the goth already dropped her stuffs and started unpacking.

Without noticing there was a boy who came nearby her.

"You're so smart." Cody complimented, which made Gwen scoffs and rolls her eyes. "I feel that."

"Shouldn't you be on the boy's side?" Gwen sighed before harshly ask, which made the boy smile sheepishly, a second before gets launched himself outside of the cabin passing by Leshawna who was happily walking on the cabin, but cringed at the results of his land over the grass.

Trent was happily walking until Cody got to eat grass in front of him. But after a second he resumed his happy walk towards the cabin.

Chris simply walked but was enjoying every single moment of their interactions. Before Lindsay stepped outside of the cabin and looked at Chris.

"Where are the outlets?" Lindsay asked at the host. Since she knew that she would need them for one important reason. "I have to plug in my straightening iron."

"There are some in the communal bathrooms," Chris informed her by also gesturing his head towards the bathroom area. "Just across the way."

"Communal bathrooms?" Lindsay asked trying to repeat the words the host had just said, but then she tilted her head. "But I'm not Catholic."

"Not Communion, Communal." Chris corrected the teenage model. Whic she still didn't understand what was the difference.

"It means we shower together. Idiot" Gwen explained to Lindsay as she sat down on the steps to the cabin.

Lindsay's eyes got wet and her lips trembled, until she let it out her outburst.

"AW NO COME ON!" Lindsay shouted her complaints which made Gwen cover her ears as the boys nearby her cabin came to watch Lindsay freak out.

"I'm glad we're in our own cabin with just guys. Know what I mean?" Owen laughed but only he realized his mistake after hearing just the silence between his roomates. He realized the double meaning of his own words, and now he quickly tried to correct himself. "I mean no! I didn't mean it like that! I love chicks. Hehe, I just don't wanna sleep near them. Atata-uh I mean…"

"Excuse me, Chris?" Geoff called out the host. Since he was helping Bridgette to get on her own cabin. "Is there, uh, a chaperone of any kind in this facility here?"

"You're all 16 years old, as old as a counselor in training at a regular summer camp." Chris told all the teenager's around him. "So other than myself. You'll be unsupervised. You've got half an hour to unpack and meet me back at the main lodge, starting… now."

"Cool." The party boy smiled, until a shout loud enough to make all the campers stares at the gopher's cabin in surprise of the panic shout.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" The group came to the door until they found it was Lindsay who shouted. Being above a stool, and refusing to even touch the floor.

"Man that white girl can scream." Leshawna commented somewhat impressed.

Lindsay shouted and pointed in the direction of what would be a cockroach who was having a good morning activities.

"WHAT IS IT?" She asked in a disgusted and horrified tone. "KILL IT, KILL IT."

DJ looked down and when he saw the cockroach walking on the floor, his panic mode activated and he highly jumped towards one of the nearby beds… breaking it at the same moment.

"That…was my bed." Gwen lamented in a disappointed tone, as she could see DJ still shaking in fear above her now broken bed.

Many of the campers screamed as they tried to either climb up the beds or even try to kill the little insect who was too fast for them, the crockroad was about to leave the floor, until from the right side Duncan came by lifting the axe, and on the left was Ezekiel who was now aiming his bow towards the roach.

"Hello little fly." It was the last thing the homeschooled said before Duncan and him proceed to do an overkill.

The results of the overkill was made when campers saw what would be the remainings of the insect. A half cockroach which in the above part was with an arrow stuck on the body with the half head cut.

"That's a new way to kill a cockroach." Gwen had to admit, she was impressed. As Tyler came to see what happened from the other side of the door.

"Awesoooome." Harold loved a good overkill, even made by the delinquent and a boy who came with a bow with him.

Tyler approached Lindsay who was above DJ which both of them had the same fear of same insect who tormented them.

"If one of them appears once again, you can call me. Okay? Because…" Tyler offered his helps until he gave a pause and with a long sniff with his nose. Until he confiantly answered. "Listen. I also know how to do that."

Lindsay smiled, as she felt like love for the first time on the day, as she smiled at him, Tyler also felt the same feelings that the little blond shared with him. Both smiled and stared at each other.

"Wow, I always thought love in first sight happens in the movies and cartoons." Ezekiel commented, knowing Tyler and Lindsay ended up together for a few seasons, or from what they interaction were over the seasons.

Duncan scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Of course they always fall for the jocks." Duncan replied which made Ezekiel look at him, and then after reflecting a bit, he couldn't help but imagine the delinquent was telling the truth.

Since the incident was over, the boys of the killer bass team finally left the East side, and went back to resume their activities.

At the Bass cabin, Ezekiel as the other boys got inside of the cabin, they saw sets of bunk beds set up. There was also a wood-burning stove, a carper, some drawers, and a few lanterns.

"Wow." The farmer boy whispered as he got inside for the cabin, by watching the scenario from the television was one thing, but actually having the opportunity to camp and having a bunk bed experience by the first time, he couldn't help but feel thrilled. "Awesome."

"Well, at least these beds looks solid and ready for us to take a lay above them." Geoff came next as he already feeling more optimistic by seeing the beds, but also enjoying someone having a great time. "So who wants to bunk bed with me?"

Ezekiel turned to Geoff and smiled at him nodding towards him.

"Alright, little dude. Want the bunk of the top or the bed of the bottom?" Geoff said, not complaining about the cabin since one of the parties he had ended him sleeping on the middle of street.

"Can I have the top? I never have sleepy in one of these before." Ezekiel requested which made the party boy raise his eyebrow to the insinuation of the teenager in front of him, but decided to just smile and nod, which made Ezekiel get excited and launch his luggage over the top of the bunk bed.

"Awesome, someone want to share a bunk bed with me?" Harold smiled, but since the silence over the group made him pout and look against him. "Really?"

Tyler and DJ were looking outside of the door, but then they turned back to the nerd who seemed to be pouting.

"Sorry I was distracted, what was the question again?" DJ asked which made Harold sigh and try once again.

"If someone wants to share the bunker with me?" Harold tried once again which made made both of them think about.

"Well I don't mind dude. Which bed you want?" Tyler asked quickly, after seeing that the only remaining cabin partners was the nerd or the delinquent, and seeing that he commented to the goth girl about who would want to be sleeping next to Duncan, he preferred to not risk it.

"Awesome" Harold by seeing an honest response, was happy and excited over having a bunk partner, which made the nerd expert launch all his stuffs on the top of the bed. "I will take the top.

Tyler sighed in relief with himself, as DJ just shrugged and walked towards the delinquent.

"Hey, wouldn't you mind if I take the bottom bed? I have a fear of heights." DJ honestly commented which made Duncan raise his eyebrow to him. But shrugging he placed all the luggage he had, and all the boys prepared themselves to settle down.

Duncan then released the axe nearby his bed and then looked at the teenager with a few arrows and the bow with him. "Nice shot dude."

Ezekiel turned his head and saw Duncan actually impressed by him using arrow.

"To be honest, the roach wasn't even moving, and I was 3 feet away from it. I was actually surprised that I hit on the body, just 1 centimeter away and I would have missed." The homeschooled boy replied, which made Duncan hmm but nods his head towards him.

"But hey, it was awesome man, I didn't know you can use bow and arrow like that." Geoff said which made Harold and DJ agree with him.

"Yeah dude, you have massive skills like me. I know how to fight with nunchucks." Harold decided to boast about himself, until Duncan snorted.

"Bullcrap." Duncan coughed under his fist which made Harold glares towards him.

"Wow." Ezekiel commented sounding impressed, just like the way he did on phobia factor episode. "Show us."

"Wait right now?" Harold commented surprised. Which made the group of boys stare at him.

"Yeah dude." Geoff commented now being interested into the boasting of the nerd. "We still have time to do our things before going to the main camp. So show us."

"Unless you are lying." Duncan decided to make fun, but seeing Harold taking of from his behind pocket the actual nunchucks he shut his mouth, and stared in surprise.

"Alright guys. Give me some space, let me show you my awesome skills." Harold said as he started spun his nunchucks and firstly he started with one hand, then he passed towards his other hand. Until the group of boys stared in awe on the nerd actually nailing it how to use it perfectly. Until the last second, all of the boys winced when the nunchuck hit the jewels of the nerd who gave a silent scream in pain.

"Ohhhh" The group of boys mumbled as they held their precious friends with their hands.

"Okay, I was going to make fun of it, but the nature itself did that for me. But still 7 of 10. At least we know you are telling the truth." Duncan commented, and while he wanted to make fun of the nerd, he was still wincing in the pain of imagining himself to be hit in such terrible place. He just hoped that nothing like that happens to him.

"Yeah I agree with Duncan, you were nailing just fine. But I think you need to calm down the speed a bit, until you get used to stop using it. The finally needs to work." Ezekiel agreed with the delinquent, and DJ and Geoff nodded their heads. "At least that was indeed one awesome skill, but you still need to train until it's perfect."

"Okay." Harold said with a tiny voice, still wincing in pain. And it took a few minutes for the same nerd to get up and feel himself good as new.

Which made the group of boys finish their touches on their beds.

"And now for the flag." Ezekiel and Harold placed the killer bass flag on the wall, by being tied to the wood, which made a good symbol of their commitment to the team they are.

"Awesome…" Ezekiel commented as he walked towards the door, and looked at the cabin which looked a bit more different from the show, but he wasn't always focused on the details of the background, maybe he was overthinking it. But he couldn't help but admire the place he will be sleeping from now on. "I bet that this is the best cabin of the entire show."

"It seems everything amazes you shrimp," Duncan said as he was still laid over his bed, rolling his eyes by seeing how the smallest member of their team seemed to be impressed by just a simple camp. "You don't leave home often don't you?"

"Actually I have never left the farm," Ezekiel explained, which made the entire cabin be in silence. Ezekiel by watching the show many times knew who each character was, and he knew that kind of information was good to explain his story and already to give and earn the trust of them. "I have been homeschooled my whole life, and I never had the opportunity to leave the farm at all. So being here is kinda whole new life experience to me."

"You shitting me." Duncan blinked as he stared at the young boy who was taking out his hat, and usual hoodie and placed above his luggage.

"You mean, you never went into summer camps, or neither school to develop skills like me?" Harold commented horrified to see someone who actually never had the possibility to actually go towards to talk and be awesome like he is.

"Nah, my ma and pa did their best to actually protect me from a bad experience of public school… I mean, it was a tragedy they tried to avoid me to receive as my other member of family. But like that I never actually talked to someone else than my ma and pa… oh, and you guys." Ezekiel said confidently, but he became a bit uncomfortable from the massive silence of the cabin. "Guys, that's okay. This new experience is so awesome for me. And I'm living the moment like never before. Like possibly going into a party after the show."

"Really, man?" Geoff commented in disbelief and the teenager nodded, making the party boy look at him with not just concern, but actual pity. "You never went into a big party?"

"Never went into one, I just saw them in television. Is it true that some parties are so crazy that usually ends up in an adventure like the movies?" Ezekiel always wanted to ask someone about a thing like that, and by seeing Geoff as someone who always had a great time doing parties, he could end up with maybe not the answer he was expecting since Total Drama was a show for television.

"OH HELL YEAH!" Geoff shouted as he came nearby to the brunette boy and touched his shoulder. "Me and my friend Brody once we had a party so hard that, I remember once waking up in the middle of street. And I was sleeping walking."

"That was crazy, but isn't…" DJ commented as he was thinking about how crazy could have been but he didn't imagine the answer he got from Geoff.

"I woke up 20 kilometers from the city I had the party at."Geoff finished which made the entire group of boys stares at the party boy like if he was a kind of monster.

"Dude, that's crazy." Duncan laughed which made the other campers agree with him.

"There is no way that you could possibly walk back." Tyler gave the fact, that everybody on the room nodded their heads toward the party boy who chuckled.

"I know, I had to ask a taxi driver to take me on my best friend's house, it was a crazy night. That wasn't even the craziest party I had, once my uncle had a bachelor party and it was so crazy, that I'm sure that I even should talk about this in television." Geoff impressed the whole group which they nodded their heads understanding the meaning behind his words. "Still good memories… But hey, little dude. It's crazy you never went in one."

"Nah, that's fine. I'm still a teenager, I have time to go one someday. But thanks for telling me that Geoff, I hope someday I would go into a crazy party like that." Ezekiel couldn't help but love the experience, knowing a bit of more the facts of the characters who never showed over the episode from the television. It was an amazing experience for him.

"Oh, that's not a problem then. I can call you guys into the next party I'm going to do after the show. Everyone here is invited." Geoff was chill into calling his cabin mates over the next party, since everyone around was chill and that statement actually made the entire group excited.

"NICE, OHOOO. I CAN'T WAIT FOR IT." The entire crew cheered, the first day of the show has been neat until the moment. They just hope that the entire day would be like that.

(Main Lodge)

Once the groups were finished and half hour has passed, everyone was lined up in the mess hall waiting to be served their food. The one serving the cook was a very strong and bulked up man, a man who seemed to have served the army a few years before taking the job as chef from the show. The man's who named himself Chef Hatchet.

"Listen up, I serve it three times a day," The chef called the attention with his gruff and harsh tone, as he was moving his bow with a tray and having somewhat the food of what would the campers look weirdly of what kind of crappy food they would be served on that moment. "I serve it three times a day and you'll eat it three times a day! Grab a tray, get your food, and sit your butts down NOW!"

Beth and Harold approached Chef as they started staring at the yellow goo he was serving to them, as the same thing which sembled as minced meat on their breads.

"Excuse me." Beth said as she looked at the rather… questionable food in front of her. "But will we be getting all the major food groups?"

Harold decided to agreed with Beth since he wanted to give a good point, since he thought Chef would be a reasonable person who would actually care of the campers.

"Yeah, cause I get hypoglycemic real bad if I don't get enough sugar." Harold decided to try to reach the pity from the former military, but instead he gave him more reason to be pissed off.

"YOU'LL GET A WHOLE LOT OF SHUT THE HECK UP!" Chef yelled right into Harold's face which made him regret to even speak his mind on that minute. And he decided to follow the Chef's order.

"Have a cow." Owen joked to Noah who smirked, but that wasn't unnoticed by the Chef.

"WHAT WAS THAT?!" Chef yelled as he glared harshly at the two boys. Both of the boys flinched in response. "Come closer fat boy! I didn't hear you!"

"Oh, I didn't really say anything important." Owen said quickly, this time shutting himself to not make the chef even madder from being there.

"I'm sure you didn't!" Chef commented by letting Owen go, this time… He then looked at Noah. "You! Scrawny kid, give me your plate."

Chef wanted to give the little boy more punishment for giving him even more the food he prepared. Since Noah silently gave the plate for him, Chef threw down some extra minced meat on his burger, but on the next second the food seemed to have anti gravity and went back on the scooper, just only for Chef to throw it back on Noah's plate.

Leshawna looked at Eva who was silently waiting for her turn. "Yo, what's up girl?"

Eva simply stared at her, but didn't respond anything, she just took her food and went away. Which caused Leshawna glares at her.

"Oh, it's gonna be like that, is it?" Leshawna noticed the other girl was giving her the treatment of silence, and she hated it because people would just ignores her because they think they are better than her.

"NEXT!" Chef yelled which made Leshawna flinch as she was dragged back to the reality.

Lindsay and Gwen were the next in the line, and since the blonde bombshell looked at the food, she tried to use a good excuse to not eat the food.

"Excuse me my nutritionist says I shouldn't eat any white sugar, white flour, or like dairy." Lindsay said as Chef stared at her unimpressed as he took a fly in the air and crushed it like like nothing. His patience was almost on his limit.

"I don't think that's gonna be a problem." Gwen told Lindsay while looking at her food in disgust. Even then she noticed that her burger started to twitch.

"Cool." Lindsay lamented, as she took her try away, with the other members of her team.

Gwen knowing that it would be a bad idea, she still had to do it.

"Ok, I hate to be predictable and complain on the first day but I think mine just moved." Gwem regretted saying that since Chef took a hammer and splattered the meat of her burger on his face, and some on her face. Gwen forced a smile. "Right! Okay, then."

Ezekiel watched Duncan complaining about the food actually almost looked exactly from the juvenile, and seeing it was his turn next.

Just at the moment the little boy stared at the giant bulk looking angrily at him, and he was staring at his own tray, he couldn't help but ask.

"Is that an MRE?" Ezekiel wanted to see if was the truth, and from the looking of surprise from the Chef's face, it seems that he caught him off surprise.

"Yes, it is… Smoked Meat with Mustard Sauce." Chef answered at Ezekiel, who finally could see the color semblance.

"Ohh, okay." Ezekiel took the tray and turned his back to the chef, which seemed to ruff in response, and go back to serving food.

The entire group of campers were looking or even trying to eat their food, but seeing Ezekiel to place part of the white yellowish goo over the burger, the group stared at him like he was crazy.

Ezekiel gave a first bite… And he couldn't help to imagine, it was more sour than he expected. Maybe he have exaggerated over the mustard but it wasn't the worst food he ever had. At least he knows what he was eating.

"Err dude." A voice was enough to bring attention from Ezkiel to stares at Geoff in surprise. "Why did you place that thing over your burger?"

"That's mustard sauce." Ezekiel replied, which made the entire bass team, blinks at him. "And damn, the sauce is very sour. Be careful to place above the burger."

"Really?" Tyler commented, as Bridgette was almost ready to eat her burger. But on the next second, she stopped. "I can't believe this thing was mustard."

The killer bass table, decided to place just a bit of the white goo over their burgers, and they couldn't help but feel that it became 30 percent less horrible than the time they started eating. Bridgette was between choosing the burger and the mustard, but with a sigh, she went directly on the mustard and started eating the sour sauce.

The gophers on the other side of the table, who were behind Ezekiel on the line also were eating their burgers with mustard on the top, which still was disgusting. Sadie was staring sadly at the table of the killer bass, since it was the only way to keep an eye contact with her sister.

At the moment it passed and they remained eating. Chris walked with his iconic smile.

"Welcome to main lodge." Chris smirked, placing his arms behind his back.

"Yo, my man." Geoff looked up from his tray, "Can we order a pizza?"

The party boy then regretted since a cleaver flew past Geoff's head and cut into the doorway above Chris's head.

"WHOA! It's cool, G! Smoked meat and Mustard is cool!" The party boy tried to make amends which Chef growled, making most of campers cower.

But most of them nodding agreeing with Geoff.

"Your next challenge begins in one hour." Chris smiled, chuckling from what he is seeing. He then proceeded to walk outside, leaving the campers with what would be for the challenge.

"What do you think they'll make us do?" Katie asked DJ in a nervous tone.

"It's our first challenge, how hard can it be?" DJ shrugged with a calm tone and expression, not worried for one fraction.

"Ohhh, your sweet little child." Ezekiel thought as he could see how DJ would regret into saying that. "You are going to have a veeeeeeery long first, second and third season."


Soon enough, all 24 campers found themselves in their swimsuits, standing near the edge of the island's 100-foot-high cliff.

"OH (BLEEP)!" DJ shouted regretting every single word he said.

Chapter 2: Not So Great Outdoors Pt2

Chapter Text


Most of the campers looked down the 100-foot-high cliff with either fear, or even some excitement. All of them in swimsuits as they looked at Chris who was standing next to a create with a picture of a chicken on it.

"Okay!" Chris said to make sure he had all 24 teens attention. "Today's challenge is three-fold. Your first task is to jump off this 1,00-foot-high cliff into the lake."

Bridgette looked down the cliff without fear and saw that there was indeed two areas. A large wide zone and a smaller circle area within the large zone.

"Piece of cake." Bridgette smiled and confidently said.

"Wait fooooor it." Ezekiel said to Bridgette who was going to ask until Chris decided to tell the rest of the challenge.

"If you look down, you will see two target areas." Chris explained while pointing to the different zones inside of the water. "The wider area represents the part of the lake that we have stocked with psychotic, hehehe, man-eating sharks."

Everyone looked down and flinched when they saw the fins of sharks appearing on the large zone.

"Also inside that area there is a safe zone. That's your target area, which, we're pretty sure is shark free." Chris finally gave the explanation towards the areas. Which didn't help their anxiety at all.

"Excuse me?" Leshawna said to Chris in response to the host's last words. Who seemed to take it as a signal to continue.

"For each member of your team that jumps and actually…survives, there will be a crate of supplies waiting below." Chris gestured to the beach at the bottom of the cliff where everyone could see two stakes of crates waiting below. "Inside each crate are supplies that you'll need for the second part of the challenge… building a hot tub. The team with the best one gets to have a wicked hot-tub party tonight. The losers will be sending someone home."

The group stared at each other, until Chris pointed at the Killer Bass team. "Alright, Killer Bass, you're up first.

"Hey Eva." Ezekiel who was seeing going in front of him, walked besides the bulkest woman who just raised her eyebrow to him. "Can you do me a favor and being the last?"

Eva found the favor a bit of odd, and narrowed her eyes to him.

"Why?" She asked which the boy seemed to be nervous, and even gulped.

"I'm excited to do the challenge, but I think it would be for the best if everyone gets down. Knowing Chris we must have the advantage… so in case I stale too much time or froze in one place… Can you just launch me on the safe zone?" Ezekiel decided to be polite and don't say anything which could trigger the anger of the female body builder.

Eva then looked at the boy weirdly, but also in surprise, by remaining calm, she nodded her head.

Their musings are interrupted when Owen laughs optimistically.

"Hey, don't sweat it, guys." The big guy reassured everyone over the cliff. "I heard that these shows always make the interns do the stunt first to make sure it's survivable."

"Oh yeah, we totally did that." Chris nodded, all trying to avoid his gaze from everyone.

"Was Chef wasn't it?" Ezekiel asked which Chris smiled like a kid who got caught by taking the cookie from the jar.

"Yep, it was hilarious, and I even added on the episode." Chris shamelessly replied which made the entire group stares at the host like if he was a maniac.

Now knowing what probably one of the reasons the Chef was so pissed towards them.

"It's really no big deal, just an insane dive into a circle of angry sharks." Bridgette tried to reasure herself. So she takes a dive as everyone ran up and looks at her diving into the safety zone. Bridgette come out and waved to everyone, showing that she was fine.

"AWESOME! I'm next! Cowabunga!" Tyler yells as he takes a run off the cliff with his chest puffed up with pride, and runs at the cliff before leaping off with a yell but the high dive ends with his groanings of pain. His body fell on one of the buoy's towers before he slid into the safety zone.

"Woooooo! Hahahah!" Geoff cheered and laughed as he dived down the cliff next, his hat still stuck into his head.

Duncan remained in silence with his arms crossed, ready to take the jump. Ezekiel stared at him and one scene remained similar into his mind.

"Duncan will resurrect and old favorite. A single scoop strawberry with a chocolate dip." Ezekiel thought as he could see the delinquent just stepping outside of the cliff and falling down. "JUST LOOK AT THAT CONCENTRATION."

"..." Duncan remained with his arms crossed in completely silence until he hit the safety zone.

DJ walked up trembling near the cliff as his fear of heights was finally hitting him in full force, his every instinct telling him to back out.

"Fear of heights hitting you hard?" A familiar voice spoke out as the owner walked near him to the cliff's end, and the giant jamaican stared at the small boy who was also staring at the cliff with no small degree of trepidation.

"Yeah, since I was a kid." DJ confessed, since he never liked anywhere which isn't the ground.

"It's okay to be afraid. People never understand the true meaning of courage anyway." Ezekiel calmed said it, which brought the attention of the giant.

"What you mean by that?" DJ avoided to look at the cliff and stared at the homeschooled boy who simply tried to reassure the giant.

"You remind me of Courage, the cowardly dog." Ezekiel smiled, but the name itself made DJ stares at the boy confused, and a bit offended. But Ezekiel smile got even bigger. "There isn't a dog more coward and yet the most corageous dog who have tons of heroic feats."

"I don't understand." DJ didn't forgot the fear of being nearby the cliff, but he was feeling intrigued by what the homeschooled talked so great about a dog who is a coward. "What that dog has of so much special?"

"That dog saved his family hundreds of times, even challenged more scarier than another." Ezekiel went directly to the point. And DJ got baffled from the revelation. "The first reaction was always the same as the first. Scream in fear until his lungs passes out… But all the challenges focused into trying to go after to something which was the most important of that simple little dog… His owner Muriel. And one quote that he always says when he was going to save her, even if he had to deal with whatever crap of the world was going to launch at him is… The things I do for love."

"The things I do for love." DJ seemed to be understanding little by little on what Ezekiel was saying to him.

Courtney walked a few seconds to try to warn them to go quickier to make the other teams pass or they possibly would be disqualified, but the talk of how the little boy was talking about the definition of courage by being contradictory by a coward dog… She couldn't help but also feel touched by wanting to know more about it. So Courtney remained nearby the cliff with the duo.

"Ever imagine if it was your loved one who was jumping off a cliff this high?" Ezekiel asked which made DJ stares at the situation widen open.

"Momma." DJ looked once again until he saw a hand being offered to him.

"Do you want to hold my hand while we jump together?" Ezekiel said which DJ was trembling, but reassuring himself by holding his hand.

"Okay, now let…" Ezekiel was almost convincing DJ to jump with him until he got surprised by strong hands holding his shorts.

"JUST GO YOU COWARDLY DOGS." Eva shouted until she pushed both boys towards the cliff.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Both DJ and Ezekiel screamed until they noticed a third voice shouting in fear which they have no idea who was until Ezekiel's eyes went wide open in such surprise. It was Courtney who also was falling with them and screaming in fear.

Ezekiel looked the view, and even if was the scariest butterflies on his stomach on that fall, he couldn't help but get amazed to see such a view of the fall, from the entire island, to even on the view of the safety zones approaching.

Instintictvelly the trio who were falling they decided to hold their legs with their hands, and take a deep breath doing a cannon ball. Which was enough to make a good solid dive on the water. Ezekiel who opened his eyes, noticed that DJ was was almost going in panic underwater, but seing Ezekiel doing a classic dog swimming, DJ did the same thing until the duo got out from the water.

"Ahhhhh." Both DJ and Ezekiel took a deep breath when they finally reached the surfice, both staring at each other in such frenetic rapid breath.

Until Ezekiel felt his face smiling widely, as he couldn't help but shout.

"WOOHOOOOOOOOOO. THAT WAS AWESOME." Ezekiel shouted as he never felt so alive, the adrenaline rush affecting all the parties of his body. And he felt so happy to doing a thing he never thought he was going to do it. Ever again. "DJ you did it."

"What?" DJ said confused as he was still feeling scariest as any kind of kid. But Ezekiel gave a tap on his back.

"You became courageous." Ezekiel said proudly but that made DJ stares at him like he was insane.

"We were pushed on the cliff. We didn't do it by our own decision." DJ said as he was stating a fact, but Ezekiel shook his head.

"The fact we survived. And we have to face our fears, even if we are scared as (beep) to accept and deal with the fear, even if was by accident. Makes us corageous." Ezekiel said proudly, which made DJ a bit happier. "Now let's get the boat and take our crate."

The duo was almost ready to get out, until a shout came when a person came out from the water.

"EVAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA." A female pure hatred shout from Courtney was enough to be heard, which made both boys flinch, as they saw the grey swimsuited girl stares angrily at the top of the cliff. "HOW DARE YOU TO DO THAT?"

Both DJ and Ezekiel stared at that scene, and decided that it wasn't their place to ask, and neither would like to risk their lives to try to understand what happened.

(Confession Eva)

"I was aiming to push both of the tiny bean and the coward giant, I didn't tought I pushed them so strong that I accidentally pushed the tan bossy girl as well." Eva commented as she stretched herself, which seemes to be a recording from the future. "But they survived. And maybe with that we can win the challenge."

Ezekiel and DJ helped Courtney get out from the boat, since the trio got together in their fall. And when they managed to get on the beach, it seems that each crate was important, and which one they shoult take for the challenge.

"Yes!" Harold cheered as he jumped down while doing the splits.

Which made the entire group of men felt the same pain just by seeing Harold hits the water, crotch first. And Bridgette and Courtney turn their face away from the view.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!" Harold shout was so loud that even the birds had to fly away from the terrible pain he was feeling. Even the sharks had to wince from seeing how the pain over the nerd also took over their own bodies, it was something difficult to watch. Even making the sharks acknowledge that they wouldn't have attacked him if he was outside of the safety area, since they were sharks, not monsters to attack a man who wanted to kill his future children.

Harold got out from the boat, which made the entire group try to help him, surprisingly after another pain shot in the nuts, the nerd seemed to be totally fine.

"Dude, does your crotch is made of steel?" Ezekiel asked which made everyone stares at him. "It's the second hit in the nuts you have, and you seemed to be totally fine."

Dunca, DJ and Geoff looked at Harold and they couldn't help but nod their heads towards him, someone hurting himself on the nuts twice on the same day, and still be fine? He wasn't normal.

Harold was about to reply when a shout came down with a jump of 3 people.

"Finally they are here. I was asking myself why they are taking so long." Courtney huffed angrily, until she noticed that Izzy didn't have jumped. "What happened?"

"One of the sisters complained so much that Chris got annoyed and asked who would want to exchange with Katie… And Izzy offered herself." Eva grunted as she noticed that her entire team was down.

Courtney stared angrily at the bodybuilder, but she countained herself, as she took a deep breath, and counted the group around her.

"Wait, there is all of us down here… So that means?" Bridgette analized the situation, which made Duncan grins.

"We have all the crates, and possibly won a perfect victory on the first phase of the challenge." Duncan declared which made the whole Killer Bass team cheers in a victory, which made Chris smiles by looking down.

"Well Goophers, it seems the Killer Bass team has 11 points which now you have two options. To all of you jump to make a tie, and unabling the Killer Bass to achieve the advantage for the next challenge. Or quit and leave the advantage to the team with the possibility of a victory on their hands?" Chris was enjoying the drama around, he could see the ratings getting up from the first episode. Having a touching scene being broken by the impatience of a team member, and also pushing another member which not just make the scene more dramatic, but also por pure coincidence made the team with almost a guarantee over the advantage for the prize.

"Nice! Okay guys." Trent spoke up as he turned to his teammates. "Who's up first?"

"I'm sorry." Heather said firmly as she crossed her arms and shook her head. "There's no way I'm doing this."

"Why not?" Beth asked looking slightly worried.

"Um, hello, national tv." Heather said as if the answer of the question was too obvious. "We already lose the challenge, I'm not going to get my hair wet for nothing."

"You're kidding right?" Gwen asked while looking at Heather in disbelief.

"If she's not doing it, I'm not doing it." Lindsy said as she and Heather smirked at each other.

"Oh you're doing it." Leshawna told Heather in aggressive tone as she got right into Heather's face.

"Say's who?" Heather crossed her arms and glared back Leshawna.

"Says me." Leshawna said back as she glared into Heather's eyes. "There is no way that I'm going to let them to have the advantage and lose the entire challenge 'cause you got your hair day, you spoiled little daddy's girl."

"Back off, ghetto-glamour, too-tight-pants-wearing, rap-star wannabe." Heather insulted Leshawna right back into her face.

"Mall-shopping, ponytail-wearing, teen-girl-reading,peeking in hight school prom queen." Leshawna replied as she didn't step down either.

"..." Heather then smirked after being in a moment of silence. "Well, at least I'm popular."

Everyone watching that flinched, knowing that the tension could be cut with a butter knife, and some was even enjoying such idea of a cat fight. Except the teenager handsome boy who preferred to stare to himself over his own mirror he brought with himself.

"Do you think anyone from the Goophers will jump?" Tyler asked to his team mates, after having a good time drying himself, from the water.

"That's clearly illogical. Since we have our entire team jumped… or specially pushed towards the water." Courtney commented and streeched herself, she was feeling sore from the fall she had over the cliff, and gave an indirect to the buffed woman who remained in silence and puting her clothes on. "We have total of 11 people who did this madness, there is no way that they would make everyone to go down here."

"Well, the less people they jump, the less crates they will have, so that would give us not just the advantage, but all the needed material around here." Geoff commented as he stared at the crates and every single one looked heavy. "Man, this things are heavy. Do you think they would give some sort of carriage for us to take this with us?"

"Possibly that would be the reward." Duncan logically agreed, since he just understood what kind of the challenges would be from now on. "Knowing Chris now, we already can say that he is a creatively sadistic bastard."

Duncan, Tyler and Courtney were debatting what possibly would be their victory, while a bit far away the woman body-builder Eva was focusing on getting ready herself, until she saw from the corner of her eyes, the boy who asked the favor before the jump, and a nervous giant Jamaican nearby him.

"Hmm. Eva." The boy called her, causing her to raise her eyebrow towards the duo. "I know Courtney must have lashed out at you for pushing her off the cliff… But I came here to thank you for your help. If wasn't for your help, we could possibly must have lost the first part of the challenge, and you have no idea we would need the advantage."

Eva remained in silence, until she finally could say her answer.

"Your welcome." Eva was direct with her reply, but then she turned her back and left the duo alone. But after nobody seeing her face, the cameras showed a good smirk of happiness on the way she helped her team to the possible victory.

DJ and Ezekiel shrugged as they went back towards the crew, Sadie and Katie were both being dorks together and having a good conversion between themselves. Harold and Geoff were still looking up to see if there was someone who actually would jump from the other team, and until then nothing must have happened.

"Did we took this long to jump?" Ezekiel asked to Bridgette who just used her hand to give a more or less feeling. He was about to ask another thing until… A shout loud enoug was enough to take the attention to all the basses to stare at the top of the cliff.

"YOU'RE JUMPING!" Leshawna yelled at Heather aggressively.

"MAKE ME!" Heather didn't realize her mistake until it was too late, since Leshawna took her entire body and launched the spoiled girl off of the cliff. Heather screamed with all her lungs until she got down into the water inside of the safety zone. At the moment she came off, Heather hatefully stared above the cliff. "LESHAWNA, YOU ARE SO DEAD!"

"Hey, I threw you into the safe zone, didn't I?" Leshawna yelled downed to Heather which made the entire group of Killer Bass stares at each and other.

"Do you think they will push each other to force themselves to tie against us?" Ezekiel walked towards Courtney and Bridgette who seemed to be thinking about the same question.

"Well at least we have the entire team down here, so maybe we have a chance." Bridgette tried to act positive, which made the homeschooled buy smile.

Then after the next second, Leshawna jumped herself over the cliff, which at the successful land over the safe zone with Heather.

Then Lindsay came down and waving her limbs around frantically as she fell down the cliff. Next was Gwen who also screamed as she fell to the water who was followed by Cody. And after him Izzy was laughing hysterically as she fell down the cliff. Enjoying the experience herself.

After Izzy came, Just confidently took a dive into the water, just for the fear of everyone he landed outside of the safe zone. Which everybody yelled at Justin to swim away from the sharks, until the impossible occurred. At the moment the sharks appeared near him, they stopped swimming until they saw the water dripping of his body and his sparking eyes and smile. Which made the sharks enamorated with the teenager and helped the handsome boy to pick him up and gave him a ride to the shore.

Everyone was slaw jacked about that.

"You are wrong Duncan. It wasn't the jocks." The delinquent turned his head when he saw the homeschooled boy looking surprised and also with a bit disappointment. "They always fell for the handsome guy."

Duncan recalled his quote over the afternoon and seeing the handsome boy smiling towards all the girls who were enamorated for the eye candy idol. Duncan slapped his forehead.

"Oh I will be dammed, I stand corrected." Duncan commented which he understood that it was always an unfair competition against someone who makes all the girls enamorated.

Beth stared at the cliff, and the heigh was too big for her, she was so afraid that she backed away.

"I can't do it." Beth said as she slumped down, which made Chris smiles at her.

"Afraid of heights?" Chris commented which made Beth nods at him. Chris smiled at her. "That's alright girl, unfortunately, that also makes you a chicken. So, you'll have to wear this for the rest of the day."

Beth stared at the moment he brought a box he was standing next and pulled out a rubber chicken hat and placed it on Beth's head.

"Really? Oh no." Beth discovered that now she messed up, and with Chris finally finding a chicken he decided to rubber salt on her wound.

"Bawk bawk bawk!" Chris mocked while doing a chicken dance before pointing to an escalator that was on the cliff for some reason. "That means the chicken path down is that-a-way."

Beth stared the entire team, even the ones who feel from the cliff.

"I'M SORRY!" Beth shouted as she decided to take the cowardly escalator way.

Leshawna, Heather and Lindsay stared towards above the clif.

"She didn't it." Leshawna looked in disbelief, while Heather and Lindsay couldn't help but scoff.

"That is, like, so lame, right?" The blonde girl asked to Heather who couldn't help but agreed in both anger and disgust.

"Fully lame." Heather commented, but still she saw Leshawna and Cody doing a dance chicken to mock Beth for being a coward, she couldn't help but snicker towards that attitude. The little farm girl cousted them the tie, and now the other team would have the advantage.

"So that means?" Harold noticed that one of the team chickened out, and he stared at the other boys of the Killer Bass team.

Duncan grinned and have his fist hiting his palm, showing a great victorious smile.

"WE WON" Ezekiel and Geoff shouted as Sadie and Katie cheered and screamed by jumping happily the results of their jump happily.

Courtney and Bridgette hugged happily, while Ezekiel, Duncan, Harold, DJ and Geoff shared high fives. The first day and the first phase of the challenge as their victory.

The screaming Goophers staring at the celebration, noticed that indeed they screwed up a good part of their chances.

Chris saw the celebration of the victory towards the Killer Bass team, so he decided to give a final warning towards the Screaming Goophers boys.

"You have a choice if you guys want to quit jumping right now, but knowing that each person who does that will have one less crate to help the team to build up the hot tube for the challenge. No pressure, guys." Chris commented until he saw the relieve on their faces. Until he snickered. "Okay, there's pressure!"

"Let's do this!" Trent passed by Owen and gave him a high five. Before jumping off the cliff and landing down in the safe zone. And after him Noah came by jumping off by himself.

"Ok campers!" Chris said to everyone down below with a megaphone, Owen standing by the edge of the cliff. "The Killer Bass won the first part of the challenge. But the Goophers has one last person to jump, and the more quantities of crates they have the better."

Down below, the Screaming Gophers were all shouting to the fat boy to jump the cliff, since they would need all the materials as possible to make the challenge.

"JUMP! JUMP! JUST DO IT, OWEN. DO IT!" Heather shouted between the group who was doing their best to convince Owen, since he was with fear, and doing his best to take a deep breath before strapping his floaties around his arm and backing away a bit to give himself a running start.

(Confession - Owen)

"Oh, I was pretty darn nervous." Owen gulped as he remembered the feeling on how it went before his jump. "See, the thing is, I'm not that strong as swimmer."

(Confession - Geoff)

"I'm looking at this guy and thinking, there's no way he's gonna make it." Geoff said while looking right at camera. He was telling in disbelief and confident with himself the possibility of the largest camper to die.

(Confession - Gwen)

"I actually thought, if he jumps this…" Gwen looked sadly and in concern at the camera showing that the possibility of the worst outcome for her teammate, until her cold nature came back again and with her sarcasm finish the sentence. "He's gonna die."

(Confession - Ezekiel)

"I'm calling right now… *whistle*" Ezekiel said as he raised one hand and let the near his lap. And like a cartoonish whistle while his raised hand was slowling moving towards his other hand until both where meet and then he raised both his arms widen open like a huge explosion arc. "SPLASH. OH (BEEP) GIANT WAVE… I wouldn't be surprised if one shark would be stuck in the tree.)

"Take a good run at it buddy." Chris encouraged Owen as the big guy turned around after getting enough distance. "You got this!"

"I'm going to die now." Owen said with a resolve, looking foward on where he was going to dive. "I'm going to freaking die now."

Owen stood frozen in place for him have the last final seconds to be in peace with himself, and be ready to give his jump. His entire team looked at him in anticipation.

"Come on, big guy." Leshawna said as she hoped that the last member of Screaming Goophers would actually jump. Hoping that he would work up the courage to jump.

Finally, Owen clenched his teeth and fists and narrowed his eyes at the edge of the cliff, so he gave a battle cry surprising Chris as he passed by the host who looked shocked to see him actually jumping.

"YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH." Owen shouted as he finally did it, which he could see the target on where he should aim. Trent and Noah were looking above them happily, until they realized that the big guy was going towards them like a meteor. And they realized on how screwed they were. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH CRAAAAAAAP."


At the moment Owen hit the water, it was like an explosion came towards in the air, with water reaching up almost halfway to the top of the cliff. When the water came back down, all the campers could be seen spread out throught the beach completely soaked. One shark was stuck on the beach, while the remaining one was holding itself on the tree nearby.

"Yes! Yeah!" Owen soon emerged from under the water and start pumping his fist in the air. "Oh, yeah! Who's the man?"

The entire group of Screaming Goophers cheered as the big guy managed to help them to have another crate on their teams. And even the screamer basses couldn't help but cheer up to Owen who managed to do the best dive from the day.

"Damn, this was much more fun." Ezekiel said as he now looked from another point of view, and actually being part of there, he never felt so awesome as Owen would have died if was a real world, but since it was the Total Drama universe. This was just the minimum of what would be a 8 weeks of pure madness…

"That was awesome!" Chris shouted with his megaphone, enjoying what would be the greatest first episode he ever created so far. "Now the winners! The killer Basses!"

The entire Bass team cheered as managed to see the biggest advantage they have now, the carts which would help them to travel faster to the next part of the challenge.

Trent got up on his boat but he was staring at the big guy who was looking around for something.

"What's wrong?" He asked which made Owen continued to looking throught the water around him.

"I, uh…" Owen awkwardly began. "Think lost my bathing suit."

He said loudly enough which made the entire group of the campers shows their remarks of disgust.

"Now Goophers, since you guys have 10 courageous people who survived on the jump. You can choose 10 crates. You never know what crate you could possibly have. So be prepare to adapt with what you have." Chris had his signature smirk as he approached towards the groaning team.

"Great." Heather was already with a few names on her mind on which person she should send home on the first day. While she would have preferred to lose by her choice itself, she went to the dammed water by force and yet she still lost the game.

(Confession - Heather)

"Knowing Chris now, we already can say that he is a creative sadistic bastard. So I know that in the future challenges in case I would be threatened to be eliminated I must have support of possible paws to help me to achieve the top three... But my question I wonder... Who is desperate enough to try everything to achieve my victory?"

Heather narrowed her eyes trying to find two perfect paws around her team, trying to verify who would be willing to follow her orders without any question. And by seeing a familiar chicken hat on the corner, Heather grinned.

"She is perfect." Heather commented, by walking slowly towards the farm girl who seemed to be disappointed with herself. While the other members of the Screaming Goophers are doing all the preparations to carry all their crates with their own hands. Heather already developed a great plan for her first paw. Coughing and trying to make her voice to show the utmost concern she called the farm girl who was feeling alone and outcasted. "Beth, are you okay?"

"Hu?" Beth looked around and found the black haired queen bee walking towards her. "Huh, hello Heather. Yeah, I'm doing fine. I'm just trying to have some time alone."

"Are you still upset because you have to give up from jumping?" Heather still tried to use her concern voice, and she smiled internally when she saw how vulnerable Beth was feeling on that moment. "If that would make you feel better, I also didn't want to jump from that heigh… I was forced by that brutus of Leshawna. So you don't need to be too harsh on yourself. You are not going to have my vote if we lose today."

"Really?" Beth asked in hopeful tone, which the queen bee nodded her head with all her sincerity.

"Of course? Our team was already fated to lose this challenge at the moment the other team jumped with all their members, some were even pushed against their will. But we are not like that. Don't worry, you will have my protection." Heather smiled kindly, which made the glass girl shows some tears of gratitude.

"Thank you Heather." Beth went and hugged the spoiled rich girl, which made her gulp her anger of being hugged by someone she doesn't like.

"That's fine. But now we must think of a plan. We cannot let you go away because of a choice you just had. For me you did the smartest decision." Heather gave a half compliment, which made Beth even happier. "So we need to find a way to make someone else to receive all the votes."

"But how can I avoid to being eliminated? Since most of people can possibly blame me if we lose this challenge." Beth sniffed, but tried to look hopefully to Heather, who just gave her signature smile.

"Not if you show your hard work. If they see you like a good prestative girl, willing to help. They will try to find another person to vote it out today. Don't worry, I have a plan. You just need to follow my orders, and I guarantee that you will be in the top 3 with me." Heather showed her determination and confidence to the little girl who just started looking up at her.

"Do you think so Heather? That would be so great, me and you as top 3." Beth was feeling excited, which Heather gave a smile but from the camera, they could see a smirk appearing on her face.

(Confession - Heather)

"Too easy, one down… one to go." Heather smiled as she placed her makeup on her face, and enjoying how she was having control over one of the competitors.

(Confession - Beth)

"I can't believe Heather is willing to help me out. She is so nice and great. She will save me from the problems I did today. I hope what she said is true… I don't want to go home soon." Beth smiled with hope in her eyes. Wanting so much to have a great friend by her side. "Wait, so that means Heather is my friend? THAT'S GREAT. MOM, I HAVE A NEW FRIEND."

"Heather, are you sure that carrying your crate will make the others fine of me helping you? Wouldn't that make them suspicious of you and have you to be possibly vote out from the show?" Beth asked worried, as she was doing her own best to push the crate. She was sweaty and already losing most part of her strenght while the black haired girl was using a finger nail polish to make herself more presentable on television.

"I know you are concern Beth. But you don't need to worry about me Beth, I have my ways to make sure to not be voted out today." Heather smiled trying to make sound that she was doing a favor for the poor farm girl. "Now if you excuse me, I will find a way to take you out from this situation. Now keep moving this crate. And make sure the others notice you are doing your best."

"I'm trying." Beth commented as she kept pushing the wooden crate, which was enough to make her walk around the others who were having the same difficulty.

Leaving Beth alone carrying her crate. Heather decided to act walk in the opposite direction, just for seeing most part of her team was having a terrible time using their own strength to keep moving the crates. A bit on the sidelines, the queen bee just found out a bunch of poison iv around the floor. Which gave some kind of an idea… But now she would just need a victim. From the time she was walking, it took a few minutes until she realized the 2 people having the most difficulty on moving their own heavy crates.

A skinny bookworm, who was sweating, but also having a long time complaining of every single effort he was doing on his place. And a very familiar blonde bombshell who was still trying to push her crate with extremely difficulty.

"Hmm… Hello scapegoat." Heather smiled as he approached the duo.

"AHHH." Lindsay shouted as she looked at her own fingernails. "I broke my nail, this day is the worst. Please someone take me from my suffering."

"Oh look at that, the little princess is having a problem outside from her castle?" The booksmart Noah sarcastically rolled his eyes, but still tried to figure out how to move the crate. "This crate weights appropriately 45 kilograms, so I would need to find a good way to move it, by probably making it as a backpack of sorts. But that doesn't seem plausible. If I use the elasticity effect, maybe I could move it in an one shot."

The mumblings around the bookworm wasn't something that interested to Heather, since she already gazed him as possibly her target, she just smiled and waved at the duo.

"Hello, I see that you guys are taking soo long." Heather tried to sound gentle, but then she narrowed her eyes. "I came here to say for you guys to hurry. You are way far behind."

"Ha, you asks like you had even lift your own crate. Please yoko, do me a favor and disappear, I'm going to do in my own speed." Noah wasn't going to buy it, knowing that Heather was planning something, he knew that he would probably be a target, but he need to be sure what would be her strategy. But she wasn't going to outsmart him… in the mind games, he was going to surpass that simpleton.

"Oh hey Melery. I'm still having problems to push this giant box. And now I just break a finger nail. It seems that this day couldn't get any worse." Lindsay said as she sighed already wanting the day would come to an end.

"Well, whatever I already said what I need to say. See you at the camp." Heather scoffed as she turned her back and turned to leave. And by walking a few meters away. It was the good time for she put her plan in action. "Yoko huh? Well, let's see if you are going to enjoy being the escapegoat you little insect?"

Heather stared at the bunch of Poison Ivis leaves over the ground, and by having a stick nearby her, she brought one of the leafs and placed calmly on the pourse she was using. Smiling evily, she was ready for the seat up of her strategy.

In the far ahead over the Scream Goophers side, the only people who was having a well managed way to carry their crates, was the group of boys Justin, Trent and Owen, while some who were pushing or even using ropes to help them to pull their crates with force was Izzy, Cody, Gwen and Leshawna. But still one girl who was wearing chicken hat, was sweating litters trying to keep up with everyone.

"Are you okay?" Cody asked as he wasn't also feeling alright after carrying his crate after so many minutes. "I thought you wouldn't need to carry a crate since you gave up jumping."

"I'm doing fine." Beth replied, as she tried to clean up her sweat, but her entire shirt and blouse were wet from all her sweat, and it wasn't helping her very much. "I need to carry this, and show that I can help... I don't want to go home."

"Woah, woah, woah. Take a deep breath..." Cody alarmed as he tried to help the farm girl into breathing deeply, to help her to calm her entire mind since she was too focused into trying to show her usefulness. "Calm down,"

Beth nodded her head, as her entire body was screaming for her to stop, since the crates seemed to be so heavy, and she didn't want to make the others lose because of her cowardy.

"Nobody is blaming you for giving up the challenge. The odds were already against us." Cody clarified, knowing that her entire situation was risky, and he didn't want to upset her by using the wrong words. "I mean, they really got lucky since one of their team pushed 3 of them at the same time. Can you imagine if some of them didn't actually was there when she pushed? We could have tied or even possibly won,"

"You really think so?"...

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." Suddenly a terrifying scream was enough to make the group nearby the shout stop carrying their crates by the surprise scared scream. Until the group look toward the voice until they found who was the person who was screaming. "My face, my wonderful and beautiful face...RUINED."

The entire group walked towards the model who was covering his face.

"What happened?"

"It seems that a fly just bit Justin in the eye while he was staring himself at the mirror." Trent said as he tried to see the damages done by the fly, and by seeing the eye starting to get red was already a bad signal. "This can't be good man, I recommend you go at the medic after we done the challenge."

"My beautiful face." Justin lamented as he couldn't even look at himself at the mirror. So he closed one of his eyes and gritted his teeth to continue carrying his crate and finish the challenge the fastest as possible to go take care of his beauty once again.

As the pass of the time, Chris as he promised, the Killer Bass were giving the carts which allowed them to easily pull their crates back on the camp. And that was something that literally raised the morals of the entire team. Since the entire team was in silence but walking happily with something which helped them towards their own crates.

Ezekiel recalled how happy the Screaming Goophers were since they won the challenge, they even had started to sing.

The team Killer Bass prefered to walk as the crew started to know more about each other. Since the duos for each cart was: Bridgette and Courtney, Harold and Tyler, Katie and Sadie, Eva holding a cart by herself, DJ and Ezekiel, and Duncan and Geoff. It was a great time to have a very good talk while on the trip towards the camp.

"Zeke?" A voice called which made the boy full dressed with his usual clothing and winter hat looks to his side, just to see the big jamaican gold heart boy looks at him. "Can I call you Zeke? I forgot if that was okay to say that. I'm sorry."

"Nah, that's fine. You are free to do it. So?" Ezekiel smiled as he knew that since everyone is happy carrying their own carts, everyone is having a way easier time in comparison to what have happened on the actual episode of the show.

"I must have said, that while it was one of the most terrifying things I ever experienced in my whole life. I'm glad you were by my side and decided to help me to try to jump. If I didn't have jumped we could have tied, and who knows what Chris must have done if it was tie." DJ was honest since he felt himself almost guilt for he couldn't have helped the whole team out. "And I still wish to learn more about the story of the coward dog you were telling me this morning."

Courtney who were in the cart in the front actually decided to listen too, since she was also a few fractions of second to have giving up from the challenge, but she got interested into hearing both boys talking about what would be possibly a fantasy story created by someone, and yet it made her got curious. And that curiosity caused the accident towards their victory over the show.

"Oh, you mean Courage? Sure, I have tons of stories of his legend. If you want I can share some with you before you go to sleep." Ezekiel smiled but then he saw the frown over the big jamaican and nearby him the group of boys started snickiring from the way he told. And that made Ezekiel looks confuse to them. "What's wrong?"

"You made it sound like a bedtime story." DJ asked as he pouted at him which made Ezekiel stop his track. "I'm not 8 years old."

"Yeah, want some warm milk before sleeping with that bedtime story?" Duncan made fun of it which made Ezekiel rolls his eyes at Geoff and Harold and Tyler snickering.

"Dude, Courage stories sometimes are hardcore and could even be described as horror stories but with most of them, if not all of them ends with a happy ending." Ezekiel explained which made Duncan raise his eyebrow and Courtney looked at her behind in surprise. DJ looked at Ezekiel horrified from the revelation but also relieved. "Trust me DJ, you can learn valuable lessons with those stories."

"Oh yeah? Then give me one example of a horror story then." Duncan made a challenge which the entire group of teenagers look at the homeschooled by waiting for his answer.

"Okay…" Ezekiel accepted the challenge, and thought dozens of episodes, and which one of them would have been unforgettable from how traumatic and yet interesting plot was ever done. Then he coughed is hand, and turned to the delinquent with nothing more than a dead eyes face a deep voice which surprised everyone. "Retuuuurn the slaaab."

Duncan felt shrives on his back from the way he said it. And the entire group remained in silence at the homeschooled boy. And Ezekiel decide to give a little hint on where the story will leads.

"It seems that I caught your attention. I may not have much time to explain until maybe a campfire, but I can give you guys the story of… Courage the Cowardly Dog against King's Ramses Curse." Ezekiel smiled, which made DJ gulped by knowing that it was a story that he would have a nightmare if he doesn't listen until the end. "In a farm, in the middle of Nowhere. There is a family of 3. The kindest old lady of the entire world, Muriel. Her husband: a grump, greedy and envious bald man with a hat named Eustace. And a little dog with Pink fur named Courage…"

And then the story has begun…

Heather passed a few minutes before returning in the direction she came, while she was in a hurry, she accidentally bumped herself over one of her own teammates, a skinny bookworm who was still forcing himself to carry a heavy crate.

The force of her bump was enough to make each of them fall over the floor. And at the time Heather got up she looked furious.

"Watch where you are going stupid." Heather snarked.

"For your information, I was going ahead, it was you who bumped behind me. You should give yourself an eye check." Noah rolled his eyes, not noticed something something being pushed inside of his T-shirt.

"Whatever, you have been a smartass for you own good way to many times. You better watch out book boy," Heather scoffed before glaring towards him with animosity, which leaves the sarcastic boy scoff at her.

"Gee, I'm really scared. Now if you excuse me, I have more things important to do, than lowering to your level." Noah rebuted, which made Heather's eyes twitch.

"Oh? Okay then." Heather narrowed her eyes and decided to ignores him and go towards the blonde bombshell. "Lindsay, it seems you are struggling a lot. Do you want me to help you to carry your crate?"

"Wow, would you really do that to help me?" Lindsay gasped as she looked surprised to see someone willing to help her to carry the heavy box on her hands. "Thank you, thank you. This has been a nightmare for me for so long."

"Don't worry about it." Heather smiled, knowing that her objective was accomplished. "Let's just hurry up and go after the others.

Heather gave a provoking smile towards the book boy, who just shrugged and ignored them both who quickly went faster by working together.

Leaving someone on behind, both Lindsay and Heather worked together for quickly comes nearby the group of Goophers who were still struggling to go in the direction of the camp.

"What took you so long?" Leshawna saw Heather approaching the group, but then she realized that the spoiled girl was actually helping someone with her own crate.

"I went far behind to help Lindsay to carry hers, what do you think?" Heather spat as she tried to hold the heavy box with the help of the blonde. Which Lindsay was still feeling tired for all that weight upon her. "The bookworm didn't want my help, so he said he would be fine."

"Well, that's actually considerate of you." Gwen asked with her eyebrows raised, but frowned when the queen bee scoffed at her.

"Please, I want to win this challenge, and if we lose because two people was far behind and unable to help us to make the hottube I would make their lives a true hell." Heather glared towards Leshawna and Gwen, but then decided to keep carrying the box with Lindsay, while all her team mates didn't know that she already placed to pieces around the game, and only the watchers would known the true scheme she developed around the game.

"And in the end… inside of the world renomaded museum. Eustace's voice screams could be heard from inside of the slab, as the final part of the curse by saying the constant nagging: WHAT IS YOUR OFFER?" Ezekiel finished which the whole group absorbed the entire story like sponge, and then Harold had to tell the truth.

"I have to go change my clothes when I get to the cabin." Harold said which made some of the campers look at Harold in disgust.

"I have too, that shit scared me good and I have forgoten to go to take a leak." Tyler commented as he was so fascinated and terrified of the story, that made Courtney and Bridgette to be away from them…

"Err… I also did in my pants." Katie said which made Sadie gasp in surprise.

"Yeah, me too." Sadie and Katie smiled to each other, while Courtney thought that her entire team must be fulfilled with bunch of weird people.

"Dude." Duncan whispered. "I have to say it would have been far more scarier if there was some gore or more scares. But that was indeed impressive and hardcore."

"I don't know what to say." DJ commented, he was trembling on his place, but holding his own fist tight. He was with mixed feelings. He was terrified of the story, he was happy that in the end Courage saved his whole family, many times… And he kinda felt cathartic since Eustace was a jerk and deserved the end he got.

"Yeah, and I have dozens of stories like that. Some are more beautiful with good messages, some are sad that would make you cry, and others are freaking terrifying." Ezekiel was proud into telling one classic story of one of his favorite shows of all time… Which he still feels the pain of being inside into a world where nobody ever heard about it, or a place that Cartoon Network never existed.

After more 5 minutes walking around they finally reached the place where they were supposed to be.

"Well we are finally here." Ezekiel said as the entire group of campers reached the middle of the camp. And from the confortable pace they walked by using the carts, it was clearly a good advantage from having more time to open the crates and develop a strategy to construct the new hot tube.

"Well, I don't see the other team nearby, how long do you think it will take for them to reach us?" Bridgette asked, making Courtney leave the cart, and walk towards to take off the crates from the cart.

"Depending from the speed we were walking, and with the possibility of them giving pauses to rest themselves before continuing to carry their crates? My guess would be 1 hour or 2." Courtney decided to take a wild guess, as she helped the surfist blonde to carry their crates and leave in the floor.

Harold tried to lift his own crate, but it was so heavy that he couldn't even life a single centimeter from the cart. Tyler who was on the other side, not seeing his teammate on the other side of the crate, he raised it with such speed and force that it hits Harold's chin, making his head raise from the impact and his body falls from the cart groaning in pain. Tyler looked around to see if he heard something, but then he just shrugged and launched one of the crates on the floor, not seeing that it was Harold's body who got smashed by the weight of the crate.

Geoff and Duncan snickered and ignored the poor nerd struggling to get out from the biggest wooden box above himself.

It didn't take long until the whole Killer Bass team to let all the crates on the floor. Which was in the right timing since Chris was smiling at them with his iconic smirk and sadism.

"Welcome at the camp Killer Bass, now that your whole team are here, I guess it's time for you open your crates." Chris decided to explain the next part of the challenge, making the whole group shrugged and place their hands over the crates. "Ah ah ah ah. You are not going to open your crates with your hands."

"Then genious, if we aren't opening the crates with our hands, how do you think we should do it then?" Duncan scoffed, like he found so absurd Chris was making them not opening their crates.

Chris smiled, and that smile was something that made the entire team Killer Bass team uneasy.

Confessional Duncan

"I remember the guard of the juvenile telling me that one day I would regret asking how I should do things... Mark, sorry for breaking your nose. You were right all along. (beep) dammit.

After what would be 10 minutes of pure strenght towards their teeth, as Chris smiled towards the camera.

"You must use your mouths to open your crates." Chris annunciated to the whole Killer Bass team, while every single one of them used all their strenght towards their mouths to be able to open every single crate they have. Chris looked towards the camera and made a whisper towards it with a wink. "I created this rule."

Every single crate was like a torture for each camper, who used all their strenght until every single one of them got opened.

"Ugh, I can feel the taste of wood in my mouth." Sadie commented while her own sister just gasped in surprise.

"Oh, me too, that's an awful taste." Katie also complained, which made the whole group roll their eyes, towards the duo.

"Yeah yeah, we know, every single one of us got taste of wood in the mouth. That's why all of us used our mouths to open the crates." Duncan said frustred, but then decided to examine the crate he had. "Huh, nice. Hey dudes, check this up."

Duncan showed the tools, as he pulled out the hammer, the pool liner. As Ezekiel opened his and showed a piece of paper and the motor and water filter. He then looked closely until his eyes went wide open.

"JACKPOT." Ezekiel shouted as he raised the piece of paper. "I got the instructions manual."

"Nice." The whole team smiled, now knowing that they wouldn't need to use their own minds to build the whole hot tube, and having the manual on their hands, the challenge would become far easier to deal on that moment.

"Great, let me have this so we can start building it." Courtney smiled as she already offered her hand to Ezekiel which he already gave the papers to her.

"Woah, woah, woah, calm down princess." Duncan said as he approached towards the duo with his unconformed situation, and from the nickname he gave towards the tan girl, he managed to annoy her sucessfully. "Who died and decided to put you in charge?"

"What did you just call me?" Courtney glared towards the delinquent, showing that she wasn't going to step down the rebelious attitude towards her .

"You heard me right, princess." Duncan smirked, knowing that he found a way to provoke the girl who was bossy towards the whole group.

"For your information. I'm the only one with C.I.T camping experience here. I'm the best possiblity to take the leadership and help this challenge." Courtney approached towards the delinquent, and she was ready to get into an argument... but at the moment they would raise their voices.

"What is C.I.T?" A single voice asked which made the duo stares on their side, and see the winter hat boyy looking at them confused.

"You kidding right?" Duncan asked, until he remembered the morning from what he was told in the boys' cabin. "Oh, right, you really don't know."

"What do you mean he doesn't know? Does he live under a rock for not knowing that?" Courtney said in disbelief, but what it shocked most was the fact that the person in front of her tilted his head.

"Actually, I was homeschooled in a farm." The sound of the inocence coming from Ezekiel indeed was enough to make the prideful C.I.T in training shut her mouth and taste it like she just managed to eat her whole foot. "I hope I haven't asking something which offends you. But initials usually makes me confuse, and I don't know what C.I.T means..."

Duncan smirked, by seing the girl who was bossy finally shutting up was a good way to have the control of everything, but then he realized that the whole team was nearby watching that scene.

"Is he telling the truth?" Eva asked, surprised to see the shrimp camper who asked her help didn't seemed to have any kind of interaction in a school.

"Yeah, from what he told us, he lived at a farm until now, and this show was the first time he had the oportunity to see outside." DJ nodded his head as he placed a good among of wood on the floor. "It was a shock to us since he was the one who was the most hyped and happy to be on here."

"Yeah, he got so impressed by my incredible skills." Harold said proudly, but then he remembered a bit of the pain over his crotch. "Well, I still need to train a bit more thought."

"But how that would work? He doesn't have someone like Katie to talk to him?" Sadie asked already showing her fear of not being able to have her sister and best friend on her side. Which was a terrifying experience to her.

"I would die if I didn't have Sadie on my side. How could he live on that way?" Katie agreed with her sister, which made Tyler facepalm. But managing to bring more materials and supplies for the hot tube.

"Guys." Geoff called the group around. "While I agree Ezekiel being homeschooled can be shocking for us. We have to focus the challenge."

"That's right," Courtney affirmed, nodding to the home-schooled boy. "C.I.T. specifically stands for 'Counselor-In-Training."

"Definitely 'in-training'," Duncan scoffed to the side.

Eyes narrowing, Courtney was about to rebuke the delinquent when Ezekiel snapped his fingers. "Ohhh, you mean that's like camp counselors from the movies?"

Courtney smiled as she turned to Ezekiel. "That's right. Counselors help the campers out with any problems they have, or if they need help."

She cast a side-eye at Duncan. "At least, with the people who admit they need help."

Duncan tsk'd. "Then you definitely need more training, if you think ordering people around makes you a counselor."

Courtney's jaw tightened, hands clenching into fists. Duncan simply rolled his eyes, amused at her anger. Ezekiel cringed at the animosity between the two but still put himself between them.

"Let's put this on the back-burner for now, okay? If we fight this out now, we'll only make it easier for the Gophers."

Courtney and Duncan's gazes met and though neither wanted to back down, Ezekiel's logic was sound. The home-schooled teen sighed with relief and turned to the rest of the Bass.

"So, what do you think we should do then?" Sadie spoke up, directing her question to Ezekiel.

He stopped in surprise at being addressed, mind already racing. Eyes flickering over the resources in front of them, a plan formed just as fast.

"Let's split into teams of two to work on each part of the hot tub. For example, me and DJ can hold the wood, you and Katie can bring water buckets, and maybe Bridget and Courtney could use the tools to fix the hot tub into place?"

The group thought it over.

"I'll take care of holding the wood in place," Eva declared. "Your arms wouldn't be able to take the strain."

"I'm pretty strong myself too! And we're gonna need muscle for this job!" Tyler declared, quickly sharing a bro-fist with Geoff.

"And that leaves me with the buckets and the twins. Could be worse." Duncan turned to the brunette, deep in thought. "Well, Counselor?"

"This… this is actually a very reasonable plan! Everyone is where their skillsets would suit them best and work with others!" Courtney's expression was open with surprise, but also relief that she hadn't been alone in planning this. She also didn't notice Duncan getting a peek at her expression with interest.

Ezekiel nodded with a thumbs up. "Then let's get to work!"

"So what about the remaining of the campers?" Katie decided to ask since the good part of the group would already be doing their parts of doing the hottub.

"Me, Harold and DJ will organize and sort the materials. Because that way we wouldn't need to be picking up randomly around the crates. And like a good jigsaw, we could place piece by piece until it's perfectly built." Ezekiel offered as he looked at both the blue shirt and green shirt guys walking nearby him.

"I like this idea. Also I bring many with me since my size will help to carry more material." DJ smiled as he already went toward the wood the other crates and started bringing the objects.

"I'm okay with that." Harold nodded his head, since it wouldn't need to be needing to make much effort, but doing a very good work together with the others will speed up the process perfectly.

"Perfect, now that everyone knows their positions focused on our skills this way we could end the challenge with a very good pace." Courtney never felt so relieved, seeming that the whole team organizing by itself indeed was a great way to start the challenge.

"ALRIGHT KILLER BASS, LET'S GO." Geoff was already excited and with a clap of hands the entire crew walked towards their stations and prepared the work.

"Finally we got here." Gwen said after reaching the camp with her teammates just for see what would be the killer Bass team already with a half hottube done. "Oh you gotta be kidding me."

"They are already with half done hottube?" Beth asked in worry since she saw the entire crew of Killer Bass working together by groups of duos, which the Screaming Goophers noticed that the entire team was using their own flow of work.

"Oh look at that, finally the Screaming Goophers arrieved the challenge. And with the other team half way done." Chris smirked which made most of the other team irks in anger.

"We know." The entire crew of screaming Goophers commented, which made Chris smiles even wider.

"Well, as the same way I explained the killer bass team, you guys must open the crates with nothing else than your own mouths." Chris got the satisfaction of seeing the anger and disbelief towards the whole participants who came with their crates with nothing else than exhaustion and impatience.

"I didn't come here to carry all this weight just for then use my mouth to open this stupid crate." Heather rolled her eyes, as both the goth girl and the big black woman stared at her uninpressed.

"That's that you didn't even lift a finger to carry your crate. You let someone else to take the crate for you." Gwen commented as she scoffed into knowing how terrible of a teammate the Heather is going to be.

"Oh hello? I went far behind to help Lindsay to carry her own crate." Heather then made a point which Lindsay was still feeling sore from carrying all that weight. Heather hated to be sweaty from all the walk just for the point to just open the crates with her mouth.

Before the group would even start get into a fight. They then heard chris coughing with his fist, which made everyone stares at him.

"Well, if you are not going to open the crates, then know that you are wasting your time, since the other team looks half way done and there just a few hours before the night and the challenge be concluded." Chris remained professional, not actually caring of the feelings of the other campers, since he usually liked the drama, but he wanted to make the others start the challenge the sooner as possible, because that way the show would must go on. "So you better hurry."

"Well guys, we have to start from somewhere." Trent decided to act as positive, and like Cody, Owen and Izzy, they decided to try to open the crates without complaining.

"If you guys want, you can use ropes to knot around the lid and then use your strength on your teeth to open the crate by pulling the rope." Izzy gave an idea as she tried to do the same. But would that be enough for them to accomplish in time?

"So that's how I managed to make part of the Kung Fu summer camp." Harold said as he managed to place another bunch of nails to DJ who was staring at him with wide eyes open.

"Dude, you went to 12 summer camps?" DJ asked in total disbelief, while Ezekiel stared at him with the utmost surprise.

"Yep, I learned a lot every single year. So I know that I can show a great bunch of skills around here." Harold said proudly as he puffed his chest.

"Well a true meaning of jack of all trades." Ezekiel said which made the brown haired nerd smile proudly. "But you know that jack off all trades is also the master of none."

And just like that his ego deflated.

"That wasn't actually bad Harold." Ezekiel said as he wanted to prove a point. "Jack of all trades is an awesome wildcard. Nobody knows what you can do next. And the no people knowing would be your best advantage."

"What do you mean by that?" Harold asked curious, while he still was upset of people saying he wasn't the master of his skills, being called a wildcard somehow still stroke his ego.

DJ nodded his head, and decided to explain.

"When you have skills that nobody knows from the other team, it means that you can surprise them all the time, so it's always good to not brag about the skills because you are also warning them of the potential defeat they are going to have." DJ choose his words carefully, but also confirmed with the homeschooled boy who nodded his head.

"Yeah, in the movies, guys who always brags themselves always has the biggest targets on their backs. So being a wildcard is awesome because if people don't know what you are going to do next. The next time you catch them by surprise, they wouldn't be able to defend." Ezekiel pointed out since he remembered that nobody likes much people who brags. But they always loves someone who surprises with unpredictable skills. "Being a wildcard is awesome, but you must know how and when to use the skills."

"Well, I can understand that." Harold nodded his head, as the trio carried more material for Eva who with all her strength remained in position and Tyler, even as he was physically adaptable was still having some struggles with his clumsy hands, but the fear by seeing Eva's anger eye made him remain on his spot rock solid.

"Do you need some water guys? I can try to bring something for you guys to drink." Ezekiel asked by seeing Tyler sweating bullets, and Eva remaining stoic but with good concentration.

Eva blinked her eyes, and with a nod she decided to acept the help.

"I accept it." Eva was using all her strength to remain with the same position for what would be like an hour, and even replacing every single wood to be sure to be stable was very difficult, and a good water would be appreciated on that moment.

"Can you bring me some too dude.?" Tyler asked which the homeschooled boy gave a thumbs up and proceed to tell DJ and Harold that he would be leaving.

By having Courtney and Bridgette using the tools, it each step of the hot tube was firmly constructed. Courtney smiled as she was seeing that everyone was working together by one simple objective. To win the first challenge.

"Courtney, let's prepare the stairs." Bridgette called the tan girl, which the C.I.T turned her head and saw Eva and Tyler already stretching themselves after a long time holding the wood. Seeing the hot tube looked solid, Sadie, Catie and Duncan started to bring the water by turns, which would help each of them to quickly place the water inside.

Harold and DJ, both helped out Geoff who was reading the instructions and placed the motor inside of the hottube and make sure that it remained well placed to make the hot tube start working.

"Alright. Team." Courtney clapped her hands as she saw Ezekiel coming with what would be bottles of water to help the team to refresh themselves. Taking one and offering a gratitude smile she looked at the entire team. "It looks perfect. We did it."

Each Killer Bass team enjoyed to see the results of their own teamworking, with a bottle of water in their hands. Since it was a good way to refresh themselves after an exhaustive challenge. Duncan and DJ gave high fives, while Katie and Sadie hugged themselves in victory on their hands.

Ezekiel being the last one with the water bottle, he gave a gulp as he cleaned up his own sweat. That day was indeed exhausting in many ways. But now, he came to a conclusion.

"Because of one accident… It lead us to the victory." Ezekiel whispered to himself, knowing that his entire being would be the actual change of the cannon, but for who would be the first to leave the show? He wouldn't dream to being on the fire, like the actual cannonic version of him did by being sexist and too naivy.

And the oposite side of the camp, there was the group of Goophers which while they were tired of pushing and carrying the crates. The group still worked together until they managed to make the whole hottub into a very good pace and time.

"Okay, it seems all the structure is halfway done. Now we just need to finish it and fill it with the water, and then place the motor to make it perfect it." Trent smiled as he saw every single one of the 10 members of the Screaming Goophers working together as one to try to win the challenge. Wait a second… wasn't them supposed to be 11? "Err… guys? Does anyone has seen Noah?"

"Oh you mean, Noir? I saw him scratching himself a lot behind us. I think he is still scratching himself." Lindsay blinked her eyes, and placed her finger on her lips trying to remember the details, and from the expression of everyone on the camp looking at her strangely, she couldn't help but ask. "What?"

"Great, now we have to go back, if he was still on the back, he must still have one crate with him. Why didn't you guys find out about it sooner?" Heather asked angrily as she was placing blame to Owen and Trent who were doing their best to avoid gazes with her.

"It seems that you are taking a bit of problem. WOAHHH, what happened to your eye?" Chris was happily approaching the Goophers until he found a deformation in one of the eyes of the handsome Justin who seemed still afflicted with his self image being damaged like that.

"Please, don't look at me, I'm a monster." Justin looked away, trying to look away from the camera.

"Justin got a fly hitting on his eye, and bite him. He still need to take care of it." Trent commented which made Chris nods his head towards him.

"Geee, I turned my back for a few hours and this is what happens…that's AWESOME." Chris smiled widely as he saw the closes the camera was giving towards the eye candy dismantle himself. "Anyway, I gotta say that your hottube is looking fine, but now that the Basses managed to finish theirs firstly, you have 20 minutes to finish yours or they win the challenge today."

Chris smiled as the groaning sound of the Goophers who seemed annoyed by the fact that their time is running out. And with that he moved his ATV in the direction of the beach trying to find the last camper and why it took him so long.

"Great. Now we better finish this before Chris comes back to end the challenge." Gwen pointed out, as the boys decided to go together to go after the skinny bookworm who was still far back. And the time of hours was getting shorter and shorter.

At the moment the group of boys ran in the direction towards on where the last camper was, they found something very confusing, the crate unmoved and Chris Maclaine on the floor laughing with his back on the sand. At the moment the group turned around to see in the water, there was a person who was taking a bath on the water. And surprisingly the same boy seemed to be with his entire body scratched with insufferable pain and torture itchy.

"What's going on?" Cody asked as he approached the boy, who was clearly annoyed by what happened.

"I tell you what happened. Toxicodendron Radicans is what happened." The skinny boy replied as he came outside of the water, while his entire body was red of all the scratches he gave to himself, and any kind of movement would be like a torture for him to move.

"Err… what?" Owen commented, which made the nerd boy rolls his eyes.

"Poison Ivy." Noah angrily stated as he even with all his pain, couldn't help but still scratch.

The boys gapped at Noah, not able to know what to do on that moment, but Chris was still laughing and having a great time.

"Hehehe, I can't believe that happened. Well gophers, you better hurry up, or you all are going to lose the challenge, and have to send someone home." Chris smirked as he could see the annoying look of the bookworm Noah.

"Dude, I think you should try to check it out later." Trent tried to make sure Noah would need some kind of help, but the annoying face from the bookworm it seems that the guy in front of him knew about that.

"I know, I specifically gave a note about my potencial allergies who can be fatal for me, but it seems nothing will change… Let's just go and end this challenge." Noah knew that something was up at the moment he found his back was itching, but then when he found a poison ivy leaf left on his t-shirt, he knew someone played him. And he just dropped his guard.

"So what do you think is going to happen now?" Dj asked after passing a good time watching the whole group of Goophers working together as they tried to finish the hottube the quickest as possible. Still failing to correct some little details from placing the wood into the wrong place, and at the same time fulfilling the inside of the said hottube.

"I don't know." Duncan shrugged, as he himself cleaned his own sweat from all the work the Killer Bass did in their own time.

"We did the best we could everyone." Courtney seeing that their hottube was actually perfect, she couldn't help but felt nervous and anxious but she tried to remain confident and show to the whole team of Basses that they did their best. "Everyone did their parts correctly, and while I believe there is a hight chance of unlikely them to win. We did a calculed risk."

Harold sat on the stairs while he gave himself inside of his own tiredness and sleepless. Ezekiel remained on his own spot, and while there is a high chance of their victory, his nervousness was so extreme, that he couldn't help it but scratch his hair.

The whole Killer Bass team, kept in their positions as they keep watching the Screaming Goophers doing their own work. Even if some of them went far back to recover one of the crates.

Now it was a matter of time, Katie and Sadie watched all the movement of the whole team approaching, as the final crate finally reached the camp.

"Quickly, before the time is over?" Trent commented, as the whole group of boys used their mouths to try to open the crate. And at the moment the entire group managed to open the crate… One unfortunate guest finally arrived again.

"Alright everyone, times to evaluate the hot tubes." Chris smiled as the entire group of Goophers stopped, and then noticed there was the most important part of the hot tube wasn't able to be accopled towards the wood… The motor which can make the water warm.

The look on the Goophers face was enough to make the Killer Bass has some kind of hope towards their victory.

As the moment Chris appeared in the middle between the hot tubs… It was the time…

Firstly he went in the direction of the Goopher's team, and gave a deep inspection… Trent, Beth, Leshawna was looking anxiously, while Noah was still scratching himself, Heather also had a bit of itchy towards in one of her hands, but she wasn't scratching for many obvious reasons.

Chris narrowed his eyes, and decided to click his tongue.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk. Well it looks solid. But the water could be warmer." Chris gave an impression of moving his hand to side to side, making the Goophers disappointed with themselves.

Chris turned his back and went in the direction of the Bass, and went to check every single detail. Bridgette, Geoff, DJ, Harold and Courtney, gulped their saliva as Chris narrowed his eyes and noticed the bubbles passing with the steam around the hot tub.

"This hottube looks sensational… It seems we already have a winner." Chris smiled as he looked both of the teams, until he raised his left arm raising in the direction of the bass. "The Killer Bass."

The moment Chris said their team name, all the Killer Bass team raised their arms in a happy cheer. They did it. While the Goophers couldn't help but feel disappointed with themselves.

"The Bass, you are safe from the elimination and you will be able to enjoy this awesome hottube for the rest of the summer, bonus." Chris pointed on the camera while the whole Killer Bass team couldn't help but give hugs and high fives to each other. Then Chris turned his head in disappointment towards the Goophers. "Goophers, what can I say? I wouldn't like to be in your place. After this disappointment, I will see you on the campfire this night."

"We did it guys." Geoff said it as raised his hand which every single member of the Bass gave a high five and got finally a bit of air to breath in relief. "We survived for 3 days."

Duncan and Eva grinned, DJ raised both of his fists in happy victory, Tyler tried to do a back flip, but ended up with his face planted on the ground. Ezekiel smiled in relief, Harold gave a victory pose by doing a karate kid parody. Courtney smiled proudly, Katie and Sadie hugged Brigdette who seemed to be also happy for their victory.

Heather looking towards the group, every single one of them seemed bothered for not being able to have the victory. Beth looked sadly that it was her fault for not being able to win the game and be free from the elimination. But even if her hand itching like a hell, Heather still have a plan in motion for make her have a solid position on the Goophers.

(Main Lodge)

The moment the group was back on the main lodge, Chef already prepared a porridge with unknown substances for them, but gladly Bridgette found something she could eat without knowing it was meat or something that looked like meat. Sometimes ignorance was a blessing in disguise.

The side of the bass had with the moral high, since they becomes the winners of the challenge by a perfect score, while the other side of the lodge, the Goophers were in silence staring towards their food.

"Well who do you think they will vote it off?" Katie asked to the Bass, and the only responde she received was a shrug from everyone of her table.

"We don't actually know. It can be possibly anyone." Courtney commented as she tried to eat the terrible food Chef did for them.

"Hello? We appreciate that if we decide this by ourselves, we don't want you basses interfering with our decisions." Heather called out the group since they were on the other side of the table.

"Pfff… I just wish that this Heather would leave this show the sooner as possible." Bridgette was already annoyed by how the other team nagging was consistently from the queen bee, and every single hour she was grateful of not being on the same team as her.

"Don't even try Bridgette, in television usually the villains always find a way to remain in the game until the final three." Ezekiel commented as he forced himself to eat his porridget, a disgusting food, but something he always wanted to have a taste just to see if was that terrible, he wasn't disappointed.

"Well at least I know someoneh as a faith in me. Especially the weirdo." Heather called them from the other side, which made Ezekiel notice something… And he wasn't the only one.

"Okay guys…" Courtney whispered as she called the entire group. "This is a terrible place to talk just between us with the whole Goophers hearing us… for us to have a good strategies for the next challenges, I think it would be for the best if we just find a place just for us to talk and be doing our meetings."

Ezekiel nodded his head, but then he noticed a point that he need to tell.

"I think that's a great idea, but just to make sure the show would approve, we must ask for some interns to actually place a camera on the same place for the watchers can see us talking and having our time over there. If public can see us talking, then I think Chris woud allow us to do that." Ezekiel pointed out, since many reality shows loved when teams have leaks over the public, while the groups plans around the game, the viewers always have the perspective of knowing the truth in every single day. Because the cameras.

As the ideas both made by Courtney and Ezekiel seemed really appealing, every single member of the group decided to give some idea for help themselves to find a place which can allow them to make their plans as a team while not being heard for unwanted people.

Like a personal place for the entire group chill, excluding their cabins since mostly of the time boys and girls cannot be at the said cabin, so creating somewhere for the Killer Basses would be a start of a big strategy which can probably will make a difference in the future. Nobody knows for sure.

As the Killer Basses moral seemed high from the ideas they are developing, the other side of main lodge, the Screaming Goophers seemed to still be tensed and with only one girl who seemed annoyed by having to hear the loudly happy team.

"Can you believe this group?" Heather commented, as she rolled her eyes annoyed by the group who couldn't stop talking about things that aren't their business.

"So who do we vote for anyway?" Beth gulped as she tried to go straight to the point, knowing that she possibly was on the possible way of elimination.

"Well I would vote in the white chick brat." Leshawna said as she pointed to the queen bee who narrowed her eyes dangerously.

"And why pray tell I should be voted off?" Heather crossed her arms knowing that she was already seeing a possible target in the future.

"I think at the moment you go away, everything will be calmer in our group." Leshawna didn't beat around the bush and stared angrily towards Heather.

"Well, I can say the same about you." Heather glared back as duo of angry girls was already to jump into each other's throaths.

"Guys I think we should be reasonable over about this issue of voting off." Trent tried to aplacate the fight between the girls, who seemed to cross their arms and huff away from each other.

"I don't know why this issue. It's obvious that we should vote for the one who couldn't jump over the first phase of the challenge." Noah as he was still recovering with his entire body being red from all the itchy and scratch he did on his entire body, acused the farm girl who was the primary reason of the team must have losed.

Beth wanted to protest and tried to open her mouth, but thankfully not just one, but 2 team mates managed to raised their heads towards the bookworm direction.

"Hey, even if she didn't jump, she managed to help to carry the entire crate quickly to the camp." Cody was the first who defended Beth, knowing that she literally did her best to make up from not jumping. "She helped all that she could."

"I have to agreed with the geek." Heather pointed out at the farm girl who seemed relieved of having a backup. "She not just carried my own crate, but she didn't complain it, and managed to do way faster than what you did, Mr. I got so itchy that I didn't carry my crate at all. We lost the second part of the challenge since your crate had the motor to make the hottube actually works."

Noah narrowed his eyes, something didn't ad up on that accusation, but still he gritted his teeth because of the itchy body he was having on that moment.

"So you are saying this my entire fault?" Noah asked which he was starting to get suspicious over the queen bee did something on him.

"Well duh, I offered my help to carry the crates, and you just dismissed me. It wasn't my fault since I helped Lindsay carry her own crate." Heather scoffed, while she hid one of her hands which the itchiness was starting to take the best of her, but she gritted her teeth, not wanting the boy in front of her notice that.

"So just because I was the last, and I didn't receive any help. I should be the first to be voted off?" Noah asked in disbelief, as he tried to look around to the entire group of Goophers who seemed to be unsure on what to do.

"Well that's obvious." Heather said as she mocked the bookworm. "In case future challenges would be more phisical, we would preffer a person who actually can carry things on their own.

"And in case of intelectual challenges? I know that I can outsmart any of you, from any possible inteligence challenge in the future." Noah rebuted but then he noticed something he understood and it was too late. He saw the afronted look from the other campers, while the queen bee seemed to be happy that her trap finally got him. "Oh crap."

Noah realized that he was being played all the time. And nothing he could say would avoid being voted off on the same day... he just lose.

Night has fallen on Camp Wawanakwa. All the members of The Screaming Goophers were sitting on the stumps at the campfire site with Chris in front of the metal barrel. Many members of the team looked at each other nervously, and not knowing which would happen next.

Noah knew that right now he must have fallen into a trap, and Beth gulped her saliva, as she hoped that someone who defended her would have helped her to not get voted off on this day.

"Screaming Goophers." Chris got everyones attention as he spoke in a serious tone. In Chri's hand was a plate holding 11 marshmallows. "Marshmallows represente a tasty treat that you enjoy roasting by the fire. At this camp, marshmallows represente life."

Gwen and Trent looked at each other, unsure on how the things would go after seeing that it could be anyone who could leave on that night.

"You've all cast your votes and made your decision." Chris said while holding up his plate of marshmallows. "There are only ten marshmallows on this plate. When I call your name come up and claim your marshmallow. The camper who does not receive a marshmallow tonight must immediately return to the dock of shame to catch the boat of losers. That means you're out of the contest and you can't come back… ever."

Most of the Screaming Goophers tensed up as Chris said that. "The first marshmallow goes to… Owen." Owen smiled gave a big smile as he walked up to Chris who pierced a marshmallow onto the party dudes stick.

"YEAH BABY." Owen cheered as he was pretty happy to be safe on that time. Chris enjoying the tension decided to continue saying the names.

"Trent, Gwen, Cody, Leshawna." Chris called out the next four who were all happy and walked up to Chris with sticks with the host attaching marshmallows to them.

"Justin, Izzy, Lindsay, Heather." Chris called the next four campers who eagerly went to get their marshmallows.

And just like that, there was left only one marshmallow. And two campers. Beth and Noah.

"Campers, this is the final marshmallow of the evening." Chris said which made both Beth and Noah incredibly tensed up. The farm girl's face started to sweat as her heart was racing like a speed of a car, while the bookworm was indeed worried, specially with this itchiness still taking better of him, he couldn't help but to continue scratching himself on that moment. Chris rose his hand up causing both of the remaining campers to drop their sticks as both their eyes focused on who the host would point at.

After what would be like an eternity, Chris was enjoying the suspense he was creating until he decided it was enough to mess around with the campers.

"Beth." Beth didn't believed at the moment she was called, but she smiled so widely that she actually jumped from her place and quickly grabbed her stick and went to go to get her marshmallow as Noah discovered the reason of why he was leaving, until he saw something…

Heather was scratching her hand, as her own hand was starting to become red.

Noah's eyes went wide open until he discovered all the pieces of the puzzle.

"You…" Noah said as he narrowed his eyes, earning a smirk from the queen bee while the whole group have no idea of what happened. "You know what? see if I care. Good luck because it seems I was her first victim… well played…let's see if you are able to do that with everyone from now on."

The whole screaming Goophers looked at each other trying to understand his words, while Heather smirked and rolled her eyes. She managed to have a loyal pawn, and that was what matter.

Noah took his own things and walked to the dock of shame and stepped into the boat before leaving the place.

"I can't say I was outsmarted, but they just lost the one with brains on the team… But I swear that this is going to have a payback… you just messed with someone who actually thinks Heather… You better hope I don't have a chance to get you back, because if I do… you are going to regret to ever mess with me." The bookworm said to himself as the boat drove him away to the unknown.

Chris watching Noah leaving the island, couldn't help but say to the rest of the team.

"The rest of you, enjoy your marshmallows." Chris told the remaining member of the Screaming Goophers as they started to roast their marshmallows over the fire. "You're all safe… for tonight."

(Outside of the camp)

Ezekiel finally got out from his cabin, while he was using his usual shorts that he used to jump from the cliff, and now that he walked towards the only thing that he never thought he ever had an opportunity to actually get inside of a hottube.

He usually always saw it in the movies or even in the cartoons, and now it was the first time he was actually going to enjoy a hottube with the other winners of the Killer Bass.

"I wanted to make almost equal like the first episode, with only a tie to make sure that we wouldn't lose badly… but who knew that by an accident we actually won the whole challenge and we have our own hottube. " Ezequiel smiled, as he pondered on how the cannon was screwed up because he refused to follow the example of the cannon Ezekiel who was voted off by his terrible mistake… It was lucky that Eva managed to launch him, DJ and even Courtney over the cliff… It was a reason for what he should be grateful.

"Hey Zeke, are you going to get inside of the hottube too?" Suddenly a voice came nearby him, and it was Geoff who firstly called him by a nickname like that.

"Yeah, it's actually the first time I ever got inside of a hotube, so I'm actually nervous and excited." Ezekiel couldn't help, but he was telling the truth since he never in both his lives would ever got inside of a hottube like that.

"Duuuuude, we need to make you get out more often of your farm." Geoff whistled… now knowing that it was time to show the ways of the party for the smallest boy of the island. "Well, since is your first time, why don't you take the honors?"

"Really? Are you sure?" Ezekiel looked surprised, but seeing the big smile of the hat party boy, Ezekiel didn't think twice. "Alright."

And from going slowly, the homeschooled boy never thought he would have an experience like that, enjoying for the first time something he always saw on the television… And since the start of his first day… He never thought that he would both loves and hates the experience he had today. It was a pure addiction of adrenaline with causes and consequences. One thing was from watching on television and knowing they were cartoon… Other thing was about they live on the island and knows that indeed all of this was real and you have to survive and play the game until you become the winner.

But still… Ezekiel never felt so alive than that moment… And seeing the teams approaching him for cheer their victory with him… He can say… it was the best day of his life.

Chapter 3: Interlude 1

Chapter Text


(Outside of the camp)

The party around the hot tube was something that never showed much around the final scene of episode two of Total Drama, Ezekiel always remembered the final scene of the Screaming Gophers cheering among themselves before doing a celebration dance in front of the Killer Bass. In the end, Courtney made a vote to show her competitive side.

Normally people would think the Killer Bass would have done the same thing... But the truth was something surprisingly different. And Ezekiel was the first difference when it came to entering the inside of the hot tube.

"Okay, here I go." Ezekiel slowly went after he placed his foot inside the hot tube, and never did he feel so surprised to feel the warm water hitting him in the middle of the night. From both lives, he wasn't someone who had the luxury of diving himself into furniture like that, a product that usually would be thousands of Dollars. "Ohhhh God, that was sooooo good."

Ezekiel felt the wave of bubbles around his body, and his entire body relaxed, like releasing a pressure that he never thought he had during all these years. And especially on that day.

In the next second, Courtney and Bridgette walked towards the hot tube and one by one they went inside it, and from their reaction, they seemed equally pleased as the farm homeschooled boy.

"Ahhhhhhh." Both Bridgette and Courtney sighed in relief while Ezekiel slowly placed his head towards the water. And the trio enjoyed the good warm water around their bodies, until DJ came next which ended with the giant Jamaican finally getting a well-deserved moment with himself after a full terrible day. "Damn, that's so good."

Ezekiel got out of the water, and gave a satisfied sigh, with all his hair wet from the warm embrace of water around his body, and the relaxing massage the bubbles were doing towards his being.

"Well said DJ. This is the dream." Ezekiel remembered a good series's quotes he watched and he couldn't agree more on saying it. The giant nearby couldn't help but nod his head. "Man, who knew today we would have a hot tube?"

DJ smiled since he remembered that he asked himself about the hot tube over the morning at the start of the show. And now it seemed that everything was so peaceful around, it was a blessing in disguise. The girls remained quiet and enjoyed a good time relaxing over the sound of the hot tube doing their massage. Courtney couldn't help but be happy.

"I'm glad that this nightmare is over, and we have a good time to enjoy this until the end of the show." Courtney smiled as their prize was now being treated as a good bonus.

"Move over." Then a grumpy voice was enough to make the group look at the bulk woman Eva with her swimsuit walking towards angrily at the hot tube.

At the moment Courtney was going to protest, Ezekiel already gave a good space to let her pass.

"Hey Eva, over here." Ezekiel smiled as he pointed at the space in which the bulked woman angrily got inside of the hot tube. But at the moment she felt the warmth of the water and a good massage, the right position of the bulker woman, finally gave a good, well-relaxed hum...

She didn't let out a sigh of relief, but the humming of her tone, as she closed her eyes, was enough for the group to see that she was enjoying herself.

"Hey Eva, thanks again for the help. Can you believe it? We won a perfect win since we didn't have anybody quitting. While it was an accident, a misfortune managed us to win an awesome prize." Ezekiel indeed showed good positive vibes while Courtney glared at the bulker. Ezekiel noticed that and decided to help to make amends. "While I don't think Eva is going to apologize, better we leave this accident in the past and focus on what we did this afternoon. We worked well together."

Courtney frowned...but sighing she accepted that it was the truth, it was a good outcome since nobody quit on the jump. And even if she despised Eva at that moment, the time Eva held the wood for like an hour without complaining was something admirable for someone so committed to winning, just like her.

"I hate to say it, but you are right." Courtney accepted the facts as the way it is, the ends justify the means on that day. "And as a member of this team, I thank you for your cooperation, Eva."

At the moment she said it, the group waited for the reaction of the built weightier woman who seemed to be with her eyes closed and deeply silent. It took 10 seconds, and Courtney was getting frustrated and was ready to discuss with the bodybuilder. But then something surprised them...

"Zzzzz."The anger problemed girl, who seemed to be always mad and ready to break everything, was just sitting on the hot tube... sleeping.

"Oh." Courtney looked surprised, as DJ and Bridgette looked closer at her who seemed to be so serious, even in sleeping, but her body seemed more relaxed.

"Wow, she must have done everything she could today, and now her body finally gave in to all the effort she made today." Bridgette noticed as he could see that for someone constantly using her body to hold the wood, she indeed gave 100% of herself.

"It seems so..." Courtney, from being outraged, actually smiled at that, noticing that everyone did their best on the challenge, and she even giggled from seeing that. "From seeing a fearing beast to acting like a docile sleepy animal, was something new to see."

Ezekiel also noticed Eva did the best she could to help the team win, so he also found it necessary to say.

"Have a well-deserved rest, Eva, you became the MVP of this challenge," Ezekiel said, which made the whole group on the hot tube stare at him surprised.

"MVP, you mean the most valuable player?" DJ asked and Ezekiel smiled in response, while the group seemed uncertain of if that was true.

"Well, I wouldn't agree that Eva was the most important participant in this challenge, but I can't deny that she helped us to win," Courtney said while not agreeing because of her pride, which made Ezekiel have a good idea.

"What about we make 3 MVPs of each challenge, this way we don't say which one was the best, but we can make the other 2 members also the best which would show an appreciation of the team," Ezekiel suggested that that way it wouldn't create jealousy since it was 3 which would be the top, so that way everyone would have the same chance of being the best of the said challenges.

"Well, that's not a bad idea actually, and since you already pointed out that Eva was one of the MVPs we can try to decide with the group which other ones were the most valuable of the challenges today." Courtney nodded her head, since that way, it would show that she also did a good way of pointing at herself, but she didn't want to express herself like that. But also it got her another person in mind. "Like you Ezekiel."

"What? Me?" Ezekiel blinked, He was really surprised by such a statement from the C.I.T. girl who nodded her head, but also the group around nodded in agreement.

"Yeah man, you tried your best to help me to overcome my fear of heights, and it allowed me to Eva push us to the safety zone." DJ pointed out which made not just Ezekiel surprised, but also Bridgette continued.

"You also gave a very good idea into how we should organize ourselves and helped Courtney to plan for how to make the hot tube we are using now." Bridgette also made a good point.

"And to be fair, even when you finished your job, you also wanted to help everyone by carrying water and giving to each of us and supporting us," Courtney concluded which made Ezekiel happy for them thinking so highly of him.

"Wow, I don't know what to say." Ezekiel was touched by the sincerity of his team, and knowing that even if it was a reality show, he could see that one of his most desirable objectives in life was being fulfilled, he was starting to have friends. "I thank this title to everyone, we won together, and because of this, we have this hot tube until the end of the show."

"So now that we have 2 MVPs we have one spot for one more. So who do you guys think we should make the MVP?" Bridgette asked as the entire group started to ponder, but then a voice from behind her surprised everyone.

"My vote is on the princess." Duncan was listening to the entire conversation and to the surprise of everyone, he wanted Courtney to also be MVP. He then explained. "While we have a lot of disadvantages, I saw how relieved you were when someone else offered help and you decided to accept the role as co-leader. You wanted to be a leader but also wanted people to help you out. I won't say that you aren't bossy... but from what I see, you are kinda a leader in training when you want to step down and help others behind the curtains."

"I also vote for Courtney." Ezekiel agreed before even Courtney realized that Duncan provoked her, but also gave his honest opinion on how she helped the team, even working at a terrible start, she still acted like she needed to learn how to be a leader, and she was willing to help, and step down to help the others indeed improved the opinion of the delinquent. Ezekiel knows that she is a very competitive character, but he knows that sometimes Courtney's heart is in the right place... So Ezekiel wants her to remain like that.

Courtney remained quiet, as she was both proud of herself, but also happy from the said compliment... even if was half-hearted and annoying for a delinquent, still, it still made her happy.

"Well, I would have preferred to vote myself as MVP because of my awesome skills." Harold gloated himself, while the entire group of boys rolled his eyes. Even Ezekiel.

"Well, if you mean giving a split while diving in a full water of sharks and hitting crotch first, then yes, it was an amazing skill." Ezekiel decided to say which Harold winced still remembering the pain. Which Ezekiel also added. "Man, I don't know if you want to have kids, but if you keep hitting yourself like that, there is no way you will have one in the future."

DJ and Geoff winced as they couldn't help but agree with the homeschooled boy.

"Or if he is a masochist and he is into that." Duncan decided to also raise another point, which made the entire group of boys stare at Harold in alarm, and the nerd blushed and angry in alarm.

"NO, NO, I'm not a masochist." Harold decided to defend himself. "I wasn't able to protect it, and accidents like that happen all the time."

"Yeah, but I think you should be more aware and protect that part because while you are not MVP today, we know that you can always take the hit, and you have our sympathies," Ezekiel commented that Duncan, Geoff, and DJ lowered their heads as the way to say their prayers towards the fallen soldier who was being beaten without mercy...

"AMEM." The group of boys said it, while Harold stared at them like they were a bunch of crazy people.

"Whatever, when are you guys going to leave?" Harold decided to ask impatiently, but then a groaning from the bulk woman was enough to make him shut down, like the entire group of Killer Bass.

"Shhhhhush." The group on the hot tub shushed the nerd who nodded his head. Courtney gave a glimpse around and saw that everyone wanted to take a turn.

"Maybe we can do change in turns," Courtney suggested that it should be fair to everyone to be able to enjoy the warm hot tube.

"Yeah, but the question we should think of is, should we do it in 30 to 30 minutes or 1 hour to 1 hour?" Ezekiel gave a question that made Courtney think about it and then glanced at the group outside of the hot tube. Which was good enough to make the others look at themselves and come to a decision.

"Well, I wouldn't mind waiting for 1 hour, as long as I would also have 1 hour." Harold accepted, which Duncan just shrugged.

"Yeah, me and Katie would enjoy a very good time enjoying 1 hour." Sadie smiled, as Katie did the same thing. Since everybody would have time to enjoy the hot tub in groups, that would be the perfect opportunity for everyone to have a great time.

"Well but who will go to wake Eva when the one hour is over?" DJ asked which made the entire group look at the female bodybuilder in peace with herself.

"Usually the person who asks this question would be the one who suggested himself," Ezekiel said which made DJ gasp in fear, but Ezekiel raised his hand. "But I think for the sake of our safety and our hot tub... We should not wake her up, and leave her be until she wakes up and decides to leave by herself."

The group looked at each other and seeing that it would be for the best if they did that, they nodded their heads satisfied with the suggestion, and DJ could finally breathe in relief. Now learning that he should be aware of what he is going to ask in the future.

"Well then, by the way, we brought some juice boxes, want to take some?" Geoff was holding a tray with his carefree nature since the entire group was actually with a weight off their shoulders, and the dynamic of the entire group seemed more friendlier than the morning.

After a few rounds of juice box, and a good time relaxing on the hot tube, the silence was comfortable, and the sunset was enough to show that sooner or later, the Screaming Gophers would suffer their first elimination, but from the time the Gophers were voting against themselves. The Killer Bass was enjoying a good time with a good topic on the first day.

"So I have something bothering me during all this morning." Ezekiel decided since everyone was around the Hot Tube, the farm boy decided to be sincere in the way he wanted to know more about his team. "You all guys seemed disappointed to be here on this island in the first place... Didn't you know that we would be in a summer camp reality show?"

"Wait, you know?" DJ asked as he looked at Ezekiel who nodded his head. The entire team of Killer Bass looked at him with his eyes wide open.

"Yeah, it was on the fine print of the contract." Ezekiel shrugged which made the entire group look at him in disbelief. "I mean, heck if you guys have watched my video presentation you guys would be scared of how committed I was when it comes to coming to participate in this show."

"Wait..." Of all the people who interrupted Ezekiel, Courtney was the first who managed to say it. "Does the contract have a fine print?"

"Yes... I mean, if sometimes I have to achieve my dreams, I have to be aware of all the contracts I'm going to sign..." Ezekiel justified which made the entire team tilt their heads, and leaving Ezekiel gave more awareness over the group. "Let me give one example, did you know that if at the end of this season, the winner of the show managed to be a no-winner, we are obligated to participate in season 2 automatically?"

"WAIT WHAT?" The entire group shouted, which made Eva roar in anger while she remained asleep, which made the entire group freeze until the silence was enough to make the female sportist go back to her dreams.

"Shhhhhhh." Ezekiel shushed the entire Killer Bass team, which made them more aware to listen to him. "It was in the fine print of the possibility that if Total Drama Island became a success but at the end of the show we don't have a winner... we would go into season 2 which they are going to create almost immediately while making us participate again."

The silence answered the question of Ezekiel which he facepalmed himself. But it wasn't a surprise for him, since it indeed would cause terrible results and outcomes later, but maybe after warning them now, it would also prepare them for what was going to happen in the future.

"Well so that means that the more time I pass here, it means that I can pass time on probation, so when the possible season 2 is over, that means that I would be out of Juvenile, so that's an advantage for me." Duncan grinned excitedly now knowing that if he wasn't going to win, that meant that he would try to make sure the winner would lose so that meant more time outside of the juvie.

"So that means that independent if we win or not, we would have a second chance in season two and still become famous," Katie asked hopefully which made Ezekiel nod to her, and Sadie was squeaking in happiness, which everyone was so ready to be part of the show.

"Wow, I never thought we would have a possibility like that, was that everything on the contract?" Bridgette asked which made the homeschooled boy nod towards her. "You are the first person who reads the entire contract."

"You must be crazy to even try your chances, even after reading the entire contract," Duncan asked ironically but Ezekiel shrugged.

"I'm a homeschooled boy who never had a life outside of the farm, with a desperation of having friends and finding a way to make my dreams true... Like I said this morning... I'm having the time of my life here." Ezekiel even as he looked more like a kid than a teenager, actually showed a very good perception of himself that made the entire group in silence.

"Sorry to bother asking dude, but you said fulfilling your dreams, but what is the dream you have?" Tyler asked as he approached the hot tube, and Ezekiel smiled at him.

"Well... I'm writing a few book projects... so my dream would be to publish some of them and be recognized as a good writer." Ezekiel smiled as he told the entire group that every single one of them now looked interested in the boy. "Yeah, I even have some chapters on my computer at home, and a few chapters of my projects like Steven Universe, Adventure Time..."Ezekiel gave a good pause but then grinned at the next bomb which would surprise everyone. "Courage the Cowardly dog."

"What?" The entire group said in surprise and unison, which made Ezekiel proud of himself for making the entire group know the first taste of what would be the well-developed story he told them that morning.

"You created Courage the Cowardly Dog?" DJ became not just scared but also awestruck to have met the story he heard on that morning and the inspiring character he listened about being courageous even as the cowardly he would be, was a story created by the same person who told him that?

"Now that you told, it makes sense." Duncan nodded his head. "Usually I hear many horror stories, not even in my right mind or during my time in Juvenile. I heard about the curse of an Egyptian who would use locusts to kill people... Well done kiddo."

"Oh that's nothing... If I wanted to make you cry in sadness, I would have told the story of Courage the Cowardly Dog and the Tower of Doctor Zalost. I made my dad cry hearing that story, with both happiness and sadness at the same time." Ezekiel smiled since he knew some of the most wholesome and yet some of the saddest episodes of his favorite show, and creating them on paper would still be enough to make people feel heartfelt... he would just need to have the right music and then everything would be perfect.

"Duuuude." Geoff said as he was aware that the girls now seemed interested in hearing something about that since crazy mopping stories were something that girls usually would like, maybe even him sometimes. He isn't going to admit it in front of everyone, but he will remind himself to give it a try to read that story.

"Pfff, pass." Duncan rolled his eyes, not wanting to give a chance to hear any sobbing ridiculous story, even if a part of him would be curious about that.

"Well suit yourselves. For Courage it doesn't need to be a chronological story... unless it is after he meets his most iconic villains, each of them has their uniqueness and I know many would love to be surprised by their appearances." Ezekiel recalled how creative the ideas of Katz, Le Quaq, Fred, The Big Toe, and Cajun Fox were. Heck some of them were even his favorites in childhood.

"That sounds interesting Ezekiel, and did you create other stories as well just to publish?" Bridgette asked as she remembered there were other two kinds of stories that she heard coming from him. "Something about Universe, and Adventure time?"

"Yeah, Steven Universe I'm still working on the chapters and probably I think it will be the first book I want to publish," Ezekiel replied as he understood her confusion, and to be honest with himself, he wanted so much to write all the seasons the same as the cannon, but with some differences trying to avoid some of the failed attempts of episodes which ended in backlash. "I have written 11 chapters so far, and I think that if I time my time right, I can have the whole draft of the book finished by the end of this show."

"Ohhhhhh." Katie and Sadie said in interest, as she was feeling excited to see what the book would be about, but then Ezekiel decided to change the topic.

"Well, while you guys are interested in knowing what I would do with 100 thousand dollars, I'm also interested in knowing what you guys would do with the same money." Ezekiel may have watched the whole characters all the time doing such crazy challenges, and he knew what the 2 of them would do if they managed to win. Owen would throw an awesome party while his mother created a heavy expensive buy for cheese, and Gwen would focus on her studies in college, which would have been a great idea in some cases, but he would have loved to know what would happen with them in the future.

"Well if I win this season, I know I would pay my bail to get out from the juvenile, and if I have some money, I would buy some awesome stuff like a new house for me to have my independence." Duncan smiled proudly since he already had a good idea of what to do with his life.

"Are you for real?" Courtney asked as she looked at him in disbelief. "While I think that's reasonable for you to pay for your bail to get out from the juvenile, a house isn't cheap to afford, you would be out of money so quickly that you would need to find other ways to find money, and possibly end up in juvenile again."

"Oh yeah? So what would you spend the money on the princess?" Duncan said as he smiled at seeing that the nickname he created for her, irked her in ways never imagined.

"First off, stop calling me princess. Second, I would use my money as part of investing in my studies as I would try to pay for my Lawyering School, and I would also make some investments towards a good way to return and make the money work for me." Courtney said that she had plans for how she wanted to win a good part of the money, but she also noticed Ezekiel looked at her. "What?"

"Ohhh, sorry, it's just... I didn't think that you wanted to be a lawyer." Ezekiel confessed which made her narrow her eyes to him. "It's just, we aren't here just for the money, we also wanted to have a part of fame and be famous among the public as well, and to see a contestant who was famous become a lawyer would be like..."

"A 180-degree shift?" Geoff commented which made Ezekiel snap his fingers.

"Yeah, that." Ezekiel smiled as he clearly showed his points towards Courtney and made her realize where he was going.

"You may have a point, but to be a lawyer isn't as simple as you think. Sometimes any publicity would be good publicity, so if I worked on my studies and presented myself as the winner of this show, everyone would know that I would be a successful winner of the show, but also a lawyer, and when people would try to find a lawyer and would hear my name, they would be related that I'm both of them, and I wouldn't need to pay a lot my publishment." Courtney said as she explained her way she could use the fame in her way, which made Ezekiel open his mouth in understanding.

"Oh, so that means that if you win. I know the first person I would call if I got in trouble." Duncan teased, which made the C.U.T off while she rolled her eyes.

"Don't get over your head, when I get the case I'm going for the win, so you better have good money to pay me, because I will not take cheap cases that would end up in failures." Courtney jokingly played which made the others around the group look at her in surprise, maybe it was the free stress from the day or even the hot tube, but Courtney was also more playful with her team, which was also a great time.

The group stayed in silence for a while, until DJ reflected a bit and decided to tell his dream.

"Well, I always have a dream about creating a franchise of restaurants and working together with my momma, her cooking is always divine and she always does her recipes with love." DJ always has been proud of his mom, he always tried to be kind and sincere and he wanted to make himself and his mom successful.

"Really? I think Chef needs to learn a thing or two with your momma." Tyler decided to make such a joke which created a few chuckles around the group.

"I hope he doesn't watch the episode, because if he does then my friend you are screwed when he gets you." Ezekiel knows the full capabilities of a chef, he knows how to cook well, and he is a full military veteran, so he is giving garbage to them for one simple reason... Still, it was so funny to see the jock realize his mistake when his entire face got pale. "Chef is a former military, he has the authority of one... he is doing the hell and heaven military movies strategy... I didn't know it was a real thing here."

"Hell and Heaven?" The group questioned until Duncan realized that since he also watched a lot of movies, even horror movies, he also watched military movies to make fun of those. "Are you saying Chef is making us eat garbage for when it comes to eating any kind of edible food we would be more grateful and enjoy the little piece of paradise we would have before going back to hell?"

Ezekiel nodded his head, which made Duncan slap his head.

"beep, he is good," Duncan confessed as the others understood his explanation of Duncan and realized that yeah, Chef was playing cruel mind games, and he successfully managed to make them understand it. "So every time we have a chance of having good food, we must enjoy it as far as we can... and every time we have the opportunity to eat something we like we are going to act more crazy and would do everything to eat good food again."

"Is that even legal?" Bridgette worried, since the idea of being tortured like that wasn't pleasing, and for her nightmare, Ezekiel landed a nail in her coffin.

"It's on the contract. It says that we have to strive to the limits of our body and mind in trying to achieve our successful prize, so they treat this as a mental challenge since the day we started this." Ezekiel pointed out which made Harold faint from knowing that it would be a nightmare. "So DJ what kind of food your momma treats as her best dish?"

The group tilted their head to the question, but DJ felt a smile coming to his face.

"There is something my mom called the La wakalabomba. It's..." And from the time DJ was talking, he was explaining every single detail on how he and his momma would make such a fried dish which sounded so delicious and yet so...

"Err... DJ not to offend you, this food looks awesome, but don't you think these dishes are so caloric?" Harold, while he could understand the ideas of the good recipes a good person like DJ would make, after hearing a lot of it, Harold would already hear his medic shouting at him for eating too much salt, and spice, and possibly his body would be screaming for shutting down.

"I don't think so, momma recipes are for people to grow up strong and big, just like me." DJ shrugged as he didn't bother to see what was the problem, and before someone would make fun of the idea, Ezekiel decided to also explain a point.

"And also, nobody should always go to a restaurant like that to just have all kinds of meals every single day," Ezekiel explained, noticing that was a terrible idea, and how terrible people were for simply ruining DJ's dream because of their stupidity. "If the food is like that, you could eat at least once per month, or once per week. Not like a routine..."

Harold hearing the explanation made him happy, and he could understand the point.

"Yeah, that would make sense, my nutritionist always told me to eat more variants of food, but be aware of my blood pressure, but you are right. Well, count me in when you get your restaurant DJ, I won't be there every day, but once per month I would like to eat what kind of food the Jamaicans can do." Harold liked the idea and was already creating a good bond with friendship, even with the annoying delinquent who was just chuckling.

"Well, if it's too much for you, I just don't understand why people worry about food, it's just food. They can't kill you. Who cares?" Duncan rolled his eyes, while DJ, Geoff, and Tyler seemed chill and nodded their heads with his opinion.

"I wouldn't count on that, Duncan." Courtney as she has been a good student and knows possibly something more than the others she decided to explain. "Sometimes people complain because of the heart failure of their family. Knowing that the probability of people having one sickness would do everything they could to shut down the establishment."

The group looked at Courtney who just seemed to be more aware of what was, and how terrible people would be. Seeing that they were looking at her, she tried to compose herself.

"What? I'm studying to become a lawyer, and I have been reading the news lately, it wouldn't be a surprise on how many places were shut down from little things." Courtney scoffed as she could see her entire team looking weirdly at her.

"Is that true?" DJ asked as he looked concerned for his dreams.

"Well, it may be, but people would always try to find a way to make prejudice into their health," Ezekiel commented which caught the attention of the group. "You can make them sign a contract saying that they are aware of how they can be aware of the risks if they don't have a healthy balanced diet, or what would be the cause if they keep always eating without being aware of their health. And since contracts can prevent many sues happening around. You can learn from this show about how our contracts found a way to bind us into doing whatever Chris wants around this show."

Just by that comment alone, the Killer Basses stared at each other with weird and afraid looks in their eyes.

"When you say that, you make us look like today was..." Bridgette said that she was afraid to answer the rest of her assumptions, but Ezekiel nodded to her, which she was afraid of him doing.

"Like DJ said, probably the first challenge was always the easiest one." Ezekiel pointed out that he could even describe what was written in the contract. "We are into a summer camp of a reality show, and we just jump around a cliff into a river infested with 3 sharks. Who knows what can happen in a few weeks? A dangerous adventure towards crazy and deadly animals? A fight against ourselves? Eating any kind of garbage and toxic things for their entertainment? Yep, everything was on the fine print."

The group didn't know that things would get even worse from that, as the entire group looked horrified, and stared at the boy as if he was a madman.

"How did you know these things?" Sadie gulped as she was hugging tightly at her own best friend and Katie did the same thing in return.

"Well, did you guys watch the last reality show Chris did?" The group nodded at Ezekiel who just decided to drop another bomb. "Even after the person who hurt herself in the head and got immunity over a week, didn't win the reality show. So what makes us think that it was a good idea of us being hurt at all? Or we should hope for the best and be prepared for the worst when the time comes?"

The entire group remained in silence, knowing that it was indeed a hard pill to swallow, knowing that now it's a different type of life by playing the reality show.

But after that, every single one of the group decided to relax and enjoy their party over the hot tube and drink their juice boxes, but now with new thoughts in mind.

"So what about you Bridgette?" Geoff asked the surface of the team about her point of view. "What would you do if you got the 100 grant of money?"

"Well, nothing much. A good part of it I would invest into helping the ONGs of sea creatures protectors. Since a good part of the sea creatures are on the verge of extinction, like sea turtles, sharks, and even the dolphins." Bridgette commented and a good part of the group nodded their heads to agree with the surfist.

"Well, it's very honorable. But adult dolphins get what they deserve. They had it coming." Ezekiel thought to himself, he would never let it go about how bastards the dolphins can be against their species. A lesson that he will never forget from WTF 101. "But I think I should let Bridgette live her dream... I wouldn't like to see one species I spent years helping doing some crazy terrible things like killing their babies. It was messed up. Maybe I should tell them when it comes to eating challenges boys vs girls. If DJ heard the truth about dolphins, he would eat them without thinking twice."

(Confession Courtney)

"And from that point, every single one of us started to share our ideas on what to do with our prize money. From investing in the future like DJ, Ezekiel, and I to people who need the money for a good cause like Duncan wants to pay for parole to be free, Bridggete who wants to help the sea creatures to surprisingly even Tyler who told us that he wants to use the prize money to pay for the Physical ED equipment of a school where is father works. And for people who just want to spend all their money without control. Like Katie and Sadie say both of them would pay for fancy purses and even a sports car... which wouldn't be enough money for them to afford such a thing. And to even Geoff who wants to expand the money into a huge party. Harold said he would use the money to invest in advertising his skills, but I still didn't see anything. So I would like to pay a good money to see what he was indeed capable of doing." Courtney commented politely but also rolled her eyes when she pointed out the idea of the party boy of the team. "It was a good way to learn and develop teamwork in the future. And to be honest, Ezekiel may be right about us trying to enjoy this show to develop our friendships."

"Alright, time is over, now give us some room to have the hot tube." Duncan talked after he went to check what time it was.

"One hour has already? Wow, time flies." DJ commented as he got up and took a towel to clean himself.

"I agreed. But gotta confess I felt lighter after a hard day of work." Courtney confessed as she was the next to get out of the hot tub.

Bridgette and Ezekiel came next as Duncan went inside of the tube, just to enjoy himself, and the groaning of pleasure he had by the whole day, was enough to make him relax and let his body finally take a rest.

"Man, that's life," Duncan said as he saw the reason why Eva was so happy to sleep into the relaxing water massage, he also would have slept if it wasn't for the fact the others were also there.

Harold went next, as he sat nearby Eva. Since she was mostly docile from being asleep in the hot tube, he felt it was safe in that place, but he also loved the rush of danger... that's what he usually said to himself.

Katie and Sadie went together as the duo giggled between themselves. They loved the reward as everything seemed to be so perfect for them, they were now together as they were supposed to be, and the space inside of the hot tube was almost full.

Tyler felt uncomfortable as he got inside and now that the remaining of the team of Killer Bass was inside the hot tube, since nobody would want to wake up Eva, the group tried to enjoy their own time there like their teammates.

And that has been their way to develop their friendship, by talking and enjoying their relaxing on bubbles with hot water.

Until they watched the other team passing by, the Screaming Gophers returning from their first process of elimination and making them come back to their cabins over the shameful defeat day.

Ezekiel glanced, remembering exactly how it ended the first episode of the show. Leshawna who would have done the victory dancing which made Owen and Noah follow her example probably rub salt into the wound of the Killer Bass, and Courtney swore that she would win the entire show. Now it ended completely the opposite. The entire team of Killer Bass watched the Screaming Gophers walk toward their cabins in silence and without the desire to talk to anyone.

Neither of them opened their mouths since they didn't want to make themselves a new target. But also it would keep them in mind that someday, it would be their turn to come back to their cabins in defeat. Which was still a hard pill to swallow, so that in mind, made the most of the night more normal, and their conversation about their lives would be resumed for another hour to exchange places... Until the whole group got tired and decided to get up for their beds... How?

Eva was the first one who just got out of the hot tube, which made most of the members jump from her sudden awakening. Eva by getting up. Her skin was so tangled that her body seemed to be like a retired bodybuilder, but surprisingly for them, she didn't seem to be angry, or stressed. She just got up from the hot tub and calmly looked at the other members of her team on the hot tub.

"I'm going to bed." Just like that, Eva didn't say much, but from the tone of her voice, she looked relaxed and ready to sleep more.

"Wow, it's already this late?" Geoff suddenly stretched himself, he looked in the sky as the entire place was followed by the beauty of the night, filled with stars. "It must be 2 a.m. or something."

"How would you know that?" Tyler said he could also feel tired around the place, but it was so relaxing that he wouldn't mind staying for a few more minutes.

Geoff shrugged in response to the jock who then sniff before both again went back to relax. The remaining Bass relaxed until every single one of them stared towards the sky, which even on the worst first day of many... that victory had a good taste and a good show of the stars around the sky...

"Wow, they are beautiful," Bridgette said as she was awestruck by seeing the beauty of nature. Not noticing that she was near the party boy who just bumped into her. "Ops, sorry."

"That's fine... I have to say, this would beat any show any time... maybe a good party under the stars would be also awesome. Not much light, good music, and everyone having fun by seeing the sky like that."

"Stars, they are shiny. They glitter in the night sky. Like really shiny diamonds. Shining upon the future." Harold whispered to himself as he developed a haiku from observing something like the beauty of nature. But he didn't notice that Ezekiel and Tyler were also listening to him.

"Woah, that's so deep," Tyler commented, surprised, by seeing someone saying something complicated and yet sounding like poetry.

"Man, did you do it on the spot?" Ezekiel watched many shows from his former life and even had good movies that taught him amazing lessons, but seeing Harold saying a Japanese poem on the spot was something that showed another talent Harold had around the show.

"Yep, I like writing haikus, they are a good way to show the wisdom and the philosophical side of each of us." The nerd replied as he sniffed, before once again glancing at the sky. "Sometimes nature itself is the inspiration and the muse for each of us."

Ezekiel remained quiet... as he liked Harold on the show, it was the first time he saw him being more... human, not like he knew, but something he learned from himself now... maybe that's the difference between watching the show and living it.

Neither of them remembered when they went to their beds on their bunks. But after a long period and a lot of adrenaline in their system. It seems that the Killer Bass team went into their peace of dreams, knowing that they would have a few days before the next challenge.

As a good time of the morning, even before the sun rises in the sky. It was clear that the internal clock of some campers was able to hit on that morning. People who passed most of the time waking up before the sun rose was routine of them. Some have the decision to remain in bed and try to sleep for a few more hours, to enjoy their time of freedom without dealing with worries of the future.

But also someone who just woke up, and found that indeed a good time for himself to be alone in the morning.

Ezekiel lived on a farm with his parents, and he learned a lot about waking up a time before the sun rose to the sky. And for that time, the homeschooled boy decided to take something that he would usually do when nobody would be around.

It was one of the heaviest things that he had to carry away from home, but it was something that he knew that he should always have in case he would want time for himself. A good typewriter that he has been using since his mom decided to buy it for a good decoration inside her house. But with time the internet wasn't that very good, and computers were still having problems with a good text program. Ezekiel found that a good classic sometimes was the best thing he could come up with when he wrote his own story.

Knowing that the typing sounds and the dings around the way he would write would disturb the sleep of everyone around him. He decided to carry the same heavy typewriter with him until he was a bit away from both cabins.

And with the time to place himself to sit on the floor, and having the typewriter in front of him, Ezekiel finally could see how silently peaceful the camp was on the said morning.

How the smell of the air, and the nature around was something that he could even enjoy as experience and inspiration for what he was going to write in the future. With solitude a good time for himself, and a good distance to not disturb anyone. Ezekiel placed the paper on his typewriter and now finally could enjoy his time for himself.

"Alright, chapter 12 - Giant Woman." Ezekiel smiled as he recalled one of his favorite episodes of Steven Universe, and how one of his favorite fusions ever made. "Around Beach City, around a great time around the white sand, a good time for a perfect game between strategy and also a good fun of creativity. Pearl and Amethyst are enjoying a good time playing chess while having to deal with one difficult obstacle obstructing their strategies. A water balloon launched by Steven."

As a good time for writing around by himself, Ezekiel was doing his best to remain most of being faithful to the episodes he watched since he recalled from the memories. While he still struggles in some parts of the dialogue, he usually hopes that it was exactly what happened around the actual events happening in the same book he was writing.

At the time Bridgette felt a good time relaxing, the part of her own back was starting to hurt since the bed bunker she was using was making her uncomfortable to sleep, which would take a few days to get used to.

So when she felt that she couldn't take more sleep. She decided to see that it was time for her to look around and see the camping, and possibly see if somehow she would be able to clean a part of the beach. That was the first thing she thought it would put her mind at ease.

At the time she decided to leave, she noticed the sound of a ding which made her ears. It wasn't loud, but she could recognize such a familiar sound from somewhere. So she looked around and then to her surprise she found the same winter green hat of someone who seemed to be having a great time typing on what would possibly be a typewriter which made her look surprised that he was able to bring one with him in the first place.

She slowly approached and tried to be away from his line of vision, since she was trying to not be spotted by what the brown-haired boy was doing at the moment since he was in his zone of writing in the first place. From seeing a few papers on the floor, which surface would guess that it was pages for what would be one of his works? She couldn't help but be curious.

She stealthily went a bit far behind him and decided to be into a nearby tree. And she couldn't help but be surprised by something she didn't expect to witness at that moment.

"Steven got excited as he was above the goat which he named Steven Junior, and seeing that the girls were tempted that maybe it would need time for their fusion... Steven decided to sing the song." Ezekiel felt the buzzer hit and the time he needed to place the paper to write the lyrics of the song. " ~All I wanna do is see you turn into a giant woman. (A giant woman!) All I wanna be is someone who gets to see a giant woman."

Bridgette then looked surprised that Ezekiel started singing the lyrics of a song which she couldn't help but be interested in what was the book he was writing about. She recalled him naming the work Steven something, and now that he was even placing lyrics of a song? And it was indeed creative, now that she was seeing for the first hand the homeschooled boy was singing for himself.

"~All I wanna do is help you turn into a giant woman. (A giant woman!), All I wanna be is someone who gets to see a giant woman." Ezekiel smiled as he kept writing the lyrics and still having a good time imagining what it was exactly like in the show. "Walking around every single part of the tower and the adventure, Steven kept singing to his friends about the idea of them working together. ~Oh, I know it'll be great and I just can't wait! To see the person you are together with. If you give it a chance, you could do a huge dance! Because you are a giant woman."

Bridgette approached more to learn about the song, and she couldn't be helped as the singing was catchy, even if it was something silly and the voice didn't fit right, somehow everyone could sing the song right. She could imagine a kid singing this song and it would be perfect.

"~You might even like being together. And if you don't, it won't be forever. But if it were me, I'd really wanna be a giant woman. (A giant woman!)" Ezekiel smiled as the time he was finishing the song he decided to finish it exactly like the episode went. "~All I wanna do is see you turn into a giant woman. BAHHHHHHHH! As Steven finished singing, he was suddenly interrupted by his adoptive son goat Steven Junior who just wanted to give a climax to the song. Alright, a glass of water break would look nice now."

Stretching himself, Ezekiel decided to organize the pages of his work, before leaving the typewriter on the grass. Bridgette seemed to be content to discover more about the process of creative writing about one of her teammates.

And when she thought she was alone around there, she noticed the sound of someone leaving the bushes, which made the blond surfer look surprised. A person she didn't expect to be awake on that morning. A goth who seemed to be also surprised by spotting someone who was doing the same thing as her. At the time they both looked at each other.

"Err..." Bridgette tried to find the right words in what she was going to call the girl who was being at the same place as her.

"Gwen." The goth girl replied as she noticed that the blond surfer tried to remember her name. "And you are Bridgette."

"Yeah, but I mean I want to ask what are you doing around this morning?" Bridgette even knows that she doesn't remember the name of the other contestant. She was more curious about what she was thinking.

"If you mean watching one of your team members writing something on his typewriter, then yes I was. And it seems so as you." Gwen stated as she pointed at the blond who seemed to scratch her arm and look away.

"Well yeah, I was more trying to look around here, but Ezekiel seemed to be writing another of his works," Bridgette commented as she saw the look on Gwen's face. "He wants to use the prize money to publish his work."

"Well, I'm surprised," Gwen commented in a tone that the surfist didn't know if she was being honest or sarcastic. "He seemed to be very expressive in doing his chapter of Steven Universe."

"Yeah, that's the name." Bridgette snapped her fingers now that she remembered the name of the work until she looked in the face of the goth before she coughed in her hand and allowed Gwen to talk. "Please, continue. How far he went?"

"Well, he just talked about the characters until now, Pearl, Amethyst, Garnet, and the one who seems the main character Steven." Gween started to tell the most basic info of how the chapter started, and the possible mission to take the battles of earth and the sky. "To be honest Pearl looks like a prickly and uptight girl, while Amethyst looks like a rebellious teenage girl. I still don't know much about Garnet and it seems that she is not going to appear until the end, but Steven is like... a kid of 7 years old."

"Wow, you got all of this in just the explanation of this chapter?" Bridgette asked as she could see the look of a bit of shame towards the goth girl.

"Well, it's not like I have anything better to do today, I had my bed broken yesterday, and I couldn't sleep well, so I was here trying to relax, and the loud narrating and typing from the kid has me intrigued. Also, I was bored." Gwen shrugged, and she had to confess that it was nice to have some entertainment. "Yesterday was insufferable, so having something to distract me was a good thing to adapt around here."

Bridgette looked at Gwen, and she couldn't help but smile sheepishly as the reason why she kept listening while writing the chapter was because she was curious about how Ezekiel did his work.

"Well, I was having a problem with sleeping, so I wanted to try to clean the beach a bit, so seeing Zeke doing his work alone got me curious, since yesterday he told us one of the stories he told us yesterday, he said he wanted to publish this story in a book, and now that I listening to him to sing, it got me hooked to know what the book it will be about." Bridgette had to confess, that the story of Courage the Cowardly Dog can be nice but something she wouldn't want to read anytime soon, but seeing Ezekiel also telling that he has other works. It made her think that if in the future Ezekiel published some of his works, she would be interested in reading if the book was good.

"So you also are curious about Opal," Gwen asked as she could see the confusion on the surfer's face after mentioning the name. "The giant woman."

"Oh, that's her name? Wow, all their names are after a type of crystal..." Bridgette commented that she was surprised to see the pattern.

"More like gems, but they named their team as Crystal Gems, so yeah." Gwen agreed with the blond bombshell, and they were about to talk more until suddenly they heard footsteps and decided to hide.

"Alright, let's come back to the action." Ezekiel cracked his fingers, as he decided to keep writing his work, not knowing that he was being watched all the time.

What usually took a few more minutes later became one hour.

"And Steven was finally there, waiting for exactly that moment when Pearl and Amethyst were ready to fuse..." Ezekiel was writing his chapter when suddenly he started to see the door being opened from the Screaming Gophers' side, which made Ezekiel stop his work. And give a sigh and a stretch of his arms. "Well, I think it was the right time to stop."

Gween and Bridgette were listening closely for the moment they were curious about, the fusion of two gems to become Opal, and how it would fit their imaginations. Just for them to get dragged to reality to see them being unable to listen to the rest.

"OH CO...Hmmmmm" Bridgette was about to shout her disbelief, but Gwen quickly placed her hand over the surfboard's mouth. They both tried to hide away from the unaware homeschooled boy who seemed to be walking towards the duo of campers.

And from seeing the person getting out was the guitarist from the boy's side Trent, who was followed by the geekster Cody. The girls now know that they will have to wait for another opportunity to know what will happen next.

"Hey dude, how long have you been awake? Do you need some help with carrying that?" Trent asked curiously, as he could see the rival team member carrying a typewriter at that moment.

"Nah, I'm fine. eh," Ezekiel shrugged as he was already used to the weight of his typewriter. But smiled at the gentle way Trent tried to help someone stranger. "But thanks for the offer anyway."

"Wow, I never thought I would see one of these. Why are you holding a typewriter dude?" Cody asked as he pressed some keys over the writing machine, and the sound was indeed addicting as well. When the bell was heard, Cody was really happy to hear such noise. "Awesome."

"Yep, it is. It's from my family. I use it to write to pass the time. I always wake up early so since I have nothing to do, I just write something to pass the time." Ezekiel explained, as the duo seemed great, just like the first season... well, even if they had a few flaws. But still, they were great guys... well are, since the future didn't happen yet.

"Awesome. What do you usually write dude?" Trent smiled as he followed Ezekiel as he headed towards the cabin of the Killer Bass.

"Well, I have some work, usually I work in a bit of fiction. But my friends on the Killer Bass all know one of my projects... I can tell you later. I need to place this inside quietly, I don't want to wake up the others." Ezekiel warned the duo of boys as he slowly tip-toed inside, leaving the boys alone, but okay with the hat boy walking inside the cabin.

Cody slowly turned around and saw the duo of girls Bridgette and Gwen walking towards their cabins, and while their faces looked nothing more than frustration, but still ignored the warnings and decided to pose and tried to be chill.

"Hey babes, did you girls sleep well? Because I think I'm UGHHHH WOA." Cody pointed both his hands like two guns, as he tried to see if his hook-up line would go well but he was interrupted as the duo of girls took both his shoulders, and working together, they launched him away from the cabin. "AHHHHHHHH."

And just like that Cody found himself eating dust once more.

Trent saw the look of anger from both girls and decided to take a step back. Which made both girls walk away from the cabins and go around to explore the communal bathroom together.

"So, close..." Bridgette mumbled as she knew that now she would have to wait until Ezekiel told her when the chapter was done so that she could read from the beginning. "I'm still curious about what kind of dance it would be."

"Well, I don't feel this frustrated since I was watching the ending of my favorite movie, and my young brother gave me the spoiler in the middle of the cinema," Gwen sighed, which made Bridgette look at her in sympathy.

"Oof, sorry your brother had to destroy the movie for you." The surfist commented, but she was surprised that the goth girl was shaking her head.

"No that's fine, I was frustrated that the ending of the movie was horrible, so my brother saved my time. Worst ending ever. But still, I was frustrated by the expectation I had to wait until my brother told me the ending." Gwen accepted that she now was in the same way as she felt from that time. "I just hope to not be disappointed."

"With Ezekiel? Nah, I think he will nail it. Since you were listening from the beginning, what did you think so far?" The surfer asked as they decided to keep developing the great friendship between rival teams.

At the side of the boys. Trent was aware that those girls were red flags, and it was a terrible idea to have any kind of interaction between them at that moment.

"Ugh..." Cody groaned as he felt his face bruised, and he even spat some dirt away from his tongue.

Trent was about to help his comrade when he heard the door opening. Finding Ezekiel getting out of his cabin with careful walking.

"Alright, I think I'm ready to go." Ezekiel smiled at Screaming Gopher members until he looked at Cody who was still having difficulty getting up. "What happened?"

"I don't know. It was just two girls who looked frustrated, and Cody greeted them... but they looked really angry. So they launched him." Trent gave a summary to Ezekiel, who seemed to be even more intrigued.

"I just don't know what happened. I just said if they have slept well I was going to try a hookup line." Cody scratched the back of his head as he cleaned up the dust of his face.

"You should let it flow naturally dude," Trent explained as he could see that the girls at that moment didn't seem interested. "Also the girls looked very angry this morning. So good advice, if you see a girl with that face, the best thing you should do is give her a good space."

Ezekiel placed the finger on his chin as he tried to imagine who would be the duo who seemed to be angry towards the geekster Cody... while the first obvious answer would be Gwen, what intrigued him would be the second person who seemed angry at that moment.

"Probably Heather, I wouldn't be surprised if Heather already made Gwen and Leshawna enemies this quickly." Ezekiel thought as he could see the duo having a huge discussion and then proceed to almost beat the crap out of each other, and when Cody tried to see if he could have any luck with any of them, they both teamed up to make him eat the dust... literally. "If from all my experience watching the first season was... Heather would make sure that everyone is angry with her."

That was the most logical answer, however, he had no idea that his theory was wrong all the time.

(Main Lodge)

The breakfast happening around the main lodge once again showed that the Chef didn't care about the opinions of the campers, since what he said was true, what they were going to eat, was it... some kind of a combination of porridge with beans and even a little cracker to make sure there would be at least some crunchy texture.

Needless to say, nobody was satisfied with each such bad breakfast in the morning, but the decision was to simply accept eating Chef's food, or starve to death. Which was so tempting at that moment.

After eating, the groups finally had the time to enjoy their time looking around the camp and even the island.

Ezekiel, Tyler, and Harold decided to walk around the camp.

"And that's how I managed to break 4 bones over my leg." Tyler finished his story, and at the same time, both Ezekiel and Harold looked at the jock in disbelief.

"Are you telling me that you simply broke your leg just because you went to the bank?" Harold didn't know how such a thing was possible, but someone must be very unlucky to manage to do something crazy like that.

"I mean, no offense Tyler, you looked clumsy, but to manage to fall 10 floors of stairs just because you went to take a coffee in the waiting line? I think that's a whole new level of clumsiness." Ezekiel agreed with Harold as they both heard Tyler laugh from their reaction.

"Yeah, I think it's something genetic, my grandpa and my mother had the same clumsiness. And somehow we always ended up escalating incidents like that to us. But I think that's how we got so strong towards the pain." Tyler even labeled as clumsy, he always found positivity around the time he lived, so he found a good way to describe his positive energy and get ready for the next time when something like that happens again. "And that's not even the craziest one that happened to my family. I'm still trying to figure out how my grandpa managed to take down 3 airplanes while he was being in the bathroom inside of one."

"Really?" Both Harold and Ezekiel commented as they found themselves even more interested in hearing the crazy things happening around that family.

"Yeah, from what I remember, he just took a WOAHHHH." Tyler was happy to explain the story until he fell towards a hole which made the duo jump away from him. And when they saw Tyler hitting one floor, just for them to roll towards the next floor, and then in sequence it was for the next 5 floors. Every single time Tyler feels, both Harold and Ezekiel cringed from imagining the pain the jock must be suffering at that moment. The silence was there for a few seconds until they finally heard a response. "I'm okay, but guys you must check this out, there is a cave over here..."

(Outside Camp)

"Ahhhh, another day on this hot tube, man I'm never going to get tired of this." Geoff stretched his arms, as he felt the good and relaxing vibes over the massage he was receiving from the same object the whole team built.

"You said it man." DJ also was enjoying the good time, as the duo seemed to pass around and get a good time to talk over the team. Until the duo suddenly saw Katie and Sadie running towards them.

"Guys, you gotta see this. Tyler fell into a cave and they are calling everyone from the Killer Bass to come quickly." Katie said as she looked animated, which made both the hat party boy, and the good Jamaican boy stare at each other, and follow their curiosity.

"What about the others?" Geoff asked as he followed the girls...

"They are already there, now let's go," Sadie commented as the group followed her and Katie towards the holes covered with branches and leaves, without thinking twice, the chubby camper took the branches carefully and the leaves, while making the hole be shown to the group. "From what they said, it must be here."

Katie was the first to carefully go down there, by jumping the lower levels, then next it came Sadie who was struggling to not hurt herself from the fall, as next went DJ and Geoff who did their best to make sure that they would land without hitting their face.


By the time the quarter managed to walk around the cave, they finally got to see the whole group waiting for them, as the view of the cave itself showed a good space and had a natural beauty that most of the caves would have, without any animals to disturb them.

"Oh great, you all are here," Courtney commented as she finally clapped her hands to take the attention of the others around. "Alright everyone, it seems that Chris was serious when he said the crew placed a camera around every single corner of the island because there is a camera on that angle as well. So that means that this place is alright for us to be here."

"Yeah, but the point is, why are we here anyway princess?" Duncan rolled his eyes, as he took his trusted knife, and decided to clean his fingernails with it.

"I'm already going there, and stop calling me that." Courtney rolled her eyes, as she was getting annoyed from the same banter with Duncan over and over again. "From the time we were eating yesterday, it seems that our conversation can be heard from the other team. So we needed to have a place on our own to debate future team strategies, or even find a way to be away from the island, and just have time for ourselves around the island."

"So this place is the spot we are going to use for that?" Tyler commented as he was still stretching his body since he was still sore from failing over the hole. "Well, I'm glad to help, but aren't you a bit excessive when it comes to it?"

"Aaaaand Done," Ezekiel said as he finally placed the last nail with a hammer, which made the group then look towards him and Harrold who seemed to be placing the flag of Killer Bass, and ignoring their conversation. "What do you think of Harrold?"

"Awesome, I couldn't find a better place to do it." The nerd smiled proudly as he could see the cave now belonged to the Killer Bass, placed in the center of the wall. "I got an awesome name for this place."

"Hey, are you guys listening?" Courtney called the attention of both of them, which made both Ezekiel and Harold nod their heads towards her. Before finishing their final touches.

"I hereby nominate this place to the Aquarium." Harold by placing his hand on his chest, declared as he placed the final nail towards the center of the flag, which he accidentally hit his tomb with the hammer. "OUCH."

"Seriously? The aquarium." Eva commented as she walked near the duo, which both of them stiffened, but after looking behind their backs, Eva's usual scorn was replaced by an unamused face.

"Oh hey Eva, wow, you look... calm today?" Ezekiel asked as he never thought to see the usual bodybuilder girl looking unamused but like someone far more tolerable in the morning.

"Had a good night of sleep. Now, I want to know what the point of us being around here is, anyway." Eva asked, but the fact that she wasn't using her angry tone, but a more relaxed tone, made Ezekiel the first hand see that peaceful. "Also a good hot tube massage was anything I like in the mornings, so I had a refresh before doing my exercises."

"Ohhh," Both Ezekiel and Harold commented, as the duo seemed to be happy to see what would be the angriest member of their group more tolerable, it was something that Ezekiel never thought to see in the whole show.

"Well, since we are the Killer Bass, I think having our place called the aquarium just for us to hang out would be the best name for the place." Harold felt proud as he commented on the strategy and then pointed out what he was thinking.

"So more like a secret base then," Ezekiel confirmed the idea of the nerd who seemed to smile widely with the idea.

"Well, this place has a lot of space... and the silence is very welcoming. If I do my workout here with my mp3, I think I would enjoy passing the time around here." Eva seemed to be interested in the idea, which made both of them look surprised.

"Well, nice to know that you are already warming up to the idea of this being our base Eva, but we still need to discuss a few more details." Courtney, already annoyed at being ignored by the group, decided to approach and talk directly with the boys. So she decided to take both boys by her arms, and dragged them both to the center circle of the group, before taking the lead of the conversation once again. "Well, alright team, let's start developing future strategies to make sure we win the next challenge."

Courtney was happy that now that everything was happening, and since they found a good plan to finally talk as a team, she was ready to take the leadership...

"Okay, hold on. Who decided to put you as a leader of this team?" Duncan as the batter of her existence once again decided to be against her decision to take the leadership. "While I appreciate you helping yesterday princess, you still didn't show you what you have to take the lead of this team."

"Oh, so who do you think would be the best to lead the team then?" Courtney already was feeling annoyed for the delinquent being against everything she proposed, she asked as she crossed her arms.

"Well, what we need is someone who knows the ins and outs of playing the rules. So that's how I came. I can lead this team easily." Duncan grinned, but as Harold was about to be against it, he received a glare from Duncan who made him cower and step back. "And also, a good intimidation helps to make the team on the trails when they decide to do something stupid."

"Guys, I think would be the best if..." Bridgette tried to intervene but was interrupted by both the delinquent and C.I.T. arguing with himself.

"You? Ha, don't make me laugh. I prefer to die than be led by you." Courtney said as she approached the delinquent.

"Guys, maybe you should stop." Tyler tried to interrupt but was kicked in the nuts by Courtney who seemed to want blood so much from the delinquent.

"Oh, that can be arranged." Duncan narrowed his eyes as he was ready to strangle the girl for being annoying since the first day.

"STOP. STOP ALRIGHT?" The duo suddenly froze when they could see that it was the homeschooled boy who was shouting and making both of them stop. As the rest of Killer Bass seemed unaware of what to do, it made Ezekiel already know how much the drama would go, and it was the second day of the show, and not the second episode. "This team doesn't need a leader, don't you guys see? While a leader would be a good idea to help... What is the point of a leader without actually having the full cooperation of his team? Don't you guys see how well we did yesterday? We need to work as a team, and not individually."

Courtney glared at Duncan, and the feeling could be said the same for the delinquent, but then both of them looked at the hat boy with one thought in their mind.

"So what do you propose?" Both Courtney and Duncan asked Ezekiel who finally sighed.

"Since both of you want to take leadership, why don't you both have a council of three?" Ezekiel asked which made both of them blink before waiting for him to continue. "Since Courtney wants to take responsibility, she can represent the girl's cabin, while Duncan can take responsibility for the boy's cabin. Now, it may sound crazy, but for the third person, you would need someone to be the voice of reason and make both of you work together and maintain the focus on one thing. Working together as a whole."

The duo looked at each other, as the whole cave was in silence, which made the whole group of Killer Bass stare at the homeschooled boy, who seemed to be satisfied to make the fight not happen, so he closed his eyes to appreciate the silence for a second...

"You." Both Duncan and Courtney commented without waiting for a second, which made Ezekiel stare at them incredulously.

"Are you crazy? Being between you both every time you discuss is not healthy, there is no way I w..." Ezekiel was just there to help the group, he didn't think of himself as a leader, especially having a lot of responsibilities dealing with the total drama show, he just wanted to participate and enjoy his time making friends.

"Sorry shrimp, but you offered the idea, so who offers it, it means that it's suggesting himself. Juvenile's rules." Duncan said as he was pleased to see the face of Ezekiel looking at him pale.

"Are you crazy? For being a council we would also need to elaborate meetings and discuss teams every single time, I would like to end..." Ezekiel tried to come up with excuses to make himself not worth it, especially about all the work the trio would have to come up with to deal with such gameplans... but seeing the face of Courtney smiling evilly didn't assure him at all.

"That's also a great idea Zeke, I will be glad to suggest a schedule, and that way we can work together." Courtney went for the kill as she also looked at the whole team who seemed to be interested in knowing how it would go. "I make a motion for Ezekiel to be also a third party for the council to decide the plans and rules of the team. Who is in favor?"

Ezekiel noticed the group smiling and he simply shook his head, almost begging for them to...

"AYE." Geoff, Eva, Bridgette, Harold, DJ, Katie, Sadie, Tyler, and even Duncan shouted with glee which made Courtney cough her hand and be professional.

"Who is the opposite?" Courtney had to be fair when it comes to decisions like that, and seeing the homeschooled boy affronted made her day.

"YOU GUYS SUCK," Ezekiel shouted, which the whole team took as a good victory for them.

(Screaming Goophers Boy's cabin)

"WOOHOOOOOO." Owen smiled as he clapped at Trent who just managed to finish giving his last chord on the guitar. "You rocked Trent."

"If you say such a big guy." Trent smiled, happy that he could be passing a good day relaxing after their defeat from the day before.

As the duo managed to continue to pass the time to relax, suddenly they heard someone being launched from the door which made both Owen and Trent cringe from that. A geekster who seemed to have his face on the floor of the boy's cabin.

"Are you okay Cody?" Owen quickly went near the little geek who was still with his head spinning.

"I'm alright, I just got surprised to know that Lindsay has a really strong throw." Cody tried to joke, but he winced in pain as his face seemed to be fully bruised.

"Bro, you need to stop trying to make the girls throw things at you." Trent decided to step in, for the sake of helping the boy who was still doing his tries on the girls.

"I just don't know what I am doing wrong, I'm training hook-up lines, trying to be cool, and even sniffed their hair just once." Cody lamented, but suddenly he noticed that both boys were looking weirdly at him. "What?"

"Dude, I know I'm not a romance expert, but even I know that it's creepy when someone goes sniffing the hair of someone... especially if it doesn't have food in it." Owen was the first one to explain that the attitude of the geek was wrong.

"Yeah Cody, I think you should stop trying to be... what was the word again?" Trent tried to find a polite way to not call Cody a stalker which could be a terrible way to view the poor boy who was trying to look for affection.

"Intrusive?" Owen doesn't even know where he took that word from, but he remembered the time his mom tried to tell him not to be too intrusive into the neighbor's fridge.

"Yeah, that one." Trent snapped his fingers as he was pleased to know that he did it in a way not to make Cody look bad or feel bad for himself. "Listen to me Cody, to make the girls interested in you, you should be yourself. And not try to go after them all the time, you must let things happen naturally. Trust me Cody, the moment you show your true self, and let things happen naturally, you will find the right girl, who will be interested in you."

"Do you think so?" Cody asked as he gave himself high hopes, before sighing and deciding to go to his bed. "Man, I'm just making a fool of myself. I tried to go after the girls of Killer Bass cabin, but it seemed that the place was empty."

"Really?" Owen asked as he noticed from the outside, there wasn't even a slightest signal of the opposite team. "Now that you said it, I can't see anyone from the other cabin."

"Do you think something happened to them?" Trent asked, as he saw something else missing, what would be the winning prize from the challenge of the day prior? "Hey, did you notice that their hot tubes were also missing?"

"Really?" Both Cody and Owen asked if they could see something missing too. Which made the trio of Screaming Gophers wonder. "Where did they all go?"

(Aquarium of Killer Bass)

"ALRIGHT, CAREFUL, CAREFUL," Eva commanded as the whole group of Killer Bass seemed to be working together to stop another floor with the awfully heavy hot tube it seemed to be needing the whole team working together, and having Eva and DJ as the main pillars of strength to make sure that it wouldn't hit hard on the floor, and possibly breaking it.

"My hand is numb, I can't feel it," Harold shouted as he was feeling his strength diminishing, but he then felt a kick on his but, which made him go straight.

"Keep holding, or I will make sure you will not feel anything under your belt." Duncan narrowed his eyes, as he was sweating from how heavy the prize was, needless to say that he now understood why the carriages helped them to carry the crates, and with the crates to share the weight because it was too heavy for them.

"Almost there," Courtney instructed until the whole team managed to land the prize they worked so hard to build, and with that, everyone smiled as it was untouched. "Alright, perfect."

"WOHOOOOO." Geoff was the first person who decided to jump inside of the hot tube, to make sure that everything was nice. And from the warm water, he finally could once again enjoy the massage he needed in the morning. "Man, nothing better than this prize."

"Give me some space." Eva also was the next to get inside of the hot tube, and with that, she felt the relaxing bubbles around her body, leaving her happy to have another relaxing method to do after a good workout.

And with that, the Killer Bass found their favorite spot from the show... Which they would need a lot from for the rest of the season. It was a good first day of relaxing...

Until the next challenge comes up in 2 days. Ezekiel looked outside of the cave, thinking how brutal Wakemarathon would be... and he hoped to be ready for whatever was coming next.

Chapter 4: Awake-a-thon

Chapter Text


"Last time on Total Drama Island." The camera turns on to show Chris standing on the dock going over a review happening on the show on the last episode. "22 campers arrived and learned they'll spend the next eight weeks at crusty old summer camp. The campers were faced with their first challenge, jumping off a cliff into shark-infested waters. And while one of the teams with a little hesitation managed to do a perfect victory, a member of the other team was forced to wear the dreaded chicken hat and with that gave the advantage to the other group. Friendships and alliances were made, and Noah learned that he should be careful with his own words because by being sabotaged by his own team, managed to bring the safety of Beth and with that laid the foundations of her loyalty to the woman who made him leave the show. And with that learning that being the smartest boy without good teamwork would make him bye-bye on the dock of shame. Who will be voted off this week in the most dramatic campfire ceremony yet? Find out tonight on Total. Drama. Island!"

To say Ezekiel passed most of his mornings waking up early just to keep writing the next chapters of his works would be an understatement. He liked the good nature and the natural light appearing around the sky, and the good silence of him being alone early to enjoy his time, and also find inspiration around the camp.

It became something he liked to do every single morning. And his typewriting was a good way to pass the time.

*tec, tec, tec, tec, ding*

Ezekiel moved the bar of the typewriting to go back to its place and keep writing... And by the time he kept writing, he heard some steps approaching him...

It was Chris Mclaine wearing buffy shorts and a good airhorn, and looking ready for what would be a good run for his life—a good marathon, which made Ezekiel understand what was coming next.

"Morning Chris," Ezekiel commented, as he remained focused on typing his work. "What time is it?"

*tec, tec, tec, tec, ding*

"Morning Zeke, we are almost 7 in the morning." Chris smiled evilly as he was already pointing his airhorn in the air, and with that, the airhorn went off, which immediately Ezekiel flinched as he could see the chaos the episode would start.

"Wow, already starting the call this early? Does that mean the challenge will happen soon?" The homeschooled boy asked as the evil show host nodded his head to him. "Why do I feel that I'm going to have a good disadvantage from it?"

"That my boy Ezekiel would be telling, but you are right." Chris acted mysterious for not revealing which kind of challenge the campers would suffer, but Ezekiel woke up earlier than he should, meaning that he was already at a disadvantage in the challenge where he would need to be awake all the time.

"Well, sucks to be me." Ezekiel sighed and lamented, which Chris chuckled from his little interaction.

"DO YOU THINK I HAVE FACE OF A FARMGIRL?" There was a shout from the Screaming Gopher cabin which made both Ezekiel and Chris stare at the window where was Leshawna grumpy for being awake at that time.

Chris stared at Ezekiel who just raised his finger, then let it drop.

"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that." Ezekiel even if he was a farm boy, raised and homeschooled inside of a farm, decided to not be offended by such a remark. "I'm going to place my typewriter on my cabin and then I will be back here.

"Sure do that Zeke." Chris smiled as it was a good scene to have seen on camera, the television will love how a farm boy now is going to be aware of the offensive dark-skinned girl who couldn't control her mouth.

At the time Ezekiel was about to take his typewriter with him, the group of campers were already getting out from the cabins and were already forming a group around the host. So he ignored the stares of the group as he finally managed to place his typewriter and then he found 2 of his backpacks nearby...

"Hmm... that's an idea." Ezekiel mused as he decided to put his plan in motion. "It's going to be difficult, and this would also be a disadvantage in the late game, but this plan is going to be my ace on the sleeve."

At the time he got out, his back was feeling the good weight of a full backpack while in front of him, there was the light of an empty backpack. By being with the other contestants. Neither of them seemed to be happy to wake up that early to see the host in such a cheerful mood. He even saw Eva bopping her head with her MP3 which was something that she kept as her most treasured object.

And here he was to see one iconic scene of Cody not knowing what was inside of his damn mind to try to touch something that wasn't his. And Eva glanced at Cody slowly approaching her MP3, she didn't try to bite him and growled... no... it was different.

"Touch it, and you die." Eva simply said that with her arms crossed, which made the geek stop in the middle act and a step away from her. "Good."

"What?" Ezekiel noticed that it was different from that time since he clearly could swear that Eva was... calmer than she should.

"Morning! Hope you slept well!" Chris smiled cheerfully as he could see the annoyed faces of the whole campers staring at him. Forming a lineup.

"Hi. Chris." Heather treated the host as if she seemed to not be affected by having a bad time sleeping. She seemed completely fine for the challenge that they were going to do that morning. "You looked buff in those shorts."

"I know." Chris smiled as he winked and pointed at her. And he was ready to explain the challenge of the day. "I hope you're all ready because your next challenge begins in exactly... one minute."

Chris looked at his watch to explain it would need one minute to start the challenge and was enough to take the attention of all the campers, especially the ones who seemed to be still sleepy.

"Oh, excuse me." Owen raised his hand to get the host's attention. "I don't know if that's enough time to eat breakfast."

"Oh, you'll get breakfast, Owen," Chris told the big guy but still having the iconic sadistic smile that Chris always has when he wants to screw everyone over. "Right after you complete your twenty-kilometer run around the lake!"

At the time Chris said that most of the campers looked unamused. Especially Eva who was with her arms crossed.

"So you want us to run twenty kilometers before eating anything?" Eva scoffed angrily as he could see the smiling face of Chris, which made her tight her fist but with a calm deep breath, she let it go... "You're enjoying us suffering, aren't you?"

"A little bit." Chris smiled as he looked at the clock. " You have 40 seconds."

Ezekiel stared at the scene, and blinked, not once, not twice... but something inside of his mind clicked...

"Something is different... Eva, didn't go berserk?" Ezekiel thought as he wanted to see what was going on.


"Okay, Chris already making us run around just for later we eat the crappy food like every day? I don't think that's enough motivation. But I don't know why, but I could have sworn that Eva would have been throwing a fit." Courtney commented as she clearly remembered the events happening since the first day. "Since the first day, Eva has been controlling her temper better. As long as you don't interrupt her time in the hot tub, or touch her MP3. She is a mature girl as long you don't do those things. I don't know but I think I wouldn't have liked to deal with her if we haven't the hot tub."

"Okay, runners!" Chris called them out as the group of campers Gophers and Bass were lined up ready to start their long run. "On your marks...get set...go!"

When Chris said the word the whole group of campers already started the competition of the day, with each of them keeping up their own pace. It didn't take long until the good sun would give the campers a powerful heat, making it difficult for them to keep running.

But some campers like Sadie, Katie, Gwen and Harold. preferred to walk instead of run since it would be better to not waste their energy on such stupid things.

"Is there still a long way to go?" Harold wondered aloud, but after seeing a good group of campers running nearby them.

"Is there a way for you to shut your mouth?" Gwen decided to answer the question with another one. Which made the nerd close his mouth and decide to keep quiet around the run.

Heather, preferred to remain walking as she could see some other campers far away from her.


"I don't run," Heather confessed. But then she gave another point. "And there is no way in hell that I would run with heels."

Heather walked annoyed until she heard the loud sound of a dog licking the water, and when she looked around her eyes went wide open from seeing such a bizarre scene.

Owen was on his fours, licking the water of the puddle she was walking in.

"I *lick* can't *lick* take a breath *lick* must be a sickness condition," Owen said as he was trying to remain strong but the tiredness was enough to win and make him facedown with arms wide open on the puddle.

"Yeah, it's called Gluttonous fattiticuous, go treat yourself." Heather placed both her hands on her hips as she pointed out the absurdity the fat guy was suffering at that moment. While Leshawna was already on her limit near the tree.

"And what is your excuse, your crazy brat, skinny without the sense of humor... huf huf..." Leshawna was trying to insult the Korean girl but then the heat was too much for her as she started to pause and then stop insulting. "Whoa, I'm too tired to argue at this moment."

And on that time, Chris using his little motorcycle and a megaphone was going to add salt to their injuries.

"COME ON GUYS, SPEED UP, IF YOU DON'T MANAGE TO GET ON BREAKFAST IN TIME, YOU ARE NOT GOING TO EAT IT." Chris sang as he quickly passed from most of the campers while leaving Heather even angrier.

"UGH, I hate this guy so much." Heather tightened her fists and she managed to pass the puddle, by using the fat boy Owen as her path, and she didn't even look at the suffering boy who was being used as a stepstone for her.

(Main Lodge)

It didn't take so long until most of the members of Screaming Goophers, and Killer Bass managed to find themselves in.

"Thank God is over," Courtney said as she with Geoff, DJ, and Tyler placed themselves nearby somewhere to sit.

"I can't believe they managed to make us run around this challenge before eating something," Eva said as she was already with her feet on the table.

"Eva?" Courtney said as she was confused about seeing the bodybuilder already enjoying a bit of her rest on the main lodge.

"Passed you when you were looking around at the stupid Chris driving his stupid motorcycle" Eva grumped as she was still angry about the host doing that humiliation on them, but she held herself together. "I'm going to take a long time on the hot tube after this."

"Hmm, do you mind if I also go? I'm already tired of this challenge." Courtney asked as she couldn't help but agree with the bodybuilder, a gal who knows that if they have an advantage to rely on, they would use and abuse such an advantage.

"Suit yourself," Eva replied, as Ezekiel also got inside the same main lodge, which made him see that Eva was calmer than in the actual episodes of the show, and while a part of him already could guess the reason for that, he cannot help but be shocked and surprised that it was indeed a huge difference into having a calmer Eva, since now she could be an even stronger potential challenge to the other campers.

But deciding to follow his way of life, Ezekiel just smiled and let the show go on. Who knows who could be potentially eliminated today in case the bass loses again, since the reason why in the cannon was because Heather took the opportunity to touch Eva's MP3 and waited the day after to make Eva suffer the consequences of her berserker mode.

Ezekiel knowing that the game was going to start to get worse from there, decided to sit among the Killer Bass...

"Welp... that was easy." Ezekiel smiled as he was still sweating a lot from the exercise, especially after releasing a heavy backpack above the table which made his teammates stare at him in surprise, but then before they even asked about what happened, Ezekiel then slowly narrowed his eyes, knowing on how the challenge would go. "Too...easy..."

The tone of his voice was noticeable to Duncan and DJ who were nearby him, and with that, they also could understand the meaning behind his words.

"What do you mean by that?" Bridgette asked as she sat nearby them, and before Ezekiel replied, Duncan sat as he understood what was happening.

"I have to agree with Zeke, something is up. On the first day of the challenge, they made us jump towards a pool infested with sharks... Running miles before breakfast sounded too ordinary for a challenge, something is up." Duncan was street-wise enough to see something was up, and from the tone of the voice of the homeschooled boy, he also could see some red flags of the challenge.

And by explaining the way the last challenge went, the group of Killer Bass, then looked at each other.

"So you mean, that this is possible an advantage challenge? And the whole team to appear first is going to have the advantage on the next challenge?" Courtney could see the way the challenge would have gone, and by seeing the possible pattern, both Ezekiel and Duncan stared at each other, and became in silence... because one didn't know the answer, while the other didn't want to explain further what was going to happen.

"So what is our plan for dealing with this?" Bridgette asked which made Duncan, Courtney, Ezekiel, and Eva look at each other.

Ezekiel knows the answer, however, he didn't like to be the one to explain it to his team, he didn't have a choice.

"I think it would be for the best if we have someone already in mind to vote it off," Ezekiel commented while the others had in mind, but didn't courage to tell. So an idea struck inside his mind. "Maybe we should also be honest with the person we have in mind to vote off, making them aware to give their best performance, that way if they surpass our expectations we can vote off the worst person who made a mistake today. It would be the best time for them to prove themselves."

Duncan became quiet while Courtney also became thoughtfully with the idea, however, Eva narrowed her eyes.

"And who do you think should be the one who deserves to leave?" Eva was already glaring as she had in mind that people would try to stab her back.

"If you think it's you, Eva, you are out of your mind, you were one MVP from the last challenge." Ezekiel immediately noticed that she was starting to get annoyed, and even if Ezekiel knew about Eva's temper, from the first challenge, Eva became a good piece to help them achieve victory.

The sudden comment, made the bodybuilder blink, as her silence was enough to show her surprise.

"Yeah, you were asleep at the time we decided the best trio of MVP on the challenge." Courtney agreed as she pointed out and explained how the conversation of the hot tube was...

Eva who was listening with her stubborn semblance, suddenly gave a slight smile of relief before coming back to her usual scornful face. So as the whole group became quiet, it wasn't Ezekiel who was the one who gave the suggestion.

"I have one good idea who was the weakest link of the team. A duo of stupid girls." Duncan said as he already could see Ezekiel glancing at him, the delinquent wasn't kind with his words. "They have been a pain in our asses since the start of the show."

"Duncan, while I understand that those girls can be pretty handful without being together, and possibly a burden to us to carry, we shouldn't do that without her c..." Bridgette was about to cut the idea from Duncan, but suddenly was surprised by Ezekiel.

"I will tell them both." Ezekiel made sure to be known as the whole group, which Courtney and Bridgette looked at the hat boy staring at the door. "What Duncan said may be harsh, but there was a truth behind it, they are too dependent on each other. And for them to truly compete on this show, or even grow up as a person, they must learn on this game, there will be a time that they are going to be a part, even if they want it or not."

"Well then." Duncan smiled as he tightened his fist. "So we warn the duo of twins that they are at risk of being eliminated today, and if they don't prove themselves, they are going to be on the verge of elimination."

Courtney remained in silence, but looking at how her team had the possibility of winning or losing, she must always have a backup plan, but the idea of warning the person who was on the verge of elimination and incentive them to prove themselves to be better was a good way to make sure that she would remain on the competition, and she would be the one winning.

"Usually it would have been best to eliminate the strongest members because they would become a threat in the future." Courtney gave a counterpoint, as she somehow believed someone would betray her at any moment.

"That's a stupid idea." And at that time Ezekiel surprised Courtney by saying that. "While it would be the best to make you the strongest, it would be always the best to rely on your team. We won last time because we worked together, and the Screaming Gophers have a drama between themselves. I would prefer to eliminate the strongest of the other team instead of our strongest members because it's best to win against the enemy you know the strength of losing to an enemy you have no idea about their strengths."

Ezekiel's comment made both Courtney, Duncan, and Eva stare in surprise by that point since the boy even decided to make a good example.

"Movies of competitions which have great success had some of the best endings when two childhood friends went to the finals to show their strong developments, as the rivalry was awaited during all the time, sure that the arrogant antagonist which most people want to see to lose is appealing, it would create a better cheer over the finals when all the public is divided to who to cheer them on, dividing friends and rivals until the end." Ezekiel knows good movies and shows which ended up with that kind of climax.

"And you got that right Ezekiel." Suddenly a voice could be heard from behind him, as the whole group of campers stared at the one host who was smiling widely at them. "Usually having the chaos as a drama also works many times, but in some great movies, as one of my badminton one, I acted with a good friend of mine and used our friendship to make a way for both of us wanting to win with all coast, we did a great final, and let me tell you a secret... the last throw was improvised, and we both really wanted to win."

Ezekiel looked at Chirs, and was surprised to hear such a comment, learning from even the crazy sadistic Chris Maclaine that one of his acting, was improvisation was something out of your mind.

"And what you are doing here Chris?" Courtney asked as she narrowed her eyes, as she saw that the host was listening to their conversation.

"Well, I'm here to wait for the other campers, nothing more than that. But your conversation about giving some incentive was a good strategy and a good way to start a drama, so I say keep it up because the audience will love to see how the duo of twins will react and how will they do in the rest of the challenge." Chris smiled, as he clearly could see the suffering the whole team would have when dealing with such a horrible challenge he had in mind. "Oh and look at that, it seems the twins are finally here, with DJ and Geoff."

And like Chris has said, the whole group of Bass, with also some of the Goophers like Heather, Beth, Gwen, and even Izzy. Sadie and Katie were tired after the long walk, and they decided to drop themselves over the table. The other Gophers were on the other side of the Main Lodge, making Ezekiel glance at Courtney and Duncan...

The duo remained quiet, but they directed their heads towards the twins.

"Katie and Sadie," Ezekiel said as he used the most serious tone, which not only brought the attention of the twins but also the Jamaican and the party boy. "We need to have a serious conversation right now."

"Ohhhh, what is it?" Sadie asked as she got excited to hear someone talking directly to her. "What do you want to talk about? Is it about Justin? He is so lovely."

"Yes, he reminds me of the time we met that British boy in the mall, he was so cute. Oh, oh, we need to go to the mall after the show." Katie commented that she was feeling excited and Sadie was also happy with the idea.

"Yeah, as the time we ca..." Sadie was about to concur with her best friend when Ezekiel didn't even want to beat around the bush since he was already annoyed.

"You both are on the verge of elimination," Ezekiel said and just like that, the girls froze and looked at him in horror, as DJ and Geoff didn't even have a good reaction as well. "Since we don't know that we can win, you both were chosen since from the last challenge you both became the primary option to be voted off in case we lose..."

"Wha...what..." Katie stuttered as Sadie had her own eyes watering from such words.

Before the duo starts crying. Ezekiel pressed further.

"So that's why we want you both to do your best because you both have something to prove... and if in case you both fail the task, it will become between you both who will be voted off," Ezekiel said with the most solemn tone, as a good part of him felt the pain of seeing the faces of both Katie and Sadie. "I'm sorry, but the power of friendship just works when you both work together to be stronger and not when you become too dependent that you would be useless without each other."

With that, Ezekiel left the chair and decided to walk to the bathroom, while Duncan had to whistle by watching this scene, and Chris was smiling like it was the best day of his life.

"Wow, cold and sharp speech, maybe I should add this one in case I become an antagonist in my next movie." Chris loved the way the homeschooled boy gave the carrot and the stick to both twins, and he can already see the viewers of the show showing empathy for the twins, but also giving to Ezekiel for speaking facts.


"Did I feel bad for speaking the truth to the duo of annoying siblings who couldn't live without each other?" Ezekiel stared at the camera as he was scratching his head in reflection. "No, I didn't, these two need to understand that it's okay to depart for a few days or weeks without each other. Because these two became so annoying for not being on the same team... they cried without each other, they shouted without each other... they don't even go to the bathroom without each other... I swear, if there was a case of them ending up peeing into Poison Ivy, the duo would be doing it without thinking twice. They are not stronger together, but they are both weak alone...It's not worth the burden from them both."

Ezekiel explained the facts about what happened.

"I tried, I tried to be patient, but they don't realize that on this show, everything is a big deal... for the same of the drama, they wouldn't think twice on how to make them both depart of each other." And with that Ezekiel pressed the flush, and the static went off.

At the time Ezekiel came back, there were both Katie and Sadie who were holding themselves together and crying loudly, much to his exasperation and also for a few members of the team. DJ looked sadly at him but became quiet, while Tyler tried to help the girls, but both of them just slapped on his face and started to cry even louder.

"It seems that they cannot learn their lesson." Ezekiel sighed in disappointment. But with a resolute mind, as he knew that it didn't matter since sooner or later neither of the twins would grow up until each of them departed from the other, Sadie did have more opportunities the first season as she was alone, and she grew a bit of her character, however such terrible skill and with Courtney without patience, it leads the chubby camper on the shame boat towards the well-rested island, but she didn't grow a character, and became irrelevant in the future.

Ezekiel, would have worded it better, but a part of him as a watcher of the show, never actually cared for both of his siblings, but being near them made him agree more with Duncan when it comes to launching both girls to the lions... So Ezekiel found it ironic how he preferred to eliminate Sadie and Katie way before the season than see them get lost in the forest trying to have the terrible fight of siblings and being spoiled brats who would just make amends on the time the team loses.

Looking for the other side, and seeing that indeed most of the Goophers were staring at him from the choice of words he just said, he knew that sometimes doing the meddling work was a chaotic spot, since most of the time he would receive the blame and the judgment of the others, but sometimes for people to grow up, they needed to understand that being a teenager is fine, but in the competition, people wouldn't care if you are the best friends with someone if you don't has the drive to win.

By opening one of his backpacks, Ezekiel took from inside what would be a sketchbook, which made the Kille Bass group stare at him in surprise. And a good pencil in his hands, Ezekiel decided to distract himself from the bad thoughts on how the boredom would get for him, and a good way to relax himself from the pressure of waiting for the whole team in silence.

"Oh hey, Zeke. Is that a sketchbook?" DJ asked as Tyler also approached to see curiously what was on the hat boy doing at the moment, and at the time he nodded to him, as he turned a few pages which revealed some of his works. Some of the works were a complete version of a cartoon style but each of them doing being like a well sketched in pencil made the Jamaican awe from seeing it. "Woaa dude."

Tyler quickly looked and he was also surprised to see how the boy managed to create great creations, which Ezekiel called inside of his mind a fanart from some own customized works he created the way he remembered.

"Dude, look at this one, a group of chicks using weapons," Tyler said as he looked at the art style of some of the girls, one using a lance, the other a whip, and the other two gauntlets. "This trio looks awesome. And also a boy is using a shield."

"Oh yeah, they are my creation, they are from Steve Universe," Ezekiel commented as he was about to draw some doodles, but from seeing the Killer Bass approaching to see it, he didn't mind it.

"Wow Ezekiel, these are pretty nice work," Courtney commented as she could see that some of the fanart looked clean and also well made, without sensualizing them, it was more like they were in a combat way and every girl looked badass.

"Thanks, Courtney, I have been doing a lot of preparation to make them ready as I can imagine. She is Pearl, that one is Amethyst, and the tallest of them is Garnet, and this little boy is the main character, Steven Universe." Ezekiel presented to his friends around every single character, as Duncan scoffed but didn't show that he was impressed by the work. Even Katie and Sadie let out sudden crying being interested to see more of it and being happy to be distracting themselves from sudden bad thoughts.

Bridgette took that as an opportunity to see how Ezekiel viewed the Crystal Gems and hoped that it wouldn't have been that well-puberty-matured images, and to her surprise, every single one of them was gorgeous, but their most humanized way but also showed a good well-structured part of being a mineral, like a gem... She loved to see the little boy fanart named Steven since she always thought Steven would have been bound with a hat, but seeing a little chubby kid of 7 years old made her smile even further... On the next page, she saw the name of someone that she wanted so much to know.

"What about that one? The one with four arms?" Bridgette asked as she then looked at the actual drawing of her for the first time. The long hair, the way her forehead and chest somehow lighted on the shadows, and the way that she was holding a freaking bow, with a different kind of arrow. The clothing... that art was gorgeous.

"Oh, that's Opal," Ezekiel said as he showed the art he did about the character, which made the whole group awe once again, which this time Bridgette now had something she was happy to know... she knew who the giant woman was... And now she can use it as her main point of imagination when she has the opportunity to finally read Ezekiel's work... if he gives his permission to her to read.


"It was awesome to see how dedicated Ezekiel was to achieve his first book, he showed so much on what was his plans around Steven Universe, and he told me there would be a lot of drama with some wholesome moments, and it made me want to read it once. But then I saw his sketches of Courage, and he is the most adorable Beagle I ever seen in my life. And the Muriel, Momma if you ever saw it, it would be almost like you looking at yourself in the mirror, but she is Scottish, but I can see how much Courage loved her..." Dj said as he happily commented on the confession, which then he gave a nervous smile, and sweat a bit from thinking a bit more. "But also some of his scared shouts made me a bit scared. When Ezekiel said Courage shouted a lot, he even showed how many drawings he had on his scared face, and there was one section dedicated to villains that he made me look away because it would be too much for me, and from seeing Duncan actually stared at Ezekiel and almost freaking out showed how much dark the villains were. So I'm glad he did it. Eustace looks exactly like I imagined, so I guess he had it coming. But anyway, can't wait to see more of it."

DJ commented as he didn't notice someone suddenly opening the door.


"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." DJ jumped as he also farted on live television, while it showed Duncan laughing from seeing the coward Jamaican scream in fear of his life. "IT'S NOT FUNNY."

"HAHAHAHAHA. OH, IT IS. Now I can see why Eustace does that, it's hilarious." Duncan said as he left the confession bathroom, and the Jamaican narrowed his eyes.

"Oh, that's going to have a payback," DJ swore as the static took place again from the confession.

An hour has passed since most of the campers who were in the main lodge remained mostly bored and fighting the tiredness from their bodies. Some of them were with their heads lying on the table as they were on the verge of sleep, waiting for the other teammates to appear and put an end to the challenge many sought it would have.

Chris was enjoying his time by filling his nails and humming a song.

Most of the campers seemed to be tired of waiting for the other campers at that moment until like a blast the door was opened with Owen crawling like a zombie.

"Finally, food. Feed me, feed me." Owen went on the table and when he collapsed it was enough to break the whole table as the group of the tired Screaming Goophers gave some space for the chubby happy camper to have some room.

"Oh boy, we made it..." Leshawna appeared completely exhausted, as her entire body went to the knees and she started crawling inside of the lodge. And with that the whole Screaming Goophers inside the main lodge.

"Wow, why did it take you so long?" Courtney looked both concerned but also impatient. She could see Harold holding his chest like he was almost having a heart attack. "We don't know if we lost the challenge if you were the last one who came?"

"UGHH AHHH, I think I'm having a palpitation," Harold said as he used both his hands to clutch his chest, as his eyes got open and the group of Killer Bass didn't know if he was being dramatic or not.

Gwen as she was listening the group suddenly got a thought on her mind.

"Hey, wait a minute. If they lost, that means we won the challenge!" At the time Gwen used the logic, she felt very happy to explain to her group, and at the time she said that the Gophers quickly cheered, happily with their first victory.

"Whoa there! Hold your horses, guys." Chris then decided to step in, which made Ezekiel, Duncan, and even Eva glance at each other thinking the same thing... It wasn't that easy. "That wasn't the challenge!"

"What did you just say?" Gwen's eyes twitched as she looked at the host weirdly. The group of campers went into a whole marathon with empty hands.

At the time Chris walked in the direction of a giant purple curtain which made Tyler suddenly realize one thing.

"Hey guys, is it just me or did this curtain just appear from nowhere?" Tyler pointed out but then he received a slap on the back of his head from the delinquent who rolled his eyes.

"No idiot, you were knocked out when Chris came here and explained that there was something behind the curtains and not explained if was a reward or something like that," Duncan explained as he pointed out to Chris who seemed to be ready. "What kind of torturing challenge Chris may have in mind behind that curtain?"

"Who's hungry!?" And with that Chris then pulled back a certain way, revealing something that made most of the camper's, if not all of them have their eyes sparkling and drool like they were a bunch of starving animals. A buffet table was completely stacked with foods of great quality, which made them think they had died and had woken up in heaven.


"After a whole week of brown sludge, I almost cried when I saw that buffet," Gwen admitted as she pointed out how they have to eat the most disgusting kind of food made by the chef himself.


"And then I saw it, the buffet table. It was beautiful." Owen said with his voice showing that he may have entered into an oasis while he felt the richest man in earth. "There was turkey and Nanamo bars, and baked beans and maple syrup!"

"Sniff Ha... can I have a minute?" Owen shed some tears as he felt emotionally touched by seeing the good food once again in his life.

The brunch around the Main Lodge was something Ezekiel never thought he would have seen in his life, he always were curious about how the characters may have enjoyed the buffet from episode 3 of Total Drama, and from looking at that angle, he could see what he was missing.

Duncan, DJ, and Geoff were eating like a bunch of animals, like they desperately needed to feed themselves from the pray, while Harold even as skinny as he was, was eating rice and beans in such a way that Ezekiel thought he was watching a nerd trying to replicate the cultural art of anime eating rice bowl style. Harold was using a fork to push down rice at an angle like the plate was on his face.

It wasn't pretty. Neither Owen made it easier since he was eating all the food like a bottomless garbage disposal.

But from all the food Ezekiel was looking for, there was one thing he was aiming for, breads and desserts. It would be risky and it would be a mess... But Ezekiel knew that he would need it.

Grab slices of cakes, cups of mousse, cinnamon rolls, and a few breads. It was enough to fill his empty backpack.

"Why are you placing the food in the backpack dude?" Tyler noticed the hat camper hiding the food from the others, which made Ezekiel stare at him, but not before thinking about what to say...

"Well, we finally had a great time eating a lot of good food, don't you think it would be best if we save it for tomorrow in case we would need it?" Ezekiel quickly pointed out one of the advantages of eating the food of Chef Hatchet. "If tomorrow we start eating Military food again, at least I have backup food in case I want something nice to eat."

"Ohhhh, that's smart dude." Tyler nodded his head, as he decided to take some bread and place it in his pocket, which Ezekiel smiled at since a good strategy in case they would need it in the future. But now that he filled his backpack for later. Ezekiel finally could enjoy the good food Chef Hatchet did for them, enjoying the days of paradise in case hell took a break.




"Uuuuuuuuugh..." With the passing of time, the group finally went to the final point, where the entire buffet was completely eaten. Almost everyone was either groaning or holding their completely stuffed stomachs.

Chris satisfied to see how his evil plan has been working well so far, decided to start the true reason for the buffet after the exercises.

"Ok, campers!" Chris called to everyone, and the group winced when he used the megaphone. "Time for part two of your challenge!"

"I thought eating was the second part." Owen groaned with his mouth full and with food staining on his face. And while the Scream Gophers looked at the host of the show confused, the Killer Bass then glanced at each other, knowing what they suspected and feared was about to happen.

"What more do you want from us?" Gwen asked as she was feeling her stomach dropping, from all the food she ate.

"Weird goth girl is right." Heather admitted while groaning herself." Haven't we been through enough?"

Chris looked annoyed but decided to reply to Heather with a bit of sarcasm.

"Um...Let me think about that...No!" Chris said with a giant smirk on his face. Knowing that he was going to enjoy the next part of the challenge. "It's time for ... The Awake-a-thon!"

"The what-a-thon?" Owen asked as he looked confused about the name of the challenge.

"Don't worry! This is an easy one!" Chris said as he went down from the table, and decided to explain the rules. The sound of the megaphone could still amplify his voice to make all the campers hear. "The team with the last camper standing wins invincibility!"

Gwen then realized what the plan of the host was, but she decided to ask just to be sure.

"So, what you're saying is the 20k run and the turkey-eating frenzy were part of your evil plan to make it harder for us to stay awake?" Gwen asked, finally understanding what the actual challenge of the day was.

"That's right, Gwen!" Chris happily admitted.

"Man, he's good." Gwen had to say, the host was certainly good at planning.

Leshwana nodded her head as she felt terrified from seeing how devious the host of the show could be.

"Alright campers, to the campfire pit!" Chris instructed everyone as he started to leave the main lodge."Move, move, move!"

And while the group seemed to be walking knowing that they were in a deadly trap. DJ was about to follow them.

"Hey DJ, can you help me to carry this?" A voice was enough to make him snap from his concentration, just to see Ezekiel trying to raise two backpacks. "I think I can't handle this alone."

The Jamaican camper shrugged but at the time he took one backpack, he felt that it was heavy, like 20 pounds of weight.

"What is inside of this?" DJ asked as he used a bit of his strength to carry it, offering his other hand, Ezekiel smiled as he gave the other backpack which is lighter than the other.

"Oh, it's something you are not going to believe," Ezekiel said as he stretched himself, "I don't know why, but I had a feeling that I would need it."

DJ nodded his head as the duo passed towards Gween and went to the fire pit.

"So," Trent walked up to Gwen while holding his stomach. "How long do you think it'll be before everyone's out cold?"

"Possibly an hour" Gwen tried to guess but at that moment, Owen passed by groaning loudly with some drool escaping from his mouth..." Or even less"

And from the time it started passing by, the Killer Bass team looked at Ezekiel if he was the craziest person alive...

Courtney, Eva, and DJ looked in disbelief, not finding the right words to say.

"No way," Duncan said as he started laughing.

"That's so cool," Harold said loudly as he had to admit that nobody ever thought about it.

"DUUUUUDE." Tyler shouted in disbelief, as Katie and Sadie couldn't even help but be surprised.

And on the Gophers side, all the other team was surprised and in disbelief.

"Is he for real?" Heather asked in disbelief as she couldn't help but find another weirdo in the show. "Should even this be allowed?"

"Didn't he carry the weight on the running with him?" Owen asked Trent who nodded his head.

"Yeah, maybe Chris allowed because of that" Trent had to confess that he was surprised.

"I should have expected that," Gwen commented but with a good smile on her face. "A good plan thought."

Bridgette agreed, she was still surprised, but she shouldn't have been. It was a genius plan.


Ezekiel pushed the metal bar on the left, as he continued to use his typewriter above the log where he was supposed to sit.

"With a time like this? I can have a loooooooooot of work done. This may be the best challenge ever." Ezekiel said as his many blocks of papers with already written chapters of Steven Universe, Adventure Time and Courage the Cowardly Dog were nearby him."

The sun which was around the sky finally decided to act as a good way to indicate the hours and by passing by quickly the hours since the Marathon, until that moment it reached in red letters.


All 21 campers were hanging around the campfire site. Most of the Screaming Gophers looked exhausted with bags under their eyes. On the Bass team, the morale seemed to be the opposite.

"Noooo," Harold commented as he was shifting for another page. "Marceline owns the house Finn and Jake live?"

"Yep," Ezekiel smiled as he continued pressing the keys of the typewriter, while the good part of the Killer Bass team, seemed to be distracting themselves from reading some of the works made by the homeschooled boy.

Since it was like the group was sitting and talking as well, the idea to keep their minds distracted gave an advantage towards the awake-a-ton.

Chris smiled as he appeared to show their progress.

"We're now twelve hours." Chris's voice softly spoke up as the camera gave a view of all the campers struggling to stay awake. "So far all 21 campers are still wide awake."

"Woohoo!" Owen cheered with heavy bags under his eyes as he tried to stay awake with his usual happiness and enthusiasm. "I can do that in my sleep! Woohoo…" After a few seconds, Owen proceeded to pass out on the ground with a thud, the Gophers falling to 9 awake members.


"The Awake-a-thon was definitely the most brutal thing I've ever done in my life," Gwen said with a sigh.

Gwen let out a loud yawn as she looked down at the ground, feeling like complete crap.

"This is the most boring thing I've ever done in my life," Gwen said with Trent sitting next to her. By seeing some of the killer Bass team reading the sheets of paper and even showing their reaction, while the others were talking in cheerful mode she couldn't help but envy. "I should have brought a book to read."

"Yeah, that was a smart plan. But it could be way worse."The guitarist let out a yawn before looking at Gwen.

"Oh yeah?" Gwen questioned as she looked at Trent. "How?"

"I could be stuck here without you to talk to."Trent smiled at the Goth girl and said that.

Gwen couldn't help but give a small smile at Trent's words, a small hint of pink coming to her cheeks.

All the while Heather watched with narrowed eyes. Knowing that now she needs to think quickly.


"So my strategy is to get two other campers to form an alliance with me and take to the final three," Heather explained as she put a finger to her chin. "Beth is already in my hands since she showed the utmost loyalty. I can ask her to jump and she would jump without thinking twice. Now, I just need to solidify one more member... But the only question is, who can I find that is either desperate or dumb enough to do whatever I say like Beth?"

Heather watched around until a voice caught her attention.

"What are you doing?" Gwen asked with a raised eyebrow as she and Trent looked to see Lindsay trying to stand on her head.

"Trying…to get the blood to rush to my head," Lindsay answered with a smile on her face. "Heh…I think it's working."

"Can I try?" Beth asked as she walked next to Lindsay.

"Sure!" Lindsay encouraged.

Heather looked at both Lindsay and Beth with a grin.

"Perfect. Great job Beth." Heather smiled as she walked towards the duo who seemed to be trying to do the same thing. Heather walked towards the duo. "Hey, girls."

"Oh hey, Heather? Want to join us?" Beth asked while Heather rolled her eyes.

"I prefer to pass. But thanks for inviting me." Heather used her rude tone, but seeing Beth eager to please her, she decided to add a bit of smooth tone, before going back to her strategy. "Lindsy, Beth, can I talk to you for a second?"

"Sure!" Both girls said in unison…both standing on their heads.

As they left the group of the Goophers, Heather crossed her arms as she smiled at the plan working so well in her favor.

"Well girls, I have a plan to bring me and two more girls to the final 3. And since Beth knows about this, I also choose you Lindsay to reach the final 3." Heather played her cards right, since Beth nodded her head as a good minion, and Lindsay was feeling awestruck by the idea that she was going to be on the final three.

"Really?" Lindsay seemed to be so happy as she couldn't help but ask.

Heather nodded as she felt satisfied with her plan completed.

"You should know that this is a very big deal. I am placing my trust in you, and trust is a two-way street." Heather said solemnly as she could see the girls eating on the palm of her hand. "So you'll do everything I say, then?"

"Sure.!" Lindsay squealed loudly, "WE'RE GOING TO THE FINAL THREE!"

Heather cringed from the loud shout and Beth who also heard the scream palled,

"Shhhhhhh." Beth said as she was afraid, and looking around if the group was looking at them. "Lindsay please more quiet, they cannot know we are doing this."

"Why not?" Lindsay asked while Heather raised her eyebrow.

"Last challenge I messed up, and I don't want them to keep targeting me until I get out. If they keep finding an excuse to try to vote for me, I will never be able to be on the final 3," Beth said exasperated. Which made Lindsay and even Heather understand how desperate Beth was... "I got lucky, really lucky. If wasn't for Heather and Cody defending me, I would have been the one leaving."

Heather remained quiet.


"Okay, that girl needs a life. Come on, while I'm full force on participating in the competition and I plan to crush down to the victory, all I just did was simply let her carry my crate, and defend her just to send the bookworm away." Heather said in disbelief, as she knew the words she just said. "I mean, I don't care how her life would be when she loses the prize, but come on, we are also here to try to be famous, and there must be a limit on how desperate the person must be... and I'm not going to teach her how to have a life, oh no, no way. Take me out of this."


"I don't want to go home this early. I have so much to prove... and the nightmare I had yesterday of me dragging down my team again didn't help me at all... I want to be on the final three, and this is my only chance." Beth said as she sweated from the future. "How things will go until there?"

The trio of girls went to their places to continue the challenge, while the whole group of Killer Bass was still their conversation...

In the next hour, nothing seemed to happen.

"Ughhh, okay. I think I'm going to have a break now." Ezekiel said as he then took his other backpack which by opening made the Killer Bass look surprised. "Ah, a cake break is always a good idea."

"Did you just bring food?" Courtney asked as she stopped reading the sheets and was enjoying a good time talking with Tyler.

"Oh yeah. I forgot." Tyler slapped his face, and then from his pocket, he took bread and started eating. "Man, that was a genius plan."

"Yep, me and Tyler, noticed that we may come back eating the usual cam food, so we just took some reserves in an emergency... so like right now, my body craves sugar," Ezekiel said as he started eating the cake. And making the others groan. By either for still being full from eating, or for the fact they would return eating Chef's food when the challenge's over.

Eva glanced, she was currently sitting next to both Bridgette and Geoff while listening to heavy metal music on her MP3 player. The athlete decided that she had enough so she stood up as she put her MP3 in her pocket.

"I'm going to the bathroom," Eva told everyone as she headed toward the bathroom area. But as she walked, her MP3 player fell out of her pocket.

Heather watched this happen and a smirk came to her face. But before she even got up from her seat. There was a shout which made everyone alert.

"YO, EVA, YOUR MP3 FELL ON THE FLOOR," Ezekiel shouted as he was eating his cake, which made the bodybuilder girl freeze, and then quickly checked on the pocket, and to see that it was the truth, she glanced at the floor, which for such a relief, she went back and took it from there. But at the time she was going to leave... She went to the homeschooled boy and gave him a crushing hug, just to his panic and dismay. "Ughhhhhhh."

"Thanks, you have no idea how this is important to me." Eva released him as she heard the sound of bones snapping, and immediately left the area to go to the bathroom.

"Pain, pain... gratefulness is pain," Ezekiel said as his own feet were twitching and his entire body was on the floor.

Heather, scoffed. As she found nothing would have been that easy.


The night has filled the island, as the red letters finally reached the 24-hour mark. On the Screaming Gophers' side, Owen and Izzy had all fallen asleep with everyone else looking exhausted and ready to fall anytime now. All except Justin who was standing firm, unmoving with his chest puffed out and his eyes wide open.

On the Killer Bass side, the whole group is still awake but different from the beginning, most of them looked deeply annoyed by one specific thing.

*tec, tec, tec, tec. Ding, wrap;*

Duncan, Eva, Courtney, and Tyler were already covering their ears from always the constant annoying sound of the typewriter constantly typing the next work.

"I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE. I WANT TO DESTROY THIS ABOMINATION." Duncan said as he really tried to go towards Ezekiel who seemed to be constantly typing, and being in his zone. The dark circles on his eyes showed how deeply he was doing so much for the next project. And the delinquent wanted to destroy the bane of all the annoying sounds.

"DUNCAN STOP," Courtney said as she was doing her best to not be annoyed, and she and DJ used both forces to hold the delinquent away from the hat boy. At that moment the group seemed to be on the verge of fighting each other, a sigh was heard from the said boy.

"Ahhhh, thank God it's over. I'm going to have a break." Ezekiel said which made the group of Killer Bass finally achieve peace. "I'm going to the bathroom."

"Finally, with that annoying sound, I couldn't even...sleep..." Duncan said as he was finally achieving a conclusion which made not just him, but some of the other members of the team realize... "BEEP. I forgot we shouldn't sleep. WE NEED IT TO STAY AWAKE."

And before the group would even try to reach Ezekiel to ask to come back, a voice that appeared from the last person they wanted to hear on that night, was from the host himself.

"Congratulations, campers!" Chris said as he watched the completely exhausted and sleep-deprived campers from next to the metal barrier. "You've made it to the twenty-four-hour mark. Time to take things up a notch!"

"Fairy Tales!" Everyone then watched as Chris pulled a sheet off of what was revealed to be a large stack of books.

"Oh, he's not serious!" Gwen complained as that was one of the last things she wanted right now.

"Well, I have one special for you all." Chris smiled evilly as he went nearby to the Killer Bass group, and quickly looked at one of the blocks of paper, he found the one he was looking for. "This one was written by your team member yesterday, and when I was watching the security cameras, I slept like a log for a few hours after he read it for a grammar review. Let's start with this one... Courage the cowardly dog, and the Sandman sleep."

"Oh no" The whole group of Killer Bass who was staring at Chris, now got on his hands one story which could be a killing factor to anyone who was going to listen to it. And with Ezekiel in the bathroom, their source of protection is now against them.

Chris then cleared his throat and got ready to read…only for a harp to be heard everyone watched and laughed as Chef Hatchet came up next to Chris wearing a pink sheep costume. Chef growled as Chris and a few others laughed at him until the host cleared his throat again and started reading from the book.

"In a farm... in the middle of Nowhere. There was a family of three, which everyone knows who is. Murial who was using her nighty to sleep, was enjoying a good time with her constant snoring. Eustace seemed to be sleeping unaffected by the constant snoring... but our lovely purple beagle Courage was pulling his eyelids to try to see if he could sleep with that constant noise... and from another side of somewhere, there was a giant sand castle, where it was a man dressed in purple, and black mask, doing the constantly counting the sheep jumping over his bed... 632.000.498, 632.000.499..."

"Sadie, we cannot sleep first." Katie tried to help her sister to remain awake, but the chubby camper was doing her best to remain awake, Sadie just stared at Katie who was on the verge of crying.

"It's too late for me...Katie, please be strong, for both of us." Sadie gave a sad smile as she closed her eyes for the first time.

"Noooooo." Katie was about to lament when she was the next victim of the impactful weight of tiredness and sleep.

The story ended up getting quite a few yawns from some of the campers. It even managed to get a member of the Gophers out. Cody, who proceeded to lay asleep on Owen's butt, started to dream about the sandman having problems sleeping, and how the idea of stealing someone's sleep was good enough for his imagination to fly... but…only to be woken up by Owen farting. But he was still out.

When Ezekiel came back, Chris was in the middle of telling his work. Later Ezekiel had to conclude.


"Courage Cowardly Dog and the Sandman Sleep was a creation I had for people who suffered from insomnia. Since there was a time my pa was having problems without a reason on why he couldn't sleep... The ending may surprise you on how little personal things were the factor on how to help us to sleep well at night." Ezekiel commented as he was feeling proud of his work. "Still a low blow, Chris."

More time passed as more and more campers kept falling like flies. Ezekiel tried his best to keep writing, but suddenly he started to see double... He shook his head, and once again shoved another dessert on his face, to keep eating just to recover his energy. And by eating bread, he was prepared for what was coming next. But no other campers were as ready as him.

It got even worse when Chef, now dressed up like a ballerina, started dancing around with Chris playing The Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy on radio as Chef through some sort of sleep-inducing sparkles on the other campers with these sparkles managing to knock DJ out as he tied himself to a tree…causing the tree to fall.



"I figured that if I kept moving, I could outlast all of them," Courtney explained her strategy on constantly running in place. "I just had to keep my eye on the ball."

"Courtney," Courtney was focused on doing her exercise, but the voice broke her concentration. "Carbs, you need carbs."

Then she found in the hands of Ezekiel offering bread to her, which made her raise her eyebrow to him.

"I'm on my limit. Good luck in winning for the team." Ezekiel said as he wasn't able to keep it going, and with just like that, the long plan of stalling their chances was finally crumbling.

And with that, the Killer Bass another member, now made them to be the remaining four of their team. Duncan, Courtney, Eva, and Geoff. All of them seemed to be losing their energy quickly and were too bored and tired to do anything else.

The screaming Gophers also weren't having a good time either, since Heather decided to elbow one of her alliance members.

"We need to talk about our strategy." Heather tried to remain positive and in control of the challenge, but the moment Lindsay fell from her seat, it showed how much was, especially when she looked at her other member Beth, who was knocked out and with her legs in the air. "Beth?"

"Ok, favorite song?" Gwen asked as she and Trent continued to sit next to each other. To both pass the time and to help each other stay awake, they kept asking each other various questions.

"She will be Loved." Trent thought about it for a moment before answering. And with a smile on his face before asking his question. "Favorite color?"

"Midnight blue." Gwen didn't even have to think about this one.

"Ooh, mysterious. I like that." Trent said with a little grin on his face. Gwen smiled but soon yawned causing Trent to quickly put a hand on her shoulder. "Aw, don't fall asleep. Okay, quick. Favorite movie moment?"

"You're gonna think it's cheesy," Gwen told Trent.

"I promise I won't," Trent reassured the girl.

"The kiss at the end of that road trip movie." Gwen averted her gaze a bit before admitting to the guitarist. "You know, the one with the guy and the three girls?"

"I know the one." Trent laughed a bit with Gwen even joining in on the laughing with Trent. "You like that movie?"

The moment would have been sweet…had a now naked Owen not sleepwalked past them. Both of their eyes slowly widened as they looked to where Owen was lying and saw only all of his clothes scattered about. They then watched as Owen, still sleepwalking, headed into the woods.


"Did I mention that I ate the entire dish of baked beans and maple syrup?" Owen sheepishly asked. "Funny thing about baked beans, they make me sleepwalk."

"Heheh, How cool is that that." Trent couldn't help but smile as he and Gwen watched Katie and Sadie sleeping right next to each other. The two best friends fell asleep at the exact time and hadn't even rolled away from each other in their sleep. "They even sleep together."

Duncan, Courtney, and Eva stared at the duo, knowing that the duo were the first who were asleep from the challenge. They couldn't prove their value around the challenge. So, therefore... the results were clear.




Gwen and Trent had a good time spending together. From talking about how tired they were, to the point of even talking and learning about the stars.

51 hours.

The night seemed to never come to an end. From the time Owen sleepwalked went on his journey around the island. And inside of the camp. Trent and Gwen were staring at the young model Justin who seemed still using his iconic pose and smiling like nothing happened.

"Look at him. He's like a statue." Gwen commented as she and Trent looked in amazement at Justin who was still standing tall and firm with wide unblinking eyes. "He hasn't moved in over…fifty hours! Hello? Yo!"

"Yip! Yip!" Trent yelled and made wild movements to try and break Justin's concentration. "Yip, yip, yip, yip, yip!"

"Amazing." Gwen couldn't help but be impressed by the unbreakable wall that was Justin. "Look at the concentration."

Gwen decided to touch the face of the model, who just shook his head and slowly opened his eye slides. Surprising and even making his team members gap.

"He painted his eyelids! I saw it" Eva pointed at Justin who was just confused at the moment he woke up.

"Get out! Oh, I've gotta see this." Chris then ran over to Justin to see the situation for himself. Justin smiled nervously as he blinked a few times to show the makeup on his eyelids. "That is so crazy and incredible! But, you're still out, dude." Justin slumped down a bit as the Gophers were down another member.

And the time passed once again, from night to day, to day to night. Some of the losers of the team Killer Bass and Scream Gophers were allowed to go the bathroom from time to time and go to the main lodge just to eat once again Chef's food once, just for them to remember paradise on that island isn't what they would get. And with their routine once again. They went back to the challenge just to see who would win.


Lots happened during the last few days of staying awake. Duncan made Harold pee his pants by sticking his hand in warm water, Cody was hugging a possum while he was asleep ending with him being attacked by the little animal, and the still sleepwalking Owen swam up a waterfall with salmon. The only remaining campers were Gwen, Trent, and Heather or the Screaming Gophers and Duncan, Eva, and Courtney for the Killer Bass.

Gwen let out an incredibly loud and long yawn, "I'd kill for a coffee right now." Gwen groaned out, feeling miserable.

"What's the matter with you people?" Chris asked as he walked to everyone as if taunting Gwen, holding a coffee. "Come on, fall asleep already!"

Just then Gwen crawled up to Gwen with the goth tugging his pants. "You've gotta hook me up, man," Gwen begged for any form of caffeine. "I'll even eat the grinds! Anything!"

Chris pulled away from Gwen as the host looked to the remaining campers. "Alright, you six stay with me. "The rest of you go get a shower, for heaven's sake. You stink!" Everyone did as they were told as Heather, Gwen, Trent, Duncan, Eva, and Courtney, followed Chris with all the other campers heading out to either take a shower or pass out somewhere else.

Chris took a long mocking sip of his cup of coffee as the remaining six campers sat down on the stumps. "I didn't want it to come to this, I said that to Chef Hatchet last night, I said, 'Chef, I don't want it to come to this," Chris explained from behind the metal barrel. "But darn it, these campers are tough." And so…I've come up with the most boring, sleep-inducing activity I can find."


"Oh come on! What now?" Gwen yelled before crossing her arms. "Okay, you know what? Bring it on!"


"I got to the point my legs started to cramp and I couldn't possibly move," Courtney said as she was still munching another bread. "But if I continue focused and if Chris doesn't read one of the most annoying books like History of Canada, then I think we can win this."

Chris then grinned as he pulled out an incredibly large red book. "The History of Canada." Chris narrated in a soft voice before opening up and revealing a pop-up of a beaver. "Chapter One: The Beaver, National symbol and a dam fine hat." Duncan, Courtney, Eva, Gwen, Heather, and Trent all groaned at Chris for that statement.


"beeeeep" Courtney cursed as she threw her arms in the air while knowing the outcome of such a terrible book.


"And of course, those were the little spark of the discussions which later became the war of 1812." Chris when he first started reading the book, he was enjoying himself torturing the kids, but with the pass of the time, his voice became monotonous from how boring the book was.

And with that summary, Eva, and Heather were out.

Courtney was blinking as she kept trying to keep moving her legs.

"Come on, come on. Just for a few more hours. I know I can do it." Courtney whispered to herself, but it seemed that her body was giving her language, since on the next second, Courtney noticed something was wrong. "That's strange, it seems the floor is going to my direct..."


"Oof." Both Duncan, Gwen, and Chris winced as the CIT girl just got knocked out from body exhaustion.

And it wasn't long before Treen was seen falling off his stump. "Trent! Noooo!" But despite Gwen calling out to him, Trent fell flat on his face and was out cold. "Don't leave me…"

Chris kept reading but Gwen and Duncan didn't let up. Chris stopped reading for a second before checking his watch. "Time for a bathroom break!" Chris told the last two campers still awake. "Any takers?"

Duncan doing his best to hold himself up from all the pee he could give, he still smiled and tried to remain strong.

"Hey bro, I held until now, I'm sure I can still hold for the entire day." Duncan tried to remain courageous, but Gwen smirked as she gave a very solid point.

"Okay, but you still can take more 10 chapters of the book?" Gwen smiled as Duncan knew it would be a terrible idea. So he quickly went to the bathroom.

"You have 5 minutes." Chris smiled as Duncan looked pale from all the pressure he had been holding for so long. And with that, walking into a death trap. "As long as you don't mind being occupied."

"Alright, but stay away from the cabin," Duncan said to the cameraman who nodded his head to accept his condition.

And from the time Gwen was almost on the verge of giving up in 5 minutes, suddenly the cameraman gave a letter message, describing what happened. Duncan slept while sitting in the bathroom.

"It seems Duncan launched himself into Morpheus' arms, and now we have a true winner of awake-a-thon. GWEN." Chris said at the time Gwen launched herself on the floor, as her entire body went to dreamland. "The Screaming Gophers are the winners."

(Aquarium )

The whole group of Killer Bass was with low morale since the last challenge made them the first loss of the show.

The Katie and Sadie were in deep cry since both of the girls knew what was going to happen. And they couldn't help but be in the last hours together hugging each other.

Duncan was still asleep on the hot tube since it was the recommendation from the bodybuilder herself. Courtney and Eva still want to be awake before enjoying a good nap on the massage bubbles from the hot tube.

Tyler, DJ, Harold, and Bridgette were in silence, unable to say any word, because the decision was clear, both of the girls were the first to sleep and couldn't prove themselves to the others.

Courtney was on the verge of saying something rude, her body was sore and she was having a headache, Eva was in point to screaming to the annoying twins to shut up. But then the sounds of a flag were enough to break the silence of the other campers.

When the group looked on their side, they found out that the Killer Bass Flag was not stuck on the wall anymore, but it was now in the hands of Ezekiel.

"I know that is a harsh decision to make it the final point where we are about to eliminate both of you. But I think we as a team, shouldn't break ourselves apart... While we are still competing, I believe we all should remain friends, even after this show ends."Ezekiel always wanted to be friends with everyone, and even if Katie and Sadie were annoying twins, he learned something important about them as well, not just terrible with a marker and the flag in his hands, he gave the marker to the chubby girl while he spread the flag open. "So as a signal of great honor, and to prove that we are Killer Bass until the end. Sadie, you have the honor to be the first person to sign your name on this flag."

Sadie remained quiet, but seeing that the little teenager was being truthful to her, she gave a weak smile, and she decided to write her name on the flag. The first killer bass who signed the name.

Courtney nodded her head, from being touched and happy that a situation like that was solved by that.

As a good example, Courtney took the marker and also signed her name. Later every single member of the Killer Bass followed the example, and different than the original flag... When they signed their name, even Duncan who had to wake up just to sign it... The team could see, how a flag became also the proof of their teamwork.

It was a great sadness that a member of that team must go... But now with that flag in hand, that would be a good memory of the competition wouldn't be only for money. But alliance and friendship, in a path to make all of them famous.

"Alright, while we are still here. We must decide to prepare our plans" Courtney said as she suddenly saw Ezekiel raising his hand. "What is it, Zeke?"

"I would like to suggest something for our group, especially Katie." Ezekiel started, while he brought attention to the other twin who seemed still sad to say goodbye to her best friend and sister. "If things get too much for you, and you are on the verge of a breaking point. I would like to suggest a secret word for us to use. That it would mean that you wanted to be eliminated in the challenge we lose."

At the moment Ezekiel said that everyone turned to him.

"WHAT?" The Killer Bass shouted in disbelief, and Ezekiel raised both hands.

"Hey, hey, hey, hear me out okay?" Ezekiel commented, and at the time everyone went calm again, he decided to explain. "These two challenges we got in less than a week were nothing more than a nightmare. So my point is... When things get too much for me, or for anyone around here. We should develop a word that means we had enough of the challenge, enough of the competition... And back out. No drama."


The silence was enough to explain that they were in deep thought.

"I mean, I wouldn't be surprised that in the future they would push our limits or even our morals. So in case that happens, it would be terrible for the team to lose because someone gave up, and not giving the heads up for the team, since the team was going to lose because someone quit, wouldn't be better if we just prepared ourselves to lose and get ready for the next challenge?" Ezekiel pointed out a reasonable point, as even some of the Bass considered the idea.

"But what about we win, even if that person would quit and not get eliminated?" Katie decided to ask as she was tempted to just quit because she wouldn't want to leave Sadie.

"I think it would be fair to eliminate the person when we lose on the next challenge. Since the person wants to quit first, I think it would be best if we give what they want." Courtney decided to answer that question since she could understand the idea of giving the quiters a chance to leave, and make the team just drop the challenge and focus on the next one.

Ezekiel smiled, as Courtney understood what was his point.

"If Katie wants to quit, we could just drop the challenge and be ready for what's coming next." Harold could see the point.

At the time Katie was about to jump on the idea, Sadie tightened her grip which made Katie flinch.

"No, don't do that" Sadie for the first time instructed her sister which made Katie stare at her in shock. "While it's good for us to be together, I still want you to win. So don't make my sacrifice in vain, and while I love you, Katie... I wouldn't quit it... Not just after you lose. So wait until you got to the point where you couldn't take it anymore."

Katie just heard Sadie giving the instructions, and Sadie was just telling in a low tone just for her sister to hear.

"Don't give up because of me... Give up because of you. You are the smart twin, so be the smart one." Sadie instructed as she gave a final hug to her tanned sister. "I love you, and I will miss you, so please don't screw this up for us."

Katie sniffed, but nodding her head she hugged the chubby twin. She could see Ezekiel looking at them, and in silence looked away.

"So what is the secret word we should develop in case we want to give up?"Bridgette asked as she was still feeling tired from the last challenge.

"Well, it's something we can work with later," Ezekiel said, as he felt that at some moment there would be enough for people who wanted to leave without being judged.

"Well, that seems a reasonable idea and something that we can implement around the game." Courtney nodded her head as she understood that soon some players, even from her team would decide something like that. So it was best for them to plan for cases like that to happen.

It was an afternoon of hugs and goodbyes for one of their members.

Night - Campfire Pit.

"Killer Bass, that's terrible you managed to be here for the first time. You got so close to winning, so close yet so far." Chris smirked while some of the Killer Bass groaned in anger. "Like I said to the Screaming Gophers, Marshmallows represent a tasty treat that you enjoy roasting by the fire. At this camp, marshmallows represent life."

Sadie and Katie held hands together, as the duo knew that the time was coming.

"You've all cast your votes and made your decision," Chris said like in the last episode while holding the plate of marshmallows. "There are only ten marshmallows on this plate. When I call your name come up and claim your marshmallow. The camper who does not receive a marshmallow tonight must immediately return to the dock of shame to catch the boat of losers. That means you're out of the contest and you can't come back...ever."

The team remained quiet as they remained too tired to care since they had the longest challenge and they didn't even have a mind to process what was happening.

"The first marshmallow goes to Duncan." Chris smiled as Duncan was still with dark circles in his eyes. "Bridgette, Courtney, Eva, Ezekiel, Harold"

And by each name, Chris was calling, every single member of the Killer Bass was excited to have a marshmallow and the guarantee for another day.

Remaining 5 members, Chris smiled as he then called.

"Tyler, DJ, Geoff" Both names of the boys who jump from their seats, and even with the dark circles around their eyes, everybody knew what was coming next. "Katie, Sadie... This is the final marshmallow of the night."

Katie and Sadie watched that little sugary treat that resembled a monster since it was time for one of them to leave the show. The suspense created as the sound of drums in the background made all their heartbeats in shock, and both closed their eyes.

"Katie." Chris smiled as the time came, and Katie let out a whimper and shed a few tears. Her sister Sadie, smiled at her and gave a final hug.

"Please be strong, I will be waiting for you. But only come when you know you can't handle anymore." Sadie said, while Katie still cleaned her face with her hand. The Killer Bass team was in silence and sadness. "Hey guys, that's fine. Sure it was quick, but it was a good experience... I just wish I could have done more."

"Your boat awaits Sadie." Chris smiled as the chubby camper gave a few sniffs, before giving a hug to Chris. "You 10 are saved and have a good night of sleep. Because tomorrow will be the next challenge."

"WHAT?" The whole Killer Bass team shouted in disbelief. Even Sadie who was almost going to leave the boat.

"Didn't I tell you, since you all spend more than 86 hours on the challenge? This night would be the last of 3 days off you guys would have. So you better prepare yourselves for tomorrow." Chris smiled as Sadie gave a final smile before accepting to go on the boat.

"SADIE." At the time the boat was leaving. Katie shouted as the chubby twin looked to see her whole team waving at her. "HAVE A NICE TRIP. WAIT FOR US, WE ARE GOING TO WIN THIS."

"ALRIGHT, GIVE YOUR BEST." Sadie smiled as the whole group of teammates received their first defeat. The camera showed for the last time the twin who started to cry, but this time in the hope that her friends would win the whole competition. "I miss them already."

"To Sadie, the first Killer Bass member to leave, we are not going to let her down." Courtney smiled as she noticed that the morale of the Killer Bass was on fire, with bloodshot eyes, they wanted revenge for losing a member. "And for our team, that we are going to crush them down on the next challenge."

Eva, Duncan, DJ, Tyler, Ezekiel, Katie, Bridgette, Geoff, Courtney and Harold. All of them are not going to let their defeat cheap, they are going to win it the double if necessary. That was something they swore.

"TO KILLER BASS," Geoff shouted, as the whole team screamed in cheers. To show that the next time. Tomorrow would be a different game.

In the night.

"ZZZZZZZZZZ." A loud snore was enough to make most of the boys just wake up from their sleep.

"What the beep? Who is snoring loudly like that." Ezekiel asked until he realized who is it.

"Dammit nerd," Duncan gritted his teeth, as he was feeling angry already.

"Oh no, not tonight." Ezekiel understood what was about to happen. "Guys, we need to make a travel to the Aquarium.

DJ and Tyler looked as if they were confused about what was happening. But nodded without question.




"ZZZZZZZZZZ." A few minutes later, there was Harold, sleeping in a blanket... in the cave known as the aquarium, where he could snore without disturbing anyone... A good night of sleep for every single member of Killer Bass.

"Now that's a good way to start the day." Ezekiel smiled as the whole camp went back to sleep. With a good moral for the next morning.

Chapter 5: Dodgebrawl

Chapter Text


"Last time on Total Drama Island." The camera turns on to show Chris standing on the dock going over a review happening on the show on the last episode. "The Screaming Gophers got their first victory in the awake-a-thon. When Duncan had a good night of sleep on the toilet, giving the Killer Bass their first loss. Ezekiel used all the cards on his sleeve, and even in the end couldn't manage to take the victory from Gwen's hands. Heather created the first alliance on Total Drama Island by accepting Lindsay as her newest member, as Beth showed too much devotion to be not eliminated from the show... Freaky... The Killer Bass team discovered that in dire circumstances it would be best you find good scapegoats to make their team dynamic remain strong, which was a good jab when it came to the annoying twins Katie and Sadie who didn't stop their annoyance since the first episode. They had a chance to prove themselves which they failed spectacularly... This leads Sadie to be the first eliminated from the Killer Bass, but not without good proof of their friendship and teamwork by putting their names on the flag of Killer Bass. A good way to show a good friendship... And with the partiture of Sadie, the Killer Bass finally showed their killing intents, they are up for blood, and you all should take the front seats. Who is going to try to destroy the friendship and powerful teamwork of Killer Bass now that they are swearing revenge on all the Gophers who would have the terrible decision to wake up from bed this morning? And who would be the next participant who would walk towards the humiliating Dock of Shame? Stay tuned for the most exciting campfire ceremony of them all. On here on Total. Drama. Island!"

(Main Lodge)

The main lodge was with a mixed environment around the breakfast. The Screaming Gophers were with their morale high, chatting happily while eating their food.

But on the other side in the nearby table, the Killer Bass team was in silence, with a completely serious face.

Katie still shed some tears from having a terrible night of sleep without her sister and best friend. It was a painful feeling to have in the morning. But with Bridgette, Tyler, and DJ comforting her, she was still able to remain strong...but for how long? She doesn't know.

Courtney was massaging her legs and still flinched from her face bruised from the impact of the fall. Her legs felt like jelly, and she knew that she would need to find a way to use them since this show could be heartless.

Duncan was still tired from the last challenge, but he wasn't showing any sign of exhaustion... He glanced at both the C.I.T. who was massaging her muscles, and the homeschooled boy who was just touching his food.

Ezekiel remained quiet, knowing well that the morale of his team wasn't the best at the moment, but taking a glance at Eva, who was doing a workout of her biceps...

He glanced at the cheerful spirit of the Screaming Gophers...

Their joy would soon be smashed to smithereens.

"Good morning campers" Chris appeared as he was in his cheerful mood."Duncan, what happened? You look a bit awful?"

"I'm fine," Duncan rudely replied. "Just feel my face numb, but it could have been a lot worse. What do you want?"

Chris smiled as he then glanced around.

"From seeing all the campers here, there is still missing a Bass," Chris commented as the group glanced around.

"Did someone wake him up?" Courtney asked, and DJ nodded his head.

"Yeah, he is taking a shower, and kept mumbling about the sleepwalking something," DJ commented as at the time the group watched Harold open the door, and walk towards the Killer Bass table.

"Duuuuude, did anyone see me walking last night?" Harold asked, and Ezekiel, Tyler, and Geoff stared at each other.

Tyler was about to reply but Duncan tapped his mouth to reply instead.

"No, we were sleeping, where were you?"Duncan grinned, as he was enjoying the show that was happening on that morning.

"I just woke up in the A..." Harold was about to explain where he was until Courtney coughed loudly which made the nerd suddenly realize the place he was going to say. So he quickly corrected himself. "There... but I don't know how... wait... did I was snoring loudly yesterday?"

"Yes," The whole group of Killer Bass answered in unison which made Harold nod his head.

"Okay, makes sense. I always sleepwalk when I start snoring loudly." Harold explained that he was satisfied with the conclusion and got to sit with his friends and teammates.

The whole group looked at each other in confusion, while Duncan tried to hold his laugh.

(Confession - Harold)

"This was a symptom I discovered at home, every time I snore loudly, I wake up in the random locations. I'm so glad that this time I woke up dressed, because some of the time, I cannot control what I dress as sleepwalking. My sister once had to wake me up in the middle of the park, and I was dressing like a ballerina." Harold explained in the confession that at the time he should be ashamed of such things. "I don't know why, but my siblings always find amusement when it comes to me waking up after my sleepwalk. I think the tiredness on the last challenge made me sleepwalk again. So I hope we don't have a challenge like that again."

"He-hey, everyone! Chris got the attention of everyone as he gestured at the door opening up, revealing the gothic girl who was with both her arms down and walking like a zombie towards the table. "It's Gwen."

And at that statement, the whole Gophers cheered loudly as they kept applauding.

"Yeah," Lindsay said happily, but then she went nearby to Justin to whisper. "Why are we clapping?"

The Killer Bass remained quiet, even as Courtney narrowed her eyes, but then she felt something tightening her leg, which made her look on her side... It was both Duncan and Ezekiel who were focusing on making Courtney keep her cool.

But not just her, Katie glared so much, even as her eyes were red... Tyler gulped because he wasn't sure if was from crying, or from bloodshot eyes.

"I'm so tired... I can't feel my face..." Gwen stated not just on the second later she faceplanted on the table.

Heather turns to Beth and Lindsay,

"So let's go over the rules one more time. Number one, I am the captain of this alliance, so I get to make the rules. Number two..." She waited for them to give her answers.

"Breaking the rules can result in getting kicked out of the alliance?" Lindsay asked, just to be sure if she got it right, and Heather approved.

"Number three, you can borrow any of our stuff without asking, but your stuff is out of limits, I still don't get what usually would want to borrow my stuff," Beth said as she pointed out to Heather, who just blinked...

"Well, I would usually take makeup, perfume, shampoo, or even clothing which would fit," Heather commented as she had in mind that if Lindsay had some stuff that she would find good for her to use, she would use and abuse from such privilege.

"Well, you can have it if you want. I'm more from a farm, so I don't a very good makeup, I usually just take the few versions that were on sale in the mall." Beth commented which made Heather blink from the perspective of Beth.

Heather cringed with the idea of using all the old stuff and the idea of using the clothing of Beth would make her feel humiliated.

"Aww you poor thing." Lindsay got emotional from seeing such a terrible lifestyle. "I would have nightmares about living in such a terrible state."

Heather noticed that was a lose-lose situation with Beth, so she needed to do something.

"Alright, alright. Here is the modified version of the rule. You and Lindsay can borrow stuff from each other, in the same way I can borrow things from you both. But my stuff is off limits okay?" Heather corrected the last rule, which made Lindsay pause, and think about it... and seeing Beth was in a terrible spot, she then smiled.

"I liked this rule. I would have offered my makeup to Beth, but thanks for thinking about that Heather." Lindsay smiled as she gave credit to the leader of the alliance.

"Really? Would you do that for me?" Beth asked as she sniffed. Happily, she found trustful friends to be on her side.

"Yes," Heather said tiredly. But then she narrowed her eyes. "But to be sure that you are not wasting product from Lindsay, we will be watching you closely to see if you are using it right."

"AHHHH, YOU ARE THE BEST FRIENDS A GIRL WOULD EVER WANT." Beth smiled so wide, that she hugged both Lindsay and Heather, and while Lindsay felt so happy, Heather cringed from being hugged by Beth.

(Confession - Heather)

"I'm doing that because it was the best way to make both girls be on their leashes, and that way I would have their stuff, while mine is protected. I'm just glad that I didn't have to appeal for threatening and manipulating the alliance like that. But Beth needs to learn how to use makeup. If she wastes all the lipstick Lindsay has, how would even have some for me?" Heather explained as she scoffed, and then facepalmed at the idea of how terrible a situation she would be. "She really, really needs a life. I'm just glad that Lindsay would help her out with that, the dumb blond and the nerd. A great duo in the future."

"Now let's have some fun," Heather said as both girls seemed to be happy with the idea. "Hey, fish-head! Way to kick out one of your useless players, the chubby one was a good riddance! Ready to lose another of your teammates?"


Heather who was smiling cheerfully, suddenly saw something that she may regretted...

All Killer Bass team were in deep silence, but with their eyes, it was as if looks could kill... Heather noticed that she provoked a river full of piranhas.

"Okay campers, listen up!" Chris clapped his hands, which brought the attention of everyone again. "Your next challenge begins in ten minutes, and be prepared to bring it."

The Killer Bass were the first ones to get up and immediately followed Chris, but each Gopher could see that they had shadows in their eyes. Even DJ who seemed to be the kindest, seemed to be unable to take that provocation slightly.


10 minutes later, all the 20 campers made their way to the gym-like area set up on the beach. There were bleachers on both sides with the walls made of glass and Chef wearing the official referee's uniform with a whistle around his neck. Sitting in a high chair between bleachers.

Duncan, Geoff, and DJ cracked their knuckles, Eva and Tyler cracked their necks, Ezekiel cracked his fingers one by one, Courtney stretched her shoulder with a slight crack, and Katie and Bridgette stretched themselves but didn't show any crack sound. Harold sniffed and spat on the floor. It was disgusting, but he proved a point.

All the team was ready.

The Gophers didn't know why but there was an ominous aura on the court...

Until Chef used his whistle to bring attention to all the campers, who were in silence. Chef as a referee walked between the campers, while he examined every single one of them... The silence but killing intent from the Killer Bass made him grin widely as he then glanced at the Screaming Gophers who seemed not aware of what was going to happen. So he shook his head in disappointment.

"What a massacre," Chef mumbled to himself, as he was going to enjoy himself a little too much in the next few minutes. So he went behind Chris who was smiling because he knew how the episode would go, and he was eager to see a bloodshed like that, so he tossed a red rubber ball up and down in his hand.

"Today's challenge is the classic game of dodgeball," Chris said while he could see the glimpse in the eyes of the Killer Bass, while the screaming Gophers just realized the trap they were in. "The first rule of the dodgeball, if you get hit with the ball..."

Chris then threw the ball in his hands at Courtney, but she caught it before hitting her gut. "You're out. But if you catch the ball like Courtney did, the thrower gets sent out and the catcher gets to bring in another team member out on the court."

The Killer Bass were in silence, while the Screaming Gophers noticed something was wrong, the rival team wasn't saying a single word. And the silence itself was getting on their nerves.

"Okay now Geoff, try to hit me," Chris said as he picked up another ball and threw it to Geoff. "If you are holding a ball, you can use it to deflect a ball, but if it knocks the ball out of your hands, you're out."

"So wait, what do I do if the ball comes at me?" Lindsay asked as she was still trying to understand the rules of the game.

"You use the 5Ds," Ezekiel said which some of his teammates, and even the Screaming Gophers looked at him confused, but Chris had his eyes sparkling as he understood which movie reference Ezekiel was talking about. "Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive and Dodge."

"You said dodge twice," Gwen said as she rolled her eyes, but she then saw Geoff launching the ball to Chris who used the rubber ball to renounce and it went in her direction. And immediately hitting her head... "Ohhh... okay, I get it why is called dodge twice."

"Ohhhhhhhh," Lindsay said, as she could see why the 5Ds as well, she forgot the numbers 2,3 and 4, but numbers 1 and 5 she now understand it. "I gotta to Dodge."

Chris walked next to the chair Chef was going to be the referee...

"Alright sports, you have one minute until game time. You'll have 5 people on the court each game. If you catch a ball, you can bring in whoever you want. It's best of five and you get a point by hitting all five people with the ball!" Chris then used a different accent which made the whole group of both teams look at each other in confusion. "And just for you know, Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story is a classic. You all should watch it at least once."

Ezekiel snickered as he walked towards the team to talk about the strategy.

And looking at both Eva and Duncan, he already can guess what's going to happen.

"I want to lead the team." Both Duncan and Eva said in unison. And it was what it took to make a huge discussion and argument, so it was best for Ezekiel to disarm their strong personalities.

"GUYS." Ezekiel then brought attention to both Eva and Duncan. "I want to lead the first team squad, to see their strategy and determine who were their strongest player. Give me Harold, Tyler, Katie, and Courtney for the first game."

And with that logic, both Eva and Duncan stared at each other, and then at the homeschooled boy again.

"Why? From what I saw, you took the nerd, the princess who doesn't seem to be her 100 percent with her legs still like jelly, and one of the twins... I understand the jock but why the rest?" Duncan said as he raised his eyebrow. Since Ezekiel always seemed to have ways to help the team, starting with that was out of the ordinary for the kid.

"Well to be honest. I've always wanted to play dodgeball after watching shows and movies about it, but I never got the chance of it. So I think throwing the first game just for fun would be good for not just me, but to make the team seem to be doing something good. Second, we can see which would be the strongest of the other team, so you two can observe and then find the right strategy to finish them off." Ezekiel explained as he then pointed out at the other team. "And third... you both are too strong together, so let's just use it to destroy them, without mercy. So let's not fight who would be the best leader. But how are we going to destroy the Gophers... because Heather just *beep* me off."

Duncan and Eva looked at each other, and with a silent nod and narrowing their eyes together, they gave a handshake. And with that, Ezekiel would lead the first game, while the other teams, Eva and Duncan would play together.

Ezekiel left the duo alone, and Duncan decided to explain his strategy.

"I have a strategy I picked up during my first visit in the juvie, it's called Rush the New Guy... and it's like this," Duncan commented as Eva listened quietly and hummed as she could see why it was important.

"Got it, we are going to use it. You are going to be the next team leader, so don't screw this up." Eva could see why Duncan wanted to be the team leader, so she decided to give her approval to him on that. But at the time he would screw up, she would beat the crap of him.

At the time the group got inside the court, Ezekiel went to talk with Harold.

"Harold, just to be sure, dodgeball is a game of abilities, launch the ball, catch the ball, and dodge the ball, be honest, Is there something you can use to maximize any of those abilities?" The hat homeschooled boy said at the nerd, who kept silent until one idea popped into his head.

"Figure-skating," Harold came to a conclusion, which made Ezekiel stop on his track... And then smiled widely.

"Oh you wild-card bastard," Ezekiel said with such a smile, that Harold could see himself able to prove his abilities. "Focus in dodge, we are a bait on the first challenge. But with that in mind, we know what's going on in the next challenge. Let's go."

Both Ezekiel and Harold walked towards Courtney was still feeling her legs unable to work properly, and she looked annoyed at both of them.

"I appreciate that you want to bring me here Zeke, but why did you decide to do it? We are going to lose one point to them." Courtney said grumpily as Ezekiel decided to be honest.

"Like I said to Duncan and Eva, I never played dodgeball before. So I've always wanted to try at least once... So I'm going to throw the first point just for the sake of having fun, but that way I choose you guys, because I wanted them to be caught by surprise by Eva and Duncan, I want them to feel comfortable with their false sense of security..." Ezekiel explained as he then glanced at Heather, Owen, Lindsay, and Cody. "And to be honest, to know if they have some people we should prepare ourselves against too."

Courtney glanced at the rival team, and she could understand what Ezekiel wanted... he wanted to make a bait team just for the next points, they would massacre everything...

And that thought alone was something that made her smile.

"Okay, now I understand. Well, I think that should be fair. I'm not in the best condition to play dodgeball, but it is just for fun. I think we can try it out." Courtney smiled, and Ezekiel nodded to her.

"Thanks." Ezekiel smiled, and with Tyler and Katie now on their side, it seemed the team of 5 was finally ready.

Heather also noticed something was wrong. As she looked at the team Killer Bass seemed to be excited for the game, but she realized that the strongest of their team wasn't even participating.

"What's the matter fish heads? Already throwing away the points? Because it wouldn't be funny to win another challenge..." Heather even as her gut feeling was telling her was up, she still wanted to provoke them. "Afraid to send the stupid twin with the fat twin tonight?"

Tyler got angry, but Courtney hold his hand, and with a stare made the jock remain quiet. Because when he looked on his side, the tan twin, was livid.

"Teams ready?" Chris asked as both seemed to be excited to see how the game would go. "The best of 5 wins, now I want to see balls flying."

And at the time Chef started using the whistle, and Beth was clapping her hands to cheer for her team.

Neither Gophers nor neither Bass, saw Katie being the first to take the rubber ball from the floor and launch it fast enough before Heather had time to process. Hitting directly on the head, and making the brat girl fall before her team to take the rubber ball.

Everyone was in silence, as all the campers stared at Katie who was breathing harshly, and staring at the fallen girl with hatred.

"That's for talking badly of my sister," Katie said as Chef whistled and pointed at Heather who was out of competition.

"WOHOOOOOOO." The killer Bass cheered from seeing the first point going already for the Killer Bass.

Heather got up, with her eye in a dark circle, and she looked at the Killer Bass in anger. But unable to do anything, she had to go back to the seats of Screaming Gophers.

Chef whistled again to resume the match.

Cody got the first ball, and this time proceeded to try to hit Tyler.

Tyler jumped as he then narrowed his eyes to the geek, who smiled sheepishly. With his entire body spinning, Tyler decided to use all his strength to launch the ball, but he committed a terrible mistake... he launched it in the direction of the Killer Bass group who was sitting... Especially on the strongest team member... the same team member who was narrowing her eyes and growling like a shark.

"OUCH." Duncan saw, that it was going to be terrible for the jock. "Welp, rest in peace dude."

"TYLERRRRRRRR." Eva snarled so loudly, that it made the jock gulp in fear. "Wait for me after this challenge."

"Oh no," Tyler whispered as he felt that nothing could make his day even worse.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." Until he heard Owen with a rubber ball and with all his strength launch a ball into his tummy. And with a strength of 5 bulls, made him on the glass wall.

"Ahhh, my gut," Tyler said as his entire body went down.

The referee Chef whistled. Pointed out that Tyler was out, and Owen made a point for his team.

The screaming Gophers cheered loudly. While the Killer Bass gave a seat for Tyler... on Eva's side.

"Later we will talk..." Eva mumbled, as Tyler gulped, and was very afraid.

"Mommy," Tyler said, as he was very afraid of what was going to happen in the future.

And once again Chef whistled to resume the match.

Ezekiel had the rubber ball... And he was excited to see how he would play. Would he be good at a launch? an average? Who knows? It was a time like this when he watched cartoons and movies...

So he launched the ball into Leshawna's leg, which made her jump away. And then she took the ball and launched at him. So the homeschooled boy docked on the side. And with that, he was already participating in the game.

He smiled. He glanced at Courtney took the ball and launched the best as she could, but her legs were already giving in. So she dropped herself down.

"Dammit," Courtney said, as she could see the ball going towards her. But then she felt herself being pulled by the leg by both Harold and Katie. "Thanks guys."

Katie and Harold now saw Owen once again with the ball. Which made them glance at each other. Until Harold stepped himself further. And used his head to lead Katie to be away from the field. He looked at the big guy and an idea popped into his head.

By pressing his two feet on the ground, and making a gesture of tai-chi, he raised his hand and pointed at Owen, and then at himself. And he was making a gesture to make the fat boy from the Scream Gophers attack him. It was a challenge.

And Owen who saw that challenge, narrowed his eyes, and went full force on his attack. And one by one, the balls flew in the direction of the Killer Bass nerd.

And while many of Killer Bass were afraid for the poor nerd, Ezekiel smiled widely... Because it was time to show Harold's wicked skills.

Harold jumped with a split in the air, and then he spun his body on the floor like he was doing a breakdance, and by jumping he gave a moonwalk as he dodged another ball. And when Owen used another strong ball launch. Harold gave a matrix iconic scene which made everyone stare at how that dodge was from another level...

Ezekiel watched that scene... being on his side while doing this, was 10 times more awesome than the episode.

(Confession Duncan.)


(Confession DJ.)


(Confession Geoff.)


(Confession Eva.)


(Confession Courtney.)


(Confession Tyler.)


(Confession Katie.)


(Confession Ezekiel.)

"Harold, you did a moonwalk in a dodgeball match and you didn't get hit, dude. That was AWESOME."

Courtney and Katie smirked... Since the whole group now had all the balls on their side of the field. Harold managed to bring all the balls to them. And with Ezekiel, now the trio had more chances to hit someone.

So Courtney, Ezekiel, and Katie went at the same time, and by surprise, two balls went in the direction of Owen who tried to jump but got hit by surprise, and Leshawna who got near him. While Cody jumped away from the ball that Katie launched at him.

Chef whistled as the Killer Bass team cheered from seeing now 2 other members of the Gophers being defeated.

The first match has been crushing around the groups. It was a match between 5 against 2.

Lindsay felt afraid as she was trying to launch the ball, but Ezekiel ducked, he then took the same ball and launched at the blondshell who remembered the 5Ds of the dodgeball, so she screamed as she dodged by jumping away.

Lindsay felt happy for finally dodging the game, but then she felt something hitting her leg. It was Courtney who managed to hit her with the ball...

Chef whistled and now making the game become 5 against 1.

The pressure was high, and Cody was cornered, he needed to think something to compete against the Killer Bass... So a plan happens in his mind and shows the tricks under his sleeve. Taking the ball from the floor and using his thumb to aim at Courtney, he spun the ball in the air a few times, before launching it at the C.I.T girl, who just tried to dodge, but the curve effect made the ball go and attack her on her back.

"Ahhh," Courtney went down from both her legs didn't keep much, and one simple hit was able to make her down.

Chef whistled as he pointed at Courtney making her elimination.

Katie, Ezekiel, and Harold looked at each other, noticing that the last member of the Screaming Gophers would be a challenge for them to overcome.

Katie launched her ball, but the boy ducked away, and with that, he came up with one idea in his mind. He used his t-shirt as a static shock on his rubber ball.

Ezekiel noticed what Cody was planning, so he decided to prepare himself.

And when the rubber ball got full of electricity, he launched directly at Katie. Who quickly noticed going in her direction. She ran away afraid... While Ezekie was waiting for the right timing... Until he jumped in the middle between Katie and the rubber ball.

It was the time he got the ball on his gut, and he even received a bit of charge of electricity from the static shock. Making him fall...

But at the smile of the geek boy who seemed to have taken down 2 Bass... his smile dropped when Ezekiel got up, while still holding the dodgeball between his arms.

The whistle of the chef was enough to make an annunciation of the first match going to the Killer Bass. The Killer Bass celebrated the victory. The team went together to decide their next strategy.

"Alright Zeke, did you have fun?" Courtney smiled as she felt it was a tough challenge, but she didn't expect to have won the first match. But now seeing the homeschooled boy still feeling a bit of pain giving a thumbs up. It seems that he had enough. "Alright, so we have the actual team here?"

Duncan and Eva nodded as they came forward.

"Owen and Cody, they were the strongest of their team," Eva explained as she pointed at how some of their members got defeated. "Also, the string bean got some moves."

"Yeah, dude, that was an awesome dodge. How did you do that?" Duncan had to give to Harold, who showed he was the best dodger over the whole team.

"Figure skating," Harold explained, as the team smiled like sharks. And the moral of Screaming Gophers would be down, quickly.

"Alright, Harold. Take your sit and watch the show. Maybe in the future, we can need a sub, and you would be perfect to bring the balls to us." Duncan smiled as he and Eva nodded as the motion of their plan would come into motion.

Ezekiel smiled, as finally, he was going to witness a scene of the episode of total drama... he always wondered what would be the Rush new guys' strategy combined with Eva's strength.

1 hour later. (Confession - Ezekiel)

"Never in my life I have witnessed a demonstration of such cruelty, violence, hatred force into a rubber ball being launched like that... For people who expected the Screaming Gophers any kind of consolation, or mercy? From Eva... well... I hope you guys like the idea of this episode ending up a bit quickly." Ezekiel said as he still looked awestruck from what happened, and he even took his hat off. "I wish I would pity the Screaming Gophers. I wish to... but this was AWESOME. THIS EPISODE IS THE BEST ONE EVER."

Now the next team groups on the sides were on the field.

Representing the Screaming Gophers: Justin, Beth, Owen, Trent, and Izzy.

And on the Killer Bass side: Duncan, Eva, DJ, Geoff and Bridgette.

At the time Chef whistled. The screaming Gophers were the first ones to take the ball... While the Killer Bass remained quiet, and still...

"Something is wrong," Heather observed as she then saw Owen launching his ball, and the Killer bass dodged, and another member did the same, Izzy, then Justin, and finally Beth... It took a while to notice that at the times her team was out of balls, her eyes went wide open.

The Killer Bass showed their grins, as they were with desire of blood. And Eva using all her strength, which was followed by the other members of Killer Bass, launched 5 balls directly on Owen... and with that... the giant has fallen.

Owen blacked out, as he opened his eyes, and saw double of his teammates.

Chef whistled to annunciate another point for the Killer Bass.

Heather got a bad feeling at that moment... and she just realized that it was too late to make some changes.

The next second, it was Beth, who tried to jump away, she was massacred so hard that her glasses went off from her face.

Izzy tried to be strong as she closed her eyes, but the impact of all the rubber balls was enough to make her be launched on the other side of the glass wall.

Trent took one ball to try to deflect them, but one of those balls... was aimed at his crotch, and he went on his knees before being massacred in the belly.

It was now the beauty boy who just watched his entire team eliminated, and gulping dry saliva, he saw Eva walking towards him.

"Now that we are all here at this point. I have a question for you pretty boy... in the face or the crotch?" Eva smiled like a devil, as her entire squad behind her raised their rubber balls aimed at Justin.

"IN THE CROTCH, IN THE CROTCH." Just said as he tried to protect his face from the rubber balls.

"Did you hear that, guys? He wants in the crotch." Eva smiled, as she then used all her strength to aim at Justin's jewels, and with that making all the air from his entire body leave.

And when he thought he was going to be relieved from the game, suddenly four balls went directly into the face.

"OUCH. The final attack needs a replay." Chris pointed as the camera then went back on the video, showing the transaction of all 4 balls hitting Justin in the face, from his pain of being launched at the crotch for then attacked on the face, and Chris happily and sadistically decided to play with the video. "Play, then come back, then play again, then come back. And now Slow Motion."

Justin's face felt so much attacked by the whole group that it was sure that his beautiful face was going to be feeling awful later.

"MY FACE, MY BEAUTIFUL FACE," Justin shouted as he went into the fetal position, and Heather rolled her eyes.

"Oh wake up baby. We just lost a match." Heather sneered, as the whole Killer Bass was cheering loudly.

"PERFECT WIN GUYS," Courtney said as the group hugged. "One more victory and we are free for the rest of the day."

"Alright Harold, it's time to show your value again," Duncan said as he glanced at Eva who nodded her head evilly. "This time we are not going to use my strategy. But we are just going to use dodge and destroy."

Harold drank his water bottle and got curious about the plan.

"Alright, I'm in." Harold smiled as he felt excited to show his skills once again. And Ezekiel could see everyone happy and excited to see how it would turn out.

"We gotta do something," Heather said as she wasn't able to think of a better plan. "Owen, Cody, Trent, Justin you are going with me."

"NO, I DON'T WANT TO GO IN," Justin said as he tried to look at his reflection, but the damage made by the rubber balls made him cry in pain. "Don't look at me, I'm horrendous."

"Oh cry me a river. Just show them who is the best pretty boy." Leshawna said as pushed the model down to the group. Who lamented to have woken up from his bed.

Heather raised her eyebrow, thinking Leshawna was the one who was going to offer herself, but never inside of her mind, she would see the black girl pushing the poor kicked boy to go back to receive more pain... Heather snickered into seeing that side of Leshawna.

"Alright, if we are going to lose. Then let's just make them lose some of their team members too. Owen, Cody, when you launch the ball, make sure to hit the target." Heather gave the commands, and the group seemed to be ready to play.

The final round.

Eva, Duncan, Harold, DJ, and Geoff from the Killer Bass side, while Heather, Cody, Owen, Trent, and Justin from the Screaming Gophers.

"Harold, for the sake of our victory we need you to provoke them and dodge every single ball... Do you think you can handle it?" Eva asked as she could see Harold stretching himself.

Harold sniffed, and with his eyes narrowed, he smirked at her.

"Sure," Harold said confidently, as the Chef was ready once again to start the match.

And with the whistle of the game, the match was set, and the game started once again. But this time, Eva, and Duncan took their balls, while each member of the group gave some space to Harold to use his skill.

Heather, Owen, and Cody got their balls and were ready to start. Until...

"Hey... are those fake?" Harold suddenly commented as he pointed in the direction of Heather, who paused at the time she was going to launch the ball.

"What are fake?" Heather asked as she narrowed her eyes. Until she saw Harold using both his hands to gesture to his chest, and with that she dropped her mouth in disbelief.

"Yeah, looking from this angle, they seemed kinda not natural to me." Harold just shrugged, as it got Heather to grit her teeth and her eyes twitch in anger.

"WHAT YOU MEAN BY THAT?" Heather furiously shouted, as she was ready to aim at the nerd, who suddenly just tried to act himself.

"I don't judge, but it seems you use fake t..." Harold said casually but was interrupted by a ball launching at him, which he immediately dodged by spinning like a ballerina. "SORRY, I THINK THEY ARE FINE IN YOU... EVEN IF THEY WERE FAKE."

"ROARRRRRRR." Heather roared as she took the balls from Owen and Cody, and launched at Harold, who danced around by spinning around the attack, and when Heather finally noticed what she had done. She realized that she was played by the nerd... And with the bodybuilder and the delinquent cracking their knuckles. "Oh no."

And like a missile, she was launched away on the glass wall. And with enough force to even leave a crack on the wall.

Owen tried to catch the next ball, but it hit him directly in the face.

After that, Cody used his spinning ball, but Harold decided to dance around it, by jumping with a split and then doing a then making his body like dead, as he went down. And using his body to go up without using his arms. Cody realized his mistake, when Duncan launched the ball on his gut, making him spat in pain.

And now once again, it was the whole group and Justin.

"Oh no. Please, have mercy." Justin said as he was on his knees... But then he saw like the devil approaching him.

"Mercy is for the weak." And with that, Eva launched the ball with such force, that Justin got knocked out, making him limbless.

The chef whistled as the final match was decided.

"The winners: The Killer Bass." Chris raised his arm at the victorious team who every single one of them celebrated. Hugs and High-fives were shown as they all seemed to be happy with their victory. "Screaming Gophers, you had tried, but helplessly got massacred."

Chris pointed out that Justin was in a fetal position trying to be not looked at by cameras.

"I recommend you get a shower and prepare to choose who is going out today." Chris pointed out, while he could see the winners still happy with their victory. "Well, that's a very short challenge, but a good one nowadays."

The Screaming Gophers left the field, while some of the Killer Bass remained there.

"Hey, Chris." A voice called for him, at the time the camera turned off. It was the hat boy Ezekiel. "Can you tell me when you are going to disassemble the field? I want to play more later with some guys, without you know... Having the elimination at stake."

"Well, it always depends on the interns, so they always take 1 or 2 days to disassemble everything before the preparations for the next challenge."Chris shrugged off, while Chef got out from his position of the referee and dressed himself as chef again. "For someone who played dodgeball for the first time, gotta say it was average, but you had good timing."

Ezekiel smiled.

"Yeah, but we didn't have time to practice with Patches O'Houlihan," Ezekiel commented and Chris laughed loudly.

"Kid, gotta say, for someone watching cartoons and movies, you know how to entertain others. Always be yourself okay?" Chris means it since the shows he hosts usually end up with many people getting crazy.

"Alright." Ezekiel left, and Chris and Chef went back to their business.


The whole group was reunited around the cave they proudly named Aquarium, Eva got the satisfaction of the victory as she kept using her dumbbells to work out her biceps.

Ezekiel was typing as he planned for another chapter of Steven Universe.

Duncan was playing with his knife.

DJ was happy as he was sitting nearby and observing the nature inside of the cave.

Tyler was playing with his yoyo but got himself tied again, but usually, DJ would come to untie him all the time.

Harold was training with his nunchucks to make himself not hit himself on the jewels.

Geoff Bridgette and Katie were on the hot tube, enjoying a victory relaxation.

Courtney came with her swimsuit to use the hot tube but decided to say something first.

"Alright Bass, I cannot express how proud I am of everyone, but now I would be glad to annunciate the MVPs of this challenge." Courtney found it was the right time to make the team have their morale high.

"Hands down, Harold, Duncan, and Eva" Ezekiel got up as he pointed at the trio of the match, who seemed to be the ones who created the final scene of the episode.

Courtney stopped as she was going to say, but then nodded her head in agreement.

"I was going to include you, but Harold indeed showed his value on this challenge. You got us by surprise with dancing around the rubber balls."Courtney had to give at the blue shirt nerd, who smiled proudly at himself.

Harold was smirking until he received a strong slap on his back. By the delinquent himself.

"Ouch," Harold said loudly as the delinquent narrowed his eyes.

"Don't start getting cocky, just because you are an MVP of one challenge, doesn't mean that you will always be safe, every challenge is unpredictable. So not even me and Eva are going to be smugging because we won just one challenge." Duncan pointed out as he showed the intimidation at Harold who remained with his mouth shut. But then Duncan smirked. "That said, awesome dude. You know how to dodge."

Harold smiled as he gave a high-five to Duncan.

Ezekiel smiled from seeing something he never thought was possible. In the first season, Harold and Duncan would have become nemeses, but seeing them interact like comrades, really made him realize that maybe, the Killer Bass were the best team, but nobody realized their value.

Since it was the time for them to eat... He cannot wait to play dodgeball with his friends again.

As the group was leaving the cave one by one. Tyler was about to leave happily until he felt a strong grip on his shoulder. Making him yelp... And when he turned himself to the person who was holding him. He became palled from seeing the face of a demon in a woman's body.

"Hello Tyler, I want to have a nice conversation with you," Eva said as she tightened her grip, and Tyler didn't even have time to register what happened.

It was the longest 10 minutes of pain he had on his entire life.

(Main Lodge)

Ezekiel gulped hard his meal, The Chef indeed did make a strong military food, and surprisingly, it even had a sugar cube for the drink they were going to have.

So Ezekiel noticed that all his team members were having difficulty eating lunch, but one was simply scribing a piece of paper. The cowboy hat Geoff was doing a doodle.

Ezekiel glanced and noticed he was doing a dog, which was simply sketch and lines.

"Hey dude, that's not bad."Ezekiel smiled as Geoff seemed bored and a bit disappointed with his drawing.

"Hmm, it's not that great man," Geoff commented as Ezekiel approached him.

"No, it's good, man." Ezekiel then went to place his finger on the sketch to point all. "Maybe though, add some shading around the shadows to meet the neck. Make sure it's obvious where the light source is coming from. It'll help give the drawing more volume and depth."

Geoff just shrugged and decided to follow the advice by correcting what Ezekiel pointed out. And the next time raised his paper sheet.

A dark realist wolf was shown, which made the party boy happy and proud of his work.

"Woaaah, that's awesome."Geoff smiled as he could see the progress he had made. He tapped the back of the hat by who was still eating the food nearby him. "You are a great teacher Zeke"

"Nah, just gave some points into how to make art better. It's always helpful when artists help each other by giving tips and helping the others to progress." Ezekiel dismissed the idea of teaching since a bad memory came to his mind about his parents in his former life and the aunty who was deceased from a brutal incident in the public school.

Geoff saw his reaction and decided to drop the subject. But he couldn't help but be curious, but it wasn't his place to ask.

"So what do you plan to do later dude?" Geoff asked as Ezekiel smiled with one idea in mind.

"Well, Chris told me that the crew of interns is going to dismantle the dodgeball field tomorrow or after tomorrow, so I want to ask if you and the guys want to have a match again. No fight, no risk, just as the guys having a friendly match of dodgeball." Ezekiel pointed out as Geoff tipped his chin in thought. And with a smile on his face, he nodded his head.

"Alright, count me in. It will be awesome if we play some sport and then relax on the hot tube tonight."Geoff felt excited, as he could take time to enjoy a time with the boys. "So all of us the boys?"

"Yep, I asked the girls if they were interested. But Eva said that she would be focusing on doing the workout, so she would say maybe next time. Courtney is still recovering her leg, and Bridgette and Katie politely refused to play." Ezekiel explained as he wanted to be fair with his teammates. "Harold, Duncan, Tyler, and DJ said they have nothing better to do tonight, so they accepted."

"So we have a guys' night?" Geoff asked excitedly.

"GUYS' NIGHT OHHHHHHHHHHHH" Ezekiel said loudly as he raised his right arm and waved.

"OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Geoff did the same thing as the duo seemed excited about the night.

"CAN YOU BOTH SHUT UP?" An irate voice was enough to interrupt the duo who were happy. And at the time they turned their backs, they saw one angry Heather annoyed by both of them.

"Well, let's take our stuff and enjoy the day before the guys' night." Ezekiel said as he got up which Geoff immediately did the same

"GUYS' NIGHT OHHHHHHHHHH" This time Geoff liked the way it sounded and started doing it, which was followed by Ezekiel and both left the main lodge.

After closing the door, there was a bowl of food launched at the door.

At the other table, the group of Screaming Gophers were in silence when they decided to plan their next elimination.

"Ugh, I can't believe it, we got demolished by those fish heads." Heather snarled as she still felt her face sore from receiving the first shot from them.

"Well, that's what happens when you provoke them, they seemed to be wanting to focus their hatred on you." Leshawna smiled, as she could see Heather fuming, so she decided to make it even more fun. "Fake tits"

Gwen would have laughed if she wasn't that tired and her face still sleeping on the table.

Trent raised her head and placed it into a pillow to make her more comfortable by sleeping on the table.

Beth and Lindsay gasped as the provocation made by the black girl, and Heather... She was with skulls in her eyes. Leshawna and that stupid ugly nerd are on her list of victims, they are going to pay for this humiliation.

Heather gritted her teeth and remained quiet.

"Anyway the fake tits got it right, we got demolished without mercy, so now we must choose who is going to leave tonight."Leshawna smiled as she could see the prick girl angry, so she decided to point out the situation they were in.

The group was in silence until a voice could be heard from the blasting door.

"I QUIT," A shout was strong enough to make all the Gophers stare at what would be the remaining of Justin who had his entire face covered in bandages."That's the second time my beautiful face was compromised from this chaotic show. I cannot take it anymore."

Heather and Leshawna looked at each other. Both girls rolled their eyes.

"Aww man," Owen said as he lamented eating the bad military food from Chef. "Are you sure that you want that? You still look fine."

Justin's eyes twitched as he shed some tears.

"I cannot risk it, Owen, this place is crazy. And I miss my beauty spa. So I want everyone voting out for me to leave this place. And I mean it." Justin commented as he sat with them. "I cannot eat more of this junk, and I think I have a better place for me at the moment I get out from this show."

The Screaming Gophers were quiet, but Heather was satisfied that she wouldn't have to deal with the stupid drama from the boy model. It was time to let him go.

At the time Geoff and Ezekiel went inside the cabin, Harold was writing some kind of paper, when suddenly he jumped startled.

"OI, don't scare me like that," Harold said as he tried to hide his paper, which Geoff looked curious about.

"What are you doing with this paper?" Geoff asked curious as he tried to see. But Harold gave a step back to avoid being seen.

"Ah, it's nothing too much, just... Math homework, yeah, I have been trying to make my mind shar..." Harold tried to find an excuse but it was interrupted.

"Harold, we know that you write poetry," Ezekiel said loudly which made Harold glare.

"It's a Haiku." Harold corrected, but from seeing the smile from his friend, he noticed he had been played. " Oh, I mean..."

"Dude, it's fine." Ezekiel raised both his hands, as he nodded to Geoff. "Everyone here knows you do that."

Harold palled from hearing what Ezekiel had said, but then Duncan got inside with Tyler who seemed to be covered with bruises and a black eye.

"Dude, what the hell happened to you?"Harold asked as he found a good excuse to avoid being caught with his hand on the proverb cookie jar.

"Eva did it," Duncan said laughing. He pointed out as the jock winced from pain. "She beat the crap of him when they were alone after the meeting."

The whole group of boys snickered while Tyler rolled his eyes.

"Not cool, guys," Tyler commented as he huffed himself with his arms crossed.

"So what was about you writing poetry?" Duncan said as Harold flinched as he thought he was free from that.

"It's a haiku." Ezekiel corrected. "A Japanese style of poetry, which Harold has actual talent for it. So what was it about?"

"Ah, nothing to worry about. Just the philosophy of life and living on this ..."

"Is it about girls?" Duncan asked which made Harold facepalm himself, from being unable to hide that. Which made the delinquent laugh. "Oh come on dude, poetry? Seriously?"

Harold was about to defend himself, but then he was interrupted by DJ.

"Momma told me my dad was a great romantic guy, who managed to win her heart by doing amazing poetry related to Jamaica and her cooking. She said she loves to recite when she misses my dad, God Bless his soul." DJ commented which made the group stare at him, but suddenly they went with their heads down to pray for respect.

"Amen," Harold said as he raised his head. "Alright, it's about a girl. But please don't ask w..."

"Leshawna." Ezekiel interrupted Harold who turned his head angrily and in disbelief.

"STOP DOING THAT, AND HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT?"Harold shouted both in anger and also in panic, for everyone to be able to read him like a book.

"Hmmm... Nope." Ezekiel places his hand on his chin to think about it but then decides to reply sarcastically which makes the nerd look dejected. "Harold, my friend, my pal. I wrote a lot of stories, some chapters were even romances... I know that you have been trying to take attention from Leshawna since day one."

"Really?" Duncan said as he looked amused. "Leshawna and him? That's gonna be funny."

Harold was about to get angry but Ezekiel called his attention.

"Ignore him, what you need to do dude is to not try to hide from us, we are going to notice, and we respect your decision to have feelings for her," Ezekiel said as he looked at Geoff. "Isn't that right?"

"Yeah dude, you can trust us." Geoff smiled as DJ nodded his head.

"Also you aren't the only one who has crushes around this camp. Isn't that right Tyler?" Ezekiel then decided to place the jock in the fire who was surprised by that statement.

"Hey hey, what you mean?" Tyler's sweat from the hat boy placed him on the radar of the others.

"He is talking about you having fallen for the blonde dumb from Gophers." Duncan understood who Ezekiel was referring to, which made Tyler stutter.

"No, I mean maybe... What if so?" Tyler tried to deny but then he couldn't help but confront his teammates.

"Dude, that's okay. We are not judging, heck, I think you got a great choice for a girl." Ezekiel explained as he walked towards Tyler. "Dude, she is into you, at the moment you appeared after Duncan and I killed the cockroach, she has been in love at first sight."

"Lucky bastard." Commented Duncan as he corrected himself. "Okay, we got two love birds on the team, so what if they try to sabotage us?"

The group was in silence until Ezekiel just shrugged.

"Who cares?" The homeschooled boy replied to the delinquent. "If they try to sabotage because of this crush, you can just eliminate the ones who made a mistake, it wouldn't be a big deal. What is what worst kind of possibility is sabotage because of jealousy."

Ezekiel pointed out which made Duncan raise his eyebrows.

"Elaborate" Duncan commanded as Ezekiel walked towards Harold and Tyler.

"I believe that stupid couples always happen when they are in love. But the most dangerous toxic kind of stupid people were the ones who sabotage wrongly because of jealousy. Like, rigging the votes, faking an injury, or even already hurting their teammates because of that." Ezekiel pointed as he already saw some shows, heck he even pointed out how Harold was stupid because of jealousy, and how it bitten his ass... "I think the best thing we can do for not to make these fools have jealousy of us... Is that if we form a pact."

Duncan looked confused but then he just shrugged, while Harold looked at Ezekiel in disbelief.

"What kind of pact?" Harold had to ask since pacts between men usually would be extreme.

"You already said the girls you have a crush on and possibly in love. Meaning that you can trust me, I will not meddle or try to make your relationship fail. I will support you in case it works. And if fails, I believe you will have a better chance with another girl in the future." Ezekiel said as he could see Harold and Tyler's eyes sparkle, and their smiles became very natural.

"Would you do that to us, dude?" Harold asked as he couldn't believe that a friend was glad to give his support.

"Sure, is there anyone here who wants to confess your crush? Geoff? Duncan?" Ezekiel asked which made both the delinquent and the hat boy look at each other.

"Pass," Duncan said but he gotta give the hand to the hat boy. "But when I find someone you are going to be the first person to know."

"I will hold yourself that." Ezekiel smiled, while Geoff decided to be honest with his friend.

"Well, you know Bridgette?" Geoff asked which made the whole group of boys nod their heads to him. "I think I'm starting to like her."

DJ, Ezekiel, Harold, and Tyler were happy.

"Oh, that's awesome dude. I know that you are going to be a great couple together." DJ said and Ezekiel nodded his head to them.

"Yeah, but remember that she is also a person, and you must try to not make her jealous of you. Remember what I said." Ezekiel had to point out. One scene from World Tour made Geoff and Bridgette's relationship become an obstacle, from all the jealousy she had for him, and then Alejandro came to play a master romantic manipulator.

Geoff nodded his head, and then Duncan decided to ask the young boy.

"And what about you Zeke? Don't you have someone you want to jump to?" Duncan smirked as the farm boy paused.

Ezekiel remained quiet, and thought for a few seconds... but then he just shrugged.

"Nah, not really," Ezekiel replied which made the whole group of boys stare at him surprised.

"What? Seriously?" Geoff asked surprised, while every single boy looked at him in disbelief.

"I mean, sure, every girl here is unique, but I wouldn't do that to you guys if you like them. And also I don't know every single one of them truly, so I wouldn't say I'm in love if I haven't even had a relationship in my life before." Ezekiel was honest, he never had a girlfriend in his life, not even an online one in his past life.

"Pff, come on Zeke, we know that you and the farm girl were meant to be with each other," Duncan said it, but suddenly he regretted it as he could see Ezekiel pausing, and then narrowing his eyes at Duncan, as he heard the most stupid thing he ever heard on his life.

"Did you mean that just because Me and Beth are ugly that means we are meant to be with each other?" Ezekiel said quietly, but from the tone of his voice, all the group of boys stared at Duncan who just said a stupid thing.

"No, no. I didn't mean that, I said since you both are farmers..." And Duncan somehow made it even worse.

"WOW, JUST WOW," Ezekiel said as he raised his arms wide open. "So just because we are farmers, we should be together, wow Duncan, just wow."

"OH OH WOA WHOA WHOA WHOA." Geoff, DJ, Tyler, and even Harold gave a step back as they raised both their hands and gave some space.

"Dude, that's messed up," Geoff commented, as Duncan realized that he said some stupid stuff.

"Okay, okay, my bad. Sorry, it went wrong." Duncan said as he felt like a jerk, which the group looked at each other, Ezekiel gave a deep sigh.

"Duncan, you are my friend. But please, just because I'm ugly, doesn't mean that I don't want to have a hot or cute girlfriend, and just because Beth is ugly as well, doesn't mean that she wouldn't end up with a supermodel. You never know how love works. It's unpredictable, and stereotypes aren't something that shouldn't come from you. Not you, like we did on the first day." Ezekiel explained as he made Duncan remember how the girls always looked at Justin who was the hottest guy, but Lindsay would go after Tyler who was love at first sight.

"Okay, I will try to not mess up like this again," Duncan said as Ezekiel gave his hand for a handshake. "So Zeke, what would be your type of girl?"

"Well, I don't know much... But my pa always taught me to be kind, protective, and strong for a girl I would end up with, while he sounded sexist, he meant it with his heart that we should treat our loved ones like a queen. So I think for me... I would love someone who would support me, help me in all my struggles, be free with me with all my creativity, and be acceptive of what adventures life would give to me as we have been on this crazy show." Ezekiel commented, that he knows for sure that his speech would be on the television. So he decided to be honest. "I don't know if could be an Olympic athlete, a girl in tune with nature, the possibilities are endless. And when this show is over... There would always be the next one in the future. So maybe who knows, I would fall in love off-screen. But that's how love it is... it's unpredictable, and I'm excited to see how crazy it would become in my life."

The boys who listened to Ezekiel explain what he thinks about what a good girl would be... were quiet, as they learned a lot from a boy who had never been in a relationship before. What the kid wanted was someone to become indeed his life partner, whenever challenges would be.

And that was indeed a crazy thing to learn...

"Well, the talk was good. But there is a dodgeball game we have to enjoy. LET'S GO BOYS. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Geoff noticed that the talk was into something deep, so he wanted to help everyone from the group be fine again. And with that in mind, a good game of dodgeball would be awesome to play with.

"YEAH. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" All the boys from the Killer Bass decided to follow Geoff who was shouting an iconic should Ezekiel taught him by accident, and it seemed that it was going to stick, as a good way for the group of Killer Bass to demonstrate their excitement from now on.


For the second time, the Screaming Gophers were at the Elimination Ceremony. In Chri's hand was a plate with 9 marshmallows. On that night, the total number of members of campers would become 19 and the Gophers would lose another member of their team.

"Campers, you've already placed your votes and made your decision," Chris told all the Screaming Gophers who were in front of him. "One of you will be going home. And you can't come back. Ever. When you hear me call out your name, come pick up a marshmallow."

All the Screaming Gophers stared at each other, as if the suspense would become part of the show, but from their looks, they all kept staring at the boy who was still using an ice sack to place on his face.

"Owen, Gwen, Cody, Trent." The four mentioned campers smiled as they all went to get their marshmallow. "Heather, Beth, Leshawna, Izzy."

And more and more campers went to have their sweat marshmallow. Leaving only two of them, Lindsay and Justin who were waiting for the last marshmallow.

Lindsay felt her heartbeats rising, as she thought something was wrong. She thought everyone was supposed to vote for Justin who wanted so much to quit the show, but suddenly she felt her hand being held tight.

"He is creating suspense, it's me, relax," Justin said with his casual smile, even if was a bit ugly from all the ball hits he received on the face.

Lindsay felt inside of herself a huge relief. As she was looking at Chris who was going to make the final decision.

"The final marshmallow goes to..." Lindsay tried to remain calm, while Justin tried to remain strong until the final voice came to say who was the last camper. "Lindsay."

Lindsay got up and gave a quick hug on Justin who smiled in relief.

"Well Justin, it seems your time has come, sadly the sugar eye wasn't enough to save you this time," Chris commented as the model who was on the verge of freaking out the whole morning, finally found peace in himself.

"It's fine Chris, I can finally take care of my beautiful face again. And relax a bit more. I deserve a break from all this craziness." Justin even as his face was purple from the impacts, his white smile still sparkled, as he showed an inner beauty, which made the animals pause and stare at him in admiration and love. "Wow, I never thought I had this in me. Anyway, time to go."

"Well said it Justin, now for the Boat of Losers, Justin," Chris said as the beautiful boy, left the island once and for all, and with that, Chris sighed. "Well, there goes the sugar candy, but it was a good episode nonetheless, and I still get paid. BONUS."


"Oh come on, get hit already," Duncan said as he smirked with a powerful throw he did to the nerd who jumped away from the ball.

"Nice try." Harold provoked, as he felt the adrenaline rush. Using the martial pose of the kung fu movie star, he used the thumb on his nose and made a kung fu pose. "Come on, come on."

It was a rivalry between the boys. The teams were set, Duncan, Ezekiel, and DJ, against Tyler, Geoff, and Harold.

No prize, no punishment. Just fun and a good rivalry on the guys' night.

As the friendship of Killer Bass would get even stronger.

Chapter 6: Interlude 2

Chapter Text


"Well, I don't know much... But my pa always taught me to be kind, protective, and strong for a girl I would end up with, while he sounded sexist, he meant it with his heart that we should treat our loved ones like a queen. So I think for me... I would love someone who would support me, help me in all my struggles, be free with me with all my creativity, and be acceptive of what adventures life would give to me as we have been on this crazy show." Ezekiel commented, that he knows for sure that his speech would be on the television. So he decided to be honest. "I don't know if could be an Olympic athlete, a girl in tune with nature, the possibilities are endless. And when this show is over... There would always be the next one in the future. So maybe who knows, I would fall in love off-screen. But that's how love it is... it's unpredictable, and I'm excited to see how crazy it would become in my life."

That quote alone was something nobody expected to hear from the homeschooled boy. And the ripple it created from that scene. Since in the time the boys were talking about relationships.

Outside of the cabin, hidden on the left side, a pair of green eyes sparkled, and not the next second an orange-haired girl who was in silence raised both her eyebrows... As she immediately caught some keywords from what the boy said...

"Was he talking about me?" Izzy wondered in silence, from the time she went to spy on her teammates and the rival team. And the constant strength the Killer Bass is having after the first loss... "Hmm, maybe I shouldn't have moved from the Killer Bass"

Izzy went to hide between the bushes and then acted like herself once again.

Izzy, an expert in nature, a former military soldier elite, IQ of 188, and she still couldn't decipher one amusing puzzle.

"Ezekiel..." Izzy smiled amused... She would keep that in mind since she also liked the idea of how unpredictable things would be. "You are right, let's see what the future holds?"

In a very far region of Vancouver, a gymnast was doing her warm-up stretches, before giving her a try to the Olympics.

"Sky, come here. You need to see it, the Killer Bass is annihilating the Screaming Gophers." A mature voice made the young aspiring athlete do a very good acrobatic towards the sofa and with his older sister, she got her eyes watching the television.

"Oof" Sky said as he could see Duncan, Eva and Harold being ruthless... "I pity Cody and Owen, they tried their best, but it was a fair game... Excluding Harold's provocation, it wasn't necessary the trash talking to Heather."

"Well Heather had it coming, she just made fun of Sadie, and Katie headshot her without mercy." The older sister commented as he pointed out the final competitor. "Ohhh, poor Justin... He is going to leave the show."

"Yep, it may be too much for him. But at least people will talk about him preferring to take care of himself." Sky nodded her head in approval. "I think that's good for him."

"Yeah, but I cannot deny I will miss his beautiful abs." The older sister sighed dreamily as the group stared at the finish of the game.

"OHHHHHHHHHH."Geoff and Ezekiel saying OHHHHHHHH in hype made the older sister do the same while Sky rolled her eyes. "Oh come on sis, it's awesome, give it a try."

"GUYS' NIGHT. OHHHHHHHHHHH." Geoff and Ezekiel shouted on the screen which made both sisters follow after them, and the seconds of the hype were so fun that it made the sisters laugh happily.

"See? I told you." Sky's sister smiled as the aspiring athlete rolled her eyes.

"Okay, it was fun. Now let's go back to tv..." Sky said as he stared at her sister.




Then the conversation between the boys on Killer Bass made both sisters surprised and even shocked.

"Wow," The older sister commented as she could see Sky also without words. "Never thought he had such high regard for himself. He views himself as ugly and yet he seeks a girl with more qualities than actual beauty. I would say he was making fun of Beth hooking a supermodel, but from the look on his face, he believed Beth was going to take a beef stake. Better to record this. If it happens I'm going to blog to everyone."

The older sister left the aspiring athletic girl alone staring at the show, surprised by the speech of the homeschooled boy...

"Olympic Athlete... Was he talking about me?" Sky stared at the screen until something hit inside of her *BURP*

In a house in the middle of a forest, filled with all the vines and flowers around there.

A family is watching the television by the fusion of technology and mother nature.

"Hmmm?" A very pale girl watched the television with her eyes wide open in surprise.

"Is there anything wrong sweetheart?" A lovely voice came from the mother who was sitting on a couch made of logs and leaves, staring at the girl who seemed to be glancing at the screen.

"It's about that boy Ezekiel again... Mother Nature has told me."The father who was dressed in a combination of a suit made of vines and leaves replied as he stared at the amusement in his little girl's eyes.

"MOTHER NATURE" Dawn gasped in betrayal as she glanced the nature spilling the beans once again... And with an amused look from both their eyes. "Father, it's fine. It's that boy..."

"Has two auras on him..." Both parents concluded, as they also felt from watching in curiosity something that mother nature liked to watch the family puzzled of.

"Yes..." Dawn commented, as she never thought that a person in her existence to be able to have two auras in the same body, and the theories for both her and her family were countless...




At the time the family heard Ezekiel finish his speech, the entire family had their eyes wide open... And as the sound of wind and moves of leaves... The father and mother looked at their daughter in shock.

"He knows about your existence." The druid's father commented as he could see the aura from the television, it wasn't a lie, the way he described it was because he knew about the existence of Dawn and possibly other future competitors.

"Mother nature." The mother stared at the leaves and for her response... The leaves moved away from the tree..." of course you knew..."

Dawn remained in shock, as she saw that the camper who was homeschooled and never saw outside of the farm... She felt there were so many secrets to be hidden in his aura... But the only way to know the truth...

"I need to see him." Dawn got up, and she stared at the tree which gave her a backpack... "Right... I need to wait until the end of the show, then I'm going after him."

Both parents stared at their beautiful daughter, who seemed to be on a personal mission, guided by Mother Nature herself... And looking at the aura of the boy again... They can see the future of that boy would bring chaos but also happiness around... A kindred spirit.


Cody remained quiet, as he saw every single member of the Screaming Gophers depart, leaving him alone while the bonfire still lightning the darkness around the beach.

Cody was disappointed with himself. From the corner of his eye, he saw someone coming to sit on the sand, and glancing in the direction of where the boat had left. A tan girl who seemed to be glancing sadly at the ocean far ahead of her.

Seeing that the girl seemed to be alone, he decided to come nearby and sit with her.

"Hey," Cody replied trying to act casual, as he saw the girl glancing at him but didn't reply. "A good night to stare at the ocean right?"

Katie remained quiet but looked at the boy who was trying to have a conversation with her, so she decided to be polite.

"I guess so..." Katie replied as the conversation became awkward from there... Katie then glanced at the geek boy but sighed. "Look, I know what you are trying to do, but I want to be alone for a while..."

Cody became quiet, but then he glanced around and sighed.

"You miss your sister right?" Cody asked while the tan girl nodded her head to him. "Look, I get it, it's fine to miss someone close like her, and trust me, I know that she is happy for what you did at the Dodgeball match today."

Glancing at the geek, Katie rolled her eyes.

"Heather should learn to shut her mouth," Katie mumbled as she kept staring at the coast, missing her sister, and a tranquil time.

Cody chuckled at such a reaction.

"Well, while I won't say she doesn't deserve it, that was the fasted headshot I saw in a dodgeball match." Cody complimented, as he brought attention to her. "I played so many matches in elementary school, and it was the fastest I could see someone go for the kill."

Katie smiled, as she giggled from remembering how furious Heather was at the time she got out from the game.

"Yeah, it was... well, you weren't also bad." Katie complimented back, while the geek boy rolled his eyes while chuckling.

"If you mean, half bad that you didn't even manage to get a member of my team out, then I can accept the compliment." Cody sarcastically made fun of himself, which ended up with Katie laughing at his reaction. "I can't believe that your team destroyed mine so easily in 3 to 0."

"Oh, don't be so harsh on yourself. You managed to get Courtney out." Katie commented, which made Cody smile, but then she added. "But also she overworked herself yesterday so she probably had legs of jello this morning. But still counts."

Cody's smile grimaces.

"Well, way to cheer up a person," Cody said which made Katie giggle from his reaction. "Still, I can't believe someone figured out the electro ball. Usually, it would take a few tries to figure out the timing."

"Welp, not for my team," Katie said proudly. She always remembered that she could count on them, and they always would get her back... She smiled as she looked at the horizon... "It was a worthy try Cody... but your team had it coming."

"Wow, way to push someone down." Cody found a way to make Katie laugh, and it was effective since the tan twin was laughing harder.

"Stop, you're making it hard to breathe." Katie laughed harder as the geek seemed to be enjoying the conversation.

By being in silence, he waited for Katie to recover her breath... and a minute later, it became a very comfortable silence.

A good night in the bonfire, watching the waves, with a hot girl, then Cody's eyes went wide open when he realized what his mind processed.

Gulping, Cody tried to force his smile and found it was a good opportunity to give it a try, he streetched himself looking away, trying to reach Katie, but she got up without noticing, making Cody fall on the sand, surprising Katie from the sudden fall.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay?" Katie asked while Cody was still with his face planted on the sand...

"Just my bruised pride," Cody replied as he got up with his face covered in sand. "Blergh."

"HAHAHAHAHAHA," Katie laughed as she felt happy to see someone cheering her up, and by seeing the poor geek trying his best, she couldn't help but smile at him. "Thanks, I needed that."

"Glad to help," Cody tried to disguise his humiliation as keeping cool. Which made Katie offer her hand.

"Let's clean up your face. You look like a sand statue." Katie giggled, as Cody rolled his eyes.

"Aye Aye captain." Cody followed Katie as the duo went near the water, and with a good splash on his face, even if with the salty water, Cody felt his face clean again. "Alright, good as new."

"Yep." Katie smiled, as she sat on the dock... which was followed by Cody.

The duo remained quiet, in a comfortable way...

"I miss her, Cody." Katie resumed her thoughts which made the geek show his true nature.

"You want to talk about it? I'm a good ear, and I would always be glad to hear someone when they need an ear to talk." Cody was genuine as he gave his smile, this time more natural than being forced.

Katie smiled, as she began talking about the good times she had with her sister, both enjoying a good time together.

(Nearby the Cabins)

The next morning, Bridgette passed a good time forcing herself to gulp a terrible breakfast quickly, since she had a good plan for what she was going to do after breakfast.

A few miles away from the cabins, in an area covered with bushes and logs. Bridgette got a good and relaxing place to focus on something it was on her hands...

A few groups of paper sheets clipped with a paper clip...

"Okay, Steven Chapter 7 - Bubble Buddies, let's see what you got to do today, Steven?" Bridgette commented as she stared at the paper which seemed to be an interesting chapter to read... "Ohhhhhh, a new girl in the area. She looks smart. Can't wait to read more about her."

Bridgette was giving a slight read until she noticed someone approaching from the bushes, and at the time she saw who it was, it was a more rested goth girl. Gwen seemed to have noticed the surfer ignoring her and kept reading the papers on her hand.

"So the writer boy gave you access to read his work?" Gwen asked while Bridgette raised her eyebrows...

"Yeah, after the time challenge of wake-a-thon, Zeke allowed us to read some of his work in case we were bored," Bridgette commented politely, as she glanced around to see if Gwen had been followed. "I'm surprised about how you know this place, I found it, this morning."

Gwen sat nearby and decided to close her eyes.

"Well, it's a great place to rest and be free from everyone around. I'm surprised you didn't disappear with all your team like most days." Gwen commented since the disappearing of the Killer Bass in some part of the day always has been something that her entire team was curious about.

"Well, today I wanted to have a me time. And since I wanted to read about Steven Universe, Ezekiel let me borrow all the chapters of his work for today." Bridgette said as she glanced at the group of papers. "I'm following the chronological order, so if you want to read Opal chapter, it's that one."

Gwen glanced at the group of papers, but then she just shrugged.

"Well, I have nothing better to do today. So let me read the first chapter." Gwen asked as the surfer took the one edited from the homeschooled boy himself.

The time they are enjoying good literature around the camp, not caring if people are going get worried about their disappearing of the day.

(Screaming Gophers Boys' Cabin)

Trent the time he got up, he used the good time to use his hair brush to make sure that the style of his hair would get right. And by that, he even brushed nine times just to be sure.

The guitarist who was saddened to see another comrade get out from the show shook his head and focused optimistically that it was a new day and a good time for him to enjoy a good break.

Glancing at the corner and seeing Owen still snoring happily for maybe dreaming about food, he smiled to see a friend who was enjoying the time at the camp, just like him. Even if he ignores the farting sound from the fat camper, and decides to leave before the smell would affect him.

Another day, and 2 days to not worry about the next challenge of the show.

Indeed was a good time for a shower, until he got to see Cody who was doing his best to try to make sure his hairstyle was okay, eating breath mints like crazy, and even doing his best to make sure his T-shirt was fine.

"Hey Cody, what's up?" Trent smiled, which made Cody look at his friend from the Screaming Gophers.

"Oh, hey Trent," Cody said as he tried to check to see if his shoes were with the knots tied, and seeing if something was wrong. "Oh nothing much, but I think I'm going on my first date today."

(Killer Bass Cabin)

"First date?" Both Courtney and Duncan said in unison as they couldn't proceed on what was going on since the tan twin was looking sheepishly at them who were at the door of their cabins. "With whom?"

"Yeah, well me and Cody had a very fun time on the campfire yesterday, so I asked if he was willing to go with me to the beach where we did the first challenge. And he said yes." Katie said as she was excited and brushing her head, while both Duncan and Courtney were listening in disbelief.

"Cody? You mean the geekster wimp who was smelling the hair of the goth around from the Gophers?" Eva opened the door as she then glanced at Katie who flinched from that statement.

"Yeah, but I think if I tell him to not be a freaky guy, he would do that. And he was really funny yesterday... wait a minute... WHY AM I GIVING SATISFACTION TO YOU ALL? YOU ARE NOT MY PARENTS." Katie realized how the conversation was getting out of hand, and then she realized that they weren't her relatives so they had no power over her.

"Yeah, but we are your friends Katie." Then a voice coming from the boy's cabin, which appeared to be Ezekiel followed by Harold, Tyler, and DJ were staring at her in concern. "But since you believe you have the situation over control. I believe in you, but please don't share the locations of the Aquarium or not even let him get inside the hot tube, we don't know if Chris is going to take this from us if that happens, so please don't let him use it okay?"

Duncan, Courtney, and all the other Bass stared at Ezekiel who was being honest for the tan twin, and with her smile, she nodded her head to him.

"Don't worry, now if you don't mind me, I'm going to take a shower and prepare myself. He said he is going to be here in one hour." Katie smiled as she hushed herself towards the communal bathroom.

At that moment the group was alone in silence. Ezekiel smiled until he sighed...

"Okay, we need to put the fear of God on Cody, does someone have an idea?" Ezekiel asked which made the entire group of Killer Bass smile widely now. Knowing the true intentions behind one of the pillars.

"And here I thought we were going to drop that... I'm glad you have reason shrimp." Duncan smirked as he then glanced at the group of girls. And had an idea... "I think I know, one way."




One hour later, Cody was ready to leave the Screaming Gopher cabin and take Katie to go to the beach... And at the time he was going to knock on the door. Courtney slammed wide open.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Courtney said as she opened the door from the inside of the cabin's girl.

"Courtney? I came here because Katie called me for a date." Cody said as he raised his arms in surrender, as he gave a step back sweating. Still, then he was cornered by the big Jamaican man, then a jock who was slamming his fist to his palm, a nerd who was using nunchucks with one hand as he stared at him dead in the eye, a hat boy cracking his knuckles, and a homeschooled boy who was holding his bow and arrow aimed at his head.

"Okay, so where is your ID?" Ezekiel asked, and that question got confused by Cody, who just replied without a beat.

"I didn't bring," Cody replied but then he regret it when Harold used his nunchucks to hit his ass. "AHHH."

"He didn't bring? Oh, get your ass up against that wall." Ezekiel ordered as DJ used his strength to make Cody place his hands on the wall, while Ezekiel inspected the geek who was starting to get intimidated. "Your problem is that you think you know it all, young Thundercats. You got joins on you?"

Cody felt in fear as he was being inspected by all the boys of the other cabin, and decided to quickly reply in fear.

"No," Cody answered, but then DJ turned the geek to see the group of boys staring angrily at him.

"YOU SMOKE THAT *BEEP*?" When the group of 4 boys and Courtney said in unison, Cody felt his body tremble and he thanked God he was in the bathroom before because it would have been a terrible leak on his underwear.

"NO," Cody said in a panic.

"Are you trying to get Katie high to smoke that *beep*?" Courtney asked until the nearby door from the boy's cabin got opened by a blast. Revealing Duncan who had his knife out.

"Oi, what's going on here?" Duncan said as the group gave some space to the delinquent pass.

"Cody is here," Courtney said loudly, as she looked at the boy who coiled in fear and like he was acting like a little mouse.

"Why the hell he is here in the first place?" Duncan said angrily as he stared at him like a drunken boy.

"He said he is going to bring Katie on a date." Geoff pointed out, making Cody stare at the group of Killer Bass like they were sharks waiting to eat him alive.

"Is that true?" Duncan asked as he walked nearby Cody who even his glaring was making the geek sweat like a river. "Do you know how to fight?"

That was a question Cody was not prepared for.

"Do you want to fight me? Huh? Huh? Even Harold could beat the crap of you with his nunchucks." Duncan said as he pointed out at the nerd who was using the nunchucks as a pro kung fu master. And somehow making Cody gulp drily.

"Duncan, Duncan. Enough." Ezekiel said as he took his bow and dropped his guard up. "You have to excuse Duncan, he has PTSD while being at the juvenile."

"I JUST GOT OUT FROM THERE, AND I WILL NEVER GO BACK THERE EVER AGAIN," Duncan said as he started playing with his knife, which somehow made Cody even more palled than before, and he was even feeling like somehow he was going to die on that moment. "I'm not going back, hey, what's wrong with you?"

"I-I-I-I-I" Cody stuttered as Courtney then looked into his eyes.

"Alright geek, let me tell you something, Katie just had to deal harshly with the idea of her sister not being part of the show. And we know that you have a weird quirk of smelling the hair of the girls creepily." Courtney said as Cody gulped and Duncan pointed the knife at him.

"Oh yeah, at the time we find you have been doing that with Katie, we are going to cut your hair off. Maybe even more." Duncan smiled which made Cody freezes in panic.

"Duncan, don't point the knife at him," Ezekiel said calmly until Duncan turned his head and pointed the knife at him.

"Hey, don't disrespect me," Duncan said as he looked at Cody who was shaking. "Hey geek, you seemed afraid, what's wrong? You don't like techno?"

"Duncan, you better stop." Courtney kept saying that it was making Duncan play more and more with the geek.

"Come on, it's not difficult, it's just techno, there is dubstep, there is trap. There is..."

"ENOUGH," Ezekiel shouted which made Duncan stop, and then gave space to Ezekiel to stare at Cody once again. "Listen, have fun with Katie, but bring her here until sunset. If she ain't here until sunset. We are going to hunt you down. With all my arrows you can count, Duncan with his knife, and Harold who is a master of Snake Style."

Cody shook but the last one got him confused. Until he regretted hearing the next words.

"Good to break necks with it," Harold said as he had in one of his hands a thin stick, and with his left hand he broke it which immediately made Cody give space and looked a Courtney. Who was staring at him like the leader of the group?

"Are you a virgin? Don't play with me are you a virgin or not?" Courtney then took him by his shirt and Cody mute like a mimic, nodded his head. "Good, keep it that way, you are not going to score today, you hear me?"

Cody nodded his head quickly, as he then saw Courtney and the guys pointing out a direction.

"She is on the main lodge since we said Eva needs her help with dumbbells, now go, and don't make us come back at you," Courtney said, and Cody immediately ran away from the bunch of lunatics of the other team.

A few seconds later, by seeing the geek getting away...


"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." The loud laugh from the entire group of Killer Bass would be recorded and that scene would be remembered as one of the best intimidation scenes of the entire reality show.

"Man, it was so funny. Did you see how scared he was?" Tyler commented as he could see the geek going to remember that from all eternity.

"Duncan, that was brilliant." Courtney cleaned up the tear in her eye. It was funny to show such an intimidation tactic for someone inconvenient like Cody.

"Well, I usually would pity Cody," Ezekiel commented, which made the whole group stare at him in surprise. "But if he persists and shows us wrong and he is the right one to Katie, then I would be glad to tell you I'm wrong about him. But I think he got the message."

"Momma would become disappointed in me if I let something happen to my friends, and to say this was fun. I can agree one hundred percent." DJ said as he got the satisfaction of giving the boy permission to date one of his friends. But what kind of friend he would be in case the little geek who tried to flirt with all the girls didn't learn his lesson from him and his friends?

"Well then, probably when Katie watches this episode in the future, she will be upset at us. But we needed to make sure he didn't have second intentions." Courtney explained as the whole team nodded in agreement. "Well, great job Killer Bass, now that we have everything settled, let's go to our usual activities. Who is going to the Aquarium?"

"Well, I want to go there. Someone needs to be sure the water of the hot tube is changed and flowing just fine." Geoff said that he desired to have a very nice time relaxing on the hydro paradise the team has.

(Main Lodge)

"Ah, ah, ah." Cody gasped as he finally got on Main Lodge, where most of his team members stared at him confused.

"Hey Cody, are you okay?" Beth came to ask the geek who suddenly was gasping and trying to take his breath.

"Killer Bass *gasp* crazy *gasp* knife *gasp* bow and arrow *gasp* nunchucks... ah, ah, ah." Cody said in deep breaths as he tried to contain his fears, but it was difficult when he got a whole group of psychopaths wanting to kill him.

Beth stared at him confused until the duo heard a loud shout.

"HEY CODY, OVER HERE," Katie called, which made the geek suddenly recover from his shock, at the time he looked at the iconic pink swimsuit, which made Cody blush from seeing her curved and well-tanned body. At the time she got near him, she then raised her eyebrow. "Hey, where is your swimsuit? I thought we were going on the beach."

Cody then realized as he was using his casual stuff, and then inside of himself facepalmed.

"Oh, that? Sorry, I thought we were going to just walk on the sand... but wait for a few minutes, and I will be in my shorts. just wait here okay?" Cody said in a panic as he quickly left the Main Lodge... with the group of Screaming Gophers and two of Killer Bass members staring at him confused.

"What a weird boy," Eva commented as she kept doing her workout, which made Katie pout.

Beth stared at the scene and scratched her hair.

"BETH, COME HERE." Then a shout was enough to make the farm girl turn her head and see Heather and Lindsay with what would be a bunch of makeup products. Heather who was with her arms crossed staring at the sheepish farm girl. She then rolled her eyes. "You still need to learn how to not use lipstick in excess during most of the time. Pay close attention to me. I'm going to do it just this once."

Beth smiled as she nodded her head to Heather who rolled her eyes but smirked as she was using the lipstick from Lindsay as a way to teach Beth how to not waste a good makeup product.

Neither girl noticed or cared about what happened to the geek boy a few minutes before.

After the event of making fun of the probably perverted Gopher, the Killer Bass crew decided to resume their daily events, and when they least expected, one hour may have passed. Courtney passed a good part of her morning to organize her clothes, and let her legs rest for a few moments before going back to her activities.

"Well, at least we solved one problem. But still, I need to find something to do for the day." The C.I.T. girl commented as she decided to look around and see if someone was willing to pass the time with her. Seeing that she was alone. She thought that maybe having a good shower would be a good start before she walked around the camp and planned something to do.

Taking her towel, and a good bag with clothing, she was already on the way to the communal bathrooms. At the time she went on there and found that it was empty, she was already happy to be one of the to use at that time of the day... until the shower in the boy's bathroom started and then a voice started singing.

Everything Stays ✨ Full Length Version ~Male Cover~ Jacob Sutherland (

Let's go in the garden

You'll find something waiting

Right there where you left it lying upside down

When you finally find it, you'll see how it's faded

The underside is lighter when you turn it around

Everything stays right where you left it

Everything stays

But it still changes

Ever so slightly, daily and nightly

In little ways, when everything stays

Courtney paused as she then noticed how beautiful and sad the song was, never heard something like that before, so it was an original song, and yet it was so impacting, and hoped to hear more about it. Until the next verse appeared.

Go down to the ocean

The crystal tide is raising

Waters' gotten higher as the shore washes out

Keep your eyes wide open, even when the sun is blazin'

The moon controls the tide, it can cause you to drown

Courtney decided to follow the rhythm of the song and before she noticed, she was already singing the chorus.

Everything stays, right where you've left it

Everything stays, but it still changes

Ever so slightly, daily and nightly

In little ways

When everything stays

Courtney sniffed, as she cleaned a tear from her face, while she quickly heard the locked door of the boys' bathroom unlocking which made her hide inside the girls' bathroom.

"Courtney?" Ezekiel asked as he opened the door, and saw nobody was there. And thinking about one second he looked confused. "Hmm? Strange... I could swear I heard Courtney singing. Well, never mind."

Courtney remained quiet, as the time Ezekiel turned the shower once again, she decided to do the same in the female bathroom, and by surprise, she looked in the direction of the other shower.

A boy who created art, and stories, and even sang his songs... It was kinda too much for her to process, how much the kid has been creative on everything around him. She could be sure that if Ezekiel had been in the animation area, he could have made all his works into cartoons, and the songs sung to him would have been memorable.

"Alright, let's see... Love like you, ending for Steven Universe." Courtney listened to Ezekiel proceeded to explain the name of the song and even prepared his voice. "Ah, AH, AHHHHH... Okay, let's see... Plam, pan, pam pan, pan pannnn. "

Steven Universe - Love Like You - Cover by Caleb Hyles (

If I could begin to be

Half of what you think of me

I could do about anything

I could even learn how to love

When I see the way you act

Wondering when I'm coming back

I could do about anything

I could even learn how to love like you

Courtney who was carefully showering herself kept listening to how dedicated the boy was by singing that song, and singing like it was second nature to him. And then he was even using his mouth to try to make some instruments, but it sounded terrible, but it was enough to make him concentrate himself.

I always thought I might be bad

Now I'm sure that it's true

'Cause I think you're so good

And I'm nothing like you

Look at you go

I just adore you

I wish that I knew

What makes you think I'm so special

Courtney's eyes went wide open as she proceeded to listen to how powerful messages the song was, and she never thought Steven Universe would have such an amazing song like that. Which made her interested in who would be singing this song in the book Ezekiel was writing.

If I could begin to do

Something that does right by you

I would do about anything

I would even learn how to love

When I see the way you look

Shaken by how long it took

I could do about anything

I could even learn how to love like you

Love like you

Love me like you

At the time the singing stopped, Courtney kept sniffing as her own eyes were in tears. At the time she kept taking a shower. Ezekiel left the communal bathroom just to pass the time to enjoy himself for the day.

"Awesome, let's see what are the plans for the day?" Ezekiel commented as he dressed himself up, and had a good time before lunch. He could call the boys to hang out in the hot tube again, and the group would be chilling all day. "Yeah, that sounds about right."

(Nearby the Cabins)

"Woah, a Pink Lion?" Gwen commented as she kept reading, not noticing that hours had passed, while the duo of Bridgette and Gwen seemed to be in a marathon of reading the chapters of the story. And from the way the story was narrated, it was something the duo kept reading and got even addicted and curious about developing ideas. "Do you think it's related to Steven's mom?"

"I don't know, It's possible since Lion seems to be kind and even obeys Steven when he wants." Bridgette replied, as she was also reading a chapter related to the Lion 2, "It seems on this one Connie is also here. I'm guessing that she will become a current character."

Gwen smiled, as she could see a cliche, but it was one of the things she liked in some of the romance novels she read before.

"Well, let's hope to see more of her in the future." The Goth girl replied as she then ignored the time of sunset going down... It was a worthwhile time to pass into reading something. "You guys got lucky into reading all this stuff early. Because I think most of the people would have to wait until he publishes everything to read the entire book."

Bridgette paused her reading. And thinking about it, she couldn't help but smile as she nodded to Gwen.

"Yeah, to be honest, I think I would become more bored around here if wasn't for my curiosity into knowing what happened with Steven on that day, and after reading this. I'm interested in reading Adventure Time, from what Ezekiel told me, it's a silly idea of brotherhood between a kid and a dog," Bridgette described the synopsis as Gwen didn't seem interested in the topic until another key word made her stop her reading. "From a reconstructed world after the post-apocalyptic world war."

Gween then stared at the surfer who seemed to be smug from seeing the goth now curious about another work from her friend.

"Damn, does that boy ever have a written block?" Gwen asked loudly, which made Bridgette shrug.

"I hope not, because we wouldn't have more chapters to read. Now quiet, I'm curious about what a dog-copter trailer is about." Bridgette shushed the goth of Screaming Gophers, who seemed to be looking at her weirdly. "I KNOW WHAT I SAID, NOW GO BACK TO READING,"

'Alright, alright." Gwen rolled her eyes, but she smirked at the time she went back to read another chapter of Steven Universe.

(Screaming Gophers Boy's Cabin)

Trent sat on his bed, as he practiced with his trusted guitar, a new music appearing inside of his mind, and a few cords for him to try. Enjoying a good break from the entire day, and with the possible good date his friend Cody was having.

After getting himself surprised in the morning by his friend in a hurry to change his clothes and take his swim shorts with him to enjoy the beach, Trent shrugged, thinking about how much he needed to practice on the day to remain sharp and skilled on his instrument.

Owen was there to give moral support, and even applaud him when it was time to sing a song for him.

And with the night already in the air, Trent then heard Cody getting inside the cabin. And while he looked exhausted, he had a very dumb smile on his face.

"Oh, look who came here, how was the date, Romeo?" Trent smiled as he could see Cody looked dumb but also happy to have a nice day.

"It was great..." Cody smiled, as they walked in the park. The swim between the duo, and even the time they talked about the jump every single one of them had to do on the first challenge. It triggered some memories. But then he remembered the sunset time and how the entire crew of Killer Bass were a bunch of crazy bloodthirsty people. "Well, excluding the fact that every single one of the Killer Bass team made me terrified, it was almost perfect."

Trent raised his eyebrows, and even Owen laughed near him.

"Oh, you are afraid Cody? You don't need to worry, all of them are friendly. From what I see, they looked very kind and gentle." Owen smiled, but he didn't look at how the eyes from Cody twitched in disbelief.

Trent noticed that Cody would say bad words, so he decided to intervene by asking questions.

"Don't want to discourage you, but I can understand, Eva, Duncan, DJ, Geoff, and Courtney. But when you said, everyone. I mean, how Harold can terrify you?" Trent asked and Cody stared at him.

"HE GOT A NUNCHUKS AND THAT THING HURTS A LOT. Also, he seems to know snake style and he said it's great to break necks... I prefer my neck intact, thank you very much." Cody explained as he clearly could see that the nerd had something up, but not just him, the entire team looked terrifying as they seemed to be ready to devour him if he made a mistake. "I mean, sure that I sniffed Gwen's hair once, but it wasn't like I was going to do with every single girl I meet."

"Did you sniff Gwen's hair?" Trent asked in disbelief, while Owen looked at his friend a bit weirded out.

"Err... wasn't that a bit too much?" Owen asked which made Cody facepalm.

"I know, it was freaky, and I should feel disgusted by me, but come on. I wasn't made of stone, but I'm not going to do that anymore. Not with all the threaten the Killer Bass did to me." Cody said as he gulped drily the idea of how he was so scared of the rival team. "I mean, Katie made my entire day awesome. And it seems that it was the first genuine time I was myself. So I would like to do that with her again... even if I had to be intimidated by her team again."

"That's the spirit, Cody. But let's be sure, you won't do more hair sniffing, or try to act weirdly as you did in the first week okay?" Trent had to be sure that, with one wrong move his friend would just be heartbroken, but from the tone of his voice, he could be broken when the other members of her team got their hands on him.

"Yeah, yeah. I know. I'm going to stop doing that, let's just focus on other things." Cody said as he took his keyboard from his backpack. "Want some tune for a song?"

Trent smiled at his friend, and with that, a duo prepared a song together to pass the time.

A very good time to pass between friends, and 3 days of break they needed so much.

Chapter 7: Not Quite Famous

Chapter Text


"Last time on Total Drama Island." The camera turns on to show Chris standing on the dock going over a review happening on the show on the last episode. "The Killer Bass finally showed the reason why they are killers. From such provocation of Heather, she learned to not annoy a team that was thirsty for vengeance for losing a team member. Especially to Katie who took the hardest of her leave. In a game of dodgeball, it was a massacre that would be told in the history of Total Drama. A lesson of an unusual trio created fear inside the Screaming Gophers. The entire day had, pain, strategy, friendship with the enemy, and even love advice among the group, especially an orange girl who has been listening to the conversation of the Killer Bass... In the end, the eye candy Justin had enough of the rough challenge of the reality show and decided to run away and cry for his mama, into giving up and going directly to the Isla Del Losers. Population 4." Chris flexed his muscles and he pointed at the flashbacks showing the good scenes of the episode. Showing Bridgette and Gwen reading the sheets created by Ezekiel, Justin being hit by the balls many times, Heather having regrets of provoking Katie, and Izzy listening to Ezekiel talking about love. "Who is going to sink? Who is going to swim? Discover now, here on Total. Drama. Island!"


The morning of the next challenge was up. Knowing that most of the time, the idea of who would win was getting more and more difficult to guess. Since it was the time Ezekiel, Geoff, Bridgette, and Courtney were on the hot tube while Harold was sitting nearby, the group was happy while on the morning, since in the mornings, they even managed to get from Cheff after breakfast a bit of juice boxes, which was a great thing to have on that terrible food time, every day. The Killer Bass knew that Ezekil still had managed to hide from wake-a-thon a few candies, and even a slice of cake... That was in case he would need for an emergency, in case of pure desperation from eating the Chef's food... even in case the cake would be rotten with the time, but that was a risk he would take... and nobody from his team blamed him for that.

And the time around the Aquarium showed the best things that mostly would take time to process, like how Harold was the best beatbox DJ they ever known. And he went from Cinema Camp, Magic Camp, and then a Parody of Payday thievery camp which Harold calls the unlocking locks camp whatever he says. Thankfully Duncan and Ezekiel were able to humble him down a little. Because while he has indeed many, important skills in some ocasiations, it would the best if he remains shut in secret.

The good thing is that the Killer Bass were able to use their time as a hobby in the Aquarium and enjoy themselves. Once Geoff Challenged Bridgette into standing on her hands for 20 minutes like she said, and Courtney was glad to be on the clock counting to make sure the best was on.

A good night of Celebration of Killer Bass... and it was very fun to see Cody bring Katie on time, which made the whole group of friends laugh at how they intimidated the poor boy... they know for sure that

But now the group was around enjoying a few moments before the challenge happened. They knew it would be on that day... But that doesn't mean they couldn't be chilling for a while.

"Boom Bomm Ptsy. Boom Boom Boom Boom Psty." Harold started doing a beatbox, while Geoff and Ezekiel were nodding their heads to the beat. "Boom Bomm Ptsy. Boom Boom Boom Boom Psty."

"Ch-ch-ch-chillin' " Ezekiel and Geoff sang at the same time.

"Chillin' in the hot tub" Geoff said he was enjoying the warm massage.

"Ch-ch-ch-chillin' " Both Ezekiel and Geoff sang again while Ezekiel showed a juice box,

"Drinkin' juices, lookin' good" Ezekiel showed his purple box of grape juice.

"Ch-ch-ch-chillin'" Both Geoff and Ezekiel sang as the girls rolled their eyes.

"Paper bag it, do it right" Geoff took a paper bag and placed his juice box inside of the paper bag.

"Ch-ch-ch-chillin'" And for the final lyrics, Ezekiel drank his juice and smashed the box.

"Because the Killer Bass is going to win TONIGHT...

"OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." Both Ezekiel, Harold, and Geoff raised their hands in such optimism at their victory, while in the end the whole group, even the girls laughed at how confident the homeschooled guy was. "Hehehe... Chilling."


"All right, campers! Enough beauty sleep! Time to show us what you're made of!" Chris's voice was heard from the loudspeaker following the blare of the alarm. Looks like it was time for the next challenge to begin.

Suddenly an alarm was enough to make the whole group stop their relaxing time, just to look at each other, knowing the time has come.

A little later, most of the campers were seen sitting in stands in front of a stage that Chris was standing on. There were two sets of stands for each team with everyone from the Bass there and with all the Gopher members in their stands. "Are we gonna see a musical?" Lindsay asked with her usual ditzy smile on her face. "I love musicals. Especially the ones with singing and dancing. Heh."

"Gwen!" Trent got the attention of the goth girl as she approached and patted the space next to him. "Saved you a seat." Gwen smiled a little and thanked Trent as she sat next to him.

Cody approached the duo who seemed to be sitting together, and at the time he was about to sit next to Gwen when a voice called for him.

"CODY OVER HERE," Katie called his attention, and he could see there were empty seats in the front row, and the two places one for the side of the Screaming Gophers were almost nearby the Killer Bass seats.

Cody smiled as he passed by the guitarist Trent and Gwen who was about to be annoyed by seeing him following her... but after seeing Cody passing by her, she couldn't help but raise her eyebrow.

"Since when did the Bass Tan twin and Cody know each other?" Gwen asked curious, to which Trent chuckled.

"On the same day of the dodgeball challenge, they even went to the beach the next morning. And now they have been like that most of the time." Trent commented as Gwen saw Cody smiling cheekily at Katie suddenly he looked up and found the Killer Bass team, staring at him and judging. Which made him sweat a little, but give a tiny smile on them.

Gwen watched some of them snickering when Cody wasn't looking. So which made Gwen have a satisfied little smile.

"Good for him," Gwen commented with honesty, she was happy to not deal with the creepy boy, but now having him being intimidated by the others, while he has a possible date with the than girl, she was happy for both of them.

"Yep." Trent smiled, as the time he got comfortable with the smile of the Gwen. It seems that the day wouldn't get any better...

Heather watched the duo from far away... And when she heard a kiss she looked to her right and found Lindsay giving a kiss to launch at the Jock who seemed to be happy to take it.

"What are you doing?" Heather asked as she narrowed her eyes.

Lindsay looked at Heather and then smiled.

"Oh, I'm waving at Tyler..." Lindsay said happily while Heather couldn't help but be annoyed.

"From the other team?" Heather asked as she looked at Lindsay and wanted to make a punishment to her by breaking the a... wait a minute... "Did I tell you to not have a relationship in the alliance?"

Lindsay tilted her head...

"Why would you ever say that?" Lindsay then asked which made Heather realize one of her mistakes.

She was about to make sure to not have that on the alliance... but she found out that it was too late for that... she could see in her eyes, that she was lost in love.

"That's great you found someone, Lindsay." Beth was happy as she could see herself dreaming about who would be the one she would marry.

And just like that, Heather realized it was too late.

"UGHHHHHH." Heather groaned as she facepalemed, but then Beth gave some slight taps on her back. "Just please focus on going in the final three before you go into kisses with him okay? I cannot take you both at the final 4."

Lindsay who was smiling suddenly froze... and realized that it was true, she couldn't protect the boy she had a crush on for so long... or she would lose her spot on the final three...

"You are right. I'm going to focus on the challenge, tomorrow when we are not on the challenge I can go on a date with him." Lindsay nodded her head, which made Heather stop, and then glance at the blond bombshell again, rolling her eyes.

"It's not what I asked for, but that's better than nothing," Heather commented, as she looked at Beth. "Please tell me you are not in a relationship. I found Lindsay, then the geek boy, and now the gothic girl is all hooked up, who is going to be next? Leshwana? I think this show has too much romance."

Beth who was daydreaming suddenly woke up and then listened to Heather who was looking tired from dealing with this problem, so she shook her head.

"No, I don't have anyone yet. But I'm going to focus on going at the final three first." Beth commented as she looked determined to go through hell and win all the challenges she could. And that comment made Heather smile.

"At least I can count on you, Beth," Heather said, as she finally felt that she was in control again, but she wanted to know why Chris had called them in the first place.

Chris's voice spoke up as the host finished setting up the mic.

"Welcome campers to our brand new deluxe state-of-the-art outdoor amphitheater!" Chris explained exactly what the stage they were on was. "Okay, this week's challenge is a summer camp favorite. A talent contest!"

"Yes!" Owen stood up from his seat and raised a fist in the air. "Awesome!"

"Each team has eight hours to pick their three most talented campers." Some of the other campers cheered at this as they were eager to get on stage and show what they could do. Some like Gwen and Eva didn't seem to care. "These three will represent them in the show tonight. Sing, dance, juggle. Anything goes, as long as it's legal." Chris directed that last part right at Duncan who snapped his fingers in response. "by our resident talent scout, former DJ, VJ, and rap legend, Graaaaaaand Master Chef, who will show his approval via…the Chef-o-Meter." A wooden spoon with Chef's face on the end of it appeared on a TV screen that was set up near the top of the stage. Ten bars on the spoon blinked green a few times to show how the meter looked. "The team that loses will send one camper home tonight. Good luck." And with that, Chris left as the Bass and Gophers split up to try and figure out who exactly would be performing tonight.

At the time Chris left, the Killer Bass team walked away from the Screaming Gophers, not just before Katie waved at Cody before leaving, and Tyler smiled one last time after seeing Lindsay again.

When the group started walking, Courtney glanced at her team, and couldn't help but be proud.

Courtney after spending so many days with the team, knew that every single one wanted to share some of their best... and surprisingly being around the Aquarium, allowed her to see Katie dancing, which wasn't that impressive, but she kept hearing from Katie that if Sadie was there, it would have been better... DJ is also a good dancer, but she doesn't know if would fit the challenge... Duncan, well, Courtney paused and glanced at him again... the delinquent who usually would like to make problems, was more enjoying the time around, she never saw a talent he had, but she could guess that it wouldn't be a good idea... Tyler, had been playing with his yoyo, and she saw that it wouldn't be great for the show, but at least it was good for a good laugh, especially since even Tyler was laughing from his clumsiness... Bridgette, oh God, she remembered the time she made that stupid bet of being upside down for 20 minutes... She still is furious about the time she vomit on her shoes. Geoff deserved that punch last night.

Talking about the devil, Geoff showed a bit of skill in playing with the skate, it was simple tricks which would be interesting to see... but if was to do above the stage, it would be a terrible idea...

She hated to admit it, but she wished that some of the team would have at least one of Harold's abilities, since from the first episode, he may have not told or bragged as much as he wanted... but showed... he showed a lot, air skating, martial art, audio and cinema knowledge, hell even pick locking would be good for Duncan to learn... not that if she would be interested into seeing that delinquent robbing safes. But still was a skill.

Ezekiel was also a jack of trades, from writing, doing art, and even writing lyrics... His voice isn't something that people would say he would be a rockstar or a popstar of a boy band, but hell, she loved the way he sang the songs he wrote... because he showed passion... he loved the songs he sang... even on the morning he and Geoff were on the hot tube, the chillin' song was something that would be stuck in her mind next time she wants to relax on the hot tub.

Courtney was lacking options, and she knew that she would be one of the contestants... But... the time she played violin, she always thought it was good for amateur competitions, not that she always admits since she was a kid... but she thought that she needed to spice a bit her talent, she needed to make sure that she would be perfect... She glanced at Ezekiel and one idea popped into her mind.

She and Harold were two solid choices, but it was only missing one... Which is one Courtney hesitated to ask...But maybe it was her only option since that person has been MVP from 2 challenges.

"Alright everyone, we got this, but we cannot let this get over our heads, we need to make sure everything is perfect. Harold, did you decide which talent you are going to bring on this challenge? It must be something quick and take a lot of attention." Courtney decided to ask the nerd who had been reflecting on his choices...

"I could do a beatboxing," Harold said shrugging which made Courtney smile from a solid option of her teammate that it would cause a good amount of points.

"Good, this would be enough, now I'm going to play violin and that would make two solid choices." Courtney smiled, the team is going great so far.

Which made the group then pause, and stare at her with their eyebrows raised.

"Princess, while I think that's good to place the nerd on the team, I think you using the viol..." Duncan was about to say the problem of Courtney using the violin but she raised her hand to interrupt.

"I know that it may not impress Chef, but there is one thing that I want to try first. If that doesn't work, I can vouch to be eliminated on the next challenge if I don't surpass the expectations."Courtney said as she wanted her team to believe her. And by saying that, the group decided to accept her request.

"Well. There is one spot missing, and I doubt Mr. Dodgeball here is going to impress anyone with his yoyo. So it would be unfair if we lose and have to send him out." Eva commented that she usually doesn't care about situations like that, but she had to point out Tyler was still on trial by fire.

"We are not going to lose," Courtney said but on the next second, she hesitated...until she asked. "Eva, would also be on the team?"

The bodybuilder girl remained quiet but then huffed.

"Hmph, took long enough to finally ask. But yes, I'm in."Eva smirked as she cracked her knuckles... Courtney sighed as the whole team now smiled happily.

"Okay, that's settled then..." Courtney clapped as her whole team seemed happy with the decision. "You guys can enjoy the rest of the day, while me, Harold, and Eva will be focusing on the challenge today."

Everyone took the suggestion for granted and immediately left, but at the time Ezekiel was about to leave, Courtney held his shoulder.

"Ezekiel, do you have a minute?" Courtney decided to ask the green hat boy. If she was going to do it. She has to do it right.

(Screaming Gophers side)

With the Gophers, all of them except Trent were gathered up in front of the cabins with Heather standing in front of them and blowing a whistle. "Okay. I'm the team captain, so here's how it's going to work." Heather announced to everyone while holding a clipboard.

"Wait," Gwen spoke up while holding a book of some kind. "Who said you were team captain?"

"She did," Lindsay said as she pointed to Heather. "Just now."

"Lindsay, Beth, and I took a vote and I won," Heather informed everyone with the two mentioned girls nodding their heads.

Gwen simply rolled her eyes before crossing her arms. "Threatening them to vote for you isn't exactly democratic." Heather glared at Gwen as Trent came up to the goth girl while holding his guitar.

"Hey," Trent whispered to Gwen as he revealed a muffin to her that he was hiding behind his back. "Snagged you an extra muffin."

Heather continued to glare at Gwen before she finally noticed Trent and softened up her look. "Trent. You're cool with me leading this project, aren't you?" Heather asked the guitarist with an innocent tone.

"Right on." Trent shrugged, not caring. "Go for it."

"Good." Heather nodded in satisfaction with Gwen sighing. "Beth, Lindsay, and I will be the judges."

"Whatever." Gwen rolled her eyes before sitting down. However, she did smile a bit as Trent sat next to her and handed her the muffin he smuggled for the goth.

First up to showcase a talent was Owen who grabbed a two-liter bottle of pop and quickly started to chug it down. "Are you gonna audition?" Trent asked as Owen was already halfway through the bottle.

"Doubtful." Gwen immediately said. She was hardly a fan of getting up on stage and showing off to people. While yes, she was a reality show right now but that was different. "I heard you the other night by the dock. You're really good."

Owen then finished the 2 liters in record time and proceeded to show his teammates what he was capable of. "A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z!" Just like that, Owen had burped the entire alphabet.

Cody and Trent all stood up and cheered loudly for Owen with the big guy smiling with pride.

"Yes!" Owen cheered as Trent came up and high-fived him.

"That was excellent, man." Trent complimented as Owen put his hands on his hips.

"Well, you're not going to do that in the contest" Heather scoffed, more disgusted than impressed at Owen's display. "That's disgusting."

"You know how hard it is to burp the entire alphabet in one go?" Trent defended Owen as he wrapped an arm around Owen's shoulder.

"I can also toot Beethoven's 5th!" Owen said as he bent down and stuck his butt out.

"NO!" All the girls shouted as they wanted to be away from Owen to do craziness into pointing his butt towards their direction, while Gwen decided she had enough for the moment. Heather narrowed her eyes as she questioned the goth walking away.

"Where are you going?" Heather questioned the goth as Gwen kept walking away.

"Anywhere that's not here," Gwen answered, not looking back at the scene. She wasn't going to be part of that...

But at the time Gwen walked a few steps away when she decided to go to her reclusive spot... where she found not just that place wasn't only occupied, but the blonde surfer who goes there to read with her was laughing like she couldn't even breathe.

And nearby her was the green hat boy who wrote most of the chapters she and Bridgette were reading every day.

"And the best part was... Jake then looked at Finn and said, Duude, I think you are WAY OFF." Ezekiel explained as made a serious motion, while he changed his tone. "And Finn looked at his brother and asked, Am I? Or Am I WAY ONNN, and that moment the train got inside of the tunnel just to show the lights again, showing the skeleton of the doctor Finn was suspicious... *GASP* SON OF A... *PHUMMMMM*, the train used the horn at the right time of the human boy cursing."

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." Bridgette laughed harder, as she cleaned up her tears. Gasping into recovering her breathing.

"Yeah, that's a birthday Finn will never forget," Ezekiel said as he finished telling the joke. Mystery Train was always has been his favorite adventure time episode, since the first time he watched as a kid, he always loved to laugh at that iconic scene.

"Poor kid, I can't wait to read the entire chapter later. Zeke." Bridgette smiled, seeing that he had been a good friend in sharing his projects and ideas, it made her comfortable in dealing with all the problems around the camp.

And at the time they were still talking, when they both noticed someone nearby, and when they saw Gwen staring at them, Bridgette smiled at her.

"Oh hey Gwen, happy to see you here." Bridgette smiled as she saw Ezekiel focusing on organizing his sheets of paper. "I told Ezekiel that we have been reading some of his work here, so he came here to check this place."

"Hmm, this place is very good, peaceful, and with a good part for concentration." Ezekiel looked around and found a tree that it would be good be a good spot for reading. "So that's where you were for 2 days straight?"

"Yeah." Bridgette smiled sheepishly. Making the homeschooled chuckle, and by seeing the goth girl approach them, he raised his eyebrow.

"From what Bridgette told me, you were reading Steven Universe, I'm surprised to see someone other than my friends reading my work." Ezekiel was direct as he was polite, he never thought Gwen would be interested in reading his work... possibly Adventure Time chapters focused on Marceline, sure. But never Steven Universe.

Gwen approached, as she held her diary tight.

"Yeah, it was fun to read, and I liked Amethyst since she is a free-will rebel which would annoy Pearl most of the time." Gwen described the way she saw one of the characters, and while some would say it was a criticism, Ezekiel chuckled at her answer.

"Yeah, she does. But nobody is perfect. Because if every pork chop were perfect we wouldn't have hot dogs." Ezekiel commented, which made Gwen and Bridgette realize that he just quoted chapter two of Steven Universe. "But if you are interested in reading more, you can ask me. I would love to hear about good criticism and opinions and especially the theories of what you guys are thinking and what's going to happen next."

"Err... sure," Gwen commented as she noticed that the duo seemed to be very relaxed from the day. "Err, aren't you guys supposed to decide who is going to make the presentation of the challenge today?"

Bridgette and Ezekiel looked at each other... as the duo seemed silent, but then just shrugged off.

"It was already decided at the moment we left the place," Bridgette commented as Ezekiel nodded his head. "It's really easy when you know the talents of everyone."

"Yep, Courtney said she was going to use the violin, Harold is going to do a beatbox, and Eva is going to do juggling." Ezekiel already said which members were going to participate in the challenge, which one name made Gwen raise her eyebrow.

"Eva, juggling?" Gwen repeated slowly, as the duo nodded their heads and understood her confusion.

"Yeah, it got us by surprise too. She started doing lifts with her dumbbells, and the next moment she started launching in the air and juggling. And the next second later. Ezekiel and Harold were being launched at her to do a juggling with them both." Bridgette commented which made Gwen glance at the green-hat boy...

"It was Duncan's idea, and it was funny. Never saw someone doing a juggling with a person before, and Eva nailed it." Ezekiel commented as he could see Gwen rolling her eyes. "What about your team? Did they decide who would go today?"

"I don't know, and I don't care. Since Heather is the leader, she can check with her papers that I wouldn't care." Gwen commented as she wanted a bit of peace, but then Ezekiel tilted his head.

"So she dismissed you right?" Ezekiel asked which made the goth girl raise her eyebrows. And made Ezekiel has his eyes wide open. " you didn't even try to show something just for her to criticize and then dismiss you for the rest of the day?"

Gwen remained quiet which made Ezekiel pinch between his nose.

"Seriously?" Ezekiel commented and Bridgette tilted her head.

"Hey, what would be the problem? Is not like she would care. I wouldn't even want to show my talent to her." Bridgette defended Gwen which Ezekiel nodded.

"That is a smart choice, but not a wise one... Would you leave your back exposed to someone like Heather without her dismissing you?" Then the question was made by Ezekiel, who raised a solid point... "It's best to have her dismiss you to get out from her radar than have run away and worse... Be on her radar."

At the time he said that Gwen noticed the meaning behind his words. Heather may be planning something, so she needs to be aware of that...

"Great, just great," Gwen commented as she looked at them both and decided to turn her left. "Alright, nice talk, but I gotta go back."

(Screaming Gophers side.)

Ballet music was heard as everyone looked at Heather with an impressed expression. The 'leader' of the Screaming Gophers was currently wearing a ballerina outfit and was performing a beautiful dance. Her foot work light and her movements are smooth and perfect. Heather then finished off by jumping high and landing while doing the splits.

Everyone clapped in response as Heather stood up. "Thank you," Heather said to her teammates before turning her eyes to Lindsay and Beth and clearing her throat harshly.

The two girls caught on quickly with Lindsay saying. "Oh, I vote for Heather to be in the contest!"

"I second that!" Beth said immediately after.

"Guys, that's so sweet!" Heather said with faked surprise. "Okay, so I guess I'm in. Why doesn't everyone take five?" Everyone then walked away to take a break, but before Lindsay could leave Heather took her wrist and pulled Lindsay towards her. "I need you to do something. Can you keep a secret?"

"Oh my gosh." Lindsay nodded at Heather. "My sister got diarrhea once on a date and I had to bring her toilet paper because the restaurant was all out and she was stuck in the bathroom and I've never told a soul." But Lindsay soon realized everyone she said…as well as the camera in front of her that recorded and taped everything the dumb blond had said. "Uh…oops. Sorry, Paula..."

At the time Heather was about to say something, she then saw an annoyed goth girl walking towards her, but without her diary but more like a sketchbook.

"What are you doing back here?" Heather narrowed her eyes, as she could see the goth annoyed as much as her, but something was on her hands, a sketchbook.

"Here," Gwen replied as she gave the sketchbook to the queen bee girl, who seemed to look at her with her eyebrow raised. "Here is my talent."

Heather looked unamused at the goth girl but then focused on the content of the said book... It was art, from using coloring pencils and even paintbrushes... Heather looked at the girl nearby her and had a serious look on her face.

"Okay, these look impressive, but I wouldn't bet these would make the difference on the talent show today, so screw off." Heather waved with her backhand and turned her back to the goth who seemed annoyed to even grit her teeth.

"Jerk," Gwen replied as she turned her back and walked away.

Lindsay tilted her head and decided to back to ask the question.

"What was the secret you wanted me to do again?" Lindsay asked, and Heather rolled her eyes.

"I wanted you to follow her because I thought she was up into something, but forget that, she isn't a threat right now. So lets the goth have some of her time alone doing whatever creepy stuff she wants." Heather commented as she pointed out another important point. "We have more important stuff to do, mostly to find the final talent of our group..."

Heather said as she pointed out the plans for the talent show... But she wasn't aware, that near the wall, Gwen was in silence and listening closely...

"That was close..." Gwen commented as she narrowed her eyes, if she wanted Lindsay to follow her, that meant that she wanted to know everything she was hiding which meant... Gwen looked at her diary... knowing that if Heather had her hands on it, who knows what kind of stuff she would do with it? Gwen gritted her teeth and decided to remember this. But now she can relax that she isn't on Heather's radar... yet...

Gwen walked away as she was finally glad to be free from that vermin who wanted to make her life a hell, Gwen knew that she would need to plan a payback.

(Killer Bass side)

"One more time Courtney," Ezekiel commented, as the morning passed, Ezekiel found a time when Courtney asked for a bit of help. There were a few tears in his eyes, but he pressed. "You are almost there, you can do it."

Courtney drank a bit of water, showing that her face was tired and her fingers hurt as well.

And nodding once more... Courtney gave another try.



Harold drank another glass of water. As he focused once more on the beats he created himself.

"Ptsy, put, boom, boom, pow, pow, ugh, yeah yeah. " And with the whole focus on doing his best, he noticed a duo walking from the girls' cabin, it was Ezekiel who was in tears.

Courtney got out of the cabin with a victorious smile.

"I'm ready," Courtney said with her determined smile. "Thanks again for letting me use your song, Zeke, I know that this will make everyone cry."

"Oh, I know..." Ezekiel commented as she cleaned up his face. "It's perfect, I just hope in the future this song will be loved so much that would allow me to hire someone to do the instrumental behind the song. A Piano and a Ukelele would fit so much this song, but your violin nailed it, Courtney."

The brown-haired girl smiled, as she felt satisfied with her results. And at the time she was so excited to show her trump card on the show of talents, the duo just stared at Harold who just looked at them confused.

"Err, what's going on?" Harold asked confused as he then pointed at Ezekiel who was still with his eyes red. "Are you crying?"

"Yeah." Ezekiel didn't deny it. And smiled proudly at Courtney. "Courtney decided to take one of my songs and she will make a whole presentation today. So I think we have another great chance today."

"Awesome." Harold sniffed, as he smiled, as he felt himself ready as well. Two members of the Killer Bass were ready for the challenge, while there was just one more member to be...

"There you are." Then the third member of the trio appeared, as Eva was dressing herself into a half top, which showed most of her abs, and black baggy pants, which made the group stare at her.

"Damn," Harold said as he couldn't stop looking at Eva's abs. "These abs could be used to grind cheese with it."

"Yep, it does," Eva replied as she huffed loudly and made the nerd stop staring at her. "Thanks for stopping looking at it. Now, are you both ready?... Are you crying?'

"YES," Ezekiel said annoyed, rolling his eyes. "Courtney is more than ready, can we stop asking this?"

"Fine." Eva rolled her eyes and then glanced at the C.I.T. girl who seemed cracking her neck.

"Yep, we don't have to worry anymore. We are more than ready." Courtney smiled, and that smile showed a good mystery... she couldn't wait to show everyone how the show of talents would be memorable today.

(Screaming Gophers side)

"Are you sure this is safe?" Heather asked with a bit of a concerned tone as she and most of her teammates watched as Beth twirled around a pair of batons…that were on fire.

"It's okay," Beth reassured everyone as she kept twirling. "I've been practicing." Everyone simply chose to hide behind a table as Beth threw both batons into the air…where they proceeded to go a bit out of control.

"Run!" Owen yelled as he and everyone else, including Beth, ran away from the sight with the two Batons landing where Beth was standing. They exploded and created a crater where the braces-wearing teen once stood.

"I kinda missed the catching class." Beth sheepishly told everyone.

"Uh guys," Trent spoke up as he pointed at a nearby bush with a small smirk on his face. "The bush is on fire." Everyone looked at the flaming bush… until Leshawna went to the cabin and emerged wielding a fire extinguisher. To put an end to the fire quickly. And leaving Heather pinching between her eyes, and a sheepishly looking Beth.

"Ugh, what are we going to do? We cannot make a good presentation with this, how are you even going to catch?" Heather asked as she pointed at the flaw of the presentation of Beth until Izzy came up while still doing her dance.

"Why not make her purposely not catch?" Izzy asked as she noticed the group staring at her.

"Say what?" Heather asked, and Izzy then pointed at the barrels near the cabins, filled with water.

"You can make it like an explosive ending, which would surprise everyone from the fire," Izzy smirked as her own eyes showed a good sparkle of interest, which made the whole group stare at her weirdly, but then she sighed. "Or you can do the lamest ending which would make the batons fall on the water and like a little steam grow up and do a good effect."

"YES." The Screaming Gophers group said in unison, which Izzy sighed in disappointment.

Heather felt confident, as she could see Beth also nodding her head.

"I can aim on the air perfectly, my instructor said I can aim it greatly if I don't focus on catching, so it will be fine." Beth smiled as she could see the expectations of Heather on her.

"Alright, it's going to be me, Trent, and you Beth. Don't disappoint me." Heather said as she placed both her hands on her shoulders, before leaving the group.

Just then Gwen came back to her teammates, she quickly looked at the hole in the ground and chose to keep walking.

"I won't even ask,"Gwen said as she made sure that she didn't want to know, but then Cody appeared and couldn't help but ask.

"Woah, what just happened?" Cody could see the bushes, what remained of them, and a hole in the floor, and the group turned their heads to Beth who was giggling nervously. "Wow, I didn't know we had a pyromaniac in the group."

"She isn't," Heather commented, which Izzy scoffed, Cody noticed that there was a story around, and maybe it would be for the best if he stayed and listened for a while.

"Okay, I'm a good ear, I can hear what happened," Cody commented, and Beth decided to explain her presentation. Leaving Gwen happy to be away and use that opportunity to leave, she may want to go inside the Screaming Gophers cabin, but with Heather who was nearby them? No chance, she decided to go back to the Main Lodge, at least she could see someone from the Killer Bass, and try to find a way to stall a bit of the time before she would go to swim to cool off a bit.

(Main Lodge)

"Okay boys, watch this," Duncan commented as he took his knife and proceeded to do the famous or most likely infamous song. "Oh, I have all my fingers, The knife goes chop chop chop, If I miss the spaces in between, My fingers will come off, And if I hit my fingers, blood will soon come out, But all the same I play this game, cause that's what's it's all about!"

With the song Duncan proceeded to keep stabbing the table while missing his fingers all the time, DJ closed his eyes with his hands, Geoff was staring at Duncan who was confident with the game, and Tyler was with his mouth dropped wide open.

"Oh! Chop! Chop! Chop! Chop! Chop! Chop! Chop! I'm picking up the speed, And if I hit my finger, Then my hand will start to bleed!" Duncan proceeded to go even faster as the time when he finished he took his hand off and placed the knife in the middle of the table.

"Woah, that was awesome Duncan," Geoff said as he was a bit palled from seeing Duncan so confident in playing with his trusted knife.

"Is it over guys?" DJ said as he couldn't take his hands from his face covering his eyes.

"Yes DJ," Duncan rolled his eyes and raised his hand which seemed completely fine. "Now, I will be glad to take your 20 bucks from each of you."

"Dammit," Tyler facepalmented, but sadly he gave up the money he used to be against the delinquent.

The boys seemed to be having a great time talking around together and playing games. Gwen rolled her eyes. Duncan using his knife and playing the knife game was indeed interesting, but still, the insanity of the camp was around everywhere... But probably sooner or later she could have a good time to enjoy a good break, maybe after the challenge is over.

"Hey Gwen," Then a voice called her attention, which made the goth get up and walk outside of the Main Lodge and turn her eyes to see not just Trent wearing his shorts, but Cody and Katie who seemed to be happy with their swimsuits as well. "We are going on the docks, possibly go enjoy the water, and we want to ask you if you want to come."

Gwen looked at her diary... And now that she managed to save her secrets... The time she waited to have a good break finally arrived... She would have preferred it if was only her and Trent, but seeing Cody focusing more on Katie, would be a good distraction for her to be alone with Trent for a while.

"Sure." Gwen quickly responded with a small bit of an enthusiastic tone. The goth quickly realized what she said and how she said it and quickly put her brooding look back on. "I mean…whatever. I'm just going to change my clothes. And then I can go."

Gwen at least could smile, at least the day finally felt more tolerable.


"So you are not actually, Sadie's sister?" Cody asked as he looked confused, which made Katie giggle from his reaction.

"Nah, but she has been my best friend since childhood, we acted like peanut butter and jam, we were been like sisters of two different mothers, and surprisingly she calls my mom her mom, the same way I call hers as my mom, and they seemed to be always accepting like that," Katie commented which made Cody nods his head and understand the meaning from her words. "When I told everyone from Killer Bass, they seemed to not care... if she was my sister or not, but I think she has been so much my best friend, that I think I adopted her like my sister. And most of the time I miss her."

Cody remained quiet and nodded his head to her.

"I'm sure that she is happy to see you holding up like that." Cody was honest when he told the tan girl who seemed to try to not cry, but it has been difficult every single day without her.

"Well yeah, I mean, I would have laughed hard if I saw Sadie launch a ball and hit directly on Heather's head. I never thought I was that good." Katie commented and Cody chuckled from her tone of voice.

"There you go." Cody smiled, as he could see that this day was getting better and better. He doesn't know who is going to win the challenge, but he doesn't care... since he is enjoying the present so much that he seems perfectly fine with the outcomes of the challenge.

And nearby them, a few meters away from the dock, Gwen and Trent were enjoying the time together as well.

"Sometimes, I just need to get away from everyone here, you know? I mean, it's like they're all driving me crazy." Gwen ranted before looking at Trent with a small smile and even a bit of a blush. "Well, almost all of them."

Trent smiled at how Gwen opened up to him, in the same way he couldn't help but share his sentiments.

"I can agree that sometimes our team may be a bit too much, but looking at how most of us seemed to be having a great time together, we may not be in a five-star resort, but from what I see, the other team seemed to be enjoying everything around this camp." Trent saw how the union of the Killer Bass seemed to be like watching a different polar of his team, and he was fine with it... But then he pointed out at Cody and Katie who seemed to be enjoying their time together. "Look at them, they seemed to be appreciating the little times the best as they can."

Gwen smiled, into seeing an interesting way on how the romance of someone like Cody, who looked almost like an annoying sibling to her, was being respectful with the girl nearby... she found it weird for him to hold himself a bit too much and restrict himself. Maybe that's because he finally got a chance with a girl... and he is nervous to screw up... She doesn't know.

But it seems that it was a good thing happening around to not just him... but to all of them. She just hoped that it would remain like that until a few challenges away.

(Killer Bass side)

"So are you ready?" Tyler asked the nerd who seemed to be preparing his vocal cords, and being sure that he wouldn't mess up... it was a lot of pressure, but he nodded his head towards the jock.

"Uhum." Harold nodded as he looked at Tyler who was still smiling in the direction of the Screaming Gophers. "Tyler?"

"Ops, sorry dude. But I cannot take my mind off Lindsay... when her team stopped preparing themselves, she went behind me and we hooked up in the middle of the woods, it was so many kisses that I felt I could melt." Tyler smiled and sighed happily from having realized his dream to have a nice girl in his arms, and Harold couldn't help but tap his back.

"That's awesome dude," Harold replied as he could be happy for his friend who seemed to be so happy to conquer the heart of the person who he said in the private talk with the boys.

"Now it's just missing you dude, did you tell Leshawna that you like her?" Tyler commented, which made Harold freeze, and then try to look away. "Dude, today is serious, you need to create courage and tell her..."

"I'm fine, I just gave 5 more haikus on these 3 days. I'm sure that if I go on this pace in 2 weeks I'll finally be able to have her heart." Harold commented as he proudly was...

But then a voice came near him...

"But you never know if she will be there in a few weeks Harold," Geoff replied as he looked worried about his friend. Both he and Tyler were concerned and wanted to press further to make Harold go directly to talk with the black girl.

"Why are you both insisting on that?" Harold said as he looked in disbelief until DJ came nearby him and proceeded to have a few of his haikus which were hidden in the boy's dorm.

"Because we saw you approaching slowly and trying to get territory, but you never know what can happen today, with Screaming Gophers they aren't exactly like teammates like us. And slowly Heather is taking ground." DJ commented and by the time Harold was about to reply he was interrupted. "Momma always said that it is always best to trust your gut and go while the iron is striking hot. So just do it."

Harold remained quiet, but then realized that he may be stalling too much time... so it was now or never.

At the time Harold left, the Killer Bass team remained quiet and sad, until everyone looked at Ezekiel, who was also sad.

"It was for the best, if he doesn't do that right now, he would be regretting to be too late," Ezekiel commented as he turned his back. "Thanks for helping me out with this."

Neither of them replied, only nodded since they knew what happened... which was still too shocking about what happened before.

1 hour before:

"~Hi Zeeeke." Ezekiel was having a good conversation with DJ when both o were at the boy's dorm, and when they suddenly heard a voice from the last person they wanted to hear... "I have to say I loved the decoration of this place?"

DJ narrowed his eyes, and before he was about to ask rudely for her to leave...

"DJ, stay at the door, and close it, but also make sure that nobody gets inside," Ezekiel said which surprised both his friend and the person who came to visit at that important hour... The giant was about to ask what he was planning but Ezekiel raised his hand and pointed at the door. "I'm going to be fine, just stay at the door please."

DJ tilted his head, and narrowed his eyes a bit, but not before being in silence and leaving the two alone.

"Hello, Heather." The homeschooled boy took his hat and started scratching his head.

"Aww, you look so cute without your hat, if I c..."

"Please, Heather." Ezekiel raised his hand and interrupted the queen bee who seemed to be acting in a way that he watched in the show. "Seduction will get you nowhere, I want you to be direct and quick, what do you want from me?"

Heather's eyes sparkled since she noticed that she had been read like a book, so she then nodded her head and decided to go directly.

"Very well, I heard that you managed to take a few candies from the stupid awake-a-thon challenge, so I want to know if you can share some with me?" Heather proceeds to ask innocently and Ezekiel immediately knows what she planned.

"You want Candy to bribe Owen to vote for someone from your team in case you are going to lose? Got it. Trent or Leshawna?" At the time the homeschooled boy pointed out what she needed, and yet also asked who would be the person she would try to vote it out? That was something Heather was caught off guard.

"Trent? Why would I want to vote Trent out?" Heather asked, which made Ezekiel nod his head to her.

"Okay," Ezekiel understood who would be her next victim, and since was something related to the Screaming Gophers, then it was something he shouldn't care much. So in the next second, Heather was surprised by a few slices of cake. "I think these are about to get expired, or were a few days ago... don't know and don't care, desperation times call for desperation measures."

Heather was surprised to see the boy giving the candy right away to her.

"Just like that?" Heather couldn't help but ask, which made Ezekiel nod his head to her.

"Just like that, but remember Heather, everything has a price," Ezekiel said as he sat on his bed, which made Heather understand what the boy meant.

"What do you want?" Heather couldn't help but ask... knowing that the person in front of her didn't seem to be an ordinary player... she then realized from seeing the way he acted, the way he acted against her... she then realized... he was expecting her.

"I'm doing you a favor... so in the future, I will ask you a favor in return..." Ezekiel replied but at the time Heather was about to ask, Ezekiel raised his hand. "It may not be now, it may not be this week, or even this month... but someday I will be needing you to pay up a little favor for me."

Heather noticed that the Bass in front of her wasn't kidding, and from having the candies on her hands... she may needed it to use it against someone she would see as an enemy... and having this kind of resource was important to her.

"Fine... one favor." Heather said and Ezekiel smiled.

"Good, wish you good luck on the challenge today," Ezekiel replied and Heather stomped her way outside.

DJ got inside quickly and stared at Ezekiel.

"Explain," DJ commented and Ezekiel nodded his head.

"Screaming Gophers drama shouldn't be ours, so I prefer to give her what she needs to keep her distracted with her team while avoiding our team to be on her radar... So that would give us the time until the converge to still be solid on the game." Ezekiel explained the plan which DJ has an understanding but also has one problem.

"Yeah, but she still will come after you when the problems with her team are over." DJ pointed out, and Ezekiel smiled.

"That may be the case, but there is one thing she doesn't understand... she may be playing Chess right now..." Ezekiel said as he looked from the window Heather slowly walked away... "But at this moment the game always has been Checkers. So at the time she overthinks too much, she has no idea about the big picture in front of her."

DJ may have not understood the meaning of those words... but Heather who was walking away to her cabin, knew well what happened.

"I did a deal with the devil and I didn't realize." Heather realized that she may have sold her soul to someone who had played the brain behind the whole team, and she underestimated that team once again... she thought if she attacked the glue of the team, she would destabilize the entire team... but see the glue was the master mind of the whole teamwork? And the one who reads her like a book?

A player who had been playing the game since the beginning. And someone who knew how to keep her in check.

She hated it... she was played... but at least now the price was fair... since she could finally have her revenge.

After staying a few minutes alone DJ and Ezekiel were in silence until the homeschooled boy placed his hat back on his head.

"So what are we going to do now?" DJ felt that at the time Heather left their cabin, the nice conversation they were having turned into an awkward silence between them both.

"To avoid Harold to throw the challenge tonight. We gotta tell Harold to confess to Leshawna right now." Ezekiel got up and with a somber look on his face, he knew they needed to do something for their friend.

DJ looked at him in disbelief.

"Do you believe that he would give up or sabotage our group because Leshawna is going to be eliminated today?" DJ asked as he couldn't believe someone would be stupid into doing something like that.

"When people are in love, they do stupid things..."Ezekiel replied, making sure to prove a point. "My pa once got trapped inside of a cave with my ma for 3 days because he wanted to take the biggest gem on the gave to give her as proof of love."

DJ remained quiet, as he could see that the young teenager wasn't even kidding.

"I think it's for the best if we have Harold not regret confessing today, because if he doesn't right now. He would need to wait until he gets eliminated. And who knows if Leshawna moved on until then...

DJ remained quiet but then nodded his head.

"You are right, we gotta do something. But I want you to register, that I hate this." DJ commented as he crossed his arms angrily.

"Trust me, DJ... You have no idea how much peeved I'm right now." Ezekiel commented and the gentle Jamaican stared at Ezekiel in surprise. "Heather came here thinking that she could trick me or even manipulate me, but she has no idea who she provoked. At the time she eliminates Leshawna, I know Harold will not let her get away with this."

And from the tone of voice, DJ couldn't help but also smile... A payback is coming for the queen bee.


"It's the TDI Talent Extravaganza!" Chris voice boomed throughout the area as the man himself walked onto the stage. The moon shined in the sky as everyone who wasn't competing sat in the bleachers with the exception of Harold, Courtney, Eva, Heather, Beth, and Trent.

"Welcome to the very first Camp Wawanakwa…Talent Contest. Where six campers will showcase their mad skills and desperately try not to humiliate themselves. First up for the Screaming Gophers…is Beth."

At the time the Screaming Gophers cheered for the farm girl who was dressed like a parade marching band, and she started to spin her batons.

The movements were fluid and comfortable which started to make the group stare in awe... And then Beth decided to light the batons in fire, which made the spectacle even better.

The show looked amazing yet dangerous until it was time for Beth to finish, she glanced behind her and found 2 empty metal barrels, which she took a time spinning the fire batons until it was time, to launch in the air, and pray to whoever was listening to her.

Thankfully with the good curve in the air, the batons went directly to the barrels with water, making the fire on the baton extinguish leaving a little steam in the air.

The silence was met until everyone from their seats cheered from watching a good show. While Izzy rolled her eyes.

"Awesome presentation Beth, never thought you would rock tonight with this," Chris said happily as Beth seemed excited and nervous to know the results. The Chef-o-Meter gave 8 of 10. "And you already started with a good solid 8 for your team."

Beth jumped happily, as she could see Heather nodding in approval to her. Which made her jump in joy and go back to her team.

Confession - Izzy

"A good presentation, however, she didn't manage to catch the baton, or she couldn't make an impressive finally. Less 2 points." Izzy said in a voice that tried to imitate Chef Hatchet's voice. And by using her left hand she spun one of the batons Beth used on her presentation. "That girl has talent, but she should have stayed on the catch classes."

With her wrist, she made friction with the baton and lit up, which showed a fire inside the bathroom.

"Or she should have made a good fire ending to make at least a 9 for us..." Izzy said as she sounded disappointed from seing the performance of the farm girl. And for the first time in front of the television, Izzy didn't sound like her energic or crazy version of herself...but a serious girl who seemed to be judging her teammate. "Well, I think being captain of the cheerleader squad makes us top-tight when it comes to presentations like that."

"And now, representing the Killer Bass, EVA," Chris called as the whole Killer Bass cheered loudly, happy to see their bodybuilder girl, who was stretching herself...

At the time the song started, it was a song that seemed to be a fusion between Russian song and circus music. That was the signal to Eva to take the dumbells and start to do some workouts with them...

Everything seemed normal, until Eva decided to launch the dumbells in the air, as she started to do some push-ups and make a combination of juggling and workouts.

Everyone from Screaming Goophers has their mouths dropped, while the Killer Bass decided to do something to spice it up. Duncan took a fire extinguisher, DJ got a chair, and Geoff took an axe, and the trio launched in the direction of the bodybuilder, which made the group of the rival team scandalize.

But Eva took it all, she took every single item and with the dumbells, she made a juggling with all of them.

It took a whole 2 minutes for finally, Eva to finally decide to spin and with her hands she took the fire extinguisher and the chair, using her arms, she took the dumbells in the air, and then when the axe came down, she used her teeth to catch it...

Showing that Eva came to win the whole game...

"WOHOOOOOOOOOOOO." The killer Bass went into a frenzy, as the Screaming Gophers shouted in cheers as well. It has been an awesome presentation.

"DAMN, GIRL. Eva, when I said people could do juggling, I never thought you would be the one who would give us a spectacle. And not just Chris, but also the Chef-o-meter agreed with him, by giving a 9 out of 10. "And it seems Chef agreed with me... you can go with the Bass now, the lead is already yours."

Eva smirked, as she went to her team who seemed happy to be in the lead.

"So, with two down and four acts to go, it's the Kille Bass…Killing everything ahead. Next on deck…Trent. Take it away, my bro."

Trent then walked onto the stage with his guitar and a stool. Setting the stool down, Trent sat down on the stool and got ready to play his guitar. "This song goes out to someone special here at camp," Trent told everyone before he started to play.

They say that we've only got summer

And I say that's really a bummer.

But we'll swim in the sun and have lots of fun…

It'll just be the two of us…

Nothing to do…just hang…

So let me say only this…

Stick around…for just one kiss…

Trent then finished up after playing his beautiful song and everyone from both teams couldn't help but clap for him. "Nice work! I like your style, dude." Chris complimented as he came back onto the stage with the Chef-o-Meter appearing and giving Trent a full ten out of ten. "And so does Grand Master Chef!" Everyone kept clapping as Trent waved to everyone and the cameras. "All right, quit hogging my light, buddy." Chris then pushed Trent away before looking into the camera again. "Three down and three to go, is the Killer Bass also doing a 10 of 10? Let's find out with Harold."

The blue shirt nerd Harold walked around on the stage, and while the Screaming Gophers had no idea what was coming... The Killer Bass was already smiling. Because when Harold goes down to business, he goes far and beyond with his Beatbox. Everyone watched as Harold beatbox at a pro level into the mic. Not stopping for a second he kept up his beat while making rapid movements. And when it was over.

"Booyah," Harold said confidently into the mic to end his beatbox solo.

And then the Killer Bass exploded in cheers, as the rival team seemed to be awestruck and in disbelief... Heather herself was staring with her mouth dropped so hard that at the next second, her eyes were in flame...

Confession - Heather.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT NERD HAS ONCE AGAIN MADE A COMEBACK, THERE IS NO WAY I CAN BEAT THAT..." Heather shouted as she glared at the camera. But not before closing her eyes and trying to catch her breath back. "Okay, Heather calm down... You just need to defeat him in the future. I'm going to keep my eyes on him from now on... That nerd is a manace. A far too strong player... Is all Killer Bass a powerhouse of skills?"

Heather couldn't help but ponder the worst idea possible...

"Are they?"

"Wicked beatboxing dude!" Chris complimented as he came out. The Chef-o-Meter then appeared and gave Harold a winning score of 10 out of 10. Which made the scores go between 19 for the Killer Bass and 18 for the Screaming Gophers. "I have to say, I was expecting some disappointments, but this also seems great. The ratings are going crazy. Keep up for the next talent. Heather."

Heather walked around the stage, and while she glared so much at the ginger who managed to smile wide and then wink to... Ohhhhh.

Heather saw it, she saw the nerd and that fat woman who seemed to be smiling at each other...

"Ah karma, I'm so glad that you are on my side." Heather smiled evilly, her plan for the night was going to be so sweet, hitting two for the price of one... Her revenge is going to be so sweet.

But then she prepared herself if she was going to lose... She is going to lose with Style, and not let herself be a shame on the public.

"Music please," Heather commanded, as she imagined one of the times she was a teenager, practicing, practicing, until perfection, plie, jump in the air. Repeat. She had talent as a kid, but talent is just a tool when you overwork to the extreme. She was born to greatness, but that, she worked hard for that. Mistakes happen, but always adapt, and always win... That's the motto she grew up with.

The Screaming Gophers the first time they saw Heather doing ballet, they were impressed. But now seeing the bee queen doing a perfect demonstration with music. It was indeed like watching a good show.

Confession - Gwen

"I hate that girl, but she's good... She dances Ballet like Pearl danced into a fusion..." Gwen commented as she rolled her eyes. "All that Heather needs is to be up-tide, smartass, and stick into... a mud... Oh great, Heather is Pearl, why didn't I see that before?"

Confession - Bridgette

"It's just me or Heather danced like Pearl? Because I have to say, I hate that girl, but she knows how to dance well." Bridgette asked loudly, as she tilted her head in deep thoughts. "If wasn't for the fact Ezekiel wrote Steven Universe years ago, I would have said he inspired Pealr on her... But I think she is more like an evil Pearl oh, oh... I think Ezekiel will like this idea."

"That was lovely, Heather! Who could imagine that you could make an even better version of Chef's dance from a few days ago? Let's just see how Chef's think about this?" Chris smirked, knowing that everyone was killing it on the episode, and it was going to be the best episode ever. The chef-o-meter dinged nine times. "9 of 10 which now made 27 for the Screaming Gophers."

"Hmmph!" Heather turns her nose up in the air as she walks off the stage. Internally she smirked with herself, she would have preferred a 10, but losing would also be fine for her.

"THAT WAS AMAZING HEATHER" Beth shouted as she hugged the queen bee who was annoyed.

"Beth no hugs," Heather ordered which made the farm girl freeze and immediately release her... Heather sighed and said to Beth who seemed to think she did something wrong. "I just don't like hugs, got it?"

"Okay," Beth nodded her head, learning another thing from her friend. "But you were amazing,"

Heather gave a victorious smile.

"I know, talent always works better when you work hard to improve it. And if that is not enough, always adapt, Beth, never forget." Heather commented which made Beth nod her head in understanding. "Good, now let's see if the Fish Heads can beat me."

"I hope not," Beth said sincerely, since it has been a struggle after struggle in many challenges, and the pressure gets higher and higher.

"And now, for the final attempt of Killer Bass, the C.I.T. girl in person, Courtney." Chris made the final presentation, as the whole Killer Bass cheered and hoped that Courtney would gain a 9 to win the whole challenge.

And at the moment Courtney walked on the stage, she was with her violin in her hands.

"This song is a creation made by Ezekiel, the ending song of Steven Universe..." Courtney made a dedicatory of the song, which made Ezekiel smile, while Bridgette and Gwen stared at the stage in surprise... But also the Killer Bass team who know one of the works, but never heard the song before.

Ezekiel smiled... As he knew how it went on this morning.




"You heard me what?" Ezekiel asked surprised, from seeing Courtney saying that she was in the shower a few days ago. At the same time, he was singing some of the most iconic songs of both Adventure Time and Steven Universe.

"I heard you singing the song about being bad, but knowing it was true. It was a beautiful song." Courtney commented as she coughed in her fist, to try to be the most polite possible...

"Okay, thanks for the compliment, but I want to know why you brought up this?" Ezekiel raised his eyebrow, and Courtney could see the reason why he was suspicious...

"I want you to teach me the lyrics of the song while I try to replicate the song on the violin," Courtney said with a straight answer, knowing that Ezekiel was now shocked by the sudden request... And before he could even reply. "I'm going to say it's your work, so don't worry about it. But I think if we have a chance to win this contest... I must give my all, so I think your song would be perfect."

Ezekiel remained quiet... as the silence was the only thing coming from his mind... and Courtney was even trying to guess if he was going to accept it or not...

Until Ezekiel finally comes to a decision...

"It's Rose Quartz who created this song..." Ezekiel commented and Courtney tilted her head in confusion. "It's a confession song about a mother who screwed up so much, that she fated the life of her son towards a spiral of problems, and she couldn't be there to warn him or to save him."

Courtney looked shocked, as Ezekiel raised his hand.

"What Steven's mom did could be treated as the most despised, selfish, idiotic plan that affects many lives. Even if was for a good cause, she didn't know the mess she created for Steven... so that's why she sang this song... Because she saw that she is the worst... and she couldn't help to imagine Steven is her only hope, of something that she would never be... and she loved him because he is far beyond that she would ever be." Ezekiel avoided telling the spoilers of what he planned to write in his chapters, but he emphasized what Courtney could see that it was such a weird story behind the song. "So at the time you sing this song... I want you to remember the feelings that she had... she is guilty of many things... and she knows that she screwed up... and Steven may never forgives her... but she sings because he is her only hope..."

Courtney then noticed Ezekiel who has been so a creative and optimistic boy, said the lore of one deep character that she may now know that nobody should until the revelation... And yet he trusted her on that.

"Okay, I will not let you down," Courtney said, as she was prepared to sing one of the most beautiful songs, and yet knowing the story behind it, one of the saddest that she will ever know.

"Follow my lead," Ezekiel said as the duo started practicing.

Love Like You (feat. Rebecca Sugar) (End Credits) (

If I could begin to be

Half of what you think of me

I could do about anything

I could even learn how to love

When I see the way you act

Wondering when I'm coming back

I could do about anything

I could even learn how to love like you

At the time Courtney sang, even with the violin in her hands, the melodic song of a star was being born, Chris stared at that moment and his eyes looked in disbelief, at the great voice of Courtney singing and with the good violin song to play a song created by one of the campers?

He grinned like he won the lottery, seeing that song was going to be played so many times on the internet, or even when the producers could try to milky the productions from the show alone. Chris never thought that usually, an episode would show embarrassing stuff it turned out a real show of talents, and oh boy, there are many talents in the episode itself, He never felt so proud of his decision on the episode.

Everyone from Killer Bass was awestruck with how much feeling Courtney was singing that song, as she played perfectly with the violin. Like following her voice.

Ezekiel got up from his seat and waited.

"Come on Courtney, now. Do it." The homeschooled boy awaited the most sang favorite part of the song which the fandom always loved and was the firmament of the top 10 songs ever made on Steven Universe.

I always thought I might be bad

Now I'm sure that it's true

'Cause I think you're so good

And I'm nothing like you

Look at you go

I just adore you

I wish that I knew

What makes you think I'm so special

Courtney sang, and oh boy she sang, like all the feelings that she had, like she was the mother herself, who gave up everything just to have hopes on the only son she had... And Ezekiel was right, the song itself was powerful since her tears came from singing that part.

And not just her, but most of the campers couldn't contain the tears. And now it was the final part of the song.

If I could begin to do

Something that does right by you

I would do about anything

I would even learn how to love

When I see the way you look

Shaken by how long it took

I could do about anything

I could even learn how to love like you

Love like you

Love me like you

Courtney expressed her all on that song, and by the time she finished it... she sniffed and cleaned a few tears... but at the time it was done... Ezekiel was the first one who applauded... which lasted after every single member of the Killer Bass, and finally the members of Screaming Gophers. Courtney smiled proudly at how her hard work paid off.

"Courtney. That was phenomenal, who knew you and the green hat Ezekiel managed to do an amazing work like that." Chris smiled as he suddenly the time The Chef-o-Meter then appeared and started pinging immediately. "And Chef is also showing his appreciation because you just got 10 off 10. The winner of the challenge is the Killer Bass."

And just like that, another perfect victory came in the hands of the Killer Bass, while making some of the Screaming Gophers a bit disappointed.

"And now Screaming Gophers, it's time for you to choose the worst participant, and we will meet ourselves in the campfire soon," Chris commented as he could see the serious faces of the members of the Gophers after being defeated Twice in a row.

Confession - Heather

"I knew that a situation like that would happen. But I needed was just four votes against Leshawna. I already have Lindsay and Beth's, Izzy is crazy, and Owen, just a pice of cake." Heather smiled as she finally got her revenge...

Confession - Owen

"Hehehehehe." Owen laughed with his face covered in the frosting of an actual piece of cake in his hands. "Piece of cake."

Harold smiled as he walked with the winners. He felt that his day couldn't get any better.

"Harold..." Then it was like all dreams could become true... sometimes the harsh reality comes to destroy them... "We need to talk fast."

The boys looked at each other and understood what was going on... while the whole group of girls looked at them confused.

Ezekiel wanted to talk with Harold.

"Let's go." Ezekiel didn't even let the ginger nerd reply and turned his back and walked fast.

"Go." Geoff tapped his back, and with a nod from the other boys, Harold didn't know what was happening. But decided to go the fast as he could.

The duo seemed to be walking at the place where the campfire would be made, and it would take at least 10 or 20 minutes for the votes would finally come up.

"What do you want to talk about Zeke?" Harold could see that his friend was in a hurry, and from the way that he was feeling offering... both of them were out of form into actually running...

Never in his life, he would hear those 8 terrifying words.

"Leshawna is going to be voted out tonight." Ezekiel didn't beat around the bush, since he didn't have time for that, so he isn't going to sugarcoat it. "Heather has 3 votes against her, and she decided to use both Izzy's and Owen's votes to make Leshawna go tonight. DON'T ASK ME HOW I KNOW THIS, JUST TRUST ME."

Ezekiel raised his voice which made the nerd feel that his entire life was crumbling down.

"But..bu..but..." Harold stuttered as he couldn't comprehend what he should do.

"Let the Gophers have their drama, focus on yourself. Focus on what you are going to do." Ezekiel gave a light slap which made Harold snap from his thoughts. "You are talented into haikus, and you already hooked her heart... because I'm seeing the hikes on your neck dude."

Harold noticed there was a little mark of lipstick on his neck. Which made him smile a bit, but also looked worried.

"You have 20 minutes, to do the best Haiku you could ever give to her. Remember dude, make it memorable." Ezekiel commented, as he then gave the nerd a paper and a pen... Harold could see them as his final message for the girl who has his heart. "Do your best bro."

Harold looked at the pen, and on the paper again... And noticing the boat was finally approaching the island... He knew what to do.

(The camp fire site)

A little later, all the Gophers were at the campfire ceremony. Chris's plate had only one marshmallow with Leshawna and Heather left sitting on the stumps without one. "Kudos to you all for an incredible night of entertainment." Chris complimented as the rest of the Gophers enjoyed the marshmallows they were given. "Music. Dancing. Juggling. There is only one marshmallow left on this plate. Leshawna. You have been in a tough spot for the first time. And Heather. You're full of surprises. " Chris said as he looked impressed by the way she danced. "I'm surprised to see you here after a very well done work you did."

"Oh please." Heather rolled her eyes and stuck her hand out. "Just give me my marshmallow already."

"What do you mean by that brat?" Leshawna said as she narrowed her eyes, but then a marshmallow went directly at Heather's hand which made Leshawna gasp in horror. "Oh no you didn't,"

"Leshawna, I'm sad to say that you didn't even have the opportunity to defend yourself," Chris said to the black girl who has been a spot of sunshine around her friends and a torn on her enemies. Mostly heather. "But from the votes, it showed that participating in the challenge matters. The last marshmallow it's for Heather. Time to catch the Boat of Losers, girl."

Leshawna looked betrayed as most of around of her friends looked shocked as well, but Gwen narrowed her eyes to the group of people who voted for Heather.

Leshawna never thought it would have ended up like that, but she had to accept that she was kicked out, but before she left she then heard the brat white girl giving one last remark.

"I'm going to tell your skinny nerd that you miss him already." Heather mocked as most of the Gophers, especially Gwen, glared hard at her. Leshawna glared daggers at her.

"Okay fake tits, I will see you on the other side." Leshawna gave a last remark, not just before leaving with her luggage... Ignoring the eyes twitching from the queen bee.

Leshawna tried to give one last look around to see if she could see him, but surprisingly there was a silhouette far away, which made her smile sadly and wave at him... Dropping a few tears, she sat down on the boat... just to find a little paper nearby...

Curious the black girl stared at the content.

Hear my heart beating

I'll stay with you forever

Keeping a promise until we be together.

I've loved you so long

you've become the lyrics

to my favorite song.

The black girl wept, from how a skinny man, managed to melt her heart so easily, with gentle words and a good silver tongue... She missed him already.

Harold watched the whole scene of the campfire near the beach... he knew he had to accept the outcome... So he gave a sad smile, but at the time everyone was walking away... Heather came near him with that smug smile, which Harold learned how to despise...

"Welp, too late lover boy..." Heather mocked as she gave a final laugh and left Harold fighting his fists so that his fingers made crack sounds...

And the whole group of Screaming Gophers noticed for the first time... a nerd hated someone so much as Harold did.

Confession - Harold

"I can accept that Leshawna is away, she lost fair and square in the game of manipulations..." Harold said as he was calming himself by breathing loudly. "But that fake tits didn't just provoke a Killer Bass... no, she provoked a White Shark, which is known to be one of the to..."

Harold was about to explain a good very informative knowledge to the others, by even raising his finger... but suddenly he interrupted himself... and in silence, he stared at the camera...

"No... if you want to know why, go study yourselves... or keep watching, because you will know."

Confession - Gwen

"If that evil little cow thinks she is getting away with this, she has another thing coming," Gwen said as right now she's never been so determined to make someone pay. Knowing that she wanted her to find her weakest spot, and use against her it was so low that she wanted to take the queen bee down.

Harold walked away from the beach and was going towards the Aquarium to sleep there... until a hand approached and touched his shoulder.

"Did you say you brought a red ant farm with you?" Gwen asked as she could see Harold was determined to make a payback as well.

"Yes," Harold confirmed making Gwen grin. "Why?"

"I want to place them on Heather's face when she is sleeping." Gwen smiled as she could see the face of the nerd shadow... but then he gave an unimpressed look.

"Pff... too lame," Harold said as he ignored her, which made Gwen look offended.

"Excuse me?" Gwen asked as she couldn't believe what the nerd had told her...

"You can have the ants, but I need to find a jar to place the queen since she is ready to breed more eggs... but ants aren't compared to what I'm planning to do," Harold said as he then pointed at one tree...

Gwen looked at the corner of her eyes until she had her eyes wide open.

"But how..."

"Apiculture Camp. That's everything you Gopher should know." Harold said mysteriously, as he took off his shirt and a lighter, and prepared a revenge plan that Gwen couldn't help but feel excited.

Later that night, Heather woke up with dozens of red ants crawling and biting her face.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH." Heather screamed as she ran towards the door, until she opened it without looking one of her feet stomped a wasp nest, which immediately created a chain reaction of dozens of wasps going directly to the queen bee and using their wrath to make Heather scream in more pain and despair.

Everyone from the camp woke up in alarm, while Gwen was happy in her sleep.

"Goodnight Heather." Gwen smiled innocently, while Harold was in the boys' dorm with a revenge smile on his own.

"Music for my ears," Harold said as he blew the candle and made the whole darkness and have the sleep of the righteous.

Ezekiel stared at the ceiling of the cabin, as he gave one final thought...

"You should have known that we are playing checkers Heather, not chess..." And with that, the homeschooled boy had a good night of sleep.

Chapter 8: The Sucky Outdoors

Chapter Text


"Last time on Total Drama Island…" The camera turned on as Chris went over what happened last episode. "A talent contest brought out the best in our campers. It was awesome! The Killer Bass and Screaming Gophers Clashed showed the best talents that everyone would ask for. Gwen remained quiet and observant when it came to Heather showing her true face around other contestants. Even showing the best of their skills the Screaming Gophers just lost by a few points which showed how close they were to the victory. Heather didn't know that she had to make a deal with the devil to manage to save her butt by convincing the rest of the team to vote off Leshawna. And Ezekiel showed that in the fact that to be able to upbeat a snake, you must also become one. Harold had to confess his love to Leshawna and give a very heartwarming goodbye... But by being provoked by Heather, I never thought I would say this, but Harold explained how Whiter Sharks are terrifying. Did you know adult great white sharks grow to a maximum size of approximately 20 feet in length, weigh up to 6,600 pounds, and are estimated to live for 30 years? Or do the great whites play a special role in the ocean as a top predator by keeping prey populations such as elephant seals and sea lions in balance? No? Neither did I but I got curious about it... But anyway, who will be the next one to walk off this crappy dock? Will the Screaming Gophers finally manage to break their pathetic losing streak? Find out tonight in the most dramatic marshmallow ceremony ever! On Total. Drama. Island!"


By the time he opened his eyes, all he could see was dirt... Rocks and snow around the windows inside the wreckage he was in… a boy who was feeling so weak, at the time he opened his eyes, the cold and from the look of his arms and legs… the blood filled most parts around his body. The earth was what made him try desperately to breathe. But the darkness around the tunnel was enough to give him pieces of what happened.

He was happy enjoying another episode of his show when suddenly a loud brake sound was heard and the trembles were enough to not scare only him, but also a lot of people nearby him…

The horns of the train were enough to show it was desperately time, and when it got inside the tunnel… derailed inside, but not before creating a loud crash, and with that everyone inside of the cabin was moved from such impact…

A second later, the fear of what was happening, the adrenaline but also the fear of the tunnel trembling… And on the next second… the tunnel closed… with all the earth going down over the train… getting inside of every single window… and with the pressure… Wrecking everything…

The boy stared at his laptop and cell phone… Broken from the crash… And the only tunnel seemed to be trembling even more…

"heeelp…" His voice was weak since he didn't have the force to move his arms or legs… and his vision started to get blurry, as the oxygen was enough to be dragged out from the tunnel… In answer to his pleas… The dirt moved even stronger as the tunnel crushed down… and with that enabling him to breathe ever again… he was buried with the others… while he showed still a few signs of living…

"Please…" That was the last thing the boy remembered when he closed his eyes.


Ezekiel gave a deep breath as he woke up from such a nightmare… his breath was fast, and his heartbeats were going crazy… The homeschooled boy felt a good pressure after 2 days of relaxing from the last challenge… However, there was one single challenge his nightmare attacked him with so much force… Being buried alive…

"Phobia Factor is coming." Ezekiel thought to himself, as he felt his panic attacking him… nightmares like that weren't something that he had often… but that one was always the one who ticked him off, a lot.

He just hoped that he would have enough strength to pass such a terrible challenge.

(Main Lodge)

Courtney, Eva, and Bridgette were talking as they seemed to be discussing what would be the next challenge over the show. Katie was smiling on her table, while she seemed to be waving at Cody, who was also smiling and enjoying a good time with Trent and Owen.

The good time over the morning seemed like any other.

Until the door opened which revealed the Killer Bass boys talking nonchalantly like any other day. Harold was still talking like his usual self, Duncan was explaining other things while he was showing his knife. DJ was a bit terrified but also talking, and Geoff was smiling widely like planning to go ahead with their conversation. Tyler was still playing with his yoyo, and talking with the others as well... And Ezekiel was happy with them while he had a black eye...

Wait what?

Eva, Courtney, Bridgette, and Katie turned their heads to see one of their team members with a black eye on his face.

"Zeke, what happened?" Courtney asked as she was looking at the homeschooled boy in disbelief.

"What?" Ezekiel asked as he looked around his body, to try to see if there was something wrong. "Did I miss something from my clothing?"

"Not that dumbass. Your eye, why do you have a black eye?" Eva said as she looked closer, and noticed that there was one thing which would cause like that. "It looks like someone punched you."

"Oh that, yeah, someone punched me in the face," Ezekiel said, and simply sat, while he looked happy and calm.

"Zeke, who punched you in the face?" Bridgette asked, as she looked at him in concern and she wanted to demand answers of why that happened.

"Nah, it's not something you should be worried about. What is done is done. And there is nothing more around that." Ezekiel said as he looked happy with the outcome.

"Yep," Harold said as he sat happily on the seat.

"Damn Right." Duncan agreed, and DJ and Geoff also followed in agreement.

"Yeah, nothing more to worry about," DJ said as Tyler placed his yoyo on the table.

"It was a man talk, and now that is done, you don't have to worry about it," Tyler said, but he chose poorly his words when Eva took him by the collar and raised to her face.

"What did you say? Men talk? What do you mean by that?" Eva said as Tyler sounded a bit sexist and Ezekiel slammed both his hands on the table.

"Enough, like I said, it's over. End of subject. I'm fine, we have to focus on the challenge today. That's what it matters." Ezekiel was directly on the point, and when Courtney was about to ask, Duncan raised his hand.

"Nope, you better drop it. Like jock has said, it was a man talk, you girls wouldn't understand." Duncan wasn't afraid of Eva as she was growling at him and that remark of sexist, but he rolled his eyes. "It was a talk between us. You can have your talk, but this was something just me, DJ, Harold, Geoff, Tyler, and Zeke would understand, so drop it off, and let's focus on the challenge."

The girls stared at Duncan who seemed to be resolute over the choice of words. Not seeing Harold and Ezekiel giving a slight nod to each other.

1 hour before (Aquarium)

"YOU DID WHAT?" A voice shouted as it echoed around the caves of the Aquarium.

The only people who seemed to be in that place were nobody else than the boys of the Killer Bass, and from one of them, it seemed to have more far reasons to be angry.

"I did what I had to do," Ezekiel said as he looked seriously at the nerd who seemed to be angry at that moment.

"WHY DID YOU GIVE HEATHER SOMETHING WHICH WOULD HELP HER TO ELIMINATE LESHAWNA?" Harold snarled in fury and Ezekiel stepped on his foot and stared at the nerd in coldness.

"BECAUSE SHE CORNERED ME YOU MORON," Ezekiel shouted as he glared at Harold couldn't comprehend what was happening. "I'm not stupid to see that she has been manipulating everyone around her team to do exactly like she wants, but you want to know one thing? She came to me, I didn't go to her. She went after me because somehow she found out I have candy, which she used to bribe the one who literally would love anything else to eat than Chef's food. To win against a snake, I had to act like a boss of a mafia. I needed to have the upper hand to make sure she wouldn't come after us. And now she owns me."

Harold listened to Ezekiel explain as the homeschooled boy kept deep breathing and took his hat to start to scratch like his anxiety was attacking him.

"Sure, what I did was a dick move, was a low blow, was something only a jerk would do. But you forgot one thing, Harold. She now knows that you love her. How Heather did found out I don't know. But I'm glad that we managed you to confess to Leshawna that you like her. Really, from the deep of my own heart. I'm glad that you confessed to her after that crap happened." Ezekiel said as he tried to calm down, and from seeing the anger on the nerd's face, he could see how is it going. "I didn't lie to you, I said to not ask me how I found out, because we were running out of time. And I'm going to tell you this if was between you or Leshawna... I prefer to choose a friend I know than an acquaintance that I don't know yet."

Harold gritted his teeth, as he glared at Ezekiel in anger.

"So that's it, you told me to confess to her because you knew that she was going to leave the show, just like that? Do you think I'm going to forgive you just like that?" Harold said as he stomped on the floor, as he was still angry with his friend... Not much as before, but he still has some questions...

"Yes, because I know you, tell me, Harold. If you knew Leshawna was going to be voted off on the last challenge... tell straight to my face, that you wouldn't sabotage yourself to make the Screaming Goophers win." Ezekiel hated to use that fact, but knowing his nerd friend, he had to...

Harold remained quiet, as he could see that the words indeed affected his judgment... So scoffing Harold turned his back and walked off.

"Ah screw this." Harold tried to go away, but then he was blocked by both Geoff and DJ who was with their arms crossed and acting like a barrier. "Let me pass."

"Not so fast ginger head," Duncan said as he walked towards Harold. "You two had a lot to talk about, and we are going to stay here until you both finally finish off this conversation."

"THERE IS NOTHING MORE TO TALK ABOUT, LET ME GO," Harold said as he tried to pass the barrier, but he was surprised that even Tyler grabbed by his shoulder and directed at the homeschooled boy.

"Oh, there is... you have no idea how much talk we need to do right now. You don't need to answer that question, since your actions replied for you." Ezekiel said as he took out his blouse, his hat, and his t-shirt. "We still need to talk."

Geoff and DJ stared at each other not knowing why Ezekiel took out his shirt... Harold knew it didn't have any escape from that situation, so he decided to glare at his supposed friend.

"Fine, what else do you want to tell me?" Harold narrowed his eyes, and he wasn't even impressed to see the boy looking skinny just like him.

"It annoys me the fact that you don't see how much we cared for you. At the moment Heather left, I could have pretended that I didn't know anything, I could have lied to you, I could even have told you it was all Owen's fault since he likes to eat food, or even made Heather steal food from us. But I didn't do it. I wanted you to not miss your chance, to make Leshawna fall for you. Because you were stalling too much time for her. And if you pretended just for one more day... She would have gone without knowing about it." Ezekiel spoke the facts, as he walked towards his friend, and even pointed a finger at you. "What I did, I don't regret it. Because let's be real... I don't have a guarantee that I could win this show. Would you have?"

"Of course I..." Harold tried to scoff but then he felt Ezekiel's hands grab around his shirt.

"Don't pretend Harold. Because on this show, skills aren't the only thing we can have... there would be a time alliance and backstabbing would happen quicker than you would ever imagine, especially with Heather on the field. She was already too strong on the other team, it was only a matter of time until Leshawna was out. But even if she managed to be the last Goopher on the show, do you think we the Killer Bass would show mercy to her every challenge just that she could pass time with you?" Ezekiel spoke as the other boys from the Killer Bass had their eyes wide open, and for the next second, they became sharp as they could see where Ezekiel was going with his point... Even Harold could see it... "We are a team, we are friends, but everyone wants to win 100.000 dollars... And Leshawna also wants 100.000 dollars, not just us..."

"Okay, okay, you are right... but... It's my Leshawna." Harold said as he was still hurt, even with the fact that he got it from his friend, he couldn't be angry with the facts in front of him... they were playing the game, even if he was angry with his friend for doing something like that... he doesn't blame them since they came for what they come in the first place.

Ezekiel gave a smile, as he even felt happy to hear that from his friend.

"Well, I'm glad you said that. Because while I cannot guarantee you will win in the game, at least you won in the game of love." Ezekiel commented as there was the same saying from losing in the game but winning in the love, and the other Killer Bass couldn't help but agree. "Now, that's settled... Punch me."

"What?" Harold blinked, as he saw his friend then asking something so weird like that.

"I want you to punch my face. As you think I still deserve some sort of punishment for breaking your trust, which I never had... I think at least I should get a punch in the face for being a jerk." Ezekiel gave his reason, and while Harold and even DJ, Tyler, and Geoff looked unsure what to say. Duncan grinned with his teeth wide open.

"Now we're talking. Alright, ginger head, you heard him. Sometimes friendship means that we have to punch them in the face if they screw up. And he is giving you this chance. Don't mess this up." Duncan slapped the back of Harold who then looked shocked about that.

And even before he replied or said something, Ezekiel raised his hand.

"But before you do it, I want to be clear on one thing. Not half as hard, not some arbitrary percentage. I want you...punch me... as hard as you can." Ezekiel clarified as pointed his finger to the nerd, and then to his face. "Try to not break my nose and we are cool."

"Why?" Harold asked as he had no idea why the homeschooled boy had asked him for such a specific task.

"Because I don't think you are man enough for Leshawn..." Ezekiel didn't even finish the sentence, and Harold gave the biggest swing he had his whole life, and he punched so hard, that Ezekiel went down instantly.

"EZEKIEL" DJ and Tyler shouted as the duo went to take the boy who went down on the cave floor. While Harold took a few seconds to realize what he had done.

"Wha...what" Harold stuttered as his own fist looked in pain, and which showed a little mark of cut.

"DAMN DUDE, THAT WAS AWESOME," Duncan said as he raised Harold's arm in the air like he was a boxing champion. "A punch like that could knock out anybody. Damn, now I know what I'm never going to say nearby you. That punch was awesome."

"Zeke, are you okay?" Geoff asked loudly in worry but got relieved when the brown-haired boy raised a thumb up.

"Argh, it hurts," Ezekiel replied as he felt one of his eyes feeling a lot of pain and started to swell up. "But now I'm fine. Are you okay Harold?"

Harold blinked... as he glanced at his fist... and then the silence of the others, the anticipation of the discussion being finally over... And the nerd came to a decision and nodded his head.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Harold commented as a good weight from his chest was out. That punch was something he needed to have done. And knowing that possibly everything was recorded... Leshawna would be proud of him.

"Awesome, just for the note, I take that back," Ezekiel commented as he was with his damaged eye closed from the punch, but he was happy with how things turned out in the end. "But there is also one thing I need to talk to you, actually, to all of you."

Harold remained quiet, as the others walked towards him, Ezekiel looked at every single one of them.

"I have been loyal to the pact I did since from the day I said. Every time you said you love a girl and wanted to be happy with her, I gave my all support. But the real action and attitude must be done by you all. Harold managed to go after Leshawna because we worked together and insisted he do it. So I'm still loyal to all of you." Ezekiel commented as he glanced at the boys, who were unsure of to what say in response. "Some of you may have come to this show intending to have these 100 thousand dollars. But for me, I had nothing to lose, I was just a boy who wanted to write and draw my own stories, but I was always alone with my parents. I had no friends, and coming here, I already won too much. Because you Harold are my friend, you DJ are my friend, you Duncan, Geoff, Tyler, Katie, Sadie, Eva, Courtney, Bridgette... All Killer Bass has been my friends... I don't regret what I did, because it was to guarantee another victory for the Bass and make another friend to remain on this show. I will do it again. Let the Gophers kill themselves, and let the Killer Bass reap all the victories."

Ezekiel spoke with his heart... because what he felt was true, because his plan was clearly to make sure the Killer Bass were solely victorious before the merge. That was his objective.

(Campside nearby the forest)

"Campers, today's challenge will test your outdoor survival skills." Now both teams could be seen gathered up at the campfire site as Chris gave them instructions about today's challenge. "I'm not gonna lie to you. Some of you may not come back alive."

Many of the campers gasped only for Chris to laugh from seeing the panic in their faces.

"Just kidding. Hahaha. All you have to do is spend one night in the woods. Everything you need is at your team's campsite in the forest. You just have to find it. Oh, and watch out for bears. Lost a couple of interns in pre-production. The first team back for breakfast wins invincibility!" Chris then launched a map and compass for each team. To ensure find what would be needed to survive in the forest. blew an air horn and pointed over to the woods. He had also handed "Well, off you go!"

Heather was the first to get up and walk, already painful enough she didn't need to add bears to the list of things to look out for. She gave a glance in hatred to both Harold and Gwen, before marching angrily as a team leader.

"Who needs to worry about bears when we have an Eva?" Duncan said as he pointed a thumb at Eva who proceeded to just shrug and crack her neck.

"Never fought them before. But I think it would be smart not to do unnecessary fighting." Eva said as she glanced at the other team members, who seemed to be fine with her point. Eva may be strong, but it's best to not also temptate fate.

"I had a little encounter with a bear once." Owen bragged confidently as all of his teammate's eyes were now on him. "Let's just say his head looks real nice up on my mantle."

"Ooh! This one time, I saw a bear eating our garbage!" Izzy told a story of her bear encounter to Lindsay as Owen walked away. "He had old spaghetti noodles hanging from his big, huge teeth! It looked like blood and guts! It was so gross. And we thought he was eating the neighbor's cat Simba, but it turns out he was just lost for a week…uh, you didn't eat spaghetti, did you?" Lindsay, feeling sick to her stomach, shook her head with Izzy smiling again in response. "Good! Let's go!"

Lindsay simply gulped as she reluctantly followed her team into the woods.

(Screaming Gophers)

As the Screaming Gophers walked through their assigned path towards the campsite, Heather was in the front walking as far away from everyone as possible without outright separating from them. She was very angry at the way she found herself waking from a few days ago.

"Oh they are going to pay for that, I swear." Heather declared as she looked annoyed from seeing the one who she thought was a nonthreat now managing to make her very angry. "I couldn't even enjoy a day of peace."

Trent looked worried at Gwen who seemed to be in good humor on that morning.

"Gwen, are you sure that it was wise for you to do that with Heather? She looked like she wanted to kill you." Trent usually is a chill guy, but seeing Heather with murderous eyes pointing at the goth girl, he started to get worried about her.

"That's fine, wasps stings are going to be less painful in a few days." Gwen felt kinda vindicted as she couldn't help but glance at Beth and Lindsay who seemed to be trying to reach Heather who was still angry at her. "Also, it seems that the queen bee was playing in our backs… and she shouldn't have provoked someone who had a crush on Leshawna… I think it was a sweet revenge she would enjoy it."

"Yeah, but please be careful, you never know what is going to happen later." Trent cared for the girl, so at the time she just smiled and was assured that everything was going to be fine, he could at least be at peace with that.

(Killer Bass)

As the Killer Bass headed towards their campsite, Katie gasped as she excitedly pointed to the bush of fruit.

"Blueberries!" Katie smiled as she proceeded to go in the direction of the bush, Ezekiel who was the last one in the group stared at the tan girl who seemed to be so happy to find it. "I just love blueberries."

Ezekiel nodded as he started at the group that was going in front of them.

"Okay, so take all of them and bring them with you. We don't want you to be left behind and you get lost in the middle of the forest." Ezekiel instructed as he took out his blouse and gave it to her. "Try to catch every of them, because who knows if we are going to need something to eat for later."

"Oh… that's right, the challenge." Katie nodded her head as she saw the boy who was still with a dark eye, "Err… are you sure that you are okay? Because it seems that you may need an ice…"

"Ice would have been nice, oh, that rhymes," Ezekiel commented as he shook his head. "But I didn't have time to have one… so I need to wait for tomorrow to help to treat my eye. But come on, we don't have much time."

"Got it," Katie commented as she tried to go the fast as she could. Ezekiel watched the group going in the direction, that he would follow them quickly.

Confession – Ezekiel

"I know Katie and Sadie may be sometimes like Duncan said dunderheads, and I'm glad that I was the last one of the Killer Bass to go behind them all because from the look of Katie, she would have eaten the whole blueberries and she would get lost in the forest without we notice…" Ezekiel said as he placed a good ice sack on his eye, and making groan in relief. "Ahhhh, sweet relief."

"You are ready to go?" Ezekiel asked and the tan girl nodded her head happily. "Good, let's go, they are not far away. They went ahead and turned on the right."

Katie smiled, as she followed Ezekiel who was holding a good bow on his hands.

"Err… Zeke, where did you get the bow?" Katie asked in surprise, which made Ezekiel stop, and look at it.

"Oh, I got a hunch that I was going to need it in the first place… never doubt about your instincts. You never know if you are going to use them later." Ezekiel shrugged, as he remembered also one good information which he snickered. "Duncan also took with him the axe, which means that we may have some extra tools when it comes to this challenge."

"Hmm… isn't that cheating?" Katie asked worried, which Ezekiel thought for a few seconds… and then shook his head.

"Nah, as long we use it for the sake of entertainment or in case Chris forgets to be specific on the rules if we entertain enough while using our tools. Everything is fair game." Ezekiel explained as he could see Chris McClain smiling from where he was watching.

"Ohhh…" Katie nodded as she then noticed a group of people who were far away. "Oh look at that, I think that's them. BASS, WE ARE HERE."

The group suddenly watched both Katie and Ezekiel coming towards them, and Courtney and Eva looked at both of them with their eyes narrowed.

"Where have you two been?" Courtney asked angrily as she placed both her hands on her hips.

"Katie found some blueberries so we took all of them to bring in case we would need food for tonight," Ezekiel replied as they saw Katie grinning with all the fruits she found at the start of the forest.

"Woah, awesome, now he has a bit of food," Harold commented as he was happy and even took one of the little fruits which tasted delicious. "Man, it was the best food we had in days."

"Great job tan twin." Duncan nodded his head, as he could see that he approved someone thinking ahead, and making Katie happy on the team. "But I don't think this is going to be enough for all of us. So we may need to have more food."

The reality made Katie's smile drop, and Ezekiel nodded and cracked his neck.

"Well, I'm going fishing, it's the safest way to get food since it has more chance to bring food than hunting. Also, we have to be fast to eat it when is done since the worst it can happen is bring a bear over here." Ezekiel commented as he prepared some of his arrows to take some fish with him.

"Are you sure that it's going to work? Fishing with arrow and bow?" Geoff asked as he raised his eyebrows.

"No, it's for the case we encounter a wild animal and I would need to protect myself," Ezekiel explained, as he wanted to be armed in case some shienegam related to bears would happen to him.

"Hey, let me go with you," Geoff said as he proceeded to take off his hat. "We can use my hat as a net, and try to catch them easier like that."

Ezekiel paused, and then glanced at his green hat… and a good smile appeared on his face.

"Geoff, you are a genius," Ezekiel said as he raised his hand for a high five. And Geoff didn't waste his time. "Alright let's go."

"Hey, you are going to need extra arms. Let me help with you two." Tyler called as he took his sports jacket with him, which would also be used as a fish net.

"Alright, just bring enough for us to eat, and like Ezekiel said let's just try and not encounter a bear at all please." Courtney raised her voice as the duo walked away and went in the direction of the river.

"Aaaaw, what's wrong princess?" Duncan asked Courtney with a smirk. "Afraid of a little bear?"

"Yes, I MEAN NO!" Courtney immediately denied it as she snapped her head towards Duncan and glared at him. "I just don't want anything to break our winning streak is all. Ok? And also we don't want anybody hurt. We can't have anything slowing us down."

"Just chill would ya." Duncan said, and as usual not threatened in the slightest by Courtney's glare. "If any bears come along I might just project ya~ but also Eva can punch directly on their belly, and we can use that as a good time for everyone to escape."

"Ugh!" Courtney grunted out, completely disgusted by Duncan's words. "Can we just hurry it up now?"

Duncan silently snickered as Harold gave a thumbs up and DJ high-fived him. It seems the challenge was going to be easy for them, just like it always has during the other challenges.

(Screaming Gophers)

After their hike was complete, the screaming Gophers were now in a mostly open area of the woods where different supplies were waiting for them such as a tent and sleeping bags. Owen put his hands on his hips. "Uh…" The big guy let out nervously. "There's no food here."

"This is a survival task," Trent informed Owen as he looked over a piece of paper that was previously attached to the supplies they had. "Look at the instructions."

"I wonder if there are any bears around today," Owen asked as he walked up to Izzy with a smile on his face. "Wouldn't it be funny if we made some bear sounds and then they came?"

"Ha! That would be so funny." Izzy laughed and agreed with Owen.

"ROOOOOOOOAR!" Owen let out in a deeper voice. "I'm a bear!"

"Would you please shut up? I'm trying to read here!" Heather rudely yelled at Owen making him flinch as the mean girl looked over the instructions she took from Trent. "It says we're supposed to find our own food." Heather scoffed and looked around the campsite and still saw a complete lack of food. "I still don't see it."

"I think they mean in the woods." Trent pointed out as he pointed towards the woods around them. If this was a survival challenge it would mean they would have to, well, survive off of the things they can find around them baring the tent and sleeping bags.

"I'll go!" Owen offered as he started walking into the woods. "I'm good at finding food!"

"Well, at least this will be a good week for my diet." Heather sighed as it looked like she would have no choice but to accept whatever food Owen could find in the woods.

(Ezekile, Tyler and Geoff)

"Alright, it seems this river is full of fish, so we have great chances of catching some for us." Ezekiel smiled as he could see many fishes jumping directly towards them. And Geoff who seemed to be using his cowboy hat, was having a great way of capturing some 2 or 3 fishes with him. Tyler was doing a great job capturing at least 5 with him.

"Man, this fish is jumping on the jacket." Tyler smiled as he could see the proteins everyone was going to have for tonight.

"Yeah lil' dude, this is going to be awesome for we have a great dinner tonight." Geoff, Tyler, and Ezekiel enjoyed a good time fishing as he then glanced at the black eye the homeschooled eye was having. And even flinched from thinking about it. "Hey Zeke, I gotta say what you did with Harold was insane."

"Yeah, you asked Harold to punch you in the face after what you gave to Heather." Tyler had to confess that it was a messed up thing to do, giving an enemy a weapon for them to use, but Ezekiel asked to be punched in the face as a way to prove his loyalty to his friends.

"Ah don't tell me you wouldn't do the same if I did the same thing with Lindsay, Tyler." And at the moment Ezekiel said that the jock shut his mouth... knowing that the boy wasn't kidding when he said that."She didn't do that to her because she has an alliance with Lindsay, but if you both were in the same position as Harold and Leshawna wouldn't you do the same? If I ask you to punch me, as hard as you can. Wouldn't you do it?"




"Without thinking twice." Tyler lowered his head, admitting that he would have done it and he would be angry with Ezekiel if he had done that with the babe he had hooked up on the show... "And you are right."

"And Geoff, wouldn't you do the same if Bridgette had been a Screaming Gopher and Heather would want to vote her off." Ezekiel rolled his eyes, while Geoff immediately shut his mouth. Noticing the silence over his friend Ezekiel sighed exasperated. "Dudes, you know I would never go against our pact. I would help you to achieve your maximum potential over winning the challenges if I have to, but I'm not perfect, and I'm not invincible, Heather went to our cabin a few days ago... what would you think I would do if she gets me alone and tries to threaten me or blackmail me? If she wants to play the little games she has on her team, whatever, she can do it. But for my team. I would fight tooth and nail for it. Don't even doubt about it."

"Little dude, you need to get out more of your farm," Tyler said as he sighed in sadness. "I feel sad that you see all of us as friends, and you would go to such extremes for us. You know what? When this show is over, I'm going to take you to my city, maybe take you to do some sports with me and my family. Heck, I can even bring you to see some hockey with my family."

"Really? That would be awesome." Ezekiel smiled, as Geoff seemed to be also happy, and decided to nod his head.

"Yeah dude, maybe we can have a party in your city Tyler. I think I can bring some friends and we can go out all night to enjoy a good time." Geoff smiled as he could see that the team he formed was indeed becoming friends with him.

And that's how the good time of fishing made the trio even happier for the challenge.

(Screaming Gophers)

Currently, at the Screaming Gophers campsite, all the Gophers were simply sitting around the campfire they built. All except for Owen who was still out finding food. And speaking of food, that was something the Gophers really needed right now as most of them were groaning with growling stomachs. "Ugh, I'm so hungry…" Heather let out as her stomach practically roared.

"I think my stomach ate my stomach…" Izzy painfully groaned out.

"Yo!" Suddenly a new voice popped up and everyone looked to see a guy carrying pizza. "Who ordered the pepperoni, and extra cheese?!"

"It's for the camera crew." The man working the camera said as his hand was seen waving in front of the camera. "Over here!"

Heather gasped and glared in response.

"No way." The mean girl said. If they couldn't get the luxury of that kind of food, then neither should the camera crew.

Just then the bush nearby started shaking and the Screaming Gophers saw something that would fix all their food problems.

"I am man!" It was none other than their teammate Owen carrying a bunch of decently sized fish tied together on a rope. "I bring fish!"

"Are you kidding me?" Heather let out in complete disbelief. How could a fat oaf like Owen manage to catch that many fish? It should have been impossible.

Meanwhile, the rest of the Gophers walked up to Owen and voiced their compliments to him getting them a good amount of food with Izzy quickly taking one.

"Oh, I love fish! I love fish!" Izzy then sank her teeth into the raw fish making everyone watching gasp and cringe in disgust. Izzy quickly realized this and took her teeth off the fish. "I… I guess we should cook it first."

"How do you know how to fish?" Heather demanded to know how Owen was able to catch that mighty haul of aquatic creatures.

"My grandpa taught me," Owen told everyone before turning around and bending. "I caught a shark once; it bit me in the butt. Check it out."

Owen then pulled down his pants to reveal said scar making most of the Gophers back away in disgust. All except Izzy who stared right at it. "That is so awesome!"

(Killer Bass)

As time passed, Courtney with the other members of the Killer Bass, seemed to be doing their best to prepare a good part of the camp, Duncan and Eva were at work building a fire pit, by using the Axe Duncan brought with him to cut the wood brought by Harold, DJ walked around with Katie to see if they can catch up more fruits and berries around. Bridgette and Courtney were doing a good job setting up the tent.

"GUYS LOOK HOW MUCH FISH WE MANAGED TO BRING," Tyler said loudly the group couldn't believe that it was enough to feed the team with 2 fish for each.

Duncan, Eva, and even Courtney seemed to be happy to see that it was enough and with a good administration would be for the whole night. Bridgette looked sad and tried to look away.

"Hey guys, look what we found," Katie said as she smiled with even more dozens of berries, some herbs, and even a carrot, DJ brought a bunny with him as well.

"Oh, awesome," Duncan said as he nodded his head towards the duo. "We have both fish and bunny meat, we are going to eat like kings and queens tonight."

"NO." Both DJ and Katie said which made Duncan stop... And DJ protected the little bunny with his life.

"This is my new pet!" DJ told everyone as he held the rabbit closer to him. "I'm callin' him Bunny!"

Duncan looked at the bunny and then looked at the fish, he then shrugged.

"Alright, but you are the one who is going to clean his pop when does." The delinquent shrugged off and the group of Killer Bass now seemed to be ready for the whole challenge.

"Well, everything looks great so far..." Courtney smiled as she felt proud of her team for another challenge going to be easy. "Well, there is also the tent which still needs to be done."

"Hey, let me help," Geoff said as he seemed it was a good opportunity to talk with Bridgette, which left Tyler and Ezekiel to be let the things nearby.

"Welp, it seems this is going too well," Tyler commented as he clearly could see that everything was fine. "The sky is fine, the camp is almost done..."

"Yeah, it's not like is going to rain tonight..." Ezekiel commented, and at that moment he paused himself. In the same way, Harold, Duncan, Tyler, DJ, and even Geoff paused mid-preparations.

"UGHHHHHHHHH." The boys of the Killer Bass groaned at the same time.

"Why did you say that?" Duncan said as he facepalmed.

"Sorry, I didn't know it was going to escape, it got easily out of my mouth," Ezekiel replied as he quickly went ahead to bring some leaves.

The C.I.T. girl tilted her head, as Harold took a bit of his time to also help Ezekiel bring all the leaves they could.

"What's going on?" Courtney asked, and Eva in silence went to help the group of boys to quickly take more leaves and even some branches to help.

Duncan stopped doing the fire since he wanted to help the homeschooled boy as well.

"First rule in the nature princess. Never say is not going to rain in the forest. Because that would increase the chances of actually raining." Duncan commented as the group seemed to be speeding up.

"That's ridiculous, we are in a good nature, and the sky is without clouds, there is no way it's going to rain," Courtney said as she rolled her eyes, but at the time she said that, the whole group who have been taking leaves, groaned even louder.

"Congratulations Princess, now you confirmed it's going to rain. And now we need to prepare a tarp for the whole tent." Duncan said annoyed, as the group seemed to be now focusing multi multi-tasking from all the problems.

"Hmph." Courtney rolled her eyes but still watched her team in amusement.

And it took hours until all the camps were formed for the whole teams.

(Screaming Gophers)

"Okay. The fire's hot. Fish are grilling. Tent is tenting." Owen listed off the things going on in their campsite with all the Gophers looking pretty relaxed right now. All except Izzy who wasn't even with the group right now.

"Nice goin', man." Trent complimented the big guy. "Fish looks awesome."

"Thanks, man. I owe it all to Grandpa." Owen said as he recounted all the times he and his grandpa went camping, fishing, or hunting together.

"So, you and your grandpa fought a bear once?" Trent asked pretty curious about that story.

"Heck yes, it was the scariest day of my life," Owen said as he proceeded to tell his teammates the story. "We were out in the woods when we came upon the great beast. I tell you; he was ten feet high if he was afoot! And then he roared his terrible roar! [imitates roar] We grabbed our shotgun. We knew it was either him or us. It was nothing personal, just the law of the wild. And then, bam! One shot was all it took to feel the great beast. We took his blood and marked ourselves to honor him. It was a good death."

"Yeah right." Heather rolled her eyes, not believing Owen for even a second. "There's no way you took down a ten-foot bear." Heather then looked around and noticed a distinct lack of a certain orange-haired girl. "Hey, has anyone seen crazy girl?"

