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A New Start (Whitebeard Pirates x Child!Reader)


A little girl was left at a convent. She's found by Whitebeard and taken in.


It's finished, it's FINALLY finished! It took me awhile but I really wanted to make a fic with the Whitebeard Pirates and an adopted daughter! I've been making plans with them so expect more! As always enjoy and forgive the mistakes!

I don't own you or One Piece

Chapter Text

__________________ didn’t remember much from her life before living at the convent. She just remembered her parents letting her out the car and driving away. She didn’t even remember their faces or name. Ever since then, she lived in a convent with an crotchety old nun named Flora or Sister. Because it’s just them in the convent, Sister taught her a few things to be an extra pair of hands and to be able to take care of things if she needed to. She did laundry, cook, weed the garden, water the plants, light the church candles, sweep the steps, and taking alms and making novenas for people. It was hard work but it was better than being out on the streets. When she was usually done with her chores, Sister let her play outside the convent, mainly to get her out of her hair. She’ll usually find Ace and his friends and usually tag along with them until it was time for dinner. Sister wasn’t the best cook but it as far better than nothing. Her specialty was everything into the pot stew. She would eat her fill and then go to bed. This has been her life for two years. Then one day, something happened. Many people visited Sister. Sometimes it was just regular people who wanted to see inside the old chapel but sometimes it was rough looking people. Usually when this happened, she made herself scarce but this man really intrigued her. She watched from her usual hiding spot in the bell tower as a man got out of a luxury car. She looked at him intrigued. Before she could do anything, he looked up and dead at her. She froze and ducked down. She quickly went downstairs. A man that huge was surely up to no good! She went towards the garden. She stopped when she heard Sister. She peeked behind the corner.

“What do you want?” Sister said leering at the huge man. ________________ froze. Huge was an understatement. The man was a giant. She’s been around other people in town and they towered over her but this man was in a league of his own. He was in a white suit, her hair covered with a black bandana, her eyes were gold and he had this great, white wide moustache, “What have I told you about bringing shit into this Church?”

“Oh please, I’m not Garp, Flora,” he said smiling at her. She smirked.

“I know, I’m still giving you a hard time,”

“Why? What did I do?”

“What didn’t you do?” he smirked.

“Oh? You mean that one night back when we were younger?” she flushed

“You naughty man, don’t bring that up!”

“You started it, I’m finishing it,” he said leaning in close, “Besides, it’s been too long before I saw you. Let me greet you properly…”

“LEAVE HER ALONE!” the pair turned as a mini blur went after the man and started punching and kicking at his knees, the only thing she could reach, “I’M NOT LETTING YOU HURT SISTER!” He watched in interest as the scrappy little girl tried to defend her caretaker. He took her by the nape of her shirt and lifted her up. He grinned at her. She on the other hand tried to punch and kick at him, "SISTER RUN! SAVE YOURSELF! YOU’RE OLD AND YOU HAVE THE REST OF YOUR LIFE TO LIVE!” Flora sighed.

“This is _________________,”

“Scrappy, I love it!”

“LET ME GO SO I CAN FIGHT YOU!” the man snorts and tossed her into the air and held her by the shoulders. This surprised the little girl who was now shaken.

“Hello little lady,” he said with a sweet smile. He looked at Flora, “I thought you didn’t take in kids anymore,”

“I never did…put her down and we can talk. ________________ he’s not going to hurt me. Run along okay? I’ll be back,” she looked at the man and then Flora before doing as she was told and scampered away. Whitebeard was about to talk. Flora raised a finger before hearing a door close, “________________ is a special exception. Many parents don’t dump their kids off here anymore. But about two years ago, her parents did. She was seven at the time and has been here since. To make it odd, she’s a noble child. She came from a very rich family. I did some intel and she was actually promised to the middle son of the Vinsmoke family. Shortly after the visit, the parents dumped her off here. She’s a sweet girl with an adventurous and curious nature. I’ve seen her hang about Ace once in awhile,”

“I’ve seen her…do you know what happened between her family and the Vinsmoke?”

“I did some digging. A family visited the Vinsmoke’s empire and they left the same day. The oldest, the second, and fourth child all had sustained injuries to their faces and stomachs. I’m guessing she had something to do with it. But she doesn’t remember much from her old life. Child tend to forget things at seven,”

“I’m guessing she beat the ever living shit out of them,”

“Pretty much, she has spirit,”

“Spirit is a good thing…it’s the best thing,” he said looking contemplative

“…what are you thinking?”

“I want to adopt her,”

“You sure about that?”

“I took Ace in,”

“Ace is a little boy, you don’t know how to raise a little girl,”

“No child deserves to be abandoned like that. With me she’ll have a family,”


“Flora, please, I know you want to keep her but she’s an energetic child. Maybe…she’s the child we were suppose to have together?” she froze and then reddened before turning away.

“Fine, take her,”

“Florrie, I didn’t,”

“Listen, you’re right okay. She’s a good girl and…you can give her what I can’t,”

“Flora…you know my offer still stands. The boys miss you too,”

“Pfft, they don’t need me anymore. They’re strong boys who don’t need a mother anymore,”

“They ALWAYS need a mother. But I know you have your reasons. But you know I won’t take ________________ unless you’re okay with it,”

“Consider this…me giving you the one thing you wanted the most, a child,”

“…damn it woman come here,” he embraced her tightly, "It's not your fault--that you can't have children,"

“Just know…I’m only doing this because….you can give her everything she needs to be a healthy and functioning little girl. Just promise me you'll take good care of her, okay?"

"I promise," he bade her goodbye and drove off. Flora watched him leave. She took a deep breath and went into the chapel and up the bell tower where ________________ sat there looking at Whitebeard driving away.

“Hey get down here you little monkey,” _______________ jumped and scampered down.

“Sister who was that man?! He was HUGE! What was he doing here?! Are YOU okay?”

“I’m fine and that man has just agreed to adopt you,” something fell to the pit of her stomach.


“You heard me. In a few days, he’s going to take you back to his home and he’s going to be your father,”

“B-But I don’t wanna go! I wanna stay with you and take care of you!”

“You’re an eight year old; you can’t take care of anyone. Listen, he can give you a better life. You’re too spirited to be holed up here. We’ll spend the last few of your days here. Don’t you dare make a fuss either. It’s for your own good,” Flora was stern. She had to keep her guns up. _________________ realized she wasn’t messing around. She looked down and nodded sobbing.

“Y-Yes Sister,”

“Good, go set the table for supper,"

“Another kid?” said Marco. Whitebeard made an announcement at dinner the next morning. It just came as a shock, since the last kid they decided to adopt was Ace, who finally adjusted to live with the huge blended family.

“Mhm but this time, not a boy, we’re adopting a little girl,” everyone in the room’s attention was piqued. For the longest time, they didn’t have another addition, until Ace came a year prior. Now they were going to have a little girl with them.

“Does this mean we have to watch ourselves around her?” said Fosse, “Meaning no walking about naked,”

“You shouldn’t do that in the first place!” said Izo, “Oh I can’t wait to have a cute little girl to doll up! When is she coming?”

“The day after tomorrow but there’s something you need to know about her. She’s been raised by Flora for two years,”

“And she survived?!” said they shouted

“Yeah, but I think she deserves a childhood. She won’t get that from Flora. She’s a tough kid; she tried to fight me, thinking I was trying to harm Flora. It was so cute!”

“…Is she the little girl who Ace hangs around with? The convent girl?” said Jozu

“One in the same,”

“SO cute! She looks so adorable in her little hakama!” said Izo, “Oh I can’t wait to see her!”

“I think we’re going to have to approach this more…delicately,” said Thatch smiling, “She may be a little skittish,”

“Why? We’re not going to hurt her,” said Whitebeard

“It took Ace a month, it shouldn’t take a girl that long,” said Vista

“Why would that be?” said Fosse, “If you remember, Ace tried to kill Pops that entire month and failed each time,”

“It was hilarious to watch though,” said Curiel

“I agree with Thatch,” said Kingdew, “We’re all tall and muscular. All of us coming at her at once would scare the shit out of her and that’s the last thing we want to do,”

“So what should we do? Not come to the house and everyone just come in slowly?”

“Yeah,” said Jozu, “Just a few of us first, then everyone gradually coming in. That there’s not a bombardment of people that could scare her,”

“What else do we have to do?”

“We have to prepare one of the rooms for her, get a bed, and…I don’t know what else little girls need,”

“Leave that to me,” said Izo, “Ace you’re helping!” Ace had just walked into the room.

“Helping with what?!”

“You’re going to have a new sister,” said Thatch

“Ugh why?! We don’t need a girl here! We have Izo!”

“We need another one and this one’s adorable!” said Izo, “And you’re going to help me and everyone made a room for her!”

“Tch, why should I?”

“Because you know her,” said Marco, “And know what she likes,”

“Do I?”

“It’s ________________. Pops is adopting her in a few days,” Ace froze, then his lit up.

“I-I guess I can help you guys! Pfft making a room for _________________ would be easy. Which room Pops?”

“The one on the third floor, that’s about two doors across from yours,” he grinned

“Okay. Meet you up there I guess,” before they could say anything, he run upstairs. Curiel snorts.

“Is he at that age that he’s curious about girls?”

“Kind of,” said Marco, “Okay let’s get her room set up. I guess since she and Ace are about the same age, they can learn the same thing,”

“Sounds like a plan,” said Thatch. Everyone agreed. They spent the next few days preparing for her arrival. On that day, only four were allowed in the house until she got adjusted: Marco, Thatch, Ace, and Whitebeard. Everyone had to make themselves scarce for awhile. Ace had the task of having someone her age to talk to. He also briefed them about their new arrival.

“She’s a girl but not super girly. She’s really fun to hang with and doesn’t cry like Luffy always does. She wears the same thing all the time because she’s a nun’s kid. Her room is super small and she’s always polite,”

“I can’t wait to meet this little lady,” said Thatch

“Me neither. It’ll be good to have someone Ace’s age for him to play with,”

“Ace, why don’t you check to see if ___________________’s room is perfect for her?” said Whitebeard.

“You got it Pops,” Marco and Thatch looked at him. They knew he had some information that he didn’t want Ace hearing.

“What is it Pops?”

“______________, Flora didn’t give away too many details but she was a child from a noble family. Her parents dumped her off two years ago and never looked back. Flora said she doesn’t even remember seeing them around the area since,”

“So her family must be from another area and dumped her here so there would be no trace back,” said Thatch, “Damn shame, she sounds like a good kid,”

“It’s a common noble practice,” said Marco, “If they don’t see any usefulness or if a child doesn’t comply…they’re dealt with. I wonder what she did,”

“She was betrothed to the middle son from the Vinsmoke family. For some reason she attacked three of the boys and her parents dumped her off at Flora’s convent,”

“Shit, if she did that she’s one of us already,”

“Three boys from a dangerous family like that? Took balls,”

“And she was punished for it by losing a home,” said Whitebeard, “So we’re giving her a home,”

“Does she remember anything from her family?”

“Nah, she’s been away for so long she doesn’t remember anything,”

“Hey, fresh start,” said Thatch, “Maybe we can train her to be strong,”

“One step at a time. For now, let’s give her a place to call home,”

_______________ was up and ready a few days after meeting Whitebeard. She didn’t have many things with her. The only thing she had a few items that Flora bought her. Flora made sure she was washed, clean, and prim when Whitebeard came. The little girl was gripping Flora’s hand.

“…_________________ listen you know you can always back to visit me right? I’m not abandoning you. You’re a great kid and anyone would be happy to have someone like you to be their daughter. Whitebeard…he can give you more than I can. I’ve known him for a very long time and you’ll be in good hands. Please, give him a chance. He’s not going to harm you,” she nodded, “I love you kiddo, please give him a chance, for me?” she nodded. Whitebeard got on one knee just to not intimidate the young girl. However, they didn’t help much because he was still taller than her. He offered his hand. She cautiously took it. She looked back as Flora. She gave her a wave as they drove away. ___________________ looked out the window as they drove. She was scared and nervous. Other than Sister and the convent, she didn’t know any other home. She gripped her seatbelt.

“We’re almost there little lady,” said Whitebeard smiling at her from the passenger seat. She nodded. He tried making small talk, “So do you have a favorite food?” she shook her head. Whitebeard winced to himself. If knew Flora, their diet probably consisted of vegetables from the garden, fish and rice. He tried again, “Ummm what’s your favorite color?”

“I really like (favorite color),”

“Oh that’s nice! Me too!” then she went silent again. He sighed and was happy when he saw the house. He parked and helped her out. Whitebeard ushered her to the door. She looked scared as he gently nudged her inside. She looked around. The house was huge. Sister told her that once upon a time, it used to be a Hongokan, boarding house that was set to be demolished until Whitebeard took it over and raised his sons there. He watched in interest. It was like seeing a kitten looking around a room for the first time. It was adorable. He gently touched her shoulder, “Let me show you to your room!”

It was a very nice room, a lot bigger than her old one at the convent. There a closet, a double bed, the room was (f/c) trimmed white and everything was nice and new. She cautiously went inside. Whitebeard smiled when she went into the closet and saw a lot of new clothes and things.

“A-All of these are mine?” he nodded. She bowed, “thank you very much, Mr. Whitebeard!” he cringed a bit. He didn’t like being called Mister. But he knew she was trying to be polite.

“You’re welcome! Come I have something for you downstairs!” she followed him back down. He ushered her to the kitchen. There was a familiar boy sitting at the table waiting for her. She perked up.

“About time you showed up,” said Ace smirking at her from the table

“Ace!” she hugged him tight.

“So you’re my new sister now?”

“I guess so!”

“Hiya Pops,” Whitebeard ruffled the boy’s head.

“Keep her busy, I’ll go get her surprise,” she looked up

“It’s not Ace?”

“Nah, something even better,” he walked off. Ace looked at her.

“Listen, I know Pops looks a little scary, hell they all do but they’re okay, I promise,” she looked a little apprehensive. He sighed and ruffled her hair, “Seriously! Just try and give them a chance! Try Marco and Thatch first!”

“Marco? Thatch?”

“Marco looks like a walking pineapple and Thatch is usually in the kitchens cooking,”

“I heard that pineapple remark,” ________________ saw two men enter the kitchen. One did in face resemble a pineapple. He smiled warmly at her and offered a hand. She gently took it, “My name is Marco, I’ve been here the longest. If you ever need anything, just let me know, okay?”

“Y-Yes sir!”

“Hey don’t call me sir, I’m your big brother. Like I’ll probably call you sis a lot,” she grinned as he pats her head.

“And I’m Thatch, whatever bad things Ace told you about us isn’t true,”

“He only said nice things!”

“Awww fire boy loves us,” Thatch smirked.

“I don’t! She looked so scared! I had to say something! She never had big brothers before!”

“Well, to be fair, we never had a little sister before,” said Marco, “guess we’ll all learn together, huh?”

“Yeah!” Whitebeard then emerged with a large cake. He gently sat it in front of her. It was a huge chocolate sheet cake with frosting roses and read “Welcome Home __________________!” in her favorite color.

“Wow Pops, where did you get that one?”

“Bakery across town,” Thatch cuts four massive pieces and served her first. She looked at it puzzled.

“What’s the matter?” said Ace.

“What is this?” she said

“Dude its cake. Have you ever had cake before?” she shook her head. Marco chuckled.

“Well, Flora never had much of a sweet tooth. I bet she had cookies from time to time,” she nodded.

“Ginger snaps,”

“That’s Flora,” said Thatch chuckling, “Well try it!” she nodded and took a bite.

“This is GOOD!”

“I’m glad you like it!” said Whitebeard grinning. After cake, Ace showed her around the place. He showed her the bathrooms, then the courtyard, which was massive and beautiful, then back upstairs to his room.

“See told you this place wasn’t so bad,”

“It’s really big!”

“Nah, you’re just really small,”

“So are you!” she said

“Wait until you meet everyone else, a few are bigger than Marco but no one’s bigger than Pops,”

“There’s more?!”

“Yup,” her eyes widened, “Don’t worry, they’re not going to come at you at once but everyone’s really happy and excited to see you. Don’t see why, you’re just a girl,”

“Stop being mean!” that night, ________________ went to her room. It was huge and wide and nothing like the one in the convent. She tried getting comfortable but just couldn’t. She couldn’t fall asleep. She then heard her door open. Marco checked in on her. She sat up bowed.

“Don’t be so formal. What’s the matter?”

“I can’t sleep,” she said.

“Don’t blame you, it’s your first night,” he said and perched at the foot of her bed. She sat up. He grinned, “You know this used to be Hongokan, right?”

“Yeah! Sister said it was really big and famous back in the day,”

“Pops thought the place still had a lot of character. People from all walks of life used to come and stay here, kings, queens, prince, princesses, travelers, monks, adventurers, thieves, so many people, either for rest or for the hot spring. So you might find a few surprises around here. There’s even one in your room,”

“Really?” he nodded, “Where?”

“You see that latch right there?” he pointed to the wall next to her bed. She nodded, “Unhook it and pull the wood left. She got up and did so. To her surprise the wall moved, revealing it was a door and it led to a mini balcony where she could see the entire city from her bed.

“WOW!” he grinned.

“Beautiful isn’t it? When I was younger, I used to keep this slightly cracked so I could fall asleep watching the town and the stars,”

“Did it help?”

“Kind of and this,” he takes a blanket with a star and moon galaxy print, “as long as you sleep under this, you’re sleeping under the stars,”

“Does it work?”

“Pops gave me one when I was your age and it helped me, maybe blanket magic will rub off on you. Want to give it a try?”

“Yes please!” he pats the bed. She goes to it and lays down. He then used the blanket to tuck her in tight. Almost like magic her eyes felt heavy. She looks at the sleeping city and the stars above. She yawned and closed her eyes. Marco grinned and closed the old door and re-latched it. He then quietly went to the door and closed it gently behind him.

For the next few days, ___________________ slowly got comfortable in her new home. It was quiet, like the convent, it was spacious, and she slowly started figuring out the secrets of the house slowly with Marco, Thatch, and Ace. However, things became…chaotic. She knew she would have a huge family, but she didn’t know that their definition of huge was well. One day she woke up to stomping, shouting, and other things. She peeked out of her room and was almost immediately stepped on. They apologized before they kept walking. She didn’t leave her room until Thatch guided her to breakfast. She was terrified to eat; she grabbed what she could and retreated to her room and hid under her security blanket. She then heard someone open the door and peeked out. Ace looked at her puzzled.

