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Flirty, Filthy, Forbidden and So, So Pretty

Chapter 3: Oops, I Like My Professor


Jeongguk finally meets up with Professor Park and things go...unexpected.

Chapter Text

Jeongguk may or may not put more effort into his appearance than usual the following morning. He puts on a t-shirt that he knows makes his tattoos and muscles stand out and these pants Taehyung once told him “make his ass pop” so there’s that. Though, if anyone asked, he would vehemently deny it. Who gets ready just to meet their hot, young professor who may also be a camboy he watches? What?


Anyway, he’s right on time as he gets to the coffee shop Park Jimin messaged him the night prior that they could meet at. It’s off school campus and only a few blocks from his place, so it was easy enough to get to. He feels his stomach twisting as he opens the door to the café, and he looks around as a bell chimes above him. 


He doesn’t see anyone that looks anything like his professor. Just two younger girls sitting together in a booth and a few corporate-looking people in line to get coffee. He joins them, figuring he got here before the professor. Jeongguk is near the front of the line in a few minutes, thinking hard about if he even wants to do this. I mean, he isn’t even good at chemistry, he’s cheating his way through, and does he really want to meet the person he’s accidentally been beating it to for months? Though, before he can second-guess that decision, he is at the front and telling the barista what he wants to order.


He pays and is told to wait off to the side for a few minutes while they make it. He checks his phone for any messages and sees none from the school’s app, so he locks it and pockets it again. He sighs.


What if he doesn’t even come? Why wouldn’t he though? It was his idea after all. 


“Jeongguk?” The barista calls and it only startles him for a moment, thinking it might have been Park Jimin. The college student wanders over to the counter and grabs both of the coffees he ordered before sitting at a booth near the front, facing the door.


He sits for a few minutes and sips slowly at his coffee. It’s only a little chilly outside today, but it’s nice to feel the warmth of the cup in his hands. He checks the clock on the wall near him. It’s already fifteen minutes past eight. Jeongguk sighs again and looks down at the to-go cup. He could just leave. Sad to admit he was a little bit excited to meet the older man.


Just as the thought crosses his mind, the bell above the door chimes again and Jeongguk looks up, making eye contact with the man he’s been admiring through a screen for a while now. Professor Park is dressed in a long, black trench coat and his pretty blond hair is nice in person. And his face, wow he is more handsome like this. Those pixels on a screen had nothing on him.


Jeongguk stands as their eyes meet – perhaps too fast – and his professor walks over, a side bag much like Jeongguk’s own on one shoulder that he pulls off as he nears the table. He sets it down on the side opposite Jeongguk and then offers him a soft smile in greeting.


“Hi, sorry I’m late. Jeongguk, right?” Professor Park says and the college student feels a little awestruck. He’s so pretty up close. Cute nose and eyes Jeongguk is sure he could lose himself in. It takes him a moment to realize he’s actually taller than Jimin too. Like, a good bit. He tries not to focus on that too much though, and shakes himself out of the semi-trance he was in.


“Hi, yes, sorry. I hope it’s okay but I ordered for you already,” He tells him and they shake hands briefly. His hands are soft. Professor Park looks over to the opposite side of the table where Jeongguk placed a coffee cup for him and he looks surprised but appreciative.


“Wow, thank you, Jeongguk,” He says and laughs a little as he works his coat off his shoulders and oh, my that was covering so much. He has on a white button-up that he tucked into some slacks and wow, he is good-looking. He tosses the coat with his bag and before he sits down across from Jeongguk, the college student takes in his small waist and broad shoulders and how nice his legs are and yeah, Taehyung was right about his ass. Jeongguk closes his mouth – from where it was definitely open as he gaped at Jimin – and he sits down too.


“I’m sure I’ll like it. I’m a fan of all types of coffee. Thanks again,” Jimin says and smiles over to Jeongguk.


It’s hard for Jeongguk to stop focusing on how beautiful this man is but he finds it in himself to reply. “No problem, sorry if it’s a bit cold now. I got it when I got here.”


The man looks apologetic, “Yeah, sorry about being late. My car wouldn’t start for a minute because of how cold it was yesterday and I didn’t drive anywhere so it was kind of suffering.”


Jeongguk nods in understanding, “No, it’s okay! I enjoyed the quiet. There’s a lot less people here than I would have expected this early.”


“I know right? That’s why I love this place. It’s so nice but it’s peaceful since it’s not near the school grounds,” Professor Park tells him.


Jeongguk smiles and peaks up at him from where his coffee cup is raised to his mouth. He takes a small sip and makes note of the fact that Jimin is looking at him the whole time. He makes a show of swallowing it and licking his lips after before setting the drink back down. Jeongguk is nothing if not a flirt. Granted, this is definitely an inappropriate setting to do so but he knows what Jimin does and who he actually is. He isn’t going to not flirt a little. It won’t do any harm.


The professor clears his throat. “So, um, I took notice of how you’re doing in class. I’m impressed by you.”


“That’s very kind of you. I try,” Jeongguk tells him, knowing damn well the only one who tries in that class on his behalf is google. The only thing he’s been trying to do over the last several weeks is get Jimin to notice him. Now that he knows he is Diminie, that’s changed but maybe not in a bad way. Jeongguk is still buffering on that decision.


Jimin smiles, cup in his hands. “Have you always been good at chemistry?”


“I guess you could say that I have, in a way,” He tells the professor.


Very subtle Jeongguk.


The professor’s eyebrows raise and he tilts his head. “Really? Are you just gifted at academics then?”


Jeongguk shakes his head. “Geography has always been my vice. Can’t remember states for shit, honestly.”


Jimin’s head falls back as he laughs. Jeongguk doesn’t think about how his heart beats faster at the sight. 


“That’s funny, I understand, really. Math was the bane of my existence in school. Sure, math is used in chemistry but not nearly in the same way,” Jimin offers, taking a sip of his coffee. The mention of the professor in school strikes Jeongguk and he thinks without speaking – something he does more often than not, truly.


“When did you graduate? I have to say, professor, you’re very young.” 