"I think she had to pee," Lindsay said as she remembered Izzy saying she had to use the bathroom…quite a while ago.

"That was over an hour ago!" Trent immediately stood up with a concerned expression as he called out to their missing teammate. "Izzy! Izzy?!"

"Izzy the Gopher, where are you?!" Owen called out loudly to the orange-haired girl. Just then a bush started shaking causing everyone to relax. "Hehe, good. We thought we lost you there for a minute-" But everyone gasped in fear as they all saw what emerged from the bush. It certainly wasn't their missing teammate but a big brown growling bear. "Great Pyramid of Giza!" Owen started running around in a panic as the rest of the Gophers backed away in fear with Cody even peeing his pants. "We're all going to die! We're gonna get eaten alive by a bear! Oh, the horror! Somebody help us! I want my mommy!"

At this point, Heather got annoyed by Owen's screaming and tripped the big guy before pointing at the tall tree nearby. "The trees! Climb into the trees!" All the Gophers were quick to do so before the bear got to them.

(Killer Bass)

Everyone was working so fine, Duncan preparing the fish on the fire, DJ feeding his bunny for having a good night of sleep, Ezekiel and Harold were sitting watching the stars forming in the sky covered with trees, Courtney watched amused Eva once again defeating Tyler in the arm wrestling. Katie was looking at nature and missing her good best friend and Geoff was having a good time finishing the tent with Bridgette.

Geoff smiled as he looked at the surfer doing her best to help make everything ready for the night, and then he decided to use a pickup line to flirt with her.

"Wow, you pitch a tent like a guy…" Geoff commented as he then looked at Bridgette who raised her eyebrow in anger, and the sound of crickets was enough to make all the Killer Bass men stare at Geoff, who was blinking and realizing what he said.

(Confession - Duncan)


(Confession - Harold)


(Confession - DJ)


(Confession - Tyler)


(Confession - Ezekiel)

*FACEPALM* But he hit his hurt eye.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." Ezekiel screamed in agony from the painful hurt he had on his face.

(Confession - Geoff)

"Wow, you pitch a tent like a guy…" Geoff replied the same words he said sarcastically as he realized how dumb it was by saying in the first place, and then facepalmed himself into knowing that he screwed up.

Harold noticed that there was nothing Geoff could say to salvage such a situation, so he did what a good man would do.

"You Man Ching Chao? The expert of survivalist and creator of great styles of arming tents from nature?" Harold lied about the person who was, which made Bridgette raise her eyebrows in surprise.

"Ohhh, I remember him. Man, his documentary about him making a gym by using nothing but rocks and mud. It was nuts." Tyler also appeared to the rescue of the party boy who looked at them gratefully.

"Yeah him, I mean, he is a complete professional, but I think you have great potential." Geoff had used the best he could and made Bridgette glance at the tent, but then give a slight smile to him.

"Oh, cool, thanks," Bridgette said as she turned her back, not seeing Harold and Tyler glaring at the party boy who looked so grateful for their help. But when she turned back at them, the group were all smiling at her. "I just learned from the ONG I was helping when I was a kid. They always taught the basic stuff. But I think I can manage to do better."

"Yeah," Geoff said as he could see his friends looking at him, with one thought on his mind, and he promised that he wouldn't screw up again.

"Anyway, dinner is ready. Let's eat fast. Or some bears will appear." Duncan made fun of it, and Ezekiel glanced at the bow and arrows in case they would need it.

It's never too much in case you would want to save yourself against predators.

"Don't even start with that Duncan, let's eat quickly, and let's not leave anything, I don't want some wild animal making us lose the challenge." Courtney rolled her eyes, but she noticed that it was never too much to be safe than sorry.

An hour has passed, bellies full of fish and berries, and the Killer Bass were simply passing the time by sitting around the fire.


Bridgette flinched and breathed heavily for a bit in response to the owl. DJ, with Bunny in his arms, was quick to reassure the girl and calm her down.

"Be cool," DJ said to the surfer girl in a calm tone. "It's just an owl."

"Sorry." Bridgette apologized as she rubbed her arm. "I just get freaked out in the forest."

"This reminds me of this really scary story I heard once," Duncan said, getting everyone's attention.

"Awesome," Geoff said, already wanting to hear this story. "Tell it, man."

"Are you sure?" Duncan asked with a bit of a smirk. "Because the story I'm thinking of is pretty hardcore."

"Ooh, we're so scared." Courtney sarcastically said with a roll of her eyes.

"I have to agree with Duncan, we are in the middle of the night. And it's not like a good time to make people have nightmares tonight." Ezekiel tried to be polite but then Tyler just ignored.

"Relax dude, it's just a story. Nothing to worry about. If things go wrong you can tell one your stories." Tyler smiled as he wanted to be scared on that night, and Ezekiel glanced as he looked that his friends seemed to be excited to hear a campfire story.

"You know what? Go ahead Duncan, I'm going to tell a story to try to make people at least have a good night of sleep later." Ezekiel didn't want to make fun of it... neither wanted to tell one of his scariest Courage the Cowardly dog stories because the next challenge would be something that he would be dammed if Katie and Lindsay would hear Freaky Fred's story a week before the Phobia Factor challenge.

Duncan looked at Ezekiel and then nodded his head.

"Alright." Duncan simply shrugged. "But don't say we didn't warn you. One night, a lot like this one…"

And so Duncan got to tell his story. And what a story it was as soon enough a majority of the Bass team was shaking in their boots with the only exception being Ezekiel who seemed to be amused by the story.

"So suddenly…they-they heard this tap-tap-tapping on the side of the car." Duncan continued to tell his story, enjoying the looks of fear on most of his team's faces. "The girl started to freak out, and by this time, even the guy was getting a bit scared. So he turned the car on and he stepped on it. When they got back to the girl's house, she opened the door and screamed! Because there, hanging from the door handle…was the bloody hook. They say that this killer is still alive, wandering these very woods. He could be just about anywhere. Maybe even right here!" Duncan then suddenly pulled out a meat hook attached to his hand causing everyone, to scream with a majority of the team hiding behind DJ.

"Muahahahahaha!" Duncan laughed evilly as he put a hand to his head in response to everyone's fearful reactions.

"Duncan!" Courtney yelled as she walked up to the delinquent. "That was so not funny!"

"Well, you all asked for it," Ezekiel said as he cleaned the sweat on his face. "I'm never a fan of hardcore gore stories, but that jumpscare was spot on."

"I'm glad you liked it. I have to keep up my game when it comes to you telling stories." Duncan said as he started laughing. I just wish it was all on camera!" Duncan laughed before pointing to the camera recording them. "Oh wait, it is!"

"You are so vile." Courtney glared hard at the delinquent. "Do your parents even like you?"

"I don't know, Jumpy McChicken," Duncan answered with a smirk. "I haven't asked them lately." Just then a wolf howling could be heard making Courtney flinch in fear and end up leaning into Duncan who took the frightened girl into his arms. Duncan smirked and looked to Geoff, Harold, and even Ezekiel to give him a thumbs up.

"Anyway, now that you all felt a good heart attack... it seems that it's my time to defuse such a scare, so I need to tell a wholesome story... something that would make you happy... so here... I'm going make you cry." Ezekiel said which made the whole group stare at each other.

"But you said..." DJ was about to reply to him, but Ezekiel interrupted.

"I know what I said. So let me prepare myself. *cough* cough *cough" Ezekiel did his best to cough everything he had in his throat before he closed his eyes and then did his best to do an impression of a deep voice. "My name is Dr. Zalost. And I'm about to tell the story of that stupid dog that changed my life. In a town... in the middle of nowhere... I Doctor Zalost, came to a project and I need someone to invest in it..."




And the time Ezekiel continued to talk about his tale, every single moment, the group seemed rooked, as Ezekiel raised his body and acted like he had been in his character since from beginning.

"Err, boom?" Ezekiel told the moment the poor beagle was tied in front of the cannon and yet he managed to pay for the tip and with that find the answer.

"*tsss* That moment the wick stopped the fire, and it made my own eyes in fury. YOU CHEATED. *Boom Boom*" Ezekiel did that scene but while it sounded a lot funny, the tension of his wrath was enough to make DJ jump.

"RUN COURAGE RUN," DJ shouted as he could imagine Courage in a bad position to run away from the depression cannon balls.

And more and more, Ezekiel told the tale, nobody wanted to interrupt. Since it showed how important it was knowing how depressing would be mortal.

Until it comes at the final moments.

"Hehe... Rat, give me a hug." Ezekiel said as he gave a good happy hug. "Ahhh, ah ha."

"Ah Courage, isn't that the coziest picture did you ever see? Muriel asked as the little beagle couldn't help, but show his smile and yet funny laugh, as his teeth were covered with the remains of happy Plums... Hahahahahaha... The end..." Ezekiel finished telling one of the saddest and yet wholesome stories that ever saw in his world, and he knew that his friends would be feeling the same... since Katie, Courtney, and even Eva were sniffing from seeing such a happy moment. DJ was crying but gave a good hug to his bunny who seemed to be also enjoying a good experience. Tyler and Harold were trying to hold back their tears, but it was so easy to guess that they had been crying the whole moment. Geoff was also sniffing.

"Bro, that was awesome," Geoff said, as he then glanced at Duncan who was with his back turned from everyone. "Duncan, are you fine dude?"

"Yeah, I'm okay," Duncan said as he tried to force himself to be tough... But a little sniff was clean and he was also feeling emotional.

"Well, I think with that it's good enough to have a good night of sleep... Good night everyone." Ezekiel said as his voice looked weak, and his eyes seemed to be starting to get a bit better, but he still wished to have an ice sack to help him deal with that.

The group stared at each other, and looking at night, it sounded clear that it was the right time to sleep.

(Screaming Gophers)

The Gophers were dealing with an actual bear it ended up chasing the whole team up a tree.

"So what do we do now?" Trent asked while sharing a branch with Gwen and Heather.

"Don't look at me," Heather told Trent.

"It was your idea to climb the trees," Gwen stated that it was Heather's fault they were in the position they were in now.

"Well, why don't you ask the bear-hunting expert?" Heather yelled as she looked up at the person who claimed to have killed a bear far bigger than the one terrorizing them right now. "Hey Owen, what now?"

"How should I know?!" Owen yelled while clinging onto the tree for dear life.

"What you mean dude, you said you killed a bear!" Cody pointed out Owen's story of him and his grandpa killing a bear once.

"I was being theatrical!" Owen stated.

"This is all your fault!" Heather yelled harshly at Owen while glaring at the big guy. "If you hadn't been growling like that, we never would've attracted him to our site!"

"Excuse me for living!" Owen cried as he started to bang his head against the tree.

"Hey, hey, hey. Ease up on the guy." Trent tried to get everyone to both calm down and stop yelling at Owen. "He did bring us all that fish."

At the same time, the bear invading their campsite started sniffing at the cooking fish and salivating into finding the good smell of food.

"Hey! Lay off our fish!" Heather yelled at the bear that was still eyeing her team's fish.

"It's probably already eaten, Izzy!" Lindsay cried out as she held on tight to the tree.

"Then it shouldn't be hungry anymore!" Heather claimed causing everyone in her team to gasp and look at her in shock. "What? This is survival of the fittest. She should've just peed in her pants like Cody."

Cody looked down in shame, not knowing what to do at that moment. They looked at the beer going always around the camp.

In the next hour... it seemed that the fish was going to get burned, but the Bear somehow managed to take it off and immediately eat them.

"OH COME ON," Heather shouted as her fury seemed to have attracted another bear, who slowly was walking towards the camp. "Another one? Great, just great."

"Thanks a lot Queen Bee," Gwen said annoyed as she could see how much terrible things were getting on their side...

Until by some miracle, one of the bears tilted its head towards the other one, as the other one seemed to be playing with it... until the next moment the bear looked annoyed, and roared to the sky.

And the first bear who was in the camp for hours, jumped and immediately ran off in fear towards the tree.

"OH NO, IT CAN CLIMB," Cody shouted as he felt pissing himself again from such fear.

"GIVE ME SOME SPACE, GIVE ME SOME SPACE." Then a familiar voice was enough to make the whole group stare at the bear who was climbing the tree...

"What? Did that beart just talk?" Heather asked in confusion as suddenly the bear got sit nearby Lindsay and Beth. The Gophers looked at the bear in confusion…until a few gasped as they recognized the voice the 'bear' had just spoken with.

Everyone watched in surprise as the 'bear' at the time it sat on the branch, reached for its head…and pulled it off. It turned out, the bear was simply Izzy herself in a bear costume.

"Oh my goodness, I did not see that coming!" Owen laughed as he slid down the tree. He's never been happier to see Izzy before.

"Okay, I'm so confused right now," Lindsay said as she and everyone looked at the orange-haired girl.

"What are you some kind of freak?" Gwen asked as she glared at Izzy.

"I thought it would be funny!" Izzy laughed.

(Confession - Izzy)

"Okay, okay, that was so funny," Izzy stated while still wearing her bear suit. "Like 'Oh, it's a bear! Oh no!' and like 'We're all gonna die now! Help! Help!' Hahahaha! And I'm like 'Rah! I'm gonna eat you!' Ahahahaha! Like I could do that! There's no way, okay?"

(Killer Bass)

From the whole group who had a very wholesome and yet emotional story made by Ezekiel, most of the team seemed to have a great time with a good night of sleep... but one of them had a few needs to do at that moment.

"What's wrong?" DJ asked the surfer girl as he felt her constantly shifting around. "Need to go to pee?"

"Like crazy." Bridgette nodded as she looked out at the tent to the dark of the night. Even with the good fire around, she was still afraid to go alone in the wild. "But I'm too scared to leave the tent."

"Yeah, me too," DJ said as he was feeling a bit afraid until they both heard a groaning behind them.

"Ughh, fine... You both are lucky because I also want to go." Eva said which made both Bridgette and DJ a bit relieved that now they have a new option to go on the forest. "Let's just go."

Seeing now they have a bit more of a powerhouse to help them, Bridgette womaned up as DJ seemed to be happy as well and both decided to go after Eva.

"You go to that side, and me and Bridgette are going to go there," Eva instructed as DJ looked a bit nervous. "You are easier because you do it faster. Now stop being a coward and do it."

"Yes ma'am," DJ said as he went into the nearby tree... While Bridgette and Eva had to do their necessities in the bushes.

Even with the strange animal sounds around, Bridgette was trembling a lot, but Eva scoffed.

"It's just noise. Be on guard, but don't be afraid. Just do it and let's go back to the tent." Eva gave her authority voice and Bridgette nodded her head to her...

And surprisingly, nothing has happened. Which was a good time to relieve herself... At the time the trio seemed so happy to be able to go back to sleep... suddenly the trio felt a few raindrops coming, and on the next second, they quickly went under the tent as the fire was extinguished with the rain...

Good timing for the Killer Bass, to feel happy and safe and with a good night of sleep... Since most of the animals would prefer to be quiet on a raining night.

And after closing her eyes. Bridgette finally could dream about the story of a sad Doctor in search of happiness, and a cowardly beagle who managed to eat all the cream over the happy plums...

A very good night of sleep.

(Screaming Gophers)

The night was chaotic, as their only way of safety was the tree they were going to sleep with. And the rain made it even worse for them to try to sleep. As when they looked down, the bear was just there, sitting and feeling the rain pouring over it. Showing that it enjoys a good stormy night.

And Heather was feeling that the day was becoming the most annoying of her life.


With the Screaming Gophers, they were in better shape than they could have been. Due to the bear, which was gone thankfully, they all ended up sleeping in the tree they were using to escape the bear and that left them with aching backs. "Oh! I think it's safe, guys. The bear's gone." Trent told everyone after cracking his back.

"And the map," Gwen said as she held up a completely soaked map.

"Kay, I don't know how raccoons sleep in trees, because I'm so stiff." Izzy, still wearing her bear costume, said while cracking her back.

"They must be really limber." Owen guessed as he stretched out as much as he could.

"You know what, crazy girl? I don't wanna hear another word from you or the bear hunter here." Heather yelled as she glared at both Izzy and Owen. "If you two hadn't been acting like bear bait all night, we could have actually slept in our tent!"

Just then a bird flew by them tweeting leading to Owen, Izzy, and Heather all yelling. "SHUT UP!" At the poor bird.

(Killer Bass)

The morning rose over the group, as some stretched themselves from the good night they had over the camp. Bridgette woke up like she had the best night of sleep in days, and the others couldn't help but enjoy more nature.

"Wow," Ezekiel could see how beautiful nature was around since the good birds were flying and it gave a very good impression of nature itself. Everything was so perfect, that Ezekiel could also find good inspiration towards a few stories he had in mind.

Until suddenly he felt someone trembling in the place.

"Babbabababab." Ezekiel turned his head to see Katie who was happy suddenly getting pale, as she was starting to tremble in fear

"What's going on?" Duncan asked, as he noticed as well, that Katie seemed to be paralyzed in fear. "Dunderhead talk to me, what happened?"

"It seems that she is afraid of something." Courtney stared as she snapped her fingers to try to snap the attention from the tan twin.

Ezekiel turned his head in the direction Katie was looking, and suddenly he immediately noticed what she was afraid of. And immediately took his bow and arrows.

"BEAR," Ezekiel shouted which brought the attention of all Killer Bass who stared in the direction Ezekiel was aiming his bow.

The reaction was immediate since everyone tried to go away and give some space away from the bear. And the bear stared at the blueberries which the tanned twin seemed to be enjoying so much to eat.

"ROAR." The bear roared as it immediately went in the direction of the paralyzed twin, but at the time it was going to wreck the little skinny girl.

A bodybuilder powerhouse gave a body tackle on the left side of the bear.

"STAY BACK." Eva roared as she gave a command and pushed Katie away from the danger zone.

Ezekiel took the time to shoot a few arrows to hit the face of the bear, but all he could manage was to hit the bulky body of the animal, and the thing he feared was true, the arrows didn't do any damage to the angry animal. It only made him even angrier.

"ROAR." The bear snarled as it went in the direction of the homeschooled boy, but at the moment it tried to attack, suddenly something stabbed on its side… It was an axe Duncan had launched with all his strength. The bear growled as with its own body managed to make the axe drop to the floor. And from the looks of it, it went berserk.

"OH HELL NO." Eva took the opportunity to tackle the bear and with her fist, she gave a powerful swing to make the animal go directly at the tree… And Eva took the next second to go quickly and give one more punch, and another one, and another one. Making sure it would be enough to kill it."STAY DOWN, STAY DOWN."

Eva roared as the bear seemed to be strong and bulky enough to use its body to protect itself, but the tree behind it wasn't that powerful, since the rain managed to make some slight damage… and with the pressure of the punches… it started to crack and slowly was enough to make the whole tree starts to fall.

Eva, watched the tree failing down towards both her and the bear's direction… and with good speed, both prepared to be way…

"Courtney WATCH OUT," Duncan yelled as the group saw the C.I.T. girl was about to get crashed by the trunk… but suddenly Courtney felt someone pushing her…


"AHHHHHHHHHHHH *BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP*" Then the entire Killer Bass team stared in really shock and terrified faces… Eva was on the floor, and the tree trunk was smashing her right leg.

"EVA." The whole team screamed in fear, as the group did their best to try to raise the trunk a bit, just for a few seconds being able to move the damaged leg of the bodybuilder who seemed to be suffering in painful shock.

"*beep* *beep* *beep* *beep* *beep* *beep*" Eva repeated the curses as she could see her leg twisted from such painful impact, and her leg being unable to move…

Courtney stared at the entire scene… and the bear who caused everything used the time to run away in panic… Which the girl couldn't believe.

"You saved my life," Courtney mumbled… as she glanced at the bodybuilder who was still in terrible pain. Shaking her head quickly, Courtney said determined. "BASS, LET'S GO TO THE CAMP, EVA NEEDS MEDICAL HELP. NOW."

The team didn't have to hear twice, DJ, Duncan, and Geoff did their best to have to carry Eva the most comfortable way, as Courtney and Ezekiel stared at the map. Harold looked at the compass and planned a good route. Katie was crying into being so terrified of seeing a scene like that.

But the team is going to move on… leaving all the camp behind if necessary.

And so once the campers on both teams took down their sites, the race was on. Both the Killer Bass and Screaming Gophers headed back to Wawanakwa as fast they could so they could be the first ones and win the challenge.

Chris was seen putting wood into the fire pit for the elimination ceremony that would be taking place that night. Just then the host heard some voices and looked to see none other than the Killer Bass coming to him first.

"CHRIS, CHRIS, WE NEED MEDICAL ASSISTANCE, EVA IS DEEPLY HURT," Courtney shouted as she didn't even care if her team was the first to appear.

Chris who was smiling suddenly saw the twisted leg of the bodybuilder, and noticed the good thing wasn't…

"Oh boy, that's going to be tough," Chris commented as he saw the painful face, from the contestant, and looking clearly on how twisted leg and seeing the painful face of Eva… he had to come to a quick decision. "Oh damn, this leg seems to be broken in more than 3 parts… You need to go to the hospital Eva."

"Oh no. NO WAY." Eva shouted angrily as she could feel that she still had the will to fight. "I'm fine. See? OH *BEEP*"

Eva tried to move her twisted leg but the cracking sound made her shout a curse in pain, which made the whole team stare at her horrified.

Just then the Screaming Gophers appeared and gasped when they saw the Bass already there.

"Oh no! They beat us here!" Heather raged at losing four times in a row! She then turned to glare at Owen and pushed him down. "This is all your fault!"

"Not so fast Goopherinos. It seems some serious issues are happening right now… The Killer Bass won, however, it seems one of the competitors seemed to be unable to continue the show for a while." Chris commented as he sighed knowing that technicalities he hated to use it. And seeing Eva still being stubborn, he didn't want the show to receive any sues, on the first season. "All right, Killer Bass, Eva is going to the hospital, which mean while your team won a good prize, you will receive 2 in price of 1."

Chris tried to be cheerful and looking at the faces of the Killer Bass, they are neither happy...

"Well, for you Killer Bass, the first prize is going on an all-expense paid trip to… the Tuck Shop."Chris remained happy as some of the group nodded as it was indeed a good prize, however, Eva was still snarling in pain from all the sacrifices they had to make… "And for the Second Prize… Sorry Eva, but you are going to have to go to the hospital and take care of your leg, which means there is going to be a new spot for the Bass today… so I recommend that you Bass choose wisely who is going to be part of your team… Because Eva is going to be eliminated tonight."

"THAT'S *BEEEEEEEEP*" Eva shouted angrily as she wanted to strangle the host of the show, but she couldn't as she felt like being held by every one of her team.

"Listen here, Eva," Chris said in an annoyed tone. Since he is tired of sugar coat a serious situation. "I'm doing this because I know how bad this twisted leg can be, so you better treat yourself right now, or have a great chance of losing your leg. It's take or leave."

And this time it made an effect, as Eva suddenly realized that she was indeed powerless at that moment, and possibly the future challenges, she couldn't help anymore.

Eva was about to break down… But then she felt a hand holding her.

"Eva...please, listen to him," Courtney said as she looked solemnly at the bodybuilder. "You are already an MVP and our strongest player. But you saved my life… please go to the hospital. 100000 dollars isn't worth of your leg, you value more than that."

"Yeah Eva, please. Listen to Chris." Katie said as she started crying. Noticing that it all happened because the bear attacked her. "You are a hero, please, got treat yourself."

And just like that, the whole team, one by one is doing their best to convince Eva, that her health worthies more than the show…

Eva, gritted her teeth… as she couldn't help but accept…

"Fine," Eva said in defeat… But she then looked determined. "I'm going to treat my leg, and when I get better. I'm going to come back."

Eva said in determination, while the group of Killer Bass looked unsure, Ezekiel smiled.

"I believe in you." Ezekiel could see the grin of the bodybuilder girl, who just messed up the hair of the boy.

"Alright, so you boys protect them while I'm away," Eva said as she saw Chris who seemed relieved that he avoided a good sue for the future. Eva then glanced at the group of Goophers, and each of them seemed unaware of what to do, even Heather who rolled her eyes but deep inside she was smirking to avoid elimination and somehow the Bass lost a valuable player. "Hey guys, do you mind if I choose her to be on the team?"

The Killer Bass looked at Eva who pointed the finger… and for the first time, every single one looked confused for the girl who she pointed off… The Goth of Screaming Gophers… Gwen.

"What?" Ezekiel asked in confusion since he never saw the reason behind her choice…

And neither his team nor the rival team from the show... That's how Eva played… To surprise everyone.

And with that, another episode of Total Drama Island came to an end.

Chapter 9: Interlude 3

Chapter Text


"Alright, so you boys protect them while I'm away," Eva said as she saw Chris who seemed relieved that he avoided a good sue for the future. Eva then glanced at the group of Goophers, and each of them seemed unaware of what to do, even Heather who rolled her eyes but deep inside she was smirking to avoid elimination and somehow the Bass lost a valuable player. "Hey guys, do you mind if I choose her to be on the team?"

The Killer Bass looked at Eva who pointed the finger… and for the first time, every single one looked confused for the girl who she pointed off… The Goth of Screaming Gophers… Gwen.

"What?" Ezekiel asked in confusion since he never saw the reason behind her choice…

And neither his team nor the rival team from the show... That's how Eva played… To surprise everyone.

And even with the hesitation of some of the members, the happiness of some... Heather mostly, Gwen now would become the newest member of the Killer Bass... meaning all their stuff would need to be moved to the other cabin.

"Alright, everyone. I'm calling a boat for Eva will come to get her to treat her leg. While you all must prepare for Gwen to move for the other team... Did you get it? Nice, great job, now shoo, shoo." Chris said as he himself was quick to not even let them reply to his questions.

And with the defeat on their hands now... all the members of Screaming Gophers left the place... leaving a bear-disguised girl... staring at the floor, and with a thought on her mind.

"I... made a mistake?" Izzy's tone didn't show her chaotic nature... but some sort of serious voice... "Heather is too strong now. I need a backup plan."

(Aquarium) 1 hour later...

Gwen for the first time in her life never thought to see the group of campers walking around the cave where it would have been their base of operations since from the beginning.

"DJ, help me with the Dumbbells," Tyler called as many members of the Killer Bass were quickly preparing the things to make sure one of their members would be prepared to leave.

"Her clothes are already in the bag," Bridgette commented as she also placed a chocolate bar in the bag of the bodybuilder.

"Damn, this thing is heavy." Harold was doing his best to raise what would be a bag from the floor.

"Harold that bag is empty," Courtney said as she rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, but this is a deluxe 10 layers of letter bag. It may be 13 kilograms by itself."Harold said as Geoff went nearby and helped him to carry the bag.

"Wow, he wasn't kidding when he said the bag is heavier than it looks," Geoff commented as the duo opened for Tyler and DJ placed all the dumbells for Eva who had everything she needed to go back home.

Courtney raised her eyebrow but then rolled her eyes. And when everyone did make the seemed that everything was ready.

"Alright, from what Chris said. Eva's boat will come soon. Tyler, and DJ, carry these bags to the dock. Harold, did you charge her mp3 so her to not get bored on the trip?" Courtney asked as the nerd nodded his head.

"Yep, but if she asks you did it. I don't want to die if she finds out." Harold said as he gave the mp3 to the C.I.T. girl who nodded to him.

"Got it. Ezekiel and Duncan are with her to make sure that she will be fine until the boat arrives." Courtney commented as she walked in front of Gwen who was still trying to process everything."And what about you? Are you going to do anything? Or are you going to stay there like a statue?"

Gwen gave a step back, as she then rolled her eyes.

"Fine. What do you want me to do?" Gwen asked Courtney could see Katie still having a bit of difficulty carrying Eva's bag of clothes with Bridgette.

"Giving them a hand would be a very good step. We are running out of time, and while I don't know how you Screaming Gophers do around the camp. We have a friend that needs to be taken quickly from the island to get her medical check the soon as possible." Courtney commented, as she turned her bag and went to help Harold to carry another bag of letters. "DAMMIT, YOU WERE RIGHT HAROLD, HOW DOES THIS BAG WEIGHTS 10 KILOS? IT'S JUST EMPTY LEATHER BAG."

Gwen saw Courtney shouting angrily and decided to give her a step bag... When suddenly she saw a water bottle on her front... And it was an apologetic tanned girl. Katie smiled nervously.

"Don't mind about Courtney... she usually is like that when she is overstressed... and this morning gave stress to all of us... Eva broke her leg by saving her from the tree... And we want her to not get late for her surgery." Katie commented as she could see the gothic girl was looking unamused about the C.I.T. girl's action...

"Was it really that bad?" Gwen asked as she saw Bridgette starting to carry the weight of clothing. And the surfist girl nodded her head to Gwen.

"Yes, it was... " Bridgette commented, as she couldn't blame Courtney for acting like that. Because this happening to their friend was like a hit to their stomachs. "We need to prepare everything for Eva to have a nice trip to the hospital, and later we can use the prize Chris has told us to go to the Tuck shop... but Eva needs us at this moment. Let's go."

Gwen saw that Bridgette wasn't kidding, as she saw the whole Killer Bass group was indeed doing their best to prepare everything when it came to one of their members... No drama, no fights. Everyone working together as one... maybe that's why Killer Bass didn't feel stressed or had a lot of fights among themselves. Even in the Main Lodge, they seemed to be always cheerful and friends with each other.

Maybe that's why they always have an advantage over her team... a team that always has internal conflicts and sizes of who should go with or against Heather who is controlling the team.


"Alright, Chris said the boat would come here in the next ten minutes," Ezekiel warned as he could see Eva grumbling over the annoyed pain that she had felt over the moment. Sitting in a wheelchair, the bodybuilder still needs to go directly to the hospital, or by some miracle the Isla Del Losers may be some professional medics to treat her injury and make her have a nice relaxation over her inability to be on the show.

"Hmmm," Eva murmured, not liking to be the one to leave because of her stupid broken leg. "That bear... next time I see her, I'm going to destroy every single part of her body."

"Err... Eva. I don't know if the bear that attacked us was either male or female." Duncan said as he rolled his eyes, but then seeing the grinning face of the bodybuilder, he didn't like the look from her.

"Oh don't worry. I will make sure it's her the next time I see it." Eva smiled evilly which made both Duncan and Ezekiel glance at each other, and their hands went slowly to their crotches, and gulping nervously.

"Ooookay?" Ezekiel tried to move on to another subject. "I'm just surprised that you chose Gwen of all the Screaming Gophers, why did you do that?"

Eva remained quiet but then glanced at the ocean as a way to rethink the decision she made.

"Hmm... I don't know, maybe it was my own gut telling me to trust that decision. From all the other team members, nobody seemed to be helpful in actually being in my place... Also, I saw the way the Queen Bee looked at her, I think she was the one who worked with Harold to make the queen Bee scream on the 3 in the morning a few days ago... It was hilarious." Eva chuckled which Ezekiel could see from that... "If someone was willing to work together with Harold, I think we could give her at least one chance."

Duncan and Ezekiel remained quiet as both listened to her reasoning.

"I don't like this," Duncan said as he felt the idea of a Screaming Gopher being part of their team. "For me, anyone from the Screaming Gophers shouldn't be trusted... From a team like that, it would be a matter of time to make backstabs. Specially to the BEE-ATCH."

Ezekiel raised his eyebrows... especially a part of him who knew how in the future seasons Duncan would have acted around the goth, and how that caused so many tragedies and so many messed up endings for all his friends... indeed from each season, many of his friends were in the deephole... but from all the changes Ezekiel saw since at the start of the show... Maybe with his help... he could prevent many of the outcomes wouldn't be that bad like it happened over the generations of total drama.

"I believe in your judgement Eva," Ezekiel commented with all his heart. Since he knew Gwen was from all the episodes he watched, knowing the ups and downs, and how it led to where it always comes to be... So he then glanced at Duncan. "We should at least respect Eva's choice... we don't have any idea if she was a Bass inside of a Screaming Gopher team. Can't we should at least give a chance to her?"

Duncan remained quiet, but seeing that his friend and the strongest player seemed to trust the gothic girl, he couldn't help but drop it.

"Alright, you both convinced me. But the first time she plans to stab in our backs, we say bye-bye to her." Duncan said, as he could see the other members of the Killer Bass finally got the stuff from Eva, and even Gwen who seemed to be bringing the bag of clothes with Katie and Sadie... he snorted but gave trust in both Ezekiel and Eva's point.

"GUYS, OVER HERE," Ezekiel called as the whole team brought the items and made sure everything was perfect.

Eva grumbled while he couldn't help but remain in her seat...

"I appreciate your help guys. Wait, what about my MP3?" Eva asked in alarm, but then Courtney already placed it in her hands.

"Charged and ready for you to listen. Focus on your recovery." Courtney commanded, as one of the leaders of the team, that she wanted Eva first to take care of her health. "Later when this show is over, I want to pay you a coffee for once again saving my life."

"Pff, that's fine, we are a team, and nobody should have gotten hurt. Not even me... I'm still *beep* because of that stupid *beep* bear and that *beep* tree... But hey, we still won the challenge. So please do me a favor, and celebrate our victory by eating everything in that Tuck shop. I would kill anyone for some chips." Eva said as she smirked in satisfaction, and her smirk became an actual smile when Harold and Tyler gave the chips for her have a more comfortable trip on the boat. "Thanks guys... Firstly when I thought I wanted to be in this competition, I thought just by being the strongest player would be enough to show my point... But having met you all, I can say that every single one of us is awesome in any way. It may not be a 5 stars resort... But it was a time I will treasure..."

Katie and Bridgette started to shed some tears, as Geoff took his hat off... Ezekiel did the same, Tyler and Harold looked sadly, and Duncan and Courtney nodded their heads in appreciation.

"You are an Ironwoman Eva," Duncan said as Eva smirked the compliment. "We will try to not lose without you here."

"Don't you even dare. If something like that happens, I swear I will get out of that hospital and I will come here to make you all go back to shape." Eva snarled, but the group smiled at the way Eva showed her way of love... but still she let out a tear. "I didn't want to lose... not even like that, but I swear, I will recover my leg, and if I find a way, I will come back. Just wait for me."

The Killer Bass mood seemed to be down, but Ezekiel gave a little hug to his friend.

"I know you will. I have faith you will make an impact when you come back." Ezekiel said as he even messed with her hair like a little revenge, in exchange for receiving a false growling from her... but then a smirk...

And just like that, the boat appeared... and with the help of the group... Eva left the island.

(Tuck Shop)

At the time the group was in front of the Tuck shop...The morale of the team seemed to be low as it was after the bodybuilder and a good friend left the island...

Ezekiel noticed the look of his team and decided it was enough.

"Okay guys, enough is enough," Ezekiel said as he couldn't take it anymore. "Eva would be *beep* off if we remain looking pathetic like that. She had to leave the island because she was injured, so I'm sure that at the time she comes back to the island. Just to watch the final challenge... She would go around to kill that bear."

Ezekiel could see Duncan and Harold smirking at the joke he just said. While the group seemed to nod.

"That's right. We are not here because we lost the challenge. We won, even if that meant we lost a good friend... But she would be angry if we didn't value her time as MVP once again. So let's place her as MVP one last time." Courtney nommed the bulky girl as once again the strongest of the team.

And Gwen raised her eyebrow as all the Killer Bass nodded their heads in agreement.

"I'm sure the bear is praying to whatever animals pray for never seeing Eva ever again, or he would be dead for sure," Tyler commented as Ezekiel, Harold, and even DJ smirked from that.

"Maybe he will have nightmares of Eva going after him?" Harold asked while Duncan shook his head.

"Not him,' her', she promised that she would make sure the bear would be female." Duncan corrected, as Katie and Bridgette chuckled as Geoff, Harold, Tyler, and even DJ placed their hands on their crotchs.

Ezekiel smiled, seeing the morale returning at the group who deserved the prize.

"I don't know what to say. But I think, between fighting a bear or having Eva angry at me... I think the bear would be kinder and kill me quick?" Geoff made a remark that made everyone, even Courtney laugh at how the group feared more their friend Eva than the actual big animal.

Gwen watched the group in amusement. The team seemed to be acting like a whole once again.

"Alright everyone, we already joked a lot about this. But we still need to nominate the other 2 MVPs of the challenge." Courtney in a better mood decided to act like the usual day after challenge. The team seems to be already accepting the fact. "So we had Ezekiel, Geoff, Tyler, Katie who brought the food on the challenge, we have Ezekiel and Duncan who helped Eva to attack the bear with his bow and arrow and axe."

"I would give Katie and Geoff the title of MVP, they went ahead and started the challenge with ideas to bring food around the group," Ezekiel commented as he could see his friends once again looking at him weirdly.

"Dude, are you crazy? You and Duncan and Eva deserved the MVP, you all went against a freaking bear." Geoff refused the title and Katie nodded her head.

"Yeah, and I froze and the bear almost got me. It was..."

"Don't even say it's your fault," Tyler commented as he interrupted his friend. "That bear got us by surprise. But at least everyone is alive. So don't blame yourself, it was the bear who attacked us."

Katie sniffed, as the crew then decided to come up with a good decision.

"Okay, let's place Geoff for giving the idea of how to catch the fish, and Ezekiel and Eva for trying and protecting the crew. All in favor?" Courtney asked which made all the members agree, except Gwen who was watching their modus operand, and Ezekiel who did hesitantly since he didn't think it was enough for being MVP. "Good, now let's make a meet on the campfire and take everything from Tuck Shop and party the victory as Eva deserved."

"YEAH OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Geoff and Ezekiel high-fived and opened the door while they shouted their favorite quote as they wanted to celebrate it.

There were a lot of groceries that indeed would make their entire night better. Candies, desserts, snacks, soda, juice, fruits... Everything they wanted, and the team wasn't going to waste it. They are going to take everything. Grabbing some bags they took with them and managed to bring the whole place empty... Less than one single item...

Ezekiel was happy to see the whole team taking item by item... But he then saw Courtney, who froze in her place... and looking at one item in hesitation, a green jello with a candy worm inside of it.

Ezekiel could see from the show Courtney was in denial, but looking closer at her... that wasn't something like angry... but someone who got traumatized by it.

"Courtney, are you okay?" Ezekiel called her attention which made Courtney snap herself up, and make her look at the boy who was staring at her.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I think everything is fine, and we can already start the party." Courtney forced her smile as she tried to ignore the green jello which she hated most...

"Okay, just to be sure, I'm going to take this green jello away from you," Ezekiel said as he went to the green jello and left the C.I.T. girl alone but with a more relieved smile.

"Thank you." She whispered but then remained in control of herself. "Alright, the party."


"OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." Geoff cheered as Tyler managed to pull up a nice trick with his yoyo, after hundreds of attempts, he finally managed to pull up a trick he always messed up before.

The party was a success, since from the time they were there, they started with the marshmallows to make the ceremony of the marshmallow to make the partiture of Eva legit, but they let a reserved marshmallow for her... as the symbol of her also not being eliminated.

Then it comes about who could eat most between the group. Courtney almost vomited because she had her eyes bigger than her stomach, but it was a funny celebration around the group.

Gwen was sitting with Bridgette and Katie, as a new way to start a friendship. Gwen was like a fish out of water... or a gopher inside of the water tank, it was something out of her comfort zone, but Bridgette who has been good friends with her for God knows how long... she seemed to be interested in talking and debating the stories around the group.

Bridgette and Courtney would be the best option when it comes to Steven Universe, Harold, and Duncan when it comes to Adventure time, even if Duncan refuses to admit it a bit. But when it comes to Courage the Cowardly Dog, there isn't a person from the Killer Bass who doesn't know about the horrific yet memorable stories of how the pink dog had to deal with his fears.

Ezekiel walked toward the trio of girls who seemed to be explaining the rules to Gwen.

"We want to maintain the location of the Aquarium as secret, so nobody from Screaming Gophers should know about it. Since it has most of our stuff over there, but also the hot tub... And risking the idea of Heather knowing where it is, who knows what she could do if she tries to sabotage the hot tube." Bridgette explained, and telling the keywords, Heather and sabotage, it made sure Gwen nodded her head in understanding.

"The Aquarium is the best place for us to leave the camp, and just use there as a way to do our hobbies and enjoy ourselves from the craziness from this island... Having to deal with the idea of Harold and you doing a prank on Heather. Who knows what she could do at the time she finds out?" Katie explained, which Gwen can comprehend and now found a new place to write in her diary... and be on time with herself.

Gwen nodded as he then saw Ezekiel approaching the group.

"Also, when the show is too much for you. You can say the secret word... this word is going to make you understand that you had enough, and you want to quit the show... everyone on the team will vote you out because we want you to remain loyal to yourself, and if these challenges come to things that would break your principles, and would make you see that it was too much. You can back out, no drama." Ezekiel explained as he pointed at the group to another point of working with the Killer Bass... "We are not just teammates, we are friends, and we care for each other... So please, never make fun of it."

Gwen remained quiet, as she saw the homeschooled boy leave...

"He really values you all," Gwen commented as she looked at Bridgette and Katie with their heads nodding in seriousness.

"Yeah, he lived almost his entire life on a farm, being homeschooled by his parents. And this reality show was the first time he had the opportunity to see the outside world." Katie commented, making Gwen have her eyes open in surprise and in shock.

"Yeah, and he never had friends... so we try to always be the best friends he could have. Because I think if he wasn't around... I think this place would have been much more different." Bridgette commented as she gave a slight glance at Ezekiel going at Courtney's direction...

Gwen remained quiet and then stared at the homeschooled boy... for someone who doesn't have anything before... what he is having now, must have been the time of his life.

Courtney remained in her place, enjoying the food and drinks until a good plate of green jello was still on the other seat far away from her... She still gave nervous glances, but she was about to ignore it... Until Ezekiel took the green jello dessert and with his strength launched on the ocean.

Surprising Courtney and some of the campers.

"Hey, what happened?" Geoff asked as Ezekiel just shrugged.

"It smelled rotten. Had to launch away." Ezekiel lied, which Geoff shrugged and went back to his snacks... But Ezekiel could see Courtney sighing in relief. "Are you okay Courtney? Are you scared of something?"

"Nah, it's nothing. I'm just thinking..." Courtney noticed such a question and decided to change the posture and tried to misguide the homeschooled boy... But there was something that she didn't count for...

"Why green jello?" Those words made Courtney's eyes go wide open, as she could see her friend asking her, not in curiosity, but out concern of for her well-being. "I saw you frozen at the jello..."

"It's not the jello, but I just don't like green jello." Courtney denied her fear but Ezekiel placed his hand over her shoulder.

"Hey, you don't need to tell if you don't want to, but please don't pretend you aren't traumatized because of it... I just want to know why... Why did it hurt you so much?" Ezekiel looked up at Courtney, even as Strong and annoying as she was on the show. There was also one thing the fandom always tried to understand. The girl who could fight so many things, and yet didn't tell why she hated green jello so much... But at the time he met her, and spent so many days with her, as a friend, seeing her like that made him concerned... The same look he had every day he had his nightmares... "If that makes you feel better... I can tell what is the thing I'm afraid of most."

Courtney paused, but at the time she nodded her head...Ezekiel knew it was the time.

"EVERYONE, COME HERE PLEASE," Ezekiel shouted was enough to make the group of friends stop what they were doing, and seeing Ezekiel with a serious face calling the group to the firepit. Was enough reason for making himself listen and everyone focus on him. "I'm about to tell you one thing, and I just want you guys to hear it just this once... You having fear of everything isn't something to be ridiculed about it... Hell, I even created Courage the Cowardly Dog because of it... Because everyone has fears or something to be afraid of... This time I'm not going to tell about a Courage the Cowardly Dog story... But I'm going to tell you why I have a deep fear of being buried alive..."

At the time Ezekiel said that Gwen's eyes went wide open as she found someone who has the same fear as her...

The Killer Bass looked at each other unaware of what to say... And Ezekiel closed his eyes and tried to relieve a confused memory... One not about him, but about Ezekiel himself...

"I still have nightmares about it... But 2 years ago... I was playing Hide and Seek with my pa... Hide and Seek was a favorite sport me and my dad has always been doing to pass the time when we were bored on the farm... And usually, I would always find great spots to find myself in... The tallest of the trees I could cave a hole in just hid inside. Use a scarecrow to swap clothes just to make myself in its place...and many different ways."Ezekiel explained the places he could have hidden himself and how his father managed to find him. Some of the ideas indeed surprised his friends on how creative and even crazy he would have been... But there was the time to tell how some terrible places made almost him dead. "But there was one place I found... It was a hole near the hill near the orange trees... And it was perfect for me to hide in..."

The group remained quiet, as some were getting on the edge of their seats.

"I made a terrible mistake in forcing myself to get inside, since the day before it was a rainy day... And with a little of push, and some little rocks going side by side...was enough to cause a little landslide..."Ezekiel sighed as he could hear the gasps of horror coming from his friends... "The pressure of the earth was enough to make my arms stuck and my body immobilized, and all the earth crawling around my body, that even got inside of my mouth... It was difficult to breathe... And all the shouts I tried to call for my ma and pa, was muffed by the dirt and the hole closed...I thought I would die, alone, without friends, without my dreams being achieved... Without nobody knowing..."

The description of the horrifying experience Ezekiel had at that moment, made even the stoic and toughest of them all breakdown, nobody wanted to show their faces... as Ezekiel remained calm and continued his story.

"The last thing I remember was me closing my eyes, but not before opening once more to see my pa desperately caving the hole to get me out from there... He shouted my name and the next time I opened my eyes, was to be in my bed... with my parents sleeping near me... To this day, I fear being buried alive again..." Ezekiel remained calm as he glanced at the terrible moments of both his lives... being on the train or playing hide and seek... both of them got somehow a connection on how he ended up who he is until this day...

"Dude..." Geoff tried, he really tried to find some words to say, but he couldn't.

What would you say to a survivor to almost died from something like that?

"It's a miracle that you are alive," Bridgette commented and Ezekiel nodded his head.

"Yep... maybe you guys think about why I try to always write my stories, and try desperately to make this team work? Because I want to be friends with you all, and maybe in the future... I wouldn't have the same feeling to think I'm dying lonely..." Ezekiel commented, as he opened a sack of marshmallows and placed it into a stick... as part of the firepit ceremony of elimination... "That's why I would never judge someone to have fear, whatever would be, even the silliest things... I just want to hear the why, or what happened to make you have such fear of it..."

At a time like that, Ezekiel tried to ignore the same feelings he always felt to relieve those memories... was horrifying to know...

And the team was in silence, still processing how the person who always wanted the best of them... suddenly had a near-death experience that would make any of them have nightmares for nights.

And everyone hesitated to say something until Duncan groaned and decided to kick the sand,

"Ah, screw this... I have a fear of Celine Dion Standees in the stores." Duncan took the courage to admit it, which made Ezekiel turn his head to see the delinquent admitting his fear in front of his friends.

"What?" Geoff and DJ asked as Tyler seemed to be trying to hold his laughter.

"Dude, that's a cupboard," Tyler said as he couldn't believe why someone would be afraid of that...

"Not until I tell you why I'm afraid of them..." Duncan commented which made Ezekiel approach him, and wait for him to get the courage to tell the reason... "I remember clearly when I was 7 years old. My uncle is a detective and was doing an investigation of what would be a massacre of nazists, or possibly a cult happening around the place... And I wanted to visit my uncle on his work... but I didn't know I was walking into a crime scene."

Ezekiel's eyes went wide open, as all the Killer Bass looked terrified to know what may have happened to the delinquent boy.

"It was a bit dark so I tried to reach out the light... but something I managed to turn the light, and when that happened a cupboard of blood Celine Dion Standee went down, maybe it was from the wrong position, or maybe it was because the van wasn't turned on until I turn the lights... But me as a 7-year-old... I just saw a picture of a bleeding woman falling in me... since that day, displays from her face made me still smell the blood and she somehow keeps following me..." Duncan summarized as the whole team looked at Duncan horrified, not only with that but imagining how terrible a kid would have suffered dealing with a messed up day of childhood, which could traumatize anyone who had to deal with the tragedy of relieving a crime scene like that. "My uncle said I was lucky to never see a body, but the image of like that would be stuck in my head forever... and it seems that has been the truth."

"Damn..." Harold commented... Until he also got the courage to tell his fear. "I have a fear of ninjas... because when I was a kid, I always liked to try to learn martial arts... but there was a group of kids in my school, who wanted to bully me... so every 3 months, they would dress themselves like ninja and would wait for me outside of school and near my house, to beat me up... And the worst part is that everything I tried, they would always find a way to beat me up..."

And from that... The Killer Bass team shared their fears... the reason why they feared them... Gwen was because of a horror movie that she watched as a kid... and she found out that the killer could have been any ordinary person with a happy life with family, while the victim was suffering the same fate as his wife by being buried alive... that traumatized her...

DJ had a story about how he was afraid of Snakes... he was once sleeping under the tree near his house in Jamaica when he thought a vine was approaching him... it wasn't a vine but it was a snake that was falling to the floor... which made him run away crying to his momma...

Tyler told about the time at 10 years old when he was in his sports class outside of his school when a chicken was running in his direction... but the problem was... the chicken was headless... and being alive, traumatized him because when he started to run away, the headless chicken tried to go after him... and that made him afraid of chickens until this day.

Bridgette said that she is afraid of being alone in the forest because, at the time she was on the ONG, she passed most part off... one of the members got lost in the forest, and almost died because she couldn't take care of herself inside of the forest, and the wild animals almost killed her... she hated the idea of being alone in a forest with anything that it can attack you...

Geoff has a fear of hail... one time he was in the backseat drive of his uncle's car... when a big hail hit his city and was enough to demolish most of the proprieties... he discovered how lethal they were...

Katie shared her fear of ugly hair... and everyone could swear that Sadie would also have the same fear...

One by one, as the group started to share their fears... until Courtney remained on her spot...

"It's only missing you, princess," Duncan commented, which Courtney, felt a bit pressured... but seeing the face of her friend Ezekiel... and how his story mattered... she decided to tell the truth...

"Okay, I'm going to describe what happened to me... It was when I was 13, and there is something I always loved to eat when I was younger... Lemonade Mellon Jello. It was a recipe of my granny and by far the best jello anyone would even want to eat... I loved to eat since I was 5." Courtney decided to explain, and Ezekiel had his eyes wide open in surprise when Courtney started her story... "But, when I was on that time, and I was already eating it with all the gusto I had with happiness... My dad came running to the door and opened it by shouting... my granny had a car crash accident, she didn't survive."

The whole team had their eyes wide open from that statement.

"That news alone was to make me want to vomit... but, I ate wrong and the jello went in the wrong hole... And I started choking." Courtney commented as Ezekiel could clearly understand the reason she despises the food. "From the time I was eating the jello my granny loved to do... and hearing about her crash accident and choking at the same time? I hate it... with all my heart, oh God I hate it. I hate the feeling of having the same flavor in my mouth, as the wrong move almost made me die... I..."

Courtney was about to be angry about it, and with the tears in her eyes... but then her eyes went wide open when she felt someone hugging her... It was Duncan who was hugging her by the back. And Ezekiel was hugging her in the front... Both knew that what Courtney had was something so messed up, and not an excuse to be making fun of it... Courtney felt her own eyes getting wet and she couldn't help but cry loudly at how horrifying an experience it was...

And the Killer Bass, one by one went to give her a hug on their lider because she needed to have on that moment.

The party was done with all of them getting comfortable watching the firepit until a voice came from behind them.

"Hey, would you guys mind if we sit with you guys?" Trent called as they saw Cody, Owen, Izzy, Beth, Lindsay, and Heather behind him.

"What do you guys want?" Courtney asked, as she raised her eyebrow and looked at each of them in judging.

Before Trent even answers... Heather rolled her eyes.

"This fat boy farted the whole cabin, so now we need to be stuck outside from the rooms until all the smell gets out," Heather said as she narrowed at the group of Killer Bass. And then glanced at the newest member. "How is it to be like a fishhead? I think it suits you better."

Gwen rolled her eyes, but Cortney was about to reply and refused to let them get near...

"Sure," Ezekiel said as the other members looked at him nearby. "But we ate all the food we could bring, so sorry but we don't have anything to share."

"Really?" Owen said as he looked sad with that outcome, and Izzy tapped his back sadly.

"Yep. But come on, grab a seat. And let's watch the firepit... we already had to deal with all the drama we could from yesterday and this morning... We are looking at the firepit, and telling our deepest fears... Mine always has been buried alive..."

"Really?" Trent asked in surprise, as he decided to sit and get over the conversation... "I hate mimes, a lot."

Courtney was about to roll her eyes. But then she felt her hand being grabbed, and she looked at Ezekiel who narrowed his eyes to her... which she remembered... everyone has the right to have fear... even her. The how or why, just them would know... it's not for the others to know...

Confession - Gwen

"So suddenly, everyone's having this big share-fest by the fire." Gwen began explaining what happened at the campfire after Ezekiel and Trent decided to share their fears. "Like Beth went on and on about how her mortal fear is being covered by bugs, even Heather admitted she's afraid of sumo wrestlers."

"Walking through a minefield," Lindsay spoke up on her fear. "In heels."

"Flying, man," Owen said with a fearful expression. "That's some crazy stuff."

"Hah, I would never go up in a plane." Izzy turned out to share her fear with Owen. "Never."

"Third Season says different Izzy." Ezekiel thought to himself, as he could see the wild chaotic girl still using her best of skills to try to marinate Owen.

"I'm scared of hail," Geoff spoke in a low tone, as he looked into the campfire. "It's small but deadly, dude."

"Bad haircuts." Katie decided to share her fear... and later Lindsay decided to change her fear to making bad haircuts...

"Oh God, I want so much to tell Freak Freddy's story to both of them. They would know that the worst fear of than bad haircuts would be no hair at all." Ezekiel sighed, as he could see how Lindsay managed to mess with Heather's life as a final way of vengeance, and it was awesome.

"Having to diffuse a time bomb under pressure."Cody thought about it and decided to share his fear...

"Oh, I know how it could be way worse." Ezekiel decided to have some fun.

"How?" Cody asked as he raised his eyebrow.

"Having Chef Hatchet as your main technician to give you instructions on how to diffuse them..." Ezekiel smiled as he could see Cody's pupils shrink.

"God, please, don't even joke about it," Cody said in panic which made the group chuckle at his reaction.

Courtney looked as the group stared at them...

"Green Jello." Courtney got enough courage and admitted, while some of the groups were staring at her in disbelief.

"Really?" Trent said as he was about to chuckle, but then all the Killer Bass glared at him, even Gwen which made the guitarist suddenly stop, and understand that there was a story behind it, and he shouldn't make fun of it.

"Yeah, like the same way I have on Celine Dion music store standees," Duncan said as he raised his fist towards Trent. "Do you have a problem with that?"

"No, no. I'm fine." Trent raised his hands, as he was about to ask if that was true, but seeing the look of Gwen shaking his head, he got the message to not dare to make fun of it. "Was it really that bad?"

"YES IT WAS." The whole group of Killer Bass shouted as they gave a position of the fear of Duncan, the fear of Courtney... and the Screaming Gophers noticed... how protective they are over their members... even the delinquent.

"Ohh, I love Celine Dion." Lindsay excitedly said before looking confused. "What's a standee?"

"Hey, baby... it's a full-size cardboard photo of Celine Dion... and trust me, Duncan has all the right to be afraid of them... one in specific." Tyler decided to appear near the blonde girl and gave a slight hug, which Lindsay smiled and hugged him back.

"Okay." Lindsay got a good smile, as she felt her strong bodyguard being nearby her to protect her.

That night was indeed something that Ezekiel learned most than everyone around... He learned more about his team, more about his friends... And even more himself... And he couldn't help but be happy with the life he is having right now...

And he feared what Chris was going to do with them in Phobia Factor... God save them all...

Ezekiel closed his eyes, as he wanted to have a very good night of sleep.


"Ezekiel, wake up..." A singing soothing voice called for the boy who was with his eyes closed... "It's time to wake up... I need to talk to you..."

Groaning, the homeschooled boy opened his eyes a little, just to find himself staring at an orange-haired girl in front of him...

Opening his mouth a little, and blinking slowly, Ezekiel then closed his eyes again...just to suddenly his brain process who the person was. And make his entire body wake up.

"IZZY WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" Ezekiel shouted as he tried to cover himself with the blanket of the bed... However at the time he raised the blanket... There wasn't any... And then by looking around... He noticed. "This isn't the Killer Bass cabin."

"That's right." Izzy smiled as she pointed around and Ezekiel discovered that they were inside of a cave.

"Are you out of your mind Izzy? You kidnapped me."Ezekiel said in alarm as he desperately tried to find a camera, knowing that at the time they would be seen like that, Chris and the entire world would...

Until Izzy interrupted his thoughts...

"There isn't any camera around here... You don't have to worry about it." Izzy stated, which made Ezekiel freeze... But in the next second his body relaxed. "It's more like a personal meeting... I committed a terrible mistake."

Ezekiel froze...and then looked at Izzy, as would have been a crazy girl in front of the whole show... But to the fandom of the real world who watched most of the seasons... They knew Izzy wasn't always what she showed...

"How did you find out?" Ezekiel's tone isn't in fear, nor in worry for himself, but in acceptance and concern about what the girl in front of him is going to do next. "What sort of mistake?"

"You know what mistake I made Ezekiel. I kept observing many things." Izzy changed her posture, but a mix of her happy grin and her serious face showed that she wasn't going to play around. "My first hunch was about when you talked to Eva on the first challenge, asking for her to be the last... Then you brought a freaking typewriter in the second challenge... On the third, you seemed to be insistent on bringing the nerd who suddenly became an Over Power player from the camps, like a coach who found a prodigy on the games..."

Izzy little by little brought facts which Ezekiel listened with acceptance...

"And then Owen needed a motivation to vote for someone else... And you were the only one who would have cake in time of need... Heather looks at you wary... And finally, you are the only one who brought a bow into a challenge which would bring us in the middle of the wild..." Izzy explained as she sat nearby Ezekiel, as she looked at him, not in intimidation, but in pure amusement. "You knew the challenges before they even happened."

"Yep," Ezekiel commented, knowing Izzy has been sharp like she always has been on the show...

"Are you from the future?" Izzy asked, which made Ezekiel have his eyes wide open... And that was enough to make Izzy grin in victory. "I KNEW IT. Wow, a time traveler. Can you tell me what is my future? Like after the show?"

Ezekiel looked around. And saw that there was a little fire pit, and the place he was sleeping was a group of leaves...

"Izzy, if I tell you that. I know that it will disappoint you..." Ezekiel sighed, as he could see that Izzy by what all the videos of fan theories had talked about her... Even though he believed that the chaotic girl was one of the best players on the show, he made a lot of mistakes. "Starting from today's challenge you dressed up like a bear, and you made bear noises that would attract the bear into the camp you all are... just for the sake of proving Owen lied... and you had the entire fight skill that would easily kill a bear if you want... but you didn't do it."

Izzy's smile dropped, as she then narrowed her eyes, and before she could even argue Ezekiel raised his hand...

" created a persona for yourself who likes Explosions... But the said person is the one who got you voted out from the show... Trice" Ezekiel noticed that it was time for him to do the same with the force of chaotic nature. And from her eyes widening to him. He got her attention. "You are a girl who is proud of your acting, and you managed BIG, you did 3 or 4 movies before the show aired on season 3... But you got so much stress from work and Hollywood taking so much of you. That you got infamous to make the living of the others a hell... And that made you retire from your acting career..."

Izzy's eyes went wide open and her face paled.

"No..." Izzy whispered as she heard what would be the worst outcome of her dreams crumbling.

"Then your only outcome was you going spying around the other members of the show and selling the info to the news..."Ezekiel commented as he continued and stared at her. "And then the government took you again because of a new operation they wanted your help with, and you still owned money for them... How much money do you owe them?"

Izzy stares away, as she can't help but be ashamed of herself...

"100 thousand dollars," Izzy commented and Ezekiel raised both his arms wide open in disbelief.

"YOU WERE A MOVIE ACTRESS, WHY DIDN'T YOU USE THE MONEY TO PAY THEM?" Ezekiel shouted in disbelief as Izzy herself has no freaking idea.

"I DON'T KNOW, THAT'S FUTURE IZZY'S FAULT," Izzy shouted as she couldn't believe how her future went downhill... She stomped her feet on the floor. "I can't believe it... All my work to fulfill my dream of being famous... Crushed just like that?"

Ezekiel remained quiet, but with a sigh, he nodded his head...

"Yeah, just like had an awesome future Izzy, but you need to find ways to know to have a break to relax yourself. You let your personas get too out of control on the show. And that bites you hard on your ass." Ezekiel replied as he noticed Izzy tried to remain strong but still could hear a sniff from her. "But taking that out, you are a genius player."

"You think so?" Izzy commented as she couldn't help but try to recompose herself.

"You managed to find loopholes inside the contracts to make you always come back to the show. Like the one you are going to put out in a few challenges." Ezekiel gave a reason Izzy started to smile wide like her true self.

"So are they coming?"Izzy commented as she could see the contingency emergency plan in case she desperately needed to remain in the show.

"Yep, in the cursed Skull Island... You used the loophole to escape and come back to the show." Ezekiel affirmed which Izzy laughed as one of her plans worked well..."But remember, while your explosive nature is interesting and awesome...sometimes you need to tune down, or the said explosive nature is what got you eliminated from the show 3 times..."

"Ohhh..." Izzy said as a part of her hated to hear that... The logical and wise part of her, couldn't help but to accept the words of the boy in front of her..."Ezekiel, are you single?"

Those words made Ezekiel look at her in surprise... but then he decided to reply with sincerity.

"I don't know if you are trying to seduce me or manipulate me like you are doing with Owen or being sincere...Because I think you both would be a great couple together." Ezekiel commented, which Izzy shrugged and nodded to him.

"Fair enough, Owen is a sweetheart, and is a good person, but he has many flaws... oh God, how many flaws... But he is a sweet bear, who can keep up with my insanity." Izzy smiled while Ezekiel rolled his eyes.

"Yeah... 'insanity'" Ezekiel made both his hands do quote marks which made Izzy laugh.

"You are really good... but hey Ezekiel... can I ask you something?" Izzy decided to drop her act, but with honesty ask a question that was deep in her mind.

"Sure." Ezekiel sat as he had no idea what time was at that moment.

"Why did you decide to tell me? Because from my perspective you can be using all your knowledge to win the prize of 100 thousand dollars." The chaotic orange-haired girl couldn't help but tilt her head towards the boy.

Ezekiel remained quiet... But then stared around.

"Well, because I think you are the first person who would guess right. And needed an ear to vent about yourself." Ezekiel reflected as he looked at the firepit. The flames around the sticks and the cracks were what he thought it would be relaxing to keep watching. "Not Kaleidoscope, neither Explosivo, and not even Brainzilla. Just you, the one who loves acting, the one to act like a fool just to outsmart the wisest... The one who seemed to be without friends... Like me before starting the show."

Izzy remained quiet... Because she was in shock, and her mouth couldn't even open from what he said.

"I came here to the show because I really need friends... And that's why I treat the Killer Bass like that. Because I never wanted anything bad to happen to them..." Ezekiel commented as he even glanced at Izzy again. And started to stretch himself. "Maybe on the first episode, you were still part of the Killer Bass, even if was for a few hours...I think your true self would have fit much better with us than actually to try alone against the Gophers..."

Izzy remained quiet, processing everything Ezekiel had said...

"So Owen." Izzy decided to ask the final question which Ezekiel already answered her.

"He won... He got in hands the 100 thousand prize... But he decided to bet it to try to reach the big picture...And lost..." Ezekiel commented as he prepared himself to leave...

"What is the big picture?" Izzy asked as Ezekiel gave a final glance to her.

"A prize of 1 million dollars," Ezekiel replied, which Izzy immediately felt her jaw slack...and her entire brain crashed from that info. "If you read the contract the same way I did. If something happens to the final prize... Chris would have a good reason for making us do season 2 of Total Drama."

Izzy remained quiet...but then couldn't help but be grateful... So she then smiled and smirked.

"Thank you for telling me that Ezekiel." Izzy walked nearby to the great player who she could see as a rival and equal... So she decided to reward him. So she came closer to him and started to whisper to him...

Ezekiel's face remained unchanged until his eyes went wide open, and his face started to blush like a tomato... Izzy found a personal victory.

"The way back of the camp is on the left side, turn the fourth tree and go straight, you will find the bathrooms on there. I'm still going to manipulate Owen to make him win the prize money since he is a sweet guy. But I meant what I said, Zeek... And I will let your imagination do the work. Hahahaha."Izzy laughed as she left Ezekiel inside the cave...

And the poor homeschooled boy couldn't help but clutch his legs and cover his face with the hat.

"My initials?" Ezekiel whispered as he couldn't control a good part of his hormones going crazy at that moment... Puberty... Maybe he should have chosen that for the Phobia Factor... "DAMMIT PUBBERTY. I HAVE TO DEAL WITH YOU AGAIN?"

Chapter 10: Phobia Factor

Chapter Text


"Last time in Total Drama Island," Chris smiled as he pointed out the flashbacks of not just the episode prior, but also a few good interesting scenes after the challenge. "The campers had to put their survivor abilities to the trial by fire, by spending the whole night camping in the middle of the forest, the teamwork of the Killer Bass team was enough to make a comfortable night for them, Duncan's mad ghost storytelling skills showed that Ezekiel isn't the only one who can be a storyteller since he freaked out the Killer Bass, haha, Ezekiel has to tell one story that made Duncan cry, I saw that Duncan. HAHAHA. Izzy played a prank on the Gophers by dressing up as a bear, but passing too much time making the real bear showed up and the Gophers spent the night up in a tree, which sucked for them. Cody peed in his pants and then it rained. Who knew tempting fate would cause such a thing? Oh yeah, the Killer Bass. The next morning showed one of the biggest plot twists in the story of Total Drama Island since the real bear attacked the team of Killer Bass, and while it showed an epic showdown between Eva and the bear, in the end, Eva had to save Courtney but got her leg broken because of it. Alright, this summary is getting longer and longer."

Chris complained as he waited a few seconds to show the flashbacks and then went back to narrating.

"Killer Bass had to come up with a decision, and Eva is forced to leave the show to go to the surgery. And to the surprise of everyone, Eva chose Gwen as her substitute. And now the Gophers have fewer members on their team, while the Killer Bass has a new participant to get used to living in the Aquarium. Nice pun haha." Chris enjoyed the script he has done the way to described the summary. "The celebration of the party showed secrets and traumas of the Killer Bass, that even the happiest of them all, could show how it was being in the clutches of the death. Yup, the challenge was rough, all right. And if I have anything to say about it, today's will be even more brutal. I lament… for them. For the sake of everyone watching, this is a trigger warning, so prepare yourself, because I'm so excited about this. What fresh horror have we planned for our campers? Find out next on Total DRAMA ISLAND!"


It was now three days after the last challenge. From the time everyone has told about their fears to each other. And the Killer Bass getting used to their newest member. There was one topic among the group who were eating at the table of Killer Bass. And from the group looked totally in disbelief while Duncan couldn't help but laugh.

"SHE SHAVED YOUR INITIALS IN HER…" Duncan screamed as he was ready to make fun of it.

"I KNOW WHAT I SAID," Ezekiel shouted as his face looked like a tomato, and he even used both his hands to cover his face in embarrassment. And then saw everyone from the Main Lodge staring at him. Even the Gophers. "Err… guys, can we tone down? I don't want to shout about it again. And like I said, it's just a dream."

While there were a lot of conflicting reactions from the Killer Bass…

"Duuuuuude. That's the dream, Zeke." Harold commented as he raised his hand to give a high five, but the homeschooled boy glared at his friend, who noticed that he wasn't comfortable with sharing. So dropped his hand. "But never thought your subconsciousness would see her like that."

"Yeah, but thinking about it, that crazy girl would do it if she liked you," Duncan commented as he stared at Izzy who just shrugged and went back to talk happily with Owen. "But it looks like she had the big fat fish caught. So sorry to tell yah dude."

"That's fine." Ezekiel raised his hand, properly covering the lies of what happened in the cavern where he was captive a few days ago. "It was just a dream. I'm sure that she will be happy with Owen. I mean, he is awesome."

"Why do you say that?" Courtney said as he coughed on her first. "First off, while I find it interesting you boys want to share with us your thoughts since the last men talk you had… there are things that it's TMI."

"What's is that?" Ezekiel asked as he tilted his head…

Courtney was about to facepalm, but then she remembered Ezekiel lived on a farm and composed herself.

"It's the abbreviation of Too Much Information," Courtney explained that the green hat boy opened his eyes and took a way to understand it.

"Ohh, got it." Ezekiel smiled as he raised his thumbs.

Making Courtney to sigh.

Confession – Courtney.

"Alright, sometimes Ezekiel is the smartest and most creative member of our group… But sometimes I had to treat him like a little brother and I had to make some explanations for him to understand the big city… Sometimes the real world isn't about movies or cartoons." Courtney said as she pointed out the camera. "And sometimes I like to act like the big sister role, it makes me correct some bad habits he has, and try to make sure Duncan wouldn't be too bad an influence on him."

"Now, second off…" Courtney said as she tried to make sure her posture was fine and decided to remain polite. "Do those dreams happen very often?"

Ezekiel's eyes went wide open, as it sounded a red flag to him…

"No…? That's the first time…" Ezekiel said slowly, as he heard Courtney groaning, and even the other girls nearby her. While the boys nearby him started to chuckle."What's wrong?"

"You just got caught by a trap," Geoff said as he was giving some space.

Harold gave space, and DJ smiled widely as he wanted to see that, Tyler was looking at Lindsay far away, but with his side glances, he already could guess what was going on.

Duncan was smiling like Ezekiel was screwed with no way to go back.

"What do you mean?" Ezekiel asked, which Courtney and Bridgette sat near him, side by side.

Confession - Bridgette.

"You know? Sometimes Ezekiel is like a little kid, his parents may have explained how life works around the farm, but I don't think they have enough understanding to explain how puberty works. So… me and Courtney gave him the talk.

"Oh no…" Ezekiel faceslamed his face on the table, as the boys were chuckling away. The girls on the Killer Bass tried to be as quiet as possible to not make the other table hear their conversation.

"It's normal to feel this way when you are a nearby a girl you like Zeke," Bridgette commented as she pointed out and gave a slight glance at Izzy. "I mean, she may be a bit chaotic… but I think that's fine, but please don't do anything crazy in the bathroom."

"I'm not hearing that." Ezekiel pulled his hat to cover his ears. And pretended to be sleeping.

"What you got Ezekiel is puberty, which later you will have a change of voice, and maybe need a few more hygienic products. And I'm watching you, Duncan. Don't let him do whatever you guys do when…" Courtney was already snapping on the delinquent but he smirked and raised his hands.

"Alright princess, I think he had enough… Maybe he already knows what puberty is from the cartoon and shows." Duncan chuckled as to see the homeschooled boy dying of embarrassment.

Ezekiel took his hat off and glared at Duncan.

"There will be a character in one of my stories, and he will suffer and be named after you," Ezekiel swore revenge on that, while everyone from Killer Bass was laughing at that talk.

Gwen still was trying to get used to it… it was a totally different vibe being with the Bass than being with the Gophers. And yet she couldn't complain it. It was a bit more peaceful, and she was also smirking at the way she saw Ezekiel embarrassed.

"Now that we talked about puberty, we also have to talk about the other stuff." Courtney took a paper and a pencil which made Ezekiel stare at her in betrayal.

"Starting with the need for the use of condoms," Bridgette commented, as Ezekiel stared at her in horror.

"About the STD which stands for Sexually transmitted diseases." Katie decided to join, just for Ezekiel's dismay, and for the entertainment of the guys. Making Courtney's nod while writing down.

"What to do when you get a girl pregnant." Gwen decided to join the ideas which Ezekiel stared at her in disbelief and in betrayal.

"Et tu Gwen?" Ezekiel said as he couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Alright girls. You know I may not have sisters… but now I can see that you took the whole nagging, embarrassing, and annoying sister's role, really well."

The girls giggled, which made the guys start to laugh. And making Ezekiel stares at the group of boys and girls in anger.

"This will have payback, know this," Ezekiel complained as he felt his body being the most annoying backstabber of his entire life. Second Puberty, a torture that he never thought he would have again. "Can't we just eat?"

The Killer Bass chuckled, while Ezekiel preferred to eat the terrible food instead of dealing with his friends at that moment.

However, a certain host had some drastic changes in plans. A whistle got everyone's attention as they saw Chris come into the mess hall and look at both teams at their tables.

"Campers!" Chris announced with his usual grin on his face. "Your next challenge is a little game I like to call…Phobia Factor! Prepare to face…your worst fears!"

Ezekiel remained quiet because he already could see what was going to happen...

"We're in trouble," Gwen said as she knew this challenge was going to be truly brutal. Ezekiel couldn't help but nod.

"Now for our first victims…Heather!" Chris announced as he took a bunch of cards out of his pocket. "Meet us at the theater!" Heather took a long sip of her coffee as Chris announced what she would be going through. "It's…Sumo time!" At hearing this Heather's eyes shot open as she spat out all her coffee…on Trent.

Beth, Cody, and Lindsay all gasped as Chris made the next announcement right at Gwen and then Ezekiel at the same time. "Gwen, Ezekiel. You, me, the beach. A few tons of sand." Gwen's eyes shot wide open similar to Heather as the goth loudly gasped.

"*BEEEEEEEEEEEEEP.*" Ezekiel shouted as he glared at Chris. "Don't you dare… Don't you *BEEEEEP* DARE."

Chris smirked, as he showed a shovel… And Ezekiel felt like his eyes losing sparkle, and feared the challenge… The Killer Bass couldn't help but glare hatefully at Chris.

"Relax. It's sand, not earth… but it will not be that different." Chris said as the group saw, Ezekiel trembled… but then returned to his seat.

"Wait, how did they know those were your worst fears?" Lindsay asked in a confused tone after Chris listed the fears of not just one, not two, but three of the campers.

"Ugh." Gwen groaned as she laid her head down on the table. Bridgette was quick to sit next to the Goth and rub her back to comfort her. "Because we told them."

Lindsay still didn't quite get it, while Heather was still in shock.

"At the campfire last night." Trent further elaborated on the blond bombshell.

"Wait," Lindsay said as she tried to piece things together in her mind. "They were listening to us?"

"It's a reality show, Einstein." Gwen irritably rolled her eyes. "They're always listening to us."

"But that's like…eavesdropping!" Lindsay gasped out in discomfort that all of their conversations were being listened in on…despite the fact that Chris said they would be monitored 24/7 on day one.

"Chef." Chris didn't care as he looked at the chef and his friend, and called for him. "Didn't you prepare a special meal for Tyler this morning?"

Chef was smiling sadistically as he was using the fryer, and the moment he took off the metal basket… it was a perfectly sculpted fried chicken. Tyler looked at it in horror but decided to have the courage to give it a try.

He cursed himself to share his fear in live television. And hesitantly decided to slowly give a first bite on the head. And with a crunch, he took the head of the fried chicken…

The silence was around the Main Lodge, until from nowhere a living chicken head appeared from the hole of the fried food. And made Tyler shout in terror.

"Alright, campers. Better finish breakfast in the next five minutes." Chris announced to everyone as he held up his wrist and showed off his watch, specifically the time. "Because once that's up, it's time to confront your fears and become better men…or chicken out and give the audience something to laugh at!"

After the time Chris had given anyone, it was time for probably the most intense challenge yet of Total Drama Island. First up was Beth and her fear of being covered in bugs. For this challenge, Chris had set up a medium-sized inflatable pool filled to the brim with worms. Everyone was there to watch and either cringed in disgust, nearly barfed, or in Owen's case, fainted at the sight. DJ vomited behind Geoff feeling disgusted to see it.

But to everyone's surprise Beth stepped up to the pool of worms and simply shrugged at it before diving in. Beth didn't even have an ounce of fear in her eyes when she went it and everyone watched in shock as the braces-wearing girl swam from one end of the worm pool to the other and emerged from it and ended up covered in worms.

"And Beth sets the bar way up there!" Chris commentated as Beth's teammates cheered for her. Even Owen managed to recover and cheer for Beth…only to faint once again a few seconds later. Heather walked nearby Beth as she looked a bit disgusted but couldn't help but ask.

"Beth, what happened? You said you were always afraid of insects, why do you look so in peace with the worms?" Heather asked as she raised her eyebrow.

"That's fine Heather. I'm a farmer, so I always have to deal with the dirt and have to use worms to make the earth well for the plants. When I meant insects I was talking more about cockroaches, beetles, wasps, and even ladybugs. I got really lucky." Beth said proudly as Heather couldn't help but nod her head in satisfaction.

Next up were Katie and Lindsay for the Killer Bass and Screaming Gophers respectively. The two shared a fear of bad haircuts so Chris ordered them to get into the mess hall where Chris had a matching pair of ugly wigs for them. Chris was about to put one on each girl's head…only for Owen to grab one of them and put it on his own head. The big guy then danced around a bit before hitting a wall and falling to the floor, allowing the host to place the ugly wigs on Lindsay and Sadie's heads.

Owen remembered the flashback of him and Izzy saying that they never wanted to fly, and Izzy agreed with him… Just a few days later both of them were treated to an incredibly old and rusty plane that looked like it should never be allowed to be in the air for a second. Its wings were held together by packing tape. Owen and Izzy gasped as the door to the plane opened and revealed Chef to be the flyer, while dressed as a flight attendant.

The two aerophobics very reluctantly stepped into the plane. Chef didn't give the two a chance to back out as he closed and locked up the door and quickly got the shacky plane into the air, treating Owen and Izzy to one of the most terrifying flying experiences ever.

With Harold, the ginger was simply walking into the bathroom with a magazine in hand and was about to head to a stall to do his business. However, Harold soon stopped and carefully looked around as he heard the sound of something opening close by.

Before Harold knew it, ropes were lowered from the ceiling and the ginger witnessed as three ninjas made their way into the room and blocked off Harold's path to the bathroom stall. But similar to Beth when she did her challenge, Harold wasn't even fazed by the ninjas. He tied his pants back showed his nunchucks And decided to remember everything.

"I was bullied by kids dressed as ninjas since I was kid… and no matter how much I trained that time, they always would win… but this time, I have trained so much. That you dare to challenge me today." Harold took out his shirt off. And decided to spin his nunchucks at maximum speed. Faster than he ever did before. He trained every time he could on the Aquarium, and now he was ready. "To win the challenge I must fight my biggest fear… and by meditating since the start of the challenge… my friends need me."

The ninjas stared at him in surprise as he placed the nunchucks around his neck after surprising all of them, and doing a dragon style of kung fu.

"COME ON, COME ON AND GET ME. I DON'T HAVE FEAR ANYMORE." Harold roared as he went to beat the crap out of the ninjas who suddenly became his prey

The loud shouts of pain and sounds of impacts being heard from the outside were enough to make the public watch one ninja without a mask trying to run away by crawling, but the next moment he felt terrified as someone was pulling his leg, and he screamed as he was being dragged back to the bathroom…

Chris looked surprised at seeing Harold with some punch marks on his chest and face, but he seemed well-spirited. At the time Chris went to see what happened in the bathroom, he found a mirror broken, and three ninjas on the floor. Knocked out. And guaranteeing the first point of the Killer Bass.

Next up was yet another Screaming Gopher in Heather. Everyone could be in the stands of the theater where the talent show occurred and watched as Heather was facing her fear. On one end of the stage was a shaking Heather and on the other was a sumo wrestler so she crouched by reflex, while the sumo wrestler didn't know what it hit him, but at the time he went over Heather he stumbled on her, and that made him fall outside of the theater and his body was like a ball that he went bouncing away, which made the Screaming Gophers another point.

Heather sighed in immense relief and fell onto her butt and successfully earned her team a second point.

Meanwhile, the plan Owen and Izzy were in flew above everyone with their screams being heard.

Chris then showed a camera pointing directly at Bridgette who was sitting in a log while feeling alone…

"Bridgette started her 6 hours isolated in the forest, feeling very confident." Chris decided to happily narrate what is happening.

Bridgette looked left and right and tried to remain composed and tranquil.

"I'm not afraid… 6 hours in this place is easy peasy," Bridgette commented as she didn't see any animal approaching her, so she smiled happily since the experience from the last challenge, it usually wouldn't have much difficulty around on the day… but she didn't see the little squirrel approaching her leg near the log. So it decided to greet the human… Surprising Bridgette by kicking the poor animal and launching it in the air.

That squirrel got a dive as Chris was happily burying both Gwen and Ezekiel… And differently from the actual show… Chris went far beyond… A stone resembling a gravestone was placed in front of the hole with a timer on it set to five minutes. He made them both get inside 2 glass coffins, but inside of it, he placed dirt and earth with rocks inside of it… And fulfilled half of the coffin from the inside, to make them both have almost the same experience of Ezekiel telling the story about how he almost died.

Ezekiel and Gwen stared at Chris like he was a demon, and the host of the show didn't even smile, which would be the opposite of what he would do.

"I did half of it because that would make it the challenge more real, don't worry about it. It will not be on your neck, so you still have space to breathe." Chris said as he was giving a bit of mercy towards the duo, but yet both of them stared at him like he was a monster.

The Killer Bass team was looking horrified, as they never thought Chris would be so cruel to do that with both of them… Every single one of them was so worried, that they even went near the coffins. But suddenly near the coffin of the Goth girl, Trent was there first and giving Gwen a walkie-talkie.

Inside the hole was a glass coffin with Gwen lying down inside with a walkie-talkie.

"There's enough air for an hour," Trent told as he was looking down at her and reassured the terrified goth. "You only need to do five minutes."

"As long as we decide to dig you up." Chris joked as he placed more sand on top of Gwen's box.

"Not funny Chris!" Gwen snapped at the host.

"Sheesh." Chris rolled his eyes a bit. "Take a pill."

"I'll be listening the whole time," Trent told Gwen as he held up his walkie talkie which was connected to the one Gwen had. "Just yell for me if you panic and I'll dig you right up."

Heather glared as he walked near the guitarist.

"Hey, what are you doing by helping the fish head?" Heather commented as she glared down at the goth who was too terrified to even say something.

"Yeah, I have to agree with Heather. What are you doing near our teammate?" Courtney asked as she was staring at the boy using a walkie-talkie. "Well at least you brought contact, have one to spare for us and Ezekiel?"

Trent looked at the group, as he then smiled sheepishly. This made Courtney's eyes twitch and the Killer Bass group started to get mad and wanted to demand the walkie-talkie.

"GUYS." Ezekiel finally shouted from the coffin he was in, which made everyone stare at him. "I'm fine, I'm going to be fine. This is my personal hell… I need to do it… so do me a favor… everyone who finishes the challenge, come and get us okay?"

"Don't worry dude, I'm going to stay here. I will take you both after the 5 minutes." Trent reassured the homeschooled boy, but he already saw the future.

"Everyone who finishes the challenge, come and get us RIGHT?"

"RIGHT." The Killer Bass answered their teammate, while Trent was shocked at being ignored…

"Don't worry about them. They just trust their teammates. So they will come to be sure we are okay. But stay here okay?" Gwen asked and Trent smiled and gave his word. Gwen finally sighed and said grimly "Goodbye cruel world…"

Ezekiel stared at his friends, as Chris decided to bury the homeschooled boy. He was in silence, but he could see the worry on his friend's face… and he couldn't help but also feel terrified… But he went there… was buried, without saying a word.

A few minutes passed and in the theater, it was DJ's turn to face his fear. Once again everyone was gathered up at the theater with DJ on stage. In front of him was a table that had a little terrarium on it that contained a snake that was only a few inches long. DJ was shaking a bit as Duncan clapped and encouraged him.

"Hey, you can do this, buddy!" The delinquent cheered the gentle giant on.

DJ continued to stare down at the tiny snake which was actually smiling at him. Both were completely still until…the snake blinked. "Ahh!" DJ squeaked in fright as he backed away. "It blinked!"

"It means she likes you!" Katie reassured DJ.

"It's the smallest snake ever, DJ!" Courtney called him, "Don't worry you can do this. This isn't the same one who was on the tree…"

"Yeah, but it's slimy and scaly! Slithery!" DJ listed all the reasons why he hates snakes.

"It's is not venomous, calm down, and remember Courage," Courtney told DJ in a still stern but a little bit more of a soft tone. "And you need to conquer your fears at some point. If you can't do it for your team then at least do it for yourself."

DJ took in Courtney's words. She was right. He couldn't live with this fear forever. And from all the stories he heard from the little beagle, fighting a curse of an old pharaoh, fighting a man depressive to the point to try to make everyone depressed, to the point to even fight a demon inside of a mattress… Courage was so cowardly, and yet an inspiration to always be followed.

"The things I do for love," DJ commented as he then looked away from the snake. And taking all the air out of his entire lungs. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH."

He released the most terrifying scream he could give, which made everyone watch it in disbelief. So taking all the courage he had within him, DJ closed his eyes and slowly put his finger inside the cage. After a second or two, he felt the snake slither onto him, and…it wasn't that bad. Opening his eyes, he brought the snake closer to him and couldn't help but admit it was a little cute.

Everyone cheered as DJ earned another point for their team Courtney crossed her arms and nodded her head, proud of one of the achievements, until a thought appeared on her mind.

"DJ, you did it. Now go back to the beach, NOW." The C.I.T. girl commanded as the whole group of Killer Bass noticed what she meant by that.

"GOT IT." DJ jumped from the stage and quickly went after the buried glass coffins. And he hoped that the Screaming Gopher had accomplished his word.

(12 minutes ago Gwen)

Back on the beach, Gwen was still buried under the sand with three minutes left on the timer and Trent lying down right next to the fake grave with his walkie-talkie.

"You still alive in there?" Trent spoke into the walkie-talkie. "Only three more minutes."

"And then you'll dig me up, right?" Gwen quickly asked, her tone frightened and showing how freaked out she was.

"I promise," Trent reassured the goth in a calm tone.

"I need some kind of distraction!" Gwen told Trent while taking deep breaths. "Tell me a story! Um, why do you hate mimes so much?"

Trent sighed but decided to explain. If it would help calm Gwen down, then he would do it 100 times if needed. "My mom took me to this carnival once when I was four." Trent began telling the story. "So I could see the elephants. I was stoked!"

"Yeah?!" Gwen fearfully let out as all she could see from her point of view was the sand she was buried in. She really needed this distraction.

"I was so busy watching them that I lost her for a minute." Trent continued. "I called out, but when I turned, all I could see was the horrible white face with black lips pretending to be me! I screamed and tried to run, but every time I turned around, he was there, doing this creepy fake run-and-scream routine!" Just then Trent felt someone poke his shoulder. Looking back, and doing a classic invisible box routine, Trent came face to face with his worst fear…a mime.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!" Trent screamed, dropping his walkie-talkie, and quickly started running away with the mime quickly chasing after him.

"Trent?" Gwen asked as she didn't hear the voice of the guitarist anymore… And the feeling of the earth around her body really freaked out… "TRENT, WHERE ARE YOU?"

Her body felt like she was frozen, and then she tried to maintain her calm… taking the maximum deep breaths that she could feel… She remembered how Ezekiel felt in his story, and the situation she was in was easier than the version Ezekiel was in… but still, the feeling of the mud and dirt touching her skin, really made her mind gets in panic… she prayed for someone to come after her… and quickly.

Trent ran but was being followed by the mime as well they both passed by Chris and the other teams, being far away from the beach and in the wild. The host called Trent with a megaphone.

"Come on Trent, you just need to talk to him, he came here just for you," Chris told Trent as the guitarist and mime passed by him again. And Trent ignored him and ran away from everyone followed by the mime. "Cody, now it's your time to shine."

Cody stared at Chris in surprise. At that time, Cody remembered how he said that he feared disarming a bomb by pressure, and Ezekiel joked about Chef being the one giving instructions, which made Cody freak out.

The next moment, many trash cans were tied together as it resembled a time bomb of nastiness… prepared to be disarmed in front of him. The countdown of the beeps already made the geek start to freak out. And he was looking in fear about what he should do.

"That's right Cody, this trash bomb is going to detonate in exactly 10 minutes. All you need to know is how to disarm it, it's right in this instruction manual." Chris smiled as he gave a blue paper to Cody who was terrified to see the host. "WHAT? ARE YOU KIDDING? I cannot do this."

"Then, it's better to find a place to hide… But also, here is also a little surprise for you." Chris smiled evily as he pulled a headset which made Cody looks at him confused. "Try this one. You are going to love it."

Cody hesitantly followed the idea, until he placed it on his ear.

"Bzzz… HELLO MAGGOT." The irate Chef Hatchet's voice shouted as made Cody jump from his place. "You better read the instructions really carefully, or I'M LITERALLY GOING DOWN AND BEAT YOUR ASS, AND MAKE YOU CRY FOR YOUR MOMMA."

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH." Cody shouted as Chris happily decided to walk away. "Wait, are you not going to wait to see it?"

"Me? Oh heck no." Chris said as he waved at the geekester. And pointed at the bombs nearby him. "That's a real bomb dude."

And with that, he ran away… Leaving Cody with a time bomb, and an irate Chef shouting at him.


"Okay," Cody said as he was trembling in his place.

"IT'S YES CHEF SIR," Chef shouted angrily which made Cody quickly correct himself.

"YES, CHEF SIR," Cody shouted in fear, while he looked at the time bomb like a nightmare in his life.

Trent tried to hide himself, but suddenly the mime pulled himself up, making him jump away and start running again. Desperately he tried to run away, but he was still being followed by him. And at the time both of them stopped. Trent saw the mime doing the classic invisible wall.

"THERE IS NO WALL ON THERE YOU MADMAN. STOP BEING CREEPY." Trent shouted in panic, but nothing he said was enough to make the mime stop. So in time of panic… Trent looked at the dooks and decided to use the only way to survive… the water. At the time he was followed again in the docks, Trent jumped without thinking twice. And looking at the mime who stopped in his place. Trent smiled victorious. "OHOOOOOO, HAHAHAHA, WHAT IS THE PROBLEM MIME, DON'T YOU KNOW HOW TO SWIM?"

Trent smiled happily until he saw the mime taking a deep breath and preparing himself to jump in the water.

"NO, NO, NO, STOP… Err… Your makeup is going to get destroyed." Trent pointed out, which made the Mime stop and rethink about what he should do… Nodding as understanding, the mime walked away in defeat. "YEAH, YOU LOSE. PALLED FACE, SUCKER."

Trent managed to get another point for his team. And Chris enjoyed the show as he started clapping for Trent's personal victory.

"I liked what I saw Trent." Chris happily said as he saw the mime passing by him, which made him freeze and shrove from the freaky guy passing him. But then he took a remote control and decided to have another personal satisfaction to see the others suffer. "But unfortunately, things aren't going to be that simple for our comrade Geoff."

Geoff seeing that his team was finally doing well themselves, decided to take a little time to rest a bit on the beach chair and close his eyes to maybe have a nap… Thinking there was no way of Chris bringing a hailstorm at him, it was piratically impossible.

Little did he know, that there was a remote cloud being controlled by Chris… At the time he was taking a sunbath, suddenly saw a cloud covering the son which woke him up in surprise. And then from that little cloud, little pieces of ice started raining down on him.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, OUCH, OUCH, AHHHHHHHHH" Geoff decided to run away, trying to find something to protect him from the hail. But everywhere he went, Chris controlled the cloud to go after him.

At the time he passed the Screaming Gophers, Lindsay was happy to see something so cute happening in front of her, so she pointed at the little cloud.

"Look that little cloud, it's following him, awww." She gushed to see something so cute happening from the suffering of the others. "Like a cloud pet, I WANT ONE TOO, COME HERE LITTLE CLOUDY."

At the tombstones of sand… 12 minutes already passed, until DJ took a shovel and quickly went straight to one of them. And neither of them were with holes.

"WHERE TRENT GO? WHY DIDN'T HE DIG THEM AWAY?" DJ shouted in panic, as he went directly from Gwen's buried side. ignored the walkie-talkie and started to dig. "GWEN, ZEKE, WAIT A BIT, I'M TAKING YOU BOTH OUT."

DJ gritted his teeth as he saw his friend Geoff passing by him, and with focus on his mind and with all the strength of his arms, he managed to dig enough to surprise Gwen who stared at him.

"DJ? Where is Trent?" Gwen asked as she was trembling in fear, and was both in anger and relief. Not knowing how to feel at that moment.

"I have no idea, I came here as soon I finished the challenge, and when I found you both still buried, I went the fast as possible, now let's dig Zeke, he is still there," DJ said in panic as he gave the shovel to the goth, and he started to take the sand with his own hands.

Gwen noticed the panic in his eyes, and she also felt the same concern, since that challenge was almost like the remake of the way he almost died.

"ZEKE. WE ARE HERE, WAIT FOR A LITTLE BIT." DJ shouted as he started digging in despair. Gwen followed by using all the strength of her arms to take the sand until the glass box was there… And for their horrors. The glass was scratched from the inside, and some cracks were in one of the parts of the said place…

And by opening the glass coffin… both saw the look of horror… Ezekiel's eyes lost the sparkle, his body trembled like was cold… and from the time both touched his hands… there were even some marks of cuts on his fingers… Relieving a trauma like that was something Gwen never thought would come up on that stage…

"Aq... ..aqua…"Ezekiel stuttered as both of them looked at his face… someone who always was cheerful and happy… was looking as if he was on the verge of dying in shock…

"What is it, Zeke? Talk to me, man." DJ hugged the poor boy who returned the hug, as he dropped some tears on his face.

"Aquarium, take me to the aquarium…" Ezekiel finally got his voice back, and immediately said what he wanted, he wanted to be away… from everything, he needed to be on their secret base.

"I'm going to take Zeke to the Aquarium and go with the others. And find out WHERE THE *BEEP* HAS BEEN THAT *BEEP*" DJ shouted angrily, which made Gwen nod her head and look with shadows in her face.

Confession – DJ

"Momma taught me to never swear… to never be cruel, but Trent made Ezekiel revive his worst day and made Gwen scared on that coffin for 12 minutes…" DJ said as he narrowed his eyes. "He is going to get pranked so hard when the Killer Bass knows what he did… Ezekiel and Duncan were right, taking out Gwen, never trust a Gopher."

"Ezekiel wait for a bit. We are almost there." DJ said as he carried Ezekiel trembling on his back. The homeschooled boy tried to regain compose, but it was failing miserably.

It didn't take long until the caves of the Aquarium were reached, and the giant Jamaican was able to let the little boy sit on the floor of the cave, near the hot tub, which at the moment DJ could see, Ezekiel wasn't fine, he was far away from fine.

"Zeke, I'm here. You are not alone." DJ said, as Ezekiel remained quiet and was staring at nothing… as if nobody was there.

(Coffin -Ezekiel 15 minutes ago.)

The moment he was inside of the coffin he felt that he was in hell… since the feeling of earth managing to touch his skin again, and from the vision being blocked with the darkness around his eyes. The silence of nobody could hear him… It was a feeling that nobody would ever imagine.

Ezekiel tried his best to relax his body, by closing his eyes, and trying to focus on his breath… But at the time he closed his eyes… It felt like he heard the sound of the train derailing and the sound of the landslide appearing again. The moment he opened his eyes, he was once again looking at the destroyed train, with his eyes covered with both earth and snow.

"AH AHHHHHHHHH." This time Ezekiel screamed as he tried to move away the dirt and the snow around his face… but somehow at the time he moved himself, the landslide once again fell over him, and this time he felt like he was trapped in that hole once again, playing Hide and Seek.

But he tried to move his body once again, using everything on his body to try to breathe.

"I WANT TO LIVE, I WANT TO LIVE. NOT LIKE THIS. PLEASE GOD NOT LIKE THIS." Ezekiel screamed, as he desperately fought against the earth, as the voices around his head, shouting for his name, sometimes were from his parents… from his past parents, from his new parents… from DJ, from the Killer Bass… "I WANT TO LIVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE."

Ezekiel felt his fingers bleed from how much he scratched and wanted to get out… But still, his eyes were losing the spark… his body was getting tired, and his breath was getting heavier and heavier…

It was supposed to be 5 minutes… But it looked like it had been hours…

"ZEEK, WAKE UP." Then suddenly a shout was enough to make him open his eyes, completely tired… and looking in front of him, there was the duo looking at him horrified…


DJ looked horrified as he saw his friend closing his eyes… But in the next moment, he started to hear the sounds of a person crying… like a child who just got hurt really bad.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." Ezekiel screamed with all his longs, as he felt his nightmare became real, and he was once again in the verges of death, but suddenly felt something different…

DJ was hugging him… hugging him with all his heart… And trying to not cry at that moment… Because Ezekiel was already crying… from all the fear, pain, and being alone… But this time he wasn't… his friends were there for him.

"Thanks…" Ezekiel mumbled as he felt a bit of sparkle return from his own eyes…

DJ remained quiet. Because there wasn't a word he could say to make few better for him… that man had to deal with his trauma again, what he could say about it? He just needs to be there for him… that would be enough.

Duncan remembered the time he told the story as he was a kid, and it led to a moment when everyone from the Kille Bass was concerned but still hoping for Duncan to go against his personal trauma. For the first time, as looked right in front of him and saw that a few 2 yards away…was a cardboard cutout of Celine Dion, but for fear of Duncan, the full-size picture of the singer… was covered with fake blood. Which made Duncan start to grind his teeth…

Duncan was frozen in place as Courtney spoke up.

"It's fake blood, it's not real Duncan, and she pretty. She's nice." Courtney reassured the delinquent in a gentle tone.

"Just one hug and you're done," Chris said with the snap of his fingers. He pointed at the version of the horrific Halloween bloody singer. "Does the delinquent have enough courage to return to the crime scene with a standee following him?"

"SHUT UP," Duncan said as he felt like he was staring at his nightmare… "T-That looks really…real, man."

Duncan spoke to Courtney with a fearful tone.

"Hey." Courtney put a reassuring hand on Duncan's shoulder. "It's okay if you can't do it. It's your trauma… your personal hell."

Duncan took a deep breath as he looked between Courtney and the standee of Celine Dion. Letting out a deep sigh, Duncan saw a version of himself, reviving the same childhood, in the music store… seing the same standee with only blood covering her body…It has been one of the most traumatic days he ever had… until he remembered what his uncle told him at the time he went back home.

"There are times like this that would shake even the most courageous of us… You should be glad to be afraid of that… that means you know when would be a line too far for what humanity should go… the biggest worry for a man like me would be the day that you wouldn't be afraid or sick of something like that… Sometimes being afraid is what makes us alive… but, having courage to challenge the fear and outcome it by creating the Courage, would makes feel rebels against our fear…" The detective told the little boy who was still using his little jacket with a dog stamp on his back… the little boy who liked to see delinquents around, and found his uncle wearing a skull tattoo around his arm… "I know that in the future you will go rebel against everyone, you took it from my side of the family… just remember that in times of need, you have to rebel against your own fear."

Duncan opened his eyes… and looked at the same monster who had been making him feel panic since childhood, he took a deep breath and looked at Courtney…

"All right…I'll try." Courtney cheered Duncan on as the delinquent took a deep breath… ran full speed towards the cutout and proceeded to pick it up and hug it. Still bothered by the slimy fake blood, but his team cheered as Duncan earned the Bass their fourth point.

Courtney suddenly ran up to Duncan and enveloped him in a hug.

"Duncan! You're awesome!" Courtney cheered for him as Duncan wrapped a single arm around her.

"Ha! I did it!" Duncan said with a smile, now feeling like a new man. The one who conquered his demons.

Courtney then leaned in closer to Duncan…but then realized what she was doing and quickly separated from him as the rest of the team came up to Duncan and cheered for him. Everyone was enjoying themselves happily until they suddenly saw someone approaching them… it was Gwen who was covered in dirt, and her eyes looked way tired, and really angry with something.

"What happened Gwen?" Courtney asked in worry, as the whole team looked at her who hugged herself.

"DJ took us from the coffins… but it's Ezekiel… he's not fine. He is the opposite of fine." At the time Gwen said those words… the whole group stared at her horrified. And before they would say something. "He is in the Aquarium, DJ is taking care of him."

"We gotta go," Tyler said loudly, as he was about to run away, but Duncan and Harold took him by both his arms.

"You stay here. You guys need to finish your part of the challenge." Duncan said as he strongly advised to not go against the challenges. "We already sacrificed too much, you guys need to finish the challenge. But what about the guitar boy? Didn't he take you both out?"

"No, Trent wasn't around. And I have no idea where he is…" Gwen said as she looked defeated… and for the first time, she felt pressure, because everyone in that circle, looked murderous…

Duncan didn't say a word, but he quickly went directly to the Aquarium, Harold went after him to try to reach his friend and see if the group of boys could work together to make the little Ezekiel back as he was before.

At the beach, Trent smiled as Chris was using the remote control to make the hail cloud keep firing hail around the cowboy hat Killer Bass, and he couldn't help but be interested in how that would go. So he gave a few ideas.

"Can you make the cloud go lower and fire with more power?" Trent asked as he was enjoying seeing the team rival member getting a personal hell just like he did with the mime.

And Chris was enjoying playing with the cloud, by sitting in a chair and enjoying the suffering of the others, but even himself couldn't help but to confess.

"You are a cruel man. Huh? But… I can." Chris accepted his suggestion, which made the cloud go in Geoff's face and his entire body was attacked with the hail, shouting in despair and pain.

"AWESOME, THAT'S SO COOL." Trent felt happy as he enjoyed how some challenges were creative when it came to dealing with the sake of entertainment. But suddenly he felt something crossing over his mind, like the feeling he had forgotten about it. "Yo, ever had that feeling that you were forgetting about something?"

"Sometimes," Chris commented as he was still distracted by the cloud, and how Geoff was going to lose his points if he wasn't able to find protection in the next 2 minutes. "I usually ignore it, and that feeling goes away. Hehehe. Check this out, I'm going to bury him with hail."

"Bury?" That was a keyword that clicked Trent's mind until he remembered that he was supposed to dig out both Killer Bass members a few minutes ago. "OH NO, GWEN."

Chris saw Trent leaving that place to go after the goth girl and the homeschooled boy who were probably in a panic since he wasn't there.

Inside the forest, Bridgette was alone, as she tried to focus on the beauty of nature.

"Okay, okay, okay. Bridgette, you can do it. Just more…" Bridgette had to take a look at her watch to make sure that she would be fine. "4 hours and 15 minutes."

She was feeling confident in herself, but she saw a crow trying to catch her attention.

"Oh no way. Don't even start it. I'm not going to get scared of that, I know it's part of the production…" Bridgette tried to argue with the animal until suddenly…


The loud explosion was enough to make Bridgette jump in her place.

Trent and Chris were already on the graves were placed.. and to his surprise both places were dug, so that meant Gwen was safe… so they were the ones who took her out, maybe in time.

"What was that?" Trent asked Chris, who seemed to be smiling like a man who won in the lottery.

"I'm going to guess, but it seems, Cody just blew himself up." Chris stared in the direction of the sound.

And in the middle of the forest, there was what remained of Cody, totally covered in trash, and even a watermelon above his head.

"YOU USELESS MAGGOT, I TOLD YOU TO CUT THE BLUE WIRE, AND NOT THE YELLOW WIRE," Chef shouted from the headset, which Cody felt his entire body start to walk around to try to reach help for himself.

"Ughhhhhh. Someone there? Help. Anybody?" Cody called for help, but nobody was there… just Chef who was getting annoyed.

"YOU USELESS PUNK, STOP BEING A SCARY CAT AND LAY DOWN AND REST," the Chef shouted as Cody felt his entire body get heavier, and with that got knocked out from the pain.

"Useless kid," Chef said, as he looked at both Izzy who tried to look scared, and Owen was completely terrified from flying and having the worst experience of his life. "We are almost there, need to practice my landing."

"OH NO," Owen shouted in fear. While Izzy tried to look terrified as well.

Trent and Chris were looking around as they wanted to see if Geoff was able to finish his task, but after still being followed by the cloud, and not even going at the water like Trent did to save himself… Geoff was declared a loser on that point…

But at the time was over and the cloud finally diminished… When Geoff got out from the painful hail, having even some red marks around his body…he glared at both of them.

Trent and Chris gave a smile when suddenly Trent looked around and saw Duncan going in one direction, and being followed by Harold, both with a thunderous look on their faces.

"Oh hey, boys. Thanks for..."Trent didn't even have time to finish because Duncan who was covered in fake blood gave a punch to the gut of the guitarist which made him go to his knees.

"Don't… us…" Duncan said firmly, as Harold also wanted to beat the guitarist, but decided to go faster.

"Let it go, Duncan, Gophers don't deserve our time," Harold said as he looked at the hurt cowboy. "Geoff, Gwen said Zeke is feeling terrible, probably PTSD, let's go."

Those words made Geoff stare at his friends in worry, and quickly with a nod, he decided to run with them, without being able to glare at the duo of demons of the host and the boy who watched it for his pleasure.

"Ughh…" Trent was still feeling the punch in his gut.

"Ouch, I'm so glad that wasn't me," Chris said as he was smiling happily to avoid being hurt on live television. This scene would be really valued in the summary of the next challenge.

After that, the sound of a plane was heard and Chris watched as the plane Owen and Izzy were on landed with the two mentioned campers quickly jumping out and kissing the ground. Earning two points for the Screaming Gophers.

Now the score was 5 for the Screaming Gophers. 5 For the Killer Bass.

Confession – Bridgette.

"The truth is… I want to thank the production for forcing me to fight against my fear… I'm proud of myself." Bridgette smiled at herself after finishing her challenge. "Now I have fear of nothing."

After finishing the 6 hours. Bridgette couldn't help but jump on her place, happy to don't have to deal with such a tragedy as one of her coworkers at the ONG had to deal with in the past, and she now felt happy to win one irrational fear she had before.

At the time she went back to the Killer Bass, every single one of them looked with seriousness.

"Guys? What happened? Gwen? Are you okay?" Bridgette asked as she suddenly saw the gothic girl still trying to remain strong, but was still having difficulty.

"I'm fine, but we were supposed to be inside of the coffins for 5 minutes… we just got dug 7 minutes later. It was 12 minutes of torture." Gwen commented as she tried to compose herself. "I'm fine… but Ezekiel, he's not."

Bridgette's eyes went wide open, as she was about to say something, but Courtney interrupted her.

"The boys are with him right now. We just need moral support to win this challenge, then we are free to go." Courtney commented as she used her neck to make Bridgette follow her… "Trent disappeared, he was the one who was supposed to take them out… but it seems my instincts were correct by calling DJ to take them both out…"

Bridgette's eyes looked at Gwen, as she tried to be alone for a while, and narrowing her eyes… she noticed that everyone from her team was bloodthirsty… they knew Trent messed up badly, but how much, they didn't have any idea...

And with that, Katie and Lindsay met up in the washrooms…

Both girls stared at their reflection as Lindsay felt so happy.

"We did it," Lindsay said as she raised her arms in victory, and Katie felt so happy that she was also freed from that curse. "We passed the entire day like that. Are you ready?"

Katie smiled happily as both of them managed to get rid of their terrible wigs.

"1,2 AND 3" Both girls took off their wigs and stared at each other.

"Ahhhhh… I forgot how you are beautiful." Lindsay commented as Katie also felt emotional from seeing the beautiful blonde hair of Lindsay.

"Wow?" Katie commented happily as she also gushed for her. "You too."

"Help…" Then it was a familiar voice, which made Katie stare outside of the washroom… and see the terrible victim of the trash-bomb which made her terrified.

"CODY." Katie quickly went to help the poor boy, who was still with all the trash around his body and smelling badly. "Ewww, don't worry. We need to take you to have a bath… Let's go."

"katie…" Cody said still stunned from the impact of the bomb. But somehow he felt relieved, to finally have help.

The Killer Bass boys went directly to the Aquarium, just to find DJ sitting and watching Ezekiel who was without a shirt, and without shoes, but already sitting and trying to recover himself on the hot tube. The boy felt like he was sleeping through the massage bubbles.

"DJ, how is he" Harold called as the giant Jamaican stared at the group In surprise.

"You guys made it… I hope the challenge wasn't as terrible as it happened to Zeke… Dude, the glass coffin… this challenge was messed up." DJ said as he decided to give them a summary of what happened.

Word by word, the boys looked angrier every second while listening to how the situation was for both Gwen and especially Ezekiel.

"Trent is dead…" Duncan commented as he looked with skull shapes in his eyes…

"Duncan, it's not worth it," Harold said firmly, and the group stared at the nerd in surprise. "That's why Courtney commanded DJ to find them both and dig them out… I wasn't there so I didn't know where they were… If I knew about them being buried I would have come the sooner I got out of the challenge."

"Well, at least if everyone does their part right, we just need 7 points to tie with them. We have more members so that would be easier for us to win…" Duncan commented as he was sure that his team would win.

"I wouldn't say that." Harold decided to comment which made the group stare at him. "If we tie we lose."

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT?" Courtney shouted angrily as the group was there to see Tyler was feeling confident with himself, and Chris seemed to still be smirking his usual smile.

"That's because to be a fair game, we used the percentage system. This means that while 7/8 members of the Screaming Gophers managed to win against their fears. Which made 87 percent of the points… the Killer Bass with 6 of their 9 members managed to pass, while Geoff suffered a defeat in his challenge. Which is 67% of your victories… Which means, one more mistake, and your team loses." Chris explained as most team of Screaming Gophers seemed to be in cheerful mode.

Trent tried to smile at Gwen, but then saw the hatred look from all members of Killer Bass as he flinched himself…

Heather noticed that…

Confession – Heather.

"Lindsay told me what happened after this sicko challenge, Trent to betray the goth girl and the little boy like that? I have to say, I'm surprised… Never knew what it had in him." Heather smiled evilly, as she could imagine how betrayed the goth girl was… and maybe the boy who she owns a favor, she could use that favor to vote him out and be free from her debt…

"Now Tyler, all you have to do… it's to stay inside of this place… with this little chicken right here." At the time Chris opened the box and showed the chicken with her little chicks… Tyler felt himself palled…

"You can do it Tyler." Bridgette tried to cheer the jock up. And from looking at the chicken she was still with her head intact. "She isn't with her broken neck. You got this."

"Yeah, because the producers said it would be too much for the kids and for the PETA to show a scene of animal cruelty. So we decided to not do it…" Chris said as he kicked the floor in disappointment. But seeing Tyler in the fetal position "Anyway, you are not helping your situation like that."

"Tyler, you can do this. You just need to make sure to pass 3 minutes… Everyone had to suffer from their fears, so you are not alone in that…" Courtney commented, and Chris smiled at her.

"Oh, that's good for you to think like that…" Chris smiled as he saw Chef Hatchet finally bringing a plate which Courtney suddenly realized one thing…

"Oh no…" Courtney saw it… from under the tray, Chef and Chris revealing 5 little plates of green jello staring directly at her.

"It was difficult to get in contact with your parents… But they managed to tell us the special recipe of your grandmother Lemonade Mellon Jello. And I have to say, it's fantastic… really worthy to die for." Chris joked, but then he saw everyone from the team glaring at him. "Okay, okay, sheesh. Tough crowd."

"I can't believe it my parents gave the recipe to you," Courtney said annoyed, and she looked fearfully at the little plates of the gelatinous treat.

"Oh yeah… all you had to do, is eat 3 of them in 1 minute… They are small so you can do it easily." Chris commented simply… But Courtney felt like the whole weight of the past was staring at her…

Tyler looked from his fetal position… seeing Courtney staring at the dessert in fear… her sweat appearing on her face, and her entire body trembling… Tyler stared at the chicken, the demonic animal with feathers… and then saw Courtney slowly trying to reach the spoon… And even as the jock as he is… he knew that he couldn't make it… But from seeing Duncan, and hearing about Ezekiel… and now seeing Courtney… they have traumas… they have demons that nobody should make fun of… and the aftermatch could be disastrous for any of them…

Tyler closed his eyes… and then made his decision.

"CONDORRRRRRRRRR." Tyler shouted with all his lungs. This made Courtney stop, and the Killer Bass in the area stop… and turn their heads towards Tyler who just shouted the forbidden word… The Screaming Gophers stared at him confused, but from the look of the Killer Bass team, something big just happened.

"Tyler…" Courtney said horrified, while the jock jumped away from the chicken and looked at Chris… Katie, Bridgette, and even Gwen gasped at seeing Tyler saying a word that nobody thought was needed.

"We were going to lose anyway, there was no way I was going to deal with a chicken. But you already have the trauma of being choked from that, you don't need to worry about it. If we are going to lose, it must be by me and not by pressuring you." Tyler commented as he remained strong and smiled at himself.

Courtney felt her lips tremble, and a little tear coming from her mind.

"Thank you." Courtney hugged the jock who smiled proud of himself. She was thankful for the decision a friend of hers did it. And then staring at Chris Courtney cleaned the tear, and proudly said. "Alright Chris, we give up. The Screaming Gophers can win this challenge."

Chris was surprised to see such a decision, but then sighing he turned his smile up.

"The Gophers win invincibility this week. Their losing strike finally coming to an end." Chris commented that he was happy to see a big entertainment end like that. "It seems that some challenges couldn't end with a big climax, but that's okay. Now, as commanded by the production, no animal was cruelly murdered in this episode, the trigger warnings towards this show include gore and even self-depression inside of a confinement. All the campers have signed the contract allowing them to participate in any kind of challenge. So here you have our disclaimer."

Chris quickly read the paper to make sure he wouldn't get sued from the episode alone.

Trent went to try to see Gwen. But the glares he was receiving from anyone made him step back. Lindsay went to go after Tyler… which made Katie look sadly at her… The Killer Bass stared at the jock who seemed to be proud, and yet sad to now have come to that decision.

"Hey Tyler," Lindsay said as she was happy to win the challenge… But then she saw the sad look on his face. "What happened?"

"Tyler, you have until tonight… please, enjoy it," Courtney said as she was still holding a plate of jello and a spoon… She turned her back and walked directly towards their secret base.

Tyler sighed… and hugged the blonde girl.

"Babe… there is a thing I have to tell you," Tyler commented… as he knew it would be difficult to say to her… but the truth would hurt… since he said the word that he would make himself eliminated.


At the time the group walked inside the Aquarium, they found the boys watching Ezekiel sleeping on the hot tube…

"What happened?" Duncan asked as he saw Courtney with a sad face… "Did we lose?"

The group nodded their heads, and Duncan got a bit annoyed.

"Tyler said Condor," Courtney commented which made the delinquent narrow his eyes… "Because he didn't want me to rush myself to go after my trauma… it was to eat 3 green jellos in 1 minute… And he was already nearby a chicken…"

Duncan had his eyes opened in surprise… and seeing Courtney still trembling with the plate and spoon in her hands…

"Like the one you are holding right now?" Duncan asked, surprising Courtney who just noticed the food in her hands…

"Oh… I didn't notice them until now…" Courtney commented as she saw Duncan trying to reach them. "No...please… Now… I want to do it, but… can you guys wait for me?"

The Killer Bass remained quiet, but with their heads, they nodded at the girl who seemed to be taking her time… to raise the spoon and in a few minutes… Courtney got the courage to take the first bite.

Courtney doesn't even remember which day of the year was the time she heard the news about her granny's accident… she just remembered how old she was… But after so many years… tasting the recipe of her grandmother again… made her tear up…

"My favorite," Courtney commented as she took another bite, but still as slowly as ever. And the team smiled at the little personal victory of the C.I.T girl.

Slowly they are still surpassing their fears.

Didn't they know… But Ezekiel opened a bit of his own eyes, and seeing his friend defeating her own trauma… he couldn't help but smile proudly at her… and then go to sleep once again.


It was time for yet another dramatic bonfire ceremony. Once again, it was time for the Killer Bass to send one of their own home. However everyone from the Killer Bass made a unanimous decision, Tyler was there without fear, without nervousness… the same could be said by Geoff who was looking sad at his friend… The whole Killer Bass was in a somber mood, but the jock was there standing proud of his choice.

"There is only one marshmallow left on this plate," Chris said with the two remaining campers looking unphased at the host of the show. Which made him roll his eyes. "Oh come on, couldn't you guys at least pretend that this isn't a unanimous vote?"

"Sorry Chris, man, but we had the entire day being a hell for all of us. Can you just give me the marshmallow so we say goodbye to our friend? Please?" Geoff asked, as he usually would have been more sportive about it… But since he got hail from many places, even on his head… He wasn't in the mood to play games…

"Okay, spoilsport… Geoff." Chris commented as he launched the marshmallow to the cowboy hat boy.

"You will get that chicken on the next time," Duncan commented as he was clear that his friend did that by both wanting to save the C.I.T. girl and he wanted to avoid the fear he has. "And nobody would have the courage of what you did. You are awesome dude."

"Thanks," Tyler commented as he felt terrible to leave the island like that. So he gave a final hug to every single member of his team, and got the boat of the losers…

The group stared in sadness as the boat got a few meters away until they started hearing Tyler's shouts of fear coming from the boat.

"Just because you quit, doesn't mean you aren't going to fight your own fear Tyler," Chris commented as he stared at Courtney. "You did a great job finally defeating your fear, Courtney. You would still lose, but at least every single one of you managed to go against your own fears. And you all should be proud of that… Especially you three. Ezekiel, Duncan, and Courtney… it's not easy to overcome a trauma like that. So you have my kudos. But don't think you will get a pass on the next challenge."

The Killer Bass glared at him but remained quiet, and one by one decided to leave Chris alone on the beach…

Confession - Lindsay

"I will never forget the time we passed together Tailor… I mean, Tyler." Lindsay said as she kissed her palm and blew up to the camera. "See you later."

And with that, another episode of Total Drama Island came to an end.

Chapter 11: Aftermatch

Chapter Text


*deep breath*


*release breath*

That was the sound of nearby the Killer Bass' cabins. Ezekiel was without his green hat and his usual green blouse… On his hands his usual bow, and near his feet, a hand made arrows…

*deep breath*

Ezekiel took his arrow, and prepared to aim at the tree… By concentrating on his deep breaths, he focused on nothing more than just hitting a tree at a good distance.

Releasing the arrow, the stick flew with all the speed it could, and made directly on the tree he was aiming for.


The sound of the arrow hitting the trunk, was what it needed to make the homeschooled boy lower down his arms.

*release breath.*

Ezekiel has been doing that as the only way he could concentrate… And try to not think about the challenge of the last day… Since the time he got out of the glass coffin… he has been sleeping and trying to find a way to control his own chaotic mind… But nothing, he didn't desire to write another chapter of his stories, and he wasn't in the mood to try to draw art or even a fanart.

That challenge just broke him.

"Hey…" Then a voice called his attention, which made him turn his back and see Duncan and Courtney walking towards him. Which Ezekiel remained quiet, and took an arrow to aim at the tree.

*deep breath*


*release breath*

Duncan glanced at the tree which seemed to be pierced by dozens of arrows. Seeing that Ezekiel didn't go there to take them out of the tree… decided to go to take it for the boy. Courtney went near the brown-haired boy, who was giving a pause to see Duncan take the arrows from the tree.

It would have taken a lot of attention if wasn't for the fact it was 2 a.m., the sky was still dark, and the silence around the forest was frightening.

"Couldn't sleep?" Courtney asked as she could see Duncan taking the arrows one by one… Ezekiel remained quiet… the C.I.T. passed a minute to see Duncan bringing the quantity of arrows for the boy to take one of them again, and decide to shoot all over again… "Want us to stay here?"

"...please," Ezekiel replied with a whisper, and Courtney and Duncan looked at each other, before sitting on the grass while seeing Ezekiel take a deep breath… and then launch an arrow… The trio of pillars of the Killer Bass remaining at 2 a.m… And with the time being quiet, Ezekiel decided to start the conversation. "I'm sorry about what happened."

"What do you mean?" Duncan said as he watched Ezekiel pull the cord and release the arrow to reach the tree…

"This challenge was my fault. I shouldn't have talked about the trauma of our lives and what our fears… I didn't know Chris would go this far to relieve our traumas." Ezekiel said with honesty, he hated the idea of how he decided to make the things try to follow the cannon… But such a decision really went to bit on his ass, and he felt that his friends may have thought about the same thing.

"Okay Zeke, first off…" Courtney got up and went in front of the home-schooled boy with her bossy attitude which made him stare at her. "Don't go with this crap idea on your mind. Since it's not your fault. It's Chris, he got our talk from the campfire and decided to go hard on us. He used fake blood on the standee for Duncan, took the Recipe from my family to make me eat it in a minute, and placed earth inside of a glass coffin to make sure your body would have the feeling of your own trauma from your past. It's not your fault."

"I have to agree with the princess, and thankfully she made DJ go after you and Gwen or you would still be suffering for how long," Duncan explained his point as he could even glance at Ezekiel who was taking his arrow to shoot at the tree. And then Duncan tightened his fist and looked with despise as one thought crossed his mind. "And you were right to not trust that stupid guitarist… he left you both way passing your time as you both should."

"Duncan, I know that you are angry… hell, even I'm angry myself. But we should have expected something like that would happen… That wouldn't have happened if we left someone there to watch the time clock, he got surprised by his fear, and he couldn't be there all the time." Courtney tried to come up with a defense against the Gopher who just left their teammates buried alive…

"That's not what Geoff said," Duncan commented which made both Courtney raise her eyebrow, and Ezekiel pauses from using his bow. "Lindsay said Trent was helping Chris to make the pet cloud go after Geoff, and he was even suggesting him which made Chris smile…"

"So he left both of them, to have fun with Geoff dealing with his challenge?" Courtney asked as she grind her teeth. And her own fury started to appear in her eyes. "I should have taken the walkie-talkie from his hands."

"Relax princess, he will get what he deserves. He made both of our own get buried for 12 minutes. He is going to get what he deserves." Duncan said as he could see Ezekiel giving a loud sigh and then looking at the duo.

"Duncan, while I appreciate your idea to make avenge on us. What would the Killer Bass do in a case like that? Take the biggest fear of Trent and transform it to another level. Like, what? Making every single member of the Killer Bass paint ourselves as mimes and proceed to follow him?" Ezekiel rolled his eyes, but suddenly he noticed that neither of the other pillars was saying anything, when he turned his head to see… he noticed that he should have let his mouth shut because he could see the vicious smiles from Duncan and the evil grin of Courtney.

"Ezekiel, you are a genius," Duncan said as he patted the back of Ezekiel and didn't even let him say otherwise. "I'm going to grab everyone and I will explain the plan."

"I think I have enough makeup for everyone, Bridgette maybe has some white ink to place in our faces as well... I think even Gwen would be on this idea. Now, keep relaxing Zeke, we will do the plan in the next hour." Courtney smiled as she quickly left the homeschooled boy alone with his bow again…

"That was sarcasm…" Ezekiel commented, not feeling even in the mood to argue with the duo… they wanted to make Trent traumatized, and Ezekiel was with his mind too chaotic to actually care about the well-being of the others…

*deep breath*


*release breath*

Ezekiel was about to take another arrow, when he suddenly looked at the tree he was using as the main target… and found a hand placing something in front of the said trunk.

Slowly he decided to take part to see what was happening there… and the time he was in front of the tree, Ezekiel's eyes opened in surprise, at the different type of bow he had ever seen, one that he had just seen specifically only in the Olympics on television.

"Did you like it?" A voice said behind the tree…

"Izzy?" Ezekiel asked surprised, as he recognized the familiar voice from behind the tree…

"Sat in the front of the tree, because we cannot have the camera see me." The voice replied and Ezekiel quickly took the bow and sat in front of the tree… "So, did you like it? It's a compound bow I made by hand."

Ezekiel took a long look over the bow in front of him, and seeing that it was like the movies and the professionals using such a bow to give more precise shots, it was something that he never thought he would be able to see.

"It looks awesome." Ezekiel couldn't help but compliment. He could hear the giggle of the chaotic girl behind the tree.

"Good, you can have it," Izzy replied as Ezekiel could hear her sitting on the other side of the tree, and with a good sigh, she couldn't help but ask. "PTSD?"

"Yeah, relieving the day I almost died by being buried in a landslide," Ezekiel answered her question, and for the first time, he felt that he could be without restrictions. "I knew that this challenge would bring our fears, and I wanted to see my team fighting their fears…but to Chris go to that level. I couldn't imagine it not even years from the future."

"Well, sometimes lying about yourself is good. That's why I just followed Owen's fear and decided to act like I had fear of it… It was very easy with Chef focusing on shouting in Cody's ear… I bet he pissed his pants trying to diffuse the bomb."Izzy joked as she couldn't help but laugh in glee to see the geek suffering from his own fears.

"Yeah, he probably did." Ezekiel gave a weak chuckle… since he saw Katie commenting how Cody felt so defeated and needed desperately a shower. But then Ezekiel saw his own hands, and couldn't help but to confess. "But I wished to fight against that. To be peaceful with me while I have to pass minutes on that coffin… I knew it was fake… and yet, my mind feared like it was the worst day of my life… again and again."

The silence crossed around, as the sound of the winds was enough to make some tree leaves make a beautiful sound of nature…

Ezekiel remained quiet as he was still feeling the backlash of the idea of wanting to deal with his trauma like that, and possibly scaring his friends all the long way…

"The white room torture…" Then Izzy replied, which made Ezekiel raise his eyebrows in surprise. "When I was working at RCMP, we had an instructional video about telling how terrible methods of torture crossed around the entire world. And when a video showed about a specific room… Visually, the prisoner is deprived of all color. Their cell is completely white: the walls, floor, and ceiling, as well as their clothes and food. Neon tubes are positioned above the occupant in such a way that no shadows appear. The cell is soundproof, and void of any sound, voices, or social interaction. Guards stand in silence, wearing padded shoes to avoid making any noise. Prisoners cannot hear anything but themselves. In terms of taste and smell, the prisoner is fed white food—classically, unseasoned rice—to deprive them of these senses. Further, all surfaces are smooth, robbing them of the variability of touch sensations."

Ezekiel heard the definition of such a torturous way, and he couldn't help but be terrified that, the concept of living there would be pure insanity. Izzy tried to remain calm while explaining such a thing, but still, Ezekiel could hear hesitation in her voice. She looked really afraid of talking about that.

"When I heard about this and the possible after-effects of such torture, it terrified me… because imagining going inside of such a room, you could possibly become insane, or even worse, lose your own identity and the concept of who are you…" Izzy commented as she tried to look optimistic and crazy like she always has been. "I mean, I can try to make myself many identities… but still, I love who I am… and losing that, I would feel like I wanted to die."

Ezekiel remained quiet, as he then heard the sound of leaves.. with a groaning of the girl behind him.

"Well, I think now you know what my real fear is… so that's great to share about it… about your PTSD, I recommend going to a psychologist, trust me, it did wonders for me when I was working in the same operation as Chef Hatchet. We both needed psychologists after a mission we did together…" Izzy showing the fact that even she needed a psychologist, showed how PTSD was indeed a serious problem. So by giggling like she usually does on the show, Izzy once again used her usual tone. "Also, it's good to know that you tried to fight your fear, you Killer Bass were crazy into going against your traumas like that. And I'm supposed to be the crazy one HAHAHAHA… be well Ezekiel."

After that, the sound of jumping could be heard and the trees moving in an unknown order, leaving Ezekiel alone with the bow… and his new thoughts in his mind… after a few seconds, the boy couldn't help but smile…

"Thanks… I will." Ezekiel replied as he took his new bow with him, a professional compound bow and with the few arrows on his side… He really wanted to try to see how different from the one he had on the farm.

Using a good distance, as he was before. With his eyes closed, he took a deep breath, and by placing one of his arrows around the cords of the gift bow, he stared at the aim of the professional weapon, with one release, the arrow was shot much faster than before, and the different sound of the cords releasing made him blink in surprise.


The sound of the arrow hitting the tree was louder than before, and that made Ezekiel hum in surprise, as he finally released his breath.

"Woah." Then a sound made Ezekiel straighten his back and look in surprise to see the whole group of Killer Bass watching him use the bow and arrow in such an impressive way.

"Wow Zeke, where did you get that?" Duncan asked in surprise, looking at the bow on the brown-haired boy, it was far more modern than the traditional one he had been using half an hour before. "Weren't you using the wood bow before?"

"Oh." Ezekiel looked at his hands, and then by glancing at the trees… he decided to tell the truth. "It was in front of one tree…"

"In front of a tree?" Courtney asked as she tilted her head, and Duncan raised his eyebrow in disbelief. "Are you for real?"

"Courtney, it's almost 3 of the morning, do you really think that I would go inside somewhere and take from someone?" Ezekiel gave an interesting point, which Courtney thought about it and had to concede. "And I also have no idea about why was there, but it was… well if someone complains that is missing a bow. I give them back okay?"

"Okay, at least you are responsible. But still, very impressive shot." Courtney smiled as she could see the semblance of Ezekiel being lighter and not being fulfilled with the terrible thoughts of the aftermath of the challenge. "So… how are you feeling?"

Ezekiel paused, and stared at all his friends looking at him in concern… and from the talk he had with the chaotic Gopher… he couldn't help but smile like his usual self.

"Like crap but I'm going to manage to go through… If I get that 100 thousand dollars, I'm going to use the first part for my therapy." Ezekiel smiled and joked which made the whole team smile and laugh with the joke.

"Yeah, I think that's a good call… the one who had the prize should pay up for a good psychologist to treat this… Because I think it's going to get worse from now on." Bridgette commented as the whole team seemed to be agreeing with the surfer.

"That's why Condor is for… when it comes about a time it would be too much for us. Don't hesitate to use it. Tyler did this because he knew it would be too much for him, but also wanted to protect Courtney from the pressure." Duncan explained as the group nodded their heads to him. "There will be a line that maybe we should have a choice into crossing or not… but if you think that it's the best to remain your morals and principles… then say it without hesitation alright?"

The group nodded their head, and with that thought in mind. Ezekiel had to sigh, and rethink some decisions in the future… trying to not get frustrated or even panic to relieve the same nightmare over and over again…

"Now, what about the prank we are going to pull up?" Gwen who was hesitant and even tired to be awake at that time, couldn't help to ask about it. "Who is the person you guys want so much to prank?"

"Trent." Then the sound of the group made her eyes go wide open and made her wake up instantly.

"He left you both buried and didn't even think about giving us the walkie-talkie to check if you are both fine, if we knew he ran away to entertain himself with Geoff's challenge, we would have let at least 4 of us stay with you both just to make sure you were both fine."Katie then decided to explain what happened as Geoff was still glaring his eyes behind his hat… the painful ice little rocks really made him aware of how he wanted to pay someone a revenge.

Gwen's eyes narrowed as her teeth gritted.

"He got scared of the mime, but then he just forgot me?" Gwen's eyes turned in the shape of a skull as her fury was enough to describe what she was feeling at that moment.

"Yeah, he forgot about us, making us suffer the little feelings of my almost death… You shouldn't have received the same challenge as me." Ezekiel commented as he took another arrow and launched to the tree which was loud and powerful. "Damn, this bow is awesome."

"Uhu," Harold commented as he looked amazed by it. "Try to use many arrows at the same time, like in the movies."

"Wasn't that going to damage the cord if I do that?" Ezekiel tilted his head, looking confused for his friend suggesting that, by using the bow which was a gift from Izzy…

"Only if you do it many times. But I think if you care of the bow, and doing the right maintenance, it could be used once in a while." Harold commented that the group remained quiet, and Ezekiel shrugged, having at least 10 arrows in his hand, he placed them on the cord… and decided to give it a try.

*deep breath*

Ezekiel pulled the cord, and at the time he used most of his strength to make sure was stabilized, and his eyes were on the aim… By releasing the cord, the arrows flew like bees in the same direction which surprised the whole Killer Bass team, by seeing such thing.


Like a good picture in a movie, the arrows penetrated the tree.

The group looked in awe to see such an impressive display.

"Woah dude, that was awesome," Geoff commented as he tapped Ezekiel's back. Which made Ezekiel release his breath and then agree with the cowboy hat party boy.

"Yeah, you took the words out of his mouth." Ezekiel smiled… feeling happy to see such precision and strong bow… for the next challenge he was going to need it.

"Alright everyone, let's start our prank. Gwen, if you would like to give the honors…" Courtney smiled as she took the makeup and offered it to the goth girl…

Gwen remained calm, and even remembered the words she wrote in her own diary… but after such a day, Trent didn't only mess up with her, she saw the look from the broken boy, she saw the scratching glass coffin… she felt she wanted revenge… and oh boy how she wanted on that moment.

"Alright. Let's do this." Gwen smiled as the whole team smiled like they became a group of sharks, and Gwen couldn't help but feel part of the family this time.

Chris continued watching every single detail of the last episode as he started to develop the script for the next episode of Total Drama, by seeing the keywords he could bring attention to the last challenge, and how he could make it very interesting for the next episode.

With a good time by himself and a good drink of coffee on his trailer, he enjoyed the luxury of having to enjoy his trailer 3 days before another challenge where he could push the campers to their limits.

"Okay, the joke I did about Courtney's grandmother can be potential for me to have some glares of the Killer Bass for a while, even about the seriousness of me saying Tyler still needs to deal with his fear after quitting the show." Chris watched all his scenes, just to make sure his hair was right and he was beautiful like always. "Still it was a fun episode…"

The sound of the telephone was ringing, which made Chris narrow his eyes. There was only a group of people who would be annoying him at that time of the night.

"What?" Chris asked as he could see that it was the producers deciding to probably be a pain on his ass… "If is about a complaint you ca… wait what? You liked the way I supported the Killer Bass to go beyond their traumas and give motivation for them growing up?"

Chris raised his eyebrows in surprise, since most of the ideas he had the producers were being a pain in his ass, and they couldn't stop complaining about censure and his sadistic nature.

"Well...thank you… Wait, what did you say? They are now offering a pay-per-view system over the show? THAT'S AWESOME." Chris shouted happily, as he couldn't help to be so proud of it. Pay-per-view means 2 things… The show became a huge success that everyone who is addicted now wants to see more about every contestant and wouldn't need to edit a special program for them. With that popularity, it also means, merchandise. "Please tell me we have merchandise… Wait… we already run out? What was the product? Shirts of Killer Bass and Screaming Gopher Flags? That looks a bit lame, but successful, hey, what about we make a shirt with both flags but each flag with the names, and a risk on the names of the eliminated? Yeah, I know I'm a genius… oh, you don't need it… that much? I'm so happy, have a great night everyone…"

At the time Chris finished his call phone… He got the best-satisfied smile he could ever have… he got a raise and 3 more contracts… It seems Total Drama is going to have another season, and he is eager for it.

Now he just had to enjoy turning on his television at the trailer and see if the pay-per-view was already working. If the pay-per-view works that great, they can turn it into bonus feature episodes to sell on DVD and that would be another great hit.

And from seeing the Boys' cabin of the Screaming Gophers… Chris noticed there was something different on there… why there was crowded on there? Where is the sound?


"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." The terrifying scream from one of the campers was enough to make Chris go near his own television to see in detail what was happening, and oh boy, what a first way to make an impression. And laugh towards the suffering of Trent like heard the best joke ever told.

(Screaming Gopher – Boy's cabin)

Trent was having a very peaceful as a group of people opened quietly the door of the cabin, and slowly, almost soundless, every single one of the silhouettes tip-toed towards the sleeping boy who seemed so happy to be in peace.

The shadows glanced at each other, as one of them approached into their positions. Some went outside, while one of them remained on the place, and carefully caressed his face… slowly, as peaceful as it is…

And at the time the drowsy guitarist opened one of his eyes, to see Katie with white makeup and black lipstick and shadows on her face… It clearly made him wake up.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." Trent quickly went up from his bed and just saw that Katie wasn't the only one, Duncan and DJ were also there, and for fear of Trent, they were all using Mime makeup. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH."

Trent immediately jumped from his bed and quickly went to slam the door with his body, and in panic left the place.

Cody and Owen woke up by the scream Trent had made.

"Katie?" Cody asked as he was still tired and his vision blurry…

Katie waved at him in silence and even gave a soundless blow kiss to the geek who was still confused about what was happening. Cody stared at Owen who was still trying to understand what was happening, but after a few seconds, they decided to shrug and go back to sleep.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." Trent screamed as he started to run away, but suddenly Bridgette and Geoff were all wearing black, and white clothing and their faces were all with makeup, Geoff even was without his hat… Running like the same way Trent which made him scream even in more terror. "THAT'S A NIGHTMAREEEEEEE."

Suddenly Trent saw Harold using the same makeup, who was running in his own direction, but suddenly the nerd made an impression that his face was slammed into the wall. While nearby, Ezekiel was drinking an imaginary coffee...Seeing Trent in panic, he made a motion that he was carrying an imaginary bow, and by taking an imaginary arrow he pulled the cord.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." Trent jumped as he quickly went in the other direction. "The docks, I need to go to the docks."

Trent went faster than he imagined, and he even managed to go to the place… until he found someone was sitting there…

"Gwen," Trent ran in her direction, as he wanted to see if she was fine among the demonic mimes who were possessing the campers. "Are you okay? Did you manage to escape them?"

The goth girl remained quiet, as Trent noticed something was wrong.

"Gwen, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have left you there…" Trent tried to apologize, but the more time the silence passed… he felt something was terribly wrong… "Gwen?"

Trent felt his face pale, and sweat through his entire body… By seeing the goth girl, not look in his direction, but at the time she got up, and finally turned to see her face him. Her entire face was covered with makeup, and making herself one of them.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." Trent shouted as his entire body couldn't contain the shock, and got shut down…

Trent fainted as his entire body went on the water…

At the time Trent woke up he was on his bed. Wet from the swim he had after he got from fainting. Seeing that nobody was there, and his friends Cody and Owen were sleeping peacefully… Trent finally could sigh in relief.

"Nightmares, man," Trent felt himself calming down…

But the peace couldn't last long.

"WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED?" Heather slammed the door with a slam and at the time Trent looked at the Queen Bee, her entire face was covered with products and green mascara for her beauty of sleep…

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." Trent screamed so loud that the entire camp could hear the panic from the guitarist who dared to hurt both of the fish's members.

And from such sweat vengeance, the Killer Bass couldn't help but laugh before sleep… With a new objective in their minds…

It was the first night… He will learn to conquer his fears… or they will traumatize him… whatever comes first. Next time he messes up, they won't be this merciful.

"I can't believe you signed the pay-per-view," Sky said as she couldn't believe her eyes, seeing her sister seeing the channel which was the focus of Total Drama cast… Her sister has been watching it since 3 a.m. "You need a life..."

"Of course I need. But after seeing the last episode? I wanted to see how Duncan and DJ are going to make Trent suffer… that dude messed up badly." The sister of the Olympics pointed out as she tried to reach one of the cameras in some parts of the cast. "Well, it seems that they aren't in their bedrooms, and nobody is in the Aquarium… where is… Oh, there they are… Wow, all the Killer Bass were reunited behind the cabins…"

"Hmmm?" Sky raised her eyebrow as she could see the team talking among themselves, but then she saw Ezekiel taking a lot of arrows and placing into a bow… A bow that she remembered seeing at the Olympics… "What he is going to do?"

And at the time Ezekiel shot the arrows to go directly at the tree… Her mouth got wide open from seeing that.


"Woah, that was a good aim…" The sister said as she ignored her sister's burps, she had no idea why suddenly Sky tended to burp at such inconvenient moments. "Oh, they seemed to plan revenge on Trent, what are they about to do?"

"Please, I hope that's not illegal. And unfair, I like how the Killer Bass are playing fair and winning the games with honor." Sky commented as she remembered how she admired Eva for being the powerhouse and yet the protector of the team… The bodybuilder needed to go quick on the surgery, or she would risk losing her leg. And that has been Sky's nightmare… being unable to participate and continue being an athlete.

"Pff, with Courtney and Ezekiel as pillars? Of course, Duncan wouldn't do it." The sister rolled her eyes, but from seeing Gwen holding makeup on her hand… and the smile from all Killer Bass. "Oh, this is going to be epic."

"I hope so…" Sky said as she went nearby to her sister to watch the videos, now refusing to say that her sister was right.




"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." The loud laughs could be heard from the entire neighborhood. It wasn't just the sisters who were watching that moment, but it seemed all their neighbors were enjoying seeing the guitarist running in panic from a fear that he hadn't conquered.

"Oh come on, it's just Heather, Trent." Sky's sister commented as she was making fun of the poor guitarist. "Well at least you are really a screaming Gopher, so SCREAM GOPHER, SCREAM."

"SCREAM," Sky shouted in agreement with her sister, as the duo seemed to be enjoying a good experience with the boy who made the hell of two of their favorite characters last longer.

"Dawn, sweetie, did you manage to drink tea at this hour?" The father was tying the knot of his suit, and looking well for the beauty of nature giving him her blessings for another good night of work. He seemed to be ready to go on another patrol at night and help the rangers of the forest to have a peaceful time to enjoy their work of working for the forest.

"Yes, father. This has enough to make me have good energy to watch for 2 hours…" Dawn replied as she was enjoying the good time before her father would go to work.

"Good, Mother Nature made me sign this pay-per-view for us to watch around when we get home. Your mom went ahead, so she may be cooking something for the teachers around the caves. So we will be out for the rest of the night and will come back in the afternoon." The father explained as he pointed at the tree near the door. "Mother nature told me that it would be an interesting time to sign it, and to enjoy ourselves… I still feel pity for the boy who had to suffer an almost death…"

"I know father," Dawn commented that a good part of her felt the pain of mother nature being used in such a cruel way. "Mother nature is telling me to watch it because Ezekiel is doing his best to vent his fears and insecurity over the trauma he just had…"

"Then do it…" The father said as he looked at the television. "I have to confess that firstly I wasn't that interested to have such thing in this place… but now I found a very interesting way how the groups develop themselves around nature. Now, I gotta go…"

"Have a nice trip, father," Dawn commented, as the sound of the door closing, and her eyes were watching Ezekiel sitting nearby the tree… "Mother nature, who is it?"

The silence of the leaves was enough to make the aura reader girl nod her head in agreement.

"It was a good idea… Having Izzy talk about it was the best decision… she was the one who managed to make him feel like himself again… So maybe, he would find a way to make himself calm…" Dawn took another sip of her tea… As she glanced at the events of what was going to happen. "What are they planning?"

Dawn remained quiet until the sound of a water drop made her raise her eyebrow.

"What do you mean it's a surprise?" Dawn looked in confusion, as she decided to keep watching the pay-per-view.




"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." The sweet laugh of the nature aura reader could be heard from the garden and even the trees near the house… And from the trees… The owls seemed to be laughing as they hooted from also knowing the events said by Mother Nature.

"I'm going to kill Chris." The rough voice said as he kept working on the ground… His rough face showed nothing more than anger for seeing such a terrible thing on television. "He shouldn't have gone so far."

"Now now honey." The female voice caught the attention of the said man, who turned his head to see a very well matured woman, helping to carry the oranges. "While I think we should beat the crap of the host of the show, we should have faith in our little boy, Ezekiel overcome difficult challenges, and even fought a bear with his team… I'm sure the Killer Bass will have his back like always."

The father remained quiet… as he still decided to plant even more vegetables to help around the farm… Since after the show started, the family has received a lot of good calls and orders for them to plant and sell their oranges across Canada…

"Yeah, at least we didn't need to do that talk to him, and I'm so thankful for that." The father sighed in relief and even chuckled to see the reaction of his son dealing with the mature talk.

"Me as well, those girls really knew how to make him feel wanting to die of embarrassment." The mother smiled as the duo remained walking and working together to fulfill their quota.

"I'm still wondering if was really a dream. I mean, that Izzy girl really could have done that…" The father commented that suddenly he felt the good force of a shovel on his head.

"Oh look at that, a man who shouldn't be thinking such things near the wife… Now, go take the milk of the cow, and fix the roof… Man of the house." And with that, the mother walked away with a smirk on her face…

"I should have kept my mouth shut…" The owner of the Orange farm lamented as he took the shovel and went back to work… But not without looking at the horizon one last time. "I may not have been the best father to teach you how things work around this word Zeke… But I hope you find the happiness you truly desire on this show… and with the friends you have right now… At least I know that I can work in peace."

The sound of his voice was the clear show of Pride a father had for his son… after knowing the painful decisions everyone had to come across… It was the right time to go against their fear…

"Should I have the courage to give a try to see a public school? Or should I refuse and not relieve losing another member of my family again?" That was the last question the patriarch of the family had to ask himself, before going back to work…

The show clearly has changed his life… and different from the cannon… this time was for the better.

Chapter 12: Up the Creek

Chapter Text


"Last time, in Total Drama Island," Chris smiled as he pointed out the flashbacks of not just the episode prior, but also a few good interesting scenes after the challenge. "The campers were forced to conquer their deepest fears. Not all of them succeeded, but others surprised by taking the courage needed to fight their own traumas. There were betrayals of trust, emotional speeches, and even people dying inside. In the crucial moment, Tyler saw his teammate Courtney hesitating towards a trauma that had been hunting her forever. So he took the courageous moment to sacrifice his chances of winning by saying the forbidden word of the Killer Bass, saving Courtney from dealing with her own trauma by pressure. Showing that he was the roaster of the Killer Bass, hehehe… But he had to deal with the chickens on the way back. Will Killer Bass recover from such a traumatic experience? Will Trent be able to receive forgiveness from the team that wants his head on a spike? Try to find out on this epic show named TOTAL DRAMA ISLAND."

The next night prior the next challenge around the cabins felt a bit more different than the others. Since Harold decided to pass another time with nothing more than a piece of paper and a pen... and waiting for the inspiration to write another haiku...

His fights against the ninjas over the Phobia Factor made him reflect how on a way to describe his personal victory over his own past.

But at the time he tried to reflect on the challenge as a whole... It was very messed up, since now he could see how his friends had to fight not against simple fears... But demons that have been tormenting them since traumatic events. Nobody felt the same after dealing with such a terrible challenge... Well, except for Katie, also felt terrible to see the aftermath of the sadism... But the only good way the team made a good therapy as a whole, was to Prank Trent at the 4 in the morning...

Harold snickered to see the guitar boy, looking ware at them, like he had been paranoid about something that he wasn't aware that it really happened... He would love to tell this story to Leshawna. He bets that she is going to love it...

A good inspiration for him to write a victory haiku for his team... And with a good glance at Geoff who seemed to be walking with...WHAT THE HELL?

"Geoff, what the hell is that?" Harold asked as he looked at the shaped heart arts and crafts on the hat party boy.

"Oh, that?" Geoff said as he looked proudly at his work. He showed to the nerd with glasses who had his eyes wide open. "This is a neat gift I'm planning to surprise Bridgette with..."

"No..." Harold said as he got up. And quickly snatched the objective from Geoff's hand. "No, no, nope, not a chance."

"Hey, what do you mean no?" Geoff said as he could sew Harold taking the object and walked inside of the boys' cabin.

Duncan was lying on the top of the bunk bed, Ezekiel was reading one of the chapters he wrote, for doing a grammar review... DJ was petting his little bunny as a way to make himself enjoy the peaceful night before the stress of the challenge the next day.

Until Harold came inside the cabin, with the object in his hands and an impressive look in his eyes.

"Harold, give me back," Geoff called for him as the group stared at Geoff looking annoyed at Harold who was holding the gift in his hands.

"Not until you destroy this monstrosity. Duncan lighter please." Harold called for Duncan who was just still lying on his bed.

"Have fun," The delinquent said as he took the lighter out of his pocket and passed it to the nerd who was ready to burn the object.

"NO, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Geoff shouted as the Killer Bass boys stared at Harold holding the heart object and Geoff even used brutal force to take it from him.

"Alright, alright. What's going on?" DJ asked, seeing how Harold wanted so much to destroy something...

"This." Harold quickly went to DJ and gave the gentle Jamaican the reason for why such a fight... At the time both saw the inscription.

"I hope you think of me whenever you drop loose change into this." DJ gave a slight read... Until his eyes went wide open, and seeing even the details, he cringed... Hard.

"Hey... It's not that bad." Geoff pouted, but from the look on DJ's face, it seemed that it was a bad idea.

"Please tell me that you weren't going to show that to Bridgette," DJ asked as he gave the object to Duncan who had his eyes wide open.

"DUUUUUUDE. I saw some people doing that in juvie. That got them beaten up because of it." Duncan laughed as he could see such a terrible object was even reason to make such a terrible decision.

"I have to agree with them, Geoff... This thing may be an artwork of people who were in first or second grade." DJ commented which once again made the party boy feel depressed from doing that.

Ezekiel got interested and saw that familiar object which was exactly for the... Ohhhhh...

"Let me see." Ezekiel got out of bed to see if was exactly terrible like he remembered from watching the show... it was worse than he remembered"Damn, you didn't cut the photo with only you both, you just ripped the picture. Look, there is even a DJ arm on that... This is creepy."

"Like I said... Burn it." Harold insisted that he took both the object and the lighter. And gave it to Geoff who was staring at it with his lips trembling... "And don't give me that look, this is an offense to love gifts, and deserved to be burned..."

"Alright. I'm doing it." Geoff stared sad, as he took the lighter and immediately burned the gift he was planning to give to the surfer... It took a few minutes for the fire to be controlled since everyone was smashing it until it became dust...and leaving Geoff helpless. "Now what?"

The group remained quiet until Harold cleared his throat.

"Now little grasshopper... If you are going to give a gift to Bridgette. Then you are going to do it the right way. Now let's start with the brainstorm." Harold commented for the first time, not only Ezekiel didn't know the meaning of that word."I mean planning and gathering ideas before you do anything."

"Ohhhhh," Dj, Ezekiel, and Geoff commented as Harold had already papers on his hands.

"Now, tell me what Bridgette likes. And I swear I'm going to use my nunchucks to beat you if you just say that you don't know her at all." Harold said in a warning tone which made Geoff blink and stop... From even answering...

"Err... She likes surfing, and... She is vegetarian, also she likes sea creatures." Geoff commented as the group stared at him with unamused looks. "Also she is very talented..."

"Like a man..." Duncan commented which made the group chuckle from the joke and made the party boy groan from his dismay.

"I know, I know. I screwed up. Can you help?" Geoff asked for help until he got a paper in his hands.

"Sea shells. If you want to do something, then grab all the seashells that you can see..." Harold commanded which made Geoff look weirdly at him.

"Like, right now?" The cowboy hat boy stared the the nerd who seemed serious at that moment.

"Hmmm let's see... Who was the one who managed to hook up with the sexiest girl on the show?" Harold asked loudly, as the group pointed at the nerd who was smirking smugly at Geoff. "You don't need to go fast, you need to do it right. So if you want to do arts and crafts. Then do something with a surfer theme. No photos, no pasta, no hearts... Just a good object that a surfer like Bridgette would love. I'm going to gather the glue. Now, chop, chop."

Geoff nodded his head and left the cabin in a hurry... Which made Ezekiel glance at Harold with his eyebrow raised.

"You didn't need to boast yourself like that. You just hooked up with Leshawna because we insisted to you to go talk to her..." Ezekiel commented and Harold nodded his head.

"Yeah, you all guys did. But also I wanted him to trust me since me and Tyler managed to hook up, oh, and Katie. But I doubt if they saw what Geoff did, they wouldn't try to destroy this child-cursed object." Harold commented as he glanced at the remains of the horror. "If Bridgette saw this, she would shout in horror."

Duncan, Dj, and Ezekiel stared at the floor... And from seeing that gift... They concluded...

"Yeah, you are right. That thing was horrible." The group agreed with the nerd as nobody wanted to support him from making such a terrible mistake.

On the next minute, Bridgette knocked the door and opened it.

"Hey guys, I was hearing some shout from Geoff over here. Is everything alright?" Bridgette asked as she then looked at the black mark on the floor. "What happened?"

"Just Harold Holdiny decided to do a magic trick to Geoff which scared him off..." Before anyone could reply, Duncan snarked as he pointed at Harold who was using the lighter and paper in his hands.

Bridgette raised her eyebrow to the nerd as she wasn't amused by that.

"What?" Harold raised both his arms in alarm. "He said I couldn't do a fireball trick, and I just did... I didn't say it would have worked. But I did it anyway."

"Okay, but please quiet down. Me and the girls are going to sleep soon, so I suggest you all do the same... Tomorrow is a challenging day." Bridgette said as she rolled her eyes and closed the door. "Good night boys."

"Good night." The group said in chorus until they all sighed in relief.

"That was close," Ezekiel said as he jumped to his bed to go back to his reading.

"Tell me about it," Duncan said as he got the lighter back from Harold. And the nerd went back to his bed as well.

At the time Geoff went back to the boy's cabin, his hat was full of all the sea shells that he could bring… But seeing that everyone was sleeping, his body was already tired as well…

"Well, I hope this would be enough." Geoff went to his bed and quickly closed his eyes.

Tomorrow would be a long day for everyone.

(Beach - Tomorrow Morning)

It was now challenge time. All of the Killer Bass and Screaming Gophers were gathered except for Beth who just went to the bathroom before knowing about the challenge.

On the beach were several canoes with half of them being Gopher green and the others Bass red.

"Bass, Gophers, today's challenge is a true summer camp experience." Chris began explaining the challenge of the day to everyone. "A canoe trip. You'll be paddling your canoes across the lake to…Boney Island!"

Chris spoke about this in a spooky tone getting many of the campers to raise an eyebrow.

"When you get there, you must portage your canoes to the other side of the island, which is about a two-hour hike through treacherous, dense jungle," Chris explained the challenge which made not just Ezekiel raises his eyebrows, but Geoff looks at him extremely confused.

"We gotta pour what?" Geoff asked, confused as to what Chris told them to do with their canoes.

"Portage."Chris corrected with Geoff still looking confused due to not knowing what that word meant. As even a fly passed inside the ear around the party boy, just to cross the other side, which made Chris look at him in disbelief. "Dude, walk with your canoe."

Geoff let out an 'Oooh' as Chris blinked at him. As he went on to further explain the details of the challenge.

"When you arrive at the other end of the island, you'll build a rescue fire that will be judged by me. The first team to paddle home and return their canoes to the beach is the winner of invincibility! Move, campers, move!" The campers were about to head to the canoes on the beach only to be stopped by Chris as he explained one last detail. "Oh, wait! One more thing I should mention. Legend has it, if you take anything off the island, you'll be cursed forever!"

Suddenly thunder was heard causing nearly all the campers to flinch as Owen laughed.

"Yeah, haha! A cursed island! Whoo!" However, no one seemed to share Owen's enthusiasm and simply stared silently at the big guy.

"Now, get in your canoes, and let's have some fun!" Chris instructed as the campers actually headed off this time with Owen cheering again.

Just then a toilet flush was heard and suddenly Beth came into the scene and stopped in front of Chris with some toilet paper attached to her shoe.

"What'd I miss?" The braces-wearing girl quickly asked, and Chris immediately refused to explain the whole challenge to just one person.

"Canoes." Chris pointed in the direction of the beach with Beth quickly taking off.

Confession – Cody.

"While I think it would have been a good idea to make a partner with Trent, there is no way I'm going to that now," Cody explained as he made an X with both his arms. "Katie told me Trent is on the line of fire because of the last challenge, and he messed up bad… really bad, really really really bad. Gwen even told me that she would have preferred to stay one night with me instead of trusting him ever again. It kinda hurt a bit, but hey, at least now I have a girlfriend. And the others are happy for me."

At the beach, campers were quickly pairing up such as Cody and Izzy and surprisingly Heather and Owen. Trent was waiting for the other groups to walk by, and at the time Gwen was the first of the Killer Bass to walk down the stairs to the beach when she stopped to see Trent looking up at her with a smile. Gwen narrowed her eyes and stomped way down until she found the foot of the guitarist and with force stomped which made him jump on his feet.

"Ouch," Trent said as Gwen ignored him and went to the red canoe with Courtney who was smiling at her.

Trent looked at Gwen and his expression went down… At the time he was about to walk, he bumped into a pink shirt party boy, who just remained frozen there.

"Oh, sorry," Trent asked, as Geoff did not even give a reply and passed by him. Noticing that nobody from the Killer Bass seemed to be talking to him, he tilted his head. "Did I do something to make everyone mad at me?"

Lindsay looked at what, she was about to say, but Heather immediately placed a hand on her mouth.

"No, no… It's a mystery to even us." Heather replied as Owen tilted his head, and was about to say something but Heather gave a slight elbow which made him flinch a bit. "Why don't you go with Lindsay? She will be with great help."

Trent looked confused, but just shrugged off and followed the suggestion. Heather smiled and went to Lindsay's ear.

"Let him dig even more his grave, he doesn't know how badly he messed up." Heather smiled as she found her next scapegoat in her unfortunate times.

Lindsay gasped.

"He isn't aware of how Zeke got broken from almost dying again?" Lindsay gasped in fear which made Heather tilt her head.

"Dying again?" Heather asked as she raised her eyebrow. "And since when do you call Ezekiel Zeke?"

"Oh, that's because Ta… I mean Tyler always called him that, and I even called him Zeka, Ezake, and he was fine with it. So I think Zeke was fine. But oh yeah Tyler talked to me in his free time and explained that Zeke once was playing hide and seek and suddenly a landslide covered him as a whole, he almost died buried on there." Lindsay explained the details before running to help the guitarist prepare to go on the canoe.

Heather remained quiet… but suddenly her smile went wide open.

Confession – Heather

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, I can't believe it, I have a meat shield, I have a meat shield." Heather laughed happily as she almost felt like she won the lottery. "There is no way in hell that the fish heads will forgive Trent for doing something like that. I have to applaud you, Trent… You really sank your chances of being with the girl you like. And you made the whole team as your enemy. You made them hate you more than hate me. So you have my gratitude… Don't mind me to use you as my shield, would you? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA."

Izzy was fine, she was happy to know the day for her trump card to be used… now she would need to make the whole team of Screaming Gophers lose the challenge, and look for how the Killer Bass were concentrated… it wouldn't need much, she saw the red canoe a few meters away, with the familiar green hat boy, who now was on his back the bow she made by hand, and there was a quiver which had some possible arrows for in case they would need weapons.

Cody was sitting behind her, so she decided to have a bit of fun with him.

"Follow my lead, did you know that I have some indigenous blood in my veins? Including the tribe can convoke me at any moment." Izzy decided to tell a bit of her story, which made Cody try to move the canoe but couldn't do it right.

"Err, awesome Izzy, but, can you help me to carry this?" Cody asked which Izzy looked at she wasn't even carried, and by shrugging her arms, she went down to help the geek who seemed a bit too weak to carry even a canoe. "Thanks,"

"Not problem, my face palled friend." Izzy gave a mock salute which made Cody start using the canoe with her.

Harold and Katie went down the stairs while Duncan was waiting for both of them.

"Hey, there is one canoe that would need three people. Would you mind if I partner with you both?" Duncan asked Harold and Katie looked at each other, and both smiling and nodding, the delinquent was already with the ride he was going to receive. "Great."

Bridgette watched the groups moving to make partners and noticed Geoff was still in silence and staring at Geoff in the distance.

"Geoff, are you okay?" Bridgette asked, which made the party boy get out of his trance.

"What?" Geoff asked, and the surfer looked at him with a bit of concern.

"You were staring at the Screaming Gopher's side for a while," Bridgette asked, which made him blink, and sigh.

"Oh, sorry… it's because I got bumped into someone I didn't want to see his face for a while." Geoff commented as he tried to regain his composure. "Hey, would you like to be my partner?"

"Sure. I was going to ask you that." Bridgette smiled as the duo walked towards their canoe, and Geoff was feeling something itching on his hair… But he just ignored it.

At the time DJ got down, he noticed Ezekiel was placing his arrows and even his bow above the canoe.

"Err… Zeke, do you think it's really necessary to bring your bow and arrows?" DJ tilted his head, which made the Killer Bass team who were on their canoes also have a look at Ezekiel trying to move the canoe.

"In an island named Boney Island?" Ezekiel answered that question with another question, and the Jamaican had to pause for a second… before he realized that Ezekiel was right.

"Do you think you have enough arrows?" DJ asked in worry, to which Ezekiel simply shrugged.

"I don't know. I carried until my quiver was full. So I hope that's enough." Ezekiel gave the only answer that he could come up with.

DJ seemed to be a bit skittish as he tapped the canoe with his foot Ezekiel grabbed a life jacket out of the aquatic vehicle for both of them.

"Yo, man. Do canoes flip over a lot?" DJ quickly asked as that was something he wanted to know before getting into this thing.

"No, I think those were kayaks," Ezekiel told DJ making the brick house breathe a sigh of relief as he caught the life jacket Ezekiel threw to him. "Why?"

"It's because I have a bad story with water before," DJ replied as he prepared to be with Ezekiel who seemed surprised.

"Well, we just got launched from a cliff in a safe zone infested of sharks. So I think it would be difficult to top that." Ezekiel shrugged as he pointed out something that DJ remembered. "And we both survived… so I think it wouldn't be that bad if we just got some splashes. After everything he has been put through… Anything he has done in the past was easy peasy."

"Yeah, you have a good point." DJ nodded his head and got enough courage to go inside the canoe. "Okay, let's get going."

"That's the spirit." The homeschooled boy smiled, as both started to paddle away from the beach…

Geoff and Bridgette prepared themselves to leave, as did everyone from the groups as well. Heather was carried by Owen who seemed to be in a hurry, even though he slammed her body on the canoe before pulling it to put in sail.

DJ held onto the canoe tightly as he was gaining balance to stay at the canoe and finally be comfortable. Ezekiel gave him an Oar as the duo seemed to be happy and in perfect balance with the canoe.

"We already passed with difficulties DJ, so relax. We are going to be fine." Ezekiel smiled as he placed both his bow and quiver tied to his back and ready for in case they would need it.

"If this canoe's a-rockin', don't come a-knockin'!" The two watched as the canoe Owen and Heather were in pass by them…only for Heather to get sick of Owen antics and smack the back of his head with an oar. "Ow, that smarts!"

Soon enough, everyone was in their canoes and was in either pairs of two or three. Chris was on the beach and aiming a gun into the air. "On your marks…" Chris counted down as he put his thumb on the trigger. "Get set…"

"HEY CHRIS." Suddenly a voice shouted which made the host of the show, stop.

"What?" Chris called as Ezekiel pointed to the sky where his gun was aiming.

"Isn't it better for you to look in the direction where you are aiming your gun?" Ezekiel called which made Chris narrow his eyes at him.

"For you know Ezekiel, I'm a specialized expert in shooting things, and I'm sure that the…" Chris was reprimanded until he looked above him, and his eyes suddenly blinked… Until he found out that something was flying around the direction of his gun… "I would have missed that bird… pff yeah, if I hurt that hawk I know PETA would come to my ass… now, where I was anyway. Oh yeah."


Chris changed the direction of his gun and immediately shot in the opposite way of the hawk, but still scaring the poor animal away.

"Paddle!" Chris shot his gun to signal the start of the challenge and all the teams quickly started paddling their canoes in the direction Chris instructed. And at the time he was alone, he gave a deep sigh in relief. "That was close. That would have made some awful lawsuits."

As the teams were paddling, many of them passed the time with conversation. Cody was hearing every single story coming from Izzy who seemed so energetic about it.

"And that's how I became the leader of the Infantile squad when I was at the military summer camp at 10 years old. Needlessly to say Chef's Hatchet was really mad at me when that happened." Izzy explained as she was laughing while Cody was covering his crotch.

"So you not just knew Chef's Hatchet before, but you and 4 other children were trained by him as well? And you kicked his balls?" Cody asked as he was with a mixture of surprise, disbelief, and awe from Izzy managing to do crazy stunts like that.

"Yep. That's why every time he sees me in the Main Lodge, he is always protecting his lower regions because he never knows when I will attack him there again. Ahhh, good times." Izzy sighed with happy memories, while Cody couldn't help but have one question in mind.

"You served in the army as a child and you have been on there until the show?" Cody asked as he felt pity for her. "Where were your parents?"

"Oh…" Izzy's smile suddenly froze, as she cleared her throat. But a bit uncomfortable... "Well, my mom was also part of the squad from Chef's Hatchet, so while one time they had a little fight, they stopped talking with each other for years… I think was because of the fact he shot her in the chest in a sparing match… and she is still angry at him."

"WHAT?" Cody shouted as it was enough to make Izzy zip his mouth.

"Shhhhhh, it's a touchy subject for both my mom and Chef… After that, I got transferred to an RCMP summer camp for a few months before I left there and went to high school." Izzy commented as she shrugged off the rest of the story. "I think high school was way worse than the military… Trust me, being a team leader is more brutal than actually learning how to use weapons."

And with that, Cody whimpered and started to regret asking those questions.

Around the time Trent was looking and seeing Courtney and Gwen talking happily with each other, he tilted his head as he couldn't understand the reason why everyone from the Killer Bass seemed to be avoiding seeing him at all… Even after the nightmare he had, he was feeling a bit paranoid when it came to them being in silence. They would need only the makeup and the group would be the mimes from his nightmare.

In the next second, he was surprised to see Lindsay resting on his lap.

"Hey, would you mind if I take a tan in here, right?" Lindsay asked as Trent gave a good smile.

"Oh babe, I wouldn't mind at all." Trent smiled as he gave place for the blonde bombshell, but the tone of the voice made Beth Grit her teeth angrily.

Confession – Beth.

"Are you kidding me?" Beth said as she narrowed her eyes. And looked at the camera. "That boy literally made the girl who had a crush on him buried alive and he forgot to take her out. And now that he is getting the silent treatment, he just goes for a girl who has a boyfriend? Tyler do me a favor and punch on his face when he gets eliminated next."

"Can you believe the audacity of him?" Gwen commented as she started paddling which described everything that happened from the time she was walking downstairs. "I mean, he smiles, fine do whatever you want. But he didn't even go to talk to Geoff nor Ezekiel and say that he was sorry for what happened."

Courtney remained quiet as she understood why Gwen was venting herself to her. Trent didn't seem apologetic for what happened to them, so it was clear that Gwen was mad... hell, Duncan and DJ, and even Tyler wanted to beat the crap out of Trent for what happened. And God forbid if she and Bridgette and even Eva would have done to him for doing something so stupid. Maybe that's why Ezekiel didn't trust him in the first place.

"Well, Ezekiel wanted us to be the ones to take you both out... Can you imagine if we had trusted him to take you both? How long it would have taken?" Courtney had to agree with the goth... that was messed up on so many levels.

"There were times I was counting how long it would have been... DJ got us out in 12 minutes... I don't know if Trent would have made us wait 20 or even half an hour... And that scared me... because 5 minutes was already chilling, 12 minutes was a nightmare... if was 20 minutes or even 30..." Gwen commented that Courtney remained quiet... knowing that the girl was still feeling terrible for it... "I think I'm still a bit broken when it comes about to think of that... I don't know how Ezekiel did it."

Courtney remained quiet, but then she glanced at the homeschooled boy who seemed to have a great conversation with DJ, that even DJ was playfully placing both his hands on his ears and trying to stop Ezekiel.

"It's dr Gerbil's world. It's dr Gerbil's world." Ezekiel was laughing as DJ wanted to beat himself with his Oar.

"SHUT UP, I GOT IT," DJ shouted annoyed as both started to laugh at the idea...

Courtney smiled to see the duo happy and making fun of the trip.

"It's because Ezekiel found some good friends who would be willing to take his back... He feared to die alone, but I think after he got on this show. He never felt alone anymore. That's why we are here to help him. Because we are his friends. His true friends." Courtney emphased which brought attention to Gwen who hummed an understanding. "And gotta confess, if Bridgette and Eva wouldn't have vouched for you... I wouldn't have trusted you. But for seeing how much you passed with Zeke... You belong with us."

"Thanks." Gwen smiled as Courtney seemed to be a great leader to help the team with their problems. "Now, can you tell me what is between you and Duncan?"

"WHAT." That was the shout that made all the campers jump in surprise from their canoes. And a good talk Gwen would like to tease Courtney in the future.

Geoff and Bridgette seemed to be fine going across the water, as the duo seemed to be comfortable in silence. But suddenly Bridgette tilted her head.

"Hey Geoff, can I ask you something?" Bridgette decided the conversation.

"Sure, what's up?" Geoff smiled as he felt nice to have a conversation with his partner who was still confused about one thing.

"Yesterday, I heard some noises about you and the boys talking, and when I got there. I saw a mark of burn on the floor, Did something happen?" Bridgette asked which Geoff realized about the talk he had with the boys in the morning.

"Oh, if you are talking about the failed magic trick Harold pulled out, trust me, don't believe in them when they said I ran away… I went to the beach to some water to extinguish the fire." Geoff commented as he took his hat off.

That comment alone made Bridgette raise her eyebrow…

"Wouldn't have been better if you went near the bathrooms to take the water?" Bridgette asked which made Geoff stop… and then his head went down.

"The plan sounded better in my head," Geoff replied which made Bridgette laugh from the bad idea the party boy had… And the laugh was enough to make Geoff smile.

The surfer gave a glance at the hat and noticed there was something inside.

"Hey, what's inside of the hat?" Bridgette commented, as she quickly took his hate, and gave a slight glance… And then when she found what it was she couldn't help but smile happily. "Oh, it's a murex seashell."

Geoff's eyes went wide open as he glanced at the big seashell which was itching on his head for a while. And looking at the reaction of the girl nearby him, it seemed he found something that the surfer liked.

"Do you like seashells?" Geoff asked as he could see Bridgette smiling at him.

"Yeah, my cousin was the one who got me to enjoy surfing, so we spent most of our childhood looking for seashells. He got a massive collection, and he showed some you could hear the entire ocean." Bridgette commented as Geoff seemed to be nodding from the way she described her story with seashells. And her intelligence of how to treat them well.

"Harold, you are the best." Geoff thought as he promised himself that he would give a high five to the nerd at the time they would finish the challenge.

In the canoe Cody and Izzy were currently in, Cody learned so many stories about Izzy that he was in the process of filtering, some stories sounded too stupid to be true… and others were too absurd that they actually could be true. He was debating if the camera or even the microphones were recording or even cutting the moments where Izzy would bear most of the watchers in some time… But he was there, listening… Because he was starting to think… that Izzy wasn't the person most of the guys were thinking at the start of the show… She seemed crazy, but every move she made was calculated for some objective, and from the stories… he started to make a careful look at Izzy who was still smiling like she was planning something. But to disguise that, he did his best to share a few stories of himself.

"And then they have an arrow pointed to my face, Duncan acting like a crazy dog, Courtney with the desire to rip my parts, and even Harold who was promising to break my neck," Cody told the time he went to pick Katie and the reaction was to see Izzy laughing so hard that her legs went up.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA, So you pissed your pants? I bet you pissed your pants." Izzy laughed as she wanted to tease the boy who was blushing in shame.

"Oh come on… it was a freaking bear… and you were authentic, you and the real bear made me not control my bladder." Cody pouted which made Izzy snicker from her fun.

"Okay, okay, my bad… but it was really funny. I was like Roar, and you were like AHHHH my bladder. I'm pissing myself. HAHAHAHAHAHA." Izzy laughed as Cody pouted at her.

"You're mean," Cody said playfully and Izzy giggled to herself.

"Alright, alright, sorry for scaring the piss of you. But it will be funny to see the episode in a few years." Izzy said optimistically which made Cody facepalm with his oar and even hurt himself with and make Izzy laugh even louder. "AHAHAHAHAHAHA."

"Rar, rar, rar. Okay, you had your fun." Cody said as he rolled his eyes, and suddenly noticed the mist crossing around… "Hey, did this were here before?"

"Nope," Izzy said gleefully. As she could see from the mist and pointed the direction with her oar. "On that direction is the Boney Island. So, not touchy things mister touchy."

"OH COME ON, I'M STOPPING DOING THAT," Cody said in an outburst that made many campers stare at him, which made Izzy laugh even harder. Making rolls his eyes, and gives a quick smile. "Alright, let's go crazy military junior."

The group saw Cody just ignoring them and Izzy being well, Izzy. The group went back to their own decisions.

"It's the leader of Infatile unity." Izzy corrected as she smiled with to have someone to share her stories and lies, and still being a good ear… "Paddle."

"Yes Ma'am," Cody said as both paddled in the direction of the island.

And within a few minutes, all the other canoes soon reached the shore of the cursed island.

"Okay. Did you see that skull?" Izzy excitedly said the only camper not to be frightened by Boney Island one bit. "How cool is that?! It's like this place is haunted or something!"

Just then the sounds of some vicious creatures were heard coming from within the jungle of the island making most of the camper's flinch. Courtney nodded to Gwen who seemed to have the same thoughts as her.

"Let's just get this over with," Gwen commented which made both teams quickly get to work.

Everyone who shared a canoe picked up the canoe they were sharing and quickly took off into the jungle in the direction Chris pointed out to them on the map this morning. The scenery seemed to only get darker and grimmer as they ran forward. There were skulls all over the place either on the ground or staked on spears. Many trees seemed to be bitten down with the stumps having large teeth marks on them.

Just then, halting the progress of both the Bass and Gophers, was a large tree falling right in front of them. Everyone flinched and looked around to see what caused this and a few spotted shaking bushes and some large glowing eyes peeking out.

"I think I saw something," Cody whispered as the shaking bushes got more violent. Something finally then emerged from the bushes and everyone was treated to what looked like beavers…but were the size of bears and had tusks on them. "Monster…beavers!"

Everyone screamed in terror as the monster beavers all looked at them with rather…hungry expressions.

Confession - Chris

"A remnant of the Pleistocene Era, the woolly beaver is a day-active rodent indigenous to Boney Island," Chris explained what the deal was with those monster beavers. "Oh yeah, and they're meat eaters."

At the time that happened, it was the time the Killer Bass team went from one direction while the Screaming Gophers went into the other direction. And the time it was the time for them to run.

(Killer Bass)

The group started to run in panic, while DJ was holding the canoe by itself, and Ezekiel was running for his life. But by taking the new bow he got from Izzy, he knew it was the time to do something.

"Guys, go ahead," Ezekiel said as he took his bow and arrow and prepared to do some instant shots.

The group stared at the homeschooled boy who decided to take the arrow and already placed it to his compound bow and quickly decided to aim and one of the beavers, who was staring angrily and hungrily at him…

"Okay, if we take something from the island we would be cursed… so if we kill something from this island, would we be double cursed?" Ezekiel didn't shoot as the thought passed on his mind… And seeing the animals were in his direction. He decided to see if there was something… anything… And by some miracle, he found, a big wasp nest… And knowing that one arrow wouldn't do anything… He proceeded to take 6 arrows from his quiver and do something while the animals were approaching his group. Aiming to not pierce the wasp nest. But to make a huge shake on the tree which would be enough for a provocation.

*deep breath*



And with that, 6 arrows penetrated the tree nearby the next, and the shake was so much that it was enough to make the wasps furious and with that get out from the said nest…

"RUN FOR YOUR LIVES NOW.* Ezekiel's first part of the plan was done right, but now he provoked an animal that would hunt down anyone who just messed with their nest. Ezekiel decided to hide the arrows inside of his blouse, as the monster beavers noticed the buzzing sound of their most dangerous enemy.


Confession - Chris

"Eletricvital Wasps, a native creature which produces amazing honey, trust me, they produce honey, and they are some of the most lethal creatures around Boney Island. Someone who provokes them is the one who wants to have a date with the death." Chris explained what the deal was with those monster wasps, creatures that not even the beavers would dare to mess with... "Oh yeah, and they're also meat eaters."

The Killer Bass ran as if their lives depended on it… Since they heard Ezekiel decide to provoke a nest of wasps, it was a success that even the beavers quickly went to both fight and run away from such terrible creatures.

It was a distraction, and they didn't want to be the target of the said wasps, so they quickly ran away.

And the Screaming Gophers didn't have weapons to protect themselves, they resorted to running away from the beavers that tried to attack them. A bear who was enjoying itself a good scratch on its back in a tree was humming happily until it found a bunch of teenagers running away from the native animals of Boney Island…

The bear stopped to process if he saw things, so it took his glasses to place on its eyes, to see if that was true to see humans going around the island after what would be years.

They then thought they got them to leave them alone when they walked into a small pond that had a bunch of rather large nests surrounding them…

"No way out," Owen said as he felt despair appearing for the first time, and looking at the beavers approaching, it seemed that the end was coming sooner than they expected. But by some miracle, the beavers stopped following them… And turned their backs to the Screaming Gophers, they finally would have time to sigh in relief.

"Look, they are going away." Trent smiled as he felt relieved…

But Owen also had a question that would be perfectly used at that moment.

"Hey, would someone over here have an extra underwear to share?" Owen commented as he smiled sheepishly at the group who seemed to laugh at his joke, but then he shook his head. "No, it's serious… Hahaha."

And then with a nervous fart… Owen committed a terrible mistake… By waking up a bunch of prehistoric geese to start chasing them.

"OKAY, IT'S FOR SURE THAT I'M GOING TO NEED UNDERWEAR," Owen shouted as the group ran back in the direction of the beavers, but now this time they were being followed by the prehistoric birds.

The bear who was with its glasses to make sure if the humans were real, finally had the time to see them once again… Blinking in disbelief… the same bear decided to break it and go back to it's scratching once again.

Cody noticed they needed to do something, so suddenly an idea came to his mind.

"Wait a second," Luckily for them, Cody was the one to save them as he brought a loaf of bread with him. "Found it."

"Ohhh, where did you get that Cody?" Izzy commented as she found it interesting the geek boy had something to be prepared for in the haunted forest.

"I was planning to ask Katie for a romantic picnic while both our teams were doing the fire challenge," Cody commented as the group stared at him in disbelief. "Okay, It's a bad idea since this place is trying to kill us all, but come on, a boy has to try."

"Well, I would love to have a romantic dinner here," Izzy said as she smiled widely, and the group stared at her like she was insane. Except for Owen and Cody who seemed to know that she was telling the truth, and Cody knew about her military background.

"Of course, you do, you crazy girl," Heather said as she rolled her eyes, and Cody threw the bread to the floor for the prehistoric birds which got them to leave them alone.

At the time they went to the splitting pathway, the Killer Bass found that the sound of the wasps, could not be heard anymore, and the whole team could sigh in relief.

"Phew, that was close," Ezekiel commented as he stared at everyone looking at him. "What?"

"Dude, are you insane? You not just risked yourself, but you made a whole nest of wasps go crazy in our direction." Duncan commented as he looked not just annoyed, but showing a bit of worry in his voice.

"I know, I know. But I had to risk it. It was the only way to make the beavers leave us alone. So for me, it was best to make both animals clash with each other and let nature go it's course than actually trying to kill and be cursed forever." Ezekiel said as he himself was giving deep breaths. "It was crazy that we survived. So let's focus on winning this challenge and go back to the camp. Pronto."

"Okay, but don't you dare to do something crazy like that again," Courtney ordered and Ezekiel rolled his eyes. "I mean it. Your safety is also important, so let's survive together."

"Alright, alright, now which side should we go?" Ezekiel said, as he tried to recall from the episode, which one would be the safest to go.

"I think we should go for the left." Courtney pointed as Gwen felt the pressure, over the canoe. "Ops, sorry."

"Well, I think the right one would be the best." Gwen pointed in the direction of the right way, and Geoff and Bridgette decided to agree.

"Yeah, I think it's the best to risk on the right," Geoff asked, and Ezekiel decided to nod his head. And the Killer Bass once again went in the direction of their instincts.

The Screaming Gopher followed the trace of Killer Bass until they found the pathway the Bass chose to go on the right, and Trent decided to tell the group to go to the left.

Things seemed to be going well for them as there was nothing in their way to disturb them. At least until Trent suddenly started to lower into the ground.

"Whoa. Guys, uh, don't wanna panic here, but I'm shrinking!" Trent yelled to everyone as they all looked to see where Trent ended up. A pool of quicksand.

Confession – Trent

"Right. How am I supposed to know what quicksand looks like?" Trent questioned with a frown. He raised his arms in disbelief. "It looks just like sand."

Confession - Chris

"Hahahaha! Can you believe they fell for that?!" Chris started laughing hard at the fact that Trent actually ended up getting into the quicksand. "Haha, I set it up, but I didn't think anyone would walk into it! Haha, that's just great! Ahahahahaha!"

"Uh-oh…" Trent let out as everyone gasped as they watched the guitarist sink further down into the sand.

"Trent's stuck!" Lindsay screamed as she and Beth set the canoe she, Beth, and Trent were carrying as she went after Trent. "I'm coming, Trent!"

"No don't!" But Trent's words were in vain as Lindsay soon found herself sinking in the quicksand right next to Trent.

"I'm stuck too!" Lindsay gasped as she looked at her sinking body. "I so didn't see that coming."

Everyone quickly looked around to see if there was anything they could do. Just then Cody spotted something as he let go of the canoe he and Izzy were carrying, with they both set it down on the ground as Cody ran off. Everyone watched as Cody climbed up a tree grabbed onto a vine and used it to swing down to the quicksand pit to try and grab Trent's hand…only to miss and slam right into a tree.

Luckily the vine came back over the pit with Trent quickly grabbing it and climbing himself and Lindsay out and landing safely on solid ground. Everyone cheered as Cody, who was in a bit of a daze, walked over to the now-safe Trent and Lindsay.

"Whoa. Hey, thanks, bro." Trent held up his hand for Cody to high five only for the still dazed Cody to miss. "You're a lifesaver."

Cody then shook his head to get his senses back and asked Trent. "I am?"

Lindsay then came in and hugged Cody. "My hero!" The dumb blond happily said before letting go of Cody. "Where did you learn to do that?"

"You know, I watch a lot of movies," Cody explained making Lindsay giggle a little bit.

Confession – Cody

"I know that Katie said to be aware of how Trent will receive a lot of backlash from what happened at the last challenge. But I couldn't let both of my teammates die." Cody defended himself as he drew a line when he knew that even the Killer Bass wouldn't be so cruel. "I mean, I hope they are not going to get angry when they find out that I saved him, and he may want to talk to me more."

The Killer Bass were all making good progress with their hike. The woolly beavers continued leading them to where they needed to go and they were able to avoid most obstacles in their path. For example, not ending up in any quicksand. And with Ezekiel going in front of the DJ, he could see something strange around.

"Guys, let's try to avoid the plants with thorns around here, we don't know if they can be poisonous or not. So be ready to say if you just…" Ezekiel was pointing out until one scene that he expected to see in the show happens once again.

"AAAHHHH!" Suddenly Geoff was screaming in pain as he fell to the floor. "My leg! I'm down! I'm down! Oh, it's so unfair! Why did this have to happen now? Oh! Why? Why?!"

"End up like him," Ezekiel commented as he sighed in disbelief.

"Geoff!" Bridgette called out in concern as she went to check on him.

"What the problem dude? Got a thorn on the leg?" Ezekiel asked Geoff who was nodding his head at his friend.

"I can't feel my leg dude!" Geoff yelled as he tried shaking his leg around to wake it up only to be met with pain. "Never! I can feel it hurt! Hurting so much."

"Okay, so you are only feeling pain but also numbness in the entire region of it. Does anyone know how to take venom from the system?" Harold asked as Bridgette looked and noticed that there was one thing that she should do.

"I know," Bridgette commented as she took the shirt of the party boy.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Geoff said as he shouted in pain, but then he felt the thorn being taken away. "AHHHHHHHHHHHH."

And what Bridgette did was the procedure of taking the venom of the plant by sucking out and spitting on the floor.

The Killer Bass remained away as they looked disgusted at what the surfer was doing until she took Geoff's shirt, and a water bottle, and used it as a way to clean the injury and made an improvised bandage with the pink shirt.

"Okay, this is the best we can do for a few hours. When we get to the camp we should check if you need medicine for that." Bridgette commented as he looked at the little thorn and quickly launched back to the plants.

"Ahhhh," Geoff sighed in relief, as the pain finally got away. But still, a part of his leg felt numb from the terrible torture. "Thanks Bridge… you are a lifesaver."

"Thanks… I learned that from my friends who like to defend the rights of the animals, we learned to use that in case of one of us would get bitten by a venomous python."Bridgette commented proudly as Geoff seemed to be getting up with his leg.

"Okay, I can't feel my leg. But the pain is going away. So I think I still can go." Geoff commented and Gwen rolled her eyes.

"Look, I know that this is a touching moment, but we should be ahead of the Screaming Gophers, so let's end this challenge and go back to the camp," Gwen commented as she rolled her eyes, and Courtney nodded her head.

"Yeah, Duncan. I think it's time for you to stop slacking around and go help Bridgette to carry the canoe since you have been making less effort than anyone." Courtney raised her eyebrow and Duncan realized that he got busted.

"Dammit," Duncan snapped his fingers from seeing his plan didn't work, and now he had to help the man of one leg work. "Fine. Let's just finish this."

Confession - Geoff

"I didn't know if I was gonna make it," Geoff said which was followed by a sharp inhale. "It was touch-and-go. But Bridgette really managed to save my skin on there. She is awesome."

Confession – Bridgette

"I've seen surfers get eaten by sharks before, but this?" Bridgette said with a look of horror on her face. "This was horrifying! Thank God I learned from my friends how to treat venom bytes and how to take it from the system. Who knows what would happen if was a lethal dose?"

Confessional – Ezekiel

"And that's why you shouldn't be near to thorns of unknown plants around a haunted island. You never know what it can do to you. People say it would be a simple splinter. Maybe, but ever heard about little mosquitoes whose bite could be so lethal that you need to go to the hospital?" Ezekiel commented as he pointed to a fact. "That's why you should be wary of little things, you never know that that a little spider could kill a man… And Geoff needs to learn to wear pants when he is in the middle of the forest."

Confessional - DJ

"The man just...kept going!" DJ said with the utmost respect for Geoff. "Using only a leg or not, the dude's got heart."

Killer Bass managed to go to the safety location, and a few minutes before the Screaming Gophers came. The team seemed to be happy as they had one good trick on their sleeve.

At the time the Screaming Gophers got there, the Killer Bass team was already with a fire growing up.

With Chris monitoring them from a helicopter up above, the two teams were quick to try and get a big enough fire going. On the Gopher's side, Heather was rubbing two sticks together to try and get a fire going while Leshawna was banging rocks together. While Killer Bass was with their fire almost permitted by Chris.

How'd they do that so quickly?" Heather looked as if she couldn't believe how fast the team was working. Until Duncan silently answered Heather's question by pulling out and igniting a lighter he had with a smirk on his face.

"No rule against carrying lighters," Chris said as the camera went over to him in his helicopter. "Edge, Killer Bass."

It didn't take long until the whole group of Screaming Gophers were looking for more wood to make their fire stronger, and Beth was walking around the area between the bushes. There was something that made her eyes sparkle. Something that she never seen before. A Tiki statue carved in stone, something that impressed her… She wanted to have it as a lucky charm… without knowing the consequences of bringing such a forbidden item with her.

Cody was having a good time with Katie as both seemed to be talking, and even Cody who was drinking a good soda can he brought from his pants… Katie looked at him weirdly, and she couldn't help but roll her eyes, as he tried to look cool, but was still the same dorky that she liked to pass the time on the beach.

"Hey, Cody." And then a voice made Katie cringe, and frown upon the boy who seemed to be chilling about. "I want to once again thank you for saving my life."

Katie paused, and then gave a slight glance to Cody who was smiling sheepishly at him… But she smiled and kissed his cheek, before leaving the place, and not even looking at the guitarist who was looking confused.

Cody watched how the cold shoulder she gave to Trent was almost like placing ice on their underwear because damn, he shrives from seeing the cold glare Katie was giving to Trent at that moment.

"Hey, Trent. No problem." Cody decided to be polite, and saw Trent giving a look on Gwen from a far distance… and with a soda can in his hand, he couldn't help but sigh. "Dude, can I be honest with you?"

"Yeah sure man," Trent commented as smiled positively, Cody had to be the bringer of bad news.

"I know that you may have feelings for Gwen… Trust me, I do…" Cody commented as he placed a hand on his chest. "And I even confessed that I had at the time we started the show. But you also gave me a tip to not keep insisting and act naturally as myself… But bro, you messed up…"

"What do you mean?" Trent said as he raised both his eyebrows.

"You left someone who almost died in a landslide to suffer PTSD in the Phobia Challenge… And everyone from the Killer Bass hates you." Cody went real to his talk as he made Trent look at him confused.

"What do you mean? Gwen didn't seem to have suffered that bad, and they took her out before I could manage." Trent said as he raised both his arms to defend himself.

"Dude… You have to know… that…" Cody was about to say that it wasn't Gwen who suffered the most, but at the time he was going to say that, they both heard Heather clearing her throat towards the due.

"Are you both happy in your little boys' club? Good, because if you both didn't see, we are in the middle of the challenge." Heather wanted to interrupt both boys, because she knew that she needed someone that she could use as a meat shield, and the geek boy seemed to want to spill the beans, and she didn't want that.

On the Killer Bass side, the whole group gathered the much wood as possible, that even was needed. Geoff little by little felt that his leg could be used to try to help… But he needed to keep jumping like a bunny to make sure that he would be fast enough to help them all… Even if he had to fall and get up with the help of DJ and Duncan sometimes.

At the time Courtney looked, she felt a bit disappointed with it…

"I don't think that would be big enough," Courtney commented DJ was about to command the Killer Bass to bring more wood, but suddenly a voice came nearby.

"No, that's enough." Ezekiel's voice came when the group came to see the homeschooled boy bringing something like a tiny orange ball with him.

"What do you mean we have enough?" Gwen commented as Ezekiel took that little ball with him and decided to explain.

"I saw Izzy preparing something like that… And I have a feeling in my gut that this would cause a lot of fire. It's made of tree sap and sand. So let's give it a try." Ezekiel said at the same time, as Izzy was smiling wide open to him. "STAY BACK, FIRE IN THE HOLE."

At the time Ezekiel placed the little ball on the firepit, everyone from the Killer Bass jumped away, which made an explosion the size of a little house, and made Chris stare in surprise at the fire that remained on the Killer Bass' Side.

"Very well done Killer Bass, but if you want to come to copy me… you need to learn from a professional like me." Izzy giggled maniacally as she also gave instructions to her team. "STAY BACK EVERYONE, THIS IS GOING TO BE BIG."

At the time the Screaming Gophers saw the explosion from the Killer Bass and saw that Izzy had a ball even bigger than the version of Ezekiel, the group didn't think twice, they ran away from the giggling maniac pyromaniac Izzy.

Izzy launched the ball on the Screaming Gophers firepit… and it was like a nuclear explosion, the fire was enough to make Chris almost get hit by the helicopter.

"Woo-hoo-hooo." Chris enjoyed seeing both explosions and the good fires around the rescue… But he still needed to say who was the winner… "We have our fire-building winner… Point for Screaming Gopher."

At the time the explosion finished, Heather couldn't help but ask Izzy.

"Where did you learn to do that?" Heather asked the girl soot-covered girl who was still smiling widely.

"Ah, I spent a summer training with the reserves," Izzy explained as she got up to her feet, and decided to give even more details. "Yeah, I got into some trouble there and, like, blew up a kitchen by accident, which is why the RCMP is, like all over my ass. I am so totally AWOL."

The Killer Bass stared at Ezekiel who was still cleaning the residues of the sap over his hands.

"Yep, such a little thing can be very lethal. At least we managed to finish this challenge. Now let's go." Ezekiel said as the Killer Bass got their canoes and decided to go back to their race.

Noticing that the whole Killer Bass would need something to make themselves faster, and from the look of their own team, some felt that they wouldn't have a chance to run away against the group…

"We need a new plan to make us go faster…" Courtney commented as the team was preparing themselves to paddle until a new voice called their attention.

"You guys could get someone to swim behind the boats and push them." Suddenly Izzy, someone from the opposing team, spoke up to the Bass. "I did that once for this huge like, sixty-foot yacht; the whole crew had to flutter kick for like, eight days to get to shore. And like, four of us got eaten by sharks. I didn't, hehe, not me. But it was really insane. Okay, later!"

Cody realized something was wrong until Izzy looked at him and gave a little wink, which made him realize what she was doing… She was trying to make the team lose on purpose.

"That might work!" Geoff, now able to stand up on his own, said with a smile on his face. If someone strong enough could swim fast enough, they might just be able to barely make it in first.

"We need someone big enough to push all the canoes back." Bridgette put a hand to her chin in thought before she smiled as she looked at the Bass's brick house. "DJ, you're the only one who's strong enough."

DJ remained calm, as he looked at the whole group, who was preparing themselves to have their canoes united, and with all the things his entire team did with him… And all the challenges they were put through together.

"I can do this." Everyone looked to DJ as he spoke in a completely serious tone. "I have to."

Confession – DJ

"It was all up to me. Once I had a bad story related to me jumping in the water which caused me to suffer humiliation and even a name after that event… But for the time I was on this show, I survived through a cliff to a zone with sharks, then got into a marathon to still be awake, and then a hardcore dodgeball game, then a talent show, and then surviving in the forest for a whole day, and finally going against my deepest fear..." DJ said to the audience at home with a determined look on his face. "I needed to swim like a Killer Bass should and no wedgie flop was going to stand in my way. We are going to win this challenge. Or my name is James Mcnelson… and it isn't"

"That is one…brave man," Geoff said while pointing at DJ. The party dude's respect for the Brickhouse was at an all-time high at seeing DJ willing to put his fears aside to help his team once again.

As it turned out, this was probably faster than using oars. All of the Killer Bass canoes were stacked onto each other with all of the team riding on the top of the stack with DJ pushing them forward. And with the oars on each side, both Killer Bass helped DJ even further by combining all their efforts to make DJ go even faster as they all paddle together…

"COME ON, COME ON," DJ screamed as he was using all the strength he had in his legs. And with that, he pushed them so fast they were easily catching up to the Screaming Gophers. They didn't just catch up. They passed them! All the Bass were cheering DJ's name.

Although DJ seemed to not know how to stop when they reached the beach, they proceeded to fly off a rock like a ramp, fly over Chris, and crash on the other side of the beach. But hey, they were still the first team on the beach! "The Bass are the winners!" Chris announced leading to the Bass all cheering for the victory.

When the Gophers reached the beach, most were quick to glare at Izzy. The one who advised the Bass that allowed them to win. Cody looked at Izzy in concern… as he saw a plan she was doing at that moment… But he couldn't ask why, since she was giving a knowing smirk, and a giggle like it was similar to what she was asking to hold a secret.

Campfire - That night

Night had fallen on the camp. Once again, it was time for the ever-tense bonfire ceremony where tonight the 7th camper would be leaving Total Drama Island. Forever.

"And now, the always anxiety-inducing marshmallow ceremony," Chris announced while holding a plate of eight marshmallows. "When I call your name, come and get a marshmallow. Beth. Trent. Cody." The three campers smiled and went to go get their marshmallows with Trent and Cody pressing their marshmallows against the others as if to toast with them. "Owen. Heather."

And with that, there were two campers yet only one marshmallow. Izzy and Lindsay.

"One last marshmallow," Chris said with a grin as he tossed the marshmallow up and down in his hand. "The person who doesn't get this marshmallow will walk off the Dock of Shame and take a ride on the Boat of Losers. Who's it gonna be?"

But before Chris could name the camper that was staying, a helicopter was heard and everyone looked up to indeed see one flying above them with a searchlight shining down from it and onto Izzy. "Izzy!" A voice called out from within the helicopter. "We know you are down there! You are under arrest!"

At the time Cody heard such words, his eyes went wide open, and stared at Izzy who winked at him. From all the stories and even her sabotage… she knew the military would have come to find her… And now she was planning her escape.

"Well, it was good while it lasted. See ya!" Izzy said before standing up and pointing up at the helicopter. "YOU'LL NEVER GET ME ALIVE!"

Everyone then watched as Izzy laughed manically as she quickly ran away, the helicopter in hot pursuit of her.

"Well. That wraps that up." Chris said as everyone watched the scene with shocked looks. "Night everyone."

At the time the groups went back to their cabins, Geoff proceeded to find a good sedative to help him go to sleep, as tomorrow his leg would feel better... The last thing he did was to give High Five to everyone in the boy's cabin... Since their challenge, everyone did their best, and Harold deserved the high five to help over Bridgette.

Bridgette went to her bed... and smiled to see the Sea Shell Geoff gave to her... it was something that reminded her good childhood with her cousin, and it was good to listen to the sound of the ocean from the sea shells. She smiled as the days of camping seemed to be getting better and better.

Cody reflected on all the stories Izzy has told him about... And he couldn't help but wonder which one of them was actually true... and he was too afraid to ask Chef if he indeed shot Izzy's mom, which still seemed a touchy subject for both of them... But also seeing Owen a bit depressed to not see the crazy girl around him... The big boy seemed to have a crush on the chaotic girl, which Cody doesn't blame him...But he is not sure if Izzy sees Owen the same way he sees her...

So by shrugging off, Cody decided to ignore and think the whole day wasn't ready... it was best to guard her secrets since she seemed to trust him. His team seems to be getting smaller and smaller... And by glancing at Trent... he isn't sure if reality is going to hit the guitarist in the face if he isn't aware of how angry the rival team is with him... And yet, Cody decided to go to sleep and have nice dreams with Katie.

Ezekiel placed both his bow and quiver on the corner of his bed... and looked at the ceiling as he was thinking about the same thing...

Izzy must be on the Playa del losers now... And seemed to be having fun in her chaotic way until the merge happened. By closing his eyes... Ezekiel knew that the Screaming Gophers were now cursed as Beth was hiding her Tiki in her bag, an unlucky amulet that she would think was to attract luck.

And with that... another night of heavy sleep from exhaustion to all the campers just happened. With their prayers, the next challenge wouldn't be harder...

Poor little souls.

Chapter 13: Paintball Deer Hunter

Chapter Text


"Last time, on Total Drama Island…" Chris flashed his perfect white teeth at the camera as he began the recap. "Both teams set out on a canoe trip to deadly Boney Island. Stories were shared, gifts were given, and people were running from dangers and suffering a possible poison thorn which made them handicapped. There were winners. And there were losers. Also known as, The Gophers. The last marshmallow was set to go to either Izzy or Lindsay, but the RCMP swooped in, and bam! Izzy hightailed it out there! Hahahah, man, I knew the girl was nuts, but I didn't know she was totally insane! However, one Gopher may have secretly done something even crazier when she brought home a creepy stick statue voodoo thingy from the deadly haunted island. Will Beth live to regret her souvenir? And can my teeth possibly get any whiter? Find out here on Total. Drama. Island!"

The cabin of Screaming Gophers was never the same after the trip around Boney Island. Since the night after dealing with the exhausting crazy girl Izzy, slightly weird things have happened around the camp.

On the first day, Heather's bed suddenly cracked while she was sleeping. The fact she woke up with her face on the floor made her mood sour for the whole day. The Killer Bass didn't care at all, since the girls never interacted with each other all the time.

Lindsay's product expired and the blonde girl didn't check it before applying it to herself... The second day made her scream in panic after her skin had a bad reaction from the lipstick she applied... Which made her lip deformed...

The entire day Lindsay had been screaming in panic and running around, for the entertainment of the viewers on pay-per-view.

Beth and Lindsay prepared the shower for Heather twice, and somehow whenever she went the water in the shower was scalding which made her scream in pain and horror.

Heather was mad, and Beth and Lindsay also suffered from the shower which suddenly went cold and scalding...

"Okay, this camp is trash," Heather said as she felt her skin pinkish from the hot water, and from the look of Lindsay and Beth who were still trembling from the cold shower but also with a few pink marks on their skin. "This place is in ruins."

And the girls around aren't the only ones who are feeling like that. Since Owen stumbled on the wooden stairs it cracked with his weight. Cody learned how a boy with 130 kilograms can overcome his fear of disarming a bomb... Now he felt on the verge of death like Ezekiel did. And he couldn't help but be in a fetal position every time he imagined Owen jumping on him...

That is until Katie pats his head and says that everything is going to be alright. That was a good thing for him to be grateful to have the tan girl by his side...

Trent also tried to use the shower. But the water pressure was enough to make the metal pipe separate itself from the wall and directly hit him in his face.

Little accidents made everyone wary about what was happening around the camp.


"Alright I talked with Chef and he said that the interns will come here to fix the showers this afternoon" Courtney and Gwen came to the group of campers, Heather was still annoyed but at least she could have a good shower the next morning.

The Killer Bass team has no idea what's happening. But it was lucky that nobody from their team seemed to be hurt from terrible showers.

With good satisfaction, the campers decided to resume their whole day...

The day of the challenge, when everyone thought it would have been the best time for them to prepare themselves for whatever craziness Chris would come up with... and since most of the days before the challenge starts... It always starts with a good morning, with the sun already up and with even animals like bunnies crossing around nature...

But suddenly the sound of a helicopter startled all the animals, as it appeared that it was nobody other than Chris who was still wearing his usual helicopter pilot uniform. And with that passing around the camp to scare all the campers once again...

"Oh! Hit the deck! They're coming, man! They found us!" Duncan shouted in panic, as his eyes went wide open and he immediately woke up from his dreams. And he with his white underwear jumped under Ezekiel's and Geoff's bunker... This left both Harold, DJ, and Geoff looking at the delinquent in confusion since they also woke up from the loud sounds.

Heather yawned as she started to get up from bed.

"He really just loves ruining our mornings. Well, whatever, Beth, Lindsay, go warm up the shower for me." Beth and Lindsay were still feeling sleepy, as both also felt still sleepy from the terrible wake-up. Until they heard Heather clapping her hands loudly. "Girls, now. Or we would be without our shower, we need to be the first ones to take the morning shower before the challenge, because there is no way that I'm going to be at the challenge smelling like that."

"Okay," Beth said as she got down from the bunker, with only the three on the female side of the Gophers, and from all the time she had been around the camper, Heather and Lindsay had been her best friends, and even Heather who can be a bit demanding, she also learned a lot from her. "I'm going to use my hand to check if the shower is fixed..."

"Good idea Beth, do that." Heather complimented as she was feeling uncomfortable on her back. Sleeping on these days has been dragging too much of the Queen Bee...

"Err... Heather, can I use the bathroom first? I need to go to urgently..." Lindsay said as she was almost with the desire to jump on her place...

And Heather looking at Lindsay who was feeling like she was about to explode... rolled her eyes.

"Fine, but you better be quick," Heather commanded as she could see Lindsay smiling happily and was about to leave. "Say Beth to also use it before I get inside of the shower."

"Okay." Lindsay smiled as she ran away. Leaving Heather once again trying to wake up.

Heather remained quiet and watched both girls leave to do whatever they wanted before she went to take a shower before everyone else... But still, something has been bugging her since the last challenge.

"Ugh... this team has 6 members now, and there are 9 fish heads... Each challenge is taking more and more from my team and I don't know when the merge will come... if it will be when we have 5 or 4... or even 3 members... This team is fated to lose..." Heather thought as she watched how every single challenge, even from the defeats... to their victory meant nothing to them... It was like she was outplayed by the other team... and it now made her realize her chances of being in the final three were less and less acceptable... "I need to use contingency plans for determined cases."

Ezekiel was still trying to find a good balance before going back into writing another chapter of Steven Universe.

Going back from Boney Island made him even practice some moves that he could draw Opal doing with her bow and arrow... And now that Izzy wouldn't be around until the merge. He missed someone with whom he could speak with honesty. Someone he could share his secret of being the one knowing what is going to happen in the future...

But now, he isn't sure what to do... Since Beth took the cursed item from the haunter island... He could see how everything was wrapping up around the Gophers, and such a curse was starting small... Because from the way Ezekiel saw it... Today's challenge would be the one in which Cody gets mauled by a bear in the cannon, but since most of the events happening and the quantity of the Gophers... it may be possible that Cody wouldn't suffer the said fate... He hoped so.

*Deep breath*


*Release breath*

At the time Ezekiel was preparing to launch another arrow, the sound of the helicopter was enough to make him lose his concentration and made him target on the floor...

"Okay, Chris coming to the camp by helicopter... why am I not surprised?" Ezekiel said as he turned to see the helicopter flying above him and even crossing to the other side of the cabins. "Yeah, I'm glad I woke up earlier than dealing with this."

It didn't take long until Ezekiel found a line of girls waiting in front of the washroom, and every single one of them was holding their pee... And Beth and Lindsay were the guardians of the said place.

"What's going on?" The homeschooled boy asked which made the Killer Bass girls look at him in anticipation.

"IT'S HEATHER, SHE HAS BEEN HOLDING THE BATHROOM FOR HERSELF SINCE THEY WOKE UP," Courtney shouted as she was furious over the duo of girls who couldn't do anything since they were already there...

Gwen, Bridgette, and Katie were also on the verge of killing someone at that moment, but all came down when Ezekiel titled his head...

"So why don't you go to the boy's bathroom?" Ezekiel asked which made the girls stare at him in disbelief. "The interns who fixed the shower yesterday also gave a good clean up... And that is the best time to use it before Owen appears... Trust me, every time he goes on there is like a bomb from Mushroom War..."

The girls of the Killer Bass got the reference, so they immediately took the idea and ran straight to the bathroom, while Beth and Lindsay tilted their heads to him.

"It's not pretty," Ezekiel commented as he left the girls alone... It didn't take long until he found the boys dressing themselves up, and with him leaving his newest bow on his bed. A few minutes later, Chri's voice appeared from the loudspeakers.

"I hope you're ready for the most challenging challenge yet," Chris announced to everyone. "Breakfast in three minutes at the campfire pit."

A little over three minutes afterward, both teams were seen gathered up where Chris told them to be with the host of the show standing in front of all of the contestants.

"Are you ready for today's extreme max impact challenge?!" Chris yelled to everyone, really hyping up the challenge for today.

"We are ready!" Owen cheered while raising his arms.

"Incoming!" Chris yelled as he held up a box filled with cans and proceeded to throw one towards Bridgette. Bridgette flinched, but at the time she was about to get hit luckily Duncan came to the rescue and caught the can before it could hit her. And with one grip, the can of beans opened it up.

Chris then began throwing the cans of what the campers learned were beans to all of the contestants. "This is breakfast."

"No." Heather said with disgust as she looked at the can. "Breakfast is crepes, croissants, even Chef's crappy burnt eggs."

"Beans, beans, they're good for your heart, the more ya eat, the more ya-" Owen happily sang before Heather threw her can at the big guy's face.

"Today's challenge is about survival," Chris explained before pulling out something from behind his back. A paintball gun. "We're going hunting."

"Now that's more like it." Duncan said with an eager smirk.

"Isn't that a paintball gun?" Harold asked as he pointed to the green gun in Chris's hands.

"Why yes Harold," Chris said as he aimed the paintball gun at Harold and shot the ginger with it. "It is."

"So we won't be killing anything?" Bridgette asked with crossed arms.

"Negatory," Chris confirmed making Bridgette smile. "This is the first ever paintball deer hunt. I'll announce the teams once we get into the woods. So…finish breaky."

Just then a loud burp got everyone's attention and made them all look to Owen who already had a bunch of emptied cans around him with beans staining his body. "Aaaaah…" Owen let out in satisfaction. "Got any more?"

"Have mine," Ezekiel said as he launched his own can to the gluttonous boy. "I'm not hungry."

About 25 minutes later, the teams were all gathered up near the woods with Chris having a trunk next to him as well as a rack with paintball guns set up on it.

"And now for the team breakdowns," Chris announced as he took all the Bass red guns off the rack. "The Killer Bass hunters are…Courtney, Harold, Duncan, Geoff, and Bridgette. Locked and loaded with bass blue paint."

Chris then threw the four guns to the hunters for the Bass.

"And using orange paint are the Gopher hunters," Chris said as he grabbed the green guns off the rack. "Heather, Cody, Owen, Lindsay."

"Whahoo!" Owen cheered as he and the three other Gopher hunters caught their guns. "This is awesome man!"

"You also get these stylin' glasses and wicked camo caps!" Chris said as he reached into the trunk and pulled out said items. "The rest of you are now deer. Here are your antlers, noses, and little whitetails." Chris pulled out a headband with deer antlers attached, red deer noses, and belts with a little deer tail attached.

"Wow, I'm glad that I don't have to wear that." Heather scoffed as she took the hunter cap and glanced at Beth who was now holding the deer costume with uneasiness.

"I bet that there will be consequences if we don't use the costumes?" Ezekiel was not chosen to become a hunter, which for him was a very fair option since he never held a paintball gun, nor any kind of gun at all... So it wasn't his expertise... so if that means that he would be a deer, that wouldn't mean that it would get even more humilant.

"That's right. Take these off and your team is toast." Chris said as he proceeded to put the deer gear on Ezekiel. And he also got the shades the hunters got.

Chuckling was then heard from behind Ezekiel witch the homeschooled boy turned around a saw Owen grinning at him from behind. "Why are you laughing?"

"Oh, nothing." Owen continued grinning as Ezekiel narrowed his eyes, as he was giggling at the tail Ezekiel had. "Bambi." Owen then grabbed Ezekiel's tail and pulled it back and proceeded to snap it by letting it go.

"You know that I have a bow and arrows right?" Ezekiel gave the rhetorical question which made the smile of Owen drop. "You better be a good shot, tubby!"

Ezekiel said those words, and Duncan started laughing.

"Okay, that was good," Duncan said as Owen left Ezekiel alone, who scoffed. "Also..."

"If you are going to make fun of it, I know how to prank people," Ezekiel warned Duncan who grinned at him.

"Alright, alright, alright, spoil's sport," Duncan said as he went away, leaving Ezekiel with the definition of pot-calling kettle black on his mind.

Confession – Katie

"I don't know what everyone's complaining about," Katie said with a smile and proudly wearing her deer stuff. "I think these look great in me... I think Sadie would also look cute on this... *Gasp* maybe if I ask Chris to let me take these costumes and bring them home I can bring a spare one to Sadie. She is going to love it."

Cody saw Katie dressing herself as a deer, and his eyes sparkled at seeing such a tanned beauty in a way like that... He felt his face blush at the time she smiled at him and even showed her tail to him...

"Are you going to be fine dude?" Trent asked which made Cody jump from his place.

"Oh, hey Trent," Cody called the guitarist, who seemed relaxed from seeing the boy happy to have the gun. "Well, I'm more of a dodger than a shooter, but I think I can manage some points for our team."

"Well, I hope you have fun... I wish I could have gotten the paintball gun, but for me, it's not going to be difficult to hide in the forest." Trent said optimistically until he saw a group of Killer Bass staring directly at the two. "Oh, it seems the group of Killer Bass is staring at you in seriousness. Maybe you should be careful around them."

Trent left which made Cody glance around and found that all Killer Bass was staring not at him, but at the person who just left.

"It wasn't me who should be afraid, Trent." Cody sighed as he could see that probably this challenge was going to suck. And he has no idea how to deal with it. "Are we even going to win?"

A few meters away Heather watched Beth getting ready to leave until someone touched her shoulder.

"Ah, Heather," Beth said as the Queen Bee was using her full hunter set.

"Okay, you need to stay at the front part of the start of the challenge." Heather gave the instruction which made the farmer tilt her head.

"But... wouldn't that expose me to the others to hit me?" Beth asked which made Heather roll her eyes.

"Not when me and Lindsay will be protecting you." Heather gave the plan and even whispered the details which made Beth fear the consequences.

"But isn't that illegal?" Beth asked which Heather scoffed.

"He didn't specify the strategies. So that means everything works. Even the outside boundaries for hunters... But I think the deer cannot leave the forest. Just the hunters." Heather explained the points which made Beth nods her head at the boss of the alliance.

"Got it... I will be waiting for you both." Beth commented which she waved and left herself with Trent.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" Lindsay asked Heather, as the chances of winning the challenge would be minuscule. And even with Heather hesitating, it showed to the blonde girl that even the Queen Bee had no idea.

"I don't know, but that's our only option... Since from the way Killer Bass are looking at Trent... they are going to send the whole hunter squad after him... It's our only strategy to survive and win the challenge." Heather was sincere, that even she couldn't be in control of how things worked... she was glad to have a Pariah to take all the heat, which meant Beth would be saved from the target... "It's everything we can do."

(Killer Bass - Deer)

The deer of the Killer Bass team, Ezekiel, DJ, Katie, Gwen, and Katie, were now all seen walking through the woods. Chris told them the deer had a 15-minute head start to get into the woods and hide.

"This is easily the lamest thing I've ever done in my life," Gwen complained as she wasn't interested in suffering such a stupid challenge around.

"Well, at least they gave us a head start." Ezekiel tried to show positivity since Gwen wasn't that thrilled about being a deer in the game.

"I don't know about ya'll, but I'm outta here!" DJ then did something that surprised nearly everyone on his team. The brick house got down on all fours and started prancing away just like a real deer would. Making Gwen and Sadie's eyes widen.

Ezekiel looked amused since he acted exactly like the episode.

"Well, I think that's also my time to leave... See you later, and good luck." Ezekiel said, as he turned in the East direction and ran the fast as he could.

(Screaming Gophers - Deer)

Currently, the Gopher deer, Beth, and Trent were also walking through the woods and making the most of their head start with all of them, which the duo seemed to not be too happy about being the deer.

Beth remembered the words from Heather, so she smiled sheepishly.

"I think I have to go that way... Good luck Trent." Beth said quickly as she proceeded to hide in the bushes, to which Trent just smiled and walked away from the farmer teenager... After a few minutes alone. Beth looked again, and sighed in relief, to just walk around and find a rock for her to sit on. "I hope Heather is right."

(Killer Bass – Hunters)

"Alright team," Courtney called the team and Duncan, Harold, Geoff, and Bridgette looked at her. "I know that most of you want to go firstly to Trent, to possibly use all the bullets you have in your guns... but I also want to advise to leave at least some bullets in case we find Beth around... Another victory for our team would be good."

"So you don't want to make us separate ourselves to try to find both of them faster?" Harold asked as the group looked also in surprise.

"Well, to be honest... no," Courtney answered as she raised her own paintball gun to the group. "Every single one of us wants to keep harassing Trent for what he did, he hasn't apologized to us yet. So if he is still going to play the ignorant, let's use most of the bullets on him."

"I wished Heather would have been the deer... but shooting at Trent would cheer my mood today," Bridgette commented as Geoff tipped his hat. "What about you Geoff?"

"He made hails going directly from my head... this is personal," Geoff said as he was going to track the guitarist like a dog looking for a bone.

"Alright. I think we can use the V formation, to make a good way to spread the point of view, and with that, if we find him, we can call everyone to focus our bullets on him." Courtney smiled, as Duncan was chuckling with his teeth getting sharp.

"Oh, this is going to be fun," Duncan said as he could see the destruction going around the person who deserved it.

"Alright," Harold said as he showed his hand, for then Geoff came and placed his own hand above his, and Bridgette, and then Duncan, and finally Courtney did the same, they all grinned as they brought their hands together before raising them up in the air.

Chris proceeded to speak to everyone through a megaphone. "Start your paintballs!" The host told everyone as he was about to give the hunters the go-ahead to start hunting their fellow campers. "Game on!"

(Screaming Gophers - Hunters)

"Alright!" Heather smiled as she took her own gun, and smiled with Lindsay. "Let's go find Beth and protect her. And if we have luck, shoot someone from the other team"

Heather and then Lindsay watched Owen splash some yellow liquid onto himself.

"What are you doing?" Lindsay asked with a confused tone.

"Masking my scent so the deer don't smell me coming," Owen said as he prepared to go into full hunter mode.

"Tell me that isn't…" Heather's face turned green as she cringed in disgust, with Lindsay still looking confused, as the queen bee figured out what Owen was doing exactly.

"Pee?" Owen finished Leshawna's sentence with a nod of his head. "Yes. Yes, it is!"

"Eeeeeww!" Heather and Lindsay said in unison.

"We're hunting other campers. You stupid" Heather facepalmed as she told the big guy while backing away from him. "You don't have to hide your scent."

"You mean I collected all this pee for nothing?" Owen complained before throwing a jar of collected pee away with Heather and Lindsay running away screaming so it didn't hit them.

"YOU SICKO," Heather shouted as she run away the fastest as she could.

It didn't take long until both of them found someone sitting near the rock. Heather smiled as she could see Beth did exactly as she ordered.

"Good, you are here." Heather smiled pleased, as Beth still looked unsure about what was going to happen.

"Well, what about now?" Beth asked as she was sitting on the place, and she had no idea what she was going to do.

"I don't know about you, but I'm going to the dining hall, I'm starving. And I refuse to eat beans for breakfast." Heather said as she refused to be just guarding Beth, without any food to help them concentrate. "I'm going to bring chips, want some?"

"You don't like the barbeque version," Lindsay commented and the Queen Bee rolled her eyes.

"Then I would grab the other flavor. You want the barbeque one?" Heather asked annoyed, but in answer of that, the duo Lindsay and Beth nodded their heads happily at her. "Okay, Lindsay stay on guard, and protect Beth, we cannot let her be shot."

Confession– Heather

"Ok…my first contingency plan is to make sure that I still would have the 4 votes in my favor to all the people I would want to eliminate," Heather said as she pointed with 4 fingers. "Having Trent as a meat shield would also include that sometimes I would need to send the fat boy one day. But now, I just have one plan in case we are going to lose... But I still need to make sure Beth and Lindsay would stay in my side...They would be lost without me... man, why my friends are so dragging?... wait, I don't mean they are not my friends. How you can edit this out? STOP RECORDING."

(Screaming Gopher - Owen the Hunter)

"The hunter is a finely tuned machine. His senses heightened by the thrill of the chase." Owen was currently putting his focus to the max. He narrated his hunting journey for himself as he kept his eyes peeled for any Bass members wearing antlers and tails. Sniffing the air, Owen spotted something and quietly tiptoed over to it. Hiding behind a large enough push, Owen peaked and saw DJ still embracing his inner deer as shown by the teen munching on some grass. "Suddenly, our hunter spots a magnificent buck in the clearing. If he's to succeed, the hunter must demonstrate patience and control."

Just then Owen failed this second step as he snuck next to a bush closer to DJ…and proceeded to fart. Both Owen and DJ's eyes widened at this as DJ quickly looked around to see where the source of the noise was coming from.

Owen managed to keep it down long enough for DJ to simply forget about it and start munching on grass again as a bird proceeded to perch the top of his antler hat. "The hunter moves in, aware of every proton in his environment." Owen started quietly narrating again as he got ready to shoot the Bass deer in front of him…only for a large snake to slither onto the big guy making him stand up from his hiding place. "Aw crap!" Owen yelled as he threw the snake away from him.

Needless to say, DJ noticed this and quickly started to run away like a deer would. "Haha! It's on, DJ!" Owen gripped his gun as he started chasing after the brick house. "Your butt's a hamburger and I'm one hot barbeque!"

And chase he did. No matter what, Owen refused to let up on DJ. The big guy never took his eyes off the brick house and tried to take shot after shot of him with DJ managing to avoid the hits so far. "You're my burger now, DJ!" Owen yelled while panting. And like a true hunter, Owen refused to let up on his hunt for DJ.

Even after hitting his jewels against a rock, being led through a bunch of thorn bushes, and getting chased by a bunch of raccoons, Owen refused to let up on DJ and continued to chase after him and continued to shoot at him and unfortunately missed.

But things seemed to be looking up for Owen. Quite literally. Owen had managed to chase DJ all the way up the 1000-foot cliff the campers all went up for their first challenge. DJ was chased to the edge of the cliff with nowhere left to run. Beads of sweat went down DJ's head as Owen was right in front of him and aiming the paintball gun right at him. "You're mine now deer!" Owen said as he looked right into DJ's eyes.

With his gun pointed right at DJ, Owen put his thumb to the trigger…and nothing happened. Only clicking sounds were heard no matter how many times Owen pushed it. Owen grew nervous as DJ's nervous look soon turned into a glare.

"Um, the hunter knows that his prey will stay there for a moment, paralyzed in…uh, fear?" DJ didn't do anything Owen said with his narration as the brick house stomped right in front of Owen. "And respect? The deer cannot best the hunter."

DJ now looked down at Owen as the big guy nervously laughed and tried to back away from DJ.

"Hey, dude. C'mon now. Let's talk about this." That was the final word until the only thing DJ did was pick up Owen and throw him down the cliff, at the time Owen hit the water, just like the episode 2 of Total Drama Island, it happened a giant wave towards the beach… DJ looked at the damage he did with the fat boy and happily started running down the cliff.

Owen wasn't the only Gopher having a pretty rotten time. Heather had to wait under the stairs leading to the dinning hall. Until Chef Hatchet gets out from there wearing his swim shorts, and a float around his waist, and the Chef from such a terrible show seems to be whistling happily about the idea of going to swim while the group of brats would be enjoying another messed up challenge.

At the time Chef left the place, Heather went quickly from the place she was and went straight to the kitchen to find the chips she was going to bring for herself and her friends...

Heather paused...

"They aren't my friends... they are part of the alliance, nothing more than that," Heather commented to herself, as she took it from the shelters, the quantity of 5 chips, which would be enough for them to get going around the forest. And like a bullet, she opened the kitchen window, and closed it without Chef having any idea about her,

(Killer Bass - Ezekiel)

Walking around the forest being a deer wasn't something that Ezekiel would have in mind. But since he was bored and had nothing better to do... So he planned to make some traps to make the challenge more interesting.

The snare traps the trees and bushes and uses nothing more than vines to make the rope and the leaves to make the disguise...

"Man, that would be so funny if someone got caught by this." Ezekiel smiled since it wasn't a hunt if there weren't traps around... Making the traps for both deer and hunters would make the game more interesting.

"Hey, it's nice to see you here."Then a voice called, which made the excited Killer Bass smile and frown deeply.

The unamused face of the homeschooled boy was enough to say that he wasn't happy to find nobody else than Trent...

Confession - Ezekiel

"From all people to find me... In around all the giant forest, is it Strange that I would be happier to find Heather instead of him?" Ezekiel said as he looked annoyed at the camera, but also he took a good minute to calm down... "I know that a part of me still says that maybe I have been exaggerating, like all my team. Maybe one hour or someday I will find strength in my heart to forgive him... But his free-spirited smile really got on my nerves... Does he ever feel sorry at all?"

Ezekiel turned his head away and decided to ignore the teenager who kept calling hey.

"Ezekiel, wait, please. Come on man, talk to me... Everyone from your team is ignoring me or even being hostile." Trent decided to follow the homeschooled boy who was just walking even faster to ignore his voice. "Come on, speak to me. You are the only one who Gwen knows who passed the challenge with her."

And with that, Ezekiel stopped. And turning his head slowly, he decided that he had enough.

"That's it?" Ezekiel replied, but this time Trent saw that the boy in front of him was looking with all the anger inside of his heart. "It's all about Gwen? Not even caring about how me and Geoff had to suffer because of you?"

Trent stopped, and his worried face then became complete as he could see a few steps approaching him as well.

"Ezekiel, don't even try," Gwen called as she could see Trent and her face showing nothing more than anger. "Don't waste your time with someone like him."

Trent almost smiled if wasn't for the fact Gwen showed no feelings about seeing him around. Her eyes were cold like ice.

"Come on, Gwen. I'm sorry about leaving you both alone, I was caught by a surprise attack." Trent explained but neither of them seemed to be moved by that.

"Well, what about your suggestion to make Geoff's hail cloud go lower and hit stronger on his face?" Gwen asked which now made the guitarist flinches from the question.

"Well, that I cannot defend myself, it was my bad, but I was just kidding with him. It doesn't seem to be that bad." Trent scratched his head sheepishly but that made not only Gwen's mad, but Ezekiel became absolutely peeved.


The more the time passed the more Ezekiel shouted, which made Trent even palled from receiving the reality check in his face...

He remembered Cody warning about a person suffering from PTSD and from the looks of the team. The person who wanted to hurt Trent so much was... The pink shirt, cowboy hat teenager, who wanted so much to hurt him...

At the time Trent was about to say something. Suddenly he felt a cold object aiming directly at him...Slowly turning around, he saw a delinquent boy who was with his paintball gun aimed at him.

And behind him, the other members of the team have all their weapons aimed at him.

"Err..." Trent felt nervous about seeing the entire team staring at him with all their weapons, and nothing more than unamused expressions on their faces.

Ezekiel noticed how things would end. So he decided to make something clear.

"Hey guys, did anyone watch The Godfather 1?" Ezekiel asked such a random question... But at the time the Killer Bass nodded their heads to him, since was a known classic movie...Until everybody realized what Ezekiel meant... In one single scene, a person is surrounded by people with guns.

Trent started to sweat cold and tried to even look for Gwen, who just simply ignored and followed the green hat's example and left the prey for their hunters.

Trent palled as Geoff walked in front of the group with their faces showing their true intentions... Trent didn't even have time to react or run...

They Sonny Corleone him.

It was such a dramatic scene, that Chris made sure to place it on the episode with even an Italian opera song Parla Piu Piano, and in slow motion...

The blue ink goes through the body of Trent and with the coldest look from Duncan, Bridgette, Courtney, Harold, and Geoff...

Every single paintball was like hitting his clothing even his face... And every single one of them hurt it like they don't have mercy on him.

Balls of torture hit his body...

He went down... And Geoff slowly walked as he pointed the gun to his face.

"No, not in the face," Trent begged, as Geoff simply tipped his hat like it was a fedora, and gave the mafia style of execution... And without mercy shot the guitarist 5 times in the face.

At the time that happened, the Killer Bass group remained quiet. And then walked around, from the knocked-out camper.

(Screaming Gopher – Cody)

At the time hunting was not as successful as the geekester hoped, since he was walking for hours, and he didn't have any success, trying to find any deer to help his team… Every time he looked around the bushes seemed to be in vain since he couldn't find any kind of track toward the Killer Bass team.

By walking around, he then found something interesting… Like all his prayers could be answered, he found a target that he would be aiming his own gun… The fluffy tail was the perfect signal that he found the deer he was looking for.

Aiming his gun carefully he was prepared to shoot toward the bushes where his prey would be caught by surprise…

Until the person who got out from the bushes was nobody less than…

"Katie?" Cody asked loudly which made Katie dressed like a deer look around and find Cody who was ready to shoot at her.

"Oh, Hi Cody. How are you? Did you manage to catch any deer yet?" Katie smiled sheepishly, making Cody lower his gun aiming at her.

"Nah, didn't have any luck… but you are still a deer thought," Cody suggested which made Katie gasp playfully at him.

"Me? Oh dear… can't I do something to escape my terrible fate of being hunted by such a dangerous and cute hunter?" Katie asked which made Cody tries to look away with a blush on his face… until someone snatched his gun. "Ha, got you."

"Okay, give me back… deer aren't supposed to hold guns," Cody said as he rolled his eyes, and offered his palm to make Katie giggle and give the gun back to the Screaming Gopher Hunter.

"Okay, Okay. It was fun while it lasted… so what's your plan? And don't think you are going to shoot me without my consent. Challenge or not, I still like my skin." Katie said which made Cody sign in defeat.

"Oh come on, can't you have a guy trying at all? Your team probably is massacring Trent at this hour…" Cody commented which made Katie giggle by then blink at him playfully.

"Maybe.. if you just…" Katie was pushing Cody weakly but from one wrong step… Cody wasn't aware that they both triggered the snare trap by accident. "WOAHHHHH."

Both Katie and Cody found themselves upside down on the tree…

"OH COME ON…" Cody shouted in disbelief, as he and his girlfriend were upside down...

(Owen – The Hunter.)

Owen could be seen back on dry land with his entire body dripping with water. He was wet, tired, cold, and most likely hungry. But still, he insisted and didn't give up.

"You can leave the hunter with less ammo than he thought he had. You can throw him over a cliff. You can even leave him with a case of the crabs." Owen emptied a small crab out of his shoe before throwing his shoe to the ground and raising his arms. "BUT YOU CAN NOT…BREAK HIS SPIRIT!"


Owen's eyes immediately locked onto an area he heard rustle. Hiding in the bushes, Owen's eyes locked onto what he saw. The Bass deer Ezekiel walking all by himself. Whistling the iconic theme of Godfather...

"Fresh meat." Owen rubbed his hands together as he grinned at his next hunt.

So as quietly as he could, Owen stalked Ezekiel. He had one paintball left and he had to make it count. So the big hunter kept his distance while keeping a close eye on the delinquent and his movements. Soon enough, Owen found himself up a tree and looking down at Ezekiel as he stopped to take a drink from the river, and even wash his face.

"This is the shot of the day." Owen narrated quietly as he watched Duncan take a sip of water with his hands. "With one paintball, hunter and prey's mutual destinies will be fulfilled."


Owen flinched a bit as he found himself unable to contain a fart. Ezekiel quickly noticed the sound and clearly looked around.

"Farts… OWEN!" As Ezekiel called the hunter's name, Owen found himself farting some more. "Nice try farting machine! You could have had me… But that's what you get by eating beans in the breakfast… Makes you regret even trying to camouflage, right?"

Ezekiel then ran away leaving Owen to release another fart that blew the leaves off of the tree he was on...and then fell into a puddle of mud. At the time Owen went down, his fart once again could be heard…

Owen thought he couldn't get even worse than that… Until his arm got stuck into a snare trap, and with the strength of the vines and the tree itself, was enough to make Owen get stuck in the tree again, but with leaves across his mouth…

Yes… his day could get even worse.

Heather, Lindsay, and Beth spent most of their time walking around near the starting line, while they were enjoying their time together eating very nice flavors of chips, which could probably leave traces from their crumbs…

"Thanks again for bringing food, Heather. This challenge has been so boring that we have to be sitting around." Beth commented and Heather rolled her eyes.

"We aren't sitting around, we are moving from location to others, and using our strategy to stall the time until this challenge is over… I can't wait to go to have another shower and then go to bed. This day has been a pain in the ass." Heather explained, and she couldn't help but hear something moving around the bushes… "Wait, someone is approaching."

"WHO?" Lindsay screamed as she accidentally shot in the direction of the bushes… The sound of the paint bullets hitting something clearly showed that there was something… and at the next second… the trio of girls regretted it, since from the bushes a very angry bear raised and stared at the trio with nothing more than hatred and desire to devour something.

"RUN," Beth screamed in panic, which resulted in the trio starting to run away from the bear who was roaring and ready to kill someone at that moment.

The bear ran with all its might, and the girls separated themselves into trying to make the bear confused… And for such struck of luck… The strategy worked… Beth ran behind the trees, while Lindsay jumped in the mud…

Heather ran directly to where the challenge had started, which Chris was about to call the ending of the challenge… But at the time she was almost approaching him, she suddenly stumbled into an empty glass jar, and at the next second, she was on the floor… She found a semi-empty yellow jar… which suddenly was balancing near her body…

Heather's eyes went wide open when she realized which yellow liquid belonged to… And with some irony of destiny… the jar dropped on the left side, which was the direction of her body…

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." The scream Heather shouted at that moment, was something that made all the birds, bunnies, and squirrels flee away, and even the bear suddenly stopped, and realized that there was an aura assassin nearby… "OWENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN."

And like a banshee, the bear suddenly stopped, and decided to turn its back and leave…

Chris watched that scene like it was the best movie in the entire world.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." He couldn't help it… It was perfect. I saw a perfect ending like that, but it was time to finish the game. "Attention human-wildlife and hunters! Please report back to camp! It's time to show your hides and tally up the scores!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk." Chris let out as he paced back and forth. Currently most of the Bass and Gophers, with the exception of Cody and Katie. Were all lined up back at camp. Owen was currently covered in mud and bruises, Heather was raging in her place, and the smell of pee was over the right side of her body. Both she, Lindsay, and Beth were without any ink… but Trent was something different, he was in the infirmary with a few bandages around his face and arms, since most part of his body was covered with blue ink. The Killer Bass side was satisfied with their results since nobody from their team seemed to have any ink around their bodies.

"Stealing from Chef. Eating chips in the woods. Being haunted by bears. Getting peed from a jar, have a parody version of one of the best mafia movies ever made... Do you know what I see here? I see a very undisciplined group. I see a disgraceful mess. I see a massive waste of paint products. And I have to say…that was awesome!" Chris then started laughing perking up a few of the campers. "Epic chase scenes, massacring shots, and just so much happening all at once. Wicked TV guys. People who are watching this will surely go to make a signature to pay-per-view."

"PAY-PER-VIEW?" The whole group of campers said in alarm, as it was the first time the group ever heard about such a possibility.

"Yep, we had done pay-per-view a week ago, and our ratings have gone to large proportions, this is going to boost our sales to products we are selling to everyone," Chris said happily, as the group, even Ezekiel had their eyes wide open, Chris just admitted that they are selling merchandise of them. Or most probably from the show.

"Hey," Harold spoke up as he noticed the lack of two Bass. "Where are Katie and Cody?"

That brought the attention until a growling sound was heard, which made Heather, Beth, and Lindsay step back, revealing Chef holding both Cody and Katie with sheepish smiles on their faces.

"Found those two making out in the tree… they were upside down, but still they were making out," Chef said grumpily as he dropped those two on the floor.

"Oh, this is too much," Gwen smirked at the scene. She was happy to see Cody and Katie blushing from embarrassment, by being carried by Chef Hatchet. And from the look of all the campers staring at them.

"Cody," Owen said in between laughs. "You sly dog, you!"

"Err, hehe… What can I say… I'm a ladies' man... OUCH… Sorry babe." Cody was trying to act cool, but Katie narrowing her eyes, gave a quick punch to his kiwis, making him go in the knees and ask forgiveness…

"Apology accepted." Katie smiled, as she was daydreaming about how happy she was at that moment.

"Well, since only one member of the Screaming Goopher seemed to be all covered with ink... It seems we already have our winners." Chris then turned to the Killer Bass who all cheered in response. "You're off to a hunting camp shindig!"

At the time the Killer Bass was cheering happily, Chris then turned to the group of Screaming Gophers.

"Gophers, I'm going to see you all at the bonfire ceremony tonight," Chris commented as he showed his deep disappointment in the team. "Again."


The Killer Bass team seemed to be in cheerful mode, everyone was happy for another good victory in their minds… But also there was one subject that needed to be discussed.

"Err… guys, I know I don't want to be that kind of guy… but who you guys think Screaming Gophers are going to send it out?" Harold asked as both the group seemed to be using deodorant and even using a towel after using the hot tube from such a challenge.

"TRENT." Most of the members of Killer Bass said in unison, while Ezekiel remained quiet and reflexive towards such a possibility.

"I usually think we would have been too far… and he got all the punishment he deserved… But I think just for the sake of himself to start over again… I think he should just quit, go back home, and ask for forgiveness…" Bridgette pointed since she knew the boy screwed up badly. "If he stays on the game by himself, then it was stupid because even if we should forgive him, it would take time, and him just being here, it does not make it easier for us…"

"I agreed with her, his stay on this island already expired… maybe if he watches all the episodes and how he screwed up, that would show him to not be that ignorant person who smiles too freely without knowing the consequences of his actions." Duncan pointed it out, as he himself couldn't defend the guitarist, and neither did he want to do it.

"But what about Heather? She should be eliminated at some point." Courtney gave a point but Ezekiel refused…

"Not that if she has Beth and Lindsay on her side… with her, the group already has half of the votes and could eliminate anyone with just one more vote," Ezekiel commented as he also looked at Katie. "Also Cody is another possibility to leave."

"Cody? WHY HIM?" Katie asked in alarm which Ezekiel pointed at her.

"He didn't manage to tie the game, but also, I think Heather wants Trent to remain in the game," Ezekiel explained and the whole team looked confused at him. "Since she could use the same strategy as she did today… she deliberately quit the challenge today because she knew that most hunters of our team would try to hunt him down… So that means…"

"That she wants to use him as Pariah," Courtney concluded, showing that everyone was now wary of the next plan of the Queen Bee… "What about now?"

"Well, to be honest, I would say that it was a good game… since most of us are still angry at him because he didn't apologize… sincerely. Damn, now I understand how the Donut's Witch felt at that moment." Ezekiel realized why one witch took Jake's powers away from him…

"Err… Zeke?" DJ asked which made the homeschooled boy snap from his thoughts.

"Oh yeah… I mean, there is a chance that Trent would eliminated… but also a good chance of Cody being the one eliminated." Ezekiel was sincere. And from seeing the sad face of Katie into learning that, he couldn't help but move his head to the exit… "Go, just to be sure, pass The time with him in case this happens…

Katie sadly nodded her head, and in the next minute, she ran in the direction of her boyfriend… Leaving the Killer Bass looks sadly over the facts…

"It sucks that this has to happen," Harold said as he knows how Katie feels at that moment. Nobody around the island wanted to see their loved ones out of the show, which would make him reflect and miss his chocolate lover once more.

And in a time like that, the group went to eat, with a few thoughts on their heads and a bit of heavy chest as well.


"I mean, seriously. How many challenges in a row?" Heather complained to her team over their losing streak. The girl was now cleaned up from the smell of urine and the glare that she had for the fat boy who was smiling sheepishly at her. "Can we already start this? I need another shower because this day has been a torture to me… And I want to hunt down a fattus creature."

"Err...he...he…" Owen laughed nervously, as Heather glared him down, making him whimper.

Cody felt happy to see his girlfriend visiting him before the votes… and he couldn't imagine who would be voted off… Since Heather has 3 votes, and Owen is intimidated by Heather as a way to pay his debt because Heather was going to beat the crap out of him if he doesn't vote on the same person… So he couldn't help but feel pity for his friend, maybe if he voted in Owen and made him feel the pressure of Elimination… Heather would be kinder to him…

Confession – Cody.

"Heheheh. Okay. I know I got captured by a snare trap, but I'm feeling good about this." Cody said with a confident tone. "Besides, Heather has been furious around Owen, so I think one little vote on him would save him from elimination and also would make me avoid voting for Trent since he probably was going to leave tonight."

"There are only five marshmallows on this plate," Chris told everyone as he held up the plate full of marks of safety. "When I call your name, come up and claim your marshmallow. The camper who does not receive a marshmallow must immediately return to The Dock of Shame, catch the Boat of Losers, and leave.-"

"Beth. Lindsay. Heather, Trent." Chris quickly listed off the four Gophers who would be staying and threw them marshmallows. Cody suddenly realized something was odd… Trent not being the one who was on the verge of elimination?

Cody found himself…worried. There was one marshmallow and only two campers without marshmallows. Cody…and Owen.

"Campers, this is the final marshmallow tonight. And to make things more serious… it was a vote of 5 against 1," Chris told everyone which made Cody suddenly feel a shrive on his own spine, and slowly looked to Trent, who turned his head away… Heather, Lindsay, Beth he could understand… even Owen since there was pressure against Heather… but Trent? Cody didn't understand why that happened… And it was at the next moment, that he knew his fate… as Chris was silent for an incredibly tense moment before announcing who would be staying. "Owen."

"YEAH BABY," Owen shouted as Chris launched the marshmallow to the fat boy who gleefully opened his mouth to eat it...

"Cody. The Dock of Shame awaits, bro." Chris told me as the geek boy seemed to be slowly moving away from the team… Heather was in serious face, she wasn't grinning, neither wanting to provoke him… Lindsay and Beth were sad… even Owen felt sad to see his departure… Cody refused to see his face of Trent at that moment… from all the time, and his own conversation with him… it probably felt like it meant nothing…

Confession - Trent

"While I know it would have been easier to vote in myself... I cannot give up this game... I still want to win this game. Sorry Cody, but I was the only one from our team who got shot over this challenge, and you were kissing the girl on this challenge." Trent said as he was cleaning the blue ink from his face, and still gave his silly free smile. "No hard feelings okay?"

Cody probably would have prayed for God may have forgiveness and to have mercy on Trent's soul… because he knows at the time Katie discovers this… she won't have either of them…

Cody accepted to leave the game, and with a few tears in his eyes, he said goodbye to the island… and got himself inside the boat, for a place that he didn't know where it was...

He was not mauled by a bear... but the pain he felt for leaving the show wasn't smaller than the time he was betrayed by his whole team...

And with that grim remark comes the end of yet another episode of Total. Drama. Island!

Chapter 14: Interlude 4

Chapter Text


(Main Lodge - Kitchen)

In the middle of the night, Chef was preparing the MRE for the next morning... To even kill the food who dared to pick a fight with him.

Using his grill to hear the painful screams of the food was music to his ears... He doesn't know why the food acts in such a way, but he finds fun when he does that...

Being on the terrible job of doing most of the food and hearing complaints from the brats, and even being a test subject of the sadic friend he has... He sometimes thinks that his friend is being too unfair to him...

Then suddenly a loud sound of the telephone was ringing in the kitchen which he immediately picked up.

"Hatchet speaking," Chef said loudly as then at the next moment his eyes went wide open. "Are you serious?... They want me to do what?... Does Chris know that?... He doesn't know? Why? ... Oh, ohhhhhhh... Yeah, this is going to be fun... I accept the challenge... I will find 2 contestants that would be my bet on the next season... I have a former protege in mind so I think she would be my best bet. Thank you so much for the opportunity."

And at the time Chef turned off the telephone, he sighed happily with the newest opportunity in his hands... A bet to see who would be the winner in the next season... And if the people he chooses win the game... He would receive a huge raise in his salary and even a promotion for the future seasons of the show...

He doesn't know what the producers are planning. But he isn't going to waste the opportunity he has on his hands... all he has to do it's to convince Izzy and one more member to work for his victory...

It seems the future is looking bright for the Military Chef Hatchet...

(Killer Bass)

Inside the Killer Bass cabin, there wasn't anything the group could say in such a situation, since Ezekiel's prediction was correct, and Katie passed the last few hours with her boyfriend before the elimination...

Seeing Trent, Owen and the trio of bees coming back means that the worst outcome happened... Katie ran towards her own bed to cry for such fate...

Bridgette and Courtney sat nearby to stay for the girl who lost another person in the game... and this one hurt the same way as the nerd who was sitting on the stairs in front of the cabin...

Gwen went inside the cabin at the time the Screaming Gophers returned... Knowing that the cheerful and optimistic boy from their team wasn't returning with them. With her diary in her hands, she knew what she was about to write.

The boys from Killer Bass were also helping by being supportive of Katie who was still crying for her boyfriend...

Ezekiel sat on the stairs, seeing the nerd who was still in thought about what was happening...

"First Leshawna, now Cody..." Ezekiel murmured as he looked to his side... "I wonder if in a few days, Owen would be next..."

Harold sniffed as he himself wondered about the number of victories the Killer Bass has... Showing that every victory for their team would also mean saying goodbye to someone from the other team...

The duo remained quiet... Suddenly a door from the female cabin of the Screaming Gopher side was opened... And from all the members to appear at that moment...Heather approached their direction...

Harold was about to say something rude but Ezekiel got up from the stairs and opened the door...

"Guys, Heather is here..." These 4 words were enough to make the whole group get up and remain alert... Except for Katie who was still crying with the pillow in her face.

"You have a lot of nerve to come here after the elimination, Heather," Duncan said as he already could see the person who Heather is but nobody from the Killer Bass would ever be prepared for what she was going to say.

"Oh shove it, metalhead... Who cares if I use Lindsay and Beth's votes to eliminate someone from the team? If I remain on the show, everything is fair... And I'm not the only one who did that." Heather raised her hand to see her fingernails, and with a sideglance, she looked at the girl on the bed. "I'm just here to tell Chris now surprised everyone by telling the difference of votes... Can you guess with how many votes the little Cody got to go home?"

The team narrowed their eyes, as Courtney scoffed in disbelief.

"What does even matter, since you already have 3 votes to whoever you want out, and you find a way to intimidate Owen or bribe him to vote as well... So who cares if Cody was out by 4 to 2?" Courtney commented as she wasn't in the mood to deal with the annoying brat girl at that moment.

"Well, then Trent didn't get the memo since I didn't ask him or even talk to him to vote Cody out..." Heather waited for that opportunity to give the expose...and from the look of all the faces of the Killer Bass, the Queen Bee managed to accomplish what she was aiming for. "5 votes against 1, I didn't know they stopped being friends... Since they were a bit close at the start of the show."

Bridgette was about to call Heather for her lying, but suddenly the girl who was crying on the bed, rose up, with her eyes red and tears ruining her maskara...

"He did WHAT?" The tan twin shouted as she stomped in the direction of the door, but suddenly was caught by Courtney and DJ. "LET ME KILL HIM, LET ME KILL HIM"

Heather smiled as she slowly got away from the Killer Bass cabin, with the fuse blowing up... She can be safe for another 2 challenges which could be possible for the merge to happen. And there isn't a lie in what she said. She spoke the truth, and she was grateful to Trent for using himself as her meat shield.

"Wow, never thought someone would have the courage to backstab a friend like that at this point of the competition," Sky commented as she could see how betrayed Cody felt when Trent also voted for Cody and with that eliminated from the program...

"You tell me. I have to say, for someone who received a Godfather execution... Trent is courageous to continue competing." The big sister sat near the sofa as she brought some snacks for them to see how Katie would deal with the news... "I feel sorry for Katie... Cody wasn't supposed to be eliminated like that."

"The problem is that Heather already has 4 votes to whoever she wants to vote," Sky commented, which implied her opinion. "I think Chris went too far by explaining it was 5 votes against 1..."

"It was for to create drama... Also, I think Cody deserved to know that Screaming Gophers are backstabers... I can't wait to see the pretty boy get what he deserves." The older sister answered as she took a few chips and munched... "Heather has now control of Screaming Gophers. 3 votes against 2. I think Owen will be next on the elimination table."

"I hope not. Owen doesn't have to be eliminated like that." Sky said as she looked at the channel with the charismatic boy on the show.

"Would you say that after you stumble on his pee jar and soak yourself with it?" The big sister snarked but even after that quote... The duo of girls remembered the time Heather got herself in such a terrible situation... And they shrived in fear.

"Okay, I know Heather is a bitch, but not even her deserved to be soaked in his pee..." Sky said, imagining herself like that would give her nightmares.

"Do like me and blame the curse Beth brought to the island... Because there is no way in hell if that wasn't the curse" The sister commented which Sky agreed.

"I suppose so... I hope Beth doesn't suffer much backlash the moment they find out they were cursed because of her." The Asian sisters remained on their sofa... Having a few snacks and watching Katie receiving such bad news...

Neither of them liked to see Katie losing another person she liked in such a way...

"Do you think she will say Condor?" Sky asked and her sister just shrugged... "She is on there without her sister and she already gave some help to their team... But I think after Cody's departure she can break any second and give up on the challenge..."

"She might do that... But there is... Wait, isn't that Heather? Why she is walking on the Killer Bass cabin?" The big sister was amused until she watched the queen bee going to the Killer Bass cabin... Changing the channel until the duo stared at Heather... "Wait... She is not..."

"He did WHAT?" Then the screech came the tan twin and in the next second the duo of sisters watched the group of girls and even some of the boys trying to hold the tan twin with her eyes burning with hatred. "LET ME KILL HIM, LET ME KILL HIM"


"Sky..." The bog sister commented as the aspirant Olympic athlete turned her head... "Please tell me that Heather didn't just sell out Trent betrayed Cody..."

"She just did..." Sky commented as the duo remained quiet... Until... "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, DEAD MAN WALKING"

The sisters laughed as they never thought Heather would be so quick to actually tell what happened to Cody.

"Okay, little by little Heather is becoming my top 5, she really knows how to adapt and how to make the game go in her favor." The sister had to give credit when is due... "Heather is resilient, and she may be on the final three..."

"That if the Killer Bass didn't eliminate them first... So when do you think the merge will happen?" Sky said as she grabbed a soda...

"Probably after more 2 or 3 challenges... It would be fun to see Screaming Gophers lose all three because of the curse...But I think Beth will tell Heather at some point." The sister replied as they giggled. "I know Heather it's a tsundere for both Beth and Lindsay, it's so funny to see it..."

"Yeah, it kinda sucks that at some point they are going to break... Depending on how Heather will react to Beth cursing everyone will determine if their friendship will survive." Sky replied as now they saw Katie shouting and crying while all the Killer Bass went there to console her and try to make her calm... However, at that moment she saw the familiar green hat boy walking towards the Screaming Gopher cabin... "Wait, now is Ezekiel who is walking towards the other team's cabin..."

"What is he planning to do?" The sister asked, since now the duo got on the edge of their seats...

(Screaming Gopher - Girl's Cabin)

"Done, now I have a few days and a few challenges without a target on my back," Heather said satisfied as she went back to her own bed, and saw both Beth and Lindsay already doing makeup for their time to sleep on the show. "I hope you both let something for me too."

"Yes, we did," Beth answered, pointing at the products above her table.

"Good, now we can relax after such catastrophic defeat. We just need to survive a few more challenges before the merge happens." Heather decided to explain her plan to both her allies, but at the time she was about to explain the details, someone knocked on the door.


Heather frowned her eyes, and with slow steps, she walked towards the door... At the time she opened, she was surprised to see Ezekiel walking in without any permission.

"Okay, which one of you took something from Boney Island?" Ezekiel said loudly which made the trio of girls freeze in the places... especially the farm girl who was wearing glasses at that moment.

"What the hell are you talking about, weirdo?" Heather glared at the homeschooled boy, but he replied with the same glare...

"You came to our cabin telling important information about the betrayal, so to repay that I'm going to explain to you, all the signals of the bathroom being destroyed, the beds breaking on the Screamin Gophers' side, and even you who just managed to have the first golden shower of the show..." At the time Ezekiel said the two words, Heather wanted to strangle the boy in front of her, but she was interrupted. "These are the facts that something is way off... this isn't a simple accident... someone cursed your cabin. This is the only thing I will tell you, as your payment for telling the truth."

Beth palled, as Heather raised her eyebrows in surprise, and Lindsay looked terrified.

"If there isn't anything else you are going to say, then you may l..." Heather was pushing the green hat boy in the direction of the door...

"WAIT," Suddenly a shout was enough to interrupt Heather and Ezekiel... Beth took something under from her pillow and then showed it to both of them... Ezekiel narrowed his eyes while Heather had her eyes wide open. "Do you mean that this thing has made us lose all the challenges until now?"

"I don't know, I'm stating the facts of your beds needing more maintenance, and the shower being broken twice after tonight... I don't know who used it after you guys came back from the challenge, but one of you used the shower again and it broke once again." Ezekiel said as he pointed at the tiki. He knew the idea of exposing such a secret before the next challenge would have been a terrible idea... But since Heather decided to not hide information from his team... he decided to pay the favor. "So you brought the curse upon your team, now my job is done. This is a payment for you exposing Trent. From how you are going to free yourself from the curse, it's not my job to tell you."

"WAIT..." At the time Ezekiel was about to leave, Heather held his shoulder, making him stop... "You said like you know how to lift the curse..."

"I do..." Ezekiel replied shortly, as he took his shoulder from the Korean hands. And at the time she was about to scoff Ezekiel continued. "If you think just placing the Tiki back on the island, you are terribly wrong... There are a few other steps that you should do before the curse is lifted."

"Such as?" Heather asked as she raised her eyebrows...

"You took something from the island... you should give something personal as a repayment for doing that." Ezekiel explained the logic, knowing that sometimes doing the opposite would be the only way to fix the mistakes you have made. "Create an altar as a way to pay tributes for the haunted island... such things like that. In the Hawaiian curse, you had to dance the Hula around the altar... But we are not talking about Hawaii. But Boney Island."

Heather remained quiet, as the idea of going back to that cursed Island made her spine shrive, not in a good way... She glanced at Beth who was trembling and even with some tears in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know... I didn't know..." Beth cried as she looked at the Tiki who became the unlucky charm bringing the despair over the Screaming Gophers, and Lindsay stepped away from Beth, but with a sad expression on her face...

"What are we going to do?" Lindsay said as she could see her friend Beth was getting despaired... And Heather was biting her lips in conflict with what she was about to do...

"Ah, screw it" Heather then decided to do something she knew that she would regret later. "What do you want?"

Ezekiel stopped... and looking in the faces of Beth, Lindsay, and even Heather... he discovered that they were indeed willing to do anything to lift the curse...

"..." Ezekiel remained quiet, and then with a thought of his mind... he concluded. "I want one more favor from you, and one favor by each of you two."

Heather's eyes went wide open... knowing that somehow accumulating favors to the boy in front of her sounded too easy to be true... it sounded way too fishy...

"Okay." Lindsay was the first person to agree which Heather facepalmed...

"It sounds fair. I'm in." Beth smiled and once again Heather was on the verge of beating her face into the wall...

And now Ezekiel looked up, to see the queen bee now having a thought spot and what would be her decision... but looking at Lindsay and Beth already agreeing without knowing him, she was trapped... again...

"Fine, you won... I owe you 2 favors." Heather admitted she couldn't win... she was against someone who had more pieces than her...

"Good..." Ezekiel nodded his head, and with his eyes looking sharp he decided to explain the details. "We will depart in 3 days."

"3 days?" Heather asked and then narrowed her eyes in anger. "Why we can't go sooner?"

"There is no way Chris would allow us to get out from the island without the crew preparing the cameras around Boney Island again... for the sake of the entertainment, he would record everything, even our almost death on the haunted island. So the only way was to make sure he knew that we were going to the island, while he did the challenge... " Ezekiel pointed out some facts. Since he knows that some episodes of Total Drama wouldn't waste such an opportunity. "That way it would be a recording of two videos for one episode."

Heather had her eyes wide open, as Ezekiel knew the ins and outs of how the show was made... which also gave a very logical reason for how the boy was aware of everything around the game...

"So that means that we are just going when Chris has the team of cameras and people recording us going to undo the curse?" Heather repeated as the boy summarized which she hated to admit, but it sounded exactly the conditions on how Chris would allow them to rid the curse... "Fine, 3 days..."

"Good... Now, let's this be the last time we have a conversation like that Heather... Don't look for my team or me like that ever again. I mean it." Ezekiel narrowed his eyes before closing the door slowly... and at the time the queen bee saw the boy leaving the cabin...

She sat with her hands on her face.

"*beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep*" Heather cursed, as she thought she was safe from the target on her back... but now she regretted ever opening her mouth at the time she visited the Killer Bass... Now she is in debt of Ezekiel twice... and with Beth looking nervous, the same way Lindsay...

She was afraid for her friends...


The travel around the sea was something the geek boy wasn't very interested to be engaged with… Since at the time, he left the island… Cody didn't turn his head off… looking at the island for what would have been the greatest time he passed there… The girl who actually saw for what he is… The tanned skin that made him enjoy a good time on the beach, the cheerful smile that made him wake up from his sleep with the optimism of the day…

And the first kiss that he had with her… even if was something that it would be in the show… it was something that he would cherish in his memories. And now after leaving the show, he couldn't help but miss her… every single minute of it.

With now the idea of going home, back to the mansion where he would be with his parents… at least he would say to the students of his class, that the journey and adventure he had on the reality show, has been one thing that he would treasure for the rest of his life.

The time he passes, as a few hours would have been enough for him to land on the shore… But suddenly… the trip looked to be far too short in comparison to the last time he came… He didn't remember that it was that quick…

"We are here." The voice of the captain said as the geek boy took his luggage and turned his head off… And instead of being a dock from where he got in the first place… it was different… It was a paradise island. "Welcome to Playa de Losers. Where all the eliminated contestants are transported for the rest of the episodes."

"Wait… this will be the place I'm going to be? I thought we would go home." Cody asked in surprise, as he saw the captain dropping his bagages on the docks, and pointing at the beach which looked a bit more paradise than the camp he was living in…

"Yep. Have fun with the other contestants." The captain said, but not before kicking the but of Cody and dropping the geek into the beach in the middle of the night.

"Ughhhh…" Cody groaned as his cheeks seemed to be in pain from the rude captain… "Creatine…"

Cody took a time to look around, and see that it was indeed beautiful, a spot in the sand, in the middle of the night with all the stars in the sky… The word paradise would have been described better than the word playa de losers. This should have been the hotel 5 stars that the group must have signed the contract for.

But yet… Cody would have exchanged that to still being on the side of Katie, still trying to win the challenges, and even eating the crap food of Chef, just to be on the side of his girlfriend.

"CODY, OVER HERE." Then a shout made him snap from his thoughts, and at the time the geek turned his head, he saw something he wasn't expecting. Izzy smiled cheekily, Sadie also smiled but she looked less chubby but in exchange, it developed little muscles around her biceps and legs… And Eva was still in the wheelchair but somehow she looked still like the same.

Cody walked towards the trio, who were waiting for him…

"Hey... Izzy?" Cody asked in surprise as he saw the ginger winking at him. "How did you manage to escape RCMP?"

"A good magician never reveals her tricks." Izzy smiled proudly at herself, as she could see the boy getting confused from her amazing escape.

"Wouldn't you be in problem if they find you here?" Cody asked worried which Izzy giggled madly.

"Oh Cody, that's the thing... I'm the problem." Izzy laughed Sadie and Eva looked at the crazy girl with their eyebrows raised, but not before staring at the Screaming Gopher boy who was still in the process of accepting his defeat.

"It's nice to see you here Cody." Sadie smiled as she went to give a hug to the boy, but the strength on her arms was enough to make him tight and almost lose his air.

"Argh... yeah, it's nice to see you too Sadie... can you release me please?" Cody tapped her arm, which made the girl stop hugging and making him get down... on the floor with his face.

"Ops, sorry... I'm still trying to get used to this." Sadie said with a sheepish smile...

"I can notice..." Cody said as he cracked the bones of his back, to make sure that his back went to the right place... "You look different."

"That's because she has been in my workout regiment since the day I came here," Eva answered for the Asian twin... and Cody suddenly stared at the gentle and cheerful Asian actually bulking a few of her muscles. "She begged me to train her at the time I got eliminated."

"Why?" Cody asked which Sadie sniffed and tried to hold her tears...

"It's because of Katie... The time I saw the bear attacking the Killer Bass, I was so afraid that something would happen to Katie... so at the time Eva came here, I wanted to be like her... I wanted to be the one who could protect my best friend." Sadie said determined, Cody smiled as Katie had said... Sisters from different mothers. "Also, I want so much to strangle Trent for what he did with you and Ezekiel."

Cody had his eyes wide open from that statement.

"I said to get in the line," Eva ordered, which Sadie sighed and gave a step away from Eva. "Tyler was the one who called dibs from the way he looked at Lindsay, you being eliminated like that, and what he did with Ezekiel and Gwen... Oh, I want so much to have 5 minutes to speak with him..."

"I don't know if I should be touched or scared from the way you said that." Cody's eyes shrank which the bodybuilder ignored... But the crazy military girl just giggled.

"Well you could touchared... or Scauched. Depends on which country you speak." Izzy snickered and Cody raised his eyebrow to her... "I saw the video of the group scaring shitless of you. And seeing Ezekiel, Duncan and Harold intimidating you was the funniest thing I watched in my life."

Cody's face palled as he could see the girls smiling cheekily at him.

"Just to be clear, I'm not going to say sorry for them. I approved what they did to you." Sadie commented as she remembered how she loved seeing the geek struggling since she always supported Katie and she knew how Cody had been annoying in the first episode... But after that, the more time he passed with Katie, the more good traits she could see in the boy, and the funnier it became to see the boys scaring shitless of him. "Also if you get my sis preg, I will be happy to castrate you personally."

Cody flinched, while Eva smiled with her teeth like showing a good sharp on it.

"Now now geek boy. I will not beat you up... Sadie will be glad into doing it..."Eva smiled as she could see the rich boy sweating. But then she gave a key to him. "Jokes are funny in due time. But I think everyone needs a good night's sleep... Here is the key to your room... The staff will help you to get there... Also... Every room has a television and recorded episodes from the show. They installed pay-per-view, so channels 40 - 45 are focused on the live cameras of the camp."

Cody stared at the bodybuilder in surprise... And quickly grabbed his key...

And one by one they left... Leaving only Izzy and Cody...

"One piece of advice Cody..." Izzy commented as she cracked her neck. "There is one abandoned room numbered 22th... It was the former room of Eva, and she destroyed it after Phobia Factor... And... I also helped it when I just watched it, in an honest view as a watcher...Trent is on the verge of committing social suicide because I saw how Ezekiel got out of the challenge... And before you ask if was that bad, you should see it."

And with that, Izzy turned her back, and left the Screaming Gopher boy alone... with the interaction he had with the girls... he couldn't help but want to see one more thing...

It didn't take long before Cody found his room, and like a well-expensed hotel, it looked fantastic, like the times his parents took him to visit some hotels in other states or countries... And with a good television and cable already in front of the bed...

Going to the channel from the pay-per-view... there isn't much he was trying to see around those channels in the middle of the night... just one little thing... The Killer Bass Female Cabin... Cody blinked, in tiredness... didn't even go to take a shower to prepare himself to sleep. He just looked at the channel, where all the girls from the Killer Bass were sleeping... even one in the corner who seemed to be whimpering and sniffing on her sleep...

Cody sniffed... But with his television on... he could hear the constant sounds of the sleeping girls... And that was enough for him to take his blankets, and before closing his eyes... just wish one last thing.

"Good night Katie... I hope to see you soon." Cody whispered before his eyes took him to the land of the dreams.

On the next morning, Cody heard the sound of a rainstorm happening on the playa de losers, the sound of the winds traveling around the trees, and even the window being attacked by the raindrops... It made him wake up wary about what was going to happen on the island. So the first thing he did was turn on the television to check the channels if the camp was having the same problems as the island he was... To his surprise and happiness, the camp seemed to be intact, as the campers looked fine to wake up to pass their time.

Cody would have smiled to see Katie's face again... but at the time he saw it on the screen, he palled... the tan twin who always would be cheerful and happy, was now with her eyes in fury and teeth grinding in anger...

"Oh God, she does know..." Cody concluded, seeing the Killer Bass walking around the Main Lodge, some were talking about the ideas of what the next challenge would be, and plans to talk about what they were going to be doing for the day... And the girls actually trying to cheer up Katie who wanted so much to kill Trent... Cody doesn't need to be a genius to understand that she is angry... like the way he thought she would be, but how she discovered it was a mystery.

*knock* *knock* *knock *

"Cody, are you there sweetheart?" Then a familiar voice was enough to make the geekster turn his head and go to his door. It didn't take long for the boy to open it and see the ghetto black girl Leshawna, the eye candy model Justin, the book smart Noah, and the crazy Military expert Izzy who were on the other side of the door. Leshawna smiled as she saw the boy after so long. "Good to see you awake. We are going to the dinner hall to have breakfast, wanna come?"

Seeing his team once again was a surprise, and since his stomach was grumbling after not eating anything since the last night... Cody smiled, and with that, he could appreciate the place, even if the rainstorm was happening outside, the service from the place could be compared to a good club that his parents go to once per year.

A good swimming pool, a clean beach, and even services like 5-star food, drinks, and even spa service for everyone who just got eliminated.

The tables around the dinner room were giant, and there was a lot of space, but from the time Cody got on there... There was a good circle around three tables near each other... The Killer Bass eliminated members who were enjoying good pancakes with everything they ever desired. It was Canadian bacon or American bacon, bacon and eggs, orange juice, and even some toast for their joy.

It was a paradise in comparison to the breakfast they got inside of the camp.

Saying that he didn't miss the good food after weeks of eating the same military food would be a lie. Sadie, Izzy, and Leshawna giggled at the time a tear dropped from the geek's eyes and from the pleasure he was having missed pancakes...

"Wow, I kinda forgot how good edible food tastes like." Cody joked, and in response, the group nodded their heads. And after such a terrible time dealing with the show, having a break like that was actually nice. And looking at everyone around, it seems that everyone was enjoying their time on the island. "So what you guys have been up to around this rain?"

"It started a few days ago, but I heard in a few days there will be a lot of sun here. So it's a good thing for us to pass the time watching television, Noah is reading a few books, Justin using the mirror, and Eva and Sadie are doing their workout, which became a costume around here." Tyler appeared as he brought his own plate with pancakes... "Lindsay would have loved the spa service around here."

"Well, everyone around here watched all the episodes of the show?" Cody couldn't help but ask loudly, which made Noah stop reading his book and then look at the geek who was still curious.

"Yes we are, we wanted to see how long Heather would go before everything she planned would blow to her face," Noah said as he pointed at the big television around the dining hall. "We are betting on when she was going to leave, but every challenge has proved how Heather adapts around the challenges and manages to survive for another day... Which is annoying."

"Tell me about it." Leshawna snarled but then regained her composure. "I mean, that skinny white brat got me, she played well... But she deserved everything my lovely skinny man did to her... It was the best laugh I had in months."

"Yeah, to see Harold work together with Gwen was indeed a very good way to punish that Korean snob." Noah rolled his eyes but even with that, he clapped at least once for the performance.

"Well if y..." Cody was about to reply when suddenly Sadie broke the table in anger.

"WHAT A BITCH, HOW DARE SHE?" The angry shout of the chubby bulky asian twin called the attention of the whole group to jump on their seats...

"What just happened?" Cody asked as he saw his friends sighing exasperated.

"CodyLuver4Life." The former members from both Killer Bass and Screaming Gophers replied as Sadie turned off her PDA and went back to her training, angrier than ever.

"Wait, I have a fan?" Cody asked in surprise but from the look on the other competitors... It was not a good sign.

"More like a crazy fan and a hater for Katie," Leshawna explained, making the geek boy have his eyes wide open in surprise but also in terror. "She has been spamming how much she hated Katie around the blogs and even called her names for the whole time."

"What did the Wako user say this time?" Noah rolled his eyes, as he was prepared to know the possible craziness of the fans over the show.

"She called Katie a whore, saying that she must use her body to confuse Cody's mind into giving up the game..." Sadie replied, to which Noah flinched, and even Leshwana looked horrified before showing anger on her face.

"OH NO SHE DIDN'T," Leshawna said as she got up from her seat. "I'm going to the computer for a while. I need to show this brat her place."

"There she goes," Noah commented, knowing how crazy things would turn that way.

"How could someone say that to Katie? She has been so great for me, and I like so much to be on her side." Cody said as he was terrified by that.

"That's what fans and haters are for. Having them can be both a blessing and a curse. But having a crazy fan and a crazy hater is the worst of two worlds... Just to be sure I would make a restriction order against her." Noah advised as he saw Cody confused by both reactions of Leshawna and Sadie. "Leshawna took it personally when the user said that both your relationship with Katie was such as lame like Harold hooking up with Leshawna... That triggered a bitter fight between 10 users against CodyLuver4Life..."

"Wow, that user is crazy." Cody felt palled, as he knew that in the future he would need to support Katie all the time.

"Crazy isn't half of it," Justin replied as he grumbled too. "She dared to call me ugly online and tell me that I was wasting your potential of best member of the Killer Bass, and Eva just made her like Gwen because now she could be slut away from you..."

"That girl is a psycho..." Cody concluded but then he heard someone cracking their fingers.

"Oh, I hope she is..."Eva replied as she and Sadie cracked their knuckles, and with a scowl on their faces. "That way we can beat the shit out of her and claim it's self-defense."

Cody looked at Tyler, who was in silence but at the same time afraid of the outcome of everything.

"Guys, while I understand that Sierra should get her punishment in the future, let's not focus on what an internet user is saying. She is literally a user against many who support Katie. It will always be a losing fight." Izzy replied as she was happy to take the breakfast and enjoy a good time...

The people who were sitting around suddenly realized what Izzy had just said...

"Wait... You said her name is Sierra?" Cody asked Izzy who nodded her head happily.

"Yep, you may need the real name for the restriction order... And before you ask, I made a fake account and made friends with her just for the sake of knowing her personal info..." The orange-haired girl explained which made Justin and Tyler look at her like she was crazy.

"Doing that isn't illegal?" Tyler asked which made Izzy nod her head.

"Oh, it is... But she has been using fake names and passing herself as some people to call your parents to take your personal details about your life just to publish online, Cody ... So..." Izzy then told about how the crazy user has managed to take some of their secrets... Which made every one of them mad... Even Justin.

"Okay, that girl has problems, she needs therapy. Or to go to jail." Justin may have known about such things happening to people like him, but to be such extreme... He was both envied and horrified at the geek boy who was sweating a lot.

"What am I going to do?" Cody said that he could potentially be targeted by the crazy girl and how that would affect his relationship with Katie...

"And done, let's see if that psycho will learn her lesson after messing with us." Leshawna said as she cleaned the dust on her fingers..."She was so adamant the Codikins belonged to her, that I told her 100 reasons why Cody would never be with her... And the other users are making fun of her because of that."

Cody and Sadie looked at the black girl who was happy to sit back on her seat.

"Thanks, Leshawna." Cody thanked me as he could see that such a user is going to be a pain in the ass if they don't care of it quickly. So in case Courtney wins the game, he could ask his parents to hire her and even some other lawyers to help make the user stop bugging their lives.

"No problem sweet boy. She messed with us, now she needs to take the heat... And I'm surprised that she was also blaming Trent for backstabbing yah... That was something the users would defend her..." Leshawna started eating her breakfast... As the sweat flavor passed on her mouth. She looked at Cody... "I gotta say, Trent is going down into a spiral of bad decisions."

"Yeah, I know... I thought he was going to leave yesterday so I did my vote to Owen to show my support... But..." Cody got sad that the person he thought would have been his friend had decided to do that to him.

"You didn't expect him to vote in you... And to be fair, if I were him, and had such a massacre of paintball history on television... I would have accepted and voted myself out." Noah mused as he opened his book. "From all episodes, we learned the Killer Bass is pretty vindictive with their own team members, and Trent has the biggest target on his back since he messed up with one of the pillars..."

"Pillars?" Cody asked as Eva grunted before Tyler came to explain.

"Ezekiel, Courtney, and Duncan. They are the three pillars of the team since they work together as team leaders and come to decisions to help the team work better." Tyler explained as he pointed out how each of them had to come to decide important decisions. "And Ezekiel had trust issues with Trent before even the challenge started... and the fact that he dropped the walkie-talkie really made him drop the ball... Courtney was very angry at the moment that he planned to be cooperative with only Gwen."

"Yeah, not one of his best moments." Cody scratched his head and remembered how much Katie was with the guitarist, especially on what he did with Geoff and Ezekiel. "Maybe I should watch the episode to be sure how terrible it went."

"Trust me, Cody. While I found it Ezekiel was a rascal for what he did to me and Harold, what happened to him was something that I wouldn't wish to even my worst enemy." Leshawna snapped her fingers as she tapped the table with her fingers. "If I was in his position, I would have beaten Trent so much that he would be wishing to go home."

"Oh come on, are you still mad at Ezekiel for giving the cake to Heather to bribe Owen?" Tyler rolled his eyes, as Eva used her wheelchair to go near the group.

"Well, not anymore. I got it that he did that because he wanted his team to win and I would be angry with Harold if he threw the challenge for my sake, but I won't lie that the little rascal deserved the punch he asked for it. He has guts, and I respect him for that. But it's an iconic scene that I will always watch when I want to see someone punched in the face." Leshawna joked, making the whole environment lighter than before. "Harold has good friends. And sometimes I wished to have the green hat boy and my skinny nerd in our team instead of dealing with the Korean queen bee."

"Well," Cody nodded his head in understanding. "Katie said Ezekiel was like glue for their team when everyone thought that their team would be torn apart... he somehow managed to make it work."

"That's because he did..." Eva and Sadie said in unison.

"To be honest, I wish to have been in the game a bit longer to show my value... but seeing how the crazy challenges come around every single time... I feared for both my team and Katie." Sadie commented as she now looked calmer than before...

"I have anger issues, but after entering the game... I thought creating friends would be an obstacle to ignore and focus on winning the game... The little green hat seemed to have looked right through me and taught me to value the others for their own skills as well. I never thought Harold would have become MVP almost as much as me. That taught me to never underestimate anyone who I can look at as a competitor." Eva replied as she looked at her own leg. "I swear that if I somehow go back to the game, I'm going to beat the shit out of that bear and then I will take all the guitarist teeth off, from what he did with my team."

The group of losers had their eyes wide open for seeing Eva showing her true anger, as her own face looked demoniac, and she wanted nothing more than revenge...

Cody gulped as he had no idea what to say at that moment. So he looked for Izzy who was making piles and piles of pancakes to enjoy her good time playing with her imagination.

And now he realized that he would be staying with them until the end of the show... how crazy his life has turned him into...

(Killer Bass - Boy's Cabin)
A few days passed until it was another time for the challenges... Ezekiel was always the first person to wake up from the boy's cabin, and looking at how the boys seemed to be sleeping most of the time... Seeing that his friends would be focusing much on the challenge of the day. He had to prepare himself for the trip he was going to make...

Seeing the floor was one thing that disgusted him and even made him facepalm... He decided to walk up towards the top bunker where Harold was sleeping peacefully.

"Harold, wake up," Ezekiel whispered, sighing pushing the need to wake up and still drownzy after the last night. "Harold, your dirty underwear is on the floor again..."

"Hum?" Harold asked as Ezekiel pointed at the floor, and slowly woke up... and the first reply he would have was having his eyes wide open in panic. "It's not mine..."

Ezekiel facepalmed, and was about to explain, until suddenly Duncan woke up to do his own matinal workout. Doing push-ups to keep his body still in shape. Duncan didn't seem to notice at first…until he sniffed and his eyes shot open at the rank smell his nose detected and saw a pair of Harold's dirty underwear right below his face.

"UGH!" Duncan gagged loudly as he backed away from the pair of underwear.

This caused the other guys to wake up with DJ and Geoff laughing and Harold simply winced at looking at Duncan who found out about his underwear as well.

"Not cool, Harold man!" Duncan yelled while glaring and pointing at Harold for leaving his dirty clothes on the cabin floor…again. "Not cool!"

"Those aren't mine." Harold denied as Duncan stood up.

"Oh right!" Duncan continued to yell as DJ and Geoff got up from bed. The delinquent was starting to get sick and tired of Harold always leaving his dirty stuff on the cabin floor. "You're always leaving your gitch lying around!"

"No, I'm not!" Harold yelled back as he crossed his arms. "Gosh!"

"Uh, yeah you are, dude." Geoff backed Duncan up as he and DJ walked next to the delinquent.

"You have like, absolutely no proof," Harold claimed as he got up and pointed at the three guys in front of him.

And at the time anyone was to reply, Ezekiel decided to make it the end of it.

"ENOUGH," Ezekiel shouted which made everyone stop arguing. And with his fingers pinching between his eyes... He gave a deep sigh before telling Harold. "Harold we are on live television, if someone saw you doing that, that's proof enough that they will expose you... and if people on television saw that, Leshanwa also could have seen that."

And using Leshawna's name, everybody in the cabin knows that the nerd would tremble in fear of her knowing that.

"If Leshawna finds out that you have a costume into letting your dirty clothing in the floor, she would be *beep*, so I want you to be honest with me... do you know how to do laundry?" Ezekiel asked and cut Harold before he replied. "It's not shameful to admit you don't know, if you have problems not knowing we can teach you how to do it right."

"Pff, I know..." Harold scoffed but then Ezekiel, Duncan, DJ, and Geoff glared at the nerd who immediately dropped his act. "Okay, okay, usually is my mom who would come to my room and take my clothing..."

"Well, she is a saint," Duncan said as he crossed his arms... And Harold was a bit offended, but he was complimenting his mom, so it wasn't that bad. "Okay, I will let that pass, if you have problems with the basics of cleaning your underwear. You can take it to the shower, use the soap, and pass on the dirty area, you can take your shower while you clean this *beep* at the same time."

"Just like that?" Harold asked as he raised his eyebrows, not knowing that it was that simple.

"Well, it's for extreme cases, Momma said to always use the most practical way to do the laundry, but the way Duncan taught is the more efficient in the short run, but it will mess up your underwear in the long run," DJ replied as he himself has some dirty clothing on him. "Tomorrow I'm going to clean up my shirts and pants... I can teach you how to do the laundry. But I recommend you do what Duncan said because it looks disgusting."

Harold nodded his head and got up to take the dirty clothes...

"Okay, thanks, guys. Sorry about that." Harold apologized to the group who seemed to be relieved to take out the bad habit of the nerd who refused to admit his mistakes. "I'm going take this and take a shower."

And at the time the Bass nerd left the place, Duncan was giving an exasperated sigh and rolled his eyes.

"Thank God that he admitted it... I was this close to planning a prank to pull on him." The delinquent looked at Ezekiel who was going down from the bunker.

'Well, every time we can use Leshawna as a point to make him behave himself is a good way to show that he is wrong and that he needs to grow up... At least we dealt with such an issue." Ezekiel stretched himself before taking his bow and arrows... "Also Duncan, I love doing pranks, but let's just not make pranks in the days of challenge... we need our team to be focused, so we can plan some pranks to do around when we have free time tomorrow or other day."

Geoff and DJ also seemed interested in the proposition of the homeschooled boy...

"Oh, look at that, the golden heart child has a devious side." Duncan was impressed Ezekiel rolled his eyes, and from his backpack took what would be many tiny orange orbs created from tree sap and sand... good thing he would need for his own adventure.

"Oh come on Duncan, I love to laugh, but like a good prank, we shouldn't focus much on our friends, so that would be unfair..." Ezekiel explained that he didn't like the idea of Harold being hurt, and bulied from the rest of the show...

"Well, and what if wasn't our friends like Trent?" Duncan had a devious smile which made the other boys then has sparkle in their eyes...

"Then let's go full war, then." Ezekiel shrugged, knowing that he didn't care for Trent anymore... What he did with Cody clearly affected Katie in such a way, that he stopped caring for the guitarist. "Try to see if Harold is up too... He was the one who pranked Heather, so he may have some new ideas."

"Makes sense..." Duncan nodded in acknowledgment, but then he saw Ezekiel tying himself with ropes, and even preparing his quirv for something. "Dude, what are you doing?"

Ezekiel stopped, and by checking himself if he was ready for the trip... he seemed satisfied with everything he had,

"I'm going to take a walk," Ezekiel explained which made the trio look at him in disbelief.

"You are way too prepared for just a walk," Geoff commented as the green hat boy just shrugged.

"It's a very enthusiastic walk," Ezekiel replied, which made the group look at him weirdly. "I will be right back."

And with that, Ezekiel has left... leaving a group of his team confused about what he was doing at the moment.

"Sometimes I think this boy is getting crazier and crazier," Duncan commented as he went back to his push-ups, now without the disgusting interruption from the terrible underwear...


At the beach, Heather tapped her foot impatiently, as Beth looked nervous about what they were about to do...

"Where is he? If he stood up, I'm going to strangle him." Heather was getting angry with waiting for the boy who proposed to return the cursed item.

"You didn't have to come, Heather, you can stay with Lindsay at the camp and I can go alone with him..." Beth said in a worried tone, knowing that she screw up a big time and now her best friend had to suffer the idea of themselves going back to the haunted island... And luckily at the time she was about to receive a reply from Heather, Ezekiel passed the stairs of the beach...

And to the surprise of both Heather and Beth, Ezekiel was well equipped with his bow and arrows, and even a big piece of frozen ribs he was carrying on his hands.

"Sorry for the wait, it was difficult to trick Chef into going away from the kitchen and taking this from the refrigerator." The homeschooled boy explained as he placed the ribs above the canoe. Heather and Beth stared at him in silence. "These Ribs were also a part of a tribute for the animals since they like to eat meat, it can be used as a good way to stall time for us to run..."

Heather and Beth remembered the bevers and the gooses... which made both of them gulp loudly about the possibility of encountering them...

"I hope you girls are ready to go... because I can guarantee that it will take some hours before we come back here... Someone does need a bathroom break before we go?" Ezekiel asked as he placed himself above the canoe... leaving both Heather and Beth staring at each other... Heather was about to reply, but Beth was raising her hand as she was shaking to go to the bathroom.

Heather sighed as she rolled her eyes...

"Okay, you may go Beth... but do it quick," Heather ordered Beth went happily to the bathroom... And now Heather may be thinking about the whole days of challenges that she was going to do... and how at the end of the day... she must come with a painful decision...

Chapter 15: The Wicked Palette

Chapter Text


"Last time on Total Drama Island…" Chris began with his usual smirk on his face. "competitors became hunters. And the hunted. Owen's game was way off. And when he finally caught wind of his prey, he totally blew it. And Cody passed time with his girlfriend while they were upside-down from a neat trap. And in a shocking turn of…events, hehehehe, sorry, sorry I just, hehe, I just can't say this with a straight face. Trent made a terrible mistake in finding the wrong words to tell the heart of the Killer Bass team, which in the end led to the best reference of the most perfect Mafia Movie ever made. I had to pay a good money to make the soundtrack would be similar to the Godfather movie. I swear the guitarist will flinch every time he hears the movie soundtrack or sees a paintball gun ever again. Heather, Lindsay, and Beth found a new friend, who turned out to be a terrible bear… But the panic made them run away in such a hurry that the curse of Boney Island once again attacked Heather by slipping a pee jar from nobody other than Owen… Needless to say, the bear was afraid of what Heather could do to him after being soaked on that nasty stuff. I swear you just can't write this stuff! And ultimately it was the Screaming Gophers who once again had to suffer through another bonfire ceremony. In the end, it was Cody who got to go from a betrayal made by nobody else than Trent, 5 against one vote was indeed something that no camper would like to ever receive…. But now with the merge almost approaching… How long it will come? Who knows? But one final scene from the pay-per-view… Heather told the Killer Bass about Trent's betrayal, and Katie swore revenge.. and in time of empathy… Ezekiel paid the same coin by exposing the curse… Now Beth, Ezekiel, and Heather had to cross to Boney Island to undo the curse. The Gophers are still the underdogs. Can they bounce back? Can they get rid of the curse? Find out tonight on Total. Drama. Island!"

Around the camp Wawanakwa, the day seemed just like any other, the blue sky, and the good environment with nature. The animals were happy, exploring the nature around them, the trees were showing good green as the sound of a fart was enough to make many animals leave immediately due to the terror of the sound and to save their lives from the smell.

Trent woke up in a fall from his bed since his friend just farted so loud that it made him wake up. Thankfully he wasn't on the top of the bunker bed, but also on the down bed, he just glanced around and saw that... he saw the lack of presence of the other members of his team... Now would be only him and the big guy who just farted... He knew that what he did may not have forgiveness from his friend, but he went there to go at the game until the end. And it was difficult to find a way to keep playing when his team kept losing all the time...

It was like they somehow were cursed or something... He couldn't help but think it would have been tempting to ask Owen and Cody to vote him out, but he needed to keep trying and possibly find a way to keep in the show. He felt somehow this time would be his lucky day...

And that was what he needed to have a good smile and go directly to the bathroom which Harold was just finishing to take a shower...

At the time the sound of the shower was done, Harold was happy to take the stain off his underwear, he was glad that the boys were so comprehensive to him, and he learned that he may need to be more honest with his friends. Especially since they want him to not make him look bad in front of Leshawna... It was great to have some friends nearby and nothing would mess up with his cheerful morning... Until he opened the door, and the happy smile on his face turned into a deep frown upon the guitarist who was about to get inside the bathroom.

Trent saw the hostility in his eyes, knowing that somehow the group was still angry at him... At the time he was about to say something. The nerd ignored him and holding his now wet clean underwear he went back to his own cabin.

Trent knowing it would have been pointless to talk, decided to go to the shower and have time to take a bath... Maybe this time the show wouldn't be broken the time he would use it.

The temperature of the water was fine, the pressure didn't explode the valve or anything that would mess up his bath... Using his shampoo he needed to clean up his black hair...Sighing happily Trent felt relieved to take a good moment to enjoy his privacy and take a good time for himself...

(Main Lodge)

"Where is Chef and the food?" Duncan said as he felt annoyed because by the time they were supposed to have breakfast, Chef Hatchet wasn't there, and the kitchen was looked with a metal door which nobody knew was there in the first place.

And noticing that he wasn't alone in that regard, DJ, Geoff was checking the metal door blocking the kitchen...

"Strange, I don't remember seeing a door like that," DJ commented as he knocked the cold metal from the door, which even echoed on the other side of the kitchen.

Duncan was looking impatiently as he kept tapping on the table but then saw Courtney and Bridgette walk into the main lodge with the same energy as Duncan.

"Did you get any luck?" Duncan asked as the C.I.T. girl and the surfer sat at their seat with a bit of hunger in their stomachs.

"They even place bars on the windows of the kitchen. What is their problem? It's the third challenge that they made us hungry for breakfast, what are they going to do today?" Courtney said as she was feeling annoyed by another challenge that would require them to not eat their breakfast. "Last time they wanted us to eat canned beans for breakfast."

Bridgette also felt something was off, seeing that the Chef himself not appearing and the secrecy of what was inside the kitchen was making them more curious about it.

"I don't know. Usually, Chef would be shouting at us for getting late to have the food. But at least he would be here. What happened to him?"Bridgette asked as she herself could feel her stomach having some complaints around...

But then she just glanced around to see there were a few people not in the main lodge...Seeing DJ and Geoff also staring at the door curiously. The ideas surrounding the future challenge would also make her wary but also curious about what's going to happen.

Minutes passed until the door was open, and Gwen was with a good smirk on her face, and Katie was giggling uncontrollably. Lindsay walked with Owen who was almost starving and desiring to eat anything at that moment.

"Food, food..." Owen's body was in a trance as he walked and realized something was wrong. 'Where is Chef? Where is the food?"

"Bad luck big guy, Chef is not here and there is a big metal door locked..." Geoff explained that he then saw a big man almost double his size had his eyes shrink and then went straight to the door... And knocking like a despaired man.

"YOU MANIACS, BLEW IT UP. OH DAMN YOUUUUU. *BEEEEP* YOU DAMN YOU ALL TO HELL." Owen shouted as his eyes showed endless tears, and he tried to lick the door, and DJ and Geoff took that moment to turn their backs and not see what the fat boy was about to do.

Bridgette who was watching that scene in amusement and disgust, then saw Gwen and Katie who seemed to still be smiling from something.

"You both took a bit long. What happened?" Bridgette raised her eyebrow and seeing Gwen and Katie that happy, there was something going on and she wanted to be part of it.

"Oh, you need to wait and see," Gwen commented as the giggles of the tan twin evolved to almost uncontrollable laughing.

Duncan, DJ, and Geoff turned their heads and now found something that made them interested to know.

"Trust me, it's going to be funny, but where are the others?"Gwen asked as she saw that from the Bass, there were two members missing.

"Ezekiel went for an enthusiastic walk as he said, and Harold must be wearing his clothes," Geoff explained to Courtney, Gwen, Bridgette, and Katie stopped her giggle, and the girls tilted their heads.

"Enthusiastic walk?"Courtney asked as she never heard someone say something like that before.

"That's what he said, princess. Sometimes I think this island is making him weirder and weirder when the time passes."Duncan scoffed as he rolled his eyes. Seeing that somehow the island was affecting the members of his own team, he sighed in tiredness..."I don't blame him, this damn Island is making everyone insane little by little."

"But it's weird that he decided to do a walk and until now didn't return."Bridgette also commented since she knew Ezekiel wouldn't be wasting time around in the time of challenge.

DJ and Duncan paused, as they glanced around and just looked at the door opening, revealing Harold all clothed again...

"Hey Harold, did you see Zeke around?" Duncan asked loudly, and the blue-shirt nerd glanced around before shaking his head.

"Nah, the last time I saw him was this morning with you guys." And at the time Harold said that the group started to glance at each other.

"Do you think something happened?" DJ asked which made clear that the group started to worry about a member of their team suddenly disappearing.

Lindsay who was staring at the group who were gathering to even go outside walked towards them.

"Hey, are you talking Zekia?" Lindsay asked the wrong name which made the Bass team stare at her in questioning look. "He went with Beth and Heather to Honey Island to try to undo the curse..."

"Honey Island? Curse?" The questions made by both groups of Killer Bass were something Lindsay didn't know that she just opened the Pandora box...

(? - Heather, Ezekiel and Beth)

"I can't believe I have accepted doing something crazy like that," Heather complained after minutes of paddling with the farmer's teenagers, the trio traveled on the waters since the morning without telling anyone where they were going... The only person who knows about their trip is Lindsay who chooses to remain on the Island for the sake of helping to win the challenge of the day... And Chris who possibly prepared the cameras and the crew to travel around to follow the trio of campers in their journey to undo the curse. Beth was also feeling her skin sweat, as it was something done from the hard work of paddling, but also from the scorching sun in the sky... Thankfully they had some water bottles just in case of felt dehydrated, but also used the water nearby to place on their faces to refresh from the heat.

"That's strange, today is so hot," Beth complained, as she never thought it would have been nice to bring one Lindsays product to make herself and Heather ready for the trip. Heather got her eyes rolling the same way...

Ezekiel sighed in exasperation, knowing that going into a trip alone with the duo of Screaming Gophers screamed red flags around his mind all the time, but he couldn't help it, he didn't want to see his teammates involved in such a delicate subject as a freaking curse around the island. He watched the show many times, and many people from the fandom had theories if Beth was freed from the curse or not... The banishment of France and the loss of her prize money would be such a terrible way to lose the money.

Ezekiel remained quiet, but noticing how the heat was indeed affecting him as well, he took out his winter blouse and his green winter head away...placing under his shoes was something that he could remain with him, and still with the equipment nearby him, he knew that there isn't an ordinary day on Total Drama, there always would be a catch. Even if Chris isn't involved with it, somehow there is something that always would be.

"Ugh, can't this thing go any faster?" Heather complained as she herself was getting annoyed from the delay since she wanted so much to make the problems over with and if somehow a miracle would happen, she would manage to come back to win the challenge with her team. Even if that sounds impossible, they already lost too much.

"Hold on, Lady Raincorn." Ezekiel paused as he raised his oar with him, which made Heather raise her eyebrow at him weirdly. "If you think that we manage to get in time of the challenge, you better forget, because we are not sure if they are doing the challenge at this moment. So you better give up."

"What did you just call me?" The queen bee crossed her arms as she looked unaffected by the insult.

"Lady Raincorn, the wife of one of the main characters of the story I'm writing." Ezekiel ignored her as he focused on paddling with his oar, and didn't look behind to see not only her, but Beth also tilting her head to him. "She is a long rainbow unicorn... She is the wife of a magical dog who can change sizes. Best friend of a Princess of a Candy Kingdom..."

"Pff, I failed to see why you compare me to..." Heather rolled her eyes but nothing she would expect from a farmer like Ezekiel would make her blink her eyes in surprise.

"She only speaks in Korean... Almost everyone from the show can understand her, less the main character who is a boy of 11 years old, so he still has problems understanding her." Ezekiel then said which made Heather blink and stare at the boy with both surprise but also in annoyment.

"Oh, that's so cute." Beth felt interested in knowing more about it, while Heather just was adamant about one thing.

"Why Korean?" Heather asked as she didn't like the sound of someone wanting to force a character from her ancestors.

"Why not Korean?" The sudden question and the shrugs from Ezekiel made Heather soften her glare at him. "The joke is mostly of the kid being the only one who doesn't understand the language, while his brother who is her husband, and the princess who is her best friend are always aware of what she says... It's fun on that way."

Heather blinked... as she noticed that the homeschooled guy said it, not in the desire to sound racist but to find a fun way to represent her native language and country... Which made her scoff but also drop the subject.

"Alright Mr. Writer, how long it would take for us to reach the island?" Heather sarcastically asked, and Ezekiel rolled his eyes.

"The same long we took when we went on the first time. Seriously Heather? You want to be nagging right now?" Ezekiel replied as he suddenly felt a shrive... the heat they were feeling at that moment, dropped, and was slowly getting colder with the time. "Strange... It's still sun, but it's getting colder around here."

Beth who was paddling also noticed that somehow her arms were getting colder, and Heather who was bored into going to such a terrible island, also felt that her body was also feeling cold so suddenly.

"What the..." Heather asked until then she saw that a good part of the water was being shadowed by a huge cloud, and by slowly raising her head, there was a big cloud that was marking a direction towards one single place...

"We are almost there..." Ezekiel said as he felt suddenly that the shadowed part of the water, and a bit far away... the water seemed to be more in a cristalized form... he looked in disbelief until he realized what just happened... "Please tell me this isn't what I think it is..."

Beth tilted her head until she continued to paddle in the direction of the crystalized mark until suddenly the impact was enough to make the canoe stop and all three luckily went outside of the canoe in above the crystalized part of the water... Which showed to be solid frozen in that area.

They have arrived a few miles away from the cursed Boney Island... and now they have to take their canoe and walk onto the island. The air, once stagnant, began to ripple with an unnatural energy. Dark clouds gathered overhead, swirling into an ominous vortex that cast an eerie shadow across the desolate landscape. A bone-chilling wind whispered through the skeletal remains of the twisted trees, carrying with it the ancient murmurs of a curse awakened.

Heather got up and stared at what would be the terror of the island which seemed ten times worse than her first experience of the challenge. Beth was trembling for two reasons, one was the chilling cold air filling the area outside of the island... Second, the fear of how the curse of the object she took from the island now wants to have her soul as payment. Her teeth were making her braces shake from both terrible ideas that they came towards the challenge.

"*Beep*" Ezekiel cussed, knowing that now they were into a challenging way worse than he would ever expect to see... Never in his mind, he would see an island covered in snow after just a few days away from the island. "We have to go there."

"Oh hell no." Heather said as she pointed at the cursed island, "Let's just go in the shore and leave the Tiki on there and get the *beep* out of here."

"Yeah, what Heather said." Beth nodded her head in fear, and she could see that even Ezekiel was hesitating.

"That's a good call, Heather, seriously, I would go for it..." Ezekiel nodded his head in approval but somehow Heather knew that there was a bit on there. "But, do you think that it would work if we do that?"

"You are the expert, you should know," Heather said as she was feeling angry but also was feeling the coldness of the snow finally approaching all of them... Using her arms she tried to take out the canoe by herself, but she noticed that both Ezekiel and Beth helped her to take the canoe out of the water.

"I know that usually, we should bring the object nearby where it was taken out from the first place. So it could be the place where we were doing the fire in the last challenge or somewhere in the forest. But I have no guarantee that we would reach the same results if we just do the ritual in front of the island." Ezekiel said assuredly, which made Heather bite her inner lips in anger. "Are you willing to risk it?"

Beth could see Heather without a response to that question... So knowing that everything was her fault she decided to step in.

"I'm going there," Beth said determined which made Ezekiel and Heather stare at her. "It's my fault and I think I should be the one to undo the curse."

Heather was about to protest but Ezekiel went ahead.

"That's a fact Beth, but you have no idea on how to do everything, you need to create an altar, make the fire, and give a tribute. Doing that alone on the island alone would be stupidity. So you need protection." Ezekiel said as he took the bow with him and the quiver as well. "Heather can stay with the canoe and we can go there to do it and we run the fast as we can..."

"Oh hell no," Heather said as she stomped her foot on the ice floor, which made her freeze and realize that she could be walking on thin ice... But thankfully the ice looked more solid than water... She composed herself. "There is no way, I'm going to be left alone on the island. I'm in... I hate this, but I'm not going to let you both leave me alone."

"Well, we need to get there the fast as we can. So you have any idea, Lady Raincorn?" Ezekiel asked and Heather rolled her eyes.

"Stop calling me that and let me think..." Heather commanded as she looked at the ice floor and how good miles away would be from the island... And with the possibility that there would be snow in the Boney Island... She then smirked. "Actually I think I got one idea."

(Main Lodge)

"EZEKIEL IS GOING TO BONEY ISLAND?" Courtney and Bridgette shrieked as the boys looked thunderous.

"That's unbelievable, why did he want to help Heather at all?" Gwen said annoyed, since she never saw the interaction between the duo and now somehow the green hat boy decided to help the girl who was his enemy. "Especially that it's your team's fault to bring the curse to this camp."

"But he said he was doing it because he knows how to undo the curse in exchange for us owning a favor for him..."Lindsay explained which made DJ and the other guys have their eyes wide open. "He said it was also a thanks for Heather warning you guys about Trent on Mody's elimination."

"Cody." Katie corrected as she was serious and stopped laughing. She was feeling exasperated to see how the situation ended up like that.

"Err... guys, not to want to be that guy, but you said we are cursed?" Owen who was still feeling his stomach groaning, felt a bit terrified from hearing about the curse coming on the camp.

"Yeah, Beth seemed to take something from Boney Island and that was the reason why you guys were so unlucky during these days." Harold gave a simple explanation as he himself had no idea how to respond to the reason why his friend did that.

"Oh..." Owen deflated, as he nervously chuckled and felt a shrive on his spine, maybe the curse was the reason why his pee made Heather want to strangle him so much...

"Maybe it was because he was tired that our team was also affected by the bad luck? Since the showers got broken and even some of the places we were nearby the Screaming Gophers also affected our luck as well?" Geoff asked which DJ felt terrified by the idea.

"I don't know, but don't you think Ezekiel going alone with both Heather and Beth into that haunted island would be dangerous?" DJ raised his point which made Courtney and Bridgette think about wanting to help. But Duncan was the first one to take the action.

"That freaking idiot. I'm going there right now." Duncan didn't even wait for his team to say something. He walked hurriedly to the door but at the time he opened it, he saw a smirking face of Chris.

"Good morning campers. I'm glad you are all excited to see the next challenge that's going to happen in 2 hours." Chris said as he could see Duncan trying to pass by him. "Woah hey, what's going on?"

"I don't have time for that Chirs, I'm going to take a canoe and get out from here," Duncan said as he was passing by the host of the show, but the next words made him stop.

"If is about Ezekiel, Heather, and Beth going to Boney Island. Then I have to tell you that it's a bad idea for you to go alone there..." Chris said in a serious tone, which made the delinquent stop and glare at the host who was happy to be there.

"You knew about this?" Duncan snarled at Chris who raised his hands up.

"Woah bad doggy. I'm here to tell you that the Island is crazy, I sent some of my interns to place cameras around Boney Island, and there was a chaotic climatic change there. I watched the video cameras on there, and it's snowing there." Chris warned Duncan as he pointed out one important fact. "Also he got permission to do that, but you guys don't, and if any of you don't do the challenge of the day, your team will be disqualified and you can already say bye-bye to one of your members."

"It's not funny Chris," Duncan said as he glared hatefully at him, which Chris gave his annoying smirk.

"For me it is, so you better get your team together and prepare yourselves because the next challenge is going to be the best but also the worst experience you guys will ever receive with your whole lives," Chris warned the group every single Killer Bass looked in alarm and in concern about their member into the dangerous Island the group were before.

"CHRIS, THE FOOD, WHERE IS CHEF, WHERE IS THE FOOD?"Owen shouted, grabbing the host of the show by the collar and shaking so much, that Chris was feeling nauseous in the air.

"Stop shaking me," Chris said loudly and the starved camper released him immediately. Taking a few seconds to compose himself and check his own hair... Chris glared at Owen before explaining it. "Chef Hatchet and the food is well secured since this will be part of the challenge. Now I recommend you back off and wait until the challenge is ready."

Owen has his lips trembling and in the verge of crying, but the host of the show doesn't care about it.

Gwen scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"So you once again made us get starved on the breakfast for a preparation of a challenge to make us do crazy stuff just for the sake of eating?"Gwen glared at Chris who just smiled at her.

"That's actually not a bad idea, but, today's challenge is going to be a bit different, but one thing that I'm going to enjoy so much." Chris gave a wolfish smile as he could see the others squirm from his smile. "I will see you guys in two hours right here..."

At the time Chris left, Duncan was about to ignore it and go back to the beach, but a strong hand grabbed him. Turning his head he saw Courtney with a determined look on her face.

"Just drop it," Courtney said which made the delinquent even more furious, but she interrupted him before he was going to say something. "Ezekiel got permission from Chris so that means he had a plan to travel on the island. But also he gave a good favor to sabotaging the Screaming Gophers by taking Beth and Heather with him."

"Are you serious right now? You want to win that much?" Duncan asked both in disbelief and annoyed.

"Yes, because his work would have been in vain..." Courtney stomped her foot, and seeing Duncan angrily she gave a sigh and tried again. "Look, at the time he gets here he is going to get an earful from all of us."

Duncan remained quiet, but then giving a good glance at the C.I.T. girl he scoffed.

"You are a terrible influence on him."And words like that made the hell break lose.

"EXCUSE ME?" Courtney said in outrage her eyes flamming in fire. "What you mean I WAS THE BAD INFLUENCE IN HIM? You are the one who is taking him on the bad decisions."

"ME? Excuse me princess, but this has all your influence in it. You are the one who treats this game seriously just for the sake of winning." Duncan said as he stared angrily at her. And Courtney got nearby and with anger, she wanted to strangle the delinquent.

"My influence? You are the one who always does the craziest and chaotic thing when it comes to the challenges."Courtney shouted and their arguing became one iconic moment since a few meters away, Gwen, Katie, and Bridgette were watching in amusement.

"50 bucks they are going to hook up until the end of the show," Bridgette said as Katie rolled her eyes.

"It's a sucker's bet," Katie replied and Gwen nodded in agreement.

"They look like a married couple," Gwen said amused since she could see Harold, Geoff, and DJ chuckling and thinking about the same thing...

The feelings around the Main Lodge were mixed, with the anticipation of the challenge, concern for Ezekiel and Beth and Heather...mostly Lindsay would be concerned for the latter, who had to deal with the haunted island...

Owen still feels terrified by the curse Beth has brought upon them. What possibly would cause another...


The door was opened, making Duncan and Courtney who were shouting against each other suddenly stop, and glance at the person who just appeared... Duncan slowly blinked as Courtney raised her eyebrow and her mouth dropped...

Bridgette tilted her head but also her mouth was opened in shock.

Geoff who was talking with Harold suddenly stopped, while the nerd also froze and stared at it in disbelief.

DJ looked and then pinched himself to see if he was dreaming.

Lindsay tilted her head in confusion and Owen looked like he saw a ghost.

Gwen and Katie smirked as they were waiting for the right moment.

"Good morning everyone." Trent greeted the group who was staring at him, and noticing that nobody was eating he tilted his head in confusion. "Does something happen with the breakfast?"

Duncan tried to remain serious, he swore he tried... But seeing Trent like that was making him hold his laugh. The same could be said for all members of Killer Bass... Because...

"TRENT THE CURSE GOT YOU," Owen shouted which made the guitarist stare at the big guy confused.

"Curse? What are you talking about?" Trent asked until Lindsay gave a pocket mirror for him to see his reflection, everything seemed to be fine with his face... Until he realized one thing... "Wait. Why my eyebrows are pink?"

"Err... It wasn't just the eyebrow..." Lindsay commented as she gave distance with the mirror, which Trent had his eyes wide open in horror to see his entire hair was pink.

"What the *beeeeeeeep*. " Trent shouted in disbelief as the Killer Bass team couldn't take it anymore... And laughed at the misfortune of the guitarist who had no idea on what happened.

Katie and Gwen gave a hidden fist bump, as the duo laughed until their hearts content.

(Boney Island)

"AHHHHHHHHHH." That was the shout of Beth who was holding herself on the canoe with her whole life. While Ezekiel and Heather were using the oars to push and get speed by using the canoe to slide over the solid ice like a bobsled.

The force both were doing and even taking good teamwork, the speed force was enough to make the travel to Boney Island faster than they ever thought.

"We are almost there. Keep pushing." Heather commanded as Ezekiel was hitting the floor with his oar. Until they got a vision of where the sea would end and there was a lot of snow covering the floor of the cursed island."Alright, we are going to jump right here, on three we are going to use the canoe speed to make it continue sliding on land. One, two...Three"

The trio used their oars to hit the solid ice at the same time which was a good timing to make the canoe lift just a few centimeters from the floor.

From solid ice to the fluffy white snow, the trio were at a fair speed which made their objective even easier than they ever expected.

"Alright we are already on the island, let's keep up the speed," Heather said as they were still sliding, but with a bit more resistance since they weren't more in solid ice, they had to keep using the oars to keep pushing with more force to have enough speed.

Seeing the dangerous island that once tried to kill them at the moment they got in there for the first time becoming covered in whole snow and ice shades around... That was something the trio and neither people who were watching at the pay-per-view ever expected to see in the first place.

"Keep pushing. And don't distract yourselves, we never know if we had those mutant diabolical monsters around here." Heather commanded, while Ezekiel could see her as a bossy girl, her concerns were valid.

So the green hat boy took his quiver and compound bow near his legs just in case he would need it.

The resistance still made them slow down... But it was way faster than they started than the first time.

"If we find the two paths again, we go on the right, it's the safest from them both. It's longer but the best to go." Ezekiel's instructed and Heather nodded her head.

"Alright, Beth, you check for the way. If you see the path, you inclinate your body for right." Heather instructed the farmer girl who nodded her head in determination.

There were skulls frozen from all the places, even the spears were like ice-shaped spears covered in both snow and ice. And the threes with their covered leaves holding the snow around, were paller than the first time they got in... Still, it was easy to see from their constant movement with the canoe, sliding around... But then the time they continue to look for the way... Suddenly a tree also started failing in their direction.

"WATCH OUT," Ezekiel exclaimed as the trio moved their towards to push to a side and make the canoe slide a bit away from the tree... Almost hitting them... Ezekiel feared that moment, and by the time they were moving, they heard the loud quick steps of the animals... "If the tree fell down, that means."

"MONSTER BEAVERS AGAIN," Heather shouted as she pointed in the direction of now red-eyed creatures, and from their fur, every single one of the beavers was now with white fur covering their bodies. "OH GREAT, NOW THEY ARE ALBINO BEAVERS NOW."

Heather shouted and their furs seemed to be double in comparison to the first time the campers went on the boney island.

"HOW THEY CHANGED THEIR COLORS? IT WAS ONLY A FEW WEEKS." Beth shouted as she feared winter creatures now would go after them... Now Ezekiel felt the time that he should prepare his bow and arrows... Now having placed a little surprise on the tip of his arrows, there were the orange inflamable natural little explosives that he took care of having some in emergency of returning to this cursed island, and now it would be the best idea to do it.

"Alright, I'm going to release the ribs, that would give us more time to keep sliding." Ezekiel without thinking twice launched away the frozen meat which from the time they were using the canoe was enough to be enough to be enjoyed by wild animals around... Luckily for the trio, the Albino Beevers went in the direction of the bait and was enough to make the group still sliding towards their objective.

"Where did you get those ribs?" Beth asked loudly as Ezekiel pointed out.

"Today they were remodeling the Kitchen so they had to unfreeze some of the meats, so I took the first opportunity to catch the meat... I think they are now placing a metal door in the kitchen." Ezekiel explained and while Beth looked confused, Heather realized the reason why that happened, her time stealing food from the Kitchen now it will be more difficult.

"I found the split paths. Let's turn right." Beth smiled hopefully as Heather and Ezekiel helped her to use the weight of their bodies to turn in the direction of the safe path, making one of the obstacles easy to deal with... "Now everything is perfect, we can do this."


And at the time the hopeful smile came from the farmer girl, suddenly the trio who were in the middle of snow and sliding like they would never stop... they jumped in their seats scared by one single sound. As swiftly as the snowstorm materialized, it transitioned into a torrential rainstorm, defying the natural order. Raindrops, glowing with an ethereal light, fell in a rhythmic symphony, echoing through the eerie silence. The waterlogged ground groaned beneath the weight of the mystical deluge, and the once-dry terrain transformed into a swampy labyrinth.

The curse's escalation reached its zenith with a sudden shift to a thunderstorm of unprecedented magnitude. Lightning arced across the sky, not in jagged bolts but in serpentine patterns that painted the heavens with a haunting glow. Thunder resonated with an otherworldly cadence, echoing through the twisted landscape and hinting at a power far beyond the understanding of mere mortals.

"HOW IT STARTED TO RAIN LIKE THAT? WE ARE IN THE MIDDLE OF SNOW?" Heather shouted in disbelief and anger, while Ezekiel also feared on how chaotic the island would have become for the sake of the curse... They were being tested... and the climatic changes would make it much more difficult to deal with the rest of the journey.

(Main Lodge)

Two hours later, the remaining campers returned to the Main Lodge, but by the time they got back, the tables were covered with fancy sheets and with a good presentation of what would be trays above them... The quantity of trays was the same for each camper who was on the challenge.

8 trays on the table with a flag of Killer Bass, and 3 trays on the table with a flag from the Screaming Gophers side.

The starving looks on each camper's face showed how well Chris's methodic and sadistic smile made the group even more wary about what was going to happen to them.

Owen was on point that he would eat something urgently, even wood if he had to... So now it would be the show time that he has waiting for so much to do.

"Welcome campers for the next challenge. What are we about to have it's a challenge that would bring you all the primal and animalistic feelings that most of the humans felt at the time they were born... The desire to eat..." Chris dramatically explained as she pointed to the table and even a special one that he was going to be sitting around. "It's Wicked Palette time."

"Wicked what?" Owen asked as suddenly his stomach roared in such force that echoed throughout the whole Main Lodge... and like some internal communication, the stomachs of other campers also grumbled in hunger, and with the desire to eat anything at that moment.

"No stress..." Chris commented as he pointed at every camper to sit at their tables. "This challenge would require the strongest willpower that you would ever have... since, it's a challenge that we are going to bring 3 irresistible foods, if you succeed at not eating anything, you will be rewarded with a delicious prize."

"So the challenge would be a try not to eat?" Gwen asked as she felt her stomach hurt, and seeing Chris smiling at her, she then discovered his plan. "Oh, you are the devil."

"Thanks. I try." Chris smiled as he could see the group salivating. "Also there is another thing, For every food you try, you also must eat one bite of the punishment food, which I advise you to don't be stupid into doing that... Trust me, you are not going to like it," Chris explained as he could see the cold sweat coming from some campers, especially Lindsay, Owen, and even DJ. "For each member who managed to resist the temptations or even if you got the punishment food and managed to eat all of it... You guys would get a point and also immunity from the elimination happening today."

By saying those words, the campers felt happier to have a better chance to eat something good, but also being freed from the possibility of being eliminated on the day.

However there was one question crossing their minds, and Chris already predicting it decided to confirm their suspicions.

"The participants who are unavailable at this moment will not have immunity from today's challenge, so for their risk, you better win this," Chris explained which made Lindsay in dismay, and the Killer Bass glance at each other in concern. "Now, who is hungry?"

And the music for his ears, the stomach of the campers was the perfect sound for knowing this challenge was going to be the best he thought about it.

Confession - Owen

"I cannot wait for food... I'm starving, look at me." Owen said as he pointed to the chubby feature he has around his body. "I didn't eat anything in hours. HOURS... I swear, I'm about to eat everything in the next few minutes, and I don't care how terrible the punishment would be... I want to eat it."

Confession - Owen

Now covered in vomit, showing the possibility of the camper being around there when the challenge was over and his eyes looking traumatized...

"WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?" Owen shouted as he tried his best to not vomit again, and looked at the reflection of the bad decisions he made. "WHY DIDN'T I WAIT IT UNTIL THE END?"

Every camper was sitting on their respective seats, and glancing around between nervous but also hungry about the challenge they were about to participate in.

"Alright, everyone." Chris smiled as he sat on his personal table with a very good tray waiting for him to open and enjoy the challenge. "You can now open your trays while I will describe the food you are about to salivate... You have to wait for me to finish my dish to then we go on the next tray. I hope you guys are ready... now you can open it."

The first dish: Under the first gleaming silver cover was a mountain of succulent, slow-cooked BBQ ribs. The rich, smoky aroma filled the air, and the contestants could practically hear the sizzle and crackle of the perfectly glazed meat. Their mouths watered, and the tantalizing scent seemed to play tricks on their senses.

Owen felt his mouth create a river as he could see the smoky smell playing with him...

"Now, who would like to have a very succulent, slow-cooked BBQ ribs? Combined with a very sweet creamy and dreamy butter and great herbs to make it so irresistible to ... OWEN." Chris was describing the delicious food until he saw the fat boy without thinking twice, he was eating the first dish like he was making love with it... And the campers who were trying to resist the temptations of starvation, they suddenly saw Owen doing such horrendous thing, that some even closed their eyes to not witness that.

Confession - Bridgette.

"And because of that, I thank God I'm vegetarian. Because I would have been traumatized to never eat meat again, but since I'm already vegetarian, I wouldn't need to be that disgusted... but Owen should at least use a napkin. That was horrible." Bridgette explained as the static showed the challenge already started hard. "If most of the foods would be meat ones, I think it will be easy for me to resist."

*buzzer sound*

"It seems that Owen already got his first buzzer... so that means that he would need to eat one bite of his punishment food," Chris said annoyed, but he already expected that... So he cleared his throat to continue the explanation. "The barbecue sauce comes with many expectancies, so be prepared for the smell and the tender desire to eat it."

And the view of the food was one thing that most of the campers couldn't help but see their stomachs begging to eat at least one bite... And Owen, who seemed to be happy to finish his ribs already, felt like a kid who just drank a cup of water when thirsty.

"Alright, can't wait for the next tray," Owen said as he rubbed his hands in excitement.

"Err, big guy? You know that it's trying not to eat challenge right?" Duncan said loudly as he himself would have fallen from its temptations if wasn't for that disgusting view of Owen eating ribs in such a manner.

"I'm starved. And I already lost it... So I'm going to eat the punishment with one bite..." Owen said with his determination in his head, and Chris couldn't help but giggle from the nativity of the fat boy.

"Well, if you guys are so happy to stare... Let me... hmmm, oh, that's wonderful." Chris started to dig the food by himself, and the campers could hear him eating while it wasn't as disgusting as Owen did, it was still annoying because of how the teases the host was doing for everyone on the show.

"Okay, you are vegetarian, you are vegetarian," Bridgette commented to herself, as she stared at the brown smoking treasure staring at her, the liquid of Barbecue Sauce was indeed dropping in front of her, but she still said her mantra-like she is a fortress on that moment.

"Are you okay dude?" DJ asked as he glanced at Geoff liking his lips.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Geoff tried to remain positive, as he felt his hand almost approaching the ribs, and he quickly took it off the table. Seeing DJ looking at him in concern he gave a nervous laugh. "Hehehe... I'm strong, I can take it."

"I'm literally shaking with indecision right now," Gwen said as she could feel her trembling, and looking at how delicious it sounded from both Owen and Chris, she was half tempted by the first dish. "It's going to be a long challenge."

"It smells really good," Courtney whispered, as she could see the cruelty of the challenge, and having a dry gulp, she felt like her stomach was howling to eat something, anything at that moment.

"Ribs look so amazing," Harold said as he was almost feeling the taste in his mouth. "I really want to eat it, Chris."

"Then do it Harold. It's even better the taste." Chris said as he finally finished a few ribs and cleaned his face. And Harold held himself together to stop himself from eating it... "Alright, it seems you guys started strongly... unless Owen, I did expect that... So now we can start for the next tray."

Killer Bass: 8 / Screaming Gophers: 2

The first tray was a very difficult challenge for the Killer Bass... Only Owen from Screaming Gophers had failed the first challenge of the show... but now with another tray being brought by Chef who was wearing a more fancy suit... he glared at the campers who dared to make fun of him, and stopped them to even trying to make a joke.

"Now for the next tray... Creamy Mac 'n' Cheese with 4 types of cheese." Chris said as the group watched in disbelief, a bubbling cauldron of creamy mac 'n' cheese. The golden, cheesy crust beckoned to the starving contestants, and the gooey strands of pasta seemed to stretch endlessly. The scent of melted cheese and buttery goodness hung in the air, tempting even the most disciplined eaters.

"*beep*," Bridgette said as she herself wanted to eat something... and the creamy cheese was calling for her name.

"This type of Mac'n'Cheese was something I thought wouldn't be good, but the person who made it insisted I was going to love it, so I have to give it a try... There are 4 types of cheese marked around the description, but I decided to ignore it... And from the smell of it... I know that I'm going to have a great time with this." Chris smiled as he finally gave a conclusion about the dish, and he started digging into it... "Oh, GOD. YES, This is perfection..."

Owen says Chris finally ate the food, didn't waste time, and decided to enjoy Gouda cheese, Blue cheese, Provolone, and Monterey Jack... It was a paradise of cheeses and something that he never thought he would have for a long time.

Owen got so struck by the food that his mouth was drooling in pleasure, and he wasn't the only one... Chris was loudly exclaiming about the taste, the texture, and the delicious torture the other campers had to endure.

"I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE," Lindsay shouted as she took a fork and decided to give a bite herself... And at the time her tongue touched the marvelous combination of Mac'n'Cheese, she felt her entire body melt like she was floating in the pleasure of good food... And didn't stop it, until she finished her dish.

*buzzer sound*

*buzzer sound*

The loud buzzer sounds made the campers stare at the group who was so focused on eating something tasty leaving the guitarist looking at his own team in dismay.

"Come on guys, I know that this food looks delicious, but we have to win the challenge today..." Trent said as his own stomach was feeling hateful against himself, for not also thinking about eating food at that moment. "You guys may lose the good opportunity to get the immunity of the challenge today. And we can send Beth for bringing the curse to us..."

At the time Lindsay was happy to eat her food... She froze... and then gave an indignant glare towards Trent who still looked ridiculous with his pink hair... So she had a plan in her head...

"Why don't you taste it, Trent? It's so amazing that I would have another one right now, you gotta try that." Lindsay said as she raised her fork with food in his direction.

"Hey, what are you doing? You can have the food, just drop the fork." Trent said in alarm as he gave a few jumps away from the blond girl.

"It seems that today is going to be another easy victory for us right boys?" Duncan smiled as he could see the torture happening on the other table, but then he just heard some strange noises on his side... And to his dismay... Trent and DJ were already down with their desires. "DUDES,"

"Sorry Duncan, it's too strong," Geoff said as he could melted from the sweet cheese that he was having at that moment.

"Yeah, it tastes so good that I can imagine it was momma who made it," DJ commented as he felt the amazing cheese food getting inside of his stomach.

*buzzer sound*

*buzzer sound*

And with that two marks appeared on the members who will have to eat the punishment food. Bridgette could see the sounds of pleasure coming from her teammates, and she was slamming her head on the table so strongly, that she wanted to feel pain at that moment. And from Chris's expression, he is slowly eating the Mac'n'Cheese which would mean it would take a few more minutes of torture, and the campers seemed to break in any moment... Begging whoever was watching them to make their tortures end.

"Come on guys... Just one more food... After this one, we can win." Courtney said as she felt her mouth salivating, but she was using the power of her mind to make herself strong... Harold was about to bail, but the C.I.T. girl slapped him in the face. "GET YOURSELF TOGETHER MAN."

"Right, you are right." Harold still with a red mark on his face, shook his head, and ignored the hunger and loud sounds of his stomach.

The Killer Bass is doing that not just for themselves, but for their team member who is endangering himself over the next island, and some even were praying for his safety.

(Boney Island)

"THIS RAIN IS IMPOSSIBLE," Beth said as she was freezing and paling from the chaotic environment happening in the place... Her hair was even turned into ice, and she was feeling most of her skin becoming blue.

"We are almost there... I can see the beach from before." Ezekiel instructed as he himself felt his winter hat soaked, and his own blouse freezing from the ice around him...

"Come on..." Heather said as she was also on her limit, and from the thunderstorm and rain pouring around them, the trio was exhausted, hungry, and freezing.

But what it took the longest 20 minutes of their lives, they finally reach the beach where Beth found the cursed item... And by some miracle, the thunders and bolts of lightning just stopped at that moment, and from the strong rain... finally ceased... To show the sun once again... But this time, the sun was covered with a cloud... which was a permission of the island giving time for them to finish their objective.

"Okay, we may have a break from the rain and the snow, I think that's the best time for us already do the altar and prepare the bonfire," Ezekiel instructed as he got off from the canoe.

"Which isn't a bad idea, I would love some heat at this moment," Heather complained, but she finally could place her feats into a solid rock. There were a lot of rocks and wood on the floor after the tempest around the Island... which would be the perfect material for the altar. "Are you sure that we need to make an altar?"

"We need to do this," Ezekiel said as he took a few solid logs and even some rocks, and was followed by Beth. "Beth, make it resistant, and strong enough to hold the Tiki. I'm going to make a bonfire."

"And we would need to have a big bonfire, and quickly," Heather said as she found some rocks, and logs but also some vines which made her have one idea. "Beth, there are some vines, use them to hold the rocks and the wood together."

"Alright. I think I know how I want to make it." Beth smiled as she quickly went to each place the duo seemed to be so concentrated over the altar that they turned their backs for one minute.


The explosion made both Beth and Heather jump in the distance and stare at one dead tree on the floor now lit up from the explosion, and with the few marks of the snow melting away. Ezekiel was with his compound bow in a safe distance, and now with a smile on his face... The tree trunk would be a good use for the now the bonfire.

"How did..." Heather stared at him in disbelief, but then she saw Ezekiel showing the same orange ball Izzy had used on the challenge and a Lighter Duncan who also used to make the fire on the next challenge. "You are crazy..."

"To survive in the show, you sometimes must do the craziest ideas... You would be surprised at how crazy ideas would work." Ezekiel didn't take that as an insult. He just told her the facts, for people who watched the show of total drama, all seasons and generations... That was one of his personal rules at the time he gave his signature to participate in the show.

Heather looked at the boy weirdly, but noticing that they had fire now, she really needed some heat to help her at that moment.

Ezekiel also felt happy to have something to warm himself up... knowing that he didn't kill a tree but using one already on the floor was a good way to make himself a good conscience that everything was working fine for their objective... he just prayed for the time of Hawaii curse from Ridonculous Race, would be similar as the way they are trying to undo the curse.

"Got it... I think it's perfect." Beth said as the duo looked at the improvised altar with a little hole, a place which would fit perfectly the little Tiki. The rocks combined with the wood made it like it would be similar to adventure movies.

Both Heather and Ezekiel looked at the construction with surprise and interest, as it also had another stick point which had enough space for another artifact.

"Okay, it looks perfect Beth. Now your gift for the island." Ezekiel explained as he then glanced at the farmer girl who was taking from her pocket... A lipstick which made Ezekiel glance at the Queen Bee...

"Lindsay found out that Beth never had any makeup, so she gave the lipstick for her. So it's the first lipstick she ever had."Heather explained which made Ezekiel understand and nod his head in approval.

"Makes sense. Let's just hope it does work." Ezekiel explained as the duo watched Beth calmly close her eyes and pray for the island not to cast its curse on them...

Beth carefully places the makeup she got from her first friends...and slowly places it in the perfect place, hoping for the wrath of the Island to finally come to an end...

And slowly... The darkness around the clouds became clearer and the sun slowly got away from the clouds...

And Ezekiel gave a relieved sigh, and Heather felt the satisfaction of their problems finally being over. And Beth felt herself freed from all her worries...

She was freed from the curse...

"Finally some sun..." Heather commented as she could see the time they would be away. They already have the boat ready for their trip back home. And even if the water was frozen solid at the beginning, they could have a good speed to paddle back to camp and eat something. "Let's go back to camp. I can't believe I'm going to say that, but I can't wait to eat Chef's food today."

"Of course," Beth said as she was already prepared to push the canoe for Ezekiel and Heather. "Let's get back to camp."

Ezekiel looked around with a smile on his face. He placed back his bow on his back. And helped Beth to push the canoe on the solid ice. Without looking back, Ezekiel was happy to finally break out of the curse of an island and that way make sure that Beth wouldn't suffer the terrible effects of the curse in the long run...

It took a minute for the group to have enough speed to use the solid ice as a slide and go directly to the water. Just for the sake of paddling back to the island, and having a good journey and a light mind of their conscience... Ezekiel was happy to finally finish his part of the deal... He knows that in the future the favors he will need for the sake of playing smart the long game.

He just hoped that his team would be fine...

(Main Lodge)

"Wow, this was fantastic. I have to say, this chef rocks..." Chris said loudly as Chef who had a loud white mark of a hand on his face, groaned in anger as he placed the final trays around the tables... There was something odd about the looks of the campers, but the Chef remained quiet and finished his job of placing all the food on their tables. "Wow, she knows how to make Chef behave... Anyway campers, here is your final challenge a Sweet Potato Pudding and a Mango Cheesecake."

At the time the trays were opened, there were two descriptions of what just happened... Owen immediately devoured with one bite, by placing his mouth on the table... Katie's sweat dropped as she was feeling so sweaty and almost on the verge of breaking it... DJ titled his head, since those foods were familiar, but also a great choice he would have in his childhood... And Geoff already knew that he couldn't take the prize food... So he just decided to eat it anyway.

"GEOFF." Courtney and DJ shouted as the hat party boy didn't listen to them, and when the sweat touched his tongue, he never felt so happy to eat something so good. He didn't regret it.

*buzzer sound*

"And there is also another one who got himself caught from the desire of eating something delicious like that. And looking at Owen..."

"Hummm... I'm way ahead of you." Owen felt satisfied after eating the final piece of the dessert and was so happy that nothing could mess up his day.

*buzzer sound*

"And there goes Owen," Trent said with a facepalm, knowing that soon for the sake of Owen's survival, the elimination votes would just come up for probably Lindsay, Beth, and Heather. So he would just need to resist one more food... And he would win the immunity... But his stomach was hurting so much, that even the sweet smell of the food was driving him crazy.

Gwen was almost giving up... From the look of the food, she would kill to have anything to eat... She was glancing at the pudding and cheesecake, and she could swear that suddenly she saw both of them creating eyes.

"Gwen... Gwen... eat us... eat us..." The desserts were calling her name, and their desire to be eaten... The goth blinked and shook her head, just to see the image of the food blinking at her. "Why don't you eat us?"

"Err..." Gwen looked at her food, and suddenly she felt a slap on her face. "What... what? What."

"You just got knocked out..." Katie commented as she herself was staring at her food fearfully. "I was hearing you mumbling in deep voices like you were playing with the food... And I think it was the time to wake you up."

"Thanks, Katie," Gwen said as she smiled at the tan twin... And the food in front of them was really something that they never imagined to have to fight against... even their strongest will was on the verge of breaking... "Please Chris finish your food."

Chris was eating the dessert slowly, and the sounds of moan of delight at the food were making DJ gulp at the desserts which looked so familiar to him, but seeing his friend also who was enjoying eating it... He decided to give it another bite.

"No, DJ, don't do it," Bridgette commented, but the Jamaican was on his limit, and ignored her...

By eating it... DJ felt that the dessert was delicious but also familiar to him, it was like it came from his country, and from the person who cooked for him... Until his eyes went wide open in shock.

*buzzer sound*

"Wait a minute... Chris, where did you get the food?" DJ said in alarm, as he could see the evil smirk from the host, who just finished eating the delicious Jamaican dessert in front of the other campers.

"Congratulations, Gwen, Courtney, Harold, Bridgette, Katie, Duncan and Trent. You all resisted the temptations of the most terrifying and willpower challenge until this day... Now I'm here to bring you all a big surprise. You all are free from elimination in case your team loses, and we have a special reward for you all... Now, you can bring her Chef Hatchet." Chris smiled as he proceeded to stay up, as the Chef walked calmly carrying a big cart of food, which even Interns were carrying the other carts of food to place over the table... "Now here comes the surprise, we tried to find recipes to make this challenge the tempting is it was... so we gave a call to some people... but there was one person who not just gave the recipe, she offered herself to be the chef of this challenge, because she wanted you all to try her food in case she would cook for her boy..."

DJ felt his heart stop, as he felt the sweat all over his face...

"Coming directly from Jamaica, DJ's Momma." And at the time Chris annunciated it... A woman wearing a scarlet chef uniform, and even with an apron of yellow, black, and green colors with white letters written 'Momma's in control', she was holding a good kitchen knife, and her iconic flowered hat appeared on the television, and the dismay of the son who was seeing her after so long.

"MOMMA," DJ called loudly, as he went to hug his momma, but suddenly he was slapped in the face. "Ouch."

He looked at his mom in confusion, until she pointed to her lips, which DJ just realized that there was still food on his face... and he remembered that he lost the willpower to help his friends... And from seeing her eyes narrowing and slowing shaking her head, he felt his heart wreck... the look of a disappointed mother... it was the best if he desired to die at that moment.

"Ouch," Geoff said as he could see how strong that woman must be, even Duncan would have made fun of it, but looking at her sharpened eyes on him, he preferred to not make fun of it. The boys gulped at the presence of such an intimidating woman with a knife in her hands.

Gwen, Courtney, Katie, and Bridgette smiled and were awed by how the Jamaican mom showed how she could have authority over the boys...

"Anyway, I thank you so much for your participation Cl..." Chris was about to comment, but the woman raised her hand which made him stop.

"Call me Momma, or DJ's mom." The Jamaican woman walked towards in front of Chef Hatched who was still trying to glance away. "Next time you decide to use paprika at the wrong time, you will not get a slap, you will receive a past roll in your face."

"Yes, Momma," Chef said, knowing that even with his military patent he would never hurt someone's mother, but also somehow the way she stared at him, made him gulp fearfully.

"Anyway, thank you for giving your participating and doing that for free... Your help made this challenge very fun to watch, and I cannot wait for how you are going to surprise everyone around..." Chris smiled as he went back to his table. Knowing that day he was going to eat like a king, and truthfully, DJ's momma didn't come to play, she went to show her skills. Because at the time 6 trays appeared on the table, he was already excited to know what was prepared for him. "Now we can open..."

At the time the trays were in front of the starving campers, who seemed to be on the verge of despair... their eyes watered... at the view of something so beautiful, and DJs watched with wide surprised eyes and even regretted the banquet that they are going to have it.

"The Caribbean Fusion Feast." DJ's Momma explained as every single camper who managed to hold themselves felt a shrive of pleasure of the name of the feast... "It's a thing I do for each decade for my family. For the people who managed to go until here without eating anything. You have Jerk Chicken Skewers, Coconut Rice and Peas, Ackee and Saltfish Empanadas, Plantain Paradise Platter, Mango-Pineapple Salsa, and for the finale... Momma's Special Rum Cake."

At the time she started to explain the names of the foods... Every single member of the winners couldn't believe their eyes and immediately began to eat the feast.

Duncan, Harold, started with the Jerk Chicken Skewers

Tender and flavorful jerk chicken skewers, marinated in a blend of aromatic spices and herbs, deliver a kick of Jamaican heat to the platter. The smoky essence of the grill mingles with the tropical breeze, transporting contestants to a Caribbean barbecue paradise.

Bridgette as a vegetarian knew that she would love the marvelous food from DJ's mom, by going to the Plantain Paradise Platter. A medley of ripe and fried plantains, served alongside a zesty tamarind dipping sauce, offers a sweet and savory side to the feast. The caramelized plantains provide a delightful contrast to the savory elements on the plate. Then later she went directly for the Mango-Pineapple Salsa, A refreshing mango-pineapple salsa adds a burst of tropical sweetness and acidity, creating a vibrant and colorful topping for the jerk chicken skewers. The fruity notes balance the bold flavors of the Caribbean Fusion Feast.

Katie started with Coconut Rice and Peas: A bed of fluffy coconut-infused rice and hearty kidney beans, seasoned with thyme and scallions, adds a comforting and authentic touch to the feast. The sweet and savory combination complements the other elements on the plate.

Trent was also having a great time eating his food, Ackee and Saltfish Empanadas were something that he never thought he would love to eat first: A fusion twist on traditional Jamaican flavors, flaky empanadas are filled with the classic Caribbean pairing of ackee and saltfish. The golden pastry encases the succulent mixture, creating a delightful handheld treat.

After eating everything, Courtney and Gwen let out pleasure sigh of satisfaction after eating the most delicious dessert that they hadn't had for a while. And one DJ looked away guilty... The momma's special rum cake. A slice of DJ's Momma's special rum cake takes center stage. Moist, decadent, and infused with Jamaican rum, the cake serves as a sweet homage to the island's culinary traditions. Each bite is a celebration of the rich cultural tapestry woven into the cuisine.

That was paradise, and Chris was in a food coma from all the awesome and delicious food he ever had for free... He loved his job.

The Chef and the interns were also satisfied with helping the Jamaican woman to cook, as they also could have time to eat their food as well, and nothing could be said against the amazing cook that woman brought on the challenge.

DJ felt defeated... knowing that this type of feast would just happen when every 10 years because while he and his momma loved to cook... doing a feast like that would bring a lot of stress, so that's why she would only do that in special occasions... and DJ felt disappointed for not make his momma proud of his determination... He just wished that nothing could be worse than that...

Owen just saw all that food, and he went to his knees... and looked vague at the space.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO." The fat boy shouted as he saw that the good feast was away from him, and he couldn't eat it, not even a tiny bite...

Lindsay felt also sad for not having the right to eat the cooking since it looked so appetizing... Geoff had to take off his hat because he may have been a bit guilty of starting to be the weak link and making his friend lose the right to eat his mom's food... that would be a powerful punch in the gut...

Chris got up from his seat and now it was the best part of the show.

"Killer Bass, Screaming Gophers. From the challenge since the beginning. The number of people who failed towards such temptations became the equal number. Geof and DJ, you ate the food you are not supposed to eat, Twice... Lindsay while you just ate Mac'n'Cheese once, Owen passed the whole challenge of eating the foods on the table... Which makes you all Killer Bass: 20 / Screaming Gophers: 5... So now it comes to the punishment food, and the second part of the challenge." Chris smiled as he could see the evil smirk from Chefs and the solemn face of DJ's momma sitting on the table of the Killer Bass... And with 4 trays... which DJ felt like a bad Omen, and Geoff gulped dryly at what was about to happen. "For people who had great food, and don't wish to throw up... We are going to open it... and Chef will explain the punishment food, while I will get the hell out of here."

"Was it that terrible?" Gwen asked, and at the time Chef opened it... it showed a yellow pancake... a strong yellow pancake... and on the side a little bottle of yellow liquid... which made Gwen's mind process, her mouth almost gag. "No, no way. I'm out."

Duncan, and Harold, quickly jumped from their seats, and not wanting to lose their food, they ran away the fast as possible. Katie almost vomited on that place... Courtney and Bridgette looked horrified and couldn't help but express their opinion...

"EWWWWWWWWWWW." Both said as they looked at DJ and Geoff who looked like saw a ghost... And Chris already went outside of the Main Lodge, because he would prefer to watch the video when he isn't full of food and ready to vomit...

"Alright maggots... This is fresh dirty pancakes... it's recently made with our interns, and to be honest I don't want to imagine how they taste like, they are nasty... So here are the rules. For one bite you have it and swallow it without vomit for 5 seconds will make one extra for your team... Eat it as a whole, you will have 10 points and you will get immunity from elimination." Chef Hatchet explained as he slowly took one of the yellow liquid bottles, and placed it slowly in front of Owen. "Hope you like it, hunter..."

Owen for the first time, felt his face becoming green... because while he ate many nasty things... that would be the first time he would actually eat something made by... pee...

"This must be illegal in some way," Trent said in alarm, but suddenly he saw the contracts in the hands of Chef Hatchet.

"It's on the contract... now if you are not going to help your team... then shut the hell up," Chef shouted, which made the guitarist stop talking.

Owen stared at the yellow food, and even the yellow liquid above it... And knowing that he himself dug his own grave... he had to finish what he started... So he took his fork... and with a powerful trust on the table, made the remaining people stare at the chubby camper closing his eyes, and gave a bit bite of the food, all the pancakes soaked in yellow to his throat...

Owen for the first time gagged... almost vomiting all the food he ate... but striving in displeasure, and even against all his might... he gave a loud swallow, and with that made DJ and Geoff lose their cool, and their stomachs. They went outside to vomit all the food they had taken before. And Trent who was on there, almost threw up for seeing such a bad view..

After eating it... Chef took his clock, and waited carefully at Owen who looked defeated, and like he was sick... And after 5 seconds of silence, Chef nodded his head.

"Alright fat boy, you passed it, you got 10 points for your team and are free from elimination tonight." Chef nodded his head, but by the time he turned his head, Owen ran quickly outside to just vomit everything he just at in the last 3 minutes.

His eyes focused on the last 3 contestants who were still looking afraid but also disgusted from seeing such a scene.

Trent looked at that scene in disbelief so he looked at the blond girl who was with her eyes closed.

"Come on Lindsay, you need to eat the whole pancake to have 10 points before they start giving their bites." Trent shook Lindsay who refused to see.

"Ew, no, ew, no, there is no way I'm going to eat that. It's pee..." Lindsay said as she was pushing the plate away from her.

Trent looked left and side so he came up with a good idea.

"Hey, he was just kidding, this isn't pee, it's just apple vinegar which looks similar to urine." Trent lied which made Chef, Geoff, and even DJ look at the guitarist with their eyes wide open and raised their eyebrows with the knowing look. Even DJ's momma with her disappointed look shook her head in disapproval. "What? We need to win this game."

"Really? So it's all a lie?" Lindsay said as she looked at the plate in front of her, while she doesn't like much vinegar, it would have been far better than actual urine...

"Yeah, it's just vinegar, come on, give it a try," Trent said quickly as even took a fork to cut a piece to make Lindsay have a taste...

At the time Lindsay placed it inside of her mouth, she felt her face contorting, the citric acid and the sourness in her mouth. Made her contort in pain.

"OH MY GOD," Lindsay shouted as she felt Trent keep pushing more and more bites into her mouth. Making her start gagging... Everyone in the room was looking at that scene in horror, as possibly every viewer of the show was becoming horrified to see something like that. The yellow pancake was shoved until none was on the plate.

"Done," Trent said, as Chef looked at that scene, but by the rules he placed the clock near the blond bombshell who was trembling, and with her face green...

"1,2,3,4,5... I will be dammed. But the girl didn't vomit. Okay, you all got more than 10 points." Chef said as he was both impressed and disgusted by the way a person used his teammate to have more points.

"Yeah." Trent smiled and raised his fist in victory...

"Also girl... he lied to you, it's really piss." Chef Hatchet made sure to make Lindsay understand that she was manipulated and in the moment. Lindsay froze and stared at the plate in horror. And slowly turned her head to the pink-haired boy, who was smiling sheepishly at her...

The innocent and smiling blond had skulls in her eyes... But her body was in shock at that moment, so her mouth got full of vomit, and she splashed all the contents of her stomach on Trent's face... Making him scream in terror just like her as both ran away outside from the main lodge...

Confession - Lindsay.

"DIE, DIE, DIE, DIE, DIE, DIEEEEEEEEEE." Lindsay with her face covered in vomit, was stabbing a picture of the guitarist's face with a kitchen knife... "I SWEAR IF THIS *BEEEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEEEEEEEP* *BEEEP* still is on this show. I'M GOING TO RIP HIS *BEEEP* AND *BEEP* BECAUSE THIS *BEEEEEEEEEEEP* AND THAT'S FINAL."

Chef stared in amusement at the pink-haired boy leaving the place with a girl still vomiting on him, and he stared at the duo who seemed to still be afraid to do anything.

"Alright boys. It's your last chance, if you guys don't manage to get at least 6 bites, then your team will lose the challenge." Chef explained as he could see the anticipation and the fear in the boys' eyes. He was smiling from seeing their fear, and he wanted to see the outcome of the challenge.

The Jamaican giant looked to his side, to see the only person who was afraid of, his pillar and biggest motivator. And the face of sweat and fear on her face made DJ heartbreak... Because she never wanted that for her son... But DJ did it of his own volition, and for the sake of his team to win... He needed to also eat everything, and Geoff as well.

The Killer Bass had won so many challenges before, and seeing that they made a mistake, they wouldn't just risk their victory, but also the possibility of their friend also going to elimination because of them...

Both of them looked at the yellow pancake... And seeing that it was the only way to do it... It was the time for their punishment.

"Momma, you can wait outside, you wouldn't like to see this." DJ stared at his food, and the Jamaica mother knew that it would traumatize her to see her baby boy doing something so terrible like that. So she left the place immediately...

Now that they were alone... DJ slowly took his fork, and Geoff followed his steps, and with the piece of food in their forks, they even glanced at each other.

"Cheers." Both said in unison and gave a try to place on their mouths.

"What the hell have you been eating and drinking?" DJ said as he felt the utter disgust of eating the yellow pancake.

"Protein shake with some vegetables, a lot of lemonade, and even some energy drinks," Chef said as he could see their faces contorting with pain, giving some dry cough and flinching in pain for each bite.

"I'm so glad Momma isn't here," DJ said as he was feeling his stomach cursing him for being stupid, or even his own being promising payback for not being a good boy to his momma, it was like the worst thing he ever eaten on his whole life. "UGH."

"Okay, just one more bite." Geoff was feeling his stomach rebelling against himself, and he was sweating a lot, he felt that soon he would vomit, so he needed to be fast. "Come on body, just more this once…"

"OH GOD," DJ shouted as he felt the part of the pancake touching his uvula, and he was on the verge of vomiting… "Please, come on… hold it, for 5 seconds."

3 Bites, something it would take 5 minutes… it turned out to be an hour inside of their own heads… It has been relatively torture inside of their own bodies.

"Why? WHY DID I DO THAT?" Geoff shouted as he finally placed his head on the table, after eating the third bite of the pancake still warmed with the yellow liquid…

"Now, you need 5 seconds boys." Chef smiled evilly, and with the clock on their side… the challenge has been torture from the beginning to the end… And by every second, it seemed like a minute inside of their stomaches… They wanted to vomit the fast as they could, but they had to remain strong… And it was almost impossible at that moment. "1,2,3,4,5…"

DJ's face became palled, and Geoff was with his face green like vomit, and each second was immeasurable inside of their own hearts…

And when the final second was done. Chef took both their arms and raised them to the air.

"AND THE WINNER OF THE CHALLENGE IS THE KILLER BASS," Chef said loudly, and at that moment, both DJ and Geoff vomited… as a conclusion of the said challenge.

(Camp in front of the cabins)

One hour had passed over the challenge, and the Killer Bass team was still trying to not look straight at DJ and Geoff who seemed to be traumatized from their bad experience of the challenge. DJ's momma was there to give her own son support for himself, drinking something to clean his stomach and even for Geoff who was finally happy to have something to take the bad taste of his mouth.

On the Screaming Gopher side, Owen was still in the fetal position for eating the worst idea of food ever made and losing the amazing dishes for being unable to control himself. It was a mistake, but now it was everything over. Lindsay was hunting Trent around, but the poor boy was hiding in the bathroom.

Chris was smiling satisfied with the victory and the decision to not be on the Main Lodge for the punishment challenge. And when everything was on the verge of getting bored… The group finally heard footsteps which made everyone stare in the distance, and for the happiness of Lindsay and for the Killer Bass team. They found, Ezekiel, Heather, and Beth walking towards their direction… Exhausted, with starvation on their faces. And with impatience as well…

"EZEKIEL," The Killer Bass went quickly to the homeschooled boy, who sat on the place and laid with his back on the floor.

"Heather, Beth." Lindsay quickly went to her friends who were also looking terrible. "Are you both okay?"

"Yeah, we are fine," Beth commented as she felt happy to come back to the camp. "You have no idea how crazy it was… Everything on there was frozen, and then there was a rainstorm with a lot of lightning bolts. It was terrible to go there."

Beth explained quickly that Lindsay was feeling confused by how fast she was talking. But then she felt her face being hugged by the farmer girl.

"Is there any food? We haven't eaten anything since morning. Please tell us you have something for us…" Beth begged as Lindsay didn't know how to say that…

Heather was annoyed, but she didn't have the strength to say anything. She was hungry and she needed anything to eat…

"Well, guys." Then Chris came with a smile on his face. "I have to say that you guys lost the challenge of the day… But since you all went into a very big adventure, which will potentially be awesome to edit later for the episode… I will make an exception… You can have a nice feast where DJ's momma is here to prepare for you all."

Ezekiel blinked, as he then recognized the black woman nearby DJ… his momma was on the island…

"What did I miss? What kind of challenge it was?" Ezekiel still weak in strength asked… The group stared at him before replying. But DJ's momma stopped everyone.

"No, no, no. You can all talk while you three can eat. There is no way that I'm going to let you all starve like that. Now let's go to the kitchen. Chef probably must have cleaned up." DJ's momma commented quickly… And a reason like that made their whole stomachs rumble in agreement…




"So that's how it ends…" Ezekiel explained how their whole morning went, from their challenges and struggles to making the Island accept Beth's sacrifice… The Killer Bass team were palled from seeing how a curse made the whole challenge of what would be less difficult, to go into a level of even the sky would be against you…

Lindsay, hugged Beth as she cried emotionally to her her best friend doing such sacrifice, and Heather, nodded her head proudly on how their journey came to finally have a good dinner… Heather was enjoying the feast like it was the best food she didn't have for weeks… Since the awake-a-thon, this has been the best food she had so far. She had to give the Jamaicans a thumbs up on how amazing the Caribbean food was.

"Okay, Ezekiel, while I admit what you did was touching, and very courageous. YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE DONE THAT." Courtney said as she pulled his ear…

"Ouch, ouch, ouchhhhh." Ezekiel tried to fight against, but his team was looking angrily at him… "

"You got us worried for hours. You could at least have brought anyone with you to give you help." Courtney said as the team nodded their heads to him, but Ezekiel shook his head.

"No, I can't… As I said, this isn't our problem, it was theirs." Ezekiel stomped his foot and remained serious. "I did that as a way for them to explain to us the counting of votes. And having a curse like that around the camp for so long would create terrible consequences in the future."

"Like what?" Harold said curious, that even Chris tilted his head interested as well…

"Who knows? Curse islands can be unpredictable, it can make the whole life of the cursed person unlucky, to a point that even a tiny accident could ban them from a country." Ezekiel shrugged, which made everyone look at him weirdly. "I know, it can be exaggerated… But any of you are willing to risk it?"

And with that, everyone got in silence and agreed with the green hat boy.

"So what about the challenge… how was it?" Ezekiel asked, which DJs and Geoff looked ashamed, Owen looked disgusted and Lindsay looked murderous…




"THE PUNISHMENT FOOD WAS WHAT?" Beth and Ezekiel shouted in horror, while Heather for the first time… in so long, let it out a laugh, a laugh that made Owen terrified of her.

"Hahahahaha." Heather laughed even causing tears from her eyes to get out… And the campers looked at her angrily, but she raised her hand. "That's what you get fat boy. It's not funny when it's with you, isn't it? Now I can see it's true, Beth, we got rid of the curse, we are free now."

And at that moment the campers realized… the pee jar incident… They have to say, that Heather was saved, and to make fun of that situation would be a fair way to make fun of it.

But that smile would come to an end… when Lindsay explained the results of the said challenge… The Screaming Gophers lost… and the only people up for elimination were Beth, Lindsay, and Heather...

Confession – Beth

"So in the end, even if we managed to break the curse and come back to the island, it means that me and Heather and Lindsay are the only ones we have to vote to leave the show?" Beth said as she looked sad, and seeing that everything couldn't be fixed. "Dammit… what Heather can do now? She promised us that we would be top 3… but from my mistake that wouldn't happen…"

That Night at Bonfire

The fire seemed to be burning extra hot tonight, which was a good thing for Heather, and Beth since their experience on the Boney Island was still left some cold on their fits and bodies. The Gophers were still sad that most of them were already with their marshmallows. Owen was sad that another member of his team had to go… Trent was sad that at the moment Heather and Beth saw the look on his face, they laughed so much that Lindsay joined them, but not before kicking his balls with still anger from their attempt and still losing… She now has a big grudge against him… Like most of the campers… The Gophers were once again seen at the bonfire ceremony.

"I've got three Gophers sitting in front of me tonight. Since the other two are with their immunity from the challenge. I only have two fluffy bits of sweet safety in my hands." Chris said while holding up his plate of two marshmallows. "So good luck. The tension now it's on the limit... When I call your name, come up and get your marshmallow. Lindsay."

The blonde girl looked uneasy for her two best friends, and while Heather looked serious, Beth looked guilty knowing the outcomes of the results… Since it was a plan she had before the votes...

And with that, there was a single marshmallow on the plate. The campers remaining without one being Beth and Heather.

"Heather, Beth. It's down to you." Chris said as Beth shook violently and crossed her fingers on both hands with Heather and Beth with their eyes staring at the last marshmallows. "Whoever doesn't get this last marshmallow must immediately walk The Dock of Shame and leave on the Boat of Losers. Forever."

The tension in the air was practically visible as the two girls never tore their eyes off the marshmallow on Chris's plate. Heather remained quiet, as Beth was trying to not cry... "The final marshmallow goes to…" Beads of sweat came down from Beth's forehead while Heather tightened her fist so much that her knuckles started to go white. This dramatic tension kept up until Chris made the announcement. "Heather."

Heather gritted her teeth… As Beth started to cry…

"I'm so sorry for not coming for the final three Heather… But I thank you so much for teaching me and taking care of me…" Beth got up, and quickly gave a tiny hug before releasing it… since the queen bee never liked to be touched…

"Just go…" Heather got up, gave her back, and walked away… Lindsay stared as she also shed some tears, and gave a wonderful hug with her farm friend…

Beth and Lindsay crying and being happy… until Chris pointed at the boat…

"Alright, Beth, time to leave," Chris said, which the farm girl, couldn't help but give a nod, and with a good glance to her team, and even a tiny giggle from seeing the ridiculous pink hair of Trent, before leaving.

"Tell once again Heather I'm sorry." Beth accepted her fate… as a way to undo the curse, she also felt it was needed to sacrifice herself…

Confession – Heather.

"SHE IS NOT MY FRIEND." Heather roared as her red eyes showed the tears that she had been shedding after hearing that everything she worked for, my idea for the final 3 was now trashed. "She has been a stepping stone, someone I would mentor, to use as my pal, someone I know her secrets, and sometimes she knows mine, passing a lot of time together as a trio… OH *BEEP* She is my friend, and I already miss her… *beeeeeeeeeep*"

10 minutes ago…


"I feel that this may be a terrible mistake from me… but whatever…" Heather said as she took a piece of paper where she placed it with big letters… HEATHER on it…"I hope none of them vote in me…"

Ezekiel was dragged out from the cabin, where the team was waiting patiently for the Screaming Gophers' return.

"Why are we here again?" Ezekiel asked until Katie smiled and pointed at Trent who was now using the different colors on his hair and eyebrows... "Pff HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA."

And with that, another contestant of Total Drama Island has left, and with the merge approaching, who knows who would survive for the next challenge.

Chapter 16: Bonus Chapter

Chapter Text


Day 1:

"ACHO" The sound of the sneeze was enough to make Lindsay get up from her bed in surprise... And seeing on her corner, she was Heather who was trembling and her face showing signals of cold..."Dammit, even after that dammed trip, we still got sick."

"Heather, are you okay?" The blonde girl asked as she saw the effects of the sickness coming at the snobbish brat girl...

"It's just a cold, it's not your problem," Heather said coldly, as she covered herself around the blanket and was feeling too terrible to even move. "Stupid snowing rainstorm cursed island."

Lindsay looked sadly, as she felt bad to see her friend like that, even as annoying as her friend could be. She could see that she cared for Beth, and imagining not just her who must have been sick, she thought about the possibility of Beth also getting sick.

"Well, at least we have 3 days for you to recover, do you want help to take you to the Main Lodge?" Lindsay asked, noticing the half-korean camper was still having difficulty getting up.

"...please," Heather asked for help, knowing that her headache was annoying her, and she was feeling the need to eat something. But the cold made her too weak to even move by herself.

"Don't worry, let me help." Lindsay got down from her bed and slowly decided to help her only friend she had at the competition, missing Tyler and Beth was already making her feel lonely, but now seeing Heather was still with difficulty taking care of herself, she couldn't help but to try to at least make the queen bee go to eat something.


His body was cold, he was trembling from the cold, since his face was showing a few signs of fever, and headache already affecting him...He was feeling too weak at that moment, and somehow he suddenly found his hand feeling wet... Wet?

Ezekiel slowly opened his eyes, until he realized that he was in an open area, near the beach. And by spinning he saw that his bunker was alone.

"Woah, WOAHHHHHH." Ezekiel shouted as his body movements made him splash on the cold water, with his clothing as well... The feeling of pain was substituted with confusion and anger. And the anger intensified until he saw the culprits who were laughing happily at that moment.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA," Duncan, Geoff, DJ, and even Harold dared to work together into a single prank against him... Their laughing just made Ezekiel's fever get worse but his pain was replaced by hatred, and then his face became serious... "Good morning Ezekiel."

The quartet greeted the homeschooled boy, as he swam towards the beach, and with his face showing no reaction... they were still smiling cheekily at him...

And before anyone would open their mouths... Ezekiel interrupted... Not in anger, but in boredom and coldness...

"Allow me to impress upon you the severe mistake you have made. For years my conduct has been largely benign. And yet, without provocation, you have severed our détente and forced me to unleash upon you the vengeful flames of a thousand suns."Ezekiel was calm, but then the Bass boys suddenly saw the look of hatred upon them, as Ezekiel raised his finger towards the sun, making every single one of them look at each other, not knowing how to react... Seeing Ezekiel getting angry with every second that passed. "You shall curse your mothers for the day of your birth. So, go now, GO."

Ezekiel pointed in the direction of the camp, as his own shout scared DJ who went behind Duncan and noticed that the little boy was not kidding with them. And from the evil smile coming from his face, he knew they screwed up.

"And begin your life of fear, knowing that when you least expect it, the looming sword of Damocles will crash down upon you, cleaving you in twain and as you gaze upon the smoking wreckage that was once your life..."The more Ezekiel talked, the more Harold was pissing his pants, and DJ was gulping in fear, while Geoff had no idea what the boy was talking about, and Duncan raised his eyebrows to not understand the metaphors Ezekiel was talking to him... But then he said one sentence that it gave shrives on their spines. "You will regret the day you crossed the WRONG MAN."

And the group watched Ezekiel give a few more steps...

"THE PRANK WAR IS DECLARED," Ezekiel shouted as he quickly went to his cabin, and brought his towel with him to have a shower to take the cold his body. And somehow deal with the terrible sickness he was having.

The group watched the homeschooled boy leave the place and was unsure of how to respond to it...

"I think he is very angry," Harold said as he could see the look of the other boys.

"No, really? How did you find out? The way he made a speech about destroying us? Or the declaration of the prank war?" Duncan said in sarcasm, which he could be impressed to see the green bean trying to take all of them... "Well, just to be sure, I'm going to prepare some backup pranks in case he goes crazy. Also, I think it's every man for themselves. Or do you guys want to team up?"

"I don't know if I want to be involved man," Geoff said as he was feeling unsure on how to respond on the revenge of Ezekiel. "I'm sure that if he does one simple prank he would stop."

"No dude, you don't understand," Duncan said as he pointed at the cowboy hat boy. "He is up for blood. I think he is going to take this prank war seriously. So just in case, I advise you to prepare yourself, or even team up. Because we have no idea how he is going to attack..."

"I also think he is going to attack us," Harold said as he was preparing himself and looking around. "But just in case, let's make it fair then, teaming up against Ezekiel would be a bit too much, I mean, he came from a farm... how bad he can be?"

"But you also have to remember Harold, Ezekiel is a writer, he created many chapters of Courage the Cowardly Dog, steven Universe, and Adventure Time. He can use his imagination to make anything happen to us..." DJ said as he was in fear. "But I don't know if we should team up... I mean, doing a prank war on these 3 days can be fun... I just hope he doesn't scare us too much."

(Main Lodge)

The time Heather got in front of Chef Hatchet, she saw the look on his face, which showed the typical food in front of her wasn't suitable for her needs, but since she endured so many terrible things on the show, she was used to the disgusting food in front of her...

"Girl, you look awful, whiter than that, you are going to look like a ghost," Chef said the comment which made the still-covered girl snarl at him.

"Can I just take the food? Achoo" Heather said impatiently but she couldn't stop sneezing, which made Chef clean up his face angrily...

"Okay, I'm going to pretend that didn't happen, but you... Should drink a lot of liquid," Chef said as he took a 2 liters water bottle and gave it to Heather. "You should eat, drink a lot of water and then go to bed."

Heather raised her eyebrow at Chef who just said the basic instructions for people who are sick with a cold. But she had a headache to deal with, so in exchange, she just nodded her head and groaned until she placed her food on the table.

A few tables away, Gwen was with her eyes narrowed but also showing a bit of amusement on there.

"What is happened with the Vampire queen?" Gwen asked Bridgette who suddenly glanced in the direction of the Screaming Gophers table, seeing the queen bee actually showed big signs of sickness. But then she blinked at the person who asked that...

"Err... It's kinda strange you being the person asking that, I thought you would be the one to refer to yourself as Marceline." The surfer girl mused at seeing Gwen as her gothic style was addressing Heather as being a vampire. And Marceline is Gwen's favorite character from another of Ezekiel's works.

Gwen paused and then stared again at Heather, there was another reply at that moment.

"Oh hell no, there is no way she would be Marceline," Gwen said in an outburst, as she then saw Heather looking at them both.

"What y... Ah.. ah... Achooo. What are you talking about?" Heather said annoyed. But then she glanced at Lindsay giving some tissues to her clean her nose...

Both Bridgette and Gwen stared in surprise at how awful Heather must have been feeling at that moment. Since she was sneezing a lot, and even some nauseous green coming from her nose.

"Nothing." Both Gwen and Bridgette said quickly as they went back to their food, but now wary of the sickness the queen bee was having at that moment.

Heather grumbled and went back to her food...

Gwen felt relieved as she wasn't part of the Gophers since she would have as her roommate the sickened queen bee. Imagine how terrible would be if one of her teammates would feel sick like that...

Until she realized one thing...

And at that moment, the door was opened, revealing a very worried Katie and Ezekiel who seemed to be in the same state of sickness as Heather and a very pissed Courtney.

"They really have the balls to do that?" Courtney said as she couldn't believe how immature to actually make a bunker going across the beach and dispatch Ezekiel like a boat...

"Courtney, that's enough. The war was declared..." Ezekiel replied as he brought the attention of Katie and the other girls. Seeing Bridgette and Gwen already on the table, was a great time for him to explain. "Just to be sure, I want you all to pass the nights on the Aquarium."

"What do you mean by that? What happened?" Bridgette asked as she could see the unease look from Katie and Courtney.

"The guys decided to make a prank war, and I was the first victim..." Ezekiel explained, taking out the keyword that he was the one who declared war... But even before the girls would even protest in outrage, Ezekiel already had something in mind. "I'm giving you all heads up because tonight the boy's cabin is going to reck... Oh, I swear to God, they will know to not mess with me..."

Ezekiel's determination made the girls glance at each other in surprise, since even sick, Ezekiel could show why he shouldn't be taken lightly...

"So what are you going to do?" Katie gulped as she felt kinda afraid to ask, and looked at the boy who was without his green hat since it was soaked... He could see clearly for his angry expression, that he meant everything he was going to do.

"A stink bomb I named El Mongo and La Muerte," Ezekiel answered, as he was a huge fan of both Ed, Edd n Eddy, but he also was a huge fan of The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy... He once when he was a child, he tried to replicate the recipe from both shows at the time he was a child... Without having school... He once tried to do it to a neighbor who was just a teenager who kept playing loud music at midnight... He thought the effects on both shows were exaggerated... until he created it... And one bomb was enough to make the entire neighborhood get affected by the smell... The street was affected by it... And the annoying neighbor had to move himself from that house because he couldn't take the smell. "I once made it to try to repel an infestation of moles... I made the whole farm stink for 3 days."

At that moment, both Courtney palled, as Gwen gulped into imagining how putrid the smell would be for their cabin. Bridgette was both curious but also disgusted to imagine what would be the prank the homeschooled boy had in mind... And Katie palled, as she also could imagine not just the cabin of the boys, but in consequence the cabin of the girls would also be a victim.

"So you think it would be the best if we grab our stuff?" Katie asked hopefully, and with Ezekiel nodding his head to hear, was enough to make that as a sign.

"I also made a whole backpack of my stuff and left it in your cabin too, can you also take it to the aquarium as well? I don't want to see all my drafts smelling like a mix of dog shit, skunk oil, mayonnaise, garlic, durian and..." The more Ezekiel described, the more disgusted the girls felt, and terrified of the possibility of what Ezekiel was about to unleash on the boy's cabin.

"Ezekiel, there is no way that they are going to let you free after you do that?" Courtney tried to act reasonably, but suddenly she saw Ezekiel sneeze...

"Oh, trust me, Courtney... This is me just giving my weakest prank... It's just a little scare for what they did this morning." Ezekiel said that... he just turned his back and went to Chef. From the look of the military veteran, he seemed to be already recognizing that he was feeling sick. "Morning Chef, sorry but you can see..."

"I know, you and the snob brat seemed to have received the effects of dealing with your trip. I have to say, it's the craziest climatic change I've ever seen, so here are your 2 liters water bottle, and you need rest and liquid." Chef interrupted as he gave the meal to the homeschooled writer, but then he saw the shake on his head and raising a paper he gave to the cooker who raised his eyebrows... "What is that? Fish oil? Durian on the microwave? Rotten Cheese?... what are you asking?"

"I'm doing the mother of all stink bombs... the boys of my team just made the first hit on the Prank War, and I'm going to show them, why war never changes." Ezekiel just said those words and suddenly could see the smirk growing evil on the face of the veteran warrior. "Would you like to be the judge of this internal war?"

"Kiddo... I would be honored." Chef had to admit that sometimes he would be bored on the days when there weren't challenges over the camps, but now a declaration of Prank War? He just saw a kid who is asking all the smelling rotten stuff, and from the way he can see... He had experience with gas bombs... But he never actually tried to use non-lethal bombs and what would be the suffering of the others in the same experience he had when he had militaries doing pranks, which caused terrible consequences. "So these ingredients..."

"You can see me making it... I will attack at 23 hours." Ezekiel said the military precision hour, which Chef nodded his head, pleased to see what a kid with a cold and fever would do for a group of boys who have no idea the problems they are going to get with.

Killer Bass, Boy's Cabin... 22:55.

The night was sure, and the paranoia at the quartet of boys who made the mistake of making a simple prank on Ezekiel were now more vigilant since the group was checking if their beds were touched, or even checking their own clothing and luggage... They wanted to make sure nothing was done with it.

And to their surprise, everything was spot on... Less Ezekiel's stuff, and somehow that made the group a bit more afraid of what was going to happen. So in times like that, Duncan had water under his pillow. DJ had a few plans to try to find a way to protect himself against pranks...

Harold was if he could find some nom lethal pranks when it comes to revenge...

Hot sauce, a barber cream from Chris' trash, a father, some simple jokes, but yet, Ezekiel didn't appear in any moment... They hadn't seen him since the morning when he swore his revenge...

"Guys, I think we should make some preparations, one must be on hold to try to protect the others, I will take the first hour." Duncan planned to be sure that somehow the group would need to sleep, so they decided to work together because they weren't sure how Ezekiel would attack.

"I think you are right, maybe he isn't going to attack us... He maybe must be joking." Geoff said optimistically, but even a part of himself is crapping on himself... They saw Ezekiel holding a bow, and he could potentially cause good harm to them if he wanted...

"Geoff, I like your optimism, but even I know that Ezekiel is going to attack us..." DJ commented as he could see the fury in the little boy's eyes, he wanted revenge... and he was afraid to have committed such a mistake...

"Guys, everything is going to be fine, with us taking turns, there is no way Ezekiel would attack us at the same time," Harold said as he was feeling around with the other boys, he was sure Ezekiel wouldn't be crazy to attack all of them...

Until they all saw Ezekiel opening the bedroom with a clothes peg on his nose. And a paper bag in his hand, the said paper bag was tied up, but the boys could see a brown liquid dropping from the said paper, flys around the paper bag like they were attracted to it, and even the smell of death appearing in the air... And like slow motion everyone realizes what it is, and before Duncan catches his water gun, Harold tries to move away, DJ screams like a little girl and Geoff blinks in confusion... Ezekiel launched the paper bag in the air, aiming to be directly in the middle of the cabin... And turning his back, he closed the door shut.

And Chef smiling evily, used his body as weight and wall to make the boys unable to open it again...

The boys watched the paper bag slowly going in the direction of the center of the cabin... Harold and DJ tried to see if they could catch it, but slowly they couldn't be able to approach as the gravity was pulling the paper bag to the center...

"Oh sh..." That was the last words before Duncan realized the outcome of the first prank.

(Screaming Gopher cabin)

The fart mixed with a humid sound was enough to make the whole boy's cabin tremble like an earthquake, and not just the Killer Bass cabin felt the presence of the said earthquake. But even the Screaming Gopher's side felt something strange.

Trent got up from his bed and looked around to Owen.

"Dude, did you fart again?" Trent said as he was used to the chubby boy farts, but somehow something was strange, he didn't feel the smell of the terrible disaster Owen had traumatized the whole team.

"It wasn't me." Owen defend himself, he was also got surprised by the loud fart which sounded like him, but he felt something was also odd... And then he felt a little sniffer in the air, which immediately made him wrinkle his nose. "Oh damn, someone must have eaten rotten food, because it came from outside and it's also coming here."

Trent gave a slight sniff, and he himself almost got gagged... Thankfully both Screaming Goopher had a protocol in case of Owen's farts, and they both used the car deodorant Chef gave them on the time Owen had a disaster with the beans... It was their lifesaver.


The horrifying smell was enough to appear on Chef's nostrils and even he vomited from smelling the worst smell he had in his life. And looking at the sick boy who just turned his back and left the place... Not wanting to be caught in the aftermath of the first prank... The war was declared, and the boy diabolically created a powerful stink bomb, which he knew the interns would cry at the time Chris asked them to start cleaning that up. And he would be dammed if he dared to open the door... Chef knew that the smell coming after opening the door would lose his entire stomach.

So after doing a quick run at his kitchen... Chef remained quiet... until a part of him, suddenly scoffed... but then he tried to hold his laugh... But he couldn't help it... Just to imagine the horrifying gags the boys would have around that armageddon of stinkiness... There was just one thing to do.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, OH MY GOD, I LOVE MY JOB. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA." Chef said as he knew he had to call Chris, this was the potential of something funny to do... just for that day, not a challenge. But entertaining just for themselves. "Chirs, pick up, please pick up... Hey Chris."

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU TWO DID THAT." Chris laughed loudly, as Chef Hatched also started laughing as well... Something like that would be treated as gold on Pay-per-view. "I'm watching their faces Chef, and oh boy, this is going to be in slow motion for the editing, you should watch it."

"Oh, this is something I can't wait to see it." Chef smiled, as he knew that this was going to be the best moment for him to enjoy himself on the show. "Hey, I was thinking of doing a military challenge in a few weeks. Do you mind if I scare them mentally? Or do a lot of challenges I have in the military?"

"Sure, why not? But you must make them all suffer, to make the drama go crazy, but also to make some hilarious moments like that." Chris commented, and Chef nodded his head.

"Maybe we can use the scenes of this Prank War to entertain between my challenges, that way it would be torturing but also funny for the public just to know what will happen on these 3 days." Chef offered the idea, which Chris sounded very pleased to hear.

"Sure, that would sound like a fun idea. But oh boy. I think we could spice up the thing... I'm going to call the interns, and tomorrow there will be more supplies for the pranks... Just for the boys on Killer Bass cabin. Is there a chance of the girls also being involved?" Chris asked hopefully.

"I'm afraid not, the little boy from the farm is with bloodshot eyes. I saw that when I saw one of my squad going rampage, and from what I heard, the girls are going to be on Aquarium for the war going into full scale." Chef knew that it would disappoint Chris, but he wanted to be a fair judge on the prank war, when 2 parties were made enemies, he wanted to make sure that the war would be epic.

"That's a pity, but well. We have to work with what we have. So we need to bring the best supply of jokes and pranks as possible. I want to see the Killer Bass boys in their own jugulars, and one winner on this prank war." Chris said excited to know how it would end.

"Me too Chris, me too," Chef said with a grin, seeing what would be the start of a blood war of who would be the top dog of comedy... But now he had a question... How would it go tomorrow? That's something he knew that he must try to sleep, with possibilities of entertainment appearing on his mind.

(Killer Bass, boy's cabin)

The entire bedroom was covered with green goo, with the most awful, disgusting and putrid smell ever made by mankind, the flees were flying around, enjoying their new homes, as the boys who witness such a cruelty, devilish, and even worse act of making they could see... DJ was gagging to vomit, but the vomit inside of his stomach was refusing to get out of his body. Geoff was lucky since immediately he vomited on the floor, his eyes were closed since they were burning from such a terrible smell.

Harold's glasses cracked, from how the terrible smell was able to even chemically destroy part of his glasses, but he immediately tried to use his inhalator in extreme cases like that, since he left it in his back pocket, he was able to save it from the terrible smell. And with good timing, he did it like a hero would do, he gave a powerful deep breath with it, and ran desperately to outside to open the door.

Duncan's face contorted in disgust, and his hands tightened on the pillow, showing how painful that smell was on his nostrils. He was gagging and even vomiting around, because that assault, was really a declaration of war. Seeing Harold running in the direction of the door, felt like an eternity, seconds turned into hours after taking such a stink bomb.

And when the door was opened... The group of Killer Bass boys ran in the direction of the fresh air. And like a sweet relief the group went outside to vomit and have their sweet relief.

Thankfully the Screaming Gophers didn't open their doors, or most of the smell would have gotten also inside their cabins as well.

"What the *beep* was that?" Geoff said as he took his t-shirt and shorts off, and even his trustful hat was still with that terrible smell.

Duncan may have gotten into huge pranks, or even done terrible vandalism when he wanted to make such a prank towards to someone... But that stink bomb, made him realize... that homeschooled boy, must have a lot of time to himself, and to develop such a terrible smell like that, he was not even aware of what the hell Ezekiel must have used to make such a terrible stink bomb...

"They girls," Duncan said quickly, and DJ immediately went inside the female bedroom, just to see the empty bedroom... Even the bunkers from the girls weren't even there... Harold, Geoff, and Duncan came to see the inside, and then they realized. "Oh you cleaver *beep*, he must have warned the girls about it and prepared himself for this prank... I gotta say. This was indeed a big attack."

"I think we should work together," Harold said as he looked desperately, seeing that not just his shirt was smelling terrible, but every single one of their clothes was now reeking the smell of rotten stink bomb. "He is strong, we cannot do this alone."

"I think he is right." DJ agreed, for someone like Ezekiel already giving the first prank in the first night, before even going to sleep... That shows that his vengeance speech wasn't a bluff, he wanted to destroy them.

"Okay, okay. I have to confess, the shrimp got us on the first attack... And what attack was that." Duncan admitted, that he usually would have been working better in solo, but seeing someone didn't think twice about up the game, he must see now that it was time to make a team in the beginning. "The war was declared, so we are going to take baths, and sleep. Tomorrow we are going to plan our prank for retaliation."

The killer bass quartet now has a new enemy among themselves, a person who showed the first attack, and now they must rely together to find and give a comeback towards the farm boy... They have no idea where he is...

A few trees away from the Aquarium, inside of a hollow oak tree near the top and near the branches... Usually, the wood woodpeckers would have made a lair... Ezekiel tightened himself with only a blanket, without a pillow... He was still feeling the consequences of having suffered climatic changes on the trip to Boney Island... He was drinking water from the bottle Chef had given to him, but it was difficult to move his body since he was hiding inside of a tree near the top.

One of his most professional spots to hide and seek. He had a surprise attack... But tomorrow he must see the best to not just take but also plan a new surprise comeback to his friends. They are going to pay him for that stupid wake-up prank. So he is going to show them


The girls tried to adjust themselves to their secret location, since the time they passed hours moving away from the bunkers and were able to take their own stuff to the cave, they wondered how the Killer Bass cabin would end up the next time they would appear on the Main Lodge, however, Gwen had other plans, since a good part of her curiosity took part of her, and she planned to take a good shower before going to sleep...

Courtney was enjoying a good time reading something before sleeping. Thankfully Ezekiel isn't the only literature that she would have a good opportunity to read, a good book she brought from home also was a good option, and she never had the time to read since the boys were loud sometimes and she wanted to have a little comforting silence.

Bridgette also enjoying the hot tub, and Katie already sleeping. It was a very peaceful time for her to have a good reading before going to sleep. Until her nostrils felt something coming towards the outside of the cave, and the smell was faint but horrible, and it was getting stronger with time. Until she started gagging.

"What the ..." Courtney pinched her nose to make herself unable to smell, and tried to look where the smell came from... And to her surprise, was Gwen who came quickly inside the Aquarium, and used even a few wood planks to make their path... "Gwen, why are you smelling like that?"

Gwen came quickly to her backpack and she never thought she would be so grateful to have spared a deodorant for herself. Spraying around her body, and even on her face. The fresh spray smell to cover the terrible odors and trying to even suffocate herself with the clean smell than the ones she did before coming back to the Aquarium.

"Ah, I finally can breathe again," Gwen said happily, as her entire face was mixed between green of nausea and white from palling too much. "I was in the shower when that happened."

"When what happened?" Bridgette asked as she also was pinching her nose, not trusting that Gwen actually was cleaned.

"When the Killer Bass dorm became a combination of dumpster, sewer, and horse poop at the same place," Gwen said as she narrowed her eyes at the disbelief looks from both girls. "Ezekiel wasn't kidding, what are you smelling now it's just 1/10 of what our cabin must be smelling at this moment. And from seeing Harold, Duncan, DJ and Geoff running for the shower to clean themselves... I have to confess, I prefer to see Owen fart on my face 3 times instead of being inside of the boy's cabin at this moment."

"Wow, it's really that bad?" Bridgette asked, which Courtney also couldn't believe it. But seeing the goth girl narrowing her eyes like it was the most serious issue, she couldn't help but be terrified at Ezekiel's warning.

"Tomorrow when we go to Main Lodge you three are going to be the judges... I don't know why, but I think this smell is going to be on there for days." Gwen pointed out, and then she glanced at Courtney. "Whatever you do, do not let the boys get inside here, my smell just came from being nearby them for a few seconds. Imagine how the Aquarium would reeks if the boys stayed here, even after the shower. They are going to need more than 3 showers to take out the smell."

Courtney and Bridgette glanced, and for that moment, they gulped... Not wanting to know how the next pranks Ezekiel would do in this war.

Second Day: (Main Lodge)

Heather felt like her head was killing her, but in comparison to the day before, she was feeling at least 20 percent better. Since she didn't do anything else than stay in bed, she only just got up in time to eat, drink, and go back to sleep... That was the only time she was feeling her health getting better with time.

Lindsay tried to remain calm and help Heather whenever she needed... since now it was only them two. She still glares whenever she sees Trent passing by... and nothing that the guitarist would say or do would make her forgive him, she knew that she isn't the sharpest tool in the shed... but even she wouldn't be so low to lie to anyone about dirt food whenever happened, or even force feed someone to eat such a thing...

At the other side of the main lodge, the girls looked horrified, still traumatized from the aftermath of the first prank happening in their cabin.

"I can't believe it," Katie said as she couldn't comprehend how that happened. "How still smells so badly?"

"The question is... How the smell still feels the same after the first time I smelled yesterday." Gwen corrected the question, as she never thought a stink bomb would have been so powerful, that the interns from the show are taking turns of 30-minute shifts to try to clean up and not die of asphyxiation. "From the way they are cowering in fear, I think the cabin will be like that for days."

"When he said it took a week to remove the smell from a farm, I thought he was exaggerating, but to see how this stink bomb was... I almost threw up the food I ate yesterday." Courtney had to confess, that sometimes the kid she treats like a little brother has some scary ideas. "Thank goodness that we aren't his target."

"Did you see the boys?" Gwen said as she still trembled just to see how her nostrils were still attacked by their smell. "They said they took 3 baths, and yet the smell is still stuck on them... How they did not lose it?"

"Because I used skunk oil and skunk juice on my stink bomb." Then a voice was enough to make the whole group of girls turn their backs and see what would be a picture of a ghost... But then their eyes realized one thing... It was their friend, but he wasn't looking well... "The only way to take the smell out would be having tomato juice bath for a whole day at least."

Ezekiel's face was palled, he had a lot of mucus dropping from his nose, and his face was covered in sweat, the girls noticed... Ezekiel isn't fine.

"Ezekiel, what the hell happened to you?" Bridgette looked in shock, seeing that the same person who came before them was feeling even worse than the first time they saw him...

"I'm just with a cold..." Ezekiel commented, but neither of the girls believed in his statement. "In a few days I will get better, hopefully."

The girls glanced at each other, not sure how to respond to his words... They just hoped that this stupid Prank war would end quickly... Oh, how naive the girls were...

Five hours later...

"IT'S MADNESS, PLEASE STOP THIS MADNESS," Courtney shouted at Ezekiel after witnessing how the whole day of the pranks has been, she thought it would have been less extreme in comparison to the day before.

But how wrong she was, everything started with Duncan finding a few candies around, and deciding to cover them all with hot sauce he found in front of the boy's room, just for the sake of Ezekiel picking up the wrong one by mistake and eating it without thinking how burned his mouth would become.

But then DJ had a similar idea, and thinking about how Chef had free time to watch the war from away, he left the kitchen wide open, which was a great time for himself to make very nice rum cupcakes, and inside of it, he placed well nice laxatives where it was placed nearby his bed.

Harold found a few soda cans and had a devilish smile on his face, so he had used some chewed gums at the time he was on the show, so after forming a big ball of chewed gum, he placed it inside of the soda can, to make it looks like ready to drink... Not knowing how disgusting it was from the inside... And his prank would be known just after the episode would be watched... He would gloat about his own victory around his friend.

But all that backfired when Ezekiel noticed the group was working together. So the only thing he did when he saw the candies on the main lodge... He just wrote a note and passed the time writing his next chapter on Aquarium.

Harold was his first victim since the note Ezekiel had on the papers was...

"Choose whatever candy, less the blue paper one... I placed a neat prank on green bean, so you better eat it in front of him, or you are dead meat." Harold raised his eyebrows and noticed that it was possibly a prank of Duncan. So he just shrugged and decided to hide the blue paper one in his pocket, and had a few ones in his hand...

And then Harold had the brilliant idea to even give DJ and Geoff one of those candies to make it more believable for Ezekiel to also eat it.

At the time the group was in the Aquarium, the girls were holding their breaths since they wanted to talk to Ezekiel, and since he was feeling a bit tired... he still had work in progress...

"Hey Zeek, we saw that we may have gone overboard on you. So I want to apologize for our behavior." DJ said honestly, even if he was still a bit mad with Ezekiel literally made their whole room and their bodies stink for the whole day. He wanted to make sure it was believable. "So we want to make a truce and offer you some candy."

Ezekiel even if he was with a fever and a headache... slowly glanced at the group who was still nervous, wondering if he was going to fall for it...

"Sure," Ezekiel took the blue paper candy and watched the trio who was still smiling at him... even Geoff let out a chuckle, which made the other duo stomp his feet to make him stop... The green-hat boy narrowed his eyes in silence. Like he was expecting something.

"What's wrong Ezekiel?" Harold asked as he noticed that he was suspecting them all, so he immediately nodded at the other guys. "If you don't believe it, then we are also going to eat it, just to prove we are telling the truth, we are also going to eat some."

Ezekiel nodded his head in silence, as he saw the group opening their papers and immediately placed the cand on their mouths...

*Cough* *Cough*

Ezekiel had a cough on that moment, but that time of trying to take out the phlegm from his chest was enough to make the boys immediately regret to actually doing the terrible mistake of eating the candy.

"AHHHHHHHHHH." Harold was the first one to spit fire from his mouth, while DJ had to contort his face from the painful and surprising hot source taste from the candy. It was disgusting, and Geoff immediately had to go to the hot tube to drink the water inside of it... not knowing that most of the water was used and he was drinking washed bath water...

The girls looked at that scene in disgust and even saw the boy Ezekiel had his eyes wide open a bit far too fake...

"Wow, when Duncan told me these candies would make you guys want to die, I thought he was joking." Ezekiel let out such a sentence, which made the trio look at Ezekiel like they noticed the acting.

"YOU AND DUNCAN WERE WORKING TOGETHER?" The trio of boys shouted angrily and in disbelief, and Ezekiel let out a dark chuckle.

"First rule on a war prank...always have a backup, and never drop your guards." Ezekiel smiled as he coughed even more with the sickness he had... Seeing that the trio would be not just hurt by the prank, he wanted to finish the conversation mysteriously. "Courtney take good care of my tipe-writter. I'm going to go for a walk."

Ezekiel took the good time, to even force his body to quickly go away from the cave, while the girls watched that scene in disbelief, but even then, the boys felt angry with the betrayal of their comrades. And they immediately left the Aquarium. To plan their revenge...

All it took, was Ezekiel to make a fake note and one prank was demolished.

"Thanks for the counter prank, Eddy." Ezekiel had to admit, that one of his favorite shows in childhood taught him well how to manipulate the group to attack themselves... And now the only thing he needed to do was... just to be on his secret spot once again... "I just hope this cold will get done, or I will not be able to participate in the next challenge..."

And like how Ezekiel Planned... Harold, DJ, and Geoff got back at Duncan, not knowing how his plan backfired... One moment he was grinning madly and even explaining the plan to the boys, who were unamused for his prank, then Harold offered him a soda can... and DJ a cupcake...

And the delinquent never thought he would be passing hours inside of a bathroom, vomiting and pooping at the same time...

Betrayers, that's how Duncan saw, and now he was on solo again... And this time, he was going for their own throats. When he went to get his stuff, he noticed Geoff was holding his favorite knife and placed it above the boy's cabin... That made Duncan see red since nobody would touch his knife without permission... And from seeing Geoff taking it just to throw it on the roof? It was a personal war, and he made sure to use all farting cushions, all the hot sauce, and even barber cream to attack every single one of them...

Duncan made a combo of kick me paper behind Harold's back, which Trent not knowing what was going on was happy to oblige the request and gave a quick kick and immediately ran... Harold did not know why the guitarist did that, Owen was the second person who kicked him, since it was the rules of the kick my paper... And then Lindsay, and Heather who wanted a little revange kicked Harold's balls from his back. Leaving him on his knees.

Then, Geoff who wanted to take out his hat to just take a shower, didn't know that Duncan used the good time to place super glue inside of his hat, and at the time the cowboy hat party boy placed his hat, he felt something humid and tried to take it out... Until he found out that his hat was stuck to his head.

Katie came to watch in a few hours later... what just happened, and it was like a war movie but with the absurdities or pranksters. Geoff tried to use paper rolls to attack Duncan, but he used a combination of firecrackers and fart cushions to make some explosives and immediately made Geoff knocked out from such a prank.

DJ trembled in fear, as the group was in front of Killer Bass Cabin, not knowing how to counterattack Duncan, who was on Rambo Mode. And he wanted revenge on his team.

And Courtney, far away from everything, couldn't help but exclaim to Ezekiel who was moving himself away... Not only from the cabins but a bit even more further than the main Lodge, in the opposite direction of the Aquarium... And she wasn't going to stop until she made it Ezekiel saw that everything was not just crazy, but even he was risking his own health since he should have been resting on his bed... Or even in a sleepbag on the Aquarium.

"IT'S MADNESS, PLEASE STOP THIS MADNESS." Courtney shouted as she saw the boy even falling on his knees, "Ezekiel you are not fine, stop this war, and go get some rest... You don't know that you are in terrible danger?"

And on that time, all the cameras nearby could see Ezekiel freezes, and turned his head to Courtney who Immediately noticed Ezekiel was angry.

"Who do you think you are talking to?" For the first time, Ezekiel felt like all the weakness of his body refused him to quit, but his anger made him have internal strength that he even forgot he had. And quoting one of the best quotes ever made in history, he was going to claim for himself... "I'm not in danger Courtney. I AM THE DANGER."

And with that, Ezekiel went even faster to a place, where the C.I.T. girl remained in shock at the words of the said homeschooled boy, and now tilting her head, imagining if he was telling the truth or not. But then she just saw a glance at where the homeschooled boy was going, and she blinked her eyes, trying to see if she wasn't dreaming... But at the time she just saw Ezekiel nearby to a catapult... And a giant water balloon... She felt terrified of where he was aiming it...

Ezekiel was in the hands of the lever... he knew that something should have been done... his sickness somehow damaging him way more than it should... So in the final act... he was going to put a stop to everything.

"The war was nice, and while I couldn't do much... But I know how to start, and how to end with a prank war..." Ezekiel commented, as he took from his pocket, a black bandana, courtesy of Chef, and even some war paint... Using a white marker, he just needed to write a single letter... #1 PRANKSTER on it... And now he was in front of the giant water balloon, one that he made sure to ask Chef if it was possible to even make a water balloon like that... And thankfully Chris himself was the one who requested a factory... Ezekiel just used white paint, to make the right letters... And now, the final piece of the prank was complete... "And you know who else knows how to end a war? MY MOM!"

And with that shout, Ezekiel pulled the leaver and launched the giant water balloon in the size of the camp's cabin... A water balloon with letters in white. MY MOM is in it...

Ezekiel wasn't going easy... He was going full Muscleman on the boys. Showing a good act of mercy... and destroying all their will of fight...

Courtney saw the biggest shadow going towards the camp... and in slow motion, she saw the water balloon hit exactly the Killer Bass Cabin... The boys didn't even have time to process what happened. But their eyes just saw the shadow going directly to the cabin, and with a splash, not just the boys, even Katie was also a victim of the attack... Even the Screaming Gophers also suffered from the surprise flood which attacked the floors of their own cabins.

"AHHHH." Lindsay jumped in her bunk bed. Heather just turned her head and remained sleeping, ignoring what would possibly be the loud shouts of pain and screams... She was a bit too sick to even care about what was happening.

Owen on the boy's side quickly went up on the bunk bed, cracking a part of the bed while doing it... Trent had to take his guitar and even clothes to place on the bunk bed above the one he was sleeping on.

"Woa... these guys are really going full war... I never thought it would end up like that." Trent had to confess that he was scared that the group didn't even focus on doing the pranks on him, so he was just happy to be lucky... Then staring at the day happening, he just smiled to himself. It was the 9th day of the month, which he thought was the sacred number once again saved his skin...

Owen stared at the water flow slowly going away... And was happy to not get in the middle of such a war... Ezekiel was nice since he said he didn't want either of his team to be involved in that... Who knew sometimes being a neutral party was a good chance to not get screwed over? At least he was happy to have a few good talks with Ezekiel. Knowing that the homeschooled boy was actually funny and have even some funny jokes about food.

He just hoped that the war would be over...

The remains of the attack... that was what Katie saw, she was also hit by the flood of big water waves that she ever saw in a freaking water balloon... She had both admiration and fear every time Ezekiel would talk about pranking... Since then, all the boys from Killer Bass have been on the floor on their knees... Coughing water from their lungs, and one by one, she saw the fear look in their eyes.

"Okay, that's it... I'm done. I quit." DJ said as he felt palled from seeing the results of the prank... A giant plastic remaining ballon covers the whole Killer Bass cabin... Even the interns had to get out of the place, wearing swimming suits, and oxygen masks, because the cleaning was terrible, but with that water flow... It also helped their work... But the impact of the water hitting their bodies, made them get launched by the windows... So it was good and also bad... Bad for them, but good for the viewers.

Harold was gapping like a fish, and he could see his own underwear floating around with the other clothing... He tried to get up, but he slipped and felt the good splash in the water on his face.

"That sounds like a good idea. I think that's too much, even for us." Harold felt defeated... And he decided to follow DJ's steps...

Geoff was knocked out, and thankfully his hat was unstuck from his head with minimal damage... Just a part of his hair was now part of his hat... He was defeated by the person whom he immediately regretted pranking on the day before.

Duncan was with his face covered with cream barber and water coming out from his mouth...

It was time to give up... They lost the war...

Playa del losers

"Woahhhhh," Cody said in awe, as the other campers, even Justin had to drop down his mirror to see the results of the prank war...

Izzy watched Ezekiel going into full war and even doing his preparations to save himself around his team... She felt herself with her heartbeats getting faster, and even a goofy smile on her face, as she felt a tingly inside of herself, and she crossed her legs... But then she got up from her seat.

"I need to go to the bathroom." Izzy grinned as she immediately left the group staring at her in surprise... But then just shrugging from her usual act...

Tyler looked palled in comparison to how cruelly his little friend and the heart of the team managed to massacre everyone by using a stink bomb, a fake letter, and a water balloon... He was thankful that he wasn't there, because looking at the aftermath of the war... He would have become an easy target.

Noah whistled as he could see how a single boy dominated the whole team. And the speech Ezekiel had made on the first day, was pure literature. Noah read so many versions of literature, even some of Machiavelli, and then had the big guns to create a war in full scale, he has to say, watching that from far away was the best kind of entertainment he had for a while.

Sadie watched in horror and in worry on Katie, but seeing that Katie was just wet but fine, she sighed in relief... The dumbbells she was holding on that moment almost went on Leshawna's foot, but thankfully the chubby girl was quickly in hands and saved the black girl another pain.

Leshawna voiced her thoughts.

"DAMNNNNNNNNNN, THAT'S A MOMMA JOKE IN ANOTHER LEVEL." Leshawna felt horrified for two reasons, her boyfriend was annihilated by a boy, and second off, the same boy made an inverted momma joke, instead of saying your mom, he said his own mom... Now the entire group who would make momma jokes now had to reflect on possible people who would make jokes about their own mothers, taking out the weapon of insult to other public.

Eva saw the war battle, and she was even having some entertainment to see her friends having some action... Still, she showed a bit of concern because, since the time the homeschooled boy came from the haunted island, he was showing signals of sickness and no signal of getting better. She looked at her broken leg and felt that the pain wasn't there anymore.

Soon, she felt her leg wanting to free itself from the casted prison, and she must train herself harder when she gets full recovery.

Beth who was also showing a few signals of sickness in her bedroom, didn't have the strength to watch the vídeos around the camp, thankfully she would watch the recorded camera in the future. But the time she looked at Screaming Gopher's camera, she watched both her best friends in their bedrooms... And missing her friends, the farm girl took a few meds before going back to sleep... Hoping to get better the next day.

The third day of the camp showed that peace was once again on the island. Chef gave victory at the green hat boy and had good laughs with Chris while everyone on the camp finally could have their time resting in peace.

The Killer Bass team passed the whole day having a break and sleeping inside the cave...

However each day passing, Ezekiel was showing more and more signals of sickness... Until he felt his chest hurt and with a huge cough, made the whole team stare at him fearfully...

Ezekiel dismissed the thought, just hoping the next day of challenge, he would have become better to deal with...

But when the next day came...

Ezekiel felt his body so weak, and the cold becoming so dangerous, that he felt his own chest almost killing him...

The day of the challenge... The group would need to go full of pain... He doesn't know if he can take it... But he hoped that he could at least survive for another day.

Chapter 17: Who Can You Trust?