“So there you are,”

“W-Who are all those guys?!” she whimpered out

“…oh! Those are all your brothers! Did they introduce themselves?!” she shook her head and looked down He noticed how uncomfortable she looked, “Don’t tell me you got scared and ran,”

“They’re huge! One almost stepped on me!” he snorts. She looked so scared.

“Don’t worry, no one’s gonna hurt you. You can here if you want though,” she nodded, “trust me, things will look better in the morning,” however, she didn’t think so. Because she was so much smaller, she was able to weave in and out and everyone to get something to eat. She tried looking for Marco or Thatch but they were nowhere to be seen. She decided to hide in a closet and sobbed. She didn’t like this, not one bit. She stayed in the closet until she couldn’t hear any more noise. She peeked out and went to get something to eat. She saw a bunch of sandwiches on the table. She slowly approached. She reached for one when she saw something move. She froze. Whitebeard was stand next to her. She shook and looked up at him. He sat on a chair and smiled.

“Go on, they’re for everyone,” she immediately grabbed a sandwich, nodded in gratitude and ran back to her room. He sighed and took a bite out of his.

“Was that our new sister?!” said Izo, “She’s positively adorable! Aww Pops, what’s the matter?”

“She looks so scared. Maybe it was a bad idea to take her from Flora. But she seemed fine the other day,”

“Well, everyone was gone. She lived a very quiet life in the convent, this is going to take some getting used to,” upstairs, _________________ contemplated running back to the quietness of the convent. She didn’t have much to take ad if she left tomorrow, she could probably get there in time for dinner. Then again, she did like Marco and Thatch…and Ace did say to try and get to know everyone. It’s only been a week after all. That night, once again, she couldn’t sleep, even with her magic security blanket. She got up decided to walk around. She was thirsty so she got herself a glass of water and went on the adventure of looking for her room. But she became terribly lost. She opened each door and peeked in. None of these rooms were hers. She finally got to a room and saw a sleeping man inside but not just any man. Marco. She drank her water and set the cup on the table nearby. Marco was sleeping soundly. She moved the blanket aside and slowly got in and closed her eyes. She felt safe again as she drifted off to sleep. Marco glanced over a sleeping girl next to him. He smiled before moving over and trying to go back to sleep, until he felt tiny hands holding his arm protectively. He sighed and pats her head. In the morning the entire house was in a panic. Izo and Fossa decided they were going to gently wake up _________________ and introduce themselves, only to realize she wasn’t in her bed or room. They checked the bathrooms; they checked everywhere she could have been. The entire house looked everywhere for her. Whitebeard called Flora to see if she showed up and that turned up nothing.

“Where could she have gone?!” said Curiel

“Did she get stuck somewhere?!” said Kingdew

“Maybe she went outside into the garden and fell into a hole or something!” said Namur

“Or a well!” said Blamenco, “Kids are always falling down in wells!”

“WE DON’T HAVE A WELL!” said Thatch


“What’s the matter with you all?” said Marco calmly coming downstairs and pouring himself some coffee, “You’re all noisier than usual,”

“____________________ FELL DOWN A WELL!” said Bleheim

“No we just can’t FIND her!” said Rakuyo, “We looked everywhere!”

“Pops can’t even find her! He’s worried sick!” said Speed Jill

“Oh. She’s in my room sleeping,” said Marco sipping his coffee.

“What?!” said the rest.

“Yeah, she wandered in last night, pulled back the blanket, curled up and went to sleep. This morning she was still sleeping. I think she got scared and found me. She’s still adjusting,”

“She still doesn’t like me,” Whitebeard sighed coming downstairs, “I think that’s why she’s been hiding,”

“Aww Pops! She’s still adjusting!” said Izo, “Poor little thing. It’s going to take awhile,”

“Why? It didn’t take us a long time to adjust!” said Vista, “Most of us took to Pops in a few hours or days,”

“She’s nine, a little girl, and surrounded by giants,” said Thatch, “She probably think we’re going to eat her or something,”

“She looks stringy to be honest,” said Namur, “We’d have to boil her at least a few hours and even then not enough for a meal,” Everyone stared at him, “Just saying!”

“Thatch is right; we’re all six or more feet. Pops alone is thirteen feet,” said Jozu, “She’s probably think we’re going to step on her,”

“Anyway, just be very cautious around her, she’s still skittish,” said Marco. He went upstairs to see ______________ looking around and yawning. She froze when she saw him. He smiled.

“Morning little lady,”


“Want to come down for breakfast? We made pancakes and bacon and eggs,” her stomach growled. He chuckles, “And we found this (favorite color) outfit. It’s a coveralls skirt with a black blouse, perfect for a little explorer. It’s in your room if you want to wear it,” She nodded. He offered his hand. She took it and he ushered her to get dressed and freshened up. Once finished she sought him out and clung to his shirt. He smiled and led her downstairs. He smiled at her.

“You had us all worried for awhile. Two of your brothers came looking for you to say hi and you weren’t in your bed. Pops almost tore the street apart looking for you,”

“I didn’t mean to make everyone worried!” she said. Marco chuckled and pats her head.

“Don’t worry, you’re okay, we just wanted to know if you were okay! You’re about to meet the rest of your brothers. They’ve been looking forward to meeting you for a very long time,” she nodded as they made their downstairs. In the kitchens, everyone was eating when Marco came down with ________________, “As many of you know, this is _______________, our new little sister. She’s going to be living with us from now on,” she smiled weakly. The men stared. She really was shorter and smaller than all of them, then again so was Ace but he made himself known. Marco made himself scarce. She bowed.

“I-It’s very nice to meet you all! I-I didn’t mean to make you all worried! I-I got lost last night and I didn’t know where to go! S-So I went to M-Marco’s room and went to sleep. I-I’m sorry!”

“OH MY GOD! She’s so cute!” Izo scooped her up and snuggled her, “I’m your big brother Izo! Well more like big sister compared to them but we’re going to be gal pals!”

“N-Nice to meet you!” she smiled nervously.

“Aww she loves me more than you assholes already!” he snuggled her close, “In fact, we’re going to spend the whole day together so we can get to know each other! Come along!”


“Damn it Izo!” said Curiel

“Not fair!” said Fosse

“He’s going to turn her girly!”

“No worst, another Izo,” said Namur

“Humph! You WISH there was another me! There should be MORE of mes!”

"Everyone calm down. I'm sure he won't do anything that would harm her or change her,” said Marco as he walked back inside to see what's going on, “Izo, let everyone else spend time with her too,”

“Okay, okay, humph,”

“You have two hours, then I’m going to take her!” said Namur

“Fine, fine!” he grinned at her, “Come on!” Izo’s room was huge, with guns displayed on the walls, along with fans and art, two black dressing panels that had a sakura blossoms design on them and a closet filled with clothes and things. He took her to his bed and sat next to her.

“I’ve been waiting for a cute little girl to doll up! Oh we have to do something with this hair! Did you do it?”

“Sometimes, or Sister,” Izo grins and takes out a comb and brush and got to work making ________________ a nice long French braid. He then went into his closet and started taking out things. He examined her for a few moments before giving her in a (f/c) changshan and a pair of black pants, “Here try these on!” he pointed to the dressing panel. She changed into the clothes and came out. Izo had a mirror ready. She grinned. She liked her new clothes, “How are they?”


“That’s exactly what I like hearing! Oh you’re going to be so cute when I’m finished with you! Are your ears pierced?” he checked, “Oh good! I have pair of studs that are going to look adorable on you! I would let you try on my hoops but they’re a bit too long for you darling!” Izo went searching for them. He laid out a bunch of pearl earrings and told her to pick one. She picked the white ones. “Excellent choice! Pearls look so elegant on ladies and make little girls so proper!”

“You wear earrings too?”

“Most of the time when I’m not training or anything. I look a sight that day; then again that’s why I have water and sweat resistant make up,”

“Say Izo, are you a man or a woman?” Izo smiled. She covered her mouth, “I didn’t mean to insult—,”

“Oh please. It’s okay hon. I’m a man who likes wearing women’s things and being a woman,”

“So you’re a woman?” Izo grinned

“Pretty much!”

“Okay! Can I call you Big Sis?” Izo placed his hands over his chest.

“OF COURSE YOU CAN!” he hugged her tightly and nuzzled her cheek, “Wait, wait the finishing touch!” he takes out a butterfly hair clip and attached it to her hair, “Perfect!”

“Izo it’s my turn now to be with her!” said Namur walking in.

“Hey! Knock before entering! There are ladies dressing in this room! ________________ looked up at Izo. He ruffled his hair.

“It’s okay. Namur is harmless!” Namur gave her a toothy grin. She goes over to him. He takes her hand and takes her out of the room.

“Come on! I have a ton of shark teeth I want you to see!”

It’s been a few weeks and ________________ was slowly adjusting in the huge boarding house home. She learned there were sixteen people living with Whitebeard however, there were like tons of other brothers living next door and around the neighborhood. Thanks to Marco, she was introduced and hugged and claimed as their only sister and spent time with each of them getting to know them. She was told the whole neighborhood was hers to explore but she shouldn’t adventure any farther than a black line area. Fosse told her about one of Whitebeard’s sons who tried to kill Thatch and was caught before he could achieve it and he fled and created the Blackbeard territory.

“That fuc—funny man betrayed us and tried to kill our brother. He attacked Ace some time ago and he won’t hesitate in hurting a little girl either,” her eyes widened, “And he doesn’t know who you are yet, let’s keep it that way, okay kid?” she took the advice to heart. Izo loved taking her into his room just to have her try and clothes and doll up. She liked that. She loved watching Thatch cook and helping him with chopping and things. Vista’s room had a small deck and she loved smelling the roses and helping him with him. Curiel showed her how to fire his flamethrower guns and use gunpowder to make them. She was gradually adjusting to her new family, even not hiding as much, which was a lot in the beginning. However, she only hid when one person came about, Whitebeard. Because she was so short, she could wedge herself in small areas of the house. Whenever Whitebeard came home, __________________ was usually gone by the time he came through the door. She would slip away and usually it was the closet but she was found in all kinds of places, even behind a fox statue in a space just small enough for her. He wouldn’t see her for the rest of the day and she would emerged when she knew he was gone.

“You don’t have to hide you know,” said Marco as she peeked out of the closet, “Pops wouldn’t hurt a fly,” she was not taking that chance. Marco held out his hand, “Come on,” she took it as she gets out and scampered upstairs. Whitebeard sighed.

“It’s been almost a month Marco,”

“Give it time. Maybe you two can find a common interest. She’s been sifting through all of us,”

“She’s saving the best for last, Pops,” said Jozu

“I hope,” upstairs, ______________ was pulled into Ace’s room. He shoved a controller in her hands and they started playing.

“You really are a spaz,” he said not looking up from game

“What did I do?!”

“Acting weird around Pops. Scared of him or something?” he snorts. He then glanced over and noticed that she had her head down, “Oh shit, really?”

“Wouldn’t you be?! I tried to fight him and he overpowered me!”

“You tried to fight Pops too? Wow…I commend you,”

“I thought he was trying to hurt Sister so I attacked! Then the next thing I know, I’m being adopted by him!”

“That means you’re stuck with us forever,” he said, “Get used to it,” she glared at him, “Seriously, why do you want to stay in that convent?”

“That convent was my home! Sister was really nice to me…borderline sadistic but she always was nice to me!”

“Give him a chance, will you?”

“It took you awhile!”

“I’m a boy, we’re naturally stupid, you’re a girl so don’t be stupid,” she decided to go to bed early. She hopped into bed and hunkered down. She yawned. Since coming to the house, someone was always there to tuck her in. She was getting used to it but she also had to remember, she was a older kid and didn’t need it every time. The door opened and Jozu walked in. He placed a glass of water on her nightstand and then tucked her into bed. He looked at her a few moments and pats her head a few times. She reddened.

“Night Jozu!”

“Night,” she woke up really early the next morning. She couldn’t smell anything but she heard a lot of breathing. Everyone was still sleeping. She looked at her clock. It was about seven. She got dressed. Today it was one of the plain cotton changshan that Izo got her and pants. She decided look around the big house again. It became her little hobby. Because the house was actually an old Hongokan, or boarding house, it was hard to navigate and remember where things were. She made it downstairs and discovered a huge hot spring under the place. Also there were about seventy rooms in the house. She noticed that while most were bedrooms, some rooms were hobby rooms, some were storage, some were empty but some had awesome things like weapons, she found one that looked like the dojo Sister had in the convent and even a hidden bathroom that one seemed to use. Because the place was so big, it felt like she was a different house all together sometimes. She made to the other end of the huge house within two days, marking where she left off. She decided to venture further up. She found some stairs. She avoided them, mainly because she scared of what she would find but today, since it was early, she was going to conquer her fear. She cautiously went up the stairs. She opened the door as the light blinded her. Her eyes focused and she saw the last thing she expected to see. It was a beautiful rooftop garden. She looked around and saw canopies of plants growing above her. She walked about in interest. She didn’t know this was up here. There was a fence around it but she climbed the winding stairs and saw the entire city. She looked at it in awe. She savored the moment before shimming down. She spied a peach on one of the trees and picked it and started munching on it. She went to grab another when she saw a figure moving in the corner of her eye. She froze and turned. Whitebeard was absentmindedly watering a few bushes. She looked over at him. He then stood up and turned only to be greeted to a little girl. He smiled at her.

“Enjoying the peach?” her eyes widened.

“I’m sorry! I didn’t know it was yours!”

“Did you pick it?” she nodded, “Then it’s yours,” he patted her head, “Like my garden?”

“This is your garden?!”

“Mhm, been growing and tending to it since I lived here,”

“It’s beautiful!” he chuckled.

“Thank you. The boys used to play up here all the time, not so much anymore and Ace usually runs off to play with Luffy and Sabo, so I guess the secret garden has you to explore it,”

“Really?! Thank you!” he grinned.

“Ever garden?”

“Yeah! Sister had one at the convent! It wasn’t as nice as this one. And she made me water and weed it all the time. She said it built character,”

“Water yes but weeding is a pain. But I can use some help around here. If you want, you can do watering and harvesting duty for me,”

“Really?! Okay!” he chuckled, “It’s the least I can do! Especially since you’re letting me play up here!” he grinned and ruffled her hair.

“You live here now, so that means it’s your garden too,”

“R-Really?” he nodded

“Just like your room,”

“B-But it’s your house!”

“And you’re my daughter. As long as you stay, that room is yours. It’s your personal space and your safe haven,”

“T-Thank you sir!”

“Don’t call me sir, please just call me Pops!”

“I-I’m trying!” he sighed and pats her head. Whitebeard thought to himself, they were alone. There weren’t any distractions. He could finally bond and get to know her better. He smiled at the little girl,”

“So other than gardening and exploring, what else do you like doing? Are you getting along with your brothers?”

“Well, I like cooking with Thatch! Sister used to just have me chop things to make all kind of soups and broths. With Thatch we made a lot of things that are delicious. N-Namur and me have been making things out of his shark teeth! Izo likes to dress me up in pretty dresses and clothes! I like them but I also like to be around Marco in his study with a book or helping Vista prune his roses. What do you like doing for fun?”

“Well, I like to garden, I like grilling more instead of cooking especially after we go fishing,” she looked at him puzzled.

“What’s fishing?” he looked at her.

“You’ve never been fishing?” she shook her head. Whitebeard looked at his watch. It was only about nine o’clock and on a weekday. By the time they get to the waters, the fish should be biting. She was dressed and ready, “Let’s go. We’re going fishing,”

“WOW!” Whitebeard smiled watching the little girl look over the edge of the boat as he took the boat out to the middle of the sea. ______________ never been this far out before or on a boat and she was taking it all in. The boat was massive with an under carriage to store fish, an area for rest, and a place for snacks. When they were far enough, he showed her how to bait the lines and cast off. She held onto her pole. They were silent for awhile. Whitebeard had no idea what to say.

“So…what do you like to do for fun?” he asked.

“I like to collect rocks!”


“Yah! They’re so cool! Sister said it was weird but I really like them for some reason,”

“You know when I was about your age I used to collect sticks,” she looked up.

“You did?”

“Aye, I did. I still have some of them in my room. Some are as old as time,”

“May I see them? I’ll show you my rocks!”

“I would be honored to see them!” he then felt something tug. He gripped his pole and reeled in a massive marlin.

“WOW! Is that what we’re fishing?”

“Yep! Marlin are huge and enough to feed an army and they taste great. Open that hatch for me,” she nodded and opened the hatch. Whitebeard flung it inside. He closed the hatch, “It’s filled with ice down there so we can keep it fresh for eating later,”

“Ah okay!”

“Let’s see if we can catch a few more!”

“Okay!” they cast out their line again. After some moments of silence, another fish snagged onto Whitebeard’s line. It was just as big as the first one. _______________ opened the hatch and the second fish met its fate like the other. _______________ looked intently at the water. Everything was so nice and calm and serene. She liked it. She loved the smell of the ocean, she loved the sound of the water hitting the boat, and she loved the calming rock of the boat. She was also enjoying Whitebeard’s company. She glanced up at him. He was peaceful looking. He was gazing at the sea with her. She noticed that his eyes were gentle. Not frightening as she thought. He had a very soft face and reminded her of those wise old men she read about in her books.

“So tell me,” he said not tearing his gaze from the water, “So do you remember anything about your mother and father?”

“Nah, I don’t remember much,” she said looking out into the water, “The only thing I remember was them packing up my things and dropping me off at the convent. Ever since then, Sister took care of me. She said that they just didn’t want a kid right now. At least they didn’t abandon me on the roadside or something, I’m happy for that,” she said.

“So no memories of your parents?”

“I remember Mom wore this necklace and I remember Dad dressed in black, that’s it. I don’t even remember their faces. Besides, Sister is kinda my mom,” he grinned and patted her head, “Does this mean you’re my Dad now, Mr. Whitebeard?”

“Aye it does but please, please, please call me—,”

“ACK! I got something!” __________________ hung onto her pole as she a sharp tug almost send her out of the boat.. Whitebeard grabbed her she hung on for dear life.

“KEEP HER STEADY! Reel and pull!” she started pulling and reeling with Whitebeard holding her close. He slowly moved his hands onto her smaller ones and in one swift motion they yanked. A giant marlin flew out of the water. __________________ was shocked and in pure amazement as Whitebeard caught it and wrestled it into the hangar below with the smaller ones he caught. He panted and laughed.

“I think we have enough for today! Wouldn’t you think?”

“YEAH!” they headed back to port where he showed her how to cut and clean the massive fish before having someone do it for them. Whitebeard took one of the cut pieces and took a bite, “You can eat it raw?!” he nodded.