Jimin purses his lips then and looks like he’s contemplating for a moment whether or not he wants to tell Jeongguk that bit of information. Eventually, he caves. “Two years ago.”


Jeongguk’s eyes go wide. “Two years ago? How old are you then? Like twenty-six? You’re only, like, two years older than me.”


Jimin peers up at him through his hair. “Yeah, I know. Haven’t been teaching for very long but I’m good at what I do. I was top of my graduating class, actually. I probably could’ve done a lot of things but I’ve always wanted to teach others. It makes me feel good, you know? I just kind of knew it was what I wanted to do.”


That and porn, Jeongguk thinks but keeps it to himself. It’s honestly nice to hear that the professor is around his age and is honestly very happy with what he does. It makes him smile.


“That’s wonderful. I’m glad I have your class,” He confesses and Jimin smiles back and notably looks away, his cheeks a little more flush than they were seconds ago. 


A few seconds into silence, Professor Park breaks it by clearing his throat and asking, “So, um, did you bring those notes? I was really just curious about what they were. I was thinking it could help me figure out which parts are easy to retain and what I need to go over more next time.”


Jeongguk nods and reaches into his bag. He brought out the notebook and flipped to the last classes’ notes with some pages missing from where he was doodling because Jimin definitely didn’t ever need to see those. He hands it over silently and watches as the professor takes them in, flipping through pages. The expression on his face is indiscernible. Jeongguk takes this time to admire him some more. His features are sharp but his skin looks soft? If that makes sense. The college student glances down to the teacher’s lips. Supple, pink. Jeongguk wants those lips on his, but that just doesn’t seem appropriate.


After a few minutes of looking, Professor Park hums and flips back to the page he started on. “That’s very helpful, thank you, Jeongguk. I was just curious. You take very good notes.”


Jeongguk offers a soft smile and puts the notebook away again. Jimin has an odd look on his face as he puts his elbows on the table and places his chin in his hands. “Another thing I’m curious about though is since you’re such a good note taker, I’m wondering how you didn’t get the entire first half of the lecture?”


Jeongguk is pretty sure in that moment that his heart drops into his ass.


“Um, well, I just figured—” He begins to explain but the professor cuts him off. 


“It’s okay,” He reassures but there is something more in his eyes. “Everyone gets distracted I guess. I’m just wondering what was more interesting than class.”


Jeongguk shakes his head, “No, trust me. The class was very interesting. It’s just that I was distracted but it’s not because—”


“Oh, so I was boring you?”


“No, no,” Jeongguk feels like he is flailing in water right now and Professor Park isn’t throwing him a life vest. “You are not boring. I was thinking about you—about your ass—I mean class. I’m sorry. I’m not saying what I mean to say.”


Jeongguk knows he is word-vomiting and that he needs to stop but it just keeps coming. Jimin’s eyebrows are raised but he’s silent. “It’s just that I had a lot on my mind. I was paying attention to you though—well, your class. I promise.”


Then, a very small glint of something mischievous appears in Jimin’s eyes and he smiles. “I get it.”


“You do?” Jeongguk says, not hiding how worried and confused that makes him.


Jimin nods. “Sure I do. You were distracted.”


Jeongguk nods, eyeing the professor suspiciously. 


“I get distracted during class sometimes too,” He confesses.






“Oh. Do you?” Jeongguk vocalizes, hoping his voice didn’t go down in pitch with the thought of what that statement could mean coming from Jimin.


Professor Park tilts his head again in that flirty little way he has been doing a lot in these last ten or so minutes of their meeting. “Sure, I do. Some things can be very distracting. Sometimes I find my mind wandering in class during a lecture. It’s only natural to think about other things.”


“Other things?” Jeongguk emphasizes.


Then, Jimin grins and stands, pulling back on his coat. “Thank you so much for the coffee, Jeongguk. You’re a promising student. Let’s do this again, sometime?”


As he puts on his bag and grabs his coffee, Jeongguk raises out of the booth and can hardly think at all of the implications of their conversation and how Jimin didn’t answer him. He struggles to vocalize any thoughts.


“Um, yes. Definitely. We can do this again. It was nice meeting you, Jimin.”


He holds his hand out for an expected handshake but the professor pauses mid-motion to meet it and raises a brow at Jeongguk. 




Jeongguk realizes his mistake. “Sorry, Professor Park.”


The professor gives a devilish smile and fulfills the handshake. “No, Jimin’s fine. It was nice meeting you too, Jeongguk.”


Jeongguk bites his lip without thinking. Their hands fall back again and he pockets his. “See you Monday, Jimin.”


And with that, the professor leaves without looking back and exits the coffee shop with a chime above the door. Jeongguk breathes a long sigh as he watches his disappear out of the view of the windows.


He leaves only a few minutes after, wondering if he was crazy or not for thinking there was definite tension between the two of them.

Over the next few weeks, it becomes increasingly obvious to Jeongguk that there is something between them. He was not imagining it. 


During almost every class period after, the two of them were definitely making little pointed, flirtatious comments. There were even times where Jeongguk was fidgeting in his seat because he was positive he could feel Professor Park undressing him with his eyes. 


And outside of class, they messaged about class for next to no reason except to leave subtle comments hidden around their words. They also had coffee two more times and this most recent time, Jeongguk said they should go to dinner. Jimin seemed hesitant at first but eventually agreed and Jeongguk pretended it was a date. He wore a nice outfit and they met at the restaurant and talked for like two hours before talking again outside before parting ways. By their second coffee date, they weren’t even mentioning class anymore. 


Jeongguk got Jimin to open up more about his life. He learned that the older man had a cat and a little apartment near the school, only a few blocks from the college student’s. His favorite color was pink and he used to be a dancer before a few years into his twenties when his ankle quit on him and he had to stop. He found solace in learning and decided dancing wasn’t forever for him anyway, so he stopped altogether. His mom and dad lived hours away and he had a strained relationship with them anyway because they wanted him to become a doctor or something. Jeongguk told him he really understood the struggle since his parents were the same way and were pressuring him to go into law but he was finding a home in working with animals after school. He was passionate and Jimin said he could see that in him when he talked about it. They laughed and flirted, though they both acted like they weren’t and it’s weird to say but Jeongguk could see the way Jimin would lie to himself sometimes about why they were spending time together. That was difficult but he knew he didn’t want it to be like that forever. That’s also the day Jeongguk realized he definitely had feelings for the professor.