Chapter Text


"Last time on Total Drama Island…" Chris began with his usual smirk on his face. "A journey happened for the sake of the lives of the campers, Ezekiel, Beth, and Heather left the island to return the cursed item to Boney Island. But the curse itself proved that it wasn't going to let them off the hook that easily. Climatic changes, rainstorms combined with snowstorms, it was chaos. In the meantime, campers who remained on this island had to fight one of their primal desires of human beings... Resist to eat the best delicacies. There were the temptated losers who had to take the punishment food, and for the irony of the destiny, DJ was destroyed when he discovered the main chef was indeed his Momma, have to say, I still want to give some calls in case she does delivery. Anyway, the people who resisted got a banquet and immunity for elimination, while the people who ate the food, had to eat the Dirty Pancakes... In the end, when the journey to Boney Island was in end, Heather and Beth discovered that in the end, only the trio who sought the be the final 3 now had to leave one of their members... And Beth as a good way of self-awareness, gave a sacrifice, without noticing that Heather was voting on herself as well...In the end, Beth is the girl going to the dock of shame, leaving the queen bee without one of her loyal subjects and friends... Did the trio break the curse? Did Trent will be able to be forgiven by Lindsay for deceiving her to eat dirty pancakes? Find out tonight on Total. Drama. Island!"

"Also for the public who is watching the pay-per-view. At the end of the season, we will make a DVD box with all the highlights of the nom-edited moments. I know what you want to see... So prepare your wallets, because the best moments and deleted scenes will be added to the DVD box; " Chris gave the final announcement and with that, he snapped his fingers, before the intro started.

(Main Lodge)

At the time everything was done, the Chef made a huge mess glob around the plate and even placed a straw above it.

"Today's breakfast, it's a divine casserole mixed with Caribean Style. I name it Caribean Stylish Meal." Chef said proudly of his work, while Gwen rolled her eyes…

"You mean, the rest of the food from the last challenge?" Gwen said sarcastically which Chef didn't like the tone of her voice.

"THAT'S RIGHT, IS THERE A PROBLEM WITH THAT? OR DO YOU WANT A DIRTY PANCAKE?" Chef shouted and Gwen immediately felt fear for both Chef and the worst pancake she could imagine in her life.

"SIR, NO SIR." Gwen felt afraid of the yellowish pancakes so she even gave continence to Chef who also saluted the girl and let her go back to her table.

At the mess hall, both teams were either enjoying or getting their breakfast. Breakfast was whatever was left over from the cooking challenge. Some were silently enjoying their breakfast, and DJ was feeding some of his breakfast to Bunny.

And in the current table of Screaming Gophers, Heather was still trembling, however, a good part of her cold finally diminished to a level that she could still remain in the game. She used tissues to clean her running nose, and Lindsay got another blanket to cover Heather again.

"I'm fine Lindsay, you don't need to over-stress about it." Heather was tired of being covered in a blanket, and since she was almost near 70% she could guarantee that she would be able to still compete and win the challenge on the day. "I hope the stupid curse finally left and we can win the stupid challenge of the day."

"Are you sure that you don't want a blanket, Heather?" Lindsay asked in worry since she knew that most of her friends and even the boy she had a good crush on and time in the game were now in their homes, and she missed them since then… And now it was only her and Heather, the only friend she has… And even if Heather sounded bossy and even scary sometimes, she saw that somehow she got a bit warmed up for her and Beth… She doesn't know when it started, but she cared for her friend and she believes that Heather also cared for her.

"a…a…a…achoo!" Heather suddenly sneezed as she cleaned her nose, getting annoyed by the cold. "Dammit Cold."

Over with Duncan, the delinquent was currently at the coffee machine and was getting some coffee into his mug. But as he was doing this, Duncan stealthily grabbed another mug that was on the shelf and pit-pocketed it. Right as he was about to walk away, Courtney got in front of him with glaring eyes. "I saw that!" The CIT loudly whispered to the delinquent having been the only one to witness Duncan stealing the mug. "How can you just steal a mug?"

"Cause it's cool looking and I don't have one," Duncan whispered to Courtney before smirking. "Hm. Didn't have one, that is."

"But you might get kicked off!" Courtney harshly said to Duncan and tried to persuade the delinquent to put the stolen mug back.

"Awww, and here I thought you didn't care about me," Duncan said to Courtney with an amused smirk. Honestly, it was hard to believe how much she was into him. And the more she denied it, the more obvious it was.

"Look, we're on a big numbers advantage here and I don't wanna lose that lead." Courtney tried to justify her reasons as she compared the small number of Gophers to the large number of Bass. "Especially if it's because you feel like going all criminal on us."

"Pfft whatever." Duncan rolled his eyes at Courtney's excuse. "You dig me."

"UGH!" Courtney groaned out in frustration as she stormed off. All the while her face sported an undeniable blush. "Why do I even bother?!"

As Courtney sat down at the Bass table, just planted her face down on the table in frustration as a voice spoke up.

Amidst the jovial atmosphere, the door to the Main Lodge creaked open, drawing the attention of the campers. Ezekiel stumbled inside, his usually energetic demeanor replaced by a weary and haggard appearance. His steps were slow and unsteady, his shoulders slumped, and dark circles marred his eyes.

The campers exchanged concerned glances as Ezekiel made his way to the dining table, his movements labored and hesitant. He sank into a chair with a heavy sigh, his breaths coming in shallow wheezes. His once vibrant complexion now appeared pale and clammy, a sheen of sweat glistening on his forehead.

"Hey, Ezekiel, you alright, man?" Duncan, the tough and outspoken member of the team, spoke up, his voice laced with genuine concern.

Ezekiel managed a weak smile, though it faltered as a cough wracked his frail frame. He raised a hand to his chest, his breath catching in his throat as he struggled to suppress the hacking coughs.

"I-I'm fine," Ezekiel wheezed, his voice hoarse and strained. "Just... just a little cold."

But the campers could see through his facade. The telltale signs of illness were evident – the flushed cheeks, the trembling hands, the ragged breaths. It was clear that Ezekiel was far from fine.

As Ezekiel attempted to eat his breakfast, his appetite waned, his stomach churning with nausea. The food seemed to lose its flavor, the once enticing aroma now turning his stomach. With each passing moment, the pneumonia tightened its grip on Ezekiel's weakened body, draining him of his strength and vitality.

Despite his best efforts to conceal his illness, Ezekiel couldn't hide the truth from his teammates. As they watched him struggle, their concern deepened, realizing that their friend was in serious need of help. And so, with determined resolve, the Killer Bass rallied together.

"Dude you're not fine," Geoff said as he examined close the boy who was trembling...

Heather who was away noticed that the same cold that she had on her, the green hat boy was feeling much worse than what probably have been the first day of cold they both had. That boy was far from healthy.

"I'm okay, I'm just going to rest a bit until the start of the challenge." Ezekiel waved, as he looked at Courtney and Gwen staring at him in deep concern. "Don't worry, I'm not going to do something stupid today."

"You better not," Courtney commanded, as she saw Bridgette and Katie placing their hands on his face.

"You're burning in fever," Katie commented as Ezekiel tried to fight against her, but he was feeling too weak from actually doing it. The group in front of him was now even more worried about him.

"Ezekiel, I think we have to talk about this," Bridgette commented as she glanced at the other campers. "Did you ever go to the hospital before?"

"I don't think he did Bridge… Ezekiel lived on a farm for his entire life, he may never had the medicine before." Geoff commented as he pointed out one of the main concerns, the cold the boy was feeling, was becoming much more dangerous than before.

"Ezekiel, what are you feeling right now?" Courtney asked but Ezekiel was being overwhelmed by the whole group and he couldn't take it anymore.

"Guys, STOP," Ezekiel shouted as the whole group looked at him in concern, DJ and his tiny bunny were also very worried about that… his breath was very forced and he couldn't help but see that even his body was on the limit… and he couldn't help but get into a low point… that he even could see the trembling on his hand… And at that moment, Ezekiel knew what to do… "Condor."

And just like that, the Killer Bass gave a very satisfied sigh of relief, which they could see that Ezekiel was reasoning with the fact he needed to take care of his health…

"BUT." And with that, the group looked at the green-hat boy narrowing his eyes. "I'm going to throw away the towel just because of this sickness, I refuse to be voted off if you guys didn't give you all on today's challenge. If we lose fair and square, I will be glad to get out from here… But if you guys try to sabotage today's challenge. I will never forgive you all."

Ezekiel said those words and the Killer Bass glanced at each other, fearfully in the situation they were going to be in… But Ezekiel didn't mind at all, he knew that he needed to go to the hospital, but his pride refused to go if not for having one last challenge, one that he knew his friends, he knew who he could trust… And he trusted in them to keep their word that even if they would lose on today's challenge, they would give their all… And that's why he trusts them.

(Outside Area)

The camera then suddenly shifted to another location on the island with Chris walking in front of it with a frown on his face. "Hi. Chris, here." Chris introduced himself in a seemingly saddened tone. "Sometimes teams just don't get along. So the producers and I thought the best way to work through the group friction would be…to exploit it for laughs!" Chris' face suddenly broke out in a grin as the host rubbed his hands together. "This is gonna be awesome!"

About an hour after breakfast, the 9 Bass and 4 Gophers could be seen gathered up at the dock with Chris in front of them. "So, last week's challenge exposed a few camper issues." Chris pointed out that Lindsay, Heather, and even almost a good part of Killer Bass were staring at the still pink-haired Trent who seemed to be too distracted to notice the tense atmosphere around the area. "And I'm sensing a little something funky floating in the Bass pond, too," Duncan smirked and lightly nudged Courtney with his shoulder which resulted in the CIT pushing Duncan down to the wood they were all standing on.

"So, this week's challenge is going to be centered around building trust," Chris explained as Duncan stood up and straightened out his clothes. "Because all good things begin with a little trust."

(Confession – Gwen)

"I trusted Trent once," Gwen said to the audience at home. "He left me and Ezekiel buried alive on the beach. Never should have trusted a Gopher."

(Confession – Lindsay)

"I trusted Lent before," Lindsay said as she tried to remain calm. But her anger took the better of her. "But he made me believe those… ugh… peed pancakes were vinegar, and shoved them in my mouth."

"There will be seven major challenges that will have to be completed by two or more members of your team." Chris further explained the details of the challenge today. "Normally, we like to have the campers choose their partners, but not this time! More fun for me!"

A little later, the teams and Chris were gathered up in front of a cliffside. Thankfully, it was one that wasn't even close to being as big as the main 1000-foot-tall one. "Okay! So for the first challenge, you'll be doing an extreme freehand rock climbing adventure!" Chris explained the first challenge of the day as he pointed to the wall the campers would be climbing. "Ezekiel woah, boy, what happened to you?"

"Just a cold Chris, nothing to worry about," Ezekiel lied, as he was still feeling weak from the sickness, but then he found Chris just shrugging and decided to continue telling the challenge.

"Anyway, Ezekiel and Duncan will play for the Bass. Heather and Trent for the Gophers." Chris instructed as he told the names of groups… Duncan glanced at Ezekiel who just realized what would be the first challenge… And he knew that he didn't have the strength to help Duncan, so it would need to be him.

Trent smiled as Heather rolled her eyes, while there was a sparkle in her eye… Chris then pulled out two items that everyone would need to use for the challenge. "Here's your belay and harness." Chris then threw the items to the campers with Duncan catching his and Ezekiel's gear and Trent catching her and Heather's only for the queen bee to offer her hand to the guitarist.

"You know Trent," Heather decided to use her silver tongue to make sure that she wouldn't be the one doing the challenge. "I'm still feeling terrible from the coldness, could you do me a favor and let me hold the ropes?"

"Sure, I don't see what is the problem." And Trent smiled innocently, not knowing the queen bee did that on purpose. "Let me hold you up."

"You won't be holding her up exactly," Chris informed the four participants of the challenge as the host gave the exact instructions of how the challenge would go and how to use the gear. "One camper pulls the slack through the belay as their partner climbs. If the climber falls, the belay will stop them from crashing. The catch? Both the side and the base of the mountain are rigged with a few minor distractions like…rusty nails...slippery oil slicks...mild explosives and…a few other surprises."

"Wicked!" Harold said as he and everyone else looked to see all the obstacles Chris had pointed out.

"The person on belay must also harness their partner up. It's all about trust, people." The host of the show reminded everyone. "And remember, never let go of the rope. Your partner's life depends on it."

"Man, this is going to be awesome, I never have tried this before," Ezekiel told Duncan as the delinquent was putting the harness on the brick house. "Have you taught you that on the juvenile?"

"Oh yeah," Duncan confirmed. The delinquent had climbed quite a few walls before and after going to juvie. Heck, his audition tape was him trying to escape from juvie by climbing over the wall. "They teach you how to climb walls in prison all the time."

"I bet you made an application video by doing that." Ezekiel joked, and Duncan even seeing Ezekiel actually telling the truth, still smirked at him.

"You have to catch the attention of the others? How better than making a video of running from prison?" Duncan shrugged, and Ezekiel started to laugh, but then the homeschooled boy started coughing painfully, making the delinquent stop and see the boy raising his hand.

"I'm okay," Ezekiel took a breath and spat on the floor, and Duncan saw… green mucus on the floor…

"Dude this isn't cold, it looks like…" Duncan could see the face of the boy was still palled, but he was going to the end with this challenge.

"I'm ready Chris," Ezekiel said loudly, as he could see that he didn't want to hear the rest of it…

Which made the delinquent roll his eyes, and then ask one last question… "Did the prank we pulled at you cause this?"

"…" Ezekiel remained calm… because he refused to answer that question, and the last thing he did, was to walk directly at the wall.

"There, you're all hooked up." Over by the Gophers, Heather had just finished putting on Trent's belay and harness…with a second and a third rope attached, Trent raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"What's these other ropes for?" Trent asked in surprise at Heather as he asked this.

"It's a backup line. To make sure that you will be safe without me making much effort as well." Heather simply told Trent with a smile on her face.

"Really? Wow, never thought you could do that. You are really awesome Heather." The pink-haired boy smiled as he could see one member of his team willing to think about his safety.

"Yeah, I heard that before," Heather smirked as she looked at her nails, she wanted so much to help her team to win...

(Confession – Heather)

"It's all his fault for making me choose between Lindsay and Beth, meat shield or not… He broke my alliance." Heather claimed with a ticked-off look on her face. "I have got a doctorate in revenge and humiliation."

Chris announced it was time to start the challenge. So both the guitarist Gopher and the farm boy Bass started to use their strength to try to move quickly to the top. Ezekiel was handicapped for the fact that he didn't have much strength in his body. So his strategy would be, steady and calm, to make sure that he would at least get to the top.

Being careful around the rusty nails, and scaling little by little. Ezekiel knew that such surprises would happen sooner or later. Trent was also going firm, as a good way to show strategy he was also being careful around the rocks… And at the time both of them managed to get firmly, suddenly some explosives went off and blew both the homeschooled boy and the guitarist off the wall… The Killer Bass team shouted in horror as Ezekiel was falling until suddenly something held him off and made him go back to the wall.

"GOT YOUR BACK ZEEK," Duncan shouted as he was fast on his reflexes, seeing that any chance the shrimp boy was ready to fall down, he would use his strength and speed to make him go back at the wall.

"Thanks," Ezekiel called as the whole team sighed in relief… Suddenly a female scream made the group turn their heads in the direction of their side.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." Trent was shouting on such a high note that people could misguide the pink-haired boy for a girl… And when the team looked at the guitarist, they found out, that the same person who was shouting in pain, was safe and sound… Because he was being held… By a Mega Wedgie… Everyone flinched at the sigh of the painful wedgie, while Lindsay didn't seem phased at all.

Duncan smirked.

(Confession – Duncan)

"Sometimes I wonder if God truly exists… and this is one of the moments which answer that question for me," Duncan said pleased with himself, as he kissed two of his fingers and raised in the sky as a signal of peace.

"Why?" Trent said as he looked at Heather in fear and hurt betrayal.

"Don't worry, it's the only way you make you safe. It's guaranteed that you won't fall on the floor." Heather said solemnly, as she blinked at Lindsay who giggled, Gwen held her laugh as to see the interaction on how Heather was making a fake apology. "Don't need to rush, we can do this the whole day."

"The whole day?" Trent said as he looked at her in fear, and even if he hated to admit, he didn't fall much, even if that wedgie hurt like hell to him, it seemed Heather was telling the truth. "I just hope I don't fall then."

"Oh please do, oh please do, oh please do." Heather and Lindsay were chanting, and Gwen, Courtney, Bridgette, and Katie smirked and even started to do it as well. It seems the group of girls has one thing in common, their pure hatred towards the guitarist.

"I promised surprises." Chris was suddenly in front of the camera and held up a squirt gun. But it wasn't filled with water. "Habanero pepper sauce, anyone?"

Chris then aimed the squirt gun at Heather and proceeded to douse the mean girl in spicy sauce. "AH!" Heather screamed as she was completely covered in pepper sauce and quickly started rubbing it out of her eyes…letting go of the harness. "What the heck, Chris?!"

However, at the time the group saw if Trent would actually fall, they couldn't see it, since even with Heather without her hands, the triple rope was stable enough that her using her body by herself was what made Trent still hold firm on the rocks… So the group couldn't help but sigh in disappointment.

"Muy Caliente," Chris said in satisfaction as he revealed his shining, literally, teeth to the camera.

Chris then aimed the pepper sauce gun at Duncan and sprayed the delinquent…only for Duncan to be unaffected by it due to wearing sunglasses for protection and even started catching the sauce sprayed at him in his mouth. "Ah…" Duncan let out a satisfied sigh after swallowing some of the sauce Chris sprayed right into his mouth. "Is that the best you can do?"

"Is that the best we can do?" Chris asked in a hushed voice to the man behind the camera.

A few minutes had passed and Ezekiel was even slower with the pass of the time… Looking for every aspect of the rock, it was clear that there was grease and oil around the shapes, and from the attempt both he and Trent tried to pass around it… They both slipped through the rocks and lost their grip, which was enough to make both fell a few centimeters.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." Trent shouted surprised Ezekiel who was without any strength… And he looked below him, and noticed that everyone was cheering for him to keep going…


"No, *COUGH*, come on, not like this." Ezekiel coughed as his entire chest felt burning, and he was seeing blur, which was a good time to stop. "Okay, I'm going to stop for 2 minutes. Calm down body. Don't push to your limit."

The Killer Bass was cheering, not just for seeing Trent get more wedgies, but for Ezekiel, not for him to win, but to finish the challenge well…

Trent gritted his teeth, as even if the safe ropes would actually make him solid on the wall, still the pain from his underwear was too much for him, he could feel his bellow burning in pain… And then he also rested for a minute or two… and then both went again to pass the challenge… head to head, pain by pain… And then when everything seemed to be over.

And when a hand was on the top of the cliff… It showed that the guitarist managed to win the first point of his team. A minute later the homeschooled boy also got to the top.

"OHOOOOOO, YEAH, WAY TO GO DUDE." Everyone who was under the cliff saw that both Screaming Gophers won the point, but also they just saw someone who was in sickness managed to scale a freaking cliff as well… It was the point that everyone was cheering for them… Some would say it was for Trent to gain the point… But others can say that Ezekiel did his best, and got them a better way for him to go home in case his sickness get worse.

Ezekiel was breathing harshly as he also felt proud of himself. Going beyond his limit. He saw cartoons related to things like that, and he could swear that the sickness was getting too much for him, because he just saw a glimpse of a blond hero with a polar bear hat on his head, and his iconic blue shirt, sword, and green backpack.

"Mathematical." The boy who was something Ezekiel had known since childhood smiled at him and gave a thumbs up...

"Yeah, mathematical," Ezekiel said as he knew that he was imagining things.

"Dude, are you okay?" Then a voice made Ezekiel snap from his thoughts and glance at the guitarist who was also on the top.

"No, I'm not," Ezekiel said with a weak smile, and coughed hard, to show yellow mucus coming from his lungs.

Trent gave a step away... And he isn't sure how to respond to that...

(Main Lodge)

Part two of the challenge took place in the main lodge. On one half were Bridgette and Geoff for the Killer Bass. On the other half were Lindsay and Trent who were supposed to be on the second challenge as well, to represent the Screaming Gophers. Spotlights shined down on both teams as someone came flipping from the Bass side of the lodge and landing behind a podium with Chris himself coming up from under it and making it look like he was the one to perform the stunt. "And now, round two!" Chris said as he grinned at the camera. "The extreme. Cooking. Challenge!" However, Chris couldn't be taken seriously as the stunt double proceeded to crawl away with everyone putting their eyes on him as he left the lodge. "Each team must choose who cooks and who eats."

"Err… Chris, why am I here again?" Trent asked while Lindsay smiled sweetly and innocently, since he was still tired after taking the last challenge, there was supposed to be another one to participate in this phase of the challenge.

"It's because your team has only 4 members and we have to choose you randomly to see who would fit for this challenge," Chris explained which was a reasonable reason for Trent.

(Confession – Chris)

"I lied, it's because Trent's almost entire team wants his head in a spike, and I will not even talk about the Killer Bass's anger at him, that dude needs it's too optimistically ignorant for his own… Poor soul." Chris commented as he gave the truth to the entire audience, and in the end, he couldn't help but laugh at the boy's misfortune.

"Ooh, Todd!" Lindsay said excitedly to Trent, getting his name wrong in the process. The dumb blond happily clapped her hands and said. "I'll be the cook!"

(Confession – Trent)

"Okay. She's no Steven Hawking, but hey, it's cooking. I already am tired from the last challenge, so it's nice to not overwork myself, and hey..." Trent said with a calm and cool tone. "How bad could she screw it up?"

"Today you'll be preparing Fugu sashimi, the traditional Japanese poisonous blowfish," Chris explained to the four campers as Chef brought in a fish tank containing two blowfish. One for each duo. A gong was heard as Chris grabbed a pointing baton and pointed it at a screen that showed all the organs of the blowfish. "The Fugu Blowfish contains enough lethal toxins to kill thirty people."

Chef grinned as he tapped the tank containing the blowfish making them puff up and release their spikes. "Fishes!" Chef began as he grabbed the blowfish by the tail and tossed one to each team on a cutting board. "Meet your maker!"

"They must be sliced very carefully to cut around the poisonous organs," Chris instructed as he pointed to the organs the presentation had labeled deadly and toxic. "The poison paralyzes the nerves and there is no antidote. So no worries."

Trent was indeed worrying, panicking really, as he grabbed Lindsay's shoulders and looked right at the dumb blond. "You have taken biology, right?" To Trent's relief, Lindsay nodded allowing the guitarist to breathe a sigh of relief.

(Confession – Lindsay)

"I said I took biology." The blond bombshell commented as she took a good glance at the fish which was in her hands. She then looked at the fish like it was a little hope for her future. "Can you do me a favor? Make it painful for him? Because he did something awful to me little fish, can you avenge me?"

"Begin!" Chris announced as both of the girls on each team started to prepare the rather deadly fish.

After about 45 minutes, both teams were told to stop preparing their sushi. With Bridgette, the surfer girl had made a rather beautiful display with her sushi that looked like it was made by a professional chef. With Lindsay…the dumb blond had practically mashed the organs of the fish together and made a smiley face on it with ketchup.

The first to try the fish was Geoff. Bridgette pushed the plate over to him and the party dude hardly hesitated to pick up a piece of the sushi and insert it into his mouth. After chewing it to get a taste for the blowfish and swallowing it, Geoff smiled as no effects of the blowfish's toxins seemed to come over him. And it was delicious to boot! "Excellent!" Geoff complimented Bridgette with a double thumbs up.

Chris and Chef nodded in approval before looking over to the two Gophers as Lindsay presented her rather…ugly dish to Trent. Trent winced as he looked over the dish, especially when he compared it to Bridgettes, and hesitantly picked up a fork and scooped some of the probably underdone fish in it. Inserting it into his mouth, Trent quickly chewed and swallowed the blowfish in order to get it over with.

"…" Trent was silent as everyone looked to see what the guitarist's reactions would be…until he suddenly started punching himself and screaming. After that, it seemed everything was fine but soon enough a loud gurgling sound came from Trent's stomach as the guitarist found himself falling to the floor. Geoff and Bridgette saw the scene unfold in front of them, however, neither of them seemed to be worried or even amused about what was happening… However, Geoff gave a quick glance to Bridgette who was relieved to see that she didn't make someone from her team suffer such a terrible fate.

Trent's skin started turning blue as he tried to stand and look at Lindsay and said to her in a slurring voice. "I thought you said you passed biology!"

"I said I took biology." Lindsay corrected him as Trent fell to the floor again. Everyone quickly started wincing in disgust as the barf started leaking out of Trent's mouth.

Geoff took his hat off and closed his eyes, as a good giving his prayers for the soul of the poor guitarist who was going to die.

"It's cool," Chris reassured everyone as they all went to check up on Trent. "Give him twenty-four hours and he'll be up walking and breathing, good as new."

"That's a pity."The trio thought in unison while they looked at the guitarist who let out a tear in his eyes while the barf was still getting out of his mouth. Just then Chef came up to Trent dressed in a nurse's outfit. Bridgette, Geoff, and Lindsay were quick to look away from the scene and heard Trent's raspy screams.


Trent tried to move away from the paralysis, however, the only thing he could do was see Chef Hatchet approaching him with his nurse outfit and a violet liquid syringe… And something inside of him screamed danger in many ways…

"Ahh, ahh, ahh." Trent tried to say something, but Chef had his eyebrow raised and smiled as he gave a good glance at the injection he was about to give to the guitarist, the antidote to the paralysis…

"This won't hurt a bit," Chef said as he was grinning evilly. And tapped the syringe quickly. "It will hurt a whole lot."

(Outside Camp)

"Good news. The third round involves three more challenges. It's the three blind challenges." Chris announced to everyone with all members of both teams present with the exception of Trent. Bridgette and Geoff were now in dry clothes and were present as well. Both with their relaxed faces, since the time they finished the challenge they went to have a swim in the shore. And we're happy to finally refresh their minds and spirit. Most gave a confused look in response as Chris further explained. "It begins with the blind William Tell, followed by the blind trapeze, and culminating in the treacherous blind toboggan."

Chris then went above DJ near, placed an arrow over his head, and began to explain the challenge "Like legendary marksman William Tell, you'll be knocking the arrows off your partner's head with apples!" Chris revealed making a few of the campers look at him in confusion.

"Err...if I'm not wrong, shouldn't be the opposite?" Courtney asked and Chris shushed her immediately.

"Calm down. And continuing, the shooter also will be blindfolded." With that explanation, DJ dropped both his arms as he looked in fear as the other campers got scared and carefully stepped away from DJ, Chris then held up a slingshot with the apple aimed at him, but at the time he gave a shot, the Jamaican boy was hit in the crotch with the apple, making him on his knees."And as the name of this and the other challenges say, the shooter will be blindfolded! The person who knocked off the arrow first wins!"

"Ahhh, nuts... Now then, for the Gopher team…Lindsay and Owen!" Chris said as he felt bad for missing the target, but not bad at all for seeing the Jamaican in pain. He then announced making the pairs, leaving Lindsay to jump happily and Owen to raise his fist in happiness to participate in the challenge. "And for the Bass…Courtney and Katie!"

"Err… who is going to shoot?" Katie asked worried, since she was afraid of being the person to launch the apple. "Usually Sadie is the best shooter that I know."

"Well, let me do this." Courtney accepted the role of being a shooter since was a good way to avoid being hit by an apple, but also she promised that she would try her best for the sake of the boy who was just staring at them… She really wanted to sabotage the challenge, but for the sake of her self-pride and for her friend, she was going to try to hit the target.

A few minutes later the two teams were ready to start shooting. Owen and Katie had arrows placed on their heads as well as wearing goggles for added protection while Lindsay and Courtney were blindfolded and had slingshots in their hands and apples nearby them to start to shoot.

"Okay!" Chris quickly started the first blind challenge. "Let's rock and roll!"

The two girls quickly started shooting apples at their partners. Lindsay kept shooting Owen's large body with the stilling however Owen felt himself chuckling since his big body was protecting from the pain… Katie received two apples on her face. Which shouted in pain.

"Ops, sorry. Was too low?" Courtney asked loudly she did it strategically to make sure her body would get used and with a bit of better angle she would manage to hit the target…

"Yes, a bit higher," Katie commented, as she instructed the C.I.T. girl, which slowly passed a bit too much above her, so she sighed happily that it didn't hit her. "A bit lower this time, but not too much."

"Alright," instead of Courtney who said that it was Lindsay who was also following the instructions from the tanned girl. And just like that, by sheer luck, an apple flew in the direction of Owen's face, but with a little curve, it managed to hit straightly at the arrow, and with that dropped it.

And with that, the group was shocked to see the blonde girl managing to hit the bullseye. The big guy laughed and Lindsay took off her blindfold.

"Did I win?" Lindsay asked as she then saw the spoils of her victory. "Yeah, I did it."

Lindsay shouted happily, as Heather gave a good hug to the blond and another point was for the Screaming Gophers.

Courtney took her blindfold, and stared at the results in disbelief… But one good part inside of her was happy… She really tried, and even if she managed to lose, she knew that Ezekiel would need to go to the hospital soon… From all the time he lived on the farm, how many vaccines he didn't take, or how important would be a checkup for him, he needed to go to the hospital, pronto.

Ezekiel, nodded his head accepting the defeat of their points. He was surprised by how lucky Lindsay was. But seeing Courtney didn't get stubborn as Sadie did in the cannon... At least his team wouldn't need to be all that hurt… Just him.

"And now, the blind trapeze!"Chris was quick to lead the Bass and Gophers who weren't seeking medical attention to the next challenge. This one took place over a pond where a trapeze was set up. "To avoid serious injury, the trapeze has been set up over this pond…which is full of jellyfish."

Everyone gasped as they looked down in the water and saw many jellyfish in habiting it. Chris then threw blindfolds at Lindsay and Gwen and continued with his instructions. "You two will stand blindfolded on the platform until your partners tell you when to jump."

"And then?" Heather inquired.

"Then hopefully they'll catch you," Chris said making the queen bee flinch a bit. "Or that's gonna be one heck of a painful swim."

Lindsay was about to protest but Heather stopped her right away.

"It's better not to question ah ah achooo…" Heather said as her sneeze was taking the best of her. "The guitarist boy is in the infirmary, and would you really trust someone as big as Owen to try to catch you in a trapeze?"

That question alone made Lindsay close her mouth and nods her head to the queen bee...

Chris gave a few further details of the challenge as well as choosing Lindsay and Gwen's partners, Heather and Harold respectively… Katie walked around the group which showed something that surprised not just himself, but also the other groups as well.

"Hey, I just found another bunny around," Katie said as she started snuggling the little bunny which made DJ look at his pocket, and surprisingly the Bunny who he has been with him during so many challenges raised its head, to see the new animal getting nearby them.

"Aww, that's so cute, we found a new friend for Bunny." DJ was happy to see the little friend he had now could have a good friend to keep by his side. The giant Jamaican looked at the tanned twin and decided to ask. "Did you decide the name?"

"I was thinking, Buggsy," Katie said as Ezekiel blinked in surprise since it looked almost similar to one iconic Warner brother's famous rabbit, so maybe it was an internal joke, but he wasn't going to complain.

Ezekiel noticed that DJ not participating in any challenge, it saved Geoff and Bridgette from witnessing the trauma of seeing the cruel world of animals… maybe because with his presence, the innocence of the giant Jamaican wasn't going to receive such a trauma… Because he would have feared to know his reaction to watching the same episode where everything was recorded…

Nobody from the fandom asked if he watched the episodes while he was on his journey trip with his momma before declaring bankruptcy. But he could have imagined that maybe his momma and Geoff did everything they could to make him not watch that specific scene.

And then it was the time for the challenge.

It was the Bass' turn first and Harold was currently swinging on the trapeze by his legs with his arms out and ready to catch Gwen. "Okay Gwen ah," Harold commented as he saw the goth girl nodding her head to him. "Jump NOW."

At that moment Gwen was ready to make a jump, but one of her hands refused to let it go from the wood, feeling afraid of being betrayed like that. And with that the timing from the jump was wrong, and Harold sighed in disappointment.

"If we are going to win, you've gotta trust me," Harold commented as he could see Gwen trembling in fear. "You know that I have experience in trapeze medal for jumper of moonlight scotters."

"Okay, okay, you are right," Gwen commented as she knew that sometimes Harold likes to brag about his skills, but when it comes to action, he shows that he indeed has experience… So she felt that her fear was misleading her trust in one of her friends. "DAMMIT, I'm sorry, now I'm ready."

"Okay, 1...2...3…" Harold calculated the timing and was ready to catch the goth girl who had been his friend after being on his team, for someone who passed the same as Ezekiel, he isn't going to betray her, a Killer Bass until the end. And seeing Gwen was ready to jump he shouted with all his force."JUMP"

Gwen didn't hesitate on the second time to do as Harold said and thankfully by the experience the ginger had on his summer camps, he grabbed Gwen's hand leading them both to swing safely above the jellyfish pond.

At the sigh on another point for the team, the group was happy for another point, but also a bit worried about how Ezekiel is still stubborn to seek help or go to the infirmary.

"Okay, Gophers. Your turn!" Chris announced through a megaphone as Bridgette and Harold returned to the ground and rejoined the rest of their team.

"Okay, just follow my signal." Heather counted down as she was in the same position Harold was in earlier and was prepared to catch Lindsay. She learned from seeing the ginger boy doing it, so she knew she could also do it as well… So she just needed to calculate the timing and know that her friend would trust on her... "One! Two! Aaah, ahh, ahh Achoo."

And Heather realized her mistake, as Lindsay was about to jump on the wrong timing.

"No, NO, DON'T DO THAT," Heather shouted because of her sneeze, Lindsay jumped in her direction, and the timing was wrong, so the queen bee did something she knew was stupid. She got a bit of an impulse and launched herself in the direction of the blond girl, to push her outside of the pond… In exchange, the whole Killer Bass team cringed to see Heather falling into a jellyfish-infested pond. Everyone winced as Heather screamed from the many stings she was experiencing. But after a few moments… Geoff took off his hat… The group looked with solemn looks on their faces, and Harold closed his fist and placed it in front of his mouth.

"Prum prum prummm, prum prum prummmm." Harold proceed to play an imaginary trumpet, playing TAPS, to honor the girl who just went inside of the jellyfish tank just to make sure the blond Lindsay felt horrified into seeing Heather still shouting in pain… And with that, Chris took a tissue and cleaned the tears on his face.

"She was so young… So bossy and snobbish brat, but yet she was too young to die like this." Chris said solemnly while the Killer Bass had their faces down in silence in honor of the Screaming Gopher who was still screaming in pain.

"SOMEBODY HELP ME," Heather shouted angrily, as nobody was paying attention to her.

"Sometimes I still can hear her voice," Ezekiel commented, while they all growled coming from the queen bee, and Lindsay was crying like a widow…

"WHY, WHYYYYYYYYY?" Lindsay screamed as she cried, and the electricity and the painful noises from Heather were what made the group lament the sacrifice and the death of the girl who had just now gotten out of the pond.

"I hate you all," Heather said as she had the jellyfish stuck on her head.


"I can't believe it I did that, this stupid cold messed up the timing I was OUCH." Heather was complaining until the jellyfish gave an electroshock which hurt the camper who had it stuck on her head. "NASTY STINGING JELLYFISH OW,"

At the time Heather got on the Infirmary bed she was still angry with what happened.

"I was supposed to catch Lindsay. And that girl shouldn't have jumped at the time I said to not jump. She should have guessed it was a sneeze and not my signal to jump." Heather said angrily to herself, as she couldn't believe that she let herself do such a stupid idea to save someone and get herself hurt in the process...

At the camp infirmary tent, there were currently three occupants. One was Trent who was lying down on a medical bed on life support with foam coming out of his mouth. The was the nurse himself Chef. The muscular cook.

"Got anything for removing jellyfish?" Heather asked Chef for anything regarding jellyfish removal… while she was being stung by the said creature. And when Chef nodded his head to her, she gave a thumbs up and laid herself on the bed to wait for the removal.

(Outside the camp)

"And now, the final leg." After Heather went to the infirmary, Chris led everyone to the area where the seventh and final challenge of the day would take place. The scores were tied two to two. This would be for the win. "The blind toboggan race."

"Each team will have a driver and a navigator." Chris began to tell the rules of the tie-breaking challenge. "The driver steers while the navigator shows directions. Oh yeah. And the driver will be blindfolded!" This caused a few members of the team to gasp making Chris chuckle. "Not many of you left, huh? Keep losing you guys. Hehe, oh well. Alright, the Gopher team will be…Owen as navigator and Lindsay as the driver." Both the chubby boy and the blond girl smiled happily, since they became the best duo over the whole challenge, as they were the last members of their own team… "And for the Bass…Ezekiel will be the navigator and the driver will be DJ."

One hill climb later both teams were waiting for the Chef to hand them their toboggans…with the muscular cook putting grease on the bottom of them to increase their speed. As he was doing this, Ezekiel spoke up to DJ who was still nervous looking at Ezekiel.

"I know what you are thinking." Ezekiel commented as he himself felt tired from walking all that hill, and now he would only have the pressure to direct DJ who was afraid to even talk about it."Do you really want to lose for the sake of my own health?"

DJ was about to reply, but seeing the look on Ezekiel, he was too afraid to upset him, but instead refused to give an answer…

Ezekiel sighed in disappointment, but then just gave a little paper to DJ's hand… And that paper made the Jamaican palled and look even more terrified.

"Just do it," Ezekiel commented, which DJ nodded his head, and prepared himself. But not before eating the whole paper and swallowing it in one go.

DJ put his blindfold on as both teams got ready to slide down. With DJ and Owen in the front of their respective toboggans and Ezekiel and Lindsay holding onto their teammates, they all waited for Chris to give the signal. "On your marks. Get set…" Chris then blew an air horn with Chris and Chef each pushing a team's toboggan down the hill. And thanks to the grease Chef put on, they were quickly gaining speed with a little help from gravity.

For the first part of it, it seems that the Gophers had the advantage as Lindsay surprisingly told Owen about the places to go, even giving some wrong directions, but the wrong directions led them towards bushes…Lindsay was getting in panic from how fast their cart was, since the combination of the weight of Owen and the grease placed on their toboggans… It was so fast, that Ezekiel could see they getting faster with time.

"Alright, right, right, left, right," Ezekiel instructed, as DJ like a machine followed the direction of the bushes, and even decided to take a shortcut, which led the Bass to end up sliding on a rock that acted like a makeshift ramp and sent them up into the air.

"Ooh, what's going on?" DJ said in panic, but Ezekiel remained focused and couldn't even appreciate the adrenaline now.

"A shortcut, now prepare for the impact. DON'T QUESTION IT." Ezekiel shouted as he could see DJ was about to ask, but then like following his orders, DJ remained calm, as Ezekiel held the giant Jamaican for his life.

"Okay, now that's the part I have been waiting for," Ezekiel said as both boys proceeded to land in a river. On the bright side, the toboggan floated. On the downside, they quickly drifted towards a waterfall. "Okay, hold tight DJ, because if this works, we are going to be on first." Thankfully, like Ezekiel predicted… when they fell there was a big branch waiting down below that the two Bass landed on and proceeded to catapult them forward.

Lindsay was in a panic, while Owen was also having fun but also feared to have no idea what is happening, and somehow they still had the good suddenly appear next to them out of nowhere.

"Okay DJ, we are almost *COUGH,* *BEEP* *COUGH*" Ezekiel could feel the climax reaching the race, but the pressure of the speed was too much for him, and his lungs once again started to hurt so much, that he was losing his breath…

DJ immediately raised his blindfold and saw his friend already on the limit, and knowing the race was about to end. He took out the blindfold and used it to go directly at the directions on his own.

The race was getting close and intense. Especially when Chris started setting off some left-over explosives he had set up on the hill. And then a big explosion was enough to make both the Screaming Gophers and Killer Bass teams pass the finishing line… However with the Screaming Gopher's who passed with Lindsay and Owen first.

The Killer Bass saw the moment DJ got with his toboggan and without the blindfold, the whole team noticed one thing… DJ just disqualified himself because he was without the blindfold. But not just that, but the navigator Ezekiel, was coughing so much, that at the time he spat on the floor… it was still a green mucus, and the pain around his chest was so much… That Ezekiel didn't have strength anymore…

"MEDIC, MEDIC," DJ shouted as Ezekiel finally accepted his defeat… from the moment he made a promise to DJ in that little letter…

(In case I lose control of my coughs, take out the blindfold, and take me to the infirmary… P.S., destroy this letter by eating it.)

Ezekiel didn't hear Chris enunciating the victory for Screaming Gophers, which he had to confess they deserved the victory, but sadly he isn't able to remain in the game… So in his final moments of consciousness, he dropped a tear because he knew that he wasn't going to remain on the island anymore.

All he could see was black...


The time Ezekiel opened his eyes, he noticed that he had an oxygen mask around his face, and weakly looked around to see Chef who was still cleaning his medical utensils…And nearby him, he could see the sigh of relief of Harold, Courtney, and Duncan who were watching him.

Ezekiel knew that they were worried about him, but he couldn't confess but also felt sad for not being able to continue in the game.

"You are finally awake, do you have any idea how much we got worried about you?" Courtney said as Harold gave a water bottle for Ezekiel to drink…

"How long was I out?" Ezekiel asked, which made Courtney huff and Duncan looked sadly at the boy.

"2 hours. Chris said the Campfire Ceremony is going to be in one hour because he is calling a boat to appear immediately to catch you." Harold commented as he pointed out there was only one reason why Chris would be in such a hurry.

"You got pneumonia, Zeke. You need to be treated, and from what Chris told us, they said you are going to be treated at the same place Eva was. So you better stay down, and let us take all your stuff." Duncan commented as it was an order, knowing that even Courtney narrowed her eyes to him, Ezekiel could see that a part of her eyes was red, showing that she had been crying in fear…

"Pneumonia Ezekiel, do you have any idea how dangerous this is? You could die if you don't treat this right away." Courtney said as the harsh words made the homeschooled boy flinches… And also a part of him feels guilty…

"I know…" Ezekiel said weakly… but he couldn't help it… "But I wanted to give my all for this challenge, just for a last time, even knowing that I would lose. I just wanted to make sure I tried my best, even with this on my lungs."

"Dammit, that cursed island," Duncan said angrily, but Ezekiel shushed him.

"Duncan, this isn't a curse… it's the common sense, if my body got hot, and then cold, then wet mixed with cold, with bad isolation, nearby hypothermia, I wasn't the only one affected by it…" Ezekiel commented as he could understand what happened… "It's my health that wasn't ready for sickness on the show… But I don't regret it."

Courtney, Harold, Duncan, and even Chef, remained quiet, as they saw Ezekiel staring at the void in the air, knowing that sooner or later it would have been his time… He just wished he could have gotten a few more episodes… But sadly he couldn't.

(Campfire - Afternoon)

For the first time around the show, the group was around the bonfire and Chris as a host of the show had a good laugh, but this time he was with a serious look on his face.

It was now time for nine Bass to turn into eight. The fire burned hot as all the Bass were gathered up at the campfire with Chris holding up a plate of eight marshmallows. "Who wants a treat?" Chris smirked asked as he showed off the plate of marshmallows. "A tasty goodie that represents exemption, security, and peace of mind. I'll remind you all since it's been a bit since you were here. If you don't get a marshmallow, you have to walk the Dock of Shame and you can never come back. Ever."

The group remained quiet, as some of the campers had their eyes red... Since knowing the time to say goodbye to not just any member, but one of the pillars of the team.

"Let's see…" Chris said as he picked up three marshmallows. "One for Duncan, one for Bridgette, one for Courtney." Chris threw the marshmallows as some opened their mouths to eat in the air, towards the names he just called out with the campers happily taking them. "DJ, Geoff, and Harold, well done my brotha's."

"Gwen," Opened her mouth to eat as well, but the group then stared at Katie who remained with her stoic look, petting her new bunny, as DJ also had his own… Both nearby together…

And Ezekiel was with his eyes closed the whole time… accepting that nothing he could do would change what happened… And to be honest with himself… He would have done the same thing all over again. So he was proud of himself.

That left only one marshmallow. Either Katie or Ezekiel would be going home in the afternoon, but since was an emergency case, and the case Chris also discovered Ezekiel's condition… He noticed that the whole group was there, and all his stuff was already in the boat for his trip… "I have to say that I lament for the case you got yourself in Ezekiel, but the entire team became unanimous when it was related to your own health, and pneumonia would lead to terrible lawsuits for our show, but I know you had good sense, so I know that you already accepted the outcome." as Chris picked up the eighth and final marshmallow. He launched for the final member of Killer Bass which showed the final decision of the host. "And the final marshmallow goes to…Katie."

The entire group watched Katie opening her mouth and getting the marshmallow in the air, while Ezekiel remained calm, and got up silently…

"The boat is taking a turn, so you have 5 minutes to say your goodbyes," Chris said solemnly since this episode would be one of the highest episodes, but also a dangerous remark that without one of the best contestants, the show would also lose part of the audience… But for the sake of the health of one of the members and avoiding the lawsuit… They had to deal with the lesser bad of that situation.

"5 minutes it's enough," Ezekiel said, as he took out his hat, everyone had seen the home-schooled boy since the first episode in many weeks. "You guys have no idea how much I won after participating in this show. Since this episode is related to trust… Then I'm going to trust you all why my parents home-schooled me. Since I was a kid, I feared what my father had trauma about schools… My aunt was a teacher when she was invited to apply for a job in the United States, into a school which a few months later became the target of a terrible tragedy of school shooting."

At that moment, the Killer Bass team got horrified into knowing a part of the history Ezekiel never told about them, a dark secret which made Duncan and Harold paralyzed in shock, while the girls gasped in fear and sadness…

"My aunt had nothing to do with those bullies, but she became a victim of trying to protect one of her students..."Ezekiel explained, one of the darkest secrets around why his life has been inside of the house, and learning by himself. "My father was sexist because he blames himself for not being there to protect her in the first place… He believed men were strong because it was his mission to not let my aunt die for a problem that shouldn't have been hers, I don't blame him, he is a sexist because he thinks that he has no one else to blame but himself… My mom and my dad did their best to raise me on the farm, however as you can see, my body wasn't able to fight the sickness so now I have to go to treat myself… and I'm scared because I don't want to die."

The more Ezekiel talked the more the Killer Bass let it out their tears… Showing their immense sadness and respect for the farm boy who came on the show…

"When I got here… I had nothing, just a name, a sketchbook, a typewriting machine, and a dream…" Ezekiel commented as he felt a bit of the pressure of his chest, but in comparison to before, this time was slightly smaller. "To make friends… but, I never thought I would actually create a family on here. We passed good laughs, cries, fighting, a war… and a team that I will be proud to call I'm a member forever… I'm a Killer Bass until death, this team has been my treasure, my prize of 100 thousand dollars. So please, don't be sad that I'm away… But be happy to know that when I will always be your friend, and you can always trust me…"

The sigh of seeing his entire team crying was something that he wasn't prepared for… Even Chris was trying to remain calm, but Ezekiel smiled at the host.

"Chris, you are the best host of all reality shows, don't ever let anyone talk the opposite of that, this show united friends and created a good drama, the person who hired you for that knew that he chose the right person. And I had fun while participating over here." Ezekiel knew that Chris was an egomaniac, but this time seeing Chris crying true tears, was something new for the boy. Since he was talking as not just a player, but as a fan of the Total Drama Island since he was a kid on another life… He loved the sadistic style of Chris and how many iconic moments he created… And thankfully he was able to say that to him personally.

"Just go, Ezekiel," Chris said as he pointed at the boat that finally arrived.

And when he approached the boat, he saw Chef was still there in a nurse uniform.

"Permission to show my gratitude sir?" Ezekiel said as he was also a big fan of Chef, and the former military man felt pain in the chest at seeing a good boy finally leaving the show. He couldn't help but sniff.

"Permission granted," Chef said trying to remain strong, but then he felt the boy hugging him, which made his eyes tear up.

"I always wondered how great military movies were, and you acting as our Chef was the best Military experience I ever had, even if I hated some part of it… It was everything as I thought it was… Thank you, sir, it has been an honor to meet you." Ezekiel commented, feeling Chef let out rivers of tears, and immediately Ezekiel knew it was the time that he needed to go in the Boat of Losers, and giving one last wave and with the painful pressure on his chest and weakness…

The best member player of the show, but the heart and spirit of Killer Bass left the show… Leaving the campers and the host Chef in tears into one of the saddest and heartbreaking goodbyes of the entire season.

Another episode of Total Drama Island.

Chapter 18: Interlude 5

Chapter Text



"Woah, El Mongo and La Muerte." The old sister of an Asian gymnast whistled to see what the green hat boy could do against the boys of his team, they launched the first prank, so he made the declaration of war... But to see Ezekiel using a stink bomb in so late of the night? For the color of green liquid, she felt so disgusted that she could imagine how terrible it was just by looking at the television... Pay-per-view showed the reactions of the Killer Bass boys, and it was the most terrifying thing and funniest which she had ever seen in her life. "Hahahahahahaha."


Then a lot of burps could be heard from the nearby old sister since she was aware that something strange always happens at that hour... Every time when something big happens on the show, Sky always starts burping around. And the more she asked her sister, the more she denied...

"Sky, what is it this time?" The old sister said annoyed by the fact, but she was surprised to see her sister actually holding two soda cans and even offered for her. "Ohh, I thought..."


"Never mind." The old sister ignored as Sku just shrugged, thinking it was already used in their routine. "What do you think about this stink bomb, sis?"

"It was a signal to never provoke Ezekiel when he is sleeping." Sky snarked which made the sister laugh at how the boys got served for the first prank... But then the sister seemed to be worried. "And Ezekiel seemed too sick to start a prank war just like that, I think he should rest and let it after the next challenge."

"I think that's the problem is, he cannot stop, not after the speech he gave over the boys..."


"Oh my." That was the reaction of the matriarch of the family watching around the night, seeing that the boy managed to use everything to create what would be a bomb of pure stinkness around a single cabin.

Dawn who had been looking at the scene could hear from Mother Nature herself, that even some animals from the forest felt awareness of such terrible smell and now they treated it as a possible marked area by a predator because not a single animal would like to stay inside of such terrible place for...

"Oh my gosh, the DJ's bunny," Dawn said in a hurry but after seeing the leaves falling and even the sweaty breeze around the house, she sighed in relief. "Oh mother nature bless you, Katie..."

"I have to imagine that your father would be impressed upon hearing that stinkiness would be a powerful weapon to repel dangerous animals," Dawn's mother replied as she looked impressed to see how a little paper bag managed to cause so much smell and how the boys were suffering the consequences of their actions. "That would teach them a lesson, the little Ezekiel is still sick from cold after his trip to Boney Island."

"Do you think he will get better soon?" Dawn asked in a worried tone, knowing that from the way Mother Nature told the blonde girl, the boy was overworking himself with his sickness, and if he is reckless in taking care of himself, nature cannot help much if the boy isn't following the instructions of resting well and drinking much liquid...

"I don't know sweetie, I just hope that he would not go to that extent. He needs to take care of himself... But the question is, where he would sleep if he isn't staying inside the cabin?" The mother asked and she then heard her own daughter staring at the wild nature...

"I just hope where he sleeps would be comfortable, and Mother Nature would protect him," Dawn said as both mother and daughter hopped for the safety of the little boy against the members of his own team.


"Okay, I need that quote in a T-shirt, I want 3," Jane said as she never thought she would be intimidated by Ezekiel being badass, even sick he showed that he shouldn't be underestimated. And from them seeing Ezekiel walking towards... "OH MY GOD, IS THAT A GIANT WATER BALLOON?"

"Oh my God, he is going to blow everything with water," Sky said as she also couldn't believe the size of the prank, and the letters showing the name of the water balloon. "My Mom?"

"HERE COMES THE BOOM," Jane said as she then saw the huge explosion of water traveling in both cabins and with that, the war was over. "There is no way the Killer Bass quartet rise again, Ezekiel is too powerful."


"I can't believe I'm saying this, but Ezekiel is a beast, if I was on his team, I would follow him wherever he goes, because DAMN, that boy knows how to attack." Jane was impressed, seeing the little boy timid, become so overworked, and grow up so much around the camp during a few weeks, it was like he had been on his nature... They saw him using a bow and arrow like a hunter, but also a war strategist. It was another of the golden moments to have on pay-per-view.

"I just hope Ezekiel is going to be okay, in a few days it's going to be the challenge, and he doesn't look so well," Sky asked as she felt worried about the little boy, even as she had to confess has grown up her burps the times he surprised her, she couldn't help but to blush at the time he looked determined to do the things, but also wanted to see the challenges and being fair to make sure everyone would do their 100%. A leader, a team player, and a great friend to have around.

But seeing him getting sick has been one of her worries... She just hoped that he would get better soon.


As Ezekiel slowly regained consciousness, he found himself in a sterile hospital room bathed in the soft glow of morning light filtering through the curtains. The room was spacious yet impersonal, with white walls adorned only by a few nondescript paintings. The faint scent of antiseptic hung in the air, mingling with the gentle hum of medical equipment.

Lying in a crisp white hospital bed, Ezekiel felt disoriented and weak, his body heavy with exhaustion. The rhythmic beeping of a heart monitor provided a steady soundtrack to his surroundings, a constant reminder of his precarious state.

A gentle knock on the door preceded the entry of a kindly nurse, her smile warm and reassuring as she approached Ezekiel's bedside. She introduced herself as Nurse Claire and explained that he was in a Canadian hospital receiving treatment for pneumonia.

Over the next two days, Ezekiel's room became his sanctuary, a haven of healing amidst the bustling corridors of the hospital. Nurse Claire and the medical staff tended to him with care and compassion, administering antibiotics to combat the infection ravaging his lungs.

Each day brought a new routine of treatments and medications, unfamiliar territory for Ezekiel who had never before set foot in a hospital. He dutifully swallowed pills and endured intravenous drips, trusting in the expertise of the medical professionals guiding his recovery.

Despite the discomfort and uncertainty, Ezekiel found solace in the small comforts of his hospital room – the softness of the pillows beneath his head, the soothing warmth of blankets cocooning his weary body. He watched the changing light outside his window, a silent witness to the passage of time and the promise of healing.

As the days passed, Ezekiel's strength slowly returned, his coughs subsiding and his fever breaking. With each dose of medication, he knew that there was still a lot he could do to recover to 100%, but at least in comparison to the first day he was doing the challenge with sickness, he could at least tell that he wouldn't need to be on the medical room forever.

"It seems that you are awake today Ezekiel." A female voice was heard and the brown-haired patient gave a slight glance and showed a tiny smile on his face. Seeing that she brought another of his antibiotics for him to swallow. "I'm going to tell you this, as a fan of Total Drama Island you did great in making the whole Killer Bass team give them all, it made the episode great and one of my favorites. But as your nurse what you did was irresponsible and idiot, trying to do a challenge while having pneumonia symptoms, you worried not just your friends, but your parents as well."

"Good morning Nurse Claire." The homeschooled boy greeted the nurse who slowly gave an examination of his heartbeats and checked if his infection was still causing a lot of problems. And looking at the exasperated nurse who prepared to give him another round of medicines. The homeschooled boy couldn't help but sigh.

Ezekiel's parents were the people who firstly were called in the time after their son's elimination, and from seeing both of their reactions just to find out Ezekiel needed emergency treatment, they had to cross around many states until they reached the hospital nearby the ocean which came to nearby Camp Nananakwa.

Ezekiel glanced at the woman he knew was his inspiration for Ezekiel since was a kid, the green grass and orange blouse with a dark turquoise hat that looked similar to the homeschooled boy, and her dark brown hair covered her eyes, even if she was in her amidst 40s, she looked like she was on her 30s, something that most fans of the fandom of Total Drama Island would be shocked to see a woman like her being the actual mother from Ezekiel who seemed to have that appearance...

And the man himself, the person who has been watching his son growing up, and from being a naive boy to going on a journey and becoming a man... The patriarch of the family, a strong man who had dark grey hair on his head, a well-shaved goatee, turquoise suspenders, but also a jeans jacket... A man who shows that he is in his almost 50s. But the age didn't seem to bother him...

The first thing he had to deal with was the look of his parents, it was the strong hug both his father and mother had to give him... it wasn't a scolding, it wasn't shouts of anger, but more like a relief at the family was happy once again.

The farm child had to deal with so much, from jumping a cliff in a safe zone around the sharks, to fighting a bear, to being buried alive and forgotten, to crossing in a journey and fighting the curse of the bony island itself... Ezekiel had done so much more in comparison than his counterpart before him, and yet he couldn't help but be disappointed to not go even further... Since he was so eager to know how was military training made by Chef Hatched himself, he could have asked which war the veteran soldier must have been part of, or even been sure that Duncan wouldn't have gone too much overboard with Harold or vice versa...

But now this pneumonia has been bugging him since the time he left the show... And he could only find solace in the arms of his family, who had been worried sick about him. Especially the events of some episodes.

Needlessly to say there were moments both his parents loved and hated watching the show, moments like the Killer Bass working together as a team, or when the challenges seemed to be going way overboard on camp...

"I want so much to punch Chris for what he did to you son," The father said as he stared angrily at his own son. "That bastard didn't merely take your team's fears, he made to face their traumas. It was a one-sided challenge, pff, those stupid Gophers didn't know what you guys passed."

Ezekiel watched his father ranting about how Chris had been a sadic while he felt the team was robbed in so many ways.

"Curtis," The mother scolded her husband, making him pause, and glance at his own son in an apologetic face... And as a mother, she couldn't help but glance at her own son with pride. "You have done great Ezekiel, you not only made a good team, but I loved all the members of Killer Bass, they are so full of energy and have an incredible dynamic. Ah, I can't wait to call them to visit the farm to see them by myself."

"Just make sure to let the chickens away from Tyler boy." The father said as he could see his son staring at him. "I'm serious Martha, I heard stories about the trauma he had as a child, and there are also some kids who also had to deal with the same trauma... Because I remember that one of my own uncles had to cut a chicken head, and the headless body ran around the farm for minutes... From my perspective at that time, was that it was indeed horrifying to see a dead body coming after you."

Pointing out that something his family would always give, Ezekiel missed the good time with his family. So at least the time of their visit would be something the were happy to have after so long...

And while he was on the time recovering, he wasn't aware of how the public was affected by his last episode.


Nobody can refuse that both sisters cried so much after watching the last episode... An episode of trust showed not just the best of the campers, but how the worst conditions could affect the body of even the best among them. Sky hugged her sister as she also imagined how terrible has been for students of her school. For focusing most of her time after class activities to train gymnastics, she didn't have much time to develop friendships with the other students... Just the group of her own team and some of her classmates.

It was a fact that how some of the students had suffered from bullying around the school, but to create a such conclusion that indeed their neighbor country managed to reach the breaking point... parents would be scared to let their children into an environment that had such possibility to happen.

"I'm checking on the internet, and it seems that I found the news... A massacre happened in Montana, resulting in the death of 35 students and a teacher who used her body as a shield to protect a survivor, the origins of the teacher was described on the news as a Canadian farmer who went to visit the country and give herself a dream to try to give education to the others." The old sister who had tears in her eyes could see how terrible was to imagine the call on the telephone, just to hear Sky somehow got inside a massacre, it was a nightmare for every sibling who was there to protect them. She trembled as she tried to gain her composure, but it was failing to see the homeschooled boy leaving the show, the sickness of pneumonia was indeed too much for him. And maybe leaving outside of his farm also became a double-edged knife... He wanted to meet the outside but also had to deal with the risks.

Jane stared at her young sister, who was crying from seeing the camper leave, but also from the speech that kid gave to not just his friends, but to the entire fans of the show, he wanted to be there to have a life that he didn't have before, and now he had to leave it because his body couldn't take it the results of a dangerous journey. It was a terrible outcome from the island, but also logical, the problem was... he didn't do what Heather did when she was also sick, she used her opportunity to rest and recover herself little by little. But Ezekiel had to start a prank war since it was the only way to make himself prove a point.

The Killer Bass boys didn't know that their prank was one of the things that escalated the homeschooled boy's cold to pneumonia, and now they are worried if Ezekiel is okay in the hospital. The only thing they would have to do is now to pray for his recovery and have the possibility to remain optimistic around watching the show.

But from seeing the pay-per-view, the morale of the Killer Bass team was affected by such a blow, that she didn't know they would recover quickly after seeing one of their pillars leave the show.

Jane hugged Sky, as an instinct of overprotective sister, not wanting such terrible tragedy happening to her own sister. When the boy told on television his father was sexist, she was about to judge the father, but seeing the reason behind it... She couldn't blame him, since he does that whenever he could... Yes, the father may be a jerk and an idiot for being sexist... but she wouldn't blame him for saying his words because he believed in his heart that he failed what older brothers and sisters who cared for their young siblings would fear most...

She had sympathy for Ezekiel's father, and she must admire Ezekiel's mother to have the courage to still be nearby the father, she couldn't judge why, since from the way Ezekiel acted, he cared for both his parents, and values and respect all his teammates... He was probably her favorite camper on the show with Owen as well, probably they were the breath of fresh air into all the negativity and boredom of the island, someone who kept friendships and optimist but also did their best to make the show entertaining for the public.

The Asian girls remained together, just hopping to hear the good news about the recovery of the brown-haired boy who had to leave the show.


The forest was in silence, knowing that the family who had been watching another episode of the chaotic television show were in silence, as in grief, since most of the episode showed the possibility of who they could trust... But it came to a sacrifice of 2 creatures of the sea, and a camper whose condition showed that he couldn't be riskier than it was, someone who had to survive the travel from Boney Island, but do his best to not destroy nature itself or hurt it's animals.

Dawn let out a few tears since the aura reader couldn't capture much information about the person she was so curious about, someone with two auras, however with a story that made her realize that even in the conditions that she was in, she knew some of the reasons of why people wouldn't want to go at school anymore since the society around the schools showed that it was a different kind of nature as well... One that Mother Nature couldn't protect her, and the other students.

Danger lurking around schools was something not a parent would want to talk to their children... The patriarch of the family who passed most of his work around the forest working as a ranger to help the people who cross the forests, wasn't a schooled boy in his time as a child. Since he spent the time being a hermit with his parents, they had to keep moving around until they found responsibilities to helping everyone around the forest, then he found his wife who also desired to make a business in the forest, a restaurant which people and even animals would want to eat... they are a family loved by the nature, and they wanted their daughter to follow the steps of their parents who also cared about the nature...

And seeing how a forest made of cement showed the dangers lurking around since kids... the human being, is one of the most dangerous animals that the family would even be scared of... From seeing what kids would do to make a child get to its limit and without thinking about the consequences... Create a tragedy for many families.

It was an emotional goodbye, since the parents nodded their heads in respect and even shed a tear at how honest the boy was over his friends and even to the host and chef, the boy didn't want to win the prize but won everything he ever wanted.

Dawn was grieving hard since it was a tragedy to see a kind camper show all his potential among his friends in exchange for giving part and risking his health to win just an argument over a mistake his friends had made...

But also she couldn't help but cry for the Fugu blow-fishes who sacrificed themselves for the challenge... While she values Bridgette and Lindsay, it is still painful to watch their sacrifices... But a good consolation was the fact Lindsay had respect for the little blow-fish, asking for revenge would depend on the will of the dead animal, but knowing from mother nature, the kindness of Lindsay to ask nicely, did make the sacrifice of that little creature of the sea has a meaning, and with a happy spirit, the Fugu did happily his last act of will, being dead but bringing the most pain it could.

The druid family didn't want to explain how they felt around the challenges, but still seeing the determination of the Killer Bass to give them all, even hoping they could lose, they needed to take that loss, or the consequences of being sick of pneumonia without treatment would have been devastating.

"Usually I always would opt for more natural ways to recover." The father commented but as he explained to his daughter another point. "However, viruses are not something to be underestimated and the creation of humankind to try to fight them would be one of the best primally options when it comes to terrible diseases like that. I would recommend to go at the hospital."

"Does the mother nature have something to fight pneumonia?" Dawn asked, but the answer of the mother nature herself made the little blonde girl gasp in fear. "Oh no."

"That's why the decision to go into the hospital would be the best option. And if Mother Nature tells me that you have been with such a terrible disease, I will not think twice to bring you to the hospital to be treated, is that clear?" The matriarch of the family commented as she herself agreed with what would be the point of the father.

"Yes Mother," Dawn commented as she herself couldn't help but pray for the recovery of the boy with two auras... since a person who has a heart with such desire to live and be happy with his friends... it was a sparkle of hope that she would love to meet him by herself. Talking and learning from the boy of two auras and learning what happened to him made him so interested in the show, but also wanted to know the story behind his auras being different than most.


"How has been the farm?" Ezekiel asked, since they had been talking about the show for a few minutes, and the conditions he left for going to the show, the farm of his family seemed to be in normal conditions, and while they are very hardworking as a family, there was still the process of they couldn't sell their own fruits because of their lack of clients...

"We have been working non-stop since the day you left. The demands appeared after you managed to make a good impression on everyone, it was so much work that I had to hire at least 6 people from a region nearby us. And it's really hard to take by crossing around the neighbors without them shouting congratulations for your feats son." Curtis replied, and he could see the boy smiling happily at the way he worked. And seeing how his boy had become a man... "This show, when I thought it would have been chaotic and terrible to the contestants, I never imagined how that bastard of Chris would go so low to make you all relieve your traumas, you guys got robbed. And I want to punch Chris so much in the face."

Ezekiel stared in surprise to see his father thinking like that, but then a loud clear cough made both boys stare at Martha who was with her arms crossed.

"What your pa means... you have done way too much for the sake to prove everyone you are a great boy, you have been growing up, and I feel it was like yesterday the time you came to my bed to sleep after we watched a little show that scared you by mistake. But then you became a man who would step down and stare at whatever comes between you and your friends... You my baby boy..." Martha was talking about how proud she was, but she got so emotional that she just went to hug her own son.

"Ma, please, ma... nooo." Ezekiel, even as he loved his mom, also felt a bit of embarrassment towards how his mom treated him like a baby... it was a nice feeling, an honest hug that he missed, even in times of defeat... He felt happy to receive once again a hug from his ma.

And like a good moment, there was a knock on the door, revealing what would be a man dressing in his white coat, and staring at the clipboard and checking the boy's vitals.

The trio remained quiet, as the doctor seemed to be checking and they waited for what would be his own conclusions.

"Good, very good." The doctor contemplated in amusement as he checked the condition of the boy who was still on the bed... And the farmers waited until the conclusion of the check-up. "Well, I have great news and good news."

Hearing the options seemed to be just good from beyond, they felt relieved about what he was about to say.

"Let's start with the good news then doctor," Ezekiel said, as he was still in his 40% recovery, he felt way better than the time he was on an island, so he needed good news for that part.

"Very well, the good news is that you came in time before you got into a critical condition, if you had been stubborn for three more days for the next challenge, then you would have been obliged to stay in bed for 4 to 6 weeks... Since you got here from a few days ago, you just need 2 more weeks to recover yourself completely." Hearing the doctor saying that he was on time was indeed something good to hear, and the conditions to recover himself in 2 weeks? That's indeed very good news.

Martha and Curtis felt so relieved that the happy mother even shed a tear of joy, and the man sighed in relief.

"That's so good doctor, and what would be the great news?" The mother of the homeschooled boy asked which the duo was also expecting something better than knowing that his condition would be easily solved from now on.

"Well, I'm going to describe the meds Ezekiel would need to take and the schedule he would need to take it since he has permission to be discharged," The doctor made the trio be happy to hear the great news since now the boy could leave the hospital in case that he can go back at the farm, "But also, the television company who made a contract with your son, they said that after completing the discharge... he will take a helicopter to go directly to a 5-star resort."

"Do you expect me to believe Ezekiel would go into an actual 5-star resort? Do you think I'm an idiot?" Curtis noticed that the great news looked way too good to be true, and noticing the doctor staring at him, made him even more furious.

"They expected you would react that way, but to make you appease of your thoughts, it wasn't the host of the show Chris Mclain who told me this, but the producers who were the ones who control the show by themselves." The doctor replied as the only way to make the trio appease and the father relaxes from such an accusation. "It's a private island named Playa Del Losers, it looks like a paradise island with a resort 5-star, which it seems Chris wanted to create just to make the remain campers after watching the show pissed from having to deal with the rest of the competition since they could have the option to lose..."

Ezekiel's eyes went wide open, as it was the signal that he was telling the truth, the one place that it had been the reward of the people who lost the challenge... And a good place for him to keep watching his friends and relax himself.

"That sounds like something Chris would do," Martha commented as she placed her hand on her husband's shoulder... knowing that he would need to trust them one more time.

"Well, at least he couldn't hurt you while you are there." The patriarch of the family said as he himself looked at the boy who nodded his head with his eyes wanting to go. "Alright, do I need to sign anything?"

"Oh, not at all. We are going to prepare all the paperwork and prepare the schedule with the medicines Ezekiel would need to take in time, and I mean it. You should always follow by letter the time." The doctor narrowed his eyes at the boy who nodded his head in understanding. "Good, you may go back to your talk..."

And with that, the doctor left the room, making Ezekiel staring both his parents who were unsure of what to say.

"I'm going to be fine, ma, pa... I think I deserved a vacation from the show. Since those challenges weren't easy. I think I deserve a reward." And just like that, the cheerful boy was back, which made the mother smile proudly, and the father nodded his head but hid a smirk.

"Yes, you do... Now..." The father gave an evil smirk since he decided to have some fun. "So you dreamed about Izzy girl."

And the groaning in embarrassment of the homeschooled boy was enough to make the room followed by chuckles and giggles from the parents of a boy who wanted so much to be in a coma into dealing with them...




The hour passed so much quicker when they were talking about the show, and even moments about Ezekiel explained to his parents, but also some information that they shared was funny.

"I can't believe it you used El Mongo and La Muerte to attack your whole cabin. I can imagine the suffering the person would need to clean all that up." Curtis commented as he himself hated to remember the putrid smell which not only killed some of the terrible animals on the floor but also made the whole farm stink for a whole week. It was a blessing and a curse that stink bomb. "And I think your team will freak out every time you say stink bomb."

And with that sentence, the mother laughed from smirking about their terrible reactions, since the war was done and she was proud of the outcome... But she was sad that her son wasn't in the condition of doing a prank war at that moment. And like Ezekiel staring at his mom, he probably guessed what was up her mind.

"I know that I may have overworked myself and managed to make my cold to become worse... But that's fine, everything was fine in the end, and I have faith that the winner of this challenge will get a very well-deserved prize." Ezekiel said as he could see his mom already helping himself to get dressed... Even as weak as he was... He was still losing a bit of his balance since he had been on the bed for 2 days... And with the help of his mom, she placed a turquoise winter hat... One that looks similar to hers. "Thanks, ma."

"Not a problem dear... So who do you think is going to win the show?" The matriarch of the family asked curiously, since in Killer Bass team had so many strong team members, and was difficult to decide.

"I don't know ma..." Ezekiel had to confess, while he knew Owen had won in the cannon show, from all the changes around the show... He has no idea how it would turn out the final three... So it would be complicated to determine who deserved to win. "It could be anyone, even..."

"Trent?" Curtis asked which made Ezekiel raise his eyebrows too. "I got say, he got lucky to stay here so far because it seems the whole island wants him in pain."

"Well, I don't condom that he shouldn't get unpunished... but I think that maybe that's enough?" Martha asked as she couldn't help but feel a little hint of pity and sympathy towards the boy who messed up terribly. "I mean, he deserved some of the things he did... But he isn't a bad person... but his oblivious nature makes him..."

"A total idiot." The patriarch said in agreement, which Martha had to nod her head. "I saw him doing the betrayal on Cody because he thought it was obvious Cody was going to be eliminated but also thought he was too distracted on the game... I mean, it's a game, but he was too naive to not see how everyone was angry with him... And don't get me started with the yellow pancakes."

"Please, don't talk about it... it's a sacrilege to all pancakes I did in my life, now I cannot make banana syrup pancakes or even lemon pancakes without reacting to Chef making them with piss..." Martha said as she groaned in discomfort and the idea was nauseating to her.

"Or apple vinegar." Then the husband joked but then shut his mouth when she glared at him.

"Fuck you." And just like that the mother shut the father up, and then sighed in disappointment. "Lindsay asked a blow-fish to avenge her, and half of his team wants vengeance... But still, I think he should think before doing something reckless like that."

Ezekiel could see his ma being worried about how his team was treating the camper, and he couldn't deny, he never expected that Trent would be able to do such things on the show, and he was willing to watch the episodes from a viewer's perspective... like his former life... Once again watching how was total drama, but this time a new edition...

But still, he needs to be sincere with his mom...

"The problem ma, everything could have been solved if Trent just gave sincere apologies to Geoff and me, he most of the time tried to apologize but most for the sake of Gwen..." Ezekiel explained as he could understand from what his mom was telling, and he understood her... he really does. "It hurts for Geoff when he had a haze cloud attacking him so low, and I had to pass that with Gwen... I just wanted to hear him being sincere with his apologies..."

Martha listened and from the way she saw her son, and how much he passed... she understood why the team wanted so much to attack the guitarist, she also wanted to strangle that oblivious idiot for doing such stupid things... But as a mother, she thought about how his parents would have reacted to seeing such terrible scenes and how shunned the boy would become in the future... She had fear or even nightmares about what if her little Ezekiel did something stupid and the show would have attacked him and made him bottom of all jokes... She never wished that for anyone...

And she just hoped to never happen to her...

And by seeing the crew appearing with the paperwork... The family of farmers didn't have much time... Martha gave a kiss on her boy's cheek, and a last hug until a few weeks... And with a tear in her eyes, she is going to miss her baby once again...

Curtis walked near his son and gave taps on his back, he knew how his son grew up during a few weeks... And now the world may know how incredible he has been... Since the last year, they didn't have anyone other than themselves... And now, it was the time for the little bird to take his wings and fly away from the nest... And with a final hug...Curtis wasn't much on telling the feelings to his son...

"Remember, protect the girls, even as the strongest they are, even if they are dozen of Evas, use your body and mind to protect them... Because you will not feel guilty for not being able to do anything. So don't let anything bad happen to your friends on the resort okay?" Curtis even as he said such a sexist sentence... Ezekiel knew that he meant well because he knew that while his words were messed up, the intention of his words was genuine... He cared for the others. And didn't want to his son make the same mistake as he did.

"Okay." Ezekiel nodded to his father, and with a final hug... Ezekiel was ready to leave the hospital, with the medications and with the schedule to be sure to have it for the treatment. Even with his body still a bit weak, they were kind to bring him with a wheelchair to the helicopter... And he knew that at the time he would see his friends again... he would finally have a bit of peace... "Playa del losers, here I come."

And the sound of a helicopter was the only thing he heard as the view of the hospital was away, and now he was heading towards a new direction... for his well-deserved rest

(Playa Del Losers)

The Playa del Losers, a tranquil beachside resort nestled along the pristine shores of a remote island, provided a temporary haven for the eliminated contestants of the reality show. Despite their newfound freedom from the competition, tensions lingered among the remaining contestants as they grappled with the aftermath of Ezekiel's hospitalization.

After watching the last official opposite of the show, the concern among the Killer Bass members was something that drove them to madness... Since what Ezekiel did would be treated as loyal and courageous, it also meant that he was being irresponsible and an idiot.

"When he gets out from the hospital, oh he is going to hear a lot from me," Eva said as she had to respect Ezekiel for going beyond his limits until the end, but the fact of how dangerous the challenges were, and even in his own conditions, indeed worried the body-builder teenager who was feeling annoyed for knowing the fact his belongs came to the island while the boy himself had to be taken on the hospital, and nobody had news from him during days.

"I'm sure that he is going to be fine." Cody to give some consolation for both Eva and, but also for Sadie who had been her ideal weight, she wasn't skinny like her tan twin, but she wasn't bulky like Eva who had been training her non-stop... She became on her ideal weight between chubby but also compensating with muscles... She had no idea why, but she could have sworn Justin who was admiring himself suddenly lowered down his mirror just to see her walking away...

But now, Cody feared for his life, because...

"AHHHHHHH, CODY, THAT'S HORRIBLE, WHAT IF HE IS DEAD?" Sadie hugged Cody as she cried non-stop, but her size and body strength little by little were crushing the geekster making him choke from suffering and the pressure of the hug.

"He is going to be fine, Sadie, but please release me, I need air," Cody said with his tired voice, the Asian twin noticed that once again she had crushed the boy who was supposed to be her brother-in-law in the future.

"Ops, sorry," Sadie said as she still couldn't control her strength, but clearly showed her concerns around the fact they didn't have any idea on when Ezekiel would receive the discharge, or if he was going to still be in the hospital after the end of the show...

"Yeah, but there is nothing we can do..." Tyler who had been realistic with the outcome, respected how Ezekiel wanted to get eliminated but in the most important way, he wanted to prove himself for the last time that he still could try to win the challenge for his team... It was stupid, it was, but it was something Tyler also would have done, so he couldn't blame Ezekiel for what he did.

Against the backdrop of swaying palm trees and azure waters, the eliminated contestants lounged on sun-kissed loungers and sought solace in the gentle lull of the ocean waves. Some attempted to relax, sipping tropical cocktails and soaking in the warm embrace of the sun, while others paced anxiously, their thoughts consumed by the welfare of their fellow competitor.

As whispers of Ezekiel's condition circulated among the group, a somber mood settled over the Playa del Losers, casting a shadow over the once carefree atmosphere. Despite their best efforts to enjoy their respite from the competition, the specter of uncertainty loomed large, a constant reminder of the fragility of life beyond the confines of the reality show.

"I can't believe that little boy went full on the whole challenge with a sickness like that," Leshawna commented as she also feared something so simple as sickness could have been mortal to anyone. "My grandpa just had a cold once, and just like that, it turned out to be even worse, and with time became pneumonia, and on the next day..."

Leshawna cleaned a tear since it wasn't a happy memory to have a loved member of the family die of a sickness...

"I can't believe it would have evolved like that." The farmer girl Beth who finally managed to recover from her sickness couldn't help but feel guilty over the situation, the boy offered himself to protect and help to get rid of the curse from Boney Island, but since the time the trio got out from the said island, Beth, Heather and Ezekiel were attacked by a terrible cold... Which Heather and she managed to recover by drinking a lot of water and resting on their beds... However, Ezekiel couldn't do the same.

"It's not your fault Beth." Leshawna offered her hand over the shoulders of the farmer girl who was still glancing at the floor... "The boys from Harold's team decided to make a prank on the poor boy who just wanted to rest... and that escalated into a prank war, and in the end, everybody lost... in the end, the war was over, but what costs, that was the answer of it... Ezekiel now is recovering in the hospital, and the best we can do is hope that he will recover himself and meet us on this island."

"That's why parents always should make children do check, and some even make sure to get the vaccination for colds, or even for other sickness which the body should get better to prevent the outcome. But since Ezekiel is at the hospital, he must be stabilizing himself by taking antibiotics to make sure the virus won't get stronger... And we would probably receive the news in a few days." The bookworm explained that he himself was in favor of vaccines, since having 8 siblings, he knows how a little sickness could be like a plague, if you do not take care well, it can spread in the house and even be lethal to people who aren't prepared.

Justin nodded his head as he went to see his own reflection, trying to not be stressed over the fact that a sickness would damage his hope. Dreaming of being a supermodel, he saw how cruel the life of models would be if they didn't care about their bodies... Sickness related to foods, and mental sickness over the pressure... He always tried to avoid the bad habits and tried to remain with the balance to survive with his beauty intact... However, this should show how unpredictable and chaotic life can be...

"Anyway, did someone have seen the crazy ginger around?" Noah asked and he glanced around, not seeing the crazy girl messing or scaring him, but now she seemed to be more serious and quiet... which somehow led it to be more terrifying than her former self...

Leshawna raised her eyebrow and was about to ask, when suddenly amidst the subdued chatter and solemn reflection, a sudden disturbance shattered the tranquility of the beach resort. The distant whirring of helicopter blades sliced through the air, drawing the attention of the contestants as they turned their gaze skyward in curiosity and apprehension.

With a deafening roar, the helicopter descended upon the front part of the island, kicking up a swirl of sand and sea spray in its wake. As the dust settled, a figure emerged from the helicopter, its silhouette illuminated by the golden glow of the setting sun.

"What the hell?" The campers glanced at each other until the silhouette revealed nobody other than the person they were

To the astonishment of the contestants, Ezekiel stepped onto the sandy shore, his presence a beacon of hope amidst the uncertainty that had clouded their minds. Despite his recent ordeal with pneumonia, Ezekiel stood tall and resolute, even if he was showing a bit of weakness, he was still proving his resilience and determination to overcome adversity.

"Hey, guys..." Ezekiel said weakly but with a sweet smile on his face... Seing Eva, Sadie, and Tyler who were already emotional, and Cody, Leshawna, Noah, and even Justin relieved... He knew he had such a scare for everyone. "Don't think you are going to get rid of me so easily..."

"ZEKE." The Killer Bass members shouted happily as the group went to hug and shout at the irresponsibility of the boy, but he immediately warned.

"Woah, guys... Calm down... I'm still in 40% percent... I'm with my schedule to take all my meds at the right time, so to make sure that I still would be okay, I need to follow the schedule by the letter." And with that, the trio paused... as they looked unsure of what to do... but then the boy just rolled his eyes... "Ah screw it, come on."

And happily, with tears of relief and joy streaming down their faces, the contestants rushed to greet Ezekiel, enveloping him in a collective embrace that spoke volumes of their unwavering bond and solidarity. The Screaming Gopher eliminated members were watching the scene with relief and happiness... In the same way, Cody was happy to see a friend of his girlfriend who cared for him, he was happy for his survival... But still, he looked around to try to find Izzy who seemed to not be around. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the Playa del Losers, Ezekiel's return marked a new beginning for the contestants, united in their shared journey of redemption and camaraderie.

(Ezekiel's Suit.)

Okay, Ezekiel had to admit, he was far too impressed.

The Playa del Losers bedroom suite, meticulously crafted to exude luxury and sophistication, stands as a testament to the opulence and extravagance befitting the esteemed contestants of the reality show. Nestled within the confines of a lavish five-star resort, the bedroom suite serves as a sanctuary of comfort and indulgence for the eliminated contestants seeking respite from the rigors of the competition.

As one enters the suite, they are greeted by a grand foyer adorned with intricate marble flooring and ornate chandeliers that cast a soft, golden glow throughout the space. The walls are adorned with exquisite tapestries and framed artwork, showcasing scenes of tropical paradise and serene landscapes that evoke a sense of tranquility and serenity.

The centerpiece of the bedroom suite is the luxurious king-sized bed, draped in sumptuous silk linens and adorned with plush pillows and duvets, inviting weary contestants to sink into its embrace and surrender to the blissful embrace of sleep. A canopy overhead adds a touch of romance and elegance to the space, while sheer curtains billow gently in the breeze, offering privacy and seclusion from the outside world.

Adjacent to the bed, a sleek and sophisticated sitting area beckons guests to unwind and relax in style. Plush armchairs and ottomans upholstered in rich velvet provide the perfect spot to curl up with a good book or enjoy intimate conversations with fellow contestants, while a polished mahogany coffee table serves as a focal point for entertaining and socializing.

The bedroom suite also boasts a lavish ensuite bathroom, complete with a decadent marble bathtub and separate glass-enclosed shower adorned with luxurious fixtures and amenities. A spacious vanity area offers ample storage and countertop space, perfect for grooming and pampering rituals, while plush robes and slippers await guests, promising ultimate comfort and indulgence.

To ensure the utmost convenience and comfort for the contestants, the bedroom suite is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and amenities, including a flat-screen television, DVD player, and sound system for entertainment, as well as internet access and a dedicated work desk for staying connected and productive during their stay.

From the moment they step foot into the Playa del Losers bedroom suite, contestants are enveloped in a world of unparalleled luxury and refinement, where every detail has been meticulously curated to ensure a truly unforgettable experience. With its timeless elegance and unparalleled comfort, the suite serves as a fitting tribute to the enduring legacy of the reality show and the esteemed contestants who have graced its halls.

But not only that... It seemed that some parts were even organized with his material and work, his clothing was on the wardrop, his papers and chapters, and sketches were organized on a table with his typewriter machine already above the table, near to simple computer where he could do his research to help him to find creativity ideas and inspiration...

"They did everything?" Ezekiel asked loudly by himself since it was time for him to be alone and stay in bed to relax... but then he heard someone answering his question.

"No, I did." The voice was iconic which made Ezekiel stare at the ginger military girl, who he seemed to be happy, but then he saw the darker corners of her eyes which seemed to show that she had been crying. "You are a masochist, did you know that? I don't understand..."

Ezekiel tilted his head to the once happy and crazy girl who tried to act like a fool, but he was one of the few who saw the true nature of Izzy, seeing her like that, crying and saying such things, he could guess the reason of why he said that. But he didn't reply that...

"Why? Why did you have to risk your health like that, you knew your team would lose... Why?" Izzy said as she couldn't comprehend... the smartest girl who had 188 I.Q. And yet she couldn't see what the boy was planning... But then she just got hugged by him...

"I'm so glad to see you here Izzy... I'm okay, I'm fine..." Ezekiel hugged the military girl... the person who needed a friend who knew her since from the beginning, a person who could comprehend her strategy and who she really was... And from that hug... he knew that she needed so much... Because the wet drops coming behind his back, proved that the crazy person indeed needed someone to help her to deal with it...

He was happy to have great friends... And now was the time to enjoy his vacations with them... For his own health.

Chapter 19: Basic Straining

Chapter Text


"Wait, so let me see if I got this straight... You escaped RCMP and you went across the abandoned shores of Lake Huron, which inside has a cargo of maple syrup and cheap plastic souvenir beavers made in China." Ezekiel commented as he listened carefully to the explanation made by the ginger girl who was drinking coffee and eating some cookies...

"Yep," Izzy smiled as she could see the confused glance and decided to tell the continuation of the story. "And then the idea struck in my mind, and then presto. I created a product combining the two, and I named Izzy Happy Sap, and now I'm selling online which created a huge demand..."

"Probably because of your popularity around the show," Ezekiel said as he was surprised to never have seen an episode like that or someone explaining what happened to that event... "And what are you going to do after you sell everything from the cargo? Did you just know the recipe for maple syrup, try to reach a factory in China to replicate the beaver model?"

"Yep, yep. Had to create a contract of liability to make sure they wouldn't tell the recipe to anybody, while it was difficult to find a good factory in which plastic was cheap but also safe for drinking my Sap." Izzy was happy, seeing the time traveler boy who understood all her plans actually was surprised and listened to the business strategy made by herself. "I have plans to make my first billion dollars until the end of the season."

"Well, that's good... did you pay a lawyer to help you to pay the fine from RCMP?"Ezekiel was surprised to know about how the ginger's life was going so well, so he had no idea why she had so many problems in the cannon universe...

That was until he saw the face of the ginger who froze and giggled sheepishly...

"Eh he he he..." Izzy gave a nervous smile which made Ezekiel stare at her in disbelief.

"Wait, did you just forget to do it?" Ezekiel asked in disbelief, but seeing her nervous giggle and sweat made him sigh in disbelief. "Well, at least tell me you paid your taxes after you got a very stable income," and once again came the silence which Izzy was now blushing... "Please at least tell me you were planning to pay your taxes."

"Ehehe..." Izzy is as smart as she can be, even with the high IQ that she showed around plans over plans... "I forgot?"

Ezekiel facepalmed. Knowing that officially even the smartest of the people can somehow make dumb decisions.

"Well, at least now I know how you got bankrupt in the future, and even after your acting career you had to keep selling our secrets to Sierra." The homeschooled boy was happy to finally talk about the future with someone, even though Izzy could be unpredictable in the game, he felt that her loyalty and friendship were real, and she could feel the same.

"Okay, fine. I'm going to hire a lawyer to help me with my case over RCMP..." Izzy said as she rolled her eyes and decided to walk towards the phone in the next room.

"And..." Ezekiel called loudly which made the ginger crazy girl groan...

"And a professional who can help me to pay the Taxes, happy now?" Izzy said as she walked to the other room, where Ezekiel lay on the bed with a softer smile on his face.

"You have no idea," Ezekiel replied, even knowing that seeing Izzy annoyed by doing her obligations was the first time into done it, but he felt a slight pleasure in seeing her snarky like that. Even as the time he hadn't passed an hour, it still took a little time to realize that he had been surviving with Killer Bass for so long...But now a suite, something that he didn't have a luxury in both lives...

Even if the time he has been in that world. He still missed the time when the internet was way faster, and cellphones and tablets were far better than they were...

Or he missed the time he used Photoshop to draw his fanarts and even the time he liked to write fanfics to publish to the public...

Still, those 2 to 3 years have been very crazy... But at least he has someone to talk to about it.




"Wait, wait, do you mean the show became so big that we had 6 seasons and even a reboot? Wow, that means a new generation of campers to Chris and Chef to torment." Izzy laughed as she made some calls, she was able to have her leash loosened because now she wouldn't need to risk too much her income and becoming bankrupt, and since her stress and worries about being recorded on live television, she was free to have that personal talk with the boy who knew the future.

"You have no idea. *cough*" Ezekiel smiled, as he was enjoying a good cup of coffee... but not before doing a weak cough and almost spilling the liquid on his lap. "Dammit."

Izzy offered a paper to the boy who accepted happily.

"That's what happens when you get into a full tempest around a cursed island," Izzy said, making Ezekiel roll his eyes in front of her. "Hey, it was your idea to break the curse for a member who isn't for your team, that means you know how the curse would have affected the life of Beth."

"I know, I know... But that curse attacked her in such a way that wouldn't believe what happened."Ezekiel had to explain his point, and Izzy was in silence expecting him to explain what happened... And with a sigh, Ezekiel decided to tell... "She just managed to get herself and Lindsay banished from France..."

Izzy had her eyes wide open, as she looked confused, and then like a machine tilting she had no idea what Ezekiel had said...

"Lindsay set off the alarms of Mona Lisa, which immediately put them in jail... So to bail their way out, Beth had to give the prize money and never stomp her foot in France ever again," Ezekiel gave the details on how the farm girl managed to have the unluckiest moment ever made in life... And from seeing Izzy in a state of shock, he knew it was a serious issue. "That's the curse of unluck, since Beth didn't break the curse at all,"

Izzy remained quiet, still processing the new information around, and then a scoff came out from her lips, which immediately she couldn't contain anymore.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." Izzy laughed all her heart countain... She never thought someone would have been so stupid and so unlucky to be banished from a country like that. "Please tell me you are kidding."

Ezekiel chuckled, since nobody from the fandom could deny that it was indeed ironic, for someone like Beth to do the whole Total Drama Action, just to lose her money and be banished from a country.

"I wish I was, but I have to tell you that curse isn't a joke, and while it is hilarious that such an idea happens to her... I pity her because I think until this day she wouldn't have broken the curse, and her life would have gone even worse from there..." Ezekiel while he was smiling at the joke of the show, couldn't deny that as a winner of the show, Beth didn't deserve to lose her money like that, and possibly Brady would need to break up with her because of her criminal scandal... That's what the fandom has debated on a forum in the life he had before.

"Hmmm, so that's why you wanted so much to break the curse. Because you pitied Beth, and you waited at the right time to talk to them. Heather played in your hands." Izzy said as she was satisfied and impressed with how the boy in front of her played so well.

"I gotta say that I don't know how Heather and Beth became friends, since in the past, Beth was supposed to hate her and Lindsay cursed Heather so much that it would make a sailor blush," Ezekiel explained as he had no idea into what must have caused such a thing.

"Hmmm, probably for the fact the future has changed and how desperate Beth was on the episodes. Since you are here, you could watch from the beginning and see how it turned out everything." Izzy explained as she also started to check the clock, seing that soon it was going late, and seing the paper schedules of the remedies Ezekiel was going to take, a grin appeared on her face.

"Makes sense..." Ezekiel nodded his head. He then glanced at Izzy before knowing what she had in mind. "Do you have questions..."

"And some of them you may are not willing to answer." Izzy was smart, and knowing the time traveler boy, he knew many things, but he wasn't going to be stupid to tell her, since there are reasons why. "So what's your plan after elimination?"

"Participate in season 2," Ezekiel said clearly and Izzy raised both her eyebrows at him. "Total Drama Action, this will be where our futures can be changed for the better, a show to determine the winner of 1 million dollars."

"And what about me?" Izzy asked as she hoped Ezekiel would shed light on the plans she has doing...

"Well from your interview on Aftermatch, you were approached by Chef and he made a proposal of alliance but you refused, so he had no choice but to go after DJ," Ezekiel explained, and he could see Izzy staring at him in disbelief.

"DJ? But he is a huge softie... There is no way he couldn't have stayed long." Izzy made a point, and Ezekiel agreed with her.

"He didn't, his guilt made him quit the show which led the others to cry because he was the only person who took care of the food and made them happy."The turquoise winter hat boy now explained the situation to Izzy who just raised her eyebrow in surprise.

"So I take my decision to reject Chef's offer came back and bite my ass?"Izzy predicted as the way she knew Chef holds a grudge sometimes.

"Yeah... You were eliminated from the acting challenge, and you lost to Duncan..."Ezekiel knew that this would be like a water bucket on Izzy's pride, since she always acted like a fool in front of the show, for many seasons, and yet learning that she lost in the challenge where she had the best advantage?

"They WHAT?"Izzy said as she stomped her foot angrily, as she never felt so hurt in her pride.

"Duncan made a noire drama style, and he nailed in the drama which made Chef and the others cry with that scene..." Ezekiel told one of the reasons why she lost... "You tried to act a semi-dramatic scene by doing an old lady persona who seems to be a mafia boss old lady but still showing signs of craziness..."

"THAT WAS THE PERFECT COMBINATION," Izzy shouted as she couldn't believe that one of her ideas was destroyed by the acting of a simple Noire Drama. "How good Duncan was at that moment?"

"He is the nephew of detectives, so he is aware of mystery and investigation drama... he was in his element." Ezekiel didn't sugarcoat what happened to Izzy, and from seeing her expression to show not just anger, but hurt for something like that to happen to her...

"Dammit, so they wanted not suspense, but drama to make them cry? Oh, I'm going to make them cry." Izzy said that she never felt so determined to put her pride in being an actress at stake.

"Calm down Izzy, you need to not let the stress of your pride get over your mind... Because you became so much stressed over your acting career, that this was what led to your exposure... You cussed a cameraman for 2 whole minutes and made yourself exposed on the internet and television..." Once more Ezekiel explained how Izzy's action caused terrible consequences in the future of the ginger girl, and even being the voice of the reason was difficult to deal with the unpredictable girl like her.

"Okay, okay I got it." Izzy raised both her arms in the air and gave a deep breath to calm herself down... "It's just so unfair, I love acting and I know that I can make myself a star, and yet losing the acting challenge?"

"Izzy you must understand, it happens, Sometimes we have bad days, but we never should let that affect others, people are doing their work. And while you may have lost the challenge, you had 4 movies and were in a good acting career, but you need to know when to do a break and to not lash out at the others..." Ezekiel said this time firmly, trying to reach the mind of the proud ginger who was having difficulty accepting it. "You have to admit that even great movie stars sometimes make terrible decisions, and when they do, the consequences are cruel and would lead to that.

"So what I should do in case I'm on the edge of freaking out?" Izzy asked as she had no idea what she should do... But like a good hope, she smiled as she saw Ezekiel with a smirk on his face.

"Well, I have a perfect plan... all you need to do it's this..." And with that, Ezekiel passed the time talking with Izzy, both of them planning how to develop better their future...

"So I think that's it..." Izzy noticed she had been around in that suite for 5 hours, talking, having fun, and enjoying the company of someone who could see her true self...

"That's what looks like," Ezekiel said opening the door, as he could see the wild ginger girl giggling as her eyes were soft and resolute.

"Thank you for sharing my future, I know that my plans will keep going very well, I just hope Eva isn't going to get really mad with what I'm about to do," Izzy said as Ezekiel rolled his eyes.

"She probably would, but she will warm with time, so I wish you success with Owen, you two look amazing together. Have a good night Izzy." And with that, Izzy gave a glance at the boy before closing the door.

Izzy looked at the door closed, and how usually the boy talked to her, willing to help everyone, even as crazy as she was...

"I wish you could say the same of us, we could be incredible together," Izzy commented as she sighed but with a focus on the future. "Maybe later, now I need to focus on coming back on the show, and then give a chance to Owen... well, he is cute, it wouldn't hurt to give him a chance. Thank you again, Zeke..."

Izzy had left the place, and Ezekiel was finally on his time alone in the suite, he was afraid to turn on the computer to check the emails and the possibility of knowing what the events of all the episodes coming and what the forums and the fandom would be writing about him? He had to confess that kind of thought was something that would make him scared.

So he would take the courage... to pass by the computer and go straight to his bed.

"Well, I think I have time to marathon all the episodes," Ezekiel used the remote control to turn the television on because he would feel better checking the computer on another day... So at that moment, he decided to make the recording of the episodes, there was a list of episodes that he would watch... Starting from the first episode...

And with the same introduction of the show... Ezekiel waited to see how the opening would be different since Ezekiel wasn't tied with Noah... So he smiled as the song and nostalgia once again hit him, just like in the past.

Cameras and stage lights pop throughout the forest knocking a gopher out of the ground and a squirrel out of its tree. We zoom through the island passing Chris knocking over his coffee

Dear Mom and Dad I'm doin' fine,

You guys are on my mind.

The camera reaches the mountain peak diving into the water as Owen swims by letting loose a fart just as Geoff is laying back on his surfer board before falling over from the stank with Bridgett surfing past him.

You asked me what I wanted to be

And now I think the answer is plain to see,

I wanna be famous.

A hawk swoops down picking up a dead fish from the water soaring into the sky accidentally dropping onto a peaceful Dj surrounded by adorable animals who soon bite him when they see the fish causing him to run off screaming in terror as Duncan laughs and Courtney rolls her eyes.

I wanna live close to the sun,

Go pack your bags, 'cause I've already won,

Everything to prove, nothing in my way

I'll get there one day.

Cause, I wanna be famous!

Heather and Leshwana slap fight on a raft unaware of the waterfall nearby as it falls downward as Harold is practicing karate. Izzy swings by on a vine crashing into Harold knocking them into the confession booth knocking Lindsay out. Ezekiel was in front of the Main Lodge while he was reading a bunch of papers, and when he walked he passed over Lindsay without realizing it was her, inside the main lodge, Chef sticks his arm into a pot of green soup smirking into the tied up and Fearful Noah, his unlucky taste tester.

Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na!

I wanna be, I wanna be, I wanna be famous

I wanna be, I wanna be, I wanna be famous

Katie and Sadie swoon as Justin looks at himself in the mirror while Beth twirls around her batons tossing the flaming stick into the air. Gwen and Trent look at each other before Cody gets between them smiling with an arm around each of them the campers Chef and Chris sit around the campfire whistling to the tune of the song.

"Wow, so that's what happened while I was doing the grammar review in Adventure Time on the next day? I need to apologize to Lindsay when I see her again." Ezekiel looked eager as he could see how different the show become, since if they could do the opening once again, Gwen would be looking at Trent with hatred, as some of Killer Bass...

And with that, the first episode was in the air... And Ezekiel felt like a child once again watching Total Drama Island for the first time. A good marathon time for Ezekiel, before going to sleep...


"Zeke, zeeeeeke, wakeeee up," A soothing and happy voice called for the boy who still remained with his eyes closed and insisted on calling for him, bringing attention to make him wake up.

"Izzy, I'm sleeping." Ezekiel ignored the voice and turned his head away.

"But you have to take your medicine, it's on your schedule." Izzy once again called him, and this time he woke up more alert and was happy to see the medicine and a glass of water.

"Oh thank God, I almost forgot..." Ezekiel didn't think twice as he looked at Izzy in gratitude. "Thanks for reminding me Izzzzzzzzzzzzz... ah, ah ah..."

Izzy smirked as she managed to bring attention to her... She was holding the pill of medicine and the glass of water, however, she decided to be on the theme... By wearing a sexy nurse outfit.

"Well then, be a good boy, and let me treat you, my patient." Izzy smiled as she sounded soothing and calm with her voice, and she was enjoying to see Ezekiel blushing like a tomato. "I still need to reward you for all the help. So say ah,"

"Ah, ah, ah..." Ezekiel was blushing as he was stuttering from the wild girl who was dressing and being that near to him. And then she placed the pill on his mouth, and slowly made him drink the glass of water. And with a smirk on her face, she knew she did her job right, as by the time Ezekiel finished the drink he looked like he was on the verge to freak out.

"Why are you dressed as a nurse?" Ezekiel said as he tried to compose himself, but seeing that his entire body was betraying him, he failed miserably.

"Well, you need to take your meds, and I have memorized the schedule, so I think while I still have time to be here before me and Eva go back to the show, I think you need to be taken care of... So why not be on the theme?" Izzy gave her silly smile while deep inside Ezekiel knew that she was loving every second to make attacks on his puberty. "And if I tell you I'm without my pant..."

"Izzy, thank you for your work, now you can go," Ezekiel said loudly as he pointed to the door, and with a silly salute, Izzy giggled as she walked outside from his room... And Ezekiel groaned as he felt his pants tight. "Damn you puberty."

And that's how his life would be until the last episode of the season...

Later that day he more normal in comparison to what he would usually do in Camp Wawanakwa, on a time of the morning, Ezekiel had a good breakfast with his friends while trying to not flinch too much from Eva's scolding about how he had been irresponsible and how she shouldn't have overworked himself if at the time he was sick, she promised him that at the time he would be on his 100% she would personally give a training routine which would make him has a better health to deal with the challenges again...

And the boy would have been happy if wasn't for the fact Sadie was crying of happiness of being freed from Eva's torture routine...

"Shit..." Ezekiel thought as he could see that Sadie must have suffered a lot since she looked stronger and better fit from being alone on the island during all those weeks.

"And you better be 100% healthy, because when you are done, you are going to be way stronger than Tyler," Eva said as she walked at him, even with the cast on her leg...

"HEY," Tyler shouted as he felt offended by Eva making fun of his own strength, but with the smirk from Eva, he knew he couldn't say much. He lost 25 arm wrestling against her, and it was very humiliating, so he needed to go back into shape.

Ezekiel looked at Eva's leg, and from the way she was walking normally without any painful expression on her face.

"Eva, how is your leg?" Ezekiel asked, but then he could see Eva smirking at him.

"Ready to run a marathon, I just need the right moment to take the cast out." The bodybuilder replied, and from the way Ezekiel looked at it, he knew she was telling the truth.

"Great," Ezekiel was happy to see how his team had been around, and little by little, more members from the show appeared to have breakfast... And on that morning, they also had one more thing.

"Hey guys, it's the morning of the challenge. Let's turn the TV on pay-per-view and see how the others are doing." Cody said as he called the group to appear in the main room of the resort... And one by one, the members had their meal ready to see how the campers would have to deal with the day of the challenge...

And Ezekiel, just hoped that his friends would do well in the Basic Stranding... In one of the episodes, Harold became infamous for cheating on the votes, and Courtney for becoming a crazy girl after such an event... He prayed that all the work he did for his friends would be well together, wouldn't have problems after his departure...


"Last time on Total Drama Island…" Chris began his usual recap of the episode. "The teams were given three challenges that tested their trust in their teammates. The rock-climbing challenge revealed more than just Heather's grudge against Trent, Ezekiel even as his health compromised, refused to throw the towel that easy, and made his team give their 100%. Also, Trent got the bad end of a blowfish courtesy of Lindsay, what a nice payback. Some other campers got dropped on their butts and in the end, Ezekiel's cold was revealed to be pneumonia, so he had to go to the hospital in the most touching way. Leaving the entire Killer Bass without one of their pillars. Will Killer Bass find the inner strength to remain in the game without one of their leaders? Stay tuned for the most dramatic bonfire ceremony yet on Total. Drama. Island!"

"And Cut," Chris called as he then checked if everything was right, seeing that the crew would make the editions for what he would plan for the rest of the day. Since the episode would be aired at Midnight if possible. He was still being recorded for pay-per-view. "Do we have news of Ezekiel?"

"They said he received discharge today, and he is already on Playa Del Losers." One of the cameramen shouted and that news made Chris grin and smile even further.

"That's great, let's make the recording of another take, but this time explaining to the public, this way they will be relieved into knowing one of the pillars of Killer Bass is now in a less critical state. Do you have the camera on?" Chris took a sip on his water bottle and made sure to check if his hair was right.

"Alright, in 5,4,3,2,1…" One of the cameramen gave the signal and Chris once again made the intro.

"Last time on Total Drama Island…" Chris began his usual recap of the episode. "The teams were given three challenges that tested their trust in their teammates. The rock-climbing challenge revealed more than just Heather's grudge against Trent, Ezekiel even as his health compromised, refused to throw the towel that easy, and made his team give their 100%. Also, Trent got the bad end of a blowfish courtesy of Lindsay, what a nice payback. Some other campers got dropped on their butts and in the end, Ezekiel's cold was revealed to be pneumonia, so he had to go to the hospital most touchingly. We received the confirmation from the hospital that he has been discharged and now he is not in a critical state, so you don't need to worry about him, he is fine. But leaving the entire Killer Bass without one of their pillars. Will Killer Bass find the inner strength to remain in the game without one of their leaders? Stay tuned for the most dramatic bonfire ceremony yet on Total. Drama. Island!"

"Cut." The cameraman shouted, and Chris knew it had been perfect. Now the next challenge would be more interesting with his partner making the life of the others into hell.

As the sun rose up above the horizon, casting long shadows away from the tranquil shores of Camp Wawanakwa, a heavy pall of melancholy hung over the Killer Bass team and their cabins. With the departure of Ezekiel, their fellow teammate and friend, still fresh in their minds, these three days had been difficult to deal with the atmosphere tinged with a sense of loss and longing that seemed to permeate every corner of the camp.

In the wake of Ezekiel's emotional farewell, the remaining members of the Killer Bass team found themselves grappling with a tumult of conflicting emotions – from grief and regret to anger and resentment. The once close-knit camaraderie that had bound them together now seemed fragile and frayed, tested by the harsh realities of the competition and the weight of their collective loss.

As they gathered around the flickering flames of the cave of Aquarium, Duncan, Courtney, Geoff, Harold, DJ, Katie, Bridgette, and Gwen sought solace in each other's company, their faces etched with a mixture of sorrow and determination. Despite their differences and past conflicts, they knew that they needed to band together in the face of adversity, drawing strength from their shared experiences and mutual support. It has been that way since Ezekiel became the glue that tied the team together.

Nobody had the desire to laugh or make a joke, nobody knew how to express a good time since what had been someone who had always made sure everyone had a great time, from reading, from talking and even drawing…

Geoff tried to focus on drawing some scrubs, but even with the idea of being abstract… he used more shadows and the tips his friend managed to explain to him… The same dog he found not great before, became far more realistic from learning from a boy who never dared to go to a school before… The irony is that he didn't suspect of why he hesitated when someone called him a teacher… Since his aunt died for being a teacher in a school… If he could come back in time, he would have slapped himself in the face for being too stupid with words…

DJ was trying to relax in the hot tub, but while the relaxation was a preparation for the challenge they were about to have together, a piece of worry was always appearing in his mind. He was one of the most cowardly of the group, and yet Ezekiel was the one who made him turn his cowardice into pure courage, from the inspiration he had of that little dog… He still thought about it, if wasn't for that boy, he knew that they would have lost the challenge…

Harold was sitting near the hot tub, without any desire to do anything… He didn't have the inspiration to write a haiku, or even practice martial arts… The thing he must have been on his mind was still worried about if they were going to receive any news about the conditions of Ezekiel. He just hoped it wasn't too late for the treatment.

Duncan was just staring into a knife…One of the pillars of Killer Bass was looking at the reflection of his face, from the harsh words he received from Courtney when they did the first prank, to the serious tone of voice Ezekiel gave about his story… He had stories on the juvenile about nerds who came to the maximum penalty because they didn't dare to off themselves, and Duncan as he has been always a delinquent, scammed people to buy his father's hair as a pet or even made public structures vandalism… But he never killed a person before, and he was always away from that kind of people in the juvie… Because from the stories he heard, they were just simple, nerds or even weird people who couldn't take bulling until a point… and when their main target made them cross the limit… Then there was no way back, and all the mess was just done… Duncan reflected on how sometimes innocent people would lose their lives because someone pushed them to the limit. Sometimes he reflected if he should have at least helped some of the weird kids to have something funny to laugh about school, because he didn't know if there was one of those kids who would be on their limits as well…

Courtney was trying to read a book, trying to absorb all the words to distract herself from the worry on her mind... The C.I.T. camper had always treated all the challenges competitively since she had a flaw that sometimes she would go overboard... She remembered because of such feelings, she would have gone on the verge of elimination in case her team lost... she admitted that she was tempted to not jump from the cliff on the first challenge. But after dealing with such challenges and terrible weeks on the show, if she could have gone back in time, and slapped herself in the face... Because if it wasn't for Ezekiel and Eva, she hated to admit that she would have lost... She always thought that with her leadership everything would have gone perfectly and without problems, but then she learned Duncan hates to follow bossy orders, and it would always cause conflict with her in leadership... Ezekiel was the harmony and the reason they named themselves the 3 Pillars because he was the balance... And thanks to him, they have the double of campers on their team, they are a perfect team, but as a friend, she wanted him to be healthy, because... Who knew a kid who never had friends before, could have taken her as a sister role model, just like the others... And she couldn't help but think the same about him... She missed him.

Bridgette tried to surf, trying to be on the water to make her refresh her mind, with the hope Ezekiel would receive the treatment and be cured of pneumonia quickly, it was unfair that they pressured him to say Condor, but it was necessary because his condition could have become critical and they didn't want him to deny the fact he needs treatment, it hurts to listen to those words, the fact her father sounded so jerk but so kind at same time, she never meet him, but she felt pity towards on why he view life in such terrible way, and from the way he secluded his son to live inside of farm, where Ezekiel explored his creativity to his limit, a father who seemed to be suportive to his son to draw and to write, but still stupid to never taking him into an hospital before... Without knowing Bridgette received a wave making her lose her concentration and making her annoyed... She missed her friend.

Gwen was in her Diary, writing her thoughts about how the last challenge was brutal and how the next days made the whole camp feel like she was in the Screaming Gophers before, her morale was low, like all the members of her team, and knew a boy who wrote so much and drew as well could have made the group work so well together, and how he was one of the first who welcomed her to the team, like he knew they could trust her, at the same time she could trust them... Ironically, her trust was well founded on the last challenge... But one of their best friends was now out of the game, and she feared that his condition would be terrible at the hospital...

Katie felt empty since another member of her team was not around them anymore. Starting with her best friend and sister of other mom Sadie, then her boyfriend the weird and cute geekster Cody, and now a good friend who has always known how to talk, and how to support them... Sometimes it makes her wonder, how far she reached, and when was the time she should throw the towel... First, she was playing because she wanted her and Sadie to be in finals, then she decided to remain in the game because she found love, and then she remained in the game because she thought it was still fun... But now, she is not having fun anymore... Maybe it was the time to give up...

Katie was about to tell the others when they heard feedback coming from the loudspeakers. They were expecting to hear Chris announce the next challenge…but, "Listen up, you little cockroaches!" That was not the voice of the host Chris McClain. No. It was the voice of the gruff and buff cook of the camp Chef Hatchet. "I want all campers to report to the Dock of Shame at 0900 hours!" Most of the campers that were listening looked at each other with confused expressions as to what and when 0900 hours was. "That means now, soldiers! Now!" Everyone flinched as they made their way to the Dock of Shame as quickly as they could to not face the wrath of Chef.

Later at the Dock of Shame, all the campers were gathered up as per Chef's order with Chef himself also there. But he wasn't in his usual outfit. Chef Hatchet was no longer in his usual chef's uniform and was wearing something a drill sergeant would wear.

"Line up and stand at attention!" Chef yelled to everyone making most flinch. His yelling made all the worse by the megaphone he had. "You call this proper formation?! Knees together!" Chef smacked Geoff's legs with a wooden stick to get the party dude to pull his knees together. "Arms down!" Chef smacked Duncan's arms to get the delinquent into proper formation. "Eyes forward! Head up!" Chef then proceeded to smack pretty much every part of Harold.

"Oh, this is gonna be a fun day," Gwen whispered sarcastically to Katie who just nodded her head...

But soon after that Chef was right in front of Gwen and yelling at her point blank with the megaphone. "What did you say to me, soldier?!" Chef roared loud enough that it blew Gwen's hair back.

"Um…nothing?" Gwen said with a bit of fear in her voice. The goth couldn't lie, Chef was intimidating as heck. And to think he already looked like he could kill someone when he was just being a cook.

"And you'll continue to say nothing until I tell you that you can say something!" Chef firmly yelled to all 12 campers in front of him."I'm going to tell what I'm seeing."

Chef looked at the Killer Bass 8 members, every single one of them with no desire or patience to deal with the chef at that moment. And Screaming Gophers who was just there to deal with another challenge. Chef Hatchet knew the reason for the low morale of one team.

"I see a team without one of the three generals," Chef said in military terms but the way he said Killer Bass team could comprehend what he meant. "I know what is like to lose a comrade in combat, but that's what war is about. You lose soldiers but you never should lose your squad."

The Killer Bass remained quiet while Heather rolled her eyes.

(Confession - Heather.)

"Well it seems the curse of the island is really broken because my luck just seemed to be getting better, I recovered from my coldness, and the most dangerous player on this show had to go to the hospital because of sickness complications," Heather commented as she looked at her fingernails. "I'm sure that he will find a way to make me two favors I owe him, but at least I can feel relieved about not watching my back all the time. Nice recovery Ezekiel, and I want you to stay the most far away from me."

"A general who always cares about his squad, and he would be ashamed to see a squad acting like a bunch of maggots."Chef snarled as he pointed out how terrible the moral of Killer Bass was feeling, and how Ezekiel would be ashamed of seeing the group in that state. He made them have their eyes wide open and glare at the military soldier in anger, especially Courtney and Duncan "Good, good, it seems the other two generals woke up from their pathetic state, now you and you..."

Courtney and Duncan remained serious about what Chef was about to say but then glanced at Heather who was still with her arms crossed. But then she saw the glare of Chef which made her intimidated, and that made him choose her as well.

"Today's challenge will not be an easy one. In fact, I do not expect everyone to come out alive." Owen chuckled in response, thinking Chef was messing with them, only to be met with a hard whack to the head. "You three have been selected to lead your own squad. Killer Bass 1 Killer Bass 2, And Screaming Gopher Squad. You acting as generals must have what it takes to be the example and lead your team to survive from me."

Duncan and Courtney their eyes wide open as Heather glared at the unfairness of what she was about to receive...

"My orders are to make sure that all of the babies in front of me drop out of my boot camp except one squad. The last squad standing wins immunity for their team! But you as generals should take responsibility for your actions as well, so every time one of the members of your squad makes an offense on the challenge, the whole team is punished and the general is punished by double."Chef explained the rules which made the Killer Bass team gasp in surprise, while Heather glared at Lindsay, Trent, and Owen... Knowing that if someone did something stupid she swore she would make them pay.

"Killer Bass 1 led by Courtney, followed by Bridgette, Gwen, and Harold. Killer Bass 2 is led by Duncan, followed by Geoff, DJ, and Katie. Screaming Gophers led by Heather, followed by Lindsay, Trent, and Owen."Chef explained as he gave more explanations. "Each member who quits, the rest of the squad must go without him or her, and trust me, every challenge will be a military experience."

Chef was enjoying seeing the intimidated campers who could feel fear in his presence... So he had one final pleasure.

"I want to see if I will be able to make someone say a bird name today... It starts with the letter C... Do you fish have any desire to say it? Because you better not even think about it… Because I talked to the producers, and I got permission to all my challenges alone, you are forbidden to say and I repeat your quit word…" Chef Hatched warned Killer Bass, which made Katie feel conflicted at that moment. And Duncan as delinquent as himself, decided to ask a stupid question.

"Oh, yeah? And what if we do?" Duncan immediately regretted when Chef gave an evil grin at him.

"The generals should be responsible for their squad, so if someone makes an offense, the general also should take the punishment… Meaning, instead of being the person who said the word, it's going to be BOTH GENERALS OF THE SAID TEAM." Chef shouted and Duncan had his eyes wide open and Courtney gasped in disbelief.

"You cannot do that," Courtney said in disbelief and in fear, but seeing Chef grinning evilly at her, she knew he actually could. And she hated the idea.

"But if that's not enough for you…" Chef said which made the group look at him asking what could be even worse than that. "Your last general, Ezekiel, would be disappointed at you all losing face in the challenge, since he just got discharged from the hospital and probably is watching you all by Pay-Per-View."

The moment Chef had said about their friend's condition, it felt like a huge relief coming towards the Killer Bass team.

"Oh that's great," Geoff said until he felt another hard whack this time on the stomach. "Ouch."

"Uh…what happened to Chris?" Heather asked after the reveal of such news, she wondered about the host who hadn't been seen all day and frankly, Heater would rather deal with Chris than Mr. Psycho Chef any day.

"Rule number one!" Chef went back to speaking with his megaphone as he ignored Heather's question. "You will address me as Master Chief! Have you got that?!"

"YES MASTER CHIEF!" All the campers said in unison. Now with the Killer Bass with a better morale, since knowing one of their friends was now out of the hospital, good news indeed for the team who have been down recently.

Satisfied, Chef nodded his head and explained more rules. "Rule number two! When you are ready to give up, you will walk to the end of the dock and ring the bell. Your squad will have to continue without you… If a general decides to quit, then the whole squad fails." Chef pointed to the end of the dock where a big bell was waiting for whatever loser dared to ring it. "Which brings me to rule number three! I'll have to get one quitter before the end of the first day! And that day will not end until someone drops out! Now get your butts down to the beach, soldiers! Now, now, now!" All the campers quickly ran off in a panic so they wouldn't face whatever torture Master Chief had in store for them if they didn't follow orders. Once again feeling like the commander of his own squad in the army… He felt so good. "Let's see who will quit first."

(Confession– Gwen)

"Okay, whoever's sick, twisted idea this was to put him in charge of this challenge, I have to say…I'm a little bit impressed." Gwen had to admit as she looked at the camera with a smirk.

The teams were now in front of the beach with the Killer Bass standing next to two red canoes with the Gophers having a green one next to them. Chef was standing in front of them all as the former explained how this would go. "Listen up!" Chef yelled to get all the camper's attention on him. "Each squad will hold a canoe over their heads! I catch you taking your hands off the canoe, and you will be eliminated. And no one eats lunch until someone drops out. Canoes up!"

Both teams did as they were instructed as all members of the Bass and Gophers lifted up their respective canoes with relative ease. "Pfft! This isn't that hard." Owen said that this really wasn't all that challenging.

"Piece of cake," Geoff said confidently.


The ones who thought this wouldn't be so bad were soon eating their words. For three hours straight they were forced to lift up the heavy canoe, in 95-degree weather, with absolutely no food for their incredibly hungry stomachs. And to make it even harder, Chef was currently lying on top of the Bass' canoes, while the man himself Chris Mclain finally appeared before everyone and made himself comfy on the Gophers' canoe.

The squads didn't have enough strength to hold them off, since it was 4 for each canoe and they couldn't take much more… Courtney's arms were on fire, while Owen's stomach was begging for food.

"Come on, you sissies!" Chef yelled to the campers below. He could see many of their arms shaking from the strain of lifting up both the canoe and either Chef and Chris as well and he heard many of their grumbling stomachs. "It's only been three hours!"

"Looks like they missed lunch today," Chris said with a grin as he heard Leshawna's stomach growl under him.

"Mmhmm. Guess they just weren't hungry!" Chef nodded and soon went back to yelling at the two teams. "Unless someone wants to quit now."

"I QUIT." Then a surprise shout, made the whole group of campers stare at the trembling and hungry Katie who was releasing her arms immediately.

Duncan, Geoff, and DJ took that as an opportunity and the trio released the canoe at the same time, making Chef lose balance and fall on the sand. At the time Chef got up, he didn't show any anger, or neither outrage from what happened to him, he recovered his composure like a soldier, and waited for the tan girl to walk towards the bell just to ring it, making all the other campers release their canoes…

Katie was sad, hungry, and with the desire to quit the game, but she wasn't able to do it. Still, Chef Hatchet went near her.

"Listen here. You have nothing to be ashamed of." The buff chef told her in a reassuring tone…before yelling at her point blank with the megaphone. "Except being a little baby that let your squad down!" He yelled with such volume and pressure that he actually ended up knocking Katie down before turning to the rest of the campers. "As for the rest of you, head to the mess hall! Lunch is served!"

For the first time, the team felt happy to receive a small mercy for the one who sacrificed to make them eat.

(Main Lodge)

All the campers were lined up ready to finally get something to eat. "All right, maggots! Open your ears! You've got ten minutes to eat before night training begins! Get to it!" Chef said swiftly and loudly as he presented…trash cans to the campers.

Many of the campers complied over the night training, feeling tired and exhausted enough after lifting a canoe for a whole day, while Gwen raised her hand. "Um, excuse me? Master Chief?" The goth spoke up getting Chef's attention. "Where's the food?"

"You're looking at it." Chef chuckled as he gestured to the trash cans.

Owen was the first to step up and remove the lid of the trash can to see what was inside. "This is the leftover garbage from this morning's breakfast," Owen stated as he looked at the garbage inside.

"Darn right!" Chef yelled as the other campers cringed as they looked over the garbage they were being served. "When you're at war, you take what you can get!"

Meanwhile, Chris grinned and nodded in approval as he saw some of the campers, mostly Owen, actually take some of the garbage for food. "Well, I can see you've got this under control," Chris said as he looked up at Chef. "I'm off to craft services. Coming?"

"Serve me up some of that," Chef said as he followed Chris to go and get some actually good food. Leaving the campers with only trash to eat.

As some like Heather and Courtney refused to eat the garbage, while Duncan had something else entirely.

"Ah screw this, there is no way I'm going to eat trash, squad let's make a surprise raid on their food tonight." Duncan, even as he was treated as general, knew that he and his team had some pride and wouldn't do something stupid like that. He would act exactly the delinquent that he always aimed for.

"What are you doing?" Courtney said in horror as she thought she had mistaken what he had said.

"Princess, there is no way I'm going to lower my level to that, I'm a delinquent and not a soldier boy, I'm going to make my squad have some privileges. Are you up?" Duncan smirked as Courtney glared fiercely at him.

"And what if they get you? You wouldn't only be punished, but my squad as well, don't you have consideration?" Courtney said as she feared what Chef had in mind if they somehow captured him.

"Then let me take the whole blame, if things get terrible, then I ring the bell and let you control the challenge, and if that's not enough you can bail," Duncan said as he knew that it may come to bite his ass, but he wouldn't let Chef make his life hell.

Courtney remained quiet, and then with a nod of her head, she remembered the talks she had with Ezekiel and Duncan, they were the trio of pillars, and when someone was down into one idea, the other 2 would also do it as well... Duncan never had let her down before, so she knew it was their moment to strike. That night they would have the good food they deserved.


The afternoon of training began. And that training was…dancing along with Chef to the song Thriller. Chef had a radio playing the song as he danced on top of a wooden platform with Edward beating his tail against the wood in rhythm with the music.

And the campers, per his instructions, copied his dance moves as best they could. There was no sign of when they had to stop…until Duncan went up to the radio and turned it off. Everyone sighed in relief as Chef glared down at Duncan. Courtney quietly called out to him as Duncan crossed his arms at Chef and said, "One of us drops out, we're done for the day."

"We're done when I say we're done!" Chef yelled at Duncan as he looked right into the delinquent's eyes. "Now drop and give me twenty!" Duncan rolled his eyes and just decided to start doing push-ups as Chef turned to the rest of the campers. "Anyone else got anything they want to say?"

"Uh, yeah," Gwen said with a raised hand while crossing her legs together. "Can I go to the bathroom?"

Apparently, Chef's answer to that was to have Gwen clean the bathrooms for the whole day.

After that whole fiasco, everyone was once against gathered up at the main lodge with both teams at their respective table. "For your next challenge, you will complete a three-hundred-word essay about how much you love…me" Chef explained getting a few deadpanned looks from the campers. "Anyone who falls asleep or fails to complete the challenge will be eliminated!"

Two hours had passed before a timer went off. It was currently 8 p.m and the campers were looking with signs of tiredness, But time was finally up for completing the essay and Master Chief came in and quickly started looking over everyone's essays. He nodded in approval as he read over them seeing both the correct word amount and bathing a bit in his ego at the nice things said about him. If only because that's what he ordered them to write. And when picking up Duncan's essay, "I love Master Chief Hatchet because he is very very very very very very very very very very very very very very…this is just one sentence with five pages of very's in between!"

"It's three hundred words exactly!" Duncan stated that he technically followed the requirements of the essay. "You can count them if you want."

Chef growled as he slammed Duncan's essay down in front of him, but then looked at the other members who finished the review of the essay, he snarled at the delinquent but got his control back.

"You are pushing my patience soldier, you better be careful about what your actions will cause to your whole squad." And with the last warning he turned to the others who completed the essay. "You guys will receive one last mercy from me. You can have your dinner on the trash cans again, and report to the playing field at 0500 hours."

Chef left the mess hall which made Duncan and Courtney stare at each other, and with a knowing they would be in silence... They followed Chef who was also going to have dinner.

"I hope you are ready because at the time we do this, there will be no way back. We are going to do it until the end." Duncan gave a last warning, to Courtney who was determined and with her own stomach hungry for food.

"I have eaten terrible food for weeks, and the last time we ate something good we had to resist to hunger for hours, I think we deserve a reward for this, and working together we still can do this." Courtney followed Duncan but she was being held by her hand, and Duncan while he tried to act serious, couldn't help but smirk happily at how she trusted him.

That moment they knew that even without their friend, they still work together, like a duo. A power duo.

And where could these two possibly find some actual quality food on this island? Quite simple. The place where Chris and Chef got their food. The craft services tent! "Slowly. Slowly. Crawl." Duncan quietly whispered to Courtney as the two hid inside some bushes they pulled up from the ground to use as disguises so they could sneak up to the tent.

Luckily, when they got there, Chef and Chris were busy talking to each other so they didn't notice Duncan and Courtney crawling in and stealing stuff from the fridge.

"I made a terrible mistake, and then she got so angry that she beat me with a bucket of fried chicken," Chef explained as immediately Chris laughed so hard that it made both Duncan and Courtney slowly crawl into the fridge, but still with curiosity on their minds.

"So like mother and like daughter. I have to say Izzy must have been tough for you." Chris laughed, and both Duncan and Courtney paused and slowly took piece by piece of food. Even if the story is good, they cannot be captured, it is a suicide mission so they want to make their effort worth it.

Once both Duncan and Courtney made it back to the cabins, they decided to throw a bit of a party with everyone from both teams involved. Everyone was more than happy to quickly indulge themselves in some real food and pop for the first time in weeks!

The operation raid was a success, and Courtney felt like she had fun, like when she does things together with her team, and by helping Duncan raid the fridge, she's been a little…out of control. She couldn't stop giggling and bouncing up and down. It was as if she was on a sugar high. Which probably was true as she was stuffing her face with cookie sandwiches. She was actually about to reach for one more until Bridgette stopped her. "Okay, I think you've had enough." The surfer girl smirked at the CIT.

But Courtney quickly took her arm back from the surfer and giggled madly, unable to keep still, as she swiped the sweet sandwich away. "Hehe, oh no! No! Just, just one more. Mm!" Courtney then stuffed the dessert into her mouth and swallowed…and was quickly met with a gurgling sound coming from her stomach which was followed by a burp. "Oh…yeah…yeah that one was a mistake." Courtney quickly ran out of the cabin where she proceeded to lean over the railing throw all her stolen food up and send it to the ground.

As she did this, Duncan grinned as the delinquent walked up to her. "So the Princess has a dark side." He said as Courtney finished unloading her sweets and groaned.

"It's not like I have a dark side... I like to follow the rules sometimes, but after working together as a team, I learned how having friends could help me deal with all kinds of problems, even if I had to lead my squad to possible problems. I have to confess that this has been the most exciting thing I ever done in my life." Courtney confessed that she never felt so alive...

"Well, that's life. I may be a delinquent, but after hearing the story from Ezekiel, I at least know what type of criminal am I." Duncan said which made Courtney freeze and stare at Duncan in surprise. "I'm a vandal who likes to make fun... but I will never kill anyone, that's a line I will never cross, I'm not a monster. I break rules for fun. Like vomiting in public places."

"Okay. That was so gross." Courtney groaned out as she held her stomach. Looks like she still had some limits to her and it was best she not try and break them less that happens again…or worse. But the CIT soon went back to smiling like crazy as she said. "But it was like, once I did something bad, it was so much fun, I just wanted more!"

"Well, you could always gimme that kiss." Duncan offered as he wiped some chocolate off of Courtney's cheek. "That would be pretty bad."

Courtney playfully scoffed as she ruffled Duncan's mohawk. "You're still not my type," Courtney said with a smirk.

"Fine." Duncan shrugged as he faced his back to Courtney. "Enjoy a peanut butter-less life."

"Thanks." Courtney put her back to his. "Enjoy prison."

"I will," Duncan said…right before Courtney grabbed his face and placed her lips against his. That's right. Finally, the CIT had taken up Duncan's offer to kiss him and the delinquent didn't resist one bit and leaned into the kiss. After a few moments, Courtney separated from him and walked off leaving Duncan in a loved dazed trance.

"There you go." Then was a voice that made the duo freeze and stare at Geoff, DJ, and Harold raising their thumbs up to Duncan who scoffed but looked proud at the girl who was now in his arms. And possibly with Ezekiel and the other Killer Bass members watching them. It was a nice time for both of them.

Katie remained away, as she watched happily to the groups who were having fun, and even enjoying some great food, she was enjoying a good time alone.

"I know what you are doing." Then Gwen said which surprised Katie and before she would even try to deny. "Don't worry, it's going to work."

With that answer, Katie smiled as she cried in relief, she was happy that she didn't need to say it, the team already guessed what she wanted. Like all the time she and Sadie thought about the same thing. So she knew she must have faith.

"Well, at least we have another victory." Surprisingly Heather could guess as well, she would have exposed the issue to Chef, but now she was so pissed with both the host and the military commander, that she decided to let herself enjoy good food. Cookies, caramel, and cake, it was a good life for her. And with another member of the other team in pair of the elimination, she could be happy with what she has.

Trent and Owen were enjoying their time by eating some chocolate and having the only time of rest before on the next day being a terrible exercise...

At least nothing Chef could do would make themselves worse...

(The next day...)


"So... someone was smart enough to try to take my desserts from the fridge..." Chef said angrily as he was feeling way angrier than before, decided to show a sadistic side of the military. And in his head, had a gas mask. "Well then, we have a new special military training for you all. I hope you enjoyed all the good food yesterday because you are going to lose everything."

"Oh yeah?" Duncan said as he rolled his eyes, but seeing the gas mask was giving a dread feeling. "And how are y...oh no... please..."

The evil chuckle from Chef gave everyone a bad feeling in their stomachs, and then he raised his arm... a paper bag, one that made Duncan's, Geoff's, DJ's, and Harold's eyes shrink in fear and in terror.

"The next military training is... Resistance is a terrible gasses." Chef's cheerful smile made all the boys from Killer Bass get to their knees "May I present you something some of you are familiar with, El Mongo and La Muerte."

And from the name alone, the entire Killer Bass team knew the consequences of their actions, because now, it became torture for them.

"Everyone gets inside for 10 minutes. Anyone who leaves it before this time is eliminated." Chef smiled as he could see every single Killer Bass team afraid of him... "Anyone wants to say a bird name now?"

It was cruel, it was sadistic... And now, they are in a trap... But they remained quiet...

"Well, let's begin then." Chef made the whole group walk inside of a special cabin, just made for that moment. Big enough to fit all the 12 campers... And Duncan, Harold, DJ, and Geoff were on the verge of madness.

"Come on Master Chief, you know that you are the best cook in the whole world." Duncan forced his smile as he tried to make the Chef laugh. "I mean I always admired commanders. And you have been done well so far."

Heather raised her eyebrows, as she had no idea why the delinquent who had been against Chef so long now was almost on his knees and kissing his foot.

"Come on Master Chief, have mercy on us," Geoff said as he himself wasn't going to take it... not 10 minutes of that... "We can clean the bathrooms, we can even quit on spot... Please, don't let us suffer that."

"Well..." Chef thought for a second... But not before taking both Duncan and Geoff and launching inside of the cabin.

"NO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO." Both shouted in despair, while Harold was about to run away, but he was caught by the T-shirt and was launched to the group of cowards, and his shouts also were heard from inside the cabin...

"The PTSD on those boys will make this challenge even more fun," Chef said which made DJ so afraid, but receiving a glare from the gas mask, and gulping, he had to do it... He had to wait for the bomb to be launched before he quit. So he accepted his destiny, as a punishment for making his friend sick... it was their fate.

And when the Killer Bass boys went inside... Chef looked at the girls from Killer Bass, who were also trembling in fear.

"Get inside on there..." Chef just said an order, and Courtney gulped as she immediately felt her stomach turn upside down... She knew the after-effects of that stink bomb, but just the boys received such an attack, and now they are going to receive the same thing.

The Killer Bass were walking to their death sentence.

The Screaming Gophers just followed them, without knowing what's going to happen...

Gwen stared at Heather who had her eyebrows raised, and for the first time, she envied the Korean's innocence from the terrible torture of what was about to happen.

"Hey guys, what are you doing?" Trent tried to cheer up, but then he saw the boys covering their faces, and crouching on the wall... Trying their best to not look, Harold quickly found a fissure in which he found a way of safety for himself, maybe it could be his salvation, or it couldn't let him die that quickly...

The girls of Killer Bass also tried to find a good way to protect themselves by following the example of the other campers… While Owen and Trent, Lindsay and Heather had no idea what was happening at that moment.

Until Chef was in front of the door, and with the same paper bag, dropping brown liquid, and flew above it… And it was the countdown that made it 10 times scarier.

"5,4,3,2,1… Fire in the hole." Chef said as he launched the paper bag in the air, and Heather realized too late what was about to happen, Lindsay blinked in surprise, and Owen opened his mouth in surprise, Trent had just realized the true fear of what was about to happen…


Like the second time, the bomb destroyed every single smell in the room, from the liquid fart to even the green liquid around the entire cabin, the effect was… all the liquid exploded to every single camper around the cabin. There wasn't a competition anymore… Now it was pure instincts of survival.

Chef hammered some wood to make sure the door wasn't going to open that early, since he wanted to make every single member know about why he was known as Master Chief, and from making them unable to get out or quit on that time…

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." The despair cries and shouts were music to his ears… to dessert thieves, they now know that they shouldn't mess with a military man… An old dog can always learn new tricks, and this bomb is what the definition of a war bomb is, so he was proud to learn the recipe.

"Now the countdown for 10 minutes begins," Chef smirked, as he could hear from the outside, the shouts, the vomit, the cries of agony… And now he knows that this challenge was fun for him.

(Confession – DJ)

"Momma, I want to go home," DJ said as he such in a terrible state, all covered in green goo, as he was like in the fetal position and traumatized to be passing the same torture all over again.

(Confession – Lindsay)

"I'm ruined, all my beautiful smell, all my work into making myself beautiful, ruined, I cannot breathe without vom... *BLURGH*" Lindsay cried as she felt the green stink liquid all over her face and hair, she sniffed just once and vomited in the confession bathroom.

(Confession – Duncan)

"Once was too much, but TWICE? This should be treated as a war crime. WHY THIS IS EVEN LEGAL IN CANADA?" Duncan freaked out as he was trembling in terrible nightmares.

(Confession – Gwen)

"It's far worse than I expected, I swear, to however provoke Ezekiel, and Chef Hatchet, is going to get a kick in the balls. I swear." Gwen said as her eyes were twitching and a good part of her blouse was covered in vomit.

(Confession – Courtney.)

"Okay not to myself, breaking rules is fun, but if is related to Chef, be prepared to vomit a lot. He is sick… And Ezekiel, WHY YOU CREATED SUCH STINK BOMB?" Courtney shouted as she felt her body and mind breaking from how much suffering she was suffering from that challenge.

(Confession – Owen)

"PLEASE, PLEASE, DON'T EVER LET THIS STINK BOMB IN THE HANDS OF MY COUSIN MAX, HE COULD USE SUCH A WEAPON TO TRY TO CONQUER THE WORLD," Owen begged as most of the viewers had no idea what happened to Owen, but seeing him covered in the green goo. His own tears revealed some traumatic events. "Max, I'm warning you, don't even think to weaponize this stink bomb. Or I'm going to tell Aunt Celly."

(Confession – Trent)

"Not cool, NOT COOL. THIS IS *BEEP* UP. NOBODY DESERVES SUCH A BOMB."Trent crossed his arms, trying to calm down, but the terrible smell which was going to take days to take it out, was going to be painful and he had no idea who could be the monster who created the bomb itself.

(Confession – Heather.)

Heather was foaming from her mouth, and gagging from how terrible the smell was, and she was in a state of shock… Unable to say anything.

(Confession – Bridgette.)

"When I first heard about Ezekiel telling this bomb should be taken seriously, and how we should sleep at Aquarium, I thought he was just making fun of it… But now, I know that he has protected us… From our ignorance, when we thought the cabin was just smelling awful, we should be wary… No… he protected our innocence since now receiving this bomb… I think *sniff* *sniff* AHHHHHHHHHHHHH." Bridgette tried to act maturely, but how terribly the bomb had damaged their psychology, it felt like they were 5 years old again, and now they wanted to cry their tears out.

(Confession – Harold.)

"Vishnu is trying to persuade the prince that he should do his duty and to impress him, takes on his multi-armed form and says now I've become death the destroyer of worlds." Harold felt his face looking at the space, showing one of the most known speeches from the world… Making a mention of that same moment. "That bomb was what Oppenheimer tried to warn us."

(Confession – Geoff)

"I think it would be so easy to take out my skin and place it in the car wash… Maybe that would be the easiest way to make this smell go away…" Geoff said as he was now without his hat, without his pink shirt, and neither his pants… He was smelling so bad, that he wanted to see that suffering away.

"In 5,4,3,2,1…" Chef then opened the door which made everyone get out of that place in despair. Trying to have a fresh breath outside of his torture chamber… His smirk grew inside of the mask after seeing the remains of all the food which was on the floor, all of them vomited, and that made his day sweet; "Congratulations on passing 10 minutes inside of the cabin soldiers."

"You said we could get out before 10 minutes," Gwen said angrily as she didn't care about feeling intimidated by Chief Comander.

"Yes you could, but you didn't break the door, and neither the walls for that. So that means you would stay inside." Chef smiled as he could see the terrible state of the soldiers now… But that wasn't over. "Now follow me, the true final challenge is here… I want to see who of you are going to the end…"

The group wanted to protest, but now the glare of the Chef made them flinch and they didn't have any options other than to accept…

And so began the last leg of Chef's boot camp training…hanging upside down from a tree. Geoff, Courtney, Gwen, and Duncan were hanging on a branch from the left side of the tree since Harold, Bridgette, and DJ just got out from the challenge because their heads couldn't take the blood pressure on their heads. Owen, Trent, Lindsay, and Heather are on a branch on the right side. Nobody from the Screaming Gophers must have given up on the challenge yet, and they have become solid through the challenge.

"What you are experiencing is an ancient form of torture," Chef explained as he paced back and forth in front of the tree. "By now, the blood has begun rushing to your head." Chef started to list the effects of this torture as Duncan started to not look so hot. Also being followed by Geoff who was feeling the same. "The next stage is nausea, followed by dizziness and a flushed appearance as the blood begins to pool in your eyes. You may experience fainting spells."

Duncan proceeded to face that last one and ended up falling off the tree and to the ground with a rather dopey expression on his face. "Duncan!" Courtney called out in a concerned tone. Bridgette went over to check on the delinquent and saw that he didn't seem to have any injuries on his body. "It's okay!" Bridgette reassured her CIT friend. "He's alright!" And at that moment Geoff fell down like a sack of potatoes.

Courtney breathed a sigh of relief as she reached her arm up to grab the branch she was hanging from for extra support. Gwen liked the idea and did the same, but then gave a slight smirk to the C.I.T. It's almost the time.

Heather seeing the strategy of the C.I.T. decided to follow the example and grabbed the branch with their hands. Trent did the same, and Lindsay was having fun without needing to worry about the blood going to her head. Owen tried to do the same but couldn't quite make it. "Come on…I…can't…reach!" In his effort to reach the branch with his hands, a fart ended up escaping the big guy making him laugh.

"Okay, that's it." Heather let out in disgust. "I'm done!" Heather then proceeded to flip a bit and landed back on the ground, perfectly on her feet. This was quickly followed by Owen landing right on top of her. Heather's screams were muffled by Owen's blubber, good thing too, as Owen quickly got off the queen bee. "Off of me, you big ox!" Heather's words were heard once Owen got off her.

"Sorry." Owen apologized…At that moment, Courtney started giggling, and her giggle was also followed by Gwen found that scene funny as well.

Looking at the source, everyone says that Courtney started giggling and laughing uncontrollably. "Stop laughing this instant!" Chef ordered the girls from Killer Bass as he was starting to get annoyed by their laughs

"Sorry." Gwen and Courtney were giggling until Gwen lost her balance and went down and with that pulling Courtney was immediately caught by surprise, and with that, the last members of the Killer Bass team were out of the challenge.

"What a shame, what a shame," Chef said in disappointment. "A whole member of your own squad made you lose the challenge. Pff,"

"I expected more out of you, soldiers," Chef said to Courtney with a disappointed tone. The CIT and the goth were the ones of the campers here Chef actually expected nothing but 100% focus from when it comes to the challenges. And then suddenly they lost control of laughing fit and made themselves lose the challenge? Disgraceful.

Courtney then stood up, all the while she never stopped laughing and looked up to Chef after clearing her throat. "Master Chief? Heh. I just have one thing to say to you." Courtney said while trying her best to keep it under control.

"And what might that be?" Chef asked with a professional tone.

"You really…need to take…a chill pill." Everyone gasped at what Courtney said right to Chef's face with the CIT laughing like crazy and Chef practically fuming as his face went red with anger.

"Hehe, yeah!" Duncan cheered Courtney on for her words and attitude. Man, that girl was hot when she was like this. Even more so than usual. "Now that's what I'm talking about!"

At the time both girls lost the challenge, Trent and Lindsay were happy that the challenge was finally over.

"Soldiers, I'm proud that you both managed to overcome such terrible military training." Chef had called them both and gave them a salute. "Congratulations, soldier. I'd go to war with you anytime."

"Err… thanks Chef, I will have that in mind," Trent said as he wasn't sure if he wanted to do that ever again.

"You do that soldier…" Chef said as a single tear went down his eye. "You do that!"

"What is war?" Lindsay asked as she followed Heather, who was happy to see that another challenge was in their favor… Thankfully everything was over, and she could finally relax, and deal with the terrible smell of dog poop and skunk smell, it was the most disgusting smell that ever existed in her life… And she hated the person who ever had the brilliant idea to create and give to Chef.


"I know that it may look terrible, but I think it's time for us to decide between us who should go," Courtney said as she already could see Katie who had a firm nod on her. And from a plan, they need to make it real. "I know Katie you are the first person to give up, so you are already nominated. Is someone else?"

"I hate to be that guy…" Harold said as he raised his hand, but he then pointed at both C.I.T. and the delinquent. "You two also should be on the line of fire."

"What?" Courtney gasped in surprise and Duncan narrowed his eyes. "Why?"

"5 words… El Mongo and La Muerte." Harold proved a very good point since made all the boys shrive in fear, and Duncan gulped his eyes and nodded his head to him.

"Okay, you have a point. I should beat the crap of you, but that's a very good point." Duncan commented as he accepted the accusation. "My first prank started the Prank War, and Chef learned from Ezekiel who was better at pranks than us. I made him sick and then we got revenge, happy?"

"But what about me?" Courtney asked in disbelief, but then she was staring at the camera, but Harold just winked at her, which made her sigh and accept. "Okay, I think my laughing fits messed up the end of the challenge. Alright, does anyone know for whom we should vote?"

"Yes…" The Killer Bass said in unison and the votes were already done in the afternoon.

(Campfire That night.)

"Well Bass, didn't take long for us to meet back here again," Chris said as night had fallen on the camp it was time to yet again send a camper home and bring the number of campers down to 11. Holding up a plate of seven marshmallows, Chris once again explained the rules. "I only have seven marshmallows on my plate. And these marshmallows represent the campers that will continue to be campers. Here. You've all cast your ballots in the confession can. If I do not call your name, you must immediately go down to the Dock of Shame, catch the Boat of Losers, and go home. And you can't come back. Ever."

"Harold," Chris called the name and the nerd was happy with the outcome. "DJ, Bridgette, Gwen, Geoff,"

Every single member of the team was excited to hear their names and get their marshmallows, leaving three members of Killer Bass… Katie who was the first to give up, Duncan who planned the fridge heist, and Courtney who made a throw fit and provoked Chef when she shouldn't.

"Courtney." And with that, Duncan was happy to see the girl receiving her marshmallow as she cheered for surviving another day.

"Well ain't this a predicament," Chris said as he tossed the last fluffy white treat up and down in his hand. "Two campers. One Marshmallow. Who's gonna get it?"

Duncan blinked as he felt the pressure of being the last, and he hated to have a feeling like that… Some of his friends who were on the verge of elimination must have suffered the same ideas and the possible outcome…

Katie closed her eyes and crossed her fingers, as she waited so much for that moment.

"And for the final marshmallow goes? DUNCAN." Chris called the name of the delinquent which made Duncan shout out happy that he survived. Courtney went in front of him and kissed him on the lips… While Katie smiled sadly for both of them. "Well Katie, it seems your twin is not going to be alone anymore."

"Yeah, I think so. Thank you for that Chris." Katie smiled as she hugged the host and was careful to not touch his hair, which he was thankful for. And Katie smiled as she hugged and kissed every single friend in the check. "Thanks, everyone, I'm going to check how Zeke is doing."

"Have a nice trip, tan twin. We are going to miss you." Duncan gave a hug and played with her head, and with that happy smile, she quickly went to the Boat of Losers, and with a new direction of seeing her boyfriend and her sister.

"I did everything I could on this game. And now I'm going to see my Cody, wait for me honey, I'm coming for you." Katie kissed in the direction of the camera… And just like that the episode just ended.

(Playa Del Losers)

"Well played everyone… I'm proud of everyone," Ezekiel said as he went back to sleep… Seeing the not-edited episode made him watch from his bedroom, and taking so long… He was happy to know they planned Katie's elimination like professionals, and now she can be reunited with them. "Cody is going to have happy weeks with Katie around. Good night my friends, see you in the last episode of season 1…"

And just like that, Ezekiel closed his eyes, enjoying another great time on Playa del Losers.

Chapter 20: X-treme Torture

Chapter Text


"Wait, I have fan mail?" Ezekiel asked as he could see Izzy bringing what would be a large bag with what would be dozens if not at least a hundred of letters for the homeschooled boy.

"Well, everyone has at some point. But I have to say mine was more like RCMP trying to track me down, but my lawyers are doing their best to make them drop the charges and leave me alone. But I also found some interesting fan mail, there is a girl named Lauren who said she likes me when I scared everyone, and she enjoyed watching the show because of the screams," Izzy smiled as she even showed the letter was written with red ink. Which Ezekiel could guess who the girl was.

"Oh, that's scary girl, a future camper from the reboot of the show," Ezekiel commented as he could tell the girl was already scary enough, and he had no idea how to deal with her, so the best way to do it was just to stay far away and let her be free into doing whatever she wants.

"Oh, so that's her? I think she is very interesting." Izzy commented and Ezekiel nodded his head to her.

"Yeah, she is, you can find her very entertaining seeing her doing the terror on the show, but I wouldn't like to be nearby her in the same room, she would have my vote on the top 5 best campers on the reboot, but I wouldn't like to be on the same show as her." Ezekiel had to confess, he finds Scary Girl, Damian, Wayne, MK, and Prya his top five on the reboot season of Total Drama.

"Hmm, that's a very solid point, so maybe we can find some interesting campers on the fan mails? Can you identify some of the names on these letters?" Izzy said as she made a look around all the letters and even helped Ezekiel organize the letters with him... It has been fun to see how both of them talked about the future when it isn't even related to them.

"It will take some time, but I can identify them by their first name, I don't know much of their middle name or last name, it's a worthy shot." Ezekiel shrugged until the duo heard the door knocking. "Come in."

At the time the door was opened, Ezekiel saw Cody, Katie, and Sadie getting inside with what would be jars of juice and even some hot dogs.

"Hey, we were cooking something near the pool so we wanted to make sure if you would like something to eat, so we brought it for you, Zeke." Katie waved as she got inside, and was greeted with all the letters on the floor. "Ohhhhh, wow, look at that quantity of letters."

"Damn, Ezekiel," Cody said in surprise and nodded with respect. "I remember getting some dozens of letters on my own, but I think this is way more than I would ever see someone having."

"Yeah, it's a bit overwhelming, so Izzy and I were organizing the quantity and making some preparations for me to read later. I'm not going to take too long into doing it, so I'm going to read some of them before sleep..." Ezekiel could understand their surprise, he never thought he would be so overwhelmed by that quantity of letters.

"If you think like that, you also should check out your email account." Izzy smiled as she could see Ezekiel tilting his head to her, "The person who created the blog about you placed your email account on there for the fans."

"Wait, there is a blog about me?" Ezekiel asked loudly and Cody, Sadie, and Katie groaned painfully and annoyed. And Izzy nodded her head.

"Yep, everyone on the show has a blog now, it seems they were created by the same fan," Izzy answered the question... from the way Ezekiel looked at the annoyed look from both Katie, Sadie, and Cody... He has a clear idea of who could possibly be...

But maybe for later, now it was time to organize the letters and have a good time with his friends.

"Alright, Sadie, LAUNCH AWAY." A voice called the happy Asian twin having two frisbees in her hand, she launched with a reasonable strength from the roof of the resort.

*deep breath*

The bows were aimed, and their eyes were sharp, it was a good instinct and reflex test, to show how sharp they are in that kind of challenge.


*thumb* *thumb*

Two arrows immediately hit the frisbees in the air, making another good entertainment for the guys who were enjoying their morning breakfast.

"OHOOOOOOOOOO." Tyler shouted as he went after the frisbees… And with two nailed arrows craved on that. "Another tie,"

Ezekiel sighed as he cracked his neck, staring at his side, was Izzy who had her eyebrows raised at him. Smirking with an air of superiority.

"Okay, that means 10 to 8 for you, but just because you have more experience than me," Ezekiel grumbled as he raised a chocolate bar to her.

"It's a pleasure to make a bet with you. Next time if you want to get your ass handed at you, you just can ask me, and I will be gentle." Izzy smirked as she gave a backflip and with a good distance, she made the perfect swim to the pool.

"Show-off," Ezekiel said as he rolled his eyes. But with a smirk on his own, he had to say the experience on Playa Del Losers has been very fun for him, even if he had to pass most of the time resting, taking medicine, and doing slight training to keep himself sharp as he trains with his bow and arrow…

"Dude, I have to say, that's 5 losses against Izzy during these 2 days. Don't take it badly, you went awesome since you almost got her this time, but she still scored perfectly." Cody approached as he gave a towel to the boy who was still getting used to the resort, Katie was smiling sweetly and Sadie was giggling to see Cody failing to cheer someone up.

"I know, I got it. But I'm having fun, and I'm learning a lot about using bow and arrow with her." Ezekiel replied, since not just him, but also Cody knows about the fact Izzy has been an elite of military special forces, so it was fun to learn from a professional about the art of hunting and archery.

And since the arrival of Katie at the resort, Ezekiel was very satisfied to see the newest couple around, Cody has been the bottom of so many jokes. That it was a bit unfair that he lost the world tour the way he did, and in the end, didn't end with a good girl, so seeing him now with Katie was a good development for both of them. Sadie herself changed in ways Ezekiel never thought it would happen, and now at the time she comes back, everyone is going to be caught by surprise.

Seeing the twins improving like that was what made Ezekiel realize that indeed they have lives and even personal stories to share.

Passing a great time together with the losers of Screaming Gophers, Noah would still read another famous piece of literature written by a famous author... And he has to say, sometimes Noah can be funny with his sarcastic remarks. But sometimes he is a pain in the ass...

Well, Ezekiel is still learning how to talk with him. Especially with his interest in helping Ezekiel proofread and make a grammar check on his chapters... That actually made Ezekiel warm up with the sarcastic bookworm.

Justin is just an eye candy. But when it isn't about the game, you can see him showing a very good character and a kind heart... Ezekiel had a spit-take when Noah joked about the model giving a lot of glances at Sadie when she was doing her workout.

"So he has a type," Ezekiel commented as he could see the model ignoring Eva the pick of bodybuilding, but giving a semi-glance on the former chubby Asian, but a more defined stronghold.

"Yeah. It's the discovery of the century, at the time the fangirls discover Justin likes Sadie, they are going to the gym and try to do Eva's working out regime." Noah explained while Cody was making a few drinks for the boys. Tyler was helping by breaking the Ice... With his head, nobody asked him not to do that.

The boys were having a great time.

"OH THAT FUCKING WHORE." Then a loud shout was enough to make everyone jump in surprise, and when they turned their heads, was a very lived Leshawna, Sadie was pissed and Katie was with tears in her eyes.

"Oh no, " Cody whispered as he feared the worst. "Did you argue with the same troll again?"

"When I grab my hands on this girl named Sierra, I'm going to rip off every single of hair she has, you are not going to believe what she said to your girl." Leshawna snarled as she placed her finger on the balcony. "That troll dared to share some secrets of Katie online, and even call her names that I swear that if she called me that. I would beat the crap of... SON OF A BITCH, I'm going to check my account right now."

Ezekiel watched that moment with many mixed feelings, from fear of seeing Leshawna that angry, to annoyed Sierra had been starting to appear way before season 3, to even disgust to imagine how low Sierra would go for Cody.

Cody sighed as he felt sad to see his girlfriend like that.

"Don't worry babe, hear me out, this girl Sierra is a crazy girl, and she has an obsession with me. But don't worry, I asked my family's lawyer Raimond, and he said that with all the blog and forum posts that she is doing, I can make a restriction order for both of us."Cody assured Katie who was still in his arms, and he even whispered a joke to her. "And I doubt that this girl would have the courage to try to take on Eva and Sadie, and probably the entire Killer Bass team."

The last comment made Katie giggle since she knew it was true. Knowing how Sadie and Courtney and even Eva would beat the crap of that girl who just thought she wouldn't be good enough for her Cody. But she was assured now, knowing that she had her boyfriend, and the troll didn't have what she had. And by that is a victory for her.

So she slowly kissed him on the lips, making the geek boy have a great time.

"Ugh, go take a room. We are working here."Noah groaned as he himself wasn't interested in seeing the mush kisses while he was trying to concentrate on helping someone with their editing.

Ezekiel rolled his eyes as he could imagine how would be his reaction when Duncan, Courtney, Geoff, and Bridgette made out all the time. But he remained quiet. Since he was having fun doing that.

The group seemed to be more cheerful now since Sadie was squealing to see Katie happy again. And Eva was already swimming around, even with her cast leg, Ezekiel knew that Eva was ready to go back to the game. And he was so excited to watch the episode because he knows, Eva will make a big difference in the game when she gets back. He is going to miss her and Izzy since those two have been very fun to be around the playa del losers, but also they have been great friends...

"Ezekiel." Then a voice called for the homeschooled boy who had been distracted for so long, and the moment he looked around, he just saw Eva holding a glass of water. "2 p.m., remember to take the pill."

"Oh, already? Wow, time flies."Ezekiel said in surprise, as he immediately was happy that his friend was keeping him on the schedule, Eva sometimes appeared with the medicine and forced him to remember to take it. Or Izzy appeared in his bedroom with a sexy nurse outfit which made the boy have the desire to be in the bathroom for a while. He still blames the puberty for Izzy teasing him. "Thanks, Eva."

"Hmph..." Eva nodded her head and checked Katie who was happy with Cody and even having good kisses together... And then seeing Leshawna stomping in her direction... The bodybuilder raised her eyebrows. "Sierra again?"

"Can you believe that girl? She is now making me comparisons on how overheated I'm, and I swear if I find her, I'm going to beat her so much that her own mom wouldn't recognize her." Leshawna commented as she went near the group who were trying to have a good time together."And now she is saying that I'm fat, I bet that this girl is so despaired that even the asylum wouldn't want her."

"If you want help with that, I can punch her in the face." Eva offered her help since the constant harassment towards one of her teammates and her boyfriend has made the bodybuilder desire to talk with her, with her fists.

Ezekiel noticed that more and more things had changed, but some changes were made like a warning for possible red flags. Which was a good thing, if everyone knew how crazy Sierra was, even Chris wouldn't be stupid to let her participate in the show.

Leshawna sighed as she looked at one beautiful drink that would make her day. And saw Noah looking at the papers, and Ezekiel who was just giving a slight glance on his drink. Ezekiel little by little started to accept the actual shienegans of the other losers of the show since it has been a good time for them to enjoy their time, relax, and even do some hobbies around the Playa, and when they get bored they could watch the pay-per-view of their friends, seeing what they are doing.

With all that free time and with the help of Noah, it seems that his own work has been edited, all the progress Ezekiel had on Camp Wawanakwa has now tripled since he didn't have any of his worries about being spotted by Heather or someone who could potentially sabotage his work, and now that he established himself on the playa del losers... He had finished what would be his first project... He finished the first Courage the Cowardly Dog project, the season 1 overall into a whole book of 26 stories of the first season...

It took him 2 years 6 months and 2 weeks, to make those 26 chapters, and while Steven Universe may be still in progress, he is still on chapter 25... It was the time to write about Lapis Lazulli. And then he had a big conflict with the story he was making...


While he loved Steven Universe, they mistreated her badly from the show until the Future... Rose Quartz is Pink Diamond and makes the love devotion of Jasper to the despair while playing blame into everyone around, just for then get turned a despaired antagonist into using the toxic fusion with Lapis it was something that would be very powerful dramatic on the start, but that was shot on its foot because Jasper didn't deserve what she did... She was written to be a dick...

So now, Ezekiel was the creator of Steven Universe... and from doing that, he had a question inside his mind... Should he follow the written on how terrible Jasper became from someone who should be feared, for then becoming a jerk that she was a victim of Steven's mom from the start?


And with that thought... Ezekiel came to a decision, he is going to rewrite Jasper, for her first introduction would be impactful like the way she started, but at the end of the season, it would be different because of one simple reason... Jasper and Spinell were victims, and while Spinel got the redemption and love of the fans, Jasper also should have gotten that because of how terribly Rose Quartz hurt everyone.

"But how I should write Jasper?" Ezekiel commented as he started drawing the bulky and strong orange gem, who was looking very powerful, imponent, and yet so cool.

"What are you drawing?" Then a voice was enough to make Ezekiel turn his head, to see Eva start using her dumbells again for her own personal workout, since her talk with Leshawna became boring, she focused her time on doing workouts and also using the pool and the hot tube to made herself relax more often.

"Oh, nothing much. Just a new character for the Steven Universe book." Ezekiel explained as he could see the bodybuilder raising her eyebrows at the image...

"She looks tough, what is her workout regime?" Eva asked which made Ezekiel tilt his head to her.

"Err... she was the leader security guard of the main leaders of the universe, so I don't think much about her workout regime but I have to say she knows how to make a good fight against Steven." Ezekiel decided to explain as Eva seemed to notice the strength of the woman gem on the paper.

"Hmm... I like her, I can see her doing a great service as a bodyguard... And I would have loved to see her doing her working out regime. Girls need someone to remind them they can be stronger." Eva mumbled while Ezekiel had his eyes wide open, and staring on the corner he was seeing Sadie enjoying her time talking but also doing a few exercises to keep herself in shape.

"Yeah, she may start a jerk, but when you know her reasons and her motivations, you cannot help but like her..." Ezekiel said as he gave a glance at the paper and then to the body-builder... and now he found a perfect inspiration... From the cannon to the world he has been living in, he could see their eyes, they looked almost the same, but differently, Ezekiel learned so much about Eva, that he just found the basis on how one of the iconic antagonists would have her own transformation arc into something awesome.

He now knows how to make the perfect way to convert Lapis, Jasper, and Peridot to squad B of Cristal Gems. And he can't wait to write about the perfect ending for the first book...

"I think that's enough for now," Noah concluded as he once more finished another bunch of papers. What made the turquoise winter hat boy nod his head to him...Since it became the hours they had been working, it was a good time for them both to have a break and decide to enjoy what the rest of the day could offer to them.

Since now it wasn't the day people get worried about who could be eliminated next, Ezekiel was aware that his friends would be aware when would be the time for him to take his antibiotics, so he was even more relaxed since he felt that he may have done well for all his journey until there. So he decided to be happy with the time he had and go back to his own room...

After a few minutes Ezekiel left, and Beth came nearby slowly as she looked fearfully to meet the homeschooled boy.

"Is he gone?" The farmer girl asked as she tried to see a slight glance of the writer who just left the bookworm alone.

"You mean Ezekiel? No, it's just a magic trick, he actually is right behind you," Noah replied as he pointed behind Beth, who immediately jumped on her place in fear in surprise.

"Oh no, I'M SORRY." Beth turned her back just to see that there wasn't anyone behind her, and she then turned her head to Noah who just shook his head.

"I was being sarcastic, he actually went to his bedroom, to probably have the rest of the day to rest." Noah rolled his eyes at Beth who just seemed relieved from receiving such good news. "You should stop being scared of him."

"I can't help it, it was my fault that he got pneumonia in the first pl..."Beth was about to say it was her fault when Noah raised his hand.

"I'm going to stop you right there," Noah replied as he rolled his eyes. "I'm not an expert on what probably happened, but from your trip to Boney Island to fight against the most chaotic climatic changes ever happening in television, there was the guarantee that you three would have got sick, no immunologic system would be strong enough to take both heat, then snowstorm and then a rainstorm in the middle of snow. Just for that trip alone, you all should have taken a vaccine alone."

"But, but..." Beth stuttered which made Noah sigh annoyed.

"Also he doesn't blame you and neither Heather for what happened, that's life, shit happens, all you just need to do it's accept and move on." The bookworm boy explained and the next moment he closed his book.

"Do you think so?" The farm girl asked hopefully and Noah decided to ignore her.

"I know so, but don't let this be a way for me to act kindly towards Heather, she made me a scapegoat on the first day, and I'm still planning my revenge to take on her in the future. But at least she isn't sick." Noah just replied and with that went away, leaving Beth a bit unsure on how to respond to the comment of the bookworm.

Beth remained quiet until suddenly she heard a whistle.

"Hey Beth, we are doing some hamburgers, do you want one?" Cody called for the girl who was still in the pool, and from seeing the group of campers who just wanted to have a great time on the playa, she nodded her head happily, which was something she knew Heather and Lindsay would have loved into staying in such an awesome place. But sadly they should remain in the camp.

But hey, at least she will be cheering for them, knowing that they will win the reality show... right?

The next day.

"So you still didn't check your emails?" Izzy asked amused as both Ezekiel and her went down to watch the Pay-per-view episode of the total drama show, and from seeing the ginger girl who was still curious about the reason of what was passing on Ezekiel's mind...

"Well, I had a good time reading a few mail letters and I lost track of the time... But there was something else that was bugging me." Ezekiel hesitated, as he could see the curious glance from Izzy at him. "There are 4 letters from publishers who seemed very interested and even offered their services to make a first sample of one of my books."

"Oh? That seems very great." Izzy grinned happily, but then she noticed his face shadowing, which was also a bad sign..."What is the but on there?"

"But, from my time in the future, we cannot accept every single offer from a company that I never saw the name of before, scams from ghost companies happened a lot in the future, and we developed many safety protocols to deal with this kind of situation, so I may need a lawyer to identify which publisher is being honest, and develop a contract to make fair for both our parties." Ezekiel wasn't stupid, seeing how stupid decisions were made on the internet, and how simple lies could have turned out into scams that would make people who got recently on the business fooled in such simple ways.

"Did this happen a lot in the future?" Izzy asked as she was surprised to know a bit more about how little events caused so many rules around the way the public would deal with contracts and even online, showing how simple things went into a whole mess because of people with bad intentions.

"Well, you would be surprised," Ezekiel said as he just shrugged, and tried to find a simple way into solving the issue.

"Well, why not talk with one of my lawyers? They can check it if is legit or not." Izzy shrugged as she didn't mind since the idea of her lawyers were getting part of her money, she would like to see them working their asses off, since the way she need to deal with taxes and even RCMP. "At least they can also recommend a lawyer to help you in your case."

"That would be nice," Ezekiel nodded his head, since having the help of a lawyer to check the contract and possibly make a counteroffer to start just a publishment of his first book, he wanted to at least make it special for everyone who would have the desire to meet it.

With that, the duo came back to talk about their usual morning and plans until they managed to appear in the main room where everyone was sitting and excited to see the newest episode of the show. Having pay-per-view was indeed a good thing for them since they could watch the whole episode with all the details and see in live who would be the next person eliminated.

"Hey, sweatheart," Leshawna called for Ezekiel and Izzy who seemed to be excited to see how everything went...

And hope that the challenge won't be too difficult for everyone...

Extreme is what would be the theme for the episode.

"Last time on Total Drama Island…" Chris began his usual recap of the episode. "The last 11 surviving campers were put through Master Chief's Hatchet brutal boot camp. But through the unfairness and harshness of boot camp, Duncan decided to make a fridge heist with not just only the collaboration of the second pillar of Killer Bass, but also having some kisses with the Miss Righty girl, showing a rebellious side... Top 10 moments, however since nothing comes without consequences, Chef Hatchet knew how to make them live torture, or especially relieve some of the Killer Bass boys, about why not make fun of someone wearing a gas mask. That was nasty. In the end, Trent and Lindsay brought victory towards Screaming Gophers, while Katie had to say goodbye to all her friends, at least the tan girl will have a nice time with her sister or BFF, and her boyfriend. Whatever..."

Chris enjoyed the time showing the flashbacks and even was lying around in a beach chair and eating Marshmallows.

"Anyway, this week everyone will be forced to EXTREME. Who is going to chicken out? Let's find out in TOTAL DRAMA ISLAND." Chris said as he smiled at the scene being cut... "Alright, let's go get my plane, this is going to be fun."

And so it began, the delightful time of everyone enjoying a good night of sleep, even in the morning the good nature around, showed the camera circling around all the cabins, with some beautiful sound of flute around... As next showed a bear who just found the secret compartment for the marshmallows on the camp... Seeing that nobody was there to spot it, the bear decided to steal it from everyone...

Some were sleeping, Owen was still snoring from all the good bars of chocolate Duncan and Courtney managed to take from Chef's on the last challenge, Harold was sucking his finger on sleep, Duncan was listening to music, Gwen was drawing something on her bed, and Bridgette was smiling at the seashell she just got from Geoff again, they both passed the last day walking around the beach and collecting some seashells.

And when everyone was having a great morning to enjoy... The loud sound of an airplane was heard, which made some of them cringe annoyed, and in fear about what Chris may have in store for them.

Duncan groaned as he noticed that his good time of peace was over.

"Harold, wake up. Stop sucking your finger, Leshawna may be watching you."

"Oh *beep*." Harold fell from his bed, which made Duncan snicker but also rolled his eyes. "Okay I'm up, what is this noise?"

"Chris McLean," Duncan said as he saw both DJ and Geoff waking up and getting ready. "Alright boys, here comes the next challenge."

"Yeah, let's see how this day will go." DJ agreed and gave everyone their clothing... it wouldn't take long until everyone appeared in the middle of the camp, some were with tired eyes since was way earlier than they would normally be awake.

But then the loud noise became even louder, and the bear who was robbing the marshmallows had a bad feeling and immediately fled from the place while leaving some packages of the sugar dessert on the floor.

"I'M COMING," Chris said loudly as he was using his newest airplane to approach the campers, which they imagined what he was planning. To land in the middle of them.

"RUN AWAY," Courtney shouted as everyone jumped from the airplane which made a very good land but still moving.

"YES!" Chris cheered as he was driving the airplane on the floor, with a happy and excited face. "I can't wait to get my pilot's license. Oh,"

At the time Chris had said that, he accidentally crashed upon an outhouse revealing a bear who stole their marshmallows, it tried to hide the packages, but some hole revealed some marshmallows falling behind the bear in front of the camera, showing how the bear was actually 'crapping' marshmallows.

At the time Chris landed and stopped the plane, he smirked as his own visor lifted automatically.

Once Chris had successfully managed to both land and stop his plane, the campers all walked over to the host as he opened the window and pulled out a megaphone. "Just flexing your muscles for today's…Extreme sports challenge!" Chris announced with the last part being through the megaphone and causing the campers to wince a bit. Many of them have bags under their eyes.

"This week, you'll participate in three challenges," Chris explained as he took out a sheet of paper and read from it. "First up, Extreme sofa bed skydiving!" Announcing it through the megaphone, Chris began explaining the challenge as a door to the plane opened revealing Chef in a sky divers' outfit with an old and moldy sofa bed below him on the ground. "Contestants will plummet, uh…skydive to a waiting sofa bed target below." Everyone watched as Chef jumped down on the sofa bed only for it to close up once he hit it, all the campers wincing as they heard the buff chef's muffled screams. "Of course, you'll be skydiving from five thousand feet. And using these." Chris then threw out two parachutes making the campers gasp when they heard how far up they would be when they jumped. "Our lucky contestants are Trent and Gween!"

"Yes," Trent said excited to have a chance to talk with his former teammate, while Gwen groaned annoyed for the fact that she had to interact with the guitarist again. "Of course, why not? Do you know what they say in Mountain Black Cobe? The way to hell has the best view from heaven."

"Can we just be done with it?" Gwen said as she rolled her eyes, she didn't want to interact with Trent, even as her inner fear of jumping that high from the challenge was suppressed by her desire not wanting to be in the same plane with Trent. And since knowing Chris, she couldn't exchange with team mates.

"Not so fast Gwen, because on the next challenge of the is…Extreme rodeo moose riding!" Chris announced as he gestured to where Chef now was and saw the camp's cook in front of a wooden pen containing a large moose. "Contestants will rodeo ride the great Canadian bucking moose for eight seconds or get hooved into a giant pile of socks from the lost-and-found." Everyone looked and put on a face of disgust as they saw a large pile of socks with flies swarming it and just eating up the free stink. Everyone remained quiet and felt disgusted by who could be possibly the unfortunate people who would do the challenge. "And the lucky people would be Heather ridding for Gophers. And Harold riding for the Bass."

"Sweet!" Harold cheered. Knowing once again he would enjoy a good extreme challenge, Gwen just shook her head from the enthusiasm of Harold for doing such crazy challenges.

"He doesn't look too bulky to me," Owen claimed as he went up to the moose's pin and peaked in on the moose. "Hi, beautiful." Owen was then quickly met with the moose punching Owen in the face with one of its forelegs.

"Did you get a camp into riding animals?" DJ asked curious, since Harold usually would have a lot of summer camps, and some random techniques that would be helpful.

"Actually no, but it would be awesome to try something new every day." Harold for the first time said something he wasn't an expert on, and that somehow made Duncan, Bridgette, and even Chris surprised.

"Oh, that's going to be a good episode." Chris smiled, as he already could see that it would be either epic or hilarious at the time Harold would ride the moose.

"Pff." Heather scoffed as she of course had to deal with the annoying nerd. "At least this challenge will be easier than most."

"Well, calm down fake tits. You don't know if I will be able to win against you." Harold commented which made the girls from Killer Bass snicker, and Owen and Trent looked shocked by the way he said it.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME?" Heather said as her eyes went ablaze again, and she remembered why she was so angry and annoyed with the nerd in the first place.

"You heard alright fake tits, we will decide the challenge when it's over. So prepare to lose." Harold smirked as while he sounded cocky, his strategy was actually to attack Heather psychologically and have control of her emotions.

"You will be dead at the end of this day, mark my words," Heather said as she was about to leave, but Chris laughed.

"Alright, I like the tension and the drama, but let's talk about the last challenge. The final challenge…Extreme sea doo waterskiing!" Chris announced what the fifth and last challenge of the day would be as he pointed over to an area that didn't actually have any water and was just a lake of mud. "Contestants will water ski a race course grabbing as many flags as they can before crossing the finish line. While a member from the opposing team drives the sea doo."

"How can we water ski without water?" Heather questioned as she looked over the muddy area.

"It's really hard. Check it out." Chris continued to speak through his megaphone as he pointed to the area. They all saw Chef on dry land start up a sea doo…and then quickly proceeded to wipe out uncontrollably and crash into a tree, even knocking it down. "Awesome! DJ, you'll ski for Killer Bass."

"Okay, I think I can handle this challenge." The kind Jamaican nodded his head, knowing that it wasn't that dangerous in comparison to the other challenges, so he knew his team wouldn't count on him.

"And Lindsay for the Screaming Gophers," Chris told the Gophers dumb blond while still using his much-beloved megaphone.

"Kewl!" Lindsay was happy about this as she struck a pose. "I can model my new bikini!"

"Now for the cool swag!" Chris then began announcing what everyone was really anticipating from this challenge. The reward. "Whoever scores the most challenges gets bragging rights for the night, saves their butts from elimination, and wins a tricked out Multi Massage Mobile Shower."

Everyone looked on in amazement as Chef played music on a harp in front of a beautiful, high quality, and most importantly, clean mobile shower. "Can it be?" Heather asked as she stared at the wonderful washing area with sparkles in her eyes.

"Oh, it be," Chris confirmed with a nod.

"It's so…beautiful…" Courtney said in amazement. She swore a single tear escaped her eye as she looked at it.

"A shower?" Owen said as he stuffed his face with marshmallows. The big guy wasn't really excited about the reward. They already had showers in the communal bathrooms. To him, this just seemed meaningless. "How 'bout something good?"

Just then Heather was back to her usual self as she got right into Owen's face with an intense glare. "Listen to me, you marshmallow-eating goof!" Heather yelled right at Owen causing him to flinch and jump…and start choking on the marshmallow he was eating. "We are going to win that shower if it's the last thing we do, got it?" Owen then started to loudly gag and choke making Heather flinch and run away. Harold was quick to come to Owen's aid as the ginger gave a karate instance, and with a good karate chop, he hit Owen's back as hard as he could and successfully rocketed the white treat out of Owen's esophagus. And to make it even better, it ended up hitting Heather in the back of the head.

"Okay, gang. Chow for breaky, then report back in twenty minutes for…" Chris then started up his plane, getting exhaust fumes in a few campers' faces, as he spoke through his megaphone once again. "The Extreme Sports Challenge!"

(Main Lodge)

Later, everyone was in the mess hall and quickly eating their food before they would have to go through a living hell today. Especially Owen as he finished plate after plate of food. And when he reached his final plate, he didn't even notice something was on it as he stuffed it all into his mouth before handing his dirty plate to Chef. Owen then released a burp causing the thing that was on his food to land on the stack of plates Chef was carrying. "Sweet grub, bro!" Owen complimented Chef before walking away.

Looking at what Owen burped up, Chef picked it up and saw it was some sort of note with a red heart in front. "For the girl with smoldering eyes?" Chef read what was in the note before tossing it aside.

Gwen, Courtney, and Bridgette watched that scene and couldn't help but giggle.

"Wow, Harold is losing his touch," Gwen smirked as the girls nodded their heads towards the note.

"Well, maybe he is missing Leshawna a lot, I won't blame him, since he saw you and Duncan having a few kisses around." Bridgette joked as she saw Courtney blush in surprise at that statement.

"And what about you?" I heard you and Geoff are always going around on the beach to find seashells to collect.

"Well, I won't deny that this has been a great experience, just two of us, walking around the beach, passing the time cleaning it, and collecting seashells." Bridgette blushed on how sweaty and lovable was the party boy who always wanted to have a good time with her.

"Great to see you both having a great time with your boyfriends, I bet even Katie is enjoying a great time with Cody right now," Gwen said as she rolled her eyes, and then both girls nearby her noticed one important fact.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Gwen, we didn't mean it." Bridgette knew that Gwen had a terrible experience with the boy she had a crush on, and now she had to deal with him on the challenge of the day.

"Yeah, we didn't mean to, but don't worry. Someday you will find the right person." Courtney assured the goth friend, who didn't like the idea. "After the show, we will take you into a Girl's night."

"I like the idea. GIRL'S NIGHT OHHHH." Bridgette then shouted like Geoff when he had the same idea as Ezekiel, and at the time she looked at both girls staring at her weirdly, and she pouted. "Oh come on, I always wanted to do that when I saw Zeke and Geoff shout like that."

Both Gwen and Courtney rolled their eyes, but with their smirk, they already made plans to walk together after the madness show.

But at least when they saw Harold's Haiku, they now have a funny story to tell the future.

(In the plane)

The twenty minutes Chris had given every one to eat was over and it was time for the first challenge to begin. Everyone from both teams was at the beach with the Bass and Gophers having their sofa beds ready to push with Duncan laying back on one with Courtney on his lap. Meanwhile, Trent and Gwen, the ones who would be sky diving, were equipped with their parachutes and some helmets as well.

"Now, remember!" Chris reminded everyone while in the cockpit of his plane and still wearing his X-Wing pilot costume. "Ground teams can wheelie the sofa beds wherever they want in order to help their comrade with the landing."

"Wait, so you mean, me and Lindsay and Owen have to move around that heavy sofa bed on where Trent is going to land? While all the Fish heads can have an easier time moving their sofa to where the goth will go?" Heather said in disbelief and Chris smiled widely at her... and she angrily decided to draw a line in the floor. "Welp, it was nice to meet you Trent, I hope you enjoy your last moments in the air with the goth girl because it's your last chance to impress her before you have your face crashed into the floor."

Trent raised his eyebrows as he then rolled his eyes, Gwen would have gotten angry with Heather if wasn't for the fact it was a well-played insult. So she tried to hide her smirk. Heather would be a more interesting companion if wasn't for the fact she is insufferable, but at least it isn't the same thing since she isn't her target anymore.

She looked at the guitarist who now was wearing a red winter hat, which made her raise her eyebrow in surprise since she had just known one person who wore a winter hat on the show until that day.

"Alright everyone, let's go," Chris called for both Gwen and Trent who were ready to go inside the plane.

"Don't worry Gwen, we got you," Duncan raised his thumb which Gwen smiled relieved, but Trent narrowed his eyes at the delinquent. But that wasn't unnoticed. So Duncan gave a middle finger to Trent as Courtney chuckled from seeing Trent glaring at Duncan. "If you want more of this, there is also this one."

Duncan raised his other hand and to his surprise, Courtney gave a help to raise both her hands and give a flip off to Trent, who rolled his eyes and got inside.

"Wait, everyone was supposed to do that?" Lindsay asked Owen who just shrugged in surprise, and Heather sighed in disappointment.

"You will have the opportunity to do that in the future, Lindsay." Heather knew that Lindsay was still very angry with Trent, and since sometimes she can be with her head in the clouds, she gets easily disappointed when she gets the wrong timing to waste an opportunity like that.

DJ, Harold, and Geoff would have done the same thing, but they decided to focus on a strategy. And seeing the plane finally taking flight, it was their time to debate what they could do to help their friend.

"Okay Harold, do you have some predictions on where Gwen was supposed to land?" Geoff asked as Bridgette managed to bring a map to make the nerd have a red marker in his hands.

"Well from looking at the speed of the wind, and how Chris said they are going to fly by 5 thousand feet. It means Gwen would probably take a while to jump so our best bet would go for the South. "Harold decided to make some lines and even circle what would possibly be a good area for the jump.

"But there is also one important fact genius," Duncan commented which caught the attention of everyone on the team. "Gwen is Trent, so who knows how long her patience will last until he opens his mouth."

"*Beep* Okay, I think we need to move right now." Harold cursed at the fact he didn't think about such a possibility. So immediately he commanded the whole team, who nodded their heads and started to carry the weight of the sofa bed with them.


The sound of the plane crossing around the sky was enerving, the sound of the motor pulling them to 3 thousand feet, and the view of the island getting smaller and smaller with time.

"So..." And to make things worse for Gwen, Trent wanted to start the conversation. "It seems Duncan is very overprotective of you."

"Are you serious?" Gwen said as she raised her eyebrow at him. "Well, my whole team is overprotective of me, since I'm on the same plane as you."

"Come on Gwen, please talk to me. I made a terrible mistake and managed to hurt you and your team." Trent sighed as he approached nearby Gwen, but her eyes narrowed at him. "I didn't know Ezekiel had a terrible past, and how the haze cloud potentially hurt Geoff, since he was a chill guy. But, don't you think me being executed with paintballs was enough?"

Gwen looked at the guitarist and closed her eyes, and a good part of her wanted to forgive Trent and wish things were like before the Phobia Factor... however, another part of her wanted to forgive him but forget about him and move on forever. At that moment, she wished both Ezekiel and Geoff would be nearby her and ask if was the right thing to do. Then it came to her heart what she should do.

"Ezekiel's coffin..." Gwen mumbled as she kept staring at the clouds, and even at the time she was terrified of the challenge... what she felt after that day... "The first time I saw it after we dug him out, was the fact the glass was shattered from scratches and there were some red marks... Ezekiel scratched that coffin until his fingers bleed... I saw his eyes, and how he was feeling devoid of life, like he was almost into giving up from his life, it was pure despair..."

Trent had his face in shock, and after hearing how terrifying the experience was from Gwen's perspective, he didn't know how terrible it was.

"I felt fear, panic, and even anger for being left behind, but when I saw Ezekiel in that state... I felt like I took it easy in comparison to him, he was the person who never had a beef with anyone on the show, even he went to help Heather and Beth to their curse, and suffered a collateral effect from it. And when you left him behind, you could have at least given your walkie to someone from Killer Bass, they would have prioritized the rescue, but you created not just anger Trent, the Killer Bass loath you." Gwen went further and didn't show any sign of anger, but the face Gwen showed at that moment, was something which hurt Trent... disappointment. "Geoff had to pass a whole day isolated inside of the cabin as he tried to use a cream and some band-aids to recover from the ice tiny cubes which were so strong to hit on his face, leaving red marks..."

"Gwen I..." Trent tried to apologize but the goth raised her hand.

"Please, at least be honest, don't say you are sorry when you don't mean it... Try to reflect at least, or see on the television about what you did... Because if you are really sorry. I can accept your apologies, in the same way the Killer Bass, but please, stop pretending everything is alright because it isn't." Gwen said as she stared at the red winter hat. "Katie loathes you because the vote on Cody's elimination was unanimous, and you as his friend could at least vote for someone else. Geoff wants an honest apology for what you suggested to Chris since it was something horrible to do with another camper. And everyone in Killer Bass, especially I know Eva who is watching this, she would rip your head off from what you did to Ezekiel, I was angry with you for being abandoned... But now... I don't even want to have anything with you... someday I will forgive you Trent... but please, forget me and move on."

Trent remained quiet, but then he couldn't help but at least have one simple question in mind.

"So you and Duncan..." Trent asked which made Gwen raise her eyebrows at him in disbelief.

"Please tell me you are kidding," Gwen asked in disbelief, but at the moment the answer was silence she facepalmed. "Oh my GOD."

"I saw the way you look at him." Trent defended himself which made Gwen angrier.

"Well Duh? He and Courtney have an amazing relationship, just like Bridgette and Geoff, Harold and Leshawna, and now that they are having a great time together, I had to deal with the fact the boy I had a crush on, was being stupid over jealousy." Gwen said angrily as she was ready to lash out at Trent.

"Hey, I'm not jealous." Trent tried to deny, and Gwen was about to shout at him, Chris had kept to his word and flew them 5000 feet in the air before opening the door and letting the two look at the island from above. The island they would soon be falling to with the aid of the constant force of gravity making them fall faster and faster if they couldn't get the parachute open.

The two looked completely terrified as they looked out of the plane as Chris held up some forms to them. "If you could just fill these out…!" Chris asked as Trent and Gwen looked confused.

"Really?!" Gwen shouted at the host while gesturing a hand down. "Now?!"

"What is this contract for? Didn't we already sign everything?" Trent pointed out as he remembered signing all the stuff before he got to the camp.

"Yeah! But these are for organ donation!" Chris explained that the forms he had were for something completely different. "I have this cool cannibal challenge I wanna pitch to the producers, and that'll go a long way toward budgeting free props!"Trent and Gwen only looked more horrified as Chris looked down and saw they were above the beach. "Here comes the drop, boys!"

Gwen looked at how host Chris was enjoying that moment, and how furious she was with Trent and his paranoid jealousy over nothing, she then decided to follow the example of her friends.

"You know what? *beep* you Trent." Gwen raised her middle finger at the guitarist and decided to jump from the airplane hoping for the best as she knew she would do something stupid, but she refused to spend one more minute inside the plane with the person who just acted in jealousy, even knowing she tried her best to make him just forget about her, but still 5 thousand feet would cause the first reaction. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH."

Trent and Chris stared at each other as Gwen's voice was diminishing from the distance... And from seeing Gwen already jumped from the place. Trent gave another glance at the island.

"I think I just can't do it." Trent then felt himself unable to jump on that moment.

"Come on Trent, it's very easy, all you have to do, it's just jump and pull the cords..." Chris smirked, pointing out Gwen already jumped. "You already jumped from the cliff of 1 thousand feet."

"Yeah, but we jumped in the water, now this time we are 5 times that," Trent said as he was feeling more nervous than he was before. So in the meantime, Chris would have gotten annoyed. But he smirked widely.

"So you are just chicken out?" Chris smiled as he suddenly took something from his pocket and looked at Trent who had his eyes wide open. "Because, I still have a chicken hat from the first challenge, and you have to wear it for the whole day."

"Oh come on, are you for real? It's a life-and-death situation. And nobody would be stupid to risk their lives like that." Trent raised both his arms and talked to Chris, who just rolled his eyes.

"Well, Gwen just jumped from the airplane, so if you don't have any more options, it's just you stay with the hat for the whole day, or you jump off the plane... your choice Trent." Chris made the final decision, and Trent gave one last look, before closing the door from the airplane. "Well, you choose life instead of risking it... But still, Bawk, bawk bawk."

Chris imitated a chicken as he changed the winter hat from Trent, and replaced it with the chicken hat.

Confession - Trent

"Dammit," Trent said as he rolled his eyes, as now he was wearing the iconic chicken hat, and now had to deal with it for the whole day. "Oh come on, It's not like I want to jump, but I thought there would be a limit on when things would get too far. So I gave up. I don't want to get my body hurt."

"COME ON! COME ON! COME ON!" Gwen yelled as she pulled the color-coded strings in the correct order and prayed this wasn't some fake parachute. Luckily for Gwen, the parachute did what all parachutes do and opened up, releasing the chute, and slowing her descent to earth.

But the goth's heart was still racing. She was still falling rather quickly and was praying the entire time down that her teammates would catch her with the sofa bed. After what felt like hours of falling to her, Gwen was able to spot her team on the beach already moving the sofa in her direction.

"She is falling, to the right, right," Duncan commanded, as DJ, Harold, Geoff, Bridgette, and Courtney were working fast, and tried to follow the direction of the goth, and when she thought she was about to hit the floor. Duncan opened the bed sofa, making Gwen land safely at the bed sofa.

"Ah, ah, am I alive?" Gwen said as she then never felt so happy to survive such a terrible disaster. Gwen immediately left the unstable furniture but she couldn't help but laugh from the adrenaline. "This was crazy."

"Yeah, I would have hated it if was me," DJ commented as he sat in the bed, not knowing that it triggered before the sofa bed suddenly folded back into itself and turned into just a sofa with DJ trapped inside. The Killer Bass then proceeded to walk away whistling simply.

Just then Chris descended in his plane to where he was above the beach and spoke to everyone with his megaphone. "Gophers lose, Bass wins!" Chris announced to everyone as he flew over them. "One-Zero!"

"Wait, so that means Trent didn't lend on the target?" Bridgette asked in surprise, while the others got curious about it.

Heather by hearing that, rolled her eyes angrily.

"Seriously? Where did that stupid boy toy go?" Heather asked loudly, as she saw Owen sleeping on the bed sofa, and since they didn't move the sofa away, she preferred to not even try to make a waste of effort... But she was mad to not even see the boy making an effort into trying to go to the camp...

And when Chris came out from the airplane, from the disbelief of some, but to the fun of others, Trent was already feeling like covering his face with his hands and having a chicken hat on his head.

Heather, felt like she was going to have a migraine, and Owen was still sleeping on the sofa... Lindsay tilted her head.

"There is something strange with Thomas," Lindsay commented, as she had no idea why or how the guitarist was somewhat different from the day before. "Did he do something with the hair?"

"The hat, Lindsay," Heather rolled her eyes, as she then looked at Trent with an unamused expression. "Well, congratulations Trent."

"Can we just move on?" Trent groaned, Heather decided to just drink the water bottle as Lindsay tilted her head.

"Nah, it's not the hat, it fits him, are you sure that it isn't the hair?" Lindsay just asked a simple question, but Heather immediately spat out the water and couldn't contain her laugh.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." Heather's loud laugh was heard, as Trent narrowed his eyes and grumped, and walked away annoyed. Heather looked at Lindsay and gave an approving smile. "Okay, that was good, you are learning. Never thought it had in you."

"Thanks, but I was telling the truth." Lindsay naively commented, which made Heather laugh even louder, and the Killer Bass tried to hold their laugh.

"Ha, ha, ha. Very funny." Trent commented as he walked away from everyone, especially the Killer Bass, who was chuckling.

"Bawk bawk bawk!" Duncan couldn't help it, it was the best opportunity to make fun of a chicken like Trent, and Courtney even decided to follow his example.

DJ shook his head in disappointment, while Geoff didn't even care about making chicken noises, because he didn't care for the guitarist. Gwen looked annoyed and disappointed at the guitarist, who just decided to turn his back and walk away...

Geoff wasn't making fun of him, and Trent could have just solved everything on there, by simply saying he was sorry for Geoff, a simple honest apology could have helped Trent. But not opening his mouth to simply ignore the team, made himself ignore the advice Gwen had given to him...

With everything that happened, he knew how Geoff and Ezekiel felt, but why he refused to apologize, was something that Gwen wondered about before, but now she had to kill that thought and cut her last tie with him before moving on. She already forgave him, however... her team may not have done the same...

"Okay, cowpokes! Let's start…the rodeo moose challenge!" Chris said as he showed good excitement over who was going to be the first camper who would challenge the moose.

"Alright, I'm ready to take the moose." Harold was happy and even cracked his fingers to show how serious he was against the challenge. "Since Moose are part of the deer family. They can be pretty fast and nefarious."

"Well, thanks for the lesson Harold, but I don't think that it would save you," Bridgette commented as she rolled her eyes, and even the moose snorted from that fact.

"Hey, you never know what you can learn about animal facts... Like, I'm surprised that you like adult dolphins." Harold commented something that made Bridgette stare at him inquiring what he was talking about. "If you heard about how they treated their babies, you would have preferred the sharks and orcas instead of such blood-cruel animals."

"Harold, you are talking about dolphins, they are not like that." Gwen raised her eyebrow until she noticed the nerd was talking seriously.

"Welp, don't say I didn't warn you." Harold stretched himself as Gwen just looked amused, and then gave him a piece of paper. "What is... oh, one of my first haikus on the camp. Wow, never thought I would see it here."

"We found in the main lodge in one of the plates," Gwen commented as Harold nodded his head.

"Okay, makes sense, maybe it fell from my pocket since I was checking how many I did for Leshawna since the start of the show..." Harold nodded his head, and with gratitude, he already went above the moose... Gwen and Bridgette took that good opportunity to stay back, but then a voice was heard.

"So, you still do those useless things?" Heather scoffed as she found it funny to see a loser trying to act romantically and lose face in front of a million people on television.

"Well they aren't useless, fake tits, I managed to hook up with Leshawna," Harold smirked which immediately made Heather narrows her eyes angrily. "Maybe you are just envious because you never received one before."

"Pff, as if I would like something stupid like that," Heather rolled her eyes, but she approached to be near the moose and she stared angrily at Harold. "And you better stop calling me fake tits, you ginger mamma boy, or I'm going to make you regret to even be born."

"As if I have fear of you. Bring on fake tits." Harold narrowed his eyes, as both stared at each other angrily.

And with a safe distance, Bridgette looked unsure to Gwen as she had a bad feeling.

"Shouldn't we help Harold to make Heather away?" Bridgette asked the Goth who just shrugged.

"Well, it's not like the challenge would start, I mean, how bad it can be?"Gwen made the question and what she didn't expect was something that immediately would shock her mind.

"Hey, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING YOU STUPID MOO..."Heather was caught by surprise as the large animal approached its head at her, and before she had time to complain...

"Hey stop moving Whoah."Harold tried to make his grip on the animal but he inclined in front, which was an absurd timing calculated by the animal.



Gwen and Bridgette gasped in shock, as they never thought to see something like that. Heather herself where also paralyzed for never expecting this... In the same way... Harold will never forget this...

The moose just ripped Heather's top and left the queen bee's bust exposed in front of the nerd, which the nerd trying to reach the wood bar... Managed to catch one with his hands... While the other... just missed the target, which managed to catch into something smooth and yet firm...

One of Heather's boobies...

Time went in slow motion as both Heather and Harold were shocked at how the Moose made them into a position neither of them wanted...

Bridgette and Gwen had their mouths dropped shocked, as they went after Harold to make him go back to his place before the challenge started...

But it was too late, The Chef who was nearby the gate, accidentally opened the moose and gave a final smirk before going crazy with Harold too lost in concentration from his recent accident.

Heather didn't even have time to jump away, as the Moose went like a bull and pushed the queen bee away.

And Harold didn't even have time to register what happened... He was in such a catatonic phase that at the next second he just flew away from the moose and got everyone's attention before the moose bucked him off and sent him flying into the socks. When he popped out, he had a mouth full of dirty/sweaty socks.

"And he is already out," Chris said in a confused tone

"Oooh that sucks. Wait a minute can we rewind that and fast forward it in slow motion" Chris said as he examined the whole scene in slow motion, and Harold flying past him like a dead fish. But the host's focus wasn't on that.

"Oh my god are you kidding me? Look at me. Can we please get a decent budget together for hair and make-up? I look like I just fell out of bed sheesh." Chris said as he looked at himself in the footage and circled with a pink marker to prove his point...

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH."Heather shouted from despair as not only her breasts were shown on live television, but also touched by the last person she ever would imagine to do it.

Confession - Harold.

"They are real..." Harold whispered in front of the camera, as he felt dazed and in shock at how at the end of the challenge it was... he was awareness of what time it was at that moment, but the only thought that crossed his mind, was. "Her boobies are real."

(Playa Del Losers)

"THAT WHITE FUCKING WHORE." Leshawna shouted so angrily that everyone had to give space to the black girl who was furious to see such a scene happening live. Ezekiel's mouth dropped, as Izzy blinked in surprise as well.

Eva had to restrain Leshawna from trying to trash the entire area since it was proved to be accidental, but there was also a fact... Harold grasp one of Heather's tits, and that was something Leshawna was very furious about, not only because the moose made the nerd just look at them, but even making him touch them...

"Dude," Tyler had no words could say at that moment, since anything, anything could make it worse, and nobody would be stupid to...

"Well, it seems Heather upped your game." Noah snarked, and Tyler stared at the bookworm like he was crazy...

And Leshawna had bloodshot eyes which made Noah regret those words. Leshawna took Bookworm by the hair and slapped his face ten times on each cheek, which made everyone, even Justin flinch from how stupid Noah had made a terrible mistake to provoke someone like Leshawna.

Cody was just checking his DPA when suddenly he saw something in the Total Drama forum...

"Oh, oh..." Cody murmured as he looked at Katie, and Katie giving a side glance on the DPA had her eyes wide open.

"Oh no..." Katie whispered as Leshawna stared at both of them.

'What?" Leshawna showed her impatience until she saw the title of the new blog post... "OH, THAT FUCKING WHORE, I'M GOING TO BEAT THE SHIT OF HER."

"What, what's going on?" Ezekiel got terrified of seeing Leshawna that angry, and he decided to check on Cody's DPA... And he had his eyes wide open from such a post. "Oh Sierra, that's just petty."

Ezekiel said as Izzy looked at the post, and couldn't help but chuckle.

The tile was obvious...

HeatherXHarold, the Moose Romance.

Sierra just named a new ship for the fans of the show to support a new shipping around the show, and poke fun at Leshawna who isn't on the show on that episode.

"URGHHHHH, I'M GOING TO DESTROY HER ONLINE." Leshawna stepped angrily as she went to the computer in her bedroom, leaving a lot of the losers staring at each other in surprise.

"Do we all agree that Harold is dead when he gets here?" Noah said as he was massaging his cheeks from the beating he got at that moment.

And nobody had an answer to how to respond to that. Even Ezekiel never thought that would escalate in such a way in comparison to the fandom, and it was clearly shown Moose having some amusement into that. How an animal desired to cause such chaos, and now he managed to make Leshawna desire to kill someone.

Does the Killer Bass will lose the challenge like the cannon?

(Camp Wawanakwa)

Heather quickly went to exchange herself and place another top, thankfully Chris said it would be the best time for them to get in the commercials, and she was now pissed...

At the moment she didn't even dare to look Harold in the eye, she was beyond furious, and the culprit was right in front of her.

"You better be protected by PETA, because I'm going to destroy you," Heather said angrily, as she didn't want to ride the moose, she wanted to kill the animal who just made her pass shame in international television. She has no idea how big that scene would become to her career, and now she wants to hurt the animal as much as she can.

The moose narrowed its eyes and scoffed like calling her to bring it on.

And then Heather went above the Canadian animal, and both of them had anger in their eyes, they wanted to hurt each other so badly.

"Sweet mother of– Aah!" Chef didn't even get to open the gate as the moose crashed right through the gate with Heather holding on tight, refusing to let go. Even giving a headlock on the Moose which each of them are trying to beat each other.

As Heather was doing her challenge, the boys from Killer Bass went near Harold who was still in shock at what happened. Each of them raised his hand to give a high five and helped Harold in his frozen state, by raising his arm as well.

"DUDE, YOU GOT THE TITTIES OF YOUR ARCH NEMESIS," Geoff said as he was proud of the nerd who just managed the impossible, now he has a story that would be told by his grandchildren, and he has to tell about the time on how a nerd got hands on the boobies of a girl who was in the reality television.

"Dude, that was crazy. How do you feel dude?" Duncan commented proudly at Harold who was still in stuttering mode.

"They are real," Harold answered and Duncan gave taps on his back.

"Of course they are dude... You are my her..." Duncan was about to tell how proud he was of Harold until the duo heard a clearing throat behind them, which made both the delinquent and the party boy have their spines shrives... And slowly saw the angry look from both the C.I.T. girl and the surfer who were glaring at both boys. "Err... Harold wake up dude, you have Leshawna as your girlfriend wake up."

Immediately both Geoff and Duncan tried to make Harold come back to reality, but nothing they did was working, and while inside of them there was pride on how Harold had the dream of the boys, they were also fearful from the angry looks of their respective girlfriends behind them.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH, I'M GOING TO KILL YOU, YOU STUPID ANIMAL." Heather was shouting loudly as the Killer Bass was still trying to wake up Harold...

Confession - Gwen.

"I can't believe it happened like that, Harold is so shocked at what happened that nothing we are doing is unfreezing his brain, if nothing works, we have to eliminate him, for the sake of his relationship with Leshawna." Gwen came to explain the situation on the confession boot and looked unsure of what to say. "That moose did that on purpose, it was pure accident Leshawna, but I think you need to deal with this issue."

"So, we have a tie!" Chris announced as he drove around the next and final area where the challenge would take place. This was it. The score was tied two to two. One last challenge. Whoever won this would be taking home the gold and the shower while the losers would be losing a team member today. Skiing for the Bass was DJ and Skiing for the Gophers was Lindsay. "Whoever wins the extreme sea doo waterski challenge… wins invincibility!"

"I'm ready!" A familiar voice called out to the Gophers. Looking, they all saw Lindsay in a green bikini top and bottom with the suit highlighting her supermodel-worthy body.

Heather wasn't that excited about the challenge, knowing that they would probably lose, but then she just saw one of the Jetskis were empowered by a powerful turbine.

'What's going on?" Heather asked loudly, as Owen was trembling in fear as he was wearing a helmet on his face.

"Well, since Owen is the only member of Screaming Gophers who didn't participate, I decided to make things more fair, and empowered the jetski to make it able to carry Owen at the normal speed." Chris gave an explanation which Owen gulped on how the turbine was tied to the jetski with duct tape. "Alright DJ, get ready for the challenge."

DJ gulped loudly, as then a sound of splash was heard from nearby him, and from that a gasp which brought the attention of the others. Harold finally got out of his trance, after receiving a cold water bucket on his head.

"What happened?" Harold asked as the Killer Bass members finally managed to take the ginger nerd out of the trance.

"You touched Heather's tits, and then you just froze in such a state. I think it was too much for even your brain to process." Duncan explained as he went near Harold. "Great job dude."

And when the whisper was said, and Duncan came back to his position, he narrowed his eyes, Courtney was also in an angry state. And for her satisfaction, Harold finally got the reality check he needed.

"Oh no, Leshawna is going to be very angry," Harold said as he placed both hands on his hair. And he had no idea what he should do. Luckily for him, Bridgette and Courtney dragged him away from the challenge, into trying to do some damage control from that.

"We know it was an accident, but you shouldn't let this get into your head Harold, what Leshawna will say if she sees that?" Courtney pointed out which made Harold happy to have some backup to try to fix this...

And Dj was preparing himself for the challenge, while Owen was gulping from the monstrosity that was the Screaming Gophers Jetski.

"Here's the road rules…oh wait, there are no rules!" Chris revealed with an excited grin. "Which means this is gonna be awesome!"

After a few minutes of preparation, Chris was happy with his arrangements, and with his green flag, he was ready for everything.

"And GO." Chris gave the green flag a wave, and Owen carefully touched the accelerator of the jetski, it automatically moved on its own, making Owen and DJ surprised by speed and instability.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." Both Owen and DJ shouted in fear, as it was passing around the entire arena, and DJ was trying to not look because of how terrifying the challenge had been...

"DJ dude, catch the flag," Geoff called his friend, but it seemed both DJ and Owen were shouting loudly and weren't able to listen to the cowboy hat boy.

"Owen, control the Jetski, you are the pilot of it, you must control it," Trent called from away, but also like Geoff his voice wasn't heard from the constant shouts of fear from both campers.

Miraculously, DJ just caught 3 flags but had no idea int how that happened. But Chris was paying attention.

"DJ is with three flags, now all Owen has to cross the finish line or he will be disqualified," Chris explained what was happening, and both DJ and Owen had no way of controlling the crazy turbine.

Confession - Owen

"I know sometimes I fart when I'm nervous... but in a case like that, that jetski... I couldn't help it," Owen slightly farted as he had bad memories from that event. "It escalated in such a terrible way."

The turbine overheated itself and showed a few sparks before getting in flames.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH," Owen screamed in fear as suddenly his own body betrayed him, and with a loud fart... The flames became so big, that the speed doubled from the natural turbo coming from a combination between machine and man.

"WHOAHHHHH." DJ fell down with his head on the mud and was carried towards the finish line, which Owen hit into the rock and his body flew in the direction of a bear who was ready to eat the marshmallows... But without having a notion of danger which was ready to hit it... A 100-pound boy falling at high speed... Immediately knocking the bear and all the good marshmallows which were on the floor.

"Err... Oh WOHOOOO, Marshmallows." Owen found his own prize, as the bear was knocked out from the terrible day it was having, and Owen was having the food of the guests.

"Well, DJ managed to cross the finish line with 3 Flags, now Screaming Gophers, you all just need 4 flags to win," Chris explained the details, and Duncan nodded his head, and cracked his neck because he was sure that the challenge wouldn't be difficult.

"Are you sure that you got this?" Heather gave a final question to Lindsay who made herself presentable and with an assured smile.

"Don't worry, I was a cheerleader at school, and we always did a jetski in the summer break. I can do this." Lindsay smiled as she even checked her own makeup, and that made Duncan frown deeply at Lindsay, who he was sure was going to win the challenge.

And so the second half of the challenge began. Skiing for the Gophers was Lindsay with Duncan driving her. If Lindsay got even one flag, the Gophers would win. So the delinquent was gonna make sure Lindsay didn't lay a finger on a single flag.

"Ready, set, ride it like it's sweeps week!" Chris started the challenge with the wave of a flag like before. "Go!"

Unlike DJ, Lindsay actually got control of the challenge and managed to stay on her skis as Duncan took off. The delinquent was given the same path as Owen who crazily waltzed around the mud, so when Duncan reached the ramp, he tried to throw Lindsay off but to everyone's surprise the dumb blond actually managed to do a flip and catch the flag. "Flag one!" Chris announced leaving the Gophers to cheer.

Duncan did everything we could think of to throw Lindsay off, but…

"Flag two…three…four…and five!" Duncan growled as Lindsay caught the fifth and final flag in her hand. "Lindsay has snagged all five and is racing home for the win! Duncan had an epiphany! He has to cross!"

"Says you!" Duncan yelled as he let go of the bars of the sea doo and was about to let it go out of control and not steer it. "Yeeeeeeah!" However, Duncan ended up crashing right into a rock and was flung right off the sea doo and into a tree with Lindsay keeping up the momentum she had and crossing the finish line with all five flags. Securing a win for the Screaming Gophers.

Lindsay cheered as Chris pulled up nearby on his ATV. "She won?" The host asked with an expression of disbelief on his face. Chris then smirked as he spoke into the walkie-talkie he had that was connected to the spears. "Gophers win!"

All the Gophers looked at the sparkling new shower and all cheered for their victory while the Bass all sighed and slumped down. They lost the chance of a good shower, but at least they had the hot tub. "Duncan!" Courtney called out to her boyfriend in a concerned tone as she ran up to the tree he was trapped in. "Are you ok?!"

"Well let's see I just got humiliated by a dumb blond chick on national television," Duncan told her in a sarcastic tone. "So yeah I'd say I'm fine all things considered." Despite his predicament and their losing, Courtney couldn't help but chuckle a bit.

"Well, at least you tried your best," Courtney said as she tapped his back, and seeing Lindsay getting out flawlessly without even a dirt of mud, she couldn't help but be impressed. Lindsay was skilled in that category."

"Yeah, she was… but now we had to deal with who is going to be eliminated. That's the third time." Duncan was getting annoyed for losing the challenges, but Courtney kissed his lips which made him calmer.

"Don't worry, I kinda expected that, the morale of our team got sidetracked as many of our team wanted to be eliminated. Katie wanted to give up, and Ezekiel had to make him go to the hospital. But now Harold is in deep trouble if he doesn't go to Leshawna and deal with this issue with her." Courtney explained as everyone watched Heather happy to finally have a great shower service, which was enough to make her happy for the rest of the show. "And look at them, they now just have a shower, while we have a hot tube, and scored many good prizes. Their time will come, sooner or later."

"Hmm… if you say so, princess." Duncan sighed, as he had to say goodbye to one of the members of his team. "So, what did you and Harold talk about"

Courtney gave a sweet smile, and just smiled at him.

"We firstly forced him to take a long shower, but in comparison to the last challenge, the smell of sweaty socks isn't that bad. But still, Leshawna would get uncomfortable… But also, I cannot say it because that would be telling, and if you have to find out, because I won't give you the secret into how to apologize to me." Courtney acted mysteriously, and Duncan somehow knew that Harold would be forced to not share such a secret with him now.

After seeing Courtney happily leaving the area, Duncan discovered how difficult would be into a relationship.

"Dammit," Duncan said as he was disappointed in that.


"As you know, Killer Bass, that's the third time you all lost your challenge, and differently than the first one, these last 2 challenges you lost even giving all your effort. So you must try to gain focus to remain in the game… But anyway, if you do not receive a marshmallow, you will be forced to walk the Dock of Shame, and you will never ever return to camp." Chris recited the usual rules of the elimination ceremony. The only one not sitting by the fire was Harold who, due to his stink, had to hang out by a nearby tree while a female skunk tried to hit on him.

Chris then picked up two marshmallows and threw them to the first two campers that were safe. "DJ, Bridgette, you guys are safe. The surfer and the Brickhouse cheered as they caught their marshmallows. "Geoff and Courtney you're also good!"

Both the CIT girl and the Party Boy were happy about getting their own marshmallows.

"Muchos luchos, compadre!" Geoff said happily, and now there were two campers on the final votes… Knowing that Harold would be eliminated, they tried to make it the fair as possible, at least Harold and DJ voted on Duncan to make it more simple and fair without them getting suspicious of the elimination.

Harold was now still waiting for the time he was going to leave the place, but the skunk female was still looking at him with dreamy eyes.

And so we were brought to the most tense part of all ceremonies. Two campers, Harold and Duncan, and one marshmallow of safety. "Okay, that leaves Harold," Chris stated as the ginger was sitting on the tree, already anxious for him to get out of the island and try to do damage control on his relationship. "For having caught in bad sheets from having a Moose who wanted to hook you up with Heather.

"Can we just end the game?" Harold shouted from the distance, but Chris ignored him.

"And Duncan who bailed even bigger." Chris went on causing an expression of rage to come to the delinquent's face. "Because Lindsay left his circling the drain in a shameless–"

Chris was cut off by Duncan walking up to the host and grabbing him by the collar. "The chick was determined," Duncan told Chris through his gritted teeth.

"Which is why you're safe," Chris told Duncan in a bit of a frightened tone as he handed the last marshmallow to the delinquent. This seemed to calm Duncan down as he took the marshmallow and walked next to Courtney with the CIT planting a kiss on his cheek. So that left Harold as the eliminated camper. Taking the megaphone Chris called Harold for his elimination. "Harold, sorry dude. You're done like dinner."

"Finally." Harold jumped from the tree and almost hurt himself in the crotch, but thankfully, he managed to sit with his ass on the floor, it still hurts. "I'm okay."

"Yeah, now go Romeo, or Juliet is going to kill you when she sees you." Gwen, gave a quick hug to Harold, while Duncan gave a high five to the nerd, in the same way DJ gave a hug to the ginger who was happy to have made so many friends on the show.

Geoff gave a fist bump, which Harold did happy. And Courtney gave a slight hug.

"Remember what I said, everything is going to be fine if you do that." Courtney gave the instructions, and Harold nodded his head to her.

"Thanks again, Courtney." Harold smiled as he took his own things and already left on the boat.

"I wish you good luck, Harold," Bridgette said as she helped to clean up his glasses.

"It's going to be fine," Harold said in false bravado… "I hope so."

"You are the hero Harold. And I salute you." Duncan said as he never thought someone would have such luck to manage to do something like that on national television, Geoff also saluted like a soldier, but not a second later. They both heard a growling sound behind them… Which was their respective girlfriends. "HAVE A NICE TRIP DUDE."

Both Duncan and Geoff said loudly, as they watched Harold leaving the show… and with that, one of their MVPs…

"I don't know how you managed to take the smell like that," Chris said as he was feeling terrible by the smell, but the group just stared at it, and just shrugged.

"That's not that bad, we took it way worse." Duncan, Geoff, and DJ said while the girls nodded their heads.

"I blame Ezekiel and Chef Hatchet for that," Courtney said as she never wanted to suffer from that stink bomb ever again, and seeing that it was just dirty socks, she scoffed at how easy was to deal with that smell.

Confession – Courtney.

"He is going to be fine, and while on one hand, I'm sad to lose one of our strong players, with 2 MVPs, at least I won't get to worry about him crushing the competition in the future," Courtney said with sincerity. "Still, I'm going to miss him. *Sigh* Why every time we lose a team member it gets harder to not get nostalgic at the good times we have at the start of this show?"

Confession - Heather

"Clean up, clean up. I need to clean up all my body. From the shame I'm having right now, that stupid nerd didn't just see it, he touched me, ughhhhhh… I need to clean up myself again." Heather said as she was covered in the towels, and while the good massage from the shower was pleasant to her, the fact her tits were touched by someone who was calling it fake was something that made her feel dirty. "I'm going back to the shower."

Heather doesn't realize how a fangirl just managed to make one iconic scene into something Heather will have a migraine for thousands of days. Trent had a whole day wearing a chicken hat, but was mostly ignored by the other team… Lindsay was happy for giving another victory for her team, Owen was enjoying a good marshmallow, while the bear who just woke up in the middle of the mud, was trying to look for the marshmallows, but now they were empty… Leaving the bear animal to release a tear in sadness…

And the Killer Bass without another good member of their team...

They just hoped the merge would happen soon…

And it was sooner than what they would expect.

Chapter 21: Brunch of Disgustingness

Chapter Text


To tell them that it was the most absurd thing they ever could see in their entire life would be understanding. Since at the time both sister Sky and Jane were watching the last episode of the famous Total Drama Island, they had many theories about what could happen... But... A moose was the cataclysm of Harold finding out if Heather's boobs were actually real? That was so absurd because it was probably an adult comedy movie scene. Harold was with his hands full... Literally.

And in national television, or possibly international events.

"Oh my God, Leshawna is going to throw a fit," Jane commented as she immediately watched in disbelief, knowing the black girl camper who had a very interesting romance with Harold and they didn't even kiss yet... but now Heather not just got her boobs exposed, but Harold had the unluck or luck to actually grab one of them? That was unreal.

"I can't believe what's happening. This will be the talk of gymnastics tomorrow, I bet even the teacher is going to talk about this event." Sky commented as she even had to make herself unsure of what was going to happen to the poor boy. "I have a classmate who was saying Harold is provoking Heather because deep inside he desires her, and the deep snarls and hatred from her were also a sign of flirt, we thought she was talking bs, but now... she is going to gloat herself from this..."

"Oh my God, this is going to be a ship war..." Jane commented as she saw her sister tilting her head to her. "It happened before when me and my friends at the high school found a very good best-seller book... And the fact that it created a whole shipping war on the school, was cringy in our memories now, but it was chaos when it happened at that time."

"And now from all the boys... Harold now has the main target of the shipping war?" The little sister asked her big sister, who nodded her head. "I was surprised that it wasn't Duncan or even Owen since they are some of the most popular."

"Well, you also forgot about Ezekiel," Jane commented when suddenly she heard the burp sound from her sister. "You really need to check your stomach, it gets annoying that every time we talk about Ezekiel you start burping on my face."

"Sorry... But still, this is difficult to process." Sky commented sheepishly as she couldn't imagine how difficult would be the center of a shipping war.

"Some would say that this is a great dream of the boys, but that's not easy. From what I can tell, remember that user who is a fangirl of Cody? And she trashed Leshawna on her blogs, that even some users were totally against her and made them the bottom of their jokes? I think one of those users was Leshawna, can you imagine the anger she must be feeling when she watches this episode from where the girl who managed to make her eliminated now had her titties grasped by the boy who confessed to her? It's going to be a ship war for sure. And I think there isn't going to be a winner."

"Oh, this is going to be difficult for them, I can see this is going to create a lot of drama after Heather's elimination." Sky agreed with her sister, that the situation can be described as terrible right now, since the fans are now in chaos, tomorrow would be the chaos, or it could happen after the end of the episode. "Still it seems Heather is now with bloodshot eyes, I think she is going to kill the moose."

"I don't blame her if it was me, I would go berserk, I mean, the moose just took her shirt and made Harold fall over her, this situation can be described as the chaotic as possible, there is no way this moose would have done that I wasn't in purpose." Jane now glared at the moose, one of the most prestige animals in Canada, now she was wary of them because imagining that a pervert animal would take her shirt. It was humiliating at best. "BEAT ITS ASS HEATHER."

"Seriously Jane?" Sky looked surprised at her sister, since from the start both of the girls hated the queen bee, but with time they warmed up to the idea of the queen bee having actually very good loyal bees to protect her, even if she is an ass some times, she actually showed a little of heart inside. But that situation was too much.

"Well, it's her or the pervert moose, who would you cheer for?" Jane shrugged at her sister, which made the gymnastic little sister pass a second to think. Until she came to an obvious conclusion.

"BEAT ITS ASS HEATHER, STING ON ITS EYES," Sky shouted as the girls would want the same thing Heather, and make the moose make the situation worse for everyone.

"I can't believe my eyes." The druid's father said as he cleaned the dust of it, since working so much on the night shift from the day before, he was ready to have breakfast and enjoy himself watching the pay-per-view before going to work, one of the good advantages of the said system of the show, they have early access of the challenges before the entire episode being aired at the time he goes at work.

It was a good time to spend with his daughter and wife, since it was the day off from the mother, since the whole family is in tune with nature, they can talk and learn many things directly with mother nature, but only his daughter has the power of reading minds and read auras, one of the abilities that only his mom developed. And surprisingly, he remembered the words of his own mother.

"Beware of moose, they are very difficult creations of mother nature since their own mood could be described as easily to anger, but also for their nasty pettiness around vengeance, some of them were so terrible that made me with all my patience to try to not strangle them. Leave them with mother nature, and the future will bring at them like Karma, so be calm, and let them be."

Those words were described, as he could see his wife covering her chest and glaring at the television screaming.

"MOTHER NATURE." The matriarch shouted as she felt attacked from seeing such a horrible scene, and the worst part, Dawn had her eyes wide open and gasped in horror. "LOOK AT YOUR CHILDREN, THIS WAS UNECESSARY."

"What horror, Harold is in shock, his aura is such a mess, he has no idea what to do now," Dawn commented as she then saw the moose clearly launched the nerd on the dirty socks. Which made Dawn narrow her eyes and shake her head. "That wasn't fair, I'm disappointed, neither of them provoked it, and yet he made the chaos by pettiness... Mother nature, I'm disappointed."

That day watching the events of the episode, they have a notion that possibly Harold needs to find a way to recompose himself, or he would clearly need to find a way to help their mate from the episodes before.

"Please help and guide him Mother Nature, or he could drown himself in trouble from your children." The father gave a little prayer because if it was him he knew that even with Mother Nature's help his wife would want to punish him hard, and it was clear how troublesome the poor boy would have been, but thankfully he felt that his prayer was answered because from the slight leaves and some flowers of jasmine fell down from the said tree... Which made the father have his eyes wide open and his mouth jaw opened... Mother Nature shared a secret because he found that both his wife and daughter didn't pay attention to her words. So before leaving for work, he did his best to take all the jasmine flowers with him, because this isn't something that his precious daughter needs to know, and his wife would freak out what Mother Nature prepared for the nerd boy.

And the animals still ask him why he likes to talk about the show with them because everything on the show is absurd and yet he cannot stop watching. But now, he had to hold this secret while he tried to compose himself and prepare for work at the evening.

(Playa Del Losers)

"Are you sure that you want to stay guys?" Ezekiel asked as he felt himself worried for his friends, "Because Harold probably is smelling terrible, and he is going to take a day or two to take out all that terrible smell, and I'm the only one who knows what terrible smell looks like."

"If you are talking about the stink bomb, please don't remind me, I was horrified to see all my friends like that, and I was surprised that nobody recorded me vomiting at the time the crew went to meet me when that part of the challenge was over," Katie said, as Cody gulped drily, but still the couple were holding hands together, and if she was going to stay so does him. "But I think after dealing with my friends after E.M.A.L.M. (a nickname she created for the stink bomb, since was easier to make the initials the entire word.) Harold would need support."

"Oh yeah, you have experience with the aftermath of the stink bomb, so yeah, I can see that, but Eva, are you sure that you want to see him?" Ezekiel asked unsure, since the bodybuilder had no idea how terrible the smell Harold would be, to even a skunk to have a crush on him.

"Don't worry about me, he needs protection in case Leshawna wants to have something or someone to hit, Sierra has been a rock in her shoes, and now there is a huge fight around the computer, I'm just glad that you didn't look at it yet," Eva grunted as she saw how some absurd things the fans around forums managed to be so ruthless and stupid when it comes about possibility of relationships. Still, she was surprised to see Ezekiel hesitating into going on the internet, which was good, but also strange, since the time she came on the Playa Del Losers, her email box was filled with emails that she didn't imagine get so many, wishing recovery and even complimenting her to save the campers... it even had some childish scanned paper drawings of her actually carrying a tree, and some of her beating a bear, children were creative, and even made her had some smirk in her painful moments. She glanced at her leg, and now she felt like that cast was just a shoe for her, she walked like nothing was wrong with it. She even got used to the itch some time, but she waited...

Ezekiel hesitated because he had been avoiding seeing his email box since the time he appeared, he enjoyed reading all the fan mail letters, even if was strange to see troll letters coming from some haters as well, it was weird to see such people judging him, telling the parts they liked of what he did, and what they hated... and how he was too week to keep going and etc... just troll fans, he had many from his fanfics on his past life, this was expected. But the difference in the digital world, it's like... one was receiving a bag of fan letters... but checking an email box after weeks into a reality show? He wasn't sure if he received a few, dozens, hundreds of emails, that if someone had leaked it on the internet... And knowing Sierra, maybe she had...

Fan letters, he could use them as proof to the police since they have the address from the place they sent... Email is most like a place without law, and people would go hardcore without thinking about consequences, digital writers feared harassing the internet in his past life... does the past before social media make fan emails better than the dark future of the internet? He doesn't know, but he was procrastinating to see the emails, but he need to have the courage to read them... He promised to Izzy that he had to...

Ezekiel nodded to Eva, as she, Katie, Cody, and Ezekiel waited to the shore, the slow boat coming towards their direction. They were ready to receive the boy who came from the terrible challenge on the show. And slowly coming in their direction, the uncomfortable smell finally was reaching their noses.

"GET OUT BEFORE MY BOAT GETS YOUR SMELL." Suddenly the group heard a scream, and on the next moment they saw the captain of the loser's boat kicking out Harold from the travel Camp Wawanakwa, and at the time he hit the shore, the group could feel the terrible smell coming from the dirty socks...

The captain launched all the luggage of the nerd before quickly using his boat to go back far away from the terrible smell, cursing at how the nerd had been annoying and finally, he could enjoy the fresh air once again.

Ezekiel and Katie went to help Harold get up, as Cody and Eva twitched their noses, it was a bad smell, but from how Ezekiel and Katie helped the nerd to get on his feet and carry his stuff... It seems they really know how that smell actually is irrelevant to them.

"Thanks, guys, I'm surprised to see you all awake, so what is this place?" Harold was surprised to see a different place instead of actually going to a city where he would be greeted by his mother and siblings, but instead, the boat just brought him to a resort.

"Well, welcome at Playa Del Losers," Ezekiel said as Katie gave a hug to the stinky boy. "This place makes you second guess why you didn't get eliminated sooner."

Harold sniffed and then glanced at Eva who walked to help carry the luggage and help him, even if her nose was twitching. Cody was holding his own nose.

"Nice to see you here Harold." Cody greeted as he was holding his nose and his voice sounded pitchy.

"Let's get going string bean, you must be tired and you need a shower, quickly," Eva grunted, as the nerd rolled his eyes.

"I know, but I already passed an hour at a show. I even ran out of the soap on there." Harold said as it was supposed to be way worse, but at least he was with his friends.

"Trust me, Harold, here are many spa products, that will help you out. I think tomorrow you are even going to smell like a model, Justin told us that the products here were very high quality."Katie commented as the group walked around the resort. "Here is the key to your room, and it seems like Chris's promise here is like a 5-star resort."

"We have a pool, hot tub, barbecue grills, and every suite has access to all the recorded episodes, and we have channels with the pay-per-view to keep watching the others," Cody explained as the group looked around.

"And before you go and talk with Leshawna, I think you should rest, and take a shower. Believe me, you may not want to see her right now." Eva commented as the group finally reached the floor where the nerd was supposed to have time for himself. "Tomorrow you can try to talk to her."

"Yeah, maybe is for the best, I really want to see her, but hey, at least I'm happy to see you all again. And you look more healthy Ezekiel, are you doing fine?"Harold asked which made Ezekiel make a so-so gesture to his hand.

"60 to 70% better. A cough here and a cough there, but I'm taking my meds and resting a lot. So in a few weeks, I will be recovered." Ezekiel replied as Katie gave a hug to Harold before he opened his door.

"Sadie and Tyler are sleeping in their rooms, so tomorrow you will see them. Have a good night." he opened the door and gave a hug to Katie and the other members of his team, and with that, the newest loser of Killer Bass found himself in his new suite... "Well, better to take my clothes off and take a shower first..."

Harold took time to appreciate the view around the suite he was in since it had been a very luxurious place for him to stay, like an elegant 5-star hotel, which made him feel relaxed, but also nervous about the worries he had over the morning. He knew that his friends probably would need his awesome skills until the merge, but sadly this time his skills couldn't save him from the surprise attack made by the Moose, which made him know about the truth related to Heather's boobs, and possibly with the idea of Leshawn... Leshawna?"

"Lesh..." Harold was about to say the name, but he was interrupted by the awestruck view of the same brown sugar hot girl who had been with him at the camp, she was waiting for him... on his bed, wearing nothing but a towel.

"Ah, ah..." Harold was in shock, as the well-curved thick woman passed by him, and the first thing she did was try to remain serious.

"You stink," Leshawna said as she narrowed her eyes to him, she was near him, and he was still awestruck by her presence. He froze at that moment. "So how does it feel? Touching her tits? Does it feel like this?"

Harold then felt both his hands releasing the luggage, as the girl he romanced for days before held tight to his hands, and immediately placed them above the girl leading to an experience he never thought of before, both his hands now were holding her bust, which made him catatonic.

"They were firm like this? They were smooth like this? Or do you want tight like this?" Leshawna dropped her towel and made Harold hold her assets which now the Nerd had no idea what was happening at that moment. He felt his entire face blush, as he couldn't control what was happening to him. "I want to see if that white brat snobbish slut can top what I'm about to do with you. Let's see if Sierra bitch can mess up with what I'm about to make. And see if a motherfucker of a moose can make Heather accidentally surpass me... I'm about to ride your world and mess it up."

"I'm scared and aroused at the same time," Harold said as he was trembling on the place.

"Let's go to the shower, you need to take this smell, and I'm going to have fun doing that every single second," Leshawna smirked as she kissed his lips, and slowly brought the nerd to his bedroom, without notice on the table nearby the bathroom door there was a vase of jasmine flowers nearby...

"When I said to up your game... I was being sarcastic, I didn't say for you actually try and make noises like a bunch of rabid animals... I was trying to sleep." Noah cursed as his eyes had black eyes from his lack of sleep, it wasn't because they were all night, but because of the loud noises they made that night, it made him unheard of the things they said, and it made him impossible to sleep.

"Well, sucks to be you," Leshawna smirked as she gave a slight flip off in front of the bookworm as the nerd who was with a very happy and enamored face, both of them enjoying a very good coconut drink.

Their friends stared at the duo who seemed to be fine even after the events of the last episode, they thought Leshawna could have gone full getho against Harold, but somehow they made peace... or something that made her have the above hand of the circumstances.

"That's so strange," Ezekiel commented to Cody who was trying to read his emails, until he found something around the Total Drama Island Forum.

"Not until you see this," Cody commented as he showed his PDA to the homeschooled boy, and when they found the emails and even the picture of the last post from the forum. Ezekiel had his eyes wide open.

A picture of Leshawna showing the middle finger and kissing Harold in the photo. And on the title saying.

"He is mine SieBitch, back off while you still have face." Ezekiel read slowly until he glanced at Leshawna who was proud of herself. "Wow, you really aren't pulling your punches."

"She deserved it. And now I have my joy of imagining her groaning like an angry animal." Leshawna grinned happily as she showed a little side of pettiness, but she was now chuckling to see the stalker girl biting her pillow in anger... Better than that is...

"Oh, so that's why you asked me to also do the same?" Katie asked and the vindictive smile coming from the black girl also made her nod her head and agree with her point. "Well, it seems a good idea, Cody, baby... can you help me?"

Cody was frozen, not understanding about what was going on... the implications were clear, but still... he was confused.

"Help you? With what?" Cody asked as he then felt the tan twin holding his hands, and whispering something in his ear... And then with a big smile on his face. "Oh yeah, the CodyMeister is ready."

And immediately the duo went above to the suite, to see which lipstick would fit better on the face of Cody around for a perfect picture of them kissing...

Ezekiel watched the craziness the group was around Sierra, and he gulped into imagining how crazy she would become after dealing with such crazy couples. Noah was face-slamming his head on the table trying to sleep. And it seems the next challenge is going to be something the group should have stomachs for it...

At least they have the pay-per-view to see their friends.


The morning after the last challenge, the remaining Killer Bass members decided to make a meeting inside their main base, with the remaining group, it was discovered that they managed to get everyone enjoying their hot tube. The relaxation and the bubbles help the group find a way to relax over another defeat around their team...

"We are losing too much, everyone," Duncan stated the facts, as Courtney was staring at the ceiling of the cave, the morale around the Killer Bass has gotten worse and worse with each defeat. "But soon or later the merge is going to happen. So we need to discuss about this."

"What do expect Duncan?" Courtney asked, showing her point as the second pillar of the team. "Ezekiel was forced to say Condor for his own sake and he is now getting his treatment for his pneumonia, Katie wanted to give up but she was threatened to eliminate two members of the team if she said the word, but we managed to vote her out. Now we all lost fair and square on the last challenge."

"I know, but still it sucks that we didn't manage to get one of them out. I mean, there were 4 of them, and one of them, thanks to our friend Gwen here, seems to think I'm trying to hook up with her, and he is ******* me off, and I want to punch him in the face so much." Duncan said that he was feeling frustrated as the member of their team was still walking freely, as it was provoking them for not being able to win against a team of 4 members.

"Well Duncan, every single one of us is mad too, but we got to accept that, sometimes people get lucky, and I have to say he is very lucky for us not get him eliminated, but let's be honest here... at the time the merge truly happens, we know who will be the first one who will get eliminated, even if Heather is annoying and a prick, her friend Lindsay wants Trent's head, and I don't blame her," Bridgette commented, as Geoff remained in silence and rolled his eyes. "You are still mad at him Geoff?"

"Well, a little bit." The cowboy hat confessed as he gave a slight sigh. "On the one hand, he didn't apologize to me directly, but on the other hand, he said the paintball incident made us even, which I kinda agreed... But I'm still a little mad with him."

"Dude, it's not your fault, the man instructed Chris from all people to make your challenge worse. So I don't blame you if you are still p****** off with him." Duncan patted his back, while Gwen looked sad, DJ was still reflecting on something... and had been avoiding talking for a while. "Okay, I think we need to bring this issue."

"What issue?" Gwen commented as she raised her eyebrow.

"I want everyone to be honest here right now... Who wants to say the Condor?"Duncan asked which made everyone have their eyes wide open, and even DJ who was in silence stared at Duncan in surprise. "I'm not mad, and the merge is going to happen soon, so I want you guys to at least tell me if the game is pressuring you too much that it makes the word tempting to say."

The group remained quiet, Courtney glanced around, and Geoff seemed completely stoic, Gwen didn't feel the desire to give up, but then... the group gasped as they found both Bridgette and DJ raised their hands in the air. Geoff who thought everything was fine around the camp, didn't imagine the girl he was passing the time with actually wanted to give up the game, and even a good friend he had since on the first day, was surprised to see DJ wanting to give up as well...

"Bridg..." Geoff whispered as the surfer looked sad as she raised her hand.

"Sorry Geoff, but Duncan has a point, every single challenge one of our members has been giving up for some reason, and the last challenge I have to confess has been way scary than the former ones, we thought jumping from a cliff of 100-feet was scary until Gwen had to jump from a plane in 5 thousand feet," Bridgette commented as she raised another point. It hurt her to tell that to her boyfriend. "We had to deal with many challenges, and I think the challenges will get harder and harder. So I don't know how long I can hold up the challenges."

"I have to agree with Bridgette," DJ commented as he could see his friends sad with the idea of both of them wanting to give up. "Hey, I had a lot of fun being here, and I have to confess that many of those challenges really scared me, but we overcame those challenges, and well, I know that probably I'm not the strongest player on this show, so it would take just a few weeks until somehow would be my time, so I decided to throw the towel when things would get too much... And seeing momma here on the island, made me miss her so much, and I kinda want to see her again."

"Man, I would give my liver just to eat your momma's food right now," Duncan remembered how great was the Caribbean meal he had to suffer so much in starving just for the delight of eating that meal. It made every single challenge worth it.

And just describing the food made some stomachs around roar in agreement. Courtney had really underestimated the food DJ wanted so much to share with his mom, and both of them planning their restaurant around would require a lot of money. Yet DJ wished to give up because of the pressure of the show.

Bridgette salivated, because the vegetarian food made by DJ's momma was indeed one of the best foods she ever had in her life, she never tasted Caribbean food before, and she was able to make something so delicious for her enjoy her time pleasure into eating some that great.

"Yeah... maybe someday when we get reunited again, my momma and I can prepare some good food for us to hang out," DJ smiled as he could see his momma making a great impression on them.

"Well, it seems that we are aware of the members who would want to quit," Gwen said as massaged the temples of her head, they had a point in saying the game was getting harder with time, but still it sucks to see more of her friends leaving the show. "So how are we going to deal with this?"

"Like the same way we do," Courtney commented as she caught the attention of everyone. "Even if the merge happens, we still must act like we do every single day. Even if we are not on the same team, we still should be friends."

"Well... Ezekiel would have said that, princess." Duncan chuckled as he kissed her cheek which made her blush. "But you are right, Zeke would say Killer Bass until death, so I think we shouldn't split ourselves, but still the rules apply to these circumstances. Saying the C word, and everyone will vote you out, no drama."

Geoff, DJ smiled, as he remembered the little green winter hat boy cheering and focusing on their teamwork all the time, Gwen and Bridgette smiled sadly, as they also could have imagined the third pillar cheering them up, even in the case of every loss, he would always find a way to make their morale higher again, showing that it doesn't matter if they lose or not, the fact they should play fair, and be friends until the end was what made the Killer Bass the team they were.

And it was times like this... they missed him so much, a direction and a guide to bring them back to their tracks...

"Well, we have to enjoy one of our days here and enjoy while as we can. Because in a few days, it's going to be tough once again, and we may not be able to see another member of our team." Duncan said as the group couldn't help but nod their heads at the delinquent, they have to enjoy their time... because nobody knows what's going to happen in the future.

On the day of the challenge, everything seemed to be ready for another recording for the introduction of the chapter. Chris made sure to read every line of his own script, while he could hear someone chuckling nearby him.

"So that's the day." A gruff voice with a smirk made the host of the show, also chuckle in a cruel tone, agreeing with the voice. "There is still time to bail out from that."

"Oh, that's where you are contrary Chef, I bet the double or nothing," Chris smirked in such confidence that made Chef also chuckle knowing that this day would be the best day for themselves. "I hope you are ready to lose 50 bucks."

"Oh, that's what I want to see... I made this especially for the coward and for the surfer... You have no idea how difficult was to find those items and cook them up." Chef grinned in such a scary way that it made the interns gulp in fear, knowing about what the duo prepared for the episode. This would be treated as the most sadistic game for themselves.

"Well, that's what I count for... But that's a good episode, for us... HAHAHAHAHAHA." Chris and Chef smiled widely until they couldn't take anymore... They laughed so hard that it released tears from their eyes.

"Errr... sir, we are ready to record," The duo was laughing hard until a voice called for the host, the cameraman, and the crew were ready. Which Chef quickly jumped away, while Chris prepared himself to record.

"Alright let's do this." Chris gave a thumbs up, as he cracked his neck... And by seeing the red light, Chris smiled.

"Last time on Total Drama Island…" Chris began with a bit of an eager grin on his face. "A challenge brought some interesting repercussions, Gwen spoke her mind about what Trent should be aware of the terrible mistakes he made, however because of his jealousy or for the lack of good sense, he managed to make the goth girl give up all hopes she had for the guitarist who should have thought better... Leaving now the boy chickens out from jumping from the safest plane in the world. Wink, now the rivalry between Heather and Harold managed to turn out that a little question related to Heather's bust being real or not, was proved right for our little moose friend who decided to play a prank on both of them, Harold probably is the luckiest and unluckiest man for the entire show, I'm so proud of him. Heather didn't like being touched by accident and swore revenge on the Moose who managed to make such a prank on her... What happened with the moose, just Heather knows the answer... And for the final Challenge, there was a race, a turbo jetski and somehow Owen made his farts on fire, how DJ survived that, nobody knows. But in the end, Lindsay manages to humiliate Duncan with her gymnastic skills... Harold had to leave the show because who knows what his girlfriend will do with him after the episode? And now, let's see what's in store for our campers on this week's episode of Total. Drama. Island!"

"Cut..." The voice of the cameraman was said, which made Chris stare at Chef who raised a thumbs up... The duo were excited for the challenge of the day...

(Main Lodge)

The morning had come onto Camp Wawanakwa and both teams were quick to get up, shower, and do their business. Currently, the Screaming Gophers have 4 members. Owen, Trent, Heather, and Lindsay. Meanwhile, the Killer Bass had six members. Courtney, Gwen, Duncan, DJ, Geoff, and Bridgette.

That left only 10 campers left. In the first episode of Camp 22 campers were introduced to the island. And starting from episode 2, someone from the losing team was voted off, walked down the Dock of Shame, and rode the Boat of Losers away from Camp Wawanakwa for good.

Less than half of that original 22 remained.

And currently, Chris and Chef were seen in the mess hall waiting for those remaining campers to come in for their breakfast. And boy were they in for a surprise. "What?" Duncan had come into the mess hall, with many campers following soon after, he noticed one thing. "No breakfast, again?"

"Oh, don't worry bro," Chris told Duncan as a few other campers passed by the green-haired delinquent. "There will be plenty of food later on." Duncan raised a brow before narrowing in suspiciously at the host and buff Chef but simply decided to join the rest of the Killer Bass at their table. And as he left Chris and Chef began to giggle as quietly as they could.

But they were quickly noticed by those who saw the teenage torturing duo snickering.

Once both teams were seated, Chris and Chef managed to calm themselves down allowing the former to clear his throat and walk out in front of everyone. "Congratulations to the remaining ten campers for reaching the halfway mark in the competition!" Chris announced to everyone getting some smiles from a few of the teens. They couldn't help but be a little proud of themselves for making it so far. "You'll all be on the jury for the final episode."

"We got the power!" Geoff cheered as he pumped up a fist. "Yeah!"

"The two teams will become one next week," Chris explained getting some surprised looks from the campers. The Screaming Gophers and Killer Bass will be no more. Now, it was every camper for themselves. All gunning it to win the $100,000 grand prize. "But first, all the girls will be moved to the Gopher cabin and all the guys will stay in the Bass cabin. This week's challenge is as old as history itself. A battle of the sexes!" Upon hearing this, most of the guys sent challenging looks to the girls with a few of the females sending the looks back and, in Lindsay's case, blowing a raspberry. "After everyone is settled in, I'll announce the challenge. And then, you'll have an, uh…bite to eat." Once again Chris and Chef started snickering uncontrollably getting raised brows from nearly all the campers. Just what sick and twisted thing were those two planning? "Ready for a little good news? This week, no one will be kicked off. It's all for a reward and it's a good one." Everyone cheered and high-fived at this. "Okay, time to relocate. Let's move!"

All the campers then got up with the girls from the Bass and Owen ready to make the move to their new cabins. All the while Chef and Chris started snicker again. As they left, Bridgette ended up walking by herself with her now former fellow female Bass Courtney and walking with Duncan respectively. As the surfer girl went to go get her stuff, Heather suddenly came up to her with a friendly face that seemed completely foreign to the queen bee. "Wow, your hair looks great today." Heather actually complimented Bridgette as she walked next to her. "So natural."

Before Bridgette could say something, Courtney appeared.

"Don't mind her Bridg, let's take our stuff and prepare ourselves." The C.I.T. Bass commented which made the surfer shrug and take her stuff from the cabin. Leaving a very frustrated queen bee...

"What is their problem?" Heather narrowed her eyes but did not realize that Gwen passed by her and heard everything.

"Rule number 7 of Killer Bass guide, never trust a Gopher," Gwen commented as she could see the glaring face of Heather. "And before you ask, no, surprisingly it wasn't you the reason why that rule was created in the first place."

Heather raised a brow, until her eyes went wide open, and realized one thing. They were aiming to eliminate the meat shield... Heather glanced at the boys going inside their own cabins, and she couldn't help but muse on their direction.

"Huh, I wonder how long it will take until they start fighting." Heather mused loudly as she watched Lindsay coming near her, and she forgot Gwen was nearby her... Gwen watched Trent going at the Screaming Gopher... He turned his head to see her, but she shook her head and ignored his presence.

"3 minutes or less," Gwen commented which surprised Heather and Lindsay at the same time. "It's a time bomb, and his time around the show is short."

And with that, Gwen went to her cabin, leaving Heather and Lindsay thinking about their next strategy.

"What are we going to do?" Lindsay asked as she already could see the group of girls wasn't very excited about them getting together into one cabin with them...

"We need to be in low radar. We cannot bring a lot of attention now that they have a main target." Heather explained as she walked to the Screaming Gophers cabin. "If they want Trent's head on a spike, well suit themselves."

"I want his head in a spike too. Do you think they would allow me to be on their side?" Linday was eager and happy to make the boy who made her dirty pancakes an entire hell... And Heather raised her eyebrows because she was surprised with the idea...

"Well, you could try. Since you have a very good reason for it." Heather shrugged, and she could see Lindsay so happy around... Until suddenly she saw Trent being launched away from the cabin where he was going to stay with the boys of Killer Bass... And she didn't understand how Trent did it. But it was like Gwen had told. It was less than 3 minutes.

At the time Bridgette prepared her backpack, she still felt conflict in relation to the future chapter of what was going to happen, since the pressure of the reality show was getting more and more on her nerves, she felt that her time to prepare herself in case she or DJ would find it was the right time to leave the show...

"Knock knock," Geoff commented as he surprised the girl who was about to leave. "Oh hey, Bridgette..."

"Hello." The surfer commented as she felt a refresh of good air in relation to the boy she had a good time with...

"Brigde... I know that you may be having a terrible time dealing with this pressure. But in case things would get too extreme, I just hope you talk to me." Geoff said as he held tight the hands of the blond surfer, as it seemed the time had become slow for both of them... "I'm going to miss you so much."

"I know Geoff, but..." Bridgette commented as she felt the good eyes coming from the boy, his worried tone, and yet his gentle smile, she was also going to miss that feeling. "I will also miss you, but I think someday it would be my time to leave. But don't worry, I will be cheering for you."

"Thanks," Geoff said as the duo seemed so in syntony until the vinyl scratch happened and Chris took Bridgette by her arm.

"There is a long day ahead," Chris smirked as he pulled the girl outside of the cabin... Leaving Geoff in silence with his thoughts.

Until suddenly felt an impact of the guitar case with the last person he wanted to see.

"Hey, dude. Where should I put this?" Trent's distracted himself, not knowing that he made the party boy on the floor because of the accident he brought to him.

"Oh yeah, him," Geoff mumbled as he tried to compose himself. And got up to his feat. "Whatever man, choose a bed and do your thing. I'm going to grab my stuff."

Geoff passed by the door, seeing Duncan and DJ already with their stuff, and even Owen who seemed to be eager to get together with the boys...

Duncan walked to see how the girls' cabin was after the events of such a catastrophe prank war, to see the girl's side of the cabin looked more intact in comparison to the other side of the cabin... there was still remaining of the glorious event of the prank war, which led to one of their most important members giving up on the show for the sake of going to the hospital. And yet, it's strange to see the other cabin and sleep after such events of the war... Duncan looked around, and seeing Trent already there, he just rolled his eyes and didn't want to talk to him.

And by narrowing his eyes to another place, he suddenly recognized one single book... Which was one where Gwen spent most of her time writing on the Aquarium.

"Huh?" Duncan walked nearby to get the book out of the bed.

"What do you have on there dude?" Trent asked curious, which made the delinquent ignore him... "Hey, this isn't yours you sh..."

"I know this isn't, this is Gwen's diary, which she probably forgot above her bed. It's the best to give her back." Duncan shrugged as he walked in the direction of the door.

"Hey, and why should you be the one to give her diary?" Trent made such a question, which made both Duncan and DJ raise their eyebrow towards the person who just made such a proposition.

"And who do you think it should be giving her diary?" Duncan asked in disbelief, and the guitarist remained quiet until Duncan rolled his eyes. "Please don't tell me that you were actually thinking of all the people who should give the diary back to her."

"Hey, I can be helpful." Trent protested as Duncan rolled his eyes.

"Well, your jealousy is clearly helping your case a lot."Duncan scoffed as he suddenly felt the guitarist holding his shirt by the collar.

"I'm not jealous, I just don't trust you the way you look at her," Trent commented as he suddenly realized Duncan chuckling.

"Okay have 5 seconds to release me, or I'm going to make you regret it to even touch me in the first place...Second, the way I look at her? Are you seriously that blind?"Duncan chuckled as he narrowed his eyes. "I'm already with Courtney, you moron."

Trent hesitated, as he was about to replay the comment, but then he felt both his hands being held tightly by the delinquent.

"Times up," Duncan said as Trent realized both his hands were still holding his T-shirt...

And on the next moment, Duncan without thinking twice launched the guitarist out of the boy's cabin. Which made Trent has the same taste of dirt as Cody had in the first episode.

Geoff walked with his luggage, passing by Trent and refusing to take a look at him. At the time he got inside the cabin, Owen felt horrified to see the group staring at him like a bunch of wolves.

"Hey everyone. What did I miss?"Geoff commented as Duncan was placing his DJ equipment set, while the Jamaican camper, tried to reassure the Screaming Gopher boy, that everything was going to be alright.

"Just Trent being a pain again," Duncan said as he then launched Gwen's diary into his hand. "Take this to Gwen at least I know that you are not going to mess this up."

"Sure, be right back," Geoff commented as he then saw Owen following him.

"Let me go with you," Owen saying he was still intimidated by Duncan was not a surprise, since seeing the boy being so angry to launch his friend outside, he really wanted to avoid conflict.

"Sure my man, the more the merrier." The party boy said as he tapped the back of the charismatic Chubby boy, so with a reassuring smile, Owen gave a sigh of relief.

Heather watched in surprise at how quickly the guitarist boy was out of the said cabin, and she had to confess that sometimes this game looked way easier than she expected.

But she isn't going to complain about the gift horse from its teeth. She and Lindsay went to their cabin, just to see the group already with their luggage over their bunkers.

"Hey, we found which bed you both use, so we used the vacant ones while giving you the space you need," Courtney said in a polite tone, which made Heather and Lindsay stare at her in surprise.

"Err... Thanks?" Lindsay asked thanks, as Heather remained quiet and the group in silence already preparing their stuff.

Heather seeing that the group of girls never opened their mouths or even made a sound on the cabin, and the awkward silence somehow made her uncomfortable and annoyed.

"Alright, this is getting creepy, why are you in silence like that? Don't you all have anything to say here?"Heather said loudly which surprised the Killer Bass girls.

"What is there to talk about? We already talked with each other before coming here." Courtney shrugged, as she also didn't feel the desire to talk anything about that moment.

"Well, what about the fact the goth girl was right and Trent ended up being launched away from the boy's cabin." Heather crossed her arms and told the group.




"What an idiot." That was what the group of girls said when Heather finally found a popular opinion and a way to make the communication between her, Lindsay, and the others.

"What do you think it's this time?" Bridgette asked as she facepalmed with the unawareness of the boy who couldn't take a hint.

"2 chocolate bars that he made Duncan Angry," Gwen commented as Courtney rolled her eyes.

"That's a sucker's bet, I'm sure it's related to his jealously towards my boyfriend," Courtney said as she rolled her eyes, Heather noticed that just a simple name managed to make the whole group of girls already talking badly of him.

"Well, at least he didn't force you all to eat pee, shoving in your throat and lying on your face," Lindsay commented which made the whole Killer Bass girls flinch in disgust.

"Yeah. That was horrible. I would have ripped my head off. Yeah, that was unforgivable." Gwen, Courtney, and Bridgette said at the same time agreeing that possibly it was the right start and all of them had a reason to be mad at him.

"What about you Heather?"Courtney asked as the queen bee remained quiet, thoughtfully.

"Well, I don't actually have anything against him, since the time I already executed my revenge into the hiking challenge."Heather shrugged but she then noticed the girls chuckling at her words.

"Oh yeah, the mega wedgies, I have to say, never thought someone could scream like a little girl," Bridgette smirked, as the talk between the girls actually made them have something in common... The focus into eliminating one camper.

*Knock,knock, knock*

The girls stopped their conversation after the knocks which Bridgette shrugged just to come at the time to open the door... And to her surprise, she just saw Geoff once again.

"Oh hey Geoff," Bridgette smiled at seeing the party boy again.

"Bridgette," Geoff smiled as he even tipped his hat to her which made her giggle. "Came here with a mission in hand. Is Gwen over there?"

"Yeah, why?" The surfer asked as she tilted her head, and then at the time she saw Geoff showing a familiar book, she had her eyes wide open.

"We found this on the bed, so we thought it would be best to give it back to her."The smiling party boy gave it to the surfer, who just smiled back at him.

"I know she will be happy to receive back." Bridgette smiled as she gave a quick peak on his cheek, and then both of them got in shock...And with a blush on her face, she went in panic. "Well, I will give it back to her, see you at the challenge."

"Yeah do that, see you later," Geoff said not just a second later Bridgette closed the door... Making the smile of the cowboy hat boy wide open and starts to cheer. "Yeah."

"Great job Geoff." When the party boy who just realized Owen watched the whole interaction, he saw that indeed Owen felt happy for the inner victory of the Killer Bass member.

"Thanks, man, well. Let's go back to our cabin, the boys probably are going to make a little party for us." Geoff tapped the back of the gentle Gopher, but still, he acted very afraid. "What's wrong?"

"Well, I have to confess Duncan scares me a little," Owen confessed as he then saw Geoff chuckling in response.

"Oh it's fine, Duncan is just being overprotective, he is a nice guy once you know him." Geoff smiled at the boy who just sighed in relief. "I understand you are afraid of him, but you don't have to worry, you just need to follow 3 rules and then you are fine with us."

"What 3 rules?" Owen asked scared, but Geoff just shook his head.

"It's just simple rules, 1- When we get out from the cabin and disappear for a few hours, we are just into our secret place, but that place it's just for Killer Bass members, so just don't ask about it. 2-Duncan is a pillar of our team, so he leads most of the time which is great because he has a lot of responsibility so he will try his best to make the team win, so don't worry about it. And 3- If DJ, Me, Duncan, Courtney, Bridgette, or Gwen say the word Condor, know that all Killer Bass members are going to vote on that person, don't try to change our minds, that's the simple rule." Geoff explained simple rules that Owen could understand and for the relief of the chubby boy, he felt way more relaxed now that the rules didn't seem to be unfair.

"It's a very strange quantity of rules, but I can do this." Owen nodded his head, and Geoff placed his arm around his neck.

"That's the spirit, I think you and the group will have a great time. Now let's party." Geoff said as raised his fist, and Owen already enjoyed the new friend he managed to meet on the show.

Not much happened after that event, Bridgette passed half an hour with a blush on her face, while Gwen and Courtney teased her for the peak on Geoff's cheek, Gwen was relieved to receive her diary back. And the girls passed the time preparing themselves thinking about what kind of sadistic challenge Chris and Chef seemed to be preparing for them...

On the other side, as Geoff has said, Duncan really made a little party for the group, including Trent to be part of the party, even if the tension was a bit heavy in the cabin, the group tried to relax and enjoy their time together before going on the challenge. There was a contest of who burped louder, and Geoff surprised everyone with his loud burp... Which made the whole group of boys applaud and Trent had the idea of making him the leader of the cabin... Duncan raised his eyebrow, and Geoff sweated a bit, before tunning down the idea. If there was another person who suggested that, he could have accepted the role, however, for being Trent the one who did it. Geoff decided to ignore him and let Duncan still be the leader of the boy's cabin.

Thankfully the time has come, and the group finally could go to the Mess hall.

(The Mess Hall)

Once the time Chris had allowed everyone to move was up, he had all 12 remaining campers gather up at the mess hall again. They all thought it was finally time for breakfast, but according to Chris, "It's time for today's challenge!"

"Err... Chris? What about the Breakfast?"Owen asked as he felt a bad feeling, which usually whenever Chef and Chris made them not have breakfast, it meant the challenge would be really difficult, from the time he got sleepwalking to even the time he had to lose the delicious meal and have a traumatic experience with pancakes.

However, Chris and Chef once again started giggling madly and by now it was really starting to get on everyone's nerves. "Stop doing that!" Heather snapped as she's had to deal with enough annoying people today after the incident that happened earlier at the girl's cabin.

Chris and Chef finally managed to calm themselves down with the former finally explaining everything. "Let's just tell them…today's challenge is…The Brunch of Disgustingness!" Chris revealed getting everyone's eyes to widen a bit. While also getting a few worried looks due to the name of the challenge. "You'll be getting an eleven-course meal. Each member of each team must finish each dish. You will not know if the next dish is grosser than the last, not as gross, or just as gross. Just that it'll likely be…gross."

While everyone was gulping a bit in worry about what kind of 'food' they would be served today. Most think that what they will be given will hardly count as food. "Tell them what they'll get if they win, Chris!" Chef said in a classic game show host voice.

"The winning team spends two days at a local five-star resort where they'll be pampered, eat gourmet nosh, and be given antibiotics against anything they may have caught while participating in this challenge!" This got cheers and smiles from everyone present. Whichever gender won would be treated to a weekend of pure fun and relaxation. "The losing team will go hungry tonight and spend the next two days here. On Total Drama Island. With Chef." This got worried looks from everyone as the losers would still be treated like they have been for the last few weeks. Didn't help that Chef waved to them with a rather psychotic look on his face.

"We are going to win this challenge!" Heather stated to her fellow female campers. No way was she missing out on a weekend of paradise.

Confession– Bridgette

"I just hope we win to ease some of the tension," Bridgette said as everyone getting along was better than a five-star resort. "I mean, I'll try anything once. Except meat. I can't eat meat."

Confession - Chris

"Ah Bridgette, I'm sooooo glad that you are vegetarian, because this challenge will be perfect for you..." Chris giggled maniacally as he then glanced at the camera. "Me and Chef made 2 little bets on this morning. For who would be the first person to vomit on this challenge, and... Between DJ and Bridgette, who would be the first to say Condor? Hehehe... oh I'm going to break her vegetarian spirit and make her say Condor in a speed record."

Confession - Chef.

"If Chris thinks he is going to beat me in a bet? He is very wrong because for the weak of heart Jamaican, I know how to break him... HAHAHAHAHAHA. This 50 bucks will be the easiest I get." Chef laughed as he already tasted the sweet victory of winning a bet against the host of the show.

"Let's begin the challenge!" Chris said as he clapped his hands with an excited grin on his face. This was gonna be fun to watch. Chef then emerged from the kitchen with a kart full of platters with a covering to hide what the first dish was. "First…some Hors D'oeuvres."

The covers were then lifted up off all the platters revealing…meatballs. "Haha, all right! Meatballs!" Owen cheered with an excited grin. Meanwhile, everyone else was looking at the meatballs with a suspicious look. Something seemed…off about them. And when Bridgette looked at the dish she seemed absolutely horrified. "Bring it on!" Owen then went for it and stuffed all the 'meatballs' into his mouth at once.

As the big guy chewed, Chris pointed something out. "Well, technically, you're right, Owen," Chris stated getting everyone to look at him. "But these are kinda special."

Chef grinned as he lifted up one of them and told all the campers exactly what they were. "It's beef testicle bourguignon."

Everyone gasped at the information as they looked at the dish in a whole new light. These meatballs…were meatballs. "Testicles…" Owen questioned before throwing up all he ate right on DJ. Thankfully Chef was there to provide a new plate to Owen. Which made both Chris and Chef stare at Owen in disbelief.

"From all the members, Owen was the first to vomit?" Chris asked in disbelief, which made a look on Chef, and both just felt robbed. "Wow, so it means a tie."

"Yeah, never thought the fat boy was the one who would vomit first either," Chef said which made the other campers stare at them in disbelief.

"You bet behind our backs?" Courtney said angrily at the dup who just shrugged.

"We need our entertainment as well, so to pass the time we are cheering for you all to manage the win the game," Chris said with a false smirk, which made everyone go back to their plates.

It wasn't going well with the guys. Their reluctance to eat was because…well…they were guys. "Oh, I don't know if I can do this to my bovine brother…" Geoff said as he picked up a 'meatball.'

Trent slowly placed a tip of the meatball in his mouth and tried to eat, while DJ felt so attacked and sad for the most precious part of the bull being attacked like that. DJ even found himself crying a little as he looked at the dish.

"It's the hardest thing a man can do," Chris commented as he looked at the guys struggling to eat the first dish.

Confession – Heather

"Judging by the way the guys were reacting to the uh… dish…" Heather said while still looking a bit uncomfortable about the whole situation. "I knew we could win the round."

Just then the guys looked and gasped as they saw a few of the females tossing some of the 'meatballs' into their mouths with not nearly as much struggle as them. "Oh…okay, gross me right out the door!" Lindsay gagged as she ate her dish with a fork. "But I could totally use a pedicure at that resort. My corns are growing corns."

"What's the matter?" Heather asked after swallowing a 'meatball'. "Mm…you big boys can't eat a little meatball?"

"Come on!" Geoff tried to push his team of guys forward. "We can't let the girls win! Our manhood is at stake!" The boys all nodded and did their best to try and stomach the 'food' but they were still struggling a bunch.

Heather was smiling at the girls who seemed to be winning the challenge until she saw Bridgette who didn't even touch the food.

"What are you doing?" Heather glared, but then she saw Courtney and Gwen already looking at her with a side glance.

"I'm vegetarian it's against my own principles," Bridgette commented as she refused to break her own principle and one of her vows to never eat meat...

Before Heather could even complain, she then heard Chris coming in their direction.

"Oh, that's the problem? Well, we have options for the vegetarian people." Chris commented which made Bridgette turn her head, and the girls on that side turned to see Chris holding a tray with him. "It's called substitution food... It's an option for people who refuse to eat meat, however, each tray will get worse and worse, so it's 9 trays, so every time you think it's too much for you the first option, you are going to exchange the tray for the vegetarian option..."

Chris explained the rules, which made Bridgette happy to have a chance to help the girls, but then she felt a terrible feeling of dread coming.

"Well, if you think you can hold the vegetarian option, then you better do it now." Heather scoffed as she returned to her seat...

"For the first vegetarian plate we have..." Chris smiled which made Bridgette gulp in fear until she saw Chris open the tray revealing nothing more than broccollis. Which made the girl blink in confusion. "Boiled Brocollis."

The entire group of boys suddenly stopped, even the girls who were still struggling to eat the meatballs suddenly went jaw-slacked from such a rule. Until a voice was heard from the boy's side.

"Ugh, disgusting," Trent said which made the boys and girls stare at him in disbelief.

"WAIT, SO YOU MEAN WE HAD TO EAT ALL THESE BULL BALLS, WHILE WE COULD HAVE THE OPTION TO EAT A *BEEP* VEGETAL?" Heather shouted in anger, while Chris smiled from that reaction.

"Yep, so any of you girls want to also have it?" Chris smiled as he then saw that not just Courtney and Gwen, but also most of the boys from the other side wanted to substitute the first dish for the vegetarian option. "Alright, you all can have the first change, which is the easiest one... But I'm warning you, each tray from the vegetarian option will get worse and worse."

The group ignored that, as the group decided to eat the whole Boiled Brocollis at that time, which was a way better option than the bull testicles meatball.

And at the time the group started to eat the boiled broccoli, everything seemed easy and fine... However, there was one member of the boy's side which made the unbelievable.

Trent tried to eat the testicles, but his entire body couldn't take it anymore.

"I can't I just can't." Trent closed his eyes and refused to eat it.

"Then eat the damn broccoli idiot." Duncan narrowed his eyes, and Trent refused to even look at it.

"Well, it seems the boys lost this round. I don't blame you... The first round goes to the girl's team. " Chris said as the group of girls cheered loudly, and the boys looked at Trent with disappointment on their faces."The score now stands at one for the girls and zero for the guys! And now, the next course in…The Brunch of Disgustingness!" Chris said right to the camera to hype the audience up. The first round was already crazy and gross enough. And there were still ten more rounds of suffering to go through. "You guys like pizza?"

Everyone eagerly nodded from both tables. Pizza was something everyone could love! "I could eat pizza any time with anything on it!" Owen excitedly stated.

"Anything?" Chris questioned as Chef brought out two larger platters that contained the next course. Owen nodded as Chris gestured to Chef to reveal the food. "How about live grasshopper pizza with tangy jellyfish sauce and live anchovies?" Lifting up the covers of the platters, Chef revealed that it was indeed pizza…but with jellyfish mixed in with the sauce, grasshoppers jumping around on it, and anchovies flopping on it for dear life.

Owen shrugged as he accepted the challenge, even if he knew that it would be gross, but Pizza was Pizza so it wouldn't be difficult for him to eat it.

"Ew, I hate anchovies." Lindsay groaned out as Chef placed the pizza on each table.

"I'm surprised that you are more groused over the living anchovies than the grasshoppers and jellyfish." She immediately felt the pressure over the next dish, and she felt disgusted from seeing both anchovies and grasshoppers jumping around her slice... And she never thought it would have been that horrible. "I'm going to try the vegetarian version."

"Me too." Bridgette agreed, she was glad that there were vegetarian options for her, even though the more she and her team asked for the option, the wider the smile coming from Chris made her insecure.

"Well then, for the second vegetarian option we have..." Chirs appeared with two trays making their way in front of Heather and Bridgette... And at the time he opened the trays, the terrible smell attacked their noses, which made them hold their noses. "Old, Rancid Boiled Broccoli"

At the time Chris explained the next vegetarian tray, the girls and boys watched with their faces becoming palled, from seeing little mounts of green goo, which made both Heather and Bridgette realize what Chris had explained, from each tray, the option would get worse and worse...

Heather looked hesitant.

"Do you have any cheese to place over it?" Heather asked hoping to cover the disgusting vegetable's terrible flavor, but from seeing Chef shaking his head... Heather looked at Bridgette who held her nose and used her fork to eat every green on the plate. Which made her eyes cry at the terrible taste...

Heather gulped, as she looked at her team... The girls now were torn between eating the vegetable or eating the pizza...

"I just can't, I want the terrible broccoli too." Lindsay launched away the pizza, which Chef smirked as he brought the tray with the second level of broccoli ready for the blonde girl... She also felt intimidated. But she used her best to make sure to eat the terrible taste of the broccoli.

The boys, on the other hand, decided to focus on the pizza.

"I told you brocollis are disgusting, and now Old and Rancid? There is no way I would eat that," Trent said as he looked down at his own food, and the pizza made his stomach grumble, and the content of the balls of bull wanted to get out of his body... "I've got a weak stomach. Uh, be right back."

So he quickly excused himself to vomit outside of the mess hall...

Confession - Trent

When I was a kid, my parents used to hold me down and force-feed me broccoli. They only did it because broccoli's…" Suddenly Trent shuddered from disgust and fear. "Good for ya. "

"I can do this. DJ, I need you to hold me down, while Geoff, you stuff the slice in my mouth. And no matter how much I scream or beg, you have got to feed me that slice." Trent said as the whole group stared at the guitarist in surprise... Duncan smirked as he won the lottery.

"Oh, I like this plan," Duncan said as he himself took the slice. He would be the one who would have the pleasure of doing it. "Let's get started it."

In the next second, DJ was holding Trent with all his strength, while Trent discovered that he had already regretted the plan.

"No, stop! Wait, it was a joke! I was kidding! Ha ha!" Trent gave a nervous laugh, as Duncan smirked at him. So that made him make him threaten the group. "I' 'm warning you, my dad's a lawyer!"

And the next second, Duncan forced the boy to eat the slice against his will, which made his pupils dilate, and look at DJ and called him his mama. Duncan was satisfied with the results as DJ made the guitarist boy feel like a baby in his arms... It was a view that nobody from the Killer Bass would regret seeing it.

Confession - Trent

"It wasn't that bad. I was playing it up for the cameras. You know, to boost ratings. I don't really mind beef testicles or live grasshopper pizza with jellyf– Ooh…" And on that time Trent couldn't help himself and vomit around the entire place, even the animals around felt disgusted and ran in fear.

Each of the boys decided to not choose the vegetarian option, and by holding their noses, they managed to eat completely the pizza slice, and with that guaranteeing their point.

Gwen and Courtney were also able to finish their slices, and Heather cursed every part of her being but she also managed to eat all the broccolis... Now understanding the words said by the host... The options are going to get worse from now.

"Well then, it seems everyone understood the rules and developed strategies for dealing with this. So everyone won a point now... Which the score now is 2 for the girls and 1 for the boys." Chris smiled as he could see the hesitation coming from Bridgette, it was just the start, and sooner or later she would crack before DJ.

Confession - Chef.

"If Chris thinks that he had the worst dishes for the vegetarian... it's because he didn't see my creation for DJ hehehehe." Chef commented as he felt proud of himself. "I created that... And oh boy, I already can imagine his face."

"All right, who's ready for the third course? Spaghetti!" Chris smiled as he then made everyone open the trays, and the first thing they noticed, was it wasn't spaghetti, it was pinkish, and had some different forms... looking like internal organs... "Actually rabbit intestines."

DJ froze, as he felt his heart stop, and slowly looked down and saw his little bunny, which made him look at Chris as if he was the devil

"No, no, no no no no." DJ commented as he immediately looked at the intestines and he felt horrified to imagine eating that... Geoff and Duncan also flinched because they knew the truth about the first bunny, which probably looked at DJ already crying.

"No, no... those poor bunnies." DJ started crying, and Chef smirked widely... while Chris rolled his eyes.

"Well, from the look of your face girls... Are you interested in eating the vegetarian option?" Chris asked as the girls from the other table hesitated not knowing what they would eat at that moment. And before even Bridgette says something he already cut her. "Of course you want Bridge... so let me bring you the third tray..."

And then, Bridgette felt her entire stomach tremble as if it was begging to not do it because slowly Chris was enjoying the torture on them... She felt hesitating, but it was too late, she wanted to win for the girls.

Gwen and Courtney looked at each other, and Heather bit her lips because she feared what was going to...

And on the next second, their fears were founded, since at the time Chris opened the tray, the disgusting putrid smell attacked them as a whole team...

"Old Ranced Boiled Brocolli, That Chef's had on his toes for a whole week," Chris said as the entire group of Killer Bass understood one thing.

"SON OF A *BEEP*" DJ and Bridgette said in unison as they understood from where Chris took this exact pattern of broccoli food.

Confession - Chris.

"Ah, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Who thought listening to Ezekiel doing his grammar review once again helped me to be so creative in making their lives a true hell," Chris smirked as his signature smirked.

The brownish version of rancid broccoli attacked the view of every single girl... Their response immediately by running away from the mess hall to vomit outside... Not even Courtney was able to be strong on her stomach... That was a direct hit on them.

DJ also felt conflicted... Between seeing the death of the same animal species that he had in his cabin, the little bunny whom he has taking care of for weeks. Now he was torn between eating one of the most disgusting vegetarian foods or eating the intestines of his favorite pet.

"Okay, we can plan something." Duncan refused to lose on that challenge, so he formulated a plan to make every single boy from his team blindfold themselves and cover their noses.

"Okay, it's just spaghetti." Geoff was also losing his mind, but seeing that his friend preferred to eat something from Chef's food... he preferred to eat the bunny intestines...

And at the time the girls finally came back from vomiting... They just saw DJ actually eating the rotten broccoli, and Heather and Gwen went back to vomit outside... Bridgette looked between the intestines of the bunny... and the worst possible broccoli she ever thought to taste...

But, her stomach was too loud, so she went back to vomit.

"DONE." The boys said as the group remained like a wall... happy that the worst part was over...

"Very good, it seems now the boys won this round... which made them tied with the girls." Chris smiled as he then snapped his fingers to bring the next tray... It took a while for the girls to finally compose themselves once again... The morale of the group was low because neither of them was doing fine... Lindsay and Bridgette were on the verge of breaking..."Alright, this one is going to be special for some of you... "

And those words seemed to make the campers even more nervous.

"Here we have... Pancakes." Chris smiled as the time he opened the tray, which then made some of the group reactivate PTSD, for a yellow version of pancakes which made Lindsay tremble and almost vomit. "And before you ask, this is the true Apple Vinegar pancake. We cannot use the same punishment food, so we decided to take it easy on you guys."

"Really?" The whole group who were scared of seeing the same yellow pancakes were just glad that they didn't have to deal with the same absurd pancake... Lindsay glared at the guitarist boy who whistled away from her glare.

Lindsay was the first one to take a fork and cut a little piece of the said breakfast... just to place on her tongue... It tasted acidic and bad... But in comparison to what she ate on that day... It was 10% in comparison to the peed pancake.

And the group looked at the blond bombshell finishing her meal, the group looked at her in disbelief.

"It's way better in comparison than that *beep* pancake... Youu... *beep*, I'm going to *beep* your *beep* while you still breathe, and I swear if you don't eat this *beep* pancakes then I'm going to *beep* your *beep* with a *beep* without lube." Lindsay glared at Trent who had his mouth wide open in shock...

The girls remained in shock, and even Heather felt so shocked that she had no idea on what happened to Lindsay...Slowly the blond girl turned her head at them, which made the whole group of girls to rush eat the food.

Duncan watched that scene, and decided to give a few bites... and the taste was terrible, but seeing Geoff and DJ actually eating it without thinking twice... he felt the pressure coming to Trent... Which made him smirk...

Trent could protest all he wants, but Lindsay wanted him to eat the pancakes, so that's what he is going to be forced into doing... And once more the points were shared making them 3X3 on the score.

"4 dishes. Only five more courses left. Bon appetit!" Chris smirked as the group felt disgusted and with the desire to give up...DJ and Bridgette especially, because at that point, one of them was going to crack... but between their desire of going to a spa? Who deserves it most?"

And then by every single tray, things were mixed on the first option, Chef provided the next course to everyone which was a giant ball of chewed-up gum that Chef did by himself. Then was a drink made from skunk stink juice. Lindsay regrets drinking, And Bridgette does her best to drink it and shreds some tears.

Later gelatine was made with bunny bones made DJ cry in despair and choose the optional vegetarian disgusting food which was a combination of spaghetti with beans, and fruit loops, something that made the Jamaican vomit so much from his body being so confused about what the hell he has been eating. Bridgette was also getting more palled from every single vegetarian food...

Next came a French Bunyon Soup, which Bridgette made a strategy to help Lindsay drink the whole soup... And when everything resumed to an end. The score was tied for both teams... And now Chris wanted to go for the kill... It was surprising that none of the duo wanted to give up, but he already expected that... now it was for the final kill.

" Wow, it's still tied up. We're down to the last course in the challenge."Chris said as he could see how each of them was feeling, Bridgette was trembling, her face was green from how terrible the food she ate the vegetarian option managed to attack her so far... From Brocolis to chaotic froot loops which made her never want to taste cereal for a long time... or with pasta and beans... And now she was relieved to see the final dish which meant the game was over... Until she saw, hot dogs... making her sigh in disappointment... the meat in front of her looked tasty, and fearing on what kind of monstrosity the Final Vegetarian food would be... she was very tempted to eat the hot dog... until Chris said what they are made of... "It's delicious dolphin wieners. Hot dogs made of dolphin."

"But dolphins are our friends!" Bridgette whispered, but she feared looking in the direction of Chef and Chris who brought her the final Vegetarian dish...

"Well, there is always a vegetarian option..." Chris commented as he slowly placed the tray in front of Lindsay, and from the smell coming from the inside, she was on her limit. "This is a recipe for a durian locked inside of the refrigerator for 2 weeks. An intern forgot to eat the whole awful food, and now we made this especially for you..."

Chris opened the tray which made once again the terrible smell attack the whole Mess Hall, and at that moment, Bridgette felt her eyes tearing up...

"What will be Bridgette? Are you going to eat a Dolphin hot dog? Or this powerful smelling di..."Chris talked as he offered the hotdog in front of her, or the bowl full of the liquid durian with extract of durian on top, it was a combination of trash with trash liquid which was a straight path for food poisoning.

"CONDOR." Bridgette then shouted in panic, which made the group of girls and even the boys from Killer Bass stare at Bridgette breaking down. Geoff looked broken into seeing the girl getting despaired to give up from the show. "Condor, condor, please... Condor..."

Confession - Bridgette.

"I can't take it anymore. I was so tempted to eat meat, that I almost gave up my principles... and I reached my limit... I can't..." Bridgette cried as she used the toilet paper to clean up her tears.

Confession - Chris

"HAHAHAHAHA, I WON, MONEY MONEY MONEY BABY." Chris counted the 50 bucks on his hands, as he could see Chef being angry for not being able to break DJ, and now he was happy to make a vegetarian regret even eating vegetables for a while. "If you are not going against your principles... Fine, I'm going to adapt my challenge to make you regret it for being a vegetarian in the first place... Hahahaha. I know this episode will be in the top 10. I know."

Courtney and Gwen paused... and pushed the food tray away from them... Giving up on the challenge.

"What? What happened? Why aren't you all eating?" Heather said as she narrowed her eyes.

"We give up," Gwen commented as she could see her glaring at her. "It's over Heather, Bridgette gave up, there is nothing we can do."

"Oh no, I want so much to go to that spa, we are going to do it or..." Heather was about to threaten but then Courtney scoffed.

"Bridgette is going to be eliminated on the next votation." Courtney cut the queen bee who made her eyes wide open. "When we said she gave up. We meant that she doesn't want to be on the show anymore. It's over, there is nothing we can do."

The boys who watched that scene were conflicted... Geoff gritted his teeth knowing this challenge attacked Bridgette in such a way that she couldn't defend herself. Duncan sighed in exasperation and DJ held his tears... it was indeed a terrible challenge... But now, the only thing they needed to do...

DJ looked at the dolphin hot dog and gave the first bite, which the other boys followed his example, and even with the weird texture of a fish sausage, they managed to eat the final meal...

"And the boys won the challenge," Chris said as he cheered for the boys, but some of them were in distress... With Geoff going after Bridgette who needed someone to help her to accept the defeat and make her feel better...

But at that moment, everything went downhill since Bridgette started vomiting on Geoff who just appeared near her... And at that moment, Geoff was covered in vomit felt his entire mouth full of the same disgusting food, and vomited around... which like the domino effect, every single member vomited around the Mess Hall, Cheff who was there to clean up felt his own vomit going to his mouth, and Chris who was happy with the personal victory, felt with the desire to vomit as well, but he did his best to gulp the whole vomit...

In the end, Trent, Duncan, and Owen vomited on the camera...

"The guys are the big winners today. And the girls go their separate ways. Two definitive cliques have been cemented." At the time Chris narrated the events, the boys walked slowly in the direction of the cruise which was perfect for them to enjoy their reward... While at the time the girls went to their own cabin, Bridgette cried as she received hugs from both Gwen and Courtney... And Geoff who shed some tears while he was on the cruise... on the next challenge it would be the time to say goodbye to her... "For now. What shocking surprises are in store for our campers next week as they head for the big merge? Tune in on Total. Drama. Island!"

And with that, another episode came to an end.

Chapter 22: Interlude 6

Chapter Text


Around a house living in a forest. The silence of the leaves, and even the animals showed how impactful was the newest episode...

The sobs coming from a girl in tune with nature showed how heartbreaking was to watch the last challenge, so many innocent creatures, the bulls, the anchovies, jellyfish, and crickets... And what they did with the bunnies, was monstrous. Even if dolphins the part of nature, even if they are crueler than sharks, their demise was something that would appear in her nightmares... Or possibly would be one of her phobias, and she prayed for Mother Nature to not allow Chris into doing phobia factor once again...

Her father was with his eyes closed, and as he could hear from Mother Nature the victim of this episode was clearly Bridgette and DJ. Showing the vegetarian options was nothing that he wasn't unaware of, sometimes as he wandered as a pioneer with his family, they had to eat rotten vegetables and fruits to survive, but it takes months of practice to make your body get resistant to such dangerous meals, time of poverty always brought them beyond the limits, and he always did his best to not make his little daughter suffer the same problems he had in the past.

A rotten durian was always the ultimate challenge because it tastes like shit. He always admitted, and even his parents knew about that.

He knew Bridgette would break because Mother Nature knew how cruel the dolphins were, and even in times of burden, his family was always torn between remaining vegetarian or going to the most cruel and basic rules of Mother Nature: Survival of the fittest.

His daughter Dawn was aware of the rule, so they always prayed for Mother Nature to never let them over such circumstances of the past...

But he was proud of the surfer Beidgette, when it comes to losing his own resolves, to a cruel show like that, she wanted to remain loyal to herself, and while Chris may have broken her spirit making her lose...

She had the moral ground, and Mother Nature had her blessings over her.

His wife also knew about the mother's nature blessing, she knew Bridgette now would be always safe in her forests, and even on the water where she would go... The Mother Nature would always protect her...

Even knowing she wouldn't get the 100 thousand prize, she could do what she loved most, and Mother Nature would have her back. A blessing that just a few had... But now both parents have a daughter to comfort since the last challenge was very cruel to them and to all vegetarians and vegans.

The next morning was fulfilled with silence as Ezekiel, Eva, Sadie, Harold, Katie, and Tyler sat down in the suite room of the jock of the group... Usually, Katie would have brought Cody and Leshawna would have been around, but Ezekiel made it clear that this conversation would have been only for his team... The main focus...


"To think Chris knew about the insect servant chapter... It's another low blow from Chris." Ezekiel commented that a part of him felt guilty about seeing Bridgette so hurt after saying the word Condor.

"I don't know why she didn't choose to eat the Dolphin hotdog," Harold said as he didn't understand, but he glanced the most of Killer Bass less Ezekiel was staring at him weirdly. "Hey, Dolphins got what they deserved. Since it's adult dolphins meat."

"Why are you saying like it's a good thing?" Katie said as she was feeling uncomfortable and weird by the fact...

"Because adult dolphins are one the most cold-blooded animals in relation to their own babies."Ezekiel answered the question, which made everyone stare in disbelief..."I watched a documentary talking about them... I'm not going to sugarcoat... Dolphins kill their babies because they like doing it."

"WHAT?" Sadie and Katie shouted horrified as Tyler palled and Eva glanced in disbelief.

"Precisely, they sadistically develop their own bloodlust on the babies to make them cruel assassins, to even using their echolocation to find their vital organs and then they..."Harold explained as Katie closed her ears with her ears.

"STOP STOP STOP, I CAN'T HEAR IT ANYMORE," Katie shouted as Sadie went to hold Harold with a headlock...

"STOP RUINING THEM FOR ME," Sadie said as she was making Harold choke with his air.

"You two stop." Eva then said as she made Sadie realize what she was doing and immediately released Harold who finally was recovering his breath.

"Ah, ah... Thanks, Eva." Harold said as he placed his glasses back on his head... "Anyway, I told DJ about them, and possibly as seeing Bridgette breaking. I think he did that last phase more of pity on Bridgette because she needed to rest... But I still..."

"Because she is both a surfer, but she also made her principal to never eat meat, Harold," Ezekiel said firmly, which made the group stare at him. "It was her principle, and she refused to break her principle because of the show. And... I'm proud of her for doing it."

The group stared at Ezekiel in disbelief...

"Remember when I said they would want to break us, into trying to make us go against into our principles? That's why I offered the Condor as a safe word..."Ezekiel walked as he placed his hand on every single arm of his team. He looked happy and concerned about the safety of his friends."It's for cases that it would show that we need a rest, we need to take care of ourselves. And I confess, Bridgette and DJ deserve to be here, even if they couldn't win, it was for the best for we relax here..."

The group nodded their heads as they could understand how it was true, and how much they regretted not losing the show sooner, Harold was satisfied with learning about why their surfer gave up, and it was true how ruthlessly Chris and Chef went hard on them.

He and Leshawna almost vomited upon seeing some of the dishes...

"At least they didn't do the actual peed pancake again," Tyler commented as he made the group nod their heads at him. "Lindsay babe really needed a time out from that, I saw in the forum that everyone felt fear into seeing that rage from her face."

"Would you blame her? I actually liked it when she looked at the girls, I would have done the same thing." Eva grinned as she could see the sparkle inside of Lindsay, usually the blond dumb girl snapping was by far her favorite moment on the show.

"I just want to know why nobody sent that bastard Trent here yet," Tyler said as he snarled at his group. "It's been 4 times we lose to him, and he is like a cockroach, he always survives or finds a way to remain in the game..."

"I have to agree with Tyler here. His jealousy of Duncan doesn't make any sense." Sadie said as she also felt the pain of her team.

Ezekiel blinked, as a good part of himself cringed, after remembering World Tour, how the jealousy of Courtney and how possessive she became of Duncan led to the fallout of one of the most contradictory scenes of all total drama fandom... He saw how terrible it became for Chris making Courtney's life a hell, but thankfully... he managed to prevent that...

"Someone must put the team together and put that stupid guitarist in his place," Eva said as she cracked her neck... She was also one of the participants who wanted so much to punish the guitarist for everything he did.

The group reunited for the sake of thinking of a good way to help Bridgette to feel comfortable at the time she appeared at the resort, even knowing that she would still be broken from her terrible experience on the brunch of disgustness, the Killer Bass losers would do their best to make her stay enjoyable, as they hope everything would be fine from now on...

At the time he was alone in his bedroom, Ezekiel knew that he may have stalled too much time... Knowing that sooner or later he must deal with it, the possibility of the fandom of total drama would go after him...

Still part of him felt like it was like the old days where he lived before, in the future in another dimension, he wanted to know the reviews.

"Why is this so difficult?" Ezekiel asked as he was staring at the old version of the computer that usually he had from his laptop. After the time he was before the show he participated, he created his email just to be sure to see the messages he would receive...before the show he was excited, but after so many weeks inside of the show, he felt anxious about how many trolls or even critics would go over him...

But still, he learned to endure it in his past life, it was the time to do that as well.

At the time he opened his email account...his eyes went wide open... A hundred thousand emails, with thousands of them having a single title on them...

"Please be well Ezekiel" Ezekiel whispered as he opened every single one of them, fans, from boys, girls, women, men, adults, and even children... Wishing their best to the homeschooled boy... Kids even drew little images of him, a pink dog, a boy with a polar bear hat, and even a chubby boy having a t-shirt star.

Dozens of fanart of the cartoons he gave his best to write, some pretty messy like a toodles art, to even a well-describing creation of kids of ten years old kids.

But what made Ezekiel so touched... Was the fan songs, leading to the video section similar to youtube.

"Hey, here is my try of Love like you...

If I could begin to be

Half of what you think of me

I could do about anything

I could even learn how to love

When I see the way you act

Wondering when I'm coming back

I could do about anything

I could even learn how to love like you

I always thought I might be bad

Now I'm sure that it's true

'Cause I think you're so good

And I'm nothing like you

Look at you go

I just adore you

I wish that I knew

What makes you think I'm so special...

From kids to girls who tried their best to sing like Courtney on the show, to boys doing their own covers, to actually musicians to play even instruments, to make the song better and better...

Ezekiel forgot which instruments or even how the piano keys were the ones that started the song, and with almost 3 years of his life not even listening to the original song...

He cried, because of how much impact it has had for him to mark a generation, and to bring back to life a song he loved to sing whenever he could as watching on YouTube... But now, the cycle started once again...

For not just a few dozen, but almost a hundred people who made his song, a voice they could always sing...

And that makes him feel grateful... To everyone, who supported him, to even being a fan of him...

"So that's how they felt..." Ezekiel commented as he cleaned his tears... "Rebecca Sugar, Steven Universe is a success, even in the Cartoon Network universe. Your song will live forever."

And Ezekiel felt happy, to see one great show was appreciated and accepted, and the legacy of a Cartoon Network show was made once again.

Ezekiel was proud...

A few hours later...

"It's the time of your medicine Zeke." The voice said as Ezekiel was still focusing into keep writing something he prepared... a letter, for a group he needed so much to cheer them up after a series of defeats in a row... Until he suddenly felt over his lap a familiar girl sitting on his lap, staring with her iconic wide grin, and her ginger hair, at what was the bane of the poor writer's existence... Was the sexy nurse outfit...

"Izzy...why do you still keep wearing this outfit every time I need to take the meds?" Ezekiel blushed as he felt the legs of the ginger 'crazy' girl above his legs, and she was sitting on his lap, he cursed his second puberty making it even more difficult for him to focus even with such a distraction.

"Yes, I do," Izzy commented as she took the pill and placed it in his mouth, by having Ezekiel take the glass of water and drink it, she waited for the right moment until she had a smirk. "I'm not wearing panties."


Ezekiel spat part of the water as he coughed from the sudden scare, which made Izzy laugh happily before she got up. Thankfully Ezekiel already swallowed the medicine, but still, his letter was messed up with the water.

"Dammit Izzy, now I have to clean up my typewriter. You shouldn't say that to a person who was drinking water." Ezekiel said as he went to the bathroom to bring paper towels to clean up his trustful typewriter.

"Oh come on Zeke, you don't have some doubts about how my tights were near yours, without a fabric mak..." Izzy was teasing until she saw Ezekiel raise his hand in a motion to make her stop. "Alright, enough was enough."

Izzy went to sit on the bed, which made Ezekiel recover his breath, and once again try to focus on doing his letter...

"So after tomorrow..." Izzy commented, which made Ezekiel nod his head at her, both of them had been enjoying their time and talking about life and future projects, they still had time when Izzy's main plan would come into motion, the time she would come back on the show. "Are you sure that you aren't going to tell me the future challenges? If you tell me everything I think I can find a way to be the winner."

"You know that I cannot do that, you have to do the challenges like everyone else... but, please be careful okay?" Ezekiel asked as he knew that the serial killer episode was something that he feared his friends would be in danger... And not knowing how to actually make the flow of the time to save his friends in such a terrible problem...

"Pff, me? Don't worry about it. I have been trained all the time, I can give help and protect others when I want. Especially if I need to use someone to win the show." Izzy smirked as she felt like a winner for the 100 thousand dollars.

"Aren't you rich already? Why need to keep trying to win the prize though?'Ezekiel asked as he then felt Izzy smiling crazily at him.

"Because it's fun, going towards the challenges and then kicking everyone's butts, and then taking the prize while getting the fame of being the winner? That's the best thing happening after getting the money prize," Izzy commented as she prepared herself to leave. "But still, I'm going to miss this place, since I have to deal with the craziness of the show again. Well, gotta go now, I need to prepare my stuff before tomorrow."

"Yeah do that," Ezekiel commented but not before Izzy gave a smirk and walked slowly away to the door, even if she even stopped nearby, and went to correct a shoe near the bed... She lifted her skirt to the spectator and knowing that he was watching her, it was the perfect moment. She then got up and turned her head to see Ezekiel froze in the same state as Harold has when the moose made him touch Heather's titties... Frozen and with a big blush on his face, which was a satisfied result for herself, and happily left the room... Ezekiel remained quiet, as his entire face was blushing, and all the blood went into one simple place... "Goddamit second puberty."

Ezekiel went to the bathroom... for what reason, just he knows.

In the afternoon everyone gathered around to enjoy their good time relaxing and even having a good meal to make the rest of their days, just another reason to enjoy, Katie and Sadie are playing volleyball on the beach, Cody, Justin, and Noah is talking about their time of school, or even talking about hobbies, Izzy was doing some crazy stunts like taking the rope, her bow and arrows, and even some smoke bombs in case that she would need for the future.

Eva was lifting Tyler because he lost another bet of arm wrestling with her, so that made it even more humiliating for him, Leshawna and Harold were talking about their future together, since Harold now had to make a haiku for Leshawna for 10 days straight, just as a way she punished him for the inconvenience, still the time they have together in a shared bedroom was something Noah had to ask to move away from his bedroom.

Now Ezekiel was passing a good time of a break from writing anything, after he prepared the letter, he wanted to give a break of a few days before returning to one of his projects... Now he was doing his other hobby... drawing, especially now that he could use some colorful drawing at the moment.

From doing some doodles to the more focused drawing of Finn the human, then doing Princess Bubblegum, Jake the dog, BMO to even Lady Raincorn.

From the time he was drawing he didn't notice someone actually sitting nearby... he then felt something strange...

"Why do I have the impression someone is watching me?" Ezekiel asked himself as he turned around, and just saw a pair of glasses on the bushes. "Beth? Wow, it's been a while, you disappeared for a long time, what happened to you?"

"Eep... I'm not Beth... I'm" The person in the bushes with the same voice as Beth tried to make a fake name, which made Ezekiel tilt his head in confusion.

"Err... Beth, while I enjoy creating names and stories related to people and creatures... I'm sure Mamiobelly isn't in fact a name." Ezekiel closed his sketchbook and walked near the bushes. "It has been more than a week since I've been here and I didn't see you until now, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, it's supposed to be me asking that to you," Beth said as she got out from the bushes, and her appearance was with dark circles on her eyes. "I just want to ask why aren't you mad with me?"

Ezekiel had his eyes wide open in surprise, not only for the question but for the fact Beth had been in that state for a long time. That came from a single conclusion, Beth blamed herself for having the curse on the island... He knew that if he said it wasn't her fault, it would also make her still beat herself up from a mistake she made... So he decided to follow along...

"I was..."Ezekiel commented as it made Beth flinch and tried to look away. "I really was angry with not just with you, I was angry with Duncan and the boys for making my cold get worse, to even I got angry with myself for going beyond my limit and trying to do the challenge even in the worst condition I was..." Ezekiel decided to say firmly to clarify how he felt, anger, everybody gets angry and blames someone on some occasions. But knowing one thing... "But I decided my life is more important now, I want to focus so much on my recovery than actually keep pushing my luck and get myself killed."

Beth remained quiet, as she could understand why he said that, but somehow she still felt empty.

"But you want me to blame you, you want me to punish you for losing the game." When Ezekiel said that, Beth had her eyes wide open in surprise like he read her mind... "So that's why you owe me 3 favors now."

"What?"Beth said in surprise which made her lose her composure, but a part of her had sparkles in her eyes.

"If you think you are going to get scott-free from the fact I had to go to the hospital? Nah, nothing is for free, so now you owe me 3 favors, that's your punishment. And with that, you are forgiven." Ezekiel commented as he got up from his seat, and Beth felt like a little weight from her shoulders was lifted. "Also I want already use one favor now. Are you ready?"

"Really? Now?" Beth asked as she was still trying to process what Ezekiel wanted, and before she could even press further Ezekiel raised his hand...

"My favor now, I want you to swear to me that you would never take a foreign object from another island or country without permission ever again." Ezekiel said firmly, which made Beth flinches and made her recoil, "Or even further, if either Lindsay or Heather decides to do the same thing remind them about the consequences of what happened when you took a cursed object from a haunted island. Can you swear to me?"

"I...I..." Beth stuttered as she could see Ezekiel glaring at her until she nodded and raised both her hands. "I swear with all my heart that I'm going to be careful and never take or even touch something from another country or island without knowing and without permission. I swear."

After Beth swore to the homeschooled boy that she would never commit the same mistake again, that made Ezekiel smile.

"Good, because I once saw on the internet a girl who took a forbidden object from Hawaii, she managed to get herself and her boyfriend banned from France after almost destroying some art in the Louvre," Ezekiel didn't explicitly say it was Beth or Lindsay, and he was thankful for the fact there isn't cameras around to catch his white-lie, and seeing Beth palled from knowing such terrible information, that would solidify her safety from the curse. "We were lucky to survive that island with only cold in our system... it could have been way worse, but at least the curse is lifted... and we shouldn't talk more about this... okay?"

Beth wanted to press further about what he knew, but Ezekiel had already taken his time to get up and left the place, without even giving time to Beth reply to him... and strangely, she felt way better than before, but her eyes were so tired that she accidentally slept on the water of pool...

On that afternoon the group was reunited on where they would watch the Pay-per-view together, the girls who were left on the island alone were with terrible morale, Gwen, Courtney, and Bridgette were taking time to comfort themselves, and Bridgette took a day to clean up her stomach because Chef kindly made a stomach wash drink, which literally made they vomit everything they ate from that day, they needed badly to take out every single weird stuff from their body, and the military Chief was good enough to help the girls to once again remain on their feet.

A good chocolate bar in the hot tub really made Courtney's mood stop being sour, and how a few potato chips made Gwen and Bridgette also go back to their tracks...

Everyone from Playa Del Losers was worried about the next challenge since Bridgette was the one who would be voted out from the remaining Killer Bass team. And when everyone was reunited and discussing what was going to happen.

Suddenly a telephone in the room over the Playa del Losers made everyone jump in surprise.

Cody who was near the telephone, felt apprehensive about seeing the telephone ringing especially on that time, since it was the first time happening.

"Hello?" Cody asked until he heard a familiar voice. "Ah, channel 230? Okay..."

Justin who was with remote control managed to change the actual number of the channel which everyone in the room saw nobody other than Chris Maclain staring right at the camera and also holding a telephone.

"Hello Losers," Chris greeted the group of former campers who stared at the screen in surprise. "I hope you are enjoying the stay on the Playa del Losers."

"Yeah Chris, it has been awesome around here," Cody commented as some members nodded their heads agreeing with Cody, but some still rolled their eyes or were wary of what Chris was planning at that moment.

"Awesome, but also I think there is also something more awesome than that." Chris gave his signature grin as Leshawna and Harold stared at each other. Until Chris decided to show a black case on the screen. "An opportunity for two of you to return to the island to have another try in getting 100 thousand dollar prize."

That comment alone made everyone have their eyes wide open, and the people who wanted to have another chance to return to the show. And now most of them had their eyes looking greedy and anxious back to return to the island.

"Glad that this took your attention, everyone, the challenge will be simple... every single one of you is going to be interviewed by me, after the whole interviews, I will decide which two of you are going to return to the show, but also those two will also find out who else returned only after coming from the boat tomorrow," Chris explained the rules made the whole group stares at each other. "Well, who is going to be first?"

"Err... Cody, can I be the first?" Cody who was holding the telephone was surprised to see Ezekiel the one offering himself to participate.

"Zeke?" Cody asked in surprise, and Eva, Katie, Sadie, and even Leshawna stared at him and glared in concern.

"Are you out of your mind? You are still not recovered 100%" Leshawna commented as the others seemed also agree with the black girl, which Ezekiel had an idea of why...

"Oh that you are right, I actually don't plan into actually getting it, I just want to be the first to say I wouldn't do it, but it's good for him to know I'm recovering myself, so don't worry, I'm not going to return on the show." Ezekiel dismissed their worries as he was going to turn down the idea, so that made everyone relieved.

"Well if that's the case, you can have it Zeke." Cody gave the telephone to the green winter hat boy who was staring at the screen.

"Hey, Chris," Ezekiel commented, and the gleam of the eyes of the host of the show seemed to become brighter.

"Ezekiel, nice to hear your voice again, does everyone are still there?" Chris commented as he narrowed his eyes on the camera.


"Alright everyone out, I want to make this interview, now shoo, shoo," Chris said as he made motions with his hand, and most of the former campers went out of the room where only the host of the show, and the homeschooled boy holding the telephone. "Are they all gone?"

"Yep," Ezekiel commented as he took a chair to talk to Chris on the telephone. "It's nice to talk to you again Chris,"

"How are you? Are you ready to return to the show?" Chris commented as he already showed a good smile on the screen, but Ezekiel shook his head.

"Sorry to tell you that Chris, but I'm still on my 60% to 70%, I'm still sick, so I cannot be able to go back to the camp. I have to refuse this offer..." Ezekiel was clean to express his knowledge, and seeing Chris's face showing a bit of concern and mostly frustration, Ezekiel could understand the reason. "But if you want, I can nominate 2 possible candidates to help you have something in your mind."

"Oh, really?" Chris said as he raised his eyebrow, as he hoped Ezekiel was one of the best contestants, and having him back on the show would have made the ratings go higher than before. "So what do you have in mind?"

"Eva and Izzy." Ezekiel was straight and clear, which made Chris raise his eyebrows at him. "If you want to bring someone to make the game interesting, have the most unpredictable character, Izzy around, she will make the chaos and will make some crazy plot twists following your game."

"You are not wrong." Chris nodded his head, seeing that the homeschooled boy has been watching television and even writing stories that would intrigue the public, having someone unpredictable can always be interesting to see around the show which would make good ratings. "Why Eva?"

"For three reasons. One, Eva was eliminated from injury while being heroic and saving the team, which would make all the fans who cheered for her would become crazy at the time she returned, second, she is the strongest around the campers when it comes to physical challenges and that would intimidate everyone as it could be against her, she was already MVP many times, so that would make her a very good obstacle for the campers try to surpass her." Ezekiel explained that Chris nodded his head and even wrote down some notes like the interview how it should be... "And their reason...if you want drama, see Trent shit himself at the time you release Eva in his direction like a wild animal ready to kill its prey.."

"Oh?" Chris said as he started to smirk again. "Does she also have a grudge against Trent?"

"After watching what he did, Tyler wants to punch Trent in the face... but Eva... she wants to beat the crap of him, but also there is one more on her target... She became fiercer and I would be in panic in case I would have to fight against her." Ezekiel explained in a way that Chris was smiling widely at him. "And in case you are thinking of Leshawna would cause drama with Heather, sure she would, but in case Heather leaves the show, the drama would be over... but if you make Eva appear, even if Trent leaves the show, Heather would need to think many ways to protect herself to not get on Eva's radar or she would be eliminated."

"Ah, making Eva a main focus and threat to the others, but also showing that she would create a huge chaos into beating the others up... of course, you know Ezekiel, if wasn't for the fact you are a competitor, I would have hired you as a producer to make ideas for the campers," Chris smirked which Ezekiel rolled his eyes.

"And have a salary of the intern? Or the possibility of my friends getting more pissed than the ideas you took from my stories of Courage the Cowardly Dog? Pass, but still, I'm glad that you are having a lot of fun." Ezekiel commented as he could see the smirk becoming a smile. "Anyway, I think that's enough for the interview Chris... It was nice to talk to you."

"Same as always Ezekiel, now go and talk to the others, let's see what they have to say," Chris said as he already had some strong names in his mind... the votes were rigged from the start...

Ezekiel was about to go to bed, after having a good shower. hours have passed at Chris's decision to bring two campers back to the show, and since he wanted to be the first one to return to his bedroom, he wanted to enjoy the good time he had... Until he heard some knocks...

"Huh? Who is it?" Ezekiel commented as he went after the door and at the time he opened it... he was surprised to see Eva staring at him with her arms crossed. "Oh hey, Eva. What can I do for you?"

Eva remained with her arms crossed, but to surprise the winter hat boy, she without asking or even warning... she hugged him.

"You already did too much Ezekiel, thank you." Eva hugged him as she tried to not use too much strength, and the hug itself surprised deeply the homeschooled boy until he collected the pieces and understood what happened.

"So Chris chose you to another try... heh... you deserve it. But now that you are here... Can you do me a favor when you return to see the Killer Bass?" Ezekiel asked as he was released from the hug, and with a nod from Eva, Ezekiel smiled, as he immediately went to the table, with a letter ready to give to his friends... And knowing it would be in Eva's hands, he knew that he could trust her. "Please go to the Aquarium and before the challenge, please reunite the group and read this letter for them, okay?"

Eva had her eyebrow raised upon seeing the letter... so knowing that it was a little favor for Ezekiel who suggested she be part of the cast once again... she was more than ready, so she nodded her head, and before leaving, she messed the hair of the boy, even if his winter hat was on the top.

Eva chuckled before leaving the homeschooled boy, knowing that the next day she wouldn't be there anymore. So in the meantime, she felt she was going to miss her time on the playa since she needed to toughen up before returning to the camp, Chris's instructions were clear, she could not tell the campers about her stay on the playa del losers which would bring their attention into losing quicker than they should. And the other instruction was...Create chaos and make her enemies shit themselves, that made Eva grin evilly if was for the sake of the sick entertainment for Chris? She had one boy and one animal that she wanted to pay a visit to.

She was more than ready for the challenge.

The next morning coming across the Playa del Losers, two boats left the place where the next episode of the show would be aired, some of the members watched their friends leaving the Playa, as some were going to miss them, but also cheering for the time they would appear once again on the show.

But some still were sleeping since it was too early to be, Ezekiel woke up from his bed and checked on the clock, soon it was going to be the time he was going to take his pneumonia medicine, knowing that the person who would usually come appear... wasn't there... But instead, there was something on the corner of the table, a medicine pill, a glass of water, a little gift box with a note on the top...

Ezekiel waited patiently until the clock was exactly on the time he needed, so at the moment it was time for him to take his meds, he did it without thinking twice. And by drinking all the water, he gave a slight glance at the note...Ezekiel slowly raised the note, and he could see who clearly the person was...

Hey Ezekiel, guess who is now going to the show again? Yeah, of course you know, I heard from Chris you indicated to me, and even if this happened before without knowing about the future, should I say that? How you can describe the time from the former past that happened before you came from the future?

"Cannon event Izzy." Ezekiel chuckled as he smiled at her letter, already knowing she was way smart, but sometimes even a genius with Ph.D. would have some confusing moments like that, The Big Bang Theory and Back from the Future case an example.

Anyway, still, thank you so much for your support for me... I'm going to try to put my plan in motion and possibly win this game. (Wink drawn) But also...thank you for being someone I can trust too, you have helped me so much, and from your warnings of the future, I know that my future will be brighter, and words cannot express how much your help meant to me... So I left this gift for you only... As a way to show my gratitude, and to make you never forget about me.

Thank you... for saving my future.


P.S.: Enjoy my gift.

Ezekiel had his eyebrow raised as he nodded his head and left the letter on the table, he brought the gift to his hands and opened it happily... However, his entire face became red when he saw 3 things...

1 - A green bra,

1 - A green G String Panties

1 - Photograph of Izzy, blowing a kiss in a compromising position, in her nude glory...

Ezekiel felt his brain toast, as he took out his winter hat... And had just one more thing to say.

"Goddammit, second puberty," Ezekiel said before going to the bathroom.

"And now I would like to annunciate the first Killer Bass motherly reunion. I welcome you all, and I thank you for accepting my invitation." A well-dressed woman, who has a portrait of a lawyer called around the group of women who have been around the main room, and by everyone staring at the well-matured woman, they could swear, the C.I.T. Courtney was a younger copy of the girl in front of them. And on the name tag showed a name that every member of the group could see clearly, Victoria was the name that would fit a daughter like Courtney. "I think since our kids have been friends since the first episode. I think it would be fair if we also meet each other."

"I also have to agree, making a reunion party with us was really a great idea," the brown-haired woman said as she felt well received just like the other mothers who also were around the tag was named Alisson, and a skull and a moon draw. "Also thanks to your children. I know that my sweet Gwen has great friends to help around. And while she was a Screaming Gopher, her experience there wasn't good... But your children accepted her with arms wide open, and I cannot thank you all enough."

The mothers smiled as they could clearly see how the mother dotted the gothic girl, and they had to confess, the girl was very nice and friendly, she was an example to not judge the book by the cover.

And the warm smile around the group was everyone staring at the great table of food in the house. All with a great combination of every single mother bringing something to eat or drink, and with the courtesy of DJ's Momma also on there, the dessert was guaranteed clients for her in the future, since the Caribbean rum cake was what made the mothers don't care if they have diet or not.

"I will need to do leg press for 2 hours to burn this on my body." The ruff voice of the well-muscled woman commented as she already could guess the number of calories she would have to burn at the time she got out from the meeting, but with a shrug, the juggernaut mother ate 2 plates of food anyway. The name tag of Anastasia and a dumbbell drawing as well.

"Hmm, this Mc'n cheese is delicious, who did it?" The woman appeared to be blond with even some gray hairs around her head, but still, the well-free spirit smile, and even still wearing her swimsuit clothing, and a name tag on her chest, with a surfboard drawing... And a name tagged Karen. She was enjoying the tasty food over the table.

"Oh, that's me. My son always says that money won't buy happiness, but my mac'n'cheese always does. You must be Bridgette's mother, am I right?" The woman raised her hand and even walked towards the surfer woman who seemed to be enjoying very good food. Her name tag showed a party hat with Sarah's name on it. "I'm Geoff's mom."

"Oh, I've always wanted to meet you. Since our kids are in a relationship." Karen commented as she gave a slight handshake to the mother of the party boy. "So, why don't you tell me more about yourself?"

In another part of the room, DJ' Momma was also enjoying good food, time and even watching Anastasia, Eva's mom already having a good amount of food to eat to recover her calories just to burn them out later. A time when both women would talk about their time raising their children and how they became so big and strong.

"I just hope my son is alright, that moose was completely an accident." A woman wearing glasses and even having a ginger hair-bun on the head she was still feeling anxious about what was going to happen. The tag on her blouse was glasses and the name Rachel on it. "Harold was in such a lovely stable relationship, and just like that, I can see him being beaten by both Leshawna and Heather."

"Rachel, calm down. It's going to be fine, " Both women said at the same time, one was a tan-dressed woman, and the other was also slim and very well-dressed in an dress Asian, both women tapping her back trying to assure the ginger boy would be fine. The tan woman with the tag and the name Jessica, and the Asian-dressed woman with the tag and the name Jennifer.

"Do you remember the case Katie had to deal with the first freak out?" The Asian woman said as she felt nostalgic, which the other woman nodded at her.

"That was early or after she got lost in the mall with you taking them both?" The tan woman replied which made the other woman groan.

"Please don't remind me, it took me hours to try to find them. But hey, at least your daughter has a boyfriend. You could go mama bear on him, but it seems her friends went first." Jennifer commented as the tan woman laughed even leaving a tear on her eye.

"Oh yeah, seeing him almost piss himself was indeed something our family loved to watch. I even recorded it for future dates." Jessica replied which made the other woman roll her eyes but with a smirk.

"You are cruel," Jennifer commented as both smiled but then returned to help the nerd mom recover from her outburst.

"And then my husband almost broke his arm by sampling tying to fix a bowling ball machine. Tyler had to bring butter from the supermarket 10 minutes from there." The woman who was telling the story of how her husband lost both his shirt and almost his arm at the time the group went bowling. And from seeing the scared face of DJ's momma, she could see that it was indeed something to be concerned about. The woman was dressed in gym clothes, and even had a headband on her head, she had a tag on her clothes with the name Dehila on it... "That's why we always should be ready for all the accidents."

"Your family are bringers of destruction and pain..." Anastasia commented as she stared at a woman who looked affronted... "You are awesome, maybe our family should hang out."

"Do you mean it?" Dehila smiled as DJ's momma had her mouth wide open... but just shrugged as the group decided to make a date for the group would even go to eat or even do some workouts together.

And like every mother, becoming friends in their inner circle. Victoria enjoyed very much meeting every single mother from her daughter's team, she raised a winner, but watching her daughter learn, adapting and improving herself in every challenge, and having some good friends and possibly a boyfriend, while she wasn't that much fan of Duncan, but still seeing him maturing was one of the best aspects that she has been watching on the show.

"Wow, your daughter looks exactly like you." Then a voice was enough to make the lawyer woman stop in her tracks and to see something which surprised her... A woman wearing a dark green winter hat a book drawn on the tag with the name Martha on it, and a blonde woman who had also tags of skulls and a cheese on her tag and the name Sheila on it. The duo who came made Victoria an amused look on her face, but also recognized the name tags and possibly why the duo came after her.

"Ezekiel and Duncan?" Victory deduced as both mothers nodded their heads at her, and were surprised to see the appearance of the winter hat woman. "You must also be surprised to be misguided as Gwen's relative because you almost look like her."

"Oh, I remember my husband telling me that. But I'm not aware if I have a relative with her." Martha commented as she looked at the blonde woman who was also happy to be there.

"Ah, hello... well, I want to thank you both, since it's been a while since I saw Duncan becoming so much more responsible, and even behaving himself more. His parole officer was very surprised by his improvement. And I thank you both for that." Sheila commented that she felt grateful for both mothers having made his son a more behaved son, and even becoming more mature around the show.

Martha smiled, as she could see how happy the parents were and in harmony, the group was into enjoying eating and talking.

"I have to agree. I never saw my son Ezekiel so happy to have friends for the first time, in many years I was afraid of him doing something that would make him hurt... but this show kinda proved my point... that I never saw him growing up so much. And I'm happy to meet the other 2 pillar mothers." Martha commented as both Sheila and Victoria nodded their heads to her.

"Don't say like that, your son indeed was an inspiration. My lawyering company used the opportunity of the show and managed to catch a few laws related to how some schools indeed showed some lack of security, and how sometimes the votes of people willing to stop going to public schools to trying to study from learning at the libraries and even trying to hire personal teachers to help them focus into their studies..." Victoria had to give the hand of the boy, after never going to school, he showed something that she never thought of before. "And I even caught some of my assistants debating on which first book your son would publish first in the future."

"I have to agree. Duncan's brothers want so much to read Courage the Cowardly Dog to see if they are going to get scared like Duncan did." Sheila said happily, and Martha felt like a grown of a good friendship.

"Well it may be any of them, but I'm glad to see that my son finally opening his wings... it will be difficult to see him go, but he is like me... wanting to go free, and when I was on his age, I wanted to be an explorer and do many crazy adventures as well," Martha commented as she was happy to remind the old memories where she would go at the nature and even hunt with her bow. But then she looked at both Victoria and Sheila. "And I have to tell you both, Courtney and Duncan indeed took the role of old siblings on him, because it's funny to see them doing the most difficult part into explaining how life works... even watching television and movies, sometimes I feared he would be outside of the social circle, but I have to thank both Courtney and Duncan to help him to fit in..."

"Well, I wish I could take all the compliments, but it was my daughter's accomplishment, and I have to say, while Duncan may be a brute diamond in some edges... I can see how my daughter is also growing up with the help of her team... Now I'm curious, what did he do to make himself juvenile?" Victoria had to confess that seeing a kind and sweet mother indeed shows a difference between water and wine. And from what she learned, Duncan had many detectives' relatives, so he must be aware of the law.

"Well... it was more he ran naked on the street at the New Year's party, selling his father's hair pieces as pets, and recently before going to the show he did a pool party in the city hall Fountain," Sheila explained kindly which made Victoria's eyes widen in surprise and with a slight twitch, and Martha whistle in surprise.

"I have to say, this kid knows how to entertain himself," Martha commented as she could see the delinquent boy doing that.

Victoria sighed.

"And here I thought he would have done something to go to prison... He is just a vandal like he said... It's easy to deal with that in court, I can eat them out like cereal, however... pieces of your husband's hair as pets?" Victoria asked as she asked in disbelief, and saw the blond woman rolling her eyes.

"His father's hair was a crime. It was terrible, and I was the one to ask him to rid them... but he managed to get money into doing it." Sheila commented as she even showed an old picture from her purse a picture of the old version of the hat, which made both Martha and Victory have their eyes wide open in surprise.

"Are you sure this isn't a squirrel? Because I saw some gray squirrels in my life, and this looks almost like them." Martha commented as Victoria shoved into seeing such horror...

"Okay, you proved your point, this should even be illegal and be treated as a crime." Victoria nodded, as she herself knew that it would take a while, but it seemed that she had a case in her hands.

"Thank you." Sheila expressed her feelings over her husband's terrible taste, she even scoffed. "When we had our children, it was a very nice time to use it, like the time when we were a band to sing children's songs."

"Oh really?" Both Martha and Victoria asked in surprise, and Sheila was happy with the good times both her husband and her, they became a famous band for children known as Banana and Cheese. Not knowing Victoria now has a very good weapon of blackmail for Duncan to behave at her house in the future...

That's the start of a beautiful friendship and family.

Chapter 23: No Pain No Game

Chapter Text


"Last time on Total Drama Island..." Chris began with a bit of an eager grin on his face as he presented the resume of the episode. The bass and gopher teams were disbanded into a battle of the sexes challenge that put their taste buds to the puke test. With bovine testicles, live bug insect pizza, and the most disgusting vegetarian options that could make any vegetarian second guess their life choices. In a battle between rotten vegetables and bunny meat, a bet between who would be the first person to say Condor was on... and sadly for the vegetarian surfer Bridgette, she couldn't take the pressure and finally said the forbidden word, making her the next camper who would prepare herself to make her baggage and leave the show. Thankfully for her, it's not a usual challenge but a reward one for the boys, who set sail on a weekend retreat aboard the S.S. Lap-o-luxury. Heather huffed in outrage but the girls made their choice to throw the towel and console the vegetarian who preferred to remain loyal to her beliefs than actually temptate herself into eating the delicious meat of the most cruel animals on the sea... Well, sucks to be her... *OUCH* HEY."

Chris shouted angrily as he saw a squirrel launching a few rocks at the host, who just snarled and walked away.

"Stupid squirrel. You are going to cut it right? What do you mean no? WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT'S HILARIOUS? FINE," Chris talked to the camera director who didn't say a word but simply made gestures of laugh and yes or no. "Anyway, will the surfer recover from her broken spirit? Will the girls swear revenge on the boys for taking their luxurious trip? Will the Killer Bass boys forgive Trent for his jealousy of Duncan? For the answers to all these cliffhangers and more, stay tuned to the most exciting episode yet, On Total Drama Island."

As the morning passed, Bridgette was still in the process of recovery from the bad stomachache after cleaning her stomach, it was been a little difficult for her, but thankfully Chef secretly gave her an apple per day to make her digest something with the promise that she would eat the grudge he gave to her, and to be honest with herself, the apple helped her to gulp the bad goo made by Chef.

The tension around the girls has been diminishing slightly since Heather and Lindsay decided to give the cold shoulder towards her, she already accepted that she wouldn't become friends and it would be the time that the sooner she left the show the better...

She tried to think if it was even worth the 100 thousand dollars from the torture she suffered on the last challenge... However strangelly she felt more at peace with herself... Maybe it was because she rather give up the show than go against her principles, or maybe something happened and she wasn't sure of why, but she felt more at peace at the time she woke up recently...

Gwen and Courtney had a good time talking with her, and she had to tell, that even in times of struggles, she was glad to have them by her side... And a positive note, since the boys were out, the trio of Bass girls could do a slumber party, and on the last day... If they found the secret stash of chocolate Duncan hid inside the cave, they would have their own reward while the boys are having much fun with the spa treatment. Heather and Lindsay had their luxurious shower, while the girls had the hot tub just for them...

So it hadn't been that bad for anyone, it sucked the defeat, but they could lick their wounds and prepare for the next challenge without worrying to be eliminated since Bridgette was going to be eliminated.

And over the beach, Bridgette was looking for seashells, Gwen was writing in her Diary, and Courtney was humming a song as she was doing her nails.

Heather and Lindsay were reading a magazine on the beach when a little fly crossed around, and Heather already knowing her friend was in alarm and triggered to attack the insect, got up before something bad happened. Lindsay was about to ask what happened when suddenly a giant horn coming from far away caught the attention of all the girls in the camp.

The cruise which was traveling around the weekend finally appeared as the group of girls deadpanned into seeing the boys getting out.

And while Owen and Trent were so hyped and happy to get out from the cruise, DJ, Duncan, and Geoff seemed more neutral as they held some bags with them. The Gopher boys seemed to be dancing, while the Basses remained their cool, and focused on the weight on their wrists.

The girls remained quiet as Geoff and Duncan slid from the ramp towards the girls, with their fresh expressions on their faces, and bags... Most of the boys looked relaxed and even happy to come across the camp once again, and the girls remained quiet. Courtney rolled her eyes but then she was surprised by the surprise hug from Duncan who had a smirk on his face.

"Did you miss me, Princess?" Duncan said with a teasing tone as the girl rolled her eyes and deadpanned at him.

"Pff as if, how as the cruise?" The C.I.T girl asked as she couldn't help but be jealous of how happy the boys were, even if it had been a well-deserved reward for them... They played fair, but still, she didn't like to lose.

"It was awesome, but not having the other girls around and having to deal with Trent on the cruise for 3 days, made it a bit away from perfection." Duncan shrugged, and from his answer, Courtney already knew that he was thinking of her, and then the delinquent even raised one bag for her which made her raise her eyebrows in surprise. "Here, me and the boys took from the Spa Services, and I think you, Bridgette, and Gwen would need it before we do the challenge of the day."

"That's very thoughtful of you." Courtney was surprised, and seeing that on the bag there were spa creams, shampoos, and even well-made artesian soaps and candles, made her smile from the little dark side of her boyfriend. Making her kiss him on his lips. "Thanks, Duncan, I missed you a lot."

"That's my princess, better to take it to the Aquarium for the others also use it," Duncan commented as he could see Heather and Lindsay staring at them curiously. "Don't tell the Gophers thought, not even the fat boy knows what is inside."

Courtney smirked and nodded her head, as she saw Geoff walking to Bridgette.

"Bridge, I hope this will cheer your day." The party boy was sure to surprise his girlfriend as he even raised the bag for the girl recovering from the last challenge.

The girl stared in surprise as the stetson boy was smiling warmly at her, and with her eyebrow raised, she opened the bag to see something that indeed made her have a genuine reaction.

"I made sure to ask for some vegetarian good food on the cruise, and there is a lot of stuff on there, there is a burrito with avocado, Green Curry, Creamy Goat Cheese Polenta With Ratatouille, and they even made plantain chips with sweet potato chips, it was crazy, so I brought a few for you to enjoy before the challenge," Geoff commented as he gave the whole bag for the girl who was weeping at seeing the boy thinking of her. "On the other bag, there is also a lot of food for the others, and DJ is also carrying some to enjoy the dinner. So I gave this to you as... you know..."

"Last meal before leaving the show?" Bridgette said sadly, and Geoff sadly nodded his head at her, but then he was surprised when Bridgette finally took courage and kissed him on his lips.

"Wohooooo, yeah, way to go, Geoff," Owen shouted happily as DJ and Duncan raised a thumbs up. Gwen was happy for her friend, and even Courtney rolled her eyes but with a smile on her face, knowing that they took too long to make it official. "Oh. Anyone cares for a chocolate-coated cherry blossom?"

Owen decided to also share good food for his friends, and Heather as she was angry with the boys having a very great experience which she and Lindsay deserved... she didn't also notice that everyone got gifts from the boys, even Gwen who knew the bags of food and products of the spa for them to use...

So instead of angry spatting at Owen, she took the tray from his hands.

"I will take this and me and Lindsay thank you very much," Heather said as she wouldn't refuse something for her to eat, especially knowing that Niche of Killer Bass isn't going to share their food with her, maybe with Lindsay, but she didn't want to take a chance.

"So how was the spa?" Gwen asked DJ but Trent also was on his side and decided to speak about their experience.

"It has been an awesome experience, DJ and Owen really used that spa of hands and feet," Trent commented as Gwen ignored him, but DJ raised his elbow, and Gwen had to confess that she was impressed by seeing how well the boys cared.

"Good for you boys," Gwen commented as she didn't have anything to complain about, it sucked to lose, but she had a good time in the hot tube with Courtney and Bridgette. It has been a very good time for them to talk their minds and hearts, and relieve the good memories of how their team was so united before...

"Listen up, campers! As of right now, all teams are officially dissolved. From here on in, it's every camper for themselves!" Until then, the voice of the person they were waiting for finally reached their ears, through the loudspeaker of the whole camp.

Everyone glanced at each other as the Killer Bass crew that the moment that it happened, they would remain united... but was more and more difficult because, since the last challenge, they had no idea how cruel and brutal Chris and Chef Hatchet would go after them... So they still had their own promise that even if they were everyone for themselves, they were still friends...

Even if everyone wants to win... they are still with their guards raised towards anything that would launch at them.

"So what is the challenge now Chris?" Courtney shouted, knowing that Chris would plot anything to break them... but she never thought she would hear what he was going to say next.

"Are you anxious about the challenge Courtney? Then be prepared for what's going to happen next." The loudspeaker voice called as the campers then heard loud horns which made everyone surprised, Heather and Lindsay gasped in fear, as Duncan, DJ, and Geoff looked in disbelief.

"What? But that's impossible." Heather said as she never thought to see something like that, Lindsay recoiled as she wasn't aware of the menacing presence coming from far away.

"Aw man, what is she doing here?" Trent was still in fear, he had a bad feeling coming in his direction, but the boys nearby turned in disbelief, and they started to smile.

"Is that?" Gwen asked in surprise, as Courtney got her smile coming up.

"IT'S HER, IT'S EVA, "Courtney shouted as the whole Killer Bass saw from the horizon a boat suddenly saw the horizon, a mountain of flames coming from the horizon, as the boat came in their direction, as Choir of Russian Culture song was played, the imposing figure, of a girl getting the breezes in the air crossing her ponytail, and still with her leg in a cast...

The presence of the bodybuilder returning for the game created both strong pressure and yet a camaraderie that some campers missed so much.

"Back by popular audience demand, the MVP of Killer Bass, it's Eva!" Chris said through the speakers, which made Killer Bass raise their fists in the air.

"WOHOOOOOOOOOOO," Geoff and DJ shouted happily as Courtney was glad to see one of the first campers who had just been eliminated from the show for the terrible accident of the failing tree coming towards her, Eva saved her life and had to go away to the hospital because of it.

Eva got down from the boat, and her smile showed a resolve but a slight smirk on her face.

"I'm back *beep*es," Eva smirked as the Killer Bass boys and girls went to greet their friend once again. Their powerhouse seemed better than ever. "I spent a long time at the hospital, exercising my body just for the time I returned on the show, I watched every single episode on there... And I have a personal list of people who I'm going to have special attention on it."

Eva growled at Trent who sweat and gave a few stepbacks.

"Eva calm down, what about your leg?" Courtney asked in worry, as while she was very happy to see Eva on the show, and from the fact she was voted by popular demand... she couldn't complain, she saved her life and maybe that's why she was so popular but still, the leg still looked inju...

"Leg? What Leg? This leg?" Eva gave a slight glance at Courtney before she angrily stomped on the floor with so much strength that the cast around the injured leg cracked, and like a glass, crashed and went down... Which made Heather, Lindsay, Trent, and even Owen mouth's drop.

"*Beeeeeep* Eva, that was hardcore," Duncan said as he was very impressed to see one of the strongest players back on the show, it sucked that he would need to fight against her in the future, but having to see her well again and ready for the round two really made the challenge more interesting... Seeing a Killer Bass back to the crew.

"While I'm not complaining to see this amazing surprise," Gwen commented as she gave a high five to the bodybuilder who changed her life for the better, from the team she was before it had been from risky dog fights to even some break of trust, to suddenly move to a team who has been working like a machine, a group of friends, even if there were some misunderstandings, she felt more accepted on that team instead from her former... But there was one question inside her mind. "But didn't you say no one is allowed back?"

Chris gave a pause as he couldn't help but ask in surprise.

"I did?" The speaker asked loudly, as it suddenly showed the images of the same flashback over and over again about how Chris told nobody was allowed to go back ever... "Oh yeah. That. Yeah, I lied."

Some campers rolled their eyes, while Eva had a smirk on her face, and a genuine happiness to see her team once again. She was angry at the time she had to leave with an injury, but now that come back, she is ready for the challenge.

"Well, it's a bit unfair, but since Eva was eliminated from an injury, I think it's fair to come back after she got treated. Welcome back, Eva. How have you been?" Gwen accepted that if she got into an argument with Chris it wouldn't help her case, but from seeing the bodybuilder return for the Killer Bass, even if that means all for themselves. It was good enough to see the person who made her change for a better team.

Evan grunted as her usual noise but with a calmer tone seeing the Killer Bass reunited...

"It would be better if we talked in that place," Eva commented as she made sure that all Killer Bass raised their eyebrows and understood what she meant...

Eva wanted to talk in the Aquarium, the safest place for the Killer Bass to talk among themselves without the interference of the Screaming Gophers. So with everyone nodding at her, Eva felt nice to finally return to the camp with all her luggage.

Heather looked at Eva and couldn't help but raise her eyebrow and point at the bodybuilder.

"She was an audience favorite?" Heather asked and Chris gave a chuckle on the speaker.

"Surprisingly she is one of the top 4 favorites from the eliminated... Sadly one of them is still at the hospital." Chris commented which made the Killer Bass and even the Screaming Gophers realize who he was talking about, Ezekiel, who practically must be the favorite of the public since the first episode, from the tone of his voice, Heather could breathe in relief since she wouldn't be in bad sheets and in the hands of the homeschooled boy... "Also returning to camp, it's Izzy!"

"Oh no." Lindsay and Eva said in unison as they could see the crazy ginger using a vine like a swing, and she went directly at the campers like Tarzan.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." Izzy screamed happily as she went directly to the dorks. And giving a perfect landing, Eva had her eyes twitch but decided to ignore it... Knowing Izzy was probably the next one to return, she had to accept it... And wondered if Ezekiel also recommended Izzy to return to the show. "Hey guys! It's good to be back at camp! Even though I never actually left a specific island. I've been living in the woods all this time!"

"But I thought the RCMP hunted you down," Gwen asked in surprise as Izzy laughed at her assumption.

"They tried. But being a wilderness survivor, I was swift-footed and avoided capture." Izzy answers the goth opinion by even taking a fish and showing it to them... It was a fresh fish which she proceeded to eat the head in one chomp, showing the raw meat which remained on her hands... Gwen and Bridgette looked a bit disgusted from remembering the last challenge, Izzy shrugged off and continued to explain. "Once I was safe among my animal brethren, it was just me against the harsh elements."

"Hello, crazy girl? There isn't any harsh element, the place has been warm and sunny for weeks." Heather said as she didn't believe the crazy ginger until the next words made Heather suck dry...

"Not where I was... there was a snowstorm, then a rainstorm, and then it was a scalding sun and it changed on and on during days... until suddenly it stopped... and everything became like an ordinary sunny day..." Izzy said casually which made the queen bee realize from the clues where she was.

"Wait, you were on Boney Island the whole time?" Heather said fearfully as she was freaked out from that cursed place after the curse of the stupid tiki artifact. And then she was surprised when Izzy shushed her with a finger on her lips.

"Shhhhhh, don't say that, or the RCMP will try to look at that place next time they hunt me down," Izzy said as she glanced left and right, but with a cough she recomposed herself. "But luckily, I was able to take refuge in the beaver dam. Yeah, that group of beavers, I befriended the family of beavers who lived there, and together, we foraged for nuts and berries, and got some meat once or twice. Boy, I could use a bag of nachos right now. "

Izzy used that time to make herself act like an animal and even showed her panties on the screen while she used her leg to scratch her ear and head. Showing an animal side which made the girls weirded out, Eva raised her eyebrow at the ginger, as the group saw Izzy howling like a wolf, and then smirking back at the girls.

"Haha. So, what's new with you guys?" Izzy asked and before the girls would comment Chris finally interrupted.

"All right, campers! Report to the amphitheater where you'll learn all about this week's challenge! Ksh. McLean out!" Chris through the speaker again, as everyone gave a glance into each other, while Owen seemed to be completely fine with the next challenge.

"Woohoo! Another challenge! Partay! Hahaha. Gimme ten!" Owen was so excited that DJ couldn't help but smile and even give a ten down to the fatty boy who was running in the direction of the place where the challenge would be...

The Killer Bass members quickly helped Eva settle in on the girls' cabin, since there were a lot of beds, she took one while Izzy took the other, Heather stared as the group of girls who seemed to be so happy to have another member around, while she knew that she would need to step up her game to survive more, but as soon she was about to say something, the group of Killer Bass quickly left the place... Which made her blink for a few seconds and look at Lindsay as she felt the same way.

"Why are they in such a hurry?' Lindsay asked as Heather shrugged...

"They are always like that, leaving at such inconvenient times. What the hell is wrong with them?" Heather asked as she got more and more suspicious of the group, while the game still was everyone for themselves, the fish heads remained like they were all friendly and kissing and that awful stuff... And that was enerving her with the possibility of her need to find a reliable force quickly. But who would...

"Ah, Izzy and Owen, having them as our help to vote to protect us..." Heather came to a conclusion, and while she knew that the crazy ginger would be not a trustful force, having her also as a meat shield could also be good for her, so she needs to work on her to remain low on the radar, and Lindsay tilted her head, not knowing what her friend is about to do.


At the time the Killer Bass reunited themselves to their secret base, it showed how relieved Eva was when she looked at the hot tub once again...

"Tonight I'm going to enjoy a few hours on this thing," Eva said as she then glanced at everyone staring at her. "Alright, I watched every single episode of the show from the hospital, so you guys don't need to give me an explanation of what happened. I saw it. You said Condor Bridgette, so the next vote, you know what happens."

"I know," Bridgette commented as the Killer Bass placed their bags of food and even some of the spa products for them to use later, the surfer knew that there was nothing she could do since it was her choice and she was a broken girl after that challenge.

"So you spent all these days at the Hospital, Eva?" DJ asked as the bodybuilder nodded her head.

(Confession - Eva)

"I by contract cannot tell where I was truthfully, to make sure the other campers wouldn't give up immediately and decide to leave the game without a good reason, so I had to tell about the time I was at the hospital and say it took a lot longer to recover... Izzy girl also received the instructions by contract so she came up with the story of Boney Island, so don't fall for her." Eva warned as she finally had her time to use the confession to explain to all the people who watched the show, especially the Pay-per-view like she and the other losers had to, so everyone has their curiosities... "I know you all are curious for one thing, and that's what I'm going to give you all..."

"I spent a long time doing exercise at the hospital to train my leg to make sure that stupid accident wouldn't happen again," Eva grunted as the group stared a her... But then she took something from her pocket. "Also there is someone who was there that wanted to give a message for you all."

"Wait, did you see Ezekiel at the hospital?" DJ asked which everyone had high hopes about hearing how he is. And from seeing Eva nod, it was indeed good news. "Hey, how was he?"

"He is recovering fine. Almost 70%, a few more weeks, and then he is going to be back to his 100%." Eva replied, making the whole group smile and nod at themselves happy to hear the good news. But then Eva didn't finish. "He also asked me to bring this letter for you all."

"Oh, a letter? What does it say?" Courtney asked as Gwen, Duncan, and Geoff approached to try to read the paper. But the bodybuilder growled, making them step back...

"Sorry, space... Okay, let's see... Dear K... You know what? You two read it out loud." Eva was about to read the letter but seeing Duncan and Courtney staring at the paper made the bodybuilder sigh and give the two remaining pillars of the team the letter of the last pillar.

"Thanks. Okay everyone, hear it out." Duncan said as he gladly took the paper into his hands... and started to read the letter... Courtney would also be on his side to read together...

And from one single letter, which says... They imagined every single word said by their friend who was still in treatment.

Dear Killer Bass,

I hope this letter finds you all in good health and high spirits, despite the challenges we've faced lately. It pains me deeply to hear about the struggles you've encountered since my departure. While I may not be physically present with you on the island, know that all my thoughts and support are always with each and every one of you.

I want to assure you that I am doing fine. The medical attention I received has been helpful, and I am on the road to recovery. However, my heart aches to know that my absence has contributed to the downturn in our team's performance. But let me be clear: this setback does not define us. We are the Killer Bass, a team forged in strength, resilience, and camaraderie.

Just as Finn and Jake journey through the Land of Ooo, Steven explores the mysteries of the Crystal Gems, and Courage faces his fears in Nowhere, we too must embark on our own adventure. I wrote Adventure Time to teach us the value of friendship, loyalty, and courage in the face of adversity. Steven Universe reminds us of the importance of empathy, acceptance, and love in overcoming differences and forging meaningful connections. And Courage the Cowardly Dog shows us that bravery isn't the absence of fear, but the willingness to confront it for the ones we care about.

From the first day of this show, many would say that Killer Bass may have strength, but they didn't have harmony, they didn't have true friendship, and anything could lead us to become enemies of each other...

BUT NOT MY KILLER BASS, what people would say if they saw a bunch of random people in one place... I saw something more, I saw friends, I saw couples in a relationship, and I saw a family. Every single member of this team I treat it as my own family. Duncan, DJ, Tyler, Harold, Geoff, you are my brothers. Courtney, Bridgette, Eva, Katie, Sadie, Gwen, you are my sisters. And I refuse to let others think that you all can't work together. And how right I was...

I saw my team doing the impossible many times. Even me who I never thought I would have left the farm and did the craziest things and became more than I ever could be...

DJ, you are proof of how even in fear you could become Courageous, from having a fear of jumping a cliff to a river full of sharks, you jumped 5 thousand feet tall airplanes with parachutes.

Eva, you have been MVP of this team because you deserve it, fighting a bear head-on and winning, is something we know that you would protect this team with... You are the shield of the team and our greatest hero and friend, never doubt yourself of that.

Duncan, if you want a rematch on the prank war, bring it on... but I know sometimes you may be blaming yourself for me not remaining in the game, IT'S NOT YOUR *BEEEP* FAULT. So stop this *beeeeep* and focus back on yourself, focus that you are a pillar and you still need to lead yourself and your friends to victory, if we lose 4 times okay, but we need at least to take a gopher right?

Courtney, I learned so much because of you, you and Duncan had some migraines, but seeing you both together and working together as well, showed me that indeed differences would attract each other, and I hope you know... Always like you have been a song which has so many covers because of how well you sang, you gave your heart on that challenge, and many people do the same because of you, thank you for all my heart.

Geoff, you are an awesome guy, who never changes, and I hope you have a party planned after my recovery because we are going to the guy's night. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

Gwen, sorry to hear what happened to you went it comes to tolerating Trent, and I know the bridge is burned, maybe someday you will learn how to forgive him and become friends with him... And I know that someone in the future will be the right guy for you, someone who can understand how you feel, and someone who will always protect you, even if the limitations are many. You are awesome, and it's just a show, you have thousands, if not millions of people who would be way better than Trent, so please focus on winning and have your mind for the prize.


And Bridgette...

I'm so proud of you! You didn't let Chris and Chef break your principles, they may have hurt you, and even used my work against you, but you stuck with your principles until the end, when you get eliminated, I'm sure I will be happy to hug you, because you are awesome, and incredible, never doubts and never regrets that decision. Never doubt yourself, and always trust your instincts.

I know it may seem daunting to face the Screaming Gophers without our full roster, but I believe in each of you and in the bonds we've formed together. Remember the victories we've achieved, the obstacles we've overcome, and the laughter we've shared. We are not just a team; we are a family, united by our shared goal and unwavering determination.

It's during our darkest moments that our true strength shines through. Let this adversity fuel the fire within you, igniting a passion to rise above the challenges and reclaim our rightful place as champions. Believe in yourselves as I believe in you, and together, we will emerge victorious once again.

Stay strong, stay united, and never lose sight of the dreams that brought us together.

With unwavering faith and enduring friendship,


On that point, every single member of Killer Bass was in tears, showing how deep and honest the letter was to every single one of them, knowing that he didn't need much to tell them... and yet every single word mattered to them most... It was like once was said, Ezekiel was the heart of the Killer Bass... And even if he was far away, the heartbeats were still there... And now they couldn't help but stare at each other proud of themselves, as Courtney finished the letter.

The fire which was diminishing over the Killer Bass was ignited once more, with fuel... and the once sleeping fishes who were powerful in the past, once again stood their ground, like the Killer Bass they were once before.

Bridgette who had been so broken and sad hours before, had sparks on her eyes, and by following her instincts she knew what she had to do...

"Guys, can you hear me out?' Bridgette called the attention of her friends who gave a glance at her... "I need to whisper something to you all..."

And Bridgette at the time she said one by one, their eyes went wide open as they looked shocked at the surfer... And from a look of shock, they tried to hide from the camera their expression, because it was something they never thought to hear from Bridgette...

And what the surfer was planning? The viewers couldn't find out.


At the time Chris was waiting patiently at the campers to reunite on the amphitheater, with some chairs, wooden boxes, and even some cabinets around a place... Seeing the Screaming Gophers the first one to appear, made him excited for the devious challenge he planned to make for them...

And after a few minutes happened and nobody knows where the Killer Bass went...

Half an hour passed and Chris was really annoyed, knowing the Killer Bass preferred to go to the Aquarium instead of going directly at the challenge... He was about to complain when he suddenly heard the Killer Bass approaching...

At the time he was about to retort or even scowl at the other campers, when he suddenly saw in their eyes, on the way they walked... He paused, as he then saw the shadow around their faces... And even red marks on their eyes... They were crying, and he didn't even have time to tease that, because their aura was shifted with something he was surprised to see... Competitiveness faces, faces of someone who would crush anyone who would be in their way.

"What just happened?" Chris mused as he saw every member sitting in their places... the Screaming Gopher campers stared at the late campers in their places, in silence... And Heather realized that silence before... and that kind of expression on their faces... it wasn't a good signal for her...

Heather decided to shut up and didn't want to make herself exposed in their line of vision... Knowing that probably only a stupid person would...

"Hey guys, what's wrong? You seemed awfully quiet." Trent asked which made Heather have mixed feelings between facepalming herself or sighing in relief that now she wasn't the target.

Duncan merely glanced at Trent, as Gwen was sitting on the opposite side of the guitarist, and around her was DJ, Geoff, Courtney, and Eva, protecting all the communication between the goth and the guitarist, they were focused, they were ready...

Trent tilted his head and looked at his friend Owen who merely shrugged.

Chris smiled... he knew when the campers looked like that, he knew this episode was going down. Let's see what kind of massacre is going to happen.

"Welcome to your next challenge! The time-honored game of torture. Say, Uncle! You are all about to be out through the tests of endurance so insane, that some of 'em sent our interns to the emergency room."Chris was happy to see the afraid looks of surprise from some campers, while some seemed to be so focused that they didn't dare to say a word. "If you back down from the challenge or do not last the required ten seconds, you will be eliminated. The winner will not only be safe from elimination but will win this luxurious trailer. Yours to take home at the end of the summer."

At the time the group watched Chef come with a hockey mask and a cleaver on his hands, the group knew that this challenge would be so hard to deal with. And Chris examined every single member on the podium, trying to find his first victim... Duncan would have been the perfect first camper to try... however the looks of the Killer Bass seemed darker and prepared and he didn't want that... no, he wanted... he then stared at Trent and Owen who looked fearful... Eenie Meenie Miney Moe...

"TRENT. You're first up. Let's spin the Wheel of Misfortune to select your torture." Chris said happily as he held his hand on the wheel with all the pictures of possible kinds of crazy torture... The cameras showed the fearful and nervous face of the guitarist looking apprehensive at the direction of the wheel until it finally reached the picture of little turtles.

"Turtle puck shots!" Chris happily explained the name of the challenge as Trent was on his side, and he wasn't liking the tone of the host's voice... "Our interns spent weeks collecting the grumpiest, angriest, crustiest, hungriest old snapping turtles on the island. While you stand in the goalie net completely unprotected, Chef will fire off a turtle slapshot."

Trent remained quiet and fearful as Chris pointed at Chef holding a hockey bat, and was prepared to cause pain with the turtles who were growling and snapping their mouths in the sound of jaws snapping.

The squeaking shoes of the guitarist were heard as Chris pushed Trent in front of the goal, and even as joyful as he was... he still by his own kind heart to give last advice to Trent.

"If I were you, dude, I'd protect my coconuts. This could get ugly." Chris said as Trent immediately did what Chris recommended. "If you can stay in for ten seconds, you'll go on to the second round."

Trent was looking at Chris when suddenly the buzzer was on, and Chef didn't think twice as he launched the ferocious turtles in the direction of Trent, which the guitarists crouched the first one, and even avoided being hit by the second... But he didn't realize that the third one got him from behind and made a powerful bite on his ass.

"AHHHH." Trent then made the terrible mistake of exposing his front at Chef who launched more than 4 turtles one bite him from the shoulder, the other from the belly, another from his neck... and the last one... on his coconuts. "Uhhhhhh..."

Most of the campers flinched into watching that scene, as Chris looked happy and proud.

"And Trent moves on to the next round! Isn't this fun?" Chris asked as he could see the painful face of Trent who was narrowing his eyes at him.

"Yeah, it was a lovely walk in the park," Trent said as he got up from the floor and walked around the campers, some of them were sympathetic, but from the look of Eva, he somehow felt fearful and had no idea on why she looks like she wants to devour his soul.

Chris walked by the wheel as he was already enjoying the idea of torturing his campers again.

"Next up, Lindsay!" Chris started to spin the wheel as Lindsay felt nervous about what kind of torture she would receive... until to her own surprise, the wheel turned into a marshmallow on fire. Your torture is… marshmallow waxing! We're gonna wax every part of your body. If you can take the pain for a full ten seconds, you can go to the next level."

"Oh, I so need this. I've been dealing with nasty razor stubble for weeks." Lindsay jumped happily as she felt in need of a spa treatment, and seeing how she didn't get some, a good wax would help her beauty. She then turned to the Chef who was preparing the wax made of marshmallows. "Try not to wax off my tan, 'kay?"

Chef simply ignored as he launched a big ball of wax on Lindsay's face, as the muffled scream happened from the inside, and then Chef used all his strength to pull the ball of marshmallow from her face... Every boy looked terrified and horrified in that scene, while the girls even cringed from seeing a person suffering a wax with just candy on the face... It didn't look like a professional wax they would have in the spa, and yet. Chef made it look like he did a terrible job.

"Ah! Ow!" Lindsay said as he suddenly was free from the sugar candy wax...

"Ouch. That had to hurt." Trent commented to Duncan who just nodded from seeing that. "I don't think I would've made it through that one."

"I would have fainted..." Duncan commented as then felt a shrive on the spine, and Courtney was smiling at her boyfriend.

"What's the matter, boys? Never had a wax before? Didn't you guys take it on the cruise?" Courtney made a slight tease as Gwen chuckled.

"That's because guys are total wimps when it comes to two things: beauty and pain." Gwen raised her hand and Courtney was glad to high-five her.

Trent and Duncan gulped into seeing that horrifying scene. As Courtney scoffed at both wimps.

Then the sound of the ding was heard and Lindsay came to appreciate the results of the recent wax... and to the surprise of the campers, boys and girls, she never felt happier with the results.

"Oh my gosh. I can't believe how smooth that is. Thanks, Chip." Lindsay said as she felt so happy with the results. Not realizing that she bothered Chris once again by saying his name wrongly.

"It's Chris." Chris who was happy to see the results of his torture, said automatically as he could see the girl like a lost cause.

After returning to her seat, Lindsay smiled sweetly at Heather and Courtney who looked at her in disbelief.

"Does it really work?" Courtney asked, as Heather even touched the face of the blonde bombshell.

"It really did... her skin is smooth like a peach..." Heather commented as she herself was caught in surprise by the unorthodox version of wax.

"Yeah, you girls should try, it's fantastic." Lindsay nodded her head as Heather scoffed.

"I will give a hard pass." Heather refused, as a good idea of wax was tempting, going across the marshmallows to wax her face. No, thank you.

Courtney on the other hand...

"Maybe another day, I don't think it wo..." Courtney was about to refuse when Chris suddenly decided to interrupt.

"Well done, Lindsay. Since you didn't even complain once, you get to choose who goes next." Chris commented as he pointed at the papers with all the kinds of torture over the cabinets of everyone...

"Oh oh oh. Clara should try the marshmallow wax, she is going to love it." Lindsay pointed at Courtney who was in the time to refuse, and the C.I.T.''s mouth dropped as a part of herself wanted to strangle Lindsay at that moment.

"It's not possible, since you already used the torture." Courtney used that as an excuse to nullify the temptation of the blond girl trying to make her use wax... but unfortunately for Courtney...

"Who said we couldn't use the same torture twice? Come here Courtney, you gotta a low-quality high-risk Spa wax for you to have a try." Chris gave his iconic smirk, as Courtney looked furious at the Screaming Gopher who had no idea what she did wrong.

"Humph..." Courtney walked over to the same place where Lindsay did the wax... And inside of her mind, she was counting the seconds that she would give a little payback for the blond girl. "Can we finish this up?"

Chef did the same procedure as the last camper, by launching a big ball of marshmallow wax on Courtney's face, as she screamed was muffed from the inside of the marshmallow, making many campers flinch, Gwen, Bridgette, and even Eva recoil from seeing Chef pulling the wax with all his strength. Making Courtney say the word in pain.

"Ah! Ow!" Courtney said as she was still recovering from the horrifying experience of almost being suffocating in wax on her whole face... And from the sound of dings appearing in the air, she passed on to the next phase.

"Congratulations Courtney, for being able to pass the challenge made by Lindsay, that means Lindsay was the one who lost the challenge." Chris then gave an explanation which caught everyone by surprise.

"Wait what?" Lindsay said as suddenly her sit went down and she got up locked like a prisoner into a wooden stockade.

"Lindsay made a terrible choice in recommending a spa treatment for another girl, she should have chosen Trent or Duncan since both of them looked horrified. But now we have Courtney who also didn't complain about doing such a challenge. Now, Courtney, it's your turn to decide who would go next." Chris smiled as Courtney looked angrily at Lindsay.

"Are you sure that I can't choose Lindsay to do another type of torture?" Courtney asked which the Screaming Gopher Girl palled into hearing the C.I.T. girl wanted revenge on her. But luckily for her, Chris shook his head.

'I'm afraid not, or you would be in her place at the time she would do the challenge." Chris while he would love to see the revenge taking action, he doesn't want to lose time, he wants to make every single member of the team get eliminated.

"Dammit." Courtney snapped her fingers as she facepalmed... until she realized how smooth her skin was... "Holy *beep* she was telling the truth, my face feels smooth."

Lindsay smiled as Chris coughed which made Courtney snap from her thoughts.

"Right... err... oh, okay. I challenge Heather to have a nice haircut." Courtney smiled as Heather palled and then looked furious at the Killer Bass girl. "Sorry, but I couldn't hit Lindsay, so I need to use you as a rebound."

"That, I know, BUT WHY THE HAIRCUT?" Heather snarled as Courtney shrugged at her.

"To make you quit it. Simple like that." Courtney commented as Heather's had her eyes twitching.

(Confession - Heather)

"I don't blame Courtney for using that kind of strategy on me. I would have done the same if I was in her place." Heather said as she crossed her arms, but then she glared at the camera. "Oh, but I'm not going to let that slide. C.I.T? No, she is more like B.I.T.C.H, I'm coming back for you..."

Heather had her eyes wide open as the most cruel version of the barbershop of Wawanakwa, Chef using a chainsaw to try to cut her hair.

"Oh, hell no." Heather jumped away as she accepted her defeat... Still glaring hatefully at Courtney who just shrugged her arms.

"Alright, let's see... Owen, you are next." Chris commented as she proceeded to continue the challenge, by Spinning around the wheel, Owen had an easy time wearing wooden pants, while Chef showed how a little woodpecker would make him fear for his little friend.

Later Geoff was the victim as Chef had to pull his nose hair... Gwen had to give up at the time a giant snake was wrapping her body. The challenge was being called as every member was having to deal with the challenge.

"Eva, it seems your challenge now is...The Grizzly Bear Log Roll." Chris said happily as Eva's eyes narrowed and her teeth ground as there was one simple thought on her mind...

As Eva was in front of the docs, and there was a bear ready to show its skills. The Killer Bass team gulped as they saw Eva in such an angry state... they even gave space for the girl to look at Chris.

"Molotov the Bear performs with the Russian national circus and has been the European log-rolling champion for the past twelve years. To pass, you must last ten seconds on the log while avoiding certain death in the piranha-infested water." Chris loved the idea of showing how dramatic his show would be... Eva has a grudge against a bear, and ironically, it would be the time for her challenge to be related to a bear as well.

Molotov was showing its skill as many campers felt impressed by seeing the bear spinning the log like it was supposed to be on his log-rolling championship... Not even realizing Eva was already on the log... and her eyes were deep looking at the bear...

As the duo were in the middle of the water, around the piranas... Eva was quiet, as the bear was grinning at her...

"And GO." Chris said the timer, as Molotov was starting to spin the log, doing its best during the whole championship. The pride of the Russian circus, which remained champion for 12 years, all he had to do it's to wait for the bulk woman to fall down and the piranas would do the rest of the service, the smile of the bear and the fact it was with it's eyes closed... didn't realize something was wrong... Just at the time of 7 seconds the bear tilted its head... and decided to open its eyes...

The bear almost fell from the log when it realized Eva didn't just span the log like him, but she approached nearby to be face to face with the bear.

"ARGH..." The bear gave a cry when suddenly its fur was caught by the strong grip of Eva, and her furious gave made the grizzle bear almost the call of nature on the water...

"Molotov right? I have a special service for you..." Eva said in such a low tone, that the bear realized maybe jumping on the water full of piranas would have been safer...

"And Eva pass on the next round," Chris said as he was very excited, to see Eva showing her dominance in the game, and seeing that her own team looked terrified and amazed from the anger of the bodybuilder. He had to confess Ezekiel was right, this is going to be interesting... "Remind to call the interns, we need to see where Eva will go... I want a few cameramen following her at the end of the challenge."

Chef nodded his head, as the group watched Eva whispering something to the grizzle bear, and the Russian bear nodded its head like it didn't have another choice.

"Good talk Molotov, I'm counting on you..." Eva said as she stomped the dorks, to which Killer Bass was impressed, while Trent was almost pissing himself.

"Alright Eva, since you passed this phase easily, you know the rules. Who you want to challenge, and what torture would be." Chris asked as Eva gave a slight glance towards the remaining Screaming Gophers, Owen, Trent, and Izzy...

"I want Trent, with lake leeches." Eva grinned as the group stared at the guitarist who just gulped at the moment. "A leech being around his species."

Trent gulped as he felt fear in his eyes...

"Eva, don't you think that's too much?" Then like a miracle, it wasn't Gwen who said that... but Duncan instead. He never thought the delinquent would come to save him... "Wouldn't be easier if he had to pass 10 seconds with you?"

Okay, maybe not, that would have been way worse. Trent felt almost hyperventilating. But thankfully Chris came to save his ass...

"Welp, I should have thought about that, but sadly it isn't on the list... so we have the option of ten seconds in a wooden crate with Sasquatchanakwa. But since you didn't choose that, Chef is already bringing the leeches." Chris called as the grunts of Chef Hatchet could be heard from behind his mask...

And Trent felt like his entire blood was being sucked, and he wasn't even there in the first place.

"Well, how about we..."

"UNCLE." Trent immediately called, which Chris rolled his eyes, but gave a chuckle from his reaction.

"Well, I was about to offer you the chance to say the word, but it seems that wasn't even needed," Chris smirked as Trent was relieved but then caught himself locked in the wooden trap, and was locked like everyone who failed the challenge. Lindsay, Heather, and Gwen... "Well, it seems this challenge is getting better and better. Next."

And so the challenges kept going, Duncan was caught in doing Leeche's challenge, and his focus on winning it was so much that he managed to pass the 10 seconds easily... But then he had to get out quickly from his place.

Next came DJ who had to jump over the skunk jump, when the gentle Giant even if was sprayed with the skunk fart, in comparison to twice the stinking bomb from his friend... That alone was like 20 percent of the stink terror he suffered twice...

It was almost like he caught immunity towards a terrible smell like that. So after passing easily that challenge, DJ challenged Owen to eat ice cream, because he thought it would be something Owen liked to do...

Surprisingly, Owen thought he would win against the brain freeze, however the cold on the brain was too much for him, and Owen was eliminated.

Almost the whole Screaming Gophers team was eliminated and it was time for Izzy to play...

Izzy was the one up as Chef used a couple of electric eels as defibrillators. But when the buff cook shocked Izzy, the orange-haired girl laughed and only asked for more. It went so far that her hair began to stand up due to the electricity.

Due to her not only tolerating it but enjoying it, Chris said to the crazy girl. "Izzy, who's your next victim?" Chris would soon learn what exactly asking Izzy this meant.

"Ooh, ooh, me!" Izzy asked with an ecstatic tone and smile. "With a poison ivy spa treatment!" This quickly got everyone to gasp at what Izzy was asking. Izzy was asking to torture herself.

(Confession - Eva.)

"..." Eva remained quiet as she glanced around the camera, knowing Ezekiel would be watching the challenge, and she knew Ezekiel knew more about Izzy than she knew... Knowing how differently Izzy acted around Ezekiel, it didn't need to be a genius to understand that crazy ginger had her own gameplay... "Stupid ginger... what is her game?"

After receiving a quick call from the producers, Chris turned to Izzy with the answer.

"Okay. The judges will allow it, but they wanna know why." Quite frankly Chris wanted to know what as well. He knew Izzy would try something crazy or flat-out insane probably, but this was a whole new level. Ezekiel warned him about her unpredictable moves of Izzy, and that indeed would make people question her sanity... But still, a scene people will remember forever.

"I just wanna see how it feels," Izzy answered simply. But it didn't make it any less crazy.

"…Alrighty then." Chris simply shrugged and decided to go through with Izzy's request. Since it was fair enough, someone must try these crazy things to warn others what happens after they do it. And since this isn't his skin, let her do it what she thinks is the best for herself.

And so Chef gave Izzy the full poison ivy spa treatment. With cucumbers on her eyes and poison ivy wrapped around her face. And Izzy didn't put up a fight at all during the entire ten seconds it was on. "Time's up," Chris announced after the ding of the timer was heard. "Chef, remove the poison ivy."

"No, no," Izzy said with a calm and relaxed tone. "It feels great…"

"You stuck it out, but sadly, you eliminated yourself," Chris stated before walking away from that girl. At this point, everyone quickly put on a disturbed face as Izzy decided to remove the ivy herself and show off her red and swollen face, her lips now so big she could barely talk. And with that, all that remained were the Killer Bass members. "So who is next?"

And so the challenge went on and on.

Chris didn't know how long it passed... but from Bridgette wearing a t-shirt made by bees, Duncan receiving the same eels as electric defibrillators, Gwen listening to the new-age music torture, and even DJ having to deal with Molotov again...

Molotov recovered his confidence as DJ dropped himself on the river full of piranas, which made the poor bear avoid eye contact with the bodybuilder girl... Courtney also challenged Bridgette to get Chef's haircut, which made Bridgette give up the challenge...

In the end, only remained 2 members... Eva and Courtney.

"Eva, you're up. All right. After twenty rounds of torture, we're down to two steely competitors and the sudden death round." Chris smirked as he was satisfied to see how long the challenge had been, and how many of the campers were giving up, or suffering the challenge... Now all that misses is one single challenge... And luckily for them... The last torture and the one the bodybuilder is going to have to deal with... "Eva, your torture is to stay ten seconds in a wooden crate with Sasquatchanakwa."

"Now this is a thing I want to see..." Duncan commented as he saw the giant wooden crate, from a monster who was making a lot of noise, and the aggressive beatings inside of the wood made every single camper glance in fear about what kind of terrible creature would have to deal with Eva. "5 chocolate bars the Sasquatchanakwa is the one who is going to say uncle."

"10 chocolate bars Eva is going to make it cry," DJ commented as everyone glanced at Eva who was cracking her neck.

"Alright Eva, everything you had to do is get inside of the crate... and if you survive for 10 seconds. Then you are going to be the owner of this amazing trailer and the immunity for the next challenge." Chris said loudly as Courtney then huffed in disbelief.

"Hey, what about me? Should that be a death round?" Courtney said in disbelief, but then she regretted her words when Chris raised his eyebrow at her.

"Do you want to get inside of the crate with the monster of camp Wawanakwa?" Chris pointed with his thumb as the loud roar echoed around their ears...

"Never mind." Courtney dropped the issue as Eva rolled her eyes.

"Let's finish this... Also," Eva gave a glance at Trent which made him gulp. "Later we will have a talk..."

Trent gulped as the whole campers watched Eva getting inside the crate... At the time the clock was ticking, the loud roars and impact sounds could be heard as the crate jumped on the floor many times, the campers had their eyes wide open in fear and in disbelief, as the 10 seconds sounded like it was a whole hour inside... And then suddenly, getting outside. Eva was with a fluffy hat and boots which were coming from the purple monkey feet...

"Too easy." Eva grinned, as Chris then with a big smile on his face, decided to come to finish the challenge.

"Eva wins, and Courtney is out..." Chris said as Courtney huffed, but looking at how terrible the monster had felt, she

couldn't help but smile a bit, it was once again Eva showing her name as MVP of the challenge. "And we already have a winner of the challenge. A big comeback from Eva. She won the challenge, the immunity, and the big prize."

The group watched Eva walking inside the said trailer, the Killer Bass couldn't help but feel a bit of envy towards their friend. But from the terrifying challenge they had on that day, and the challenges Eva just pulled out... Yeah, nobody would want to go against that.

"Party on Eva's trailer tomorrow everyone," Geoff said as the Killer Bass rolled their eyes as they could feel Eva was going to beat Geoff's ass if he actually do that the next day.

"While Eva checks out her trailer full of food and we check out her blood pressure, the rest of you can go to the confessional booth and vote off a camper. Other than Eva." Chris commented as the group who were inside their own wood stockades, had to look at each other, thinking about who could be possibly eliminated.


As time passed around the forest, a place where the caves were a habitat for many kinds of bats, moles, and one important animal over the forest of Wawanakwa... a grizzled bear that was simply enjoying its marshmallows... it pulled many tries until managed to take the marshmallows away from the said campers...

A perfect time for a bear to enjoy good food while appreciating nature... Then the bear felt something smelling different, as it looked around left and right, until it looked outside of the cave, just to find another grizzled bear... Tilting its head, the bear roared to understand the reason why another bear appeared on his territory...

But that bear simply turned its back and walked away...

The bear felt confused... but simply ignored the intrusion leaving his cave... And now it was the time to enjoy its favorite dessert, a very good marshmallow...

Until suddenly the sound of a match could be heard... And from the darkness of the cave, the bear stared at what would be a terrible monster staring at its face.

"Hello bear, do you remember me?" Eva said as her smirk looked vicious...




The cries and roars of the bear echoed around the forest, and many animals looked at the cave of what would be a predator that came to simply kill the grizzled bear...At the time the roars finished, one voice could be heard...

"And when I put you down... YOU STAY DOWN." Eva said so loud that many animals ran away from the cave... not wanting to deal with the terrible monster who came to Wawanakwa.

Sounds of whimper could be heard from the cave... and with that... the silence terrified the forest more than the roars of the predators...

"Thanks again for your help Molotov, win the next championship for me," Eva commented as the grizzled bear nodded its head fearfully at her, looking at the cave where there was a whimpering bear, Molotov let out a tear and shook it's head as Eva smiled at him and gave a thumbs up, for the bear keep moving forward and keep winning.

Molotov is determined to never encounter such a monster again, but also happy for the monster cheering for him to keep winning. A bear champion needs to keep winning.

(Girl's Cabin)

The girls who were preparing themselves to make their votes at the confession booth suddenly got surprised as someone got inside the cabin again... It was Eva, however different than her usual gym top and clothing, everyone had to give space as Eva got inside the cabin with a big brown fur coat, with long sleeves as well.

"Ohhhh, that's so beautiful, I didn't know you have one fur coat, Eva," Lindsay said as she always loved very good fashion taste, she admired the brown fur coat over the bodybuilder girl, and somehow that really compliments her style of harsh nature and pure raw strength.

"Hmmm? Oh yeah, I just got this Grizzled Bear coat with the trailer, did you like it?" Eva huffed as Heather and Bridgette had their eyes looking in shock, as indeed the coat looked recently made. As the girls got a look of interest at the bodybuilder's new clothing, she also was eating something as well.

"What are you eating Eva?" Courtney asked as she then saw a brown stick in Eva's hands...

"Tender jerky, you want some?" Eva was offered to the girls, which Bridgette immediately refused, and Courtney wasn't hungry.

"Oh, I accept," Izzy said as she got a piece of jerky from the bodybuilder's hands... and gave a sweet bite. "Hmmm... it tastes like revenge."

"It sure does," Eva smirked as the other girls had no idea what this duo was talking about...

(Edition - Booth)

"Wait, she did what?" Chris said as he looked in disbelief at the recordings from the cameraman, showing Eva crossing the forest and going to the bear cave, a few minutes later. Eva walked with a piece of meat in her hands and a new wardrobe which made Chris gulp but also laugh... "Ahahaha, I can't believe it. Well, when she said she had a list, I didn't think the bear was one of them... It's hilarious. Okay, we need to add this scene only for pay-per-view, this will blow the audience when they ask for a bonus feature. I would love to see PETA going against Eva, nobody would be crazy into going after her."

At the time Chris even looked at the interns doing the editing for the scene to appear on the television, he then looked at Chef staring in shock around something.

"Hey, what's going on?" Chris asked as Chef was staring in disbelief...

"The confession booths, you should see this," Chef commented as Chris rolled his eyes, and took his mug of coffee, it was something he was going to enjoy...

"I don't know what you are talking about," Chris commented as he placed the headphones to watch the confession votes and drink his coffee... until the audio and video were enough to surprise him. "Pfffff, WHAT?"

Chris didn't care about the spilled coffee on the floor or the screen... that has been one thing he never thought about before... And that was awesome for him.


And the night finally came towards the camp, Chef was over the mountain howling to the moon, as the campfire once again made the perfect ceremony. But this time with a difference.

"Okay. So first up, we ran out of marshmallows." Chris smiled as he was above the barrel, as he was still using his iconic smile as he gave the bad news to some campers who actually cared...

"NOOOOOOOOOO." Owen being the said camper shouted in terror and then started to cry near the campers, Izzy tapped the back of the chubby camper as he tried to find comfort from the said bad news.

"I've reviewed the confessionals and I have to say, never in my whole life got surprised like that... for my entire career, there was hate on this group, which is awesome, but a revelation which made me spit my coffee...While I normally protect your privacy, in the spirit of airing your dirty laundry, I'm gonna go live with your confessionals!" Chris said a good revelation as he showed on the screen something that no camper would think was possible.

(Confession - Heather)

"Since I cannot vote for Eva and for the fact probably the blonde surfer is probably going to be eliminated tonight, I'm still going to vote on that stupid Courtney for making me lose the challenge for using me instead of Lindsay."

(Confession - Trent)

"Well since everyone decided to vote on Bridgette, and Eva is the strongest player, sadly I cannot vote on her, she scared the *beep* of me, so I'm going with the flow and vote on the girl who said, Condor.

(Confession - Owen)

"Well, Bridgette is a cool girl, but sadly she said the word and the guys told me to vote on her when it comes to a thing like that. So see you later Bridgette."

(Confession - Izzy)

"Oh, oh, I'm going to vote for myself. Hehehehe, it's all coming together."

(Confession - Lindsay)

"Well Ava scares me, but I loved so much her long coat so, and Heather told me I should vote for Curtis since she attacked her after got that great marshmallow spa, I'm a bit disappointed with Curtis and I have to agree with her, you saw how your skin was smooth, why did you try to attack us?"

Every camper had a surprising mix over the revelations, Duncan narrowed his eyes, while Courtney rolled her eyes, and when Lindsay asked that question she smiled sheepishly, it was a petty move, but it was for the competition's sake. While some members looked weirdly at Izzy who was voting on herself, Eva was still trying to figure out her game...

But nobody would expect what was going to come next.

(Confession - Bridgette)

"I know that I'm going be voted out... But I refuse to go down without taking you with me Trent. I vote on Trent since he has been on this show far too long."

(Confession - Duncan)

"The rules of Condor says if our team loses the challenge the person who said Condor must be eliminated... Sadly for Trent, technically Eva is still a Killer Bass so that means our team wins, see you later jealous *beeeeeeep*"

(Confession - Geoff)

"Trent, because I have to protect my girl some way. Unless I can figure out who snagged my lucky hat."

(Confession - DJ)

"Sorry to vote in you Trent, but Killer Bass lost 4 times in a row, and maybe it's for the best if you go..."

(Confession - Courtney)

"Wow, this skin really looks smooth. Mom, you need to create a patent for this, because that would be indeed a very good way to beauty products, also if have one, remind me to give a lifetime supply to Lindsay? I kinda feel bad about attacking Heather as a petty move. Oh yeah, Trent, it's time for him to go, he is like a cockroach, I don't know how he survived that long."

(Confession - Gwen)

"Sigh... Trent...I forgive you... just please... let it go. I vote on Trent."

Everyone from the Killer Bass looked at that scene in shock, Trent felt horrified and destroyed by the sudden confession of the Killer Bass... They didn't dare to eliminate their member because everyone was targeting him. Gwen's words were the ones who hurt him most... since she said she forgave him for what he did... but it was like a breaking up moment... She was telling him to forget her and move on...

Everyone from Screaming Gophers looked at Trent, and not even Izzy who usually was with her crazy smile could have remained since from the sudden move, her eyes were wide open and her mouth was opened in shock.

"AWWWWWWW, Thank you so much, Curtis, I'm going to accept it the life supply wax." Lindsay was the first one to say something and Courtney smiled from the sudden forgiveness from the blond bombshell. Heather rolled her eyes, while she scoffed.

"Lots of dirt revealed there, huh? But in the end, it was still six votes against Trent. So, adios." Chris commented as Trent suddenly got up from his seat.

"Hey come on, there is no way that it's legal," Trent said in shock, but Courtney scoffed.

"Killer Bass has its personal rules, and even if we got in everyone for themselves, we are still friends, and everyone is sick and tired of you. Just go." Courtney said the harsh truth as Chef walked towards the guitarist who suddenly was pushed towards the direction of the boat.

"I... I..." Trent tried to find something to say, but Gwen stared at him sadly and simply shook her head... Leaving the dejected guitarist to go take the boat of the Losers...

At the time everyone watched the boat leaving, Courtney and Duncan stared at Bridgette.

"Nice move Bridgette," Duncan said proudly at the surfer, to which she gave a nice smile.

"I know, but next time I'm going to leave. No more excuses." Bridgette said as she even thanked everyone who helped.

"Like Ezekiel said... Killer Bass until death." Duncan said proudly as he let Geoff walk towards his girlfriend...

Every camper watched the surfer and the party boy have their own time, and even kiss themselves from finally having a victory for the Killer Bass once again... A personal victory they always wanted for so long...

Later the group celebrated with a nice meal of Cruise food, while Eva finally had her biggest reward... getting inside of the hot tub after so many weeks without it... She was once again back... and ready for more.

In the end, the Sasquatchanakwa tried to find some clothing to cover his baldness over its head, while in another cave in the middle of the forest, a bald grizzly bear was recovering from the painful reality... it's not a male anymore... after dealing with the blue demon... the bear became female...

Chapter 24: Interlude 7

Chapter Text


The entire forest was in silence, and the animals were trembling, not because of the cold weather happening across the forest of Canada… But the animals, especially the male ones trembled in fear of a name that most animals would run away in case to anger such a monster… Eva…

Mother Nature to reply any comment after the druid parents who just saw one scene of the pay-per-view that would make them horrified and worried about another bear who would make Eva mad…

The father slowly placed both his hands on his crotch, to protect the definition of what makes him a male… While the mother looked disgusted at how Eva was so casual about eating a 'jerky' made of one specific part of the bear… Still, she had to confess that she was horrified and impressed at the same time.

"I'm done with my shower, did I miss much?" Then like a gentle voice, Dawn came up wearing her pajamas, which made both parents surprised by her sudden voice, and staring at the television. Dawn could see Eva wearing a fur coat. "Oh my, is that what I think it is?"

"It's not Molotov's, she said it came with the trailer." The father said quickly as he could see Dawn's innocence towards such an event would traumatize her… so he decided to sugarcoat a little, and tell the lie like Eva did.

"Oh… I'm so glad, I was afraid for Molotov, Eva really scared him, and I was about to get mad at her." Dawn said as she smiled happy to know that she was wrong.

The mother looked at the father who was still holding his little friend, and the mother coughed on her fist, which made the druid realize and disguise his action by taking a newspaper with him.

"Well, now the group is going to start to vote a person off… Probably Bridgette is going to be eliminated." The mother commented as Dawn nodded sadly, possibly due to the fact slowly the Killer Bass were slowly losing so many members, that sooner or later there wouldn't be a group anymore.

But that's how the show goes.

Jane and Sky were with their eyes wide open, for the whole fact of many important scenes happening around the episode, Eva's badass moments know no bounds, as she broke the cast with her strength, defeated a saskwatchanakwa and made shoes and hat with it? And then came with to reunite with the girls by wearing a bear coat and eating a jerky made of a bear penis?

The challenges were everything they wouldn't believe with their own eyes, from turtles that would bite your ass, to even spa treatment with poison Ivy… The girls stared at each other thinking Izzy was crazy but Eva's confession made them realize something, Izzy seemed to be up to something and they had no idea…

And then to the final challenge, Eva won fairly and squarely the trailer, and the girls couldn't be happier for her, a titan who returned to show how strong she was, it didn't kill her it made her even stronger.

Eva came to stay, and she said she had a list, and from seeing how Trent was afraid and the bear now whimpering from the aftermath? Yeah, many shocking scenes happened. But now one thing that would make the girls be on the edge of their seats.

"Okay, I'm curious about what Bridgette will say before she leaves," Jane commented as Sky was drinking her water bottle, since the time they were watching the pay-per-view, they were also doing a workout to pass the time, they enjoyed a good break as the girls could see the campers reunited for the campfire.

"Oh, I hope she would give a kiss on Geoff as a way to settle their feelings, it would be a very romantic way to say goodbye," Sky commented as she could see the surfer and the party boy giving a good goodbye and making the desire of fans happening across the country and possibly the world.

Every vote was being counted with the idea of Bridgette possibly being voted out until…

"I know that I'm going to be voted out… But I refuse to go down without taking you with me Trent. I vote on Trent since he has been on this show far too long…"




"WOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO, WAY TO GO BRIDGETTE," Sky shouted as not just her, but a good part of the neighbors were also shouting in surprise, and some were even impressed. "Damn, Bridgette confessing that she was going down but dragging Trent with her? That was a twist move that I never thought to see."

"Oh my God, tomorrow is going to be a huge debate on work, Trent is out, I think this will be the talk of the whole week," Jane commented as she could see her sister even going away. "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to check the forums, there is no way CodyLuver4Life is going to miss this, I'm sure that she is going to write a vindication post about how Trent got what he deserved after backstabbing Cody, I can already imagine the trolls and the people going rough on him online," Sky said as she was getting to her computer…

"What about the rest of the votes?" Jane called her sister, but knowing that they were watching the pay-per-view, her sister could watch the edited version later… And from seeing the shocked face of the guitarist, she couldn't help but nod her head. "Sorry for that Trent, but it seems your luck ran out."

"I don't get it, they seemed so determined to eliminate their blond one a few days ago, and then suddenly from nowhere, they decided to eliminate the meat shield today? What the hell is wrong with those fishes?" Heather said as she ate one of the desserts the fat boy brought for them after that stupid cruise trip they went on. "Firstly the boys got everything they wanted, and then they aimed to eliminate Trent so easily."

"Well at least he is gone now," Lindsay said as she didn't show any kind of sadness at seeing one of her former team members leave, which made Heather notice the blonde bombshell staring at herself in the mirror as she was looking more cheerful on that. "Now that he is gone, I can finally sleep eating something without having trusting issues about someone telling me, hey, that's a simple chocolate cake, or hey this is lemon ice cream, or hey this is a legit lemon pancake. And nothing that can be pissed or popped for you to eat."

Heather had her eyes wide open as Lindsay was holding her lipstick so tight that it was almost messing with her hand. And like a very good queen bee with self-preservation instincts, she decided to let that drop.

"Well, and now the same fish heads who eliminated almost all the members of our team, in the end, they are still too strong and they could do everything to eliminate us," Heather commented as she felt pressured by the fact that it was only a matter of time until the fish heads would attack them, and since her meat shield was done for, she needed to act quickly.

Until she was surprised to see an arrow flying from the window.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." Heather shouted as the arrow crossed the other side of the female cabin, and straightly aimed at the wood wall of the said cabin... "What the hell?"

Heather narrowed her eyes as she could see the arrow stuck in the wood, and the details of the said arrow were artesian, and around that arrow, there was a paper tied like a message.

"Heather, are you okay?" Lindsay approached Heather who was still feeling cold sweat on her forehead, and a bit of anger from seeing a target across the psycho who launched the arrow at her.

"I want to know who is the sicko who did that, it's better to have an explanation for this, or I swear I'm going to make them pay," Heather said angrily as she went nearby at the stuck arrow on the wall, and seeing the message tied at it she rolled her eyes. "Really? A letter in an arrow? Is this the Medieval Era? Anyway, let's see what it is..."

Heather slowly read the letter with a scoff, but after reading the content of the letter, her reaction slowly changed as she suddenly gave a slight glance at the corner of the cabin, seeing there was a camera aimed at them...

"Lindsay, no time to explain, follow me," Heather ordered as the blond girl tilted her head. Without giving the time for the blond girl to ask about it, Heather already passed the door.

It took 20 minutes for Heather finally reach across the forest, to find a random cave, where usually most of the campers would never imagine or even think about risking their chances of going there after the dangerous camp trips they had on the challenges.

And the darkness happening around the forest didn't help much either, but they finally reached their destination.

"Heather, are you sure this is okay?" Lindsay asked, as from what Heather told in simple words, someone wanted to talk to them both.

Heather remained quiet, as the duo finally got inside the cave, showing a prepared fireplace with some fishes being cooked in that place. And for the fear of Lindsay and disbelief of the queen bee, a ginger person was launching more wood to make the fire bigger.

"So it was you who sent the arrow into the cabin," Heather said as the ginger crazy girl got up and slowly revealed herself in front of both members of the female cabin. "I knew you would be crazy, but to get to a point into almost hitting me. That would take the cake. Izzy."

"Well, it was the only way to bring the attention of you both." Izzy smiled, as she sat on the log before taking a fried fish straight from the fire and enjoying the good nature meat, she already could see them both staring at her weirdly. "From seeing how the Killer Bass sent Trent instead of Bridgette, clearly showed they were flexible towards their own morals."

Heather and Lindsay had their eyes wide open, because instead of Izzy talking while using her crazy tone, or even dumb thinking. What it showed was something way different than they expected. And the ginger girl noticed the reaction of them and started to laugh.

"Oh, so you thought I couldn't say something logical? That's hilarious." Izzy laughed, but then she glanced around and decided to raise her hand to the duo. "There isn't a camera around, so we can talk about everything around here without them recording us and publishing around the show."

"So you were faking it all this time." Heather had her eyes wide open in surprise as she realized something that she didn't expect to hear... The crazy girl was not crazy.

Izzy smiled as she gave a look at both Heather and Lindsay and gave a deep look outside of the cave, offering the fried food to the girls who seemed to be a bit unsure of how to react to her.

"Well, in question related to the show, you should do everything to bring the attention of the public, so for me to have a crazy persona helps me to be on the low radar for a long time. Able to read the fine print of the contract and some loopholes around it, nobody could ever expect me to get this far." Izzy commented as she pointed in the direction outside of the forest. "And from the situation we are in, I would say that I would need to remain crazy to not cause suspicions."

"So why are you telling us this?" Lindsay tilted her head, as she was still afraid of Izzy, but from the tone of voice, she could feel that version of the ginger was safer than the girl she found on the morning.

"Because she wants to make an alliance with us." Heather concluded, but then both girls felt unsure as Izzy suddenly laughed as it was the funniest joke on Earth, "What's so funny?"

"Hehehe, wow, you sound like I needed your help," Izzy said in a mockery tone, causing Heather to glare her eyes at the crazy girl who just raised her hands. "Woah queen bee, I'm not your enemy, but I'm here to tell you the facts. You girls need me."

"Pff, As if." Heather scoffed as she was ready to give up on the idea of being in that place, but then Izzy laughed again. "Can you stop laughing?'

"Hahaha, I'm sorry. I'm going to stop now, haha..." Izzy took a few seconds to recover herself, and then with her eyes getting serious, she stretched herself. "Let me be more clear, you girls need me because Killer Bass will not give up the idea of being a whole team... And before you say it was obvious, no, it's way more than that. The team wasn't torn after the merge, so it's clearly still Killer Bass vs Screaming Gophers, so in any defeat, their objective was simple, eliminating the Screaming Gophers, one by one."

Heather raised her eyebrows in amusement, as she then had collected something from her idea. For the fact they still eliminated Trent instead of sending away their blond surfer. And for all the fact that they wanted so much to eliminate Trent, and without the meat shield, Heather got something in conclusion.

"So you understand now," Izzy commented as Lindsay tilted her head in confusion. But thankfully Izzy simply smiled and tapped the head of the blonde girl. "You girls are going to be the next eliminated if you both stay on the same path during this time."

"So what do you have in mind?" Heather rolled her eyes, as she clearly didn't like the idea.

"Oh, that's easy silly, oh that's even rhymes... ops, sorry, sometimes getting into this crazy persona sticks with you," Izzy commented as she composed herself, and coughed into her fist. "Well, in summary, we just need to play by their rules, and use their rules against themselves."

"Well, pff, clearly that worked well on today's challenge," Heather said annoyed but Izzy already expected that.

"I don't know what happened this morning, but from my point of view, they were flexible this time... Maybe because they really hated Trent." Izzy commented as she shrugged, which made Heather raise her eyebrows. But Lindsay nodded her head.

"I would have voted for him if I had a chance," Lindsay commented as Heather looked betrayed by her friend, but Lindsay had to take it out of her chest. "Eating pissed pancakes, I hated it so much, and he shoved in my face and lied to me, do you have any idea how long that taste of piss was in my tongue? I vomited in the middle of the night."

Izzy who was smiling, her smile dropped as she shivered, and nodded her head solemnly.

"I know how it feels, survival makes us do the craziest thing to survive, but forcing someone into doing that and lying into your face. And one thing I can't stand, it's a liar, so props on you to never forget about what he did, and I recommend to you always be wary of him." Izzy commented as she then looked at Heather who was just surprised to see the change of tone. Making the ginger girl sigh once more. "Listen, we Screaming Gophers are only 4, against 7 Killer Bass, however, if we play by their rules and use it to our advantage, then we get a tie of 4 vs 4."

"Okay, I'm listening, what do you have in mind? What do you mean playing by their rules?" Heather rolled her eyes, but her attention was completely on the girl who was smiling at her, but this time the expression was like a predator.

"Simple, as long as one of us, a Gopher wins the challenge, they must become very hesitant on who they should vote, for unless it's a Condor user," Izzy explained as she then gave two photos to both Lindsay and Heather. "The persons who actually were the most capable of seeing those words were these two. Bridgette and DJ. So having them lose on the next challenge, which mostly Bridgette will throw out because of her speech if I'm going down I'm taking you with me, there is no way that she is going to do that again unless we provoke her too much."

Heather was quiet but she nodded her head and understood the logic of them, ignoring the fact that the crazy girl already got pictures of the people who said their forbidden word...

"So you know much more about them?" Heather asked as Izzy rolled her eyes.

"I know where they even are now... for the time if you guys questioned where all the Killer Bass Members go after the challenges and the day offs... Were usually the fishes would go? Inside of an Aquarium..." Izzy said as the shadows around the fire exposed the smile on her face. "If you hear what about to say... then I guarantee that you are going to be on the final three... As long as you never interrupt my plans, and neither votes Owen... then everything will be just fine."

Heather and Lindsay looked unsure until suddenly they looked around and saw that there was indeed nothing staring at them... no camera, everything was happening off-screen...

"So what do you want us to do?" Heather asked as then she saw the smile of Izzy appearing which gave a look at Lindsay and at Heather...

"I think it's time for you both to stop playing checkers... and finally learn how to play chess," Izzy said as she decided to explain the plan...

"PUSH," Eva screamed as the Killer Bass members pushed what would be a 1-ton trailer over the direction of a role. "PUSH."

"We are almost there. DJ did you make the ramp?" Duncan said as he was feeling exhausted already, and seeing his giant friend also pushing with all his strength, it had been torture for them to do such a task after the day they had.

"Yes, we are almost… okay, there it is," DJ said as Eva, Duncan, and DJ pushed while Geoff was making sure the wheels fit the ramp.

"Alright, it's alright, you can push it now," Geoff called as the group took the opportunity to finally push with all their strength, everyone sweating, but with an effort of 20 minutes, they did it… they finally did it.

"Okay, the trailer is safe now…" Eva commented as she cleaned her sweat with a towel, and finally could see the grasp of the hot tub… "Now my trailer is safe on Aquarium."

"I still don't get why you wanted us to move this trailer of one fucking ton, Eva," Duncan said as he was feeling all sore from the heavy trailer pushing everyone to their limits. The other campers also seemed exhausted from the idea of moving by their own hands such as a big automobile across the forests until they reached their secret base.

"Would you trust your prize house in the middle of the area where anything could happen at the camp, especially with Chris McLean around?" Eva asked as the group got quiet, and then staring at the bodybuilder girl who raised a very good point, they couldn't help but nod their heads.

"Yep," Duncan commented.

"I can see that happening," Courtney agreed.

"Yeah, we can never know what can happen." Geoff talked as Bridgette nodded her head in agreement.

"Just something crazy would happen inside of his mind when it comes to these challenges," Gwen commented as she felt herself exhausted, but thankfully they were already on the secret base, and seeing the hot tub, it was a very good time for them to relax. "Now that we finished the day, I think we should celebrate that you are back Eva."

"Now, that's something I can agree on," Eva smirked as she opened the door of her prize, and saw there was even a minibar section for her to enjoy a good food. "Let me see if I have some drinks and chips. This is something that will be fun to have after we finish the show."

"Now that's a thing I agree with you. Hey, if there is a soda can, bring it to me would yah?" Duncan said as he took out his shirt, and was ready to celebrate a good time with his friends.

"Just this once, skull boy. You better not push your luck." Eva grunted as she brought the refreshments for her team. Reuniting the group that she had missed so much for so long, she finally felt welcomed back just by returning to the cave where everything began.

And the group had finally something to celebrate over the day.

Duncan opened the soda can and raised it to the members of the Aquarium.

"Cheers, for Eva returning to the game, and for Bridgette who accomplished what we should have done since the Phobia Factor challenge," Duncan said as he drank the soft drink the group nodded their heads and celebrated.

A Killer Bass may be eliminated, but she didn't go alone, she brought down someone before her. And that was what will be remarked as one of the top moments of the Total Drama show.

And a good reason for the fishes once again had their morale high again.

A victory was a victory for everyone...

As many people would celebrate a personal victory, in the vast sea crossing the horizon, a boat carried what would be a person who was still trying to process how his entire day has been, from a time he thought everything was going to be fine, to challenges that brought difficulty to everyone, and yet when he thought he could survive for another day, it was different, everyone from an opposite team wanted his head...

It was no mistake that he could feel the hostility coming from Killer Bass, to even time how their words hurt him as the way he departed from the show, he couldn't comprehend how bold they were in breaking their own moral code into doing that.

The last thing Trent remembered was the harsh words of Courtney saying they were sick and tired of him, and the look in the eyes of Gwen, still pierced his soul, he wanted to make it work, however, she completely decided to turn her back at him... Leaving in silence.

It really hurt, that feeling of losing. But at least he would return to his home, and pass the time to get back together...

"We're here." Then the captain's voice could be heard from the cabin which made the guitarist stare in surprise at the island in front of him, instead of a single port in a familiar place over where he took the boat before coming to the show, he was now staring of what would be a giant resort which could make the camp Wawanakwa a complete trash in comparison. The yellow construction which sembled like a hotel, and the good sand on the floor were definitely a good definition of a clean place.

"Are you sure that we are at the right place?" Trent asked as the captain rolled his eyes and launched a few of the baggage on the dork.

"As many other campers asked before, the answer is still the same, yes this is the right place. Playa del Losers. Have fun during the weeks before the end of the show." The captain commented rudely as he even pointed in the direction of the resort. "I don't have much time to chit-chat, so I suggest you get out of my boat right now."

"Okay, okay. I'm going." Trent commented as he carried the rest of his luggage outside of the boat, and not a minute later, the captain already departed with the boat, leaving the guitarist and former camper of the show alone around the docks. "Well, I think that's it."

Trent was thinking about how to move all the luggage that was dropped on the docks, when he heard someone stepping on the woods of the docks which discharged him, and by his surprise, it was Leshawna, Cody, Noah, Justin and Beth who went to greet the guitarist who just reached the playa.

Trent gave a smile to his friends who came to greet him, and seeing them having a happy smile on their faces, means that everything seems to be going to be fine.

"Hey, guys how are you?" Trent asked as he received a hug from Beth, and Leshawna quickly gave a hug and a fist bump.

"Nice to see you here, sugar," Leshawna commented as she greeted the guitarist and Cody who after gave a slight smile to his friend and gave a fist bump to him.

"Nice to see you again, Cody." Trent greeted the geek boy who smiled kindly at him, and even from the fact the guitarist had given his vote on the boy, Cody seemed to be kindred of spirit, since he didn't look bothered after that time he was at the playa del losers.

"Nice to see you too, Trent," Cody replied, carrying one of his suitcases, like all Screaming Gophers on the Playa seemed to be reunited once again to help with their new member on the resort. Justin, Cody, and even Leshawna went to help the guitarist while Noah snorted and decided to go directly for his sarcastic remark.

"Well done Trent, you done goofed," Noah said the remark which the other members other Screaming Gophers gave a slight glare towards the first person eliminated on the show. And even with their glares, he turned to his former team and rolled his eyes. "Come on, you know that I'm not the only one who was thinking of that."

"Yeah, but can't you even let him have a night to sleep? The boy already had too much for a whole day." Leshawna said as she slapped the head of the bookworm boy who just scoffed and scratched the same place which was slapped. As she even gave a slight glance over the guitarist who was still processing everything that happened on the day. "Don't mind Noah, he always has been like that since the elimination he had after the first episode."

Noah looked angrily at the woman who was also another victim of the same bee queen, but he decided to ignore the comment and just focused on the group who carried the baggage to one of the bedrooms of the resort. It didn't take long to Trent finally get into his room, leave all his suitcases around, and be ready to have a good night of sleep.

"Man, that has been a long day. Thank you guys for helping me out with this." Trent smiled, feeling already welcomed over the resort from seeing his team once again, while Noah scoffed from that, the other members seemed to be happy to make the guitarist settle over his own bedroom.

"Well sweetheart, you have a very good time enjoying the vacations you have after losing the show, and if you want you can watch the show from the television which has pay-per-view, making it possible to watch 24 hours all the cameras around, so if you are bored you can watch the other campers from here," Leshawna explained, as the others finally were leaving, Justin gave his beautiful smile while Beth waved for the last time on the day. And Noah even helped to make the bed for Trent before leaving.

Leshawna gave a final hug before leaving the bedroom, with just 2 Screaming Gophers members in the bedroom.

"Well, I think that's it," Cody said as the duo seemed to be alone around the bedroom after a long day from both sides. "Sorry that it didn't end up well for you Trent."

"It's fine dude," Trent said as he shrugged, but was happy to see him again. And for the time he has been with the little geek on the camp, Cody seemed to be acting a bit different than the first time he was from being part of the show, he looked more restrained and more mature. "It seems that being here has helped you out a lot."

"Well, I wouldn't say that," Cody confessed as he knew his friend was still having problems accepting what happened. On the first day, he is on the island, he is devastated by the shocking revelation that his elimination was unanimous, from the idea of Heather using vote Owen to eliminate him, but also Trent by his own free will voted on the poor geek to be one of the campers to be eliminated. "The time I got here, it has been struggling, it took me a few days or even a few weeks to make me familiarize myself with this place, especially at the time I was eliminated when I got official with my girlfriend."

Trent heard the tone of his voice and made the guitarist pause and glance at him... The uncomfortable silence was enough to make Trent scratch his head and look sheepish.

"Ah yeah... you must have watched the episode. Sorry that in the end you got voted out by everyone." Trent while he said it was natural for everyone, Cody knew that his friend meant well, but those words still hurt.

"That time your vote really hurt me, Trent, I thought you would at least vote for someone else because you are my friend." Cody was clear as he said it with honesty, and those words made Trent flinch, but the geekester just shrugged it off. "But it's just water's on the bridge, and I have to tell you, it was a very funny payback Katie gave to you."

"What payback?" Trent asked as he looked both anxious and horrified.

"Your pink hair." Cody simply replied which made Trent freak out.

"That was her? It took days to get them out." Trent said in disbelief as he was very shocked and outraged, but Cody raised his hands.

"Well, didn't you learn to be away from a woman who has bloodshot eyes and desires to have vengeance? To be honest, I thought Eva would have eaten you alive, but she first went for the bear who caused her to get out of the camp for the first time, and I have to tell you. Your leaving by votes has been a miracle in comparison to what Eva would have done to you on that camp." Cody was honest, and the guitarist had to pass the time in silence and appreciate that he was indeed lucky, from imagining what kind of dangerous animal he would have to survive if he stayed on that camp for one more day. And with Cody seeing Trent's reflection, it seems that it was also a good idea for him to explain. "Trent, I've known you since the times we were in camp Wawanakwa and I treat you like a good friend of mine, so I'm going to warn you. All episodes of the show have been here. Taking out the pay-per-view, the edited version of the episodes are there for you to watch... and I know that you want to meet everyone at the camp tomorrow, but please, for the love of God and everything that it's most precious, don't interact with the Killer Bass until you watch all the episode of the show."

"Ah, what are you talking about?" Trent asked as Cody looked deeply into his eyes.

"Trent, I'm telling you as a friend," Cody commented as he had said everything he wanted and he was very tired over that day, but still giving the talk he needed to give for his friend. "Please. Just do it"

Trent was still confused, but seeing his friend determined him to not interact with the other team, he could guess that the hostility from the other team was indeed similar to the time on the camp Wawanakwa, and he always has been confused on why everyone was always angry at him... And seeing Cody acting like that, it must have been something really terrible that he wasn't aware of...

The guitarist remained quiet but then nodded his head.

"Alright. I'm going to sleep, and tomorrow I'm going to be here until I finish the episodes." Trent commented which made Cody sigh in relief and be happy for his friend.

"Thank you, and don't worry. We can bring you some food while you watch the episodes. We got you covered, and I don't want you to get too much of that heat." Cody commented as Trent looked at the geek who just raised his hands. "You better not know that. Me, Katie, and Leshawna already have a troll user on the internet who has been annoying us for too long. And Leshawna is trying to get her banished from the forum of the show. And it's for the best you don't know about it."

"Okay, fair enough. Thanks for helping me, dude." Trent said as he helped Cody to leave the room, and before leaving Cody gave a fist bump with the new member over the playa.

"That's everything I could do to help a friend. Good night Trent." Cody said before leaving the guitarist alone in his own bedroom.