“It’s sashimi at this point. The freshest ever!” he slices a bit and handed it to her. She bit into it.

“…this is good!”

“Just some added perks to hanging out with me!” on the way home, she kept looking back at the wrapped packages of fish in the back seat.

“Are we going to eat it today?” she said grinning at him from her seat.

“Hmmm it’s about five now. Thatch probably cooked something already. We’ll eat it tomorrow!”

“Okay!” she yawned and got comfortable in her seat.

“Did you have fun today?”

“Yeah! I never went fishing before! I like fishing! Can we do it again along with gardening? Please?” he smiled and ruffled her hair.

“Sure if you want to!” he passed an old seafood diner, “Hungry?” she nodded as he pulled up. He ordered crab, salmon, marlin, and even oysters. He watched as she ate her fill. He loved seeing kids happy and enjoying their food. _____________ never had food this good. They got home at around seven. Everyone was eating or finished eating. Izo was the first to greet them.

“Welcome ho—oh dear god!” he covered his nose, “Pops! Where have you been?!”

“Fishing with my daughter,” he said proudly

“You took her fishing?!” said Rakuyo, “Lucky!”

“Did you catch anything?” said Jozu

“YEAH! I caught a fish thiiiiiiiiiiiis Big!” she said happily at them.

“Let’s fire up that grill and cook ‘em up!” said Bleheim

“Nah it’s too late,” said Whitebeard, “This weekend though,”

“Fuck yeah!” said Ace grinning

“Language boy!” said Thatch

“Yeah watch your fuckin’ mouth,” said Fossa

“Damn it! Stop swearing in front of the kids!”

“So I need to get a swear jar? I don’t tempt me,” said Marco

“That’s all fine and dandy but you reek!”

“Izo it’s not that—,” Thatch recoiled, “Did you guys gut the fish yourselves?!”

“We don’t smell!” ______________retorted

“Yes you do. Come on,” Izo picked her up and headed to the bathroom, “Before the smell settles into your skin,” After Izo gave her a hot bath; ______________ went to Ace’s room where he was playing Mario. He paused and tossed her a controller.

“Thanks Ace!”

“So, you and Pops had fun?” she nodded and happily told him about her day.

“Yep! I never ate raw fish before! It was good! Then we had seafood! I never had crab before! I didn’t like the oysters though. They were slimy and ugh!” Ace smiled at her as she told him everything.

“So you finally like Pops now?”

“…it wasn’t like I didn’t like him…I was terrified of him. I thought he was going to hurt Sister and step on me!” Ace laughed

“He wouldn’t. He is strong and can be scary but he’s alright. So you’re gonna hold off your plans to run away?” she froze for a few moments.

“How did you know that?”

“No kid has a backpack with water and food that’s enough to feed themselves for a week,”

“Did you tell anyone?”

“It’s not my business if you leave or not. Why would you though?” she looked down.

“I was scared. I never had a family before, not one I could remember and I must have done something really bad for them to not want me anymore. Everyone here was so scary at first. I thought I was going to be stepped on. Then everyone was really nice and well…I didn’t want to take me back to Sister if I was bad again. But…Mr. Whitebeard is really nice! He’s so warm! And he likes to show me everything!”

“Yeah, Pops is amazing! And if you left, you would break the old man’s heart. Family isn’t supposed to abandon you; they’re suppose to take care of you! My mom can’t because she’s dead and I don’t give a shit either way about my dad. If your family abandoned you, they’re not your family. We’re your family now,” tears rolled down her face. He froze and started scrambling for a tissue, “Marco said girls are different but you’re like a boy! Luffy cries a lot too!”

“This is happy crying you jerk!” she sobbed and blew her nose.

“Girls are weird. Anyway, you better not run away. Because if you do, I have to look for you again. And I’m too busy to look for a girl. I already have to take care of Luffy, don’t be stupid and a pain in the ass like him,” she hugged him tightly. He reddened and just let it happen. Whitebeard had tears in his eyes as he stood by the door with Marco.

“Wow, you two really bonded today,”

“It was spontaneous but it worked! I’m so happy! She’s finally opening up to me!”

“I think she’ll open up more but remember, don’t rush into it,”

“Okay, okay,” he turned and headed upstairs, “I just wish she’d call me Pops,” Marco popped his head into the room some time later.

“Okay you two, time for bed,”

“Oh come on, it’s not that late!” said Ace

“It’s after eleven o’clock and ____________________ looks like she’s done,” Ace was about to retort when he saw the droopy eyed girl. She wobbled up and followed him to her room where she curled up in bed. Marco tucked her in.



“Ummm Can we all go fishing one day? The whole family?” he grinned at her.

“Yeah, one day but not now, we have plenty to eat,”

“I know…I caught one!”

“I heard, we’ll have a feast tomorrow, thanks you and Pops,”

“I’m glad…” she yawned, “Never had a grilled fish,” she was drifting to sleep, “Sounds tasty…”

“Goodnight,” he pecked her forehead.

“Night Big Brother,”

The three men have been watching the little girl for about two weeks now. Almost every other day, she would walk to a little store about a block away and come back to the area and then presumably home. They didn’t know where home was but that didn’t matter. They just wanted the little girl. She was a little kid that looked about eight or nine with (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes and she was always carrying a randoseru that they knew was probably a utility backpack. This was perfect because those features were highly prized for their clientele, especially a small child. She could easily be sold overseas, harvested, and other things. She was always alone, so she had either no family or her family was nobodies. Either way, the kid was a good score. She passed by their car and that was when they made their move.

“Hi little girl!” the first man said, “Where are you going?” she backed away from him. Sister always told her to never talk to strangers in or near a car. She started walking faster, “Don’t be afraid little one! Your Mom told me to pick you up! She’s at the hospital!” now she KNEW this man was lying. She didn’t have a mom. She ran as another stepped in her path. She froze. He reached out to grab her. She jumped back and screamed.

“HELP! STRANGER DANGER! YOU’RE NOT SAFE! YOU’RE NOT SAFE! I DON’T KNOW YOU!” this startled the men and gave her the chance to run. They took chase and followed the little girl all over the area. There weren’t people out on the street and this worked to the men’s advantage but ________________ was fast and threw things in her path in order to trip them up. She ran from the strange men as fast as she could. She scaled the fence and landed before running again. She ran through another alley and jumped on a box to get over the fence this time. However, one of the men grabbed her leg and pulled her down. She yelped as she bit and kicked at them, “Let me go! HELP!” it earned her a punch across the face. She winced and whimpered. She couldn’t feel the right side of her face and it felt as though it as tingling.

“You little shit! When I’m done with you that little attitude of yours is going to be gone! If you would have gone quietly, you wouldn’t have been hit you little bitch. I say we sell her to the Celestial Dragons and let them deal with it!”

“She’s kind of ratty looking to be a servant. But she’s scrappy; they’ll probably make her fight for sport,”

“I’m not going with you! I don’t even know you! You’re bad people!” said _______________ trying to get away.

“Who cares, ain’t no one gonna help you anyway, you’re just some pathetic little orphan,”

“I’m not a orphan! I have a family! And they’re going to save me!”

“Oh? Then where are they, huh?”

“Right here,” they turned to see two very large men behind them. Something fell to the pit of their stomachs. They knew who they men were. One was the first division command and one was the fourth of the territory they were in. They looked at the three men murderously.

“…L-Let the kid go,”

“B-But Boss—,”

“I SAID LET HER GO!” the man lets her go and she immediately ran to Marco and Thatch sobbing hard, “W-We don’t want no trouble,”

“Oh? Look like you do since you chased our little sister into an alley,” said Izo from above with Jozu and Fosse.

“Looks like these idiots were asking to die,” said Fosse. Marco was on his knee tending to ______________’s face.

“Can you see out of it?” he said making her following his finger with her eyes. She nodded.

“But it’s blurry,”

“I see,” she heard a voice from behind. Whitebeard towered over them all. He looked at _____________ with a smile. She smiled back as he pats her head, “We’ll meet you at home. Izo, mind taking her home? Dish her some ice cream and call a doctor about that eye,”

“Sure thing Pops!” she scampered to Izo who picked her up onto his shoulders, “Come along, a girl your age shouldn’t see such violence!”

At home, the doctor treated _______________’s eye. The hit caused damage to her iris and an eye patch and medicine was required. Izo sent Ace out to get one from the store while ____________ laid on the couch with an ice pack on her eye and ice cream. She was shaken but otherwise fine. Izo kept an eye on her.

“As soon as Ace gets back, you’re going to wear that patch for awhile. At least it’s just for a week before another check up. You poor thing! Those assholes are going to pay for hurting that cute little face! You’re not going to be able to read or awhile because of that eye. We’ll read you a story every night until its better,”

“H-How did you guys find me?” she said looking at him.

“Oh, when you leave every day, Ace, Luffy, and Sabo follow you to make sure get back to the store okay. They do it for stealth training. Today, they heard you scream and Luffy ran and told us while Ace and Sabo followed behind them. When they cornered you, Ace and Sabo were ready but Thatch and Marco got to them first. Good thing you yelled,” Izo noticed her uneasy look, “Hey, hey you didn’t do anything bad! Those men were going to take you away and you would never been seen again! You probably saved more kids just by running and yelling,”

“Really? W-Why did they want me?”

“Those men…were a part of the Trade. They take children and sell them to other people as slaves. Most of the time, the kids are orphans, sometimes they have families. Once they’re taken, they’re never seen again,”

“That’s terrible!”

“It is, they’re really ballsy too if they’re coming into Pop’s territory and doing it,”

“Territory?” Izo looked at her

“I forget you don’t know anything about the area yet,”

“He’s talking about the territories around the area,” said Ace coming back into the house, “We’re in Pops territory but there’s other territories around. Every territory has rules and junk and usually people leave you alone depending on the territory, unless you do something you’re not supposed to,”

“Like what?”

“That’s enough of that for now,” Izo took out the eye patch and slip it on her right eye. About an hour later, everyone came back home. Whitebeard was barely in the door when he felt something clinging to his leg. He looked down to see __________________ clinging on without saying a word. He smiled and scooped her up. Tears were in her eye. He held her close.

“Shhh it’s okay, you’re safe now,” Pops decided to order out since everyone was on edge after thinking that ______________ would have never been seen again. They ordered a bunch of things and everyone dug in. Many of the foods ______________ didn’t know what they were. Ace helped her along grabbing things right and left for her. She happily munched on pizza, Thai BBQ, jasmine rice, burgers, and fries. A few hours later, everyone was stuffed. She was so full and she yawned. Izo took her and Ace upstairs for a bath. Ace went into his bathroom and slammed the door. He sighed.

“Little girls are so much easier to raise,” when _______________ was done, Marco was waiting to put her to bed.

“Umm actually Marco, can Mr. Whitebeard tuck me in?” Whitebeard was heading to his room but stopped when he heard his name and the tiny request. She looked up at him with large (e/c) eyes, “Please?”

“Of course!” ____________ hunkered into the blankets as Whitebeard tucked her into bed. He hadn’t tucked in a child since the boys were younger. Ace refused to be tucked in. She was securely tucked in as she yawned and he told her stories of pirates and gold and treasure and the like.

“The King of the Sea fought valiantly against the King of the Pirates. The old sea dog was no match for the mighty twelve foot king and he immediately succeeded to him. However, the Sea King did not want the title of Pirate King and allowed the man to live. So the pair turned and walked away from the other, off to fight another day,” She giggled.

“Did all of that stuff really happen?”

“Of course it did!”

“Did they ever find the treasure?”

“That is for another time,” he said bent down and kissed her forehead, “For now, you get some sleep,”

“Okay Pops,” she yawned, “I love you, goodnight!” Whitebeard stopped in his tracks. He looked back to see ________________ settled in bed and had closed her eyes to dozed off. She finally called him Pops and she said she loved him! He went over to her, pulled her out of bed and hugged her tightly.

“I love you too my little girl!”

“Ack Pops! You’re squeezing me!”

“Shhh it’s okay! I love my little girl so much!”

“Can’t breathe! Too much love!”

Chapter 2: Throwing Shade


Their little girl takes out a new hobby and is taught a valuable lesson about how men and women fight.

Chapter Text

Ace and _______________ would admit they were living a pretty normal life. Because they were homeschooled like the majority of the kids in the area, they got free range to do almost anything in the name of a lesson. _____________ learned how to cook by watching and helping Thatch and Ace was always outside with his two brothers. However, Whitebeard was getting a little worried, mainly because he knew kids needed social skills and Ace had his brothers and even though _______________tagged along once in awhile, she didn’t leave the Hongokan that much. If she wasn’t inside, she was in the little inner yard area exploring and things or on the garden rooftop. Whitebeard thought of something she could do that’ll teach her something new and get her to have some social skills with other kids. He then saw a notice about Ribbon Twirling. It looked fun and safe and they had a mini summer lesson that was everyday for a month.

“What do you think Izo?” said Whitebeard

“Ribbon twirling is fun, safe, and help her with her agility!” said Izo to Whitebeard, “And she’ll be able to make friends and things! It’ll be so much for her!”

“Sounds like it!” at dinner he pitched the idea.

“Ribbon Twirling?” said __________________ looking at the flyer

“Yeah! It’ll be fun and you’ll get to meet new people and make new friends!” said Whitebeard smiling at her.

“But, I like hanging around here!” she said

“Yeah but it’s not good for you to be cooped up in the house all day and night,” said Kingdew, “You need to have fun and do fun things,”

“Yeah and it’s the girliest thing ever!” said Ace, “What’s so great about ribbon twirling?!”

“It’ll teach her balance, grace, and being adorable,” said Thatch smirking, “Why Ace you want to join?”

“Pfft no!”

“Then don’t complain,” said Fosse, “Besides, it’s ______________ decision,”

“It sounds like fun!” she said excitedly

“Then it settled! Tomorrow you’re going to start ribbon twirling!”


“And tomorrow, we’ll teach you something useful, like how to strangle a man with a ribbon,” said Curiel

“That’s awesome!”

“Hell if we’re learning that, I want in on it!” said Ace

“NO!” said Marco

____________________’s first week at her new hobby was fun. She realized she really liked ribbon twirling and was pretty good at it. The class was from nine to noon and Marco or Izo was always there to pick her up. Then she was show off her moves to Whitebeard and had to tell him ONE thing she learned. She usually just showed him and went from there. Ace teased it about it but she often saw him watching her practices with Sabo and Luffy. The girls from the school were really nice. She made a new friend named Vivi and they usually hung out as partners when it came to things. She learned she was a princess from a place far from where she was taking lessons.

“I’m just here while my dad does some business in this area,” she said.

“But you’re a real life princess, what are you doing here?!”

“I always wanted to try ribbon twirling! It looks like so much fun! You?”

“Pops found the flyer and thought it would be good for me!”

“So you live around here?”


“Like in an embassy?”

“…no, actually I live in this huge house that used to be a Hongokan,”

“Oh so you parents own it?”

“Yeah Pops own it but we live in it!”

“So wait a moment, are you a princess too?” __________________ chuckled


“Diplomat’s daughter?”

“I don’t think Pops is a diplomat…whatever that is. Why?”

“Well, most of the girls here come from well off families, like royalty, diplomats, politicians, CEOs, you know people with a lot of money and status,”

“OH! Well I really don’t know much about my family yet. I’m adopted. For the last few years I was living in a convent until a few months ago. So I don’t know much about my new family yet,”

“So you’re a charity case then?” they looked up. Another little girl wearing a bright green leotard looked at her with a superior look. She had blond hair, hazel eyes, and looked very striking. ______________ smiled.

“You’re Holly right? It’s not to meet you!” she held out her hand. Holly looked at it and turned her nose up.

“I don’t touch stray’s hands. My mother taught me better than that,”

“Hey don’t be mean!” said Vivi

“Umm, what’s a stray?” said ___________________.

“You know…like a stray dog? You don’t have a family,”

“I do! I got adopted!”

“Wow, I guess poor people really are dumb. You can’t even afford to wear a leotard,” _____________ cocked her head a bit. She was wearing long shorts and a black shirt. They said wear something comfortable and this was comfortable. Vivi ushered ______________ away.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?”

“She was insulting you!”

“Was she?” Vivi looked at the girl before chuckling.

“You’re weird, but a good kind of weird,”

“Alright girls!” said the teacher smiling, “tomorrow, we’re going to have show and tell. Bring something so we can share and learn more about you all! Bring something that’s important to you or have an interesting story!” ___________________ was excited at the news. There was one thing she knew she wanted to tell her new friends about and that was her blanket that Marco gave her. She excitedly told Marco everything on the ride home.

“Looks like you’re making a lot of new friends,”

“Yeah! Vivi is a real life princess! She’s not from around here though!”

“Yeah, Alabasta is miles from here,”

“Is it beautiful?”

“It’s desert but I heard it was great at night when the sun is down,”

“That sounds awesome!”

“What else happened today?”

“Actually…I was wondering, what’s a charity case?”

“Where did you hear something like that?”

“This girl named Holly called me one. Is it bad?”

“….it is. It’s a person who’s given an handout out of pity. You’re not a charity case,”

“She’s been mean to me all day! She even called me a stray. Vivi told me what that meant,”

“You’re not a stray either,” he frowned.

“I know that! I have a family now! I don’t know why she’s being stupid about it,” he chuckled

“No idea,” he ruffled her hair, “So what did you have for your break?”

“Vivi and I went to that little bakery and had baklava! It was so good! She said they eat it where she’s from all the time. I had cake and tea. I want to treat her to tea tomorrow,”

“I’ll give you a twenty tomorrow,”

“You sure?”

“Meh, have some fun and get something nice,” at home, she got ready for show and tell. She excited told Whitebeard when they had their “What did you learn” conversations.

“So what were you planning to bring?”

“I was thinking about my blanket! She said to it had to be something special and it’s special to me,” he chuckled.

“Is it now?”

“That and my rock collection would be too heavy,”

“That it would,” he snorts at her.

“Anything else?”

“Nah! Other than that, everyone’s been really nice. How was your day, Pops?”

“It was eventful. But nothing a little girl should be worried about. Go practice,” he ruffled her hair. She chuckled and went off. She packed her blanket into a bag for the next morning before going to practice in one of the space rooms.

The girls all lined up to show off their items. Rei showed an old music box that ornate with gold, Vivi showed them her duckling Carue and how he’s been her constant companion since she got him. Holly showed off her brand new silver emerald tiara that her mother got her “just because”.