How could someone not? He was intelligent and beautiful and competent and confident and Jeongguk’s favorite porn star—he could go on. He really liked him, is the point. However, there were many complications with that. 


For one, Jimin is his professor and could literally get fired and lose his career for being with him. Plus, Jeongguk knows he is Diminie and Jimin still doesn’t know that. However, he was planning to change that second thing today.


He wanted Jimin to know. Not for selfish reasons like just wanting to guilt him or out him, but he just wanted to be honest with the professor. The end of the semester was in a few weeks anyway and, if Jimin hated him for knowing, Jeongguk could deal with that. Granted, would it suck and probably hurt a lot? Absolutely but at least he wouldn’t have to see him anymore in a few weeks. That was another reason he was doing this. It dawned on him that after class was over for good, Jimin couldn’t give himself excuses as to why he should see Jeongguk so Jeongguk wanted him to finally confront what this was – what Jeongguk knew it to be. So, he figured he should just get it over with. If he just kept letting it go on like this it would get worse so time to nip it in the bud.


Though, Jeongguk may or may not be procrastinating.


The thing is, he has an idea but it isn’t a very good one. It’s a simple plan and it’s effective, but not never delicate. However, he can’t come up with anything else that is better than it besides just telling Jimin to his face or over text – since they have exchanged numbers now – but that just isn’t something he is willing to do. Not only does Jeongguk lack tact, but balls as well.


So, that’s what gets him here; sitting in front of his computer and staring at the message box below Diminie’s name. He has typed out a message reading something along the lines of ‘I would love to meet up and do something together sometime. Would you still be down?’.


He hasn’t hit send yet, his mouse is just hovering over the button. One click and it is out there. Diminie would say yes and they would make plans and eventually meet and Jiminie would find out.


Jeongguk sighs and puts his head in his hands. Can he really do this? Is it really even up to him to make this kind of decision? He has a choice. He could just leave this as it is and let it fade out with the end of the semester. Or, he could risk letting Jimin know and coming clean with his knowledge and then see what happens. Maybe he’s crazy but as the college student sits back up again and grips his mouse, he realizes he still kind of wants to risk it.


So, he hits send.




Nothing happens.


Jeongguk lets out a deep breath. He doesn’t know exactly what he was expecting but it calms him down a lot. He reads and re-reads the DM. It’s just an offer. It’s just words and if he really gets nervous, he could always back out. Plus, there is a possibility that Diminie would turn him down. Just because he posted that comment once a few months ago doesn’t mean anything. Right?


Then, a ding comes from his computer. The sound lingers in Jeongguk’s headphones and his eyes train on the message box. And there, of course, is a new message from Diminie, only moments after sending his own.


I’d love to ;) when were you thinking'


For some reason Jeongguk’s chest tightens. Maybe it’s anxiety at the fact that he responded and this is real and is happening, or the fact that the guy he thinks might have something there with him is so quickly hoping on the opportunity to meet up to have sex with a stranger from a pornsite. Probably both. Either way, he swallows it and responds.


Are you free tomorrow?


Jeongguk knows that tomorrow is Saturday and Jimin doesn’t have class so he should, in fact, be free. Moments later, a ding comes and Diminie replies to say as much.


Sure, but where are you located? You’re obv korean but idk how far you are…


Shit, that’s right. Jeongguk obviously knew they lived very close by, but why would Diminie know that? He hopes the professor just thinks it’s a happy coincidence when he sends over his address and the camboy replies next.


Oh, wow! You’re really close by :) we could’ve done this sooner. What time works for you?'


‘How about around six?’


‘Sounds good! See you then xx’


Then, Jeongguk says he’ll see him tomorrow and goes offline. He takes his headphones off and sighs loudly, leaning back on his gaming chair. That’s it. It’s set in stone. Diminie is going to meet Jeongguk tomorrow and find out. This is it but Jeongguk thinks he’s ready.

The time comes and Jeongguk is very much not ready.


He’s straightened up his apartment and showered and just has on sweatpants and a t-shirt and he does not feel ready. He feels like he’s going to throw up. Fuck past Jeongguk for doing this and thinking this was a good idea and not being considerate of current Jeongguk’s anxieties.


It’s nearing six o’clock and he’s just walking around his apartment, pacing. He’s thinking of all the ways this could go very wrong and how there is only one possibility this goes well and realistically, it’s not the one that is going to happen. He has gotten to know Jimin and he knows that as much as he flirts and as much chemistry as Jeongguk would love to delude himself into thinking there is between them, Jimin is too careful to make anything more of this situation. Jeongguk doing this is just forcing him to face it. He’s just going to make him uncomfortable. 


Jeongguk groans.


Sure this is good – telling the truth and all, but at what cost? What does he genuinely expect to gain from this aside from Jimin never talking to him again and failing him and not making eye contact with him for the rest of class? How would that do anyone any good? 


Why did he do this to himself? He should just message Diminie and tell him something came up and he has to cancel. Yeah, sure, that isn’t the worst idea ever. He should do that.


Jeongguk pulls his phone out and unlocks it, going for the website and their DM’s from last night.


Then, his doorbell dings.


Oh, no.


He can ignore it, he thinks. Pretend he isn’t here.


Then, someone knocks softly. Jeongguk thinks of cute, short Jimin stuck out in that cold hallway, waiting for someone to let him in who didn’t make time for him and then walking home sad. Oh, why brain? Jeongguk can’t do that to him, he thinks. He caves and goes over to the front door and, with one last deep breath, twists the knob and pulls it open.


He doesn’t smile because that doesn’t feel appropriate, but he tries to look neutral. He doesn’t know if he does a good job. 


