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Reality Collides: The Ezekiel Chronicles

Chapter 52: From 13:00 to 16:00 Hours


Sorry for the delay guys, I have too much to deal with my life, I stopped using Discord because my mom wanted me to focus into trying to find a job and I need to focus into courses or anything to help me to find a job, and my progress on my stories had been slowing down.

Anyway, here is the chapter. And sorry, but I need to focus into getting a job now, I miss my friends of Discord, and I need to get things done quickly. Have a great time reading, and wish me luck.

Chapter Text




"I know, Dad, it was supposed to be a quick drive to the mall for the Killer Bass reunion, but the car just stopped working out of nowhere!" Courtney gripped her flip phone tighter, her irritation clear as she watched the tow truck operator finish securing her car. "The tow truck took an hour to get here, and now they're saying it's something about the valves, which—of course—was totally unexpected."

Courtney leaned against the side of her car, her arms crossed tightly as the tow truck driver waved to her, signaling he was about to leave. The air was cool, with a slight breeze rustling her hair, but it did little to calm her frustration. She forced a tight smile and gave a half-hearted wave back. The fading daylight painted the road with golden hues, while her growing impatience simmered.

"And now, just when I thought it couldn't get worse, the driver's heading in the opposite direction of the mall! I'll probably have to take a cab, and that'll take me hours to get there." She let out an exasperated sigh, watching helplessly as her car disappeared down the winding road. The sinking feeling of being stranded washed over her as she adjusted her bag on her shoulder, letting out a heavy breath.

"I'll try calling Duncan, and see if he can pick me up. Anyway, I'll figure it out. Talk later, Dad."

Courtney flipped her phone shut and slipped it into her pocket, her eyes glued to the distance where the tow truck had vanished. She shook her head, muttering under her breath while starting to walk down the road, her heels clicking lightly against the pavement. She pulled out her phone again, thumb hovering over Duncan's number.

Suddenly, the soft hum of an engine approached, and Courtney blinked, turning her head. A car rolled to a slow stop beside her. For a second, she wasn't sure what to make of it, but her curiosity was piqued as the tinted window of the passenger side slowly began to lower.

Just as she squinted to get a better look, the window revealed two young girls sitting inside, both with wide eyes and expressions of surprise. They had the appearance of being of Asian descent, but something about their look and vibe screamed local—likely natives of Canada. The driver, her hands gripping the wheel tightly, stared at Courtney with a mix of shock and surprise.

"Courtney?" The driver who seemed to be a few years older than the passenger asked which made the C.I.T. girl blink but nod in recognition. "What are you doing around this street? Do you live nearby?"

"No, I just got a problem with my car, and I'm about to ask Duncan to take me to the mall-"

"Eaton Centre?" The girl asked which made Courtney had her eyes wide open, as both girls couldn't help but give a small smile. "We are heading in that direction, want a ride?"

"I don't know if I should accept it." Courtney commented as she did in a polite tone, "It would be too bothersome for you two, and it would take a lot of gas."

"That's fine, tomorrow is going to be Ezekiel's book signing, and we spent 2 days driving just to reach the nearest Motel," The girl said as she shrugged, and she could see the girl was a bit hesitant. "And trust me, we have been driving non-stop during all those days, my name is Jane and this is my sister Sky, and you have no idea how much we have been watching the reality show."

Courtney remained in silence, and while having a lot of fans had been an issue coming from dealing with the popularity, she was now famous and needed to deal with it, and she looked at those girls who seemed to be friendly and nice enough. And she needed to be on the mall the quickly as possible.

"Sure, sorry for the inconvenience." Courtney accepted the help, as the smile of the Cree descendants was more than welcoming for a time she needed.




"Okay, Dad, I will be careful but don't worry. Please check with the mechanic if everything is okay?" Courtney said as she finished her call on the flip phone. She sat in the backseat of the car, glancing out the window as the world zipped by. The road had been long, and the exhaustion was starting to settle in the vehicle.

In the front seat, Jane, the older of the two sisters, drained the last of her energy drink, tossing the can into the cup holder beside her. The dark circles under her eyes told the story of a long, sleepless journey, driving from state to state with hardly any rest. The hum of the engine and the occasional bump in the road were the only sounds filling the car, aside from the slight rustle of paper.

Sky, Jane's younger sister, sat beside her, organizing trash into a plastic bag. She appeared more rested than her sibling, though her eyes darted to Jane every few moments, clearly worried about the toll the drive was taking. The car smelled faintly of the energy drink, mixed with the crisp scent of the air conditioning, trying its best to keep the three of them cool under the warm sun.

"Okay, bye, Dad." Courtney flipped her phone shut and turned to look at the two girls, still focusing intently on the road and their directions. The youngest girl, Sky, was holding a map on her lap, her fingers tracing over it as she tried to figure out where to go next. She seemed only a couple of years younger than Courtney—maybe two or three at most—but the exhaustion hadn't caught up to her quite as hard as her sister.

"Do you girls need help? I can tell the directions since I made the notes on where the mall would be," Courtney offered, glancing from the map to Jane, who was still gripping the steering wheel with tired hands.

"That would be appreciated," Jane said with a small smile, giving a brief side glance to her sister, who smiled back. Her eyes flicked between the road and Courtney in the rearview mirror.

"Well, you need to turn left on the next street, then right after five more streets," Courtney explained as she leaned forward slightly, her finger pointing out the directions as Sky, now sipping from a water bottle, handed the map over to her.

Jane nodded, following Courtney's instructions, her movements slow but steady, keeping her eyes fixed on the road. The car continued forward, the tension of the long drive softened slightly by Courtney's helpfulness. As much as she wasn't used to relying on others—especially fans—Courtney couldn't help but be grateful for their help.

"Thank you for the help," Courtney added, though she kept her tone reserved, not wanting to show too much vulnerability.

"It's fine. We were going in that direction anyway," Sky replied, tilting her head slightly as she took another sip from her water bottle. The road stretched out ahead of them, with the setting sun casting long shadows on the asphalt. "I was surprised you were going there. Is something happening at the mall besides the book signing?"

Courtney hesitated for a moment. Should she tell them about the Killer Bass reunion? She wasn't entirely sure how much she should reveal, but after a beat, she decided it was harmless enough. "Well, me and my friends are meeting there to spend the day shopping at the mall," she admitted, trying to sound casual.

"Oh really?" Both sisters chimed in at once, their curiosity piqued. Their heads turned slightly in unison, glancing back at Courtney. The excitement was clear in their eyes, though they tried to mask it under polite curiosity.

Courtney nodded, though before she could say anything else, Jane let out a deep yawn, her hand briefly covering her mouth as Sky's expression shifted to concern for her sister.

"Well, that sucks," Sky said, breaking the silence as she sighed in disappointment. Her voice held a trace of playfulness, though her concern for Jane lingered. "It would have been nice if we could show up there and see them, but we better settle down in a motel and get a good sleep."

Jane gave a tired nod of agreement, her shoulders sagging slightly as the weight of the journey finally seemed to catch up to her.

Courtney blinked, momentarily caught off guard by Sky's mature decision to focus on getting some rest instead of rushing to meet the group. It surprised her that someone younger was choosing to be practical over-excitement, especially after hearing about the reunion.

"What do you yawn mean?" Jane mumbled, blinking a few times as her exhaustion started to show through. She glanced at her younger sister, clearly struggling to stay focused.

"It's better we focus on the book signing tomorrow, being well-rested and taking the line with more optimism than trying to get to the mall right now," Sky replied calmly, her concern for her older sister obvious. "We've been driving for two days, and while I'm feeling sleepy, I don't want you to be completely exhausted."

Courtney remained silent, watching the dynamic between the two sisters unfold. Sky, younger but wise beyond her years, was taking charge of the situation. There was a certain familiarity in the way they interacted, a bond Courtney could relate to with her own family. But then Sky continued, her tone growing softer. "Especially with the fact that you lost your job…"

"…," Jane's grip tightened on the steering wheel, and a heavy sigh escaped her lips. "How did you find out?"

"The principal of your college left a note saying you should start looking for a job soon since your internship period was almost over," Sky said matter-of-factly. Her words hung in the air for a moment, causing Courtney to flinch at the sudden shift in conversation. Jane remained quiet, her expression blank as if trying to process the weight of her sister's concern. "I know you've been doing it all for me."

"Heh, not just for you," Jane responded, her voice tinged with a bittersweet tone. She placed a hand over her face, taking a moment to compose herself before offering a weak smile. "I mean, I loved his book too." Her attempt at humor was clear, but the strain in her voice was unmistakable. "You're right, though. There are probably so many fans at the mall right now, that we'd never even get a chance to see that boy you have a crush on."


Courtney blinked again, her attention drawn to the sudden, unexpected sound. Sky, her face flushed bright red, had just burped without warning. The awkwardness of the moment lingered for a beat until Jane broke into laughter.

"That's not funny," Sky muttered, her face still flushed as she shot a glare at her sister. But Jane, rolling her eyes, wore a wide smirk, clearly amused. Despite the light moment, the underlying concern in Sky's voice returned. "Are you sure you'll be fine? I could ask my friends on the gymnastics team if their parents know somewhere you could work."

"I appreciate the help, Sky, but this is something I need to do myself," Jane said, her tone softening as she navigated the streets. She seemed determined to handle things on her own, even if it meant pushing through her own struggles. As they reached another intersection, she glanced at Courtney. "And which direction again?"

"Oh, right…" Courtney snapped out of her thoughts. "Go straight until 8th Street, then turn left."

As they drove on, Courtney couldn't help but reflect on the interaction she had just witnessed. There were two girls, living their lives together, supporting each other through small and large struggles alike.

It struck her that even though she was now somewhat of a celebrity, the world didn't stop for the everyday challenges of others. These girls weren't acting like fans right now—they were just two sisters, dealing with their own lives, in much the same way she and her own sister used to before everything changed with Total Drama Island. Even now, after all the fame, her life continues to move forward, just like theirs.

"So, Sky," Courtney asked, curiosity creeping into her voice, "why not tell me a bit more about you and your sister?"




A brief pause settled over the car as the city streets rolled by, when Courtney, still impressed by the younger girl's determination, spoke up again.

"Oh, so you're training with your team to try and reach the Olympics?" Courtney asked, her voice tinged with admiration. She hadn't expected to meet someone so ambitious, someone whose drive mirrored her own in unexpected ways.

"Yeah," Sky nodded, a spark of excitement in her eyes. "We've been training a lot, but we're focused on winning the championship next year. If we keep pushing until the end of high school, we might have a real shot at representing Canada."

Courtney found herself nodding along, impressed by Sky's dedication. "I never thought I'd meet someone aiming for the Olympics. I really wish you the best of luck with that." She smiled, glancing at Jane, who was focused on the road ahead, though a small smile had crept onto her face as well. "And both of you have been driving non-stop for two days? Do your parents know about that?"

"Actually, they don't," Jane replied, her tone casual as she met Courtney's curious gaze in the rearview mirror. Seeing the slight confusion on Courtney's face, Jane continued. "Our mom and dad live in Alberta, but for school, Sky and I had to move out to British Columbia. It's all about focusing on our future."

Courtney's eyes widened. "Wow, that's really far away." She was genuinely surprised. They had practically driven across the country just to get to the mall, and she couldn't help but be impressed by their dedication—not just to her, but to their own goals.

"You have no idea," Sky chuckled lightly, sharing a knowing look with her sister. Her smile brightened as she glanced back at Courtney. "We're just glad we managed to meet one of the cast from the show. If you don't mind me asking, can I ask a few questions about it?"

Courtney's smile widened at Sky's excitement. It was heartwarming to meet such genuine fans. "Well, as long as it's something I can answer, feel free to ask away," she said, her earlier frustrations fading away as she enjoyed the company of these two determined and kind sisters.




"It was a dick move for Chris to eliminate you like that," Sky commented, glancing at Courtney while the car cruised smoothly down the road. The conversation had been flowing easily, with Jane occasionally chiming in with questions of her own. The warm afternoon sunlight filtered through the windows, casting soft shadows on the car seats as they traveled.

"Did you expect to see Lindsay as the one winning?" Sky added, her curiosity piqued.

"Not at all," Courtney admitted, shaking her head. "To be fair, I thought either Owen or Heather would have won. But the Triple Dog Dare You challenge took out Owen, and nobody saw that coming." Her voice held a slight edge as she recalled the moment, and both sisters shivered at the thought.

"Gotta say, what we did was cruel," Courtney continued, a small smirk playing on her lips. "But it was the easiest thousand bucks I ever made."

"What do you mean?" Jane asked, curious, her eyes flicking away from the road for a moment.

"We had a bet on who could make Owen vomit first," Courtney revealed with a mischievous grin. "And I was the one who came up with the challenge."

The sisters exchanged a glance, their faces filled with a mix of awe and horror as they recalled the infamous moment of Owen eating that revolting stink bomb.

"Was El Mongo and La Muerte really that terrible?" Jane asked cautiously, her voice tinged with disbelief. But from the sheer look of despair that crossed Courtney's face, she quickly regretted the question. "Never mind... that must've been traumatic."