Alone with his own company with the possibility to enjoy the accommodations which the show must have prepared for everyone who just lost on the show, the curtains over the suite, a television, a computer, everything seemed to be so great, and yet... Trent felt that it would have been better if he stayed at the camp, doing the crazy challenges, or even having to deal with the terrible smelling farts that Owen would unleash on the cabin, he missed Gwen, even though she said for him to move on. And he really wanted to, but he felt that he just wished that he could have stayed...

So as alone he felt in the bedroom, nobody watching him, he went to his bed planted his head on the table, and went to sleep, not noticing that at the time he would wake up, his pillow would have shown a bit humid from the tears he had shred in the middle of the night.

Ezekiel watched the pay-per-view, seeing his friends working together to push the trailer prize to the Aquarium indeed he should give a thumbs up for Eva's genius plan. That way Chris wouldn't accidentally blow up the prize by using the cannon for the next challenge. And from the episode itself had made him smile, for seeing the Killer Bass become once again raises their morale. And even seeing Bridgette giving the kamikaze attack into sending Trent to his elimination first while she was flexible into bending the Killer Bass' own rules in her favor. It has indeed made Ezekiel realize how a single letter would make such a difference on the show.

It has been indeed difficult times after his elimination, and a part of him blamed himself for declaring the prank's war while he was with a cold, he wanted to help his team to remain solid... But to see Eva and Izzy back on the show, and with each of them having their strategies and desire to win. The homeschooled boy felt like he was his former self, a homeschooled child who had been raised by teachers in his past life, and ironically refused to go to a public school after a school shooting that led to up killing of his cousin...

It was a grim coincidence, that his past life, and the actual life he had, somethings may nothing have changed, but since it was a cartoon it was always overshadowed by the plot, but real life happens in every single universe. Courage the Cowardly Dog, Steven Universe, and Adventure Time, were shows that marked a generation... And for himself to hold this mantle to make sure that this world not just could only learn about them, but to see them enjoying them... It made him prepare everything... To even finish the cover he had done for his first book.

It was a photograph of Courage staring at the camera afraid, as behind him there was the gentle Muriel who was waving at the camera, and on her side, there was a very grumpy old man with a hat glaring at the Courage with anger... Behind them, there was the same old house from the Middle of Nowhere, and there was one nearby them, in the shadow something like a great form of a dangerous creature which probably Courage was the first who notice and was ready to scream in fear.

And from the art he did, he gave slight marks on the paper written which colors belonged to where... And with a scan, that was everything he needed... To send the final piece to the publishers... And for how long it would take for them to publish his book? Only time will tell. But at least, Courage was going to be a pioneer over the world once more, like the time he was published on Cartoon Network, the era of the old cartoons, a good time of nostalgia hit him from all the great cartoons he loved to watch as a kid. Samurai Jack, Mucha Lucha, Xiaolin Showdown, The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, Megas XLR, Chicken and Cow, The Laboratory of Dexter, Powerpuff GIrls, cartoons that made generations... It was so many, and so much work to do.

"Someday maybe I will make you all justice, but sorry, I have to focus only on these 3, they have been the biggest works in my past life, and they were the shows that I have the most memories of," Ezekiel commented as he went to check on his papers, Adventure Time just need 7 more chapters, and he could finish the first book, but which some episodes he isn't very interested into writing from the first episode since some were a bit more like filler and didn't give the right attention of bring an impact on how have been on season... 2... Ezekiel had his eyes wide open as he looked on his typewriter. "If I do that, this is going to be one of the most claimed chapters of all time, and which would make the people so crazy for reading the next book, that I can swear Gwen is going to demand me to tell the spoilers, but... It would be a perfect way to make the book so loved, and to make the development of this character to a point that nobody would hate him forever... yeah, it has been one of the best episodes of the whole cartoon universe, and he deserved this. And probably I should ask the company to publish this specific book on Christmas. Simone Petrikov's reveal would be something that would treasure at this end of the year."

Ezekiel planned, and by approaching his typewriting, he knew how to write the final chapter of the first book of Adventure Time.




"You are a bastard, did you know that?" Noah commented as he was fixing his eyes with both amazement and shock and even trying to hide a few tears from his eyes. "It's rare for a book to make me cry, and you just manipulated every single piece of information of this to make this drop bomb, how do you sleep at night?"

"When it comes to Ice King? Laughing and Crying at the same time, he is one of my favorite characters I wrote about. And like they said, heavy..."

"It's the head that wears the crown..." Noah said as he gave a sniff and composed himself, "I always thought he was an idiot, a grown-up man-child... But, now that I read this, it's pure insanity, why did he keep wearing the crown for so long?"

"That's information that belongs to the book 3 or 4," Ezekiel said as Noah had his eyes wide open, making the homeschooled boy smile widely. "I'm going give information at the end of book 1 telling that... and leave the people create theories about why, and when the time comes, it will be tears that will make everyone love Ice King forever."

"He did it for love. But for who? He is unstable of love of a partner so there was no way he had a wife when it was in the middle of apocalypses." Noah came to a conclusion but his entire mind was also trying to figure out, and from seeing the smile on Ezekiel's face, he could see that everything was planned. "So when are you going to publish this book again?"

"This one still needs more 7 chapters to make the first book, so I think it will be done by the end of this year, if I do everything right, Courage the Cowardly Dog's first book make good sales, they said I could make this one being published in probably between November and December, which I'm glad to make sure to ask them if they could publish on Christmas period," Ezekiel explained as he pointed on how everything would depends on the pink beagle book, and hoping for the best it would open the paths for him as a good writer. "And don't worry, since you have been my editor, the publishers told me they are going to give you a free sample of the book as well."

"Well, that's good to know. I'm sure my sister who is into fantasies will love these books. From all the terrible romances that she is reading over vampires, I think she will love to actually read about Marceline." Noah commented as he then gave a raised eyebrow at him. "You do realize this Adventure Time book could create a cult don't you?"

"I don't know, and I don't care," Ezekiel said as he smiled not just with the idea of Adventure time becoming a fever like has been around the world he lived before, but with the idea of making people flip with what he planned to do with the future? "That's because they have no idea what I'm planning with the end of book 1 of Steven Universe."

And Noah stared at the homeschooled boy exasperated.

"I know that you like to work on your books, but we are in a resort did you know that? You should chill a bit, and actually, enjoy this place?" Noah said as he appreciated Ezekiel working on his books, but the fact he had been working for so long really made him stare at him weirdly... "Are you okay?"

Ezekiel raised his hand to deny such a claim, but after staring at the silence for a few seconds... The boy couldn't help but be honest.

"Well yes I'm fine, but... to be honest. I kinda miss Izzy and Eva, they have been always talking to me around and visiting in my bedroom during the time I have to take my medicine, and usually on the break time of the challenges, I don't do much since I watch the pay-per-view and work at the chapter at the same time. It was kinda boring since I don't have much else to do." Ezekiel commented as he looked around and found Cody and Katie enjoying their good time kissing and sharing a good time together. Harold and Leshawna were having a good time enjoying the sunbath, Tyler was playing with a frisbee with Beth, but his clumsiness made him fall from the palm tree, don't ask him how he got on there in the first place. Sadie was holding some Dumbbells and Justin was usually checking himself in the mirror.

"Hmm, I think I get it. You are thinking about something to make your mind keep working instead of thinking about being bored." Noah could comprehend, since he has feeling with such challenges of not being bored around the island as well, and finding that indeed editing the chapters of the works has been a very productive way for himself to not interact much with the others, he has been enjoying to know more of the chapters than the most campers would ever know. So both the bookworm and the homeschooled boy, pass the time thinking about a way to get rid of the boring feeling.

"Hey, how about we play a game?" Then suddenly an idea appeared in Ezekiel's mind and Noah narrowed his eyes immediately.

"If is hide and seek, then no. Last time it was a nightmare playing that game. It took the whole day." Noah said as he narrowed his eyes towards the boy who raised his hands up.

"Hey, it's not my fault if you couldn't find me." Ezekiel shrugged, which made Noah roll his eyes. "I told you guys that I'm good playing it."

"Yeah, you said. But I'm not into mode into looking for someone for hours." Noah said as Ezekiel nodded his head.

"Okay, fair enough, maybe in the future we could find something else to do over this boredom," Ezekiel said as he sighed from looking at one of his works being edited. "I think after I finish my first edition of this trio, I would enjoy having a little break over this, I mean, it has been years I have been writing everything. So having a little break to rest my mind would be a good thing."

"Well, that's a beginning." Noah shrugged, which saw Leshawna and Harold bringing two coconuts for the duo of editors to enjoy a good time in paradise. "Welp, at least you are recovering from your pneumonia, and you don't need help to take your medicine on time."

"That's true, but hey, at least the show will be over in a few a few weeks," Ezekiel commented, knowing that their stay around the playa wouldn't be forever, so to see their friends once again before the final episode wouldn't be too far away.

"That's a probability, knowing how this show was crazy, I wouldn't be surprised Chris would have a nasty surprise for us," Noah commented, having Ezekiel nodding at him, and since both of them were having something tropical to drink, maybe it was a good time for them to relax. And with awareness of what the host of the show could do, the duo decided to give cheers on their coconuts and enjoy the tropical time over the Playa.

Cody felt happy, since doing another barbecue for everyone was a good menu for the group, he knew that on the next 2 days, they would enjoy a good rest before they had their heartbeats jumping from anxiety, since the next episode of Total drama would aire in 2 days, Cody always preferred to enjoy the most simple things, having friends, enjoy a good frisbee time with Tyler, kiss his girlfriend in a few times, he can't wait to show his parents about the girlfriend he meets on the show, and for the fact she was very attention to him, it really made him be happy with the choices he had made...

Cody knocked on the door a few times while he was holding a few plates of food for his friend who must be doing a marathon towards over the episodes, so he may want to have some company around. But at the time he saw the door being opened, he felt horrified to see the face of his friend... Trent, who had a terrible look on his face. His hair was messed up, and even his face was sweating a lot.

"Cody, what have I done?" Those were the words the geek boy wanted to his friend say. Since for the time he was on the show, he had no idea how the television caught everything, and when he meant everything, it was everything that the campers didn't even know about themselves. And seeing Trent who always had been kind and a nice guy to see a completely horrified and messed up look on his face. He saw it... Everything... which made him have no other question. "What have I done?"

Cody remained quiet, as he could see that his friend was now on the verge of facing the terrible reality, from that point forward it was going to be difficult for him, but if he was strong and willing to put it together. Then maybe, everyone whom he hurt without intention could find something in their hearts to give him a chance... But until then, Trent looked awful, as Cody couldn't imagine if he had been disappointed or even disgusted with himself, but the only way to find out... Was to talk to him, and maybe that's why he wanted to come alone because he needed a friend at that moment.

And even if was the most difficult times and even if hurt him before, he was still there. To help his friend.

"Let's eat something first, and we will talk about what happened," Cody said as he calmly walked to the bedroom, slowly closing the door to have a talk with his friend, about what happened, and how he really needed to have watched on those episodes. But that would be a story for later.

Chapter 25: Search And Do Not Destroy

Chapter Text


The first thing Trent did in the morning was to comply with his friend's wish and watch the collected episodes from the show until the last episode, knowing that maybe the others were probably overreacting over such decisions that he may have made in the past, it wouldn't have been that bad.

For example, the first episode seemed to be exactly as he expected, everyone seemed to be fine, meeting each other, and he even saw the first good impression he made with Gwen, not knowing where it went wrong. It started with everyone being strangers who later would become teammates, and he even flinched at the moment on Katie and Sadie were annoying when they departed from each other. It was interesting to see the other perspectives on how the Killer Bass boys formed, from the time he learned Ezekiel was a homeschooled boy, who never had friends before, to actually causing a good impression on the boys, in a point that he thought Duncan and Harold would always be nemesis, but to see them before and how it changed for make the whole team as solid as they are, it got him curious.

Then the second episode came in, in which Trent saw something he never thought before, his team would have a good chance to tie, or even to win the challenge, if wasn't for the fact Eva pushed everyone from the corner, he found nice to see Ezekiel giving encouraging words to DJ since he seemed to be good guy, and then Eva pushed them both and also Courtney who seemed curious on that time, but that push is what made the team of Killer Bass had the carts as advantage for the challenge. And he could have seen that there were conflicting powers between Courtney and Duncan, but the revelation of Ezekiel being homeschooled humbled Courtney into trying to find a way to help to lead the team in a way the boy would help, and giving the opportunity, the boy focused into something that it made his team almost win the challenge or tie with them, teamwork, Ezekiel knew the importance of how teamwork was very important to them.

While on his team he finally saw Heather showing some of her venom, into manipulating the odds in her favor to make Noah voted out, maybe that's why he was still annoyed with Heather, since she adapted herself into having Beth on her palm of hands, but Cody also developed a good friendship with her, making her despair more tolerable.

Then it came to the Awake-a-thon, in which for the first time he found the homeschooled boy always woke up early to use his typewriter to do some work, he discovered Gwen also got interested in reading the material, and he wanted to know how Gwen learned about his work. But it seems the show didn't want to show that, and then it came run before eating the best feast they had for weeks, but he was surprised at how Killer Bass was straight to the point, showing who had the most potential of failing the challenge and giving them a chance to prove their value, since it was a signal of transparency and didn't have an internal alliance, different from Heather created on the Screaming Gophers, and the idea of Ezekiel and Tyler to take some food to have with them for the late game was indeed smart play as he never thought about it. And surprise surprise, the wake-a-thon was exactly as he remembered, and he smiled and cheered when Gwen won the challenge… And to see for the first time the Aquarium, and how important and proud Ezekiel was of being a Killer Bass, to make sure that the eliminated would never forget about something that Chris told them in the beginning. To make friends, Ezekiel had a very touching moment as everyone could see how Ezekiel was important to them, and that's where Courtney, Duncan, and Ezekiel became the Three Pillars, something that most call them, and which he could agree, it was a powerful trio.

Dodgebraw was painful as he remembered, he should have seen the signs, every single member of Killer Bass had bloodshot eyes, and Heather's comment made it even worse. The more he watched the show, the more he realized that Killer Bass must have been the favorite team of the viewers, since not much of Screaming Gophers showed around, just Justin's beauty, Beth's despair for alliance, and Heather mothering Beth. He isn't sure why, but he felt that Heather somehow was acting like a tsundere girl around Beth and Lindsay. But then, it came to the challenge, Harold's dodging skills as he bragged before, and then came Eva and Duncan, hush new guy and a powerhouse beast, the concept of MVP was indeed self-explanatory on the way they talked about the trio. It has been a setup, they provoked the Killer Bass, and they killed them mercilessly on the dodgeball. It wasn't a surprise Justin wanted so much to leave the show, it attacked him in a way that he felt hurt the next day. At the end of the episode, it showed Killer Bass boys enjoying a great time together playing for fun, which made him kinda envy seeing how excited the group was having fun.

On the talent show, he knew it had been tight since everyone did amazing on the episode, but to see Courtney asking Ezekiel and even explain one of the plots of his stories, really showed that indeed the homeschooled boy has some good lyricism towards writing a good song, and to have Courtney singing it was indeed a very famous song that he could see happening. Harold's beatbox was also so sick, that he even wanted to have some songs to play with him and Cody, maybe for the future would be a good idea. It was indeed a very impressive display of everyone, and then what took him off guard was the fact Ezekiel gave the candies to Heather to bribe Owen to make his vote on Leshawna, and even convincing Harold to quickly confess to the girl before it was too late. It was a low move by the little guy, and that really took out a bit of his respect on him, to be so dirty like that. But then he could see Gwen and Harold working together to take revenge on Heather who shouldn't have done that to the nerd guy…

And on the next episode, Trent had to retract his disrespect on Ezekiel for playing dirty, since on the next episode he clarified that he thinks of his friends only, and even asking to punch his face with all his strength was indeed something only a crazy person would ask, but indeed to ask that because he cared of his friend, and learned the pact created by the Killer Bass boys… and that's what made Trent realizes, the Killer Bass had a pact into never going into each other's girls, so if Gwen was a crush from someone of the group, he could see that neither of them would try to take out the crush from the other, and from seeing Harold, Geoff, DJ and Duncan nodding their heads, indeed it was like a promise to each other, they would never try to interfere into the romance of the others, and he didn't trust Duncan, but still he seemed to be part of the pact… And then it came on the time they prepared the tents which seemed to have a horror story and a bedtime story as well, he had to confess that it had been scary but also heartfelt, showing how both Duncan and Ezekiel are good storytellers, and having a good night of sleep while his team had to sleep in a tree… And oh boy, when it comes to the bear attack, he never thought Eva, Ezekiel, and Duncan would work together to try to take down a bear, and it showed at the time of their victory, that Eva's elimination was for her own wellbeing, even if was unfair that she choose Gwen… something that he seems to be completely fine with it...

And then it came the Phobia factor, every member of Killer Bass didn't tell their fears, they told their traumas, and a reason why they feared so much, even if the fear itself would have been stupid, the reason behind it was far more darker than he would ever imagine, Celine Dion display covered in blood? Almost dying by eating green jello while hearing your grandmother died? And then playing hide and seek just for a landslide close the hole and make you buried alive? It made his fear of mimes tamed in comparison, but still, it was his personal trauma, so he believed they wouldn't have judged him… But then when it comes to the challenge, Trent saw that the Killer Bass cared for their members, to the point Courtney's anger was justified as he only brought a walkie-talkie to Gwen, promising that he would be there for her. And even promised that he would take Ezekiel from the glass coffin, but hearing Ezekiel repeating to his team to get him out at the time they finish their task? It made him feel like Ezekiel didn't trust him, and he was expecting for him to leave them there…Which he actually did, he cringed at the time he heard Gwen calling him while he ran away from the mime. Since he finished his challenge, he could have gone back to help them get out, however, he got distracted into saw Chris challenging Geoff next, and then came DJ when DJ finished his task and went to get out Gwen, he could feel her anger and disappointment at the time she was looking at the camera, and when both DJ and Gwen went desperately to take out Ezekiel, Trent flinched so hard, and tried to look away but he couldn't, from seeing the crack marks on the glass coffin, blood marks on the hands and on the glass, and the eyes devoid of life? It wasn't a surprise the Killer Bass were so pissed off at him, he made one of their team leaders, and the one who always was positive and supportive to his team get into such a pathetic state, and add salt to their wounds, he even suggested to make Geoff's challenge way worse than before.

Trent felt guilty about seeing how the show portrayed him at that moment, because indeed from their perspective and from everyone with common sense…

"Man, I'm such an asshole," Trent commented as he felt guilty from seeing how murderous everyone from Killer Bass wanted to beat his ass.

In the next episode, it made him worse into seeing Beth confessing that Tyler should punch on his face because he flirted with Lindsay since he made Gwen terrible, and not just her, but he could see Geoff wanting to beat his ass, but he ignored him. Everyone from the Killer Bass was giving the cold shoulder, and he then saw Cody as being Katie's boyfriend, he tried to warn him about him not realizing, and man, how much Trent wanted to punch his face to not realize how stupid he has been for not realizing the red flags everyone from the Killer Bass were giving to him, and knowing that if a simple sorry and a promise that he would make it better would have fixed everything… But it seems Heather had been smarter than him and decided to use him as a meat shield and use everything she could to be on the low radar while Trent would be exposed to their hatred and main target.

But then he learned Cody and Izzy developed an odd friendship, but then it was the time she left the show.

The next challenge, he should have been more careful with his words when he found Ezekiel because it clearly showed that Ezekiel was furious at him, since from the way he told, and not just him, the scenario where the television show played the mafia movie theme song in the time he was massacred over the paintballs, he still flinches by every time he sees a paintball rifle aimed at him, and even after that, Cody was eliminated, but the betrayal look on his eyes, as on the confessionary that he thought Trent was being voted out, and he wanted to help him by voting at Owen? It made him feel sick in the stomach as he could see the betrayal in Cody's eyes, and from a time he knew Katie would have her revenge when she found out Trent voted on her boyfriend at the show.

He should have thought better when Heather used another way to make Owen vote for her, by threatening him since he was the one who did that awful jar… And talking about that jar…

Here he was, watching 2 different scenes into a single episode, at the time Katie's vengence started with him having pink hair on the wicked palette, in one half he watched in disbelief Beth, Heather, and Ezekiel working together after realizing the item Beth's brought to the island was in fact, cursed, and he had no idea on how they found out. And had to fight the craziest ecosystem into that cursed island, and deal with rainstorms, snow, and heat, something that he could understand why all of them were sick on the next day… And on the other half, he could swear that he saw Lindsay having skulls in her eyes when she found out that Trent fucked up, badly. He had to admit, it has been a solid strategy to have the advantage for them, but to see DJ and Geoff working together to eat less than the dirty pancake he lied to Lindsay? And even shove it into her mouth… It made him realize that moment watching television, that it would have been for the best if they gave up on that moment, that would have left at least a good taste in Lindsay's and Owen's mouths, but it was too late, he didn't eat the pissed pancakes, and from the look on their faces, it was bad, the worst thing they ever ate in their lives. And that may be the one reason why Lindsay maybe was angry at him…

On the next episode, who you can Trust, he learned Courtney and Duncan were having an odd feelings of anger with each other, and from seeing that tune down from the time Ezekiel was way sick into that day, not just him but Heather was also in a sick state, but she was doing better than him, he remembered seeing the boy on that state, it was very bad, to a point that he even had to use the code of distress to not worry his friends, but he had to admit that his commitment with the challenge indeed made him respect the boy even more, and then came of the challenge, the confessions of Gwen saying that she never should have trusted a Gopher hurt him, since she was a Gopher before, and then Lindsay who was always a gentle heart girl showing her anger at him, and then it came over the challenge, the sweat and manipulative voice of Heather really tricked him, and the consequences were obvious, the Mega Wedgie, he glared at Duncan when he did that confession, but he couldn't blame him, he kinda earned it. And then hearing Heather and Lindsay chanting to please fall again really made him realize that maybe he has angered psychopaths, or created some. And had to confess that he won against someone who was very sick, he didn't want to know how the challenge would have been if Ezekiel hadn't been sick… Later he learned Chris was making more drama about how many wanted his head on a spike, and saying that he was too optimistically ignorant for his own good… And then yeah it confirmed, Lindsay loathed him, actually more than that, she hopped the fish would have made his pain so much insufferable and avenge her, that was the moment that he broke her. Then came the final challenge, they won because Ezekiel lost to his sickness, so they had to give up and immediately send him to the hospital. And then it comes about the goodbyes of one of the pillars, the true reason why he was homeschooled, and never thinking about a reason about sexism towards what some parents would say, even if some were ignorant, to say they took the blame on themselves of what happened, and how much he doesn't want to die… that's how it hit Trent hard, the boy feared death because he almost died, so the message of why he was so messed up when he got out from the coffin because he relieved his almost death, and that hurt him, as the same way everyone cried to his departure, he felt the guilty of making both Gwen and him suffering such fear. And from seeing that Ezekiel had nothing, as many of Killer Bass, but he could see at the moment they leave the show, they would be good friends.

He indeed envied how great team Killer Bass was, as how harder and harder was to work together with the Screaming Gophers.

On the next challenge, Trent could understand why the Killer Bass looked at Trent like he had been jealous of Duncan since that episode confirmed his relationship with Courtney when they started it was like dog vs cat, but then both of them got together and even kissed. Which made Trent feel like an idiot, both spent most of their time together, and they talked a lot like good friends, but then they became a power couple since they would need to trust each other to continue leading their team, and he was grateful for the food they shared with the Screaming Gophers since it has been a good time, but then, the punishment from Chef was so terrible, that it gave him nightmares, it wasn't a surprise the Killer Bass boys were in traumatic experience into dealing with the infamous stink bomb. And their reaction was proof of how that bomb messed up with their minds and lives.

On the next challenge, he could see the apathy from Gwen as he never realized how ignorant he had been around, from seeing that he didn't properly apologize to everyone, and from seeing Gwen lamenting to the other girls who even had a boyfriend made him cringe from how she didn't view him like that, his chances were practically over on that time. And from seeing Duncan not acting like a boyfriend to Gwen, but like a protective brother who guaranteed that she would be fine, and for the fact he made fool of himself as he received a middle finger from both Duncan, Courtney, hell even Lindsay wanted to do that, he appolog… Oh shit, he didn't even apologize to Lindsay after he made her eat those pancakes.

"UGHHHHH. You idiot." Trent facepalmed himself since even the members of his own team had a grudge against him and he didn't apologize to them.

And then the talk he had with Gwen, it was the moment he stayed on the Playa del Losers, Trent realized, he fucked up badly because the words she said to him hurt even more after his defeat, than the time he was in front of her since he was still thinking Gwen and Duncan were having something, but now, he realized… on how he made everyone hates him… and it comes to a conclusion, that not only the campers but at the time he even gave a break to see the computer, it has been the worst mistake he ever made, from seeing comments on forums, about how disgusting Trent has been into the episodes, on how many called him trash, a stupid man, a jealous teenager who fucked up badly. Emails making fun of him, and even some users who shared embarrassing stories of his past, he didn't know who Codylover was, but she overshared one embarrassing moment he had at school, and he became a joke around the internet, and then he realized that his family and his school also would have watched the show. And there he was, the camper who fucked up so many times that everyone from the team wanted him out.

He became more wanted to be voted out than Heather, which was a low for him.

He almost launched the remote control on the television, when he decided to act as a coward, after Gwen showed her middle finger at him and jumped, and he who should have followed her example decided to take the chicken hat and be a chicken just like Beth had to deal in the first episode.

He was just surprised at how many times his team won, because the first opportunity, Heather and Lindsay wouldn't have thought twice about voting him out of the show.

A brunch of disgust was indeed terrible, and even if the teams were formed between boys vs girls, the Killer Bass preferred to remain friends, as even then, Geoff seemed to agree they were even, but still, it wouldn't have hurt if Trent would have apologized at him, but still, he didn't do it, but from the time the boys would live together, he saw Duncan seeing the diary, it was something that probably everyone from the Killer Bass must have known after seeing Gwen writing on Aquarium many times, and for his jealously it made him being launched away from the cabin, and what made him humiliated was the fact the girls were talking badly at his back, and expecting for him to mess up, which he clearly did. And for his name alone made the girls united into talking badly at him.

From the challenge, he knew Brocolis was terrible, but he was force-fed because he wanted to win, and thankfully Bridgette said Condor, leaving that as a win for the boys.

But even with that victory, the boys didn't stick together, only the Killer Bass remained as a team.

Finally, came the episode where he was eliminated, which everything started with the Killer Bass reunited and with their plans for later, they were prepared to give their goodbyes to Bridgette until Eva and Izzy returned on the show, and a letter from nobody other than Ezekiel was enough to reignite the competitiveness from the Killer Bass, and he saw the look around Bridgette's face, it was the idea about how Trent got eliminated.

And oh boy, he never felt so happy that Eva didn't hurt him, because he saw what she did with the bear and palled himself… he wasn't sure if he should remain angry for being eliminated like that, or be happy for leaving the show before Eva touched him, so he was safe… his pride bruised and he was being humiliated around everywhere? Sure, but at least he didn't feel a painful beat like the creatures who suffered in that episode. It was crazy that Bridgette wanted to leave since she said the word… but her anger and despise for him was much more than her resolution as she admitted that she wanted to take him out first instead of her, so he knew that she would be eliminated… but her anger at him was so much that she bent the rules on their favor… And seeing the votes on him, especially the last one from Gwen, he felt broken on the inside. She forgave him, but for the sake of her well-being, and his own… it was time to let it go.

And with that, Trent watched all the episodes, as his face was covered in sweat, and his hair was messed up.

"What have I done?" Trent mumbled to himself, until he heard the knocks coming from his door, and at the time he went to open the door, he saw Cody who was staring at him surprised. "Cody, what have I done?"

The message was clear… he fucked up badly.

"Last time on Total Drama Island…" Chirs said as the show finally started, showing his iconic shot over the docks in front of the Island, he was ready to start resuming the events of the last episode. "The teams were dissolved, leaving each and every camper to look out for number one, especially to add a bit of more drama and entertainment to the Mix, Izzy and Eva returned for more fun! Also, it seems that a letter coming from nobody other than Ezekiel made sure that nothing would divide the friendship the Killer Bass made by themselves, so with their fire once again ignited, everyone did their best for the next challenge! The campers continued to suffer all manner of abuse in the No Pain, No Game Challenge! And in a death display of log rolling, a grizzly got a piranha haircut, and a fight with our local monster sasquatchanakwa, Eva won the invincibility. And by one forbidden word of the Killer Bass everyone thought Bridgette would have been the next camper to leave, however, Bridgette refused to go down before taking out one camper who had been the bane of their existence, Trent the beautiful guitarist. Leaving the show in total defeat as nobody would ever miss him on the show. Now that the campers are forced to fend for themselves, who will be selfless? Who will be selfish? And who will eat shellfish? Stay tuned for the most thrilling episode yet on Total. Drama. Island!"


The morning started as the most beautiful way on the island. Like a bad Omen has finally left the show, the orange skies were showing with birds flying to their migratory season, and over that morning a little squirrel walked outside of his tree holding a very hot coffee, using underwear since the fiasco of one of the challenges, the squirrel used the underwear to make itself comfortable to his matinal activities, scratching its butt, and giving a slight yawn, the squirrel ignored a bird flying above it. As the whimpers of a naked bear and still crying in pain, nobody from that area of nature cared about the sex exchange the bear suffered after the revenge of one of the campers.

And over a few meters away, there was a cave where one familiar trailer which belongs to a wild beast, who should never be provoked... Until a loud bang was enough to be heard, revealing a well-rested Eva who just got out of her trailer with a very victorious smile on her face.

"2 days sleeping on the cabin, and one day sleeping here. I'm glad that I'm restraining myself to not get used to this trailer," Eva commented as the Aquarium was a personal parking lot, and seeing the place was their sanctuary, she still viewed that place like a second home.

The bodybuilder since at the time she stomped her feet on the island again, she knew changes would happen, and while she had to admit that sometimes she had anger issues, she was glad that her friends still loved her from the way she was, even though Duncan, Geoff, and DJ covered their jewels when they heard the bear which lives in the island now is a female, she still chuckles from how terrified they are from seeing her.

Tyler, Noah, Cody, and hell, even Ezekiel must feel for their crotches next time they see her in a bad mood.

Eva walked towards the Killer Bass flag and glanced at each signature a symbol of their pride in being a team. The Sadies name reminds the time she just returned from the surgery... Seeing how angry she was from being obliged into using a cast, she wanted to return to the show, but there was nothing she could do...

"EVA" Then a shout of the past made the bodybuilder glance at what would be the chubby Asian girl who had her eyes covered in tears. "Teach me."

"What? What are you talking about?" Eva commented as her eyes narrowed and she saw an annoying girl who just shouted at her.

"Teach me how to be strong like you," Sadie said as she was still shaking, which made Eva raise her eyebrows at you. "Because Katie was almost hurt by a bear, and in case something happens, I need to save her, she is my best friend and a sister to me, and I want to protect her in case like that happens again."

Eva opened her mouth to say that wouldn't happen again, but then she realized that the show was very dangerous, and anything could happen...

"I want to be strong, I don't want to be useless next time Katie needs me. Please tell me how you got so strong." Sadie said as she was still crying in fear of what might happen in the future... Leaving Eva stares at the chubby girl from the past... And what it took a whole minute, the bodybuilder got her decision.

"Fine, I'm going to teach you how to be strong," Eva commented as she then saw the annoying sparkling towards the chubby eyes, but then her growl was enough to intimidate Sadie. "But know that I'm going to make your life a hell, and I won't let you quit, you already signed your training with me, and there will be no way back."

And then she saw the smile of the chubby girl deflate as she even looked scared.

"Really? Couldn't you j..."Sadie realized her mistake but it was already too late... She got Eva's attention, and the training hell for the half-twin started on that same day...




"I bet that she still has nightmares about that." Eva chuckled as one by one, the members of Killer Bass, on the first day she came on the show, she thought she could trust only herself, but as time passed, and she got the respect of her friends and fans... She smiled ready for the next challenge which was about to happen.


Until a shot was enough to have her attention since the explosion was enough to even tremble the Aquarium a bit.

And on another side of the island on the shores across the yellow sand, two campers were enjoying their good morning by doing a single activity together, catching sea shells.

Bridgette insisted to Geoff that she would enjoy a good time catching a few sea shells before leaving the show, and from hearing the reasoning, the party boy didn't think twice about helping her.

Their morning was something they both treasured for a while, having a good time surfing the waves and even walking around the beach...

"What about this one?" Geoff showed another sea shell that made Bridgette nod her head at him and placed it on the bag which was enough for the girl to nod her head at him.

"Yeah, this one is perfect." Bridgette smiled as she collected another for their own collection, knowing that they had been passing their time together on the morning, Bridgette couldn't help but appreciate the time she was having with Geoff. "Thanks for passing time with me Geoff."

"Oh, that's not a problem," Geoff said as he yawned for being awake at that hour, but he couldn't blame Bridgette, but the opposite. "I actually wanted to be with you... no, I mean, I think that's a good way to pass the time together. Not that I mean, we aren't cool with the others, I mean… you are hot, and nice, and… I think I should stop saying anything now."

Geoff tried to avoid mumbling something wrong, but the reaction he got from the surfer was not what he expected. To hear her giggling from his mistake.

"Sorry, it's because it's so funny to see you trying your best," Bridgette commented as he could see Geoff giving a nervous laugh, and with that, Bridgette decided to comment. "Thank you for being with me today Geoff, that means a lot to me. I think this would be my last challenge, so I want to pass the time with you… But, did you mean what you said?"

Geoff was caught off guard as he then saw Bridgette holding his hand, and like a pass of a minute, Bridgette didn't want to waste the time, and using that as an opportunity, the lips she had been using to talk, finally reached on the lips of the party boy who didn't see it coming on that moment.

"Yes, I do… Bridgette, do you want to be my girlfriend?" Geoff asked as he then returned to kiss Bridgette who gladly moaned in pleasure.

"Yes," And the surfer returned the kiss as the duo continued their making out.

It was the right moment, to close the day with an amazing time together and nothing could ruin that moment for them...


With the sound of the explosion, both the surfer and the party boy looked in the direction of the explosion, but on the next second, they simply shrugged and then returned to their making out. Saying to themselves that nothing could ruin that moment for them, and they meant it.

At the sound of cannon fire again, the group watched another cannonball firing, and then they saw something they never expected to see, Chris who was wearing a traditional pirate costume, with a possible plastic parrot on his shoulder, and a megaphone in his hands.

"Arr, maties! Meet me at the amphitheater in five minutes and I'll tell you about today's challenge!" Chris said as he got into the pirate character, using the pirate accent to make sure that he would fit into the challenge he was ready to give to the campers.

It didn't take long until the campers found themselves in the amphitheater, and Courtney and Duncan rolled their eyes as they had to drag Bridgette and Geoff from the beach as both didn't stop making out. But thankfully Eva slapped the back of two members of her team, which made them both flinch and get their heads focused on Chris who was ready to tell the challenge.

"Well, my little scallywags. Have we got an adventure in store for ye?" Chris said as he and Chef were waiting patiently for the campers, as there was a good fabric above a few lumps in the stage. When Chris was excited to explain the challenge, the plastic parrot fell on his shoulder, which Chris sheepishly placed once again to his shoulder to keep on his character.

"What's under the sheet?" Geoff asked curiously, as the others didn't seem phased by the challenge ahead of them.

"All in good time, laddie. Who here has a-hankerin' for a good ol' fashion treasure hunt?" Chris still using his pirate accent, was already giving a hint of the challenge ahead of them. Making Gwen sighs as she rolled her eyes at the idea that the day was going to suck. "Now, this treasure hunt's got a twist, mates. What you're looking for isn't hidden and it isn't treasure."

"If there's no treasure, then what's with the eyepatch and the plastic parrot?" Duncan asked as he looked not impressed towards the acting of the host of the show, and from Courtney nodding her head at him, it seemed the challenge didn't make sense at all.

"Arr, shiver me timbers! Good question, me boy. You're looking for keys to a treasure chest!" Chris said as he took the parrot from his shoulder and launched away while Chef took the white fabric above the treasure chests which made many of the campers raise their eyebrows at him. "Inside each of these chests is a treasure that will pamper you landlubbers and one of these chests will even give you invincibility! Ha har! Now come 'round and pull a clue out of this bucket or you'll have to walk the plank!"

Gwen and Owen looked at each other unsure if he was telling the truth or not, but Eva simply scoffed and was the first person to go over the stage to take her clue. It was a key inside of a water of some type of container. Later she discovered that she wanted to beat someone on that day since she was responsible for taking a key from the Septic tank.

Next one by one, everyone caught the clues, and the results of who would take a challenge to take the key would be.

Bunny - Courtney

Septic tank – Eva.

Tree branch - Geoff

Flaming hoop - Duncan

Skunk burrow - Bridgette

Chef's refrigerator - Heather

Alligator pit - Gwen

Beehive - Lindsay

Snake - Owen

Bear - DJ

Shark-infested water – Izzy

Everyone was trying to figure out where the keys would be in their respective clues, and Chris was excited to see some action. DJ trembled into the idea of going after a bear, which Chris was a bit disappointed since he wanted Owen to be the one having to deal with the bear, or Eva since it would be another interesting rematch between predator and prey.

But his smile went wide as he saw Heather having a clue about a key inside of a fridge.

"Haha, Chef's fridge. Nice. I hear he brushes it daily for fingerprints." Chris joked as Courtney couldn't help but joke as well.

"Is he still sore from the fact the fridge raid happening on his challenge?" Courtney commented and Duncan laughed loudly as Chef snarled at them.

"I don't know, do you still want another stink bomb?" And then with that threat, Courtney and Duncan shut their mouths up, as all the other camper members, who remembered the consequences of such stupid action, the rewards were amazing, but the punishments were cruel as well.

As Chef gave a final glare on Heather, the chef went back to protect his kitchen, showing that it was going to be a very difficult challenge for her in the future. And after a few minutes, Chris was ready to start the challenge.

"All you scallywags, go find your keys and bring them back by six p.m. Eastern Standard Time…" Chris commented as he pointed to his own clock, and then used one of the keys to open a chest. "…to open up your chest and get your loot! Fair thee well, young scallywags."

(Confessional – Heather.)

"I don't know who came up with these lame-o challenges, and memo to Chris. Those pirate tights do not exactly flatter your legs. Savvy?"Heather sighed as she already was pointing out one of the main issues of the show she also was tired of trying to butter the host of the show and was already giving the impression that she hated his way of dressing himself.

(Confessional - Owen)

"Woohoo! I am all about the treasure hunt! Yes! I just took a snake, and snakes are a little concerning, but there's treasure!" Owen felt hyped with the idea of a treasure hunt, but then he glared at the nothing as he showed a bit of freaking out into dealing with snakes, but then he was happy to once again have the idea of getting a treasure.

And then far away near the shore, there was a log standing in the middle of the ocean, where there was a key tied to that area.

"Izzy's first challenge. To grab his key from the man-eating shark-infested lake." Chris commented as Izzy seemed to be thinking about what kind of idea she would come to cross the challenge, and what it seemed an impossible task to someone, Izzy had a crazy smile on her face… As she took a few minutes to bring her own hunting bow, she used an arrow with a rope tied to it, and with good aim, she made the arrow stuck on the wood, Izzy immediately used a good idea to tie the rope at the shore, and by herself, she walked across the rope, as the sharks jumped to bite the ginger girl, but she with a good backup plan, she launched a few fishes far away which made the sharks go after the dead fish, and Izzy like a good gymnastic, she took approached the log, and took the key without any effort.

"Easy Peezy." Izzy smiled as she jumped on the rope and walked past it until she was back on the shore.

In the Main Lodge, Heather looked at the wood clue once again, and slowly approached the kitchen.

"Heather must retrieve her key from inside Chef's bank vault of a fridge without getting caught," Chris commented as the queen bee nervously walked around the kitchen, not seeing any kind of signal from Chef around the area, she was wary of him, and slowly opened the fridge door without taking her eyes looking around the kitchen, since Chef could potentially catch her by surprise… but what she didn't expect was when she opened the door, she didn't look inside of it, which Chef was holding a Cleaver on his hand, and at the time she went to stare at the fridge, Chef was glaring at her, and she slowly closed the door of the refrigerator and slowly got out from the kitchen, with a terrified look on her face.

Bridgette slowly walked to a skunk burrow and seeing a skunk already being owner of the place, she slowly walked to that area, the skunk smell bothered a little the surfer girl, but after dealing with the worst stink bomb of her life, it wasn't the end of the world. But still, she slowly walked to the burrow. Until a skunk walked outside, surprising Bridgette.

"Ahhhh…" Bridgette gasped in surprise, and the Skunk tilted its head at her, but then what took the blond girl by surprise was the same skunk waved its paw at her. Bridgette took that and decided to greet the animal as well. "Ah, hello."

The skunk nodded its head and tilted the head as the little animal looked curious about what the girl wanted.

"Err, not to bother you, but someone placed a key inside of your little lair, did you know about this?" Bridgette never talked with animals before, but she didn't bother to ask, and to her surprise and her gushy feelings was the fact the little stink animal paused and placed its paw over the chin and like two paws placed over each other as it realized what Bridgette was asking about, it nodded it's head at her. "Oh really? Can you bring it for me?"

To her relief and surprise, it seemed the skunk nodded its head at her and quickly went into the hole, and the next minute, she found a golden key in the mouth of the little skunk, which spat it on the floor.

"Aww, thank you for your help." Bridgette smiled happily for the help she got from the little animal, and even if the smell was bothering her for a while, she was already used to it.

And she already got the key she needed.

Heather noticed the challenge way ahead of her, she needed to make a plan to get into Chef's fridge without getting spotted, but then she saw Izzy who already had a key in her hands, jumping a water full of sharks, and seemed so carefree about it.

The first time she met the crazy persona of Izzy, she didn't think that crazy girl planned many things, and from having her unsure look on her face, Izzy gave a crazy smile and marched towards the kitchen.

Heather took that as an opportunity, knowing Izzy was helping her alliance to get in the final three. And still acting like she was crazy. It was really something that she wouldn't believe if wasn't for the time she met the real Izzy in the cave, and knowing that she may backstab her in the future, she needed to find a way to protect herself. But not before using the opportunity the ginger girl was giving to her.

"WHY YOU INSOLENT" Chef gave an attack as Izzy used her hand to protect. And like combat between 1vs1, Izzy was using her martial arts to get into hand-to-hand combat with the chef, which Heather had her eyes wide open, from the craziness she was watching at that moment.

(Confession - Heather.)

"The more I stay on this island, the more I feel that I'm getting crazy," Heather said in disbelief, as inside of her mind she went along with the acting towards Izzy's crazy persona. "I'm telling you that some people shouldn't get out from the mental hospital, and from seeing Chef getting along with that, I don't know whose were more insane."

Heather slowly approached her objective and seeing that Izzy indeed distracted Chef from her operation, the challenge was way easier than she expected.

And reaching the key, and having for herself, she felt that indeed this good new improvement of her alliance would help her out in the future.

"Hayaaaa" Izzy said as she gave a surprise roundhouse kick The Chef was fast enough to protect his head, but what he didn't expect was Izzy to use that opportunity to launch a final punch which made Chef flinch so hard as he fell on the floor... A nut break punch, on his nuts.

Heather flinched as she saw Izzy giggling madly at the Chef who was groaning on the floor.

"Now it's 80 to 90 Chef, you better train hard or I will keep up with you and beat my mom's score," Izzy said as she giggled madly and ran away from the kitchen.

"*Beeeeep* just like her mother" Chef mumbled as Heather quickly ran away from the main lodge where she found Izzy laughing from her fight against Chef.

"Did you see his face? Man, I told him the next time I would have punched him in the nuts." Izzy said as she laughed madly, and Heather had one of her eyebrows raised at her.

"What's your story with Chef?" Heather asked as she wasn't sure how to interact with Izzy after seeing the two sides of her.

"Oh, he was my captain when I was in a military squad, that's everything you must know," Izzy commented as she waved her hand, and Heather preferred to not ask further. "So what's the plan?"

"Well, I already got my key, did you see Lindsay?" Heather asked as Izzy nodded her head at the queen bee.

"Yes, she is helping out DJ to have his key," Izzy commented as the eyes of Heather sparkled, while she frowned.

"Why would sh... Wha... Ugh, never mind, it's her problem. I'm going to walk around." Heather said as she gave a groan but hid a smirk on her face.

"See you later alligator." Izzy waved as the duo departed, and both inside their minds, their acting was good enough while they prepared their plan in motion.

DJ was certainly in for the long haul of this one. He had to track down which bear had a key, but thankfully and strangely odd, there was a furless bear who was still having difficulties walking, the gentle giant scratched his head in confusion until he saw the key around the neck of the naked bear.

DJ tiptoed until the bear until a slight crack made the bear stare fearfully at the person who appeared, by seeing the giant who was as fearful as it was, the bear growled which scared the giant, but before it could move, the pain towards the inner regions of the bear was too much for the bear crouched and whimpered.

"Err, are you okay?" DJ asked the animal which roared in both anger and pain. "Sorry, sorry, I just need the key around your neck, and then I will be happily away from you…"

The answer was a loud roar until DJ could see the bear was both in pain but also sad… And trembling for some reason.

"Ah, it seems that you are feeling cold. Do you want me to bring something to warm you up?" DJ even as scared as he was, couldn't help but feel pity for the former grizzled bear which he had no idea the dangerous monster who made the teddy bear of nature in such pain.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." Then from nowhere both DJ and the bear were surprised by the loud shout of a blonde bombshell who screamed which could have triggered the anger of the bear. "Oh my God, you are naked, what happened to you?"

The bear tilted its head in confusion, but the question made the bear shed a tear Lindsay could see the pain in the poor soul.

"Oh no, you poor thing, you shouldn't be naked. I'm going to bring some clothes, an extra side for you." Lindsay said as she felt the social pain the creature would have suffered in nature, no animal should ever be naked.

"Wait, I'm going to help." DJ quickly said, as the bear titled the head but nodded in the hope that the duo would come to help his case.




A half-hour later, DJ and Lindsay managed to bring what would be a few blankets which Lindsay managed to type up to make a Toga for the furless bear which looked at the duo with a happier look on its face, and with a good smile on their faces, Lindsay and DJ gave a low five as it seems DJ took the key from the animal's neck, and seeing the beer clapping happily for having not to deal with the humiliation of being naked, and getting something to warm it up during the breezes and the night, it made the beast grateful of the duo, and without thinking twice, the animal went back to its cave, leaving both Lindsay and DJ happy to accomplish the capture of the key.

"Thank you for the help, Lindsay," DJ commented as he was holding the key in his hands. "I have to confess it went easier than I expected, but I'm glad you helped me out."

"You're welcome TJ," Lindsay commented as DJ rolled his eyes from her problem of getting the names wrong. "I think everyone deserves a good way to become pretty, even her."

"Her? I didn't know it was a female." DJ said as he stared at the blond girl in surprise, which received a nod from her. But then ignoring the former topic, DJ was happy with the results of their work together. "Well at least I have my key now, did you get yours?"

Lindsay paused and then glanced at the wooden clue in her hands. And DJ gave a slight glance in which the symbol seemed something familiar to him.

"Oh. It looks like a beehive." DJ commented as he looked at the blond girl in confusion. "Do you want some help with it?"

Lindsay got happy as she hugged the Jamaican giant who smiled and hugged her back.

(Confession – DJ)

"Lindsay is a very nice girl, and one thing Harold taught about bees is that they can calm themselves when there is smoke on them, and by using the right amount it can repel them away from the beehives. And I have to help Lindsay, I cannot let Tyler's girlfriend get stung." DJ commented as he gave a thumbs-up to the camera. "Don't worry Tyler, she helped me, so I will help her out.

And there they are, with a controlled bonfire under the beehive, as the nerd told how he managed to move a beehive in a way to not anger the bees until Gwen and Harold gave the best revenge prank to Heather, and from the details, DJ was happy to make a bonfire with more smoke but in a way that it wouldn't kill the honey makers.

And by being far away from the fire and the beehive, minutes was enough to make the swarm of bees fleed away from the area, and being confused they went into many different areas, which in a minute was enough for Lindsay and DJ to approach the beehive, and find out the key on there without any bee to sting them both.

Lindsay got so happy that hugged DJ who smiled at her.

They both managed to get their keys.

Duncan looked at what would be a key above a bonfire symbol on the wood clue he had in his hands, and at the time he stared in front of him, a ring of fire with a key in the center of it. Duncan smirked as he blinked at the camera, and with a good stance, he quickly jumped on the ring of fire, doing a flip, and quickly caught the key before he landed on the floor.

"Duncan's tough exterior seems to be helping him with this challenge," Chris commented as he sounded impressed with the skills of the delinquent.

Geoff managed to go directly at the key by quickly climbing the tree, and since it has been near the branches. Geoff smiled at how easy everything was getting but then it was interrupted by a woodpecker, which even by moving slowly the peek of the bird was enough to make him quickly use his hands to scare away the bird. But that went to bite his ass as the bird flew back and nearby to his face, the woodpecker decided to peek on his face. He felt the pain but thankfully was enough to take the key and pull out with force. But accidentally Geoff fell from the branch with the key in his hands. In the end felt a good part of pain in his back, and the woodpecker remained pecking at his face.

"And Geoff seemed to be also not phased with the challenge at all," Chris commented as he seemed to be enjoying the difficulties the boy having. "But now it seems that he got a new friend."

"Meanwhile, back in the communal washrooms, things are starting to… pile up," Chris commented as he saw Eva being in a pickle.

Eva glared deeply at the terrible smell over the bathrooms, and she wanted to do something… But knowing that she would get some kind of punishment if she destroyed the bathrooms, like all the campers would use her trailer's bathroom in case she destroyed their property, Eva tried to calm herself down, by placing her favorite song on MP3, and a plunger on her hands, she was going to use all her strength to bring the key by force.

From seeing a purple snake in front of him, Owen tried to use all the knowledge he had from being a hunter with his grandpa, but a fear of a dangerous snake attacking him still intimidated the big guy, as the purple snake seemed hostile, Owen slowly tiptoed behind the snake who seemed to be staring at nothing.

Slowly at a good pace, Owen was near the key, and felt everything was going to work fine in the end…

That was until a fart came out of nowhere, and the snake turned its head to the chubby camper who smiled nervously at the purple reptile.

"Err hello Miss Snake, wouldn't you mind if I have this key?" Owen said nervous, and the answer was an immediate bit on the belly, which Owen quickly screamed as he took the key but felt the sharp teeth of the snake on him. "MEDIC, MEDIC."

And while the Killer Bass were all focused on their challenges, DJ was enjoying the walk back to the cabins with Lindsay.

"So what do you think it has on the treasure chests?" DJ asked as Lindsay passed a few seconds thinking.

"Oh. Maybe it's a spa coupon that would make us have a good day on the saloon, or it could be new clothing from a fancy store. Or even some makeup products for us to use around." Lindsay said as she was feeling excited about having a key on her hands.

DJ chuckled as he thought about it.

"Maybe it can be anything, could be a few coins, or it could be chocolate coins, or even a visa or even keys for a car or house. Momma would love to have a good prize like that." DJ commented as he felt nostalgic about one thing, and Lindsay gasped as she was also excited.

"Oh, chocolate coins, I loved eating when I was a kid," Lindsay said in her genuine tone which DJ chuckled from the way she was.

"Yeah, me too. Momma always made good chocolate recipes, even chocolate coins for when I was a little boy." DJ commented as Lindsay froze a bit.

"Err… your momma, isn't the one who did those pancakes is she?" Lindsay asked in hesitation which made DJ have his eyes wide open.

"Oh no, no, no noo. Momma would never do something terrible like that, she told me it was Chef who did those… ugh, momma did the food before that, like the banquet that the others ate as they didn't eat the food." DJ explained which made Lindsay sigh in relief but then her face became in a somber tone. "Oh, what happened?"

"Well, since that day, I didn't quite remember the food I ate on the time I was hungry, the only thing I remembered was those awful pancakes, and how Trent shoved them in my mouth and lying to me… After that, the only thing I could see was… everyone eating good, and that food looked so amazing, and I couldn't eat any," Lindsay said as DJ felt a punch in the gut and an arrow on his conscience, and for the fact, Lindsay shed a tear? It really hurt him like it did on that day. For not eating the food that his mom rarely would make again, a feast like that which was special, and some of the campers didn't have the opportunity to taste it.

"Hey, don't worry about it, Lindsay." DJ smiled as he could see his mom would have approved that. "Tell you what, at the time we finish this show, I'm going to invite Tyler to eat my momma's food, and you are invited as well, that way we all can eat the good food of my mom."

"Really?" Lindsay said as she saw the smile of the giant Jamaican and smiled back at him. "Thanks, TJ."

"It's DJ," DJ corrected her as he rolled his eyes, but a good part of his conscience… a little seed was planted, a seed of nostalgia and homesickness, growing up with the desire to go back home…

Exactly like the trio of Screaming Gopher girls planned to do it.

Gwen was having difficulty being between two hungry alligators and with each step, she was having towards the alligators' pit, with nothing more than a rope ladder bridge, with 2 of the middle woods being almost on the verge of falling off… The goth was having difficulty dealing with the constant jump of the alligators which were trying to bite her.

And between them, there was a silver grail which Gwen could see the golden key inside.

She knew at that moment that she was going to have a rough day.

Minutes passed as the floor was flooded with the green water and the terrible smell over the toilets, Eva was at the limit of her patience until suddenly an idea appeared in her mind.

She walked outside of the pipes, and with a bottle of soda and a few mints she had from her trailer, she opened the bottle and placed all the mints, and shook with a good force until she pointed from one of the open pipes, and let the explosion of soda and mints explodes the pipes and immediately from the outside of the washrooms, brown liquid with a smell of mint carried a golden key which Eva smiled victoriously from her challenge.

And the smell over the washrooms was less bad than before, so it was a bonus for the others.

Courtney looked at her wooden clue, just to find that probably was the easiest challenge she ever had in her whole life. A little bunny nearby with a golden key, she smirked since two members of the Killer Bass managed to domesticate 2 bunnies, one belonged to DJ, and the other to Katie probably was taking care of where she was.

The challenge was going to be easy p…


The little sweet bunny roared with teeth that could promise pain to whoever approached it…

Courtney paused, then stared at the camera, and then back to her clues… she sighed as she rolled her eyes…

"*Beep* I should have known… Alright bunny, if that's how you are going to act, then this is going to be on the hard way." Courtney said as she narrowed her eyes…

From the camera, there was a sound of a fight, a chomping sound as it was also sounds of kicks and punches, and in the end resulted in one thing.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH." Courtney ran with the key in her hands, but also a good part of scratches and painful marks around her body.

But in the end, it was a personal victory for the humans once again.

At the time everyone was done with their services, and enjoying a good part of their days, suddenly Chris's voice could be heard over the loudspeaker.

"All right, campers. Meet me at the campfire in ten! And bring your keys." After hours passing so quickly, the campers could finally have their good time to finish the stupid challenge.

The campers were back to their places, as some of the Killer Bass seemed to be talking normally between each other, as Lindsay, and Heather were back into their usual place of isolation and talking over each other.

"So what's the intel?" Heather asked as Lindsay glanced around and talked to Heather.

"They have no plans to vote out anyone else, it seems that it's going to be Bridgette tonight," Lindsay said as she could see Heather having relief on her face, and this time she was going to be prepared for any unexpected events.

"Okay, the important is always being aware of what to do, staying low on the radar, and focusing on getting the immunity," Heather commented as she gave a slight glance at Izzy who was having fun with Owen who seemed to be drowsy from the snake bite, but the military girl was already with a good tea to recover the system of the chubby boy who would be thankful later.

"Yarr. It be time to claim your treasure. Who's fortunate enough to bear the precious key, come forth with it!" Then Chris came with his annoying pirate accent which made the group stare at him who had his foot over the treasure chests, and many of them felt excited about knowing what they could reach.

Each camper was ready to be surprised at what key treasure they would receive.

Duncan was the first person who used the key to open the chest, as a good part of himself was expecting something good for him to enjoy the camp, at the time he opened the chest he looked in disbelief as he took out a soda can and potato chips.

"Is this the best you can do?" Duncan asked in disbelief.

And Chris nodded his head with his iconic grin which once again made the campers disappointed.

It was a signal to the other campers to not expect anything special from the chests, which immediately made them disappointed.

One by one, the campers went to open their chests, until DJ looked surprised at the time that neither of those chests were able to fit his key.

"My key isn't working in any of these chests," DJ commented as Chris chuckled in his place.

"Oh, yeah. I forgot to mention that some of the keys don't open up any chests." Chris smiled as he could see the Jamaican boy sigh in disappointment.

Heather then opened one of the chests and to her surprise, there was a fruit basket with a letter with a marshmallow symbol on it showing the invincibility. She wanted to gloat herself up, but then she saw Izzy's eyes looking at her and slowly shaking her head, as a way to make Heather understand the meaning, acting in low radar was a must.

Izzy opened her chest and found two bottles of carbonate soda which made her eyes sparkle from something she could use for later.

Gwen who had to fight the alligator got a leg lamp, which she was between to trash it away or giving to her little brother as a gift to make sure to never once again challenge her into appearing in a crazy show like that.

Lindsay got an accordion, which she felt genuinely happy about, seeing something that she never had an opportunity to play before, so having something to give to her parents or to use it as a way to pass the time doing silly things, she would love to waste her time into playing that instrument.

Eva opened her chest and at the time she found what would be a perfume, she glared at the host as her eyebrows were raised.

"Really?" Eva asked unphazed as Chris chuckled and decided to give a propaganda of the product.

"Eva will be able to cover up that foul stench with a can of New Cleaver Body Spray. Cleaver. It cuts through the stink. For warning, this cover-up can reduce only 30% the smell of El Mongo and La Muerte," Chris commented as all the remaining members of the Killer Bass who had experience with the stink bomb looked impressed.

"Ohhhhhhh," Courtney, Bridgette, Geoff, and DJ said in unison as Eva stared at the group in surprise, she watched the events of the stink bomb, but to see them impressed with a reduction of smell by 30%? It showed that anything would have been better than the stink bomb.

"Hmm… I think I will hold this for the future," Eva said as the group applauded her, which made her smirk.

Bridgette got a metal toaster which she actually found interesting for her to use on the breakfasts, all he had to do she would need some bread for when she got home.

Owen got a calligraphy set and he had no idea what kind of object is that, but any kind of prize made the experience great, so Owen was happy with his own treasure.

Geoff got a few balloons filled with helium, which made him happy by doing funny voices and getting a lot of laughs from the other campers.

When Courtney finally had to open her own chest, it surprised her when she opened and there was a red flag and a plastic skull on the chest.

"What the?" Courtney said in disbelief as Chris smirked as he approached Courtney.

"Uh oh, it seems we found the red flag. And the death mark." Chris commented as the campers stared at the host with both surprise and disbelief. "It's an auto-elimination chest,"

"WAIT, WHAT?" The campers shouted in surprise as they could see Chris smiling towards the campers who seemed still looking at him in disbelief, especially Courtney and Duncan who were glaring at him.

"Like I said, you never know what kind of treasure chest you will get," Chris smirked as he could see the irate faces and even the concerned faces of the campers. "From all the random keys, you never know if your treasure chest is cursed, so that's how we decided to make this interesting, the person who gets the bunny challenge, would be eliminated on the same day."

"But you can't do that," Bridgette said as she was already the person who was going to be voted out from their distress code word, and from seeing that she wouldn't be eliminated on that week, that seemed.

"THAT'S UNFAIR. I WANT RECOUNT, YOU CAN'T DO THAT." Courtney shouted angrily as Duncan also snarled at the host of the show who chuckled at their reaction.

"Sorry Courtney, but even as your personal rules, you cannot win the decisions of the challenge. So better to take your stuff and…" Chris was enjoying seeing the faces of campers glaring at him, especially with the plot twist he managed to place over the game, as he managed to hit greatly one of the pillars, which meant everything was on cont…

"I will give my immunity reward to her." And then a voice interrupted Chris and made all the other campers pause and slowly turn their heads at Heather who was with her usual scoff, and Chris felt his eyes twitching from the sudden twist.

"Did Heather just…" Bridgette asked Geoff who nodded his head at her in silence, still the group was surprised, that even Eva had her eyes wide open from such a move.

Courtney stopped her rating as she looked at the queen bee in surprise. Even Duncan couldn't find the words in what to say at that moment. And at the time anyone was about to say anything, Heather scoffed.

"And before anyone says anything, I'm just doing this because I already want to go back to the cabin, you guys already have someone to vote it off for tonight," Heather said as she gave the immunity card to Courtney who was still speechless, but then Heather stared on her eyes. "This is a favor I'm doing for you, and I'm going to take a favor from you in the future, it may not be today, nor tomorrow, but someday I'm going to get a favor from you."

And with that, Heather left the area, while Lindsay followed Heather as she was still making sounds with her accordion, Izzy was away from the cameras, while her smile was wide like a cat who ates a canary, and the Killer Bass members, had no idea into what to say on that moment. Especially Chris who was still with his eyes twitching, and finding that one of his plot twists of the challenge was now messed up with the idea of someone giving immunity for another person…

It was clearly an episode that nobody will ever forget, neither the campers nor the viewers who were watching the pay-per-view in shock…

What will be the favor Heather will ask Courtney? Nobody knows, but they are going to be anxious about knowing in the future. Debates and ideas would be discussed in the forums and schools, teams of fans would be between Heather's favor or against her, nobody knows how the decision of the giving the immunity to another person would be, and Chris learned a lesson that he will guarantee that he wouldn't commit the same mistake.

All for the sake of future episodes of Total Drama Island.

(On that night – Campfire)

"And now the moment we've all been waiting for. The moment of truth. Marshmallow time! You know the routine. Whoever doesn't get a marshmallow, it's curtains for you. But it seems from all the campers who managed to bypass the elimination chest, it means that each of you survived." Chris commented as a good part of him calmed himself down, and was already with the marshmallows on his tray. "Courtney, Duncan, DJ, Lindsay, Gwen, Eva, Owen, Izzy and Geoff. Sorry Bridgette, but you already know that you are out. You have an appointment at The Dock of Shame and a ticket for The Boat of Losers. Let's go."

"I'm going to miss you so muuuuuuuch." Geoff inhaled the helium to make a funny voice, as Bridgette giggled from seeing the party boy looking sad at her, but even using the funny voice to cheer her up.

"I'm going to miss you too Geoff," Bridgette said as she gave a final kiss to the party boy, but not before Chef walked towards her. "Alright, alright, I'm going."

Carrying all her luggage and suitcases, Bridgette gave a final wave to her friends, who nodded sad at her, but since that is how the competition works, they always should be aware that they must focus on winning the game.

From the way Chris looked frustrated about not eliminating Courtney from the challenge, the group must focus on winning the challenges from now on, or the consequences of the next challenges would make all their experience into living on this terrible island, a paradise in comparison on the future challenges Chris would come up for the future.

And while everyone was still dealing with their treasures, Courtney and Duncan glanced at Heather who just ignored their gazes and went back to have her deserved shower.

And in the shower, Heather gave a slight smirk of victory on her face…

"One down, 9 more to go," Heather said as she never felt so refreshed into eliminating one of the Killer Bass while having the moral ground, it made her victory sweeter.

And with Izzy and Lindsay working with her, the Killer Bass won't know what hit them.

Chapter 26: Interlude 8 - Mother and Family

Chapter Text


Nestled in the heart of a lush Canadian forest, where the air is crisp and the silence is only broken by the gentle rustling of leaves, lies an extraordinary sanctuary for the weary soul: the Elysium Spa Retreat. This haven, a harmonious blend of Canada's finest spas, is a masterpiece of tranquility and rejuvenation.

As you approach the retreat, the first thing that strikes you is the architecture—a seamless fusion of modern design and natural elements. The main building, inspired by the Nordik Spa-Nature, is a grand structure of wood and glass, allowing the beauty of the outside world to flow into the interior spaces. The lobby welcomes guests with a warm, crackling fireplace, and the scent of eucalyptus wafts through the air, hinting at the sensory journey to come.

The grounds of Elysium are a testament to the serene beauty of the Canadian landscape. Modeled after the Spa Scandinave Blue Mountain, the outdoor thermal experience is a mosaic of hot baths set against the backdrop of towering pines and spruces. Steam rises in delicate swirls from the water, inviting guests to immerse themselves in the healing warmth. Cold plunges and waterfalls are strategically placed, offering a refreshing contrast that invigorates the body and sharpens the mind.

Winding paths lead to secluded treatment cabins, each one drawing inspiration from the Ofuro Spa. These intimate spaces are designed for privacy and comfort, with large windows that frame the natural surroundings. Here, guests can indulge in a variety of treatments, from hot stone massages that melt away tension to invigorating body scrubs that leave the skin glowing.

At the heart of Elysium lies the Post Hotel & Spa influence, evident in the luxurious accommodations that offer rest and respite. Rooms are appointed with plush bedding, soft lighting, and panoramic views of the majestic mountains. It's a place where guests can retreat after a day of pampering, enveloped in the quietude of nature.

The culinary experience at Elysium is a journey in itself. Fresh, locally sourced ingredients are transformed into exquisite dishes that nourish the body and delight the palate. Dining areas overlook serene water features, and the gentle sound of flowing water complements the gastronomic delights.

Elysium Spa Retreat is not just a place; it's a journey through the senses. It's where the harmony of nature meets the art of wellness, creating a story of relaxation and renewal that unfolds with each breath, each step, and each moment spent within its embrace. Here, in this sanctuary, the world outside fades away, leaving only the purest essence of peace and well-being.

As the sun sets, casting a golden glow over the retreat, guests gather around fire pits, their faces illuminated by the flickering flames. The night sky reveals a tapestry of stars, a reminder of the vastness and beauty of the universe. And in this moment, at the Elysium Spa Retreat, one finds a profound connection to the earth, to oneself, and to the timeless ritual of healing that has been passed down through generations.

This is the beginning of a story that each visitor will continue in their own way, a narrative of discovery and tranquility that is as unique as the individual. Elysium Spa Retreat is more than a destination; it's a chapter in the Book of Life that invites you to be written with care, intention, and joy.

And over the said paradise in Canada, there was a group of women enjoying the said place, a group of mothers who decided to have one of the craziest and most impulsive ideas they ever had in their lives. Reuniting themselves around a Spa and having a complete service made by the place. Massage, skin treatment, mud bath, every single thing for their own way to enjoy their lives.

Until the whole group of mothers was inside a mud bath, every single member of the Killer Bass mothers was having such a relaxing day, especially some in particular.

"Thanks again for bringing us." DJ's momma said as stretched herself with the benefits of having a great mud bath, and she wasn't the only one. Eva's mother was cracking her neck as a way to alleviate the tension in the neck and having a spa helped her with all the workouts she had done.

"I have to admit I was envious about the boys enjoying their time on the Spa cruise, I wonder what they have gotten as Spa treatment while the girls had to deal with the disastrous Brunch of Disgustness." Katie's mother commented as Bridgette's mother felt a shrive on her spine.

"Please can we not talk about that challenge? I supported my daughter's desire to be vegetarian, but Chris had been a completely cold-hearted bastard for making that challenge too disgusting for my girl." Bridgette's mother commented as DJ Momma snapped her finger.

"Oh, don't you think I know that? Did you see that jerk Chef did with DJ? he used killed bunnies to make disgusting food for him to eat," DJ's momma commented as the other mothers from the Killer Bass felt sick on their stomachs, especially some who were on the verge to vomit.

"I'm surprised to see how some of our children had iron stomachs in some of those dishes, did you see them eating every single one of those dishes? It was sickening." Geoff's mother commented as she gulped hardly thinking about all the vomit happening over that episode. "And also on the point which Bridgett's breaking on that episode made me feel way too sad for her."

The silence coming from the other mothers really described on how terrible it has been to watch that challenge, thinking about the harsh treatment over the challenge.

"Well at least Bridgette's did something that most of us wanted for a long time, she finally took down Trent, and I'm sure Lindsay is happy." Tyler's mother commented as the other mothers nodded their heads at her.

"Indeed, I felt so sorry for her when I watched that episode, while she is a bit of an airhead she has a good heart, and was being guidable by Trent without Heather's help. It was indeed heartbreaking to see how such a nice girl became twisted with vengeance on that boy Trent." DJ's momma commented that she felt a bit bad for how some of the campers had to deal with the suffering of not eating her good food. "I think I should make a compensation for her, I mean, Chef's and Chris's idea of pancake really made me want to vomit."

"You spoke facts." The bodybuilder's mother snorted as she frowned from remembering that episode. "I usually love to have lemon pancakes with a good salad for the mornings before my working out regime, and that bastard made me stop looking at my ideal breakfast in such a way. I hope someday Eva will punch him in the gut with all her strength."

"Well, I think everyone from the show wants to beat Chris for something he did." Gwen's mother commented as she even had her times around how the host of the show managed to anger the public but especially their children into sometimes wanting to beat the crap out of Chris. "But also I have to say that I'm impressed with how Eva dealt with the comeback, it's astonishing the way she dominated the challenge. Anastasia your daughter surprises me every time I see her on television,"

The other mothers nodded their heads, and even Bridgette's mother nodded a bit fearfully.

"I'm still a bit unsure if what I see was true, but did she really go to the cave t..."

"Yes, she made jerky of that bear's penis, it was obvious, and she took all the fur from the bear and made a coat with it...I'm so proud of her." The bodybuilder mother said in a proud tone which made the other woman pass a good time in silence, but then shrugs, they aren't men, so it's not their problem.

"She also got a trailer, do you know what she could do with it?" Geoff's mother asked as the others seemed interested in what Eva could do with the new prize she had in her hands.

"Mostly would take me and my husband around to train around the mountains, exercises around the country, but I think she could try to her training to learn more about martial arts," Anastasia commented which made everyone on there in shock.

"Martial Arts? But she beat the crap of both the sasquatch and the bear on the island, why would she needs to learn more martial arts?" Bridgette's mom commented as Eva's mom shrugged.

"Probably she may want to enter the MMA world and would take a few championships, I don't know what passes in the mind of my girl, but if that's what makes her happy, I think she is going to be either an MMA and also a gym owner to make the skinny and chubby girls to become strong and powerful like her, she told me I would be surprised to see who was the one she trained after the show." Eva's mom commented as the group had their eyes wide open in surprise, at the idea of who could potentially follow her example and become a fit girl for the future.

"Err... if while I find this idea interesting, and learn about everything, maybe we shouldn't be talking about Chris or the show respectively, we would be stressing ourselves into wasting a good time like this, and I have to say this has been my first time coming to a Spa." Harold's mother commented as the other moms gave a glance, but couldn't help but nod their heads to the request of the ginger boy.

"I remember the time I had to bring both Sadie and Katie around a Spa with me. It has been chaotic, both girls thought pineapple soap was ice cream, and they passed the whole afternoon washing their mouths from biting it." Sadie's mom commented as the mothers chuckled from having to deal with the age of their children making crazy mistakes.

"Oh don't remind me about it." Gwen's mother said as she waved her hand and giggled at the good memories. "I remember the time when my little Gwen and her cousin Ella had a good time together causing a lot of confusion together, once I had no idea about how they managed to get lost in the mall, but the last thing I remember was them eating ice cream nearby 3 destroyed stores, I got so worried that I had to ground them for 2 weeks."

"Did they destroy the store?" Eva's mother asked as some stared at the story in disbelief.

"Them? Oh no, it's just a bunch of kids, although Gwen said Ella is a monster and she is proud of her, I think they were just playing with their imagination." Gwen's mom commented as the mothers thought about it and decided to nod their heads.

"Yeah, I can see that happening." Tyler's mom commented as the other mothers nodded their heads.

"Kids were very imaginative when they were so young." Sadie and Katie's mothers commented in unison as they agreed that the idea of 2 children destroying mall stores would be impossible to happen.

"Well, if you want to know something crazy, I have a niece who got so angry with her brother for pulling her hair that she managed to make his RC toys come to life and scare him every night." Harold's mom gave a slight comment about how the age of mistakes and craziness happened towards the family, which then paused as she stared at the woman looking at her... "Scarlett is an angel, never made problems at my home, and every time she appears Harold gets a bit of rivalry with her, it was so fun to see them banter around trying to surpass each other, she challenged him into going to a magic camp, and he passed with flying colors, he challenges her to win a science fair and she wins the prize of the best science project of the whole school, then she challenged him to go at a kung fu summer camp, and he came with a black belt..."

"Well only thing he is missing is self-awareness summer camp or etiquette because I have to admit it was horrible to watch him on television, no offense." Bridgette's mother commented as she looked at the ginger woman scoffing and rolling her eyes.

"None taken, Harold is my lovely child and I'm proud of him for everything he did, I even get worried about his situation with Leshawna and Heather from the forum I'm asking my children to keep track, but he sometimes is a bit overdramatic and a slacker, I swear that someday I would need to donate for charity just to make sure Harold would do his chores and clean the garage someday." The nerd's mother commented which made the group stare at her in surprise. "But I think after my baby meeting the boys was indeed a good way to make him grow up like a man, I'm just glad that he dropped the bad habit of letting his underwear on the floor."

"Oh yeah, that was a bit disgusting, but the boys set him straight." Geoff's mom commented as the ginger mother nodded her head proudly.

"And now, I can relax into thinking about how each of my children is making me proud, it's difficult to see my sisters always bragging about how their children were better than mine." The woman commented that felt relieved and ready to relax more at the spa. "But I'm glad that Harold when he returns home will become more mature and proud of how many good friends he did on the show."

"Well, preach away sister." DJ's momma commented as she felt happy with how DJ had been in a great team, differently from the Screaming Gophers, the Killer Bass indeed felt in harmony. "I'm just glad the show is getting over. But hey Martha, what's is your first impression of getting a spa?"

"I have to confess, I just watched such a luxurious mud bath on the television, since at the time I had to work around the mud with Curtis and Ezekiel, if you had told me about how to use mud to make myself beautiful I would have laughed in your face." The brown-haired woman as the group knew it was nobody else than Ezekiel's mother, telling about her experiences of mud since she is a farmer was indeed something that would make them raise their eyebrows.

"I have to admit, it's been years since I had the opportunity to go to a Spa treatment, how did you manage to pull off a gift coupon for each of us?" The lawyer known as Courtney's mom took out one of the cucumber slices from her eye and stared at the blonde woman who was enjoying a good time with the mud, the blond woman was nobody else than Duncan's mother.

"Oh, that's a long story, but in resume. I and My husband did a lot of shows years ago and the owner of this spa hired us to sing songs for the children of the parents who would use the Spa, so in exchange for giving me access to the Spa with my friends, Banana and Cheese had to do a lot of shows on the times they were full of children around this establishment." Duncan's mother commented that such revelation had all the mothers over the room had their eyes wide open.

"YOU WERE BANANA AND CHEESE?" Most of the mothers said as they were caught by surprise by such a revelation. "OH MY GOD, MY SON/DAUGHTER LOVED YOUR SONGS."

Who were Banana and Cheese? One of the celebrities of making a lot of children's songs which have been popular across the whole of Canada. The ones who weren't surprised by that fact were Courtney's and Ezekiel's mothers since they had that conversation before at the meeting party for the first time.

"Wow, now that I think about it you really looked familiar." Bridgette's mom had her eyebrows raised by surprise as she had to comment to the former artist. "When I had to do a very important shift when I worked at the beach restaurant, and I had to make sure Bridgette stayed nearby me all the time, your songs made her distracted and made her excited to be on my working shift all the time."

"Harold always loved to hear them before sleep." Harold's mom commented as DJ's Momma nodded her head in agreement.

"One of your songs related to loss really helped my DJ to copper with the decease of my husband. And I will always be grateful for that." DJ's momma commented as the other mothers had some stories to share related to the duo, some were good jokes about how their children were annoyed by it, or somewhere even helpful to educating their children into making them as wonderful kids as they are in the show.

"Oh, that's nothing." Duncan's mother commented as she forgot how it was to be recognized as a celebrity for kids, "I'm not a popstar, usually it was just me and my husband using our van to go across Canada and have so many helpful good songs that we usually created for our children. "I think there was a point when my children missed me and my husband so much that we had to take care of them, and even if they are rebels and some even caused a lot of problems, I know that they have a good heart inside of them..."

The time the Killer Bass mothers had together, was indeed something they never thought they would create great new experiences on their lives, as it seems that day at Spa is going to be memorable for everyone as they learn even more and enjoy the episode happening across the television. Since the place had a pay-per-view and it was the day of the challenge, they will soon be surprised by the events of the Search and Do Not Destroy episode.

The afternoon having the house only for himself, a brown-haired boy wearing a cyan cap on his head, as his style of clothing would be a combination of a geek and a boy who loves rock'n roll, was enjoying a great time on the internet, making some trolling comments towards a girl who stupidly nicknamed herself as a CodyLover, it was hilarious to see the fight she was having around making war against the people who support the relationship of Cody and Katie, and even getting a strong backlash of people who supported Harold and Leshawna, but truthfully the possibility of Heather and Harold becomes a thing in the future was tempting, especially with the new challenge happening.

He was with his computer and television on, as he could enjoy watching a bit the other channels, but he often his sister struggled to take a key between two alligators.

Sometimes he finds it hilarious to see her sister groaning at the unfairness and craziness happening on the show, but sometimes he can't help but feel bad for his sister, from being in a terrible team first to then getting betrayed by a stupid oblivious boy. He would have made sure to be watching Trent like a hawk, but it seems that it wouldn't be necessary. But now he was hoping for his sister to finish the challenge quickly and without hurting herself much.

*knock knock*

And then a sound of knocking on his door made the boy curious about who would be at that hour of the afternoon, so at the time he came to open the door, he saw a few birds flying inside the main room as a girl well dressed in pink and white blouse and skirt, but still looking almost like a princess, as her black hair was with a pink bow over her head, walked by him as she gave a very warm hug on the boy.

"Cody, how is my lovely cousin today?" The girl said as the boy rolled his eyes and gave a quick hug to her.

"I'm doing fine Ella, but seriously, birds at the time I opened the door?" Cody snarked as he used his thumbs to point out the birds which made the princess wannabe gasped in surprise.

"Archimedes, no, shoo, shoo." Ella said as she waved her hands as the little birds flew away sadly out of the open door. "Sorry guys, but Aunty Alisson says no animals inside the house."

Cody watched in amusement into seeing dejected birds passing by the door, as he slowly closed it to make sure there weren't intruders anymore.

"Sorry about them, I hope Aunty Alisson wouldn't get mad if I came to this unexpected visit to say for her to have happy and a good weekend." Ella gave a slight bow as good etiquette to show her politeness at her cousin who went on the coach.

"Sadly to inform you but mom went to a spa with her friends, she said she doesn't know when she is going to return today," Cody commented as the princess wannabe girl had her mouth opened in surprise and delight.

"Ohh, that sounds wonderful, but that's a pity that she isn't here to hug her," Ella said as she went nearby to her cousin who just shrugged at her.

"Well, I think it was good, she needed to pass more time out of home, and since Gwen was on the show, I think she needed to relax a bit, I don't know who is paying for the spa, but it is good for her. Anyway, want to watch TV? Gwen is doing her challenge." Cody pointed as the goth seemed to be jumping carefully at the grail and then fighting for her life to take the key. "OH SHIT, GWEN BE CAREFUL."

"Oh no," Ella commented as she sat on the couch, as they both saw their relative into one of the challenges of the show. To their relief, Gwen managed to get out of the alligator pit, which made them both sigh in relief.

"Wow, this was intense, I think Gwen's got the worst challenge for the key so far," Cody said as he couldn't believe how ruthless the episodes had been around the show, but knowing how the last episode of say Uncle really messed up with his thoughts about how Chris may be the most sadistic person on earth.

"Well, at least she is fine. She is a strong girl, she survived many things." Ella said as she assured her cousin to see how Gwen has been great around the show, while she saw the ruthlessness and craziness over the episodes, she always watched because she wanted to see her cousin doing well...

"Yeah, I think I'm in the mood for popcorn, you want some? I think after watching the episode, Mom is going to be here." Cody went to the kitchen the sweet girl smiled as she looked at the poor birds staring at her with a sad face, she looked sad but she waved sadly at her little animal friends, rules are rules, and she cannot let them inside of her aunt's house.

"Sure Cody, do you want some help?" Ella said as she got up and went directly out to the kitchen, as the birds looked sad, and flew away.

"MAX, HOW GREAT TO SEE YOU BOY. COME ON AND GIVE YOUR UNCLE A HUG." A little deep and happy voice came as a person who is extremely obese, sweaty, balding, and wears glasses came and gave a hug to a little chubby boy who had a purple haircut and was dressed in a grey doctor coat. "How is my little Pharmacist?"

"Uncle David for the last time, I'M AN EVIL SCIENTIST, I'M NOT A PHARMACIST." Max groaned as the big man ignored his rantings which the evil genius and future conqueror of the world rolled his eyes. "But answering your question, I'm doing fine, I came here to visit you and talk to Aunt Amanda."

"Ha Ha Ha, oh look at that, HEY HONEY, LITTLE MAX CAME HERE TO TALK TO YOU," David said as he tapped the back of his nephew who groaned in annoy.

"I hate that nickname, but also Uncle David, I have a request to make, since is for a future project of world domination," Max said as he could hear his aunt walking in their direction, and seeing his uncle glancing at him, he coughs on his fist and decided to go straightly to the point. "I require staying in your house for a few days because one of my projects of world domination managed to have a little miscalculation and I accidentally made my house stink with a stink bomb project."

"What's going on here?" A chub woman who seemed to be wearing a casual pink shirt with brown pants walked, as her blonde hair was messed with water and she probably was dealing with some chores around the house. "OH MAX, IT'S SO GOOD TO SEE YOU,"

Before Max could even reply, he was hugged with a bear-crushing hug made by the matriarch of the family, and the chuckling from his uncle who isn't helping his case.

"Oh look at that Amanda, it seems Max finally gave his supreme fart, and his parents wanted him to pass a few days with us." David chuckled as he didn't see the anger from his nephew at him, but still tapping his head the uncle chuckled from his phase of super-villain. His son and nephew always had a great time together playing. "Sure you can pass a few days here Max, you can use the bedroom of your cousin Owen while you are here."


"Oh sweetheart, you should see your uncle eating burritos, that was the true el mongo and la muerte," Amanda commented as both couples laughed at their joke Max sighed in exasperation at their stupidity and naivety, he swore that he would show them all, but since they are family, he promised to his mom that he would destroy them for last.

"But Johnny and Gavin are still buying pizza and they will be here in a few moments, but how about I make you a cake while we wait?"

"Ohhh, that sounds a lovely idea, I vote yes for the cake," David commented as he sat on the couch and enjoyed good food, as the boy rolled his eyes and finally was released to have a good grasp of air, to finally reach the relief of being on that enormous bear crushing hug.

Max rolled his eyes, as he felt twitching for a moment, but knowing that the annoying man was always so cheerful that it bugged him, he couldn't deny the hospitability of his aunt.

"I would love a cake, Aunt Amanda, it would be ideal for my future meal," Max commented as he saw the happy and cheerful woman go to hug him once again.

He wished to make world domination sooner, but sadly it was never going to happen.

"Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday Leshawna, happy birthday to you," The campers were reunited in the main festive room, to celebrate Leshawna's birthday while they were clapping and singing happily to Leshawna who was feeling happy. The ghetto girl smiled at the cake made by everyone's effort, while none of them were experts in cooking, still whatever they cooked together was better than the blob of food the Chef made for them.

"Thank you, everyone, this has been a birthday that I wouldn't trade it for anything." Leshawna smiled as she blew the candle which was applauded as in the background Geoff was climbing a tree, which everyone ignored as they were celebrating the good time they had with Leshawna.

Ezekiel sat with a birthday cake slice on his plate, as he watched the episode from the beginning, and was enjoying to see the pay-per-view version since it showed the challenge every one of the campers having their challenges. Ezekiel then noticed someone sitting nearby him, in total silence, which the boy turned his head and was surprised to see Trent, but differently from before, his face was bruised, he had a black eye and 2 slap marks on his face, in each side of his face.

"Hey," That was the only thing Trent had said as Ezekiel's eyebrows rose in surprise and curiosity.

"Hello, what happened to you?" Ezekiel asked as he could see the guitarist having with him a bag of ice to place on the injuries of his face.

"Oh, that's nothing, I just went to apologize to everyone about my behavior around the show, and I think it was the right way to ask for forgiveness even if I deserved to be beaten down for it... In some cases, they took that for granted and I have taken the forgiveness of the others." Trent said as he was still feeling his face swollen from the Killer Bass's anger. "Harold has a strong punch. Did you know that?"

"Yep, and when I apologized to him I felt that too. He still a good friend though." Ezekiel commented as both nodded their heads and then glanced at the birthday cake... Ezekiel gave a glance at Trent who was still hesitating to say something, and Ezekiel still remembered the words of his mother, and while in season 2 he had become crazy because of his defense mechanism, he couldn't be angry with him. He messed up badly but looking at him now, he indeed felt sorry for everything. "It's forgiven."

"What?" Trent looked shocked at the sudden words of Ezekiel, as the boy took off his winter hat and smiled at him.

"You are trying to find the right words to ask me to forgive you aren't you?" Ezekiel commented as he could see from the swollen face, the sheepish look from Trent who was trying to hide behind his bruises. "I forgive you now because it seems that you are being honest with what you are saying to me, you are a good guy, Trent, however, you need to be more careful with your actions, even as it looks nice and simple to you, you wouldn't understand the consequences until it was too late. I hope you learned this."

Trent remained in silence but after sniffing and being emotional, Trent felt happy that at least one was a good man and had been on the moral compass to showing him the right way.

"Thanks, Ezekiel, you are indeed awesome, I wish... Wait, WHY ARE YOU AIMING YOUR BOW AND ARROW AT ME?" Trent said in an alarming tone which made everyone from Leshawna's party stare at the duo in surprise.

"You have a number between 1 and 100, choose carefully which number is, and I won't use this blunt arrow on you. You have 3 seconds." Ezekiel commented as he saw Trent sweating a lot and the first thing Trent said was one number which made Ezekiel smirk.

"9!" Trent said as he was ready to jump, however on the next second, Ezekiel dropped his own bow and arrow on the table and then returned to eat... "Huh?"

"9 is it? Why that number?" Ezekiel commented as he ignored the group staring at the duo in surprise, since that was what Ezekiel wanted so much for them to hear. Trent was feeling nervous but sighed in relief for not being the target of one of the arrows.

"Well, it's a bit of a personal story, I had this toy train my granddad gave me as a kid... Right before he died. One of the wheels fell off, so there were only nine. I was devastated. So my mom told me nine was now my lucky number." Trent commented as the group around the room felt sorry for Trent, as it was a good personal history for him to share.

Ezekiel trembled with the word train being heard for a moment, but for himself, he had to hold his nerves and thankfully nobody noticed his shift around the said word. But the first thing Ezekiel said after a few seconds in silence, and the group sniffing from that story. Ezekiel went back to his usual self.

"You have my condolences on your granddad. He must have been an awesome guy." Ezekiel commented as Trent gave a slight smile as he felt happy to talk about someone he knew.

"He was the best, he was a toy maker, once I saw him making a toy by himself, and I even saw him making a wood horse by using only a wood chisel." Trent gave a nostalgic smile which as that way the group couldn't help but felt heart-warmed on how Trent told a good story about his time with his grandpa, and Ezekiel once again using one thing that Harold, Katie, Sadie, Tyler knew very well. Ezekiel always was a person who would find a reason for everything, a good reason to not judge the others, a reason for why the others act the way they act, a reason of why everyone has a story, and each story should never be dismissed. And once again Ezekiel showed why he was the heart of the Killer Bass, sometimes a heart can hold a grudge, but other times it can show forgiveness and kindness. "And that's how he even made a doll house."

"Wow, I can imagine that you still have that train to this day." Ezekiel smiled, as he listened to the guitarist's story, he knew that number 9 meant something very important to him, and what he needed most since on Total Drama Action, was true friends... Justin, Noah, Owen, and even Cody from the cannon, never realized the cry for help that Trent had since the beginning, since jealousy and fear always were in the heart of a person who before was an awesome and kind man. Total Drama Action was the first stage of cataclysm which usually messed up with everyone, from Courtney to even Trent, that season was brutal, but not comparing which was way ahead.

And Ezekiel knew that something most of them didn't understand. Total Drama is and will always be chaos happening on earth, and the competition will always take the best of them, however, it doesn't mean that great moments won't happen, and while everyone loves and wants drama, there was some drama that people get tired of it. Ezekiel knew that once 2 teams were only to start a wonderful show... it would become so broken because they couldn't understand and adapt to the consequences of their past actions.

Ezekiel looked around, seeing Katie and Sadie sniffing, crying over Cody who was feeling happy to see his friend talking about it, Tyler and Harold had a look of understanding, as Justin was only there to look on his own reflex, Beth was crying, Noah was avoiding the girl while rolling his eyes, however, was listening with a serious face on the story behind Trent, Leshawna was having that warm smile as she could see the intentions of Ezekiel wanting to help Trent, Owen was crying while he was feeding his mouth with cake, and the cake little by little was missing its pieces.

"You have no idea, that toy train is my treasure in the same way number nine is my lucky number," Trent said proudly, even as the swollen face made him funny, it was still a good thing that Trent was still the same good guy from the season 1 that most of the fans loves and respect.

"Well it's indeed your lucky number, if you had guessed wrong, I would have shot you in the face," Ezekiel commented in a tone that Trent seemed to know he was telling the truth, and while he was relieved Ezekiel decided to also give one advice. "Try to not be too obsessive about the number nine in front of the cameras, you already have too much hate around the public and then in the future, if they see you getting crazy over the number nine, they will tell that you have lost your mind,"

And just like that everyone froze from that comment, and looked at Trent who seemed to be a little uncomfortable with the idea of how possibly the fans were with their fork and torches, would make anyone pity a man who just screwed up for not understanding what happened around the game.

"Err... I will have this in mind." Trent said as he could feel the stares of everyone over him, and Ezekiel rolled his eyes.

"Also, you may want to pass the whole process of getting beaten as apologize all over again," Ezekiel commented as everyone stared at the boy who just finished eating his slice of cake.

"What, why?" Not just him, but Katie and Sadie asked at the same time, which made Ezekiel look at his friends with contempt on his face.

"Because while I understand everyone forgave him, you should understand that the public who watched everything on the television wanted to see this happening, and if they don't see the apology by themselves on the television they are still going to be mad on Trent, so for the sake of him cleaning up his image. We need to do the process all over again." Ezekiel commented as he could see the eyes of Trent shrinking in fear, and internally Ezekiel chuckled from that moment. He as a good fan from the other world, hated the idea of offscreen moments when it happened around and left him with questions without answer. And from the look on the faces of his friends, he knew that he just touched a subject that nobody understood. "Leshawna, would you have forgiven me if I didn't apologize to Harold and asked him to punch my face because I helped Heather to eliminate you?"

With that question, the birthday girl could understand the meaning behind Ezekiel's words, to show her that he meant it when he asked Harold to punch him, having not just her, but everyone as witnesses that he apologized and got the punishment as a way the way he wanted to show he values his friendship, specially to the ghetto girl who was fuming for being eliminated like that, and she got to respect the boy to ask him to be punched by the string bean...

And not just her, but the other former campers could understand the reality of the situation.

"If you want the public to forgive you, Trent, you cannot just ask us to forgive you off-screen, we may do it for you because you are sincere, but the public still will hate you because of what you did," Ezekiel said the harsh words and that made the swollen guitarist now look a bit sad that even with all that help it meant he would still be hated by many, and he wished he could do anything. And as Killer Bass members they rolled their eyes with their smiles on their faces, especially it was that moment when Ezekiel would say the good news. "So that's why at the next moment Chris calls us to appear on the show, it would be for the best Trent to apologize to every single one of us again, and we do the same thing as we did."

"What?" At that moment everyone looked at the homeschooled boy confused, that kind of answer not even the members of Killer Bass could have guessed.

Ezekiel blinked, as he then stared at his group of friends.

"Wait... oh come on guys, you saw that Chris asked us to be here, of course, it must have been for something he plans to do it in the future, probably he would ask us to go to the final episode and give our support on the finalists," Ezekiel commented, jumping the episode of Chris coming to Playa Del Losers since it would be too suspicious if it they knew that Chris would come to visit them. So having them with the idea of Chris calling for them at the final episode would make the group more prepared for the final challenge.

"Ahhhhhhhh," Everyone said in unison, and even Noah nodded his head in agreement.

"Makes sense, just Chris would come up with a sick twist like that," Noah commented as he approached Trent who was still with a bag of ice on his face. "Well guitar boy, it seems that your attempts of reconciliation worked, but you have to get your ass beaten again."

Trent sighed as he knew there was nothing he could do. But nod his head.

"Alright, I would love to do that, I also would need to apologize to Geoff and Lindsay, so I think I could wait until the final episode to apologize to them both, and also I would get my face slapped and a few punches, but hey, that's life, I kinda deserved that," Trent commented as he showed once again hope, and that's what Ezekiel was waiting for.

"Well, to clean up everything Trent, you aren't a villain, but just a little distracted guy without thinking about the consequences, and who knows? Maybe you will find someone good in your life," Ezekiel commented as he could imagine it, while Trent has some flaws, nobody on Total Drama was perfect, clearly, everyone on Total Drama must have been with many flaws to participate in the show, but that's usually the people who had flaws and grew up with the public watching them from real life and this world. His former and his actual world.

"Alright, the emotional little chit-chat was good, but now IT's STILL MY PARTY. LET'S DANCE EVERYONE." Leshawna said as everyone was enjoying a good time and resuming for a few hours. Before the crew would return to watch the episode. They preferred to not watch the pay-per-view because they wanted to give a memorable day for Leshawna, so that's how it has been for the black girl who was dancing with the nerd who was both doing ballet and breakdance at the same time.

A good time for the party.




Ezekiel was happy, he had never gone to an actual birthday party, and experiencing it for the first time was awesome. He just wished to have the experience of going to a kids' birthday party since the little games he watched on the cartoons and movies but being part of Leshawna's birthday was also an amazing experience in his life. He enjoyed talking with everyone, reconciliation with Trent which was what his mom wanted, and knowing that his mom was right, again. It was a good moment for him to enjoy life, dancing, singing, and joking with friends, it was indeed a good moment he was going to treasure in his life.

A few moments before the group reunited to watch the official episode of Total Drama Island.

"Search and do not destroy," Ezekiel commented with himself, interested in knowing how the episode would be, and the group was reunited with him, everyone was going to watch the episode, however with Eva and the elimination of Trent, which possibilities would happen around the show?




That episode was nothing they could ever imagine, even Ezekiel was surprised by so many things happening around them. Tyler and the others were happy with the way Lindsay helped DJ and how DJ was willing to help Lindsay, however, Ezekiel had his eyes wide open to one single thing, Izzy...

The homeschooled boy could see Izzy maybe had something up around the way she was helping Heather and then by watching the scene of Lindsay, his eyes went wide open.

"WOHOOO, THANKS TO HELP MY GIRL, DJ," Tyler shouted as Ezekiel contemplated the difference over the episode and challenge by challenge, he was waiting for something... anything until he saw it. Lindsay talking to DJ, about his momma, and the food... those were dangerous words for someone who wanted to say Condor. The group looked at Trent who blushed in embarrassment, while Ezekiel could see it... It wasn't a manipulation, it was genuine, Lindsay was too kind and naive to be a mastermind, but a girl with a good heart to say the right keywords concerning what happened to her.

"Oh Izzy, you are having much fun with that now that you know who is going to win aren't you?" Ezekiel thought as he smiled at the imagination of Izzy giving support into helping both Heather and Lindsay, she was indeed like the character on the show. Always unpredictable you never know what would be her next step.

The group flinched at the difficulties Gwen and Courtney were having with two dangerous animals appearing before. Nobody thought there would be a dangerous bunny around, and even Katie who had her bunny being fed with carrots in her bedroom, had her eyes wide open in surprise at seeing such a beast fighting against Courtney.

And then almost everyone was surprised by the report Lindsay gave to Heather, to know that her position was secure and how Lindsay was able to gather information, that was something that surprised anyone and even some narrowed their eyes towards their attitude. Ezekiel could see had something up with that, so he kept to himself because it looked like a new episode, and he didn't want to miss a minute of it.

And then came the rewards... Ezekiel had his mouth dropped hard because he knew whose Chest was supposed to be on the cannon. Bridgette who ran away from the bunny and was stuck in the tree... So that key, specific key, was the key of auto-elimination, and that key was the reason almost everyone threw a fit towards the unfairness of Chris...


"I will give my immunity reward to her..." And at that moment everyone had their mouths dropped, even Ezekiel who looked surprised by the sudden move.

"Is she for real?" Leshawna said in surprise, to never think the queen bee would allow saving somebody on the show.

"I think she is," Trent commented as he also looked surprised at the actions of Heather.

Ezekiel blinked as he could see Chris' eyes twitching which now Ezekiel could understand one thing, that would be the only time that he would allow such thing to happen. So that wouldn't happen again in the future challenges.

"This is a favor I'm doing for you, and I'm going to take a favor from you in the future, it may not be today, nor tomorrow, but someday I'm going to get my favor from you," When Heather said those words, everyone who was at the Playa del losers looked at Ezekiel, who was not just surprised, he was impressed, he crossed his arms and placed his fingers on the chin.

"That's genius," Ezekiel commented as the group stared at him, as Ezekiel processed everything that happened, as everyone was staring at him and waiting for an explanation. Ezekiel smiled as he could see Izzy smirking at the camera her usual smirk, but then he saw a slight wink from her, as he could imagine that she was giving him a message, especially with the idea that now she had an alliance with Heather and Lindsay. "Heather now has Courtney and Duncan at her mercy..."

"Wait what? What do you mean Duncan as well?" Harold asked as he never thought the delinquent would follow orders until Ezekiel pointed it out.

"Heather just saved his girlfriend from elimination, if she has one favor in relation to either or both of them, she could use it once whenever she wants," Noah said as he could see the strategy of the queen bee. "That bitch must have been looking for a person to stack votes with and find a way to protect herself in the future, and if there was a crucial moment, she could use that favor to save herself on the show."

While the others looked horrified with the idea, Ezekiel internally shook his head.

"No... it's way more dangerous than that if Izzy was behind the scenes... she is going to convince Heather to use the favor... in Total Drama Action." Ezekiel talked with Izzy a lot, and even talked about some craziness around the seasons, and Izzy knowing that Total Drama would have a lot of seasons, wanted to give Heather a crazy wild card... And having Courtney and Duncan in her palm of hand with only one opportunity? Why waste it for a show which was 100 thousand prize money, if you could use everything you have for 1 million? "Izzy knows about who is going to win, and she is doing this to make the show even more chaotic and interesting... And now Heather and Lindsay have Izzy, a former military girl who knows how to play with loopholes, "Is it possible for Izzy to help both Lindsay and Heather to get the final 4 with Owen?"

A final 4 with Screaming Gophers, something that may not have happened before on the show since in the cannon it happened the final 3,

"I swear Izzy, if you manage to make Lindsay, Heather, and Owen the final Four with you, I will congratulate you and even applaud you. However, I'm going to make your lives like hell when it comes to the triple dog dare you challenge, because differently from the cannon, you better pray for a killer bass to remain on the final three. After all, if there were only Screaming Gophers on the finals, then... the Killer Bass will show no mercy when it comes to daring someone." Ezekiel thought as he smirked internally, it seemed that now she was playing a little game with him, and he liked the challenge, about who would win the total drama island... He was happy to see new episodes of one of his favorite shows, so he can't wait to see his friends passing the other challenges, and case if Izzy wins until the final 3, he would love to see who would have the courage to accept the triple dog dare you challenge.

To see Bridgette being eliminated, was a bit sad, but also a good way to greet their new friend who was going to appear soon.

At least she would receive the hug and happiness to be around her friends once again, and she would wait patiently at her boyfriend with the hope that he would win the show and gain the prize of 100,000 dollars.

Everyone was happy and amazed by the episode. As the chaos continues happening around the island, like always did.

Chapter 27: Hide & be sneaky

Chapter Text


As the train glides through the Canadian countryside, the view outside the window is nothing short of spectacular, a living postcard of the country's diverse and rugged beauty. The train moves with a steady rhythm, each turn revealing new facets of the winter landscape.

To the right, expansive fields stretch out, blanketed in a thick, unbroken layer of snow that glistens in the pale winter sunlight. The snow-covered ground is pristine, interrupted only by the occasional stand of trees or a meandering line of fence posts, their tops peeking out above the snow. The fields seem to go on forever, merging with the horizon where the sky meets the earth in a seamless blend of white and soft blue.

On the left side of the train, dense forests of pine and spruce trees line the tracks, their dark green needles dusted with a layer of white. The trees stand tall and proud, their branches heavy with snow, forming a natural, frosty canopy. As the train passes through these woodlands, shafts of sunlight filter through the branches, casting long, dappled shadows on the snow-covered forest floor.

Every so often, the train crosses a frozen river or stream, its icy surface shimmering in the light. The rivers are silent and still, their usual babble hushed under a thick layer of ice. Occasionally, patches of open water can be seen, dark and mysterious against the bright snow, hinting at the cold depths below.

In the distance, the majestic Rocky Mountains dominate the skyline. Their towering peaks, covered in snow and ice, rise sharply against the sky, creating a dramatic and awe-inspiring backdrop. The mountains are shrouded in a soft, ethereal mist that clings to the summits, adding to the sense of grandeur and timelessness.

As the train speeds through small towns, the scene changes to quaint, picturesque villages with houses that look like they belong in a storybook. The rooftops are heaped with snow, and smoke curls up from chimneys, suggesting warmth and coziness inside. Snowmen stand sentinel in front yards, and icicles hang like crystal daggers from the eaves.

Occasionally, wildlife makes an appearance. A group of deer might be seen foraging near the edge of the forest, their brown coats stark against the white background. Birds, too, add life to the scene, their bright feathers flashing in the sunlight as they flit from tree to tree.

The train crosses vast open plains, where the wind whips up flurries of snow, creating swirling patterns that dance across the fields. In these moments, the stark beauty of the Canadian winter is fully apparent – a landscape both harsh and incredibly beautiful, marked by the raw power of nature and the serene stillness of the season.

Throughout the journey, the endless variety of the Canadian winter landscape unfolds outside the window, a constantly changing panorama of snow, trees, mountains, and sky, all united under the blanket of winter.

Inside the train compartment, the atmosphere is cozy and serene. The rhythmic clattering of the wheels on the tracks provides a soothing backdrop, punctuated by the occasional whistle of the train cutting through the crisp air. The gentle sway of the carriage rocks slightly, adding to the feeling of tranquil motion. The seats, upholstered in a warm, deep blue fabric, exude a sense of comfort, inviting passengers to relax and enjoy the journey.

The windows are large, offering panoramic views of the stunning Canadian landscape. Outside, the winter scenery is a breathtaking spectacle. Snow blankets the ground in a thick, pristine layer, sparkling like a sea of diamonds under the pale winter sun. Tall pine trees, their branches heavy with snow, line the route, creating a natural, frosted tunnel. Occasionally, a red-roofed barn or a cluster of rustic wooden cabins comes into view, standing out vividly against the white expanse.

In the distance, the majestic Rockies rise, their peaks capped with snow and shrouded in a delicate mist, offering a dramatic and awe-inspiring sight. As the train moves through valleys and over frozen rivers, the view changes but remains consistently enchanting. The ice on the rivers glistens, occasionally showing glimpses of the flowing water beneath, hinting at the life teeming even in this frozen world.

Inside, the warmth of the compartment is a sharp but welcome contrast to the icy world outside. Frost patterns decorate the edges of the windows, intricate and delicate, resembling natural lace. The heating system hums quietly, maintaining a cozy environment and allowing passengers to fully appreciate the winter wonderland without the bite of the cold.

"Come on, COME ON. No, no no, NO, UGH DAMN YOU." Ezekiel commented as he saw a little blue astronaut on the screen being pushed onto the floor and being shot down by a red astronaut. "I told everyone he was SUS, but somebody listens to me? Nooo, they decided to trust him. Ugh, I hope they all die next."

Ezekiel gave a glance around the train, and a good part of himself trembled as he tried to distract his mind from feeling uncomfortable again, but then he glanced at the people who were accompanying him on the train. The growling around his side, made Ezekiel roll his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, I know Molotov, I should have gone for the shields instead, but I had a task to do," Ezekiel said as tapped the back of the said bear who was enjoying eating fish and honey. In front of him, Ezekiel looked at a Coconut holding a headset. "Oh don't look at me like that, It's your fault for being too slow on the wires. Mr. Sus coccunut."


"Ah, so it was Alejandro all along?" Ezekiel turned his head and saw the robotic version that Alejandro had to use after the ending of World Tour, and from seeing the robot not moving an inch, the homeschooled boy rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, maybe I should have suspected him first, but he was already sent out after you died Mr. Cocconut, now stop complaining."


"Okay, sorry I'm in a bad mood... This place creeps me out." Ezekiel explained as the bear gave a low growl at him, and that made Ezekiel smile. "Thanks Molotov... I know it's hard, but I need to find a way to fight this little fear... I mean, I died inside of a train like this, the train derailed in the middle of the tunnel and to make it worse the movements made the train flip to the side where the mountain crushed us down... making that train a giant metal coffin for us..."



"Guys, guys. I'm fine." Ezekiel commented as decided to turn off the game and start watching some YouTube videos. "You have to check out this new video, it's hilarious... and no, I'm not going to look outside... I mean what could possibly hap..."

*metal brake sounds*

"AW SHIT, HERE WE GO AGAIN. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." The sound of the train getting inside the tunnel and the sounds of the train getting derailed again really made his heartbeats accelerate to the point that his vision turned blurry and he couldn't hear what was happening anymore... It was like reviving a terrible nightmare once again. But preparing himself for the impact, suddenly he felt something soft touching him, and instead of the train flip, it just remained on there...

"Hehehehe, hello passengers, I regret to inform you, that we suffered a small accident, we ended up hitting a cream pudding surface, and we will be waiting for rescue." The voice of the conductor called through the speakers, which made Ezekiel look around, and see that it was indeed a yellow soft liquid which fulfilled the train... "I recommend you wall to wait patiently around your seats until the next notification, have a nice day."

"Ugh, well. At least we still have internet." Ezekiel commented as he sat on his laptop, he glanced at Molotov pressing a few keys on his keyboard. "What? Do you want to see the finals of the WWE championship? Okay, sure, there is nothing we can do. I hope Logan Paul loses, now, press on."

Ezekiel suddenly got up from his bed, his eyes staring at the darkness over the bedroom, feeling a bit of cold sweat appearing across his face. Looking at the clock and seeing it has been 2 of the morning and the uncomfortable feeling on his stomach, Ezekiel gave a glance at the corner of the headboard...

"Eating too much birthday cake before sleep isn't the best idea I had," Ezekiel commented as he knew that he wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. "But hey, it was the first birthday party I ever went to in my life. I'm surprised Chris didn't use Leshawna's birthday as an excuse to make her time on the Search and not destroy more unbearable in Cannon. If the challenge of Aligator pit Chris had said it was her birthday gift, Leshawna would have thrown a fit, and everyone would have laughed a lot."

Ezekiel commented as he remembered reading and sighing the contract which they have to say their birthday... Like when he is on 4th of March.

"Oh yeah, maybe Chris didn't care, since Sierra was the only one to remember Cody's birthday before blowing the whole airplane up." Ezekiel mused as he looked from the window, at the darkness happening around the playa. Even as the night at it is, this place has been a paradise to everyone.

Ezekiel glanced at the papers around the desk, since the contract he had with the publisher and already with a date to release, Ezekiel felt happy they were in the printing process of his first book...

His first book, which everything started with a dream to revive his favorite cartoons, he just hoped the results be good for the hook for his other book... Adventure Time.

He made a few changes to some episodes the way he remembered, and some ideas he left out to make it as a filler for another book, he placed his favorite episode, Mystery Train, which is ironic... He loved the episode, but having to experience his own death in his past life, made him have mixed feelings about the episode...

"Well, better to take a stick and see what I can do for the chapter."Ezekiel walked towards the door. Knowing that since he wasn't in the mood to sleep, he needed just a few more chapters to be enough to publish the book.

A child who loves Adventure time, but never takes a stick or a fake sword and starts playing with it is a liar or doesn't have the opportunity to let the inner child experience freedom.

Even as his parents looked weirdly at him on the farm when he did that...

It's the only way he could use to be inspired on combats, sue him, but that's the funny way to get immersed into his stories.

Having Izzy as a friend, Ezekiel learned how to craft the scenes he always has been doing for his book. A fake sword made of a stick, and a fake shield made of a few metal plates.

If he want to train to become Finn the human or Steven Universe, his imagination would be the limit.

Bridgette didn't sleep that night, it has been surreal for the time she was brought by the boat. She thought she would be reunited with her parents, but at the time she got into the unknown place, she was greeted by all her friends, even though the challenge had been crazy for her. A good part of herself missed Geoff... She couldn't help but be happy to see everyone waiting for her, even Ezekiel who seemed to be almost completely recovered from pneumonia.

She had a good time enjoying Leshawna's birthday cake and even had a good talk with Tyler, Katie, and Holyshit, Sadie's had a special training with Eva and the chubby girl got some muscles to show. Since her hug cracked a bit of her bones, what Eva has feeding Sadie she had no idea.

But seeing Cody and Katie sharing some kisses, and even seeing Harold giving special attention to Leshawna has been a way which hurt the feelings of the recently eliminated camper... missing the party boy, the stetson hat from the carefree nature of the boy who she had a great time walking on the beach searching for seashells.

Tears fell from her eyes, as she tried to go to sleep, but nothing mattered to her, as she even couldn't properly sleep, she watched a few episodes to remind herself of the good times around her team. Until one interesting episode came to her mind and had her eyes wide open in surprise.

She watched that episode in amusement, and she was going to talk with Geoff about it when she found it... But still, she smiled warmly at seeing him again. But looking at the clock, it was 6 in the morning. Bridgette decided that maybe surfing would cheer up her spirit a bit. Seeing the sunrise slowly getting up on that paradise resort, may start her to have a new day of her life.

"AHHHHHHHHH HYAH." Then a shout made Bridgette who was bringing her surfer board directly at the water, turn her head away from the dock, she found a boy who was without his winter hat, and blouse, but surprisingly something was tightening on his wrists, and something black also on his legs. The boy was focusing so much on using what would be a fake wooden sword made by a broomstick cut in half.

Bridgette was quiet as she watched the boy using some weird movements with the sword, like a child playing with the imagination, and from her eyebrows raised, she could see who was doing that. Ezekiel seemed to be using the wooden stick to cut the air, and even rolling on the ground, like he was prepared to receive an attack.

Sometimes she couldn't understand what was passing on the mind of the homeschooled boy, as the boy seemed to be completely covered in sweat... But every time he could finish something, he went near the sand to see a notepad and a pen...

"Okay, use a roll on the right to proceed to use a slash in an up diagonal angle. And that way the demonic slime filled with acid would try to attack, but Finn would use the bonfire to heat his blade once more," Ezekiel commented as he huffed and tried to think a bit more about the world he was once again to plan. "I think I could make the slime monster do a surprise attack and extinguish the bonfire...

"Ezekiel," Bridgette shouted as it took Ezekiel by surprise. Ezekiel was so into the character of his favorite show, that he proceeded to do exactly what his character would have done at that moment.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." And Ezekiel gave a high pitch girlish scream which made Bridgette pause, and see the boy who turned his head and smiled at the girl. "Oh hey Bridgette how are you? Why are you up this early?"

"Well, I'm going to take a few waves when I see you there." Bridgette giggled as she saw Ezekiel wasn't even bothered by the scream he did, and she noticed what were the things tied to both his wrists and legs. "Are those weights?"

"Yep, Eva got so angry about my pneumonia getting the better of me, that she said that I need to strengthen my immunity system, and by doing a supreme working out regime... I will never have the courage to do it, because that's suicidal, and I'm not Sadie, I'm using the leg and the wrist weight to help me to be more in character of his writing and make some action scenes. 5 kilograms in each weight, nothing more and nothing less." Ezekiel explained as the girl seemed to chuckle at his antics which he usually has done since the days around the camp Wawanakwa.

"Only you for trying to do something like that Ezekiel," Bridgette smiled, as she remembered the first days of the show, and she and Gwen found themselves waiting for Ezekiel finish to writing the chapter of Steven Universe, as the duo seemed eager to know about what was a going to happen. It has been a random thing to do in the morning, but at least knowing Ezekiel always has been a morning person, made her cheerful into knowing that at least the morning wouldn't be boring.

"Anyway, I'm going to surf a bit, do you mind keeping me company?"

"Sure, I'm going to do a break right now," Ezekiel said as he placed the notepad and pen in his pocket, and followed Bridgette to the docks. "I'm going to sit right here,"

"Sure, I will be right back." Bridgette smiled, as knowing the friends she had on the island, even as the eccentric everyone would be, always showed they were good friends until the end.

And she couldn't wait to see the next episode with them. And see who was going to be voted next to appear on this beautiful resort.




Hours passed by fly, and the good waves indeed made the start of a good morning, not realizing they had been on the shores until 10 a.m., the surfer felt her stomach groaning, and with the smell of good food going to the beach... It was indeed paradise.

Bridgette decided to swim back to the beach and have breakfast before returning to the waves, and she watched Ezekiel still there on the dock, writing on his notepad.

Seeing her approaching, the homeschooled boy stretched his arms and yawned from having been so early into writing.

"Still writing scenes?" Bridgette asked as she carried her surfboard from the beach.

"More like writing dialogues," Ezekiel said as he looked at the good view of the waves. "So how were the waves?"

"They were wonderful, I can't believe it we have this all this time." Bridgette smiled peacefully, surviving on the camp while they had this resort for the losers, that felt a perfect contrast.

"Yep, the playa del losers, if the group knew what they were missing. Only Eva and Izzy knew." Ezekiel commented as Bridgette also raised her eyebrow at him. "Oh yeah, actually there is something I want to show."

"Really?" Bridgette commented...




"Ezekiel this is wonderful." Bridgette was awestruck, from seeing what would be one thing that she couldn't believe, a photo project of Courage the Cowardly book in the printing process. "You finally did it."

"Yep," Ezekiel smiled as their group of friends were happily eating their breakfast, Ezekiel had shown a letter containing a picture of the said book he received from the publisher. "After years of writing, Courage finally can be published in the libraries."

"When you are planning to do the release day?" Bridgette asked as Ezekiel had a good idea in mind.

"I got in contact with the publisher, and they said in 4 weeks. And the book is going to be a success. I know for sure." Ezekiel commented as Tyler nodded his head while Katie and Sadie palled and sweat a lot. "Especially with Freak Fred story which..."

"WHERE?" Both Katie and Sadia jumped from their seats and turned their backs in alarm and panic, which made Bridgette look at the duo weirdly.

Harold seeing that scene approached the surfer to whisper at her.

"Ezekiel once told a story about a freak barber, and Katie and Sadie who had fear of bad haircuts now changed their fears to Freak Fred. They always were jumpy, especially if someone starts rhyming like poetry to them." Harold explained the possible new phobia created by the winter hat boy himself.

Bridgette looked at Ezekiel who just shrugged.

"I wanted to ask Cody's help in developing a theme song for him, and since Katie and Sadie were there, they thought was a good idea," Ezekiel commented as he lamented from the look of the others. "Poor Katie and Sadie, beautiful pigtails, sadly they are slow like snails, and the word they thought they would prevail, sadly, those thoughts. Are Naughtyyyyyy."

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." Both besties shouted in unison as they ran away from the boy who just got himself into laughing at them.

"Ahahahahaha, now I understand why Duncan does that. It's hilarious." Ezekiel commented as Bridgette scowled at him.

"That wasn't nice Zeke." The surfer commented as even Tyler placed his arms covering his hair.

"Sorry, sorry, but I told them to not be there when I recorded the chapter." Ezekiel raised both his hands and explained as Harold and Tyler looked at the boy in surprise.

And Bridgette also had a question.

"Recorded?" The trio asked as Ezekiel gave a devil smile and decided to whisper something. And at the time the trio listened to what Ezekiel had planned. They couldn't help but laugh loudly.

"And if you guys are laughing. It means that you agreed with what I'm doing." Ezekiel said as the group smiled at him. "I just need the final touches, and I would like to everyone to do it with me...a good chorus to make everything even more terrifying."

"I don't know why, but I think I should blame Duncan for that," Tyler commented as Bridgette nodded her head in agreement.

Harold sniffed as he could see the potential chaos Ezekiel would unleash with that. But everyone who participated in the show would love to be part of this, there is one person who deserved to get pranked like that.

Passing the time watching the episodes of the show and learning about the pay-per-view feature, the group learned about the challenge of the day...

And knowing that the day would take hours, they decided to watch the resume of the episode at night.

"Alright," Tyler called the attention of everyone as the group was ready to sit together. Justin was on the corner cheeking his reflection in the mirror, Sadie and Katie sat together, Cody was enjoying a good drink with Trent and Noah, Ezekiel was eating a watermelon with Harold, and Leshawna was having a great time talking to Bridgette and Beth. "It seems the show is about to start."

"Who do you think is going to be voted out tonight?" Beth asked Leshawna and she shrugged her arms.

"In my opinion, I would love to see that white brat bitch being eliminated. But I have to confess that she is playing smart, and as furious as she can be, she is playing a solid strategy to survive around. But depending on the Challenge, it could be either Owen or DJ." Leshawna gave her opinion, and Beth flinched at the way Leshawna talked about her friend. And she kinda feels pity towards Owen, because while knowing he is a great guy, she wants Heather and Lindsay to win.

Bridgette was torn into thinking about who should be eliminated, but she kinda wished Geoff to be around and pass the time with her on this beautiful resort, and before she could even reply. Trent called the attention of everyone.

"Hey, the episode just started," Trent said as the group was eager to know what kind of episode would be, and how their friends would survive such a difficult show. And at the time they looked at the screen, Chris was there ready to give the summary of the last episode.

"Previously on Total Drama Island..." Chris began as he checked his phone. "The campers searched for treasure and yours truly put in an impressive performance as a pirate. But this was no ordinary treasure hunt. Some campers put their lives on the line to snag their booty. Others had to use their creativity to get their keys, from using a combination of mentos and cola to help a furless bear to have something comfortable to wear while the animal awaits its fur to grow back. But in the end, the campers who went the limit were rewarded with treasures that, in hindsight, probably weren't worth the effort. One is in the case of invincibility, and while other would be the instant elimination chest. And from an act of 'kindness' or opportunity, Heater decided to give up her invincibility to save Courtney from being eliminated from the show...Stupid loophole." Chris mumbled as he was annoyed because someone outsmarted his rules. "On the side of elimination, however, since Courtney is safe from instant elimination, the CIT now finds herself at the mercy of the queen bee since she owes a favor to Heather. And now without someone else to be eliminated, Bridgette has no excuse since she said the contingency word from Killer Bass, the surfer finally left the island on good terms. Now who will be the next camper to say Condor and walk The Dock of Shame? Who will lose their cool? Who will lose their lunch? Find out about the most shocking episode yet on Total. Drama. Island!"

Everything starts as Heather is eating her potato chips as she is enjoying her moments of peace and quiet with Lindsay who felt really happy with her grape soda which she was so eager to drink for so long.

"I'm so happy for them to have included the grape soda in the reward from the last challenge, Heather, it's my favorite soda," Lindsay commented she was so excited to have the grape flavor soda in her hands, as she then felt relaxed for having a little pleasure towards the chaotic reality show. "It's the only thing I was really missing on this island."

Heather gave a glance towards Lindsay who was so happy to have that kind of drink, while she always wasn't in the mood for drinking sugary flavor at the moment and seeing Lindsay, her only friend who had at least one thing to be optimistic around the show as the fights of constant control of their victories every single challenge, Heather knew that she shouldn't trust anyone, but at least the only person she could trust was Lindsay, that even as the naive she could be, or even as stupid and clueless as well. At least she knew that she could trust the blonde girl... Different from someone who seemed to be in way more control than her.

"You can have it, Lindsay, never liked those things, and I also doubt the crazy girl is going to mind the reward basket," Heather commented as Lindsay was drinking the soda with gusto, as it seemed the blond bombshell was indeed taking her time to drink and even politely burp discretely, the queen bee snorted as she rolled her eyes. "And now you must remember that there will be many eyes on us, so be careful in all your actions, we cannot trust around too much, especially the former Killer Bass."

"Well, DJ was a sweetheart in helping me to get my key, and I loved to play with the accordion," Lindsay commented as she finally finished her drink she was happy and ready for the day, while Heather raised her eyebrow as she remembered Lindsay to play half an hour at night, it was fun to see the other girls getting annoyed by that, but since it was the time to sleep, Lindsay decided to do it when nobody is around.

"Well, remember Lindsay, you should be ready, for whatever is going to happen," Heather commented as she knew that Izzy who has been unpredictable gave some interesting points into how they should act if they wanted to be around the group until the final 3, and having Courtney owing her a favor, Heather felt a good part of the safety she has, she exploited a loophole from one of the rules, and she now felt in control of her safety, but that doesn't mean that this would last long. So she needs to use more opportunities like that... So she needs to give her trust to someone that she doesn't know if she is going to betray her or kill her when she is asleep.

Lindsay nodded as she got an interesting instruction from the ginger girl who had been acting crazy around the show. And she would be willing to do that after the challenge, the only thing she needs is to survive the challenge of the day.


"I still can't believe Heather gave up the immunity for you," Duncan commented as he felt something fishy happening around the challenge, and for the first time isn't the farts of Owen.

Some members of the Killer Bass were reunited as Eva was using a punching bag that she brought with herself this time, as using a good time to add this new feature around the Killer Bass cave made something interesting, which the guys could have used a good way to see Eva punching something that isn't them, and they would love to see Harold doing some moves and getting hurt by the counter-attack of the punch bag, it would have been funny.

DJ looked at Eva enjoying herself using the punching bag, as Courtney was also in deep thought about what the queen bee would have ahead.

"Probably Heather wants to use my vote to guarantee her safety around the challenges. And sadly I'm with my hands tied, it was to accept her favor or go home." Courtney said as she lamented, she would have gotten furious into finding out that she went home because of that stupid elimination chest, since Bridgette was already pointed as she was going to leave the show, the C.I.T. hated the position she was in now, since she was trapped into doing a favor, whatever Heather would ask for her in the future.

"Well, don't worry, as long we think of a way to make you even we could find a way to take her out as well, but until then let's focus on someone else," Duncan commented as he looked around just to see DJ and Eva, and only one member was missing which made him raises his eyebrow. "Hey, does someone know where is Geoff?"

"He is outside," Eva replied as she continued punching her bag, and Duncan was about to comment something until the group flinched into hearing once again the shout coming from outside of the cave.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, BRIDGETTEEEEEEEEEEEEE, WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?" The sobbing sounds and shouts coming from outside of the cave made the group stop whatever they were doing and then stared at Eva who was rolling her eyes and continued punching the bag.

"I said to him if he starts sobbing and acting like a whinny *beep* I was going to give him a reason to cry, so I said for him to cry outside," Eva commented as DJ and Duncan stared at each other, but since they knew Eva for so long, and how Geoff reacted some times, they simply shrugged and accepted.

DJ was a bit more quiet than usual, as he remained watching Eva doing some punches, and Courtney talking with Duncan, he seemed to have not interested in talking, but that wasn't unnoticed, since Duncan and Courtney were already nearby DJ who seemed less enthusiastic around their hideout.

"Hey DJ, what got you, dude?" Duncan commented as he and Courtney gave a glance at the Jamaican giant who seemed to be a bit gloomy with the idea of something on his mind.

"Well, this morning I was kinda feeling homesick from my momma that I even started to dream with her, and from the way she talked, and even how she cooked... I was missing her food so much that I almost ate my pillow this morning." The giant Jamaican commented as Duncan chuckled until he felt an elbow on his ribs, making him flinch and compose himself. DJ stared at the duo and couldn't help but smile at something on his mind. "A few days ago Lindsay talked to me about how she wished to eat the prize food my mom did for the challenge, and I couldn't help but also miss the food from her."

Just mentioning the food made by his momma, Duncan and Courtney felt their stomachs groaning as a good memory passed on their minds, and even dropped a bit of drool on the corner of their mouths.

The Caribean Food from DJ's Momma was something that made both Courtney and Duncan have a good memory into thinking that sometimes being hungry and patient was worth it.

The Caribean Fusion Feast. It was indeed something only their stomaches could miss at that moment, and weeks of eating the terrible slob from Chef Hatchet made the pain even more unbearable, the Jerky Chicken Skewers, Coconut Rice and Peas, Ackee and Saltfish Empanadas, Platain Paradise Platter, Mango-Pinapple Salsa, and his mom's Rum's Cake.

"Guys?" DJ asked as both delinquent and C.I.T. were lost in their memories as part of their stomaches were trying to remember the flavors and how they felt rewarded from starving for so long.

"Was it that good?" Eva asked as she stopped punching her bag, and looked at both of the pillars who were in food comma without eating a single food. "What a strange couple. So, what are you going to do?"

DJ didn't answer the question, as suddenly there was a call coming from Chris… making the Killer Bass stop everything they were doing… Because it was now for the challenge of the day.

(Dock of Shame)

It didn't take long until the campers, Chris, and Chef were all gathered up at the Dock of Shame. Izzy who was nearby Owen, was also in front of Heather and Lindsay, as both girls were also staring at Chris waiting for him to explain the challenge, Geoff was still sobbing at the time as Duncan rolled his eyes, and DJ was tapping his back to make sure Geoff would regain his composure. Eva was in front of the Killer Bass as Courtney was by her side. Chris was happy to announce the new challenge.

"Today's challenge is a good old-fashioned game of hide-and-seek," Chris explained but then he was surprised by something unexpected…

"UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." Eva gave a painful and annoying groan which made most of the group look at her in surprise and fear, and Izzy was smiling however both her eyes were twitching at a quick speed that only the person who could notice was if was personally… And from the speed of twitches on her eyelids, it seems the bodybuilder wasn't the first one to give such a reaction.

(Confession – Eva.)

"5 words, I hate hide-and-seek, unless I'm the person hiding," Eva commented as she snarled at the camera. Her mood seemed to be still showing some of her anger problems, but it was because that game was printed inside her feelings. "The person who is watching me on the television knows what I'm talking about, know that I'm never going to play hide-and-seek with you ever again, you hear me?"

(Confession – Izzy.)

"I had a friend who knows everything about Hide-and-seek, he once managed to hide himself for 16 hours under my nose. It was so fun, I found him, I wanted to kill him, we had good laughs, then I threw him away on the water and passed a week without talking to him." Izzy retold her story as she laughed hard, and then had her smile cracked as she narrowed her eyes at the camera as she was still sore for that fact. "I swear that if I'm the seek, I'm going to go crazy and mess this whole island down. But if I'm the person to hide, then I will be very happy. DID YOU HEAR THAT CHRIS?"

(Confession – Chris.)

"Yes, I heard." Chris said as he didn't even finish the first sentence of the plans of the teams, but now he was forced to come to watch the confessions and answer them because both Eva and Izzy forced him to accept their 'suggestion'. "I had no idea on why those girls were so sore around Hide and Seek, it's just a simple game. And I DIDN'T EVEN TELL THEM THE WORST PART YET."

"Anyway, returning from the interruptions… You all get ten minutes to hide before Chef Hatchet comes looking for you. With his military background and an advanced degree in man-hunting, he's uniquely qualified to make this game excruciatingly hard." Chris explained that the television shows the pictures of Chef in his military uniform as also his graduation clothing as he standing there in front of everyone with a proud smile on his face. And behind his back, the buff cook proceeded to pull out a water gun of all things, and started pumping up the pressure on it.

"What's with the water gun?" Duncan asked as Chef aimed a laser pointer attached to the water gun at Duncan's forehead. This made the delinquent from a bored teenager to a person who just realized the danger in front of him.

"The lifeguard chair is home base," Chris explained as he gestured his hand to the lifeguard chair which everyone questioned if it was always there or not. "When he finds you, Chef will try to spray you. If you escape his blast, you can try to run to home base. But if he catches you on your way, he'll douse you."

"Ooh, so we're gonna get splashed by a bit of water!" Duncan sarcastically let out while dancing around mockingly, getting a few chuckles from everyone. "Now I'm terrified!"

Chris, however, gave a bit of an evil grin to Duncan before turning to Chef.

"Why don't you demonstrate, Chef?" Chef gave his own evil grin as he pumped the water gun a few more times…before aiming it at Chris. When Chef pressed the trigger, instead of just a small stream of water shooting out, the water gun shot out water at speeds and volumes comparable to a fire hose. Everyone flinched at the power of the water gun that had knocked Chris all the way back to the cabins. Which made Chris yell from far away after he had his entire body and hair completely soaked. "Not on me, dude!"

"So how do we win this game?" The queen bee asked as she knew that the more chances for her to have a victory the better, and now she is in an alliance with both Izzy and Lindsay, and the idea of Izzy controlling Owen, makes her still a bit aware of the other group of 6 who were still on the game, and with the less opportunity to get herself eliminated the better. Anything could mean victory, but also any mistake could make you leave the show.

"You've got three options," Chris explained as he tried to wring out his clothes and hair the best he could. "One, don't get discovered in your hiding place. Two, run to home base before Chef blasts you. Three, once you've been caught, help Chef find other campers. Do any of those, and you win invincibility. All clear?"

Chris explained as Chef gave a wide smile, inviting the campers to snitch each other and help him to find the people for him. And at the time Lindsay was about to say something she felt a pinch on her butt which made her yelp and turn her face to Heather, who lead her head to one side, and with that, Lindsay gave a sigh of relief.

"You get ten minutes to hide. GO!" With that, all the campers quickly ran off, Lindsay saw Heather going in a direction, and she immediately saw Chef pumping his water gun, she started to scream as she was following Heather in fear.

A few minutes passed as Lindsay continued to scream until Heather stopped at a location and turned her head angrily at the blond girl.

"WOULD YOU STOP SCREAMING?" Heather shouted as Lindsay immediately shut herself down, which made Heather take deep breaths until she looked around.

"Sorry, it's because I was in a panic. I'm so glad that you are helping me, Heather." Lindsay was scared of the opportunity to be left alone, but seeing Heather guiding her somewhere, they would have a chance to survive the challenge. And at the time Heather was about to say something, suddenly they heard some metal clank sounds which made the duo turn their heads in a direction to what was surprisingly a... bush?

Both girls walked slowly until suddenly there was a fake metal door opening which surprised both girls, and from the inside, there was the famous crazy girl, who just looked at both Izzy and Heather happy.

"Hey girls, nice to see you there, you have to check this place." Izzy smiled crazily as both Lindsay and Heather stared at each other, but having no place better to hide, they decided to follow the suggestion of the madwoman as each of them got inside, and the next moment, the metal door made a clanking sound as once more the bush was disguised in front of everything, and with that the hideout for the trio of girls was safe.

Heather looked around, and from the inside, it seemed to be a very improvised construction, which could see only metal plates surrounding them, from different colors, and to her surprise... There were foods and drinks like water bottles and juice boxes inside.

Lindsay's eyes sparkled as she was ready to squeal in delight, but Izzy immediately used her finger to shush the blonde girl.

"Shhhhh, Chef Hatchet can hear any moment, so the best thing we can do it's to be in silence, we cannot raise our voices, because if he finds out about this place, not just he will blast us with the water gun, but he will be way more furious because I robbed his fridge to fulfill this place," Izzy commented as she saw Lindsay nodding her head in acceptance. "Good, I made this place because I thought this would be my secret hideout in case I wanted to take Chef's food again, but since it's for hide-and-seek, I think this is the best place for us to hide."

Heather couldn't help but be impressed and flattered to now know the secret stash of food from Chef's fridge, that would be a good place for her and Lindsay to also take some beverage around since Izzy seemed to be so eager to share.

"Not going to lie, but I have to tell you this place is well done." Heather complimented as Izzy laughed quietly, Lindsay was having a great time as she was eating a few potato chips, since now she was safe and without worry.

"Oh that's nothing, I learned that from a friend who is an expert in hide-and-seek." Izzy waved her hand as she looked around and told the duo about the idea. "Also he advised me to never bring soda inside because it could potentially cause some problems, I don't know why, but he told me to never trust sodas inside hideouts."

Heather and Lindsay glanced at each other, and then just shrugged. It wasn't the craziest thing Izzy ever told to them, but at least they were already starting to get used to the times the crazy girl suddenly showed her true side, but sometimes when they kept talking with her, they didn't know if the true side or the crazy side are the same or not, it's difficult to distinguish which one is which.

"So what about Owen? Do you think he has a chance of not being spotted?" Heather commented as Izzy nodded her head at her.

"Yeah, that's a huge possibility, and since we need his vote for the future, we cannot let them vote him out. So I'm going to distract Chef whenever Owen is, and that way. I could guide him to go to the lifeguard chair. And in case I get captured, I'm going to use it to capture a Bass, especially the ones who need to be voted out." Izzy commented as both Lindsay knew which one was.

"You mean DJ?" Lindsay offered but Heather had a better idea.

"Go for Geoff." Both Lindsay and Izzy turned their heads for the queen bee, and the girl smirked as it seemed that even the military genius was surprised by her suggestion. "That boy is a mess, so eliminating him from this challenge and giving him the temptation to reunite with his girlfriend would make him willing to get out of the show. While DJ is still hesitating to leave, we need more time with him to make him willing to give up."

"That's a reasonable point. I was thinking of preventing Chef from finding anyone, and then using that to only let Chef find Duncan, and that way we can take out one of the pillars." Izzy commented as both girls had their eyes wide open, and Izzy giggled at their disbelief. "However, I wouldn't like to put too much effort into doing that, and possibly showing all my skills on television and the idea of our alliance to be exposed. So yeah, DJ or Geoff, the first one I find would go. That, if I was captured, so let's hope that doesn't happen."

And with that, Izzy opened the door, and left the duo speechless, once again surprised by the prowess and how strong the players were in front of them.

While all the campers were running to find a place to ride, Eva knew exactly what she was going to do. Something so simple, and yet so idiotically difficult to spot made not just her, but the group of losers trying to find that stupid and creative homeschooled boy who decided to do a simple idea into accepting the bet from Tyler. Tyler really deserved the beating for disturbing their whole day into trying to find Ezekiel from a game that he has total control over.

"A simple hide-and-seek they said, it's not difficult to find him, they said. It's just been one hour, he can't hide for that long, they said." Eva grunted as she launched all the boys' sheets to the roof but took two of the sheets for herself and had a hammer and a few nails. She quickly took a few pillows placed inside of one of the sheets and hammered in the corner above the door. She knew one spot that made the whole group of campers get crazy with Ezekiel disappearing for almost the whole day.

Eva quickly went into the girl's cabin, and one of the corners of the bedroom, she made sure to make the right angle, near the door, and using the hammer and nails, she made a simple yet very effective hideout for herself, a ranging net, in an angle which made the lump of her body being part of the girl's cabin, and comfortable enough for her to lay on there for hours. She did the same thing on the Boy's cabin to make sure it would be symmetrically done without creating a suspicion of having something different between 2 cabins.

For a homeschooled boy, that tactic was not just genius, but devilish, because the best way to hide it is under the nose most of the time.

"16 *beep* hours for this spot, I don't know how he managed to do that, but If I win the immunity with this, I know Chef is going to be *beep*" Eva smirked as everything she needed to do now, was to relax and uses her MP3 to pass the whole day enjoying the challenge.

While Eva and Izzy already had experience with great spots they should hide. Heather and Lindsay were having a great time eating and playing the waiting game.

The Killer Bass members were still struggling with the challenge. In particular, they made a single rule for themselves.

Do not hide in the Aquarium, because if the Chef uses that water gun aimed at the hot tub or Eva's trailer, it could potentially cause some damage, and they don't want to infuriate Evar for losing any of them.

Since the group came to an understanding, each of them separated to find their secret spot. Duncan found himself a different cave to hide, while Courtney went to the boat's house, a squirrel was walking around when suddenly a nut fell above its head, which made the creature glance at the tree, and Geoff was into one of the branches, didn't dare to be on the top. As he continued to be sobbing around for a single thing.

"This wood reminds me of her... WUAHHHHHHHHHHHHH, WHY BRIDGETTE, WHY?" Geoff cried which made many annoyed squirrels roll their eyes, and have their chestnuts in their hands to aim directly at the cowboy. But since every time the chestnut hit the party boy, nothing let it out from his trance of missing his girlfriend.

(Confession - Geoff.)

"Any kind of fool could see! S-Something… something, uh… about you! Hey, Bridge! Sendin' out mucho love to… wherever it is that the Boat of Losers takes you!" Geoff felt really affected by the departure of his girlfriend as he started to sing poorly in the confession room, and while he thought everything was right suddenly the door was slammed open. "AHHHHHHHHHHHH."

"You are a terrible singer," Chef said as shot the first victim of his skills. And making the cowboy hat boy look at him in disbelief. Chef chuckled. "The confession bots were never a safe ground, they always fall for that."

Geoff stared at the camera, and seeing Chef leaving, he couldn't help but facepalm himself.

Geoff got out from the confession boot completely soaked, as he didn't notice the emerald eyes staring at him like a Cheshire cat who had just eaten a canary.

"Welp, I didn't even lift a finger on that, poor Geoff, missing someone so much on the verge of making a mistake," Izzy commented as she then looked around, thinking about which place would probably be the best to find the chubby camper Owen, she was now into a mission. To make sure to clean all the tracks Lindsay and Heather left, from hair to even smells, she used her military training to make sure her bush would be invisible and mixed with nature. "Sometimes I wonder why I'm carrying this alliance so much... oh yeah because it's fun to mess with the others. Hahahaha."

To say whatever you want, she isn't the seeker, so that means she is having fun in the game. So while she was trying to find the cheerful Screaming Goopher, she had to keep her eyes all on Chef, so the best strategy was to follow him around until she found traces of him.

Gwen took a part of the grass and by laying on the ground, it made a good lump above the ground covered with grass, as her eyes looked side to side, and satisfied with her position, she finished the disguise by placing her head on the floor, but when she heard a squirrel approaching her, she took the moment to punch the poor animal away from her spot.




DJ looked gloomy since the homesickness was hitting him hard, he wasn't sure if he should continue in the game or not, but since he was still in the competition, he decided to still give his all, so in case he lost the challenge, and there isn't a better option, he could suggest himself to be voted out. He wouldn't need to use the word Condor since he still could keep up with the game, but for how long? He doesn't know.




Geoff was now in bad sheets since he was the first one captured, he needed to find someone before the Chef or he would be on the verge of elimination, however the more he looked, the more he found things that looked like the girl who just left from the last challenge. Getting at the Boat House, the party boy couldn't keep, and once again started to do what he could.

"WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, BRIDGEEEEEEEEE, COME BACK." Geoff shouted as he started crying in the middle of the scariest place on the island, this time the answer wasn't the silence he was expecting.

"GEOFF," A familiar shout as the party boy looked at would be at a shark suspended on the hook on the ceiling. But the shark who shouted his name had a female voice in it. "SHUT UP."

"Err..." Geoff usually would have cried, if wasn't for the fact he was more confused... to see a shark shouting at him was not on his list of craziness happening on the island. "Sorry to disturb you, Mrs Shark, but I'm kinda missing my girlfriend."

"Who are you calling Mrs Shark?" Then the familiar voice came once again as the head of Courtney got out from inside of the said animal.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH," Geoff screamed as he saw what would be the head of one of his friends coming from the mouth of a shark, and since the shock was too much for him, the party boy faint which led the C.I.T girl blinked at one of her friends being knocked out.

"Well, at least he stopped crying," Courtney commented as she got herself back to the stuffed shark, and with that secured her position of immunity until the time ran out.

Owen walked around the forest, trying to reach the best place to hide, however, he had one disadvantage which mostly everyone could understand, even his family. They were never good at hiding because of the proportion of their weight, and usually, games like hide and seek would take too much from him. But still, it was a very fun game to play and he enjoyed a very good game.

At the time he was ready to pass another tree, suddenly he felt a hand over his shoulder and pulled him directly to a tree.

"Ahhh, don't hurt me," Owen said as he tried to cover his face, but then he heard a giggle which made him slowly look at the person who was. "Oh, hey Izzy."

"Hey Owen, I was thinking of already going to the safe point to save myself, but then I realized that you may want some help, I can distract Chef while you run at the safe house." Izzy smiled in excitement, and Owen who usually would never thought about the possibility of winning immunity like that was surprised.

"Really, you can do that?" Owen commented as he gave a hug to the crazy military girl who just giggled from his hug. "You are the best Izzy."

"Yeah, I know, so I was thinking into a plan, I'm going to be in the Chef's shadow, and you will be a bit far away in distance, and when I get into a conflict with the Chef, you can sneaky away from us, and go directly at the safe point." Izzy started to explain the plan as Owen slowly nodded his head, and even as excited as he could be, he couldn't help but also feel scared as well.

(Confession - Owen)

"Wow, Izzy is kinda smart, and courageous, she said she is willing to go against Chef to help me, she is so awesome," Owen commented as he couldn't help but feel scared of the consequences. "I wouldn't have the courage to fight Chef, he kinda scares me, and I wouldn't have liked it if he used a water gun at me, I just hope she is going to be fine."


As the animals start to run away from him, Chef Hatched is on a mission, trying to find and humiliate every single camper who thinks is smarter than him, by using decades of military training, hunting, and all the skills he learned from the difficult challenges of life, he was ready to prey upon every single camper who dared to make fun of his skills, and now he is going to enjoy every single minute of him.

His steps were fierce and strong, and as he was walking he couldn't see that a few meters away by his side there was Izzy who was clearly imitating him, as she was giving the same training as a child, she knew exactly how Chef Hatchet think when it comes about war strategies, since they both had stories together, since from her mother as herself, both knew that some times the Chef who take care of the food can be very predictable oh he is going to point the weapon forward and back.

Izzy imitated him by pointing the finger and making a pout like she was aiming a gun and clearly was acting like a mirror from the Chef who had been aiming his gun, to see if he could find any aim or any movement from the forest. But something on his mind was telling him that he had been followed, so he quickly turned his back, but there was nothing on there, just a red bush in the middle of that forest. Ignoring that bush he continued his journey to hunt down the campers.

Izzy slowly raised her head and saw Chef giving a good distance, then Izzy used her arm to wave at Owen who was a few meters away from her, and nearby a tree. Slowly but exactly as Izzy was telling, Owen was impressed over seeing the girl doing so much for him, and she was being a great help to him.

So at the time, Owen was going in her direction, Izzy returned to her mission to follow Chef and be his shadow until it got the perfect time to strike, and that would be the signal for Owen to get the immunity.

Izzy quickly followed Chef with a grin on her face, from the way Chef walked and even paused, Izzy was having the time of her life because she couldn't wait to watch on the television and even her friends to watch and laugh at Chef Hatchet making fool of himself. Especially since both of them have been scratching their butts as a way to pause. After a few more steps she knew Chef would try to aim at her, so she quickly jumped behind the rock.

Chef knew something was testing his reflexes, but he didn't bother at all, somehow he was going to find them, and his gun was ready for that. The challenge just has started, and if they manage to get hidden from him until 4 p.m., then it would be their victory. Fair and square. But he just started, the things will get more interesting when someone who is lucky or courageous enough to get the safe house first.

So at the time he walked around Chef finally reached the Kitchen, which was the best place for only the suicidal, and people who would challenge him had the courage to appear in the forbidden zone, and he was eager to see the ones who would try to do it...

Slowly opening the door, Chef was ready...

Izzy saw Chef getting inside the Main Lodge, which was exactly what she was hoping for.

"Owen I think that's it, I'm going to hold him off the strong as I can, so please when I get inside go the fast as you can, and try to go to the home base okay?" Izzy instructed as Owen gave a gulp and looked at the distance between the Dock of Shame and the Main Lodge, it wasn't far away, but for a fat boy like him, it would take a while, especially if his body failed at him... "Here, take this water bottle, if your body starts to shut down, drink this and keep running."

"Thank you, Izzy, you are the best." Owen smiled and even gave a good hug to the crazy camper who laughed and tapped on his back...

"That's fine, now, go. I will hold him off" Izzy gave a last smile, while she took a quick step and gave a lot of acrobatic jumps until she landed perfectly passing the little entrance from the window, and from seeing Chef checking corner by corner, from fridge to stove on his empire, the kitchen. She smirked as she slowly crawled from the windows until she got to the ceiling of the Main Lodge. And she just needed the right timing.

As she saw Chef exited the kitchen and entered the main area of the lodge where the campers ate every day. She was ready to give a good strike until suddenly she felt a discomfort around her nose. She saw Chef figured it was a good idea to look around the entire lodge for campers while he was there. He looked up the chimney and under the tables but couldn't seem to find anything. Until… The discomfort on Izzy's nose was too much and she couldn't hold it for too long.


Chef's eyes widened as he heard a feminine sneeze…coming from above him. Looking up at the ceiling, he saw none other than Izzy on the ceiling, supporting herself up with the wooden beams

"Oops." Izzy let out a sheepish smile as Chef looked up in surprise, wondering how she got up there in the first place. "I guess you heard that, huh? Heheheh…ayayayaya!"

Izzy then let out a battle cry as she fell from the ceiling and landed right on top of Chef, using him as a springboard and sending him to the ground, Izzy flipped and landed on the opposite side of the lodge and turned her head to glare at Chef.

The camp cook quickly recovered from Izzy's attack and looked at his water gun. He could spray her right here and now…but that would be too easy. And from seeing their story together, he knew that girl would actually find a way to disarm him and use his own gun against him... So Chef proceeded to drop his water gun onto the floor. Izzy completely turned back to face Chef as she saw the challenge he was proposing to her. And the psycho hose beast was itching for a fight. Chef remembered the eager kid from the military training, chaotic and eager for a fight exactly like her mother, the bucket chicken incident was what mostly made what would have been a great friendship between them into a whole mess he accidentally shot her chest in a sparring fight. Since that day, teaching the leader of the Infantile squad to learn discipline, war tactics, and even desire for combat... A girl he knew clearly that even as the many times she knocked from a fight, he couldn't be mad at her, she was one of his best soldiers, and he was once again giving her a bit more discipline.

Losing for her or for her mother, he didn't care, but when it was his victory in battle, he tended to teach them both a lesson. Even though he isn't the same as the prime, he will always be glad to sharpen his skills just for the sake of giving this ginger a lesson.

But Izzy and Chef were perfectly still at first. Glaring right into each other's eyes while waiting for the other to make the first move. Chef cracked his knuckles as Izzy cracked her neck. The tension in the air was incredibly thick…as Izzy charged at Chef.

The orange-haired girl let out a battle cry as she ran forward, making the first attack. But Chef had the reflexes to defend himself as with every single blow and attack Izzy sent his way, the camp cook quickly and easily blocked. Eventually, Chef got the upper hand as he caught Izzy off guard and landed an attack on her that sent her back to the other side of the lodge.

Izzy managed to recover and wiped a single drop of blood that fell from her lip. Chef smirked at her, but Izzy quickly got back into a fighting position and made a 'come on' gesture with her hand. Chef quickly responded to the gesture and was the one to charge at Izzy this time. Similar to before the two traded blows and quickly blocked each other's hits. But when Chef went in for a punch, Izzy surprised him by giving a split, she smirked as she could see Chef knowing what would happen next. Exactly at that moment, Izzy gave a punch to his crotch, which made Chef flinches in pain, but standing on his ground.

"Why you little." Chef even if he was feeling pain in his inner region, refused to let another lose on his record, so he quickly jumped in the direction of the girl who had her eyes wide open by his sudden movement, and both of them started rolling to the ground, trading blows as it became a combination of mixed martial arts, but also combined with military training on the ground.

That battle lasted for a few minutes until Chef realized that it had been taking so long. So in the last resort of victory, Chef gave an arm lock, holding with all his strength...

"Err... Chef, what are you holding?" Then Izzy's voice came into his ear, which made Chef realize something was wrong, and at the time he looked at his arms, he noticed that he had an armlock on himself. Looking slowly at his soldiers who were between laughing and holding her laugh, she decided enough was enough. "Okay, let's make this a tie... Byeeeee."

Izzy immediately ran away as she did the best possible idea, to take the water gun from the floor and launched it through the window, which made Chef notice that he had been fooled by his soldier, he was between a proud commander, to a pissed off military, and he wanted to have her head on a plate.

"IZZYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY." Chef shouted as Izzy quickly ran away she laughed through her run, never thinking that this combat had been way more fun than before.

Izzy was having the time of her life, enjoying the challenges like that and being the hider instead of the seeker, being the person to hide was more fun, because she knew that at the time both she and Owen got on the home base, Chef was going into his supreme hunting mode, and that would something that she didn't want to get. Thank God for the small mercies.

Seeing Owen near the lifeguard chair, only for a few more seconds, she was almost there.

"NOW I GOT YOU." Izzy could hear a shrive on her spine as she heard Chef pumping the water gun, and quickly she needed to act, so by a last attempt, she heard Chef shooting at her, so she gave a low jump, which tackled both her and Owen to the ground, and thankfully both of them touching the lifeguard chair.

"And it seems that both Izzy and Owen are safe." Chris appeared as he could see the person who managed to have the immunity to the challenge.

"WOHOOOOOOOOO, WE DID IT IZZY." Owen gave a crush bear hug to the military girl, who accepted it with gusto and even used her own strength to give a bear hug to him, which made him happy as well.

Chef walked in silence as he glared at both the chubby boy and the crazy girl, and Izzy who knew what that could mean at that moment, gulped, because, from that moment, Chef would now go through the limit.

"Well Chef, it seems you don't only lost one, but two of them." Chris gave a smirk but then paused as the Chef stomped in the direction of the forest... And at that time the silence spoke by itself.

It was the time for the hunt. Poor bastards who would be upon his way, looking at the clock from his Kitchen, he found that it was still 1 p.m, he had 3 hours to find the kids, and he wasn't going to stop, until every single one of them pray for mercy to whoever God they pray, because he by himself wasn't going to give any of it.

1:25 p.m

Chef used every single of his senses to identify his prey, instead of his usual strong steps, this time he slowly crouched on the floor, as he examined every single difference towards the camp, from seeing slight footsteps to even some difference in the ground before. A little mark over the earth, indicating the head of a squirrel who was launched away, the speed and trajectory, Chef slowly walked until he found what he wanted. And gave a strong step.

"OUCH." Gwen raised herself by feeling someone step on her and suddenly felt something aimed at her face... It was the water gun and a very serious Chef who was with bloodshot eyes.


And just like that she felt the pressure of a water gun that made her being launched away from a few meters, at the end of the track, she felt soaked and traumatized, not realizing that nearby her, there was a squirrel that looked vindicated from the punch it got a few hours ago.

2:10 p.m

DJ felt comfortable remaining on the roof of the Main Lodge, he was sure that nobody would find him at that moment. Until he noticed there was a little red spot aiming on the roof, and slowly aimed directly at his hand... Turning his head, he found in his nightmares, Chef aiming his water gun at a right angle and ready to strike.

"Momma." That was the last word he said when he felt the water pressure hitting his body and with enough potency to make DJ lose his grip, and slowly go down from the roof and crash on the floor.

Gwen flinched into seeing the giant fall like a sack of potatoes.

2:50 p.m

Chef used all his knowledge of the field, tactics of the track, and military strategy to identify the speed of the wind, smell, and even lick the floor to see the temperature of the place... Until he noticed one thing with the corner of his eyes... A green hair, which by using the trajectory and direction... He knew where the delinquent would be...




The campers looked horrified, that instead of Chef going after the boy, Chef simply took a few smoke grenades and immediately launched inside of the cave. After a few seconds of smoke explosions, loud coughs could be heard as the bad boy finally got out of the seclusion... Just for the next moment he stopped and used Chef as support. He didn't notice the water gun was aimed straightly at his face...


And Duncan was now coughing from a combination of smoke and water from his lungs, which would by far be something cruel as a way to die... But then he felt a pressure on his chest by a stomp which quickly made Duncan spit out all the water and smoke from his lungs. And he opened his eyes, staring at Chef who once again was aiming his watergun to his face.

"You already found me," Duncan said in fear, but then he palled after seeing the cruel smile on his face.

"Yes, but you need discipline." Master Chief's tone of voice made Duncan gulp before closing his eyes as he felt he just received the final nail of his coffin.


3:10 p.m

Chef checked around the entire forest, then went cave through the cave, and even examined the Killer Bass Aquarium just to make sure nobody would be hiding inside of the trailer, since none of those places had anyone, he returned around the camp until he looked around to see the boy's cabine sheets over the roof, and blasting the door open to see the beds without sheets, Chef looked everywhere until he saw a lump of the net on the corner, so at the time he gave a slight look, he just found out pillows... And scoffed, probably decoration made by the interns.

After looking at the girl's cabin, Chef saw the beds with sheets and even the same lump net on the corner of the door. Which made him nod his head in affirmation, it was indeed a decoration, so he didn't want to waste his time and return to his hunt. Until he suddenly heard footsteps from outside and turned to see the group who were there helping him to find the other campers. But quickly on his feet, Chef aimed and shot in the direction of his victim.

"WOAHHHHHHHHHH." Then a familiar voice could be heard, it was the cowboy hat camper who he had spotted on the confession boot. "Why did you do that?"

"Reflex. Where have you been?" Chef snarled as the boy scratched his head ashamed.

"I was trying to find the other campers, but I lost control of myself, and then I got a nightmare," Geoff commented as he made the hunter of campers raise his eyebrow. "It was a shark who just ate my friend Courtney, and I was screaming like crazy since I thought the shark could talk."

Chef rolled his eyes, as he couldn't believe what kind of stupid dream was. And Geoff seemed to have taken offense on that.

"Hey, it was pretty real, I mean the boat house was really scary, and anything could be there to scare you," Geoff commented as suddenly Chef paused, and then a few thoughts appeared in his mind... He indeed missed a spot that has been so obvious before.

"The boat house, of course. That was the only place I didn't check yet." Chef slapped himself on the head as he started to run in that direction, Geoff had no idea that he just snitched one of his friends, but since he wasn't aware of what he had just done, as he sat on the stairs... Until he looked to the corner and saw Duncan looking extremely angry at him.

"Hey Duncan what's up?" That was the last thing he remembered before he got a punch in the face.

3:40 p.m

Chef slowly walked inside of the boat house, knowing that any kind of harsh movements would scare the prey and even make them flee from him... He was ready to show that little brat something about what a true military can do, and from checking over the floor, he noticed on the water... a few brown strands of hair on the water... and as the party boy had said, the shark had indeed eaten the girl.

Courtney was feeling happy, her hideout was so creative and there was no way somebody would find her... Until she screamed in fear when the madman Chef came from under the water looked straight at her and aimed the water gun at her face.

"OH SH..."


Courtney got out from the stuffed shark as she glared hatefully at the Chef who was pumping more his water gun.

"You cannot do that to us, I'm going to sue you," Courtney commented angrily until she felt at the mercy of the aimed water gun on her face once again.

"Care to repeat that again?" Chef said slowly, but even Courtney had to gulp the fear she had at that moment.

"No no no, I'm going to be quiet." Courtney sweated cold as she saw the Chef scoffing in her direction and marched outside of the boat house... All soaked from the weapon which should be illegal to be sold in Canada, that water gun isn't a joke, it could be used to drown someone if not careful.

At the time the C.I.T girl got outside, she just found that Gwen, Duncan, DJ, and Geoff were all soaked, which made Courtney raise her eyebrow in surprise.

"Why Geoff is with a black eye?" Courtney asked as she could see the boy flinching and looking at her sheepishly...

"Well, you see..." Geoff forgot the reason he was crying before because now he knew the deep danger was about to happen, and maybe if he could just say something and start running would be for the best, "So... you see..."




"YOU WHAT?" Chef listened to the screech from the irritating brat who just found out that she had been snitched, and while Chef knew that he captured some campers, there were some on the ride, and he couldn't help but be surprised by their persistence and strong will.

3:59 p.m

Chef used all the tactics, skills, and his entire knowledge, and yet 3 girls managed to outsmart him into finding spots impossible to discover... Chef had to admit, those girls were good. He explored every corner of the forest, went into each cave, looked at the bathrooms, looked at the rocks, went over the water, and even on the cliff, they weren't there.

All he had to do was now to nod his head, accept his defeat, and commend the girls who managed to win fairly and square over the difficult challenge of hiding from a dangerous soldier.

"Aaaaand that's time," Chris commented as Chef nodded his head, and released the water gun. "It seems there wasn't only Izzy and Owen who got the immunity, but there was also Eva, Lindsay, and Heather who managed to get the immunity in the first place."

"Well, good luck in finding them," Chef commented as he decided to take a chair for himself to sit and rest after the long and harsh challenge.

"Oh, I know where they were." Then a voice made Chef freeze and slowly turn his head directly at Izzy who was so cheerful by knowing something that Chef doesn't know. "I'm going to bring them. Be right back."

Chef felt his eyes twitch, but at least he couldn't do anything at that moment, what happened just happened and he ha... WHAT THE HELL?

"WHAT THE *BEEP*, ON THE GIRL'S DORM?" Chef shouted angrily as he saw Izzy brought out from the girl's dorm, the bodybuilder who had the biggest smirk on her face. "H-how. HOW?"

"Trust me, I got angry like this when the person revealed where he has been hidden, for the sake of your sanity, and to avoid you going rampage, it's for the best if you don't know," Eva commented as her friends looked at her in surprise, fear, and respect, only someone crazy would be able to survive the challenge by hiding in the girl's dorm.

"Okay soldier, I will keep that in mind, you survived all my tactics, so you have my utter respect." Chef had to throw the towel because only someone being able to was invisible deserved to get the immunity, and he threw everything around the campers, and only the best could survive.

And the next moment coming from the forest was Heather and Lindsay who were jumping on their place as the Chef was staring at the duo in surprise.

"Why they were acting like that?" Chris asked as Izzy was chuckling, Lindsay was holding herself, and Heather was feeling uncomfortable.

"We were in a secret spot, but we drank too much water, and now we need to go to the bathroom, now if you guys excuse us. Come on Lindsay." Heather said as she quickly started running in the direction of good relief, and Lindsay who was on the verge of exploding, followed the queen bee of the desire to relieve themselves from the intense challenge.

"Wow, to be able to hold themselves in hours, they must have been good," Chef commented as he noticed Chris nodding at him.

"Yeah, and I was thinking Lindsay wouldn't have found a place to hide, well, living and learning. At least we have our losers of the day. Geoff, Courtney, Duncan, DJ... You 4 weren't able to survive this challenge, so that means one of you four will be leaving the island. So I will see you all at the campfire.


"Okay, I'm curious and I want to know. How did you guys get captured?" Eva asked in surprise as she found not just the 4 members they wanted to vote out had immunity, but it seemed that most of the members who were from her team got captured.

Most of them remained quiet, but Courtney was glaring at the party boy who was trying to look away from the girl.

"I wasn't supposed to be caught, but this excuse of a man decided it was a good idea to snitch where I was to Chef," Courtney said as Geoff flinched Duncan even glared in his direction and DJ facepalmed.

"Look, I'm so sorry, I thought I had a nightmare and you have to admit that you talking inside of a shark really took the best of me," Geoff commented as the group rolled his eyes. And in answer to that Courtney gave a kick on his kiwis which made Geoff go down to his knees while holding his precious. Duncan and DJ flinched and looked away.

But a good part of Duncan felt happy that it wasn't him who received such a strong kick.

"Anyway," Eva called the attention of the group, and every member got their eyes on her. "We need to decide who we are going to eliminate. Since all the members who got immunity will not be able to be voted out, we need to decide who would be the person to get out."

The group was in silence, as DJ and Geoff were feeling terrible over the situation they were in, they probably both wanted to leave the show, but also a good part of them wanted to remain in the game, so how to decide that?

"Welp, let's make this fair, like the old-fashioned way, let's determine the MVP," Duncan commented as he saw the group staring at him, and by shrugging his arms, he decided to give a look at Eva. "Let's just talk about which were the best hideouts, and talk about how were you able to be found. You first Eva."

"Pfff, too easy to hide, but a nightmare to search, in the sheets on the corner above the door," Eva commented as the group stared at her in disbelief. "Had someone doing that, and 7 people couldn't find him for at least 16 hours, hiding under the nose this whole time."

"Okay, I believe in you, since you are the only one who had immunity, then you are the MVP already, again," Courtney commented as she coughed on her fist and composed herself. "I was hiding inside of a suspended shark on the boat house."

"Ohhh, that was creative," DJ commented as Eva nodded her head in agreement, while Geoff looked away and chuckled nervously.

"Alright, we have Princess and Eva, I was hiding in the cave," Duncan commented as the group nodded their heads in satisfaction, even some watched Duncan being forced out to get out from the smoke bomb.

"I was on the Main Lodge roof," DJ explained as a good part of him was still hesitating to leave the show, he decided to be honest.

"I was hiding on the floor while using the grass as my camouflage," Gwen revealing her spot made the group look impressed on her. "Well, it didn't work much since I was one of the first to be spot on. Where did he find you, Geoff?"

And then just like that... Geoff flinched and tried to look away, which made the group raise his eyebrows.

"... ssion booth," Geoff commented shyly as the group stared at him in silence, and noticing that nobody heard him, he decided to tell where he had been...

30 seconds later:

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." Duncan couldn't believe he would be laughing in a situation like that, staring at the cowboy hat who was using the said hat to hide his face in shame, while DJ was trying to hold his laugh, and Eva was shaking her head in disappointment. Courtney was furious, and Gwen was between laughing or having an aneurysm. "Seriously? You were in the confession booth crying over Bridgette and Chef spot you?"

"I can't believe it," Courtney said as she wanted to... "Eva, do you mind if I use your punch bag?"

"Sure, suit yourself, I would also have done that if that happened to me," Eva commented, which made the brown-skinned C.I.T. walk angrily at the good and trustful punchbag the bodybuilder had brought for the stressed Killer Bass.


Geoff and Duncan saw how Courtney was furious at the moment she gave a good punch which made the punching bag fly a few centimeters in the air while the chains were holding it tight but making noise, even Eva raised her eyebrow impressed by the level of strength over the girl who were one of the pillars. Another punch made both DJ and Geoff flinch since the girl who was one of their leaders seemed to want to hurt someone so badly.

"Well, I think based on the worst performance of today, I think we don't need an explanation on who should go," Duncan commented as Geoff flinched, and while a part of him couldn't help but be ashamed of what he did, but at least he was happy that he would go after the girl he loved.

"I think that's fair," Geoff commented as the Killer Bass once again was losing another member.

"You actually did it," Heather commented as Izzy was eating chocolate on the same secret bush they had been hiding from before. While it was a bit tight, it was still very spacious for the trio to eat some snacks and debate the next steps of their plan.

"It was difficult to distract Chef for so long, I almost got caught, but thankfully we managed to let both DJ and Geoff be captured, but sadly Geoff was caught first. It seems that he was crying so loud, that Chef found him in the Confession Booth." Izzy gave a summary of what happened Lindsay was so happy about using her favorite polish nail, and Heather was drinking a juice box.

"Pff HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." Heather tried to hold her laugh, but she couldn't help it at the time the cowboy really screwed up, and which now the Queen Bee once again felt safe towards the possibility of knowing who would be eliminated next ."That boy is next to go, there is no way that he is going to remain here. From looking at both the punk delinquent and the upside C.I.T., they wanted his head."

Lindsay was blowing at her recently painted fingernails, as she was happy to see the trio happy, and with the idea that more and more chances of them getting the final three was possible.

"But we still need to be on the low radar, we need to find someone to vote but without creating suspicion towards us," Izzy commented as the duo Lindsay and Heather mused by the comment... "We have DJ, Duncan, and Courtney."

"Well, there are three of us, why not each of us vote in each of them?" Lindsay commented as the duo looked surprised at the blond girl who was still admiring her fingernails.

"Well, that was the plan, but I'm glad that you also agreed with the idea," Izzy commented as Lindsay clapped her hands happily. And Heather nodded her head in approval, it seemed their plan to divide and conquer was still in motion. The Killer Bass aren't aware of what's happening to them... and when they find out, it is going to be too late.

(Firecamp - Night)

The campers were all gathered at the campfire. Despite the fact half of them got immunity, that doesn't mean the pressure of the votes couldn't happen. And with the bonfire showing a dramatic effect, anything could happen. Owen, Izzy, Heather, Lindsay, Eva, Gwen, Courtney, and Duncan were holding their marshmallows, what only missed was only one.

"Campers, once again we are in this situation with only one marshmallow, the one who wouldn't get it, that person will have to walk down the dock of shame, get in the boat of losers, and NEVER come back," Chris commented as both the gentle Jamaican, and the party boy remained on their seats, with their heads down, and with the desire to return home. But sadly there were the votes who decided who should stay, and who should go.

"The last marshmallow of the night goes for..." Chris commented as the group stared at each other, Eva glanced at the girls and Owen who seemed to be ignoring the event but even with the tension in the air, any of them both could go...







"DJ," Chris said as the giant got the marshmallow being thrown at him, and with a sigh of relief he still continued on the show. Geoff lowered his head, accepting the defeat but also in relief that he was going to leave the show where he could try to reach Bridgette.

And with that, the campers were reunited to see Geoff leave the show, the crowd gathered in front of the boat, as the group helped Geoff to get in there.

"Thanks for the help guys, sorry for not being very helpful today." The hat boy said sheepishly as Duncan rolled his eyes, and Courtney smiled at him.

"Well at least you can find Bridgette, you should have focused more on the game, but we understand your decision," Courtney said in a politelly and more calm tone, which Geoff was glad that she had forgiven him. "Also, one more gift to wish you good luck."

"Oh really? What is UGH." Geoff who was smiling happily suddenly felt a knee on his crotch, which made all the boys flinch and feel the pain of the party boy.

"Never snitch me again. Got it?" Courtney said slowly and in such a harsh tone that Geoff nodded his head in a hurry. "Good, now good luck in finding Bridgette and say to her that I said hi and I miss her."

"Will do, good luck everyone" Geoff commented as his high-pitched voice came from the painful grunt he had, and just like that, the campers watched another member leave the show. And with 100 thousand 100,000 at stake, the show was going to get harder and harder with the time.

The boat left, and the campers stared at the boat once again taking one of the losers away from the island, now everything they had to do was return to their beds and sleep, the challenge had taken most of them...

If they will still have the courage to remain in the game? Only time will tell.

But that's how it is life in Total Drama.

Chapter 28: That's Off the Chain!

Chapter Text


The travel back home was a bittersweet feeling for Geoff because while he was happy for having a chance to see Bridgette again, he had to admit, that giving Courtney's location by accident near Chef Hatchet wasn't one of his smart decisions.

But seeing himself leaving the island with a boat and finding himself staring at the vast ocean, even if his eye and kiwis hurt, he now felt more peaceful into traveling by the boat.

Until the cowboy hat boy suddenly saw a great view of the resort which made him blink.

"Last stop boy." The captain of the boat instructed as he pointed in the direction of the resort. "Playa del losers. And looking over here, it seems it is kinda crowded."

Geoff blinked until he was surprised to see his friends on the island.

Tyler, Katie, Sadie, Harold, Ezekiel and...

"BRIDGETTE," Geoff shouted as he couldn't believe his eyes, as his girlfriend was also happy to see him.

"GEOFF," Bridgette shouted as the party boy jumped into the sea in the direction of the beach. And the surfer ran towards the beach as suddenly both the wet blond-haired cowboy and the surfer who had been waiting for her boyfriend finally were together once more...

And like a very good romantic movie, their lips went together as a way to celebrate their union.

It was like the time had stopped, and everything was perfect, nothing could ruin that moment.

*Tsk tsk tsk*

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Both Bridgette and Geoff shouted as someone sprayed a liquid on them both. "Oh it burns"

It was Ezekiel who was holding a water spray on his hands.

"No horny for you both," Ezekiel said as both were feeling pain in their skin.

"Ahhh, why it's burning?" Bridgette commented as Ezekiel rolled his eyes.

"Because I also add pepper sauce on it," Ezekiel answered which made both duo look at him in disbelief. But he wasn't having it. "Oh no, don't look at me like that. You two were the ones who caused this whole mess?"

"WE?" Both Bridgette and Geoff asked as they were still trying to clean up the painful burns on their faces.

"Yes, you both Mr. I missed my girlfriend so much that I was willing to give up 100 thousand and snitch one of my friends," Ezekiel answered as both flinched with the idea. As other members of Killer Bass with their arms crossed. "And just to make sure we are disappointed with you two, we are going to cross our arms and shake our heads at you in disappointment."

As Ezekiel said, Harold, Katie, and Sadie followed his example as the group gave a disappointed look and shook their head slowly which made Geoff look away in shame.

"Ah knock it off, guys. It was an accident." Bridgette defended her boyfriend as she looked at the happy face of her boyfriend, even with a black eye. She still wanted to kiss him but then was sprayed again " Ahhhhh, why are you still doing that?"

"Because I know that you both are going to be doing that a lot. So if you want to romance your boyfriend, go find a room, but if you are going to be outside start making out a lot. I'm going to spray you both with that." Ezekiel said as he narrowed his eyes. Which made both Geoff and Bridgette have their eyes wide open. "So, go get a room and have fun, but I will be watching you both and use this as a way to remind you both that you lost control of your decisions when you get way too much love. Tree Trunks and Mr. Piggy."

"Who?" Geoff asked as Bridgette tried to remember if she ever read about them before.

"That doesn't matter, now..." Ezekiel gave a slight punch on Geoff's arm and a few taps on the back. "It's nice to see you again Geoff."

Geoff smiled, as even though some of his friends were still a bit mad and disappointed at him, he could feel that their happiness was also genuine...

"Thanks, Zeke. I'm glad to be here." Geoff commented as the group helped the party boy to have his accommodations on the playa del losers. And have a lonely time with his girlfriend.




And three days later, it started another episode of total drama.

"Last time on Total Drama Island…" Chris began the recap of the day! "In a challenge of hide-and-seek, campers had to avoid capture by Chef 'It', or join his guerrilla tactics to tag fellow campers. Some had weak hiding spots while others won invincibility through spots never once thought of before, or some which were so obvious that it could be under the nose all this time. Meanwhile in a surprise twist of events, And though still missing his girlfriend Geoff couldn't control his crying and accidentally snitched the location of Courtney, and man, I didn't wish to be him at the moment both Courtney found out about it. There were goodbyes, a black eye, and some hits on the crotch, but in the end, Geoff finally can be reunited together with his girlfriend, ah the young love... So great for the ratings. Will Courtney find a place in her heart to actually forgive Geoff for exposing her? Will the campers be prepared for another challenge for my amusement? Will I be stuck hosting reality TV for the rest of my life? Find out on this episode of Total. Drama. Island!"

It was a sunny day at Camp Wawanakwa. The campers were deciding to use the downtime to have some fun amongst themselves on the beach, launching frisbee to each other as a good way to enjoy a good day before the challenge. Gween took the frisbee and launched in the air in the direction of Duncan's jump and caught easily. Heather and Lindsay were on the dock eating a few candy bars as they took from the secret stash where Chef had no idea about the secret bush made by Izzy. And as they were enjoying themselves an annoying fly was passing around the girls, and both of them were holding a fly swatter.

"Stay in your position Lindsay," Heather commanded as the blond girl narrowed her eyes, as the devious fly kept annoying both girls for so long. Suddenly, a splash was heard, and with the vicious smile of the queen bee... "Got it."

"Yay." Lindsay cheered as she immediately laid her head and was happy to start the day taking a sun bath.

"Finally, a moment of peace," Heather commented as she enjoyed the idea of not caring about what the Killer Bass was doing with Owen since they were all playing frisbee, Izzy was there and catching the said flying disk with her teeth, and acting like a dog. Heather sometimes could feel impressed by how the crazy woman could be a master of acting because in that way they never could see that the girl had been playing with strings during all this time. And a smirk appeared on her face because it would only need 2 more of them, and then Lindsay and she would have a guarantee of the final 3. But she would need to find a moment to dispose of either Owen or Izzy, but that would be a difficult plan that she would need to do...

But Heather is patient, she knows how to adapt, and having opportunities she would not waste any of them. And as the time both were about to eat another candy bar... They were interrupted by feedback coming from the loudspeakers. "Morning, campers!" Chris' voice was heard throughout the camp. "Your next challenge awaits you at the Arts and Crafts Center!"

"Great. And here I thought we would at least have a moment of peace." The queen bee commented as Lindsay sadly nodded her head at her best friend.

"Do you think we can survive another day?" Lindsay asked as she felt the pressure around the show, each challenge has been more and more difficult, and if wasn't for the fact of the last challenge both girls received a big help from Izzy, she knew that she somehow would have lost on the game, since she was terrible into finding a good spot in hide and seek. Usually, child games were difficult for her, since Dodgeball, Hide and Seek, and even cheekers were something that wasn't part of her strength... And she just hoped she could do something useful for both Heather and Izzy.

Heather narrowed her eyes, but wasn't for Lindsay, but something made her sure of this stupid island, things were never as predictable as she would think. And Chris could always turn their lives like hell.

"I don't know, but we must be prepared for it, whenever we want or not." Heater explained as the blonde bombshell gave a final word on what she was thinking.

"I miss Beth..." Lindsay said sadly as the queen bee paused, and stared at the horizon about how a single camper who would have become her first paw, in a moment of despair and necessity made the queen bee look at her and roll her eyes many times before placing her own her wings and teach the girl on how to be strong and work the game as she did...

"I miss her too..." Heather commented as their conversation stopped, and they were going directly to the place of the challenge, hoping for another chance to remain in the game.

(Arts And Crafts Center)

When they reached the arts and crafts center the campers were…underwhelmed, to say the least.

"Welcome to the Arts and Crafts Center." Chris greeted all the campers as he gestured to the area. Which was pretty much just a shack.

"More like the Arts and Crap Center," Duncan explained the area the best, getting a few chuckles.

"Yeah. This place was kind of a dump. It used to be an outhouse, but now it's where Chef parks his road hog." Everyone watched as Chris kicked down the door to the shack revealing a pretty cool-looking motorcycle as well as a whole bunch of mechanic tools and such. "Which brings us to your challenge. Building your own wheels!"

"Hot rods! Yes! Awesome!" Owen was quick to cheer and held his hand out to Duncan for a high five. "Gimme five! Woohoo! Woohoo."

Duncan gave a glance at the Fatboy, and knowing the always cheerful nature of being like that, he couldn't help but roll his eyes and give Owen what he wanted.

"WOOHOOO." Owen shouted as the group rolled their eyes, but had a smirk on their faces, knowing the boy was literally the energy of optimism around the show.

"You'll find all the parts you need in our bike depot." Chris then kinda brought down the hype of the challenge a bit by gesturing to a pile of bicycle parts. Not motorcycle.

"Bicycles…" Owen tried to keep up the hype but one could tell even he was dwindling a bit on this challenge now. "Less awesome, but still good. Right?"

"Bicycles are the healthy way to do exercises, they train your legs and help you to take a few pounds of the body... which I think you should consider a little," Eva commented as she glanced at Owen who seemed to be in such a big weight, that she sometimes asks herself on how the chubby boy was still alive on that way, knowing that his way of eating isn't healthy at all.

"Pff, exercises." Owen scoffed as he rolled his eyes. "I do plenty, like I get out of my bad, walk around until the kitchen, then go to the bathroom, and that's good enough for me."

(Confession - Eva)

"Owen's attitude towards his health... it's not just disgusting, it's downright scary. People like him treat their bodies like a garbage disposal, and it's not doing him any favors. Seeing him joke about it like it's all fun and games, annoys me. We're out here pushing ourselves to the limit, and he's treating health like it like it's a joke." Eva commented as she glared at the camera. And then wondered about something... A slow smile appeared on her head which made it devious... "I think I know how to fix it..."

"No further questions..." Eva said as she looked at her friends who seemed to be holding their laughs, not knowing that Eva's interaction with Owen seemed to be the funniest thing they ever saw in their lives. "What?"

"Nothing," Courtney said as she coughed on her fist to remain concentrated and waiting for Chris to continue his explanation. "Please carry on Chris."

"Thank you... Now. Once you've collected the basics, you can trick 'em out any way you want using props from the Arts and Crafts Center." Chris explained the first part of the challenge. "Best design wins! And…to prove I'm a nice guy, I'll even throw in a bike manual."

Chris then threw the campers a manual…which was covered in mold.

"Eeeeew!" Heather, the one to catch the manual, let out in disgust. "It's furry!"

Heather was quick to throw the old and moldy book away with Izzy quickly catching it.

"Coooool!" The psycho hose beast let out as she examined all the moldy spots the book had. "Mold spores!"

"Freak." Heather sighed as she didn't know if she was acting like crazy as always, or if she actually lost her mind after working so much as a military agent, and that worried more the queen bee with the pass of the time. Out before looking to the guys and saying. "We get first dibs!"

(Confession - Duncan)

"Finally, a challenge I can get behind," Duncan stated with a grin on his face. One could even say he was a bit excited about this. "I used to build bikes back home with my brothers all the time…okay, so I used to steal them from the dweebs down the street and crash them into the school wall, but the point is, this is something I know."

Courtney and Eva looked at the scraps and each of them had an interesting idea for their projects of bikes around, Izzy gave a slight glance, and something sparkled inside of her mind, something that she knew deeply inside of what would be, her instincts telling her something that made her mind glance at both Lindsay and Heather and her smile came as she looked proud of herself.

Owen walked to see the scraps and was already excited about the challenge.

"Hahahah!" On the other side of the pile, Owen and Duncan were gathering up parts with the former letting out an excited laugh as he grabbed some handlebars. "I'm gonna make my dream bike!"

"Oh my gosh, me too!" Walking up to Owen was Lindsay who heard what the big guy said and was also planning on making her dream bike. "Every year at Christmas, I asked for a Sunset Sally bike but never got one."

This story quickly saddened Owen. Not only that, but it also got DJ who understood the meaning of her words, and at the time she left, Owen and DJ felt devastated

"Really?" The big guy even started to tear up a bit. "Santa never brought you, your…Christmas wish?"

"Man that just ain't right." DJ teared up a bit too as he put a hand on Owen's shoulder. Both boys felt sad and on the verge of crying since both boys still believed in Santa, Duncan would have wanted to intervene and tell them that Santa wasn't real, but seeing both boys still believe it, he needed to approach another way.

(Confession - Owen)

"A person who never got a Santa's Christmas wish must have been one of the saddest feelings in the entire world," Owen commented as he cried in the confession booth, which also used toilet paper to clean up his nose. "Why would Santa forget the poor girl to give her a gift? Maybe I'm going to write a letter to Santa this year to give my Christmas Wish for her."

"Guys," Duncan said as the duo turned their heads at him. "I know that's sad, but this isn't Christmas, it's a challenge we have to make our bikes. Now move on."




Heather glanced at the motorcycle of Chef Hatchet, as she really wanted to take a good moment to elaborate a plan to take what would be a wild card to help her win the challenge. Maybe asking Lindsay to help her dismantle the motor would be good enough for her to have an advantage.

So seeing Lindsay talking to Gwen and Courtney, Heather appeared between them.

"Could I just borrow her for a sec?" Heather said before quickly dragging Lindsay to the front of the shack and handing Lindsay a big wrench. "Lindsay, can you help me to take out the motor from Chef's motorcycle? It would take too long but if we work with two people it would make it faster enough for us to have our bikes working."

Lindsay paused, but knowing that her friend needed her, and the explanation of them 2 working together seemed very logical, she nodded her head for the queen bee.

"Great, let's go. Before Chef comes here." Heather said as she went inside the cabin, and with the blonde girl already following her steps, they planned to do it quickly for them both.

At the time both got inside and were already using the wrench, they were greeted by Eva and Courtney who were behind him.

"What you two are thinking you are doing ?" Courtney commented as Lindsay was using the wrench already on the motorcycle Heather narrowed her eyes.

"Well duh, we are going to take one thing for my bicycle," Heather commented as Courtney used her finger to say something but Heather already could guess what she was going to say. "Chris said we could use any props we can find from the Arts and Crafts, he didn't tell us the motorcycle isn't a prop, so anything is fair."

"I was going to say that if Chef finds out he is going to kill you," Courtney said as she lowered her finger, which was also a valid point. She wanted to tell Heather she was breaking the rules, but knowing how the show works and her boyfriend is actually a delinquent, she isn't going to act hypocritical around that.

"Well, that would be a huge problem for me if I cared," Heather said as she used her own wrench and helped Lindsay dismantle Chef's motorcycle the quickly as possible, Courtney and Eva rolled their eyes and took the material they wanted to make sure their bicycles would make them win the challenge.

"Good luck girls, you are going to need it," Eva commented as she scoffed at the idea of cheating on the queen bee, as long that she didn't mess with her own bicycle, she would live, Eva herself also had some plans to make her bike faster than most.

Both Lindsay and Heather gave a final glance before they returned their focus to take the motor...




"Can you believe in them?" Courtney scoffed as Eva glanced at the girl who was ready to make her own bicycle with it. "Well never mind, let's focus on ourselves. Do you have one idea of a bike in mind?"

"I do, and what about you?" Eva asked as the C.I.T. girl smiled at the idea of what she had in mind.

"Oh, I have something planned for this," Courtney commented as both girls separated and decided to give something interesting for Chris to see later.

(Confession - Courtney)

"Well, when I was a kid, I bought my first bike, it was a kit that I had a great time with my parents building it. And with the passing of the time, I always bought kits for me to go around, and I even went to school with them." Courtney said proudly as she felt a good nostalgia regarding the moments she had over building a bicycle. "And to be fair, in comparison to most of the trash around the island, the material was better than I expected. I can't wait to see Duncan's face when he sees that his 'princess' can build a bike better than his."

And so the building truly began. Owen was inflating what would be the wheel of his bike, but then he gave such force that he accidentally let out a strong fart which hit a seagull that was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and the smell was so putrid, the poor seagull fainted... Whistling innocently, Owen decided to kick the seagull away, Duncan was preparing his bicycle while DJ was case building his armor for protection, and the girls weren't far behind.

"Okay, how is it going yours, Lindsay?" Heather asked as she was giving the final touches to connect the wires of the button to start the motor from the front part of her bicycle. All she needs to do it's to make the other half and she would be ready to show the good work she did.

"I did the bottom half. That way I can focus on the decoration of my bike of the dreams, I can't wait to make it so beautiful." Lindsay said happily as she already prepared her pony head and even some glitter to make it ready for everything on the challenge.

Heather rolled her eyes, since having a bike of the dreams in a trash dump like that, would actually mean the bike of nightmares, but she decided to focus on her work, until suddenly...

"Woohoo! Hey, Heather!" Calling out to the girl with a tude was the orange head Izzy…sitting on a completely finished and rather decent-looking bike. Which made Heather have her eyes wide open, she remembered she and Lindsay were the first to take the material, and Izzy was practically the last girl to take any kind of material. "Come with me, kay? I've already built my bike!"

"How did you build a bicycle that fast?" Me and Lindsay were the first to take the material and we just did half of them." Heather asked with a surprised tone as she walked towards the military psycho-actress beast.

"Oh, my brother was a mechanic before he got run over and developed a fear of motor vehicles," Izzy explained with a laugh before patting the handlebars of her bike. "Come on! Let's take it for a test drive! Woohoo!"

Heather glanced at Lindsay, and then back at Izzy, and the crazy girl was using her eyes to indicate the direction of the cameras, so Izzy clearly wanted to give something important.

"Alright." Heather agreed with a scoff. "It's better to be good, or you are in trouble, you crazy girl."

(Confession - Heather)

Heather looked at the camera, all dirty, sweaty, and angry who could swear that she could kill anyone at any moment.




"Never again" It was the only message that she had said but the message was clear, anyone nearby her would suffer terrible pain.




And so Heather took up Izzy's offer. The seat was somewhat bigger enough for the both of them with Heather in the front and Izzy sitting right behind her.

"Sweet!" Izzy cheered as Heather adjusted herself on the bike. "Prepare yourself because this is going to be an awesome ride!"

"You better make it quick because I...AAHHHHHHHH" Heather said with a small glare. Not knowing in the next second Izzy put her feet on the pedals and went as fast as she could. Heather quickly started screaming as Izzy went full speed and sent the two of them forward… pedaling down a steep incline that only sped them up more.

"HEATHER, IZZY," Lindsay shouted as she saw both girls traveling down at a huge speed she never thought of seeing her friend, and a good part of her felt fear because Heather wouldn't be seen again... "Okay Lindsay, remember what they said to you before... in case Izzy doing something you don't understand, ignore it and focus on yourself, she knows what she is doing."

Lindsay had to repeat that during many challenges as the time she thought Izzy would kill her and Heather, but every time she thought something was about to happen, she always got surprised by how she survived the challenge... But now, she was alone, because her best friend was kidnapped.

But she knew Izzy would never do that without a good reason, so she had to trust in herself and finish the challenge...

"Oh no, Heather's bike." Lindsay gasped as she found that half of the bike was undone, and possibly if Chris found out Heather's bike was half-made, it would show that she would be eliminated...

"What are we going to do?" Suddenly someone appeared above on the blonde's shoulder, a slim young woman with silver-like skin, and mid-thigh-length blonde hair with bangs styled in a somewhat messy way, colored in a gradient of periwinkle with noticeable white tips. Her eyes have light blue sclera, white-outlined darker-colored pupils, and deep-purple eyelashes, while her three freckles are white and are located on each of her cheeks and her nose. She also has six white feathered wings on her back and has a light blue halo decorated with small, tiara-like spikes hovering above her head. Wearing princess-inspired clothing which consists of a light periwinkle gown, featuring a darker-colored stripe around the high-frilled collar, darker-colored trimming and details on the short light blue puffed sleeves, a darker-blue star-pattern on the chest, and darker-blue triangular-like patterns on the hem with small diamond-shaped between the mounds. In addition, she accessorizes with a light blue sash worn around her waist. She also wears a set of fingerless pale-periwinkle opera gloves which cover most of her arms, which appear to be skin-tight and act as long sleeves for her dress. For footwear, she wore blue ballerina-like shoes. Angel Lindsay exudes an aura of innocence and purity.

"My shoulder angel," Lindsay said with a bit of comfort, looking at the tiny version of herself.

"Don't worry, Lindsay, we'll figure this out about this bike challenge. We can't let Heather get eliminated!" The angel Lindsay commented as gave a slight glance around the bike of Heather and the other bike for Lindsay as well.

"Did someone just say Bike?" Then another voice appeared on the other shoulder, Devil Lindsay Her thick, blonde ankle-length hair has thin light coral streaks on the thicker, paler-blonde highlights, and it is usually kept into a twice-banded ponytail by two black hair ties, with flipped-bangs that end with a curl. She also has oval-shaped eyes with light yellow sclera, red pupils, thick fluttery eyelashes protruding from them, and silver eyelids. Using a tuxedo tuxedo-jacket with darker-colored lapels and a small white tag on the left side, worn over a high-collared, white untucked dress shirt with small black buttons on the upper front, and small gold cuff links on the elbow-length sleeves' dark gray cuffs. In addition, she accessorizes her shirt with a small black bowtie and black suspenders over her shoulders. And while others would say the shoulder devil would be the opposite, this version didn't show any sign of mischief, but a lot of nativity and silliness." I've always wanted to ride a unicorn!"

"Eer... no devil me, I mean, I want to build my version of Sunset Sally bike," Lindsay commented as both angel and devil shoulders gasped happily.

"YOU SHOULD DO THAT." Both commented as Lindsay giggled from their interaction.

"But Heather's bike is unfinished, and I cannot let her be eliminated," Lindsay commented as both versions of herself went quiet and walked around the shoulder and even on the arm of the blonde bombshell.

"Hmm, that's hard... I wish I was smart like Heather, why don't ask Heather what we should do?" Angel Lindsay asked as the devil Lindsay snapped the fingers.

"Hello? We can't, Izzy got Heather down with her bike, can you think of a better plan?" Devil Lindsay commented as she walked in front of the giant blonde girl. "Okay, don't listen to your angel anymore, you can always listen to me."

"Hey. I can help too." Angel Lindsay glared as she saw the devil version of herself wave with her hand. "Oh yeah? Show us proof of why we should listen to you?"

"Well, I have a very good one. Here, check this out." Devil Lindsay changed her outfit, and instead of using her usual red suit, she exchanged for a very sensual gym leader clothing with pompoms on her hands. And started to jump. "Give me an L, give me an I, Give me an N, give me a DSAY, who we call? LINDSAY, LINDSAY, LINDSAY IT'S ME."

"And how does that help?"Lindsay watched the little devil giving a demonstration of a cheerleader but looked more confused than before.

"No no, she's got a point." Angel Lindsay who also watched the Devil Lindsay cheerleader, made a good point about how committed she was to helping it out.

Lindsay stared at both girls, as she shook her head.

"Okay, thanks for the help you too, but I need to think of an idea to glue Heather's bike together..." Lindsay commented as suddenly not just her, but both angel and devil versions of herself had an idea. "UNITE THE BIKES."

And with a good high five from both angel and devil Lindsay, the blonde bombshell finally got a plan for what to do.

At the time DJ found himself with a helmet and he made sure to test the resistance by slamming his head on a tree, almost disturbing the bird who has a nest in there. Looking satisfied that his head isn't hurt or felt anything on it. He felt protected and safe to start the challenge.

"Do you guys remember the first time you walked on a bicycle?" Then Owen's voice called the attention as Duncan was preparing his own bike, and Courtney was giving the final touches on her.

"Oh yeah, I remember took a fall so horrible that I broke my clavicle, you could see the bone sticking out of my shoulder. I was awesome," Duncan explained as he felt nostalgic from the memories, while DJ looked so terrified with the information that he even touched his shoulder in fear.

"Pff, once I was at such a high speed that accidentally lost control of my bicycle, and when I fell on the stairs with it, I got a short oblique fracture of my tíbula and also I had a posterior malleolus fracture..." Courtney explained as she then realized that both Duncan and Owen were looking confused at her, even DJ from a distance was feeling more confused than in fear until Courtney rolled her eyes. " I got a dislocation of my ankle so bad that it twisted 90 degrees on the side, and I broke one or two parts of my ankle."

"Ahhhhhhhhh." Both Owen and Duncan opened their mouths in understanding, while DJ looked at his feet in fear.

"That was nothing," Owen commented as he decided to tell his version of the past. "Once my arm completely dislocated, it took 3 doctors to hold me while they put it back in place,"

At this point, DJ was grinding his teeth and sweating a lot, while Duncan, Owen, and Courtney sighed happily.

"Awwww, good times." The trio commented as Courtney, Duncan, and Owen laughed while DJ gave up his idea of using a helmet, and decided to make a full armor for himself.

And so bike after bike was made and completed. Nearly all the campers have something ready for the challenge. And after a certain amount of time passed, "Campers! Time to judge your bikes!" Chris announced through the loudspeakers, announcing to everyone that it was time to stop constructing their bikes. "Put your pedal to the metal and meet me at the Crafts Center!"

And so every camper did as Chris instructed. With the exception of Izzy and Heather, all campers gathered up where Chris instructed with their bikes. "Well, campers, we gave you the parts. Let's see what you came up with." Chris said as he walked up to the first camper was nobody other than Lindsay. And from the design, even as it looked aerodynamic, it also had a cute pink horse mask in the front, and a broom attached to the back. "Nice style Lindsay,"

"Thanks. Go ahead. Ring her bell." Chris proceeded to do just that with the bell making the sound most bike bells made. Which made her clap her hands. "It worked. I'm so glad."

Chris ignored the blonde girl at the next person. Which was Gwen. The goth's bike was more bulky than Lindsay's with bigger wheels, a wider frame, and decorations added to it such as a pair of bat-like wings attached to the sides.

"Spooky, yet practical. Well done." Chris complimented before moving on to the next camper, Duncan.

Duncan's bike looked like something out of an apocalypse movie with a skull ornament in front and barbed wire around some of the parts. "Wicked Mad Max-mobile, dude," Chris said while giving Duncan a thumbs up.

Next up was Courtney who had a bike that resembled a Hybrid Bicycle. The seat was high up along with some sturdy wheels fit for all terrain. "Wow, it looks versatile and built up for speed. But it could have more decoration around." Chris stated that Courtney's bike didn't have anything to truly make it stand out.

"Well, I focus more on function than style, if I had more time, maybe I could add more things." Courtney shrugged, as Chris accepted her answer, and went to Eva's bike. And that made him have his eyes wide open.

Eva's bike was a combination of many metal parts, wood, and rocks, but the format of the bike itself was a gym bike with wheels tightened on the laterals, and chains combined with elastic bands.

"Eva, what is that? It looks like a gym bike." Chris commented as Eva smirked like she had something prepared on that mysterious bike.

"That's because it's a versatile gym bike, the more you pedal, the faster this bike will go." Eva simply stated that Chris had something inside of him telling him that this would be interesting to watch.

Next up was DJ and…it was easy to see DJ worked more on his own protection than his bike. DJ was covered head to in makeshift armor, even wearing a medieval-style helmet, and his bike was a four-wheeler of all things. "Dude, seriously?" Chris questioned as DJ lowered his armored-covered head a bit. "This is lame."

"Owen, nice job!" Chris complimented the last bike present which was from the big guy himself. Owen's bike perfectly fitted and supported him. Plus it was a recumbent so it would do wonders on his back. Just then Chris looked around and found that two of the eleven campers were missing. "Hey, where's Izzy and Heather?"

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." Heather shouted as Izzy was smiling crazily in the direction of the camera, and the good time she was having into scaring the queen bee for life.

Both girls were still going down the hill using the same bicycle the former military girl had built.

"WHEN THIS IS OVER IZZY, YOU ARE GOING TO PAY FOR THISSSSSSS," Heather shouted as Izzy used a rock as a ramp to jump a good distance with the bike.

"Wow, you need a chill pill," Izzy murmured in a low voice that only Heather could hear, but it was difficult to hear while she had been screaming in terror and anger. "The rest is on you Lindsay, you can do it."

Currently, they were doing a wheelie down a hill.

"Oh well. Their loss. Cause this is where it gets good." Chris began to explain making a few of the campers grow excited over this. "We're gonna race these babies, hard!"

"Alright, I can't wait to test this baby," Owen commented as he was feeling happy with his choices. Until Chris decided to interrupt once more.

"Yeah, unfortunately, you won't be riding it, Owen. You'll be switching bikes." Chris revealed a surprise twist that caught everyone off guard. This got many gasped and/or surprised expressions from the campers that Chris couldn't help but give a quick laugh at. "Yeah. Cruel twist, huh? Alrighty then. See you at the beach!"




And so everyone made it with their bikes to the beach. Chris was in his ATV while Chef was in front of a starting line with a red flag and reading a book.

"Okay, here's how it works. Everyone picks a name out of the helmet to see whose bike you're riding." Chris explained the rules of round two as he pulled out a bike helmet full of folded pieces of paper. "If your bike makes it across the finish line, then you get to ride it in the final round for invincibility."

Everyone proceeded to pull out a piece of paper to see whose creation they would be riding.

Gwen got DJ's bike

DJ got Gwen's bike

Owen got Eva's bike

Eva got Duncan's bike

Duncan got Lindsay's bike

Lindsay got Courtney's bike.

and Courtney got Owen's bike

"Now, before we start, has anyone seen Heather or Izzy?" Chris asked one last time to see if any of those two could show up.

Currently, Izzy was pedaling so fast that she and Heather were biking up the river. Heather was shouting in fear and panic, as her entire face and body were covered in mud, while Izzy was smiling widely with a plan that nobody ever thought it before.

When everyone simply shrugged, showing that they didn't know where either was, Chris simply shrugged and decided to get things started. "Okay, racers!" Chris called out as he raised a hand in the air. "On your marks, get set…paramedics on standby…and…tread!"

And just like that, all the campers took off as quickly as they could. Well, all except Owen and Eva who remained in their places, while Owen was trying to pedal but the bicycle didn't seem to move, Eva narrowed her eyes and decided to shout to a delinquent because he didn't explain one thing, where the hell are the pedals?

"Hey! DUNCAN! Where's the pedals?" Eva shouted but Duncan was far ahead, which left Eva with her eyes twitching... But then looking at Owen who was trying to move with the body's builder pedal, she smirked like a shark. "Go Owen, keep pedaling. Faster... FASTER!"

"AHHHHHHHH." Owen was still doing it for a whole minute, but the scary face of Eva was making him try to go to his limit, and it was a nightmare because he wasn't moving.

"Feel the burn fat boy, FEEL THE BURN. Keep pedaling fat boy, keep pedaling." Eva said as she acted like a personal trainer which Owen just wished death than actually doing his new worst nightmare, work out. "The faster you pedal, the farthest you can go. KEEP PEDALING OWEN, FEEL THE BURN."

(Confession - Eva)

"My father once was always enthusiastic when it comes to working out, he always says to use the right weight, and use the body until you feel the burn. That's how I did it, and that's how I taught some people. YOU TWO, IF YOU HEARD ME, I HOPE YOU TWO ARE DOING YOUR WORKING OUT RIGHT, OR YOU ARE GOING TO DEAL WITH ME." Eva shouted at the camera which she knew which two she had snarled to do their exercises. But then smirked. "And while I'm still here... I think I need to make someone learn about the importance of exercise... By making him suffer until the exhaustion."

"I'M FEELING MY ENTIRE BODY ON FIRE. SOMEONE HELP ME." Owen shouted in fear as his entire body sweated. Leaving Eva a very satisfied girl, making the overweight boy know his place, and by glancing at her side. Eva noticed Gwen staring at her in silence.

"What? Why are you still doing on there?" Eva asked as Gwen just shrugged.

"DJ's bike doesn't move an inch because of the sand, and there is no way that I'm going to carry this whole bike to the other side, so I will say sorry to him later," Gwen commented as Eva could understand the point. Which Gwen also pondered. "Hey, maybe the answer to how to make Duncan's bike work is the skull, usually the answer is always the skull."

Eva gave a thought but nodded her head in gratitude to the goth who decided to throw the towel at the giant Jamaican.

Owen felt his entire body sweat, and this nightmare of pedaling or facing Eva's wrath seemed to never come to an end.




When it came to the other campers, they all had various degrees of control over their bikes. DJ firstly was apprehensive, almost on the verge of freaking out, but then noticing Gwen's bike has been stable, and solid, he felt that he could relax a bit his fears and that maybe he had gone overboard into becoming too paranoid about getting hurt. He let out a sigh of relief. More ahead...

"Okay, this is messed up, but yeehaw, this is one movin' ride!" With Duncan, he had to admit it, he was in complete shock and in disbelief. The delinquent let out as Lindsay steered toward him, proud of the work she just did, while she hid a very solid and lack of imagination bike, it was still good enough to keep up that pace with him or be a bit behind the bike where he is leading...

"I know, right!" Lindsay said, a bit proud of herself for making her dream bike and making it a good one.

On the other side, Courtney appeared with a bit of sand on her face and was uncomfortable, but there was one thing that she wanted to say.

"Oh look at that, it seems the delinquent now has total trust in a pony," Courtney commented as Duncan felt a shrive on his cheerful enthusiasm dies quickly.

"Who said I'm enjoying? I'm just saying that this bike is fast, nothing more." Duncan quickly denied it while Courtney giggled.

"Sure Duncan, whatever helps you to sleep at night," Courtney commented Duncan groaned and pedaled faster to leave his girlfriend eating sand and dust. "Blurgh, HEY! THAT'S NOT FUNNY."

Duncan felt satisfied as he continued racing against the others. The group continued their race, while Owen was feeling on the verge of exhaustion and Eva was still trying to figure out how to use the skull.

"Please, somebody just help me." Owen said as his sweat was mixed with the tears from his eyes, it was like torture without end, "Everything is burning..."

Those words made Eva smile at him.

"Good, then I think it's time for you to release the brake." Eva commented as the chubby boy looked at her in confusion. "Do you see that valve which was on the number 12? Spin on the left."

"Okay..." Owen said as he calmly held the valve, and just gave a slight spin to the left... and when it hit at the number 0. All the elastic force over the gym bike trembled and made the wheels spin at incredible speed. And with that, bringing the most exhausted camper in fear. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH."

(Confession - Owen)

"EVA IS A DEMON," Owen shouted as he felt his entire face in exhaustion and panic, as all the body expression he had was in pain and fear. "That wasn't a bicycle, that was an instrument of torture, a product created by monsters who wanted to make people who like to eat suffer, and in pain, and burn, and never feel peace. I never want to use that bike ever again."

(Confession - Eva)

"Drama Queen," Eva said as she rolled her eyes, not impressed with how the boy was shouting and crying over how she forced him to do some exercises.

Eva gave a slight glance at the skull and noticed it had a motor on the inside, and with a smirk on her face, it seemed that she found the ignition to make the bicycle work, by pulling the skull, there was a cord which started the motor, and with that bringing the bicycle the full speed which was enough to rival her own bike.

DJ was feeling happy that everything seemed to be fine, and he didn't suffered any kind of accident.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!" Until he swore hearing Owen screaming as a blur passed by him and crashed in full force.

"Ah ah ah..." DJ saw himself with his face on the sand, as he couldn't understand what just happened... but the last thing he remembered was to see what remained of Gwen's bike, sticks in little pieces around a smashed and ripped cardboard. Seeing that he was safe, with a minor injury, DJ was happy, but in the next second fainted.

Eva was also going in full force, following what would be the force of nature which was her bike, and was grinning happily as she saw Owen screaming in the first place of the race. Needless to say, Owen passed through the finish line first. Soon followed up by Eva, and then Lindsay, and after she was Duncan, and finally Courtney.

Chris drove up on his ATV with a grin on his face. "Well it seems that we have a bike crash demolition since Owen just passed over DJ, and that was AWESOME!" Chris said to the camera with a hyped-up tone. Nothing gets the ratings up like some good old-fashioned race crashes. "But also we have Gwen who gave up before even trying. Anyway a five invincibility race winners! Owen's fun machine, Eva's working out torture machine, Lindsay's Sunset Sally. Courtney's hybrid, and Duncan's Lethal Weapon!"

All bikes were present for this…except for Duncan's and Eva's whose bikes were still zooming around the island with Owen holding on for dear life. And Eva seemed to be in control of it. "How do I stop this thing?!" Owen screamed as he started to close in on everyone.

Eva rolled her eyes.

"Turn the valve back to 12," Eva shouted as Owen quickly obeyed the bodybuilder.

"Okay." Thankfully this did stop the bike, but the sudden stop also launched Owen right off it causing the big guy to crash face-first into the sand…and Chef. "Ochie…"

"DUNCAN, HOW I TURN OF THIS THING?" Eva shouted as the delinquent decided to give help.

"Slam the hood ornament!" Duncan yelled to Eva. Who nodded her head.

Eva quickly did as Duncan said and slammed the hood ornament. Which is different than Owen's, Eva knew about the huge force the momentum was making. So instead of being launched away, she held tightly to the handlebars as even when she went to stop, she rolled a meter away from the bike but remained composure as she got up, in a perfect landing on her own. Cleaning up the sand over her shoulder and walking forward.

"Awesome finish, Owen and Eva." Chris laughed at the big guy's crash before looking at the camera. And Eva walking out of the challenge like a unity."It's time to head over to the TDI Motocross."

And while everyone was passing their time preparing for the next phase of the challenge, Izzy was having the time of her life, and Heather was having the worst day of her life.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." Heather screamed as she was feeling in pain from being dragged at the torn bush, having even a squirrel who was on her head, and even had its fur ripped from the torn bush, making it completely naked. "IZZY I'M GOING TO KILL YOU."

"AWWWWW, I LOVE YOU TOO HEATHER. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Izzy shouted as the duo kept running like there wasn't a tomorrow.

Now it was time for the final part of the challenge. Participating in the last race were Lindsay, Owen, Eva, Courtney, and Duncan. They were all just waiting for the race to start.

"Wow," Owen said to Lindsay as the big guy looked at her bike. "Sweet wheels!"

"I know right?" Lindsay smiled in response as she looked at Owen's bike. "And P.S. I love yours."

"Oh, me too." Owen cheered as he chuckled a bit and squeezed the handlebars. "It's so much fun to ride."

"I'm so glad that we can use our bikes now. I really want to use her for so long." Lindsay said as she hugged her own bike.

"Well, why not take it after you finish the challenge?" Courtney commented as she gave the suggestion on the side of the blonde girl. "I don't think Chris would care about what we are going to do with these bikes when we finish the challenge, and having something to ride on the camp sounds interesting."

"Ohhhh, do you think so?" Both Owen and Lindsay commented happily as the C.I.T. smiled at both of them and rolled her eyes.

Duncan scoffed but glanced at the horse bike.

"Hey Blondy, I have a question. What's the big red button on your bicycle? I didn't press it because I thought it was going to explode." Duncan asked as he had no way he was going to press weird buttons that he didn't know since bad experiences in the past.

"Ohh, well. I don't know, it's just there." Lindsay commented as she got the weird looks from the other campers, and she was being honest, she had no idea what button could do. Since it was done by Heather, and she didn't want to tell the other campers about it.

Courtney and Duncan raised their eyebrows while Owen looked interested.

"Ohhh, do you think that's a muffin button?" Owen thought about it, and he slapped himself for not having such a genius idea. "Aww man, I should have thought about such an idea."

"Ohhh, I love muffins," Lindsay said eagerly as she was tempted into pressing the button, but she then remembered one thing... It was Heather's bike, and as much as she wanted... Heather wouldn't place a muffin button in a bike, especially on all the work they had into taking the motor from Chef's Motorcycle. Then slowly she realized what that button meant... It was Heather's button, and she didn't know what it could do, but she would have to use it in the race. "I will press later."

Owen nodded his head, as Chris drove up to the campers on his ATV and was ready to get the challenge started. "Campers, welcome to the…Moto, Moto, Moto Cross, Cross, Cross Challenge, Challenge, Challenge!" Chris announced, giving himself an echo which simply got confused looks from both the racers and the spectators. "Using your own bikes, you'll race the course, avoiding hidden pitfalls. Cue the death traps!"

Looking forward to the course, the campers saw that there were three main parts of the course. "There's dodging the land mines." Chris pressed a button on a remote to make a few explosions go off. "Maneuvering through the oil slick." After the mines were a large area completely coated with oil. "And finally, jumping the piranhas!" Last up was a large rectangular body of water filled with a bunch of small but deadly fish.

"Oh and one more thing. Campers…welcome to the sudden death round!" Chris revealed making all the racers gasp, with some even putting on a fearful look. "Here's how it works, the last one to cross the finish line automatically gets voted off the island. No bonfire, do not pass go, do not collect a marshmallow. And before anyone gets smart today... No exchange of immunity to save the eliminated."

"Wait you c..." Courtney was about to say something but Chris gave a grin that it would rival the devil.

"Oh yes, I can and I just did. So my recommendation is, be the first to get the finish line and don't be the last crossing it." Chris commented as Courtney felt that Chris intended to get revenge in Heather's favor, and ironically, Heather wasn't there to get the threat made by Chris himself.

Eva ignored everyone as she started to pedal her bicycle, she could see Chris was already giving the preparations to start the race, she needed to make a controlled force, from the challenge if she went too fast she would lose control of her bike, but it was a race, and some the race needs some risk, she gave a few more spins on her pedal, before stopping and waited for the right moment, to spin the valve.

"Racers!" Chris called out as he raised a gun to the sky. "Take your positions…making sure there are no birds this time…..go!" Chris used his hand to give the start of the race.

And with that, the racers were off! Except for Owen who went ahead, nearly all of them were neck and neck. With Owen, the big guy's size and weight did a number on his speed. That and the fact that he had to bike uphill didn't do him any favors. But he didn't have to worry about that for long.

When the big guy made it to the area where the mines were, he quickly triggered one. Owen was sent up into the sky with his bike quickly being destroyed by the explosion. Owen was about to crash into Chef yet again, but the camp cook managed to duck before the goofball hit him…and then proceeded to have one of the tires of Owen's bike land on his head.

Duncan, Eva, and Courtney managed to either dodge the explosions or outspeed them. But Lindsay actually used one to her advantage as one went off behind her and gave her a boost forward. Courtney looked at Owen who was the first to be out, she felt sad the boy would be eliminated from the show since the four campers now were competing to achieve immunity, it meant the group just going a bit further than him, they would be saved from elimination.

"WHOHOOOO." Lindsay shouted as she was feeling so alive from the challenge ahead.

When they reached the oil spill, Courtney managed to get through it by hitting the brakes on her bike drifting forward, and lessening the effects the oil had on her wheels. Her boyfriend wasn't so lucky, however. Duncan's Lethal Weapon was built for speed, and oil was the natural enemy of speed. This led to Duncan quickly crashing into the oil and coloring most of his body black with his bike soon falling apart. Eva was also one who committed the mistake of trying to compensate speed over quality, since at the time she passed the oil spill, she thought she would have control of her bicycle, but then by a slight turn to take control, made the wheels lose the control and then rolls over the ground and with the weight of the bodybuilder also above it, the impacts of sticks, rocks, and metal, weren't good enough to handle the powerhouse Eva, which immediately broke it down in many pieces.

But once again Lindsay proceeded to be a surprising MVP in this obstacle. Doing a wheelie, Lindsay managed to go through the oil in a straight line with the broom attached to the back of her bike absorbing the oil Lindsay passed and creating an oil-free path. Like a horse giving the trails of goodness to whoever went after her path.

Due to Courtney losing speed, Lindsay was able to catch up to the CIT. Both were neck and neck with each other as they approached the last obstacle. The piranha pit. Lindsay's fear took over her... But then she gave a slight glance at the red button...

"YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO." Then a familiar voice called for her, and Lindsay could see a slight glance on not just the angel, nor the devil. But both of them said in unison. "PRESS THE BUTTON."

Lindsay hesitated but obeyed as she pressed the red button on her bike. Just then the engine she and Heather had taken from Chef's bike started off and Lindsay's bike proceeded to outspeed the wind. So much so that the cheerleader captain managed to completely jump over the pit of killer fish.

Meanwhile, Courtney decided to do the sensible thing…and go around the piranha pit.

"If you think I'm going to risk my life to cross a piranha pit, while there is an easy way to pass it? Then you are very wrong." Courtney shouted as Chris facepalmed.

"Ugh... I should have made something to avoid this decision." Chris commented to Chef who nodded his head at him.

Courtney watched Lindsay being so fast that it clearly crossed the finish line.

"And the winner of the race is LINDSAY WITH HER SUNSET SALLY BIKE," Chris commented as the blond girl pressed the brakes and was overjoyed with the results.

"I won... I WON. I WON." Lindsay said as she got out of the bicycle and was jumping happily, while the other campers had to nod their heads in recognition, you can tell whatever they want about Lindsay, but she has good acrobatic skills and knows how to win a race.

"Well, at least I lost the immunity for Lindsay, and not for Heather," Courtney commented as she composed herself. "I feel bad for Owen since he is going to be eliminated."

"I wouldn't say that Courtney." Then a voice made the C.I.T. her feel a bad feeling in her gut. And with the same smirk he had before, she knew it wasn't good news. " Lindsay is safe because her bike crossed the line first, but since Duncan, Eva, and Owen wiped out and didn't complete the race…they technically didn't cross the line at all. Which makes you the last one to cross the line. Which means it's Dock of Shame time, baby."

At the time Chris said that Courtney could see Owen feeling pains of burn and his body twitching, Duncan was feeling dizzy and even hitting himself on the face on the oil spill, and even Eva was with her body laid over the broken remaining of her own bicycle, completely knocked out. The only person who would suffer the consequences was the C.I.T. who just managed to get into the second position.

"NO, YOU CAN'T DO THAT." Courtney said in fury as the campers also felt a bit of injustice happening around, but Chris simply ignored the C.I.T. "Hey, don't ignore me, that's not fair... CHRIS,"

Courtney shouted as Duncan slowly walked behind his girlfriend, who was still in fury and denial... But knowing it was the right moment... he simply hugged her. Courtney felt the wet and dirty oil, but the arms of her boyfriend gave her comfort...

And at that moment, the water and oil finally mixed together... as the tears coming from the C.I.T. came towards the arms of her boyfriend.

"That's not fair..." Courtney commented as another member of Killer Bass decided to be the one leaving the show. Duncan felt it worse because it was one of the most important members, not from the team since she was a pillar, but it was from his life since it was his girlfriend.

"This game was never fair," Duncan commented as he hugged Courtney, as Gwen, DJ, and even Lindsay felt remorseful for knowing such a terrible fate happened to a camper.




In the afternoon, Courtney was still feeling defeated by how unfair the rules were over her, still having a few thoughts about how Chris wanted to eliminate her since the treasure chest challenge, and thoughts giving her ideas into how to make lawsuits for the show to make her have another chance. It has been unfair to her for so long. Terrible place, terrible decisions, but still... she wanted to be part of the game because she knew that she would miss her boyfriend and even her team.

Duncan was still cleaning up himself, but his anger was also known as the time he kicked the trash can many times, Gwen and Eva have been helpful to her since both girls have been helping her pack her stuff and take her suitcases with her.

At the time the girls were already to walk towards the Dock of Shame, the group noticed Heather walking towards the cabin, completely trashed, with bruises, and ready to kill someone.

They would have gotten mad at Heather for disappearing and letting Courtney suffer the elimination, but from the look in her eyes, it seems the queen bee never wanted to do that, as she was on the verge of breakdown. Neither of the girls opened their mouths, but they waited for Heather to say something.

"I...hate... Izzy." That was the only thing they needed to know, and it was the perfect point from the queen bee to give since it shows that he preferred to do the challenge than be dragged into the terrible trap with the crazy ginger-haired girl.

"Well, whatever. At least you are not eliminated." Courtney commented, as she sighed sadly and passed by Heather. "Try to not make everyone furious at you, okay?"

Heather raised her eyebrow as she saw the Goth, the bodybuilder, and the C.I.T. girl passing her, making her blink and question what must have happened.

She didn't care. She just wants to have a shower and be done with the day.

(Dock of Shame)

Walking on the dock of shame, Courtney felt her heart clinches, as she gave a slight hug to her boyfriend who was the first person waiting for her. And the time she was going to say something, she felt something tied to her neck... And when she looked at Duncan in surprise, he smiled at her.

"I made this a long time ago for you. I wanted to give at you for a while, but I was waiting for the right moment." Duncan commented as Courtney saw the wooden craved skull collar. "For you to remember of me when until I get the 100 thousand dollars. Okay?"

Courtney sniffed as she tried to contain her tears, but gave a big kiss to the bad who accepted with gusto, and with that, she went away to see Gwen, who was also sad but gave a strong hug her.

"It will suck without having you around here, take care of yourself," The goth girl commented as Courtney nodded her head and smiled happily at the girl.

"I will miss you too, Gwen," Courtney went ahead and saw DJ with a few tears in his eyes.

"Sorry to see you go, Courtney, it will not be the same without you here." The Jamaican commented as Courtney gave a good hug at the boy with a gentle heart and the cowardice of a pink beagle.

"It will also not be the same without you guys. Good luck DJ," Courtney commented as she knew that little by little. DJ was losing his fire and sooner or later he was going to say the word... but she couldn't exchange places with him, just accept her defeat.

At the time Courtney got nearby Eva, the bodybuilder gave a slow hug but also whispered something in her ear.

"Wait, really?" Courtney said as she didn't expect to hear such news like that, and Eva nodded her head.

"Also, if you find him, tell him thanks about the hiding spot, and to double his weight. Because my working out senses are buzzing, and it was time for him to double his weight." Eva said as her smile came feral, which she had pity because she wanted to see what would be the reaction of Ezekiel into finding out that Eva decided to reward or in other languages, punish Ezekiel for making her look after him for 16 hours.

"Well, I will do. Thank you, Eva, for saving me before, and for being a good friend..." Courtney commented as she gave another hug to the bodybuilder, who smiled at her. "Also keep an eye on Duncan and the others,"

"I always do," Eva commented that it was satisfactory for the C.I.T. who had her moments with the remaining campers.

Lindsay was the first one who was feeling sad, and Courtney couldn't be mad at her.

"I lost a race, and I'm glad to have been against you. I will keep an eye on you next time we race." Courtney smirked as Lindsay with all her kindness gave a hug on her. Which made Courtney smile and hug the blond girl.

Owen who was there, gave a hug him.

"It's funny that you started with a hug with me, and then I'm hugging you before leaving," Courtney commented as she felt Owen become sad and give a sad smile at her.

And then when it came to Izzy, who was still giggling madly, Courtney didn't know what to say. But then when Izzy hugged Courtney so quickly that the girl couldn't register, Izzy finally voiced a whisper.

"Hey, Courtney. Do me a favor and check if Ezekiel is taking his pneumonia medicine right okay?" Izzy commented as it made the C.I.T. girl have her eyes wide open. "And no, I'm not insane, I'm just having fun. You differently than the first day knows how it is."

Courtney didn't know what to say, but then Izzy saluted her weirdly and marched away... Courtney knew that it was best to leave since the camera was aimed at her as well. So by shaking her head, and holding the skull collar in her hands... Courtney finally accepted her destiny and left the island on the boat of losers.

(Girls Cabin)

At the end of the day, while everyone was slumbering trying to reach comfort around the brutal day they had, there was one person who was having the most peaceful slumber of her life. The blond hair was with her eyes closed, but on each side of her head, there were two tiny versions of herself, dressing as cheerleaders. With pompons on their hands, giving their best into one single song.

"Give me an L, give me an I, Give me an N, give me a DSAY, who we call? LINDSAY, LINDSAY, LINDSAY IT'S ME. LINDSAY, LINDSAY, LINDSAY IT'S ME..." Both angel and devil Lindsays chant as the blonde bombshell feels proud of herself showing that she is indeed having the victor's dream.

Ignoring that far far away, in the arts and crafts there was one completely berserk person.

"WHO THE *BEEP* DISMANTLED MY MOTORCICLE?" Chef's voice echoed throughout the whole island but never disturbed the happy chanting inside of the blonde bombshell.

"Lindsay, Lindsay it's me..." Lindsay chanted like a whisper as she went into the world of the dreams, having hopes the next challenge would be as fun as it was on that day.

Chapter 29: Interlude 9

Chapter Text


"Aham, I think that's quite good for today," Ezekiel commented as he finally finished another page of his work, with Noah who had been enjoying eating a pineapple slice and watching Sadie working out, as Katie was dancing with Cody. Everything seemed to be peaceful around the Playa del Losers, even after the events of Geoff and Bridgette finally finding their love once again.

But still...

"Ughh. Can't you two stop? You have been kissing on the pool for 10 minutes." Tyler said as he was feeling uncomfortable at seeing Geoff and Bridgette showing their affection without stopping around the pool. He was even swimming but he was interrupted when he crashed upon the couple. And he waited for a single response from each of them. With his eyes rolling and annoyed by being ignored by his friends, he couldn't take it anymore. "ZEKE."

And for the next minute... the same pattern would happen again.

*Tsk tsk tsk.*

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, WHY?" The sounds of the spice water spray were what became the limit of the restrictions of the couple who just were enjoying their next 3 days around, and with Ezekiel as a guardian of their boundaries, it was the time when even his friends of Killer Bass, and even members of Screaming Gophers had enough of them and wanted them to stop kissing.

"What did I tell you about making out a lot outside of the room?" Ezekiel said as he was with his arms crossed at the duo who were laughing sheepishly at him.

"Not cool guys," Tyler commented as he crossed his arms, and decided to take Geoff with him. "Now come on Geoff, let's play some frisbee."

"Hey, but what about Briahhhhhh." Geoff wanted to spend more time with his girlfriend, but Tyler wasn't going to have it, so he forced the party boy to play with him without thinking twice. That boy needed something to distract himself from the surfer since they had departed from the show for only 3 days.

Ezekiel raised his eyebrows at Bridgette who blushed and smiled nervously. The boy sighed and walked with her.

"I don't know what to do with you, Bridgette."Ezekiel commented as he whistled at Harold who had been carrying a plate of food for everyone, since the food always has been a great thing in comparison to the ordinary food from the show."Get hold of yourself, girl."

"I know, I know," Bridgette commented as she saw Buggsy the bunny jump around the island but not without pausing and giving a slight wave at her. The young girl who loves nature waved back at the sweet animal. But then seeing Ezekiel giving a glance at her, she couldn't help but confess. "But it's just, it feels like an eternity those days, and he really made me happy. And I wanted to be with him forever and ever."

"Yeah, I can imagine," Ezekiel commented as he clearly saw on the future episodes of Total Drama Island on what happened, both Bridgette and Geoff would always makeup, passing minutes kissing, which led to them being the first eliminated in Action, and then become hosts of Aftermatch, which Geoff became a jerk and had a terrible downgrade that many fans disliked him into doing it. But still, they always would find a way to keep together and kiss each other. "Just please, know your limitations, you have room for making out, and what is behind 4 walls it's up to you. But come on, you have friends outside of your mouths, and we want to enjoy the rest of the show on this paradise and have a great time with you two as well."

Bridgette paused... and thought about it, as Ezekiel was indeed wanting to call her attention telling her that indeed she had friends around who wanted to pass the time with Geoff and her, and not leave them both to always kissing around.

"Wow, I must look like a jerk," Bridgette confessed and Ezekiel nodded his head.

"And you were, but at least you saw the reason, now. Let's go watch the Pay-Per-View. Maybe we can find out what it's the new challenge for today on the show." Ezekiel commented as he could see Bridgette thinking about the idea. Since Ezekiel already finished what he wanted, and Noah was having a good time relaxing, he didn't care to watch the episode, until it came the edited version on the night.

Bridgette remained quiet, as she had nothing better to do since she already had a great time surfing, and then kissing her boyfriend, now that the challenge was probably going to happen, they at least would have some debates on what was going to happen, and who could probably be the next eliminated from the show.

And seeing the episode in pay-per-view usually, it's slower than the full edited version, but thankfully Bridgette and Ezekiel weren't alone, since Beth also came, and then Noah who didn't have anything else interesting to do, so it was talk around the room watching the pay-per-view, talking about their ideas while they watched the episode.

Beth got emotional as she saw her best friends talking about how they missed her, and she couldn't help but feel guilty about the curse she had brought to her team and friends, she did what she had to do, but still missed her friends was painful, as she felt the same thing, she missed her best friends who were always teaching her on how to be a more elegant girl and pretty like them.




"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, GO IZZY, SHOW THAT SNAKE HELL." Noah laughed loudly as he felt vindicated into seeing Izzy bringing Heather to the cliff on her bike, Beth looked horrified at what the military crazy girl had been doing with Heather, and worse, the bookworm didn't stop laughing at her. "Oh I'm going to watch the whole pay-per-view on them, I will watch the edited episode tonight, this... isn't something I wish to miss for a second. Let me check the channel where this camera is... oh there you go. 744, got it. See you later guys."

Beth narrowed her eyes, while Ezekiel and Bridgette gave a glance at each other before simply shrugged and continued the episode.

When it comes to Lindsay being alone... she suddenly starts to talk alone.

"Err, what is she doing?" Tyler asked as he saw his girlfriend talking to nobody around at the camera. Beth and Bridgette were unsure of how to say it, but Ezekiel got covered.

"It seems she is talking with her Shoulder Angel and probably her Shoulder Devil," Ezekiel commented as Tyler raised his eyebrow. "Hey, it's fascinating, the two sides of your conscience, and you probably saw it in cartoons or even movies, which I'm surprised to see Lindsay having them."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Tyler and Bridgette asked, while one sounded offended by what he said, the other asked curious.

"It's because Lindsay is too nice, I never thought she would have a shoulder Devil, but that's a surprise for me to see it on the television firsthand," Ezekiel commented as he mused as he imagined what would have been an extra scene he would have loved to watch when he was on the life before that, imagining on how someone naive and good heart like Lindsay having both shoulder entities, he couldn't help but imagine if Lindsay was the Canadian version of Kronk, and if that was the case, he would have loved into seeing those 3 interacting with each other.

Until the trio of Lindsays came up with a very interesting and appealing idea.

"Combining the two halves of bikes? That's actually a pretty great idea." Ezekiel commented, as he was impressed that in times of need, creativity would be a great idea, and it's good to see Lindsay having her own episode to shine, knowing the actual episode, Ezekiel could potentially see Izzy knowing the outcomes of saving Heather from elimination just like she did with Leshawna.

And from building the bikes, Ezekiel looked surprised and terrified of one thing...Eva's confession regarding Owen.

"Poor Owen, he is her next victim," Ezekiel commented as Bridgette stared at the homeschooled boy. "At the time she decides that you need a workout, then prepares yourself for the nightmares. Thank God I'm just doing my exercises while I focus on my writing. And she couldn't check up on me or Sadie anymore."

Bridgette raised her eyebrow, debating if Ezekiel just jinxed himself or not.

And like he said, when the bicycles were built, it was the time to exchange bikes with each other. It was like a sick irony of destiny since Owen got Eva's bike, and he looked like he was dying, and with Eva's shouts, the poor optimistic chubby guy was in panic and exhaustion, when he spun the valve, Ezekiel had a sense of dejavuu, since it looked almost exactly like the cannon.

And when the race finished almost exactly like the cannon, but with a camper more on the next phase. It was the time for the campers to use their confession.

Owen was the first to do his non-edited version, where he began crying and shouting about how Eva was a demon, which made Ezekiel nod his head and Bridgette and Beth look terrified about Eva.

And then came Eva's confession.


Needlessly to say Ezekiel palled from the threat and cursed himself to open his mouth. Now he needed to make sure to train more around the day because he didn't want to deal with Eva. Especially in case, she would be eliminated from the next phase.

But also a good part of Ezekiel was curious. Without Heather being the winner of the cannon challenge, who would win this time, and who would be eliminated?

"Who do you think is going to win the challenge?" Beth asked Bridgette who seemed to be also wondering about the idea of immunity, while Ezekiel remained quiet because the rules of the next phase weren't explained yet.

"I don't know, but Duncan's and Eva's Bicycle seemed to be the fastest so far," Bridgette commented as Tyler wondered as well.

"Well I hope Lindsay wins since she worked hard, and she is my babe." The jock commented as Ezekiel smiled from the optimism of him.

"Oh yes, I hope Lindsay wins, she is so good in challenges like that, remember the flag capture challenge? She was amazing." Beth commented as Tyler nodded his head at her.

Ezekiel gave a slight glance at the screen, and with a thought on his mind... He couldn't help but muse with one question.

If Lindsay hadn't stopped in the piranha pool on the cannon or listened to Heather, she could have won the challenge easily... But also in the cannon, her outburst was one thing that the fans never thought it would have been being one of the first campers to need censored words for so long.

Either way, it was a well-deserved Lindsay episode...




It was a shocking episode because neither, Bridgette, Beth nor Tyler could have expected to Courtney be forced elimination... However Ezekiel at the moment only remained only Lindsay and Courtney at the race... Chris wouldn't waste his opportunity to say the same words as he did in Cannon. But this time, without negotiation.

It was still heartbreaking to see his friend Courtney break, but in comparison to her cannon version, Ezekiel was happy, that this time, her departure from the show was more fair in being voted out by rigged votes by Harold.

Ezekiel got up from his seat. And turned off the television, and everyone looked at him in surprise.

"Let's not talk about what happened on this episode to the others," Ezekiel commented as the group looked at him in disbelief. "We watched the pay-per-view from the start, and I think they will deserve only to know when they watch the episode. It was their choice to watch the edited episode."

"Fair enough, I don't want to spoil anything, because I'm still trying to process this challenge," Beth commented as she had no idea how Chris could have been so ruthless, and in the end, Courtney was fated to lose.

Ezekiel had so many mixed feelings toward the episode since it has been both great to see Lindsay deserving the victory, but also very sad to see Courtney being eliminated like that.

And probably with so many changes from the cannon, he hoped, and even prayed for the destiny of his brown-haired C.I.T friend wouldn't fall for the darkness which happened on World Tour. And there was one thing he must do, since at least differently than the cannon, she now has friends to give support to her and be by her side.


To say Sky and Jane were surprised was an understanding, because from all the campers they thought it would be eliminated from the episode. Courtney was in their opinion the one who had the less chance of being out of the show. It was so shocking to find out that between the lines, Chris would have been so cold that it would eliminate someone if they didn't understand exactly what he said.

"Oh my God," Jane commented as Sky was lost for words, they looked at each other and saw Courtney breaking down on television, which by far attacked their hearts. The whisper of her defeat was heartfelt and emotional on how the drama was indeed on the show, and you never should expect to be completely safe, because if you drop your guard for a second in the challenge, then you could be the next eliminated on the show. "I knew that she was going to be out, but not like that."

"I thought she would at least go to the top 4 contestants, but being eliminated easily like that?" Sky agreed with her sister, and seeing such sudden elimination was both revolting and sad at the same time. It wouldn't be a surprise that this episode would be one of the most debated around the show. Since the sudden elimination of a camper who just got saved from the last surprise elimination. "Do you think Chris rigged this, because of his revenge with Courtney?"

"I don't know. But it's Chris, anything could happen. Especially that he warned the rules of the third phase." Jane commented as both sisters couldn't help but grimace from seeing the C.I.T. being the one leaving the show. "Now Duncan is the last pillar, the pressure of the game and dealing with DJ, Eva, and Gwen, it's a huge responsibility on his shoulders now."

"Each episode surprises me more and more, from the fact it has been more and more members of Killer Bass losing, I have no idea who would be the next camper to leave," Sky commented as she was happy for Lindsay to win by herself. "I never thought Lindsay would have been able to win this. But way to go girl."

"It was well deserved," Jane commented that both sisters while being sad for Courtney, were also happy for Lindsay, it was indeed her time to shine and show her skills. "She is awesome when she is serious. And to think I didn't like much of her at the beginning. But I think at the moment Trent messed with her, he unlocked something inside of her which made me care for her, and even for Heather... Now that I think of it."

"WHERE ARE HEATHER AND IZZY?" Both sisters shouted in surprise and went to watch the other cameras of pay-per-view. Until they found Izzy carrying Heather who looked very angry and traumatized... Both sisters remained quiet.




"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA," Until the whole neighborhood listened to the sisters laughing at the painful adventure the queen bee suffered in exchange for her immunity on the show.

Life was good.


Dawn watched sadly the events happening around the episode, just like Bridgette breaking on the Brunch of Disgustness and Ezekiel's departure, it has been a scene where Dawn learned from first experience how to be aware of the trickster nature from the host of the show.

Watching television, she could see some of their auras, however, she wasn't strong enough to identify them by watching on the screen. She would need contact with the person for her to read their aura, and one thing she really wanted to know, is what the hell is on Chris' mind, she isn't sure if his aura is black like darkness, or grey of madness, but she knew that some times he likes to create drama like that. And that's both infuriating and yet fascinating.

Something inside of this show always brings attention from the others, even her since she is a nature lover, but enjoying the lessons she learned from the show and all the drama and adventures each camper has on the show.

Indeed, the more she watches, the more she and her family ask themselves what Chris is going to plan next.

The trip by boat sounded in silence, as the sound of waves DIDN'T even reach her ears. Even though the journey seemed long, and even the battles and challenges fought and won sometimes, the biggest loss Courtney ever had in her life.

Thinking about the possibility of what to do at the time she returned to her house, talk to her parents about how her life must have been around the show, even if they probably saw her on television, but she wanted to try to explain to them on their mind about the things that she learned about the island. How she was afraid that her mom wouldn't like her friends, or even not approve of her boyfriend.

Such thoughts once again happened in her mind, and that has to stress her out. Even as she looked at her craved in wood made by Duncan, she gave a small smile, before getting to focus on their own personal problems, but thankfully if the information Eva told her was true, there was a resort for all of the people who lost around the show, and if was indeed a 5-star resort like she was told before, anything was good for her to refresh her mind and body, from the shameful defeat she got on that show.

But suddenly as the time of the afternoon was over, and the sundown came to an end, the night was starting to happen, and then she was brought into a place that she had never seen before, it was another island as the bodybuilder had told her, and to her surprise, Ezekiel was sitting on the docks, with a drawing book on his hands...

Courtney was confused until Ezekiel stopped drawing and saw the boat approaching the shore.

"Final stop girl, got rest a bit, you deserved it." The captain of the boat was clear as Courtney finally reached her destination, and with control of her feelings and her chaotic mind, Courtney recovered her composure and took the suitcases and luggage that she brought on the show, and placed them on the shore.

But then she felt someone holding one of her luggage, and from the innocent smile of a friend that she hadn't seen for a while, Courtney felt her lips tremble and her eyes tear up.

Ezekiel didn't say a word, but helped her to carry some luggage and place them on the shore, and before they could go to the resort. Ezekiel finally opened his mouth.

"Before we go. Can you follow me a bit?" Ezekiel commented as the C.I.T. girl tilted her head before he led in the place of the beach a bit distance from the shore, without the weight of her baggage and suitcases.

Ezekiel took out his shoes and instructed Courtney to do the same, which she hesitantly did... And a bit nearby on the beach, Ezekiel sat down...

"Ezekiel, what are you doing?" Courtney asked with a bit of impatience but then she saw Ezekiel instruct her to do the same. She sat in front of him.

"Okay, close your eyes," Ezekiel commented as the girl raised her eyebrows, but she then saw Ezekiel closing his, which made the girl a bit strange about what he was doing.

"Okay," Courtney decided to just follow his instructions. She felt the darkness around her eyes and then started to hear Ezekiel's voice as all the focus was on her mind.

"Breath..." Ezekiel commented as he could hear Courtney start breathing, and Ezekiel knew what he had to do, for a friend like Courtney, he knew exactly what was important to do. "Here in the darkness, everything is okay, listen to the waves and let them fade comes a thought... *snap*"

And from a sound snap of a finger, Courtney snapped her eyes wide open, as she saw something that she had never seen before, a world completely blue and serene, it wasn't anything that she ever thought of before. It was like she reached the deep of her own consciousness.

*snap* *snap* *snap* *snap*

And then from the sounds of the snap of fingers, she heard Ezekiel humming a melodic song, it didn't have an instrument, but from the melodic humming, it seemed that stroke deep inside of her mind. And then Ezekiel started whistling, and like the whistle and humming, it seemed like music to her ears... Until Ezekiel finally showed the purpose of why he did.

Steven Universe - Here Comes a Thought (Cover by Caleb Hyles) (

"Take a moment to think of just, Flexibility, love, and trust," Ezekiel commented as he placed both his hands in a meditation state, which Courtney saw him do, she was so confused but immediately followed his actions. "Take a moment to think of just. Flexibility, love, and trust"

Ezekiel turned his head, and Courtney did the same, and to her surprise, she just saw another Ezekiel on there, instead of the same person who she found around the show, this one was different, it was a younger version of himself, and then something that she never thought before, an ugly version of himself, a boy with a green skin with damage without hair, a person that it wasn't human, but a monster destroyed by the humanity, it was horrifying.

"Here comes a thought that might alarm you, What someone said and how it harmed you" At the time Ezekiel sang the song, both of them saw little light butterflies flying across the area, and when they hit the little kid, Ezekiel, the kid felt horrified while the beast was feeling furious and ran away to try to attack the butterfly. At the time one of the butterflies reached Courtney's finger, which made her feel guilty of the feelings that she may be having on her thoughts. "Something you did, that failed to be charming, Things that you said are suddenly swarming."

And then like a little butterfly created hundreds of them, overwhelming everything Courtney ever thought before, it was a scary vision, as they flew like a river overwhelming not just the kid, but the beast who found himself scared by the giant river of little butterflies.

"And, oh, you're losing sight, you're losing touch, All these little things seem to matter so much." And from that river created a light spiral which not just scared the kid, but terrified the beast who just crouched himself and whimpered in fear even shedding a tear at that moment. "That they confuse you That I might lose you."

Courtney looked heartache from that moment, but the tonality of the voice of her friend seemed so calm like he was expecting her reaction to be like that. And every single word of his song was indeed craving on her mind.

"Take a moment, remind yourself, To take a moment and find yourself, Take a moment to ask yourself, If this is how we fall apart" Ezekiel saw both butterflies nearby him, each on his shoulder, as he raised both his hands, the little butterflies went into his hand, as he calmly made the big questions which impacted Courtney from his song, but then he smiled and shook his hands, making the butterflies flew away from him. He smiled happily and gave the answer she was looking for. "But it's not, but it's not, but it's not, but it's not, but it's not."

Then Ezekiel gave a deep breath and she saw both kid Ezekiel and the beast Ezekiel trying to calmly deep breath on the situation.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay, You've got nothing, got nothing, got nothing, got nothing to fear." Ezekiel pointed at the little Ezekiel to calm himself down and went after the beast version of himself, crossing the river of butterflies, he gave a hug to the beast, who emotionally embraced himself. "I'm here, I'm here, I'm here"

Ezekiel smiled, as Courtney felt it was her time to share the same feelings. As he opened her mouth.

"Here comes a thought that might alarm me, What someone said and how it harmed me." Courtney sang as she followed the same pattern of melody, and then her eyes wandered as her own memories attacked her, from the time she felt defeated as the words of the host of the show seemed to be making fun of her, "Something I did that failed to be charming, Things that I said are suddenly swarming"

And when she was singing she felt her brain explode, as crossing over her mind thousands of butterflies flew outside her head, creating a river even stronger than before. And from that quantity of butterflies, it created a giant version of a light butterfly, that indeed scared the C.I.T. brunette.

"And, oh, I'm losing sight, I'm losing touch, All these little things seem to matter so much, " And at that moment, both Ezekiel and Courtney saw something that only the former could understand who it was, Courtney tried to reach to the version of the butterfly which showed her deep inner thoughts, which was an angrier version of his friend, a C.I.T. girl who was hungry for power, with lawsuits on her hands, wanting to control everything, making Duncan to be a better boyfriend, to make Chris pay for his actions, and that version of Courtney was getting darker and darker, and even crueler with the time. "That they confuse me, That I might lose me"

Courtney then realized Ezekiel sang at the same time as her, and with a smile on his face, Courtney remembered the words his friend had told her. And followed the same lyrics as him.

"Take a moment, remind yourself, To take a moment and find yourself, Take a moment and ask yourself, If this is how we fall apart," Courtney came to a decision, as Ezekiel nodded his head at her, which made both close their eyes and went to have their own hands into meditating position, and then like a breeze of wind appearing strongly, Courtney opened her eyes, as she saw the giant butterfly she created suddenly separated from itself, like different little butterflies and flew away from each other, "But it's not, but it's not, but it's not, but it's not, but it's not"

Courtney took a deep breath, as she then saw the inner thoughts of herself suddenly disappearing like a whisper in the middle of strong waves of silence.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay" Courtney smiled as she then saw a little child version of herself, a little girl wearing a pink shirt, blue pants, and a white skirt, as she had 2 little pigtails on her hair like the good times she had on the childhood. From the time she grew up, she looked at the good memories, good friends she made, the deepest fear she had, and how her friends helped her to overcome it. "I've got nothing, got nothing, got nothing, got nothing to fear, I'm here, I'm here, I'm here"

Both Ezekiel and Courtney sang as they looked at each other, as great friends would be, a brotherhood they created on the Killer Bass, as she never felt the pain in her chest being released, she now felt free from everything.

"And it was just a thought, just a thought, just a thought, just a thought, just a thought," Courtney took a few butterflies with her hands and gently released them in the air, as she saw they flew away from the horizon and the good breeze crossed on her hair, and her mind finally came into peace. "It's okay, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay"

"We can watch, we can watch, we can watch, we can watch them go by, From here, from here, from here" Both Ezekiel and Courtney sang as they felt relieved from all the inner terrible thoughts they had, and finally with a lot of stress happening on their minds, Courtney felt exhausted and laid her back on the floor, as she then saw Ezekiel doing the same, and both of them watched the butterflies leaving the area, which even as the time they come could cause disasters, by seeing them leave it's a beautiful thing to see. "Take a moment to think of just, Flexibility, love, and trust, Take a moment to think of just, Flexibility, love, and trust..."

Courtney said the final words, until she then had her eyes wide open in surprise, seeing that the night had arrived, and Ezekiel with a happy smile on his face, still in a meditation state. And she couldn't help but be so happy, to even hug the boy in surprise.

"Woah," Ezekiel said, as he got happy about making a difference, knowing that what Courtney would need at that moment, was to find her inner peace, and by being his friend, he knew how much she needed that. And once again, one of his favorite shows childhood taught an important lesson to someone.




"So they didn't know I lost yet?" Courtney commented as Ezekiel helped her to carry her stuff.

"Just me, Tyler, Bridgette, Beth. But I asked them to be in silence and let the others see the end of the outcome." Ezekiel commented as he could see her eyebrows raised. "Hey, it would be unfair for them to let them have spoilers, especially since your departure was so shocking."

"Well, makes sense, even if I hated being eliminated like that, it must have caused a shock to everyone who watched the pay-per-view." Courtney since the time she was there, could see why Eva wanted to give the good news. The entire place seemed indeed a well-paid resort that Chris would like so much the campers to avoid losing on purpose. And speaking of Eva... "Oh yeah, Eva told me for you to double your weight."

"Wait what?" Ezekiel said as he dropped the suitcases, and palled into hearing what Courtney had said. "Doubling the weight? But I have 5kg in each arm and leg, if I use 10kg for each I will be walking like a tortoise, the only thing I would miss is a purple shell and a flying cloud."

"What?" Courtney asked as she looked confused about what the homeschooled boy had told her.

"Nevermind, I'm talking gibberish," Ezekiel replied as he waved his hands dismissing the thoughts of his friend, but then looked that she had just gotten in there, and they reached a good place for the baggage, Ezekiel then looked at the other campers reunited to watch the episode, which was showing the events of the challenge happening."But since you are here... want to play a little prank on them?"

Courtney stopped and mused for a minute...

"I'm listening..."That was everything Ezekiel wanted to hear, as they planned to put their plan in motion.




"Wow look at Owen, Eva is not going to let him off of the hook easily," Katie commented as she saw Sadie feeling pity for her fellow chubby friend.

"She is in the shark mode, it's the mode where she is going to make you cry for doing exercises, and she is going to focus her eyes only on yourself," Sadie commented as she palled from that thought. "Once I had a nightmare of doing push-ups, and when I woke up I was sweating and with my arms sore."

"Wow Sadie, even though I was here for a few weeks, watching you doing those exercises made me sore just by watching," Cody replied as the group watched the second phase of the race happening.

"I don't know what Izzy was planning, but I had a good laugh into seeing Heather screaming," Leshawna said happily as Noah felt he was having the best day of his life.

"Oh, it's get even better." The bookworm replied as a good part of his sadistic side that he never thought he had was happy to see the suffering of Heather happening. Karma is a bitch sometimes.

With everyone talking, Harold was sitting on the couch, enjoying a good bowl of popcorn, while Geoff and Bridgette were having a good making-out session and ignoring the events of the episode. The nerd ginger was so focused on the events of the episode that he wasn't even blinking.

"Hey Harold, can I have some of that popcorn?" Then a familiar voice came to nearby, as Harold without turning his head simply passed the bowl to the person. "Thanks... oh, that's what happened to Owen? Wow, poor guy."

"Yeah. Sometimes Eva scares me, and I'm glad that she didn't place me in the working out session. Even as the amazing skills I have. I wouldn't have enough stamina to survive a single hour of Eva's working out." Harold commented as he then took the bowl back.

*crunch* *crunch*

"Hmm, this popcorn is really tasty." The voice commented as Harold nodded his head.

"Yeah, I'm glad you liked Courtney." Harold happily commented, as then suddenly he blinked... a few times, but not before turning his head. "WHAT THE HELL?!"

Harold's reaction was so loud and so spontaneous that he launched the bowl into the air which made it fall over Noah who was nearby. And from the shout. Everyone turned to see, that on the couch, there was a familiar camper, who placed her hand over her mouth, trying to hold her laugh... Seeing Harold screaming was so funny, that even the other's reactions immediately made her laugh.

"COURTNEY?" Many of the campers who were watching the episode stared at the screen, and at the C.I.T. who let the hell broke loose, and finally had a good moment of laugh... A good day to start her vacation.

She felt that she deserved this. A reward for all the work that she did, and she was glad with how things turned out.




And with the C.I.T. girl watching the episode, looking for all the perspectives of the situation, she could understand that Chris wasn't sure if he was telling the truth if was another person being eliminated.

"Do you think he told the truth? And it wasn't just because of me?" Courtney asked unsure, and while some campers were unsure of what to say, Ezekiel knew the answer.

"If you had passed Lindsay, Chris would have eliminated her Courtney. The rules were clear, and even if they were easy to find a loophole, it still happened, you just lost because you were indeed the last person crossing the line." Ezekiel commented as he knew how the cannon episode would have turned out.

"How are you sure that's what happened?" Justin asked Ezekiel who saw everyone staring at him.

"It's because that's how Chris is... if only 2 people was crossing the finish line, of course, he would enjoy adding a twist on the rules he created, so he made sure to explain the exact rules before the challenge started... Nobody asked about what would happen to the disqualified people from the challenge." Ezekiel commented as the campers had their eyes opened in surprise, "Knowing Chris he always tells the rules that he always finds convenient, but you always should be aware of what kind of loopholes you always can use. And if it's for the sake of entertainment, Chris would love to see it happening."

"So that means Izzy bringing Heather from the cliff," Leshawna asked horrified, to which Ezekiel nodded his head.

"Chris didn't punish either of Izzy or Heather, because if he sees what both girls did on that trip on camera he probably would laugh so much that he would leave them both untouched," Ezekiel commented as the group watched a few scenes of Heather suffering on the crazy smile of Izzy.

"I can't believe it Izzy likes to do this crazy persona on television," Cody commented as Courtney had her eyes wide open in surprise.

"You mean she isn't actually crazy?" Courtney asked as Noah and Cody shook their heads.

"Nah, she is just a great actress, she fooled everyone, ask Ezekiel, she always likes to spend most of the time with him." The bookworm commented as Courtney raised her eyebrow at him, and the homeschooled boy raised both his hands.

"Hey, she is fun to hang out with, and we have been playing archery together, even as she is eccentric sometimes, but who isn't, each of us has some uniqueness for us to enjoy," Ezekielc commented as the boys rolled their eyes, and even Leshawna and Beth chuckled from his reaction.

"Well I supposed, actually she asked me to check on you if you are taking your pneumonia pills," Courtney commented as she then saw Ezekiel give a weak smile at her.

"Whoa, even on the show she is checking on that?" Ezekiel asked in surprise, as he looked at the clock. "Well, next hour I will be taking mine before sleeping."

"Well, at least we... ARE YOU TWO STILL KISSING RIGHT NOW?" Courtney was having a great time talking until she saw that Bridgette and Geoff were pushing her with their bodies since they were making out. Which annoyed the C.I.T.

From the look of the couple, it seems they ignored completely the C.I.T.

*tsk* *tsk* *tsk*

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." And once again both couples screamed as Ezekiel rolled his eyes.

"I don't know if Pavlov would be proud of you using one of his positive reinforcement tests. Or would be disappointed to find out that some people are worse than dogs." Noah commented as Ezekiel scoffed as Courtney saw both Bridgette and Geoff stop kissing and having their faces burning from the liquid.

"What is in there?" Courtney asked as Ezekiel gave her a bottle of water spray to her.

"Water mixed with hot sauce, whenever they pass their time kissing too much here, and ignoring our comments, we just use this no horny water spray," Ezekiel explained as the couple was feeling both ashamed and annoyed by the fact that once again they had to deal with this humiliating punishment. "Do you two want to continue in your rooms or you two are going to behave?"

Geoff mumbled some annoyed words, while Bridgette looked away sheepished.

"Fascinating. Could I have one?" Courtney asked interested as both Bridgette and Geoff looked horrified by the idea.

"Sure, enjoy yourself." Ezekiel saw the fearful look on their faces, and with a smile gave it to his friend who now knew they had a lot of problems.

"THIS IS A DICTATORSHIP," Geoff shouted angrily and in panic, while every camper who was watching the episode rolled their eyes.

"Sure, sure," Courtney commented, as she decided to make fun, and sat between both Bridgette and Geoff, and that way controlling both couples for not going too frisky on the night. Oh how much she is going to enjoy that.

Geoff and Bridgette couldn't say the same, but since they are annoying everyone, nobody cares.

It was a great night.

Heather was furious, about everything that she passed on the whole day, being kidnapped by the crazy ginger into a rollercoaster of the craziest shit she ever have in her entire life made her livid, from the times she went downhill from that moment, she thought it would be only a distraction for a few minutes, which in the end took literally hours. And for the cherry on top of the shitty day she was having, she was kidnapped AGAIN, by the same crazy girl.

"UGHHHHH, I WANT SO MUCH TO KILL YOU," Heather shouted angrily in the cave where Izzy was just ignoring her angry rants. While she was making tea for herself.

"Wow, for a person who I just saved the ass for today, you never know about the word of gratitude, didn't you?" Izzy said as she rolled her eyes, and those words infuriated even more the queen bee.

"GRATITUDE?" Heather shouted angrily as the ginger military rolled her eyes.

"Yes, because thankfully for what I did, we finally reached the point we wanted," Izzy commented as Heather paused and glanced at the girl who just smiled at her. "Oh, now you understand. We are now officially 4vs4 votes, which means any kind of winner of the next challenge, we can use our 4 votes to eliminate the next camper of our choice."

Heather then had her eyes wide open, as from all the possibilities, she never thought about such a thing and then narrowed her eyes.

"Why didn't you take Lindsay, or why did you make me do all that crazy shit?" Heather said still angry, which made Izzy laugh.

"For many reasons, one... if you participate in the challenge there would be many targets on your back, Lindsay on the other hand, hasn't any target, so she could only trust her skills to make herself get the victory, and which I have to confess that even I had placed my trust on her, I didn't imagine she had done so well as Owen told me," Izzy commented, which Heather had to calm herself down. "And to our surprise, my gut feeling was right, it was an instant elimination for the losers, and Chris used technicalities to make Courtney eliminated. Which would have been terrible for us if only Lindsay had won the challenge."

"And yet you were crazy enough to take such risks," Heather said as she narrowed her eyes, but Izzy scoffed at her.

"The biggest risk, the biggest reward, and taking down Courtney is one of the best things that could happen to us. We have 2 pillars down, we need just one more, and then take care of Eva, DJ will lose himself because sooner or later he can't cope with the pressure of the show." Izzy deduced which once again impressed Heather, but she was still mad at her for everything.

"I hate you will everything after you made me pull for today, but I have to confess you created a very good point. But mark my words you crazy bitch, when we eliminate the Killer Bass, our alliance is over and me and Lindsay will take you down." Heather commented as Izzy started to laugh.

"Oh Heather, bring it on," Izzy commented as she smiled at the queen bee, since even as crazy as it would be, Izzy enjoyed provoking and having a rivalry with the queen bee, but until then, she had a job to do. "Now, let's pick some tools."

"Now what?" Heather asked angrily, and Izzy narrowed her eyes.

"Knowing Chef Hatchet, we had to pass the night fixing his motorcycle, or whatever he is going to make food for us is going to be 10 times worse than we usually eat on the daily camp, and if he finds out the secret stash of the food I took from him, it will be way much worse," Izzy commented as Heather palled into imagining what kind of food would have been worse than they eat... until she remembered the brunch of disgustness, and her stomach flipped as a good part of her wanted to erase that memory from her life. "So let's fix his motorcycle before he cooks tomorrow, knowing it was you, Lindsay, and Duncan who took some of his dismantled material. We better let Lindsay sleep for tonight, and I'm going to wake up Duncan."

Heather hates Izzy for what she did in the morning, but she hated, even more, to know that crazy ginger was saner than the other campers, and the fact she knows more about Chef Hatched and what he could do to them, made her want to fix that damn bike...

But one single thought of relief was on the queen bee... she was glad that her friend Lindsay was the one who won the challenge.

It didn't take long for Courtney to adapt around the playa del losers, since two days had passed since her departure from the show, and she finally got to enjoy her time relaxing on the island, playing with her friends, enjoying the pool and even watching episodes of what happened around. She had to confess that from the viewers' perspective, there were some mistakes that her team had made, but overall they had a very solid teamwork, and a solid strategy, but the sudden departure of strong players indeed made the team getting weaker and weaker.

But she was proud of how much their team worked together, as she was indeed surprised at how far Trent had indeed gone. Even as he apologized to her and Geoff, it took a kick in his nuts, and for her satisfaction, Ezekiel told her that she had to do that again on live television, and she would be happy to oblige that, but still in the end, all the campers enjoyed those 2 days like a blink of an eye.

Not knowing on the night of the second day...




Ezekiel was having a peaceful night, usually, he didn't like to use blinds on the window, but suddenly something was capturing his attention, many lights hitting on the glass of the window, making the boy try to cover his head with the pillow on his head...Until a familiar sound happened... which sounded far away, but he recognized that sound... A helicopter.

"Helicopter at this hour?" Ezekiel asked as he got up to check the window... And from seeing there was indeed a helicopter flying to a direction, and then a dozen of boats traveling on the sea in the one direction... Ezekiel looked weirdly until slowly his eyes went wide open. "Is that?"

Ezekiel took his remote control and pressed the play to check on the pay-per-view.





"WAKE UP WAKE UP." Ezekiel's shout was loud enough to disturb and even made some of the campers jump from their beds since the homeschooled boy was kicking and punching the doors desperately. "CHECK THE PAY-PER-VIEW NOW."


"WAKE UP WAKE UP." Ezekiel kept shouting as loud as he could, making sure to disturb every single person from the resort, some looked scared and others annoyed.


"What is going on?" Leshawna asked angrily as she opened the door of her bedroom from all the commotion.

"Turn on the TV now. This is serious." Ezekiel said as he desperately kept knocking on the door,

And more and more campers got out of their rooms. Until Courtney got enough.

"What's so important for you to call us at this hour?" Courtney asked annoyed, but the next words she heard from Ezekiel, it was one of the scariest things she ever heard in her life.

"It's Eva... she got stabbed..."

To be Continued...

Chapter 30: Hook, Line, and Screamer

Chapter Text


A few hours early:

"Previously on Total Drama Island..." Chris began the recap as the sun started to set on the island. "Campers had to build their own hot wheels in a motocross challenge to race for invincibility. Without Heather's leadership, Lindsay decided to trust her own guts... and started to talk to herself until she found a very good idea to help her with the challenge of the day. There were big winners and big-time losers! And there was even some wicked like Izzy kidnapping Heather for her own session of traumatic events hehehehe, it was hilarious. But in the end, it was Lindsay who showed that she indeed had skills and should be taken seriously on the show, and Courtney as being the second to cross the finish line, she didn't expect that by being the last person to cross the finish line ended up with her elimination. Courtney ultimately lost the race and the challenge, which meant goodbye Courtney, have fun to being with the losers. Who will be the next winner? Who will be the next loser? Who will renew my contract for the next season? All these mind-robbing questions are revealed in this horrifying episode of, Total. Drama. ISLAND!"

"Cut." The voice of the cameraman was said as the host of the show finally could sigh in relief.

"Wow, this took 3 takes to make, how was my hair?" Chris asked as he checked on the mirror which he gave a grin, and after passing a few seconds, he could see Chef chuckling on his place. And it wasn't a surprise, since both of them came up with a brilliant idea for the episode. Chef approached him Chris smirked at the idea in his head. "To give a few horror movies for them to watch before we do the challenge today was genius. They must be thinking the challenge would be tomorrow."

"Well, it was obvious, since you always did 3 days of rest before the next challenge, doing one on the night of the second day usually would catch anyone by surprise." Chef Hatched commented as both of them laughed happily, as the camera crew and the interns were preparing for the episode happening before editing for the next day.

"I can't believe I'm going to leave this... if something happens with it, I'm going to get mad," Chris commented as he placed one single item inside of a bag, which the military chef rolled his eyes.

"It's just a bottle of hair gel, you can get over it," Chef commented, as both rolled their eyes, but then smirked at each other. "So when are we going to start?"

"At the moment they finish the next movie," Chris commented, as he thought it would be the best episode ever, but not knowing the repercussions of what that episode would be.


The sound of a chainsaw was able to be heard in the camp. The night had fallen on the Total Drama Island, and Chris had decided to give the movies to the final 8 to enjoy the night. But sadly for DJ, the movies were nothing more than slasher movies, which they are making a marathon being played on an old-fashioned film reel.

Some of the campers really enjoyed it, such as Gwen, Duncan, Izzy, and Owen were having fun watching the movie. And while some campers weren't that founded of horror movies like Lindsay, Heather, and Eva. DJ was a pile of nerves who didn't even have the energy to work up the nerve to actually sit in the chairs set up for the campers, with his hands over his eyes and violently shaking.

"He's coming out of the woods with a big hacky chainsaw!" Izzy commented as she was with an excited grin on her face as the movie showed a killer in a hockey mask wielding a giant chainsaw. "That's so cool!"

"Oh no!" Owen gasped as he covered his eyes with an arm. But the curiosity of the big guy couldn't resist as he gave a little peak. "Psycho killer man's going for the car!"

"Wow, I think my sister Paula had a blouse like that," Lindsay commented confused as a good part of her was feeling scared into seeing a lot of blood on the show as she felt the need to try to distract herself with anything unless than the movie. Heather was in silence while watching the movie almost feeling bored.

Eva ignored their talks while she enjoyed eating the popcorn. Amused by seeing a lot of the scared campers, especially the brick wall who seemed to have fear of anything.

"They're gonna be chainsaw sushi!" Izzy yelled before letting out a laugh, but then she was surprised by the scream of the girl as the chainsaw cut directly and she even let out a horrified gasp from seeing that scene.

"Great Canadian cheese!" Owen yelled out in horror as a girl screamed in the movie. As he threw his arms in the air and went to his knees he saw the hopelessness of the victims of the movie. "Now the car won't start!"

"Oh, man..." DJ whimpered as he tried his best to look away from the movie. But like a train crash, the gentle Jamaican couldn't look away completely... "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH."

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." The other campers shouted in surprise at his sudden scream, as Gwen, Duncan, and Heather looked annoyed by it. "DJ."

"Sorry guys, it's because I think screaming would alleviate a bit of the terror in me... which did a little, but I think that's too much for me to handle," DJ commented as Izzy got up from being immersed in the movie.

"RUN!" Izzy screamed at the movie, while Heather and Lindsay stared at the ginger girl, wondering if she was acting or she was indeed feeling inside of the movie, but still they tried their best to keep watching and ignoring Izzy's antics. "The psycho's gonna get ya!"

Nearly everyone watched in anticipation, with DJ finally reaching his limit and was able to look away by ducking his head under his hands, as the psychopath of the movie was finally closer to their target.

"Here comes the blood fest!" Gween gave the warning as the campers watched the blood start to spread in the movie, DJ closed his eyes with his hands, and at that moment Gwen cheered. "Haha, I knew it."

"Sinister, AHA WOHOO." Duncan commented impressed with the scene while Owen looked terrified, both the punk and the goth seemed to be having a great time while Izzy was smiling, DJ was hiding himself, and Eva was still eating popcorn as she rolled her eyes from seeing such a pathetic scene of DJ and Owen feeling so much horrified from a fake movie. Heather was bored while Lindsay was trembling in her place, feeling scared from all the gore, and from the damage of dirt blood on the clothing.

Izzy on the other hand stood up from her seat.

"Aw, the chainsaw psycho's going back to the woods! He's getting away! Yeah!" Izzy commented as the movie finally turned off. The horror fest finally was over. The ginger girl was so excited that decided to jump into the arms of the big man Owen."Good ending! Izzy loves scary movies!"

Owen who was feeling fear and disgust immediately diminished as he saw Izzy in his arms and he felt he should impress her.

"So does Owen." The big guy said as he looked to DJ and Duncan and the two gave thumbs up.

"Oh thank God it's finally over," DJ commented as the sound of the film reel stopped working. "I really hate scary movies."

"Oh yeah? What scares you the most?" Duncan asked as he had a smirk on his face, and from seeing DJ in a very sensible position, there was something he wanted to give as a surprise. "The part where everyone meets a grizzly death? Or the part of... BUGABUGABUGA."

Duncan suddenly placed a Big Green Mask which had 2 painted eyes and a big purple nose on it. And at the time he made the same sound, DJ immediately jumped from his seat.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." DJ shouted as he felt exactly what Courage must have felt when Eustace did it with the poor beagle. And from jumping behind the girls, needlessly to say, Lindsay, Heather, Gwen, and even Eva were laughing at the poor Jamaican who was found staring at the punk boy who was laughing at him.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA." Duncan laughed as DJ was indeed like a poor coward dog, and a simple mask he made on the Arts and Crafts was enough to scare the shit off him.

DJ narrowed his eyes and got up.

"Hey, where are you going?" Gwen asked as DJ narrowed his eyes.

"On the confession booth," DJ commented as the group waited patiently for him.

(Confession - DJ)

DJ looked at the screen with his arms crossed.

"HEY, THAT WASN'T COOL," DJ said angrily as he pointed at the camera, knowing that Duncan was going to see that in the future. "This will have a payback in the future, mark my words, Duncan."

DJ returned to his seat, as he looked angrily at the delinquent who was chuckling and hiding his mask.

"Aw c'mon DJ," Gwen decided to play the nice one and tried to assure the cowardly boy around the campers. "For a slasher flick, it was pretty tame."

"Yeah, there was hardly any hacking." Duncan stated as he waved his hook hand around and this time surprised DJ for the first time with the hook."Not like Bloodbath 2: Summer Camp Reing of Terror!"

"Where did you get that?" DJ asked in alarm while Gwen had another comment in mind.

"No way!" Gwen let out with a big smile on her face at the mention of the horror movie. "That's my favorite movie! I love it when the killer jams the guy's hand into the lawnmower!"

"And now we lost them," Eva commented as this time DJ jumped from his place once again scared, and this time he saw Eva scoffing at him. "Calm down Courage, I'm not going to let a psycho killer go after you."

"Really? Eva," DJ looked hopefully for the bodybuilder who didn't seem phased by anything in the movies. "It's because I get too scared."

"Pff, I don't get scared of serial killer movies," Eva replied as she scoffed around calling the attention of both goth and punk who seemed to be so entertained by the gore movie. "They are pretty tame, and in comparison to an actual sasquatch and a bear, you would be more scared of those beasts."

Duncan raised his eyebrow, as Gwen scoffed, while Heather looked amused, and even Lindsay looked impressed.

"Really? You don't have fear of serial killers with hooks and machetes?" Lindsay asked as Eva finished eating popcorn.

"Pff, serial killers are just humans like us... Here is a movie for you, serial killer appears, you break his legs and arms, and probably the spine, that way it wouldn't move anymore, and everyone is safe and live happily after... the end." The bodybuilder gave a summary of a narrative of a movie in which DJ wasn't sure if he should be terrified of the description of what Eva would do to a serial killer, or being grateful that she was on his team and was a good friend of him.

Lindsay and Izzy, since the former clapped as she liked the idea of everyone living happily after and the latter clapped with the idea of someone actually beating down mercilessly the villain which the movie would be short, but also would be brutal and awesome to watch. Eva raised her eyebrow but smirked that at least someone enjoyed the idea.

Heather, Duncan, and Gwen rolled their eyes.

"If that was the movie, it wouldn't be at least 10 minutes," Duncan commented as Eva grinned and cracked her fingers.

"Oh I would make it a whole 2-hour session with it," Eva grinned in a way Owen gulped and gave a step back, which Eva stretched herself and then checked the fat boy once again. "Hmm... did you do the 10-mile run like I said you should?"

Owen gulped as he sweated in fear of the bodybuilder, since in comparison to the horror movie, he wasn't sure who was the scariest, the psycho or Eva herself.

"Oh, you don't know?" Then Eva said which made Owen flinches, and curse himself for making his thoughts loud for Eva to hear. "Well, let's see if tomorrow you are going to be afraid of a movie horror when I'm done with you."

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO." Owen shouted as he was cowering in the presence of the bodybuilder, and at the time everyone was watching Eva enjoying the fear she had made Owen suffer, by doing exercises. And the worst punishment of all... Cut his food rations to 2/3. Which has been making him try to find a way to eat food, but she was cutting his food, trying to make him eat too much.

Eva then glanced around to see the other campers staring at her.

"What?" Eva just said a question which everyone turned their heads and started to whistle away from when Eva got in the working out mode.

"Well I gotta agree with Eva on this one, it's just mindless guts and gore, if the assassin dies, then the movie is over," Heather said as she wasn't all impressed with the movie she saw on the night.

"Horror movies aren't mindless," Gwen stated as she crossed her arms at Heather.

"Yeah, they're loaded with psychological trauma," Duncan commented as he once pointed at DJ who was still trembling. "Just look at DJ."

"Hey, I just got scared because you are using Eustace's mask, that was a low blow." DJ crossed his arms, as he himself showed that he wasn't on that fear of the movie anymore, but the fact Duncan had been annoying by using a fear that he shared with the coward beagle.

"Whatever." Heather rolled her eyes at watching the whole scene, as she saw Lindsay a bit intimidated by the idea of a serial killer horror movie, but was holding herself together, she checked Izzy by seeing everything in her amused face, it seemed anything was getting more and more suspicious. "Does anyone have any idea what our challenge will be this week?"

"Hmm, we have to wait tomorrow to see if Chris will come up with a challenge for us," Eva commented as the group raised their eyebrows at her. In fact, it could happen since it was on the final day off they had before another challenge came up...

And the group was about to accept that as an answer until suddenly the sound of a boat motor got their attention. As the group walked to the docks, the eight teenagers all stood up and headed toward the direction of the boat. Once there, they saw a surprising thing. Chef was loading up a bunch of bags of luggage and crates into the Boat of Losers.

"Hey yo, Chef!" Duncan called out as he approached Chef, and for some reason, the military man flinched at the sound of the voice and turned at Duncan with a horrified look on his face. "Where's the fire?"

But Chef didn't answer the question made by the delinquent, instead, the buff cook decided to leave the last few bags behind and quickly head to the boat where Chris was also waiting. And with the host also had a face that he was scared for his life, and after a few seconds, the group watched the duo of the host and the cook of the show leaving the island as far as they could.

Everyone simply stood up there, watching the boat leave in simple surprise and confusion on their faces, until Owen saw the bag on the floor.

"HEY DUDES" Owen called out as he lifted up one of the bags Chef had left behind. He tried to call the attention of the boat, however it was already far away from the group. As he lifted the bag he tried to once again call for their attention. "YOU FORGOT THIS."

But at the time the bag was still in the air, a newspaper fell out of it. Owen looked down and flinched as he saw the picture of a big muscle guy wearing a hockey mask. Placing the bag down, Owen picked up the newspaper and read from it.

"Escaped psycho killer on the loose. Be on the lookout for a man wearing a hockey mask with a hooked hand and carrying a chainsaw." Owen explained as the group who were nearby him were looking terrified, less Heather and Eva the former was grinning and the latter wasn't showing any kind of expression on her face.

For most of the campers, that was by far the most shocking and horrifying news they could ever get. A psycho killer on the loose, on the island. And Chris and Chef just left them for dead.

"Hahaha." Izzy changed the expression of horror to a smile. As she laughed at the news. "He's on the loose."

"Oh come on." Heather rolled her eyes as she could hear from her tone of voice of Izzy that she indeed also was playing the actress at the moment, as the queen bee decided to dismiss the stupid idea of the scared campers once and for all. She wasn't frightened about any of this whole thing because of one simple reason that actually made sense. "They wouldn't expect us to fall for this. Scary movie followed by hasty exit followed by strategically placed lame prop?"

"I have to agree with the skinny brat," Eva commented as Heather glared at the bodybuilder. "Both Chris and Chef wouldn't be stupid to leave us behind, because if they do. I swear when I get out of this island, they would be paying for plastic surgery of whatever I was going to do with them."

"Yeah, you do that," Lindsay commented as she was very frightened but she was already behind the tank which was Eva, and since she looked like a wall to protect her from the danger, she kinda felt safe from whatever bad news happened.

"I don't know."DJ whimpered, from being already on the edge, any kind of scare would be enough for him willing to give up... He was already regretting not saying the word that he could have used the challenges before. Even as crazy as it was, he could have gone away for a long time. And how he was getting the fruits of his ignorance. And from seeing Chef and Chris' realistic reactions, he seemed convinced. "They looked pretty spooked."

"Puh-lease." Heather scoffed, still adamant in thinking this whole thing was a setup. "It's all part of their little stunt to freak us out."

Meanwhile, Owen was searching through the backpack that held the newspaper, to check if there was anything important inside of the backpack. And the item he soon saw shocked him and made him truly feel fear over the situation was a simple object. "If this was a stunt, would Chris leave behind his... hair gel?"

Owen then pulled out a bottle of hair gel that had a Chris' face on it. That caused everyone, with the exception of Heather gasp, even Eva had her eyes wide open in surprise but then narrowed. It was indeed a very surprising revelation, while the others were having a loud horrified gasp. Even Izzy felt a part of herself was second-guessing if was indeed fake or if those bastards really decided to leave them both alone. But in the next second, she decided to compose herself, because she saw Heather was still not impressed with the situation.

"Whoat." Gwen let out as fear finally reached her. While she enjoyed watching slash movies of psycho killers on the screen, experiencing the idea of encountering one reminded her of her fear of being buried alive by one psy... oh, now that she thinks about it, she thought Chris was a psychopath and she literally relieved her worst fear... But shaking her head, she decided to comment on what she had been thinking. "This is for real!"

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." And then a shout which made everyone jump away, from Lindsay who was shouting. "My feet, you are stomping in my feet."

DJ gave a look and quickly was the first to recoil while looking sheepishly.

"Sorry, but this is so real, so let me get this straight." DJ gave a sheepish smile to Lindsay was making a slight massage to her feet, while the brick wall was trembling in his place. "Chris left us for dead and now we're alone while that escaped psycho killer with the chainsaw AND A HOOK, I know what you are thinking Duncan and I'm not going to get tricked by you again... But this psycho is on the loose?"

Duncan hid his hook while he snapped his finger, losing a good chance to prank his friend. But now things looked more serious since the boy was on the verge of panic.

"You need to stop being scared like that DJ, you are very big, being scared like that doesn't suit you," Eva commented as the Gentle Jamaican was still trembling while trying to regain control.

"I can't help it," DJ said as he was taking control of his breath, and while he was in fear many times, he couldn't always rely on the stories of the pink beagle because he didn't have his momma to protect, and that was difficult to try to assimilate the courage the poor animal had to fight whatever comes at him. "Guys, ever wonder if you feel like you have been watched?"

"Duh. It's a reality show." Heather pointed out the obvious as she gestured to all the cameras that were watching and recording them, especially from the idea of pay-per-view and probably would have a lot of people enjoying watching them dealing with that situation of the night. "We're always being watched."


And far away, inside a hut, there was nobody other than Chris Mclain, seeing the reaction and action of every single camper who he was monitoring from the 4 screens and a control panel in front of him, knowing the people would come either to the confession both, on the docks, or even at the campfire ceremony, each screen had an importance where he usually edits the videos with the camera crew.

And now with the cameras aiming at him, Chris was ready to continue his show.

"Hahaha, Heather's right. And tonight, we're watching to see who can survive a real-life scary movie, with a special guest appearance by… the escaped psycho killer with a chainsaw and a hook!" Chris commented as he gave the introduction of the person who would make sure it would scare everyone around. And even used a fake hook to make sure to create a scary impact on the viewers.

"Cut." The cameraman commented as Chris gave a stretch on the possibility of what would be the challenge.

"Okay, Chef, you know what to do. Follow your script and see if you can defeat everyone." Chris commented as the Chef who had military training was cracking his fingers, and stretching himself.

"The bodybuilder Eva is going to be tough, I think she is going to win the challenge, and I don't want to risk too early, so I will leave her for the last," Chef commented as he placed the costume, as he could see the smirking face from the host. "And no, it's not because I'm scared of her, it's because I know she could hurt me if she takes me by surprise, and when she gets me and finds out it was me... she is not just going to beat me... she is going after you too."

And with that, Chris palled, into thinking that probably the decision of Chef concerning the challenge, wasn't a lie at all.

"Okay, but you need to do it quickly," Chris commented, as he could see the screen of Gwen deciding to say something.

"Okay, look. It doesn't matter if this is real or a challenge. We need a game plan."Chris watched Gwen make a decision and DJ immediately felt himself agreeing with her.

"Yeah, yeah, we need a plan. Any plan!" DJ commented, as he tried to find a way to treasure himself but the more he talked the girls rolled their eyes, even Lindsay who was still with her foot hurt. But he couldn't help it, since any kind of decision would be better than dealing with a serial killer.

"You little frightwigs might need a game plan, but I need a facial." Heather decided to ignore the cowards who had been shaking in their place for so long, while she could see that at least she wasn't going to be alone. "Lindsay let's go."

"Are you crazy?" Gwen said as Heather started to walk away with Lindsay. And Chris was enjoying more and more this experience. "First rule of slasher films, never go off alone."

"Pff, I might actually listen to you if I were in a movie. We're being punked. Also, I'm not alone, Lindsay is coming with me." Heather commented as Lindsay was feeling a bit unsure if was the right decision. "Lindsay, it's not a real serial killer, okay?"

"How can you be sure?" Lindsay said a bit hesitant, which made Heather facepalm and stare at the group who seemed unsure of what to say.

But before Heather could insist that nothing was going to happen, another voice called for their attention.

"I'm also going." Eva's voice was heard, which made the whole group stare at her in surprise. "I need to go to the bathroom, so I could be on guard in case someone would try to act smart on us. And I'm warning you, you better warn us you are coming or I can't control what's going to happen with you if you try to surprise me..."

Heather and Lindsay were surprised, while Heather was with her eyebrow raised, Lindsay on the other hand felt she was in relief, since now they have a strong person to protect them.

"Well then, that's settled," Heather commented before Gwen or Duncan would even try to protest, Lindsay nodded happily, and Eva started to walk away. But since everything is so obvious, from the time they place a horror movie, then throw them into a horror movie. Just another of the challenges which she could take advantage of knowing that the most target person to give up on the show, was the giant who was still trembling in fear. And she isn't going to fall for that. "You're so gullible. HEY! CHRIS! If you're listening, next time, rent one that takes place at a summer camp!"

Chris smiled from seeing Heather's reaction being so genuine, making the challenge even sweeter. So he decided to explain to the camera.

"I tried. But they were all rented."Chris smirked as he returned to see Heather leaving the show.

"If you losers wanna hang around and play "boogie man", go ahead. But I have got a date with exfoliation. Wait for me, Eva." Heather commented as Lindsay was still a bit shocked by her best friend's decision, but seeing that the bodybuilder already was ahead in the direction of the bathroom, they couldn't waste an opportunity. "Let's go Lindsay."

"Okay, see you later guys, try to not get murdered by the psyduck," Lindsay commented as she wished good luck, but after saying the word wrong Gwen rolled her eyes.

"It's psychopath Lindsay. But thanks, good luck as well." Gwen commented as the group finally saw the other disappearing away.

"Then it's official ladies and gems!" Izzy laughed as she put a finger to one end of her neck. "The bossy mean chick, the dumb blonde, and the athlete have sealed their fates!" Izzy then slowly ran her finger through her neck while making a cutting sound with her mouth.

"Wow." Owen let out with a love-struck look sent directly towards Izzy."You're really good at sound effects."

"I say we go back to camp and talk strategy. Who's in?" Gwen suggested the idea as the group nodded their heads, while Duncan shrugged since he didn't have anything better to do. And at the time Duncan, Gwen, and DJ were after the girl. Owen was interrupted as he suddenly felt himself being held tight by the smirking ginger who smiled at him and slowly pulled him away from the group.

Chris watched all the scenes and then used his walkie-talkie with a smirk on his face.

"Chef, it seems I found the first victims," Chris smirked as he was happy to know how the show would play out. And the challenge officially began.


With Izzy convincing Owen, both she and the big guy were probably doing possibly the second worst thing you could do in a horror movie. Be a couple alone in the woods. The absolute worst is just being a dumb pretty girl but we lost the chance to use that trope last week.

"So that's how Owen won the hot-dog-a-thon." To fill the silence of the woods, Owen was telling one of his life stories to Izzy. While talking in the third person for…some reason. "Owen ate two hundred dogs. Well, a hundred and ninety-eight, actually. The judges wouldn't count the last two since they squirted back up Owen's nose. Hahaha!"

"Wicked!" Izzy let out. The orange-haired girl always liked Owen. He was super fun! Even as the firstly she first wanted to use his votes and manipulate him to be always on her thumb, she had to confess that her friend Ezekiel was right, the big oaf had a good charisma that made her interested in knowing more about him. Even if he is a bit disgusting and farted a lot, she would do that as well, so she isn't one to judge him for that, and he has a big and kind heart, and that was what Izzy looked for in a man, maybe her friend Ezekiel was right when he said both would be a good match for each other. How wild, crazy, and fun they were. Just like her! And she'd say Owen fit the bill quite nicely. "Izzy's impressed!" And she too was speaking in the third person, since sometimes she had the tendency to talk like that, but nothing out of the ordinary for the military girl around the show.

Owen smiled at the crazy girl. Her craziness must be contagious because she certainly made him crazy if ya know what he means, but at least she always was there to cheer him up, and even in the cases he would tell everything he knew, she was there to believe in him, and made himself felt more important around the group. Owen really felt like he was scoring major points with Izzy lately. Especially tonight! They might even kick it up to relationship status if he was lucky! But still, something crossed the big guy's mind. The fact they were walking around randomly in the woods.

"Hey," Owen spoke up to get Izzy's attention. "Where are we going?"

"Izzy's walking in the woods." Izzy's answer was straightforward but didn't exactly satisfy Owen.

"Oh. Cool. The woods. Huh... the woods." That didn't sit right with Owen for some reason. Normally being in the woods would be rather normal considering they were at a camp, but tonight was different. "Why does that feel wrong?"

Unknown to the two, a set of eyes was watching them from a nearby bush. His breathing was unheard of due to the wind that passed by.


Since the night was wild, and they needed a lot of space to run in case something bad was approaching, they decided to stay in an open area to have better chances to run and escape from the possible assassin running after them, and by some miracle, there was already a bonfire to help the group to see the area illuminated.

Gwen was walking around as DJ and Duncan were sitting on the logs as they planned about the next strategy.

"Okay. Rule number one, do not go off on your own. Rule number two, if you do go off on your own, never go in the woods! Rule number three, if you do go in the woods, never ever ever make out in the woods or you will die in the woods! " Gwen passed a good part giving explanations around what they should be aware of the rules of the horror movies, as it suddenly realized that it was supposed to be 5 of them, and not 3. And she noticed there was a ginger and a big guy nearby them. "Where's Izzy and Owen?"

"Breaking rules one through three," Duncan smirked as he knew it was the opportunity for the big guy to score, and knowing the risks and the chances, he wouldn't blame the boy for thinking with his low head instead of the rational one...


Currently, the two were breaking rules one and two right now. They were on their own and in the woods. Izzy had decided to ride on Owen's back and use the big guy's head as a drum as Owen walked them both up a hill. "Does this feel wrong to you?" Owen panted as he reached the top of the hill. That bad feeling Owen got earlier only got worse and worse as they went deeper into the woods. Something was seriously wrong with what they were doing right now but he couldn't put his finger on it.

"No, your head's good and hollow, so it's got a great beat," Izzy stated as she gave Owen's head a few good beats. True to her word, Owen's head did sorta of sound like the equivalent of something wooden and hollow. "And all your yakking is keeping my mind off the escaped psycho killer with a chainsaw and a hook!"

"Great balls of fire! That's it!" Owen gasped loudly as he threw Izzy off his back. Something that made the psycho hose beast a bit grumpy. But Owen couldn't be concerned about that right now. This was a matter of life and death now! "The psycho killer! Remember how he left the woods to hack apart the couple who were making out?"

"But we're not making out." Izzy was rather quick to point out.

"Oh…yeah." Owen said with a sigh of relief. Still, he couldn't help but be a little disappointed.

"You wanna make out?" Izzy suddenly asked. Izzy could see that the boy was a bit of a sweetheart and wanted a bit of attention, she couldn't help, but give to him an opportunity for the boy who seemed to be eager for it.

"YES!" Owen immediately answered with absolutely no hesitation. Wasting no time, Izzy quickly grabbed Owen by his shirt collar and threw him as well as herself into a nearby bush the two quickly locked lips and started a full-on very heated make-out session.

All seemed well as the couple locked lips…until the sounds of a loud chainsaw were heard. The two had to unfortunately stop their little session and popped their heads out of the bush, with Owen's face covered in orange lipstick. And what they saw was truly a horrific sight.

…The escaped psycho killer with a chainsaw and a hook wearing a hockey mask. Izzy saw the person being buffed and almost as strong as the Chef, and it took her by surprise by a sudden moment of weakness, so as a good military girl who had been trained a lot during most of her childhood... She couldn't help but be caught in the moment, especially with a person behind her.

"…AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" Owen and Izzy were incredibly quick to start running away from the slasher villain turned real. But the killer was in hot pursuit of the two teens and refused to let them get away as they all ran…

And ran…

And ran…

And ran…

And ran…

"This feels so much longer and flatter than how we got here!" Owen pointed out that they've all been running in a completely straight line for quite a while with no obstacles or bumps at all.

"That's because horror movies extend the running scenes!" Izzy told Owen as she continued to run forward in the seemingly endless straight pathway. Know that as cliche as it sounds, relativity indeed sucked in times like that.

"Really?" Owen questioned with a raised brow. Quite frankly Owen was impressed with himself for running for so long. "Why?"

"It gives them time to film a good wipeout!" Izzy explained as this whole thing was turning into one giant horror cliché.

And then, as if on cue, Owen proceeded to trip on a rock that just seemed to appear out of nowhere…and tumble down a cliff. "Oof! Ow! Eh! Aw! Oh! Ah! D'ah! Aw! Oof! Ow!" Owen let out as he just seemed to hit every single edge of the cliff which held some random painful object like a thorn bush, a cactus, a goat, a fire hydrant, a second cactus, an explosion, and finally a campfire. "Oh, my spine!"

"Owen, I'm coming!" Izzy called out to the boy she was having some kisses, and if she had passed a few seconds to analyze that she still had all the training she did as a child, she would have thought of a more safe and prepared way to go down while being alert of the possible killer... but instead... she followed suite and jumped down the cliff, following every single step Owen had on his fall…hitting everything Owen hit herself. Luckily the final object she landed on was a rather soft and fat-filled one which broke her fall. Once again, Owen was the cushion to a fall. And this time he succeeded! "Hey, Owen! Hi."

But Izzy wasn't able to enjoy laying on top of Owen for long. Soon after Izzy landed on him, a large shadow was cast on them as they looked to see the psycho killer right in front of them. Izzy was quick to stand up and protect Owen. Izzy had memories of how she trained and fought a lot with her commander and teacher, and even had sparing training with her mother... She could take down easily any kind of person, but she also had to protect the person behind her, so she would need to attack it and protect it at the same time...

But nothing inside her mind, or not even her heart, could have expected the next action of the person who was behind her. The big guy proceeded to do the ultimate mark of a coward.

"Owen's too young to die! Here, take Izzy!" The psycho then witnessed as Owen pushed, while she was trying to protect him no less, Izzy right in front of him.

Izzy felt that everything was in slow motion as she heard the sound of a glass shattering, and a pain in her chest, but not before she felt that she wasn't in a comfortable position to roll, it was unexpected, and at the time she stop, she was a 40cm of the hook which was aimed for her neck. And at that time... Izzy froze...

As Owen ran for his life, Izzy was frozen in fear as the Psycho had in one hand a hockey stick with a chainsaw taped to the end of it. On the other hand, there was a hook instead of an actual hand which was centimeters away from Izzy, but not seeing the angle aimed at the ginger girl. Making it extra frightening was that the hook's tip was dripping with a red liquid-like substance. The psycho then raised his hook above her…

As he was running, Owen looked for anywhere he could hide and take cover. A cave. A hole. Even a random barrel. But Owen did manage to spot something rather surprising to see. A large tent. Owen wasn't gonna question it, however, not with a psycho on his tail. So the big guy entered the tent…and saw Chris inside of it at a desk watching a series of monitors.

Owen froze a bit as he and Chris looked at each other. The big guy swore he and everyone else saw the two head off the island on a boat. But there was no time to question this. There was a freaking killer outside! "Dude! Dude!" Owen yelled as Chris had an amused smile on his face. "There's a guy with a hockey mask and a chainsaw and a hook! And he's after us!" Just then Owen looked at one of the monitors in the tent and saw the psycho was carrying Izzy with his hook by the back of her shirt collar. "Yeah, right there! He's right..." The psycho then entered the tent with Izzy still alive and looking wary at him. "We're frickin' dead!"

To keep the big guy from screaming more, Chris covered Owen's mouth with his hand.

"Owen! Stop screaming!" Chris told the big guy as he removed his hand from Owen's mouth. "it's Chef!"

Gasping, Owen watched as the 'psycho' set Izzy down safely on the ground and flipped up his mask…revealing it truly was Chef behind it.

"Oh, cool!" Izzy started to laugh after learning it was all a hoax. And that moment she never thought of being so glad at seeing Chef in her life, especially at the moment of total fear, it was a setup, And Chef couldn't help but grin a little at how scared he made the kids. "Great costume! Wow, you totally got me. You did. I was freaked out."

She was telling the truth, she had been caught off guard in the worst way possible, and for a moment and the position of the hook... aimed at her neck, she feared for the worst.

"It's a blunt hook," Chef whispered those words which made Izzy never feel so relieved in her entire life, and while Owen and Chris couldn't hear them both... But then Izzy narrowed her eyes as she remembered one single detail...

"You punked us?" Owen asked as he tried to lower his heart rate.

"Yes and no," Chris told Owen with a grin as Chef walked up to Owen and used his hook to paint a red X on Owen's shirt right on the Maple Leaf. "It was your challenge to watch a scary movie and then survive one. And before you ask, that X Chef painted on you means you failed."

Owen breathed a sigh of relief before laughing.

"Did you hear that? He was punking us! It was a joke!" Owen said to Izzy…who was glaring and crossed her arms at Owen. To think he pushed her right into the killer and left her for dead. And she thought Owen was nice and fun! She gave him a chance... and he destroyed it. "Too funny! Hah. I was all 'Aaaaaaah' and then you were all 'Eeeeh!'"

Izzy rolled her eyes as she didn't like to even listen to his voice at that moment, she was holding herself to not jump on the jugular of the stupid fat fool who messed up with her.

"Haha! For the love of Peter Pumpkin Eater. That was some fun going on! Hehehe, am I right?" Izzy kept glaring at Owen. Owen quickly realized what Izzy was focused on. "Oh. You're still on the part where Owen shoved Izzy into the killer?"

Izzy remained quiet as a good part of her fist was holding tight, and internally she was gritting her teeth.

"The good news is you're safe," Chris reassured the both of them as he put an arm around both of their shoulders. "The bad news is you lost the challenge, but now, you get to watch our fake psycho terrorize the rest of the campers. Hahaha, fun huh?"

"Yes! Totally awesome TV viewing!" Owen cheered as he tried to hype Izzy up and get her to stop being mad at him…it didn't work. "Owen's not getting to second base, is he?" Izzy shook her head. "First base?" Izzy shook her head again. "Didn't think so. Is he getting up to ba-"

Izzy punched Owen in the face to shut him up. And while Chris and Chef were outside, she gave a knee on his belly, and a kick on his kiwis, which made the big oaf learn his lesson and cower like a ball.

Outside of the tent, Chris was ready to give a few more instructions to Chef.

"Great work, Chef." Chris complimented the fake psycho killer as he handed him a bucket of red paint for Chef to dip his claw into. "But next time, try to work the hook hand angle a bit more." Chef simply chuckled as he lowered his mask and went off to go terrorize the rest of the campers. He indeed was going to take that advice because he could see from his experience, and from his trained soldier as well... In normal circumstances... Izzy would have died if her neck reached the hook.

Thank God the fake hook wasn't sharp, or his best friend would have killed him... and with all the right of the world. He didn't want to make the same mistake again, and he was glad that he made the right choice to use a blunt hook this time.

(Camp Site)

Back at the campsite, Gwen finished the drawing of all the remaining campers around the area.

"Alright, now that I finished the drawing of everyone we can..." Gwen was about to explain their strategy when she realized there was only her in the area... Not even showing the remaining survivors like Duncan or DJ, at the time Gwen looked around she found a note on the place where DJ was sitting. "I'm taking Duncan with me to the bathroom, be safe. OH DAMMIT, THEY LEFT ME ALONE?"

Gwen ripped the papers, as she was feeling angry with the idea the team didn't take the horror movies as seriously, as even if they were following the rules, at least call her to be also part of it, because being alone in a horror movie is the worst decision ever... Especially for the moments where the group walks away and leaves the person alone, who usually is one of the first members to be capt...

Gwen then felt the hard breathing coming towards a mask, and slowly the goth turned her head, just to see it face a face with a jumpscare.

"WRAHHHHHHH." Chef dressed as the psychopath shouted as Gwen screamed.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." Gwen was caught in the moment since she wasn't expected to be surprised in such a way, and seeing the next second raising his chainsaw and a hook, slowly the scream of the goth tuned down... as she looked in disbelief. "Wait a minute... Chef?"

The chuckle behind the mask confirmed as the man used the hook to hold the clothes of the goth.

"You got eliminated," Chef commented as the girl who was an expert in horror movies, never felt so insulted.

"Dammit, whatever." Gwen accepted defeat as she was being carried by the psycho. "I could walk you know..."

"Do you want me to use the chainsaw on you?" Chef growled as it immediately made Gwen shut up, because knowing the Chef, he probably would have used that.




"Well well well, for an expert in horror movies, you got betrayed by your friends and got a sudden jumpscare." Chris gave the smirk on the goth who looked annoyed at that moment. "How does that make you feel?"

"With the desire to punch someone in the face, are you really interested in being my test subject on that?" Gwen said angrily as the Chef grinned and showed Izzy who was smiling crazily but avoiding seeing the big-boned guy at that moment.

"Well, I know how to stop when I'm winning, so I will be focused on the challenge, now enjoy the time with the others," Chris commented as he quickly excused himself and smirked at the Chef who was ready to go after their next victim.

Currently, DJ and Duncan are outside the communal washroom. DJ was shaking like fifty leaves and looking every which way for where the psycho could be. Once the brick house confirmed that there was no one else around, he looked down at the delinquent.

"Okay, no matter what, you do not leave," DJ told Duncan who just rolled his eyes. As he holds his shoulders with his hands and looks deeply into his eyes. "Not if you hear a psycho. Not if you see a psycho. Not if the psycho is slashing you to bits!"

"Dude, you need to calm down," Duncan commented as he was feeling annoyed. "I swear that you are going too overboard, and are becoming more cowardly than Courage."

"Ops... sorry Duncan, it's because I think I'm on the edge...and I swear, that if this is a challenge, then I'm going to say Condor and get out of the game," DJ said as he was reaching on the limit, but then he saw Duncan grabbing him from his collar and stared to his eyes.


DJ at that moment had his eyes wide open as he realized what Duncan meant... he had someone important to return back home to, and he was feeling too cowardly to even give up everything.

"You are right, YOU'RE RIGHT," DJ said as he slapped hard himself on the face. He felt his inner courage returning since he dealt with a lot of challenges and even his inner fears. "You got my back, and probably Eva is here, so that means we are going to return alive."

"That's DJ I know. Nice to see you back." Duncan commented happily, as the gentle Jamaican felt more control over his feelings. "Now go to the bathroom and do it quick, if Gwen finds out that we left her alone, she is going to kill us."

"Alright. I'm going to do it." DJ said with a smile. And passed to the communal bathroom. DJ gulped a bit and entered the bathroom.

"Eva, it's me and Duncan, we are passing here to use the bathroom, so please don't beat us," DJ commented as the brick house felt more controlled by his nervousness, but then noticed that a good part of the area looked empty. "Hello?"

He didn't like the feeling of being alone, but it would help him to finish his business quickly, it got worse when he heard a cracking sound.

"Who is there?" DJ managed to squeak out for he heard a low humming. Looking at the source, DJ saw what was easily the most terrifying thing of all time.

Heather shaving her legs and wearing a bath towel with a green face mask on her.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" DJ let out as he saw Heather shave her hair-covered legs.

"DJ! It's me!" Heather yelled at the brick house as she turned off her razor and walked up to him. "Heather!" This seemed to get DJ to stop screaming and calm down…

Only for the brick house to scream even loud as he quickly ran as fast as he could out of the bathroom…leaving a DJ-shaped hole in the wall. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!" DJ screamed as he blindly ran as fast as he could away from the scene. And breaking the door which surprised Duncan who jumped away from DJ running.

"DJ WHAT HAPPENED?" Duncan shouted as he then turned his head to see Heather with a green face mask on her face. And looking at the annoying look on her face, he paused for a few seconds... "Okay, Black Puddle Queen, I can understand why he ran away. Serial Killer is a fear he could overcome, but a mystical creature who can lure the males into the water to devour at the end of a puddle. Yeah... RAN DJ, SAVE YOUR LIFE BEFORE SHE CATCHES YOU."

"That's not funny," Heather growled at the delinquent who blinked...

"Heather? Wow... now many things make sense." Duncan commented as mused himself which made the queen bee even furious. But Duncan gave another look around. "Where's Eva and Lindsay?"

"Lindsay helped me to shave one of my legs, but she got starving, and she was very afraid, so Eva decided to go after her to protect her like a bodyguard." Heather rolled her eyes as Duncan raised his eyebrow at her. "What?"

"Are you sure you are going to risk it by being alone here? I mean, serial killers like people who are alone in the bathroom." Duncan commented which made Heather scoff.

"Please, of course, that's stupid, it's just a fake challenge from Chris," Heather commented before Duncan was going to say anything, she turned her back to him. "If you don't mind, I have an important shower to make."

"Well, suit yourself, but in case you die, don't go haunt me for your fault," Duncan commented as Heather rolled her eyes, but waved back at him...




DJ was in a panic when he saw the monstrous horror he had seen in the bathroom, a witch with a green painted face, which he found out was Heather, a side that he wanted to forget forever, not even his hero would have the courage against her, he knew that both of them would shout and run, that was the most obvious choice to make.

So he ran, ran away from the bathroom, ran away from the camp, ran away from the forest, ran away from the hills, ran away from the wastelands, ran away to even fall from the cliff, and ran away even at the deep of the water. While his screams could be heard the entire time, even the bubbles coming from his mouth showed how much he feared the monster, to run away to the docks, to just keep running until he found himself screaming inside of a tent. Where both Gwen, Izzy, and Owen were.

Until Izzy grinned and slapped on his face, which made him stop screaming.

"Dude, you're safe!" Chris walked towards the brick wall with his usual grin on his face, but the fact that everything was just a challenge, made DJ very relieved of everything.

"I am? Phew." DJ sighed in relief as he even saw a water bottle offered at him, which was brought by a hook, which made him have his eyes wide open. But thankfully Chris intervened.

"It's just Chef!" Chris commented as DJ gasped in surprise at seeing the cook raising the hockey mask and gave a grin at him."He was gonna scare the bejeebers out of you, but apparently Heather beat him to it."

"Bro, did you see her face? That was some serious ugly going on! She looked almost like the Black Puddle Queen," DJ commented as he remembered the sketch of one of the villains of Courage the Cowardly Dog. "Would you have risked being hypnotized by her and then brought at the end of the puddle just to become another food for her?"

"That's a valid point DJ, but that's only the art of makeup, true that it can be horrifying, but she is human... from what I heard," Chris commented as he once heard the homeschooled boy telling one story of the girl, and while he could admit that a hot girl was indeed tempting, the idea of wetting his hair, and then being devoured was a big red flag for him. "But you still bailed before Chef even got a crack at you. Speaking of which, you're up psycho man."

That was everything he needed to hear before Chef placed his mask back and went after the queen bee.

DJ was still trying to recover his breath, until he saw Gwen glaring at him.

"Oh... did Chef get you?" DJ asked and Gwen rolled her eyes and nodded at him. "I'm so sorry, I couldn't help it, I was very afraid today, and Duncan has set me straight. But you saw Heather."

Gwen was between to be very annoyed at the betrayal of DJ, but from seeing him apologizing quickly, and from the fact it was indeed Heather being horrible on that makeup... She couldn't help but grin.

"I'm still mad at you and Duncan, but I felt vindicated into seeing you performing the longest scream in a horror movie. It was hilarious." Gwen commented as she could see DJ flinches a little, but getting a resolution on his face.

"In any case, you can eliminate me today, I kinda deserved it. Especially if I knew it was a challenge I would have said the word." DJ explained as Gwen mused with the idea, and nodded at him. She was mad at him, yes, but she could forgive him for his maturity to ask for an elimination like that. At the time he was going to smile, Gwen slapped on his face, which let him shock.

"Now we are even," Gwen commented as DJ was massaging his face.

With no one here to bother her, Heather was finally able to get through with her shower. So entering a stall, Heather turned on the water put a hand under it, and waited for the temperature to become just right…and then she heard knocking on the stall door.

"Hello? I'm in the shower!" Heather yelled at whoever was out there. She had waited all day for this and wasn't about to let anyone ruin it for her now. But whoever was out there seemed to be determined to tick Heather off as they knocked even more on the door. "Very funny, Duncan. Now get lost!" Convinced it was the delinquent trying to prank her, Heather was about to hop into the shower and just forget him…until the sound of a chainsaw was heard.

This actually got a fearful reaction from Heather. But the queen bee was still sure it was a prank. It was probably just a recording of a chainsaw someone was playing through their phone. "I'm serious dude, get lo-" Heather opened up the door to the shower stall intent on giving whoever was outside a piece of her mind…only to see the Escaped Psycho Killer with a Chainsaw and a Hook. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!"




In the next second, Heather was in the fetal position looking scared for life, while Chris was enjoying every single second of it, as he was ready to scold the traumatized girl who was simply with a towel and naked.

"Maybe if you paid attention to the scary movies, you'd know that A) you never go off alone, and B) You certainly never shower alone," Chris commented as he was making fun of the traumatized girl as he rolled his eyes but remained with his grin. "You started so well Heather, if you still had Eva and Lindsay, you could have survived longer, but the ignorant people who don't believe in horror movies always were the ones who were killed in the most gruesome way."

"That's what happens when nobody listens to reason," Gwen commented as she felt satisfied with seeing the queen bee in an almost catatonic state, she then continued to look at the screen trying to search for both Duncan and Eva and Lindsay. While Duncan is alone and ready to be taken, Lindsay is one important factor for horror movies for being the dumb blonde, but having Eva on there would be risky for the psycho, so that means Duncan would be potentially the next target.

Duncan returned to the campfire, just to find the goth wasn't there anymore. With a smirk on his face, the delinquent already could guess what happened.

"And then there was one," Duncan commented as he wasn't sure if Eva would have survived, but probably he meant about the fact that he was alone around the place. And then he started to hear voices calling for him... Which was the perfect signal he was waiting for... "You and me, psycho!"

It didn't take long until the captured campers who were inside the tent watched Chef Hatchet dressed as Psycho waiting for someone to surprise everyone... Duncan appeared on the camera.

Which made everyone gasp.

"Mother of pearl! He's going to face off with the escaped psycho killer with a chainsaw and a hook!"Owen said as everyone was surprised by the delinquent, ready to face off the killer.

"Oh, this is gonna be fun. Come and get it, goalie boy." Duncan punched his fist as he was eager for a fight, and he called Chef who was ready for combat.

When Duncan reached the dock, he picked up one of the chairs and threw it at the psycho as he approached the delinquent. But with his mighty chain saw, the psycho easily sliced apart the chair. Duncan flinched a bit and quickly threw a canoe, only for the aquatic transportation to meet the same fate. The same goes for a life jacket and surfboard he threw. All sliced apart by the killer's chainsaw.

The psycho was now a mere foot away from the delinquent as Duncan made a last-ditch throw. A fish. And this of all things is what made contact. When the fish slid off the killer's mask and onto the dock, he raised a brow at Duncan through his mask. "What? I ran out of stuff to throw." Duncan stated as the killer simply glared at Duncan before raising up his chainsaw.

Duncan screamed and jumped out of the way as the killer swung his chainsaw right into the dock. And this was just the opportunity Duncan needed. Grinning, the delinquent kicked the hockey stick the saw was attached to hard enough to break it. With his chainsaw gone, the psycho raised up his hook…only for Duncan to cut it off with the killer's own chainsaw. "Thought you could scare me? Ha!" Duncan smirked and laughed at the killer as he held the chainsaw up, prompting the killer to raise his hands in the air. "Let's see who is behind the mask."

A few minutes later, Duncan appeared in the tent as he brought a souvenir with him.

"Someone lose this?" Duncan showed the mask as everyone started cheering for the delinquent to win the challenge. As a battle between the delinquent vs the serial killer, showing Duncan as the victorious.

"Way to go, Duncan!" Izzy clapped, and the way she hated what happened to her, she had to confess that she enjoyed the challenge. And for the fact they exchanged places with the camera, it seemed Lindsay and Eva were safe, but then there was someone else inside the kitchen, Izzy gave a slight glance and was still not thinking straight from the challenge, since she thought everything was a single challenge. "Hey, coolio! Lindsay and Eva are taking on the psycho all by themselves! Oh ho ho!"

At that moment she pointed at the screen, the people stared at Lindsay cowering in fear, while Eva was staring angrily at a person who they had never seen before, it was a big caucasian man with flame tattoos under his neck, and dark blue cut hair, hidden from the same clothes Chef was using as the psycho assassin.

"Wait a sec. If Chef's in here… then who's in the lodge with Lindsay and Eva?!" Duncan asked as he felt terrified by the news until Owen immediately revealed their thoughts.

"Holy Lola! It's the real escaped psycho killer with a chainsaw and a hook!" Owen shouted at that moment everyone saw Eva giving a step upfront and the psycho used the hook to stab her abdomen.

"EVA!" DJ, Gwen, and Duncan shouted as they saw Eva growling and immediately jumped on the assassin.

At that moment everyone ran away from the tent in the direction of the Main Lodge, as some of the group were terrified, and some were concerned about the safety of the duo of girls against an assassin.

"This could be really, really good for ratings…"Chris commented as he ran with Chef but then realized something. "But also really, really bad for lawsuits,"

"The girl got stabbed," Chef commented as he cracked the neck. "Depending on the anger of that woman, I would be more worried about your own safety. So be ready to kiss her feet in case she survives, or you know what she will do to you."

Chris immediately gulped in fear. Lawsuits could be bad... But having Eva turning Chris into a female? Yeah, there was no way he was going to let that happen.

(Main Lodge) Minutes earlier.

"Wow, these brownies were so good," Lindsay commented as the duo both her and Eva found a good solace inside the Kitchen, since it was a good place for Eva to use as a weapon, she could improvise anything that would help them both in case something was missing. "Hey, Ava, aren't you going to eat it?"

"It's Eva, and I'm not hungry." The bodybuilder corrected the wrong name given by the blond girl as she sat in front of the blond girl who remained eating. "And you better finish it faster, because we have been here for almost an hour, and people may start wondering about us."

"Do you think we are going to be fine?" Lindsay asked as she showed a great worry not just for her safety, but to her friends as well. "I kinda felt bad for leaving Heather, but she insisted for me to go with you."

"Hmm, maybe that's because she was afraid for you to get hurt, and that's actually nice to see someone caring about you," Eva commented as then she heard something and turned her head on the window, which was simply a squirrel who was smudging the windows... "Hmmph..."

"Wow, Ava, it seems you are never scared... this idea of a killer coming at us. I usually hate horror movies, because I think I would be the easiest target." Lindsay said as she felt down, which not just that, but even her sister told her about the possibility of all the blonds in the horror movies being the favorite dying in the movies. And she always loved movies with happy endings.

Eva was quiet but then remembered something that she always thought about herself when it came to being scared...

"I'm not afraid of something I can see and hurt. If I can touch and hurt it, I know I always have a chance of winning..." Eva commented as she decided to even grab one of the sweets that was placed on the plate... A good chocolate brownie, made Eva realize more about herself... "I think that's because of my hero in those kinds of movies."

"Oh, there is a hero in one of those types of movies?" Lindsay commented as she wondered who would be the reason why Eva wasn't scared...

"Sarah Connor... For me, she was one of the most badass women of all time, not because of her first movie where she needed to run away from the terminators of the future... But in the second movie, where everyone was telling her she was crazy, and even hospitalized her... she was always working out, training herself, waiting for the time to come and she was always ready." Eva explained that one of the movies that created an impact on her childhood was for a woman who decided enough was enough, and for the reason to protect her family, she would go until the end of the world to protect her son. "She was one of my heroes, where she wouldn't pass the time screaming as she did in the first movie, screaming is a simple action, what you do after screaming is what the game gets real, and so that's why she took the action. And from a scary woman who had no idea what to do... To a badass mother would show the world that she doesn't care... she would save the entire world from the machine's apocalypse, save humanity, and have all the right to say those words... You're welcome."

Lindsay blinked as she listened carefully to the reason why a strong girl would never fear someone... and from seeing that even a person stronger than she had heroes to admire... And she really wanted to tell her one of her heroes in movies... but suddenly something caught her attention, and her entire face froze...

Eva narrowed her eyes at the sudden change of expression on the blonde's face, as he quickly turned her head and got up immediately, staring at what would be the truth of the whole time... A caucasian man, and dressed exactly like a picture of the newspaper. Which made Eva glare and be on guard. The chainsaw was running and making a loud sound which didn't take long until Lindsay reacted.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." Lindsay screamed as Eva flipped the table, surprising the serial killer who just used the chainsaw to cut the table in half...

"Crouch down, and don't look up," Eva ordered as the girl immediately followed her orders, and did her best to make herself not seeing about what was going to happen.




Eva remained in position, staring at the man with a hook and a chainsaw... Since the chainsaw stopped, Eva wasn't going to leave her guard down... Both glared at each other for minutes... Waiting for a moment. Eva decided to give a single warning to him.

"Alright, I don't know if you are a challenge or the real deal. But you made a terrible mistake to come here, so I'm going to give you one warning. Stay out of my way, and you will not get hurt." Eva said in her angry tone, which if the serial killer had any kind of animal instincts, it would possibly accept the rational decision to run away while he can... And if he was more stupid than a bear... what's about to happen it's not going to be in Eva's con...


And on that moment, which seemed to be taking minutes in pure silence... Eva felt something piercing her abdomen, and everything froze, as she felt the sharp object being pulled and with that showing blood on the hook... Eva glanced down and saw that indeed not just attacked her, but managed to stab her...

And from that moment, her teeth gritted so much that the person in front of her could hear it... Her eyes glared so much that he couldn't see the pupils of her eyes.

And her entire body was so full of adrenaline... That it was a timebomb just about to explode... which at that moment. The poor bastard... just pressed the detonator button.

"ROARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR." That was the roar that made the sounds of the whole forest tremble... And whatever creature which lived on there, remains awake until the morning. And the person in front of him seemed to be invoked by a whole demon who glared down at him and couldn't be fast enough to avoid the death sentence he brought to himself.

And Lindsay for the first time, thought about the worst, she was crying to see her friend and bodyguard Eva roaring probably in pain... she then got confused for the next scream wasn't something she never expected.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH, NO NO NO AHHHHHHHHHHHH, AHHHHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHHHH, PLEASE SOMEBODY SAVE ME FROM HER, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Lindsay refused to listen, since all she was hearing was sounds of cracking happening followed by immense pain, sounds of punching and wood cracking... it was the most horrifying sounds she could ever hear... And she needed to see it, even if she hated it, she had to.

She slowly opened her eyes and turned to see the bodybuilder giving an arm lock, and with all the fury she had, snap a sound that made the masked man scream in such a painful way.

*Stab* *Stab* *Stab* *Stab*

Lindsay saw that whatever Eva was doing the man was moving his hook to try to make her away from him, but he managed to stab the arm, the back, the side of the belly, and even the shoulder, which even more stabs he was giving... It made her even angrier... It was such a horrifying view, but she couldn't stop seeing it. Eva from that moment had enough and gave an arm lock to the man who was whimpering in fear, and the next second, Lindsay saw Eva bend the arm of the man in many places, which made the monstrous man scream in fear.

Then the bodybuilder took the neck of the man and headbutted trice, which was enough to break the mask and the bones of the nose of the man who was now fearing for his life... And at the time he went down... It was over... because she wasn't going to let him leave...





Lindsay saw Eva pull one of the legs of the assassin off the hook and place it over her shoulder and with enough strength, she pulled down the knee and that way bending one of the legs of the serial killer who screamed in pain... Eva refused him to leave. As the man kept trying to kick her... But she refused... she wanted blood... And did the same thing with his other leg...

Lindsay saw it, on how monstrous woman, Eva was... in point to leave the psycho killer with a chainsaw and a hook with arms and legs broken.. Just like she told me how to defeat them...

The blond girl never felt so scared, and relieved in her life... it showed it was over, and she was safe... but she looked sad at the woman who was still taking hard breaths of what happened.

At the time everyone got there, they had the view of the most horrifying scene of all their lives, the whole Main Lodge was destroyed, the tables a mess, the chainsaw was outside of the window, the floor with holes, the serial killer, unable to move as he was cathatonic from all the pain, and Eva... was bleeding from 5 stabs around her body.

The group was horrified to see the state of the bodybuilder, but some couldn't help but be even more horrified seeing the state of the serial killer who seemed to be even worse state than her.

"CALL THE POLICE, AND CALL THE EMERGENCY LINE FOR THE HOSPITAL." Chris immediately called his camera crew and the group rushed immediately to find a way to fix everything. A camper was injured, and many questions need to be answered, and he isn't going to let this bite his ass. If one of the campers dies, the lawsuits would be so much that it would destroy his career and his life. "Chef, how is she?"

Chef quickly went to see the girl, who was still in a frenzy state, and he had seen something like that only happen to soldiers who got a hush of adrenaline.

"I don't know if the pierced stabs were on her vital organs, you need to be quick," Chef said, as he saw the group of interns bringing the first aid kit. "I can make some bandages on her, but it's better if she is checked by the hospital quickly."

"OH *BEEEP*" Chris cursed as he looked around the camera crew. The group seemed to give thumbs up. The police are bringing their helicopter to take the girl for the emergency, and the hospital will be ready for her.

While Chris was quickly in a state of emergency, and even going around to check the interns to see the possibility of the helicopter going faster, Chef was preparing the bandages, and Izzy immediately went to his side, and gave him the support he needed. But at the time the group was approaching Eva, she growled at them.

"Woah, Eva, calm down. We are going to help you. You need to go to the hospital." Chef commented as he slowly tried to approach her, but at the time he was near, the bodybuilder tried to hit him in the face, thankfully for the cook, Izzy was faster and gave full nelson on her.

"ROARRRRRRR." Eva roared as if she was in a berserk state... Which made Duncan and DJ look horrified, and Gwen hurt to see their friend like that, Lindsay was crying in fear from what happened to the person who saved her life, and Heather was in fear, as she had no idea what to do or to say at that moment. Until on the next second, the frenzy suddenly slowed down, and then... Eva snapped from her state and glanced at the whole group staring at her... "What just happened? Why are yo... woah..."

And on that moment, Eva's adrenaline came to an end, which immediately made her entire body weak, and her face came to exhaustion.

"EVA." The group shouted as they finally saw the strong woman losing her strength.

"Keep fighting soldier, we are not going to lose you today," Chef commented, as he bandaged the abdomen, as Izzy helped to bandage the shoulder and back.

"Okay... what happened?" Eva commented as she then glanced on the corner, and noticed the poor state she left the man... "Ohh, that."

"Don't even think about it, Eva." Then a familiar voice which usually means bad news to her, came to her... Chris wasn't using his iconic smirk, but this time a very deep frown. "While I'm happy you made the audience on the right, and this is going to be an awesome episode tomorrow. You got hurt severely. I have no choice but to send you to the hospital. AGAIN."

"Oh, that's b..." Eva was about to protest but then felt hurt in the abdomen and in the areas she overworked herself... And looking like she may have hurt something that she wasn't aware of, she isn't sure if the bastard perforated her organ... So she had to swallow her pride once again... "*beep* again..."

"Yes, Eva. Again, this time we will not prepare your stuff, you are going to the hospital right now by helicopter, and the police will arrest this poor excuse of a human, a good rating bringer, but a scum which would also bring lawsuits." Chris commented as he nodded to Chef, who decided to carry the bodybuilder with his arms. "Take her to the point area for the helicopter Chef, I'm going to deal with them."

Chris commented, as he never thought he would love and hate a challenge so much... Everything was going so fine until the real deal happened, he already guessed what was going to happen at the time he got on the telephone at the time he was on the trailer... But for now...

The campers watched Eva leaving... this time, the situation got offhanded so much... That it didn't even give them time to react properly to even say goodbye to their friend... The strong woman was forced to leave, and they couldn't say goodbye to her.

"Needless to say tonight will not have a bonfire elimination, since for technical failure, one of the campers got injured in point of going to the hospital, which automatically made her eliminated... I wish you all could have said something for her, but since you all were shocked and she is in an unknown state if she was in critical or just bruises, we don't want to risk it." Chris commented as he warned the campers to not go against his word, as he was talking seriously at that moment. "In a horror movie, usually the people who were alive in the end win the challenge. But since Eva got deeply hurt, nobody wins the challenge."

Everyone who was there felt hurt, knowing how horrible a fact that someone risked their life to save others, which left a bittersweet taste in the mouths of many. They are happy to know that the actual serial killer was in fact real and was beaten down like a dog, but they are sad and angry for the fact that one of their friends got deeply hurt in the process...

"Help me..." The person who was on the floor with broken arms and legs begged, but that was enough to infuriate three people who were the angriest of them all.

"SHUT THE *BEEP* UP." Duncan, Gwen, and Heather shouted in unison as the group started to kick the face of the serial killer who had them scared for the whole night, the stupid challenge which some thought wasn't real, was supposed to not be real, but int he end this bastard came to mess with their lives. And Duncan, Gwen, and Heather saw how her best friend was fragile seeing that. She knew that the man wanted Lindsay... And she wanted blood for the person who wanted to hurt her friend.

Frying pans, chairs, and even a table... Anything on their hands was enough to make the life of the assassin of chainsaw and a hook suffer the worst nightmare of his life.

Lindsay watched everything as she hugged DJ and started crying, the brick wall himself, couldn't contain it as he started to do it as well. Owen was afraid and saw the ginger who once was excited before, but after seeing how the situation was, remained stoic and with a cold look on her face... And at the time Owen tried to approach her, she simply turned her back and left... Owen didn't realize how serious it was... so he went and hugged DJ and Lindsay and started to cry as well...




"Alright, she is ready for the helicopter," Chef commented as he then started to see the boats approaching, and even the helicopter appearing in the sky. Knowing that the girl was on the verge of exhaustion, the man had to confess that these teenagers had been more and more surprising than he expected. And that girl was a machine. "Try to keep awake all the time girl."

"Hmmm," Eva grunted, as she tried to remain strong, even as a good part of her was feeling destroyed by the fact that she didn't avoid being hurt, and now she was disqualified from the game, she just got her second chance, and she already lost it on the top 8.

"Alright Eva, it seems they are here. I want you to focus on your health again." Chris commented as the girl who was still feeling too weak to talk only grunted in response. "The medics are going to check you out so you better not die okay?"

And to his relief, the only reply he got was a glare from the bodybuilder, which for him was reassuring. And with the crew of Royal Canadian Mounted Police came to capture and arrest the serial killer. And with that, Chris knew the next day was going to be a long day for him...


Everything was chaos, after minutes passed like hours, the group tried to find any kind of reassuring, after such a disastrous event, nothing seemed to be cheering them up, since they just saw the RCMP come to capture the remaining destroyed serial killer of who he was, even as he was crying and begging to be away from the island, and even as his voice was strange and would be made fun of it, for hurting their friends, that was inexcusable, and they were angry at him. They hated him, and they wanted him to rot in jail forever for what he did...

DJ was fragile, and on the edge to the point he almost said the word, Duncan was serious, as he felt guilty for not being able to help a teammate, he managed to Capture Chef, but to fight the real deal? He should have expected that, and he should have been prepared in case he was fighting the real assassin...

Gwen on the other hand, was in pain as she could see the pattern since the heroine always would be messed up at the end of the movie, which in the end would be sacrificing themselves for the good cause, and yet she saved everyone... and now she couldn't even trust around the island for being a possible target of future dangers. If one happened to be on there, what would stop others from coming to try to kill them as well?

Everything that she learned from horror movies, didn't work at all, against real life, it didn't matter if, in the end, she would have died...

In the end, the trio decided to use the hot tub to try to relax their mind, but they were surprised by one thing that they never saw before.


They saw a person they never would have expected to see on their secret base... Izzy who was with her loose hair in a mess, with sweat on her face, gritting her teeth as she was punching hard the punching bag which was lifting the chains holding it.

"Izzy?"DJ asked as the girl simply ignored as she continued to punch the bag.

"Stupid Oaf, who couldn't even protect himself for a single minute, coward, woman shield holder," Izzy punched more and more while she murmured to herself, as she ignored until she realized that she was being observed, and she gave a fake smile on her face. "Hey guys, don't mind me, I just want to, relax MYSELF."


The punch was loud as the trio stared in surprise at the ginger crazy girl who was punching the bag.

"Izzy, why are you here?" Gwen asked, as she never thought to see Izzy being on their secret base, especially using the punching bag on that way, it wasn't something she would see every day, and she wasn't with patience on that.

"I'm telling you, I'm relaxing myself. So you better drop it." Izzy said but this time in a serious note, which the group looked also on the edge... So they decided to be quiet, as Izzy continued punching. "Stupid RCMP, I had to hide myself now because they were so petty, I can't wait for my lawyer to pay all my bill so these *beep* would leave my ass."

And the group raised their eyebrow, as it seemed that the more Izzy punched, the more she wanted to vent.

"I gave years of my life to serve them as a child, working many missions to be patriotic like my mom, and all I did was to play a single little explosion in the kitchen and they have to go after my tail for years, oh come on, have a life you sick people," Izzy said as she murmured and then punched hard the bag, as this time the sequence was fiercer. "And then I trained with the best of the best, became leader of the cheerleader squad, while the leader of my infantile squad, trained years to military training to show everything I can."

Duncan and Dj had their eyes wide open from such revelation as the crazy ginger-haired girl kept punching stronger and stronger the punching bag.

"All that for to open my heart, and show a little vulnerability to a single big guy, who I thought it would be nice to have around... BUT THAT BIG *BEEP* HAD THE AUDACITY, AND COWARDICE TO PUSH ME IN THE DIRECTION OF A PERSON WHO COULD POTENTIALLY BE A SERIAL KILLER." Izzy said as she furiously punched so much of the punching bag that it was leaving a mark, which Duncan decided he had enough.

"Alright crazy girl, I know that has to go UGHHHHH." Duncan was about to stop Izzy, but she immediately turned and gave a kick on the boy's crotch which made him on his knees...As he then saw the furious gaze of the ginger girl who refused to be approached, he let out a high-pitched voice. "Maybe not..."

And DJ gave a step away from Izzy who was looking furious. As the girl was seriously trying to focus her anger on the punching bag.

"IT'S MY RIGHT TO BE HERE, I WAS A KILLER BASS 2 HOURS BEFORE I EXCHANGED MY PLACE WITH EITHER KATIE OR SADIE," Izzy growled as Gwen gulped from the reaction of the girl, and Duncan found out that it was better to let the girl stop being angry for then he starts to talk again. DJ was sweating but he couldn't say anything since Izzy was technically right. "I should have listened to the motto, never trust a Gopher, that's all you guys said, they could backstab you and leave you for to die they said, let the group end themselves in the internal war, all the Killer Bass says."

Izzy continued to punch, as she then stared at the goth Gwen, and then gave a sigh.

"Eva chose you to be on the Killer Bass and look where you are now," Izzy said as she looked at the girl who remained quiet. "A secret base with friends who always worked together, a good hot tub, and even as they left you alone to be captured by the chef, you could easily forgive them."

"Do you want to use..." DJ tried to suggest Izzy use their hot tub, but Izzy immediately punched the bag.

"I DON'T WANT TO USE A HOT TUB." Izzy punched as DJ jumped and ran behind Duncan, who was still adjusting himself in his place. "Izzy just wanted to vent herself while she was punching the bag, do you mind?"

DJ became silent, as he looked at both Gwen and Duncan who also preferred to let the girl keep punching the bag until she said it was enough.

"Sometimes I wondered if I made a mistake in leaving the team, and I thought Screaming Gophers would have become an elite force to be great and defeat anything..." Izzy commented as she then decided to point out everything she witnessed. "Never thought they would have been defeated so many times, maybe it had been a great mistake of me leaving the team."

"If I knew that everyone from Screaming Gophers was a bunch of Liars BACKSTABERS, NARCISISTS, COWARDS, I WOULDN'T HAVE EXCHANGED TEAMS, Oh, you are nice Izzy, you are crazy as always Izzy, I WANT TO MAKE OUT WITH YOUT IZZY. ALL LIARS, For them, uses the first opportunity to find danger, to push the person, and to save their excuse of an ass of their lives." Izzy then punched and punched, until she couldn't take anymore. "THAT *BEEP* BOY JUST DIDN'T HAVE THE COURAGE TO APOLOGIZE, EVEN AFTER EVERYTHING HE DID, AND HE THEN HAD THE AUDACITY TO ASK IF HE HAD A CHANCE WITH ME? *BEEP* YOU OWEN."

And with that, Izzy punched so hard that the chain of the punching bag broke, and immediately the sand of the said bag released, leaving Gwen, DJ, and even Duncan stunned by everything that happened. From that moment the group had no idea what to say, or even to do... it was too shocking for them, but imagine what was passing on the mind of the ginger girl. It seems everything was more than chaos.

"29.9 centimeters, and a sharp hook, it was everything it needed to kill me..." Izzy commented as the group stared at the furious military girl who was shedding a few tears in her eyes... She was trying to remain composed of herself, but it seemed that every fiber of her body was giving in..."Not a general, not a commander, not even the most expert of martial artists and gymnastics could save themselves from a sharp knife if someone they trusted pushed them in the direction of the knife... The chance of not being hit was low, very low... I could have protected Owen, he could have just run away, I could defend myself and beat the crap of anyone... But to push me without me to prepare myself... in the direction of a hook? I could have died if he pushed me further..."


The silence was defining, something which made the trio unaware of what to say... and from the sobs, they got from the crazy girl... they just saw Izzy go on his knees... and cry... But not before turning her head at them...

"Condor," Izzy whispered the word, showing how much a single person she trusted made her say such a word... And now DJ, Gwen, and Duncan, never thought to see... one person like Izzy act in such a way... a broken girl. "Condor, condor, condor... I don't want to be here anymore. I'm done."

Duncan, Gwen, and DJ looked at each other, as the trio watched what would be the craziest, but also one of the strongest campers, broke down and cried to her heart's content. A moment where she couldn't take it, as life had been almost an end for her, for a prize that she wouldn't need anymore.

DJ may have forgot into saying the distress code, but the group never thought from all people... Izzy would have been the one to actually say it... And for them, they have no right to refuse her choice into doing that... Which was a decision of a broken girl who was still trying to fix the broken pieces of herself into a challenge where she faced the fear of death and the betrayal of a partner... The Killer Bass was going to fulfill the desire of a former member of their team...

That night indeed showed a huge difference in the life of the many... It became an episode that caused a lot of changes in the lives of the campers.

Chapter 31: Aftermatch 2

Chapter Text


To say Chef Hatchet had a crazy night was an understanding, from a simple idea of a horror challenge, to become a fiasco made on live television, and with the possibility of one of the campers being hospitalized because of the lack of security. That was something that indeed would bite in the ass of the show somehow. While Chef is known for being an expert in military fights and had missions around his life, he wasn't 2, neither 3 and most importantly, he wasn't an army... He knew very well the importance of having a squad and having partners to help...

And it seems the good hair rich two shoes, finally understood that somehow his ideas would come to bite his ass, but surprisingly, this challenge wasn't his fault. It was clearly a coincidence... which was by far a cruel joke made by destiny. And from saying that, the serial Killer may be finally having peace when he gets in jail with no chance to get out from there, but from the bones, Eva broke...

Chef remembered a girl who would have been able to do the same easily... But as the cook of the camp, he knew that his kitchen was probably messed up at the hands of the campers, and the main lodge would be in total disaster from what he watched at that time.

As the clock struck 1 a.m., Chef Hatchet made his way into the Main Lodge of the camp. The scene before him was one of desolation and chaos. Tables lay broken and overturned, evidence of the previous night's turmoil. Holes marred the floor, a result of Eva's frenzied attack against the fake serial killer. A few drops of blood showed how serious the situation even became towards the chaotic episode it had...

Amidst the wreckage, one table stood defiantly intact, a lone survivor amidst the destruction. From that table, a figure sat silently, unmoving. This made Chef recognize that silhouette even on the shades of the night, and without the lights to give a better view, the military veteran could recognize the same orange hair and green clothing... It was Izzy, but she appeared different from her usual exuberant self. There was no playful grin on her face, no hint of mischief in her eyes. Instead, she sat solemnly, her gaze fixed on the table before her.

At that time, Chef could see it, a little glimpse of the past, as after a while could have been, on the training grounds, where walls of metal were the security where both he had to train a very important squad which would be beneficial for their missions in the future, a temporary project of the military which showed great success on their missions... But there was still a way he could remember that time when he had to train 15 infantile units, and from that squad... a little girl wearing military clothing with a little Canadian flag on the bag, and a little military cap... sitting around the metal table, sitting solemnly and her gaze fixed...

Chef blinked, as he shook his head to recover himself from that position... he knew what happened, he knew who it was... and that wasn't his first rodeo... and he knew what to do.

In the dim light of the lodge, Izzy seemed almost ethereal, a solitary figure amidst the ruins. Her presence spoke volumes, a silent testament to the toll of betrayal and chaos. As Chef Hatchet observed her, he couldn't help but feel a pang of concern. Something had shifted in Izzy, and he knew that whatever had transpired had left its mark on her soul.

"Hey, kiddo. You okay?" Chef instead of asking what the girl would have doing around his Main Lodge and Kitchen, decided to approach the girl who seemed to be glooming and staring at the center of the table, unable to say a single word. Izzy looks up, her eyes brimming with tears. She shakes her head. This made Chef remain calm, but see once again something happening from the time on before.

He wanted to say something, but then he gave a slight glance around and saw it... a little lens of the camera, which even, as usual, nobody would be interested in seeing it... There were some things that he never wanted to share around television...

By walking towards the camera device... Chef simply took the wires, and pulled out, one by one, until the red dot marking the recording finally turned off... And with that, Chef could finally turn and check the problem.

Izzy was still staring at the table, and Chef turned his back to walk towards her.

Walking in her direction, it was difficult to distinguish from the glimpse of the past and the present for the cook, since each step reminded him the same way he had to approach the same girl. And on the first time, it worked, so why not repeat it?

"INFANTILE SQUAD ATTENTION." Chef didn't roar, he commanded, and at the time his loud voice was heard at the Main Lodge, it was auto-pilot since the ginger girl stood up on her position and gave a strong stomp on the floor, not turning herself to the person who called for her.

"Leader of Infantile Squad Izzy presenting herself, Chief." The usual crazy voice tone around the girl was lacking at the moment, but it sounded the tone exactly from the same person who had on that position years prior. Even as the marks of tears and red on her eyes showed the signals of her crying, she still obeyed the orders given to her.

"At ease." Then Chef gave the simple command, which left the girl to relax her posture, and sat straight on the table... And then Chef does the same thing as he did around the first time he saw his soldier in the past. He walked to the other side of the table, and sat in silence, waiting for the soldier Izzy to speak her mind.

Minutes of deep silence were enough, until the girl who seemed to be looking at the table, decided to speak her thoughts.

"It's funny... from the time I was sitting in distraught like this was when I was just a little child, by our first mission training failed while I was being their leader. Thinking about if I had what it was enough for being chosen as leader." The ginger girl commented with a sarcastic sad laugh, while the person who chose her was in front of her. "Thinking about everything I did which could lead to such failure on that operation... and what every single circumstance I could have done better."

Chef remained quiet as he remembered from the glimpse of his eye, the comparison of a little girl and a grown-up teenager, and yet showing so many similarities around the feelings she had on the past.

Chef usually would have ignored soldiers for stupid things like feelings in relation to war, since war happens to everyone and most had to endure the consequences of life... but teaching that to a child had been one of the most difficult tasks, and that made him learn that showing moments of vulnerability to the ones who he could trust wasn't a bad decision.

"Chef," Then Izzy had the courage to raise her head at him, and with tears in her eyes, decided to speak her mind. "I'm not okay."

"Report leader of infantile squad Izzy," Chef commented in the same he did in the past, and for a glimpse of time, he forgot he was dressing his cook attire, and was now wearing his military outfit, as the same one who made the little girl compose herself to report everything on her mind.

The grown-up soldier gulped her tears and proceeded to tell everything she felt.

"Your leader failed to survive a close combat with the enemy as a member of her squad subjected to cowardice in front of the enemy and did the ultimate betrayal by pushing the leader of the squad to the enemy," Izzy commented as officially reported the military service, but then she decided to describe her feelings. "I was ready for combat, I could have protected him easily, and engaged the close combat since I trained a lot... but that push, I wasn't ready for that... and I... I..."

"Could have died," Chef commented as he found the reason why the girl felt like a storm in her mind. "You would have ignored this, if wasn't for the fact that one member of the camping engaged the true enemy, and not risked her life, but got hurt in the process."

"Yes, sir," Izzy replied as she looked at the table again. "I... I... never felt so betrayed, I thought I was playing nice, and he was a sweet guy... but... but..."

"Moments of danger would determine the true character of the others, soldier, and in times of that, you would learn who truly is a coward, and who is valent. Sometimes, even those we trust can let us down." Chef Hatchet decided to move on from his seat and walk beside his soldier as he sat near her. "Betrayal hurts, Izzy. It's a tough lesson, especially out here. But remember, you're stronger than you think. You've faced worse than this."

The girl who sat there, sniffed as she tried to recover herself, and Chef knew very well how painful must have been for the girl. But still, he knew exactly who she was.

"Do you remember one of the lessons I gave to you when it comes to leading your squad?" Chef asked which he could see the girl not answering him, and even that, he decided to comment. "In war, there is no greater betrayal than turning your back on your comrades, your unit, your mission. Loyalty is the bedrock of the soldier's code."

Izzy nodded her head, as Chef placed his hand over her shoulder.

"I'm... I'm going to be eliminated on the next challenge Chief, I said Condor for the Killer Bass team, and I'm... I'm exhausted," Izzy replied as the veteran could see that indeed the shock of the betrayal, and from much it took from her, made her second-guess every decision she made, so she decided to give up...

Chef felt like a blow on the stomach, since the moment the fat boy pushed his soldier to possible death, he saw his student breaking in front of him, and from the time she analyzed everything, from the distance of her neck and possible sharp objects? If the assassin just pushed the hook... she would have died, and moments like that could potentially cause PTSD, which made him grit his teeth, reminded of a time when he was younger, and had a person who resembled the ginger girl, whoever the hair was more brownish and she wore a black three-quarter length crop top, green sport jeans, dark grey gloves, black shoes, and a brown belt.

The times when things were simpler when both she and her boyfriend would visit him to walk around, train combat, eat some Mexican food, and even take care of that naked mole-rat mascot. Those were the days the group was in the military and had any kind of challenges in their daily life.

There was a time when Chef felt the pressure of the time he went to Vietnam, as a young soldier who had to deal with Vietnam in the final years of war... it has been chaos, and yet the same good friends who saw him on his worst... they gave him one of the most important lessons of his life. And from seeing the kiddo being almost in the same position as him...

"You know, your mother once gave me very important advice..."Chef commented as it brought the attention of the girl who threw the towel... "The greatest generals know when to advance and when to retreat. Rest is not retreat; it is strategic repositioning for the next decisive move."

Izzy remained quiet, as she nodded his head at him, she remembered those words since it had been her main strategy from going on the show and using the loopholes to make her return... And Chef decided to go even further.

"You didn't turn your back to your comrades, you tried to help them, you even helped me to take care of the hurt soldier. You got scared, Izzy." Chef commented as he saw the words reaching not just her mind but also her heart, deep down needed to hear those words more than anyone, even at the time she hesitated and froze in a moment of danger. "But that doesn't define you. You're still the same girl I trained all those years ago. The one who faced every challenge head-on, fearless and determined. Just like I remember."

"Really? Do you remember everything?"Izzy gave a slight look to the commander who trained her, and at that moment, Chef could see sparks returning to her eyes.

Chef at that moment chuckled.

"How could I forget? You were a handful, Izzy, destroying my stoven, my car, my car, my bathroom, my car, MY CAR, AND MY CAR. MY CARRRRRRR."Chef started remembering every single problem that the leader of the infantile squad created around the time he was training them, and most of them were related to chores which always ended up destroying his favorite car... But then looking at the grinning smile from the ginger girl, he coughed on his fist and decided to continue his speech.

And by taking something from his pocket, he decided to open his wallet where there were a few pictures inside, one of them was about his mother, another about his grandma, another was from his best friends, but there was another one. Which he was glad to show at Izzy.

The girl looked at the picture where she found a group of kids in military uniform, as they all stood up proud for the picture, while she was giving a look like a courageous girl ready to take the whole world and beat them up, and Chef Hatchet stood with his chest stuffed in the same view of the little kids... A military squad proud of serving their country, their family, and themselves.

"You were also brave, and resourceful. A natural leader, the smartest kid who followed your instincts. And a soldier that I never have been so proud of training in my life." Chef Hatchet commented with his deep voice, but Izzy could hear from the tone of it, like a commander proud of his soldier and giving a tap on her head exactly like she had in childhood.

And on that moment, Izzy sniffed, but smiled with pride, as she even cleaned up her tears...

"Permission from the Leader of the Infantile squad request for a hug, Master Chief," Izzy commented as the cook with a smirk on his face, decided to open his arms.

"Permission granted soldier." And Chef immediately felt like hit by a cannonball since Izzy just jumped on him to hug... And the military veteran couldn't help but smile towards the soldier he had been part of her life, since childhood. A girl who trained so much for their nation, for him, and for making her parents proud. "Now soldier, since we are off camera, I know that you made some mischief, so tell me, why don't you tell me where have you been after you had to flee from the soldiers while I make some nachos for you?"

From hearing Chef preparing her favorite food, and with the idea of talking with him off camera, Izzy gave her crazy smile and decided to tell him, about the time she became a Billionaire, and how a good friend insisted for her to pay her taxes... While she pouted... Chef never had laughed so loud in his entire life...

It seems that it was indeed good times for the military, just like the old times.

In the Playa del Losers, nobody slept, as Ezekiel shouted and made everyone turn their television, seeing the distraught look of every single camper on the show, saw for a glimpse of what happened, there was a slight video of Eva bandaged, and ready to be taken to the hospital, while there was also what would be a total stranger who was with his broken bones ready to go to jail after being treated his bones...

Nobody had a freaking idea of what just happened, and they would need to wait until the episode of the next day to explain everything about what happened, and while everyone was trying to find the campers, some went to sleep, and some decided to go to the Aquarium...

And at that moment, every single member of the Playa del losers... lost their words, into seeing Izzy losing control of herself, and breaking down crying... it was hard to watch it, to see a girl who was always crazy and ready for everything, to confess that Owen from all people to push her in the probably death.

And from all campers... there was one who was so distraught, but not from fear, but guilt.

"What have I done..." Ezekiel commented differently from the episodes aired on television, from the pay-per-view perspective, it was far worse than he imagined, the reason why Izzy lost her marbles around the show, and how she had a grudge against Owen on the next episode. He knew Izzy would be pushed in the direction of Chef, but he never realized the logical reason why Izzy was so pissed off at Owen to have pushed her in danger. And the worst part... he always had ship Owen and Izzy since his childhood, but never realized that Owen fucked up so badly, that he didn't know who did it worse. Trent or him... but everyone loves Owen, he was always the best guy... "And yet he fucked up badly..."

He didn't tell the future challenges because he wanted all the campers to have a fair chance of winning the show, but in the end... he just discovered that Izzy regretted being a Gopher and wanted to have what he had on the Killer Bass...

And from that thought, Ezekiel wondered, if it was worth it to hold the secrets of episodes to his friends who knew about his identity.

He doesn't know... but from seeing Izzy crying like that, and Eva hurt like that? It was like fate was making fun of him for not realizing that he could have changed everything for the better and yet he chose to not do it. He didn't know that was going to happen, or if that happened while he was in the real world... it was so strange, and yet... that would be the natural reaction of it. Who wouldn't be pissed at the person who pushed them to a person who resembled a serial killer, with the real serial killer on the island?

Should he have told the truth about the real serial killer appearing? Should he have told Izzy about all the challenges? Will any of his other friends recover from that? In times like that, he cursed himself for not being there, if he had been there he would have done something. Anything, he could have taken his bowl and arrow, he would have placed traps, could have told Chef and Izzy to track down the serial killer, since 2 archers and 2 militaries would have been a great way to defeat someone...

Ezekiel had no one else to blame, than himself... for him, to have gotten pneumonia, he gave up the chance to return because he wasn't ready... And now his friend is hurt...Ezekiel looked at his bedroom and found the weights Eva had told him to train on exercises...

"Screw it exercises, I'm going to be wearing weights all the time. I swear. This isn't going to happen again, I will not let my friends hurt like that again." Ezekiel swore to himself, and took out his bennie, and since he wasn't going to sleep... He was going to remain awake and use that time to continue his writing.

With the weight of his wrists and legs... he was going to start to write his fanfic on the typewriter while using weights. And he would just take them off, only when he was going to sleep.

It was the decision he made with his own heart, and as a way to train himself to get better. Because he may not see how Eva got hurt like that, but he will see in the next episode, so he was going to prepare his body for the time that would come, and until then... He had another chapter to be done.

The forest was in silence, as the house that reached the middle of the forest was covered with sounds of sobs and cries...

A patriarch of the family who was at work, felt his heart clinch because Mother Nature told him one truth, his daughter watched the Pay-per-view, he had no idea what happened, and he was sure that the next time he was going to watch the edited episode, he would see what happened. He just hoped that his wife would have the strength to console their daughter...

But somehow, it felt in his soul, that it was going to be a long week for him and his wife because he didn't know why. But something bad just happened, it was on his core, and Mother Nature warned him, about Dawn watching the pay-per-view...

It seemed that not just his daughter, but also his wife shed tears about what happened... And that made the druid patriarch wonder, what the hell happened on the show to cause such tears in his family? How bad it was? Just on the next day, he would find out, and he had fear of knowing the answer.

The sisters couldn't find energy anymore, from the suspense, the horror, and from the tears they saw in Izzy's eyes... It was too much for them, both Jane and Sky had to hug themselves and cry for half an hour to process everything that happened.

The first moment about the challenge, everything seemed to have been okay, and they laughed at some interaction of Owen simply pushing Izzy to Chef, and how she beat him down, they thought it was just a simple idiotic thing Owen just did to a girl... But then when the real serial killer appeared, how did he hurt Eva to the point she got bleeding and seriously hurt? The suspense was too much. And they felt horrified about her elimination because she desperately needed to go to the hospital.

But what broke the girls, was the revelation of why Izzy was so mad, they found out more about her, her military way of life, and why she was so mad at Owen, and they never processed that information before... they thought it was just a simple thing they would forget in the future, but when Izzy told them her thought process... it was impossible to argue with it. Owen could have killed Izzy if it was the true Serial Killer, 29 centimeters was literally a ruler size, and having their lives at risk by someone pushing them to death?

Owen pulled a Trent on Izzy, and that was a sin that most fans would forget or forgive.

"The blog tomorrow is going to destroy him," Jane commented as Sky felt the pain of Izzy, from the fact Izzy said she belonged on the Killer Bass before changing teams, and that was hurtful to hear because it was true. Since she had to change places with Katie and Sadie to be together, if she hadn't done that, she would have remained on Killer Bass and had become one strong power for them.

They always thought Owen and Izzy were meant to be with each other... but after that night, everyone from work and school who never watched the Pay-per-view will notice many shouting curses at Owen for being a coward like that.

Some would defend him for being a good guy... but Trent was also like that, both committed a terrible and mortal mistake... And it will take a long time for them to get in the good graces of the public again.

But now, Izzy deserved to use Condor's word. Since she was an honorary Killer Bass before the exchange, she was broken at that moment.

Nobody blames her for the decision she is making on that night.

"And that's my plan after my departure," Izzy commented as she was finishing her nachos, with Chef already having dark circles on his eyes, but solemnly listening to every word carefully from the girl who needed so much to vent. "Thank you, Chief, for everything."

"It's what I can do for my soldiers," Chef commented as he then glanced around... and now that the cameras were deactivated. "Izzy, since you are a billionaire, I want to make a proposition for you."

Izzy looked at the commander who helped her, and when he usually was in his scummy voice, this time it seemed that he was in serious mode to talk to her.

"I don't know if this show will have more seasons, if will have a green light after today's episode, but in case we would need to bring back the contestants... I would like you to return." Chef commented as Izzy had her eyes wide open, as she remembered the words on how many seasons the show would have in the future. "I got a challenge from the producers, and I need at least 2 campers to at least one of them to win the next season... if I win I want to gain half of the prize, but also I will be able to gain a thing that I want so much... and I would like to ask you to do it."

"You want me to be in an alliance?" Izzy asked, as she got herself remembering what happened to her in the future when she denied the offer from the Chef, about the time she lost against Duncan in acting, which was salt in her wounds... But she remained in control of her feelings. Especially the person who trained her was looking at her in seriousness, and knowing that he could trust her... Izzy decided to make a difference in her life. "I will accept if Ezekiel is in."

"What?" Chef blinked as Izzy got up from her seat, and stared at him.

"You said 2 right? Let me and Ezekiel do it. If we two go there in the next season, we are going to win. And that way you win whatever you want." Izzy commented as the military man never thought to hear from his soldier before, he remembered that girl talked about him in her stories, but to know that she trusted her future on him? "I believe in him... please, give us a chance..."

Chef remained quiet, but thought about the challenges the group had... and indeed the boy was there, like a soldier until the end, even in his worst sickness won a war, showed military strategy, and even created a supreme stink bomb... Chef would have thought Izzy would have trust in nobody after the challenge, but for her to trust that boy. Chef saw something that he never thought before, determination and the desire to continue to fight but stronger than ever.

"Alright soldier, at the moment you find him, tell him about our alliance, and that way we can win the next season." Chef Hatchet smirked, as Izzy gave another hug at him. "Now stop with the hugs soldier, and prepare yourself to rest, it has been a long time and it's 5 a.m. And I refuse to let my soldier not rest after rambling with her commander, now MARCH LIDER OF INFANTILE SQUAD."

"SIR, YES SIR," Izzy shouted happily, but before she was going to leave Chef once again called.

"Ohh... and about the coward who left in front of the enemy, you have my permission to punish him before leaving the island. And I will make my own sort of punishment for him in the future, but for now. You can have some fun..." Chef chuckled as he remembered something from the past when the little girl became the type to punish someone from her squad. "I recall there was a persona you created whenever someone messed up on the squad... what was the name again? Ex. ext. exa..."

"Explosivo," Izzy murmured, as Chef snapped his fingers in recognizement.

"Oh her, yes... have fun." Chef Hatchet commented, as the girl marched outside of the Main Lodge... leaving the military veteran alone with his thoughts... " was a shitstorm."

The cook got up from his seat and walked towards the kitchen, with how crazy everything went... he never thought things like that would have turned upside down drastically, and from a situation like that, even at it happened with one of his squad, he needed to talk about it.

It has been years since the incident, and probably it was still a sore subject to talk about, but he had been avoiding that day for so long, for an accident which happened in the middle of a sparring, he sometimes wondered if was her who didn't forgive him, or if was him who didn't forgive himself for that shit happening, but the damage was done, and he clearly needed to speak to her again.

He glanced at the picture of his wallet, where it showed nobody other than a smaller and skinny version of a person who seemed to be almost bulky but smaller than the Jamaican who was on the island, a blonde and skinny boy, and a girl of brownish and orange hair, all sitting together in military suits on a time they were in the weekend off from a mission. Even as the annoying mascot the boy had it. In the end, the trio worked together in so many operations, and the trio became great friends, but the time he left for Vietnam was something that made him more serious, and even learned about the worst things about humanity.

Chef calmly took the telephone and still remembered the same number he always used to talk to whenever he wanted to speak with his friend... After a few minutes, a person took the phone.

"Kim, we need to talk about your daughter, if you saw the episode, you know why I called..." Chef commented and the voice was in silence for a second... until the same familiar voice commented, something he hadn't heard for years. But was glad to hear her voice again...

"What's the sitch?" The female voice asked as Chef decided to tell everything that happened from his encounter with the ginger girl. Like mother, like daughter.

"It's been a while, McLean. You left them there to rot. Why are you here again? Because of guilt? Because of sympathy? Or is it because you can't stand the blames being sent to you for something you did? You're just doing this because you miss being the good guy in the eyes of others. Who cares anyway? Just find them. Hope you find good news. And pray you don't end up the same way you think they did."

It had been chaos, those words were heard at the time he found himself taking a boat back around to the island, he wasn't alone, and he didn't recognize who had been with him... But one thing he knew for sure... A serial killer had been around that island, and he had left the first boat while leaving all the campers alone with him.

And at the time Chris got there, he discovered there were rules that should be followed, or something terrible was going to happen to him... And to his surprise, the first person he found... Was Ezekiel, from all the people, it had been one of whom he saw in such a horrifying way...

Ezekiel: Find him quickly. ( Dismembered and scattered all over the island by The Man in the Woods.)

Then came Lindsay as the second victim - Backstabbers get what they deserve ( Got her mouth sewn shut alive before getting thrown off a cliff by The Man in the Woods.

Then Sadie: Be aware of the differences (Fed to a pack of wolves caused by The Man in the Woods.)

Then the sugar candy Justin: Don't look at his face (Face cut off before getting his body dumped into a river.)

Beth: Once you see her, don't turn around (Head bashed into a boulder while leaving her mouth in a permanent smile.)

Then Tyler: Everything is okay /To not engage him (Elongated and tortured by a wrack used by The Man in the Woods)

Noah: Mind your business (Strangled with a Rope and stabbed before having his body thrown into a lake.)

Bridgette: Don't start a fight you can't finish (Thrown into a pit of fire, causing her to get burnt to death.)

Geoff and Owen who were fused together: Give him what he wishes/ Give it to him now (Dismembered by the Man in the Woods with a machete and had his head and right arm sewn onto Owen Waterflower./ Knocked out with a bat by The Man in the Woods, then had Geoff's head and right arm sewn on him.)

DJ: Don't ever harm nature (Pushed off a hill by The Man in the Woods. Body was never found.)

Trent: Never interrupt him (Impaled with several meat hooks after catching him with a bear trap, and got his vocal cords flayed out of his mouth.)

Harold: Don't mess with things that aren't yours (Head slammed 2 times into a table then into a TV by The Man in the Woods.)

Courtney: Never deny your wrongdoings (Leg snapped and was hung on several hooks in a dance position on the stage by The Man In the Woods.)

And then... Heather... (Decapitated with a chainsaw before having her head left in the fridge.) "LEAVE THIS ISLAND NOW." It was the shout which made from many hairs, and it was enough for him to finally understand what happened. It was the worst of his fears... and he couldn't do anything...

Until he saw the boat where he was supposed to leave... however... the boat departed with the campers and the survivors, while he was left alone on the cursed island... and at that moment, the ghosts got him...

"Did you really think you can run away this time? And avoid the consequences again? What a fool. This is the punishment you deserve. And you will be locked out of heaven for all eternity."





"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Chris woke up screaming from the terrible nightmare he had on his bed... knowing clearly that the situation had been way worse than he imagined. And from a single psychopath coming at the island, the damage it had done on the dream was so much that he felt his heart beating way too fast, and his chest tightening in pain and fear...

The host of the show... planned for them to get hurt in a hilarious way, and it was supposed to be just a single scaring challenge. But to have a real serial killer? It had been affecting him, affecting everyone... And for the first time, when the telephone rang... The host of the show walked at it, and instead of his fearful and nervous call around accepting whatever the producers would say. His eyes were with a bloodshot.

"HOW THE FUCK A SERIAL KILLER WAS ABLE TO GET INSIDE OF THE ISLAND? " Chris shouted as the fusion of anger and fear, from all the stress he had, he lashed out to his producers which usually would have been a bad idea, but he didn't care, he wasn't going to take the blame for that. "YOU GUYS TOLD ME THAT THIS ISLAND MOST DANGEROUS THINGS WOULD BE THE ANIMALS AND THE CHALLENGES, SO HOW THE FUCK A SERIAL KILLER WITH A CHAINSAW AND A HOOK MANAGED TO GET INSIDE OF THIS ISLAND?"


"Okay, okay. I'm calm." Chris said as he composed himself from the stressful morning he had, and from the terrible night he wasn't sure if he preferred to have been awake instead of sleeping. "But yes, I have no idea how it turned out like that. It was a scary challenge, and now we have a situation that was great for the ratings, but if we are not delicate around this, there will be a guaranteed lawsuit for everyone. So tell me, what to do."


"Okay, it seems, wait hold on. How much was the reward for capturing the serial killer again?" Chris commented as he heard the response of the producers. "Okay, 20 thousand dollars is very good for Eva as a way to pay for her to not continue on the show, and the medical treatment?"


"Okay, it has been nothing serious, thank God, we have avoided a lot of lawsuits with that, but there were also other things we had to proceed around, the security and the risk of the campers getting hurt again, what are we going to do?" Chris commented as he waited for more instructions, and he was humming from the information. "Okay, we have money to hire interns, so hiring interns from the medicine area will be a great way to add on the challenge... and for the budget, maybe we could hire some cadets in training. Maybe 2 newbie cadets and we can give them teasers and weapons in case we have a danger again."


"It's everything we could do with the budget... wait, WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU ARE GOING TO TAKE ALL THAT FROM MY HAIR GEL BUDGETTE? YOU WEASEL... WHAT? JUST BECAUSE I SHOUT AT YOU? IT WAS YOUR IDEA TO USE THIS ISLAND, AND NOW YOU ARE BLAMING ME?" Chris turned the game of blame once again, but it seemed that he couldn't do anything, but he had to gulp his pride and accept. "Okay, maybe I can use a little less of my hair gel... but that's because I want to be sure that you will hire the new interns for our security. Fine, I will leave the process of paying her medical bill too. Remember, this isn't only your show that is in line, but my career as well, and you guys need me. Nice, good day..."

At the moment the telephone was off, the host sat down on his own bed, and tried to calm down... it was a risky move, but he secured his career and showed the upper hand. Sometimes he loved the producers for paying him money for a job that he loves, but sometimes he hated them for taking out his money for also not being aware of some shit happening without him happening.

He just wished to go back to sleep, but thankfully someone started to knock on the door of his trailer... And between returning to a nightmare that will scare him for the rest of the day, or remaining awake a bit more, the choice was obvious.

But Chris couldn't help but be surprised to see Chef who didn't also give a single wink of sleep.

"Chef?" Chris asked as he saw the bulk man holding a few suitcases which made him look at the military man in surprise. "Please tell me that you aren't going to quit your job."

"No you buffon, I'm taking a few days off," Chef replied as Chris Mclain blinked at what the cook had said to him. "I'm going to be a few days out of this island, need to see my mother and granny, catch up with some friends, and that stuff. I will be out probably 3 or 4 days."

Chris blinked as the person in front of him didn't say the words he thought he would say.

"But what about the others?" Chris commented about the campers who were on the show, but he could see the annoying face of the Chef, who looked impatient but also did not care about his opinion.

"Order them some pizza, bring Chinese food, I don't care, these kids just dealt with a Serial Killer Chris, they watched a girl being stabbed by a psychopath while she broke his arms and legs, and while she overcame that, it's clear that nobody is fine around this show Chris," Chef remarked angrily as the host of the show flinched from the words which remind him of the nightmare. "I'm not going to cook crap food for them for surviving on the battlefield, sometimes everyone needs a day off..."

"Right," Chris commented, as he could accept that things escalated beyond his control, and for the damaging control he and the producers have been making around it since the last night, it showed that it clearly things got out of hand. "You're right, maybe we need to just tone down, just for this week."

"Good, I'm going to leave right now. And if I were you, I would also take a few days to relax," Chef commented as he could see the host still shaken from what happened, he wasn't sure why, but the tiny wimp man was trying to hold himself together but he was doing a terrible job at it.

"Yeah, I will do it. But first I need to make sure to tell the camera crew about what to edit on the episode, then I will do it." Chris commented as he could see the cook raising his eyebrow at him, which made him roll his eyes. "I'm fine, now go, have your day off or whatever. I want to see you in a few days."

Chef chuckled, but with that, he took his suitcases and left... Leaving Chris to spend a few hours to prepare himself. Takes a shower and carefully uses his hair gel which he will need to administrate in the future. He would need everything to be sure of how things will go.

And by seeing the camera crew, some answers must be answered. Most of the editors were in a rush and watching scene by scene, trying to find the good close scenes, and even checking the sound of the microphones working in their favor. But there was one biggest issue happening around.

"Sir, we have the entire recording of everything around the island from the last 24 hours." One of the members explained as Chris examined around the long duration of what happened around the show. "It's been difficult to edit everything to 21 minutes since there are too many scenes that it would be missing."

Chris looked at the screens, and from all the shitstorms happening on the day before, many things happened and 5 hours looked like an eternity, and from seeing that at the moment that episode would be on air... He needed to make sure to not hide anything because it would be worse if they were found in court, so he made the important decision.

"Do an episode of 1 hour," Chris commented as the camera crew paused, and everyone stared at the host of the show who usually would have his smirk, but this time was replaced with a serious face and a deep frown... "They took my hair gel money, so let's expose everything, showing that we have nothing to hide, and we are taking care of the situation."

"But sir." One of the camera crew stared in surprise and wanted to intervene, but Chris immediately interrupted him.

"The producers already gave a green light, we need to do damage control, now. I need a camera, and someone to help me write the disclaimer script, because the people who watched on the Pay-per-view probably are sharing the news of what happened, so in case we save our face, we need to show that even after the moment the episode was done and the mistakes were made. We are taking care of the situation." Chris said as the camera crew remained in silence but nodded their heads at him, ready to make a round of him explaining what was going to happen.




"Alright, I hope you guys are ready," Chris commented as he sat in front of the camera, with his hair well-made, and even with makeup to hide his tired face on camera. And at the moment the film started rolling, it was show time. "The episode you all just watched was a mere record of the events which happened yesterday. The news regarding Eva was that she is stable, and the damage caused to her body, thankfully the hook missed an artery by millimeters which means the girl is now under treatment and ready to recover... She won't return since she had to remain at the hospital for treatment, but for her capture of the serial killer with a chainsaw and a hook, she got the reward for his capture of 20 thousand dollars, which by fair in my opinion a good reward for her heroism. The Total Drama Island show will pay for her medical expertise and hope that her recovery will be done quickly giving that crazy woman another day to hurt another person. "

Chris used that time to let sink, the information as he took a few seconds to continue explaining the events.

"The campers will not have challenges for a week, since each of them needs a recovery from the events which happened. So in case you are worried about them, the pay-per-view will still be rolling, while the crew and I won't record another episode of the show for a week, since each of us will need to step down and let it sink about the lives who were in danger from the last challenge. From a circumstance that it didn't happen because of me." Chris commented as the camera crew looked at each other, but let their boss speak his mind. "The campers will take it easy until they recover from this, and then we will return to our show like it always has been. And for the disclaimer of the show, you had watched blood, betrayal, broken bones, and potential mental scars for many campers. And this is awesome for the audience and for the show, however terrible for people who almost lose their lives because of dangerous criminals traveling across Canada. Since that, our production has been hiring interns from the medicine expertise, if you are interested in helping the campers while getting experience in dealing with all kinds of wounds and weird sicknesses... you can apply to enter. And about our security, we are hiring Cadets for our national police academy which will be the new security protocol in case of future criminals have in mind to appear in the show... I'm Chris McLain, and I will see you on the next episode of Total Drama Island."

Inside the police academy, the principal's office exuded an air of authority and professionalism. The room was spacious, with walls adorned by framed certificates and commendations, showcasing the academy's prestigious history. A large wooden desk dominated the center of the room, meticulously organized with files and paperwork. Behind the desk sat the principal officer, a stern yet distinguished man whose presence commanded respect.

The principal officer himself was a formidable figure, with a commanding presence and sharp, piercing eyes that missed nothing. His neatly trimmed mustache added an air of gravitas to his demeanor, accentuating his no-nonsense approach to leadership.

"You may be wondering why I called you both today," he began, his voice firm and unwavering. "I have called you two since I received a request application for potential cadets who would be inside of a television show that recently received an intruder who seemed to be a serial killer."

He paused, allowing his words to sink in before continuing. "Now they are safe from the danger, but not without one of their contestants suffering some collateral damage, and since they are hiring cadets willing to do crazy stuff for potential grades and a small salary, I decided to choose you two for this operation."

The principal officer leaned forward, his expression serious as he addressed them directly. "You remember the seminar you received and swore upon yourselves at the time you started your training. And with the practical training around the chaotic world of the reality shows, it will give you a great advantage in dealing with all kinds of people."

He paused, his gaze unwavering as he looked at each cadet in turn. "So I have faith in both of you... Cadet Sanders, and Cadet MacArthur. Do not disappoint our academy."

The duo stood at attention, their resolve evident in their posture as they responded in unison, "Sir, yes sir..." Their voices were crisp and disciplined, a testament to their dedication to their training and duty. With a final salute, they awaited their instructions, ready to embark on their mission with determination and professionalism.

Chapter 32: Wawanakwa Gone Wild!

Chapter Text


Chef Hatchet wandered through the quiet streets of the neighborhood, his footsteps echoing softly against the pavement. The houses stood in neat rows, each with its own unique charm, but his eyes were fixed on one in particular. As he approached, memories flooded back, painting vivid images of the past.

As he now seemed to be dressing with a pink social shirt that he usually wears while walking around the city, and his usual brown pants that he used around visiting his family and friends, he walked around to approach a place that he never thought to go again.

The house he sought was a modest yet inviting structure, nestled among a lush garden bursting with vibrant colors. Flower beds lined the walkway leading to the front porch, where pots of blooming plants added a cheerful touch. Tall trees provide shade, their branches swaying gently in the breeze.

The front door loomed before him, a solid barrier between the past and the present. Chef hesitated, his hand hovering uncertainly before finally mustering the resolve to reach out and press the doorbell. The chime echoed through the quiet neighborhood, a stark reminder of the weight of his purpose.

As he waited, his heart pounded in his chest, each second stretching into an eternity. Memories of laughter and camaraderie flooded his mind, intermingling with the shadows of regret and sorrow. Yet, amidst the tumult of emotions, one thing remained clear – he had to face the past, no matter how daunting it seemed.

Finally, the door creaked open, revealing a familiar face framed by the warm glow of the interior. Revealing what would be a grown-up man in his 40s, almost the same age as him, the person in front of him embodies the essence of a seasoned adventurer who has weathered the storms of life with a blend of resilience and charm. Time has left its subtle marks upon him, etching faint laugh lines around his eyes and with very transparent and elegant glasses to compliment his look and gracing his once vibrant blonde locks with a sprinkling of silver. However, his trademark ponytail still cascades down his back, a testament to his enduring spirit of adventure. Wearing a well-adorned black suit with a black bow tie and hands a very well-made mug of coffee.

"HATCH." The man shouted as he showed a good smile a mark of camaraderie, which made the cook grin at the face of an old friend by hearing his old nickname. And still was surprised to get a hug from an old friend, which he happily chuckled from even years without talking, the same charisma and personality of a friend since his teenage days remained with him.

"Ron," Chef commented as he accepted the quick hug that an old friend had given to him, knowing that sometimes he could see from the ginger girl he trained he could see where she got the charisma from, even as acting weirdly sometimes. "How long has been?"

"8 years my friend. Wade thought you have been on a mission for so long... until we watched the first episode of the reality show." The blond man commented with a smirk which made Chef roll his eyes. "From a commander, expert in front lines of missions of combat and rescue to a simple cook? Kim had been laughing her ass off for the entire commercial."

"Ha ha ha," Chef gave a sarcastic laugh as he could imagine that his friend would do that. "And talking about her,"

"Oh, right. Sorry, come in Chef," Ron opened the door and Chef had the view of what was a very cozy house, with yellow walls, a mountain landscape painting on the walls, and a very ugly couch which had been Wade's wedding gift which Chef was sure that he bought for cheap, for a man who liked to buy electronics he had a terrible decision to buy furniture. Chef had memories about the time he passed around there to drink some cans of beer and talk about missions they had around the army.

"Wow, all those years, all the blood, sweat, and tears we left on the battlefield, I think I missed this time around here," Chef commented as Ron smiled and passed around him.

"Yeah, and the retirement helped us a lot, especially with my new invention which managed to make us stable around our retirement," Ron commented as he prepared his tie and showed a picture of a food that made Chef give a deadpan at his friend.

"Please don't tell me it's the Na..." Chef was on the verge of facepalming from a teenage idea his friend had before, but his friend already interrupted him.

"Behold, the NACO," Ron commented as he showed a picture of food made by taking nacho cheese and tortilla chips, mixing it with the traditional fillings of a taco, placing it all within a tortilla shell, and then lifting up the sides to make a bag-like shape.

"Goddamit Ron. Okay, let me see." Chef rolled his eyes as he could see the boy had been not just with this idea in his teenage days, but he was obsessed with making the food work. Chef as the time he was developing a skill to make food come alive, Ron wanted to make something creative while tasting good. And from the picture alone, it sounded like a greasy food that he would eat. "Alright, you convinced me, what's the catch."

"There isn't. I sold this idea for a Mexican restaurant and they said in a few years I will receive the royalties depending on the popularity." Ron commented proud of his work, while Chef rolled his eyes.

"Alright, I will bite, if the food is that great I want one," Chef commented as he gave a punch on the arm of the blonde man who didn't feel any pain but chuckled.

"Alright, I never back down a good food. I can make up for dinner." Ron commented as the duo walked towards the kitchen, just to find a person who seemed to be cleaning up the dishes, and preparing the breakfast for the duo. "Kim, guess who is here?"

'I know..." A woman who epitome of grace and strength, embodying the essence of a warrior and a veteran of war commented as she turned her head to see the visitor of her house, her fiery orange and almost brown hair, once the symbol of her youthful exuberance, now falls in soft waves around her shoulders, a vibrant reminder of the passion and determination that have fueled her journey. She wears it with pride, a crown befitting a woman who has faced many challenges around the battlefield, and on her clothing, she wears nothing more than a silk tan long dress, which shows that a woman who used to be in combat, was now satisfied on the time around the retirement. "Hatch, long time no see."

"Kim," Chef commented as he saw good for a moment, a reflection of what would be a good version of his friend who seemed to be in her prime before, a girl who wouldn't care if she carried the world's weight on her shoulders and have time to go at school, being part of the military squad indeed caused them to become more than just friends but brothers in the army.

"8 years to finally call me. Wow, I must have caused the fear of a God upon you." Kim smirked as he could see the military friend that she had around so many years, and seeing his eyes twitching and making him angry was a bonus that she missed in messing with him.

"WHAT? OF COURSE YOU DID." Chef shouted in disbelief as he remembered clearly like a day on how bad the time they fought after the accident. "You used a hockey stick to beat the crap of me for 2 months."

"All was in the past Hatch, it was an accident," Kim commented as the eyes of the cook twitched he could see the smirk on her face as he remembered in a time like that his friend in the time of military would use that moment to stick her tongue at him. But he controlled his anger, as he could see his friend once more talking like nothing just happened. "How's your grandma?"

"She is fine, teaching a few kids in the junior's league how to do a perfect pitch," Chef commented as he casually sat, and from seeing a good warm cup of coffee, he felt a good sense of familiarity among the time... it was... nice.

"Aww, that's so great, I remember the time she launched a water balloon so strong that it made Ron fall from the tree," Kim commented as her husband chucked the coffee which made Chef chuckle with the good memories.

"Oh yeah, why were you stuck in the tree again? I don't remember if was a bet or there was a cat who was stuck on the tree." Chef commented as he then saw nearby the corner, what would be a little doll house which from what he recalled, wasn't for dolls, but for a family of pets that lived there, and from seeing a family of naked mole rats, he was right about it.

Ron grumbled a few words while he rolled his eyes.

"It was our neighbor's cat which she tried to catch Rufus, my pet, do you remember?" Ron commented as the duo laughed from the good memories, like at the good times Chef Hatchet had missed so much. "But if you want to talk about my mess-ups, why don't we talk about the time you dressed like a pink ballerina."

And now the feeling is gone, which Kim laughed loudly, and Chef was annoyed.

"I had because I was paid to do that," Chef commented as the duo raised their eyebrows. "Trust me, my contract is kinda messed up, but in comparison to the interns, mine is breezy, but I got a good opportunity in my hands. A chance to get a promotion and become an official co-host."

"Why does it feel like you are gambling?" Ron asked as he raised his eyebrows, but Chef already confirmed his suspicions.

"Because it is... The producers wanted me to bet on 2 campers who would win on the next season. And if one of them were my choice. Then my contract would be officially renewed as co-host and I would gain a very good raise." Chef explained as both former militaries stared at him unamused.

"Isn't that a bit unfair to use Izzy? Since we trained her?" Kim commented as Chef rolled his eyes.

"Do you think I care? Ever seen what Chris made me do around the challenges? And while I want to beat the crap of the pretty boy and mess with his hair gel... I cannot because he has great connections and would make the lives of many a hell. So I prefer to win on my own terms. And Izzy is a key to that. That's why I'm betting on her." Chef explains the plan he has and with the possibility of season 2, there is too much to gain, so he needs to play his cards carefully. "But she decided just to accept if another boy of the show did it. The boy named Ezekiel."

"Ezekiel?" Ron and Kim asked in surprise, as they didn't recall her interaction with the boy. Which made them have their eyebrows raised on surprise.

"Yes. And from what she told me, everything just happened because..." And just like that, Chef felt like his younger self, talking about the gossip and histories about their times as teenagers, and plans for the future. But this time was the future of the campers over a reality show... Needless to say, Chef felt like the good times, enjoying a good friendship that he always had with his friends.

How life was good for him.

"Alright, it seems that everything is in order." After spending a lot of hours interviewing some new interns to deal with the possible wounds from the crew interns who mostly do the test of the challenges. It seems that everything is going alright for Chris... Even if his hair wasn't the best as he wanted, it was still elegant as he did his best to be.

And then after almost 1 week, the two cadets he waited for from the Police Academy finally arrived which now made him feel more relieved since he could proceed to continue his show.

"Don't worry Chris, we are thought as nails, we are going extreme to help this show," MacArthur commented as Sanders crossed her arms with a smile.

"Definitely, as long we don't break the law into doing it," Sanders commented as Chris gave side glances to Chef who just shrugged.

"I'm okay breaking a few," MacArthur replied which made once again the cook and the host look at each other and shrugged but tried to hold their laughs.

"I don't know, usually we have the contracts with us, so technically everything is legal and legit, and we can even cause some hurt because accidental problems happen all the time," Chris explained as both cadets stared at Chris in disbelief. But then MacArthur started to laugh.

"Oh my God, I like this job already." The bad cop cadet commented as her friend crossed her arms and stared at her. "What?"

"Never mind, so when are we going to start?" Sanders asked as Chris gave them two blocks of contract for them.

"Just sign these and you can start right away, we are going to have a challenge in a few hours," Chris explained as one of the cadets started to sign the contract while the other had her eyebrow raised. But then by shrugging off, she decided to follow her friend and sign the contract without reading. "Great. Today, you both should accommodate the camera crew staff and the interns and when it comes to the time, you both should do the routes and be vigilant in case someone gets in danger. You both will get a few security gadgets like Walkie Talkies, pepper spray, and tasers, and in case a real serial killer appears on the show, you will have a sniper rifle in the intern's cabin, and aim to kill it. Okay?"

Both cadets had their heads sweating from the last explanation, which made them glance at each other in fear. And accepting the explanation about their shifts, and their equipment, both girls walked out from Chris' trailer with a new job on their case.

"I can't believe that we just got an official job a few months after our first semester as cadets," Sanders commented as her partner laughed with optimism on her face.

"You better believe it, we are the best of our academy, so it was worth the opportunity. And I have to say, this job will be easy since we just need to keep an eye on the interns and the campers." MacArthur commented as she scoffed about the easiest job she had, "I mean, how hard could it be?"

"I feel like we should have read the contract," Sanders commented to her friend while both walked away, and they couldn't hear the laughs that both Chris and Chef were having at the devil's contract they both signed... They would understand that nothing coming from the Total Drama Island show would be easy.

"Last time on Total Drama Island..."Chris began the usual recap...while holding a beaver. "An escaped psycho killer terrorized our campers with his meat-mangling hook and his mega murderous chainsaw. There was a large amount of screaming and some betrayals that caused people to break down in the Aquarium, that was a bad move Owen, good for self-survival, but bad for trying to score the same girl again, and considering that the whole thing was really just a prank. Ooh, ooh, ooh! I love this part! Duncan was the only one to psych out the psycho which was Chef dressed as a serial killer."

And then Chris had a serious and solemn face on screen and decided to talk about the last part.

"But soon after a real psycho showed up, and he went after both Lindsay and Eva, which turned out to be not good for people with weak stomachs, the bodybuilder decided to make a warning for the serial killer who decided to stab her with a hook... And that's when things got crazy, since Eva gave the psycho killer the beating of a lifetime, dignifying her heroine of Terminator, by incapacitating the serial killer, but the stab wounds forced her to bow out of the game." Chris commented as he gave a serious topic around the explanation. "Since her elimination was caused by a serious issue, we hired a staff of security and medical assistance, and we got the news that Eva the survivor will be discharged from the hospital in a few days, she is now having a good recovery... now only seven campers remain. Who will win? Who will lose? OW!"

Chris was cut off by the beaver he was carrying biting his hand.

"Who will need a rabies shot thanks to this ungrateful little-!" Chris cut himself off before he did something he shouldn't say in the television. "Find out on this episode of.."


A big explosion made Chris pause, and stare at the direction of the camp...

"And how long Owen will survive Izzy's revenge? Find out on this episode of...TOTAL DRAMA ISLAND!"

(Camp Wawanakwa in the morning.)

As the sun rose over Camp Wawanakwa, a sense of tranquility settled over the once-chaotic grounds. Following the harrowing events of the previous episode, Chris McLean, the host of "Total Drama Island," had deemed it necessary to grant the campers a well-deserved week off. With Eva recovering in the hospital and Chef Hatchet taking some much-needed time off, the campers found themselves with a rare opportunity to relax and unwind.

The morning air was crisp and refreshing as the campers emerged from their cabins, stretching and yawning as they welcomed the day. Some decided to have a good nice shower before going to the Main Lodge, eager to enjoy a breakfast free from Chef's culinary experiments. Chinese food, pizza, and other delights greeted their senses, a welcome change from the usual camp cuisine.

Duncan and DJ were playing cards, while Heather and Lindsay were doing their fingernails...


"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." A familiar voice was enough to disturb the concentration of both boys and girls who just stared at the moment one of the boys came out from the cabin with a big guy licking the cream and the remaining cake off his face, but with some scorch marks and burns from his face and smoke from his hair.

"It seems Owen got another cake bomb on his face," Duncan commented as he took one card from DJ's hand, and the giant Jamaican looked at the remaining dignity the big guy had, which was difficult that nobody could find a good excuse to help the boy out... In many words, Owen fucked up... in the worst way possible.

"Yeah..."DJ commented as he accepted everything that happened. From the time he saw Owen before, he was a great guy, however, one of his momma's lessons came to fruition when he saw Izzy at the time she said Condor after the last challenge. "The anger of a broken and betrayed woman, it's something that everyone must fear."

"Amen to that brother." Duncan nodded his head, as he saw how the crazy girl simply flipped the switch, and she made her focus on making the life of the fat boy a hell. "I would have felt pity on him, but 1- I don't want that girl to do something like that to me. And 2 - He asked for it."

Heather who was listening to the conversation of both men, rolled her eyes, but deep in her heart, she knew that there was nothing she could do. It was a good news and bad news situation. While on the one hand, she was happy that she wouldn't have to deal with the crazy mastermind girl on the show, on the other hand... she and Lindsay would need her vote, but it seems that she won't be able to be on the island anymore, so, in any case, she would need to protect Owen's from the challenge after Izzy left the island... Which was something that she didn't want to do.

"Ohh poor Owen," Lindsay commented as she brought attention to her. "Owen had been with those explosions over him for almost the whole week. Do you think he has bad luck?"

Duncan and DJ glanced at the blonde girl, and before they could say it, Heather interrupted them.

"We don't know, Lindsay. But I don't think we should be near him. If that is contagious imagine what could happen to us." Heather commented as she gave a restricted order to her not to interfere or it could make the ginger girl even madder at them.

"Well, I think he should at least now that he has bad luck." Lindsay looked determined and before Heather could refuse, Duncan shouted.

"DO THAT, WARN HIM ABOUT POSSIBLE EXPLOSIVE BAD LUCK," Duncan said with a smirk on his face, while DJ looked at him in surprise, and Heather was narrowing her eyes at him. "Trust me, I don't want to be involved in that, but I'm sure this is going to be interesting for later."

And like Duncan said, Owen started to get paranoid about it, since it made sense for him, that whenever he went to his bed when he was alone, he got a lot of fireworks shots on him, or a little pepper spray bomb which made his entire face burn for hours. And then when he went to eat Pizza, it was full of pepper which made him drink Milk, but he didn't know it was with a lot of hot sauce in it...

It was bad luck after bad luck... Not knowing that behind everything a ginger girl was watching all the interaction with amusement in her eyes...

(Confession - Owen)

"Okay, I have two rabbit legs with me," Owen said as he was holding DJ's bunny with an improvised collar, with the bunny comfortably near his neck. Also, there was a garlic collar around his neck, and on his wrist, there were horseshoes around his pocket. "Garlic Colar, horseshoes belt, and I just need a four-leaf clover to help me with the bad luck... since from Lindsay told me. It's bad luck man, BAD LUCK."

Owen said as he even farted from all the pepper he had eaten and had been uncomfortable for the poor big guy, and at the time he finished, he pressed the flush...


And at that time, the entire toilet exploded in the bathroom and Owen just looked all covered with toilet water, as it made DJ's bunny jump away, and all the horseshoes and garlic collars fell on the floor... And all remained was a new collar for Owen, the toilet seat which was now around his neck, and the fat boy was now seeing stars.

"Mama, is that you?" Owen said before fainting on the floor creating a loud splash from the toilet water.

"What just happened?" Gwen asked as the group stared at the goth who just finished her time washing her hair and got out of the shower.

"Owen just got another explosion," Lindsay commented as she started to get worried, but nobody seemed to mind at all from the situation.

"Ah, that explains the smoke on the floor." The goth commented as she looked at Heather who was blowing her fingernails to dry the ink. "Do you guys want to eat something on the main Lodge later? I don't know why but it seems this week passed too quickly for us."

Both DJ and Duncan shrugged as they weren't interested in eating at the moment, but they would go for it later.

"Yeah, it sounds like a good plan," DJ commented as they just saw Owen getting out from the confession both with a new collar on his face. "Hey Owen are you okay?"

"I'm fine DJ," Owen commented as he was holding the bunny like it was the only lucky amulet he had. "I just think maybe I won't be able to go to the confession both for a while since it's now all flooded with water."

"Ugh, well it seems now we have to go on there to use only for confessing without sitting." Heather groaned as she knew that she had only one person to blame. "This is going to be a long day."




An hour later, all the campers were currently heading to the Main Lodge to get some breakfast, Gwen was in the front of the line, Izzy was behind her, and Owen was behind her, followed by DJ, Duncan, Heather, and Lindsay...

Izzy was smiling peacefully until she felt someone pooking her shoulder which made her smile into a frown and displeasure, especially hearing the voice of the person who betrayed her.

"Wildflowers for a wild and crazy gal?" Owen said that even if he was still covered with a few scorch marks on his face, and with his clothing wet with dirty water, he brought a few orange flowers to try to make the girl in front of him smile.

"Oh, yeah? As in the kind you abandon and leave for dead in the hands of a chainsaw-wielding psycho killer with a hook?" Izzy rolled her eyes as she sarcastically commented on one of the biggest sins the boy had done to her, as she felt not just betrayed by his cowardice, but she could have died from his action if wasn't for her commander to think into using a blunt hook without sharp edges on it.

"Me? Abandon you? Never! Never ever!" Owen said in such a tone, that made Izzy turn her head at him and look in disbelief, not knowing if the boy was such ignorant not seeing that he almost killed her by his ignorance, or if he was too stupid to imagine what he did was wrong...

She wanted so much to punch him, but then she had a better idea.

"You should smell those flowers, it seems there is something wrong with them," Izzy commented as she turned her back to him.

"Really?" Owen asked as he then sniffed the flowers he picked.


"AHHHHHHHHHHH." Owen was surprised that everything he touched would come to explode his face, as all the campers stared at the reaction and gave a step away from him, and the next second. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"

Izzy turned her head, and she just saw that Owen wasn't there anymore... like he just disappeared.

"Wasn't there just a three-hundred-pound bag of joy talking to you?" Gwen asked at Izzy who just shrugged her arms, but then there was a voice above them giving his location.

"I'm only 296." Looking up, everyone saw Owen hanging from the tree they were under by a rope tied around his ankle. "Someone set a trap."

And after saying that in a cue, a wooden cage fell down upon the remaining six campers.

"Or two..." Owen commented as the other campers rolled their eyes.

"Thank you Captain Obvious." Duncan scoffed as he saw there was nothing they could do, and that was the moment Chris McLean got on the scene.

"Good morning, campers! Or should I say… trappers? Ready for today's challenge?" Chris walked with them with a living beaver over his head, he even took a knife and made the question which all of them gasped in surprise. Now remembering that their week off was finally over."Excellent. Then let's chat about it over chow. Shall we?"

Chris then walked away...leaving all the campers trapped until Owen felt it was time to ask his friends.

"He's coming back to untrap us, right?" Right after Owen asks, Chris throws the carving knife he had right at the rope holding the fat boy up, making the big guy fall down onto the cage and causing the door to open. "Good aim..."

(Main Lodge)

And like all good things must come to an end... Everyone had to return to the bad cook that Chef always would cook for them. They were all given bowls of what could be best described as grey porridge. And while Owen was happily eating since neither of them had the taste of peppers on it, everyone else had to return to their torture into eating that terrible food. Some even were struggling to even get their spoons out of the bowl as the porridge was holding it firmly on the silverware.

And when everyone was already trying to eat their food, Chris spoke up and got everyone's attention.

"Camper's, there are only seven of you left on Total Drama Island," Chris announced getting everyone to grin a bit with pride, while one member remained stoic as she knew it was her day to leave the show. To the others, it has been a long journey, since the start of 22 campers, and with time and their struggles, from sweat, blood, and tears, they came to where they are now. "After tonight's dramatic bonfire ceremony, only six of you will remain. We're nearing the end people, so look alive!"

(Confession - Duncan)

Duncan got uncomfortable at the damaged Confession booth which was still flooding with water on the floor, and decided to comment near the camera.

"What are my chances of winning? I'd say they're pretty darn great because anyone who doesn't vote for me from Screaming Gophers is a dead man." Duncan threatened as he got right in front of the camera and glared. "Are you listening to me Gophers? All of you who have been kicked off? If you don't vote for me, I'll find you!"

Duncan said until another big splash almost made him slip on the floor.


(Confession - Lindsay)

"What just happened on here? Oh my gosh, the bad luck of Owen destroyed this place? Oh... why did I come here again?" Lindsay commented as she forgot the reason she was on the destroyed confession both, and thinking around and trying to walk around the flooded area made her just simply shrug. "Meh, maybe isn't important... Hey mom, hey Paula, I'm almost winning. I think I will reach the final three. Kisses and hugs for all the family."

"Before I start talking about the challenge. I want to introduce you to all the new members of the staff." Chris commented as the group of campers stared at the two new members marching towards the Main Lodge with their current cadet uniform and equipped with their security material around their belts. "Cadet MacArthur and Cadet Sanders."

Both cadets got into their salute position which made Heather raise an eyebrow and Duncan scoffs.

"Great, and here I thought this place wouldn't be more like the juvenile," Duncan murmured as both Gwen and DJ felt unsure of how to reply to that, but thankfully this time Chris was with his smirk again.

"These two will be responsible for your security when it comes to anything outside of the challenges which aren't planned... like I don't know, dangerous animals who got out from their natural habitat without us knowing, or possibly a serial killer who isn't supposed to be on the island," Chris remarked as the campers froze and understood the meaning of his words. And from the serious tone he gave to everyone, he brought the attention of the two cadets. "To be sure that we wouldn't have any kind of lawsuits we decided to have a better focus on our security and we also have a better group of medical care. All the interns from medicine school we could provide."

Lindsay clapped happily, DJ looked a bit more relived, while Duncan and Heather scoffed since they both knew that Chris was a bit of a cheap guy to pay for little instead of his hair gel, but anything would have been better if wasn't for the fact one camper got to the hospital because of such incident.

Before even the officers say something Chris decides to continue his explanation.

"Now for today's challenge involves making like our province's great rangers and game wardens," Chris informed everyone attention which made them raise their eyebrows. "You'll each have eight hours to trap an animal."

"Got one!" Duncan said as he grabbed Owen's wrist while the big guy wasn't bothered since he was still eating the black porridge.

"A wild animal!" Chris specified as he made the delinquent release Owen in disappointment. "Which you must bring back to the campfire. Unharmed."

This made everyone raise their eyebrows again, which made Chris continue explaining the challenge.

"Rangers and game wardens often have to relocate animals for their own good and the good of campers," Chris explained as Gwen who was having a difficult time eating the Chef's cook again.

"For my good, I might have to barbecue my animal. I'm starving to death." Gwen complained as she tried to get her spoon out of her paste. Which Chris gave a smile.

"Funny you should mention that, Gwen." Chris decided to tell the good news for the campers around the show. "Since the last challenge had been very traumatic to each of you, we want to give you all one last bone before we return to our main usual challenges. I'm going to tell you all that whenever the person who brings their animal, will have a meal of all of your favorite foods!"

And with that, everyone had their eyes wide open in surprise, but before they would ask further Chris decided to be more clear.

"This is for the sake of you all that had to deal with the traumatic experience of one of you being eliminated in such a way and had too much pressure around our back, so this will be the last chance everyone can get a reward. The first person to bring the animal will get the immunity, while the others can still enjoy their time while eating a good banquet before returning to eat Chef's MREs again." Chris explained that now than ever everyone stared at each other and had the same conclusion in their minds.

"ALRIGHT, IT'S ON." Everyone said with a grin on their faces, a week off eating Chinese and Mexican food, and now a last reward without getting any risk of elimination? That indeed made them feel more ready to try their best.

"Good food, here I come," Heather commented as Owen stared at her in surprise.

"Aren't you going to eat that?" Owen asked the queen bee pushing the food for the only person who could eat that kind of food, and even as a disgusting way he could eat it, some people envied how easily he didn't mind eating anything.

(Confession - Owen.)

"I can't believe I'm in the final seven!" Owen cheered as he raised his arms up in the air in a pattern of left and right, even as the whole place was still some fixing, thankfully one of the interns was in the middle of the toilet while Owen continued his confession. "Can you imagine me, winning?! Hahahahaha! That would be awesome! Whoo-hoo-hoo! Everyone else here totally deserves it more than I do, though."

Owen explained that he usually never thought he would be that far, and even as the scorching marks and food bombs happening at him all, he seemed to remain the carefree person, even as the coward he was, he still saw himself as not deserving the money more than the others.

A little later, Chris gathered up everyone at the boathouse to start up the day's challenge. In the host's hand was a safari hat with a bunch of pieces of paper inside.

"Everyone, choose an animal assignment!" Chris then held his hat out to the campers who quickly lined up to take a piece of paper to see what animal they would have to bring back.

"Beaver." Owen read his animal.

"Bear?" Duncan said in disbelief as the others flinched in surprise from what he would need to catch the wild animal.

"Frog," Gwen said her animal.

"Chipmunk," DJ said as he didn't seem worried about the one he had to capture.

"Duck," Lindsay commented as she wasn't sure if that was a good or a bad thing.

"Racoon? Oh great, headshot." Izzy commented as she felt happy with the choices she was about to make to get good food.

"Deer?" Heather asked as the host shrugged his arms. "Well, at least I didn't take the bear."

"Hahaha, very funny," Duncan commented as he looked at Chris with a question in mind. "You aren't going to let us capture our animals bare-handed right?"

"You do get sixty seconds in the boathouse to gather any equipment that might help," Chris told everyone before holding up his watch and pointing at it. "And the person who doesn't accomplish the challenge, not only will not be able to eat the good lunch made by Chef in his prime. But will also the loser clean the communal washrooms."

Everyone gasped at this. That was probably the cruelest punishment Chris could have given to them. Added in that the washrooms smelled awful because of one single person. The certain 296-pound boy was smiling sheepishly at them.

"Sorry." Owen chuckled as he patted his massive stomach and farted. "I think I ate too much of that delicious paste."

And that was the drive both Heather and Duncan needed, because now losing wasn't an option, and they would do everything to help their case.

"And you can start your 60 seconds,!" Chris said as the group went quickly on the boathouse to find any potential items that could aid them in the challenge.

From nets, and buckets, to even a sledgehammer. Duncan grinned at the idea of going more offensive in capturing the bear, which made both Heather, Gwen, and Lindsay look at the delinquent with worry in their eyes.

"Uh, you're going to capture a bear with a sledgehammer?" Gwen asked her eyebrow raised, to which Lindsay nodded her head.

"Yeah, they said for we capture the animals without hurting them," Lindsay commented as Heather nodded her head in agreement.

"You may wanna rethink that." Heather pointed out what Duncan thought about it, but that made Duncan have a better idea.

"Ah, thanks for the tip, "Instead of downgrading to something less lethal... Duncan grabbed something more lethal. A chainsaw that he would use for a lot of things, intimidation factor. This made both Heather and Gwen roll their eyes, and from the net, Heather saw something on the corner.

"Lindsay, there is Duck bait in the corner," Heather commented and the blonde girl got excited.

"Really? Oh, that's good." Lindsay said as she took a duck bait and a burlap sack. Which would be helpful to her.

"I got paper towels! Yeah!" Owen was pretty much just happy to pick up anything he could find to help him capture the beavers, a few sticks and a paper towel seemed a good plan for him. DJ smiled and shared with Owen a high five as DJ looked at a little box that he could use to distract the chipmunk to bring to his victory.

"Ten seconds remaining!" Chris informed everyone as he stuck his head inside. And after hearing there was 10 seconds, Izzy decided to bring all the boxes she could find.

"Wait, we can do that?" Heather commented that since Chris didn't explain the rules, it was enough for her to place her net inside and bring more boxes with her in enough time to walk outside. The other campers all got the idea, but the moment Heather got out of the boat house, it was enough time, and all the campers lost their opportunity.

"Time's up," Chris commented as Heather and Izzy decided to open their boxes and see if there was more chance to capture the animals.

(Confession - Heather)

"Okay, this place is a mess," Heather commented as she could see the interns fixing the confession booth from the catastrophe made by the ginger who wanted revenge on the fat boy. "Well, I assume I'm the favorite to win. I mean, look who's left. Weird goth girl, a criminal, a fart machine, a crybaby jock, a psycho explosive beast, and Lindsay. She is the only girl who can understand me. The only flaw she had it's that she was too naive to deal with the challenges, we're not here to make more friends Lindsay, we are here to win." Heather said as she snapped her nail file in two into trying to teach another lesson to her friend. "I just hope she understands that when we get in the final 3."

At the time Heather was with her boxes and examining what was left, she saw Izzy taking a lot of weird things from her box, and throwing them behind her back.

"Okay, buffer thingies, old sandwich, stick, big nesty hook," Heather had to crouch to not get hit by that one as then Izzy had a smile on her face. "Score, tranquilizer gun. Guys look?"

Izzy aimed at everyone with the pistol which made Heather terrified.

"Could you please aim it in other way?" Heather asked and Izzy gave a smile at her, and a wink, and to the surprise of everyone, Izzy gave the tranquilizer gun for her. "What?"

"Do this for me..." Izzy commented as she whispered something to Heather and with others looking in surprise and weirdly at the wild girl, that move wasn't something she would expect. "You needed more than me since I'm going out tonight."

"Wait, are you planning to lose?" Lindsay asked in shock, while Heather remained with her cool since she discovered Izzy's plan from the time the duo went to talk in an area without cameras. And from the idea of losing their advantage, Heather knew that sooner or later she would need to find a way to survive with Lindsay, and from all the strategies Izzy had come up with... She knew she had a chance to go to the finals if she played her cards right.

"Losing me?" Izzy laughed as it caught the attention of everyone. "Oh, Izzy isn't planning to clean up a backstaber's, cowards washroom."

Everyone flinched at Izzy's tone of words, even Owen who flinched most from her angry tone which the boys and girls gave a step back from the fat boy...

"I mean, I don't want the immunity, but I want to eat good food. And I think Heather would need it way more than I do," Izzy gave an explanation and Heather nodded her head at her. Which was good enough to make the weird ginger start laughing again.

And from the boxes Heather brought, she wasn't lucky into find something good to help at all, so having a tranquilizer gun would be the best equipment she would receive.

With their time up, everybody was with the gear they were lucky enough to find and grab.