Jimin is standing there, nose red from the cold weather and wearing that same large trench coat he had on when they first met. He peers up at Jeongguk from his hair and his doe eyes look so wide and innocent and oh my god this was such a bad idea.


Then, Jeongguk watches as realization dawns on the professor’s face.




That single word pierces the college student’s heart and he tries not to wince.


“Hi, Jimin.”


He looks like he’s in a state of disbelief.


“Um, what are you? I’m… I came here to see…”




Jimin’s eyes go so wide.


“What? I don’t…understand?”


Jeongguk lets go of the door and lets it open wide now, stepping to the side as if letting Jimin decide if he wants to come in or not. The older man keeps standing there, probably still frozen with disbelief.


“I know. I’m him.”


Jimin’s eyebrows knit together now and he shakes his head. “What? No you’re not? What? What is going on? I don’t…”


Jeongguk motions now for him to come in and even slowly places a hand on the small of his back to guide him in. Jimin does so slowly and like he is very unsure of himself right now, which is very understandable. Jeonguk doesn’t even know how to do this.


He sits Jimin down and then thinks it best to walk over into the open kitchen and call out, “Do you want coffee or tea or something? If you didn’t have dinner, maybe we can eat?”


He’s trying to change the subject, trying to cling onto something sane right now but Jimin knows and it’s clear he can’t do that right now.


“What? No, I don’t—Jeongguk, please come here. I want to know what is going on.” There is a sense of seriousness and urgency in his voice and Jeongguk is watching his professor go through the five stages of grief right in front of him.


He sighs but fulfills his wish and circles back. His couch is small but he makes a point to sit on the side opposite of Jimin to give him some space and stares up at him, waiting for him to say something. Nothing comes. Jimin is just looking at him and around at his place, analyzing the situation. Jeongguk’s apartment is nicer than most other college students, but it’s still a little rough and he gets more uncomfortable thinking about mature, responsible Jimin judging him on everything. Or hating him after this and his homely apartment being the icing on the cake. Jeongguk shrinks into himself.


He thinks he should say something since it is clear Jimin won’t.


“Jimin, I’m JK6997. I didn’t tell you but I thought you should know since, well, you know—”


“Since I’m your professor?”


The words hit and Jeongguk decides to look up at him. Jimin is looking at him now, staring so deep into his eyes and his jaw is clenched.


“Wait, what do you mean? Did you know? Do you know…?” The older man asks, arms wrapped around himself in a comforting way.


Jeongguk purses his lips and nods slowly.


“I know,” It comes out as a near whisper.


“Oh my god,” Jimin says and he sounds so scared. “Did you know the whole time? Is that why you—?”


“Oh, no! No, Jimin, no,” The reassurance seems to help at least a little when the professor breathes out like he hasn’t done it in a while. “I found out because—well—I, um, watch you, and when I started taking your class I eventually noticed that the background was…the same…”


Jimin groans and puts his face in his hands. “Oh my god.”


Jeongguk closes his mouth. 


“You knew for pretty much the whole time?” Jimin questions him, mortified. Jeongguk hums and the professor groans again. “What if other people know too? Oh my god, I’m going to ruin my career and get fired, aren’t I?”


Jeongguk scoots closer and tries to place a hand on his back to comfort him, but it doesn’t seem to do much. “No, no. I don’t think anyone else knows. They would have said something by now. It’s just me and I promise I haven’t told anyone—I would never, I mean. I just thought I should be honest with you that I know.”


“I thought I was coming here to, oh my god, that means you’re JK6997 and that means you upload videos too and I texted you back and I actually came so you know that—” Jimin stops himself before he can finish and Jeongguk is pretty sure he is crying now. He is probably scared and embarrassed and the college student feels so bad that he put him in this position.


Jeongguk hadn’t even thought about the fact that Jimin would know now that he knows the professor thinks he is hot and good enough to collaborate with and he hates the way it makes him feel a little good in such a high-pressure moment. If Jimin thinks faceless him is attractive, it isn’t such a stretch that he could’ve been right about there being something between them. However, it doesn’t matter anymore because that is definitely gone after this.


“It’s okay, I promise. I…don’t mind it. Not that it matters, but It's obvious that I watched you too, well, you know, before I knew, I mean. Not that I don’t still think you’re good-looking now! More so actually, but I only watched you a—like—one more time because I felt bad, you know? Wow, nevermind I should stop talking, please forget everything I just said," Jeongguk confesses and feels how hot his face is.


However, he hears the smallest, disbelieved laugh from Jimin and the professor raises his head from his hands and yep, a few stray tears were there and his eyes were slightly puffy now. But he made him laugh and that’s not nothing?


“Jeongguk, what?” Jimin asks, breathless.


Jeongguk thinks he should just come out and say it, I mean, he’s already gotten this far and there is no going back so might as well bury the hatchet right now. Fuck it. So what if he fails chemistry again?

He sighs. “Honestly? And I know it’s wrong and I was never going to tell you but I’m already here and it doesn’t matter anymore but…I kind of like you, Jimin. And I’m sorry for that because I know it’s bad and that you’re my professor but you won’t be in a few weeks? And why does it matter anyway, you know? It’s not like anything is going to come of it—”


“Jeongguk, stop talking,” Jimin tells him and Jeongguk shuts his mouth so quickly.


The professor uses the sleeve of his coat to wipe the tears from his eyes and then he sniffles, before asking the obvious;


“You have a crush on me?”


Jeongguk gulps and then, slowly, he nods.


He laughs and throws his head back. Jeongguk winces, waiting for it; the rejection, the disbelief, the yelling, something. He knows it is coming and he’s been playing it in his head for a while but he still isn’t ready for it.


And then, Jimin speaks again. His voice is soft like he is telling a secret.


“I thought I was imagining it.”


And that…is not what Jeongguk was expecting. He looks up at Jimin. He feels small and unsure.


“What?” He asks the older man.