"You have no idea," Courtney muttered darkly, shaking her head at the memory.

Sky, ever the inquisitive one, leaned forward slightly. "Also, from the episode at Playa Del Losers, can I ask what happened after you all voted out Duncan? Did you guys ever figure out where that parrot came from?"

Courtney's face flushed with embarrassment as she let out a groan. "That damned bird... It wasn't even supposed to be in that episode! But because Katie and Sadie said Duncan's name, it got Ezekiel's vote too, and it made everyone start voting for Duncan as well."

Both sisters listened intently, wide-eyed as Courtney continued, clearly annoyed at the memory. "To say Duncan was mad is an understatement. He was furious. I had to completely humiliate myself just to get him to forgive me."

"How mad are we talking?" Jane asked, raising an eyebrow as she shifted slightly in her seat.

Courtney scoffed, leaning back. "To trash-around-Playa-Del-Losers mad," she said dryly, making both sisters nod in understanding.

"Well, not gonna lie, I'd be that mad too if someone did that to me," Sky remarked, biting her lip thoughtfully. "But it's cool that Ezekiel bought Playa Del Losers. He seems nice."

"Oh yeah," Jane chimed in, her curiosity reignited. "Do you plan on going there with Duncan in the future?"

Courtney rolled her eyes playfully. "Of course. Ezekiel said everyone was welcome. What kind of friend would I be if I didn't visit him?"

Just as Courtney finished speaking, Sky let out a loud burp, causing Courtney's eyes to narrow in disapproval. "Could you at least put your hand over your mouth, please?"

Sky's face flushed a bright shade of red. "Sorry, it just happened by surprise," she mumbled, clearly embarrassed, while Jane chuckled from the driver's seat, amused by her younger sister's slip-up. Sky blinked in confusion, not entirely sure what was so funny, but Jane's laughter continued, lightening the mood in the car.




"Well, it's been a nice ride. Thank you so much for helping me get here," Courtney said, smiling warmly at the sisters as they waved from the car. Jane, the older of the two, gave a small nod, her exhaustion showing in the faint dark circles under her eyes despite her composed demeanor.

"If you ever need a ride again, just call me. You've got my number now," Jane offered, her voice steady but betraying a hint of weariness. She gave a brief wave, trying to maintain her responsible tone even though it was clear she could use a long rest. "But, knowing you'll be with your friends, I doubt you'll need to use it."

"Oh, don't be like that," Courtney replied, touched by the offer. She genuinely appreciated their help, and her smile softened. "I'm sure I could ask my mom. If her law firm needs an assistant, I'd recommend you. Your administration degree will definitely help you land an internship quickly."

Jane smiled politely, though a bit taken aback by the offer. "Thanks, but I wouldn't want to be an inconvenience like that," she said, the tiredness etched in her features becoming more apparent. Despite her fatigue, Jane maintained her polite tone, clearly, someone used to putting others first.

"It's the least I can do," Courtney said sincerely, clearly impressed by Jane's dedication. "Being the older sister and working hard to keep a roof over your head must mean a lot. Let me at least try to help by talking to my mom."

"It's fine, really," Jane reassured her, waving off the suggestion with a tired smile. "I've got next month's rent covered, so don't worry. I'll find something. Besides, we could both use some rest." She glanced at Sky, who was sitting quietly in the passenger seat, looking at her sister with concern.

"And you," Jane added, turning to Sky with a soft but firm look, "don't give me that face. Let's just focus on resting and enjoying tomorrow. Have a great time with the Killer Bass, Courtney. Good luck handling the crowd of fans."

Courtney chuckled at that, appreciating Jane's sense of responsibility and humor. "Thanks, Jane. And good luck to you too. It was really nice meeting both of you." She gave a small wave to Sky.

"Goodbye, Sky."

As Courtney stepped out of the car, she gave them one last smile before watching as the car slowly pulled away, heading toward the nearest motel for a well-deserved night's rest. Courtney had pointed them in the right direction, knowing they weren't too far from a decent place to crash. It was just enough for the sisters to get the rest they so clearly needed.

"Well, they seemed really nice," Courtney mused to herself, appreciating how down-to-earth the sisters had been. Just as she was about to head toward the mall, she heard a sudden, excited shout from behind.


Courtney froze, her heart sinking as she slowly turned around. A group of excited fans had already gathered behind her, their faces lit up with excitement as they recognized the Total Drama star. For a brief, peaceful moment, she had forgotten about her fame and the chaos it often caused.

"Shit..." she muttered under her breath, realizing she was about to be mobbed. Already, the crowd was growing, and she needed to figure out how to escape the situation before it spiraled out of control.

And just like that, the calm of the day shattered as Courtney prepared herself for another round of fan frenzy.

(13:00 p.m)

The buzzing hum of the crowd echoed through the Galleria Mall, growing louder by the second. Ron the Rent-a-Cop adjusted his tie and scowled, his hawk-like gaze sweeping over the bustling food court. What had started as a typical mall morning had turned into pure pandemonium? Everywhere he looked, teenagers swarmed like locusts—jostling, shouting, taking selfies. And worst of all? Celebrity teenagers.

Ron's grip tightened on the steering wheel of his mall cart, his face twitching with irritation. The rumors had been true. The Killer Bass, a group of reality TV contestants, had shown up, and now the Galleria was descending into chaos. Teenagers had no respect for order or authority in the best of times, but now they were acting like wild animals, all for a chance to catch a glimpse of these so-called stars.

"Celebrity teenagers," he muttered through gritted teeth. "Just what this place needs."

He revived the small engine of his cart, the wheels squeaking as he tore through the crowd, forcing people to scatter in his wake. His walkie-talkie crackled, but he ignored it. He was a one-man army, and it was time to restore order.

"We've got a situation at the west wing escalators," a voice buzzed through his radio. "Crowds are blocking all access."

"On my way," Ron growled, narrowing his eyes. His cart swerved as he sped toward the escalators, weaving between shoppers and rowdy fans. A few startled teens shouted in surprise, jumping out of his path, but it didn't stop Ron. He had a mission.

Up ahead, he spotted the problem—a bottleneck of frenzied fans gathering near the entrance to the escalators, phones raised and faces beaming with excitement. No doubt they were all hoping to catch a glimpse of the elusive Ezekiel or one of his TV friends. Ron had no patience for this nonsense.

"Move it, move it!" he barked, slamming his cart to a stop.

But as he stepped out, the sea of teenagers surged, pushing him back with an almost tidal force. Ron gritted his teeth and tried to stand his ground, but the mob was relentless. Suddenly, a shove from behind sent him stumbling forward, and before he knew it, he was launched from the cart—his arms flailing as he tumbled forward.

With a helpless yell, Ron's boots slipped on the smooth tile floor, sending him sprawling headfirst toward the escalators. He crashed against the metal railing, his momentum carrying him over the edge.

A collective gasp rose from the crowd as Ron flipped head over heels, tumbling down the moving stairs in a spectacular display of limbs and uniform.

With each painful thud, Ron's vision blurred. Finally, he hit the bottom, his body crumpling in a heap as the escalator carried him to the lower floor.

"Did you hear that?" Tyler asked, his brows furrowing as he glanced over his shoulder toward the escalators.

Eva, DJ, and Geoff paused mid-laugh, exchanging confused looks. "Hear what?" Geoff asked, his voice slightly slurred from laughter.

Tyler pointed in the direction of the noise. "It feels like someone just... fell down the escalators."

The group turned to him in disbelief. "That's oddly specific," Eva said, crossing her arms. "How would you even know what that sounds like?"

Tyler shrugged, his face completely serious. "I've had my fair share of falling down stairs—and escalators, actually. So have my parents."

The rest of the group stared at him, jaws slightly ajar.

"Dude... what?"Geoff blinked, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah, we've all had some pretty gnarly spills. Broke a few bones, but you know—nothing a month or two in a cast wouldn't fix." Tyler nodded, as if casually recounting something normal.

"Sometimes, Tyler, I think your family might be cursed. I mean, how are you so calm about this?" There was a beat of stunned silence as his words hung in the air. Gwen was the first to break it, crossing her arms and giving him a skeptical look. "I think the health insurance company hates you and your family,"

"Oh, they definitely do," Tyler said earnestly. "They've actually said they regret ever signing us. Apparently, we've maxed out every clause they've got—even accidents involving mortadella."

"Wait—what? Mortadella? What does that even mean? How can you have accidents with a deli meat?" Eva raised a brow, her curiosity piqued despite herself.

"Is that even a real thing? There's no way you've got insurance for accidents involving meat." DJ, baffled, shook his head.

"Actually, there's cheese insurance in Italy," Harold chimed in, adjusting his glasses. The entire group went to look at him. "They've got laws to cover accidents involving cheese—like if it causes damage to cars, houses, or even people."

"And where the heck did you learn about that?" Ezekiel asked now curious, since he remembered such incidents happening only in Simpsons, there was no way such laws were true.

"Keyword: the Book of Ridiculous Laws," Harold said, as the group turned to stare at Harold now, eyes wide with disbelief.

"Are you for real, man?" Geoff asked, incredulous. "Cheese insurance?"

"It's true. I read it in the book. They take cheese very seriously over there. You wouldn't believe how many lives have been ruined by rogue wheels of Parmigiano." Harold nodded, his expression completely serious.

"Well... I will be dammed." Ezekiel said as he was surprised to hear such news. And now with the inner thoughts sharing one single fact the Simpsons were predicting facts even in other shows.

"Does your mom know about this law? Seems like something she'd dig." Duncan snorted, turning to Courtney with a smirk. "Because I doubt anyone else would know about the cheese insurance laws…"

"Actually, I do..." Courtney, who had been listening quietly, suddenly blushed and avoided Duncan's gaze. "I learned that since my mom also read that book, she reads that book for fun sometimes. She thinks it's hilarious."

"Of course she does." Duncan stared at her for a moment before scoffing. But still ignoring the fact his girlfriend also knew about the law regarded the cheese.

As the group chuckled at the ridiculousness of their conversation, another loud thud echoed through the mall, drawing their attention back toward the escalators. A few shoppers were peering over the railing, whispering in hushed tones.

Tyler tilted his head, a look of realization dawning on his face. "Yup... that's definitely someone falling down the escalators."

"Okay, wait," Geoff interjected, trying to wrap his head around the conversation. "Are we really just gonna gloss over the fact that there's cheese insurance? Like, how do you even explain that claim?"

"Maybe they have an official cheese inspector," Duncan joked, smirking as he leaned back in his chair. "Picture it: the guy walks into a wrecked house and says, 'Yep, looks like a mozzarella-related incident.' I can just see him filling out the paperwork—'Accident due to excessive cheese rolling.'"

DJ shook his head in disbelief, his brows furrowing. "This whole thing is making my head hurt. How is cheese involved in so many accidents? I mean, it's cheese!"

"I dunno, man," Harold replied, pushing up his glasses with a thoughtful expression. "But I bet it's because cheese wheels roll. Picture a giant parmesan wheel tumbling down a hill—that's a recipe for disaster. Just imagine the chaos!"

"I think I saw on the news about a family in a Ferrari that got attacked by a combination of mozzarella, Parmigiano, provolone, pecorino, gorgonzola, fontina, taleggio, and bocconcini! By the end, their car was totally wrecked by mortadella!" Ezekiel, not wanting to miss an opportunity to add to the absurdity, chimed in, thinking on the episode of the Simpsons.

"Wait, seriously?" Tyler's eyes widened as he tried to process what he was hearing. "Wow, that family must've had to get a new car after that whole cheese fiasco. Talk about bad luck!"

"They didn't get covered by mortadella," Ezekiel replied, his tone dripping with mock seriousness. Tyler sucked in a cold breath, disbelief etched across his face. "I mean, can you imagine being that unlucky?"

Gwen groaned, rubbing her temples in frustration. "This conversation is getting weird, even for our group. Can we please get back to the fact that someone just fell down the escalators? Or are we too busy debating cheese?"

Eva, arms crossed and unimpressed, let out a frustrated grunt. "Right? I want to know who just took a dive down those escalators. I'm sure it was a wild ride."

"I don't know what it was, but I think it's for the best," Ezekiel said, his voice gaining a hint of excitement. "With all the fans distracted, we could use this opportunity to enjoy the mall while we can."

Courtney and Duncan nodded in agreement, their eyes lighting up at the thought of freedom from the crowd.

Without another word, the Killer Bass sprang into action, sprinting toward the escalators. With the fans still focused on the commotion, they wouldn't miss their chance to explore the mall without the usual chaos.

Katie, the ever-curious twin, turned to Tyler with a glimmer of intrigue in her eyes. "Do you think they really have escalator insurance?" she asked, genuinely interested.

Tyler chuckled, shaking his head. "Depending on the insurance company, there's probably insurance for everything. I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if they had a whole policy dedicated to accidental escalator incidents!"

As the group dashed down the corridor, their laughter mingled with the ambient noise of the mall. For the first time that day, they felt a sense of relaxation, enjoying their brief reprieve from the throngs of fans. The vastness of the mall lay before them, promising adventure and fun as friends, away from the chaos outside.