"Everybody ready?" Chris asked as everybody grinned and shouted yes, which made Chris happy to start the challenge. "GAME ON!"


Lindsay stood at the edge of the clearing, clutching a burlap sack in one hand and a handful of duck bait in the other. Just go out in the woods, preferably a spot with some water nearby, and she was hiding behind a bush.

"Alright, Mr. Duckie, time for some lunch!" Lindsay commented as she smiled happily with a plan on her head.

She carefully sprinkled a trail of duck bait leading into the open sack, then stood back, waiting for the duck to follow the trail. To her delight, the duck skidded to a halt, eyeing the bait curiously. It began pecking at the trail, inching closer to the sack.

"Yes, yes, come to mama!" Lindsay whispered excitedly as she was ready to finally catch it.

But just as the duck reached the edge of the sack, it seemed to sense something was amiss. In a blur of motion, it zipped away, leaving a trail of feathers and a very perplexed Lindsay holding an empty sack.

"Hey! That was supposed to work!" Lindsay stomped her foot on the floor while she looked in disbelief.

Ten minutes later:

Not one to give up easily, Lindsay decided to sneak up on the duck. She sprinkled some duck bait in a small circle, placing the burlap sack open and ready nearby. Then, she hid behind a bush, peeking through the leaves.

"Okay, just stay calm and be quick. Ducks love bait, right?" Lindsay commented to herself, and at the time she felt conflict suddenly two familiar figures appeared on her shoulder.

"Of course they love, do you remember what our daddy always said about his great inspiration for rubber ducks? Daddy would never lie to us." Devil Lindsay commented as she pointed to the most obvious point. The Angel Lindsay nodded her head in agreement.

"I have to agreed, but Ducks are kinda nefarious and tricksters, so we need to try our best." Angel Lindsay agreed as the trio of Lindsays came to the conclusion that capturing a duck was not going to be easy, but they were going to give their all.

The speedy duck zoomed into the clearing, immediately drawn to the bait. It began to gobble up the bait with lightning speed. Lindsay took a deep breath and dashed out from her hiding spot, burlap sack outstretched.

"Gotcha, duckie!" Lindsay jumped until the duck quickly turned its head at her.

The duck was faster. It shot forward, Lindsay missing it by mere inches and tripping over her own feet in the process. She landed face-first in the bait circle, the duck already a blur in the distance.

"Ew, gross! Why is this so hard?" Lindsay commented as she spat the bait and asked at both her shoulder entities, who merely shrugged and stared at the challenge in confusion.

Determined to catch the duck, Lindsay and her duo of shoulder consciences decided to create the ultimate trap. She placed the duck bait inside of the burlap sack and let a stick holding it on the floor.

"This is totally gonna work. I'm like, a genius!" Lindsay smirked as she saw Angel Lindsay wearing glasses and a clipboard, while Devil Lindsay was using the imaginary blackboard which was written MC2 = Banana on it.

"The math matches, let's do this." Devil Lindsay shouted and Angel Lindsay was using binoculars to find the track of the speed devil animal.

"THERE IT COMES." Angel Lindsay shouted as the trio waited patiently for the results of their ultimate trap. The duck zipped into the clearing, immediately drawn to the extravagant pile of bait inside of the sack. It zoomed around, eyeing the contraption suspiciously. After a moment, it darted in, pecking at the bait. Lindsay held her breath, ready to pull the string that would release the sack.

"Come on, just a little more..." The trio of Lindsays whispered as soon, as the duck's full body was already inside of the sack, which immediately the stick to fall off and took the duck by surprise. "AHA!"

Both imaginary consciences from the blonde bombshell disappeared but not before giving a high five to each other, as Lindsay enjoys the spoils of her victory. A duck trapped in her own sack and ready to make her have a nice lunch on the show.


With Gwen, the goth girl never thought the challenge would be the easiest of them all, from the fact she just needed to catch a frog, which wouldn't be difficult. With a bucket in her hand, all she needed to do it was to find one, and go to a swampy place. When they did a lot of survival challenges, Gwen found a very simple blue frog which made her happy with the results.

"Oh that's so easy that I can already taste the immunity," Gwen commented as she was having a smirk on her face.

With nothing to worry about, Gwen simply walked up to the frog, with the bucket in her hands to slam over it... the frog noticed the imminent danger so it decided to leap away, with Gwen smirking and following it. And the more she approached the frog, the more it leaped away, until on a moment of distraction, she stomped into a deep puddle which made her go down like a heavy object...

"Oh you son-of a *beep*," Gwen commented as the frog croaked in front of her, and went away... "So that's how you are going to play it? Then two can play this game."




It took her 40 minutes to capture the frog, but not after failing to catch it and getting into deep puddles at least 15 times.


To say having to track down a deer would have been an easy task, Heather would like to beat the crap out of the person, since it took her more than a mere few minutes. Heather crouched low in the bushes, her eyes locked on the deer grazing peacefully a few yards away. She tightened her grip on the net and checked the tranquilizer gun at her side.

"Alright, Heather, you've got this. It's just a deer." Heather whispered to herself as she could have some focus into capturing the naive animal...

With the stealth of a ninja (or so she thought), Heather began to creep forward. She was just a few feet away when she stepped on a twig.


The loud sound echoed through the forest. Which made the deer's head shot up, ears twitching in alarm. Heather froze, her net mid-air, trying to blend in with the foliage like some kind of camouflaged predator. The deer stared at her for a moment, then bolted.

"Ugh, seriously? A twig? Come on!" Heather groaned as she stomped at the object which made her lose her target...

Determined not to fail again, Heather decided to outsmart the deer. She set up a decoy: a deer made of twigs and leaves with an apple balanced on its head. She hid nearby, tranquilizer gun in hand, ready to strike.

"Alright, deer, let's see you resist this bait."Heather grinned, as she planned to make sure that this time her brain would show who was the best among them.

Minutes ticked by as Heather waited in silence. Finally, the deer approached, sniffing cautiously at the apple-topped decoy. Heather aimed the tranquilizer gun, holding her breath. She squeezed the trigger.

The tranquilizer dart shot out—and missed, hitting the decoy instead. The fake deer wobbled and then collapsed, taking the apple with it. The real deer looked at the fallen decoy, then at Heather, before giving her a look that seemed to say, "Really?" It trotted away leisurely, not even bothering to run this time.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!" Heather shouted as she threw her hands up in exasperation. "Oh, I'm going to get you... I swear, you stupid animal,"

Half hour later, Heather climbed up a tree, positioning herself on a thick branch directly above a deer trail. She had the net dangling from one hand and the tranquilizer gun securely holstered, ready for action.

"Okay, they always say the high ground wins. I just need to drop down when the deer passes underneath." Heather commented as she decided to act with patience...

Minutes felt like hours, but finally, she spotted the deer walking along the path below. Heather tensed, waiting for the perfect moment. Just as the deer was in position, she jumped.

Unfortunately, her foot got caught in the branch, and instead of a graceful pounce, Heather swung down like a human pendulum, crashing into the deer with a loud sound. Both Heather and the deer ended up in a heap on the ground, the deer was about to leave when both were trapped with the net, and Heather took the time to aim the tranquilizer gun and shot on it's flank...

A few seconds later, the animal went on the side, which left Heather, looking at the effectivenss of the weapon, and made her glances at the gun gave by the crazy ginger girl.

"Well, that went... smoothly," Heather commented as she spat a few leaves, but with a smirk indicating her objective was accomplished.


Duncan decided to use the most simple way to capture a bear... By dressing himself as a deer and having a chainsaw ready for the case he wants to intimidate the grizzle bear.

"HEY, WAKE UP," Duncan shouted as he then heard the growling sounds of animals getting up, and the delinquent was ready to walk inside the cave just to find himself staring into something unfamiliar. The bear who was supposed to be very scary was actually a growing fur animal that was dressed in a robe... "Pfff HAHAHAHAHA, what happened to you? You look ridiculous."

That was the worst decision the delinquent could have made because the now female animal got angry and with a desire for revenge that even roared loud enough to make Duncan step back.

"Oh, so that's how you are going to play huh?" Duncan didn't show fear as he took his chainsaw and ignited. "Say hello to my little friend."

And then when he thought he was up for the battle, the bear used the paw to slap Duncan out of the chainsaw... And by releasing it on the floor. It was now the revenge of the animal, which made Duncan sweat a lot and look at the animal in fear...

"Err... buddy, don't you want to talk this out?" Duncan said as he gulped hard... But the roaring of the animal was enough to make him run away. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH"

Duncan thought it was a good idea, however, the dressed bear was holding the chainsaw and was following the delinquent with the objective of mauling him with the chainsaw...

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." The screaming from Duncan could be heard around the forest and the roaring of the bear was still insisting on hurting the person who insulted its dress.


Izzy had a lot of knowledge when it comes to wild animals since they were part of survival training she had in childhood, she had the costume to learn their habits and even speak their language when it comes to talking to animals, some times she could find the right things to say, but it has been a long time since she spoke Raccoon, maybe she should catch up to see if her Camel was still sharp.

But finding raccoons was easy, they are tricky yet fun creatures, and finding them looking for food in the trash cans and even in the forest can be easy...

"Alright you trash pandas you asked for it." Then something brought the attention of the ginger girl who just found not just one, but two new cadets who were having a very heated debate about what would be a mecha-version of a Racoon made by little Racoons.

"Oh, it's Tuesday already?' Izzy asked herself as she wasn't aware that crazy animal moments would have happened around on another day which isn't Tuesday. "Err. What you two are doing?"

"Oh hello. I'm cadet Sanders, and this is my partner MacArthur and we are sorry for disturbing your challenge." The dark-skinned cadet responsible for the security of the island commented as her partner was doing her best to fight over the Racoon who was holding what would be a cup of coffee and a donut. "We were in the middle of our break when this... animal took one of our delights that it's our morning donuts."

"GIVE IT BACK," MacArthur shouted as she brought the teaser and decided to fire at one of the Racoons, which immediately made their entire bodies zapp and the chubby security was satisfied with her victory... But it was cut short when the mecha animal fell above her. "Oh oh... OFFICER DOWN."

And that was the moment both Izzy and Sanders cringed at the sight of the battle between a woman and an animal...

"Well, why don't we negotiate?" Izzy commented as she offered the idea, for the cadet which had her eyebrow raised. "Trust me, let me speak with them."




"So how about 1 box of donuts per week and 1 litter of coffee in exchange for them doing night shifts for us?" Sanders commented to Izzy who coughed in her hand.

(ARHGT TAHRA AHRCH) Izzy used the sounds of raccoons to communicate with the recovering mecha of the raccoons which were listening to the conversation.

Until one of them looked angry and replied.


"You don't need to translator for that one." Cadet MacArthur said as she stared angrily at them. "Tell them to come back when they are ready to act like an adult."

Not just Izzy but even the partner of law looked surprised by that statement.

"Do you speak their language?" Sanders asked as the cadet MacArthur just shrugged.

"Listen to them it's one of my skills in the past. Now, tell them to scram before I send them out for Disorderly Conduct, and let them have only socks to eat for dinner." MacArthur commented, but Izzy decided to raise her hand...

"Err... if you guys don't mind, I need to have one with me for the challenge," Izzy commented as both security girls realized that one of the contestants needed it which both looked a bit sheepishly at what happened. (RIII RII ARCH ARHC HAARCHRHA AAH AHH)

The group of raccoons remained quiet, and stared at each other... and with one look, one of them nodded its head and walked towards the ginger crazy girl, who smiled at them.

"Thank you guys," Izzy said as she waved at the group of raccoons and then turned her head at the cadets. "Good luck with them, they said they will try the negotiations with you all tomorrow, and they refuse anything less than 2 litters of coffee and 1 and a half box of donuts."

"THAT'S IT, YOU ALL GOING DOWN," MacArthur shouted as she jumped towards the raccoons which they aren't afraid of one woman... And Sanders watched the fight happening with her palm on her face.

"I can't believe this is our first day of job..." Sanders commented until she heard the screaming of a person which made her turn her head and see the delinquent boy shouting in panic while he was being followed by a bear holding a chainsaw and wearing a dress... "Err... MacArthur, I think we have a Code 10-99"

"Bear with a chainsaw?" The chubby security girl asked loudly until she felt a hook on her face which made the woman furiated with the trash-pands. "OH BRING ON. SANDERS, YOU TAKE CARE OF CODE 10-99, THESE RACCONS ARE MINE."

"Err... okay..." Sanders shook her head decided to have a teaser on her hands, and decided to run after the boy in fear and the bear wearing a dress... "I should have read the contract. Why I have a feeling that this will get weirder and weirder."


DJ, the brick wall usually has fear into going up towards trees, so in a moment of concentration and courage, the boy managed to get up to find a chipmunk in one of the branches, and by pure luck, the gentle giant watched the pure animal smiling and enjoying the nature.

"Hey little fella," DJ commented as it brought the attention of the animal which was simply staring at him. "I have a bit of fear of heights but I needed to talk a bit with you. Can you help me to go to a place? I promise that I will give a lot of chestnuts and peanuts in compensation for your help..."

The little creature tilted its head, and he didn't seem to have any kind of understanding of the giant... But it showed honesty in his actions, which the little squirrel decided to give a try.

DJ smiled as the squirrel was already on his shoulder.

"Great, we can already win ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh." DJ was happy to finally leave the tree when he accidentally fell from the branch which the chipmunk was already prepared with his own personal tiny little parachute. "Ughh... I'm fine."


"The naturalist is at one with the wild. He is part of it." With Owen, the big guy had managed to find the beavers around the river, and as he approached the dam, he found a good opportunity to get inside of one and see there was a family of 3 beavers inside and ready to have their own lunch. "Making eye contact with his fellow-creatures creates peace, creates brotherhood. We are one, friends. Yes we are one." Owen narrated as the family looked at each other until one of them decided to raise one of its tails.


"OUCH. The naturalist doesn't like to see the disharmony happening around the. OUCH, OUCH OUCH OUCH."

And that was the sequence of how Owen got the punishment of 100 tails slaps while he couldn't help but feel immense pain on his cheeks.

"WHYYYY?" That was the last question before he continued to receive the slaps. Until a thought crossed his mind."My bad luck is striking again, NOOOOOOOOO"


(Confession - Izzy)

"Remember when I said I once had to become a part of the family of beavers who taught me many techniques of survival in the woods?" Izzy asked the camera from the now-fixed confession booth. "Yeah, I learned their language and I managed to convince them to only slap the face of a possible 296-pound blonde coward if they see one... and I know what you are thinking. Izzy, why not explode a dam as you did with everything else? Oh come on guys, I cannot explode a dam, it's where the beavers live. Explosivo isn't a monster...with the animals."

And on the campsite, there was Chris waiting with a large wooden cage with him.

Until suddenly.

"Hey, OPEN THE CAGE, OPEN THE CAGE CHRIS." The shout of someone in panic made the host have his eyes wide open and saw Duncan running for his life until he got the opportunity to get inside the cage...

And when Duncan thought he was free, there it was the lousy bear crossing the cage with the chainsaw.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." Duncan shouted in fear until suddenly the bear felt zapped by something behind it, which the delinquent had his eyes wide open and the bear got knocked down with the chainsaw on the floor.

Duncan quickly turned off the chainsaw and looked at the sweaty cadet Sanders staring at him out of breath.

(Confession - Duncan)

"I'm not a fan of police, but ALLELUIA." Duncan praised the skies for being saved by a cop instead of being captured by one. "Who knew one of the decisions of Chris actually could save our lives? Man, I'm so relieved. I thought I was a goner by a bear with a dress."

Duncan was happy to see the naked bear being knocked out while he had to leave the cage peacefully.

"Nice job cadet Sanders," Chris commented as he felt happy to see both Duncan running away in fear, and seeing a potential danger of a bear with a chainsaw being neutralized. Which was a bonus of comedy and safety from him by the lawsuits.

"Open the cage, open the cage." Then Izzy walked towards the group and seeing Duncan already got the immunity, she was satisfied with the idea of already having a good chance to leave the show in peace. And by seeing the cage open she smiled at the raccoon before releasing on the place. "Alright, now we can have a nice food."

"Oh, you don't have to tell me twice." Duncan smiled as he felt the sweet taste of victory and food already on the table. Better than eating the terrible paste in the morning. Now he was going to eat fancily like he deserved it.

"Well, we already have 2 winners. Don't forget. The last camper to catch their critter cleans the washrooms!" Chris said happily as both Duncan and Izzy felt happy with their results.




An hour later, Duncan, and Izzy were already sitting at a well-fancy table, waiting for the other campers to appear to have a great lunch party before one of the campers left the show.

DJ was one of the campers who appeared by holding the chipmunk since it took a lot of minutes to climb the tree...

Lindsay was next with the Duck she happily captured with her brilliant idea.

And Gwen came later with a bit of mud on her face for a few tries of capture but the frog managed to trick her many times.

"UGHHHH, OPEN THE CAGE," Then a shout was enough to hear, as the group stared at Owen holding a big dam with him and was ready to place the family of beavers with him. "Now there yo... ahhh,"

Owen was on the verge of placing the animals when he suddenly fell slowly and his eyes closed... All the campers looked at the big guy slowly falling down and when they saw his butt, there were 2 darts aimed at him.

The campers and even Chris blinked until they heard a voice calling their attention.

"If you guys think I'm going to be the last person and be the one to clean the washrooms? Oh, hell no." Heather commented as she was having difficulty pulling the wild deer with her with her own strength. "This creature needs to know about the word diet because this weighs almost like Owen."

The beavers who fell down with their dam, and walked at the chubby camper who was still sleeping, couldn't help but mourn the person who just lost the challenge... By continuing to slap his face with their tails.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." Chris watching that scene unfold, couldn't help but laugh his ass off, from seeing such an unpredictable scene, he felt like a kid in a candy store. "And here I thought giving you all a challenge like that would be a bit boring, but I guess I was wrong... It seems the last camper to bring the animal into the cage was Owen... And ironically since he was the one who messed with the washroom on this morning, it's a poetic justice for him to clean up everything."




"Wow. That all looks good!" Chris commented as everyone sat at the table from Chef bringing to the table any kind of great food the people wanted. To surprise Izzy, she had her mouth dropped when Chef managed to make her father's Naco, which by far is one of the foods she missed when she was out at home.

DJ was surprised to see one of the barbecue foods his mom did for him, and he was surprised to see a skilled Chef has been holding up when he wanted.

Duncan when he got his tray for dessert, he was surprised to see a familiar green jello, which was his girlfriend's favorite, and that kinda hit him hard in some ways, but he could tell from the flavor why his princess was so addicted to the childhood, that thing was delicious.

Gwen wanted to eat frog legs, and Chef did as a way she found poetic justice.

Lindsay got a very got her favorite food that she wanted to eat with her friends, a good steak, with french fries and even a good salad to make everything delicious for her.

Heather got a good kimchi, which she was surprised to not have been able to eat Korean food for so long. And she had to admit, for all the torture they had to pass the entire time, she felt satisfied with dealing with the challenge.

Owen by sensating all his friends eating food while he couldn't move a single muscle since he was sleepy, he was drooling from his mouth, and releasing a tear in his eyes... It had been the worst kind of punishment he ever thought to receive in his life...

Izzy noticed that and decided to say enough was enough... She saw the uncountous boy, and with her smile once again back on her face... she decided to finally say it.

"It's all forgiven now, Owen... I hope you have learned your lesson." Izzy said as she tapped the head of the chubby boy, and his only reply was an unconscious fart, which made Izzy rolls her eyes and continues smiling. "I wish you good luck on the show... "


Night had fallen on Camp Wawanakwa once more. The time for another camper to leave the show, however, the farewell ceremony had been great for most of the campers who could enjoy a last break before the show went back to its normal, but with new features.

Sanders and MacArthur were nearby on the corner with the camera crew, while they watched the campers sitting on their seats, it was time for 7 campers to become 6. And all of them knew which camper should leave... Well most of them.

"You've all cast your votes and made your decision. However, we both know that one of you managed to use the distress code word to leave the show. So when I call your name, come up and claim your marshmallow." Chris informed everyone of the usual rules of the ceremony and was ready to give each of them to receive the marshmallows. "Alright, Duncan you already got the immunity by winning this challenge, Gwen, DJ, Lindsay. You are all safe."

The group who got their names immediately went after Chris to get their sweet candy for them to enjoy a few more days around the island. Leaving now 3 campers on there...

"Owen, Heather, and Izzy," Chris commented as he showed only 2 marshmallows which left the chubby guy who was still being held by a litter and still drowsy, Heather who was scoffing in her place, and Izzy who wasn't with her usual smile, but different from most of the time, she was with her eyes closed, waiting for the final words being said on the show. "Owen and Heather, you both had a little field on today's challenge and I wasn't surprised that both of you would have made the great ending of the challenge that we always wanted... But you two proved me wrong and I'm so happy because of that... So in that case, both of you know there was one quitter of the show already on the board... You both are safe. Izzy, it's time to go..."

Heather got up from her seat grabbed both marshmallows and walked fast to open the jaw of the drowsy fat boy who was eating slowly his own marshmallow.

Izzy smiled at Heather, and with a final wink, she gave a final hug and whispered something in her ears... Heather listened attentively and nodded her head. Izzy smiled happily and walked towards the group.

"Okay guys, it seems that my time finally arrived. GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE, THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING." Izzy said as the group stared at her bringing a smoke bomb and like a magician she disappeared in the next second everyone stared at the ginger girl already on the boat of Losers, with all her stuff and with Chef giving a final salute to his soldier, which she did the same while she cackled madly...

But far away the cackle cracked as a few tears were released from her eyes... and she could finally try to find her inner peace again...

Owen was still paralyzed, and Chris wanted so much to tell the bad news. But Heather was in front of Chris.

"Please... I will give him the news when he gets better. I refuse to let anyone help him in his state. He messed up, he clean up." Heather said to the host who blinked but then shrugged.

"You are a cruel girl, but that's a good point. Tell him to clean up the washrooms by morning." Chris commented as he walked happily and pointed at the remaining campers. "You all are on the final 6 everyone. I hope you have enjoyed the last break you are going to have... Because in the next 3 days, things are going to heat up again... So, good luck."

And with that, Chris, smiled as the group looked in concern about what they were about to get on the next challenge.

(Playa Del Losers)

It sounds crazy, but the second time Izzy came on the Playa del Losers, she thought it didn't sound like a great surprise in comparison to the first time, it gave a taste of voice and emptiness at the time she came back to her room. The reception she got from everyone has been pretty nice though, she never thought Courtney and Bridgette would give a good hug which she desperately... Cody, Beth, Tyler, Trent, Katie, and Sadie as well, as even Noah who looked at her showed his sympathies at the time she got on the resort. Harold and Leshawna even made a barbecue for her to eat before she went to her room, which was very nice of them...

And while she even had her dislikes around Justin, he lowered his mirror just to ask her if she was okay. Which had been a good improvement for a liar like him, but from everyone who was on the island, there was one person who didn't come to see her... And she knew exactly where he was...

She accepted the hugs of everyone, but she wanted to bring all the suitcases and baggage to her bedroom... Even as the darkness of the night was a bit uncomfortable, Izzy could see someone sitting in front of her desk near her bed.

The only person missing, and the one who was waiting for her, the same way she did for him.

"Hey," Izzy said weakly, as the boy remained on the desk, not even moving, refusing to even turn to see her. "I did play great didn't I?"


The boy remained quiet as Izzy knew that she could have asked a better question... It has passed a few weeks before she sees her friend again, but in the end, she shows that she reached in point of despair and says the words making her lose the game, and even as the strategy she wanted to give her had a better chance to win the game and try for the 1 million, she felt betrayed and wanted to give up...

And from the lack of response... she thought the reason why he wasn't talking to her was because he was disappointed in her. And that made her feel hurt. Until she heard the words that she didn't expect to hear.

"It's all my fault." Izzy blinked and stared at the boy who just got up from the seat, and from the time he approached her, Izzy discovered... Ezekiel was tired, there were circles around his eyes. As the boy walked like his arms and legs were with a lot of weight... "Everything is my fault."

Izzy remained quiet as Ezekiel knew she had been listening. And with a deep sigh, he explained.

"I should have told you about the hook line and screamer episode, saying about Owen betraying you by pushing in Chef's direction and for the fact the real serial killer would go after Gwen but she just kicked on his nose and he became a whiny bitch, giving up into killing the others on that day," Ezekiel explained, as he could see Izzy's eyes getting colder from hearing him. "They showed the episode like a comedy, but never showed the repercussion of the actions...and seeing Eva getting stabbed and going berserk... And seeing you in your state..."

Izzy had her eyes staring at him, and differently than the oaf boy who was so ignorant... The boy in front of her showed a look of pure regret and guilt from what happened.

"I always wondered myself why you didn't fight the serial killer since you always had been the most badass fighter over the show," Ezekiel commented as he didn't let Izzy even open her mouth. "Each episode you always seemed to be in control and having fun into fighting Chef... But you just got angry with Owen and a few episodes later you would have been fine... How stupid I was."


"It's so logical, it doesn't matter how great you are, someone pushing your back in the direction of a weapon can kill even the main character of movies and shows." Ezekiel gave a bitter laugh as he sounded less and less cheerful than before. "And here with all my knowledge of the future, I could have made the difference, I could told you about the dangers of what was about to happen, and yet I refuse... Because I wanted to be so similar to cannon that we would get the results to go for the one million chance and the season 2..."

"But the cannon line stream of time was already messed up," Izzy commented as she comprehended the words told by the boy who was filled with guilt.

"Yes, it was...I have told you much about the future, but I didn't tell you something about the challenges since I wanted to be a fair game for everyone..." Ezekiel commented and he looked at his friend who seemed to be struggling if she should hate him or not. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I didn't know the hook was that near of your neck, I didn't know that at the end of the episode you got so broken that you wanted to give up everything, I didn't know that you needed someone to help you...I lied to you by omission, and I know that you hate liars, I'm sorry."

And there it was, one single thing that Izzy wanted so much after such a challenge. A genuine apology, between the person who knew the events of what was going to happen, to a person who actually committed the sin of betrayal? At least she knew one of them gave a genuine apology to her...

And after a few seconds of silence. Ezekiel gave a glance into found out that Izzy herself was very tired and there were a lot of thoughts on her mind...

Knowing it was time for him to leave, he walked past her, but at the time he was about to reach the door. He felt one of his arms being held by the blouse. Which made him turn to see Izzy staring at him, holding by one of his sleeves.

"Just would never push me back in the direction of danger," Izzy said weakly, almost like a whisper, and the boy who saw her showed a crack to break down...

Ezekiel remained quiet, but he replied with all the honesty he could.

"I royal promise," Ezekiel promised as a way that he knew that he would never back down, since from his favorite show. Breaking that kind of promise would result in both trial by fire... or making mathematical equations, but that wasn't something that he should worry about. "I will do more than that... no more secrets."

"No more secrets?"Izzy asked as she looked at the deep of his eyes, and the boy who took out his winter hat and had enough courage to look her in the eye again.

"No more secrets," Ezekiel replied as he knew that his friend knew about part of his past, but whenever she would ask him about the future, their future... he just didn't care about the consequences anymore. The pain of not knowing and repeating the events could have been more lethal than the cannon and the actual people who lived in this world suffered the consequences of the butterfly effect. "Whatever you want to know that I know, I will tell to you."

"..." Izzy remained in silence, and while a good part of her was still fragile from what she heard, she knew that she could trust him...because he was being honest with her, and his guilt was genuine. "Then I don't want to know."

"WHAT?" Ezekiel said loudly as he felt confused and in disbelief from seeing the girl who was just broken before, and knowing that there was everything that he could tell her like before. And yet she just simply refuses it? "What do you mean?"

And his reaction was exactly what Izzy needed, since for the first time started to laugh from the disbelief look on his face.

"I will cut you right there. Because while this serial killer stuff had been fucked up and messed with all of us... the other challenges, were really fun when I didn't know about it. Especially the time I made Heather and Lindsay inside of my bunker you gave the idea." Izzy laughed, as Ezekiel tried to not chuckle, but gave a quiver in his smile. "It was fun, and from the other timeline you told me, Eva was supposed to be eliminated on the wake-a-thon, but the future already changed, many things changed Ezekiel, and while you having the knowledge of the future. I can see why you didn't tell me... it's to enjoy the present."

"..." Ezekiel remained quiet but got more surprised when Izzy gave a little kiss on his cheek which made him wake up...

"I don't want spoilers about the challenges. All I'm going to ask is... just tell me 2 important things in the future that you know will hurt everyone?" Izzy asked, which Ezekiel paused, and for a good time, he knew something that soon would lead to terrible catastrophe and fear for many of the campers.

"Just 2 things on the next season... Leshawna will backstab everyone to talk bad behind his backs, and the Disaster Theme episode." Ezekiel commented as Izzy had her eyes wide open and Ezekiel decided to give an explanation. "One of the challenges almost made everyone drown inside of a submarine, which was the first time you got truly angry on the show."

"Really? Why?" Izzy commented in surprise, even as the time she was tired and weak, she was still curious about knowing about the dangers in the future.

"Lindsay and Justin fought into who would read the safe combination and they got it wet and unable to read..." Ezekiel gave the explanation which made Izzy's mouth drop.

"And I let my life in the hands of those two? What the fuck was I thinking?" Izzy commented as she looked at Ezekiel weirdly. "Are you sure that's my future? Because to trust Justin who is a liar?"

"Well, you..."

"You know what? Never mind. Spoilers," Izzy cut the boy as she finally understood why it was best not to know about the future because knowing would make her with more questions than answers, and she preferred to enjoy life as how it was... A chaotic mess, and she had been enjoying this great experience... And seeing the boy starting to chuckle to even laugh at her reaction, made her smile back.

"Pff... hahaha." Ezekiel laughed, as he could imagine the Izzy from the show reacting like that, and even as broken as she was... she always tried to make things fun and chaotic for her. Maybe that's why many loved her as a character. "You are the best Izzy."

"Yeah, I know," Izzy commented, as she smiled back at him. "Let's make a pact, if we get into a dangerous situation in regard to our future, if is dangerous at such a level that we can't trust nobody but each other. Would you have my back?"

Ezekiel saw Izzy making such a question, and while he could see the girl asking that... a good part of him could still notice something behind her voice. The tone of hope and nervousness, from a girl who needed so much anybody to be with her when she needed it... And Ezekiel did something that he never thought he would do, but did by instinct... He hugged her.

"I swear, I will always have your back," Ezekiel replied, as he could hear the sniff coming from the ginger girl, as she gave back the hug that he needed to receive and also give...

The weight of the knowledge, nobody knows how difficult it was and heavy it is, by knowing that every action has a reaction, and by doing nothing could also mean consequences for those who aren't prepared...

Ezekiel learned that once before was a single show on the Cartoon Network, he remembered that between 21 minutes to 24 hours. Many things must have happened off-screen, and everyone has a story to tell... He should have known since in real life they didn't have the pay-per-view to watch everything...but he has no one else to blame but himself, he knew what was going to happen and yet he didn't do anything to help at all...

And yet she was willing to forgive him... He doesn't know why... But he gave his word that he would never act like Owen did. He was honest when he said he got her back because he would protect all his friends and the people he cared about.

That's why he wanted to be prepared for Total Drama Action and World Tour because he knew the future dangers around. And he never wants to see his friends broken ever again.

And the tiredness had been so much around both of them, that they didn't know that their hug had been done for several minutes...

Chapter 33: Playa Del Losers Shenanigan

Chapter Text


As the first light of dawn crept over Playa Del Losers, the tranquil beachside resort began to stir with the promise of a new day. The soft, golden rays of the sun peeked over the horizon, casting a warm glow across the sandy shores and making the waves sparkle like a sea of diamonds.

The gentle sound of the ocean waves lapping against the shore provided a soothing soundtrack to the waking world. Seagulls circled overhead, their calls echoing in the crisp morning air, blending harmoniously with the distant rustling of palm fronds swaying in a light breeze.

The resort itself began to awaken slowly. The once-empty pool area now showed signs of life as a few early risers strolled by, leaving faint footprints in the dew-kissed grass. Sun loungers, still damp from the night's moisture, awaited the day's occupants, neatly lined up beside the shimmering, blue-tiled pool that reflected the soft hues of the morning sky.

The scent of fresh coffee wafted through the open windows of the dining area, mingling with the salty sea air and the faint, sweet fragrance of blooming hibiscus flowers that dotted the landscaped gardens. A few guests could be seen meandering down the paths, wrapped in robes, heading towards the breakfast buffet where an assortment of fresh fruits, pastries, and hot dishes awaited to start their day.

The calm waters of the bay mirrored the pastel colors of the sunrise, with a few kayaks and paddleboards already dotting the surface as some adventurous souls took to the water for a peaceful morning paddle. The dock, stretching out into the tranquil sea, creaked softly as it adjusted to the gentle ebb and flow of the tide.

In a secluded corner of the resort, away from the other campers, Ezekiel was undergoing a rather unconventional training session with Izzy. The duo had decided to embark on a new type of training focused on flexibility, and Ezekiel found himself in an incredibly uncomfortable position.

Ezekiel was tied up in a complex rope bondage position known as a hogtie. His wrists were bound together behind his back, and his ankles were tied together and then connected to his wrists with another length of rope. This forced his body into an arched position, his back straining as his legs were bent awkwardly upwards. The ropes dug into his skin, each movement causing friction and discomfort.

"Ahhhhhhhh." Ezekiel groaned as he released the painful breaths from his shouts he could see Izzy, dressed in her typical quirky attire, looked on with a mix of excitement and satisfaction.

"Alright, you just need to hold this position for 5 minutes, then we can try the most advanced," Izzy commented as she could see the boy was trying to hold himself together, but the more time he passed on that position, the more pain crossed on his body since he wasn't used to be flexible at all.

"Advanced? Please tell me you are kidding." Ezekiel commented that he could try any kind of concentration technique he would think about, all the cartoons meditation lessons, or even probably movies of martial arts in trying to find inner peace... Which wasn't helping him at that moment. "Izzy, I'm already tied up."

"Yeah, but the best part is when I push your back to bend for a few seconds each minute."Izzy leaned in closer, her eyes gleaming with a mischievous glint. As she could see the boy already feeling the burn around the muscles, and knowing that this would work. "You asked me to find a way to help you to be more flexible, and that's the only way. It will help you get more flexible. Doing this for a few weeks, I guarantee that you'll even be able to do the splits."

Ezekiel's face twisted in a mix of pain and disbelief. He was aware that Izzy had all the military skills or even the abilities to make all the incredible stunts, but to the point that she was being that sadistically on him, and even using bondage? If wasn't for the fact he was feeling uncomfortable from the pain, the hormones weren't helping him in that moment either.

"... are you sure that you aren't punishing me for not telling you about the hook, line, and screamer?" Ezekiel isn't a fool, and knowing that even if Izzy was a great friend and forgave him for lying to her by omission, he knew that she holds grudges when she wants, he would have if he had the chance, and he never wanted to be on her bad side when she acts with Explosivo, or even when she uses Brainzilla... But it wouldn't offend to ask.

Izzy's expression turned mockingly sweet as she replied in a sing-song voice.

"Me? Noooooooo. It's all forgiven, now, let me hear you cracking some bones." Izzy first started to use her sweet tone, which made Ezekiel realize the whole fake acting, which from an actress doing that on purpose was already answering. But then when she showed her evil grin and her desire to make it work. And from the tone of her voice, Ezekiel realized that he probably should have asked his friend Harold to help with that. "Now, give me an Ahh."

With that, Izzy applied gentle but firm pressure to Ezekiel's back, forcing him into a deeper arch. The tension in his muscles increased, and the ropes creaked under the strain.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH."The sound of Ezekiel's screams echoed through the trees, sending another flock of birds soaring into the sky. The contrast between the idyllic setting of Playa Del Losers and the intense, painful training session was stark, creating a scene both humorous and slightly alarming. Izzy's unconventional methods might be extreme, but her enthusiasm was undeniable as she continued to encourage Ezekiel through his flexibility training, oblivious to the startled wildlife and the bemused onlookers.

And surprisingly nobody from the resort woke up from his screaming.

"So this is it. This will be the last edit from Adventure Time before you finish wrapping up for the editors?" Noah the bookworm commented as he glanced into what would be the last group of paper sheets in front of the homeschooled boy... "Also what happened to you? You seemed like you couldn't even lift your arms."

"It's because I couldn't," Ezekiel commented with a painful tone and a bit of annoyance on his face. "I'm still wearing the weights and I kinda decided to do a yoga on this morning."

"Yoga... with weights?" Noah replied in a slow tone, which he could see the glaring from the homeschooled boy, and he could have stopped from there... But it wasn't his nature. "Oh, so you're sore because of that,' huh? I didn't realize pretending to be a human pretzel was an Olympic sport now."

"Yeah, yeah yeah." Ezekiel said as he sat on the seat and was about to see how both of them could edit the papers... But he was seeing Noah glancing at him, and from not doing anything, Ezekiel sighed... "You have 3 more."

"Wow, Ezekiel, your yoga routine must be intense. Next time, try something easier, like wrestling a grizzly bear." Noah commented as Ezekiel remained quiet, but held himself from laughing, he wasn't going to give satisfaction to a person remarking on his pain. "Impressive, Zeke. I always thought yoga was supposed to be peaceful and calming, not a scene out of a medieval torture chamber."

This time Ezekiel had to bite on his lips because he didn't want to make Noah smirk from his comments.

"Okay, last one. You must be the first person in history to need a chiropractor after a yoga session. Kudos for setting new records in flexibility and masochism." Noah commented, which this time Ezekiel had to let it out... Which made the bookworm a smile of victory.

"Damn you Noah," Ezekiel laughed, but the pain was enough to make it hurt even after laughing. "Can we just go back into the editing?"

"Sure, whatever you say Zeke," Noah commented as both decided to resume their activities into finishing what would be the last piece to make sure the book would be ready for the publishers. "Rainy Day Daydream. Is this chapter something related to the actual lore of the story or is this one of the chapters you just made for laughs and slice of life?"

"The latter." Ezekiel commented as Noah gave a glance but then shrugged off.

"Makes sense, since this will be before the chapters 'What have you done', 'His Hero' and the epilogue Holly Jolly Secrets. You are a disturbed man if you publish that chapter, did you know that?" Noah remarked as Ezekiel rolled his eyes.

"Are you telling me to not publish the book with that chapter?" Ezekiel commented as Noah scoffed.

"Hell no, that chapter is a mining gold, it will make you have people demanding for more books, I guarantee. I just want to remark to you that no person would have thought about such a plot twist and made people so sympathetic."Noah commented as he was taking a deep look around the chapter... "Raining daggers? Really?"

"Ever had the curiosity to watch one without getting hurt?" Ezekiel asked with another question. "Don't you dare to tell me that it wouldn't look cool?"

"Okay, point. But let's deal with this grammar and punctuation before you decide to write another scene to fit the context." Noah rolled his eyes, as he made Ezekiel enjoy another good afternoon planning for the book.

"You know one thing I miss?" Ezekiel commented as he was doing his best to lift his arm to hold his bow and arrow in the direction of a tree. "All the funny videos, movies, and series from the future that I couldn't watch."

"Oh yeah? Like what?" Izzy asked as she was interested in hearing what kind of videos the future would come around.

"Well, don't you think that it would be a spoiler if I told you about the movies of the future?" Ezekiel asked as it made Izzy raise her finger but then drop it... But Ezekiel laughed at her reaction. "You know what? I will tell you something... Did you know that I hate horror movies?"

"You? Then why..."

"Did I create Courage the Cowardly Dog?" Ezekiel asked which made Izzy nod her head at him. "Because while most of the chapters I create a lot of fear and weird horrors around it. My focus is mostly on the fun and the good ending for everyone. And not something that would lead people traumatized into their sleeping... But in my resume, I hate horror movies. I hate movies that it would lead me to think about the bad taste in my mouth which was a mix of disappointment and sadness for not having a good ending... But there is one horror movie that the producers decided to break all the cliches of horror movies and made one movie that made me happy."

"Which move is?" Izzy asked interested as Ezekiel took a good aim with the arrow and smirked from seeing Izzy now interested in a movie from the future.

"Get out," Ezekiel commented and the crazy military girl tilted her head. "A comedian created this movie, and showed the true concepts of a horror movie for the afro-american people and also was a good entertainment for every kind of public,"

"So in the end had a good ending where the main character is alive and well?" Izzy commented as she already could guess the cliche, but this time her eyes went wide open as she saw Ezekiel laughing hard.

"Hahahaha, man I told you to not go on that house hahahahaha." Ezekiel laughed as Izzy now felt both confused and even more curious.

"What happened?" Izzy now was eager to know about the movie, since the boy seemed to be so satisfied with something that she didn't know.

"I can't tell you, it's a good movie and that would mess up your experience," Ezekiel commented which made Izzy grit her teeth.

"Tell me, or I'm going to make you tell me the whole plot of the movie," Izzy said playfully as she wanted to get the notion of the movies his friend liked, and which one she would watch in the future. Or even recommend her parents to watch it when they go on a family trip together. And seeing his friend already used to the weight of both legs and arms, she was feeling impressed that the boy was focusing so much on the future, that she couldn't help but be curious as well.

"You can try," Ezekiel said defiantly as he shot another arrow on the tree... Which wasn't the aim he was focused on, and it has been difficult for him to hold a bow with all the weight on his arms. But talking has been a blessing for him to distract his mind.

"I will take you that for later. But anyway, tell me your top 10 favorite movies from the future." Izzy asked which made Ezekiel raise his eyebrows at her.

"I'm from 2024 Izzy, there were a ton of movies, and it's difficult to rank my top ten," Ezekiel said which made the girl roll her eyes.

"At least try," Izzy commented which made Ezekiel sigh and think about it.

"Okay, but I'm going to tell all my 10 favorites and they aren't top 10, but they are all my favorites," Ezekiel commented as the ginger smiled happily and curious. "Okay, let me see... Get Out is one of them, Ocean's 8 because I have to say that I loved the way Sandra Bullock acted almost exactly like George Clonney, she took the mantle of the franchise and I loved the movie, Limitless is also a very good one because the plot was very interesting and make you addicted with the possibilities of such ideas being true, The Avengers was one of the tries of making people loves super heroes and the success was so much that it made the company kept trying and some times failing to make continuations and spin-offs of it, Now you see me! Is also a very interesting movie that I love and I know you and Harold would love it as well because it's about magic tricks and they are well made in the movie."

Izzy listened to the opinions and even the mysterious comments which made the girl intrigued about the possibilities of the movies and made her wonder how good they were.

"John Wick, this was one... I'm not going to rank which one because all 4 of them are my favorite, and I won't tell the plot because you need to watch it. Creed which is the boxer that Rocky Balboa was training."

"WAIT WHAT?" Izzy shouted as just telling the person who was the coach was already the big spoiler of the movie for her. "SERIOUSLY?"

"Yep, but don't worry there is a sequel, and let me tell you, it's awesome. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is a phenomenon, it's made by Quentin Tarantino, and it's good and awesome. Everything Everywhere All at Once is by far one of the best ways to bring one iconic actor back to Holywood who deserved the Oscar, and then Oppenheimer which was a great movie in retelling the story of the creator of the atomic bomb." Ezekiel explained the movies of the future he had in mind. It was difficult since there were so many and he couldn't separate much from which time is it. But he could recall all the good times he was watching on streaming and on the movies with his parents when they were on a day off from giving class.

Izzy remained with her mind in blue screen, as Ezekiel rolled his eyes and continued his training.

"What are they doing?" Courtney's curiosity broke the peaceful silence as she watched Harold and Leshawna enjoying a refreshing fruit salad. The resort, Playa Des Losers, was serene and calm, a perfect contrast to the chaos of the competition.

Harold and Leshawna turned their heads to follow Courtney's gaze toward the beach, where they spotted Ezekiel and Izzy in an animated conversation. The pair seemed engrossed in their own world, with Izzy demonstrating archery skills and Ezekiel eagerly trying to mimic her.

"Oh, it's just Izzy and Ezekiel doing their thing," Harold remarked casually, not looking particularly surprised.

"Their thing?" Courtney repeated, furrowing her brows. Leshawna shrugged in response, while Noah, lounging nearby with a book, looked up and nodded.

"Yeah, their thing," Noah explained. "Which usually involves them shooting arrows, crafting makeshift weapons, or attempting crazy stunts that defy logic. For that time they tried to make a mini forge out of scrap metal so Ezekiel could practice being a knight from both his project books 'Steven Universe.' and 'Adventure time', I don't know if that's how writers write their books but it's making progress... It's bizarre but harmless."

Courtney looked puzzled. "And they've been doing this all the time since they got here?"

Harold and Leshawna exchanged knowing glances before nodding in unison. "Pretty much," Harold confirmed.

"Hmm, don't you think there's more to it?" Courtney mused, her eyes narrowing as she watched Izzy pull a goofy face, making Ezekiel laugh heartily.

"More to what?" The group asked in unison, genuinely confused.

"Don't you think they might be into each other? Like a couple?" Courtney suggested, expecting agreement.

"NAH," they chorused, immediately dismissing the idea, leaving Courtney momentarily flustered.

"What?" she exclaimed, bewildered by their unanimous rejection. Harold chuckled, rolling his eyes.

"I mean, I know Ezekiel. He's one of my best friends like all of Killer Bass in general and we know about everything of each other. If there was anything romantic going on, we'd have noticed by now," Harold said confidently. Noah nodded in agreement.

"Exactly. Besides, remember that Izzy was hooking up with Owen not too long ago. Even if their breakup was messy and dramatic, she's still sensitive about her feelings. She's not likely to jump into something new so quickly," Noah added logically.

"Yeah, girl. You gotta understand, those two are like a horse and a zebra. Totally different but best friends. They balance each other out without it being romantic." Leshawna joined in, her tone soothing but firm.

Courtney watched as Izzy and Ezekiel continued their playful antics, laughing and enjoying each other's company. "I'm sure there's more to it, and I'm going to prove it," she declared, her resolve hardening as she plotted her next move.

The group shared a collective eye-roll, but Courtney remained undeterred. She was determined to uncover the truth about Izzy and Ezekiel, convinced that there was a deeper connection between them. Whether or not she was right, her mission was sure to add another layer of drama to the already eventful stay at Playa Des Losers.




"What do you mean you don't see them as a couple?" Bridgette asked, incredulity etched across her face. She glanced around at her friends, Geoff, Beth, Katie, and Cody, who all shook their heads in unison. The group was lounging by the sparkling pool at Playa Des Losers, enjoying the sunny afternoon. The vibrant resort was alive with the sounds of laughter, splashing water, and the occasional call of seabirds.

"Babe, I just don't see it. Ezekiel and Izzy are like fire and ice. They're fun to watch, but they're not exactly relationship material."Geoff chuckled, putting an arm around Bridgette's shoulders.

"Yeah, they're always up to something eccentric and wild. Like that time they used a bonfire to test the range of how an improvised shield could carry them both. It's more of a friendship thing, don't you think?" Beth, sitting cross-legged on a poolside lounge chair, nodded in agreement.

"Wait, what?" Bridgette and Geoff asked simultaneously, their eyes widening in surprise.

"Oh yeah, I remember..." Cody tapped his chin thoughtfully before snapping his fingers.


Ezekiel stood nervously beside an improvised shield he and Izzy had fashioned from a discarded metal disk. "I can't believe I'm doing this with my half-health again," he muttered, watching as Izzy held a small ball of explosive sap.

"Are you sure this will work?" Izzy's excitement was tempered with a hint of caution. The plan had a 60% chance of going terribly wrong, by her estimate.

"I saw this in the future where a kid had to use a minefield to win a race against a whole class. So, I have no idea," Ezekiel replied, referring to an anime he had watched, though he omitted that detail.

"Fine by me... In 3...2...1... Now!" Izzy launched the ball into the air toward the bonfire. Both grabbed the large metal disk and leapt onto the bonfire just as the ball of sap hit the flames.


A massive explosion sent both Ezekiel and Izzy soaring through the air, screaming as they flew. The other campers turned their heads at the sound, watching in astonishment as the pair sailed through the sky and landed with a splash in the ocean.

Everyone blinked, momentarily stunned by what they had witnessed, before shrugging it off and returning to their activities.

"See what I mean? It's just the kind of crazy stuff they do together. They're partners in mischief, not romance." Beth laughed, shaking her head at the memory.

"Totally! I mean, look at them now." Katie, nestled comfortably next to Cody, added, that she pointed toward the beach where Ezekiel and Izzy were attempting to shoot arrows at a tree. "They're like partners in crime, not lovebirds."

"They're just really good friends who enjoy each other's company. Plus, Izzy's a bit unstable after the terrible act Owen did on the two challenges ago, so I think she would need to heal up, and Ezekiel always seemed to be focused on making friends rather than actually trying to find a partner romantically." Cody, always the voice of reason, added another piece of information that the surfer should know.

Bridgette sighed, glancing back at the duo on the beach. Izzy was laughing as she adjusted Ezekiel's stance, showing him how to aim properly. As he showed his tongue at her, even as he was having difficulties into trying to get used with the double of his weights. They seemed to be having the time of their lives.

"But look at how in sync they are," Bridgette argued, a hint of frustration in her voice. "They have this chemistry, this synergy. Don't you think there could be something more?"

"Nah, babe. Sometimes people just click as friends. Doesn't always have to be romantic." Geoff shook his head, smiling. "Well, I believe when Ezekiel said he will find a very cute and awesome girl to be romantically involved with when he sees the time is right. I just think they haven't clicked."

"They haven't clicked yet." Bridgette said with more emphasis in yet which made the group raise their eyebrows at her."Come on guys, I'm not the only one seeing that."

"You think there's more to it, Bridgette? Like they're hiding their feelings or something?"Beth leaned forward, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

Bridgette nodded. As she couldn't believe she was the only one who could be seeing something so obvious.

"Yeah, I do. I mean, it's not just the way they act around each other. It's the little things. The way Ezekiel looks at her when he thinks no one is watching, and how Izzy always finds a way to include herself in whatever creative plan he was about to do on his book, or even editing with Noah... WHO WOULD USE A WATERGUN TO MAKE SOMEONE DRINK SODA?" She then saw her boyfriend almost raising his arm. "Not you Geoff," her boyfriend lowered his arm.

"Sounds like Bridgette's got a romantic mystery on her hands." Katie giggled, nudging Cody.

"Well, if anyone can figure it out, it's you, Bridgette." Cody smiled, squeezing Katie's hand. Since they knew that sometimes the resort could be boring and everyone must find their source of entertainment.

"You know what? I'm going to find out if there's something more between them. I just have this feeling." Bridgette grinned, her resolve strengthening.

"Good luck with that, babe. But remember, not everything has to be a love story." Geoff kissed her on the cheek.

Beth, Katie, and Cody nodded in agreement, but Bridgette remained undeterred. She turned her attention back to Izzy and Ezekiel, who were now celebrating a successful shot with a triumphant high-five.

As the sun continued to shine over Playa Des Losers, Bridgette's mind raced with possibilities. She was determined to uncover the truth, convinced that beneath their wild antics, Izzy and Ezekiel shared a connection deeper than mere friendship.

"So there was a group of stupid people who would use the weirdest and most dangerous challenges around the internet. What's the name again? TikTok?" Izzy asked, her voice dripping with a mix of incredulity and amusement.

"Yep. One of the primary examples of this is the Tide Pods. They were these little balls of soap meant for convenience in washing machines... However," he hesitated, trying to find the best way to describe one of the most notorious internet phenomena, "since the Tide Pods were colorful and looked almost like candy, kids would sometimes mistake them for candy and put them in their mouths, which could be lethal."

"Holy shit," Izzy commented, her eyes widening. She knew the future was filled with bizarre trends, but this one seemed particularly egregious. "Why do I have a feeling that this wasn't the worst part?"

"The worst part was when the teenagers discovered that and decided to make a little challenge on the filming themselves biting into or ingesting Tide Pods, which are single-use packets of laundry detergent encased in a water-soluble film," Ezekiel explained which made the military ginger blinks at him and stares as if was some kind of joke. "I'm kidding, people died because of that challenge."

"Welp, natural selection," Izzy said with a sigh, echoing sentiments she had heard countless times in her rigorous military upbringing. The idea of such reckless behavior was almost beyond her comprehension.

"That's what most would say... Now, back to my question. Why are you dressed as a sexy nurse again?" Ezekiel's voice wavered slightly as he tried to maintain his composure. Izzy's antics were always challenging, but his second puberty was making things even more difficult.

"Oh, come on. It's just for a few more days. From what you told me, the day after tomorrow will be the last day of your medicine, so I want to have some fun while I can," Izzy teased, her playful grin not lost on Ezekiel, who was blushing furiously. She loved pushing his buttons, especially since she didn't know why, but it felt so good for her.

Ezekiel sighed, taking his scheduled pill and trying to ignore the way Izzy's presence made his heart race.

"Now, good boy, want me to spend more time with you? Did you have fun with my gifts?" Izzy's voice was a mix of sincerity and playful mischief.

"Please... let's not talk about it," Ezekiel raised his arm, the blush deepening on his cheeks. Izzy's teasing was something he both dreaded and secretly enjoyed.

"Okay, it was fun while it lasted," Izzy said, deciding to give him a break. "Today was really fun. Tomorrow, do you want to talk about what we can do about the editors and the news I'm getting from my lawyers?"

"That would be for the best," Ezekiel nodded, getting up from his bed. "See you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow, Ezekiel," Izzy smiled happily as she left his bedroom. Ezekiel watched her go, feeling a mix of relief and longing.

Left alone, Ezekiel sat down at his desk, ready to tackle his next task.

"I hope this time I won't mess up. Holding 10 kilograms while drawing is way harder than I expected. Hopefully, I'll finish the cover art for Adventure Time before the episode of Playa Des Losers airs," he muttered, cracking his knuckles. He took a deep breath and focused on his work. Drawing while training with weights was a unique challenge, but it was one he embraced wholeheartedly. The stakes were high, but so was his determination.

"Alright, let's do this," he said to himself, diving into his creative process.

Bridgette walked along the winding paths of Playa Des Losers, her mind racing with thoughts about Ezekiel and Izzy. She was determined to uncover the truth behind their unique relationship. "There's got to be something more," she muttered to herself, glancing around for any signs that might point to a romantic connection.

At the same time, on the other side of the resort, Courtney was pacing back and forth, deep in thought.

"There's definitely something going on," she whispered, recalling the way Ezekiel and Izzy interacted. "I just need proof."

As both girls continued their separate investigations, they unknowingly headed towards each other. Rounding a corner, they nearly collided, each lost in their thoughts.

"Oh! Bridgette, hey," Courtney said, trying to hide her surprise.

"Hi, Courtney," Bridgette replied, quickly masking her own shock. "What are you up to?"

"Nothing much, just... uh, enjoying the resort," Courtney lied, shifting uncomfortably. "What about you?"

"Same here," Bridgette said, forcing a casual tone. "Just taking a stroll."

"Just a stroll? You seem a bit... preoccupied." Courtney narrowed her eyes slightly, sensing something off.

"Oh, you know, just thinking about the relaxing and stuff. What about you? You seem pretty distracted yourself." Bridgette chuckled nervously, not wanting to being exposed by one of her friends.

"Just the usual. Keeping an eye on things, making sure everyone's having fun around."Courtney crossed her arms, her suspicion growing.

"Keeping an eye on things? Like what?" Bridgette raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, you know, making sure no one's up to anything... unusual." Courtney shrugged, trying to act casual.

"Unusual, huh? Like what? Someone sneaking off with someone else?" Bridgette's eyes sparkled with curiosity. As she decided to try to see if she wasn't alone on the quest.

"Maybe. You seem very interested in sneaking off. Got someone in mind?" Courtney's eyes widened slightly, caught off guard by Bridgette's directness.

"No, not at all! Just curious. You know how it is around here. Always something going on." Bridgette laughed, a bit too loudly.

"Right," Courtney said, her voice dripping with skepticism. "Always something."

Before they could continue their veiled interrogation, Izzy walked by, dressed as a sexy nurse. Her outfit left little to the imagination, and she moved with a confidence that made both girls blush and stutter.

Before they could continue their veiled interrogation, Izzy walked by, dressed as a sexy nurse. Her outfit left little to the imagination, and she moved with a confidence that made both girls blush and stutter.

"I-Izzy!" Bridgette called out, her voice a mix of curiosity and embarrassment.

"Where are you going?" Courtney added, her eyes wide.

"Oh, I'm just returning to my bedroom, I was with Ezekiel an hour ago," Izzy commented as she waved her hand, but that comment alone let both girls with their jaws drop.

"E-Ezekiel, like his bedroom?" Bridgette stammered. Izzy tilted her head but nodded at the surfer.

"W-What were you doing there?" Courtney demanded, her voice rising.

"Nothing much, why are you..." And then something clicked and Izzy's smirk widened, enjoying their reaction. "Oh, you know, just... helping him out with some things." She winked, causing both girls to blush even deeper.

Bridgette and Courtney exchanged panicked looks, their minds jumping to the worst conclusions.

"You mean... you and Ezekiel...?" Bridgette began, struggling to find the right words.

"Are you... together?" Courtney finished her voice a mix of accusation and disbelief.

Izzy laughed, realizing what they were insinuating. She decided to have a little fun.

"Oh, nothing like that happened," she said, her tone teasing. "But even if it did, who's to say? You know, Ezekiel and I do spend a lot of time together."

Bridgette and Courtney both flushed red, their determination only growing stronger.

"We'll find out the truth," Courtney declared, her eyes narrowing.

"Yeah, we'll prove it to everyone," Bridgette added, her resolve matching Courtney's.

"Good luck with that, girls. But remember, sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction."Izzy shrugged, still grinning. She was having fun into teasing the both girls who looked scandalous into a simple and humble nurse outfit.

"Come on, Izzy. We know there's something more going on between you two. Just tell us." Bridgette frowned, stepping closer to Izzy, she tried now being more diplomatic and trying to find some info around her theories.

"Yeah, we're your friends. You can trust us." Courtney nodded in agreement.

"Well, if you must know... Ezekiel and I have a special bond. But it's not what you think." Izzy sighed dramatically, pretending to consider their request.

"Then what is it?" Bridgette pressed, her frustration growing.

Izzy leaned in closer, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

"It's a secret." She whispered to both girls. And then started to laugh.

"You're impossible!" Courtney threw her hands up in exasperation.

Izzy smile went so wide that both girls could see that she was used to hearing such a comment.

"On contrary, I'm Possible, but I'm also Stoppable." Izzy sang as she laughed, enjoying their reactions. "Seriously, nothing happened. But it's cute how invested you both are."

"We'll see about that. We're going to find out the truth, and when we do, everyone will know." Bridgette crossed her arms, determined.

"Good luck, detectives. But remember, sometimes what you're looking for isn't what you find." Izzy shrugged again, unbothered. Not knowing that because of that, both girls wouldn't stop until they got the results they wanted.

As she walked away, Bridgette and Courtney stood there, their minds racing with new determination. They were more convinced than ever that something was going on between Ezekiel and Izzy, and they wouldn't rest until they had the proof they needed.

Bridgette and Courtney spent a good part of the night at the pool, each with a notepad in hand, scribbling down theories and potential points of connection between Ezekiel and Izzy. Their pages were filled with wild possibilities and even the most absurd hypotheses as they tried to piece together the puzzle.

Sadie, who was nearby enjoying a protein shake and doing a few push-ups, noticed the intense focus of the two girls. She had just finished her set when she glanced over at them again, curiosity piqued. Harold and Tyler were relaxing in the warm pool, while Geoff was sipping on an energy drink.

"What's got you two so deep in thought?" Sadie asked, approaching Bridgette and Courtney with a curious smile.

"Oh, hey, Sadie. We're just... working on something." Bridgette looked up, momentarily startled.

"Yeah, just trying to figure some things out."Courtney nodded, not wanting to give away too much.

"Sounds serious. Anything I can help with?" Sadie raised an eyebrow, intrigued by their secrecy.

Bridgette and Courtney exchanged a glance, unsure of how much to reveal. Before they could decide, Sadie casually mentioned.

"You know, it kind of reminds me of that Killer Bass pact the boys made."

Geoff, who had just taken a big gulp of his energy drink, choked, spraying liquid everywhere. Tyler paled, and Harold sprang into action, patting Geoff on the back to help him stop choking.

"WHAT KILLER BASS PACT?" Bridgette and Courtney's heads snapped up in unison, their eyes wide with disbelief and outrage. They shouted in unison at the group who know gave very delicate information.

"Um, well, it's nothing, really. Just a little agreement I saw it on the pay-per-view?"Sadie looked around at the suddenly tense atmosphere, realizing she might have said too much.

"Yeah, uh, it's not a big deal," Geoff finally caught his breath, his face red from the effort. he said, trying to downplay it.

"Totally not a big deal. Just a... um, team thing."Tyler, still pale, nodded vigorously.

"It's just... you know, something we did to stay united as a team. Nothing serious." Harold, ever the nervous one, fumbled with his words.

"Sounds like a pretty big deal to me." Courtney crossed her arms, her eyes narrowing.

"Yeah, if it's nothing, why are you all so freaked out?" Bridgette nodded in agreement, her notepad temporarily forgotten.

Sadie shifted uncomfortably, realizing she had unintentionally stirred the pot. Knowing that she was screwing up the boys, and knowing what there was about it, she looked apologetic at the expression of anger from both Tyler, Harold, and Geoff who was trying to recover his breath.

Courtney noticed and gave a step further which made the boys uncomfortable, while Bridgette frowned at her boyfriend.

"Explain..." Bridgette commented as the boys felt that they would die, or they would remain loyal to themselves... And they preferred to remain loyal...

Until Courtney touched Tyler.


"I just touched you..." Courtney commented as she looked amused by her intimidation skills. "But, there is nothing to do with him and Izzy?"

"No." The trio of boys commented, as Sadie tapped her chin... which made the boys glare at her. "Don't say it."

"Well, he said that he always viewed himself as ugly, but that doesn't mean in the future he could be with a cute girl in the future, someone who could be in pair with his imaginative mind, supportive of his ideas of adventure, a girl who would be Olympic athlete or a girl in tune with the nature," Sadie commented, which made the boys cringe with one of those words... The girls while they had a good grasp on what he said...

And the girls couldn't help but feel bad for him.

"Wow, he sees himself as ugly?" Bridgette commented as she glanced at Courtney who seemed to be a bit with pity as well."I mean, I'm happy for him to have such optimism into believing in himself to find a nice girl for him."

"Well, maybe it's his clothing and his haircut, but I'm sure that he is doing a lot of working out because of Eva's training, so maybe that would help him to recover a lot of self steam himself," Courtney commented, as she then wondered about something. "Harold, didn't you do a summer camp for hairdresser camp?"

"For 2 years," Harold commented as then realized what the C.I.T. girl meant. "Do you want me to give him a haircut?"

"Well, nothing makes a girl more happier than a very good trip on Sallon and having a great haircut," Courtney commented, as Sadie clapped her hands.

"Oh, oh, oh, me next, me next," Sadie said excitedly finding out someone who could help with her haircut.

"Well, about clothing... maybe I could call my mom, she knows some stylists, and since Ezekiel knows how to draw, maybe I could borrow some of his drawings and give a scan to her to do something about it," Courtney commented which made everyone look interested with the idea.

"Cool, that sounds awesome. But how are you going to pay up Courtney?" Geoff asked as the C.I.T. girl thought about it, but then she had a good idea in her mind.

"When he releases his book. I'm going to pretend to ask for some money for him since I have faith that Courage is going to be a good success. So from his money, I will use to buy clothing, and then when he less expect we give the gift to him." Courtney commented as the group thought about it... It sounds selfish, but it was with his money, and they are going to buy clothing for him with his own money.

"Well, that's a pretty solid plan for me," Harold commented.

"I approve," Tyler commented as Geoff shrugged his arms.

"Well, count me in. We could distract him, and you could do that." Geoff was ready to give the plan and kiss Bridgette, who stopped his lips.

"Oh no... you and I will have a lot to talk about later, Mr. I'm going to make a secret pact and not tell my girlfriend until someone else tells me." The surfer commented which made the party boy flinch, and Tyler and Harold gave a smirk. "Oh don't think about it Harold, I'm going to tell Leshawna."

"She already knows." Harold saved himself by telling her about the pact on the next day he made peace with his girlfriend since she watched a scene of Ezekiel once again talking about the pact, Harold didn't tell a lie to her, so he saved his ass, which made Bridgette even more furious at Geoff.

"He did it, and you didn't do the same for me?" Bridgette commented as she could see her boyfriend sweating a lot, which Courtney never thought she would have such a diabolic idea, but for the sake of breaking their bad habits...

"Here Bridgette." Courtney gave something on the surfer's hand, which made Geoff pale even more... the anti-horny spray which Ezekiel did for the sake of them stop kissing.

"Bridgette, let's not jump to conclusions and do things we might regret," Geoff said but it was too late.

*tsk* *tsk* *tsk**tsk* *tsk* *tsk**tsk* *tsk* *tsk**tsk* *tsk* *tsk*

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." The loud sounds of shouts of pain and burning man could be heard, as a girl was angry for being left alone in the dark, while the others winced from the pain of the surfer boy.

"You will have to compensate me a lot for not telling me anything," Bridgette commented as Geoff was washing his face with milk.

"Yes, babe..." Geoff commented as Tyler was chuckling, but then he got a kick in the nuts from the party boy. "Snitch."

"sorry..." Tyler whimpered in a tiny voice.

Courtney watched in amusement but then enjoyed all the information she gathered...

"Well, even with all we gathered... A free spirit, creative which would go for all the adventures, in tone with nature and or Olympic athletic. Wow, Ezekiel had a big picture of a girl he had in mind... And surprisingly, I kinda see Izzy like that." Courtney commented as Harold, Tyler, and Geoff rolled their eyes.

"Oh come on." The trio of boys commented and Courtney pulled her tongue out.

"Wait for us, even if we are not going to prove it, we are going to find the right girl for him," Bridgette commented as she was also sure that Izzy had a lot of secrets that only Ezekiel knew, and funny both of them matched.

"That's right. We are going to prove you all. Mark our words." Courtney said as the duo fist bumped as the boys gave up and went back to the pool to enjoy the rest of their night. While Sadie was giggling from seeing her team dynamic once again. The girls were more determined than ever to uncover the truth.

Ezekiel and Izzy sat cross-legged on the floor of Izzy's bedroom, the aftermath of their flexibility training still making their muscles ache. Papers were strewn everywhere, and Izzy was frantically signing and organizing them, her frustration palpable.

"I can't believe this," Izzy groaned, slamming her face into a pillow before biting it out of sheer exasperation. "Why is the bureaucracy of paperwork so annoying?!"

"Well, welcome to the wonderful world of taxes. It's like a game, but with more numbers and less fun." Ezekiel chuckled, watching her struggle.

"You're not helping, Zeke!" Izzy glared at him, tossing the pillow at his head.

"Hey, at least you don't have to deal with dragons or intergalactic wars. Just sign the papers, and you'll be done in no time."Ezekiel caught the pillow with a grin.

"You're the one who wanted me to be a responsible businesswoman. Now look at me, buried under mountains of paperwork!" Izzy rolled her eyes, grabbing another stack of documents.

"You know, there's a joke about taxes. Why did the scarecrow become a successful tax accountant?"Ezekiel leaned back, a mischievous glint in his eye.

"Why?"Izzy raised an eyebrow, reluctantly intrigued.

"Because he was outstanding in his field," Ezekiel said with a laugh.

"I swear, Zeke, if you tell one more tax joke, I'm going to bury you in these papers." Izzy groaned again, this time more dramatically.

"Alright, alright. No more jokes. But seriously, you're doing great. Just think of it as a workout for your brain."Ezekiel held up his hands in mock surrender.

"I'd rather be doing an actual workout. At least then I get to punch something."Izzy huffed, signing yet another paper. Or at least doing something she knew she was ready to do for her life. "Or even acting, I could prefer to read thousands of scripts for a paper I would act than actually doing this."

"Well, look on the bright side. You would become so popular as a star, that at the moment that you would say your own brand, you already would have a contract with yourself." Ezekiel said optimistically. He knew that Izzy always had a knack for acting like she always does.

"Okay...I sometimes hate you when you are right, but you are right. But seriously, Zeke, you owe me big time for convincing me to do this every year."

"Hmm, okay, I will find a way to compensate the future businesswoman and future actress around," Ezekiel commented which made Izzy laugh at how much faith he has in her.

"I will hold you for that. Deal!"Izzy perked up, a smile spreading across her face. "So, when are you going to publish the book again?"

"The next day Chris is coming here for the episode After the Dock of Shame," Ezekiel explained which made Izzy's eyes sparkle.

"So Chris is coming here?" Izzy commented curious as she got a nod from the homeschooled boy. "Wait, is there a challenge for us?"

"No... it's a total disaster." Ezekiel commented as she saw Izzy had her eyebrow raised in surprise. "All Chris had to do is to ask which person Katie and Sadie wanted to be eliminated... and like a domino effect... everyone said the name by accident."

"No way, really?" Izzy commented as she felt her hair messed up from all the time she was pulling from the exhaustion of dealing with such annoying taxes. "So it doesn't matter what happens, it will be Katie's and Sadie's fault?"

"Yep," Ezekiel commented as he knew that Izzy would be upset if he messed up and spoiled the challenge, however since they weren't in the competition and there was nothing they could do to prevent the catastrophe that would be the episode. They just decided to chill out. "Leshawna was so confused when she got eliminated."

"LESHAWNA? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA." Izzy laughed as she could see the boy having some fun around what happened. "So, while Chris was here on the last time, do you want me to tell you what basically happened around?"

"Well, many things happened in that version of the past. For example, let me tell you about why Courtney got in a berserk state into trying to strangle and possibly kill Harold for what he did to her?" Ezekiel decided to have some fun in telling the past version of the show, which Izzy would never believe how much changes had happened from the interference of a simple dreaming boy who wanted the best for everyone.

Three days passed in a blink for him... Ezekiel was happy to see how much work he had done around to make up with Izzy and deal with plans and dreams... After finishing the cover art of Adventure Time's first book... And he never thought that working with weight would have been so difficult. From walking, to having a shower, to eating, and to even sleeping. To get used to the weight was like asking to get used to more weight around his body.

The scenes he had practiced around had been to make his body more comfortable to train his internal muscles. To aim with his bow and arrow, to even practice with sword and shield... Using a shield in creative ways like Steven Universe would do, or even using a sword like Finn would do, he was happy to see that slowly and step by step, progress was being made. And he isn't sure when he would take out his weights, but he knew the difference from everything of that happened. At least he could enjoy the presence when he just takes it...

"Okay, last pill of my Pnemounia medicine..." Ezekiel said as he finally swallowed... the pain in his chest, and the uncomfortable breath had been a long time since he didn't have them, but since he finally finished all the schedule... He was now free. "Ahhh, I can finally use the pool for long hours again. I'm so happy that now I can relax."

"Ezekiel." Then a voice came from the door, which made the boy tilt his head. And walked to the front of his bedroom and saw there was Courtney, Bridgette, Geoff, Katie, Sadie, Tyler, and Harold who was holding a pair of scissors...

"Yes?" Ezekiel asked as he raised his eyebrows.

"You are going to have a haircut." The Killer Bass crew said in unison which made the homeschooled boy tilt his head.

"Say what?" Ezekiel commented confused...

And that's how it started another crazy day into having friends around Playa Del Losers.

Chapter 34: Interlude 10

Chapter Text



Nestled in the scenic wilderness of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, along Highway 19, known for its lush forests and stunning coastal views. This location provides a perfect blend of natural beauty and accessibility for truck drivers and travelers. Even as the time marked it would be 2 of the morning. The place seemed ready for whenever a customer would need a recharge before continuing their trip.

Serenity's Truck Stop is a cozy, rustic haven for truck drivers and travelers making their way through the vast forests of Vancouver Island. Situated just off Highway 19, the restaurant is a charming wooden structure that blends seamlessly with the surrounding wilderness. A vintage sign hangs above the entrance, reading "Serenity's Truck Stop" in warm, inviting letters. The parking lot is spacious, accommodating several large trucks and vehicles, with a few picnic tables scattered around for those who prefer to eat outdoors.

Inside, the restaurant exudes a warm, homey atmosphere. The walls are decorated with forest-themed artwork and local crafts, giving it a personal touch. Wooden tables and chairs are arranged neatly, each table adorned with a small vase of fresh wildflowers. A stone fireplace in the corner adds to the cozy ambiance, especially on chilly mornings.

Even later in the night, the movement around the cozy truck stop seemed to be the view of the owner to be a good night of work.

"More coffee Serenity," A client called the attention of the well-mature woman who had been treating every single person with kindness and a good smile. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," The woman who had filled the mug of the truck driver was ready to continue her work when it seemed that all her 5 customers were already eating and preparing for their return across the night for their delivery. And from the possibility that soon would be the end of her shift, and she would enjoy a good time at home with her husband and daughter.

And speaking of them, the chiming bells from the door, showed nobody other than a man dressed in his usual green suit uniform, and a ranger hat, which the customers were already who the person was. Since the man had been working in the forest as a ranger for 2 decades.

"Evening Thorn." One of the truck drivers, said, as the man raised his hand while the others continued their coffee. "Hey, Serenity, I would like a breakfast special."

Thorn watched the owner of the restaurant take a notepad and a pencil while she showed her good smile.

"Hashbrowns or fruit?" Serenity asked gently and Thorn scoffed and knew where this was going.

"Hashbrowns," The customer said in a happy tone, which made Serenity frown and decide to write on her notepad.

"You're having fruit." Serenity replied as she went to make the breakfast which made the customer sulking.

"Awww."The man sulked, as the other customers were chuckling from that interaction.

"It's good for you," Serenity talked as she was being like the mother of the customer, which Thorn couldn't help but chuckle as well. "And what about you dear,"

"Came to finish my shift, and I want to take you home. So just a coffee and a banana bread would be enough." Thorn commented and the woman smiled and gave a kiss on his cheek. "Okay, I will also want an apple."

"That's what I like to hear," Serenity replied as she went to prepare the food for her husband.




An hour had passed, and Serenity closed her truck stop for a clean-up before returning home. Since the usual time of her shifts would be the odd numbers on the calendar, since she is also a responsible mother and wanted to take care of her child, the owner had to give a key to some of her employees which never let her down in case of work shifts. But still, when she does work on her shifts, she always worked from Midnight to 3 a.m. of the next day, being a total of 27 hours per shift.

Since it was to treat the customers and help to take care of their problems. Like her husband who had been in silence for far too long.

"Is there something in your mind, my beloved?" The owner of the truck stop asked as the man took out his hat, revealing on hos distressed he had been in reflection.

"It has come to my mind, that our daughter had been spending a lot of time at home focusing most of her time with the animals," The druid patriarch commented as he could see his wife, giving a nod at him, making him continue his monologue. "From what I could understand, Mother Nature had plans for each of us, I still don't understand what I should do..."

"You have been doing great as a father Thorn, as while I can understand your insecurities about our Dawn, you cannot deny that your buying a television and a computer for Dawn to enjoy her time as a teenager was a good way to let her live her own childhood..." Serenity commented as she smiled at him. "You have been doing your best, but now it's our time to let nature take its course and let Dawn have her own decisions, we can incentive her to have more friends, however, I think the reality show has been what it has dragged her attention, and the desire to have human friends.

"I can see that..." Thorn replied as he touched his beard. But then he couldn't help but have one more request. "I'm just worried about what Mother Nature has planned for her."

"Hmm, so you're suggesting." Serenity smiled, as she could understand from the tone of her husband's voice, which the druid gave a nod at her. "Very well. I'm going to grab my moonlight cards."

"Great, let's hope her future will be good," Thorn commented as it didn't take long until the duo got to the table, and the beauty of the woman of nature he had been in love with for so long went without her apron, and now that both were in synergy and ready to see the future of their beloved daughter. The druid ranger, couldn't help but pray for the future of his daughter being in the hands of Mother Nature.

"5 cards... Past, Present, Future. Three lines of future, Action, Reaction and Inaction. Let the Mother Nature speak for us." Serenity said as she shuffled the cards, and placed them in line 3 cards, and on the last card, Serenity placed one above the card, and another under the card. Making on the table and horizontal T. "Past...The card depicts a solitary owl perched on a branch, surrounded by a moonlit forest. The owl's eyes are wide and watchful, symbolizing wisdom gained through solitude."

"The solitary Owl," Thorn commented as he read the title of the card, which Serenity nodded her head at him.

"Owl signifies the lonely path she has walked, often without the company of true friends. While this solitude has granted her wisdom and a deep connection with nature, it has also left a void in her heart." Serenity commented as both parents nodded their heads in agreement, it was indeed a definition of what was happening to their daughter. "Present. The present card shows a spider weaving a tangled web, with strands extending in every direction. The web appears chaotic, yet intricately connected."

That card alone made both parents have their eyes wide open not just in shock but in cautious fear.

"The Chaotic Spider" Thorn replied as he usually is aware that spiders are related to strings of fate, and depending on the mood of the spider, it could end both good and bad... But when it's chaos...

"The chaotic spider illustrates the present moment. She would stand at the center of a web of possibilities, each strand representing a different path. The strings of fate are pulling her towards an opportunity, but this moment is filled with uncertainty and potential disorder." Serenity commented as she gave a better interpretation of the card, which made now both very hesitant from what would be the consequences of her next actions. "Let's start with the future by inaction, what would happen if our daughter decided to not accept the call of the spider..."

And at the time she flipped the bottom card, Thorn grunted in anger, but also in sadness... because he already could guess what card it was. A lone wolf stands on a snowy peak, howling at the moon. The scene is stark and isolated, with no other creatures in sight.

"The lone wolf, I should have known," Thorn commented as he remembered that card so well... It was one of the cards he got from his own past when he met Serenity for the first time... "If she chooses to do nothing, or if circumstances prevent her from acting, her future would be the mirror of her past. The lone wolf signifies a life of solitude, with only the animals as your companions."

"Very good my dear, you really remembered the interpretation of the card... Now, for the reaction." Serenity gulped as she flipped the top card, which wasn't even much better from the view of the parents. A venomous snake coils around a darkened tree, its eyes glinting with danger. The background is foreboding, suggesting peril and treachery. "The Venomous Snake"

"I know from your look, that isn't looking good," Thorn commented, as the matriarch nodded her head.

"If she decides to wait for too long and not act immediately, she may find herself ensnared in a dangerous and toxic situation. The venomous snake represents the chaotic dangers that await if she hesitates. While she may have a few allies, this path will be fraught with challenges and hardships, far from the harmony she would have desired." Serenity commented as the ranger suck cold breath, and from the look in the eyes of his wife, this one while being better than before, it was still dangerous for her... "And for Action..."

"Please, something good..." Thorn commented as the matriarch decided to flip the last card... And when Thorn saw it... he blinked, but not just once but twice...

Serenity had her mouth dropped as she was still not sure what to say... Because the card she flipped was a half/half card... Which one side was a graceful deer standing in a meadow, surrounded by a herd. The scene is peaceful, with sunlight filtering through the trees, symbolizing harmony and fulfillment. The other side was a lion between lionesses as the king of the jungle seemed powerful and ready to protect his mates, the lionesses seemed to be happy and in harmony with the family they made. "The Harmonious Deer and the Lion's Family Cub."

Both were separated halves and yet they carry the same representation... A big family, but not the way they expected.




"ARE YOU KIDDING ME, MOTHER-NATURE?" The birds who were enjoying a good nice sleep, flew away from the nests at the shout of a druid who shouted in extreme disbelief and outrage. And from the silence of the forest being covered in the breeze of night, the druid patriarch wasn't done. "STOP LAUGHING."


Eva opened her eyes as she once again looked at the ceiling, she was in a hospital room bathed in the soft glow of the morning light filtering through the curtains. The room was spacious yet impersonal, with white walls adorned only by a few nondescript paintings. The faint scent of antiseptic hung in the air, which made Eva grunt annoyed by the smell.

Eva hated hospitals since most of them made her unable to move her body and gave restrictions that she couldn't refuse being against the Doctor's orders... well she could, but she would have to fight the most dangerous creatures that would be able to destroy her whenever they want...

Answer: Her parents...

Both were strong bodybuilders who took pride in their bodies, and strong enough to immobilize her into taking medicine or morphine in case she wanted to fight against the doctor, that was what happened when she broke her leg, and this time when she was being treated with stitches around her torso, thankfully the hook didn't hit an artery, and yet her parents just being there would restrict her from even disobeying the doctor.

The 10 days inside the hospital had been very boring to her, as she couldn't even do any kind of exercise... The worst part, she needed to wait more two weeks to finally get rid of the stitches.

But on the good side, Eva and her parents couldn't complain much, since at the time she was on the show, she managed to win a reward of 20 thousand dollars and a trailer she managed to win in one of the challenges. But having nothing else but television to see, and having her parents come to visit her constantly after their workout regime at the gym... She was getting bored fast.

But her choice was to remain watching the pay-per-view, and even watch from the episode where she saw one of the craziest girls get into a reach of breaking down, and oh boy, she was between feeling pitty about Owen's punishment or laughing until her pass out... If she was there, she would have made Owen suffer so much from doing work out at the point he would cry in fear of seeing her.

But sadly, she couldn't be there anymore, the criminal, unable to move arms and legs, and it's in jail, a place where he deserved to be... The exchange.

Her stay on the game... Eva was very annoyed at the time she got eliminated twice for the same reason as the first. By being too much hurt that she wouldn't be able to continue on the challenge. But at least she could have some entertainment from seeing the new duo appearing as possible bodyguards, and she couldn't help but laugh when she saw Duncan screwing over by provoking the same bear she made a sex exchange.

It had been a very good time to watch television, but she wanted to have a better place to stay, probably on the Playa del Losers, where she could see her friends once again, and enjoy the 5-star resort.

"It seems that you are awake now Eva." A female voice was heard which made Eva glance at the nurse who had treated another contestant of the show, so much that she had another thing to say. "I don't know why you Killer Bass had in mind when it comes to a dangerous situation. Fighting a bear, then going into a cursed island to get cold, then getting into a prank war to develop pneumonia, and then fighting a serial killer. You guys from Total Drama really don't know the limits of your own body."

"Hmm... good morning Claire." The bodybuilder girl commented as she grunted from her bed that she couldn't move. "You don't have to make the same comment every time you cross this room."

"I know, but I think Eva the Unbeatable Iron Woman should need to hear once again how adrenaline couldn't be trusted so much." The nurse commented as Eva rolled her eyes at hearing the name as she couldn't help but feel a bit of pride, in herself. Sure that she hurt a lot. "You got another bag full of fan letters addressing you as such."

"Little girls I guess?" Eva asked and the nurse nodded her head at the bodybuilder.

"What can I say, you made little skinny girls look at you as their hero. I think if you opened a martial arts gym, every girl would want to be part and learn from you how to fight." The nurse commented as the survivor of the horror movie parody episode just glanced around.

"Well, I was thinking about going to the MMA and trying to go for the world title," Eva commented as she would have used the money as an investment for her training.

"Well, with your popularity? You already have a fanbase of girls wanting to be like you." The nurse said as she rolled her eyes at the troublesome contestants, but seeing the teenager who was needing good news, indeed warmed her heart at seeing Eva excited into opening a few letters from the bag... And start reading every single one. With her job done, the nurse Claire was about to leave the room when Eva stopped and decided to ask another question.

"How long do I still have to stay in this room?" Eva asked as the Nurse was about to leave...

"From the doctor's indication and from the call of the producers of the show, you will have to stay here for at least 2 days before being successfully discharged." The nurse replied which was enough for Eva to nod her head, and possibly stay in the hospital for a bit longer.

"It sucked that I couldn't have a say in this, but against my parents. I think there is nothing else I could do." Eva commented as she felt her muscles feeling sore from not doing exercises, and she was so eager to have another training regime for herself... She would want to train her torso and upper body to make sure that she would take stabs without hurting herself. "At least next time when I go to work out, I will see if somebody will be smart enough to try to stab me again."

Eva already took down a bear, and is now a serial killer, what doesn't kill her, makes her stronger.

"Maybe they are right... Maybe I'm an Iron Woman at all." Eva smirked to herself, as she remembered how her friends cared about her...

She missed them...


"Oh, hey Sky." A voice made the gymnastic asian girl stop placing the books on her locker, and by turning her head, she saw a tanned-skinned blonde guy who was wearing a blue t-shirt with an eagle symbol on it made her surprised.

"Oh, hi Keith, how are you?" Sky commented as the boy smiled at her showing very white teeth, which many girls would have been happy to talk at him.

"I'm doing fine, just wanted to know if you got a partner for the science project we had to give in the final of the semester. And I was wondering if we could..."Keith acted naturally as he tried to convince one of his classmates to become his partner but then a loud sound was heard.

"Sky, did you see the last episode of Total Drama Island?"Then from nowhere, a girl appeared and she pushed the boy away from the Asian girl.

"Oh hi, Erika, nice to see you too," Sky commented as she then looked sheepish at Keith who was surprised by the sudden girl. "Sorry about her Keith, but she has been like that since I told her that I was watching Total Drama Island, and we are already partners on a Science project."

"Ohh," Keith said as he didn't know how to react to seeing a girl already taking the Asian gymnast as a science partner, and he didn't have the right words to say in a moment like that.

"Skyyyy. Hello, earth for Sky." Erika called the attention of the girl who just closed her locker. "Newest episode did you see it?"

"If I saw? My sister recorded the pay-per-view of the whole week. Owen got the worst day of his life."Sky commented as she remembered that her sister and herself had their mouths dropped hard. "Izzy was ruthless, and I was cheering for her victory... But she did say, Condor."

"Do you even blame her?" The girl commented as she walked with her while leaving the boy tilting his head in confusion.

"Not at all, Owen as much as he is a great guy, will be marked forever as a coward bastard for pushing a girl like that. I mean if was me, if I would have survived, I would have beaten him so much and then broken up with him to destroy all his chances." Sky commented as the other girl nodded her head.

"I know, remember on the forum, where there was a user who was a hater or CodyXKatie and HaroldXLeshawna? I saw she was a first fan of this ship but after that episode. The title IzzyXOwen will never happen was proof of how angry the user got with Owen." The girl commented as the duo of girls talked about the show and when Keith was in the corridor alone he couldn't help but ask...

"What just happened?" Keith asked as he could see that on the inside of Sky's locker, there were a few photos of the Killer Bass team and the logo of the Killer Bass as she was showing her support. "No, seriously, what just happened?"

The boy lost his chance, for a girl who would never burps on him...


"Excuse me, I'm not sure I heard that right Principal Hector." A more mature Asian girl almost in her 30s asked as the principal of her college looked more serious at her.

"The program of your internship had been concluded however from the circumstances around that Company, they are fulfilling an application of bankruptcy, which means the internship and all the employed people would lose their jobs... Which made your internship not concluded." The principal had to clean up her glasses which the Asian girl couldn't believe she was hearing.

"So what's going to happen? I worked 2 years for that company, and they didn't even dare to call me and tell me what's going on?" Jane said as she was with conflicted feelings, she wasn't sure if she was furious on the verge of destroying anything, or so sad that she would break down crying.

"If you read the newspaper on the third page, you will understand." The principal replied and Jane took a slight glance and by the next second, she looked palled and horrified with the view. "Despair is a very dangerous feeling young lady, especially when it's related to money, when they lose it, nobody knows what can happen next."

Jane remained quiet as the principal decided to walk towards the older sister...

"I know that you have been taking care of your younger sister, and you have been doing your best to pay rent for your parents and even enjoy your hobbies." The principal said as the woman remained quiet. "So that's why I'm going to give you a temporary job, helping to organize my office, but I deeply recommend that you try job application. I can only maintain you legally working on this office for a few weeks."

"Thank you so much for your help Principal Hector," Jane said as she started crying and even hugged the old principal who seemed happy to help someone.

"It's the only thing I could do for a good student of this university, but I hope you find a better job while you work here." The principal commented that Jane now had a new journey that she should cross. Trying to find a new job before her sister realizes that she lost her former internship.

(Playa Del Losers)

The cozy lounge room at Playa Des Losers was a hub of activity. The walls, adorned with vibrant beach-themed artwork, contrasted with the plush, oversized furniture that filled the space. A large window let in streams of golden sunlight, casting a warm glow over the room's occupants. The faint sound of ocean waves crashing against the shore could be heard in the background, adding to the relaxed ambiance.

Ezekiel sat in the center of the room, an improvised barber's cape made by a table towel was draped around him, while Harold hovered over him with a pair of scissors. The sound of snaps could be heard as Ezekiel had no place into looking, than the actual view.

"I don't know why I'm always dragged into strange situations like that. Who was the one who gave the idea?" Ezekiel asked as Sadie and Katie were reading a magazine, Geoff was kissing Bridgette, Tyler was playing with his yoyo and Courtney was filling her nails.

"Well, I just think you have been using your winter hat way too much Ezekiel. So maybe a new look would give you more self steam" Courtney commented as the boy raised his eyebrow at the C.I.T. girl who looked once more on the responsible role of the group.

"What do you mean more self steam?" Ezekiel asked as he tried to move his head but Harold corrected it.

"Please don't move, I'm trying to not make a mistake here," Harold commented as Ezekiel could hear Katie and Sadie giggling.

"Anyway, I mean, recently I just found out that you always wear the same blouse and winter hat, so maybe you should have more variance around your style," Courtney commented as Ezekiel looked weird.

"What do you mean about that? Everyone here always wears the same clothes." Ezekiel pointed out, however Courtney was ahead of him.

"Actually we have more than a pair of clothing of the same style and color." Courtney corrected as Ezekiel raised his hand to stop Harold.

"Wait. Hold on, you mean you all always wear the same style of clothing around the whole show?" Ezekiel asked loudly as he thought like any cartoon show, they always would have used the same clothes all the time, just changing from pajamas and underwear.

"Pretty much, it's always a good way to have a spare," Geoff commented, as Harold nodded his head, and even Tyler shrugged.

"I always have the same jacket. I just clean up it before sleeping." Tyler gave the explanation which made Ezekiel stare at his friends like they were a bunch of crazy people.

"You know what? Nevermind. This winter hat isn't the same one I bought on the show. This one is made by my mom." Ezekiel pointed out as Courtney had to bite her tongue from that one. "And okay, I see your point, that I maybe need a new wardrobe, but now you all told me, it seems I'm not the only one."

And that comment caused the reaction he wanted.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT?" Every single one of his friends said in a shout which made the homeschooled boy have a moral high ground.

"Come on. I thought you all were doing the same as I did. Imagine the people who watched on the television. Don't you think they would think the same?"Ezekiel commented as every single one of his friends realized the meaning of his words. And it has been fun to see Katie and Sadie palling in shock, Courtney and Bridgette freeze, and then realize that Ezekiel wasn't wrong. "Oh, it's going to be fun to see people asking why am I the only one on the show who was thinking about buying clothes."

"Okay, when the show is over. We need new clothes quickly." Katie said to Sadie who nodded in agreement.

"Okay, you have a point. But thankfully when this show is over we can return back to our lives." Courtney commented as she then glanced around the others, which made them realize that in a few weeks, things would come to an end.

"That if there would be a winner on the show. Because do you guys remember what would happen if nobody wins in the end?" Ezekiel then made the question which brought the attention and the fear of their faces once again.

"Then we would return to another season? I don't know if I could keep up with that." Harold commented as he continued to cut the brown hair of his friend. "I have to finish another year of school."

"Me too, I have an election to win as president of the student council," Courtney asked worried, as she never thought about the possibility of another season. "Even as they said my grades would be enough for me to graduate. I think that would be good for my curriculum."

"Well, let's just hope we would have a winner on this season," Ezekiel commented he felt pity for his friends, so young, and yet they didn't know the rabbit hole they got themselves into.

"Well let's hope. Hey Harold, are you done?" Sadie commented which made the nerd raise his hand to stop her.

"YOU CAN'T RUSH, ART," Harold commented as he continued to cut the hair...

"Err...guys? A little help here." Tyler commented as he made the strings of his yoyo once again tied him up in a position where he was on the floor.

Everyone rolled their eyes, as Courtney glanced at the couple who were kissing each other.

"Are you both still kissing?" Courtney asked, which tone made both blondes open their eyes and break apart before seeing that in her hands was indeed the devilish water bottle spray made by the homeschooled devil. "Wow, you two can breathe. Thank God."

The group laughed at the surfer and the party boy who seemed to be blushing in shame but also annoyed by the people who were holding those cursed anti-horny spray.

"We have self-control," Bridgette commented and for the first time, Ezekiel was the one who laughed the loudest.

"Bridgette, no offense. But you two would be LITERALLY the couple who would be voted out for being kissing too much on the show."Ezekiel jokes by telling the future. Which made the others chuckle.

"Oh yeah, and how can you be sure?" Geoff asked with his eyebrow raised.

Ezekiel smirked and coughed.

"Campers, welcome to the firecamp ceremony." Ezekiel tried to give his best impression of Chris as the group already guessed what was happening. "Tonight we are going to have a special elimination, two campers will be voted out Tonight, which you will..."

"GEOFF AND BRIDGETT," The remaining killer bass said in unison which made the blonde couple stare at them in disbelief.

"You heard the chorus, Geoff, Bridgette, Dock of Shame, both of you," Ezekiel commented as the group laughed at the couple who blushed in disbelief.

"You guys sucked, did you know that?" Geoff commented annoyed, which made Courtney and Ezekiel smile innocently at them.

The group chuckled as the comfortable silence went around the group of friends. And Bridgette and Courtney walked to see around the person who was having the haircut.

"Wow Ezekiel, your hair is looking amazing," Bridgette commented as the C.I.T. had to nod.

"I had to give that to you Harold, his hair made him look more like a person."Courtney complimented the nerd for showing another of his skills. Ezekiel had a look of offended from the girl and she decided to change the subject. "Anyway, Ezekiel. I got curious about one thing."

"Yes?" Ezekiel decided to ignore the last comment since it was Courtney, but something inside of him kinda had a guess on where she was going with everything.

"I heard about the pact you all made with the boys..." Courtney didn't even tell much and Ezekiel already groaned.

"TYLER, SERIOUSLY?" Ezekiel shouted as surprised everyone in the room, especially the boys who didn't imagine he had figured out the culprit.

"HEY, It wasn't me." Tyler tried to defend but then realized both Harold and Geoff staring at him. "Okay, it was also me, but I didn't bring things up. It was Sadie."

Ezekiel gave a slight glance with the eyes which made the bulky chubby twin gulp and smile nervously at him.

"Okay, Sadie brought it up, and then you girls forced Tyler to spill the beans?" Ezekiel deduced but from the nervous smile..."He didn't even last a second right?"

"I just touched him," Courtney said which made Ezekiel give an exasperated sigh.

"I should have known... Next time I will keep that in mind." Ezekiel said as he looked annoyed from forgetting one single fact. Tyler is terrible at holding secrets when he feels guilty of being a buster. World Tour was proof of that."Okay, it seems now I can understand you want to know more about why I created the pact?"

"Not really, from what the others had told me, it made sense that you wanted to focus on the friendship instead of the sabotage among our team," Courtney explained as Bridgette walked beside him. "We didn't realize that scene until we had to check up the Dodgebrawl episode all over again. And we got a view of how you think of yourself."

"I mean, we are glad that you have hopes in Beth finding a good boyfriend and you finding someone, we are just curious about your preferences for girls..." Bridgett commented as Ezekiel glanced at his friends, and Geoff and Tyler were whistling and looking away. Harold had a good excuse since he was cutting his hair.

"Please don't tell me you have the same thoughts as Duncan?" Ezekiel asked which made both girls raise her hands.

"Oh no," Both said in unison. "We believe you."

"Good, because what I couldn't stand is that people would only think that I need to be with Beth just because we are farmers or ugly people," Ezekiel commented as he saw the group staring weirdly at him. "Because I know that I'm not a Justin which just for his appearance would make every single girl be like crazy. And don't lie to me, you all were gapping with your mouths drooling into seeing him for the first time."

And from that accusation, every girl blushed sheepishly, as Geoff raised his eyebrow at his girlfriend.

"Okay, but you aren't ugly Ezekiel," Katie commented as she tried to cheer up his friend. "You just need a remake of yourself, like a new clothing, a new haircut, and be like yourself."

"Yeah, I know that you would attract any kind of girl if you want by being yourself. You just need more self-reflection and more optimism." Courtney commented as the boy rolled his eyes.

"Girls, I get it. I know that, and I'm grateful for your help... I really do," Ezekiel said as he tried to remain calm and happy from all the concern his friends had over him, but there was a truth that he would always know. "But I think it's a thing that I won't ever be sure because I just don't know. I don't know if I will fall in love with a girl that's how I said I think it would be an ideal girl for me, I don't know if the girl would love me the same way, I don't know if I would be used, I don't know if would be real... the only way I could control the romance was only the books I create to rely on, and I don't even know on who to trust in such topics... I just don't know."

The group remained quiet, as the sound of scissors suddenly stopped.

"It's done," Harold said as he took a mirror to show Ezekiel the reflection of his face... And to the surprise of the homeschooled boy, it had been the first time he saw himself without his winter head, hiding the usual long hair he had over the red-neck style of hair. And instead, the hair he had was far shorter, and yet in a wild style... But from the tone of brown, and from the way he looked at the mirror...

And a little song placed inside of his memories... Over a childhood cartoon that also created such an impact around the generations of watchers over television...

It started when an alien device did what it did

And stuck itself upon his wrist with secrets that it hid

Now he's got super powers, he's no ordinary kid

"He's Ben 10," Ezekiel whispered as he felt himself staring at his face showing what would be himself with the most iconic 10-year superhero over Cartoon Network... Benjamin Tennyson hairstyle.

"What did you say?' Courtney asked since Ezekiel whispered something that they could hear. And the homeschooled boy shook his head.

"I said 10 of 10," Ezekiel commented as he didn't believe the reflection he was seeing, the messed wild hair, but from the same color and almost the same shape... Ezekiel never thought he would be looking at the mirror, one iconic Cartoon Network Memory. "Harold, this by far, is one of the best works I ever seen."

"Thank you, Zeke, now I just need to find a good name for the hair..."

"Benjamin Tennyson ." Ezekiel immediately commented which made the nerd pause and glance at the boy inquiring about the reason for the name. "This hairstyle just gave me inspiration to write another book."

"WHAT? ALREADY?" The group shouted in surprise as the homeschooled boy smirked under his smile.

"Yes, this time I plan to focus on a superhero theme," Ezekiel commented as the group glanced at him in surprise. "I have a few ideas and I want to hear your opinion about it... It's a 10-year-old boy, who just found a wishing star, but to his surprise wasn't a star, but a sphere which contain a watch..."

Little did they know that Ezekiel now had in mind to revive another show that never existed in the first place.

"Wow, it seems that I still got it," Ezekiel said to himself as he drew a few arts of the 10-year-old boy who just was using an alien watch to transform himself into multiple versions of Alien. "Okay, I need to select which of them would be good, I know that probably I will be destroying the original plot of the first generation, but I have to confess that taking out Ripjaws on the book would be annoying, but mostly of the episodes he was in were just fillers, and being the only aquatic alien which ability would just use jaws was a bit terrible... Water Hazard on the other hand. Would be the best aquatic alien Ben would need at that time."

Ezekiel contemplated the drawing he just finished... An art of the OG Ben on the left, the Alien Force Ben in the Middle, and the omni verse Ben but following the same trace of Alien Force, that way the trilogy of Ben 10 would be done correctly as the way he imagined...

"They looked so cool. But now I need to think about it... there are the OG, the Alien Force, the Ultimate Alien, The Omniverse, and the God's forbid... the reboot..." Ezekiel commented as he stared at the thought alone of how a show became one of the most iconic shows of Cartoon Network for so many years. "And I haven't watched every single episode of the show like I did with the others... but from all the fanfics I read and from what I remembered watching more the plot than the filler episodes... I think If I create a one-shot book for each Generation, I think it would be enough to revive Ben 10 as a whole... Because if I could, I would rewrite many things from the old characters, especially the Ben 10.000 wife that it was bullcrap..."

Ezekiel wondered as he looked at the typewriter... And from all the work he did, from Courage the Cowardly Dog, Adventure TIme... and the last remaining chapters of Steven Universe's first book...

"I think creating one shot would be good enough to resume the good era of some shows... But I'm going to focus on all the seasons of the cartoons I know most..." Ezekiel said as he took a sip of coffee, but the terrible taste made him gulp strangely. "Ugh... from all the good things of this resort. The coffee on the other hand... I think I preferred the ones from the Wawanakwa camp..."

Ezekiel sighed, since it had been a long time he wanted to drink a very good cup of coffee...

"In times like this, I wondered why ma and pa didn't make a coffee farm," Ezekiel commented as he resumed giving a try to one single project. But while he was in his bedroom, and he was eager to have some work done... For at least the prologue of the first new book... He would be at least able to finish something before turning on the television to watch the next episode of the show.

"You gotta be kidding me," Noah said, his voice tinged with annoyance as he examined the unexpected stack of papers in his hands. Meanwhile, Ezekiel floated contentedly in the resort's swimming pool, relishing the warm water and the relaxing atmosphere. After weeks of being too ill to enjoy the amenities due to pneumonia, he was finally able to indulge in the simple pleasures of the resort: eating ice cream, swimming, and soaking in the hot tub.

While the bookworm was trying to see if he was seeing a prank by looking at the new amount of papers which turned out to be the first chapter of a new book Ezekiel was ready to write.

"Yeah, no. I got this idea while Harold gave me my haircut," Ezekiel explained, grinning. Noah rolled his eyes and facepalmed.

"Yes, I can see it." The bookworm said dryly as he never thought to see someone who had been most of the time not just on the show, but also in his bedroom focusing on nothing but writing. "Are you sure you aren't a machine?"

"I don't know. On the farm, we didn't have much technology, and we definitely aren't in some futuristic world with artificial intelligence doing everything."Ezekiel chuckled as he noticed Noah rubbing his temples. "And I kinda agree with you. I'm planning to write more after I finish my break. Steven Universe will be the last book I will publish before I do my break."

"I have no idea what you have in your mind, but I don't know what kind of target audience you have in mind?" Noah mused as Ezekiel smiled at him.

Kids who will grow up with these books as part of their childhood," Ezekiel replied, a nostalgic smile on his face. As that was one of the reasons why he loved so much the cartoon network shows, and they had a huge fanbase during eons..."When they become adults, they'll look back fondly and read them again for nostalgia, and this would be part of them passing by for other generations."

Noah fell silent for a moment, then nodded. "Fair enough. I'll give it a read, and later we can discuss the grammar. At least with you around, I won't have to read the same books over and over again. That's something new."

"CANON BALL!" Izzy's voice rang out as she leaped into the pool, creating a massive splash. Noah quickly grabbed an umbrella to shield Ezekiel's manuscript from the spray.

"That was awesome! I jumped from the 4-floor, and I have to say the adrenaline rush was fantastic. Hey boys how are you?" Izzy exclaimed, grinning widely.

"Izzy, what did I tell you about jumping on the pool while we are in the middle of work?" Noah said as the ginger girl tilted her head.

"I thought you both finished editing Adventure Time," Izzy commented as she was sure the bookworm was relieved from having a break from editing manuscripts.

"We did, but this person whose I refuse to tell the name, couldn't keep his hands off his typewriter for so long and decided to start a new book." Noah pointed at Ezekiel who was enjoying being underwater and just got out with joy, which made Noah roll his eyes.

"Everybody is a critic. Even my editor," Ezekiel commented as Izzy then had her eyes wide open from seeing Ezekiel without his usual winter hat, and now that he was still wearing his weights over his wrists and legs, she just found out that his abdomen lost the extra weight and he was now slim and an inch higher than the time she left the island. "Can you believe him?"

"Pff, yeah," Izzy said forced as she snaped herself from her thoughts, and even gave a nervous laugh which made Noah roll his eyes.

"Whatever, I'm going to take a look at this and see if you indeed found another reason to keep writing, or if you are just bored into doing other things. I mean, I can understand that your routine is only writing and doing... whatever you two do." Noah scoffed as he gave a glance a look on the manuscript which was enough to make Ezekiel and Izzy be free from whatever Noah was planning to do in the future.

"Hey guys, wow Ezekiel, you got a haircut?" Beth came out from the resort and decided to join the group since she was wearing her wine color swimsuit covering her body, and she was amazed to see one of the groups suddenly differently than before. "Who did your haircut?"

"Oh, it was Harold. My friends told me, I would need a change of hairstyle and maybe a few new clothes, which has been hilarious since most of them had many of the same style and color of the clothing." Ezekiel commented which made Beth tilts her head in surprise.

"They do? I thought they always wore the same clothing as I do." Beth commented that Noah stopped his reading and raised his eyebrow at her. But was caught by surprise when both Ezekiel and Izzy shouted in unison.

"THANK YOU. I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE." Both Ezekiel and Izzy shouted in unison as the farmer girl blinked from the interaction. And on that time, Ezekiel and Izzy noticed they had said at the same time. "JINX,"

And now with that moment, both suddenly stopped talking, which was the time Noah smiled, while Beth was about to say something.

"Oh no, don't say anything. Jinx is the best moment of silence that I can have right now." Noah smirked as the duo glared at him angrily.

"Okay? Anyway, I gotta say your new hair was amazing. I think I should ask Harold to check my hair." Beth commented as she saw Izzy saluting and then waving goodbye, while Ezekiel rolled his eyes, but waved at the farm girl who just left the trio alone. And with Beth walking away, she could see Izzy and Ezekiel almost like they were best friends. "Hmm... I think maybe Bridgette is exaggerating. I mean, they look great together, but as a couple? Maybe she is right, but I think a chance of that just happening is the same way I get a beautiful boyfriend."

Beth remembered how watching the episode and Ezekiel saying that both of them were ugly, and she had to admit that had been a hurtful truth for her. But at the same time, she couldn't help but be emotional about Ezekiel having faith in both of them, he sounded so sure that she would find someone that it would shut up everyone. And that made her hopeful. She always believed in the way of her heart, and from the time she heard Duncan's comment she wanted to kick his ass, but she was glad that he apologized.

"Yeah, maybe someday I will find someone," Beth said as she went after Harold since he was already having a long day cutting hair from Katie and Sadie, and even doing a little treatment on both Courtney and Bridgette, hair.

In times like that, he now understands why Ezekiel and the boys wanted him to don't brag about his skills, remaining low key, since these abilities showed not just to be a blessing, but also a curse, now that he had to treat every girl on the Playa Del Losers.

A few hours later:

"I hate you," Noah said as he gave the manuscript to the startled Ezekiel who was playing volleyball in the pool with Izzy. In the next hour Leshawna broke the jinx from both Ezekiel and Izzy, the duo had been enjoying a good time in the pool. "How do you do it?"

"Do what?" Ezekiel asked as he raised his eyebrows, with the idea that he probably had an idea of what Noah had been asking him.

"Each book you are writing it's different from the other, I have no idea that you could write so many different styles of books," Noah said as he couldn't believe his eyes as he was looking at the prologue of the book. "This one had nothing to do with the other works you gave me, and yet it is so unique that I could anyone who is a fan of superheroes be interested in that. Hell, you made me interested in where the hell this watch Omnitrix came from, and what these 10 aliens could do."

"Ohhhhhh, it's about superheroes and aliens?" Izzy asked as she took the hand of the manuscript she was already bored from playing volley and she needed something to distract her mind before the episode aired. "Let me take a look, I want to see if they are like the aliens who kidnapped me before."

"You were kidnapped by aliens?" Leshawna who was there looked at the girl in disbelief as she had lost her mind.

"Actually that answers a lot of questions." Both Ezekiel and Noah said in unison which Ezekiel surprised Noah. "Jinx. Got you now."

Noah deadpanned as Izzy laughed and was going to use that opportunity to disturb the egghead bookworm before the show started. Leshawna looked at the trio, as she then blinked...

"Okay, that's it, I think the trio lost their minds," Leshawna said as she got up from her place and walked away. "Better to walk away, because that could be contagious."

Ezekiel and Izzy rolled their eyes, and even Noah did the same from the ghetto girl who had to give the final word, sometimes Leshawna is a cool girl, but sometimes she just needs to relax, and not be scared of everything weird around her.

"Anyway, I heard from you the others want to buy new clothes with you," Izzy commented and Ezekiel nodded his head. "Well, maybe you could order a stylish to make a custom set of new clothes for you. All you need to do is describe the type of clothing you would want and the size you are using, and pay for them in check or use an accountant to pay for you."

"Well, I don't know, I never went to buy clothes for myself, and your idea sounds tempting, but I don't know how much that would even cost," Ezekiel commented Noah was listening to the conversation in silence but also paying the attention.

"Well, you could use the money of the editors who decided to give you in advance before publishing Courage the Cowardly Dog book. I'm sure that with that it could be a start. From this show, you have to say from your book alone you already could raise good money even after not winning the 100 thousand prize." Izzy commented as she started to read the manuscript, and with both Ezekiel wondering.

"Well, that's not a bad idea. I think I could draw something for me to wear based on my work." Ezekiel looked at his reflection in the water, and then he realized something he hadn't seen before. "Wait, did I just lose weight?"

"Well, I wonder too," Izzy commented as she side glanced at Ezekiel who was staring at the reflection and touching his belly as if he had lost the oval shape from the original version of the show.

"Huh, neat... I don't know if this is good or bad, but whatever." Ezekiel commented as he could see that somehow the training Eva had suggested him to do had made a good difference in his life, but how much it would change? Just the future would tell. "Anyway, later you can tell me what you think Izzy."

"I will do," Izzy commented as she was ready to continue to read a new world prepared for her own imagination, made by a person that she never thought she would respect so much for not daring to refuse to use his imagination, in contrary, loved to live on his world and shape it around any way he wanted, and craving a mark of his own story.

It had been a good hour for her to read the chapter, and then grab him by his shoulders and demand more chapters from it... What she can say... She now was addicted to a new type of superhero... A child who had the powers that could be and meet with the most iconic heroes of DC comics and old movies? Yeah, she would want to read a whole book of it.

That's his cross of being a writer... writing an idea so well and now having the responsibility to write everything for the entertainment of the public...

It was the longest 3 hours of Ezekiel's life, and thankfully it was the time for them to watch the new episode.

Chapter 35: Trial by Tri-Armed Triathlon

Chapter Text


"Last time on Total Drama Island…"Chris presented the resume of the last episode of the show while he was over the Dock of the Shame with his arms wide open. "The campers got sent out on safari. They were made like they were zookeepers. Although, some of them might wanna look at other careers. Owen passed not just the whole episode suffering the worst day of his life, while everyone becomes a winner, he was the only one who had the worst result of Karma by being unlucky to not eat the amazing food made for the hunters, but also had the punishment to clean up the washroom which he himself sabotage from his digestive system lack of control. We had Duncan provoke a bear with a dress, and now he had to run and scream like a little girl while the bear took his chainsaw and went after him. Thankfully our new members of the crew proved not just being useful, but also extremely hilarious."

(It showed a video of Sanders saving Duncan's ass by using a Taser to zap the bear, and a video of MacArthur fighting the Mecha Racoon)

"Come on MacArthur, I bet 20 bucks that you would kick their asses... This week, our six remaining campers will get way too close for comfort. Now that there was only 3 members of Killer Bass and 3 Members of Screaming Gophers. Will this challenge break send another member of the good friends of Killer Bass? Will Owen be eliminated after screwing up on the last challenge? Will Heather and Lindsay be part of the final 3? And who will be voted off this week in the most dramatic campfire ceremony yet? Find out tonight… on Total. Drama. Island!"

The morning started around the camp Wawanakwa, the good time for the 3 days of their normality around the reality show, Owen was having a good time having a good dream. Even as he was upset about not being able to eat the amazing food, he was happy to hear Izzy had forgiven him for his screw-up. And while it has been really difficult to clean up the washroom... Heather helped him... Well, she shouted at him to do the work and telling where he should watch.

She is scary, but at least all the cleaning he did, was worth it because he enjoyed the good fresh smell of the washroom... Before dirtying everything again. He couldn't help it, he was used to the food of the camp and he was always hungry. But the smell he had after dirting the washrooms again reminded him of the cheeses he loved to eat...

So much that he was having sweety dreams of cheese. Where he was in the sky made of cheese, with a lot of types of cheeses for him to enjoy. It was his paradise. People usually would be afraid of having a naked dream, but in his dreams, he didn't have anybody to judge him, so he loved the freedom of eating his favorite food, and when he thought things couldn't get better, the sounded like helicopters whirring. And it was Helicopters carrying giant donuts. So much so that he flew in the middle of the donut and got stuck on the sugary delicacy. Everything was perfect.

"What's going on out here?" Gwen said which made Owen just wake up from his dream, and slowly got up to hear the sounds of the helicopter, which made him blink...

"Is that the doughnut-copter?" Owen opened the window as he looked at the possibility of his dream becoming true.

"Ugh…"Heather looked at Owen and grunted as she couldn't believe how that ball of grease managed to go that far on the show, and the worst part was that from the instructions Izzy had given to her. She had to maintain Owen on the game because she needed his vote to remain on the game, and slowly sabotaged the other team, she felt the urge that when it was the right moment she would eliminate him. But until then, she couldn't...

She looked at DJ, and she knew that he just needed one more push... She and Lindsay had always used the homesickness of the Jamaican boy to take him to the verge of saying the word Condor, but that boy had been very lucky and stubborn to remain in the game.

But the queen bee knew, that she just needed one more opportunity.

The campers looked at the host of the show who was piloting the helicopter with his smirk on his face.

"Welcome back to Total Drama Island! Over the past six weeks, we've watched sixteen campers push themselves to the limit! And they get their butts kicked off the island by their fellow campers! Sucks to be you!"

"Noah, Sadie, Justin, Leshawna, Eva, Tyler, Izzy, Cody, Beth, Ezekiel, Katie, Harold, Trent, Bridgette, Geoff, Courtney, Eva again, And Izzy, again..." At the time Chris said that it showed the highlight moments of each camper being eliminated, in which some were outraged, some cried, and some had to leave due to medical problems. Showing the best moments, and some others of the most embarrassing moments.

"Only six campers remain. And after six weeks of bugs, crappy camp food, and even grosser bathrooms, our six finalists are about this close to losing it."Chris landed the helicopter and walked in the direction of the remaining 6 campers on the show, as he showed a good part of his sadistic part, as the duo of cadets marched across the camp and with a surprise for the group. "We strove to come up with the best way to help the campers destress, then decided it would be way more fun to handcuff them together and see if we couldn't push them over the edge."

"Oh look, did the police academy send a care package?" Heather asked as she saw Sanders and MacArthur appear with the handcuffs on their hands, ready to make the campers know what is like to be handcuffed.

"Yeah, they did. They even had your name craved on it with glitter and sparkles." MacArthur commented as she raised one of the handcuffs and to the surprise of the queen bee, there was indeed one with the name Heather and glitter on it. Heather doesn't know if she should be offended, or flattered by the Cadets to actually have to think ahead on such a thing.

"Wow Heather, they made one with your name on it. I wish I had one too." Lindsay commented as she pouted from the envy she had over her friend, and Heather didn't know if she was going to facepalm or have a migraine at that moment.

"Well luckily for you Lindsay, you also have one." Chris decided to give the good news, as he could see the blonde bombshell being so happy and excited that she even started clapping. "Each handcuff, had two names on it, one in front and the other on the back. Each member who has a name is responsible for being stuck with their partner for our challenge of today. All in the name of today's challenge: The Tri-Armed Triathlon!"

"Tri-armed? Like, three arms?" Owen asked confused, as Duncan felt excited about the challenge, the big guy was looking at his arm until he raised and asked the host of the show just to be sure if it was the challenge.

"Yes! Three challenges, three teams of two, three arms per team." Chris answered the question, as he placed both his arms behind his back and enjoyed the nervous look coming from all the other campers.

Heather from her time and seeing there were 2 handcuffs one belonging to her and the other belonging to her only friend on the island.

"Please tell me that we would be wearing 2 handcuffs instead of one," Heather said hopeful as she would at least be chained, but from seeing the smirk of the cadets and from the host himself, she sighed in frustration. "Of course we wouldn't."

"Winning team members both get invincibility from tonight's vote," Chris smirked as the groups looked at each other, unsure of how the groups would be separated as duos, and the possibility of having a guarantee on the top 5 was something tempting to everyone.

(Confession - Gwen)

"Seven long weeks. It has been a long ride around here. Some times were good, and some times were terrible, I found a few weeks ago that my belief in horror movies wouldn't actually prepare me into fighting an actual danger and I just saw one of my friends hurt, and a person that I never thought was sane break down crying on the same night. Sure that I had great times with friends and had a good laugh and I enjoyed the hot tub... but to be honest, I don't know how much more of this I can take." Gwen confessed as she looked at the camera giving a good resume of what just happened since the two episodes before. "I think I can take for a few more rounds on this show, but in case I lose, I don't even care. This show is always getting on my nerves. And the more friends I lose on the challenges, the less exciting is getting for me to continue on the game."

(Confession - Lindsay)

"I can't believe I'm on the final 6, Mom, Daddy, Paula, you have no idea how much I passed on here," Lindsay commented that she felt that she was telling her family about her experience. "I'm almost on the final 3 as Heather told me, and I passed so many things, I ate the worst food I could, cried a lot, and had fear, but also made great friends like Beth and Heather, I'm sure that when everything is over, we three are going to buy a lot of new shoes and makeup because I'm running out of mine recently... Owen is also a good guy and I'm glad to have so much fun talking to him, he is a good friend, but Heather told me to use him as a meat shield for votes when things got terrible. I don't know why... I met Izzy and I thought she was crazy and would hurt me, but she is so smart that I had no idea what she said so many times, she is smart enough to even tell me in short words what I could do, and I have to tell, thanks Izzy for the candy and the fun we had. Maybe I should find lipstick with mango essence because I think that's how it fits her... Oh, never mind... what was I talking about again? Oh right... I'm in the final 6, and I hope to win this. Because if I eat yellow pancakes again... I'm going to break everything."

And when she said those words, the gleam on her eyes, turned in a shadow mark, as she looked at the camera in deep hatred... proving a point that nobody would ever bring again.

(Confession - Duncan)

"This place is torture, man. At least in juvie, we had a half hour of television a day and they kept the lunatics locked up separately. I mean, this outhouse, this is the only place I can go for peace and quiet. Oh, and you do not wanna come in here after Owen."Duncan explained the terrible things that happened around the time on the island to prove his point, he gave a sharp inhale on the place which made a disgusting gag, "Oh, yeah... the only nice thing we had around this camp, for surprising as it was... were the friends we made, I know it sucks for being cliche, but I never thought I would miss the time of the first episode when I just watched Harold prove his kung fu skills only to hit himself on the crotch... or the time I and Ezekiel hunt down a roach which we did an awesome overkill... Or for when we worked together to have our amazing hot tub... After everything we passed. Jumping from the cliff in a safe zone with an area infested with sharks, became tame for me... I miss you, Princess. I will win the big money for us."

(Confession - DJ)

"I'm in the final six! I didn't think I'd make it this far, especially with all these intense challenges. But here I am. I've just got to keep being myself and doing my best. Having only my friends and learning a lot from a little pink beagle, showed me that I indeed could be courageous even in the worst cases of fear... And my mom always says, 'Stay true to who you are,' and that's what I'm going to do." DJ said as he reminded himself of the good parts of the challenges, but then a ping of doubt started to hit inside of his heart. "But I think after I being so long on this game, she could understand that I reached my limit... I had so many opportunities to say that word... but something happened... And I was shocked when Izzy said it, the show managed to even break the most unpredictable camper of the show, and I felt my heart ache to see her on that point... I think she was right, even if she was on the Killer Bass for a few hours, I think it should be fair for her to use that word... I hope you are feeling better now Izzy. And I'm going to try to keep up on the show... I hope so."

(Confession - Owen)

"YEAH, BABY! HAHAHAHA." Owen shouted as he was happy to be part of the final 6 and giving himself a good speech around the confession booth. "PLACE AT THE TABLE! WOOHOO! IT'S PRETTY AWESOME TO BE HERE. I'M SO PSYCHED, DUDE, WOOHOO."

(Confession - Heather.)

"Well, well, well, final six. I knew I'd get here, but it wasn't exactly smooth sailing... from everything I had to do to adapt around this show, I had to sabotage some campers, manipulate some... make a deal with the devil not just once but twice, and to see a despaired girl who was from a lame background to become a girl that I took under my wing and to my disbelief became one of my best friends, with a girl who seriously needs to learn into not becoming too naive, or believe the world was only kindness, I had too much in my plate to teach them both..." Heather confessed the way she would be, she knew that her friends knew that's how she would say that she cared for them. "Beth, I swear if you are not taking care of yourself while I'm here, you are going to deal with me... and please be fine. Me and Lindsay are trying to keep up until the final 3, and then... that's the game me and Lindsay must know... after that, it would be between me and her, and friendship wouldn't be used between us and 100 thousand dollars. I hope you and her understand that because that's what I said when we did the alliance... And then when I win we can go have dinner at the restaurant and you two can help me on how to spend the rest of the 100 thousand dollars. I pay for the dinner... that's what friends are for."

After the confessions, for the despair of some campers, and the disturbed of others, the duos were tied together with their names putting the duo in the handcuffs. DJ is handcuffed with Owen, Lindsay is Handcuffed with Gwen, and Duncan is handcuffed with Heather.

Each of them looked at their handcuffs and the person they were locked with, being now responsible for winning the challenge with their partners. And some are very hesitant about their chance of victory.

"Great, I'm handcuffed to Queen Bee. What did I do to deserve this?" Duncan commented as she could potentially see that it was already a bad start from the challenge.

"Just stay out of my way and let's finish this." Heather rolled her eyes, knowing that the first impression of the delinquent wasn't even good.

"Sure thing, I'll let you boss everyone around while I plot my escape." Duncan joked as he knew it would annoy Heather, but then to make things worse someone else appeared with a smirk on her face.

"Don't get any ideas, Duncan. I've got a taser, a pepper spray and I'm not afraid to use it." MacArthur chimed in as she could see the delinquent now when he realized that he missed the juvenile, Chris found a manner to bring it to the show, which made it even worse.

"Good to know the fun police are here. Literally." Duncan sarcastically remarked as he could see Sanders rolling her eyes. "And you saving me from the bear doesn't change anything."

"I didn't say anything." Sanders snarked, which made the duo wait for Chris to explain more about the challenge.

"First of our three challenges, competitive chow-down," Chris was happy to annunciate the first challenge, which of all the groups, only one clearly had the advantage. And talking about the advantage... Owen immediately laughed as he was feeling happy with the challenge.

"Come on. This is like a dream I had once." Owen said as Heather rolled her eyes, and decided to play a joke with Owen.

"The doughnut-copter dream?" Heather asked which made Owen excited and look at the queen bee with hope.

"You've had it too?" Owen asked as Lindsay tilted her head.

"The doghnut-copter was made of donuts?" Lindsay asked innocently which made Owen shake his head.

"It was a normal helicopter-but it was carrying a giant donut," Owen explained while Lindsay nodded her head in understanding, and Heather wanted to facepalm. "But a helicopter made by Donuts would have been way better."

"Wow, the instructor said it happened once at the academy, and someone named that Code 96-10." Sanders commented while MacArthur was musing about the idea of possibly happening.

"I still said it was *beep* for creating a code and never showing a picture to us," MacArthur commented about the possibility of a real helicopter made of donuts and they didn't have an opportunity to be registered at that time.

And that was the cue for Heather's facepalm.

" Each team will choose a feeder and an eater. Eaters must put their hands behind them, making it more difficult for the feeders." Duncan and Heather glanced at the campers, in the same way Gwen and Lindsay stared at Owen and DJ, knowing that their good chance of winning the first challenge was just slim as null. "One last thing. This is the wimp key. A skeleton key that will open any handcuffs. You'll be offered the wimp key at each challenge to unshackle yourselves from your teammate."

Heather looked tempted to use the idea, but she knew there would be a catch on that moment.

"But… if you choose to accept it, you'll both be eliminated."And then Chris had to ruin it, but to the surprise of nobody, they were expecting that nothing would be that easy.

"Hello? How do we win this thing?" Gwen rolled her eyes as she wasn't refiring about the eating contest, but for the other challenges, since looking for her partner being nobody other than airhead who seemed to be eager and nervous around the challenge. She felt that her chances weren't great.

"Chef's getting platters for each team. The title goes to the team who finishes their platter of delicacies fastest." Chris explained the first challenge, which now was a chance for each duo to see who between them would be the eater and who would be the person to feed them.

"I'll do the chowing down,"Duncan said as he glanced at Heather who was looking at her nails.

"Suit yourself, if you think that you can beat the bottomless pit that it's Owen's stomach, I wish you good luck," Heather remarked as the delinquent narrowed his eyes at the queen bee.

Lindsay stared at her friend and the delinquent not excited for the challenge, and from seeing Owen already jumping on his place excitedly, she gave a slight glance at the goth girl who was watching the delinquent and the queen bee into planning a strategy.

"Hey Gwen, do you want to eat it?" Lindsay asked gently as the girl who saw the blonde cheerleader with unamused, and not eager to participate in the challenge.

"I don't know, what about you?" Gwen replied as Lindsay gulped, but gave the same weak smile.

"I can try, but I don't know if I could keep with the food," Lindsay said with hesitation, which made Gwen raise her eyebrow raised her.

"Okay, let me eat," Gwen said when she suddenly felt hugged by the blonde girl.

"Thank you," Lindsay said as both girls looked at DJ who was smiling nervously, and Owen was so eager to eat anything. "If you don't want to eat, or if the food is terrible, we can slow down and make you stop."

"You really don't want to eat this, do you?" Gwen asked amused as Lindsay gave a puppy look to the goth, which she rolled her eyes, but accepted. "Fine, I will stop if I don't like it."

And with the blonde cheerleader smiling at her, Gwen doesn't know if she should be annoyed or not. But it was a challenge and they had to compete.

At the time Chef came with the trays, the duos found a very unique culinary when it comes to Chef, the chicken was green, and there was a quiche and cheesecake... And Gwen was very hesitant to try to eat.

"Ohhh, cheesecake, and quiche," Lindsay said in a happy tone which caught the attention of the goth who seemed to find something surprising, the desserts seemed to be ordinary.

"Do you want to eat?" Gwen asked, hiding the hopeful tone from her voice, which Lindsay nodded her head eagerly.

"I just hope the yellow is just the usual flavor of it. So please, if it's... you know..." Lindsay was excited, but then a part of her voice cracked... Gwen had her eyes wide open on that tone, which she understood about one thing...

She didn't get over the pancakes...

"Just say it once and I will stop." Gwen could understand Lindsay's fear of food, the food challenges were always traumatic, and Trent really managed to break Lindsay somehow.

Lindsay sniffed but tried to contain herself.

"Thank you," Lindsay whispered as she got ready.

" Ooh! Delicious!" Owen commented as DJ looked at the food, from his point of view, the food looked well made, and since the last reward, every camper knew that Chef when he wanted to make good food, everyone would treat it as food that was brought by the paradise, since in comparison of the ordinary food from the military, it was indeed a hell and heaven situation.

"Doesn't the green chicken look strange to you?" DJ looked as he tried to guess if there was a kind of preparation that would make a chicken delicious but also with a different color.

"Mm, maybe it's lemon-lime chicken," Owen commented DJ had so much time cooking with his momma, and she always had interesting recipes to cook, from hearing a person who ate practically almost anything. He couldn't help but nod his head.

"It could be, but are you sure that you want to eat?" DJ asked and the big oaf laughed as he was slapping his belly with pride.

"I can feel my stomach full with all of this, so bring it in," Owen said happy as the others looked at Owen, and with a challenge like that, it would be kinda useless to try an eating contest with Owen...

And when it was time, Lindsay placed her hands behind her back while Gwen was pulled with one of her arms, the same could be said for Duncan who pulled his arms behind his back, almost making Heather fall from her place. Owen did the same, and if wasn't for the fact DJ was big and strong, he would have fallen from the pull of the chubby boy.

"Oh, this is going to be good," MacArthur commented, as she was enjoying her coffee time, while Sanders was even having some donuts to make the challenge more sweet.

"Want some sir?" Sanders asked Chris, who tapped the finger on his chin before nodding at his employee.

"Alright, you can start the challenge... Now." Chris gave the signal and the duos decided to see who could win the first part of the challenge.

And they started eating. Each of them was doing at their own speed, Heather was doing her best to make sure Duncan ate the fast as he could.

"C-ould we go a little slower?" Duncan said with his mouth full, as Heather raised her eyebrows...

"Well, if you see on your side..." Heather said Duncan turned his head and had his eyes wide open to see DJ at a fast speed, and Owen was with his mouth wide open as he seemed to be not even chewing... until Owen finally started chewing.

"Go Faster!" Owen said as DJ nodded his head and continued to move as fast as he could.

Duncan looked in disbelief, as he then narrowed his eyes.

"Oh, now is on." Duncan gulped his food and gave a nod to Heather who continued to go faster.

Gwen on the other hand was more strategic.

"One, two, three, four, five, open." Gwen gave the instructions as Lindsay opened her mouth and ate eating fast as she could. "Are you okay there?"

"The quiche and the cheesecake are good. Keep going." Lindsay said as she was grateful the food was good, and Gwen was going to a slower pace for her, even as she knew they couldn't eat, at least she was trying her best to be up from the challenge.

"Go faster!" Owen said as he demanded more food, and DJ wasn't being able to keep up with a spoon.

"Sorry momma, but I have to do this." And DJ did one thing that he knew would be unethical in a way to eat the food. And dropped the spoon and decided to use his hand to grab a lot of food and give it to Owen. Why was anti-etic? Because DJ didn't wash his hands for that.

"Now, we are going good," Owen said without caring about the idea of being fed by his partner's hand.

"Mm, I can't... I can't" Duncan who was trying to control his speed, but felt his throat almost choking, couldn't help anymore, and spat the food on the floor. "There is no way..."

"Good. I was almost done with spoon-feeding." Heather said as she was amused to see the delinquent boy looking at dirt from all the food he spilled on himself trying to keep up with the only camper who would eat his own weight in food. "That's what happens when you want to keep up with a human trash disposal."

"Noted," Duncan said as he didn't like the taste of the defeat, but trying to keep up with DJ and Owen was ridiculous.

"Ohh, I think I'm on my limit," Lindsay commented as she felt that her stomach wasn't keeping up with the speed, and that was the signal that Gwen stopped her arm.

"Are you sure?" Gwen asked as she was also feeling her arm tired, and from seeing Lindsay giving a final gulp, and looking dizzy, she decided to give a stop. "Alright, we couldn't do much."

"But it was fun," Lindsay commented, as she smiled at Gwen, who just blinked at the type of answer...even as terrible the challenges would be, she never thought that there were other campers, sans Owen that still enjoy challenges like that.

"Well, at least someone is still having fun on this show," Gwen commented as Lindsay tilted her head.

The duo watched Owen and DJ keep working together, until everything on the tray was cleaned, sans the bones of the chicken which was the signal that the duo just finished everything.

"The winners are... DJ and Owen!" Chris commented as both cadets clapped their hands, Owen was happy chewing the food, and DJ was feeling a bit disgusted from his hand covered with food. Making a person eat food by hand without washing the hands first really irked the poor gentle Jamaican giant.

As the duo seemed to be fine with themselves, DJ finally learned one terrible consequence of his actions, since the stomach of Owen started to rumble loudly which made DJ realize something terrible was about to come. And from the time Owen was farting... He gave a sheepish smile to DJ, which made the boy gulp...

(Confession - DJ)

"The things I saw in that bathroom, and the traumatic experience I had by helping on... that...nobody should suffer that, not even monsters who could lurk in the shadow, they didn't deserve to do what I did. That was the most disgusting experience I ever had..." DJ commented as he had cold sweat across his face, and stared at the sheepish Owen... He couldn't help but whimper. "Why didn't I wash my hands?"

"Did you wash your hands after we finished it?"Owen asked which made DJ who was with his hands on his face look in panic.


10 minutes later...

The duos saw Owen calmly tapping the back, of DJ who was trembling, and traumatized.

"We have a 7-11 situation in the bathroom. I repeat, we have a 7-11." Sanders commented which MacArthur tilted her head.

"Hey, I remember that one..." MacArthur commented until she blinked before narrowing her eyes."HEY. THAT JUST HAPPENED ONCE."

"I mean Owen and DJ," Sanders said the chubby cadet looked at DJ traumatized and Owen looking sheepish.

"Ohh... Trauma due to explosive bathroom break. Got it." MacArthur nodded her head, as both cadets were enjoying drinking coffee.

"I don't know why, but I'm so glad that I'm not his partner," Duncan commented as Heather felt a shiver on her spine and a huge relief in her heart.

"Yeah, me too," Heather said in reflex, as the duo watched Chris showing the key once more.

"Last chance for the tempting wimp key before part two!" Chris was giggling at the key the groups were staring at each other, and from the look of the traumatized DJ, they were expecting the giant to say something.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." DJ shook a bit of his head and concentrated on the now. "We won the first challenge, and I cannot back down now."

"So what's the challenge, Chris?" Duncan asked as he then saw Chris with his usual smirk on his face.

" On the beach, you will find three canoes. One for each team. Your challenge is to paddle your canoe while wearing handcuffs," Chris commented as he saw Heather's face getting pale and she was trembling in her place, which Duncan raised his eyebrows in surprise. And Chris was giving an evil chuckle. "All the way to Boney Island."

"OH HELL NO!" Heather shouted as the campers jumped away from the queen bee, as she was both infuriated but also trembling in panic. "I'm not going back there. No way."

"Relax," Chris said as he raised his arms. Knowing very well the reason why the queen bee was the most terrified of the group. "We didn't take anything from the island, which I wish I could have, but from seeing what happened at the climatic changes happening from having the curse for so long, it isn't worth the extra money we would pay for our equipment and for the health care. So the Island is with sunshine and there isn't a cloud in the sky."

And that was enough to make Heather's shoulders drop, and she recovered her breath.

"Heather, are you okay?" Then a voice was enough to make her snap from her panic, and from seeing on her side, there was Lindsay who was horrified from seeing her like that, and the other campers such as Owen and DJ looking at her in concern and even fear...

(Confession - Heather)

"Why Boney Island? Of all places, why there? Last time, it was an absolute nightmare. Freak weather, getting sick, and then Beth had to leave. And Ezekiel... we wouldn't have broken the curse without him. I owe him 2 favors because of that." Heather commented as she knew the terrible outcome of everything, but still, she had to go that far on the show, so she needed to recompose herself. "I don't think I'm ready to face that place again, but I don't have a choice. I just hope I can keep it together."

Heather raised her hand and took a few seconds... to recover her breath and calm the beatings of her heart.

"I- I'm fine, as long it's a sunshine on there..." Heather commented that Chris smiled at her, but then she narrowed her eyes. "I swear, if the sun was too much that it would make me sweat, I will return back to the camp..."

"You can use the key if you want..." Chris said as he showed the skull key, which Heather hesitated... But then gave a deep breath, and closed her eyes.

"Let's just go," Heather said to Duncan, who remained in silence but watched every single moment to notice all the signs she was having.

"Now. Go!" And with that, every single camper went excited by passing over Chris, who was just on the floor being stomped by every camper running in the direction of the boats.

"Alright, let's push this beauty, and let's go," Duncan said as he was pushing the canoe, while Heather was a bit hesitant to push...

"WOHOOOO," Owen said happily as DJ was also pushing which was followed by the last duo.

"Let's go, Gwen." Lindsay was excited, while Gwen rolled her eyes, but did the same thing. With that, the second challenge already started.

Heather and Duncan paddle through the water, with the distant outline of Boney Island looming ahead. Heather's strokes are hesitant and uncoordinated, causing the canoe to waver. Duncan notices and tries to pick up the slack, but it's clear they're struggling.

"Come on, Heather, we need to pick up the pace if we want to win this thing," Duncan said as he gritted his teeth, while he could see the queen Bee who was in front of him was trembling. "What's with you?"

Heather who was trembling, was feeling more and more like they were approaching the island, as her hands were trembling and her eyes were diminishing in tiny dots.

"I can't, I CAN'T, I JUST CAN'T, I CAN'T, I CAN'T," Heather said as she released the paddle above her lap her hands froze and she placed one of them on her face... She was palled as the delinquent could see that the girl was hyperventilating. And from that moment her hyperventilation became so much that she could only hear her heartbeats.

"Heather, Heather..." Duncan said as the words couldn't be reached in the queen bee's mind... But she couldn't hear him. Her eyes and her constant breath made the delinquent try to think about any ways to stop her... "Oh screw it."

Heather was still hyperventilating until she felt an arm crossing her shoulder, and a head over her... She then realized that she was being hugged by the delinquent who was with his eyes closed... And was giving deep breaths at that moment. Heather just started to feel the heartbeats and the slow breathing of the delinquent. And from that, Heather slowly felt her heartbeats diminish, and tried to follow the rhythm of the person behind her, as her fast breath was becoming slower, and slower... Until her eyes closed made her get herself back together.

"Thanks..." Heather commented as Duncan nodded his head at her... "How did you do that?"

"My aunt taught me how to deal with people with panic attacks, she told me there were times when some cases were so much that she needed to help the families of the victims to deal with this kind of terror and stress," Duncan commented as Heather was even releasing a few tears in terror. "Was it really that terrible?"

"It was awful, Duncan. We started off sweating like crazy because it was so hot. But the moment we got to the island, everything changed. A snowstorm hit us out of nowhere. We were freezing, soaking wet... and then it turned into a rainstorm with lightning. We even got chased by an albino version of the carnivore beavers." Heather explained, as Duncan remembered from Ezekiel, and when he told everyone about what happened. They got angry at him for being reckless... But it was the first time Duncan could be hearing from another's person perspective on how awful it was... "It was like Mother Nature wanted us gone. And Ezekiel... he was the only reason we made it. He knew about the tiki and how to break the curse. We were running out of time, and he managed to set up the altar and bonfire. We broke the curse, but what cost... We all got sick. Beth and I recovered..."

"While Ezekiel didn't..." Duncan said as he looked at the reflection of himself. "I gotta say it has been partially my fault, even as he said it wasn't, I did a prank war with him which instead of letting him recover, got to a point that he got pneumonia. And I think if he didn't have the sickness he would have stayed far longer than the others."

"Well, you tell me. I owe him 2 favors. And I'm afraid of what he is going to use for the future." Heather said as he could see Duncan rolling his eyes but also chuckling.

"Knowing him, he would ask you to help in some of his works," Duncan commented as he could see Heather scoffing.

"Yeah, he also told me about a unicorn made by Rainbow which only speaks my family's language," Heather said as Duncan snapped his fingers.

"Wait you speak Korean?" Duncan then realized what would be the other language Heather was talking about, since one character of Adventure Time where Harold was curious about why he chose Korean instead of Japanese, so having a camper being able to speak Korean would make it funny, especially if was the queen bee. "Because if you say so, I can't wait to hear Ezekiel using one of his favors and make you do something Lady Raincorn would do."

"Ugh, another one..." Heather said as she was feeling a migraine already.

"Hey, look on the bright side... We are almost there, and I don't see any ice, and neither a cloud... This time is going to be fine." Duncan said as Heather gave a small glance at the island... And from the comparison to before, it looked exactly like the first time they went there...

"I hope so..." Heather commented... The duo continued paddling.

"Ever since I was little, I've always felt like no one really listens to what I have to say. I'm a person who feels things deeply." Owen commented as he was paddling with DJ who had been in a conversation with him for a few minutes, and while the chubby boy had been a guy with a very great optimism, it was the first time Owen had brought the feelings he had about himself.

"Really? I wouldn't have guessed. You're always so upbeat, man." DJ commented in surprise since he was being honest about how much the big man never seemed to be upset. He always was the person who would be optimist about everything.

"Yeah, that's what everyone sees. The happy-go-lucky guy who's always ready for a joke or a snack. But inside, sometimes it feels like I'm screaming and no one hears me." Owen commented as he continued paddling sadly, as the giant with a gold heart could comprehend many things happening around him. "I mean, I love to be happy, and I love to be cheerful, but I felt like any second I could screw up, and then mess up badly... Well, more badly than before."

DJ could understand what the person was saying since he was aware of one incident that had been marked around him which he wasn't there, but from how the victim was on that night, it wouldn't need to be a genius to understand what he was talking about.

"You are refiring about Izzy, right?" DJ asked as Owen nodded his head, as the awkward silence was the answer to the question made by DJ. "I'm not going to lie, that night Izzy cracked in a way that I and my friends never thought to see Izzy in such a way, and she said she was a former Killer Bass for at least a few hours, so it was enough to convince me she was part of my team, and as a good teammate, I have to tell... You screwed up, very very very badly."

"I know," Owen said as he felt guilty as he continued paddling towards the direction of the horizon. "But I was really scared, what option I could have done in the time I needed to run?"

"Do what Courage would have done," DJ said firmly as Owen tilted his head at him.

"Courage?" Owen asked as he tilted his head. Which DJ nodded his head firmly.

"Yeah, Courage, he was a pink coward beagle, and even in moments of immense fear, when he found monsters, assassins, or even people to hurt him or his family, he would have done the most basic of instructions of being a coward... He would have carried the person he loves, and run away with them and not let them be caught or killed by the monster." DJ said firmly, as he understood that while being a Coward, in all the stories, as much he hated Eustace and loved Muriel, he always would have carried both of them on his arms and back, and would have run away with them. "Your mistake has been pushing a girl you liked in front of Chef. Nobody would have blamed you for being a Coward, but at could at least carried Izzy and run away from Chef instead of pushing her, that was a low blow, and I have to say, Owen, I never thought to see Izzy cry... Whatever thoughts or ideas you had about you and her, it's over, my momma always said one thing that I will have always in my heart. When you make a woman you love cry by a mistake you made on purpose, you can even hook up with her again, but the love she had for you? Will never be the same, so it would be best if you run with a tail between your legs, take your big man pants, and learn from your mistake."

Owen was in shock, as he flinched from the words said by a person who was one of the kindest hearts when it came to the island, and yet his words had hit Owen on the stomach, harder than a burrito with expired hot sauce. Owen dropped his head and decided to continue paddling, while DJ decided to be serious around some point.

The awkward silence had been so much, that Owen couldn't help but muse loudly.

"Wow, your mom is really wise," Owen commented as DJ nodded his head at him.

"The wisest person I know. Her lessons have been helping me so much in dealing with the problems around the island, and I'm proud to learn everything from her." DJ said as he gave a nostalgic smile, and Owen nodded his head at him.

"Yeah, and her food, oh my God, I never thought I would have loved Caribean food so much," Owen commented as he could hear his stomach humbling from desiring another go into Jamaican cuisine, but then he remembered one thing. "It must have been hard for you to not win the challenge where your mom is in..."

"Yes it was, but one thing that hurt me much more was the disappointing look she had on her face," DJ commented as he shed a tear on how that look was indeed hurtful for the kind brick wall, he felt that on that day he had failed so much for his momma, that he felt he deserved to eat the punishment food.

"I have to confess that at the time your mom came to the island, it made me wonder about my parents, how are they," Owen commented as DJ gave a look around, and even around his own reflection on the water. "Sometimes I wonder if they are missing me."

DJ felt even more conflict, as he had seen seeing in a situation that he never thought of before... when it was him and his momma, he always felt that he was the only family they had, he never met his cousins in Jamaica, and he wished to bring take his momma to Jamaica... It was one of the main reasons he wanted the 100 thousand dollars, but the pressure of the show had been so much, and the homesickness and the worry he had over his momma was so much... That he isn't sure if he still has the strength to keep up... He missed her, oh God how much he missed her.

"DJ, are you okay?" Owen asked which made the brick wall snap from his thoughts. "You are crying."

"Huh?" DJ hummed as he touched his face, and he realized that it was indeed true, as his body and heart were releasing all the tears that he had been holding without realizing... "I... I don't know... Let's keep focus on the challenge. We are almost on the island."

"Okay, if you say so..." Owen commented as he wasn't sure what just happened, and the duo continued to paddle in the direction of Boney Island.

The trip across the water had been in unsettling silence, and while Gwen would find it easily a good way to have a moment of silence, she felt curious about seeing Lindsay being one of the people who didn't want to talk in the middle of the challenge.

And from the speed at which both girls were paddling, Gwen knew that she might regret commenting.

"You are very silent," Gwen asked which startled Lindsay so much that she jumped on her place. Which made almost both goth and cheerleader lose their balance around the canoe. "Sorry."

"No, it's alright," Lindsay commented as she gave a glance towards the direction they were going. "It's because I'm just thinking too much."

Gwen raised her eyebrows, as she took a few seconds to process it...

"Try to not fry your brain while doing it," Gwen made a sarcastic remark, which Lindsay blinked for a few seconds, and then gave a deep breath to place her head on the water which almost made the goth lose her balance again. And when she returned with her wet hair and face. Gwen learned that she may not want to make sarcastic remarks around Lindsay again.

"Thank you, I think this actually helped," Lindsay said with a smile, which made Gwen try to say something. But decided to ignore.

"You're welcome," Gwen replied as she could see that the girl still looked in conflict as the duo continued to paddle in the direction of the challenge. "Just speak your mind already."

"Oh, well... It's Heather." Lindsay commented as Gwen rolled her eyes as she knew what probably since the duo had been united during almost the whole show. "I never saw Heather in that way when Chris said we are going to Boney Island again."

Gwen remained quiet, as she usually could understand why the girl was in concern about her friend.

"You two are really close," Gwen commented as she could see Lindsay nodding at her. "It's actually surprising, that she was a jerk at the beginning of the show, but she always warms up and has patience with you."

"Oh yes, I think that since the time we formed the alliance, Beth and Heather became my best friends," Lindsay said happily as she was always happy to talk about them. Which made her realize one more thing. "Ah, and Izzy, she scared me first but then she was really smart, when I thought I couldn't understand a thing, she always would explain to me in a few words in a way I could understand. So she is also a new friend to me. I'm just a bit sad that she had to leave."

Gwen remained quiet, and from the way the girl was at the end of the challenge, both Lindsay and Izzy were the ones who were caught most in the episode. Especially with Eva protecting Lindsay during the night.

"She had her reasons, and nobody could blame her for it," Gwen said as Lindsay gave a weak smile. "To be honest I never thought a cheerleader, a farmer, a queen bee, and a crazy girl (military genius) would have become a circle of friends."

"Well, I like to make friends with everyone," Lindsay said proud of herself, as even commented something about what happened. "Even though I know that I may never be able to read a book, or try to remember other people's names, it takes a long time for me to do that."

"Well, maybe you didn't find the right book to read," Gwen said as she commented about the blonde girl having maybe an interest, but then she saw Lindsay shaking her head.

"That's not it. My parents and my teachers always said this happening to me since I was a child, letters go right to left, and left to right." Lindsay commented as she then made Gwen had her eyes wide open in surprise. "Sometimes I had to take 10 minutes to write something with the right letters. And if wasn't for my classmates I would have bombed on class many times."

Gwen listened to the explanation made by the cheerleader and the last sentence suddenly took the goth by surprise.

"Wait..."Gwen was calm as she then looked at Lindsay as if something happened in her mind. "You..."

(Confession - Heather.)

"Lindsay had Dyslexia for a good part of her childhood," The queen bee was in front of the confession booth as she was still distressed from her trip to Boney Island. "It didn't take long for I and Izzy discover when she told us her symptoms, and I have to say that I was so surprised that even as the girl looked airhead most of the time, she didn't show most of the other symptoms which would be coordination and singing a song. But it must have been really hard for her to keep on the school with that baggage."

Heather just shrugged, as she looked at the camera.

"She may have problems remembering names, so give a bone for her. She has gone further than most of the campers on this show." Heather said as she looked at her own explanation. "Maybe that's why Izzy always found an easier way to explain things to Lindsay."

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know," Gwen said as Lindsay tilted her head.

"Why are you feeling sorry? It's just a thing I have since as a kid. And while I can't read a book, my dad always read books for me when I was a child. And I always loved him telling me a story." Lindsay commented, that even as difficult as she was for her family and friends, she was happy that her father read for her. "He always made CDs of him reading me a good book, which made me love some good ones."

"Huh, that's very nice of your father, what books did he read for you?" Gwen asked as she imagined that Lindsay would come for fairy tales, which she didn't expect what Lindsay would say next.

"Murder on the Orient Express, The Hound of Barkersvile, a Study in Scarlet," Lindsay commented as Gwen had her mouth dropped. "I always love a good mystery case. And Murder on the Orient Express has always been my favorite. Since I took almost the end of the story to find out who were the culprits."

"You found out?" Gwen asked as she blinked... "How?"

"Oh, my daddy asked the same thing. And then I told him my whole plan while using a cane, a pillow, gunpowder, and makeup, and my daddy told me that the idea was so crazy, so stupid... That it just might work." Lindsay said as the goth never thought of seeing another face of the blonde girl before...

A girl that even as she seemed airhead and stereotypical, always had a good heart, and possibly had difficulties like everyone and yet found herself to adapt her problems into being herself...

"Okay, tell me your crazy plan," Gwen asked amused as the girls seemed to be approaching the boney island.

(Confession - Gwen.)

Gwen blinked at the confession both, as she stared weirdly at the camera...

"Her father was right... It was so stupid and so crazy, that it would have worked so fine." Gwen said as she couldn't believe how the little things that Lindsay knew, the fact she thinks outside the box... Could be very clever in the way she acts. "She is a good girl."

At the time Heather and Duncan reached the sand, Heather took a deep breath and checked that it was indeed the same island before the curse happened. So the relief crossing her heart was enough to make her feeling more calm around the challenge.

"See? It's fine, there isn't a curse." Duncan said as the duo took the backpack and decided to open, it to reveal a map on it.

At that time the duo heard the sound of a helicopter approaching them, which showed nobody other than Chris was already in there.

"Welcome to the second part of the second challenge!" Chris commented across a helicopter as the duo opened the map of the island, and on the said map, there was a mark in X in one of the spots over the map. "This time there will be a challenge of resistance since it's a race towards the beach where the bonfire challenge on episode 8. And oh yeah! One of you has to piggyback the other!"

"Oh, you gotta be kidding me." Heather narrowed her eyes, as she then saw Duncan crouching.

"Just shut up and let's go," Duncan commented as the queen bee raised her eyebrows at him. The delinquent rolled his eyes. "Do you want to lose the challenge?"

"Of course not. Let's go before this place gives me nightmares, again." Heather said as she went above Duncan and the duo started to run...

While the duo went ahead, Gwen and Lindsay, and DJ and Owen also heard the explanation given by the host of the show, and they had to think about it...

"Let's go Big Guy," Owen said as he was happy to help his teammate, but then he started to regret it since the big weight was enough for him to almost go down. But taking a few seconds, he got the right position and started walking. "Let's go Wohooooo."

Lindsay and Gwen looked at each other, and Gwen just smiled and pulled Lindsay behind her back, which the duo smiled and started walking in the direction of where the challenge had led them in the first place.




Thankfully for everyone, Chris seemed to have been taking it easy for them, since the direction of the map was in a different type, and had more shortcuts than the first time, since it had been a whole chaos.

"Be careful with those freaking bees. If you see any one of them, just tell me and we run faster." Duncan commented as Heather nodded her head, while she had no idea what he was talking about.

"I didn't find a beaver until now, neither grizzle nor albino. So that's good, really good." Heather commented as the duo went to check every single detail, Heather's sweat was even watering on Duncan's back, but he didn't complain, since that place indeed was giving himself creeps.

It's never too much to be careful on that island.




"Okay I think we are almost there," DJ commented as the duo seemed to be crossing the woods, until suddenly the sound of wood being chopped and then the sound of wood falling in front of them. "Oh no..."

Owen was feeling exhausted, but then his entire face got palled as he heard a familiar sound, and when the big man turned to see beavers about their size, staring angrily at him, Owen almost fainted. "What we are going to do?"

"LIKE COURAGE ALWAYS DOES," DJ said as he got from the back of the giant. And took Owen from the floor, raised over his head, and did what he had to do. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"

And with the beavers running after them, DJ carried Owen, not leaving him behind. Like an honest Courageous Coward would do.

"THAT'S HOW YOU SHOULD RUN FROM FEAR OWEN,"DJ shouted as the big man was almost crying in fear.

"OKAY, THANK YOU FOR THE LESSON," Owen said as they both panicked when the beavers ran after them.




"So this is the place where you and Trent almost fell on quicksand?" Gwen commented as she slowly walked around the dangerous trap that Chris would be enjoying for their torment.

"Yes, Boby even went to a tree to use a vine to save us, he was my hero," Lindsay commented as Gwen listened with a thought on her mind.

"Boby, boby, boby... Cody?"Gwen asked as the blonde girl gave a gasp, which confirmed the name that Lindsay remembered at that moment. "Okay, that's good for him to save you. And thanks for telling me about the quicksand."

"You're welcome," Lindsay said with a smile, as Gwen passed a few moments alone as the duo continued walking...

"Hey Lindsay," Gwen called the attention of the blonde girl as she looked at her. "I'm curious since you like mystery stories, I'm curious to know what mystery movies you like."

"Well I always liked stories where I was caught by surprise, so the Unusual Suspects, The Pink Panther movie, and Ace Ventura," Lindsay commented as Gwen had her eyes opened in surprise, from seeing Pink Panther and Ace Ventura she could understand, but Unusual Suspects? It showed that indeed she liked the genre. "Also, my daddy said I'm too smart for my own good in movies since I destroyed his favorite movie..."

"Oh, that's fine Lindsay, maybe you could buy another one for him," Gwen said as she could see her new friend sniffing in sadness.

"No, it's not that, I destroyed everything he liked on his favorite movie," Lindsay said as she noticed Gwen pausing and looking at Lindsay. "I just don't know why people liked Indiana Jones and Raiders of Lost Arc. The man with the hat and whip even if wasn't part of the movie, the bad german nazis would have found the arc, taken to the island, open it up, and all die. Just like the way it happened when he appeared."

Gwen stopped and opened and closed her mouth many times as suddenly she realized what Lindsay had said...

(Confession - Chris)

Chris looked astonished, staring at the camera without a good smirk, as his look was nothing more than terrified, and in a broken state, Chris pulled his hair.

"*BEEP* THAT'S TRUE. *BEEP*. HOLYWOOD, WHY DID YOU LIE TO ME?" Chris shouted as he cried to the skies about one point that he never thought of before. A movie that it had been a national treasure for many fans, and with just a review, it destroyed the favorite movie of many fans. "One of my favorite movies... destroyed, with a single sentence."

Chris doesn't know if he should be angry with Lindsay for destroying his favorite movie, or laugh about his lament on how stupid he was to never find out something so simple.

"I beat 10 dollars that my brother is freaking out right now," Gwen commented as Lindsay stared confused at her. "Nothing, let's just finish the challenge."

"Alright." Lindsay smiled, not realizing that her innocent smile was what caused the broken dreams of many movie lovers from the most iconic archeologist in the world.

The Pandora box was just opened.




After the duos were running towards the beach, Duncan and Heather were the first duo to reach the beach, and Chris was there... staring at the nothing.

"Er... Chris?" Duncan asked as Heather noticed the hair from the host was messed up, which immediately shook and tried to compose himself.

"Ah, Duncan and Heather. It seems that we have the winners of the second challenge." Chris commented as Heather had to raise her eyebrows.

"Are you crying?" Heather asked which the host cleaned up his face, and gave them both a smirk.

"No. Why did you say that? I'm just fine." Chris commented as he was still smiling. "And I will take out your point if you continue asking.

Duncan and Heather looked at each other and raised both their arms.

The next second, Gwen and Lindsay reached the beach which Chris had to cough on his hand to make sure to not scream to not show how outraged he was.

"And for our next duo, Lindsay and Gwen," Chris said as he immediately raised his hand. "And if any of you say something, I will eliminate both of you on the spot. Got it?"

Gwen dropped down her hand, as the next 10 minutes of silence, and Chris was using a hairdryer and water to fix his hair, which thankfully was ready to see DJ and Owen.

"And the winners of the first phase of the challenge got the last place on this one... What happened to you boys?" Chris commented as he managed to recover from his meltdown and was able to continue the rest of the show. And from the other campers who stared at the outbreak Owen and DJ it seemed something big happened.

"Beavers, giant beavers..." Owen said as Heather shivered from hearing the animal which made her remember the albine version of them. "We ran far away from them."

"Oh that's good," Heather commented as the others looked at her. "Don't ask, just... don't ask."

Lindsay looked worried, but Chris decided to shake his head.

"Never mind. Now that everyone is here. Let's prepare for the final challenge. Sit on your tables." Chris commented as DJ and Owen, Duncan and Heather, Lindsay and Gwen decided to choose which table they were sitting at, and above the tables there were some lumps covered with a fuchsia fabric on it.

"And now for the last challenge of today." Chris went back to his usual person and smirked as he pulled a fabric in front of Owen and DJ.

"Ahhhhhhh." Both DJ and Owen screamed in surprise from seeing what would be heads above the table, while Heather and Duncan looked in surprise at them.

"Relax, they are just made of wood," Duncan commented as the duo looked at Chris.

"The totem pole of shame and humiliation," Chris commented as he decided to explain the rules the camera showed a display video from the complete totem since it was taken after the challenge was over. "Your task? Assemble the heads in the order in which your comrades were voted out. Unless you want the wimp key! Time for heads to roll!"

And with that, Chris used a whistle which made the duos finally work together for the last challenge.

DJ was looking around over the heads as Owen just gave a slight glance towards the wooden sculped Justin.

"Nice guy, Justin. Look! Even his wood carving of him is smoking hot!" Owen commented DJ just paused and looked at Owen who didn't realize what he just said. "I mean, it's a good carving! His features are so chiseled." DJ continued staring at him. "I mean, someone chiseled them really well!"

Owen continued chuckling nervously...

"Owen, can you do me a favor?" DJ calmly commented which made the big guy nod his head at him. "When you are about to find out that you said something wrong, don't keep digging yourself down, just drop it and don't justify yourself, it makes yourself look even worse."

"I will do that," Owen said as he nodded quickly at DJ who was looking at the heads on the table. "And thank you for not judging me."

"It's fine, we can say something wrong sometimes, it's just not to keep insisting. It never helps." DJ gave a slight lesson and Owen nodded his head, even as lovable as he can be, he couldn't help himself. "Sadie, then Eva, then Tyler..."

"Wow, you got these already?" Owen asked in surprise, and DJ nodded his head at him.

"Yes, one time, Courtney just wanted us to remember that our work always reached the point of the sacrifice of the others, so we always would put an order on who was eliminated first from the Killer Bass," DJ commented as he, Duncan, Gwen and a few other members of the Killer Bass always had to update which were one who was eliminated... Since their names were on the Killer Bass flag, they used it not only to pride but to remember how far their friends reached in the game.

"Noah is the base," Heather commented as Duncan nodded his head at her, and with Noah being the first head, she still had a bit of a sadistic smile from making that loser to lose control and make himself eliminated so easily.

"Sadie was eliminated on the wake-a-thon," Duncan said as he placed the chubby Asian girl above the bookworm wood head.

"Justin whined a lot on the dodgebraw, he was a model that he was so afraid to hurt himself, that it's disgusting to see." Heather looked disgusted as she placed the head above the chubby girl.

"Eva when she broke her leg by saving Courtney, and Tyler for being the first member of the team to say our Condor," Duncan said as he made Heather raise her eyebrow at him.

"Aren't you going to eliminate yourself for saying that?" Heather commented and the delinquent rolled his eyes.

"Nice try, but you are not going to eliminate me like that, you can only use this word as a way when you really mean it. We are not stupid." Duncan said as he placed the heads above the order.

"Hmmm... Drat, and here I thought I could eliminate you."Heather joked as Duncan looked around and found a head which he clearly saw a face that he missed so much...

And grabbing his trusted knife there was something he needed to do.

"So who was after Bo...I mean Cody?" Lindsay tried to focus while Gwen was separating the heads for the order where she remembered from the flag, she placed the Killer Bass from left to right, Sadie, Eva, Tyler, Ezekiel, Katie, Harold, Bridgette, Geoff, Courtney and Eva. While a part of her was trying to figure out the order of the Screaming Gophers.

But there was one person who she knew who was before the next member of the Killer Bass, and the first pillar going down...

"It's that one," Gwen commented as Lindsay gave a look, and then she had her eyes wide open and then her face went sad at seeing one person that she knew she missed at that moment.

"Beth," Lindsay said as she tried to remain calm and not cry. But then seeing the other duo, Heather and Duncan still working, she gave a serious face. "Hey Heather, Beth's after Cody."

"Why did you do that?" Gwen asked in disbelief as Lindsay pointed in the direction of the other team, while Duncan was holding Courtney's head, Heather was holding the said head which Lindsay had said. Heather passed a few seconds alone, and it went even faster to collect all the remaining heads and went back to pile the totem even faster.

"Because it was her sacrifice that made both me and Heather reach until now," Lindsay commented as she looked at the head of her best friend. "Even as people could see it, she is our best friend, and it was because of her, that she made all your team lose so many times."

Gwen had her eyes wide open. As Lindsay didn't stop.

"We know that after her, Zeca was the next one, which after him, the Killer Bass lost member after member, and while that's sad that happened to him... It was because of the sacrifice of Beth that she managed to take you all down, and it's because of her that I and Heather will reach the final three." Lindsay said as she managed to grab more heads, and her eyes looked more alive than ever, even as she had tears in her eyes. "We are going to reach the final three, for her. NOW LET'S GO."

And for the first time, Gwen decided to grab more heads and continue to pile more heads.

"Let's see what our other team is up to. What's this?" Chris said as he managed to find something around one of the wood heads. At that moment Duncan saw it and acted in anxiety.

"Don't!" Duncan said as Chris looked at him in disbelief and started to chuckle because on Courtney's wood head, there was a mark carved indicating the letters D+C, and around there was a heart on it... Chris started to chuckle louder and Duncan scoffed angrily. "It's not funny, man."

"Most guys kiss girls they like. Dude carves her head. Mr. Tough ain't so tough." Chris decided to make fun of Duncan Duncan gritted his teeth while he was about to punch the host, but without a warning, Eva's head went directly into Chris's face, which made the host get knocked out, and Duncan slowly turned his head to Heather.

"Huh, look at that, Eva can hurt people even after leaving the show, curious," Heather said in an amused tone, which Duncan smirked at her. "Now give me your girlfriend's head, and let's be done with it. I hate this place."

"You don't have to tell me twice," Duncan said as he smiled at the girl who while she was a bitch sometimes, could give respect to someone who was willing to hurt the jerk McLean anytime.

DJ and Owen were trying their best to remember if Justin or Noah was the first person across the elimination. Since it had been so many weeks, that they couldn't remember the order of the Screaming Gophers, while the Killer Bass the order was right. And sadly for both of them, neither could find a good start... So in the challenge, Justin was the first and then the order went a bit confused, from mixing Cody, Beth, and then Izzy, and when the duo seemed to be almost on the Courtney... Owen just realized one thing.

"Oh no. I think Noah was the first one." Owen said as DJ paused, and then made a slight nervous smile... "It seems that we cannot win today."

"It's fine Owen... we tried our best." DJ gave a slight smile, but he couldn't help it. It was like he was not just telling the big oaf... but also to himself. "I'm going to take a shower when we get back to camp."

"Yeah, I think I would like to eat something. Do you think Chef still has the food of this morning?" Owen smiled and DJ shrugged...

"I don't know, but hey, it was a good day," DJ said as he concluded, and from seeing the other team's totem pole, Lindsay and Gwen almost went to the top while having 3 more to go, but Duncan and Heather...

"We have a wiener! Hathun and Dender take it!" Chris said as he was disoriented, and with his head spinning, as the other duos looked at Heather's and Duncan's pole and there it was, a totem pole of all the members, done correctly, (Noah, Sadie, Justin, Leshawna, Eva, Tyler, Izzy, Cody, Beth, Ezekiel, Katie, Harold, Trent, Bridgette, Geoff, Courtney, Eva again, And Izzy, again..., all in the order like the host said on the start of the show). Lindsay clapped happily as the queen bee won the challenge, and Gwen nodded her head at Duncan who was smirking. "That means they have immunity to the challenge."

"Well, that was fun," Gwen commented as she smiled with Lindsay as Owen and DJ also clapped for the duo who won the immunity and reached the final 5.


As the look around the cave seemed in complete silence, DJ alone was on his hot tub, musing around every single moment that he passed across the whole show, knowing that soon would be the time for the votation for the next camper being out of the show... And while Duncan and Gwen were somewhere around their cabin or doing their preparations, the giant was alone, staring at the place that usually had been a good spot for everyone to pass their time together, but each time it gets more and more empty...

DJ looked at Eva's trailer which was the prize that she gave her best to own it fairly and square, and then he glanced at the flag... With each member of his team who had sighed across the challenge, and on their side, there was a number of when each of them was eliminated...

And passing a few minutes alone around the Aquarium... DJ came to pass the rest of the time, staring at the flag, thinking about his decision on who he should vote for... Until he finally made a decision.


Night had once again fallen on the crappy summer camp as the bonfire was burning bright, the cadets were already in their positions to make sure that everything would be smooth for the elimination. And all the six campers were sitting on a stump.

Just then, Chris walked up to his usual spot behind the metal barrel, in his hand was a plate of only 4 marshmallows.

"You've all cast your votes and made your decision." As usual, Chris explained the rules for every single camper who was ready for the elimination. "The camper who does not receive a marshmallow tonight must immediately return to the Dock of Shame to catch the Boat of Losers. That means you're out of the contest. And you can't come back. Ever."

For the first time, nobody knows how the votation went since Duncan and Gwen talked over themselves, however, DJ didn't seem to have talked about who he had voted for. It was 3 Killer Bass and 3 Screaming Gophers, and each of them had one person that they could vote off from the remaining camp, while the other 2 members would use their votes to protect and save them.

"The first marshmallow goes to… Gwen," Chris said as he launched the marshmallow for the goth girl, and staring at the remaining campers, she wasn't sure who could be saved. "Three campers are left, but only two marshmallows. The next marshmallow goes to... Lindsay,"

And Chris launched the other marshmallow which the blonde girl felt happy for continuing on the show, and with only two campers left... Duncan and Heather glanced at each other.

"So it's a tie then? Knowing that we have 3 votes on Owen and 3 on DJ." Duncan said as he rolled his eyes, but then one thing caught the attention of the delinquent.

"It's not a tie," DJ said with so much assurance that Duncan palled at what his friend had said.

"Please don't tell me," Duncan said in disbelief as Gwen looked at the Jamaican in shock.

"And it seems that I won't need to create more suspense around this issue... The final marshmallow goes to Owen." At that moment Chris said that Heather, Lindsay and even Owen were in shock as DJ glanced at the camera.

(Confession - DJ)

"I didn't vote for me... I voted for Lindsay because I knew that she would have fewer votes than me and Owen... I knew it wouldn't be a tie if I did something, and that's what I did." DJ commented as looked at the camera, and gave a happy smile.

And just like that, the duo Duncan and Gwen were in shock, as DJ smiled and gave both his friends a hug... and from his baggage he was feeling ready, even as his backpack there was a bunny who was also munching a little carrot as it was also leaving the show with his owner and friend. Even though his friends couldn't believe it, they had to accept it, his friend decided to leave the show, just like all the others.

It was a very harsh way to say goodbye, but they knew sooner or later the gentle giant would have to leave.

And at the boat... DJ sat as he was petting his bunny.

"Sometimes I wondered how I managed to get that far, even as many challenges it had brought the best of me and also my worst qualities. In the end, I could say that... I know that I made my momma proud. And from the boy who just got inside of this show, I felt like I grew up so much on this show." DJ commented as he smiled warmly from relief, as he felt that his soul was freed with good thoughts in his mind. "I never cheated, I never hurt someone, and I lived up to the times of courage that I never thought I would have. And I can have to say, to quote my hero, the pink beagle Courage. The things I do for love... I voted myself off because I love my momma, I love my friends, and I love myself, and I think it was my time to leave because I lived up to the name of a Coward who became courageous... I will meet you all later, Duncan, Gwen, Lindsay, Heather, and Owen. Good luck..."

And with that, the episode ended... with what would be another bittersweet ending for many people... But with a satisfying conclusion for a Jamaican who knew that his momma would be proud of him.

Maybe he lived up to the name of Courage the Cowardly Dog after all. And when he got far away from the island. He couldn't also quote his hero one more word.

"YES." The Jamaican brick wall raised his arms as he cheered just like his friend quote Courage... And with that many viewers couldn't help but giggle from that final scene as the episode ended.

(Play Del Losers)

"Please." Izzy insisted.

"NO," Ezekiel shouted as he looked impatient and very angry.

"Come on Ezekiel, you are being unreasonable," Noah commented as he pointed out one of the drawings he had over the sketch.

"What's wrong with Water Hazard, he is awesome," Ezekiel said but both his friends couldn't agree with him.

"Yes, but he is overpowered, he is one alien that would have way too much power, and from what you told me, you were planning to do versions of Ben where he is older and more experienced. So it would be good for him to appear later on." Noah explained as Ezekiel knew what he was talking about.

"I know, I know. Ben is 10 years old, and he needs to have equilibrium on power balance and weakness. But why are you insisting on Ripjaws?" Ezekiel commented as Izzy was happy with the drawing sketch of the aquatic fish alien which was able to eat metal. "It's just a sketch of him and wasn't even a very interesting alien."

"Ah come on Zeke, look at him, it's a fish which can destroy any kind of metal, and being on water and having weakness of being outside water like any fish," Izzy said as she was giving puppy eyes dog at him, but Ezekiel was deadpanning towards that.

"He was a prototype of something far more greater than that, and that weakness is terrible, most of the adventure and lore around the book will be on Earth, and I want an alien to control water. To be useful, and crushing metal while it happens to be interesting with teeth, Four Arms it's so strong that it can rip robots apart and even punch toward metal from how strong he was, and Diamondhead also can cut metal because of his sharp diamond body." Ezekiel pointed out the most things that he didn't find of the alien useful, which made Ezekiel really angry about his friends insisting on the idea of a mermaid alien having legs and having a terrible weakness of dehydration being like that.

"Then why don't you just modify him? Like a more believable version of him without being overpowered like Water Hazard as you said." Noah commented as Ezekiel was slamming his head on the wall, and while he wanted to point it out, Noah sighed and decided to comment again. "I know that your lore made Ripjaws more like a Neanderthal version of an aquatic type civilization, so why not make his physiology like a fish which is also able to breathe outside of water in a more natural way? Like a mudskipper?"

Ezekiel paused to slam his head on the wall, as Izzy looked eager about it.

"Ohhh, I like this idea, make him absorb oxygen from the water and place it over his lungs, and with the time he passes outside of the water, with each attack he gets, the water from his lungs would be absorbed and he would need to recharge... And as time he gets older or used way more frequently... He would need less oxygen and he would have more time outside of the water." Izzy said as she was giving ideas for the redesign. "Also since he is a very old specimen as you said... you could make his fish scales able to absorb water and redirect the water to his lungs and separate the oxygen from the water."

Ezekiel remained in silence... as he looked at both his friends who were debating ideas... They had been arguing about Ripjaws for a whole hour, and Ezekiel wanted so much to break anything on that point... But at that time he was just too tired.

"Fine, I will redesign him to make him on the original cast of the book," Ezekiel said as he sat on the couch, ironically he couldn't escape from the original design of the Ben 10 drawings, and he regretted making the sketches of all the aliens from the first season. "Just know that I'm doing this against my will, and I blame you two for that."

Izzy cheered while Noah rolled his eyes, knowing that a book should be good and interesting for everyone, and knowing that he was interested in what his friend would elaborate on the one generation one shot he had in mind.

"But I will also make it modifications in a way I want." Ezekiel then decided to make sure to himself... if people wanted Ripjaw, then he was going to make his own version of Ripjaws. "You want an alien with balance and weakness? Alright, I will give you that, but now I want you two to give me the best 10 ideas you have about powers and weaknesses to modify more Ripjaws, I will use your concept of this way Noah, but now I want more. So give me more."

At that time, the trio decided to brainstorm a better way to make Ripjaws loyal to his design, but also make him fulfill his purpose of neanderthal Fishman who not only crushes metal, and swims, but also does something more.

Chapter 36: Playa Del Losers Shenanigan's 2

Chapter Text


Sadie was thrilled for the afternoon, having spent most of her day eagerly preparing herself to watch the newest episode of the show, since the days of the challenge were the ones which would make the campers reunite and enjoy a good time to see their friends reaching at the final 6, now she was getting excited to see who was going to be the final 5 campers. Harold as the good friend he was, made Sadie feel really happy with the wavy ponytail he did on her, instead of her iconic usual 2 ponytails, the nerd who had spent good hours taking care of the hair of all the girls on the island, managed to make sure that it would be looking great into each girl. And with a new hairstyle on her head, she was ready to do an amazing job.

After finishing her workout, she decided to reward herself with some homemade ice cream. But this wasn't just any ice cream; she was making it from scratch, eager to create enough for herself and her best friend, Katie who was sharing a few sweet moments with her boyfriend, leaning against the counter as they whispered and laughed together, Katie also got a new revamp on her usual hairstyle, since Harold wanted both girls to have more personality to each of them, he made a long butterfly haircut on her since it fit her long black hair which was disguised in two ponytails. Cody was a happy man when he found out another way to love his girl, but since the duo were having fun in the kitchen he got curious, and couldn't help but to ask Sadie one important question.

"Hey, Sadie, are you sure you know how to make ice cream?" Cody asked, looking at the big-boned with muscles who was placing the ingredients in the blender. And Cody by checking which some that felt strange for him he couldn't help but ask.

"Absolutely! It's actually pretty easy once you get the hang of it." Sadie looked up with a grin since she was doing great by using all her experience to make ice cream. "Plus, it's way more fun than just buying it from the store. And also nobody from my family, and even Katie's family complained about my ice cream."

Katie, overhearing their conversation, turned away from her boyfriend and joined them.

"You should've seen her during our school trip fundraiser. She made these amazing ice cream sandwiches that everyone loved." Katie said as she remembered the days they were doing their best to have enough money for the school trip. "We needed money for a school trip, and Sadie came up with the idea to sell ice cream sandwiches. They were a huge hit! We sold out and made enough money for the entire trip."

"It wasn't just me. Katie sewed these adorable chef hats and aprons for us to wear. They caught everyone's attention and made our stand look super professional." Sadie laughed, shaking her head. As even they were a few years younger, she always would say that if wasn't for the help of her best friend and sister of another mother, she wouldn't have done it.

"It was definitely a team effort." Katie blushed, nudging Sadie playfully.

"Sounds like you two make a great team. So, what flavor are you making today?" Cody asked as he was chuckling from the iconic duo still doing the same thing, they always would try to say good things of each other, sometimes it gets tiring, but sometimes it was fun to see them telling a good story. And he was intrigued to see what the Asian twin would be doing.

"I was thinking of making vanilla with chocolate chip mix-ins. It's simple, but you can never go wrong with it." Sadie commented as she shrugged, and Cody nodded his head in understanding. "Also yesterday I left in the freezer a tub of my special salted caramel coconut ice cream."

"Ohhhhhhh, it has been years since I had one," Katie said eagerly as she was already going to the freezer to take the tub which was written Sadie with hearts on it. "Ahhhh, I can't wait to take it a spoon."

"Wow, is that good?" Cody asked as he saw Katie bringing a small bowl for the geek to have a taste of it... And by shrugging his arms he decided to give it a try, and oh boy, his sweet tooth gleamed with joy when he got a taste of that ice cream. "Holyshit Sadie, this ice cream is incredible."

"I KNOW RIGHT?" Katie said as she was enjoying a good taste of the said ice cream, while she could see her best friend still focusing on the work. "Do you need some help, Sadie?"

"Sure! Could you chop the chocolate for me?" Sadie asked, handing Katie a bar of chocolate and a knife. "I'm going to place the heavy cream on the blender."

"Okay." Katie smiled, as Cody shrugged, since they didn't have anything much to do on the day, so working together and learning a thing or two from Sadie who actually knows how to make tasting ice cream was a good idea.

The trio was having fun making the ice cream, laughing and chatting as they worked together. Suddenly, they saw Ezekiel walking towards the kitchen, his face a mask of frustration and annoyance.

"Hey, Zeke, what's up?" Cody asked, noticing Ezekiel's tense expression. But the boy passed by him and simply walked at the counter and without a word slammed his head down with a dramatic thud. The trio exchanged concerned glances.

"Ughhhhhh."Ezekiel just mumbled while the others visibly winced from the groaning of the homeschooled boy.

"Zeke, are you okay?" Katie asked in a concerned tone and the only reply was an even louder groaning. "What happened?"

"I don't want to talk about it." Ezekiel's muffled words could be heard as he refused to raise up his head, which made the others glance at each other before Ezekiel just finished it. "Izzy and Noah found out a sketch of a character that I wasn't happy to write about. And now they insisted to me to write him. And now they are in my bedroom planning ideas for the character while I have a desire to have a meltdown."

"Wow, I never thought writing a story would be difficult like that. I mean, why just not ignore them and don't write at all?" Cody asked as Ezekiel didn't even raise his head but let his answer be clear.

"Because while I hate to admit, they have a point. So now they are passing time writing down ideas while I need a recharge." Ezekiel said as he couldn't deny the point, sometimes writers had to use characters they don't like for the sake of the plot of the story but also for the joy of the readers. The trio then stares at Ezekiel with his arm raised."Can someone bring me something to eat?"

Katie and Cody glanced at each other before Cody made a bowl of ice cream for the boy and put the spoon in his hand.

It was comical to see Ezekiel trying to reach the bowl with a spoon without looking. Since most of the time he was missing the target and hitting the counter instead.

Sadie looked in concern as she was still placing the heavy cream on the blender and Katie was cutting the chocolate.

Until the trio watched Ezekiel manage to have a spoonful of ice cream and place it in his mouth...

The munching sounds were the only thing the group heard until Ezekiel slowly raised his head.

"Holy Grob Gob Glob Grod... This thing is fantastic." Ezekiel quotes the 4 entities of Mars as his tongue tasted the salty caramel and coconut. Sadie smiled wide and Katie giggled. "What brand is this from?"

"They are homemade. Sadie did it." Katie said proudly as Ezekiel blinked and turned at the strong girl who was giggling and placing sugar a bit of salt on the blender.

"No seriously, what brand is it?" Ezekiel commented as Sadie looked hurt from the way Ezekiel said it, which immediately said at the strong-boned girl. "Because Holyshit Sadie, this is by far one of the best ice creams I ever had."

That comment alone made Sadie smile wider as Ezekiel was being honest with what he said. Especially since it had been years since he had tasted Ben&Jerry's, Häagen-Dazs, and Bacio di Latte, those were great ones he had in his past life, and it had been so long that he had a good ice to actually taste it.

"Really?" Sadie asked hopefully, as Cody could see the moody Ezekiel was over, and now it was replaced with the same Ezekiel who always liked to talk about the others.

Minutes passed in a blink, while Ezekiel was drinking a good glass of water after the refreshing ice cream tub, and surprisingly for using weight around everything he does, from eating ice cream to even drinking a glass of water he seemed to be used to wearing weights in both his wrists. Cody was glad to eat the remaining tub since he loves sugar and candy, and Sadie already finished the vanilla with chocolate chips to make it good for the night when the episode started.

Knowing that during the whole episode, Sadie would need to burn all that sugar while doing exercises or Eva would eat her alive. But she was already used to it.

Katie on the other hand was tipping her finger on the counter, which Cody was on his sugar distraction, while Ezekiel seemed to be noticing the unamused look on her face. Katie had already eaten and she was happy for a few seconds but then it felt like she just lost interest.

"Is there something on your mind Katie?" Ezekiel asked as he seemed back and recharged he could see the Tan girl snap from her thoughts and look at Ezekiel in surprise.

"Oh, nothing..." Katie commented as she could see her boyfriend finishing eating and her best friend doing her work. While she couldn't help but show one feeling that most people would understand... "It's just I feel that we have been in a routine. Ever felt the feeling of being bored?"

"All the time." Ezekiel's answer surprised Katie and Ezekiel now felt more relieved than ever. "Especially when I was with pneumonia, I couldn't enjoy the hot tub and neither the pool, the television just had the recorded episodes and the pay-per-view of the show only. And the internet access we have only for our email and the forum of the show... Writing my chapters and doing all the crazy ideas with Izzy was the only way to drive away our boredom."

Katie felt relieved as she could see that she wasn't alone on that.

"I agreed, I wish they could allow us to have telephone access to talk to our parents, I think my mom misses me so much, and Sadie's mom as well," Katie commented as Sadie sat with worry on her friend.

"Yeah, if my mom saw me right now, she'd probably freak out," Sadie nodded in agreement with Katie while letting out a laugh. "She's never seen me like this. All this training with Eva's regime has made me lose a bit of fat but with more muscles. so now I'm the big bone girl with muscles." To emphasize her point, Sadie flexed her arm, accidentally ripping the back of her shirt slightly. She giggled sheepishly. "Oops! There goes another shirt."

Katie looked at the tear and sighed.

"I'll fix that later, don't worry," she said, shaking her head with a fond smile as her friend nodded her head happily, while Ezekiel, who had been silently watching, blinked in surprise.

"Wait, you can sew?"Ezekiel asked as he had never seen an episode of Katie holding a line and pin or using a machine, but knowing how the show only cares about important scenes, he saw first hand what could happen behind the scenes.

"Yep! I'm the one who designed and made the clothes Sadie and I have been wearing for so long." Katie said as she smiled at her best friend who nodded her head and looked at the homeschooled boy with a proud look on her face.

"We have been using this design since 4 years old," Said said as Ezekiel and even Cody blinked a few times, which made the girls proud of themselves.

"So, you made those outfits yourself?" Ezekiel commented as Katie nodded her head happily.

"Yeah. When we were kids, I designed these small t-shirts and tiny shorts for us, and we loved them so much that I kept making them as we grew up." Katie said proudly as Cody and Ezekiel glanced at each other.

"Without changing the size of them?" Cody asked which made Katie giggle, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink.

"Well, I made them bigger to adjust our bodies, but I liked the concept of mini-shirts and mini shorts which made both us look as beautiful as we are right now." Katie giggled sheepishly as Ezekiel nodded his head after learning much more about his friends.

"That explains a few questions, and now I'm interested to ask one in my mind right now," Ezekiel said as he was impressed to know that from that age Katie was the one who designed the clothes. In his mind, he recalled from the total Dramarama the tiny Katie and Sadie were wearing the same clothes, but then it struck his mind like lightning, the tiny shorts and shirt, they fit themselves perfectly as kids, and now they grew up, but never changed their sizes. "Why haven't you tried new designs? From the point of you have made the same style and the way you both look comfortable even on this tiny version, I think you have the potential to try new styles and new clothes for all of us."

"Is it about the comment you said when you were having the haircut?" Sadie commented as Katie blushed in a red color this time, more of a shame, and Cody raised his eyebrows at them.

"You don't say anything, you cannot judge me because you also had the same pair of pants and shirts in your bedroom, I saw it," Katie said as her boyfriend was about to ask something, but looking at the moment it was the best to remain in silence. "And yes Ezekiel, I guess it just never crossed my mind. We liked them so much that it just became a habit. And I didn't think maybe having the same quantity of clothes would make people think we didn't change clothes."

"Katie also made the aprons we wore for our school project. They were a big hit and really made us look professional."

Sadie chimed in, as she recorded the time both girls wore a well designed pink aprons with black stripes and green letters marking their names. "It helped us with the sales of my ice cream sandwiches."

"You're amazing, you know that? Maybe I should ask you to make my clothes in the future," Cody, who had been listening with a smile, leaned in to kiss Katie on the cheek he joked, winking. "Although, I think I'll pass on the tiny shirt and tiny pink shorts."

The reply from the tan twin was just a smile and a big stomp on his foot.

"OUCH. Okay okay, I can accept the tiny shirt," Cody joked as Sadie and Ezekiel chuckled from the sudden yelp.

"Whop-eesh." Ezekiel on the other hand moved with his hands and a cracked whip sound which made him, Katie, and Sadie laugh while Cody pouted from the joke the boy just made. But then had a good smile on his face. "Thanks, girls, I was needing this. But what he said was right, if you were so used to making t-shirts and shorts, why not explore more and try new things? Maybe if people saw how great you are, you could be a great designer."

"Do you think so?"Katie said that she was now looking at her own clothes, and she couldn't help that maybe she could try new ideas.

"Yes, I do... And I think I have one idea." Ezekiel commented as he saw a good opportunity for him to use. "I have a few draws on my bedroom, about the type of style of clothing I wish for me, and it couldn't hurt if you give it a try."

"That's actually a good idea, but I think I would need materials for that, like line, fabric, etc..." Katie said as she felt a little worried about how the plan wouldn't work.

"Like Izzy who had on her bedroom?" Cody asked which made both Katie and Sadie blink, while Ezekiel placed his hand on the cheek while the memories crossed on his mind.

"Oh yeah, when her lawyers had to make a revamp on Izzy's Happy Sap factory, and they wanted her to give a look at what would be all the materials for her to decide which colors should be the factory and also the fabrics for the uniforms of the employees," Ezekiel commented as he remembered on how much stressed Izzy was on that day. "I think that's why she spent a lot of time doing crazy stunts with us because the stress was catching her up."

"Like the time you both used the shield of yours as a catapult to launch you both," Cody commented while Ezekiel rolled his eyes.

"You were also there, don't place the blame on me. I wasn't the one who screamed like a little girl." Ezekiel said as Cody blushed, which made both Katie and Sadie giggle from the geek story.

"Oh come on, it was very high... while I cannot deny that it has been fun, it was crazy and dangerous," Cody commented as Ezekiel looked at him with his eyebrows raised.

"Like most of the episodes of the show?" Ezekiel asked and Cody raised his finger to comment, but then lowered down, and looked sheepish...

"When are we going to do that again?" Then the nerd confessed the question which made Ezekiel chuckle... Both couldn't deny, that thing was fun and very adrenaline-addicting.

"When we are bored and we don't have an episode of the show today." Ezekiel shrugged, as the group was preparing themselves to watch the episode of the tri-armed-triathlon, in which anything could happen. He just hoped that the things on that day would end great for him and his friends.

The episode itself had been a lot to talk about since the crew laughed a lot when it came about MacArthur and Sanders, and for Ezekiel, it was hilarious to have them so early on the show, they are like a breath of fresh new air for the campers and for himself, good changes to see how the next episode would go.

From seeing the confessions of each camper, many were sympathetic with Gwen as it seemed she got a reality shock from the Hook, Line, and Screamer, and for more and more Ezekiel isn't sure if in the end Owen, Gwen would be the finalists like the cannon.

Beth was smiling happily to see Lindsay happy on her way to the final three, and Izzy was surprised to see Lindsay treating the military girl friendly and talking good about her, and the mango lipstick flavor really made Izzy think about it and nod her head in approval, she was glad to make a new friend... but the ending though... Tyler gave a glare to Trent every time Lindsay talked about the dirt pancakes.

Courtney was cheering up her boyfriend while the Killer Bass chuckled at the memories of the first episode even Harold laughed at how he needed more practice with the nunchucks and he had to agree with Duncan, all of the Killer Bass agreed, that they missed the first episode, and how fun it was for them to be friends on that time. And from another perspective, after everything they went through... Duncan was right, jumping from a cliff to a zone with sharks? Easy Peasy...

Even the sharks nodded their heads as they agreed. Most of the campers had no idea how they managed to get on the playa del losers, but they got used to them. Courtney was cheering for her boyfriend since she also missed her delinquent lover.

DJ's confession made Ezekiel imagine who would be the next eliminated of the challenge, he was glad that Courage helped the Jamaican during most of the episodes of the season but enough was enough, DJ was reaching his limit, and from the way he described, everyone stared at Izzy who paused but nodded her head solemnly, a show like that could break anyone by surprise, and they wouldn't blame DJ in case he would give up.

Owen was Owen. Even if some campers were still disappointed in his decision, they couldn't help but chuckle at his antics, even the way he is, he is always cheerful and makes everyone roll their eyes with his imagination.

Now for Heather, from the way she described Noah and Leshawna narrowed their eyes, while Ezekiel raised his eyebrow from the way she talked... Heather as rude as she could be, even bitchy about many things, it's still surprising as the way she talked about Beth and Lindsay, indeed what a little action could change completely the way Heather viewed her former alliance from cannon... And Beth was smiling happily at her friend because she was used to the way the queen bee talked. Since that's how she cared about them. Beth nodded her head as Heather ordered her to take care of herself, and everyone could understand her point of view. She promised on the final 3, and in times like that, she would go full competition, which would be the time to temporarily cut the ties and focus on the game.

"I respect her decision," Ezekiel murmured as he could see how it ended, and with his eyes rolling he already knew things would work. "It's not a good idea, but I respect your decision."

And then it came the challenges, Duncan handcuffed with Heather, Lindsay with Gwen, and Owen with DJ... Which partnerships were going to be tested, as even Ezekiel would be interested to know how it was going to end...

And like the cannon, Owen won for the team, but this time DJ was the one who suffered... Ezekiel laughed when Heather felt a shiver on her spine because he knew she was the one who was supposed to be in DJ's place. Lindsay and Gwen seemed to be having fun, while Heather had a point, going against Owen in a food-eating contest was pointless. But Duncan had to give up at some point.

Then it comes the canoe trip, which made Ezekiel and Beth their eyes wide open in shock, which the Boney Island name was enough to make Beth pale, the same way as Heather, and from the panic on the queen bee's face... Everyone from the Playa Del Losers felt kinda sad for the girl...

And both Ezekiel and Beth prayed that nobody would have taken a cursed item from the island... Later they felt horrified to see Heather having a panic attack. Everyone paused as they watched how serious it was, to the point were Courtney's mouth went in shock when Duncan had to give a hug to the queen bee, and slowly managed to make her stop hyperventilating. Sometimes the Killer Bass forgot Duncan came from a family of detectives, and learning a lot from the past, even the worst shit of blood in a paper, he still managed to help a camper. Especially Heather.

Ezekiel lowered his head as he couldn't help but admit that he was caught by the moment, he should have treated better his body but he decided to create a prank war because they had bruised his ego, so in the end he had to give up because his body couldn't keep up with him. Also, the campers chuckled when Duncan offered the idea of Ezekiel asking for Heather to do Lady's Raincorn quotes, which the group was interested in seeing Heather speak Korean.

And for the relief of everyone, there isn't a rainstorm or a snowstorm happening on Boney Island.

Owen on the other hand, gave a very deep explanation about himself that took many by surprise, not realizing that even as upbeat as Owen was, nobody thought about what he truly felt about his life, and he defined a good part of his character, which he feared to screw up... But not knowing that he indeed screw up badly, DJ's words were exactly what Owen needed to hear and have a reality shock when it comes to the fat boy. When he asked what else he could have done, Ezekiel smiled proud of how DJ taught him what Courage would always have done, he would run away with the people he cared about most, and DJ was brutally honest with Owen about how Izzy would never give a chance to him again, Izzy nodded her head in agreement, she would never make the same mistake which would lead her being killed like that. When DJ said for Owen to take his grown-up pants and learn from his mistakes, everyone applauded for DJ teaching Owen how it should have been done. But then the nostalgic talk about family attacked DJ which made everyone feel how DJ must have missed his mother.

Lindsay was surprised that nobody ever thought about it. Nobody was ready for her scene with Gwen, from the joke made by Gwen being followed by Lindsay obeying her made the campers laugh, and the way she described Heather, Beth, and even Izzy as her friends was touching. And Izzy felt kinda bad for leaving the blond bombshell without saying more words or having more time to learn about her, but it was nice to see her getting a new friend, and the campers nodded their heads when Gwen explained that Izzy had her reasons to leave... And with a revelation which caught everyone by surprise except for Izzy who knew before... Ezekiel never realized that possibility if wasn't for Heather clarifying with her words that yes... Lindsay is dyslexic and even as a kid she had difficulty learning names and following orders. Which made Ezekiel slap his head for not realizing it sooner. Gwen also apologized for probably making fun of the girl for so long, but Lindsay just shrugged it off and told on how her parents had to adapt the way she must read books... And Ezekiel had a revelation at that moment... It wasn't only Lindsay, but probably many kids would suffer the same problems she had been getting into reading books. And her father's idea to make improv audio books for his daughter, made him write the idea to make sure to try audiobooks for people who couldn't read a book.

Ezekiel laughed at the faces of everyone when they found out what kind of books Lindsay liked, and to be honest for a person like Lindsay to like Sherlock Holmes and Murder on the Orient Express? It wasn't a surprise that she won the mystery movie challenge on the Total Drama Action, she was in her element. And that made the episode even sweeter for Ezekiel. And to say Lindsay created plans to be so crazy and stupid that it might work, Ezekiel would be curious about how she could have done it. It sounded fun.

So when the groups went to Boney Island, for the relief of Ezekiel, they didn't have the broken pieces of the cursed Tiki, it was just a race for the place where they had a bonfire, which was great. Everyone had their worries about the dangerous animals, but they couldn't help but laugh at DJ teaching Owen how to be a true coward while they were followed by the dangerous animals.

Lindsay and Gwen were having a great time as Cody was happy to be remembered and even got a kiss on his cheek by his girlfriend as his heroic moment, which made him proud. And the more they learned about Lindsay the more they enjoyed knowing how she liked mystery movies.

"Unusual suspects."

"Based," Ezekiel said as he agreed with her.

"The Pink Panther."

"BASED," Ezekiel shouted loudly as another great mystery movie which the campers glanced at him, made Ezekiel stare at Lindsay. Thinking about it, she would have been Inspector Clouseau's daughter.

"Ace Ventura."

"BASED," This time wasn't only Ezekiel but Bridgette and Izzy shouted loudly because they had to agree with Lindsay that Jim Carrey as an animal investigator solves cases even with his eccentricities, which was a good signal of a great movie.

And then Ezekiel blinked when she mentioned that she destroyed her father's favorite movie, which made the others don't understand what she said.

Until Ezekiel realized that she was talking about Indiana Jones, and Ezekiel knew that the Pandora box was opened. At that moment, Lindsay said the same words of Amy from The Big Bang Theory which made him surprised to see Lindsay from all people find the plot holes like that...




And it took 5 seconds until Cody and Harold had a meltdown. Just like Chris on the confession who started crying.

"UGHHHHHHHHHHHH." The nerds moaned as they looked at one of their favorite movies ruined from the simple perspective of Lindsay.

"Wait a minute. The Nazis were digging in the wrong place. The only reason they got the ark was because Indy found it first." Cody gave a point that Harold thought about it, but then another point crossed his mind.

"Actually, they were only digging in the wrong place because Indy had the medallion," Harold explained in detail as he couldn't help but point out another good point which made Cody's eyelids twitch... "Without him, they would've had the medallion and dug in the right place."

Another second passed, until both boys groaned in displeasure, while Katie and Leshawna looked at both nerds having a a meltdown.

"Wait, wait. If it wasn't for Indiana Jones, the ark would never have ended up at the warehouse." Cody snapped his fingers and Harold had his eyes wide open and smiled.

"That's true, he collected and delivered the ark to the proper authorities for filling," Harold said in agreement, which both could feel their mission accomplished.

Sadly both for them, Ezekiel watched The Big Bang Theory.

"Although technically Indy was supposed to take the ark to a museum to be studied, he couldn't even get that done." Ezekiel pointed out which left both nerds having their mouths dropped in shock, and then blinking until the terrible feeling once again hit on their stomachs.

"Noooooooooo..." Both Cody and Harold went on their knees and had the Indiana Jones plot messed with them.

Ezekiel glanced at the duo reaching the breakpoint, which appeared a thought on his mind.

"Should I tell them about how in the future they found explanations that would help to save Indiana Jones?" Ezekiel thought to himself, but then looking at the duo reaching that point and the Kingdom of the Cyrstal Skull was about to be released that year? Ezekiel remembered how many fans of the movie got disappointed and trashed the franchise for what disappointment the future movies of the old archeologist hero became... "Nah, it's from 2013 to 2015 they solved the mystery of saving the Indiana Jones plot, let the fans don't get their hopes too high on Kingdom of the Cyrstal Skull. It will save their hearts from disappointment. I suffered with that Pandora Box opened from that comedy series, so let Canada suffer with him."

"Hey." Then a familiar voice whispered which made Ezekiel glance at Izzy who was curious about it."In the future, they found a way to save it?"

"Yes, they did in 2013 to 2015," Ezekiel commented as he saw the ginger girl raise her eyebrow.

"Aren't you going to save those 2 having an existential crisis?" Izzy asked which made Ezekiel scoff.

"Fuck no, I had to suffer from that revelation in the future, it took me years to move on from that, I'm bulletproof now. And nobody helped me when I was in their place. So misery loves company, if I had to suffer, so they as well..." Ezekiel smirked as he could see Izzy enjoying their talk. "And the internet isn't that advanced that where everyone could research in Google all they want, it took a lot of debate and many people arguing for finally came up with solutions... Which I'm going to be in silence to save them from the disaster,"

"What disaster?" Izzy said curious as Ezekiel raised his hand with four fingers shown.

"The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull doesn't deserve the hype, and maybe Lindsay is going to save a lot of money from the disappointed fans, which while it sucks, it's a sacrifice we must do..." Ezekiel said solemnly as the time he was alive in the other universe, he got into the fandom of Indiana Jones with his mother who was a teacher, from what subject she taught at other schools he had no idea, but from all the material she gave him to study at home, and with her support into learning more about geography, English and even history, he missed the times when she rewarded him by watching classic movies that both his parents loved to watch when they had a day off... Especially from the meltdown both of them were disappointed to see Indiana Jones surpassing the limits of bringing aliens to the movie. The worst revelation of the movie, the boy who is a rebel is Indi's son.

A nostalgic smile appeared on his face, while Izzy looked at him in disbelief.

"Wow, it shouldn't be that bad." Izzy raised her eyebrow and in disbelief.

"It's your money you are using, so suit yourself." Ezekiel shrugged as he then glanced in a direction and noticed something unfamiliar. He just saw Courtney and Bridgette looking at them both. "Err... what's going on with Courtney and Bridgette?"

"Ah, nothing too much," Izzy just shrugged off, which made Ezekiel blink, but then return to see the episode.




"They have been whispering way too much," Courtney commented, as Bridgette tried to read their lips, but failed spectacularly.

"I don't know how they do that in the movies, it's very hard to read lips." The surfer commented as the duo ignored the moaning of pain from both nerds, while their respective girlfriends tapped their backs as they tried to give comfort to their broken hearts and dreams like Chris had...

"Well we have to find out more about them," Courtney gave up as she decided to focus on the television, with both girls already passing days watching closely on how the duo always acted.

"Well, we could wait for the right opportunity. I mean, they seemed acting naturally and we will find a way to prove we are right." Bridgette shrugged as the C.I.T. girl couldn't help but accept.

"You are right... Maybe we could do a better investigation and talk more with Zeke, maybe he is overworking himself and needs something to distract himself and relax." Courtney nodded her head as she even looked at Katie, Sadie, and Ezekiel were eating ice cream. "I'm going to talk to him later."

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. Now, I'm going to kiss my boyfriend and enjoy the rest of the show." Bridgette smirked as she was walking at Geoff while Courtney rolled her eyes.

"Okay, if she kisses more than 5 minutes I'm going to use the spray." Courtney smiled as she then returned to the only show they were allowed to use.




The group watched the duos appearing and saw the new challenge of how difficult it was going to be for them. Since it would require a memory test and determine the victory and the immunity.

The totem of shame and humiliation, and how the campers would find themselves confused in trying to remember the right order, some campers who had great memories like Noah, Courtney, and Ezekiel memorized the order, and while Noah and Courtney did by the memory of campers, Ezekiel followed the order of episodes which he remembered clearly from which person was eliminated on the specific challenge.

But the group then blinked and cringed at how Owen couldn't save himself from saying something he could regret.

Justin felt uncomfortable by Owen saying that about him, and DJ came to the rescue and gave a lesson to Owen about not making things worse for him.

Heather and Duncan surprisingly showed a good dynamic as they worked together while Killer Bass rolled their eyes at Heather's attempt at Duncan's elimination from saying their word, and Courtney saw how Duncan looked at her wooden face.

Lindsay surprised everyone in a way nobody expected, Lindsay opened her heart and with a speech like that, there was no way Beth couldn't be emotional and cry a lot. As the campers couldn't help but admire Lindsay's resolve, she and Heather are determined to reach the final 3.

Ezekiel never thought about how Lindsay showed gratitude for Beth's sacrifice, and surprisingly, Ezekiel couldn't help but think that maybe something like that would happen.

If Heather and Lindsay get on the final 3, the triple dog dare you challenge is going to be a battle of resolve, and this time Heather and Lindsay won't have each other's back... And to be honest... He would be lying if he wasn't eager to see that challenge happening.

But in the next episode, nobody knows who could be eliminated.

Courtney, Bridgette, Harold, Katie, and Sadie couldn't help but be amazed by Lindsay's determination and Tyler smiled happy and proud of his girl who wanted to win to show that she could do it.

That speech alone made many who were watching would be eager to cheer for Lindsay and Heather to reach the final three. In the name of Beth and Izzy who did their best to make solid steps while Killer Bass crumbled from the pressure without most of their pillars.

Courtney smiled at seeing how much Duncan cared about her... Everyone who saw Chris making fun of him getting hit by Eva's head was funny, but Heather said that even though Eva was out of the game she could hurt the others and made all the campers laugh. Who knew the Queen Bee had good jokes?

And then the end of the challenge, which everyone chuckled at how Chris couldn't say their names right. And with Heather and Duncan with immunity... It could be anyone who could be eliminated.

But DJ saying he voted on Lindsay because he knew that he would be in a tie with Owen was a very good play, while some of the campers were still in shock. Ezekiel smiled proudly at the speech DJ gave as he was on the boat of losers, and when he gave the sudden move from Courage shouting yes, Ezekiel chuckled at how DJ indeed incorporated the spirit of Courage...

Just a story, which was able to transform his life. And how an idea was enough to change the lives of others. In the same way, Ezekiel felt when he watched his favorite shows. He laughed, he cried and he learned from every single one of them... And he was proud to pass this message on to the others as well...

"Alright, it seems that we came to a decision then?" Ezekiel asked as both Izzy and Noah nodded their heads, it had been a long hour after the episode, and since the group was waiting for DJ to get to the Playa Del Losers, they had to debate the main issue of the alien that it had to be written around the show. And Ezekiel had to make a draw about the new version of Ripjaws.

The new version of Ripjaws was inspired by mudskippers, fish that can absorb less oxygen from water and gradually adapt to terrestrial environments. As Ripjaws matures, he requires less oxygen from water, allowing him to spend more time on land.

"From the key features, we have Oxygen Separation, which one long is specialized for extracting oxygen from water, while the other is the storage lung which acts as a reservoir, and storing water to make him not dehydrate and can be utilized for various purposes in case Ben would act creatively," Ezekiel explained from the words he debated with the duo who nodded their heads at him. "And depending on the months and years of experience, as he ages, he needs less oxygen from water, and having more facility in opening in the land... This is fair since he is 10 years old, and in case years in the future he uses this transformation would make him more experient in using transformation."

From the point of view of Noah, that power was very well balanced, and since Omnitrix was more used as a way of research and exploration across the true peace without war, it was a good way to adapt his weakness as the time they became older and wiser.

"Now mine," Izzy said as Ezekiel nodded his head and continued to explain the good powers Ripjaws would use around the chapters and how it would be more convenient around the lore, like most of the other aliens. Making each of them have strengths and weaknesses.

"Mechanism of defense, he can use the stored water to sharpen and enlarge his scales, to make them more like tools to crush rocks on the water, but if used in another way it could transform them into projectiles. He can launch these sharpened scales as water projectiles for ranged attacks but also leaks the water stored inside of his body like water drops bullets, wasting a good source of water inside of his storage lung. He can also create large fins that can be thrown like boomerangs, adding to his offensive arsenal." Ezekiel commented on the last skill like something possible that no Piscciss Volann could have thought into something like that. Since Ben was a child, he could think of ideas outside of the box, which helped him to become a great hero in the future. "And now for the drawbacks... which mostly likely is the water management. Every time Ripjaws uses his water projectiles or sustains damage, the stored water is consumed.

Water Replenishment: After using his abilities or taking hits, Ripjaws needs to return to water quickly to replenish his water reserves, ensuring he can continue to fight effectively."

"He sounds so much more awesome," Izzy commented as Noah nodded his head.

"Yes, and from the way you are describing, you plan to make his challenges and fights very difficult for him which would explore his weakness like that. Which would show a good conflict for the future." Noah concluded as Ezekiel had to give to both of his friends, they really managed to make one of the most filler aliens to finally reach his potential. And that without thinking of ideas they gave to him which he would probably use on Ultimate Ripjaws... He was already thinking of making a few fanarts of them when they get bored.

"Well, I have nothing else to say, he is on the team." Ezekiel accepted and Izzy was very happy and Noah was satisfied with the results. And with the new project of Ben 10 in the future, nobody will ever imagine what kind of superhero he is going to make. And looking at how much time he would take to make that book... It would be the time he would probably be writing on Total Drama Action.

DJ thought that since the elimination he could return to his momma and have a nice conversation with her, however since the captain had told him that he was supposed to go to a new place with the other campers, it had been a stab in his heart... But somehow the captain showed a good kindness to him and said there was a package that he was supposed to bring from downtown, so he could try to use a public telephone to make a call to his family since nobody would know.

That would make their trip longer, but it would be enough for the giant Jamaican to be happy and get in contact with his momma again.

And hours passed until the boat reached the shore of a city that he hadn't seen for so long. And while it would be overwhelming to anyone who returned from the show. DJ was more focused on one simple thing.

"Momma, it's me," DJ commented as he was holding the telephone in his hands, preparing himself for anything his mother would say to him, and even that wasn't enough for what his mother would say.

"Devon Joseph, I have never been so proud of you." Momma on the other side of the telephone the voice and the maternal love that he missed for so long finally made him release the tears he had been holding for so long. "You did your best, and you did the right thing until the end, and you shouldn't be worried about me, I made great friends while you were on the show..."

DJ felt happy with himself as he showed that indeed he did the right thing, but when his momma told him that she made friends while he was on the show he was surprised as he couldn't imagine that all the Killer Bass mothers decided to make lunch together and meet each other, and that actually made him happy, because if he knows all the parents of his friends, that means that he could call them to visit home or even invite them to go to his Birthday party as the same way he could sleep on his friend's house.

His momma usually only trusted people who she was friends with, and being friends with all the mothers of his friends indeed had been a great thing. Since she said she wasn't alone...

"So from what Eva told Anastasia, you will be in a resort 5 stars until the end of the show..." Momma had told her son about the details about what good things DJ could be enjoying and he couldn't help but be relieved to enjoy some good experience and even see his friends. "Also, if you see Eva, tell her that her mom wants to strangle her until she passes out."

"WHAT?" DJ asked loudly as he couldn't understand why his momma wanted to say that. "Okay, well the captain probably must have taken the package. I love you, momma, take care of yourself."

"Don't worry about me. Have fun with your friends. I know that you have so much to talk to them, and they will be happy to see you again." Momma said as the brick house with a heart knew what was about to happen. "I'm so happy for you have such amazing friends, my son, have fun and rest, you deserve it.'

DJ sniffed as he saw the bunny on his shoulder, which made him smile kindly and then return to the telephone.

"Thank you, momma, I love you," DJ said as a good way to turn off the telephone. He felt so relieved like he dropped all the weight off his shoulders.

Returning back to the boat, the Jamaican stared surprised as he saw more luggage and suitcases than before. Even leather backpacks that looked familiar.

"Wow, someone must be wanting to bring clothes at the trip," DJ commented as he couldn't understand why the captain would want to bring those until someone spoke behind him.

"Those are mine." The voice alone made the Jamaican jump on his place and turned his head to see a person he never thought he would be so happy to see.

"Eva, you are h...okay?" DJ was about to give a hug to his bodybuilder friend until he saw most parts of her torso and arms were covered in bandages, and he hesitated to say hello to her.

"I'm fine, I just have to leave the hospital since they were getting on my nerves," Eva commented as she cracked her neck. "Being on the bed while doing nothing had been a torture for me, and seeing that you guys reached the final 6 while I was laying on the bed annoyed me so much that I broke out from there."

"You broke out from hospital?" DJ said in alarm as he then realized what the words of his momma had said to him, and knowing that possibly he would need to pass the message to her, he didn't hesitate. "Then I think you should know that your mother wanted to strangle you."

For the first time, DJ never imagined seeing it, but he saw Eva flinch from hearing that message.

"I can imagine that," Eva mumbled as she looked at the captain who was ready to start the boat. "We better leave now."

DJ for the first time recognized that tone of voice, it was the tone of I made my parents mad so I better run before they catch me. A part of him smiled, knowing that deep down even the strongest woman he ever known had the same fear as many children in the world.

Anger of a mother indeed could be a universal thing.

But at least the duo could enjoy their rest with their friends, while Eva could pass her recovery by herself.

Everything is fine...

(Camp Wawanakwa ) (Pay-Per-View)

On the next morning at Camp Wawanakwa, the final 5 campers who managed to get so far on the show could understand that the more time passes the more lonely the place gets, since more empty the place would become without their team and friends to enjoy the whole island with them. Once a place that was full of movement, interaction, and energy, now lays the feeling of emptiness and sadness crossing around the remaining members of the show.

Each member felt the pressure of the competition since anything could happen, and they were thankful for whatever entity because the show finally was approaching an end.

Also for another good side, Heather, Lindsay, and even Duncan found good entertainment when they saw the cadets Sanders and MacArthur doing their patrols and acting on command sometimes when it wasn't about them. But for one person in question.

"PLEASE, I GIVE YOU ANYTHING YOU WANT, JUST LET ME HAVE ONE BITE," Owen begged as he approached both cadets who were holding their boxes of Donuts and a bowl of coffee in their hands. And MacArthur was holding a taser gun on the other aiming directly at the fat boy.

"One more step big guy, and I will shoot you for getting belligerent," MacArthur said as Owen tilted his head, and accidentally moved one step forward. "You asked for it."

"WAHWUAHAHAUHSUAHSUAHSUAS." Owen was about to say sorry but immediately was attacked by the taser which made the big-boned guy get electrified by the security who was hired to protect them, not to attack the campers. And when Owen went down with a little steam coming across his body, the pines were released back to the taser gun.

MacArthur blew the taser and placed it back in her belt.

"I love my job." The cadet said as the other cadet rolled her eyes. "Alright, 2 boxes of donuts and 2 liters of coffee for those ingrates, and in exchange, they would cover our shifts on the Weekend nights."

"Well you had a fight against them, and you lost it, it was great that we decided to act like diplomacy and everything went back to normal." Sanders walked as the security guards crossed carrying their donuts and coffee to the woods. While Duncan, Heather, Lindsay, and Gwen who just appeared there at the last moment raised her eyebrow at the scene.

"Owen tried to beg those academy cops for a donut again?" Gwen asked as the group nodded their heads at her, "I should have expected. So what did I miss?"

"Well, just the crying and the begging Owen does when he is despaired for food, and since someone trashed his secret candy stash by implementing you know which stink bomb, Owen got himself vomiting for the whole night while I moved my stuff on the Aquarium." The delinquent explained to Gwen the circumstance of what happened and why the familiar fart sound happened across the night, which made Gwen stares at Duncan by surprise. But he waved her thoughts away. "I was lucky that I was taking a shower when that happened. So I had to be quick and grab the essentials before I would have to wait for a few days until the smell got out from some of my clothes and then wash it at least 5 times."

"I hate how you sound so casual about it." Heather finally voiced her thoughts as both Gwen and Duncan shrugged in response, while Lindsay gave a slight wave at Gwen who gave a slight smile.

"If I have to confess, I was the one who maybe had caused this whole El Mongo and La Muerte sequence, Chef Hatchet learned to make a fatal stink bomb and now could use it to torture us whenever he wants, but at least he isn't aiming at us, as long we don't piss him off," Duncan said as he had no idea on why Owen was being targeted by the Chef, but probably having a secret stash of candy would make Chef infuriated with anyone.


Then an alarm was enough to make the 4 campers stare around until Chris' voice could be heard from the loudspeaker.

"Alright Final 5 Campers, congratulations on being the remaining members of the show, while the next episode of the show will happen in 2 days. I have a surprise for everyone in the amphitheater. So you better find me on there in one hour." Chris' congratulating and giving the news to the remaining five was unsettling and yet worrisome because usually nothing coming from Chris Mclean is good.


Chris stood at the front of the amphitheater, a wide grin plastered on his face as the remaining campers: Gwen, Duncan, Owen, Lindsay, and Heather took their seats. The sun was beginning to set, casting a warm, golden hue over the stage.

"Alright, campers! Congratulations on making it to the final five!" Chris announced, his voice echoing through the amphitheater. "You've all done an amazing job so far, and while we're preparing the next episode, I thought you deserved a little treat. Today, we have a special surprise for each of you."

The campers exchanged curious glances, a mixture of excitement and apprehension on their faces.

"Surprise?" Owen asked, eyes wide with anticipation. As he was on the verge of despair "Is it food? Is it candy? Please tell me it's candy."

"No, Owen, not this time."Chris chuckled. Knowing how the cadets tased the chubby boy for irritating them to their limits, he was going to love to see the edited version on pay-per-view in the future. But composing himself it was time to explain what's about to happen to the anxious campers."Today, we've got something even better. We have video messages from home! Each of your families has sent a 25-second message just for you."

The campers' eyes lit up with surprise and excitement. They leaned forward, eagerly anticipating the messages from their loved ones. Lindsay was jumping on her place in excitement, while Heather rolled her eyes but a good part of her missed her own mother, Gwen tried to hide but she was happy to know that she would receive a message from her mother and brother, and Duncan smirked, since he didn't see his parents since juvie, and it will be nice to find what his parents had to say about him.

Chris held up his hand to quiet them down.

"Now, here's how it's going to work. Each of you will get to see a video message from your family. We've kept them short and direct, and some were hilarious, just 25 seconds each, so make sure you pay attention! These messages are meant to give you a little boost and remind you of why you're here and how far you've come. But if you didn't manage to pay attention, this will be aired on the commercials on the television, so you may watch it someday on the channel."

"So, we get to see our families, even if it's just for a few seconds? And then we have our families exposed to whatever message they have for us and it will be aired on the television as many times as the show is allowed? "Gwen scoffed as she glared at the host who smirked at her, curiosity piqued. "Damn, you guys are good."

"Exactly," Chris replied. As he couldn't help but be excited to see how they would react to the videos by themselves, a good part of him already could smile evilly just for the thoughts. "These messages are from your parents and are meant to give you that extra push as we head into the final stages of the competition. It's not just about surviving anymore; it's about thriving and showing everyone what you've got."

"Oh my gosh, this is so amazing! I can't wait to see my parents!" Lindsay clapped her hands together excitedly.

"WHOHOOOOO. Let's go Chirs." Owen shouted as Chris chuckled at their acts. And already had the remote control on his hand.

"Alright, campers. Let's start with an easy one... Starting with you Duncan. Let's see what the parents of the bad boy last pillar of Killer Bass had to say. And in 3,2,1…" Chris pressed the button and at the time it showed a man resembling a more mature and bland version of Duncan, with his haircut which would be described as cowlick wearing a green sweater with a green tie, and on his side a blond woman with a short blonde hair red blouse sitting in a couch, while Duncan blinked as he saw a tan woman who looked exactly like his girlfriend, however, the age had caught her up as she showed to have a decade or two older than the girl who he has a relationship. The woman herself was wearing a red suit with a long red skirt and stared at the camera with a solemn look on their face.

"Hello Duncan, we came here because we are allowed to tell you that we love you…" Duncan's mother said which made the father roll his eyes as he was already to point out everything.

"Despite your arrest for the happy nud year stunt." The father, on the other hand, wasn't amused by telling one of the infringements and crimes that the boy had done.

"Or for selling your father's hair pieces as pets." The mother continued and before the father would say the rest of the message. The red suit woman intervened.

"Or for the pool party in the city Hall Fountain. But that's not what we are going to talk about." The woman finally explained Duncan could see that the attitude of command and authority from his girlfriend where it came from. "I have been working around the paperwork and I managed to convince a few friends of mine that since you are participating in the show, they decided to reduce the sentence to make you pay a few weeks of community service instead of being on the juvenile. So you are a free boy now."

"All of this thanks to Victoria." Duncan's mother commented as the father nodded in agreement.

Duncan had his eyes wide open in surprise as he never thought he would be so happy to hear that he wouldn't return on the juvie at the time he got over from the show. Even though it would suck to pay community service, instead of being on the juvie again that was a great exchange.

"But now returning on another thing… You better treat my daughter right Duncan, because if I find out that you destroyed her heart, then no lawyer in the world would save you from all the lawsuits and humiliation that I would be going to do with you, especially if I could make this show's contract into something way worse that it would make you legally their slaves. So do not provoke me." Victoria said those words which made Duncan pale and sweat in fear as he could see the angry face of his girlfriend who would want to rip off his face in case he messed up with Courtney, and already dealing with her was challenging but the pressure of having worst things than juvenile, made him fear for his life… Then he blinked when Victoria smiled at him. "But seeing how much you two grew up as responsible leaders even with the help of another member of the team, I never thought to see my daughter more active and happy than the time she was on the school… so for that, I'm grateful for you. Now, win this game for Courtney okay?"

"You did the right thing, son, even though you have been a criminal." Duncan could see that his father showed a tone of pride and even with the tone of sarcasm he was used to it, but pride had been something very foreign for the delinquent.

"That hairpiece was is what's criminal." Duncan's mother replied that the father looked at his hair, while Victoria raised her hand and both mothers gave a high five… Immediately the video ended with Duncan giving a loud laugh…

"I'M FREEEEEEEEEEE," Duncan shouted as he thought he won the lottery, a better way to describe freedom than laughing loudly, as Gwen rolled her eyes.

"Do you still have to pay community services, I have to confess wow, never thought you did a lot for being arrested," Gwen confessed as Duncan scoffed but was proud of himself.

"What can I say? I'm a vandal, but I at least know my limits, and it was all for the sake of having fun. But you saw my dad's hair, I told him many times that it could be a tiny dog if done right, and he didn't believe me." Duncan commented proudly as Heather rolled her eyes and Lindsay clapped for the delinquent who now isn't going to return on juvenile.

"Well, isn't that nice guys? See? Who says I don't bring good news? Now who wants to be next?" Chris smiled as he then decided to point out at the goth of the group. "Gwen, are you ready? To bad… 3,2,1…"

At the time Chris pressed the button, appeared what would be a green couch with a woman with brown hair and a pink blouse and skirt smiling happily at the camera, while on the other side of the couch, there was a boy with a green wood t-shirt, blue pants and cyan cap which was covering his hair, however, the boy was having an existential crisis at the moment.

"Gwen, we miss you so much that, your brother and I decided to ask a favor from a friend to pretend to be the future you." Gwen's mom said those words made all the friends stare at the goth who rolled her eyes and groaned. "Also your brother gave a very convincing act with his existential crisis, isn't that right Cody?"

"Life is a lie, everything happening in adventure movies is nothing more than a lie, doing nothing wouldn't change anything other than actually doing something," Cody said as he was monologuing about one of the episodes of the show until he felt a slap on his head which made him snap from his thoughts. "What? Wait, is that on? GWEN DO NOT LET LINDSAY WIN, I CAN'T LIVE DOWN MY FAVORITE MOVIE BEING DESTROYED LIKE THAT, TAKE HER DOWN."

"Cody." Gwen's mother said in a warning tone, which made him gulp.

"Sorry, well, take her down gently because she is your friend and also Tyler's girlfriend, but what were we talking about?" Cody turned to see his mother smiling at him, which made him sweat. "It was her idea, Gwen, she called Ezekiel's mom for that."

The mother smiled as she nodded her head in agreement, which was a bomb for some members who were watching the scene.

"What?" Gwen and Duncan said in confusion and surprise until the next scene showed what would be a vision of the table where it happened to be a meal, while Cody was wearing a fake beard a fedora, geek glasses, and a T-shirt written I hate T-shirts as a good way to use ironically a T-shirt. The mother was wearing the same clothes but she was using a lot of makeup to identify she was trying to disguise her age and was wearing a gray wig… In the middle of the table, there was what would be a long-haired woman who just had the same colors of her hair, almost the exact way she had, but it was long hair and the front part was covering the eye. The color scheme was similar, and Duncan could swear that the woman was an older sister or the true mother of the said goth who was just staring in shock from the same view.

"Gwen you didn't even touch your meatloaf," The mother commented as the woman who resembled Gwen rolled her eyes.

"Great, I spent 5 years in Italy to learn more about the history of art and the renascence era, then I had to suffer annoying subway trips around Paris to go to Louvre to learn more about the great artists and when I came home to enjoy the little piece I have of my life the first thing I got when I come up on this house was meatloaf… well at least it's better than the trash I had been eating on the island for so long."The adult woman commented with sarcasm that even Cody blinked in surprise and stared at how she clearly acted exactly like the sister he knew… until she narrowed her eyes. "Are you going to be staring? Anyway, how have you been? Did you get over the fact Indiana Jones 5 was terrible and couldn't be great after the disaster of the Raiders of the Lost Ark?"

Cody remained quiet as he stared at the food he looked as if he had PTSD.

"Why are we still here? Just to suffer?" Cody placed both hands on his head as he melted down in sadness while it cut perfectly back to the mother and brother who were staring at the camera.

"I gotta say she did perfectly your portrait and I can tell why people are asking me if she was my relative. I'm glad that this plan had worked out, right Cody?" Gwen's mom commented as Cody used his finger to spin around his head.

"Cuckoo, cuckoo," Cody said as he made a motion about how their mother got crazy before the video stopped.

At the time Chis pressed the button, Gwen was with her mouth dropped, as Duncan couldn't help but whistle.

"Wow, not going to lie, Ezekiel's mom captured you completely," Duncan commented as Chris was laughing from seeing the face twitching of the goth who was very embarrassed.

"Oh that's hilarious," Chris said as Gwen placed both her hands on her head in disbelief.

"I can't believe that happened," Gwen said as Lindsay clapped happily.

"Wow Gwen you got a message from the future, and you looked so great with long hair, I think you should try," Lindsay commented as Chris laughed louder, and Heather decided to intervene.

"It's not a message from the future Lindsay, it's just an actor who did a short video," Heather explained which the blonde bombshell understood and nodded her head. Thankfully that was enough to stop the humiliation.

"I should have expected my mom would have done that. But at least I wasn't the only one who suffered. I was right about Cody freaking out." Gwen commented as she gave a smile to Lindsay, since her brother could be annoying sometimes, she was glad to see him also having a meltdown.

"Alright, let's go for our next victim, I mean our next lucky camper." Chris corrected as he pressed the button which showed something that most people wouldn't expect.

The screen flickered to life, showing Lindsay's family standing in their opulent living room. The setting was lavish, with plush furniture, ornate decorations, and a grand piano in the background. Lindsay's father, dressed in his flamboyant ringmaster attire, stood front and center, his slicked-back hair and eccentric demeanor immediately catching everyone's attention.

"Hello, my little chipmunk!" he began with a dramatic flair, holding a rubber duck in one hand and gesturing wildly with the other. "We're so proud of you! You had done so great things around the show. Hey, remember the time when you made the whole Indiana Jones fandom cry? Hahahahaha. Ah, good times!"

Gwen, Heather, and Duncan chuckled at seeing Chris pouting from the way the man in front of the screen making fun of the revelation of what Lindsay had done on the last episode, and the blonde girl herself giggled sheepishly, knowing that she may have screwed up…

"Please darling, tell your friends to not ask why you didn't like the movies they love again, alright? I don't think they would survive because of the amazing intelligence you have." The man himself said proudly while some would be against that the man frowned at the screen. "Don't judge her, she is smarter than you will ever understand. Also, honey, I heard there will be a movie of Sherlock Holmes made with Robert Downey Jr. So I'm preparing to buy tickets for the debut on Holywood, Paula and Charlie already are preparing which clothes they are going to wear."

"Lucy, honey… I think it's best if you let us speak with Lindsay as well."Then a voice revealed which made both Chris, Duncan and even Owen have their mouths drop into seeing the blonde's mother, one of the most beautiful women in the world, step forward, her flowing blonde hair catching the light. She wore sparkling plum eyeshadow and dark magenta lipstick, her elegance contrasting with the chaos around her. The father grumbled a bit and let the woman speak for herself. "Lindsay, sweetheart, you're doing amazing! Just remember to stay true to yourself and be careful around those with stronger personalities. We're thrilled that Heather has been such a good mentor to you. We can't wait to see you and invite Heather and Beth over when this is all done!"

"Oh you are right Lily, I hope Beth likes ducks because I think farmers always get on my good side when they talk about which ducks they like most." Lucy gave his cheerful clap which the campers could realize where Lindsay's claps and way of act came from.

Suddenly, the camera shook as one of Lindsay's younger sisters, Charlie, burst into the frame, her long hair trailing behind her.

"Lindsay, we miss you so much! Stay strong and keep being the amazing person you are. And don't let anyone push you around, stand up for yourself, just like you always do!" She punched the air for emphasis, nearly knocking over a vase, which their mother quickly caught.

Paula, Lindsay's older sister, facepalmed as their father accidentally knocked over a stack of toy ducks behind of the video. She sighed but then smiled warmly at the camera.

"Lindsay, keep your head in the game and stay focused. You've got this! Remember, if you ever need to solve a problem, just think it through like we always do. The 100 thousand is almost on your hands, you can do this."

As the camera panned out, their father could be seen trying to pick up the toy ducks while juggling a few more, his grandiose and dramatic nature on full display.

"And don't forget my little chipmunk, we're always here for you! Make us proud!" He tossed a rubber duck into the air, and it landed perfectly on one of the ornate shelves behind him. Which in the end gave a little flip and when it opened it started spitting fire, which in the end made the group jump away from the man which turned the video off.

Everyone blinked, while Lindsay was shedding happy tears, and was ready to win the show.

"Wow, I have to say. I didn't expect that." Chris commented as he was being honest from seeing on even the family seemed to be normal by some standards, and he could imagine Lindsay being part of that family. "Now, Heather you are next."

At the time started the next video, Heather could see her parents above the couch as the room looked elegant, while a bit on the corner there was a lamp… The man on the left was a very elegant and rich man who seemed to be wearing a pink polo shirt with a crown logo on it, and a blue shirt, while on the other side of the couch was Heather's mom who seemed to be a well-matured version of her which seemed to be having a smile on her face, which made Duncan and Chris look at the Korean girl who usually had a frown on her face.

The woman was wearing a combination of caramel pants with a greener blouse on her… Her hair had the same colors as her daughter's while using a short haircut which made her so elegant.

"Hi, Heather Feather. It's Moomsie & Poopsie, we miss you so much." The father greeted his daughter in a cheerful way as his mother nodded her head in agreement. "My golf game has been really off since you have been gone."

While the father had explained that, the campers could see the chair being moved in front of the camera above the chair there was a photo portrait of Heather in a golden frame on it.

"Pedicure seems to be less…" The mother paused for a few seconds before she could find the right words to say. "Spiritual."

"Right, right." The father commented as he crossed his legs, while he then gave a smile to the camera. "But having you having so much fun with your new friends cheers us up. So be free to spend all the time you want with them,"

"They are also invited to come to visit us when you three want to spend a good part of the day shopping." The mother commented as she showed a good smile, and behind them, a man was carrying many shoes, and a group of men carrying a wardrobe. "Also we felt horrified with the terrible experiences you had to pass around the show."

"Well, my father says misery builds character, so you have become more mature my feather, I know you have more friends to pass the time with, so enjoy your teenage days and have fun while you win the show would yah?" The father gave a positive message while suddenly a man carrying the bed was placed in front of the couple.

"Hey, where do you want me to put the bed?" The person carrying the said furniture asked while Heather's mom looked horrified for being busted, while the father looked nervous.

"Whoopsie…it happened again Heather, he said he was sorry." That was the last thing the man of the house said when the video turned off, which made Chris hold his laughter but fail miserably.

Duncan blinked in disbelief, Gwen stared at the screen and then at Heather who had her face red with both embarrassment and anger.

"Wow, that explains everything… Well, almost, I'm curious about the last part." Gwen asked as she then saw Heather stomping her foot angrily.

"Damien, when I get my hands on you, I'm going to break your arms…" Heather said angrily as Lindsay stared at her friend in horror which made the queen bee try to calm herself down. "That little devil probably used an ink bomb in my bedroom and now they had to move all my stuff to the guest room until they fix everything."

"Oh," Lindsay said as Duncan and Chris laughed at Heather.

"Ah, a classic prank," Duncan said proud of the kid but looking at Heather who was staring at him, he placed both his hands on his kiwis because his instincts were calling for him to be quick and protect him.

"You are lucky for thinking fast. But I'm going to turn your community service a hell if I see you on the streets." Heather said angrily and Duncan scoffed at her, but he could sense she was indeed going to punch or kick his crotch… "You cannot hold your kiwis forever."

"I can try," Duncan replied as he saw the queen bee scoffing and returning to her place.

"Sometimes I hate my siblings." Heather snarled as Lindsay tapped behind her back in sympathy. Having friends indeed was great for the Queen Bee at that moment.

"Alright, it was fun, but now we need to do the last camper," Chris said as he was with the remote control on his hand. "Owen you're the last. Let's see."

A the moment the video started, there were two people on the camera, one who was extremely obese, sweaty, balding, and wearing glass, as he wore a blue and sweaty social shirt with a yellow strapped tie, while his weight was too much for the one side of the coach which made the woman on his side who was also chubby to be carried on the other side.

The woman had blonde long hair and pink lipstick on her lips, while her clothes were simply a pink blouse and a purple skirt, which made both look formal…

"Hey Owen, this is your folks. You what is your folks isn't it?" Owen's father and his mother waved as the group was surprised to hear the deep voice of the big man's father. And on the next second, they could see where his way of talking came from since the father himself was misspelling his words. "Oh this is stupid, can we start over?"

The mother on the other hand smiled as she rolled her eyes.

"They say the camera adds ten pounds oh but I don't see it at all. I think you look terrific." The espouse said to the man who pulled his tie from being uncomfortable.

"I see them," Heather murmured when she felt an elbow from her sides, which came from both Gwen and Lindsay and the queen bee rolled her eyes but remained with her mouth shut.

"Son, that episode where you burp the entire alphabet I don't think I've ever been prouder to be your father." The man said as the woman then coughed on her fist. Which made the man compose himself. "But also your mother got very disappointed in you when you made that girl cry, so you better apologize to her okay son?"

Owen nodded his head, as he was feeling happy with the message of how his family wanted the best of him...

"Oh yeah, Max came here to stay for a few weeks and he wants to give you a message." The mother said those words, and Owen's smile froze and then his pupils shrank as he stared at the screen…

The campers and the host of the show saw a teenager with purple bowl-cut hair and wearing a lab jacket. As he looked evilly at the camera.

"Salutations Owen, I Max Mayhem found myself in these terrible circumstances while I tried to replicate the biggest weapon of mankind, which I'm still giving a few tests on the future, which I'm grounded for passing the time with your family," Max explained as Owen felt his face pale into knowing which weapon he was trying to replicate, and the dread feeling was coming for his stomach. "But in the meantime, I was forced to watch this show with your family, and I never realized how proud you made me of you my cousin…"

Owen's mouth dropped as he looked confused at his cousin.

"Yes, sacrificing your minions for the purpose of survival, you took the trust of the crazy girl, and pushed to your enemies as you prepared yourself for the survivor… That's what we evil geniuses do with our minions. And I see a great potential for you Owen, to become evil just like me…" Max said as Owen's face froze and saw the boy trying to do an evil laugh, but failing spectacularly which made the campers roll their eyes. "Well, you could have the few countries that I wouldn't want, but in the future when I conquer the world, you could be a mayor in one of the cities which I don't like. We as an evil family."

"Awww, look at him, Max is really happy for his cousin." Owen's mother commented as the video turned off, which made everyone look funny at what was supposed to be a joke…

Owen on the other hand.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO." Owen dramatically screamed as he felt himself the worst scum of the earth, at a point that made everyone jump away from him. And the big man crawled on the floor and got into a fetal position. "I'm a monster, a MONSTER, I BECAME A VILLAIN LIKE MAX, I DON'T DESERVE TO BE ON THIS SHOW."

"Owen, knock it off," Heather said as she kicked his butt, but nothing happened, as the fat man was crying rivers, as he felt disgusted with himself. Heather glanced at Duncan who just shrugged.

"Come on Owen, it's not real. What do you t…" Gwen was about to say that boy's wasn't to be taken seriously but Owen interrupted her.

"He said he is trying to make the stink bomb."At the time Owen said those words, Gwen and Duncan froze, and then narrowed their eyes…

"Okay, he may be someone to be careful to be around," Gwen commented as she never wanted to deal with someone creating El Mongo and La Muerte again, Duncan would remember that as he could see the big guy being ashamed of himself.

"I thought it was for survival, but I never thought I would become the only person I feared most. Max is the evil genius and the evil supreme, and I do everything I can to stop him."Owen said dramatically while Chris was making sure to let that scene being recorded to the pay-per-view, and even the episodes after to make fun of it…

That boy Max really scares Owen, and he would have a lot of fun with it. So he will remember that name in the future.

"Alright everyone, you guys got the motivation you need for the next challenges. So have fun into those 2 days off, and prepare yourself for what's coming in the future." Chris smiled as some campers had no other thing to say, but to accept what happened. They got a surprise, some got what they wanted and needed, others got humiliated and a reason to be ashamed of…

What will happen in the future, nobody knows.

(Playa Del Losers)

"It was a big surprise when Eva came up with DJ, I thought she would still need to be a few more weeks before being discharged from the hospital." Courtney commented as both she and Bridgette walked the corridors of the resort, going directly to one specific suite in mind."I mean, I'm really happy to see her not being in such a dangerous situation, I mean, it was a serial killer and he stabbed her a lot of times."

"Yes, but knowing Eva, she made a bear into a female, and broke both arms and legs of the said killer, I think that she is the definition of what doesn't kill you makes you stronger," Bridgette replied as she walked with her new haircut made by one member of her team, who knew Harold gave so much work for the blonde member of their team to have a great haircut for her, she never thought she would look amazing with curtain bangs, but since Harold had helped his friends, Geoff had his mouth dropped and they kissed so much that it was worth it the hot sauce spray on their faces, it was burning but it was also hot to enjoy their kisses together. But still, the pain remained, but it was worth it at that time. "But I just hope that she doesn't do more of that because it had been a terrifying experience,"

Courtney nodded at her friend, as the brown-haired girl also got a new haircut that she knew Duncan would lose cool, Harold surpassed himself as he made an unravel haircut on her, which made her usual boring hairstyle become wilder and let a good wild and attractive look appear on the usual girl who always sticks for the rules. But knew that if the delinquent saw her with that new look, he would give her the same treatment Geoff gave to Bridgette, she used the whole bottle, not just because she was jealous of her friend... It was because they were 20 minutes making out, non-stop, yeah, that had been the reason and not because of jealousy.

"You don't have to tell me twice, I'm just glad Chris had the good sense and decided to hire police as security guards for the show, while I think that's a bit too late, it shows that at least he cares that nobody dies," Courtney commented as she could see the true reason behind the host idea of doing disclaimer and saying they are going to have more medical assistance and security. "I would have made a lot of lawsuits from risking our lives like that. A serial killer? Seriously? After that challenge, nobody was the same."

"I agree, I'm just glad that everyone is okay now, Eva as much she looked bandaged she seems better than the time she left the island." Bridgette agreed as the duo seemed happy to be in front of a door. "Do you have the keys?"

"Yep, he asked me to take his sketches which are in the drawer near the typewriter." Courtney nodded her head, and Bridgette smiled as she turned her back on the door. "Do you want to help to catch it?"

"Nah, it's just a few sketches, and I think someone needs to tell the others if they think we are snooping around." The surfer replied as she showed it had been a good point since in any kind of circumstances the group could try to say they have invaded his privacy so it would be best to explain to the others before they give any stupid ideas around their minds.

"That's a very smart idea. I will not take long." Courtney said as she got inside the room, and from the time she saw, the bed itself felt a bit messed and even a few blankets were not organized, however when she looked on the desk where the typewriter was the papers were organized, even a few set of papers, paperclips, and even pencil and pens were organized in a specific order. "I can't believe it, the bed was messed but when it comes to work he is well organized and clean. I have no idea what crosses the boy's mind. At least it will be easy to find."

Courtney opened the drawer and there was the set of drawing sketches, Courtney was impressed by how the boy had been focusing on drawing himself on the paper and even made a few different sets of clothing she had her eyebrows raised impressed by his work.

"I can't wait to see if Katie can make something like this." Courtney smiled as she was about to leave when she saw on the corner of the desk, a green gift with a tie on the floor, which made the girl roll her eyes, take the tie, and place it inside the box, but at the moment she opened it, she had her eyes wide open in surprise...

A Green G String Panties, which made her blink, and then she saw a picture of HOLYSHIT.

Courtney's face became scarlet from seeing a nude pose giving a blowing kiss on the picture, and immediately placed the photo inside of the gift closed the box, and let it drop all the sketches on the floor, which she immediately got clumsy and tried to organize then as she walks fast outside of the bedroom.

At the time Courtney got out of the door, she opened with too much strength which made Bridgette jump in her place.

"Courtney," Bridgette said scared as she looked at the C.I.T. girl who was with a face full of scarlet and devoid of emotion. "What happened to you girl?"

"I don't want to talk about it," Courtney said as she decided to prove that indeed her friends Ezekiel and Izzy had something, but not like that, using that kind of information was too personal, and it was shameful for her to share with anyone. She had the right idea, but with that information, how she could tell the others about Ezekiel having a naked picture of Izzy without saying like a pervert or worse, a girl who invaded his privacy? "I'm not going back there."

"What do you mean?" Bridgette asked as Courtney was still with her face blushing madly almost like burning. "What happened? Why are you blushing so much? Courtney?"

Courtney ignored the calling as she was doing her best to make sure to tune down the thoughts she was having across the gift, panties, a bra, and a picture, she knew that they were on the right track, but now she needed to find better clues without making her look like a pervert or someone who invaded their private life.

While Bridgette tilted her head and wanted to ask about what made the girl like that and what made her blush madly, now the curiosity made her look at the bedroom for a few seconds, but the conscience she had in her mind made her shake her head and return to their friends who were waiting for them on the pool, she is curious if Katie was indeed going to do some good work on new clothes for Ezekiel.

But still, she wanted to know why Courtney was blushing so much.

What a crazy morning.

Chapter 37: Haute Camp-ture


Okay, I have to confess that I feel sorry for everyone who were reading on AO3 and I have updated all the chapters until now to Fanfiction. It was unfair, so I decided to copy and place everything on here, and not stale time. So in case, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. And enjoy this fanfic as a whole.
Because many things happened. So thank you for enjoying and to read everything.
I will try to keep this place updated more often.

Chapter Text


After everything Lapis had been through, she never thought to find a way to help her recover her wings, as the boy wanted her to go home, he had warned her that it would be an awkward feeling that she would feel at that moment. While Steven licks his hand, covering it in saliva, and pats it on Lapis' gem, causing her to shudder. A brief moment passes, and Lapis' gem begins to glow. A pair of water wings sprout from her back and her eyes return back to normal. As Steven gave a few steps back and his eyes showed stars, Lapis felt her eyes looking at her friend and a gentle smile appearing on her lips.

And for what would have been centuries, without full control of her powers, now she felt the like herself once more. She smiled gratefully for the first friend that she ever had on the planet.

"Thank you, Steven!" Lapis Lazuli said with happiness and gratitude in her heart.

"No prob, Bob." Steven cleaned up his hand on his shirt while he used slang as a good way to show friendship, but that made Lapis stare at him in silence... an awkward silence.

"... It's Lapis." Lapis corrected as she thought her friend knew about that.

"Yeah..." Steven looked awkwardly left and right, as the circumstances could have been better, but he couldn't turn back in time, so they both had to remain awkwardly until the gem who controls the water decided to turn her back.

"Okay. Bye." Not wanting to pass one more second around the planet Earth, Lapis wanted to leave for her Homeworld and finally reach the freedom she always sought for centuries, all because of a misunderstanding made by the Crystal Gems... Now she felt that she would never return... But she would be lying if she said that she wouldn't miss her friend, who was part of the resistance and created so many problems for other gems. But that wasn't her business... She always had been a neutral gem, and she wanted to have her freedom. And that's what matters most.

Steven watched Lapis flying off, knowing that he did the right thing, and he was glad to make another friend... Until the water tower starts to rumble. Being freed of Lapis' control, the water tower starts to crumble and collapse. It was at that moment that he wished to have asked Lapis for a little help to bring him down.




After hours of trying to figure out what the message stone would do, the gems never thought Steven would rely upon the help of his father... While Amethyst was always eager to accept the help of the father figure of the gem hybrid, Garnet was stoic while Pearl was always hesitant, from all the people who would look for help, she would never trust that kind of person... But it seems the circumstances were calling for the time they would need him most. Since Greg Universe was indeed the only person who could capture the sounds and try to convert them into something.

"Video." That was the logical conclusion Greg said which brought the questioning look of the gems, "If is a message there would be two possibilities, if a sound cannot be converted by only vibrations, then there was something more, and audio and video always worked together. So there isn't anything else I could try, I mean, I couldn't make it worse than already is. Right?"

Steven smiled happily, while Garnet accepted the explanation, Pearl hesitated but accepted his help. Once again allowing Greg Universe's mind on the gem's business, while Amethyst and Steven were already eager to help the human father to prepare everything for possibly the message.

Garnet began generating electrical currents from her hands to jump-start the van engine. While Pearl was doing supervision the lilac was already in the driver seat.

"Okay Amethyst, try it now," Pearl instructed as Amethyst contemplated her life.

"I've never started a car with a key before."Amethyst shrugged as she turned the car key and with that, the van started up. Which made the gem laugh satisfied. "Hahaha, that's way easier!"

Pearl nodded her head as she shut the engine hood, which she was with the battery ready. As Steven with the Wailing Stone ready as well. Greg was with his keyboard and synthesizer ready to translate everything.

"Ready with the video cord, Steven?" Greg usually never was able to help the Crystal Gems, even on the time when his wife was on earth, he always tried to make sure everything he would do for her was 100% of his best, and even as the other gems never had much faith in him... He still would give his best, for his son.

Steven was with the video cord staring intently at it, nodding at his father, and plugging the cord into the TV. Greg started tuning his equipment and static began to play on the Television, emitting a strange noise.

" Is that it?" Pearl asked in anticipation while Greg was still tuning his equipment.

"Hold on, just a second." And by adjusting even further, the imagery on the TV becomes less fuzzy, with the Crystal Gems keeping watching in suspension.

"I hear something." Steven pointed as Greg was sweating and he knew it was close, his gut was telling him he was doing the right thing, and when it came to following his gut, and his instincts regarding music, he never failed before.

"Come on! Come on!" Greg said as he kept adjusting until the image on the television finally got clear, revealing Lapis Lazuli. "I did it!"

"Steven!" Lapis said on the screen in anticipation. This not only surprised Steven to see his friend but also the Crystal Gems who looked at the screen in disbelief, especially Pearl.

"Lapis!" Steven called for his friend, while Pearl looked in shock.

"I can't believe my flippin' eyes!" Pearl commented as she looked at Greg who was smiling happy with himself, while Garnet stomped loud enough to take all their attention.

"Everyone, listen up!" Garnet commanded as the whole group stared at the screen in anticipation.

"I hope you're able to hear this," Lapis said as she was transitioning message since she looked both horrified and completely tired. "There's a Gem that's looking for you, she even knew your name. I don't know how, I didn't tell her, I swear! She's on her way to Earth, and she's not alone."

Lapis emphasized what possibly could be one of the most dangerous situations ever since she looked afraid and worried about her friend. As more and more Lapis started talking, Pear and Amethyst looked even more afraid, while Garnet remained quiet, Greg wasn't sure what was going on, but good things probably wouldn't be. And Steven looked concerned for his friend.

"Steven, Homeworld it's not the way it used to be. Everything here is so advanced! I can't even understand it. There's no way anything on Earth can stand up to it. Please, don't put up a fight, It will only lead to devastation!-" And that was the final message made by Lapis Lazuli before the video suddenly cuts off, ending the transmission.

"It's Peridot," A voice said which made the whole group turn their heads towards Pearl who looked concerned. "She must be talking about Peridot."

"She's coming for us!" Amethyst shouted as she got her hands on her hair a was freaking out at that moment, while Steven looked at the screen with another concern on his mind.

"Lapis, she sounds so unhappy..."Steven concluded, since he always believed that his friend wanted the freedom she always sought, but now that she got to her home, she sounded tired and even afraid...

Pearl and Amethyst start to freak out in the background, and Garnet clutches her fists. Until suddenly Garnet sighed in relief, surprising the whole crew.

"We did it," Garnet said as she concluded that freaking out wouldn't solve anything, and the worries that they got on the day, were finally over.

"What?" Pearl asked in confusion as Garnet said slowly to make sure that the other Crystal Gems would understand.

"We got the message," Garnet said even before Amethyst would say anything. She looked at them in controlled rage. "It's "got!"

Amethyst and Pearl remained quiet as Garnet slowly approached Greg who was still confused about what was happening, Greg looked at Garnet's hand in surprise and shook it.

"Thank you, Greg, we would not have received this message without your help," Garnet said with the deep of her heart, as she could see from the future what those words would be meant for him. "You always were helpful when we needed it most. Thank you for everything."

"You're..."Greg couldn't help but try to contain his tears of joy, as he tried to keep strong as he always had been, but he was glad that he could see Garnet giving him one of the things he always wanted from the gems who were on earth, recognition of him. "You're welcome."

Steven looked at the screen, wondering what possibly could have happened to Lapis...




The cold, sterile walls of the interrogation chamber reflected the harsh lights overhead, as the walls were symbols of alien language as even shapes of 4 types of diamonds, one pink, one yellow, one blue, and one white. Lapis Lazuli, restrained by energy cuffs, stood in the center of the room, her eyes filled with defiance and a hint of fear. Surrounding her were Aquamarine, Peridot, Jasper, and the Ruby Squad. Peridot's machine hummed ominously, a testament to the painful extractions it was designed for.

Aquamarine hovered before Lapis, a cruel smile playing on her lips.

"Well, well, what do we have here? A rogue Gem who thinks she can defy Homeworld," Aquamarine, a small, blue Gem with a commanding presence, her wings fluttering with anticipation and enjoying to see the situation she was here."Thinking we couldn't find your secret message you are sending for someone?"

Lapis remained quiet as the little gem was enjoying far too much the position she was in.

"Oh, not going to tell anything? You know that we are the high command from the Diamonds themselves if a word of this could reach towards our Yellow Diamond or Blue Diamond, the results of such insubordination would be you being shattered in the most painful way. But luckily for us, and you as well, you don't need to say anything, " Aquamarine said with an eager smile on her face, which Lapis would feel her fear increasing until a loud stomp was enough to make both pauses.

"Aquamarine stop."At the time a voice was loud enough to make both pauses, it was Jasper who had remained quiet, but as the time she was quiet, her size and her intimidation were a factor that should be treated seriously.

"Are you questioning my orders?" Aquamarine said as she flew in the direction of the orange gem who didn't seem phased by the tiny gem who glared at her.

Jasper ignored Aquamarine as she calmly and boldly walked towards the tied gem who was very afraid of her, but ignoring the stares of the other gems, the orange gem crouched and looked deeply at the water gem prisoner.

"I just want you to tell me once," Jasper said as she narrowed her eyes while the tiny dots of the Lapis Lazuli shrank in the deep commanding voice of the commander in front of her. "Are you an ally of the Crystal Gems?"

"NO, No. I'm not part of any side. I'm a neutral party." Lapis commented as she released a few painful tears from all the scary experiences she had across time, she had been a prisoner inside of a mirror for centuries, and then she became a prisoner once again... But then her eyes went wide open as suddenly Jasper strongly held the electrical chains and with her strength alone, she smashed, which left the blue gem in shock.

The steam coming from her hands. There were still scorching marks made by high voltage but that didn't affect slightly the gems that were so strong on her place. Jasper turned at the group of Ruby's squad staring at them.

"Squad, take this gem to a regenerative cell. She isn't the enemy, it's no use to torture an innocent neutral party." Jasper commanded as the Rubies saluted her commander and even made both their arms create a diamond shape before taking Lapis Lazuli and ignoring the glares made by Aquamarine.

"Is that insubordination?" Aquamarine said as Jasper rolled her eyes and looked at the Peridot. "You are supposed to be following my commanders since I'm the one who is going to lead the invasion."

"I don't care," Jasper replied as she walked towards Peridot and noticed on the screen, that the green gem who was still clicking some keys on the hologram was programming what would be exactly what they were looking for. "You got her memories right?"

"Affirmative," Peridot commented as she always preferred to deal with the brutal and silent woman instead of the lousy and annoying midget who had been sadistic and making both commanders want to poof the gem who couldn't let them work in peace.

"You two are ignoring me? Wait for me to return to Blue Diamond and tell her..." Aquamarine said as she flew in front of the duo of gems who just stared down at her.

"We don't care." Both Jasper and Peridot said in unison, as Peridot smirked towards the commander in front of her.

"You follow orders of your Blue Diamond, while I follow orders from Yellow Diamond, of course, we would clash in times like this, but remember while you can lead the ship to the main objective, you have no right to tell me how I will work. That's my expertise, and that's why Yellow Diamond chose me. You clod." Peridot said as Aquamarine narrowed her eyes, and stared at Jasper who was in silence, which made her smirk.

"Oh, so that's what it is..." Aquamarine commented as she flew near Jasper who was standing in her position. "And what about the criminal here?"

And that comment made Peridot's spin shiver and her circuits freeze. While Jasper slowly looked at the flying gem from the look on her face, it was obvious that Aquamarine was playing with danger. She kept talking.

"If Peridot follows the orders of Yellow Diamond, while I follow the orders of Blue Diamond, you weren't even supposed to be here if wasn't for the fact it was the rebel army from before, White Diamond indeed gave you a second chance, even after the mess up you made..."Aquamarine's voice could be practically sung as Jasper remained in her place, and when was the time to set the final words "Especially since you let Pink Diamond being Shat..."

And that time Aquamarine didn't even finish her word, when a giant Kanabo passed straight near her head and with enough force at the impact which crashed the wall behind her... Which made her blink, and before she could say anything else. Jasper looked deeply into her eyes and gave her a point.

"Let's be quiet, shall we?" Jasper said firmly, as the annoying gem finally shut up, Peridot managed to program the main memories to finally reach the locations.

"Found them..." Peridot said as she showed a screen determination the view of what would be the spheric planet which once brought a war trying to each on that place. A war was once before forgotten while they thought they avenged their comrades... But in the end, there were still rebels who needed to be corrected, and it was their time to take action. "According to Steven, these are the people we should be looking for. However, maybe a direct introduction would bring them to us."

"Well, I like the plan, capture them, make them submit to us, simple, effective, and in case they don't want to surrender, we can just destroy everything," Aquamarine said delighted as she looked at Jasper who was staring at the screen with her eyes narrowed, and before she says something. The big gem walked towards the wall to carry her weapon back. "Well, at least you can have your revenge now. From Rose Quartz shattering Pink Diamond when you were supposed to be protecting her... and for Pea..."


And just like that Aquamarine felt the blunt weapon with spikes hitting her, with enough force to make the commander become like a cloud of smoke, and the weapon fell across the other side of the interrogation room, which Peridot sweat in fear, as the former bodyguard of the Pink Diamond recovered her weapon.

Walking slowly, Jasper ignored the green gem as she took her Kanabo with her, even though the weapon was almost her size, and was a very thick and powerful weapon... The orange gem walked towards the exit... And when she saw the reflection of what would be the white-skinned dressed in blue and orange hair, a gem that she knew well... A servant which her diamond cared so much, in the same way, she cared for all her gems, and even herself.

"Pearl... I'm going to make you suffer for everything you did, you traitor." Jasper said as she left the room, and with that time, many questions were asked... And nobody could answer them...

For now...

End of the First volume.

"What? No, no no no no," Bridgette said, her voice tinged with panic as she frantically flipped through the pages in her hand. She was desperate to find a secret scene, a hidden chapter, anything. But it was in vain. There was nothing more. Her eyes darted towards Ezekiel, who was lounging in the hot tub, a satisfied smile on his face.

"Ezekiel, no, no no, please tell me you have another chapter ready," she pleaded, her voice growing more desperate.

"Nope, it's the end of the book. That's the final chapter of the first book," Ezekiel replied calmly, sinking deeper into the warm bubbles. He was enjoying a rare moment of relaxation, a break well-deserved after two grueling years of work. He never imagined that his time on Total Drama Island's first season would lead to this—completing the first season of 3 books which were based on his favorite shows from the world he lived in before. And now, he was on the brink of starting a new series, resurrecting what once never existed.

As Bridgette stood there, her frustration mounting, she remembered that she had been one of the first friends to read the remaining draft chapters before Ezekiel and Noah did their editing before sending them to the publisher to create the publishment of the said Steven Universe book. She had expected to be blown away, but she wasn't prepared for the cliffhanger. Ezekiel had anticipated her reaction; it was the same anticipation he expected from many when the first book hit the shelves.

"You can't do that," Bridgette said, horrified. She rushed over to Ezekiel and started shaking him, her anxiety spilling over. "There are so many questions I need answered! What the hell are the diamonds? How did Lapis get captured? How did Steven's mom manage to shatter a diamond? And what does 'shatter' even mean? Does that mean she killed her?"

Ezekiel's eyes widened as he tried to stay patient, but Bridgette's grip was making him dizzy.

"Ahhhahahahhahahh," he laughed nervously, his head spinning from her intense reaction.

Realizing what she was doing, Bridgette immediately let go, her face flushing with embarrassment. "Sorry," she mumbled, taking a step back.

"It's fine, Bridgette. I understand your anxiety," Ezekiel shook his head to clear it and finally focused on her. he said, his tone soothing. He took off his winter hat, scratching his head thoughtfully. The blush on Bridgette's cheeks deepened, guilt mixing with her frustration. Knowing the homeschooled boy always scratches his head when he is very stressed or anxious about something. "And I'm not going to lie to you, things are going to get intense because of Homeworld."

"Hmmm," Bridgette said as she felt a bit sad that she was anxious to know more about it...

"Look, if you really want to know what happens next, I can tell you," Ezekiel continued, his eyes meeting hers. "But you have to understand, anything I say right now would be a spoiler. Are you sure you want to know what's going to happen in Book 2? Which probably I will be writing down after a break, I and Noah will edit these and probably this weekend I will send them to the publisher."

Bridgette bit her lip, torn between her curiosity and the suspense she knew she should savor. She paced back and forth for a moment, the silence filled only with the bubbling of the hot tub and the rustling of leaves in the breeze. Finally, she stopped and looked at Ezekiel with determined eyes.

"Okay, maybe not the whole story, but can you at least give me a hint? Something to tide me over until the next book comes out?" she asked, her voice softer now, almost pleading. "Something regard about this arc?"

Ezekiel smiled, appreciating her restraint.

"Alright, just a tiny hint," he said, leaning forward conspiratorially. "Let's just say, everything you think you know about Steven's mom is about to get a lot more complicated. And everything you know about Pearl is going to make you in disbelief, mad, furious, and then accept the reason for what she did."

Bridgette's eyes widened, her mind racing with possibilities. She felt more anxious about knowing why Jasper wanted so much to make Pearl punished if they were lovers if they were best friends, all she knew was Pearl did something terrible, and Jasper wanted so much to have revenge.

"That's it? That's all you're giving me?" she exclaimed, though her tone was more playful now.

"Yep, that's all you get for now," Ezekiel replied with a wink. "Trust me, it'll be worth the wait."

"Fine, I guess I'll just have to be patient," She said, sitting down next to the hot tub and dipping her feet in. Bridgette sighed but smiled, feeling a mix of frustration and excitement. "But you better believe I'll be the first in line when the first official book is being published, and when the volume number 2 comes out."

"I wouldn't have it any other way," Ezekiel laughed, grateful for her enthusiasm and support. Settling back into the bubbles, already thinking about the next chapters he had yet to write. "But I know that you would want to read the first drafts of the second book, that's for sure."

"That's right, you know me so well," Bridgette said playfully as the duo laughed. And from times like that, it has been fun to enjoy the peaceful of the morning, Bridgette like the morning she was enjoying surfing, she once saw Ezekiel rolling on the sand while holding a big improvised shield which he and Izzy had done, and from the way Ezekiel was holding the shield, she knew it was related to Steven Universe. "I have to say that I freaked out when I saw you making Stevonie and when Steven used the shield on Lapis's water ball. It was fantastic."

"I know, you literally screamed in excitement," Ezekiel chuckled as he then felt a splash coming to his face. As he slowly spat the water like a fountain, he glared at the blonde surfer who was giggling from his face. "Ha ha ha, I'm going to remember that next time you pass a whole minute making out with Geoff in public,"

And with Bridgette cringing, Ezekiel smirked to his little victory. And he couldn't help but little moments like this make him appreciate more his friends. He remembered Eva's face when she saw Ezekiel didn't take his weights off, even as she showed no face, he could see the look of pride in her eyes, and it had been great to see the Iron Woman being happy to see that not just him but also Sadie was taking her workout seriously. Even as chubby as she could be, she was developing more muscles, and Katie had to work a whole day to make a very comfortable top for Sadie to flex her muscles without ripping her shirt again.

From a good way to see the tan girl enjoying a good time to sewing and having her own hobby, made her enjoy better and relax more around the playa del losers, talking with the girls about what kind of clothing she potentially could do. Katie said it would take a while for her to make a jacket, or how Izzy had so many materials which the ginger woman stressed and said to not ask about, since the factory she had to develop the uniforms and the fabrics around the rooms, and chairs were driving her crazy.

Still, it seemed that everybody was enjoying a good time for themselves. That until the next day, Chris would make the official episode of Haute Camp-ture.




"So it's tomorrow right?' Izzy asked as Ezekiel was lying on his bed looking at the ceiling. Izzy was playing with a paddle ball and her friend didn't mind about it. "The time where they will feature an episode over here, which possibly Katie and Sadie will start a domino effect which will cause an elimination."

"Yep," Ezekiel said as he was enjoying the time of peace before the excitement of once again appearing on television, and the surprised face Chris was going to have when he met the campers once again. "I have to confess that I'm so eager for tomorrow's episode, that probably I'm not going to sleep tonight."

"Want me to knock you down? I have a necklock that probably will make people unconscious for hours." Izzy offered, making Ezekiel roll his eyes, but not doubting the skillset of his military friend.

"I don't doubt that, but I'm sure that I don't want to wake up with my sore throat tomorrow. But thanks for the offer, Izzy." Ezekiel commented as he could see the ginger girl snickering.

"Okay, I was kidding, but anyway… remind me again of the events of what that future would have happened on that episode? I mean, I know Leshawna was the one we screwed up after Sadie and Katie said her name, but what about the events before, what usually happened?" Izzy asked as she launched a ball to Ezekiel's direction in an easy way for him to catch.

"Well the future was way different than the present we are here, instead of Lindsay remaining on the show, it was supposed to be Leshawna, but Chris wouldn't mind, as much he would record everyone talking about what happened to us, what we think about the experience of the island, why we lose, and who we think who is going to win the show, but taking out that, Lindsay was looking for Tyler, which she remembered the name of Tyler but she forgot who he was… It was a funny joke when she was looking around trying to find him while he was nearby her all the time." Ezekiel explained as Izzy giggled from the blonde bombshell's naivety and probably was a good joke made for the viewers. "You were on the pool annoying Noah, Katie, and Sadie, biting their ankles and even doing more crazy stuff like finding a bikini bottom which was yours, and making you swim back on the pool while exposing yourself nude, and even peeing on the pool, please don't do that… now that I think about it, why did you do all that stuff?"

"I mean the water is with chlorine so probably would clean up by itself… okay I will not do it anymore, I don't know," Izzy shrugged as she flinched at seeing Ezekiel glaring at her, but then she raised both her hands in surrender. She spent a few seconds thinking about it. "Maybe I wanted them to fear me with the crazy persona I have been doing since being unpredictable is a good way to keep all of them in check. I don't know about Katie and Sadie but I think it's hilarious to annoy Noah since he is a good friend."

"Oh yeah, making Noah have a headache is really funny, but also could it be from the fact Katie and Sadie didn't manage to separate from themselves and grow up as a person like they did on this version of present? That's a mystery… AH, oh yeah, there is one thing hilarious that you said that makes Noah annoyed for the rest of his life." Ezekiel remembered one iconic moment when he knew Izzy would laugh loudly. "Do you remember the wake-a-thon? Well, if wasn't for Noah being eliminated on the first episode, he would have suffered an even worse fate."

"Really? What is it? And why are you laughing?" Izzy said as she couldn't help but smirk excited from the revelation she was going to receive.

"He kissed a guy," Ezekiel said as he knew at the moment Izzy heard such news, she couldn't contain, firstly the shock, then the disbelief, but then the imagination made all the work for her… "Noah was hugging Cody while both were sleeping on the challenge and was even giving a few kisses on his ear when the time they woke up both screamed loud in panic."

"PFAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." Izzy laughed so hard that she even fell from the chair, never knowing how crazy things were in that kind of future. "I can't believe it, I kinda wanted to be mad at Heather for screwing up with the future. It would have been so perfect to watch that on the television."

"Yeah it would, but thankfully for him. Emma will never find out his dark past and the blackmail we could have used on him." Ezekiel commented as Izzy raised her eyebrows.

"Emma? Who is she?" Izzy asked curious as Ezekiel smiled as he decided to tell more about the bookworm's girlfriend he managed to find in the future seasons.

"Noah's future girlfriend, but I think maybe we should talk about this in another week… Taking out the interaction between you and him, there was also the fact Courtney was unfairly eliminated and wanted to make a lawsuit on the show for her being unfairly eliminated." Ezekiel commented as Izzy snapped her fingers.

"Oh yeah, about Harold rigging the votes to eliminate her… I still don't understand why he focused on taking out Courtney instead of Duncan, and it's crazy to imagine him being enemies with them since this present he seemed to be best friends with every one of Killer Bass." Izzy wondered as Ezekiel nodded his head, looking at the ball he had in his hands he knew the answer.

"Jealously could make even the greatest guy into a terrible person and make awful mistakes, one thing I wanted so much was to be friends with everyone and show that even our differences we could be good friends. And it was hard to convince Harold to clean his underwear since it was the reason that started all the pranks which led to that…" Ezekiel said between nostalgic about how the group worked together, and he was grateful that things never became like the cannon it was one of the best changes he did. "Poor Harold passed the entire episode, if not the entire season hiding from Courtney who was having rampages to try to kill him if she could. And the worst, his ego was getting annoying to everyone to start disliking him. And that's sad, because Harold is an awesome guy, but needed good friends to guide him on the right path."

"Like you, Duncan, and Courtney," Izzy asked amused and the homeschooled boy nodded his head in surprise.

"To be honest, I disliked the idea of leading the team when it happened to have a clash of ideals between Duncan and Courtney, but I kinda enjoyed having the responsibility to help the team whenever they needed it. Be a good friend and show that everyone has a side of the story." Ezekiel commented as he pointed out something which made him a bit frustrated. "And to be fair, Base Straining was the episode I was so eager to participate in, I really wanted to have a military experience from Chef, just to see how it was?"

"Trust me, it's not that good, it's actually awful. Take it from me since I had been training with him for years, and leading an infantile squad." Izzy explained but then she passed the next second wondering. "Now that I think about it, I kinda felt nostalgic, and I wanted to get that experience again. Strange, okay I think I understand why you wanted to be trained by Chef in the military training."

"Yeah, it sucked for me to be eliminated in 1 challenge before thanks for my pneumonia. I would have solidified Duncan and Harold's friendship and even his relationship with Courtney as a whole, but I'm so glad and grateful that things ended the way they ended." Ezekiel sighed since that episode was the trigger of one of the most iconic episodes where the future led so many good characters down the dark path, but somehow the future changed by itself which prevented such a mistake from happening.

"Okay, now taking out that, what more happened?" Izzy asked as Ezekiel shrugged not even caring about it.

"It was something related to Trent about missing Gwen if wasn't for the fact Heather had tricked him into kissing her in front of Gwen which made Leshawna create a friendship with Gwen and made everyone vote out Trent," Ezekiel said as both didn't mind about it. "But knowing how Trent had dealt on this present… I think this will be his opportunity to apologize to everyone on live television… which will lead to a lot of funny shenanigans."

"Hmmm, interesting. Well, sucks to be him." Izzy commented and both friends chuckled… "So are you going to rehearse anything?"

"Nah, I think we all should be natural, even you Izzy. Let's act naturally like ourselves and have fun. I mean, in comparison to that future. I'm sure Chris would never expect of everything we did around this place. And I want to be surprised tomorrow." Ezekiel commented as she launched the ball back to Izzy who catched quickly with a good reflex.

"Yeah, it's going to be fun… hey, do you want to fly with the shield again?" Izzy suggested as she was happy to have a friend who always liked to have something fun to do, since all the boring work they had done had to come to an end, it was their time to relax and have fun as well. So not the crazy persona that she usually would put on the television, since the cat is out of the bag… At least she would enjoy his own kind of craziness, the funny kind.

"Hmm…sure, but only tomorrow. Now I'm going to take a shower before sleep. It seems that all the talk we had really took out all my energy, and tomorrow is going to be interesting. Have a good night Izzy." Ezekiel said as he got up and showed a good tiredness on his face, which Izzy had to stretch herself since indeed it had been a long day for both of them.

"You are right, it's getting late. See you tomorrow then." Izzy smiled as she walked outside of the door. "See you tomorrow Zeke."

As Izzy left the room, she had a good smile on her face, enjoying the time with Ezekiel, she always felt interested in knowing so much about the future of what never happened, since they could possibly see the difference of what happened. And with the curious theories of what happened, she was glad that she and Ezekiel didn't have secrets anymore…

And at the time she walked by the corridor, she bumped into Courtney who just froze in her place.

"Ops, sorry Courtney, I didn't see you there," Izzy commented as she then saw Courtney staring at her and slowly blushing… "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm just fine." Courtney shook her head and tried to compose herself. "I'm just curious about why you come from that direction… "Did you were…"

"On Ezekiel's bedroom? Yep. We had a lot of fun tonight, that I'm even exhausted. My hand is kinda sore from playing with a ball." Izzy innocently commented but then she saw Courtney's face frozen and slowly getting even redder. "Courtney? What happened?"

"Ball?" Courtney said weakly as her mind processed all the dirty imagination coming from the imagination of how crazy and dirty the girl would have been to do that with her friend, and the worst part, the same picture of the ginger girl nude from the picture having fun with the friend was driving her crazy.

"Yeah, paddle ball, this one," Izzy said as she launched a paddle ball at Courtney who surprised took it, and then a good part of her mind went into the blue screen until she realized what she meant, she gave a nervous giggle as she was relieved, but now her face looked darker in shame for thinking about it. "Are you with fever?"

"YEAH I AM," Courtney said too loud which startled Izzy but not just before she coughed on her hand, and tried to compose herself. "But I took the medicine, and I'm going to my bedroom. Have a good night Izzy."

"Good night…" Izzy commented as Courtney quickly left the corridor, which made the military girl just shrug and go to her suite, she was going to enjoy a good relaxing shower as well before the next morning the group would have fun doing one amazing episode. "I can't wait for tomorrow."

Last time on Total Drama Island, our campers faced off in the intense Tri-Armed Triathlon, with them being tied with other campers to make sure they would win the immunity of the challenge. Duncan showed a good soft side as he saw Heather suffering a PTSD from her last visit to Boney Island. Lindsay not just surprised Gwen but everyone by telling her condition while showing secrets that we never thought would have happened. *sniff* excuse me. *sniff, sniff*…" Chris had to pause as he had to compose himself by trying to move on from one of the classic movies having a plot hole like that. And with that Indiana Jones got out from his top 10 movies. "Owen opens up about his struggles and DJ gives a lesson on how a true coward should act, showing that even cowards have standards, with a pink beagle showing how it should be done. Feeling homesick DJ came to a realization that it had been his time to go, and by surprising all his friends by voting on Lindsay, he managed to prevent a tie, and sacrificing himself on the elimination, which made the 5 campers still on the game."

Christ starts to narrate once again.

"In today's special episode of Total Drama Island. You've been watching Gwen, Heather, Duncan, Lindsay, and Owen, make their way to the final five," Chris explained Heather left the bathroom while she was being chased by a bear wearing a dress, Lindsay ran in their direction while both cadets left out the Main Lodge in surprise and then chasing the screaming… "It's been a long eight weeks," Gwen ran with Heather while Lindsay and Cadets Sanders and MacArthur followed the bear that was angrily chasing them. "So, we decided to give our weary finalists the day off", Owen was enjoying a swim on the shore while he was covered with leaches, and Duncan was using the fishing rod to catch some fish. "So we could contemplate how far they've gotten and enjoy all the campgrounds have to offer," Duncan felt the fishing rod twitching which he was glad to pull something but sadly for him and annoying for Owen, it had been his shorts. Leaving the fat boy naked. While in the background the cadets, Lindsay, Heather, and Gwen were followed by the bear…

"But what happens to the campers after they walk the Dock of Shame, board the Boat of Losers, and leave the camp?" Chris appeared behind a totem pole, then on a cliff, and then in the woods. "Where are these rejects living?", "How are they spending their time? And who do they think deserves to win the hundred grand? The losers are about to let it all hang out."

(Confession – Chris.)

"And you won't wanna miss a word," Chris said as he was pointing at the camera with his two hands.

"Coming up on TOTAL...DRAMA… ISLAND!" Finally, Chris was on the dock on his jet ski, ready to trip directly to drive on the area, but not without giving his conclusion. He finally was driving his jet ski being followed by the cameramen crew who were driving on the boat with their equipment.




"Alright, we are almost there, make sure to place the cameras and keep track of them, microphones as well. I can't wait to see their surprised faces when we get there." Chris smiled as he was talking with the crew which they were preparing their cameras on the boat.

The crew was getting ready and with Chris already aiming for a good start, he was about to rehearse his introduction on the Playa Del Losers, until the whole crew heard a loud explosion which made all of them jump, even Chris who looked in the direction of the explosion and a line of smoke going in the air.

"What the hell?" Chris said in surprise until he looked above and saw a little dot going in their direction, but thankfully the dot was doing a little curve which slowly was growing more and more.

"aaaaaaaaaAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH," And then a tiny sound of a scream was getting louder and louder until Chris could see an object going at high speed it hit the water of the ocean with full force.


Chris and the camera crew watched that object create such an impact that made a few waves to counter the actual wave from the ocean. And even strong enough to move the jetski who was lying on the water near the boat.

Chris blinked as the other guys, until they saw from that place, two former campers who took their heads off the water to catch their breaths.

"THAT WAS AWESOME," Izzy said as she laughed at the adrenaline rush they both got. "It's probably the highest we have ever gone before."

"I know, I thought we didn't go for the right angle and we would hit nearby the beach which would be more dangerous," Ezekiel said as he was holding the weights on his body, but also the shield which was heavy to carry but thankfully the water helped him with that problem.

Both of them enjoyed their laugh until suddenly they heard someone sneeze.

"Bless you," Izzy commented as she then realized in the direction where they looked. A few meters away was the boar where Chris and the camera crew were watching in disbelief. "HI CHRIS"

"Chris, hey. What's up?" Ezekiel said as both greeted at the boat where the host and the crew of the show were staring at them.

"I cannot believe this," Chris said in disbelief as he let both campers get up on the boat. Thankfully some crew members even got towels for them. "Ezekiel my boy, you look way different than before the show."

"Yeah, it took me weeks to finally recover from pneumonia, and Eva had been on my neck to make sure that I would improve my health." Ezekiel smiled as he saw the camera preparing the cameras.

"You even got a haircut," Chris said as Izzy finally finished drying herself. "Have to confess that it looks better than you using a redneck haircut."

"So why are you here?" Izzy asked as she smirked at Ezekiel who raised his eyebrow as both knew the reason.

"We were heading to Playa Del Losers because we are going to do the new episode there," Chris said as both faked their eyes going wide open in surprise. But the next part they didn't need to pretend. "Also I found interesting what you two just did now. Can you do it again while we use our cameras to record the scene? Because I know that this will be the perfect opening scene to catch the attention of the viewers."

Ezekiel and Izzy looked at each other... But then both smiled wide open and nodded their heads.

"We are approaching our destined place, as why you don't enjoy the perfect vision of our 5-star resort for all the losers, they were all together enjoying the fruits of their own... *BOOM*" Chris was with the camera pointing at him as he gave a slight pause with his jetski, doing an introduction until the loud explosion which came straightly to the direction of the new island, and the cameras aimed to the sky pointing where there was a tiny dot.

"YEHAWWWWWWWW." A loud shout could be heard, as the camera did the right angle to focus on the tiny dot, while the other camera was aiming at Chris who was looking at the explosion and the people approaching with surprise and disbelief. Until everyone watched once again an object hitting the water.


Chris took an umbrella and opened it to protect his hair while the little wave was enough to soak his shorts. And to the surprise of the viewers, the first thing they could see from the water, was in fact the same duo of a homeschooled boy, taking his head out to breathe, and Izzy who was laughing from the adrenaline. Both were enjoying the good taste of the adrenaline rush which made them laugh happily.

"Aham." The duo paused when Chris cleared his throat which made both blink and make Chris look sternly at them. "Do you mind?"

"Oh hey, Chris." Izzy waved at the host while Ezekiel smiled at them.

"Hey Chris, nice to see you again. Welcome to Playa Del Losers." Ezekiel welcomed the host, while Chris felt his eyes twitching, but took a deep breath to control himself.

"Thank you, Ezekiel," Chris commented until he blinked a few times. And then gave a look at the boy. "Ezekiel?"

"Yep." The boy said as the camera recorded the shrimp boy who seemed to have a new haircut, and looked more human with it. Which was ironic for the state of the boy from another future.

"THAT WAS SO AWESOME," Izzy shouted as the cameras pointed in the direction of the actress who knew exactly how to act around the camera, and since they already had plans for the introduction, Izzy was already enjoying the spotlight. "We have been doing Sky surfing for 2 hours, it's a surprise to see you again."

"Sky surfing?" Chris raised his eyebrow as Ezekiel chuckled.

"Don't ask, it's one of the weird games we have been doing since we got eliminated," Ezekiel explained as he was acting like himself, and helping him to carry the heavy shield underwater. "Anyway, Izzy can you help me with this?"

"Sure. I will lead the shield this time," Izzy helped Ezekiel and both were ready to swim back to the beach. "See you guys there."

"Cut." The cameraman said loudly, which both Ezekiel and Izzy stopped and Chris smirked back.

"Alright, that's a perfect shot. I will be driving on the shore. See you guys there." Chris said as he drove with satisfaction and was already guessing that it was going to be one of the best episodes ever.

"Hey guys, can you give us a lift for us?" Ezekiel asked as they got help to get back on the boat, and had someone from the camera crew to give the surprising news to the campers. It would be chaotic.

And just like what it was said… The moment the boat was there, and the camera crew was preparing their cameras to place on the main poll of Playa Del Losers, the remaining losers freaked out and tried to get themselves organized to be recorded on the television again.

Thankfully the camera crew gave enough time to the campers to prepare themselves for the episode, as everyone was enjoying their time, they got in agreement that everyone should be wearing a swimsuit to make sure to give a good experience for the viewers. Ezekiel and Izzy didn't need it since they were the first ones who were using the said swimsuits while they were playing with their new exciting activity. When the time the camera crew was ready to record, everyone decided to just chill and enjoy their hobbies and activities in the main pool of the Playa del Losers.




The camera once again Chris arrived at a different pier with his jet ski, as the comparison to the one who had been before clearly shows a difference, from the shore, the cleaning water, the sand of the beach, and the resorts appearing to be 5 stars like nobody watching in television could ever imagine.

"Like Ezekiel had just said to me. Welcome to Playa des Losers. The all-inclusive luxury resort where our sent after being brutally voted out of the game to lick their wounds and accept their fate as reality show has-beens," The various campers are seen enjoying the amenities, showing the buffet, the palm trees, DJ, and Eva were laying on the beach chairs, enjoying the sun, as the camera even got a view of Eva still with bandages around her torso, but showing a good resilience and not phased from the fact that she had to go at the hospital for the surgery. "When we are down to the two final competitors, their fate will be in the hands of these twenty losers. Now let's talk with our campers."

Chris smiled as he went after the campers, as he approached Eva who was doing her best to relax herself.

"Eva, I thought you were supposed to be at the hospital," Chris commented in a surprised tone but with a smirk on his face, Eva grumbled some words, as she focused herself to take the sun.

"There was nothing better to do at the hospital, at least here I have someone to talk and I can do some leg exercises, knowing that my parents would kill me after I left the hospital by myself." The bodybuilder said as she looked at DJ who was also having a good time taking a sunbath.

"Thankfully there is a treadmill around the gym on this resort, so having a few weights and exercises for her to focus on the leg training was a good way for her to relax," DJ commented as he was showing the kindness that he always had when he knew that he should be worried about his friends, and even with the last contact he had with his momma. He was satisfied to be watching Eva, knowing that possibly Eva's mom would need to keep looking at the bodybuilder to not overwork herself.

"Ah DJ, nice to see you too. What do you think about this place?" Chris commented as the gentle giant smiled in relief and was laying on the chair with gusto.

"I gotta say, this had been a very rewarding experience, I thought this would have been the place when I signed the contract, but I confess that I miss some of my friends on the camp. But soon I will see them too." DJ said in a kind tone and Chris rolled his eyes, knowing that it would always come to that kind of conversation.

Chris decided to call the camera crew and move on to the next camper, as Chris wasn't looking until he got bumped into someone.

"Hey, look what… Holy Mama, Sadie, is that you?" Chris said as he was gobsmacked from seeing what would be Sadie which looked like she lost a few pounds but compensated for that weight by converting on muscles on her arms and back. She was still a bit chubby, but she showed a few tones of muscle across her body, and there was a pink gym top that could be used as a swimsuit, and while in one hand she was lifting weight, the other she was enjoying a very nice ice cream cone.

"Oh hi, Chris." The former fat camper said as she gave a quick hug which made Chris suffer from the lack of control from her strength which made her realize what she did. "Ops, sorry."

"Ugh… I can't believe you… Look at you," Chris said as he was looking at the different girl who came from the second episode, even her iconic two ponytails were changed for a wavy one. Which doesn't seem to be that different. "You…"

"I changed a lot… I have to Eva, Harold, and Katie to be grateful. I wanted to be strong enough to protect Katie in the future and like my friends told me, to not be too dependent on her, so I decided to stop lamenting about myself and do some training. Eva made me have a heavy training session. Harold did my hair and Katie sewed this amazing top. What do you think?" Sadie explained as she could see that even the camera crew were surprised to see the exchange, and the camera even got the beautiful and eye-candy Justin who was always looking at himself in the mirror, moving his arm in a different angle, to give a better look at the Killer Bass Asian twin to be the same person as ever.

"Wow, that's a great exchange Sadie, not going to lie, I thought you would have been the same annoying girl that came on the first episode. And I was about to make a few jokes about you." Chris said off-script, seeing a girl changed in that way made him question if he should have left the cameras on the Playa del Loser for the Pay-per-view system. But it was already too late for that. "Wait, did you say Harold did your hair and Katie sewed your top?"

"Not just that." Sadie nodded her head eagerly, which made Chris raise his eyebrows. "Harold did the hair of all the girls with the exception of Eva and Izzy, I think both of them had pity for him since he had been working on the whole day. And Katie always had made our clothes, since we were kids, so having her use her old hobby to make new clothes for not just me, but Ezekiel asked Katie to make a T-shirt for him,"

"I got so many questions right now," Chris commented as Sadie was giggling, but not before offering the ice cream cone for him.

"You want some? It's pistachio-salty honey. I made it myself." Sadie once more dropped another bomb, and Chris could feel his mouth dry and even the heat of the sun catching on him.

"I'm going to refuse for now," Chris said which Sadie nodded happily.

"If you want there is a tub in the freezer, you can have it when you feel like it," Sadie said as she walked directly to the pool to swim, while Chris nodded at her.

"I will remember that," Chris said as he looked surprised but also satisfied with the curiosity on how a person had changed from the time the losers were there.

Chris decided to go near the grill which Chris had been surprised by seeing Cody preparing the barbecue while Katie was placing sunscreen on his back. Katie showed her new haircut and a well-made black and white strip bikini which showed a signal of independence from being exactly like her best friend Sadie.

"Katie and Cody, how the lovely couple had been doing across this little paradise?" Chris said as the cameraman pointed at the camera at the geek boy turned his back and kissed on tan girl's cheek, making her giggle.

"It had been incredible, it was a very nice vacation from all the challenges we had been doing together, and I gotta say this had been the biggest catch I had in my entire life," Cody said as he raised his eyebrows giving an innuendo meaning while Katie rolled her eyes.

"I was the only one you caught, Codymeister...," Katie laughed as she saw her boyfriend pouting at her. But a kiss on his lips made him grin and return to the grill. "To be honest, one of the hardest things for me was to continue on the show while I missed both Sadie and Cody... It had been day after day I missed them so much. But I was so proud of Sadie for how she worked herself to be so strong that it made me think about doing workouts with Eva but seeing her pales every time she talks about it. It made me quit thinking about it immediately."

"Well, look at the bright side, you don't need to work much, you are perfect like that babe." Cody gave a compliment, as she giggled and Chris whistled.

"Smooth boy," Chris said impressed, and looked at the swimsuit and haircut she had on her head. "It's surprising to see not just you are acting different than Sadie, but you also had a new haircut and this neat swimsuit."

"Oh, this swimsuit? I did while I was seeing my clothes yesterday and while I love my pink dots swimsuit. I wanted to give a bit more love to my little nerd." Katie said as Cody blushed but had a smirk on his face.

"Man, I love this girl," Cody said as he kissed her lips, Chris was enjoying seeing the changes happening, and a few fans or fans were mad at seeing a scene like that. Creating a drama around the fandom.

While Chris was looking around, he just found out that one of the camera crew disappeared, which later he was going to have an earful talk with the member and with a good excuse to fire him if he didn't give a good reason for why he disappeared with one of the cameras.

Chris looked around and had a smirk on his face when he finally found something interesting that he could work with, the familiar homeschooled boy who did the introduction of the episode with him, was in the middle of the pool bar where he and Noah were reading a bunch of papers and probably doing the editing of what would be the chapter of something.

Noah was examining closely as he then had his eyes narrowed in disbelief.

"You are a cold bastard did you know that?" Noah said as he was both impressed and outraged to see the writer with a good smile on his face. "Seriously? That's how you are going to end the first volume of the book?"

"Yep. And please don't tell since we are being recorded right now. Hey Chris." Ezekiel turned his back and looked at the host and the camera crew who approached the duo who were still doing some grammar correction.

"So how have you been? From what I'm catching this is the end of one of your books?" Chris said as he was both interested and intrigued to know more about what the boy had been doing since the time he left the show.

"Yep, Steven Universe is being edited the final chapter before I send it out to a publisher, and with that the first volume of my 3 books is complete," Ezekiel said as Chris looked surprised at him. "I had so much time while I had to take my medicine, that not enjoying much the experience of being in a pool or hot tub for so long, I had to concentrate my energy on something, so I did write a lot…And I got a few propositions from publishers which they said it would help with my first book."

"Oh? Which one is it?" Chris said curious as he knew it was a good time to make an ad for a member of the show, since the boy had been helpful across the show, maybe a little advertising could help the boy to sell some of his books.

"Courage the Cowardly Dog, to be honest, I never thought they were so quick to print 50 thousand books, and they said tomorrow is going to be the official release on the bookstores," Ezekiel said as he commented happily what was the results of his own hard work, and from seeing Chris even surprised to see the quantity and even how they were ready to be published. It made the boy smile further. "I sent one of the first editions for my Ma and Pa, Noah got his yesterday…"

Noah rolled his eyes but didn't say anything as Chris looked in surprise at the boy.

"I like reading, and I had been helping him to edit the chapters since it would be faster for him to print them, and I was bored. So it was a win and win situation for me, he also wrote a book dedication on my book, so I liked to have a personal touch." Noah shrugged as he continued to drink the smoothie. "It makes it worth it to chat more about the book, and I got used to being an editor, so it was fun work for me."

"Makes sense, also this reminds me of one thing. I need to go to my bedroom, be right back." Ezekiel said as he got his papers and made sure that any of them wouldn't be soaked from him going at the water. By shoving all the papers on the backpack and launching it on the floor away from the pool.

Leaving Chris and the camera crew staring in disbelief, while Noah rolls his eyes.

"Trust me, it took us 30 minutes to figure out how to take the papers out of the water without soaking ourselves in the water," Noah said as he saw DJ and Eva seeing the woman still with her eyes closed, the boy couldn't help but ask. "Did you read about Jasper?"

"Yes I did, he made me be the first one to see her design, and I liked the weapon she uses. I don't know why, but I felt it would be an awesome girl to work out or have a sparring with." The bodybuilder commented as DJ and Chris looked curious, while Noah rolled his eyes.

"I can see why. That boy is a machine, almost 3 years and he would publish 3 books in a row." Noah said as he looked exasperated. "I don't know if I should be grateful or scared that he passed most of his time around you and Izzy to make him distracted from writing."

"He is getting healthier," Eva said as a fact, and the crew looked at her and narrowed her eyes. "After recovery, always work out to get yourself in shape. You should be doing that string bean."

"And get your torture you call workout regime? Pass, I prefer to have all my bones intact, and don't have PTSD like the fat boy who was probably having the best time of his life on the final 5." Noah said as Eva scoffed, and turned herself back to relax on the chair.

"Relax Eva, I know that you want to return for your exercises, but also you must be careful with the stitches you have. So why not enjoy the sweet good things like today? I mean, look at this place I would live here." DJ said as Bunny was above his abdomen and finding comfort for itself being patter by the gentle giant.

The bodybuilder complained but decided to follow the advice of the relaxing brick wall. Even as she felt uncomfortable by relaxing. At least she had someone to talk to and have a good way to show she is fine to every fan and her parents that she is doing fine.

Chris was about to talk more when he just heard something that caught his attention.

"It's crazy how it is..." A voice was enough to make everyone pause as they looked in the direction of Harold followed by Tyler and Courtney who looked concerned at him. Chris was surprised to see an unraveled haircut on the C.I.T. girl, knowing Duncan would lose his marbles the time he saw his girlfriend like that. Probably one of the works of Harold exposed.

And talking about the nerd, he doesn't seem to be so cheerful while the jock was slapping his back as a way to give comfort. And Courtney was trying to find the right words to say. But the silent comfort was the best she gave for her friend.

"I just don't know guys, it seems that more and more she looks a bit more distant, and we don't even spend much time together anymore. I just don't understand." Harold commented as Chris approached the camera crew, a bit of drama was tingling Chris's senses and he decided to enjoy the good time to appear.

"Speaking of the Devil, Harold the hairdresser, how the Playa Del Losers has been for you?" Chris said as Harold for the first time flinched and muttered a curse from one skill that he didn't want to be exposed to.

"Shhhhhh," Tyler loudly shushed Chris as he looked around for the sake of comforting Harold. "Harold didn't want anyone learning more about him doing the haircuts, because the first time Harold cut the hair of Ezekiel, most girls of this place asked for him to do their hair, and he spent the entire day doing that."

"I can hear their hair growing up," Harold said not just annoyed but traumatized for overworking one of his skills as well.

"Oh come on Harold. It wasn't that bad." Courtney scoffed as she flinched from his piercing glare at her.

"Say that after I pass the whole day doing haircuts for all of you. It took 3 hours to make relaxation on Bridgette's hair and make a curly haircut without getting any complaints." Harold said which made Courtney giggle sheepishly...

"Okay, maybe we shouldn't have forced you to do all that haircut. And possibly next time we are going to make a better schedule for you." Courtney said as she used diplomacy and made sure to make Harold sigh in relief.

"I would appreciate that. Please next time, not everyone on the same day." Harold composed himself and walked towards nearby the pool...

Chris blinked as he never thought to see the nerd who was always proud of his 'mad skills' finally show one that he probably regrets exposing around.

"Okay, let's change the subject. What you three have been talking about?" Chris wanted to know more about the details of the drama while he wasn't around. And from the way Harold was feeling uncomfortable, he could guess what happened. "Was Leshawna giving you a cold shoulder? What happened with the romance you two developed as the first official couple of the show?"

Harold was about to say something when suddenly a loud shout interrupted everything.

"THAT *BEEEEEEEP* *BEEEEEEP*" And from the surprise shout the editors will have a surprise censorship they have to make. Made Noah, Harold, Courtney, Tyler, DJ, Eva, and Sadie who were near the grill with Cody and Katie paused and saw Leshawna, dressed in her dark grey swimsuit and a long well-made braids hairstyle which Harold passed also a long time doing it for his girlfriend, was nothing in comparison than her anger on her eyes. "That slime parasite dared to tell on the blog that Heather would be better in *beep* than me because I would possibly break Harold's hips from my heavy weight, and Heather since she was a former ballerina was more flexible and would fit better for him because of *beep**beep* and *beep*. Is she for real? Does she want to die?"

Chris looked confused as Cody and Katie sighed... And Ezekiel got two books on his hands and a CD case as well...

Bridgette and Geoff finally got on the hot tub while they looned surprised to see Leshawna that angry... Justin was focusing himself looking at his own reflection.

Izzy who was using the diving board to make a loud splash paused, as she stared at how loud Leshawna was angry, probably even forgetting that she was being recorded by the television.

"Wow," Cody commented flinching with the idea of who would be on that low to make such a terrible thing… "Sierra really wants you to get angry."

"What?" Chris was shocked by seeing the ghetto girl being so irate like that, but he also had no idea what was happening, or who was the person who was causing such a thing. But thankfully Cody and Katie walked in front of the host to explain the situation.

"There is a very obsessed fan named Sierra who had been… what is the word again? Trolling?" Katie wasn't sure about the geek terms but thankfully she looked at her boyfriend who nodded his head at her. "Right, Trolling the forums, which she shows her deep anger by aiming at me and Cody since we love each other and we are officially in a relationship… And Leshawna was one of the girls who were supporting me and Cody, but in the end, Sierra noticed Leshawna and decided to focus all the trolling on her, by saying Harold was too good for her, and even the moose incident..."

Harold flinched while Leshawna growled at remembered how Sierra was making her day a hell because of that.

"Sierra got the time of her life, by making the ship of Harold and Heather, which possibly had a very solid fanbase, which irks Leshawna in a bad way…" Cody finished, as the angry girl walked towards the skinny nerd who was looking both afraid and sad at her.

The big ghetto girl didn't take that BS, so she only wanted to destroy that troll once and for all. With a smirk on her face.

"Harold, you, me, your bedroom. Now." Leshawna said as she didn't even let Harold argue, she got him in her arms, and was using force to carry him with her… But not before giving a deep look at the camera. "Say whatever you say Sierra, but let's see if you can top that, you and the skinny white girl. I'm going to give him the ride of his life. It's over. I won."

Chris blinked as Harold couldn't help but mutter.

"I'm scaredly aroused," Harold whispered but a good part of his sadness was away, while he was going to have a better time with his girlfriend, sometimes he was grateful to Sierra for making his passion burn once again between the two.

Chris was in silence, as all the campers while watching the black woman and the nerd going to a suite to enjoy a good time of lust… which nobody wanted to imagine… Ezekiel then decided to compliment the scene.

"If I have a nickel for every time I watch someone being threatened or punished to having *beep* I'd had 2 nickels… Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that happened twice, right?" Ezekiel commented, as the television once captured what would be another treasure quote that would be published in the name of Total Drama Television.

The campers who heard that either nodded their heads and some even laughed at the said question. While Noah and Courtney groaned. The camera went aimed at them.

"Great, now they probably will be doing that for the rest of the night as well. I rather rip off my ears than hear them having coitus like animals for the rest of the night. Is someone willing to share the bedroom for me to sleep tonight?" Noah said annoyed as he wouldn't want to have the same traumatic experience, and Courtney nodded her head as well.

"I agree with you, maybe should be for the best if we share a room with another person," Courtney said as she looked at Bridgette who was enjoying her experience in the hot tub. "Hey Bridgette, can you let me pass the night in your suite?"

"Sure," Bridgette commented as Geoff was taking a picture of the two, and even letting her use his stetson hat. But showing the good curly haircut the nerd had done at her. It was indeed a good show of skills of the boy who is probably enjoying the time of his life.

"Welp, I will be dammed, that boy is a son of a gun," Chris smirked, as Izzy was looking with a big smile on her face and staring at Noah.

"What?" The bookworm said as she was giggling loudly, and the boy stared at Ezekiel who was still holding his stuff. "I think Izzy finally lost the screws on her brain."

"Why don't you ask Cody to share a bedroom with you?" Izzy commented, as the bookworm raised his eyebrows, and he had no idea what the sick plan she had on her mind… But a good part of his own instincts was telling him to refuse whatever she was suggesting.

"Nah, I don't think so," Noah said slowly, which made Izzy pout, and inside of his heart, the boy knew that he dodged a bullet.

"You can stay in my bedroom, Noah." Sadie offered gently as the boy looked at Ezekiel, and the other campers, and Izzy pouted angrily, which made Noah nod his head.

"Alright, it's better than nothing, and probably your suite is on the other side of the resort, which is great for me." Noah nodded his head, and Chris rolled his eyes but enjoyed the good comments on how the episode would be edited on the show.

The cameraman crew noticed Ezekiel having two books in his hands and walked towards DJ who was petting his little bunny, to the surprise of everyone Ezekiel smiled and raised a book for him.

"This book came yesterday, and I was just giving the final touches DJ, and I didn't know how much Courage meant so much to you, but I think there isn't anybody better who deserves it more than you." Ezekiel didn't lie, since it took it a few hours to prepare this gift for the brick wall who looked not just surprised but deeply happy to see it.

"Wait, is that?" DJ had his eyes sparking at the cover of a purple book, in the cover there was a little house made of wood, and there was a family, a husband and a wife, and the iconic pink beagle who was waving at the person who was looking at the cover.

"Go on. Read the first page." Ezekiel smiled as DJ slowly saw something very surprising...

"For a good friend, who knew the faces of fear every single day, and yet took a step further to show courage at the most important moments, I never thought this story would have changed lives, like yours and mine. True courage comes when we face our fears for the sake of the people we love... ( A tiny drawing of Courage with a balloon speech "The things I do for love").

For a friend who knew how important this little dog meant to me, and how it meant for you.

You are Courage DJ, and that makes you special. Because there is no such thing as perfect. You are as beautiful as you are DJ. With all your imperfections, you can do anything.

(A drawing of Courage who was brushing his teeth staring at an ugly barracuda in a bathtub.)

This dedication is for you because I think there isn't somebody who deserves more of this dedication than you, DJ. I hope you like this message and this gift I give to you.

At the end of the dedication, there is a colored art of Courage holding Muriel and DJ holding his Momma in the same way while shouting the same word. "YES," Both the coward dog and the coward brick wall said on the sketch.

By your friend... Ezekiel, and Courage the Cowardly Dog...

Be courageous.

Ezekiel didn't have time to process when DJ gave him a hug which made him almost crack his bones. And the painful groaning.

"Guys, help." Ezekiel tried to call for help, but he couldn't see it. Many of his friends and even the camera crew were in tears and sobbing at how beautifully the message was done by a good friend. "Urgh, DJ, please... Ugh..."




It took a few minutes for to DJ recover his composure and his friends helped the poor boy who felt a bit sore around his entire back, and now he was lying on the chair while his friends were looking sheepishly at him.

Ezekiel was glaring at them, even Izzy who looked sheepishly at him because she didn't help him from the possible cracks which happened around his bones.

"You need to train your back more," Tyler commented as Eva gave a glance at the jock who shrugged. "It's really easy to crack the back, my family had a story with things happening all the time."

"I will keep that in mind... Maybe make Ezekiel hold a weight vest to help him train his back." Eva wondered what made Ezekiel shiver on his spine and glared at Tyler who whistled innocently.

"Alright, guys. That was touching and special, but now Ezekiel, you had brought another book and even a CD case." Chris commented as Ezekiel nodded his head.

"Yeah, those two are for you. Since you allowed me to advertise my book, and even I felt flattered for you using some of them in your challenges, I thought you would like to also have a good book with a dedication on it... Just please do it in your trailer, I wouldn't take another person hugging me and trying to crack my back." Ezekiel's comment made Chris give a smile and a smirk while DJ flinched and looked sheepish.

"Sorry," DJ said sheepishly and the boy now having his winter hat back on his head, rolled his eyes but had a smile on his face.

"And what about the CD?" Chris asked as Ezekiel smiled.

"Oh, in case you are really busy reading, maybe having this will make you more interested. It's a record of me telling the story, with sound effects and even music. Thanks to Cody and Harold we had some great chapters on this CD." Ezekiel commented as while Chris looked at the CD with interest, the camera could see the faces of all the campers... All of them had a devious smile on their faces, and Ezekiel's face looked like a pure devil who wanted to screw with someone. "These stories got so immersive that the horror would be even more real and be even more scary than before. I have to agree with Lindsay, I should also focus on people who couldn't read books, so this is my prototype to see if that would make them also enjoy this story. So you have the first prototype of the audiobook."

"Wow, a first edition of the audiobook? Ezekiel, you are spoiling me so much." Chris commented in a mocked tone but failed to see the shadow covering Ezekiel's face and the smile that resembled the devil himself.

"Oh, well what can I say? You deserved it, Chris. This is a gift for all of us." Ezekiel commented as Chris smirked and the camera crew couldn't see all the other campers. From Tyler to even DJ who had an evil grin on their faces. Ezekiel meant with all his heart. It was a gift from all of them. The first chapter of the prototype of the audiobook was the Freaky Fred. The guys couldn't help but imagine how Chris would react to hearing about the barberman...

And nobody had a slight percentage of guilt on their minds.

After a little break, everyone went back to their activities Chris decided to narrate for the part of the show, seeing Ezekiel relaxing his body on the hot tub with Courtney, and Bridgette was having a goof-making out session with nobody other than Geoff.

"As you can see, our campers have made themselves comfortable here at our luxury resort." Chris narrated for the audience as the camera panned over to the hot tub where Bridgette and Geoff could be seen cuddling together and even kissing for long minutes. "Looks like Geoff and Bridgette have been enjoying their time together here."

"Dude!" Geoff cheered after removing his lips from Bridgette. "This resort is off the charts!"

Until he returned to kiss when Courtney looked at her clock.

"8 minutes," Courtney commented as she and Ezekiel took what would be a water spray and aimed at the couple.

*Tsk* *Tsk* *Tsk*

"AHHHHHHHHHHH" The surfer and the party boy shouted could be heard as Chris looked surprised and both Ezekiel and Courtney rolled their eyes.

"Seriously? We had the opportunity to be on television again and you were wasting your minutes by making out this long, again?" Courtney gave an emphasis as both Bridgette and Geoff used the water of the hot tub to clean up the burning from their faces.

"Oh come on, it didn't pass 10 minutes. Why are you so controlling guys?" Geoff said as he felt unfairness coming as Ezekiel rolled his eyes.

"You were the one to set up for kissing at a maximum of 7 minutes today," Ezekiel explained as he placed the anti-horny spray on the side. Which made the blonde boy realize what he said.

"Ohhh, right... Sorry guys." Geoff commented sheepishly while Courtney sighed and Bridgette pouted.

"So what just happened?" Chris asked curiously as Courtney gave the bottle of water spray to the host.

"Bridgette and Geoff spent most of their time making out here, and we didn't mind them doing it in their bedrooms, but it was getting ridiculous when they kept kissing everywhere we wanted to just relax," Courtney explained as she pointed at Ezekiel. "That's why Ezekiel decided to nickname them Miss Tree Trunks and the Piggy. And when things get too much for us to a point where they annoy us, we use this solution of water spray with hot sauce, Ezekiel named it anti-horny spray, and we have been creating boundaries for them to do... Whatever they do in their bedroom it's up to them. But when we were at the pool they kept pushing us while making out. We just use this."

"Yep, my Ma did that when my Pa really messed up, so I think it would be a good way to keep them in check," Ezekiel explained as the duo decided to pout and go back to their relaxing time.

"You know what? I'm going around and grab my camera. We should have pictures of this event." Geoff commented that Bridgette liked the idea, while Courtney thought about it. But then smiled for the party boy.

"That sounds interesting." Courtney approved as Ezekiel nodded his head.

And with that the boy went ahead, making Chris and the camera crew turn their backs and look for more people to talk to.

And to the surprise of the cameraman they found Beth enjoying her spa session with the sharks who were having a seaweed mud wrap treatment just like her.

From the look of the girl she also got a new hairstyle which is a pixie haircut.

Passing on that they saw Izzy talking with Katie, Sadie, and Cody.

"And that's why I had to change all the color schemes of my factory." The ginger girl explained as Cody winced, and Katie and Sadie couldn't believe her ears.

"Is that legal?" Katie asked as Izzy nodded her head.

"Yeah, my lawyers told me that I had to change it quickly or there would have been a nasty lawsuit, which is why I wanted to break some necks," Izzy said as she commented with Cody palling.

"Never thought an ex-wife would have been so petty to do a scheme like that for the former owner of the factory." Cody was honest. Thinking about how a divorce would have been in such a terrible scheme to try to bury each other in debt.

"Okay, I can try to come up with a uniform for you," Katie said as she felt moved by the reason the girl being honest with her, if she could help with a way to help Izzy she would be glad since she also provided a few fabrics for her to do her swimsuit and Sadie as well

"Really? Thanks, Katie, you are the best." Izzy expressed her gratitude by smirking while Cody gave a big hug to his girlfriend.

"What can I say, I got lucky, she is really the best." The geek said which made the tan twin blush, but feeling happy for feeling useful and being complimented by her friend and boyfriend.

"Oh shush you, and kiss me, honey," Katie said as she didn't need to say again, to which the boy happily complied.

Then a laugh could be heard as the camera caught Leshawna with a victory smile on her face, and snapping her fingers in front of the camera.

"Did you see that Sierra? That's love, something that you would never catch from the geek boy, he already got a girl, so you knock it off. And, I have the pleasure of telling you that you can't compare me with Heather anymore. I won." Leshawna said with a victory dance, while Harold got out from the resort with a satisfied and happy smile on his face.

Probably the stalker would be fuming in hatred from watching the episode later.

Beth got out from the spa session with the sharks, and each of them passed while waving to Bridgette who waved them back, and Geoff and Courtney looked at the surfer in surprise.

"What? Fin, Fang, and Jaw are great guys. They even allowed me to surf over their backs one day." Bridgette commented as even Ezekiel blinked and looked at Bridgette weirdly, but the group just shrugged.

"Hey guys, what did I miss?" Beth commented as Chris went to walk with Beth.

"Beth, nice hair, what did Harold do for you as well?" The host of the show commented, as the farm girl nodded her head and even looked at her reflection of herself in the water.

"Yeah, and even got I skin treatment which made me feel even more relaxed. It feels like I slept 10 hours, and it was fantastic…" Beth commented as she looked around to see everyone already enjoying their day. "Did I miss much?"

"Nah, you can watch it on the television when it's edited," DJ commented, as then finally the last member of the losers arrived… And for the surprise of Chris… The boy looked all beaten up, with his eye swelling, burned marks, vomit on his chest, and even marks on his stomach…

"Woah, what happened to you?" Chris said in alarm until he saw the missed cameraman who just gave a thumbs up to him. Knowing that something was recorded.

"I couldn't waste my opportunity." The guitarist commented as he talked to the host. "I watched the episodes and I discovered that I messed up so much, that I needed to apologize to everyone, so I went to meet each of them alone, and say I was sorry… And the way they answered… It was a very loud, clear, and painful…"

"Did you record everything?" Chris said as the cameraman nodded his head, and Chris smirked. "Then let's watch some scenes."

(Recordings of Trent apologizing.)

"I hope you forgive me," Trent said that to Geoff, and immediately got a punch on his face, which made him on the floor.

"Apologies accepted," Geoff said while walking away.

"I'm deeply sorry…" Trent commented until he got a punch in the gut when it was made by Courtney who was very annoyed by him.

"You jealously really irks me, but I forgive you. And I know Duncan will forgive you as well." The C.I.T. replied as she smirked with the boy losing his air from her giving a very good punch.

"UGH." Trent felt his kiwis hurt when Katie gave a kick to his precious.

"That was for betraying Cody… But since Cody forgives you. I forgive you too." Katie nodded her head, while Cody was giving thumbs up at her.

"Thanks, sorry for that man," Trent asked weakly at his friend, who smiled at him.

"Sure, I know that it must have felt difficult, but it's still hurt a bit. So that's why I asked Sadie to give you a punch for me." Cody smiled as Trent palled.

"What?" Trent didn't have time to realize what happened when a strong punch made him fly a few centimeters away and get himself on the floor.

"Ops… I think I exaggerated." Sadie giggled sheepishly, while the guitarist was groaning on the floor.

"Ouch, but I didn't say anything," Trent said as he looked exasperated at Beth who placed both hands on her mouth. She had slapped him.

"Ops, sorry, I thought since everyone was beating you up. I should have my time…" Beth said sheepishly, while Trent rolled his eyes.

"Okay, I'm sorry for making Lindsay OUCH, AGAIN?" Trent shouted as he got another slap on his face.

"Ops, sorry, I will wait this time…" Beth said as she looked nervous.

"Okay, I OUCH. OH COME ON, YOU ARE DOING ON PURPOSE." Trent shouted as Beth giggled sheepishly.

"… maybe." The farmer girl said shamelessly in a way that would make the queen bee proud of her pupil.

"...*Gulp*…" Trent gulped as he looked at Eva who was staring at him like a shark wanting to devour her prey. "I want to say I'm sorry for everything I did for your team. And I hope you forgive me."

Eva stared down at him, which made him so afraid of what she could possibly do...Since she beat the crap of a serial killer and even made a bear female… What she could do with him would be any kind of…

"You are forgiven…" Then the reply from the bodybuilder made Trent freeze in surprise, never imagining that it would be that easy. But then he saw the skulls in her eyes. "You are so lucky for me to not even move properly without damaging the stitches on my body. So the next time you mess up like that, I'm going to break every little bone of your body and make you stay at the hospital as long as you live...Got it?"

Trent sweat bullets as he nods his head quickly. Which made Eva turn her back… And when Trent was sighing in relief. He felt a huge slap coming to his face, and launching him away from the beach and hitting the ocean.

And with that Eva sighed in relief.

"I forgave you for what you did Geoff, now this was for Gwen and Ezekiel, so now apologies accepted," Eva commented as she glared at the cameraman who immediately turned off.

"Hey Harold, I want to apologize for what I did with your friends when…" Trent was trying to talk with Harold who was with his back at him, but he didn't know at the time the nerd was enjoying a little of free time for him, he was actually trying to impress Leshawna with his nunchucks skills,

"WATCHA" Harold immediately turned his body with a reflex and the blunt nunchuck hit Trent on the face which knocked him out, "Ops. Sorry, Trent… I didn't see you there. You shouldn't approach a martial artist from behind. What were you saying again?"

"Ugh…" Trent was groaning while Leshawna facepalmed on that scene.

"Choose a number between 1 and 100. You have 10 seconds." Ezekiel was aiming his arrow at his face, which Trent thought it would be like the first time he did…

"Oh yeah, me too, me too. Choose a number between 10 and 80." Izzy smirked as she aimed another arrow but to the fear of Trent there was a ball of an orange sap, in both of their arrows, and a lighter aiming directly at the arrow. At the time they shot at him, Trent would explode.

"Are you two for real?" Trent said in a panic, never imagining that things would change like that.

"7 seconds," Ezekiel said.

"What happened to you?" Bridgette asked as Trent had a few burns on his back.

"I just went to apologize to Ezekiel, but then… OUCH." Trent didn't even have the answer when he got a slap. And before he could reply, he got another one, and then another one, and finally another one. "Why did you slap me four times?"

"One is for Geoff, the second is for Ezekiel, the third is for Gwen which you messed up many times, and the last one was because Duncan asked me to do it," Bridgette commented as she suddenly just saw Trent got a bit of white liquid coming on his hair.

Both looked above and saw a Seagull aiming its butt at Trent.

"Oh come on." Trent raised both his arms in disbelief from having such bad luck or in Bridgette's case was mother nature giving a bit of karma for his redemption.

"Okay, I think that's messed up. So I forgive you." Bridgette gave a few steps disgusted. "Maybe you should go take a shower."

"Yeah, I'm going to do it," Trent said as he went back to the resort.

"Sure, I forgive you, man," DJ commented as he then felt the boy hugging the brick wall, startling him from the way the guitarist acted.

"Thanks, man, you have no idea how this important is to me, you are the first one who didn't do anything to me," Trent said as he was even in tears.

"No problem. I think you already got too much… But my worries would be when you talk with Tyler." DJ flinched with the idea, while the guitarist blinked about it.

"What do you mean? It will not be that bad right? I mean, what's the worst he could do?" Trent asked in optimist when DJ gulped and palled.




"*Beep*" Trent commented, as he was sitting in the kitchen, and he was staring at a plate of pancakes in front of him, while above the table, there was a yellow liquid jar above it. "Tyler this is insanity."

"My grandpa always believed in karma, even in times he survived 3 airplane crashes, he still managed to win the lottery from all the karma he built up for himself," Tyler said as he opened the lid which made DJ want to vomit, but remained strong, as Geoff was there to give moral support… "You did this to my girlfriend, which she didn't do anything to you. I saw all the episodes of her commenting about this *beep* you caused to her… and I swear that if you don't eat this, I'm going to shove them down into your throat the same way you did to her."

"NO WAY, I'M GOING TO GET THE *BEEP* OUT OF HERE." Trent was about to leave when suddenly felt both DJ and Geoff catching him and holding him exactly the same way as in the Brunch of Disgustness episode. "No, no no no NO NO NO NO. PLEASE, ANYTHING BUT THAT."

"I'm sure that she will forgive you when she watches this… Now, be a good child, and take your pancakes… I mean, it's lemon vinegar like you said to her." Tyler said as he soaked the pancakes and one by one, he made sure the guitarist would get his punishment.

(End of the Transmission)

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." The loud laugh from Chris when he watched the record moments on the screen of the camera, was loud enough to see how much Trent's drama got appreciated on this special. "This is gold… no pun intended. But I felt this would be so much value that I need to make sure everything would be on air."

"Sir, we already have enough for an episode, what are we going to do?" One of the cameramen asked as Chris rolled his eyes.

"Tell the producers this episode is going to be a one-hour special. Because there is no way we could waste this opportunity. Trent's redemption by having karma biting on his but, now the viewers are going to enjoy everything around. So do your best to take all the recordings and do one hour." Chris commented that the producers would complain a little, but with Chris showing the rating on such episodes. It's going to make them the best channel watched for a long time.

"Well losers, why don't you all talk about what you think about the time you got eliminated?" Chris asked as Noah rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, I was pretty shocked to be the first camper voted off," Noah commented who was still wearing his white shirt and was back on the bar counter, the brainiac bookworm commented as he raised his hand. "Apparently I wasn't a bossy, manipulative, viper who could use opportunities to cheat and sabotage her own team and dangerous enough to make it through. She not only tricked everyone, but she made me the first one out. Which I'm going to get my revenge on her."

"While I still with a grudge against the way you eliminated me, Chris, I came to a term to accept that complaining wouldn't do anything in my favor," Courtney commented as she even expressed herself while she clinched her hand, but then she gave a deep breath. "But I got help from my friends, and I couldn't complain that as much I would rather still be in the competition, I would be lying if I said this place wasn't super nice."

"Yeah, you needed to chill out more Courtney, and the prank you did on us freaked me out," Harold commented as Courtney and Ezekiel laughed, which Chris blinked in surprise.

"Did you pull up a prank in them?" Chris asked slowly and the C.I.T. scoffed.

"What? Did you think I wasn't fun? Well sucks to be you. I had a good laugh." Courtney smirked at the host who just got his head blue screen from the revelation.

"How would I characterize my experience?" Eva repeated the question made by the cameraman while she was using a fork to take 4 meats from the buffet. "Easy, it sucked… every time I had an elimination was because of my injuries and technicalities, if I knew that I had to fight a bear and a serial killer, I would have doubled my training to make sure I would make them regret to even be born."

Eva growled which scared the crew but then she gave a good deep breath and calmed herself down.

"But I had better control of my anger, and I couldn't complain since I won a very expensive trailer and got the reward of capturing the Serial Killer. So 20 thousand bucks in my wallet was a good way to invest my future training." Eva said as she got a little smirk on her face, showing that deep down she was grateful. "Also I couldn't complain of having good friends around me, and watching Sadie and Ezekiel doing my working out I made for them made me feel proud of them, so I know they are on a good path to being healthy… differently than a fatass boy who is afraid of even lifting a weight."

"Did I get anything out of this experience?" Beth asked as she then gave a small smile which she looked at the camera. "Absolutely, I got my first best friends who did their best to keep me on the game, I had so much fun talking with Lindsay and Heather, they taught me a lot of stuff, even as Heather looked a bit rude, and cruel in some ways… I felt like I somehow managed to make her indeed care about me…"

"She voted on herself to make sure you would try to remain on the show," Leshawna commented as she rolled her eyes. "I gotta say, she was a brat viper for voting me out, but I have to respect a girl who did that for her friends."

"Yeah, and I feel very guilty for bringing the cursed Tiki on the island, and having to make not just me, but Heather and Ezekiel sick as well… But I cried when Lindsay told me that they swore they would be on the final 3, I feel like my spirit is with them. And I will be cheering up for them." Beth said as she felt emotional and even released a few tears. "Heather and Lindsay really cared about me and all I could do was to cheer them when they reach the final 3. It's what friends do for their best friends."

"You got that right," Leshawna said as she crossed her arms.

"Hey Beth, do you want some chicken wings?" Cody called from the grill and the farm girl nodded her head and left the cameraman with a satisfied scene.

"Alright, now it's tied. For the final point," Tyler commented as both Izzy and Ezekiel were with their bows and arrows in their hands, while there was a coconut painted with a target on it. "The person who managed to hit the center wins the challenge."

The jock gulped as the duo nodded their heads, and quickly placed in a place far away from the pool. In a distance where both couldn't hurt anybody. And with that. Ezekiel took his winter hat off, and Izzy cracked her neck.

"You better take off your weights Ezekiel, because there is no way that you will beat me with that kind of handicap," Izzy smirked as Ezekiel glanced at the 10 kilograms in each of his arms… And noticed that she was right.

"Okay, fair enough," Ezekiel commented as he finally pulled the velcro from his weights and after releasing it, there was a loud sound of impact by having 2 of 10 kilograms weight on the floor. Surprising Izzy and even himself. "Wow, my arms felt so much lighter than before. Holding this bow feels like holding a pillow to me."

"Well, let's on 3," Izzy said as she smirked, both taking their arrows and preparing their compound bows. "1,2… 3!"



At the time both released the arrows, the coconut was pierced one at the center of the target while the other was a little above the center.

"Dammit," Ezekiel said as Izzy giggled madly. "You tricked me."

"Hahaha, I can't believe it worked. You should always test and train a bit after releasing the weights Ezekiel, hahahaha. Now I won once again… How many was this time? 20 to 14?" Izzy giggled while the campers were enjoying a drink seeing both playing a game.

"Don't try to trick me, Izzy. It's 19 to 15. I'm approaching faster than you think." Ezekiel said as Izzy rolled her eyes but with a smirk on her face.

"Plllleeeeeaaaasseeee. I have far more experience than you ever had in combat, you are improving a lot, but in bow and arrow? Ha! I'm way better than you." Izzy said as she was dancing the dance of victory, while Ezekiel rolled his eyes and pouted.

"...What the hell just happened?" Chris commented as he looked amused but also confused on that scene.

"It's just Izzy and Ezekiel doing their thing… They do all the time." Most of the campers. Excluding Bridgette Courtney said loudly while Chris decided that it was enough for that time.

"Okay, say cheese everyone," Geoff commented as he caught Harold and Leshawna looking lovely as he was hugging the ghetto girl, and enjoying a good embrace of their time together.

"Woah, wicked picture Geoff," Tyler said as it showed a good picture just like the others. Since the jock tried to make one pose into trying to launch a freebie, but the said disk returned like a boomerang, and Geoff managed to take a picture of Tyler being hit in the face.

And then Tyler was enjoying giving a little surprise for Lindsay, by having Geoff take a picture of him giving a jump on the pool, which the picture was good… But the impact Tyler made on the water, was his face hitting first the water, which was painful, and let him have a red marked face…

The camera once showed Geoff taking a picture of himself with Bridgette while they were both kissing together, and she was using his favorite hat.

One with DJ reading the book given by Ezekiel, while DJ's bunny and Katie's bunny were playing together when an eagle tried to capture them…

Geoff took a picture of an arrow hitting on the eagle's butt which made it cry in pain and leave the bunny feel down, above Bridgette…

A picture of a bunny giving an Eskimo kiss on Bridgette as gratitude, made her giggle.

Tyler played with Yo-yo and made jokes about hitting himself, which accidentally that's what he accidentally did, then a coconut fell over his head… which everyone laughed at, even himself.

Chris thought everyone was suffering a lot… He once got called by Geoff who decided to take a picture of everyone again… The host couldn't help but smile and be part of it.

The cameraman took a picture of the entire losers, and this time without consequences of being pranked… Even if Trent was with his eyes swole, and a few burns… At least now the harmony across the playa del losers once again returned…

"Okay. You've seen how the losers are spending their time." Chris narrated to the camera as he knew that it would give a lot of minutes of content, but now he needed to make sure to continue the actual episode. "Now it's time to find out what they think of the final five."

"Which one we should start?" Courtney commented as she drank coconut and thought about who would be the best person to comment.

"How about Heather? She is the one who usually is the most rude around when it doesn't come around Beth and Lindsay." Bridgette answered the question, which everyone couldn't help but shrug.

"I have to confess that she is a very good competitor." Courtney had to give her that point. "She is very quick to adapt when some problem happens, and when they lose, she always finds a way to make their target well shown while being low radar with not just her, but with Lindsay and Beth as well."

"Yeah, I should have expected that they were using me as the target of all the Killer Bass, it was the smart thing to do… Low blow, but smart." Trent commented as many rolled their eyes.

"Oh bro, don't talk about if you didn't deserve everything that happened. You are forgiven but you shouldn't have acted ignorant." Tyler said as the group nodded their heads.

"I believe Heather has a great chance to win," Beth said as she was happy to talk about her friend, and while many would dislike her or find her just annoyed. "I mean, she did a lot for me and Lindsay, I thought I was so despaired that I could have been used in any case… And yet, she took me under her wing and even made me a great friend with her and Lindsay. So I believe she is very smart and can go to finals with Lindsay."

"Well, that Yoko indeed surprised me by playing a Batman's gambit on me, she knew how to sabotage me, and yet managed to adapt our loss into eliminating someone who would make things worse… I admit it was smart…" Noah commented as the group raised their eyebrows but then he glared at Chris. "But when the time is right, she is going to regret tricking me."

"That's what all they say." Courtney and Bridgette comment.

"Oh, I think she is very interesting. She really is like a sponge, she could interpret all my strategies and the lessons I gave for her, she really is great to be around if wasn't for the fact that she is always scared of me." Izzy commented as she was enjoying a melon barbecue she placed on the grill.

"Do you blame her? You sometimes even on your military commando can scare anyone. Even more when you acted crazy, it was so much that we feared that you could kill us at night." Leshawna commented as she saw her laughing like it was a silly joke.

"Oh come on Leshawna, don't worry, my license to kill had expired. So I have no right to kill someone. Hahahahaha," Izzy laughed as most of the campers gulped in fear, while she just frowned. "Oh come on. It was a joke, Chef would have laughed hard."

"Yeah, only militaries would laugh about it, Izzy," Ezekiel commented as the camera caught Izzy pouting, and Ezekiel thinking about it… With all the experience he had… he knew the exact words he was going to say. "Heather is in her prime, I think from the time she started on this show, she thought she could manipulate everyone into doing whatever she wants… But then she realized how important the allies meant to her, and different than what most people would say… I think that if she didn't have friendships with Beth, Lindsay, and Izzy… She would have become a *beep* so cruel that it would be cathartic for all the viewers to see her going down… While many people would love her as a villain… I think she is way better as an anti-hero and with a great older sister vibe to protect Lindsay and Beth. She has a great chance of winning if she plays her cards right."

"Wow," Leshawna said as she coughed on her hand. "I have to tell you the little farm boy was right, she was much more insufferable on the begging on the show, and while she is rude and made me want to slap her face, I gotta confess that there was time I couldn't help but cheer up for her. Way to go girl, defending friends with tooth and nails."Leshawna commented as the group nodded their heads at her.

"She is very rude, but as Ezekiel said, I think she values way more her circle of friends than her own family. I mean, did you watch what her brother did in her bedroom?" Bridgette commented as Harold nodded his head.

"Oh yeah, that boy is a little devil, and I'm curious about what Heather is going to do with her brother when she returns to her house," Harold commented as he then looked around and decided to comment. "And even that she proved her tits were not fake, doesn't mean that they meant anything to me, it was all the fair gameplay. But that moose was a pervert because come on everyone saw it."

"Yeah, that animal was petty," Geoff commented as the girls gave a nod, while Leshawna was getting her teeth.

"I would have his head on my wall because that animal just caused me a lot of headaches, with a certain girl which I will not name on this show, she just made Heather and Harold paired even if was the case both of them hated each other after the event." Leshawna scoffed as Harold blinked. "I mean, what girl would let a man grab her tits by accident and be Lovey and Dovey with him? I mean, Heather is a brat but a rich brat, while Harold is a string bean that passes most of the time in the bedroom of his mama's house. There was no way that it would work."

Leshawna's comment didn't pass much, but Harold winced in pain, while Ezekiel had his eyes wide open, from such a comment. In the same way Izzy and a few members of the Killer Bass, calmly composed themselves, just to let it drop that mistake once…

"Anyway, let's change for another camper?" Cody decided to go to Courtney and decided to use another person. "What about the last pillar of Killer Bass?"

"Duncan," Courtney commented as she felt smaller and happier to see the memories of herself and the boyfriend she had a good time together on the show. "I never would have expected it from day one, but he's really helped me a lot and reminded me how I can have actual fun. He just… means a lot to me."

"Well said," Ezekiel commented as he was also a representation of the Pillar of Killer Bass. And with a good look at the reflection on the water, he decided to once again explain what he thought. "When I first met Duncan, I always thought that he would have been one of the reasons why my parents wanted me to avoid public schools or learn more about the outside. But I saw something in him in the same way around everyone on Killer Bass, I saw a warrior, a person who if he trusts the right people, could be a great leader, and a great friend. He has his flaws of course, but who doesn't? But when he discovered that he wasn't a bad boy, but just a delinquent vandal… he created his own line that he would never cross just for my sake… I think that's a good reason why I always look up to him… he is awesome."

"Yeah, while I usually thought of him being annoying into doubting my mad skills, Duncan also knew how to make me have a better view of myself, into how to act, and when he said he was proud of me sometimes. I felt like he really meant it, and I never thought that a nerd like me and a delinquent like him would work so great together, it made me think of the first day and all the laughs we had together… Especially on the guy's night."Harold said as Geoff got excited.

"Oh yeah, the guy's night was awesome, he was a great DJ, GUYS NIGHT," Geoff shouted out loudly Ezekiel and Tyler felt excited, even DJ who was also knowing what was going to happen. "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"

"OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." The Killer Bass Boys raised their hands as they chanted something that both Ezekiel and Geoff created, and even more funny was that even the girls of Killer Bass decided to join in… Even Eva. "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH."

"Okay, SETTLE DOWN," Chris said annoyed, as he pinched the middle of his nose, and looked at Beth who decided to talk about it.

"I'm grateful for him helping Heather when she was having a panic attack. I felt horrified to see Heather like that," Beth commented as Noah nodded his head.

"As much I hate her, I was surprised to see the criminal knowing how to make her control her breathing, it was he had experience dealing with that. Maybe it was because of his background of family of detectives." Noah explained as he took a book to read while Courtney glared at the bookworm.

"FORMER Criminal." Courtney corrected as she was proud and happy. "He is a free man, thanks to my mom, and only needs to pay community service which will be easy for him."

"Well with a mother-in-law like that, he better to be on his track." Noah joked when something hit his face… It was a coconut which made Courtney happy with her aim.

"Well, I have to apologize to him, since I kinda looked like a jerk," Trent commented as he knew that the jealousy he had over Gwen because of Duncan made both of them depart and he made a mistake that he would never fix it. "In the same way, I have to say sorry to Gwen… But from the way she said it… she already forgave me, but I had to move on."

"Then do it." Some of the members of the playa commented, as the guitarist closed his eyes, and nodded his head in acceptance.

"Owen?" Katie asked as they went to another camper which she looked happy to comment. "He was much fun."

"Owen's pretty nice… however his obsession with me made me keep a bit of distance from him," Justin commented as Sadie nodded her head at him.

"I like him, but I'm glad DJ taught him that pushing the girl in front of a serial killer was messed up and to stop talking about a lot of things which makes it worse for you." Sadie agreed while she failed to notice Justin smirking and giving his iconic smile which made the sharks faint.

"Yeah, I'm glad I could help him… and I think he is going to have better control of himself in the future," DJ commented as the group stared at the ginger girl, who usually would always be smiling widely and crazy, she was now with her face showing nothing more than resolution and seriousness.

"Owen is a great guy, while I know that he made his mistakes. I know that he has a good heart in him." Cody defended the big guy and everyone looked at Ezekiel, who was contemplating what he was going to say…

"I think he is going to win the game," Ezekiel said simply which surprised everyone with his comment, even Chris who stared at him in disbelief. "Owen is an underdog, and while he committed the ultimate betrayal, he always had a good heart, and from seeing his cousin Max saying that he is proud of him and seeing him freaking out… I think that is a good guy and regrets all the terrible mistakes he made with Izzy…"

"Izzy thinks like that." Izzy then commented as everyone looked at the girl who was still serious. "I forgave him, but the experience of almost dying really took the best of me, so much that I had to cry a lot… And I kinda hate crying. But from everything I did, he is still the same lovable goofball who doesn't know how to take care of a crush when the danger is around so maybe after seeing his cousin who is a person who wants to be an archvillain and being proud of him… That's the perfect karma torture that I love to see Owen getting his punishment." Izzy commented not in a crazy tone, but with nothing more than a bored and serious tone which made the campers even more terrified… "The worst kind of punishment is realizing that you become something that you tried to avoid all the costs, so maybe Max being proud of him was a wake-up call for him."

"I know that Owen would freak out every time he sees Max, and I would love to see that duo because I would laugh a lot," Beth explained as she even giggled at how Owen was overdramatic. "It was like a funny comedy movie, about Owen always shouting overdramatic Noooooooooo."

The losers laughed at how the big guy felt when he discovered the way Owen always gave his heart into everything, which with Izzy laughing the tension in the air got even lighter.

"Thanks, Beth, I needed that… So yeah, I think Owen is going to win." Izzy commented as it surprised everyone from the comment. "He is a monster, dealing with all the physical and all the nasty challenges about food, he could take it without breaking a sweat."

"He is an underdog because of that," Trent commented in agreement. "He can eat everything nasty, and didn't mind at all, it was disgusting to see, but also impressive."

"Now let's go to Gwen," Chris commented as Trent flinched, and decided to be in silence.

"I have to admit Gwen is a pretty smart competitor." Courtney was the first to comment as she could see from a personal experience. "Also a great friend, while the days had been getting harder and harder on her, she is an interesting person to keep talking about how awful the show was."

"I saw potential in her since she had a good head on her shoulders. I think it would have been a great addition to our team." Eva commented as she was finally with a weight on her hands, but a cough coming from Tyler made her realize what she was doing which made her curse a few words and drop the weight and cross her arms. "It was strange that I felt she would be better in our team than remaining on the Screaming Gophers..."

"I don't blame you, that team sucked," Noah commented as the group rolled their eyes. "It was a divided team since from the first episode. And while the Killer Bass always focused on teamwork, the Screaming Gophers somehow managed to win the victories by sheer luck and circumstances that made each member of Killer Bass say, Condor."

"I mean, she offered herself to be buried alive for her team. That must mean something" Trent commented as Ezekiel replied.

"Yes, so do I, we did that together because we thought someone would take us out after 5 minutes... 5 minutes..." Ezekiel said as he narrowed his eyes at the guitarist who preferred to shut his mouth. "Thank you again for taking us out DJ"

"No problem Zeke, we should have let one person there just in case." The brick wall said sadly which the Killer Bass sighed...

"Well, we had a lot of fun together," Bridgette commented as Courtney nodded her head.

"Will anyone going to talk about how crazy her mom was?" Leshawna gave a question to which many nodded their heads."That woman wasn't normal, she had such fanatism of her own daughter that she asked a person to act like a future version of her."

"I can't believe Gwen had a brother named Cody. And I could see why she looked at me like I was her younger brother, we are practically twins." Cody commented as he was surprised by the message from the family for Gwen. "Also can we all just agree..."

"If you dare to tell about my MA like a horny teenager I'm going to take my bow and shove so many arrows into your "beep" that you will be bleeding on the inside." Ezekiel interrupted as everyone remained quiet and Cody palled for the way the boy just talked to him.

"Not daring to disrespect her, but she really looks like Gwen." Cody was about to comment Ezekiel's mom was a Milf and he thankfully found the right words to say in a tiny voice.

The other campers looked at Ezekiel fearfully, but Courtney, Eva, and Izzy looked proud of the boy showing dominance on that geek.

"Yeah it's true Zeke, are you sure that your family isn't related to Gwen's family?" Geoff decided to continue the topic with respect which the homeschooled boy shrugged his arms.

"I don't know, I was just as surprised as you are. I didn't imagine Gwen's mother would be that committed to bringing my mom on the message from home and doing a future version of themselves..." Ezekiel commented as he could admit not even in his dreams something like that would ever happen... But after having lived his life, he knows one thing. "But I can see why my ma accepted to do it. She was having fun, and she is good when she wants to imitate someone. There was one time she passed the whole day imitating my pa and I couldn't stop laughing for the whole day."

"I have to admit that she was very good, I could see an adult Gwen talking exactly like that," Harold commented as the group nodded their heads at him.

"Well, Gwen's mom must have helped by giving the right information on how she would act in her house," Ezekiel explained as he then looked at Cody and Harold. "And funny enough, Cody is also traumatized by what Lindsay just had said about the Raiders of Lost Arc plothole. That even on the future version of himself there wouldn't be the salvation of that franchise."

"OH COME ON." Chris, Cody, and Harold groaned as painful that remark was...

"Now talking about Lindsay. I can understand why she had so much difficulty remembering our names." Geoff commented as Bridgette nodded her head.

"Having dyslexia is really a burden to have and for someone who could have terrible grades at school she really compensates with her athletic skills," Courtney commented as she gave a good point. "We really underestimate her, but she managed to win many times for her team."

"She was probably an MVP of Screaming Gophers and we didn't realize." Harold gave a point which made everyone pause, and thinking a few seconds, it showed it was true. "But to see her being interested in mystery stories was indeed surprising for me."

Everyone nodded their head as Tyler decided to comment.

"Lindsay had always been special, she is a very nice and kind girl who did her best to be friends with everyone," Tyler commented as he smiled proud of his girlfriend. "To have her family being supportive like that shows how much she is important."

"Tell me about it, her father is probably rich, did you see him telling her that he is going to take her to see the Sherlock Holmes movie in Holywood? He must have paid thousands of dollars or even a million to have that kind of VIP access." Cody commented as the guys nodded their heads.

"She is probably loaded with money, why would she want to have 100 thousand dollars if her family is rich?" Noah asked while nobody would know the answer...

"It would be for 2 reasons probably... One for being famous since she would be in a television show, or two, that she was looking for good friends to pass the time together..."Ezekiel commented as he gave a look at Beth, knowing that indeed since the end of the first season, the friendship both developed showed how much they cared for each other.

"Yeah, that's true," Beth commented as she nodded her head happily.

"That girl while naive she was... It was kinda hard to explain strategies in a way that she could understand. She was frustrating sometimes, but I couldn't be mad at her for so long. She is really nice." Izzy commented as she had a small smile on her face. "And I didn't think she treated me as a friend before, but now that I think about it. I had a little fun with her. So yeah, she is my friend now."

"Hey Beth, what's your opinion about Lindsay?" Katie asked as the group looked at the farm girl who took her glasses off to clean up on her shirt.

"Well, she is very special to me... She and Heather had been my world on the show, and while we had so many crazy problems the chores and comments made by Heather were annoying at times. I felt like I couldn't have asked better friends... And when Lindsay gave the speech on how she and Heather would be on the final three... I cried because of how much she thinks of me." Beth confessed as Cody tapped her back in comfort. "I know that she can be great and she will do her best to accomplish what she said."

And with that Chris let everyone have a break again. Since everyone was satisfied with what they said around the show. Before wrapping up on the final part of the episode.


It was now nighttime at the loser's resort. The ex-contestants were gathered around the main pool Trent swole eyes started to get better as he was playing his guitar as the tiki torches were lit and providing light along with the moon.

"So, who do you guys want to win if you could vote right now?" DJ asked the question that was on everyone's mind.

"Oh! Can I pick Sadie?" Katie asked as she and her best friend floated through the pool on tubes.

"Aww, you'd pick me and not you?" Sadie gushed.

"Duh. You can't vote for yourself, that's tacky." Katie pointed it out like it was obvious.

"Katie, Sadie..." Courtney called their names exasperated as the duo looked at the C.I.T. "He means the people of the final 5."

"Ohhhh," Both twin girls said as they looked at each other confused...

"I don't know, it's a very difficult decision," Katie commented as she felt unsure, which most of the campers would even have to agree with her. "But I would vote on Lindsay, since she had been a great friend to Heather, in the same way their friendship reminds me of me and Sadie."

"Oh, oh, that's true, it would be so good to see them wearing the same clothes together, I would have liked the idea of them being twins just like us." The chubby yet strong woman commented as Katie smiled at the possibility, and everyone rolled their eyes.

"Well, I would vote for Heather, since she had been helping me and Lindsay a lot, she really wanted to do her best to win the show," Beth commented as she was happy to cheer up for the queen bee. "I believe in Lindsay and Heather to be on the final Three, but I think Heather would be the one catching the prize money."

"Well, I believe in Lindsay." Tyler defended his girlfriend, while he was still enjoying a good time on the pool. "I know Heather can go really far, but Lindsay is far more skilled and can surprise everyone when she uses her intelligence."

Noah refused to open his mouth to remark on a joke since Leshawna was glaring at him.

"Well. I think Gwen has a good chance of winning. I believe in her." Cody commented as the group raised their eyebrows at him. "I know that she may be having a harsh time, but she was way ahead of the game, so there is a good chance for her to win this."

"You are just saying that because you and her brother have the same name," Katie commented as she didn't believe in her boyfriend.

"Well yeah, in case her brother is cheering for her at home, I will be glad to take the little brother role as well to cheer her on the show, like Ezekiel too," Cody said as he nodded his head shamelessly, which everyone rolled their eyes but with a smile on their faces. "Also I agree with Cody, she needs to take Lindsay down. Sorry for that Tyler, but your girlfriend made my top 3 favorite movies and had a huge pothole that made me rank way down... And that's a sin for all the geeks to make."

"Oh come on. It's just a movie." Tyler said as he rolled his eyes playfully.

"It's a way of life," Harold said as he stopped them both. "Well, what about you guys?"

"Well, I have to say... Duncan. I already told you guys why;" Courtney commented as the group nodded their heads at her. While DJ had to agree with what she said.

"Duncan? Man, that is one tough dude!" DJ said as the camera panned to him as the bunnies were enjoying a spa treatment. "I saw him wrestle a grizzly bear to the ground."

"Which the same bear he tried to capture in the future with a chainsaw and provoked its dress, and had to run away with the tail between his legs because the said bear took his chainsaw and ran after him?" Eva crossed her arms as she asked at the brick wall and on the next second he sighed.

"I'm so glad Chris hired police to work as security for us. It was the minimum they should have done on that dangerous and crazy island," Courtney said happily, happy that there were the cadets who were there to save all the campers whenever a dangerous beast or a possible assault was happening in the future. "I wish they would have been hired earlier."

"Me too." The campers said in unison.

"I gotta say, I think they are hilarious," Ezekiel commented as he always enjoyed the cadets on the rindonculous race. "It was funny to have some police jokes and the way they acted around Duncan and Heather is hilarious. Especially when cadet Sanders had to use a taser to save Duncan, and MacArthur even tased Owen because he wanted donuts."

"Hahahahaha, yeah, they are hilarious. I think they would have fit on the show from the beginning. But I'm glad they are there for our entertainment." Izzy laughed happily as she then saw everyone nod their heads, while others scoffed.

"Well I agree with Courtney, while I and Duncan have our differences, I think he was the best person to compete. He is cunning and has some strategies, and his experience as a juvenile can help him to survive on most of the challenges." Harold gave a good description as Ezekiel smiled at the way Harold talked about him, from nemesis in the past, to good friends, that was the outcome that he always wanted to have. And he was glad with the results.

Bridgette commented as she had another point to tell.

"Duncan's not as tough as he seems." The surfer commented as she was chilling with Geoff in the hot tub. "He knew exactly how to deal with a person in a panic attack, and from the episode of phobia factor, I could understand why a standee could make a person like him panic. A child crossing a crime scene is traumatic for anyone."

"I'm sure that Duncan is a badass from having all the knowledge of detectives." Harold wondered as he thought about something. "I'm curious if he could tell some stories about his relatives and police cases."

"That would be a good talk to have with him later," DJ said as he was curious but also with a tiny fear inside of his heart.

"I think Owen also should win," Beth commented as Noah rolled his eyes angrily.

"He's a ticking time bomb of noxious fumes." The bookworm said as everyone recalled all the times the fat boy had farted across the show, while some of the Killer Bass just shrugged.

"Smelled worse. It wasn't that bad, Ezekiel's stink bomb destroyed my definition of bad smell, pff Owen just farts not like an atomic bomb... Nah, El Mongo and La Muerte are way worse." The Killer Bass boys and girls commented in a way that made Noah look at the homeschooled boy who just shrugged.

"What? They aren't wrong. I'm surprised that Owen's cousin is trying to replicate my stink bomb, and seeing Owen in panic is kinda fun." Ezekiel commented as he nodded his head with the group. "I also think Owen is going to win. Because an underdog is always a good person for us to cheer for."

"I also think Owen is going to win... Yeah, I know, I know, he made me cry and pushed me in the direction of the Chef who was dressed as a Serial Killer... But I already forgave him... I mean, I spent the whole week he had tortured, talked to the beavers to slap his face many times, saw him breaking down by seeing he is getting similar to his cousin which is hilarious, and even got tased by MacArthur... I mean, if that wasn't the definition of a redemption arc and a future champion walk. I don't know what it is." The military ginger shrugged as Ezekiel nodded his head.

"A poorly written script of a movie made by an unemployed person who doesn't know any better on how to write a script." Noah snarked as somehow a coconut fell on his head. "Okay, who is launching the coconuts on me? This is getting absurd."

"Dude can chug three liters of pop in under a minute. He deserves a hundred Gs." Geoff commented as he pointed in the direction of Izzy who knew that also he would be cheering for the boy who made a good attempt at saying the alphabet in burps.

"I like Duncan's style," Eva commented as she nodded her and giving a good point for people to think about it.

And the guys even debated who they thought would be the best for winning the game. Some agreed with Duncan, others for Gwen, others for Owen, and heck even a few for Heather and Lindsay.

And when they least expected, a little explosion and a smoke bomb were enough to surprise everyone as the host felt happy to make a final announcement.

"Hahahaha okay, losers," Chris said as he walked out from the said cloud of pink smoke from an amateur magic trick. "It is time for the most unexpected twist of all time…tonight you will be voting the next camper off Total Drama Island,"

Everyone was surprised while Ezekiel and Izzy gave a side glance as they were already prepared for everything. So they decided to shrug and let Chris do what he was planning to do.

"Here's how it's gonna work, there are no marshmallows, I'm gonna ask you one by one who would you like to see join you here tonight at Playa Del Losers…" Chris said happily as the other campers felt anxious while Ezekiel was drinking a smoothie. "Katie and Sadie, since you share a brain yet, which later hopefully will not, I will ask you both. Who would you like to vote for?"

Both Katie and Sadie looked at each other, as indeed shared the same ideas and thoughts, even as they were growing up separated from each other and improving themselves, it seems that in fact they always shared the same brain.

"Oh, I think Duncan's birthday is coming, I think we could prepare a birthday party for him when he comes." Said had said while Katie seemed to enjoy the idea...

*PFFFFFFFFF* Ezekiel spat the drink as his eyes went wide open in shock and almost chocked, and Izzy also looked perplexed and in shock.

"Oh yeah, that's true. He is so nice and deserves to have a party, so I'm voting on him too." Katie said as the sound of a bell rang twice. Which made Ezekiel and Izzy stare at each other palled. And everyone gasped in fear while one person in particular was feeling outraged.

From all the people who created the domino effect… they chose…

"DUNCAN?" Courtney shouted in disbelief as the group couldn't hear the bell ring once again, which made the duo of twins flinch. "His birthday is in March. We are in October. Why did you choose to vote on him when you don't know when his birthday is?"

"Oh...ops." Both twins said sheepishly while Courtney glared at the duo… And Chris decided to make it even worse for the C.I.T. girl.

"3 votes for Duncan," Chris smirked evily which made Courtney have her eyes wide open in disbelief.

"What? No…" Courtney said as she felt horrified by the outcome…

"I can't believe that you talked about your boyfriend like that girl. Duncan is going to be pretty mad." Leshawna commented as suddenly the group had their eyes wide open and the bell rang once again. "Oh… crap."

"Okay, Ezekiel it's your turn to vote," Chris commented as Duncan was with 4 votes on his bell…

"I'm going to tell you all, he is going to kill you all when he finds out about this," Ezekiel said as he looked at the parrot who was on the corner… And decided to do something that would make things worse for them. "Well… the person… I… want to… eliminate… and bring here… is…"

Ezekiel said as the group looked anxious as he was giving more pause on what he talked about…

"Come on man say something," DJ commented as Ezekiel snapped from his thoughts.

"Sorry, I was thinking about it and was doing a dramatic pause. Well, I vote for…"

"DUNCAN." Then a voice was enough to make the bell ring and everyone had their eyes wide open, to see a parrot lying around and watching everything.

"Dammit," Ezekiel said as he looked at the host who was smirking. "Please tell me that parrot didn't steal my vote and I can't vote anymore…"

"Sorry Ezekiel, you snooze you lose," Chris said as his smirk was devious, while he couldn't see that Ezekiel was also smiling internally.

"Dammit." Ezekiel snapped his fingers, while the parrot once again decided to say the delinquent's name.

"NO." All the campers shouted in panic while the parrot didn't know what it was doing.

"6 votes for Duncan," Chris said happily while Trent walked at the host in disbelief.

"Chris, that's a parrot. That bird doesn't even know who Duncan is." Trent tried to defend the votes, however, he screwed up at the time he said Duncan's name, which Chris was enjoying the chaotic drama he was creating.

"Parrot wants Duncan." The parrot called for Duncan's name, which Trent was looking horrified, and Chris smiled happily.

"8 votes for Duncan." Trent facepalmed, while Izzy giggled madly while Ezekiel pinched between his nose.

And the delinquent's fate was sealed.

Duncan was being pushed forcefully at the boat of Losers, while he looked between pissed, afraid, and confused, not knowing why Chef even made him carry all his luggage with him…

A few hours passed when Duncan stared at Chris who walked at him.

"And with that, there are only four. Don't miss next week's dramatic almost conclusion of Total Drama Island." The host said as he smiled at the delinquent, and then what Duncan could hear was a parrot…

"Duncan…" The parrot said his name… And with that, another episode of the show ended…

"CUT." The cameraman said as the group and Chris got prepared to take their boat and return to the camp, and enjoy the few days off they had for themselves.

"Goodbye Duncan, enjoy the 5-star resort." Chris gave his smirk as he went to the boat, leaving a very confused and annoyed man on the shore of Playa Del Losers.

"What the fuck?" Duncan commented as he stared in the direction of the resort... And then glared at the place. "They better have a good reason because I want to know what the fuck just happened."

"Duncan seems very pissed," Izzy commented as she was using binoculars from the way both she and Ezekiel were spying on Duncan from the roof.

"I don't blame him, from all the people Katie and Sadie choose, never in my damn imagination they would have chosen Duncan of all people. I was going to be okay if they chose Lindsay, Owen, heck even Gwen I could understand. But Duncan, and the worst part, many campers now will have the backlash..." Ezekiel commented as he was drawing something from his sketchbook, knowing the outcome was so absurd that there was no way he could predict such a thing. "I mean, he was supposed to be eliminated in 2 episodes. But not like this. Katie, Sadie, Courtney, Leshawna, and Trent were going to have a very hard time with Duncan, at least I have my hands clean and using the parrot as a scapegoat."

"Oh yeah, hahahaha, that was hilarious. Creating a dramatic pause. Seriously? Hahahaha." Izzy said in a mocked tone which Ezekiel rolled his eyes.

"I had to sound natural without looking suspicious on the television. And I had pinched on you before you were going to say his name, trust me, you don't want to see Duncan angry at you." Ezekiel explained as he got her eyes looking amused at him. "It's not good neither for you, and neither for him. So we need to find a way to cheer him up around the island."

"Hmph. Okay, *yawn* Well, today was crazy, and I had a lot of fun today. I think that was the best episode we ever did." Izzy smiled as Ezekiel nodded his head to her.

"Yep, Chris said this was a one-hour special, it means that there wouldn't be cut scenes, and I'm glad because it meant they can see everything we did while we were on here... I just hope my first book tomorrow will have good sales." Ezekiel commented as he sighed while Izzy rolled her eyes.

"Of course, they will sell. I read it, Noah read it, hell, even Chris read it. And we liked it. You are a great writer Ezekiel, and if the public doesn't know that. It's because they have no idea how much work and effort you put into these books."Izzy said as she patted his back, which made the boy smile gratefully at her.

"Thanks, Izzy, you have no idea how much this means to me..." Ezekiel said as they both hugged together... And then both heard the sound of a crash under them...

Knowing that indeed the delinquent was very angry...

But that is how life was… the total drama life.

Chapter 38: Camp Castways

Chapter Text


"Hey, Duncan." A voice made the delinquent who was drinking a coconut water alone, turn his head, to see one person who actually he was less annoyed to see. The boy who even with his new haircut was still using his iconic green winter hat and one person he would always be glad to call a friend. "Feeling better?"

"Pff, if you mean feeling better by crashing many chairs, slamming the door of those traitors who just took out of my chance of 100 thousand dollars, and then planning my revenge by pranking them while I'm alone on this chair, drinking coconut water?" Duncan commented sarcastically as he rolled his eyes, and then narrowed to the home-schooled boy. "I'm crying in happiness."

"Pff, dude, shit happens, and Chris would always find a reason to torment and create a good drama for the sake of making ratings happen," Ezekiel commented as he could understand why Duncan was annoyed. Because of a misunderstanding Katie and Sadie created a domino effect, which accidentally made Courtney vote on her boyfriend, and then when the parrot came to say his name everything went downhill, even as Trent accidentally said his name.

Duncan indeed did show how angry he was when he got on the playa del losers, by trashing the place when he got on the Playa Del Losers, so many chairs and tables and he even managed to launch crabs and lobsters across the pool whenever he saw Katie and Sadie, which made the girls paranoid to go at the water for a while. Trent woke up in front of everyone naked, since Duncan was in taste of revenge, and had the help of DJ, Geoff, and even Harold to bring the bed of the guitarist and place it in front of the pool.

Which left some campers to laugh, as Trent had to run back to his bedroom and dress himself.

Harold, Geoff, and DJ helped Duncan because they felt bad about what happened, and thankfully they could blame the parrot, while Courtney, Katie, Sadie, and Trent couldn't say the same.

"Well, whatever… you are not going to try to make me forgive them. Aren't you?" Duncan said as he narrowed his eyes at him, and Ezekiel rolled his eyes.

"Nah, I'm just stating the facts they are sorry, Sadie and DJ are baking a cake because everything happened because they thought it was your birthday. Katie is making a new T-shirt for you as an apology gift… And Trent is willing to accept the pranks because he felt he kinda deserved for that one." Ezekiel commented as the delinquent nodded his head, and since most of the campers were afraid to be in the same area as him. Ezekiel was the only one who could talk to him without being in fear. "And thankfully this dirt is not on my hands because the parrot was the cause of that shit happening."

"Okay, I get it…" Duncan commented as he lay on the chair and sighed… "I'm still trying to figure out what to do with Courtney."

"Well, she messed up, she knows she did, and is very sorry about what happened. Since you saw everything she really is grateful for what you did for her. And you saw her mother also did for you." Ezekiel stated the facts, as the delinquent couldn't help but sigh in agreement. "And she kinda is desperate to do a crazy thing as a way to compensate you for that."

"Like what?" Duncan asked as he got curious about what his girlfriend would do to compensate for her screw-up.

"Like this…" Then a bored and annoyed tone was loud enough to make Duncan have his eyes wide open and stare in disbelief at Courtney who was wearing a Beaver Mascot Costume. Which had dark yellow fur, and a blue nose on his face… "Norbit the Izzy's Happy SAP's mascot… I think a good way to prank myself and make you laugh would be me wearing this costume for a few days."

Duncan blinked in disbelief, and then he tried not to laugh, but the chuckles coming from his mouth were enough to make him start to laugh.

"Okay, if you stay like this for a whole week, then I forgive you," Duncan commented as he laughed at his girlfriend's expertise, and Ezekiel was happy that at least the duo of boyfriend and girlfriend could be together once again…


Keith stood just outside the classroom door, taking deep breaths to steady his nerves.

"Okay, Keith, you are going to be fine. All you need to do is talk to Sky and ask her if she can help you with today's homework. I know she'd be interested," he muttered to himself, the words a mantra he'd repeated countless times over the past few weeks. Every time he gathered the courage to approach her, something always seemed to get in the way. But today would be different. Today, he would finally ask her.




Keith walked into the classroom and looked around, his eyes immediately landing on Sky's empty desk. And after what it passed what would be an hour, his heart sank, since the usual desk she would always appear remained empty.

"Why isn't she here?" he wondered aloud, not realizing he'd spoken until Eliza, a girl from the cheerleading squad, looked up from her conversation.

"Hey, Keith, why are you staring so much at that empty desk?" she asked, her tone curious rather than mocking.

"Err..." Keith stammered, feeling the heat rise in his cheeks. "I was just wondering where Sky is. She's usually here by now."

"Oh, right. I hadn't noticed," Eliza replied, glancing at the empty seat. "That's weird. Sky never misses class."

"Oh, she's probably at the bookstore. You know, one of the Total Drama Island contestants published a book, and Sky and some others from the gymnastics team said they'd be going to the bookstore today."One of their classmates chimed in, since most of the class knew about the little group who watches the reality show always debated the episodes around the class, and since some already watched the episode from the day before, it seemed everyone who was a hardcore fan, including Sky who had photographs of the show on her lockerroom, decided to skip class and go to buy a book.

"So she's not coming to school at all?" Keith's shoulders slumped. As even as handsome he was, girls always went to talk to him, it was like a mystery why of all the girls, Sky was the only one who never had too much time to be with him.

"Doesn't look like it."Eliza shook her head. She was also surprised to know about what happened from all the new information as well, she watched the last episode, and she forgot there would be a group of people who would want to buy the first book from the boy who seemed to be the writer of the show.

Keith sighed, feeling the universe's cruel joke pressing down on him once again. He slumped into his seat, staring dejectedly at his unopened notebook. It felt like every time he tried to talk to Sky, something got in the way. He couldn't help but think back to all the other times he'd tried and failed.

1. Keith had seen Sky at her locker and had started to walk over when a group of cheerleaders swarmed her, dragging her off to practice before he could say a word.

2. He had almost made it to her table when the fire alarm went off, and the entire school had to evacuate.

3. He had waited for her to finish talking to a teacher, only for the janitor to start cleaning the classroom and shoo him out before he could approach her.

"It's like the universe doesn't want me to talk to her," Keith shook his head, trying to dispel the memories. He felt like the universe had a twisted sense of humor, and Keith was its favorite punchline.


The line outside the bookstore snaked around three city blocks, a sea of eager fans buzzing with anticipation under the early morning sun. Sky and her older sister Jane stood near the front, having arrived hours before dawn to secure their spots. Jane, a seasoned reader and admirer of literary talent, was genuinely excited about Ezekiel's debut book, Courage the Cowardly Dog.

"You know, Sky," Jane remarked, as she drank a cup of coffee at that time of the morning and she scanned the crowd, "We've been following Ezekiel's journey since he started on that reality show. It's not every day you see a homeschooled kid from nowhere land a publishing deal. It's inspiring."

And suddenly she heard an awkward burp from her sister who suddenly coughed and then nodded enthusiastically, her eyes flickering towards the bookstore entrance.

"Yeah, he's really something. His stories, his perspective of the way he tells them, and how DJ felt so engaged to actually grow up as a person, I never thought he would be that far on the show, but it seems those stories really made him more than ready for fighting his fears. They're so unique. And now that this book is finally published... I can't wait to read it." Sky commented as she was feeling excited, knowing that would be the debut of Ezekiel as a good writer, and the more she wanted to know about him, his creative process, and how a horror book could also be wholesome, she never found a genre like that.

"Tell me about it, I have to say that Ezekiel yesterday seemed way different from when he started on the first episode. He got a haircut and even became slimmer than in the first episode, which I think after training with Eva he looked healthier. Do you think in a few months he will get more muscles?" Jane asked as she was curious about how the boy seemed to be always wearing weights from the last episode, and from his skill of having an easier time holding a bow and arrow.


A loud burp made Jane then turn her eyes at her sister who was with her head blushing a few tones of red, which made the older sister raise her eyebrows. Every time Jane continued sharing her admiration for Ezekiel's literary achievements, she noticed a peculiar pattern.

"Every time I mention Ezekiel's name, you seem to..."

Before Jane could finish her sentence, Sky's face flushed crimson, and she let out an awkward burp.

"Excuse me," she muttered sheepishly, avoiding Jane's amused gaze. Which made Jane finally notice the pattern once again, it took a long time, but it seemed that enough was enough.

Jane stifled a laugh, her curiosity piqued.

"Hmm, interesting. You only burp when Ezekiel's name comes up. Sky, do you have something to share?" As an older sister, she knew when her sister was, but it became quite clear that something was going on with her sister, and now she was interested... To Sky's dismay, she tried so much to hide that information.

"It's nothing, really. Just... excitement, I guess."Sky's cheeks burned hotter, torn between embarrassment and reluctance. She tried to deny it, but from looking at her sister's face in amusement, she felt she was doing a terrible job of deflecting.

"Excitement, huh? Come on, Sky. I've known you long enough to recognize a crush when I see one." Jane raised an eyebrow knowingly.

"It's not like that. I mean, he's talented, sure. But it's not..."Sky fidgeted with her backpack strap, trying to deflect. She could feel that every time she was trying to think about the issue, her stomach always grumbled and flipped which didn't help her at all. And Jane leaned closer to her with a playful grin. It didn't help her case at all.

"Not like you've been dreaming of meeting him, getting your book signed, and maybe getting a glimpse of that free spirit smile he sometimes gives on TV?" Jane commented as she could see the way the boy always talked about it. He seemed to be always having fun whenever the craziness happened to him, even as the challenges were hard, or even in case he was on rock bottom, he always would make sure to give the best speech for his friends for them to always fight together and more important have fun and follows their principles. And that was a speech that always touched her and especially her sister as well.

"Okay, fine. Maybe a little."Sky admitted as she sighed, knowing she couldn't hide her feelings from her sister, it had been a pattern as her sister guessed. "You think that I'm acting stupid, aren't you?"

"Not at all," Jane chuckled softly, squeezing Sky's shoulder affectionately. "Nothing wrong with that, Sky. Just remember, today's about celebrating his book. And who knows? Maybe someday when he goes to sign his books, you'll finally get to meet him in person."

The line inched forward, bringing them closer to the bookstore's entrance. Sky stole another glance at the bustling crowd, her heart fluttering with a mix of nerves and anticipation. Since they were luckily the first one of the line, it was what she wanted, to give a chance for herself to know more about him... Call it a celebrity crush, but she felt that she could at least meet him someday. And not going overboard like some of the crazy fandom girls from the forum that she looked at... CodyLover was indeed a crazy fan who always would try to do everything to mess up with Cody and Katie and Leshawna and Harold since their relationships looked stable, and she promised to herself that she wouldn't go overboard like the others...

But sometimes she thought that everything was useless since her life wasn't like movies, and since he was a celebrity on a reality show, many girls who could be more beautiful than her would try to catch his attention...

All she had to do was to contempt herself with a book and maybe him signing for her someday.


Both Jane and Sky almost jumped as they noticed there was a Canadian Duck in the front line, front of them... The girls forgot that the duck itself had been in the front of the line, and when Jane tried to walk further, the duck made a sound that made both sisters surprised and step back...

The duck was there as it looked at the store like it was also waiting in the line... And behind his neck, there was a little muslin bag...

"Ops sorry," Sky commented as the Canadian Duck stared intently at the sisters until turned it's back, let the muslin bag fall on the floor, and using its beak, pointed at it... "Err, do you want me to see it?"

The duck nodded its head, which made the gymnast and the older sister stare weirdly at it, but then by shrugging, Sky opened the muslin bag which revealed to have money and a note on it.

Sky looked at the duck, then at the store, and she could guess what the duck was doing on the front line. But then just to confirm it, she decided to take a look at the paper and her eyes looked surprised at the message.

(For a person who is at the cashier, or a person who is waiting in line, Howard is tasked to bring me the book Courage of Cowardly Dog, since I'm unable to cross around the roads until the right time on the line, I did give him this task because I trust he would find the right store.

The money is in the bag, and I trust in your judgment to make it the right price and give me the change money... Since it had been my allowance for 2 months, I wanted to be sure that it was enough money to buy the book.

Please if you are in the front line, please, buy me the book as well and give me the bag with the book for Howerd to bring me... He is very smart, so he knows when someone is trying to trick him...)

Sky paused as she gave a look at the duck who was using his wing to point at his eyes and then pointing at the gymnast and her sister like it was watching them both... Before Sky continued reading the note.

(He is a very trustworthy family friend of mine, so I know that you are going to do the right thing. And I wish Mother Nature bless you for your help and your good heart. And I will wait patiently and hopefully to read the book made by Ezekiel from Total Drama Island. Please...

From the girl of the forest... the moon child, Dawn...)

Sky blinked a few times, and Jane decided to read once again, which made Sky blink and ask her sister.

"Err... Jane, was this duck here at the time we came?" Sky asked as the older sister tilted her head, and looked at the duck who was waiting patiently at the time of the bookstore to open, there was one truth that they never thought they would ever imagine.

"Yeah, he was here before us," Jane commented as she felt surprised, shocked and in disbelief. "A duck was the first on the line."

"Yeah..." Sky looked at the duck, and she couldn't help it. "It's fair, you were the first of the line. I will buy the book for you to take to her."

Howard quivered its beak, and both sisters couldn't help but wonder how a girl like Dawn managed to make a Canadian Duck cross the city just to find the bookstore and ask them to buy a book for her.

Life was weird.




"Okay, I think that's good for you to go," Sky said as she gave the plastic bag where the duck placed on its beak... She made sure to have 3 of them to sustain the weight of the book while it looked like it would be a long flight. Which the Canadian duck appreciated.

"And it seems it had 20 dollars of change, so make sure to not drop it okay?" Jane commented as she could have sworn the duck scoffed at her. "Hey, don't be rude."

Howard scoffed once again but then nodded in appreciation for the help of both sisters. And with a quick salute, the duck took flight and left both sisters staring at the duck flying in the morning.

"That was by far the weirdest thing I've ever done," Jane commented as she felt happy to have her own book in her hands, and the same could be said for her sister. She gave a slight look at the content of the book inside the store, and she could see why Ezekiel gave so much love and care to the book, there was a page of each story where it's dedicated to each villain, from a drawing of each monster he placed on the first volume, for them to not only use their imagination but also having a graphic view on how horrifying and how many challenges Courage had to deal with his adventure in a farm in the middle of nowhere. "I can't wait to read this at my break from work today."

"Oh yeah, you will be going to work. Sorry for making you wake up this early with me." Sky said as her big sister scoffed at her like the duck did to her.

"Are you kidding? I was excited to see it, it was very much hype, and from the way the campers were so eager, I wanted to give it a try. And I'm sure that this will be interesting. Now that you ditched school for today, you better enjoy this day off, while after tomorrow we are going to watch the new episode, and be ready for what's going to happen." Jane commented as she gave a hug to her sister, and looking at the hour, they both needed to be in a hurry, one to go home to read the book, while the other going to be at her temporary job until she found a better one. "Now let's go, I already dealt with the craziness for a whole day."

"Alright, and from the look of every one of the lines. It seems it will take hours for them to get their own." Sky commented as both sisters felt good luck on their side, and since they were the first one... sand Howard the Canadian Duck, they knew that not only them but also Dawn whoever she was had the good right to being the first girl to have the book from that region...

Wondering who Dawn is, and how strange she must be to make a duck to buy a book for her.


"Thank you, Howard, your help is very appreciated." The soft voice of the aura reader was enough for the duck to know that she was being honest about her gratitude for him since she had for the little friend of feathers. As the girl of nature placed a little bag of bread crumbs, enough for the duck to feed his whole family for a few days. "I hope this is enough to pay you for all your hard work."

*Quack* *Quack*

"Oh, I'm so glad. Now, I don't want you to waste more of your time, your girlfriend must be worried sick about you. And thank you once again for your help." Dawn smiled as the Canadian Duck nodded its head and quickly flew back to the forest. "And now... it's only me, this book, and you Mother Nature... can you tell me where Howard went?"

The silence of the defining nature made the moon girl remain in silence until slowly had her eyes open from the revelation.

"Oh... it seems that I'm not the only one who felt impacted by the show... especially the case of the coincidence of Howard finding a girl who also had a crush on the same boy as me..." Dawn commented sadly, as she felt herself in a pickle... "Mother Nature, what should I do?"




"What do you mean it's a surprise depending on my decision?" Dawn asked, not sure why Mother Nature was so mysterious, and to make things even more confusing. "Why are you laughing Mother Nature?"

Dawn asked as it seemed the leaves and the wind themselves sounded funny as the way they moved around the house. And from the curious gaze, she knew that she couldn't get her answer... But she knows Mother Nature will remember the person Howard just found like she was fated to meet her someday. And everything she could do was to trust Mother Nature and live her life.

"Okay, I'm going to read the book, call me if you need me okay?" Dawn commented as she went to her secluded bedroom, and opened the first chapter showing a picture of an anthropomorphic red cat who has a sinister and mysterious persona. He looked sophisticated, a calm demeanor contrasted with his malevolent intentions... Indeed it surprised Dawn how a person could make a sweet animal like a cat shows a very villainous and cruel side from making the first chapter named... "Katz Hotel... hmm, let's see what is it about..."

"Holyshit, this Katz is horrifying," Sky commented as she was still reading the first chapter of the book, she never thought a cat who could make a collection of mortal spiders would be something that would creep her out, and from seeing that sport would be simple and yet with a lot of pressure for her to participate, it was just beating the ball with her hand, and hit the wall... "I'm curious about how long I would be able to keep up."

Sky always wondered what would be such a first chapter, and indeed was something that she never realized, the hype was indeed met, and the book indeed reached their expectations or even surpassed, since the first chapter, already had an impact that nobody would ever expect. And Sky really felt a feeling in her stomach, as she couldn't help but admit that indeed she had a crush on her idol, a boy who didn't have much, just a simple typewriter and a dream which she knew that possibly became true...

She already got his book, so maybe someday she would have the opportunity to have him sign up.

And while she lost a day of school, at least she knew what she did was worth it, so maybe someday, if she had a good opportunity, she would like to meet him up. Maybe someday.

"Jane are okay?" A person asked as he asked the girl in the college who was having a lunch break and was in shambles and sniffing without a pause, she was holding a tissue in her hands, as she was reading one of the most beautiful things in her life.

"I'm fine, I'm just reading this book and I didn't know how to react to it. It really catches me by surprise." Jane said as the boy looked at the cover of the book of a pink beagle... And stared at her in disbelief. Jane took a few minutes to compose herself. "The henchmen of nowhere really hit me in my feels, and I'm not even in the middle of the chapter."

The person tilted his head, and he just shrugged.

"Well, suit yourself, I'm going to be eating my lunch over here." The boy commented as his classmate nodded her head and returned to read the chapter.

A few minutes later, the person was eating his mac'n cheese when suddenly the girl in front of him was in shambles and didn't have tears in her eyes anymore. But like a 180-degree change, the boy had no idea what to expect.

"Pfff AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." Jane laughed so hard that the boy jumped on his seat, and stared at the girl who was just laughing without control. "Damn Courage that was savage."

The cafeteria stared at the native descendent losing control of her laughers.

"What the hell is wrong with you Jane?" A boy who came from the back of the cafeteria commented as his voice made Jane stop laughing, and then her face turned into a frown. "Couldn't you keep your mouth shut for a whole hour? You stupid Asian..."

The boy gave a slight remark, and Jade frowned deeply, as the other girls and boys took offense from that comment. And the boy knew that she wasn't Asian but she was a part of a native Canadian, from the Cree Clan who had been there even before his grandparents were born...

And since that boy never cared about what he could say in front of the whole cafeteria... There was something he had in common with Eustace, which made Jane have a smile on her face.

"What are you smiling?" The boy commented as Jane decided to take her sunglasses with her... And take a deep look at the book.

Clearing her throat, she decided to give it a try.

"And you sir, are extremely..." Jane commented as she then placed the book down and looked calmly in the eyes. Placing both hands together as politely can be. "Bald."


The boy from the other side of the cafeteria froze, and stared at her as his eyes were twitching like he was going to have a seizure, while the other students there remained in silence... but some of them couldn't help but release their laughs.

"Pff HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." The Asian students shamelessly laughed while the bald boy stared angrily at the girl who was just staring politely at her.

"Oh yeah? Look here you stupid bitch, that's not an issue if you will never find a boy with that bitch attitude." The boy remarked as to even insult her, and while Jane would want to grit her teeth, she once again took her glasses and read once again the book.

"And you sir... are extremely..." Jane commented as she did exactly the same thing, placed both her hands over the table, and stared at the boy. "Bald."

"Ughhh." The boy facepalmed angrily as the whole cafeteria was laughing at him. "Oh yeah? So why don't you go fuck around and leave this college like a whore like you are... I heard they are paying a good price for a cheap girl like you."

The more the boy insulted, the more he wanted to make Jane angry at him... But when he saw her once again reading the book, he was ready to have anything she would say... but not that.

"Are you bald?" Jane asked as she then let the book over the table, and then pointed at him. "YES!"

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." Which was enough to make the whole cafeteria laugh at the expertise of the boy who got enough and flipped the table which hit some of the other students.

"WHAT'S GOING ON HERE? WHO TRASHED THE CAFETERIA?" That was enough to make Principal Hector walk towards the cafeteria and make many point their fingers at the boy who seemed to lose control again. "Igor, this is the last straw, I told you that any time you would flip like that, I have no choice but to call your father."

That was enough to make the delinquent boy pale.

"Please Principal Hector, don't do that, if my father comes here, he will send me to military school," Igor commented in despair, but the Principal had enough of his excuses.

"I have no choice, now you will come with me, and not more buts." The Principal said as he took the boy by the arm which he tried to fight, but the difference in their sizes was enough to make the boy understand that he couldn't escape from his grip. "I know your father had more patience with you than me, but enough is enough. You will come with me, boy..."

After a whole minute, the silence was interrupted by the cheers of the students who were freed from the asshole who had annoyed them for so long. While Jane kissed the book as a gratitude for a good idea. Indeed a book that is a terror but with wholesome and funny endings.

Now she couldn't wait to read the whole book and the next volume when it came.

2 days later, the sisters and the moon child returned to their living rooms and decided to watch the next episode of their favorite show.

"Last time on Total Drama Island." Chris created the presentation as he once again showed the flashback of what would be of the last episode. "In a one-hour special episode, we visited the kicked-off campers at the Resort of Rejects. Playa Del Losers! We learned about how Ezekiel not only recovered but also managed to publish his first book which seems to be a good way to start his career as a writer, Bridgette and Geoff are still going strong... however their friends creating limits to their interaction with their new hot sauce spray... I should have thought about that."

Chris snapped his fingers as he smirked from losing his idea while showing the flashback of everything happening at the five-star resort.

"Katie and Sadie even as they departed and developed very different lifestyles, still shared the same brain. Leshawna created a rivalry with a fan on the forum of the show, which had been a lot of discussion and pettiness into proving how to anger a fan who is annoyed with Katie being in a relationship with Cody and Leshawna proving that she is the girl for Harold..." Chris commented as it showed images of the show while many could see the interactions of each camp. "Trent took the opportunity to humble himself and ask forgiveness from everyone, which they accepted the apology, but not before each of them gave him a slight... or a messed up punishment for the guitarist. I think Lindsay is going to kiss Tyler for what he did. Nice revenge dude, never thought you had that in you."

Chris smirked as he then decided to narrate the rest of the summary of the last episode.

"In a shocking twist, we let the losers vote off one of the final five campers, and in an even more shocking twist, it was Duncan who found himself in Loserville, population: Eighteen. Who will be voted off this week in the most dramatic campfire ceremony yet? Find out tonight on Total. Drama. Island!"

"Welcome back to Total Drama Island!" Chris greeted the viewers, still standing on the dock with his umbrella. Incredibly heavy rain continues to pour down on the island like it has never done so before. "This week, we've prepared a bizarre episode full of surprises. For instance, take this weather. Rain is not an easy thing to control, let me tell you. But we figured the four remaining campers were getting off way too easy. So, we pulled some strings, and voila!" But once Chris finished talking a bolt of lightning struck down right at his umbrella, shocking him. "DAH!"

Cutting over to the cabins, we see Heather, Lindsay, and Gwen sitting at the girls' cabins, all three of them staying dry thanks to the roof. Gwen was drawing something on her paper while Lindsay and Heather were doing their toenails. "Listen up, campers!" Chris' voice boomed through the loudspeakers, getting the campers' attention. "One of the most grueling challenges of any summer camp experience is the dreaded rain day! Where all activities with a remote possibility of fun are canceled in favor of the Craft Tent. The forecast for tomorrow: rain, rain, and more rain, followed by rain! See you all in the Craft Tent tomorrow at 0700 hours."

"Ohhhh, what do you think we are going to be crafting tomorrow?" Lindsay asked as she tried to keep the morale high from the girls who were distracting themselves from the terrible ideas the host of the show planned to make for them.

"Possibly something stupid," Gwen said as she rolled her eyes, while Heather nodded her head.

"Amem," The queen bee agreed with the goth as she herself was enjoying taking care of her toenails. "I doubt they would even care about what we are going to do."

"Oh..." Lindsay commented in disappointment since she would have loved to make something good for her family.

And while in the boy's cabin, there were two cadets who had been using one of the rooms as their own.

The lack of the campers left both cabins with enough space for them to enjoy for the rest of the show.

Both cadets were playing cards as they were having also to deal with the terrible rain happening on the island.

"I still can't believe how Chris and our coworkers managed to make a rainstorm from nowhere." Cadet Sanders said in amusement while she took a card in her hand.

"Well, it has been the most fun we ever had since the police academy...Do you have a 7?"MacArthur asked as the black cadet rolled her eyes.

"Go fish," Sanders replied as the duo looked on the corner where there was a squirrel who had not only the donuts but also the pants of Cadet MacArthur... "Remind me again why we let a squirrel play cards with us?"

"Because I don't trust this guy." Her partner replied as she used her thumb to point to her side, where there was the leader of the raccoons who was staring intently at his own cards, and looking suspiciously at the cadet. "Hey, don't look at me, I'm also losing my pants here."

*Tsj arha aj*

The raccoon mumbled something as the squirrel rolled its eyes and gave a pair of aces at the smirking animal.

"I don't know why or how, but someone is cheating over here." Cadet Sanders commented as MacArthur stretched herself while nobody could see the useless cards she hid in secret.

Indeed that storm day had been crazy for everyone.




Back to their cabins, Gwen was lying on her bed, while Lindsay couldn't help but also feel bored.

Gwen also felt that she would give anything to read something to pass the time. She remembered the time when both she and Bridgette passed hours and hours reading the paper sheets of Ezekiel about Steven Universe and debated on what was going to happen next.

And she thought Duncan and her would be the only ones to represent their own team... But sadly, from nowhere Duncan was eliminated, they didn't do a challenge, and yet they decided to vote off Duncan. And now, she felt like she was the only remaining bass on the show, a former Screaming Gopher.

The only thing she could do at the moment was to survive for more than 2 weeks or less, and it would be over...

But now there are only four...

Herself, Lindsay, Heather, and Owen...

Now that she thinks of it... Where the big guy go?

(Confession – Owen)

"Woohoo! Final four, baby! Yeah! Haha!" Owen loudly cheered with a giant smile on his face. He could hardly believe it, he was one of the last four contestants standing in the competition. He never believed he would make it this far. "You know, I really like the other three. They're solid competitors. We all have a real trust thing going, which is why it's a good thing no one knows about the junk food I'm stashing." Owen chuckled a bit at the thought of all that junk food he had stashed in his mattress…before realizing he said it out loud. "Okay, they'll probably be mad. But not as steamed as Chef when he finds out I was raiding his pantry." Owen chuckled again before quickly covering his mouth realizing he just said that out loud as well. "Oh! Darn it! There's something about this confessional that just makes me to confess stuff."

And so the day went on at Camp Wawanakwa. But also did the rain.

It just kept raining, and raining, and raining, and raining, and it rained some more to an almost unnatural degree to the point where the water level rose so high…the water ended up dragging some things with it.

Now in the morning of the next day, Chris could be seen walking up to Chef, who was carrying around a pot with what looked like rotten potatoes, with a confused look on his face.

"Hey, Chef, you seen the campers?" The host asked as he scratched his head a bit and looked around for any signs of the remaining four competitors.

"No, and I peeled a whole bag of rotten spuds." Chef was just as unaware of the location of the campers as Chris, adding in all of his hard work going to waste.

"Hmm. I can't find them either, and I also couldn't find the cadets. Come to think of it, I can't even find their cabins." Sure enough, just as Chris said, both the boy's and girls' cabins were completely gone…washed away with the mass amount of water that fell from the sky.

And from what happened with the campers... It seems they couldn't prevent the events of Mother Nature over their lives.

Out somewhere on the lake where the island was located, we see both of the cabins floating around in the water. Floating not too far from the cabins…were a pair of bunk beds with one set having the cadets Sanders and MacArthur sleeping inside the boy's cabin, while the bunk beds had Lindsay and Heather sleeping on them, Gwen was sleeping on her own bunk. The campers and cadets were sound asleep and completely unaware of their current situation…at least until they all suddenly rolled over in their sleep and went right into the lake.

Even a family of raccoons were floating toward the water as they used wooden chairs as boats...

Cadet Sanders was one of the first to wake up, and since she had to do the first shift of the morning, she thought it was a good idea to take a shower before getting a nice mug off.


That was the last thought she had when the cadet was the first one to hit the water.

Heather noticed the unfamiliar sound and quickly woke up in fear.

"AHHHHHHHHH" And that was the last comment before her body moved and let her fall from her bunk bed to the water.

"Heather? What AHHHHHH." And from the chain reaction, Lindsay rolled from her bed in surprise and fell as well.

The loud noises were enough to wake up Gwen who suddenly noticed that she herself was unable to control her body and fell into the water.

"WHAT'S GOING ON THERE?" MacArthur shouted as she also had mascara covering her eyes, and at the time she went to the stairs, she immediately fell down into the water. "OFFICER DOWN, OFFICER DOWN."

"Where'd all this water come from?"Gwen asked as she looked around, knowing the entire place was flooded.

"How should I know? Why don't you ask the leeches?" Heather yelled as she lifted her arm out of the water to reveal that a bunch of leeches had somehow already attached themselves to the queen bee so they could drain her blood. Naturally Heather was quick to shake them off. "Ah! Get off me you little parasites!"

Meanwhile, cadet Sanders managed to drag MacArthur back to the boy's cabin, while the glute-strong woman spat all the water on her partner...

"Great, it seems the rainstorm from last night made both cabins move and cross the river... Also, you girls should be getting out quick." Cadet Sanders suggested as she pointed at a fin raising on the water. Which made Heather, Lindsay, and Gwen had their eyes wide open.

"RUN!" Everyone yelled in unison as they all swam away from the incoming shark as fast as they could.

Thankfully they were able to climb up onto one of the cabins to escape the shark. While the said animal jumped to give a bite in one of the bunked beds.

"Quick! We need something big and chewy to shove in its mouth!" The goth girl said as cadet MacArthur got up and stared angrily at her.

"Don't you even dare." MacArthur knew that someone was going to have a bad time if they tried to use her as a shark bait.

"Owen!" Heather called out to the biggest object she knew.

"Ohhh, you mean the fat boy... Yeah, makes sense, where is he anyway?" The cadet asked as the other cadet who was looking around, didn't find anything similar as the fat boy around...

(Confession – Owen)

"So I snuck in and ate the entire soccer team's bake sale. I mean, the wholesale." Currently, Owen is in the middle of a story where he ransacked a bake sale during his childhood. The big guy has been in the confessional pretty much all day as his confessions yesterday led him to confess more stuff, and thus heading to the outhouse before the cabins got swept away by the rainwater. "But I got caught on account of the icing in my hair. My mom made me pay for it out of my allowance, but mmm, those soccer moms make a mean brownie. Hahaha. I'm hungry."

Owen then opened the door to the outhouse…and saw that he was floating around in the middle of nowhere. "Ahh! I'm all alone!" Owen yelled as he quickly ducked back into the confessional. "Adrift at sea! Ahh! Without breakfast."

Back with the other four remaining contestants, their cabin had ended up washing up on what appeared to be a deserted island. Looking around, it certainly wasn't like any part of Wawanakwa they'd seen. From the sand crossing the entire area, it looked like the cabins had gone down somewhere they couldn't identify at all.

"Okay. Is anyone else a little creeped out by this deserted island?" Gwen asked as she cautiously looked around. They didn't know anything about where they were, anything could end up popping up and trying to hunt them down.

Lindsay was the first one to raise her hand, while the cadets gave a slight glance at the area. From the place having tropical plants, even if they were in Muskoka in Canada. It had been way out of the ordinary.

"Puh-lease." Heather commented as she walked near the blonde bombshell. Rolling her eyes as she couldn't believe the way the goth girl was acting, especially after everything they passed over the show. It had been pretty obvious. "Any moron could see that this is one of Chris' cheesy production sets with fake props."

Heather kicked a nearby rock, thinking it was a possible fake scenery, but she then felt a huge pain in her feet, proving herself that she was wrong.

"Urgh, oh!" Heather said, as both cadets crossed their arms and stared at her in amusement.

"Yeah, definitely one of Chris' cheesy sets," Sanders said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. Showing they were also caught from the problems where the girls were on…"Because, you know, fake rocks are fashionable these days."

The chubby cadet cleaned up the dust from her shoulders and already took her clothes and gear with all the essentials the cadets had in the cabin.

"Maybe next time you'll learn to differentiate between reality and your delusions of grandeur. Pro tip: real rocks hurt."MacArthur commented as Gwen smirked as the queen bee narrowed her eyes and scoffed.

"Very funny, you two." Heather shot them a glare, rubbing her foot. While Lindsay looked in concern at her friend.

"Just doing our job. Someone's gotta keep the reality in check." Cadet Sanders shrugged as she got to open the box where she went to the boy's cabin to also have her full clothes gear and the essentials for the protection of the campers.

MacArthur on the other hand, is enjoying to see Heather having a terrible day.

"Yeah, and someone's gotta make sure you don't hurt yourself while figuring out the obvious. You're welcome." The glut cadet commented as she could see Heather scoffing. "Geesh, you need a chill pill girl. You guys already passed a lot, and you shouldn't be surprised that problems like that happen."

"So what are we going to do?" Lindsay asked as she could see the goth girl trying to remain calm.

"We need to think a plan about what to do," Gwen commented as Lindsay nodded her head, and tried to stare in the air with a serious face…

"Okay, I need to think…" Lindsay commented as she concentrated, MacArthur noticed the expression on the blonde's face, and she couldn't let it pass.

"Don't worry, trying anything for the first time is hard," MacArthur commented as both Gwen and Heather narrowed their eyes at the cadet who just shrugged. "Come on, that was a gimme."

"Thanks." Then Lindsay's voice interrupted which made the cadet pause… and then realized that she took it as encouragement, which she tried to think about it… "Err… my plan… is, maybe asking you and Summer what to do?"

"Who is Summer?" Then the voice of cadet Sanders appeared which she was now prepared on with her full gear on. And with her munition supply, the duo of cadets was now ready to start their new operation. "Anyway, we are just in a castaway situation, so all we need to do is first, we need to establish a safe perimeter. Check for any threats, gather supplies, and then figure out a way to signal for help."

"Got it," Gwen commented as a good part of herself felt relieved that at least they weren't in a bad situation. "And what if they couldn't find us? Maybe we should create a raft?"

"Sure, but first we need to have something to eat and be warm at night, supplies are always a must first, and the energy could be used to build a raft later." Sanders commended for the idea of Gwen who nodded her head.

"So we need to find food? Like fruits?" Lindsay asked as the girls nodded their heads.

"Yeah, why don't you girls try to find food, while me and Sanders will try to find out if there is danger, wood, and check if there is a boat route to use this beauty," MacArthur said as she showed a flare gun which made Gwen's eyes wide open, and a huge relief on her heart.

"Okay, so we have options, and that's great," Gwen commented as she got up and decided to help. "Lindsay let's go to find something for us to eat."

"And what about me?" Heather commented as MacArthur decided to smirk before looking over her shoulder.

"Try not to kick any more rocks, Heather. We're trying to survive, not start a foot injury clinic." MacArthur left, as both cadets chuckled, while the queen bee looked very angry.

"Yeah, Heather, leave the rock-kicking to the professionals." Lindsay's voice said as it made her best friend look at her in betrayal.

"Even you Lindsay?" Heather asked as she couldn't believe what the blonde bombshell had said while she just giggled.

"Yeah, they are professional, they must have done a lot of times, they must know how it hurts," Lindsay commented as Heather, noticed that her friend didn't mean it, while she couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"Fine, let's just get moving." As they started organizing their efforts, the reality of their predicament set in. They were stranded, and it was up to them to make it through this challenge, together.

(Confession – Chirs.)

"Just to set the record straight, my sets are not cheesy!" Chris pointed out as he crossed his arms offended, getting defensive over Heather's comments. Since he spent a lot of time planning and preparing everything to happen across the challenges. "I had three interns who got a full medical team taking care of them after moving those rocks into place. A whole medical team of interns to take care of only 3 who would have lost their lives. And they don't have too much to worry about. They have cadets Sanders and MacArthur to help them out, they have to get out from that island and come to the camp by themselves. It's on them now."

"So I guess that means Craft Day is canceled. Anyway, I'm starved. Let's eat." Chris shrugged as he smiled. Calling the Chef who looked at the host in disbelief.

"You actually wanna eat this slop?" Chef who knew how picky Chris was over many things, stared at the rotten potatoes and at the host in disbelief,

"Ch, yeah, right. I'm gonna hit the breakfast buffet back at our camp." Chris corrected this time Chef smirked as he could see that his friend was still the same.

"Cool." Chef Hatchet started to chuckle as he pushed his friend on the chest slightly, while Chris also started to chuckle as well, and then pushed Chef even harder with both his hands. "Oof"

This made Chef irritated which gave a big push, which made the host feel down over the trash cans…

(Confession – Heather)

"Mental note. Never sign up for a reality show ever again." Heather told herself that she never wanted to go through something like this again.

"I can't believe that we have to be looking for fruits, and something to eat…" Heather commented as she was feeling annoyed by the fact that she knew something was obvious. "Of course, this is just Chris' lame attempt at challenging our shipwrecked survival skills."

"But what if isn't?" Gwen asked as she looked at Heather raising her finger. "Remember the horror night when Chris couldn't predict that we actually had a serial killer on the show."

Heather, dropped her finger as Gwen pointed out that fact, even as Chris couldn't predict the outcomes of his challenges, not knowing that it could potentially escalate in a way that everybody could get hurt and even go to the hospital.

"Do you think Eva is fine?" Then Lindsay asked which made both girls pause… and stare at the cheerleader who seemed to be holding what would be a rock, and looked in concern from the last scary challenge they had.

"I don't know… I hope she is." Gwen sighed, as she never thought to see a camper being in the hospital, not once, not twice, but trice. Good friends of hers who had to be eliminated over time… "But we couldn't find out if we don't move ourselves and find a way to get to the camp."

"Okay," Heather commented as she was scoffing from the lot of work the girls would be doing since it seemed they were going to be there for a while.

(Confession – Owen)

"Okay. Going to my happy place." Owen tried to comfort and calm himself down as he rocked back in forth in a fetal position while shutting his eyes. "I'm in the doughnut shop. There's an all-you-can-eat-for-a-dollar sale on. Unlimited chocolate milk. D'ah go away!" Owen then started to slap himself, something apparently going wrong in his fantasy. But he was cut off from whatever was going on in his head by a thumbing noise and the feeling of the outhouse no longer floating around aimlessly. "Is that…"

Opening the door to the outhouse, Owen smiled as he saw he was beached somewhere. He didn't bother to look around and see where exactly he was, he was just happy to be on dry land again! "Sand! Sweet mama in a sidecar going ninety!" Owen cheered as he ran out of the outhouse. But as he ran past some bushes…he ended up seeing a giant T-Rex skull and proceeded to scare the daylight out of Owen leaving the big guy to run back into the outhouse screaming.

"This day is really sucking…"

(Confession - Chris)

"The T-Rex skull was my idea," Chris commented proudly on one of the best ideas he ever had on the show. "Did you see the look on his face? That was worth every intern,"

"Alright, I will check on that side, and you will check on that one," Sanders commented to her partner who immediately couldn't find her. "Wha..."

"Hey, Sanders. Look at this house." MacArthur called as the other cadet looked up and ended up finding a pretty large tree house. One that looked about as big as the cabins! "LOOK AT THIS VIEW."




"Okay I have to admit, it helps to find a location and even is stable enough for us to sleep for tonight," Sanders commented from the treehouse after having climbed up the ladder to get up there. So far everything about the treehouse seems to be in good condition. She hasn't been inside yet but so far no wood is old and decaying and the foundation was stable. "I will be searching for the girls, while you..."

"Leave to me to keep a hawk eye, just to check if there is a dangerous animal to taser..." MacArthur showed a grin as she was eager for some action, and from the time they have been working on the show, those challenges or crazy events have been very fun for her so far.

"Roger," Sanders said as she jumped downstairs and went to leave the girls.

"Alright let's explore inside." When MacArthur was about to go inside, as she approached the door a skeleton with a tribal hat suddenly appeared leading to the cadet screaming and tackling the skeleton as she started to beat up the part of the scenario. "You are under arrest for attacking a cadet. EVERYTHING YOU SAY CAN AND WILL BE USED AGAINST YOU BETWEEN MY PUNCHES."

(Confession – Owen)

"Help! I'm all alone! I'm gonna die!" Owen cried out as he opened the door to the outhouse, pleading anyone would be there to answer his call and help the poor guy out. But just then Owen spotted something not too far away that made him smile. "Hey, are those coconuts?"

(Confession – Chris and Chef)

"Will someone please explain to me why there are palm trees and coconuts up here?" Chef asked the million-dollar question of those tropical fruits being in a completely untropical place. "We're in northern Ontario!"

"They were leftover props from the Bigassic Park movie shoot," Chris explained leading to Chef raising a brow at the host. "What? We're on a budget! And we had to pay a lot for the interns to be treated, but with all the bonus we had from the merchandising we were able to find way more tropical props of other movies as well... That's why they were planted instead of being on vases. But also we have avocado, passionfruit, kiwis, guava... Come on, it needed to look real. A movie of dinosaurs will be a great way for us to get money, I know it."

"Okay, okay. You don't need to be anxious." Chef commented as they both rolled their eyes.

Owen let out a burp after he got his fill of the coconuts and even some bananas he managed to find, with only one coconut remaining on his lap. "It's been a grueling nine minutes of isolation, where a human mind is ripe for cracking!" Owen narrated his journey of survival before taking the remaining coconut and looking at it with a rather crazed look. "You know what I'm talking about, right, Mr. Coconut?" Owen then raised Mr. Coconut up and down to make it seem like the fruit was nodding. "Ah! You do! It's just you and me, buddy! We'll hunt, forage, and survive together! But first, I need to pee." Owen then brought himself and Mr. Coconut back to their survival base which was the outhouse. "Can you look the other way, please?"

Back to the track, it didn't take long for the cadet Sanders to guide Lindsay, Gwen, and Heather, each girl brought what would be a lot of bananas, coconuts, and every tropical fruit they could ever find… Needlessly to say the trio of girls was second guessing where they were since that quantity of fruits and tropical trees was abnormal even from the show standard.