Jimin makes eye contact with him, looking significantly less upset than he did earlier. “I didn’t think you really felt that way. I was starting to think I was deluding myself into thinking there was anything there. I wasn’t sure and then you asked me to dinner and I thought, this isn’t usual. I wasn’t positive. I felt so guilty for feeling anything towards you. I felt like I was imagining things that weren’t there.”


Jeongguk blinks. “Wait. You felt guilty for what? Did you say for feeling something ? Do you…?”


The professor smiles. 


“Yes, Jeongguk. I have feelings for you too.”


He doesn’t know what to do. He doesn’t know how to react. Jeongguk isn’t sure what is appropriate so he just does the first thing he thinks.


He rushes forward and wraps his arms around Jimin and pulls him towards him, and connects their lips. At first, he thinks the professor will move away, leave, but he doesn’t. Jimin throws his arms around Jeongguk’s neck and kisses back. 


And wow, it feels better than Jeongguk ever thought it could. Jimin’s lips are so soft and he’s so pretty and Jeongguk wishes he did this sooner. The professor kisses him back with the confidence of the person in all of those porn videos and yet the softness of the sweater-wearing, intellectual teacher he met in real life. It’s the perfect collision of two worlds and leaves the college student wanting for so much more. 


Then, Jimin pulls away and Jeongguk verbally whines. The professor smiles but puts a hand on the student’s chest to keep their distance.


“Jeongguk,” He starts very seriously. “I’m still your professor. We can’t, you know…”


Jeongguk sighs. “I know but…I want you. I want to be with you. I…I really have grown to care about you, Jimin. I don’t care about anything else. I won’t say anything, really. I’ll be out of your class in a few weeks anyway, I swear. It won’t matter anymore.”

Jimin eyes him carefully, looking concerned. “I don’t know, Jeongguk…”

The student leans back a little more and raises an arm to rest his hand against Jimin’s cheek. He’s wanted to touch his pretty face for so long and lets out a sharp breath at the chance to finally get to. He stares deeply into the professor’s eyes and hopes Jimin can see just how serious he is.


“I like you, Jimin. You’re smart and funny and you’re so handsome. You laugh in this cute way where you nearly fall over when you find something hilarious, and you dress so cutely and you make me feel good and I love being around you. Please, please tell me you want this as much as I do.”


The professor’s eyebrows knit together. “What do you want, Jeongguk?”


“You. Us. It doesn’t have to be set in stone or anything official, but I want to be with you, and I want you to want that too. I want you to believe me and trust me.” This entire situation is going far better than he thought possible, but he doesn’t want to have this if Jimin doesn’t.


The older man examines him for another minute or two, probably weighing the options before he smiles. “Okay.”


Jeongguk’s eyebrow raises. “Okay?”


“Okay,” Jimin laughs and before he can even get it out, Jeongguk kisses him again.


They kiss passionately for a few minutes. Jimin is a fantastic kisser, let the record show. He turns his head to let Jeongguk get a better angle and every so often he pauses their kissing and pulls away only to ever-so-lightly hover his lips over Jeongguk’s while they breathe heavily, to make the younger man want it that much more. Then, after a moment, he lets them connect again. Jeongguk gets back at him by running his tongue over the professor’s bottom lip and pushing his mouth open to let his tongue wander in. When he isn’t doing that, the college student is leaving teasing little bites on Jimin’s bottom lip that make this cute little breathless whine leave his mouth and, fuck, it reminds Jeongguk of his videos. It dawns on him that this is Diminie. This is the person he has been fantasizing about for a long time. This is also Jimin, the person he has been building a desire for since his first class this semester. He finally has him here; in his arms with his lips on the others’. It’s wonderful.


He breaks off just to say, “I can’t believe you make porn.”


Jimin laughs. “I can’t believe you make porn, and watch me make porn.”


Jeongguk shakes his head. “This is insane. You don’t even know how long I’ve wanted to—"


He stops himself but it’s clear Jimin is having none of that. 


“Wanted to do what, Jeongguk?” He asks, that same familiar, coquettish infliction in his voice. This is a side of him the college student has wanted to see. His plump lips are red, hair a mess and his attraction obvious. It stirs something almost primal in Jeongguk.


He grips the older man’s waist a little tighter. “Wanted to be with you. Touch you.”


Jimin lets out a long, harsh breath. 


Jeongguk pauses and then asks, a little softer, “Do you want to do what you came here to do, Diminie?”


A shiver racks down the professor’s spine at the husk in Jeongguk’s voice. He nods. “Yes. Yeah, I do.”


That is all the consent Jeongguk needs, because then he is picking Jimin up and placing his hands on that incredible ass of his. The professor makes a little, shocked sound and wraps his legs tightly around the college student’s torso, before Jeongguk looks up at him and they reconnect their lips. He carefully walks through the small apartment and then into his bedroom. His door, thankfully, was still open and so he moved into the threshold and over to his bed, before setting Jimin down on his bed with a gentle plop.


The professor is still in his coat and Jeongguk just thinks that’s ridiculous so he makes efficient work of immediately getting it off and tossing it off to the side. Underneath, Jimin was wearing a plain shirt and jeans and, as good as he looks sitting back on Jeongguk’s bed that he has been imagining him on like this, he knows it would be better with all of those clothes off.


He puts his lips back to Jimin’s and blindly starts undoing the buttons of his shirt. He breaks off in pauses between rushed kisses to tell him, “You have…no idea…how long…I’ve wanted to take…one of these stupid shirts off of you for.”


Jimin’s laugh is high and breathy. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted you to take it off me.”


“Have you been thinking about this, Jimin?” Jeongguk asks, voice deep as he moves down to kiss at Jimin’s newly exposed neck before shucking his shirt off and tossing it somewhere on the floor behind them.


“Y–Yes,” Jimin confesses. “When I would watch your videos I would think a–about how much I wished I was the one making you feel like that. I would watch you…”


Jeongguk stops kissing his neck and waits. Nothing comes and Jimin whines, pushing up at him to continue. Jeongguk is stubborn. “Watch me what? Come on, baby, tell me what it is.”