(Penalty Box)

The fluorescent lights flickered overhead, casting a pale glow on the colorful displays of sports gear lining the walls of the Penalty Box. Jerseys from various teams hung proudly, their vibrant colors contrasting against the sleek, polished concrete floors. Outside, the usual hum of the mall echoed—laughter, casual chatter, and the scuffling of feet—though nothing seemed out of the ordinary, despite the recent celebrity influx.

Jen adjusted her referee uniform, the crisp black and white stripes hugging her form. She enjoyed the playful nod to sports culture the uniform represented, but it was also a constant reminder of her role within the store, a bustling hub for sports enthusiasts. As she straightened her collar, she caught a glimpse of herself in a nearby mirror. There was a determined look in her eyes and a faint smile on her lips. Today felt different. A newfound optimism surged through her since meeting the famous members of Total Drama earlier.

When she first watched the show, she always thought those who participated in the show would think they would let the fame get over their heads and would try to act like Jonesy and demand everything around them like they owned the world.

She was glad that she was wrong the entire time, meeting Ezekiel had been an exhilarating experience, and even meeting Courtney and Duncan, she never thought she would see how the world was so small, especially how Courtney and Jude were childhood friends, she felt like she didn't meet the famous people from the show, but more like the respective humans they were even before the show aired. And now she was glad to even meet the pillars of Killer Bass.

"MASTERSON!" A booming voice shattered Jen's thoughts, making her jump. She turned to find Coach Halder, her bulky boss, glaring at her with his usual stern expression. Her heart raced, fearing she'd done something wrong."There's a very important event happening at the mall today. Do you have any idea what that is?" Coach Halder asked, his gruff tone commanding her attention.

Jen hesitated, trying to think quickly. "Uh… The Killer Bass are visiting the mall?" she asked nervously, hoping she'd hit the mark.

"Exactly. We need to prepare the store in case they stop by. They might just bring more attention here than this place has seen in years." Coach Halder narrowed his eyes but nodded in approval. "Keep an eye on the ball, and make the goal,"

Jen released a quiet sigh of relief, glad she hadn't fumbled that answer. Coach Halder didn't offer any further comments, already turning back to his paperwork as if their conversation was merely a blip in his busy day.

"Yes, Coach…" Jen mumbled as she watched him walk away, her brief feeling of victory overshadowed by the mounting pressure. With the celebrities possibly coming to the store, there was no time to relax.

Taking a deep breath, she stepped out from behind the counter, ready to face the day with newfound energy.

The Penalty Box was already buzzing with customers—a mix of young athletes, casual shoppers, and from what she learned on the morning, a large starry-eyed fans of the mall's celebrity visitors. Jen glanced at the racks of basketballs, footballs, and other sports gear, mentally preparing herself. Ezekiel had mentioned that the Killer Bass would likely drop by, and if they did, Tyler and Eva were bound to be interested in the sports merchandise. That was enough to make even Coach Halder paranoid. But Jen wasn't going to let the pressure get to her. Today was her chance to shine.

She immediately set to work, preparing the best materials for any jock or bodybuilder that might walk in. She carefully arranged high-performance sneakers and sports gear in prime spots, ensuring the most eye-catching items were on display. Passing a rack of surfboards, she paused, setting a few out just in case Bridgette showed up. She'd also checked the stock levels to make sure they had enough equipment ready for any potential surge in sales. It was a lot to manage, but Jen was determined to get everything right.

She maneuvered through the aisles, weaving around the display racks. Her customer-service smile was firmly in place as she spotted a group of teenagers browsing athletic shoes. "Hey there! Looking for some new gear?" she asked, her voice bright and inviting, her heart racing with the excitement of a potential sale.

As she guided the customers through their options, Jen's mind wandered briefly to the celebrities she had met. Their stories of the competition, the challenges they faced, and their reactions to everyday life had been refreshing. It wasn't often that she got to interact with such high-profile people, yet they felt surprisingly relatable.

Despite this, Coach Halder, with his reputation for being a no-nonsense taskmaster, remained oblivious to her hard work. His focus was elsewhere, lost in spreadsheets and stock numbers, rarely glancing up from his laptop. Jen had hoped that her enthusiasm and dedication would grab his attention, but as usual, he remained in his own world.

Pushing past the frustration, Jen continued her duties, adjusting the display of sports equipment to perfection. With each interaction, she aimed to stand out—not just to the customers but hopefully to Halder as well. The thrill of retail was in her blood, but gaining her boss's recognition? That added intensity to everything she did.

"Hi, Jen." She had just finished rearranging a shelf when a voice behind her caught her off guard.

Startled, Jen let out an ear-splitting scream.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" She whirled around, her heart racing, only to find Ezekiel standing there with an apologetic smile. Clutching her chest, Jen tried to catch her breath. "What the hell, Ezekiel?"

"Huh… so that's what Dawn feels like when she does that?" Ezekiel blinked, tilting his head. Muttering to himself before giving her a look. "Well we just got here, I came to say hello, and suddenly you got scared."

"Ah… well, sorry about that. I was very distracted," Jen said as she had to admit that she wasn't paying attention, and then something struck her mind. "Oh wait, if you are here, then that means."

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! THE TOTAL DRAMA CONTESTANTS ARE HERE!" Since a fan recognized the Killer Bass members, scattered throughout the aisles, were now the focus of the entire store. And with that, the chaos spread through the store like wildfire. The Penalty Box, already busy, was now a hub of excitement as fans swarmed the aisles. Jen could practically feel the energy shift.

"So this is where you work Jen? Never thought to see this much of people interested in checking sports materials?" Ezekiel commented as Jen felt a bit happier about dealing with a VIP client, she never thought to see Coach Halder being so hyped to see the popularity of the store now that the local celebrities decided to appear in the store.

"Well there are such iconic moments," Jen said as she gave the full treatment for the Killer Bass, she was glad to see Bridgette interested in buying a surfing board for her mom, a swimsuit for herself, and paraffin for her surfing board. Geoff who got a skateboard for himself was also interested in his girlfriend's sport, also took one for himself, having the usual idea of being together, some habits were hard to forget, and they started to kiss themselves on the Penalty Box, which immediately made Coach Halder place Bridgette on the punish timeout for 10 minutes, while Geoff had to do 100 push-ups. Now, Jen found herself assisting Ezekiel, showing him a variety of sneakers—black and white, blue and black, pink and white, and green and black. She couldn't help but smile. "Are you sure you want all of these sneakers?"

"Yep, you never know when you need a new pair of shoes," Ezekiel said as it was a good answer for Jen who usually would recommend a clothing store to sell shoes for girls, but from seeing the boys usually more interested in sneakers, she couldn't blame them. "Also, I was thinking of a few snowboard equipment, do you know the best equipment for an amateur who never had snowboard before?"

And with a comment like that, Jen smiled widely.

"Ezekiel, you asked for the right person," Jen said, as she asked him to follow her. She never thought she would have so much fun working, even as the chaos happening across the store.

Tyler stood in front of the dumbbell rack, eyeing a particularly heavy set with a mixture of determination and hesitation. He flexed his fingers and wrapped them around the large handle, his muscles straining as he attempted to lift one of the weights. It barely budged at first, but with a grunt, he managed to get it off the rack, wobbling slightly as he held it at chest level.

"Yeah, this is... nothing," Tyler puffed out, trying to sound casual despite the sweat starting to form on his forehead.

Eva, who was standing nearby, simply blinked, watching Tyler's struggle with a raised brow. Without a word, she stepped forward and, in one smooth motion, plucked the dumbbell from his hands as if it were made of foam.

"Really? This is what you're struggling with?" Eva remarked dryly, turning the dumbbell over in her hand. "Feels like nothing compared to what I handle in physiotherapy. We use these for warm-ups."

Tyler blinked, staring at her in stunned silence as she casually lifted the weight with ease.

"Warm-ups? Seriously?" His jaw dropped slightly, his arms still sore from his brief effort.

Eva smirked but didn't say anything more. Just as she was about to put the dumbbell back, she noticed Sadie approaching from the other side of the store, her usual bubbly smile in place as she made her way toward them.

"Hey, what's going on?" Sadie asked, her eyes darting to the dumbbell in Eva's hand.

"Catch!" Eva's smirk widened. Without warning, she tossed the dumbbell toward Sadie.

Sadie's eyes widened as the weight sailed toward her. She instinctively reached out, catching it just in time—but not without a bit of difficulty. Her knees bent slightly under the weight, and she wobbled for a second before steadying herself, breathing heavily.

"Uh, yeah... just barely!" Sadie let out a small, nervous laugh, trying to mask the fact that she was struggling a bit more than she wanted to admit.

"Not bad. I've been thinking about switching up your routine. That'll be the next weight I add to your workout schedule." Eva gave her an appraising look, crossing her arms.

Sadie's face went pale instantly, her smile faltering as she stared at the heavy dumbbell in her hands.

"W-What?" she stammered, gulping nervously. Since she knew the suffering she had been training around the Playa Del Losers, and as much that she got hooked up with the idea of working out and getting stronger to help her best friend, Eva is known as being a demon of working out, since her working out regime had been something that terrifies both her and Ezekiel, and she doesn't take a No for an answer.

"Yeah, you'll thank me later. It's time to step it up." Eva nodded seriously, as though it were a done deal. "Next season is coming, and you should make sure that you are not going to be eliminated too soon,"

"Oh yeah…" Sadie said weakly, as she glanced at Tyler, who was still standing there, dumbstruck by how easily both Eva and Sadie were handling the weight that had nearly bested him. He gave her a sympathetic shrug as Sadie's nervous laughter faded into a quiet whimper, her arms trembling slightly under the dumbbell's weight.

"That's the spirit, let's see what else we can find for helping out our training when we get to season 2, I think I heard a metal bar calling our names," Eva said as she walked away, which Sadie had her lips trembling, looking for Katie to see if she can see her best friend to support her on the decision she did, but sadly she wasn't around.

"Wow, I never thought my hand would be sore from signing all those autographs," Courtney commented as she realized that part of the fame would come from becoming a good example for the fans, especially those who would try to mirror their personalities, but still she was glad to see some of the kids saying they want to train to become C. just like her, and also finding ways to understand other campers.

"Tell me about it," Duncan said as he was cheeking a few skateboards, while he was taking a few pictures with the fans, some were even eager to be a bit clingy, but Courtney by looking at the girl approaching her boyfriend, she simply glared and with a snarl, the girl immediately left him alone. Making Duncan blink in surprise, and mutter a surprised wow.

"You never know when there is some girl who would go far beyond the limits." Courtney huffed, as she saw some boys approaching her. They immediately jumped, when they saw Duncan throwing a knife near their feat. And slowly stepping away from one of the pillars. Courtney looked at her boyfriend surprised as well.

"If you want to be jealous, I also have the right to be like that," Duncan said which immediately Courtney to roll her eyes.

"I'm not jealous, I'm just saying to not trust any kind of woman since they could be obsessive and possibly crazy, especially the fans," Courtney said, to which Duncan chuckled from her reaction.

"Princess, it's alright to be jealous, since I also feel jealous of you as well, we kinda need to make a few rules for fans approaching us, you never know what kind of crazy fans we would have around," Duncan explained, as Courtney checked a few tennis rackets that she felt interested into playing maybe in the future. Or even buy a swimming suit to go deep into the ocean, or probably try surfing just like Bridgette said she would like to give lessons for anyone to try when they want to go to the beach in the future.

"Err... guys?" Then a voice called behind the Power Couple and stared at DJ who had a deep blush on his face. "One of the fans just gave me her number, writing on her panties... what should I do?"

"Throw away,"

"Keep for yourself,"

The duo said in unison, which immediately Duncan started to sweat from seeing Courtney staring at him.

"Come on, look at his T-shirt, you know his Momma wanted to see some progress of her baby boy trying to hook up with a girl," Duncan said as the fastest as he could, which Courtney narrowed her eyes.

"That's stupid, just for giving the number from the panties means the girl is bat-shit-crazy," Courtney said as she pointed both her eyes to Duncan like she was implying she was watching him, which made him nod. "Also, it's not worth it DJ, a girl shouldn't jump on you like that, can you imagine what kind of crazy girl would try to give a panties as a way to demonstrate love?"

And on that moment, DJ, Duncan, and Courtney just saw Ezekiel carrying with him, a few shoe boxes, a snowboard, and winter clothing. Jen followed him behind, and the duo were paying attention to the conversation. Ezekiel once again decided to give reasoning on the conversation as well.

"Okay, hold on, is that real? A girl gave you her panties with the number on it?" Ezekiel asked and the trio nodded their heads to him, and Ezekiel decided to give his opinion on the situation. "Well, if you guys are talking about the worst kind of crazy fan, do I need to remind you 3 about Sierra?"

And on that moment DJ palled, Duncan had his mouth opening in understanding and slightly narrowing his eyes, and Courtney nodded her head in agreement.

"Exactly, can you imagine other Sierras around the world? Now that I think about it, she would have done that to Cody, and you all know what she did at the forums during all the time we were on the show right?" Courtney asked, and Ezekiel even nodded his head.

"And look what she did yesterday, she made a post telling Cody disappeared, she was in his neighborhood," Ezekiel explained as Duncan couldn't help but take a look at the baseball bat.