“Very good girls! Okay _____________ you’re next,” _____________ got up happily and presented her blanket. Holly laughed.

“And old hobo’s blanket! Of course YOU would,”

“Hush, proceed,”

“This is my favorite blanket! You see when I was living in the convent, I didn’t have much but I had a small room that made me really secure but when I moved in with my new family, I couldn’t sleep at night. So Marco gave me this so I can sleep at night and it worked! So I always sleep with it or on it to feel safe and happy at night!”

“Very good! Okay girls, put your things away and let’s get ready for practice. After the first set, Vivi took ______________’s wrist.

“Come on, we’re going to the bakery today! My treat!”

“Really? I was going to treat you today!” she said showing her the money. They both laughed, “Okay, rock paper scissors to see who’s going to pay?” they both did it, Vivi won so she bought the treats. When they came back to the studio, ______________ found that her blanket was gone. She looked everywhere for it. The teacher swore she locked the classroom. The blanket’s disappearance threw off her confidence and practice that day. After class she went looking again and saw Holly holding it. She looked so relieved.

“Oh Holly thank you! You found my blanket! Can I have it back?”

“I’m not giving you MY blanket back,” she smirked, “I found it on MY desk when you put it there and you and Vivi were playing that game,”

“I forgot! Give it back!”

“It was on MY property, therefore mine. It must not have meant a lot to you if you just placed it on someone else’s desk. I think my puppy would love sleeping on it. It’s a dog blanket anyway,” Holly hurried away. ______________ said nothing and headed to the car. Marco was there to pick her up. He noticed that she looked visibly upset.

“What’s wrong?

“Holly stole my blanket,”

“What?!” she explained the situation the ride home, “Did you tell the teacher?!”

“I didn’t know she had it until after class! She said she was going to use it as a dog blanket!” she sobbed, “I-I’m sorry for losing it! I didn’t mean to!”

“You didn’t lose it, she stole it, big difference!” two things popped into Marco’s head. His main objective was to make ______________ feel better and how much trouble could he get in for stealing a blanket. At home, the other brothers immediately saw that ________________ was upset. Marco gave them the reader’s digest version.

“You mean the snobby girl with the blonde hair?” said Ace.

“Yeah…she said it’s hers now because I left it on her desk,”

“…Would it be wrong to punch a child?” said Fossa

“Anything is legal as long as you don’t get caught,” said Rakuyo

“No,” said Marco, “______________ tomorrow, you’re going to have to be assertive and get your blanket back!” Curiel snorts.

“________________, all you need to solve your little problem is old fashion ingenuity. First you need is some gunpowder and you a conveniently placed trail and a match—“

“NO!” said Marco, “Listen __________ just—,”

“—use a natural means,” said Vista, “There's a whip with rose thorns in my room, one quick swipe across her eyes—,”

“—Vista that's insane!” said Thatch. Marco sighs.

“Oh good, thanks Thatch—,”

“—I'll lend you my thermos, I'll fill it with boiling water, you can accidentally on purpose trip—.”


“What’s a teacher going to do?!” said Namur, “Especially since she can’t prove she took it!”

“I agree with Marco, we have to let her do the right way and tell first before taking action,”

“So we’re going to let that little bi—,” Rakuyo caught himself, “Bit girl, steal her blanket and get away with it?”

“So do you want her to go in there fist drawn?” said Jozu

“Preferably!” said Vista

“So the school to think we’re teaching her violence?” said Marco

“She’s taking back what’s hers!” said Bleheim

“There has to be another way,” as the men argued, Izo pulled ____________ off to the side.

“Darling, what’s the name of your classmate?”

“Holly Horke,”

“Horke…do you know what her Mommy look like?”

“Yeah! I saw her a few times! She had dark red hair, green eyes, and always wears gold bracelets and short dresses!”

“Clarisse. Thank you hon. Oy idiots! I’ll handle it,” said Izo, “Woman to woman,”

“You’re not a woman Izo,” said Speed Jill.

“Say that again I’ll knife you,”

“Let me go with,” said Fossa.

“Me too!” said Thatch.

“No! I’m sure she’s not going to want a group of intimidating looking men confronting her at once. NO woman wants to be intimidated like that. I’ll work my magic and be right back,” Izo grabbed his coat and left the house without another word. ______________________ however was miserable. She had no idea how she was going to sleep tonight. Ace was coaching her in his room.

“Okay first you go up to her and you shove her hard and say “give me back my blanket!”

“I can’t shove her! That’ll be mean!”

“She took something that was yours! You have all right to be mean! Now shove me!”



“NO! I don’t want to shove you!”

“Quit being a girl and SHOVE me!”

“What does being a girl have to do with anything?!”

“Everything! You’re not a regular girl! You’re a Whitebeard girl! That means you HAVE to be tough!”

“I am tough but I’m not going to bully!”


“I’m not a wimp!”

“Prove it!” she glared and shoved him hard. Ace was taken by surprise. He grinned.

“Now, get into my face!”


“Get in my face and trash talk me!”

“I-I can’t do that!”

“It’s how boys fight! Shove me and call me a fuckin’ bitch!”

“That’s super mean! I can’t call her that!”

“You have to go at her and say “Listen you bitch, you better give me back that blanket or I’ll punch you so hard your mother is going to feel it!”

“That’s threatening!”

“That’s how boys fight!”

“But Holly is a girl!”

“But she stole from you! Get into her face, shove her into a wall and say ‘Listen you fuckin’ bitch, you better give me back my blanket or I’m going to knock your teeth out!”

“ACE!” the pair jumped and turned to see Vista at the door, “The hell did you say?!”

“I was teaching her to fight like a boy!”

“That’s not going to work! Little lady, you have to fight dirty!”


“You take back what’s your by force. First you ask her one last time for your blanket back. If she refuses, grab her by the ear, shove her into a wall and hold her in place until you get your blanket back!”

“But wouldn’t that hurt her?!”

“She took your blanket, she started you, you finish it!”

“I hear that!” said Marco, “Stop teaching her how to fight dirty or fight like a boy! _____________ tell the teacher and then go from there!”

“What if the teacher doesn’t do anything?!” said Namur, “Then what?!”

“We’ll just get her a new one,”

“I don’t want a new one! I want my blanket back!” said ____________________, “It’s not fair!”

“Damn right it isn’t!” said Vista. That was when they heard the door slam downstairs, then stomping up three flights of stairs. Izo shoves Namur and Marco out of the way. He grabbed _________________ and whisked her away to his room and closed the door. She could tell immediately that Izo was angry. He took her hands.

“__________________, I’m going to teach you a technique that I thought I wouldn’t have to teach you until you were in high school but desperate times calls for desperate measures. I’m going to teach you the art of throwing shade,”

“What’s throwing shade?” said __________________

“It’s how women fight and it’s very, very dirty. You see, men and women are different in certain ways, mainly in hierarchies and social practices. If you were dealing with a boy, I would say to beat the ever living crap out of him but you’re dealing with another girl whose mother is teaching her how to be a very foul young lady. So you’re going to have to fight like that type of woman, with shade. And in the future, don’t use this technique unless absolutely necessary and only to defend yourself, got it?”

“Yes Izo,”

“Good, so listen to this and listen well and repeat every single thing I tell you,” after her lesson with Izo, she retreated to her room. She went inside and immediately opened the panel door to the balcony a bit to see the stars. She hunkered into bed. She then heard heavy footsteps. Whitebeard walked in.

“Hey Champ,” he said smiling at her, “You think you can’t last the night?”

“I think so,” she said sadly, “I don’t know why she doesn’t like me. I didn’t do anything to her!”

“Well, you’ll find out in life that there are people out there who are just jerks. No matter what you do in life, they’ll just be mean for no reason,”

“She said it was because I was a charity case or something. Like Vivi is a princess and it’s because I’m adopted but I have a family now! She said it’s because I poor, I don’t even know WHY that makes a difference!”

“It doesn’t,” he sat on her bed, “A man should not be judge by their physical wealth or power. Sadly you’re going to encounter people like that,”

“Say Pops, what is your job? I don’t want to sound rude but I’m just curious,” he chuckled

“ Let’s just say I work in keeping things in balance. It’s a dirty job but it’s fun,”

“As long as you’re having fun!” he laughs and hugged her tightly before tucking her in. He noticed the door being opened slightly.

“You’re using the Marco Trick. When he was younger, he could only sleep by looking at the stars at night. He’s rubbing off on you!”

“I hope! He’s so cool!” he tucked her in tight and closed the door behind her. _______________ thought about what Izo said to her. She didn’t want to hurt anyone and Izo said that this wouldn’t harm her in anyway, just on the inside. She yawned and replayed what she had to say. She hoped she would get her blanket back.

Ace decided he was going to do the big brother thing and get his sister’s blanket back. He and Sabo have been watching the girls practice and knew they schedule by heart. The girls had their break at 10 for about half an hour. The girls usually ate something from home or from the bakery nearby. He was about to confront Holly to give back _________________’s blanket. However, ________________ approached her first. Ace grinned. She was going to fight her! However, _______________ didn’t raise a fist. She looked at Holly and said something. Holly’s face went white, then it went red, then tears poured down her face as she kept talking. The little girls ran out of the school in complete tears. She ran all the way to her mother who was across the street having her nails down. Ace watched as Holly told her something. Clarisse grabbed her daughter’s mouth, grabbed her daughter and ran to her car, grabbed the blanket from the back of her car, and shoved it into her daughter’s arms. Holly ran to ______________, apologized over and over to __________________ and gave her back her blanket. Ace witnessed what happened. He was expecting to see _________________ strangle the girl with her ribbon but all she did was say a few things to her and it sent Holly running out in tears. He ran all the way back home and told everyone what he witnessed.

“I don’t know WHAT she said but Holly AND her Mom were crying and they gave back the blanket!”


“Whatever she said, it made her cry!”

“Hell at least she got her blanket back,” said Speed Jill

“True but what did she say?” they shrugged it off until it was time to pick her up. Marco waited at the entrance. He watched as she came walking out laughing and talking with Vivi holding her blanket happily. They said their goodbyes and she ran to Marco. He pulled her into an one armed hug and they started on their walk to the car.

“So, got your blanket back?”

“Yep! I’m so happy!”

“We’re going to have to wash it when we get home,”


“So, how did you get it back?”

“I told her what Izo told me to say,” Marco looked down at her.

“Oh? What did he tell you to say?”

“That she should respect my things and give me back my blanket or else,”

“…or else what?”

“Or else I’ll tell everyone her family’s dirty little secrets,”

“…did she give back the blanket at first?”


“…what did you say?”

“I told her who her real father is. The evidence is all over since she has blonde hair and green eyes and everyone else are brunettes with dark eyes. Also her father has been screwing the secretary for the last five years and that she has a half brother and sister because of it. I told her that if she didn’t give me back my blanket, I would tell her mother about her father’s affair and then tell the school about her prostitute, sex addict mother. Long story short, she gave me back my blanket,” Marco rubbed his temples and continued their drive home. Once in the house, he passed the blanket to Bleheim who took it the laundry.

“My little sweetie!” Izo scooped her up into one of his hugs, “How did it go?!”

“I got my blanket back!”

“Did you do what I told you?”


“That’s my girl!” he ruffled her hair

“Hey little lady, Ace and the boys are eating outside,” said Thatch, “Hurry up and eat before there’s nothing left!”

“Awesome!” she scampered away. The room looked at Izo. He looked at them.

“I did NOTHING wrong!”

“You told her to tell that little girl that her mother’s a prostitute and her father was a cheater and NOT her father!” said Marco

“You damn right I did!”

“SHIT IZO!” said Fosse, “Seriously?!”

“What the actually fuck!” said Blamenco

“Oh don’t you guys DARE judge me!” he retorts and pointed at Curiel, “You wanted to light the girl on fire,” he points to Vista, “You wanted to blind her with a whip made of thorns,” he points to Thatch, “YOU wanted to throw boiling water on her! I showed her how to get back at a bully in a nonviolent way! The WOMAN way. No one got hurt!”

“Her feelings got hurt!” said Bleheim. Izo poured a glass of wine.

“And I should care because?”

“Izo!” they shouted

“Listen, I’m not saying what I did was wrong but I did everything to right way until her cunt of a mother called me a perverted tranny and told me our home wasn’t suitable for a little a kid if I was there,” the room went silent for a few moments.

“Izo, is this true?” said Whitebeard coming down the stairs. He nodded looking a bit annoyed.

“Okay we didn’t know that,” said Kingdew

“Yeah, okay, NOW we know you had your reasons,” said Jozu

“What really happened?” said Whitebeard. Izo took a drink.

“When ________________ didn’t come home with her blanket and looked upset, I got upset. She loves that thing and she does need it to sleep at night. So while you all were talking about how she was going to get her blanket back, I decided to talk to Mrs. Horke about the situation. She goes to the same salon as I do you see and she was there. So I decided to talk to her woman to woman,”

“Hi Mrs. Horke, you don’t know me but I’m Izo Newgate, ________________, big brother? It’s nice to meet you properly,”

“Tch, what do you want?” she said looking Izo up and down. He smiled pleasantly.

“I hate to say this but your daughter, Holly, has ________________’s blanket. I know it’s just a blanket to you but it means the world to her. She can’t really sleep without it and she’s very upset. I was wondering would you please have her give it back to her tomorrow or even today if you can,”

“I don’t have to give you anything,” Mrs. Horke retorts, “She’s just a little stray and should be used to not getting things. Just because you guys cater to strays, doesn’t mean my child has to. If she wants the blanket, she’s keeping the blanket and no nasty looking tranny coming up to me thinking he’s my equal is going to change that. Now get out of my face,”

“THE HELL?!” said Namur, “She’s called you a tranny?!”

“The fuck she think she is?!” said Fossa.

“Shit I’m surprised you didn’t gut her right there!” said Rakuyo

“Oh I wanted to, then I thought something vicious. You see, after her hair appointment, she loves going to a wine bar afterwards so I followed and went in twenty minutes after she did. I know the bartender and I gave him the heads up and I started ordering her drink after drink after drink. She became drunker and drunker and her lips got her looser and looser. So I swooped in and became her drunk gal pal,”

“Gal Pal?”

“The lady equivalent of your drinking buddy,” said Vista


“And what she told me was very interesting,” said Izo smirking

Both patrons were laughing and talking while they drank more and more. Well, Mrs. Horke drank and Izo just kept passing her drink after drink.

“So tell me Darling, why don’t I see Mr. Horke around the ribbon twirling?”

“W-Well, well, Weeeeeeeeeeell he’s probably with his whore,”


“His fuckin’ secretary, I think her name is Rita or something…he always wanted a blonde. I was blonde but I d-dyed my hair red. Toooo many johns were recognizing me!”

“Johns you say? Sweetie, don’t tell me you were a prostitute!”

“W-Were?! I am!” she slurred, “H-He doesn’t want to touch me a-any-any-anymore! He wants to be with his slutty c-cunt! H-He kn-knows I’m a ny-nymph-nymphomaniac!”

“You don’t say!” Izo topped off her glass, “This must be difficult for Holly,”

“I-I don’t fuuuuuuuck in the house! I go to sex clubs and let men do whatever to meeeeeeee, I love butt stuff and being pissed on. I’d wiiiiish I knew which one was her father,” Izo stopped in mid drink.


“I-I-I know my bastard husband isn’t her daaaaaaaaaaaaddy. All of his kids look like him…Rita has two of his kids and they BOTH look like him! Holly doesn’t even LOOK like him, hell she doesn't even look like meeeeeee,” she chuckled, “I’m so disgusting….it was probably that man that paid me ten grand to fill me with his hot sticky--,”

“Okay, okay TMI!” said Marco cutting him off.

“Damn, that’s just…shit,” said Kingdew

“What else happened?” said Vista.

“A man thought I was her pimp, paid me about five grand and took her out back,” said Izo, “So I went home and took ________________ to my room and taught her the art of shade. I’m treating everyone to dinner everyday next week with the money,”

“So you told a nine year old to say that?!” said Blamenco

“I have no regrets,” said Izo, “She had to fight dirty without using her fists. I understand you guys wanted her to fight but she had to fight in a different way. Yes it was cruel but she got her point across. She couldn’t beat the ever living shit out of her but that would have accomplished more problems. I didn’t want to air that woman’s business like that but she had it coming and she fought her battle,”

“I hate it when you’re right,” said Vista

“It comes with the territory of being more feminine than you guys. Listen, don’t worry about _______________. I told her when to use it and when not to. She’s a smart girl. I know she’ll make the right call. She doesn’t go looking for trouble and that’s the most important difference between her and Holly. You have nothing to worry about when it comes to out sweet baby,”

“You’re right,” said Whitebeard, “Izo, thank you,”

“Anytime! So everyone tell what you want to eat! Food and alcohol is on me!”

“You fuckin’ rock!” said Fossa. Meanwhile outside, ___________________ was eating her fourth PB&J and as Ace told the boy what happened.

“I didn’t know there were different ways to fight!” said Luffy

“Apparently!” said ________________

“Well yeah,” said Sabo, “I’ve seen noble women break up entire dinner parties with one word back at home,”

“That’s awesome!” said Luffy

“No it’s not! I made Holly and her mother cry!”

“Yeah but they had it coming,” said Ace, “And it’s not like actually hurt them,”

“I think I hurt their feelings!”

“People like that don’t have feelings. You gave them a hard truth and they couldn’t take it,”

“Still I do feel bad about it,”

“And that’s perfectly fine,” said Sabo, “And you got your blanket back,”

“And it proves you have a heart!” said Luffy grinning at her.

“But you can’t let people just take things from you!” said Ace, “I still say the guy way is better,”

“No way! She made her cry with just saying stuff!”

“It doesn’t work on you! I insult you all the time and you just take it!”

“That’s because I know you LOVE me!” said Luffy grinning

“I don’t!”

“Do too! Ace LOVES ME!”

“THAT’S IT!” Ace tackled and started wrestling with Luffy. Sabo sighed.

“Maybe the guy way isn’t always the best way,”

“Neither is the girl way if you don’t know you’re being insulted,” said _______________, “I guess ignorance is bliss,”


Chapter 3: Bad Dreams


She's starting to have bad dreams every night. She sees people she's never seen. But she feels like she knows them.