The pet name makes the older man moan a little and seems to motivate him enough to continue. “I would watch you…finish and think what a waste it was. I would think about sitting in between your legs at that desk and sucking you off—”


Jeongguk groans and nips a little at his collarbone. He’s still careful to not leave a mark considering that wouldn’t be good to have on display during class, but he does as much as he can given the circumstances.


“—and swallowing it. I wanted it so bad.”


The college student has that wonderful image in his head as he starts on the professor’s pants and undoes the buttons before pulling them down and off. There he is now, in just black boxers, ready and waiting in Jeongguk’s bed. His hair is disheveled and his cheeks a deep red. It’s such a pretty sight and he tells him as much.


“So fucking pretty.”


Jimin turns and tucks his face behind his arm, overwhelmed. Jeongguk reaches a hand up and caresses his face. “Don’t be embarrassed. I’ve been wanting to see you like this for so long. Pixels don’t do you any justice, baby.”


The professor whimpers. “Really?”


“Absolutely,” Jeongguk reassures and starts allowing his hands to wander all over Jimin’s body. His skin is so smooth and soft and he is so beautiful like this. He honestly looks like a piece of art and that is not an exaggeration. “I watched all of your videos and got off to the thought of having you like this. I thought you were so gorgeous and wished I was the one doing all of those things to you. I knew I could reach further than your fingers and make you feel better than those silly, little toys.”


Jimin just makes noise, he seems too overcome to speak and Jeongguk doesn’t mind because the sounds he makes are like music to his ear.


He leans down and presses his lips right up to Jimin’s ear. “I’m going to ruin everything else for you, baby.”


It obviously strikes a cord with the older man because he thrusts up and moans. Jeongguk takes note of how hard he is through his boxers and smiles. He is happy to have such an effect on someone he’s been so in awe of. It feels like an honor.


“Please, Jeongguk, please. I want…” Jimin is breathless and essentially grinding on Jeongguk’s thigh now. The younger man pushes his hips back down to the bed and delivers a single, purposeful kiss to his mouth. 


“I know, baby, let me take my clothes off first.”


Jeongguk stands and strips himself of his shirt and sweatpants, and then decides to just go ahead and take his underwear off so he sticks his thumbs into the top of his boxers and starts pulling them down his legs. He hears Jimin sit up a little to watch and tries not to think about what a sight he probably is; tattooed and toned, hard and very naked.


Jimin whimpers. “Oh my fucking god, you’re so hot.”


Jeongguk laughs and discards his clothing off to the side. He then moves back to the bed and rests in between the professor’s legs. “Thanks. I think you are too.”


Jimin is looking over every inch of his body and pauses at his dick, resting right up against his abs. Jeongguk does a valiant effort of not smirking because he knows he’s big and knows what filthy things are running through the professor’s mind right now. He distracts him by tracing his hands slowly and teasingly along his stomach, down his sides, right over his hip bones and down to the inside of his thighs. So, so close but not quite.


The older man huffs and pushes his hips up again. 


“Don’t be so impatient, baby. I’ll touch you. Let me admire you.”


Jimin allows it and relaxes so that his legs fall open completely. Jeongguk praises him softly and then rewards him by hooking his fingers in the inside of his boxers and leaning down to deliver a kiss to the head of the professor’s clothed dick before working it off and over his butt, and then down his legs and off his body completely. The whole time, Jimin makes little noises, especially when Jeongguk makes contact with the tip of his cock, and seems very pleased when he is finally left there, naked for the younger man to see.


Jimin watches Jeongguk’s expression intensely but keeps his chin up. He knows he is attractive. He must. He wants to know how much it affects Jeongguk and if his dick twitches is anything, he is very much affected by the sight. Videos and undressing the real thing with his eyes has nothing to do with seeing it. He is gorgeous. Jeongguk wants him so bad.


So, he doesn’t wait any longer. Jeongguk reaches across the bed and over to his nightstand and opens the drawer at the top, grabbing lube and a condom. At the sight, Jimin whines.


“Please not the condom.”


Jeongguk comes back over to him and knits his brows together. “What?”


“Are you clean? I am, I swear. I would never do this if I wasn’t. I just…I want to feel you.”


Jeongguk is a weak man and he feels like he can’t argue with that. Jimin has such a hold on him. “I’m clean but…are you sure?”


Jimin nods, biting on his bottom lip and wiggling impatiently. “Please, Jeongguk.”


Hearing him beg just does something to him and so Jeongguk makes quick work of moving back to his spot between the professor’s legs and setting the things in his hand aside in order to put his hands on Jimin’s body and kiss his way from his lips, down his chest and to just above where his cock is, hard and red.


Jeongguk peers up at Jimin from his position and sees the older man looking at him, eyes hazy. He breathes out and it hits right on the professor’s dick. He breathes out, shakily, in response. “What? Somebody wants something, baby?”


Jimin pushes up and tries to get Jeongguk closer but his hands are holding his hips and it’s not happening. He groans. “Come on, please. Jeongguk. You know what I want, please, just…”


“You’re right,” He tells the older man. “I do know what you want, but I want you to say it for me. I won’t do anything until you say it.”


The professor throws his head back against the bed and moans. His voice comes out desperate and hot. “Please? Fuck, Jeongguk. I want you to touch me. I want you, please, please—I’ve been waiting for it and it’s all I want. Please.


Jeongguk closes his eyes and soaks in how wonderful those words sound coming from Jimin, this time not for some random people on the internet, but for him. It’s for him and that makes a warmth shoot through his body. He doesn’t hesitate before leaning down and putting the tip of Jimin’s dick in his mouth.


The older man cries out and Jeongguk just knows it feels so good. He sucks on his head, circling his tongue around the tip before making sure he’s wet enough and moving further down. Jimin is notably smaller than Jeongguk and it’s easy to get down to his base and fit his whole mouth around him. The sounds start tumbling from the professor’s mouth. 


“Oh, oh, oh. Jeongguk. Oh, woah. Ah, please—


It makes all the blood rush to Jeongguk’s cock and he is very, very turned on right now. Probably more than he ever has been in his whole life.