"Okay, so this is the place where you two found?" Heather asked as she took off her sunglasses and couldn't help but nod in acknowledgment. "Better than our cabin…"

The group walked until suddenly the entire group paused, to just stare at what would be one of the weirdest things they had ever seen in their lives, even cadet Sanders had to pause and stare at it in complete shock.

Nearby the tree, a giant T-rex Skull was lying nearby the area.

"Woah," Gwen commented as she looked in shock. Heather felt the same, as Lindsay sweat from seeing a giant skull that looked intimidating.

"That's a giant lizard," Lindsay commented, as Sanders stared at the girl in disbelief. "Wait… Is that a dinosaur?"

"Yes." The trio asked, which made Lindsay pale. Which Gwen knows the reason of why she is scared.

"Don't worry, they are probably extinct… possibly all dead," Gwen commented as Lindsay walked nearby, just to be sure. "Hey Lindsay, you never know what it was on there, maybe you should be careful."

"I have to confess, I didn't see it at the time I was looking around, I missed this," Sanders said as she followed the blonde girl, but not before giving the orders to the other campers. "I will follow her, while you both go upstairs and we can plan about what happened from there."

With both Gwen and Heather nodding their heads, the Afro-Canadian cadet decided to follow the blonde girl, who was just checking the bones and then she found something from the other side, which made the duo stare it in disbelief.

"Footprints?" Cadet Sanders commented, which Lindsay nodded her head, and pointed in the direction of what would be the confession booth which made the girls tilt their heads and go straight over there.




Back with the now iconic duo of Owen and Mr. Coconut, the big guy was starting to look like a true wilderness survivor. The sleeves on his shirt were ripped and he had a giant beard and mustache combo on his face with the beard reaching to the maple leaf on his shirt. He also used a thing of lipstick he had for…some reason to paint a smile onto Mr. Coconut and used some grass as hair for the fruit. He also used the makeup to mark on the door of the outhouse how long they'd been there. "Eleven minutes of isolation and Mr. Coconut and I have decided to live in the outhouse. Where it's safe." Owen narrated his survivor story while finishing up the touches on Mr. Coconut's face.

"OWEN?!" Then a voice was enough to make the big fat guy jump in his place, as he suddenly dropped the only friend he created at that time… "Mr. Coconut. I'm so sorry."

Until the blonde boy with a giant beard then stared at the duo of girls who walked in his direction.

"Is my eyes deceiving me? Is… Cadet Sanders and Lindsay, we are saved Mr. Coconut." Owen commented as he brought the object to his shoulder like a good friend, and made the blonde Lindsay smile at the big guy, while the cadet looked at the boy who seemed to have lost his mind.

"Ohh, who is your friend Owen?" Lindsay asked happily as she approached the boy who had just gotten out of the confession booth.

"And what is with that fake beard." Cadet Sanders asked as she then tried to pull it off only to find that the beard was real and attached to Owen's face. "What the hell?"

"Ow!" Owen let out as the girl released her grip and Lindsay took a glance at the coconut on his shoulder. "So that means you both are real and not a mirage. We are saved… Oh yeah, Lindsay, cadet… this is Mr. Coconut, he had been a good friend of mine on this island by… 13 minutes."

"Nice to meet you Mr. Coconut," Lindsay commented as the cadet was still feeling a migraine coming towards her mind. "Anyway, we just found out that we are on this crazy tropical island, and we found a lot of fruits with us."

"Food," Owen commented as his stomach rumbled in starvation. Both girls couldn't help but notice it was indeed the last camper who felt so desolated.

"Explain me again... Why is there a skeleton in handcuffs?" Gwen asked as the chubby cadet was preparing her bed, and surprisingly a few bunk beds were waiting for everyone. And there was also a dressing mirror.

Heather was still eating a chocolate which she just discovered on one of the beds... Which once again confirms her theory that they aren't actually lost.

"Assault against a police officer, he will pass a long time thinking about what he did," MacArthur commented as the skeleton was cuffed outside of the window. "Can you pass me the marshmallows? I kinda need to enjoy this. And fruits aren't my thing."

Heather glanced but by shrugging she just launched the pack of the sugary sweats for the cadet who now opened it happily.

"Ah, what a crazy morning," MacArthur commented as both girls scoffed.

"You don't need to tell me twice," Gwen commented as she looked at the good supply. "While I think we have a good supply of food and a nice place to sleep. I still think we should be doing something like building a raft to prepare ourselves to leave."

"Oh come on," Heather commented as she rolled her eyes, a good part of herself still strongly believed that there was something off on this island. "Of course, Chris planned to make this island a challenge for us to survive?"

"Well, then he is doing a very good job because me and Sanders had no idea how we got dragged into this," MacArthur commented as she rolled her eyes. "Gotta tell you, girl, you have a strong belief and I respect you for that. But you also need to relax a bit... It's not like the worst thing you have ever passed on life."

Gwen paused... As Heather remained quiet... The cadet had brought up a very good point.

"Okay, you have a point. I would have taken this place instead of Boney Island any day." Heather commented that a bit part of her comments and strong belief was because she had hope, she hoped that they were still in a show, and not another kind of crazy island on which she had a very bad experience and even a panic attack on it.

"Well, I was buried alive once... I think I can take a day or a few preparing a plan for us to leave." Gwen admitted which made the cadet nod her head pleased.

"See? That wasn't too hard. And come on, yesterday we had an annoying rainstorm and we had nothing better to do, now we have a place to explore, food to eat, and even drink water from the coconuts." The cadet commented as the queen bee and the goth girls looked at each other.

"Now that I think about it, we are way better here than at the camp," Heather commented as Gwen knew what she was implying.

"Stay here or return to our trash camping... Wow, it sounds like a very tempting offer." Gwen mused as the girls started to laugh.

At the time the door opened, the girls froze for a second but they were relieved to see the cadet Sanders, Lindsay and to the surprise of everyone Owen was there... With a big beard?

"Owen?" Gwen asked as she and Heather looked at the boy who seemed who have better days. "What happened to you?"

"And what is with the fake beard?" Heather commented as she then pulled the said beard, which she became surprised as it was indeed attached to his face.

"Ouch." Owen let out a comment that made the other girls blink, while cadet Sanders just rolled her eyes.

"Don't question it, not even me could understand how he grew a beard in 13 minutes." The sassy cadet said as she and the blond went to the beds and had enough of the morning.

While Owen was with Mr. Coconut in his hands.

"Anyway, now that we are all reunited over here, and we have supplies of food and practically water. We have these options: A- we could make a signal with fire which would bring the attention of boats and helicopters or B- we could build a raft to paddle into the direction where we came from which would be a shot in the dark." Cadet Sanders gave the options which was very solid for both girls who were there to decide.

"I would say we go for the raft," Gwen commented as she could see the options in her hands. "While it's a very solid strategy to make fire. We didn't see an airplane or helicopter around, and neither a boat."

"Well, we could be doing both. Since we were just here for an hour or two, we don't know if we could see the boats or not."Heather gave another point, which once again was enough to make the girls come to a decision.


Suddenly, cutting Heather off, what sounded like some sort of monster growl rang throughout the entire island. Freaking everyone on it out.

"What was that?" Heather asked as the group felt once again there was horror across the island.

"It sounds like a dinosaur call," MacArthur commented which made both Heather and Gwen look horrified.

"Dinosaurs?" Gwen felt as if her day couldn't get any worse, now they felt they should be in a hurry.

"Okay. I think option A is no longer an option, let's eat everything and build the raft quickly." Cadet Sanders who was also horrified with the revelation commented as the girls nodded their heads, even Owen and Mr. Coconut agreed with the idea.


The time was essential since everyone was doing their best to focus on building a raft big enough for them. Owen was bringing the wood, while Cadet Sanders and Gwen were tying it up with leaves. Heather was taking care of the supplies of food and coconuts to drink across the trip. Meanwhile, Lindsay departed from the group to gather more leaves and sticks to help.

"Okay, sticks and leaves, sticks and leaves," Lindsay repeated to herself as she crossed the bushes, her eyes scanning the ground for good wood to make a paddle for the others. She ventured further north, focused entirely on her task. Her mind buzzed with determination. "Sticks and leaves, sticks and leaves. I hope I find enough to help everyone. They're counting on me!"

As she moved through the thick foliage, Lindsay's eyes caught sight of Chris and Chef enjoying brunch in a more fancy camp setup. However, her mission was so clear in her mind that the sight didn't register as unusual.

"Hi Chris. Hi Chef," she greeted them cheerfully, still focused on her mantra. Completely ignoring them, as she returned to her own quest. She wandered past them without a second thought, her mind still absorbed in her task. "Sticks and leaves, sticks and leaves. Hmm, these sticks look perfect! And those leaves will be great for tying everything together."

As the duo watched the blond bombshell walking back to the woods, both blinked as they stared at each other. Back at the makeshift brunch,

"Did Lindsay not realize..." Chris looked up from his plate in disbelief. While he saw Chef shaking his head.

"Don't think too much. Give her an hour or two; she'll figure it out." Chef commented as both couldn't do anything about it. Since it seems they have a potential winner over the challenge.

"Fair enough. Now pass me the ice cream, please." Chris smirked as both returned to their activities, enjoying the peaceful moment away from the chaos.

They would have a lot of fun watching the recorded moments of the campers surviving such a challenge.

Returning to the group, Lindsay felt happy to help out her friends. She beamed with pride as she handed over the sticks and leaves she'd gathered.

"Look, everyone! I found some great materials!" Lindsay called as the group nodded their heads in appreciation for Lindsay giving as the help as she could. And even at a fast pace.

"Good job, Lindsay. These will work perfectly."Cadet Sanders gave her an appreciative nod. Since they have been working against the clock, on a desert island, any kind of help matters, as she then looked around for her partner. "Hey, does anyone see MacArthur?"

The campers shook their heads, as they saw the other cadet who was with her hair messed, up and with Mr. Cocounet who had a mark of lipstick on his face. Which everyone blinked when the bad cop cadet sat between them and started to help.

"What?" MacArthur asked loudly, as the group looked confused, while Owen gave a thumbs up to the coconut imaginary friend he created.

(Confession - Lindsay)

"I'm really glad we're making good progress on the raft. Everyone's working so hard, and I'm happy I could find those sticks and leaves to help out." Lindsay sat in the confessional, her face glowing with pride. But then she paused a thoughtful look crossing her face."Oh, and I need to make sure to tell Chef and Chris that they're on the island. " Until she let out a gasp. "CHRIS AND CHEF."

"They're here on the island! They're in danger because of the dinosaurs!" Lindsay said as a part of the panic crossed her face... She needed to find a way to act quickly until suddenly Angel Lindsay and Devil Lindsay had a gong near her head... And with the biggest swing, the gong made noise which made Lindsay gasp even louder. "WAIT! If Chris and Chef are here, that means we never left the island! This is all just another one of Chris's challenges! So that means Heather was right all along, and in case we find Chris again, the challenge is over. Oh yeah, it's all coming together."

Lindsay said proudly to herself while both angel and devil shoulder of herself gave a high five.

Chris and Chef were having good fun as Chef was playing the drums, while Chris was playing limbo at the crew's secret location when suddenly a flare gun was shot which made both stop and stare at what would be the table of food, which was full of food.

Chris' smile remained on his face when he saw the deeply annoyed faces of not just Lindsay, Heather, and Gwen, but also his employee cadets MacArthur and Sanders who were seeing that even after would be a crazy morning and afternoon, it seemed they never left the place.

"Hey everyone, you went faster than I thought. Lindsay managed to tell you all that we have been here?" Chris commented as he could see Gwen walking angrily at him.

"We passed the entire morning thinking we were lost in a desert island, when in fact we had been at the camp Wawanakwa this whole time," Gwen said as she stomped angrily at the look of the Chef who nodded his head at her. "And then you both seemed to be having fun and a day off in expertise of our suffering?"

"Well yeah, but also it was a challenge of survival, and to really the location on where you were… Which by surprise Lindsay won today's challenge and immunity." Chris commented as the girls narrowed their eyes at him.

"I would appreciate it the next time me and my partner would be dragged into their challenge we would get a heads up… Boss…" Cadet Sanders commented, as Chris and Chef blinked… until one of them facepalmed.

"I knew I forgot something, so the interns didn't even tell them?" Chris commented as the military veteran just shrugged unsure. "Well, did you help them too much?"

"WHO CARES?" Heather shouted angrily as she decided to walk away. "I'm tired, just tell me where the camp is for me to return."

"Oh yeah… About that," Chris commented as he chuckled which made everyone know that good things aren't. "The cabins where you usually sleep actually is being built again, so it will take a few days to have them back… so you must find a place to stay, and this secret spot which isn't secret until a certain blond spot us… is full. So I wish you good luck in finding your own place. Now if you mind, I'm going to enjoy my time, see you guys at the campfire."

The girls felt their eyes twitching, while Owen was enjoying the good food which went on the floor after the flare hit the table… The campers and Cadets were unsure of what to say until Gwen groaned.

"You know what?" Gwen interrupted as she threw her hands in the air. "Screw this."

"Yeah, you are right. I'm going to take a shower. I'm feeling terrible." Heather said as she wanted to get clean up and pass the time at the camp where she knew where it was.


"Ahhhhhhh, I needed this," Gwen said as she relaxed over the hot tub. She never thought she desperately needed something that much in her life. And she felt that indeed the Aquarium was the safest place for her and her team to be when it came to anything. Surprisingly even with the flood happening across the forest, The campers managed to make a path across the hole to make sure the rain wouldn't affect their secret spot. "If I knew the rain would mess up with everything, I would have stayed here all this time."

Gwen commented, that she never felt so angry about being on the show that at that moment, she knew that she was feeling the pressure of being in the finals, and thankfully the show was getting close to finishing, and she got so far on the show, now she felt with the obligation to have the prize, she would use it like Ezekiel once said, she would pay a good part of the money for therapy, and possibly use the other part to college funds for her.

Living a life of school felt so much better now, even as a good part of her, felt guilty that one of her friends never had the opportunity to have a proper education.

Gwen stared at the trailer of her friend who got eliminated by technicality… And couldn't help but smirk.

"If it was Eva, I knew she would have beaten down Chris and Chef for making her annoyed and suffering a challenge like that." Gwen smiled as she felt the look of the Killer Bass flag staring at her… And it was like a moment she closed her eyes… And she still could hear them having a conversation like the old times.

("Okay, it's ace of spades" Harold commented which surprised everyone on the place.

"Woah, it really is," Katie said as she gave the card to Harold while everyone had their eyes wide open in surprise.

"Pff, there is no way, I mean what is the..."

"You have 5 of hearts," Harold commented as he interrupted the C.I.T. girl who just snapped.

"HOW THE HELL DID YOU KNOW THAT?" Courtney shouted in disbelief, while Harold just smirked at her.

"Magic camp, I spent 3 years doing it to perfect myself," Harold replied as he took a little fabric in his hand, and then with a slight hand, it turned into a picture of himself with a ballerina outfit. "Ta-da... Ops, how did it get there?"

Harold took it back to his pocket while he smiled sheepishly.

"Nice come back Harold Houdini," Duncan commented as he laughed at the comedy act, which Geoff was even applauding from the fun... So the delinquent decided to have some fun. "Now, do a fireball trick."

That comment made Geoff glare at him since the boys created a pact of using the fireball trick as an excuse for the terrible gift Geoff would want to give to Bridgette.

"Ha ha ha. Very funny guys, it's not like AHHHHHHHH." Geoff gave a sarcastic laugh and when he was telling it wasn't funny, Harold took a light fabric and made a fireball consuming it in front of the party boy who jumped in surprise. Making the group laugh at him. "LOW BLOW HAROLD."

Duncan, Ezekiel, and Courtney applauded while they snickered at the pouting cowboy who had DJ, Katie, and Bridgette pat his back...

"Thank you, thank you, you are all so kind." Harold bowed at the applauses, while Gwen couldn't help but close her eyes again.)

Good memories like that were what made her miss more of her friends.

"Please guys, give me strength just for more than 2 weeks, to win this show," Gwen whispered as she never thought she would be the only bass remaining, and the more and more she wanted to survive such challenges.


"Well, I have to admit that things could have gone way better," Chris commented as the sound of loud rain finally appeared outside of the trailer where he and Chef were enjoying a good relaxing time. "But at least we will have some fun moments to edit around the show."

"You're right, at least we don't have to worry about the crazy challenge since they did it all by themselves. But I think it would have been way better if the cadets didn't were caught on the said challenge." Chef Hatchet commented which the host just shrugged.

"Well, what is done is done. But now, I'm kinda bored over here, so you won't mind if I listen to a CD over here right?" Chris asked as the cook of the island shrugged, and nodded his head. "I didn't have much time to listen to this, so I was interested to know what Ezekiel did from his book, and he said this is the first edition of the recorded book, so I have it for me."

"Isn't the one where he talks about the scary stories? Are you sure that you want to hear that in the middle of the rainstorm?" Chef asked as he raised his eyebrows, which Chris simply scoffed.

"Oh come on Chef, I know his stories are scary, and even some I had inspiration to use it. But I think you are exaggerating, I mean, I'm not the campers. I can take it…" Chris commented as he placed the CD on the Radio player and decided to play it.

"Courage the Cowardly Dog in… Freaky Fred." Ezekiel's voice was heard on the radio as the duo looked at each other as there was a little toybox song behind the said title. And it didn't stop when the voice of Ezekiel was once said, but this time was very different. A bit more, creepy. And he started rhyming. "Hello, new friend. My name is Fred… the words you hear are in my head. And I said my name is Fred and I've been… very Naughtyyyyyy…"

Chris felt his spine shiver. While Chef Hatchet gulps, from the tone of the voice.




"The story I'm about to tell, I tell you, I will tell you well, Is of my dear aunt Muriel, and just how I've been… naughty…" Ezekiel once again rhymed as both Chef and Chris felt so captured with the story, and they felt something very wrong with the man who was rhyming in the story.

"Muriel is the aunt of this freak?" Chris whispered as then he heard Ezekiel voicing Eustace to explain more about the freak person.

"The freak is a barber…" This made the eyes of the host shrink, he placed both his hands over his handsome hair and sweat in fear. "A freeeeeakyyy barber, with his own freaky barbershop, with freaky things happen… freaky BARBER THINGS."

Chris felt his teeth clinching, and even Chef had his eyes wide open in surprise.

"Ohhhhh, I know those types of guys," Chef commented which made Chris press pause…

"You do?" Chris commented as Chef nodded his head.

"I had a hair salon in the 80s, and I heard every kind of story… and if that is what I think it is Chris, you should bail…" Chef commented as he could feel his own back sweating, to make a capture of a crazy person being freaky on the narrative, the military man had to admit, he wouldn't like to find a person like that.

"Nah, I mean, it's fine… It's the first story, it wasn't supposed to be that bad… Let's just keep hearing." Chris commented as he pressed the play.

6 minutes later…

"La la la la la la la… la la la la la la la…" The choir sang while the electric shaver buzzer happening and Courage's scream happened, which made Chef pale and cover his head with the blanket, even though he was bald, he was feeling the pressure over the terrible sound of the freaky barber shaving the fur of the poor pink beagle.

"Damn, that boy knows how to scare people, Chris," Chef commented as he was actually glad to have Izzy planning to add him to his alliance on the next season, while he looked at the host, who just wasn't there… "Chris?"

He looked and found there wasn't a trace of him, just an open door, and a person running away in the rain.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." Chris screamed as he ran away from the trailer, trying to find his own security and lock himself on his personal trainer.


"I don't care how many days you are going to waste, I want all my barbers having a background check and psychological test, and I swear that if there is one who is too happy to cut hair, I want him fired OKAY? I DON'T CARE IF IS A STORY OR NOT, THERE ARE FREAKY PEOPLE LIKE THAT, AND IF YOU WANT THE BONUS OF THIS YEAR ON YOUR SALON, YOU BETTER LISTEN TO ME... GOT IT? Great... thank you and have a good night." Chris said by telephone, while the campers looked at the host of the show wearing a motorcycle helmet. In a way to protect his hair. When he saw the group of campers and even the cadets who were staring at him, Chris coughed his fist and composed himself to talk to the campers and continue the show. "Now that we solved this whole day, I hope you guys learned your lesson, always make sure your cabins are securely fastened to the ground. Which brings us to yet another dramatic marshmallow ceremony."

Everyone was there staring at what Chris had said, and even Owen who was now shaved with a new shirt and holding his friend Mr. Coconut. Chris was ready to start another elimination ceremony. Which then showed there were 4 marshmallows, which made Lindsay, Gwen, and Heather look at each other in confusion.

"Heather, Lindsay, Gwen, Owen... You all are saved." Chris commented as it gave each camper a marshmallow, but then Owen had his eyes wide open in shock when he realized one thing.

"Oh, no. You don't mean!"Owen realized as he looked at his new friend who just got the worst fate.

"Yep. It's time for Mr. Coconut to walk the Dock of Shame." Chris smirked as he walked toward the fat boy who started to cry. And while in the background, one of the cadets could hear that her partner was sniffing but also glaring in the direction of the coconut.

"What's going on? OUCH..." Sanders asked as she then felt her partner stomping on her feet.

"I did not have a break up with a coconut. Got it?" MacArthur commented angrily at her partner who raised both her eyebrows but then scoffed as she rolled her eyes.

"Okay, I will find an ice cream tub for you to eat," Sanders commented as she then got a big hug from her partner, who was sniffing while Chris was launching the coconut away on the boat of the losers.

"MR. COCONUT! NOOOOO!" The campers watched what would be the weirdest elimination campfire of their lives, and with on how the crazy day went... Everyone preferred to return to their beds and get ready for the next day.

Since most everyone was done with it. Except Owen who was still crying for his friend who would be enjoying a great experience at the 5-star resort.

Life indeed was strange.

Chapter 39: Interlude 11

Chapter Text



At the time a father gets inside of the bedroom, the dim lighting casts long shadows across the walls, making the room feel like a miniature haunted house. The wallpaper is a dark shade of purple, adorned with patterns of bats and spiders. A mobile hangs above her crib, not with cheerful animals or stars, but with miniature skeletons and ghosts that sway gently, their hollow eyes seemingly watching his every move.

In the corner, a rocking chair creaks back and forth on its own, an old, ragged doll with a cracked porcelain face sitting on it. The doll's eyes follow him, and its mouth is twisted into an unsettling grin. On the shelves, instead of stuffed animals, there are jars filled with plastic insects and faux eyeballs, along with a collection of creepy storybooks with titles like "The Little Ghost's First Haunting" and "Baby's First Nightmare."

The room is decorated with cobwebs, both real and fake, giving it an abandoned look, though his daughter finds them comforting. The floor is scattered with toys, but not the usual kind; there are small rubber rats, a jack-in-the-box that pops out with a scream instead of a jingle, and a puzzle mat featuring scenes from classic horror stories.

Despite the eerie ambiance, the father finds his daughter with her eyes wide open in her crib, clutching a stuffed vampire bat to her chest, a content smile on her face. This room, which would terrify most children, is her sanctuary, a place where her unique tastes and early fascination with the macabre are free to flourish.

"Daddy." The girl smiled as the person who seemed to be very afraid of her presence, knew that beast was his daughter, and even as many could judge her and determine that she was terrifying in any way possible, he couldn't help but smile at her. Even as he felt shivers on his spine in fear.

"Lauren, how are you sweetie, couldn't sleep?" The father asked carefully as the girl pouted and shook his head, and from seeing her father, she knew that it meant a lot to him since usually he was always scared into crossing the door, he was always frightened of everything. And she loved him dearly for that. But then she saw something in his books. "Want daddy to read you a story?"

Lauren had her eyes wide open and nodded her head happily, since she always liked it when her father tried his best to read some horror books that she had in the room, and accidentally the room itself or even the birds outside of the house made noises frightened and let her father to release the sweet screams which it always helped her to sleep happily.

"Okay, Daddy got a new book in his hands." Lauren frowned upon hearing that since most of the books were boring and didn't have... "And it's called Courage the Cowardly Dog."

"Coward?" Lauren asked as it was one word that she liked, cowards always scream, and she love screams, so hopefully that book would be something. "Is it good?"

"From what I saw, many say that it's very scary." The father asked as he gulped, knowing that even if had wholesome moments, he hoped, even if was 10% of hope, the wholesome moments would also stuck on his daughter, since she had been a spawn of evil and terror since so young, and he and his mother wanted her to be more normal. But they couldn't manage to do that, it always drove her into a more terrifying way... so they hoped, and prayed as the contestant of the show that she likes to watch a lot was telling the truth. And showing there was also wholesome inside of the dangerous terrors of life, and if slightly changes for his child would be for the better, he would be doing this, even if he was terrified with the experience.

"Ohhhhh, I want to hear it." The girl giggled as the father gulped... wanting to know if was possible.

"Okay, the first chapter... Courage the Cowardly Dog and A night at Katz Motel." The father knew that he maybe was going to give one last shot into trying to save his daughter, but it was better than nothing.




"And in the end both Muriel drove the way back to their house, while Eustace was still in a cocoon of spiderweb sleeping soundly, with all the ignorance of the world. And when Muriel gave a slight look to her husband, she couldn't help but smile and have one idea. "That's a fancy blanket Grandpa has on. Maybe we should get you one." Courage after all the troubles he had passed over that night, there was only one thing that he could do... "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Courage screamed in terror into imagining his lovely owner wanted him to be covered in spiderweb... The end." The father screamed as a good part of himself felt terrified of finding a motel owner who would use people as spider food, and he had to say that he was quite intrigued and also happy with how the story went... Looking down at the crib, he saw his little monster was snoring slightly, enjoying the good and terrifying dreams which made the father glance at the book once again. "It's strange to find a book where terror had a happy ending or whatever it calls that, but she looks really peaceful for the screams you helped me with the pictures, so thank you. And I hope that you are going to help me to raise this little monster."

The father murmured as he left the creepy door but with good hope in his heart and a daughter who was having sweet dreams of hearing a pink beagle screaming in panic and horror all the time.

A scary girl who just found her favorite book.


The day has been a typical one for Junior, full of the busy activities of an eight-year-old boy. He had spent the day at elementary school, where he learned new things, played with his friends, and enjoyed recess. After school, he had a fun time playing soccer in the backyard, followed by a delicious dinner with his family.

As the evening settles in, Junior heads to his bedroom to get ready for bed. His room is a vibrant, cozy space filled with the joys of childhood. The walls are painted a cheerful blue, and adorned with posters of his favorite superheroes and sports stars. A bookshelf stands in the corner, overflowing with colorful storybooks, comics, and a few educational books.

Junior changes into his favorite pajamas, a set with bright red and blue stripes that his mom got him last Christmas. He brushes his teeth, washes his face, and then climbs into his small but comfy bed. The bed is covered with a soft blanket featuring tiny green clovers.

The room is lit by a small nightlight shaped like a moon, casting a gentle glow that keeps the room from being too dark. A few toys are scattered around, remnants of his playtime earlier in the day. Junior settles in under the blanket, feeling the comforting embrace of his cozy bedroom.

Just as he's about to grab his tablet for a quick game before sleep, he hears the familiar sound of the front door opening and closing. From looking at the door, he found his father who was wearing a social shirt, but on his hands, there was a bag from a bookstore.

"Hey there son." Dwayne greeted his child excitedly, as the kid seemed to be happy to see his father once again after a long day of work. The father knew that working at the office had been so much a drag, but he found something that he could possibly give a good time for himself and himself. "Look what I got?'

The boy blinked until he saw from the bag, his father bringing to his hands, a purple book which had a picture of a farm, an old woman, an old man and a pink dog on it... And even as the kid seemed confused from the look, he saw the title.

"Courage, the Cowardly Dog?" Junior asked as his father looked happy with his achievement.

"I saw a huge crowd at the bookstore, and everyone was buying this one. Probably this is a new child book, so I thought it would be perfect for us to read together before bed." Dwayne commented as the kid tilted his head, and from the look of the book, it didn't seem to be a very important thing. But he just shrugged.

"Okay, so why are you opening in the middle of the book?" Junior asked as his father waved his hand.

"Oh, I just read that you can start a chapter whenever you want, so it's like mini-stories, just like the fairy tales, I decided to read this one... Courage the Cowardly Dog and the Night of weremole?"

"Weremole?" Junior commented confused as a part of him was trying to think if his father was talking about werewolves, but then he never thought about a children's book having werewolves before, so that made his eyes sparkling.

"Yes, that's what he said... Pff, it must be something related to where the mole was, so it's probably fine, so let's start..." Dwayne scoffed, not realizing that his son was now paying deep attention to the story. "In the middle of the night, on a farm in the middle of nowhere, the iconic family was living there, Courage as the pink beagle was enjoying a good nap on the rocking chair, Eustace was also relying on his favorite chair, while the sounds of the television described the screams of a horror movie which neither of them bothered to watch since the nap had been so tempting for them...

Muriel, a lovely old woman who always enjoyed doing everything with kindness... was enjoying a good moon harvest, where she was taking the delicious carrots while it showed a good glimpse of the yellow moon on the sky."

Dwayne was feeling a bit weirded out by the description of the details of referring to a horror movie but somehow sounded wholesome for him to keep talking about the family, while Junior was listening while almost bored... Until it came something made the boy pay extreme attention.

"And with the night of the yellow moon, lurked a danger that nobody could ever expect underground," Dwayne commented as his eyes went wide open, and Junior could feel something exciting coming up. "Under the ground was a lump digging following the direction of the sweet old lady who just found a little rabbit and greeted the little creature with a sweet carrot... distracting herself from the imminent danger."

"Would you like a carrot? Is that a carrot that you want?" Muriel said as she used her Scottish ascent, and turned her back over the little bunny who was waiting patiently for a little snake of the night." Dwayne commented as Junior was now very interested in the bedtime story since he never thought he would be so excited to know what was going to happen next. "I will get yah a carrot."

"And at a little fraction of a second, the lump of dirt finally reached its destination, which the rabbit never had a chance to react towards a ferocious beast who came underground and with sharp teeth which immediately clutched its jaws on the tiny body, and dragged the boy of what was the food the mole ever wanted... Which left a deep hole. Muriel turns her back around and sees the disappearance of the little rabbit." Dwayne paled, while Junior was with his mouth wide open. While Junior on the other hand.

"COOL." Junior said that he never thought he would see such violence and horror in what would be in a children's book, "What happens next?"

Dwayne looked at his son, he discovered that maybe buying that book wasn't a good idea, but since he was on time to read it... he needed to finish, but come on, what the worst could happen?




"And when Courage thought everything was over, Dr. Vindaloo who was also infected by Muriel came from the basement of the house and clutched his sharp teeth to Eustace who was unprepared for everything and even as the sounds of the biting and the mallet hammering down over the basement, the last thing Courage just heard, was Eustace giving his weak laugh until he was swallowed by the weremole and this time scaring Courage once more. "AHHHHHHHHHHHH, Is there a doctor in this house?" Junior commented as he was finishing the last quote of the chapter. "The end. Wow, that was awesome, thanks Dad, this is the best story I ever read... Dad?"

Junior looked at the corner of his bed, and he found Dwayne sucking his thumb while he was in the fetal position, for this time scared for his life, over the book he ever read...

"Okay, maybe I should check this out... oh, on the first page, there is a summary explaining the level of scary vs wholesome rank in each chapter... And you got the 4 stars' level of scary..." Junior commented as Dwayne facepalmed himself mentally. "Maybe let's try something more wholesome like the book said... well here is the 1 star of scary and 3 and a half stars of wholesome, Courage the cowardly dog and the Cajun Granny Stew. What?"

Junior blinked, as he could understand the reason for that, but even the confused look of Dwayne could be seen, which made the 8-year-old boy shrug and decide to read the second chapter of the said book. Dwayne needed something to laugh at and not make him have nightmares for the whole night.

Sometimes nobody could guess which one is the father, and which one is the son.


"Dawn, sweetheart, what happened?" Serenity walked after her morning shift of work, and at the time she passed towards the door, she saw her daughter in tears, showing how serious, and emotional her little moonchild must have felt towards something, especially at the time she looked at the book.

"Mother, how could humans be so cruel to Mother Nature... even as this magical tree gave everything they've always wanted?" Dawn commented as the wise matriarch felt in need to comfort her daughter who just got one of the most painful reality outcomes... "It didn't deserve such tragedy."

"Because the humans will always be afraid of something they will never understand." Serenity commented as she gave a slight look at the art of a beautiful purple tree big enough to even appear a face on its face, and the poor pink beagle who was with his knees on the floor, crying for losing such an amazing tree... And from the picture alone she could feel the pain of such tragedy, and how she had to hold herself together to not let it out a tear... It was indeed a very well description of a terrible tragedy. "Tell me about this tree."

"It was the wisest tree I ever read in a book, even granted wish for everything, it was like the true connection with mother nature, and knew that in 3 days it would be cut down... It was painful to read, and I never felt so much anger to a person in my life than I will ever have to Eustace." Dawn commented as her tears sheed from how amazing the aura reader felt towards the book, the feelings on how the book described was like an open window and a connection for every single person, she could feel the feelings that Courage had at that moment, she almost went to the outside of her house to try to scream so loud to shatter the sun... because it was painful to read, and the feelings...

"Do not worry my child, one thing we always believe in our lives..." Serenity commented as Dawn sniffed a few times, and then her eyes narrowed with a resolution. "Mother Nature was a foundation of Karma, and..."

"Karma will always get you back," Dawn said as she tried to find strength to read the rest of the book. But seeing her mother with her book in her hands, she couldn't help but ask. "Can you read the rest for me?"

That question was surprising for the mother, since her daughter could even read their minds, and wouldn't need to have someone to read for her... But knowing how her child was feeling at that moment, she couldn't help but nod her head to her sweet child. And decided to read the whole story from the beginning.




Serenity had to compliment the writer of this book, it showed love, respect, and admiration of how a magical tree could have been the center of great things in life, and how envy, greed, and ignorance could take out once more the beauty of the world. The matriarch herself couldn't stop releasing a few tears, from how painful it had been for Courage to not be able to save such a kind tree, who helped him so much for in the end answer, but not before paying the price. Now Serenity continued to read for herself and her daughter...

"Courage walked towards the tree which still had a few signs of life, "I have the remedy you seek. Pick all the flowers from my branches...and mix them with pure hornet's honey. This is the cure." Courage gave a small smile with hope but then he gasped, as the tree closed its eyes and its mouth disappeared as it died. Courage quickly searches the tree's branches, and pops out of the leaves with pink roses in his paws."YES" Then in a field where a hornet's hive the size of a bus hangs from a tree branch. The hornets can be heard buzzing inside. Courage makes his way toward the hive with the flowers. He looks up at the hive and then sets the flowers down on the ground. He enters the hive from a hole in the bottom. As a butterfly flies across the beautiful field. After a moment, Courage can be heard screaming. From the painful stings of the hornets." Serenity narrated as both flinched from imagining the pain and the horrifying and painful scream Courage had shouted. But they could imagine the pain just from the imagination, such that Serenity hesitated to ask for honey from the bees on the weekend.




"Later that evening, Muriel and Courage go outside to look at the magic tree's stump. From the stump, a tiny pink flower bud is growing. Muriel pats Courage on the head, and the pair smile at each other. Meanwhile, inside the house, Eustace has gotten his punishment for cutting down the tree. His head is now grossly engorged like Muriel's was. "Muriel." Eustace groaned in pain as he was feeling the worst pain of his life "Is the tree growing back yet?" And that's how the ends the story."

"This is what you get Eustace, you deserved it." Dawn wasn't a vengeful person, but what just happened made not just the moonchild but also the matriarch of nature have such a cathartic feeling from seeing such a bad person like that ignorant farm getting the Karma he always provoked upon.

Serenity was surprised at how a story, which was indeed very well told, could bring such emotions towards a gentle and kind girl like Dawn, and from a more mature fortune teller and owner of a restaurant such as herself, even the animals whimpered and mourned from such astonishing tree which seemed to be so kind and wise...

"Thank you, mother." Dawn gave a hug to Serenity, who also felt the emotions of her sweet daughter, and that book alone, she could understand there was a book written with love, with all the emotions a person could ever write... It was indeed an intriguing and curious book.

"Do you want me to read more for you?" Serenity asked her daughter who just shook her head.

"I'm going to have a break from it, maybe tomorrow I will continue reading. Do you want me to help you to cook dinner?" Dawn asked as she showed an inner voice which Serenity was surprised by the tone of her voice... knowing that deep inside, her daughter wanted to spend time with her. Which would be a good experience for both of them.

"Sure, you can help me to bake a pie for dessert. Your father seems to have been in a long day in the forest. And a pie would be a good thing for him tonight." Serenity smiled, as both mom and daughter were going to enjoy a good time for themselves, while both would enjoy the time to absorb and meditate on how powerful the story was when it comes about a wise tree, a kind and coward dog, a sick and gentle woman, and a stupid fool who wanted to destroy what was good for the world. Thinking about what they could have done in the same situation, what they could have asked for the Tree of Nowhere, what would be their wishes, and how they understood a very important lesson that they would always agree with them, and for all the readers of the book they have in hands.

Mother Nature was right, Eustace deserved the Karma he got.


The bustling noise of students fills the high school hallway. It's lunchtime, and most of the students are gathered in the cafeteria or outside, chatting and laughing. However, in a quieter part of the school, down a less-traveled corridor, there is a small, dimly lit nook near the old storage rooms.

Ennui, dressed in his usual dark attire, slips away from the crowd, seeking solitude. He finds the corner he's come to consider his refuge, a place where he can read and escape the overwhelming noise of the school. He leans against the wall, pulls out his book, and begins to read, enjoying the rare quiet. Hearing the screaming of kids and parents who were terrified by the same book, brought his attention, to something that scared most people and still made interested for them to keep reading, especially children. He didn't know why he decided to wait at the bookstore, but the time he waited was worth it... Since the purple book where a pink beagle would suffer a lot of dangers, fears, and traumas fuel for any kind of reader, it was indeed addicting for a person who usually founds life boring, to have something so soothing for him to read and be in peace.

Moments later, a girl who is also in her gothic attire, with long black hair and pale skin, walks down the same corridor. She has only been at the school for a short time and is already weary of the bustling crowds and the constant chatter. She spots the same nook and, seeking a place to hide from the prying eyes of other students, heads toward it.

As she turns the corner, she stops, surprised to find someone already there. Ennui looks up from his book, equally surprised to see someone else seeking refuge in the same spot but refuses to show any kind of expression.

"Seeking refugee?" Ennui commented in a monotone tone, which the goth girl gave also a slight tone of boredom and sadness.

"Whatever it takes to escape from the sordid suffering of the comments and the crowd gathering of social interaction," The girl replied as she sat on the corner with her backpack, and glanced at the goth boy who was still with the book on his hands. "A book which seems harmless and yet brings the worst fears for anyone who could read."

Ennui knew she was talking about the book he had on his hands.

"A book which could create traumas and feelings that would both warm and destroy the person who seeks knowledge from this," Ennui replied as the girl seemed to bring from the inside of her backpack the same book. "Ennui..."

"Crimson..." The goth girl replied as she sat down and opened one of the pages..."From a person born inside of a farm, and being homeschooled and alone most of the time... I never thought we had another Howard Philip Lovecraft in our lives."

"You are smiling." Ennui pointed as it showed clear that Crimson wasn't, but she discovered the truth that the person nearby her knew that she was... "Even as some endings would be ugh... Wholesome, still the trauma and nightmare fuel was very interesting for give a reality check on this too brighty word."

"Wow... That was the darkest thing I ever heard..." Crimson commented as she took something from her backpack. "What is your favorite story."

"King Ramses' Curse.." Ennui commented as he showed the picture of what would be the definition of the spirit of revenge on egipt. "The ignorance and the chaos brought towards a single piece of advice was very intriguing and made me want to steal the slab to talk and get his autograph. What about you?"

"Shirley the medium, as on the darkest time. Fortune tellers were misunderstood and treated as witches, they were burned for sake of the human ignorance." Crimson replied as the boy closed his eyes and understanding on what she was saying. "Her curses were weak but gave a very powerful message, and I'm interested in learning saxophone just to imagine what she would have played when she gave the curse on the stupid farm."

"That is a valid explanation..." Ennui commented as he then saw something moving from inside the girl's backpack... Which soon appeared its head outside. "There is a rat in your backpack."

"Oh... Rat," Crimson commented as she brought out from her backpack and raised nearby to her face... A black rat looked with more makeup looking goth just like her. "From the last chapter of the book. I found this little one getting out of the sewers and I adopted him... A bringer of black plague before but also a bringer of depression..."

"You need more depressive cannonballs," Ennui commented, as both goths never thought they would find something shocking clicked inside of them... A kinship on the crazy world they are.


Victoria had a headache from the last in-house trial since one of her stupid coworkers decided punching a lawyer of a rival company was a good idea. From that day it had been very complicated since it needed another lawyer who would do everything on his hands to help his coworker but also having the desire to defeat the person who committed such a mistake because of internal rivalry. But the problem was that the trial was a red flag on its own because it exposed secrets that once couldn't be ignored.

And since the entire company was working their asses into finding a way to make the lawyer save face.

"WHAT HAPPENED TO THAT BEAUTIFUL WOMAN, THAT'S ON YOU... NOT ME." Victoria ignored the shouts coming from the bathroom and walked to her office, but she just saw one of her secretaries chatting together with another.

"I can't believe someone really made a duck a villain, and for the sake of speaking French he even made the name of the villain Le Quack." A voice made the lawyer of the company pause and give a glance of what would be on the book on their hands... One that she found the similarities from one episode where her daughter was part of... "To say a person to use amnesia to heist the houses of his victims sounds both genius and stupid at the same time."

"What are you two doing?" Victoria asked which made both girls jump from their sits.

"Ma'am," Both secretaries said in scare of the woman who gave a deep frown at them.

"I can't believe the lack of professionalism you both girls have. And from wasting your time to not fulfilling the files and cutting the papers, you are not on your break." Victoria said angrily as she took the books from their desks. "And I will keep this for the rest of the day, and if I see you all reading in the middle of the work, both of you will be severely punished."

Not even giving time for them to protest, the grown-up tan lawyer walked inside of her office and closed which she knew nobody could see the smirk on her face.

"Well, I kinda need a break right now, and I don't know when the next girls' meeting will be, so let's see what your son did Martha." Victoria took the opportunity to close the blinds so that nobody from the office could see her. "Humph, Dr. Le Quack huh? Let me see how is it..."




"Police. Police. Madman robbing the house." Courage quickly pressed the keys of the computer as the sound of the screams was heard and even as in panic as it can be Courage went to try to save his owner Muriel once again." Victoria read as she was feeling engaged with the story, even though it sounded absurd fighting against a duck holding a huge mallet...

And Courage launched himself in the catapult while going slightly on the left which even as he missed the window, clearly didn't miss the wall which created a hole with his body mark.

"You have email from the police. I'll read it to you." The computer commented as Courage looked expectantly at the message. "A madman in your house? How horrible."

"At least they answered." Courage commented as he crossed his arms and waited for the rest of the message. The computer continued to read the email from the police. "Where are you?" Courage immediately in good speed pressed the answer while he commented to himself loudly. "Big farm in the middle of Nowhere." Which the computer read the next email of the police..."Oh, you poor thing. What do you want from us?"




"Did you just hear someone laugh loudly?" One of the lawyers commented as the other who was having a long day of his mock trial didn't even know what happened.

The others shrugged, not understanding what had just happened that day since everyone was very busy... Indeed, very busy.


Cody knew that probably his sister would receive a copy of the book as a gift from Ezekiel, however since the announcement from the boy on the episode, the geek knew the forum would be crazy into trying to achieve the first book from the reality show of the moment.

Before even the end of the show, it had been a great opportunity for every fan of the said show to have one exemplary of a book which made a difference and became one of the reasons why Killer Bass started so strong at the beginning of the show.

A book that made someone Coward like DJ have an idol and someone to mirror.

"I know that I shouldn't start reading from this chapter. But damn, I want to see if it's that scary to the point to even make Tyler, Katie, and Sadie piss themselves." Cody commented as he was sure that his sister Gwen didn't listen to the stories of Courage the Cowardly Dog at the beginning of the show. So he knew that it would be a very fun idea to make a little prank on her in the future. But he just needed to be sure if was indeed that scary. "Well, let's see... Courage the Cowardly Dog and the King Ramses' Curse..."




"Oh HELL NOOOOOO" Cody shouted as he closed the book. And placed away from him on the table. "Okay, not going to lie if was a person I would have fought for that 1 million dollars. But against a demon spirit of egipt? You can have the slab, keep it for yourself, no fucking way I will keep that thing if I get 3 plagues on me." Cody commented as he discovered why the campers were frightened by the story. And he wasn't even the half of the chapter and he quit. "Later I will start from the beginning. And then going from there. That's a lesson for people who want to start the story by going at the scariest first. Heck, that's why there are stars indicating the scale of the scare of each chapter... Let's see. Huh, here, Courage and the King Ramsés' Curse is 5 stars for scary, then Freeky Fred who also is 5 stars, The Demon in the Mattress 5 stars, and Weremole 4 stars as well, okay let's see the first story. 3 stars? A night at Katz Motel... Oh hey, the second chapter is 1 star and a half, so yeah, maybe I will start following the chapters and from that trying to see the next one."

Cody tip his cap to Ezekiel, a boy to came up with those titles and even drawings of such horrific scenes, even though the drawing looked like a cartoon was indeed something that would make people frightened...

"Hey... Queen of Black Poodle, isn't that what Duncan and DJ were calling Heather when she wore a mask on the horror challenge?" Cody asked in surprise as he gave a slight glance at the drawing and he couldn't help but whistle. "What a babe, damn, she looks hot. And the story is 3 stars and a half in scary? Well, it's a bit more than half, sooooo... Let me see."




"NEVER MIND, NEVER MIND, SIREN, SIREN," Cody said as he looked at the picture of a girl showing her jaws... "The sailors were right. The sirens are succubus of the sea."




"But she is so hot tough..." Cody said as he gave a glance and looked to drink his glass of soda. Until from the reflection he saw a girl appearing on the glass behind the window, making him spit and choke with the liquid. And give looks behind him and sees Ella who just got worried about her cousin and opens the window to help him out.




"EVER HEARD ABOUT KNOCKING THE DOOR OR RING A BELL?" Cody shouted angrily as his cousin dressing like a princess looked sheepishly.

"Sorry, I thought nobody was home so I tried to check if the blinders were down," Ella commented sheepishly, which made her cousin even more furious. "Sorry for scaring you."

"You have no idea how scared you got me. I thought a hot siren would come at me to hypnotize me and take my body under the water and eat my flesh." Cody commented as he then saw his cousin tilting her head at him. "I KNOW WHAT I SAID, AND I'M STILL MAD AT YOU."

Cody pinched his cousin's cheek he knows that she is always appolegic when his family does that to her.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry." Ella apologized profusely while having no idea why Cody was so mad at her since nothing he said made sense to her, but it's her family, and she loves him dearly, even as it really hurts her cheeks when he does that.


"Who wants some Happy Plums?" Martha appeared as she carried with her tray a few mugs which inside there was a sourcream on the top, while inside there was a content that both 3 mothers were so eager to see about one thing they have been so curious about. Between her circle of friends, she was happy to have developed one outside of the farm, since it had been a great time to invite her new friends to come visit her farm and enjoy a very cozy and different trip from their usual lifestyle. DJ's momma was really missing her baby Devon Joseph and she couldn't blame her, it had been a great time for both of them to trade recipes, just as was a surprise to see Duncan's mother, Sheila, but also Alisson who had been asking her a favor into dressing herself like her daughter Gwen, and they had a very good fun on the house.

"So this is the legendary Happy Plums that I so read about it?" Momma replied as she gave a slight glance towards what would be a very simple recipe, but not underestimating the effects of what it did on the book, she was curious if the effects were real.

"Well, they aren't that powerful in comparison to Muriel's, but I think Zeke based my cup plums and transformed them into the legendary happy plums, which I had been trying to find a good new ingredient to give a very good kick, and ironically..." Martha waved her hand as she never thought her little baby's book managed to make so much a success in her book, that some of her friends came to be interested in talking about the success of the book.

"Duncan's brothers went in a bookstore to buy one of his books, and I got caught in them making vomiting noises because of how the old lady Muriel always used vinegar on her recipes," Sheila commented as she never thought to see her children so eager to read a book than the ones which made Duncan almost cry and scared... And she even had a little time making them go to school and have time for herself to read the one special which she always was curious about... Needlessly to say she felt so wholesome and released tears of joy when she read the final chapter, the Tower of Dr. Zalost, in which she always thought that maybe, her children weren't lost cause, and just like the help from Victoria, Courtney and Ezekiel, he son wouldn't need to be on the juvenile or go to prison at the future.

"Did you place vinegar in this?" Alisson asked in surprise, since she knew that her son bought the book from the bookstore, and since she got curious about the emotional episode about Dr Zalost, she confessed that she used a few tissues to clean her tears, from how beautiful and simple it was.

"Apple cider vinegar actually," Martha commented as she smiled at how she always read Muriel into using vinegar on her recipes, that she thought she would try it for fun, but not knowing that indeed it could make a very interesting flavor on the mouth was indeed very a good dessert for someone who never tried before. "I gotta say, when I see Curtis in a bad mood, or Ezekiel who suddenly felt down, this always cheers them up."

"Okay, now I want to try it." DJ's momma didn't think twice as she even used the spoon and the sour cream to combine the flavors. "Wow, the appearance looks terrible, but the flavor, that's woman, Mi have inner luv fi your time."

The women around blinked at the chubby Jamaican chef who seemed to have a great time enjoying a dessert like that.

Which Alisson and Sheila decided to do the same, and even lick their lips with the sweet flavor.

"Wow, never thought plums would indeed bring happiness... The book was real." Sheila commented graciously, while Martha rolled her eyes with a smile.

"Oh stop it, nobody knows how to beat Muriel's recipe, I think Ezekiel didn't write the perfect recipe because he doesn't even know how she did that, and possibly the Scottish people know their stuff." Martha which made both the group of circle of friends enjoy their time together. "Also sorry to hear about what happened to Duncan Sheila, I was really hoping that he could have won the show."

"I know, I know, the votes were kinda rigged since from the idea of Chris creating chaos, I shouldn't be surprised. But at least I know Duncan can enjoy a few weeks before being happy at home, and paying community service." Sheila was happy for her son to return home, and with the good influence of Courtney and her mom, she knew that her baby boy would finally reach greatness. Since she always believed in him.

"Well, now it's up to my daughter to win, since she is the last bass remaining," Alisson commented as Momma nodded her head, and thought a bit more.

"Now that I think about it, where is your husband?" DJ's Momma asked as the farmer woman blinked until she snapped her fingers.

"Oh Curtis, I asked him to bring a lot of oranges for us, I was planning to bake a cake since we are together here, and talk about a good time cooking with you 3." Martha shrugged as Momma took out her fancy hat and her purse.

"Now, I like the way you are thinking. I think it's my time to surprise you with what I can do," Momma commented, as both Sheila and Alisson shook their heads but with a smile on their faces.

It was indeed a good time for the women to enjoy their time.

(Playa del Losers)

Everything started when Ezekiel received a callphone from the editors, knowing that his day would be the start of the news of how was the first sales of his first book, and the first experience of a person who had been a fanfic writer in his former life. He was feeling outside of his comfort zone, not knowing that if his first publishment was a success or a flop, the questions coming up on his mind would be if he didn't sell enough books and didn't bring attention to the target public he had been aiming for...

It has always been different when it was fanfic since the worst he could get from that would be troll reviews or at maximum someone talking to the moderators of the site to banish his account...

But now, it was more about money, and his image... A published gave trust in trying his first book, and he isn't sure if good things or terrible things happened after the first day of publishment...

Ezekiel got inside Izzy's bedroom since she was the one who somehow managed to bring a telephone to be in contact with her lawyers and company... She even helped him to decide which publisher would be the best for him to try his first book...

At each step, Ezekiel felt apprehensive about what would be the results, but in the end, the curiosity won against the anxiety, and he decided to take the telephone...

"Hello? Yeah, it's me..." Ezekiel commented as Izzy gave a reassuring smile at him, knowing that whatever happened she would still try to cheer him up, but she couldn't help to be more happy when she heard Ezekiel had his eyes wide open. "What do you mean it sold out? Wait... Really? All the 50 thousand? Huh? There was a new demand for more. That's wonderful."

Ezekiel couldn't help but feel contempt as he felt emotional... He could swear that nearby him, he could see Courage from his own tears excited stepping on the floor quickly while he showed eager excitement...

"Yes, yes, I'm here. Sorry, I'm just very surprised... So what's going to happen now?" Ezekiel asked as Izzy sat and she was already with her big smile on her face, and with a desire to celebrate, calling all the friends for Geoff to make a party. "Wait, wait, hold on, did you just say royalties? And a contract?"

Izzy looked as she then saw Ezekiel looking very shocked to the point of even heavy breathing.

"How much are you offering?..."Ezekiel blinked until suddenly he released the telephone, which Izzy quickly went to her friend who almost fainted.

"Are you sure that this is the right value? I mean, it was just 50 thousand books, but with these royalties and this contract? It's just the first volume of the book." Ezekiel tried to be reasonable with the publisher but the more he talked the more he sweat... "So you mean, wait, you also want to make a contract for Adventure Time and Steven Universe? 200 THOUSAND BOOKS EACH? But but... Please, don't tell me ho... HOLYSHIT."

Ezekiel felt his legs tremble as he couldn't help but feel his spirit almost leaving his body.

"But why? ... Okay, I understand, still, this has been a great shock for me... And this had been my first book... To reach that value... It's so crazy." Ezekiel commented as Izzy was walking towards her bedroom in curiosity about what made her good friend on his toes. "Thank you... Thank you so much, but if you could do me a favor. Can you publish Adventure Time's books a week before Christmas? Because that way it would make their wait worth it, but also for the last chapter of the book... I know that this may be hard. But could you please?... Thank you so much. Thank you for this, and I wish you a good week."

Ezekiel after finishing the call, simply felt his legs feeling like jelly, and then he stared at Izzy...

"So how much they gave you for the first volume?" Izzy asked curious which Ezekiel felt like he shouldn't tell anybody...But Izzy is a special case because she has an accountant who he needs to get in touch with to prepare for his taxes... And lawyers...

"Izzy, I need to get in contact with both your lawyer and accountant..."Ezekiel commented as he was with so much on his mind. That it was a storm of emotions, and he couldn't understand what he could say anymore... But he took a piece of paper and decided to write it for Izzy... "This is what they offered for the first book of Courage the Cowardly Dog being printed again, and with the royalties I received from the sold-out books from a few days ago..."

Izzy gave a small glance, but she decided to read the paper until her eyes went wide open...

"Are you for real?" Noah commented as he found a very big block of papers, which after giving more than a few glances, weren't drafts like the homeschooled boy would use on his stories, but this were more like. "What is this? A contract?"

"Yes," Ezekiel commented as he then took something that he never thought he would have which came from the paperwork sent by the mail. It took a few days but finally, Ezekiel had everything that he wanted to do at that moment. A checkbook in his hand made the brainiac raise his eyebrows at him... "For all the help you give me, and for all the hours we passed together fixing and editing together... I had to talk with an accountant and a lawyer to find a good way to administrate this but to also reward you for all the work... So please accept this check."

Noah gave a small glance at the piece of paper and then he felt his hands tremble as his eyes even twitched...because seeing a thing like that made him have his mouth opened in shock.

"How much did..."

"Please don't ask, as a person who got the advice of my lawyer and accounter, I should not reveal how much I gain for safety reasons, that's what J.K Rolling, Stephen King, George R.R Martin don't share how much they got, because of safety reasons," Ezekiel commented as he got his winter hat off and started to scratch, but knowing there was a lot of paperwork to do... "Just please read the contract carefully and be sure if that's what you want... You can have the whole night to think about it. But know that I tried to make sure that it's a fair contract... Even as it sounds a bit unfair in some perspectives, the accountant and the lawyer told me that this was a fair value for an editor..."

"And it is... But 50 thousand dollars for only the first book of Courage the Cowardly Dog? That's insane." Noah commented as he raised both his arms wide open. "I didn't even need to participate in this stupid show if I just had one more book to write, it would be the easiest 100 grand that I ever caught in my life. We worked also with Adventure Time, Steven Universe, and Ben 10 as he had been your new project... Are you sure that it's not a scam?"

"It's legit... But I also recommend you read the contract and try to find an accountant, because with that money you need to plan on how to pay your taxes, and that's a crazy way to think about it..." Ezekiel commented as he crossed outside of the door... "But I'm being honest over here Noah, thank you for helping me to edit my book. Your help indeed made Courage create an impact and sold out on the first 3 days after the episode."

Noah remained quiet, as he heard the boy leaving the bedroom, and now the bookworm never thought that being eliminated first made him have a very good experience of vacations but also gain what would be half of the prize money...

"Indeed Karma works in mysterious ways," Noah commented as he looked at the cheque he got. Indeed was a good day.

"Well it went way better than I expected, but I still think he should get more than that," Ezekiel sighed as Izzy gave a few slaps on his back, while she looked serious at the moment.

"Usually editors would only gain from 10 thousand to 20 thousand, and you gave more than double that for him, and you took 2 years to write all the work, while we cannot take his hard work for granted, he helped you most of the edition which you already edited before, so it's fair for you to get most of the part of royalties for yourself," Izzy explained as a serious look on her face, while both were on his bedroom while they have smoothies and with the television on to watch the pay-per-view. "I know that he appreciated you thinking of him, and you making a contract for him to be your editor-chief was a very surprise coming from you."

"Well, I think I should call someone I trust, and Noah indeed was very trustful and a good friend," Ezekiel commented which Izzy cackled.

"Oh, that he is, even as annoying as he can be, I kinda of understand why my future version would enjoy spending most of the time being friends with him, Owen, and Eva, we looked like a very interesting group to interact with," Izzy commented as Ezekiel nodded his head happy.

"Yes, you were a very interesting quartet, and I think Noah will be happy to get that cheque while he was the first one to be eliminated," Ezekiel commented as he made a thought that made him worried. "But we still need to find a way to make him participate in Ridonculous Race."

"Oh? That? I can convince both him and Owen to do that, do not worry my friend Ezekiel, I will find a way to make Noah find his lovely annoying prick girlfriend Emma, or I will kidnap both of them and make them try to get out of the Gulag together." Izzy commented as she was cackling madly, while Ezekiel was rolling his eyes.

"Please, we don't need you to get into more trouble with the law, anyway, the next episode of the show is going to be Are We There Yeti, which Chef now was going to take all the campers and leave them in the middle of the forest and they have to find a way to the pole while being in duos," Ezekiel explained as both him and Izzy passed a few seconds thinking about it...

"That doesn't seem interesting," Izzy commented unsure of what to say.

"It was funnier when Gwen and Heather had mortal hatred between each other, and Duncan was there with Owen to make a battle between boys vs girls, and having the boys and girls tricking each other to catch their supplies for map, food, and etc... was kinda funny," Ezekiel explained as Izzy raised her eyebrow which made Ezekiel rolls his eyes. "And of course in the end Heather and Gwen tricked both Duncan and Owen at night acting as damsels in distress just to make them drop their guards, and in the end, Duncan was eliminated because Chef just wanted...

"So in the end Duncan was screwed independently from each episode right?" Izzy commented as her friend nodded his head at her, which was a very good point.

"Yeah, but now comes the question, how does Chef will cope with the challenge, if he is going to be annoyed to host the show and want to spend the rest of the day relaxing?" Ezekiel asked while Izzy only wandered the same thing about her commander, she was looking at her friend thinking that maybe people were underestimating her commander, and she hoped Chef Hatchet would be different from the other time from the other future, since that time her commander wasn't caring into hosting the show, but now he had a very good opportunity... Since he told her that he wanted them to win the next season because it would make him be promoted... She just hoped that this time, Chef Hatchet would make a better decision.

(Camp Wawanakwa)

"You were WHAT?" The gruff and annoyed voice coming from the trailer was enough to scare a few interns who were running with the equipment for the camera crew.

"Ouch, no so loud Chef," Chris said annoyed as he felt a ring on his ear, as inside of his trailer. Chris was looking at himself in the mirror, trying to look presentable. "I just got a call recently in which they said I will be the host of Best People Choice awards, they want me to give the rewards of the best people across Canada, so I will be out for a few days."

"But the challenge will happen in 2 days," Chef said as he narrowed his eyes which Chris scoffed.

"Pff. That's why I decided to let you do it. Because come on, the last episode happened by itself, just let the campers do something crazy, create an excuse to eliminate them and you can have the rest of the day off." Chris commented as he wasn't even giving faith to the person in front of him. "All you need to do is to make the ratings growing up, do whatever military crazy stuff you do, and then bam, you got the audience and you can eliminate whoever you want. Simple like that."

"It was supposed to be my day off." Chef narrowed his eyes, but then from his annoyed look, he just sighed at the host. "You better bring something good for me."

"Oh, I will. Thanks, Chef." Chris smiled as Chef didn't seem to have a choice, the host prepared himself as both got out of the trailer and Chris was happy to walk towards the helicopter. "You don't need to do much, just what is necessary to make the good ratings."

Chef watched Chris once again taking the glory as he talked like all he did was easy for anyone who could do it. And Chef had to admit, that the idea of launching the campers in the middle of the forest while he takes the day for himself was the first idea which came to his mind. He got really angry with the idea of how Chris thought his job wasn't even important.

"In my prime, I and my squad would have trashed down those good-for-nothing..." Chef commented as he walked towards the main lodge. Where he had his resting place in the kitchen. Which Chris once again looked at the pictures of himself training the infantile squad, but also the time when he was younger and had been on the same squad as his friends..."Pff, my squad would have become their nightmares for the rest of their lives, showing what the military was capable of... I could see those eyes of the ingrates who looked down on my military rank..."

Chef was grateful...because after years of being afraid of talking to his team again, he was glad that even a tragedy would come like a reconciliation they never thought it would happen.

Then Chef blinked...until an idea struck his mind.

Quickly the military Chef grabbed his phone and had a call to make. One that he knew it would make Chris regret ever underestimating his military skills, and proving once and for all, why he was awesome, in the same way as the military who did too much for their country.

"Hatch isn't it a bit strange for you to call us at this time of the day? It's almost 22 hours." A familiar male voice grated as the Chef smirked with one idea on his mind.

"Ron, if I tell you that I need to task the crew back to teach a few good-for-nothing kids the military rocks, what do you think?" Chef asked as the telephone became mute for a few seconds until the voice of his friend came once again.

"What do you have in mind?" Ron commented as Chef cackled, as one genius idea happened in his mind.




"Okay, I got a confirmation from Wade, he said he agreed to give support to us, which will be funny to see the reaction of many," Kim said as she also had the telephone and shared with both military veterans who were having a plan for the television show. "I usually would have scolded you both for something stupid and overkilling. However, since it's some Izzy friends and the person who hurt her... I think it was good enough for us to make an appearance on there."

"Talked like a true mother," Chef commented as he chuckled while on the other side, Ron commented nervously. "Also thank you for passing me his contact, now I know who I want to call when my cable is messed up."

"You know that he hates when you do that. Also shouldn't your show offer you support in something like that?" Kim asked while Chef Hatchet scoffed and rolled his eyes, and before he could even reply... "But I think everyone is ready for the action."

"Well, not all of them..." Ron decided to also comment which Kim became deadly silent, and Chef had a smile growing on his face. "There is also one person missing and we need to get her as well... someone needs to break her out from the prison,"

"Well I wasn't the one who married her in international waters, so it's not my problem," Chef said as Kim sounded very annoyed.

"We just got drunk once and you never let that go," Kim said as Chef smirked at her. That comment was really hilarious because of the event which would be the most hilarious situation he ever was in, and in fact, he would never let that live down. Not just him, but Wade, her mother, her father, and even her brothers jokes about that event.

"That's how a marriage of three works, now why don't you both go take her out of the prison, while I will contact Wade to make sure it was a military exercise and not make her double her sentence... Again." Chef said and before the couple would even protest, Chef turned off the telephone on their faces. And with a nostalgic smile on his face. "And that's why I don't get married, too much trouble. HAHAHAHAHAHA, good times. MAN, I MISSED THIS FEELING SO MUCH. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA"

The interns and the cameraman got the instructions that on the next day, the episode would have the Chef as a host, and nobody, not even the campers was prepared for what he was going to bring...

Chapter 40: Survival of the Sneakiest

Chapter Text


"Last time on Total Drama Island," The regular recap of the previous episode started…only with one major difference. It was Chef doing it! That's right, instead of the host with the most Christ McLean doing it, the buff cook of a sidekick was taking over the recap for some reason. "Those good-for-nothing campers got swept away by a rainstorm that left them stranded on a deserted island. Meanwhile, the chubby one drifted ashore in his outhouse and made a new friend who has an IQ almost as high as his. Then the gruesome chick the stupid one and the mouthy girl had to be afraid while the two security guards had to plan all around on survival, so in the end the stupid blond came across and found the secret location of our production crew camp. Yeah, it's me doing the recap. You got a problem with that?! Since Chris is off hosting some frou-frou rewards show, I'll be filling in as host. But guess what? Everything will be changing on my watch now..."

Chef commented as the camera saw him opening the wardrop.

"Will the campers survive the challenge I'm about to make today?" Chef took what would be a black long t-shirt, a yellow utility belt, and camouflage green pants, instead of his Chief hat when he used on the challenges before. This time was a dark green beret which was a symbol of the Canadian flag. "Will they learn a lesson from what would mean to be the last top 4? Will they break when I show them what the Military can do with their poor souls? Don't blink, on this most exciting episode of TOTAL DRAMA ISLAND."

Chef said as he took his dark glasses and the camera saw Chef wearing what would be a uniform that nobody could ever see before.

"Cut." One of the cameramen commented, as Chef rolled his eyes and stretched himself.

"How does Chris do this thing?" Chef asked himself while the camera crew looked uncertain, until the Chef walked over the telephone, and his face snickered as his smile became even more evil.

"Are you guys ready?" Chef asked as he could see his eyes sparkling... The annoying pricks had no idea about what was about to happen in their lives, and he decided to have fun like the old times. "Good, I'm going to prepare them for the surprise."

(Wawanakwa Camp - Middle of the Forest)

The sun shined down on Total Drama Island and with it brought the beauty of nature. The squirrels happily squeaked as they went around gathering their nuts, the birds chirped as they flew through the sky, and everything seemed completely normal while every camper was enjoying their peaceful sleep, but instead of being across on the cabins where they usually would sleep like most of their days, this time they were unaware they are exposed at Mother Nature herself since her animals walked towards them, and even passed above them.

Gwen sneezed in her sleep as a squirrel's tail brushed against her nose, and a frog hopped on nearby an empty bed while eating a fly. Lindsay was sleeping peacefully as a bird family made a nest on her feet. An acorn fell into Heather's mouth and she managed to spit it out.

However, when the squirrel came to collect the acorn and hopped near Heather, she suddenly woke and looked around completely startled.

"What?" Who's that? Where are we?" Heather quickly sat up and looked around to see they were no longer in their cabins. She let it out quickly while swatting away another squirrel that got close to her.

Her outburst alone woke up everyone asleep. Owen, Lindsay, and Gwen discovered the outburst made by the queen bee was valid because they were also confused about what happened.

"Where are we?" Lindsay asked as she moved her feet and with that, the bird nest which was on the bed fell from the bunk...

"Chris?" Gwen questioned confused, quickly thinking the host was up to this. Especially after the events from the last challenge.

"MOMMY." Owen tried to find comfort by calling for his momma, however, there was a voice that made everybody freeze.

"EVERYBODY JUST SHUT UP!" Chef's voice screamed as the group turned their heads and saw Chef was sitting in a chair their eyes looked weirdly different than his usual cook attire, or even his military clothing, this time he looked with a black shirt, camouflage pants, a belt, and a military beret. The group looked at him who had a new military attire. "How you got here is not your concern!"

"What happened to Chris?" Gwen asked as she and everyone else got out of the bed.

Chef wanted to shout at the girl for interrupting him, but he gave a deep breath, as he took from his eyes the black glasses. And looked sternly at the campers in front of him.

"He isn't around, he had an appointment somewhere and now I'm responsible for not just today's episode, but also for the challenge for you to the top 4 of the show," Chef said in deep control since he wanted to prove to everyone that he wasn't going to explode, but deep inside of him, he was smirking since the game soon will start to happen.

"Great. Another military challenge for today, aren't you all with new material to make?" Heather asked as she rolled her eyes, but soon she regretted it as she saw Chef snarling at her. "Can you at least say that you look better in this outfit than the last one?"

Chef huffed as gave walked towards in front of them, as he gave a distance and cracked his neck to make sure to scare every single one of them.

"For a top 4 campers, you should know the fact that you all were the best of the best since you surpassed and survived what would be the worst 8 weeks of your life..." Chef commented as he marched towards in a direction as the campers soon heard the sound of a helicopter approaching. Which made everyone confused. "You all should be the elite among the losers who were here before you, and yet you still want to talk like you were somewhat good in comparison to a veteran of war."

Gwen and Heather scoffed but that didn't pass towards in the eyes of the military Chef who narrowed his eyes.

"All I see is a bunch of ingrates who don't understand the concept of true hell, so since you all think that you are the elite. Then let's see if you can compare yourselves with a true elite squad." Chef commented as soon the helicopter approached to land nearby Chef which made everyone their eyes wide open in surprise, as soon Chef saw the confused looks on their faces, Chef smirked as he went the door of the helicopter, "If you think I was bad, if my training was terrible, if my challenges were that unfair, then let me show the real deal. Let me show you all my friends."

Owen, Lindsay, Gwen, and Heather remained quiet as the sweat came from their faces when they realized that Chef brought someone inside of the helicopter, and at the time the door was unlocked, they were surprised that when they thought they would see monsters or even bulk soldiers with a lot of scars...

Instead, what appeared... The first woman in an athletic build and confident posture, though her face carries the subtle lines of experience and wisdom. Her trademark dark orange hair, now with a few streaks of silver, is still vibrant and often pulled back in a practical yet stylish manner. Her green eyes remain sharp and expressive, reflecting the same determination she had as a teenager. Her clothing was a black top, while she had green pants and the beret color as the person who was in the military nearby them.

After her, came a man who exuded a laid-back yet mature demeanor. His blond hair has started to thin a bit and shows signs of graying, particularly at the temples. His blue eyes retain their warm, friendly twinkle, and his face is marked with laugh lines that speak to his easygoing and humorous nature. Chef gave a glance at the man who just got his usual black shirt and grey pants.

"Did you just get a haircut?" Chef asked and the man laughed with a smile on his face.

"I'm just back in action, so nothing like a haircut to make it things serious." The man commented as Chef nodded his head, and slowly smirked at the campers who were still looking at the duo.

When the group thought it was over, then suddenly the door was wide open with a kick which made the campers jump away, and this time they saw something they never thought they would see in their lives. Even the Chef who had his mouth dropped in disbelief.

A woman who even at her age remains a striking and formidable presence. Her dark, raven-black hair, though now interspersed with a few strands of silver, still cascades down her back, giving her an air of both elegance and menace. Her piercing green eyes are as sharp and intense as ever, reflecting a depth of experience and a hint of mischief. But in the look of disbelief of the campers was the fact the woman was wearing an orange jumpsuit and having handcuffs on her hands while Chef looked in disbelief as there were a few marks of hickeys and lipstick on her neck.

"Seriously?" Chef turned his head at the woman who just got out from the helicopter as the couple looked sheepishly away. "In the helicopter?"

"What?" The woman scoffed as she cracked her neck and even with the fact she was handcuffed she was stretching her back. "Do you know how much time I wanted my intimate visit? I couldn't waste my time. Especially with them."

"Shego, I told you that maybe it shouldn't have been a good idea." The man commented as he looked sheepish at his friend, while Kim tried to look professional, but she also gave a humph from seeing the female inmate smirking at them both.

"Oh come on Ronny and Kimmy, didn't you think that I have been a very bad girl? Come on, I know that I could need a little correction right here." The woman who had been dressed in an orange jumpsuit gave a slight bow as she inclined her butt to both her partners who tried to remain professional in their profession.

"Need I tell you both, that your children are probably watching this episode?" Chef said loudly as both parents remembered and then facepalmed from what they had just done, while the other woman rolled her eyes.

"Oh come on, it's a television show of third rate, probably the editors would take care of it. There is no way my children would be watching this crap." Shego commented Chef then blinked and looked at the other members of the squad who had a dry cough which made the woman blink once more, before groaning. "Ughhhh, seriously?"

" of them was even part of this show. And she is probably watching you all in Pay-Per-View. And before you say anything more… let's go down to business." Chef rolled his eyes, while the campers didn't know what to say around the quartet who just stood in front of them, and with Chef clearing his throat in the direction of everyone, Chef decided to already drop the bomb. "Let me present you my squad, and my great friends. Kim, Ron, and for reasons of maximum security, codename Shego."

Chef presented as the whole quartet stomped their feats and gave a salute, even the woman in the jumpsuit used both her hands to salute, which made the group stare at them in disbelief, confusion, and fear.

The elite squad was already in front of the campers as Chef Hatchet even got a key to free the handcuffed woman.

"Remember, your clothes are inside of the helicopter, so when I take this out, you go dress yourself..." Chef commented as Shego rolled her eyes.

"Who are you? My General? Pff, yeah, don't worry I will be there in a minute." Shego replied as she looked at each camper, and she couldn't help but scoff. "So this is the top 4? They don't look like much, Hatch, did you lose your touch?"

"The hell I didn't, it's because I made them get easy, just eating crap food, and having some exercise of a challenge... A warm-up from what we got." Chef answered as he gave a glance at the campers and was being loud about it, which made Owen fart in fear.

"Errr, Chef, can you tell us, why this woman was handcuffed?" Heather should have known that she would regret asking because that brought a smirk at Shego who just smiled at her, and that kind of smile, made Heather have a sense of Deja Vu...

"Well, for your information little girl... I am a spy but a former member of this squad like these two veterans. And I have been arrested because *zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz*

At the time Shego opened her mouth, the camera was shifted in the direction of the campers who just had their mouths wide open, as even then they started to sweat a lot, from the looks they had, from horror, disbelief, surprise, and awe.

"Wouldn't you be in trouble if you exposed that on television?" Gwen commented as she felt her face pale and become white from what the spy had said to her.

"Don't worry." Chef waved his hand as he knew what happened. "Her microphone became mute and all the cameras were shifted to you... Wade, you can turn her mic on now."

The group stared at him until suddenly a voice came on the speakers around the forest.

"Alright Hatch, things are working on." A deep voice made the campers stare at Chef who just smirked and Shego was now freed with her handcuffs...

"Oh, I can't wait to use these hands. It had been so long that I was without company..." Shego commented as she even licked the earlob of Kim and Ron who shivered and gave a glance at the spy who returned to the helicopter to dress herself.

"Errr..." Lindsay wasn't sure why, but her face was in shade of red, while Gwen and Heather were also blushing... Owen blinked in surprise.

"What just happened?" Owen asked as the girls facepalmed, while Kim and Ron chuckled.

"Nothing much, just something nostalgic for me," Chef said as both walked nearby them. "Well, you must have been wondering. On what the hell am I planning by bringing my military squad today..."

The remaining 4 nodded their head as Chef decided to walk beside them.

"To be a top 4 meant that every single one of you passed every single feeling inside your heart... Never forget the swear, blood, and tears you all released at the time you had to survive this whole show." Chef commented as the group stared at the military Chief looking resolute. "But now, the time to play was over. For being in the top 3, things will get harder from here. And I will make a comparison with you all who thought I was being unfair, I was being stupid, my food was ridiculous and terrible, and all the underestimating you guys have made about me... You talked about me being a harsh and brute terrible person... No no, what I have shown to you all, was only the first year of what me, Kim, Ron, Shego, and Wade had to pass around our training in the army."

"Alright, I'm ready, what did I miss?" Shego got out of the helicopter and at the uniform made with the same style and similarities as her squad. Both Kim and Ron immediately shushed her. "Wow, talk about rude insubordination."

*Clearing throat*

The female spy glanced at Chef who decided to turn his head directly to the campers who now felt more aware that things would get more difficult from the speech the military man had been giving.

"As I was saying before, I know what you may be thinking," Chef commented as he decided to scoff in front of the campers who were unsure about what to say. "It's just another immunity challenge, there is no way that I would risk my life in a challenge which in the end I could just give up and convince the others to vote for me not being eliminated. Isn't that right?"

Gwen, Lindsay, and Heather had to bite their tongues to not show Chef had read their minds, which would make him even angrier, but what was the worst was the fact the military man was calm, and that doesn't seem to make the situation less scary.

"But after a good talk with my friends, I decided to raise the stakes to show that I know what could bring attention for a prize that you girls would be interested in getting," Chef smirked as he took something from his pocket, and then a sequence of a melody of beeps brought the attention of the trio of girls which they had their eyes wide open. "Campers, let me present you the Mmunicator, which depending on the user has your name in it."

The squad took from their pockets their own Mmunicators, Kimmunicator, Ronmunicator, Shegommunicator, and Hatchmmunicator. Which now made the girls have their eyes wide open.

"Wade, why don't you tell the female maggots the features on the Mmunicator?" Chef smirked as the girls saw a person appearing on the screen, like Chef, however different than Chef Hatchet, the person on the screen looked like the time had been kind to him since while he looked bulky and tall, he had a goatee and long black hair. While wearing a special forces military uniform, but surrounding computers.

"Gwen, Heather, Lindsay, what you have in front of you is a military special forces communicator, which not only is a portable telephone but also has great features better than a PDA or a palmtop computer. Since you can have internet access, video calls coming from important companies, or even video calls from webcams from other computers as well." Wade said as the girls looked at such technology for their teenage days. Chef smirked as he could see Heather and Gwen having their mouths dropped wide open, while Lindsay had her eyes sparkling from such a new prize. "I know that this is the future until in the next decade we will improve to something far better than that, but what kind of teenage girl wouldn't want that?"

(Confession – Gwen)


(Confession – Hearher)


(Confession – Lindsay)


"Which I want to ask you… are you interested in winning this time?" Chef asked as the girls had their eyes staring at each other like hawks, wanting to catch what would be a prize telephone they never thought of before. Only for themselves. "Good…"

"Chef, while I think the girls look nice, I don't think I like this prize," Owen commented nervously, which made Chef smirk at him.

"Oh fat boy, of course, you won't be interested in that, so that's why Ron my friend here came up with the idea that it would be fair and a good motivation for you," Chef commented as Owen looked in anticipation. "Do you like Mexican food?"

Owen smiled at hearing about food and nodded its head.

"Do you like Tacos and Natchos?" Chef Hatchet asked once again which made Owen nod his head rapidly, which made Chef smirk and look at his friend showing a paper bag and giving it to him. "Have a taste of this... This is called Naco, a creation of my friend who created a franchise with the concept of fusing both Mexican foods."

Owen froze and at the time he looked at the paper bag, he couldn't help but feel the warmth and the delicious smell coming from it.

And at the time Owen opened it. He even shed a tear...

"It's so beautiful..." Owen commented but not before eating it in one go. "And very delicious."

Everyone except for Chef looked at Owen weirdly, but since it was a good motivation for him, Chef smirked...

"If you win... You will have a whole month's supply of Naco for you to eat whenever you want." And those words made Owen freeze... And suddenly Gwen, Heather, and Lindsay could see Owen frowning his smile as his eyes sparkled, and even had his game face on... "Good, now it seems the stakes are good enough for you, right?"

All the campers nodded their heads. It seems that instead of risking their lives for a military challenge nothing wasn't the case anymore... Everyone wants to win.

"Alright then..." Chef walked at what would be a wheel, which an intern placed nearby while the campers were distracted, and on that wheel, there were what would be the notes of numbers... "This challenge is a 3 phase... Since you all want motivation to win so much. You will be playing the military games. Hehehehe..."

"Military games?" Gwen asked as Chef glared at her which made the goth shut up.

"Wow, they seriously interrupt a lot," Kim commented as she mused at the Chef who nodded his head annoyed.

"I thought it was always the editing of the show, since in our times every time we interrupted someone we always would get doing 100 push-ups and cleaning up the bathrooms with a toothbrush," Ron commented as he could have sworn to see the goth girl flinches on that moment.

"They lack discipline," Chef said as he then took something from his pocket. "The military games are a very important way to train yourself and squads by comparing against a better team, that way you will learn where you could talk the talk and walk the walk... And before anyone who thinks it's funny to interrupt me again... Let's start the first phase with Hunter and Prey..."

Shego grinned, while Ron and Kim looked amused while Chef took a coin, and the campers didn't like the name of the game.

"I will be going to flip a coin, and if land tails, you will be the hunters, but if it's heads, you are going to be the prey," Chef commented as he flipped...

"Please be the prey, please be the prey, please be the prey." Shego chanted and the top 4 survivors stared at the coin... Praying for don't be... Dammit. "Ahhhh, I love this game so much."

"Well. It landed on heads." Chef commented as the campers could be seen getting even more afraid. "To summarize the game, each of you will have 10 minutes to run away from the hunter who will be responsible for hunting you down... And when the hunter finds a good opportunity for a kill, they could both use, these paintball guns, or these marked pens to leave a mark on you... The person who had fewer marks on the body will have an advantage in the second phase."

The campers blinked, as while the paintball guns didn't seem to be a good thing. At least they also are going to be using the marker pens, which doesn't seem so bad...

That's until Shego and Kim started to giggle, and that made the campers slightly more afraid of them.

"Well is there a question before we start?" Chef asked as the campers were usually unsure of what to say...

"Yes... I got one." Then from an unexpected turn of events... Ron was the one who raised his hand. "Is that the boy who backstabbed Izzy by pushing her into a fatal situation?"

Gwen, Heather, and Lindsay had their eyes wide open while Owen was palling and sweating a lot.

"Wait, what do you mean by backstabbing Izzy?" Shego as Kim raised her eyebrow at her which she dismissed. She never had watched an episode of the show. "The prison didn't have the channel of this show. Now spit it out. What happened to our daughter?"

"Daughter?" Heather, Gwen, and Lindsay had their mouths dropped as they saw Owen sweating more like a river.

"Err... Chef?" Owen asked as he gulped from seeing the trio staring at him like demons.

"Yes Ron, this is the fat boy I was talking about. And the one who made Izzy cry." Chef smirked as Shego had bloodshot eyes. "But don't worry, she made him pay dearly. And it had been a lot of fun."

"Did she?" Shego asked as she was still furious, but then Kim just kissed her cheek, which made the raven soldier freeze and blush a little. "Kimmy, did you really have to do it now?"

"That was the only way to control you. Now, be mature, Izzy is probably watching us." Kim commented as the campers looked weird Shego gave a slight pout.

"Fine, just because I want you to mess me up when things are over... You heard that Ron?" Shego commented as the campers looked very confused.

"Not here to be that person, but what the hell is happening?" Heather asked Chef who rolled his eyes. "I thought she said she has a daughter with Ron and now she is..."

"They are all married..." Chef commented as the queen bee looked at him and before she could say a word Chef interrupted. "Literally, they married with each other, it's a funny story. When we were on a mission in international waters we..."

"LET'S FOCUS ON THE CHALLENGE HATCH." Ron, Kim, and Shego shouted as Chef Hatchet stopped and gave a slight smirk at the campers.

"Later I will tell you when I get in a good mood. Anyway, to make sure the first phase of the challenge happens... Each of you will have a person to hunt you down. You first goth girl."Chef said as he started to spin the wheel. From everything happening across the challenges, Gwen was actually afraid of which person would be the one to hunt her down... And when it landed on the number 1... Chef nodded his head. "Kim, she is all yours."

The ginger veteran nodded her head in silence as Gwen wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not.

(Confession - Gwen)

"Okay, from what I've seen. I got lucky to take the one who looked the most normal of the group, she was more mature and probably had dealt with their crazy all the time, so I think I had an advantage. So how hard it can be?" Gwen commented as she looked a bit unsure of what to say, but she shrugged off the feeling from what she said, not realizing the fate she just tempted.

"Fat boy Owen, it's your turn... And to be honest, you better pray for being me the one hunting you down, because if any of these three would be the one, you would be screwed." Chef commented as Owen gulped, and from the spin of the wheel...

(Confession – Owen)

"Please be Chef, please be Chef, please be Chef, because I think if I got any of Izzy's family I will get my ass kicked so hard that I will not be able to sit for a whole year. Please if there is anyone who loves me above there, please help right now." Owen prayed to whatever entity could help the fat boy to survive the challenge, especially from all the problems he got after the horror challenge and he learned his lesson, especially since he felt disgusted with himself when his cousin Max said he was proud of him.

And it seems Mother Nature decided to give a break for the poor boy because it landed on the number 2.

"Well, look at that, you are very lucky because it's me," Chef commented the big guy never thought he would be so happy to not get selected from any member of the girl he did a making out session and pushed her in the direction of a Chef dressed as Serial Killer.

"Booooooo." The other 3 commented which made Owen feel a dread feeling inside, especially when Shego gave a slight remark. "Can't you trade with us? Come on, it's just for 10 minutes."

"Chef?" Owen commented in panic which thankfully for him the cook was on his side.

"Nice try, but I made the rules, and you have to follow them. No changes." Chef said as the trio of parents rolled their eyes, and Owen sighed in relief.

"Oh thank goodness," Owen said but not before realizing the evil cackling of the whole squad. "Why do I feel like I'm still going to suffer?"

"That's a feeling before war," Ron explained as he shrugged. "It happens to everyone. Nothing like a good mug of coffee and an hour of working out wouldn't solve."

(Confession – Heather)

"Great now what it just missing was both the inmate momma spy and the goofy blond dad… I can predict with my luck that I will be getting the crazy psycho, and Lindsay will have the goofy blonde..." Heather commented sarcastically which even made her blink and sigh while rolling her eyes. "No offense Izzy but that explains most of the questions I had about you, but also created a lot more which I know I won't like the answer..."

"Anyway, queen bee brat? It's your turn." Chef smirked as she didn't think she would like her odds. And at the time he didn't even let her say anything... The wheel already decided her fate. "Shego, she is yours."

"Heh, I would have preferred the fatty, but I think she could do it." The raven woman glanced at Heather as the girl already sweating from that.

"Now, me, me, me," Lindsay said as she was excited to see the wheel spinning, while Shego raised her eyebrow before she could say anything. Ron already places his hand on her mouth. He used his finger to make circle motions, which Chef rolled his eyes but decided to be very good sport with it.

"And for the blonde one..." Chef did the same thing for the last camper who in the end was marked at the number 4. "And you got Ron,"

(Confession – Lindsay)

"It's so nice for us to meet Izzy's parents, even when I meet Izzy's second mom, which I find surprising for the others looking at them weirdly," Lindsay commented as she mused herself while commenting on the camera. "Daddy's friends even had some women when they went to the parties, and some even had 5 families, but it's kinda crazy that the families never meet each other, shouldn't be like Izzy's and have them living all together?"

Lindsay shrugged, not realizing that she accidentally exposed some of his father's friends who had secret families and neither of their wives knew about it. Until that day.

Which made her daddy cry laughing while knowing that some of the rich families would be cursing him for letting his daughter go to a reality show. The chaotic situation was hilarious for him.

"Oh, that's so great." Lindsay the way she was happy, she immediately forgot the person was about to hunt her. But she was happy to meet a person that she felt more comfortable with. "So you are Izzy's dad? Do you know how she is?"

Ron looked surprised and gave a look to Kim and Chef who both shrugged. The blond man smiled at her.

"Well, she is doing better. From what we saw... She is having a lot of fun." Ron answered the question which made the black-haired wife raise her eyebrows. "Later I will tell you what she had been up to."

"Alright. We already way too much chat on here..." Chef snarled as it broke the concentration of everyone. And then by looking at the clock, he smirked and decided to explain the rules."In the exact 6 minutes and 22 seconds, we will start hunting you down. And by the way... this whole forest has some lines demarking the limits on where you can go. Passing those limits will make you have a paintball shot in the head, and that will also take you an extra point. You can use this 6 minutes of headstart...NOW."

And like a shout, it was every camper by themselves, since all they had to do is survive or get less marks for 10 minutes.

While the squad was cracking their knuckles and preparing themselves.

"So what's the wager this time?" Shego asked as Chef clapped his hands and a few interns who were trembling and carrying paintball guns and a few pen markers for the crew.

"500 bucks for the person who marked most," Chef smirked as the spy raised her eyebrows and whistled.

"Wow, you really want to mess them up." Kim commented as she was very impressed and even carried her hunting knife. "But from giving them a Mmunicator was indeed a very temptating offer. Izzy was still begging to have her own for her birthday gift."

"Which she will be probably cranky when she finds out that one of her friends had a device for their own and she doesn't" Ron commented which Shego had her eyes looking confused. "Yeah, the duo you and me got are her friends, so while I think it would be a bit overboard... It's still 500 bucks, so let's give our own, and later when the show is over we can call them for a dinner party as a way to make up for them."

And with that Shego smirked and gave a kiss on his lips.

"Ahhh, you do know how to make your wife very happy." Shego said as the group suddenly heard the beeps from their communicators and on that time. It was the time for the hunt.

And quickly the camera got a look at how fast the military squad went as they were departing, tracking down their prey.


Gwen's heart pounded as she sprinted through the dense forest, her breaths ragged and desperate. The sunlight barely penetrated the thick canopy, casting eerie shadows on the ground. She glanced over her shoulder, half-expecting to see Kim hot on her trail, but the forest seemed deceptively quiet.

Suddenly, Gwen stumbled upon a small clearing. She paused to catch her breath, leaning against a tree for support. That's when she heard it—a faint rustle in the underbrush. Gwen's eyes widened in panic as Kim emerged from the shadows, her movements swift and precise. In a second, she felt her eyes wide open when she felt something pressed on her neck.

"Done. Dead." Kim smiled, as Gwen tried to move away but the military woman already grabbed the goth by the arm and twisted it, causing Gwen to flinch in pain.

"Ouch, hey what's the—" Gwen then noticed Kim turned the sleeve and with the other hand was making quick motions with the marker, like knife cuts, and Gwen immediately realized the woman was very serious about the competition. She tried to kick, but Kim took a few steps back, raising her eyebrows, then gave a smile.

"Run," Kim simply said. Gwen knew she was screwed, so she quickly followed her instincts and took off, not needing to think twice.

"Seventeen marks. And I still have seven minutes. Maybe I've been playing too much with my prey..." Kim mused as she counted for 30 seconds before shrugging. "Nah, it's been a while since I scared someone, and I don't want to lose my money."

With that, Kim quickly climbed a tree.

After a minute of running away, Gwen suddenly heard the sound of leaves rustling. She looked around, trying to see if she could spot her pursuer. Finding a piece of stick, she hoped it might help if she got lucky. But then she heard a thump behind her. Before she could react, there was the hunter she didn't want to see…

Kim pressed the marker pen against Gwen's neck, then quickly caught the stick as Gwen raised it. A low kick followed, causing Gwen to immediately lose her balance. Kim demonstrated her expertise by drawing more marker lines across Gwen's legs. When Gwen tried to get up, she saw Kim smiling, almost challenging her to make the encounter more interesting.

Gwen frantically searched for anything to help her escape. Seeing a lot of dust and an anthill nearby, she knew it was risky but grabbed a part of the anthill and threw it at Kim. Kim jumped back, executing a few backflips that left Gwen stunned.

"Do you know it's very dangerous playing with anthills?" Kim asked, cracking her fingers ominously. Gwen took the opportunity to run away once more.

As Gwen sprinted through the forest, she couldn't shake off the feeling of Kim's presence. Her mind raced, trying to devise a plan to outsmart her pursuer. But every time she thought she had a chance, Kim would reappear, reminding Gwen of her relentless skill and experience. It was a harrowing experience, one that Gwen knew would stay with her long after the challenge was over.

(Confession – Gwen)

"That's it. THE MILITARY ARE CRAZY." Gwen said in the end showed a lot of marks across her body, and even on her face, which made her eyes twitch. "Firstly they made us have a lot of garbage food, and then they dropped us in the middle of the forest AGAIN, but this time with an elite squad hunting us down because we just talked badly of his food and his not fake army stories, and this will probably will be the nightmare of us from the time we ever talk to Chef again…"

"I gotta say that I'm impressed." Even as Gwen was reflecting sarcastically on the terrible first part of the challenge where they would have been mentally traumatized, she never thought she would be impressed by how much commitment Chef would have made only for them. "This show still sucks, but I'm impressed by how far they would go to give us mental scars."


Lindsay's heart raced as she ran through the thick forest, her breathing becoming increasingly labored. The sunlight filtered through the dense canopy, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor. She glanced over her shoulder, fearing that Ron was right behind her, but the forest seemed eerily still.

Suddenly, Lindsay stumbled into a small clearing. She paused, panting, and leaned against a tree for support. Just as she began to relax, she heard a faint rustle in the underbrush. Her eyes widened in fear as Ron emerged from the shadows, his movements calm and deliberate. Before she could react, a snare trap sprung, lifting her off the ground by her ankle.

"Gotcha!" Ron grinned, stepping out from behind a tree. Lindsay dangled helplessly, trying to free herself.

"Hey! This isn't fair!" Lindsay protested, flailing her arms.

"Life's not fair, blondie," Ron said with a smirk. And from the way he got near her, the military veteran already had his marker pen on his hands. "I will drop you down for 20 marks."

"But I don't want to be marked," Lindsay said pouting at the man who just raised his eyebrow.

"And what if I don't mark your face?" Ron asked which made the blonde girl think for a second while she was upside down, but then she nodded her head at him. He approached and swiftly cut her down, but not without securing her wrists with zip ties. "And in this game, you've got to think outside the box. Now arm please…"

(Confession – Lindsay)

"I think it's fair," Lindsay commented as she was with her now arm marked with a marked pen, but still she was pouting like a child who got tricked.

Lindsay sighed as she raised her arm for the man who gladly used the marker pen to cover her arm with 20 lines.

And now the girl was already with her mark of 20 lines on her left arm, she then looked around, and just found that she was alone.

"Run," Ron whispered simply behind her, which made her panic and run from her new head start.

Lindsay didn't need to be told twice. She scrambled to her feet and bolted through the forest, her mind racing for a way to escape. After a minute of frantic running, she stumbled upon a makeshift bridge made of vines and logs. Desperate, she decided to cross it.

As Lindsay carefully made her way across, she heard a snap. The bridge gave way, and she fell into a pit below, cushioned by a net. Ron appeared at the edge of the pit, looking down at her with a triumphant smile.

"Trap number two," he said, checking his watch. "Still got time for one more."

Lindsay struggled against the net, her frustration mounting. "This is so not cool!"

"Cool or not, it's effective… but don't sell yourself too short, Izzy fell for this one a lot when she was a child. It was kinda funny that I even have pictures of her failing for that." Ron replied which Lindsay blinked, and a little part of her felt a bit better, even though Ron wouldn't tell that Izzy always felt for that trap when she had 5 to not hurt the little naive girl. "Now, leg."

Lindsay pouted, as Ron once again started to mark 20 lines across the leg of the blond bombshell. So at the time, Ron looked at the clock, he knew there was time for one more trap.

As soon as she was out of the pit, he cut her free again.

"Now, run," Ron said as he could see the girl once more leaving the place, while Ron decided to open his pocket. "Hey buddies, ready to give a little surprise for the girl?"

The camera just saw little paws rising from the pocket…




Lindsay took off once more, her mind a blur of fear and determination. She knew Ron was toying with her, and it only made her more desperate to outsmart him. After a few minutes, she found herself in a dense thicket. She crouched down, trying to catch her breath and formulate a plan.

The silence was broken by the sound of twigs snapping nearby. Lindsay's heart leaped into her throat as she peered through the bushes, trying to spot Ron. But then when she saw something that she didn't expect… A naked mole-rat appeared waving at her.

"AHHHHHHHHH." Lindsay shouted as she was surprised by the little animal, and she then felt something moving, and nearby her there were other 3 naked mole-rats, and each of them pulled a little stick, triggering something under her… And suddenly, a net shot up from the ground, ensnaring her. She let out a yelp of surprise as Ron emerged from the shadows once again.

"Three for three," Ron said, looking pleased with himself. "Good job everyone."

"THAT'S NOT FAIR," Lindsay said like she was a child trying to do a tantrum, which made the veteran man chuckle at her reaction.

"Ahhh, how much I missed this feeling," Ron said as he smiled from the good times when he made rookies pissed and even his children pouting for failing on such traps. "But don't worry, time's almost up. So you know the drill."

Lindsay pouted, as she placed her arm on the whole of the net, and Ron and the group of naked moles used the marker pen to cross more 20 lines on the body.

"Let me present you Lindsay the third generation of military-armed naked mole-rats, Rusty, Nibbles, Digby, and Sandy," Ron commented as the little naked mole-rats had their marks and already placed 5 marks each.

"Hi," Lindsay said, as she pouted at the man who just finished his task, and even as the trap was over, he knew he needed to cheer the girl up.

"Hey, you did your best, but sometimes bad luck happens." Ron gave comfort to the girl, as he released her from the trap. "If you want I can tell you a few funny stories which would make you laugh."

"Sure…" Lindsay said, as she still felt a bit sore from getting captured around all the time, but she was happy that Izzy's father was very kind to her.

(Confession – Lindsay)

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, I can't believe it, Izzy." Lindsay laughed in front of the cameras while she used a tissue to clean up her tears. "You did use your Seargent's extension phone to call the General Lazy Bones and go back to work. Hahahahahaha, you must have been grounded for a whole year when they told your parents about it."


Heather's pulse raced as she sprinted through the dense forest, the moonlight barely piercing the thick canopy above. The cool night air did little to calm her nerves as she glanced over her shoulder, half-expecting to see Shego lurking in the shadows. The forest was eerily silent, and every rustle and crack made her jump.

Suddenly, Heather stumbled into a small clearing. She paused to catch her breath, leaning against a tree for support. Just as she began to relax, she heard a faint rustle in the bushes. Her eyes widened in fear as Shego emerged from the darkness, her movements silent and predatory.

Before Heather could react, a barrage of paintballs hit her from all sides, leaving stinging welts across her body. She yelped in pain and spun around, trying to locate her attacker, but Shego was nowhere to be seen.

"Think you're safe, princess?" Shego's voice echoed through the clearing, dripping with menace. "Think again."

Heather's heart pounded in her chest as she scanned the shadows. She took a tentative step forward, only to feel a sharp tug on her ankle. She looked down just in time to see a pair of gloved hands yank her off her feet. She hit the ground hard, the wind knocked out of her, and before she could recover, Shego was on her.

"Gotcha," Shego hissed, her face inches from Heather's. She straddled Heather's legs, her grip ironclad, and began marking her with the marker pen, swift and precise. Heather struggled and thrashed, but Shego's hold was unyielding.

"Get off me!" Heather spat, trying to claw at Shego's face.

"Feisty," Shego chuckled, easily dodging Heather's attempts to fight back. She grabbed Heather's wrists with one hand and pinned them above her head, using the marker to draw lines across Heather's exposed skin with the other. "But not enough."

Heather's breath came in ragged gasps as she realized how outmatched she was. Shego's presence was overwhelming, her eyes gleaming with a mix of amusement and menace. Heather's defiance began to waver, replaced by a creeping sense of dread.

"You see," Shego continued, her voice low and threatening, "Welcome to the big leagues girl? If you think Hatch had made you in hell? You haven't seen anything yet. I'm having a great time playing with you."

With a final flourish of the marker, Shego released Heather and stood up, leaving her opponent marked and humiliated on the forest floor. Heather scrambled to her feet, her body aching and her pride bruised.

"Run," Shego commanded, her eyes never leaving Heather's. "And since I heard you are a friend of my girl, then I will give you 3 minutes of head start… But remember, I will always be right behind you… Hehehe."

Heather didn't need to be told twice. She bolted through the forest, her mind a whirlwind of fear and desperation. Every shadow seemed to hide her tormentor, every sound amplified her panic. She stumbled over roots and branches, her breath coming in desperate gasps, but she didn't dare slow down.

As she ran, Heather couldn't shake the feeling that Shego was always one step ahead, watching her, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. The forest had become a maze of nightmares, and she was trapped within it, hunted by a predator who knew no mercy.

"IZZY! YOUR FAMILY IS CRAZY." Heather shouted as she bolted towards trying to find a way to survive against a psychopath which would explain why the camper who usually would look from crazy to an idiot to a completely psychopath. But then Heather paused… thinking a few seconds about all the talks she had with Izzy, about how sometimes she would just need, one trick… "They will count the number of marks across the body… Ugh, I'm going to hate this, but to have that kind of prize would be worth any risk."




"Okay, I just need to wait for more 2 minutes and I win," Heather commented, as she was hoping and praying for the trick work, as she remained quiet in her place, and when she heard something approaching, she held her breath… But it had been only a squirrel who had been passing a girl all covered with mud and leaves, trying to use it as camouflage nearby to a low joint of leaves near her. "Stupid squirrel,"

"You know, I would have given 7 of 10 for the camouflage, but your voice exposed yourself." Then a voice made Heather roll to see the direction of the leaves, which was exactly near her… And from a lower joint, suddenly Shego appeared with so many leaves that it would have formed a cape, like showing the queen bee a demonstration on how to be invisible between your eyes. "I guess Izzy told you to use mud to make it more believable?"

Heather palled as Shego looked not amused, by seeing then something that seriously annoyed her.

"You even used the mud above the markers? Damn, that's a ballsy move from a girl who would wish death on me… But gotta respect that… You know how to adapt." Shego nodded her head, as Heather felt a slight relief. "But to make sure I will not lose my bet and I still have 1 minute left… I will have to mark your whole body again… Sorry but not sorry."

"No no no NO AHHHHHHHHHHHHH." Heather shouted as the animals ran away from Shego jumping and using all her arsenal to make sure the girl would be marked.

(Confession – Heather)

"UGHHHHHHH." Heather only groaned while she was marked with a few strokes on the body, she didn't say any word… Just groaned in anger.

Owen's hefty frame jiggled as he barreled through the dense forest, panting heavily with every step. His usual goofy grin was replaced by a look of sheer panic as he glanced over his shoulder, half-expecting Chef to appear out of nowhere. The forest seemed to close in around him, branches snagging at his clothes and underbrush tangling around his feet.

"Come on, Owen, you can do this," he muttered to himself between gasps for breath. "Just gotta... find a place to hide..."

He stumbled into a small clearing and spotted a large bush that looked like it might provide some cover. With a determined grunt, Owen dove into the bush, only to realize too late that his ample girth was not going to fit. The branches snapped and crackled under his weight, and he ended up sprawled on the ground, covered in leaves and twigs.

"Okay, bad idea," he groaned, trying to pull himself up. "Think, Owen, think!"

He spotted a nearby tree with a hollow at its base and decided to try his luck. Crawling on all fours, he squeezed himself into the hollow, only to find it was home to a family of raccoons. The raccoons chattered angrily and started nipping at him, causing Owen to yelp and scramble back out, his face flushed with embarrassment and scratches.

"Sorry, guys, my bad!" he called over his shoulder as he resumed his frantic run through the forest.

Just when he thought he might have a chance to escape, he heard the unmistakable sound of heavy footsteps behind him. He turned his head to see Chef emerging from the shadows, wielding a paintball gun that looked more like a heavy machine gun.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't my favorite camper!" Chef bellowed, a wicked grin spreading across his face. "Ready for some target practice, Owen?"

Owen's eyes widened in horror as Chef lifted the monstrous paintball gun and took aim. "Oh no, not the paintballs!" he cried, picking up his pace as best as he could. "Anything but the paintballs!"

Chef let out a booming laugh and squeezed the trigger, unleashing a torrent of paintballs that peppered the trees, bushes, and, of course, Owen. The first few hits sent him stumbling, but the relentless barrage soon had him dancing in a desperate attempt to avoid the painful splats of paint.

"Ouch! Ow! Hey, that one was right on my butt!" Owen yelped, trying to shield himself with his hands. "Come on, Chef, take it easy!"

Chef showed no mercy, his laughter echoing through the forest as he continued to fire. "You're like a giant, moving target, Owen! This is too easy!"

Owen tried to find cover behind a boulder, but his bulk made it impossible to hide completely. He peeked out, only to receive a face full of paint. Spitting out the colorful mess, he decided to make a run for it again, his legs feeling like jelly.

"Alright, alright, I'll run! Just stop shooting!" he pleaded, his voice tinged with desperation.

"You think this is bad, kid?" Chef finally ceased fire, allowing Owen a moment to catch his breath. Chef called out, a smirk on his face. "You should be grateful it's me and not Izzy's parents. They'd have you running for days and still manage to catch you!"

"Oh them? Oh man, they must be terrifying…" Owen's eyes widened further at the thought.

"Trust me, you wouldn't last a minute with them. Now, get moving before I change my mind! You have 1 minute of headstart" Chef nodded solemnly, as he gave his paintball gun to fill with more bullets.

Owen didn't need to be told twice. With a final, panicked glance over his shoulder, he took off again, his body aching but his spirit slightly lifted by the knowledge that, as bad as things were, they could always be worse. This was just another day on Total Drama Island, after all.

"TIME'S UP FATTY BOY, I'M COMING FOR YOU," Chef said as he started running after him.

Never mind, this had been a nightmare.

Needlessly to say after the 10 minutes of pure hell for the campers, and when they got back to their spots, most of them looked tired and with all the ink marks across their bodies, nobody could tell they had a hell of a morning. But at least this time instead of being a full experience of hell, Chef or at least the other military members decided to give them slack and gave the campers something to each, like potato chips, chocolate, and even a soda bottle for them to refresh themselves from the nightmare experience coming from each member… and deep inside of their minds it seems Chef Hatchet was weirdly… happy. Like showing a bit more sportsmanship, probably since it had been years he had fun with his former squad.

"Alright maggots," Chef commented as he and the elite squad came up with the papers showing the number of markers the soldiers analyzed by counting body from body how many marks they did. "From having a full count on how many ink marks you all have. Heather, you were really smart in covering a good trace of the ink with mud, and that completely covered and erased some marks which led you to 44 marks. Followed by Gwen who had 51 marks, then Lindsay with 60, and Owen with 95… Hehehehe."

"I know he cheated…The boy is a giant target that everyone could have used to win," Shego whispered while Kim rolled her eyes, but she also agreed. But a bet was a bet.

"Great to see our suffering made you very happy Chef," Heather said sarcastically which made Chef roll his eyes and immediately launched a bag to her direction which she grabbed. "What is this?"

"This will be your advantage of the next challenge," Chef said as he looked at his friend who had something in his hands, Lindsay had her eyes wide open as Ron came and placed it under the floor. "Let me present to you all the third generation of the naked mole-rat squad, grandchildren of their predecessor who helped us so much when we were in our operations in our youth Rufus, sadly is too tired that he retired himself to not participate with us."

Chef, Ron, Kim, and even Shego took their berets and placed them in front of their chest as a minute of silence for their comrade which would help them and probably would be watching the episode when they return from the mission.

Heather looked weirdly at the other campers who just shrugged, but then she opened the back only to see what would be the little group of weird naked mole rats, each of them had a tiny keychain tied to their neck.

"Rusty, Nibbles, Digby, and Sandy" Chef once again commented as the queen bee noticed that each mole-rat had their unique appearance, some having a slightly different shade of pink mark on their naked bodies, and Sandy to prove she was the female of the group had a red laço tied on it's head. "Each of them had a key chain with a number which each of you had from the last phase, so you better have memorized your number, because at soon this little squad run, your objective is to hunt them down and take their key chain with your number in it."

Chef explained what would be another challenge that would be different from whatever torture he had made from the first time he gave a challenge to them... Heather opened her bag and her eyes went wide open and found what would be a little portable device that looked like the ones they were holding, but the appearance looked more like a watch.

"As an advantage, you have a device to track down the keychains, which if you use it right, you will not only be able to locate your keychain but also the others as well," Chef commented as indeed the advantage was enough to make Heather give a slight smirk on her face. "But also inside of the bag you have a smoke bomb which always can make them dizzy, but be warned they have been trained into how to identify them, so you cannot waste your opportunity which you only have one chance with it."

"Okay. Now I'm starting to like this challenge." Heather was now with a very interesting advantage, knowing how she passed a little humiliation but still managed to win an extra step to win a Communicator/PDA. Oh, she was going to love to see how her popularity was across the internet.

"Great, while we have to deal with special forces naked mole-rats, Heather will have all that fancy military stuff to help her win this challenge?" Gwen asked annoyed when the militaries rolled their eyes.

"My children would only need 1 hour, 2 tops to find them and capture them, without even the equipment help," Kim commented as she gave a stare while Chef continued.

"I didn't set up a time limit for this challenge, but there is a catch... The first 2 who managed to catch their keychains will pass to the final phase." Chef commented as Owen gulped, and Gwen narrowed her eyes. Lindsay looked apprehensive while Heather smirked. "Now squad march."

And from the sudden order. The naked mole rats immediately separated and the top 4 blinked in surprise to see the military animals left the entire area. And the next minute they disappeared.

"Now, good luck soldiers, you all are going to need it," Chef smirked as the campers suddenly realized something. The soldiers were leaving.

"Wait, are you going to leave us here alone?" Lindsay asked as Owen paled while Chef simply scoffed.

"Why would you need us now? You all are fed, rested, and ready for your own hunt." Chef commented as the sound of the helicopter was approaching and suddenly a rope later appeared as Kim, Ron, and Shego jumped and went above it while Chef gave a final speech to the campers. "You were the prey, now you all are the predators, good luck soldiers... You're going to need it."

And with that Chef and his whole squad flew away from the helicopter and once more leaving the campers alone with their own objective.

As the helicopter disappeared into the sky, the campers stood in stunned silence. Heather immediately activated her tracking device, while the others watched in a mix of awe and frustration.

"So, what now?" Owen asked, still trying to know what to do.

"I don't know about you, but me, I have a naked mole-rat to capture," Heather said as she smirked and then gave a look at the numbers where it was each number. And she was at such an advantage that she couldn't help but smirk at the group. "It's so sad that you don't have this… Well, good luck."

"Heather wait," Lindsay called which made the queen bee stop… "Can you tell me where is mine?"

Heather blinked, but then she looked at her friend, and if it was any other person, she would have scoffed but since it was her best friend… She sighed and then looked at the advice where the number 4 is.

"It went on that way," Heather pointed in the direction where the track pointed, and Lindsay smiled and gave a hug to her best friend, and immediately tried to go after her own naked mole. When she looked at the goth and the chubby boy, then something clicked in her mind… "If you are wondering where is yours, the number 1 went on that way, and the number 2 on that way."

"Why are you helping us?" Gwen asked suspiciously, which Heather had a good memory of what Izzy had commented before, and a plan that simply had worked for the queen bee so far…

The goth is the last fish. She needs to divide and let the goth continue alone.

"If we finish this challenge quickly I will take a shower, so I will be glad to end this faster, and I will be glad if you two end your challenge fast as well, so the quicker we finish this, the better," Heather said as she continued with her sour mode, she didn't hate the goth girl, and she was always annoyed by the fat boy, so that wouldn't be much to be suspicious about.

Gwen nodded her head, and immediately left the area going after her way, which Owen was about to leave.

"Owen wait," Heather called as the big guy stopped, and Heather smirked at him. "Want some help to catch your naked mole-rat?"

"Oh, that's so great for you to help me out Heather, but why aren't you going to catch yours?" Owen asked which the queen bee already had a plan on her mind.

"Because you can also help me to catch mine you doofus, I help you and you help me," Heather commented as Owen looked a bit unsure, and Heather decided to have another idea. "If I ask Izzy in the future to order her dad's Nacos would you help me?"

"Only if it's right now." Owen suddenly changed his mood and immediately was willing to help Heather.

"Oh that's perfect," Heather commented and she gave a glance to Lindsay's direction and she couldn't help but grimace a little.

(Confession - Heather)

"Okay, I know what people may have been wondering, but come on, Lindsay already left, and I couldn't let the goth alone with the fatso, if I didn't give the direction of their mole rats, Gwen would have planned to work together and that would probably mess up with my chances of victory, so why not separate her from him and use this a victory for us both, and then I rip the prize for myself?" Heather said as she was filling her nails. But then she gave a serious look on the camera. "Sorry Lindsay, this idea just came when you already left, you should have stayed a bit longer. But still, I wish you good luck,"


Gwen wandered through the forest, her frustration growing with each passing minute. Unlike Heather and Owen, she didn't have a tracker to help her find her mole-rat. The dense underbrush and towering trees made the search feel almost impossible.

"Of course, Heather gets the tracker," Gwen muttered to herself, brushing a branch out of her face. "This is going to take forever."

She continued her search, relying on her instincts and any small clues she could find. Every rustle in the bushes or flicker of movement caught her attention, but each time it turned out to be nothing more than a bird or a squirrel.

"This is hopeless," Gwen sighed, taking a moment to sit on a fallen log and catch her breath. "How am I supposed to find a tiny, military-trained mole rat in this huge forest?"

Just as she was about to give up, she noticed a small, subtle movement near a patch of wildflowers. Her heart skipped a beat as she saw a tiny female naked mole-rat, distinct with a tiny bow on its head, peeking out from behind a rock.

"There you are," Gwen whispered, a smile of relief spreading across her face. She slowly stood up and began to approach the mole-rat, careful not to startle it.

The mole rat seemed unaware of Gwen's presence as it sniffed around the flowers. Gwen crept closer, her steps light and deliberate. Just as she was about to reach out and grab the mole rat, she felt a sudden yank on her ankle.

"What the—" Gwen exclaimed as a net trap sprung up, hoisting her into the air and leaving her dangling upside down. She struggled against the ropes, her hair falling over her face.

From her awkward position, she saw the mole rat standing a few feet away. To her astonishment, the tiny creature seemed to wave at her, its little paw moving back and forth in a mocking gesture.

"You've got to be kidding me," Gwen muttered, narrowing her eyes at the mole-rat. "Bad girl mole-rat! Very bad girl!"

The mole rat squeaked in response, almost as if it were laughing at her. Gwen let out a frustrated groan, swinging slightly in the net as she tried to figure out how to get down.

"This is just perfect," Gwen grumbled, reaching into her pocket to find something sharp. "If I ever get out of this, that mole-rat is going to pay."

She managed to pull out a small pocket knife and began sawing at the ropes. It took several minutes, but finally, the net gave way, and Gwen tumbled to the ground with a thud.

"Ow," she muttered, rubbing her sore shoulder. She glanced around but saw no sign of the mole rat. "Great. Back to square one."

Despite the setback, Gwen was determined not to give up. She dusted herself off and set out again, keeping her eyes peeled for any sign of the elusive, military-trained mole rat that had managed to outsmart her. This time, she was ready for anything.

(Camp Wawanakwa)

Over Camp Wawanakwa, the sun reached at the top of the morning at the rustic dining area where Kim, Chef Hatchet, Ron, and Shego sat at the main Lodge where usually the campers would pass the time eating 3 times per day while looking on the terrible food they would always have eaten on their time. MRE's. Gray, lumpy mystery meat that moved, gray pasta, and a suspiciously gelatinous dessert.

"Bon appétit," Chef Hatchet grunted, taking a seat with a resigned expression. "Hope you're ready for a trip down memory lane."

"So, this is what the campers eat, huh?"Kim eyed the unappetizing spread with a mix of curiosity and apprehension. "Had been years since we ate stuff like that.

"Man, this brings back memories. But honestly, it's not the worst thing I've ever had."Ron picked up his fork and poked at the gray pasta.

"This is up there with the worst, though."Shego took a cautious bite of the meat, immediately grimacing. "Man, I kinda remember all the times the squads had to vomit on the first day before taking a long time to get used to it."

"Oh yeah, that brings us terrible memories." Chef Hatchet chuckled, taking a bite himself. "And to be honest, I think it could have been worse than the Chef who did for us."

"Ah, like the time when they made us to eat pigeon mystery meat?" Kim laughed, which made the whole squad, even Chef Hatchet shiver from those memories. Shaking her head. "I can't believe the campers complained to eat this."

"I think my taste buds just committed mutiny decades ago."Shego rolled her eyes, as she finished her plate while she just shrugged off the terrible food that she usually was so used to. "But still I can't believe the food prison was better than this. I think the military had the worst budget,"

"Oh, don't start."The squad rolled their eyes, and in a few seconds, the squad was already with their plates empty, which usually would have been impossible to see any camper to watch it without vomiting.

Just then, Chef Hatchet stood up and clapped his hands.

"Alright, enough of this nostalgia trip. Time for the real deal." The squad looked up in surprise as Chef Hatchet brought out a tray covered with a pristine white cloth. With a flourish, he removed the cloth to reveal four perfectly cooked steaks, accompanied by roasted vegetables and a decadent-looking chocolate cake for dessert.

"Now this is more like it," Kim said, her eyes lighting up.

"Steak? Here?" Ron exclaimed, his mouth already watering.

"Finally, something worth eating."Shego leaned back, a satisfied smirk on her face. "This is what I have been fighting for. The true patriotism."

"And for love Shego." Ron corrected which made the spy roll her eyes, but give a quick peek on his cheek.

Chef Hatchet grinned as he sat back down.

"Consider this as a reward for all the trash we've eaten in the past. And trust me, this is worth it."Chef felt like a veteran, the good memories they had while serving together indeed were shown as a good time he never felt more relaxed. Even as the challenges had been stressing and he had to deal with those bunch of ingrate teenagers. It felt so refreshing to be a military man and with his squad again. He couldn't help but cheer up and have his good friends and squad together. Chef Hatchet raised his own glass, a rare smile on his face. "To old friends and good food."

The group clinked their glasses together, laughing and reminiscing as they enjoyed their meal. For a moment, the hardships of the past were a distant memory, replaced by the warmth of camaraderie and the simple pleasure of a well-cooked meal.


Lindsay wandered through the forest with a mix of determination and confusion. Without the tracker, finding her naked mole-rat felt like looking for a needle in a haystack.

"I wish Heather was here to help," she mused, carefully stepping over a fallen branch. "She's so good at this stuff."

She continued her search, her eyes darting from side to side as she looked for any signs of the elusive mole rat. Every rustle and flicker of movement caught her attention, but it was always just a bird or a squirrel.

"Oh, come on," Lindsay pouted, placing her hands on her hips. "Where are you, little mole-rat?"

Just as she was about to lose hope, she spotted a small, tan creature scurrying near a cluster of rocks. Her heart leaped with excitement.

"There you are!" she exclaimed, quickly but quietly moving towards the mole-rat.

The mole-rat, oblivious to Lindsay's presence, continued to dig around the rocks. Lindsay crept closer, trying to be as silent as possible. Just as she was about to grab the mole rat, she felt a sudden tug at her feet.

"What—" Lindsay yelped as a net trap sprung up, hoisting her into the air. She dangled upside down, her blonde hair cascading down around her face.

From her upside-down position, Lindsay saw the mole rat standing a few feet away. It seemed to look at her curiously, tilting its head as if wondering what she was doing.

"Oh no," Lindsay muttered, trying to reach the ropes holding her up. "Not good, not good!"

She struggled in the net, but her movements only caused it to sway more. The mole-rat, seemingly unfazed by her predicament, continued its business, occasionally glancing at her with what Lindsay swore was a smug look.

"Can somebody help me?" Lindsay called out, hoping someone might hear her. But the forest remained silent except for the distant chirping of birds.

"Great, just great," she sighed, trying to find a way to cut herself free. But unlike Gwen, she didn't have a pocket knife or anything sharp. She was completely stuck.

"This is so not fair," Lindsay groaned, feeling helpless as she dangled there. "I just wanted to find my mole-rat."

As minutes turned into what felt like hours, Lindsay's frustration grew. She could see the mole rat occasionally darting around, almost taunting her with its freedom.

"Ugh, this is going to take a while," Lindsay muttered, resigning herself to her predicament. She hoped that someone would find her soon, but until then, she was stuck, a helpless captive of the forest's traps.

(The Aquarium)

As the afternoon happened, usually the cave would have been empty from the lack of the Killer Bass team remaining on the show, but it didn't seem the case since the hot tub was still working. And having a military squad already enjoying the good opportunity Chef made for himself and his friends.

Kim and Shego lounged on either side of Ron, who had his arms comfortably draped around both women. The trio leaned back, eyes closed, letting the soothing heat of the water work its magic on their tired muscles.

Chef Hatchet sat nearby, a plush towel draped over his shoulders as he flipped through a French magazine. His usually stern expression was softened by the relaxation, a rare sight for anyone who knew him.

The bubbling water created a calming symphony, blending with the occasional rustle of leaves and distant calls of night birds. The squad was enveloped in a peaceful silence, each member fully immersed in the moment.

The hot tub's warmth and the quiet company of friends offered a perfect contrast to the day's earlier chaos. For now, there were no challenges to face, no tricks to outsmart, and no plans to hatch—just a shared sense of contentment and the gentle embrace of the hot tub's soothing waters.

(Heather and Owen)

Heather and Owen crept through the forest, following the tracking device's signal. They moved cautiously, careful not to make any noise that might alert the naked mole-rat.

"There it is," Heather whispered, spotting the mole rat's telltale movement near a fallen log. Owen nodded, trying to stifle his excitement.

The mole-rat, sensing their presence, darted into the underbrush. Heather and Owen exchanged a quick glance and silently agreed to split up, hoping to corner the elusive creature.

Just as they closed in, the mole rat sprung a trap. A hidden vine snapped up, tripping Heather and causing Owen to stumble. The mole rat scurried away, leaving the duo tangled in the underbrush.

"Ugh, that sneaky little rodent," Heather grumbled as she untangled herself.

"Sorry, Heather," Owen apologized, helping her up.

"Let's try again. This time, we'll be more careful," Heather said, determination in her eyes. One thing was being humiliated by a military woman expert in stealth, but being tricked by a naked rat? Oh, that's game on.




Heather and Owen regrouped and decided on a new tactic: flanking. They moved in a wide arc, hoping to catch the mole-rat between them.

"There it is again," Owen whispered, pointing to a small mound of dirt where the mole rat had resurfaced.

They moved in slowly, with Heather approaching from the left and Owen from the right. Just as they were about to pounce, the mole-rat dashed into a narrow burrow.

Heather and Owen lunged, only to collide with each other, their hands grasping empty air. The mole-rat's high-pitched squeak seemed almost mocking as it disappeared underground.

"This is harder than I thought," Owen admitted, rubbing his shoulder.

"We'll get it. Let's think of something else," Heather replied, her mind racing with ideas.




For their third attempt, Heather devised a plan to distract the mole-rat. She found a piece of fruit and set it out as bait, hoping to lure the creature into the open.

"Now we wait," Heather said, hiding behind a tree with Owen.

After a few tense minutes, the mole rat emerged, its nose twitching as it sniffed the air. It cautiously approached the fruit, and Heather signaled Owen to get ready.

Just as they were about to make their move, the mole-rat sprang another trap. A small net, cleverly hidden under leaves, snapped up, ensnaring Owen and leaving him dangling from a branch.

"Owen!" Heather exclaimed, rushing to help him down. The mole-rat, meanwhile, escaped once again.

"I'm sorry, Heather," Owen said, his face red with embarrassment.

"I can't believe it, a mole-rat has made us look like a bunch of idiots," Heather stomped her feet, she could even imagine how everyone probably would be laughing at her, and she even worked together with another person to help her to capture… She needed to use her smoke bomb, however looking at how the animals always were smart and even trained with military expertise… she needed once again to think of resources. Until an idea appeared in her head. "Huh, I think I have one last trick in my sleeve."

She looked at Owen who nervously farted which made Heather smirk at the poor creature who doesn't know the smoke bomb she was about to use now this time.




They tracked the mole-rat to a small hole in the ground. And with Owen sitting in on the same hole the creature just got inside, Heather smiled.

"NOW OWEN." Heather gave a command which Owen hesitated a bit, but with all his concentration he released a fart so loud that it echoed towards the tunnels of the hole which immediately made Heather hold her nose with her fingers, while she looked at a nearby hole which the ground even seemed to shake and A moment later, the mole-rat shot out of the hole, its eyes wide with terror. It stumbled, dazed and disoriented, right into Heather's waiting hands.

"Gotcha!" Heather exclaimed triumphantly, holding the keyhole number 2 on it. "It seems now this is yours."

"Thanks, Heather, I will never forget this." Owen quickly got up and gave a crushing hug which made the queen bee couldn't breathe.

"Can't breathe, stop it, Owen," Heather said annoyed that Owen immediately released the girl, which made her with her face on the floor. "Ughh…"

(Camp Wawanakwa)

The sun was beginning to set over Camp Wawanakwa, casting long shadows across the makeshift sparring ring set up near the edge of the camp. Chef Hatchet and Ron stood facing each other, both in relaxed but ready stances.

Chef, with his imposing frame and military bearing, launched a series of quick, precise strikes. Each punch and kick was delivered with the efficiency and power of his combat training. Ron, however, responded with the playful agility of the monkey-style Kung Fu, dodging and weaving with a fluid grace that contrasted sharply with Chef's direct approach.

Ron grinned as he darted around Chef, occasionally landing a light tap that was more tickle than strike, earning a grunt of annoyance from his opponent. Chef countered with a low sweep, trying to catch Ron off balance, but the younger man leaped nimbly out of the way, using his momentum to spring back into position.

The two continued their sparring, the clash of their different styles creating a dynamic and engaging battle. Chef's military strikes were met with Ron's unpredictable, almost whimsical movements. The intensity of their sparring grew, and both men were fully immersed in the exercise.

Nearby, Kim and Shego were engaged in their own bout. The two women moved with practiced precision, their strikes, and counters reflecting years of experience and mutual respect. Their sparring sessions often ended in a tie, and today was no different as they matched each other blow for blow.

Back in the main ring, Chef and Ron's sparring reached its climax. Both fighters, sensing an opportunity, launched simultaneous kicks aimed at each other's chest. The impact sent both of them stumbling back, winded but grinning.

"Not bad, Ron. Still sharp," Chef nodded in acknowledgment, a rare smile breaking his usual stern demeanor.

"Thanks, Hatch. Same to you." Ron, cleaning up the dust but still pleased, returned the nod. "Still sharp like the old days."

As they caught their breath, Kim and Shego finished their session, walking over to join them. The four friends stood together, sweaty and tired but enjoying the camaraderie of their shared practice.

The sparring session had ended in ties, but the bonds of friendship and mutual respect had grown stronger, each member of the squad appreciating the challenge and the chance to keep their skills sharp. It was like they forgot they had been filmed while in the middle of the camp.

(Heather and Owen)

Heather and Owen, now a little wiser, set out to capture the second mole-rat with Heather's keychain. They moved through the forest with even greater caution, keeping their eyes peeled for any signs of the elusive creature.

"There it is!" Owen whispered, pointing to a mole rat scurrying near a cluster of rocks. This time, the mole-rat wasn't heading into a hole.

Heather signaled Owen to stay put while she moved to encircle the mole-rat. She crept silently, using the natural cover of the forest to stay hidden. Just as she was about to pounce, the mole rat sensed her presence and dashed off in a zigzag pattern, evading her grasp.

"Ugh, it's like it has a sixth sense!" Heather fumed as she rejoined Owen.

"We'll get it, Heather. Let's try a different approach," Owen suggested.




Determined to catch the mole rat, Heather, and Owen decided to use their speed and coordination to outmaneuver the agile creature. They positioned themselves on opposite sides of a clearing where the mole-rat was foraging.

"On three, we charge," Heather instructed. "One, two, three!"

They both sprinted towards the mole-rat, hoping to trap it between them. However, the mole-rat was quicker than anticipated. It leaped over a log and darted away, leaving Heather and Owen grasping at empty air once again.

"Dang it, it's like trying to catch a greased pig!" Owen exclaimed, frustrated.

"We need to think smarter, not harder," Heather said, her mind racing for a new plan.




For their third attempt, Heather decided to set up a decoy and trap. She found a piece of bright fabric and laid it out on the ground, hoping to attract the mole rat's attention. They then hid behind some bushes, waiting for the mole rat to investigate.

Sure enough, the mole rat approached the fabric, curious. Heather and Owen tensed, ready to spring the trap. Just as the mole-rat got close, it suddenly veered away, sensing something was amiss. The trap sprung, but it caught only the edge of the fabric, missing the mole-rat entirely.

"Great, we need something even more enticing," Heather muttered, feeling the frustration mounting. She then glanced at Owen's shirt and a lightbulb went off in her head. "I've got an idea. Give me your shirt."




Heather and Owen set up their final trap. They laid Owen's shirt on the ground, making it look like a harmless piece of discarded clothing. Inside the shirt, Heather carefully placed a smoke bomb.

"Are you sure this will work?" Owen asked, slightly worried.

"Trust me, Owen. This will do the trick," Heather said confidently.

They hid behind a large tree, watching as the mole rat cautiously approached the shirt. The creature sniffed around, not noticing the hidden smoke bomb. As it began to rummage through the shirt, Heather triggered the bomb.

A cloud of smoke erupted, enveloping the mole-rat. Disoriented and dizzy, the mole rat staggered around, unable to see clearly. Heather wasted no time. She darted forward and grabbed the mole-rat, triumphantly holding up the keychain with her number on it.

"Yes! Got it!" Heather exclaimed, a victorious smile spreading across her face. "See, I told you we'd get it. And with this…"

"Alright everyone, it seems the keychains number 2 and 3 have been found and activated… The second phase of the challenge is over." Wade's voice came towards from all the speakers, which made all the campers understand when the challenge would be over. And with that, the military squad going to return to greet the winners of the second phase.

"So that's how they captured the Serial Killer?" Shego asked as both her husband and wife gave a summary of what happened from the episode where Izzy got hurt emotionally, from the look on her face, the woman was already cracking her knuckles, but it seemed from learning from her lovers, that everything was in control. "So what happened next Hatch?"

"Well we hired a few cadets from the police academy, which have been a new asset on the show, amateur squad, but since they are rookies, the campers had been their nightmare, not mine anymore." Chef shrugged as he was happy to not worry about the security of the campers, but he saw Kim and Ron looking around.

"So where are they?" Ron asked and Chef rolled his eyes.

"They had a few days off from the last challenge, and it seems one of the cadets had been having trouble from breaking up with a coconut," Chef commented as he got a glance from his friends. " Don't ask, even I don't try to question the craziness on this show, and if I ask more than I should I think I will get insane."

"I hope that's not contagious," Kim commented as Chef rolled his eyes.

"I would be sure that Izzy was the patient zero," Hatched replied which made Kim and Ron raise their finger, but then drop it.

"He got you both there," Shego commented as Ron narrowed a bit of his eyes, and then gave a slap on her ass which made her yelp. "Oh, you little…"

"Now now, remember, kids are watching us," Ron commented while the group walked towards the remaining campers who survived… Gwen looked tired and was already with her body on the bed, Lindsay was sitting while looking sad.

Heather and Owen were happy with they are being the first ones and even the only ones to manage to catch the keychains, which probably the plan of Heather worked well so far.

"Soldiers, congratulations for managing to accomplish the task of capturing the keychains, but that doesn't mean that this will help you all on the final part of the challenge," Chef commented as the naker mole-rats were back on the pocket of one of the military members, while Chef could see the remaining losers who couldn't accomplish the task. "Now this challenge will be about a task of pure will, stamina, and despair for you both, depending on the situation you are in right now."

"What?" Both Owen and Heather asked while Lindsay and Gwen gave a glance at Chef who was smirking, bringing behind his back what would be a ball made of metal.

"Soldiers let me present you a final military game which we like to call...

"Paint bomb tag." Kim, Ron, and Shego said in unison with Chef as both Heather and Owen palled because the object on the bulky military Chief was massive. And there was a timer writing 10 minutes on it."If you ever played tag before, then you know the rules, however, this one has a catch... The person holding this ball is it... But every time the person became the new 'it' had to freeze for ten seconds."

Owen and Heather glanced at each other, while Gwen and Lindsay became slightly relieved to not be part of such a crazy challenge.

"If you look around you will notice that this perimeter had been marked in red lines to form a square, which this area will be the only place you will be able to run... Crossing outside of the area will make you a quitter of the challenge." Chef explained as Gwen, Lindsay, Heather, and Owen noticed that indeed there was a red line mark passing away from the bunk beds, which Owen and Heather were inside of an area of red line. "As you see, this ball has a timer, which is the exact number time limit and it will explode at the end and the loser will be covered in paint, and let me tell you, it will take hours of shower to clean up all the ink on you."

Gulp, both Heather and Owen were bow terrified, while Lindsay and Gwen now felt like a relief they never thought they would have. A pressure of holding a time bomb? This was pure madness.

"As for you the remaining maggots, you should leave now, unless you want to get caught by the explosion." Chef Hatchet ordered, which made both girls get up and follow the military squad while leaving both the big guy and the queen bee alone with Chef... "Now, you fat boy, you will be the one holding the bomb."

"Why me?" Owen asked in panic while Heather felt a huge relief, but not for so long.

"Because the despaired people would do anything to survive. So let's see how you will do it by holding this bomb." Chef narrowed his eyes and then pressed the bomb. "The challenge starts now."

Owen felt his eyes shrink as he then suddenly heard the beep sounds of the second passing by, Heather immediately ran in panic because now she didn't want to be tagged, lose the prize, and worst of all, get covered in ink.

The true game has just begun.

Owen, driven by the ticking clock and his desperation, lunged towards Heather with surprising agility for his size. Heather dodged nimbly, sprinting into the forest with Owen hot on her heels. Despite his weight slowing him down, Owen's determination pushed him to keep pace with Heather.




Heather glanced around, spotting a large rock. She clambered onto it, the bomb still beeping behind her. Owen followed, his determination driving him forward. Heather jumped down from the rock, landing softly on the forest floor, and Owen, without hesitation, followed. They moved through the forest, the bomb's beeping growing louder with each passing second. Heather's mind raced, searching for any advantage she could find. She spotted a narrow stream and dashed towards it, hoping the water would slow Owen down.

Heather splashed across the stream, her feet slipping on the wet rocks. Owen, however, was relentless. He charged through the water, the bomb's beeping growing louder with each passing second. Heather knew she had to act fast. She glanced around, spotting a dense thicket nearby. She dashed towards it, hoping to lose Owen in the underbrush.




Heather spotted a narrow path winding through the forest and made a split-second decision. She sprinted down the path, hoping it would give her an edge. The path twisted and turned, the underbrush closing in around them. Heather pushed herself harder, knowing time was running out. Owen was right behind her, his determination unwavering. They reached a small clearing, the bomb's beeping echoing in the still air.

Heather stumbled, her foot catching on a root. She fell to the ground, and Owen was finally able to touch her and place the bomb on her hand.

"Tag you're it," Owen said as he ran away the fast as he could.

She froze, her eyes wide with panic. Owen backed away, his breath coming in heavy gasps. He had survived another round, but he knew the game was far from over. Which made Heather count 10 to 0 and go after him.




It didn't take long until she found once again Owen trying to hide into a tree trunk, so she smiled and placed the bomb above his back.

"HEY," Owen shouted while Heather ran away.

"TAG, YOU'RE IT." Heather ran away, which made Owen blink and realize the bomb was on his back and he needed to wait for 10 seconds before going after her.




Heather counted the seconds in her head, her body trembling with exhaustion. As soon as her time was up, she scrambled to her feet, the bomb beeping ominously behind her, Owen was approaching her. The forest around them seemed to close in, the tension palpable. Heather glanced around, looking for any way to escape. She spotted another large rock and made a beeline for it, hoping to use it as cover.

Owen followed closely, his eyes locked onto her. Heather reached the rock and climbed onto it, while she looked Owen was still with the bomb in his hands. She knew she had to act fast. She jumped down from the rock, landing softly on the forest floor. Owen followed, his determination driving him forward.

They moved through the forest, the bomb's beeping growing louder with each passing second. Heather's mind raced, searching for any advantage she could find. She spotted another narrow stream and dashed towards it, hoping the water would slow Owen down. Heather splashed across the stream, her feet slipping on the wet rocks. Owen, however, was relentless. He charged through the water, the bomb's beeping growing louder with each passing second.




Heather knew she had to act fast. She glanced around, spotting a dense thicket nearby. She dashed towards it, hoping to lose Owen in the underbrush. Owen followed closely, his eyes locked onto her. They moved through the dense foliage, the bomb's beeping echoing in the still air. Heather's mind raced, searching for any advantage she could find.

She spotted a narrow path winding through the forest and made a split-second decision. She sprinted down the path, hoping it would give her an edge. The path twisted and turned, the underbrush closing in around them. Heather pushed herself harder, knowing time was running out. Owen was right behind her, his determination unwavering. They reached a small clearing, the bomb's beeping echoing in the still air.

Heather stumbled, her foot catching on a root. She fell to the ground, the bomb slipping from her grasp. Owen saw his chance. He lunged forward, and placed the bomb into Heather's hands. She froze, her eyes wide with panic.

"TAG," Owen said as he ran away, while Heather started to curse him for all the problems she was having.




She was exhausted, but after everything she did to track Owen, she managed to finally have him breathing heavily, and then when he didn't realize, it was too late, the time was running out. Finally, Heather saw her chance. She stumbled, making it look genuine, Heather kicked Owen's belly, as she placed the bomb on Owen's face, and at the time he crouched, with the last few seconds ticking away, Owen's face turned to one of realization and defeat. Heather ran away in a safe distance.

Heather stood a few feet away, panting heavily but with a triumphant smirk on her face as the bomb's final beep sounded, signaling the end of the game. She had won.

"Great Canadian Cheese, it's over for…" That was the final words Owen could say before the bomb hit the number zero…

The explosion was so loud that it echoed to the entire forest, while a good part of the area was covered in green ink.

The campfire flickered, casting eerie shadows across the faces of the remaining campers. Owen sat off to the side, scrubbing furiously at the remnants of green paint that stubbornly clung to his skin. Despite his best efforts, faint streaks of green marred his usually cheerful face, making his expression even more despondent.

Heather and Lindsay huddled together, examining the Heathermunicator she had won as a prize with the immunity, Kim was there to give the instructions with Wade also giving support on how to use it. Lindsay watched intently as Heather fiddled with the buttons, trying to figure out its various functions as well, she was happy for her best friend since she promised that she also could use it to talk with her family.

Gwen leaned against a nearby tree, her arms crossed and a look of exasperation on her face. The chaos of the day had worn her down, and she was in no mood for any more drama. She was feeling too much tired of everything.

Chef Hatchet stood by the campfire, his imposing figure framed by the dancing flames. He held a plate with two marshmallows, ready for the elimination ceremony. Behind him, Shego and Ron stood quietly, their expressions unreadable… while they didn't try to flirt with each other by their glances.

Chef glanced around at the assembled campers, his stern gaze lingering on each of them for a moment before he spoke.

"Alright, listen up, maggots," Chef began, his voice carrying a commanding tone. "You all know what happens here. Normally, you'd be voting someone off. But this time, I'm making the call."

The campers exchanged shocked glances. Before anyone could protest, Chef raised a hand to silence them.

"First off, Gwen," Chef said, turning his intense gaze on her. "You underestimated your opponent. Kim had more years of experience than you have been born, and you should have known that. In this game, you need to act alone at times, but when it comes to my military challenges, there are also moments where teamwork is crucial. Do you forget how I separated the Killer Bass as squads? Because a squad always uses teamwork. But you didn't grasp that. You as the last Bass should either have the drive to win or not… And from my eyes, you didn't have the drive to win."

Gwen's face looked in shock, from looking at how Chef pointed out all the mistakes she made, and her face fell, and she looked down, unable to meet Chef's eyes.

"Lindsay," Chef continued, moving on. "Even with your difficulties, you should've known better than to try and track someone without the skills to do so. When you need help, seek it. And falling into a trap multiple times? In a military challenge, you should always be aware of the possibility of traps."

Lindsay's eyes widened in realization, nodding slightly as she absorbed Chef's words.

"Owen," Chef said, finally turning to the big guy. "You've made it far, which surprised many. But let's be honest, it was Heather's plan that got you here. You played well, but today wasn't your day."

Owen nodded, his expression a mix of disappointment and understanding.

"I called you out on your mistakes because you need to understand them. This is why I've made my decision." Chef looked around at the campers, his eyes sharp."The top 3 will only be the best of the best, from determination, from creativity, from sheer will, and from the group… I don't need to tell twice, but Owen and Lindsay, you two are moving on to the final three with Heather."

"Gwen, you're out. You are not a one-woman army, go see your squad again. Take your stuff and get out of the island."The announcement left the campers in stunned silence. Chef turned to Gwen, his expression firm.

Gwen stood up slowly, nodding in resignation.

"I understand," she said quietly, walking away from the campfire. To get her stuff and take the boat of losers.

Chef held out the plate with the marshmallows to Owen and Lindsay.

"Congratulations. You've made it to the final three. Now get some rest. In 3 day's challenge is going to be even tougher. And Chris will be back, now go to sleep and tomorrow will be another day."

The campers dispersed, leaving the campfire burning as a silent witness to the night's events.

"CUT" One of the cameramen commented as the interns and the crew cleaned their sweat, it had been a long day of work, and it had been a good episode so far.

Ron whistled.

"Damn Chef, that was tough," Ron commented as both Kim and Shego nodded their heads in agreement. "So these are the top 3… well, I have to say, they are survivors."

"Yeah, even as the girl Gwen seemed to be lacking the drive, she was interesting. Sadly she didn't make it." Kim commented as Chef gave a water glass to each member of his friends.

"She would have lost the final challenge anyway, Chris was crazy when it comes to absurd challenges." Chef shrugged as Shego drank the whole glass of water. "Alright, Shego time for you to return to prison."

"Hahahahaha, ah Hatch, it's so cute for you thinking you can take me down and force me to return there." Shego smiled but then she felt something hitting her on the neck… And when she took it out… It was a tranquilizer dart and the person who aimed at her was nobody other than her wife. "Oh you b…"

"Don't worry, you will get a visit from us later," Kim said as she kissed her forehead while her spy wife was knocked out…

"It's crazy that it always ends up like this," Ron commented to his best friend who just rolled his eyes.

"It's your wives Ron, and it's your problem. Now let's go catch the helicopter and take her to the prison again." Chef smirked and the group once again went back to their ordinary lives…

While Chris had no idea why the ratings of the episode of that day became the best episode of the season so far.

Chapter Text


The sun had just begun to rise over Playa del Losers, casting a soft golden light across the beachfront resort. The tranquil sound of waves gently crashing against the shore was a stark contrast to the early morning chaos inside one of the suites on the resort.

"Ughhhhhh." Ezekiel moaned as he got a back of ice and placed it on his back, which Izzy was apologizing nonstop…

"Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. I should have known that when you said don't and stop, wouldn't have meant don't stop." Izzy commented as she looked sheepishly but also remorseful of what happened.

"It's fine, I think that was on me. When I thought I was reaching good flexibility, I should have listened to my body when I reached the limit… which I did." Ezekiel commented with semi-glare, while Izzy giggled sheepishly, leaving the homeschooled boy to sigh. "Ugh, can you do me a favor? Take out my weights? I think every move I'm doing is being a literal pain in my back."

"Sure." Izzy nodded her head as she calmly took the weights of his wrists and legs, and was able to see the boy sighing in a bit more relief. "Do you also need something?"

"Well, since I probably will be on the bed for the rest of the day. I think I will be watching the pay-per-view, so can you take my sketchbook, for when I get bored?" Ezekiel asked immediately the ginger girl already brought his essentials, pencil, eraser, and colored pencil as well. "Thanks."

"Do you want company for the rest of the day? I could be of great help to you." Izzy commented as she was being honest, that she overworked him, and she wanted to make sure he was fine, but Ezekiel shook his head.

"Nah, I will be fine here. But I would be happy if you just brought me some snacks and soda to pass the entire day here. So can you just bring me that? And you can enjoy the rest of the day annoying Noah." Ezekiel commented with a smile, and while the offer was very tempting for Izzy, she still wanted to make up for messing up with Ezekiel's back. And that wasn't unnoticed by him. "Izzy, I'm fine. It's just for a whole day. I can enjoy a day alone watching television. And today's episode, so I will be glad to watch it while drawing."

"Are you sure?" Izzy asked in concern, and Ezekiel rolled his eyes, which made her sigh in relief. "Okay, fine. I will bring you snacks and drinks, but later I will check you up to see how are you okay?"

"Well if you don't believe in me, you can also ask Eva, Bridgette, and Courtney to check me up. Accidents happen, and obviously what they would say it's for me to rest my back for the day, so I'm fine." Ezekiel replied, as he could see that his friend was still concerned about him, but he was already used, to seeing such great friends and even some who would treat him like a little brother, it was overwhelming at times, but it was also a nice feeling to have.

"Alright then… Snacks and drinks coming right up." Izzy saluted as she immediately slammed the door open and went on her personal mission. While Ezekiel shakes his head.

"Yeah, Izzy being Izzy." Ezekiel chuckled as on the next second he flinched from the pain on his back.




After a few hours, Izzy was enjoying a good ball game with Cody, Katie, Bridgette, and Courtney on the pool, even though it was funny she was still wearing the beaver costume of her company, she found it hilarious that Courtney was willing to use Norbert costume, and when Harold noticed there was another costume, he decided to play along, and decided to wear one to make a few jokes with Courtney, the beaver costume Harold was using was a brown fur with a red nose and a unibrow. Ezekiel helped her to name that costume Daggett, saying they were beaver's brothers. Which for her was hilarious, and when she talked to her factory about the new identity of Izzy's happy Sap, her employees loved the concept of her beaver bottles now being siblings, which would also be a great market for the children.

It was a win-win for her since her employees seemed satisfied with the changes she created for her company, now that she is a CEO she is a billionaire and she already got the RCMP in court, and probably in a few months, in case she would be on the season 2 like Ezekiel said, she would already be free, she was already in the moon, and she knew that she would never be in the situation of the other future of herself, so that was a personal victory for her.

Now, she was enjoying the day before they would watch the episode of the night until a surprise shout came out.

"Hey guys, check this out. Chef is taking all the bunk beds and moving to the middle of the forest," Trent called the attention of everyone in the pool who was enjoying a good day of relaxing from the last episode. Noah was doing some calculations on what he could do with his 50 grant while thinking about his plans for the future.

Duncan was enjoying a good sunbath. Sadie was having a great time baking a cake with DJ.

Everyone blinked as the group went to the main room to watch the pay-per-view.

"Where is Ezekiel?" Trent asked as he looked around that not just him, but Harold, Leshawna, Justin, Beth, and Tyler weren't there as well. And it was a surprise to see Geoff in a day without kissing Bridgette, which seemed their spray had been working just fine.

"Beth, Leshawna, and Justin are enjoying the spa while Harold, Geoff, and Tyler are playing foosball and pool in the gaming section underground," Duncan commented as Trent looked surprised. "Yeah, we just discovered yesterday, and it's a good way to keep up against the boredom."

"Huh, that's cool." Trent mused as the group turned together Izzy sat on the sofa with Cody, Katie, and Noah, while Courtney had to open a bit the head costume to have a better view and Bridgette was having a nice drink with Eva who just returned with a slight warm-up.

"And Ezekiel?" Bridgette asked and Izzy sweated a bit.

"He said he wanted to pass the day in the bedroom, since this morning he kinda overwork his back from doing exercises, so he had his back sore. He is having the day resting on his bed, so I brought all the snacks and drinks he would need to pass the day on there. And later I will check him up. " Izzy commented a bit too fast, and chuckled nervously hoping that nobody would see that it was her who messed up into pushing his back too hard on the flexibility workout…

"Hmph… he should be careful with those kinds of training. He is using his weights too much. While I respect his style of training on moving slowly to have better control of his muscles, he still needs to learn to relax more his muscles or there will be some complications… Did he take off the weights?" Eva narrowed her eyes to Izzy who nodded her head at bodybuilder, who looked pleased. "Good, he needs to rest his arms and legs as well, and not just his back."

"Yep, he should take it easy, from all the exercises he is having, I just get tired by only seeing him like that. He kinda needs to chill out a bit." Duncan commented as the other girls looked weird from the way he commented. "I mean come on. He just released a book a few days ago, and now he has 2 other works already going to be published, and he is doing these exercises. Maybe we could call him to play some games while we are still in this paradise of resort."

"That's actually not a bad idea," Courtney commented as Bridgette thought a bit. "We could bring some cards and play, or even try to make something fun for us to enjoy tomorrow night, like, we could make a good activity for everyone to play and enjoy."

"And the C.I.T. showed her side again," Duncan commented as he received a glare from his girlfriend. "Beaver C.I.T. Courtney ready to make everyone have fun."

"Har har har," Courtney said as she narrowed her eyes, but Duncan kissed her cheek which made her blush and pout at him. "Ugh, you are impossible."

"Well, we are an impossible team," Duncan commented as hugged the girl in her costume. Which made him muse a bit. And then he had a good idea as he whispered to his girlfriend. "Hey, we could have one of the pillars of Killer Bass meeting, like me, you and Zeke having a good time talking and chilling out. It would be a good time to catch up."

"Oh, that sounds lovely," Courtney whispered back while the other campers rolled their eyes and decided to debate what the episode would be about.

"Yeah, but now that we are here watching Chef and the crew taking all the other campers. Do you think the challenge will be related to survival?" Beth asked as the others also looked curious about what Chef was about to do.

"I bet Chef is going to take them out and drop them in the middle of the forest, again. I don't know what Chris planning, but I don't like it." Duncan asked as Izzy rolled her eyes, as she knew about the challenge... Or so she thought.

Nobody was prepared for the episode which was about to happen.

(Ezekiel's bedroom)

To say Ezekiel was still having a few pain pinches on his back was understanding, since he passed a good time drawing on his sketchbook, while he looked curious at the television screen, and from seeing Chef Hatchet carrying every camper was something he could imagine, since he probably would be following the concept of the cannon episode.

However, at the time he saw something strange on the screen made him pause and look. Chef wasn't wearing his usual cook outfit, and neither was the original clothing he used on the Basic Straining, it was simpler, a black shirt, and camouflage pants, but also wearing a beret of the military which surprised Ezekiel from seeing a new clothing.

"That's new… does that mean the episode will be different?" Ezekiel asked as he shrugged and gave a look, knowing that probably it would take a few more minutes or hours until the campers woke up, it was something Ezekiel would enjoy opening a pack of potato chips, for him to enjoy with the challenge of the day. "Well, at least now that I'm here I wouldn't need to get worried about the others seeing my reaction, but knowing the events of the cannon. I mean, how different would be?"




Well, Ezekiel had to say that he wasn't surprised by the fact the four campers were scared into waking up in the middle of the forest… however, what surprised him most was the fact Chef appeared more restrained than he remembered, since the cannon version Chef wouldn't just give a damn about them and would make the challenge of them trying to survive by themselves.

What it did change?

("All I see is a bunch of ingrates who don't understand the concept of true hell, so since you all think that you are the elite. Then let's see if you can compare yourselves with a true elite squad.")

"What? True elite squad?" Ezekiel blinked as he then saw something different, at the time Chef said if his military training was bad and unfair, Chef decided to bring his friends. "What friends?"

Then Ezekiel was surprised to see the crew getting out of the helicopter, a blond man wearing the same clothing as Chef, and then a ginger woman who seemed to be also in her 40s who had the same style of clothing but a black top instead of a t-shirt…

"Strange… I don't know why, but they look kinda familiar to me." Ezekiel mused as he tried to take from his memories all the seasons of Total Drama Universe, and yet something didn't seem to fit… It was kinda strange, but seeing a military squad for the first time indeed was intriguing and curious for him to see. And then another woman who seemed palled but also wearing an orange jumpsuit, and then lipstick marks on her?

("Seriously?" Chef turned his head at the woman who just got out from the helicopter as the couple looked sheepishly away. "In the helicopter?" )

Ezekiel blinked, as he never thought about seeing what he meant… But then at the time, he recognized he blushed from the idea getting on his head… Especially with the hormones making things worse for him…The fact she was teasing the couple to even wanting to be spanked really made it worse for the poor boy…

"Wow, it's going to be a crazy episode when it gets edited," Ezekiel commented as he heard the adult blonde man call the woman Shego, which had something that made the homeschooled boy pause… and from her reply was calling him Ronny and the other woman Kimmy, something wasn't ringing a bell to Ezekiel. They looked familiar.

(" of them was even part of this show. And she is probably watching you all in Pay-Per-View. And before you say anything more… let's go down to business. Let me present you, my squad, and my great friends. Kim, Ron, and for reasons of maximum security, codename Shego." )

"They looked familiar. And their names… Kim, Ron, Shego… Kim, Ron, Shego… Kim, Ron, Shego." Ezekiel tried really hard to remember all the names of the characters on Cartoon Network, but nothing crossed his mind. It was like he knew who they were, but something was missing. Something so important.

And yet, he decided it had been too much to have his mind on that… so he decided to be quiet. And see if Chef could explain more about them, but for the first time, Ezekiel was interested in knowing more about Chef's military background, since the show never showed much about his past.

Then came a revelation of Shego being a spy, and the audio was cut by another person named Wade, which again hit Ezekiel with a thought he heard about it somewhere.

And from the way Shego teased both the couple, it made Ezekiel question himself if the trio was actually in an open relationship. Which was kinda strange to see on the television.

And then came Chef who just gave a speech that would impress anyone who would be watching the television, from his way of view of the military forces, which made Ezekiel understand why Izzy called Chef a good commander because, in times when he wants, he would give a very powerful speech to raise the morale of the squad.

("But after a good talk with my friends, I decided to raise the stakes to show that I know what could bring attention for a prize that you girls would be interested in getting,")

Ezekiel wondered what kinda of prize…

*beep* *beep* *beep beep*

The sound made Ezekiel freeze, and his entire brain stop, and like a snap of fingers, Ezekiel felt his memories coming back, from a show, a specific show which didn't belong to Cartoon Network, but from somewhere coming from no other else from the Disney universe.

A duo of a ginger teenage girl and her best friend who later became a boyfriend blonde who together worked against evil supervillains. While they would be secret agents… And then Ezekiel felt like a vision of what would be a younger version of both her and the blond boy, and the black raven woman looked palled and without the green-skinned woman who was the sidekick and the main antagonist girl of the show…

"Kim Possible," Ezekiel whispered as he dropped his sketchbook… And froze in surprise. Speechless of the trio he just saw. As his mind got so many questions about how, why, and what the hell was going on… But from seeing the show was still going, and Chef was explaining about the communicator which was iconic from the show. But saying it was from a military force? It was too much for him to understand, and yet the show was still going and he needed to pay attention. But in times like that, Ezekiel decided to make a very important decision. "You know what? Fuck it. I'm going to turn off my brain and I'm going to enjoy and watch the episode, and wait for an explanation. In any case, I could ask Izzy since she knew Chef, or probably I'm going to read the memories that he used to break Owen's jaw because there is no fucking way people wouldn't read his book if there was Kim fucking Possible in it."

Ezekiel launched his sketchbook away, took a few soda cans with him, and prepared the snacks to be nearby him. In times of Total Drama Island, it's more fun to embrace the chaos. And since it was a different episode from the cannon? It was like watching a new episode and a possible crossover.

"What's going to be the episode? Survive against the Disney Elite Spy Team? Because if that's the case, they have no chance. Especially with them in the field. I thought we were in the Cartoon Network Universe... wait... Did Disney buy Cartoon Network? Because from what I remembered they bought Fox... wait, does that mean if we go to Springfield on World Tour we would find the Simpsons?" Ezekiel even as he could see Owen being motivated by Ron naco, it was something he was watching firsthand, and he couldn't help but lament not being there personally to ask them such questions. "Ugh, I think I'm overreacting, you know what? I envy them and wish it was me to have a try with such an opportunity, and that sucks, but maybe I should just move on... Best episode of the season, period. 10 of 10. Now let's see how the episode will go."

But then appeared on the question on his mind. As the time he tried to not think about it, his inner fan from his past couldn't help but also have a lot of questions, he was excited and curious, especially with everything Chef had said.

"Wait, did Chef say they have a daughter on the show? Huh, that's kinda weird. Maybe later he will tell us who was…" Ezekiel he decided to shut his brain, not thinking much about it, he was going to wait for an explanation since in Total Drama Island, many crazy ideas could happen for the sake of the drama. "Also, it's weird to see they all have a military background and they aren't spy teenagers from the Disney Universe… maybe I'm overreacting and it's just a coincidence."

"Wow… ShegoXKimXRon, I don't remember watching a season of the show, but isn't Shego the main female antagonist and nemesis from both of them? Huh… maybe they have a story, but sadly it's not my business." Ezekiel commented as he shrugged off, and went to grab a soda can and start to eat his potato chips, "Oh yeah, this going to be awesome."

(Play Del Losers Main Room)

While one of the losers was enjoying turning off his brain and enjoying the episode, one of the former campers had her eyes wide open as the group of the other former contestants had their surprise as well. From seeing what would be the introduction of every single member of the crew, especially one who came from the jail.

"Wow, look at that, Chef brought new people this time. And one of them probably came from jail." Duncan commented to his still dressed girlfriend who was also staring in shock. But then also from the idea of the girl also having an intimate moment. "HAHAHAHA, IS SHE FOR REAL? DID SHE HAVE MAKING OUT SESSION IN A HELICOPTER?"

"Oh my God, that was something that I wouldn't want even to imagine... But looking at them, from the way they look, it seems time had been kind to them in comparison to Chef. I thought they would be worse. But still, that woman Shego, looks like she was very horny and that's very embarrassing, especially for the children they said they are watching them..." Courtney commented as she looked around at the campers who were also in shock but from all of them... One seemed to be blushing so much that it seemed to be clear that something was wrong. "Izzy, are you okay?"

That immediately caused the effect of nobody was expecting.

"Me?" Izzy said in a high-pitched tone while she gave a forced laugh it made many stare weirdly at her. "Pfff. Of course, I'm fine... Hey guys, do you mind if I destroy the television for today? I think we could have one better and I can buy one with the double of the size."

That statement alone made the whole group of friends blink...From her usual crazy ideas, which she sometimes jokes about or even tries for fun, this time took the cake.

"Why would want to break the television?" Katie asked as Izzy waved her hand.

"I just didn't like the size of it. And it will suck because we will not see the episode of today, but it will be recorded. I will probably find the records and destroy all of them. So it will probably take a few months, but it will be worth it." Izzy commented as she gave a crazy laugh... But this time. Everyone could see that crazy laugh was so fake like an amateur laugh.

Duncan smirked.

"Oh I know that tone of voice, it's the tone of, oh Goddammit, my parents are there to embarrass me," Duncan commented as the group stared at Izzy whose smile cracked, and then she frowned at the delinquent.

"Sometimes you should learn when to shut up Duncan."Izzy gave a warning but then immediately remembered that she was trying to mislead the conversation. "I mean... Parents, whose parents?"

Neither of the campers believed in the change of acting Izzy was doing at that moment, from seeing Izzy acting as oblivious, sometimes a mastermind of acting, she was completely flustered and she couldn't have her mind straight, since she was now seeing her parents acting like a bunch of horny varmints.

And no children would ever want to see that on television, not she, and neither her brother Thigo, her older brother Dhigo, nor her younger twin sisters Lizzy and Mizzy who probably were in school. Izzy wanted to strangle her friend Ezekiel… Wasn't supposed to be a boring episode of Chef dropping the campers in the woods? Anything but what she was watching at the moment.

And then her uncle Wade appeared through the speakers, which indeed had surprised her since it's been so long since she heard about him.

"Wow, Chef indeed called everyone," Izzy whispered in surprise, while she tried to hide the view from the others, she was very surprised to see her Commander was in peace with her mom, and from the way she looked, she couldn't help but be happy since it seemed a long fight happened and now she was happy to see them together once again…

Excluding the embarrassment of one of her moms.

And Chef indeed was giving one of the speeches that she always liked to hear him do, to prove that indeed being a military and a top camper meant something, and well at least they needed… Until Izzy had her eyes opened in disbelief to see what the prize of the challenge would be.

"THAT'S NOT FAIR," Izzy shouted in outrage, making everyone nearby jump from her outburst. "I SPENT 3 YEARS ASKING, AND BEGGING FOR THEM TO GIVE ME A MMUNICATOR AND NOW THEY ARE OFFERING TO ANYONE?"

Duncan smirked, and Izzy glared at him, making him raise both his arms.

"Do you know what is that?" Cody asked in surprise, which Izzy was about to comment on until Wade decided to explain what was it.

("Gwen, Heather, Lindsay, what you have in front of you is a military special forces communicator, which not only is a portable telephone but also has great features better than a PDA or a palmtop computer. Since you can have internet access, video calls coming from important companies, or even video calls from webcams from other computers as well.")

And on that moment Courtney, Bridgette, Katie, and Sadie narrowed their eyes while they could agree with Izzy.

"Okay, now I understand why that's not fair," Bridgette commented as the girls nodded their heads, they agreed with the confessions of the campers, they would also have loved a prize like that.

"So, any of the military can have that?" Eva asked while Izzy shook her head.

"From looking at the crazy ginger it seems that she didn't get one. That's why she is so fussy about it." Duncan smirked as Izzy gave a small smile, and then gave a punch on his stomach which made him drop on his knees.

"I told you that you should learn when to shut up Duncan," Izzy said as Cody looked at the ginger woman, and then realized how Chef was so free into talking with his squad as Owen looked so determined to win the challenge for what would be a fusion of taco and nachos.

"Wait a minute," Cody commented as he glanced at Duncan and then at the memories he had talking with Izzy. "Oh yeah, your mother is on there Izzy. It seems that she forgave Chef."

Izzy froze, as she facepalmed, she forgot she revealed the story of her past with Cody, and now it seems the past came to haunt her. And looking at the smug smile from Duncan didn't help it all.

"Yes…" Izzy commented as she knew it would be a matter of time before they would embarrass her. So she decided to go to the kitchen. "I will be right back."

"Wait, so she saying of her mom being friends with Chef was real? Ah… that ginger woman, now that I think about it, she looks almost like Izzy, just her hair looks way different, but I can see the semblance." Sadie commented as Courtney nodded her head.

"Wow, she looks very different than the way Izzy acts, unless when she gets serious," Noah commented as it clearly showed the difference in personalities, and while the freeway style looked more like acting, he could see when Izzy got a serious it could show the same posture of the ginger woman.

("This challenge is a 3 phase... Since you all want motivation to win so much. You will be playing the military games. Hehehehe..." )

"Military games?" The losers asked themselves until Izzy appeared, and to the surprise of many, she was with a paper bag on her head.

"Ohhhhhh, they are fucked." Izzy didn't hold her tongue, which made the group stare at her in disbelief and curious about why she appeared with the paper bag. "Military games are brutal, and neither of them would be ready to take it. Trust me, it's so hardcore that even I get anxious when they try to do something like that."

"What do you mean?" Sadie asked as soon as Chef explained the rules, and how eager Shego was from wanting to be a hunter. Making the twin best friends pale, and the strong chubby girl gulp. "Oh, that's why."

"Izzy, why are using a paper bag on the head?" Trent asked in surprise as Izzy was about to reply when the television decided to answer for her.

("Is that the boy who backstabbed Izzy by pushing her into a fatal situation?

"Wait, what do you mean by backstabbing Izzy? The prison didn't have the channel of this show. Now spit it out. What happened to our daughter?")

"…" Izzy placed both her hands over the face covered with the paper bag, while the entire group of campers turned their heads and stared at the military crazy ginger, who wanted to disappear at that moment. "dammit."

("That was the only way to control you. Now, be mature, Izzy is probably watching us." "Fine, just because I want you to mess me up when things are over... You heard that Ron?")

Izzy groaned, knowing that everyone she knew was watching that, and she didn't dare to look at the other campers, who now stared at her as if she were an alien. And she regretted not destroying the television now.

"How does that work? Isn't the orange haired on your mother? How the other woman is your…" Duncan looked amused, as he knew he was right about the way Izzy was acting, having parents destroy the reputation was a thing that nobody would ever want, especially on television.

("They are all married… Literally, they married with each other, it's a funny story. When we were on a mission in international waters we... "


"Now you wanted to do that?" Izzy grumbled as she decided to slam her head on the couch and groan…

"Hey, not going to judge, but I'm curious about…" Cody asked while Izzy took out her paper bag from her head and glared at her friend. "Annnnnnd shutting up right now."

"UGHHHHH."Izzy groaned, as Courtney decided to pat her back, while Izzy decided to need some comfort, so she hugged the beaver costume as a way to distract herself. Courtney looked a bit weird still having the costume, but knowing that Izzy was very embarrassed, she decided to let it go.

(Ezekiel Bedroom)

Ezekiel froze as he dropped the snacks, and the soda can slowly spilled the liquid over his body as he was too distracted into drinking it… Slowly his brain was rebooting, combining with a blue screen which never happened in all the experiences of life he ever had, and he thought he was ready for everything. He's turning off his brain to watch the episode…

But to Izzy being a child of Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable and having another mother as Shego?

His brain was forced to turn on and then took a few seconds of loading before getting a blue screen, and then after 10 reboots, it was time he wished to call tech support.

"What the fuck?" Ezekiel blinked, and he had no idea how many times he blinked. But he looked at all the interactions, every time he became friends with Izzy, all the conversations they had, the good moments, and the bad moments. While he knows about some of her stories of the military, or from knowing from the first experience of a cannon version of herself in the future.

"There was no fucking way Total Drama Island would pull up a character like Izzy being the daughter of Kim Possible… wait… orange hair… Triangle clothing bust, green eyes, great martial arts… Unpredictable style of life… to make everything possible, even the crazy stunts. Oh my God, she is the daughter of Kim Possible," Ezekiel looked at then his eyes went wide open, and then the insinuation of something big. "HOLYSHIT, SHE IS A DAUGHTER OF A THREE WAY RELATIONSHIP."

Ezekiel's hormones hit hard at that moment, since from fanfics, to even fanart that happened in his past life, but knowing that it became real of a real version of relationship work, and even showing that his best friend was the daughter of what would be an elite team of Disney Universe? But from what he remembered, they weren't the version of what was from the world he watched.

"They looked way older… so maybe the writers of Total Drama Island created them as to be a reference from the show we watched… And I have to say, wow. Izzy is Possible, how they didn't show that before? Ohhh right, copyright infringement. But I gotta say, man, that explains so much." Ezekiel took his sketchbook and decided to give it a try to try to imagine how Chef, Kim, Ron, and Shego would look in their versions from the Disney Universe. Maybe that would surprise Izzy as he decided to give a surprise for her.




"Oh oh… Heather is screwed… And the same way as Gwen, Kim vs Gwen, and Heather vs Shego? It was like asking for Rambo to hunt them down." Ezekiel commented as he was now very interested in seeing how the challenge would work.




(Play Del Losers Main Room)

And it was like everyone expected. Especially when the hunters decided to make a wager of 500 bucks, which would make everyone pale on how the squad was now smirking like sharks wanting to destroy the campers.

"I'm so glad that I'm not on that camp anymore," Duncan said as his sweat dropped from seeing how vicious both Kim and Shego went against Gwen and Heather, and Owen was getting a merciful machine gun barrage which would be a fair winning for Chef.

The losers winced at how scary both Kim, Ron, and Shego were when they became hunters and decided to give a scare to all the campers, while some laughed at how Ron was so nice to Lindsay, but it was funny to see Lindsay pouting a lot.

"Wow, your father is really nice Izzy," Bridgette commented as she then saw the squad of naked mole rats which trapped Lindsay once again. "Oh my God."

"Wow, they even brought Rusty, Nibbles, Digby, and Sandy," Izzy commented in surprise as the group stared at the ginger girl. "Well at least she is fine…"

("HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, I can't believe it, Izzy." Lindsay laughed in front of the cameras while she used a tissue to clean up her tears. "You did use your Seargent's extension phone to call the General Lazy Bones and go back to work. Hahahahahaha, you must have been grounded for a whole year when they told your parents about it.")

The campers stared at Izzy who just started blushing.

"I was 8 okay? And it was the truth, I never saw him doing anything else than sitting on his desk, he was sleeping most of the time, I swear." Izzy said as she blushed shamefully, and grumbled as she couldn't believe her daddy betraying her like that.




And then it got the second Challenge, which the advantage of Heather indeed surprised everyone. Especially on how the naked mole rat squad was ready to trap everyone.

Izzy smirked as she could see how it was going to be a difficult job for everyone.

Especially she was going to enjoy the disbelief looks from everyone.

(Ezekiel's bedroom)

"Okay, it seems the first naked mole-rat Rufus was being the grandpa of all the squad means that they are indeed a true military version of the Disney squad, so they aren't special agents of the government. But militaries." Ezekiel mused as he saw Heather deciding to unite forces with Owen. "Wow, Heather was going for the kill and preparing for the final 3… And having Owen being on the final two, it was indeed a very good plan."




But what he was surprised, about was how Chef seemed to be enjoying his time with his friends. Not just him, but everyone who was watching the Pay-Per-View could see Chef enjoying his time just like the cannon, but differently from there, Chef was with his squad, and every loser who was watching the television where watching in disbelief.

Firstly the campers watched Chef eating the terrible food with the squad, like it was normal food, and discussing how they were complaining about the terrible food, just like they were having easy. Which was indeed an unbelievable thing to see, and almost outraging. When Chef came with the good food, everyone rolled their eyes, but they couldn't complain, since they also knew how good Chef could cook when he wanted to.

But still, it was strange to see Chef so… happy like that, enjoying a good nostalgia from having his friends back, it was kinda nice. Something the pillars of Killer Bass knew very well. Courtney and Duncan smiled, as the delinquent placed his arm around her shoulder, and they could see something similar like one day gathering the Killer Bass just to chill and talk badly of the show, just like they were doing on the Playa Del Losers. It was kinda nice…

Until the Killer Bass campers were pissed from seeing Chef and Izzy's parents to be enjoying their hot tub. But it had been interesting to see the group not talking, just simply chilling out in their hot tub.

And then the group after watching Heather and Owen working together and gathering the naked mole-rats, the challenge was over, but not before watching Chef having a sparing session with Ron, while Kim and Shego were having a hand-to-hand combat.

"Wow, look at them go," Trent commented as he could see something happening across movies, but watching a sparing session from the military looked very awesome.

"If you mean they trying to kill each other, yeah go ahead." Noah rolled his eyes, while Cody looked at Izzy who was a bit worried.

"I hope Chef Hatchet didn't have a gun this time," Izzy commented in concern as the last time they had a sparring, he accidentally shot his mother. But thankfully the sparing was over which made her sigh in relief. "Well, I'm glad that they are fine."

But thankfully everything was over, and now it came to the last challenge.

And after another dosage of embarrassment from her parents being horny, Izzy tried to contain her blush, which she was fine for her parents being the way they are, but they should at least think of her not embarrassing her in front of her friends or the thousands of viewers on the television.

"I think I need to change my name and possibly move out of town," Izzy commented as she placed both her hands on her face.

"Welcome to the real-life Izzy, where the parents are an embarrassment for their children," Noah commented but then he got a kick on the stomach, and he crouched on the floor. And Izzy gave a glance to Duncan.

"Nope, I'm not going to say anything," Duncan said as he smirked, and Izzy rolled her eyes. But was grateful that the delinquent stopped bothering her.




Everyone had their eyes wide open as Chef smirked at what would be the last phase of the challenge. The Paint Bomb Tag.

"OH SHIT," Izzy shouted as the campers jumped at her reaction, Eva raised her eyebrow and Izzy immediately was going to explain. "This is going to be interesting. My parents never let me play this game because it would always mess with our house and garden. But I once heard that it was the best game to play with groups of 10 people."

"What do you mean by that?" Courtney raised her eyebrow.

Until the rules were explained, and everyone had their eyes wide open. And Duncan whistled.

"Oh that's my kind of game," Duncan smirked, imagining how awesome would see a challenge of a paint time bomb, it would be chaos and hardcore. "Man, why Chris didn't create such awesome challenges?"

"I know right?" Izzy nodded her head, she really envied Heather and Owen. "This kind of challenge would need to make you despaired but also make you cunning and give 100 of yourself, it was like a very good prank game to do."

"Yeah, I think while I dislike the idea of being covered with ink… I think that wouldn't be the worst thing happening to us. And it would be funny to play." Bridgette commented, as she would have imagined a challenge of the merge being like that, it would be chaotic, and probably despairing, but if wasn't lethal, just annoying, it would be way better than what Chris would come up with.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but we are just agreeing that this challenge looked more awesome than dangerous and better than everything Chris would come up for us?" Trent asked in disbelief, and Courtney, Sadie, Katie and even Cody nodded his head.

"Yeah, it's crazy, but from fighting our fears, jumping, and dealing with sharks, bears, etc. I think just an explosion with ink would be more challenging in a fun way instead of terrible for us." DJ commented as Eva nodded her head.

"It would focus on training the best of your body, but also thinking smart into dealing with the opponents, better than hurting ourselves from animals and even Serial Killers." Eva was surprised.

"You know what I think it's crazy. Do you think people will start to get interested in joining the Canadian Army or the RCMP after this episode?" Cody commented as he looked surprised, showing how the military squad was showing the best qualities on the show, it could also be treated as propaganda for the military reservation.

"Possibly, but I don't think they are doing that on purpose." Izzy shrugged. "Me and my siblings already did our part for the military, so we wouldn't go back to service. But it really made good memories come back for me. Hmmm, maybe someday I will ask my parents and Chef Hatchet for us to have this game again at the family barbecue."

"You know that you are crazy right?" Noah rolled his eyes, while Izzy smirked at him.

"Am I? Or am I pretending to be?" Izzy smirked and Noah smirked at her.

"Your parents are making out right now," Noah commented and Izzy immediately dropped her face.

"Goddammit, COME ON." Izzy shouted as she noticed that she had been bamboozled, and leaving the bookworm with his personal victory. "UGH…"

(Ezekiel's bedroom)

And from watching the challenge happening, the group held their breaths, on how crazy the challenge had been, seeing Owen giving his all, and Heather as well. It was a crazy challenge as they could feel the beeps happening. And while the challenge was short. They felt the pressure happening until they watched Owen get covered with the explosion of Ink.

"Wow," Ezekiel commented on his bedroom, while he could understand Heather just won a cellphone for herself. "Heather with a cellphone, that's so crazy, I can imagine what her reaction would be in case if she saw the forum of total drama in the future, she would flip after knowing about Sierra, and what she did."

( Simultaneous reaction )

And then came the final part of the episode, the firecamp ceremony. The campers would already guess Owen was going to lose until they just heard Chef talk.

("Alright, listen up, maggots," Chef began, his voice carrying a commanding tone. "You all know what happens here. Normally, you'd be voting someone off. But this time, I'm making the call.")

This made the losers protest until Chef decided to call out everyone and make Ezekiel have his eyes wide open in realization.

("First off, Gwen," Chef said, turning his intense gaze on her. "You underestimated your opponent. Kim had more years of experience than you have been born, and you should have known that. In this game, you need to act alone at times, but when it comes to my military challenges, there are also moments where teamwork is crucial. Do you forget how I separated the Killer Bass as squads? Because a squad always uses teamwork. But you didn't grasp that. You as the last Bass should either have the drive to win or not… And from my eyes, you didn't have the drive to win." )

Ezekiel's brain froze in time, as he blinked, and then saw something he never thought he would see it. A glimpse of instead of a military outfit Chef. He was wearing a purple social shirt, a purple tie, and yellow social pants, as the same way he pointed in the direction of Gwen, he wasn't saying anything aggressive. But he was being the voice of the reason.

"It was just a glimpse… but, it's him," Ezekiel whispered, as he blinked in surprise. "Reboot Chef."

("Lindsay," Chef continued, moving on. "Even with your difficulties, you should've known better than to try and track someone without the skills to do so. When you need help, seek it. And falling into a trap multiple times? In a military challenge, you should always be aware of the possibility of traps.")

"Wait, what happened to Chef? Who is this guy?" Duncan commented as he never thought to see Chef acting so differently, the delinquent had in mind the military guy would just curse and talk about how bad they were.

"He is pointing out reasonable points on where they failed," Bridgette commented as she was surprised.

The C.I.T. nodded her head, as she was indeed shocked as well, everyone was shocked… Unless Izzy just smiled in secret.

"That's my commander," Izzy whispered to herself, knowing Chef was showing his true side, while he would always show through love, he knew where people could improve it, like the same way he commanded the squad… "Thanks, moms and dad."

("Owen," Chef said, finally turning to the big guy. "You've made it far, which surprised many. But let's be honest, it was Heather's plan that got you here. You played well, but today wasn't your day.")

Everyone never thought Chef would compliment someone, especially Owen, but from seeing on his perspective, it showed that indeed it was true the points he showed, and as painful it would be. Everyone had to accept the fact.

Gwen was eliminated.

Gwen sat in the boat of losers, the motor's hum a constant reminder of her defeat. The night was cold, the sea even colder, with waves that seemed to mock her. She gazed at the dark water, reflecting on her time at Camp Wawanakwa. Memories of challenges, the friends and alliances she made, and the betrayal of a person who didn't know what he did wrong played through her mind, but most of all, she thought of her friends from Killer Bass. She had tried so hard to be the last Bass standing, to represent her team in the final four. But now, she was leaving, her determination having fallen short.

The wind whipped around her, biting and freezing, as if the very elements were echoing the bitter taste of her loss. The moonlight cast a silvery path on the water, but it offered no comfort. Gwen felt the chill seep into her bones, a stark contrast to the warmth of camaraderie she had felt with her team. She closed her eyes, trying to block out the night, the cold, and the disappointment.

As the boat drew closer to the Playa del Losers island, Gwen noticed something in the distance. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw a group of figures gathered at the shore. As the boat neared, the figures became clearer, and she could make out her teammates from Killer Bass. They were holding a banner that read, "Welcome Gwen," and they were cheering, their faces beaming with pride and joy.

Tears welled up in Gwen's eyes. She had expected to arrive in silence, to wallow in her failure alone. Instead, she was met with the smiles and support of her friends. They weren't disappointed in her. They were proud of how far she had come, of the effort she had put in.

The boat touched the shore, and Gwen stepped off, her legs trembling not from the cold, but from the overwhelming emotion. Her friends rushed to her, wrapping her in a group hug. She let the tears flow freely, crying not from sadness, but from relief and gratitude.

She looked weird at why Courtney and Harold were dressing as beavers mascots, but she didn't mind, she felt the good embrace of her friends, even as Ezekiel was yelping in pain from his back, but was nice to see him well, and without pneumonia.

Gwen felt the weight of her defeat lift as she was enveloped in the warmth of her friends. They hadn't forgotten her, hadn't judged her for not making it to the final three. Instead, they celebrated her journey and welcomed her back with open arms. The banner fluttered in the wind, a testament to their unwavering support. And from the fact she lost fair and square, especially against a military elite force, they don't judge her, they celebrate the Bass to finally be happy with them.

As they led her towards the welcoming party they had set up, Gwen realized that she hadn't failed. She had done her best, and her friends recognized that. The last Bass was reunited with her team, where she truly belonged. The freezing night and the mocking waves were forgotten, replaced by the comforting presence of her friends and the warmth of their friendship.

The Killer Bass were reunited at least.

"Okay, now that we are all here. I think we deserve a photograph." Geoff commented as he placed the camera, and everyone was sitting, and making a good pose, sitting nearby each other, not caring where they were. But Gwen smiled. As she felt once again with her friends. The 12 Killer Bass smiled at the camera.

"So now you are not going to overwork yourself?" Duncan commented as Ezekiel's answer was raising a middle finger at him.

"Zeke." Courtney gasped as she glared at him, who looked sheepishly, and then glared at Duncan. "You were the one who taught you that didn't you?"

"Pff, come on, it's a good way to express himself," Duncan commented as the Pillars of Killer Bass were enjoying a good time at 3 a.m., while all the campers decided to have a good night's sleep. The pillars took a few cups of coffee to be ready to remain awake and have time for themselves to reflect. Duncan was enjoying the paradise view of the resort, while he couldn't be bothered by the thoughts he had on his mind. "I'm going to miss this place."

"Yeah, it had brought so many great moments for us," Ezekiel commented as the group shared their funny moments and even joked around on how fun it was to mess around and enjoy every corner of the playa. "So in 3 days, you will take off your Beaver Costume."

"Thank God for that, it's been annoying to pass most of the days being like that," Courtney commented as Duncan chuckled, but then gave a kiss on her cheek. Making Courtney blush.

"You know what? I had my fun enough, you can take off now if you want." Duncan commented that Courtney never thought she would be so happy with her boyfriend being so merciful at her, and she was so glad that she had her swimsuit under her costume, so everything she had to do was only to take out the costume and she would enjoy better the hot tube. By kissing her boyfriend, she left both the remaining pillars by themselves alone. "So, you and Izzy."

"Nah, I wish to, but no," Ezekiel commented as he sighed which made the delinquent raise his eyebrows at him. "I mean, Izzy is a great girl, and she is very fun to hang out with, and probably I pass most of my time with her just like I pass with all of you. But I have no idea how romance would work, especially after she had a traumatic event of dealing with Owen's mess up."

"Hmmm…" Duncan nodded his head, he wasn't blind, and he could see that the boy was having a good time enjoying himself with the nerd and the crazy military girl. But from hearing his opinion, it was an understanding. "Well I would say that you have a great opportunity for her in the future, since from the pact we have, you even dreamed of Izzy shaving your initials on you know where, and when we thought she had a chance with Owen he really messed up. If was me I would have taken the opportunity immediately."

"And that probably would have led you to prison and 2 girlfriends pissed off at you." Ezekiel thought to himself but decided to cough. "Well Duncan, I never had a girlfriend before, even as the time I learned so much from cartoons and movies, even I still have a bit of difficulty in writing a romance, so I'm not sure that it would lead to good things. And I'm not cool like you, or beautiful like Justin, I'm just me… And maybe I may regret not trying it sooner, but I just want to give solid steps, and be sure that she may like me."

Duncan remained quiet, knowing that the boy just got a big fat cheque for selling his books, and he was still trying to look humble in front of him.

"You know Zeke, you just sold 50 thousand books, and then have 2 other awesome books ready to sell out. For me you are awesome. And if that crazy girl didn't see how awesome you are. Then she is way crazier than we expected." Duncan commented as he even messed up the brown hair of the boy who just pouted but smiled at him.

"Thanks, Duncan. For real." Ezekiel commented as the duo watched Courtney appearing with her usual grey swimsuit, and enjoying a great experience of being reunited with the two pillars. "You know, that's a break that I never thought I would ever have. And I'm just glad that we ended up on the way we ended. We shouldn't be ashamed of what happened."

"Pff of course not, you are getting rich, I'm free from Juvie, Courtney was not such a prick." Duncan joked as he got a punch from his girlfriend and flinching in pain. "Oh come on, that's true."

"Har, har, har," Courtney commented, as Ezekiel looked at the stars in the sky… Never once realizing how different things were. From seeing the Killer Bass of the cannon world because a divided and cruel team with each other, this time becoming a group of friends so united, that it had nothing to complain about each other.

Ezekiel felt something inside of him like a person crying, but instead of sadness, it was like a happy cry, for how things were different. And Ezekiel felt that he made it work, everything worked fine in the end.

(Camp Wawanakwa)

Chris strolled back to his trailer, a grin plastered across his face. Hosting the reward show had been a blast, and he relished the thought of a day off from the chaos of Total Drama Island. Leaving Chef in charge for one episode had seemed like a brilliant idea, the perfect way to ensure a low-key, stress-free break.

As he stepped inside his trailer, the familiar surroundings welcomed him. He kicked back, savoring the tranquility, completely unaware of the storm brewing. The sudden ring of his telephone shattered the silence, and Chris answered it with a relaxed, carefree tone.

"Hello, Chris here, what can my awesome life can help you?" Chris asked as he chuckled to himself, he already gave a presentation award, and probably he would get another giant bonus check for all his hard work on the show…

"…" However, the voice on the other end immediately wiped the smile from his face. The producers were calling with unexpected news…

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN CHEF'S EPISODE SKYROCKETED TO THE TOP OF THE RATINGS," Chris shouted as he didn't believe on what just happened, and then he felt his entire face pales. "It became the number one episode of the show?"


"That's impossible, I just said for him to do whatever he wants… wait, what do you mean a military elite squad? What, is predator and hunting experience? Traps challenge and a time bomb made of ink? Okay I have to confess that it was a surprise and looks awesome. Wait what prize he offered? There was even a prize?" Chris palled from the conversation of the producers, and how they were so happy to even decide to give an extra pay-cheque to Chef, which made Chris' eyes twitch... "Wait, you want more of him at the bonfire ceremony? Why? He did what?..."

Chris's complexion turned ashen as the producers continued, their enthusiasm palpable. They raved about Chef's performance, detailing how the military games had captivated the audience and exceeded all expectations. Chris listened in stunned silence, his mind racing.

The producers were so impressed they were even considering having Chef host more episodes. Chris felt a knot form in his stomach. The idea of Chef stealing the spotlight, of the viewers loving the harsh military challenges, left him feeling uncharacteristically intimidated.

As he hung up the phone, Chris's mind swirled with a mixture of disbelief and anxiety. What had Chef done to make the viewers love the episode so much? He realized he might have underestimated Chef, and now he had to face the consequences of his seemingly harmless decision.

"I need to step up my game," Chris commented, as he took about his notebook and looked at the ideas he had for the episodes, and he had one paper saying which would be his salvation. The triple-dog-dare you, it would be the best episode he planned for so long, he just hoped the campers would have a lot of revenge on the campers. And not being stupid and trying to take on easy on them…

Ezekiel blinked, at the time he got the telephone in his hands, the same telephone where a familiar voice appeared once again.

"Chris, can you repeat again?" Ezekiel asked as he made sure to sound legit, as he could hear the host's voice once again talking to him.

"The next challenge will be about you the former contestants challenging the top 3 into doing whatever you guys want, and doesn't matter if it hurts, or if is nasty and would make people vomit, or even being humiliating, I want you all to be creative to make something that would make the best episode ever which is called I triple-dog-dare you. Which you will all challenge 1 contestant on the wheel to do it." Chris explained once again, as some of his friends saw Ezekiel talking on the telephone once again. And Ezekiel discovered the episode was about to happen…

"That sounds cool Chris, but…" Ezekiel hesitated, and he could hear the sound of the host humming in disappointment. "I think I can make it even better for you…"

"… What do you mean?" Chris asked as Ezekiel gave a small glance on the outside, and saw that nobody from the Killer Bass was more on the show, and since Izzy's plan worked and there was only Screaming Gophers?

"How about this…"




"That was by far one of the cruelest things I ever heard about a challenge." Chris commented as Ezekiel smirked, "I'm going to write it down and make it work right away, oh I can imagine this episode being the best one ever… You once again surprised me, Ezekiel. Can you tell the Killer Bass about that?"

"Oh… I will tell them right away Chris… Now, don't worry, everyone will have the dares ready for you." Ezekiel said as he finished the call… And slowly Ezekiel walked towards the pool, where all the campers saw the boy leaving the main room where the telephone was.

"Hey Zeke, what was that about? Did Chris ask to do something?" Geoff asked, but then he got his eyebrows raised, as Ezekiel was trembling. "Are you okay?"

"Hehehe…" Ezekiel was trying to contain his laugh, but then something snapped inside of him. "AH HA HA, AH HA HA HA HA. AH HA HA, AH HA HA HA HA. AH HA HA, AH HA HA HA HA."

Mandark laugh (

Some of the campers looked at his friend weirdly, and nobody other than Ezekiel knew that he was making Mandark's signature evil laugh. Which for the future contestants had no idea about what was going to happen.




"Wait, what did you say?" Bridgette looked terrified, in the same way, the Killer Bass campers palled from what Ezekiel had just said.

"The time of revenge has come" Ezekiel smirked, as the Killer Bass never thought to hear what he just said. "Screaming Gophers got on the final 3, and made it for the next challenge. We need to make them have dares and to be fair with everyone, to show they can deal with everything we are going to throw at them. So I want you all to have 3 ideas of dares, whatever disgusting would be, hurting, humiliating. I want you all to write it down for you. Katie and Sadie, I know you think twice in the same way, so both of you write 6 ideas since 3 will belong to each other…"

"Just that? We are going to challenge them to do it on live television?" Courtney asked as she was still trying to understand the rules. But then Ezekiel gave a smirk.

"Actually no… We are going to help each other to make it even worse." Ezekiel smiled as Tyler palled.

"Dude, my girlfriend is on there," Tyler said as he was feeling terrified.

"So that's why your challenges must be focused on physical and painful challenges which should be fair for everyone. Guys, we have to make these challenges fair. Because Owen is a machine who can eat anything disgusting. So I have a plan… We are going to work together and see who will break Owen first, and the person who managed to make Owen cry, vomit, and break down will win 1 thousand dollars. I'm paying." Ezekiel said so eagerly which made his friends look at him like he was a monster. But then Ezekiel just smiled at them. "Guys, don't you guys understand?"

"Understand what?" Duncan asked in disbelief, as DJ and Harold looked terrified at his homeschooled friend.

"There isn't a Killer Bass on there. So it means that we cannot hold back." Ezekiel commented as the group raised his eyebrows. "Anyone from the other team will try to make things easier for their friends, but we… as a team, we lost because of them. This whole team, we did our best, we humiliated ourselves, we hurt ourselves, but for sheer lack of luck, everyone from us lost… So why not have just this little petty revenge on them? Showing that even was far away, we could make the Gophers Scream?"




"You know what? I'm with Ezekiel on this one." Eva commented as she narrowed her eyes. "I'm tired of seeing Owen eating a lot of that food, and never doing an exercises. I'm going to make him sweat so much that I want him crying for his momma."

"That's the spirit Eva, let's make the whole top 3 suffer, and play things fairly. So that's why we are going to make it fair for the trio… all three are going to suffer in our hands, fairly and square. It will not be on the resistance from us. But it will be by sheer will." Ezekiel commented as the Killer Bass looked at each other, and even Tyler felt hesitant, but from the point of view of his friends…

"Yeah, you are right. I have faith in Lindsay that she will hold on very nicely. So let's take them down as a whole." Tyler commented as the whole Killer Bass smirked. "But not dirty pancakes."

Which Ezekiel froze, and then nodded his head.

"I agreed, we are not going to replicate the terrible challenges before. We are going to make it more fair but still disgusting." Duncan commented as he shivered into imagining how terrible was to eat such food. And he was happy to never deal with such a shit.

"I don't want to be so cruel," DJ commented as Ezekiel smirked, which made him sweat.

"Don't worry DJ. Remember that there is a way from a cook which would make the people suffer in an equal way." That comment made DJ think about it, and then an idea appeared in his mind.

"Momma once told me about one thing that I should never try in the kitchen… Because it was for my safety, and I had fear of even touching it… But I'm so curious about what would be the reaction of that…" DJ commented as he felt curious, a kid part of him always wanted to give that challenge.

"So we are going to do it?" Harold asked as everyone nodded their heads.

"Yeah, everyone bring your top 3 challenges that are going to make their lives hell, and let's debate on how to make it even worse," Ezekiel commented…

Poor Screaming Gophers, they had no idea how much suffering they were going to have on the next challenge.

Who knew Izzy's plan would backfire so much on the remaining top 3? But that's how Ezekiel predicted… and nobody could save them now.


Chapter Text

 “Last time on Total Drama Island…” Chris returned to the show and was ready to do a recap of everything that happened there. “Yours trully off MC’ing a swanky awards show. So Chef took over as host...ugh...And man, was he brutal to the campers. Not only he make the campers suffer the terrible challenge of the military psychos, but also brought his former squad, which they were nobody other than Izzy’s family, oh boy, I wish it wouldn’t have been my parents to embarrass me like that, but like I always say, do everything for the ratings.

Chris showed the scenes of Izzy’s parents enjoying their time on the show and even scaring some of the campers.

The campers had to suffer being hunted down, and luckily Owen didn’t have to deal with the parents of the crazy girl he cowardly pushed into the direction of a ‘serial killer’. Heather once again proved her skills in adaptation to the circumstances happening on the challenges, and came up with a strategy which in the end led her to not only get the immunity but also receive a neat PDA or whatever the military calls that.” Chris commented as he shrugged and showed the highlight moments of the last challenge. “And in the end, the Gothic Gwen had to leave the show because Chef called out all the flaws from the challenge, and by lack of will, Gwen had to take her stuff and took the Walk of Shame, leaving three glutton-for-punishment campers heading into our most exciting challenge yet! Don’t believe me? Then I triple dog dare you to watch this episode of TOTAL DRAMA ISLAND!

The morning once again appeared on the camp Wawanakwa, as the moment that some of the campers always waited for came, since it took weeks to finally reach a point that surprised everyone. The final 3. Days of pure torture, humiliation, disgusting time living on that terrible island, finally just for more 4 days or less, and then it’s over.      

The 100 thousand grand is almost theirs.

“Campers! Welcome to the Semi-Finals!” Chris’ voice boomed through the loudspeakers at to start of this day, which the host knew was certainly gonna be an episode to remember. “Today, we reward our challengers with an all-you-can-eat pancake breakfast. That’s right, genuine food bi-products served with fresh ingredients relatively close to their expiration dates.”      

While the remaining 3 listened from their cabins to the announcements, Chef was preparing some of the pancakes to cheer up the final 3, while deep inside of him he had to roll his eyes, since the campers could have enjoyed still more grudge to make sure they would remain sharp on the show. When one of the pancakes he launched got stuck on the ceiling, he scrapped off with a shovel, and nobody other than the cameras could see the products of pancakes appearing directly on the plate.      

(Confession – Heather)

Heather was using her Heathermmunicator to distract herself from the camera, while she knew she would use it as a good way to make sure to say something about the final three.

“Whatever. I knew I’d make it to the end. Big shocker.” Heather knew without a doubt she’d be the one who would go until the final three, but she couldn’t also confess something from her point of view. “I’m just glad that I managed to bring Lindsay with me, and I felt like a huge burden had been off my back, maybe I should stop making promises. Because it had been one of the hardest things I ever did on the show. But I’m glad that Lindsay is also my right hand to reach this point… Also, thanks Beth, we did it. We got to the final 3, and with your help, we took down all the fish heads.”      

Heather commented as she gave a slight look until something crossed her eyes.      

“Who the hell is Codylover? And what the *beep* is Moose love?” Heather raised her eyebrows and decided to click something.      

(Confession – Lindsay.)

“WE DID IT, WE ARE ON THE FINAL 3 BETH,” Lindsay said as she was clapping in joy from the inside of the confession, it turns out that she forgot that she was still using the bathroom, a little part of her panties were showing since she was very distracted. And then it came to a conclusion which made the blonde girl nervous. “And now… since Heather said that we could be in the final three. I think that would mean that I wouldn’t have to depend much on her. I mean, she is one of the best friends that I ever made, and I think this time she would want to win with everything she had.”

Lindsay commented sad, as she could understand the point of her best friend, they reached the point they wanted. And now things would remain on the extreme since Lindsay would depend on herself now to go to the next phase. Suddenly Lindsay looked to her left, and then to her right.

“Yeah, you are right… I reached this far because I did my best, so I just need to remember everything I learned from this show, especially of what I learned from Heather and Izzy… I don’t need to only win, I just need to survive to the final 2, and then I do my best to win the show… I need to make someone lose, but who?” Lindsay commented as she wondered loudly. As nobody could see Lindsay had been talking with her shoulders Angel and Devil to give her the support she would need.

(Confession – Owen)

“I wanted to believe it! I dreamt it could be true! And now the day is finally here! ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT-PANCAKES YESSSS!” Owen screamed excited as the show finally reached a thing that he always dreamed of, he showed his true colors himself, that he didn’t care much about the fact he was on the final 3, but he took priorities of having all the pancakes he could eat.

(Main Lodge)

“We’re getting Pancakes! We’re getting pancakes!” Owen sang as Lindsay calmly passed at the Chef to receive her portion of sweat breakfast, and while she was happy to have something good to eat in the morning, she was for the most part with a serious face trying to think about how to survive and the most difficult task… who should lose on the day’s challenge for make her to go to the finals. Heather on the other hand was glaring hatefully as she was ready to kill someone in an instant. Which Chef raised his eyebrow at her, but ignored, her since he had 2 friends who were far scarier than the queen bee, and placed the pancakes for the queen bee to eat. And then coming in the direction of the Chef, Owen with a happy smile on his face. “Ooh. Don’t be shy dude. Four Words. All You Can Eat. You got the pancakes, I got the…”

Chef got annoyed and took one of the pancakes and shoved it on his face.      

“Shut up,” Chef said as he rolled his eyes. And saw Owen eating the pancake which was already on his face. “Ugh… I think I’m starting to regret having gone easy on you. Maybe I should have allowed Shego to do the challenge with you.”      

And at that moment the fat boy shut his mouth… But the stomach grumbled as begging for more food. Which Chef glared, until he gave in.      

“Fine, take all, everything,” Chef grumbled as Owen cheered and made a giant pile of food for himself, while Chef smirked to himself on the inside. “Let’s see if you can hold up everything at the end of the day.”       

Heather and Lindsay glanced at Owen but resumed their breakfast. 

Cadets MacArthur and Sanders got on the Main Lodge just to greet themselves with the breakfast, a nice mug of coffee and pancakes, even as they were caught on seeing the campers eating whatever terrible food the show served to them, they at least had good food while enjoying the campers suffering with the challenge. 

"Well these weeks have been very interesting, isn't that right partner?" MacArthur asked as Sanders nodded her head at her friend. "I have to say that it had been fun seeing these prickies suffering a bit."

"Well we also got caught on the line of fire sometimes, but I have to say that this had been fun, in a weird way." Sanders nodded her head. "At least we can return to the police academy and tell all the craziness we caught on the show. We just need to be here for more one week at least and we are going to return to the academy;"

"Yeah, but from what I gathered today's challenge is going to be awesome, and I can't wait to see it you lose the bet," MacArthur smirked and the black security guard rolled her eyes. 

"Ha ha ha, don't even try, this money had my name on it," Sanders replied as both cadets went to resume their breakfast.

(Confession – Lindsay.)

“That’s it… I don’t need to win. I just need to make sure Owen loses.” Lindsay snapped her fingers, and then her entire face paled. “Oh no… How can I do that? Owen is sweaty but he is like a trash can, nothing can bring him down.”      

(Confession – Heather)

“I DON’T KNOW WHO THE *BEEP* YOU ARE, BUT I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THAT DISGUSTING NERD, AND HE WAS A PERVERT WHO TOUCHED MY BREASTS WITHOUT MY CONSENT, HOW A *BEEP* MOOSE IS THE REASON OF WHY I WOULD FALL IN LOVE WITH THAT NERD IF THAT *BEEP* ANIMAL WAS THE ONE WHO CAUSED EVERYTHING,” Heather shouted as a good part of the confession both was trashed, like the toilet seat, and was glaring hatefully to the camera. “Hey fans of my part of the show, do not believe in these stupid lies over this five-rate forum, since it was obviously a lie since the person who wrote it was named CodyLover as a nickname, come on, that wimp has a boyfriend already, and while I like you having a huge debate with the person who probably is Leshawna, yeah Leshawna I know it’s you. But you gotta do a better defense than that, come on, help me out here. It’s your boyfriend’s name and mine who are being in the mud for these lies.”

Then Heather gave a deep sigh and tried to focus on the game.      

“Okay, maybe I should take a break from this. I will make it clear once I get my paycheck from this show. Since I’m only against my naive best friend and fatty ginormous. I think we all know who’s gonna win.”       

(Confession – Owen)

“Pancakes, pancakes, pancakes!” Owen sang happily while ignoring the part of the trashed set since Heather vented up from the time she looked on the internet.      

(Confession – Heather)

“When I win, I’m thinking of my own spin-off series. The World According to Heather, featuring Lindsay and Beth as we debate all the atrocities we suffered across the show. And with luck showing how is to be done in television.” Heather commented as she placed the makeup on herself to look presentable on the show, while she emphasized demonstrating how she cared about her friends.      

(Confession – Lindsay)

“If I win the 100 thousand dollars, I think my mommy and daddy are going to make a huge party in the neighborhood where I can invite Heather and Beth, and we could even go to the mall and spend a lot together… Which is fine since that would be what I would spend on the entire year, but it’s still good to make sure we would have fun together.” Lindsay commented as she thought about how she would enjoy spending the money with her friends. “Especially my daddy would be proud of me saying that I would enjoy much more expending my own money which I worked hard to get… I hope he is right.”      

(Confession – Owen)

“I’d never win. But if I did, I’d start every day with pancakes!” Owen commented that he didn’t believe much in himself, but he was having a great time living the dream, while he was very hyped for the show. But still enjoying to tell on the confession on how much he loves pancakes. “’Cause they’re like mini sunshines filled with yummy fun.”      

(Confession – Heather)

“Sure, eight weeks with these losers is cause for insanity, but thankfully me and Lindsay managed to pull out together and didn’t lose our minds… well, I think Lindsay still has a little part sane, sorry to say that Lindsay, but I saw you talking to yourself a bit and it’s start’s worrying me. Maybe this show is making us lose our minds.” Heather commented as she pointed out a good point as she looked at the camera. But also a sadistic part appeared on her face while she still wanted to trash talk, someone. “And Greenpeace can bag and tag Owen as the hazardous waste that he is.”

(Confession – Lindsay)

“These 8 weeks had been kinda difficult for us. Isn’t that right?” Lindsay commented as she looked at her shoulders, proving a point made by the queen bee, since the girl still uses the shoulder consciences as her guide, but still looked determined to win the game. “I never thought I would be happy sometimes, angry other times, would make people laugh, cry, and even get mad at me or even scared at me. But I think I learned a lot by going on this show. But I swear I would pay a lot of money to have my beauty products back and have a spa session because my skin is getting dry and I’m afraid this will be forever.”      

(Confession – Owen)

“But all the all-you-can-eat pancakes in the world wouldn’t be special without friends to share with them,” Owen commented as he lamented the fact that he felt lonely on the show, especially since he always valued friends more than money, so it was getting hard to remain on the game. But luckily he was going to win the show.

(Confession – Heather)

“Sure, Owen’s dumb luck has won a few challenges,” Heather commented as she still was using her makeup, but then she took her Heathermmunicator and decided to open the forum. “but it’s his ability not to be disgusted by anything edible that worries me. Here look at this, there is a forum page of everything disgusting Owen ever ate on the whole show. Did you see that? This is a shoe… A SHOE.”      

Heather showed the picture of Owen on the forum of Total Drama Island where it shows Owen eating MacArthur’s shoe, while she wanted to punch the fat boy in the face.

(Confession – Owen)

“You ever notice how much a toilet seat looks like a pancake?” Owen looked intently at the dropped toilet seat where Heather let it loose from her trashing on the confession, and he gave a maniac look on the camera in a way that people could guess what the big guy was planning to do. He laughed a bit as he seemed to be joking, but on the next second, he started licking the toilet seat.      

(Confession – Heather)

“And Lazy! Ugh, Sloths could take a cue from Slowen! Did you know the cadets had to use 2 Tasers to get his ass off from sleeping on their cabins? I think the sin of Sloth would take vacations and leave Owen in its place.” Heather said as she shook her head in disgust. While proving another point on the terrible way she viewed Owen on the show.

(Confession – Owen)

Owen seemed to be enjoying the bite of the toilet seat that he gave on the confession, while he chuckled as he looked at the camera.

“I should probably spit this out… Zzzzzzzzz” He didn’t even pass a next second as he started snoring in the middle of the confession, while the camera went off.

(Confession – Heather)

“At least I know about Lindsay, and as I spent most of my time with her, I know that she had very athletic abilities, and managed to win challenges by herself. I will not underestimate her for being very athletic, and also looking at the forum, I discovered Lindsay has still some struggles with her intelligence, and she is always naive and gullible, she sometimes by luck or by her own logic that I will never understand, she would nail in the head of whatever topic that she would find interesting. How she does that, I don’t know.” Heather explained as she gave a good view of how much she and her best friend worked together during the whole show. The good times and even the bad times, but now she had one tool that would also give a good advantage for herself. “But at least on this forum, I could see also a highlight on how she and the goth talked about Indiana Jones, never was a fan of that archaeologist movie, but from the comments I heard on how she destroyed the dreams and their faith on the fandom it brings me joy and pride on how people are trying to convince themselves there is going to be a movie coming up which will save their own pity lives of the movie being great again… Come on, grow up, it’s just a movie. Pfff...”      

(Confession – Lindsay)

“I’m really in big trouble because Heather is the smartest and the strongest of the show,” Lindsay commented as she looked worried. “Every time that we would have a problem I knew Heather would also find a way to help it out, she was like always had a plan B for everything happening around, and I don’t have that. Izzy told me that Heather’s greatest skill was that she could adapt to everything around her and she would use everything and anything to her favor. And Owen while he is a sweaty guy, I think I never saw him vomit after eating anything much more disgusting than bull testicles, if is a food challenge again, I don’t think my stomach could take it.”

Lindsay gulped, as she looked wary at the camera.      

“From this challenge, I need to take down Owen, because Heather is my best friend, but also I have no idea how to defeat her in a top 3 challenge, and I think I should trust in myself,” Lindsay commented determined.      


The amphitheater was dimly lit, the shadows of the surrounding forest creating an eerie atmosphere. The top three campers, Heather, Owen, and Lindsay, stood nervously on the stage, unsure of what to expect next. Chris, ever the showman, strutted onto the stage with a mischievous grin. Behind him, there was Chef who was wearing his usual cook outfit, and nearby them there was not just one, but two cadets who were wearing pink dresses as prize girls.

“I hate my contract,” MacArthur commented angrily as she was feeling now the terrible consequences of signing a contract without reading.

“Well, it’s just for a few days partner,” Sanders commented as she didn’t mind much wearing the outfit, but it was kind of humiliating as they were cadets before, and now by being part of the show they had to wear it whenever outfit which would be going for them. “And thankfully we aren’t going to be dealing with the terrible *beep* that’s going to happen.”

“Yeah, you tell, partner.” MacArthur agreed as the duo of cadets looked at Chris who was with a big smile on his face.     

"Campers, welcome to the semifinals. We ran out of insane ways of torturing you, so... we asked the ousted campers for ideas." Chris paused, letting the suspense build. Chris gestured dramatically towards two large wheels on either side of the stage."Turns out they had a lot. They provided us with the sickest, most twisted, and insane dares imaginable in TDI's version of... Spin the Bottle!"     

"What is this, five grade? Why don't we just do seven minutes of heaven in a skanky basement closet?" Heather, arms crossed and eyebrow raised, glanced skeptically at the wheels. Her voice dripped with sarcasm.

"Yeah! Good call! Let's do it!"Owen, ever the eager participant, perked up at Heather's suggestion. His enthusiasm was quickly cut short as Heather slapped the back of his head. "Ow!"

Chris chuckled, clearly enjoying the scene happening as he decided to explain the rules.     

"Each player will take turns spinning the bottle from the Screaming Gophers' side. The camper you land on determines the dare you'll perform. You can take the dare yourself and win a get-out-of-dare-freebie or inflict the dare on a fellow camper in hopes of booting them out."

"And if we refuse to do the dare?" Heather smirked as she leaned forward. Her voice tinged with suspicion and smugness.

"Oh. Not a good option. Anyone who chickens out on the Screaming Gophers' wheel will be sent directly to the Dock of Shame, board the Boat of Losers. Do not go to the bonfire. Do not collect marshmallow. And do not get to win $100,000."Chris's grin widened. As he presented the canoe which went down with all the money and nearby there were the two cadets who were faking a smile to bring attention to the money.

"Err... and what about the other wheel?" Lindsay, biting her lip in confusion, raised her hand timidly.     

"Hehehe, and that's where the fun will start. After each one of you finishes one turn, there will be my spin, which will make it spin on the Killer Bass dares.” Chris's eyes gleamed with anticipation. He decided to give a drop bomb to the campers. “Differently from the Screaming Gophers, all of you will have to do it. By saying 'have to,' I mean we will even force you to do it. By finishing this dare, you will win three get-out-of-dare-freebies. And before you ask, the only way for you to avoid the Killer Bass challenges is by passing four get-out-of-dare-freebies in exchange."

"So you're saying that if we chicken out on the Screaming Gophers' wheel, we would get eliminated, but if it's the Killer Bass, then we are forced to do it anyway?"Heather's skepticism returned in full force. Her tone was sharp, challenging Chris to explain further.

"That's right. The only way to free yourself from the Killer Bass challenges is to pass four get-out-of-dare-freebies or immediately give up and chicken out on the Screaming Gophers' challenges." Chris nodded, the smirk never leaving his face. As he pointed out the resume of the challenges.

The campers exchanged nervous glances, the gravity of the challenge sinking in. The amphitheater seemed to grow colder, the weight of the impending dares pressing down on them. The stage was set, and the game was about to begin.

And then Chris decided to start the challenge.

“Okay. Who’s ready to humiliate themselves first?” Chris asked in excitement, however, instead of anyone saying something, Heather looked away, Owen tried to look at both girls, and Lindsay was too scared to do anything… And at the ten seconds, nobody moved, and while many would say Chris would be annoyed, it was the contrary. “Ohhhh, so nobody wants to go first? Then that mean everyone wants to start with the Killer Bass challenge? Okay.”

And that was the trigger that made the top 3 stares in fear.     

“NO!” The trio shouted but it was too late.     

“Spinning the Killer Bass Bottle.” Chris ignored their chants, as the trio looked fearfully at the bottle spinning on the wheel. The sound of the funny music happening around tried to make things less tense until the tip of the bottle showed a picture of Gwen. “Gwen… ohhhh, that’s going to be fun. You three have to watch the most disgusting Brazillian production made on the internet until this day, it’s called 2 Girls and One Cup.”

“2 girls and one cup?” Heather raised her eyebrows looking unamused. “Pff, what would possibly be the reason for a cup being that terrible?”

(Confession – Chris.)

“Okay. So here’s the deal. Chef and I have a little side bet going this time. Whoever pukes first has to puny up a hundred bucks. And funny enough, the cadets decided to be part of it. So the person who loses had to pay up the winner.” Chris said excited as he had a chance to win 300 dollars easily. "And starting with one video which I had no idea about it was until yesterday? Man, I know these campers will suffer a lot. Me and Chef already vomited a lot yesterday, so let's see who can hold on better today, the cadets had no chance, hehehe more money for me." 

“To make sure the cameraman crew won’t show this video on television, we are pointing up the television for you three, and you have to watch, while we are right here,” Chris said as he was behind the television, and the cadets and Chef nodded their heads. “So at the time I press play, you 3 can will watch, while the public will be safe from this.”

“Pff, whatever,” Heather commented as Lindsay looked hesitant.     

“Bring it on Chris,” Owen said happily as Chris decided to press play on the television.     

The slight elevator and suave music happened while Heather decided to comment.

“Okay, they’re lesbians clearly.” Heather narrated as she looked bored, and Owen and Lindsay started to blush. And then on the next second Heather raises her eyebrows but still looks bored. “I don’t know, this is looking tame so… wait…” Heather’s eyes went wide open, while Lindsay had the shock on her face, in the same way Owen was surprised as well. “WAIT.”     

Chris, Chef started to chuckle, while the cadets raised their eyebrows in curiosity.

“Wha wha wah what?” Heather said as she started to look horrified, Lindsay started to pale, and Owen had his mouth open slowly in shock. Heather was still looking in disbelief. “Noo, noooo. Ah… AHHHH.”

“Ahh, AHHHHHHH.”Lindsay shouted in disgust as she tried to close her eyes, but she couldn’t. “I CAN’T LOOK AWAY, I CAN’T LOOK AWAY.”     

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU?” Heather shouted as Chris and Chef were laughing hard because they weren’t the poor souls to be tortured by such things. “OH MY GOD.”

“OH MY GOD. *BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP*” Lindsay shouted as she was terrified of seeing things that she shouldn’t see.     

“I’m never going to be able to eat ice cream again. OH MY GOD.” Heather said that she was getting traumatized, and then she was with the desire to vomit, but she was holding it with both her hands.     

Lindsay didn’t have the same luck, as she immediately vomited on the floor, while Owen still remained in his position, staring at it like a statue.     

And then when it came to the final scene, Heather tried her best to gulp her own vomit. While Lindsay was releasing a few tears from how much she vomited at that moment.  

Thankfully that moment was over, and Chris was happy to give 3 get-out-of-dare-freebies for each.

“And that’s how to start a good solid challenge. Now Owen, you’re the first, come here to spin your own team’s wheel.” Chris smiled as Owen remained in his position. “Owen, hello?”

“Owen?” Lindsay touched the big guy, but like a statue he fainted in a paused position, traumatized from the event, but somehow with still a blush on his face.     

“Leave to me, girl.” Cadet Sanders commented as she took a bucket of cold water and splashed at the face of the big guy. 


“Wha.What what?” Owen with his face covered in the cold water, looked at the host of the show looking amused at him. “Hey, Chris.”

“Owen, it’s your time for spinning the Screaming Gopher’s wheel… You know, the challenge.” Chris commented as the fat boy blinked until he realized they were in the middle of the challenge.

“Oh yeah,” Owen said sheepishly as the fat boy decided to go at the Screaming Gopher’s wheel and decided to spin it. While the music in the background lets not just him but the other campers, they have no idea if their team was as merciless as the Killer Bass. And the fat boy feared what would happen to him.     

Until the tip of the bottle reached Cody the group was a bit wary of what would be his challenge.     

“Your challenge is… Drop a tray of ice into your undies and let them melt.” Chris smirked as Owen realized what would mean, while Heather and Lindsay raised their eyebrows. “You can perform the dare yourself, or dare one of your competitors to do it. Hehehehe. Either way, someone’s placing the ice on their underwear in the next minute.”

Owen palled as he looked down at his little friend, and then decided to look at each of the girls.     

“Sorry girls, but I cannot do it. I dare Lindsay to do it.” Owen said with a slight guilt, as Chris smiled and Lindsay looked a bit of fear.

The blonde girl watched both cadets appear with buckets of ice, which the poor girl had no idea what to do until she looked at Heather who nodded her head, and with a sigh, the blonde girl decided to place a good hand on it and leave on her underwear.     

“Now that’s one cool chick with a frosty tude. Chillin’ by the cold will and ready to be a nIce competitor.”  Chris gave ice puns while Lindsay trembled on her place, while she was even grinding her teeth.     

“Ca ca can I I return now?” Lindsay stuttered from the coldness as she practically begged for the time to go to her place, but Chris shook his head.     

“Nah, it’s your turn to spin the bottle now.” Chris gave the order, and Lindsay quickly went to the wheel and spun she wanted so much to know what the challenge would be, so she waited for a few seconds while she felt a bit of resentment towards Owen who made her place ice under her undies, and when then when it came with a picture of Justin, Chris decided to give a look on the papers. “Alright Lindsay, the challenge would be… Swim in an inflatable pool of leeches.”

Lindsay and Heather had their eyes wide open, while Owen gulped, and Lindsay looked sadly at the big guy, who just nodded his head.     

“I want Owen to take the dare,” Lindsay commented as Owen saw the cadets bringing the quantity of the leaches which terrified him.     

“Owen if you want, you can use the get-out-of-dare-freebies,” Chris commented as the fat boy, looked at the quantity of leaches, and from their intimidation, it was very tempting, but he already was on the game, and since he was big, he knew he could do it.     

“Nah, I’m fine. I can take it.” Owen commented, as on the next minute. The pool was ready, and Owen showed that he could take it. “Here I gooo.. OH GOD, THE PAIN, GOD WHY, WHY? OUCH OUCH, THAT’S SMARTS, OH GOD WHY? AHHHHHHHHH.”

He stayed in the pool for 1-minute swimming, until the time was over, and he immediately jumped away from the pool, while the cadets and Chef launched the salt and water to make all the leaches go to the floor, while both Lindsay and Heather gulped into seeing how terrifying a challenge like that would be.     

“Alright, while Owen is recovering himself, from being dizzy, Heather it’s your turn,” Chris commented as the queen bee was in front of the wheel. “Now, do it your challenge.”

Heather gulped, as she showed it was her turn, and decided to spin the wheel. And at that time the wheel was spinning, and from the look of wary, she wasn’t sure what would be the terrible challenges she would suffer.     

Until it came to the photo of the guitarist Trent.

“Alright, the challenge is… Eat hard-boiled eggs while lying down.” Chris commented as Heather raised her eyebrow.     

“Wow, that’s kinda easy.” Heather raised her eyebrows and then she narrowed her eyes. “Did you say that if I take the challenge by myself, I will get one of the get-out-of-dare-freebies right?”     

Chris nodded. He could see Heather smirking.     

“Alright then. I will take the dare.” Heather was being honest, in comparison to the other challenges, this one was kinda of tame.     




“Go Heather, Goooo.” Lindsay was cheering for her best friend while Heather was eating 5 hard-boiled eggs while lying down and she needed to eat more 5 to win the bottle.     

“Man, how lucky she is, I would have enjoyed eating all that,” Owen said with a bit of envy, but he was happy to see Heather having fun on the challenge.

“Keep eating bratty, this isn’t even the worst challenge yet.” MacArthur was having fun while she and her partner were placing eggs one by one. While Heather was still struggling to eat.     

After finishing eating, Heather gave a hard gulp, but gave a fake smile, as Lindsay and Owen cheered, while the cadets looked satisfied with how far Heather went. 

“Heather wins the freebie!” Chris commented as a good way to shorten the name of the bottles, and that way Heather was happy to have 4 of those freebies. While a good sense of dread was happening. “Which now it comes the Killer Bass revenge. Since you Heather have 4 you can choose to not take the challenge, Heather.”

“Can I wait what the challenge would be before I decide to use them or not?” Heather asked and Chris nodded his head, and with a smirk spun the wheel. The Killer Bass now was spinning, and when the picture of the challenge appeared, was nobody other than… Ezekiel.

“Ohhhh, Ezekiel… His challenge is… oh my God.” Chris was smirking when suddenly he felt a shiver on his spine and palled.     

“What?” Heather and the others asked as they were staring at Chris in fear.     

“You had to listen to the record of the first chapter of my audiobook I got from him,” Chris commented as Heather raised her eyebrow at him, while Lindsay and Owen looked hesitant. "And he didn't write he just dares you... he even quoted something... He said... I dare you, I triple *beeeeeeeeeep* dog dare you mother*beeep*, which I think it was a good quote he took from Pulp Fiction, man the boy wasn't kidding." 

“Is that a bad thing?” Heather asked as Chef looked at Chris who was trembling from having memories of such a terrible moment but shook his head to compose himself back together, and to quote a movie indeed made him get control back of himself again.     

“Well, never mind. Heather, your choice, use the freebie now, or take the challenge.” Chris said forcefully which made Heather could understand a slight trace of panic on him.

“I think I’m good, I can take it,” Heather commented as she scoffed. “I mean, it’s just an audiobook. What could possibly come from that.”     

“Do not, make fun of powers that you are not aware of Heather.” Chris for the first time said in a very serious tone, which the queen bee could see that Chris looking at Chef. “Bring the CD player while I will ask the interns if they have an Ear Muffler.”

“Got it,” Chef commented as the campers and even the cadets gave slight looks trying to understand.


“IS EVERYTHING READY?” Chris shouted as Chef slapped the back of his head. Making him compose himself since he had the muffler on his head already. “Ouch… Sorry, anyway. At this point, the audio will play a chapter of Ezekiel’s book, so be prepared to listen to this chapter.”

“Ohhhh, I like it when I hear a story, my daddy always did that, I’m always curious about what would this story be,” Lindsay said as Owen nodded his head.     

“Yeah, it would just be us hearing it, like a campfire story, and we wouldn’t need it to listen,” Owen commented as Heather narrowed her eyes.     

“To Ezekiel make a dare like that, it seems he wanted to go full well on us… I remember the fishheads talking about his terrifying stories. But come on, to make Chris fearing something it must be something ridiculous.” Heather rolled her eyes, while Chris looked at the poor souls in front of him.     

“For the first time on this show… I feel pity for your ignorance. May God have mercy on your souls, because this story will not. Press the play.” Chris commanded as he used the muffler, and Chef nodded his head.     

Courage the Cowardly Dog in… Freaky Fred.” Ezekiel’s voice was heard on the CD player as the campers were now caught on one of the most crazy and terrifying stories made by Ezekiel, and from the first second, it didn’t look so bad… “Hello, new friend. My name is Fred… the words you hear are in my head. And I said my name is Fred and I’ve been… very Naughtyyyyyyyyyyy…

The trio who were there listening to the story glanced at each other, not sure what to say, even as Ezekiel was rhyming at the moment he was telling the story. And from the tone of voice, the good thing wasn’t.

The story I’m about to tell, I tell you, I will tell you well, Is of my dear aunt Muriel, and just how I’ve been… naughty…” The campers now were starting to sweat, trying to understand what the hell Ezekiel was planning to make a story like that.     

“Is he for real?” Heather asked as she tried to look annoyed, but Chris was looking away, playing cards with Chef while both weren’t hearing the story. And Heather looked at the Cadets who were also intrigued by the story and had no idea they were also victims of the story just made.




The freak is a barber…” Heather and Lindsay felt their eyes shrink, as they never could imagine a person crazy like that being a hairdresser or a barber, and they felt when dealing with him, they had no idea what kind of freak Fred was, but from the farmer telling, it clearly scared Lindsay. “A freeeeeeeeeeakyyy barber, with his own freaky barbershop, with freaky things happen… freaky BARBER THINGS.”     

And it got worse from there.     

Lindsay shamelessly pissed herself, while farting so much that she knew that she would need to change the underwear… As Heather was palling so much, that she felt all the fiber of her body hair shivering, as the sound of an electric shaver buzzer.     

La la la la la la la.” And then the choir was made by everyone while the sound of the shaver was happening, which made Heather close her eyes and cover her hair.     

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.” Lindsay screamed as she was even crying in fear and despair, while Owen trembled and jumped from the stage.

The cadets were back to back, staring around everywhere.     

“We have a code black 32. CODE BLACK 32.” Sanders shouted as MacArthur was with her fists raised.     

“Freaky person with a sharp object, freaky person with a sharp object, do not let him near your hair. Beat him down, got it.” The other cadet said as the sounds were still making the campers panic…

But thankfully, at the time the story ended. With how Fred was captured, and Courage was with all his fur shaved, with just only a message left.     

With love Fred,” Ezekiel commented as he said the end of the story, and finally Chris looked at the campers and the cadets who were still fragilized from everything happening.     

“Alright. You all got 3 more freebies. So that means you can use it whenever you guys want.” Chris commented as the show continued to progress…

For the next challenge, Owen spun and it was made by Izzy, since she decided to take it easy on them and challenged Owen to do a purple nurple to a sleeping bear, needlessly to say the only bear who was still wearing a toga, and at the time Owen went there, he got trashed but still managed to catch a new freebie which makes him has 7.

Next was Lindsay and the person she got was Justin, which the challenge would be wear a chicken head and act like a chicken, Lindsay felt simply more relaxed, as she never thought it would be that easy, but since it was just too wear a chicken hat and act like a chicken with the others, she nailed it, not knowing Tyler would be freaking out on the Playa Del Losers.  

“Pff, okay, there is no way I’m going to take another challenge from those Fish heads, I’m going to take the challenge, doesn’t matter which person would take it,” Heather commented firmly, as she spun the wheel, not knowing that Karma would reach her at the time it pointed out to nobody other than Noah.

“Ohhhh,” Chris commented which made the queen bee raise her eyebrows at him. “Noah looks very vindicative… since his challenge is. Spa treatment with Poison Ivy.”

Heather had her eyes wide open, as she realized that the poison Ivy since she had tricked the bookworm and now she would be on the other side of the stick… And while she glanced at the freebies she had, she said she would already take it without thinking twice. And now she was trapped.     

“Ughhhhh, fine. Let’s finish this.” Heather said as the at the next minute. She was in the same position as Izzy when she asked herself to make the spa treatment. Chef wrapped the head of the queen bee with poison ivy and also placed 2 cucumber slices on her eyes of Heather, as she was screaming internally from all the painful burn and desire to scratch her face off.     

10 long and torturous seconds, which Chef took out and looked at the face of the queen bee had been deformed with red and a few bubbles on her face, thankfully she found a bucket of water and ice, and she placed her entire face on it.     

“Well, Heather just got her 8th freebie, and now it’s time for the Killer Bass Wheel once again,” Chris commented as it made both Owen and Lindsay flinch, while Heather wrapped up her face with a towel which took a few more minutes or possibly an hour to make her face to return back to herself. “Let’s spin this thing.”

And then the dread feeling crossed the campers as in the end the tip of the bottle came to Tyler which made everyone try to see what would be the worst coming from the jock.

“Alright, the challenge would be… Eat grape jelly out of Owen’s navel…” Lindsay and Heather felt sick on their stomachs while Owen flinched, knowing that it would be hard fo… “While flying on an airplane.” 

“WHAT?” From all people, Owen was the first one who freaked out. “I mean, eating something was always my thing, but are you sure that we need to be in an airplane?”     

“Yes, it is Owen, even if you pay for the freebies it also means that you will need to be in the airplane to make the other girls eat it from you, so that means you will need to be on the airplane whenever you want or not,” Chris commented as Owen quickly looked at Heather and Lindsay.

“Girls, can you use your freebies, and let us not take the airplane? Pleeeeease, with pancakes and marshmallows on top?” Owen asked as Lindsay would already say something but immediately Heather stopped her from saying anything.     

“And why would we do that? I mean,  why would we use our freebies to make you not fly on the airplane?” Heather decided to use her smug vibe, even as internally she was freaking out, in disgust but she saw an opportunity and she was going to take it. “What do you have for us?”

“Us?” Lindsay asked as she realized Heather winking to her best friend, and then a good relief crossed her heart. Even in the top three, the queen bee still cared for her.     

“Errr…. Ohh, Chris, can I give my remaining freebies to Heather and Lindsay?” Owen asked as Chris passed a few seconds, but then with a smirk on his face, he nodded at him. “Great, I can give mine to you as well.”

Heather was about to negotiate. But then Lindsay decided to cut her.

“Okay, we accept.” Which Heather looked at the blonde girl annoyed, but Lindsay commented in sequence. “But you need to pay 1 more for Heather, and more 4 to avoid the challenge.”

Heather blinked, as she was surprised by the fact Lindsay knew the logic behind it, and she gave a sigh of relief when Owen nodded at them in gratitude.     

While Chris rolled his eyes, he took 4 freebies from each camper, which left Heather with 7, Lindsay with her remaining 3, and Owen with 0 freebies.     

And Owen was so relieved, that Chris decided to continue the show. 

“Alright Owen, let’s go the next…” Which this time it showed Owe spinning the wheel once more and when it reached Beth’s dare. “Beth’s dare… Rechewing a wad of Harold’s gum.”     

Lindsay and Heather saw Owen looking at the glass jar which contained a big ball of chewed gum with interest, until he saw both Heather and Lindsay, he nodded his head in confidence.

“I’m owing a few freebies, so I will take the challenge,” Owen commented while Lindsay looked terrified, Heather felt a good part of herself giving a small tap on her and Lindsay’s backs, since Owen was now going to do the disgusting challenge for them, while they take his prize, and the best of all, they would have enough to survive another dare of those freaky from Killer Bass.     

“Great dude, because I hope you are ready because it’s Harold’s chewed gum,” Chris commented as Sanders looked disgusted by it, while MacArthur opened the jar and using for the big guy.

“I know. But it must be pretty special if he’s saving it.” Owen shrugged, as the cadets gave him the chewed gun, and Owen started to savor it, Heather and Lindsay in the same way the host and the crew were disgusted, but Owen made it even worse as he started to savor it and described the taste. “Mmm… Full body. A delicate fruity aroma with a hint of citrus. Hahaha, Robust, yet balanced. Ooh! And crunchy center.”

The description was enough for the camera to point at the photograph made of Harold, who was with his finger on the nose…

That was a hint that made Chef and Chris place both hands on their mouths to make themselves not vomit, MacArthur clenched her teeth trying to hold herself back together, but Cadet Sanders felt so disgusted that she went to the corner and started vomiting.     

Chris was happy to lose the bet, while they saw Owen making a bubble from the gum pops, and cheering with his victory.

And Chris placed a newbie to Owen.

“And Owen got a newbie. And a tetanus shot! If you want.” Chris commented as Owen shook his head. And gave the freebie to Heather, and now she had 8 again.     

And now it was Lindsay's time…

She spun the wheel which reached Justin, who dared to repeatedly slap herself on the face, and Lindsay looked at her friend.

“You just need one more freebie, Lindsay, that way you can survive the next Killer Bass round,” Heather explained and Lindsay nodded her head.     

And immediately started to slap herself, while leaving a terrible mark on her face, and she did it 10 times, which made her feel sore around her whole face.     

Heather was next as she reached Beth and Heather hoped that her best friend wouldn’t do anything disgusting or crazy like that.

Unfortunately… for Owen, he just offered himself to being fired out of a cannon and into a pig feces pile at point-blank range while wearing a bucket of said feces.     

(Confession – Heather)

“Okay Beth, I know that you are a good friend of mine...But what the *beep* were you thinking when you got this idea?” The queen bee said as she looked in disbelief. “I’m so glad that I wasn’t the one who got this challenge. But well, whatever.”     

“Well, now for the Killer Bass challenge.” The trio flinched as Chris spun the wheel once more. Which this time reached Duncan. “Duncan’s challenge is… pass 5 minutes inside of a box with the El Mongo and La Muerte stink bomb.”

This time Owen’s eyes went wide open, the same way Lindsay and Heather froze, from looking at Chef wearing a gas mask, while two cadets raised their eyebrows.     

“I PAY UP MINE FREEBIES.” Both Lindsay and Heather gave 4 freebies in panic, while Owen gulped… as he looked at the empty balcony, he didn’t have an escape from that.     

“Oh come on, it doesn’t smell that bad.” MacArthur opened slightly the paper bag and immediately looked inside. “HOLY*BEEEEEEEEEP* Blurgh.” And with that MacArthur vomited which made now the challenge between the host himself and the military cook of the show.

Owen looked fearful as the cadets even vomited together, since Sanders saw someone who rarely vomits like her partner do it and then having a small fraction of the terrible smell, yeah, she didn’t have a chance.     


“And the 5 minutes start now,” Chris said as he was using a gas mask as well. He was curious about how terrible the smell was, but he wasn’t an idiot to give a try since he was betting with Chef to not vomit.     

“Dear guacamole,” Owen said as he took a deep breath, and went inside of the wooden box, with the insides already covered from the stink bomb.

Lindsay and Heather shivered from having terrible memories, which they almost vomited into trying to remember the terrible and traumatic event they had weeks ago.     

The campers heard the sounds of Owen trying to get out from there, but Chef had locked the doors. Since it was a Killer Bass Challenge, he was forced to stay there.     

Then the 5 minutes were over, and Owen got out from there, as he looked devoid of life. And consequently, both Chef and Chris forgot their gas mask, and by the time the door went open, and they approached Owen, the smell coming from him was so strong, that made both Chef and Chris place both hands together on their noses, and also had almost vomiting on their hands, so they tried their best and luckily gulp down their vomits. It was only the two to make sure one or the other would lose the bet.

“And Owen got 3 more freebies,” Chris said as the freebies appeared in front of Owen, which he simply pushed to Lindsay who looked sad at the big man.     

“And now it’s your turn Owen… Let’s spin the wheel…” Chris made Owen hesitantly spin the bottle, and then the tip of the bottle went to Cody’s picture. “Alright, Eat Dog Food.”

And this time the sparkles returned to the big guy’s eyes.     

“YEAH BABY. A BREAK!” Owen cheered while both Lindsay and Heather looked at each other in concern.     

“Okay! Down, boy!” Chris commented as Chef brought the tray with dog food, which the host decided to ask. “I’m surprised after everything you passed, you think dog food was a good break for you.”

“You have no idea,” Owen commented as he was relieved and as Chris brought the tray in front of him. “My dog digs this food. Time to find out what I’ve been missing! Haha.”     

And then Chris, Chef, the same way Lindsay and Heather were surprised, even the cadets looked weirdly until Owen opened his big mouth and gave big bites on the tray, he didn’t use utensils and was eating like an animal as he was eating loudly. And with dog food covering around his mouth.     

“Meaty tasting,” Owen said, refreshed and happy.

While Chef and Chris were so disgusted, that Chris couldn’t take it anymore, and vomited on the floor. He got up and raised the quantity of money for Chef who smirked and took it from him. In the same way, the cadets vomited on the floor, and each of them gave their money to Chef, who was now happy with his victory… Until his stomach couldn’t take it anymore and made himself vomit on the floor as well.     

Lindsay and Heather also started to vomit.     

(Confession – Chris)

“Okay. That was so gross!” Chris confessed as he also started to vomit on the confession, while he felt his stomach hurt. “Is there nothing these freaks won’t do?”

Owen got freed from his debt while Lindsay gave a spin on the bottle, which was a dare of eating Kiss one of Chef’s socks in the guise of a sock puppet play of the princess and the frog. She chose Owen to be the frog while the sock puppet was the princess, which was still weird to see Owen making out with a sock, and that made Sanders vomit, while MacArthur and Lindsay clapped, Heather just rolled her eyes and clapped sarcastically.

Then it got Heather who got Noah’s challenge of Wrestling the alligator which Owen fought and got hurt from trying to survive against the reptile.

And then it came the next Killer Bass dare. Which then spun directly at Courtney… Chris palled as he got a look at the terrible challenge the top 3 were going to suffer, and from the look of the host, the trio looked afraid of what they were going to do next.

“Eat a spoon of El Mongo and La Muerte.” Chris commented as Owen’s eyes shrank, and immediately Lindsay and Heather pushed their freebies. “Well Owen, it seems is up to you again.”

“Oh no…” Owen commented as he looked at Chef who was now wearing the gas mask, and went inside the wooden cabin, and brought a metal spoon of the green radioactive color, he showed it to Owen who just gulped his saliva, and slowly went to reach the spoon, and when Owen quickly gave a bite… His entire body froze and it went into collapse.     

Owen had reached his limit.     

And like a hydrant, his body cowered and vomited so much that the group had their mouths dropped in shock. From saw everything, dog food, a pink liquid mixed with saliva, and even pancakes coming out mixed with the green vomit liquid.     

(Confession – Heather)

“HE IS NOT INVENCIBLE,” Heather cheered as then suddenly it came to a memory of what happened, and she immediately vomited on the confession. That day would be the most annoying day for the interns to clean up that mess.     

Owen was in a medical situation as he even got time on life support, Chris and Chef placed the 3 freebies for Owen and Chris immediately started to spin the bottle, which reached Leshawna.

“Walk across a tight rope holding meat above shark-infested waters,” Chris said, as Owen slowly pointed at Heather, which made her surprised to see Owen finally attacking. And she didn’t have any freebie to protect herself.

(Confession – Heather)

“Wow, that was a dick move…” Heather commented as she narrowed her eyes. But nodded her head in the next second “Respect. That would have been something I would have done. Still, he is screwed the time I get my revenge, but I respect his play on this round.”

Heather forcefully went to the rope, and she got scared, especially with the sharks jumping and trying to bite her, with all the meat that she had around her, it was terrifying, but nothing that she couldn’t manage to deal with the challenge. She suffered a lot, and thankfully she didn't use heels at that moment because it would be easy for her to fall and become shark food.  But after crossing the rope, she could be happy to relax for a while.

Lindsay was next, which made the next challenge eating a cockroach, and Owen was still feeling his stomach sensitive, so he decided to use one of the freebies which made him have only 2.

Lindsay and Heather discovered now Owen had more chance than them, so they needed to get the freebies back, but now it was the time they were afraid of...

It came to the Killer Bass challenge, in which Chris spun the wheel. This time they reached Tyler again.     

“Pass over your body the special sunscreen made by the Killer Bass,” Chris said, which Heather raised her eyebrows. When she saw Chef carrying a tray, there were 3 bottles of sunscreen and each of them had a name on it. “All you had to do is pass 2 minutes with this around your body. And then you will get the freebie.”     

“Just like that? Nothing too extreme?” Heather didn’t like what was happening, and Lindsay and Owen were also hesitant.     

“Yep, all you had to do is use this sunscreen in your body, and then you will get the freebies,” Chris commented as he tried to remain composed, and since nobody of them had freebies enough, they had to obey.

Lindsay passed the sunscreen from her bottle, the same way as Owen and Heather. And from the time they passed, it looked like sunscreen, but something was strange, it was more sticky…They were afraid to even ask…

And then Chris after passing a whole minute… Decided to open his mouth.

“Also, did any of you watch American Pie? There was one iconic scene, which the Killer Bass based this… Did you know that this sunscreen is *beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep*” And at the time Chris started to explain, Heather, Lindsay, and Owen had their eyes wide open and their mouths dropped in such disgust and terror.     

“No no no NO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.” Heather ran away from the amphitheater, while Lindsay and Owen ignored it and ran straight to the docks, where they jumped to clean up their bodies. Using rocks, sand, and even seaweed to clean up themselves.

Heather spent 20 minutes in the shower while using anything to clean up where she placed that disgusting cream, which made her vomit in the bathroom and on herself, hoping that her vomit would mask the terrible feeling of the disgusting liquid they placed on their skin.

Owen spun the bottle, and the more they did the Screaming Gophers dares, the more he felt grateful for the easier ones. However, Trent’s idea to eat rancid broccoli, made his stomach hurt, so he decided to give the dare to Lindsay who ate it, but on the next second, she vomited.  

Lindsay spun the wheel and this time went to Justin, who challenged them to make a bungee jump from the cliff of the show, and Lindsay dared Owen to be the one doing the dare. But since Owen had a fear of heights, he used his freebie, making him have 4.

Heather’s time was that she had Izzy's challenge, which this time was to get an ink time bomb exploding at her, as Heather decided to accept the dare, Owen was happy that he wasn’t the one getting an explosion on his face again. 

Heather had to be in a safety area while she had to hold the bomb and wait for the timer to turn to 0, and at the time it happened Heather was prepared with her eyes and mouth shut, which still was big enough to make her entire body covered with pink ink, which was very annoying to her.  

And now it was resumed to Heather with 4 Freebies, Lindsay with 3, and Owen with 4.

Once again was the time to spin the Killer Bass bottle. Which this time went for Harold.

“Eat a bull’s testicles, but also eat a bull’s penis. Cooked of course.” That made Heather and Lindsay’s eyes go wide open, and Owen cowered his legs while thinking about how the poor creature had to suffer this terrible outcome. “It’s a delicacy in some countries, and I’m sure that you will be enjoying a good cultural moment.”     

Heather and Owen immediately placed their freebies, while Lindsay tried to run away, but Chef already captured her, and cadet Sanders and MacArthur made Lindsay eat the terrible food. But to her surprise, it wasn’t the worst thing she ate… But still having such a food shoved on her mouth, made her gulp but also vomit on the cadets, which they also started to vomit at them.

"*BEEP*" MacArthur shouted angrily as both she and her partner looked very angry from receiving such vomit on their face. But it was enough to make Chris appear between them.     

“Alright, I think we need a commercial break from here. You all are disgusting. You all have 1 hour to refresh yourselves, take a shower, eat anything to help your stomach and be prepared for the rest of the day. Because from the look of this… We are going to take a long time of this.” Chris commented as Lindsay ran directly into the bathroom to clean up her stomach, Owen fainted and Heather looked traumatized.     

(Girl's Cabin)

“We need to think of something,” Heather commented as Lindsay was drinking all the water she could to make sure to clean up her stomach, as she was still feeling disgusted by every challenge that she had to suffer. “I have a slight feeling the Killer Bass had a pickbone with us. And I have fear of what other challenges those fish heads are going to give us.”

“I still feel icky because of the food from the last challenge… Why do you think they are doing this to us?” Lindsay said fearfully as Heather was thinking a lot…    

“The only conclusion was they were aiming to hit Owen where it hurts. Because you saw that even he has fears of what Killer Bass's challenges were. So that probably would be something that would damage not only us but the only way to hurt the fat boy as well.” Heather commented as she passed a few minutes thinking. “In comparison to them, the Screaming Gophers Challenges felt more lame.”

“Really lame.” Lindsay agreed with her best friend, which made both Lindsay and Heather suddenly remember the first episode when Beth in fear didn’t jump from the cliff. And with a good memory, both the blonde bombshell and the queen bee gave a small smile. Even as it seems their quote was exchanged. “At least we have one hour to recover ourselves.”    

“We need to plan something, Lindsay. We discovered that Owen can also be beaten, but we need to work harder.” Heather commented as Lindsay nodded her head. 

“Can we form an alliance until the next challenge?” Lindsay asked in hope, which made Heather blink… And give a reply that made Lindsay smile warmly.

“I thought we were already in one. Working together to bring the fat boy down.” Heather commented, Lindsay gave a hug to her. And while the camera showed a good smile on her face. It seems the duo of the queen bee and the blonde girl are still partners. And ready to continue the game.    


The one hour had passed, and the campers now looked a bit more hesitant towards the wheel which this time looked something different… There was only 1 wheel… and this time there were pictures of all the campers who lost. But different than most of the part… it’s that there were more pictures of the Killer Bass Campers than the Screaming Gophers… which now made things even more intimidating.

“Welcome back campers. Now that you all rested well, it’s time to make things more interesting.” Chris commented as he had an evil smirk on his face. Which this time made Lindsay, Heather, and Owen pale as Chris had a bunch of papers in his hands. “This time, it will be a combination of the wheels, and following the rules of some of the former wheels as well. You all will receive the dares done by the campers on this wheel, and to get out from these challenges, it now requires 8 freebies. But every time you finish the dares you will get 3 of them… ah ah ah. This time you can give up, but by chickening out, you will lose the challenge and with that the Dock of Shame.”  

Heather and Lindsay looked at the wheel in despair, while Owen trembled in fear and started to sweat.    

“Alright, let’s get this new phase started,” Chris commented as he once again started to spin the wheel. But this time the top 3 campers felt the despair getting into their hearts.

Lindsay was lucky that she had 6 freebies, and she would need 2 more, to be able to use it in the challenge that she wouldn’t want it.    

But for the first time, the bottle tip went in the photograph of DJ.    

“Alright, DJ’s dare is to… Eat the most fearful pepper known at Jamaica, the merciless pepper Obeah’s Soul Scorcher.” Chris commented as Chef who was nearby with both cadets got their eyes wide open in surprise. 

“HOLY*BEEEP*” Chef shouted as his reaction made the campers look at the reaction in fear, especially since both cadets even sweat it and gasped.    

“Wasn’t that kind of pepper talked about it in the pepper spray training?” MacArthur asked which Sanders commented.    

“1,444,666 in Scoville Units. And with alcohol and other chemical, it would make a strong pepper spray of the Police Academy.” Sanders replied, as the more the campers listened the worse would get inside of their hearts. “Nobody would be stupid to eat one of those in one go.”    

“Well, thanks for the input, Sanders. But we have already 3 volunteers.” Chris gave a smirk, which both Lindsay and Heather palled and got goosebumps, while Owen trembled, and gulped…    

“I was curious about what you were going to ask me to do with this pepper, but eat this pepper by itself without preparation with food and not make at least a chicken food with it? DJ’s momma is going to freak out. Hell, even I’m freaking out.” Chef said as he brought with himself wearing kitchen gloves and a kitchen tong, and on the tongs itself there it was 3 peppers on it. The cruel and the merciless Obeah’s Soul Scorcher peppers.

The pepper is a fearsome sight to behold. Its dark purple skin is smooth and glossy, but what truly sets it apart is the eerie, luminescent green glow lines that emanate from within. This glow pulses rhythmically, as if the pepper itself were alive, giving it an otherworldly appearance. The pepper is small, about the size of a golf ball, and has a twisted, almost sinister shape, with tendrils that seem to curl and reach out like the fingers of a spectral hand.

“Someone wants to chicken out?” Chris asked smugly, as the campers were too afraid to even open their mouths. “The challenge is, you had to eat this, and just wait 5 minutes before we give you the supply needed for you to have such a relief. You have no problem if you try to use anything to help you between the 5 minutes, but the only relief you will get is after 5 minutes.”

“So if we ate the pepper we still would be safe? Even if we try to drink water we still would remain on the game?” Heather asked while Chris chuckled.    

“Sure, but I won’t recommend drinking water, because it could make it even worse. But sure, it’s on you.” Chris gave a smirk Chef made sure to even give rubber gloves to each of them. “You better wear that, because you never know that you accidentally touched your face with a hand who touched this pepper.”

Lindsay sweated a lot and was about to step back. But Heather held her arm strongly.

“We got this,” Heather commented firmly, as Heather and Lindsay gave a look to Owen who started to sweat but still had a courageous smile on his face.

“Bring it on,” Owen said in excitement. Immediately the trio would soon discover something they weren’t ready for.

Wearing the gloves and making a whole bite of the Obeah’s Soul Scorcher pepper. Chris started the clock as the trio already started eating the pepper. The silence was met as soon Lindsay and Heather started to flinch in pain.    

“Oh *beep*” Heather commented as her face started to get red, while Lindsay was having a hiccup crisis, not even Owen was safe since he was also feeling his sweat getting painful across his face, and his breath was making even worse, as he felt the air was spreading the fire inside of his mouth. As Heather felt her eyes shedding tears, and Lindsay coughing while still having a hiccup.    

It was a torture for them to pass. They felt like their mouths were melting, and their throats were in closing.    

Nobody knows what the sadistic thoughts the kindest of the Killer Bass had when he asked them to do such a torturous challenge.    

A minute passed like it was an hour and 3 minutes like a whole day.    

“I hate the world,” Heather commented as her face was sweating, and breathing was like death to her. And Lindsay was lying on the floor, crying as the pain was still inside of her.    

Owen’s face was totally red, and he was in deep sweat.    

“Need. NEED WATER.” Owen said as both cadets gave a water bottle to the big guy, who thought it was a good idea. But at the time he started drinking. He felt his entire face burn and his tongue cry in pain. “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. ANYTHING, ANYTHING TO MAKE THE PAIN GO AWAY.”    

Owen jumped off the stage and went to despaired moment to see mud nearby, and with an idea on his mind, he decided to eat it.    

Chris and Chef looked a bit weirded out but shrugged as it wasn’t the worst thing they ever watched him eat it.    

“Poor little fella,” Chef commented as both cadets raised their eyebrows at him. “I will be right back.”    

When the 5 minutes of torture was done, Chris was happy to give the relief each camper deserved.    

“Alright guys, it seems that you all survived the challenge, now you all can enjoy the sweet relief.” Chris snapped his fingers, and MacArthur and Sanders brought gallons of milk which the trio desperately started to drink.    

“I also brought chocolate ice cream if you guys want,” Chef said cheerfully, and the trio had their eyes wide open, looking at the brown sugary ice dessert, being in a familiar cup from when they watched the video of the first challenge…

It wasn’t a shock they ended up vomiting the milk they had drank into each other. Even Owen which already hit the limit of his stomach.    

“This episode is the most disgusting I ever made yet.” Chris smiled as he showed a board that had Lindsay = 9, Owen = 3, and Heather = 3.    

Showing the quantities of freebies the group had, and the more challenges that it was about to happen.    

The next challenge asked by Harold was to take 10 shots of cockroaches blended together, which immediately sounded an idea so disgusting, that Lindsay immediately bailed out, while Heather and Owen had to hold themselves together and drink each shot…

Owen for a miracle didn’t vomit, but at the time he finished, he fainted, while Heather had to vomit, and then drink the shots over again… Needlessly to say she felt herself losing her mind if she kept doing that. But after finishing it she just saw a little cockroach on her vomit, and then the vomit happened all over again.   

Lindsay = 1, Owen = 6 and Heather =6.    

Thankfully for the small mercies, some of the Screaming Gophers' challenges managed to help them out, like drinking a slush so quickly to make their minds freeze, and it had been a great contrast in comparison to the cruel pepper challenge made by the others.  

Lindsay = 4, Owen = 9 and Heather =9.  

The next challenge went directly at Eva which was to be running on a gym treadmill for 10 minutes at a constant speed… they have collar shocks to make sure they would continue at the same speed constantly.    

Owen in fear of exercise and trauma of Eva, gave right away the freebies, while Heather had the option of doing the same… Chris didn’t specify which speed was so she decided to help Lindsay by also taking the challenge.    

“Alright, your speed must be 6 kilometers per hour, for 10 minutes,” Chris said as the treadmills decided to be in the speed, while both girls looked at each other, but nodding their heads, they worked together, which they should take the opportunity of the challenges they knew they could see as the easy ones.    

And to be honest, in comparison to all of the others, just showing physical working out, both girls had to keep running, even if Heather cursed herself to be wearing heels which made it even worse for them.    

Both girls had to take a powerful shock as they took out their heels just to return to the treadmill. But still, they managed to take their exhaustion from the working out. And now they were drinking water bottles and recovering their breaths.    

“Alright, I’m glad that you all are enjoying the warm-up. Now let’s keep doing our best shall we?” Chris's smirk was on the point that it was infuriating for both Heather and Lindsay, but they were so tired that the only thing they did was flip a finger in front of him. “Woah, rude.”    

The girls ignored and went back to their seats.    

Lindsay = 7, Owen = 1 and Heather =12.

And then the next challenge was asked by Katie which was to be in a making out session with a dead fish for 5 minutes, but the catch was… Inside the fish, there was hot sauce on its tongue, which Lindsay, Owen, and Heather had a terrible surprise, while Chris almost vomited but the desire to laugh on the faces of the campers who once again were attacked by the peppers made him to himself together.  

Heather and Lindsay were screaming curses inside of themselves trying to figure out who in their dammed minds would want to place hot sauce in the mouth of a dead fish, and what the objectives of the Killer Bass into make the challenges very painful and disgusting for them.

Lindsay = 10, Owen = 4 and Heather =15.

Next Sadie as the irony of the Destiny, which made Owen had his eyes wide open as Sadie asked the trio to do a 10-minute gym bicycle session while wearing collar shocks, and the weight of the pedal would be 5 kilograms, which would be a terrible pain after 10 minutes of doing it.    

Heather and Lindsay managed to get out from the challenge with a few shocks and a sore on their legs, but Owen was getting electrocuted every 2 minutes, which had been torture for him.    

“GIVE UP OWEN,” Heather shouted as she wanted so much to end the day. “The quicker you get out of the show, the faster we can end this terrible day.” 

“Hahahaha, thanks for being worried about me, but I still keep doing it…” Owen said that he didn’t understand that Heather wanted to get out of the show, not because she was worried about him, but because she wanted him to leave.   

Heather groaned. While Lindsay whimpered in pain.    

Lindsay = 13, Owen = 7 and Heather =18.

Then came another challenge made by Geoff which was to drink powdered fruit punch from the communal toilet… Both Heather and Lindsay felt disgusted… But there was also another catch…    

“After Owen had used it without flushing,” Chris smirked as Owen then realized something.    

“Oh, so that’s why the flush isn’t working on the 1-hour break,” Owen commented as he then saw Lindsay and Heather pushing their freebies to the host who smirked at them. “Oh, so it’s only me who had to do it?”

“YES.” Both Lindsay and Heather commented annoyed as Owen just shrugged.    




And just like that, Chris placed a whole fruit punch inside of the communal toilet and used a plunger to mix everything on the toilet, even the little brown things floating around, and with a little straw, he gave it to Owen who gulped his saliva dry.

And at that moment Owen started drinking just a few sips until he tasted a bit.    

“Okay, it’s not so bad,” Owen commented as Chris immediately vomited on there, while Owen saw the vomit, he felt his stomach also hurt. “Never mind.”

And with that, the sounds of vomit happened across the communal bathrooms, and the Chef and the cadets were happy to not be in that place to see the disgrace since they felt they already had enough vomiting.    

Lindsay = 5, Owen = 10 and Heather =10.

And from another spin happened as immediately crossed to Bridgette, which Lindsay feared that she wouldn’t be able to save herself.    

“Be inside the airplane that Chef will be piloting, and have him do 3 air-loops in the air,” Chris commented the blonde girl, was almost afraid, but then she waited in silence, expecting even worse… Until Chris remained in silence.

“That’s it?” Heather commented in disbelief, as she never thought it would have been that easy.    

“Here Chris.” Until Owen gave the freebies and looked fearfully at Chef who was smirking at him. “I’m not going back to that metal trap. Fly? Me? Never.”    

And then Lindsay blinked and started to sweat with Heather, and the queen bee knew that she would regret her decisions.    


“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” Both Lindsay and Heather screamed in fear as Chef was making their lives hell, as Chef was doing air loops, doing crazy maneuvers from the airplane he used on the Phobia Factor, and creating many traumatic memories from the girls who just got unlucky to be on the same airplane as him.

(Confession – Lindsay)

“Killer Bass is trying to kill us,” Lindsay said as she was crying on the confession, it had been very traumatic for her to continue on the game. “Why do we still have to keep doing it? This is a torture. Mommy, Daddy, Paula, Charlie. *sniff* *sniff*… This is a nightmare.”    

Lindsay = 8, Owen = 2 and Heather =13.

At the time the next spin happened, it reached Ezekiel, and both girls felt traumatized by what the person who made them listen to such scaring horror story about a Freak barber now had once again placed a challenge…

“Ezekiel’s dare is… lick the electric lollipop slowly…” Owen raised his eyebrows interested, while both Lindsay and Heather looked at each other in confusion…

“What do you mean electric lollipop?” Heather asked as she felt that she would regret asking, until she heard the sounds of a taser buzzing which made both the queen bee and the blond girl stare at MacArthur with a sadistic smile on her face, while she placed the turned on taser tied to a stick. The stick had written a small banner… (Jackass Forever). “What the *beep*?”

“Well for a person who likes to watch movies. I can imagine where he got this creative idea from.” Chris commented as he chuckled.   

“I don’t want to do it.” Lindsay passed the 8 freebies.

“Oh hell no. I’m also not going to do it.” Heather commented as she gave the freebies, which made Owen the only one who had his mind thinking.   

“Well, I think I’m going to accept it… I never tasted electricity before.” Owen commented with an optimistic smile, while he slowly placed his tongue. “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH,”

“Ah ah ah.” Heather decided to use that as an opportunity to make it worse for Owen. “What the hell of a lick was that, it was too quick, Ezekiel said slowly.”   

“YEAH, DO IT SLOWLY OWEN,” Lindsay shouted as she was making it clear for the big man to understand the challenge. “Or you can give up now and go home.”   

Which Owen nodded his head.   

(Confession – Owen)

“I don’t know why, but I think Heather and Lindsay wanted me to stop taking the dares…” Owen spent a few seconds staring at the camera in thought, but then he just shrugged. “Nah, they are just worried, maybe I should keep going.”   

*Bzzz* *Bzzz* *Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz*

And to the disbelief of both girls, they watched Owen keep licking the taser and the electricity, while Chef and the cadets were also with their mouths dropped, and Chris pinched between his nose.   

“Of course, he would enjoy that. Alright, Owen, that’s enough.” Chris commented as Owen felt like he was with the taser already in his mouth.   

“Hmmmm, burning taste,” Owen commented as it showed a good part of his tongue red, probably by all the high electricity he got on his tongue.

Lindsay = 0, Owen = 5 and Heather =5.

Chris was having fun, as it had been a good rest for the campers who had been taking a lot of challenges dead on.

“Alright campers, I have to confess that you guys are crazy. You managed to reach this far. And I’m both proud and disgusted by you all.” Chris said as Chef and the cadets started clapping for the trio who remained on their last resources… “And now that you all need to be together let’s continue the challenge.”

Chris then once again spun the bottle which was enough to make each of them fear for what was going to happen next. But each time it was a member of Screaming Gophers, the crew got more and more relieved of what would be the challenge.

Leshawna had challenged the group to get covered in itchy powder, which the group was uncomfortable with but managed to overcome to get freebies.  

Lindsay = 3, Owen =8 and Heather =8.

Beth Challenged the group to get covered in worms just like she did in the Phobia factor. And from the time Lindsay and Heather accepted the challenge, Owen pushed his freebies which made him with 0 once again.   

(Confession – Heather)

“Okay, I think I got the pattern, whenever is an insect or weight, it has a great chance for Owen to pass his freebies. While me and Lindsay still have ours… So we must think the right timing to do it.”

The more time passed, the more the campers suffered with the tortures, from doing absurd things like covering themselves with honey and going to pass 3 minutes near the bear. To get tortured by tickles for a whole minute. Noah still was a bit weird, since he dared each of them to get 10 pies launched on their faces which had been very humiliating, but manageable for them to accomplish the dare without much complaining. It had been complicated, and both Heather and Lindsay were mentally, physically, and even spiritually exhausted. But thankfully Owen wasn’t even feeling the best as well. The trio looked at their score and the remaining freebies they had each.

Lindsay = 9, Owen = 6 and Heather =14.

“Alright guys, it seems that you Lindsay, and Heather managed to have 14. Lindsay, you have 9, Owen you have 6, and it seems that we have a few remaining options. I cannot believe you all reached to final point. But I’m glad that you got you there. HAHAHAHAHA.” Chris commented that the more Lindsay and Heather remained in the game, the more they wanted to quit… “But now that the well spent to Gwen, her dare is… Jump from an airplane in 5 thousand feet in a parachute.”

“This is the time I was waiting for,” Heather commented as she placed her freebies to Chris and Lindsay did the same. Owen after hearing the challenge his eyes shrank, and he touched the tip of his fingers and looked sheepishly at the duo of tired girls.

“Err… girls?” Owen asked sheepishly, as both Lindsay and Heather were frowning at him. “Can you borrow me a few freebies for me to not do the challenge?”

Heather and Lindsay glared at the big guy, who just realized they were mad at him.

“No…” Heather said slowly…   

“Owen, you are a sweet guy, and very kind… but can you do me a favor? AND GO *BEEP* HOME?” Lindsay said furiously as the fat boy flinched, when Lindsay was angry like that, and even cursing, it meant someone messed up, and he had some kind of feeling that they probably were very angry at him.

“Errr…” Owen was unsure until he got the parachutes from Chris while wearing his pilot uniform… And looking at the fear he had over flying. He couldn’t help but sigh. Now with no other choice but to give the parachute back to Chris. "I can't do this Chris." 

Now it seems they finally concluding... Owen just accepted defeat.


Owen walked towards the boat as Chef was already preparing himself to drive him off. While Chris walked towards both Heather and Lindsay who were on the docks, watching Owen giving a final wave at the girls, Lindsay waved back, and Heather rolled her eyes but sighed in relief.   

“And then there were two. Tune in to see who will win the check for 100.000 dollars on Total Drama Island!” Chris commented as Lindsay gave a hug to Heather who just got a second, to relax, but then smiled at her best friend. And with that, the final 2…

Two girls who worked together to defeat the Titan of the show.

(Playa Del Losers)

"You guys are depraved," Noah commented as he himself had got out of the bathroom after flushing a few times. "I thought it was to make their lives painful and humiliating, not to destroy the stomachs of everyone who will watch this episode."

"Oh come on Noah, don't tell me that you didn't feel vindicated from Heather getting your dares?" Ezekiel said as he rolled his eyes.

Noah raised his finger to comment, but after a second of silence, he decided to not be against the point.

"I know, and I loved every second of her pain. But I would also have loved to not have vomited that much." Noah said as Izzy gave a tissue for the bookworm to clean himself.

"Well to be honest I kinda felt my dares were too tame in comparison to yours. The eletric lollipop? That was genius." Izzy commented as Ezekiel snickered. "Also, Jackass Forever? Is that a reference?"

"More like an inspiration for the future Izzy," Ezekiel commented as he gave a hint to the military girl who nodded her head in understanding. "Also, I think we needed to be fair with the top 3. Owen is picky just as raccoon. So we needed to reach the point to see who could break him first. And Courtney was the first one which sucked for us. Now she won 1 thousand dollars from the bet. And we managed to break them."

"Yeah. So much that you send Owen back home. Not going to lie, I thought any of those prick girls would have been the ones to give up." The brainiac commented as Izzy giggled and rolled her eyes.

"Oh, now you are underestimating my girls. They passed a lot on this show with me. So they know how to deal with most of the challenges." Izzy commented as she looked at one of the drawings of Ezekiel's sketchbook. "Thanks again for helping me to develop the design of the mascots, Zeke, I heard a lot of positive reviews from the factory as the employees seemed to find cute and hilarious about two brothers being beaver mascots for my Sap factory. They are even developing the logo of my factory to make them similar to the Beaver Brothers."

"Happy to know. I can accept 100 thousand dollars as payment." Ezekiel joked as he got a slight punch on his shoulder. "Ouch... Okay, I will make a discount of okay okay, I'm glad to help a friend."

Ezekiel raised his arms as he saw Izzy ready to punch his shoulder again.

"Yeah, yeah. Can you two stop acting like best friends and we debate more about what the fuck was this challenge?" Noah said as he clearly rolled his eyes and pressed further the issue on Ezekiel. "I never watched American Pie before but even I know that sunscreen was..."

"I suggested the idea, but who made the execution was Geoff, Duncan, Tyler, and Harold..." Ezekiel commented as both raised his eyebrows. "Tyler wanted to be the only one to fulfill Lindday's bottle so that's why we tagged them. The rest even I don't want to know."

"That's disgusting," Noah said as he saw Ezekiel nodding his head.

"Yeah, Harold is probably shouting with Beth right now since she suggested taking the ball of gum he was collecting," Ezekiel commented as Izzy raised her eyebrow at him. "Remember when I asked why he was doing it and he said it's because he was helping his cousin with a science study about developing bacteria inside of a gum?"

Izzy nodded her head.

"Oh right. That's why he was placing the boggers inside of it. To feed the bacteria inside." Izzy agreed with what she had heard and from seeing the muffles of shouting under them..."Wow, Harold must be very pissed."

"She may have done it without his permission. And all those weeks and probably months of collecting it for the project, wasted by getting rechewed by Owen." Ezekiel commented as Noah rolled his eyes as he continued to read the book he brought to distract himself. And with a few seconds of silence, he then raised another question. "How did Gwen know about two girls and one cup?"

"Oh, blames her brother for challenging her into watching it with him." Ezekiel shrugged as both felt a shiver on their spines. "How did you know about the video?"

"Sisters a prank and a lot of grounding from our parents. They kinda deserved it thought, and how did you know about it?" Noah commented as Izzy looked confused.

"Gwen described it for us..." That's everything Ezekiel was going to tell Noah since Izzy knew Ezekiel knew... But she was still confused.

"I don't know about that video, what was on there to be so traumatizing to be on the first challenge?" Izzy asked as Ezekiel decided to whisper in her ear... And slowly Izzy became torn into colors of red and green of disgusting. "Ewwwww"

"We know." Both Noah and Ezekiel commented as the duo seemed to be talking, and then the homeschooled boy looked at the papers over the bed... The contract.

"So did you sign it?" Ezekiel asked as the bookworm nodded his head.

"Yeah, as much I would love to be doing nothing, I think working into fixing books and pointing out flaws is kinda funny to me. So I'm in." Noah commented as Ezekiel smiled and gave a handshake and Izzy gave a hug to both of them.

"Alright, now Ezekiel is hiring and has his first employee, so I'm not the only boss around here," Izzy said as the trio decided to cheer for a personal success while they watched Owen leaving the show.


As Noah left the bedroom, Izzy came up with an excuse which led her to be in Ezekiel's bedroom just for a few more minutes.

"So now that Owen was eliminated. It's going to be between Heather and Lindsay." Izzy commented as Ezekiel took a soda and started to drink. "While you said Heather was going to be eliminated because Gwen and Owen worked together. From what you told me, those challenges weren't as bad in comparison to what I watched today. What happened?"

"Well, I and the Killer Bass wanted to make sure this time the challenge would be fair. And from my experience of the future. We focused on the only 4 things Owen would never go into doing the challenges." Ezekiel commented as Izzy nodded her head.

"His fear of heights and even insects were a pattern on there," Izzy commented amused by which Ezekiel nodded his head.

"In Ridonculous Race, Noah took 5 random spices which would be very spicy and thought Owen was going to take it... It was too much, even for Owen so he had to drink the saliva of a camel and it was disgusting." Ezekiel explained as Izzy nodded that spicy on a certain level could break Owen. "And Eva's style of exercises. From what Eva told me, he is very afraid of her. So using that would also make Owen feel the dares and would also give a fair game to Heather and Lindsay."

"Well, now that the only person who was going to trade the 100 thousand bucks to 1 million is eliminated, do you think any of the girls are going to do it?" Izzy commented as the brown-haired boy nodded his head.

"Well, Chris is going to do it whenever they want or not. But I really prefer if one of those two does it of their own volition because that would give a good chance of showing their good heart. But still, there is a good chance that after that challenge. There will the season 2 like you confirmed to me." Ezekiel nodded his head, the good advantage of being part of the backstage was to confirm holes and questions made by the fandom for so long. "But still I'm going to miss this place..."

"Yeah, me too," Izzy asked as the ginger military girl was satisfied with the answers given by her friend. And while she decided to make one last joke. "So Jackass Forever is real?"

"The last movie of the franchise from what I remember, they did in 2020, and had some crazy challenges, like the electric tapdance which you probably know how it would end," Ezekiel commented as Izzy tilted her head.

"Actually I never watched a movie like Jackass before," Izzy confessed which made Ezekiel surprised.

"Really? Because in a few years, it will happen their third movie which is one of my favorites." Ezekiel commented as the girl raised her eyebrow at him. "Hey, from a selection of years to come it was hard to do a top ten okay?"

"Well? What is your favorite movie of all time then? The one you would watch and rewatch and never gets old." Izzy asked which made Ezekiel scoff.

"Ocean's Eleven, Twelve, and Thirteen easily," Ezekiel commented that he never would back down from a good movie, since he loved to watch since as a child.

"Oh, really?" Izzy commented as she sounded surprised, but then with a good smile, she decided to say her as well. "Well, I love James Bond movies. My family loves watching soy movies, especially me and my siblings. We have the entire collection of his movies, since the first actor until Daniel Craig movies."

"Really? Wow, that's neat." Ezekiel commented that a good part of himself could see why since knowing from which parents she came from, he knew that at least some of their personalities and maybe hidden lore still stuck with their children. "Well, I know some funny jokes about James Bond if you are interested to know."

"Jokes? Like what?" Izzy raised her eyebrows, as Ezekiel snicked.  

"Oh, well there is one which is my favorite, hear me out... One day Agent 006 went to Q to talk about their mission..." Ezekiel decided to tell the joke to his best friend.  


Izzy could say with passion that she spent the entire night laughing, she got herself caught laughing in her sleep. Even as it had been indeed one of the funniest things that she ever heard before.  

Yeah... after a crazy and disgusting day, ending with good laughs would be the best for everyone.

Chapter 43: Aftermatch 3

Chapter Text


For so many years, people would always say that both Jane and Sky would have stomach iron, for never once vomited once, in times of challenges made by their classmates or even when they visited their parents and grandparents to eat food and their traditional way of life whenever they could. But still nothing it prepared Sky and Jane for the episode of Triple Dog Dare You. Since there was nothing more than despair, disgustingness, and horrifying experience that would make everyone sick on the next day.

"I can't believe Killer Bass wanted so much to prejudice the top 3 that way," Jane commented as she felt nauseous but even as she tried to vomit, nothing would come out of her mouth. It had been both a blessing but also a curse, since her stomach couldn't help her in case of food poisoning, so she would take it just like her sister, who was also looking nauseous as well.

"I'm not sure I would have handled into taking Ezekiel's Stinkbomb like that, but even eating a spoon of it? I'm surprised that even Owen wouldn't be able to hold it off. Specially he seemed completely fine into rechewing Harold's gum and even eating dog's food." Sky commented as she tried to vomit but the only thing coming out from her mouth was a large burp that she used by drinking water with baking soda, as she knew her stomach was on the verge of blowing up. "I need to burp more."

"There is soda on the refrigerator, bring one for me okay?' Jane said as she was trying to not watch more of the episode but it was so cruel and disgusting that she couldn't help but keep watching it. "I just want to know why they would go that far to the others?"

"Well it's the final 3," Sky said as she let out a huge burp in the kitchen, while the sister almost was on the verge of vomiting but her stomach was forbidding her to even try. When she saw her younger sister bringing the soda bottle that she needed, she immediately drank as her sister continued to talk. "So probably the whole team wanted to make the game fair, because from what I just saw, Killer Bass challenges were the only ones which could make Owen on the tipping of his toes, so probably it would come to them to eliminate the the next contestant."


Jane let out a big burp, which was enough to make herself better and more relieved from watching such a disgusting episode, and she was glad that they were watching the episode on the weekend, because if the episode was released in the middle of the week, the teachers and the school staff must have prepared themselves to see the students looking sickned from watching the whole episode of the show, and it was indeed one of the most disgusting things they ever watched...

And they couldn't help but wonder, how far someone would go just for the prize of 100 thousand dollars.

"Everything is fine... everything is fine... everything is fine..." Dawn meditated as she tried to remain calm from watching a few scenes of the episode, but after hearing a warning from Mother Nature about how gruesome the challenges of the show would be, she knew that she would be prepared mentally, or she would suffer such terrible backlash, just like Brunch of Disgustness, and hearing from mother nature, the challenge was even related to some dead creatures which their death showed their concept of even after death, they wouldn't rest until the finish one last task. Which inflicted a heartache feeling on the moonchild.

Her father was very adamant about her watching the newest episode, but after watching so many episodes, and everything happening unfold, she needed to be brave and watch the whole pay-per-view by herself...




One hour later she already regretted it, from seeing how gruesome and horrifying an experience she had ever seen, cockroach shots made her faint after seeing such poor creatures being blended and drunk just like any alcohol, and then the bull's private parts being eaten, and then El Mongo and La Muerte being eaten one spoon, which by far she never thought mother nature would witness such concept of rules of the nature being broken. Owen just lived because of a miracle, from what Mother Nature explained, Owen had immunity from the Komodo Dragon, which had a lot of bacteria around his body, and yet it could take it like nothing... But seeing that even he had his own limits, was something extraordinary, and something that Mother Nature saw as a way of trying to break her own laws.

Things like that shouldn't defy the law of Nature...

"Someone eating El Mongo and La Muerte is like defying the true rules of nature. That's horrible," Dawn then heard something talking behind her, and she was surprised to see her father appearing with a palled face as he walked beside her and sat on the couch. "A terrible combination of skunk oil and rotten mayonnaise and even a few feces of animals could be a terrible combination, but to add some of the other disgusting things that even Mother Nature refuses to share sounds something that even Mother Nature herself felt horrified into watching Owen doing something so stupid like that."

"He was forced to do it," Dawn commented as a way to defend the big guy, but the father shook his head.

"It was the best call to throw up the towel from all the Screaming Gophers challenges and go straightly to the hospital, eating something like that would be very dangerous, and nobody should eat a spoon like that, not even someone so stupid that would be willing to hurt themselves. I mean, WHO IN THEIR DAMN MIND, WOULD BE STUPID ENOUGH TO EAT SOMETHING LIKE THAT?" The patriarch druid shouted as he questioned even Mother Nature someone stupid enough to be willing to hurt themselves that badly. Dawn remained quiet... in the same way, she just returned to watch television with her father, knowing they would still be willing to watch the terrible consequences of their ignorance.

"YOHHH, Jonny check this out." A voice from the telephone called the stuntman/skateboarder who had been enjoying a good time from the little scrapbook of ideas he was planning for some fun with his friends.

"What's up Steve-O, I'm kinda in the middle of my work progress." The said person was drinking an energy drink and watching some crazy videos on television.

"Dude, you need to check out the Canadian main channel, there is a show that it's on pay-per-view and the contestants had to do a lot of nasty and hurtful things," Steve-O called from the telephone as the black-haired man tilted his head and raised his eyebrow. "DUDE THEY STARTED WITH 2 GIRLS AND ONE CUP."

And just by hearing such words... Johnny threw away his papers and grabbed a few beers to enjoy the show.




"GODDAMN THAT WAS NASTY. HAHAHAH DUUUDE. I'M GOING TO THROW UP." Steve-O shouted as the other members of their group of friends made vomiting sounds.

"I have no fucking idea what El Mongo and La Muerte are... And now I want to try it so much." Johny commented in curiosity, as then he saw the next challenge. "HOLYSHIT THEY HAVE TO EAT ONE SPOON OF IT?"

"It's fine. That dude just rechewed a gum with boogers on it. He got this." Bam Margera commented as the others drank a few beers and talked on the telephone together... Until the group watched Owen vomiting."GODDAMN, IT WAS THAT IT TOOK TO TAKE HIM DOWN?"

"Damn. That must be disgusting." Weeman said as he even vomited on the line.

"These guys are nuts." The cast of Jackass watched in amusement the pay-per-view while laughing and vomiting from the craziness.

"Dude, the suncream mixed with Sperm I just saw it on American Pie. And they said it was fake, this one was a big deal." Chris Pontius commented as the other members got goosebumps while others laughed from the look on their faces.

"Man, why didn't watch this show before?" Johnny Knoxville commented as he was laughing hard from all the challenges made by the Killer Bass. "Man, the team Killer Bass must be crazier than us."




"HOLYSHIT THIS IS THE TRUE SHIT COCCTAIL, BLURGHHHHH." Steve-O vomited as the group followed Owen drinking fruit punch from Communal toilet.

It had been a crazy time, but hilarious at the same time.




"Hey guys, do you think you can handle that Jamaican pepper?" Weeman asked as the boys laughed in reply.

"Hell nah, just from looking at their faces. It would be almost like me to want to die." Bam replied as the others would say it was easy to deal with pepper.

"Steve-O, you once sniffed Wasabi, why not try to sniff this Jamaican pepper?" Preston suggested as the other stuntman laughed from the idea.




"Electric Lollipop?" The jackass cast wondered until they saw a taser wrapped in wood, which surprised the whole group... And what surprised them most was the little homage it was shown.

"Look at that, it's a fan... I like the homage." Bam commented as Johnny Noxvile nodded his head.

"Jackass Forever, I liked the sound of that. And these challenges are nasty. And a lot of fun." Johnny commented as he decided to take the name of the show. "Total Drama Island, does anyone record the episode?"

"Nah, but I'm planning to buy the DVD collection they are offering on the website." One of the cast members commented as the others felt pleased to want to share and hang out and laugh from the crazy reality show. "I heard this show is going to be on air in America next week, starting from the first episode. But the Pay-Per-View scenes will be only on DVD."

"Well, we can watch the season while someone can bring the DVDs and take drinks and shoot games while we watch." One of the boys commented as the whole cast decided to do it. To have fun...

Johny Noxville smiled as he had a few papers in hand with a few new ideas for the future movie he was planning to make with his friends.

The jackass 3D.

"Wow, she is sleeping." The afraid woman commented that she never imagined she would be so surprised to see a child she had been so scared off looking so peaceful.

"I'm kinda glad that I didn't need to read her a bedtime story, but wow, when I thought I was terrified, this boy who is the writer of the book really gave his all to make the story so terrifying, even his screams sounded real." The father commented as he could see little Lauren hugging him so sweetly, with one more concept in his mind. "I don't know how he did it, but Laren had been more sweet to us... I think the book did work."

"Yes, it really did. And she didn't need to watch the rest of the episode since I'm about to throw up." The wife commented that she never felt so disgusted in her life. "But I think this audio of him telling a bedtime story would help us to let him tell the story instead of us. Do you think it will be published?"

"Probably, but not going to lie... I'm enjoying reading the bedtime story for Lauren." The father commented which made the wife stare at him with her eyebrow raised. "What? Some stories were funny and wholesome. And I think it's indeed reaching her..."

"Then it's a miracle then... Let's pray for this to be enough to not make our daughter a serial killer." The wife commented as the father rolled his eyes.

"Well, she could be a serial barber Ouch... Oh come on, I know that after this story your brother is going to spend a lot of time with her." The father smiled as he then felt a slap on his arm which made him smirk at her again.

"I can't believe you are still mad at him." The wife rolled her eyes while she couldn't help but scoff at him. "That's really petty coming from you."

"He had it coming. I had a job interview and he painted my hair green... He had it coming." The husband and father commented as the duo suddenly listened to the giggling of a sleeping girl who seemed to be having great dreams...

And both parents could have the misfortune to watch the rest of the episode while Lauren could enjoy the screams while she was sleeping.

"Money money money money money," Courtney said happily as she was fanning herself with the cheque for 1 thousand dollars as Ezekiel smiled at her. "Well I admit that I should be ashamed of myself, and probably our challenges would have placed someone at the hospital..."

"Oh come on princess, don't worry about it. You won fair and square," Duncan commented as he hugged his girlfriend and kissed her. "I never thought you had that in you, and I'm so disgusted as I'm so proud of you..."

Courtney rolled her eyes, but she kissed her boyfriend since he was giving her the whole support.

"And you shouldn't worry about that Courtney. We managed to make them challenged equally, did you see how Owen was taking down most of the challenges of Screaming Gopher like it was nothing?" Ezekiel explained which also proved another good point. "I never thought they would have gone on this challenge for hours. It had been a fair challenge."

"When you say fair, I say disgusting to the point everyone loses," Courtney replied and Duncan rolled his eyes.

"He said potato. And you said tomato. For me whatever it was awesome. I even vomited on the pool, so someone better to clean up." Duncan laughed until suddenly he felt a pinch from both sides. "Ouch. What?"

"You clean up." Both said in unison which made Duncan grin at them challenging. But then his eyes widened when both cracked their knuckles, which made the delinquent quickly run to clean up his mess.

After leaving Courtney sighed.

"I think he is giving me a bad influence." Courtney sighed as she then saw Ezekiel chuckling. "What?"

"It may be... But you are also having a good influence on him as well. You needed to be a bit more free and enjoy a bit more the weird things happening. And Duncan knowing to not push the limits is also a good thing." Ezekiel explained as he gave a tap on her back. "You two are doing great. Just remember that you two are still a good team. A power couple."

"Power Couple? Pff, I prefer the three pillars of Killer Bass, because I think that you were always on the right time when we were into our jugulars." Courtney joked as both pillars chuckled at how things had become.

"Well. Sometimes I think you both needed a couple therapy, so I think you both would be great together." Ezekiel explained as he also decided to do a great joke. "Also, in case Duncan decides to make something stupid like exploding a cottage, he would need to get a beat down from us for even thinking it. Or he would go straight to jail."

"You sometimes make very specific and weird jokes, but sometimes I get scared of how accurate it could be in case we aren't careful," Courtney commented as she then saw Ezekiel rolling his eyes.

"It's Duncan, we should be careful with him all the time." Ezekiel replied and the answer actually got a laugh from the C.I.T. "Hey, want to nag him to make sure he cleaned up everything perfectly?"

"Oh, you are the devil Zeke... I'm so proud of you." Courtney said as she felt that she was having a good influence on the boy. The duo decided to torment the boyfriend, while in the end enjoying a good hot tub night while they wait for Owen to appear for a good party for him trying his best.

"Thank you so much for the reception everyone," Owen said as he felt welcomed by his friends, and the team greeted him when he passed from his time cleaning up his stomach and then getting access to the Playa Del Losers. "I mean, I will miss the camp, but this place is so awesome and the food is amazing."

Cody, Trent, Tyler, Gwen, and Leshawna rolled their eyes while they watched Owen enjoying the good barbecue Geoff and DJ were making for the big guy who desperately needed to eat.

"I always heard my mom to be careful to even touch Obeah's Soul Scorcher. She said that I shouldn't even know what that pepper could do. And now I felt terrified with the results." DJ explained as his little bunny friend was munching a carrot with Bugsy the Bunny from Katie.

"That's cool man, I never thought someone would have such pain like that. Respect for momma who can cook with that food." Geoff commented as DJ gave a small smile. As the duo gave high five.

"I gotta say girl, your team of Killer Bass went hard on this challenge. I almost vomit many times." Leshawna commented to Gwen as the goth was enjoying DJ's official book Courage the Cowardly Dog. She had a curiosity about what Ezekiel had written for so long and thankfully DJ was so kind to let her borrow his book, she really missed the times when a good book was very entertaining to her. And since the nightmares they have during 9 weeks are nothing more than torture on the reality show. She was glad that it was almost over.

"Well we wanted to make the challenges fair to everyone, and from what we saw on the episode, we did the right thing because that way it was hard for everyone, including Owen who mostly would have the advantage on the challenge. Sorry, Owen." Gwen commented as the big guy waved his hand.

"It's fine, I did my best, and I lost fair and square. And I had a lot of fun there. And everyone is awesome." Owen commented as Gwen couldn't help but smile from the free way of life Owen had.

And the group looked fine and even enjoyed a good time... Until everyone looked at Duncan who was carrying a bucket with cleaning products and even a mask... The delinquent gave a glance at the others, especially Cody and Tyler who were enjoying a relaxing time on the pool.

"You better get out, someone vomited on the pool," Duncan said as Cody and Tyler palled and immediately left the place in panic, while Gwen raised her eyebrow at him. "Don't even start. I'm doing that by my own volition and kindness."

"...did Courtney threaten to beat you up if you don't clean up?" Gwen gave a smirk and Duncan glared at the goth.

"No, she didn't," Duncan answered as he prepared to clean up.

"Heh, wow... " Cody knew that tone so he decided to simply cough on his hand... "*Tchupish* *cracking whip*"

The campers laughed as Duncan had enough took the geek and launched him into the pool.

"No no no, not on the vomit pool, not on the vomit... Ahhhhh." Cody screamed as Duncan smiled and cleaned up his hands.

"Someone else wants to make jokes about my relationship?" Duncan glanced around trying to see if someone would try to be the funny one.

Which since everybody shut up, Duncan nodded his head with satisfaction and decided to clean up the pool.

"Also Cody, you shouldn't talk about the relationship of the others, since Katie was clearly the one who used the pants of your relationship," Duncan smirked as Cody got out from the pool with a scoff.

"That's a lie," Cody commented as he shrugged off until Katie appeared from behind his back.

"What's a lie?" Katie asked innocently which made Cody jump from his place and shout in fear... Which was enough to make Duncan start to laugh...

"Nothing," Cody said as he gave a narrow to his friends who were chuckling at his reaction.

Even then the group felt happy with how things are wrapping up as they soon will be ready to return to their homes and return to their lives.

Scarlett sat in her pristine laboratory, surrounded by various scientific instruments, beakers, and books. Her eyes were glued to the large monitor displaying the latest episode of Total Drama Island, specifically the challenge from the episode titled "I Triple Dog Dare You." She had been looking forward to this moment, eager to analyze the strategies and tactics used by the contestants. However, what she witnessed left her in utter disbelief.

The scene showed the Killer Bass team preparing for their next disgusting challenge. Scarlett adjusted her glasses, leaning forward with curiosity as the announcer explained the task. She then had her eyes wide open in disbelief as she saw the host explaining by censure what a suncream would be made of... male genetic material, white liquid genetic material, which made her shiver in disgust.

Scarlett's eyes widened, and she quickly grabbed her notebook, jotting down her analysis. "Semen," she muttered under her breath, her scientific mind racing. "Who on earth would think of such an application? The proteins and enzymes would degrade rapidly in sunlight, rendering it useless as suncream. This is beyond unhygienic; it's biologically nonsensical." Scarlett scoffed as she even decided to make a notion of how terrible such an idea would be, and giving a look at the photo of the jock, she would have thought about the possibility of the same stereotype of a stupid jock who would do that as a prank. "American Pie is such a disgrace of a movie for many reasons. This point is one of the most disgusting scenes of the episode until now."

Thinking of her cousin doing something so trivial and disgusting like that was something that she needed to keep a note of, just in case she would visit her aunt and find a good way to provocation her cousin who didn't manage to get that far of the show, of course of the reasons of hormonal feelings reaching his testosterone in the point of making him lose the sense of rational and become like a single animal? That would be something that she would love to provoke him.

The screen cut to the next dare, where a contestant had to eat a spoonful of a homemade stink bomb mixture. The ingredients list flashed on the screen: skunk oil, feces, rotten mayonnaise, and other foul components.

"Skunk oil, fecal matter, putrid mayonnaise... This concoction would be rich in volatile sulfur compounds, methyl mercaptan, and hydrogen sulfide. It's a biohazard! Consumption could lead to severe gastrointestinal distress or worse." Scarlett had already figured out a few ideas and formulas on what a farmer boy would try to use as a way to make a stink bomb, and even with some thought process, she already had a few theories on how the most infamous stink bomb from the show called El Mongo and La Muerte... which she could translate Muerte like death, but Mongo had many translations, but from seeing Spanish and Portuguese, she could find a very suitable translation that it would makes sense for the name... "The Fool and the Death... such a fitting name. Because I'm just seeing the primary test subject on live television."

Just when Scarlett thought she had seen the worst, the screen shifted to a scene of Owen, one of the contestants, picking up a chewed piece of gum from under a table. He popped it into his mouth and began chewing enthusiastically. That made her stop scribing down... And looked in disbelief.

"Why would Harold allow someone to take one of his chewed gums? Didn't he say he was going to use that to help me with my science project of creating a bacteria environment around nature?" Scarlett asked in disbelief, as she couldn't help but scoff at how her excuse of a cousin managed to mess up... While she couldn't help but imagine that there was a little factor of him not knowing, and not only she would be very pissed but he himself as well. "Well, back to square one, let's see if Harold can make up for this mess up, at least he always does something genius when he is pressured like that. Now seeing this disgusting guinea pig test subject, tagged with the proper name Owen, must now have indigested so many bacterias that it would become a living while he is now nurturing a colony of Streptococcus mutants and other assorted bacteria to study their effects.

Scarlett gave a slight glance and decided to give a slight note to herself.

"Check for a few weeks, to see the effects on how the now living bacteria Owen, and use him as study to make sure to add enough data to win the next science project," Scarlett commented as she first thought her cousin already gave enough help, but now she was intrigued and interested on how pathetic people would be and how desperately they would have become just for the sake to win money... "Ah, if universities didn't need so much money, I would have done a lot of good research to make sure people knew about how fascinating people had been stupid for over money..."

Scarlett lamented, but at least she now had some distraction... Maybe she would rewatch the whole season when she could have access to the DVDs.

Everything seemed to be so strange, from the time Ezekiel felt his time alone, nothing seemed to be normal for him, but from usually his weird dreams, this one felt more lucid. As he was sitting down and saw nobody other than a person who looked similar to Cody, but from the side, he saw a more toned and a little taller version of him, but with a grown wild and tousled hair with a feather tied to his hair, a black shirt which was said "there was no brain here" with a symbol of a brain and a red forbidden mark. And under him, there was what would be a dream catcher.

Ezekiel contemplated a lot of questions crossing his mind until he saw the game the boy was playing on the console…

"Huh, never thought I would see a game of Tekken again." Ezekiel mused as it surprised the boy who jumped in his place.

"Ahhhh, wait… Ezekiel?" Cody looked startled, as he then looked at the boy who was staring at him up from down… Which made the homeschooled boy look a bit in discomfort, and start scratching his hair. "You look so different."

Ezekiel looked at himself, instead of wearing his usual green blouse, he was wearing a T-shirt which was made by Katie, a Black-T shirt with a Star in the middle, in homenage of Steven Universe. And from seeing Cody on that state, and not recognizing it, it must have been a crazy dream.

"Me? I was going to say about you. What are you? A fusion version of Shawn?" Ezekiel commented as he then facepalmed since probably Cody wouldn't know wh…

"WAIT, DO YOU KNOW SHAWN?" Cody shouted in alarm, which made the boy blink at him in surprise. "How did you know him?"




Ezekiel stared in silence, and then looked up and down at the boy… Until he decided to ask a question.

"How is Katie?" Ezekiel asked as the question made the boy tilt his head.

"I don't know, I think she is fine? I didn't talk much to her." Cody asked in a weird way, and Ezekiel nodded his head.

"Okay, you are not the Cody I know," Ezekiel said as he sat on the floor, which made him inquire such a question. "I'm guessing that I'm not your Ezekiel either."

"Yeah, you aren't… You look so different." Cody commented as he then had his eyes wide open in surprise. "Wait, are you also a time traveler?"

"You are?" Ezekiel raised his eyebrows, as Cody immediately closed his mouth shut, and the boy seemed to realize what happened. "Okay, that explains a lot of things… but I think it would be best if we talk while we play videogame. It had been years since I didn't have a good fighting game, so pick up your fighter."




"Wow… so you…" Cody whispered in surprise, as he never realized how to approach such a sensitive topic until the homeschooled boy cut him…

"Died? Yes… after the tunnel crashed, I felt suffocated from earth and snow, and I felt my entire body losing breath and I died into an agonizing death… until I just got out from a hole inside of a hill, which Ezekiel almost died… It was almost like a second chance for me, and I still have memories of both my life as a farmer and one from the future in a dimensional world where you guys are a television show like always." Ezekiel explained to the dream version of Cody who just sighed in recognition of how brutal a life could have been for the poor boy. "Thankfully in 2 years, I met him and learned about his parents… I never thought I would love them as my own, and be so happy to make them proud… I felt 10 times more horrible after everything happening to him, even as the time he became a beast."

"It must have been terrible for you to be afraid of what could happen with your life," Cody commented as he tried to use Jin to defend himself, but Ezekiel always used the combos made by Eddy to make capoeira really hard to defend. It was very annoying. "And here I thought my life was a mess."

"Every life is a mess, Cody, nobody knows the crosses we had to carry for ourselves or the weight of shoulders that we must carry, but what is most important is… to have fun, enjoy all the experiences you had with your friends, and people you love," Ezekiel explained as it made Cody stares at him in surprise. "Okay, I know you find it hard to see a version of Ezekiel being wise, but come on, I'm a writer and an artist who makes a lot of art. I can have some sparks of good moments, like some of our friends."

"Makes sense," Cody commented as he then continued to play video games.




"Wait, hold on… hold on… Seriously? You got a harem?" Ezekiel said as he started to laugh so hard that it didn't matter that Cody got that as revenge for defeating his fighter…

"Yeah, I'm. But it wasn't by my choice, Izzy started it, and then Lindsay and Heather… and Courtney... and now Dawn, I just don't know how it went that far…" Cody commented as he looked unsure of what to say, which made Ezekiel still laugh and chuckle from the reaction.

"Well, gotta say, for the first time I see Cody having 5 girls to be in a relationship instead of you going after Gwen… but thinking of it… I think it makes sense that you want to make Gwen to be happy with her decisions as you explained to make sure that everyone would be saved." Ezekiel nodded in understanding. As the duo continued to play. They had no idea on how long they had been playing the fighting game, but it had been so much fun while they talked about their lives, that it didn't matter who wins or loses, it was fun they both enjoyed.




"Wait, Courtney and Duncan are in a stable relationship?" Cody asked in disbelief and in such a surprise, that he never thought about such a possibility happening. "But but… how? I tried so much to make sure Courtney would be happy and Duncan by himself decided to act like he always does and they got into a lot of fights."

"That's because mostly you were on the other team, and you didn't have much to see from the inside, and help them when they needed… You did your best, but what it got you was the fact you have to manage Izzy, Lindsay, and Heather at the same time since they were on your team…" Ezekiel explained his logic as he made Cody nod his head at him sadly. "I think it went from my help to be the balance between the two that it helped them to not keep clashing all the time… But still, after I revealed the true reason why my parents homeschooled me, Duncan saw a line that he would never cross in his life, and Courtney's mom was there to help him to get out of juvie, so that would mean a lot for him to remain in a stable relationship."

"Wow… yeah, it makes sense… I never thought your life was that hard." Cody commented as he really started to see a new concept of theory of what's happening. "Usually weird dreams happen to me when I'm not wearing my dream catcher, but I'm kinda having fun on this one."

"Me too, time traveler," Ezekiel commented as Cody smirked at him.

"Isekai Ezekiel," Cody commented as the homeschooled writer rolled his eyes.




"Wait, hold on… On the revenge of island, playa del losers is what?" Ezekiel looked not just shocked but horrified by what he heard.

"Plagues, toxic waste, a pure mess up place… Nothing seemed to be working and we had to fix it by ourselves." Cody explained as Ezekiel paused the game and for the first time he looked hurt from hearing such news.

"Wow… that's actually depressing, I had so many great memories of that place, especially when we had so much fun with our friends… That really sucks. Such a place didn't deserve it." Ezekiel commented as Cody nodded his head.

"If I knew such a thing would have happened I would have bought Playa Del Losers, it was a nice place to live, and whenever we could be there, we could have enjoyed… Just me, the girls, and even my friends." Cody commented as Ezekiel passed a few seconds, thinking… And even musing from such a talk…

"Yeah… it would have been awesome." Ezekiel gave a weak smile since he would also have loved to have such an idea…




"Wait, you guys did what on the I triple Dog Dare you?" Cody said as he looked palled and horrified by what he heard from Ezekiel.

"He he he HA HA HA HA HA HA HA." Ezekiel laughed like Aku from Samurai Jack. "That would teach Heather, Lindsay, and Owen to never underestimate the Killer Bass, especially since it was Courtney who made Owen vomit, she got 1 thousand dollars from being the one to do it first. Say that to your girlfriends and ask them if they were willing to go that far."

"You guys… are monsters," Cody commented as he tightened his neck, thinking about what he suffered on his own version of Triple Dog Dare You, but with the laugh of Ezekiel, he felt so much relief that it wasn't his universe version. "I think neither me, Izzy, or Geoff would have the courage to do your challenges, and I even used my freebie to make Izzy avoid taking such a challenge. And Lindsay didn't stop saying sorry for Izzy after a week."

"Really? So it was you, Izzy, and Geoff who were on the Triple Dog Dare you? Who lost?" Ezekiel asked as the geek boy chuckled sheepishly. "Well, you? What was the challenge that made you back out?"

"Well, DJ challenged the cinnamon spoon challenge," Cody commented which made Ezekiel blink in surprise.

"Wow, it's kinda strange since I thought the stupid TikTok challenges would happen a few years in the future," Ezekiel commented as Cody himself nodded his head.

"And maybe DJ's influence is what started it early on, but I don't have the courage to tell him that since he apologized to me after that happened," Cody explained as Ezekiel nodded his head at him, but then he paled even further. "But even I would have freaking out if I was forced to take the spiciest pepper from Jamaica,"

"Yeah, nobody thought Heather, Lindsay, and Owen would have gotten to the point that they would begin to hate their lives and become on the verge of panic, at least it was a lot of fun, and Lindsay and Heather are on the finals," Ezekiel explained as Cody looked surprised from the results. "Beth is unsure of who to cheer on since she is the best friend of them both, and Izzy as well, they look like a powerful quartet."

"Wow, your dimension is truly strange," Cody commented as he couldn't help but muse from hearing such things.

"Well at least you know that your relationship with Katie is very stable and healthy, and Leshawna is provoking Sierra so much that I know that at the time she appears on a world tour, it would be a clash of girls against Sierra, so it will be an ugly fight which I will love to watch," Ezekiel explained as world tour still was a sore subject for Cody but with a good smile Ezekiel decided to ask. "But anyway, how bad your version of Ezekiel became… Since you went back to the past you decided to help him out right?"

Then Cody had his eyes wide open… And sweat rivers as he tried to find the right words…

"Well... you see..."




"YOU LET HIM HOOK UP WITH SIERRA?!" Ezekiel woke up so angry that he was sure that his shout was both real life and a dream since he never thought he would be screaming in such anger… And he knew that version of the dream Cody would also get the shouting of his life from hearing how pissed off he was from letting someone do such audacity. From all people, Sierra. "What did that version of Ezekiel do to Cody to torture him like that? Even if it was a weird dream, he thought at least it would be a weird dream, not a fucking nightmare. So I better get an apology from him in case I ever meet him, that freaking harem boy time traveler,"

"WOW HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, so your dream Cody managed to backstab you in the back for letting your Ezekiel hook up with Sierra?" Izzy laughed hard as she could see Ezekiel preparing his suitcase and bag, in case they would stay only for a few more days. "It's no wonder that the first thing you did on the morning was push Cody to the poll, it was hilarious."

"Yeah, that was still a sore subject for me, thank you again for bringing it back for me Izzy," Ezekiel commented as he was placing his typewriter on the suitcase, as soon as the show was over. "I don't know if the things he said about the future were real or not, but it was kinda an eye-opening for me."

"Well, you just met another time traveler, so that would mean a lot to have someone to talk to and discuss about the possible futures." Izzy shrugged as Ezekiel nodded his head since it had been indeed a good time to share their future versions and talk about what happened in their lives. "But it seems today is going to be the day, where we are going to see the final challenge between Lindsay and Heather, what was the final challenge again?"

"Well, nothing that extreme, in comparison to other episodes, it was very iconic because Owen won, but the challenge itself wasn't that difficult, just taking a flag from the pole, then running in a plank that if you fall you would probably be eaten by sharks, and then a race back to the finish line..." Ezekiel explained that even though sharks were dangerous, it wasn't the craziest thing the campers had ever done, so they wouldn't have a problem dealing with that. "It was just Heather who was sore from having her head shaved that she wanted revenge on Gwen, so she tried to sabotage by making a muffin with laxatives, which backfired for her, but still made Owen win."

"Let me guess, Owen ate the muffin?" Izzy commented as she got a nod from Ezekiel, "Well thought so, and since Gwen and Trent aren't the same from the past version of themselves. It would still be irrelevant to her. And since Heather also was on the finals and didn't cut her hair which I'm so glad because her hair is fantastic, I'm excited to see who was going to win."

"Well, any of them two could actually win, but I think this episode would be kinda boring since it wouldn't have anything else to do just to cheer up them two." Ezekiel scoffed as he realized that even if the girls would win, he would also be worried about the idea that any of the girls would be willing to do the ultimate challenge. "I'm not sure that either of the girls would try the one million challenge, and I'm kinda curious about how it was going to end."

"Well, if you are so bored... why not we make things interesting?" Izzy decided to make a smile that would resemble a predator, but it wasn't able to intimidate Ezekiel who just raised his eyebrows at her.

"Talk to me," Ezekiel replied, as Izzy giggled and decided to make the ultimate challenge.

"How about a bet?" Izzy asked as it was soon an idea that made Ezekiel wonder and think for a few seconds until he got a decision.

"I'm listening..." Ezekiel commented...

As the next episode indeed was going to be interesting...

Chapter 44: The Very Last Episode, Really!

Chapter Text


"Ahh. Morning in Muskoka." Chris voice was heard as the camera panned in on the natural beauty of nature. Everything seemed peaceful and all the sounds the woods provided could be heard. Rushing water, woodpeckers pecking, squeaking squirrels, and bears scratching their butts. "The birds chirping. The loon calling. The majestic gentle sounds of beautiful Northern Ontario." Just then the sound of a very loud horn went off as Chris came into view wearing a party hat. "Welcome to the most dramatic thrilling episode yet!" Chris blew on a party horn to honor the celebration. That's right everyone! This is the very last episode of Total Drama Island! Everything's been leading up to this! "It's been a long eight weeks at Camp Wawanakwa and Total Drama Island is about to come to an end. Today, two campers remain. By sundown, only one will be left standing. That camper will go home with a check for $100,000! Who will it be? The blonde bombshell but having athletic skills and her personality to destroy movie plots, Lindsay? Or the queen bee who was able to adapt to whatever circumstances that happened on the show Heather? Go grab a snack, and have a pee if you have to. Sit your butt down and get ready for… the dramatic final conclusion of… Total. Drama...Island!"

The camera once again panned on Chris as the host sat down on one of the stumps near the fire pit while enjoying a special slice of Finale cake. "Welcome back." Chris greeted the audience as he enjoyed his sweet, sweet cake. "We asked our finalists to record their thoughts in our confessional booth before going into the final round."

(Confession – Heather)

"What was my time here like?" Heather repeated the question asked prior to stepping into the booth. "Nine weeks on this island? It was like being stuck in a never-ending nightmare. I'd rather be trapped in a pit of venomous snakes than endure another minute of this insane show. The challenges were ridiculous, the food was barely edible, and the living conditions were worse than a rat-infested dumpster. But, against all odds, I actually started to care about some of these morons. Lindsay, Beth, and even as crazy as it sounds, Izzy was also part of my circle of friends, even if she terrifies me. But I also couldn't help but respect some of the campers like the crazy goth who managed to get this far... But still, if I could have gone back in time I would have slapped on my past face and shouted at her to read the *beep* contract."

(Confession – Lindsay)

"What was it like being here for 9 weeks?" Lindsay wondered loud as she got a lot of flashbacks while she sounded super excited. "Oh my gosh, being on this show for nine weeks was like, totally intense! I thought it was going to be a talent show, and when I discovered it wasn't everything got intense and so much harder than I imagined. The challenges were terrifying, some made me have nightmares and even hate my life. But thankfully this nightmare is getting over, and I didn't know I had a chance to reach the finals. HI MOMMY, HI DADDY, HI PAULA, HI CHARLIE,"

(Confession - Chef)

"You think it's easy cookin' for twenty-two ungrateful teenagers?" Chef decided to speak up about what things were like for him on the show. "Man, I had better jobs in prison."

(Confession – Lindsay)

"The food Chef made for us was, like, totally awful! It was so gross, I can't even describe it." Lindsay explained as she felt horrified and excited to tell gossip like she remembered the times Chef made terrible food that made her think diet was a good option, but she was so hungry that she needed to eat something. But then she had to eat it, even if she liked it or not. "Everything was either overcooked, undercooked, or just plain weird. I mean, I saw food move around the table a few times... But, you know, I guess it wasn't all bad. It made me appreciate my mom's cooking so much more. And sometimes, I cannot blame him because I did someone get poisoned food... I think his name was Lenny, but he deserved it because he was a jerk. I think I will stop eating pancakes when I get back home... Still, I can't wait to get back to real food!"

(Confession – Chef)

"Least one of these brats was appreciative," Chef stated, thinking about Owen who was the camper who rarely, if ever, voiced complaints about his food. Since he passed almost the entire life eating all the crazy stuff they threw at him, taking out the last challenge. "Slavin' all day at a hot stove."

(Confession – Heather)

"The food Chef made for us? It was like eating slop from a medieval dungeon. Seriously, I've seen dog food that looked more appetizing. *BEEP* Even Owen eating dog food with much more gusto than eating the Chef's food..." Heather complained nearly throwing up at the thought of Chef's food such as the burgers they were given on day one, the paste they were often given for breakfast, and the moldy fruit salad, and she wished she could wipe the brunch of disgustingness from her mind. And the thought of the hell they suffered from the Triple Dog Dare you challenge. "The worst part? He seemed to take some sadistic pleasure in watching us suffer through every meal. I mean, I get it, he's a chef, not a five-star restaurant, but come on. Despite all that, I have to give credit where it's due. When he actually gave me a prized food it was something edible, and don't think I didn't know about what Izzy had told me about him, she told me that he knew how to make a good lobster with butter, so what the *beep* a Chef that can do great food, manage to make us suffer with that disgusting excuse of something to insert into our bodies?"

(Confession – Chef)

"Less rat droppings.' Does this look like a five-star restaurant to you?!" Chef snapped as he's had about enough of these or any teenagers to last a lifetime. "This isn't a place where I cook good food for you all, and I and my squad had to deal with that kind of food for years, so stop complaining brat."

(Confession – Heather)

"The people? Well, they were all a bunch of weird freaks… you grab each stereotype place it into a blender and combine all the crazy recipes, and some garbage and you have this show. I have no idea why was I thinking when I signed the contract." Heather simply commented as she was doing her makeup, while she had a few flashbacks of the crazy and weird moments happening with each camper she met. "But I cannot blame anyone since some of those weirdos were my friends which I just started to add into my internal circle that I didn't know that I had, taking Beth and Lindsay on my wing while learning and being surprised by strategies that I never thought before. I felt like I was going to be in a spider web if Ezekiel had used some of his favors on me, and Izzy gave some tips and lessons that really helped me to get this far... Although some campers were so easy to trick, and some deserved the worst of the punishments for their mess up. I'm not sure if Izzy did kill Owen when he met her again because I knew her parents would have done that. And I'm sure that Lindsay would jump in the throat if she saw Trent once more. Who knows? UGH, THIS SHOW IS DRIVING ME CRAZY."

(Confession - Lindsay)

"The people here… well I met some people who were great," Lindsay said as she smiled into remembering the good friends she had. "Heather and Beth are my best friends, and I also like Izzy so much as a friend that I think I can add her to that list. Owen is so sweet, even as he farts and smells terrible a lot of times, but he is so fun to talk to, Gwen was a great girl, I enjoyed so much to pass the time talking with her and I feel we could be great friends too... I think I made a lot of good friends, even some that I maybe have forgotten the name, also I met Tyler, the person who I just kissed and had a good time with... my boyfriend..." But then her eyes narrowed a bit, like a terrible memory still bugging her. "But... there was someone that really made me shiver on my spine just for remembering that day... Lenny, I never felt so disgusted by what he did to me, he made me eat those and lied to me, it was so awful, that I possibly had nightmares and vomited so much at night... But I'm so glad that Lenny got poison food, and got a lot of pranks, he got his hair pink, used a chicken hat, and Heather made him have an atomic wedgie which was so fun...But taking him out, everyone is so great... wait, what am I doing here again?"

(Confession – Heather)

"The one thing I'll be remembered for?" That was the last question asked of Heather, who made the queen bee think hard, but even looking at her HeatherMmunicator, which was proof of her hard work, made her proud of herself as she remembered everything she passed to it. From manipulating a few campers, for some of her plans working exactly like she planned, and even some that didn't work, she always found a way to survive. "For my capability to adapt to every single situation and survive every single challenge."

(Confession – Lindsay)

"What will I be remembered for?" Lindsay was asked the same question and she thought about the times she thought for a few seconds, until suddenly she looked left and right. "Ohh, maybe that... ohhh, I like that one... Ah... wait, that one? Hmmm, okay, my Shoulder Angel said that it was because of my athletic talent while my Shoulder Devil said it was because of the impact I caused on the show like when I accidentally commented about the Indiana Jones movie which I didn't know that caused a lot of problems like daddy had told me, sorry guys... I hope you forget what I said before."

Once Lindsay and Heather were finished with their confessional interviews, Lindsay, Heather, and Chris could be seen in a field that would be the home to the very last challenge of Total Drama Island. There was a starting line drawn with white chalk and behind that line were two sets of bleachers. Behind one of the sets of bleachers was a large picture of Lindsay and behind the other was a similar picture of Heather.

"Now it's time to welcome the twenty-two campers who did not make it to the finals." Chris made the introduction to the people he just said. All the 20 campers who were voted off the island came into view as they walked towards the two sets of bleachers, a few waving to the final two campers along the way.

Lindsay waved to some of the campers who returned, while Heather rolled her eyes until Beth came to wave at her friend, who Beth gave a slight smirk, when Izzy waved at her and gave a thumbs up, Heather felt a satisfying feeling from how proud she is with herself.

"Would everyone who's walked the Dock of Shame and left camp on the Boat of Losers kindly take a seat in the Peanut Gallery of Failure?" Chris instructed the losers of the show as he pointed to the bleachers. "The side you choose should represent who you would like to cheer on to victory in today's final competition."

And so the past campers all sat down on the bleachers that represented the camper they would cheer on. And to the surprise of some, the Killer Bass who seemed to be a so united team, half of them were on one side, and the other half was on the other side.

On Lindsay's side were Tyler, Izzy, DJ, Owen, Leshawna, Katie, Cody, Duncan, Courtney, Eva, and Mr. Coconut.

And for the surprise of Heather, Leshawna, and the other half of Killer Bass... There it was... Ezekiel, Harold, Sadie, Trent, Justin, Beth, Noah, Gwen Bridgette, and Geoff who were kissing each other.

*tsk* *tsk*

"AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, OH COME ON." Both the surfer and the party boy shouted as Ezekiel rolled his eyes as he knew the duo wouldn't stop having a making-out session even on live television.

"Excuse me? Harold?" Leshawna exclaimed as she couldn't believe what she was seeing, but Harold looked sheepishly.

"Sorry Leshawna babe, but me and my friends decided that we need to make an even side for both girls, so I sorted out on this side," Harold commented as Leshawna looked at the boy who was using the same old winter jacket and winter hat. Who just nodded his head.

"Both girls went this far, and I think both had good chances, so we think anything can happen." Ezekiel shrugged as Duncan and Courtney nodded their heads, since nobody from their team was on the finals, it could be anyone. And from the triple dog dare you they managed to do all their disgusting and impossible tasks, it seems that everything could happen. So we are just here to watch the show.

Leshawna narrowed her eyes, but she went back to her place. While Heather looked in surprise to see Ezekiel smiling at her and giving a thumbs up. And waving at Lindsay who seemed to be so happy to see Tyler again. In disbelief of himself, he doesn't know why, but his friend insisted he make a little cardboard collar with his name on it. Not knowing why his friend wanted him to do that so much.

Lindsay and Heather were surprised to see that indeed the people on their sides were even, as she didn't expect to see the bookworm even on her side as well, but from seeing the person just caring more about reading a book than actually watching her doing the challenge, it made her rolls her eyes, as Chris decided to continue the discourse.

"Heather, Lindsay," The host with the most got the attention of the finalists and walked up to the final two. "This is your chance to tell the Peanut Gallery of Failure what you would do with the money if you won, and why you deserve it?"

"Well of course I deserve the prize money, not going to disrespect my friend Lindsay since I couldn't believe that we managed to not just reach the final three but came to the finals, but for me to do the limits of myself just for this disgusting entertainment must make me be the true winner, specially on all the disgusting torture that you all made us pass a few days ago. I'm looking at you Fish Heads, I need the money to pay for a skin treatment to clean up every single fiber of my skin, and a clean up of my stomach, and probably therapy after all this traumatic show." Heather complained and while some rolled their eyes at what Heather said, Ezekiel nodded his head knowing that it would be a fair trade. "Probably would also buy my own show and have Lindsay and Beth as my co-hosts, and we would go to the restaurant which I would pay for the dinner."

Some clapped for it, Lindsay and Beth were the ones who cheered loudly for her friend.

"I hope you can win Heather," Lindsay commented as Heather smiled but rolled her eyes.

"You also should tell your plans for the money Lindsay," Chris commented as the blonde girl spent a few seconds thinking.

"Well, I would use the 100 thousand dollars like my allowance, and I would bring me and my friends to the mall for shopping the whole day. My daddy said a well-earned money is more fun than buying things with your own money, so I'm planning to do that. So I'm calling all the girls and boys who like shopping in the mall." Lindsay commented that immediately made a lot of people who like money or even buy something at the mall cheer for her.

"WOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, LET'S GO LINDSAY." The losers cheered for her, as even some of the Screaming Gophers decided to change seats and go for her side.

"Wow, Lindsay, that was a very bold and charismatic plan," Heather said she was surprised, but knowing that it was Lindsay telling from the deep of her heart, she rolled her eyes and smirked. "I hope you get your purse ready because I saw a Louis Vuitton purse with my name on it."

"Really? They can name their purses with our names?" Lindsay commented innocently which made Heather facepalm, but inside chuckle from the antics of her best friend.

"All right. It's time for the final challenge. The reject Olympic relay race." Chris began to explain the rules of the final challenge of Total Drama Island. Gesturing to MacArthur who was wearing a red tracksuit carrying a falling plunger like an Olympic torch, and she was crossing the other side of the bridge to give to cadet Sanders who was wearing the same uniform, and trying to reach the Olympic tradition, just for later give Chef who was also wearing the tracksuit and went towards the toilet where the toilet water was used to snuff the flame. "Each of the three parts was pitched to the committee, but sadly rejected as an Olympic sport." Chris then pulled out a chicken hat and a cow hat as well. "First, each of you has to put on one of these."

Heather stared at Chris while she was holding the cow hat.

"Oh hell no, there is no way that I'm going to be wearing this on live television, especially on the last episode," Heather said angrily and Chris smirked at her in return.

"Well if you don't wear this you will be disqualified, so you better give the chance for Lindsay now, or you have to wear the hat to win. Your choice." Chris pointed at both options which made Heather annoyed, but already placing her animal hat on her head.

Lindsay placed the chicken head, and she could hear a little scream from the side, which was Tyler shouting in lament about how her girlfriend was now dressed to be the worst creature in the world. But everyone mostly ignored him, while Eva threatened him, which made him quiet.

"Dressed as a cow and a chicken, run to the first location and shimmy up the pole to retrieve your flag," Chris explained as he gestured over to a part of a racecourse that had two long poles with flags on top of them, blue for Lindsay, and green for Heather. "If you don't have the flag, don't bother comin' down off that pole!"

"Both were athletic, it can be any of them," Harold commented as Geoff nodded his head trying to see who could win.

"Next, you will cross a three-hundred-meter balance beam, suspended over a massive gorge, while carrying an eagle's egg," Chris explained as the duo seemed to be blinking towards Chris as they were waiting for something more. "Oh, it seems that you want to know the catch, and you are right, there is a catch, below, your friends, the rare, but real, man-eating, freshwater sharks."

And now was the thing that made both Lindsay and Heather terrified, as everyone had bad experiences remembering their fears of sharks during the whole season. From far away they could hear the sharks chomping down on something in the water, just showing how strong and scary their bites could be.

"The final leg of the race is a long-distance run. Returning to the finish line here. First camper to cross the finish line wins." Chris finished his explanation of the final challenge... And with that, everyone started to cheer up for their friends.

"You can do this Lindsay," Tyler shouted as some of the team on her side cheered for the blonde girl. Lindsay waved to the crowd.

"Come on Heather, you got this," Gwen said as the other members of Heather's team agreed with the goth… The queen bee rolled her eyes, but a smirk appeared on her face.

Both best friends, staring and waiting for the right moment.

"Just because we got on the final 2, know I'm not going to take it easy on you Lindsay," Heather smirked, as she prepared herself while she really wanted the cheque of 100 thousand dollars.

"Sure, I hope one of us can win," Lindsay commented as the girls seemed to be ready for the competition.

"On your marks…" Chris rose up his hand, beginning to start the final challenge of the show. "Get set…" Heather and Lindsay prepared themselves, narrowing their eyes, and putting their best to focus on the challenge, as Chris pointed down… "GO!"

And with that, both Lindsay and Heather started to run away, while some of the campers decided to remain in their positions… Some of their friends and people who they were cheering on, others decided to make things even more interesting.

Heather and Lindsay gave their best to run in the direction of their respective poles and used their best to shimmer to the top, and surprisingly it was like both Heather and Lindsay were on the same pace, but slowly Lindsay was almost reaching the top to catch her flag.

*deep breath*


"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." Lindsay shouted as she fell down from the pole since she lost her balance, but she was still able to hold one arm around… "Ouch ouch ouch."

However, her arm felt the burn coming from the time she went down from the pole. And looking on behind… Not just her, but Heather looked in surprise at the sight of what happened on Lindsay's pole… And there was an arrow nailed to the pole. Looking a bit far away, Heather blinked as she saw the familiar green winter hat, and she couldn't help but smirk. A good opportunity to win, she would never waste it.

She was about to reach the flag when suddenly an arrow almost hit her hand. Which made her lose her balance.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." And Heather differently than Lindsay, fell down… And the crash wasn't as bad as she expected… it was like something cushioned her fall.

"Ughhhh, why?" Then there was a voice that made her look down, and see Tyler who had been the unlucky person who had been the one who saved her from her fall… By being at the right time in the right place for her.

But Heather had another problem to take care of, she got up and looked around to see the bastard who launched the arrow at her… Until she realized something that made her eyes shrink… The military girl was trained by 3 or 4 crazy members of a squad, who were smiling and waving at her, and with a compound bowl aiming her arrow at her.

"HI HEATHER." Izzy grated as she was still aiming with her bow. "Sorry about that, but I think Lindsay had a better chance to win… It's not personal, but free shopping is an offer difficult to refuse."

Izzy commented as she was ready to launch another arrow, but suddenly something made her snap her head back, and turn her body just to catch the arrow launched at her.

"Huh… wow, so you really want to do that?" Izzy asked, as Heather and Lindsay who was helping Tyler to get out from the floor, looked at the person who was approaching them.

From the same green winter hat to a green blouse, he decided to take it out, revealing a Black T-shirt with a star logo in the middle. And from still wearing his weights, Ezekiel was not only bringing a bow with him… But was with a big circular metal plate, and an improvised wooden sword with him.

"Yeah, I do…" Ezekiel commented as he took out his metal plate and placed it on the floor, and still aimed his bow at Izzy who was giving a slow giggle.

"He he he, Zeke, zeke, zeke… You are so funny." Izzy commented as she aimed her bow and arrow at him. "Drop your bow now, and I will not shoot you."

"HEATHER, GO. I WILL HOLD HER OFF." Ezekiel shouted, and the queen bee understood what was said, before Izzy would turn her head, an arrow went in her direction, and she used her compound bow to deflect the arrow to the floor.

While Izzy was smiling her eyes were narrowing like a glare, which soon would be a signal of her showing red flags, Ezekiel knew what he was doing…

Heather looked down to see Tyler still in pain, but after rolling her eyes, and sweating a bit, she knew Izzy was going after her, so it was best if she acted quickly, she decided to shimmer the pole once again and try to go the fastest as she could.

Lindsay looked worried about the person who was down.

"Are you okay?" Lindsay asked as the jock was stretching his back and making cracking sounds.

"I'm going to be fine," Tyler commented as the girl nodded her head at him.

"Are you Tyler?" Then Lindsay made a question which made the jock pauses and looks horrified at the blonde bombshell until she saw the little cardboard with a name on it. "T ty ler...TYLER, OH IT'S YOU TYLER."

The jock didn't even have time to react as he felt the warm kiss from Lindsay who gave a sweet hug on him.

And Tyler was feeling on the clouds, as he never thought he would be having a great moment of his...

*Tsk* *tsk*

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH," Both Tyler and Lindsay shouted in pain as Geoff and Bridgette smirked at them.

"It sucks, doesn't it?" Geoff commented as Bridgette decided to go further.

"Lindsay, it's nice to see you happy to see Tyler again, but you are still in the competition," Bridgette commented as the duo went down from seeing an arrow passing above them. "And I think that you should take the flag now, or Ezekiel and Izzy are going to kill each other."

"Aren't they a couple? It looks like a couple fighting in my point." Lindsay asked and Bridgette raised her arms.

"THANK YOU," Bridgette commented as then the group saw a few arrows going in their direction. "Never mind, go take the flag while he ran away."

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH." Lindsay screamed as she started going up to the pole again. While Heather was just sliding down with the flag in her hands.




*Thumb* *Thumb* *Thumb*

It was something the cameras caught from that angle. It had been a bow and arrow combat since both were trying to hit eat other... But the duo seemed to have been ready to defend themselves from any kind of strategy they had.

Ezekiel was doing his best to stall time, while Izzy was aggressively approaching him.

Both releasing their bows, Ezekiel took his wooden sword, while Izzy decided to go full comando, by bringing a tactical knife. Ezekiel knew that from a girl who was trained by 4 or 5 people who would make a cast of a spy cartoon show. He had only trained by using his own imagination and rip-off moves he caught on television.

It was like stupidity to do something like that...

Thankfully for Ezekiel, he knew this outcome would happen.

(Confession - Ezekiel)

"Wow, it's been a while since I came here that I even forgot how terrible it smells." Ezekiel coughed while trying to remain polite in return for the confession both for so many weeks. "Anyway, you guys may be wondering, why Izzy and I are fighting into the middle of the final challenge, trying to sabotage both Lindsay and Heather on this challenge. So the explanation is kinda simple. I and Izzy had a bet going on...and our lawyers suggested we not reveal the bet yet, for people get curious until the end of the episode, and make you all curious about it, so I'm betting Heather could win, while she is betting Lindsay would win, so, in the end, is about me trying to stall Izzy as long as I can just for Heather keeps the advantage... But come on, she is a military veteran, and had probably trained with 2 mothers, her dad, and even Chef, and whoever is her superiors who would probably teach her martial arts... But that doesn't mean I don't have some tricks on my sleeve."

Izzy approached him and decided to use a direct attack with his knife, as Ezekiel rolled to the side, but then raised the sword to attack the girl, who just jumped and decided to give a sping a roundhouse kick, and Ezekiel stomped strongly at the tip of the metal plate, which was enough to launch up to his grasp, and by using the right timing, he used his left arm to grab the shield and defend himself from the kick.

That surprised Izzy and she gave a whistle.

"Not bad," Izzy commented as she was still with her leg raised and Ezekiel was feeling a bit of pain in his arm.

"Thanks, I saw Geoff doing that with a skateboard, so I decided to give it a try." Ezekiel smiled as he could see Lindsay already with her flag, and Heather probably with the eagle egg... Until he got another kick which made him almost lose his balance.

"Don't get distracted or I'm going to beat you up." Izzy smiled as she was punching and using the tactical knife to make the homeschooled boy lose his grip on the shield.

"Don't worry Izzy, because I know that fighting you in a direct fight would be stupidity... Well, alone...NOW." Ezekiel knew that he had to stall time with what he had. And he cursed his luck that he had to fight Izzy from all people. So he decided to bring an extra help.

Izzy blinked until her instinct made her jump away from a sudden attack made by another person, who just tried to hit her. But at the time she spun her knife to attack, just to be surprised to see 3 wooden swords going in her direction, which made her hold the attack, but give a few steps back... Izzy blinked for a few seconds until she stared at Ezekiel who was just smirking at her. And then Izzy stared again at the person who attacked her.

Harold was holding two wooden swords into one of each hand, and one he was using on his mouth. And while he still used his usual blue t-shirt and pants, she didn't expect Harold to be using a bandana covering his hair, it had been a different view from him, and while would say it was out of the ordinary, at least it showed a bit of more badassery on people who was looking at the nerd.

(Confession - Harold)

"Ezekiel asked me to help him fight Izzy because she probably must know at least 30 kinds of martial arts or more, and I kinda felt challenged by that, since I also have mad skills, so I want to see how good she would fair in a martial arts against me, but knowing that this was a bet between Ezekiel and Izzy, he asked me for help, so I decided to help him out." Harold nodded his head, as he was still wearing a bandana which made him look in contemplation in the mirror. "I gotta confess, I thought using 3 swords was absurd, but he said he was going to add a character like that in Adventure Time so I gotta ask how a person would be using 3 swords... And Ezekiel kinda taught me how he would have used it in secret training when nobody was looking. Still, it needs a lot to understand the stances, but I didn't imagine it had a very interesting potential. Still, I prefer the traditional katana."

"I can't believe you made me do this. Samurais would never do that." Harold even as he was with a wooden sword being held by his teeth, Ezekiel could hear him clearly.

"Pff, samurais would wish to be using this style. Pirates are way cooler. But come on, it's a new style I thought into place in my book, what do you think Izzy? A two vs one, with a martial artist, and someone who likes to play with swords and shields." Ezekiel commented as he raised both his wood sword and shield, and was ready to attack the military-trained child.

"Okay, 10 for the creativity, also 10 for the absurd I'm just saying... But do you really think that you can take me down?" Izzy scoffed, as she cracked her neck. And gave a few good swings with her tactical knife... "You are just making my hunt more fun for me."

"Well, it's now or never Harold, so prepare yourself, you know what to do..." Ezekiel said as both of them approached Izzy as they were in their combat stances...

And soon, another fight would start.

"OH NO, THERE IS NO WAY I'M GOING TO DO THAT," Sanders shouted as she looked furious at the host of the show who seemed to be with his smirk.

"I know it's weird that you're going to do this on our last show, but all of the other interns have been extremely hurt from all the other episodes when the new intern staff came to treat them, while some before them didn't have the chance and died already. But you two are tough girls. And all you have to do is test out this final challenge to make sure it's moderately safe." Chris commented as he explained the remaining interns after the Serial Killer episode got very hurt and took a day off after their treatment with their medical intern staff. So now there were only two girls remaining, the duo of cadets Sanders and MacArthur. "Also there is on your contract."

"UGH. *BEEP*" Sanders commented as MacArthur gave an impatient frown.

"Oh, stop whining already, it's part of our basic training to take down whatever challenge is in front of us," MacArthur said as she pushed Sanders to the side and decided to show how was done. As she proceeded to keep walking it was easy to pass. "See? Easy peezy."

"Ugh... I knew I should have read the contract, well, fine." Sanders commented as she gave a good space to run, which Chris decided to even make things worse for her.

"Oh, also don't look down," Chris said as Sanders still trembled and sweat from the idea of the terrible sharks under them... So taking a good distance, Sanders had their mind focused, and with a good speed, she remained with a good balance, and crossed the place, and before she could even lose her balance, she gave a good jump to land on the other side... With her still having a lot of sweat and panic on her face. "Well, that looks safe enough."

"*Beep* you..." Sanders commented, as Chris smirked and rolled his eyes.

"You did it Lindsay," Tyler said as the girl slid down from the pole with her flag in her hands. "Now you need to run fast to pass the second part."

"Yeah, go, Lindsay," Geoff commented as he started to kiss Bridgette but then he paused as he saw Tyler holding the water spray... "Okay, okay, we are slowing down."

"You better be. Now let's go." Tyler commented as Lindsay smiled and ran in the direction of the second phase of the challenge. By coming in the direction of the beams where Heather was on the other side, already taking one of the eagle eggs and ready to do part of her challenge.

Later the group started running in the direction of the next phase of the challenge, they were already looking at some campers who were there to watch Heather already taking one of the eggs with her. And starting to cross in the middle of the beam.

"HEY, HEATHER," Lindsay shouted her friend's name, which made Heather almost lose her concentration, but thankfully she was expecting someone to surprise her while she was walking.

"CAREFUL LINDSAY, THIS PLACE IS DANGEROUS, AND YOU SHOULD BE FOCUSED," Heather shouted back as advice to try to continue walking in the direction of the said plank. As soon it made her halfway, nothing would defeat her.

Suddenly loud eagle cries made Heather had her eyes wide open, and she got a bad feeling about that.

"What was that?" Lindsay asked as she was carrying her egg, until suddenly she saw a bunch of eagles attacking her which made her jump in surprise, and felt scared of her life.

"Angry eagle parents?" Chris commented as Duncan couldn't believe what he was saying at that moment.

"Oh, snap, that is messed up!" Duncan laughed as he gave a low five to the host who seemed to smile proudly at his work.

Courtney looked at her boyfriend in disbelief.

"What? You mean you like watching this? They could die!" Courtney pointed out that Heather and Lindsay were now dealing with the scaring eagles while at the end of the pit, there were sharks wanting to eat them both.

" Oh, mellow your yellow babe. This is awesome TV." Duncan explained as he even pointed it out his thumb behind his back. "Remember that we have contingency plans in case angry animals would attack remember? Also, you of all people were cackling madly from winning 1 thousand dollars from being the one who made Owen vomit... I mean, you made him eat a spoon of El Mongo and La Muerte, you scared even Ezekiel, and from the brainstorm we had at the meeting, nobody expected you to come up with that idea."

(Confession - Courtney.)

"Okay, I know what I did was messed up, but I never thought my boyfriend gave me a lot of kisses from suggesting the only thing to defeat Owen, and he laughed a lot on the I Triple Dog Dare You episode," Courtney commented as she was with a cheque on her hands. "Also it was 1 thousand dollars just for an idea to make them quit, I didn't know they would be that crazy to take the challenge... I mean, I was surprised that Owen continued on the game even after eating a spoon of that stink bomb."

Courtney commented, as she suddenly started giggling until she then saw the camera looking at her.

"I'm not a cruel girl, everyone from Killer Bass gave terrifying ideas, and it was our payback... Okay, maybe I liked this awesome TV like Duncan says..." Courtney blushed and said sheepishly. "But we have contingency plans in case the girls are attacked by dangerous animals. Thank God for that."

"Not comment." Courtney blushed as she looked away, and Duncan placed his arm around her neck and kissed her neck. Which made her blush... But then groaning. "Do we have to prepare the Alfa 34?"

"Noah and Beht are already bringing him here, so don't worry. We didn't plan all that for nothing." Duncan commented as the host of the show glanced at the duo with his eyes narrowing.

"What contingency plans?" Chris asked as both Pillars of Killer Bass smirked at the host.

"A secret," Courtney commented as Justin approached Noah who was now wearing sunglasses. Near the gorge.

"You know what you do, or Izzy and Eva are going to beat your ass if you don't," Noah commented as Justin just smirked.

"Don't worry about it. I was born for this moment." The beautiful boy commented as he then saw both girls having difficulty crossing and almost losing their balance.

"GIRLS, CLOSE YOUR EYES," Beth shouted, as Heather looked at the beautiful boy and realized her strategy, while Lindsay immediately closed her eyes. Heather also followed the idea.

Noah ripped Justin's shirt and the beautiful abs showed towards the camera, as the right angle of the sound and the melodic song as he gave a pose, which Lindsay and Heather closed their eyes, and while they were protecting themselves from the view, an eagle was looking hypnotized from such a beauty, not realizing another eagle going to its direction, and that way launching them both on the water, thankfully for them, the sharks were also hypnotized by the view.

Sanders was fawning with her hand. While MacArthur was giving slight glances at the Peanut Gallery of Failure, she could see a glimpse of glance of a little Coconut, which seemed to be in the company of the other girls and boys.

"Sonavah." MacArthur said as she remained stoic and looked at the challenge, she was a bit bored, but seeing the challenge as having contingency plans to save the girls, was something neat, and they wouldn't need to worry about jumping for their rescue from the sharks.

"Okay, I just need to keep looking on the floor. I'm almost on the near..." Heather commented as she suddenly felt something stuck... And she looked on the plank where her heels were stuck in one of the holes. "Oh, you gotta be kidding me."

"Be careful Heather, don't try to move until you got sure of taking out the heels," Beth called as Heather was groaning in anger.

"I know Beth, I'm trying to not look down," Heather was doing her best, as Lindsay looked in fear of her friend. And suddenly Lindsay looked a bit down, just to see the sharks who were still hypnotized by the model.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." Lindsay shouted as she felt the fear of her life, and started to run in panic, which made Heather look in panic for her friend, but then she had her mouth dropped wide open as she saw Lindsay simply running in a straight line without losing a balance. And then Lindsay was nearby the next as she was still screaming in fear for her life. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH..ahhhh... oh, I passed."

"Way to go Lindsay," Courtney said as the blonde girl placed the egg on the nest. Heather did her best to take off her heels, almost losing her balance, but that was enough to make Lindsay and Beth gasp in surprise, and then Heather knew that she needed to do something. So she decided to take all the ballet memories she had, and use the tip of her toes, after taking all her hells, and at a safe distance, she jumped a Grand Jeté, which made the group stare in surprise at Heather landing perfectly, with such a grace, that in the end Beth and Lindsay clapped, as the others where also there couldn't help but nod their head impressed from what they saw.

"Lindsay, run, Heather didn't place her egg on the nest yet. RUN." Courtney shouted as Lindsay suddenly snapped from her thoughts and decided to give a head start.

Heather also took the opportunity she had also place the egg and ran after Lindsay. Both girls ran from the last race until the finish line.

The boys and the girl had bruises on their arms, as it had been an attack and defense action countless of times, Harold even used another surprise attack, but Izzy took a good knife stance and used a cut that ripped the entire shirt of the nerd. As Harold stared down at his shirt being ripped. He took out and dropped his wooden swords. And from his pocket decided to go full attack on the military girl, by bringing back his nunchucks, and already showing off his skills.

Izzy, saw an opening to attack, and she was hit on her hands by the nunchucks, but since she was used to pain she gave a kick which Harold used his left arm to protect, but he didn't spect for her to use the other leg to jump and kick him on the stomach, and doing backflips.

Harold had his eyes looking in surprise, as he saw Izzy crouching, and one hand scratching her back.

"Monkey Style," Harold whispered, as he then placed the nunchucks on his neck, and made two of his hands doing a claw instance. "Let's see if you can take Tiger."

Izzy was about to accept the challenge, but then she gave a backflip when she saw Ezekiel giving a slash from the floor and going in the airway higher than she ever saw.

"What the *beep* you can fly?" Izzy asked in surprise but then she was surprised by Ezekiel going down with the sword.

"No... just jump good." Ezekiel always wanted to say that, as he tried to attack her, and by doing another roll, and using his sword, it had been the first time he sparred someone with the sword for real, and it had been pure adrenaline that let them keep doing for minutes.

Izzy gave a jump and took the wood sword with her hand, gave a spin by going behind Ezekiel, she decided to tickle him, which made him laugh and lose the guard, which was enough to push him to Harold, who just got surprised, and tried to go away from Ezekiel, but he didn't saw her jumping and kicking them both at the same time.

Making both boys down at the same time.

"Wow, good sparring session boys. I didn't have this much fun, since I was sparing with my moms and dad, but still Zeke, you should try some martial arts. Something which would surprise everyone." Izzy commented as she saw both boys still on the floor. "Well, let's see how far... HOLY*BEEP* OH COME ON, THEY ARE HEAD TO HEAD ON THE FINAL CHALLENGE? I need to see this."

After Izzy ran directly toward to see how the girls were doing, Harold and Ezekiel slowly got up from their defeated state, and both looked with bruises on their faces and arms.

"Zeke," Harold commented as the homeschooled boy grunted in response. "Did we just get beaten in a 2vs1 combat?"

"Yeah..." Ezekiel commented as he cleaned up his face. But then both remained in silence for a few seconds... "If someone asks, this didn't happen."

"Ditto," Harold commented as both forgot they were recorded on the final episode of the reality show, but still their pride of being defeated into 2vs1 was still very sore. Especially for Harold who took martial arts summer camp countless times. But still, they would deny what just happened.

Both girls started running in the direction of the camp, head to head, Heather was almost in the lead, but Lindsay still had a good advantage of being as athletic as she could, anything could happen. They didn't want to temptate fate, so they kept running, as the group saw Chef and Chris already with the red ribbon from the finish line, as the campers were eager to know who could win, and in the end, Heather tried to jump to reach the ribbon...

But from the last second Lindsay ran with everything she could, and when it came on the final frame... Lindsay's body was the one cutting the red ribbon.

"EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." The whole group of campers cheered as it seemed the underdog finally reached the finishing line, as the queen bee looked exhausted and even panting from how all the work she did was for nothing, as she stared at the dirty and even staring on the sky, seeing that all her efforts were in vain... And in the end, she just lost.

But then Heather felt surprised when both hands, helped her to raise her on her feet, which was both Beth and Lindsay who were so happy that they gave the queen bee a hug, which even as the loss was enough to make her sad... She was still happy to see her besties again, as she even tapped the head of them both. She rolled her eyes, she hated hugs, but at least she was happy with her friends, and also happy that she would enjoy a good time at the mall buying things.

"We won, Heather, we won," Lindsay said as she was happy for herself and her friend, and Heather tapped the head of her friend.

"Yes, Lindsay, we won." The queen bee smiled at the antics of her best friend, as even though she was naive and even with difficulty in her own way, she couldn't deny the blonde girl was a winner, and still liked to share her things, just like the alliance. Who knew an alliance could have changed the queen bee in such a way, a farmer, a blonde bombshell, and a queen bee, a trio that nobody would ever give faith in it, but it doesn't look so bad for a trio that it could work just fine.

"CONGRATULATIONS LINDSAY." Then another voice came in, which gave a big hug to the trio, Heather rolled her eyes, but while she was a bit with fear and panic whenever Izzy was near... She couldn't help but that she was also another member of the same alliance. "I knew you could win."

"Thank you, Izzy, it was so crazy, but now we all won," Lindsay commented as she hugged the fourth member of the alliance.

A farmer girl, a blonde bombshell, a military 'crazy' girl, and a queen bee... What are the odds that this little group could have gone so far and even managed to win the show? It was something that she wouldn't expect...

Then Ezekiel and Harold walked toward the group of winners Izzy smirked at the homeschooled boy who rolled his eyes.

"Okay, Okay, I lost," Ezekiel commented as he gave a look on Heather who was still wary of him, but then he gave a thumbs up. "We tried our best, but at least from all people to lose, you lost to your best friend, so don't be down, it could have been way worse."

"Oh yeah? Like what?" Heather commented as she definitely wouldn't find a better way to make things worse for her...

"You could have lost to Owen on the last challenge if someone asked you to have your hair cut by Chef," Ezekiel commented as both Lindsay and Heather felt a shiver on their spine, they looked terrified at him, but then Izzy and Beth laughed which made the duo look weird.

"Don't worry girls, Ezekiel made sure that nobody decides to do this crazy challenge, emotional torture, eat disgusting things, or even get in danger of animals. Sure, but willingly to cut the hair or permanently damage a part of our body was out of the question." Izzy commented as both Lindsay and Heather let out a huge sigh of relief.

"Yeah, we from Killer Bass are not a monster, we just had the opportunity to make every single one of you who made us lose on the show have a huge payback, and trying to take down Owen as well as the catch, since we needed to make you three suffer at the same time without having a preference," Ezekiel explained as the girls, even Beth palled from remembering the challenges. "So that's why we decided to start with disgusting, disgusting, fear, disgusting, fear, pain, pain, disgusting, fear, disgusting, fear and disgusting. On that sequel."

"Err... Ezekiel, I'm afraid you've gone mad with power." Beth commented as she looked palled from the process of ideas the Killer Bass had when it came to the roulette of triple dog dare you. But then what made Beth, Lindsay, and Heather even more shocked was Ezekiel simply nodding his head at them.

"Of course, we were mad with power," Ezekiel said as he explained to the girls. "Have you ever got mad without power? It's boring, nobody listens to you."

At that moment, Heather, Beth, Lindsay, and even Izzy who was raising her finger then dropped as her mouth opened and closed many times...

"He's got a point," Izzy commented as she even gave a slight blush on her face.

Lindsay looked at them both.

"Aren't you two dating?" Lindsay asked as then suddenly a shout of someone screaming THANK YOU was heard which most of them ignored, as Izzy and Ezekiel stared at each other... But then laughed.

"Well, we are best friends, so no romance for me yet because of you know..." Izzy commented as she gave a slight point on Owen who was enjoying a good cheer with the other campers, as Ezekiel nodded his head.

"Well Izzy had been one of the best friends I have, excluding all the Killer Bass team, so I'm not even sure what she thinks, so best friends," Ezekiel commented as he shrugged off, which Lindsay raised her eyebrow but she wasn't having that. While Heather looked a bit angry at them both.

"So why the arrows? You both shot at us all the time." Heather commented angrily as Izzy looked smugly at Ezekiel who rolled his eyes.

"We were betting on you both, whoever would win, the person who lost the bet would be doing something," Ezekiel commented as he stared at the queen bee. "Me and Harold did our best to stall the time against Izzy, and yet you still lose, so please don't be sore of it, I was the one losing the bet."

"And what did you both decide to bet on," Lindsay asked curious, as Ezekiel who was still with his shirt, raised one of the sleeves.

"I'm going to be doing a tattoo of Killer Bass right here," Ezekiel explained as he pointed at the arm...




"You WHAT?" Courtney was the first one to shout freaking out, while Duncan whistled and messed up with the hat of the pillar of Killer Bass.

"That's my bro. I'm so proud of him." Duncan chuckled as he even gave a high five at the boy until he suddenly was tackled down by his girlfriend who just kept calling him irresponsible and being a bad influence to the others.

(The Last Bonfire Cerimony)

And so here they were, all the 22 contestants plus Coconut around the campfire one last time, Chris walked up to Lindsay who was standing in front of the fire, while Tyler was on her side, and Heather, Izzy, and Beth on her other side, now going to do the last ceremony of the show. And holding a single marshmallow in his hand.

"Here we are. At the last bonfire ever, After nine brutal weeks, it's my great pleasure to announce the winner of Total Drama Island... LINDSAY.!" Chris gave the official nomination which Lindsay raised her arms, as the entire group of campers cheered for the victory of the blonde bombshell.

As Lindsay took the big cheque and gave some kisses to the camera as she also waved her victory to everyone watching her, the group was proud of how a girl managed to win the show by using her friendship, her logic, and even her athletic skills, which most people never thought she would have gone so far, but also managing to win the first season of the show.

"Thank you so much for all your support, and for everyone who helped me to reach this far, also including the person who made me so angry with him... Tito, I forgive you." Lindsay commented as she forgot who Trent was, and for the best of him, he accepted the apologies to not try to make himself look worse on the television or get punished so hard by her... Since she could watch him apologizing and getting his karma, he felt it was the best he took what he could.

"Lindsay, at this time I give you the ultimate symbol of survival." Chris held up the marshmallow for Lindsay to take. "The final marshmallow."

"Thank you Chip... I mean, Chris." Lindsay commented as Chris smiled at the girl finally took a while but she got her name completely right, and from taking on her hands, Lindsay placed it to her mouth... As to savor the sweet victory, and the proof of her grown-up. "It's delicious."

"Alright, Killer Bass..." Duncan commented as Ezekiel and Geoff smirked. "You know that officially the show is over... It's time for one last thing."

Chris blinked as he felt a bad feeling about it, but then when he tried to move away, Izzy, Heather, and every camper who was approaching him was a signal that something bad was about to happen.

"NO, NO, NO." Chris pleaded as he was being carried by Geoff, Owen, DJ, Harold, Duncan, and Trent who decided to give help carrying the host of the show over their heads and heading towards the dock, intending with only one thing... "Guys, my hair! DUDES!"

"One...two...three!" The guys carrying the host yelled as they launched away Chris into the water, and with that, all the campers were laughing and cheering from seeing Chris with wet hair, while Chef was also giving a good laugh to the campers.

Heather was taking pictures of it, just to save herself for a good laugh, Lindsay was kissing Tyler and he was glad the girl could know who he was just because of the cardboard with his name on it.

"I've been wanting to do that all summer!" Chef laughed at the sight of Chris soaking wet in the ocean. Nothing has brought the buff cook more satisfaction than seeing the person getting karma. "How do you like that, pretty boy?! Huh?!"

"Oh Chef~" The singing sound of Geoff was enough to make the cook feel worried about his life, since the boys approached him, which was enough of a red flag to make him start running away.

"Now it makes all those weeks of craziness worth it." Cadet Sanders smirked as she felt vindicated from her terrible choice of signing a contract that she didn't read, but also she was happy the show ended and she had good political training and experience to share with the cadets of the police academy... She was having a great time... "Was a good show wasn't MacArthur?"

"YOU WHAT? OH THAT'S IT, I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN.!" MacArthur shouted as she stomped away from the direction and saw the tiny coconut on the floor, which the glutes cadet walked towards her black partner, and started to sniff with a few tears in her eyes.

"Ugh... I will take an ice cream tub for you." Sanders rolled her eyes, while her partner gave a nod in gratitude.

"So you guys got beaten up by Izzy?" Duncan laughed at both Harold and Ezekiel who gave a semi-glare at him, which made him laugh even louder.

"That was a crazy idea, why did you decide to take the bet anyway?" Leshawan commented as Ezekiel gave a nostalgic smile and decided to be sincere.

"Well, I think it was fun, also I think it would make a very awesome episode if we did everything we did. Also, I don't mind making a tattoo of Killer Bass, like I said before, Killer Bass until death, was the best team I ever wanted to be, and I Wouldn't have traded that for nothing in this world." Ezekiel commented as he gave a good look on Izzy who was also going to help the boys push the cook on the water. Heather, Lindsay, and Beth also recorded the video to place on the forum.

He was eager to know what the others would think and how they would react to the challenge of the 1 million dollars. The last true episode of Total Drama Island... He was so excited and ready for everything. Especially with the talk he had with Chris before the episode even started.

Chapter 45: Total Drama Drama Drama Drama Island

Chapter Text


"Welcome back to Total Drama Island. It's been a long time since you last saw our campers slugging it out for the $100,000 grand prize. Since the competition came to a shocking and dramatic conclusion, our campers have had some time to snack on some real food - no offense, Chef" Chris started the introduction of the show, as it showed the resume of what happened on the episode while he also gave a slight jab towards the cook who was wearing pool float and pink shorts while he was doing steak on barbecue grill, which he raised his arm while he saw the angry look from the Chef "Take a hot shower, get their stuff back, and even peruse their emails from home. There were losers. But there was only one winner: Lindsay."

Chris explained as he showed the picture of Lindsay who was doing a pose that she used on her talent show and posing while giving a blown kiss to the camera Chris decided to show the highlights of the challenge, as the girl doing all types of challenges, being in fear, getting happy, getting sad, getting angry and showing her naive or angry eyes… After all the athletic and disgusting challenges she did.

"The youngest of three sisters, a person who had beauty and charisma, even despite her naivety and easy way to be tricked turned out to be the surprise champ. Without much knowledge despite her dyslexia, but compensating with her athletic and also her eccentric logical skills of thinking outside the box, she ended up with one massive prize. She's planning to bring every single one of the contestants to have a nice time shopping at the mall of Eaton Centre in Toronto, Ontario this winter. But first, they're gonna move their booties for one final poolside rap party, and tomorrow, everybody's heading home. Or are they?" Chris explained as everyone seemed to be having a great time together, however, nobody could guess if that was indeed the last scene they would have from Chris, and now he was ready to show one last challenge for the campers, especially for the winner. "Find out here on Total. Drama. Island!"

After the whole challenge which had been nothing more than a nightmare for some, and iconic moments for others, now every camper was enjoying a good time with themselves, celebrating the pool party as the show seemed to be finally coming to an end, many campers can't wait to return to their lives, as it was a great time to pass with each other.

Lindsay was kissing Tyler as he was wearing his shorts, but to make sure his girlfriend still remembered his name, he had a golden collar that had his name attached to it, he had no idea why the production cast decided to do that for him, but he was thankful for them thinking ahead since it felt it was a very iconic joke that he isn't aware of.

Lindsay was with her 100 thousand dollar cheque behind her, as she was enjoying a good time when she suddenly felt someone touching her shoulder, the blonde bombshell was happy until she saw a face that made her freeze, and made her have a stoic face.

"Hello Lindsay, congrats on your winning." It was no other than Trent who decided to be mature and be polite as he saw the girl still forcing her smile at him. The guitarist knew that he had to say it. "Look, I know that I committed some mistakes."


There was a loud cough coming from the jock nearby the blond, which made Trent rolls his eyes. "Okay, I committed a lot of mistakes, and I am very sorry, from the bottom of my heart, about what I made you do in vain," Trent apologized as the winner of the show blinked in surprise. "I know that you said you forgave me, but I wanted to be sincere, and your boyfriend and your friends really made me get a lot of punishment, just for the sake I making the mistake. So I want to ask you forgiveness this time with sincerity."

Lindsay remained as she stared at the person in front of her, and from the time he wasn't sure about what to say, she then felt someone tapping her shoulder, it was Tyler who had a happy smile on his face.

"Do it, I will show you something nice later, he is really sorry, and you are going to like what you will see…" Tyler commented with a smirk, which made Trent groan, but gave a grateful smile in return.

"Okay, you are forgiven, Tyson… Trent."Lindsay said the right name as she felt herself smiling happily once again.




While there was a good song happening and Eva eating marshmallows with Chef doing the barbecue, the Chef saw Harold talking with Ezekiel while he had a Biology book in his hands.

"And that's why beavers shouldn't be considered members of the vermin family. Their skeletal structures are like, totally different from rats."Harold explained as Ezekiel was musing while writing down something on the paper.

"Harold, I was just drawing the 2 beavers brothers mascots of Izzy's company… And while I say this looks fascinating from some perspective, I actually want to ask… are you planning to become a teacher in the future?" Ezekiel said as he gave a pause, and stared at his nerd friend that as much he loves him as a great friend when he goes to boast knowledge mode, it gets annoying even for himself.

"Well, kinda..."Harold commented as he paused and looked a bit uncomfortable. "It's because me and my cousin Scarlett always had a little game among ourselves that we always debated about scientific facts and historical facts to make sure that we know more than each other."

"Oh, so that's a game…"Ezekiel understood something that he never thought before, as when he first learned about Harold talking about Scarlett, he almost freaked out from imagining how one of his best friends was relative to a girl who became crazy and almost took control of the island in a few seasons in the future. But then she could see both of them showing their intelligence and trying to look superior in that. "Why didn't you tell me that's kinda of a game? I would have tried to find something interesting for us to debate… And you should also ask if someone is interested in that dude, when you do that alone, it gets annoying. Asking for play is a good way to make the others know that you are not bragging yourself just for the sake of nagging the others."

"Oh really?" Harold commented as he hummed and understood what his friend was saying. "I didn't know."

"It's fine Harold, I'm just glad that I finally understand why you do that, and also… I think your acting mysterious when you showed your dark side on the show, really made people more interested in knowing things. From what I saw on the forum of total drama when you told the most dangerous animal and said for the others to look for themselves, it made people very interested in searching and learning." Ezekiel suggested as the duo walked nearby Izzy who was also enjoying a good time with Chef, talking about the time on how she beat the duo and how he laughed from watching the show. "Sometimes Harold, if you act mysterious and say something like a keyword, and let the people search for it, they will be more interested in searching for themselves, while you still act cool and interesting," Ezekiel suggested, as he knew that his friend had great skills, but sometimes he goes a little overboard and he should get a bit more mature, so that's what he wanted to do for his friend.

"Oh really? Do you think that it could work?" Harold blinked and asked in surprise, as he never thought about the idea of him looking cool doing something like that.

"Harold, you as a wildcard made a good fandom likes you, so you should do a lot of good stuff to keep your fame still around, you have a lot of skills, and that's a good opportunity to explore them to become stable," Ezekiel explained as Izzy nodded her head as she got the duo on the right time.

"Yeah, I'm a billionaire now, and Ezekiel will be releasing his new books in a few days," Izzy commented as Harold looked in surprise.

"Really? So Adventure Time and Steven Universe are going to be published?" Harold looked very surprised but also very excited since the idea of reading the official book written by his friend was going to be a good way to enjoy his time with his siblings and go to school again but this time as a famous boy.

"Yeah, I'm going to be doing a book sign in a few days, probably in a mall near the location we returned from the show. I needed to pass a while with my parents, but I'm sure at the moment I make the book signing, I will be ready to write more for the future." Ezekiel commented as he gave a slight smirk to Izzy who giggled since both of them knew there would be a good future for both of them.

"That's awesome," Harold commented as he then looked at Izzy and narrowed a bit his eyes. "Someday I want to have a sparring with you again. I feel like I could have done more than what I just saw on the last episode."

"Oh, that I don't doubt, but while you still know Karate and Kung Fu, I learned with the best of Canada, so you still have a long way to defeat me… But I'm glad to have someone to fight with." Izzy smirked as Harold narrowed his eyes, and Ezekiel rolled his.

"Alright both of you stop, if you don't want meat or a hotdog, then get out of here," Chef said annoyed as the group walked towards the table of the buffet. As the trio got out, Chef couldn't help but smirk as he was reminded of the days he always had a good time in the military with his friends. "These kids..."

As the camera walked around, Sadie, Katie, and Cody were dancing on the pool, while Justin was flexing a few poses, which Sadie was giggling, as her best friend and sister of another mother was also hugging her boyfriend in happiness.

"As soon as I get home, I'm signing up with three modeling agencies. One for my face, one for my body, and uh, one for my knees." Justin commented as he started to show his muscles as even the camera already took pictures of the pose he was having, one for each category he quoted.

"That sounds great Justin, I'm sure everyone is going to like you, even from all the popularity you had on the show," Cody commented as he remarked on the forum of the show where all the girls talked mostly about Justin doing poses and how great he had been around.

"You do have great knees," Sadie commented which made Justin stop, and then gave with a good smirk, as he tried to look away from the slight blush he had on the moment.

"Thanks, Sadie, and I noticed that you have been working out just fine," Justin commented as Katie and Cody blinked… "You should also give a try in some flexing poses, if you want I can give you some points."

Sadie smiled innocently as she nodded her head, while both Cody and Katie blinked in surprise and looked at each other.

(Confession – Katie and Cody)

"Please tell me that you saw what I saw," Cody commented to his girlfriend who nodded her head at him.

"Justin has a crush on Sadie. *squeeeeeeeeeee*" Katie got so excited that she squealed which made Cody flinch a bit, but was also surprised to see how the duo felt so surprised by that.

"I didn't know Sadie was Justin's type," Cody commented as he felt a slap on the back of his head. "Ouch,"

"Don't judge their love. And I'm sure Sadie will realize that he has a crush on her." Katie said as a warning, and Cody then raised his eyebrows at her. "Okay, I know what you are thinking."

"Oh, do you?" Cody snarked as he pointed out a few things. "From the stories I heard you both told me, the word love clueless on the dictionary had a picture of Sadie on it."

"Okay mister, you had overused your timing talking with Noah, stop being sarcastic." Katie said as she knew Noah was a good friend, but some of his sarcasm was really annoying sometimes, "Dealing with one sarcastic bookworm was enough, I'm not going to accept my boyfriend becoming like him."

"Okay, okay," Cody commented as he rolled his eyes, and they both smiled at the camera.

As the sound of disco appeared on the place, Chef checked his stake he loved the smell, and ready to be eaten, it was just needed the final touches. On the buffet, there were Owen, Izzy, Eva, Ezekiel, and Harold enjoying the quantity of marshmallows they were eating.

Owen was eating a large quantity of marshmallows while Izzy was eating way before him.

"Ninety-five!" Izzy commented as she ate and with the drink she then burped loudly in front of Ezekiel. Which she immediately stops. "Ops sorry."

"It's fine, better out than in." Ezekiel quotes one of the most iconic movies, in which Izzy giggled as also Owen cheered from the loud burp Izzy just made since both were eating a lot of marshmallows.

"Ooh! Woohoo! That was awesome! You are a marshmallow goddess!" Owen commented as he gave bowing motions to Izzy who was still eating marshmallows.

And Ezekiel had a question on his mind.

"I'm curious, how do you guys do loud burps?"Ezekiel commented as he then saw Harold with an eager face on his side, he decided to shrug. "Alright Harold, what's the most logical explanation?"

"In scientific terms, loud burps can be described as the audible expulsion of gastric gases through the oral cavity, resulting from the sudden release of air accumulated in the stomach and esophagus," Harold commented on the scientific explanation which probably made Owen look confused as what the hell the nerd had just told him, and Eva was looking at the boy weird. "The phenomenon occurs due to the relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) and the rapid movement of air through the upper digestive tract. The sound intensity of the burp is influenced by factors such as the volume and velocity of the expelled gas, as well as the anatomical characteristics of the individual's vocal tract and oral cavity."

"Err… Harold, remember what I said?" Ezekiel commented as the nerd slapped on his head.

"Okay, keywords, soda, drink fast, wait 3 seconds, be straight up, swallow the air, and let it out." Harold gave in simple words, as Owen gave a gasp of realization, and Ezekiel nodded his head.

"Got it…"Ezekiel took his soda can and gave the maximum of gulps he could, until he finished the soda can, and after waiting for a few seconds… Ezekiel got himself in position… "*Buuuuuurp."

It had been a little loud, but in comparison to many of the other campers, that didn't have been that impressive, but still both Owen and Izzy clapped at him.

"Great job on the first try Zeke." Izzy commented as she decided to give her secret weapon, "Besides, with a little practice, you'll be burping like me…"

And then with all her might, Izzy had given the mother of all burps, since at the time she burped, it was like the roar of an animal, which Ezekiel was in front of her, shielding himself with his arms, and standing strong on his ground, while Harold was almost launched away but thankfully Eva was holding him strongly at the ground. Tyler, Lindsay, Heather, and Beth were playing ball in the pool until the giant burp was enough to catch Beth and Tyler with a wave and the wave was carrying both Lindsay and Heather to the other side of the pool, where Gwen was talking happily with Duncan, Courtney, DJ and Geoff who seemed to be so fine into talking and enjoying their time on the pool until they saw the strong burp on their direction. While Owen felt the marshmallows fall from his mouth...

At the end of the said roar made of carbonate gas, everyone stared at Izzy, who just realized that she burped once again on his friend's face.

"Sorry Ezekiel." Izzy apologized but both Ezekiel and Harold raised their thumbs up at her.

"THAT WAS AWESOME," Ezekiel commented until he saw Owen being shocked on that level. "Owen, are you okay?"

"I think I'm in love with you," Owen commented as he held the hand of Izzy who was surprised with the act of the chubby guy, until he started kissing her, which made Izzy with a huge desire to puke.

"Izzy," A voice called out, Ezekiel knew that his mom would hate to see that, but he gave his winter hat to Izzy who immediately started vomiting and running away. "I should have expected that eating that quantity of marshmallows mixed with soda would cause such problems on the stomach."

"I agreed, there was no way that a person would hold up that quantity of sugar without consequences." Harold nodded his head, and Eva agreed since she was also feeling terrible in her stomach after eating 37 marshmallows.

"Was something I said?" Owen asked sadly which made the trio nod their head at him.

"It was more like acting… Owen, you are a great guy, but you kinda forgot one single detail…" Harold tried to approach him in the kindest way possible.

"You screwed up Owen, hard, you pushed Izzy into Chef dressed as a serial Killer, there was no way the same person would would falls for you after that," Eva on the other hand decided to be sharpest as a knife, making Owen flinches.

"Well, you have a heart in a good place Owen, but from what I heard from Izzy, she will only treat you as a friend, but a romance again? Sorry buddy, but not a chance." Ezekiel nodded his head, as Owen sighed and nodded his head sadly.

"That's fair… Hey guys, do you want me to see me burping the alphabet?" Owen commented as Ezekiel and Harold passed a few seconds, but then nodded their heads with a smirk on their faces, and Eva rolled her eyes and walked towards the crowd group on the pool, which was Gwen enjoying her time with the Killer Bass friends.

"Okay, let me hear again in case I didn't hear right," Bridgette commented as she couldn't believe what she just said…

"I just think me and Harold were moving too fast in the relationship," Leshawna commented it made the blonde girl feel unsure about what to say at that moment, but thankfully for her, another person was also there to show her mind.

"So let me try to summarize what we just heard, you, Leshawna, who just had been the first person who form a relationship on the show, and when there was a huge rivalry between you and your troll on the internet, the same you, who decided to take Harold's first time, I can't believe I said that, but anyway, and had the every opportunity to show up to your troll that you two had been great together… wants now to say that you two had been too fast on the relationship." Noah summarized as he explained to the black ghetto in the most sarcastic way, as the girl felt unsure of what to say, and Noah couldn't help but give a last remark. "Wow, and here I thought the others were doing a slow motion on their relationships."

"Look, I know what I said, but it was all on the emotional on there, and Sierra had been always striking on my nerves, and I know Harold is the funkiest, baddest, strangest white boy I have ever met. But, I think we need to slow down a bit." Leshawna commented as she realized that she had been always acting as receptive instead of letting everything happen around her.

Bridgette's eyes softened as she could understand what the girl had been saying, and while she could agree with Noah on how Leshawna had started everything, she couldn't blame her for the fact that they went far ahead and did things that she never thought she would have crossed with Geoff yet…

"I understand, but I think that you may want someone to help you out to reach him," Bridgette commented as she made the girl stare at her. "Harold as much he is a good friend and a very skilled person, sometimes he lets his pride be over his head, and without knowing he ends up annoying us around… Thankfully Courtney, Duncan, and Ezekiel are helping him out on that because I remember how he first started and he kinda freaked me out."

"Yes, I know," Leshawna giggled as the duo felt fine Noah rolled his eyes and decided to give a better remark.

"Well, at least you know where you can start," Noah remarked, as Leshawna looked away, and saw Gwen sitting with Duncan, Courtney, DJ, and Geoff and having a great time together.

"Yeah, that's a good idea," Leshawna commented as she decided to wave at the duo as she went in the direction of the little group.




"I think the best thing about playing this stupid game was meeting you guys," Gwen commented as she was very happy to be around a group of friends that she never thought she would have enjoyed most. As times were hard on the show, the best moments that she could indeed appreciate in her memories, were the times they were all together in the Aquarium and talking about their days, plans and even doing their hobbies on there.

"Ditto," Geoff nodded his head agreeing with Gwen who also was happy with Geoff inviting her to have a good party.

"Yeah, It was awesome to meet you guys." DJ agreed as he gave a high-five to Duncan who nodded his head.

"Yep, I couldn't believe the time when I get out of this place, I will return to my home and bed, and then I will just do a few community services for a few weeks and then I can return to my style of life," Duncan commented that he was happy to enjoy his life of being a delinquent. Until he heard someone clearing a throat nearby him… "Well I also should visit to check the princess and her mom for helping me out from all this mess up we got into…"

"That's my boyfriend," Courtney commented as Gwen giggled from seeing the duo being happy like that. "But I have to agree, there were times I wanted so much to beat the crap of Chris… But I think meeting you all and making me learn to open up more and relax really made me feel with a lighter head, and appreciate the time having new friends."

Gwen smiled as Eva, Leshawna, Harold, and Ezekiel approached after seeing Gwen taking a few photographs with her.

" I can't wait for you to meet my buds back home. This is Marilyn, Pixiecorpse, and Reaper." Gwen commented as she showed the picture of her goth friends, and while some of them looked uncomfortable seeing the picture of them, Ezekiel gave a better look at the pictures.

"They look cool, I'm curious if they also have a dream of going to Transylvania," Ezekiel commented while some of his friends raised their eyebrows at him.

"Yeah, we plan to go there after college, since it would be a good time for us go to there. There is a castle there that it looks very cool for we trip. And that's something that we would be very excited to have as a school trip, but nobody ever wants to go to the cool places." Gwen commented which made the group look confused at her, and at Ezekiel who nodded his head at her.

"Makes sense… Harold, do you know why goths like so much Transylvania?" Ezekiel asked as Harold really wanted to share some information, but he contained himself.

"The keyword it's Dracula is known to being the first goth," Harold commented as the group who were around, opened their mouths in understanding.

"Ohhhhhhhh," The finally could see how Gwen felt happy around, and since she and her friends would be going to where the who would be the first goth or aka vampire, was indeed something that the goth would go behind.

"I'm surprised that you actually knew that Harold. Nice job," Gwen nodded her head, as she would have been annoyed by the nerd doing a lot of talking across something related to what she liked or showing some controversies, but she had no idea what Ezekiel just did, but from resuming the answer to keywords, indeed made her appreciate the conversation more...

Lindsay was using her PDA while Heather was using her Heathermmunicator as both girls traded their numbers and contacts Beth sat as they kept reading their emails and giving more contacts to their parents.

Tyler was nearby them as he was playing frisbee with Trent, since the duo seemed to have resolved their differences, and the guitarist found someone to enjoy a good sport around.

"Aww, look! Maggie, Bree, and Heidi are planning a giant welcome home party for me!" Lindsay shouted happily as Heather raised her eyebrow while Beth mumbled happily.

"Lucky!" Beth commented as she was happy for her friend, but also kinda envied her popularity, but Lindsay didn't care since she was one of her best friends.

"Isn't the trio part of your cheerleader squad?" Heather asked as she since she was around Lindsay, remembered the stories that she talked to her, even in times Heather didn't even want to listen.

"Dusty will be there!" Lindsay squealed happily which made Beth and Heather also squealed excited.

"WHO IS DUSTY?" Tyler shouted in fear until a frisbee immediately hit on his head. And was almost falling into the pool.

"It's the celebrity gossip magazine, you doofus," Heather commented to the jock who was still dizzy but giving a thumbs up before falling into the water.

Tyler was fighting to not drown in the water, and DJ when saw that moment, he knew that he had to do something, so he ripped his shirt, which there was a pool float vest, and jumped into the pool to try to save the jock who was drowning… But since DJ didn't have practice in looking inside the water, he accidentally slammed his head under the water on a nearby wall, and started to drown himself…

Tyler took on that moment to save the king heart giant, and both got out of the pool Tyler had to use DJ's legs as a lever to make DJ spit out all the water from his body.

"So, celebrities magazine?" Tyler commented at the trio of girls, which Lindsay and Beth giggled, while Heather rolled her eyes, but in the end, the trio squealed from their popularity being raised from the blonde bombshell having a chance to have more popularity.

As a group we enjoyed everything, even trading contacts and telling their plans for the future, Ezekiel… as the same others suddenly heard a suspense song playing on the speakers on the playa del losers… Which Ezekiel stared at Izzy… Which had a serious face as well, as both knew it was time.

Everyone paused and stared at Chris holding what would be a heavy grey suitcase, Ezekiel had his eyes wide open, and he saw both MacArthur and Sanders approaching behind him, knowing well what was about to happen.

But the others had no idea what was supposed to happen on that day… And then Chef came to the place where Lindsay had left her big 100 thousand dollars cheque and took it with him.

Until Chris released the big suitcase on the floor.

"Hello, campers!" Chris commented as he felt he never have been so excited in his life, but then the mood was turned down when Duncan already decided to be a stick in the mud.

"Ha, that's ex-campers to you," Duncan commented as he didn't even like to be named on the same thing Chris would call when he had something crazy on his mind.

"Yeah. Your twisted game is over. Remember?" Heather nodded her head as she was so relieved that she didn't have to be on the show anymore, even though she lost, at least she would have as the only memories her friends, as she would ask her parents to make her do their best to pay therapy for make her forget about the show as a whole.

"We'll see about that," Chris whispered to Chef, as the duo started to chuckle at their positions.

"Hey Chris, did you talk with the producers about the thing I asked you?" Ezekiel then asked a question and everyone around the pool raised their eyebrows at him, and Chris smirked with a thumbs up and gave the answer he was relieved of.

"They are talking with your lawyer, and probably with your parents, but from what you told me, it sounds legit. So I would guarantee that in a few days, it would be done. Congratulations Ezekiel." Chris commented as Ezekiel got up from his place, and Izzy herself also got hyped.

"YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHH, YEAH, YES." Both Ezekiel and Izzy gave high fives and she even hugged him as a way to congratulate him.

"What? What's going on?" Gwen asked as Courtney and Duncan were also confused about seeing someone so hyped by something done with Chris.

"Well, I wish you could give the honors Ezekiel, but I'm kinda in a hurry. But in summary… Ezekiel now is the owner of Playa Del Losers." Chris commented as the silence sound was enough to make everyone stare at the homeschooled boy who just got his winter hat which Izzy made sure to clean up… from what she said, but he didn't mind since he would wash it later. But now the group stared at the boy who clearly bought the resort which they passed the weeks when they weren't on the show.

Even the cadets stared in surprise, as Sanders whistled and MacArthur had to nod her read in appreciation.

But then the Killer Bass team went to greet Ezekiel for his new achievement.

"I can't believe it." Gwen commented as she smirked at the duo who seemed to be cheering with the official new owner of the place, "I could imagine you would want to use your money for some investment, but to buy this place?"

"Yeah dude, I can't believe you bought this place." Duncan laughed as he seemed to enjoy this place already and now he knows the owner of the place. "You are going to invite us to come here whenever we want right?"

"That's the idea," Ezekiel commented as the group was very happy that the official place was now given to the new owner since the show was over, and Ezekiel now had a vacation spot for relaxation.

"Well, good job, but you also should be aware of the expanses of this place, like food, water, energy, and from the equipment around as like something who always had any kind of preparations would actually think before doing some stupid purchase." Noah came as he looked at his boss and partner when it came to the books, but looking at the serious face of his friend, he knew the boy actually passed. "You really thought about the expenses…"

"Yes, I did. That's why I asked my lawyer and Izzy's accountant to make some simulations about my options on what I could make with this place, and make this my official home as it will take a few months to renovate everything, make it official, as I have to pass with my parents and the development of what I should be doing with this place." Ezekiel explained as he also pointed out about the transport, what would be the safest and best way to travel if was needed a safe boat, or a better way to come here by helicopter, or even if he needs to learn how to pilot a boat or a helicopter, he made all the checklist of potential problems and ways to solve it the best way as possible.

"That's actually a very reasonable way to make sure that it would work. And as a person who values scholarship, I would have recommended you to focus on your studies… But from what I learned from you, I think from your humble nature, you are doing fine in trusting a good lawyer and an accountant, so I hope that you have a good spot for me and Duncan when we visit you in the future." Courtney, as much as she was worried about the possible problems of what would happen to her friend, knew that in some aspect, she could trust the judgment of the boy, as the Killer Bass already had ideas and asking for invitations for the boy who was just laughing and nodding his head at them, even Noah was fine since he could officially find a spot to be whenever he wanted to be out of his home for a while. And while working as the editor that would help him from all the work he would have done.

The Screaming Gophers members were in shock as everything happened, Heather had her jaw slacked, Beth was kinda of happy, and Lindsay was even clapping her hands celebrating.

"Why? Are you clapping Lindsay?" Heather asked as the blonde girl then stared at her friend in confusion.

"What? Didn't you hear? He said he bought the entire resort, so that means that we all can visit him when we want to rest, and have a good time to relax."Lindsay commented, as Heather opened her mouth, but then sighed…

"We aren't sure if we are invited Lindsay…"The queen bee commented, as she wasn't going to believe that he would be something stupid like that, since they weren't friends, but rivals trying to up each other…

"Actually, I do." Then a voice made Heather pause and stare at Ezekiel who was looking at her, which made her in surprise. "Even as rivals, I am going to permit you all to come to visit me whenever you want. Even Chris, the Chef, and the cadets. Since we all worked together on this show, I think whenever we suffered on this hellish show. We kinda deserved a break, so yeah, when this place is done, everyone can relax whenever we want from all the stress we have in our lives. So yeah. My invitation is open."

And those words alone were enough to make Owen happy and give a bear hug to Ezekiel which almost suffocated him.

"WOHOOOOOOOO, YEAH BABY, THAT'S SO AWESOME ZEKE, THIS PLACE IS AWESOME, CONGRATS DUDE," Owen shouted as the others went there to congratulate and be happy to talk about their ideas about when they could possibly come to visit when everything was over.

But everything stopped when the host once again coughed which made everyone stare at the duo, Chris and Chef, while the cadets who were also talking to Ezekiel and happy for being invited to visit returned to their stations while looking sheepish.

"Well, as much I'm happy with this news, which I'm very happy because I've also got a spot on this place whenever I want, and Chef as well," Chris commented as Chef gave a thumbs up, and who had his friends who could visit Izzy's best friend, they would love a vacation spot to come to visit the boy who Izzy had a good time and being a crazy duo. But then he had to make a frown as Chris decided to explain more about what was about to happen. And Chris who came nearby Lindsay was surprised to see him. He came to congratulate Lindsay. He showed the good flashbacks from the show where Lindsay survived most problems and overcame all the obstacles from the show."Congratulations to our winner! Lindsay, you played hard, you fought hard, you posed hard, and broke fandoms harder! You survived the challenges, and with the alliances you made you managed to beat every other person on this island, and your pockets will soon be stuffed with makeup products."

"OH OH OH, I want some L'Oréal Paris makeup, they always helped me to clear my skin and make me even prettier," Lindsay commented as both Heather and Beth looked at Lindsay while they smiled and rolled their eyes, knowing that's how Lindsay had been since from the start, and she would never change.

"But what I'm about to offer you may change all that. Inside this suitcase is One. Million. Dollars!" Chris then decided to make a twist that almost everyone didn't expect to see coming. As Chef raised the suitcase the light flashed on the gray suitcase showing a good spark from the reflection, and then Chris decided to show one little other secret. "We had our PA's make a cardboard check of this awesome new prize!"

And from that moment, the ground started to shake as it felt tremors of earthquake, but everyone looked at the shadow appearing on the Playa Del Losers, as it then showed a cheque so big, that it was the size of the hotel which was brought on the resort.

"WE WENT THROUGH A LOT OF CARDBOARD TO MAKE THIS!"Chris shouted happily as everyone never thought to see such a big cheque of their lives. And when they thought Ezekiel buying the Playa Del Losers was shocking, to see the size of the cheque was absurd. It was amazing. Even Ezekiel who had the knowledge of seeing the thing from a television was way different than actually seeing it in person, it made a shade to the whole resort. And then Chris returned to talk with Lindsay. "Lindsay, my girl, this million dollars could be yours. All you have to do is figure out where we're about to hide it and bring it back to the Dock of Shame before everyone else does."

And from the explanation of the challenge, it clearly made some of the campers understand what were the rules.

"Wait," Gwen commented as she wanted to know if she got it right. "You're telling us that we all have a chance to win a million dollars?"

"Yep. What do you say, Lindsay? Will you settle for a hundred G's of 1 allowance or one. Million. Dollars which would be 10 allowances in one go?!" Chris gave the sudden question which made Lindsay feel her eyes shrink as she also got in shock.

"Te te t-TEN ALLOWANCES IN ONE GO? OH MY GOSH, OH MY GOSH. I COULD BUY A MALL WITH IT." Lindsay freaked out as she never thought about the possibility, and Noah was about to retort something but Izzy and Ezekiel placed their hands over his mouth… "I could buy a whole mall for me, and Charlie and Paula had to go all the stores I bought, and then I can call all my friends to buy inside of my mall… Okay, I WANT THE ONE MILLION DOLLARS."

"That's the spirit, Lindsay," Chris commented as he blinked at Chef nodded his head, and ripped the smaller check with his strength, and with the good opportunity for him to make the best last episode of the show ever. One of the interns who was working in the sound department appeared to take the suitcase of money and carried it with him as it was time to make the challenge very exciting for everyone. "Throughout the day, I'll give you all hints from the loudspeakers just to make sure you're not completely lost."

(Confession – Courtney)

"Okay. This just got interesting again." The C.I.T. girl commented that she never thought that she would gain another opportunity to win big money, and while she is very happy for Lindsay, Ezekiel, and Izzy, they were already with good money, so it was the time for herself to also give a try.

"Alright, campers…" Chris rose out his gun and aimed it upward. With a blank bullet to make sure that he wouldn't try to hit a flying animal in a fatal way, as he didn't even care which species it would hit since he was now prepared, and he didn't want another dodged bullet, so he decided to make the best last episode ever. "The race for the one million dollars starts… NOW!"

At the time Chris shot the blank bullet, a seagull was flying unaware that it would be hit, and unfortunately was hit by the bullet, but luckily for him and for Chris, the blank bullet knocked the animal but didn't hit in a fatal way, as Chris smiled with himself into knowing that he did the right call.

"WOHOOOO, LET'S GO GIRLS," Lindsay shouted happily as Heather, Beth, and Izzy ran after the blonde bombshell, as the rest of the campers stared into each other, not sure what to do. While the girls had to take a boat to go directly to Wawanakwa Island and then do their treasure hunt, they didn't care as long as the group would go for their mission.

As the four campers ran off, Chris looked… to see none of the other campers racing off to go get the prize, but most of them were giving a look of suspicion to Chris, or even hard glares, which Chris didn't like the way the show was going.

Until Ezekiel gave a sigh.

"Chris, Chris, Chris," Ezekiel commented as the host gave a space for the homeschooled boy who just stared at him in surprise. "You just came here to make a challenge to everyone after everything that passed on the show, just for the end people would fight themselves in case they would find the suitcase of money, and we aren't even aware that you placed bricks or rocks in a way to trick everyone to participate into the last challenge for one million… Didn't you?"

"Yeah, you got that right," Chris admitted shamelessly as Ezekiel shook his head.

"That's not a way to motivate a people to do it," Ezekiel commented and Noah agreed with the boy. The other campers nodded their heads at the idea.

"I'd love to play another round of "Humiliate the Teens", but I've got a buffet to eat," Noah commented as he took a bite of Marshmallow as Duncan and Courtney scoffed and glared at the host of the show.

"Aw, sit on it," Duncan commented as Eva nodded her head.

"Fine. Suit yourselves. I'm sure Lindsay will be happy to have no competition while she and her friends make the easiest million dollars in TV history." Chris commented as a way to tempt the other contestants into using their greed and envy to go after the quartet of girls who just took a boat away directly at the island.

"Fine," Gwen commented as she didn't care about the money.

"Yeah, right" Justin also was very annoyed with Katie, Sadie, and Cody glaring at the host while everyone was eating their buffet and wanting to enjoy their last day of the show in peace…

And Ezekiel staring at that situation knew he had to do something. So he used both his fingers and gave a whistle loud enough to bring attention.

"Whoa, thanks again for teaching me how to do it, Chef." Ezekiel was impressed into making a whistle loud enough by using his fingers, but then he decided to give a little help to Chris. "Killer Bass, last minute meeting."

The Killer Bass raised their eyebrows as the boy got into the middle of the said resort as he knew what could be the best idea to make them interested.

"Guys, I know that any of you are still angry and felt your pride bruised from the show since Chris had been an *beep*" Ezekiel commented which made the host frown eyes, while the cook and the cadets chuckled from the words and Duncan smirked proudly on how he taught a few ways to curse Chris. "But since today's is the last episode, and Lindsay had to make a choice between 100 thousand dollars or one million, that means Chris challenge would only be focused on making us fight against ourselves over the money, with the probability of losing friendships with the show is over."

Ezekiel explained in a logical way which everyone from the camo felt unsure of what to say, but thankfully Ezekiel wasn't done with it.

"So that's why, whoever wants to give a try on this challenge and go for Wawanakwa one last time, it would be for the best for we say our goodbyes for the island since we are never returning there, and it doesn't matter if it's a 100 thousand dollars or even one million dollars, we should always remain friends, from everything we have been through, from all the good things, bad things, blood, sweat, tears... You all will be my friends and a family that I never thought I would have, so that's why I suggest... Whatever is going to happen, we will always be friends, no matter what." Ezekiel gave a very powerful and emotional speech which made Chef tear up, Sanders released a few tears, and Katie and Sadie even started crying. The Killer Bass always felt it was true since they suffered so much, there was also a good spot that they would wish to say a last goodbye and they knew that they also wanted to remain friends, until the end... After that Ezekiel slowly walked in the corner... With a smirk on his face. "That said... THE WINNER PLANS AND PAYS FOR THE BIRTHDAY PARTIES FOR ALL THE FRIENDS UNTIL THE END OF THE NEXT YEAR"

Then Ezekiel started running with a headstart... And with Lindsay shouting that she will be rich... The Killer Bass felt triggered. And with their competitive side showing.

"I HOPE YOU GUYS LOVE PUNK ROCK," Dunca ran after Ezekiel as Courtney quickly went after him.

"OH NO, I'M GOING TO MAKE A WELL EDUCATED PARTY FOR EVERYONE." Courtney felt her competitive side showing, and since Ezekiel said the winner would make a birthday party and plan for the friends. It would only need to pay 10 thousand dollars for each great party, so paying 130 thousand and having 870 thousand to enjoy? Yeah, Courtney liked the odds. And the downside, even if she loses to either of her friends, she would get an awesome birthday party or a good day at the mall...

Win-win-win situation, which was enough for a whole Killer Bass to go directly to the boats and start the hunt for the suitcase for one million dollars. Soon they found themselves in groups of 3 or four for each boat, and since most of the campers of the Screaming Gophers were also caught at the moment, their greed also played a major factor which made them not being left behind.

"Can I help you guys?" Harold said as he was going inside of the boa which both Courtney and Duncan gave a slight pause.

"Depends…if you find the case will you give it to me? Or you are going to try to catch the whole suitcase for yourself?" Courtney said as she crossed her arms, while Duncan looked with his eyes narrowed.

"…" Harold remained quiet as he tried to think of a possible solution, which he weakly offered. "Could you give me 100 thousand and I decide my own thematic birthday party and you have the rest?"

Both boyfriend and girlfriend, looked at each other until both shrugged.

"Okay, but if more people are trying to help us, then it will be 50 thousand and the thematic party will have to be at maximum 10 thousand dollars." Courtney really would want to say Harold would slow them down, but knowing Harold also was a scooter which had many merit badges as he proved during the show, it would help them out since Harold could also be a tracker for them.

"That's fair." Harold nodded his head as the trio smirked into going in the direction of the Wawanakwa island.

(Confession – Harold)

"Well I could have denied the offer made by Courtney, but I think it would be nice to help the others, and having more hands to look around would be nice for me to show for at least once more my skills, and since Duncan and Courtney are my friends, I know that Courtney would be truth to her word, and to be honest, I find hilarious seeing Courtney whipping Duncan from whatever something wrong he does," Harold commented as he chuckled from seeing one iconic thing that he and his friends are amused into seeing, but then he realized what he said on the television. "Oh, he is going to see it on the television… Uh oh… Well, if I'm going to get pranked, I need to have a good reason for that… Tsupish… *Crack whip sounds*"

(Confession - Duncan)

"With the doofus scooters expert into tracking and with my girlfriend leading us, this money is about to be in my pocket. Or in my duffle bag. I'm not really sure how much space a million dollars takes up." Duncan remarked as his plan felt very solid until he felt as if he was unsure of what to say since he never thought about how much he could carry the money with his clothing.

When a few other boats finally arrived on the island, DJ, Owen, and Tyler gave a high five as Owen felt excited for the team he just made.

"Aww, a guy's only team! This is awesome!" Owen commented that he was happy to see a group of boys working together to get good money since he agreed to share his money in 3 equal parts, as the other two would help to make birthday parties in case they would win their parts as well. So they were excited about doing fine.

"Yeah! Guys rule! While I couldn't go and help my girlfriend to catch her money, I also wanted to give it a try. I've been hitting the weights since I got here. Working on my fiercenessness." Tyler commented as he decided to flex his muscles, but suddenly he didn't see Eva appearing nearby and pushing him away.

"Get over yourself," Eva remarked as Noah walked behind her with a smirk on his face, as the duo kept walking in that direction while the trio looked dumbfounded at how the strength of Eva was enough to push down Tyler so easily.




"He he he, it was very funny on how easily you managed to push Tyler that way," Noah commented as Eva rolled her eyes.

"I saw his training schedule, it's pure disappointment, saw Sadie and Ezekiel pulling more weight on their bodies than this clumsy jock." The bodybuilder commented as she even scoffed. "Probably every time he tried to pull some weight he somehow messed up and managed to hurt himself which made him give up from the training for the rest of the day. But still, he could have used my own training schedule."

"Not going to offend you Eva, but only suicidal would want to try your training schedule."The bookworm remarked as the bodybuilder gave a shark smile at him.

"Question my methods, but never my results, you saw Sadie and Ezekiel," Eva simply said as the boy rolled his eyes, and followed the tank in front of him.

"Yeah yeah, we found two crazy people willing to go to the limit… you must be very proud." Noah said as the duo kept trying to find what would be the gray suitcase.

"I am, and I think you also should be doing some exercises as well, you look like a beanpole," Eva commented and the brainiac simply scoffed.

"And suffer what would be more torture for the sake of having a little more muscles? I saw how much Ezekiel and Sadie screamed in pain from their exercises, pass." Noah said sarcastically as the bodybuilder rolled her eyes, "I'm the brain guy, and I know that I could win whatever challenge would happen with my intelligence alone."

"Keep telling yourself that," Eva commented as the duo continued their search for the prize money.

The time Bridgette and Geoff were on the island they had been having a good time kissing each other, but then suddenly the bane of their existence once again showed it was time to make their lives miserable.

*tsk* *tsk* *tsk*

"OH COME ON. NOT ON THE EYES" Geoff shouted as he felt the pain of the hot sauce water spray coming from nobody other than Gwen and Leshawna, the goth just rolled her eyes but still with a smile on her face. While Leshawna was staring at the duo unamused.

"Sorry, but we are here to focus on catching the 1 million dollars, and since I wanted to make you guys enjoy a good art and goth style of birthday, or in case you two wanted to make something great for us, I think Ezekiel wanted to make things fair by making you two focused on winning the game," Gwen commented as the duo cleaned up their faces, but Bridgette narrowed her eyes.

"We both know that's an excuse for you using the water spray for the first time." The surfer knew that most of her friends would probably want to win the game while doing their best, but when it comes to interrupting them on their kissing, they wouldn't waste efforts in finding and using the water spray.

"True, I never had a chance to do that, and I now understand why Ezekiel, Courtney, and Tyler like to do it a lot." Gwen smiled as the duo rolled their eyes, and walked path across the island… At the time she then bumped into Trent, she suddenly didn't know what to say, but at the time she was going to say something, Trent already walked away. Which made her blink in confusion. "What?"

"Let's get going Gwen," Leshawna called out, pulling the goth girl as Bridgette and Geoff also understood what the black girl had just done, and decided to use that as an opportunity to give a focus… To take Gwen away from the weird question that she had on her mind,

(Confession – Leshawna)

"I don't want to tell Gwen that, but Trent had been avoiding her since the time she got on the Playa Del Losers, so to avoid any weird moments, I have been trying to separate them two the farthest as possible since it seems that's what both needed," Leshawna commented as she snapped her fingers as few times. "That's something I know that both wanted, so I'm doing that for them."

Leshawna glanced at the surfer and party boy who also felt awkward about what to do in a situation like that since Trent had been a cool guy after he apologized, but still, it was a sore conversation to bring up whenever Gwen was around, so they decided to know what Leshawna did was fair.

"Why do you two like to make out so much anyway?" Leshawna commented as both Bridgette and Geoff raised their eyebrows at her. "You both know that you sooner or later are going to get sprayed with water and hot sauce,"

"Well, it's a risk that was worth taking," Geoff commented as Bridgette smiled from the silver tongue made by Geoff. "Also, it would take so long for us to be in the bedroom to make out, that I really wanted her tongue at this exact moment."

"Oh you sweet boy, let me…" Bridgette once again felt enamored with the party boy, until she heard a clearing throat from both Gwen and Leshawna, which made her blush and smile sheepishly. "Geoff, I think we should be focusing on the game, and also, as much I love to be kissing you, they are right, the hot sauce had been kinda annoying at some point. And I think that we can wait for the rest of the day."

"Are you sure?" Geoff asked as he felt a bit dejected, but with a sigh, he could only accept, since it's what his girlfriend wanted. "Okay Bridge, if it's for you, and for the sake of not getting hurt again… I will do it."

"That's my boyfriend," Bridgette said as she gave a peck on his cheek, which she saw the water spray near her face. "Hey, it's just a kiss on his cheek."

"Just checking," Gwen commented smirking, as the group walked away, while they left someone still walking away. Trent gave a slight glance from far away and sighed.

(Confession – Trent)

Trent sighed, as he looked at the camera.

"I know that it may be a shock, but I'm kinda trying to avoid Gwen at all costs, I don't want to make her feel uncomfortable and since she told me that she forgave me and asked me to move on, the other guys gave me an advice of me trying to live my life, and be focused on the game." The guitarist said as he even felt a bit of pain in making that decision. "It hurts, but I think it was for the best since I really messed up with everyone. So I had to try to not make things worse for anyone."

As Justin walked in the direction of trying to find the suitcase, both Katie, Cody, and Sadie walked behind him, as the butterflies had a good effect in helping him to become the most beautiful man on the island… Cody couldn't help but tilt his head.

"I'm always curious, about how everywhere he always walked, the animals were always following his path, and there was always a moment that he could take a perfect picture," Cody asked Katie who giggled from his curiosity.

"I don't know, but it's so funny to see it, it's like all nature loves him and wants to make his moments memorable," Katie commented as she saw Sadie who was also nearby with a giggle which made Justin smile. "How long do you think they will realize they like each other?"

"From what I have seen, it can be a few hours, or it could be months, we never know how this show works, and anything is unpredictable, but at least I got a hot babe with me, and that's a jackpot for me," Cody said as he hugged his girlfriend, which gave a slight smirk and hugged him.

"You can have either superhero or cyberpunk themes, you cannot have both on your birthday," Katie whispered which made her boyfriend drop his shoulders, and look defeated. But he got a kiss on his lips. "But nice try."

Cody smiled as he followed the trio trying to find their prized money.

"Okay girls, It has been a lot of minutes and it seems that nothing is working out, I think it's time for us to separate and try to expand our search," Heather commented as she brought her Heathermmunicator with her. "Lindsay, you and Izzy will go on that way, while Beth and I will go that way. Since you have your PDA, I can message you and vice versa."

Lindsay looked at her portable device, and seeing the ginger woman grinning, she nodded her head and saluted to her best friend.

"Alright, I like the plan. Let's go." Lindsay commented as Izzy ran in a direction, while Beth was alone with Heather who seemed more comfortable in her place.

At the time both Lindsay and Izzy departed away, Beth looked at her friend with a question on her mind.

"Hey Heather, do you think that's a good idea?" The farmer girl asked as the queen bee rolled her eyes and decided to explain the idea.

"I can understand why you are thinking of that Beth, but thinking about how crazy this island can be, having dividing ourselves while we still have communication will help out our chances of finding the good money," Heather explained as she walked on the opposite direction, which later Beth who understood the plan nodded her head and followed the Korean girl, which the duo now had better chances of winning.

And while everyone started to make teams for hunting treasure, there was one person who decided to be alone and far away from everyone who was in the forest.

From all the places that everyone decided to go, there was one place the person who decided to pause from the challenge decided to go first.

A cave in which there was a trailer on it, and from inside that cave, there was a hot tub that seemed unused, and a flag representation of a team which were eliminated during the show… It had been weeks since Ezekiel was at the Aquarium, but still, the good memories and good times reached him as he felt it was needed to have a few more minutes, or even a whole hour passing inside the said cave to make up all the good memories, and came to his resolve.

"I just bought Playa Del Losers…" Ezekiel commented at the cave which had been a good spot for all the Killer Bass passing their good time together, on the laughs, on their cries, their anger, and all the feelings they could possibly have inside of the said place. And from all those days, that secret spot was by far one of the best things happening to Ezekiel during the whole season. But still, he looked around, and it seemed that Chris made all the cameramen retract all the said cameras, and the places where they used to be recording their moments inside of their secret base… It turned out like nothing just happened. And a good place for the little fish head to enjoy his good moments inside of the place he always viewed as a home for him as well. "I plan to buy the whole Wawanakwa island, but from everything I calculated with my accountant, it wouldn't be enough to buy a whole island from here, the possibility would be for me to reach good money after a period. So I just want to ask you to hold on, just for a few years. I promise I'm going to try to buy you before the All Stars…"

Ezekiel vowed himself as he could feel the silence from the said cave, and he couldn't help but chuckle.

"You probably are wondering what was All Stars, and trust me, it's something that you wouldn't like to know," Ezekiel commented as he tried to come up with a way to talk with the place. "I was planning to make a coffee farm around this area, just on the places where it wouldn't make a lot of destruction… in comparison to what we have been doing for so long. So don't worry much about which trees or plants would be killed in the process… This place as much people would complain and hate from being here… It was more probably because of the producers and the show, you could become an awesome place to live if we invest good money in you. But still, this place is one of the best that I would ever be."