"That girl is crazy, to the point that I'm not sure she is psycho," Duncan said as he took a look at the baseball bat, and gave a few swings. "Huh... hey, does someone know how he has been lately?"

"Why do you want to know that?" DJ asked as he could see Duncan having a smirk on his face, which made him unsure.

"According to my mom, Katie's mom wants to keep him in check from not advancing too quickly on his relationship with Katie, so she wanted to make sure we do what we did on the camp Wawanakwa," Duncan said as DJ blinked, Courtney raised her eyebrows in disbelief, and Ezekiel couldn't help but chuckle from what he implied.

"Do you mean, giving fear of God on him again?" Ezekiel laughed when he saw Duncan smirking at him, which he couldn't help but simply do it. "Oh screw it, I'm in."

"For real?" Courtney asked as she saw Ezekiel and Duncan's fist bump. "That's very infantile, and you shouldn't be doing that, what we did on the camp was only one thing, we wanted to make sure Cody wasn't going to hurt Katie's feelings."

"Yeah, but this time Katie's mom just asked for this favor just in case they go on the other bases if you know what I mean," Duncan said as Ezekiel tilted his head, and Courtney had her mouth open in surprise. "So just in case he goes under the blankets with her, the next day we scare the shit out of him."

"Isn't that a type of shotgun wedding?" DJ asked as he couldn't help but feel pity for Cody who probably would be traumatized in the same way he was going to suffer in case he went to have a sexual relationship with Katie, to which Duncan nodded his head.

"According to my mom, it's a prank made by Katie's mom, and I'm not going to drop down a good prank when I see one," Duncan said as he gave a look to his girlfriend. "Come on, it's going to be fun, we already know the chances of happening are extremely low, and in the case it happens, we make Katie's mom happy, we have a good laugh and Cody wasn't going to make stupid decisions, everybody wins."

"When you put on that way," Ezekiel said as he looked to DJ who was still unsure. "DJ relax, Cody and Katie are very happy together, we then have this story we can tell on their wedding when that happens. It's going to be so funny that we could be laughing years in the future."

"Okay, okay, but we would need to compensate him in the future for that, I mean, doing twice sounds like extreme," DJ said unsure, as Duncan laughed.

"We are doing that on probably the only chance he lost his virginity, better reward than that I doubt," Duncan said as he could see the conversation both DJ and Courtney blushing. "Come on Princess, it's not going to be that terrible, it's going to be like the first one."

"..." Courtney remained in silence, but then she smiled a bit. "I cannot lie, it was very funny what we did at that time, and also we have Sadie on our side for even more intimidation on him since Sadie and Katie are like twins, so it would be hilarious to see Sadie acting like Eva putting the fear on him."

"Oh, I like this idea," Ezekiel said as he grabbed a notepad on his hands. "We could also convince Eva holds brass knuckles, just by seeing her beating the crap of Serial Killer without it would make everyone shit themselves, imagine with brass knuckles on her hands."

"Well, I think I could be on the door since I'm very big and it would be impossible for him to get out from there," DJ said as he was also giving suggestions.

And all of this was happening in front of Jen who was now palling from hearing what kind of terrifying prank the group was preparing to do with their friend's boyfriend.

"I'm glad that Jonesy isn't the one in a relationship with them, he would be screwed," Jen said as she saw Ezekiel talking about something and she didn't pay attention. "What?"

"I asked if you could show me a few compound bows," Ezekiel said as the auburn-haired girl had her eyes wide open in surprise and palling from the implication he was giving. But thankfully Ezekiel could see what she was afraid of. "Oh no, it's not related to this, it's actually for my parents, my Ma and Pa liked the one made by hand by one of my friends, that I was planning to give as a gift for them, and one for myself as well."

"Ah, thank God," Jen said as she sighed in relief, and gave a few glances, as she couldn't help but help whoever needed information. "Sure, just let me help your friends to see if they want something as well."

"Sure," Ezekiel nodded, as Jen was working hard to attend to DJ, Duncan, and Courtney on the questions they had over the products, and it seemed the more the Killer Bass had been around, the quantity of work she had was multiplied in many times.

It's going to be a long day of work.

"Ohhh, it had been so long since I played volleyball," Katie said as Sadie approached her best friend who nodded her head.

"Yeah, remember the last time when the P.E. teacher almost got a stroke because the class clown glued all the balls at the time we played dodgeball we had our hands stuck for 2 days?" Sadie said as the tan girl agreed.

"And since it was superglue it was almost impossible to take it out without damaging our nails, it had been a nightmare," Katie said as the duo started remembering the good times.

Jen stared at the duo of girls as she blinked for a few seconds, and then turned her head to see Gwen who was checking the bowling balls and other sports, but the look on her face showed very disinterested.

"Do they always do that?" Jen asked as she saw Katie and Sadie kept talking about the balls over the sector, but the problem was they were talking for more than 10 minutes.

"Yeah, but you get used to the time, it was worse on the first day, dealing with them in the first 3 days was a nightmare." Gwen shrugged as she remembered how much they were annoying from the first episode, and how terrible their conversations were over the Main Lodge, even as annoying as it could be from their talking about things nobody was interested in hearing. But then she continued to explain. "We got either used to them, or they became more independent and talked to the others, so I think both was the best explanation."

Jen accepted the explanation since she knew the Killer Bass became a close-knit team, and even as times she looked at her friend Nikki being the goth style of her friend group, she knew the Killer Bass former Screaming Goopher member wasn't interested in being there.

"So is there a product you are interested in buying?" Jen asked as she knew it would take a while until she would deal with the best friend's twins again, she preferred to focus on the girl who wasn't interested, probably because she may guess one thought on her mind.

"Nah, I'm not interested in sports," Gwen said as was the standard answer from people who just want to take a look around while bored.

"Well, if you want my advice, I would suggest the skateboard session," Jen commented as she could see the goth raising her eyebrows at her. "My friend likes to see the new designs, some were gruesome, and in point, there was even a skeleton seeming to get out from it."

"You got my interest, but I don't know how to skateboard," Gwen said as she discovered the trick made by the saleswoman but she couldn't help but admit it was a very good attempt.

"Fair enough, but taking a look on there would be less boring than staying here," Jen said, as Gwen passed a few seconds and nodded her head at her.

"Now you proved a point, I will be there." And with that, Gwen left, as Jen sighed and with sweat on her face.

"It's very exhausting to deal with all of them at the same time," Jen said as she tried to look at the other employees who seemed to be very busy dealing with the fans across the store, so it made her aware that she would be the one treating the Total Drama cast since nobody else would be doing that.

"Ohhh, I think I will be taking this," Katie said as she showed the volleyball to Jen, who was now relieved that the more people deciding the better.

"Good, do you want to try our sports shorts for volleyball? I think we have some volleyball team shirts as well if you want to take a look." Jen said as suddenly Katie gasped.

"WOW SADIE, THEY HAVE UNIFORMS AS WELL," Katie said loudly Jen cringed at how loud the girls squealed happily and jumped together.

"Do you remember the time when you tried to make the sports uniforms for our birthday party? It was sooo awesome." Sadie said, as immediately Jen facepalmed herself.

It had been a very long day of work… As she then took a look at the clock… Showing 13:40 p.m., it had been only 40 minutes, and she already wanted her shift to be over.

Bridgette was free from the timeout, which she walked around into seeing that her boyfriend was now having a nice conversation with Gwen when the duo seemed to be talking nearby the skateboard sectors. As she decided to wander around, she just found Tyler staring at the saleswoman in disbelief.

"There is no way that you said that in front of him," The jock said as the girl simply spoke the truth.

"It's not my fault he sucked," Jen said as she stomped her foot in determination. "I got punished on the timeout for 11 minutes, but I refuse to retract my statement, 3 goals in the whole championship is very bad."

"Well, I understand saying that to the others. But to say that to Ronan himself? It must have caused a lot of confusion." Tyler said as he never thought he would have the courage to say a hockey player of the Toronto Maple Leafs that one of their members sucked, on their faces.

"Oh, it caused a few discussions, which led to the whole store having a loud argument, which even had a few fights outside of the store. Which usually happens when rival teams go to the store at the same time as well." Jen shrugged, as she gave a look on the boy who was already carrying a hockey stick. "So you are interested in having one of the sticks?"

"Yeah, I broke my last one last year, it broke at the time I was doing the final shot of the game, didn't manage to make the goal, broke the stick, and I even slipped down the frozen hill," Tyler commented as Jen blinked from the revelation.

"Wow, that was very specific, at least you didn't get hurt," Jen said trying to be optimistic, but Tyler simply shrugged.

"Yeah, it was just a few contusions, but nothing that I wasn't used to," Tyler explained as Jen cringed at the idea into thinking how Tyler would still be thinking about trying sports since he was a magnet for pain.

"Hey guys, what did I miss?" Bridgette asked as Tyler raised his eyebrows at the surfer.

"You just lost your daily doses of water with hot sauce spray, which you got lucky that we forgot to bring at least one here," Tyler said as he crossed his arms, while Bridgette rolled her eyes.

"Oh come on, we didn't get to do that around the mall, how are we supposed to know that this place isn't allowed to demonstrate lo-" Bridgette said, as suddenly she saw Jen interrupting the surfer from saying the word.

"Don't say it," Jen said as she looked around and saw Coach Halder raising his head looking angrily around to see if someone was doing something that he would need to step in. But then seeing that nobody said a word, he returned to the crowd of people and shouted for the public to calm down, or they would be kicked out of the store. Leaving the auburn girl to sigh in relief. "He has those crazy rules, especially when it's related to that, he punishes anyone who decides to talk about it."

"That's an absurd rule," Bridgette said as she rolled her eyes, but before she could say further, she just saw Jen sweating a lot, which the girl couldn't help but be concerned. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, just a bit exhausted, but I can help you all before going to my lunch break, and hopefully this will end quickly," Jen said as she tried to give her most calm and optimistic smile.

"Oh, if you want to take a rest, we could walk around and call for your help when we need it," Bridgette suggested, but immediately Jen shook her head.

"I can't do that, with all those fans you all have around, most of the employees are helping on the sales of the store, and I'm helping all of you guys to get what you guys want," Jen said as she gave a deep breath and even drank water from the bottle, knowing it was going to be a long day. "I already did it just fine until now, I can do this."

"Well if you say so…" Bridgette said as she looked at Tyler who simply shrugged.

"I think I will take the hockey gear equipment as well," Tyler said, as Jen gave a kind smile, and with the tiredness on her face, she still wanted to help everyone.

"Please do not shoot an arrow inside of the store," Jen said almost practically begging Ezekiel who simply was pulling the cord of the compound bows he gave a deep look at the equipment, some even came with laser and zoom lenses to help him to measure the distance of the shots.

"Jen, I'm not going to place an arrow on this," Ezekiel commented as he checked the weight, strength, and resistance of the weapon in his hands. "Shooting an arrow could be dangerous and would lead someone to the hospital,"

"Ah, I'm so glad that at least you understand that," Jen said as she sighed in relief, knowing that most of the clients who wanted to try the Olympics equipment, especially bow, and arrow, wanted to try a demonstration by actually shooting an arrow inside of the store, Jonesy and Jude tried to do William Tell, and tried to shot an arrow in an apple. It caused a big headache for her over that week, but she was glad to see someone mature enough to check the bow properly. "So what's your impressions."

"Well, a friend of mine made one with only wood and natural materials and gave me as a gift, so I wanted to give one for not just my parents, but for her as well. And just to be sure, I want one for me too. So it would be 4 compound bows." Ezekiel commented as Jen had her eyes twitching.

"Ezekiel, I know that I'm not supposed to be the one being against how my clients should be expending their money, but are you sure that what you are doing is wise? You are paying for so much already." Jen said in worry, which immediately Ezekiel decided to smile at her.

"It's fine, it's inside of how much I was planning to expend for today, and it's all preparation for season 2 as well, this could be essential for the challenges ahead." Ezekiel gave an explanation as he took one of the compound bows and gave a deep look, also he decided to say something to cheer up Jen. "Also, I let it out 12 thousand dollars for Caitlin as a tip for you 6 have a great shopping spread on this mall as well."

"What?" Jen said in shock as the boy seemed to be happy.

"I guessed that this would be the most chaotic event happening across the mall, and since tomorrow I would be doing the book signing, it would be focused only on the bookstore tomorrow. This time since me and my friends are in the mall, it would be even more chaotic, so I decided to make sure you, Wyatt, Nikki, Caitlin, Jude, and even Jonesy have fun when your shift is over or before tomorrow's shift start." Ezekiel said as he could see from the look on the girl in front of him. "Because from dealing with 12 clients in one go, you probably would be exhausted at the time we leave, you deserve the time to have fun with them."

Well, he didn't expect to be hugged by Jen for saying those words.

"Ezekiel, you are the best. Thank you so much." Jen said as she was so happy from having now seen all the work she did was worth something. At least she now knows that some famous people are awesome since she now knows one and has him as a friend. "But you shouldn't do it too much."