Chapter Text

“L-Leave him alone!” the girl said holding a frying pan in front of her. Behind her was another figure and he was cowering a bit. His face was bruised, bloody, and tears rolling down his face. In front of her were three boys, a redhead, a blue haired, and a green haired. The boy behind her was blonde. She couldn’t see their faces but she knew they were bad news. Words were exchanged and the boys came at her. She swung the iron pan hard smacking the redheaded boy across his face. He went down and held his face. The other two were stunned and then looked enraged and went after her. She glared and kick the blue haired one in the stomach. It knocked the wind out of him, allowing her to smack the green haired boy and then hit the second one with the pan. They staggered to get up. Her wrist was grabbed as she and the blonde boy ran and they hid. They heard footsteps and things being knocked over and then silence. They kept silent in their hiding spot for a long time before they came out. He looked at her.


“No prob!” she grinned happily at him. He grinned back and hugged her.

“No…really thanks!”

“Hey! I kind of have to! Three on one isn’t fair and have to protect my favorite—,”

“Don’t call me that! I don’t wanna be a prince,”

“Kind of have to,” she said

“Plus, I’m supposed to be protecting you not the other way around,”

“I can take care of myself,”

“You’re like what six?”

“Seven in a few months!” he laughed. He led her back into the kitchen and went to a cupboard. He pulled out a dessert and handed it to her, “What’s this?”

“A thank you for every time you helped me and well, for being the first fiancée ever!” she laugh and took a big bite, “How is it?”

“It’s so go—!”

“THERE THEY ARE!” she turned to see the three boys again and this time with someone behind them. __________________’s heart stopped.

“You’re in BIG trouble,”

__________________ jerked awake and sat up in bed. She’s been having this dream for years, more so lately since she moved into her new home. It always ended the same way, however this time the boys entered the kitchen after her dessert and that was the first time she saw that huge man. Whoever he was, he scared her awake. She got up from bed and went downstairs for some water. This was the first time she realized her dream has more parts to it. It was always the three boys and the blond boy. She didn’t recognize them and swore she never seen them before. She had dreams about them before. She was starting to think there were more to these dreams. She walked back upstairs with her water. She froze when someone came out of the bathroom and towards her. He stopped when he realized a tiny body was looking up at him. He looked down.

“Why are you up?” Jozu ruffled her hair.

“Can’t sleep, I had a bad dream,”


“I have no idea anymore,” she said miserably. He took her downstairs for some milk and sat in front of her looking at her expectantly, “I’ve had the dream before but now it’s getting longer! Like at first it was really kind of funny but now…every time I dream it, I get scared,”

“How long has been having these bad dreams?”

“For about two weeks,”

“You should have told us,”

“I usually fell back to sleep. But now they won’t let me,” she said yawning.

“I’ll find a solution,” he said smiling

“Really?! Not even Marco’s blanket helps! And that ALWAYS help,”

“Don’t worry, I’ll think of something but until then, get some sleep,” she nodded. He carried her upstairs, tucked her in and went off. ____________________ felt the milk kicking in as she closed her eyes. She started feeling relaxed as she slowly went to sleep again.

In the morning, Ace, Sabo, and Luffy were waiting in the courtyard. Usually ____________ would be with them, usually to tell them what she thought of their plans and give a better insight as why it would or would not work.

“She should have been here by now,” said Sabo

“I know right?!” said Luffy, “She’s never late,”

“She hadn’t been sleeping well,” said Ace, “I actually saw her face plant into her cereal,”

“You do that all the time,”

“Yeah but she NEVER does it. She’s been having these really weird dreams about three boys with different color hair, her saving one with blonde hair, and eating a weird dessert with him. But she also says she remembers Sabo without his hat,”

“....but Sabo ALWAYS wears his hat like I do,”

“That’s what makes everything so weird!”

“Speak of the devil,” said Sabo. __________________ was yawning and joined them under the big tree in the courtyard. She looked exhausted and listless, “Are you okay?”

“Can’t sleep. Thatch snuck me some coffee. He said it’ll perk me up a bit but just a really small amount,”

“We heard you couldn’t sleep!” said Luffy, “That’s weird!”

“Don’t you ever get bad dreams?”

“Nah! Ace said I’m too stupid to get them!”

“I’m not lying am I?! Besides, sleeping is easy, I do it all the time,” said Ace, “Whenever I want, wherever I want!”  

“You have narcolepsy! You can sleep even if you don’t want to!” said ___________________

“True but it’s not hard,”

“I’m just trying to make heads and tails of these dreams. Like if I knew if everything in it happened or not, then it wouldn’t be so bad!”

“Well, I think sometimes, ignorance can be bliss,” said Sabo, “Maybe it’s a good thing you don’t remember,”

“What does that mean?!” said Luffy

“Well, it means that it’s best not to know something and be happy than knowing it and being miserable,”

“It’s best to know,” said Ace, “That way it doesn’t spring on you later!”

“I’d rather know, just so I can get some sleep,” said __________________ yawning, “I’ve been having really weird dreams every single night,”

“What is the dream?”

“It’s so weird! Like I’m always smacking three boys with a frying pan and each of them have different color hair and these weird hairstyles! After I smack them, a blonde boy takes me hand and we hide. The other boys are looking for us. It used to be they never found us and we go back to this enormous kitchen and he gives me this really tasty dessert! But now, the three boys find us and behind them are three people. One man is huge, the second one is a little shorter and the third is a woman. They’re dressed fancy and they look really mad at me. The shorter one raised his hand and all I always wake up,”

“That’s scary!” said Luffy

“And Pops would murder someone if they hit any of his kids,” said Ace

“I know right? That’s why everything felt so weird. Maybe it’s something from back when I was with my parents,”

“Do you remember anything about them?”

“Not really, like I can’t even remember what they look like,”

“That’s weird,” said Luffy

“You can’t remember your family either,”

“It’s just me and Grandpa, that’s all I really need and Dadan!”

“Trust me, it’s not always good to remember what your family is like,” said Sabo

“Or know who they are,” said Ace.

“I know, I mean for the longest time it was just Sister and me. Since I don’t remember my parents, I can’t say I miss them because I don’t know them,” said __________________, “It’s like one day I woke up and I just been with Sister from that moment on, until I came here,”

“Are you curious?” said Sabo

“Kind of but I figure there had to be a reason for them to give me up. Maybe they just couldn’t take care of me,”


“Let’s not talk about this,” said Ace getting up, “There’s a lot of people we have to pickpocket,”

“At least do it during the rush hour time,” they look at her, “You know when everyone is going on their lunch breaks or going home. They’re too distracted to notice anyone,”

“….see this is why we have morning meetings,”

“Great plan!” said Luffy. They boy headed off. She decided to stayed behind. She had a lot of thinking to do.

“Hey __________________ you coming or what?” said Ace

“Nah, I’ll just stay here, I need to think about this,”

“Suit yourself, we’ll be back later! I swear girls are weird,”

“Bye ____________________!” said Luffy, “We’ll bring you back something!”

“Not a dead rat again!” she called out

“Told you she wouldn’t like it!” said Ace

“I’ll pick the gift,” said Sabo

“NOTHING DEAD!” she called back out

“OKAY!” Once out of sight, she made her way back inside and up to the garden. She’s been trying to make herself try to remember her dreams when she wasn’t awake but that hard. She remembered the feelings, the situations but like her dreams, she couldn’t see the faces of the people. She groaned and filled up the watering can and started watering the vegetables around the garden. She had to get her mind off of it. There were a lot of things she couldn’t remember. Like she knew she knew Sabo but couldn’t remember when and where. She remembered being in really frilly dresses but couldn’t remember when. She couldn’t remember a lot of things but Thatch said that was a good thing.

“Trust me kid, if you can’t remember certain things, you can’t get hurt by them,” but that’s what scared her, what she forgot about her new family? What if she forgot about Ace or Luffy or Sabo?! That was definitely be a nightmare.

“I think the cucumbers are full little lady,” she snapped from her thoughts and saw that the planter was overflowing. She quickly stopped.


“Distracted today?” she nodded, “Want to talk? I heard you’ve been having bad dreams,”

“Yeah! But that’s not the scary part. I’m scared that if I can’t remember my dreams…I won’t remember you guys someday! That scares me the most! Do people just don’t remember or is it just me?” Whitebeard grinned and sat her on his knee.

“Children tend to forget about things that happen to them before age seven unless it’s enforced. Certain moments are memorable like the first day of school, favorite class, favorite friends, and important things like that. However, no one truly remembers anyone who didn’t leave a mark on them. Unless you have a very severe accident, you’ll always remember us. And if you do forget…then we’ll help you to remember every single moment you had with us. Sounds good?”


“Memories are never lost, just put to sleep until the time comes! But until then, make new ones so you can’t be healthy and happy,”

“Okay! Thanks Pops!”

“Now that we got your fears out of the way, let’s make new memories! Wanna tag along with your old man?” she grinned.


“Let’s go!” he placed her onto his shoulders and took her downstairs to the car. She strapped herself in and they drove off. She learned very quickly that when Pops asked if someone wants to tag along with him nothing but an adventure was bound to happen.

“Where are we going?”

“To meet an old friend. He owns a restaurant and I thought about him hiring his services,”

“Ooh! For what?!”

“If I told you it wouldn’t be a surprise,”

“Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease?” he ruffled her hair.

“Okay, okay, it’s for your nun, Flora. I wanted to do something special for her and I don’t think she wouldn’t mind having dinner with her sons and daughter,”

“Ooh! I won’t tell but she’s ALWAYS find out,”

“We took a LOT of precautions this time! That woman is a bloodhound. Trust me I know! NOTHING gets passed her. So this year we’re going to surprise her with a huge dinner and cake,”

“What kind of cake?”

“Probably her favorite, triple chocolate,” her eyes lit up, “We’re going to have to order a massive one. It’s going to be a special day,”

“I hope! Can I help?”

“You can decorate with Izo. But it’s not for a long time,”


“And I know she’s going to want to see you looking healthy and happy or she’s going to kick my ass,”

“Climb the trees! That’s what I used to do! Then again you’re bigger than most trees! To the bell tower! I used to hide there all the time!” he laughed.

“I needed that advice the first time I felt her wrath!” he then pulled into a parking spot and they got out. _______________ skipped ahead. Whitebeard walked behind keeping a close eye on her. She was about to open the door to the restaurant when she was immediately grabbed and pulled back. She clung to him as a man went flying out the door. The man was visibly shaken as another man stormed out. He had blonde-colored hair, which was kept underneath his extra-long chef's hat. His mustache was considerably long, and braided. She noticed he was wearing a chef’s uniform, with a blue ascot, and white apron. He stalked towards the man and started yelling at him violently.

“I TOLD YOU TO GET BUTTON MUSHROOMS! THOSE WERE SHITAKE! DO YOU THINK ALL MUSHROOMS ARE ALIKE?! You better be DAMNED lucky I didn’t put it in the stew! GO GET THE RIGHT MUSHROOMS YOU—!” Almost immediately Whitebeard covered the young girl’s ears. He stormed back inside as the man picked himself up and hurried away to get the proper mushrooms. The restaurant was empty except for a few chefs and waiters cleaning the tables and preparing for the dinner rush.

“Ummm Captain…you have a visitor,” the man turned. Whitebeard smirked.  

“….Long time no see,” said the man

“Hello Zeff, still doing this restaurant thing?”

“I don’t know, still doing that family thing?” both men laughed. That was when the chief’s eyes fell to the tiny figure clinging and hiding behind his old friend, “Looks like you have a new little one? And a little girl,” he reached out. _______________ immediately hid behind Whitebeard’s leg.

“Hey, don’t be shy,” he said and gently nudged her out, “Zeff won’t hurt you,” she looked as though Pops grew two heads. Not even a moment ago she saw the man yell and throw a man out of his restaurant. Zeff knelt down and gave her a sweet smile.

“I’m only mean to knuckleheads who deserve it,” he said winking at her, “Pretty much all men,” he pats her head, “Listen; we have some leftover desserts from earlier today. I would be honored if you ate a few,” she looks at Pops.


“Guararararara! Go nuts! You don’t want to hear two old men talking!” she snorts and heads for the kitchen. She’s never seen a chief’s kitchen before. It looked so clean like super clean. Everything was made from stainless steel and made the place nice and bright. It was also nice and cool compared to outside and she could smell soup simmering and bread baking. It smelt so good. She saw the table with the desserts and headed towards them. However she stopped when she someone caught her eye. A blonde haired boy was washing dishes. He was standing on a stool and scrubbing and putting them carefully away on the rack to dry. She cringed. She hated washing dishes personally but she knew with help, it’ll get done faster.

“Hey!” he jumped a bit, “Oops sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you! Need help?”

“Nah,” said the boy glancing over his shoulder but not turning around, “I got it! I’m guessing the old man didn’t want you around so he told you to make yourself scarce,”

“Yeah, to be fair so did my Dad,”

“Old man too?”

“Yep,” they chuckled.

“You sure you don’t want some help?”

“Nah I got it, besides, having a girl wash dishes is criminal in this kitchen. The old man would soon kill me but you can have some leftover desserts,”

“Really?! Awesome!” she went towards the cake and took a few bites from plate. When she spied something in a white ramekin dish, “Can I try this stuff in the white bowl?”

“Go ahead,” he said. She grabbed a spoon and took some. She felt like she had this before but couldn’t pinpoint it but she knew one thing. It was fantastic.

“….What is this?”

“Chocolate soufflé,” said the boy, “Made it myself!”

“It’s SO good! It’s so light and chocolaty! I hope Thatch can teach me how to make this!”

“Soufflés are easy! All you have to do is he whisk egg whites, add chocolate and fold it in,”

“How many eggs?” he laughed and recited his entire recipe. She scribbled it with a pen and paper she found, “got it all?”

“Yep! I’ll ask Thatch if he’ll make it with me!”

“Like cooking?”

“Yeah! Usually it’s prep work like chopping things and stirring,”

“Wow, at least they’re handling food, the old man won’t even let me help. Just dish duty for now,”

“Is Zeff your Dad?”

“Kind of, he’s better than my actual dad but he’s a jerk most of the time but I love it here,”

“You’re adopted too?”

“You can say that. You?”

“Yep! Like a few months ago! Before I was living in a convent with Sister,”

“Like a nun? Were you two able to eat much?”

“Yeah! We had a garden and people often brought us things we needed,”

“Wait…was Flora your nun?”

“YEAH! Do you know her?!”

“Zeff does! Whenever we run out of vegetables, he goes straight to her for some more. He always say,” he cleared his throat, “Flora has the BEST shit! I won’t buy any vegetable unless Flora grew it! Everything she grows tastes like it’s been kissed by angels!” _______________ laughed.  

“Her veggies are the best! What we didn’t finish she put it into a huge compost heap. That’s what keeps them tasty,”


“Yeah! So we don’t waste food, we put it all into this big pile with grass and bunny and bat poop. Mainly bunny…she used to make me gather that myself. It was gross! It gets really rotten and smells terrible but we use it to fertilize the garden. It smells really bad when it gets outside hot but it made everything grow super fast huge!”

“Huge is an understatement! I remember seeing a tomato bigger than my head!”

“It’s the best stuff! It just smells REALLY bad. I want to start one with Pops for the roof garden. I think it’ll help but maybe in a container,”

“Good call,”

“Hey munchkins,” said Zeff walking in. He pats _________________ on the head, “You two okay back here?”

“Yes sir!” the boy grunted.  

“You can take the rest of those pantries if you want,”


“Yep! I don’t have much of a sweet tooth and I don’t want it to go to waste,” he grinned.

“I won’t! I’m sharing it with brother and other two friends!”

“Then it’s all yours! And if you like, stop by and I’ll give any scrap dessert you want,”

“REALLY?! Okay!” the boy snorts. She must really love sweets.

“Hey, _______________ are you ready?” said Whitebeard. Something in the boy clicked. _________________?  

“Coming Pops!” the boy turned, just as she scampered out the door. His eyes widen when he saw the girl he was talking to. He dropped a dish in shock. The crash made everyone turn. He saw her face to face. The last time he saw her, she was younger, bruised, and unkempt. Now she looked like the girl she was suppose to be. She grinned at him, “It was great talking with you! Hope to see you again!”

“See you later,”

“Bye Mr. Zeff, bye umm—,”

“Sanji,” Zeff answered for him. He was too stunned to move as the pair left. He quickly snapped out of it and ran towards the door but she and Whitebeard were already driving away. He called out to her but nothing. He went after them only to be grabbed by Zeff. Sanji kept calling out her name and slowly gave up when he lost sight of her. Tears rolled down his face as Zeff took him inside. He gave him some milk to calm down. He downed it.

“Girl from your past?” he looks at him and nodded.

“W-Why did you stop me!”

“Was she the one you were telling me about?” he nodded and looked down. Zeff sighed before he gently touched his shoulder, “Sanji listen, if she doesn’t remember you, it’s a good thing,”

“WHY?! She HAS to remember me! Why did she forget about me?!”

“Because whatever happened to her, her mind is making her forget,” Zeff got up and poured him some more milk and placed it in front of him, “Listen to me and listen well, you don’t know what happened in that dungeon. You don’t know what happened to her. The human mind is a very powerful thing. In order to protect itself and its host, it seals away traumatic experiences. Whatever happened was so horrible that her mind covered it up. You know what your family is capable of, you experienced it firsthand. She isn’t family, you can imagine what happened. Especially since you even said yourself, she shouldn’t be alive,”

“T-Then what I am supposed to do?!”

“Nothing, she’ll either remember you in due time and if she does remember, then she’ll remember her past and remember what happened in that dungeon. Or she’ll remember you and only you and not her past. Who knows? Just carry on and become her friend all over again. She’s a sweet young girl, living with a greatest man and the great family she could ever want. Don’t ruin it with her past,” Sanji glared at him but realized that he was right, “This gives you a chance to be friends again. Don’t think because you two were promised to each other she has to marry you. She’s not a noble and you’re not a prince,”

“I never wanted to marry her! She’s my friend! I just…I just wanted to protect her just like she protected me,”

“Then become stronger. That’s the best and only thing you can do right now. And on that day when she does remember, you can show her that you’re no longer the boy who let her down but the man who’s going to make sure her kindness won’t go to waste,” Sanji nodded. Zeff sent him on an errand so he could clear his head. The old man couldn’t help but smile at how fate had a funny way of revealing things.

“SCORE!” said Luffy grabbing at the cake with Ace and Sabo, “Thanks ________________!”

“You’re seriously the best!”

“Just don’t waste it! Mr. Zeff said I can come by and get the scrap cake when he’s done every day!”

“Fuck yeah!” said Ace munching happily. Sabo took a bite too.

“We got you something but nothing compared to this!” he said

“It’s not a rat again is it?”