Ezekiel commented as he felt the comfortable silence coming from the said cave, and looking at the bow he brought with him at the start of the show, it was the most traditional bow that he had been using years before Izzy's gift.

"It's not a goodbye… just a see you later okay? Just hold on for a few years, and I promise I will purchase you okay?" Ezekiel commented that he never wanted to tell what hardships the said island would suffer in the hands of Chris and the producers of Total Drama, since the revenge on the Island had been something that he felt pity to even imagine from what could possibly become the place, especially from the place he just bought, he needed to act quick to make sure nothing would be destroyed on All Stars, since the end of that season… The Island was submerged from the destruction… And Ezekiel would want to make sure the island would be fine until the end.

Sighing with himself, Ezekiel took his bow with him, and a few arrows which had been around the cave, and with his arsenal back in his hands, he was still using his weights, but that wasn't something that he would care for the moment. He had a show to win.

After leaving the cave, Ezekiel knew that he had places to go and prepared himself for the outcome.

And then so it began, the campers went left and right, trying to find everything they could find as a clue, or any kind of signal for a suitcase they have been trying to find to each spot around, from the forest, campers were with their determined teams, meeting each other, while trying to find out the suitcase, but not realizing there was more chance of them to find it if they separated and go to different areas.

Suddenly Chris felt annoyed from nobody being able to identify where the suitcase had been.

"Okay, this is pathetic, campers! It's been two hours now and no one has even come close to finding this suitcase!"Chris' voice came towards the speakers across the island, and the campers just got one of the clues which would be a good possibility for them to find where it would be the prize money. "So here's your first clue. It's just hangin' around!"

And from that time each camper separated as now they had new information for them to try to look at, the prize wasn't on the ground, but something related to the air.

Justin and Cody were a bit ahead, while Katie and Sadie were behind them, and the tan twin could hear her best friend sighing happily.

"Oh my gosh, Katie. Look at that butt." Sadie commented as she could see her best friend already with a knowing look on her face. "It's… It's perfect."

Katie smiled as she could see her best friend and sister of another mom already with a crush on the model who was also happy walking around with her boyfriend.

As the group of animals walked to see the beautiful sigh of the model, Justin a shining smile which the squirrels which one gave a slight faint sigh, and a bird which was flying by, noticed the handsome man and was so distracted that it hit on the tree.

Then suddenly Justin was interrupted when a cameraman decided to call his attention.

"Hey, Justin, show me some love!" The cameraman called which brought the attention of not just him but Cody who was weirded out by how things happen to Justin all the time. But the model didn't seem to mind, since he gave a lot of poses and even started to flex his muscles.

"Hey Sadie, check this out, the camera is here, try to flex some muscles on it," Justin commented Sadie was surprised and even tried to act a little, but her muscles didn't seem to work fine. "No, try to repeat like me."

Justin went nearby, and gave a pose, which Sadie did the same, and then made another pose, which showed another good muscle the chubby muscled girl followed his path, and the camera captured the duo giving a nice flex.

"That's what I'm talking about," Justin commented as he smiled at Sadie who clueless giggled as he seemed both of them were working together. While Katie and Cody stared at the duo. "Working on the art of posing it's difficult, but I'm sure you can do it."

"Really? Thanks, Justin." Katie smiled as the duo suddenly stopped and returned to their positions… And Cody and Katie kept staring at them and gave a glance at each other.

(Confession – Katie and Cody.)

"Okay, seriously? Didn't they see it was a good time for them to have a nice moment on there?" Cody asked his girlfriend who nodded her head and facepalmed.

"Come on Sadie, you can do better than that girl. Justin is into you…" Katie commented as she felt a headache happening in her head.

"Wow, it seems Heather didn't find anything yet."Lindsay shared her information as Izzy was already above one of the trees.

"Well, from what Chris had said, the suitcase must be in a tree, so I will try to find a good view coming from the trees and possibly will be using a vine to try to find it," Izzy commented as she already was on the tree, and with the good preparation she had from the military, she was ready to use everything she could to track down the prize.

"WOAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." Izzy always loved to swing in the vines A.K.A Tarzan style so she used his shout as she was enjoying the good view of the trees passing one by one.

Noah and Eva walked across the forest as he never thought he would be in a situation so weird and so unbelievable to participating in the show once more, but now he must use all the logic he could find and try to circulate the whole area into finding the most probable place to go.

"How many… square hectares… is this island again?" Noah asked as he tried to remember the time he was doing some research while he was out of the show, but he seemed to have forgotten since he couldn't actually care about returning to the show, it seems that his ignorance of lack of knowledge made him blames only himself for not being prepared. "It's hopeless..."

"Just keep looking," Eva said firmly as she was getting used to the annoying prick when Noah usually was, so she decided to press even further. "Do you wanna win or not?"

"COMING THROUGH!" Noah and Eva blinked as they heard nobody other than Izzy swinging passing by them, which made the brainiac once again question his own sanity, but then again it was Izzy who was one of the most unpredictable players on the show, especially since she and Ezekiel had been always with him most of part.

"I should have expected that," Noah commented until they heard Duncan, Courtney, and Harold who were gasping and almost fainting on the floor finally reach that place.

"I THINK I FOUND IT, AWESOME," Izzy shouted as Courtney gasped as she felt herself feeling the pressure of Izzy winning the one million dollars, but that would be unfair since Izzy was already too rich because of her company.

"She sees the suitcase. We can't let her have it!" Courtney commented as she decided to make a despaired move, as she even saw Izzy coming in her direction, at the right time when Izzy was still acting like Tarzan, but what the ginger girl didn't notice, was that Courtney already used the timing to take the vine and go to swim with as a ride as well.

"Hey, get your own vine!" Izzy shouted as the group stared at the duo fight over the space of the vine, while Harold couldn't help but whistle, while Duncan was smirking and cheering for Courtney.

"Yeah, that's my girl!" Duncan shouted as Noah and Eva stared at how the crazy things their team happens to do around the show, and the best they could do, was simply ignore it and try to find the suitcase by themselves.

While Izzy and Courtney were fighting, Lindsay had been sitting near a tree, while she was staring at her PDA and enjoying the good things that she wanted to have, she just found a new dress that she could buy for herself.

Suddenly she heard someone whistling which made the blonde girl turn her head to see Ezekiel holding a bow and arrows with him, and a rope around his arm. Lindsay blinked as she saw Ezekiel taking off his hat to her, and then place back to his head, as he kept whistling a song that only he remembered, the Banana Joe whistle. As he paused, Ezekiel took his arrow and then tied it to a rope, and with a good time, he raised his bow, which made Lindsay raise her head and see a gray suitcase tied to the tree.

Ezekiel aiming on the right angle shot the arrow that hit the rope on the said tree, and with that released the suitcase on the floor. Satisfied with the results, Ezekiel continued to whistle as he waved to Lindsay and walked slowly away from her.

Lindsay waved to Ezekiel as she then shrugged and continued to use the PDA… until slowly her eyes went wide open, as it took a while for her mind to process what happened.

"WAIT EZEKIEL." Lindsay ran in the direction of the boy who just caught the suitcase and now he had a chance of winning the one million prize.

Looking from far away in the sky, Chris saw the whole interaction with disbelief in his eyes.

"I can't believe I just saw that," Chris commented at Chef and the cadets who nodded their heads trying to understand how that just happened since Lindsay was clearly under the prize, and yet she let Ezekiel take out the money in front of her so casually.

"Oh! And then there was that time when you went into the boy's washroom by mistake and totally froze up!"Katie commented as she used the good time having great memories together. Her twin of another mother also nodded her head happily.

"Oh my gosh, I'll never forget that." And since the duo were starting to talk about their lives, Cody knew exactly what was about to happen.

"Okay, and now they're gone," Cody commented as he saw Justin blinking at him, and the geek whispered something for the model. "Trust me, when they start doing that, it's going to take hours, so the best we can do it's bailout quick."

"Oh, good call, I'm almost having a headache," Justin commented in relief since he was happy to have Cody nearby him to also know what it was like dealing with the twins.

"Follow my lead," Cody commented as he gave a loud cough which made Katie and Sadie turn their heads at him. "Hey girls, me and Justin were going to the bathroom, so keep trying to find the suitcase, and at the time we find it, we can wait together on the docks, so whoever finds it, just go on the dock of losers and we find ourselves over there."

"Sure thing Cody." Katie and Sadie commented as they turned back to their conversation.

"See? Like that… They are on the twin zone." Cody commented as he slightly waved as he slowly stepped away while Justin followed his steps.

"Thanks for the help, Cody." The model commented as the duo decided to go in that direction and working together they could try to find the one million suitcase.

As the duo walked, they suddenly walked into seeing Gwen, Leshawna, Bridgette, and Geoff who were kissing each other.

"Hey" Justin greeted as both Leshawna and Gwen who just paused and then the duo suddenly started fawning at him.

"Hey…" Both the goth and the black girl said as they looked enamored for the boy who felt that it was the abnormal thing they would say. On the other hand, the geek blinked, while Geoff and Bridgette didn't mind as they continued kissing.

"Are you guys okay?" Cody asked, as the duo simply nodded their heads but they remained looking at Justin.

"So uh, what areas have you guys searched through?" Justin asked as he pointed in the direction where they came, as they felt completely hypnotized by his beauty.

"We covered the whole western edge of the island," Gwen commented as suddenly Bridgette who was kissing Geoff had her eyes wide open in surprise.

"Oh, and we combed the beach area too, so don't tire those beautiful legs of yours walking over there." Leshawna also commented that it made not just the surfer but also the party boy completely pause and see the girls completely with a crush on Justin.

Cody looked at Justin, but then the duo smiled.

"Thanks, girls," Cody said as both the geek and the model left the quartet.

"GIRLS," Geoff called as she looked at the duo who seemed still looking in the direction of the model. "Did you seriously give the information where we came from?"

"Uh hu." Both Leshawna and Gwen nodded their heads, not caring about the question just made.

Suddenly a slap was enough to make Leshawna feel her face warm, and then glare at the blonde girl.

"Oh no you didn't," Leshawna said as Bridgette glared at the girl in front of her.

"You seriously looked like a love-sick puppy while you had Harold all the time, and just like that, you ignored we were focused on the prize," Bridgette commented as she gave a glance at Gwen. "Gwen I could understand, but YOU? What about Harold?"

Leshawna and Gwen paused as then suddenly they saw Bridgette and Geoff glaring at them both, and then realized that they lost their focus on finding the suitcase, and the black girl bitten her inner lip nervous…

"I tried to talk down with Harold alone, but he didn't seem to listen…" Leshawna tried to defend herself as Bridgette rolled her eyes.

"But Noah told you to talk with Duncan, Courtney, and Ezekiel, they know exactly how to talk about Harold, and while I know that you wanted to slow down things with him, what you just did now was shameless," Bridgette commented as Geoff walked nearby to Gwen.

"And you Gwen, I understand that you wanted to be with someone special, but come on, Justin just gave you a question, and you let it out all the work we just did, come on, where was the focus you had when we started the challenge?" Geoff also schooled the goth which also looked sheepishly on the situation. "Babe, I think we can start kissing when the show is over."

"I agreed, this was getting ridiculous." Bridgette glared at Leshawna who didn't have a good excuse to make, while Gwen looked at her in surprise.

"I didn't know you two wanted to slow down," Gwen asked, but before Leshawna could say something Bridgette interrupted.

"She wants it, Harold had no idea about it, or couldn't understand," Bridgette commented, as the quartet decided to go to a new path.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE IT," Heather shouted as surprised Beth who was trying to look around the beach.

"What? What?" Beth shouted in panic, as the queen bee narrowed her eyes, and pointed in the direction of the forest.

"Lindsay sent a message that Ezekiel took the suitcase and now he is reading towards the camp, we need to think of something," Heather commented as she was trying to find a plan to make sure they would reach the little menace before he won the competition.

"I found some oars here, and there are a few canoes," Beth commented as Heather gave a small glance at the possibility, and the idea of traveling across the island before he reached the docks would be fast enough.

"Perfect, let's go," Heather commented as they nodded their heads, and with a good plan in their hands, they would do everything to make Ezekiel not able to bring the suitcase to the Docs.

"Okay, now that I found a way to mislead Lindsay, I just need to wait for…" Ezekiel was still holding both the suitcase and the bow as he was waiting for the one thing.

"Attention campers." That was what he was waiting for. "It seems that our favorite homeschooled boy found the suitcase first, and now he is heading north on the forest to bring it to the Dock of Shame."

"Great, I knew Chris wouldn't make it too easy," Ezekiel commented as he looked at the cameras, since had been a good opportunity for himself to prepare… "If they think my El Mongo and La Muerte was bad… they didn't know that I still have more tricks on my sleeve. Like El Dancing Diablos… YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY"

Ezekiel commented as he looked around, knowing that he must prepare himself because the game just has started at the moment he got the suitcase, but since he was going at his own pace… He already has a lot of time to think of his contingency plans. And be ready for everyone going after him.

"OH MY GOD, I'M SUCH AN IDIOT," Izzy shouted as she facepalmed while Courtney, Duncan, and Harold stared at the military girl. "Ezekiel must have his own arsenal over here, while I left my own equipment on the Playa Del Losers, I should have known, now it will be tough to try to catch the suitcase from Ezekiel. So hey guys, what about a truce?"

"A truce?" Duncan asked as he crossed his arms, while Harold blinked at her.

"Yeah, knowing Ezekiel, he will probably try to hold the most of he can, trying to tire all of us, and while he slowly will get away when we have no idea where he would go," Izzy commented as the duo of pillars of Killer Bass passed a few seconds, until realize that it was indeed how Ezekiel would usually use his strategies.

"But how are we going to find him?" Courtney commented as Harold decided to step in, while he used what would be an improvised compass by using a leave, a pin, and a glass of water.

"Well if he is in the north of the forest, we know that we could use this direction to try to triangle him." Harold came up with the idea, as Izzy smirked and nodded her head at the plan.

"Alright team, let's find a good way to find Ezekiel, while I admit he winning would be a good thing, my pride would be bruised if I don't do anything to stop him before he reaches the finish line," Courtney commented as she walked towards the forest, which the quartet now had a new idea ahead.

"Hey guys did you hear that?" Tyler commented as he cracked his knuckles and was excited to see a good plan in his hands. "Zeke got the suitcase, so that means we have a good chance to take it from him,"

"I wouldn't be sure of that Tyler," DJ commented as a part of him felt with a complete dread and cold sweat came from behind his back. "I'm not sure if is a good thing when Ezekiel is alone, or when he is with Izzy, because in cases like that, it gives him time for him plotting something, and when that happens..."

"Pff, come on dude, you are exaggerating, it's just a stink bomb, we had all of that a lot of times, it's nothing new in my life." Tyler decided to say something, which made DJ pause, as he suddenly stares at the jock with a long pause.

(Confession - DJ)

"Okay, I kinda forgot Tyler never had the chance to meet El Mongo and La Muerte, and from seeing him talking like that. I don't know if he is being courageous or just stupid." DJ commented as he stared at the camera. "I don't know if I want to destroy the innocent soul of the poor boy..."

The sound of a flush was enough to make the duo stare at Owen who got out of the bathroom with a smile on his face.

"Hey guys, did you hear? Ezekiel had the suitcase, do you think he would be willing to join our side?" Owen asked as DJ shook his head, while Tyler was streeching himself.

"I don't think so, dude. But don't worry, all we have to do is just catch him by surprise and take the suitcase easily." Tyler commented as Owen raised his arms happily.

"Woohoo, yeah, let's take the prize and win the money." Owen cheered as the group ran in the direction of the forest. Not knowing that soon, everything would be so difficult for the boys.

Cody and Justin navigated through the dense forest, their footsteps crunching on the underbrush as they followed the faint trail that might lead them to Ezekiel and the coveted suitcase.

"So that's how it works for you?" Cody asked, glancing at Justin. "You just simply talk with them, and even without your shirt, they would do everything for you?"

"...I actually never thought about it," Justin, walking with his usual confident stride, looked puzzled. he admitted, genuinely surprised. "I never realized I was using my looks to get what I wanted."

"Well, it's a good thing you're on my team then," Cody replied, shaking his head slightly. "But anyway, did you know that Sadie always glances at you?"

"Ah, she does?" Justin lost a bit of his composure, then quickly recovered with a slight smirk. "Well, that's obvious, since everyone always stares at me, so it's no surprise."

"Yeah, but Sadie... she seems different. Have you noticed how she's been getting stronger lately? It's like she's really trying to impress someone." Cody smiled, trying a subtler approach.

"Impress someone?" Justin echoed, still oblivious. "I thought she was just working out to protect Katie in case she is in danger."

"And she is, but I also I think she is doing that to impress someone nearby," Cody said, casually. "

"I guess I never really paid attention. She's always been sweet and fun to be around."Justin shrugged, looking thoughtful.

"Exactly," Cody said, keeping it light. " I saw that you have made a few glances at her,"

As they trekked further north, they didn't notice Ezekiel hidden among the trees, tying ropes and preparing traps with a mischievous grin. Cody rubbed his temples, feeling a headache coming on. Getting Justin to recognize the signs was proving to be a challenge.

"So, you think she might like me?" Justin asked, still a bit confused.

"Could be," Cody replied with a smirk. "Just keep your eyes open and maybe you'll start noticing things you didn't before."

Justin nodded absently, more focused on the task ahead than the hints Cody was dropping. Unbeknownst to them, Ezekiel was setting up an elaborate trap, ready to ensnare anyone who dared to approach the suitcase.

The two continued their search, the forest growing darker and more ominous with each passing minute. Cody hoped that eventually, Justin would connect the dots on his own, all while they kept their eyes peeled for Ezekiel's traps and the elusive suitcase.

Gwen, Leshawna, Bridgette, and Geoff hurried through the dense forest, the canopy above filtering the sunlight into dappled patterns on the ground. The air was thick with anticipation as they made their way north, following the latest intel that Ezekiel had the suitcase.

"This is getting intense," Bridgette said, her voice tinged with concern. "What if everyone goes after Ezekiel at once?"

"Yeah, it could get really ugly," Geoff added, his face a mix of excitement and worry. He glanced at Gwen, remembering the chaos he was capable of.

"Geoff, remember when you started and ended that prank war? You were the only one left standing," Gwen reminded him with a smirk. "Imagine what Ezekiel might do with that smoke bomb of his."

Geoff shivered at the memory, his mind flashing back to the mayhem he'd caused and survived. "Yeah, I really don't want to be on the receiving end of one of those again."

Leshawna, on the other hand, was focused and determined. "Enough talk, y'all. We've got a suitcase to catch."

Just as they picked up the pace, Leshawna tripped and fell over something soft and furry. She looked down to see a baby moose, blinking up at her with wide eyes. "Oh no, I'm so sorry, little guy!" she exclaimed, scrambling to her feet.

Her apology was cut short by a loud, angry snort. Leshawna looked up to see the imposing figure of the baby moose's father, glaring at her with intense, beady eyes. The massive animal stomped its hooves, ready to charge.

But instead of fear, a fierce glare crossed Leshawna's face. She recognized this moose—it was the same one that had taken Heather's top and caused Harold to fall on her, resulting in an embarrassing moment for both of them.

"Oh, it's you," she growled, her eyes narrowing with hatred. "I've got a score to settle."

The tension in the air was palpable as the two locked eyes, Leshawna standing her ground against the formidable animal. The rest of the group watched in a mix of awe and trepidation, knowing that a dangerous showdown was about to unfold.

Heather and Beth paddled their canoes with determination, the finish line at Playa Del Losers in their sights. They had a plan to trap Ezekiel and claim the suitcase, confident that their strategy would outsmart him. But as they approached the shore, they were greeted by a surprising sight.

Katie, Sadie, and Lindsay were huddled together, chatting animatedly. The frustration on their faces was evident as they discussed the difficulty of finding the suitcase and Ezekiel's uncanny ability to evade the blonde bombshell who never thought had been under the prize all the time.

"I lost his track again! How does he do it?"Lindsay threw up her hands in exasperation.

"What's all the fuss about?" Heather stepped out of the canoe, her face twisted in annoyance. She facepalmed and sighed loudly, drawing the group's attention. She demanded.

Katie, Sadie, and Lindsay blinked at her, momentarily taken aback. Beth followed behind Heather, curious about the commotion.

"Heather, it's been so hard to find the suitcase, so I and Sadie decided to return here and wait for Cody and Justin who may have been on the right path to finding the suitcase" Katie explained. "But from what Lindsay told me, Ezekiel took the case and managed to mislead her easily."

"So, let me get this straight. Ezekiel's been running circles around you Lindsay all, and now you think he's heading here?" Heather's eyes narrowed as she processed their words.

"Great. Just great. We're all going to end up fighting each other for that suitcase."The group nodded in unison. Heather rolled her eyes, frustration bubbling over.

"Well, at least we're on the right track now. We can set up an obstacle for him here."Beth chimed in, trying to stay optimistic.

"Yeah, if we work together, we can definitely catch him!"Lindsay perked up, a hint of excitement in her voice.

"Alright, let's do this. But remember, he's just a boy. How hard can it be?"Heather smirked, her competitive spirit ignited. She always remembered that it was one camper against a team.

Their confidence was short-lived. Suddenly, a series of explosions echoed through the forest, followed by a thick plume of smoke rising into the sky. The group turned in the direction of the commotion, eyes wide with shock.

"What the heck was that?" Beth exclaimed, her heart pounding.

Katie and Sadie slowly remembered that it wasn't only a person, they remembered, it was one of their leaders, the pillar of Killer Bass, and they forgot how he was ruthless on the prank war, which even not his prime, he destroyed the boys… And now it seems that he wanted to win at all costs.

"He's not just a boy," Heather's smirk faded as she realized the extent of Ezekiel's preparations. she muttered, eyes narrowing. "He's a menace. And we've got our work cut out for us."

Tyler, DJ, and Owen were making their way through the dense forest, determined to catch Ezekiel and claim the million-dollar suitcase. The excitement of the chase fueled their steps as they pushed forward, eyes scanning the terrain for any sign of their elusive target.

"Come on, guys! We can't let Ezekiel get away with this. We just need to find him and grab that suitcase."Tyler led the way, his competitive spirit burning brightly.

"I don't know, man. Ezekiel's been planning something. We need to be careful."DJ, however, was more cautious, his eyes darting nervously at every rustle and movement.

"Don't worry, DJ. We're smart! We got this."Owen, ever the optimist, was munching on a granola bar as he trailed behind.

"There it is! We've got him now."As they trekked deeper into the forest, they noticed a suspiciously placed suitcase sitting in a small clearing. Tyler's eyes lit up, and he pointed excitedly.

"Wait a minute... it can't be that easy. This feels like a trap."DJ squinted at the suitcase, suspicion gnawing at him.

"Come on, DJ. It's right there!" But Tyler was already moving forward, his competitive nature overriding his caution.

"Yeah, DJ. Let's get that suitcase!" Owen, inspired by Tyler's enthusiasm, hurried to catch up.

Just as the trio reached the clearing, Tyler took a confident step forward—and the ground gave way beneath him. With a yelp, he disappeared into a concealed hole, quickly followed by DJ and Owen, who tumbled in with surprised shouts.

"I can't believe we fell for that."The three of them landed in a heap at the bottom of a deep pit, blinking in disbelief. Tyler groaned, rubbing his head.

"I knew it was too easy."DJ sighed, shaking his head.

"Well, at least we found one of his traps! That's something, right?" Owen, ever the optimist, grinned despite their predicament.

"Yeah, but it seems that you got into this trap too easily." Then a voice was enough to make everyone stare at the person who was above the trap staring them down; "It seems that you need to be punished,"

And on that moment Ezekiel grabbed something from his pocket, which was a paper bag, which DJ and Owen felt their heart stop and suddenly felt their worst nightmare appear once again.

"Have fun, El Mongo and La Muerte" Ezekiel said as he suddenly dropped the paper bag, which the loud sound of farting was enough to make the trio screams for their lives, and Ezekiel runs with the suitcase in his hand, ready for him to take the suitcase with him.

Cody and Justin were cautiously making their way through the forest, Cody's mind buzzing with strategies while Justin's natural charm had gotten them vital information. As they approached another part of the forest, they noticed a familiar glint—a suitcase nestled against a tree.

"There's the suitcase!" Cody whispered excitedly, but then he noticed something off. "Wait, something's not right."

"Relax, Cody. It's just a suitcase. I'll get it."Justin, still oblivious to Ezekiel's traps, stepped forward confidently.

"Justin, wait!" Cody reached out to stop him.

Too late. As Justin reached for the suitcase, a net sprang from the ground, lifting both him and Cody into the air. They dangled helplessly from a tree branch, swaying slightly in the breeze.

"Great," Cody muttered, hanging upside down. "I told you it was a trap. Hell, this was the same trap which captured me and Sadie on the paintball hunt, okay now I felt like an idiot, on the episode he said he was making traps, and now I felt my pride bruised for falling for the same trap twice."

"Well, I guess I underestimated him." Justin looked sheepish as he hung next to Cody.

The two boys struggled to free themselves, realizing they were not as close to catching Ezekiel as they had thought.

Izzy, Courtney, Harold, and Duncan were on high alert, expecting Ezekiel to use every trick in his arsenal to evade capture. They moved through the forest cautiously, eyes peeled for any sign of movement.

"Hold up. He'll have traps set up around here for sure."As they approached a likely hiding spot, Izzy signaled for them to stop.

"Good thinking, Izzy. Let's move slowly and watch our step." Courtney nodded, her competitive spirit fired up.

Despite their careful approach, they still found themselves caught. As they stepped into the clearing, a series of snares and tripwires activated, leaving them tangled and immobilized in a web of ropes and pulleys.

"Well, we expected traps, didn't we?" Duncan sighed, hanging upside down next to Harold.

"I can't believe he used one of my dad's signature traps." Izzy, laughing despite their predicament, tried to untangle herself. "Ezekiel's really outdone himself this time."

"Let's just get ourselves out of this and keep moving. We can't let him win." Harold, always the strategist, began analyzing the knots. And since he was a scout since as a child, he could recognize many knots, so using the right one, he managed to free themselves. Until they heard a voice far away.

"Bad move guys, I'm going to warn you once. This suitcase is mine, the next trap I will not be that kind." Ezekiel's voice rang near the group, as the group looked at themselves. And having one thought in mind.

"Yep, he wants to tire us down, and use it as a way to escape from us," Izzy commented as she cracked her neck. "We need to think a bit ahead."

"We can set up everything on the Dock of Shame, that way we can be prepared whenever he could catch us." Courtney gave the idea, as Harold helped Duncan to be up.

"Sounds like a solid plan," Harold commented as Duncan cracked his neck.

"Alright, let's go." Duncan nodded his head as the quartet departed into the area.

Tyler, DJ, and Owen, still reeling from their earlier mishap, were determined to catch Ezekiel. As they trudged through the forest, Tyler was visibly distressed, tears streaming down his face from the lingering smell of the stink bomb they had encountered.

"I can't believe how bad that smelled," Tyler whimpered, rubbing his eyes. "It's the worst thing I've ever experienced."

"Yeah, man, the first time is always the worst. It still sucks, but you kinda get used to it." DJ patted Tyler's back sympathetically.

"Yep, it was awful the first time, but hey, at least we know what to expect now!" Owen nodded, trying to remain positive despite the unpleasantness.

As they continued, they spotted the same suitcase again, this time sitting innocently on the forest floor. Tyler, DJ, and Owen exchanged wary glances, knowing it couldn't be that simple.

"Okay, let's not rush in this time," DJ suggested, peering around cautiously. "We need to check for traps."

"Yeah, let's draw straws or something to see who gets it." Owen nodded in agreement.

They quickly fashioned a draw from twigs, and Tyler, unfortunately, drew the short one. He groaned, his earlier distress amplified by the thought of another potential trap.

"Why me?"

"You got this, Tyler. Just be careful," DJ said as he and Owen offered encouraging smiles, though they couldn't hide their own nervousness.

Tyler took a deep breath, inching toward the suitcase with extreme caution. Sweat dripped from his forehead as he flinched with every step, expecting the worst. When he finally reached the suitcase and picked it up, he was stunned to find that nothing happened.

"Guys, I got it!" Tyler called out, disbelief and relief mingling in his voice.

DJ and Owen looked at each other, astonished.

"Really?" DJ asked.

But their relief was short-lived. They noticed a rope tied to the suitcase, and when they looked up, they saw Ezekiel standing on a nearby tree branch, whistling to get their attention. Tyler, DJ, and Owen flinched, eyes wide as they saw the bow and arrow in Ezekiel's hands. The arrow had no tip but was instead tied with ten flaming peppers, their green flames flickering ominously.

"Vaya Con Dios," Ezekiel smirked and called out, "Dancing Diablos. AY AY AY AY AY AY AYYYYYY!"

Before they could react, Ezekiel released the arrow. It landed near them, and the peppers exploded, releasing a cloud of green pepper spray gas. The trio screamed in pure pain and suffering, their eyes burning and throats searing from the intense heat of the pepper spray.

Ezekiel quickly retrieved the suitcase from the dazed and incapacitated trio, who was still writhing on the ground in agony. With a final triumphant grin, he took off into the forest, leaving Tyler, DJ, and Owen to recover from the latest trap.

The trio lay on the ground, eyes watering and gasping for air. And the worst part, each minute it passes it gets worse and worse.

"Why does it always have to be so painful?" Owen groaned, trying to rub the pepper spray from his eyes.

"Ezekiel's really outdone himself this time. We need to come up with a better plan." DJ, struggling to regain his composure, muttered,

"Yeah, but first, let's find some water... and maybe some milk." Tyler, still in agony, managed a weak nod.

Despite the setback, the trio was more determined than ever to catch Ezekiel and claim the suitcase, knowing they needed to be smarter and more cautious in their pursuit.

As it turns out the chaos happening and Ezekiel lets out all his traps for whoever would be the person trying to go after the suitcase... He suddenly saw Cody and Justin coming from one direction, while he was hiding from the bushes and saw Noah and Eva also approaching him...

"This going to be one of the cruelest things I've ever done on the show, but there was no way he would turn it down now..." Ezekiel smiled as he used all his strength...




"There was no way that's going to happen, from knowing Ezekiel he must have done a lot of crazy things to make sure would happen," Noah commented as Eva rolled her eyes.

"You run like a girl," Eva remarked as she was deeply disappointed in how Noah had been pathetic in all physical challenges as his sarcastic remarks clearly would want to make her place him into her workout regime.

Noah gave a pause as he took a time to take his breath.

"Forgot my 'roids back at the gym." Noah gave his usual remark as he could not find any trace of a clue around. "This is pointless, there is no way that we would find that 1 million dollars, do you think it would come from the sky in our hands?"

And at that moment something was launched as Eva gave a glance at what it was, and when her hands caught... There it was the gray suitcase which made the bookworm open his mouth in shock.

"Oh look at that, your mouth works for something at least for once," Eva smirked as she suddenly heard someone approaching. Which made Eva hold tight to the suitcase.

And at that moment Justin appeared with Cody out from the bushes.

"Alright guys, thanks for finding the suitcase, but I think it belongs to us," Cody commented as he now had a good strategy in his hands.

"Justin. The anti-me. So we meet again." Noah commented as he narrowed his eyes and then glanced at Cody. "And you are very courageous to challenge Eva since she was able to break a serial killer with her bare hands. Are you sure that you want to try that luck?"

"Give me the case," Justin commented as he smirked as Eva scoffed until Cody gave a knowing look at the model.

"I didn't wanna have to do this, but... you give me no choice."Justin decided to take out his shirt at the time the sun placed on the perfect spot which showed the reflection of his abs.

"Eva don't fall for it! Look away!" The brightness was too much for the bookworm as he had to cover his eyes from the reflection.

"He's so pretty. He deserves it." Eva commented as she gave the suitcase to the model Noah tried to avoid the action, but Eva simply made him trip on the floor since she placed her leg in front of him.

"Thank you." Justin and Cody said at the same time as the duo walked away from the duo...

And when everything stopped suddenly she shook her head and stared at Noah down.

"What just happened? Where is the case?" Eva asked in confusion and then she just saw Noah looking very annoyed at her.

"Uh, you just handed it to a male model. And a lot of good you were!" Noah gave a remark as Eva suddenly realized her mistake.

"I'm so ashamed," Eva commented with all sincerity, but it seemed the bookworm wasn't done.

"You should be, Iron Woman. That was seriously pathetic!" Noah gave the serious remark, as the pride of the title of Iron Woman was bruised and damaged by her own mistake.

(Confession - Eva)

"What am I gonna do? I'll never be able to show my face at the gym again! I'll be an outcast! A leper!" Eva commented on the reality of her own decision, she was a hero in many situations, and from all the fights and painful injuries she got she always became a hero, just for one moment. ONE LITTLE MOMENT of weakness, she made a terrible mistake."I let a guy talk me into giving away one million dollars?!"

Eva shouted as she couldn't believe her own pathetic choice.

And when Eva heard Chris saying the case was being in the direction of the camp by a beautiful place, she felt her anger rising...Until suddenly she felt something hitting her shoe, and when she stared down... Her smirk became ferocious like a shark...

A dodgeball ball. She knew exactly how to get her revenge.

"Noah, you want to know one of my favorite movies?" Eva smirked like a demon the bookworm couldn't help but see the rubber ball and in the hands of a person like Eva he was enjoying what she did have in mind. "Ever watched the movie City of God?"

"Never heard before," Noah answered sarcastically. But the bodybuilder already ran at all speeds in the direction of the duo.

"Then get ready to enjoy this reference," Eva shouted as Noah couldn't help but smirk and run after her, she was going to hurt his nemesis, and that's something that he was really eager to see...




Justin and Cody walked confidently through the forest, laughing about how easy it was to retrieve the suitcase. Justin had just taken off his shirt, and with his model-like physique on display, he mused about how effortlessly they had managed to persuade others to help them.

"Seriously, Cody, it's incredible how my charm just makes everything easier," Justin said with a grin. "I mean, look at me. Who could resist?"

Cody chuckled, nodding in agreement. "Yeah, it's like they just fall for you every time. This suitcase is practically ours!"

As the duo approached a clearing, they stopped dead in their tracks. There, standing with his arms crossed and a smirk on his face was Ezekiel.

"Nice try, but it's in your best interest to hand over that suitcase," Ezekiel said coolly. "Or else you might get hurt very badly."

Justin and Cody exchanged amused glances and laughed. "Oh, come on, Ezekiel," Justin scoffed. "You think you can scare us off?"

"Actually, I noticed something about you, Justin. Is that a pimple on your forehead?" Ezekiel's smirk widened as he took a step closer.

"What? A pimple? Where?" Justin's face went pale as he frantically touched his forehead, eyes wide.

In his panic, Justin released the suitcase, clutching his face. Cody, still laughing, barely had time to process what was happening. Ezekiel swiftly snatched the suitcase and turned to run.

"Cody, go after him!" Justin shouted, still fixated on his forehead.

Cody sprinted after Ezekiel, but before he could make much progress, he was suddenly struck by a dodgeball, hitting him hard and sending him crashing to the ground. The force of the impact left him dazed and disoriented.

Justin turned around, finally noticing what had happened. As he looked at Cody sprawled on the ground, he saw Eva standing a few feet away, holding a dodgeball. Her expression was one of sheer fury, and she had a menacing smirk on her face.

Eva's gaze was fixed on Justin, her eyes narrowing as she prepared to ask a question that would send chills down anyone's spine.

"In the face, or in the crotch?" And then came the dammed question which made the pupils shrink from the memories of his worst day on the show, the Dodgeball day, in which Eva had a menacing presence. And the panic coming across his face.

Justin's confident demeanor melted into pure terror. He knew that Eva was not someone to be trifled with, especially not after what they had done. The dodgeball in Eva's hand seemed to glow ominously, and Justin could only think of the pain that was about to come his way.

As Justin stood frozen, staring at the dodgeball, Cody groaned on the ground beside him, trying to recover from the hit. The realization of how deeply they had angered Eva hit Justin like a ton of bricks.

"Uh, Eva, maybe we can talk this over?" Justin stammered, attempting to muster a semblance of his previous bravado.

"Talk? You had your chance. Now, let's see where that charm of yours really gets you." Eva's smirk only grew wider.

As she raised the dodgeball, Justin braced himself for the inevitable, the forest echoing with the sounds of his growing dread.

"THE CHROTCH, PLEASE THE CHROTCH, NO WHY THE FACE? NOOOOOO MY FACE NOOOOOOO!" Justin's cries of panic and pain were enough to make Noah smile as he could sleep well on that night, while Cody himself felt so much panic that he felt the glance of the beast staring at him.

"Eva, come on, it's just an OH GOD, OH MY GOD, NOT MY CROTCH, PLEASE ON MY FACE, NO MY CROTCH NOOOO, PLEASE, I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND NOOOOOO." Cody's shouts were enough to make the remaining campers who were inside of the forest, pause. And felt their spins shiver from the poor souls who provoked Eva's wrath.

"Alright, the suitcase now is in a homeschooled place, and walking directly at the camp." Ezekiel heard Chris explaining the new position, as he was holding the gray suitcase as he always planned... It had been very cruel. Yes, it had, but he would love to watch that scene on the television... It had been a great moment for him. But now it seems that soon he must go to the Dock of Shame... Ready for what's going to happen.

Everyone seemed to be very interested in trying to catch the suitcase in their own way. Trent spent the whole morning actually enjoying and waiting for the day to finally be over, and he went back home to pass the rest of the semester at school and return to his family.

He would be lying if he said he was going to miss the place, since while there were some good moments, he felt the weight of his decisions more bitten on his ass than what he would value of the good moments, sure that he made some good friends, but still being infamous for doing some crazy things made him try to avoid the desire of competing.

"Maybe I should have stayed on the Playa Del Losers and enjoyed the pool and the buffet," Trent commented as he sat on the corner which then heard loud laughs from the spot he was… "Huh?"

The guitarist walked towards the bushes, until he found something really surprising, seeing Chef, Chris, and even the cadets laughing hard from the traps made by the homeschooled boy who prepared for every single encounter that he had.

"What's going on?" Trent asked as the group paused, looking at the guitarist who saw the screens of the moments of the show happening across the challenges.

"Oh hey Trent," Chris smirked as he saw the boy approaching the group who seemed to be eating sandwiches and drinking for their own amusement. "If you are wondering if the suitcases are in this place, then you are terribly wrong. We are here watching every step given by all of you, and it had been very hilarious the things happening over here."

Trent looked at the screen and saw the campers who were trying to find Ezekiel, but they were caught in terrible traps as the boy managed to avoid everyone all the time.

"That's crazy," Trent whispered as he then saw DJ, Owen, and Tyler getting out of the hole while all three were covered in green. "Ugh, they were caught on Ezekiel's stink bomb?"

"Yep, and I never thought he had more on his arsenal, and I'm deeply curious about why he named dancing diablos," Chris commented as the guitarist felt a shiver on his spine, which good thing never happens when it was related to Ezekiel and a surprise like that.

"You know what? I think I'm going to stay here and wait for the end of the show." Trent said as he sighed and sat nearby. "Is not like I was going to win anyway,"

"Well the show always would end up with a winner, and I'm sure I would be able to catch that weasel," MacArthur commented proudly as she then heard a giggle from her partner. "What?"

"Are you willing to get hit by the stink bomb he created?" Sanders commented as immediately made the glutted cadet freeze and pale from remembering the terrible smell.

"Suit yourself Trent, you just cannot have our food and drink. But you can keep watching." Chris commented as Chef looked at the boy who just sat there.

"Okay…" Trent commented as Chef then decided to do something.

"Boy, come with me, I need to speak up with you for a bit," Chef commented it made the crew stare at the cook, which made him glare at the others. "Do you all have a problem with that?"

"No." The cadets and even Chris refused to reply, as Trent didn't even have a say on that, since Chef dragged the sorry ass of the boy until they were far away from the others.

As the duo walked towards the sand Chef remained with his arms behind his back. While the guitarist had no idea why Chef wanted to talk to him. The minutes of silence had been deafening, it was uncomfortable for Trent to remain looking at Chef. But thankfully Chef grunted as it was better than to be in silence.

"You can't move on right?" Chef's question was what made the guitarist pause and stare at the military man who seemed to be familiar with a situation like that. "Your idea of avoiding the main issue can work in the short term, but whenever you want or not, the people you hurt and annoyed may forgive you, but still you find it hard to find a way to forgive yourself and move on. Trust me… I know."

"Yeah?" Trent asked as he raised his eyebrow in curiosity, as he never could interact with Chef, it's weird to see him talking about his personal life.

"Listen to me, people get hurt, people get healed, people ask forgiveness, and depending on the situation if they are or not forgiven, everyone always must move on…" Chef Hatchet commented as he clarified as he took the white boy smaller than him. "Even soldiers make mistakes, and it took me 4 years of moving on to then return to forgive myself for what happened."

"What? Really?"Trent asked as Chef grunted at him. "I mean, what I did was pretty bad, I doubt someone could up my mistakes."

"Try accidentally shooting your best friend in a sparring combat…" Chef commented as Trent then shut his mouth, and made the soldier grunt but remain looking at the horizon. "We avoided talking for years, and it had been very hard for me to forgive myself, but since I had a family to be nearby, I knew that I had to move on. It's painful, it's sucks, it's a mistake you made, and people saying that someday they would forgive you don't know the pain you are caring as the same way you don't know their pain. It would be the best for everyone if everyone just shut the hell up and live our lives… It's a combat every single day."

Trent remained quiet, as he could understand the absurd of Chef had told… Since behind the words, there was a bit of truth in it… The guitarist could tell that Ezekiel said that he didn't know what he passed, in the same way, nobody knew that he had to suffer so much humiliation and pain to get the forgiveness of the others, thankfully nobody was judging him on that.

"Will I ever forgive myself someday?" Trent asked as he realized that after all the mistakes he made the last person he wanted to forgive was himself, since from his own mistakes he felt that he lost good opportunities and friends, but while many of them already forgave him, he felt like an outcast from them, since he got out from the show.

"Depends on you… Or situations that it would need you to forgive yourself to completely move on and carry on with your life." Chef commented as the guitarist felt satisfied with the words of wisdom coming from the Chef who also had been a military person and from the times he showed the good side of him on the show. It had been quite nice to learn more about himself.

"Thanks, Chef..."Trent commented with the honesty of his heart, as he couldn't help but be curious. "Ever forgave yourself after everything?"

"Yes, when the daughter of my best friend needed help," Chef commented as he turned his back and returned to his station. "If you want to quit the game do whatever you want, but I think you should at least be with the other campers."

Trent remained in silence, as he stared in the direction of where would be the Dock of Shame, and with at least a better smile on his face… The guitarist at least could enjoy the finals and knowing who would win in the end.

Gwen, Bridgette, and Geoff trudged through the dense forest, their anxiety palpable as they tried to navigate the maze of trees. Their goal was clear: find Ezekiel and get that suitcase. But their plans were momentarily sidetracked when they stumbled upon a rather unexpected obstacle.

"Guys, I think we might have a bigger problem here," Gwen said, her voice edged with panic. She gestured to Leshawna, who was engaged in an epic struggle with a massive moose. The moose was thrashing its head wildly, clearly enraged.

"Leshawna!" Bridgette shouted. "What's going on?"

"I'm fighting a moose!" Leshawna yelled back, wrestling with the animal as it tried to shake her off. "Why is this happening to me again?"

The scene was chaotic. Leshawna was mounted on the moose, trying to hold it down. The animal bucked and kicked, trying to throw her off. Meanwhile, the baby moose, who had somehow wandered into the fray, was looking distressed and scared.

"Help the baby!" Bridgette called out to Geoff, who was frantically trying to reach a high branch to gather some leaves for the baby moose to eat. Geoff was struggling with the tree, his arms stretching awkwardly as he tried to grab some foliage.

Bridgette, with her calm demeanor, approached the baby moose. Her natural affinity with animals seemed to work wonders. She softly cooed at the baby moose and gently placed her hands on its head. The baby moose seemed to calm down, nuzzling Bridgette's hand.

"You're okay," Bridgette whispered soothingly, her eyes filled with compassion. "Just stay calm."

Geoff finally managed to get some leaves and placed them in front of the baby moose, who eagerly began to munch on them. The soothing effect of Bridgette's presence and the food began to work its magic. The baby moose relaxed and even looked a little happier.

"It's working," Geoff said with a smile, feeling a sense of relief as he watched the baby moose munching contentedly.

But the respite was short-lived. The sound of a loud crash broke the tranquility, causing Bridgette and Geoff to look up in alarm.

"What was that?" Geoff asked, concern evident in his voice.

"It's coming from over there," Bridgette said, pointing in the direction of the commotion.

Gwen, meanwhile, was having her own issues. She was sprinting through the forest, dodging branches and trying to escape from the furious moose. Her frustration was palpable as she shouted obscenities at the beast.

"Get off me, you crazy animal!" Gwen yelled as she barely managed to avoid a particularly aggressive charge from the moose.

"Why is this happening to me?" Gwen's voice echoed through the trees, a mixture of frustration and disbelief.

Back with Leshawna, the struggle continued. Despite her valiant efforts, the moose was relentless. Leshawna was using all her strength to hold the moose back, but it was clear that she needed help.

"Gwen, Leshawna needs help!" Bridgette shouted to Geoff.

The two of them took off towards the source of the noise, leaving the baby moose behind but ensuring it was safe. They ran as fast as they could, their hearts pounding with both fear and determination. As it turns out the Moose wasn't going to stop... for how long? Who knows?

Izzy, Harold, Courtney, and Duncan were trekking through the forest, their minds buzzing with plans and strategies for setting a trap at the Dock of Shame.

"I'm thinking of changing my name! Yeah, to Kaleidoscope. Isn't that pretty? You can call me E-Scope for short! Haha!" Izzy commented as the trio stared at her weirdly, as she noticed the silence and decided to roll her eyes. "Since I'm a CEO of a company, maybe having a pseudonym would help me to organize more my letters,"

"Wouldn't you be using that to do tax evasion?" Courtney asked as she narrowed her eyes, which made Izzy laugh.

"You said it, not me, but jokes aside, no… my accountant had been nagging me to pay out all my taxes, so I'm doing that just to make sure to have a good use of the name Kaleidoscope," Izzy replied as Harold couldn't help but raises his eyebrows.

"But wasn't the name of the company Izzy's Happy Sap?" Harold asked and Izzy nodded her head.

"Yeah, but since I have a new logo, and mascots, using Kaleidoscope Happy Sap, or E-Scope Happy Sap would ring the name even better," Izzy replied and Duncan and Courtney glanced at each other, and just shrugged.

"Yeah, makes sense, you are the CEO anyway." Both pillars of Killer Bass shrugged as the duo decided to keep taking materials for their traps.

"We need to make sure we have a good setup. This is our chance to get ahead."Courtney, ever the strategist, since they had the info on how Ezekiel was tiring out around the forest, they have the location advantage, since at some point Ezekiel must go to the Dock of Shame.

"Sounds like a solid plan," Duncan agreed, as he was ready with all the material he caught on the house of boats, fish nets, and even a few bear traps just in case. "We'll make sure he gets caught."

"And we'll have to be quick about it. Timing is everything." Harold, adjusting his makeshift compass, nodded.

As they rounded a bend in the forest, they were met with an unexpected sight. Heather, Katie, Sadie, Lindsay, and Beth were busy constructing a makeshift barricade out of random objects: crates, branches, old furniture, and even a couple of broken-down chairs.

"What on earth is this?" Izzy asked, her eyebrows raising in disbelief. "Is that what I think it is?"

"HI IZZY," Lindsay shouted happily as she was happy to see her friend who disappeared in a few hours. "We are making a huge wall to make Ezekiel not pass..."

"That's put middly." Heather rolled her eyes, as focused on the barricade, barely looked up. "We're building a blockade to catch Ezekiel. He'll never get past this."

Katie was arranging a pile of leaves, while Sadie was stacking crates. Lindsay was trying to balance a chair on top of a pile of branches.

"We're just making sure he doesn't get through," Beth explained as she tied some rope around a fallen log.

"Are you serious? That's going to look like a pile of junk!" Izzy couldn't help but laugh. "And that's coming from me, who had to improvise a lot of things by using nature and even junk itself. Hahahahaha."

"I can't believe you think that's going to work. It's a mess." Courtney looked unimpressed. For a queen bee to use a plan like that at that moment, it seems that she was desperate.

"Well, at least we're doing something. Better than just talking about it." Heather's eyes narrowed.

A heated discussion began between Heather and Courtney, each defending their approach. Duncan and Izzy exchanged amused glances, clearly entertained by the argument.

"You know what?" Duncan finally said, stepping between the two groups. "Let's split up. We'll focus on setting up traps and obstacles, and you guys can finish your... creative barricade."

"Fine. We'll see who's strategy works better." Heather, not willing to back down, reluctantly agreed.

With the decision made, the two groups set off in their separate directions. Izzy, Harold, Courtney, and Duncan set to work laying traps and constructing obstacles with precision and care. Meanwhile, Heather and her team continued to fortify their barricade, adding more random items to their collection.

Time passed as they worked diligently, each group making progress. The Dock of Shame began to take shape as a battleground of traps and barricades.

Just when it seemed like everything was coming together until Gwen and Leshawna arrived at the Dock of Shame. Gwen was so exhausted as she never thought she would be so confused about seeing what would be an area where a barricade and even a few traps. The moose, which Leshawna was still mounting on, and fighting for this time wasn't for a personal battle, but a fight of survival, since she couldn't hold her grip anymore.

The moose as it was crazy with anger leashed the destruction of the place, Leshawna was caught in the trap, in the same way the bear trap managed to trigger and even hurt the moose, who became even more furious, and Leshawna was so exhausted, that she was launched away on the barricade, and the sequel the moose broke the trap as it started the whole destruction of the place.

The campers just jumped away from seeing an angry moose simply destroying the barricades, and the barricade itself triggered all the traps, and with that, everything they had been working for suddenly was destroyed. Just because of Gwen and Leshawna and that stupid moose who just literally made all their progress and work into shambles.

"No, no, no!" Izzy shouted in frustration, watching as their hard work was reduced to rubble. "WHERE THE *BEEP* CAME THAT MOOSE?"

"Ugh, this is a disaster!" Courtney groaned, looking at the chaos. The barricades were in disarray, and the traps were now completely triggered and useless.

"This is exactly why I wanted to avoid this mess!"Heather's eyes widened in horror as her barricade was torn apart by the rampaging moose. She even saw the same familiar moose which made her eyes twitch. "Of course, it's the same *beep* moose."

Lindsay, Sadie, and Katie stared in disbelief as their hard work was ruined. Beth tried to salvage what she could, but it was too late.

The moose continued its rampage, creating even more havoc as it clashed with the remaining obstacles. Finally, Gwen managed to take Leshawna out of the danger, but then the duo stared at the whole group of campers glaring at them.

"He he he… hey guys," Leshawna commented sheepishly as she was so exhausted that she was covered in sweat, which made Courtney and Heather come in her direction.

"CARE TO EXPLAIN WHAT HAPPENED?" Heather and Courtney shouted angrily as the duo stared at each other, but then huffed, as Gwen was sitting on the floor from exhaustion while Harold, Lindsay, Katie, and Sadie went there to help her to get up.

Leshawna was about to say something when suddenly the sound of two people came in their direction.

"Guys, guys, did you see a moose go… oh… he is there," Bridgette commented as the campers stared at her and Geoff who had a few kiss marks on his face, which Gwen, Leshawna glared at the duo who they thought were going after them, but it seems something had distracted them.

"He's right there." Heather pointed in the direction of what lasted of all the work, which the surfer blinked in confusion.

"Wow, what a mess, how did this place get so trashed?" Bridgette asked as Heather literally went in her direction to strangle her, but Harold and Duncan were faster and managed to hold her down. Bridgette jumped in surprise and fear as she could see Heather red from anger.

"WHY YOU, I'M GOING…" Heather was very pissed as she wanted to vent into punching something, especially into people who caused problems for her.

"Bridgette… we had a few traps and a barricade, and suddenly a moose came here to destroy all of our work…" Courtney commented that she herself wasn't in the mood to be kind, as she was feeling exhausted and angry from all her efforts being dismissed so easily. It was even pathetic.

"Oh…" Bridgette commented as she glanced at Gwen who was still recovering her breath, and Leshawna was giggling sheepishly while avoiding eye contact. "It's kinda a long story…"

"Of course it is." The campers said as Duncan gave a last look at the remaining traps, yep, they were all dismantled.

"Well, that was a waste," Duncan said with a sigh, surveying the ruined Dock of Shame barricade and traps. "Looks like we'll have to come up with a new plan."

"And what kind of plan? Wait until he comes here, and everyone attacks him at the same time?" Heather rolled her eyes as she pointed toward the forest. "I don't know what happened, but I know from the time I saw smoke in the forest, the good thing wasn't."

"AND IT'S NOT." The campers paused as they stared at the forest, which at the time they looked, DJ, Tyler, and Owen had their faces all swollen and with scorching marks with red around their faces. Tyler who was an unbeliever was now with an epiphany of what just happened. "BEWARE, THE DANCING DIABLOS,"

Duncan and Harold felt their spines shiver from something they never thought to hear before… Another Spanish word… which probably would mean something, since El Mongo and La Muerte had the same variance… another name would mean another type of arsenal.

"Oh hell no." Harold said as threw his arms in the air, "Nope, nope, fuck this *beep* I'm out."

"That's wise Harold. I don't know what it is, and I don't want even know." Duncan commented as he was also giving a step away.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Heather raised her eyebrows in disbelief, as Owen came like another monk who just suffered a terrible outcome.

"Brothers, sisters, don't let the fiendish peppers hit you, they are evillllllllllllll." Owen said as he even started to cry in front of everyone, as the group looked at the trio in disbelief.

"It had been 2 hours, and my face is burning… Can someone give me milk… please?" DJ whimpered as the group gulped dry, and Izzy gave a gallon to DJ who felt so happy for that moment. "Thank you, Izzy, you are a lifesaver."

"I heard that a lot," Izzy smirked as the group stared at her in disbelief, which made her shrug. "What? One of our traps would be using milk, and the moose already disarmed it. So nothing better to use it."

"DON'T USE EVERYTHING, LET ME ALSO HAVE IT," Tyler said as he wrestled with DJ to have some to place on his face, and Owen who was also crying decided to also join the duo to try to clean up his face from the hellish pepper attack.

"This is so stupid," Gwen commented as she was feeling less exhausted, and clearly noticed the Moose was still out of control. "Err… should we do something about this?"

"Don't worry, Bridgette is already trying to calm the moose down," Geoff commented as he himself was happy to assure his friends that everyone was going to be okay. "Oh look at that… She just hugged the moose and it seems the moose is leaving now."

The campers just then saw, Bridgette approaching them while the moose gave a last glare at the black girl, who was looking too exhausted to fight, and with a grunt, the moose left the place, which everyone stared at the surfer who seemed to be relieved.

"I'm so glad that he calmed down, I don't know who had the brilliant idea of using a bear trap, but it seems that this moose is more focused on going back to his baby," Bridgette commented as she felt happy with how easier had been for her to deal with the animals, they seemed to be more understanding at her, and she was happy to be using that to make them more peaceful, and focus on what was important. But then she just blinked when everyone was staring weirdly at her. "What?"

Before anyone could respond, a burst of laughter echoed through the forest. Everyone turned to see Noah approaching, his face alight with amusement, Eva following closely behind.

"So the whole concept of the threat was, choose one and I will shoot the other option?" Noah laughed as he watched Eva proud of herself for her revenge being done right. "Okay, seeing that really paid off the 1 million dollars, did you see Justin's face while screamed for his manager? It was hilarious."

"Hmph…that was me being kind… next time I get tricked like that again, I will do way more than hurting his pretty face," Eva commented as the duo seemed to be walking and suddenly what would be the remaining of a trashed plan which blew up in someone's face.

"Well, let me catch you up, genius," Duncan began as he was feeling very sarcastic at the moment, and he was in a pretty bad mood. "We were setting up traps and barricades to catch Ezekiel. But then Gwen and Leshawna brought a moose that destroyed everything. So, now we're back to square one."

"It wasn't me," Gwen said who denied all involvement with what just happened. "Leshawna just hurt the baby moose of an angry father, and when the father would threaten us, Leshawna just simply attacked that moose."

"HEY, THAT'S THE MOOSE THAT MADE HEATHER TOPLESS AND MADE HAROLD HOLD HER FAKE TITS," Leshawna shouted angrily which made Heather then snaps at her.

"Excuse me?!" Heather said in outrage as she walked in front of the ghetto girl. "First of all, my tits are not fake. And second off… WHY THE HELL YOU WANTED TO ATTACK A FREAKING MOOSE?"

"Looks like one heck of a party. Glad I missed it." Noah glanced around at the wreckage, a smirk forming on his face. He stared at Eva who was also surprised by all the destruction which happened. "At least we can say that we didn't lose our time in vain. "I think I prefer dodgeballs to moose any day."

Just as the campers began to resign themselves to the situation, rustling sounds emerged from the forest. Moments later, Cody and Justin stumbled into view. Justin sported a bruised face and a black eye, while Cody limped, his steps labored.

"Cody! Justin! What happened?" Katie and Sadie rushed over, worry etched on their faces.

"It's Eva," Cody commented high-pitched which made Katie raise her eyebrows and stare at her boyfriend… "We lost the suitcase."

"Why are you talking so high-pitched?" Katie asked in confusion and concern, which made the geek flinch as he gave a slight glance at Eva who was smirking like a shark. Sadie went to help Justin but he refused to show his face on the camera since it had been a very humiliating and painful moment for him.

"It's a long story… I just want to lay down for a bit." Cody commented as he laid on the sand, which everyone who was looking on that moment, couldn't help but be amused.

"Anyway, it seems that everyone is here. Less Ezekiel and Trent as it seems." Noah commented as the group was reunited… everyone had their eyes wide open in surprise to see that indeed there were almost all the campers on the Dock of Shame until they heard someone who finally walked from the other side of the island.

"Hey guys," Trent commented as Noah now rolled his eyes.

"Okay, now we have everyone here missing only the person who has the suitcase." Noah corrected as the entire group felt that they were now all reunited, ready to challenge one single person.

"Well, we are in a situation where at the moment Ezekiel comes, everyone will jump on him, and the first person to catch the suitcase and take on the docks will win," Gwen commented as the other campers felt that this situation was getting way out of hand, since most of them are frustrated, exhausted, and just wanted to go home.

"Ah shut up," Heather commented as the comment made Gwen pauses and stares at the queen bee who was very annoyed by that comment. "We have been fine if wasn't for the fact that fat ass woman decided to bring that stupid moose to destroy all our plans?"

"EXCUSE ME?" Leshawna said as she rolled her sleeves. "Oh, I didn't hear what I think I did hear, especially from a white chick who had fake tits…"

"THEY ARE NOT FAKE," Heather shouted as the duo tried to go at each other, and the groups tried to separate the queen bee and the big woman, until Leshawna managed to slap the queen bee in the face, which immediately everyone who was there to avoid the fight, suddenly recognized that trigger just happened.

"OH YOU *BEEP*" Heather jumped in the direction of Leshawna as the duo started a catfight which immediately caused the chaos happening around. Every camper accidentally started to hit each other, and from their exhaustion, they started to attack each other, all because of a sudden outburst coming from an ideal plan that was messed up by pure jealousy and greed coming from all their eyes.

It doesn't matter if once the groups were friends on Killer Bass or Screaming Gophers, at the time that fight started, slaps became scratches, and then punches and kicks, as Izzy was beating the crap of Geoff for a reason that she would never know, Bridgette was also being sprayed with a lot of hot sauce with water as she herself had enough and started to take the wood from the floor, which she used to beat someone but she accidentally she missed and managed to hit her boyfriend who was on the floor.

Cody went to attack Owen, who used his belly to launch him into the water on the tree. And doesn't have time to cheer up, because Duncan gives a punch to his face, however, his victory is short when Harold gives a punch to his stomach, in the sequel the nerd was kicked on the nuts by Courtney which makes him shout like a girl.

Justin was behind Sadie who was using her body as a shield and was beating Tyler who just wanted to ask her if she saw Lindsay, but the chaos was so much that she didn't hear right.

The chaos was unfolding, as Trent was giving a step away and he was looking at the whole chaos.

"Guys… GUYS!" Trent shouted as the group paused as they stared at the guitarist who looked at the situation being out of hand. "Don't you think this had been too much? We know that we are exhausted, but we didn't need to come up into a fight for that..."

Beth who nodded her head in agreement, suddenly had an idea on her mind.

"Hey! I've got an idea! Let's work together as a team! We can ask Ezekiel to split the prize twenty-two ways and share it!" Beth asked as she found a good way to make everyone a winner, which in the end left all the people in silence.




"NO!" Then like a huge crowd the people started to fight back with each other, as Beth looked in panic the same way Trent palled on how the things escalated in such a way. It was like nothing could stop them from fighting.

"stop, STOP, STOOOOOOOOOOOP!" Ezekiel shouted as it was enough to make everyone fight and slowly turned at him, who was near the Dock of Shame, he was just a few steps from winning the show, but knowing the people who approached him, he shouted as with all the breath of his lungs, to make sure the campers wouldn't even dare to think about going after him. They noticed something which made everyone freeze… Ezekiel wasn't shouting of despair at seeing like that, no… it was anger he had over them. "So that's how it is? Huh? We agreed that this would be a fair game and that we would remain friends until the end and now. Look at you! This is how you want them will see us? A bunch of ANIMALS fighting just for a single suitcase? For a case, we just found out only this morning, since we spent the whole 9 weeks fighting for a worthy prize. Just for the end ignore everything we worked hard for, friends we made just for this prize?"

Ezekiel glared as the contestants gave themselves a look as if they couldn't even reply to him, and even if they would try something, the homeschooled guy already interrupted them.

"Look at the cameras, people are watching us… OUR FAMILIES AND FRIENDS ARE WATCHING US… And that's how you guys want to be remembered for? A bunch of animals fighting for a single prize money that you would have won fair and square during the whole season?" Ezekiel gave a remark as he looked at the money case that he looked in sneer. And then at his friends from Killer Bass and the other campers of Screaming Gophers. Ezekiel with one of his hands took out one of his weights, and then he did the same with the other hand. "I want to win the 1 million dollars, but NOT LIKE THIS. IF YOU GUYS WANT TO WIN THE MONEY, THE SAME WAY AS ME? THEN LET'S DO IT FAIR, AS THE WAY AS IT SHOULD BE. LIKE WE DID DURING THIS HELLISH 9 WEEKS."

"Ezekiel, what are you planning?" Courtney palled as she realized the meaning behind his words, as the some campers as well. Ezekiel released both his weights, and he used both his hands to hold tight the suitcase. "Please don't tell me."

Ezekiel had enough to surprise everyone and make panic for them, with less weight over his arms, he used all the strength he had and used it to throw away the money case on the water, the far as he could, which made everyone scream in panic and plan to jump to take the case… But suddenly the shark saw something and decided to eat the whole suitcase. A seagull started to laugh over the shark eating the suitcase but it was too late to realize that another shark jumped to eat the poor bird as well.

"EZEKIEL, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" Duncan shouted in disbelief, but then he saw the anger in Ezekiel's eyes. And then he palled. "No, no no no please, please no…"

"IF YOU GUYS WANT THE PRIZE MONEY, THEN I DECLARE COMPLIANCE WITH ARTICLE 241 OF PAGE 25 IN SUBSECTION B IN THE FINE PRINT." Ezekiel roared so loud that it made Courtney and Duncan immediately recognize which article he was talking about, and almost every single one of the Killer Bass, since from the past… he explained to them…

(Let me give you one example, did you know that if at the end of this season, the winner of the show managed to be a no-winner, we are obligated to participate in season 2 automatically?


Shhhhhhhhhh… It was in the fine print of the possibility that if Total Drama Island became a success but at the end of the show we don't have a winner… we would go into season 2 which they are going to create almost immediately while making us participate again.)

"EZEKIEL NOOOOOOO" The whole Killer Bass shouted in panic while the other campers looked confused and afraid, but Ezekiel roared even louder.

"I CHALLENGE YOU ALL FOR THE SEASON 2 OF TOTAL DRAMAAAAAAA!" Ezekiel shouted with all the breath he could, and at that time the other campers understood what he meant, and why the Killer Bass looked desperately, but it was too late… Ezekiel knew the contract while most of them didn't and at that moment… A clap was heard.

Everyone stared at Chris McLean clapping with his iconic smirk, but this time it was like a devil smile appeared on his face.

"What an ending. Someone who knew exactly about the fine print, and decided to demand it… That's pure cinema," Chris smirked as he clapped while Chef was with a tissue to clean the tears of his eyes… "But what is done is done… And oh boy… Ezekiel, what you did, I have to confess, I never thought in my whole career someone would see an opportunity like that, and you instead of fighting them like an animal, created the perfect drama and solution to make everyone have a new chance of 1 million dollars. This is AWESOME."

The former contestants couldn't believe their ears, as Duncan and Gwen really wanted to refuse, even Courtney… But they couldn't, they knew about the fine print, and their friend summoned them to prove a point on where they became.

"The boy had balls of titanium," Chef commented as he was very impressed by the audacity and determination coming from the boy who came resolute with the decision.

"But what is done is done, and since he knew the rules of the contract. I have to explain about it…"

"Chris, before you say something… I said everyone… so please… everyone." Ezekiel interrupted Chris, which made the host look surprised at the home-schooled boy for his act of courage, which made the host think about it for a few seconds, but then a good smirk appeared on his face.

"Alright, I will give it a try… So congratulations campers… You all got a new chance… To try to win the 1 million dollars. In Season 2..." Chris commented as the Screaming Gophers looked surprised, some palled, shocked and others were outraged and others excited.

(Confession- Leshawna )

"I can't believe I'm hearing right, did they both say Season 2?" Leshawna still looked in disbelief, not knowing what to say in such a strange situation.

(Confession- Heather )

"Uh-uh, No way. I am not coming back here." Heather said as she then remembered about Chris and Ezekiel saying about the fine print. "DAMMIT, CURSED THE DAY I DIDN'T READ THAT STUPID CONTRACT."

(Confession- Lindsay )

"Season two? Season TWO?! I'm gonna be so much more famous than I thought! I was already the winner of season 1, and now I have another chance to win again! I hope I have a chance to get my roots done first." Lindsay commented excited about the idea, however, she forgot that she may need to have more preparations to look beautiful on the sequel of the show.

(Confession- Ezekiel )

"I know that my friends from Killer Bass may be upset with me, but they knew I was right, they weren't acting like themselves, so I need what I must do, if you want to win the prize money, you should win against everyone like Total Drama style… By taking challenges, alliances, friends, and voting like we always had done. That's how it was… and that's how it should be." Ezekiel commented as he composed himself and cracked his fingers. "I know for sure the Screaming Gophers are going to have me as primary their target, but I say… Bring it on. If they want the one million, then win this reality show with dignity. Like how Heather and Lindsay did on the finals,"

Ezekiel gave a small pause, as he then stared at the camera…

"Also, I thank you all for your support, everyone, you are great guys, and I know that you all wanted a perfect climax for the show, so I think you guys deserved more, so we are going to bring more," Ezekiel commented in sincerity as he also gave a small smile. "I don't know how long we will have of pause, but I talked with my publisher, and they said I will be doing my book signing of both Adventure Time, Steven Universe, and Courage the Cowardly Dog in 3 days, in Eaton Centre in Toronto, Ontario. We are now publishing 100.000 books of each one across Canada since you guys sent a lot of emails asking to bring more. Thank you all once again for the support. And I can't wait to do my best to sign every single book in the bookstore on the mall. I hope you guys have a great week and a good time."

(Confession – Katie and Sadie and Cody )

"I CAN'T BELIEVE IT WE ARE ON SEASON 2," Sadie said as she hugged her best friend and her boyfriend who also felt a good strength coming from the muscled chubby girl.

"Yeah, this way we can do much more, and we are going to make everyone impressed by us growing up." Katie agreed as she hugged while Cody felt himself suffocating.

"Girls, while I think that's awesome, why I should also be here in the confession?" Cody asked while he now felt himself part of the duo, while he was in a very good and stable relationship.

"Well, for this…" Katie said as she started kissing him in the mouth, which made the geek electrified and surprised by the sudden move of his girlfriend. "With us on season 2, there will be way more of this in front of the television… Which will sparkle the anger of a certain someone…"

"Ohhh… I like that." Cody commented as he started to kiss his girlfriend which made Sadie raise her eyebrows and pout.

"I wish I had the no-horny spray for these two… Come on guys, I'm also right here." Sadie said as she rolled her eyes.

"Well I was planning to make it for 14 campers, but since Ezekiel challenged every single one of you… In Exactly 6 days, you'll all report to a brand new location for a whole new challenge and the last one standing will receive MILLION DOLLARS! So don't forget to tune in… to TOTAL DRAMA ACTION!" Chris gave the presentation as the camera gave the final cut, and this time Chris and Chef stared at each other until they laughed so hard that some campers didn't know what to do anymore…

But many stared at Ezekiel, who just cleaned the dust from his blouse, and decided to prepare his things for him to leave back home…

Total Drama Island just ended, but Total Drama Action is about to start.


"I can't believe you did that," Courtney commented as the whole group of Killer Bass was looking tired, some in disbelief and some even angry with Ezekiel for throwing away the suitcase, and now they are condemned to participate in the season 2 of Total Drama by their contracts. "From all of your irresponsible ideas, from all the craziness you passed with us, this is by far the most idiot thing I ever saw."

"COURTNEY!" Ezekiel then shouted which made the C.I.T. girl flinch at seeing how angry her friend was, as he stared at not just her, but he stared at every single one of his friends Killer Bass in contempt. As he was looking at stranger people. "I just saw you fighting Duncan and Harold over the chaos, and I didn't even show the suitcase, it got escalated to such a level, that it made you all something that I never wanted to see… Where it was the girl who always believed in competition, who wanted to prove herself to the others that she could win the prize money, what the Counselor In Training inside of you is telling you after seeing what I saw half an hour ago?"

Courtney palled… as she realized that one thing that she always bragged about and even showed something that she would always trust, was her title of C.I.T… but then, after seeing everything of what happened, and how it would lead to such chaos, into people fighting over jealously, and then greed… She wanted to show she was great in leadership. But then it was like she saw a fight between animals, and for the first time, she didn't have words to defend herself.

She looked around at all the other friends, Harold was holding a bag of ice, Tyler was with a steak in his eye, Sadie was apologizing to the jock, and Katie looked down ashamed of what the pillar of Killer Bass had said.

Courtney looked at Duncan, who also was staring at the cave, which had been their secret spot… DJ and Geoff were also looking for the same place where there had been so many amazing things, and then the group was watching the interns and camera crew which they were dismantling their hot tub, which had been one of their proudest moments. The one they worked so hard to accomplish together.

"He's right," Eva commented as she herself never thought that her mistake not only led her to lose the prize money but then she got a taste of blood and she wanted more, so the desire to fight overcame the rational decision of what was more important to her. She already got a trailer and a reward of 20 thousand dollars, and yet. She got greedy and made herself lose face… "We lost our heads…"

Bridgette looked at Geoff, and they felt guilty for thinking of how terrible things were, especially with Gwen who could see the lipstick marks on their faces. She knew they could have helped her to be saved from the moose, but they got sidetracked, and were also ashamed…

"This whole episode was supposed to be our thing, have fun, try to think ahead of each other, then create good memories of how a great final episode would be for us, proving that we can be famous together… and then, when we had all the potential of the world to prove ourselves… It would show us the worst side of ourselves." Ezekiel commented as he proved himself as he had been thinking for a long time. "We are friends, please… just don't let this stupid money take what is important to us."

Tyler was in silence, as he couldn't help but nod.

"I made a terrible mistake in thinking I could take the stink bomb any day, but I was wrong, today was a mess… And I never felt so much fear I had from you than I have today, and you read for me the chicken invasion story from your book." The jock commented as it made a slight chuckle from the group who seemed to be feeling better at that moment.

"Guys, I know that some of you may be angry with me, hell, I'm even angry about how the situation got escalated in such a way… but when Trent and Beth tried to make you all stop fighting… I think I made the right choice." Ezekiel commented as he saw the interns going in the direction of the flag. "No wait, please… can you let the flag on there?"

The others from the Killer Bass who saw the group almost reaching the flag, also walked to stop the interns to take out the symbol of the identity of the cave.

"That was close," Geoff commented as DJ sat and gave a look around the whole cave…

"Yeah… this place wouldn't be the same without the flag," DJ commented as the campers walked around and the interns gave a lot of work to take out the trailer from the said cave, which made the Iron Woman Eva happy to have the trailer for herself.

"This place gives me so many memories," Katie commented as Sadie gave a small hug to her best friend, and the group was tearing up.

"In caves, shadows play, Silent waters, bass glide free— Nature's blend on stage," Harold commented as the group who listened to the Haiku made himself, as even DJ and Bridgette teared up, from the poetic and beautiful Japanese poetry the nerd gave as he himself was even releasing the tears.

"Fuck… this place had been more home for me than the juvie," Duncan commented as he tried to contain himself, from seeing how a place he passed the good times with his good friends, suddenly became so empty.

Courtney felt herself also feeling emotional, as soon their boats would come to get them for their break of 5 days before going to season 2…

It was a very beautiful silence, as the group was giving their goodbyes for their Aquarium, their secret base, their empire…

Ezekiel who also found such a place one of the most important places he ever had in his life, couldn't help but sign a song appearing on his memories.

"Everything Stays" by Rebecca Sugar. Arranged by Kerry Marsh for the LBCC "Lyrical Workers." (

"Let's go in the garden

You'll find something waiting

Right there where you left it lying upside down

When you finally find it, you'll see how it's faded

The underside is lighter when you turn it around"

And then Ezekiel started to sing, and suddenly something happened as Harold, Courtney, Bridgette, and Gwen started to sing as well, a song which he had created for so long, but kept singing on the Playa Del Losers, as the sound of the winds coming inside of the Aquarium.

"Everything stays right where you left it

Everything stays

But it still changes

Ever so slightly, daily and nightly

In little ways, when everything stays"

Then Tyler, Eva, DJ, and Geoff sang as well, joining the group to sing as the tears slowly came from their eyes, Sadie and Katie followed as they also started to cry a lot. And then the group stopped singing, but then to the surprise of everyone… Duncan himself decided to continue the song, until going to the end, as he himself was with his back towards his friends, but the feelings he had for the loved place, he couldn't deny since his own shirt was getting a few drops from his own tears.

"Go down to the ocean

The crystal tide is raising

Waters' gotten higher as the shore washes out

Keep your eyes wide open, even when the sun is blazin'

The moon controls the tide, it can cause you to drown"

And then everyone continued to sing the song, their feelings as a way to show gratitude from all the places of the island, the Aquarium was the only refugee they ever had in the chaotic world, and they couldn't stop… since they wanted to say as their goodbyes, and showing how much importance that place had been for them.

"Everything stays, right where you've left it

Everything stays, but it still changes

Ever so slightly, daily and nightly

In little ways

When everything stays"

The song they sang as slowly each of them, left… Leaving a painful goodbye from a place that became an empty aquarium without a single fish to live inside...

The sun began to set over Total Drama Island, casting a golden hue across the sky and the calm waters of the surrounding sea. The campers, exhausted but exhilarated from their long journey, were finally returning home. Instead of the single boats that had brought them here, each camper now had their own boat, a small, personal vessel symbolizing their individual experiences and growth throughout the show.

Among these boats, a larger, slightly more ornate vessel carried the two finalists, Heather and Lindsay, along with Ezekiel, who sat apart from them, lost in his own world. The boat gently rocked with the waves as it cut through the water, heading towards the distant shore.

Heather sat on one side of the boat, her arms crossed and her expression stormy. Her usually composed demeanor was shattered by a seething anger that simmered just below the surface. The source of her fury sat a few feet away, sketching in a notebook without a care in the world. Ezekiel, the one responsible for tossing the suitcase with the coveted one million dollars into the sea, seemed utterly unconcerned by the chaos he had caused. His indifference only fueled Heather's rage.

As she glared at Ezekiel, her thoughts churned. How could he be so nonchalant? They had all worked so hard, endured so much, and suffered all kinds of humiliation and challenges, even as she lost fair for her best friend Lindsay, she had the opportunity to win the big money and he had thrown away their prize without a second thought. And now, because of his impulsive challenge, they were all contractually bound to return for a second season. The idea of going through it all again, especially with Ezekiel, was almost too much for her to bear.

Lindsay, sitting nearby, was a stark contrast to Heather's simmering anger. She gazed out at the sea with wide-eyed excitement, her mind already buzzing with thoughts of the next season. The challenges, the friends, the adventure—it all thrilled her to no end. She couldn't wait to see what lay ahead, her optimism and enthusiasm shining brightly despite the exhaustion from the weeks of competition.

Ezekiel, meanwhile, was completely absorbed in his drawing. His pencil moved swiftly across the paper, capturing the serene beauty of the ocean and the setting sun. He knew what he had done, the chaos he had caused, and the implications of his actions. But he didn't care. He was in his element, detached from the drama and conflict that had defined the others' experiences.

The boat continued to glide across the water, carrying its passengers towards an uncertain future. The tension between Heather and Ezekiel was palpable, a stark contrast to Lindsay's cheerful anticipation. Until the homeschooled boy decided enough was enough he placed down his sketchbook and looked at Heather glaring at him. But ignoring that, he looked at the leather suitcase that he always had with him, and with a small smirk which infuriated even more Heather, the boy ignored, and decided to take something from inside of the said backpack…

Heather glared at him as he suddenly scoffed and turned her eyes away for a second, but when she turned her head back to him, she had her eyes wide open in surprise…

Ezekiel was holding a stack of money between her eyes.

"Take it." Ezekiel simply commented as the queen bee had her eyes wide open and her mouth open in shock. "If you check… there is 100 thousand dollars."

"WHAT?!" Heather shouted in surprise which even made Lindsay turn her head to see Heather shocked and Ezekiel holding a stack of money.

"What's going on?" Lindsay asked as she suddenly saw the same stack of money on her lap, which also surprised her.

"Your prize money," Ezekiel commented as he returned to his place, and had his sketchbook in his hands. "You two worked so hard to get it, that you both deserved the first prize money as you deserved."

"How did you get this large quantity of money, even as you wrote books and etc, there was no way that you could…"

"Have 1 million on my suitcase?" Ezekiel commented which made Heather had her eyes wide open in shock… "One thing that you should learn Heather… is always to be ahead of the game, and knowing that in the end, even if someone would win the 1 million dollars, the opportunities of becoming famous would be far greater, so why not have both? Take the one million, and make the others also have the opportunity to have another million in the show?"

Heather was jawslacked, while Lindsay was hugging her allowance money that she worked so much to get.

"Bu.. but but but…"

"Butts are for popping Heather," Ezekiel commented as he returned to his drawing, but with a good smirk at the queen bee, showing that everything was a setup…

"What's your favorite movie, Ezekiel?" Izzy's voice came to his head as Ezekiel slowly closed his eyes.

(The sun hung high in the sky, casting a harsh light over the bustling activity on the Playa Del Losers. A group of interns, sweating and straining under the weight of various objects, were meticulously carrying everything needed for the next challenge. Among them, unnoticed, were two figures blending in seamlessly with the crew. Since some also used a lot of work to collect cardboard and start the printing process of the giant cheque, there same two figures who were helping the crew were also on the same objective of capturing the prize money.

Izzy, with a mischievous glint in her eye, sported Ezekiel's winter hat and an intern hoodie, while Ezekiel himself was dressed in an intern's T-shirt and a blue cap, both wearing sunglasses to complete their disguises. They moved with purpose, trailing behind a particular intern carrying a distinctive gray suitcase. Since their help to blend worked as they helped with the cardboard, now they had free time to do other parts of the work.

The pair followed closely, their expressions hidden behind their sunglasses, until they reached a secluded area where a small group of interns were meticulously placing stacks of money into the gray suitcase. Ezekiel clutched a similar suitcase, filled not with money, but with his drafts, drawings, and ideas for book chapters which he scratched off—its contents irrelevant compared to the treasure being carefully packed before them.

Izzy, ever the actress, strolled casually among the interns as she high-pitched her voice to make her unrecognized, her laughter light and carefree. She struck up a few conversations, her infectious energy drawing everyone's attention. Suddenly, without warning, she sparked a chaotic misunderstanding, her voice rising in feigned anger. The scene escalated quickly, interns rushing to separate the confused and irate Izzy from the others.

Amidst the chaos, Izzy stormed off, her face a mask of fury, leaving the group to deal with the aftermath of her outburst. In the confusion, Ezekiel, moving with deliberate calm, approached the table where the real suitcase lay. Swiftly and without hesitation, he swapped it with his replica. With the real suitcase now in his possession, he walked away, blending into the background once more.

The group of interns, still flustered and distracted by Izzy's outburst, paid no attention as Ezekiel disappeared into the shadows, the weight of the million-dollar suitcase barely registering in his grip. The scene faded, and the sound of Izzy's distant, angry shouts and the frantic movement of the interns slowly dimmed as Ezekiel made his escape. As both cadets Sanders and MacArthur appeared to check the chaos of what happened, they were already gone.

Which with them two on the morning taking a stolen boat to go after Playa Del Losers before anyone noticed their disappearance, which was easy since the party started to be more crowded two hours later. And with that, the perfect crime already concluded with only one person as victorious.)

"Ocean's Twelve Izzy… Ocean's Twelve." Ezekiel whispered as nobody ever thought about the possibility of his favorite movie heist scene being replicated in the same form he did to get himself the prize money… He offered the money to Izzy, but she didn't need it, she did it just because he asked her to do it, and for the thrill and excitement of a challenge. She loved his idea of doing such a crazy heist, and she never had laughed so much when the show had ended with not only making Ezekiel the true winner of season 1, but being anonymous, but also making them go to season 2 as well… It was a win-win-win situation for everyone, and he couldn't help but be excited to have a good time with his family, then go to the mall with his friends, and then return to the show again.

He saw Heather staring at him like he was a monster… But at last, she now had the money that she fought for, and since she owed a few favors, she couldn't escape from his grasp… She saw Ezekiel as a rival that she thought she never had a chance, and yet he showed kindness in a way that he said she deserved it… which she agreed, but she would never do the same if that was the case.

But after Lindsay hugged her as she was cheering to have her money back, and her best friend also has the prize money… Heather couldn't complain, she smiled as she could enjoy the time with her best friend Lindsay and Beth with the money she had.

Maybe the season 2 wouldn't be bad after all.

Chapter 46: Welcome Home

Chapter Text



Gwen stared out the window of her limousine, a knot of anxiety twisting in her stomach. As the car wound its way through the familiar streets of her neighborhood, she couldn't help but imagine the worst. Her mother was known for her grand gestures, often crossing the line into embarrassing territory. The last thing Gwen wanted after surviving the chaos of Total Drama was to come home to a neighborhood-wide spectacle, a parade of sorts, orchestrated by her overzealous mom.

But as the limousine pulled up to her house, Gwen blinked in surprise. The street was quiet, the usual hum of the neighborhood absent. No banners, no crowds, no flashing cameras. Just her home, standing peacefully in the twilight.

Stepping out of the car, Gwen took a cautious breath, half expecting a crowd to leap out from behind the bushes. Instead, the front door opened, and there stood her mother, smiling warmly, with her brother and her cousin Ella beside her. There was no fanfare, just a genuine, heartfelt welcome.

"Welcome home, Gwen!" her mother called out, waving. Gwen felt a wave of relief wash over her. This was perfect. No over-the-top party, no embarrassing displays, just her family, the people who mattered most.

As she approached the front steps, her brother hugged her but also a few taps on her back.

"Welcome home, Gwen, gotta say, I didn't stop watching the show, and I was keeping sure to check if everything on the forum about you wouldn't be messed up by the troll, which you can guess who is," Cody explained as he felt the hug back from his older sister.

"Thank you for watching my back," Gwen commented as she was then surprised by Ella, ever the optimist, grinned and rushed forward to hug Gwen, squeezing her tight. Even as weird as she could be from transforming herself into a princess of fairy tales phase, it had too much pink on her, but still, she felt the hug of a person who she treated as family.

"Hey, goth girl, you survived!" Ella teased, her bright demeanor contrasting sharply with Gwen's darker aesthetic.

"Yeah, I did. Barely." Gwen chuckled, hugging her cousin back.

"I wanted to do something bigger, but... I thought you might appreciate something a little more low-key." Her mother reached out and took her hand, leading her into the house.

"This is perfect, Mom. Thank you." Gwen smiled, genuinely touched. "You have no idea how much I would prefer this."

"Oh, I had someone to convince me on that, trust me, Courtney's mom, and Duncan's mom told me that I had to slow down a bit, hehe, even Eva's mother said that I need to actually make you more comfortable on your way back home." Alisson, a mother who always cherished her children couldn't help but always be proud of what her little girl just did, everything that she did on the challenges she always cherished with her friends, and even as much she pouted, she knew that she needed to make her daughter less embarrassed. Gwen would always be grateful for that... "Only on your birthday which will be in 4 days, Halloween is almost here, and I have prepared a lot for your birthday being unforgivable."

And she thought too soon, which Gwen narrowed a bit of her eyes, but sighed in acceptance.

As they stepped inside, Gwen was hit with the delicious smell of home-cooked food. The table was set for four, and the house was filled with the warmth of a homecoming she hadn't realized she'd missed so much. Her mother looked more relaxed than she had in ages, and for a moment, Gwen wondered what had changed.

"I had some help, you know," her mother said, almost reading Gwen's mind. She gestured to the kitchen, where a familiar figure was placing the last dish on the table. "Gotta say, she did amazing on the television, but when we are together doing our encounter with Killer Bass mother's she always does something extra which always makes us eager to eat more."

"You're too kind." Then a voice that made it look familiar to Gwen made her blink until Gwen's eyes widened as she recognized DJ's mom, her presence as comforting as ever.

"DJ's Momma?" Gwen asked as she saw a person who was supposed to be with one of her friends. Before Gwen could even ask her mother further, she heard another car door slam outside. Turning, she saw DJ stepping out of another limousine, his expression just as surprised as hers. "DJ?"

"Hey Gwen, nice to see you," DJ commented as he was carrying his luggage and even having his bunny over his shoulder who was also enjoying a good nap. "The driver told me my momma wouldn't be home so she gave the location on where she would be. Is she there?"

"Devon Joseph, come here. We need to prepare everything right at this moment." Then a motherly voice but still firm which would scare anyone made DJ suddenly snap from his smile, and then look inside of house where momma had been still cooking a few dishes for the family. "Help to set up the table, and help me with this stew."

"Right away momma." And quickly, the Jamaican giant with a gentle heart, released a few of his luggage and calmly placed Bunny on Gwen's hands which he immediately went into serious mode. Leaving Gwen blinking in surprise, but also seeing her brother looking in amusement and her cousin approaching her and staring at the bunny with a grin so big that she felt that she was ready to tackle the bunny to hug it.

"Aww, look at this cutie," Ella commented, as she patted the little bunny which slowly was waking up. "It's so adorable,"

"Glad you liked it," Gwen commented as she then saw DJ helping to set up the table. Giving to the girl who was eager to take care of the sleepy bunny, the goth girl decided to walk towards the two Jamaicans who seemed to be not only working well together but also preparing a good dinner for the 2 families. But then she just saw DJ getting a hug from the chubby and smaller woman, while even giving a kiss on his cheek. She couldn't help but smile, while she and her mom were listening to the conversation while helping the boy set the table.

"I'm so proud of you Devon, while I should be scolding you for making 3 kids eat Obeah's Soul Scorcher, what in your dammed mind were you thinking?" While momma was happy and proud of her baby, she couldn't help but even twist his earlob which made him in terrible pain.

"Ouch ouch ouch ouch, sorry momma, sorry, I was just curious about what would happen if someone ate it, and you always told me to not even touch it without gloves. I was just curious, ouch ouch ouch." DJ commented as big as he could be, he would be at the mercy of his momma when she got angry and twisted his earlobe, but then he got even hit by her purse which was still painful as always.

"You better apologize to the three campers when you return on the show in a few days, you hear me?" Momma commented as she saw her baby boy nodding his head at her, but then with a good smile, she gave a hug and tapped his head. "I'm so proud of you, even as challenges would be scary and harsh, you still managed to get enough courage, and managed to put it through, I'm so proud of you my baby boy."

"Thank you, momma," DJ commented as he felt the sweet hug of the person who meant the world to him, knowing that things would get even challenge in the future, he knew that he should enjoy the little time he had with his momma before returning on the show, and on that night already started great.

"So momma, about the birthday party, do you need help? I can try to contact the others." Then Alisson came to make DJ blink in surprise and turn to see his momma giggling in surprise.

"Don't worry about it, Alisson, my son is all the help I would need," Momma commented as she looked at her son who looked confused. "Gwen's birthday is in 5 days."

"Oh really? That's nice to know," DJ commented as he looked at Gwen who was already slamming her head on the wall, "Err... are you okay?"

"Oh, she is going to be fine. While the big party is going to be big, I want to focus on what is most important for her." Alisson commented as Gwen rolled her eyes and decided to accept her fate.

"Okay Mom, what do you have in mind?" Gwen asked as she sat near the table, where the food was being placed, while her brother and her cousin were also excited to know about the possible birthday party that was going to happen.

"Well, nothing too crazy, just a party calling all your friends from Killer Bass, and your friends from the school," Then her mom suggested a party which made Gwen blink in surprise...

"Really just that? Not calling all the neighbors or inviting all Cody's friends as a way to compensate for the lack of people inside the home?"Gwen couldn't help but ask since what her mom planned for her birthday seemed fair.

"Yes, I was thinking of calling their parents as well, but most of us would be working, so I think we could prepare a party for the parents on another day, but since it's the Killer Bass and you will be returning on the show on the next day, I think it would be for the best if you enjoy the last day together in a good party," Alisson commented as Gwen didn't realize how it made sense, and since Ella was having a good time, to even taking care of bunny, she decided to help DJ who appreciated a good help, especially with someone who his bunny felt comfortable with. "Ohhh, I think we should invite Cody Anderson as well, because he is Katie's boyfriend, and from Sierra's post on the forum, his parents were on a cruise trip which they will return next month."

"Really? Cody will be alone on these 5 days? Maybe we should call Jessica, she would always be happy to keep an eye on the boy nearby Katie." Momma commented as the duo started to gossip, and DJ and Gwen looked surprised at how close the duo seemed at that moment. But couldn't help but be happy for their mothers, since the group of friends they just made seemed to be affecting positively their lives, just like theirs.

"So DJ, can you tell me about the nature on the camp Wawanakwa?" The princess-dressed girl asked as DJ thought about it, and not realizing it, the group was already reuniting themselves, and with a good time sharing their conversation in a good dinner.

Gwen smiled, not realizing that maybe, being home after an exhaustive 9 weeks on that chaotic island, she would be so happy to share a good meal with family and a friend...

"Maybe the next season wouldn't be so different from the first one," Gwen commented as she was happy to hear the story of her brother almost having a heart attack because Ella appeared in a reflection of a drink, while almost imitating the Black Puddle Queen.

Yeah, it was the best welcome party that both Gwen and DJ ever had...


DJ leaned back on the couch, holding the first edition of Courage the Cowardly Dog, dedicated to him by his friend, it would be a good time for him to read one of the funnies stories as he would be chilling as the group would be waiting for the dessert.

Cody came near DJ and looked surprised by the book.

"Hey, is that the Courage the Cowardly Dog book that you got on the show?" The boy asked and DJ nodded his head happily. "Man, I had to buy one to see if his stories were indeed scary, and shit, I never thought I would be scared of my life on Curse of the King Ramses."

"Oh boy, that one clearly terrifies anyone," DJ commented as he already had his fair share of horror stories with wholesome endings, he liked Ezekiel for being a genius in writing such a book, it made him fear, but with a good ending it always would made him be happy with what would come in the end.

"I know, right? Ezekiel really surprised me since he was the reason why we won many challenges, and even at times I was very scared, I learned to be courageous, just like Courage, but still I just wished that his drawing of monsters wouldn't have been well detailed." DJ chuckled, nodding in agreement. But then showed a picture of weremole which he never thought that he would be scared for bunny, and beware of the holes in the ground.

"Yeah, I agree, some of this can be nightmare fuel. And I gotta say, I didn't blame you at all for running away from Heather during that 'Serial Killer' challenge." Cody flipped through a few pages until he pointed to the drawing of Black Puddle Queen.

"Man, that chapter was intense. But honestly, I was more freaked out by the Black Puddle Queen being Heather with makeup. She's terrifying in that horror way, you know?" DJ looked a bit embarrassed, scratching the back of his neck.

"Totally. The way she just appears in reflections... it's the kind of thing that sticks with you. Plus, as creepy as she is, you can't deny she's also, well... kind of hot, in a terrifying way." Cody nodded fervently as he said that, Cody threw a glare at Ella, who looked confused.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Ella asked, her big eyes blinking innocently.

"Because, Ella, the last time I saw someone's reflection in a drink I almost choked. Remember? When I was drinking soda and you decided to pop up outside the window, instead of, you know, knocking like a normal person? I nearly choked on my drink." Cody crossed his arms, still holding a slight grudge.

Ella giggled, though she quickly covered her mouth when she realized he wasn't entirely joking.

"Oh... I said I was sorry about that, Cody! I was just trying to surprise you!" Ella commented as she looked innocently, which made the boy roll his eyes.

"Well, you definitely succeeded," Cody muttered, still a bit annoyed, but the corner of his mouth twitched in a reluctant smile. Gwen, who had been listening in, couldn't help but laugh.

"Ella's got a talent for that," Gwen teased. "And DJ, I totally get it. If I saw the Black Puddle Queen, I'd be out of there in a heartbeat too. Also, it was Heather, just makes it too easy."

"I'm not ashamed to admit it. And honestly, after reading Ezekiel's book and thinking about everything that happened, I've realized how much being on the show changed me. I never thought I'd make so many friends or grow as much as I have." DJ laughed, the sound deep and hearty.

"You really have, DJ. You've always been the kind-hearted guy, but you've become stronger too. It was fun being on the Killer Bass with you. We had some good times, didn't we?" Gwen nodded, her expression thoughtful.

"Yeah, we did. Despite all the crazy stuff we went through, I wouldn't trade it for anything." DJ smiled warmly.

As DJ spoke, Ella continued to pat the bunny, her touch gentle and careful. DJ noticed and gave her an encouraging smile.

"You're doing great with him, Ella. Just make sure to be gentle with his ears. And always give him some space when he's eating or resting. Bunnies like to feel safe."

"Thanks, DJ! I'll make sure to take good care of him." Ella beamed, clearly pleased with the praise.

Gwen and Cody exchanged a knowing look as they watched Ella and DJ interact. There was something undeniably sweet in the way DJ was with Ella, a mix of kindness and genuine care.

As DJ helped Ella with the bunny, probably talking about their likes of animals, and about their days, Cody and Gwen looked a bit far away, in amusement.

"You know, I'm calling it now. Those two will be together in about two years." Gwen leaned over to her brother and whispered, which her brother snorted.

"Two years? Less than one, I bet." Cody smirked, as the duo shared a quiet laugh, enjoying the moment of light-hearted speculation. DJ and Ella, unaware of the sibling's conversation, continued to chat about the bunny and other small things, their laughter filling the room.

It was one of those rare, peaceful moments that felt like home, a perfect way to end a day full of memories and reflections.


Tyler was practically bouncing in his seat as the limousine pulled up to his house. The excitement of being home, combined with the adrenaline rush of finishing the show, had him grinning ear to ear. He might not have won, but he felt like a champion nonetheless. He'd made some great friends, and had some unforgettable experiences, and he was pumped for whatever came next, especially season 2.

As the limousine stopped, Tyler jumped out with a flourish, his usual energy on full display. He jogged up the path to his front door, but as he neared the entrance, his foot suddenly slipped on a wet patch on the ground. Before he knew it, he was airborne, arms flailing, until he slammed face-first into the door with a loud *thud*.

"Ugh... not again," Tyler groaned, dazed, feeling the weight of the lugages over his body.

The door swung open, revealing his parents. His mom Dehila, beaming with joy, immediately rushed toward him.

"Tyler, my baby! Welcome home!" Dehila shouted happily as she was ready to greet her son, and before Tyler could respond, his mom's enthusiasm got the best of her, and she tripped over her own feet, crashing into him. Both tumbled down the small flight of stairs, landing in a heap on the lawn.

"Oof!" Tyler gasped as he hit the ground, his mom sprawled across him.

His father stood at the top of the steps, rolling his eyes at the spectacle. He walked down, offering a hand to help them both up.

"You two never change," he said with a hint of exasperation, but there was a smile tugging at his lips. He then saw her narrowing her eyes at him, and he rolled his eyes. "As the same way as me, okay I understand, you will never let the bowling ball machine go won't you?"

Dehila shook her head but then focused on helping her baby boy. Once they were back on their feet, Tyler's mom brushed off her son's shoulders, fussing over him.

"I'm so proud of you, Tyler! You did amazing!" Dehila always thought her son did incredible on the show, and whenever she talked with Anastasia, (Eva's mom), the bodybuilder mother always enjoyed having a conversation about what their future plans would be. They even planned to have a party together will all the group of Killer Bass.

"You didn't win the season, son, but you sure made an impression." Tyler's dad gave him a nod but still with his expression a mix of pride and mild disappointment.

"Don't worry, Dad! I'm totally going to win season 2! I'm pumped and ready to give it everything I've got!" Tyler's excitement was undimmed. Since he always had been pressured by his father to win season 1, he always lived up to the hype and he was sure this season would be his season.

"That's the spirit, son. You've always had confidence and determination. But more importantly, you showed character." His dad nodded approvingly, placing a hand on Tyler's shoulder.

"Character?" Tyler blinked, taken aback. Not sure what he understands the meaning of that word.

"Being the first person to throw a challenge for a teammate, that took guts, Tyler. It wasn't about winning at all costs; it was about loyalty. And I respect that." His father smiled, giving him a firm pat on the back.

Tyler grinned, feeling a warmth in his chest. His dad wasn't just proud of his efforts on the show, he was proud of him.

"And then there's what you did for Lindsay," his dad continued a twinkle of approval in his eyes. "Your little revenge on Trent for making her eat that disgusting food? That showed you care. Her parents noticed too. They were so impressed that they decided to invest in our family. They even recommended some sponsors who might help out with equipment for the school."

"Seriously?" Tyler's eyes widened in surprise.

"You might have lost the show, but you've won in a lot of other ways. You've made friends, shown integrity, and earned the respect of people who matter. That's something to be proud of." His dad nodded. It seems the new equipment for the new students will have more investment and desire to do exercises and sports, which was a very good thing since they needed a few good sponsors at that moment.

Tyler's heart swelled with pride. He might not have taken home the grand prize, but hearing his dad's words, he realized he'd gained something even more valuable.

"Thanks, Dad," Tyler said, his voice filled with gratitude.

"Now, let's get inside before your mom decides to tackle you again. And probably taking me down with you." His dad gave him a rare, genuine smile. Which the mother pouted and pushed them both towards the stairs, making them three slip the stairs again, but this time when they reached the floor groaning... They couldn't help but laugh together. Tyler's spirits are high and his determination is stronger than ever. He was ready for whatever challenges season 2 would bring, and this time, he knew he'd make his family even prouder.


Duncan was leaning back in the plush leather seat of the limousine, trying to enjoy the quiet ride home after the chaos of Total Drama Island. Possibly from everything he learned on the day, he felt exhausted and with the idea of participating in the next season, because his friend decided it was for the best for them to try to win the 1 million in a fair way, he sometimes couldn't understand his friends. But he couldn't judge him, since they clearly messed up on the final challenge, and now they are going to have to participate because of the contract. So as just as he started to relax, the car jerked to a sudden stop, the tires screeching against the pavement.

"What the heck?" Duncan muttered, annoyed. As he already had so much on his plate already, and he got a promise Courtney's mom would be taking out from the juvie, there was no way the law forces would be screwing with him... "Oh come on, I'm just free from the juvie, there is no way they lied to me."

He looked out the window, ready to nag at whoever was causing the delay, but his eyes widened in surprise instead.

Standing beside the limo was a woman in a sharp, yellow-toned detective outfit. Her bright smile and confident posture were unmistakable. Black hair even showed a slight color of fade, while her eyes looked as sharp as ever. And what clearly surprised most was that he knew the person who was... It was his aunt.

"Aunt Alex? What are you doing here?" Duncan asked, stepping out of the car, still processing the unexpected turn of events.

"Sir, get out of the car..." The woman who was in front of him was nobody other than one of the family members he has as law enforcers, and in case his aunt was in Canada, there was also a probability that his uncle was also there. But then at the time he got out of the limousine, Alex grinned as she adjusted her hat and gave a hug to him. "Surprise, Duncan! You didn't think we'd let you come back home without a proper welcome, did you? Come on, grab your stuff. We're taking you the rest of the way."

Duncan blinked as he saw the SUV nearby, which probably she would have taken to bring him to his family, and probably knowing that the limousine driver would be probably freaking out in fear, he couldn't help but chuckle.

"Alright officer, you got me, let's go," Duncan commented as he got the help he needed to bring the luggage to the SUV. As he approached, he noticed someone else leaning casually against the vehicle. The man had a skull tattoo on one arm and an alien skull on the other—both of which were peeking out from beneath the sleeves of his black leather jacket. But one thing that Duncan would never forget was his uncle's hair, which was still the same as always had been, the bright yellow blonde that Duncan had to admit, that he was always happy to see the person in front of him.

"At the time I saw Aunt Alex, I was kinda hopping to see you too Uncle Martin" Duncan commented as he saw the smirk on the face of a man who was near the SUV, and as soon he got nearby him, the man raised his hand, which Duncan happily gave a high five, then a fist bump and finally touched their index fingers like E.T. movie, which was something his uncle always taught him since childhood, a person that he was always surprised to see. "I didn't know you were back in Canada! I thought you and Aunt Alex were still down in the States."

"We were, but we couldn't miss the chance to see our favorite nephew finally break free from juvie. Your mom insisted we come up and give you a proper homecoming. Sheila had been having a lot of preparation for you at home, she said your siblings are probably in the supermarket buying meat for a barbecue, and your dad is trying to make sure the house won't be on fire." Martin chuckled, patting Duncan on the back as he helped him load his bags into the SUV. He winked. "Plus, we caught the pay-per-view. Gotta say, kid, we're proud of you. Looks like you're finally growing up. Got a nice girl, great friends, and finally overcame the fear inside of you, like I said, you need to be a true rebel to go against your fear, and that alone is what makes you a rebel just like me."

"Thanks, Uncle Martin. It was a crazy ride, but I think I learned a lot about myself out there." Duncan couldn't help but smile at the praise, especially coming from Martin. His uncle had always been the cool, adventurous type, and hearing that he was proud of him meant a lot. Since while most of the other members of the family would say that he is too rebellious to even go to jail, Martin was the only one who would dismiss and say they are just freaking out, since everyone always broke a law by being a rebel a few times, which is funny since his uncle Martin always knew their embarrassing moments on law school, and was always the one who could be the bane of their existence. A bad boy detective, and a person who if the law had been more interesting, he would have the inspiration to become like his uncle, but sadly the law was boring.

"Also that Courtney girl seems too nice, I can't wait to meet her in the future, I heard from your mother, that Courtney's mother is going to represent you to make you stay out of the juvie, and boy, that's a nice outcome, having a relative as a lawyer is a big deal, you have no idea how much of headache you can avoid by having them on your back." His aunt Alex explained as she seemed to be happy with the little bad boy since the family had been trying to think of what they could do to help Duncan become less unstable, and surprisingly the show itself made him have more focus and even growing up and become more mature, specially with friends that he had.

" Not only that, but you Duncan, finally faced that fear of yours... The case 78B14... the one from the old music store incident. We just found the culprit last year, it was everything done by a serial killer who took 12 fake identities but we managed to track him down in the United States. So you can put your fear of blood Celine Dion to rest... You already proved that you are a rebel bad boy and you shouldn't be afraid of that, especially coming from the show you came, the dangers of true challenges ahead." Martin nodded approvingly. As he saw from the episodes aired on the pay-per-view on the time he was visiting his sister, and then knowing the show would be aired in the United States the next month, it seems there will be much more he could learn from his nephew and his friends.

"Yeah, it's been a long time coming." Duncan's smile widened. He could glance at the times he had to face any kind of challenge, sharks, bears, a serial killer, it had been all the crazy things that he would have to face, and thankfully the worst part was over, until the next 5 days.

"Speaking of facing fears, Duncan, help us with one thing, who would win a fight? The swamp monster or the bogeyman?" As they piled into the SUV, Alex couldn't resist chiming in, her eyes lighting up with excitement. Which made Martin groan, and the tan woman pout at her husband had shown her tongue at him. "I'm always telling him the swamp monster is way stronger, but he kept insisting the bogeyman is more versatile."

"Don't answer that Duncan, she doesn't want to admit that I'm right, since in the European Folklore, the bogeyman can do wormholes with worms and larvae and even bring children to the swamp." Martin groaned playfully. As he rolled his eyes trying to come up with what his wife would always start a debate that she would always lose.

Duncan rolled his eyes but couldn't hide the smirk tugging at his lips. He knew this routine all too well. While his aunt and uncle were deep into sci-fi and supernatural movies and books, just like he was into horror, they'd have their own debates and passionate arguments about which was better.

"Well, I guess it's good to see some things never change," Duncan said, leaning back in his seat as the SUV pulled away. The familiar banter between Alex and Martin was comforting, and for the first time in a while, he felt like everything was right in his world. And when it relates to supernatural monsters, he couldn't help but muse what would be their discussions at the time they read Courage the Cowardly Dog from Ezekiel.

As they drove off, Duncan couldn't help but think that, despite all the craziness, it was good to be home.


Geoff stepped out of the limousine, feeling a mix of excitement and relief. The Total Drama Island experience had been a wild ride, and he was eager to be back in the familiar embrace of home. As he approached the front door, it swung open, revealing his parents standing there with wide grins.

"Geoff, my boy!" his dad exclaimed, pulling him into a warm hug. His mom Sarah quickly joined in, wrapping her arms around them both.

"Welcome home, sweetheart!" His mom added, her voice full of pride. "We've missed you so much."

"Missed you guys too. It's good to be back." Geoff returned the hug with a big smile on his face. I gotta a lot to tell you...

"Won't need it..." His dad clapped him on the back as they released him from the hug. "We've been watching every episode, and we're proud of how you handled yourself, son. You brought your good vibes to the show, just like we knew you would. And you got on the best team, and even got a very good girl in the end..."

"Thanks, Dad. It was crazy, but I wouldn't trade it for anything," Geoff replied. As he smiled from the truth his father said, knowing that the girl of his life clearly made his time on the show even better.

"Well, I'm going to tell you you're not the only one who made friends while you were on the show. You should know about the things Karen, Anastasia, Martha, and even Victoria and oh boy, if you hear who Sheila was, you wouldn't look Duncan with the same eyes again." Sarah nudged him toward the front door as she was ready to tell more about the mothers of Killer Bass, while the party boy looked confused, he was also curious to know who they were, and what his mom was talking about. "Let me and your dad bring the things and place your bedroom, can you make some drink for us?"

"Sure thing Mom," Geoff commented early as he reached for the door handle and pushed it open, and as soon as he stepped inside, the lights flipped on and a chorus of voices yelled out. "Surprise!"

Geoff's jaw dropped. The living room was packed with his brothers, friends from school, and the neighborhood, all cheering and clapping for him. Balloons and streamers were everywhere, and a huge banner that read "Welcome Home, Geoff!" hung across the room. At the center of it all was his best friend, Brody, grinning ear to ear.

"Brody! Dude, this is awesome!" Geoff exclaimed as he rushed over to give his friend a high-five and a bro hug.

"You know I had to throw you a killer party, bro! Everyone's been waiting to celebrate with you." Brody laughed. As the tan boy who seemed to be his childhood friend who also dressed almost the same as him, but having a tattoo on his arm, and wearing a sleeveless shirt, the duo laughed as they even tried to wrestle each other as friends. Geoff couldn't stop smiling as he played with his best friend. Music was blasting, people were dancing, and the energy in the room was electric. It was the perfect way to celebrate his return.

A few hours into the party, Geoff and Brody were lounging on the couch, surrounded by their friends. Brody nudged Geoff with a playful smirk.

"So, dude, you wanna explain how you managed to mess up so bad and give away Courtney's hiding spot during the Hide and Seek Challenge? That was brutal, man!" Brody laughed as he then pointed out the story of his elimination. "Dude you were like, I had this nightmare, and it happened on the boat house and a shark ate Courtney, dude, it was the hilarious outcome of snitches getting stitches,"

"I know, I know! I didn't mean to, but I totally let it slip. And then Courtney and Duncan teamed up to kick my butt. But hey, it was all in good fun, right?" Geoff burst out laughing, shaking his head. He had laughed so hard with Bridgette on how he was out of control, and he missed her, well at least he learned a variable lesson, to never snitch on Courtney, and if a shark ate her, it was a pain for the shark itself.

The group around them chuckled, enjoying the story. Geoff's thoughts drifted to the friends he made on the show, especially Bridgette. His smile softened as he started daydreaming about her, remembering all the great moments they shared.

"Uh-oh, looks like Geoff's gone into lovestruck mode again," Brody teased, noticing his friend's far-off expression.

Suddenly, Geoff felt a cold, wet spray hit his face, mixed with a burning sensation.

"OW! What the heck?! YOU TOO?!" Geoff yelped, snapping out of his daydream. He wiped his face, only to realize it was Brody holding a spray bottle filled with water and hot sauce.

"Learned from the show." Brody grinned mischievously. "Just helping you snap out of it, man. You were spacing out! The anti-horny spray."

"Why, Brody? You know that stuff's the reason I couldn't kiss Bridgette for so long!" Geoff groaned, as he looked at his best friend who betrayed him for doing something like that.

The room erupted in laughter, Brody nearly falling off the couch from laughing so hard. "Dude, your face went from lovey-dovey to pure pain in a second! That was hilarious!"

"Oh, you think that's funny? Let's see how you like it!" Geoff smirked, snatching the spray bottle from Brody. He started chasing Brody around the room, spraying him with the mixture while everyone cheered them on.

Outside, Geoff's parents watched the chaos unfold through the window, smiling at the sight of their son surrounded by friends, being the life of the party as always. They leaned into each other, sharing a loving kiss.

"He's a good boy," Geoff's mom said softly. "He's got a big heart, just like you."

His dad nodded. "He sure does. And if this is what happens after season one, I can't wait to see what he'll do in season two."

As the party continued inside, filled with laughter, friendship, and good times, Geoff couldn't help but feel grateful for the life he had. And as much as he was enjoying the moment, a part of him was already looking forward to what the next adventure would bring.


The limousine rolled to a smooth stop in front of a cozy, suburban house. The night was beautiful casting a cold golden white over the neighborhood. Sadie took a deep breath, looking out the window at home. It had been 9 weeks since she left for Total Drama Island, and now, after all the challenges and growth, she was finally back.

As the chauffeur opened the door, Sadie stepped out a confident smile on her face. The first thing that struck her was how familiar everything felt—the same tidy lawn, the same white picket fence. But as she moved to grab her bags, she caught sight of her parents and little sister, Cindy, standing on the porch. The look on their faces told her that things wouldn't feel exactly the same.

Sadie had changed.

Her once-soft figure was now a mix of chubby curves and defined muscles, the result of weeks of intense physical challenges and determination. She'd pushed herself harder than she ever thought possible, and it showed.

Cindy's eyes widened in shock, while her mother's hand flew to her mouth in surprise. They had been expecting their bubbly, chubby daughter and sister to come bounding up the walkway, perhaps with Katie in tow. But this Sadie, strong, confident, and standing on her own, was someone new.

"Sadie?" Cindy finally managed to say, still trying to reconcile the image in her mind with the young woman in front of her.

"Hey, Mom! Hey, Cindy!" Sadie called out, her voice as cheerful as ever, though it carried a new undertone of confidence. She dropped her bags and hurried up the path, her family barely had time to react before she enveloped them in a bear hug.

"Oof!" Cindy grunted as Sadie squeezed a bit too tightly, her newfound strength catching even her by surprise.

"Oh my gosh, sorry!" Sadie chuckled, loosening her grip and stepping back. "I guess I don't know my own strength anymore."

"It's okay, sweetie. We're just so happy to have you back. And wow, you look… amazing!" Her mother laughed softly, rubbing her arm where Sadie's hug had left its mark. "We knew you looked strong on TV, but seeing you like this is something else."

"Thanks, Mom. It's been a crazy ride, but I've learned so much." Sadie blushed, grinning widely. "Even though I got eliminated in Episode 2, I'm still happy to have learned so much about myself and my friends, and how Eva helped me get strong like her."

As they made their way inside, Sadie's mom and sister couldn't help but steal glances at her. It wasn't just the physical change that struck them—there was something different in the way she carried herself, a sense of independence and self-assurance that hadn't been there before.

"Eva did a great job with you, huh?" her mom remarked as they settled into the living room.

"Yeah, she really did. And Cindy, you should've seen it—Eva was like my personal trainer, but also like a big sister. She helped me realize I wanted to get stronger, not just for Katie, but for myself too." Sadie smiled, her expression softening.

Her mom exchanged a look with Cindy, pride evident in their eyes. They had always loved Sadie's bubbly personality and her close bond with Katie, but seeing her like this—strong, independent, and still just as kind—made them prouder than ever.

"Well, we were planning to head over to Katie's house to celebrate. We've been waiting for both of you to show up so we could all go together," her mom began, referring to the way their families always celebrated together since kindergarten.

But this time, Sadie shook her head, smiling gently.

"Actually, I was thinking we could do something different this time. Katie's got her family, and Cody's with her now, too. They're probably celebrating together, and I don't want to intrude."

"Wait, does Cody is here with Katie now?" Cindy asked, her eyes wide with curiosity.

"Yeah, his parents are on a cruise for a few months, so Katie invited him to stay with her and her parents until season 2 starts," Sadie explained, as her mom let out a surprised gasp.

"No way, I had no idea he was alone," her mom said, just as she noticed a limousine pulling up in front of the house across the street. "Well, I guess Jessica will find out soon enough. But you're really okay with not joining them?"

"Yeah, I want to celebrate with you guys. Just us. There's so much I want to share about everything that happened on the show, about my friends at Playa del Losers, and how I've grown. I want to spend time with you and tell you all about it."

Her mom and Cindy exchanged another look, this time with even more pride and a touch of emotion. Sadie had come back not just as the same sweet girl they knew, but as someone who had found her own path and independence.

"That sounds perfect, sweetheart. How about we head to the bakery down the street and pick up a cake? We can have our own little celebration." Her mom suggested, a warm smile spreading across her face.

"That sounds great, Mom. Let's do it." Sadie's face lit up as she realized how much she was looking forward to this time with her family.

The local bakery was a small, cozy place that had been a family favorite for years. The smell of freshly baked bread and sweet pastries greeted them as they walked in, instantly making them feel at home.

As they browsed the display cases, Sadie chatted animatedly about her experiences on the show—the challenges, the friendships she'd made, and the lessons she'd learned. Her mom and Cindy listened intently, laughing at her stories and marveling at how much she'd grown.

After choosing a cake—chocolate with raspberry filling, Sadie's favorite—they headed back home, the evening air cool and refreshing. The three of them talked and laughed all the way, their bond stronger than ever.

Back at home, they gathered around the kitchen table, the cake in the center. Sadie's mom lit the candles, and they all sang a playful rendition of "Welcome Home" instead of "Happy Birthday," making Sadie laugh.

As she blew out the candles, Sadie felt a deep sense of gratitude. She was home, surrounded by the people who loved her most, and she was finally comfortable in her own skin.

Her mom cut the cake, serving generous slices to everyone. As they dug in, Sadie continued to share her stories, her family hanging on every word.

"I'm so proud of you, Sadie," her mom said after a while, her voice filled with emotion. "You've become such an incredible young woman. And I'm so glad you're taking this time for yourself."

"Thanks, Mom. I couldn't have done it without you and Cindy. You've always supported me, no matter what. And now, I'm ready to stand on my own two feet." Sadie smiled, her heart swelling with love for her family.

"We're always here for you, Sadie. And we're so proud of the strong, independent woman you've become." Cindy added, reaching across the table to squeeze her sister's hand. "And whatever happens next, we'll be right by your side."

They finished their cake, continued to talk late into the night. Sadie knew this was just the beginning of her journey, but she was ready for whatever came next. And with her family by her side, she knew she could handle anything.


The long shadows across the quiet suburban neighborhood as Jessica stood in her kitchen, sipping tea and glancing at the clock. Her heart fluttered with anticipation. Any moment now, Katie would be home after weeks of competing on Total Drama Island. She was so proud of her daughter, who had faced the challenges head-on, even if it meant being away from home for so long.

Suddenly, the phone rang, snapping Jessica out of her thoughts. She quickly answered, recognizing the caller ID. It was Allison, her neighbor and close friend.

"Hey, Jessica," Allison's voice came through, a mix of excitement and urgency. "You won't believe what I just read on the forum!"

Jessica raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "What's up, Allison?"

"It's about Cody, Katie's boyfriend. Apparently, his parents are on a cruise, and he's going home alone. So in case you see Sadie or Katie appear be sure to ask if that's true," Alisson decided to give the news about the best friend of her daughter, and especially about someone who could be in the care of the single mother of the tan twin.

Jessica's eyes widened as she peeked through the living room window, just in time to see Sadie, strong and confident, stepping out of the limousine across the street. She smiled warmly at the sight. Sadie looked great, and it was clear the show had been a transformative experience for her.

But before Jessica could respond to the telephone to Allison, she saw another limousine pull up in front of her own house. Her heart skipped a beat, knowing it had to be Katie.

"I think my girl is home too, Allison. I'll call you later!" Jessica quickly hung up the phone and rushed to the front door, her excitement building.

The limousine door opened, and Jessica's eyes first fell on her daughter, Katie, who was looking more radiant than ever. Her tan skin glowed in the soft moonlight, and her smile was as bright as Jessica remembered. But before Jessica could take a step forward, she noticed Katie wasn't alone.

Standing close behind Katie, with an arm wrapped around her waist, was Cody Anderson. The two were so engrossed in each other, sharing a tender moment of affection, that they didn't immediately notice Jessica standing on the porch.

Katie and Cody were lost in their own world, smiling and gazing into each other's eyes, their love and connection palpable. They leaned in, sharing a soft kiss, completely unaware of their audience.

Jessica, amused by the scene unfolding in front of her, decided to make her presence known. She cleared her throat, loud enough to break through the lovebirds' bubble.

Katie and Cody froze, their eyes wide as they slowly turned to see Jessica standing there, her arms crossed, with a playful yet stern expression on her face. Both of their faces flushed deep red, realizing they'd been caught in the act.

"Well, well, well," Jessica said, raising an eyebrow as she tried to hide her smile. "What do we have here? My daughter comes back from Total Drama Island with not just memories but also a boyfriend in tow?"

"Mom, I—" Katie quickly pulled away from Cody, her embarrassment evident as she stammered,

But before Katie could say anything more, Jessica burst into laughter, breaking the tension. She stepped forward and wrapped her arms around her daughter, hugging her tightly.

"Oh, sweetheart, I'm just teasing. I'm so happy to have you back!" Jessica said, her voice filled with love and relief.

"I missed you so much, Mom." Katie hugged her mother back just as tightly, feeling the warmth and comfort of home that she had missed so much.

As Jessica pulled away from the hug, she noticed Cody standing there, looking both nervous and sheepish. He was clearly unsure of what to say or do next.

Jessica gave him a once-over, noting the way he was fidgeting and the sweat starting to form on his brow. With a mischievous glint in her eye, she couldn't resist teasing him a bit.

"Cody, you look like you're about to pass out. Relax, I don't bite. But if you wet your pants, you're doing your own laundry, and I might just share the story with all the mothers of Killer Bass." Jessica winked her tone light and teasing.

Cody groaned, his face turning an even deeper shade of red.

"I-I'm not… I mean, I wouldn't…" he stammered, clearly flustered.

"Don't worry, Cody. Mom's just messing with you." Katie, despite her own embarrassment, couldn't help but laugh at Cody's reaction. She gave him a playful nudge.

"Am I?" Jessica smirked and Cody pouted, his eyes narrowing at Katie, while she was waving at him innocently.

"I'm starting to see where you get your sense of humor." Cody sighed, knowing that he was already in a lose/lose situation

Jessica chuckled, pleased to see that Cody was starting to relax. She liked the boy, and more importantly, she could see how happy he made her daughter.

"Alright, you two," Jessica said, waving them inside. "Come on in. Let's celebrate Katie's return. Cody, I hear you're staying with us for the next few days until the new season starts?"

"Yes, ma'am. Thanks for letting me stay." Cody nodded, grateful that Jessica seemed to be welcoming him.

"Just make yourself at home. But remember," Jessica added with a teasing smile, "you're still doing your own laundry."

Katie giggled, and Cody gave a mock salute.

"Yes, ma'am."

As they all headed inside, Jessica couldn't help but feel a deep sense of contentment. Her daughter was home, happy and in love, and their family was growing in ways she hadn't expected. And if she got to have a little fun teasing Cody along the way, well, that was just a bonus.

The evening was filled with laughter, stories, and the kind of warmth that only comes from being surrounded by family. And as Jessica watched Katie and Cody share a private smile across the dinner table, she knew that whatever the future held, her daughter was in good hands.

But that didn't mean she wouldn't keep Cody on his toes, just to make sure. After all, if he was going to be a part of their family, he'd better get used to it.


The limousine rolled to a smooth stop in front of Harold's house, a modest two-story home nestled in the quiet suburbs. The journey from Total Drama Island to here had been surreal—one minute he was in the middle of a chaotic challenge, and the next, he was cruising in luxury. As the chauffeur opened the door, Harold took a deep breath, stepping out into the crisp evening air.

He looked up at the familiar façade of his home, a wave of nostalgia washing over him. The show had been an intense experience, filled with drama, challenges, and unexpected friendships. As much as he had enjoyed it, there was a part of him that was going to miss the wild, unpredictable life on Wawanakwa Island. But now, standing on the curb, he realized just how much he had missed the quiet normalcy of home.

As Harold approached the front door, he noticed a figure standing near the steps. Even in the dim light, he recognized the posture and the faint glint of glasses.

"Scarlett?" he called out, a mixture of surprise and curiosity in his voice.

"Well, well, if it isn't the legendary Harold, 3 black belts of karate and kung fu, 2 times best scout from 5 summer camps, and even some graduates of 8 Steve camps, and survivor of Total Drama and the one who almost got his hands on a million dollars." Scarlett turned, her arms crossed, a smirk already forming on her lips.

"Almost is the keyword there. You know, the odds were against all of us from the start. If wasn't for the fact we did make fool of ourselves, we would have won the game a bit more fair..." Harold chuckled, shaking his head as he walked up to her. " Ezekiel practically made sure of that when he threw the suitcase and challenged us to the fine print."

"And yet, you stayed in the game, fighting tooth and nail. Statistically speaking, the probability of anyone walking away with that money was slim, especially after Ezekiel's little stunt. I'd say you had about a 32% chance at best." Scarlett raised an eyebrow. "He technically knew the possibilities of having a better chance in the long game than the actual chances."

"32%? Considering all variables, that's… actually pretty accurate," Harold paused, his brow furrowing as he mentally calculated the odds she just rattled off. He admitted with a grin. "But hey, it was worth a shot. I mean, who wouldn't want to try for a million dollars?"

"Of course. But knowing you, it wasn't just about the money. It was the thrill of the challenge, the chance to prove yourself." Scarlett smirked, her eyes twinkling with that familiar mix of sarcasm and intelligence. "Mr. Mad Skills, aren't you a bit narcissist?"

"Dude, literally glass house," Harold commented as he rolled his eyes, which Scarlet scoffed and deadpanned at him.

"Do you think you are better than me?" Scarlett snarled and Harold narrowed his eyes at her as well.

"Jesus, I hope so..." For a moment, the two cousins just stood there, taking in each other's presence, both cousins stared angrily at each other... until suddenly both started chuckling, and then she gave a good hug to him. "I missed you, Scar,"

"Missed you too, Harold," she replied, her voice softening.

They pulled back, still grinning at each other. The teasing and banter were a part of who they were, but beneath it all, there was a genuine bond that neither would trade for anything.

"Is your Randy here too?" Harold raised his eyebrow and he saw his cousin smirking wildly at him. "Still couldn't leave his bedroom?"

"Well, he at least isn't alone..." Scarlet commented and the nerd rolled his eyes into the antics of the ginger girl.

"Yeah yeah, you and your vindictive robotic plushies of doom, I'm just surprised that he didn't start looking for t... he's already in therapy isn't he?" Harold was in the middle of a conversation when he saw his devil cousin smiling happily at him which made the nerd just chuckle. "Knowing you, it will be also one of your own achievements."

"Oh it is, your sister wants already to use Randy as possible training for her psychology books for study." Scarlet shrugged which made Harold raise his finger to say something, but immediately drop it.

"Never mind, how is it going your plan to get money for the university?" Harold commented as he had his cousin help him to carry his luggage.

Scarlet touched the center of her glass to fix its position, just for a later shrug.

"Still trying to find investors, but since I'm still in the first year of high school, I still have a few years to worry about that." The ginger scientist commented as the duo seemed comfortable in dealing with the idea of Harold returning home. And continuing their usual conversation. "So, what's the first thing you're going to do now that you're back?"

"Honestly? I was thinking about catching up on some of the things that happened while I was away. Then in 2 days, I will meet my friends at the mall in Eaton Centre in Toronto, Ezekiel wants to have his first experience in the mall with our friends, and I don't want to miss it." Harold said, nodding toward the front door. "But first, I should probably go inside and let everyone know I'm home."

He reached for the door, but before he could open it, the door swung wide, revealing a brightly lit interior and the unmistakable smell of a home-cooked meal. Standing in the doorway was Harold's mother, beaming with pride, alongside his older brother and younger sister, which the younger sister felt happy to see his brother again, while the other brother seemed more focused on taking care and preparing the party.

"Welcome home, Harold!" Rachel exclaimed, pulling her son into a warm hug. As she felt so happy and proud to see him again, even after all the trials and challenges, she felt that her little boy had grown up better as a person, even if he still had some of the shienegans, but that would make him as himself. She felt that in the future he still would be doing great things.

Harold looked at his little sister who waved at him, and when he saw his brother, the one who always would say that he was very overdramatic and weird, he saw his big brother giving a thumbs up... Behind them, in the kitchen, there was his aunt, uncle, and father preparing a barbecue for him... He felt already home, so Scarlet went to sit on the couch and started reading about nuclear theory, which the boy knew that he would need to prepare a future challenge for his cousin. Because that's how he sees his family, everyone as much weird and dramatic as they can be, everyone wants to give the best of themselves.

Maybe that's why he was used to having so many mad skills, and why he liked to think of himself as a wild card from now on...

He was happy. With a family, a girlfriend, and another season to be badass, Total Drama Season 2 will be awesome, he knows it.


Eva's eyes fluttered open, her vision slowly coming into focus. The sterile white ceiling of the hospital greeted her, and she could feel the familiar sensation of being restrained. This time, however, it wasn't just the usual hospital bed—thick chains held her wrists and ankles securely to the bed frame. She gritted her teeth, already knowing who was responsible for this. Since from the flashback, she knew she had to face the most dangerous creatures on the planet, one that for the first time she would have so much fear... Her mother strangled her to the point of passing out... Which was enough to make her get knocked out and be carried to the hospital... like a normal Tuesday.

"Really?" Eva commented, letting out an exasperated sigh.

She tilted her head slightly, catching sight of her parents standing at the foot of the bed, their muscular frames and stern expressions making it clear that they weren't here for a friendly visit. Her mother, Anastasia, stood with her arms crossed, one eyebrow raised in a silent challenge. Her father, equally imposing, looked on with a mixture of disappointment and concern.

"Mom. Dad. This is a bit much, don't you think?" Eva muttered, her voice low but edged with the frustration she was trying to keep in check.

"Really, Eva? You left the hospital against our wishes, tore out your stitches, and went back to that show without getting the approval of the doctor. What did you expect?" Anastasia stepped forward, her eyes narrowing.

Eva rolled her eyes, tugging at the chains. "I expected to win the million dollars, but thanks to Justin's big mouth and stupid beautiful body, that didn't happen."

"You're grounded to that bed for the next 24 hours, young lady. Doctor's orders, and ours." Her father shook his head, clearly unimpressed by her attempt to deflect.

"Come on, I'm fine. I don't need to be tied up like some kind of prisoner." Eva groaned, knowing there was no arguing with them. They were both far stronger than her, both in muscle and in will. But she wasn't about to back down completely.

"You disobeyed us, Eva. We told you to wait until you were fully recovered, but you just couldn't resist, could you? Always pushing your limits. It was the third time you were in the hospital. " Anastasia's expression softened, but only slightly. Still very mad about her daughter having the courage to leave the hospital against their orders, and she needed to be disciplined.

"I had to finish what I started. I knew that I should be there until the end, there was the episode where all the members of the show participated, I needed to be there." Eva's eyes flicked away, as she commented. Knowing even as much trouble she was, she needed to participate. "Even if I got humiliated on the television by Justin, I needed to get my revenge on him... but still, Ezekiel was right, we looked like fools on the television, animals who couldn't fight fairly for the money..."

"We understand," The father commented while Anastasia who cracked her neck sounded also very disappointed with their daughter, but knowing that it was supposed to be part of the show, they didn't like it, but they understood how the show went. "But we would have appreciated it more if you stayed for a few more days to let the doctor take out your stitches,"

Eva sighed, knowing that there was nothing that she could say to her parents, since they were right, from that day she needed to be careful to not open her stitches, and her recovery could have been better if she had stayed in the hospital.

"Well, if you had stayed for a few more days, you could have gotten one thing more to motivate you to be better on the last episode." Anastasia then decided to give one surprise to Eva who tilted her head, until the mother bodybuilder gave an open letter to the girl who looked at her weirdly. "Just read..."

Eva looked confused, but she obeyed until her eyes slowly went wide open and her mouth opened in shock... Her heartbeats went faster at double speed, and she even got goosebumps in a good way... Since the letter was...

("Dear Eva,

I watched some of the highlights from Total Drama Island after a friend told me there was a girl on the show who reminded them of Sarah Connor. I didn't believe it at first, but after seeing you in action, I have to say, you've got the spirit.

Sarah Connor is a character who faced down the end of the world and came out stronger for it. She's tough, relentless, and willing to do whatever it takes to survive. Watching you, I could see that same fire. You've got what it takes to stare danger in the face and say, 'Not today.' And when you face all the challenges, you show your cocky smile same as her to all people shocked from seeing you, just for the end say... 'You're welcome'. That's what Sarah would do, and that's how I see you do.

I never thought I'd inspire someone to become a badass who could take on anything, even a serial killer, on live television. You've made me proud, and if you're ever in the United States, I'd love to meet you. We could have a conversation between two of the toughest women around.

Keep being strong, Eva. The world needs more people like you.

Best wishes,

Linda Hamilton... A.K.A (Sarah Connor) the most badass woman in the world.)

"3...2...1..." The father prepared the countdown, which was immediately followed by Eva being knocked out by too many emotions. "Doctor, I think she is ready to be taken the stitches."

"I will call the nurse," Anastasia commented as the duo were thinking about their next workout routine since their daughter came back for a few days.

Yeah, just like any other day of their lives.


Bridgette pushed open the front door, her suitcase dragging behind her. The familiar scent of home. a mix of sea salt and her mom's favorite lavender candles welcomed her. She hadn't realized just how much she'd missed it until now. The house was quiet, but it wasn't long before she heard the sound of footsteps rushing toward her.

"Bridgette!" Her mother, Karen, appeared in the hallway, a wide smile spreading across her face. She looked exactly as Bridgette remembered, radiant and full of energy, her eyes sparkling with pride.

"Mom!" Bridgette dropped her bags and rushed into her mother's arms, hugging her tightly. It had been weeks since they'd seen each other, and the feeling of being home, in her mom's embrace, was like a balm to her soul.

"I'm so proud of you, honey. You were amazing on the show, and you handled everything with such grace. I couldn't stop watching!" Karen pulled back slightly, still holding her daughter's arms as she looked her over.

"Thanks, Mom. I missed you so much. It's been crazy, but I'm just glad to be back." Bridgette blushed, ducking her head shyly. Not knowing how much to say since the whole chaotic event made her learn so much more about herself, how much she grew up as a person, and how many friends she made in 9 weeks.

"I missed you too. It wasn't the same around here without you. But now that you're home, I've got something special planned." Karen laughed softly, brushing a strand of hair from Bridgette's face. Knowing that even as famous as her little girl was, she still acted the way she always did, still a bit shy from her sudden compliment made by herself.

"Oh? What is it?" Bridgette's eyes lit up with curiosity. She thought she would just spend the night enjoying a good dinner with her home, but from the look on her mom's face, there would be indeed plans for them.

"How about we go to Kitsilano Beach tomorrow? Just you and me. We can take our boards, drive up to Vancouver tonight, and sleep in the car like we used to when we were a kid. What do you say?" Karen's grin widened. As she wanted to enjoy the 5 days of having her daughter back home, nothing beat the good experience they had together the first time she brought her girl to the beach.

"That sounds perfect, Mom. I'd love that." Bridgette's face broke into a beaming smile. Since it had been a while since she had a good beach experience with someone surfing with her, and while on the Playa Del Losers, the beach was great, she kinda missed having company on the waves, and someone surfing together with her.

They spent the next hour packing their surfing gear into the car, sharing stories, and laughing as they prepared for their little adventure. Bridgette felt a sense of warmth and contentment she hadn't felt in a while. She'd always considered her mom her best friend, and this trip was exactly what she needed to reconnect after the chaos of Total Drama Island.

"I'm so glad to be home, Mom. I really missed this… missed us." As they loaded the last of their things into the car, Bridgette paused, looking at her mom with a soft smile.

"I missed us too, Bridgette. But we're together now, and that's what matters." Karen wrapped an arm around her daughter's shoulders.

The highway stretched out before them as they drove through the night, the car's headlights cutting through the darkness. The windows were down, letting in the cool evening breeze, and the sound of the ocean waves played softly from the radio. Bridgette and Karen were in high spirits, sharing stories from the past few weeks. Until something pierced the blond girl's interest.

"So, did you get to meet any of the Killer Bass mothers?" Bridgette asked as she heard her mother laughing from experience.

"Yes I did, let me tell you a secret, did you know Duncan's mom is actually Cheese from Bananas and Cheese?" Karen could see the disbelief and shocked face of her daughter as the blond surfer couldn't express any other reaction.

"Nooo..." Bridgette commented that she never thought Duncan would have a duo of singers who sing kid songs which actually would make sense on how Duncan would be acting like a bad boy since having two parents like that would be pure embarrassment. "Thank God Chris didn't know that, because he would never let Duncan live that down."

"Yeah, and Sheila wants Duncan to have a more comfortable 5 days enjoying home and with you all of Killer Bass, before season 2 starts, and I gotta say, I never thought you were able to calm a moose down so quickly, and I almost feared for that moose to hurt you. Also, I think you should slow down a bit into kissing your boyfriend, hot sauce isn't good for skin when they are sprayed all the time," Karen commented as she could see her little girl blushing sheepishly from the comment. Which the mother chuckled.

"Yeah, maybe on the season 2, me and Geoff are going to take a bit of more focus on the game, since we don't want to get sprayed a lot, just when we get into our place on private, which was a fair deal. But also, I'm kinda concerned about one of my friends," Bridgette commented, and from the opinion she had in mind, but from the look of her mother as she was driving, it seemed that her mother knew on who she was thinking about it.

"It's Harold isn't it?" Karen commented as she decided to place a little music while she tried to make their trip more joyful and fun, but also talking with her girl about one serious thought. "Rachel who is his mom told me he is going to be fine, but me and the other mothers could already guess that she was very afraid of her son getting a broken heart for a future mistake, and I don't know why, but that girl Leshawna is too proud to ask for help, and Rachel has a bad feeling about it. So just to be sure, keep an eye on him okay?"

"Okay Mom, I never thought you were so aware of what was happening on the show." Bridgette had to confess that it had been refreshing to talk about things that she didn't know, especially from knowing about the other mothers.

"Oh, you have no idea, the gossip that he revealed was so much worth it for laughs, so you don't need to be worried about me, I'm just like DJ's mom, I'm going to be fine with the new friends I have," Karen commented as the duo started to enjoy the road trip to Vancouver and on the next morning enjoy the sea and their waves.


The limousine came to a smooth stop in front of a large, well-maintained house. Courtney stared at the imposing structure with mixed feelings. Her family home was a testament to her mother's successful career as a lawyer: sleek, elegant, and imposing. The house represented both comfort and pressure, a safe haven, but also a reminder of the expectations that came with it.

Courtney had been relieved to have her mother, Victoria, intervene and ensure Duncan's community service instead of being sent back to juvenile detention. It was a gesture of acceptance that she hadn't expected from her mother, and it meant a lot. However, her victory was tinged with personal disappointment. The last episode of the season had left her feeling like a fool. The fight between Heather and Leshawna had spiraled out of control, leading to a spectacle that she regretted being part of. The suggestion from Trent and Beth to divide the money had seemed so sensible in hindsight, and she couldn't shake the feeling that she should have done just that. Ezekiel's comment about them looking like animals, and his dramatic gesture of throwing the suitcase of money into the water hit a nerve, and the worst part was that he was completely right.

She sighed, pushing these thoughts aside as she exited the limousine. Her focus now was to enjoy her time with her family and recharge before the chaos of the next season started in just five days. She planned to relax and catch up with her friends at the Eaton Centre in Toronto, savoring these precious moments of normalcy.

As she walked up the driveway, the front door swung open, and there stood Victoria, dressed in her usual crisp lawyer's suit. Her hair was tied back in a professional knot, and there was a hint of fatigue in her eyes. But despite the tiredness, Victoria's face brightened when she saw her daughter.

"Courtney!" Victoria exclaimed, her voice warm despite her exhaustion. She enveloped Courtney in a tight hug. "I missed you so much. Even though you didn't win, I'm so proud of how you handled yourself out there. You did your best."

"I missed you too, Mom. Thanks. It means a lot to hear that." Courtney returned the hug, feeling a wave of relief and affection.

"But remember, I always told you to read the fine print." Victoria pulled back slightly, her eyes twinkling with a hint of mischief.

"I know, Mom. I should have paid more attention." Courtney answered as her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

"You know, one homeschooled boy read the whole contract. Maybe you should have followed his example." Victoria raised an eyebrow, a playful smirk forming on her lips.

"Yeah, yeah. I get it. I should always read the contract," Courtney groaned, remembering Ezekiel's meticulousness and how it had been part of the same chaotic final moments.

"Come on, let's not dwell on the past. It's been a long day, and I'd like to spend some time with you." Victoria chuckled, her mood lightening. "The other mothers I have an inner circle with always complimented you for your strategies and how well you did on the game. Even after backhanded elimination, I was worried about you breaking down, but it seems that you managed to be just fine..."

Courtney paused, as the time she remembered how terrible she felt about losing the challenge, and the first thing she saw at the moment she went on the playa del losers, was Ezekiel waiting for her, just to help her hold herself together, with a song that clearly helped her to get control of herself, it was just a thought.

They headed into the kitchen together, where Courtney's father was busy preparing a meal. The aroma of home-cooked food filled the air, and Courtney felt her stomach rumble in anticipation. She saw her father, a genial man with a welcoming smile, carefully arranging the dishes on the table.

As Victoria and Courtney entered, he looked up and beamed at his daughter. "Welcome home, Courtney! I've prepared your favorite meal. And for dessert…" He gestured towards a dessert plate with a somewhat ominous-looking Lemonade Mellon Jello.

Courtney's face paled slightly at the sight. She had a long-standing aversion to this particular dessert due to an unpleasant memory from her past. However, she remembered how her friends had helped her confront and overcome her past fears and anxieties.

"Is that… the Lemonade Mellon Jello?" Courtney asked cautiously, and as much as she managed to get passed on the Phobia factor day, she was still hesitant whenever she saw it.

Victoria noticed the slight unease in her daughter's voice and gave a gentle smile.

"Yes, it is. I know you've had a tough time with it, but I thought it might be a nice gesture." The lawyer explained as she carefully placed one of them in a tiny cup. "Take your time, and do not go fast, I know my mom would be proud of you, and even tease you about the delinquent boy who would make her little pigtail girl in love."

Courtney pouted, as she then looked at the dessert, especially having so many good memories of her granny preparing for her, just for the sake of eating and having a good talk together.

" I've… come to terms with some things, thanks to my friends." Courtney hesitated for a moment, then took a deep breath. "I think I should be able to eat it once again."

"I'm glad to hear that. Let's have it together, then." Her father's eyes softened with understanding.

As they sat down to eat, Courtney allowed herself to enjoy the meal and the dessert, savoring both the food and the comfort of being with her family. The jello, once a symbol of her fears, was now just another part of her family's effort to make her feel at home.

Throughout the evening, laughter and conversation filled the house. Victoria and her husband shared stories about work and the little things that had happened while Courtney was away. The warmth of family and the familiarity of home were soothing after the whirlwind of the show.

As the night drew to a close, Victoria and Courtney sat together in the living room, catching up on each other's lives. Courtney felt a sense of peace, knowing that she had a loving family to return to, even amidst her uncertainties about the upcoming season.

"Thanks for everything, Mom," Courtney said, her voice filled with sincerity. "I really needed this time with you."

"Anytime, sweetheart. We'll get through this, and I'm sure you'll be ready for whatever comes next." Victoria smiled, her eyes reflecting the love and pride she felt.

Courtney nodded, feeling a renewed sense of hope and readiness for the challenges ahead. For now, she would cherish these moments of normalcy and family togetherness, knowing they would give her the strength to face whatever Total Drama Island had in store for her next.


Ezekiel slouched back in the plush seat of the limousine, the hum of the engine a distant murmur as the vehicle sped down the winding country roads. The show had ended, but the whirlwind of emotions still swirled within him. The final challenge, the chaos, the raw intensity of the competition—all of it was behind him now. He glanced out the tinted window, the landscape gradually shifting from the buildings in the city to the rolling fields of home.

He couldn't help but reflect on how much had changed, not just for him, but for everyone involved. In the original timeline, he'd been a joke, an outcast, a person who got the eyes of pity for mistakes he made. But this time, since he woke up in the body years ago...things had turned out differently. The Killer Bass had become more than just a team; they were a close-knit group of friends who had each other's backs. Duncan and Courtney, once a volatile pair, now had a stable and healthy relationship that even he found surprising. Cody and Katie were inseparable, their bond growing stronger with every challenge, which he found hilarious in seeing Sierra trying to make them apart. And Harold, once the butt of everyone's jokes, had gained confidence without losing his humble nature, once known as MVP, with Eva who just became the hero in the view of many... Yeah, many things changed for the better, to the point that he may forget how had been the cannon episodes if he keeps watching the new version of the show.

Ezekiel allowed himself a small, proud smile. He'd done it, he'd made a difference, he got something that he never thought he would have done before... He lived the legacy of the creators of cartoons on Cartoon Network and most importantly, he made friends, something that he wished to have done, but couldn't since he was unable to go to school, being a secluded kid, but now living a dream which became a reality...

But also having enough money to make a life for himself, but also help the farm a bit... And a new home, which he will be taking care of as soon as his lawyer brings the paperwork. A place for himself to reach independence.

"Heh... It's funny since for the most part of my life I lived with only my parents for the sake of not being alone, and now I bought Playa Del Losers to make my own independent life." Ezekiel commented, knowing that it would be painful to leave the nest his former and new self lived. But soon he would need to think about focusing on his own work, and he wasn't going to be alone. His friends and parents could visit him when they have time.

It's a very optimistic thought, but something that he could work on until the World Tour.

As the limousine turned onto the familiar dirt road leading to his family farm, Ezekiel sat up straighter, his heart beating a little faster. The farmhouse came into view, and he could see the soft glow of lights illuminating the yard. But what really caught his eye was the gathering of people—more than he could have ever imagined.

There, waiting for him, were his parents, Martha and Curtis, standing side by side with beaming smiles. But they weren't alone. Neighbors from all the nearby farms had gathered, the entire community coming together in celebration. There were tables set up with food, lights strung between the trees, and even a banner that read "Welcome Home, Ezekiel!" fluttering gently in the evening breeze.

Ezekiel's breath caught in his throat. He'd always imagined his return would be quiet, maybe just a simple dinner with his folks. But this—this was something else entirely. The people of his community, those who had known him all his life, were here to celebrate not just his return, but the name he had made for his family, for their farm.

As the limousine rolled to a stop, Ezekiel felt a lump in his throat. This was more than he could have ever hoped for. He had gone on Total Drama to prove something to himself, to change his fate. But in the process, he had changed so much more.




"I can't believe that you threw away the whole suitcase of one million dollars boy, that was by far one of the craziest things I've ever seen." One of the neighbors commented as the others laughed at the decision the winter hat boy made from the last episode.

"Yeah, they were all into each other's throats, you could have passed them in silence and won the easiest money." Another farmer commented as Ezekiel was drinking a good fruit punch made by the locals.

Since the farmers would always reunite themselves towards little events like the harvest festival, just to enjoy the good results of their work, and even comment about the challenges ahead of their lives.

Both his ma and pa were even talking around the neighbors, it had been the first time Ezekiel was having a welcome party, it wasn't something like Geoff did for Leshawna, but it had been nice as well.

And it was funny to see each of their neighbors giving their opinions and what Ezekiel could have done instead. And oh boy, when the farmers talked about his elimination of the sickness of pneumonia... It became the most controversial fight which has happened many times.

Vaccination debates. Which wach neighbor gives one opinion, until offends another, and they start fighting which ends up wrestling in the mud, and until his ma and pa come with a shovel a hammer, and a few bottles to throw at them, it always ends up with a laugh towards the community.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY ABOUT MY MA?" One of the farmers then shouted while it started another fight towards the debate of vaccination.

"Oh boy," Ezekiel commented as it was indeed the way he described... But he couldn't help, but smile. It had been fun to be welcomed.




"It had been a great party, thank you ma, thank you Pa," Ezekiel commented as he helped his parents to clean up the trash left by their neighbors, but still, it had been a joy to see things happening around the farm.

Ezekiel meets some of the new employees that his father has hired to help with the orders from their orange farm. And it had been such a relief that he made a good name for his parents because, from the time they discovered his parents sold oranges, people came to make orders and even negotiations for their products being sent to them.

Supermarkets and even a juice factory, it had been good non-stop but productive work for Curtis and Martha, and Ezekiel couldn't be prouder of that, since he could feel, that his hard work indeed had been a blessing for him having such an opportunity... He saved his friends, but most importantly... Himself.

As soon as the trio got inside the kitchen, Martha smiled as she went on the stove and decided to prepare good warm milk for the family to enjoy before laying in their bedrooms.

"Ezekiel, boy..." Curtis called, as at the moment they were alone, only the three. The trio that had been taking care of the farm and now with their lives changed for the better. But still, the patriarch of the family knew that words must have been said for the boy who did his best to achieve what he wanted most. "I know that what many people may have seen and judge me from my way of life, and the decisions I made for you... And still, you decided to take my selfish decision and talked proudly of us... I may not be the most intelligent, or the strongest, or even a person who says the right things about my opinions, but you still defended me, the same way you would defend your ma, and comment proudly on who we are..."

Ezekiel slowly looked up and was surprised to see his father, who was releasing a few tears of joy and pride from seeing his little boy growing up and becoming a man. But still taking the challenges head-on, without being ashamed of his past and family.

"You took the name of our family, and used it as a mantle to show everyone around Canada, that we farmers are much more than simply people to grow up pigs, cows, and plants..." Curtis could see how important was for the boy since he wasn't the only one shedding tears at the moment... "I always thought books had been useless for our way of life, and my sister Robin had tried everything to make sure I knew how to read, write, and math, and convince me that books are important. And having you showed me that it was true, that we need books in our lives. And I can see my sister Robin in you... Ezekiel, I know that my sister would be proud of you, in the same way, that me and your ma are very proud of the man you've become. Now, come... follow me..."

Ezekiel, looked confused, as he suddenly followed his pa until he reached into the middle of the main room, where he saw his father taking a banjo from the wall, and then something the boy never thought to see before... a mix tape, where the old farmer carried with himself just for the sake to play for his own little boy.

"Since as a kid, you always wondered how your aunt would sound isn't that true?" Curtis commented as he placed the tap to make sure that slowly he adjusted his own banjo... "Whenever I miss her voice, I would prepare to play this song, as it was the only time she would sing. We were so young back then, but she was still the same whenever I think of her."

And on the time Curtis pressed the play, there was a very sound of a woman so spirituous, cheerful, and carefree.

Ola Belle Reed- "Undone In Sorrow" (

"Alright Curtis, don't drop me down, Ola Belle Reed visited the harvest festival today, and I want to know if I got the lyrics so well." Ezekiel had his eyes wide open as he could hear for the first time his aunt, as he never could imagine it had been so spiritous and exciting to be part of something. "1...2...3..."

And then Curtis started to play Undone In Sorrow on his Banjo, as Ezekiel slowly listened to his aunt singing a song, like imitating the voice of the woman who created the song.

Over yonder in the grave where the wild, wild flowers grow

Oh, there they lay over my true lover

She's gone from me forever more

Fairer than the sweetest flower, restless as the wildest wind

Born with a love deep as the ocean

That was the girl that I did win

Well, I went away and I did wonder to see the world riches to gain

When I returned no earthly treasure

Could ease this heart so full of pain

For there so high up on the mountain beneath that little mound of clay

The girl that I returned to marry

So still among the flowers did lay

Well, I'll go away and I will wonder. Leave aside my earthly gain

I will not envy the man with riches

Undone in sorrow I will remain

Undone in sorrow I will remain

And on that was everything needed, to make Ezekiel break down and cry like never had in his whole life. From how a powerful voice, someone who could sing with a soul, and someone who was a dreamer just like him, living the dream of teaching others, and so young she had to go, as how he could see his father playing the banjo with the tears on his eyes, as even the tears crossing his eyes, couldn't leave from the cords he was playing on the banjo. And when both son and father were in tears, they felt the sweet and warm hug from Martha, who never felt so happy to see them together once again... It was like the aunt of the family was also there singing a song to remind them that she would still be alive, in their memories.

A trio of farmers, living in a well-structured wooden house with access to the kitchen, a living room, and wooden stairs that would lead to two bedrooms, one for a couple of parents, and the other was a very simple and yet fulfilled bedroom with papers... With a backpack full of money, and two other books ready to be published.

Indeed a true winner of the first season...

Chapter 47: Welcome Home (Screaming Gophers)

Chapter Text

Author's note:

Well, I have to tell that this chapter took longer than I expected, but I'm so glad that I finished writing this, because on the next chapter, I will be a slow bonus chapter, but then the official First day off the group, which will be the official setups for what I planed for the next days, the second, third day will be the best chapters I plan to do, hehehehe.

Well, the discord server that I have been sharing my ideas and talking about total drama, and other anime like Fairy Tail, One Piece, Boku No Hero, are on this link  discord . gg / mNcMxC2Z

Using this link would get on the server Monster Grafitti fanfics, where I'm sharing with the creator of a Cody time Travel fanfic called Donde Todo Comezó, I really recommend because it was a fantastic fanfic.

And now replying the emails.



Justin stepped out of the limousine with a calm, self-assured stride. The sun was setting, casting a golden hue over the driveway of the elegant suburban home where he lived with his aunt, Lady Cici Mimi Didi Leduda. Even though he hadn't won Total Drama Island, he knew he had made an impact. He'd learned the power of his looks and charm, and he was ready to use that to his advantage in the upcoming season.

As he approached the front door, he noticed the subtle aroma of expensive perfume wafting through the air. Opening the door, he found his aunt Cici in the foyer, adjusting the strap of an elegant dress. She looked up, her face lighting up when she saw him.

"Justin! Welcome back, darling," Cici greeted, her voice warm as she walked over to give him a quick hug, careful not to wrinkle her dress. Since she always was the voice of reason for her good nephew, good well well-dressed clothing could open doors and opportunities, which also any kind of mess could be the first thing they would point out as a flaw.

"Thanks, Aunt Cici. You look great," Justin replied, returning the hug with a smile. He couldn't help but notice the extra sparkle in her eyes.

"Why, thank you! I've got a reservation tonight with your uncle. He's been working late, so we're finally taking a night to ourselves." She beamed, her excitement evident. Since Justin could understand the excitement, from her being a good beautician, and her husband Willian was a very good graphic designer, which could transform any imperfection on the picture and make it as a good art for publishment, they were a very good combination of a couple.

"How's everything going between you two?" Justin leaned against the doorframe, crossing his arms. He gave a good look in the mirror for himself to look at his reflection but was pushed away when his aunt wanted to check if there was any kind of imperfection, like white hair, a wrinkle on her face, or anything that could bother her special date.

"It's going wonderfully. Actually, there's something I should tell you, I'm expecting a baby." Cici's expression softened. Since she knew it would be a good time to tell her nephew about something so important in her life... Justin had been like a son, since the time she and her sister got into a terrible fight on how a person controlling a kid like Justin would be... and as much some would say that Cici was a controlling and manipulative person, she refused to believe and even fought against them telling that she was worst than her sister...

Her sister was a name that she swore to never reveal to the naive and beautiful boy, since she emancipated her sister from her side of the family, and took Justin legally from the hands of such a woman who she hoped would remain in jail for a long period.

Being overdramatic of beauty is one thing... but the obsession to the point of tricking a person into giving his male DNA, just for later to commit crimes to have money to make a test tube baby... It was at the point a special force in Hawaii had to step up and send her to jail.

And since that day, she decided to change her name to Lady Cici Mimi Didi Leduda. And moved away from her native country to a country more welcoming, peaceful, and friendly, where she found the love of her life, she knew that her nephew could be manipulative and naughty a few times, but sometimes he has a good heart on his place, and she knows that he is going to be famous in the future.

"That's great, Aunt Cici. Congrats." Justin's eyes widened slightly, but he quickly recovered from his surprise with a nonchalant shrug.

"Thank you, Justin. I'm thrilled, but a bit nervous too. It's a big change." She smiled, patting his cheek affectionately. Knowing that her nephew would always be happy for her, she couldn't help but find it funny to remember that her baby boy cried so much about her marriage, it had been one of the only times that Justin was allowed to look ugly, and she took a picture of that, which she will always be remembering of the funniest and cutest day of her life.

"Yeah, I bet," Justin replied, his tone casual as he walked over to the kitchen to grab a snack. "So, are you going to be out late?"

"Not too late, but you have the house to yourself tonight. You can order a pizza if you want, the money is on the counter, and there are a lot of propositions of model agencies and fan mails in your bedroom" Cici offered as she adjusted her earrings, preparing to leave. "Try to read carefully the contracts to make sure nothing would damage your beauty."

"Going to do it, aunty. Everything sounds good," Justin said, leaning against the counter. But as Cici was about to walk out the door, a thought crossed his mind, and he called out, "Hey, aunt Cici, where do babies come from?"

Cici froze for a moment, her hand on the doorknob. She turned back with a nervous smile, clearly caught off guard. That was a moment that clearly caught her off guard... a boy wanting the talk at that moment? It isn't something that she was ready to tell and he was ready to hear...

"Oh, well, that's something… we can talk about later, okay?" she stammered, quickly making her way out the door. "Enjoy your night, Justin!"

With that, she hurried out, leaving Justin alone in the house. He watched the door close behind her, then shrugged again, unconcerned. He grabbed his phone, already thinking about what kind of pizza he wanted to order.

As he settled into the plush couch in the living room, he glanced at the stack of fan mail and model agency contracts waiting for him on the coffee table. Smirking to himself, he kicked back and relaxed, feeling confident that his future was as bright as ever.

"Hmm... Kalua pig pizza, it has been so long since I had one." Justin commented as he looked at the reflection of the new possibilities for his own future. And with his aunt Cici expecting a new addition to the family, he couldn't help but feel a little excitement for what the future would bring, for both him and his growing family.


Noah stepped out of the Limousine and stared at the front door of his house, already hearing the commotion inside. It had been a wild ride on Total Drama Island, but he hadn't expected the drama to follow him all the way home.

Opening the door, he was immediately greeted by the sight of five of his sisters in the middle of a heated argument. Words flew, hands waved, and there was even a bit of hair-pulling going on. The other two sisters sat on the couch, watching the chaos unfold with amused expressions as if it were the most entertaining thing they'd seen all week. It was as if he'd walked straight from one reality show into another.

Noah raised an eyebrow, closing the door behind him with a sarcastic sigh.

"Oh great, I escape a reality show only to come home to another one. What's next, voting someone off the house? If that's so I guarantee the Playa Del Losers is a top resort," Noah commented with sarcasm as the first thing he decided to tell his siblings he was back home.

The sisters paused mid-bicker, turning to see their brother standing in the hallway. For a split second, there was silence, and then one of the sisters, Sarah, smirked.

"Hey, lazybones. We thought you'd at least make it past the first challenge." The sister commented as the other girls couldn't help but chuckle.

"Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up. But let's not forget the only reason I was out was because Heather tricked me into using poison ivy. But hey, revenge was sweet." Noah rolled his eyes, unbothered. He knew that everything paid off in the end, especially Heather's humiliation and how much she suffered to lose all the money just like the others.

The sisters exchanged glances, knowing full well what Noah was capable of. They nodded in unison, clearly approving of whatever payback he'd managed to orchestrate. The triple dog dare you that since the revenge made by the Killer Bass was brutal, Noah's revenge wasn't that difficult or terrifying to the point of making them tremble in fear, but still was ugly to watch Heather doing the poison Ivy spa treatment.

As the argument picked up again, Noah spotted his older brother, Jack, peeking out from the bathroom door at the far end of the hallway.

"Is the war over? Can I come out now?" Jack's voice echoed through the door, and Noah couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"Yeah the Armageddon is over, the mushroom war ended." Noah strolled over, giving sarcastic remarks while he quoted one of Ezekiel's descriptions of the end of the world, or the birth of Land of Ooo... "The coast is clear. You can rejoin society. Or at least of what remained from such an apocalyptic world."

"I wasn't hiding. Just… taking a tactical retreat." Jack opened the door fully, straightening his shirt and trying to act casual. Amused, Noah was about to make a sarcastic comment when Jack preemptively raised a hand. "Don't even start. I'm not crazy enough to get between them when they're at each other's throats."

"Fair enough." Noah closed his mouth, conceding the point. Shrugging, Noah walked back toward the living room. "So, where are Mom and Dad? Shouldn't they be here breaking up this little civil war?"

One of his sisters, Ellie, called out from the kitchen, one of the oldest siblings who was supposed to be babysitting the chaotic girls, as he declared each of his sisters, while he and his brother were the sole survivors of each fight the girls had over the craziest stuff, like soap opera, clothing, hairdresser, or even fighting over a remote control, it was annoying as the way it always had been.

"They're at some fancy restaurant for their anniversary. Their first date or whatever." When Ellie said those words, Noah already guessed the bad feeling that he was having on his stomach.

"Oh, fantastic. So, what are we betting on? Another anniversary celebration or… a new sibling in nine months?" Noah groaned, exchanging knowing looks with his siblings.

The collective groan from his sisters and brother said it all. They'd been down this road before.

"Welp, I'll just let the chaos resume. No point in getting involved." Noah collapsed onto the couch next to his two amused sisters, pulling out from his suitcase, a book which showed a picture of a sword crossing between the words Adventure Time, volume 1. As the argument raged on, Noah leaned back, feeling oddly at home amidst the madness. "Huh... I'm curious about why they say oh my glob too much... is that kind of some divine entity?"

The girls keep fighting and arguing, not realizing that Noah had one of the books created by one of the contestants, and since each of the girls had to buy their own book of Courage the Cowardly Dog, they would clearly jump in Noah at the time they find out that he had 2 other books with potential story and drama that would make the girls already demanding for more...

But it would be a problem for future Noah, since now he is the official editor of his friend, and already has a cash of 50 Thousand that he will be glad to place in his account at the bank, and then buy something interesting for him in the future. Maybe get enough money to rent an apartment with someone, which anything would be better than living in the constant chaos of...

"HEY, WHAT KIND OF BOOK ARE YOU HOLDING NOAH?" One of the sisters commented which made the bookworm suddenly open his eyes, and realize that he was reading in front of them, and they already made up their minds, too fast than he expected.

"SHIT," Noah commented as immediately the girls demanded attention in trying to find out about the book, and knowing that about the story of Finn the Human and Simon Petrikov, they will clearly jump on him into trying to find out what's about to happen on the next volume.

"RUN NOAH, RUN," Jack shouted, but it was too late, the girls already jumped on the bookworm and involved themselves in the chaos.

The groaning and curses of the bookworm could be heard in the loud chaos happening in the neighborhood. While their parents seemed to have a romantic night for themselves.


Trent sat in the back of the limousine, staring out at his family home, his heart pounding in his chest. He had been dreading this moment ever since the limo pulled away from the Total Drama Island finale. He knew what waited for him inside. disappointment. His mom who is always close to him, would be staring at him in sadness and also disappointment, knowing that he messed up badly. His father, always so composed, had expected Trent to follow in his footsteps, to become an accountant like him. But Trent wasn't an accountant. He was a musician and a dreamer, and participating in Total Drama Island was supposed to be his big chance to prove that to the world.

Instead, it felt like he had let everyone down.

The memories of his time on the island flashed through his mind, making a mess of his friendships, alienating most of the Killer Bass, and worst of all, losing the trust of the person he had cared about the most. He had made some awful choices, from the dirty pancakes incident to watching everything unravel with his crush. Trent had tried to fix things, to mend those broken bridges, but no matter how hard he had tried, it never felt like enough.

"Depends on you...or situations that it would need you to forgive yourself to completely move on with your life" Chef's words echoed in his head... a person he never thought would have been through something similar or worse than he did, and it took Chef years to actually ask forgiveness, if wasn't for the fact the daughter of his friend needed help. From what he saw on the television, Trent knew who was the girl who needed Chef's help.

But that didn't make it any easier.

Taking a deep breath, Trent gripped the door handle, his hand shaking slightly. He wasn't ready for the confrontation with his parents, wasn't ready for the quiet, disappointed looks he knew would follow. The worst part? His father was right. He had embarrassed himself on the show, he'd tried to be the peacemaker, the reasonable one. But in the end, it didn't matter. Everyone, including him, had devolved into chaos, fighting over a suitcase of money, like a pack of animals.

Ezekiel had proven his point, none of them had been much better than the guy who tossed the million dollars into the sea, only for a shark to devour it. And now, because of that madness, Trent and the others were stuck heading into season 2. No break. No redemption.

He sighed and let go of the handle, sinking back into his seat for a moment, staring up at the roof of the limo.

"I'll have to face them sooner or later," He thought. But his heart still felt heavy, and the guilt hung over him like a dark cloud.

Trent sat in the limo for what felt like forever, but finally, with a deep breath, he mustered the strength to face his parents. He slowly opened the door and stepped out, his heart heavy with the weight of everything he had been through. As soon as he looked up, he saw his mom standing at the front door. She looked tired, exhausted, really, but there was a flicker of happiness in her eyes when she saw him.

"Mom," Trent said softly, walking over to her and pulling her into a hug. "It's good to see you."

"It's good to have you home, Trent. Your father and I... we're happy to see you." His mother returned the hug, though it was weaker than usual.

Trent hesitated. He wanted to believe her, but he couldn't shake the nagging feeling that it wasn't the full truth. His father had been so disappointed in him, and it wasn't like things had magically changed because he was back from the show. And looking at his mom, he could tell she was worn out, not just from work, but from something more.

"Are you okay?" he asked, his voice laced with concern. "You look really tired."

"We've just... had a lot going on, Trent." His mom gave him a small smile, but there was hesitation in her eyes.

Trent frowned.

"What happened?" He knew his mom wasn't telling him everything, so he asked again, gently pressing. "You don't look like you've just been missing me... there's more to it, right?"

"Your father and I have been working day and night, going through a mountain of paperwork... looking over the contract you signed with the show." His mom sighed, clearly reluctant to share, but she finally gave in.

Trent's heart sank. Knowing that a good thing isn't, since the contract of the show meant something was going on, and he feared that it would have been something terrible.

"Why?" he asked, already feeling a sense of dread building up in his chest.

"Well..." His mom hesitated again, then took a breath. "Lindsay's parents were talking about starting a lawsuit. They were furious about something that happened on the show... with you."

"A lawsuit... against me?" Trent felt his stomach drop. He remembered a few moments on the island that might have sparked that kind of reaction.

"We were afraid it might get serious since her parents seemed to have a high influence on the social circle, it was a very hard legal battle that it would outcome, so your father and I combed through every detail of the contract. We didn't want them to have any grounds to take legal action." His mom nodded. She gave a sad smile to her son, which made him feel even worse. "But you slowly helped by asking forgiveness on the episodes, they are still kinda annoyed because of what happened, but at least with everything you passed, they were slowly taking out the charges, which we are hoping to see if we can also use the contract as a way to make them drop the charges once for all..."

Fear gripped Trent as the implications set in. But before he could spiral into panic, his mom added.

"Thankfully, we found a subsection in the fine print. It says that any actions or words said on the show, as long as they weren't criminal, like, you know, assassination or major destruction of Chris's property are exempt from lawsuits." The mother came to give the good news for him. "That was enough for them to stop coming at our doors and demanding us to appear in court, or make your father's agency keep in a constant rivalry with another law firm."

"That's good to know..." Trent's shoulders sagged with relief. "So... they can't sue me?"

"No. You're safe. They can't do anything." His mom smiled weakly.

Trent let out a long breath, feeling the tension leave his body. But his relief was short-lived when his mom continued.

"Your father... he's been working non-stop on this, Trent. Weeks without sleep, pouring over that contract, trying to protect you."

A wave of guilt washed over Trent, heavier than before. His father, the man he had disappointed, had been working tirelessly behind the scenes to shield him from potential legal trouble. He didn't even know how to respond.




Trent took a deep breath, steeling himself before walking toward his father's office. As soon as he reached the doorway, he froze, his eyes widening at the sight before him. The room was a complete disaster, papers were strewn across the desk, spilling onto the floor. The normally tidy office was covered in charts, notes pinned to boards with arrows, numbers, subsections, legal codes... everything his father usually referenced when he talked about his cases.

But this wasn't just any case. This was his case.

Trent had never seen his father's office in such disarray. Even though he wasn't an accountant like his father wanted him to be, he always respected his dad's strict professionalism. This chaotic scene looked nothing like that. His dad must have spent weeks on this, poring over every clause, every line in the contract. And it was all for him. For Trent.

His guilt deepened. He knew he had let his father down by not following in his footsteps. His dad had always wanted him to be an accountant, and yet, here he was, a musician, a failed Total Drama contestant. He couldn't win on the show, and now his father had to clean up the mess Trent had left behind.

As he stepped further into the office, his eyes landed on his father, slumped over the desk, fast asleep. The exhaustion was written all over his face, and Trent felt a sharp pang of guilt in his chest. His dad had been working himself to the bone, all to protect him from something Trent hadn't even thought twice about when signing up for the show.

For a moment, Trent thought about leaving, letting his father get the rest he desperately needed. But as he turned to go, his father's voice, groggy and weak, cut through the silence.

"Trent..." His father's head was still resting on the desk, but his voice was clear. "I know you want to live your life... chase your dreams... but please, pay more attention next time."

Trent stopped in his tracks, the words sinking in. He stood there for a moment, taking it all in. His father, even after everything, wasn't angry. He was still trying to guide him, to protect him in the only way he knew how.

Silently, Trent's eyes wandered over to a pile of papers on the edge of the desk. Among them, he spotted his contract—the one that had nearly put him in serious trouble. He picked it up, turning it over in his hands.

As he stood there, staring down at the contract, he knew what he had to do. He couldn't change what had happened, but he could be better prepared for next time. Season 2 was coming, and this time, he'd be ready.


Owen stepped out of the limousine, a wide grin plastered on his face. Despite the insanity of the final episode, he was thrilled to be back home. As he reached the front door, it burst open to reveal his mom, dad, and his brothers, Johnny and Gavin, all waiting with eager smiles.

"Owen!" his mom cheered, rushing forward to envelop him in a tight hug. "We've missed you so much!"

"Owen, you big legend!" Johnny chimed in, giving him a hearty slap on the back. "You made it to the final episodes!"

"You were hilarious, man!" Gavin added, eyes wide with excitement.

Owen, still riding the wave of excitement from his return, laughed and hugged each of them in turn. "Oh, it's so good to be home! I've got stories for days, guys! And let me tell you, that final challenge? It was insane!"

"Sounds like you had a blast. Proud of you, son!" His dad grinned. Giving a good bear hug to his little blonde boy, who had almost the same weight as him.

As the family continued to gather around Owen, his mom's nose twitched slightly. "Sweetie," she said, leaning in, "is it just me or… do you smell like… peppers?"

Owen froze for a second, his mind flashing back to Ezekiel's final act of chaos: the "Dancing Diablos," peppers that had exploded in his face, leaving him burning in spicy agony. He swallowed hard, feeling the phantom burn return to his skin.

"Uh… yeah," Owen stammered, forcing a laugh. "It's just, uh, something from the last challenge! Nothing big, haha!" He tried to brush it off, but his brothers kept sniffing the air.

"Whoa, bro, you smell like a taco truck!" Gavin teased.

Owen felt a shiver run down his spine, as the memory of Ezekiel's prank made him tremble. But he shook it off. "Okay, enough about that! I'm home, and I'm ready to celebrate! Season two, here I come!" He raised his arms in triumph.

Before anyone could respond, a slow, sarcastic clap echoed from behind the family.

Owen's triumphant grin faltered, and he slowly turned to face the source of the clapping. His eyes widened in disbelief.


His cousin stood there, smirking, with a look of smug satisfaction. Owen's heart sank. "Oh no…"

"Owen," Max drawled, "I see you've returned from your pitiful attempt at reality television."

"Max!?" Owen sputtered, glancing nervously at his parents. "W-what are you doing here?"

His mom spoke up, oblivious to the tension. "Oh, honey! Didn't we tell you? Max is staying with us for a few days. There was some… incident at his house. Something about a chemical smell? Anyway, the cleaners are still working on it, so he'll be here for the rest of the week!"

Owen's face paled. "The [i]rest/i] of the week?"

"Five days, buddy," Johnny said with a grin. "You two cousins together again—should be a blast!"

Max's grin widened, his eyes gleaming with evil glee. "Oh, yes. A [i]blast/i] indeed."

Owen's panic only deepened as he recalled the incident that had led to Max's temporary stay. Max had tried to recreate Ezekiel's infamous stink bomb, "El Mongo and La Muerte," which had nearly killed Owen during the show. The experiment, of course, had blown up in Max's face—literally—leading to the whole house being fumigated. And now, Max was here… in Owen's house… for five days.

"Y-you've gotta be kidding me," Owen muttered under his breath, while his family remained blissfully unaware of the villainous chaos Max was capable of.

Max leaned in, lowering his voice so only Owen could hear. "Don't worry, dear cousin. My evil plans are progressing nicely. Soon, I will dominate—"

"Hey, are you two gonna come inside or just stand there whispering?" Gavin interrupted, waving for them to join the rest of the family.

Owen forced a weak smile. "Y-yeah, coming, coming…" He reluctantly walked inside with Max by his side, the tension between them growing with each step.




At the dinner table, Owen's parents and brothers continued to chat excitedly about his return, but Owen couldn't shake the sense of doom that hung over him. Max, sitting across from him, occasionally flashed him sinister smiles.

"So, Max," their dad began, "any big plans while our little pharmacist is staying with us?"

"I'M NOT A FARMACIST UNCLE DAVID," Max said angrily, as he then composed himself and smiled at him " And I have many] plans. Plans for world domination. Plans that will leave an indelible mark on history. Soon, when my plans come to fruition, the world will be under my control. No one will be able to stop me!"

He then tried to do his evil laugh, but it was very unsuccessful, and everyone just chuckled while Owen was the only person who was sweating a lot at that moment, into seeing the true colors of his cousin, the true evil incarnated on the world, the person who indeed would do everything to conker the world.

He needs to do something, anything.

"Mom, Dad! Max is serious, he's talking about world domination again!" By telling his parents once again... Which never worked before, but maybe someday they will see Max was indeed a person who needs to be stopped.

"World domination? Oh, Max, you're a riot! Always with the imaginative stories." Then David, the patriarch of the family chuckled as he even slapped the back of the purple-haired boy who was narrowing his eyes to his uncle.

"He's just playing, sweetie. You boys always come up with the wildest ideas." Amanda, the matriarch of the family commented that Max had his entire face looking red in annoyance, while Owen couldn't help but lament that it wasn't the first time they didn't believe him, and it was once again up to him to stop his cousin.

"I will rule the world! This isn't a game!" Max said angrily and this time the oldest cousin laughed hard, as he even shared a tear.

"Come on, Max, you're like a mini evil mastermind. I love it." Johnny commented as it made Max groan in anger, and he even decided to walk away from the table, to go to the bathroom to scream in anger.

"Man, it's like from a cartoon or something. Classic." Galvin added that it took a few seconds until Max returned, and everyone in the family still ate the food like nothing just happened.

Owen shifts nervously in his seat, recognizing the look on Max's face. He knows Max means business.

"I'm telling you, he's not joking this time. He means it!" Owen whispered, as he didn't understand why nobody would believe him, since he was telling the truth, Max wanted to do everything possible, and the more they ignored him, the more they drove his cousin into planning the conquering of the world.

"I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE! AND YOU ALL WILL BEG FOR MERCY WHEN I CONTROL EVERYTHING!" Maxi shouted angrily he was very annoyed that nobody was taking him seriously, except for the person who didn't want to be like him.

The entire family erupts in laughter, thinking Max is just playing along with their teasing. Max fumes, crossing his arms, while Owen sinks into his seat, realizing once again that he's the only one who believes him.

"This is gonna be a long five days..." Owen murmured to himself, as he now felt obligated to make sure Max wouldn't try to destroy the house or create the apocalypse or a zombie army, or something that could cause the end of the world.

And it seems that was only up to him to save the world.


Leshawna's limousine appeared in front of her friend Jasmine's house, a place that had always been her second home. After the whirlwind that was Total Drama Island, she was looking forward to spending some quiet days with her childhood friend. Her parents live in another state, and while she misses her parents dearly, she is an independent girl. So she became roommates with her best friend while it was the closest place for her to stay before returning to the show. So at the time she appeared in the house, there was something comforting about coming back to the familiar. She hadn't expected a big welcome party or anything, but she had hoped for at least a little more excitement from Jasmine.

When she opened the door and stepped inside, there was no loud greeting, no big celebration. Just Jasmine sitting on the couch, eyes glued to the television. The sound of the TV filled the room, and as Leshawna put her bags down, she cleared her throat to get Jasmine's attention.

Jasmine looked up, smiled lazily, and waved her over. A girl who was slim, with a beret on her head, and a big nose greeted her friend.

"Hey girl, come sit down. You gotta see this!" she called, patting the couch without even turning her eyes away from the screen.

Leshawna rolled her eyes but walked over, sitting next to her. On the TV was some ridiculous reality show about a bunch of people trying to survive on a desert island with no clothes. One woman was in the middle of a furious rant, screaming at her teammate for choosing swimming goggles as their only survival item.

"You've got to be kidding me," Leshawna muttered, watching the chaos unfold. "Did that idiot seriously choose swimming goggles instead of a knife to help them to survive?"

Jasmine laughed, completely absorbed in the absurdity of the show.

"I swear, girl, you can't make this stuff up. Look at this fool!" she said, pointing to the screen as the camera zoomed in on the guy who was sheepishly trying to defend his choice of goggles. "What a loser. I bet after that, the boy isn't going to lay on the sand if you get what I mean? Hahahahaha."

"I bet that girl is going to beat the shit out of him later when they don't get a fish," Leshawna commented as both started laughing but still she leaned back on the couch, crossing her arms, half-annoyed but half-amused by her friend's lack of enthusiasm for her return. "You know, I just survived Total Drama Island, and you're sitting here watching this? I admit, it was funny to see these two trying to survive on the desert island, but I would pay good money to see them jumping from a cliff into a river full of sharks,"

"Oh, come on, Leshawna. I figured you'd wanna watch something mindless after all that drama. Plus, you know this is your type of entertainment. It's like Total Drama but with less clothes!" Jasmine finally looked away from the TV for a moment and grinned. The comment really made the ghetto girl roll her eyes.

"Girl, please," Leshawna said with a smirk, "If you were on Total Drama, you wouldn't last a day. Trust me, this ain't got nothing on what I went through."

"I could've handled it. You know they wanted me for season 2, right? Just wait until they see what I can do when I'm on TV. I'll be the star." Jasmine shrugged, her eyes drifting back to the screen.

"Sure, Jasmine. You keep telling yourself that," Leshawna rolled her eyes again but couldn't help but laugh. Settling into the couch, knowing they'd catch up properly later. Right now, she'd let her friend have her fun. Besides, after the chaos she'd been through, some mindless TV and a bit of normalcy was just what she needed, even if Jasmine's commentary was a little annoying.

As the show continued to unfold in all its ridiculousness, Leshawna felt a small sense of comfort. No matter how annoying Jasmine could be, she was still her best friend. And it was good to be back where things made sense, even if only for a little while before the chaos of season 2 hit her again.


The night was dark, with only a few dimly lit windows scattered across the quiet neighborhood in Muskoka. Slowly, one by one, the houses turned off their lights, signaling the end of another peaceful day. Yet, in the shadows near a particular home, there was one figure who hadn't the slightest intention of sleeping.

Hidden behind the bushes, Sierra crouched low, her fingers deftly adjusting a huge banner she'd made, emblazoned with "WELCOME HOME, CODY!" in bold, glittery letters. Brightly colored balloons bobbed gently in the night breeze, attached to the edges of her creation. She was practically vibrating with excitement.

"I'm not obsessed. Not obsessed," Sierra muttered to herself, a wide grin plastered on her face. Her heart fluttered at the thought of seeing her idol, the person she knew would be arriving any minute. Cody, her beloved, was returning home after Total Drama Island. His parents and little brother were on a cruise ship, which meant he'd be all alone for five whole days. The perfect chance to finally meet and connect with him in person.

For five long hours, Sierra had waited. It was now almost 1 a.m., but she didn't mind. Her dedication was unwavering. He's probably just stuck in traffic, she thought to herself, glancing down the empty street. Any second now... She giggled, her mind racing with thoughts of their imminent meeting.

What Sierra didn't know was that Cody had taken a ride in Katie's limousine, planning to stay with her for the next few days. But Sierra remained blissfully unaware, clutching her banner, her eyes wide with excitement.

"Any second now..." she whispered again, rocking slightly on her heels.

Across the street, one of the tired neighbors was watching the scene from his window, his brow furrowing. Finally, he'd had enough. Armed with a garden hose, he stepped outside, heading towards the overly enthusiastic girl who had camped out in front of their home for hours.

As the man approached, his footsteps barely noticeable over the hum of the cool night air, Sierra remained oblivious. Her eyes were fixed on the dark road ahead, waiting, whispering, "Any second now..."




"Brrr" Suddenly Cody shivered as his entire body trembled, while both Katie and her mother Jessica watched Cody shiver and palled. "Oh, I just felt a chill goes through my very soul,"

"Oh, yeah, mom's sloppy Joe's tends to do that," Katie commented as she herself was enjoying a good dinner meal with her mom, she even shared the good stories on how have been the playa del losers, with the mother who was nodding at the stories. "So then Duncan started destroying everything. Me and Sadie knew that we screwed up so badly that we quickly had to go to the kitchen and prepare his birthday cake..."

"Which is March..." Jessica added which made Katie blush to see that her mom already guessed. "I'm surprised that you didn't say Gwen, since her birthday is in 5 days."

"WAIT, REALLY?" Katie shouted as she suddenly felt herself remembering Trent talking to Cody about Gwen's birthday being on Halloween... "Err... ops?"

"Well, at least Duncan forgave you, Sadie and Courtney, because from what I heard his mom telling, he tends to be annoyed for weeks," Jessica explained as she looked at Cody who was still palled. "Do you need something, Cody? Didn't you like it?"

"Oh no, I'm fine. These taste great ma'am, it's just I kinda felt something telling me that I dodged a great bullet and I'm really appreciating the happiness of my life. And I'm glad that my parents took Zack with them, it would be hard for Zack to be living on his own while I was on the show." Cody commented as he explained to both his girlfriends, but that made the mother actually blink in surprise.

"I didn't know you had a brother, especially a younger brother," Jessica commented as she now would find something interesting for her to share with the other mothers, since they loved talking about gossip, adding something more to spice up the conversation with her best friend, and that would make sure everything would be special before the group would return to the show. With even more challenges ahead. "I'm sure that they are all proud of you,"

"Oh yeah, that's for sure. I feel like Zack is going to be in disbelief if he sees that I got this babe with me," Cody commented as suddenly felt the hands touching from his girlfriend, who had been smiling at him. A good heartwarming feeling for the mother to see the duo so happy and in love.

"Well, that's good to hear, and being honest with you. You being alone by yourself for 5 days it's a very difficult way of enjoying a break, I'm glad that now I can keep an eye on you both," Jessica commented as she looked at the teenagers blushing in front of her, which made the matriarch of the family laugh on that situation. "Okay, okay, I already had my fun. Tomorrow I will tell some funny stories about what my little girl and her best friend, the daughter of another mother did in the aquatic park."

"PLEASE, DON'T TELL HIM THAT," Katie shouted in panic, as she could see the evil smirk of her mother, as she was practically begging her mom to not embarrass her in front of her boyfriend, and while Cody felt confused. He preferred to not get involved in whatever discussion or history both mother and daughter were going to do tell or fight, but still, he somehow felt that this was way better than returning home.

"I don't know why, but I kinda like this..." Cody commented as he could see that these 5 days would be very fun for him and his girlfriend.


The air was cool and fresh as the limousine rolled to a stop on the dirt path leading to Beth's family farm. The familiar sight of the old barn and farmhouse brought a surge of warmth to Beth's heart. The stars twinkled brightly in the clear night sky, and the distant hum of crickets filled the air. After the whirlwind of Total Drama Island, it felt so good to be home, even if it was just for a few days.

As Beth stepped out of the car and onto the gravel driveway, the door to the farmhouse creaked open. A figure rushed out, moving quickly across the porch steps, her mother. With a bright smile on her face, Beth dropped her bags and ran toward her, arms wide open.

"Beth! My baby girl!" her mother cried, catching her in a tight, warm hug. Beth melted into the embrace, feeling the comforting familiarity of her mother's arms around her.

"I missed you so much, Ma!" Beth said, her voice muffled by the hug, but brimming with joy.

"Oh, Beth, we missed you too. Your pa and little Rusty are already fast asleep, they've got work on the farm bright and early tomorrow, but they'll be so happy to see you in the morning." Her mother pulled back, still holding her by the shoulders, tears glistening in her eyes. She gave her daughter another squeeze. "But tonight, it's just us girls. Come inside, let's talk about everything."

Beth followed her mother into the cozy farmhouse. The smell of freshly baked bread lingered in the air, and the warmth of the kitchen stove made the house feel even more welcoming. They settled at the kitchen table, where a plate of homemade cookies waited as if her mother had known she'd be hungry after the long trip.

"So, how was it, really?" her mother asked, pouring them both some milk, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. "You've got to tell me everything, sweetheart."

"Ma, it was... so crazy, but I made some amazing friends! Heather and Lindsay, they're my best friends now. I know it's weird, especially with how everything started, but they really looked out for me, Ma. And I did the same for them! We've been through so much together, and I wouldn't have made it without them," Beth grinned, feeling the excitement bubbling up inside her. As she was talking about the best moments of what her friends said about her, and what they did to help her, even the time she accidentally brought the curse on the island, Heather was willing to sacrifice herself to help her break the curse. And how her best friends were the ones who went to the finals. They even became great friends after the show. "And they said I can visit them in a few days to meet their family."

"That's wonderful, honey. I'm so glad you found people like that. I knew you would. I always told you, that if you follow your heart and work hard, good things will happen." Her mother's face lit up with pride as she listened.

"You were right, Ma. You always are." Beth smiled, nodding. Since the positive side and the future would look bright for her and her friends, now the curse was broken, she felt that everything was going to be great for them.

"I'm so proud of you, Beth. You really did it. And there's something else, I made an appointment for you at the dentist for tomorrow." Her mother took her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.

"Tomorrow?" Beth's eyes widened slightly. Surprised to hear such a sudden comment, especially since she didn't expect to have an appointment somewhere.

Her mother chuckled softly, clearly anticipating her daughter's reaction.

"Yep! It's time to get those braces off! I know you've been waiting for this day, and I think it's about time. Once they're gone, the world is going to open up for you even more." The mother as humble as she was, decided to show one more advice knowing that her daughter would go through places, especially since she knew that everything was going to be great for her daughter.

"No way, Ma! That's awesome! I can't wait to tell Heather and Lindsay! They'll be so happy for me!" Beth's face broke into an excited grin. The thrill of it all sinking in.

"I bet they will. And I'm sure they'll be just as proud of you as I am." Her mother nodded knowingly, her eyes twinkling with affection.

The two sat together for a while longer, sharing stories about the farm, the show, and everything in between. The bond between them felt stronger than ever, and for the first time in a long while, Beth felt truly at peace.


The elegant mansion of Heather's parents was the epitome of luxury. Set on the hills, their estate boasted high, vaulted ceilings and grand, arching windows that framed the serene twilight outside. Inside, the polished marble floors gleamed beneath crystal chandeliers, casting soft reflections throughout the room. The walls were adorned with tasteful modern art, expensive sculptures, and the occasional family portrait, all arranged to perfection. The flickering light of the grand fireplace bathed the room in a warm, inviting glow, adding to the ambiance of the evening.

Heather's parents, poised and sophisticated, sat comfortably in plush velvet chairs near the hearth. The crackling fire added an orange hue to the rich mahogany wood paneling that stretched across the walls of their vast living room. They both held glasses of fine red wine, the rims sparkling as they swirled the liquid gently. The decor around them exuded refinement, from the intricately woven Persian rug beneath their feet to the grand piano standing elegantly in the corner, waiting for its next symphony.

"I can't believe how our Heather feather has changed so much in these 9 weeks," The father commented as the Korean Canadian Matriarch nodded her head she sipped her own delicious wine and she looked sweetly at her husband.

"And the first thing she did wasn't even ask us for money to take her to a mall but to ask only for our driver to take her there. Heard that she wanted to buy something good since she was going to visit Lindsay's family in a few days." The mother commented, which made the husband blink and ponder about one thing.

"Didn't they also invite us as well?" The husband commented that he could have remembered if that was the case, since Lindsay's father was also a very well-known rich person in the social circle of Canada, and it would have been a great time for him to ask him into a good sports of golf together.

"I don't think so, remember what she said when we ate the dinner together?" The mother asked, leaving the man passing a few seconds, until the answer came to his mind.

"Ahh, yes, she asked for us to don't let her siblings follow her while she goes to take our driver to take her to a farm which she will take Beth with her, and then they are going to visit Lindsay together, I should have paid more attention." The father chuckled as he slightly tapped his head. "Oh, how silly me, but I gotta say that she was very polite when she said she was taking our driver with her. "

"Yes, she didn't curse your name, didn't break anything, she just said calmly as she was determined. It was indeed sweet of her, to not break the new plates we had." The mother agreed as the husband nodded his head at her.

"Slowly she is getting very sweet, just like we already deemed honey, I think in the future she will have a great time with her friends, and when she reaches success, she will have a happy life as she always desired." The father commented as the mother quickly gave a kiss on his cheek.

The house was a pristine reflection of their high social status, filled with elegance, tranquility, and the quiet confidence of people who had everything under control. Everything was in its place, polished and perfect, just like the image Heather's parents presented to the world.

Suddenly, a loud voice cut through the serene evening.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" A young male voice echoed from the corridors, accompanied by the frantic sound of running feet.

"LET ME KILL YOU, DAMIAN! LET ME KILL YOU!" Heather's unmistakable voice followed, shrill and determined.

Footsteps thundered through the house, racing up and down the lavish corridors. The sound bounced off the polished wood floors, reverberating through the high ceilings, but Heather's parents barely flinched. They exchanged knowing looks, the ghost of a smile playing on their lips.

From elsewhere in the house came the sound of the other siblings, two boys and two girls, cheering wildly. Some egged on Heather, while others rooted for Damian's escape. Their playful chaos filled the mansion, but amidst the racket, there was no sound of breaking glass, no clattering vases, or toppling furniture. Heather, it seemed, had learned some restraint.

In their private bubble near the fire, Heather's parents raised their glasses with subtle satisfaction. The clink of their wine glasses touching was the only sound that mattered to them at that moment. Both parents basked in the quiet pride of knowing their daughter had become more patient since her return from Total Drama Island.

The mansion remained unmarred by destruction. This, to them, was progress.

"To Heather Feather and her friends who helped her to make our little daughter the sweetheart we always tried to bring on her..." The father commented as he raised his glasses, and his lovely wife did the same as both shared a good wine together.

As the muffled sound of Damian being caught and Heather's triumphant shrieks filled the halls, accompanied by cheering from the girls and booing from the boys, both parents leaned in closer. With a serene smile, they shared a tender kiss, comforted in the knowledge that, despite the uproar, they had raised their children with love and care. Life, in its perfect, chaotic way, was as it should be.


Lindsay stumbled into her bedroom, her legs heavy from exhaustion. The grand doors closed behind her with a soft click, leaving her in the silence of her enormous suite. Her room was a reflection of her family's wealth, luxurious and meticulously designed, from the velvet drapes that adorned the tall windows to the extravagant chandelier hanging from the ceiling. The soft glow of the bedside lamps cast a warm light over the space, highlighting the many framed photos of herself placed on her bedside table. Each photo captured a different moment: her smiling at the beach, posing at a fashion shoot, and of course, her face beaming from the final day on Total Drama Island.

She barely noticed the lavish décor anymore. Instead, her gaze went straight to her oversized bed, triple the size of a normal one, nestled in the center of the room, covered in satin sheets and pillows that looked softer than clouds. It called to her like a beacon, and she didn't waste a second before kicking off her shoes and collapsing onto them. The plush mattress seemed to swallow her whole, and for a moment, she just lay there, face buried in the pillows, too tired to even pull the covers over herself.

The events of the day swirled in her mind, a blur of excitement and exhaustion. After returning from Total Drama Island, she'd been immediately whisked off to her school, where her best friends Bree, Maggie, and Heidi had thrown a massive celebration. The entire school had been transformed into a shrine for her, with banners featuring her face as the "winner" of Total Drama Island plastered everywhere, even though she hadn't won. It didn't matter, her popularity soared. Students cheered, took pictures, and treated her like the star she always dreamed of being.

Then there was Dusty, the biggest celebrity magazine in Canada. They had shown up at the party, dragging her into an impromptu interview where she had to recount her experience on the show. The flashing cameras, endless questions, and the pressure to sound coherent when all she wanted to do was nap, it was a whirlwind. She remembered giving vague answers, nodding, and smiling through the interview, but by the time her parents had arrived, she was barely able to keep her eyes open.

Her parents and sisters, Paula and Charlie, had come to take her home. They were all excited, of course, fussing over her as they pulled her from the media frenzy, but she didn't remember much. Had she hugged them? Thanked them? She couldn't even recall. It all felt like a foggy dream, and now that she was home, all she wanted was sleep.

A knock on the door echoed softly, and within moments, her staff entered the room. The butlers and maids moved quietly, gathering around her to help Lindsay prepare for bed. One of the maids gently removed her earrings and set them on the bedside table, while another pulled back the heavy blankets on the bed. They worked in perfect synchronization, helping her out of her clothes and into the silk nightgown that had been neatly placed at the foot of the bed.

Lindsay, barely aware of the fuss around her, let them do their jobs without a word. She was too tired to even say thank you. As one of the maids adjusted the pillows beneath her head, the other dimmed the lights, leaving just the soft glow of the fireplace that crackled across the room.

Before she knew it, her eyes had already fluttered shut. Her body sank deeper into the mattress as sleep took over. The world faded away, the whispers of the maids and the gentle closing of doors becoming distant echoes as Lindsay drifted off. All the chaos and excitement of the day, the parties, the interviews, the attention, it all melted away into the peaceful silence of her dreams.

The room, now quiet and dim, was left in perfect stillness, with Lindsay sleeping soundly in the comfort of her grand, luxurious bed.




Hours slipped by in what felt like a blink. Suddenly, Lindsay's eyes shot wide open, and she groggily glanced to the side of her enormous bed, squinting at the clock. 7 o'clock. Was it morning? Or maybe evening? Her foggy brain struggled to process the time, the soft glow from the curtains making it hard to tell. But as she shook her head, she remembered the routine she had grown accustomed to at Camp Wawanakwa, where mornings came early and unpredictably.

"Morning, Hea—" Lindsay began to greet her best friend when the reality hit her like a ton of bricks. She wasn't at camp anymore. She wasn't in the cramped, uncomfortable cabin she had shared. She was back in her luxurious bedroom, surrounded by expensive furniture, fluffy pillows, and perfectly coordinated decor. For a moment, she stared blankly at her surroundings, trying to shake off the drowsiness that clung to her. Memories from last night began to flood back in, returning home, the party, the interviews, and the blur of exhaustion that had left her barely aware of anything.

With a sigh, she tossed the covers aside and slipped out of bed, her feet sinking into the plush carpet as she padded toward the door. As she made her way downstairs, the grandness of the house began to feel more familiar with each step. The wide, polished staircase, the massive chandelier overhead, and the elegant family portraits lining the walls all reminded her that she was back in the world of luxury she had missed.

When she reached the kitchen, she found her parents, Lucy and Lilly, sitting at the breakfast table, leisurely sipping their coffee. The sun streamed through the floor-to-ceiling windows, casting a golden hue over the gleaming countertops and shining silverware. Both of them looked up in shock, their eyes widening at the sight of their daughter.

"Good morning, my little chipmunk," her father, Lucy, greeted warmly, setting down his cup as a wide smile spread across his face.

It was then that Lindsay fully snapped out of her morning haze. Without warning, she launched herself at him in a full tackle hug, practically knocking him out of his chair. "Daddy! I'm so happy to see you again!" she squealed, squeezing him tight as if she hadn't seen him in years.

Lilly, her mother, chuckled softly from across the table.

"Well, it seems someone was too exhausted last night to remember already hugging us," she said, a teasing smile playing on her lips. "But I don't mind another hug from our little champion." She gave Lindsay a proud look. "Even if you didn't win the prize, you made it through the season, and now you're heading for season two. We're so proud of you."

Lindsay beamed, the excitement of home and family finally washing over her completely. She hadn't realized just how much she had missed this—being home, surrounded by love and comfort.

"Ugh, did someone take the number of that car?" Lucy commented as he tried to get up, which both girls ignored as the mother and daughter were enjoying a good time together in a hug... "At least I have you with me Doctor Quackson, please take the pain away..."

Moments later, one of the butlers entered the kitchen, expertly preparing her breakfast with precision. As the smell of fresh pancakes, bacon, and eggs wafted through the air, Lindsay's eyes lit up. She practically bounced in her seat as her breakfast was served, thrilled to have a proper meal after enduring weeks of Chef's questionable cooking. With the father already in his position and knowing that he didn't have a concussion, the patriarch of the family was happy to see his little girl eating happily once again.

"This is the best breakfast ever," she said with a wide grin, digging in happily. "I think I had way too much of Chef's food on that island."

Her parents shared a smile, watching their daughter settle back into the comforts of home. It was good to have her back, if only for a little while.




"So now you got used to waking up early just for the sake of going to eat breakfast on the show?" Lily asked amused, as she saw her daughter still enjoying a good time, brushing her hair, and enjoying a good and healthy breakfast for herself. Since it had been a crazy 9 weeks for her.

"Yes, and we had to eat all the disgusting, and terrible food when he created... unless when it was a prized food, which was very delicious, but most of the part was very disgusting," Lindsay said as she shivered remembering all the bad food she just ate. Especially one that she didn't want to remember or even quote ever again.

"Nice to see you preparing yourself for the day my chipmunk, because waking up early is always a key to success, and look at you, you already are a winner of the first season, and I know that you are going to be fine on the next season," Lucy replied as he hugged his little girl which still she was way taller than him, but he didn't mind. He even pointed out his little rubber duck, which had blonde hair, and even the matching clothing as well. "I made sure to give one of these rubber ducks to every one of the club as a way to celebrate your victory on the show. I'm very proud of you Lindsay."

"Awww, thank you, daddy..." Lindsay hugged as she felt so happy to see both her parents so happy for her victory.




"PAULA, CHARLIE, HOW GREAT TO SEE YOU TWO!" Lindsay's excited voice echoed through the house as she bounded toward her two younger sisters, who had just sleepily made their way into the kitchen. Without missing a beat, she wrapped her arms around them, pulling them into a tight, enthusiastic hug.

Paula, still in her pajamas, and Charlie, rubbing her eyes, blinked at each other, clearly still processing the morning. They both mumbled, "Morning," in unison, their voices groggy as they tried to catch up with Lindsay's boundless energy.

Lindsay, as bubbly as ever, giggled and released her grip on them, giving them a moment to wake up. The kitchen filled with the clinking of silverware and the gentle rustle of the morning newspaper, but Lindsay's excitement was unstoppable. As her sisters slowly started to wake up, the three of them found themselves sitting at the breakfast table, cups of coffee now in hand, and Lindsay's energy becoming contagious.

Time seemed to fly as the sisters became fully alert, leaning into the conversation. Before long, they were deeply engrossed in discussions about fashion, one of their favorite topics. Paula, always on top of the latest trends, began raving about a new purse collection she had seen online. Charlie chimed in, talking about a new boutique in town that had just opened and how she was dying to go there, especially since she found a girl who seemed to be working there, someone named Vaggie, who was offering a service that was indeed tempting for her to go. Lindsay, never one to miss out, shared the stories of what happened inside of the show that nobody ever saw on the Pay-per-view, some were very curious, others made both girls disgusted and desire to vomit, and others made them desire to kill someone... possibly Trent, but she already forgave him.

Lucy laughed so hard when he mentioned that Lindsay's boyfriend was hilarious at how he made Trent receive his karma by eating the dirty pancakes and shoving exactly like he did to his little girl.

And the chaos he commented on the best moments he thought it was hilarious on the show, like the prank war, and the final episode that for him was very funny, especially Ezekiel walking whistling while Lindsay was trying to find the prize money which was literally above her.

"Hmmmmmmmmm..." Lindsay blushed in shame as her daddy was laughing at how hilarious it was, and especially at how chaotic Leshawna provoked the moose which started the whole fight which destroyed the traps and barricades, and the final fight was peak fiction, and the drama created by Ezekiel launching the money on the river, it was a chef kiss for the season 2.

Thankfully Lindsay promised that she wouldn't tell about the money she got from Ezekiel, because it was a secret, and she was good at keeping secrets, like the time Paula got diarrhea, and until this day, nobody knows it.

"I gotta say, that your friends Lindsay, they were very supportive..." Lily gave her honest opinion as she gave good words to her friends. "I still fear the people with strong personalities who could manipulate you, but I'm glad that girl Heather and Izzy were strong personalities that were taking you on their wings, and you have a very interesting boyfriend."

"Well, we could always find a way to bring them to visit us and meet them, since the show is happening, we could see how their parents were and have a very interesting lunch together," Lucy suggested, as the girls gasped and were excited to have a good time with preparations of the show.

The conversation flowed effortlessly, with the sisters sharing recommendations for stores, gossiping about the latest trends, and laughing about some of the more ridiculous fashion statements they had seen on TV. The bond between them felt even stronger than before, their shared love for fashion and their time apart making these moments together all the more special while Lucy and Lilly sat back, watching their daughters with quiet joy. They shared a glance, both of them smiling at the sight of their girls reuniting in such a carefree, joyful way. Their home, once again filled with laughter and chatter, felt complete.

For Lucy and Lilly, seeing their daughters together, especially Lindsay now back from Total Drama Island, was a personal celebration. Their little champion might not have won the million-dollar prize, but to them, Lindsay was a winner regardless. The family was whole again, and that was all that mattered.


"IZZY," A loud shout came when the ginger girl didn't even reach the door, when suddenly she was tackled by two orange-haired devils, who immediately tried to attack her, luckily for the trained military prodigy girl, all she had to do is simply raise her suitcase in one of the faces of the girl, and give a backflip jump, for the other girl to tackle the other sister as well.

As soon the former camper landed perfectly on the floor and stared at her both siblings still on the floor, Izzy couldn't help but gush for her younger sisters.

"Oh come on, come here you little devils," Izzy commented as she grabbed both her younger sisters and gave a good hug to the girls who struggled from strength but also gave a quick for the sister they saw in the show. "Did you girls have a lot of fun while I was out?"

"Nah, Mom and Dad said we couldn't do experiments with our uncles, they said we slowly were becoming them and she wanted us to be more responsible with our projects," Lizzy commented as she pouted annoyingly, which her other sister Mizzy nodded her head in sadness. "We would like to create a lot of things, a robot that could beat another robot."

"Girls, "Then a male voice called which made the twins turn their heads and stare at the person which was no other than the older brother, a slender boy who had a good variation of muscles because of his usual training with his family, a person who was dressing his kimono which seemed that he came from a dojo. The boy had black hair but also had a little shade of green over his hair. "Next time you plan to build a mini rocket roller skater, remember to never let the prototype near the stairs, dad almost slipped on them, and you two would be in terrible trouble for that...Oh Izzy, welcome home,"

"Dhigo, "Izzy didn't even waste the opportunity, as she went to give a good hug to her older brother who gave a good hug to her as well. Both used a good strong grip and hugged into a position, which people of the neighborhood couldn't guess if was a hug, or they were just trying to throw each other away. But then both got apart, and Izzy with a good smile gave a slight punch on his arm. "Still strong as always, how was College?"

"It's going fine Izzy, just 2 more years of surviving there and I can graduate... Also, the secrets of Aiki Izzy, it's not about strength, just technique..." Dhigo commented as he never thought to see his younger sibling having so much fun in a reality show, knowing that she would always be passionate about whatever she would do... There were times when the entire family became very worried... "And you gave us a lot of scare, did you know that?"

That comment made Izzy flinch a little, knowing what her older brother had said.

"Yeah, I have to admit, the episode of The Serial Killer may have been too much for me," Izzy scratched the back of her head sheepishly.

"You should have taken it more seriously when it was a horror challenge, Izzy, if was indeed a serial Killer and instead of being Eva and it was you, forgetting what Chief Hatch did to you, if was the true serial killer and you were on the main lodge. You shouldn't have stayed there watching Eva going berserk." Dhigo commented as he pointed for another angle, that instead of Izzy being attacked by the Chef, he pointed to how she was just making fun of the danger which was clearly Eva was about to fight the real Serial Killer. "Never do that again, you hear me?"

Izzy remained quiet, as she couldn't refute the logic of her older brother...

"But it was nice to see Explosivo once again, Thigo laughed so hard because he knew how much you wanted to vent your anger." This time Izzy smiles a little, and Lizzy and Mizzy get excited.

"Oh yeah, Explosivo is always hilarious, that fat whale pacifier now understands to never mess with my big sis," Mizzy commented as she hugged the veteran of the infantile squad.

"DIE COWARD DIE HAHAHAHAHAHA," Lizzy said as she was even showing a vindictive desire, which Izzy couldn't help but chuckle from her little sisters, and messing up their hair. "HEY!"

"Maybe you two should stop watching too many violent movies alone, you two are already having a lot of bloodlust, and you know that Mom Shego is going to be very angry for not being here to see you both starting this phase," Izzy commented as she saw her brother helping her to carry the luggage to get on inside. "Also Dhigo, thank God that it wasn't you on the show, because the Phobia factor would have put you in a state of panic."

Just for the comment alone, made the big brother's face pale completely, and made him shake his head...

"Don't even remind me, Izzy, just seeing you and that boy Owen inside of an airplane made me faint just by seeing you there." Dhiago shivered from the memories of how terrifying would be to be inside of an airplane.

And from that comment alone, another person decided to be part of the conversation.

"Oh come on, don't be such a baby, it was just a flying practical simulator done by Chief Hatch, you always loved having flying simulators like that." And Izzy turned her head to see that behind the black-haired boy, was someone else, a boy who could be the total opposite of him, with his blonde hair which resembled exactly their father, which even made both Lizzy and Mizzy jump away in surprise.

"THIGO, STOP DOING THAT." Both Mizzy and Lizzy always hated to be caught by surprise when their big brother used his stealth to walk around the house, which somehow the boy always shrugged since he had been taken after their mother Shego, he was the one who was the most natural to surprise anyone since his steps were always in silence.

"But I was always here," Thigo commented which made the twins deadpan at him, Dhigo who was the oldest brother, Izzy the oldest sister, then Thigo who was the middle child, and after that the twins. It was a family of 5 children and 3 parents, and as chaotic as it was, they always had been so used to their military family that it was out of the ordinary for them, and since each of them had their own dreams and their styles of life, they loved each other as it means the whole world for them. "Also, I thought you were going to use a crazy girl persona for a lot longer."

"I wish I could, but I learned from experience that if I get too crazy I would have been eliminated from the show. So I decided to have more allies, and also it was fun to be myself in some situations." Izzy remembered how Ezekiel had said that when she used Explosivo too much, or when her crazy antics were the determinator to make her eliminated from the show, which sucked, but at least she knew how the results on the show were far more fun than what she thought it would be on the original version from the past of the future of other future. And now she needed to think of a better name to describe that because it was getting confusing even for her.

"Experience you said?" Dhigo asked in surprise as he gave a sideglance to his brother, who also felt something suspicious in the air, but they decided to shrug off. "Well, we gotta get going."

"Where are you going?" Izzy raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"Buying supply of C4, smoke bombs, and Pentium-compatible processor," Thigo commented as Izzy had her eyes wide open in realization, and nodding in satisfaction. "We are just preparing for tomorrow."

"Oh that's great, I have nothing much to do tomorrow anyway, in 5 days I will be returning to the show. I just need to change my name and we can do it." Izzy gave her smile of satisfaction, as suddenly she glanced around the others. "And what about them?"

"Oh, they are coming with me," Thigo replied and Dhigo immediately gave a step back. "Yes Dhigo, even you… orders from our parents that I have to keep an eye on you. So you know the rules, or you are going with us willingly, or you are going to be sedated."

"Oh hell no. I'm not going to get inside of a metal trap." Dhigo said as he was ready to be in combat when suddenly he was attacked by behind the twins.

"RESISTANCE IS FUTILE DHIGO," Mizzy shouted as she was ready to knock out her big brother,

"YOU HAVE NO CHOICE." Lizzy agreed as she was jumping to give a kick, which immediately started a fight of 3vs1.

Izzy rolled her eyes and decided to let her siblings have a fight, while going to chaos at the front door, Izzy decided to go to the middle of the room, when she saw some familiar faces. 4 new pet stars of the show, the naked mole rat squad, Rusty, Nibles, Digby, and Sandy were enjoying a few nachos together.

"Hey guys, guess who is back?" Izzy waved at the group, and after pausing, they immediately ran in the direction of the military girl, who accepted the hugs, kisses, and licks of the squad who created so much potential in the challenges of military games. "I gotta say guys, you were awesome. Making the group deal with hard challenges and showing that you have more control of camouflage than they ever would have."

Needless to say, every single naked rat of the family was up to military missions and strategies. And she was happy to see that even after the show, they still were badass just like their grandpa, Rufus the First.

And then Izzy heard a loud sound coming from the outside, which was enough to understand that her siblings managed to knock down the big brother of the family. Izzy chuckled as she walked towards the kitchen, and saw her father wearing an apron as he was doing one of the Mexican foods that he always loved to do for their family or for the franchise he was so proud to command with the Naco, his creation.

Ron was simply focusing on the stove, as he wasn't even turning his back as Izzy slowly approached to try to surprise him, and at the moment she was about to jump at him…

"If you don't want to get grounded, it better be a hug, miss…"Ron said as he then felt a good hug coming from his baby girl, and knowing how much she deeply missed him, turning his back to Izzy, he had the biggest smile on his face, and gave the same, a good hug, that both missed so much each other. "How have you been Izzy?"

"I'm doing great." Izzy smiled as she then suddenly saw the look in her dad's eyes, as he was deeply serious about the question, which made her flinch a little. "I'm fine, even after everything on that night. I had time to cope with what happened, and while I just got surprised by the event of the serial killer, I should have expected more of my team members."

"..." And at that moment, Ron deep frowned as he noticed one thing… "From all the people who hate lying, you are very courageous to try to lie to your dad."

That moment made Izzy flinch, as he could see that her daddy was very serious about what just happened, and while she had a good time healing, there were secrets that she never should be able to tell anyone.

"Well, never mind that." Ron dismissed the thought as he was still preparing the dinner table for the family, and he gave a slight glance at his ginger girl. "Prepare the table for me, Izzy."

"Okay," Izzy became silent as she slowly placed the plates and the cutlery on the table, which soon she looked at her dad, and decided to ask. "Did you know the others went to catch supplies right?"

"Yes, we know," Then Izzy could see her mom already with a casual dress, knowing that her mother already took a good part of her day preparing herself, by taking care of her dress and even preparing her hair and makeup. "Welcome home sweetie,"

Izzy happily gave a hug on her mother, knowing the trio of military veterans were happy to be together, as she could see this dinner was going to be special since they wanted to spend time with her, while the others were going to buy some stuff for the next day, which was a good time for her to enjoy the privacy with her parents.




Minutes passed as Izzy enjoyed eating dinner with her family, a good Mexican food that her father even had her uncle Hugo prepare themselves a Mexican meal, which as much she is a Canadian, even patriotic, she took a good time to love tacos and nachos, just like her father. And both the Chef and her family know that.

Izzy could see the glances of the beautiful brownish-orange hair of her mother, as a good woman who went into the action, she was still looking in her prime at the time she went to do the military games…

"Gwen said that she will never look at the military women the same way again," Izzy decided to comment since she heard how the goth girl felt the next morning on the playa del Losers. And from seeing her mother pausing, and contemplating what her daughter had just said, she couldn't help but be amused as well.

"Well, I'm glad that she now understands how seriously we worked for the sake of our country, and while Hatch can be a hassle sometimes, he really took it easy on the campers," Kim explained as Ron nodded his head in agreement.

"I can see, they always interrupted which was kinda undisciplined, in my time in the military, if someone interrupted a commander you had to take 50," Ron nodded his head, as he then saw Izzy rolling her eyes.

"I know dad, when I was in the military they also did that," Izzy commented as she then snapped her fingers. "Oh yeah, Lindsay said that you have been kind, but still those traps were unfair."

"Hahahaha," Ron laughed, as the group even heard a few of the naked rat moles giggle as well, "Well, from a champion of the show, she was fun to mess with. It was like when I gave the first training of traps for all of you, she looked like Mizzy when she got trapped on the first time."

"I can imagine," Kim rolled her eyes, but a good smile appeared on her face, "But I have to admit, the friends you made were very interesting Izzy, Heather, and Lindsay being the final 2, I think nobody ever expected that before."

"Yes, they really are a good duo, and I'm glad that they managed to go that far since I don't need the money anyway." Izzy shrugged as she could see her parents raising their eyebrows at her. "Well now I have my company of maple syrup, and I already have lawyers and accountants to help to deal with the taxes and the problems of my arrest from RCM."

"Good to know the time traveler had been helping you around this time," Kim replied as Ron nodded his head, and Izzy nodded her head as well until she was drinking the grape juice, until suddenly she realized what was said, and made her spill on her dad, which thankfully the father was prepared and used a tray to avoid to being launched the juice on his face.

"Wha wah what are you talking about?" Izzy tried to deny it, but she then saw her parents deadpanning at her, and the military girl couldn't help but sigh… "What gave me?"

"Izzy, my sweetheart…my baby girl…" Ron slowly commented as he kindly touched the face of his baby girl, and stared deeply into her eyes. "While I can understand that you wanted to be the most successful girl in the future, you have been always instinctive and unpredictable… and many of the decisions you would make, sometimes it would be very lucky or completely blow your face, especially when you use one of your explosive characteristics…"

"What Ron is trying to say is… to make a very well elaborated plan involving taxes and hiring lawyers and accountants, it would be something that I would mostly do, while you actually are more on the Shego's side and would try to use all the power you have to make things chaotic." Kim decided to explain the points as well, which made Izzy remain in silence…

"Also we had Wade place a wire into your grass bracelet." Ron decided to finish which made Izzy have her eyes wide open and get out from the table.

"WHAT?" Izzy shouted as she looked at the smirking faces of her parents, which immediately Izzy knew that her parents were always 5 steps ahead of her. "What about my privacy?"

"We did that," Kim nodded her head, as she looked at her daughter in the eyes. "But after the Serial Killer Episode, and since Hatch came here to talk to us, we decided to wait for you to have the 1 week off before we start listening to the wire for the first time on the challenge of capturing the animals, we knew that you would be eliminated, so we waited until you go back to sleep…"

"And then we heard the boy who was the time traveler showing his deep guilt into lying for you by omission. And I gotta say, not many people would have admitted to screwing up like that, but also I can't say I blame him… that boy said it was edited on the show, so he wasn't aware of how dangerous that was that challenge was." Ron explained as he was giving one of the tacos for the naked rat moles enjoy themselves.

"And knowing how he was sorry, it was not surprising that you accepted his apologies," Kim commented as she was now taking something nearby her, a notepad. "Now, can you tell me a few questions about the future? Will it be a war in the future?"

"Err… does Ukraine and Russia count?" Izzy asked nervously, as her mother and father gave side glances at each other.

"Does Canada is involved somehow?" Kim asked and Izzy immediately shook her head. "Well, then it's not our problem, so I take it as yes, but we shouldn't be concerned about that."

"Will the Snow Owls win a championship in the future?" Ron asked excited about seeing one of his favorite junior hockey teams winning some championship. But looking at her daughter shrugging, made him sigh in disappointment.

"Sorry Dad," Izzy tapped her father's back trying to comfort him.

"Well, let's continue with the other questions, shall we?" Kim said as she looked at her daughter's eyes. "I have at least 50 questions, that I would be like to ask for the sake of the future of our family."

"Oh dammit. Thanks a lot, Zeke," Izzy commented with fake anger, as she was about to lament when she suddenly heard her parents chuckling at her. Which made her narrow her eyes. "Wait, you aren't serious."

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA," Both parents started laughing it made Izzy with her face blush in shame and embarrassment.

"Honey, I have only one more question when it comes to the future," Kim commented as she looked deeply into her girl's eyes. "Were you happy?"

Izzy became silent, as she looked at everything she learned from Ezekiel, from what she did, what she would do, and what she would have become, and from silly things which later created terrible repercussions…

"No… I was not." Izzy commented as she saw the look of horror at her parents. "I made terrible mistakes that would destroy my future, and he explained to me what I did, what I messed up, and what I could have done to prevent that… So that's why I hired the lawyers and accountants, to help me to have a better way to deal with my future."

"Well, that's at least an honest answer," Ron commented as he looked at the mess of the juice on the floor, and looked on how serious his daughter was. "Be careful okay sweetie? You are on the right path, actually on the best path possible. Just be yourself, all we want is to see you happy."

Kim nodded as she touched the hair of her girl, a girl who went on the military because she wanted to be like her, a girl who was almost a mix between Shego and Herself, but still trying to come up with the best plans as possible and be free into trying to achieve success.

"We will be happy if you are happy okay?" Kim finished the conversation, as Izzy let out a tear with a smile and a nod, Kim was happy to see her girl slowly growing up and becoming a woman just like herself and her wife. But still, she fears about the future, who wouldn't? But the safety and the happiness of her girl are what matter most. "I hope you have fun in season 2, and please be careful okay?"

"Sure… also… can I have my own Izzymmicator?" Izzy asked hopefully which made Kim groan and Ron chuckle.

"Told you so," Ron commented as Izzy gave a pout to her mother, trying to reach the best cellphone version of the actuality until the smartphones were created.

Chapter 48: Before the first day off...

Chapter Text



Cadets MacArthur and Sanders stood at attention, their eyes trained forward as they entered the grand foyer of the Canadian Police Academy. The academy's towering brick walls, adorned with national flags and framed portraits of decorated officers, stood as a testament to the institution's proud legacy. A polished hardwood floor gleamed under the morning sunlight filtering in through tall windows, giving the place a sense of dignity and tradition. The main office, where the Commander resided, was situated at the end of a long hallway lined with plaques and achievement awards, celebrating the finest the academy had produced.

As they made their way to the Commander's office, both cadets couldn't help but glance at the familiar surroundings—rows of cadets in training marching in formation outside, the distant sound of police drills echoing through the corridors. It felt surreal to be back after the whirlwind experience of serving as security cadets on Total Drama Island. The tasks they had been assigned there were unlike anything they'd ever faced in the academy, and both MacArthur and Sanders knew they'd have a lot to share with their fellow cadets.

They reached the large oak door with a brass plate reading "Commander Thompson," and after a brief knock, they were beckoned inside. The Commander's office was as grand as they remembered, mahogany furniture, dark leather chairs, and walls lined with framed accolades giving the room a somber, authoritative air. Commander Thompson himself sat behind a massive desk, his gaze sharp but with a hint of amusement as he read over their report.

"Cadets MacArthur, Sanders," he greeted them with a slight smirk, his eyes still scanning the paper. "Quite the experience you had on that island."

The two cadets snapped to attention, but MacArthur couldn't help but let out a slight grin, nodding in agreement. "Sir, it was... intense, to say the least."

Sanders, more composed, added, "We faced more challenges than we expected. The campers weren't just a security risk, they were part of the chaos. But we managed to maintain order, despite the, uh... unconventional circumstances."

Commander Thompson chuckled, setting the report down. "Unconventional indeed. You handled everything from a crazy hunting animal from bears wearing a dress to a mecha made by raccoons, to protecting campers from themselves, not to mention thinking you were stranded on a desert island which in the end proved to be on the same island." He paused, leaning back in his chair. "You both went above and beyond the call of duty. Not every officer has to deal with contestants who set traps for each other and fight like a bunch of animals until someone finally got their right mind to threw away the money and challenge everyone into a more interesting way, a second season."

"And, sir, we also had to deal with a contestant who thought eating a stink bomb spoon was a great idea." MacArthur's eyes widened in mock seriousness, "It was something that even me who had iron stomach couldn't keep up without vomiting, it was disgusting into far beyond."

The Commander chuckled, shaking his head. "Quite the scenario." He tapped a finger on the report. "You did well under pressure. I'm impressed."

With a deep breath, he closed the file and stood up, gesturing toward the window overlooking the academy grounds. "However, after reading this report and seeing everything you've been through, I'm assigning you both a few days of rest here at the academy. You deserve it. You'll have time to reconnect with your classmates, catch up on training, and just enjoy being back. But keep in mind—by contract, you're obligated to return for season two of Total Drama. Same job, more chaos."

MacArthur raised an eyebrow at Sanders, who gave a knowing smile. "Well, Commander, at least we know what to expect this time," Sanders replied.

The Commander laughed heartily. "You'd better. Because something tells me the next season won't be any easier."

With a final salute, the Commander dismissed them, and as MacArthur and Sanders exited the office, the reality of their upcoming assignment began to settle in. But for now, they were back at the academy, surrounded by familiar faces and routines. They exchanged glances, knowing they would relish these few days of respite before returning to the madness of Total Drama.

Stepping out into the main hallway, they could hear the sounds of training drills, laughter from cadets they hadn't seen in months, and the familiar sense of camaraderie. Both MacArthur and Sanders allowed themselves a moment to smile, glad to be back, even if only for a little while.




"Ahhhh, finally returning to the bed of the academy," Sander smiled as she laid her boy towards a bed that she never thought she would have missed so much. "If the next time I complain about how the academy's bed was terrible, remind me of the show's cabin, okay?"

"I hear and agree. Not going to complain about the coffee and the donuts, but the bed was awful, and the constant fight with the peace treats on the raccoons really was reaching my limit." MacArthur agreed with her partner and best friend. "Did you check about where we are going to work in a few days?"

"They said it was a movie studio set, so that means it won't be into an island like Wawanakwa, which I'm very glad that we can go to the civilization and won't need to take a boat to cross around," Sanders commented as she could see her partner still giving a sad smile on her face, which Sanders rolled her eyes. "Are you still bothered by the Mr. Coconut?"

"Oh come on, don't talk about him, I don't want to remember him," MacArthur said as she stomped on the floor, knowing that it was still a sore topic to talk about. "I'm very glad that we are over with it, now we have to focus on the job, now instead of dealing with just a few teenagers, we are going to deal with a lot of bunch of them."

"Ugh, you don't have to tell me twice." The sarcastic cadet commented as she groaned into imagining how things were going to happen in season 2. "Dealing with 7 teenagers was difficult, but now imagine dealing with 22."

"Oh it's going to be a pain in the ass, but hey, at least the paycheck is fine," MacArthur commented as her partner couldn't help but nod her head.

"Yeah, we just need to make sure they won't die, so I think this season will be safer since there aren't wild animals or even the possibility of serial killers, I mean, how difficult would be season 2?" Sanders simply shrugged, not realizing the chaos that both she and her partner would deal with in the future.


Chef sat on the worn, floral-patterned sofa in his mother's cozy living room, feeling strangely at peace. It had been so long since he'd been able to enjoy time away from the chaos of Total Drama Island, and now here he was, in a place he never thought he'd be for a few days off, his mom's house. The faint scent of lavender mixed with the smell of freshly baked cake filled the air. Across from him, his mother and grandmother, both with hair now faded to soft shades of grey, smiled at him with warmth only family could give.

His mother, wearing a bright yellow blouse, bustled in from the kitchen, holding a large cake with icing that read "Happy Birthday Norbert Cheffrory" in colorful, swirly letters. His grandmother, in her pink salmon sweater, sat comfortably in a rocking chair by the window, knitting quietly but with a twinkle in her eye.

Chef couldn't help but feel a swell of emotion. His mother set the cake down in front of him, and both women gathered around to wish him a belated happy birthday. The show had kept him from celebrating on time, and though it was two days late, the love he felt made up for it. His eyes welled up, not from the gruff, military sternness he usually wore, but from the pure love of family. He hadn't realized how much he missed this—the simple gestures of care, the softness of home after weeks of barking orders at campers.

His grandma, known to the world as Axe Hatch, a legend in Canadian baseball history, gently patted his arm. She may have been one of the toughest players to ever set foot on the field, but here, she was just his sweet grandmother who always spoiled him. She beamed at him, her eyes crinkling with age and joy. "The kids at the junior league all send their birthday wishes, too. They look up to you, Norbert."

Chef smiled, wiping away a tear. "Thanks, Grandma. Means a lot."

His mother, Hatched, stood beside him, hands on her hips, looking at him with pride. "Cheffrey, I never thought I'd see the day my son, the grumpy Chef, would be helping out those kids on that show." Her voice softened as she sat beside him. "But when I watched you, standing there, helping them know when to toughen up and when to improve... I couldn't have been prouder."

She leaned in, giving him a tight, warm hug. Chef stiffened for a moment, he wasn't used to all this affection—but then he melted into it, feeling the strength of his mother's love wrap around him. "And the way you talked to that Trent boy," she continued, "Giving him that lesson about moving on. That's my baby son. Helping those kids grow. Oh my sweet little buttercup, you have grown so much."

Chef blushed under the praise, slightly embarrassed but deeply moved. He knew his mom was proud, but hearing it from her like this, and feeling the support of his grandma, was overwhelming in the best way. For once, he allowed himself to relax, to not be Chef Hatchet, the drill sergeant of Total Drama, but just Norbert Cheffrory, a son and grandson who was loved deeply.

"I learned from the best," Chef commented as he always remembered how his mom gave important lessons on life, and how she managed to deal with all kinds of kids when it wasn't only him, she is a sweet lady, but if someone would try to act like a punk to her, she would escalate things and proves to the others that she was the big dog on the house. And he and his friends always learned to respect her. "I still don't know how you managed to make Shego be so sweet around you."

"Oh you mean your friend Shego? Oh, she is so sweet, she managed to give me a golden necklace last year, I don't know how she did it, but I got it in the mail, She is still a sweet girl, I'm sure little Ronny is a lucky man, especially with Kimmy on his side." Mama Hatchet commented as she then saw Chef looking more serene when she talked about them. "I'm so glad that you made peace with Kimmy, Cheffrey, you four were always so great friends during the time you were in the military."

"Yeah, me too... Still, her children are probably enough to drive me insane." Chef commented as he even joked about Izzy, but suddenly he felt his earlob being twisted. "Ouch ouch ouch ow ow ow..."

"No son of mine is going to talk badly on the back of the others, what did I teach you?" Chef's mom commented as Axe Hatch stared at the big grown-up man who seemed to be just like a child who misbehaved.

"Only talk badly if you have the courage to say to their faces," Chef replied as immediately both old ladies felt satisfied with their answers, and as Chef felt his ear once again he was scratching as he pouted at his mom. "I have the courage to tell Kim's family her children would drive me insane,"

"Oh, of course, you do." Both ladies replied as they giggled together.

"Then you would be running away from a hockey stick ready to aim at your face," Chef's mom said jokingly which Chef narrowed his eyes with mock anger.

"Just for you know, it happened just once... and even if I was afraid of Kim doing that to me, we cannot lie Izzy, Mizzy, and Lizzy are a very hyperactive trio, which God forbids Ron to have the stupidity to give them 5 energetics as we had on our times as teenagers," Chef said as he felt a pang of nostalgia hitting on how crazy they had been on times of going to military missions, or even returning on the city just for the sake of doing some crazy things. "Still, Izzy was one of my best soldiers and someone that I know she could take my insults like compliment."

"Oh, talking about Izzy, how is the sweetheart?" Grandma asked as she remembered the time she taught the little girl how to throw curve balls, and since she was still 3, it had been a great time to pass around the families before the said incident.

"I agreed, that little girl just got very rough on the episode of Serial Killer, what the hell were you thinking Cheffrey?" Mom's Hatchet asked angrily at her boy who raised his hands in surrender.

"I made sure the hook was blunt, to not hurt Izzy, I wouldn't hurt my soldier, but still a cowardly act was what clearly destroyed her on the inside..." Chef said as he sighed and remembered how he found the teenage girl acting in silence, At the same time he saw her when she committed the first mistake as the leader of the infantile squad. "She always gets too silent when something terrible happens to her, and she needed support and help, me not only as her commander... but also as a friend of her parents. And to say, I'm kinda grateful for what happened, since after that. I managed to get courage enough to go after Kim and solve once for all that mistake."

"Well, I'm glad that everything went right in the end..." Grandma Hatchet commented as she could see that now the times of their families would still be friends again, she was happy and couldn't feel more excited to see the kids once again. "I'm curious about how Dhigo and Thiago grew. Or how are Mizzi and Lizzi as you said."

"Yeah mama, I think it's time for the Hatchets to go visit Chef's friends again and give the Hatchets treatment." Chef's mom said in agreement, since both old ladies have one thing they always liked to do, take care of kids. "I wanna give Izzy a big hug and say everything is going to be fine for her."

While the duo of ladies were chattering the great ideas on what they could do in the future now that Chef's friendship had once again recovered from his past mistake, it was a good time for them to celebrate, while Chef glanced at the cake, its cheery colors reflecting the warmth in the room, and smiled. "Thank you," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. His mother kissed the top of his head, ruffling his hair a little, and his grandmother simply chuckled, her needles clicking in rhythm.

It was good to be home.


Chris McLean's mansion was the epitome of modern luxury, a sprawling structure of glass, steel, and stone set high on a hill overlooking the cityscape. His home boasted floor-to-ceiling windows that reflected the golden hue of the setting sun, casting long shadows across the polished marble floors. Inside, every corner of the house was a celebration of opulence. The living room, where Chris now lounged, was an expansive space filled with high-end furniture, custom-made in sleek black leather and chrome. The walls were adorned with abstract art that he barely noticed, each piece more expensive than the last, but to him, they were just props in his personal theater.

At the heart of the room stood the crown jewel of his sanctuary: a state-of-the-art, 80-inch plasma screen TV mounted above a stone fireplace. The picture quality was flawless, every pixel in high definition, showing the world through a clarity few could afford. He leaned back onto the couch, stretching his legs across the glass coffee table and crossing his arms behind his head. After spending nearly three months living in a cramped trailer on Wawanakwa Island—no air conditioning, no personal chef, and certainly no plush furniture—this felt like heaven.

"Ahhh," he sighed, as his fingertips ran over the cool texture of the couch. "Finally."

He flipped through the channels absentmindedly, not really focusing on anything in particular. He had five glorious days of rest ahead of him, five days to enjoy every inch of his mansion and soak up the peace before returning to the madness of Total Drama. He could already feel the excitement bubbling inside him, but he allowed himself this time to unwind. The past weeks had been brutal. Even though he had reveled in tormenting the campers, his role as host wasn't always easy. Coordinating the challenges, staying on top of the production schedule, and constantly thinking on his feet had worn him down more than he expected.

But it was worth it.

Chris flashed a grin as he thought back to the success of Total Drama Island, the show's first season. Ratings had skyrocketed, a Pay-Per-View well succeeded, the fan base was obsessed, and the chaos he and Chef had orchestrated had people tuning in week after week. As annoying and interesting as the campers were, they made great TV. And now, with the first season wrapped up, Chris could enjoy the fruits of his labor, at least for a few days. Tomorrow, he'd be back to work. The producers were calling a meeting to finalize the details of Season 2, and the excitement brewing in his mind was enough to keep him on edge even now.

His thoughts drifted to the new location, no more grubby, mosquito-infested island. Season 2 was going to be filmed at a massive movie set studio, a place with endless potential for the kinds of insane challenges Chris loved to dream up. It was an upgrade in every sense of the word. He imagined the sprawling sound stages, the towering set pieces, the elaborate costumes, and the cutting-edge special effects they could use to torture the new batch of campers. And with a much bigger budget this time around, the possibilities were endless.

A slow grin spread across his face as he thought about how much money Total Drama had raked in. The show had blown up. People were watching it everywhere, on TV, streaming services, pay-per-view. Even the merchandise was flying off the shelves. Shirts with quotes of the campers, and flags with both Killer Bass and Screaming Gophers being sold like water. And with the enormous budget at their disposal, Chris could really let loose with his ideas for Season 2.

He hit pause on the remote and stared at the screen, flipping back to some clips from Season 1. There was Gwen giving a middle finger before jumping from the airplane while leaving Trent dumbfounded, as the person chickened out and had to use the chicken hat for the whole day, the same was said while he had his hair painted in pink, courtesy of the girls Katie and Gwen; Duncan, having a big discussion with the boys of Killer Bass since now it started the prank war, and Ezekiel releasing his arsenal of pranking weapons, which was both hilarious and terrifying to see. Owen was blown up after every single place had been planted bombs, courtesy of your's truly crazy explosive maniac from the army, Izzy... Chris watched the footage with a critical eye, noting what worked and what could be improved. Season 1 had been a wild success, but there were always ways to make things bigger, crazier, and more brutal. That's what he was known for, pushing the limits. Always surpassing himself, and yet, he couldn't help but feel the first season was very awesome, but he could also be careful about one thing.

"I'm glad we have the medical interns, and the cadets to keep an eye on the security," Chris mused as he checked on the videos on where the cadets also got a good review from the public since the fight against the raccoons and cadet MacArthur had been very hilarious. "But I also need to be sure to not endanger them to a lethal level, so I'm going to make sure the cadets have safety precautions in case something messes up."

Chris leaned forward, his elbows resting on his knees as he watched with a twisted sense of pride. Each challenge had been a carefully crafted masterpiece of chaos, designed to break down the campers and deliver maximum entertainment. But now, with the movie studio setting for Season 2, Chris had the chance to take things to a whole new level.

He glanced at his phone, pulling up the notes he'd been making for the new season. The idea was simple yet brilliant—each challenge would be themed around a different movie genre. Horror, action, romance, sci-fi, Westerns—the possibilities were endless. He could already picture the looks on the campers' faces when they were thrown into a zombie apocalypse challenge or forced to act out an over-the-top romantic scene in front of the cameras.

His mind wandered to Ezekiel, the camper who threw away the 1 million dollars on the river, and yet had the audacity to challenge every single one of the campers to make appear on season 2, proving them to have an equal chance to win the 1 million dollars, and yet for the sake of entertainment, make it even better for the audience, by quoting literally the code of the contract and the fine print, Chris couldn't stop smiling. That boy went far and could go even further, and that was what excited Chris.

Someone who isn't afraid to lose, but to make everyone become entertainment, for the sake of the public, and for the fun, of course seeing them fighting for the money like animals would have been hilarious, but to challenge them to force another season? Oh, Chris didn't know the boy was such a genius.

As Chris settled deeper into his thoughts, the glimmer of the fireplace caught his eye. He looked up and smiled. The glow of the flames added to the warm, cozy atmosphere of his mansion, and he basked in the serenity of it all. This was the life he deserved, a life of luxury, endless entertainment, and of complete control over his own creation. He could get used to this.

But even as he tried to relax, his mind kept churning with ideas. The more he thought about Season 2, the more excited he became. It wasn't just going to be bigger and better; it was going to be revolutionary. The movie studio was the perfect setting for the kinds of challenges Chris had always dreamed of—giant sound stages that could be transformed into anything he wanted. One day, it could be a jungle. The next is a frozen tundra. The possibilities were limitless.

And the contestants... well, they wouldn't know what hit them.

Chris reached for his glass of wine, took a sip, and let out a contented sigh. In his mind, he was already picturing the season finale. Fireworks, explosions, drama—it was all coming together. The campers would be pushed to their breaking points, and he'd be there every step of the way, guiding them toward disaster.

As he swirled the wine in his glass, he couldn't help but laugh. Total Drama was about to reach new heights, and Chris McLean was at the helm, steering the ship toward chaos. And he wouldn't have it any other way.

Season 2 was going to be legendary.


Inside Serenity's Truck Stop, the owner of the same establishment could say there was a very interesting movement happening around, since it was rare occasions when many truck drivers would give a good stop around the afternoons, since most of their time they would have been working between the night to even early mornings, but still, it wasn't something Serenity would scoff about it, the opposite actually, for having more movement around, she would hear the conversations across the people who comes to visit her stop, and shares their ideals, philosophies, and even their dreams and projects of the future.

Usually, people would always work for the money, but the woman who had been living in the forest with her lovely family was just fulfilling her dream of working at what she loved every day, which was working and helping new friends to continue their journey, as the same way she hopped that her little moonchild could reach her dreams and be happy with the choices she made.

"And then Principal Adisson said she was suspended for the rest of the year. I want to know how she was Miss Serenity, is Dawn alright? It's been weeks since she didn't return the school, and we are kinda worried since we haven't seen her around the school," One of the young boys politely asked the owner of the establishment about the daughter who she was happy for having good friends around the school where she was studying.

Her husband Thorn had been a druid for most of his life, moving from state to state, since his own childhood, he knew very well the ideals of being homeschooled, and yet he wanted to make sure his little girl would have an actual childhood, something that he had forgot for so long, as his family had always to be in tune with the nature and live into a life different than the most people of the cities. But still, a person that she loved with all her heart.

Serenity looked at the bunch of boys and girls, who were still looking a bit concerned about their friend who hadn't appeared at the school since the suspension or even given an explanation about where she was. The matriarch couldn't help but chuckle because of one reason.

"Well, you don't have to worry kids, Dawn had been enjoying a television show, and she had been... how would you kids would say? Ah... hooked up by the show, and now she is watching the last episode of the show from the pay-per-view, but I'm sure that she will send you a letter or even get in contact by telephone with all of you." The owner of the restaurant helped the kids with their uneasy hearts since they were good friends from Dawn, she remembered how difficult it was for her little girl to get used to making human friends, so she suggested learning about the zodiac and she taught her on how to read Tarot cards... She forgot how much she laughed when her little girl got so ashamed of guessing the zodiac sign from one of her friends, it had been one of the most funniest and normal things she could relate to.

Sometimes Mother Nature likes to plan a little prank to make sure the others still keep their sharp minds and enjoy life to the fullest. Dawn is still young, but in the future, she will learn to laugh from her own mistakes. But still, with the little teachings she gave to her baby child, in the same way, the guidance of Thorn and Mother Nature, Dawn got the friends she needed at school, and oh boy, how many telephones the principal gave to them since Dawn refused to let the animals being used as test subjects on science classes, especially with anatomy and dissection.

The last time she did that, she freed all the animals of the school, and the Principal gave a very strong warning, saying that he wouldn't tolerate that kind of behavior, Dawn was suspended for the end of the year, thankfully with her own grades being better than average, she wouldn't need to repeat the year.

Nonetheless, it was a funny story Thorn would always be happy to share proudly with all the animals and coworkers in the forest, lost children, or people in the middle of the forest, and the patriarch druid would always be proud to talk about his moon child.

Seeing such polite kids who still wanted to be friends with Dawn, even after not being in the school, she couldn't help but be happy for her little girl having friends, but still, there was one thing that would always make Serenity uneasy, when it comes about the show.

The three tarot cards about her future, Action, Reaction, or Inaction... Each of them would decide what Dawn's destiny would be if she didn't make a...

And then from the sound of the wind with the voice of nature calling her name, nobody heard the doorbells ringing as there was a little girl already nearby the group of little teenagers nearby her.

"Mother..." The familiar voice was recognizable, but only Serenity could already guess the time the girl appeared at her restaurant, the others on the other hand.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." The kids shouted as they jumped away from seeing Dawn behind them.

"Dawn, what the heck? How do you always do that?" One of the boys commented as she tilted her head.

"I just came here right now, didn't you guys hear the bells ringing?" Dawn asked in confusion, and the kids once again were into arguing about how Dawn was scaring them from just being herself.

Serenity looked calmly as she had her eyes opening slowly in surprise... Seeing her little Dawn with what would be a backpack big enough to carry a few supplies of food and clothing, Serenity could see the look of surprise of the boys and girls who just saw her little girl preparing herself for one single thing. Especially on the questions they are making for the girl, but she had one thing in mind.

"Mother... I need to talk to you," Dawn said slowly, but from the tone of the voice, Serenity concluded one thing. "I'm going to Ontario."

She chooses Action.




"So you saw the last episode of Total Drama Island?" One of the girls commented as Dawn calmly drank her tea, and ate the apple pie with maple syrup.

"Yes, and I never realized the possibility of ending in such a way," Dawn commented as she placed the cup on the table, as the mother was still serving and treating each truck driver.

"Well, to say they were fighting over one million dollars, I don't blame them, I would have punched every single one of them trying to get that suitcase." One of the boys said in confidence however Dawn immediately shut him down.

"Your aura said that you probably would have run away after getting punched by a girl, and then making an excuse of being with stomach ache, since that's what you did in..."

"I TOLD YOU THAT IN CONFIDENCE," The boy shouted, as the other kids of the group chuckled at the boy grumbling under his breath. "But I just don't get it, the boy was already with 1 million in his hands, he could have gone stealth and got the prize for himself."

"You are an idiot, did you know that?" One of the girls commented as she made the group stare at him. "That boy Ezekiel was already rich, since from his book alone we already could tell that he had good money, he bought the resort where the campers were enjoying themselves, of course, he didn't do it for the money."

"Then why the hell a person like that would throw away the money if wasn't for the fact he doesn't want to win?" Then another boy tilted his head, as he couldn't comprehend on why a person would be doing that.

"Because he wanted the season 2 to happen." Then Dawn immediately cut everyone, making every single one of them stare at her in surprise, especially with the conclusion of the girl... And before Dawn could even go further. The mother came and brought to each of the kids, a nice hot chocolate and cookies for them to enjoy.

"He wanted his friends to have a fair game, he wanted to make every single one of them famous, so having another season would help them to have even more popularity, and make their fame even more known across Canada." Serenity had to confess that she was surprised when Mother Nature revealed the results of the show while she was at work, she became interested in watching the episode after the afternoon shift. All the friends of her little moonchild looked in surprise for the explanation, Serenity could see the daughter nodding her head. "Now kids, I hope you guys enjoy this treat, while me and my daughter will have a nice conversation. Dawn, sweetie."

"I'm coming Mom," Dawn said, as she gave a slight wave to her friends, which each of them waved back, knowing that when it comes to Dawn, you never know when she will appear, or when she will disappear.




"Your supplies of food will be enough for you and your companion to survive through your journey," Serenity simply stated as she pointed at the backpack which now looked even bigger than before. "Tea leaves to guide you whenever you need help. And I found Howard inside, does he offer himself to help you?"

"Yes, he said he had a little fight with Beverly, so they need time for them to cool their heads," Dawn nodded to her mother, and suddenly the loud quacks were heard from inside of the backpack, which made both matriarch and daughter giggle.

"He is never going to learn..." Serenity smiled, as she looked at the moonchild, ready for her own adventure. "The journey ahead as your future was told... it's going to be the determination of pure chaos, but at the time you choose your own future without knowing, know one thing, be yourself, and the future you will have is the best you could receive."

"You saw my future?" Dawn asked in surprise as she was always told by both her mother and Mother Nature about what was going to happen to her, but it was the first time that both her mom's aura and Mother's Nature were in silence.

"Yes, courtesy of a very worried father." Serenity chuckled. She then looked at her little girl who looked contemplative. "Did you tell your father about your decision?"

"Yes, I did... he took it better than I expected," Dawn commented as suddenly on the radio there was static.

"Local news, local hunters were found mercilessly attacked by a grizzly bear, which left 5 of them a Coma in the hospital, 2 of them with lost limbs, and one of them with all the body with broken bones." The voice of the news on the Radio made both mother and daughter look in surprise at the sudden news. "The reason for such an attack in accord by the local Ranger Thorn, was because they were drinking beer and without knowing they were smoking into a region which would cause such fire in the forest, and the bears being a territorial animal, knowing the danger of their home attacked them without mercy."

"Wow, your father took way better than I expected." Serenity mused as her daughter nodded her head at her. "I think he got to terms with Mother Nature and accepted your decision for your journey."

"I also think so..." Dawn commented as she hugged her mom, who suddenly got surprised when she noticed from the pocket of her mother, a little object. "What is that?"

"Well, I have been waiting for you to come at me and prepare yourself for your adventure." Serenity commented with a mysterious smile as she took from behind her pocket, a flip phone which made the moon child have a look of surprise. "One of my clients said in times like this, kids your age would start getting more used to telephones, so he made sure to bring one for me in case I gave him the money, and I read the manual instructions and I add the number of this restaurant and also your home's number. So any time you want to talk to me or to your dad, you could use this flip phone."

"Mother I..." Dawn didn't know what to say but suddenly got a strong hug from her mother.

"It's a rite of passage Dawn, from your daddy's family, and from even mine... We reached independence by following our dreams and going on our own adventures, and we never looked back. So at the time you take this journey, it may take days, weeks, or even months, I don't doubt that even years would pass... But if the journey would lead to your own happiness. Everything would be worth it in the end." Serenity commented as she could see her little girl shedding a few tears, as she couldn't also contain herself. "May Mother Nature be always your guide my little moon, and be the solid foundations to lead you towards the chaos you are about to fight... Friends will help you, challenges will test your determination, and people will seek your help and wisdom, in the same way in despair moments you would ask for help... But if things come as Mother Nature plans. Then in the end everything will come to your happiness."

"Thank you, Mommy," Dawn said as she gave the final hug to the matriarch... Suddenly the mother closed her eyes, and then the sound of the door opening and closing was enough to identify, that it was now leading the future in her daughter's hands. "Mother Nature, please bless my child, and go with her."

"Err... not wanting to interfere." A voice made Serenity open her eyes and look at one of the truck drivers as he raised his mug at her. "If you wanted I could have given her a drive towards Muskoka if you wanted. I have a..."

"You don't need it Mathew, it's her journey alone, she will find her own way to reach her destination..." Serenity smiled kindly as she also grinned at the truck driver. "Also, you always tend to drink and drive, I don't trust someone who digests alcohol at your age being near to my little girl, so you better want your coffee, or I could call the police."

"Coffee is great Miss Serenity," Mathew immediately retracted his offer as he raised his mug towards the owner of the restaurant.

"That's what I thought." Serenity smiled as she took the coffee and helped to serve her own clientele, while in the deep of her mind, she could only have faith in her little girl and the journey that she wanted to take, to go after the questions she sought so long, to meet the person of 2 auras, and reach happiness towards the Action instead of Reaction. "Go have a Lion's family Cub my little deer, you deserve the happiness you seek."


"I can't believe it, look at them," Sky commented as both she and Jane didn't stop watching the final episode of the show at night, since both girls had a very busy morning at school and work as intern, both Jane and Sky decided to use the opportunity to prepare the final episode and watch together without taking spoilers from nobody else, and at the final show that both girls had been so interested watching together. They prepared for everything, from bringing the snacks and even having the forum blog to read after the episode.

It had been hard for Sky and her big sister not to look on the forums, since the whole day had been around the final episode, everyone had thought it would have been a final party when it came to Lindsay winning the show, and well deserved victory, while some would complain that Heather had a better chance, but it was just luck who took the victory from her.

But that wasn't what they were focused on... Sky heard from one of the gymnastic classmates telling Lindsay accepted a challenge of 1 million dollars, which everyone could try into a battle royale for the sake of taking the money. Immediately Sky preferred to read the books of her school instead of being near her friends who would like to share the spoilers by reading the forum.

Jane also heard from someone in the Principal's office about someone wanting to watch the final episode since the battle for 1 million dollars was in the game, which immediately Jane couldn't help but feel the precipitation and the anxiety of her temporary job being done for the day, as much she was grateful for the Principal giving a temporary work, she knew it was time for her to publish her curriculum and trying to find another internship on her own or something that she would use as a job.

But that was a thought for herself to think about in the future.

And now, both girls were at night watching the events unfold over the episode.

It started with the party as the duo of girls learned about the reason why Harold always was talkative about the information, which nobody cared about... until they realized it was a game that he liked to play with his cousin, which was something they could respect. And the idea of Harold being a bit more mysterious and saying just a few keywords would be interesting to see how he would play with this style.

And a rivalry between Harold and Izzy was made since the girl was looking smugly at the boy who also had a black belt and was a military expert, that would be another awesome thing to see, since in the last episode, Ezekiel and Harold vs Izzy was shown so much on the forum, about the style of fighting, on why Harold was using 3 swords, and how Izzy kicked their asses, and a meme of Ezekiel saying to Harold nobody should know about it. Some fans already made a T-shirt with that quote with two silluets of two boys lying down on the floor.

Then the marshmallow eating contest, Izzy was in her 95th marshmallow which made both Sky and Jane surprised by her achievement, and suddenly she burped in front of Ezekiel, which made both girls in shock. He simply shrugged off and quoted one thing that made Sky blush.

"It's fine, it's better out than in," Ezekiel said as he then asked how to burp loudly, which Harold didn't seem to be helping from those hard instructions, thankfully Ezekiel helped him. "Err, Harold, remember what I said?"

"Okay, Keywords, soda, drink fast, wait 3 seconds, be straight up, swallow the air, and let it out," Harold said as he was giving quick instructions, which made both girls have their eyes wide open and open mouths in understanding, and immediately Ezekiel gave a serious face and let it out.

"GOT IT" The sisters had their eyes wide open in surprise to see Ezekiel letting out a loud burp as well. Not loud as Izzy but enough to make Owen and Izzy clap.

And then when they saw Izzy saying that with more practice, Jane and Sky had their mouths dropped as they saw Izzy letting out the mother of all burps, so strong that it created a wave on the pool, and brought a few people with it, and enough to impress Ezekiel who shouts it was awesome.

"Sky... I think Ezekiel doesn't mind burps." Jane commented as she saw her younger sister, who looked very shocked. "Sky?"

"I never had a burp loud like that," Sky commented as she felt intimidated from seeing Izzy being capable of turning one of her flaws into one quality, and now the gymnasts felt a bit of pressure to see there were indeed people way better than her on the television.

Suddenly she saw Owen start kissing her hand, and saying he was in love with her, which led Izzy into with desire to puck, good enough to make Sky more relieved since she never once vomited in her life, and from what Harold and Ezekiel said, eating that much sugar and drinking soda would have utter consequences, which was a way to make Sky be more calm, and still want to meet her favorite author, since she and her sister loved reading the first volume of Courage the Coward Dog.

"I'm fine, I was just surprised by Ezekiel's reaction," The gymnast answered the worries from her older sister, as the duo continued to keep watching the show. As Harold and Ezekiel tell Owen that his chance with Izzy went downhill without a return.

Then they learned more about the campers and had a good laugh at Tyler almost growing and DJ trying to rescue him, just in the end Tyler rescued the giant Jamaican with a golden heart. But what surprised everyone most, was Ezekiel and Chris came to a deal, which totally surprised every single fan of total drama. Ezekiel, the homeschooled boy, author of a good book which made success... Was now the owner of the Playa Del Losers, and the sisters had no other option but to clap happily for the achievement of the boy who had so much success and used his time to buy one great resort for him and his friends to visit him.

Then came Chris with a gray suitcase and an extremely giant check for 1 million dollars which led to the challenge when Lindsay accepted it for the sake of buying herself her own mall...

"Does a mall cost 1 million dollars?" Sky asked her sister who just shrugged.

"Maybe a few stores probably, but who knows?" Jane never thought about the price tag of a full mall, so probably it could happen or not, but that was enough to make the blonde bombshell already go into action with her best friends and for them... Before anyone could refuse to participate, Ezekiel made the touching speech while both Jane and Sky teared up, from proving that indeed their history together meant a lot more into just a silly challenge, but also totally caught by surprise by how Ezekiel twisted tables by going ahead but challenging his friends to pay up their birthday parties with the prize money. "Well, that was a good way to motivate his friends to participate."

"Not going to lie, I would also have felt challenged just for the sake of deciding the parties of my friends." Sky grinned as the sisters chuckled from seeing the campers participating in the show.




Ezekiel taking the suitcase so casually from Lindsay made both sisters laugh at how easy it was that he was even whistling. And then when Ezekiel went into hunting mode, preparing traps, as he was ready for every single member of the show when they heard Tyler saying El Mongo and La Muerte weren't a big deal, they immediately closed their eyes and gave their prayers for God have mercy on his poor soul, because Ezekiel didn't have, needlessly to say it was cruel, but also funny to see how a nonbeliever of such terrifying stink bomb could change lives.

Theories on the forum about what was probably made the stink bomb, and a few users were having a huge debate, one named the SupremeEvilLordXD, and the ScarlletTheWiseOne. Which every idea would be brought into guessing what probably was the stink bomb, but the next day would be refuted as nothing seemed to be working. It was like a recipe that nobody knew what would be, only Ezekiel and Chef.

Then it came to El Dancing Diablos, which made both Jane and Sky feel surprised when Ezekiel was talking Spanish in a threatening way, only to show how terrifying power those little peppers could explode into your face, it was something that nobody ever thought about using it as a weapon. And just for the thought alone made them grateful for never going to a prank war against Ezekiel.

And then came the scene of Eva getting the monetary prize and by being hypnotized by Justin's beauty, it clearly showed how difficult would be to see a beautiful guy like him, and Noah clearly didn't sugarcoat, since Eva clearly sounded disappointed and angry with herself. Just later, both girls palled into seeing the bodybuilder getting in her hands a dodgeball ball.

"I don't know why, but I think Justin is going to suffer a lot from PTSD from the Dodgebrawll episode," Jane commented as Sky nodded her head at her sister.

And just like she said, both looked horrified that It was Ezekiel who planned that outcome to happen, giving a last warning to Justin and Cody, to just ignore his warning, and then like chess, Ezekiel played all of them, like pieces of chess, just to take the suitcase, and Eva gives a nightmare for both Cody and Justin, and Noah was having a great day.

It took a while to process everything happening so quickly, but at least the girls could find a good time to relax, and noticed how Trent was the only camper who didn't seem interested in participating in the challenge, and needlessly said, Chef's motivation speech was something the girls felt happy for Trent wanting to prove himself that he was sorry.

"Well, good for him, at least he knew he messed up, and being there just to support the others was a good idea," Sky commented as her sister was happy for the guitarist finally coming to sanity, and having the time of maturity on himself.

"Yeah, it was kinda nice to see Chef being so nice to someone." The sister agreed as both girls couldn't help but remember how the forums loved Chef being the voice of the reason and showing the flaws and where each camper should have improved before going ahead. Some were even making a petition to see more voices of the reason Chef, just because they want to understand where the others screwed up on the challenges.

Everything was so nice and great.




Until in the end, Leshawna's fight with the moose would lead to all the work Heather, Katie, Sadie, Beth, Harold, Courtney, Izzy, and Duncan's work being dismantled, and would reach a fight among themselves, and reaching such a chaotic state, it was very shocking for the girls, friends became enemies so quickly that it looked the chaos made them act like a bunch of animals.

Even Trent and Beth being the voice of the reason, but both being ignored by the group in chaos, that was something that nobody would ever think about happening. Until the duo of sisters had their eyes opened in shock when they saw Ezekiel appearing, and he looked furious.

And from hearing Ezekiel's speech, both agreed, that everyone was watching them acting like fools just because of the said money, but not even in their dreams they could even imagine Ezekiel taking out his weights and use all his strength to launch away the suitcase with money to the river, just for later a shark eat the money prize, and leaving everyone into chaotic despair, but he wasn't done.

"I CHALLENGE YOU ALL FOR THE SEASON 2 OF TOTAL DRAMA!" The shout done by the boy was like an echo of a declaration of war, which immediately both girls had their mouths dropped.

"He can do that?" Sky asked as she then heard Jane thinking about it.

"He said the article of the contract, so that means that if was on the contract, that could really happen," Jane commented and just to their surprise... Chris appeared, clapping over the scene. And when Chris is clapping, you know something crazy or terrible is happening.

Confirmation of the season 2...

Both girls were speechless until they saw Ezekiel's final confession over the episode.

"Eaton Centre, Toronto, Ontario," Sky commented as she could see her sister staring at her. "Jane, can you drive me to there? I want to buy the book and do the book signing."

Jane paused, as she looked at her own sister, knowing that indeed she could see the deep blush from her little sister, she had a hard crush on the boy, and knowing well her sister, it wasn't that hard to guess, the boy wanted to make a fair game and make everyone have a great time into competing and being friends with each other, and what she thought it was a terrible flaw of herself, she saw that he didn't mind he also encourage to keep going. Now she could see that her sister wanted to meet the boy, but it would be a very hard challenge since Ezekiel is an idol, and for her to have the opportunity to meet with him alone, would be almost impossible.

But at least that's also what she could do to try...

"Well, I have 2 days off on the week anyway, we can see how long it would take you to drive on there since it would take hours. But maybe if we rent a hotel for the night it would help. So after tomorrow would be good for you?" Jane asked as she suddenly felt the good hug of her younger sister who was happy to have the support of her big sister, the only person she knew who could drive a car, and be willing to go on a car trip with her. "Also I'm curious, how are the chances of us seeing Howard on the Mall?"

"Well, I would say that if Howard or the person who wants to have the autograph on her book, I would say big chance, but do you think he would still be on the first of the line? Because I still can't believe we lost the first place for a duck." Sky pouted as her big sister chuckled at the reaction of her little sister.

"Come on, ducks can be deceiving and smart, you never know what you can find in the future. Now, go to rest, tomorrow you have a class. And I have to talk with the principal of my university to use my 2 days off. So prepare yourself." Jane patted the head of her native sister, as the two native Canadians smiled with the possibility of good things are about to happen in the future.


"300 steps on East," The moonchild commented as she counted step by step the direction she was going, across the first journey of her life, leaving the cozzy of her home, into the dangers of the unknown, since her determination wanted to go to find out the answers of her questions and meet the future Mother Nature wanted for her. She alone sans her duck companion, Dawn was crossing towards the night forest into a challenge that would give her the next step of her objective ... Kitsilano Beach, where Mother Nature would find a way to help her to go towards the Mall in Ontario, knowing that if she goes into foot alone it would take 40 days of walking. "I believe in you Mother Nature, please guide me..."

"Quack." Then the voice coming from the pocket of her backpack, made Dawn glance to the side, and see that her companion was already frustrated.

"Oh, sorry Howard. Do you need to stretch your feathers?" Dawn asked in a kind tone, to which the duck shook his head, and used its beak to point into a direction. "Oh, so you want to give me company while I walk towards this night?"

"Quack, quack." Howard nodded its head, and the little moonchild smiled as she appreciated the help of one of her animal friends.

"Okay, well, I need to walk 300 steps in that direction, and it will take a while, so tell me again about those 2 girls who helped you to buy my book. Do you think they will appear on the mall trying to get their books signed by Ezekiel?" Dawn asked as the duck passed a few seconds until nodded it's head. "I agreed, from what Mother Nature told me, he captived a few hearts towards him being himself. And I'm not sure what I would be able to say at the moment I meet him."

"Quack, quack..." Howard commented which immediately Dawn blushed through her palled skin.

"That just happened one time, and I don't like for you to bring up that," Dawn commented as she pouted, and the duck gave a sound that she could guess was the duck laughing at her. "Yeah, yeah, laugh it up. Next time Beverly argues with you don't come to my bedroom asking for a place to sleep, you hear that?"

"Quack, quack, quack." Howard quacked and Dawn pouted at him and gave a slight glare.

"I mean it..." Dawn said as she looked towards the direction of the forest. The trees were dark since they were covered in the shadows of the night, but the stars and the big moon clearly helped the girl to find a direction for her challenge. A long time living in tone with nature, and she already felt so comfortable walking in the forest. Knowing all the animals that could be friends on the said island she lived. But now into a journey for the unknown, she was at least glad that she had a friend on her side, and Mother Nature guiding her to the safest path.

She would be lying if she said that she wasn't excited to meet Ezekiel. And see how the future is about her.

The only thing that she just has now, it's just faith that things will be good in her future. That's what she hoped.

Everything happens before the first day off of the crew of Total Drama.

Chapter 49: First Day Off pt 1


Firstly I want to comment one thing, this chapter actually is 35 thousand words, but I had to cut in half because I wanted to give you all a chance to read and give reviews on what parts you loved most, so I want you guys to understand one thing, maybe after tomorrow will be a new chapter, but after the part 2 of First Day, we will reach the Arc I wanted so much to write... The Mall Arc, which I want you all to understand that the arc will be only focused on Ezekiel and his friends, you will understand. Now enjoy the part 1.

Chapter Text



A sprawling, fortress-like prison. Its towering walls are crowned with barbed wire, and the imposing steel gates scream isolation. In this facility, the most dangerous criminals in Canada are buried away, left to be forgotten by the world. Inmates here are not just imprisoned—they're erased, relics of their past lives locked away behind cold bars and tighter security. Among them is Shego, a notorious figure even in such a company.

Shego's crimes? Not typical. She wasn't a bank robber or a murderer. She was once the top spy hired by the Canadian government, since she was one of the elite teams of the military squad, she was sent across the world to carry out dangerous, classified missions that no one else dared to attempt. She completed them all with chilling precision. And now, ironically, because of how much information she held, they threw her in here, out of fear that she'd become a liability.

Her cell, though secluded, isn't bare. Shego's notoriety afforded her some luxuries, a softer bed, a small but steady supply of good coffee, books, and even a radio. After all, she had served her country, hadn't she? But despite these comforts, she couldn't help but roll her eyes every time she thought about how over-the-top the whole scandal was. They acted like she was some ticking time bomb about to go off. "Dramatic, much?" she often muttered to herself.

But there was one thing Shego couldn't shake, no matter how much she tried to distract herself, the ache of missing her family. She thought about Ron, her goofy yet charismatic husband, and Kim, her fierce and kind-hearted wife. Then there were her kids. She missed them more than she'd admit, even to herself. It was a bittersweet longing, the kind that sometimes made her irritable.

Just then, the clang of metal echoed down the corridor as the guard approached her cell. He was an older man, his face as stern and lifeless as the prison itself.

"Shego. Visitor for you," he grunted, glancing at his clipboard. "Someone named...Kaleidoscope."

Shego frowned, sitting up. "Kaleidoscope? What the hell?" She wasn't expecting anyone and the name certainly wasn't ringing any bells. Still, her curiosity got the better of her, and she swung her legs over the side of the bed, stretching lazily before standing. "Fine, fine. Let's see who's got the nerve to visit me."

As she was escorted down the long, dimly lit hallway to the meeting room, she mentally prepared herself for the worst. It could be anyone, a shady figure from her past missions, some government stooge trying to fish for intel, or a journalist looking for a scoop.

The meeting room was bleak, as expected. A large glass window separated prisoners from visitors, with heavy-duty phones on either side for communication. Shego was led to her spot, and when she looked through the glass, she blinked in surprise.

Sitting on the other side was Izzy, one of her daughters, her smile bright and full of life.

"Hi, Mom!" Izzy's voice rang clear and enthusiastic as she waved energetically. The grin on her face was mischievous, just like Shego remembered. "Didn't you expect to see me? Surprise!"

For a moment, Shego just stared. Then a smirk tugged at her lips. "Kaleidoscope, huh? Gotta say, not bad, kid." She took a seat, picking up the phone.

"I thought it had a nice ring to it," Izzy said, leaning forward, her smile never faltering. "Figured you could use some excitement in here."

"You're not wrong about that." Shego chuckled softly, feeling the tension she didn't even realize she had begun to melt away. "So how was my little celebrity going?"

"I'm doing great, we had a final showdown yesterday, but there was so much confusion that the suitcase of 1 million dollars was destroyed, and since we didn't have a winner, we are going to participate in season 2," Izzy explained as she slowly tapping her index finger in the corner of the glass, which Shego stretched herself, and grabbed a from her hair a pencil, and nearby her, there was a calendar, which she took out the paper, and discreetly turned the page as she started scribing anything. While Izzy was still having a nice conversation "So they gave 5 days off for each of us to enjoy,"

"5 days? Wow, not a week or 2? They must be desperate to try to finish the show quickly." Shego commented as she talked with her daughter as she was still looking at the finger tapping on the corner of her eyes. Morse Code, every single one of her children knew that, it was so obvious, and yet it was a good way to make sure they could have a secret message from any kind of situation, especially Shego who was in jail, and the telephones were always recorded.

"That's what Mom and Dad said, but since it was on the contract that we have to play again, I wanted to have a great time with all of you. Also, Mizzy, Lizzy, Dhigo, and Thigo said they miss you a lot." Izzy commented as she expressed a more calm and nostalgic smile, which the military veteran Shego had to sigh, knowing full well how difficult must have been for her children to see her like that. "They said you were awesome on the television, and how you took Heather too easy,"

"I was hoping for catching that scumbag of fatty which Ron told us that he hurt you... what did he even do?" Shego asked as she narrowed her eyes to her child, who smiled sheepishly.

"Well, if I tell you... can you promise to not hunt him down?" Izzy asked sheepishly, and Shego raised both her eyebrows.

"Izzy, my brat... you know that I cannot promise anything. Now spit it..." Shego ordered as Izzy started to sweat, and feeling fear for Owen about his mess up, she then decided to go to another approach.

"Mom, can you tell me how did you start loving Dad?" Izzy suddenly made such a comment which made Shego get caught off guard... "Since when everything started..."

"Why would you want to know..."

"Please..." Izzy then asked as her mom could see the sincerity of her question...

Shego narrowed her eyes, knowing exactly what Izzy was doing. The question was innocent enough, but she recognized the classic deflection tactic—a clear attempt to steer the conversation away from whatever had happened on the show. Still, Izzy's curiosity about her parents' past wasn't fake. It was something she had clearly thought about, and Shego respected that sincerity.

She sighed, leaning back slightly in her chair, her gaze softening as she thought back to those early days with Kim and Ron.

"You really want to know how that mess of a relationship started, huh?" Shego smirked, her voice carrying a hint of nostalgia. "It wasn't as simple as a love story or a grand realization. No... it was chaos, just like everything in the military, especially with your Kim and me."

"Mom said you two always fought, like, over everything. Especially about Dad." Izzy leaned forward, eyes wide with anticipation.

"Oh, we did. We were at each other's throats, constantly. You see, Kim and I... we both wanted to be the best, in everything. And Ron? Well, he was just... different. Not your typical hero, not the type you'd expect either of us to fall for, but somehow, that made him perfect." Shego chuckled softly, nodding. Thinking about how Ron, with his goofy charm and genuine heart, had managed to wedge himself between her and Kim. At first, it had driven her insane. "I won't lie, there were times I thought I could strangle her. She was stubborn, always trying to prove she loved him more, that she was better for him. I said over my dead body, which usually started in so many fights, that I forgot how many times Hatch had to bring a water bucket to cool both of us down. We drove him crazy in many times he was the leader of the missions, he was pissed."

"Hahahaha, I could imagine that." Izzy giggled, as she learned more and more about her parents. "So when it comes to the drunk marriage, everything just changed right?"

"You have no idea, my sweetheart," Shego commented as she gave a slow glance on the side, as she remembered the things on how chaotic it was. Her expression softened, more contemplative now. "And trust me, the first thing we thought was to get the hell out of that situation. We could've easily gone to a lawyer, had the whole thing nullified, and gone back to the way things were. But something stopped us. Neither Kim nor I wanted to give up on Ron. We were both too stubborn to walk away, too determined to be the one who loved him the most. It was like a competition we couldn't stop. We didn't want to nullify the marriage since it would be a chance for us to remain together with Ron, even as we drove him mad with Hatch sometimes,"

"So... why didn't you?" Izzy asked as she got very curious... Shego hesitated, making her voice quieter than before.

"You know, sometimes when you love someone, someone worth fighting for. It's also worth sharing that love with someone you trust. Kim and I... we both realized that if we kept fighting, in the end, all of us would've been hurt. We wouldn't have won anything. But together? We made something better. We built a family out of that chaos. It wasn't what any of us planned, but it worked." Shego glanced at Izzy, her smile returning, softer this time. "Somehow, we became a family. A weird, unpredictable family, but one I wouldn't trade for anything. You and Dhigo made it easier for both of us,"

"That's wonderful, Mom," Izzy said as she felt happy to hear such a comment, and now it was time to be the one asking questions.

"Why did you ask that?" Shego said, as Izzy sighed, knowing well that many things would happen in the future, and from one thing she learned from her experience on the reality show, it was indeed so many things can happen over the chaos.

"Well... I found someone," Izzy commented by giving a sideglance, as Shego raised her eyebrows and her fist closing tightly, "A person who knows me, by who am I, and not who I pretend to be, he knew all my qualities, but also all my flaws, and he gave me so many advice and warnings about the mistakes I could possibly be doing to my life, that at moment I just fixed them... everything became so easy in my life... Annoying, but easy, and much more fun now that I could relax without thinking of the consequences."

"Like what?" Shego who was narrowing her eyes before, suddenly paused as she raised one single of them.

"I became a billionaire now, and he said for me to pay for an accountant and a lawyer to help me to deal with my taxes and my arresting warrants from RCMP, and how I shouldn't overwork myself to cause so much stress and explode on someone who could potentially ruin my life." Izzy gave a slight explanation, and Shego slowly stared at her daughter in disbelief.

"That's oddly a very specific advice towards someone's life." Shego commented as she felt it was too good to be true, but looking at how serious her daughter's face was... then a message was very clear to her. "So you are starting..."

"Yes... and he is awesome, he is a writer, and is publishing more than 2 books right now, and I know that in the future he will be so famous that others may want to have a piece of him, and as much when I go my acting career, many will try to have a piece of me as well..." The ginger girl commented as she gave a fake laugh, but from the look on Shego's face, she looked a bit away and decided to be honest. "He had been my best friend until now, and I teased him a lot, but..."

"You are actually afraid of doing an initiative on him," Shego had a solemn look as her daughter became silent, which would be the actual response of anyone who would be into that decision. "Well, usually I would say to not do something stupid like I did with Kim and Ron, but I know my children, and I know they wouldn't have obeyed me even if I grounded you all for years. But let me ask you something... Is he worth the risk? For you to hurt yourself for him?"

Izzy remained quiet as she blinked for a few seconds, but then nodded her head to her mom.

"Yes, he is worth it," Izzy commented as she smiled with an honest smile on her face, to which Shego nodded her head in understanding.

"Okay then, so be his guardian, be his best friend, be the first of everything, even if other girls would try to conquer him, be the one who clearly knows him more than anyone ever could," Shego instructed as she decided to tap her fingers a few times. "Make him value you at everything, be his best friend, his best lover, and let the others crumble into your feet while you laugh at their useless attempts to take your man."

"... Wow Mom, did you rehearse that?" Izzy blinked as she suddenly saw her mother blushing, as she glared at her.

"Of course not..." Shego said as she suddenly saw her daughter raising her eyebrow. The mother narrowed her eyes to her. "That's what I always said to myself when I get into the rivalry with Kim, and for me, it has been working so far, don't judge me, I'm your mother."

"Okay, okay..." Izzy raised her hands in surrender but gave an honest smile and blew up a kiss for her mom. "Thanks, Mom, I needed that..."

"THE VISITOR'S TIME IS OVER," One of the guards shouted which Izzy waved at them.

"I'm already leaving," Izzy said as she smiled at her mom... "Thanks, Mom, love you."

"Love you too..." Shego said as she placed her hand on the glass, and slowly took the paper and placed it on her hair while hiding the pencil and the message written.




A few minutes later, Shego lay on her bed, she slowly read the message written by her daughter, and slowly her face showed a grin with nothing but pride and happiness for her family.

The message was nothing but a long letter, but enough to make Shego's day the best she could ever have.

(Hi mom... I'm a billionaire now, and I could hire a few lawyers to help your case and give you the freedom, but that would take a long time, and I know that you always hated bureaucracy, so that's why Dhigo, Thigo, Lizzy, and Mizzy planted a few C4 around the floors through a few cells on your left, with Eliza the cannibal, and Saphira the skin reaper... that would be enough to make their escape, and you using the opportunity you could go through the big hole we created for your prison break, and since Thigo would hack all the prison system, probably everyone who could jump on the hole would be the major of prisoners, that mean, that you wouldn't be tracked as main target of the government.

This is great since there is a car waiting for you 30 minutes in the Northwest, 5 Minutes in the South, and 10 Minutes in the East, that car has your clothes, and a new identity for you...

You always said you wanted to be a teacher, so I changed my name to Kaleidoscope and I made one for you that is Miss

She Go, so that way you have a new identity, and it will be very hard for them to track you down...

While things will get hard for you to stay low, I have a friend named Ezekiel, he bought a 5-star resort, but most of the equipment is being taken away, so he would need to buy products to maintain the resort for himself, his lawyer said it was fine to have a team for doing the few construction on the place, and they needed a boat driver, so I decided to offer one person to take a boat to drive him or anyone who wants to visit him whenever would want to visit the place.

Soooooo, could you please, please, please with all the donuts and tacos in the world... could you take care of the resort while, Ezekiel and the others are going to participate in season 2? He was so nice and my best friend and he never went to school before, but he became an awesome writer, you should read his books someday, they are amazing... Anyway... Oh boy, Morse Code it's really annoying, my finger is getting hurt...

Anyway, resuming, escape, you take the car, then become a boat driver to take anyone who visits the Playa Del Losers, the coordinates are on the car, and you can always find a way... And I hope you enjoy the good stay there, in case some of the builders appear, you can say that you were hired by me, and they wouldn't talk anymore, or they would be talking to my lawyers... Anyway, love you... I will see you when I get out of the show.


Ps... Ezekiel is the one I was talking to you...

Pss... Have a nice escape, and you can always call Mom, Dad, Lizzy, Mizzy, Dhigo, and Thigo, we are already grounded because of the plan, but we love you so much...

Psss... Have a nice escape... )

"Hehehe, they know me so well...I have the best family in the world." Shego commented as she ate the paper and with that destroyed the evidence... "So, a writer who never went to a school? And now having a 5-star resort? I think I'm missing a lot of context here. But hey, a free stay in a resort? That's always a good point in my book. I just need to wait for tonight..."



The farmer girl steals a few glances at the cutest guy she has ever seen in her life, besides Justin, this person who had a well sweet smile, and a good and well-made brown haircut, while wearing a good shirt with the collar up, to make a good show of his neck. And surprisingly for her, the guy had been doing the same thing to her.

As both tried to disguise their glances throught their magazine, thinking if they could find any good news for them to be aware, suddenly Beth was surprised as the boy decided to move from his seat and sat nearby her. It took a few minutes, until the boy had the courage to say something.

"Hello, I'm Brady, nice to meet you." The handsome boy commented as Beth was in shock and even with lack of words on what to say...

"Er-er. er... Beth," Beth presented herself as she isn't sure on what was happening on that momment, it was the first time someone presented himself to her, and it was usually her to take the initiave.

"Nice name," Brady commented as he gave a little thought, before asking sincerelly. "Sorry for staring at you. You look kinda familiar to me but I can't remember where."

"Oh, maybe you saw me on the Total Drama show," Beth commented as she understood the reason, with now knowing where the conversation would go, she finally could calm herself down.

"Ah, there. Now I remember, you were the girl who acidentally took the cursed Tiki which made a curse around your team," Brady commented as he could see Beth flinching from the reputation she had caused on the show, but Brady didn't mind and went further. "And you had found true friends who were willing to go to a cursed island just for the sake of breaking the curse. Can you answer me if that island was really cursed?"

"Oh, you have no idea," Beth sweated just from remembering how little nightmares appeared on her and shivered just into trying to remember such an event. "Something like that shouldn't even happen, but it was like nature itself went thrown away in the trash, and everything was too crazy for us... Thankfully Heather went there to give me support, she is my best friend."

"I saw that," Brady smiled kindly, as he gave a good look at his magazine, "True friendship comes in times of pure challenges, and when things go too dangerous and sour, only true friends would always have your back... trust me, I learned in a hard way."

"I'm sorry to hear that," Beth commented as she looked sad for the beautiful boy who just chuckled, but from the look of his eyes, he looked very tired.

"It's fine, sometimes people only care for fame and money, while others would always complain when it's about a good cause," Brady commented as he closed the magazine... as nervously he cracked his knuckles, which was loud to make Beth notice. "People would always complain to me about why I won't be a model a full time, and why I preffer to always goes into a rescue team to save people from avalanches."

"You are a rescue helper?" Beth asked in admiration, as Brady gave a look in kind towards the girl.

"Yeah, and proud of it... since I had a great person who saved my life," Brady commented as Beth became eager to know more about him. "To be honest, I grew up in a community, and I know firsthand how poverty can be terrifying and how much people struggle into trying to survive living without money, and when I thought things couldn't have been way worse... an earthquake managed to destroy the whole community, crumbling down everything..."

"That's horrible," Beth gave a gasp as the boy let out a sad chuckle.

"Yeah, and I was caught between the scrumbles and rocks until Mr. Barbeu came to rescue me and the other people around the community..." Brady said as he gave a lot of emotion which indeed he looked a very kind person, and Beth was glad that in the end he was fine. "And from the time I got to see him, when people asked why he was so happy to help us, he said one thing that made me want to be exactly like him."

"What did he said?" Beth asked as Brady smiled in kind, while looking foundly of his own memories.

"The helper seeks to help others because he knows what it is to be helpless," Brady commented as he smiled proudly at Beth who had her eyes sparkling. "Since that day I wanted to be like him, and he became a great mentor to me, I like to go to summer to help them out to clean up after earthquakes and landslides, and also I became a rescuer just like Mr. Barbeu."

"That's so beautiful," Beth commented as she was admiring the person, who suddenly got caught on his conversation.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I have been rumbling about myself for so long." Brady snapped, and slowly he blushed sheepishly, which Beth giggled from how sweet he was. "How about you tell me about yourself?"

"Well... you know me from part of the show, and my friends Lindsay and Heather had been my rock, even at the time I screw up everything," Beth said as she looked away in shame, but then she gave a smile. "But Lindsay said it was because of me they managed to reach the top 2, so I'm glad for their victory,"

"They are very sweet, and they sound like very great friends," Brady commented as Beth smiled widely.

"Like the best I ever had... also I live on a farm with my ma, pa, and brother, and I also have a pet Pig named Bertha?" Beth decided to slowly talk about herself, but Brady was just as excited about knowing about her.

"Really? I like animals, I have 2 dogs, that I named them both Steve." Brady commented which imediatelly made Beth look at him in disbelief.

"Nooooo," Beth commented as Brady smiled and nodded his head at her, as the duo seemed to be happy, talking, and even having plans about what to do after their removal of their braces, as even the duo blushed a bit from how they got comfortable talking with each other... Not knowing in the background the loud sounds of a person screaming in pain because the dentist was treating his mouth full of 5 caries...

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" The shouts of the person didn't seem to scare, and neither phase the duo who seemed to be having a nice time talking with each other.


(Jasmine's house)

"Ugh, I wish it didn't have to come on this way," The sassy ghetto girl groaned as she facepalmed, while on the other side of the telephone, there were her parents who had been listening to the conversation on how it went.

"I warned you to read the contract but you never listened. Did I warned her Emmalyn?" A male voice was heard on the telephone as Leshawna rolled her eyes.

"Yes, honey, you did." Leshawna could hear her mom's voice from the other side of the flip phone, as she had nobody else to blame but her. But still, she was too prideful for that.

"Oh, stuff it, Dad!" Leshawna groaned as she could hear her parents laughing from the fact they had to be rubbing on her face the fact she didn't listen to them, but also she couldn't say anything else. Since she thought it would have been an easy challenge. She never thought it would be a crazy mumbo jumbo survival apocalyptic style, in which each of them had to do a lot of crazy challenges, and she was glad that she was just voted off in a talent show contest. But still, she would refuse to admit aloud that Heather just made her life easier passing most of the weeks inside of a fancy resort.

She would prefer to eat soap instead of saying Heather made her life better, especially with the fact that how she had Harold grabbing her breast, and because of a stupid moose, she lost the chance of one million dollars and probably was the cause of what started the fight around everyone.

After a few more minutes hearing her parents nagging and bragging about how irresponsible Leshawna had been when it comes to going into a dangerous reality show but not knowing the rules, the possibilities ahead, and how she shouldn't be cocky in the shows because that would give her an aim behind her back which in any case elimination was possible.

And it took a whole hour to Leshawna finally have her limit turn off the flip phone, and groan at the sofa… Jasmine went to school while she had the whole house for her. She loved that girl, but sometimes she couldn't understand if her big nose was bigger than her brain, anyone with the right mind wouldn't try to be part of Total Drama, the dangers aren't worth the 100,000 dollars… The 1 million on the other hand sounds far more tempting. But still, Leshawna had to groan, for the fact that she had to make the dance all over again.

Dealing with the bad food of Chef, the smug smile from Chris, the fights she will have with Heather, while she wants to avoid more Harold since he had been a bit rushed.

A part of herself wished to have listened to Bridgette's and Noah's advice, about talking to Ezekiel, Duncan, and Courtney about making him slow down. But that doesn't feel right, if that boy should be going slow on her, she was the one who should be telling that.

But how to make a person who is too stubborn to even hear her? That had been the problem. And as much she disliked to think of that, she had to admit that maybe the Killer Bass had their own language in trying to understand each other. Because there were times when Duncan would say something that she didn't understand, and immediately Ezekiel and Harold, and funny enough even Tyler and Katie understood what he said.

It was something that she never thought she would understand since the skinny beanpole had been so comfortable around the friends he did around the show, that it had been something that she kinda envied. From everyone on her team, the teammates she had were a bunch of backstabbers who would try anything to focus on themselves. Or silly boys who couldn't see the truth in front of them, but there wasn't much she could do, since the time she got to participate just in a few challenges, and she was launched away from how easily the votes were manipulated by the girl who had her tits exposed to her boyfriend. And worse of all… Was Sierra who had been nagging her account since she was on the forum of Total Drama.

Every post she could see, she would find Sierra posting something. Which would start another discussion with her…

"Now that I think about it...what that girl is planning?" Leshawna knew that it had been too quiet as the moment she returned from the show, oddly the forum had a few posts, but most of it had been quiet… too quiet to be honest.

She knew Sierra was up to something…

And just like she predicted, a new post on the forum made Leshawna have a smirk on her face…

Title: Cody Anderson Missing, reward 50 dollars.

Cody Anderson, my Codikins didn't appear on his welcome party at his house, since I have planned everything and waited until most of the night for his return, and even as the party had been terminated way earlier than I expected, I came on the next day for his return, but still he wasn't there… Please, someone contact the police, since they said I would need to wait 72 hours before I do some report about his disappearance.


The quantity of replies was enough to bring some attention to Leshawna, which most of them being… What did you do Sierra? Aren't you trespassing private area and acting creepy Sierra? Wouldn't that make you being target by the police Sierra? And etc…

Now Leshawna decided to have a bit of fun…

"Girl, if Cody knew that you were waiting for him near his home, he is smart enough that he would stay far away from you. So my guess is that he is in a secure place far away from a creepy stalker like you. Leave the boy alone, if in case he doesn't appear in Season 2 of Total Drama, then we can worry about him. But until then, leave him alone." Leshawna wrote the message as she was about to send… But then decided to add a bit more spice. "Didn't the neighbor use a hose to kick you out of his backyard?"




And on the next minute… Leshawna smirked widely as she saw the reply of the crazy girl who had been stalking Cody, starting with how she knew that she was kicked by a hose, and how dare she say something like that about her, and cussed about all kinds of insults, which Leshawna cracked her neck.

"Alright, round 2 then… I hope you prepare your ass to be kicked girl, because when I'm done with you. You will be crying to your mama until the end of the week." Leshawna smiled, as she was ready to take the trash of that troll.


(Noah's house)

"How many times do I have to tell you to leave my stuff alone?!" One of the shouts could be heard as the bookworm tried to focus on reading his emails on the computer.

"I didn't take it!"Another girl shouted, as Noah focused on writing more and more across the email he was reading, which made him roll his eyes.

"And then, she said…" Noah commented as he was following the script of something happening across the house.

"You did,"

"And then she is going to blame on…" Noah continued to guess, at the sound of two older sisters were ready to argue with another sibling.

"No, it was her." The third voice appeared, and Noah rolled his eyes.

"And then she will say to not being involved into that," Noah said as he continued to read the email he got from Ezekiel's lawyer.

"Hey! Don't blame me!" Like Noah said, the third girl started to argue, as the bookworm was looking at his brother who had been reading the book he borrowed for him.

"Damn, I thought this book was crazy, but not on such a level," Jack commented as it had been such chaos for the girls all to take turns trying to read the books Noah gained from his friend and boss, the writer he had been helping to edit the books. Since the time he had worked so hard to fix mistakes and also become up to understand more and more the writing process of Ezekiel, it had been a hobby that he didn't imagine it would be fine for him to work too. "Are you sure this book should be treated seriously?"

"Which chapter are you now?" Noah didn't even bothered to turn his head, as he was checking that indeed the contract felt correct as the one he signed with Ezekiel, so now the only thing he needed to do would be before participating on the new season, he need to open a bank account on his name and deposit the paycheck he gained from Ezekiel. Which he had been very careful to not let his sisters touch his suitcase.

"I'm on chapter 8, the businessmen," Jack commented as Noah simply scoffed and understood the point of his brother. "How does someone create a princess hotdog anyway?"

"It was a pun, and you can see the art on the next page." Noah rolled his eyes as if he had already given the same comment to his friend. He was simply glad that he was the first eliminated from the show since he could observe from the Playa Del Losers how each challenge was far more dangerous and crazy, and he could see that only crazy people without brains would actually go around such terrifying challenges for the sake of winning 100 dollars, but now? When 1 million is at risk?

It seems that being a brain wasn't actually as helpful as he expected, so he would need to adapt, keep playing, and see for himself how this new season would be… And hopefully, he wouldn't be the one being the first eliminated.

"HEY JACK, YOU ALREADY READ 2 HOURS, IT'S MY TURN." Then a blast came through the door and made Jack jump in surprise, which immediately the bit older girl to smirk smugly at him. "You are going to pass the book on the easy way or hard way?"

"Nadia, I don't care if you are older than me or not, but this book is the edition made with a dedication to me, so if you don't follow the rules on how to handle this book, then I will make sure that you will never read from my books ever again," Noah said as he didn't turn his back from the computer, but his voice raised in such serious tone, which while the girl was about to scoff. Noah turned his head at her. "I'm serious, because if you don't want to follow my rules in regard to that book. Then you can buy a new book in a bookstore, and then you will never touch my book ever again?"

"And how are you sure that I wouldn't touch whenever I want?" The girl asked defiantly, as Noah simply placed the cards on the table.

"Simple, at the moment I find out that one of my books is damaged, the specific books which were dedicated for me by my friend I'm working for… then I will move from this house, rent an apartment, and you will never be invited to be there." Noah simply gave the comment which made not just her, but literally the whole house become silent, as the many sisters he had, slowly walked towards his bedroom, which showed a shock on their faces. "You want to read the book I edited for my friend? Sure, but do not eat or drink while reading this book. Do not throw away on the couch or on the floor, do not rip a single page of this book. And if I find a page being with a crumpled book page… then It's over."

"You can't be serious." One of the girls asked not just in challenge, but also unaware that their brother was willing to go that far.

"I'm going to a chaotic second season of the show, do you think I'm not serious about having money to rent a place for me? I have a job now, and if you want to buy your own book, and have my friend sign for you be m…"

"DEAL." Then Noah had his eyes wide open, and he soon realized that he committed a mistake.

"No, no no… You don't."

"Well Noah, you offered the idea, so now since you work for your friend, you are paying for each of their books from now on, and they have to be autographed by your friend. I also want mine." Jack commented as the bookworm, faceslamed his head on the keyboard…

"Me and my big mouth, now I could understand how Heather tricked me so easily," Noah said as he realized how easy he was to be manipulated by his own words. And now he had to pay up for all the books… Which wasn't a big deal since he had 50 grand, but still… "Alright… After tomorrow Ezekiel will be in a mall in Toronto doing a book signing, so if we take our parent's car, we should be there to get a line."

"Couldn't you help us to cut the line?" One of the sisters commented as Noah rolled his eyes.

"Only if I would he… oh no, I'm not going to fall for that again." Noah narrowed his eyes. "You are going to wait in line like everyone else, and I will not going to help him just for you all to get his book and autographs."

"DEAL," The sisters shouted happily which made Noah's eyes twich so much, that made him to get up from his chair and walk to the next wall, just to start to slam his head on the wall…

"Well, better to ask Mom and Dad for the car, thanks again Noah, you are the best." Jack said as he imediatelly left the bedroom followed by the sisters who were also shouting thanks for their brother knew a celebrity.

And while he was alone, Noah kept slamming his head on the wall.

"Why, why, why, WHYYYYYYY." Noah shouted as he was supposed to be the smartest one, but he had been tricked so easily by his sisters, that he couldn't help but blame himself only for failing a serious trick… all the time.



"Miss Heather, Miss Mee-Yoo, it has been nice to see you both again." One of the attendants of the spa said nervously as she looked at Heather who usually the first thing of the morning would be shouting or even complained about how the bad service of the spa had been, most of the staff wasn't willing to be around the area since one of the most troublesome clients decided to give a surprise visit.

"Oh nice to see you again Melissa, we would like the full treatment of seaweed," Mee-Yoo commented as Heather remained in silence and even stretched her arms.

Which the attendant blinked in surprise into seeing the korean duo appear on the spa without even creating a commotion, something that it had been most rare of the outcomes. And when the girl remained in silence for a few more seconds, Heather gave a frustrated sigh and looked at the girl like she was waiting something.

"Oh, right away ma'am, I will be here in short." Melissa quickly left the area, as Heather rolled her eyes.

"It's been a long time since I got a good day at the spa, while they still need to have a better staff, at least I can get out all this messed up calluses on my body." Heather said as she closed her eyes, trying to not let the frustrations of such inconvenience mess up with her day. She needed to get the treatment she always deserved, even though she had to suffer a lot of the challenges during the show.

"Now, now, Heather, you are doing a pretty good job of remaining calm, continue being this polite amazing girl that you have been since you returned," Mee-Yoo commented as she felt very proud of her daughter since she hadn't created a fuss, and even was willing to remain silent when things didn't go as she expected. "I'm glad that you decided to call me to be part of your spa routine with me, I thought you preferred to go to the manicure with me."

"I would've, if wasn't for the fact I was tricked into signing a contract which I am obliged to return on the second season of the humiliate myself in front of the cameras, while trying to go across challenges with incompetent people, sans Beth, Lindsay…" Heather complained as her mother could see Heather hesitating as she was making exceptions for some of her friends, which was enough to make the Korean matriarch happy for her child, to see something beyond the superficial money.

"Aren't there other people as well? The girl who you call, Izzy?"

"Oh, she is a menage, not in a good way, she is chaotic, and she is very dangerous to have as an enemy, she isn't my friend…" Heather answered her mom's question, but also another part of her hesitated. "But also she helped me to see the game far beyond before. She taught me a few tricks, and I think I'm more owing her a favor than actually being her friend."

"Well, your friend Lindsay seems to call her a friend," Mee-Yoo replied, as Heather rolled her eyes and scoffed. "And from how good your friendship with Beth, and Lindsay are, I think you can have a few more friends thought."

"Pff hahahahaha, that's funny mom." Heather laughed as she could see her mom giving a nervous sweet smile, which took a few seconds until the queen bee got frustrated. "Mom, in a competition, they aren't friends, they are most rivals."

"Heather Feather, I know that you still have some hesitation…" The Korean mother commented as her daughter narrowed her eyes. "But from what I saw… not everyone wants to be your enemy, and you saw what good friends could do to you. It's not a weakness in making friends. You just need to be a better person."

"I'm a better person," Heather complained, to which Mee-Yoo nodded her head to her.

"Yes, you are… you are becoming even better than before. And there were people who helped you with that. Don't you think the person who helped is your friend?" The mother asked as Heather raised her finger to say something against her.

But Heather then realized a few things… Izzy decided to help Heather and Lindsay to become better in the game, trying to become a trio, and even after she leaves the show, even showing sadness, Izzy wanted her and Lindsay going as far as they could, and even pointing out a few ways to reach to the end… Which Heather couldn't deny, if it was her, she wouldn't have done that.

And while Izzy's parents are a bunch of military weirdos, many of those families she could have guessed from the campers were very weirdos, especially the gothic mother who hired an actress to try to make a message from future, and even an evil scientist wannabe for the most dramatic coward fat boy…

Then she remembered a boy who just simply was willing to give her the first prize money, because he thought it was the right thing to do, giving to the people who deserved the prize, and then the same boy who made her own favors on him, because of his help towards the elimination of one of the campers, but also helping to break the curse of her best friend.

"Okay, I can see your point, but I still think there are a lot of losers that don't deserve to be my friends," Heather commented as she rolled her eyes. Which Mee-Yoo shook her head, with a smile on her face.

Sometimes she loved her daughter, but most of the time, since childhood, she had been a very stubborn child who wouldn't take a no for an answer and would do anything to accomplish her objectives.




After a few minutes, Heather and her mother finally got the service they always deserved, the stress that she suffered from all the crazy challenges made by the psychopath Chris had reached the newest low. She remembered how she got launched into the ocean infested with sharks, then had to endure days being awake, then dealt with a Dodgeball where there was a brute who launched the ball like a cannon, then losing the talent show for the people who humiliated her, and had to deal with those terrible ants, got into the forest while dealing with a bear, had to fight a sumo wrestler, go into that accursed island not one, not twice, but 3 times, she had nightmares of Skull Island for God's sake.

Got stung by a dozen jellyfishes, had to beat up a Serial Killer while he was down because he scared Lindsay, and did the most horrifying torture the Killer Bass did for her, Lindsay and something that even Owen was terrified to receive as challenges on the triple dog dare you…

She deserved the prize money, and she was glad that at least someone recognized that.

But does that boy who she sees as a dangerous mastermind, a threat that could easily defeat her anyway? Would he be a friend to her? She got lucky on reaching the finals, because he was out because of he not taking care of his cold and reaching pneumonia.

But now on the season 2? She knew that he already got the 1 million prize money, and there was nothing she could do about it… She wanted to know what was his end game.

"Heather… Heather feather?" Suddenly a voice made Heather snap her eyes wide open as she looked at her mother who was pointing on the side to see a few girls holding a few photos of her. And wearing a shirt with her silhouette holding something, and there is a quote saying… 'I have a doctorate in Revenge and Humiliation'

"Can you give us an autograph?" One of the girls asked, and Heather looked surprised as she could see the picture of herself in her best angle, making the queen bee feel already cocky from her popularity already earning very great fans. It didn't take long to Heather sign the photos, making a few bunches of fans around the spa happy for her being in the finals.

"Well, at least something good I got from all that chaotic show," Heather commented not realizing behind the T-shirts, whenever it was a picture of her, there was a moose symbol behind, to make sure to always remember one of the scenes which would be the bane of her existence.




"Did you get something for your friend Beth?" Mee-Yoo asked in surprise, seeing her daughter scoffing for doing something selfless like that.

"Yes, at least a meter to make sure that she wouldn't lose face in meeting Lindsay's parents," The queen bee replied as she was prepared for the time she and Beth would be there. She isn't sure what Izzy would be dressing, and she doesn't care about the military psychopath. As much, as she doesn't make them all lose face into the high members of the society. "It was crazy to find out Lindsay's parents were wealthier than us, and we need to make a first good impression."

The mother Korean raised her eyebrows and Heather could already guess what she was thinking.

"Okay. The show itself already caused the impression, but we need to show we also are a big deal." Heather still showed a bit of her stubbornness as she stomped on the floor firmly, and the mother slowly shook her head.

"You will be fine, honey. You are stressing too much about this. Let's enjoy the rest of the spa." Mee-Yoo commented, as she pointed at one of the hot tubs, which Heather had to sigh and agree that she indeed needed to relax more.

"Okay," Heather commented as she decided to enjoy the rest of the spa.




"Hana, what are you doing?" Damien, the youngest brother asked as he saw one of his sisters using the computer to access the forum.

"I'm checking the reality show forum from where Heather came from," Hana replied as she was even doing some posts on the session named MooseLove, which was a determinated session to show the potential relationship between Heather and the nerd of the show.

"If Heather finds out, she is going to kill you," Damien commented as he even sweated from the idea of a prank, but with the last prank, he almost lost his life on how strong grip his big sister got on his neck.

"Pfff, like if she would be worse than she was during all our lives," Hana commented as she decided to add some juicy information on the forum to help the ship work. "So you want something?"

"Yeah... Can you add a few drawings of Heather, that nerd, and the moose? I think images would also help." Damien commented as he smirked inside. Well, he almost died before. So if he was going to die in the future, then it must be for something hilarious.

"Hey, I didn't know that you two like the MooseLove ship. I'm so glad that I'm not the only one." Sun-Hi, the young sister commented as she was feeling excited to show a few posters and T-shirts that she asked their dad, to allow one of the T-shirt companies they own to make just for her and her friends.

"You made the T-shirt?" Damie asked as he saw his older brother Kevin looking at the chaos around. The middle brother Jin-Soo could already guess that things are going to be worse from there.

"Nope, I don't want to be here when Heather discovers about this. I will be playing tennis. Jin..."

"Right behind you. And we can start making bets on who she would kill first." Jin said as he know that he lost a good money since Heather managed to grab Damien and strangle in time record. Who knew that crazy reality show made her faster than before?

If Heather finds out that her siblings were the one helping on the forum into the absurd shipping. She would have gone berserk a long time ago.

Their luck is that Heather was now focusing on her time relaxing before returning to season 2.

They were very lucky indeed.


(Model Agency)

In a sleek, modern office filled with bustling assistants and hopeful models, a manager sat across from a tan, strikingly handsome man. The model's presence commanded the room, and despite the serious air of business, the mood seemed lighter whenever he smiled.

"All you need to do is sign here, here, and here," the manager said, sliding a contract across the table. His tone was professional, but there was a slight edge of awe beneath it. Justin, the man before him, was not just another model—he was the epitome of beauty, a shining star who had once graced the infamous Total Drama Island.

Justin took the pen, glancing briefly at the contract. "Just in case, we're going to send you a copy of the contract for you to read it over," the manager added quickly. "To make sure you never damage your Gluttonous Maximums."

"Great," Justin replied, nodding appreciatively. "Since I was screwed on the last contract I had with Total Drama Island, I want to make sure I read all my contracts before making any rash decisions." He gave a dazzling smile as he took off his reading glasses, which seemed to be the cue for his beauty to re-emerge in full force. The soft lighting hit his face just right, and the quiet music in the room seemed to swell in the background. The women who had gathered in the lobby—models, assistants, all hoping for their big break—began to drool at the sight of him, their focus momentarily shattered by his presence.

The manager coughed awkwardly, trying to maintain professionalism amidst the spectacle. "That's a very mature decision," he said. "And, uh, we recommend you drop the show at the first opportunity you have. But… we're bound by contract to not influence your decisions." He finished sheepishly, clearly toeing a line.

Justin sighed deeply. "Yeah, I read that on page 12. There's even a subsection saying I shouldn't make any modeling contracts based solely on my beautiful face." He placed a hand on his cheek as if to emphasize the perfection he spoke of. "And I fear that brute Eva will take another dodgeball and use my face as a target…"

Justin visibly shuddered at the thought. In his mind, it wasn't just about a game—it was his livelihood, his identity. Without his beauty, he would be... nothing. He could already hear the whispers of irrelevance if something happened to his face. Ugly. The word haunted him.

The manager cleared his throat again, pulling Justin out of his daze. "Well, yes. But you should use this as an opportunity to gain more loyal fans. With more exposure, we could really push your brand—underwear, shorts, anything you wear could be good publicity. And you'd still be famous, just as you are."

Justin's expression softened, his usual bright, sweet smile returning. "Oh, that sounds wonderful! Well, where do I sign?" He leaned forward eagerly.

The manager sweatdropped. "You already signed…" He pointed at the completed contract.

"Oh, right." Justin chuckled, shaking his head. "Well then, it's been great. Thanks for letting me be a part of this company as a model."

As Justin stood to leave, his exit was as grand as his entrance. The room's collective gaze followed him, the air still heavy with admiration. The manager, however, slumped in his chair and rubbed his temples in exasperation. "I swear, sometimes I see stupid beautiful people, but this is absurd... why did we hire him again?"

He looked around at his staff, all of whom were still transfixed, and sighed. "Right, the boss said he was the most beautiful guy she'd ever seen and wanted him at all costs." He muttered under his breath. "At least he knows not to damage his assets." Shaking his head, he allowed a small smirk. "Still, it's funny to think the show might ruin his face before the contract runs its course. If I'm lucky..."



As Justin stepped outside the agency's office, the sun bathed his tan skin, making him look even more radiant. He pulled out his sleek phone and dialed a familiar number, placing it to his ear with one hand while his other casually rested on his hip.

"Hi, Aunt Cici," Justin greeted, his voice light and carefree as he glanced around. "Yeah, I managed to get a contract for my assets." He gave a subtle glance back at his perfectly sculpted rear, admiring his own reflection in a nearby shop window. On the other end, his aunt burst into giggles, clearly delighted by her nephew's success.

"You always were a good-looking boy, Justin," she teased playfully.

Justin smirked, his ego flourishing under the compliment. "Can you ask Uncle Creed to pick me up?" he asked, scanning the street for a familiar car. He gave the women passing by a charming smirk, his trademark look that had won him legions of fans and, apparently, caused hearts to flutter wherever he went. The girls who were waving at him seemed to melt on the spot, their smiles growing wider, giddy with excitement from the smallest acknowledgment.

"Thanks, Auntie. See you soon," he finished, hanging up the call. Pocketing his phone, Justin turned his attention to the nearby stores, his gaze landing on a clothing boutique with mannequins in the window modeling trendy outfits. The store's focus was clearly on curvier women, and a thought crossed his mind as he lingered outside.

"Hmm… maybe I could get something nice for Sadie," he mused aloud. "A scarf… or a cute top. Something that would work for her biceps training. But what did Cody say she liked again?" Justin furrowed his brow, trying to recall his conversation with Cody.

After a moment of thought, Justin shrugged and decided to walk down the street, catching sight of an interesting little shop on the corner. The sign above the entrance read: Crazy Flavors Chocolate Factory, with colorful decorations teasing a variety of wild and inventive chocolate flavors. Justin's eyes lit up.

"That sounds good," he said, his grin widening. "Sadie loves making ice cream. Maybe she could use some of this for one of her creations." He stepped closer to the store, peering inside through the window. Rows upon rows of exotic chocolates lined the shelves, each flavor more unique than the last—wasabi white chocolate, chili mango truffles, bacon-infused dark chocolate, and more.

It seemed like the perfect challenge for Sadie, and Justin knew she'd love trying something new and unexpected. "Yeah, that'll be perfect. A good challenge and a way for her to expand her creativity," he thought aloud, pleased with his idea.

Feeling content with his plan, he made a mental note to pick up a few different flavors. With a bounce in his step and his confidence at an all-time high, he strolled into the store, ready to surprise Sadie with the wildest chocolates he could find.


(Help Desk office)

Cody sat in the waiting room of Jessica's office, fidgeting slightly in his seat. He adjusted the visitor badge that hung around his neck, the plastic tag feeling a bit foreign to him as it swayed against his chest. It was strange being here, waiting for his girlfriend's mom to finish her shift, but he understood why Jessica wanted to keep an eye on him. After all, Cody was dating Katie now, and Jessica clearly wasn't the type to let things slide when it came to her daughter.

The two of them had shared a nice conversation earlier, sitting in her small office as Jessica worked at her computer. Cody had always been good with adults, his charm had gotten him out of trouble more than once, and he found that Jessica wasn't as intimidating as he'd first thought. They talked about little things: school, how he got interested in Katie, how was his thoughts about being on [i]Total Drama Island/i, if he was ready for the next season, and what the future might hold. He even told her about some thoughts of the ridiculous challenges they'd faced on the show, which made her chuckle in amusement.

"You know, Cody," Jessica said, standing up from her desk as their conversation wound down, "I think you're a good influence on Katie. But I've got to work at the help desk now. I'm sure you'll find a way to keep yourself entertained in the meantime."

Cody smiled, nodding. "I'll be fine, ma'am. I can handle waiting around for a bit. Thanks for talking with me."

Jessica gave him a warm smile, patting him on the shoulder before she left. "No problem, Cody. Make yourself comfortable. There's a vending machine down the hall if you get hungry."

And just like that, Cody found himself alone in the quiet waiting room. The hum of office chatter and the rhythmic clacking of keyboards filled the air, with workers making calls or tapping away at their computers. It wasn't exactly the most exciting environment for Cody, he wished he would have his flip phone which allowed him to have a little game of spaceship. A good classic to pass around the day, but it was kinda of strange since the time he left and went to Wawanakwa Island, he was used to more action-packed days filled with excitement, especially after the chaos of the reality show.

He leaned back in the stiff, somewhat uncomfortable chair, staring at the blank ceiling and listening to snippets of conversation from the people on the phone. Most of it was corporate jargon, sales pitches, or troubleshooting calls that made no sense to him. His boredom grew with each passing minute, and he started to wish to have brought some kind of gaming console or something to pass the time.

But as Cody glanced around the room, something caught his eye, tucked into the corner was a billiard table, complete with cues and neatly racked balls. A slow grin spread across his face as he realized he had just found the perfect way to pass the time.

"Now that's more like it," Cody muttered to himself, already standing up from his chair. His fingers brushed over the smooth felt surface of the table as he grabbed a cue stick from the nearby rack. Sure, he wasn't an expert at pool, but he knew how to hold his own. And with nothing else to do in this otherwise quiet office, it was time to have a little fun. "It's a been a bit long since I started playing with this, let's see if I still got it."

Cody lined up the cue ball with a satisfying smirk, ready to make the most of his unexpected free time.




"I can't believe you," Jessica said as Cody looked sheepishly at the travel back home, with the boy nervous about the events unfolding on that afternoon. "I leave you in a few hours, and you managed to beat the majority of my coworkers in a billiard game, and not just that, but you also got my boss involved in a billiard and even won against him?"

"Mr. Rafael was a very though person to beat up, he managed to take 3 balls at once. I think I got lucky on that game." Cody said as he nervously laughed, at the look of his girlfriend's mom. "Are you in trouble?"

"Not at all, actually he wanted me to invite you next time we have a company party, I will probably have to take you with me, so you are not just a celebrity outside of the city now, Codemeister…" Jessica commented which made Cody slowly blush nervously, as the mother was impressed, but also extremely confused about how it was possible for someone to go into a billiard game with her boss and manage to beat him. "Since when have you become so good in billiards?"

"Oh, my dad always liked to watch the billiard championships on the television, so I started to do that as well, and when I saw some of the players giving some amazing trick shots, I decided to do that as well, so I like playing billiards as much I like to play chess with my dad."

"Huh, that's very interesting. Well, I never thought my boss gave you his business card, which he just does to his clients." Jessica commented as Cody tilted his head in surprise.

"Yeah, it was nice talking to him, also can I ask you what is your company you and he work?" Cody asked in curiosity, which the mother of the tan girl, giggled imagining what would be his reaction.

"We are a help desk for some companies, major of our clients are video game companies," Jessica commented as Cody slowly had his mouth dropping.

"Nooooo," Cody's reaction was exactly like what Katie's mom was expecting, which made her laugh. "So you know a lot of videogame companies?"

"Yeah, some game studios, some factories, and all that stuff, I think I remember when there were times when our company got an invitation for little courses for your children to be interested in learning how to create a little game… I also think my boss gave you his business card if you are interested in going into one of the courses, and because maybe when you finish your studies he can use some of his connections and try to contact a company in case they are hiring." Jessica said as Cody felt his eyes twitching. "Oh, I just forgot. Do you like video games?"

"Does fish like water?" That was the only answer Cody said which Jessica laughed, from how crazy it had been just a single afternoon.


(Recording Studio)

Trent sat alone in the dimly lit recording studio, the same place where he had filmed his audition tape for [i]Total Drama Island/i]. The quiet hum of the equipment and the faint scent of dust in the air made it feel like a world away from the chaos he had faced on the island. But now, it was just him—and his thoughts.

He glanced down at the stack of papers on his lap: a 99-page contract. The weight of it felt symbolic, like the weight of everything that had gone wrong during the first season. But something about that number, 99, made him feel oddly reassured. His favorite number, 9, was in there twice, it was like a little sign from the universe, or so he thought.

A small smile crept onto his face, but just as quickly, he wiped it away by slapping his own cheek gently. "Focus, Trent," he muttered to himself. He remembered Ezekiel's words from earlier, advising him not to get too weird about the number thing. It was just his lucky number, after all, but lucky numbers wouldn't be a reason for him to be creepy around the others as he saw his number, he could be glad, sure, but he must also be in silence. And luck wouldn't save him from making more mistakes if he wasn't careful this time.

He sighed, his eyes scanning over the contract again. His parents had worked tirelessly for weeks to keep him from getting sued by Lindsay's family, another reminder of how close he had come to losing everything. He'd been so lucky to avoid a lawsuit, but it was a mess that could have been prevented if he'd just been more careful.

The memories of the island came flooding back, his blunders, his missteps. The way the rest of the Killer Bass had grown to resent him for the mistakes he made, not realizing the damage he was causing until it was too late. He clenched his jaw, guilt weighing on him like a heavy stone. He swore to himself that this time, he'd be more observant. He wouldn't let himself slip into the same traps.

Trent flipped through the pages, scanning the legal jargon, and stopped when his eyes landed on a particular section in fine print. His heart sank as he read it: if a contestant suffered serious damage during a challenge but the host found it entertaining, and the contestant was still able to continue, their team would be granted an instant victory in that phase.

"Are you kidding me?" Trent muttered. He couldn't believe he hadn't noticed this rule before. It was buried in fine print, easily missed. But Ezekiel had seen it, of course, he had. The guy had been more observant than any of them, which was ironic given how the boy had been homeschooled, but the one who read the entire contract, and also became a successful writer, which nobody ever had a word to say against him. Trent couldn't lie to himself, that he felt a bit envious of the boy, but Ezekiel was really a good guy to be around, Trent saw how much he had worked into the chapters and the book he released… Hard work which he earned the money he got from his books. And Trent finally understood why Ezekiel had pushed them to participate in season two. It was all right there in the contract. Both Trent, Beth, and Ezekiel didn't want their friends to be fighting each other and going to the extreme, and it seems the second season was indeed the right decision to make. A chance for everyone to prepare themselves and get ready for what is coming.

A small surge of hope welled up inside him. This wasn't about winning anymore, it was about redemption. There was a chance to fix what had been broken, not just with his teammates, but with himself. Trent realized now that his focus had been all wrong in the first season. He had gotten too wrapped up in his mistakes, his insecurities, and the need to win. He was ready to leave all of that behind.

The computer in the recording room buzzed with an email notification. For a moment, his stomach twisted, bracing for more hate mail from the public, more reminders of how badly he had screwed up. After all, his infamous blunders were still fresh in everyone's minds: the moment he let Gwen and Ezekiel get buried alive because of his fear of mimics, which he didn't actually fight them, but only ran away from his fears… and the Killer Bass on the other hand had to face their demons and be even more traumatized than before. His thoughtless comment led to Geoff being blasted with haze and the yellow pancakes he had forced Lindsay to eat which lead almost to his ass being sued by her family. He saw the part on the contract which showed the clause that saved his back from being sued… He never thought that he would love and hate a contract at the same time.

Well, be grateful for the small victories...

He hesitated but opened the email anyway, surprised to find something different. Fans, real fans, had written to him. Mixed reviews, sure, some called him a "stupid ignorant," a title he accepted for not paying attention. But there were others, kinder ones. Some fans said they saw his efforts and believed in him. They wrote that they hoped he could forgive himself, even if they hadn't forgiven him yet. That sentiment touched him deeply. Forgiving himself, was the hardest part.

Trent set the contract down and closed his eyes, letting out a long, steady breath. For the first time in what felt like forever, he wasn't filled with dread about the next season. He wasn't focused on winning. He was focused on being better, being more aware, more in tune with his team, and, most importantly, more in control of his actions.

Season two wasn't about redemption in the public's eyes, or even with his teammates, it was about redeeming himself. He wasn't going to let past mistakes define him any longer. He knew now that it wasn't about avoiding failure but learning from it. And now, with everything laid out in front of him, he was ready.

Trent looked at the contract one last time and smiled. This time, he wasn't going in blind. This time, he was going to make it count.


(Owen's bedroom)

Owen jolted awake, eyes wide and heart racing as if someone had dumped ice water on him. Sunlight filtered through the curtains, bathing his room in a soft glow, but all Owen could feel was dread. Five days. Five precious days of peace before he had to head back to Total Drama Island for season two.

But there was no peace to be found in his house. Not when Max, his cousin, was staying with him for a few weeks while his house got "decontaminated" after some science experiment gone wrong, A.K.A Max trying to replicate El Mongo and La Muerte. To everyone else, Max was just the weird little genius with a future in being pharmaceutical with wild ambitions. To Owen, Max was the [i]incarnation/i]of impending doom.

Owen shot up in bed, his eyes darting around the room. The eerie silence told him one thing…

"Max was awake, and he was planning something." Owen commented as he felt a shiver on his spine.

His family had no idea what they had brought into their home. Sure, they saw Max as a quirky kid with a knack for "pretend" evil science, but Owen knew better. He'd seen Max's inventions and the chaos they left in their wake. Nobody believed him, not his parents, not his brothers, but Owen knew. And he was the only one who could stop Max before things got…well, explode-y.

He threw off his blanket, sweating already. Constant vigilance like a Hunter in search of the prey, he reminded himself as he tiptoed toward his door. His house was a minefield. Every innocuous object, a coffee maker, a toaster, heck, even the laundry detergent, could be part of Max's next twisted world domination plan.

He slowly opened his door, poking his head out into the hallway. No sign of Max yet. Good. Owen scurried to the bathroom, his mind racing with possibilities. Maybe Max was building a shrink ray today? Or a weather machine! Maybe he was turning the family dog into some sort of robotic guard creature!

He quickly brushed his teeth, splashed water on his face, and tried to calm his nerves. "It's fine, Owen," he whispered to himself, staring at his reflection. "Just five days. You can survive five days before going back to the show. And maybe, just maybe, Max won't..."

The smell of burning toast wafted down the hallway, and Owen's heart sank.

"Oh no." Owen whispered as he felt something wrong, his mother never once let the toast burn on his life. So that means something… Something bad is about to happen.

Owen sprinted to the kitchen, nearly crashing into the counter as he skidded to a stop. There, at the table, was Max, his short, black and purple pajamas figure hunched over what looked like an innocent plate of toast. Except it wasn't just toast. No. Not when Max was involved.

"Good morning, Cousin Owen!" Max greeted him with his usual over-the-top villainous voice. His hair was wild, his glasses glinting in the sunlight. "You're just in time to witness the beginning of my latest invention! Feast your eyes on the Toast of Terror!"

"Where is mom and dad? And the others?" Owen gulped, as Max evilly giggled…

"They are away… buying food in the supermarket for the dinners today, which is the perfect opportunity for me to try to conquer the world, bwahahaha *cough* *cough* ugh… I choke with my saliva… *cough* *cough*" Max coughed as Owen suddenly saw his cousin trying to breathe but nothing seemed to be working.

"This is it…" Owen thought on his mind, as slowly his mind had a revelation. "This is the icing on my cake, a way to finish all the worries of my life, a lifetime of paranoia and fear of him conquering the world, brought by a sweet and satisfied end! All I have to do is… nothing!"

Owen said as he could see his cousin trying to stop the choking by eating the toast he created, which made it even worse for the young evil genius who even got out with his body on the floor.

"I will be treated as a hero… as long I don't hand him this lifesaving juice that I'm currently giving to him NOOOOOOOOOOO!" Owen realized his mistake when his body reacted didn't even listen to his brain, and gave an escape for the evil genius to give another try to conquer the world. "YOU IDIOT, YOU IDIOT, THAT'S WHY EVERYONE CALLS YOU IDIOT EVERY SINGLE DAY. WE COULD HAVE SAVED THE WORLD, AND YOU BLEW UP."

"I'm sorry brain, I'm too weak," Owen said as he realized his mistake when it was too late, and now Max got up from the floor with a new rewind of life.

"Thank you cousin, I should have expected that my own creation would go against me, and I'm glad that I brought some safety measures, but with your help, I'm glad that I can have more chances to live and show the world on how Evil scientist I'm." Max said as he evilly chuckled, and Owen sighed in disappointment.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Owen said as he decided to accept the scolding of his conscience furiously at himself, while he felt that he somehow helped the evil into reaching a new idea.

"Also, this gave me a new idea on how I could try to make sure everyone would choke in the air at the same time, and with it, I can make everyone pay me millions of dollars just for the sake of them getting the chance of breathing again. Bwa-...err… maybe I shouldn't do evil laugh for a while." Max revealed the evil plan which immediately Owen's face kept slamming on the table, when the evil scientist wanted to do his evil laugh again, but paused and thought it was for the best for him to not do an evil laugh until he got it right.

"5 days… 5 long looooong days…" Owen said that he never thought he would have felt better and safer into returning to the show, instead of being the protector of the planet… a protector that nobody asked for.



The sun was shining brightly over the small town in Canada as Lindsay, Paula, and Charlie strolled down the lively street. It was Lindsay's first day off since winning Total Drama Island, even if she didn't win the 1 million dollars, Lindsay got from Ezekiel the 100 thousand dollars that she remained secretly about, and since she already got 2 allowances from returning home, so now she had 300 thousand dollars for her to buy anything for herself.

Charlie had insisted they all head out for some sisterly bonding at the local beautician. The place they were heading to was famous for its vibrant atmosphere, and they could already see the colorful, Mexican-themed banners strung up outside.

A girl with short silver hair, dressed in a bright, colorful uniform, was handing out flyers to everyone who passed. Charlie instantly recognized her as Vaggie, the beautician's flyer girl. With a reserved smile, Vaggie waved them over.

"Come on in, ladies! We've got the best services in town. Special discounts for new clients!" she said happily.

"Hey Vaggie… I told you that I would bring my sisters to this place, I said I would come back and here I am." Charlie said as Paula and Lindsay could see how Charlie had been the same as always, energetic, and very optimistic of everything, and when she said she was going to do anything, she get focused into doing her best to actually achieve it.

"Yes, you did. Get inside girls, and have a great time." Vaggie chuckled from meeting the blonde girl once again, and from the time she thought of giving the flier to another girl who would just ignore her. But by saying that she would return, she was actually glad that at least her service was paying off. "Gracias."

Charlie, Paula, and Lindsay, always the social butterfly, waved at Vaggie, but soon found herself waving at a few others who had begun to notice her. A small crowd had started to form, recognizing the winner of [i]Total Drama Island/i] walking casually down the street. Lindsay was unfazed, though, her kind and bubbly nature making her wave to the people as if she were just an old friend.

"Hey, everyone! Isn't it a beautiful day?" she greeted, her voice ringing with excitement.

Charlie and Paula, though not as recognizable, mimicked Lindsay's casual waving, catching on to her energy.

"Oh my gosh, they're all smiling at you, Lindsay!" Charlie giggled, from seeing her baby sister now being even more popular than before, since she always did well on the talent show contests, but now she won the big deal..

"Well, duh! Lindsay's a superstar now," Paula added with a grin, clearly proud of her little sister's fame.

As they approached the beautician, the Mexican décor became even more vibrant. The exterior was adorned with colorful papel picado banners, and inside, they could see vivid shades of red, orange, and yellow painted across the walls. The scent of fresh herbs and essential oils drifted through the air, giving the whole place a relaxing yet festive ambiance. A small mariachi band played in the corner of the lobby, their soft tunes adding to the cultural flair of the place. The beauty stations were set up like traditional Mexican market stalls, complete with woven baskets filled with beauty products, and the walls were decorated with art inspired by Día de los Muertos.

The three girls stepped inside, greeted by the cool air and the warm ambiance of the salon. As soon as they walked in, a woman with striking white hair and a welcoming smile approached them.

"Hola, chicas. Welcome! It's a busy day, but if you don't mind waiting, we'll attend to you shortly," she said, her accent giving the experience even more authenticity.

The girls shrugged off the wait, exchanging glances.

"No problem at all!" Charlie chirped, and they all found a cozy spot to sit and chat.

"I'm just really happy Mom and Dad are inviting them to visit us. It'll be so nice to have a fun time with everyone, my best friends included." As they settled in, Lindsay commented her eyes lit up with excitement. "I can't wait until you meet Beth, Izzy, and Heather, Paula! You're going to love them. They're just… so much fun and kind of unpredictable!"

"I've heard enough stories about them to know they'll definitely keep things interesting." Paula, who usually kept a cool demeanor, nodded. "But, I think I'll get along with them. Especially if they're as cool as you say."

She sighed contentedly, thinking of the upcoming days of laughter and relaxation.

"Sounds like it'll be perfect," Charlie said, smiling at Lindsay. "And hey, after all the craziness you've been through on Total Drama, you deserve a nice, quiet break."

"I guess I do! But I wouldn't trade the adventure for anything. And I'm so glad we're all together now."Lindsay leaned back in her chair, soaking in the moment.

"So, on the season 2 sis… It's a million dollars money." Charlie commented as the other blonde sister nodded her head.

"10 daddy allowances, it's something that neither of us are prepared to receive in one go." Paula commented as well, which Lindsay nodded her head with a smile. And also with a curiosity on her face.

"What would you do if you had 10 daddy allowances?" Lindsay gave a question, and instead of having a good time thinking about the solution, Charlie was the first to answer that.

"I would do charity with it," Charlie commented as the duo of sisters waited as the optimistic girl continued to explain her idea for a better world. "It would start all small, and then it would get bigger…"

Both Paula and Lindsay thought for a second as an image of Charlie appearing on the television interrupting a comercial on the television, while wearing a red suit and black bowtie while she was ready to make her ad for Charity.

"How are you doing?" Charlie commented as she looked serious on the screen, with her hands behind her back. "Feeling comfortable? That's funny… Cause a lot of people on this planet aren' fact, there are a lot of people who are having really really bad,"

Charlie looked at the television screen, with outrage on her face.

"How does that make you feel? Are you proud? ARE YOU STILL FEELING GOOD?" Charlie said as she showed her anger on the television while pointing at the screen in hatred. "WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU, GIVE THEM MONEY, GIVE US MONEY SO WE CAN GIVE TO THEM, DO IT NOW, GET OFF YOUR COUCH AND DO IT. DO IT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW"

And then there was a sweet picture of Charlie with the name of their charity and their telephone number.

Both sisters blinked as they glanced at each other.

"My charity would get bigger and bigger and it would be called Coalition of Really Really Useful People Together." Charlie smiled as she explained her idea until Paula decided to cut her up.

"So, corrupt?" The question made Charlie's big smile imediatelly freezes as she saw Paula deciding to be the voice of the reason. "Which the more money you would have, you would need more to make the company works, and by doing so you were going to do shady business, with a good probability of being a criminal and damaging the world…"

"...So that's why daddy says for me to be careful about giving my money to someone?" Charlie commented as Paula nodded her head, and Charlie deflated in sadness.

"Well, I would use the money to make more money," Paula commented as she felt confident to explain her plan for her own sisters. First I would invest in a portfolio of high-risk shares on the stock exchange." Paula commented as she decided to tell the steps of the plan.

"What?" Then she was interrupted by both her sisters who tilted their heads in confusion, which the smartest of the family facepalmed herself because she forgot about how advanced she was… "First I would invest in things and when they do well. I make money."

"What?" Charlie and Lindsay asked again, and this time Paula took a few more seconds before she snapped her fingers with a good idea on her mind.

"Listen, greed minus morals, times lack of empathy plus slick back hair equals ALL THE MONEY IN THE WORLD!" Paula said as both sisters had a realization on their minds.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh," Both Charlie and Lindsay could see what the big sister was planning.

"Once I have all the money in the world, all I have to do is destroy it all," Paula commented which made both Charlie and Lindsay pause and stare at their sister.

"What? Why would you do that?"And to her surprise, it was Lindsay the one who asked that question.

Which Paula gave a proud smile on her face.

"To bring people together…" Paula commented as she decided to explain her dream of an ideal world, which Lindsay and Charlie decided to listen to what the older sister would have in mind, "In my money-free world, you won't need a car to go to work, because you won't need to work to pay material things… you won't need to wear a suit to pretend someone you are not, because everyone is going to be free to be one with nature… you won't need meat, we'll never fight, we'll be incapable to hurt anything ever again, it will be a para- oh shit…"

"What?" Suddenly Charlie and Lindsay turned their heads to see Paula frustrated.

"Predators," Paula commented as she had found a thing that destroyed her ideal way to expend the money…

And now that both her sisters seemed disappointed with their ideals of using their daddy money… Suddenly Lindsay decided to say something.

"So...buying a mall?" Lindsay asked shyly, which immediately both girls looked at each other, before facepalming themselves or even giving a light slap on their heads.

"Of course, a mall. There is all the good stuff we like to buy,"

"Why didn't I think of that before? I should have thought about such an idea."

Lindsay smiled as the mariachi music continued to play softly in the background, the sisters shared a peaceful moment, chatting about old times and new adventures. For Lindsay, this was the perfect day – no pressure, just good company and the excitement of new memories waiting to be made.

It had been a great day to spend with her family.

Chapter 50: First Day Off Pt 2


Author's note: Well, I hope you all had fun into reading the part 1... BECAUSE HERE IS THE PART 2.

Now I will take a few days off to enjoy my rest because Sunday is the first day of Spring, which means one thing. My birthday. So I hope you guys enjoy this as my gift for you to enjoy, now have fun everyone. Because when the time will comes, the Killer Bass will be on the Second Day most interesting time ever... THE MALL ARC, so prepare yourselves.

Chapter Text


(Grandma House)

"It sucks that you didn't manage to win the money." Pixie Corpse huffed as the goth friends sat together in the living room of an abandoned mansion, which the white and grey faded colors, mixed with the vintage wine color of the wood clearly created a creepy effect on the mansion which belonged to one of the oldest goths across the neighborhood...

A mansion that was near a graveyard, which Gwen was always happy to visit on the time of childhood, his grandma's house. Since she passed away, she was to let the said mansion be shared by Gwen's friends who were always good friends of the dark side, as the old lady always enjoyed spending her time with her granddaughter.

Since then, Gwen was happy to have her friends using that mansion as a secret spot to talk about their lives and pass the time, just like she did with Killer Bass in the Aquarium.

"Yeah, but it had been hell to reach the final 4, and I was without energy to continue to the final 3," Gwen commented as she could understand how hard must have been to reach the point that as Chef said, "I think I just got into a point I stopped caring,"

"Well, not after your group messed up into having a chance to get the 1 million dollar suitcase," Reaper said as he could see Gwen groaning annoyed. "I gotta say that stupid model wannabe really played with you since they got your information and managed to make the girl who has a boyfriend fall for him."

"Oh come on, you couldn't believe how hard it was to avoid looking at Justin, that boy is like a bug zapper lantern you just get too attracted just by looking at him," Gwen said as she rolled her eyes, which made Reaper deadpan at her, and she quickly pointed at Pixie and Marilyn who looked fawned over the said boy just by mentioning his name.

"SERIOUSLY?" Reaper shouted which made the duo snap from their thoughts. "Anyway, it was kinda humiliating to see you fighting around everyone, you did fine about not going to school today, because everyone was talking about how you were fighting everyone just for a case of money like a piece of meat, and you became the talk of the school."

"Oh no..." Gwen palled just for having such a bad memory of what Ezekiel had said, indeed the popularity would attack them for all the reasons, the good moments and even the bad moments. "My life is over, I'm going to be the joke of the school."

"Well, you are saved because your friend Ezekiel saved part of your reputation," Marilyn said as she could see her goth friend looking at her. "From everyone saying Trent, Beth, and Ezekiel being the voice of the reason, they said it would have been a more fair game if everyone tried again on season 2. So you have a chance to save your reputation."

"Well, I think there isn't too much to do about saving it anyway," Gwen sighed as she looked disappointed and the group of friends raised their eyebrows. "I will always be the weird girl of the school anyway."

"Gwen, you don't get it... while you were on the show, you had a lot of boys saying you are the hottest goth of the school, your popularity skyrocketed in a way that it became absurd." Pixie commented as she saw her best friend blinking at her. "Especially when you have great moments like giving the middle finger to Trent and jumping from the airplane, walking between alligators trying to catch a key, having a good conversation with the dyslexic girl who just destroyed the nerds by talking about Indiana Jones..."

"Gotta admit, it was funny to see the nerds having a meltdown, the jocks saw them in such a pathetic state, that the nerds placed themselves inside of the lockers, which made the jockers confused and kind of sad for them." Reaper chuckled at seeing the weird moments happening across the school, which clearly made Gwen blink in surprise. "You are popular now Gwen, and we can't wait to meet your friends when we go to your birthday party."

"Wait, my mom..."

"Yep, she invited us, saying the Killer Bass and Cody who is Katie's boyfriend were going to be there. To be honest, I can't wait to see both Codys meet each other. It's going to be funny to see." Marilyn commented as if she was going to enjoy how confused both nerds would be, especially since Gwen tried to avoid the one from the show since he had a crush on her.

"Well say what you want. I kinda want to see your friend Ezekiel signing my book of Courage the Cowardly Dog." Pixie Corpse commented as it immediately grabbed Gwen's attention. "How a boy who just lived on a farm and never went to a school managed to grab a dark and terrifying concept of everything could be a horror, and managed to make a disgusting wholesome, and yet funny in the end? I don't usually like happy endings, but I admit this book hooked me up."

Gwen felt a good sense of nodding, but then Merilyn decided to comment about another thing.

"I can't believe they have the audacity to actually bury you both alive," Merelyn commented as Gwen flinched just to remember about that day. "And in a glass coffin, which was the worst way, instead of going to a vintage style, no, they preferred to make you see all the dirt around you, hell, they even let a bit of dirty inside of the said coffin, that was really fucked up. "

"Yeah... to say it was traumatizing wouldn't be a lie, especially when I saw firsthand Ezekiel in a broken state... I felt awful, of course, but seeing Ezekiel who also almost death experience before?" Gwen commented as she gave a slight glance towards the book created by him... "I was just surprised that he didn't write a chapter of them being buried alive, since it was a horrifying experience for both of us."

"Maybe someday he will do it? It's a very big book, and from the success, I don't doubt it will have another volume coming." Pixie said as Gwen nodded her head, and the group gave a good glance at the crows appearing on the window. Which then came another question on their minds. "So tomorrow you are going to a long car ride?"

"Yeah, I and the Killer Bass planned to meet at Eaton Centre tomorrow, because since Ezekiel is going to be in a mall for the first time, and with the popularity of the show, he may need help in case a crowd gathers on there," Gwen commented as she could already imagine on how chaotic everything would be. "And it would be nice for us to have a nice day together at the mall, just to chill and see what we could do there."

"Isn't he going to make a book sign in a few days? Why going tomorrow?" Marilyn asked as Gwen simply shrugged.

"Well, it could be for him enjoying the mall before a few days he couldn't even get out from the book store where he would be doing the book signing, who knows? At least mom let me have her credit card in case I find something horrifying to buy as decoration." Gwen said as the trio of goths nodded their heads.

"Good idea, I think you buying a chain collar would make you look more awesome," Pixie commented as the group came to an agreement.

"Heyyyyyyyy, everyone..." Then a singing voice made Gwen groan, while the trio gave a slight smirk. Alisson, the mother of the famous goth girl finally got out of the kitchen. "Who wants some cookies?"

The goths chuckled while Gwen facepalmed and glared at them to not dare...

"I want some..." Reaper said as Gwen glared at him furiously, but he simply ignored her.

And the more betrayed she became when her other friends also raised their hands. The matriarch smiled widely, and Gwen groaned from her mom, being her mom...

(Geoff's House)

"Hey, Mom, hey Dad, it took a while but finally I cleaned up everything from the party we did yesterday," Geoff commented as he felt exhausted but with a satisfied look on his face. "The downside of making an awesome party is that someone is responsible for cleaning up all the things we did at the party... Hello?"

Geoff was talking when suddenly he realized he was alone at his house until suddenly he started hearing something in the garage.

"Oh, Sarah, you naughty girl..." A male voice suddenly made Geoff turn his head, as he wasn't sure what was going on...

"Yes, I'm very naughty that I need to be punished... Jefferson, what are you going to do about it?" Then a voice made Geoff realize who was talking at that moment.

"MOM, DAD, I'M RIGHT HERE," Geoff shouted as suddenly the sound of people making out in the garage stopped, it took a few minutes, until the duo of parents looked sheepishly at him, which made him deadpan to his parents. "Have you been making out on the garage for the whole month?"

"2 months actually Geoff," Jefferson said as he could see his lovely wife giving him bedroom eyes at him. "You were 9 weeks away from home, which would be 2 months more or less, and not just that."

"And don't be silly honey, since your brothers go to school in the morning, we had the whole house for us…" Sarah commented as she gave a slight teasing smirk which made Geoff's palled. "We were in the kitchen, living room, bedroom, your brothers' bedrooms, and also your b…"

"LALALALALALALA, I'M NOT HEARING YOU. NOT LISTENING," Geoff said as he ignorantly said loudly as the duo of parents chuckled at him. "Where is the spray when we needed most?"

"The one they used on you at the show?" Sarah asked in amusement, as she could see her son flinching. "Well, honey, it's natural for married people to want to have fun for themselves."

"But come on, in public?" Geoff said in disbelief as he then heard both his parents laughing…

"Oh no, no way…" Jefferson said as he then walked slowly to his son, which was a terrifying experience since his father was naked… "Geoff, my boy… You forgot one single thing…"

"Which is?" Geoff said as he turned his head away because he didn't want to have a mental scar…

"This is my house, I property… I can be naked when I want, and have sex as much as I want with my wife," Jefferson said as he could see Geoff palling on hearing his words. "Your bedroom, and your brother's bedrooms? All mine, if you don't want me to have fun with your mother, then have a house on your own, and you can do anything you want in your house. My house, my rules."

"Now Jefferson, don't be so cruel with Geoff," Sarah gave a slight slap on the back of Jefferson's head, while Geoff sweatdropped as the woman looked very kind. "He is still growing up, and now that he found a girlfriend, he can understand how important is to satisfy her, in..."

"NOPE, NOPE, NOPE. I'M OUT HERE." Geoff quickly said as he threw away the cleaning products, and went directly to his bedroom, probably to take his skateboard and go around the neighborhood. "I will be taking my skateboard and going out, and tomorrow I will be taking the car keys to go to the mall tomorrow, and you can do… what you are doing when I'm out of here."

"Okay, don't go kissing in public for too long Geoff," Sarah commented as she gave a slight smirk to her boy, who after getting out of his bedroom narrowed his eyes at her. "Your friends may be prepared for what you are going to do tomorrow."

"Rar, Rar, Rar…" Geoff sarcastically joked, as he now understood how annoying it would be being like that in public. "I should have gone to school, at least I wouldn't have witnessed this… Love you both, bye."

"Byee…" The duo waved at their son, as they didn't seem to mind, since both of them continued their lovable moment together, which immediately Geoff rolled his eyes at the time he went on the door.

"I should have asked for one of those anti-horny sprays from the guys because I don't want to see or hear my parents doing that while I'm at home," Geoff said as he quickly got out from the warzone which would be his house, and he didn't even want to imagine his parents having sex on the house. "They had 9 weeks without me, and now they did that while I'm at home? Poor guys, thankfully it was never like that after we returned from school."

Geoff shivered just from the imagination on how the house was compromised, and how his parents lacked control of their hormones, which was quite ironic, since Geoff and Bridgette were also doing that on the show, and the quantity of pepper sauce and water damaged their faces, he was surprised that their eyes or skin were damaged permanently from all the times they were stopped from kissing too much.

"Also I'm glad they let me take the car keys for the mall trip tomorrow." Geoff prepared himself for the idea of going to the mall with Bridgette and the other Killer Bass, it had been a long ride on season 1, but he couldn't help but miss his girlfriend already. The party was awesome, but just for the sake it was the first party he was without the surfer, kinda made it a bit not so perfect, but still it had been a great time he had with Brody and their friends. But still passing 5 hours cleaning up all that mobile and floor, maybe it was something he would leave marked on his personal book. "Well, at least tomorrow I will be kissing Bridgette as much as I… oh..."

At that moment, Geoff paused, as he realized something that he never thought about... The essence of making out with his girlfriend, and how his parents had been like that for the whole month.

"Well, maybe I shouldn't go overboard like my mom and dad... I don't think someone deserved to hear what I heard a few minutes ago." Geoff commented as he shivered from imagination, on how his children would feel as he was horny like his parents. "Maybe I will make that spray, just in case… they continued that when my brothers are back from school."

(Courtney's School)

"So who won the election to be the new student council president?" Courtney asked as she looked at the boy who had a very curved cow lick haircut, and wore a dark grey blouse with a red strip on the middle, and dark blue jeans, as he slowly looked bored into his books…

"Beatrice of the 8[sup]th/sup] grade," Tom replied as he was curious about what would be the reaction of Courtney since most of the part she had been passing almost the entire year getting preparations for what would be her victory of being the new student council president, and even having her obsession into trying to win the election with all costs, and even using the prize money of Total Drama to make some changes around the school. Especially against the trio of students of the other years who always developed such rivalry with Courtney, to the point that he could see them fighting all the time.

"Oh," Courtney paused, as she then thought for a few seconds, and simply continued to eat her school lunch… which clearly made Tom pause and stare at the C.I.T. who simply shrugged at everything that happened. Courtney was staring at one of the books she was studying until she could feel the stare of his friend on her. "What?"

"It's just weird that you passed most of the year with a plan to being the youngest student council president, just for now you simply shrug off like it wasn't a big deal," Tom said as he raised both his eyebrows and looked at the tan girl in disbelief. "Are you sure that you are my good old friend Courtney?"

"Har, Har, Har..."Courtney rolled her eyes, as she continued eating and enjoying the school food. "As much I would hate to say it, the food of school is not bad, in comparison to Chef's food on a daily basis, this is like gourmet."

Tom saw the girl mumbling as she ate completely without complaint, as he turned to his friend with total disbelief, and that of course annoyed Courtney.

"Tom, can you knock it off? It's fine," Courtney complained as she decided to ignore such superfluous things as she decided to be honest with him. "As much I would have liked to win the election, I couldn't do it, since I had to pass most of the weeks surviving in terrible conditions, going against animals, military training, and dangerous and scary challenges after 3 days every single time. Surviving all for the sake of winning 100 thousand dollars, and the challenge is not even over. Now the stakes became 1 million dollars for the next season…"

Tom looked surprised, as the girl finished to eat quickly her lunch, as she opened her math book and started reading…

"As much I would have liked winning, it's just a title with a lot of responsibilities, and if I participate in the show of the second season, that means I wouldn't have time to do school projects and help the school, so that means I would lose by default anyway," Courtney said as she showed a bit of frustration on her voice. "I mean, sure that title would help me to add to my curriculum as I try to go to college to become a lawyer…"

"But?" Tom crossed his arms as he could see the girl who seemed to be so obsessed with winning, actually was doing her best to remain calm and into focusing on other things.

"After I met some friends… I've started asking myself if that's becoming a lawyer and what I want since I saw a girl becoming a billionaire entrepreneur. While another friend of mine because a great writer, and he never went to a school for God's sake." Courtney raised both her hands, as her friend looked surprised at her. "I mean, it's tragic after what Ezekiel told me about his aunt, and I agreed, nobody would ever want to hear about how a family member had to sacrifice their lives from such atrocity happening in schools… But still, I just saw people becoming big names like the creator of social media who dropped college."

"Oh, I can see where you are getting," Tom commented as he could see how his friend had changed, from the usual upside girl who felt that she should be very competitive, giving sweat, blood, and tears for her objectives, studying countless hours for making good grades, just for later find out a military girl and a homeschooled boy becoming big names that they won't need to think about their future, since now they found their way to get an income of money… He could see that Courtney was in fact, envious of them. "Well, people tend to get lucky, some get opportunities and get way more than anyone ever expects."

"Yeah, that's what I thought so…" Courtney commented as she kept reading her math book. "I told Miss Harrington that I would be out for probably a few more weeks and I have no idea if I would return to this year. Thankfully she told me I could take a test later to determine my final grade of the year, and that way I wouldn't need to worry about my grades at the end of season 2."

"Didn't your contract have a fine print about your grades wouldn't change since you took part in the show?" Tom asked as he raised his eyebrows at Courtney who simply nodded her head at him.

"Yes, they do. But I wanted to prove to our teachers that I wanted to pass the year fair and square," Courtney commented, as she gave a small confident smile to her friend. "Just because I'm in a relationship with a delinquent bad boy, doesn't mean I'm not going to make him do his homework as well, someone needs to be a good example for Ezekiel tomorrow."

"You are going to meet all your friends at the mall tomorrow right?" Tom asked and Courtney smiled at him. "Cool, can you do me a favor?"

"If is to take a book for you, you must wait in the line like everyone else. Ezekiel's rules." Courtney said automatically as her friend gave a bored look on his face. "Don't look at me like that, the books will be published after tomorrow, and we kinda wanted to be low profile for a bit and enjoy our freedom before going back to season 2."

"Freedom?" Tom asked amused as he pointed behind his back…

Banners showing a picture of Courtney and Duncan kissing, with titles of Power Couple, then another picture of Ezekiel on one side, Duncan on the other side, and Courtney in the middle as the title of the banner was written. Pillars of Killer Bass.

A poster of Courtney holding her violin and singing a song, and even some art of her doing a few challenges… It had been overwhelming from the time Courtney came to school, some students were even asking for autographs from her.

Quotes were made by Ezekiel, Courtney, and Duncan during the whole season, and students were glancing nervously and even waving at Courtney as if they were fans of her time on the show. Clearly showed that since the first season, Courtney's life was not going to be the same.

"shut up…" Courtney said as she blushed, as she tried to continue her studies, but it was a crazy feeling of being watched by everyone from the school. Tom chuckled from even as the girl seemed to change from the show, it still has some of the same Courtney as she always had been.

(Eva's house)

"..." The bodybuilder Iron Woman had been working out with her dumbbells as she glanced at her parents.

"..." The father said nothing, as he was working on his sit-ups.

"..."The mother also said nothing as she kept raising herself on the lift-up bar.

As the trio continued their working out session together, each of them kept giving sideglances at the other since it had been a lot of days since they didn't managed to do a working out like that, as each of them was focusing on their determined schedule, they haven't said a single word at the time they got inside of the workout room.

But suddenly everything stopped since Eva decided to drop her dumbbells on the floor.

"Good talk, Mom and Dad," Eva commented as she took a towel with her, as the stitches she removed didn't seem to incommode her anymore, and she was now with a little scar from where she had been stabbed, but in comparison than everything she did, it was one proof that she was alive and ready to fight.

"Indeed..." Her father nodded as he finished his leg day. And took something to hydrate himself with.

"Likewise," Anastasia smiled, her family always speaks in Strong People language, and only a handful of them could understand what was happening in their workout room. And they could learn a lot more from a single working out than passing hours talking about anything. "So that was the training schedule that you made for both Sadie and Ezekiel?"

"Yes," Eva nodded her head since she could see her mom giving the approval look on her face. "They have been getting healthier than I expected."

"Well, Ezekiel I saw him determined to use weights from now on. Does he know any martial arts?" Anastasia asked as she didn't remember at the time she talked with his mom, because if so she would have made sure to remember.

"He learned how to be a hunter, how to use a bow and arrow, and how to use a sword for his stunts. But a hand-to-hand combat I never saw him do it." Eva shrugged as she never thought about the possibility. "Maybe he should learn some martial arts because if he remains with the weight without a purpose of training his body it can be prejudicial to his body in the long term."

"That's what I think." The father commented as he passed a few seconds thinking. "Maybe you can recommend something for him when you go to the mall tomorrow Eva,"

"That's a very reasonable idea," The daughter of the bodybuilders nodded her head in understanding, as she could see that Ezekiel would follow her training schedule, in the same way she could check Sadie on the next day since she disliked the idea of the group slacking off.

"Also… are you sure that's what you want for your life Eva? You sounded very assured about your plans for the future." Anastasia asked in a serious tone, as Eva could see by the undertone of her voice, she also sounded a bit concerned.

"Yes… I think that would be a good idea for me in the future." Eva commented as she could see both her parents supporting her projects for the future.

"So after this second season, we will take you with your trailer across the entire Canada, finding training spots for you to try on the MMA," Her father knew that her daughter was capable, as it also showed a good opportunity for her in the future. "Know that the male division of UFC can be very brutal, and we don't want to get sued by the boys who couldn't defeat you."

"Pff… I think they could take it." Eva scoffed as she smirked at what her father had said to her, proving that he feared for the man who would fight against her, and she believed him since she never thought that she managed to do the impossible sometimes, and surpassed her own limits and grew higher than she ever thought.

A bear? From male to female, Saskatchanakwa? New clothes for her, a Serial Killer? He will have nightmares of her when he sees her on television.

She is Eva the fucking Iron Woman, what doesn't kill her, it would make her even stronger, so it would be for the UFC fighters to treat her seriously, or she would take their belts so easily that it wouldn't even be funny for her.

"Alright, then. Let's think on how would be your training schedule after season 2, but remember to not lose the second season because you got hurt like the other times. I don't want to drag your ass back to the hospital and tie you to the bed again." Anastasia said grumpily which Eva freezes up, and immediately nodded her head at her mom.

"Got it…" Eva said as she could see her mom annoyed by the fact she escaped from the hospital, and she didn't want to get the same problems with her parents again, since it was painful and annoying. And kinda humiliating that it was something like that to happen.

"Also, did you get a letter from the mayor of our city?" Anastasia asked, and Eva raised her eyebrow at her, and shaking her head, she suddenly saw the smirking face of her mother. "The mayor wants you to give a seminar for little girls who want to learn how to be strong like you, it's kinda funny to see little girls treating you as their heroine, and wanting to be like you."

Eva slowly blushed, as she didn't know it would reach a point like that.

"The Iron Woman, the heroine of girls who wanted to beat up Serial Killers and bear's biggest fear." The father grumpily joked, which Eva blushed even more, as she wanted to not get out of the working room. "Let's go, we have to prepare the working out schedule for you around the show of season 2, and you can prepare the schedule of your friends. We can mark another day for you to do the seminar for the girls, and then we focus on your career as an MMA fighter. How many belts do you think you can take in a few years?"

"I don't know. All of them? Maybe 7?" Eva shrugged as she couldn't understand how that would be a difficult question, she didn't know how many belts would be, all that she knew it would be… Beat them up, knock them out, simple like that.

"That's my girl." Her father commented, and Anastasia gave an approval nod, as the group would have a bit of resting, before returning to their thoughts about the carbs they need to consume, and then return to a warm-up and relaxing before sleep.

A time Eva missed since she left her house to go to the show.

(Clothing Store)

Around the city, in the middle of the afternoon, there was a local clothing store, it took a long time for a mother to have such an opportunity to buy much good clothing in the sale, and from the time she was going to be there, she needed to have some moral support, and even some hard work, some relatives that she was happy to bring with her. Her lovely son, and her good and innocent niece. They have been well behaved in the waiting room…

And in the waiting room, there was simply a glass table...

"Let's see…" Harold commented as he was staring at a glass table, in front of him, there was his rival, also known as the red beast, the cruel mastermind of bitchery, also known as his favorite cousin, Scarlet who was also staring at the glass table, both in deep thought. Then Harold was thinking about something until he decided to make his move. "My armies are going to attack the shire from Buckland, and I roll…"

Harold pointed into a few corners of the glass table, as he what would be nothing from the table, as he placed on his own hands, and shook his hands as he had been doing a motion of rolling a dice. At the time he placed it on the glass table, Scarlet raised her eyebrows as she saw the results.

"A 5 and a 3," Harold commented, as Scarlet nodded her head in understanding.

"A solid strategy, and let me defend with…" Scarlet took the imaginary dice she had with one hand, which on the next second she released nothing on the table… And with a satisfied smile on her face. "Double 6, I win,"

Harold groaned in frustration, as Scarlet had a smug on her face.

"Double six again, if I didn't see it with my own eyes I wouldn't believe it," Harold said as Scarlet let out a laugh.

"It's all about controlling the probabilities Harold," The ginger cousin smirked as she took her glasses to clean up her glasses, and Harold rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, what are you going to be doing at the time I will be out?" Harold decided to ask since they had been departed from each other for so long, and at the time he was 9 weeks away, he never thought his cousin managed to win another first-place prize in a science fair, and even managing to create an impeachment of one of the president council on the school… Thinking it had been a slow year for her.

"Nothing much, just waiting to torment my brother once again," Scarlet said in an amused tone which was enough to make Harold roll his eyes.

"Don't you think that's too much? I mean, it had been 6 years already, and he is already on the verge of looking for a therapist." Harold asked his cousin, who just because his big brother pulled her hair, decided to torment him by making all his RC toys, and even some of her own plushies, into mechanical robots to scare him at night. "That will be enough to make him traumatized forever."

"Yeah, maybe this year I will give a stop, but he had it coming," Scarlet commented and Harold nodded his head at her.

"Oh yeah, totally. I was about to ask you to help me with my brother's collection, but then he stopped to antagonize me last year… So I think we are on good terms now." Harold commented as he could see his cousin staring at him with an amused look. "Anyway, Rita is still learning the psychology books you gave her, and I couldn't help but read some of them."

"They are pretty awesome right?" Scarlet quotes her cousin, who nodded his head at her.

"Yeah, I have a friend who has Alektorophobia grade 2," Harold commented as Scarlet had an amusement on her face. "And from his story, it was very traumatizing since an incident like that happens."

"You mean the jock Tyler who just got to witness a headless chicken in his direction, that was indeed a very surprising and absurd story, but with some real facts that couldn't be denied," Scarlet commented as she also gave a good look on her cousin. "To be honest, I always thought your team would have antagonized you more."

"What do you mean?" Harold asked as he tilted his head to his cousin, who simply rolled her eyes.

"Your team should have been into each other's throats so many times since you had a delinquent, a jock, a party boy, you as weird nerd, a homeschooled boy, 2 dunderheads, a clumsy hippy, an stuck up girl, a giant coward, an easy angered body builder… It was a recipe for disaster…" Scarlet commented as she saw her cousin narrowing his eyes at her. "But somehow the communication you all had broke the stereotypes so easily, that it was like there was a 10% of chance of everyone knowing that good communication would create a very strong team, and you all just went to your full potential."

"Yes, we did," Harold said proudly, as he couldn't lie, since there were times he could feel that he and Duncan would never been friends like they had been, he felt they would have been sworn enemies. But since the time of Phobia Factor, or even before that, on the Dodgebrawl, he felt he and his friends on the Killer Bass had been very awesome friends together. "Also sorry for not being able to finish my chewed gum for your bacteria studies."

"That's fine," Scarlet commented as she could understand the disappointed look on his face, as he explained it wasn't him who suggested the idea, but it was Beth who did it without him knowing. "What is done is done, but that could be a good opportunity."

"For what?" Harold asked which Scarlet had a good proposition for him.

"Well, since Owen had been the person who ate the whole bacteria, and even had the strong stomach to contain a lot of horrifying substances, inside of his stomach must be a colony of bacteria which would be worthy to be studied…" Scarlet gave an explanation which Harold nodded his head in understanding… "I need some of his stomachache residues to have a better study on the subject."

Then Harold suddenly felt his entire face palled.

"Please, tell me you just want vomit." Harold realized what his cousin was implying, but then he saw the evil smirk on her face, which made him groan in anger. "Ugh… this is disgusting, even at your levels."

"Well, someone must do the dirty work. And this study could help me to reach a new potential college for my great studies in the future." Scarlet said as she was cleaning the glasses, and the nerd rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, always saying it's for your studies to reach college, didn't you find a job to have your money yet?" Harold said as he crossed his arms, pointing out that Scarlet without money wouldn't be able to do anything.

"I still haven't found investors, but I will find money someway, and what about you Mr. Mad Skills? What is your strategy for this season?" Scarlet commented as the nerdy boy just sniffed, and simply shrugged.

"Just being like me, kiss my girlfriend, show some mad skills, and win the 1 million dollars." Harold simply commented, which was enough to make his cousin laugh at him. "What's so funny?"

"Well, because there is no way that your plan is actually going to work," Scarlet said smugly, and seeing her cousin frowning on her, she decided to explain. "If you keep doing whatever you are doing, you won't get far."

"You want to bet?" Harold said as he raised his eyebrows because he knew there was someone who knew his potential and knew that if he still had the Killer Bass, he would reach the MVP more times than before.

"Actually I do…" Scarlet said as she was with a smug on her face. "Whoever makes 1 million first, will decide what the other is going to be doing next, without complaint."

"Anything?" Harold said as his eyes wide open in surprise, and Scarlet gave the evil smile that made his body shiver in fear… "You want me a test subject?"

"Maybe…" Scarlet said innocently, but still offered her hand… "You want to try?"

Harold gulped… but slowly he looked at his hands… And then remembered how far he had gone, he knew there were a lot of opportunities for him. He hasn't shown all his tricks yet, he is still a wild card, but he knows that he has a chance.

"Alright, deal," Harold said as he offered his hand, which both cousins shook their hands.

And at that moment, Rachel came to greet both her niece and her son who were waiting for her in the waiting room.

"How do I look, kids?" Rachel asked excitedly and both nerds looked at her and nodded their heads.

"Looks awesome Mom."

"Looks wonderful Aunty."

"Such wonderful kids," Rachel smiled, as she went back to change herself. It was a good time for the family to buy clothes.

(Sadie's School)

The halls of Sadie's high school buzzed with the usual chatter of students rushing to their next class or catching up with friends. It had been months since Sadie last stepped foot in the school, having left for Total Drama Island and missing much of the regular school semester. Now, as she entered the building for the first time since the show ended, heads turned, and conversations paused.

Whispers spread rapidly through the hallways, and students stared at the girl they had once known as the bubbly, slightly out-of-shape friend who was always glued to Katie's side. But now, standing in front of them was different Sadie is now stronger, more defined, her body a mix of chubbiness and noticeable muscle, as though she'd been working out non-stop. Her hair was no longer styled the way it had been on the show. Instead, it was shorter, with a choppy, modern edge thanks to a haircut Harold had given her back at Playa Del Losers. It gave her a tougher, more mature look, one that reflected the girl she had grown into since her days as a camper on Total Drama Island.

As Sadie walked through the halls, clutching her backpack strap with one hand, she could hear the murmurs from every corner.

"Is that Sadie?" one student whispered, eyes wide in disbelief.

"No way! She looks so different!" another chimed in.

"Where's Katie?"

That question came up a lot as Sadie made her way to her locker, and she couldn't help but feel a pang in her chest every time someone asked. For as long as she could remember, it had always been [i]Katie and Sadie, /i]the inseparable best friends. But this time, Katie had decided to take a break, staying at home with her mom and her boyfriend Cody. She wanted to take some much-needed "me time" after the exhausting experience of Total Drama.

Sadie respected that decision. Since the last episode had been rough for everyone, to the point Ezekiel had to be the voice of the reason, and show they deserved to be seen better and have more dignity, she felt silly for thinking about how they were ready to throw away their friendship just for fighting over a suitcase of money. She knew how important it was for Katie to have time to herself, also she knew Katie would want to start developing the clothing for Ezekiel since she had got a lot of motivation from her friends, and since the last time she did a T-shirt for Zeke, he became so happy that he wanted her to make a jacket for him.

But still, it felt strange walking these halls alone for the first time. She wasn't the same girl who had left, and the absence of her best friend only made the transformation more pronounced. It had been a nightmare the time she had to leave the show and let Katie alone to deal with all the dangers of the show.

But not this time…

Sadie was happy Ezekiel challenged everyone to be part of season 2, which would show how much she changed, and how much she grew up as a friend and as a person… Also, she was curious about all the gossip she could take from everyone, just like the good times.

It was strange that she missed her friends already since they just returned in one single day. But that wasn't going to bother that, since her mom would take her and Katie on a ride to a mall, which Katie was more than happy to accept since it's a good time to reunite with the Killer Bass…

Everything was nice for her...

A group of students she didn't recognize walked by, giving her curious glances.

"Hey, isn't she from that island show?" one asked. Another nodded, eyes flicking from Sadie's face to her noticeably toned arms.

"Yeah, that's her. But… she's changed."

And she had. Total Drama Island had forced Sadie to make decisions that would change her life in ways she hadn't expected. After being eliminated early on, watching from Playa Del Losers had been tough. Seeing Katie in danger during the Sucky Outdoors challenge was a turning point. She didn't want to feel helpless anymore. So, she asked Eva to train her, and the result was what everyone saw now, a stronger Sadie, and ready to protect her best friend and sister of another mother.

At her locker, Sadie took a deep breath and smiled to herself. She wasn't just the girl who baked cupcakes and followed Katie around anymore. She wanted to be more like her friends from the Killer Bass, who had always been tough and capable. People like Bridgette, who was always calm under pressure, Courtney which more determined than the others, Ezekiel who was ready to take anything and incentive the others to remain strong and even Duncan, who didn't care what anyone thought.

The island had changed her, physically and mentally. She was ready to grow, to stand on her own two feet. She glanced around the hallway, aware of the stares but no longer feeling the anxiety she might have before. Instead, she felt... confident.

"Well, I guess this is the new me," she whispered to herself, shutting her locker with a soft click. It was strange not having Katie beside her, but in a way, it was liberating. For the first time, Sadie was carving her own path, and though she missed her best friend, she was eager to see where this new chapter would lead her.

As she walked to her next class, the buzz around her only grew, but Sadie held her head high. She wasn't just one half of a duo anymore, she was Sadie, someone who had appeared on a reality TV show, someone who had trained with Eva, and someone who was determined to be as strong as her friends from the island. And when season 2 happens, she will be ready to show the new Sadie, another powerhouse, that she knew would make herself known to the others. Maybe becoming MVP like her friends. Who knows?

Sadie smiled as she was excited to see her friends again in the mall… it was going to be an amazing day.

(Katie's Bedroom)

Katie's bedroom was a perfect reflection of her bright, bubbly personality. The walls were painted a soft pink, with touches of white around the windows and door frames. Posters of handsome celebrity heartthrobs plastered the walls, their charming smiles frozen in time, reminding her of the sweet dreams and romantic fantasies she indulged in every now and then. Her bed, with its pink and white comforter, was neatly made, with a few stuffed animals sitting at the foot, watching over the room like silent guardians. Between them, there was her companion, Buggsy the Bunny, the pet she brought with her from the island, and now the pet found little imaginary friends to play with.

The floor, however, was a different story. A sea of fabrics covered almost every inch, as if a tornado had ripped through a fabric store and dumped its contents right into her room. Various shades of teal green, white, and other colors that matched her sense of fashion were scattered around, along with measuring tapes, pins, and a sewing machine sitting on her desk. Katie had been working tirelessly on a jacket, one that she'd been conceptualizing since her time at Playa Del Losers when Ezekiel handed her the sketch of how was the clothing since the guys wanted him to have new clothes on his house and entrusted her with the design.

She sat cross-legged on the floor, carefully stitching the last few seams of the jacket, her mind totally focused. The teal green fabric shimmered slightly under the light from her bedside lamp, with bold white stripes running along the sleeves and chest, just like in Ezekiel's drawing. Near the chest, she was adding the final touch: a white strip with the number "10" stamped proudly on it. She smiled at the progress she had made, it had taken her days to finally get it right.

The jacket wasn't just another fashion project for Katie. It was something personal, a gesture of friendship and trust. Ezekiel had told her about this design, saying it was based on one of the characters from a future book he was working on, and he thought it would perfectly match the new hairstyle Harold had given him. Knowing how much faith Ezekiel had put in her made Katie want to do her absolute best. This wasn't about impressing a fashion audience or even herself, it was about doing something special for a friend.

As she worked, her mind occasionally drifted back to Sadie. It was the first day that Sadie had gone to school without her, and though Katie had decided to stay home for some much-needed "me time," a small part of her worried about how Sadie was doing. They had never been apart like this before. It felt strange like a part of Katie's world was missing. She imagined Sadie walking through the school halls, dealing with all the stares and whispers on her own. A pang of guilt tugged at Katie's heart.

But she also knew this was important. Sadie needed to grow, just like she did. They had both changed since their time on Total Drama Island and while they were still best friends, they each needed a little space to figure things out. Katie learned that at the time she was separated from Sadie on the show, but still she had great friends who managed her to keep the focus on herself, to improve herself in many ways, and even she survived and dealt with many challenges. She was happy to develop her designs and enjoy some peace after the chaos of the island in the Playa Del Losers. Plus, she had met Cody and managed to get into an amazing relationship with her boyfriend. Even though her mom hadn't allowed him to stay with her alone in the house today, she knew they'd spend time together soon enough, when they returned from work, since her mom wanted to keep an eye on her boyfriend while leaving the tan girl alone dealing with the boredom. But thanks to that, right now, it was nice to just be in her own world, surrounded by fabrics and fashion.

Katie glanced over at her desk, where the sketch from Ezekiel sat, showing the details on which character the person used such a jacket, and explained how that number alone 10, would impersonate so many things in the future, maybe a book that she knew Cody would be interested into reading… Funny enough, she never saw Cody reading Ezekiel's books, and she already had read the chapters of all the projects done by Ezekiel, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Steven Universe, and Adventure Time… She smiled, thinking of how much fun it had been working on the jacket, which made her wonder if she should also try to do the same jacket in other colors and other styles. Ezekiel would have liked to see one of his designs being developed into other styles since his trust in her gave her the motivation to keep going, and finishing this project had been a way for her to stay busy and productive. Plus, it felt good to do something just for fun, without the pressure of competition or drama.

As she tied off the final thread on the jacket and held it up, Katie grinned with satisfaction. "Perfect," she whispered to herself. It was exactly how she'd envisioned it. She couldn't wait to see Ezekiel's reaction. Since the next day she would be taking it with her and give to Ezekiel at the mall, it would be something that would call the attention of everyone in season 2.

With a sigh, Katie set the jacket down carefully and leaned back, taking in the organized chaos around her. The house was quiet, her mom had taken Cody to where she works, leaving her to enjoy the peace and solitude. Though she missed having her boyfriend around, she was grateful for the uninterrupted time to finish the jacket.

Still, as her thoughts drifted back to Sadie, she made a mental note to check in with her best friend later. She had faith that Sadie was doing fine, but it wouldn't hurt to call and see how her day went.

For now, though, Katie allowed herself to relax. She had done something she was proud of, and it felt good to focus on herself for once.

(Tyler's house)

The jock was eating his lunch at the table, glancing at his parents, and two things were about to happen … his mom was holding a very hot pot in her hands, which could potentially end up with any of the trio getting hurt in the process… Two, his father and he cursed themselves for not preparing for the floor being extra slippery during the day. So any quick movements would end up in their clumsy nature and they would get potentially hurt.

"Dehila, slowly put the pot on the table, we don't want hot coffee on us again, do we?" The father said calmly, but still showing the dreadful feeling, that both he and his son shared at the time they were in the accursed house, since it seemed by being cheaper, the floors were slippery and there was a high chance of someone falling down on the stairs, which thankfully each of them had their own personal ways into not falling downstairs, but the floor itself is like a very tricky challenge they always had to deal in daily basis.

"Don't worry, Tyson, I won't slip agai- Whoops!" Dehila tripped on her feet and tossed the hot pot in the air, which immediately both Tyler and Tyson got up from their chairs and jumped from the hot coffee hitting them, but the quick movement was enough to make both of them fall with their backs on the floor from how slippery it was… Making both groaning from the impact of the hard and slippery floor. "Sorry boys."

Dehila giggled sheepishly, as Tyson didn't even move his head, and Tyler let out a sigh.

"Tyler, broke any bone?" Tyson's question was said nonchalantly like it was just an ordinary question.

"No, what about you dad?" Tyler asked the same thing, which the father gave slight moves but gave a small sigh of relief.

"No, my back is fine. Didn't break again." Tyson said as both men remained on the floor, while Dehila calmly walked to take the paper towels and start cleaning up the table.

"So you both are going to stay low for now?" The matriarch asked the question, as both men refused to move. "That's a fair strategy, however, it's best for you two to eat your food before getting cold."

Both Tyler and Tyson got up from the floor and slowly got to their seats, and Tyler couldn't help but be amused.

"How does every time we get into a clumsy accident, somehow some of the objects we were just holding still remain intact?" The jock asked the father who simply shrugged, not caring to reply.

"Nobody knows it, it's just the way it is… Maybe we are so good at getting ourselves hurt, but we found some way to make us keep moving." Tyson explained, as he simply shrugged from the way he explained to his son. "Maybe we are holding more karma for us to have good big luck in our lives, I mean, remember when your grandfather fell from 3 airplanes and got the prize of a lottery ticket?"

"Hum… that actually makes sense," Tyler commented as both parents nodded their heads, as the jock thought about it. "Maybe having Lindsay in my life was my good karma from all my clumsiness?"

"That's probable." The mother smiled as she gave a peak on her husband's cheek… "Maybe that's how I got too much clumsy since I have a great husband."

"The same I can say, my clumsy queen. Now kiss me," Tyson said as he was about to kiss, but suddenly both hit their foreheads together. "Ouch,"

"God, thank you." Tyler gave a small gratitude for saving him from seeing his parents kissing each other since it had been something that he wasn't willing to see. "Well, I better finish eating my lunch before going to take a walk to school, I want to see how the new gym class became after Lindsay's father found the sponsors for the school."

"They brought a lot of good products Tyler, and very durable and resilient as well, so in any case, you better not try to use them right now, because you are 5 days on returning on the show, and we don't want you to break the equipment, or worse, you getting with an arm broken before your return," Tyson explained which the jock just scoffed.

"Come on, there is no way I was going to get hurt," Tyler said as suddenly his mother decided to intervene.

"2001…"Dehila said as Tyler pouted and looked at his mother in betrayal.

"Oh come on, it was just my two arms, and you promised that you weren't to use that year against me," Tyler said as both parents shrugged. Making the jock sigh in disappointment. "Alright, I will just see it, and I will not try to use them."

"Good, now… do you want to have a ride tomorrow for your way to Toronto?" Dehila's question made Tyler pause, and then facepalm.

"Dammit, I forgot I was going to meet them in the mall… ugh… which mall is it…" Tyler was about to ask someone who he had contacted, thankfully Geoff gave him his number, and also Duncan and DJ, so anyone could...

"Eaton Centre" The matriarch replied the question, which made Tyler look at his mom in surprise. "What? Do you think I don't know about their projects? Their mothers and I had a great time when you were at the show, we even went into a spa together."

"Which was very expensive," Tyson commented, as Dehila gave a deep glare, which the father slowly chuckled. "Thankfully one of the mothers paid for all of them, so I didn't need to pay for anything."

"That's what I thought," Dehila commented as she returned to her son who was surprised by the story, which the mother of the jock actually giggled. "I will give you a ride on there, so you better be careful and not get hurt."

"Well, I was going to the school to see the gym class, but knowing about the meeting tomorrow. Maybe I should stay at home just for today." Tyler offered a small smile, which his mom smiled and hugged him, which the floor was still slippery almost making them both fall on the floor, but both comically held themselves together, it was a funny thing to see…

"Maybe this house is more dangerous than your walk on the schoolboy, better to stay in your bedroom." Tyson offered advice, as he himself looked at the coffee pot which had a small portion of coffee remaining, which he gladly took on his cup.

The house maybe was a death trap, and nobody knew about it. But they are so used that nothing phases them...


Duncan dragged the garbage bag behind him, grimacing at the disgusting mix of old food, crumpled wrappers, and who-knows-what-else that littered the street. It was humiliating, having to clean up after the careless people who thought it was okay to dump their trash in the middle of the sidewalk. But giving on how Courtney's mom had managed to pull some strings and get him out of returning to juvenile while he was out of the show. He smirked on how his girlfriend rocks, and her mother as well.

Still, it didn't make picking up trash any more pleasant.

He could hear the snickers behind him, his five cousins, leaning against a nearby wall, watching him work with stupid grins on their faces. Duncan rolled his eyes, biting back the urge to flip them off, but Courtney insisted that he should be a better example and not be a bad influence to Ezekiel, who he was sure she had been also showing some bad examples, which he could imagine his princess blushing while stuttering it wasn't her. But still, his cousins loved nothing more than seeing him knocked down a peg, and right now, they were enjoying every second of his humiliation.

To make things worse, his Aunt Diana was there too, keeping a close watch. Uptight didn't even begin to describe her. Detective Diana Rush, the no-nonsense, by-the-book bane of both his and Uncle Martin's existence. She stood with her arms crossed, her sharp eyes scanning every move he made, making sure he didn't slack off or try to cut corners. Duncan wished it was Uncle Martin or even Aunt Alex who got stuck babysitting him on the first day. At least then, he could have a decent conversation. Like hearing about them two debating which supernatural monster was the best, or which sci-fi movie they should be watching. When he saw his mom presenting both his relatives with Ezekiel's book, he saw how his uncle Martin read the whole book in 1 hour, while his aunt finished in 2 hours, and the debates they had about the supernatural events were pretty hilarious. About the talk on which kind of demon the demon on the mattress was, or who would win a fight between the Werewolf or the Weremole, which was kinda very nice to hear his father slamming his head on the table, while he and his siblings were enjoying seeing them two being themselves.

But Diana? She wasn't the type to make things easy for anyone.

"Keep at it, Duncan. I want this street spotless. No slacking off." Diana's voice cut through the silence like a razor.

"Yeah, yeah," Duncan muttered under his breath, tossing another crumpled bag into the trash. He could already hear the lecture coming, something about responsibility and doing his part for the community. She loved that kind of talk. It was a wonder she and his mom got along at all. His mom knew how to loosen up every now and then. Diana? Not so much.

His cousins started laughing again, louder this time, probably cracking jokes about how the big, tough delinquent was now the city's personal janitor. Duncan clenched his jaw, resisting the urge to turn around and throw something at them. Aunt Diana would kill him if he even tried. Instead, he took a deep breath and tried to ignore them.

"Wow, Aunt Diana," Duncan said, trying to break the monotony, "can't believe the 25th member of the Rush family is already on their way. You must be really excited about all these future detectives."

Diana's stern face softened just a little, something rare for her. "It's going well," she said with a hint of pride. "We're getting more members of the family into the field, ensuring they uphold the values of law and order. The legacy is in good hands."

"Yeah, well, I think we both know I'm not one of those future detectives." Duncan raised an eyebrow. "A rebel at the best, and a vandal at worst."

"Duncan, I just don't understand it." Diana sighed, clearly frustrated by his refusal to toe the family line. "You and your brothers still going through this rebellious phase, while the rest of the family is contributing to something meaningful. Why is that?"

"Look, I'll only be a detective if I can be like Uncle Martin." Duncan shrugged, a smirk playing on his lips. "I'm not cut out for your whole 'by the book' thing, Aunt Diana. Rules? They're more like suggestions, you know?"

Diana groaned, clearly displeased with his answer, but there was a glimmer of amusement in her eyes, even if she hated to admit it. "Of course, you'd say that. Just like your uncle, irresponsible, reckless. You two are exactly alike. I suppose I should be happy you're not crossing certain lines anymore. Your mom says you're more mature now."

"She said that?" Duncan paused, surprised. But then he could see the reason why… "Well, I met pretty awesome people on the show, and when I was there, I learned a lot of things, things that make everyone pass the night thinking... pretty fucked up things."

"Language," Diana said as she narrowed his eyes at him, but Duncan scoffed and rolled his eyes. But from the tone of voice coming from her nephew, she wondered what made him change. "Like what?"

"Like how a friend of mine became homeschooled because his aunt died as a teacher on a day of a school shooting," Duncan said as he grabbed another piece of trash, on that moment, the entire place went in silence, and even the kids who were once giggling and having fun over his expertise suddenly they stopped and looked at their mom, who had her entire face ashen… A nerd boy was bullied so much in school in the United States that simply snapped and took lives, especially of a Canadian teacher…

"Duncan…" Diana tried to say something, but Duncan simply didn't care.

"What do you say to a person who got a family member dying like that, and from the cases most of our family worked with, probably the nerd had too much pressure and finished himself off…" Duncan commented as he launched the trash like basketball. And with a solemn tone, the delinquent just looks at his aunt. "What do you say to all the victims who lost someone on that day… What would you say for a group of parents who lost their children, or in a case that it was clearly fucked up like that?"

Diana didn't correct Duncan this time, since the vandal had proved his point, there was nothing that she could say about it since Duncan clearly didn't want to show how faithful he had to be to the law since the law at that time would be a mere joke. A tragedy without justice…

She once saw Martin having one case like that, and when she returned to see her younger brother, she never saw him so serious and furious on that day. Knowing that things reached a point where there was nothing the police could have done, the police department would take the cries and the anger of the families of the victims, in the same way, Martin could see firsthand how a case in the United States had been a serious issue over the time.

She looked at her children, and seeing them hesitating to say anything… The mature detective had to give to Duncan since he had proved his point to her, as also she could see something in him changed, the boy usually would have always preferred to make fun of the nerds, or even do pranks without knowing the limits.

"And now, you seemed to reach your own conclusion," Diana commented as she could see it.

"Yeah, I'm a vandal, a rebel, a delinquent, but to make someone suffer so much to the point of breaking? Nah, I'm not going to do it." Duncan commented as he seemed to take a broom and clean up more of the floor. "You all can be detectives, maybe I will start working into something that wouldn't come up and eat my sleep at night..."

"You've changed…" Diana nodded, as now she saw what Sheila had been telling her. On how Duncan made such great friends, and a good girlfriend that managed to make him be more friendly, but still having his essence. "Yes. I can see it, too. You're not the same wild kid I met years ago. You've calmed down a bit. But I know there's still that rebellious streak in you. And, as much as I hate it, I suppose it's part of what makes you… you."

"Well, I'm glad I'm still keeping you on your toes." Duncan grinned.

She rolled her eyes but couldn't help a small smile. "Just make sure you finish cleaning this street, and don't let me catch you causing any more trouble."

"Yeah, yeah, you've got nothing to worry about, Detective," Duncan said with a mock salute.

As she walked away to check on something down the street, Duncan chuckled to himself, proud that he still had that rebellious edge. Sure, community service sucked, and Aunt Diana was a pain, but he was Duncan, the toughest guy in Total Drama and one of three Killer Bass's pillars. No matter what, even if the first season ended, he'd never let anyone take that from him.


DJ and his momma walked down the aisles of the local supermarket, preparing for what was shaping up to be a massive celebration. Gwen's birthday, on Halloween no less, was just days away, and DJ's mom had taken it upon herself to throw the best party imaginable. DJ was more than happy to help, but he couldn't hide the deep, red blush on his face as he strolled through the store.

It wasn't the party preparations that had him embarrassed, though. It was the shirts.

DJ tugged at the hem of his T-shirt, which read in bold letters, 'Single but Looking.' He couldn't even make eye contact with the shoppers walking by. His momma, on the other hand, was practically beaming, wearing her own T-shirt that proudly proclaimed, 'Wanna Be Grandma!' She strutted through the store with absolute confidence, drawing more than a few curious stares and amused chuckles from people they passed. DJ, on the other hand, wanted to sink into the floor.

"Momma," DJ whispered, glancing around nervously, "I love you, I really do, but this… this is humiliating."

His momma waved her hand dismissively, not even slightly phased by his discomfort. "Oh hush now, poopy doo. You're growing up! And these shirts, they're just a little fun. You need to embrace it!" she said with a laugh, tossing some party supplies into the cart. "Besides, you've got great qualities! You're kind, you're handsome, and everyone loves you. It's only natural you'd start lookin' for a nice girl."

DJ's face somehow managed to turn an even deeper shade of red. "Momma, I don't think wearing a shirt like this is going to help with that."

She winked at him. "You'd be surprised, Devon Joseph. You're a catch! And with all this popularity y'all are gettin' from that show, people need to know you're single but ready to mingle. But don't you worry, if anyone gets too freaky, Momma's gonna slap them right across the face?" She gave a playful slap in the air to emphasize her point.

DJ chuckled nervously, though deep down, the attention and pressure of his sudden popularity had been overwhelming. Everywhere he went, people recognized him, asked for pictures, or tried to chat him up. He wasn't used to it. He was just DJ—a simple, kind-hearted guy who loved his momma and his friends. The fame, the expectations… it was all too much at times.

As they continued walking, DJ could feel the weight of everyone's eyes on him. It wasn't just the shirt—people recognized him from the show. Whispers followed him wherever he went, people pointing him out, talking about his moments on [i]Total Drama/i]. It felt like the walls were closing in on him.

The next thing he knew, the world started spinning. His head grew light, and before he could say a word, he fainted, collapsing right in the middle of the aisle.

His momma didn't even bat an eye. "Oh, Lord…" she muttered, rolling her eyes. "There he goes again." She leaned down, patting DJ's cheek a few times. "Come on, poopy doo, wake up. We still gotta get the cake mix for Gwen's party! Just for a few more corridors"

"Did I… faint?" DJ's eyes fluttered open, and he groaned.

"You sure did," Momma said, helping him sit up. "You need to stop lettin' all this attention get to you. It's nothin' but noise, baby. Focus on being you, the same sweet boy you've always been. That's what matters."

DJ sat up fully, still a little dazed but feeling better as his momma's words sunk in. He smiled weakly at her, his heart full of appreciation. "Okay, thanks, Momma."

"No problem, my son," she said with a warm smile, pulling him into a hug. "Now, let's finish getting these supplies, alright? We've got a birthday party to make it special. And you know what they say, Halloween birthdays only come once a year. And it's the best way to have fun before returning to the chaos of the show you both are going to return."

"Yeah, I also need to meet everyone at the mall tomorrow," DJ commented, as suddenly he saw the sparkles in his mom's eyes, and he immediately regretted saying that. "Oh no, please no, I don't want to wear this T-shirt tomorrow."

"Oh come on, you would attract more public like that." Momma giggled, as DJ felt his face blushing in such an embarrassing way.

"The boys aren't going to let me live that down," DJ said exasperated because he knew Duncan, Harold, heck, even Ezekiel was going to have a good laugh of that. "And I don't want to explain to my friends about the chance of me wearing that just because you wanted me to hook up with someone."

"So what are you planning to do?" Momma said as she crossed her arms, and gave an amused stare at her baby boy. "I want you to have a good time at the mall, but be sure to be yourself, and treat your friends right tomorrow. When season 2 is over we can plan what we are going to do in the future."

"Well, don't we want to buy a restaurant and make food for everyone?" DJ asked in surprise, and Momma nodded her head to him.

"Yes, and I talked with Victoria, and from what she told me, the idea your friend Ezekiel said could save us from being sued by everyone who would try to eat our food made with love. Just in case we would need to talk to her to make sure to create a recommendation for people going to the nutritionist before going to our restaurant." Momma explained as she could see her son tilting her head in confusion, making her sigh. "What we would need is money poopy doo, and for that, you need to be at your best on season 2, you need to use the popularity you have on the show to create an opportunity for the future. I mean, look at your friend Ezekiel…"

"Ohh… yeah, you are right," DJ said as he looked a bit sad, knowing that in the show he wanted 100 thousand dollars just for buying a restaurant for himself and his momma's work, he also remembered how everyone wanted money for some reason, and how Ezekiel managed to have a good way to make money without even needing to win the show. "Maybe I could offer myself to help in the kitchen, just for the sake of making people interested in the food?"

"Depending on the situation, I may be invited to do the wicked pallet again," Momma said which immediately DJ to freeze his place, and even as he was doing his best puppy dog face, she shook her face. "No, I'm not going to do the Caribbean Fusion Feast… 10 years Devon Joseph,"

DJ dropped his head, as he knew that he had to wait a decade for his Momma to cook the best feast she could have done for his family, and now he really shot on his foot. And he couldn't have any access to the great food of his momma.

"Let's get the cake Mix and grab a few sodas," DJ said in defeat, as he could see his momma giggling behind him. "Can you take care of Bunny while I'm at the show?"

"Sure thing poopy doo… sure thing." Momma giggled as the duo still walked around the supermarket, as the Jamaican with a good heart, and the mother Jamaican chef enjoyed their groceries, even some people would try to jump on them, Momma would slap anyone who would freakly scare her and her baby boy.

The mission of a mother is never over...


The sun bathed Kitisiliano Beach in a warm, golden glow as waves gently lapped at the shore, the sound of the ocean creating a soothing, rhythmic hum. Bridgette and her mother, Karen, had laid out a beach blanket on the soft, white sand, their towels catching the sunlight that made everything shimmer. It had been a long time since they'd shared a day like this, with nothing but the wide-open horizon stretching before them and the time to just be together. Bridgette, fresh off her whirlwind experience on [i]Total Drama Island/i, realized how much she had missed these peaceful moments with her mom.

The beach was vibrant but serene. Palm trees swayed in the breeze, their leaves rustling gently, while surfers dotted the sparkling waters, riding the rolling waves in the distance. Clusters of seashells decorated the shoreline, small treasures for beachcombers to collect. The sky was a brilliant blue, with the occasional wisp of cloud drifting lazily overhead.

The two had spent their morning soaking up the sun and savoring the warmth on their skin. Bridgette, ever the ocean lover, had dashed into the water several times, her love for the waves undiminished even after her adventure on the island. She rode the waves with ease, her body moving in sync with the ocean's rhythm. Her mother watched proudly from the shore, smiling at the sight of her daughter so at peace in the water.

The fans were really great, as Bridgette took a few moments to take pictures with them, and even had a few waves with some surfer fans, it had been a great experience for her to know more about her popularity, as even being the girl to bring Trent down, and even having questions in regard of her boyfriend that she missed.

But with her mom, she knew on the next day she would meet her boyfriend in the same location where she would find the other Killer Bass, to help Ezekiel see the mall for the first time, everyone planned to meet at the mall where he would be doing the book signing, making sure everything would be great, and also having a great time on there.

After a long swim, they shared a quiet picnic, enjoying fresh fruit, sandwiches, and cool drinks, their laughter blending with the sounds of distant children playing and seagulls circling above. The air was salty and refreshing, the kind that carried memories of endless summers spent together by the beach, and Karen cherished every moment she had with her daughter.

As the afternoon rolled in, the two walked along the shore, leaving footprints in the damp sand, the cool water splashing against their legs. Bridgette collected seashells to take with her, a small reminder of this day. The beach gradually grew quieter as families packed up and left, leaving them in a quieter, more tranquil setting.

With them, Bridgette and Karen also prepared their stuff to leave…

"And then we sang a final song for the Aquarium while we left the island Wawanakwa, needlessly to say, it's a pity that it didn't appear on the television, because you could have seen Duncan singing with us. But it had been something I will cherish in my memories." Bridgette said as both her placed her surfer board on the back of the said car, and her mother was even preparing everything before leaving.

"Hehehe, I can imagine the other mothers giggling from imagining their children doing that, Sheila would have been proud of Duncan for the fact he was following her steps, but I don't think he would like to hear that hahahaha." Karen laughed as both mother and daughter, prepared the car for once again return for their lives, and for making such good memories together, Bridgette would need to enjoy the maximum of her days before returning on the next season of the show.

As the duo was about to leave, suddenly the mother and daughter caught someone on the corner of the street, a girl with pale skin, long light blond hair with side bands that went down to a little above her shoulders, teal eyes, and a slight dark purple lipstick. Wearing a dark green sweater with the collar of a light blue underskirt being seen through the neck hole, a light black skirt, skin-tight purple pants, and black shoes. A big dark green backpack with a duck sitting on the top… And in her hands, there was a plaque in her hands with a written. 'Need a ride to Eaton Centre, Toronto.'

At that moment, Karen blinked as Bridgette also never thought to see someone wearing a sweater on a beach, and with a plaque an indication of a place which is on the other side of Canada.

"Isn't the place where you and your friends are going tomorrow?" Karen asked her daughter as Bridgette could see the palled girl, who looked simply serene, as she was waiting for something, not mattering if was going to take hours or even days to achieve. Somehow the young surfer, couldn't help but think of the same thing.

"She must be a fan of the show and wants to go to the mall for the book signing," Bridgette said as she looked at her mom as if she wanted to ask something, but with the smile of her own mother, she was thinking at the same time.

"Let's offer a ride," Karen said, which immediately both best friends, mother and daughter went to greet the young moonchild who was waiting patiently at the duo walking towards her direction. "Hey, girl, we saw your plaque…"

"I was waiting for you, Miss Karen, and Bridgette…" The girl finally decided to talk, and suddenly both mother and daughter were surprised by the calm voice and yet a person who seemed to know the name not of just the surfer, but of her mom as well.

"Okay, I can understand that you know me because of the Total Drama show, but how did you know my mother's name?" Bridgette asked as she looked a bit scared and on the verge of regretting her decision.

"It's in your auras."The girl replied as both mother and daughter gave a weird look on her. "Sorry for not presenting myself, my name is Dawn. And I would be grateful for the offering of a ride to Eaton Centre, I spent a long time saving my money to buy Ezekiel's books."


And the duck quacked in what would be frustration, which immediately made Dawn have her eyes wide open.

"Oh, I'm so sorry…" Dawn looked behind her shoulder and decided to continue. "He is my companion Howard, and he said he also would be thankful for your offer to help us to cross Canada."

"Okay?" Bridgette immediately felt an urge to leave the girl alone, but another part of her felt that she was doing the right thing. Especially her mom who also seemed to be agreeing with her. "You already could guess my name and my mom's as well, and we are about to leave to go home, I don't live in Toronto, but it could be enough to be 2 hours walking from there."

"Which would be more than enough for me," Dawn commented, as she and Howard nodded their heads. "I could see that in your aura there was a shift of nervousness, and both of you are starting to be afraid of me, and I want to tell you there is nothing to be afraid of… since Mother Nature had guided me to someone who could aid me, and I would never do anything harmful to someone who had been helping me, and the creatures of Mother Nature."

"Oh, so you like the Nature as well?" Bridgette as bit she was uncomfortable with meeting Dawn, but she still thought at least both of them had one thing in common, both liked nature, which was surprising that the girl seemed to be living in a forest.

"Correct," Dawn replied which made Bridgette's eyes wide open in surprise. "I can read minds, as the same way I can read the future in Tarot if you are interested to know."

"No thanks…" Bridgette refused, but now she could find more relief that she guessed the girl was now a fortune teller, and from all the weirdest things happening across her life, at least she could understand what Dawn was… A fortune teller or something different. And before Dawn was about to interrupt her, a voice called for both of them.

"Girls?" The duo saw Karen already with the car on, and calling for the duo of nature lovers who simply as Bridgette helped Dawn to place her backpack on the back of the car, and she sat comfortably on the back as mother and daughter sat in the front of the car.

And with that, the trip once again started on the street.

Minutes passed as mother and daughter drove in the street, Dawn looked out the window as she could feel, the uncomfortable silence happening across the time she was in the back of the car.

"Sorry for being an inconvenience for both of you…" Dawn commented as Howard tilted its head to her, who decided to pat it on its head.

Karen was caught by the surprise of such a comment, and she wanted to do something, anything to help with the conversation.

"Well Dawn, how about you tell us about yourself?" The mother decided to create something of the girl, who simply remained in silence but also gave a slight nod, as Bridgette was looking at the mirror from the car.

"I'm from Vancouver Island, and my dad is a Ranger on the forests as my mom is an owner of a truck stop restaurant, but she is also a fortune teller," Dawn decided to tell the duo mother and daughter about herself, which immediately brought the attention of them… "We live in the middle of the forest in our house, yes, we have cable, that's how I knew about the show, but we are also in tune with Mother Nature, that we could understand and talk with the animals."

"Really?" Bridgette asked as she was now could see something that she never thought to hear. Someone clearly talking and understanding the animals. "Is that even possible?"

"Well, you are on halfway actually Bridgette," Dawn commented as the surfer slowly opened her eyes as she then saw the moonchild smiling at her. "Since the brunch of disgustness, you felt somehow that any kind of animal, felt more comfortable around your presence, in such a point that you feel that you could even calm down the most dangerous of animals, isn't that right?"

"How did you know that?" Bridgette asked as she felt herself sweat in fear from the girl who seemed to be reading her thoughts, or aura, or whatever the girl was talking about.

"You have been blessed by the Mother Nature, Bridgette."And then when Dawn said such a comment, it felt like that good breeze of calm went down over her scary heart, and Bridgette felt herself calming down… "Mother Nature saw the suffering you had to deal with at the time you were given a choice of eating one of your animal friends or suffering the worst taste of nature, and you many times decided to suffer for Mother Nature, and even on the last moment, you decided to give up, just for the sake of not eating meat. Such a choice, many would frown upon you… But Mother Nature gave you her blessings because of how loyal to your principles you were. That's why you feel confused about why the animals don't feel scared or even attack you… Because Mother Nature likes you…"

*Quack* *Quack*

Then Howard, flapped a few times it's wing and flew into the middle of the car, which Karen had to hold tight on the wheel, Bridgette was surprised at how the duck decided to sit on the lap of the surfer and even crouch and sleep on her lap.

Bridgette looked surprised, but then she heard the giggling of Dawn who was smiling at the duck.

"Howard has always been a problematic duck, even causing confusion and fights with his wife, I'm surprised that he got so tired that he wanted to sleep in the lap of someone," Dawn commented as she giggled from seeing the look on Bridgette's face.

"Oh so that's why it explains why the seagulls looked friendly around Bridgette and when it comes to eating the other's foods, they passed above Bridgette and even went nearby her to ask for her to pat their heads." Karen then commented in amusement, as the surfer girl now snapped from her thoughts.

"Oh, so that's what they were asking? I thought they wanted my french fries, which when I refused to give them, they simply nodded and went away." Bridgette commented as she felt one of the confusing questions on her mind finally being answered, she now looked at Dawn who seemed to have found a way to break the ice and start the conversation on crossing the street. "Well, that's something I can rest now knowing. Thank you for telling me, Dawn."

"Not a problem, this had been something I must do since Mother Nature guided me to cross this journey," Dawn commented as now Karen looked a bit concerned for the moonchild.

"So you came from your home to here alone? Does your parents know about that?" Karen asked in worry, but she felt relieved when Dawn nodded her head to the surfer's mother.

"Yes, my parents are fine with the journey I have ahead. And I needed to have a ride, or I would have passed the whole 40 days walking until I reached to Toronto, and I would have lost the day Ezekiel was going to do his book signing." Dawn commented as Bridgette then decided to approach another question.

"So did you read Courage the Cowardly Dog?" Bridgette asked as she now felt a new topic that she could talk about, her little good friend who had been a famous writer since the time he was on the show.

"Yes," Dawn commented as she could see what was passing in the mind of Bridgette. "And I'm going to buy the book Adventure Time and Steven Universe, please, don't think of the spoilers of both books. I wanted to be surprised at the time I read them."

"Oh… sorry," Bridgette realized that indeed Dawn could read her mind, which made her look at her in confusion. But then she heard Dawn giggling at her. "Wait, you don't read minds."

"I do, but not all the time." Dawn giggled as Bridgette pouted from seeing Dawn having a little fun, and Karen sighed in relief at not dealing with a mind reader for 24 hours, but she was glad that this little girl was helping them to be both comfortable. "You can have your personal thoughts about kissing Geoff now."

"Hey, I thought y… you are messing with me." Bridgette was about to say something when she realized the nature lover was actually having fun playing with her, and in the next second, she heard a giggle from her mom. "Even you?"

"Sorry dear, but you having thoughts about kissing Geoff is something that even I can read in your mind," Karen smirked as the duo giggled into hearing Bridgette groaning with her palms on her face. "Does anyone want to eat something? It's going to be a long trip."