"Oh, you got that right, I'm not going to expend my money into paying the others for they do whatever they want all the time, I worked hard for my money, and people also should be doing that as well," Ezekiel smirked, as immediately Jen laughed from understanding how mature the boy talked, especially after she learned how he was a home-schooled boy.

"Ezekiel, ever had plans into going to school or going to college someday?" Jen asked curious, which Ezekiel simply shook his head.

"Not at all, as much I could see people appealing and telling school would be good sometimes, I kinda have my share of bad stories when it comes to learning," Ezekiel said as he focused on checking another product. "Sure it's good to learn new things, or even to have more connection around, but I think if going to the library, checking on the internet, and watching good documentaries, it could be helpful in the future…"

"Oh…" Jen remained quiet as she never thought she would have a very interesting point coming from the boy in front of her.

"Also my aunt left some good books on what she was teaching my Pa some basic studies, but one of her favorite subjects is international languages, which I'm practically fluent in 5 of them now," Ezekiel said as Jen had her mouth dropped and she stared at him in disbelief. "Bom, eu falo Portugues Brasileiro (Well, I speak Brazillian Portuguese), yo tambien hablo español (I also speak Spanish), je parle français puis nous vivons au Canada (I speak French since we live in Canada), English as well, Parlo italiano (I speak itallian), Ich spreche Deutsch (I speak german)."

"I… I.. I…" Jen felt her mind blue-screen for a moment, as Ezekiel chuckled from the girl who was trying to figure it out.

"Writers always need to study a lot, Jen, always remember that I still had to hire someone to translate to Korean since I didn't have the opportunity to ask Heather to help me to say one of the characters' dialogue, which books would take hours, days or even weeks of studies just to make sure that everything would be perfect to publish," Ezekiel explained as for the girl on the high school, that even as he was homeschooled, it doesn't matter for him if he was going to go school or not, he was already focusing on his personal studies just to focus on writing his books. "I hope that you understand that,"

Jen remained calm, as she nodded her head… learning more and more about the famous around the store.

"Woah dude, are you also interested in skateboarding?" Geoff said excitedly as he showed a few good designs of skateboarding for the homeschooled boy who simply shrugged.

"They look nice, but I'm more interested in rollerskating," Ezekiel said as he took one pair of rollerskaters which made Geoff blink in surprise. "It had been a long time since I had one pair, it was crazy to try to use them around the farm, there was a wood plank which I tried to use, and I fell a few times, but I got used to using them. And now I had a good time to use them again."

"Oh that's awesome, I think having another good skateboard would be nice for me, and maybe teaching Bridgette how to walk on them would be nice." The party boy explained as Ezekiel mused the thought, and couldn't help but chuckle.

"No offense Geoff, because Bridgette while she is an expert on sports on the water, she is a total clumsy on the earth," Ezekiel commented then heard someone clearing the throat behind him, which made him shiver, which had a nervous smile on his face while he looks at the party boy. "Aaaaand she is behind me isn't she?"

"Yep…" Bridgette said as she crossed her arms, and looked at her little friend saying she is clumsy. He refused to turn his back.

"Oh come on, don't lie to me, remember the time you tackled and jumped Geoff into trying to make out with him, and you made him have a black eye?" Ezekiel refuses to turn his back because if he sees her eyes, he will see the girl staring angrily at him, and his Pa always says, that if he doesn't see a woman's anger, he can't admit anything wrong he did. Which still made Bridgette flicker his head, making him yelp.

"It was an accident, and I'm not that bad," Bridgette said not until she suddenly she walked onto the skateboard and fell on the back with the floor, as the skateboard hit Geoff on the face, knocking him on the floor.

Ezekiel stared at the duo on the floor, and Bridgette raised her index finger.

"That doesn't prove anything." That was what she said, and Ezekiel rolled his eyes.

"I would like this pair of ice skatings," Harold commented as he could see Jen cleaning the sweat on her face, "Wow, you look awful, did you need some rest?"

"I'm fine," Jen said as she was blinking constantly, and trying to maintain her energy to keep selling around the store. She just passed on the machine all the weight lifts that Eva would be using for the training for herself, and some for her friends, she also sold a few bandages and an MMA pair of gloves that she looked very interested in buying as well.

"Also I would like to buy the punching bag exposed, I heard it was the only one remaining in the store, and I would like to have something to practice my Karate and Kung Fu moves," Harold said as he gave his own pose, which Jen had her eyes wide open, and looking on the punch bag exposed, it was probably very heavy for her to carry by herself.

"Sure…" Jen said with her teeth clenched, as she couldn't help but panic inside her mind. With how much she was tired, she feared that she would cause an accident, but at the time she was about to reach the chains of the punching bag, she was surprised by a big person already taking the punching bag for her.

"There you go," DJ said as the gentle giant gave a kind smile and happily helped the girl. "I heard your conversation you had with Harold, and I thought you would like a bit of help."

"Thank God," Jen said in relief as she gave an appreciative nod to the Jamaican with a gentle heart. "You have no idea how this would help me. Err… do you mind -"

"To help you carry on the cashier? Sure," DJ said as he took the heavyweight and placed it over his shoulders, "I also am bringing some of the products that I want to buy for myself, so it will be also a good help for you to deal with fewer people."

Jen couldn't help but release a few tears of gratitude, it seemed that her exhaustive day was almost over.

Well, the moment of the truth came as Ezekiel saw Jen taking the extract of all the products bought and paid for by all the Killer Bass members, just making sure it would be checked at the end of the day by her boss.

"From everything that happened, you and your friends bought, a volleyball, tennis rackets, hockey gear, and stick, a few compound bows, bowling balls, surfing boards, skateboards, roller skaters, ice skating, weights, MMA gloves, bandages, a few dozen of pairs of sneakers, basketballs, a punching bag of 100 kilograms, ping pong rackets, tennis balls, a badminton racket?" She said as she looked at Ezekiel who rolled his eyes.

"Oh come on, badminton is an interesting sport, don't judge me," Ezekiel said, as Jen simply shrugged and continued reading all the material she sold.

"A few rockey team T-shirts, volleyball shorts and T-shirts as well, and many other things… Wow, I never thought I could sell all this stuff before Christmas, and in just one full sell…" Jen said as her eyes looked very tired, even as they showed dark circles, and she was sweating from exhaustion.

"I'm glad that it helped you out Jen, now, and I hope you don't mind you let us leave our bags inside this place before we leave the mall, we had to check the other stores as well," Ezekiel explained, as Jen immediately had her eyes wide open, and staring all the products that she sold by herself, it would be a nightmare to organize the bags… But from looking on Coach Halder, who simply nodded his head…

Jen sighed, knowing that she didn't have a choice.

"Yes, you can," Jen said as she could see Ezekiel smiling happily at her.

"Great to know," Ezekiel said as he walked around the Killer Bass, "Guys, she said we can leave our bags here just for later we could take it home before leaving the place."

Jen couldn't hear the rest of the conversation, since she was glad the worst part was over until she looked at the clock, and then her eyes were wide open in horror.

14:15… She just had worked 1 hour and 15 minutes.

At the time she was about to curse, Ezekiel and the other famous teenagers left Penalty Box, which Jen immediately with all her hair messed, her eyes tired, and even sweating a lot, she couldn't help but throw her hands in the air, and fainted on the floor…

"MASTERSON," The shout of Coach Halder wasn't heard as Jen was too tired to actually listen to anything… The manager and Owner of the store looked sternly at the girl who had been overworking himself. Carried the girl on his shoulder, and calmly walked to the timezone punishment. "2 hours of punishment of sleeping at work… You deserved it…"

Jen as she was sleeping on the seats, Coach Halder placed a few kimonos over the auburn girl, and a few team uniforms as a little pillow for the girl.

"Good job, Masterson…" The Coach said in a solemn tone, as he knew that he always would be rigid and demanding of the girl, but he knew the girl always was a good employee, doing her best to sell all the products that she could take. "All you need to do is to be tougher and have authority… the sport business is always demanding and cruel, if you want to create a line of snowboards, you need to understand the business world is not for anyone… But until then, you deserved the rest. Tomorrow I will be twice as demanding as today."

"Hmmm…" Jen moaned in tiredness, not hearing what her boss had said to her, but seeing the girl like that, the Coach decided to go back to work and separate the Killer Bass purchases in case they returned.

The day had only started, and with the popularity of the celebrities who came to his store, the sales were better than ever. And he couldn't have another way.


After spending a few minutes outside the Penalty Box, the group still found themselves surrounded by enthusiastic fans. Fortunately, Eva's intimidating presence did the trick—most of the crowd hesitated and took a step back, clearly not eager to test her patience.

"So, do you guys want to split up and form smaller groups?" Ezekiel asked, noticing that most of the Killer Bass members were nodding in agreement.

"Yeah, I mean, going into a store together was cool and all," Geoff said, "but I don't think everyone would have as much fun doing the same thing again. It's probably better if we break into groups and deal with the fans that way."

Ezekiel nodded, understanding. "Makes sense. As much as I'd love for everyone to stick around, splitting up might be for the best. So, who's going with who?"

Geoff was the first to raise his hand. "DJ, Tyler, and I are gonna head to the next floor. Anyone else wanna come with us?"

The group exchanged glances before Harold sniffed and raised his hand. "I saw some cool electronics gear at a shop upstairs. Might as well check it out," he said, pushing his glasses up his nose. It was clear that Harold was already thinking about what nerdy treasures awaited him.

The rest of the group shrugged in agreement. Then Eva spoke up, surprising everyone.

"I'll go too," she said, crossing her arms as the others turned to look at her. "There's a stereo shop on the next floor. My parents have been talking about upgrading the sound system in our workout room. Thought I'd check it out."

"That's awesome," Geoff replied, perking up at the idea. "I might stop by the stereo shop too. I've been meaning to look into getting something for future parties at my place."

The idea of Eva hunting for a sound system for a workout room seemed to amuse the group, but no one dared comment on it. If anything, they respected her for her dedication—not just to working out, but to keeping the peace with her parents.

With the group splitting up, the remaining members of the Killer Bass were Ezekiel, Courtney, Duncan, Gwen, Bridgette, Katie, and Sadie. Katie and Sadie were especially excited as they pointed out a store across the way.

"We found a place called the Khaki Barn!" Katie exclaimed, her eyes lighting up. "It looks amazing, and it's got everything we could use together."

"Yeah! Matching outfits, cute accessories—it's perfect for us!" Sadie added, grinning. Even though the two best friends had been developing their own interests, they still loved sharing things, reinforcing their bond.

Ezekiel smiled at their enthusiasm. "If you see Nikki working there, tell her to stay strong, alright?" he said, recalling Caitlin's friend from 6teen who had to put up with the store's high expectations. The girls nodded before heading off on their shared adventure.

With Katie and Sadie gone, the group was now down to Ezekiel, Courtney, Duncan, Gwen, and Bridgette. They paused for a moment, looking around the busy mall, unsure where to go next.

"So, where are we heading?" Gwen asked, hands casually stuffed in her pockets as she scanned the surrounding stores.

After a bit of thought, they decided to check out a tech store showcasing the latest flip phones and PDAs—essential gadgets for staying connected in 2007. As they walked inside, they were greeted by an impressive display of flip phones in sleek metallic designs, some boasting small external screens, and a range of PDAs featuring tiny keyboards and stylus pens.

Ezekiel examined the phones and PDAs with interest, running his fingers along the buttons and flipping a few of the phones open and closed. "So, these are the models everyone's using now, eh?" he commented, looking at the range of devices. It had been Caitlin's idea for him to explore this store, and now that he was here, he figured it couldn't hurt to see what was available.

Duncan smirked as he held up a silver flip phone, fiddling with the hinge. "Man, these things are classics. This one even has an antenna—talk about retro," he joked, pretending to use it like a walkie-talkie.

Courtney gave him a playful eye roll but couldn't resist smirking. "You know, these phones are pretty solid. With all the chaos going on in our lives, something reliable wouldn't be the worst idea."

Bridgette picked up one of the models and flipped it open. "These are kinda fun! They're tough, too. Could probably survive getting dropped into the ocean." She chuckled, always drawn to the practicality of things.

Gwen, on the other hand, was intrigued by the PDAs. "These are cool for organizing. They may not be as slick as some of the newer stuff coming out, but they'd still be handy for managing stuff without getting too distracted."

As they continued browsing, Ezekiel considered what Caitlin had said earlier. While he didn't need a new device urgently, he figured it might be useful, especially since the variety of flip phones and PDAs in front of him looked tempting. Each one promised something different—whether it was style, functionality, or reliability.

His family never had a flip phone, and since he is now a writer, and had contact with his lawyer and accountant. He needed to have a way to help him to check his own emails… A PDA is a smartphone who isn't created yet. So until the time comes, he would need to use the best available for him.

"Alright, I want that one, and that one as well," Ezekiel said as he pointed to a deep green and black flip phone and a PDA that would help him in the future. "Do you have plans as well? Because I would start making phone calls with it sooner."