He takes advantage of the opportunity in front of him and wants to make Jimin feel as good as possible so he sucks and uses his tongue, and it’s wet and messy and – judging by the reactions – very good. Jeongguk makes use of his hand too and works it on the base and every so often, pulls his mouth off to rub his thumb along Jimin’s tip and that really gets him going.


“Oh, Jeongguk—Oh my god, if you keep doing that—I, ugh, fuck.


And that is Jeongguk’s que to stop.


Jimin whines when he pulls of and leans up,  looking thoroughly fucked and they haven’t even gotten to that part yet. “What? No, why did you—?”


Jeongguk discovers he might be kind of sadistic because he smirks. “Can’t have that, baby. We still have to get to the best part, don’t we?”


The professor whines but doesn’t do much to disagree, so Jeongguk opens the lube bottle and puts a generous amount on his fingers before closing the bottle back and setting it down. He runs his free hand up and down Jimin’s body while giving the lube a minute to warm up on his fingers. When he thinks they are sufficiently covered, the college student lays down a bit more and places his fingers near Jimin’s pretty, little entrance. He pauses and looks up at the older man, who is raised up on his elbows and watching Jeongguk throw half-lids, biting his lips.


“Are you ready, baby?”


Jimin nods.


That’s all he needs before Jeongguk slowly pushes one lubed finger against his hole and lets the lube help him work it in. He is slow and so, so careful. Apparently too slow, because he isn’t met with much resistance and Jimin whines at his pace and pushes down a little. Jeongguk gets the que and moves his middle finger in as far as it can go, carefully watching the older man’s body language. Jimin’s mouth falls a little open and his head falls back, eyes shut. So, clearly it feels good. Jeongguk thinks it does too. He’s warm and tight and Jeongguk ruts against the bed a bit just to get some relief.


Jeongguk’s eyes are dark as he watches how unraveling Jimin becomes while he thrusts his finger in and out of him.


“Just one finger in and you’re already such a slut for it, baby.”


Jimin moans and pushes down to get more of the feeling. Jeongguk allows it this time and gives in by slowly working a second finger in. It’s still easy to get in and he wonders just how often Jimin must do this to himself. 


“Mine reach so much further than yours, huh? I already know. I watch how you struggle on your steam to get them in and have them how you want it. It’s better this way, isn’t it?”


Jimin seems like he doesn’t know what to say. He’s such a slut like this. He seems half-gone already and is just rocking his hips down and trying to feel good and it’s maybe the best thing Jeongguk has ever witnessed. Then, Jeongguk gives in and adds another. Three fingers now and the professor lets out the loudest moan yet. He pauses his little movements and just feels as Jeongguk moves his lubed fingers in and out. He is becoming overwhelmed with the pleasure of it and Jeongguk’s chest swells with pride at making him feel like this. He can be the best for him. He was serious, he wanted to ruin everything else for Jimin.


“Feels good, baby? Do you want to come like this or do you still want more?”


Jimin manages to get out, “More. Please, please—More.”


Jeongguk raises an eyebrow and lets his next words come out a little condescending. “More, still? Wow, such a slut, huh? Already have so much and yet here you are. Look at you pushing yourself down on my fingers. You still want more?”


The sounds Jimin is making are straight from his videos. He’s so raw and honest at this moment. Feeling and letting Jeongguk take it. He’s just enjoying this moment and it makes Jeongguk so pleased.


“Y–yes. More, please. Jeongguk, I’m ready. I want your cock inside of me. Please? I want it so bad.”


Jeongguk’s eyes flutter and he nearly closes them at the words tumbling out of the other’s mouth. He’s been waiting to hear that. He takes his fingers out. He’ll give that to him. 


Jeongguk retrieves the lube yet again and as he is coating his fingers, he says, “You’re always whining in your videos. You talk about how you want to be filled. You say nothing is ever good enough.”


He tosses the lube aside as he wraps a hand over his own dick and works it over himself, basking in how good it feels to finally get some friction against it after so long. He leans down and steadies himself over Jimin, getting his mouth dangerously close to that ear of his again to whisper, “Is this what you’ve been waiting for? Someone with a big cock to take you and make you feel good?”


His voice is different from how it was earlier. He’s lost all sense of self-control and it’s animalistic now – deep and domineering. The tip of his dick is placed right against Jimin’s entrance. The professor’s hips buck and he hiccups out, “Yes, ah—Yes, Jeongguk. Please, fuck me. Make me feel good.”


Jeongguk wraps an arm tight around his waist and then slowly starts pushing in. Jimin tries again to push his hips but Jeongguk nips at his ear. “No, not now, baby. I’m not going to risk hurting you. If you aren’t patient, you won’t get anything.”


The professor puts his face in the crook of Jeongguk’s neck and moans. He places a kiss there and the college student pushes in some more, about half-way by now. He continues moving slow and steadily, asking, “Are you okay?”


Jimin nods. His breathing is quiet and labored against his neck and Jeongguk caresses his skin with his thumb.


“I’ve been thinking about this since I started watching you, baby. Then, when I met you and when I found out? Fuck, it was all I could imagine. Being inside of you and getting to feel you around me—fuck, Jimin, don’t squeeze. I’m really trying to go slow. Shit, you’re tight. You feel so, so good. You’re being good. Just say the word, baby.”


“I’m ready, Jeongguk,” Jimin gasps out against his neck, arching his back. “I’m ready. Please, please.”


Jeongguk, painstakingly slow, pushes in until he’s completely buried inside Jimin. He gives him a moment to adjust and then pulls out just as slowly – almost completely – before carefully sliding back in again. With each movement, Jimin relaxes a little more against him and before long, most of the pain has given way to a burning, overwhelming pleasure.


Jeongguk can feel himself start slipping into it, giving into the pleasure. He buries his face into Jimin’s hair and groans. He is wrapped around this tight warmth and it’s so otherworldly. It makes every other time he has been with someone disappear into nothingness. Jimin is perfect.


