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i'll give you something to believe in


Jyn narrows her brows. “What, are you trying to tell me that you don’t want to get married in the middle of a war zone?” 

Okay, well, when she says it that way –– 


title from "something to believe in" by young the giant

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:

“Get down!” 

At Cassian’s warning, she doesn’t even hesitate, diving down as a volley of blaster bolts go over her head. Her heart pounds, adrenaline rushing through her veins as her body struggles to come down from almost dying. 

“You okay?” he calls out, voice slightly panicked. “Jyn?” 


And she is –– at least, right now. The two of them had gotten separated from the rest of their squad, and were slowly getting backed into a corner. It wouldn’t be long before reinforcements came. It’s a waiting game now; who’s going to get to them first? Their team or the Empire?

While they’ve managed to get themselves out of worse situations in the past, being faced with the possibility of death always brings out some of her worst plans. 

This situation is no exception –– but the current idea at the forefront of her mind is not one that’ll get them out of this mess.

Jyn has had a lot of bad ideas in the past –– that, she’ll agree with. Sometimes  ‘troopers should be shot with a blaster instead of tackled, and sometimes accusing Bodhi of cheating at sabacc shouldn’t be done when you have extra cards up your sleeve. 

But this idea is, in her opinion, far from bad. She just wishes one person, in particular, would agree with her. 



“Marry me!” 

“Are you serious?” Cassian asks incredulously, ducking behind a barricade and pulling her down with him. Gunfire echoes in the distance. “This isn't––are you really asking me that now?” 

“I don’t see why not!” she argues, glancing over the chunk of concrete they’re hiding behind. As of right now, there are no ‘troopers in their immediate area, but the explosions in the background are worrying. “We keep pushing it off!”

He makes a choked-off, strangled noise. “Jyn, if this is what you want –– “

“It is.” 

“ –– then let’s wait just until we get back on base.” 

She narrows her brows. “What, are you trying to tell me that you don’t want to get married in the middle of a war zone?” 

Okay, well, when she says it that way –– 

Before Cassian can recover and dismantle her idea by pointing out its many flaws, she bulldozes forward. “Solo’s a captain –– he can marry us, easy. All we gotta do is say our vows and then we’re married.” 

He rests his head back against the wall, pinching the bridge of his nose as he groans. “Now? ” 

“We could die any day now, Cass,” she says quietly, causing him to glance up sharply at her. “We could die today. But when I go, I’d like to go as your wife.” 

He reaches out to her, cups her cheek gently with worn and weathered hands. In this small moment of tenderness, everything else fades away –– explosions, gunshots, the sounds of battle. “I would like nothing more than to die as your husband, Jyn.” 

All she can do in response is nod, throat too choked up for anything more than that. If there are tears ni 

“Are you sure this is what you want?” he whispers. “I can’t promise a better wedding back on base, but…” 

“I’m not one for being traditional,” she murmurs back, grinning slightly. 

“Mhm, neither am I,” he leans forward, coaxes her gently into a passionate kiss that has her gasping for breath at the end of it. “Call Han. Let’s get married.” 

Quickly, she detangles her comm and raises it to her ear. “Hey, Solo! You there?” 

“Kinda busy right now, kid!” She can barely make out the sound of Chewbacca roaring in the background with Han’s continuous blaster fire. “We’ll get to your location quicker if you stop distractin’ me!” 

“Well, I’d appreciate if you hurried it up, but we’ve got another request.”

“Like what? I’m not a kriffing miracle-worker!” 

“Marry us.” 

The line goes silent for a second, and when Han comes back, he’s spluttering. “What the hell?” 

She leans into Cassian’s embrace, resting her head on his shoulder. He makes room for her in the space next to him. It’s not comfortable, huddling behind a barricade and hiding from stormtroopers, but she wants to be as close as possible to him right now. 

“You heard me. You’re a captain –– marry us.” 

“I’m in a pretty committed relationship right now, Erso!” he hollers. Cassian smirks, tucking his face into her neck and nosing at her hair affectionately. “I’m sure you and the Captain have somethin’ good going on, but no thanks.”  

“You know what I meant!” 

“Can you really say that for sure?” Cassian murmurs into her ear, and she laughs. “You never know with him.” 

“All right, all right! Just hang on a second, okay? I’m in the middle of something!” 

The sound of boots passing by their location forces them into silence. She clutches the front of Cassian’s jacket, holding her breath. When the squadron passes, she exhales sharply. It’s now or never. “Do it now, Solo.” 

“You gotta say your vows or some shit before I can do anything!”  

“Right,” she exhales, then turns to Cassian. “You know I’m not good with this kind of stuff, but I –– I love you, Cassian Andor. Love you so kriffing much. And I. . .I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” 

He smiles softly, eyes crinkling. “I love you too, Jyn Erso. I hadn’t realized that I hadn’t known happiness for a long time until I met you.” 


The two of them glance up to see Han standing over them, hands on his hips. Chewbacca roars his agreement. “Yeah, yeah, we made it here before you two died –– you’re welcome.” 

She clambers to her feet, then holds out a hand to help Cassian up, careful of his back. “Say the words.” 

He raises an eyebrow. “You’re now husband and wife –– or whatever.” 

And before Jyn can throttle Han for his insincere delivery, Cassian swoops down and kisses her, and all of her protests die in her throat. 

It’s official. They’re married. But just as she starts to melt into his kiss, a blaster bolt hits the wall just above his head. She squawks indignantly at the interruption, tugging him abruptly back down behind their make-shift barrier. 

“If that had killed you,” she says, panting slightly. There’s dust and debris littered throughout his dark hair. “I would have been so pissed off.” She pauses, then adds with a glint in her eyes, a half-smile on her lips, “Cassian Erso.” 

Cassian pulls out his blaster from the holster at his side before leaning forward and kissing her nose. “Possessive,” he responds fondly and she shrugs a shoulder in response, not bothering to deny it. 

From a few feet away, Han throws up his arms in exasperation, turning to Chewbacca with a wrinkled nose. “Disgusting!” 

“Come on, wife,” Cassian says, tugging up with him as he stands. “Let’s finish this so we can get back to the ship and celebrate.” 

And if Jyn jumps back into the fray a bit more eagerly than usual –– well, who can blame her?


i'm on tumblr @jynrso!