The group had now wandered into a clothing store, unlike the usual mall stops. This one catered specifically to rock, punk, and gothic styles, with dark, edgy décor that immediately caught the attention of Duncan and Gwen. The atmosphere was thick with an air of rebellion; the walls were painted deep shades of black and crimson, adorned with posters of iconic bands and graffiti art that breathed life into the space. The racks were filled with black leather, ripped fabrics, chains, and an array of skull and flame patterns, all of which created a rebellious ambiance that felt like home to both of them.

Duncan, giving a quick glance around the store, began sorting through racks of clothing that perfectly suited his punk delinquent persona. He ran his fingers over the textured fabrics, feeling the raw edges and the weight of leather beneath his touch. He picked out a black leather jacket with a rough, worn-in look, accented with silver zippers and studs that glinted ominously under the low lights. A few graphic tees caught his eye as well—one emblazoned with a bold red anarchy symbol that seemed to scream defiance, and another featuring a menacing skull wrapped in barbed wire, reflecting his inner turmoil. He also found a pair of black skinny jeans with chains hanging from the side, adding a sharper edge to the ensemble.

As he tried on the jacket, admiring how it hugged his shoulders and flared slightly at the waist, he felt an unmistakable sense of maturity in his style. He had grown while still maintaining his rebellious flair, and instead of his usual spiked choker, he exchanged it for two thick chain collars that wrapped around his neck, giving him an even more badass appearance. A smirk crossed his lips as he admired his reflection in the mirror; he felt ready to take on the world.

Meanwhile, Gwen was in her element, thoroughly enjoying the gothic clothing with genuine appreciation. She moved with grace through the aisles, her fingers brushing against the fabrics as if greeting old friends. Her eyes lingered on a stunning black lace dress that contrasted beautifully with her pale skin, accentuating her striking features and complementing her signature dark lipstick perfectly. She reached for a short-sleeved fishnet top to layer over a deep dark aquamarine tank, the rich color designed to highlight her striking blue and black hair.

As she picked up a pair of silver bracelets, adorned with tiny skulls that dangled playfully, she envisioned how they would add a bit of edge to her usual look. But what truly caught her eye was a delicate black fabric that could be wrapped around her neck, along with a collar depicting a saint carved into the leather. It was exquisite, and her heart raced at the thought of owning it. "I need this," she whispered to herself, a determined glint in her eyes. It was a suggestion made by her friend Ripper, and she felt more elegant than ever, ready to start the second season with the right foot forward.

Ezekiel, on the other hand, was drawn to the accessories section like a moth to a flame. He wandered over to examine a collection of skull-themed rings, intrigued by the intricate details of the carvings that seemed to tell their own stories. One of the rings had tiny red gems in the eyes of the skull, catching the light and making it seem both menacing and alluring. He picked up a belt with a large skull-shaped buckle, nodding in approval as he realized how well it matched both Duncan and Gwen's styles. Even the darkly designed glasses, with skull imprints, etched into the side handles, fascinated him in a strange way.

As he observed his friends, Ezekiel noticed Gwen holding up a sleeveless shirt that had been cut at the sleeves, giving it a casual yet rebellious vibe. Meanwhile, Duncan was showing off a leather jacket with belts around it, exuding confidence as he flashed a grin. On the other hand, Ezekiel couldn't help but admire the references to famous gothic bands around the store, especially one jacket that seemed to have walked straight out of a My Chemical Romance music video. He even spotted a striped shirt that made him imagine Marshall Lee rocking it with his trademark rock style. The store was indeed a treasure trove of clothing variations.

Taking inspiration from his friends, Ezekiel chose the jacket, and the shirt, and even felt tempted by an overcoat, but quickly dismissed the idea, reminding himself he wasn't preparing for a vampire hunting training session or anything that crazy. Instead, he wanted to add more clothes like his friends, opting for a black and white shirt with half-long sleeves and half-sleeveless sections, featuring a bold anarchy logo on the back. He also grabbed a pair of fishnet gloves, feeling more confident as he pieced together his new look. It wasn't something he would wear every day, but the idea of switching up his style depending on the day excited him.

Bridgette, though not usually one for the goth-punk aesthetic, found herself inexplicably drawn to a small section dedicated to swimwear. As she browsed, she was surprised to discover swimsuits styled with gothic elements—particularly one-piece designs featuring elaborate black lace patterns and corset-like lacing on the sides. One striking suit had small pentagram details on the laces that intrigued her, even if she didn't fully embrace the symbolism. "You know," she mused to herself with a small smile, twirling a strand of her hair thoughtfully, "take off the pentagram, and this might actually turn some heads at the beach."

As she held the suit up to herself, imagining the way the sun would hit the lace, she felt a spark of excitement. Maybe stepping out of her comfort zone could be fun. The idea of rocking a gothic swimsuit made her smile wider. Who knew she could combine her love for the beach with a touch of rebellion? In this store full of edgy vibes and creativity, the possibilities felt endless.

The atmosphere in the store was electric as Duncan, Gwen, Ezekiel, and Bridgette watched Courtney strut out in her new outfit. The dim light bounced off the fishnet tights and highlighted the edgy style that seemed to bring out a different side of her. With every step, she exuded confidence, her attire blending perfectly with the punk-goth aesthetic surrounding her.

"I don't know why the a need for all the spikes, though. Isn't that something that could hurt anyone who touches you?" Ezekiel quipped, a teasing lilt in his voice.

Courtney turned, eyebrows raised in mock disbelief. "Oh please, you think this is all about comfort? It's about their style!"

Duncan stood there, jaw slack, taking in the sight of his girlfriend. She wore fishnet tights, long fishnet gloves, and distressed jeans that showed just the right amount of skin. The black top was edgy and fitted, and her spiked bracelets added a perfect touch. The dramatic makeup—a dark liner above her eyes and a bold two-toned red and white lipstick—enhanced her features beautifully.

"Courtney…you are a very good friend of mine, and I love you as a great big annoying sister," Ezekiel began, trying to hold back his laughter at her transformation. He could see Gwen's surprise mirrored in her expression, both of them taken aback by how much Courtney had changed. "That said…Duncan, you are a damn lucky bastard."

"Oh yeah, I am…" Duncan smirked, clearly enjoying the moment as he watched Courtney blush. "Just need one final touch…"

"Which is?" Courtney asked, puzzled.

Duncan reached into his pocket, pulling out the skull collar he had crafted for her during the motocross challenge. Courtney's heart fluttered as she realized the significance of the gift. The moment she placed it around her neck and turned to face the mirror, she felt an unexpected thrill wash over her.

"Wow," she whispered, eyes wide.

"Wow, indeed," Gwen chimed in, giving Duncan a thumbs up. "I have to say, this style fits you way better."

"Oh please, you think this style would fit better with anyone?" Courtney rolled her eyes, but the smile on her face betrayed her joy. She could feel Duncan's gaze on her, a mixture of admiration and something deeper. "So what do you think?"

Suddenly, she felt a playful slap on her rear. "EEP!" Courtney jumped, narrowing her eyes in shock. A deep blush spread across her cheeks as she processed what had just happened. Bridgette's face flushed, and Ezekiel let out an impressed whistle.

"You didn't do that," Courtney exclaimed, shooting a glare at Duncan.

"Oh, I did," Duncan replied with a confident smirk, unrepentant. "I don't regret it, because damn girl, I'm going to be crazy with you around like that."

"Did Duncan just slap Courtney's ass?" Ezekiel asked incredulously, watching as Duncan doubled over, receiving a swift punch to the stomach. "Yep, he had it coming."

"Well, enjoy while you can, because I'm not going home dressed like this. My family would freak out if they saw me like this after only going to the mall for the first time," Courtney declared, reaching for a tissue to wipe away the dramatic makeup.

"You could at least leave the lipstick. It looks great on you," Duncan suggested, attempting to recover from the earlier attack. "Also, I don't know why you're making such a big deal about it. I could tell my parents you're spending the night with us."

"But then I'd have to deal with your brothers, and if I'm dressed like this, I'd leave a terrible impression on your parents!" Courtney protested, a hint of panic in her voice.

"Well, they'd blame me for letting you dress like this in the first place. We could just use it as a joke, saying you're doing this against your will, and then you can make me pay you back," Duncan shrugged, offering a solution that made Courtney relax just a bit.

"That could work," she conceded with a sigh. "At least I don't have to worry about taking a ride again."

The group was still buzzing from Courtney's transformation when Ezekiel raised an eyebrow, curiosity evident in his voice. "What do you mean by that?"

Duncan leaned in, ready to share the story. "Courtney took a car ride with two fans since her family car broke down while she was driving." The revelation made Gwen and Bridgette's eyes widen in surprise.

"And you just left the car on the street? Isn't that irresponsible?" Bridgette questioned, arms crossed in disapproval as Courtney rolled her eyes in response.

"Of course not! I had to wait for the tow truck to take it directly to the mechanic my mom helped find," Courtney explained, frustration lacing her tone. "My dad is probably dealing with the mechanic right now because we've had that problem in our car for months, and it seems they didn't fix it properly." She noticed the skeptical glances from her friends. "IT'S NOT MY FAULT!"

"Yeah, I believe that," Gwen replied, raising her eyebrows skeptically. "So you had to deal with two fans?"

"Yeah, thankfully they were on their way here. They're from British Columbia and took days to drive down. They seemed nice," Courtney recounted, her irritation easing as she spoke. "I heard one of the girls is training to become an Olympic gymnast."

"Really? That sounds cool," Ezekiel interjected, blinking in surprise. He shot Duncan a sideways glance, suspecting that might be the kind of girl Ezekiel would be interested in. The whole situation was too convoluted for Duncan's taste, and he quickly pushed those thoughts aside.

"So did they say where they're going?" Duncan asked, trying to keep the conversation flowing.

"Your book signing tomorrow," Courtney revealed, watching Ezekiel tilt his head in surprise.

"They've been huge fans of your book," she continued, a smile creeping onto her face as Ezekiel seemed both amused and flattered.

"Huh, wow, I never thought people from all across Canada would travel just to get my books," Ezekiel said, chuckling as he realized how far-reaching his popularity had become.

"Well, I had to give a car ride to a fan who came from Vancouver Island," Bridgette chimed in, her tone lively. "A girl who also brought a duck with her." Ezekiel's eyes went wide at that revelation. "Her name is Dawn, and she's a nature lover like me. But I think she's way more in tune with nature than I am since she can read minds."

"Pff, yeah right," Duncan scoffed, causing Courtney and Gwen to exchange disbelieving glances.

"Are you sure she wasn't tricking you?" Courtney questioned, her logical mindset reluctant to accept the idea. "There are a lot of scammers in the world."

"No, guys, she's the real deal! She said she saw my aura and even knew my mom's name!" Bridgette insisted, her eyes sparkling with excitement. Just as Courtney and Duncan opened their mouths to respond, Ezekiel interrupted.

"Ah, so she's an aura reader! Wow, it's been ages since I saw one on television," Ezekiel said, a mix of intrigue and excitement crossing his face, instantly capturing the group's attention. "I remember seeing news about a guy trying to expose aura readers. While he found some scammers, he also uncovered the real ones. One of them not only exposed him but revealed all the cheating he'd done on his wife! The live broadcast made the wife contact the lovers, and it ended with him losing his job, getting divorced, and finding out he had kidney stones—which he didn't know about until five days later!"

The group sat in stunned silence as the story unfolded.

"I didn't know that aired on television," Courtney said, her eyes wide in disbelief. The thought of people having the ability to read their lives felt overwhelming. She could only imagine the chaos it could unleash if someone truly had that power.

"Seriously! Just imagine if someone could expose all your secrets in front of everyone," Gwen said, shivering at the thought.

"Ugh, I'd rather not think about it," Duncan muttered, running a hand through his hair. "But I have to admit, it sounds like a wild ride."

Bridgette shrugged, her enthusiasm unshaken. "I think it would be kind of cool! As long as they don't tell embarrassing stuff."

"Yeah, but what if they did?" Courtney replied, a hint of worry in her voice. "It's a lot of pressure to think about."

"It must have been on the internet at least," Gwen remarked, crossing her arms and leaning back against the wall, a skeptical expression on her face.

"Not if the person didn't want to relive that shame all over again. It probably got deleted," Ezekiel replied, a thoughtful frown creasing his brow. "I tried to recall the person's name or the aura readers he provoked, but nothing's coming to mind." He glanced at Bridgette, his curiosity piqued. "Did she say anything bad about you?"

"No, she just explained that Mother Nature blessed me, and that's why I'm always fine around the animals nearby," Bridgette explained with a proud smile. Ezekiel hummed in understanding, while the others couldn't help but roll their eyes at the sentiment.

"You know what? I'll believe it when I see it," Courtney interjected, her voice laced with practicality. She had always been the logical one in the group, preferring to stick with what she could see and touch. "At least Sky isn't that problematic—just having a bit of burping issues."

"Sky?" Ezekiel's eyes went wide in surprise. The group stared at him for a moment, and he quickly scrambled for a different question to cover his slip. "Is there a girl named like that?"

"Yes, there is," Gwen confirmed, a smirk tugging at her lips as she caught the faint hint of relief in Ezekiel's expression. "There are a lot of girls and boys named after objects as well. Like my friends Pixie and Reaper…"

"Well, that makes sense," Ezekiel said, filing the information away in his mind. He now had to remember that Sky from Pahkitew Island would be at the book signing tomorrow. It was a surprise to think he would see more contestants from the future actually coming to see him.