“Nah! We found a possum but Sabo said you’d probably freak out or something,”

“Was it dead?”

“Yeah we were going to make it into a possum hat,”

“Gross now I’m afraid what you guy found,” Ace tossed her a pair of earrings, “Wow! These are pretty!”

“Nicked them off some woman. She had like a whole bag of them,”

“I think they were going to be gifts or something,” said Sabo and pulled ________________’s hair back, “And if course you don’t have pierced ears,”

“We can pierce them, it’s not a big deal,” said Ace

“….you know how to pierce ears?”

“I’ve seen people get them pierced. All you need is a needle, towels, and earrings,”

“Let’s do it!” said Luffy

“Later though,” said Sabo, “Let’s finish this cake! Then I have to get going. Dragon gets worried when we’re out when it’s late,”

“Just crash here,” said Ace

“Can’t, if I bail on morning chores with Koala, she’ll kill me,”

“Well what about you Luffy?” said Ace

“I don’t want a fist of love!”

“Okay, okay. ___________________ don’t tell me you have plans,”

“Yeah, I got a recipe to make soufflé and I want to make it with Thatch. But before you two go, grab some desserts!”

“Thanks you so much!” said Luffy grabbed a few more and running off with Sabo running after him. ________________ nudges Ace.

“But you know we always need someone to help make things! Wanna join us?”

“I’m not baking anything! That’s so girly,”

“….you can lick one of the bowls,”

“Deal,”  when it was finally time for bed, __________ look at her room with dread. She didn’t want to have another dream like the one she’s been having for the last week. If Marco’s blanket couldn’t help her, nothing could. She opened the door and then saw something in front of her face. She stared. It was a weird circle web with a bead in the middle and feathers hanging from it. She leaned back and looks up to see Jozu looking at her with grin.

“What’s this?”

“Dream catcher,” he said, “It lets in all of your good dreams and trap the bad ones. You’ll be able to sleep tonight,”




“Cross my heart,” he grinned and hung it over her bed. He tucked her in and kissed her good night. In the morning, _______________ bounced stairs refreshed and ready for the day. She gave Jozu a big hug.

“It worked!” she said happily

“Told you,”

“What worked?” said Atmos

“Jozu gave me a dream catcher for my weird dreams and it worked!” she grinned, “And it took my bad dream away and gave me a new one!”

“Oh?” said Whitebeard, “Like?”

“I was in that story Izo told me about the princess and the frog,” she grinned, “You were the king, Pops!”

“As I should,” he puffed out his chest, “Don’t tell me you were a frog,”

“Eww no but I had to kiss one and it turned into Ace, weird huh?” he snorts.

“Yeah weird,” she grabbed a piece of fruit and ran outside to meet the boys. The table was silent for a few moments.

“Ace huh?” said Curiel

“Yep,” said Whitebeard

“Think she knows why she had that dream?”  

“It’s going to hit them both eventually,” said Jozu

“Then there’s only one thing left to do,” said Thatch taking out a piece of paper, “Bets to see who realizes it first?”

“I bet they grow out of it,” said Fossa

“Nah, Ace will realize it at fourteen,” said Curiel, “________________ at fifteen,”

“Give the girl some credit,” said Izo, “________________ fourteen, Ace is clueless, I give him sixteen,”

“Don’t bet on the kids!” said Whitebeard, “Let them live their childhoods,” he said taking a long gulp of coffee, “Wait until they’re thirteen then we can create a pool,”

He waited until he was sure everyone was asleep when decided to sneak out of his room and headed down into the kitchen. He asked a maid if she would leave out some food for him and he was so happy she did. He took the large meal and snuck downstairs. He went to a room and armed with a key opened the room. Inside was a very nice and beautiful room but it was cold and he could smell a foul stench of pain. On the bed, she sat, holding her stomach. She flinched when she saw the door opening. She smiled at him. He gently placed the plate in front of her. He never seen anyone tear into food like she did.

“Thank you so much!” she said through stuffed cheeks. He couldn’t help but stare. She was still smiling.

“WHY?!” he said looking at her. She swallowed.

“Why what?”

“Why did you attack them?! Why did you go after them?!”

“They were hurting you,” she said simply, “Three on one isn’t fair, neither is two on three but the pan helped a lot,”

“Why did you help me?!”

“I don’t like seeing people in pain. And we’re supposed to get married right? Someone has to look out for you. May as well be me,”

"I don't want you to be my wife!"

"Why?! What did I do?!"

“You’re too nice to stay here,”


“You’re too nice. I’d rather not marry you and let you never step foot here again! As soon as I’m able, I’m getting out of here and never looking back,”

“You sound like Sabo,” she said grinning, “He wants to leave too,”

“Don’t you?”

“Of course I do. Do you know how many people my parents introduced me to for marriage? You’re the first really nice one! And imagine, I can tell everyone my husband is great cook,” he grinned.

“What’s your dream?”

“Don’t know yet. I want to be free but I’m still a kid, there’s plenty of time to figure out what I really want to do someday,” he snorts. She looked at him with a smile but tears were pouring down her face. He looked alarmed, “But I know one thing for sure. I want to have a reason to smile not thinking of reasons to,” he remembered hugged her tightly until she fell asleep. He snuck her more food the next few days. Until one day, she wasn’t in the secret room. He found blood on her bed and ran to see if he could get answers. He didn’t know where she was. She looked all over the place and couldn’t find her. He learned from a maid that her family was gone. But something told him that something wasn’t right. He went to the kitchen and checked the cupboards. She wasn’t there either.

“Looking for your wife?” he turned. Her brothers were smirking at him. He swallowed a lump in his throat before glaring.

“W-What did you guys do?!”

“We didn’t do anything,” said Ichiji, “But we can’t say that father didn’t do anything,”


“Heh, well, her father wasn’t too happy with what she did to us, so he taught her lesson with Dad. Don’t know what happened in there but we kept hearing her scream and begging them to let her go,” Sanji froze. Niji snorted

“What’s the matter? Your wife isn’t around to protect you so you’re not getting cold feet?”

“Where is she?”

“Dead,” said Yonji grinning. His eyes widened, “You didn’t know? You were sneaking her food. You were her last chance. Parents told her that if she didn’t get a noble family or a royal family to betroth her, she would be dealt with,”


“Yeah but she attacked the three Vinsmokes who were worth something,” said Ichiji, “You’re worthless and she defended you and scarred us, so she dies,” He limped to his room. He didn’t stop until he was inside. He didn’t cry until he was inside. This was his fault. If she didn’t try to help him, then she wouldn’t have been punished. She paid with her life, in the name of helping someone else. He stared at his ceiling remembering their last conversation:

“Why do you smile a lot?”


“You smile a lot. Even when you’re starving, beaten, and hurt, you still smile. Why?!”

“Because they can’t take that away from me. Sometimes, it’s the only thing you can do. I’m not sad because I know you’ll bring me food when you can. I know I won’t be in this room forever. I know one day things have to get better for me, for you, and for Sabo! If I cried now, I’d be sad and I don’t want to be sad, I want to just be happy. You asked me what my dream was right? Well to be honest, there’s only one thing want. I want to be able to have a real smile without faking it because I’d really happy already,”

Sanji woke up. Tears rolled down his face. Today he saw his first friend with a huge smile on her face with a family she deserved. Even if she didn’t remember him or anything that happened, he was just happy to see her accomplish the one dream she ever had, hope.

Chapter 4: The Mule


The Little girl meets a red-haired man and a scary vice admiral

Chapter Text

_____________________ happily walked all over the neighborhood. It was taking her awhile but she was slowly getting acquainted with her whole family. Today however, she was just going to take it easy and explore the neighborhood while getting Thatch his ingredients for tonight’s meal. Thatch was very specific in what he wanted and gave her a list and more than enough money. She didn’t know what a hot pot was but Thatch said he needed to make sure there was enough for everyone. She hummed while she walked and took her time to look around and things. She loved explore and often found cool and interesting in alleys and tight corners of the town. She always went off the path so Thatch gave her a curfew for his ingredients for dinner and she always made it home on time. She was always armed with his little backpack basket that she used to carry groceries in. She was half way to the store when she saw a man leaning against the wall.

“Hey little lady!” he said smiling at her. He opened a bag of crackers

“Hello!” she said happily. He pointed his bag at her. She looked at the crackers inside.

“Want one?”

“Sure!” she reached in and munched happily. He chuckled at her. She looked at the man curiously. She never seen such a man before and she thought she met all of her brothers. This man was tall like Marco with dark eyes and a scar across his eye. But what really caught her attention was his bright red hair. She never seen someone with that color hair before, “Are you one of my brothers too?”

“You can kind of say that,” he pats her head. She giggled, “So what are you doing out here little lady?”

“Just exploring! Thatch told me to pick up these things from the market for him!”

“Did he now? Aren’t you a big girl?” he smiled, “Since you’re going that way, maybe you can do me a favor?”


“Can you pick me up something for me from a man? He’ll be dressed in black and wearing a cross. Ask if he’s Hawk, if he looks at you, say you’re here to pick up the package. Bring it back to me, okay?”

“Okay!” _______________ happily walked to the market. First she went inside and got all of the groceries that Thatch told her to get. When she was done, she trotted outside. In a corner, she saw a man standing away from the customers walking in and out. She cocked her head and slowly approached him. He wore a black hat, a long black and red coat, and had yellowish eyes. She grinned and gently tugged his coat. He looked down. She noticed his cross around his neck, “Excuse me, Father, but are you Mr. Hawk?” he looked at her puzzled before patting her head.

“I’m not a priest but I am Hawk,”

“Oh! I’m here to pick up the package!”

“…did a red-haired man send you?” she nodded. He rolled his eyes and took out a package.

“Thank you Mr. Hawk!” he nodded and she headed home. She then stopped in front of her redheaded brother with the package. He grins and takes it.

“Good girl!” he ruffled her hair.

“Hey!” she giggled.

“Wanna do something for me again tomorrow?”


“I’ll give you some more of those tasty crackers and,” he took out a few beli.

“Wow for me?!”

“Yep! You earned it! Now get home before Thatch worries about you!”

“Okay!” she skipped home. Thatch grinned as she handed over the ingredients. Tonight, thanks to ____________________ they had a hot pot that night.

“I can’t eat anymore!” said Ace later in his room.

“That was too good!” said Luffy

“So glad Thatch makes enough to feed an army,” said Sabo, “With Luffy’s appetite,”

“Hot pots are so good!” said ___________________

“You never had one?” said Ace. She shook her head.

“Sister didn’t make that stuff. She made a lot stew though!”

“Hey, stew is good!” said Sabo

“It was! She only made it when it got cold! People would donate meat and he would have beef stew, lamb stew, chicken soup, I think could only make stews, that’s why we had no much of it. But that hot pot was SO good,”

“Glad you liked it!” said Thatch from the door, “Because I’m going to have something good again tomorrow and I’m going to need my delivery girl again,”


“Why do you let her get ingredients for you?” said Ace

“Because the last time I send you food shopping we had enough meat to last us three months and we had to cook it all before it got frostbite,”

“Hey that was a good day!” said Luffy, “It was a meat party!”

“You mean barbeque,” said Sabo

“That’s why she does the deliveries. And because she can carry a lot in that little basket of hers,”

“LITTLE?! She’s like an ant!”

“What?” said Ace

“Ants can carry about five thousand times their weight,”

“…really?!” said Luffy, “Does that mean ___________________ can carry us?!”

“Well, probably just two of us,”

“Let’s test out that theory!”

“Not tonight!” said Thatch, “Tomorrow, she’s getting tempura ingredients tomorrow,” the boys eyes lit up, “Namur caught some shrimps and Fosse bought fresh crabs so we’re having that tomorrow,”

“_____________________!” Ace grabbed her hand and looked her dead in the eyes, “You HAVE to make sure you come back with that tempura flour! As a man you have to get that flour!”

“I’m not a man!”

“Yeah you are! Listen, tempura is one of the most delicious things EVER! If you don’t come back with that flour you’ll doom us all!”

“Don’t be so dramatic!” said Sabo, “She’ll get it and we’ll feast like kings!”

“KINGS!” said Luffy.

“Okay, off another hour then bed guys,”

“Okay!” they said in unison

In the morning, Thatch gave ____________________ his list, the money and her basket. She started on her journey to the market. This time she had to buy a twenty five pound bag of tempura flour, twenty five pounds of panko crumbs, and about three dozen eggs. She rounded the corner and was met with her new friend.

“Hey little one!” he said smiling at her.

“HI!” she said grinning happily. He pulled her into an one armed hug, “How are you?!”

“I’m good! You?”

“Very good! Ready for another delivery?”

“Ya huh!” he gets on one knee, “But I have to hurry home this time! Thatch is making tempura!”

“…you lucky little thing!”

“I never had it!”

“It’s best thing ever! I eat mine plain but some eat it with soy sauce. Try it both ways,”


“Today’s mission is going to be very tricky. You see, there’s Marines who can’t see you giving these packages to people. If they do, they might snatch you up,” her eyes widened, “Don’t worry, if anything happened, I’ll there to help okay?” she nodded, “But I really need those packages given to my friends,”

“Okay Cracker Man!” he snorts and handed her a few small packages. He gave her an address and directions. She was to go to each area and drop off one key in certain spots.

“Wait a minute,” he took her basket, the money, and the list, “Since you’re helping me out, I’ll get the ingredients for you. That way you’re not running around with all of that weight,”

“Oh! Thank you! But I have to be home in like a few hours,”

“No worries! You’ll get home in time! I promise!” She nodded and headed off happily. The first stop was a few blocks from town in a sewer. She opened the manhole and dropped the key down.

“Thanks kid!”

“You’re welcomed!” the next stop was in an abandoned building. She looked through the window and saw another man sitting in a corner. She tossed the package at him. He caught with his teeth.

“Thanks little lady!”

“You’re welcomed!” she did this about five more times in strange locations including a portable bathroom and one location was as far as the convent. She poked her head in to greet Sister before heading back home. She scampered back fast. It was nearly almost time for her to be home! She decided to take one of her many shortcuts down the alleyways like she did with Ace, Sabo, and Luffy. She was in the final alley and few blocks home with plenty of time to spare.

“HEY KID!” she jumped and stopped in tracks. A large man was looming over her. She cowered as he picked her up by nape of her shirt. He was a tall, tanned, broad-chested, muscular old man with a beard and a scar over his left eye. His eyes were blue and his hair is gray. She struggled to get away, “Quit squirmin’ and tell me where you’re headed!”

“NO! Marco said NEVER to talk to stranger and Cracker man said to not be around Marines!”

“Marines eh? No worries kid, just come with me and I’ll make sure you get home,”

“No! I don’t know you!”

“Too bad, you’re coming with—,” the man’s face went backwards, not expected to be kicked with a foot, causing him to drop her. She ran as fast as her little legs would carry her as the huge Marine went after her. She ran through buildings, she ran through alleys, and found herself on the rooftop. She hopped from roof to roof. She looked back and saw the Marine not only keeping up but shouting at her. She got to an edge and slid down the storm drain and didn’t stop until she was back around her area. When she made it back to the redheaded man she was out of breath and panting. He immediately ran to her to see if she was okay. When she told him what happened, he and his friends ducked into a bar. He hid her behind the bar as he looked around. Satisfied with no sight of the girl, he left. She crept out from behind and sighed in relief. The bartender, Miss Makino, was super nice and gave her a tall glass of juice. She guzzled it down.

“A TOAST!” said Cracker Man hoisting her up onto his shoulders, “To this little lady who’s efforts saved us and we can finally get out of here!”

“YAY!” she recognized a few of the men as the ones she gave the package keys to.

“Did someone get the drop on you and your crew?!” said Makino

“Don’t worry Makino. We’re fine,” he said smiling, “Everyone is okay, thanks to this little trooper,”

“What happened?!”

“We had a bit too much to drink in the last town and a few of us got shanghaied. I got information from Hawk Eye and he told me where they were and thanks to this little lady I was to get to them without arousing suspicion!”

“Who is this little darling anyway? I don’t think I’ve seen her around!”

“She’s Whitebeard’s new kid!”

“OH! So that’s what she looks like! What a sweet little thing!” ________________ was too busy drinking her juice as the grateful crew fussed over her and thanked her in their own way. That was when she noticed the time. Cracker Man stood up.

“Okay men! We have to get the little lady home!” she was immediately whisked away, _________________ on Cracker Man’s back as they hurried her home. They stopped a few houses down, let her down, and put her basket on her back along with her change from the groceries. He then gave her a bag of the crackers and gave her another hundred beli.

“See you tomorrow little lady!”

“Bye Mr. Cracker Man!” she waved goodbye and walked home.

“You kicked a Marine in the face?!” Ace laughed and slapped his leg. Tempura night was a complete success. After dinner, as a big thank you, Thatch gave her a mini cheesecake. She shared it with Ace upstairs and told him about her little adventure.

“Yeah! It was so scary and he was fast! He chased me for awhile!”

“I have so much more respect for you now! I wish I could have seen his face!”

“It was big, scruffy and looked murderous!”

“Still! You fought a Marine and WON! I mean I have balls but I wouldn’t take one on by myself! So why did you kick him?!”

“He grabbed me! I got scared!” he snorts

“Still, respect! I owe you cake,”

“You’re the best!” they heard heavy knocking coming from the front door. It was so loud it practically shook the house. It was about nine that evening and they scampered to the hall window that was close to the entrance. A huge man was standing at the door. He was under the door light and looked annoyed if anything as he pounded louder. All the color drained from her face.

“T-That’s the man I kicked!” Ace moved her to the side and his face went pale.

“Y-You kicked Gramps in the face?!”

“I didn’t know he was your Grandpa!”

“Not just that! That’s Garp!” she covered her mouth


“SHH! Maybe he doesn’t know you live here!” he walked into the house. The pair stayed still for a few moments. It was quiet downstairs, so quiet they could hear the adults’ voices.

“___________________can you come in here for a minute?” said Marco. The pair jumped. She started shaking. Ace gently nudged her.

“If you see a fist coming down, dodge and run!” she eased downstairs. She made it to the bottom.

“In the living room,” she crept inside. She was terrified now. She heard stories of this man and not knowing WHO he was. Flora told her about the vice admiral and none were pleasant, she heard countless of stories from Ace, Luffy, and Sabo about how bat shit crazy this man was and she learned firsthand how strong he was. Now he was sitting calmly, staring intently at her with Marco, Izo, Thatch, and Jozu as well. Marco was standing up. He put a hand on her shoulder, “_______________,”

“Y-Yes Marco?”