“You’re so good, baby, fuck. Why didn’t we do this sooner? You’re warm, holy shit.”


Jimin is gone by now. With every thrust, he whines or moans into Jeongguk’s neck and he’s digging his hands into Jeongguk’s back, leaving marks all over and the college student honestly loves the way it feels. He can’t even speak at this point, he’s just feeling. 


Jeongguk is just saying whatever comes to mind now, “Like how it feels, baby? I was right, wasn’t I? You’re so out of it, huh, sweetheart? All you can think about is my cock in you? You’re such a perfect slut for me, I want to make you feel like this all the time. You’re so perfect. Fuck. Fuck, Jimin.”


Jeongguk then decides to reach one hand down from Jimin’s waist and wrap it around his hard, little cock and the reaction is beautiful. The professor moans and wraps his legs around Jeongguk’s back. He’s pleading into Jeongguk’s neck and Jeongguk thinks he might be crying right now because of how good it feels based on the wetness he feels on his skin and how whiney he sounds. He’s begging, pleading for Jeongguk.


The college student uses the hand that isn’t on his dick to reach up and pull Jimin’s face out of his neck and grab gently at his chin, tilting it up to look Jeongguk in the eye.


“I want to be able to see your face when you come,” He says, and that alone is almost enough to send Jimin careening over the edge.


Jeongguk shifts his hips just a bit and Jimin’s moans shift. He’s louder now and Jeongguk knows he’s hitting that little spot inside of him. At this new angle, Jimin’s grip grows so much tighter around him. Jeongguk goes harder, motivated now to get Jimin to the edge and so the professor lets himself feel it. He allows himself to succumb to the overwhelming fire that’s licking up his insides, a tight coil winding up in his belly.


Jimin can hardly form words, but he does his best to let the college student know. “I’m, J–Jeongguk, you’re—I–I’m going to—”


“Come, baby. Come for me.”


And suddenly, he’s coming with a gasp, back arching off the mattress entirely. His fists clench against Jeongguk’s back, nails digging into skin. He comes mostly all over Jeongguk’s stomach and hand. His breaths come impossibly fast, his heart pounding so hard that Jeongguk can feel it. He’s suddenly so sensitive, so overstimulated, but Jeongguk keeps going, he’s so close and so turned on at the sight of Jimin being pushed to orgasm because of him.


“Keep going,” he pleads through ragged breaths. “Please, please fuck me, Ggukie. Want you to come inside of me.”


The slurred little nickname is so telling of how affected Jimin is and Jeongguk’s eyes are practically glazed over with want, focused on Jimin’s face as he fucks him with long, hard strokes, his breathing quickly becoming more irregular as he bites down on his bottom lip and his eyes squeeze shut. 


“Oh, shit,” he breathes shakily, forehead coming down to rest against Jimin’s. “I’m gonna–gonna come. Ah—Fuck, fuck—


He groans, lips brushing over Jimin’s cheek as he comes. His whole body tenses before his arms finally give out and he lets his weight collapse on top of Jimin. Their sweaty, warm bodies stick together and their breathing is labored and paced. 


Moments pass and Jimin’s hands run through Jeongguk’s hair and neither of them seem compelled to move an inch. Eventually, Jeongguk groans and stands. He stretches and disappears into a closet off to the side before returning with a rag and two shirts. He grabs their underwear from the floor where they were discarded and gets back on the bed. He makes gentle work of wiping Jimin up and then not making him move an inch as he pulls his underwear back up and puts a fresh t-shirt on him in favor of that uncomfortable, wrinkled button-up.


Then, he dresses himself the same and gets Jimin to shift up the bed so he can tuck him in. He leaves again only to come back a minute later with a glass of water for the professor, which makes Jimin – sleepy and dazed – smile. 


He sits up and takes a sip, Jeongguk admiring him with a soft smile. He puts it on the side table when he is done and then joins Jimin under the covers. Without even hesitating, Jimin shifts closer and cuddles up to Jeongguk’s side. Jeongguk tries to ignore how much it makes his heart flutter.


They sit there in silence for a few minutes and Jeongguk thinks he might fall asleep. But then, surprisingly, Jimin is the one to speak. His voice is soft and tired and notably sore sounding – probably due to their, um, activities. 


“So…you like me?”


Jeongguk hums. “Yeah? I thought that much was obvious.”


He feels as Jimin smiles against his chest. “Yes, but I’m checking. I like you too, Jeongguk.”


Jeongguk squeezes him and grins happily.


A pause and then the professor speaks again. “So, what are we?”


“What do you want to be, Jimin? I’ll take what you can give me.”


It’s a simple but meaningful statement and the older man is quiet for a moment as he thinks about it.


“We should take it slow. Especially since you're still in my class…”


“That’s fair.”


“But—” Jimin starts and Jeongguk feels him tracing little circles into his stomach absentmindedly. “—After…maybe we can go on a few dates and maybe, make something official? If–if you want?”


He sounds so hesitant and unsure, like he doesn’t know what Jeongguk will say but the college student just laughs in disbelief.


“Are you asking me out?”


Jimin nods. “Maybe.”


“Then, yes, Jimin. I would love that. Let’s date.”


The professor seems pleased at that response and hums, a small smile adorning his face. It stays there as he slowly begins to fall asleep against Jeongguk’s chest. Jeongguk is more awake than him, staring at the ceiling with a silly grin on his face. All this because he made a choice to tell him how he felt and be honest. Let that be a lesson, maybe he should always be honest. Speaking of…


“Hey, Jimin?”


A small, sleepy hum comes from the older man.


“I’m cheating in chemistry.”


hello! this fic was posted in february 2023 and i've just done updated editing in july 2024! it was a journey to go back and read this story again, and i'm thankful for all of the support that has been shown to it! i think i'll probably re-write (meaning post a new version of) this story in the future, just because my writing has improved a lot and i love this idea but i don't think this writing holds up to my standard now. even if that never happens, i'll probably write a very similar story to this. at any rate, thank you so much for reading and i hope you check out my other fics <3


come say hi to me on twitter or bluesky!