"Anyway, do you want to check out some clothing styles now, Courtney?" Ezekiel suggested, his tone shifting to a lighter one.

"That would be something I'd like," Courtney replied, a determined glint in her eyes as she prepared herself for a shopping spree. Duncan felt a knot tighten in his gut at the prospect, sensing that Courtney was gearing up for some kind of payback against him.

As they made their way toward the clothing store, Ezekiel glanced back at Duncan, who wore a grimace as if he could already foresee the chaos that awaited them. "You okay, man?" Ezekiel asked, concern bubbling up.

Duncan waved him off, trying to brush it aside. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just, you know, ready for whatever Courtney has planned." He shot a sidelong glance at her, who was already enthusiastically discussing outfits with Gwen and Bridgette, completely oblivious to Duncan's unease.

"Right, just remember, I'm here for moral support," Ezekiel said, chuckling lightly, trying to ease the tension. "And I'll be sure to take notes on any fashion tips I can use."

Duncan let out a half-hearted laugh, feeling a bit better at the lighthearted banter. "I guess we'll both need it," he said, sighing as they approached the store entrance, the vibrant displays of clothing beckoning them inside. The atmosphere shifted as they stepped through the door, and the buzz of chatter and the scent of new fabric filled the air.

"Alright, let's find you something fierce, Courtney!" Bridgette exclaimed, already scanning the racks with eager eyes.

With a determined smile, Courtney stepped forward, ready to make a statement. The day was far from over, and as Duncan and Ezekiel exchanged a glance filled with apprehension and excitement, they knew that whatever happened next would be anything but dull.




As they stepped into the clothing store, the atmosphere transformed around them. The shop was an eclectic mix of styles, perfectly reflecting Courtney's fashion sense—modern yet classic, with a touch of rebellion. Colorful racks overflowed with tailored blazers, chic blouses, and edgy accessories that caught the light just right. Brightly lit mirrors adorned the walls, and the upbeat music set a lively tone, creating an inviting ambiance.

Courtney led the way, her eyes gleaming with excitement as she navigated through the vibrant displays.

"This place is perfect!" she exclaimed, grabbing a stylish jacket off the rack. "Look at these options! We could totally revamp your wardrobe, Duncan."

Duncan shrugged, a playful smirk on his face. "I'm not sure how much revamping I need, but I'm willing to humor you." He glanced around, trying to gauge if he could handle whatever was about to happen next.

Bridgette and Gwen shared a knowing look as they picked up a few items. "Let's see what you've got, Duncan!" Gwen teased, nudging him toward the fitting room.

With a resigned sigh, Duncan disappeared behind the curtain. The sound of zippers and rustling fabric filled the air. A few moments later, he stepped out, his confidence wavering as he displayed an outfit that was far from his usual style—long beige pants, a crisp social shirt with a tie underneath, and a black-and-white sweater draped over his shoulders. The contrast between his rebellious persona and the polished look was stark.

The group erupted in laughter at the sight of him. "It's not funny," Duncan grumbled, trying to keep a straight face despite the mirth bubbling around him.

"It's a little funny," Bridgette chuckled, her eyes dancing with amusement. "You look like you're ready for a business meeting or something!"

"My boy," Courtney declared with a wide grin as she rushed over to him, throwing her arms around his shoulders in a spontaneous hug. The sudden embrace caught Duncan off guard, causing him to stumble slightly. He grumbled a few half-hearted protests, but before he could fully regain his balance, he felt a sharp slap on his ass, just like the same way he did.

"Isn't that a funny feeling?" Courtney teased, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

"I don't know, I kinda liked it. Can you do it again?" Duncan whispered, a grin spreading across his face.

Courtney froze for a moment, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink as realization washed over her.

"Wait, what?" she stammered, her usual composure momentarily faltering.

Duncan laughed heartily, enjoying the moment. "You have too much to learn, Princess," he said with a wink, reveling in the playful banter.

"Okay, okay, Mr. Smooth," Gwen interjected, shaking her head with a laugh. "Let's get back to the clothes before Duncan starts asking for slaps as payment."

Duncan feigned an offended expression, crossing his arms dramatically. "What's wrong with a little affection for being sexy in ridiculous outfits?"

"Nothing at all, but we're here to help you find something that actually suits you," Bridgette chimed in, glancing back at the fitting room. "Why don't you try something a bit more… you?"

Duncan sighed, giving in to the spirit of the moment. "Fine, I'll give it another shot." He turned back toward the fitting room, determination shining in his eyes, but not before stealing a glance at Courtney. She was still blushing, trying to regain her composure, and that made him laugh again.

As he disappeared behind the curtain, Gwen and Bridgette exchanged amused glances. "This is going to be fun," Bridgette said, grabbing a few more clothes to mix and match.

Courtney nodded, her heart racing with excitement. "And the best part? I'm gonna make sure he looks amazing by the end of this."

The group's laughter echoed through the store, and the playful energy filled the space. The day was far from over.




As the group entered the next clothing store, the vibrant atmosphere buzzed with excitement. The shop was decorated with beach-themed decor, colorful swimsuits hanging on displays like an artist's palette, each more eye-catching than the last. Bright banners advertised special sales, and the sweet scent of sunscreen lingered in the air, setting the perfect tone for a day of shopping.

Bridgette eagerly led the way, her enthusiasm infectious as she pointed out different styles. "You guys, for those of us who love going underwater, I've got some great tips on swimsuits! You want something that fits snugly but still lets you move easily," she explained, rummaging through a rack of colorful bikinis and one-piece suits.

Gwen, though never particularly interested in sports, found herself caught up in the moment. "Well, I did buy one swimsuit," she said, holding up a sleek, dark blue one-piece. "Just in case I need to jump into freezing water. Plus, I got a shirt and shorts for my little brother, Cody, and some cool sunglasses for my mom." She glanced over at the bright colors surrounding them and smiled, appreciating the playful energy of the store.

As they browsed, the conversation shifted to potential craziness on the show. "You know Chris; he'll probably throw us into some ridiculous situation," Duncan remarked, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "So it's a good idea to grab some swimsuits just in case. Who knows what he has planned for us next?"

"Definitely! I'm thinking ahead," Bridgette said, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Can you imagine if we end up in a water challenge? It could happen!"

Ezekiel, who was busy at the register, added, "I found a nice shirt that Geoff usually wears, but I got it in green. It'll fit my style perfectly!" He smiled as he handed over the swimsuits and the shirt, feeling proud of his choices. Shopping for himself was a welcome change, especially since he often wore what his parents picked out for him.

"Do you think Geoff will like this store? I mean, look at all these styles!" Bridgette said, her excitement barely contained as she held up a vibrant swimsuit with tropical prints.

"Geoff likes anything you like, so probably yes," Ezekiel replied, offering a reassuring nod as Duncan perused some unique products made from seashells. He couldn't help but chuckle at Duncan's perplexed expression.

"I'm just saying, these look pretty cool!" Duncan shot back, holding up a necklace made from shells, a hint of rebellion in his voice.

Meanwhile, Courtney and Gwen chatted animatedly about their lives back home, their laughter blending with the upbeat music in the background. Ezekiel felt a warm sense of belonging wash over him, enjoying the camaraderie and realizing how much he had missed this kind of interaction.

Finally, Duncan, now burdened with several shopping bags filled with clothes—some he actually liked, others that Courtney would insist he wears—grunted, "Alright, I think that's enough clothing for now. So what are we going to do next?"

"Hmm, I already have a PDA and a flip phone, but I heard there's an electronics store on the next floor. They probably have plasma TVs and some cool gadgets," Ezekiel said, a mischievous grin spreading across his face as he anticipated the next adventure.

"Now we're talking!" Duncan exclaimed, suddenly energized by the prospect of electronics. The girls rolled their eyes at the boys' predictable enthusiasm.

"Boys and their TVs," Gwen said with a smirk, shaking her head.

"Hey, what can I say? Technology is life!" Duncan replied, his swagger returning as they made their way toward the electronics store, the promise of more fun filling the air. The energy of their day was contagious, setting the stage for whatever wild experiences lay ahead.

Ron the Rent-a-Cop emerged from the infirmary, his head pounding and his pride bruised. He squinted against the bright lights of the Galleria Mall, shaking off the last remnants of dizziness from his embarrassing fall. "Back to work," he muttered to himself, adjusting his tie, which was now slightly askew.

As he stepped out into the bustling mall, the cacophony of voices crashed over him like a wave. The food court was swarming with fans, their excited chatter amplifying with every passing moment. Ron clenched his fists, determination igniting within him. He had to find those so-called celebrities and restore order—preferably before he ended up in the infirmary again.

"Alright, listen up!" he barked, trying to project authority over the raucous crowd. His hawk-like gaze swept over the sea of teenagers, searching for any sign of the infamous Killer Bass. "You need to move along! This is a mall, not a circus!"

But instead of heeding his warning, the crowd only surged forward, excitement bubbling as they spotted someone they recognized. Ron felt a twinge of panic. "No, no, no! You can't just—"

Suddenly, he caught sight of a girl near the front who was brandishing a taser, her eyes wide with shock. "Stay back!" she yelled, pointing the weapon in his direction.

Ron's heart raced. "Whoa! I'm just doing my job—"

The girl, mistaking his authoritative stance for a threat, pressed the button on the taser. A crackling zap echoed through the air, and Ron's instincts kicked in. He leaped to the side, narrowly avoiding the jolt of electricity. The unexpected movement startled a boy beside him, who instinctively jumped away, crashing into another fan.

The ripple effect sent chaos through the crowd. Someone knocked over a skateboard, which rolled into Ron's path. With no time to react, he lost his balance, landing squarely on the board. "Oh no—" was all he had time to shout before the skateboard shot out from under him, sending him careening toward a nearby security cart.

"Not again!" Ron screamed as he collided with the cart, the wheels spinning wildly without anyone to steer. The cart jolted forward, seemingly possessed, as Ron scrambled to regain his footing. The startled onlookers parted like the Red Sea, wide-eyed and gaping as the runaway cart barreled through the crowd.

"Somebody stop that thing!" Ron shouted, but the cart had other plans. It raced down the mall, gaining momentum as Ron struggled to catch up, flailing his arms in a futile attempt to regain control.

"Watch out!" a teen yelled as the cart approached the entrance. Ron's eyes widened in horror as the fountain loomed ahead, water splashing in cheerful arcs.

With a resounding crash, the cart careened straight into the fountain, sending water spraying everywhere. Ron stumbled to a halt, drenched and gasping, the fountain's water cascading around him like a surreal, comedic shower.

The crowd erupted into laughter, the chaos momentarily forgotten as they recorded the scene on their digital cameras. Ron soaked and furious, glared at the grinning faces around him. "This isn't funny!" he yelled, though a part of him couldn't help but feel a little ridiculous.

With his dignity splashed down the fountain's drain, Ron prepared to face the fans once more, reminding himself that somewhere in this pandemonium were the celebrities responsible for all this chaos. "Just wait until I get my hands on those kids," he grumbled, plotting his next move amid the laughter and mayhem.


"So this an actual Dell?" Ezekiel asked as he could see the salesman nodding his head for him, which the boy took an even further look. "How good is the writing program on this?"

"Ideal for people who want to have the good pleasure of creating game simulations on this, I saw some of the kids telling me they were enjoying playing games on this. The basic simulator where people could be doing their own existence." The salesman commented as the boy wearing a winter hat gave a slight look at the laptop. The choices of colors were the most basic in comparison to the actual version of 2024.

It was a terrifying downgrade that would require a lot of patience until the technology came back at the greatest time as they were before.

"I will take it," Ezekiel said as he could see Bridgette, Gwen, and Courtney looking at him in worry in concern, which Ezekiel decided to be honest. "It's for my future stories, I cannot be using my family typewriter all the time, so it would be for the best to leave the trustful machine back on the farm, while I could use something that wouldn't require paper for it."

"Well that's an actual reasonable comment," Gwen said as she had to admit the idea didn't seem bad, but she also had a slight frown on her face. "But are you sure that's a good idea? You know that Chris wouldn't let you use it on the show to take outside information with it."

"Well, he could use storage just to save the archives of the documents, and if only would be for the writing, I think Chris won't mind, the contract says that we are not allowed to use technology to have outside help, that doesn't mean that if we just take out the internet and don't have access to it. It would only be an electronic typewriter, which would have now easier access to a printer." Courtney commented as the group stared at the C.I.T. who had her eyes looking at them in disbelief. "What? I had to read the entire contract just to be sure that we wouldn't be caught on surprising fine prints again."

"Well when you point that way, we could explore this as a way to have access to things," Bridgette said as she looked at the 2-minute hair curlers, knowing that now they have a bit more chance to expend a good time before returning on the show, she would enjoy bringing up a few more stuff with her. What she could say? Ezekiel is making them have a blast on the day.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," A loud pleasure sound caught the ears of the group, as the girls stared at Duncan who felt so comfortable with Tush Control 3000, one of the best massage chairs ever seen by the man, "Ezekiel Man, you need to buy this. If you have 5 of these on Playa Del Losers, I would spend a whole weekend just watching television on this beauty. I have never thought I would feel in love.…"

"Should I be jealous of it?" Courtney said as she could see Duncan ignoring her question as he was feeling so satisfied with the chair. "Wow, to even ignore my question that means this chair is really good."