"I'm fine Mom," Bridgette commented, as she then saw Dawn already eating a hamburger.

"No thanks, my mom already prepared some vegetarian hamburgers for me on the trip," Dawn commented as she could see Bridgette on the verge of asking why she was eating a hamburger, with the moment, the surfer nodded her head and focused on returning on their trip.

"Good to know, it's going to be a few hours until he reaches to our destination, says Dawn, you said you could read our auras… what do you mean by that?" Karen decided to continue her conversation, as the little girl decided to help to make both the mother and the daughter comfortable.

Dawn needed to make sure to be grateful for the people whose Mother Nature brought to guide her to her destination.




"So you are saying that you got a suspension on school because you freed all the frogs from dissection?" Bridgette commented as she couldn't help but nod her head in respect for the moonchild who did what was right.

"They were alive, and killing them for such cruel studies was never fair, so I freed all the animals of the school, they didn't deserve that," Dawn replied as she was drinking a water bottle, courtesy of Karen who decided to pass in a drive through, and grab a snack for herself, and give something for the girls to drink on the trip.

Hours passed, and Karen and Bridgette learned a lot from the little girl who spent a good part of her life living in the forest, however, she had a school to go to and even helped her mom work at the truck stop restaurant.

Even as weird as it sounds, it shows that everyone had good stories to tell. When Dawn told her reactions to some episodes of Total Drama, and some opinions about her dreams, Bridgette and Karen never thought Dawn wanted to be a historian, which was surprising for a girl like her, because of her nature.

It was also very surprising that she guessed that both Karen and Bridgette were Gemini.

"Well, that's simple, since both your auras had such amazing friendship, you two were best friends together, and from the fact that both of you make birthdays on the same day," Dawn commented as she was drinking soda, while Howard was eating its on duck food. "Funny thought, it's that everyone who I know who made birthday on the same day as their family members, they are Gemini. One friend of mine and his dad do make anniversary on the 27th of May,"

"So that's how it works? Everyone who is Gemini has a birthday on the same day as their family member?" Karen asked amused, to which Dawn simply shrugged.

"I don't know, it was a theory that I tried to convince my mom of this, but every time I said that she kept laughing saying that I was a bit overdramatic, which says something from her since she is a fortune teller," Dawn commented with a pout, which Bridgette and Karen couldn't help but giggle from her comment.




A few more hours passed, and Bridgette felt her eyes getting tired, from the trip back home, and Karen was also looking exhausted, but thankfully they were almost reaching their home.

"I think that's the place I should drop." Dawn noticed that both mother and daughter were reaching their destination, she felt it was a good time for her to continue her own journey.

"Oh… are you sure?" Bridgette suddenly snapped her eyes wide open, and looking at it was getting very dark, she couldn't help but show concern for the girl who had given them good company, and Howard was already sleeping on her lap again. "We could let you stay home for the night,"

Dawn shook her head, and even though Karen tried to say something, Dawn raised her hand.

"I thank you for your hospitality, but I think it was my time to leave and continue my journey…" Dawn commented as she gave a very serene smile. "If I camp near the mall, that means I would be the first in the line to get the book."

"Well if you say so…" Karen commented as she slowed the car, to a place where they knew it was safe enough for the moonchild to get out of the car, and with that, taking the sleeping duck with her. "It was nice to meet you, Dawn."

"It was indeed, thank you for your help. Mother Nature bless you both for your hospitality and maybe someday we could see each other again." Dawn commented as she gave a slight wave, for Bridgette who gave a weak and tired smile.

"It would be good to see you someday Dawn, have a good walk. And be careful on the streets." Bridgette commented that a part of her wanted to convince the girl to stay at her house for the night, but seeing the girl determined to continue her journey, there was nothing else they could do.

And with a nod, Dawn walked as both mother and daughter saw the girl walking on the street at night until they couldn't see her silhouette anymore. They don't know if she disappeared, or was because they were so tired they couldn't keep track of the girl.

But it took only a few more minutes, until Bridgette finally reached her home, with enough time to have a few hours of sleep…

2 of the morning.

Bridgette felt so exhausted that she didn't know when she started to sleep, only when she managed to wake up a few hours later.


To say Curtis was a simple man, was an understanding, since he spent most of his life growing up on a farm, had a family on the farm, and did his best to protect his family from the dangers that lurked outside of the said place he treated as a sanctuary. Many times he avoided to go in the cities or even to the Harvest Festivals since most of the time it reminds him of the good times he had with a person who had been most part of his life as a child…

A younger farmer, who acts carefree but still with a lot of need to learn and show others what she learned.

Curtis was a person who didn't care about numbers and neither writing words, but from the insistence of Robin, he had to learn it because of how annoying she was for the sake of wanting to learn. But still, there were good memories that he had from the past since it reminded him of how things were simple.

Then he meet Martha, a woman who didn't care about him telling him that her place should be in the kitchen, even as much she would have kicked his ass when it comes to exploring, she was a free girl who always liked to walk around. She was what his young sister calls, the person who could slap his face a good sense, and how he should be a bit more studious just to impress and get interested in her life.

Curtis was grateful for the wife he had, and how much he would give his flesh, bones, and skin just to protect her from whatever dangers which would appear in the world… He failed once, and he swore to himself that he would never do it again. And he felt after that day… Martha decides to remain low and stay on the farm, just for his own sake, and he blames himself for not being strong enough to support his wife's dreams…

She wanted to go to see Europe someday, and he as a simple farm, usually wouldn't know how to speak Italian or Portuguese… But Robin, as a crazy teacher who always insisted on how he should be more proactive, taught him that…

Speaking other languages was one of the things that made Martha interested in him. And he knew that someday he could try to save some money, just to take her somewhere, maybe Paris, or Rome. In the movies, they looked very interesting. And his son Ezekiel had been a very successful kid, that he could take care of himself… At the time he said on the television that he bought a resort for himself. Curtis couldn't help but sheer a few tears of joy, because his boy was growing up, and getting his own future to live in his own home.

Sometimes little birds need to learn how to fly with their own little wings, and as much Martha didn't wish that to happen. Curtis knew that his son would make them proud, since the time after he almost died in the hide and seek, Ezekiel had a revelation that he should do something, make himself effort into his own dreams.

And Curtis on that day also felt that he should once bring up the dreams that once were buried with his own sister.

"Get down Ezekiel, you are on the fourth three on the left side," Curtis said loud enough to make the leaves of the tree shake, and then slowly a person climbed down from the said tree. "I still got it."

"Yeah Pa, you managed to find my 8 spots in 10 minutes, you should have seen the others passing the whole day trying to find me," Ezekiel commented, as both father and son decided to play hide and seek for the sake of good memories together. "Do you want to hide this time?"

"I think I have enough for hide seek today, we have been playing this for 1 hour," Curtis commented as his beard showed a bit of discomfort, and looking at his son wearing weights, he couldn't help but ask. "What the heck are those?"

"Oh, you mean my weights?" Ezekiel asked as he looked at the black weights on his wrists and legs. "I forgot that I had been doing Eva's training yesterday night, so when I woke up I decided to continue my training."

"These young kids," Curtis commented as he shook his head, which Ezekiel tilted his head, and Ezekiel stared at his pa. "If you want to train with those weights, why don't you cut the wood later? We need the wood for the fireplace tonight."

"Will do Pa." Ezekiel nodded his head, and the father couldn't help but smile at his son.




"So this is the weird bow that your friend from the military made for you?" Curtis commented as Ezekiel nodded his head, and helping his pa to have control of the aim, Curtis gave a deep breath, and when he released the arrow, it went at such a speed that immediately managed to hit the apple in the mouth of their pig, who was eating. Creating a loud noise. Curtis whistled since he didn't aim at that target, but the distance was triple the distance from the bow they usually would use. "That's quite a distance son,"

"Yes, it is. I spent hours to have better aim with this compound bow, Izzy made completely similar to hunters or even Olympics." Ezekiel commented as his pa hummed into learning a new thing about how much efficiency towards a single bow and arrow.

"My turn," Then Martha appeared, as she carried a good portion of biscuits and Orange Cider to make everything sweet from their time together.

"Pff Martha, this is a very complicated weapon, of course, it would require a lot of training, and as much as you have been good at holding a bow and arrow, know that different than our skill on the past this…"

*Deep Breath*



Curtis had his eyes snap wide open, as he looked in the direction where the arrow went, and from the time it passed the pig, the apple, and went directly to the center of the orange tree… There was their aim practice target… His mouth dropped, and Martha giggled.

"I still got it…" Martha giggled as she slowly raised her hand to place his jaw back shut. "I love you with my heart Curtis, and I find hilarious how much you enjoy placing your foot in the mouth."

"She got you there Pa," Ezekiel commented as Curtis glared at his own son.

"Whose side you are on?" Curtis said as he saw his son shrugging his arms.

"On the winning side, all the time," Ezekiel commented, as he laughed at the moment his father grumbled on how his son was so easy to betray him when it came to his Ma.

"Okay then cheeky boy, if you are so good like you showed on the show, then do what your Ma did," Curtis said as Ezekiel raised his eyebrow, and decided to show… Since by grabbing 5 arrows. He decided to give a demonstration, of what he learned on the show.

"Okay, don't blink." Ezekiel smiled, as he took the compound bow, and by having all the focus he had, he still with the weight on his arms, he wasn't going to let Izzy's victories make him down, he wanted to show the trick he had been training since a long time since Harold suggested the idea.

*Deep Breath*



*Release Breath*

And on that time, Curtis and Martha had their eyes wide open, and saw like 5 arrows being shot at the same time, and when it hit the target… All of them hit the same orange tree that his Ma was focusing on the first arrow.

"Okay, I know when I am in a lost battle," Curtis commented as he immediately left the area, going directly to the main room, eating his food, having a drink, and then a good time for a nap, because he doesn't want to remain awake on the rest of the day.

This made Martha and Ezekiel chuckle at the antics of the father, who didn't have a win when it comes bow and arrow. Who could give that to him? Like mother, like son, at least when it comes to archery.




"Man, this is a lot of work that I have been working out. And I'm just glad that they liked Courage the Cowardly Dog." Ezekiel commented as he and his Ma were passing the afternoon, cleaning up his bedroom, a place where he had so many papers with sketches, and even slight papers on his typewriter, and the same object returned to the place where it belonged.

"I'm glad that you took care of your grandma's typewriter, there aren't a lot of places that still use it around," Martha commented, as her son walked to turn on the computer, a simple version of the technology of the 90s. Thankfully they found a way to pay for the internet.

"Well, I think with the money I have, I can buy a new computer. One that I won't need to use the floppy disk as a way to save my chapters Ma." Ezekiel said as he grabbed one of the floppy disks, and there were a few names that he had on them.

Those floppy disks aren't like the work he had done from his usual work as Courage, Steven Universe, or Adventure Time, not even Ben 10… Those were something that Ezekiel did, since the beginning of his new life.

Those were… his original fanfics. The ones he wrote, just for the sake of him remember where he came from, the stories that he created before reaching the new world. Everything that he wrote about the future. All the shows, all the ideas of video games, everything that he could remember.

It took days, weeks even to remind himself about the new world he was in, most of the creators of cartoons, videogames, or even social media never existed. Which now he had to accept, and come to terms with it. He was in a world where he could remember and use those flop disks as a way to have nostalgia for himself.

Still, there was a lot missing, so many details, so many things that he wished to have in the world he came from. But now, all he had was nostalgia. He had those as fanfics because it was to only remind himself of how good the times were in the future, and nothing was lost.

Maybe it was never meant to be, those fanfics would just be a memory for himself only, and the details of everything that he wrote about the things he missed from the other world.

Then he felt someone snapping his fingers in front of him.

"What?" Ezekiel turned around and saw his Ma, crossing her arms, and giving that look which made Ezekiel blush. "How long I was out?"

"2 minutes," Martha commented, as she giggled from how easy was to embarrass her little boy. "Now, let's go eat something, I think DJ's momma left a black forest slice if your pa didn't eat it yesterday."

"Oh, now I'm feeling hungry," The homeschooled boy said as both mother and son decided to enjoy their good time together, while on the desk, there were drawings of so many projects and ideas, a monkey, an elephant, and a yellow rhinoceros inside of a camping summer, a samurai and a dark demon, a little boy having a blue man and a whale as parents going in the direction of adventure, two brothers and a bird walking around on the dark forest, a grim reaper with 2 kids driving him crazy, and a big drawing with everything he ever wrote, and a lot of unknown characters, showing a log nearby… C.N.

As a way to remember the good things from the past.




"Hey Ma, did you know that my friends thought that you are Gwen's relative?" Ezekiel asked, which made Curtis glance at his wife, while the latter just chuckled as an answer.

"I could understand since Alisson said that I looked exactly like her daughter, and decided to ask an actress to do her video message from home." Martha giggled, and Ezekiel nodded his head. "She wanted to use another girl to try to imitate her daughter, but she found it would have been funnier if I did something from the future, which it was a good meatloaf for us to eat, and a good talk to have around the mothers."

"You are your knacks for doing impressions," Curtis said as he rolled his eyes knowing how his wife always found weird ways to entertain herself. "I remember the time we lost 2 important clients because you imitated one of them."

"Oh come on, how did I know they were having a divorce?" Martha said as she pouted, and Ezekiel had his eyebrows raised. "It was in my teenage time, that Robin and I got a lot of trouble when we imitated the couple, but the person Robin was imitating wasn't the wife."

"What does t… wait…" Ezekiel tried to understand what her mother was saying until it hit him. And he felt a huge urge to hold his laugh. "You two imitated the husband and a secret lover?"

"Yes, they did," Curtis said, as he could see his wife pouting at him. As much as it would have been hilarious, that wasn't a funny joke. "That couple were 2 of our major clients who ordered fruits for their festival in another state. And Pa got so angry that he clearly wrecked the barn…"

"Oof," Ezekiel commented, as he couldn't meet his grandparents, but seeing a situation where money was related, and for a silly mistake people get lost a lot of money, it was a case that it would end even with assassination.

"I said I was sorry," Martha commented as the husband rolled his eyes.

"Uhum," Curtis acted like he believed in the words that his wife had said, but he even went to warn his son. "One thing Zeke, when your ma wants to imitate someone, she would do it, or even die trying."

"Now you are exaggerating," Martha said until Curtis interrupted.

"Chris Mclean." Curtis just said those words, which made Martha immediately shut her mouth.

"Wait, she imitated Chris? Oh, that's a thing that I must see." Ezekiel said as his mother gave a small smile, while Curtis rolled his eyes.

"She does him so perfectly, that it makes me punch her face." The pa said as Ezekiel had his eyes wide open in surprise. "But since I don't hurt women I-"

"Coward," Martha said in a way that Ezekiel could clearly almost Chris's tones, it was indeed surprising to see it. "Campers, we have a new challenge for today. The first one who eats this dangerous dynamite wins the immunity, and since I have an important business related to my own hair gel, I will be watching from far away while I will laugh from all your suffering."

Ezekiel had to pause and be sure that he wasn't dreaming, even pinching himself, because he could have sworn, that his mom had been Chris from World Tour or even from the Revenge of Island.

"Wow," Ezekiel commented as he never thought his ma was indeed able to imitate someone so well like that. "All you need to do is have his hair cut, his clothing, and his cocky attitude grin, and you could be clearly be treated as his sister."

"Don't even joke about that young boy," Curtis said, as he gave a look at the smirking wife he has. "And I know that look, Martha, don't. Now, let's drop the subject and focus on the other things."




"You want a ride for tomorrow," Curtis commented as he saw his son asking for something obvious. "Sure, 4 a.m we will be taking the truck, and I will release you on there, will I need to take you as well?"

"I don't think so Pa, since I have friends nearby the Mall, I could stay at their house until all the book signing is over," Ezekiel explained, as his pa nodded his head, and saw his boy preparing a small backpack with him. "Just grabbing the essentials,"

"Good," Curtis said as he sat nearby the boy, as the father and son never had much opportunity to be together, only when it was related to work… but there were times that they were just in silence, working together, or even playing around, that he knew that it was his way to connect with his son. His ma was already related to writing, reading, and hunting… But Curtis was related to working hard, waking up early, and working on the farm… "Say a fruit…"

"I'm not going to make a fruit farm Pa…" Ezekiel said as he clearly could understand the line of logic from his pa, the farm he lived on was always focused on Oranges and even some other citrus fruits, but when he got out of the farm he lives… He knew what he wanted to work with.

"You don't?" Curtis asked, as he could identify on what his son had said, he didn't say that he wasn't going to be a farmer, but Ezekiel had said, he wasn't going to work with fruits.

"Coffee…" Ezekiel said, which brought a surprising glance from the Pa, to which Ezekiel decided to give his logic. "Coffee is the drink of working people, people who need to stay awake and energized to do their jobs. So maybe if I drink people and make myself work in my books, maybe if I have a good coffee farm, with something people would like the taste of what they drink, and get ready for a good day of work."

Curtis remained calm. But soon as the father and boy stare the sunset, as both were cutting the woods together.

"What would you name your coffee farm?" That was the question which Ezekiel smiled to his Pa… a person who would be behind his back, and supporting him whenever he needed.

Ezekiel didn't need much… He just wanted to prove to everyone that his family was great… And he was grateful that he was able to prove to everyone something that the other version of himself always wanted. His family was awesome.

(Mall - ?)

Over Toronto, there was one location where many who would have a nice time enjoying with their families, take the opportunity for the students to find their first job, and for people who had money, to take the sales of the stores and business across the same place. The Gallery Mall is located at the Eaton Centre in Toronto.

From all the quantity of stores, with the clean white colors of the floor and the walls, it shows how clean and beautiful was to see such an amazing place for everyone to stay during the day and afternoon. The banners of the festivities are approaching, and the logos of the stores give a sign of what would be the best place for them to identify and be curious about what would be inside of the said business.

And from that many quantities of 936 businesses, there was a big water fountain to create such an astonishing view for whoever was interested in visiting the said mall.

Passing through those many stores, and corridors, there was one iconic space, where people would take their meals from the food court and walk away into a safe distance to a more calm and satisfying place, which between the distance, almost near the other side of the food court, there was an open area with many tables and chairs, and between the said tables and chairs, there was a giant lemon which was had a big straw sticking out of it. A lemonade stand named the Big Squeeze from looking at the public enjoying their food, the attendant Caitlin Cooke was wearing light blonde hair with green eyes. She usually wears a pink butterfly clip in her hair, a pink sleeveless top, a royal blue skirt, and pink high heels. But also the uniform of the company which was an apron with a lemon logo, and also a big lemon as a hat.

The girl was cleaning the glasses as she looked at her friends who seemed to have been in a very difficult pickle.

A dark-skinned boy who usually wears a long-sleeve claret sweater with a white undershirt, kabul capri pants, and blue sneakers with white trimming, was with his head down on the table, from the terrible event that happened on the day before, his girlfriend had broken up with him because she was going out with his coworker, which made him had a disappointing morning on the day after she broke up with him by text. Wyatt was feeling very down lately.

On his side, his best friend, who had been focused on reading a magazine related to new sports babies appearing on the cover, was there to give moral support. A tan boy with blue-black hair who wears a very dark magenta ringer tee with red rings, blue jeans, and brown shoes. Jonesi Garcia knew that his friend was down but preferred to focus on his own wants by reading a new Hottie Girl since he had no idea how to help his friend.

And on the other side of Wyatt, there was his other best friend who was trying to balance his skateboard from the tip of his finger to see if he could distract his friend from the depressing state of breaking up, a blond boy with a gray beanie with a white line, a yellow-green layering shirt with black sleeves, baggy jeans with a white brace, navy socks, and blue hi-tops. Jude Lizowsky wanted to help his friend who was down.

Among the group, Jen, who usually is the big sister of the group stared down his friend, trying to find a way to give moral support to him. A girl with auburn hair wearing an azure hoodie and a white skirt with an indigo stripe running down the side. She wears dark blue socks and white sneakers with indigo soles. She was also preparing to pass the day off by helping his friend figure out what to do at that time.

Last but not least, another girl who brought a few tissues in case the boy would need to cry for a minute, a girl who has a curvy, tall body and her hair, which is dyed purple. She has her eyebrow and nose pierced. And wearing multiple earrings, a necklace, a white top with a lime-colored circular shape in the middle of it, gray cargo pants, and light purple shoes. Nikki Wong.

"Duuuuuude, you need to get over it," Jude commented as Wyatt was still trying to get the strength to prepare himself for work. "While Serena broke up with you, and had started dating Chad, it's not the end of the world."

"I know Jude, and you helped me yesterday, but I wish that I could understand, why she did that," Wyatt commented as he never thought it would have ended that way, he had 2 months and a half wonderful times together, but in the end, a text was simply what it took to his entire week.

"I still say that you need a new hottie girl to help you out, Wyatt. If you want I can find one for you easily," Jonesi smiled as suddenly Nikki slapped on the back of his head. "Ouch, what was that for?"

"Because the last time you did that, it caused a lot of problems, in the same way, I couldn't ask you for a favor without making me completely mad with you," Nikki said as she glared at Jude who tried to look away.

"I said I was sorry, but look on the bright side, your parents still decided to let you go to the Prom," Jude said as he felt a bit down lately. "While I will be going alone on there,"

"Well, misery loves company Jude, we could go there just to see Jen and Caitlin enjoying their date with the tennis players," Wyatt explained as Jen and Caitlin decided to be more solemn.

"You don't need to worry about us boys, I know that you too would need time for yourselves, and the prom is an important day for the girls," Caitlin commented as Jen tried to be more reasonable.

"And I think that someday you will survive this phase guys, everything is going to be fine," Jen commented she knew that her friends would need her at such an important time, so she wanted to make sure to give moral support whenever they needed.

"Easy for you to say..." Jonesi commented as he was enjoying the magazine as he was eating a few french fries from the balcony that nobody saw where it came from. "You passed yesterday focusing on what kind of dress you and Caitlin would be using while we tried to help Wyatt in his situation."

"And how is going the job interview of the day Jonesi?" Jen commented as she rolled her eyes since her future step-brother liked to nag her so much.

"Well, I have an interview at the bookstore on the 322th, the people are saying one celebrity published a few books and they want people to organize the stands where he will be making the book signing in a few days. So any kind of help would be good." Jonesi commented as Nikki raised her eyebrows while Caitlin couldn't help but contain her excitement and curiosity.

"Oh, oh, a celebrity, who is it?" Caitlin asked as Jonesi simply replied.

"Someone named Ezekiel, from a reality show named Total Drama Island, from what I heard there are people from other stores excited to buy a book and ask him to sign." The tan boy commented, as suddenly he saw Nikki and Jude staring at him in surprise. "What?"

"I'm shocked to find out that you never watched the show. It had probably everything you ever wanted." Nikki asked as Jonesi simply rolled his eyes and scoffed.

"If there aren't crazy sports, and hot baby's in bikinis, then I'm not interested," Jonesi replied, which Jude immediately interrupted.

"But there was a dude, and the one who wore the bikini won the show," Jude commented as Jonesi had his eyes wide open in surprise.

"Wait, hold on, so that means I lost the opportunity to see chicks in bikinis and crazy things on TV? Dammit, I should have known." Jonesi felt the urge to slap his face, but he couldn't help but sigh in disappointment.

"I can't believe that you didn't watch it! It was the topic of the school every day, and I don't know why there were such crazy people doing all those humiliating challenges and having to suffer such weird crazy camp experience for the sake of 100 thousand dollars, just in the end lose the chance of 1 million dollars," Jen commented as suddenly the whole group stared at her... "What? Coach Halder loves the show, and he made sure to have everyone talking about the episodes while at work, it was the only way we could use the free talk around the sectors."

"1 million dollars? Wow, I could imagine what I would do with all that money," Jonesi commented as the group returned to their positions, and Wyatt felt a bit more relieved since his friends were helping him to distract his mind. "So do you know who is the celebrity who is coming?"

"Yes, his name is Ezekiel, a farm boy who was homeschooled and decided to use the opportunity to create 3 books, one focused on horror, others on adventures," Jen explained as Jonesi simply rolled his eyes.

"I mean, the boy lives on a farm, what would a boy who never went to a school would have a horror to tell?" Jonesi commented as Caitlin was the person who answered the question.

"He created Courage the Cowardly Dog, a book related to showing horror to children while creating happy endings to make sure everyone would have a good time reading horror books." Caitlin was now the person who made everyone stare at her in surprise. "Oh come on, when it got out I was curious about what the book was about, and it was on sale with another book I needed to study for final exams."

"Coach told us that thematic of the store before Halloween would be related to the books because Ezekiel is coming and he wanted to give a first good impression on him" Jen commented as she facepalmed into thinking about what she should do. "Since Halloween is his favorite holiday, we needed to also be dressed according to the theme, and somehow he gave me a choice, into dressing like an old lady, or wearing the pig nose."

"Ohhhh, you are going to be dressed as Muriel?" Caitlin asked and Jen stared at her friend. "I saw the drawing of her, and she is a very sweet Scottish Lady, so I recommend yellow on you, but you need to use a gray wig to help you in character."

Jen then saw the snickering coming from the boys nearby her. She narrowed her eyes and pointed at them who immediately stopped.

"Well, nice to know that everyone is excited about seeing this mall more movement," Nikki commented as she rolled her eyes. "While I had watched a few episodes, I can see how things will get chaotic at the time he comes here."

"I have to tell you some challenges were awesome, crazy, and dangerous to do, but something I would say it was awesome to be part of it. One challenge I just by watching I vomited 4 times." Jude commented as he recalled the time talking about the show, and Wyatt who was now too deep and curious about his friends talking about the event, suddenly forgot about the depressing state he was in for a while.

"Don't remind me," Jen said as she shivered from a few challenges that made her get on her limit. "One day Coach thought it was a great idea to see who could hold on to the vomit most while watching the episode of I Triple Dog Dare You,"

"Did you win?" Wyatt asked which made Jen shows a slight smirk on her face.

"It was the only time I could see Coach Halder having a sparkle in his eyes looking at me, or maybe it was a bit of his own vomit, but it was a brutal challenge, and I'm glad that we have normal jobs instead of being despaired into trying to go into a reality show and humiliate ourselves for a money that nobody won," Jen explained as she gave a point which most of her friends agreed with her. While Jonesy on the other hand just scoffed.

"Pfff, not a problem. I mean, it's just a celebrity selling a few bucks, I will take this job so easily that tomorrow will be easy to organize the stands." Jonesi commented as both Jude and Wyatt stared at his friend in surprise. "I mean, it's just a reality show, how bad it could be?"

Chapter 51: From 06:00 TO 13:00 Hours

Chapter Text


(6 A.M)

The sun was still shy, peeking over the skyscrapers of Toronto, painting the city with the soft glow of dawn. It was just past 6 a.m., and the streets were quiet, save for the occasional hum of passing cars and the distant chatter of early risers. The Gallery, just outside the Eaton Centre, stood majestically, its glass facade reflecting the emerging light.

A large truck rolled onto the street and came to a stop. Its door swung open, and Ezekiel hopped out, landing on the pavement with a slight bounce. He turned back, poking his head inside the cab and giving his Pa a broad smile.

"Thanks for the ride, Pa," Ezekiel said, his breath visible in the crisp morning air. "Hope you have a good day on the farm."

His father, a grizzled man with kind eyes, nodded.

"You too, son. Be careful in there, eh? The place'll be crowded soon enough, and we both know ya ain't just some regular kid no more." His voice carried a mix of pride and concern.

"I know, Pa. I'll keep my head down, promise." Ezekiel nodded, he wasn't going to disagree, since it was a pure fact that popularity can be a two-edged knife, and you never know how crazy the fans would be... Or worst case scenario, if there were more Sierras around the world. Which would be something he never wanted to see, even in nightmares. But still, he promised his Pa that he would be fine. He could try to hide until his friends came to his aid, but thankfully everything was just as empty as he imagined, so dealing with a small quantity of fans would be good, in case someone watched the show.

It was just season 1, so you never know if their popularity would be that big, since Total Drama Action was the season where everyone could use their popularity to the extreme, but many of his friends didn't know how to actually use it. But in that situation, Ezekiel had a few good ideas on how to make his friends grow in popularity, but also in person. Duncan and Courtney can imagine how they two would work together to make their lives better.

So even as it happened, Ezekiel waved to his Pa who nodded his head, and with that, it was the time to leave.

"Good lad," his father replied, reaching over to tousle Ezekiel's unruly hair. "Be yourself, and when you settle in your friend's house, don't forget to call us okay?"

"Will do, and don't worry, my friends will help me in case things get intense," Ezekiel said as with a final wave, Ezekiel stepped back, watching the truck merge into traffic and disappear around the corner. He stood still for a moment, feeling a strange mixture of excitement and anxiety swirling in his chest. This was his first real visit to the Eaton Centre, the giant mall that he'd only ever seen on TV or in pictures.

Turning, he faced the towering glass entrance of the mall, its vast expanse stretching above him, almost overwhelming in its grandeur. He took a deep breath, his eyes wide as he took in the sight. Even though it was still hours away from opening, just being there made him feel like he was stepping into a whole new world.

"Wow..." he murmured, a grin spreading across his face. "This place is huge."

His excitement was palpable, but so was the intimidation. Despite his recent surge in popularity, he was still just a small-town kid at heart. The thought of navigating through the bustling mall, crowded with people who might recognize him, was daunting. But he was also curious, eager to explore every corner and see what the place had to offer.

The street around him was quiet, with only a few cars and a couple of pedestrians passing by. The realization suddenly hit him he had almost four hours to kill before the mall opened. He facepalmed, groaning softly.

"Aw, man, should checked the opening hours," he muttered, feeling a bit silly. He glanced around, noting the absence of benches or anywhere comfortable to sit. It was just him, the still-closed entrance, and the quiet street.

But nothing as he couldn't wait for it... it had been so long since he actually had felt excited about going into a mall... Even being from both his lives.

In comparison with this time, the last time he had gone into a mall, was when it was in his former home country, visiting a country of South America when he was a child to visit his mother's relatives. At that time mall had a different concept of what a mall would be, but still, he had a lot of fun visiting his cousins from another country... He always felt himself part of dual citizenship, the good memories of his past life still pass, even as slight little blanks, from the faces of his relatives... Slowly their faces were fading away, which was something that he feared happening.

Since his trip to Canada, projects that his parents helped him to plan, and dreams that they had together of him finally reaching College... Just for a train accident into a tunnel having a landslide...

"Sometimes I do wonder if they miss me… but that wasn't something I should be worried about." Ezekiel sighed as he couldn't help but feel nostalgic. And then he decided to have one more question. "I wonder what the future waits for me..."

"Many mysteries..." And on that moment like a whisper from the silence, immediately made Ezekiel jump from his place, as all the alerts of his mind snapped in surprise. But then one rational thought came first.

"I recognize this voice..." Ezekiel whispered as he refused to turn his back, and regained his composure, he had been watching the whole show, for so long, that he recognized so many iconic characters, but from the perspective he had, never in his life had he thought he would meet her soo soon. "Hello Dawn, it seems my aura had told more about me th..."

At the time Ezekiel turned his back to look at the moonchild, into surprising her on how he knew about her and acting mysterious, the first thing he saw, wasn't what he expected...

*sniff* *sniff*

The moonchild, the girl who Mother Nature loved with her own heart, the kindest girl and helper of animals for Revenge of Island, the girl who could read auras and had mystical powers, was in front of him, but her face showed nothing more than pain and sadness, as her eyes were red of how much tears she had been releasing on that moment.

"Oh my God, Dawn, what happened to you? Are you okay?" Ezekiel said urgently, as he approached the girl, but she just saw the girl giving a few steps away from him.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry..." Dawn said as Ezekiel looked confused and had no idea what was happening at that moment. So he waited for her to elaborate, and thankfully the nature lover continued to explain. "I had been here around for a while, and I couldn't help but see you and your father talking about you being here... And I wanted to greet you, but at the time I came near to you... I just saw your two auras, and one of those auras had a color of white..."

"White?" Ezekiel asked as he didn't ask about the aura since he knew auras were something of the lore Dawn would talk about their spirits, but saying Ezekiel had 2 auras, one of them being completely white, Ezekiel had no idea how a white aura could make someone cr- And on that moment, Ezekiel stood in complete understanding, seeing Dawn on that fragile state, talking with someone of an aura that isn't colorful, and she sees it as a bad omen, he knew color psychology from cultures of other countries. "White is the color of death, isn't it?"

Dawn sniffed, as she lowered her head, not knowing what she was going to say. But at the time she was going to apologize once more, Ezekiel raised his hand and looked serious.

"Please, don't say sorry because of my death, I hate when people say they are sorry when someone dies, they aren't responsible for the death of someone, so nobody needs to apologize... if you really grieve my death, then you should say..."

"My condolences..." Dawn nodded her head, which made Ezekiel sigh, and how a simple exchange of words could immediately make someone starts the day sucking. "Sorry for making your day starting terrible."

"I need to teach my aura how to be quiet," Ezekiel commented as he could see Dawn's lips twitching, from the comment he said. "Do you need to drink water? Maybe some juice? A tea?"

Dawn still trying to contain her tears, nodded her head, and Ezekiel had no idea what was going on... But knowing how crazy his life would happen daily, he actually had to remind himself that he was on the Total Drama, which was enough for him to cope with every crazy thing happening in his life.




The interior of Dawn's tent is modest yet cozy, adorned with small trinkets and natural elements like feathers, stones, and dried flowers. A soft, calming scent fills the air, a mix of herbal tea and incense. The only light comes from a small lantern hanging overhead, casting a gentle glow on the two figures seated inside.

Dawn was sitting cross-legged on a small cushion, her movements slow and deliberate as she prepared the tea. Her hands, though still trembling slightly from earlier, move with practiced ease. Ezekiel watches her from across the small space, his expression a mix of concern and curiosity. In the next second, she did what was enough and brought two clay cups, as she poured the drink for both the moonchild and the homeschooled boy to drink... Ezekiel remained quiet as he kept staring at Dawn, who seemed silent for a few seconds until her eyes recognized what he was waiting for, and at that time she gave a slight gulp of tea.

"I'm sorry if I startled you back there… Seeing your aura was just… unexpected. I've never seen anything like it before." Dawn's eyes remain focused on the teapot as she speaks, her voice soft but steady. "Since the time I saw you in the show, I heard from Mother Nature that you have 2 auras."

"The aura is my soul, isn't it? Or more like souls?" Ezekiel asked as he could see the moonchild nodding her head at him, and Ezekiel had a bit of

insecurity coming towards his own heart. Since he felt that after his death, he was taking the place of canon Ezekiel, and it was something that even as he deserved to act better, the boy suffered so much in the canon universe, that he needed to think of a way to take out his aura out? "Did my new aura take the place of my other soul?"

"No..." Dawn simply stated as she decided to be more assertive and help him since he looked concerned. "Your auras aren't fighting to take place over your body... they are more like complementing each other, which seems that both your auras are tied together as one person. 2 halves of the same person."

"Oh thank God," Ezekiel commented as he felt relieved, now that it confirmed that both his memories felt so real, knowing that he wasn't taking the place of the canon version of himself, but it was a part of him, spiritually, which was good, since he felt that some knacks the former Ezekiel had, and some of his own knacks of his past life, are combined together.

He wasn't Mike, so that means that he doesn't have a second personality, he is just himself.

"I have no idea who this Mike is, but you felt relieved about not having multiple personalities." Then Dawn's voice made him interrupt his thoughts, and with him giving her a stare, she felt better as she drank more of her tea. "Your mind and aura are debating about this person who seemed to be very important in the future. And you don't need to hide from me, your spirit came from a land far beyond the future and distance that I could ever comprehend, and still, you seem to know me and the others so well... You know about me, about my future, about everyone... and surprisingly, when I see your aura... it has a deep color of self-improvement, kindness, and desire to make others reach their full potential, to reach the happiness not only yours but the happiness of others. You show very good creativity in developing your work, but still want to have much more to achieve of your own dream, to have a great life happy with your friends... and freedom..."

"Heh... which color is that?" Ezekiel asked as he could identify that while one of his auras was white, the other aura he had, still was there to balance everything, which Dawn gave another look and decided to tell the color.

"It's a shade of deep, vibrant blue," Dawn said, her eyes softening as she described it. "It's like the sky just before dusk, when the sun is setting, but there's still so much light left. It's a color that speaks of wisdom, empathy, and a longing for something greater than yourself. It's... very beautiful."

Ezekiel blinked, processing her words. "Wow... That actually sounds pretty nice." He glanced down at his hands, feeling a strange sense of peace. "I always thought my aura would be, like, a muddy brown or something... since it had been 3 times that I was buried alive... I think the color of the earth would be attached to me... " he added with a self-deprecating chuckle.

"No, Ezekiel. Your aura is anything but murky. It's true, that some parts are clouded, and sometimes, they're darker when you're troubled. But your energy, your spirit it's filled with so much potential and hope. You're more than you give yourself credit for." Dawn's gaze turned gentle, and she shook her head. She could see the face of Ezekiel, the true face that she saw on the television, and surprisingly, he was still the same person from the TV, a person who wanted to help anyone to be a better version of himself and others as well... And listening to the gentle words of mother nature, she could hear on how the gentle breezes had a bit of humidity as well, knowing that Mother Nature was emotional since that encounter. "And it seems that your auras had been in silence, not wanting to tell me how you died, and how you got inspiration into writing your books."

"Nice job guys," Ezekiel commented as he felt the desire to high-five himself, which he actually did in front of Dawn...

That scene alone was enough to make Dawn giggle, seeing that even in a situation like that, even as how realistic and painful the past of the boy in front of her was, he still had the desire to cheer up with a little joke, to make the mood being lighter than before.

"I will also stop reading your mind, just for the sake of your private thoughts, but bear in mind, that if you need to vent, or something that you could trust into hearing your troubled thoughts. You know that I was the right person in the future. My offer stands." Dawn said as Ezekiel who was smiling with himself, suddenly paused... and then knowing the girl from Revenge of the Island, one of the most favorite girls from Total Drama Island, the girl who had been the crush of many ships towards fanfics, fanarts, and even nsfw fanart made by the fans...

Ezekiel waited for a second, just to check if Dawn was blushing because such intrusive thoughts would be enough to make anyone caught by surprise, but then Dawn remained quiet, waiting for him to see something. And Ezekiel knew that she was telling the truth...

Ezekiel looked at his reflection inside of the cup of tea... And then he couldn't help but shrug it.

"Well, I need to open the vault anyway..." Ezekiel said as he remembered the time Finn discovered about his time as Shoko, and how the memories of the past made him come up with a debt that needed to pay off to Princess Bubblegum and think about it. Ezekiel never talked to anyone about it. Never opened his mouth about such an event... "Can I start from the beginning?"

"If you are comfortable with..." Dawn said, but she gave a slight smile, knowing that her curiosity would be answered, and she would do her best to help the boy who also had questions inside of his own heart, 2 confused auras that needed answers, and she was willing to be the guide Mother Nature brought for him.

"Well, for start... I'm Ezekiel, 2 times Ezekiel actually," The winter hat boy commented as he decided to present himself. "Born on 7th September, and my final day alive was 5th October of 2024..."

"I always thought you had some parts of Virgo when I saw you on television. But also showing a bit of Pisces." Dawn commented as Ezekiel couldn't help but joke a little.

"What can I say? Shaka and Albafica, always proud to be represented by them. Hehehe..." Ezekiel commented, as suddenly he saw Dawn tilting her head at him, with confusion. "Okayyyy, this is an internal joke, sadly nobody understood and that's fine. May I continue?"

"Please," Dawn commented as Ezekiel gave a slight glance outside...

"My parents in my past life were teachers, who taught me everything from home... since ironically the events of what happened to my aunt on this world. It happened with my cousin... he had 8 years when a grown-up adult went to the elementary school... armed..." Ezekiel decided to explain once again, giving the connections between the past and the present, in the same way as the future... Tragedy strikes when you less expect it, even showing that nobody knows how it could happen in such a terrifying way.

Dawn did her best to remain calm, but her hands were holding tightly the clay, as it was leaving a few cracks on how terrible it must have been from having such a terrible experience, living secluded inside of the house, protected by his parents from both lives.

And the more and more Ezekiel talked, the more Dawn could feel the sense of nostalgia coming from his mouth and also eyes. The times he talked about how his mom took him to South America to visit his relatives, how much he had written around the internet, and how much art he did about the books he planned to write for the future.

Even he let Dawn continue to make comments around about what she thought would happen, and what was her thoughts about the possible new things coming from the future, it was indeed an eye-opening to learn people were trying to invent a 3D printer that could print Meat for people to eat, no needing more killings to make their suffering worse. Mother Nature would be grateful for not seeing more of her creatures being killed by gluttony.

But then... it came about a time of Ezekiel talking about a train, and when he said that word... Dawn felt the hesitation, and yet the fear that he had on saying that word... The traumatic experience he had.

"My mom told me about people who had slight shades of white when it comes to having a near-death experience, but seeing one of the auras being completely white, was something that must have been very painful to bear with..." Dawn commented as she remembered the times when unbelievable and miraculous stories about near-death experiences made people change their lives forever, some changed so much that they were able to change their own futures, which her mom always found was rare to find someone with an aura like that, and she couldn't help but wonder a thought that escaped from her mouth.

"It was..." Ezekiel said as he slowly looked at Dawn pausing, as the boy had to recall one of the worst parts of having such a burden on his shoulders and chest... "I had nightmares when it came about that day, how painful it was, the fear of my life diminishing, and the hopelessness of having nobody to save you... until then, pain... then nothing..."

Dawn felt her lips tremble, as she didn't dare to ask further how he had died, his words alone felt so heavy, as she believed in him. Death was part of life, it was both opposites, but to see someone who just got 2 auras, which both had near, if not, both experienced death in the same way and time. Just that comment alone, she felt it was hard to even think about it... But Ezekiel wasn't done yet.

"2 years... it had been 2 years since I woke up with my two auras... and the worst part was the homesickness I had since I was at the farm, on how my worries got to the point of 5 stages of grief..." Ezekiel commented as he took

out his hat, and looked deeply at Dawn with all the sadness that he had on the moment. "I was their only child, and I couldn't even imagine how painful must have been for them to hear about my death, how are they at this moment? How much they cried for me, and what they were going to do since their only child was dead... how did my relatives react? If I had a way, any kind of way I would go back to where I came from, just for 10 minutes, just to say how much I missed them, how much I loved them, how I'm so sorry that I wasn't going to reach their expectations and how our dreams would be dead in just one single afternoon... A TRAIN CRASH, A TRAIN FUCKING CRASH... WHICH SOMEHOW IN THE MIDDLE OF A TUNNEL JUST DIDN'T HAVE ANY MORE STRENGTH, AND COLLAPSED IN ME, I FELT PAIN, I FELT COLD, I WILL QUOTE KENNY, DEATH FUCKING SUCKS, IT FUCKING HURTS A LOT..."

Ezekiel noticed that at the moment he started shouting, Dawn looked horrified, as her own feelings felt overwhelmed again, and Ezekiel just noticed that his face was also releasing a few tears in his eyes… As he was taking out from his chest a burden he had been suppressing inside of himself for a long time.

"I destroyed their lives... they did so much to protect me from the dangers of public schools, and when it was my time to go to college, I said I wanted to explore Canada first, a neighboring country... and I didn't even have my official day of college, and all those years they passed teaching me... raising me... it became like a dust..." Ezekiel whispered, as he never thought he would have felt in such a way before. Maybe he had been alone with his thoughts for so long, that he forgot how painful they were until he opened his mouth. "I could imagine them blaming each other, depressed of a son they worked so much to protect and loved... died in just one single afternoon... oh God... they didn't deserve this..."

The atmosphere inside Dawn's tent shifted dramatically as Ezekiel's emotions spilled over, transforming the cozy space into a sanctuary for raw vulnerability. Dawn watched him, her heart aching for the boy who had endured so much pain and loss. His words, charged with sorrow, hung in the air like a heavy fog, making it difficult to breathe.

"I'm so sorry, Ezekiel," she said softly, reaching out to place a comforting hand on his knee. "You've been through a lot... and I wish to actually know what to say to you, but your situation had been very unique..."

"Yes, I know..." Ezekiel sighed, as he tried to compose himself again. It took him a few minutes until he managed to recover from his angry state, and then giving a lot of thought, he recovered from his former state, reminding himself of his own mantra, that he had to learn… And in a few minutes, Dawn could see him, and he looked more relaxed… "Okay, now I feel better, sorry for losing my composure."

"That's fine, I'm actually surprised at how you managed to recover so quickly, from a fragile state like that," Dawn said as she could see that a good part of his burden had been released, but something made him both auras, remain in a calm state, more in a feeling that they simply gave up… hopelessness maybe? She isn't sure. But she was glad that he managed to put himself together.

"I tried to not think about it and focus on what had been real for me now…" Ezekiel couldn't help but chuckle sadly at the girl nearby him. "I created a way to actually do that…"

"Really? And how would do that?" Dawn asked as Ezekiel finished drinking his tea, and glanced at the clay cup in his hands... And from his memories, he never thought Jake giving a perfect lesson for him would have been his rock to not lose his mind.

"Imagine this cup is my favorite cup and I had it for years..." Ezekiel commented as he knew that it brought the attention of the moonchild and the future contestant of the show... And to surprise her, suddenly threw away the cup behind his back, without even looking. And then the loud crash sound could be heard from behind his back... "Now it's gone forever, so it's not real and I don't care about it anymore..."


"That's a very painful lesson to teach, and one that could confuse many people," Dawn said as she felt the heartache happening as he could see the boy in front of her, trying to compose himself. "Also you just broke the clay cup I just made."

"Thankfully clay you can use it to make another one... sorry for breaking your cup. If you want I could help you to make one..." Ezekiel said as he looked sheepishly as he turned behind his back, just to see an angry duck staring at him... "Why is he staring at me like that?"

"That's Howard, and it seems that you broke the clay cup where he was sleeping. And he is very peeved with you." The moonchild explained as Ezekiel gave an over-exaggerated gasp.

"Dawn, language... did you kiss your parents with that mouth?" Ezekiel said as he made a little joke, which slowly eased up the tension around him, and Dawn couldn't help but giggle.

"From the time watching television, the show taught us a lot of new words," Dawn said with a small smile, which Ezekiel couldn't help but raise his eyebrow.

"And even sassiness, wow... living and learning every single day," Ezekiel commented, as both Dawn and Ezekiel laughed, even as the duck looked very annoyed at the moment. And looking as the things were tense before, the conversation became lighter and more comfortable for both of them...

"It's kinda strange to see someone instead of offering to buy a new cup for me, offered to help me to make one," Dawn commented amused, as Ezekiel shrugged from his point of view.

"You are a girl in tune with Mother Nature, so probably you aren't into materialistic things, if was any kind of cup you bought, I could have done the same, but you made it by yourself, so I would be a jerk into buying a thing that would replace something you did by your own hands." The boy who came into her world said in simple words, as immediately Dawn couldn't help but smile happily at how well he meant it, and those words indeed were very important to her.

"I don't mind materialistic things, but, to be honest... you're actually right, making things by my own hands is more valuable to me than something I could buy at any store," Dawn commented as Ezekiel nodded his head, and saw the duck which just quacked a few times before leaving them alone. Dawn looked at him and sighed. "Sorry about Howard, he had been in problems with his partner, and now he is guiding me to be here, and he loves to wake up late."

"It's fine, I think that he is a deep sleep duck, I shouted quite a lot and just a cup crashing nearby him woke him up." Ezekiel waved his hand as he realized how easily the tone of the conversation had changed... But still, the results are clear... "Thanks, Dawn... I needed to get that out from my chest."

Dawn nodded her head, even as her heart felt a bit of the painful comments and shouts done by the boy in front of her, she gave a weak smile.

"I didn't do anything but listen to you... sometimes being a good listener helps people settle down their thoughts and free their minds and chest of their worries." Dawn commented as she could see Ezekiel giving a weak smile, and a part of her wished to do much more... something that she may know could help in the future. But now she wanted him to focus on what was important to him. "Well, even after such a difficult start, you managed to make not just the life of the others better, but your own life better as well..."

"Yeah hehehe, I never thought that I could have changed so many lives, just by being here," Ezekiel commented as he gave a slight glance around the tent, thinking of every single member of his team... his friends. "Being a secluded child, I never really had any opportunity of having a real friend that I could visit or go to their birthdays... And just by being here, I could say that I had never so many friends, more than the fingers of my hand. And I'm doing my best to make sure their future would be better than the ones they were supposed to be fated to have..."

"What kind of fate that you work so much to make avoid to happen?" Dawn asked in curiosity, as now that she could see the boy from what he truly was... a fan who actually managed to make friends, and did his best to change the lives of everyone he knew for the better...

"Well for starting, Duncan, Courtney, and Gwen..." Ezekiel decided to share more about the time he watched the show, before coming to their world, before being part of everything... Every single detail that he remembered on how many betrayals, painful scenes, outrage moments. Dawn as a lovable person she was, and having a very good open mind, never thought into hearing the fate of many of his friends...




"I feel sorry for DJ," Dawn commented as Ezekiel nodded his head... she always heard from Mother Nature, and even from reading Courage the Cowardly Dog, the Ramses Curse, she knew the Egyptian curses would be cruel, but not THAT CRUEL."I didn't know there was an Egyptian curse that could make you hurt every single animal you try to be friendly."

"Yep, so that's why I think he got so traumatized from Ramses Curse, that at the moment he goes to Egypt, he is going to be wary of everything he could touch, just for the sake of not being cursed," Ezekiel commented as Dawn had a few questions inside of her mind as well.

"Everything you are trying to do for your friends, you want to protect them for what's about to happen in the World Tour, right?" Dawn asked as Ezekiel gave a slight wave with his hand, making more or less.

"Kinda, but also the pinpoint would be for me to save them before All Stars, which that event had been a pure disaster. Not only in case of bad episodes... but, Chris actually lost his mind after being in jail, and the people we once knew before, became completely

different on that season... they weren't to be like that. They didn't deserve that fate." Ezekiel said, and he was being honest with himself, and for the girl in front of him.

"You are very noble Ezekiel, and the burden that you are carrying on your shoulders is very painful and heavy to take," Dawn commented, and as much she would say it had been a perfect reason to fight for a better future, she knew the person in front of her was just a human, and yet, she couldn't help but to smile as he had the same confident and carefree and hopeful smile on his face.

"I know, but taking such a burden, never made me feel so alive and happy, I made my parents proud, made a lot of good friends, and changed the fates of people who could have been worst enemies into best friends," Ezekiel commented as he recalled every single thing he did... "I committed mistakes, I admit... But I know that in the end, what everyone, including me, always wanted for ourselves. It's to find happiness."

Dawn smiled, as she never thought that indeed, the person in front of her, would have been so mature, and so happy to take care of everything...

"So what are you going to do since you found the 1 million dollars? After sharing money with Lindsay and Heather." Dawn commented as Ezekiel paused and then deadpanned. "It's a large sum of money, and with how much money you are also working for, you can have a great chance to buy the island in the future."

"Okay, boys, which one of you snitched," Ezekiel commented Dawn giggled at the boy's antic, seeing that from all the people reacting to her knowing about aura, was by far the best reaction she would have.

"It was the white one," Dawn commented as she found it funny to see Ezekiel scolding himself down for saying that was supposed to be a gentlemanly deal, and snitches would always get stitches. Dawn couldn't help but laugh from seeing the boy acting comfortably like that. "You are funny..."

"Thanks," Ezekiel said, as he knew that he managed to make Dawn laugh, knowing that it would be probably impossible to hide any kind of information from her would be impossible. Which also made him have one thought in mind. "Also Dawn, do you mind if I give you one advice?"

"Is it about me reading auras too quickly that would freak out people?" Dawn inquired since one of the auras already told her his thought process, and Ezekiel didn't seem phased as he nodded his head. "I'm sorry, but that's a part of me that I couldn't change, I like to talk about their auras at the moment I meet them."

"Well fair enough... But you could start saying your name, and you are an aura reader, and at the moment someone looks at you in disbelief, or gets curious about you, you can start reading their aura." Ezekiel commented as he learned from the past, that Dawn had a quite problem since she didn't know how to approach the other people since the start.

Dawn thought about it... and noticing that his auras were in agreement with him, she sighed and let the advice be written in her mind and heart.

"Okay, I will do it." Dawn nodded her head, as Ezekiel smiled weakly at her, which Dawn now had something to ask about it. "So you know about my future?"

"Well, from the time I watched your season... you..." Ezekiel simply shrugged as he decided to talk and explain more and more about the future seasons.




"Wait, do you mean that I can access all my memories, from both times I was alive?" Ezekiel said as he looked at the moonchild who nodded her head at him.

"There are a few techniques about meditation, that could help you to achieve inside of your subconscious, trying to access all your memories. It requires a good mind, patience, and a very strong tea..." Dawn commented as she saw him raising his eyebrows at her. "It's a tea recipe that my father knows, and it helps you to unlock inside your aura, the deep state of your mind. In case you are curious about how to do it, you can go to Vancouver Island and look for my father, his name is Thorn, and he is a ranger in the forest. And he is a very wise man."

"That I can imagine," Ezekiel commented, as he was in deep thought. To have access to all his memories would be something that he could value most. "That way I could remember everything that happened in my life?"

"Yes, the good... and the bad things as well..." Dawn warned, as at that moment, Ezekiel realized what she meant. "To access to all your memories, you would need to relieve your past traumas, again."

"It never gets easy..." Ezekiel sighed, as he realized the world he is. And groaned annoyed. "Of course, it isn't easy, it's Total Drama."

"I don't know why, but every time you say that to yourself, your auras accept all the problems and outcomes like any ordinary day." Dawn tilted her head, as she was always curious about why the auras always were in agreement whenever Ezekiel said those words.

"Dawn, Dawn, Dawn... trust me..." Ezekiel commented as he felt that it was obvious what he said. "It's Total Drama, if you think some chaos and the worst type of drama could happen on the show, it's probably going to happen. I mean, the worst type of challenge, disgusting which would make people infuriated to curse Chris and do our best to survive? It's just a Tuesday after you are part of it. But trust me, you will understand the meaning of it after you participate in the show."

"If you say so..." Dawn commented as he wasn't sure if she wanted to be part of the season in a few years... But knowing that her future is in Mother Nature's hands, she knew that she had to believe in her future.




"Thank you for signing my book," Dawn commented as she saw her Courage the Cowardly book had been with Ezekiel's autograph since she never thought she had the opportunity to have the book signed the day before the new books arrived.

"I'm very glad that you liked Courage, it was my first book and one of my favorites of my childhood," Ezekiel commented as he was surprised to see her bringing her book to him just for him to sign.

"You did a wonderful job, this book shows that you have a deep love of your own work, you wrote everything based on your own emotions on how you felt at that moment," Dawn said as she could see that both his auras were beamed with pride and happiness at one of the works being well done. "But still I never thought I would hate someone as much I hate Eustace,"

"Oh... which..." Ezekiel blinked in surprise since he usually managed to make Eustace the way he remembered from watching all the episodes, so having someone showing pure hatred must be something one of the iconic episodes, like...

"The magic Tree of Nowhere," Dawn replied which confirmed Ezekiel's suspiciousness. "I confess that me and my mother cried from reading that chapter. Since had been so personal, and I learned so much about how the envy and the anger of the people could lead to the destruction of something so beautiful because they couldn't comprehend..."

"Yes... but also it leads to the cycle of life." Ezekiel commented which surprised Dawn with his answer. "That little flower, in the end, was the demonstration that the tree remains alive and will grow up again, and even as Eustace managed to cut the oak... he forgot one single detail. A tree only dies when its roots are dead."

Dawn remained in silence... which Ezekiel felt was a good thing that he always had thoughts about maybe bringing up the magical tree of nowhere sometimes, like moments of a slice of life, it is a magical tree, so, of course, Eustace was going to accept it, when he realizes that he could use it to have money. Hehehe, stupid Eustace.


And on that moment, Ezekiel had his eyes wide open in surprise, when he realized that he felt something nearby on his cheek... And his entire face flushed as in a surprise moment...

Dawn also realized that she didn't think that she could have reacted that way, but she quickly hugged the boy and gave him a kiss on his cheek. And when it passed a little second, she discovered that her entire face was blushing in surprise.

"Err... thank you, for telling me what happened," Dawn said as her entire face was burning, and she couldn't look into his eyes.

"No problem," Ezekiel said slowly, as he never thought that Dawn had been reacting like that.


And at that moment, Dawn never thought she would be grateful for her friend Howard being awake.

"Oh my goodness, it seems Howard needs something to eat. I will be leaving to bring him something to eat. It was nice to meet you, Ezekiel. I will see you tomorrow at the book signing." Dawn quickly said, as she walked in the direction of the duck, and even as the duck looked a bit confused, tilting its head, Dawn immediately grabbed her duck friend, and left the tent.

Ezekiel remained in pause for a few seconds and then touched his face where a girl had just kissed.

"Huh, I never thought I would have been kissed on my cheek by another girl, just my Ma... it feels nice," Ezekiel commented as he remained alone in the said tent... And from that moment, he then remembered where he was. "Oh yeah, maybe I should check what time is it. And see if the mall was open."

Ezekiel was about to leave the tent when he realized one thing.

"The popularity will be a huge problem at the moment it gets crowded. I hope my safety strategies until my friends come will keep me out of trouble. Let's hope for the best, and prepare for the worst. With the money I have in my backpack, I think I can use it to save my skin." Ezekiel commented as he took a few deep breaths, and composed himself. "Alright, you saw Celebrities and crowds of fans in many movies, shows, and news. Be yourself, and get ready for everything, never tempt fate, and let's do this. I'm ready…"

Her mind was a swirl of emotion, tangled up in her own surprise. As she immediately took her

friend and walked outside of the tent, she did her best to maintain her composure, trying to reach the nearest tree...

"What was I thinking?" She never expected her emotions to surge like that, let alone be bold enough to make such a move. Normally calm and in control, Dawn felt like her entire energy was a whirlwind of chaos, and not in the harmonious way she was used to.

Howard, the duck, quacked nearby, watching with his head tilted as if sensing her inner turmoil. Dawn's cheeks flushed, realizing how close she had been to making an utter fool of herself. If it hadn't been for the duck's sudden interference, she might have completely embarrassed herself in front of Ezekiel.

She crouched down, pressing her fingers to her temples, trying to breathe and sort out the mess in her head.

"I didn't imagine that," she whispered to herself, her voice shaky. "I really didn't imagine that."


Howard waddled closer, giving her a soft, quizzical look.

"Oh no, don't give me that look," Dawn muttered, shaking her head. "You saved me back there. I was... I don't even know what I was doing." She let out a laugh that sounded more like a nervous hiccup.

Everything had happened so quickly, and Dawn was hardly able to process it.

"Did I let the overflow of his feelings and mine make me more bold?" She asked herself as her mind reeled. "I should have been more collected! I'm calm, I'm collected... but our rush of emotions that came from both of us, especially in the moment of vulnerability of us two… caused that. Oh Mother Nature, what I have done?"

Her heart thudded again at the thought. Why did she feel that way? she wondered, half-terrified, half-excited.

Glancing in the direction of the tent, and seeing Ezekiel leaving with a determined face, ready to go around the mall, made her frustrated with how flustered she was. And the worst part, she could hear the breezes of Mother Nature, giggling from what just happened. She groaned softly, burying her face in her hands.

"I can't believe this," she murmured to herself. "Why did that happen? Why now? Now he will think that I just did that because I just liked one scene… I should have been more patient."


Then suddenly Dawn felt her beautiful blonde hair being pulled, calling her attention, to the slight pain in her head.

"Ouch, Howard, not now," Dawn commented as she then looked at her duck friend, who just started quacking at her… Slowly she nodded her head and understood what he just said to her. "You're right… I was caught by my own emotions, but I have been sincere, and from what I learned from Mother Nature, I'm not the only one...I need to be ready and believe in what Mother Nature said to me. To focus on my own happiness. It will be a long and arduous challenge, but I'm patient. And I already gave the first step."

She stood up, dusting off her dress, her emotions slowly calming. Even if she wasn't sure what had just happened between her and Ezekiel, one thing was clear: this wasn't the end of it.

There would be more girls, some she would already learn by Mother Nature, and while she had no idea what was going on. She will be ready for anything, having faith in Mother Nature and in herself, she knows that in the end, she will reach happiness.

(10 A.M)

"So, you heard about the chaos happening around the mall lately?" Wyatt asked, taking a deliberate sip of his coffee, trying to wake up. The morning buzz of the food court around them was a constant reminder of the mall's daily rhythm. His shift at Spin This wasn't until the afternoon, but he had to mentally prepare himself. Despite still feeling the sting from his recent breakup, the steady stream of work kept him grounded, and being around his friends made it easier to cope.

Nikki, seated across from him, slouched back and lazily twirled her hair, her eyes half-closed. "You mean that celebrity author everyone's been freaking out over? The one who's supposedly here a day early for the signing?" she asked, her voice dripping with indifference. She wasn't one to get starstruck easily, but the growing noise of the crowd made it hard to ignore the excitement building around them. Across from her, Caitlin was busy mixing a fresh batch of lemonade for a customer at The Big Squeeze, her attention only half on the conversation.

"Yeah, what's the big deal anyway?" Nikki continued, glancing toward the increasingly packed food court. "It's like people turn into mindless drones the second they hear a celebrity's nearby. Give it a few more minutes, and this place will look like a giant anthill everyone swarming to get a glimpse."

"Well, I think it's pretty cool!" Caitlin chimed in with a bubbly enthusiasm, momentarily looking away from her lemonade stand. "How often do we get a celebrity here? Maybe they'll even stop by for a lemonade. I mean, who wouldn't want to try my new raspberry twist?" She smiled, clearly hoping to spot someone famous, maybe even snag an autograph.

Jen, who had been scrolling through her phone, let out an audible sigh and finally looked up. "I don't know why you're so excited, Caitlin. Celebrities almost always let the fame go straight to their heads. One minute they're ordering people around and using their fame to get anything for free, and the next, they're doing something so stupid their fans turn on them with torches and pitchforks." She set her phone down and crossed her arms, thinking about all the scandals she'd read about.

Caitlin pouted, not willing to give up on her starry-eyed hopes. "Not all celebrities are like that…"

Jonesy, who had been leaning back in his chair with his feet up on the table, grinned and jumped in. "Hey, I wouldn't mind if the celebrity turned out to be someone like Lindsay or Heather," he said, his eyes lighting up at the thought of Total Drama Island girls. "Now those are some famous people worth seeing." His comment earned a collective groan from the others.

Jen rolled her eyes. "Please. Lindsay has a boyfriend, I think. And Heather? That girl would chew you up and spit you out without a second thought."

"Yeah, she'd probably call you something terrible and flip you off for good measure," Nikki added with a smirk, imagining Heather's attitude.

Jude, who had been quietly munching on a tray of fries next to Jonesy, finally spoke up. "Dudes, trust me, you do not want to be on Heather's bad side. I've seen it happen on television, she gave a supreme wedgie to Trent that made me sore just to see. She's vicious when she wants to. Even Lindsay, the nicest one of the bunch, showed a mean streak when Trent messed up. You don't want to see those girls angry." He tossed another fry into his mouth, looking thoughtful.

"Yeah, Trent really blew it with that whole deal," Jen added, nodding. "He's cute, but man, did he make a huge mistake. I'm glad he kinda made up for it by the end, though."

Before anyone could respond, a piercing screech rang out from across the food court, making them all jump in their seats. The crowd near the entrance grew louder, the chaotic chatter now bordering on a roar. The noise was swelling as if something big was about to happen.

"Geez, what now?" Wyatt muttered, rubbing his temples as if the sound was physically hurting him. "People are getting rowdier by the minute."

Nikki frowned and sat up straight, her eyes narrowing. "What the hell is going on over there?"

Jen squinted toward the source of the commotion. "Probably just more fans crowding around. But it's getting insane look, there's security trying to clear a path."

Suddenly, Wyatt pointed to something in the distance. "Guys, look. What is that?"

All eyes turned in the direction he was pointing, and they spotted someone running fast. The figure was darting through the crowd, bobbing and weaving between people, clearly trying to get away from something or someone. As the runner got closer, they realized it was a teenager, probably a little younger than them. The boy was small and wiry, his face pale with panic, clutching a green blouse in one hand and a winter hat in the other. His clothes looked rumpled as if he'd dressed in a hurry or been in some kind of struggle.

Jen blinked in confusion, trying to place the face. He seemed oddly familiar, but before she could figure it out, the boy skidded to a stop right in front of them, panting heavily. His wide eyes scanned the group, and for a moment, there was nothing but awkward silence.

"No way…" the boy muttered, clearly recognizing them.

"Um… what?" Nikki began, her usual sarcastic tone ready to fire, but the boy suddenly lunged toward Caitlin, making her jump back with a startled yelp.

"AHHHHHHH!" Caitlin shrieked, instinctively putting her hands up as if she were about to be attacked. The boy, however, didn't seem interested in her at all his gaze was locked on the giant lemon hat she wore as part of her uniform.

"How much for the lemon hat?" he asked, his voice breathless and desperate.

Caitlin blinked in shock, still trying to process what was happening. "Uh… excuse me?"

"I need it," the boy insisted, his tone pleading now. "Just for a few minutes. Please." His eyes were wide, almost frantic as if the hat was somehow the most important thing in the world at that moment.

The group stared at him, completely bewildered. Wyatt raised an eyebrow, glancing at the others for some explanation, but all he got were shrugs.

"Okay, this is getting weird," Nikki muttered under her breath. "Who is this kid?"

Jen's brow furrowed as she studied the boy's face more closely. "Wait… isn't that…?"

"Sure?" Caitlin said, still a bit confused but complying as she handed over her giant lemon hat. The boy grabbed it without a second thought, tossing his blouse and winter hat into the lemonade stand.

"Hey, watch it!" Caitlin protested, staring at the pile of discarded clothing

now crumpled near her mixer.

"Just for a few minutes," the boy said quickly, sliding a pair of sunglasses on as he grabbed one of the nearby chairs, positioning it in front of the lemonade stand like a makeshift barricade. The group of friends, wide-eyed, watched in silence as he settled in, seemingly trying to blend in with the surroundings.

Almost on cue, a crowd of fans gathered across the food court, their voices rising as they swarmed the area, searching for someone or something. Wyatt leaned forward, squinting at the chaos unfolding. "This is nuts."

"They look like zombies," Nikki added dryly, slouching back in her chair as the crowd scanned the area, a restless buzz in the air.

The teenagers watched, baffled, as the mob murmured among themselves, their heads swiveling left and right like hunting dogs sniffing the air. After a tense minute, someone shouted, "There's movement on the south side!" It was all the encouragement they needed. Like a wave breaking on the shore, the entire group surged in the opposite direction, running to the pointed area with eager determination.

Nikki, Jonesy, Wyatt, Jen, Jude, and Caitlin exchanged wide-eyed glances as the commotion disappeared just as quickly as it had started. The food court seemed to exhale, returning to its usual hum of clinking trays and idle chatter. The boy, still sitting in front of the lemonade stand, sighed deeply, visibly relieved.

"Phew... That was close. Glad my backup plan worked," the boy said, removing the sunglasses and handing Caitlin back her lemon hat, looking genuinely apologetic. "Thanks for the help. And, sorry about the clothes." He motioned to the discarded blouse and hat in the stand, offering a weak but sincere smile. "To make up for it, how about I buy a jar of lemonade?"

"Oh, um, sure!" Caitlin responded, her mind still catching up to what had just happened. "What kind of lemonade would you like?" She was already grabbing a fresh cup, still oblivious to who she was talking to, but charmed by the boy's sincerity.

"Well, I've never actually been to a lemonade stand before," the boy admitted sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. "What do you recommend?"

Caitlin smiled, momentarily forgetting the strangeness of the situation. "Oh, we've got all kinds! The Russian Lemonade is a big hit my friends love it." She gestured to the group, who were now all staring at the boy with a mixture of curiosity and amusement.

The boy blinked and glanced around, his eyes landing on Jen, who cleared her throat. "Yeah, I used to work here. The Russian Lemonade is the best. Caitlin knows her stuff," she said, trying to suppress a smile.

"Alright, I'll take a jar of that, then," the boy said, giving a polite nod. Even though the crowd had moved on, he kept darting glances left and right, clearly still on edge.

As Caitlin began preparing the lemonade, she hesitated, curiosity getting the better of her. "Can I ask… why were you running from all those people?"

Before the boy could respond Nikki already answered.

"Don't you get it, Caitlin? He's the celebrity we've been talking about. That's Ezekiel, the guy doing the book signing tomorrow." Nikki leaned over the table, smirking.

Caitlin's eyes widened in sudden realization, her brain finally putting the pieces together. "Wait, what? You're Ezekiel? The famous author of Courage the Cowardly Dog?!"

Ezekiel winced. "Oh no…" Before he could react, Caitlin let out a high-pitched squeal of excitement, the sound echoing across the food court.

Instantly panicked, Ezekiel dove behind the lemonade stand, hiding between the counters. "Please, don't draw any more attention!" he whispered urgently, peeking up just enough to see if anyone had noticed.

"Sorry!" Caitlin whispered back, cheeks flushed with embarrassment. She glanced around, noticing a few people casting curious glances their way. Thinking fast, she stood up straight and dramatically pointed toward a nearby store. "Oh my gosh! My favorite shoes are on sale!"

The crowd, disinterested in her exaggerated excitement, rolled their eyes and continued on their hunt for the elusive celebrity, dismissing her distraction. With a sigh of relief, Caitlin leaned down and whispered to Ezekiel, "I think they're gone."

Ezekiel chuckled softly from his hiding spot. "Thanks for that. You're a pretty quick thinker."

Jude wandered over, leaning against the lemonade stand as he looked down at Ezekiel with a lazy grin. "Dude, I never knew there was a hiding spot back there."

"Well, you learn a few tricks when you play hide and seek for years," Ezekiel replied with a chuckle, finally standing up and dusting himself off. He gave Caitlin a grateful smile. "Thanks for covering for me."

"No problem!" Caitlin said, still mixing the lemonade with renewed enthusiasm. "Do you, um, still want to wear the lemon hat? You know, just to be safe?"

Ezekiel considered it for a moment, then shrugged. "Yeah, maybe I will. I just need to be like that until my friends come;" He took the lemon hat with a grateful nod, plopping it back onto his head. "I think I can lay low until they arrive."

Jude and Jen exchanged glances, suddenly curious. "Wait," Jen said slowly, "your friends are coming here? Like, the other members of the cast?"

Ezekiel nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "Yeah, we're doing a little reunion. The Killer Bass decided to show up a day early so we could hang out at the mall. You know, just to have some fun before my book signing tomorrow. We've got the whole day planned shopping, eating, goofing around."

Jude's face lit up. "Dude, that's going to be awesome!"

Ezekiel raised a hand for a high five, which Jude enthusiastically returned. "Yup! It's going to be awesome."

Feeling more comfortable now, Ezekiel adjusted the lemon hat and leaned back in his chair, sunglasses back on. "Just need to stay under the radar until the rest of the gang shows up. Also, I have the number of Courtney, and I was about to buy a cellphone here, but I was attacked by the crowd by surprise. I didn't even manage to get inside of the shop."

"Why don't you use mine then?" Caitlin suggested as she took something from her purse, and borrowed it for the boy who clearly gave a grateful nod to her again.

"Thank you, you have no idea how much trouble you saved me from," Ezekiel commented as he immediately took the paper from the pocket, which he had been holding since his trip from the farm, his Ma gave the number because her connections with Killer Bass mothers, so having Courtney's number would be essential since she is the responsible into knowing the other numbers of their group.

The group of friends watched him in amusement as the boy felt he was dialing the numbers of the cellphone.

"From my point of view, this person doesn't seem to be with the fame over his head," Nikki smirked, while Jen rolled her eyes.

"I will only admit it after some time," Jen replied that she refused to say that she was wrong without proof, but having the person seemed to be more collected and more down on earth, she could see why the boy felt more like a person, than the most famous celebrities around.

"Hey, Courtney it's me, Ezekiel. Yeah, I'm already here, but it seems the people are coming in waves, just to be sure, you could try to blend by using some disguise, and we take them off when we are all reunited. Duncan is with you? Awesome," Ezekiel commented as he was looking left and right to see if someone heard him saying his name, but thankfully there wasn't anyone nearby. "Well, I'm on the food court, on far on the back in a good distance from the food section, there is a lemonade stand, which was a giant yellow lemon. I'm wearing a big lemon hat… I know what I said, but it was the best disguise I could find now… how long it will take for you two to be here? 1 hour? Okay, I think that if I remain here, I will be safe. And if things get ugly, I will be going for my other backup plan… what is my backup plan? Go to find a secret spot to hide until you guys appear, obviously… yeah yeah yeah, laugh it up Duncan, but remember who was the one who made all the traps and caught you two… glad that we came to an understanding. Hehehe, see you too later. Bye..."

The group looked at the boy in amusement, as Ezekiel gave a sigh of relief as he returned Caitlin's flip phone.

"Thank you so much, this way we already established a meeting point." Ezekiel was grateful, and the girl was already feeling happy for helping a celebrity, and now knowing the other members of the Killer Bass were also going to appear, she was already feeling excited.

"Not a problem… Also coming up… here's your drink, Mr. Celebrity."Caitlin finally finished preparing his lemonade. As she handed him the jar, she grinned.

"So, you don't mind sitting with us for a bit? I mean, your popular friends are bound to show up eventually," Nikki said, rolling her eyes. She was met with a soft chuckle from Ezekiel.

"Well, popularity comes and goes, but real friends are those you can count on your fingers and toes. Thanks for letting me sit here, by the way," Ezekiel said, adjusting his chair so his back faced the food court, turning toward the group. They seemed taken aback by his genuine comment. "I grew up on a farm. Trust me, when you're that isolated, you really value the friends you do have."

Jen, surprised, looked at Ezekiel. Unlike other "famous" people she'd seen, he wasn't bragging about his popularity. Instead, he was focused on what truly mattered to him: his friends.

"You guys seem pretty close," Ezekiel continued, gesturing to the group. Before Jen could answer, Caitlin chimed in excitedly.

"Of course! They've been my best friends ever since I started working here. Jen actually got me my job! We all go to school together, then meet up here afterward," Caitlin said with a bright smile as she handed over a finished jar of lemonade and some plastic cups for Ezekiel

to use.

"Huh, neat," Ezekiel replied, taking in the camaraderie among the six. Some of them were still surprised to be sitting with him. "So... do any of you watch the show?"

"Dude, absolutely!" Jude exclaimed, finally introducing himself. "Especially those insane challenges like jumping off cliffs and wrestling wild animals. You guys were crazy, man!"

Ezekiel chuckled. "Glad you think so." But in the back of his mind, Ezekiel was still processing the surreal situation. Of all the people to meet, I run into the cast of 6teen at a mall. He glanced around the group. They all looked like their animated counterparts, only slightly more grounded in the Total Drama universe, Nikki, the sarcastic, edgy goth; Wyatt, the calm, musical one; Jude, the same laid-back dude as always; Jonesy, as carefree and reckless as ever; Caitlin, still the sweet, somewhat naïve rich girl learning about the world; and Jen… who was currently staring at him, looking more judgmental than the others.

"Uh, is she okay?" Ezekiel asked cautiously, glancing at Jen.

Jen snapped out of her thoughts, blinking as Jonesy chuckled. "Oh, that's just Jen. Ezekiel, right? So, what do you think of the babes from your show? Gotta get the inside scoop."

Ezekiel glanced at Jonesy, thinking, Yep, that's definitely the same Jonesy. How many jobs has he been fired from today? He chuckled internally but humored the question. "Well, sure, there are a lot of attractive girls on the show, but most of the time, we're too busy trying to survive a psycho-host on a deserted island."

"Wait, so all that stuff was real?" Jen asked, snapping out of her earlier judgment.

"Yeah," Ezekiel nodded. "We really did risk our lives doing all that crazy stuff on TV. And once we signed the contract, there was no backing out. So, a word of advice, always read the fine print before you sign anything."

Jen blinked in surprise, her skepticism replaced by concern as she listened to Ezekiel's serious tone. He glanced at the group. "No matter what the situation is, you should know exactly what you're agreeing to. I knew the risks when I signed up for the show. But a lot of the other contestants? They didn't, and that's when things get dangerous."

"Wait, even after reading all that, you still agreed to do it? That's wild," Wyatt commented, shaking his head in disbelief.

Ezekiel just smiled. "Yeah, it was a crazy experience, but looking back? I wouldn't trade it for anything."

"You even threw away a million dollars into the river. I've gotta ask did you lose your mind?" Nikki asked, her voice dripping with disbelief. Jonesy, who had been half-listening, suddenly snapped to attention, his eyes wide with shock.

"WAIT, HOLD UP DID YOU THROW AWAY A MILLION DOLLARS?!" Jonesy nearly shouted, his voice echoing a little too loudly through the food court. Ezekiel's eyes widened in panic, and he quickly leaned forward, shushing him desperately.

"Shhhhhhh!" Ezekiel's gaze darted around, scanning the area like a spy who'd almost been exposed. "Did you forget I'm trying to keep a low profile until my friends get here?" he hissed through his teeth, praying that no one had overheard Jonesy's outburst. For a moment, he held his breath, but the food court crowd seemed blissfully unaware.

Jonesy offered a sheepish grin, shrugging under Ezekiel's irritated stare.

"Sorry, man, my bad," he muttered, still clearly processing the absurdity of what Ezekiel had done. But he couldn't help himself and blurted out, "But seriously, dude a million dollars? What were you thinking?"

Ezekiel leaned back in his chair, arms crossed, a frustrated sigh escaping him.

"Yeah, it was a million, but the last challenge was total garbage," he said, catching the group off-guard with his bluntness. "I mean, we spent the entire season busting our butts enduring ridiculous challenges, strategizing, and voting each other out to win fair and square. But the final challenge? It wasn't about skill or survival. It was about turning us into animals, making us tear each other apart for the cameras. No way was I going to let it go down like that."

A brief silence fell over the group, as they absorbed Ezekiel's words. His tone was sharp, filled with frustration but also a quiet determination that none of them had expected. Even Jen, who had remained skeptical and quiet until now, looked intrigued.

Ezekiel continued his expression firm. "That's not how you decide a winner. You don't humiliate your friends and fight them like it's some kind of freak show. That's why I tossed the money. I wasn't going to let the show turn us into a joke."

"You really did that?" Wyatt asked, leaning forward now, his voice tinged with respect. "You turned down a million dollars just to stick it to the show?"

"Yeah," Ezekiel nodded, a hint of a smile tugging at his lips. "And now we're coming back for season two, next week. We're not done yet."

"Oh, so that means the babes are coming back too?" Jonesy interrupted, his grin wide as he waggled his eyebrows. It was clear where his mind had wandered. Nikki, with an exasperated eye roll, swiftly kicked him under the table. Jonesy yelped, rubbing his shin. "Ow! What?"

"Sorry about Jonesy. He's a lost cause," Jen quipped, shaking her head as she shot a glance of apology toward Ezekiel. The tension between them softened as Jen leaned in, her voice more sincere. "But honestly, that was a really brave move. Most people wouldn't have done what you did."

Ezekiel offered a grateful nod. "Thanks. My friends were pretty ticked off at first, but in the end, we all agreed. Our friendships weren't worth ripping apart over money. That's what reality TV tries to do, pit us against each other for the drama. But after nine weeks of surviving that crazy island together? Nah, it wasn't worth it."

A sense of understanding seemed to settle over the group. Even Jude, who had been snacking on fries, paused to listen. Jen gave Ezekiel a kind smile, clearly impressed by his perspective.

As Ezekiel finished the last of his drink, he let out a contented sigh, placing the empty cup on the table. "Wow, this lemonade is seriously good. You must've spent a lot of time perfecting the recipe."

Caitlin, beaming at the compliment, giggled. "Tell me about it! During my first week working here, I messed up everything, forgot the sugar, and mixed things wrong. It took forever to get the hang of it."

Ezekiel chuckled, genuinely interested, as he nodded at her story. "Well, you nailed it. Best lemonade I've ever had."

"Thanks!" Caitlin said with a grin, clearly delighted as she handed him a refill. "Glad you liked it. But seriously, tossing a million dollars into a river? That's legendary."

"Legendary or insane, depends on how you see it," Ezekiel replied with a smirk. "But, I'd say it was worth it. And besides, we've still got another shot at the money in season two. This time, though on our terms."

Wyatt, Jude, and even Nikki shared a look, clearly impressed by the way Ezekiel stood by his principles, while Jonesy recovering from his shin injury leaned forward with an eager grin.

"Alright, but seriously, man, next time, don't throw away the cash!" Jonesy said with a laugh, earning yet another swift kick from Nikki.

"Well, how about you guys talk about yourselves? You must have done a lot of great stuff together," Ezekiel suggested, leaning forward with genuine curiosity. The group exchanged surprised glances, clearly not expecting a celebrity to want to learn more about them.

"I bet some of you have done greater things than I ever have," he added with a warm smile.

Jen raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the question. "You really want to know about us?" she asked, her tone lightening a bit.

"Well, thanks for the flattery, but honestly, we all live pretty simple lives working here," Jen explained, her tone casual but with a trace of pride. Ezekiel nodded as he took another sip of his lemonade, waiting for her to elaborate. "I work at a sports store called the Penalty Box. The most exciting thing about the job is how our boss, Coach Halder, loves to make things... chaotic. Especially now that he's become a massive fan of Total Drama after watching the season you were on."

"Huh? That's actually kinda surprising," Ezekiel said, his brow furrowing in concern. "He doesn't put you and your coworkers through crazy challenges like Chris did, does he?"

Jen let out a dry laugh. "Nah, nothing that extreme. The worst thing he's made us do was endure watching the episode I Triple Dog Dare You without vomiting."

Ezekiel's eyes widened in surprise. "Wait, seriously? That episode?" He stared at her in disbelief. "And you won?"

"Yup," Jen said, a bit smug. "Held it together the whole time."

Ezekiel chuckled darkly, shaking his head. "That's impressive. Honestly, during that challenge, me and the rest of the Killer Bass were out for blood. We really wanted to make the Gophers' day a living hell. Cathartic, really." His tone carried a mischievous edge, causing the group to blink at him, unsure whether to laugh or be alarmed.

"For someone who never went to school, I'm surprised you even know the word 'cathartic,'" Nikki remarked with a smirk, though there was a teasing gleam in her eye. "No offense."

"A bit taken," Ezekiel replied with a shrug, raising an eyebrow. "But I get your point. TV and the internet are pretty good teachers. Plus, I'm a writer. Shouldn't I know the words I'm putting in my own books?"

"Fair enough." Nikki dropped the subject as the group shared a look, slightly surprised by how unbothered Ezekiel seemed by her remark. But his attention quickly shifted back to Jen.

"So... did Coach Halder make you do anything else, or was it just surviving Triple Dog Dare You?" Ezekiel asked, leaning forward slightly, clearly invested.

Jen thought for a moment, then shook her head. "Thankfully, nothing as crazy as your show. But can you imagine if he made us do something like the wake-a-thon challenge? That would've been a nightmare for the store."

"You mean the challenge where you guys had to stay awake for days?" Jen grimaced as Ezekiel described it, the mere thought making her feel exhausted. "Thank God Coach Halder didn't do that. It would've been a disaster."

"Dude, that staying awake challenge was epic!" Jude chimed in, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "You were awake for, like, four days straight!"

Ezekiel laughed and shook his head. "Nah, I only survived two days. Duncan and Gwen were the ones who made it through four. And let me guess..." He mimicked their thoughts with a smirk, "'Pffft, staying awake? How hard can it be?'"

The group listened intently as Ezekiel continued, his tone becoming more serious. "What made it tough was how Chris constantly messed with us. First, he made us run laps around the camp. Then he stuffed us with this heavy food that made us want to pass out. After that, hours of boredom with no distractions, and Chris tried every trick in the book to make us fall asleep. The worst? He read us the entire history of Canada. A whole book."

"Zzzzzzz..." A faint snoring sound made everyone turn. Jude had slumped over, completely passed out at the thought of the challenge.

"JUDE!" The group yelled, snapping him back to consciousness.

"Huh? What? Oh, sorry," Jude mumbled, rubbing his eyes. "I was just imagining reading that book... Knocked me right out."

Ezekiel chuckled. "How did we survive? Honestly, no clue."

"Oh, come on, Jude," Jen teased, crossing her arms. "The history of Canada wasn't that bad. And let's not forget

you passed the finals just so you could jump out of an airplane... naked." She emphasized the last word, her voice dripping with amusement.

Ezekiel's eyes widened as the memory of that particular episode clicked into place. "Wait... you did that?"

Jude stood up dramatically, hopping onto his skateboard and circling the table. "Fear not, my compadre," he said with a grand flourish, "I shall regale you with the tale of the brutal torture known as school finals a system so oppressive, so soul-crushing, that only the strongest survive!"




Laughter and stories flowed easily as the group settled into their conversation, Ezekiel listening intently to each tale, occasionally chiming in with his own thoughts and reactions. He found himself unexpectedly enjoying the company of these mall-working teens, their banter and camaraderie reminding him a little of his time on Total Drama though much less dangerous, of course.

"Wait, wait, wait. Hold on," Ezekiel suddenly interrupted, a wide grin spreading across his face as he struggled to contain his laughter. "You drove a bus and crashed it? When you were 14? Who even let you drive it in the first place?"

Jen groaned, her face turning slightly red as the rest of the group erupted into snickers, clearly enjoying her embarrassment. "Yeah, yeah, laugh it up," she muttered, shooting them a half-hearted glare before turning back to Ezekiel. "That's totally not the point of the story."

"Oh, I think it's totally the point," Jonesy quipped, still chuckling. "Who hands over a bus to a fourteen-year-old?"

"Guys, come on!" Jen groaned louder, rubbing her temples in exasperation. "Look, I was technically doing a favor for a friend Timmy, but... things just kind of spiraled out of control. Okay?"

Ezekiel was still smiling, shaking his head in disbelief. "That's pretty wild. I mean, I've done some crazy stuff on TV, but driving a bus at 14? That's a whole new level. I mean, my Pa would kill me if I accidentally crashed the farm truck."

The group laughed at the comparison, and Jen let out a sigh before joining in. "Let's just say I've moved on from that phase of my life," she said, rolling her eyes good-naturedly. "Now, I work at the Penalty Box, which is at least a bit more... responsible. But before that, I worked at the Lemon Squeeze to get some experience."

Caitlin, who had been sipping her smoothie, chimed in. "Yeah, and thanks to Jen, she really helped me out when I needed a job urgently." Her voice was grateful but laced with a dramatic flair that made the others smile.

"Oh?" Ezekiel raised an eyebrow, intrigued. As he could recall from that, but already wanted to know more about the kind-hearted brat, who just learned about how the real world worked outside of the house she lived. "Why'd you need a job so bad? Did something happen?"

Caitlin smiled sheepishly, clearly enjoying her moment in the spotlight as she recounted the story. "Well, let's just say I might have... maxed out my dad's credit card."

Ezekiel's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "You what?"

"Yeah," Caitlin sighed dramatically, flipping her hair back. "It was a whole thing. I got a little too carried away shopping, and before I knew it, boom I hit the credit limit. My dad was so not happy about it, and I had to find a way to pay him back."

"If there was a limit on the credit card, then it must be a very large debt…" Ezekiel chuckled, shaking his head. "Sounds like a nightmare."

"Trust me, it was," Caitlin agreed, then added, "But Jen here saved my butt. She got me the job at the Big Squeeze, and even though I wasn't exactly thrilled at the idea of working in a juice stand, it was kind of nice being around my friends all the time."

"Well, then you got me curious about one thing." Ezekiel leaned back, his eyes thoughtful as he considered her story. But since he saw so much about how Caitlin lived on both worlds, he knew what would probably be the answer to his question. "So, let me ask you this: if you magically got all the money you needed to pay off the debt, would you still keep working at the mall? Or would you just... stop?"

"Of course not!" Caitlin opened her mouth to reply with a quick, but paused, the question lingering in her mind. She glanced around at her friends Jen, Nikki, Jonesy, Wyatt, and Jude all of whom she spent practically every day with. Sure, working at the mall wasn't always glamorous, but the time they spent together was something special. After a moment of reflection, she sighed, her tone softer. "I don't know. I mean, yeah, the job can suck sometimes... but I don't think I'd want to leave. Being here, with everyone... it's kind of become part of my life, you know?"

"Yeah, I get that. It's not always about the work, but who you're with. Makes even the crappiest jobs feel worth it." Ezekiel smiled at her answer, nodding as if he understood completely. It wasn't a surprise since it had been great seasons that reminded his childhood. When he watched as a kid, he thought things were just like the show, but when he grew up and learned more from his parents, about how difficult it was to find a job, and even live on the farm when his Ma and Pa had struggled into finding clients, it was never easy.

"Exactly," Caitlin said, her smile brightening.

"Yeah, sure, that's why I stick around the Khaki Barn. Because I love being around my idiot coworkers." Nikki, who had been watching the exchange with mild interest, snorted.

"Khaki Barn? What is that?" Ezekiel asked as Nikki rolled her eyes.

"The most annoying place for whoever lost a soul would want to go there," Nikki replied, and Ezekiel tilted his head. Nikki's friends shook their heads from seeing Nikki being dramatic over such a situation.

"A clothing store?" Ezekiel asked and the others looked turned from bored to a surprise look on their faces.

"Exactly," Nikki commented as she snapped her fingers into pointing out the place where she was now burdened to work for the most part of her life. Or until she get the right money, Nikki sighed dramatically, leaning back in her chair. "Where do I even start? The Khaki Barn is full of airheaded, clones who think fashion is life. It's torture every single day. But, I need the money, so I suck it up. I've got plans, though big plans. One day, I'm gonna travel across Canada, maybe even the world, if I can. No more folding pastel sweaters for me."

"That sounds awesome. Where do you want to go first?" Ezekiel's eyes lit up with curiosity.

The question seemed to catch Nikki off guard. She blinked, then gave a small, thoughtful smile. "I'm not sure. Maybe Europe? I've always wanted to see Paris... and Rome... and maybe some of the cool places in South America, like Brazil or Argentina. Anywhere that isn't here, honestly."

"Sounds like a dream," Ezekiel said with an appreciative nod. "It's cool that you've got a goal like that."

Nikki shrugged, though the slight smile on her face betrayed her satisfaction. "Yeah, well, it's a work in progress."

"You'll get there," Ezekiel said, offering an encouraging smile. "I mean, if you can survive the Khaki Barn, I'm pretty sure you can handle anything."




"Wait, so you hate country music, and you had to work specifically in that section?" Ezekiel asked, noticing Wyatt's discomfort as he explained his job situation.

"It was part of the initiation for new hires," Wyatt replied with a sigh. "But yeah, it was pretty rough."

Ezekiel raised his eyebrows and glanced around at the group, who shared sympathetic looks for their friend. Caitlin decided to fill in the blanks.

"He just got a text from his girlfriend breaking up with him. She's with another employee now," Caitlin added, causing Ezekiel's eyes to widen in surprise.

"So this happened between the finale of season 1 and the start of season 2?" Ezekiel thought, as he remembered that was his first job, where his girlfriend broke up with him and later he was fired from the job, which meant that he would work into something similar of a blockbuster at the mall... By looking over at Wyatt, who seemed a bit down.

"I'm surprised you're still working there," Ezekiel remarked, as it was indeed something bad to do, which later he would get even worse with the time, and not surprisingly he would be fired from there.

"That's what I think too," Jen chimed in, nodding along with the sentiment.

"I need the job," Wyatt shrugged. "But yeah, I wasn't going to let it get me down. What other place would hire me anyway?"

"That depends... what are your skills?" Ezekiel asked, suddenly curious. "What's your ideal job?"

"Well," Wyatt hesitated for a moment before admitting, "I want to be a musician. I had a chance to get famous, but I turned it down."

Ezekiel recalled that episode, Wyatt had chosen his friends over a solo career.

"So you know music?" Ezekiel asked, his voice now full of interest. "How many instruments can you play?"

"I play guitar, drums, keyboard... and I sing," Wyatt responded, noticing the sparkle in Ezekiel's eyes. "Why?"

"Well..." Ezekiel began, a grin creeping onto his face. "I've got this project. People loved the narration I did for the Freaky Fred chapter of 'I Triple Dog Dare You,' and I'm planning on making audiobooks. Turns out there's a market for it."

"Huh?" Wyatt blinked, trying to process what Ezekiel was saying, as the rest of the group looked equally surprised.

"And," Ezekiel continued, "I've got lyrics and melodies for some of my books, but I need someone good to play and sing a few songs."

Wyatt's eyes widened, and he almost dropped his coffee.


"I mean, you'd have to practice, maybe even learn a few more instruments, but if this takes off, you'd have a portfolio. Who knows, shows might hire you, or you could work on movie soundtracks."

Wyatt stared at him, still in shock. Ezekiel pressed on. "I'm just starting the project, but I wanted to ask if you'd be interested…"

"YES," Wyatt blurted out, making Ezekiel grin.

"Great," Ezekiel added, leaning back with a satisfied smile, "but keep in mind, you'll need to read my books. You know, just so you get a feel for the lore and the story behind everything."

Wyatt nodded, still processing the offer. Ezekiel, meanwhile, fished through his backpack and pulled out a few sheets of paper. He scribbled something down quickly, tearing off a small piece and sliding it across the table toward Wyatt. "Here's my business email. It's tied to all my work with the books. Just shoot me a message there, and me and my lawyer will draw up a proper contract."

Wyatt blinked in surprise, feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness. He glanced at the email before looking back up at Ezekiel. "Wait, a lawyer?"

"Yeah, man," Ezekiel replied casually, giving a slight shrug. "Gotta make it official, you know? But just so we're clear... are you busy tomorrow?"

Wyatt hesitated, rubbing the back of his neck. "Kinda? I'm still working at Twist This... the CD store where, uh... my ex works."

Ezekiel nodded sympathetically, then leaned in slightly as he continued. "Well, here's the thing I've got a book signing event tomorrow. It'd be great to have someone play live music in the background, you know, to keep the crowd entertained while they wait in line. Could be a nice little test for you, nothing too serious."

Wyatt's eyes widened, and he could feel the anticipation building in his chest.

"Look," Ezekiel said, sensing Wyatt's hesitation. He reached into his backpack again and pulled out a small wad of cash. "How about this? I'll give you $500 right now. And if tomorrow's performance goes well, another $500 when the event's done."

The entire table went silent as Ezekiel laid the bills in front of Wyatt. The group stared in disbelief. Wyatt, barely able to believe his eyes, glanced from the cash to Ezekiel, trying to find words.

"Whoa!" Caitlin gasped, leaning forward. "Wait you're just giving him 500 bucks? Like, right now?"

Jen's eyes widened too. "Are you serious? That's… kinda insane!"

Wyatt blinked, staring at the money as if it might disappear. "I... I don't even know what to say, man."

Jonesy couldn't help but let out a low whistle. "Dude, that's like, three months of work for me," he muttered, half-jealous, half-impressed.

"That if you even were able to stay hired after one week," Nikki commented but she also couldn't help but be impressed. "But I have to agree, that would have taken a few months of work, for me as well."

Wyatt picked up the money, his hands trembling slightly, still in shock from the sheer luck of the situation. "This is... wow, I thank you, man. Seriously."

Ezekiel smiled, clearly pleased with Wyatt's reaction. "No worries. Just remember

to bring your best for tomorrow, okay? Just be sure that it's going to be long and draining hours."

Wyatt nodded as the boys and girls went nearby to see the boy having the good money on his hands.

(11:30 a.m)

"I can't believe he managed to slip through the crowd like that," Courtney muttered, glancing around cautiously. She adjusted the black wig she'd brought along, thankful for the disguise. Her eyes darted to Duncan, her boyfriend, who was hiding under a long hoodie, doing his best to stay low-profile alongside her.

"Come on, Courts," Duncan said, rolling his eyes with a smirk. "Zeke's fine. He's disguised just like us. You've already said it, no one's gonna recognize him."

As much as Duncan hated to admit it, the frenzy surrounding Ezekiel had taken him by surprise. He hadn't expected the mall to be this chaotic. Sure, he'd dealt with his own surprising level of attention after Total Drama, but seeing an entire mall in a frenzy searching for Ezekiel? That was a different level.

"Yeah, but for how long?" Courtney's voice carried an edge of nervousness. As confident as she was in school, with her reputation and popularity under control, dealing with the unpredictability of crowds was something entirely new to her. The whole situation was well outside her comfort zone. "Did I actually just ask you if you've seen a giant lemon? I can't believe I'm saying this."

Duncan chuckled, shaking his head. "Relax, princess. We just got to the food court. Everyone's too busy stuffing their faces to care about us. We're fine. And hey " He squinted toward the other side of the court, pointing ahead. "I think I found your giant lemon."

Courtney followed his gaze. Sure enough, across the court stood a large lemon mascot, far enough away that only a few people were gathered around it.

"That... might be it," she said, her eyes narrowing as she tried to get a better look. She glanced around quickly, still paranoid that someone might spot them. "Well, it won't hurt to check it out."

The two made their way across the court, weaving between tables and blending into the sea of mall-goers. A few moments later, Courtney recognized a familiar figure, his back turned toward her, wearing the oversized lemon hat she'd seen from a distance. He was sitting among a group of friends, casually chatting.

"And that's how I got fired from the toy store," the tan-skinned boy said with a laugh.

Courtney stopped, narrowing her eyes at the scene just in time to hear the incredulous response from one of the others.

"So let me see if I got this right, you got fired because you instead of working at your job, you went into doing a fake trick in an escalator, just for the sake of making Jen freak out and says the things that were common sense like not doing it because you aren't a professional so you could get hurt, and then you broke your arm, and yet... instead of going at work you went at the tattoo cabin just to see her freaking out because Nikki and Wyatt were trying to make her freak out from having a tattoo, And while you were messing around, a bunch of kids ransacked the toy store and stole everything?" The person made a summary and Courtney blinked a few times, as she couldn't believe what she was hearing as well. "All of this because of a bet of 5 bucks?"

Jonesy, the boy who had been so proudly telling the story, suddenly froze. His cocky grin faded, and he glanced over at Jen, who sat next to him with an I-told-you-so look on her face.

"Told you so..." Jen said, as Ezekiel shook his head.

"If Courtney and Duncan were here, Courtney'd probably say that's the dumbest thing she's ever heard. And Duncan he'd be dying laughing right now." The boy said, which was enough reason for Courtney and Duncan to already take their disguises.

"Right in point." Courtney's voice was enough to bring the attention, to the group staring at them, Duncan was trying to hold his laugh. "That was the dumbest thing I ever heard in my life, and I heard Owen telling about his dreams over donuts, which were something that could leave a mental scar…"

At that exact moment, Courtney and Duncan pulled off their disguises.

"Right on the mark," Courtney's sharp voice cut through the conversation, drawing the group's attention. Duncan was already stifling his laughter, trying to keep a straight face.

"That," Courtney continued, her arms crossed, "was the dumbest thing I have ever heard. And I've heard Owen's donut dreams, which, trust me, left some serious mental scars."

Jonesy looked like a deer caught in headlights, while Jen burst into laughter, shaking her head at him.

"Man, that's golden. I mean, really? A $5 bet? And you ended up getting fired? That's a whole new level of dumb!" Duncan finally let his laughter loose.

"Honestly, you couldn't make this stuff up if you tried." Courtney rolled her eyes but couldn't help smirking.

"Hey, guys, you finally made it." Ezekiel grinned as he took off his lemon-patterned hat and placed it on the table in front of him. "I ran into this interesting group who helped me hide from the crowd. I'm really glad you all showed up."

"Of course, we came," Duncan said, stepping forward and glancing at the new faces around the table. He cracked his knuckles casually, eyeing the crowd in the distance. "We're not gonna let you handle the mob on your own. People out there are acting like animals, ready to pounce. Besides, Eva's not here yet, but when she shows up, I'd pay ten bucks just to see who's dumb enough to mess with her."

Ezekiel chuckled at the thought. "Yeah, now that would be something to watch."

As the conversation flowed, the group from the mall Caitlin, Jen, Nikki, Wyatt, Jonesy, and Jude turned their attention to the newcomers. Ezekiel waved toward them with a casual smile. "So, guys, this is Courtney and Duncan. And these are "

Before he could finish, Courtney's eyes widened in sudden recognition. "Jude?" she blurted out, cutting Ezekiel off mid-sentence.

The entire table froze for a moment, everyone's attention snapping to Courtney. Duncan blinked, caught off guard by her outburst, while Ezekiel's eyebrows shot up in surprise.

Jude, who had been lounging in his seat, tilted his head curiously. "Whoa, you know me? I didn't even have to introduce myself. That's pretty rad." He grinned, clearly impressed. The rest of his group exchanged confused looks, not quite sure what was going on.

Jen leaned forward, raising her eyebrows. "Wait... how do you two know each other?"

Courtney sighed, rolling her eyes as she rubbed her forehead in exasperation. "You seriously don't remember me? Short girl, two ponytails, pink shirt, white skirt? You let that stupid chicken you named Nugget destroy my lunch. Heck, it practically attacked me!"

A spark of recognition lit up in Jude's eyes as he snapped his fingers. "Ohhh, Courtney! Man, I totally remember now. I can't believe it's you! You disappeared for, like, a decade I thought my egg salad teleported you to another dimension or something. And hey, don't blame Nugget. That chicken probably thought your sandwich was her long-lost kid or something."

Courtney groaned, facepalming. "It was a tuna sandwich, Jude." She looked up at him, her frustration barely concealing the hint of nostalgia in her voice. "I can't believe you're still the same guy from kindergarten."

Jude just shrugged, an easygoing smile plastered on his face. "What can I say? Livin' life to the max, you know?"

The entire group watched the interaction unfold with a mix of amusement and surprise. Duncan, arms crossed, smirked. "So, you two go way back, huh?"

Courtney, still shaking her head in disbelief, let out a small chuckle. "Yeah, believe it or not, we do." She turned to Jude, her stern demeanor softening as she remembered the ridiculous but fond memories from their childhood. "I guess some things never change."

Jude grinned wider, clearly happy to reconnect. "Good times, huh? I can't believe you remember all that!"

Ezekiel, still watching with a curious smile, exchanged a look with Jen, who simply shrugged in disbelief. "This is... wild," Jen whispered, leaning in toward Ezekiel.

Nikki, always the skeptic, raised an eyebrow. "Kind of insane, right? Small world."

Courtney, meanwhile, let her guard down just a little. Despite her usual sharp tongue, there was something oddly comforting about realizing that Jude hadn't changed at all. A small smile crept onto her face. "Yeah," she said softly, "some things really don't."

"So, you two were childhood friends?" Ezekiel commented, watching Courtney nod with a nostalgic smile.

"Yeah, we were friends back in kindergarten," Courtney explained as she took a seat near the group, Duncan following suit. Ezekiel passed her a cup of lemonade, which she accepted gratefully. "My parents had to move because my mom got a better job opportunity as a lawyer. After that, we lost contact."

She took a sip, settling in. "How have you been, Jude?"

Jude, always eager to share his latest wild story, grinned. "I've been good. We were just telling your buddy Ezekiel about the time I was supposed to be studying for our school finals, but instead, my friends helped me get ready for this crazy stunt. I said I was going to jump out of a plane with a parachute... naked."

Courtney nearly choked on her lemonade, sputtering it out all over Jonesy, who was sitting nearby.

"Dude, come on!" Jonesy groaned, wiping the juice off his face while Courtney looked at Jude, her eyes wide in disbelief.

"PARACHUTE NAKED?! HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND?!" Courtney shouted, completely horrified.

Duncan, on the other hand, looked impressed. "Okay, that's hardcore," he said, folding his arms and smirking. Jonesy just blinked in confusion, glancing over at Jen, while Nikki snickered and Caitlin tried to stifle her laughter.

"Wow, she sounds exactly like

"Jen," Caitlin said, nudging Nikki.

"Yeah, like a twin or something," Nikki added with a smirk.

Jen, looking slightly defensive, pouted. "Oh, come on, I'm not that bad."

The rest of the group gave her a knowing look, causing her to sigh. "Okay, fine, I'm toning it down lately... but Jude really did jump naked with a parachute. He even took a picture of it."

"Man, that's something I'd pay good money to see someone pull off." Duncan's eyes widened in appreciation. He glanced over at Courtney with a grin. "Gotta say, Court, your childhood friends are awesome. Why didn't you ever tell me you had such a wild past?"

"Please, Duncan, not now... I feel like all the crazy memories of Jude's impulsive stunts are coming back, all at once." Courtney groaned, rubbing her temples.

"You say that like it's a bad thing," Jude replied, completely unbothered, flashing his trademark relaxed grin.

As the rest of the group chuckled at the interaction, Duncan leaned back, clearly enjoying the chaos.

"Man, this just keeps getting better." Duncan commented as he didn't mind to get a few smacks on his arm, that's gold, and he is going to enjoy every minute of it.

Courtney, however, let out an exaggerated sigh, sinking into her seat. "I knew reconnecting with you was going to be a headache," she muttered, though there was a slight smile tugging at her lips despite herself.




"Yes, we're at the food court, on the other side by the lemonade stand with the giant yellow lemon on top. It's called… Lemon Squeeze?" Courtney said, glancing at Caitlin, who nodded in confirmation. Courtney continued speaking into her phone, her voice authoritative as usual. "Yeah, when you find the others, let them know where we are. I sent them the location. Alright, see you soon, Geoff."

She hung up, taking another sip of her lemonade as Duncan leaned in, casually raising an eyebrow. "So, what's the update?"

"Geoff found Harold, Bridgette, Tyler, and Eva. So now we've got our very own bodyguard if the crowd gets too crazy." Courtney smirked, clearly pleased with the idea of Eva handling the chaos.

"Wooo, finally!" Ezekiel cheered, practically bouncing in his seat. "Now we can actually explore the mall! I've got so many things I wanna do."

"Oh yeah?" Duncan asked, leaning back in his chair with a smirk. "Like what?"

Without a word, Ezekiel reached into his pocket and handed Duncan a folded piece of paper. As Duncan unfolded it, he found a sketch of a muscular, humanoid fish flexing its biceps and smoking a big cigar, with the words Killer Bass written in bold letters around it.

"Cool drawing, but what is " Duncan started before Ezekiel cut him off with a proud grin.

"That's the tattoo I'm getting."

Courtney's reaction was instant. She slammed her fist on the table, eyes wide in disbelief. "What? Oh, no, you don't!"

Ezekiel remained unfazed, shrugging as he explained. "I lost a bet, Courtney. Fair and square. And it's not even going to be huge, just a small one on the side of my arm near my shoulder. No big deal."

The group stared at Ezekiel, stunned. Even Duncan, who normally would've been all for something reckless, looked at Ezekiel like he'd lost his mind.

"Zeke, that's nuts," Duncan said, shaking his head. "Even I've thought about getting a tattoo before, but I never actually did it…" He paused, a puzzled expression crossing his face. "Wait a minute, why don't I have a tattoo?"

"That's what you're worried about?!" Jen and Courtney shouted in unison, their voices carrying through the food court. The outburst made them both blink in surprise as they realized they'd spoken at the same time.

Nikki and Caitlin exchanged amused glances, giggling at the sight.

"Like I said," Nikki smirked, leaning back in her chair, "twins."

Jen and Courtney both turned to glare at Nikki, who only smirked wider, enjoying the moment.

"Come on, you two. It's kind of cute how alike you are," Nikki teased, crossing her arms as Caitlin stifled another giggle.

Courtney huffed, ignoring Nikki and refocusing on Ezekiel. She leaned forward, her eyes narrowing with determination. "Look, Zeke, you don't need to go through with this. A tattoo is permanent, you know? And you're doing it just because of a bet? There are other ways to settle a bet that doesn't involve, you know, inking your skin."

Jen nodded in agreement, crossing her arms. "Yeah, Ezekiel, trust us on this one. You could end up regretting it later. And the whole Killer Bass logo? Come on, that's kind of... extreme."

"Nah, let him do it. If Zeke wants the tattoo, let him have it. Besides, it'll be epic. A Killer Bass tattoo? It was our symbol, you should give it to him. It is badass." Before Ezekiel could respond, Duncan leaned back, his arms behind his head as a mischievous grin spread across his face.

"Duncan, you're not helping!" Courtney shot Duncan a sharp look.

"Wasn't tryin' to, princess" Duncan replied with a shrug, clearly enjoying riling up his girlfriend. "I'm just saying, if the dude wants to do something like that, why stop him? I mean, he already has the money, he is a famous writer, he doesn't need to go to college where the teachers would judge him… I should've gotten one back when I had the chance. Actually, you know what? I think I'm going to do it one too."

"Oh no, the hell you don't," Courtney said as she glared at her boyfriend, but he quickly kissed her neck, which made her freeze, and then blush at him angrily. "I hate when you do that just as a way to get what you want."

"Hey, don't hate the player, just the game," Duncan said, as he lowered his hand, where Ezekiel gave a hidden low five.

"Ugh, why do I have to keep hearing both your ideas?" Courtney said in frustration, but she knew she would regret it since both Duncan and Ezekiel decided to have a smirk as well.

"Because that's our team, we are the 3 pillars, and 2 votes said yes, and one vote said no… now that I think about it. You would become way hotter if you had the logo as well." Duncan said as immediately regretted when Courtney stomped on his foot. "Ouch, oh come on."

"Don't even joke about it," Courtney said as she narrowed her eyes to her friends. "As much I'm happy to say proudly I'm a bass, having a tattoo it's too much for me, even as I have my own rebellious phase on the show, but I'm not going to ruin my chances on the college just by having a tattoo."

"Oh come on, stop being a stick in the mud Courtney, we were just joking," Duncan said as he rolled his eyes, knowing that his girlfriend was with her eyes twitching, which was enough to make him and Ezekiel stop, knowing her limits. "Anyway, fine. You can still be the princess as you are for us. But me and Ezekiel will be having an awesome tattoo before returning to season 2,"

"I have to agree, for me it would show how proud I am of having my great friends on the Killer Bass, and as much I would hate to admit. I don't think Chris is going to let us stay on the same team again, so it would have probably a few changes, maybe having the tattoo would remind me of how awesome we were together as friends and as a team. Times we massacred the Screaming Gophers a few times."

Courtney looked serious, but seeing that she was outvoted, and how she knew that both her friend and boyfriend would be doing something reckless like that, she couldn't help but sigh.

"Alright, fine. You convinced me, you two can have your tattoo, but remember that this will be stuck with you both for years and at least I will not be the one also using it…" Courtney said grumpy, as Ezekiel and Duncan felt happy with their decision.

"Alright, a tattoo for later, and what more you are thinking of doing Ezekiel?" Duncan said as he was happy to make his girlfriend freak out from the day since it had been very fun to enjoy his relationship with his girl.

"Buy a cellphone for myself," Ezekiel said which made the duo stare at him. "My family doesn't have one, so I decided to buy one for myself, my parents aren't interested in having theirs, so it would be a good idea to have for myself my cellphone."

"That's actually a great idea," Courtney nodded, as the group of teenagers nodded their heads.

"There are some good ones on the third floor, they have many models, and it was where I bought mine when I got mine broken a few weeks ago," Caitlin commented, as Ezekiel nodded his head.

"Great, I could have something to call the others, thanks for being a good help guys," Ezekiel smiled as he gave a good look at the group, of guys who seemed to be fine with him asking for help. "Can I ask for your numbers? Just to have on my list of contacts?"

"Oh, of course," Jonesy said as he gave me a paper, and started to write down the numbers of everyone since he saw a good opportunity. "Hey, just in case in the future you would need a manager, you can also hire me."

"You would be fired in the next 10 minutes," Ezekiel said politely which made Jonesy shocked, as the boy simply shrugged. "Sorry, but learning from the stories that you shared with the group, I think you would have the power over your head, and I would kinda want to break the record of you being employed and fired the quickest as possible, but it was a nice try, though."

Nikki, Jen, and Wyatt chuckled while seeing Jonesy pouting at them.

"I'm not that bad." Jonesy defended himself, and Jen rolled her eyes.

"Yes, you are..." Jen said but she looked happily into meeting the trio who seemed to be just fine and chilling around, and when she looked at her cellphone, she realized it was almost her time for the shift. "Oh, well, it's almost noon. Soon my shift will start."

"Yeah, mine too," Nikki said as she rolled her eyes. "As much I hate to admit, it had been a good time, now I have to go back to hell, and suffer until the end of my shift."

"Nice knowing yah Nikki, try to not kill the clones," Ezekiel said as Nikki scoffed.

"I fear if I do that, they would multiply themselves, but it was a nice idea for the first 3 seconds," Nikki smirked as she got up, and giving a good nod for the others, she decided to leave.

"Okay, it was nice knowing you, I mean it," Jen said as she felt happy from knowing that it wasn't as much as she would think the famous celebrities would be, as much she would say they were like the others, they seemed completely normal, just like them, and she was glad to see some people actually didn't let the fame go up their heads. Ezekiel and Duncan raised their hand as a way to say goodbye, while Courtney waved, as the trio looked at Jonesy, Jude, Wyatt, and Caitlin.

"Well, since Jen and Nikki went ahead, I think I'm going to say I have to go to work too. I need to do some sticks, would you guys want some?" Jude said that he also felt it was a good time for work, even as he would be bored, so he preferred to bring some food for his friends.

"Nah, I pass," Jonesy said, as Duncan shook his head, while Courtney raised her eyebrows.

"You actually work here?" Courtney asked in surprise, and Jude nodded his head.

"Yeah, I lied to the owner that I managed 2 stores and I was hired as a manager of the place," Jude said as he was relaxed and Courtney had her eyes twitching.

"And you were just hired like that? Who is taking care of the food and the sticks?" Courtney said as she never thought Jude would be responsible for something.

"Well, myself." Jude said as he shrugged, as he couldn't understand why Courtney was getting annoyed, "You don't like sticks? I could give you some that you may be needing."

"No, I'm fine," Courtney said as she sighed. She never thought she would be having a headache just for meeting a childhood friend like that.

"Courtney, you need to relax, it's fine to happen something like that to others, but we also have a lot of weird things happening in our lives, the show itself is living proof of all the weird shit that he passed through, don't you think that your friend being a manager of food would a bit overdramatic?" Ezekiel asked as Duncan nodded his head, raising his eyebrows at her.

"Yeah, I mean, we already got our lowest point into eating Chef's food, and we probably would have an immunity to poisoned food, so why not chill out? Remember we are here at the mall just to enjoy the day off before we return on the show." Duncan explained, as Courtney was taking deep breaths, and with luck she managed to calm down.

"Okay, okay, you both made a point. Sorry... You're right." Courtney said as she took a minute to compose herself, as much she would love to complain and say that all the world was not making sense, she knew that from the time she went on the reality show, nothing actually made sense, and Chris being a jerk was a fact, so she needed to accept, if her childhood friend is a manager, leave him be. "Fine, I'm going to accept a stick, but please, don't make it disgusting like the times you made an egg salad on the floor. We don't have 4-year-olds anymore."

"Wow Jude, I think she had a long grudge against you," Jonesy commented as Jude shrugged.

"Nah, kindergarten was crazy at that time. She is just herself," Jude said as he continued to be carefree as he was. "What about you little dude?"

"Well, a few sticks would be fine," Ezekiel said, as Jude quickly used his skateboard to move just to get some sticks for the group, as he couldn't help but ask Jonesy. "How about you Jonesy, do you have an interview today?"

"Ha ha ha, very funny," Jonesy said as he scoffed and he decided to tell him. "I'm actually working on the book store where you are going to do the book signing tomorrow."

That comment alone was enough to make Ezekiel have his eyes wide open in disbelief, as also Duncan and Courtney raised their eyebrows in surprise.

"Wait, you work on there?" Ezekiel asked in surprise as he saw the tan boy nodding his head to him, but instead of being overjoyed, he looked more sympathetic. "Please tell me that you guys organized the books."

"Nah, they said today the shipment would come, so me and the others would be preparing the section... I mean it shouldn't be hard." Jonesy said as he then saw Ezekiel palled, and Courtney and Duncan could already see something wrong.

"Oh, you poor soul. I wish you good luck." Ezekiel said that which immediately Jonesy feel bad feeling. As Ezekiel decided to explain. "I don't know if I will be staying only tomorrow doing the book signing, and the mall actually ordered a large quantity of books."

"How many? 500 books?" Jonesy said as he looked at the boy shaking his head, which made him tilt his head. "1000? 2000? 3000?"

And the more and more quantity, Jonesy felt his face paled, until he reached at a number.

"5000? THAT'S CRAZY..." Jonesy said as Ezekiel didn't seem to stop.

"You don't get it... It's 3 different books... which means... 5000 for each book... 15000 in total." Ezekiel said as Jonesy fell with his back on the floor, which immediately Courtney to sweat, Wyatt had his mouth dropped in shock. Duncan whistled. And Caitlin was preparing more lemonade, for the other Killer Bass who were coming to be passing by. "Jonesy? Jonesy? Well... I think he fainted."

"Wow, never thought it would be that many. Ezekiel, I'm surprised that you have the courage to be doing that." Duncan said as he had to give the by, he seemed to be committed. "Are you going to sign all of them?"

"If I have to. I think everyone deserves to have a chance at them, and if I managed to make them interested in reading them, I'd be very grateful, they were what made me who I am today, so I think if I manage to change a life with my books, I think I did a good job." Ezekiel commented as Courtney and Duncan had to nod in agreement, what he was doing was a noble decision.

"That's really great for you to decide to make such a decision, but won't that make you feel burned all day? It's going to be very tiring for you." Courtney said as Ezekiel nodded his head to her.

"That I can agree. But I think it was for the best, who knows if I would ever have such an opportunity to do it again. So why not make it special? The first time always should be the best impression." Ezekiel said as he felt optimistic, and he wasn't going to temptate the fate. "I know tomorrow is going to be a long and chaotic day, but I cannot help but feel excited about it."

"Well, I think we lost him." Duncan joked as he could see his girlfriend rolling her eyes. And the delinquent couldn't help but laugh, knowing that sometimes he was getting too used to the craziness. "I mean, it better we enjoy these days, we are going to be dealing with whatever Chris and Chef are coming for us, so why not make our day today awesome? Have some chill princess, we kinda need to enjoy this."

Courtney paused, and as much she would hate to say it... they were right.

"Fine, I will be doing that, since we are going to return on the show." Courtney pouted as the duo seemed to be so fine, and Wyatt and Caitlin smiled at how the trio seemed to be so friendly with each other.




"Okay, I admit I was hesitant to actually eat one stick of whatever you brought to me Jude, but I have to say that's not bad," Courtney commented as she started eating the food her friend brought to her, while Ezekiel and Duncan were simply eating like it was just food. "I mean, after eating Chef's food, you can probably eat anything."

"Amem," Both Ezekiel and Duncan said, as Duncan couldn't help but quip up.

"I bet Owen would have eaten all the sticks and made the place without food," Duncan said as Ezekiel rolled his eyes.

"The bet would be on how long it would take, not the possibility of stating the obvious Duncan," Ezekiel commented, as Jude beamed at Courtney.

"That's what I said, you never know what something is good until you actually try it," Jude said as he showed one stick which made the group stare at him. "That's why life is awesome."

"Courtney, I still say that your friends are awesome, you should have presented them a long time ago." Duncan joked as he then felt a punch on his left arm. "Ouch."

"Can you stop it?" Courtney said as the trio saw Jonesy finally getting up.

"Ugh, what just happened?" Jonesy said as he was feeling a bit of a headache in his head.

"You just fainted," Jude commented as he also gave the cellphone to his tan friend again. "Also the bookstore said the shipment just arrived, and they need you to help them out to pile the books into a way that it would be accessible to everyone, it's 15 thousand books dude, I never thought a bookstore would have that many."

"Aww man... I need to go to work fast, this day is going to suck." Jonesy said as he took the cellphone from Jude's hands, and ran the fast as he could.

"RUN LIKE THE WIND Jonesy. YOU CAN DO IT," Ezekiel shouted as he smiled to see the boy going to his first day at work... Then he sat politely with a serious expression on his face. "He's going to lose the job this week isn't he?"

"Yep," Caitlin commented as she brought the jar of lemonade for the trio, while Wyatt decided to get up.

"Probably, I will be out to drink more coffee and then going to my work, it's nice to meet you all, and I will be prepared for tomorrow, thanks again, man. I really appreciate it," Wyatt said as he saw Ezekiel waving at him, and now the Pillars of Killer Bass were ready for the day.

"So, how had been your return home guys? We have a lot to talk about." Ezekiel said, as Duncan and Courtney smirked, and rolled their eyes, knowing that boy was waiting for the right time to talk to them about that. And it was exactly like he said, a very interesting return to their home.

"I found my relatives gave a welcomed party and a nice to see you out of Juvie party as well," Duncan said as he gave a smile to Courtney who seemed to be surprised by seeing how happy he was. "Haven't seen my uncle in years, and he was the one who was on the case of Celine Dion..."

"Ohhhhhh," Ezekiel and Courtney said as they were now interested

to know more about what just happened, and needlessly to say, they really got what they wanted, and Jude and Caitlin were also caught in the narrative of him explaining what happened.

Time really passed quickly, as slowly, more and more members of Killer Bass who were starting to gather more people from their popularity appeared on the Lemon Squeeze, as a point of meeting by the group of friends. It took a few hours, but it had been enough for Ezekiel, Courtney, Duncan, Geoff, Eva, Harold, Tyler, Bridgette, Katie, Sadie, DJ, and Gwen were finally gather together. The whole group who were departed a few days ago, but now were reunited as great as ever.

"Well it's nice to see you guys once again," Ezekiel said, but suddenly the loud noises were kind of overwhelming. "Even as it was hard to actually talk over here."

The group nodded their heads, as they looked there was a large circle of people all around them on the food court.

"I think that's awesome, we could show them some incredible skills, to make them cheer up for us," Harold said as he was feeling proud of himself, but then yelped when Ezekiel pinched him.

"No, we are not going to fulfill your ego, remember, be mysterious, remain the wildcard, and be yourself," Ezekiel said as he wanted to make sure Harold would remain with his ego in check since Harold is a great guy, but an ego Harold is a terrible Harold, so you better to make sure he stays humble.

"Oh come on, we are famous now," Harold complained, as he saw Ezekiel narrowing his eyes at him, which made him sigh. "Okay, fine. So what do you have in mind?"

"Let's enjoy today, I'm paying up for the fun today, so I think it would be a great time for us to go around the stores, and have a great time," Ezekiel suggested as the whole group had their eyes sparkling, but Ezekiel wasn't a fool. "But I want you all to be responsible, I don't want you all to expend everything so fast, so how about this, as a way of apologizing for what I did on the last episode, how about each one of you have 5 thousand dollars, and we can go around, but I will be monitoring your money, okay?"

"Well, I thought I should be using my mom's credit card, but having you pay for my stuff sounds more awesome, and 5 thousand? Yeah, I can enjoy a very awesome day with that." Gwen commented as she was now ready to enjoy the day. Since now she could enjoy buying the new accessories that her friend Reaper recommended to her.

Katie and Sadie were already discussing a few ideas on which stores they would like to go first. Tyler and Eva already were discussing what kind of exercise and workout equipment would be useful for them in the future.

Surprisingly, Bridgette and Geoff were talking to other people instead of kissing each other for a long time, Duncan had no idea what just happened, but he was glad that they weren't making a scene in front of everyone. Since the loud public had been quite annoying for him.

"So you didn't bring Cody with you?" DJ asked while the tan girl shook her head, as she was holding a wrapped package with her.

"No, my mom decided to let him stay at home since she was on the day off, which means that he is probably taking care of Buggsy the bunny," Katie said as she was happy to see the group was very concerned about him, since Sierra's post, everyone was glad that Cody wasn't dealing with Sierra invading his house, it had been something that made Sadie and Eva asks the girl if she wanted to learn martial arts. Which Katie refused, since she isn't that strong. And… Katie was really trying her best… to not laugh at DJ's T-shirt, and he was quite insistent that he didn't want to wear it. But momma really refused to take a no for an answer.

"Don't talk about the shirt, please," DJ said as he still had the shirt where he and his momma had been using from the time at the supermarket, as it had been very embarrassing, and from the snickering made by Tyler, Geoff, and Duncan… hell, even Harold was snickering from how the Jamaican giant now had to be using the embarrassing shirt, that on the back had been the words. 'Single Jamaican' which he had been very embarrassed that his momma was in the phase of looking for grandchildren and had been kind of very insistent. Thankfully Ezekiel's money will help him to buy something good for him to dress up. The soon as possible.

"Alright, guys, I'm glad that everyone is here, but I think we should already start going around the mall, we cannot stay here forever," Courtney commented, as Geoff, Harold, and Duncan were giving autographs to some fans, which the C.I.T. girl rolled her eyes. "Guys,"

"Sorry," The boys froze and then realized that indeed it had been quite very distracting, and they returned to their positions, as the girl seemed to facepalm, but she was glad the situation looked fine.

"Okay, guys, let's go, we need to stay together, so in case we need to separate, we can use this place as a meeting point again," Ezekiel commented, as the Killer Bass nodded their heads, and even with the crowd being around them. He seemed completely fine. "KILLER BASS, LET'S GO."

Then with Eva walking ahead, the group decided to keep their good time around the mall, not mattering on how their fame would deal with the place, they were going to enjoy their day off since it was their free time before returning to the torturing time on the show. Better to have fun at the mall.


"Well, there they go," Caitlin said, as she felt happy that she saw the group of celebrities decided to explore the day around the mall. As it showed nothing more than 13:00 hours. The girl with the lemon hat was now surprised that it had been a crazy morning, but she couldn't help but be happy to have met a celebrity, especially as he… "Wait a second… did he pay for the lemonade?"

Caitlin asked as she looked desperately, but suddenly she just saw in the corner of her eyes… The tip jar, which instead of being empty or with a few changes… It was filled with bands of money, and a little stick paper on it, which made her take it and slowly read it….

"Dear Caitlin, thank you for your service, and you are right...Money is good, but still working just to pass the time with your friends is also one of the pleasures of life, trust me, friends like yours are very rare, so remain kind and loyal to them, trust me, friendship worth's it everything. There are 12 thousand and 100 dollars, take this as my payment for having such fun with you guys. I know that you are going to share with your friends, this 2 thousand will make a lot of difference, have fun buying things you all like, and thanks for reminding me and proving to me that I was right, having true friends worth more than 1 million dollars, have a great time, and a nice day of work… your new friend… Ezekiel."

The public had no idea why the blonde girl on the lemonade stand started crying, and suddenly squealing like a crazy girl who seemed to have won the lottery. Sometimes they have no idea what's going on inside of that mall.

But that day, nobody would dare to forget how the day went.

Chapter 52: From 13:00 to 16:00 Hours


Sorry for the delay guys, I have too much to deal with my life, I stopped using Discord because my mom wanted me to focus into trying to find a job and I need to focus into courses or anything to help me to find a job, and my progress on my stories had been slowing down.

Anyway, here is the chapter. And sorry, but I need to focus into getting a job now, I miss my friends of Discord, and I need to get things done quickly. Have a great time reading, and wish me luck.

Chapter Text




"I know, Dad, it was supposed to be a quick drive to the mall for the Killer Bass reunion, but the car just stopped working out of nowhere!" Courtney gripped her flip phone tighter, her irritation clear as she watched the tow truck operator finish securing her car. "The tow truck took an hour to get here, and now they're saying it's something about the valves, which—of course—was totally unexpected."

Courtney leaned against the side of her car, her arms crossed tightly as the tow truck driver waved to her, signaling he was about to leave. The air was cool, with a slight breeze rustling her hair, but it did little to calm her frustration. She forced a tight smile and gave a half-hearted wave back. The fading daylight painted the road with golden hues, while her growing impatience simmered.

"And now, just when I thought it couldn't get worse, the driver's heading in the opposite direction of the mall! I'll probably have to take a cab, and that'll take me hours to get there." She let out an exasperated sigh, watching helplessly as her car disappeared down the winding road. The sinking feeling of being stranded washed over her as she adjusted her bag on her shoulder, letting out a heavy breath.

"I'll try calling Duncan, and see if he can pick me up. Anyway, I'll figure it out. Talk later, Dad."

Courtney flipped her phone shut and slipped it into her pocket, her eyes glued to the distance where the tow truck had vanished. She shook her head, muttering under her breath while starting to walk down the road, her heels clicking lightly against the pavement. She pulled out her phone again, thumb hovering over Duncan's number.

Suddenly, the soft hum of an engine approached, and Courtney blinked, turning her head. A car rolled to a slow stop beside her. For a second, she wasn't sure what to make of it, but her curiosity was piqued as the tinted window of the passenger side slowly began to lower.

Just as she squinted to get a better look, the window revealed two young girls sitting inside, both with wide eyes and expressions of surprise. They had the appearance of being of Asian descent, but something about their look and vibe screamed local—likely natives of Canada. The driver, her hands gripping the wheel tightly, stared at Courtney with a mix of shock and surprise.

"Courtney?" The driver who seemed to be a few years older than the passenger asked which made the C.I.T. girl blink but nod in recognition. "What are you doing around this street? Do you live nearby?"

"No, I just got a problem with my car, and I'm about to ask Duncan to take me to the mall-"

"Eaton Centre?" The girl asked which made Courtney had her eyes wide open, as both girls couldn't help but give a small smile. "We are heading in that direction, want a ride?"

"I don't know if I should accept it." Courtney commented as she did in a polite tone, "It would be too bothersome for you two, and it would take a lot of gas."

"That's fine, tomorrow is going to be Ezekiel's book signing, and we spent 2 days driving just to reach the nearest Motel," The girl said as she shrugged, and she could see the girl was a bit hesitant. "And trust me, we have been driving non-stop during all those days, my name is Jane and this is my sister Sky, and you have no idea how much we have been watching the reality show."

Courtney remained in silence, and while having a lot of fans had been an issue coming from dealing with the popularity, she was now famous and needed to deal with it, and she looked at those girls who seemed to be friendly and nice enough. And she needed to be on the mall the quickly as possible.

"Sure, sorry for the inconvenience." Courtney accepted the help, as the smile of the Cree descendants was more than welcoming for a time she needed.




"Okay, Dad, I will be careful but don't worry. Please check with the mechanic if everything is okay?" Courtney said as she finished her call on the flip phone. She sat in the backseat of the car, glancing out the window as the world zipped by. The road had been long, and the exhaustion was starting to settle in the vehicle.

In the front seat, Jane, the older of the two sisters, drained the last of her energy drink, tossing the can into the cup holder beside her. The dark circles under her eyes told the story of a long, sleepless journey, driving from state to state with hardly any rest. The hum of the engine and the occasional bump in the road were the only sounds filling the car, aside from the slight rustle of paper.

Sky, Jane's younger sister, sat beside her, organizing trash into a plastic bag. She appeared more rested than her sibling, though her eyes darted to Jane every few moments, clearly worried about the toll the drive was taking. The car smelled faintly of the energy drink, mixed with the crisp scent of the air conditioning, trying its best to keep the three of them cool under the warm sun.

"Okay, bye, Dad." Courtney flipped her phone shut and turned to look at the two girls, still focusing intently on the road and their directions. The youngest girl, Sky, was holding a map on her lap, her fingers tracing over it as she tried to figure out where to go next. She seemed only a couple of years younger than Courtney—maybe two or three at most—but the exhaustion hadn't caught up to her quite as hard as her sister.

"Do you girls need help? I can tell the directions since I made the notes on where the mall would be," Courtney offered, glancing from the map to Jane, who was still gripping the steering wheel with tired hands.

"That would be appreciated," Jane said with a small smile, giving a brief side glance to her sister, who smiled back. Her eyes flicked between the road and Courtney in the rearview mirror.

"Well, you need to turn left on the next street, then right after five more streets," Courtney explained as she leaned forward slightly, her finger pointing out the directions as Sky, now sipping from a water bottle, handed the map over to her.

Jane nodded, following Courtney's instructions, her movements slow but steady, keeping her eyes fixed on the road. The car continued forward, the tension of the long drive softened slightly by Courtney's helpfulness. As much as she wasn't used to relying on others—especially fans—Courtney couldn't help but be grateful for their help.

"Thank you for the help," Courtney added, though she kept her tone reserved, not wanting to show too much vulnerability.

"It's fine. We were going in that direction anyway," Sky replied, tilting her head slightly as she took another sip from her water bottle. The road stretched out ahead of them, with the setting sun casting long shadows on the asphalt. "I was surprised you were going there. Is something happening at the mall besides the book signing?"

Courtney hesitated for a moment. Should she tell them about the Killer Bass reunion? She wasn't entirely sure how much she should reveal, but after a beat, she decided it was harmless enough. "Well, me and my friends are meeting there to spend the day shopping at the mall," she admitted, trying to sound casual.

"Oh really?" Both sisters chimed in at once, their curiosity piqued. Their heads turned slightly in unison, glancing back at Courtney. The excitement was clear in their eyes, though they tried to mask it under polite curiosity.

Courtney nodded, though before she could say anything else, Jane let out a deep yawn, her hand briefly covering her mouth as Sky's expression shifted to concern for her sister.

"Well, that sucks," Sky said, breaking the silence as she sighed in disappointment. Her voice held a trace of playfulness, though her concern for Jane lingered. "It would have been nice if we could show up there and see them, but we better settle down in a motel and get a good sleep."

Jane gave a tired nod of agreement, her shoulders sagging slightly as the weight of the journey finally seemed to catch up to her.

Courtney blinked, momentarily caught off guard by Sky's mature decision to focus on getting some rest instead of rushing to meet the group. It surprised her that someone younger was choosing to be practical over-excitement, especially after hearing about the reunion.

"What do you yawn mean?" Jane mumbled, blinking a few times as her exhaustion started to show through. She glanced at her younger sister, clearly struggling to stay focused.

"It's better we focus on the book signing tomorrow, being well-rested and taking the line with more optimism than trying to get to the mall right now," Sky replied calmly, her concern for her older sister obvious. "We've been driving for two days, and while I'm feeling sleepy, I don't want you to be completely exhausted."

Courtney remained silent, watching the dynamic between the two sisters unfold. Sky, younger but wise beyond her years, was taking charge of the situation. There was a certain familiarity in the way they interacted, a bond Courtney could relate to with her own family. But then Sky continued, her tone growing softer. "Especially with the fact that you lost your job…"

"…," Jane's grip tightened on the steering wheel, and a heavy sigh escaped her lips. "How did you find out?"

"The principal of your college left a note saying you should start looking for a job soon since your internship period was almost over," Sky said matter-of-factly. Her words hung in the air for a moment, causing Courtney to flinch at the sudden shift in conversation. Jane remained quiet, her expression blank as if trying to process the weight of her sister's concern. "I know you've been doing it all for me."

"Heh, not just for you," Jane responded, her voice tinged with a bittersweet tone. She placed a hand over her face, taking a moment to compose herself before offering a weak smile. "I mean, I loved his book too." Her attempt at humor was clear, but the strain in her voice was unmistakable. "You're right, though. There are probably so many fans at the mall right now, that we'd never even get a chance to see that boy you have a crush on."


Courtney blinked again, her attention drawn to the sudden, unexpected sound. Sky, her face flushed bright red, had just burped without warning. The awkwardness of the moment lingered for a beat until Jane broke into laughter.

"That's not funny," Sky muttered, her face still flushed as she shot a glare at her sister. But Jane, rolling her eyes, wore a wide smirk, clearly amused. Despite the light moment, the underlying concern in Sky's voice returned. "Are you sure you'll be fine? I could ask my friends on the gymnastics team if their parents know somewhere you could work."

"I appreciate the help, Sky, but this is something I need to do myself," Jane said, her tone softening as she navigated the streets. She seemed determined to handle things on her own, even if it meant pushing through her own struggles. As they reached another intersection, she glanced at Courtney. "And which direction again?"

"Oh, right…" Courtney snapped out of her thoughts. "Go straight until 8th Street, then turn left."

As they drove on, Courtney couldn't help but reflect on the interaction she had just witnessed. There were two girls, living their lives together, supporting each other through small and large struggles alike.

It struck her that even though she was now somewhat of a celebrity, the world didn't stop for the everyday challenges of others. These girls weren't acting like fans right now—they were just two sisters, dealing with their own lives, in much the same way she and her own sister used to before everything changed with Total Drama Island. Even now, after all the fame, her life continues to move forward, just like theirs.

"So, Sky," Courtney asked, curiosity creeping into her voice, "why not tell me a bit more about you and your sister?"




A brief pause settled over the car as the city streets rolled by, when Courtney, still impressed by the younger girl's determination, spoke up again.

"Oh, so you're training with your team to try and reach the Olympics?" Courtney asked, her voice tinged with admiration. She hadn't expected to meet someone so ambitious, someone whose drive mirrored her own in unexpected ways.

"Yeah," Sky nodded, a spark of excitement in her eyes. "We've been training a lot, but we're focused on winning the championship next year. If we keep pushing until the end of high school, we might have a real shot at representing Canada."

Courtney found herself nodding along, impressed by Sky's dedication. "I never thought I'd meet someone aiming for the Olympics. I really wish you the best of luck with that." She smiled, glancing at Jane, who was focused on the road ahead, though a small smile had crept onto her face as well. "And both of you have been driving non-stop for two days? Do your parents know about that?"

"Actually, they don't," Jane replied, her tone casual as she met Courtney's curious gaze in the rearview mirror. Seeing the slight confusion on Courtney's face, Jane continued. "Our mom and dad live in Alberta, but for school, Sky and I had to move out to British Columbia. It's all about focusing on our future."

Courtney's eyes widened. "Wow, that's really far away." She was genuinely surprised. They had practically driven across the country just to get to the mall, and she couldn't help but be impressed by their dedication—not just to her, but to their own goals.

"You have no idea," Sky chuckled lightly, sharing a knowing look with her sister. Her smile brightened as she glanced back at Courtney. "We're just glad we managed to meet one of the cast from the show. If you don't mind me asking, can I ask a few questions about it?"

Courtney's smile widened at Sky's excitement. It was heartwarming to meet such genuine fans. "Well, as long as it's something I can answer, feel free to ask away," she said, her earlier frustrations fading away as she enjoyed the company of these two determined and kind sisters.




"It was a dick move for Chris to eliminate you like that," Sky commented, glancing at Courtney while the car cruised smoothly down the road. The conversation had been flowing easily, with Jane occasionally chiming in with questions of her own. The warm afternoon sunlight filtered through the windows, casting soft shadows on the car seats as they traveled.

"Did you expect to see Lindsay as the one winning?" Sky added, her curiosity piqued.

"Not at all," Courtney admitted, shaking her head. "To be fair, I thought either Owen or Heather would have won. But the Triple Dog Dare You challenge took out Owen, and nobody saw that coming." Her voice held a slight edge as she recalled the moment, and both sisters shivered at the thought.

"Gotta say, what we did was cruel," Courtney continued, a small smirk playing on her lips. "But it was the easiest thousand bucks I ever made."

"What do you mean?" Jane asked, curious, her eyes flicking away from the road for a moment.

"We had a bet on who could make Owen vomit first," Courtney revealed with a mischievous grin. "And I was the one who came up with the challenge."

The sisters exchanged a glance, their faces filled with a mix of awe and horror as they recalled the infamous moment of Owen eating that revolting stink bomb.

"Was El Mongo and La Muerte really that terrible?" Jane asked cautiously, her voice tinged with disbelief. But from the sheer look of despair that crossed Courtney's face, she quickly regretted the question. "Never mind... that must've been traumatic."

"You have no idea," Courtney muttered darkly, shaking her head at the memory.

Sky, ever the inquisitive one, leaned forward slightly. "Also, from the episode at Playa Del Losers, can I ask what happened after you all voted out Duncan? Did you guys ever figure out where that parrot came from?"

Courtney's face flushed with embarrassment as she let out a groan. "That damned bird... It wasn't even supposed to be in that episode! But because Katie and Sadie said Duncan's name, it got Ezekiel's vote too, and it made everyone start voting for Duncan as well."

Both sisters listened intently, wide-eyed as Courtney continued, clearly annoyed at the memory. "To say Duncan was mad is an understatement. He was furious. I had to completely humiliate myself just to get him to forgive me."

"How mad are we talking?" Jane asked, raising an eyebrow as she shifted slightly in her seat.

Courtney scoffed, leaning back. "To trash-around-Playa-Del-Losers mad," she said dryly, making both sisters nod in understanding.

"Well, not gonna lie, I'd be that mad too if someone did that to me," Sky remarked, biting her lip thoughtfully. "But it's cool that Ezekiel bought Playa Del Losers. He seems nice."

"Oh yeah," Jane chimed in, her curiosity reignited. "Do you plan on going there with Duncan in the future?"

Courtney rolled her eyes playfully. "Of course. Ezekiel said everyone was welcome. What kind of friend would I be if I didn't visit him?"

Just as Courtney finished speaking, Sky let out a loud burp, causing Courtney's eyes to narrow in disapproval. "Could you at least put your hand over your mouth, please?"

Sky's face flushed a bright shade of red. "Sorry, it just happened by surprise," she mumbled, clearly embarrassed, while Jane chuckled from the driver's seat, amused by her younger sister's slip-up. Sky blinked in confusion, not entirely sure what was so funny, but Jane's laughter continued, lightening the mood in the car.




"Well, it's been a nice ride. Thank you so much for helping me get here," Courtney said, smiling warmly at the sisters as they waved from the car. Jane, the older of the two, gave a small nod, her exhaustion showing in the faint dark circles under her eyes despite her composed demeanor.

"If you ever need a ride again, just call me. You've got my number now," Jane offered, her voice steady but betraying a hint of weariness. She gave a brief wave, trying to maintain her responsible tone even though it was clear she could use a long rest. "But, knowing you'll be with your friends, I doubt you'll need to use it."

"Oh, don't be like that," Courtney replied, touched by the offer. She genuinely appreciated their help, and her smile softened. "I'm sure I could ask my mom. If her law firm needs an assistant, I'd recommend you. Your administration degree will definitely help you land an internship quickly."

Jane smiled politely, though a bit taken aback by the offer. "Thanks, but I wouldn't want to be an inconvenience like that," she said, the tiredness etched in her features becoming more apparent. Despite her fatigue, Jane maintained her polite tone, clearly, someone used to putting others first.

"It's the least I can do," Courtney said sincerely, clearly impressed by Jane's dedication. "Being the older sister and working hard to keep a roof over your head must mean a lot. Let me at least try to help by talking to my mom."

"It's fine, really," Jane reassured her, waving off the suggestion with a tired smile. "I've got next month's rent covered, so don't worry. I'll find something. Besides, we could both use some rest." She glanced at Sky, who was sitting quietly in the passenger seat, looking at her sister with concern.

"And you," Jane added, turning to Sky with a soft but firm look, "don't give me that face. Let's just focus on resting and enjoying tomorrow. Have a great time with the Killer Bass, Courtney. Good luck handling the crowd of fans."

Courtney chuckled at that, appreciating Jane's sense of responsibility and humor. "Thanks, Jane. And good luck to you too. It was really nice meeting both of you." She gave a small wave to Sky.

"Goodbye, Sky."

As Courtney stepped out of the car, she gave them one last smile before watching as the car slowly pulled away, heading toward the nearest motel for a well-deserved night's rest. Courtney had pointed them in the right direction, knowing they weren't too far from a decent place to crash. It was just enough for the sisters to get the rest they so clearly needed.

"Well, they seemed really nice," Courtney mused to herself, appreciating how down-to-earth the sisters had been. Just as she was about to head toward the mall, she heard a sudden, excited shout from behind.


Courtney froze, her heart sinking as she slowly turned around. A group of excited fans had already gathered behind her, their faces lit up with excitement as they recognized the Total Drama star. For a brief, peaceful moment, she had forgotten about her fame and the chaos it often caused.

"Shit..." she muttered under her breath, realizing she was about to be mobbed. Already, the crowd was growing, and she needed to figure out how to escape the situation before it spiraled out of control.

And just like that, the calm of the day shattered as Courtney prepared herself for another round of fan frenzy.

(13:00 p.m)

The buzzing hum of the crowd echoed through the Galleria Mall, growing louder by the second. Ron the Rent-a-Cop adjusted his tie and scowled, his hawk-like gaze sweeping over the bustling food court. What had started as a typical mall morning had turned into pure pandemonium? Everywhere he looked, teenagers swarmed like locusts—jostling, shouting, taking selfies. And worst of all? Celebrity teenagers.

Ron's grip tightened on the steering wheel of his mall cart, his face twitching with irritation. The rumors had been true. The Killer Bass, a group of reality TV contestants, had shown up, and now the Galleria was descending into chaos. Teenagers had no respect for order or authority in the best of times, but now they were acting like wild animals, all for a chance to catch a glimpse of these so-called stars.

"Celebrity teenagers," he muttered through gritted teeth. "Just what this place needs."

He revived the small engine of his cart, the wheels squeaking as he tore through the crowd, forcing people to scatter in his wake. His walkie-talkie crackled, but he ignored it. He was a one-man army, and it was time to restore order.

"We've got a situation at the west wing escalators," a voice buzzed through his radio. "Crowds are blocking all access."

"On my way," Ron growled, narrowing his eyes. His cart swerved as he sped toward the escalators, weaving between shoppers and rowdy fans. A few startled teens shouted in surprise, jumping out of his path, but it didn't stop Ron. He had a mission.

Up ahead, he spotted the problem—a bottleneck of frenzied fans gathering near the entrance to the escalators, phones raised and faces beaming with excitement. No doubt they were all hoping to catch a glimpse of the elusive Ezekiel or one of his TV friends. Ron had no patience for this nonsense.

"Move it, move it!" he barked, slamming his cart to a stop.

But as he stepped out, the sea of teenagers surged, pushing him back with an almost tidal force. Ron gritted his teeth and tried to stand his ground, but the mob was relentless. Suddenly, a shove from behind sent him stumbling forward, and before he knew it, he was launched from the cart—his arms flailing as he tumbled forward.

With a helpless yell, Ron's boots slipped on the smooth tile floor, sending him sprawling headfirst toward the escalators. He crashed against the metal railing, his momentum carrying him over the edge.

A collective gasp rose from the crowd as Ron flipped head over heels, tumbling down the moving stairs in a spectacular display of limbs and uniform.

With each painful thud, Ron's vision blurred. Finally, he hit the bottom, his body crumpling in a heap as the escalator carried him to the lower floor.

"Did you hear that?" Tyler asked, his brows furrowing as he glanced over his shoulder toward the escalators.

Eva, DJ, and Geoff paused mid-laugh, exchanging confused looks. "Hear what?" Geoff asked, his voice slightly slurred from laughter.

Tyler pointed in the direction of the noise. "It feels like someone just... fell down the escalators."

The group turned to him in disbelief. "That's oddly specific," Eva said, crossing her arms. "How would you even know what that sounds like?"

Tyler shrugged, his face completely serious. "I've had my fair share of falling down stairs—and escalators, actually. So have my parents."

The rest of the group stared at him, jaws slightly ajar.

"Dude... what?"Geoff blinked, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah, we've all had some pretty gnarly spills. Broke a few bones, but you know—nothing a month or two in a cast wouldn't fix." Tyler nodded, as if casually recounting something normal.

"Sometimes, Tyler, I think your family might be cursed. I mean, how are you so calm about this?" There was a beat of stunned silence as his words hung in the air. Gwen was the first to break it, crossing her arms and giving him a skeptical look. "I think the health insurance company hates you and your family,"

"Oh, they definitely do," Tyler said earnestly. "They've actually said they regret ever signing us. Apparently, we've maxed out every clause they've got—even accidents involving mortadella."

"Wait—what? Mortadella? What does that even mean? How can you have accidents with a deli meat?" Eva raised a brow, her curiosity piqued despite herself.

"Is that even a real thing? There's no way you've got insurance for accidents involving meat." DJ, baffled, shook his head.

"Actually, there's cheese insurance in Italy," Harold chimed in, adjusting his glasses. The entire group went to look at him. "They've got laws to cover accidents involving cheese—like if it causes damage to cars, houses, or even people."

"And where the heck did you learn about that?" Ezekiel asked now curious, since he remembered such incidents happening only in Simpsons, there was no way such laws were true.

"Keyword: the Book of Ridiculous Laws," Harold said, as the group turned to stare at Harold now, eyes wide with disbelief.

"Are you for real, man?" Geoff asked, incredulous. "Cheese insurance?"

"It's true. I read it in the book. They take cheese very seriously over there. You wouldn't believe how many lives have been ruined by rogue wheels of Parmigiano." Harold nodded, his expression completely serious.

"Well... I will be dammed." Ezekiel said as he was surprised to hear such news. And now with the inner thoughts sharing one single fact the Simpsons were predicting facts even in other shows.

"Does your mom know about this law? Seems like something she'd dig." Duncan snorted, turning to Courtney with a smirk. "Because I doubt anyone else would know about the cheese insurance laws…"

"Actually, I do..." Courtney, who had been listening quietly, suddenly blushed and avoided Duncan's gaze. "I learned that since my mom also read that book, she reads that book for fun sometimes. She thinks it's hilarious."

"Of course she does." Duncan stared at her for a moment before scoffing. But still ignoring the fact his girlfriend also knew about the law regarded the cheese.

As the group chuckled at the ridiculousness of their conversation, another loud thud echoed through the mall, drawing their attention back toward the escalators. A few shoppers were peering over the railing, whispering in hushed tones.

Tyler tilted his head, a look of realization dawning on his face. "Yup... that's definitely someone falling down the escalators."

"Okay, wait," Geoff interjected, trying to wrap his head around the conversation. "Are we really just gonna gloss over the fact that there's cheese insurance? Like, how do you even explain that claim?"

"Maybe they have an official cheese inspector," Duncan joked, smirking as he leaned back in his chair. "Picture it: the guy walks into a wrecked house and says, 'Yep, looks like a mozzarella-related incident.' I can just see him filling out the paperwork—'Accident due to excessive cheese rolling.'"

DJ shook his head in disbelief, his brows furrowing. "This whole thing is making my head hurt. How is cheese involved in so many accidents? I mean, it's cheese!"

"I dunno, man," Harold replied, pushing up his glasses with a thoughtful expression. "But I bet it's because cheese wheels roll. Picture a giant parmesan wheel tumbling down a hill—that's a recipe for disaster. Just imagine the chaos!"

"I think I saw on the news about a family in a Ferrari that got attacked by a combination of mozzarella, Parmigiano, provolone, pecorino, gorgonzola, fontina, taleggio, and bocconcini! By the end, their car was totally wrecked by mortadella!" Ezekiel, not wanting to miss an opportunity to add to the absurdity, chimed in, thinking on the episode of the Simpsons.

"Wait, seriously?" Tyler's eyes widened as he tried to process what he was hearing. "Wow, that family must've had to get a new car after that whole cheese fiasco. Talk about bad luck!"

"They didn't get covered by mortadella," Ezekiel replied, his tone dripping with mock seriousness. Tyler sucked in a cold breath, disbelief etched across his face. "I mean, can you imagine being that unlucky?"

Gwen groaned, rubbing her temples in frustration. "This conversation is getting weird, even for our group. Can we please get back to the fact that someone just fell down the escalators? Or are we too busy debating cheese?"

Eva, arms crossed and unimpressed, let out a frustrated grunt. "Right? I want to know who just took a dive down those escalators. I'm sure it was a wild ride."

"I don't know what it was, but I think it's for the best," Ezekiel said, his voice gaining a hint of excitement. "With all the fans distracted, we could use this opportunity to enjoy the mall while we can."

Courtney and Duncan nodded in agreement, their eyes lighting up at the thought of freedom from the crowd.

Without another word, the Killer Bass sprang into action, sprinting toward the escalators. With the fans still focused on the commotion, they wouldn't miss their chance to explore the mall without the usual chaos.

Katie, the ever-curious twin, turned to Tyler with a glimmer of intrigue in her eyes. "Do you think they really have escalator insurance?" she asked, genuinely interested.

Tyler chuckled, shaking his head. "Depending on the insurance company, there's probably insurance for everything. I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if they had a whole policy dedicated to accidental escalator incidents!"

As the group dashed down the corridor, their laughter mingled with the ambient noise of the mall. For the first time that day, they felt a sense of relaxation, enjoying their brief reprieve from the throngs of fans. The vastness of the mall lay before them, promising adventure and fun as friends, away from the chaos outside.

(Penalty Box)

The fluorescent lights flickered overhead, casting a pale glow on the colorful displays of sports gear lining the walls of the Penalty Box. Jerseys from various teams hung proudly, their vibrant colors contrasting against the sleek, polished concrete floors. Outside, the usual hum of the mall echoed—laughter, casual chatter, and the scuffling of feet—though nothing seemed out of the ordinary, despite the recent celebrity influx.

Jen adjusted her referee uniform, the crisp black and white stripes hugging her form. She enjoyed the playful nod to sports culture the uniform represented, but it was also a constant reminder of her role within the store, a bustling hub for sports enthusiasts. As she straightened her collar, she caught a glimpse of herself in a nearby mirror. There was a determined look in her eyes and a faint smile on her lips. Today felt different. A newfound optimism surged through her since meeting the famous members of Total Drama earlier.

When she first watched the show, she always thought those who participated in the show would think they would let the fame get over their heads and would try to act like Jonesy and demand everything around them like they owned the world.

She was glad that she was wrong the entire time, meeting Ezekiel had been an exhilarating experience, and even meeting Courtney and Duncan, she never thought she would see how the world was so small, especially how Courtney and Jude were childhood friends, she felt like she didn't meet the famous people from the show, but more like the respective humans they were even before the show aired. And now she was glad to even meet the pillars of Killer Bass.

"MASTERSON!" A booming voice shattered Jen's thoughts, making her jump. She turned to find Coach Halder, her bulky boss, glaring at her with his usual stern expression. Her heart raced, fearing she'd done something wrong."There's a very important event happening at the mall today. Do you have any idea what that is?" Coach Halder asked, his gruff tone commanding her attention.

Jen hesitated, trying to think quickly. "Uh… The Killer Bass are visiting the mall?" she asked nervously, hoping she'd hit the mark.

"Exactly. We need to prepare the store in case they stop by. They might just bring more attention here than this place has seen in years." Coach Halder narrowed his eyes but nodded in approval. "Keep an eye on the ball, and make the goal,"

Jen released a quiet sigh of relief, glad she hadn't fumbled that answer. Coach Halder didn't offer any further comments, already turning back to his paperwork as if their conversation was merely a blip in his busy day.

"Yes, Coach…" Jen mumbled as she watched him walk away, her brief feeling of victory overshadowed by the mounting pressure. With the celebrities possibly coming to the store, there was no time to relax.

Taking a deep breath, she stepped out from behind the counter, ready to face the day with newfound energy.

The Penalty Box was already buzzing with customers—a mix of young athletes, casual shoppers, and from what she learned on the morning, a large starry-eyed fans of the mall's celebrity visitors. Jen glanced at the racks of basketballs, footballs, and other sports gear, mentally preparing herself. Ezekiel had mentioned that the Killer Bass would likely drop by, and if they did, Tyler and Eva were bound to be interested in the sports merchandise. That was enough to make even Coach Halder paranoid. But Jen wasn't going to let the pressure get to her. Today was her chance to shine.

She immediately set to work, preparing the best materials for any jock or bodybuilder that might walk in. She carefully arranged high-performance sneakers and sports gear in prime spots, ensuring the most eye-catching items were on display. Passing a rack of surfboards, she paused, setting a few out just in case Bridgette showed up. She'd also checked the stock levels to make sure they had enough equipment ready for any potential surge in sales. It was a lot to manage, but Jen was determined to get everything right.

She maneuvered through the aisles, weaving around the display racks. Her customer-service smile was firmly in place as she spotted a group of teenagers browsing athletic shoes. "Hey there! Looking for some new gear?" she asked, her voice bright and inviting, her heart racing with the excitement of a potential sale.

As she guided the customers through their options, Jen's mind wandered briefly to the celebrities she had met. Their stories of the competition, the challenges they faced, and their reactions to everyday life had been refreshing. It wasn't often that she got to interact with such high-profile people, yet they felt surprisingly relatable.

Despite this, Coach Halder, with his reputation for being a no-nonsense taskmaster, remained oblivious to her hard work. His focus was elsewhere, lost in spreadsheets and stock numbers, rarely glancing up from his laptop. Jen had hoped that her enthusiasm and dedication would grab his attention, but as usual, he remained in his own world.

Pushing past the frustration, Jen continued her duties, adjusting the display of sports equipment to perfection. With each interaction, she aimed to stand out—not just to the customers but hopefully to Halder as well. The thrill of retail was in her blood, but gaining her boss's recognition? That added intensity to everything she did.

"Hi, Jen." She had just finished rearranging a shelf when a voice behind her caught her off guard.

Startled, Jen let out an ear-splitting scream.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" She whirled around, her heart racing, only to find Ezekiel standing there with an apologetic smile. Clutching her chest, Jen tried to catch her breath. "What the hell, Ezekiel?"

"Huh… so that's what Dawn feels like when she does that?" Ezekiel blinked, tilting his head. Muttering to himself before giving her a look. "Well we just got here, I came to say hello, and suddenly you got scared."

"Ah… well, sorry about that. I was very distracted," Jen said as she had to admit that she wasn't paying attention, and then something struck her mind. "Oh wait, if you are here, then that means."

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! THE TOTAL DRAMA CONTESTANTS ARE HERE!" Since a fan recognized the Killer Bass members, scattered throughout the aisles, were now the focus of the entire store. And with that, the chaos spread through the store like wildfire. The Penalty Box, already busy, was now a hub of excitement as fans swarmed the aisles. Jen could practically feel the energy shift.

"So this is where you work Jen? Never thought to see this much of people interested in checking sports materials?" Ezekiel commented as Jen felt a bit happier about dealing with a VIP client, she never thought to see Coach Halder being so hyped to see the popularity of the store now that the local celebrities decided to appear in the store.

"Well there are such iconic moments," Jen said as she gave the full treatment for the Killer Bass, she was glad to see Bridgette interested in buying a surfing board for her mom, a swimsuit for herself, and paraffin for her surfing board. Geoff who got a skateboard for himself was also interested in his girlfriend's sport, also took one for himself, having the usual idea of being together, some habits were hard to forget, and they started to kiss themselves on the Penalty Box, which immediately made Coach Halder place Bridgette on the punish timeout for 10 minutes, while Geoff had to do 100 push-ups. Now, Jen found herself assisting Ezekiel, showing him a variety of sneakers—black and white, blue and black, pink and white, and green and black. She couldn't help but smile. "Are you sure you want all of these sneakers?"

"Yep, you never know when you need a new pair of shoes," Ezekiel said as it was a good answer for Jen who usually would recommend a clothing store to sell shoes for girls, but from seeing the boys usually more interested in sneakers, she couldn't blame them. "Also, I was thinking of a few snowboard equipment, do you know the best equipment for an amateur who never had snowboard before?"

And with a comment like that, Jen smiled widely.

"Ezekiel, you asked for the right person," Jen said, as she asked him to follow her. She never thought she would have so much fun working, even as the chaos happening across the store.

Tyler stood in front of the dumbbell rack, eyeing a particularly heavy set with a mixture of determination and hesitation. He flexed his fingers and wrapped them around the large handle, his muscles straining as he attempted to lift one of the weights. It barely budged at first, but with a grunt, he managed to get it off the rack, wobbling slightly as he held it at chest level.

"Yeah, this is... nothing," Tyler puffed out, trying to sound casual despite the sweat starting to form on his forehead.

Eva, who was standing nearby, simply blinked, watching Tyler's struggle with a raised brow. Without a word, she stepped forward and, in one smooth motion, plucked the dumbbell from his hands as if it were made of foam.

"Really? This is what you're struggling with?" Eva remarked dryly, turning the dumbbell over in her hand. "Feels like nothing compared to what I handle in physiotherapy. We use these for warm-ups."

Tyler blinked, staring at her in stunned silence as she casually lifted the weight with ease.

"Warm-ups? Seriously?" His jaw dropped slightly, his arms still sore from his brief effort.

Eva smirked but didn't say anything more. Just as she was about to put the dumbbell back, she noticed Sadie approaching from the other side of the store, her usual bubbly smile in place as she made her way toward them.

"Hey, what's going on?" Sadie asked, her eyes darting to the dumbbell in Eva's hand.

"Catch!" Eva's smirk widened. Without warning, she tossed the dumbbell toward Sadie.

Sadie's eyes widened as the weight sailed toward her. She instinctively reached out, catching it just in time—but not without a bit of difficulty. Her knees bent slightly under the weight, and she wobbled for a second before steadying herself, breathing heavily.

"Uh, yeah... just barely!" Sadie let out a small, nervous laugh, trying to mask the fact that she was struggling a bit more than she wanted to admit.

"Not bad. I've been thinking about switching up your routine. That'll be the next weight I add to your workout schedule." Eva gave her an appraising look, crossing her arms.

Sadie's face went pale instantly, her smile faltering as she stared at the heavy dumbbell in her hands.

"W-What?" she stammered, gulping nervously. Since she knew the suffering she had been training around the Playa Del Losers, and as much that she got hooked up with the idea of working out and getting stronger to help her best friend, Eva is known as being a demon of working out, since her working out regime had been something that terrifies both her and Ezekiel, and she doesn't take a No for an answer.

"Yeah, you'll thank me later. It's time to step it up." Eva nodded seriously, as though it were a done deal. "Next season is coming, and you should make sure that you are not going to be eliminated too soon,"

"Oh yeah…" Sadie said weakly, as she glanced at Tyler, who was still standing there, dumbstruck by how easily both Eva and Sadie were handling the weight that had nearly bested him. He gave her a sympathetic shrug as Sadie's nervous laughter faded into a quiet whimper, her arms trembling slightly under the dumbbell's weight.

"That's the spirit, let's see what else we can find for helping out our training when we get to season 2, I think I heard a metal bar calling our names," Eva said as she walked away, which Sadie had her lips trembling, looking for Katie to see if she can see her best friend to support her on the decision she did, but sadly she wasn't around.

"Wow, I never thought my hand would be sore from signing all those autographs," Courtney commented as she realized that part of the fame would come from becoming a good example for the fans, especially those who would try to mirror their personalities, but still she was glad to see some of the kids saying they want to train to become C. just like her, and also finding ways to understand other campers.

"Tell me about it," Duncan said as he was cheeking a few skateboards, while he was taking a few pictures with the fans, some were even eager to be a bit clingy, but Courtney by looking at the girl approaching her boyfriend, she simply glared and with a snarl, the girl immediately left him alone. Making Duncan blink in surprise, and mutter a surprised wow.

"You never know when there is some girl who would go far beyond the limits." Courtney huffed, as she saw some boys approaching her. They immediately jumped, when they saw Duncan throwing a knife near their feat. And slowly stepping away from one of the pillars. Courtney looked at her boyfriend surprised as well.

"If you want to be jealous, I also have the right to be like that," Duncan said which immediately Courtney to roll her eyes.

"I'm not jealous, I'm just saying to not trust any kind of woman since they could be obsessive and possibly crazy, especially the fans," Courtney said, to which Duncan chuckled from her reaction.

"Princess, it's alright to be jealous, since I also feel jealous of you as well, we kinda need to make a few rules for fans approaching us, you never know what kind of crazy fans we would have around," Duncan explained, as Courtney checked a few tennis rackets that she felt interested into playing maybe in the future. Or even buy a swimming suit to go deep into the ocean, or probably try surfing just like Bridgette said she would like to give lessons for anyone to try when they want to go to the beach in the future.

"Err... guys?" Then a voice called behind the Power Couple and stared at DJ who had a deep blush on his face. "One of the fans just gave me her number, writing on her panties... what should I do?"

"Throw away,"

"Keep for yourself,"

The duo said in unison, which immediately Duncan started to sweat from seeing Courtney staring at him.

"Come on, look at his T-shirt, you know his Momma wanted to see some progress of her baby boy trying to hook up with a girl," Duncan said as the fastest as he could, which Courtney narrowed her eyes.

"That's stupid, just for giving the number from the panties means the girl is bat-shit-crazy," Courtney said as she pointed both her eyes to Duncan like she was implying she was watching him, which made him nod. "Also, it's not worth it DJ, a girl shouldn't jump on you like that, can you imagine what kind of crazy girl would try to give a panties as a way to demonstrate love?"

And on that moment, DJ, Duncan, and Courtney just saw Ezekiel carrying with him, a few shoe boxes, a snowboard, and winter clothing. Jen followed him behind, and the duo were paying attention to the conversation. Ezekiel once again decided to give reasoning on the conversation as well.

"Okay, hold on, is that real? A girl gave you her panties with the number on it?" Ezekiel asked and the trio nodded their heads to him, and Ezekiel decided to give his opinion on the situation. "Well, if you guys are talking about the worst kind of crazy fan, do I need to remind you 3 about Sierra?"

And on that moment DJ palled, Duncan had his mouth opening in understanding and slightly narrowing his eyes, and Courtney nodded her head in agreement.

"Exactly, can you imagine other Sierras around the world? Now that I think about it, she would have done that to Cody, and you all know what she did at the forums during all the time we were on the show right?" Courtney asked, and Ezekiel even nodded his head.

"And look what she did yesterday, she made a post telling Cody disappeared, she was in his neighborhood," Ezekiel explained as Duncan couldn't help but take a look at the baseball bat.

"That girl is crazy, to the point that I'm not sure she is psycho," Duncan said as he took a look at the baseball bat, and gave a few swings. "Huh... hey, does someone know how he has been lately?"

"Why do you want to know that?" DJ asked as he could see Duncan having a smirk on his face, which made him unsure.

"According to my mom, Katie's mom wants to keep him in check from not advancing too quickly on his relationship with Katie, so she wanted to make sure we do what we did on the camp Wawanakwa," Duncan said as DJ blinked, Courtney raised her eyebrows in disbelief, and Ezekiel couldn't help but chuckle from what he implied.

"Do you mean, giving fear of God on him again?" Ezekiel laughed when he saw Duncan smirking at him, which he couldn't help but simply do it. "Oh screw it, I'm in."

"For real?" Courtney asked as she saw Ezekiel and Duncan's fist bump. "That's very infantile, and you shouldn't be doing that, what we did on the camp was only one thing, we wanted to make sure Cody wasn't going to hurt Katie's feelings."

"Yeah, but this time Katie's mom just asked for this favor just in case they go on the other bases if you know what I mean," Duncan said as Ezekiel tilted his head, and Courtney had her mouth open in surprise. "So just in case he goes under the blankets with her, the next day we scare the shit out of him."

"Isn't that a type of shotgun wedding?" DJ asked as he couldn't help but feel pity for Cody who probably would be traumatized in the same way he was going to suffer in case he went to have a sexual relationship with Katie, to which Duncan nodded his head.

"According to my mom, it's a prank made by Katie's mom, and I'm not going to drop down a good prank when I see one," Duncan said as he gave a look to his girlfriend. "Come on, it's going to be fun, we already know the chances of happening are extremely low, and in the case it happens, we make Katie's mom happy, we have a good laugh and Cody wasn't going to make stupid decisions, everybody wins."

"When you put on that way," Ezekiel said as he looked to DJ who was still unsure. "DJ relax, Cody and Katie are very happy together, we then have this story we can tell on their wedding when that happens. It's going to be so funny that we could be laughing years in the future."

"Okay, okay, but we would need to compensate him in the future for that, I mean, doing twice sounds like extreme," DJ said unsure, as Duncan laughed.

"We are doing that on probably the only chance he lost his virginity, better reward than that I doubt," Duncan said as he could see the conversation both DJ and Courtney blushing. "Come on Princess, it's not going to be that terrible, it's going to be like the first one."

"..." Courtney remained in silence, but then she smiled a bit. "I cannot lie, it was very funny what we did at that time, and also we have Sadie on our side for even more intimidation on him since Sadie and Katie are like twins, so it would be hilarious to see Sadie acting like Eva putting the fear on him."

"Oh, I like this idea," Ezekiel said as he grabbed a notepad on his hands. "We could also convince Eva holds brass knuckles, just by seeing her beating the crap of Serial Killer without it would make everyone shit themselves, imagine with brass knuckles on her hands."

"Well, I think I could be on the door since I'm very big and it would be impossible for him to get out from there," DJ said as he was also giving suggestions.

And all of this was happening in front of Jen who was now palling from hearing what kind of terrifying prank the group was preparing to do with their friend's boyfriend.

"I'm glad that Jonesy isn't the one in a relationship with them, he would be screwed," Jen said as she saw Ezekiel talking about something and she didn't pay attention. "What?"

"I asked if you could show me a few compound bows," Ezekiel said as the auburn-haired girl had her eyes wide open in surprise and palling from the implication he was giving. But thankfully Ezekiel could see what she was afraid of. "Oh no, it's not related to this, it's actually for my parents, my Ma and Pa liked the one made by hand by one of my friends, that I was planning to give as a gift for them, and one for myself as well."

"Ah, thank God," Jen said as she sighed in relief, and gave a few glances, as she couldn't help but help whoever needed information. "Sure, just let me help your friends to see if they want something as well."

"Sure," Ezekiel nodded, as Jen was working hard to attend to DJ, Duncan, and Courtney on the questions they had over the products, and it seemed the more the Killer Bass had been around, the quantity of work she had was multiplied in many times.

It's going to be a long day of work.

"Ohhh, it had been so long since I played volleyball," Katie said as Sadie approached her best friend who nodded her head.

"Yeah, remember the last time when the P.E. teacher almost got a stroke because the class clown glued all the balls at the time we played dodgeball we had our hands stuck for 2 days?" Sadie said as the tan girl agreed.

"And since it was superglue it was almost impossible to take it out without damaging our nails, it had been a nightmare," Katie said as the duo started remembering the good times.

Jen stared at the duo of girls as she blinked for a few seconds, and then turned her head to see Gwen who was checking the bowling balls and other sports, but the look on her face showed very disinterested.

"Do they always do that?" Jen asked as she saw Katie and Sadie kept talking about the balls over the sector, but the problem was they were talking for more than 10 minutes.

"Yeah, but you get used to the time, it was worse on the first day, dealing with them in the first 3 days was a nightmare." Gwen shrugged as she remembered how much they were annoying from the first episode, and how terrible their conversations were over the Main Lodge, even as annoying as it could be from their talking about things nobody was interested in hearing. But then she continued to explain. "We got either used to them, or they became more independent and talked to the others, so I think both was the best explanation."

Jen accepted the explanation since she knew the Killer Bass became a close-knit team, and even as times she looked at her friend Nikki being the goth style of her friend group, she knew the Killer Bass former Screaming Goopher member wasn't interested in being there.

"So is there a product you are interested in buying?" Jen asked as she knew it would take a while until she would deal with the best friend's twins again, she preferred to focus on the girl who wasn't interested, probably because she may guess one thought on her mind.

"Nah, I'm not interested in sports," Gwen said as was the standard answer from people who just want to take a look around while bored.

"Well, if you want my advice, I would suggest the skateboard session," Jen commented as she could see the goth raising her eyebrows at her. "My friend likes to see the new designs, some were gruesome, and in point, there was even a skeleton seeming to get out from it."

"You got my interest, but I don't know how to skateboard," Gwen said as she discovered the trick made by the saleswoman but she couldn't help but admit it was a very good attempt.

"Fair enough, but taking a look on there would be less boring than staying here," Jen said, as Gwen passed a few seconds and nodded her head at her.

"Now you proved a point, I will be there." And with that, Gwen left, as Jen sighed and with sweat on her face.

"It's very exhausting to deal with all of them at the same time," Jen said as she tried to look at the other employees who seemed to be very busy dealing with the fans across the store, so it made her aware that she would be the one treating the Total Drama cast since nobody else would be doing that.

"Ohhh, I think I will be taking this," Katie said as she showed the volleyball to Jen, who was now relieved that the more people deciding the better.

"Good, do you want to try our sports shorts for volleyball? I think we have some volleyball team shirts as well if you want to take a look." Jen said as suddenly Katie gasped.

"WOW SADIE, THEY HAVE UNIFORMS AS WELL," Katie said loudly Jen cringed at how loud the girls squealed happily and jumped together.

"Do you remember the time when you tried to make the sports uniforms for our birthday party? It was sooo awesome." Sadie said, as immediately Jen facepalmed herself.

It had been a very long day of work… As she then took a look at the clock… Showing 13:40 p.m., it had been only 40 minutes, and she already wanted her shift to be over.

Bridgette was free from the timeout, which she walked around into seeing that her boyfriend was now having a nice conversation with Gwen when the duo seemed to be talking nearby the skateboard sectors. As she decided to wander around, she just found Tyler staring at the saleswoman in disbelief.

"There is no way that you said that in front of him," The jock said as the girl simply spoke the truth.

"It's not my fault he sucked," Jen said as she stomped her foot in determination. "I got punished on the timeout for 11 minutes, but I refuse to retract my statement, 3 goals in the whole championship is very bad."

"Well, I understand saying that to the others. But to say that to Ronan himself? It must have caused a lot of confusion." Tyler said as he never thought he would have the courage to say a hockey player of the Toronto Maple Leafs that one of their members sucked, on their faces.

"Oh, it caused a few discussions, which led to the whole store having a loud argument, which even had a few fights outside of the store. Which usually happens when rival teams go to the store at the same time as well." Jen shrugged, as she gave a look on the boy who was already carrying a hockey stick. "So you are interested in having one of the sticks?"

"Yeah, I broke my last one last year, it broke at the time I was doing the final shot of the game, didn't manage to make the goal, broke the stick, and I even slipped down the frozen hill," Tyler commented as Jen blinked from the revelation.

"Wow, that was very specific, at least you didn't get hurt," Jen said trying to be optimistic, but Tyler simply shrugged.

"Yeah, it was just a few contusions, but nothing that I wasn't used to," Tyler explained as Jen cringed at the idea into thinking how Tyler would still be thinking about trying sports since he was a magnet for pain.

"Hey guys, what did I miss?" Bridgette asked as Tyler raised his eyebrows at the surfer.

"You just lost your daily doses of water with hot sauce spray, which you got lucky that we forgot to bring at least one here," Tyler said as he crossed his arms, while Bridgette rolled her eyes.

"Oh come on, we didn't get to do that around the mall, how are we supposed to know that this place isn't allowed to demonstrate lo-" Bridgette said, as suddenly she saw Jen interrupting the surfer from saying the word.

"Don't say it," Jen said as she looked around and saw Coach Halder raising his head looking angrily around to see if someone was doing something that he would need to step in. But then seeing that nobody said a word, he returned to the crowd of people and shouted for the public to calm down, or they would be kicked out of the store. Leaving the auburn girl to sigh in relief. "He has those crazy rules, especially when it's related to that, he punishes anyone who decides to talk about it."

"That's an absurd rule," Bridgette said as she rolled her eyes, but before she could say further, she just saw Jen sweating a lot, which the girl couldn't help but be concerned. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, just a bit exhausted, but I can help you all before going to my lunch break, and hopefully this will end quickly," Jen said as she tried to give her most calm and optimistic smile.

"Oh, if you want to take a rest, we could walk around and call for your help when we need it," Bridgette suggested, but immediately Jen shook her head.

"I can't do that, with all those fans you all have around, most of the employees are helping on the sales of the store, and I'm helping all of you guys to get what you guys want," Jen said as she gave a deep breath and even drank water from the bottle, knowing it was going to be a long day. "I already did it just fine until now, I can do this."

"Well if you say so…" Bridgette said as she looked at Tyler who simply shrugged.

"I think I will take the hockey gear equipment as well," Tyler said, as Jen gave a kind smile, and with the tiredness on her face, she still wanted to help everyone.

"Please do not shoot an arrow inside of the store," Jen said almost practically begging Ezekiel who simply was pulling the cord of the compound bows he gave a deep look at the equipment, some even came with laser and zoom lenses to help him to measure the distance of the shots.

"Jen, I'm not going to place an arrow on this," Ezekiel commented as he checked the weight, strength, and resistance of the weapon in his hands. "Shooting an arrow could be dangerous and would lead someone to the hospital,"

"Ah, I'm so glad that at least you understand that," Jen said as she sighed in relief, knowing that most of the clients who wanted to try the Olympics equipment, especially bow, and arrow, wanted to try a demonstration by actually shooting an arrow inside of the store, Jonesy and Jude tried to do William Tell, and tried to shot an arrow in an apple. It caused a big headache for her over that week, but she was glad to see someone mature enough to check the bow properly. "So what's your impressions."

"Well, a friend of mine made one with only wood and natural materials and gave me as a gift, so I wanted to give one for not just my parents, but for her as well. And just to be sure, I want one for me too. So it would be 4 compound bows." Ezekiel commented as Jen had her eyes twitching.

"Ezekiel, I know that I'm not supposed to be the one being against how my clients should be expending their money, but are you sure that what you are doing is wise? You are paying for so much already." Jen said in worry, which immediately Ezekiel decided to smile at her.

"It's fine, it's inside of how much I was planning to expend for today, and it's all preparation for season 2 as well, this could be essential for the challenges ahead." Ezekiel gave an explanation as he took one of the compound bows and gave a deep look, also he decided to say something to cheer up Jen. "Also, I let it out 12 thousand dollars for Caitlin as a tip for you 6 have a great shopping spread on this mall as well."

"What?" Jen said in shock as the boy seemed to be happy.

"I guessed that this would be the most chaotic event happening across the mall, and since tomorrow I would be doing the book signing, it would be focused only on the bookstore tomorrow. This time since me and my friends are in the mall, it would be even more chaotic, so I decided to make sure you, Wyatt, Nikki, Caitlin, Jude, and even Jonesy have fun when your shift is over or before tomorrow's shift start." Ezekiel said as he could see from the look on the girl in front of him. "Because from dealing with 12 clients in one go, you probably would be exhausted at the time we leave, you deserve the time to have fun with them."

Well, he didn't expect to be hugged by Jen for saying those words.

"Ezekiel, you are the best. Thank you so much." Jen said as she was so happy from having now seen all the work she did was worth something. At least she now knows that some famous people are awesome since she now knows one and has him as a friend. "But you shouldn't do it too much."

"Oh, you got that right, I'm not going to expend my money into paying the others for they do whatever they want all the time, I worked hard for my money, and people also should be doing that as well," Ezekiel smirked, as immediately Jen laughed from understanding how mature the boy talked, especially after she learned how he was a home-schooled boy.

"Ezekiel, ever had plans into going to school or going to college someday?" Jen asked curious, which Ezekiel simply shook his head.

"Not at all, as much I could see people appealing and telling school would be good sometimes, I kinda have my share of bad stories when it comes to learning," Ezekiel said as he focused on checking another product. "Sure it's good to learn new things, or even to have more connection around, but I think if going to the library, checking on the internet, and watching good documentaries, it could be helpful in the future…"

"Oh…" Jen remained quiet as she never thought she would have a very interesting point coming from the boy in front of her.

"Also my aunt left some good books on what she was teaching my Pa some basic studies, but one of her favorite subjects is international languages, which I'm practically fluent in 5 of them now," Ezekiel said as Jen had her mouth dropped and she stared at him in disbelief. "Bom, eu falo Portugues Brasileiro (Well, I speak Brazillian Portuguese), yo tambien hablo español (I also speak Spanish), je parle français puis nous vivons au Canada (I speak French since we live in Canada), English as well, Parlo italiano (I speak itallian), Ich spreche Deutsch (I speak german)."

"I… I.. I…" Jen felt her mind blue-screen for a moment, as Ezekiel chuckled from the girl who was trying to figure it out.

"Writers always need to study a lot, Jen, always remember that I still had to hire someone to translate to Korean since I didn't have the opportunity to ask Heather to help me to say one of the characters' dialogue, which books would take hours, days or even weeks of studies just to make sure that everything would be perfect to publish," Ezekiel explained as for the girl on the high school, that even as he was homeschooled, it doesn't matter for him if he was going to go school or not, he was already focusing on his personal studies just to focus on writing his books. "I hope that you understand that,"

Jen remained calm, as she nodded her head… learning more and more about the famous around the store.

"Woah dude, are you also interested in skateboarding?" Geoff said excitedly as he showed a few good designs of skateboarding for the homeschooled boy who simply shrugged.

"They look nice, but I'm more interested in rollerskating," Ezekiel said as he took one pair of rollerskaters which made Geoff blink in surprise. "It had been a long time since I had one pair, it was crazy to try to use them around the farm, there was a wood plank which I tried to use, and I fell a few times, but I got used to using them. And now I had a good time to use them again."

"Oh that's awesome, I think having another good skateboard would be nice for me, and maybe teaching Bridgette how to walk on them would be nice." The party boy explained as Ezekiel mused the thought, and couldn't help but chuckle.

"No offense Geoff, because Bridgette while she is an expert on sports on the water, she is a total clumsy on the earth," Ezekiel commented then heard someone clearing the throat behind him, which made him shiver, which had a nervous smile on his face while he looks at the party boy. "Aaaaand she is behind me isn't she?"

"Yep…" Bridgette said as she crossed her arms, and looked at her little friend saying she is clumsy. He refused to turn his back.

"Oh come on, don't lie to me, remember the time you tackled and jumped Geoff into trying to make out with him, and you made him have a black eye?" Ezekiel refuses to turn his back because if he sees her eyes, he will see the girl staring angrily at him, and his Pa always says, that if he doesn't see a woman's anger, he can't admit anything wrong he did. Which still made Bridgette flicker his head, making him yelp.

"It was an accident, and I'm not that bad," Bridgette said not until she suddenly she walked onto the skateboard and fell on the back with the floor, as the skateboard hit Geoff on the face, knocking him on the floor.

Ezekiel stared at the duo on the floor, and Bridgette raised her index finger.

"That doesn't prove anything." That was what she said, and Ezekiel rolled his eyes.

"I would like this pair of ice skatings," Harold commented as he could see Jen cleaning the sweat on her face, "Wow, you look awful, did you need some rest?"

"I'm fine," Jen said as she was blinking constantly, and trying to maintain her energy to keep selling around the store. She just passed on the machine all the weight lifts that Eva would be using for the training for herself, and some for her friends, she also sold a few bandages and an MMA pair of gloves that she looked very interested in buying as well.

"Also I would like to buy the punching bag exposed, I heard it was the only one remaining in the store, and I would like to have something to practice my Karate and Kung Fu moves," Harold said as he gave his own pose, which Jen had her eyes wide open, and looking on the punch bag exposed, it was probably very heavy for her to carry by herself.

"Sure…" Jen said with her teeth clenched, as she couldn't help but panic inside her mind. With how much she was tired, she feared that she would cause an accident, but at the time she was about to reach the chains of the punching bag, she was surprised by a big person already taking the punching bag for her.

"There you go," DJ said as the gentle giant gave a kind smile and happily helped the girl. "I heard your conversation you had with Harold, and I thought you would like a bit of help."

"Thank God," Jen said in relief as she gave an appreciative nod to the Jamaican with a gentle heart. "You have no idea how this would help me. Err… do you mind -"

"To help you carry on the cashier? Sure," DJ said as he took the heavyweight and placed it over his shoulders, "I also am bringing some of the products that I want to buy for myself, so it will be also a good help for you to deal with fewer people."

Jen couldn't help but release a few tears of gratitude, it seemed that her exhaustive day was almost over.

Well, the moment of the truth came as Ezekiel saw Jen taking the extract of all the products bought and paid for by all the Killer Bass members, just making sure it would be checked at the end of the day by her boss.

"From everything that happened, you and your friends bought, a volleyball, tennis rackets, hockey gear, and stick, a few compound bows, bowling balls, surfing boards, skateboards, roller skaters, ice skating, weights, MMA gloves, bandages, a few dozen of pairs of sneakers, basketballs, a punching bag of 100 kilograms, ping pong rackets, tennis balls, a badminton racket?" She said as she looked at Ezekiel who rolled his eyes.

"Oh come on, badminton is an interesting sport, don't judge me," Ezekiel said, as Jen simply shrugged and continued reading all the material she sold.

"A few rockey team T-shirts, volleyball shorts and T-shirts as well, and many other things… Wow, I never thought I could sell all this stuff before Christmas, and in just one full sell…" Jen said as her eyes looked very tired, even as they showed dark circles, and she was sweating from exhaustion.

"I'm glad that it helped you out Jen, now, and I hope you don't mind you let us leave our bags inside this place before we leave the mall, we had to check the other stores as well," Ezekiel explained, as Jen immediately had her eyes wide open, and staring all the products that she sold by herself, it would be a nightmare to organize the bags… But from looking on Coach Halder, who simply nodded his head…

Jen sighed, knowing that she didn't have a choice.

"Yes, you can," Jen said as she could see Ezekiel smiling happily at her.

"Great to know," Ezekiel said as he walked around the Killer Bass, "Guys, she said we can leave our bags here just for later we could take it home before leaving the place."

Jen couldn't hear the rest of the conversation, since she was glad the worst part was over until she looked at the clock, and then her eyes were wide open in horror.

14:15… She just had worked 1 hour and 15 minutes.

At the time she was about to curse, Ezekiel and the other famous teenagers left Penalty Box, which Jen immediately with all her hair messed, her eyes tired, and even sweating a lot, she couldn't help but throw her hands in the air, and fainted on the floor…

"MASTERSON," The shout of Coach Halder wasn't heard as Jen was too tired to actually listen to anything… The manager and Owner of the store looked sternly at the girl who had been overworking himself. Carried the girl on his shoulder, and calmly walked to the timezone punishment. "2 hours of punishment of sleeping at work… You deserved it…"

Jen as she was sleeping on the seats, Coach Halder placed a few kimonos over the auburn girl, and a few team uniforms as a little pillow for the girl.

"Good job, Masterson…" The Coach said in a solemn tone, as he knew that he always would be rigid and demanding of the girl, but he knew the girl always was a good employee, doing her best to sell all the products that she could take. "All you need to do is to be tougher and have authority… the sport business is always demanding and cruel, if you want to create a line of snowboards, you need to understand the business world is not for anyone… But until then, you deserved the rest. Tomorrow I will be twice as demanding as today."

"Hmmm…" Jen moaned in tiredness, not hearing what her boss had said to her, but seeing the girl like that, the Coach decided to go back to work and separate the Killer Bass purchases in case they returned.

The day had only started, and with the popularity of the celebrities who came to his store, the sales were better than ever. And he couldn't have another way.


After spending a few minutes outside the Penalty Box, the group still found themselves surrounded by enthusiastic fans. Fortunately, Eva's intimidating presence did the trick—most of the crowd hesitated and took a step back, clearly not eager to test her patience.

"So, do you guys want to split up and form smaller groups?" Ezekiel asked, noticing that most of the Killer Bass members were nodding in agreement.

"Yeah, I mean, going into a store together was cool and all," Geoff said, "but I don't think everyone would have as much fun doing the same thing again. It's probably better if we break into groups and deal with the fans that way."

Ezekiel nodded, understanding. "Makes sense. As much as I'd love for everyone to stick around, splitting up might be for the best. So, who's going with who?"

Geoff was the first to raise his hand. "DJ, Tyler, and I are gonna head to the next floor. Anyone else wanna come with us?"

The group exchanged glances before Harold sniffed and raised his hand. "I saw some cool electronics gear at a shop upstairs. Might as well check it out," he said, pushing his glasses up his nose. It was clear that Harold was already thinking about what nerdy treasures awaited him.

The rest of the group shrugged in agreement. Then Eva spoke up, surprising everyone.

"I'll go too," she said, crossing her arms as the others turned to look at her. "There's a stereo shop on the next floor. My parents have been talking about upgrading the sound system in our workout room. Thought I'd check it out."

"That's awesome," Geoff replied, perking up at the idea. "I might stop by the stereo shop too. I've been meaning to look into getting something for future parties at my place."

The idea of Eva hunting for a sound system for a workout room seemed to amuse the group, but no one dared comment on it. If anything, they respected her for her dedication—not just to working out, but to keeping the peace with her parents.

With the group splitting up, the remaining members of the Killer Bass were Ezekiel, Courtney, Duncan, Gwen, Bridgette, Katie, and Sadie. Katie and Sadie were especially excited as they pointed out a store across the way.

"We found a place called the Khaki Barn!" Katie exclaimed, her eyes lighting up. "It looks amazing, and it's got everything we could use together."

"Yeah! Matching outfits, cute accessories—it's perfect for us!" Sadie added, grinning. Even though the two best friends had been developing their own interests, they still loved sharing things, reinforcing their bond.

Ezekiel smiled at their enthusiasm. "If you see Nikki working there, tell her to stay strong, alright?" he said, recalling Caitlin's friend from 6teen who had to put up with the store's high expectations. The girls nodded before heading off on their shared adventure.

With Katie and Sadie gone, the group was now down to Ezekiel, Courtney, Duncan, Gwen, and Bridgette. They paused for a moment, looking around the busy mall, unsure where to go next.

"So, where are we heading?" Gwen asked, hands casually stuffed in her pockets as she scanned the surrounding stores.

After a bit of thought, they decided to check out a tech store showcasing the latest flip phones and PDAs—essential gadgets for staying connected in 2007. As they walked inside, they were greeted by an impressive display of flip phones in sleek metallic designs, some boasting small external screens, and a range of PDAs featuring tiny keyboards and stylus pens.

Ezekiel examined the phones and PDAs with interest, running his fingers along the buttons and flipping a few of the phones open and closed. "So, these are the models everyone's using now, eh?" he commented, looking at the range of devices. It had been Caitlin's idea for him to explore this store, and now that he was here, he figured it couldn't hurt to see what was available.

Duncan smirked as he held up a silver flip phone, fiddling with the hinge. "Man, these things are classics. This one even has an antenna—talk about retro," he joked, pretending to use it like a walkie-talkie.

Courtney gave him a playful eye roll but couldn't resist smirking. "You know, these phones are pretty solid. With all the chaos going on in our lives, something reliable wouldn't be the worst idea."

Bridgette picked up one of the models and flipped it open. "These are kinda fun! They're tough, too. Could probably survive getting dropped into the ocean." She chuckled, always drawn to the practicality of things.

Gwen, on the other hand, was intrigued by the PDAs. "These are cool for organizing. They may not be as slick as some of the newer stuff coming out, but they'd still be handy for managing stuff without getting too distracted."

As they continued browsing, Ezekiel considered what Caitlin had said earlier. While he didn't need a new device urgently, he figured it might be useful, especially since the variety of flip phones and PDAs in front of him looked tempting. Each one promised something different—whether it was style, functionality, or reliability.

His family never had a flip phone, and since he is now a writer, and had contact with his lawyer and accountant. He needed to have a way to help him to check his own emails… A PDA is a smartphone who isn't created yet. So until the time comes, he would need to use the best available for him.

"Alright, I want that one, and that one as well," Ezekiel said as he pointed to a deep green and black flip phone and a PDA that would help him in the future. "Do you have plans as well? Because I would start making phone calls with it sooner."




The group had now wandered into a clothing store, unlike the usual mall stops. This one catered specifically to rock, punk, and gothic styles, with dark, edgy décor that immediately caught the attention of Duncan and Gwen. The atmosphere was thick with an air of rebellion; the walls were painted deep shades of black and crimson, adorned with posters of iconic bands and graffiti art that breathed life into the space. The racks were filled with black leather, ripped fabrics, chains, and an array of skull and flame patterns, all of which created a rebellious ambiance that felt like home to both of them.

Duncan, giving a quick glance around the store, began sorting through racks of clothing that perfectly suited his punk delinquent persona. He ran his fingers over the textured fabrics, feeling the raw edges and the weight of leather beneath his touch. He picked out a black leather jacket with a rough, worn-in look, accented with silver zippers and studs that glinted ominously under the low lights. A few graphic tees caught his eye as well—one emblazoned with a bold red anarchy symbol that seemed to scream defiance, and another featuring a menacing skull wrapped in barbed wire, reflecting his inner turmoil. He also found a pair of black skinny jeans with chains hanging from the side, adding a sharper edge to the ensemble.

As he tried on the jacket, admiring how it hugged his shoulders and flared slightly at the waist, he felt an unmistakable sense of maturity in his style. He had grown while still maintaining his rebellious flair, and instead of his usual spiked choker, he exchanged it for two thick chain collars that wrapped around his neck, giving him an even more badass appearance. A smirk crossed his lips as he admired his reflection in the mirror; he felt ready to take on the world.

Meanwhile, Gwen was in her element, thoroughly enjoying the gothic clothing with genuine appreciation. She moved with grace through the aisles, her fingers brushing against the fabrics as if greeting old friends. Her eyes lingered on a stunning black lace dress that contrasted beautifully with her pale skin, accentuating her striking features and complementing her signature dark lipstick perfectly. She reached for a short-sleeved fishnet top to layer over a deep dark aquamarine tank, the rich color designed to highlight her striking blue and black hair.

As she picked up a pair of silver bracelets, adorned with tiny skulls that dangled playfully, she envisioned how they would add a bit of edge to her usual look. But what truly caught her eye was a delicate black fabric that could be wrapped around her neck, along with a collar depicting a saint carved into the leather. It was exquisite, and her heart raced at the thought of owning it. "I need this," she whispered to herself, a determined glint in her eyes. It was a suggestion made by her friend Ripper, and she felt more elegant than ever, ready to start the second season with the right foot forward.

Ezekiel, on the other hand, was drawn to the accessories section like a moth to a flame. He wandered over to examine a collection of skull-themed rings, intrigued by the intricate details of the carvings that seemed to tell their own stories. One of the rings had tiny red gems in the eyes of the skull, catching the light and making it seem both menacing and alluring. He picked up a belt with a large skull-shaped buckle, nodding in approval as he realized how well it matched both Duncan and Gwen's styles. Even the darkly designed glasses, with skull imprints, etched into the side handles, fascinated him in a strange way.

As he observed his friends, Ezekiel noticed Gwen holding up a sleeveless shirt that had been cut at the sleeves, giving it a casual yet rebellious vibe. Meanwhile, Duncan was showing off a leather jacket with belts around it, exuding confidence as he flashed a grin. On the other hand, Ezekiel couldn't help but admire the references to famous gothic bands around the store, especially one jacket that seemed to have walked straight out of a My Chemical Romance music video. He even spotted a striped shirt that made him imagine Marshall Lee rocking it with his trademark rock style. The store was indeed a treasure trove of clothing variations.

Taking inspiration from his friends, Ezekiel chose the jacket, and the shirt, and even felt tempted by an overcoat, but quickly dismissed the idea, reminding himself he wasn't preparing for a vampire hunting training session or anything that crazy. Instead, he wanted to add more clothes like his friends, opting for a black and white shirt with half-long sleeves and half-sleeveless sections, featuring a bold anarchy logo on the back. He also grabbed a pair of fishnet gloves, feeling more confident as he pieced together his new look. It wasn't something he would wear every day, but the idea of switching up his style depending on the day excited him.

Bridgette, though not usually one for the goth-punk aesthetic, found herself inexplicably drawn to a small section dedicated to swimwear. As she browsed, she was surprised to discover swimsuits styled with gothic elements—particularly one-piece designs featuring elaborate black lace patterns and corset-like lacing on the sides. One striking suit had small pentagram details on the laces that intrigued her, even if she didn't fully embrace the symbolism. "You know," she mused to herself with a small smile, twirling a strand of her hair thoughtfully, "take off the pentagram, and this might actually turn some heads at the beach."

As she held the suit up to herself, imagining the way the sun would hit the lace, she felt a spark of excitement. Maybe stepping out of her comfort zone could be fun. The idea of rocking a gothic swimsuit made her smile wider. Who knew she could combine her love for the beach with a touch of rebellion? In this store full of edgy vibes and creativity, the possibilities felt endless.

The atmosphere in the store was electric as Duncan, Gwen, Ezekiel, and Bridgette watched Courtney strut out in her new outfit. The dim light bounced off the fishnet tights and highlighted the edgy style that seemed to bring out a different side of her. With every step, she exuded confidence, her attire blending perfectly with the punk-goth aesthetic surrounding her.

"I don't know why the a need for all the spikes, though. Isn't that something that could hurt anyone who touches you?" Ezekiel quipped, a teasing lilt in his voice.

Courtney turned, eyebrows raised in mock disbelief. "Oh please, you think this is all about comfort? It's about their style!"

Duncan stood there, jaw slack, taking in the sight of his girlfriend. She wore fishnet tights, long fishnet gloves, and distressed jeans that showed just the right amount of skin. The black top was edgy and fitted, and her spiked bracelets added a perfect touch. The dramatic makeup—a dark liner above her eyes and a bold two-toned red and white lipstick—enhanced her features beautifully.

"Courtney…you are a very good friend of mine, and I love you as a great big annoying sister," Ezekiel began, trying to hold back his laughter at her transformation. He could see Gwen's surprise mirrored in her expression, both of them taken aback by how much Courtney had changed. "That said…Duncan, you are a damn lucky bastard."

"Oh yeah, I am…" Duncan smirked, clearly enjoying the moment as he watched Courtney blush. "Just need one final touch…"

"Which is?" Courtney asked, puzzled.

Duncan reached into his pocket, pulling out the skull collar he had crafted for her during the motocross challenge. Courtney's heart fluttered as she realized the significance of the gift. The moment she placed it around her neck and turned to face the mirror, she felt an unexpected thrill wash over her.

"Wow," she whispered, eyes wide.

"Wow, indeed," Gwen chimed in, giving Duncan a thumbs up. "I have to say, this style fits you way better."

"Oh please, you think this style would fit better with anyone?" Courtney rolled her eyes, but the smile on her face betrayed her joy. She could feel Duncan's gaze on her, a mixture of admiration and something deeper. "So what do you think?"

Suddenly, she felt a playful slap on her rear. "EEP!" Courtney jumped, narrowing her eyes in shock. A deep blush spread across her cheeks as she processed what had just happened. Bridgette's face flushed, and Ezekiel let out an impressed whistle.

"You didn't do that," Courtney exclaimed, shooting a glare at Duncan.

"Oh, I did," Duncan replied with a confident smirk, unrepentant. "I don't regret it, because damn girl, I'm going to be crazy with you around like that."

"Did Duncan just slap Courtney's ass?" Ezekiel asked incredulously, watching as Duncan doubled over, receiving a swift punch to the stomach. "Yep, he had it coming."

"Well, enjoy while you can, because I'm not going home dressed like this. My family would freak out if they saw me like this after only going to the mall for the first time," Courtney declared, reaching for a tissue to wipe away the dramatic makeup.

"You could at least leave the lipstick. It looks great on you," Duncan suggested, attempting to recover from the earlier attack. "Also, I don't know why you're making such a big deal about it. I could tell my parents you're spending the night with us."

"But then I'd have to deal with your brothers, and if I'm dressed like this, I'd leave a terrible impression on your parents!" Courtney protested, a hint of panic in her voice.

"Well, they'd blame me for letting you dress like this in the first place. We could just use it as a joke, saying you're doing this against your will, and then you can make me pay you back," Duncan shrugged, offering a solution that made Courtney relax just a bit.

"That could work," she conceded with a sigh. "At least I don't have to worry about taking a ride again."

The group was still buzzing from Courtney's transformation when Ezekiel raised an eyebrow, curiosity evident in his voice. "What do you mean by that?"

Duncan leaned in, ready to share the story. "Courtney took a car ride with two fans since her family car broke down while she was driving." The revelation made Gwen and Bridgette's eyes widen in surprise.

"And you just left the car on the street? Isn't that irresponsible?" Bridgette questioned, arms crossed in disapproval as Courtney rolled her eyes in response.

"Of course not! I had to wait for the tow truck to take it directly to the mechanic my mom helped find," Courtney explained, frustration lacing her tone. "My dad is probably dealing with the mechanic right now because we've had that problem in our car for months, and it seems they didn't fix it properly." She noticed the skeptical glances from her friends. "IT'S NOT MY FAULT!"

"Yeah, I believe that," Gwen replied, raising her eyebrows skeptically. "So you had to deal with two fans?"

"Yeah, thankfully they were on their way here. They're from British Columbia and took days to drive down. They seemed nice," Courtney recounted, her irritation easing as she spoke. "I heard one of the girls is training to become an Olympic gymnast."

"Really? That sounds cool," Ezekiel interjected, blinking in surprise. He shot Duncan a sideways glance, suspecting that might be the kind of girl Ezekiel would be interested in. The whole situation was too convoluted for Duncan's taste, and he quickly pushed those thoughts aside.

"So did they say where they're going?" Duncan asked, trying to keep the conversation flowing.

"Your book signing tomorrow," Courtney revealed, watching Ezekiel tilt his head in surprise.

"They've been huge fans of your book," she continued, a smile creeping onto her face as Ezekiel seemed both amused and flattered.

"Huh, wow, I never thought people from all across Canada would travel just to get my books," Ezekiel said, chuckling as he realized how far-reaching his popularity had become.

"Well, I had to give a car ride to a fan who came from Vancouver Island," Bridgette chimed in, her tone lively. "A girl who also brought a duck with her." Ezekiel's eyes went wide at that revelation. "Her name is Dawn, and she's a nature lover like me. But I think she's way more in tune with nature than I am since she can read minds."

"Pff, yeah right," Duncan scoffed, causing Courtney and Gwen to exchange disbelieving glances.

"Are you sure she wasn't tricking you?" Courtney questioned, her logical mindset reluctant to accept the idea. "There are a lot of scammers in the world."

"No, guys, she's the real deal! She said she saw my aura and even knew my mom's name!" Bridgette insisted, her eyes sparkling with excitement. Just as Courtney and Duncan opened their mouths to respond, Ezekiel interrupted.

"Ah, so she's an aura reader! Wow, it's been ages since I saw one on television," Ezekiel said, a mix of intrigue and excitement crossing his face, instantly capturing the group's attention. "I remember seeing news about a guy trying to expose aura readers. While he found some scammers, he also uncovered the real ones. One of them not only exposed him but revealed all the cheating he'd done on his wife! The live broadcast made the wife contact the lovers, and it ended with him losing his job, getting divorced, and finding out he had kidney stones—which he didn't know about until five days later!"

The group sat in stunned silence as the story unfolded.

"I didn't know that aired on television," Courtney said, her eyes wide in disbelief. The thought of people having the ability to read their lives felt overwhelming. She could only imagine the chaos it could unleash if someone truly had that power.

"Seriously! Just imagine if someone could expose all your secrets in front of everyone," Gwen said, shivering at the thought.

"Ugh, I'd rather not think about it," Duncan muttered, running a hand through his hair. "But I have to admit, it sounds like a wild ride."

Bridgette shrugged, her enthusiasm unshaken. "I think it would be kind of cool! As long as they don't tell embarrassing stuff."

"Yeah, but what if they did?" Courtney replied, a hint of worry in her voice. "It's a lot of pressure to think about."

"It must have been on the internet at least," Gwen remarked, crossing her arms and leaning back against the wall, a skeptical expression on her face.

"Not if the person didn't want to relive that shame all over again. It probably got deleted," Ezekiel replied, a thoughtful frown creasing his brow. "I tried to recall the person's name or the aura readers he provoked, but nothing's coming to mind." He glanced at Bridgette, his curiosity piqued. "Did she say anything bad about you?"

"No, she just explained that Mother Nature blessed me, and that's why I'm always fine around the animals nearby," Bridgette explained with a proud smile. Ezekiel hummed in understanding, while the others couldn't help but roll their eyes at the sentiment.

"You know what? I'll believe it when I see it," Courtney interjected, her voice laced with practicality. She had always been the logical one in the group, preferring to stick with what she could see and touch. "At least Sky isn't that problematic—just having a bit of burping issues."

"Sky?" Ezekiel's eyes went wide in surprise. The group stared at him for a moment, and he quickly scrambled for a different question to cover his slip. "Is there a girl named like that?"

"Yes, there is," Gwen confirmed, a smirk tugging at her lips as she caught the faint hint of relief in Ezekiel's expression. "There are a lot of girls and boys named after objects as well. Like my friends Pixie and Reaper…"

"Well, that makes sense," Ezekiel said, filing the information away in his mind. He now had to remember that Sky from Pahkitew Island would be at the book signing tomorrow. It was a surprise to think he would see more contestants from the future actually coming to see him.

"Anyway, do you want to check out some clothing styles now, Courtney?" Ezekiel suggested, his tone shifting to a lighter one.

"That would be something I'd like," Courtney replied, a determined glint in her eyes as she prepared herself for a shopping spree. Duncan felt a knot tighten in his gut at the prospect, sensing that Courtney was gearing up for some kind of payback against him.

As they made their way toward the clothing store, Ezekiel glanced back at Duncan, who wore a grimace as if he could already foresee the chaos that awaited them. "You okay, man?" Ezekiel asked, concern bubbling up.

Duncan waved him off, trying to brush it aside. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just, you know, ready for whatever Courtney has planned." He shot a sidelong glance at her, who was already enthusiastically discussing outfits with Gwen and Bridgette, completely oblivious to Duncan's unease.

"Right, just remember, I'm here for moral support," Ezekiel said, chuckling lightly, trying to ease the tension. "And I'll be sure to take notes on any fashion tips I can use."

Duncan let out a half-hearted laugh, feeling a bit better at the lighthearted banter. "I guess we'll both need it," he said, sighing as they approached the store entrance, the vibrant displays of clothing beckoning them inside. The atmosphere shifted as they stepped through the door, and the buzz of chatter and the scent of new fabric filled the air.

"Alright, let's find you something fierce, Courtney!" Bridgette exclaimed, already scanning the racks with eager eyes.

With a determined smile, Courtney stepped forward, ready to make a statement. The day was far from over, and as Duncan and Ezekiel exchanged a glance filled with apprehension and excitement, they knew that whatever happened next would be anything but dull.




As they stepped into the clothing store, the atmosphere transformed around them. The shop was an eclectic mix of styles, perfectly reflecting Courtney's fashion sense—modern yet classic, with a touch of rebellion. Colorful racks overflowed with tailored blazers, chic blouses, and edgy accessories that caught the light just right. Brightly lit mirrors adorned the walls, and the upbeat music set a lively tone, creating an inviting ambiance.

Courtney led the way, her eyes gleaming with excitement as she navigated through the vibrant displays.

"This place is perfect!" she exclaimed, grabbing a stylish jacket off the rack. "Look at these options! We could totally revamp your wardrobe, Duncan."

Duncan shrugged, a playful smirk on his face. "I'm not sure how much revamping I need, but I'm willing to humor you." He glanced around, trying to gauge if he could handle whatever was about to happen next.

Bridgette and Gwen shared a knowing look as they picked up a few items. "Let's see what you've got, Duncan!" Gwen teased, nudging him toward the fitting room.

With a resigned sigh, Duncan disappeared behind the curtain. The sound of zippers and rustling fabric filled the air. A few moments later, he stepped out, his confidence wavering as he displayed an outfit that was far from his usual style—long beige pants, a crisp social shirt with a tie underneath, and a black-and-white sweater draped over his shoulders. The contrast between his rebellious persona and the polished look was stark.

The group erupted in laughter at the sight of him. "It's not funny," Duncan grumbled, trying to keep a straight face despite the mirth bubbling around him.

"It's a little funny," Bridgette chuckled, her eyes dancing with amusement. "You look like you're ready for a business meeting or something!"

"My boy," Courtney declared with a wide grin as she rushed over to him, throwing her arms around his shoulders in a spontaneous hug. The sudden embrace caught Duncan off guard, causing him to stumble slightly. He grumbled a few half-hearted protests, but before he could fully regain his balance, he felt a sharp slap on his ass, just like the same way he did.

"Isn't that a funny feeling?" Courtney teased, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

"I don't know, I kinda liked it. Can you do it again?" Duncan whispered, a grin spreading across his face.

Courtney froze for a moment, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink as realization washed over her.

"Wait, what?" she stammered, her usual composure momentarily faltering.

Duncan laughed heartily, enjoying the moment. "You have too much to learn, Princess," he said with a wink, reveling in the playful banter.

"Okay, okay, Mr. Smooth," Gwen interjected, shaking her head with a laugh. "Let's get back to the clothes before Duncan starts asking for slaps as payment."

Duncan feigned an offended expression, crossing his arms dramatically. "What's wrong with a little affection for being sexy in ridiculous outfits?"

"Nothing at all, but we're here to help you find something that actually suits you," Bridgette chimed in, glancing back at the fitting room. "Why don't you try something a bit more… you?"

Duncan sighed, giving in to the spirit of the moment. "Fine, I'll give it another shot." He turned back toward the fitting room, determination shining in his eyes, but not before stealing a glance at Courtney. She was still blushing, trying to regain her composure, and that made him laugh again.

As he disappeared behind the curtain, Gwen and Bridgette exchanged amused glances. "This is going to be fun," Bridgette said, grabbing a few more clothes to mix and match.

Courtney nodded, her heart racing with excitement. "And the best part? I'm gonna make sure he looks amazing by the end of this."

The group's laughter echoed through the store, and the playful energy filled the space. The day was far from over.




As the group entered the next clothing store, the vibrant atmosphere buzzed with excitement. The shop was decorated with beach-themed decor, colorful swimsuits hanging on displays like an artist's palette, each more eye-catching than the last. Bright banners advertised special sales, and the sweet scent of sunscreen lingered in the air, setting the perfect tone for a day of shopping.

Bridgette eagerly led the way, her enthusiasm infectious as she pointed out different styles. "You guys, for those of us who love going underwater, I've got some great tips on swimsuits! You want something that fits snugly but still lets you move easily," she explained, rummaging through a rack of colorful bikinis and one-piece suits.

Gwen, though never particularly interested in sports, found herself caught up in the moment. "Well, I did buy one swimsuit," she said, holding up a sleek, dark blue one-piece. "Just in case I need to jump into freezing water. Plus, I got a shirt and shorts for my little brother, Cody, and some cool sunglasses for my mom." She glanced over at the bright colors surrounding them and smiled, appreciating the playful energy of the store.

As they browsed, the conversation shifted to potential craziness on the show. "You know Chris; he'll probably throw us into some ridiculous situation," Duncan remarked, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "So it's a good idea to grab some swimsuits just in case. Who knows what he has planned for us next?"

"Definitely! I'm thinking ahead," Bridgette said, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Can you imagine if we end up in a water challenge? It could happen!"

Ezekiel, who was busy at the register, added, "I found a nice shirt that Geoff usually wears, but I got it in green. It'll fit my style perfectly!" He smiled as he handed over the swimsuits and the shirt, feeling proud of his choices. Shopping for himself was a welcome change, especially since he often wore what his parents picked out for him.

"Do you think Geoff will like this store? I mean, look at all these styles!" Bridgette said, her excitement barely contained as she held up a vibrant swimsuit with tropical prints.

"Geoff likes anything you like, so probably yes," Ezekiel replied, offering a reassuring nod as Duncan perused some unique products made from seashells. He couldn't help but chuckle at Duncan's perplexed expression.

"I'm just saying, these look pretty cool!" Duncan shot back, holding up a necklace made from shells, a hint of rebellion in his voice.

Meanwhile, Courtney and Gwen chatted animatedly about their lives back home, their laughter blending with the upbeat music in the background. Ezekiel felt a warm sense of belonging wash over him, enjoying the camaraderie and realizing how much he had missed this kind of interaction.

Finally, Duncan, now burdened with several shopping bags filled with clothes—some he actually liked, others that Courtney would insist he wears—grunted, "Alright, I think that's enough clothing for now. So what are we going to do next?"

"Hmm, I already have a PDA and a flip phone, but I heard there's an electronics store on the next floor. They probably have plasma TVs and some cool gadgets," Ezekiel said, a mischievous grin spreading across his face as he anticipated the next adventure.

"Now we're talking!" Duncan exclaimed, suddenly energized by the prospect of electronics. The girls rolled their eyes at the boys' predictable enthusiasm.

"Boys and their TVs," Gwen said with a smirk, shaking her head.

"Hey, what can I say? Technology is life!" Duncan replied, his swagger returning as they made their way toward the electronics store, the promise of more fun filling the air. The energy of their day was contagious, setting the stage for whatever wild experiences lay ahead.

Ron the Rent-a-Cop emerged from the infirmary, his head pounding and his pride bruised. He squinted against the bright lights of the Galleria Mall, shaking off the last remnants of dizziness from his embarrassing fall. "Back to work," he muttered to himself, adjusting his tie, which was now slightly askew.

As he stepped out into the bustling mall, the cacophony of voices crashed over him like a wave. The food court was swarming with fans, their excited chatter amplifying with every passing moment. Ron clenched his fists, determination igniting within him. He had to find those so-called celebrities and restore order—preferably before he ended up in the infirmary again.

"Alright, listen up!" he barked, trying to project authority over the raucous crowd. His hawk-like gaze swept over the sea of teenagers, searching for any sign of the infamous Killer Bass. "You need to move along! This is a mall, not a circus!"

But instead of heeding his warning, the crowd only surged forward, excitement bubbling as they spotted someone they recognized. Ron felt a twinge of panic. "No, no, no! You can't just—"

Suddenly, he caught sight of a girl near the front who was brandishing a taser, her eyes wide with shock. "Stay back!" she yelled, pointing the weapon in his direction.

Ron's heart raced. "Whoa! I'm just doing my job—"

The girl, mistaking his authoritative stance for a threat, pressed the button on the taser. A crackling zap echoed through the air, and Ron's instincts kicked in. He leaped to the side, narrowly avoiding the jolt of electricity. The unexpected movement startled a boy beside him, who instinctively jumped away, crashing into another fan.

The ripple effect sent chaos through the crowd. Someone knocked over a skateboard, which rolled into Ron's path. With no time to react, he lost his balance, landing squarely on the board. "Oh no—" was all he had time to shout before the skateboard shot out from under him, sending him careening toward a nearby security cart.

"Not again!" Ron screamed as he collided with the cart, the wheels spinning wildly without anyone to steer. The cart jolted forward, seemingly possessed, as Ron scrambled to regain his footing. The startled onlookers parted like the Red Sea, wide-eyed and gaping as the runaway cart barreled through the crowd.

"Somebody stop that thing!" Ron shouted, but the cart had other plans. It raced down the mall, gaining momentum as Ron struggled to catch up, flailing his arms in a futile attempt to regain control.

"Watch out!" a teen yelled as the cart approached the entrance. Ron's eyes widened in horror as the fountain loomed ahead, water splashing in cheerful arcs.

With a resounding crash, the cart careened straight into the fountain, sending water spraying everywhere. Ron stumbled to a halt, drenched and gasping, the fountain's water cascading around him like a surreal, comedic shower.

The crowd erupted into laughter, the chaos momentarily forgotten as they recorded the scene on their digital cameras. Ron soaked and furious, glared at the grinning faces around him. "This isn't funny!" he yelled, though a part of him couldn't help but feel a little ridiculous.

With his dignity splashed down the fountain's drain, Ron prepared to face the fans once more, reminding himself that somewhere in this pandemonium were the celebrities responsible for all this chaos. "Just wait until I get my hands on those kids," he grumbled, plotting his next move amid the laughter and mayhem.


"So this an actual Dell?" Ezekiel asked as he could see the salesman nodding his head for him, which the boy took an even further look. "How good is the writing program on this?"

"Ideal for people who want to have the good pleasure of creating game simulations on this, I saw some of the kids telling me they were enjoying playing games on this. The basic simulator where people could be doing their own existence." The salesman commented as the boy wearing a winter hat gave a slight look at the laptop. The choices of colors were the most basic in comparison to the actual version of 2024.

It was a terrifying downgrade that would require a lot of patience until the technology came back at the greatest time as they were before.

"I will take it," Ezekiel said as he could see Bridgette, Gwen, and Courtney looking at him in worry in concern, which Ezekiel decided to be honest. "It's for my future stories, I cannot be using my family typewriter all the time, so it would be for the best to leave the trustful machine back on the farm, while I could use something that wouldn't require paper for it."

"Well that's an actual reasonable comment," Gwen said as she had to admit the idea didn't seem bad, but she also had a slight frown on her face. "But are you sure that's a good idea? You know that Chris wouldn't let you use it on the show to take outside information with it."

"Well, he could use storage just to save the archives of the documents, and if only would be for the writing, I think Chris won't mind, the contract says that we are not allowed to use technology to have outside help, that doesn't mean that if we just take out the internet and don't have access to it. It would only be an electronic typewriter, which would have now easier access to a printer." Courtney commented as the group stared at the C.I.T. who had her eyes looking at them in disbelief. "What? I had to read the entire contract just to be sure that we wouldn't be caught on surprising fine prints again."

"Well when you point that way, we could explore this as a way to have access to things," Bridgette said as she looked at the 2-minute hair curlers, knowing that now they have a bit more chance to expend a good time before returning on the show, she would enjoy bringing up a few more stuff with her. What she could say? Ezekiel is making them have a blast on the day.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," A loud pleasure sound caught the ears of the group, as the girls stared at Duncan who felt so comfortable with Tush Control 3000, one of the best massage chairs ever seen by the man, "Ezekiel Man, you need to buy this. If you have 5 of these on Playa Del Losers, I would spend a whole weekend just watching television on this beauty. I have never thought I would feel in love.…"

"Should I be jealous of it?" Courtney said as she could see Duncan ignoring her question as he was feeling so satisfied with the chair. "Wow, to even ignore my question that means this chair is really good."

"Duncan, as much I would love to buy this, we need to focus on the essentials first, I will add this in mind for the future, but firstly I need to focus on the show. But I can write it for my accountant and then it would also depend on the sales of my books. So don't get too much hope on this yet." Ezekiel said as he walked over to two guys who were with their eyebrows raised at him, wearing black shirts and wearing dark glasses, even if they were inside the store. Ezekiel gave a slight look at their name tags, but he could not recall how exactly they were on during the show. "Blade and Christo right?"

"Right away," Blade said as he remained with his cocky nature, which Ezekiel could guess on what the duo were thinking. "Also I want to know if you all have the courage to pass around the show all over again."

Well... that he wasn't expected.

"Did you watch the show?" Ezekiel said as he took his checkbook, but then again usually popular people would try to find a way to find entertainment over.

"Yeah duh, we like to watch crazy weirdos trying to do all the humiliating stuff and to get all the money they could get." Blade said as he gave the smirk, to which Ezekiel nodded his head.

"There we go, heh, surprisingly I'm not even offended by your comment," Ezekiel said as he took a paper and wrote down a little information. "To be honest we also love to laugh over ourselves at how crazy shit we passed during these weeks, but in the end, we just got the fame, we have another season, another chance to get the money. And I'm just giving my money to you, isn't that good to have money around?"

"Words couldn't have been said better." Blade said as he took a look at the check, and also looked at the paper giving on his hand. "What is this?"

"Do you have a delivery service? Just to make sure that I would buy a few Tush Control 3000, I think it would be good to make a better Spa on my resort 5 stars." Ezekiel said as both arrogant cretins suddenly got in silence. "Well thought so, maybe I will hire someone to bring them there, you don't need to worry about that. Anyway, have a great afternoon."

The owners of the store remained quiet, as the homeschooled boy just had flexed on them, even as they were guys who wanted to act high and mighty and have a very successful business around the mall. Screw them, Ezekiel has Playa Del Losers, and he would work his best to have his own coffee farm, if they think they could look down at the farm, then money would give a reality check on them.

"You can have my money, but that doesn't mean that you are the best. Jerks," Ezekiel said with a satisfying nod, as he took the products he bought, as the Killer Bass remained in silence and stared at the store in disgust, which immediately Duncan spat on the floor.

"Forget it, I don't want to be here anymore," Duncan said as he quickly followed Ezekiel, even Courtney, Bridgette, and Gwen had their time, they also took their products and walked away, but they now had in mind that those two were a bunch of arrogant jerks.




"You could have just got away Ezekiel, you shouldn't have bought from them," Gwen said as she crossed her arms, which Ezekiel shook his head.

"Nah, they may have gotten the money, but it was the only time they got it from me," Ezekiel said as he saw the group of fans he simply turned his back and spat in the direction of the store. Which immediately made many fans surprised by the way he looked. And Ezekiel simply walked far away with the group.

"Why did you do that?" Bridgette said as she felt disgusted by the boy doing that, but Duncan nodded his head in understanding.

"It's obvious Bridgette. We are like queen bees, whenever we walk, they would follow us, and if we show a deep dislike of something and with a good reason, then the wave of dislikes would also come as backlash." Duncan said as he gave a few taps on the boy's back, as the group simply walked directly to another store which was now more focused on Stereo Shack, where usually the department of sound and nerdy products would be seen on there. "Harold, are you in there?"

The bustling electronics store was a kaleidoscope of colorful screens and buzzing gadgets, but all eyes were drawn to the center, where a scene straight out of a sci-fi movie was unfolding. The sound of lightsabers clashing echoed through the aisles as Harold, wielding a makeshift lightsaber with determination, battled against a nerdy boy clad in typical nerd attire—thick glasses, a plaid shirt, and a silly black cape. The boy also donned a helmet that was an obvious homage to Star Wars, complete with faux buttons and blinking lights.

"Okay, I thought I would have seen everything, but nerds fighting each other? THAT'S NEW!" Duncan exclaimed, his laughter booming over the chaos. He dramatically looked up at the ceiling, kissed the tips of his fingers, and pointed to the sky. "You're the best!"

Courtney, arms crossed and eyebrows raised, scanned the crowd gathered around the makeshift arena.

"What the hell is going on?" she asked, turning to DJ, Eva, Geoff, and Tyler, who were all watching with rapt attention.

"I have no idea," DJ replied, shaking his head. "Everything started when Geoff was just messing with the stereo system, and then this nerd swoops in with a lightsaber, burning holes in the floor!"

"I could have broken his bones," Eva said with a smirk, "but Harold was faster and punched him right in the face, snatching the lightsaber away."

Geoff nodded in relief, wiping imaginary sweat from his brow. "Harold saved my bacon back there. I didn't think I'd need a hero today!"

As they watched, Harold skillfully dodged another clumsy swing from the nerd boy. The atmosphere was electric, with the crowd egging them on. "I can see the Force growing inside of you," the nerd boy taunted, his confidence returning as he lunged again. "But if you think you can beat me—AHHHHH—!"

Before he could finish his sentence, Harold narrowed his eyes, channeling every ounce of focus he could muster. With a swift, almost balletic move, he seized the nerd boy's throat, gripping it firmly.

"YOU LACK CONVICTION!" Harold boomed, as he held the lightsaber aloft, its red glow illuminating his determined face. His voice deepened as he mirrored the intensity of a Sith Lord.

The nerd boy's eyes widened behind his glasses, and panic set in. Harold brandished his own lightsaber, its red light glowing ominously against his determined face. He held his hand up in a classic Jedi stance, then, with expert precision, he executed a move reminiscent of Bruce Lee's famous one-inch punch. "Next time, don't be a padawan coming in the direction of the Sith. The last thing you want is to see the Empire Strikes Back!"

The impact was stunning; the nerd boy collapsed to the floor with a dramatic thud, the helmet rolling off to reveal a stunned expression.

"Okay, I'm not a fan of Star Wars puns, but I've gotta say, nice work, Harold," Gwen remarked, shaking her head in disbelief as the nerd boy groaned on the floor, clutching his side.

"I'm going to buy two of these, just in case I want my rematch against Izzy," Harold said with a determined nod, his confidence clearly boosted. Ezekiel nodded along, recalling how both of them had their behinds kicked in one of the final episodes of Season 1. Harold's pride had definitely been wounded.

Duncan chuckled, rubbing his stomach. "You know, that was some good entertainment. I'm feeling hungry now—what's better than popcorn to watch Battle of the Nerds: The Nerd Wars?" He raised an eyebrow, already plotting to find a snack.

"Right? This is way more entertaining than I expected," Bridgette agreed, a smile spreading across her face as they all burst into laughter. The absurdity of the moment filled the store with an energy that made their shopping trip all the more memorable.

"Okay now I'm feeling hungry, does anyone want to go to the Food Court to eat something?" Courtney asked, and the group nodded their heads as they seemed to be now going to have a good time for a snack, and have more time to look around the mall before each of them returned home.

(4:00 p.m)

Katie and Sadie were a whirlwind of chatter as they flitted around the store, laughing and joking with the clones. "Can you believe that time we tried to bake cookies and ended up setting the smoke alarm off?" Katie exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

"It was so funny! I still can't believe how we panicked!" Sadie giggled, her enthusiasm contagious. The twins' cheerful banter seemed to drown out the dull ambiance of the Khaki Barn, much to the dismay of the clones. Nikki rolled her eyes, half-grateful and half-annoyed. Ezekiel had sent the twins to keep her company while she worked, telling her to "stay strong."

"Thanks, Ezekiel, but did you really have to send the twins?" Nikki muttered to herself, glancing at Katie and Sadie. At least it was just the twins and not the rest of the Killer Bass. She had watched as they scattered off to other stores, seeking styles that fit their unique personalities, which only made her giggle at how absurd it was.

Meanwhile, Katie and Sadie continued their chatter, completely oblivious to the fact that their endless talk was grating on the clones' nerves. Each time they laughed, the clones would share annoyed glances, a testament to just how entertaining the situation was for Nikki. She couldn't help but smirk as she watched Kirsten gag at the mention of the show's infamous "Brunch of Disgustness" episode. Chrissi, ever the vigilant one, made sure no talk of the reality show broke out among the clones.

"Just a typical day in the Khaki Barn, right?" Nikki sighed dramatically, leaning against the counter with a resigned expression. To say that Khaki Barn was the bane of her existence was the pure, irrefutable truth. Ever since she had started working here, it felt like the walls were closing in on her.

The store's slogan, "The Khaki Barn: Where Individuality is Highly Overrated," rubbed her the wrong way. It was like a slap in the face to her individualistic personality. How could anyone embrace conformity through fashion? She often found herself questioning her choices every day.

As customers filtered through, debating their favorite [i]Total Drama/i] episodes while she tried to sell them the store's drab attire, Nikki struggled to suppress her disdain. The time flew by in a blur, and before she knew it, the clock read 16:00. "Finally! Lunchtime!" she cheered internally, feeling a wave of relief wash over her.

"Hey, girls! I'll be back in a bit!" she called to Katie and Sadie, who were still blissfully unaware of the world outside their chatter. As she stepped away, a small smile crept onto her face at the thought of escaping the conformity of Khaki Barn, even if just for a little while.

After emerging from the fountain in a dripping mess, Ron the Rent-a-Cop shook his head, sending water flying like a wet dog. "Alright, this time, I'm really going to regain control," he declared, wiping his face with the back of his hand. "No more distractions."

The mall buzzed with renewed energy, the fans buzzing with excitement as they chattered about the latest developments in the chaos. His patience wore thin.

"Alright, everyone!" he called out, raising his hands to capture attention. "I need you all to—"

But his voice was drowned out by the cacophony of laughter and excited shouts. He spotted a few girls pointing and giggling, With a deep breath, he steeled himself. "Time to take charge!"

With determination coursing through him, Ron marched toward the center of the food court, his tie flapping like a flag of authority. "Listen up! I'm going to—"

A loud explosion of laughter erupted from a nearby table, one of them donned a makeshift cape and began mimicking his earlier antics, throwing himself dramatically to the floor.

"Seriously?" Ron muttered, but before he could react, a sudden commotion erupted from the far end of the food court. A group of teenagers, holding balloons and banners, had just spotted the Killer Bass entering the mall.

"Over there! It's them!" a girl shouted, pointing toward the entrance.

In a split second, the throng of fans turned and surged toward the entrance like a stampede of excited cattle. Ron's heart sank. "No! I can't let this happen again!"

He raced after them, determined to intercept the oncoming wave of energy. "Stop! Everyone, back to your—"

The crowd had reached a fever pitch, and the energy felt electric. As Ron neared the entrance, he spotted a security cart parked nearby, the one he had just narrowly avoided moments earlier. "If I can just get to that cart," he thought, eyes locked on his goal. "I can gain some control."

But as he reached for the cart, he felt the ground tremble beneath him. A group of teenage girls carrying giant inflatable swords barreled past, and Ron caught off guard, stumbled.

"Whoa!" he yelped, his arms flailing as he lost his balance once more. He grasped for the cart, but his fingers slipped off the handle, and with a sickening thud, he fell backward.

The inflatable swords were everywhere, and as Ron hit the ground, a cascade of balloons floated above him. One of the girls, not seeing him, let go of her balloon, which drifted right into Ron's face, blinding him momentarily. "Get off me!" he shouted, swatting at the balloon as it bounced off his head.

This was the final straw. Ron scrambled to get up, but the stampede of fans had reached its peak. One enthusiastic teenager leaped over him, while another bumped into his side, sending him stumbling into the now-empty security cart. The cart, somehow still on the move, began to roll toward the escalators.

"No, no, no!" Ron screamed, realizing he was on a collision course with disaster once , he lunged for the steering wheel, but it slipped through his fingers.

The cart gathered speed, and Ron could feel panic rising in his chest. "Not again!" he howled, as the cart hurtled toward the escalators, his heart racing faster than the ride itself.

With a final crash, the cart hit the edge, tipping over dramatically. Ron was thrown forward like a ragdoll, arms flailing in a wild bid to regain balance, but it was too late. He crashed onto the escalators, tumbling down the steps in an embarrassing, flailing motion, arms and legs everywhere, like a human tumbleweed.

A collective gasp filled the air as the teenagers pulled out their cameras, capturing his downfall yet again. The escalators whirred ominously, sending Ron crashing down with each step, his body rolling in a cartoonish fashion.

Finally, he landed in a heap at the bottom, a dazed look on his face as the world spun around him. For a moment, silence enveloped the crowd, before an eruption of laughter rang out, the earlier chaos fading into fits of giggles.

Ron lay there, sprawled out like a defeated superhero, his dignity in tatters and his pride shattered once more. Just as he began to collect his thoughts, the world blurred around him, and before he knew it, everything faded to black.

Chapter 53: Enjoying the rest of the second day off

Chapter Text


Bookstore - 12:00 hours.

Jonesy walked into the bookstore, the bell above the door chiming cheerfully as he stepped inside. The familiar scent of paper and coffee greeted him, but today, that comfort was quickly overshadowed by an unexpected sight. His eyes widened as he took in the chaos of the back room: hundreds of cardboard boxes stacked haphazardly, each filled to the brim with books.

The store owner, a grizzled man with a wild beard, spotted Jonesy and a wide grin broke across his face. "Perfect timing, Jonesy! I knew you'd come in handy today. We've got 15,000 new arrivals, and they need to be unpacked and shelved ASAP!"

Jonesy's heart sank at the enormity of the task ahead. Fifteen thousand books? He thought, wiping a bead of sweat from his forehead. The sheer volume was daunting, and he could already feel the weight of the day pressing down on him. "Uh, sure, no problem," he replied, attempting to sound enthusiastic despite the knot forming in his stomach.

As he rolled up his sleeves and began tearing into the boxes, the task quickly became an exercise in endurance. He unpacked titles from classic literature to the latest graphic novels, methodically organizing them by genre as he worked. The rhythm of his task was interrupted only by the occasional customer wandering in, browsing the shelves with carefree abandon.




After a couple of hours of tireless unpacking, Jonesy had finally managed to sort through a significant number of the books. He felt a sense of pride as he surveyed the shelves filling up with vibrant covers. He was just about to take a well-deserved break when he noticed a small boy perusing a shelf nearby.

With an innocent grin, the boy spotted a Courage the Cowardly Dog book nestled at the bottom of one of Jonesy's carefully stacked piles. Without a second thought, he lunged for it, his excitement palpable. "Mom! Look!"

"No, no, no!" Jonesy yelled, lunging forward in a futile attempt to stop the impending disaster. The boy's enthusiastic tug sent the entire tower of books tumbling to the floor in a cacophony of paper and covers. Jonesy watched in horror as his hard work crumbled before his eyes.

"Great," he muttered, exasperation creeping into his voice. "Just great." With a heavy sigh, he bent down to collect the scattered volumes, cursing the kid under his breath. "Why couldn't they just keep their hands to themselves?"

As he picked up the books, he couldn't help but notice the wide-eyed look of amusement on the boy's face. "That was awesome!" the kid exclaimed, completely oblivious to the chaos he had just caused. Jonesy plastered on a forced smile, trying to maintain his patience as he restacked the fallen books yet again.




Finally getting everything sorted, Jonesy felt a glimmer of hope. He leaned against the shelf, surveying his work. "Okay, I can do this," he thought. "Just a few more piles, and I'll be finished."

But just as he started rearranging another stack, a couple of teenagers walked in, laughing and joking as they perused the aisles. One of them, a tall girl with brightly dyed hair, casually bumped into a nearby shelf while reaching for a book. The impact was enough to send a small cascade of novels tumbling to the ground.

"No! Not again!" Jonesy exclaimed, watching helplessly as his carefully constructed tower toppled once more, crashing to the floor. He felt his hope drain away as he dropped to his knees, desperately trying to salvage the books. "Why did I even bother?"

After re-stacking the books for what felt like the hundredth time, he took a deep breath, his frustration simmering just below the surface. He could feel the pressure building as he continued to work, knowing that the longer he stayed on the floor, the more precarious the situation became.




Just as Jonesy thought things couldn't possibly get worse, a customer approached him, holding a book aloft. "Excuse me, do you have this in paperback?" she asked, pointing to the title in his stack.

Jonesy tried to maintain his composure as he replied, "Uh, let me check for you." He carefully leaned down to find the paperback version of the book, making sure to balance the precarious stack of novels beside him. But as he reached for the book, his elbow bumped against the shelf, sending another wave of books crashing to the ground.

"Seriously?!" he shouted, frustration boiling over as he stood up, fists clenched at his sides. "Why can't anyone just be careful?" The chaos seemed relentless, and he felt defeated by the never-ending cycle of restacking.

With a dramatic sigh, he sank down onto the floor, surrounded by a sea of fallen books once more. His face buried in his hands, he couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all. "What is wrong with this day?" he muttered to himself, accepting that today might just be one of those days where nothing went right.

16:30 hours.

At precisely 4:30 p.m., Caitlin strolled back toward The Big Squeeze after what had been one of the best shopping days of her life. She felt like she was on top of the world. Earlier that day, she had received the biggest tip of her entire work history $2,000, and it had turned her whole week around. Immediately, she used $1,000 to pay off part of her debt from her dad's credit card, easing the stress that had been nagging at her. With the other $1,000, she treated herself to a shopping spree across her favorite stores in the mall, taking full advantage of the sales happening that day.

As she strutted through the food court, she was practically glowing with happiness. Her arms were loaded with bags, filled with the latest fashion pieces—skirts, blouses, accessories—all the essentials to keep her wardrobe trendy. With every step, she couldn't stop smiling, reveling in the joy of new clothes and financial relief. Today had been perfect.

But as she approached The Big Squeeze, her attention was pulled toward Wyatt, who sat at one of the tables, casually sipping his coffee. In front of him were three books, and as soon as Caitlin spotted them, her eyes widened in surprise, sparkling with excitement. One of the books was Courage the Cowardly Dog, an edition she already owned. But the other two? Adventure Time and Steven Universe! She gasped audibly. "Steven Universe and Adventure Time? From what Ezekiel said, they were supposed to be on sale starting tomorrow." she thought to herself, her shopping bags momentarily forgotten as she marveled at Wyatt's early access to such hot items.

Next to Wyatt, however, was a very different scene. Jonesy, wearing the uniform of the bookstore, was face-down on the table, clearly in desperate need of rest. His messy hair stuck out in all directions as he lay motionless, utterly defeated by his shift. Caitlin frowned, concerned but also curious—Jonesy had only been working for four hours. Surely, it couldn't have been that bad.

"Jonesy?" Caitlin called out gently as she approached, setting her bags down next to her chair. She could tell right away that something was very wrong. He groaned in response, slowly lifting his head to reveal the look of pure exhaustion etched on his face.

"You okay?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

Jonesy, still in his bookstore uniform, stared at her, barely managing to sit up straight. His eyelids drooped as he explained, "I've been pilling 15,000 books... fifteen thousand. 5 thousand on one side, 5 thousand on the other side, and 5 thousand on the middle, and when I thought everything was nice, there was just a cretin or little brat who just took a book from the bottom of the pile, dropping all the books, and I had to pile them all over again. My arms feel like jelly." He let out a dramatic sigh, sinking back into his seat. "I thought working here would be a breeze, but this... this is like torture."

"That's horrible, shouldn't there have been more people to help you out with that?" Caitlin asked as Jonesy hummed in agreement.

"We had 5 people to pile everything, so everyone got frustrated when that happened. I swear, if tomorrow doesn't have people buying all those books, and leaves thousands remaining, I will lose my shit." Jonesy said as Caitlin couldn't help but feel sympathy for the boy, and even the writer said he had pity for Jonesy since that quantity of books was abnormal.

"Also talking about the books, how did you manage to get them, Wyatt?" Caitlin asked as the musician of the group was still drinking the book, and he was so immersed that he couldn't even listen to his friend. "Wyatt? WYATT!"

"Ah, oh, hey Caitlin." The boy was startled as he saw the girl raising her eyebrows at him, and he looked sheepishly at her. "Sorry about that, was distracted reading this book of Courage the Cowardly Dog, I didn't know it was a horror book, but it's mixed with."

"A wholesome ending, and sometimes a good joke in the end." Caitlin nodded her head as she pointed out the other books on the table. "I was curious about the other two books, how did you get them?"

"Oh, I went to check on Jonesy, and from all the work he had, he got the 3 books as a tip for working hard of the day," Wyatt explained as he was very immersed in the book. "And from how tired Jonesy was feeling, I couldn't help but give myself a read before going to work on there tomorrow, to see what I'm working with."

"Oh, oh, can I read the Steven Universe? I have been eager to read that since the episode where Bridgette and Gwen talked about the book on the show." Caitlin commented as the boy could see Jonesy simply shrugging, and letting the girl squeal in happiness. "Okay, let me see what it is about, there is so much I could be reading right now."

"Shouldn't you be working?" Jonesy asked as Caitlin shook her head.

"I just fulfilled the quota, and Ezekiel was nice to give a tip for all of us, he said 2 thousand dollars for each of us to enjoy our day at the mall," Caitlin said as immediately Wyatt stopped drinking his coffee, and Jonesy had his eyes wide open and energy went back to his body.

"Awesome, man! Being friends with famous people is the best!" Jonesy exclaimed, his excitement palpable. He could feel the weight of his worries lifting, knowing that for once, he wouldn't have to stress about his finances.

"Don't let that go to your head, Jonesy," a voice interjected, and the group turned to see Jen approaching. She yawned, but her face looked almost refreshed, a stark contrast to the exhaustion on Jonesy's.

"Wow, what the hell happened to you?" Caitlin asked, eyeing her friend with a mix of curiosity and concern.

Jen chuckled softly, brushing a stray hair behind her ear. "You wouldn't believe it. I had a surprise encounter with the entire Killer Bass crew. They came into the Penalty Box and decided to buy as many products as they could." She rolled her eyes, a smile creeping onto her lips. "I had to sell to all of them while Coach Halder and the others dealt with the fans. It was a total madhouse!"

"Sounds chaotic!" Wyatt remarked, setting down his book to lean forward, intrigued.

"Oh, it was! But I've never sold so many sports items in one day—excluding Christmas, of course." Jen shrugged, her exhaustion seeming to fade as she recounted the story. "And you know what? They were all really nice to me, surprisingly. I'm just so tired now, that I had to sleep on the punishment timer, which I don't remember sleeping on there, but I was woken up by Coach Halder to have my lunch break, and after doing all the work... It was worth it."

"Wow, you've had quite the day, huh?" Jonesy said, shaking his head in disbelief. "Maybe I should start taking notes from you on how to sell stuff! After we take the rest of the day buying stuff for ourselves, since now we have good money in our hands."

"Just remember to keep your books from falling off the shelves first," Caitlin teased, smirking as she waved the Steven Universe book at him.

Jonesy feigned a wounded look, clutching his chest. "Ouch! I'm wounded, Caitlin! Can't a guy have a rough day without being reminded of it?"

"Only if you can keep from causing any more book avalanches," Jen quipped back, her smile infectious. As she never thought to see Jonesi that exhausted. Well both of them were, but nothing like a good time on the mall wouldn't solve it.

"Hey guys," And just on that, Nikki appeared as if she never had such a cathartic feeling on her being. "I'm so glad the lunch break started, which means I can enjoy it while knowing the clones are suffering from the twins of Killer Bass."

"How are you sure about that?" Jonesy asked as his face went back to the table, and Nikki raised her eyebrows to look at her friend in such a state.

"What happened to you?" The girl asked and Jonest groaned a bit.

"Thousands of books needing to pile, just for being dropped a few times." The tan boy commented as even Nikki flinched from such a thought.

"Wow, I'm so glad that I'm not you," Nikki smirked as the boy simply rolled his eyes in response to such a comment.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, keep laughing. You have no idea how much it sucked for working a lot of hours." Jonesy said as he got up to the table to tell his point. "That's an exploration, nobody should have suffered so much like that..."

"Not even if that included 2 thousand dollars as part of your tip?" Caitlin asked which immediately Jonesy got out of the table and sat in his place.

"Yeah. But I needed so hard work to be done anyway. Anyway, can you give my part?" Jonesy asked immediately after grabbing a band of money the boy couldn't be happier. "I'm so glad to come to work today."

The girls rolled their eyes as they laughed. While Wyatt kept reading the book.

"Hey, did anyone know where Jude is?" Caitlin asked which Wyatt was more than happy to tell.

"The Killer Bass returned to the food court, and Jude offered a few sticks and also helped them to decide which place would be the best for them to try the food." The boy commented as the group could see the crowd gathering around, which immediately Nikki had to roll her eyes.

"Those guys don't get tired? I mean, I know they were famous. But being circling them the whole day? Must have been a nightmare." Nikki commented as both Caitlin and Jen nodded their heads.

"Maybe next time they are going to be in disguise to not happen like that again," Caitlin suggested as she could see Ezekiel actually using once again his disguise to be away from the public just for the sake of enjoying himself.

"Or they could hire a bodyguard to prevent the crowd from annoying them." Jen also thought about the possibility. "I wonder how Jude is doing since being around them was very chaotic, and tiring just into selling products to each of them separately."

"I'm sure Jude is going to be fine," Jonesy commented as he waved at his future step-sister. "He is already friends with Courtney."

"Yeah, I'm more curious about how is passing on his mind now that he is with his childhood friend," Caitlin said as she couldn't help but smile at seeing the group from far away since the roar of Eva was enough to make all the fans step away from the bodybuilder who was on the limit of her patience.


"Okay, who asked for 10 pizza sticks?" Jude said as he himself never thought he would have been working a lot, even as much he liked to think his job sometimes was easy but to run from one side of the food court while skateboarding had been more difficult when there was a huge crowd in front of him.

"Here," Geoff said as he smiled as he found a very chill and awesome dude, since knowing Courtney's childhood friend was a very nice guy, and how Geoff found a kinship with him since both liked to skateboard.

"Okay, it will be 50 bucks," Jude said as Courtney seemed to be the one who decided to pay for her friends.

"Okay... err... sorry Jude, but I only have 100," Courtney said as she showed the hundred note, which was enough for the chill boy to wave his hand.

"No problemo, I will bring the change quickly," Jude commented as he immediately used his skateboard, leaving the group of friends enjoying the work of the boy who seemed to be happy working on the mall.

"I have to confess, I never thought to see Jude being the type of person working around," Courtney said as she sighed but also showed a happy smile on her face. "I always thought that he would be too lazy around to actually put an effort into something.

"That's because you have no idea how much trouble he caused on the mall Courtney, but what the heart doesn't see, doesn't get hurt." Ezekiel thought to himself, as he remembered clearly so many changes that happened on the show, Jude got fired from the Stick It because he messed up into buying products that had cockroaches on them, and worst of all, he made it all the clients ate them by accident, not only he was fired, but the store stick it was closed down. But then he worked in another store which was VHS and DVD, where Jonesy had a personal vendetta with the store manager, in the end, the store was closed down... and then in the end Jude won against an old person in a gaming store... which made him a... manager of the store? "Wait, Jude said he was manager of many stablishments by lying on the stick it curriculum... Wow, it seems his lies became the truth in the future. From manager to end as a manager."

Those were the thoughts Ezekiel never realized how interesting foreshadowing the writers of 6teen managed to make the chill and coolest boy of the show end up like that, which also fit the good future that they planned to make for everyone.

As such, the group of Killer Bass decided to give a try on the kebab of Pizza, which in the end showed it was an interesting flavor and something neat to eat in the afternoon. But still Ezekiel had to return to configure his new laptop, as Duncan was checking the new clothes he bought, Harold was checking the new lightsabers and new products that they bought, and Geoff was kissing Bridgette which the group was just fine since they had been holding up the whole day, and it was a good record, so they made an exception of that time, especially since there was a weird couple who didn't stop kissing at the moment they were over there.

DJ was waving at a few fans, some even squealed happily, as the group was starting to get used to the fans until someone messed up and got punched by Eva, but everyone was enjoying the good day they were having. And then Tyler who was eating his kebab decided to ask a question.

"Hmm... hey guys..." Tyler started, his voice carrying an unusual weight as he paused, deep in thought. The rest of the Killer Bass boys exchanged curious glances. The girls, mid-bite of their meals, paused too, sensing something serious as Tyler stared intently at his friends. "Would you guys be there for me... if I was going through something?"

The question hung in the air for literally a second before Harold was the first one to give the answer, but one that nobody expected.

"No," he said flatly, without even looking up from where he was fiddling with his lightsaber.

"Nope," Ezekiel followed, his eyes glued to the screen of his laptop, fingers typing away.

"Absolutely not," Duncan added, barely giving Tyler a glance as he adjusted his new chain collar.

"I'll be too busy throwing a party. You're invited... but only if you don't show up." Geoff commented as he was taking out his hat, and looked far more interested than the conversation.

"I'd rather binge-watch a slow documentary on grass growing." DJ, the kindest one said such a comment which immediately made the whole group of girls had their mouths open wide. Immediately Ezekiel, Duncan, Harold, and Geoff force themselves to hold their laugh...

Their responses were so rapid, so cold, that it felt like Tyler had just been hit by a train. He blinked, trying to process what had just happened.

The girls, meanwhile, stared wide-eyed. Gwen's fork froze mid-air. Courtney, shocked, glared at Duncan.

"I hope it sucks whatever you're going through," Duncan added, smirking as he leaned back in his chair, arms crossed. His comment broke DJ and Geoff's composure. They let out snorts, trying to hold back the laughter.

"I hope it sucks, dude... like, really sucks."Geoff, chuckling, wiped a tear from his eye.

"What the fuck?" Tyler managed, looking at each of them, completely blindsided. But it didn't stop there.

The group of boys began to laugh harder, their cruel amusement building. Tyler, now bewildered beyond reason, opened his mouth to respond, but Ezekiel beat him to it.

"I hope it emotionally scars you for the rest of your life," Ezekiel said, his deadpan delivery making it all the more savage. That sent Duncan, Ezekiel, and Geoff into a fit of laughter, while DJ clapped his hands on the table, unable to contain himself.

Tyler looked around, pale and shocked, the color draining from his face as the cruelty of their words sank in. The girls exchanged horrified glances, Bridgette nearly dropping her smoothie.

"I hope you reach out to me," Harold chimed in, adjusting his glasses, "so I can ignore you." This time, even DJ, usually the gentle giant, couldn't stop himself from losing it, his deep belly laugh booming through the air.

Tyler's jaw dropped, his disbelief morphing into something beyond words. He buried his face in his hands as the boys cackled.

"And dude, like," Geoff managed through his laughter, wiping away tears, "if you do reach out, just know I'll be too busy... uh, partying or something."

DJ, trying to regain some composure, leaned forward. "Nah, man, for real though... I'm probably gonna be too busy helping my mom's daycare to notice." Even though he said it with a grin, there was a tinge of sincerity in DJ's voice, which somehow made it worse.

"I can't wait to go to your funeral," Duncan added, leaning forward with a wicked grin, "knowing I could have changed that outcome." The entire group erupted in hysterics, the laughter of DJ, Geoff, and Ezekiel echoing through the space.

Tyler, utterly devastated, lifted his head, staring at them like he was trying to comprehend what just happened. "Oh BROTHER, WHAT THE HELL?" His voice cracked into a mix of frustration and disbelief. "I just asked if you'd be there for me!"

The boys laughed even harder, Harold nearly dropping his lightsaber as he doubled over. Geoff slapped DJ on the back, sending both of them into another fit of laughter. Even Ezekiel was laughing that tears formed at the corners of his eyes from laughing so hard.

The girls looked at each other in complete disbelief. Courtney, arms crossed, glared daggers at Duncan, her patience long gone. "What is wrong with you?!"

Duncan shrugged, still grinning. "It's our way to show friendship. You ask something that mushy, we gotta outdo each other in who can be the most sadistic and cold. It's just how we roll." He looked proud like it was some sort of twisted badge of honor.

Gwen arched a brow. "That's your idea of friendship?"

"We did a lot of that on the Playa Del Losers," Duncan rolled his eyes. "It's our thing. You wouldn't get it."

Courtney groaned, exasperated. "So none of that was real?"

"We speak more with actions, not words," Duncan explained, nodding toward Geoff and DJ, who were still recovering from laughter. "Of course, we'd be there for him... but we're not gonna tell him that. Where's the fun in that?"

"You're all crazy. That's just... cruel." Bridgette, ever the empathetic one, glanced at Geoff.

Geoff grinned, throwing an arm around her shoulder. "Nah, babe, it's all in good fun. We'd totally be there for Ty. It's just... you know, dumb questions get cold answers."

Courtney narrowed her eyes. "Why not just say 'yes'? Would that kill you?"

"Because it's boring," Duncan said with a mischievous smirk. "We had way more fun doing this."

Tyler groaned, slumping forward on the table, his face buried in his arms. Ezekiel, calming down from his fit of laughter, gave Tyler's back a few supportive pats. "Don't worry, eh, we're just messin' with ya."

"Yeah, man," DJ said, finally managing to control his laughter as he reached across the table to gently tap Tyler's shoulder. "You know we got your back. It's just—"

"It's just funnier this way," Harold finished, wiping his glasses, still chuckling.

Tyler lifted his head, his face flushed from embarrassment and disbelief. "You guys are the worst."

"We love you too, bro," Geoff said, grinning ear to ear, while the rest of the boys nodded in agreement.

Courtney, shaking her head, muttered under her breath, "Boys..."

Despite the absurdity of the situation, the girls couldn't help but exchange smirks, realizing this was just how the guys operated. As Tyler's bewilderment lingered, Courtney leaned closer to Duncan.

"You do realize that, like, normal people talk about their feelings, right?"

"Like Ezekiel had said before..." Duncan gave her a lopsided grin. "Where's the fun in normal?"

As the girls were about to ask more about their crazy way of viewing friendship. Katie and Sadie appeared among the loud crowd of fans as they came to sit with all the clothing bags they had to bring from Khaki Barn.

"Oh look who came? The twins dunderheads." Duncan commented as he raised his eyebrows from seeing all that quantity of bags, which he went to 4 clothing stores and even he didn't take that large quantity of clothes, "Did you pay all Ezekiel's money on clothes?"

"Yep?" Both Katie and Sadie nodded their heads happily.

"I took a few clothes that I know Cody would look so lovely on it, look," Katie said as she brought a long-sleeved white shirt, which the group couldn't help but notice that Cody indeed would look fine by wearing something simple yet fitting his personality. "I had a few other shirts for him which would make him look great. A collar for him as well. Also, my mom will love what Khaki Barn has to offer, I think I bought so much clothing that I even got a discount after everything."

"Ohh, oh, me too. I bought many things for my mom and my little sister, Cindy, that I know they are going to love the blouses I brought for them and even dresses." Sadie said as she was smiling from ear to ear, and they once again returned to their usual self, which the group couldn't help but chuckle from their interaction.

"Well, gotta say, buying clothes was interesting," Duncan admitted as the group looked at him in surprise, excluding Ezekiel, Courtney, Bridgette, and Gwen, they had a pretty nice time buying clothes. "Also, you guys should check out the next floor, Harold, even I know that you are going to replace your shirt burger after having all the money you got from Ezekiel today. So why not try something like my style?"

"Do you really think me would fit dressing like you?" Harold said as he raised his eyebrows, and that made Duncan pause for a second, and then identify that Harold had too skinny arms, even as they held a strong punch, that string arm wouldn't look cool on it.

"Fair point, but come on, at least buy a skull black shirt, skull makes everything awesome," Duncan said as Harold sniffed, and rolled his eyes.

"Not sure if Punk will really fit my style, but I will buy some clothes on the next floor," Harold said, and the group stared at each other, not unsure of what to say.

"Go with him and help him to decide on his clothes, we are putting our faith in you, Katie," Ezekiel whispered something to the tan twin's ear, which she immediately giggled but also saluted.

"Got it," Katie said as she was the one who was also doing the design of clothing, so learning the styles and even trying to help her friends dress better, would help them start on the right foot the season 2.

"But while you all decide to go over there, I'm going to make a tattoo," Ezekiel chimed in casually. The whole group froze, turning to stare at him, everyone except Duncan and Courtney, who had already known this was going to happen.

"Wait, do you mean you're finally going to fulfill that bet you made with Izzy?" Harold was the first to recall the bet, his eyes wide in disbelief. The others quickly pieced it together.

"Ezekiel, are you sure that's wise?" Bridgette's concern was immediate, her voice soft but insistent. "I mean, it's a tattoo... it's probably going to stick forever."

Duncan snickered, waving his hand dismissively. "Bridge, don't even bother. We already had this talk. Ezekiel's mind's made up." He smirked, the rebellious glint in his eyes unmistakable. "Besides, if Zeke's getting one, I might as well get one too. Why not?"

Ezekiel shot Duncan a thumbs-up, clearly on board with the idea.

Eva, who had been quietly observing, raised an eyebrow at Courtney. "And you're okay with this?" she asked.

Courtney let out a deep, frustrated sigh, her hands running through her hair as if she were mentally reliving the exhausting conversation. "Trust me, I tried to talk sense into them. It's pointless. Their minds are made up, and it's like arguing with a brick wall. At least it's just the two of them." She started, but before she could finish her sentence, the inevitable interruption came.

"Awesome! Count me in! I want a tattoo too!" Harold blurted out enthusiastically.

Courtney slammed her forehead onto the table with a groan, her hand dragging down her face in disbelief. "Oh, come on..."

Geoff was next to speak, his usual laid-back grin widening. "I like the idea! What better way to show we're all friends than to get matching Killer Bass tattoos?"

The room fell silent as DJ hesitated. Geoff noticed and patted him on the back reassuringly. "Hey, DJ, no pressure, man. If you don't want to, it's cool. But just so you know, my buddy Brody told me that the upper arm is one of the least painful spots. He said the worst places to get inked are on your feet and fists."

DJ breathed a sigh of relief, nodding slightly. "Well... okay, maybe something small. But nothing too crazy."

Courtney threw her hands up in the air in sheer exasperation. "Are you all out of your minds?"

Duncan leaned back, crossing his arms over his chest with that familiar mischievous smirk. "Come on, Princess. It's not that big a deal. We've been through way worse stuff on the show. Besides, it's our thing now. A team thing. What about you girls?"

Courtney's eyes narrowed as she crossed her arms in defiance. "Oh no, don't even think about dragging me into this. I've already made peace with wearing goth clothes, but a tattoo? No way. My family would lose it if they found out."

Duncan grinned and leaned in closer. "Cluck, cluck, cluck," he teased, imitating a chicken, his hands mimicking wings flapping at his sides.

Courtney's eyes twitched with annoyance. "Really, Duncan? Chicken noises? So mature," she spat sarcastically, glaring at him.

Before she could even react further, Eva suddenly spoke up. "I'm in."

Courtney's face fell as she turned to Eva, feeling completely betrayed. "Eva, no!"

Eva just shrugged, her muscular arms crossed over her chest, looking unphased. "I've got scars from all the fights I had with the Serial Killer. Might as well cover some of them with something cool. Besides, it'll make people think twice before picking a fight with me." The group knew Eva's ambitions to join the MMA championships, and her reasoning made perfect sense to them.

Katie giggled as she raised her hand. "If Eva's doing it, I think I'll get one too."

Sadie gasped excitedly. "Oh my gosh, me too! I was just thinking the same thing!"

Courtney's head hit the table again, muttering under her breath. "I can't believe this..."

Bridgette leaned over to Geoff, whispering, "Well, at least Katie and Cody are together now. They're a bit less co-dependent than they used to be."

Geoff nodded in agreement, grinning.

But Courtney wasn't done with her shock. She glanced around and noticed Gwen and Bridgette raising their hands as well. "Oh, come on! Even you two?"

Bridgette smiled calmly. "Honestly, my mom has a couple of tattoos. She's always told me to get one I'd actually like, and a Killer Bass tattoo feels... meaningful, you know?"

Gwen shrugged nonchalantly, twirling a lock of hair around her finger. "All my friends have tattoos. I've been thinking about getting one for a while. I might do a Killer Bass eating a Gopher skeleton."

Ezekiel chimed in, always eager to contribute his quirky ideas. "Or what if you made it like Alien? The Killer Bass bursting out of the Gopher's chest?"

Gwen's eyes lit up. "That's... actually brilliant."

Courtney groaned, clutching her head as if the headache of this entire conversation was finally getting to her. "I'm the only sane one left..."

Duncan chuckled, leaning in closer to Courtney. "Come on, Princess. We were all on Total Drama Island. We lost our sanity long ago." He winked, then added, "Besides, it's not the end of the world. We're all doing our own versions of the tattoo. You just gotta trust the artist. You might even be surprised."

Courtney sighed heavily, her resolve weakening as she looked into Duncan's eyes. She knew he was right, even if she didn't want to admit it. "Fine. Why do I even bother?"

She glanced around the group, each of them excited and ready to get inked. Her heart pounded in her chest, but the look on Duncan's face—his hand outstretched toward her, his reassuring smile—gave her a moment of pause. She gulped dryly, still hesitant, but something rebellious stirred within her, perhaps fueled by her newfound goth style.

"Alright," she muttered, taking Duncan's hand. "But it better be small. Something subtle. And if the artist messes it up, I'm out."

Duncan's smile turned softer, no longer the mischievous grin. He was genuinely proud of her for considering it. "Don't worry. Trust me on this. You'll be happy with it. I promise."

Courtney rolled her eyes, half regretting the decision already, but there was no turning back now. "I really hope so..."




"Okay Courtney, I didn't find 50 bucks, but I managed to make a few kebabs for you to eat later," Jude after once again passing toward the crowd, he was eager to bring a few sticks with him to help to feed the friends of her friend, but suddenly when he gave a look around, the table was empty, and he fans who were once there, also disappeared. Even after he had to cross the river of the people passing around. "Dudes? Where are you?"

The group stood just outside the tattoo parlor, the soft hum of tattoo machines buzzing from within. It was a strange feeling—who would've thought that getting a tattoo could be this nerve-wracking? Across the mall, the parlor looked far more upscale than any of them had imagined. Through the glass doors, they could see a deep scarlet carpet leading inside, with sleek beige chairs arranged neatly along the walls. The place had a sleek, modern vibe, but it also carried a rebellious edge. Symbols of different tattoos—tribal designs, abstract art, and personalized sketches—decorated the walls like a gallery of skin art. The faint smell of ink and disinfectant lingered in the air as they stepped inside, each handed an artistic folder by the receptionist.

Inside the folders, they found the work of the five tattoo artists at the parlor. Each had a unique style, from traditional black and grey shading to vibrant, colorful pieces. And then, tucked away in one of the sections, they found something surprising—tattoo designs inspired by Total Drama. The group's eyes widened as they flipped through page after page of custom flags for the Killer Bass and Screaming Gophers. There were countless variations, from simple designs to elaborate reinterpretations of their team logos. There was even one design that showed Ezekiel, Courtney, and Duncan as the symbolic pillars of the Killer Bass, an inside joke among the fans.

"I can't believe I'm doing this," Courtney muttered, her voice shaky. She sat in one of the private tattoo booths, nervously eyeing the artist—a hulking, tattoo-covered man who looked more like a bouncer than an artist. Her stomach knotted in regret, wishing she hadn't been talked into it.

Just as she was about to bail, a second artist—a younger woman with a friendly smile—popped into the booth. "Don't worry," the woman said kindly, sensing Courtney's unease. "It's going to be a simple design, and I promise you'll love it."

Courtney forced a weak smile but still mumbled under her breath, "Why did I let myself get talked into this?"

And she wasn't the only one feeling apprehensive. Even DJ, the group's gentle giant, was visibly uncomfortable as he eyed the tattoo machines. But what made it worse was the fact that some fans had gathered outside the parlor, peering through the windows, waiting to see what tattoos the famous Total Drama stars would get. There was no backing out now.

"Guys, seriously, stop being scared," Ezekiel said, surprising even himself by how confident he sounded. "It's not a big deal. It was supposed to be just me and Duncan getting tattoos, but now you're all overthinking it."

Courtney shot him a look, her eyes pleading. "Ezekiel, please… this is insane. Can't we just—"

But Ezekiel rolled his eyes, already heading into one of the booths before she could finish. He wasn't about to let the others see him freak out, even though his heart was pounding just as much as theirs.

Once inside, Ezekiel was greeted by the tattoo artists, all five of them ready and eager to get started. He had seen shows like 6teen where people got tattoos, but it felt different being here in real life.

"Whoa," Ezekiel muttered as he looked around, his nerves kicking in again. "Uh… hey. I want to get a tattoo."

One of the artists, a massive guy with arms as big as tree trunks and covered in ink, nodded at him. "You're from that reality show, right?"

"Total Drama Island, yeah," Ezekiel replied, his voice steady but his nerves still tingling. He couldn't help but notice how huge the guy was—like someone who could break a door down with one punch. "I lost a bet with a friend, and I said I'd get the symbol of my team on my arm. I figured I might as well go through with it."

The artist raised an eyebrow but seemed impressed. "A man of his word… I can respect that." He leaned back, crossing his tattooed arms. "You know, you're not the first. We've had people come in asking for flags of your team. So, you want the Killer Bass flag on your arm?"

"Actually," Ezekiel said as he pulled a folded piece of paper from his back pocket, "I was thinking more like this." He handed the artist a sketch he had drawn himself. It was a simple yet sharp design—a Killer Bass flexing its biceps and smoking a cigar, encased in a circle. The artist's eyebrows shot up in surprise.

"Huh. Not bad. Simple but with personality. I can get this done in about two hours," the artist said, turning the drawing to show the other artists, who nodded in approval. "You sure this is what you want?"

Ezekiel smirked, feeling a bit more confident now. "Yeah, I'm sure. It's not a full-body tattoo or anything crazy. Just something small but meaningful."

The large man let out a deep chuckle. "That's what they all say, but trust me, once you get one, you'll want more." He gestured toward the chair. "Alright, take a seat. Let's get this going."

Ezekiel settled into the chair, his heart still racing but his mind now focused. "I'll trust you to do your thing. Surprise me."

As the tattoo machine whirred to life, the rest of the group stood outside the booths, flipping through the folders, and exchanging nervous glances. None of them wanted to be the next, but with the fans watching and Ezekiel already starting, it felt like they didn't have much choice.




"Okay, what did I miss?" Duncan asked as he strolled back from the bathroom, raising an eyebrow at the nervous expressions on his friends' faces. The tattoo artists had come out from the booths, one of them a no-nonsense female artist crossing her arms as she scanned the group.

"Hey, if you guys aren't getting tattoos, you might want to make room for people who are." The artist's voice was blunt, cutting through the tension before DJ could even get up from his seat.

Duncan chuckled, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall. "Heh, no sweat. We all came here to get inked." He shot a cheeky grin, completely ignoring the death glare from Courtney. His eyes shifted to Harold, who had a determined look on his face, ready for action.

Harold was the first to break the silence, eagerly flipping open his folder to a page he had bookmarked. "I've been thinking of something a bit... custom." His tone carried that familiar mix of confidence and nerdy enthusiasm. "How about this—let's have the Killer Bass bursting out of the flag like it's smashing through a wooden board." He paused, adjusting his glasses with a grin. "Oh, and can you give it a black belt around its waist? Maybe even add some glasses too, for, uh, you know, my personal touch."

The artist chuckled, already sketching out the idea. "So, a martial artist fish with glasses breaking through boards? That's definitely unique."

"I need something to cover up the scars around my torso, but also to add something on my arm as well." Eva, standing coolly next to Harold, confidently pointed to a sketch in her folder. "I want something that shows off my title as Ironwoman. Make the Killer Bass mechanical—give it gears, steel plating, the works. And make sure there's a hook through its mouth, but it needs to look fierce, not like it's caught."

"Mechanical and strong, huh? That's gonna be intense." The artist raised his eyebrows. "And what about the scars? May I suggest a pattern of zippers?"

"Hmm... I'm listening..." Eva said as she followed the artist who was helping her to come to a decision on how it would be the process her new tattoos to cover the scars on her torso. But also something that she could add as a symbol of her mechanical Killer Bass tattoo.

While the more serious requests were being discussed, Katie and Sadie were off to the side, giggling as they compared their sketches.

"We want matching tattoos!" Katie announced excitedly, holding up her folder. "Mine's a cute fish in a dress, and hers is eating ice cream! But when we put our arms together, the designs connect."

"Yeah, it's like a super cute Killer Bass combo when we're together!" Sadie beamed as she showed her half of the design.

"A mirrored design, huh? That sounds fun. You two got it—one big, adorable Killer Bass when you're side by side." The artist smiled, clearly enjoying their energy like two best friends or even twins acting like that...

Finally, the artist turned toward Duncan, who had been standing there with his signature smirk. "And what about you?" she asked, half-expecting something wild.

"I want a Killer Bass crawling out of a skull, but give it a green Mohawk."Duncan leaned in slightly, his grin widening. "But also I want you to spell Killer Bass on my fingers."

At that moment, DJ and Courtney had their eyes wide open, since he decided to choose the places it would hurt most by doing the tattoo, but before any of them would even open their mouths to protest. The artist already gave a nod.

"That definitely suits you." The artist commented as she was amused by the punk aesthetic. She glanced around at the group before continuing. "Alright, the rest of you can wait a bit. We'll start with the designs we've got. It'll take an hour or two, depending on the details. Feel free to hang out or walk around the mall until it's your turn."

Duncan shrugged casually as the group began to split off, some staying while others considered wandering to kill time. "Guess it's gonna be a long day. Hope you guys brought snacks."

Courtney shot him another sharp look, clearly unamused, while Harold adjusted his glasses with a smug sense of accomplishment, happy with his creative tattoo choice.




"And remember to take out the plastic wrap only on the next day." The muscled tattooed guy gave the instructions, as Ezekiel couldn't help but feel his arm burning, and scratching at the same time.

"Alright," Ezekiel commented as he understood, and was happy to see one of the works being finished, and by covering it with his jacket, it was going to be a surprise for everyone when he returned to the show. The fans had no idea how awesome the tattoo became.

And from seeing some of his friends, it had been interesting to see their reactions, Harold had been yelping in pain a lot, before getting used, Katie and Sadie were crying together because of the slight pain before getting used to it while Duncan was shedding a few tears because he chooses to also to tattoo spelling Killer Bass, the letters in each one of the front part of his fingers, by the time he closes both his fists and held together, spells Killer Bass just to show how awesome would be, and funny thought on how Killer Bass indeed had 10 letters, one for each finger, excluding the space between words. Only Eva and he himself didn't cry, but it had been a painful experience for the first time.

But nothing that he wouldn't be used to it. As Ezekiel walked outside of the place, just to see Courtney, Tyler, Bridgette, Geoff, Gwen, and DJ playing cards or reading a magazine. While some of them are a bit unsure of how things will go. After one hour for the muscled tattooed guy to clean up everything, to make sure everything was sterilized, the other artists also finished their work, as the group stared at their friends who had just gotten their new tattoos, which they could see they had been wrapped in plastic wrap.

"To make sure to heal without infection, remember to only take it tomorrow or after tomorrow." Each artist instructed as the group of guys took their nods while remaining quiet.

DJ was about to ask how it went, but he was immediately interrupted when one of the artists decided to ask.

"Okay, who is going to be next?" Then it was time for the remaining Killer Bass group... Now it was time for them to decide for the last time.

"Come on guys," Duncan said, as he composed himself after so much pain, "It's just one hour or two, trust me, you are going to like it."

"Okay, fine..." Courtney said that she was very shy about it, but she took the decision. Still flipping through her folder, finally landed on something simple yet meaningful to her. "I want something minimal. Just a line of Killer Basses swimming in a circle—like they're following each other, finding their trail." She gestured to her upper arm, "It'll go around here, like a bracelet."

"Simple but symbolic—definitely a nice choice." The artist nodded, appreciating the elegance of the idea.

"I want a full armband. A pattern of Killer Bass swimming around my upper arm, like they're going in a circle, like a band." Bridgette smiled as she showed her folder next.

"You want the whole thing to wrap around your arm? That's bold—I like it. It'll definitely stand out." The artist raised an eyebrow. But nodded at the request of the surfer girl.

"I'd like a Killer Bass, but in the colors of Jamaica—black, green, and yellow. And in the corner, I want a small, trembling pink dog. Like, you know, Courage the Cowardly Dog? He's scared of the fish, but it's all in good fun." DJ, always the gentle giant, hesitated before sharing his idea.

"That's a creative spin, mixing the Bass with a little cartoonish book character. We'll make it work." The artist let out a small laugh.

"I want a Killer Bass using its tail to launch a hockey puck! Gotta get some sports action in there, you know?" Tyler, bouncing with excitement, jumped in next.

"Sports fanatic, I get it," the artist smirked, quickly sketching the concept. "We'll make sure that fish knows how to play hockey."

"Alright, check this out, I want a Killer Bass with a Stetson hat, sunglasses, and some balloons floating around. Gotta keep things light and fun!" Geoff, ever the life of the party, leaned over the counter.

"Balloon party fish it is," the artist replied with a laugh. "You've got a unique vision, man."

"And then I will be left out as the last one?" Gwen asked as the bulk tattoo guy shrugged.

"I can work with 2 clients at the same time if you want to book in. Last chance before we close the store, we close 1 hour before the mall closes." The bulk guy said, as Gwen nodded her head, and accepted her choice.

"Okay, I want this one, about the alien version style of a Killer Bass getting out from Screaming Goopher's stomach," Gwen said as she liked the dark style of showing a horrific way on how she got out from the first team and showed she belonged to a better team with great friends.

"Heh, I gotta confess this one had been the most requested by some around the mall, I already did a few times, sure. I can do it easily." The man chuckled, as immediately the group looked unsure of what to do now. "Well, let's get inside. And get ready for a change of lifestyle that you never thought of having before."

As the group hesitantly went inside, Ezekiel gave a slight glance to Harold who was still feeling a bit of pain in his arm, but already feeling confident with the new tattoo on his arm, he knew that he would impress everyone with it.

"I think there is still time for you to buy clothes, you better go quickly," Ezekiel commented which immediately Harold snapped from his thoughts, and immediately ran away from the group, running straightly to the open stores. "Katie, you better go with him."

"Oh, right," Kaite said as she remembered the request made by Ezekiel, and she immediately left the tattoo parlor, Duncan, Eva, and Sadie were still feeling a bit itchy and with slight burns on their arms, but that was normal since it was their first tattoo,

It didn't take long until Katie came back, with Harold with bags of bags of clothing, which he was palled from how many times Katie insisted for him to try each style, trying to find the ones which would fit him better, but all the weight he had to bring was by his own arms, so more than 15 bags of clothing, and shoes, while Katie also felt happy to find clothes for Cody as well, she was so happy into being the girl who would help her friends and boyfriend to find clothing that they would like to use it on the season 2. She even bought a few clothes for herself, and she can't wait to show how season 2 is going to be awesome.

And the evening had passed without anyone realizing just how fast time had slipped by. The mall, once bustling with excitement and scattered fans hoping to catch glimpses of the Killer Bass, now began to wind down. As the tattoo sessions drew to a close, the mall lights dimmed, signaling the end of the day. The fans, recognizing that their favorite reality stars were still inside the tattoo parlor and wouldn't be emerging until it was nearly over, gradually dispersed, ready to resume their regular lives. What once felt like a day full of activity had quietly transitioned to the final hours before closing, the energy fading with each passing moment.

Outside, the once-crowded walkways were now empty as the mall staff started locking up storefronts and sweeping the floors. Few people remained, their hurried footsteps echoing in the near-empty hallways as they gathered their bags and headed for the exits. By the time the Killer Bass group exited the tattoo parlor, they found the mall practically deserted. They quickly realized that they still had errands to run before heading home, so they made their way to the Penalty Box, gathering the products they had bought earlier in the day.

Each of them, now adorned with fresh tattoos, rushed to get their things, heading toward the parking lot where their cars waited. Duncan's borrowed SUV, in particular, had become the designated storage for their bulkier purchases. The mall parking lot, much like the mall itself, had thinned out, leaving only a few straggling vehicles bathed in the dim glow of streetlights.




"I hate you..." Courtney said to her boyfriend, as Duncan chuckled from seeing her annoyed face, which he knew that she was lying. "My arm is itching and I cannot do anything, just because you wanted me to do this tattoo."

"Oh come on Princess, don't tell me that you didn't like it," Duncan said as he could see his girlfriend pouting at him.

"I don't know what I had in my mind when I decided to let you convince me to actually do it. And the worst part is that I liked the tattoo in the end," Courtney said as she placed the back of her head on the chair of the SUV that Duncan was driving. "A question, where did you get this SUV?"

"Oh, it's from my uncle, he said we would be buying a lot of stuff, so just in case he let me borrow it," Duncan said as Courtney nodded her head, there was a lot of space in which they placed most of the products from Penalty Box since most of the cars and their friends couldn't hold that amount of space, Duncan would be borrowing space which he knew that his mom would call his friend's mothers just to bring the right car or truck to take the belongs of his friends. "I still think Harold shouldn't have bought that punching bag, there was no way that he could actually take it to his house."

"Oh come on, Duncan, don't be such a baby, I'm sure that he could give it to Eva at the time he gets tired playing with it." Courtney joked which was enough to make her boyfriend smirk at her, and both ended up kissing before he started to drive away to his house. "Are you sure that your parents will be fine for me to stay the night with you there?"

"Yeah, my mom already called yours probably, so we have a good time for us to talk about what we could be doing before returning on the show," Duncan said, as Courtney simply rolled her eyes.

"The best would be to not even think about it," Courtney commented as she was now happy to be with the person that she knew she would trust her life and her heart.




"Alright, it had been a crazy day," Geoff commented as he was driving his girlfriend Bridgette on the street, but still with one more person riding with them. "Zeke, are you sure that you don't want to stay with Bridgette? She lives a few hours from the mall."

"I know, but look at her," Ezekiel commented as the party boy could see how exhausted Bridgette became after a few hours of sessions she had at the tattoo parlor, the group had to run quickly into trying to reach the sports store just to take their products and each of them had to organize which car belonged to who, and which products should go with who, it became such confusion that some even allowed to let Duncan take most of their products since he was in an SUV, and Eva brought her trailer as well, to make sure that everything would be fine before meeting themselves again, on Gwen's birthday, but until then, their parents could take their items while they were focused on their day off. "Just leave me at the motel nearby, and I'm sure that I will be incognito just for the night,"

"Well, if you say so..." Geoff said hesitantly, but he could see Ezekiel giving a reassuring smile to him. "Okay, but you have our phone numbers. In any case, call us if something bad happens."

"It's fine, and Geoff, please be careful when you leave Bridgette at her house, I'm sure tomorrow the group will get in a panic, but by the time I wake up and go to the mall, you will be the first person I will call, okay?" Ezekiel commented as he took his usual backpack with him, only having his essentials. "Tomorrow night my pa will appear in Bridgette's house, so I will be there, don't worry."

As the driving across the night had been a very common hotel, which was an hour far away from the mall, Ezekiel knew it was his stop.

"Thanks for the ride Geoff, I hope you have a good night of sleep," Ezekiel commented, as the party boy still looked a bit unsure. "Dude, I'm fine,"

"Okay, just be careful okay?" Geoff commented that Ezekiel took the sunglasses, and even took a fake beard with him, Geoff chuckled at how silly the disguise was, but couldn't help but admit it. "Okay, have a good night, and good luck, man."

"You too man," Ezekiel said as he got out of the said car... and staring at the motel, he couldn't help but think about the possibility of all the rooms being booked, which made him sweat and nervous.




The motel Ezekiel found himself at was a modest, roadside establishment just outside of the busier parts of Ontario. It sat nestled between tall pine trees, casting long, dark shadows that swayed slightly in the cool night breeze. The motel's exterior was a dull, beige color, its paint chipping off in some areas, revealing the aging wood beneath. A faded neon sign buzzed softly, flickering the words "Vacancy" in pale red, casting a faint glow across the parking lot.

The parking lot itself was sparsely populated, with only a handful of cars scattered around. The concrete was cracked and uneven, with small patches of weeds growing between the crevices. Each room had a small porch light above its door, most of them glowing dimly, though a few flickered like they were struggling to stay lit.

The air was crisp and cool, typical of Canadian nights in early autumn. The scent of damp earth and pine needles filled the atmosphere, mixing with the faint odor of gasoline from a nearby highway that could be heard in the distance, a low hum of cars passing by. Overhead, the sky was clear, dotted with stars, but the moon was only a sliver, barely visible against the darkness. The distant sound of a lone truck rumbled down the road, reminding Ezekiel how far he was from the busyness of the day he'd just experienced.

The motel itself was eerily quiet at this hour. At 9 p.m., most of the occupants were likely inside, the warm glow of televisions seeping through thin curtains. From a few windows, faint flickers of light from TV screens hinted at people settling in for the night, catching late news or sitcoms. A few of the rooms were dark, with only the porch lights showing any sign of life. The small office at the front of the building had a lone receptionist inside, tapping away at a computer with a bored expression, the soft hum of an old fan filling the space around them.

Ezekiel's stomach growled loudly, a painful reminder that the food court at the mall had closed hours ago. After spending the day running around with his friends, getting tattoos, and racing to gather their items from the sports store before closing, he hadn't had time to think about food. The excitement of being with the group and the adrenaline of the day had distracted him, but now, standing in the quiet night, the hunger hit him hard.

The vending machine near the entrance was his only immediate hope for food, its fluorescent light flickering as it stood slightly crooked, like it had been bumped too many times. Chips, candy bars, and soda were visible behind the glass, though some rows looked half empty. Still disguised with his sunglasses and fake beard, Ezekiel adjusted his backpack and scanned the area around him. The motel looked even more modest up close, with chipped doors and a few cigarette butts scattered across the gravel.

Taking in the surroundings, he realized how quiet and secluded the place was. It wasn't luxurious, but it wasn't run-down enough to make him feel unsafe. It had the air of a forgotten stop for travelers just looking for a place to rest before moving on. Ezekiel glanced at the office, contemplating his next move. He was tired, hungry, and worn out from the day, but he needed to settle in before anything else.

With one last glance around the parking lot and the faint glow of the motel rooms, he made his way toward the entrance, ready to see if there was a room available for the night. The cool air nipped at his skin, the gentle rustle of the trees above accompanying him as he walked through the shadows.

At the time Ezekiel got to the room he booked, he couldn't help but sigh in relief, from what he heard, a few people had given up the rooms, which left a few vacancies, which was good since having all booked up would mean that he didn't have a place to stay at night, and the idea of him being in the middle of the night on the street felt like a terrible idea.

"I don't know why, but if I was in case of stay the night, I could have stayed near the mall where Dawn's tent was... at least I could hope that she would have some protection against street rats or animals that could get out on the night," Ezekiel said as he mused in leaving the backpack he had, but one extra item that he had in his hand, a bag, which didn't was from any store, but it was a gift made by Katie who just remembered that she had left it in the car...

And at the time Ezekiel opened it, he saw the iconic and yet so nostalgic green jacket, that belonged to nobody other than Ben 10 Alien Force...

Ezekiel hugged the jacket as if it were his own treasure.

"Katie, you are the best," Ezekiel said as he promised to himself that he would give a big hug to the tan twin, as he never thought she would give her best to make sure the jacket would look exactly the way he drew, and it was perfect, the lining and even the details of having the number 10 on where it was. "I know that this will be what I will be using on the Action all the time."

However, he couldn't let his satisfaction stay long, since his stomach once again warned him for demanding food, which immediately Ezekiel knew that he would need to take care of such a problem quickly.

Disguised with a fake beard and sunglasses, Ezekiel stood by the vending machines, grabbing a snack to quiet his rumbling stomach. It was just enough to keep him going until he could figure out how to order a proper meal. There was, however, one slight problem, he had no idea how to do that.

"In times like this, ordering food by app would be the way to go," Ezekiel muttered, flipping open his outdated phone. He stared at the tiny screen, longing for the technology he'd seen in the future. This was a far cry from the convenience he was used to. But, no use dwelling on it. He sighed and made his way upstairs, peeling off the sunglasses and scratching at the itching fake beard.

As he approached his room, a familiar aroma hit his nose, instantly recognizable to both his brain and his stomach.

"Pizza..." he whispered, his stomach growling with excitement.

A plan quickly formed in his head.

"Okay, if I find the person who ordered it, I can ask which place they ordered from and get the number. Easy peasy." Ezekiel mentally patted himself on the back, sure this was a foolproof strategy.

The smell grew stronger as he neared a door down the hall. Composing himself and readying his most polite face, he knocked.

Seconds passed before the door swung open, revealing a young girl. She looked vaguely familiar, but Ezekiel couldn't quite place her.

"Hell—" he started, raising a hand.


The door slammed shut in his face with such speed, that Ezekiel was left blinking in stunned silence. He heard a faint burp from the other side, just before the door creaked open again.



The door shut just as quickly as before, cutting him off mid-word. Ezekiel blinked again, utterly bewildered.

"Did I just get Alastor-ed?" he muttered to himself, trying to make sense of what just happened. He rubbed his temples, mentally scolding himself.

"Of course... What was I thinking, knocking on a stranger's door in the middle of the night? Social skills, Ezekiel, you've got none." He sighed and turned to leave.


The sudden shout from behind made him freeze. He took a hesitant step back as the door creaked open for the third time. This time, the girl stood there looking flustered, her face a deep shade of red.

"Don't go—sorry, I'm so, so *burp*—" she stammered, her apology interrupted by another awkward burp.

Ezekiel blinked, unsure whether to laugh or feel sorry for her. She couldn't have been more than three years younger than him, but the anxiety on her face was clear as day. He had never seen someone's face turn so red so quickly, and for a moment, he wondered if she might actually be a tomato in disguise.

To say Sky was panicking would be an understatement. Standing in front of Ezekiel from Total Drama Island, not just any contestant, but the very one she'd had a crush on for the time she watched him telling what kind of girl he liked, it had been weeks, and from that time she had been in front of him, was overwhelming. It wasn't like earlier that morning when she'd casually met another Total Drama contestant with her sister and gave a car ride. No, this was different.

Sky had been enjoying a quiet night in, eating a slice of pizza while her sister was in the bathroom. She was winding down, mentally preparing for the next day's book signing event where she'd get to meet Ezekiel. It was all going perfectly until she heard a knock at the door.

Curious, she went to check, figuring it might be the receptionist or maybe room service. But never, in her wildest dreams, did she imagine opening the door to him—the boy she had a crush on standing there in front of her, about to say something to her.


Her reaction was instinctive. She slammed the door shut.

Sky's heart pounded as she leaned back against the door, her face hot with embarrassment. She pressed her hands to her cheeks, hoping it would somehow cool her down, but her body had other ideas. Her stomach let out an awkward, untimely burp again.


"What the hell did I just do?" she thought, her mind spinning. Slamming the door in Ezekiel's face? Of all the things she'd imagined about meeting him—charming introductions, witty remarks—this was definitely not on the list. She could already feel her stomach twisting with guilt and regret.

Determined to fix her blunder, Sky threw the door open again.

"looooo—" Ezekiel was in the middle of speaking, but once again, panic overtook her.


"Nooo! Why did I do it again?" Sky groaned as her forehead thudded lightly against the door this time. She thought in pure horror. He must think she was the rudest person alive. Or worse, that she was completely insane. She was certain that her nerves had just ruined everything.

As she heard his footsteps, she realized he was leaving. This was her last chance to make things right. Without thinking, she yanked the door open and blurted out.

"NO, WAIT! Don't go! I'm so, so—" And then, just like before, her stomach betrayed her with another embarrassing *burp*.

Sky's face flushed even redder—if that was even possible at this point. Her eyes widened as Ezekiel turned back to face her, clearly concerned.

"Are you okay?" he asked, his voice laced with genuine worry. He stared at her, trying to make sense of her erratic behavior. Sky stood frozen in the doorway, nodding awkwardly. She desperately wanted to say something, anything, but her nerves were getting the better of her. The tension between them was almost tangible, and she could feel her heart pounding harder than ever.

"Uh, sorry for disturbing your night," Ezekiel shifted on his feet, rubbing the back of his neck, clearly unsure of what to do next. he started, glancing at her with a hesitant smile. "I just checked into the hotel recently and... well, I don't really know where to order food around here. So, I thought maybe I could ask where you got your pizza from. Like, the number for the place?"

Sky blinked, trying to process his words through her swirling thoughts. He wasn't mad? Her mouth opened to respond, but no sound came out, only a quiet squeak as she snapped her mouth shut again, completely tongue-tied.

The awkwardness seemed to hang in the air between them. Sky's mind raced with a thousand things she could say, but her body refused to cooperate. Meanwhile, Ezekiel stood there patiently, still looking a bit unsure but waiting kindly for her reply.

Finally, Sky took a deep breath, hoping this time her words would come out without another blunder. "I—I got it from the place downstairs. They deliver... I think I still have the menu somewhere."

Ezekiel felt the silence stretch awkwardly, and to make matters worse, his stomach growled loudly. The scent of pizza hanging in the air only emphasized his hunger, making the situation even more uncomfortable. He glanced down at his feet, trying to avoid eye contact while waiting for Sky to return.

"Uh, yeah, sure. I, uh... well, me and my sister ordered it from this local place. We found a flyer somewhere... Let me go get it." Sky let out a small, nervous laugh, clearly trying to shake off the awkwardness but failing miserably. Her voice was shaky, and she turned so quickly that she almost tripped over her own feet. She rushed back into the room, leaving Ezekiel standing there, still enveloped in the awkwardness lingering in the hallway.

Inside the room, Sky facepalmed hard, her cheeks still burning with embarrassment.

"Could this be any worse?" She thought. Her first actual conversation with Ezekiel—the person she admired and had a crush on—and it was a complete disaster. "Please, someone just end my suffering,"

Just then, the sound of a toilet flushing echoed from the bathroom. Sky glanced up in horror, realizing her sister, Jane, was about to walk in. Sure enough, Jane emerged, drying her hands as she made her way to the table, ready to grab another slice of pizza.

Noticing her little sister's panicked expression and beet-red face, Jane tilted her head, raising an eyebrow in confusion. "What's going on, Sky?" she asked, instantly recognizing the look of embarrassment. Sky only ever looked this flustered when something really awkward had happened.

Sky, still burping intermittently from nerves, blurted out, "Ezekiel... outside... door... flyer... pizza," in a jumbled mess of words while frantically searching for the flyer.

Jane stared at her, confused at first, but as Sky continued to burp nervously, realization dawned on her.

"This I have got to see," Jane said, her curiosity piqued. After all, Jane had driven her little sister across the country for this book-signing event, and they had already had an exciting run-in with Courtney from Total Drama. That alone was enough to make the trip worthwhile. But now? Ezekiel—the boy Sky had a huge crush on—was standing right outside their door. This was too good to pass up.

Jane made her way to the door with a knowing grin on her face, eager to witness this encounter firsthand. She opened the door, and sure enough, there he was—Ezekiel, in his green blouse and winter hat, blinking at her in surprise. Jane was taller than him, which amused her even more.

"Huh, well, I'll be damned," Jane said with a smirk, seeing Ezekiel in person. He looked just like he did on TV—maybe a little more awkward in real life, but it was maybe from meeting Sky who made him that way. "Hello, how can I help you?"

"Oh, sorry, I mean... uh, hi." Ezekiel, caught off guard by the sudden change in person, stammered, He tried to regain his composure, clearly a little flustered. "I just booked a room here recently and don't really know where to order food around here, so I thought maybe I could ask you for the number of the place you got your pizza from?"

Jane listened to his polite but slightly awkward request, noting how he sounded like a boy trying to talk to an adult for the first time. It was oddly endearing. She glanced over at Sky, who was still fumbling around, desperately searching for the flyer. Jane, with a smirk, decided to take things into her own hands. After all, she had ordered two boxes of pizza.

"I've got a better idea," Jane said with a mischievous grin. "Why not come in?"

Sky froze in her tracks, her mind going into full panic mode as Jane's words echoed in her head.

"No no no no no no nononononon NONONONONONO," Sky's mind screamed in panic, as she felt her anxiety bubbling up, making the situation far more stressful than she could handle. Her heart pounded in her chest, and her palms were starting to sweat. This was officially her worst nightmare unfolding in real time.

"I don't want to bother both of you," Ezekiel said politely, clearly trying to find a way to escape the awkwardness, "just telling me the phone number would be nice."

But before he could even finish his sentence, Jane had already opened the door wider, making it clear that he was more than welcome to come in.

"Nah, it's fine," she insisted with a grin. "We just got the pizza, and it's only me and my younger sister, Sky."

Ezekiel's eyes widened slowly at the mention of Sky's name. His expression mirrored Sky's panicked one as he glanced inside, catching her frozen in place, her face bright red with embarrassment. The realization hit him like a truck—this was the same girl who had been awkwardly trying to talk to him moments ago.

For a moment, they both just stared at each other in stunned silence, neither knowing what to say or do. The air between them was thick with the kind of tension that only comes from two people who are equally awkward in social situations.

"Come on in, there's plenty of pizza," Jane, completely oblivious to their internal turmoil, stepped aside and gestured for Ezekiel to enter. She said cheerfully, clearly enjoying the unfolding situation far more than either of them.

Sky wanted to disappear.

"Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no..." Ezekiel's mind raced as he repeated, the look on Sky's face, flushed with embarrassment and punctuated by slight burps that escaped her, made it clear that she was just as anxious as he was. He couldn't shake off the shock of discovering that this girl, the same Sky who in a few years in the future, the next season after All-Stars, the one who got to be participating in the new version of the Total Drama Island, the one who got in the finals with Shawn and ended up winning the Pahkitew Island. But one of the things that alarmed the homeschooled boy wasn't that, but it was one of the shipping that clearly made one of the reasons many people dislike the show, for some hated characters, etc... But one unique feature of how Sky was revealed to like a person, was by burping on the face, or not controlling her burps... And by him being on there, having in the same situation as being the one she was burping on... meant only one thing... "Of all people, Sky has a crush on ME?!"

"You can sit," Jane said, breaking the tense silence, her tone warm and inviting. "I was just about to take my slice. Oh, and my name is Jane, by the way."

Ezekiel slowly placed his hand on the back of his head, scratching nervously. The familiar feeling of anxiety washed over him, similar to when he had been on the show and found himself around the time when the unpredictable Izzy showed her true colors and she guessed almost on the point that he came back on time like a time-traveler, even as much she didn't know about him dying before, she knew what was his thoughts about the future and the future of the old versions of themselves, which he discovered that she was way more than anyone could ever guess, while with Dawn, she could read his aura or auras, and found clearly about his past on how it was painful on his death and what was his decision on how to live every day, she was the one who he knew exactly from the show, and he wasn't disappointed into learning how powerful she was, because she could read his mind when she wants, and that was a very incredible skill that could see him truthfully... Both girls knew about his secret and his life.

But this was different. Sky was younger than the other girls he had encountered, maybe two years younger than Dawn, and definitely younger in comparison to what he watched her in the future seasons, and the idea of being invited to share a meal with her and her sister was surreal. He was a known contestant, yet he never imagined someone would have a crush on him, let alone Sky. Dawn had been a surprise, but this felt like stepping into a whole new level of awkwardness.

"What would Ice King do in this situation?" Ezekiel asked himself, panic seeping into his thoughts. A vision of the Ice King kidnapping princesses flashed in his mind. "Okay, bad idea. What about Princess Bubblegum?" He could picture her conducting boring social experiments, which wasn't exactly helpful.

"Marceline?" he tried again, imagining the rebellious girl teasing him mercilessly and probably kicking him out of the place. "Okay, how about Jake?"

Suddenly, he remembered the advice from the episode Puhoy, where Jake had told him to focus on the reality of the moment rather than spiraling into anxiety. That advice clearly helped him to deal with his problems into dealing to live the new life he has on Total Drama while trying to move on from thinking about the past he had before, it was painful but clearly helped him before.

"All hung up in a spiral of imagining problems; you gotta focus on what's real, man..." Jake's voice echoed in his head, pulling him back to the present. Ezekiel took a deep breath and glanced at himself, realizing he was acting completely outside his comfort zone.

"Also, you are pulling a Mordecai," Jake had said, and that thought snapped Ezekiel's attention back.

"OH HELL NO!" he yelled inwardly, nearly audible. "I'd prefer to die than pull a Mordecai in this situation!"

With that mental wake-up call, he straightened up and looked at Sky and Jane. Maybe it was time to just be himself, no more pretending. He was a contestant on a reality show, not a cartoon character. He could do this. He had to at least try.

And as much Ezekiel loved the Regular Show and all the characters. Mordecai is the worst when it comes to relationship problems. And in a situation like that, he would screw up badly.

"Are you okay?" Then a voice made him blink and stared at the older sister who offered a slice of pizza to him. "You have been quiet for so long..."

Ezekiel looked at the slice, and then his stomach rumbled as it was desiring to eat the food, which made Ezekiel remember that he was very hungry... And he was on his own life.

Knowing the girl had a crush on him. Even as embarrassed she was, that doesn't mean that he couldn't refuse the kindness of them to offer food to him. Also, Total Drama contestants should always give contacts in case they would need advice for the times they would try in the future.

And even though she had a crush on him, it was more a celebrity and fan one, but that doesn't mean they couldn't be friends.

Ezekiel smiled, and accepting with gratitude he nodded his head to Jane.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Ezekiel said as he immediately gave a bite of the slice of pizza, which he couldn't help but appreciate and be grateful for the help. "Thank you so much, you have no idea how much I needed it."

"Not a problem," Jane said as she could see the boy finally calming up, and she let out a chuckle since the boy felt very nervous about getting nearby to a random place. "Well, now that you are eating, I have to tell you that me and my sister are big fans of Total Drama Island, to the point that even watch the pay-per-view."

"Oh, really?" Ezekiel asked in surprise as he was now listening to the explanation made by the older sister, as she started telling the story of how she and Sky got addicted to watching the Total Drama show, and even how Sky complained about her wasting money on buying the services, which when Ezekiel turned to see Sky, she was still blushing and even unable to say a single word. "Hey, is she okay?"

"Yeah, she is fine," Jane said, as both of them could see Sky giving slight glares to her sister, while she tried to compose herself. "She just surprised into meeting 2 celebrities today, it's too much on her mind right now."

"Humm... I can see," Ezekiel said with a bit of understanding, but still trying to calm down, even with the advice he gave to himself, he needed to maintain control of himself, and not screw up revealing things that shouldn't, so he decided to be himself, and focus on eating. Just like Owen usually would.

"I'm going to the bathroom," Sky said as she quickly ran in the direction of the door, which Ezekiel and Jane focused on eating, even as the silence felt a bit awkward, they didn't mind. But Ezekiel decided to start a conversation.

"Courtney mentioned that two girls gave her a ride to the mall, so I'm guessing that was you two?" Ezekiel asked, piecing together Jane's earlier statement about being fans. He watched as Jane nodded, a smile creeping onto her face. "I'm really flattered you both came all this way just for my book signing."

"It's been a pleasure! Your book is amazing," Jane replied, her enthusiasm infectious. Just then, the door swung open, and Sky entered, moving at a more controlled pace. However, Ezekiel couldn't help but notice her slightly damp face, with a red mark of a handprint still visible.

"Sky, there's a th—" Ezekiel started, but she interrupted him.

"Please, don't say it." She grabbed a towel and wiped her face, regaining her composure before reaching for another slice of pizza. With a newfound steadiness, she looked at Ezekiel and added, "Like my sister said, your book was incredible. I never thought I'd experience such a rollercoaster of emotions just reading chapter after chapter. My sister once dealt with a bully in college by quoting one of the chapters."

"Really?" Ezekiel turned to Jane, intrigued. Her smirk suggested there was a funny story behind it.

"And you, sir, are extremely… bald," Jane quoted with a mischievous glint in her eye. Ezekiel stifled a laugh, a chuckle slipping out instead, which made Jane nod in approval.

"How did you manage to make such a perfect comeback?" she asked, clearly amused.

"Sometimes, the best comeback is to point out their insecurities," Ezekiel replied, recalling how Eustace from Courage the Cowardly Dog would often get flustered over his baldness. Eustace's obsession with success and wealth only overshadowed the true happiness he could find in his relationships with Muriel and Courage.

"Can you tell me what your favorite chapter is?" Sky asked, curiosity brightening her expression.

"The Tower of Doctor Zalost," Ezekiel said, watching as both sisters' eyes widened in surprise. "It's a chapter I could read over and over. It tackles depression, which is such a powerful enemy to fight, and shows how devastating it can be for anyone. Courage does the impossible not just to save Muriel but also helps an enemy who needs more help than anyone else."

"Do the happy plums actually exist?" Jane asked, her eyes sparkling with intrigue.

"Yep, and only my family knows the recipe…" Ezekiel replied with a smirk. The atmosphere shifted as the girls relaxed further, enjoying their time with the celebrity. It felt more like a personal interview, and Ezekiel was glad to share his insights, feeling more at ease with each passing moment.

Sky leaned in, her earlier nervousness fading. "I'd love to hear more about how you came up with such deep themes. It's rare to see that kind of depth in a horror story book which clearly could be read for children as well."

"Honestly, it's all about drawing from real-life experiences. I think everyone, regardless of age, can relate to struggles, whether they're about fitting in, dealing with anxiety, or understanding their emotions. I just wanted to create a story that resonated with people."Ezekiel appreciated her genuine interest. He knew how much Courage had created an impact on so many people, since it was a reference in so many modern issues, LGBT, Toxic Relationships, Depression, Death, Life, and even Global Warming… "Sometimes the villains didn't need to be defeated, only understood and show a better path..."

"It definitely resonates! It's cool to see a person who's so relatable." Jane nodded in agreement. As she had to admit, she laughed and cried in a few chapters, and yet sometimes she would be so horrified that she would have nightmares about it. Since the drawings were quite creative and yet scary.

Ezekiel smiled… as he felt that indeed that was the sensation that he must feel whenever he talked about Courage, and something that people like DJ could be inspired by.




"Wait, let me see if I got that right," Ezekiel said as he was drinking a soda can he brought from the vending machine near the reception. "You two were waiting in the line for the debut of my book in the store when you just discovered a duck was on the line before you two? Like being the first on the line?"

"Yeah, it was a duck who had a bag with him and a message from the person who lived away, I don't know if the duck managed to take the book to the person who bought it, but I believe he did," Jane said as Ezekiel chuckled, to which Sky nodded her head.

"Do you think Howard will be at the book signing tomorrow?" Sky asked as Ezekiel had a slight twitch in the corner of his eyes, having a small flashback of the same duck he had just seen on the morning, and the person who probably bought the book, was the exact same nature lover moonchild, that he knew that it was the biggest probability of that happening.

"Well... if I see a duck tomorrow, then I will be sure to ask his name." Ezekiel joked, as immediately both girls giggled from his response, but now being serious, he decided to speak honestly. "But I think the person who made him book the book on the debut will appear tomorrow."

"Do you think so?" Jane asked, and Ezekiel nodded his head.

"I know so because you two are a good example of crossing the other side of the country just to see me tomorrow. I wouldn't dismiss the chance that there are others across Canada doing the same." Ezekiel had to let his mind open to the possibilities. And his reply clearly made both sisters understand what he said, and by accepting such an answer, that clearly nobody could guess what could happen tomorrow.




"So you want to be an Olympic gymnast?" Ezekiel said as he had his tone of surprise, to which Sky nodded her head.

"Yes, I feel like my country should be represented in that category which was one of the best of the Olympics," Sky said as Jane was smiling as the duo seemed to be talking more comfortably without her interference.

"Well just for you know, the mother of Olympic sports was always gymnastics, this is where most of the countries would stop just to watch the whole event," Ezekiel said as he remembered how many times he passed watching the Olympics on the television, and one of the events was with his family from South America, from both Peru and Brazil, they would always stop just to watch the gymnastic event, which each year had been crazier and crazier. The last one he watched, his mom cried when Rebecca Andrade was the first Brazillian gymnast to reach the golden medal, and she bought pizza for her to eat with her father, as his dad would say that it became a historic event in Brazil.


At that moment, Sky burped loudly on his face, and Ezekiel could see the girl really reaching high volumes.

"SORRY," Sky said, which immediately Ezekiel decided to be polite.

"It's fine, better out than in," Ezekiel said as he quoted again Shrek, and could see the girl scolding herself and trying to remain calm. "Well, I hope you get a chance to represent Canada, it will be awesome to be the first person to meet the future Olympic athlete."


"Well, I'm glad that you now have a number 1 fan Sky, better to not disappoint him." Jane decided to tease her sister, and the girl looked angrily at her big sister, mouthing for her to shut up, which the big sister refused to not embarrass her sister further. But then she looked at Ezekiel. "So what about you Ezekiel? A good archer like you could also bring a good medal for our country."

"Tempting, but I pass..." Ezekiel said as he couldn't help but blush a bit. "I just use my archery as a hobby, and I have so much to focus on in my life, I have to be part of season 2 of the show, write the next volumes of my books, and even draw a lot. I respect the athletes and people who give their lives for the sake of doing their best in sports, but I don't think I would be able to do much in comparison to Izzy who I still say that she rigged the archery game, I'm not going to let her kick my butt all the time."

"Well, that's a very mature decision," Jane commented, as she could see her sister calming down. But she decided to not let that down. "But in case Sky becomes an athlete, would you go to see her participate?"

"Of course..." Ezekiel said without thinking twice...





"Thank you so much for letting me eat with you two," Ezekiel said as he thanked them for the night that had passed with the duo who got a very good reception for him, and as much that would say it was uncomfortable a few times, he couldn't help but smile because he had enjoyed the experience of making new friends, especially with a younger version of the future contestant and a character that he may or may never see before. It made him feel more... normal, but still, the popularity had been something that would take time until he got used to it.

"Not a problem," Jane said as she slowly got inside the room, while Sky was a bit outside on the door, which she slowly closed...




Ezekiel remained in the place, while Sky was still in silence, but somehow struggling to say something.


"You see..."

Which both of them had said at the same time, which immediately both shifted their tone.

"Oh sorry to interrupt you," Both said at the same time, which immediately, Ezekiel closed his mouth, and raised his hand to make Sky continue on what she was planning to say.

"Oh... okay, well, I was going to say, I'm sorry about my sister dragging me out in a situation like that," Sky commented as she could see the homeschooled boy being uncomfortable at the time he got inside their room at the motel. "And I somehow made it even worse by making it weird."

"Hey, don't be like that, I still had fun," Ezekiel said as he was sincere, but from seeing the future contestant of the show still hesitating... "You are very uncomfortable with the burps aren't you?"

"Yes..." Sky commented. Suddenly Ezekiel touched his chin in thought until another idea crossed his mind...





Ezekiel let out a loud burp as he and Sky were on the balcony across the corridors of the rooms, drinking cans of soda just to let out all the gasses from their stomachs. No matter when it comes it is loud or not.

He used the instructions that he learned from both Harold and Izzy, while Sky had a natural talent for burping like a champion. But not in strength like his military friend.

But he found a better way to make her more comfortable.

"So your family exports oranges across Canada?" Sky asked as she burped after having another gulp of soda. This time she felt in control of her own burps instead of letting out by accidents.

"Yep... We have been selling oranges since my Pa and my aunty was a child..." Ezekiel commented as he recalled how oranges meant so much to his pa. "We sell other fruits as well. But my Pa is always proud of his oranges."

"It must be a very good life around there," Sky commented as she then saw Ezekiel burping loudly again, and she hid the blush on her face, as she tried to remain focused on the conversation.

"Well it has its moments, however, I always wanted to get out from there and reach out my dreams..." The boy commented as he gave a side glance at her. "You saw what my dreams are on the show right?"

"Yeah. Becoming a good author, and you even managed to buy the Playa Del Losers, me and Jane never imagined someone had such an idea." Sky admitted as Ezekiel chuckled.

"Yeah, not even me thought about it. But I don't regret it," Ezekiel said as he suddenly heard Sky's words which surprised him.

"I would throw the 1 million dollars as well if I were in your situation," Sky admitted as the boy turned to see her in surprise. "It was not fair the way they should make the final prize being used like that. From all the blood, sweat, and tears that you all shared as friends, and everybody gave their best... I always think a fair game was always right, and if I had friends like Killer Bass, I would have done the same thing... Without thinking twice."

Ezekiel remained in silence, but he couldn't help but chuckle.

"You probably are the first person to ever tell me that," Ezekiel said as he even managed to get the one million before. He meant it every single word he said. And if was in a situation like he couldn't have done the heist with Izzy. He would have done the same for the sake of his friendship and for the sake of the Total Drama Action to happen. "It was 1 million dollars after all..."

"Was that the value of your friends?"

"Oh hell no, my friends were more than priceless..." Ezekiel said as he chuckled. And even with the soda can in his hands, he couldn't help but muse on how many changes he had not on their lives but also for himself. "I lived most of my life without friends, someone that I could be invited or invite to a birthday party, someone I could be crazy, weird, or even scared, and they would just tell me to fuck off and make me laugh, be myself... It may be cliche, but yeah, friendship really is awesome."

"I'm glad..." Sky commented as she after having a long session of awkwardness, felt herself more relaxed, now that she could have a nice conversation with a person she admired, she clearly enjoyed passing the time with him, just them, drinking and burping without being judged...

"CAN YOU BOTH SHUT THE FUCK UP? I'M TRYING TO HAVE SEX HERE, AND THESE BURPS ARE VERY ANNOYING." Until one of the rooms shouted from a very unsatisfied person who had chosen a bad place to stay.

Both Sky and Ezekiel looked at each other. And immediately ran a few rooms far away from the annoyed man who was having an intimate session on the night.




"It was nice to have a good talk like that," Ezekiel said as he opened the door of his room, while Sky nodded her head.

"I had fun meeting you, and thank you for being patient with me and my sister, "Sky commented as she also gave a slight blush on her cheeks. "And you even got our numbers,"

"Nah. It's fine, I should be the one thanking you for the food." Ezekiel was honest, as it was something that he always learned. Being kind always should be paid with kindness as well. "You both were life saviors, with how things went close after 9 p.m., I wouldn't be comfortable sleeping hungry or eating snacks from the snack machine."

"Well, that's fine. Next time you will do the same." Then Sky immediately shut her mouth, for saying such a silly thing.

But Ezekiel nodded his head.

"Yeah, that's fair... How about tomorrow?" Ezekiel said as immediately Sky had her face slightly blushing. "Since the mall closes at 9 p.m. Or depending on how many books I will sell and sign tomorrow, we could grab a coffee sometime in the afternoon or night?"

"You don't have to..." Sky said as she was almost reaching her panic mode, but then she gulped and controlled herself. "You don't have to do that if you don't want..."

"It's the right thing to do," Ezekiel said as he nodded his head. He found a good way to start a friendship and learn more about the others. It was nice to have once again a conversation without the constant public around them to make it even more chaotic. It was nice... "Well, see you tomorrow?"

"YES," Sky said loudly. She immediately flinched, but then she corrected herself. "We will see you there. For buying your book, and have you sign for us."

Ezekiel rolled his eyes, but still with a smile on his face.

"You are cool Sky, just be yourself," Ezekiel said as he simply got inside his room, while he just wished for one more thing. "Have a great night Sky, you and your sister."

"Yeah... You too..." Sky said as she saw Ezekiel closing the door. And slowly she walked away and returned to her bedroom.




"So why did you take so long?" Jane said as she raised her eyebrows, just to meet a pillow launched on her face.

And Sky slammed her head on the bed where she was going to sleep.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Jane heard her younger sister's muffled scream... If was a squealing or a groaning roar, she doesn't know. But she couldn't help but escape a chuckle.

"Meeting the author of the book where she was going to have to be in line tomorrow," Jane commented in amusement. "How were the odds for that happen?"

Jude lay sprawled on his bed, staring up at the skateboard poster plastered to the ceiling of his room. The colors were vibrant, the image capturing a skater mid-air, defying gravity with a carefree grin. It was a reminder of the good times—days spent cruising the streets, laughter echoing in the air. But today, that joy felt distant as he absentmindedly fiddled with a few sticks he had collected earlier.

He had intended these sticks as a peace offering for his childhood friend, Courtney. She had lent him a hundred bucks earlier in the day, and instead of finding the promised fifty bucks to repay her, he had ended up with a bunch of skewers he hoped to turn into kebabs. The thought of bringing them to her made him smile, but the memory of his earlier attempt to locate her weighed heavily on his mind.


"Okay, Courtney, I didn't find fifty bucks, but I managed to make a few kebabs for you to eat later," Jude declared proudly as he navigated through the bustling crowd. The excitement buzzed around him, and he was eager to share the fruits of his labor with Courtney and her friends. He had passed through throngs of fans, pushing his way to their usual hangout, but when he finally arrived, his heart sank.

The table they usually gathered around was empty. The laughter and chatter he had anticipated were replaced by a deafening silence. Panic washed over him as he scanned the area, searching for familiar faces among the sea of strangers. "Dudes? Where are you?" he had called out, but his voice was swallowed by the noise of the crowd.

End of Flashback.*

Jude shook his head, trying to dispel the memory. He could still hear the words of his friends echoing in his mind, "Ezekiel will be at the book signing tomorrow; why don't you ask him for Courtney's number?" and "Hey, she paid you a hundred bucks; you could take that for yourself." But those suggestions felt wrong to him. He didn't want to take advantage of Courtney's kindness.

Sighing, he glanced back up at the poster, the skater defying gravity with ease, a symbol of freedom and adventure. "I'm not that kind of person," he whispered to himself, gripping the sticks tighter. "Not when it comes to my friends."

Determined, Jude set the sticks down on his desk and sat up. He was going to find Courtney. He wouldn't rest until he returned her money, no matter how long it took. The promise he had made to himself felt like a beacon in the swirling uncertainty of his day. He envisioned her face lighting up when he handed her the kebabs, a small gesture of gratitude for her unwavering friendship.

With renewed determination, he stood up and took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the day lift slightly. "Alright, Jude, time to go find Courtney," he said, more to himself than to anyone else. The skateboard poster remained a silent witness to his resolve, a reminder that every adventure began with a single step.

As he headed for the door, he felt a flicker of excitement in his chest. Maybe this was just the beginning of a new adventure—one where he could prove that his friendship with Courtney was worth more than a hundred bucks. He opened the door and stepped out, ready to face whatever the night had in store for him.

Chapter 54: The Book Signing (Final Day of Mall Arc)


Well, we reached the final chapter of the Mall Arc, so I hope you guys enjoy it.

Chapter Text


Before the mall opened, the world outside its glass doors had already transformed. The sun was still low, casting a soft, golden hue across the pavement, but the line had formed hours ago, a quiet testament to the anticipation that hung in the cool morning air. People stood like statues, bundled in jackets, their breath visible in the early light, as though the day itself hadn't fully awakened.

The mall's entrance, usually empty at this time, now had the appearance of a dam holding back a flood. The line stretched out across the front, curving along the sidewalk, a ribbon of humanity snaking toward the horizon. Some sat on fold-out chairs they had thought to bring, while others leaned on the walls, shifting their weight, their faces a mix of fatigue and excitement. The air around them hummed with hushed conversations, punctuated by the occasional click of a phone camera capturing the moment as if it was already part of history.

The glass doors of the mall, still sealed shut, reflected the crowd like a mirror, capturing their eager faces and outstretched bodies. Some held books, others had tote bags ready to be filled with newly purchased copies, and more than a few clutched coffees like lifelines against the morning chill. The line was more than a simple queue—it was a living, breathing entity, slowly growing, winding back and forth as more arrived, joining the ranks.

Above, the dark windows of the mall watched over the scene, cold and indifferent, giving nothing away. Inside, the stores were still asleep, their mannequins poised and frozen, unaware of the impending storm of footsteps that would soon fill the halls. But outside, the crowd continued to swell, a restless tide waiting for the gates to open, for the flood to begin.

Security guards stood at the ready, their presence calm but vigilant, as though preparing for the inevitable rush, since one of the most important members of the mall security had to go to the hospital for the day, the chaos from the last day made the former security mall members return as their way to place the entire mall in order again. The crowd, for the most part, was orderly—excited, but patient. Yet, there was an undercurrent of nervous energy, a shared understanding that when the doors finally opened, this peaceful wait would erupt into something entirely different. The stillness before the storm lingered, delicate and fleeting, as the clock ticked closer to the moment the mall would spring to life.

And from the group already in line... an iconic duo was there since 3 a.m, the two Cree sisters who had a pizza dinner with no one other than the writer of the book who was going to be signing the books for the day.

"Ahhhh," Sky yawned as she drank a coffee from one of the vendors who took the opportunity to sell across the line, and the waiting had been very draining since not only the line was very still, but they were also very bored. As most of the fans that as much the duo were excited about buying the new books, they were still a bit tired from waiting in line for hours. "I think we should have offered a Ride for him to come with us, to make him come here by himself sounded a bit harsh."

"Well, it was that or we came here early, and you decided to be one of the first, and thankfully we are in the 40th place on the line, which means a lot since there are hundreds of people here," Jane commented, which the youngest sister had to look around, and it was true, it was their choice to come early, and differently than the first book line on the bookstore where they lived, they had to compete a place against the fans almost around the state, and while the books would be sold for the other states across Canada, this mall was the only place Ezekiel was going to be signing the books.

With the forum of Total Drama Island sharing all the pictures and videos caught on digital cameras, the posts grew a big margin on how the Killer Bass were on the Mall, and now the popularity and certain of Ezekiel going to do the book signing on there, immediately made the fans going frenzy and ready to have their own book of Steven Universe and Adventure Time, but also having their books of Courage the Cowardly Dog signed. And for people who didn't have the opportunity of having the said book from the first sale, now could buy the book with also the autograph.

This was now a good reason why there were so many people in the place...

Quack* *Quack*

At that moment, Sky and Jane recognized the animal sound, which immediately made them turn their heads in the direction of their side.

"Hey Mom, there is a duck here." One of the kids on the line commented as both the athlete and her sister blinked into seeing a duck eating a few eggshells.

"Do you think it's..." Jane asked, as Sky narrowed her eyes a bit, just to identify one thing very familiar, a muslin bag.

"HOWARD?" Sky asked loudly immediately the Canadian duck which was enjoying a good breakfast meal, quickly turned its head to a familiar duo, and immediately in tiny steps walked in the direction of the Cree sisters, who clearly thought to see the familiar girls who he had an encounter weeks ago.

Quack* *Quack*

"So you are on the line too?" Jane asked in amusement as she saw the duck nodding its head to her. "We were asking ourselves if we were able to meet you again, and I'm surprised that you aren't first in the line like the last time,"

Jane commented, but then she saw Howard tilting it's head, but then shook, and gave a slight smirk on it's beak. Which both Jane and Sky looked confused as they could see the duck with a slight provocation on it's face.

"Wait, you are the first in the line?" Sky asked, as she then saw the duck nodding its head to her. "But you are now here, how you are the first on the line?"

And then Howard used it's wing to call the attention of the duo, like he was calling them to follow it. And slowly the duck started to walk, which both Sky and Jane looked at themselves.

"Should we follow him?" Sky asked as she had a bit of worry, "If we get out from the line we may lose our place,"

"That's a reasonable thought, but Howard never lied to us so far, so if he said he was the first on the line, why doubt now?" Jane said, as she simply shrugged. She could see her sister in doubt. "Maybe he found a spot for us, and come on, you already met Ezekiel yesterday, so why not try to be the first again?"

"Ughhh, why do yo. *burp* like to bring *burp* that up?" Sky said as she sighed with a slight blush on her face, as much as she enjoyed having a great talk with Ezekiel, her sister seemed to be enjoying the gossip way more than she should.

But then... they have nothing to lose, maybe they would have luck.




"The lovers," At the time Sky and Jane got inside a tent which somehow was in the front of the line, clearly made them look the confusion, into where the duck had brought them in. As the time they got in, a voice was enough to take their attention, as they saw a girl, palled like the moon, with lilac lipstick and her iconic green blouse, as she looked serene and calm as she turned a tarot card for a man who was looking in anticipation on the table where she was drinking tea. "And they were looking up, which means that you have a great choice of a romantic partner in the future..."

"Do you really think so?" The man asked as he never felt so excited, since he seemed to be a very despaired man for so many years.

"Yes, however from checking your aura, it tends to be very impulsive in your choices, and the Lovers also represents making important choices, so when it comes the time, do not think harshly, since those decisions will actually lead to a person who you will have a great future with, now... let's turn for your business work... oh my..." The girl said as she turned to the person who also seemed to be scary.

"The Devil?" The man knew it was a bad sign just to see that card.

"Yes, and he was up, which means that you will have temptations, addictions, or something that could lead to if you are not careful about what would be your choice, it could bring the end of everything you worked for." The girl commented as she pondered for a few seconds. "Possibly it could be a decision of a new business partner, so in case you would find someone willing to work with or for you, be careful because depending on that person it could lead to the bankruptcy of your company."

And the man nodded his head quickly as he learned everything the girl had taugh him, and with a quickly look on his wallet, he decided to take a few notes and place over the table.

"Thank you so much, I was needing this. I don't know how much it was, but I think this will help you to have a good dinner in a restaurant tonight." The man said, to which the girl shook her head.

"You really didn't need to do it," The girl commented but the man insisted and imediatelly left the tent, which Dawn had to sigh... "I didn't need the money, I just did because I was bored and because he needed my help. Oh Mother Nature, everyone is very impatient today..."


And just like a signal, both Jane and Sky gave a step back which made a path for the duck call the attention for the girl who looked at the duck.

"Oh, Howard, you came early, how was your breakfast?" The girl asked as then she gave a slight look and stared at the duo who came inside of the tent, which her give a small smile on her face. "So we meet at last, Sky, Jane...Welcome to my tent, I was holding your spot for 2 days."

"How did you know our names?" Jane asked as both she and Sky were in shock at seeing a girl looking at them with a smile on her face.

"Oh, well... for starters, Howard told me you both were the ones who helped him to buy my book a few weeks ago... I was the girl who signed up to be the Moonchild, my name is Dawn, nice to meet you." Dawn gave an introduction as she smiled at finally meeting the girls, she had been eager to meet them for a long time since her friend Howard had been helped by them, but also the fact that she saw on one of the girl's aura... something that she feared.

Sky's aura... which was filled with yellow with slight shades of pink and red... Which was the color of the attraction and desire...And what Sky had been desiring, and repressing, was the feelings that Dawn could be hearing Mother Nature laughing since from the day before. Their auras had been like an open book.

And just like her... the hormones of the girl nearby her, wanted to see their idol once again, Ezekiel... the book writer that she knew allowed both of them to be his friends... Or what the chaotic future would desire them to be in the future, Mother Nature had been laughing a lot recently.

"Oh my God, oh my grob, gob, glob, grod, oh my stars and all the diamonds across the universe," Ezekiel whispered as he was wearing the disguise of a fake beard a sunglasses... He learned his lesson to not appear too early than before, but in case he was, he could have stayed in Dawn's cabin for a few hours before he could hide himself to go inside the mall again, but not this time, there was a freaking giant line to even passing the streets nearby, it was so crazy that Ezekiel had no freaking idea on how he was going to pass the freaking GIANT LINE. "I'm supposed to get inside of the mall before they open, how the heck I'm going to..."

"Oh my God, Ezekiel wasn't kidding when he said there was going to have a giant line on here." Then like the universe had been helping him, a familiar voice was enough to make the boy to turn and see that a few steps away, was nobody other than Jen who was with Wyatt walking in the direction of the mall.

"JEN, WYATT, THANK GOD," The boy shouted so loud that made the duo jump in surprise, just to see a person wearing a green jacket, a big beard, and black sunglasses, but the voice and shout were very familiar, which immediately made them realize who probably that person was. And before they could even say something, he walked fast to approach them. "Can you believe how large this line is? How are even going to get inside?"

Wyatt still looked unsure, but then he just saw the boy winking on them and pointed at the fake beard. Jen also had her eyebrows raised, but from looking around and seeing there was indeed a very long and difficult way to deal with the clients, the duo who usually had been working on the mall for months, they always knew a way to get inside of the mall when it was before the time the mall was opening.

And Jen was about to say his name, but her friend imediatelly raised his hand, to bring the attention around how the public around the place had been waiting the oportunity to meet Ezekiel, so it was that time, the brunette thought for a few seconds, but with a good smile on her face, she nodded her head, and made a motion with the hand to make the boy follow her.




"Ahhh," Ezekiel sighed in relief as he took his fake beard at the time the trio got inside the Mall, since now the group used the backdoor entrance for only people who worked on the mall were allowed to pass. "Thanks, guys, this fake beard was very itchy and was driving my mind crazy,"

"Why did you use a fake beard in the first place?" Jen asked as the reality show contestant simply took out his sunglasses and decided to give his explanation.

"I kinda suspected it would have happened the same thing from yesterday, so I tried to use a disguise that would help me to deal with the line… And I thought it would have been at least a hundred people wanting to sign a book or even going to buy it today, but there were hundreds and hundreds." Ezekiel said as he didn't believe how large the quantity of people were waiting to get inside. "I knew that being famous was very alarming because of yesterday, but today? I think I won't even be able to leave the bookstore."

"Well, that's the price of being famous," Wyatt commented as he was carrying both a keyboard case and a guitar case as well. "Especially from the books you wrote, I can see why people would be in the drive to read Steven Universe, from the episode Courtney sang a song about this book, everyone had been doing covers on the forum and even theories about what was going to happen."

"Yeah, and I liked to hear all the covers, they were with the heart and the melody almost in the right place, and if they keep trying, they will manage to even do fan songs that it will be fantastic to see how they would view and sing what the characters would sing and feel," Ezekiel commented as he could see Wyatt looking a bit tired. "Hey, are you okay? You look exhausted."

"Nah, I'm fine. Nothing that a triple strong coffee wouldn't solve," The musician explained as he brought the instruments with him. "I talked with Jonesy and he said there was AMP on the bookstore for me to have a better way to make the music work around there. Once again, thanks man for the opportunity."

"It's fine," Ezekiel waved as he was now feeling more comfortable even walking on the empty mall with the other employees of the other stores, usually when the day would be such a big event, most of the workers would prefer to use their excuse of working on the mall to get to go inside of the mall way before the clients, and since Ron wasn't there to annoy them, it had been an easy access to everyone.

"Well, also thank you for you and your friends appearing on Penalty Box yesterday, Coach Halder had been very satisfied with the quantity of products we sold yesterday, and with the good publicity on the forums, we didn't have that much interaction with celebrities since Ron from Maple Leafs came to the store. Even as much I said to Ron that he sucked" Jen said as Ezekiel couldn't help but look at Jen with sympathy on his face. And from his knowledge of the future… Ezekiel couldn't help but tell…

"Jen, if I tell you that Maple Leafs team sucks, would you believe me?" Ezekiel commented which made Jen and Wyatt stare at the boy who seemed to be serious. "Trust me, from Ron only making 3 goals in a whole season looks terrible, but you want to know what would be the lowest bar and the biggest humiliation a hockey team would ever have in their entire careers? If a professional hockey team lost a game an official game against a 42-year-old Zamboni driver, who works for them..."

Jen and Wyatt raised their eyebrows as they tilted their heads as the boy seemed to be talking a weird fact.


"Trust me, Jen," Ezekiel interrupted as he raised his hand to interrupt her. "Whatever you may think a team would be bad, think about this fact, that would be the lowest point carrier for any team who plays hockey. Just think that when you think a team would have the most humiliating game, place this as the lowest point of their games, trust me, keep that in mind."

Ezekiel had to tell the truth, from the future Maple Leafs were the real definition of Oof, on the most humiliating way possible, since they lost against against their own Zamboni Driver who became the emergency goalie for the Carolina Hurricanes… The biggest joke of the national hockey league.

That team? Was always downhill, and Jen was right, even in the new world that Ezekiel was… Maple Leafs still sucked, but he couldn't help but bear in mind to see the game when that happens, it became a Meme so powerful on hockey, that he would want to see his friends watching this game with him, just to see their faces of disbelief from watching such a cringy game.

But still, Jen and Wyatt had no freaking idea what their friend was talking about…

Probably celebrity shenanigans.

It didn't take long until Wyatt and Ezekiel went to the bookstore, and from how the manager has experience in dealing with that kind of event, he called all the employees to be on 2 hours before the Mall opened, and that would give a good time for the employees to have breakfast, work on their stress, or better, pray for the celebrity appears on the time before the mall opens…

Ezekiel felt uncomfortable when the said manager gave a big hug and a kiss on his cheek for being in time with most of the employees… But ignoring such awkward feeling, he still acted professionally as the same way that he instructed where Wyatt would be playing the song.

"Okay, so you know how background songs work right?" Ezekiel asked as the boy who came to sit a few steps on the back in a well-spot place for him to place his instruments nodded his head. "So alright, give me what would your impression of Pearl."

"Well, she seems to be the type of moody but focusing on a good piano."

"That's right, can you give me a demonstration?" Ezekiel asked as the boy simply shrugged as he made sure to place the keyboard and prepared to make sure the AMP was well positioned he gave a few notes and decided to press the keys of the keyboard, using the good sequence of what it was his view of Pearl.

And slowly Ezekiel gave a small nod and little buy little he was getting to like more and more of the song.

"That sounds great, for a first creation for her background song it looks so great so far, with more and more ideas into trying to make sure to remain classic, and yet elegant as the way of ballet, it can show how deeply she was on her style of swordsmanship." Ezekiel commented as he gave good approval, "Okay, I believe in you that you managed to make a few background songs for the character, but there is one that I want you to focus on using your guitar."

"Oh really? What would that be?" Wyatt was happy that the person who hired him liked the way he passed most of the hours trying to think about which songs he would be playing at the event, and then Ezekiel took something from the backpack he was bringing with him, and at the time Wyatt gave a look, it was lyrics of a song.

"These songs are kinda a key for the book, you may see some of them around the lyrics I place on there, but you never know when you are going to play on here. So if you don't mind I can help you to catch the melody." Ezekiel explained as he looked around everything seemed to be ready, the organization of the bookstore and the piles and piles of his books ready to be sold, he even had to make sure to test a box of pens to make the signature and autographs to everyone appearing. And he had to confess, he was feeling anxious and he was in a pile of nervousness, but also excited to see how the day will go.

"Huh, you really can do that?" Wyatt said as he was surprised to see his boss willing to help with his songs. "Okay, which one you want to start?"

"This one… this is basically the first song Steven ever wrote, and it's the main core of the songs of this book," Ezekiel explained and even instructed on how he should be playing from the few pages of papers of songs that Ezekiel knew that it would be important for the event.




"Good morning everyone," Jonesy said as the employees gave a stink eye on him. "Woah, what's going on here?"

"You supposed to be here 2 hours ago," One of the employees said as the tension around the area was very heavy, since the guys who gave the time to meditate, take their breakfast, and even imagine how terrifying the event of the place, it was like a sale of 96% discount they had one year, which it created such a catastrophic fear deep inside of most of the workers of the book store, and with a good reason since it had been so chaotic that 26 people broke bones and 441 had to go to the hospital or to jail, it was such event that it left the fear in the hearts of the most veteran of the workers.

Thankfully they aren't into a whole event of mega sales across the whole mall, but it was only a celebrity book signing, which from their experience, the people were more patient and well-behaved than the berserk of bunch of animals who traumatized the mall stores since 1987…

"Oh come on, I'm here already, am I not?" Jonesy said as he scoffed, but from seeing some of the coworkers simply ignoring, Jonesy was already having a feeling that he wasn't going to remain on that job for far too long. But it was enough to see some of them on the back of the bookstore around the hall where Wyatt was playing some nice guitar, and Ezekiel was signing a few books for a few of the employees of the area.

"I hope you like this one, if you want my advice, read the final chapter on Christmas, you're not going to regret it," Ezekiel said as he said to one of the girls who worked in the bookstore, who nodded their heads and thanked for him signing their books. At the time Ezekiel gave a sigh he then blinked into seeing Jonesy appearing on the work. "Oh, you are still working on here, that's great."

"Har, har, har," Jonesy commented as he saw both Ezekiel and Wyatt getting ready for one of the biggest events of his life. "I can't believe that you both came here 2 hours ago?"

"It was crazy, the line on the outside was terrifying, and if wasn't for Jen and Wyatt I would have no idea how to get inside the mall." The homeschooled boy simply gave the fact that Wyatt was drinking one of his coffee to get enough energy…

"Well, I'm about to go to the food court to try to find something to eat, does any of you want something?" Jonesy asked as Ezekiel and Wyatt raised their eyebrows, as he noticed that boy hadn't even prepared himself to have breakfast before the store opened.

Before any of them say anything…

"THE MALL WAS OPEEEEEN," The store manager shouted, which immediately the employees of the place, went to their positions, while Wyatt finished his cup of coffee, and Ezekiel clinched his fist while giving himself small slaps, to make himself ready.

"What?" Jonesy was the only person in the store who wasn't prepared…

"Jonesy… do you smell it?" Ezekiel said as he started to sniff around, which the boy had no idea what he was talking about, and even raised his armpit to check if he hadn't put the deodorant, "That smell, that kinda of smelly smell, the smelly smell that smells smelly…"

"What are…"

"Anchovies," The bookstore manager said, which appeared in surprise making Jonesy jump away.

"What?" Jonesy and Wyatt asked in unisson as they had no idea on what the manager just said, but immediately Ezekiel and the store manager insisted in one voice.

"ANCHOVIEEEEEES," Both screamed, as the waves of people finally reached the doors of the bookstore and immediately spread like water, but mostly importantly making 4 lines in one go.

"Alright everyone, in your positions, time to sell everything." The bookstore manager said as he went to organize everything as the crowd was each of them catching books and books around and even checking if there was anything else they could buy the books, while Ezekiel could see Jonesy being dragged by the store manager.

On the next second, Wyatt stared at Ezekiel as he had his eyes wide open.

"I can see why you told the joke about the anchovies 2 hours ago, for me it was just crazy stuff, but to see this place full like a bunch of fish it's overwhelming." Wyatt sweated cold as he could see the public approaching more and more and going straight to the cashiers to buy the said books. With the help of the security guards they were making sure the line of four would be organized and nothing would be too chaotic.

"Well I'm glad the story manager laughed hard when I explained about the joke of how a seafood restaurant got overwhelmed by a bunch of people who he called Anchovies," Ezekiel said as he himself could remember how the first episode of Spongebob was, and as much he would have loved to write about him, it was an abyss that he would never be able to bring the full potential of Nickelodeon, the same way of Disney Channel and Disney XD shows, or when it was Fox Kids on the time on the other world, those channels don't exist on this world, and sadly he was just one person and he would never be able to bring in reality…

"Don't be sad Ezekiel," And then a familiar voice commented which immediately made him snap from his thoughts, while Wyatt immediately felt from his chair.

"What the hell?" Wyatt commented as he almost felt a heart attack. "How did sh-"

"Hey Dawn, I'm so happy to see you again," Ezekiel said as he smiled at the former thoughts that he had before, he needed to launch away, by seeing the aura reader herself, with a duck lying over her shoulder, while both were holding a book for him to sign. "Does Howard want his book signed as well?"

"Nah, it's just for me," Dawn giggled, as the duck gave a scoff sound by even twitching on her shoulder. "Hey, I paid for those delicious meals that you had yesterday, I just wanted you to hold this book for a few minutes, it was a fair deal,"

Ezekiel saw Dawn pouting for the duck which clearly turned its head to her, and Ezekiel gladly took the book to sign.

(To Dawn, thank you so much for helping me, I needed someone I could trust with my deep secrets, and having someone as a good friend and confident of these secrets, I know that these books will be a good way for you to enjoy your day, have fun reading Adventure Time and Steven Universe. Whenever you want to talk to me, you can call my number, I know that the future has great things related to you, since you are this wonderful girl.

Wish me luck on season 2 of Total Drama.

From your good friend, Ezekiel. )

And on the corner there was a drawing of a chibi version of Dawn giving a hug to a familiar drawing of the Magical Tree of Nowhere. And a duck seeing everything. Steven Universe, Finn the Human, and Courage give a triple fist bump together.

"Here you go Dawn, also an advice, there is the final chapter of Adventure Time, and I recommend you to read it on Christmas," Ezekiel explained as the moonchild girl simply nodded her head. "Also if you need to get in touch, you have my cellphone number, so when the second season ends, call me for we hang out okay?"

"Sure, thank you Ezekiel… May Mother Nature help you on the movie themes of the second season." Dawn commented as she could already guess from reading by his auras, what would possibly be the theme of the challenges of the season 2, and since he wished to talk more with Dawn, he couldn't, since the next person would appear already to make the next book being signed.

"Hey girls, it's nice to see you again," Ezekiel commented as he saw both Sky and Jane appear not a few minutes longer after Dawn's departure, since it had been a very rushing day, he wouldn't be surprised to see the girls who helped him to have a dinner on the last night. "Got your books already?"

"Yeah, we were surprised to meet the duck and the girl who wanted the book, she was the first on the line," Sky explained as Ezekiel nodded his head.

"Dawn, and you were right, Howard seems to be an interesting duck," Ezekiel explained as he remembered the interaction that he had with both the aura reader and the animal companion she had. And for everything that he could have passed on the days, he couldn't help but appreciate more the good friends he had been around. "So after today, you both are going to return to your home?"

"Probably, but depending on the day we are going to return tomorrow morning since it will be a long ride back home, and with all these people around, it would cause a big traffic probably," Jane explained as the boy seemed to nod from seeing the logic behind the decision.

"Well, if things get to be difficult for me to even have time to rest for the day, then I will let the time to invite you for coffee for another day, I'm sorry," Ezekiel said as he opened the book, so decided to give a dedication for the Cree sisters since both Jane and Sky bought 2 books for each other. "But hey, if you want to talk to me, or even if we manage to have time, we could hang out, and if I visit the neighborhood where you two live, you can give me a tour around there."

"Do you promise?"Sky asked as she gave her best to control herself from burping into the middle of the bookstore, which seeing him smile, made her release a slight burp while he used his finger to make an X on his chest.

"I royal promise," Ezekiel said as both girls tilted their heads. "If I don't accomplish this promise, the Gumball Guardians will put me in a trial of fire."

"What?" Both Jane and Sky looked confused, but instead of being annoyed, Ezekiel simply chuckled.

"Just read the Adventure Time few chapters and you will understand, however, advice. The final chapter of Adventure Time read on Christmas day, it's the best day to read the final chapter." Ezekiel said as he finally gave each girl their own dedicatory.

As he was doing a drawing both Finn and Jake were on the Olympics podium while a chibi version of Sky was receiving a golden medal while the duo was giving their iconic High Five, Courage was wearing his dodgeball uniform, and Steven and Connie were wearing a tennis uniform with racquets in their hands.

(To Sky, thank you for being this amazing girl, I know that our country will be in great hands at the time you participate in the Olympics, always go after your dreams, but most importantly, always remember that you have good friends and a good sister to always get your back. And most important, have fun around the journey of the path of your dreams, since you never know what kind of great stories you could bring in the future. I hope you like reading both these books in the same way I loved to write them.

From your good friend Ezekiel,)

And with that, Ezekiel gave to Sky, who simply smiled and gave a few steps away, for her big sister appear, and Ezekiel already starts drawing a chibi version of Jane crossing her arms while seeing Sky and Finn being competitive in a game which somehow managed to break a vase, and from her amused look, it was indeed what big sisters would do in that situation.

(To Jane, it was very nice to meet you and your little sister, you really are a lifesaver since I had no idea what I could eat, and I had so much fun enjoying the conversation and interaction with you both, thank you for your friendship, and I wish you everything great for your future. Have fun reading these books since I know that they could be as precious to me as the same way Courage the Cowardly Dog was.

From your good friend Ezekiel,)

"Well, I hope you girls enjoy your trip back home, and have a great time girls," Ezekiel said as he could see the duo smiling at him, and even had to walk on the other side to give a hug on the homeschooled boy who just smiled from giving his goodbyes to the other duo of girls…

And with now Sky, Jane, and Dawn out of the bookstore, it seems that there were still long lines of people who wanted to take a book signing from him. And the day just had started. And there were still too many books to sign.

"Wow, I never thought being a book writer would let you to meet a lot of babes," Then for surprise of Ezekiel he looked to see Jonesy crossing his arms as he couldn't help but show a bit of envy and yet awe from seeing a lot of babes over the lines.

"Aren't you supposed to be attending the clients?" Wyatt asked as he stopped playing the guitar for a while, and decided to focus on the keyboard, but even the preparation was enough to make him ask his friend who simply scoffed.

"I'm on a coffee break," Jonesy said as he was eating a muffin, which immediately made both raise their eyebrows.

"On the start of the session? It didn't even pass 30 minutes man," Ezekiel commented as the shouts of the other coworkers and even one dragging the man by the ear, immediately made him yapping in the middle of the work. Ezekiel while smiling and signing an autograph for one of the fans, and signing a picture of himself who somehow someone printed from the Forum of the show, or even a T-Shirt of the Killer Bass logo. The boy wearing the green jacket made by his friend Katie, couldn't help but comment loudly. "He is going to get fired today isn't he?"

"Yep," Wyatt said as he finally started to play one of the Steven Universe songs. "So I was thinking about this for Lapis Lazulli,"

And then the musician boy started to play which Ezekiel passed for a few seconds, while some of the fans were enjoying the background around, as the loud sounds of the talk were distracted by the boy playing the keyboard.

"It sounds nice, but try to make it a bit more dramatic," Ezekiel said as he decided to give a good point. "Try something like this, pam pam pam paaaaam, pam pam pam pam paamm, pam pam pam pam, pam pam pam PAM PAM pam pam…"

"Hmmm, something like this?" Wyatt nodded his head, as he could see that the boy was giving the right tones, and combining with the song he did, it indeed fit better with a dramatical tone which from the look of the writer, he seemed to be satisfied with the work.

"Perfect, keep playing and try to go from there, use your creativity, it's your first day and we can work a lot with it in the future," Ezekiel explained as he could see Wyatt trying to follow the pattern he gave and slowly he could recall little by little the songs of Steven Universe, but sadly he couldn't remember 60% sure how the background songs went from Steven Universe, just the most iconic ones, so that's why he needed to trust in the musicians on their best of abilities to do all the work. "Hello, do you want me to sign for you?"

It took a very long time to keep working, and he gave his trust to Wyatt, knowing that he was going to do his best, then he knew it was in good hands.




"Thank you so much for buying my books, do you want me to sign them?" Ezekiel commented as the woman in front of him who he could recognize was very familiar to him, a black woman with an afro, wearing a purple dress, and purple necklace, but one thing that made it look very familiar was the fact the woman was also wearing glasses.

"Oh, of course, it's for my little Cammy Bear," The woman explained as she gave three books to the homeschooled boy who raised his eyebrows. "He wanted to read the books for the person who also was homeschooled since I have been protecting him for everything outside of the world, and since we have a bubble in our house, he is always smart, so I thought for him read something to distract his mind would be a good idea."

On that momment the key words imediatelly made Ezekiel has his eyes wide open, and the pieces were placed together.

"Just for being sure, you want me to sign his name as Cammy Bear?" Ezekiel asked the final question, which the mother shook her head.

"Oh no, his name is Cameron," Then the woman said the name which immediately Ezekiel could recognize which person was. Small World, or small country as Ezekiel finally sees the mother who made one of the future winners of the Total Drama Island the way he was…

"Okay," Ezekiel said with a good smile, as he decided to give a good dedicatory for the Revenge of Island winner, "I hope he likes my books…"

Ezekiel decided to give something special to Cameron, as he drew Steven inside of his Bubble Shield, Finn kicked the ass of Magic Man, and Courage smiled while pressing the keys of one of his biggest allies but also one of his most despised naggers. The computer.

(To Cammeron… I was also a boy inside of the bubble, and to confess to you, getting out of my metaphorical bubble had been the best day of my life. Being at Total Drama Island was the place where I was completely out of my comfort zone, and I grew up not only with the strength to endure the outside world but also grew up and mature as a person, your mother loves you and protects you in the same way my parents did to me…

But there will be the day that we must get out of our bubbles and see that even over the dangers and pain outside of the world, there will always be a treasure that we can value in life and time… experience…

Be happy with your mom, and I hope someday we can meet so you tell me about your experience of getting out of the bubble.

For one homeschooled to another, I'm doing my best to make you proud, to represent that we are smart, even if we never had a chance to go at school. Stay awesome…

From your new friend… Ezekiel,)

And with that, he drew Finn raising the fist with the words 'MATHEMATICAL' as a way of his homage.

As he finished signing he smiled for the mother, and waved his goodbyes, while warning her to read the final chapter of Adventure Time on Christmas.

And who could be the next of the line? Nobody knows…

"Pfff, please tell me you are joking," Ezekiel commented as he stared at the bookworm looking at him with his arms crossed. "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA,"

"Yeah yeah, laugh it up, but I got screwed by my sisters, and now I had to bring everyone here to take their books and signed for free in exchange for me doing work for you," Noah complained while it was very controversial and many complained about a bunch of people cutting in line, which would have caused a big fight if wasn't for the fact some of the people recognized it was Noah from the reality show Total Drama, and while it was about of him being caught, and even was forced to take a few pictures, the mockery coming from the line as well wasn't welcomed. "Anyway, you want something?"

"Well, since you are offering," Ezekiel commented as he went to his backpack near his foot and took a few bucks which would be enough… "I won't mind a good cup of coffee and a cinnamon roll, there are 2 places that sell that, so if you bring me a good and strong coffee I accept. Hey Wyatt, do you want to take a coffee break? And rest a bit your fingers?"

"I thought you never would ask," Wyatt commented as he had been playing songs for 2 hours, and while they had breakfast when they got in, he would never refuse a good coffee, "I also know where to find the coffee and the cinnamon roll, I can take him."

"Great, see you later boys," Ezekiel chuckled as he was signing each book dedicated for Noah's siblings, his only brother, while a group of girls being his sisters.

Where did he see a show like that before? It was a movie or a cartoon? He doesn't remember much, but still, he found it funny as Noah was looking annoyed at the fact that now he had to work to get the autographs. But still seeing the boy leaving while having a few mocking comments on how she was tricked by Heather, yeah, it was going to be a sore spot for him to be aware of the next season.




"JONESY WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?" The line seemed to never end, and still with Noah and Wyatt returning from the coffee store where he usually Wyatt drinks his coffee every day, the duo brought a few cups of coffee and a few pastries to help them keep working while dealing with all the problems across the book signing.

"I swear, this place was supposed to be calm and quiet which was focused into people buying books, how a person signing them would create such shouting and noise around?" Noah commented as he looked at the musician who preferred to not answer that question, specially that he saw the Manager shouting furiously for his friend who isn't seen for probably 2 hours.

"Well, the life of a celebrity, yesterday was very chaotic how the public was making circles of gathered people and it made even difficult to walk around the mall," Wyatt explained which the bookworm simply shrugged.

"It may be, so… how did you got dragged into this mess?" Noah commented as the duo kept walking in the direction of lines, and see Ezekiel working without stop, giving a slight comment, a joke, a smile and a wave while signing each book for each person who appeared.

"Well, I and my friends just found him hiding from the fans, and he got disguised and when I was just talking about playing music, he simply said that he was planning to do an audiobook and needed some songs in the background." Wyatt explained as the sarcastic boy nodded his head.

"Yeah, that sounds like him, when you spend a few hours with him, it feels that he wants to hire you and then when you just blink, you are hired by him and doing some work with him," Noah said as he could see a lot of people reading the books already, and as much he disliked working a lot, he couldn't help but also feel pride. "I helped him to edit a lot of the chapters and his books. We had a lot of free time, and to see this work being read by many people just like that, it had been mind-blowing."

"Huh, that's true," Wyatt commented as the duo appeared until they saw something that immediately made them freeze and step back… A child of 3 years old, simply gave a spin of 180 degrees, and smiled at them. "What the…"

"Fuck?" Noah said, as they literally walked away from the girl on the line and went directly at Ezekiel with his coffee.

"Thanks guys, I hope it doesn't have been much problem, how was things outside?" Ezekiel asked which he then saw both boys sweating from something, and the boy tilted his head.

"Outside is fine, slower in comparison than things happening on here, we just saw the spawn of Satan approaching the book signing, or the daughter of the girl of the exorcist," Noah explained as he should have expected that after getting out from the show Total Drama and watching every single episode even the Pay-Per-View, he should have been used to seeing bizarre things. But not that bizarre.

"Really?" Ezekiel titled his head, as he didn't recall who supposed to be. "Well, never mind, I signed the books Noah, and your sisters decided to pass the whole day around the Mall while saying that you should be staying here because you love books so much and you were the one who said who would help me."

"Ugh… why I still am living in my mom's house again?" Noah asked as he felt frustrated, but Ezekiel simply rolled his eyes.

"Because you don't have the capability to live independently yet, because you need to have a full income and how to learn how to make taxes, so you would need to hire an accountant and a lawyer and then find a good stable house while you still have to work in a stable life and yada yada, and we don't have time for that because in 3 days we are going to be on the Season 2 of Total Drama," Ezekiel explained point by point as he could see the annoyed bookworm from now being dragged to the hell once again, by nobody other than his friend.

"Okay, you made a point, do you need help with something?" Noah rolled his eyes, as he took a chair to sit.

"Yeah, if you want to add something on the dedicatory you are allowed to do it, writing an autograph if they show a T-shirt, or something related to the show, and sign some books as well..." Ezekiel explained as he could see his friend raising his eyebrows at him. "You are also my co-editor, who helped me to edit those books, but please, remember that these books are for children, so if you have a sarcastic comment that would infuriate or upset the kids, please avoid writing."

"So… thank for you buying the book then?" Noah said as he couldn't come up with compliments towards the group of people who would be crazy to cross the entire Canada just for having their books signed.

"Yes." And Ezekiel knowing the sassy of his friend said with a smirk which immediately made Noah scoff but also having one of the pens to start signing as a co-editor of the book. He just signed and gave his autograph after Ezekiel finishing to write the dedicatory and signature for the person.

If you're evil and you're on the rise

You can count on the four of us taking you down

'Cause we're good and evil never beats us

We'll win the fight and then go out for pizzas

We are the Crystal Gems

We'll always save the day!

And if you think we can't

We'll always find a way!

That's why the people of this world believe in

Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl and Steven!

If you could only know, what we really are

When we arrived on Earth, from out beyond your star

We were amazed to find, your beauty and your worth

And we will protect your kind, and we will protect your Earth

And we will protect your Earth

And we will protect you!

I will fight for the place where I'm free

To live together and exist as me

I will fight in the name of Rose Quartz

And everything that she believed in

I will fight for the world I was made in

The Earth is everything I've ever known

I will fight to be everything that everybody wants me to be when I'm grown

The odds are against us, it won't be easy

But we're not going to do it alone

We are the Crystal Gems

We'll always save the day!

And if you think we can't

We'll always find a way

That's why the people of this world believe in

Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl and Steven!

As the time Wyatt finally playing the guitar and singing the song, it even made the people around nearby the line doing the book signing applaud as they have not much information about the book, but the song itself was clearly catchy and was making interesting for them to read even more the book.

"Gotta say, the boy's got talent," Noah commented as Ezekiel nodded his head, as the more they signed, the more Noah felt himself wanting to give a few steps away. It had been a whole hour doing the book signing with his help, and he was already feeling his hand cramp. "I'm with my hand tired, I'm going to take something to eat."

"Can you grab me something too? Maybe a few French Fries or a Taco?" Ezekiel asked and his friend nodded his head at him. "Thanks, Noah,"

As the bookworm left the area, Ezekiel just saw one familiar face approaching.

"Oh hey, Caitlin how are y- oof." Ezekiel was about to greet his friend when suddenly she gave a good hug to him.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you for giving the tip, I never thought I would enjoy so much into going to buy clothing and enjoy the mall in the same way as before, it was really fun to buy clothes. Also, I'm here to buy the book and I also want you to sign to me." Caitlin commented that she was happy to see her new friend who helped her. "And it was very hard to be on the line, I work here and I had to wait for cut in the line by selling lemonade around here."

"Well, it had been a crazy morning, I have been sitting here for hours, and from the line there are still a lot of people on the line," Ezekiel said as he gave a good signing and even placed his new cellphone number to his friend to send a text whenever she needed him or when he was available to visit his friends at the mall again. "Also while you are here, did you see where is Jonesy? The manager is getting furious since he didn't appear in the store while he was doing his coffee break."

"No, I didn't see him… actually I didn't even see Jude today as well," Caitlin commented as she got the books and once again hugged her friend and managed to walk pass and be behind his back. "I'm going to call Jude to see if he had seen Jonesy, maybe they are together."

"If that's the case, tell Jonesy the manager is on the verge of…"

"THAT'S IT, AT THE TIME I SEE THAT LAZY BOY AGAIN HE IS FIRED." The manager furiously commented as he didn't see a signal of their friend, and from leaving a few hours of the work, specially in a busy day like that, the trio watched that scene, and sighed together.

"Too late," Wyatt commented as he stopped playing a song that Caitlin was now dialing the flip phone.

"Hey Jude, how are you?" Caitlin called happily as she even tried to not flinch from hearing that her friend just got fired from another job, "Oh great, I'm glad that you are fine, did you happen to see Jonesy? It's because the manager really got angry this time and seems that he fired Jonesy without him being here…"

Ezekiel and Wyatt had to continue their work as they needed to deal with more and more fans of the work, and since the show didn't stop, neither should they. But at the time they were about to continue, Caitlin immediately got a reaction that they didn't expect.

"WHAT? WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DIDN'T COME TO WORK TODAY?" Caitlin said loudly as both the musician and the book writer had their eyes wide open in surprise just to stare at Caitlin.

"I'm in a mission dudette," Jude said as he was with a backpack on his back, and walking down the street by skateboard. Passing towards the public and ignoring the cars which passed on him. "Courtney paid up for those sticks and I will give her the sticks as change for what she paid up."

"But Jude, you don't know where she lives." Caitlin's voice coming from the flip phone which Jude simply shook his head as if there was a person seeing him in front of him.

"You are wrong, I know that Courtney talked with her friends that she moved to Ottawa, so that's where I'm heading right now. And in case I get tired I could take a subway there, also tell Zeke, dude, thanks for the money, I'm using them to go to find her." Jude commented as he was determined to find his friend and give her the change that she paid for.

"But what about your job? Aren't you going to be in trouble if your boss find out?" Caitlin asked as Jude simply was passing the streets and even giving a few tricks around.

"I called a sick day, left a note that I got a terrible case of diarrhea and a medical diagnostic from a doctor who was my neighborhood, also I gave a replacement to take my place." Jude said as he was passing towards the street.

"You mean the mop with a bucket on the top?" Caitlin asked as Jude hummed in agreement.

"Yeah, it helped me when I needed to get out for a service," Jude commented as he avoided the traffic even as the horns of the cars almost hit him, which he simply was chill from the dangers happening around. "I will keep in touch in case I get across the city,"

"Hey Jude, do you want me to call Courtney to ask her where she lives? I think that would help you in case you have to look around the entire city for her." Ezekiel's voice was loud and clear, and the skateboard blonde boy simply smiled in appreciation.

"That would be cool dude," Jude said as he almost got himself caught by a car. "Ops, sorry dude, anyway, call you guys later."

"I can't believe Jude just decided to cross the cities of Canada just to find Courtney," Wyatt commented as he was drinking coffee, to which Ezekiel simply shrugged.

"Well, it's a childhood friend, and I never thought he would have such a drive to do that as well, I will call for her right now. And make sure to send a message for him." Ezekiel commented as he took his flip phone and decided to call for either Courtney or Duncan since knowing his friends, they would be together or at least know where each one lives since they are in a relationship. Or in the worst-case scenario, he would call his Ma, she had the address of all the moms of the Killer Bass members and since they all enjoyed chilling out and having fun together, she would have their residential numbers to make sure they knew where they live.

"Hey guys, how are you? Did you see Jude?" And then the trio just saw Jonesy appearing with what would be a popcorn bucket on his head.

"…" The trio remained quiet, as Jonesy took the said popcorn from his head, and still had a few butter drops around his face and hair.

"I tried to find him around, but he wasn't on the arcades and neither on the Gigantoplex," The tan boy commented as he could see the group staring at him in silence. "What's wrong?"

"You're fired…" The trio said in unisson which imediatelly made the boy look at them in disbelief.

"What?" Jonesy asked in surprise and disbelief, but then he felt his ear being pulled. "Ouch ouch ouch…"

"THERE YOU ARE… DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA ON HOW MUCH WE WERE LOOKING FOR YOU? COME AT MY OFFICE NOW…" The manager of the bookstore shouted as Jonesy was dragged as to his now his doomed future of being jobless again.

"…" The group remained quiet, as even the fans of the book writer had to see the boy being dragged and fired from the office, which Ezekiel couldn't help but just shrug.

"Hello, whose name do you want me to dedicate this book to?" Ezekiel asked as he then saw a woman who seemed to be a well grown up woman who seemed to be dressed as waitress, but having a very rural background which remind of himself and his family.

"Ah, well, my two kids, Albie and Scotsy, my two possum kids," The woman said as she sounded very tired from her exhaustive work, which made the boy blink in surprise. Especially the woman who simply yawned loudly which made him look at her in concern, "Sorry, hey… It's because I drove my kids from Alberta to here, and I was working at the truck stop before traveling here. I didn't sleep well until I got on the line."

"Oh," Ezekiel asked as he looked at the woman who seemed to still be wearing the waitress apron, even as he was surprised to see someone from far away in a rural area. Since it was a long trip, he had to admit to never explored further the country since the last time he took the train… Both his ma and pa had an orange farm in Leamington in the Southern area of Ontario. It was a long trip for the woman to travel with her family… "Let me sign for… wait, what happened with this book?"

Ezekiel just had opened it, but he realized that book was actually with pages missing and even had the cover damaged.

"Ah, it's because that was the only book I managed to take it when it was in the stores in Alberta, someone messed up and made a huge discount, since it was the only thing I could afford for my girl Alberta." The woman said with a blush on her face, which Ezekiel had to stare at the book…

"That's not right," Ezekiel said as he could see the woman about to say something, probably thinking he was going to humiliate her since she didn't have the condition of buying a book. But then she just saw Ezekiel taking something from his pocket. And there was a small pile of books on the table where he was displaying on the table. And with the books, Ezekiel picked 2 of each pile. "Hey Wyatt? Can you do me a favor? Take this money and go in the line to pay for 6 books for me? Just make sure the books were signed and it's on me."

The woman blinked in surprise, seeing the boy already signing for the book he worked so much. And taking a look on the old damaged book, he never wanted someone to have paid such terrible conditions and it felt incomplete if someone never took the whole time to read the books.

"I will take this, and from seeing you traveling all the way here doesn't seem fair. My Ma and Pa would be very disappointed in me if I didn't help a Ma who wanted to have good books for her kids." Ezekiel said as he smiled, not seeing how emotional the woman was feeling at the moment. "For Albie, I hope you like this gift your mother wanted so much for both of you, have fun reading the stories of both Finn and Jake, Steven Universe, and Courage the Cowardly Dog, as a farmboy, the imagination is limitless, so I hope you like these books to help you to have a great time reading on the farm. Signed. Ezekiel,"

Ezekiel even had to drew Courage, Finn and Jake waving from the book, as he went towards the next book.

"For Scotty, I hope you like this gift your mother wanted so much for both of you, have fun reading the stories of Finn, Jake, Steve Universe, and Courage, since living on the farm could lead to our own adventures, it's never late to have fun and enjoy the time with family. Have fun and please enjoy those works, Signed, Ezekiel." As the boy finished, he signed each book and even gave his own autograph, now seeing the mother even sniffing in gratitude, and by having his friend Wyatt walking out the line with a thumbs up, the green jacket boy knew he did good, by giving 6 books for the kids the woman needed.

He knew he was making both his parents proud, and books were always good to help people to keep reading more. Since the internet wasn't as strong as it was in the next decade, maybe it was his time to enjoy all the time he could be doing to write and make people happy.

"I will be dammed, if is not the healthiest couple of the entire Total Drama Universe, Enui and Crimson, the goths… Wow," Ezekiel thought as he looked surprised to see a few years younger duo, who seemed to be the next on the line… Even though they weren't dressed in their iconic clothing, it was very similar since their makeup gave a huge hint… But what he didn't expect was..."You even dressed yourself as Shirley? That looks… very dark…"

Both Ennui and Crimson nodded in acknowledgment, which Ezekiel felt sucked since he would have said he loved it and it looks amazing, however describing feelings to goths? Yeah, it's really difficult, maybe he should have asked Gwen what would be the best words to make the goths… happy, which is difficult.

Then he heard a hiss from their direction, and to his surprise, there was even a rat as a pet.

"Wow, you even got a rat? That sounds… very dark and depressing," Ezekiel commented as he tried to focus on the right words to say since it was related to one of his favorite episodes, and he could see both goths actually having a twitch on their faces, almost looking like a smirk. "Well, you got the feelings of the chapter right, can you tell me which chapters were your favorites?"

"The Demon in the Mattress, the Tower of Doctor Zalost, King Ramses Curse, and the Curse of Shirley…" The duo said in unison which their favorites were, as Ezekiel knew that they didn't buy another book from the bookstore, they just bought their own book from Courage the Cowardly Dog. Ezekiel could understand why, Steven Universe isn't for their tastes or Adventure Time didn't go to the part of the lore that would make them interested in reading yet. It would be in the next book or after that, he would introduce the Lich and then things would get dark from that perspective. But still, Ezekiel decided to be happy to see the best couple enjoying one of his best works, and he was right into making it really traumatizing and wholesome since even the goths liked reading it.

"Alright, let me add a dedicatory for both of you." Ezekiel gave a small drawing of each of the chibi goths staring at Courage as he was screaming in panic, while Shirley was playing her saxophone, making the chibi goths a demonic summon to scare the poor pink beagle. "Names?"

"Enui, Crimson," The couple said as Ezekiel couldn't call them couple yet, since probably they weren't the same couple who appeared in Ridonculous race, it was years in the past, so he didn't want to mess up with what was the best of each person.

(For Enui and Crimson, may the darkness of fear and traumas be enough to envelope inside of your hearts and make shown this terrible world needs to be ready to learn about their deepest fears, since all the kindness may be shown after dealing with the terrifying monsters that would try to consume you and destroys from the inside, and that all the depression cannon balls could hit all your enemies and may the curse created by the saxophone of Shirley would be the one for lead the cruelest and funniest of the curses on people you despise. And may they be too ignorant to never return the slab, and King Ramses himself appears to let them suffer the Egypt curses.

From Ezekiel, creator of Courage the Cowardly Dog,)

Of course, Ezekiel wrote their names in each separate book, but it was enough to see their eyes sparkling, from how he wrote their deepest feelings.

"Thank you…" And that was a word that clearly surprised Ezekiel, from seeing both Goths nodding their heads in appreciation and immediately leaving the bookstore.

"Huh… what a great couple, I hope they still become the amazing duo like from Rindonculous Race, I would like to see Loki and that Rat working together, it would leave the Ice Dancers panicking" Ezekiel chuckled as he continued to sign the others books.




"Jen, nice to see you here," Ezekiel commented as he was massaging his own hand.

"Well, Coach Halder said I would get an extra lunch break if I get your book signing on all the books, and I also started reading on the line, and I gotta say that I never thought I would love reading Steven Universe," Jen commented as she saw Caitlin offering lemonade for Ezekiel, and Noah was also helping him to do the signatures and organizing the piles of books for them to keep signing. "So he is Noah the first eliminated of the Total Drama?"

"No, I'm Ron of the Maple Leafs, just got from another game which immediately made a lot of people scream curses on my name," Noah commented as he then saw the group even booing him from far away, and the bookworm showed the middle finger for them.

"He looks a very lovable person," Jen said as she crossed her arms to her friend Ezekiel.

"He is just like this because his siblings tricked him to work for me in exchange signing their books, and now he had been complaining almost all day long," Ezekiel commented as he could see his friend showing the middle finger for him. "If you want to take a coffee break then you can go… but…"

"Bring a coffee for you as well, I know, I know." Noah said as he didn't think twice as the group had been working 5 hours straight, it had been exhausting to everyone.

Adventure Time,

Come on, grab your friends

We'll go to very distant lands

With Jake the Dog and Finn the Human

The fun will never end, it's Adventure Time.

Jen saw Wyatt finishing another song, as he was feeling deeply exhausted as well, thankfully Caitlin came to his rescue and brought a lemonade from the Big Squeeze, since Ezekiel suggested to Caitlin since she was going to pass time inside the store, she could bring a few jars and could offer lemonade as a service for the day and make people pay up for the lemonade as well.

"I can't feel my voice or my fingers," Wyatt said as he had been playing for hours, and Ezekiel nodded his head.

"It's hard work, but that's the way things will go," The boy commented as he forgot how many books he had signed for the whole day, and he felt his entire hand burning in pain, but that wasn't going to make him stop. As he himself wrote the dedicatory for Jen and for Coach Halder, he knew that they would love the books. "An advice, read the final chapter of Adventure Time on Christmas, I suggest you tell your boss about that too."

"Will do, keep doing the good work guys, you just need to do it for more than 5 hours," Jen commented as the group looked on the big line, and couldn't help but groan from how crazy the event had been going.

Wyatt went to his coffee break, leaving once again the lines that didn't seem to ever come to an end, but still more and more Ezekiel and Noah were working together to make the book signed, or in case Noah had to keep watching his siblings who were once again on the bookstore looking for other books for them to buy...

"There she is," Noah commented as he pointed to a bunch of parents who seemed to be looking a bit exhausted, on their hands, there was something that would be described as a creepy girl, but something oddly familiar appeared to a boy like Ezekiel, the color pallet and also the creepy smile that made it looks like way familiar to him.

"Huh," Ezekiel commented as he saw the duo of parents approaching with what would be a scary child itself, "Hello, thank you for buying my book…"

"Actually we are the ones who should be thanking you…" The father was the person who clearly had a tired smile on his face. "Our daughter had been always very eccentric when it came to her bedroom,"

"Let me guess, creepy dolls and all kinds of pent-OUCH," Noah was about to retort when Ezekiel simply stomped his foot, which made his editor stare angrily at him.

"Yes, and she always had the like of seeing pain and suffering of the horror movies, and she always wanted me to read horror books for her to sleep," The father coughed as he looked a bit ashamed and yet palled into seeing his little girl smiling creepily at Noah, but the father also had to give a warm smile. "But since you wrote Courage the Cowardly Dog, it had been her favorite book to sleep, and all the stories she loved it so far. Isn't that right Lauren?"

The girl giggled as she was very happy to see the author of her book, which imediatelly Ezekiel recognized who that person was.

"Really?" Ezekiel commented in surprise, as he then noticed the girl being very creepy he immediately recalled only one person who would be this kind of scary, and yet the father gave the name of the said girl, the A.K.A. Scary Girl known as to be one of the favorites of Total Drama Reboot, Lauren, which from the way she acted, it was indeed not a surprise to see her being always like this even at the childhood. Which also clicked one thing. "Well, that's funny because I remember I had a fan named Lauren who wrote a fan letter of Total Drama Island and probably wrote it in red crayon."

"Yep, that's me… hehehehe, seeing people in pain is so fun," The little girl giggled as imediatelly Noah looked at Ezekiel as if he just saw a demon nearby them.

"Oh, I bet it is," Ezekiel commented as he took the Courage the Cowardly Book brought by the parents, who seemed to just want his autograph. "Well, if you want in a few weeks or possible months, I'm doing a whole audiobook of Courage the Cowardly Dog, which will have his iconic screams, a good soundtrack to follow the story, and even times when Courage gets so hurt, that he just laughs before getting knocked out."

And just by saying those words, he could see the eyes of Lauren sparkling, and even seeing the relief of the father who seemed to be happy to see a person so understanding over the child he had in hands.

"Really? Do they get hurt a lot?" Lauren asked, as Ezekiel simply shrugged.

"Well, Courage always screams of terror and fear, but there will always be the funniest parts when he just laughs before going to sleep," Ezekiel commented as he even started to draw a few things on the book of the girl. "I'm glad that you are sleeping very well, can you tell me your favorite monster?"

"Demon on the Mattress, demon on the mattress," Lauren giggled as a girl who just got candy, which Ezekiel couldn't help but chuckle as well.

"Yeah, some of my favorite scenes are over there as well," Ezekiel commented as he always laughed when the possessed Muriel clearly gave a scare in Courage by showing a set of tea and also made Eustace humiliated in so many ways it was hilarious.

"Well at least she stopped focusing on killing the animals, but now she found a lot of fun in taking out all their fur like her uncle, OUCH." The father decided to also show a good point on how the books made Lauren make drastic changes in a good way, but just to quote the uncle immediately the wife stomped his foot. "What did I do?"

"Don't talk badly of my brother just because he is a barber." Lauren's mother said as she crossed her arms angrily at him, which immediately made him scoff and defend himself.

"Oh come on, he is like Freaky Fred, and Lauren could have him as an influence and traumatize the others by taking out the hair, also your brother isn't a saint. OUCH." The father said which immediately the mother used the purse to beat her husband. Which Lauren was giggling madly.

"Go Mommy, make him feel pain." Lauren as the toddler she was, she was clapping happily to see how much joy she was having.

Ezekiel simply chuckled, while Noah looked at him as if he were some kind of maniac.

"Ah, kids these days," Ezekiel commented as he simply dismissed the child, while Noah looked at him as he lost his mind.

(For Lauren, I hope this book will bring the joys of having fun but also learn more about Courage but also more about yourself, have fun seeing Eustace getting his Karma, Muriel being kind, and Courage defending his family but not without dealing with all his screams and pain he must take to save them. Because his biggest weapon is his own scream, and screaming in fear and pain is fine, as long you never damage them permanently, since Courage is immortal, humans don't have the same luck, so I hope you learn the joys of feeling and knowing pain and fear, but also learn about Kindness and desire to protect people who are important for you.

Ezekiel, creator of Courage of the Cowardly Dog.)

And on that book, Ezekiel drew a chibi Lauren smiling at Courage who was screaming in fear at her, but on the next second she was hugging him with a good smile while his face was suffocating in pain, and then she was giggling when Courage got out of a hole from somehow he fell from the sky, and he with his face out of the hole was laughing completely in pain.

And by giving back the book, Ezekiel waved at them as Noah looked at Ezekiel as if he was crazy. And Ezekiel simply looked at his friend.

"What?" Ezekiel asked as he could see the bookworm staring at him in disbelief.

"What was that?" Noah said as he simply think that book writer just lost his mind. "That girl is clearly an horror monster material and you simply dismissed her like she was just a happy kid?"

"That's because she is?" Ezekiel commented that he could see his friend having a migraine. "Noah, let's be honest, I suffered a lot when it comes to the challenges of Total Drama, and we meet all the kinds of people on the show, seeing a girl who practically had psychopath tendencies to show that she just wanted to become more like Freaky Fred instead of an actual assassin? I think I made a progress that saved the humanity."

"How can you be sure?" Noah said as he raised his eyebrows… Which Ezekiel simply chuckled.

"Just a hunch…" The boy smiled, as he never thought he could actually manage to meet the girl Lauren at that young age, and her being able to write words in crayons and send a fan letter to him? That girl doesn't seem to be more than 2 years old, and yet she sent him a fan letter? It probably would be far scarier if he didn't know about how she was from the reboot, and seeing that he could have a positive influence on her? That was a personal victory that only he knew about it.

"Yes…" Ezekiel could imagine the inner Courage cheering for his inner victory as he smiled for the next person who wanted the book signed.

"That girl was terrifying." The father commented as he was next on the line, while his little boy was simply taking a look at the cover of the new books his father was buying for him. "Oh hello,"

"Hello, thank you for buying my book, do you want me to sign them?" Ezekiel commented as the father simply laughed.

"Of course, haha," The father commented as he gave a laugh as the boy was looking more focused on the books. "His name is Dwayne Junior, and I bought the first one thinking it was a very cool book for him, hahaha… err… if you don't mind my question…"

"No, the new books aren't about terror like Courage the Cowardly Dog," Ezekiel commented which the man himself sighed in relief.

"Phew, well it's because some of the chapters of the book clearly scared too much for my dear little boy," The man commented which he just saw the writer simply raised his eyebrows at him.

"Hey, kiddo, which story made your big dad cry all night?" Ezekiel smirked as the boy who was still looking at the cover didn't even see the reaction of his dad.

"The Great Fusilli, Evil Weevil, Car Broke Phone Yes," Junior simply replied as Ezekiel nodded his head in agreement. "Hey, can you tell me if Weremoles are real? They were so awesome."

"I'm glad that you liked it kiddo," Ezekiel smiled as he simply took the 2 books Junior offered to him. And then he looked at the father. "I think you will like more this one, Steven Universe, it doesn't have scary moments, but it is more about a little kid growing up in a society with his family, in which his father had very touching and amazing moments together with his son, you will like it a lot."

"Okay, hehehe, thanks…" The father laughed sheepishly as Ezekiel gave a good signature and dedication to a person named Dwayne Senior since the son is named Junior.

"Also, Junior right?" Ezekiel asked with a smirk which brought the attention of the boy. "The next volume of Courage the Cowardly Dog will have a lot of more scary encounters with villains and possibly a lot of new chapters that would terrify many people. Also, an audiobook will be produced and published in a few weeks or months, so better prepare yourself."

"Really?" Junior said with his eyes sparkling with interest. "And what about this book here?"

Ezekiel smirked even further when he saw the book of Adventure Time.

"Kid, I'm going to tell you the small plot that only a few will know…" Ezekiel said as he winked at the boy… "As much that this world looks colorful and happy with candies and kingdoms… All of this world is actually a post-apocalyptic world."

"No way," Junior said as Ezekiel gave an autograph and a few drawings of something to take interest of the boy… Finn holding the iconic family's sword, and the skull of Lich, glaring at everything. "Oh, that's so cool."

"Well, I hope you two enjoy a good time together reading those books," Ezekiel smiled as he waved at the duo. He made sure to know that both father and son would still be a great duo together in the future.

"Heh, Father and Son, Dwayne and Junior, after appearing the goths, this day is getting better and better," Ezekiel commented as he could see Noah bringing a pizza for the duo to eat while they continued signing the books.

"Did I miss anything?" Noah asked as Wyatt came while he was ready to finish the rest of the day singing for the audience, as he passed the whole day working, and enjoying the good time meeting the people around the lines.

"Just a father and son…" Ezekiel smiled as he remembered the dedicatory he created for each of them.

("To Dwayne Senior, I'm glad to see a parent like you happy to pass a good time with your son, so I hope these books will help you to enjoy the small things like passing the time reading with him, and even as much you are not perfect, just doing your best is clearly something that he will appreciate, even as time will show that he is growing up, enjoying the small things with him will make him value the good times with you.

Have fun learning about what Greg Universe taught his son, and how much he is important on his life.

From Ezekiel, writer of Steven Universe and Courage the Cowardly Dog.)

("To Junior, I hope you have a great time reading these books, to have fun learning about the crazy adventures that you are about to even imagine, and just in case you want to do something while you are bored, watch the new season of Total Drama, me and my friends will be trying to win 1 million dollars while we are going to be doing all the crazy things just for the sake of entertainment, to make things funnier, go watch with your dad and see his reaction when there will be a lot of weird challenges, it's hilarious to see our parents freaking out when we do crazy stuff.

I hope Adventure Time and Steven Universe will make you have fun into using your imagination, but also having so many cool moments into living life.

From your friend, Ezekiel.)

The late afternoon sun filtered through the large glass windows of the mall, casting a warm, golden glow over the food court. Caitlin stood behind the counter of her lemonade stand, wiping down the blender that had worked overtime all day. She couldn't help but smile to herself, the scent of fresh lemons still lingering in the air as she thought about how well her sales had gone. Thanks to Ezekiel's suggestion, she had managed to sell enough lemonade to take not just the rest of the day off, but possibly even the entire next day.

Across from her, Jen was sitting at one of the tables, lazily picking at a carton of french fries while flipping through a [i]Steven Universe/i] book she had picked up from one of the stands. She was relaxed, letting the sounds of the busy mall wash over her like white noise, the day's worries melting away.

Nikki, meanwhile, was thoroughly enjoying the sight of Jonesy, who sat with his face firmly planted against the table, his muffled voice radiating frustration.

"Three times," Jonesy groaned, his voice thick with defeat. "I was fired three times from Booktropolis. I can't believe it. The manager fired me for the second time, just to hire me again—only to fire me in the next minute."

Nikki, smirking, barely looked up from her phone as she rolled her eyes at him. "Well, ironically, you got fired for the exact same reason you were fired the first time—you weren't there when they needed you most," she said, her tone flat but teasing. She leaned back in her chair, watching Jonesy with a kind of detached amusement. She loved watching him suffer from his own actions, especially when it was this predictable.

Jen glanced up from her book, briefly raising an eyebrow before diving back into the colorful pages of Steven Universe. She didn't need to comment; the whole situation was too typical of Jonesy to waste the effort.

"Okay I don't know why, but this Lion came from nowhere and had a pink fur, Ezekiel must have a reason for placing him on the chapter. He looks very suspicious," Jen commented as Caitlin giggled after finishing cleaning up the blender.

"Well I think it belongs to Steven," Caitlin commented as she saw her friend raising her eyebrows at her. "I love the concept that even the sweet boy Steven is, he is not afraid to be using pink color powers like his mom, it's so cute."

"Are you two still going to keep talking about the book?" At that moment, the group just saw one of the members of the group finally there, Wyatt who was now very exhausted and strangely his voice was hoarse, which made the group stare at him in surprise. The musician just managed to bring all the instruments he spent most part of the day playing. "It was crazy, playing for hours and hours, never thought I would feel both my fingers cramped and my voice like this."

"Wow, and how it was with Mr. Celebrity himself?" Nikki asked, as Wyatt just passed a few seconds resting his head on the table.

"If being famous is like this, then you must have a lot of patience and energy to keep doing this for a whole day. I'm just happy that now I'm going just compose songs for an audiobook project that he was making, and even play the songs and lyrics that he placed on the book, it will help me a lot..." Wyatt commented as the group saw the boy feeling clearly tired for the whole day. "Also, after working today, I'm just glad that this is just today, and it was awesome to see how many people really liked reading his book, and he was great at giving a good talk and autographing every single one of the names."

"Yeah, I was there. I had fun selling lemonade all day long on there." Caitlin commented as she was telling the truth, and seeing their friends working the whole day, and even meeting another famous member of the cast of Total Drama, made her have a lot of fun.

"I don't know how Ezekiel did that for the whole period, he had been sitting on that chair for 8 hours straight and didn't even get out to go to the bathroom, but after the last client of the line, I can't believe we managed to sell all the books," Wyatt commented as he never thought he would be so relieved to see his entire work being over.

"Wait what? What do you mean? There were 15 thousand books, and from the lines, it clearly didn't appear more than a thousand. How did they sell the remaining books?" Jonesy asked in disbelief as he could see his friend still feeling exhausted.

"From the manager telling us, 20 guys were from wholesale stores, and they wanted hundreds of books for they sell on their region… They needed people to place the books in the box, and that was the reason why you got fired Jonesy." Wyatt said as he found Caitlin looking at him sheepishly and with a lemonade in her hands.

"You need to drink more liquids, Wyatt, you cannot force your voice like that," Caitlin commented as the group just saw Jonesy slamming his face on the table. Which the group simply ignored and continued the conversation. "Did Ezekiel send a message to Jude where Courtney lives?"

"Yeah he did," Wyatt nodded his head, as the group couldn't understand why Jude decided to keep insisting on paying the change for his friend, since he could have waited another day to give her the change.

"Well, at least the day was very nice," Jen commented as she closed the book, and was ready to call for the day. "So anyone wants to go to Gigantoplex to watch a movie before we leave? I'm curious about the new movie that got out recently."

And with that the group simply shrugged and decided to continue their lives happily as the same way as it was before.

"I can't believe that it's finally over," Noah said as he felt that nightmare finally ending, he felt his arms tired, and a big headache on his head. "I have no idea how you managed to do that, especially holding yourself for 8 years to not taking a bathroom break,"

flush sound*

"Noah, let me tell you something, at the time Owen used the bathroom in case of diarrhea, me and the others had to hold ourselves for 12 hours or go at the bushes," Ezekiel explained how the situation got to be extreme on the show. "If you had to deal with Owen going first, you need to train everything in your body, as much that it's painful and you needed to hold together."

"Ugh, why are we even talking about this?" Noah said as he clearly didn't want to have that kind of conversation.

"I don't know, but I never felt my hands in so much pain, giving autographs and signing books had been really a long day for me," Ezekiel explained as he felt that he would need to place an ice pack on his hands. "Next time I'm going to be doing that it will not be early."

"At least you have common sense," Noah said as both were washing their hands, as it was a way to enjoy their afternoon before going home. "So what are you going to be doing?"

"I'm going to take a taxi cab to take me to Bridgette's house, from there I will check if my Pa will take me back home with all the things I bought from here." Ezekiel simply shrugged as the bookworm gave a small look on the jacket.

"Including this jacket?" Noah pointed as he then saw the writer simply shake his head.

"Nah, this one was made by Katie, she worked so much to work for this jacket," Ezekiel smiled as he could see his friend narrowing his eyes. "It's from Ben 10 design."

"Strange, I didn't read of something wearing green lik-" Noah was commenting until he paused, as he could see the smile coming from Ezekiel. "A sequel of the book you didn't even start?"

"Yep, in a few days when we get on season 2, I can start writing more about the chapters of Ben 10, and also do another whole volume for Courage the Cowardly Dog," Ezekiel commented as he could see the annoyed look on his friend's eyes.

"Ugh, a lot of work for us to do, while we have to try to survive the challenges around the show?" Noah commented as the duo kept walking outside of the bathrooms from the mall, and he looked at his friend and boss in disbelief. "And what about Adventure Time and Steven Universe? You just gave 2 bombshells on those 2."

"Yeah, but since one of them is a cliffhanger, I decided to let them sink even more time, and give some rest for myself, Adventure Time as well, I could enjoy a bit of time to write some ideas, but to write the chapters, nah, I want to focus into more of one shot… like a new idea that I have in mind. A short oneshot but it will make a lot of impact." Ezekiel commented as he looked at his friend who had with inquiring look on his face. "The name is… Over the Garden Wall,"

"And is it about?" Noah said as he looked intrigued and curious about what his friend was about to make, but from seeing him smirking at him, he already hated what he was going to say.

"Well, you will have to wait." Yep, Noah hated it when Ezekiel said that. "I will be contacting my lawyer tomorrow and give a whole contract to Wyatt for him to start developing a few songs, as I also gave a lot of ideas audio tapes while we were at the Playa Del Losers, I'm so glad that we were allowed to send mail around, I know that while I will be on the game, Wyatt will be doing an amazing job."

"So you are really going to be doing the audiobook? I thought it was more focused on playing a prank on Chris…" Noah commented as both smirked from imagining how Chris is probably traumatized to this day… But nothing they couldn't handle or care about the host. "Well, at least it shows that you are getting more money with the fame,"

"Yep… that's very true my friend… and think about it. I can feel this season will be our season," Ezekiel smiled as he placed his arm across his shoulder. "The focus on this season is to make us have a lot of fun and help us to solidify our fame into doing well establishment business for our future."

"Please don't tell me that you are going to create a vlog." Noah commented as he facepalmed but then he just saw Ezekiel laughing.

"Vlog? Nah, that's very short fame, why not be more ambitious? Why not do something out of the box?" Ezekiel commented as he was feeling so happy and excited about the future. "I know for sure I and my friends of Killer Bass will be doing so many amazing things. Mark my words, Noah, I'm happy with doing my books and audiobooks, but if my friends just follow their dreams and have some right guidance, we can take this Total Drama and make ourselves way bigger and happier than we ever imagined."

"Pff, only you could see those great things after being in such a chaotic place." Noah rolled his eyes, but he couldn't help but feel touched to see his friend motivated.

"Noah, the secret of being on Total Drama is just to be used to everything Chris is going to throw at us and act like it was just a simple day of the week, and if you have fun while doing it, it will easy up the chaos of how terrible everything is happening on there," Ezekiel commented as the duo walked towards the group of a large number of siblings the bookworm had. "Be yourself but do not dismiss the challenges thrown at you, have fun, have some jokes, memorable moments being with friends, and when you less expect, you are already at the merge, Owen and Lindsay went way ahead just for doing that and taking all the opportunities will make you memorable to everyone, that's how Izzy became a successful businesswoman, and I became a well-known writer, I know that if everyone just does like we did, everyone is going be famous and successful, and all of us will reach the true happiness."

"Ezekiel, sometimes I have no fucking idea what you talk about," Noah commented, as his friend gave an over-exaggerated dramatic sigh.

"Just have fun on the Chaos Noah, don't be a douchebag, and always expect the worse of Chris, with these 3 thoughts in mind, you are going to have fun and go way ahead of the game," Ezekiel explained as he even laughed at how excited he was for season 2. "I have a very good feeling about this season, so you better get a good rest for these 2 days, because we are going to have a lot of weeks to deal with the whole new season."

"Yeah, yeah, I get it…" Noah said, as both gave a handshake and with that, Ezekiel smiled as he waved back to the group of 2 boys and 6 girls who once got another migraine to Noah.

"Believe me, Noah, your happiness will happen at the time you enjoy the Chaos, after all, your girlfriend will be waiting for you in the future." Ezekiel smiled as he knew that things would become very challenging but also a great opportunity for their future.

Even as the duo departed their ways, their future wouldn't be ordinary, not when it comes about participating in a reality show like Total Drama.

As the time Dawn walked on the street, even as the sunset clearly was an indication that she had been walking for hours with her duck companion, the girl carrying a backpack didn't complain, she simply followed the instructions of Mother Nature.

"Are you sure you don't want a ride back home?" Dawn recalled the two cree sisters after they having a very wonderful morning talking about their lives.

Dawn saw how both auras were indeed very warm and welcoming and from her conversation waiting over the morning. Dawn could see from how their auras reacted and told her their story.

Jane is a great sister who needed to find a way to get money to pay for their house, while both girls needed to deal with their education at school. While the one being responsible for raising her sister while their parents still live in another state.

Sky is a wonderful girl that indeed shows how noble and righteous her decisions to always giving your best was very inspiring, maybe that was why when she thinks about Ezekiel, her body reacts to a crush that both girls had in common.

Maybe that was why Mother Nature was giggling most of the time, since it was clear that not only her, but there was other girls who were interested about the boy with 2 auras...

Ezekiel clearly opened his heart and soul to her as they talked about his past, and Mother Nature told her that Sky and Ezekiel talked more about the present and future projects of their lives.

And as the way she could read the dedicatory he did for her, but also for Sky and Jane, the trio got happy into becoming friends and have saved their own contacts.

She had a feeling that they would meet once again in the future, as she hoped Jane would be in better conditions and less stressed with life. But knowing how universe works, it's so misterious and tricky that nobody is sure on what it is prepared for them.

As the same way she was supposed to be traveling to her journey of 40 days to go back home, but instead Mother Nature insisted to be her guide as she passed hours alround the streets, to even bypass the train to bring her directly at Ontario...

She wasn't sure why, but Mother Nature was being the one who said that her decision of leaving her home would be a first step of her journey.

She missed both her parents but it was the time to ler her future be in the hands of Mother Nature, and so far everything had been a wonderful experience to her.

And to her surprise she walked so much that she just found herself in a wildlife reserve and a big forest.

"Haliburton forest," Dawn commented as she looked around to see that place would be great for turists, and having an animal reserve was very touching welcome for her to feel connected with Mother Nature. "That's a very sweet place..."

And Mother Nature wasn't done with her moonchild, as the more the girl in tune within the forests, passing the hours, she reached at the big beautiful view over the night. Stars and a halfmoon on the sky, being her guide as the more and more she ventured herself...

Until she found to her surprise, a big and well made tree house, which was one that she never saw in her entire life, not even her mom and dad wouldn't believe even if she tells them what she was seeing.

A tree house that looked 20 times bigger than the house she ever lived. As slowly the girl approached, she felt Mother Nature guiding her as she saw the well made... Was that mansion in the trees? She wasn't sure.

Until she approached a long plaque reading the entrance.

"Dakota's doll house?" Dawn blinked as she tilted her head in confusion and then stared at what would be the biggest house that she had ever seen in her life. A doll house.

As she got inside, she could see there was a lot of dolls and manaquins dressing with dressed and clothes, but Mother Nature slowly started to take control of the place. Since there was a few squirrels, birds, and even insects living inside of the said mansion.

But what it surprised the girl, was the fact the place looked recently made, because there was a few plasma screen tvs, refrigerators, air conditioner, a computer...

"Mother Nature, this house looks modern and yet abandoned... When..."Dawn commented as she wasn't sure why Mother Nature brought her to a place that she isn't sure on why there was this place was supposed to be a toy house, and was fancier than any tree house that she had ever imagined seeing. And then her eyes went wide open in surprise... "The owner of this place just gave it away because she didn't like the color of the wood?"




"I don't know if should be grateful for having a place to stay for a while offended by that... She just threw away a house like this as it was a toy," Dawn commented as she was very confused, seeing Howard walking around and interacting with the other animals. The moonchild simply walked to one of the photo portraits of the girl, which showed the look of a well-dressed girl who Dawn could hear Mother Nature saying about the girl was a wealthy child, who just bought property in her forest, just to make a house for her toys of childhood... And then gave away the propriety to whoever would find the key and the documents under the carpet... "Mother Nature, you are not thinking... I can't accept this."

Dawn remains quiet, as she then saw the creatures of nature interacting and living well at the doll house. As a signal, the moonchild had the decision of her future in her hands.

"Okay, I will stay and take care of them. But if I see Dakota, I will make up for her generosity and help. I swear." Dawn said as she never thought that looked that under the carpet... Indeed the key of the tree giant doll house. And the documents in her hands. And with a resolve that she should help the girl who practically gave such a house to Mother Nature.

"Ezekiel, when I thought you said you bought some things on the mall for yourself and for home, you should have told me you bought literally many bags of things," Curtis commented as Ezekiel chuckled from seeing his pa grumpily comment on how much the boy had expended on the Mall, while knowing that his son was actually controlling his own finances, by also saying that he is doing his best to focus on controlling how much he was paying for things, and even building the resort where he was going to live in the future.

Still he could see how much his son had been working all day, from how he flinched wenever he opened and closed his fist, even more when it comes about how many hours he passed inside of the Mall just to make the book signing of the day, and from what saying his son signing hundreds of not thousands of books? Yeah, anyone would have the right to being tired all day long.

He would be curious to ask on how his day was, however he would find even more interesting to see his Ma being the one doing the interrogation while he watches it on the sidelines with a bowl with popcorn on it.

"I bought a lot of things Pa, you and Ma needed a few clothes in case you wanted to visit my friends' family, and I also bought new bows for us to keep practicing and having fun in the future," Ezekiel commented as he was feeling very tired and even yawning while both were traveling towards the street back home. Hours driving to go back to the farm. He needed one day to rest and spend his time with his family before returning to the city once again just for the birthday of his friend.

Curtis rolled his eyes, but couldn't help but see his son slowly sleeping on the seat, slowly snoring from how exhaustive it must have been for his little boy.

The farm man sighed, as he couldn't help but keep looking at the street, and imagine that his little boy had been growing up at such a speed that he couldn't help but just watch, and cheer up for the decisions his son had been making for himself.

The boy had always helped him and his wife, whenever it comes about the farm, even giving a part of his money from the book to help to finances for new farm tools and delivery trucks… And with how good his son had been on the reality show, he knew that his farm was being known by companies and supermarkets that wanted to buy his fruits.

His son really did so much for him… and he couldn't help but think, that maybe what was the best thing that happened for himself and his wife, was the fact Marta was now acting more cheerful whenever she talked about the mother of Ezekiel's friends since his wife usually stayed with the boy just to make sure he wouldn't hurt himself, the woman always had been very adventurous, but after what happened with his sister, she simply closed herself up…

Maybe it had been guilty that had been inside of not just his heart, but hers as well… But after seeing how many good things happening in their lives, the grunted man, couldn't help but give a small smile from seeing how his boy had grown up, and slowly his little wings would have strength enough to fly to his new nest…

Leaving the old birdies by themselves…

"Maybe I should take Marta to Paris, to enjoy our time together after all these years raising Ezekiel, she deserved it more than I do…" Curtis commented as he could see his boy with a new green jacket, that it made him look like the usual boys from the show, and from how serene he was smiling. It clearly resembled himself when Robin took a picture of him sleeping. His boy really took a good part of his Ma, but still, a bit of his personality came from him. And by seeing the night and the future he had plans for his wife. "Le pays de l'amour, et l'histoire d'un agriculteur et d'un aventurier, (The country of love, the story of a farm man and an adventuress)"

Who said Ezekiel was the only one of the family who could speak more than one language? Robin was a very insistent sister, and maybe that was something that also Ezekiel took from his side of the family.

Curtis gave a small smile as his eyes sparkled with its desire to release a tear, but one that the farm man would refuse to let drop. He had a boy to take home and a good time to pass with him before seeing him make a name for himself again in the future.