“Did you kick Garp in the face today?” she looked over at him and nodded. Marco seemed surprised. So did Garp.

“….the little ankle biter didn’t deny it,”

“Well she’s an honest little girl, is that a problem?” Izo snapped. Before he could retort, Marco pressed on.

“Why?” it was then, she realized and decided to sing like a canary.

“He grabbed me! He told me he wanted the package I had! Cracker Man told me to not give it to ANY Marine!” the room went silent.

“…Cracker man?” she nodded.

“…is that what he said his name was?” said Thatch

“No but he gives me crackers!”

“What kind sweetie?” said Izo.

“I don’t know but they have seaweed wrapped around them. Garp raised an eyebrow before reaching into his coat and taking out a bag of senbei crackers. Her face lit up, “THOSE!” he snorts and opened the bag and offered her one. She looked at Marco. He nodded. She crept forward and took a few, “T-Thank you Mr. Garp!” as she munched, Marco asked a few more questions.

“Okay, so you’ve been helping a man lately?”


“Who’s been giving you crackers and money?”


“…why crackers?”

“They’re tasty crackers!”

“How much money?”

“A hundred beli,”

“Where’s the money now?”

“In the bank Curiel gave me!”

“But you were helping him because you thought he was one of us?”

“Yes!” Marco sighed.

“Okay, what does he look like?”

“He’s super tall with bright red hair and a scar on his face and he was super happy and smelled like alcohol! And he was SUPER happy when Miss Makino came out with a barrel of sake!” Marco’s eye twitched. Izo covered his mouth and started to chuckle, “Am I in trouble?!”

“No, no just….apologize to Garp, go take your bath and one of us will meet you up there,” said Thatch. She nodded and slowly approached him and bowed.

“S-Sorry for kicking your face Mr. Garp! You were being scary!” he started laughing

“Well, I’m a scary guy! You’re a scrappy little cuss but I can respect that,” he pats her head, “Unlike my other grandchildren,”

“I heard that old man!” Ace called out. The two argued back and forth before Garp left. __________________ scampered upstairs. Izo and Thatch started laughing.

“I’m going to kill him!” said Marco

“I’ll help,” said Jozu

“Marco what’s your beef with S—,”

“Don’t utter that name in this house!” Marco glared, “And that bastard KNOWS what he did!”

“…is this because you two got super drunk and ended up with you and him in—,”

“THAT didn’t HAPPEN!” Marco glared at Thatch. He and Izo chuckled.

“From what I recalled you stumbled downstairs drunk off your ass stark naked,” said Thatch, “And crashing downstairs demanding coffee and an aspirin,”

“With Shanks coming down a few moments later naked,” said Izo chuckling, “Calling you lover and said last night was—,”

“Shut up!” he flushed, “I’m going to kill that son of a bitch tomorrow!” he stalked upstairs flustered and angry. Once out of sight the pair started laughing. Jozu sighed.

“They’re going to be at it for the rest of their lives,”

“Or Marco’s,” said Thatch laughing, “You think Shanks and him really did it,”

“We all know it happened. It was probably angry and drunken or Shanks could be fucking with him,” said Izo

“True but we can’t have him using _______________________as a mule,” said Jozu

“Let Marco handle that one. Nothing we do could ever be as bad as what Marco can and will do,” Marco tucked ___________________ in that night. She hunkered down as Marco lectured her on the dangers of talking to strangers.

“But he said he was one of my brothers!” Marco frowned.

“______________________ if anyone ever claims to be one of us, ask them to show you their mark. The moment they show one our tattoos, you know he’s legit if he does and also ask to name five of us,” she nodded, “Lucky for you, Shanks is…harmless but he could have been someone else. Promise me you’ll be more careful,”

“I promise!”

“Also…I’m proud that you stood up to a Marine. Next time one chases you, you come straight home. Lucky for you…that was Garp. I just can’t believe you got him in the face,” he smiled, “Good job,”

“Thanks!” he tucked her in and gave her peck on the cheek before leaving and going to bed, dreaming of tearing Shanks a new asshole.

Thatch gave __________________ her money and another list that morning. Today she was to get

“Cracker man!” she said happily. The man grinned and walked towards her, only to be connected with a fist. He was then hoisted into the air by a very angry looking Marco. The man grinned.

“Hey Marco,”

“Fuck you! You Red Haired Bastard!” __________________ gasped

“Marco language!” he looked her, then at Shanks and dragged his hand down his face.

“Sorry kiddo,”

“Say you’re sorry!” Shanks grinned at him.

“Yeah Marco, I’m so hurt right now!” Marco shot him a death glare but took a deep breath.

“I’m sorry Shanks if I hurt you,” he then looked ___________________, “Hurry onto the store, okay little lady?”

“Yes Marco!”

“Lucky Roo, you mind taking her there, just in case?” the man nodded and lifted the girl onto his shoulders. Shanks looked at him before his eyes widened knowing he and Marco would be alone. As soon as they rounded the corner, Marco slammed him against the wall, “Give me ONE good reason why I shouldn’t tear you a fuckin’ new one?!”

“ACK! Marco! I swear she wasn’t in any immediate danger!”

“Having Garp chase after her IS immediate danger in my book!” he slammed him against the wall, “AND you had her being your mule?! The HELL is wrong with you!”

“I can explain!”

“You have one minute!” he was slammed again

“Okay, okay! I swear I was passing through when a few of us got drunk and long story short, we were almost picked off one by one. I needed someone to get in and out with trying to move my crew someplace else or worse,” Marco glared, “I’m telling the truth!”

“I know, especially since it’s hard to get the drop on your or your crew. You idiots must have been smashed,”

“So smashed,”

“Whatever, just don’t go drinking in random places. You know you’re wanted like the rest of us, idiot,”

“I know, I know, lucky for me, whoever wanted to turn them in put them in your territory,”

“I’ll keep an eye out but this doesn’t excise you for what you did. You’re not to use the kis in your harebrained schemes!”

“Hey! I wasn’t going to put some kid in danger! When I saw that it was Garp on her tail I pulled her into Makino’s place. I wasn’t going to have her arrested!”

“Good!” _________________ and Lucky Roo reappeared with a huge basket of groceries. Tonight, Thatch was planning a fried chicken around the world night, “Ready kiddo?”

“Yah uh!”

“I’m taking your little mule away now,” Marco glared at Shanks.

“Wait, she’s not going to have a drink with us?” said Lucky Roo

“Yeah! Makino finished the juice!” said Rockstar

“And Mr. Yassop was telling me about the La Chupacabra!” said ______________________

“….you know that’s all fake right?” said Rockstar

“Hey! Honest to god I saw one!” said Yassop from inside

“Don’t feed the kid your wild stories!” said Lucky Roo

“Oh stop,” said Marco, “You idiots really don’t want to hang out with her,”

“What?!” said Shanks, “We really do like having her around! We were going to have a little surprised party in her honor until big meanie Marco ruined it,” Marco glared at him but sighed in defeat remembering that she carried every ingredient known to man for their food the week and other weeks. He ruffled her hair.

“Have fun without me. I’ll take the ingredients to Thatch,” Marco took the basket headed home. He felt something on his leg. He looked down. ____________________ hugged him tightly.

“I’ll be home soon! Don’t worry about me!” Marco grinned, turned and ruffled her hair hard

“Look at you trying to be all grown up! Of course I’m going to worry! It’s my job you little scamp!” she giggled and tried to escape, “Just stay out of trouble and call home when you’re on your way,”

“Yes Marco!”

“Now go inside asked Miss Makino to make you an apple/cranberry juice blend, she’s great at that!” she nodded and scampered inside. He glared at Shanks, “If anything happens to her, I’m going to hurt you down and kill you and they’ll never find your body,”

“Fair!” said Shanks holding up his hands, “No worries! She’ll be back in one piece!” Marco nodded and took the basket and headed home. He had to admit, Shanks was good with kids, though he would never admit it to his face. He had to try and put his and Shanks’ little tiff aside in front of the kids, “Hurry back soon Marco-chan! We have to finish our little bedtime romp between the sheets!” Shanks managed to duck into the bar as a rock flew with a great vengeance barely missing him. He glared. He took it all back. That redheaded bastard could go die!

Chapter 5: The Haunted Train


The little girl decides to see if a legend was true or false.

Chapter Text

Whenever Ace got bored he often followed ___________________ to see what kind of shenanigans his sister often got up to, especially since it would be ages before he got to meet up with his brothers. He usually made her come with them on whatever they were going to do that day but today she seemed really excited about something.

“Yassop is going to tell us a story!” Ace rolled his eyes. Shanks and his crew were nomads who travelled a lot and they always came back with some interesting stories about their adventures, especially when they came back to town. Luffy hung on to every word Shanks told him. However, _________________ hung onto Yassop’s stories about things he’s allegedly seen. He would say that 75% of his stories were just bullshit but _______________ insisted that they were true.

“He was right about Devil Fruits! Look at Luffy!”

“That’s because the idiot ate one when he was pissed off and hungry and everyone knows about those!”

“What about the mechanical demon owls that live in the mountains?”

“I never seen them and I lived there for awhile!” at the bar, Makino greeted the pair. Ace reddened and nudged _______________ forward as Makino poured them some juice.

“How are my favorite little pair doing today?”

“Fine Miss!” said ________________.

“V-Very well Miss Makino!”

“Look at you with your manners! You’re really improving Ace!” he blushed.

“Thank you Miss Makino!”

“Yassop! You have visitors!”

“I can see!” he said grinning at __________________ and Ace. He guzzled down his drinks, “So you’ve come to listen to one of my awesome stories!” ________________ nodded excitedly. Ace huffed.

“I’m only here to see where this goes!” Yassop snorts.

“Well, I have a good one! Strap in guys! Okay, I heard this from an old drifter back when I was riding the train rails. He told me this interesting story about what happened to Engine 25. You see, the engineer of that train went mad one day and drove his train off the tracks and disappeared — he drove the train straight down to the fiery depths of Hell!” the kids’ eyes widened. Yassop chucked his beer, “So ever since then every year, the mad engineer comes back to the old train station to pick up unknowing passengers who are hypnotized by a blinding white light that lures them into the train. Once inside, they notice a strong smell of something so horrific it makes their stomach churn, which smells like rotten eggs mixed with something else,”

“How do you know?” said Ace raising an eyebrow, “Seriously, how!”

“Because because that’s what the drifter told me! Now! Back to the story, then the passengers start to hear horrible music. It’s like a cat drowning in water and glass shattering! After that the train enters the zone of darkness. They can already feel the heat of the flames until the train stops, the doors open and they are welcomed by the Devil himself!” ________________’s eyes widened. Ace looked intrigued, “And once you enter Hell, you can’t never ever leave. And tonight is actually the anniversary of the disappearing of Engine 25 at the train station on 53rd street at exactly nine o’clock!”

“Yassop is all that real?!” said __________________ covering her mouth

“Of course, would I ever lie?”

“You convinced her that if Marco ate rice he would explode,” said Lucky Roo

“I still stand by that!”

“Or that if she didn’t brush her teeth goblins would invade her mouth,” Benn laughing

“Okay, that one I would admit was false,”

“You only did once Rakuyo threatened to hang up by the—,” he covered her ears, “Cock if you didn’t tell her the truth!”

“Yeah she was brushing her teeth nonstop for a week!” said Ace.

“Hahaha I remember that one!” said Shanks ruffling _________________’s hair, “Be careful with those stories! She’s not as gullible as Luffy but she’s still impressionable Yassop and her brother can and will kick your ass,”

“Okay, okay some of my stories can be a little farfetched but this one is a hundred percent true!”

“We’ll see about that!” Back at home, Luffy and Sabo were waiting in the courtyard. The pair regaled the story to the boys. Luffy hung onto every word.

“That sounds cool!”

“Creepy more like it,” said Sabo shaking his head, “Is this one of Yassop’s stories?”


“His last few ones were bullshit,”

“I think he’s due for a true one!” said _____________________

“I wanna see if it’s true too!” said Luffy

“Nine times out of ten it ain’t,” said Ace, “Remember when he said that we could get Jozu appraised and he ended up chasing us up a tree? Or the time he said that if you kicked a Marine you get a wish?!”

“I STILL have a lump!” said Luffy

“Of all of the Marines you decided to kick Luffy, the old man? Really?”

“Well there’s one way to find out,” said Sabo, “We can go tonight, since it’s the anniversary of him going mad is tonight,”

“Y-You guys really wanna go?” said ____________________

“Just to prove to you that Yassop’s stories are bullshit!”

“I wanna see Hell!” said Luffy

“You two talked it up, now I’m interested,” said Sabo, “Don’t tell you’re getting cold feet,”

“Nah! I’m curious too!”

“Okay, tonight we’ll meet out here and go to the train station!”

“Alright!” _____________________ looked a little uneasy. She grinned all the same. While Ace and Luffy discussed how to sneak him out, Sabo pulled her to the side.

“You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to!”

“I-I want to!”

“Then why are you shaking?!”

“We’re going to Hell! Literal Hell! Sister told me stories about Hell!”

“Well, she is a nun,”

“I have to visit her before our trip! I have to pack something really important!” he nodded.

“Do what you have to do!” __________________ scampered off. Ace cocked his head.

“I hope she’s not chickening out,”

“Nah, she’s getting some protection from Hell,”

“Pffft the only thing you need is water,”

“Lots of it!” said Luffy

“True but we need something just in case!”

“Okay but rest up!” said Ace, “We’ll all meet here at seven and head to the train station together!”


The Train Station on 53rd Street, according to Whitebeard, was a thriving train in its heyday. It used to be the primary way for people to get from county to county until there were more cars and things. He said it was still used but not much and usually shut down by seven. The quartet arrived five minutes beforehand where the trains came to load and unload passengers. Ace looked at his watch.

“Okay, it’s nine on the dot. See what did I tell you!”

“Give it time!” said ____________________, “It could be running late!”

“It’s a ghost train! If he’s running late, he’s a lousy ghost!”

“Shh…did you guys hear that?” said Sabo.

“WOOOOOOO WOOOOOOO!!!!” said Luffy from the tunnel.

“Damn it Luffy!” said Ace, “Quiet so we can hear!”

“I’m just repeating what the sound was!” from the tunnel they heard the train’s whistle, “See!”

“It’s coming! Stand back!” the train came down the tunnel and slowly stopped in front of them. They stood there silent for a few moments as the doors slowly started to open. The kids looked at the light drawing them into the train. Just like how Yassop described, the train car was vintage and abandoned. Before they could react, the train’s door slammed shut and they started on their journey. There wasn’t another living soul onboard but them and that in itself was settling.

“Okay, first part is true,” said Sabo looking around, “This is creepy,”

“It could still be fake,” said Ace, “Like going to the docking station of something,”

“But what if it’s not!” said __________________

“Awww is little sister scared?!”


“If you met the devil, wouldn’t you be?” said Sabo. Ace frowns.

“Remember, I’m the son of a demon, therefore another demon can’t hurt me. Besides, there’s no proof other than the—,”

“EWWWWW!” ________________ covered her nose, “Which one of you three farted?!”

“Luffy I swear to god—,”

“IT WASN’T ME!” said Luffy

“Yeah this one smells like yours Ace!” said Sabo

“Don’t blame me! __________________ you smelt it, you did it!”

“You denied you, you supplied it!” she retorts

“Your farts are just as bad! Did you get into the raisins again?!”

“NO and don’t blame the raisins! They’re plump and sweet awesomeness!”

“That gives you the nastiest farts ever! Marco had to make a rule that she has to eat them when her balcony opened!”

“I’m impress and I actually see that in action,” said Sabo

“YEAH” said Luffy

“You jerks! These aren’t raisin farts! They smell like rotting eggs,”

“It’s the fire and brimstone!” said Luffy, “W-We’re going to Hell!”

“Now, now there has to be a logical explanation for all of th—,” Sabo couldn’t finish his sentence when the whole train was plunged into darkness. They immediately panicked.

“Alright everyone calm down! We’re almost to the fiery depths of Hell so we need a plan! First, we need to stop this train!”

“We should go to the cab!” said Sabo, “We have to get the engineer to stop!”

“HOW?!” said Luffy

“The Dead Man’s Switch!” they looked at __________________ as though she grew two heads, “Kingdew told me that on every train there’s something called the Dead Man’s Switch! Since there’s no other person in a cab, the brake is there in case the operator dies or loses consciousness! It’s there to stop the train!”

“Good thinking!”

“To the front!” Ace led the way as they all jumped from car to car in order to get to the cab. They got to the door and found it locked. Sabo and Ace took turn slamming against the door before it finally opened. Inside there wasn’t a person but just random controls and things. Sabo gulped.

“Everything is automatic,”

“O-Or ghost driven!” said Luffy

“No! It-It’s like a remote control! See watch!” Sabo went in to see if there was an override button or something. As soon as he touched the circuit board, a terrible sound filled the train. The kids cried out and covered their ears.

“ACK! THAT NOISE!” said Luffy, “MY EARS HURT!”

“IT’S THE MUSIC OF HELL!” said ____________________


“DON’T LISTEN! BACK TO OUR CAR! HURRY!” they all scampered back and closed all of the door to escape the terrible music that was causing their ear to bleed. Ace closed the door and slumped into a seat, “That was horrifying!”

“W-What kind of music WAS that?!” said Luffy

“Nothing from this world! Imagine having to listen to that for all eternity!” said Sabo


“I’d rather…” ________________ stopped, “That’s the last omen…that means we’re almost to Hell!” the car went dark again. They all huddled together, making sure nothing got the drop on them. Then the car was filled with light, bright orange and yellow lights. The kids froze seeing the fires and ghastly images of Hell and the Devil’s minions all toiling for all eternity. There was fire everywhere along with molten magma and metal everywhere. There were people pulling things from place to place and the heat alone was enough to make the kids move from the side of the train to avoid the heat, “Y-Yassop was telling the truth!”

“We’re all gonna die!” said Luffy

“FUCK I’m not going to let it end like this!” said Ace


“WATER! Holy Water! I brought some just in case!”

“Oh that’s where you ran off to get! Good thinking!” Sabo stood in front of the door, “Okay, when that door opens, Luffy you wrap yourself around him so he doesn’t move!”


“Wait! Won’t Luffy burn?!” said Ace


“No! Luffy is made of rubber! Heat and electricity can’t harm him! __________________ use that holy water and shout prayers!”


“LOOK WHAT I FOUND!” Ace broke the emergency glass revealing a long water hose, “__________________ bless the hose!”

“I can’t do that! I’m not a nun!”