"Duncan, as much I would love to buy this, we need to focus on the essentials first, I will add this in mind for the future, but firstly I need to focus on the show. But I can write it for my accountant and then it would also depend on the sales of my books. So don't get too much hope on this yet." Ezekiel said as he walked over to two guys who were with their eyebrows raised at him, wearing black shirts and wearing dark glasses, even if they were inside the store. Ezekiel gave a slight look at their name tags, but he could not recall how exactly they were on during the show. "Blade and Christo right?"

"Right away," Blade said as he remained with his cocky nature, which Ezekiel could guess on what the duo were thinking. "Also I want to know if you all have the courage to pass around the show all over again."

Well... that he wasn't expected.

"Did you watch the show?" Ezekiel said as he took his checkbook, but then again usually popular people would try to find a way to find entertainment over.

"Yeah duh, we like to watch crazy weirdos trying to do all the humiliating stuff and to get all the money they could get." Blade said as he gave the smirk, to which Ezekiel nodded his head.

"There we go, heh, surprisingly I'm not even offended by your comment," Ezekiel said as he took a paper and wrote down a little information. "To be honest we also love to laugh over ourselves at how crazy shit we passed during these weeks, but in the end, we just got the fame, we have another season, another chance to get the money. And I'm just giving my money to you, isn't that good to have money around?"

"Words couldn't have been said better." Blade said as he took a look at the check, and also looked at the paper giving on his hand. "What is this?"

"Do you have a delivery service? Just to make sure that I would buy a few Tush Control 3000, I think it would be good to make a better Spa on my resort 5 stars." Ezekiel said as both arrogant cretins suddenly got in silence. "Well thought so, maybe I will hire someone to bring them there, you don't need to worry about that. Anyway, have a great afternoon."

The owners of the store remained quiet, as the homeschooled boy just had flexed on them, even as they were guys who wanted to act high and mighty and have a very successful business around the mall. Screw them, Ezekiel has Playa Del Losers, and he would work his best to have his own coffee farm, if they think they could look down at the farm, then money would give a reality check on them.

"You can have my money, but that doesn't mean that you are the best. Jerks," Ezekiel said with a satisfying nod, as he took the products he bought, as the Killer Bass remained in silence and stared at the store in disgust, which immediately Duncan spat on the floor.

"Forget it, I don't want to be here anymore," Duncan said as he quickly followed Ezekiel, even Courtney, Bridgette, and Gwen had their time, they also took their products and walked away, but they now had in mind that those two were a bunch of arrogant jerks.




"You could have just got away Ezekiel, you shouldn't have bought from them," Gwen said as she crossed her arms, which Ezekiel shook his head.

"Nah, they may have gotten the money, but it was the only time they got it from me," Ezekiel said as he saw the group of fans he simply turned his back and spat in the direction of the store. Which immediately made many fans surprised by the way he looked. And Ezekiel simply walked far away with the group.

"Why did you do that?" Bridgette said as she felt disgusted by the boy doing that, but Duncan nodded his head in understanding.

"It's obvious Bridgette. We are like queen bees, whenever we walk, they would follow us, and if we show a deep dislike of something and with a good reason, then the wave of dislikes would also come as backlash." Duncan said as he gave a few taps on the boy's back, as the group simply walked directly to another store which was now more focused on Stereo Shack, where usually the department of sound and nerdy products would be seen on there. "Harold, are you in there?"

The bustling electronics store was a kaleidoscope of colorful screens and buzzing gadgets, but all eyes were drawn to the center, where a scene straight out of a sci-fi movie was unfolding. The sound of lightsabers clashing echoed through the aisles as Harold, wielding a makeshift lightsaber with determination, battled against a nerdy boy clad in typical nerd attire—thick glasses, a plaid shirt, and a silly black cape. The boy also donned a helmet that was an obvious homage to Star Wars, complete with faux buttons and blinking lights.

"Okay, I thought I would have seen everything, but nerds fighting each other? THAT'S NEW!" Duncan exclaimed, his laughter booming over the chaos. He dramatically looked up at the ceiling, kissed the tips of his fingers, and pointed to the sky. "You're the best!"

Courtney, arms crossed and eyebrows raised, scanned the crowd gathered around the makeshift arena.

"What the hell is going on?" she asked, turning to DJ, Eva, Geoff, and Tyler, who were all watching with rapt attention.

"I have no idea," DJ replied, shaking his head. "Everything started when Geoff was just messing with the stereo system, and then this nerd swoops in with a lightsaber, burning holes in the floor!"

"I could have broken his bones," Eva said with a smirk, "but Harold was faster and punched him right in the face, snatching the lightsaber away."

Geoff nodded in relief, wiping imaginary sweat from his brow. "Harold saved my bacon back there. I didn't think I'd need a hero today!"

As they watched, Harold skillfully dodged another clumsy swing from the nerd boy. The atmosphere was electric, with the crowd egging them on. "I can see the Force growing inside of you," the nerd boy taunted, his confidence returning as he lunged again. "But if you think you can beat me—AHHHHH—!"

Before he could finish his sentence, Harold narrowed his eyes, channeling every ounce of focus he could muster. With a swift, almost balletic move, he seized the nerd boy's throat, gripping it firmly.

"YOU LACK CONVICTION!" Harold boomed, as he held the lightsaber aloft, its red glow illuminating his determined face. His voice deepened as he mirrored the intensity of a Sith Lord.

The nerd boy's eyes widened behind his glasses, and panic set in. Harold brandished his own lightsaber, its red light glowing ominously against his determined face. He held his hand up in a classic Jedi stance, then, with expert precision, he executed a move reminiscent of Bruce Lee's famous one-inch punch. "Next time, don't be a padawan coming in the direction of the Sith. The last thing you want is to see the Empire Strikes Back!"

The impact was stunning; the nerd boy collapsed to the floor with a dramatic thud, the helmet rolling off to reveal a stunned expression.

"Okay, I'm not a fan of Star Wars puns, but I've gotta say, nice work, Harold," Gwen remarked, shaking her head in disbelief as the nerd boy groaned on the floor, clutching his side.

"I'm going to buy two of these, just in case I want my rematch against Izzy," Harold said with a determined nod, his confidence clearly boosted. Ezekiel nodded along, recalling how both of them had their behinds kicked in one of the final episodes of Season 1. Harold's pride had definitely been wounded.

Duncan chuckled, rubbing his stomach. "You know, that was some good entertainment. I'm feeling hungry now—what's better than popcorn to watch Battle of the Nerds: The Nerd Wars?" He raised an eyebrow, already plotting to find a snack.

"Right? This is way more entertaining than I expected," Bridgette agreed, a smile spreading across her face as they all burst into laughter. The absurdity of the moment filled the store with an energy that made their shopping trip all the more memorable.

"Okay now I'm feeling hungry, does anyone want to go to the Food Court to eat something?" Courtney asked, and the group nodded their heads as they seemed to be now going to have a good time for a snack, and have more time to look around the mall before each of them returned home.

(4:00 p.m)

Katie and Sadie were a whirlwind of chatter as they flitted around the store, laughing and joking with the clones. "Can you believe that time we tried to bake cookies and ended up setting the smoke alarm off?" Katie exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

"It was so funny! I still can't believe how we panicked!" Sadie giggled, her enthusiasm contagious. The twins' cheerful banter seemed to drown out the dull ambiance of the Khaki Barn, much to the dismay of the clones. Nikki rolled her eyes, half-grateful and half-annoyed. Ezekiel had sent the twins to keep her company while she worked, telling her to "stay strong."

"Thanks, Ezekiel, but did you really have to send the twins?" Nikki muttered to herself, glancing at Katie and Sadie. At least it was just the twins and not the rest of the Killer Bass. She had watched as they scattered off to other stores, seeking styles that fit their unique personalities, which only made her giggle at how absurd it was.

Meanwhile, Katie and Sadie continued their chatter, completely oblivious to the fact that their endless talk was grating on the clones' nerves. Each time they laughed, the clones would share annoyed glances, a testament to just how entertaining the situation was for Nikki. She couldn't help but smirk as she watched Kirsten gag at the mention of the show's infamous "Brunch of Disgustness" episode. Chrissi, ever the vigilant one, made sure no talk of the reality show broke out among the clones.

"Just a typical day in the Khaki Barn, right?" Nikki sighed dramatically, leaning against the counter with a resigned expression. To say that Khaki Barn was the bane of her existence was the pure, irrefutable truth. Ever since she had started working here, it felt like the walls were closing in on her.

The store's slogan, "The Khaki Barn: Where Individuality is Highly Overrated," rubbed her the wrong way. It was like a slap in the face to her individualistic personality. How could anyone embrace conformity through fashion? She often found herself questioning her choices every day.

As customers filtered through, debating their favorite [i]Total Drama/i] episodes while she tried to sell them the store's drab attire, Nikki struggled to suppress her disdain. The time flew by in a blur, and before she knew it, the clock read 16:00. "Finally! Lunchtime!" she cheered internally, feeling a wave of relief wash over her.

"Hey, girls! I'll be back in a bit!" she called to Katie and Sadie, who were still blissfully unaware of the world outside their chatter. As she stepped away, a small smile crept onto her face at the thought of escaping the conformity of Khaki Barn, even if just for a little while.

After emerging from the fountain in a dripping mess, Ron the Rent-a-Cop shook his head, sending water flying like a wet dog. "Alright, this time, I'm really going to regain control," he declared, wiping his face with the back of his hand. "No more distractions."

The mall buzzed with renewed energy, the fans buzzing with excitement as they chattered about the latest developments in the chaos. His patience wore thin.

"Alright, everyone!" he called out, raising his hands to capture attention. "I need you all to—"

But his voice was drowned out by the cacophony of laughter and excited shouts. He spotted a few girls pointing and giggling, With a deep breath, he steeled himself. "Time to take charge!"

With determination coursing through him, Ron marched toward the center of the food court, his tie flapping like a flag of authority. "Listen up! I'm going to—"

A loud explosion of laughter erupted from a nearby table, one of them donned a makeshift cape and began mimicking his earlier antics, throwing himself dramatically to the floor.

"Seriously?" Ron muttered, but before he could react, a sudden commotion erupted from the far end of the food court. A group of teenagers, holding balloons and banners, had just spotted the Killer Bass entering the mall.

"Over there! It's them!" a girl shouted, pointing toward the entrance.

In a split second, the throng of fans turned and surged toward the entrance like a stampede of excited cattle. Ron's heart sank. "No! I can't let this happen again!"

He raced after them, determined to intercept the oncoming wave of energy. "Stop! Everyone, back to your—"

The crowd had reached a fever pitch, and the energy felt electric. As Ron neared the entrance, he spotted a security cart parked nearby, the one he had just narrowly avoided moments earlier. "If I can just get to that cart," he thought, eyes locked on his goal. "I can gain some control."

But as he reached for the cart, he felt the ground tremble beneath him. A group of teenage girls carrying giant inflatable swords barreled past, and Ron caught off guard, stumbled.

"Whoa!" he yelped, his arms flailing as he lost his balance once more. He grasped for the cart, but his fingers slipped off the handle, and with a sickening thud, he fell backward.

The inflatable swords were everywhere, and as Ron hit the ground, a cascade of balloons floated above him. One of the girls, not seeing him, let go of her balloon, which drifted right into Ron's face, blinding him momentarily. "Get off me!" he shouted, swatting at the balloon as it bounced off his head.

This was the final straw. Ron scrambled to get up, but the stampede of fans had reached its peak. One enthusiastic teenager leaped over him, while another bumped into his side, sending him stumbling into the now-empty security cart. The cart, somehow still on the move, began to roll toward the escalators.

"No, no, no!" Ron screamed, realizing he was on a collision course with disaster once , he lunged for the steering wheel, but it slipped through his fingers.

The cart gathered speed, and Ron could feel panic rising in his chest. "Not again!" he howled, as the cart hurtled toward the escalators, his heart racing faster than the ride itself.

With a final crash, the cart hit the edge, tipping over dramatically. Ron was thrown forward like a ragdoll, arms flailing in a wild bid to regain balance, but it was too late. He crashed onto the escalators, tumbling down the steps in an embarrassing, flailing motion, arms and legs everywhere, like a human tumbleweed.

A collective gasp filled the air as the teenagers pulled out their cameras, capturing his downfall yet again. The escalators whirred ominously, sending Ron crashing down with each step, his body rolling in a cartoonish fashion.

Finally, he landed in a heap at the bottom, a dazed look on his face as the world spun around him. For a moment, silence enveloped the crowd, before an eruption of laughter rang out, the earlier chaos fading into fits of giggles.

Ron lay there, sprawled out like a defeated superhero, his dignity in tatters and his pride shattered once more. Just as he began to collect his thoughts, the world blurred around him, and before he knew it, everything faded to black.