“You’re the closest thing right now!” said Sabo. She did so as they braced themselves. The train came to a complete stop. The door opened. Immediately, Luffy wrapped his body around the legs of the Devil. Ace and Sabo held the hose and let the water loose drenching him. The Devil went down as ___________________ hopped on his chest and started chanting prayers and spraying her holy water.



“It’s working! Keep going!”

“THE HELL! GET OFF ME!” Ace and ___________________ knew that voice and immediately stopped.


“KIDS?!” Luffy unwrapped himself from the “Devil” as a very wet, bewildered Curiel stood up, “The HELL are you guys doing here?!”

“Curiel? You okay—kids?!” Jozu appeared behind him covered in soot looking at the kids who looked more confused than ever.

“You both died and went to Hell!” said ____________________, “No worries! We’ll break you guys out!”

“Yeah! Just tell us where the demons are!” said Luffy. Curiel and Jozu snorted before laughing.

“Calm down. You’re not in Hell, you’re in the steel mill,”

“Steel mill?”

“Yep! Where do you think Jozu and I go at night? We work here, especially with our talents! Why are you guys doing down here anyway?”

“FUCKIN’ Yassop!” said Ace, “I KNEW his story was fake!”

“B-But what about the smell?!” said Luffy

“Sulfur, it’s not the most pleasant thing in the world,” said Jozu, “You get used to it after awhile but your first time it’s always bad,”

“Well what about that terrible music!” said Sabo, “That was enough to rip our ears off!”

“Yeah! It was torture!”

“I would have rather embraced the darkness!” said ____________________

“HEY! Calliope music is the best!” said Curiel

“See even the kids don’t like it! It’s creepy and you know it!”

“It’s uplifting!”

“What about the darkness?! We were all thrown into completely dark on our way up here!” said Ace

“This place is old, the lights are always flickering on that old train!”

“Why the hell is it still running?!”

“It’s the only way for the workers to get back to the surface when their shifts are over,” said Jozu, “We were clocking out for the night when Curiel was attacked by a rubber boy, a water hose, and a little nun throwing holy water on him praying!” the kids looked down, “Come on, let’s get home and to show no hard feelings, sundaes on us tomorrow,”


“A water hose on the fires of hell?! That’s brilliant!” after the kids weren’t accounted for, Marco raided the bar and found out about Yassop’s story and decided to drag him to get the kids from the Train Station, only to be met with the kids shaken but otherwise okay with Curiel and Jozu. They all piled into the car to go home, “I can’t believe you guys that would work! I commend your fighting spirits and thinking!”

“Why did you tell us that?!” said __________________

“Yeah! You know how gullible _________________ and Luffy are!” said Ace

“I’m not gullible!”

“Goblins in teeth!”

“Okay, okay!”

“Yeah, there is no haunted train,” said Sabo laughing, “You had us going,” Yassop craned his head around and grinned.

“Now, I never said that,” he winks. Ace rolled his eyes and looked out the window. He was leaned against the window when something caught him in the corner of her eye. There was a bright train traveling a few feet next to them. In the cab was a figure with a deranged look on his face. He pulled the whistle causing the others to look Ace’s direction. They were all frozen in terror at the sight. The window has fogged over and letters started appearing on the window. The message made their blood run cold.

You took Train 24

Whitebeard didn’t know what had gotten into Ace and _____________________ or what they decided to unanimously sleep in his room that night and both clinging to him. Whatever they saw spooked them both good and Sabo and Luffy for that matter because they insisted that they stay over for reasons and clung to him as well. When they got home, they almost immediately ran into Ace’s room. Dragon and Garp said it was okay that the other boys could stay over. It was midnight when they all came into his room, _____________ hopped in first saying that she couldn’t sleep. Luffy followed saying the same thing with Sabo, whole Ace said as the biggest brother he had to be there in order to make sure they were all okay. He chuckled and decided not to let it worry him, kids were kids after all.

Chapter 6: Family Secrets


The Little Girl finds out a few secrets about her new family.

Chapter Text

_____________________ always woke up to the strange occurrence the same day and time every week. She didn’t know if it was a dream or not but it was always the same thing. She would wake to see a huge bird looking down at her. She liked the bird; he was blue and gold and always looked as though he had glasses on. It would look at her curiously, pull the blanket closer on her, nuzzle her and then fly away. She didn’t tell anyone. She was a kid and she barely believed it. She liked the bird. It was a cool bird and it’s obvious he liked her too. She tried to stay up and wait for it but always dozed off. She groaned. It had to be after nine, her bedtime but also after midnight, the longest she managed to stay up. However, she was determined to meet the bird. After the bird did his routine, he fluttered out the window. This time, she crept to the window to see where he would fly off to. She watched as he stretched his wings and fluttered up to the garden roof. She grinned, put on her slippers, and ran out her room and up the stairs. She was excited to see if he had a nest or living up there. She made it and looked around for the mysterious bird. It didn’t take long for her and saw the bird in the middle of the garden. It spread its wings and started to morph. Soon standing in front of her was a very familiar face and pineapple-like appearance. She stared in utter awe and amazement. Marco stretched and turned. He didn’t notice she was there or staring at him. He walked towards her, trying to think how he was going to explain himself.

“Y-You’re a bird!” she blurted out. He grins.

“Phoenix to be more precise,”

“H-How long?!”

“Many years,”

“Y-You ate one of those fruits didn’t you!” he nodded and it downed on him that she probably never seen him or Pops or anyone in action with their abilities. Then again it’s only been a few months. He nodded at her. She looked at him with admiration, excitement, and absolute wonder. He smiled.

“Want a ride, yoi?” the look on her face was as though she saw the face of God. He chuckled and transformed and looked at her expectantly. She grinned and climbed on. Marco stretched his wings and soon they took off. __________________ never seen the town from the air before and she loved it! They flew out towards the ocean, around the woods, she saw many things that night and she loved it. The night air was fresh mixing with the sea air making the two smells an enigma to enjoy. They were flying for about two hours before Marco took her back to her room. Once inside, he changed back, “Okay, off to bed,”

“Awww okay!” he guided her back to bed and tucked her in. She hunkered into the blanket as Marco pecks her cheek. She was so tuckered out that she promptly fell asleep. He grinned and crept out of the room and gently closed the door behind her. In the morning, he told everyone what happened over coffee.

“She saw your phoenix form?” said Izo, “Were you doing your night patrols again?”

“Yep, you know me always prepared,” he said drinking his coffee.

“She didn’t freak out?” said Thatch

“Nah, I usually visit her when I’m a phoenix,”

“…that’s kind of creepy,” said Jozu

“Yeah! Like stalkerish level of watching,” said Fosse

“Hey! I always fly around Wednesday Nights so I decided to check on her when she’s sleeping! She looks so cute when she’s in bed without a care. You’ve all seen it!”

“Actually…I haven’t,”

“Me either,” said Bleheim

“You HAVE to,” said Thatch, “It’s so cute and pure, like think of Ace sleeping and it’s the polar opposite!”

“Don’t drag me into your weird stalker crap,” said Ace coming in and helping himself to toast, “I think she looks cute when she sleeps but I’m in her age group. When you guys do it, you’re a bunch of lecherous old men,”

“It’s not lecherous!” said Izo, “I think it’s cute. But Marco is so overprotective of _________________,”

“I’m not overprotective!” the room went silent and looked at their first in command. Curiel snorts before howling with laughter, followed by Izo tittering and Jozu trying his hardest to keep it in and failing as everyone started laughing. Marco raised an eyebrow, “I’m not!”

“You watch her sleep,” said Fosse

“Because she’s so cute!”

“You told us in depth how we should tuck her in and read her a story,” said Rakuyo

“Because we’re in a Chapter book!”

“You describe how we should do the voices!” said Thatch

“Because you all suck at it!”

“Why are we picking on Marco this morning?” said Whitebeard coming downstairs.

“Him being overprotective of ___________________,” said Izo.

“I’m not overprotective,”

“Marco she follows you about like a little duck sometimes,” said Whitebeard

“So does Ace,” said Thatch.

“D-Do not! And Even if I DID it’s because Marco is awesome,”

“And ____________________ found out about Marco’s phoenix form,” said Izo.

“…I don’t think we’ve ever given her the talk. This all may be new to her,” said Whitebeard

“She’ll find out eventually,” said Ace, “Since everyone is a Devil Fruit user. She knows Luffy has an ability. For awhile she thought it just happened to boys like him and just went with it,”

“I think we should just tell her,” said Curiel, “Imagine seeing Jozu turn into diamonds? That’s enough to scare the shit out of a kid. Case in point, Ace,”

“He looks FREAKY like a diamond!”

“And what if Pops stomps really hard near her?”

“Good point,” said Whitebeard, “Well how are we going to approach it?”

“Well after she saw Marco’s form, I bet she’s going to want to know who else has an ability,” said Speed Jill, “Heh, knowing her, she probably thinks she got adopted by a family of birds,”

“She’s too fuckin’ precious!” Thatch

“So how are we going to talk to her about it?” said Izo

“We have plans today and I’m sure she’s going to have questions,”

“Curiel and I will handle it,” said Fosse, “It’s been awhile since we’ve hung out with the little ankle biter,”

“And we’ll keep protective Big Brother Marco away,” said Rakuyo

“Oh I almost forgot about that, I’ll help,” said Kingdew

“I’m not that overprotective,” Marco grumbled

“You tried making a baby leash for her,”

“God help us when she enters a regular school,” said Namur, “Marco will probably stalk the school,”

“We all will, preteen boys are just as bad as teenage boys,” said Curiel

“I can stick around to make sure everything goes smoothly,” said Marco

“Nope, you promised Ace to train today and we have it covered!” He sighed in defeat and ruffled Ace’s hair.

“Let’s go squirt,”


“And we have to take him shopping for new clothes,” said Izo

“Then why is half the family going?!”

“Because it’ll take all of us to hold you little ass down and try on some things,” said Thatch

“And if you smear my lipstick I’m going to murder you,” Ace glared, resigned to his fate and left with them. A few moments late, ________________ came down stairs after her morning chores for breakfast.

“Hey kiddo we saved you breakfast,” said Curiel.

“Thanks!” she munched happily. They exchanged glances. Maybe she thought she dreamt it up? Fosse pressed onward.

“Did anything eventful happen last night?” she stopped and grinned

“YEAH! MARCO’S A BIRD! Actually a phoenix! WHICH IS AWESOME!” Curiel laughed.

“And do you know why?”

“MHM! He ate one of those Devil Fruits? Right?”

“…you know about the Devil Fruits?” said Speed Jill

“Yeah! I know about them! I thought everyone did!”

“Well we just though since you grew up with Flora she didn’t want to tell you,” said Curiel

“Nah! She told me! I used to think that energetic boys like Luffy were just born that way until she told me he ate the fruit and then I just started reading about them! But how do people find them?”

“They’re a random occurrence. Sometimes people come across them, sometimes you find one in a shop, or on the black market. They sell pretty high. Hell we find them every now and then,”

“What happens when you find them?”

“Well, the rule in the house is if you find one, you can eat it or sell or do whatever with it,” said Speed Jill

“Who else ate one?”

“Pops, Blamenco, Jozu, and you’ve seen Marco,” said Rakuyo, “Hell that’s why we don’t have Teach around anymore,”

“Teach?” Fosse shot him a look. Speed Jill and Kingdew looked livid. Curiel dragged a hand down his face.

“Guess she’s going to have to know about Blackbeard eventually,”

“Fosse told me about him!” they shot him a glare as she continued, “He said something a while back! He said not to go anywhere near his Territory and if I see anyone with his Jolly Roger, to run away and come straight home as fast as I could!”

“He was right in doing so,” said Kingdew, “Teach, aka Blackbeard, ate the Yami Yami No Mi or the Darkness Fruit. It’s a very dangerous ability. It allows the user to control darkness and its unique property of gravity. The darkness is visually demonstrated by a black smoke-like substance spreading out from the user's body. The darkness is a void that devours and crushes everything. It can absorb physical matter and attacks of any type by sucking it into the darkness. It also use this ability to irresistibly pull anyone to them, regardless of their current state. But the most dangerous is that it can stop another Devil Fruit user from using their ability,”

“That’s not fair! How can someone like him have that?!”

“Sometimes life isn’t fair,” said Speed Jill, “We gained Teach but Thatch is alive and well,”


“So if you ever find a Devil’s Fruit, you have a choice in what to do with it. Most of the time we eat it but it’s a crapshoot too. Like no one know what one can be. Once we know, it makes things easier. Look at Luffy, he ate the Gomu Gomu No Mi and made him rubber. He makes it work for him. Anyone else it would have been dead by now. So if you find one it’s your to do whatever,”

“Nah, I wouldn’t want to eat one. I mean it sounds amazing! But not being able to be around water sounds like torture. I like water. Besides, someone has to be around in case any of you guys accidentally slip into water and someone needs to save them,” Curiel snorts and ruffled her hair.

“Oh? How would you even lift Pops out of the water?”

“I have to get him to the surface to breathe! And he’s lighter in water because people are lighter in water!”

“We can’t say she’s isn’t smart,” said Fosse.

The family slowly started to show ______________________ their Devil Fruit powers one by one. Jozu decided to show her in the courtyard and instantly transformed into diamond. She stared and gingerly touched his arm to make sure he was still human. He grinned before changing back.

“Any questions little lady?” she nodded feverishly, “Go ahead!”

“Can people make you into jewelry?! Because if so you can’t like go outside like that! You’ll be danger!” he snorts and started laughing.

“No worries! Trust me, that’s not going to happen any time soon!” Next was Blamenco and his many pockets. He showed her how he could store and take out anything he wanted from every one. She watched as he pulled out weapons, papers, other things and showed them to her.

“Any questions?”

“Yeah! Do you have an empty one?”

“I should, under my arm,” she grinned and ran downstairs. He looked at her puzzled. She came back a few moment later with a bag of her senbei crackers.

“Can I borrow your pocket please? Ace has been pilfering my crackers lately and I have to hide them and it’ll give me an excuse to visit you more!” he lifted his arm as she stuffed them inside. She looked in the pocket, “Can I fit in there?”

“You can try,” she grinned and shuffled inside. She had to admit, it was weird but it felt like a blanket cave. Then a devious idea came into her head and she whispered it to Blamenco. He laughed.

“Oh that’s terrible! And a responsible parent would say no but I’m your brother! Let’s do this!” Ace came back into the house with Luffy and Sabo later that day. Ace was rummaging through the cupboards. He would never admit he liked those senbei crackers but for a something to munch on before dinner, they were perfect. Usually they were in the cupboard for anyone but because of Luffy’s and his appetites they were always gone. ____________ went to get a bag and discover them gone. Marco saw this and often set aside a bag for her after her market trips. She tried to hide them from the two gluttonous boys. However, no matter where she hid them, they were always found and eaten. Today, the boys looked everywhere and couldn’t find one cracker.

“She really hid them this time!” said Ace, “Luffy found them?”

“No! Ugh! Well we can always go to Grandpa?”

“I’m not looking for a fist yet,” said Ace. On cue, Blamenco came into the kitchen. He looked at the boys.

“What’s the matter?”

“Looking for _______________’s crackers, you seen them?” said Luffy

“Yeah, she told me to hide them for her,”

“Where?!” he points to his under arm pocket

“Hand them over!”

“Nope. I promised,”

“Come on, we’re starving!”

“Dinner is in two hours!”

“Hungry now!” Blamenco raises an eyebrow as Luffy and Ace tackled him. The shorter man didn’t put up much of an resistance.

“No, please, get out of my orifices!” Luffy wrapped around him as Ace lifted his arm. He opened his pocket and reached inside. A hand reached out and grabbed his wrist. He jumped and tried to pull away as __________________ popped out.


“WHAT THE HELL!” Ace jumped back in horror and Luffy leapt off Blamenco. The pair laughed hard as __________________ climbed out of his pocket holding her crackers in hand.

“Gotcha! Thanks Blamenco!”



“A few minutes but it was WORTH IT!” she said laughing and munching on her crackers and handing some to Blamenco,”

“That was a mean trick!” said Luffy

“It’s mean when you guys take the crackers and not leave me a crumb!”

“You should get to them faster!” said Ace, “How can you BREATHE in there?!”

“It’s like being under a blanket! And I was breathing out his other pocket,”

“That’s weird and gross! I wanna try!”

“Me too!” said Luffy. Thatch headed to the kitchen. Tonight’s dinner was going to be kabobs and he has everything premade and ready to skewer and grill. He stepped into the kitchen and was greeted to Blamenco trying to get Luffy and Ace out of his pockets with _______________trying to guide them out.

“I’m on his back!” said Luffy

“I told you to meet me at his leg!” said Ace

“Out of there you two!” Blamenco

“Let’s see if we can come out of his butt!”

“Gross you two!” said __________________. Thatch sat there and stared. The four looked at him. Blamenco rubbed the back of his neck.

“There’s a logical…explanation for all this and it involves senbei,”

“…you know what, I don’t wanna know. I’ll order out. Ace, what do you want?”






“Okay, I’m on my way. Let’s never speak of this again,”

Whitebeard was the last one to show off his ability. He decided the best place to show her was an open field some ways out of town. Once there, he stood away from her. She looked at him puzzled and excitedly. Pops was a huge man, so he had to have something really cool that’ll fit him. He smiled at her, raised his foot, and gently pressed his foot on the ground. She felt a slight vibration. He then took a step and this time it was a lot stronger and she wobbled a bit.

“You can create earthquakes?!”


“That’s so cool!”

“Let’s have some fun with this. Wanna fly?”



“MHM!” he smirks and stomp his foot, sending the little girl flying upwards. _______________ flew up into the hair. She could see the whole landscape from the view. She had a few moments to savor it before she promptly fell back down and landed in Whitebeard’s arms, “AGAIN! AGAIN!”

“GUARARARA were you in the least bit scared?”

“No way! I knew you wouldn’t let me just fall and get hurt!” he grinned and did it a few more times, catching her each time. She laughed and cling to him, “This is so cool! Can you only make earthquakes?”

“No, I can do them on the seafloor and the air,”

“Can I see?!”

“Don’t want to harm the birds,”

“Good point! I trust you! How long have you had it? You ability?”

“Wow…many, many years, I kind of forget when I got it,”

“Does Sister know?!”

“Yep, she almost gutted me when I hoisted her into the air,”

“You caught her right?!”

“Yes and she clobbered me! I know I still have the lump,” she chuckled

“Mine aches when it gets cold!” he barked a laugh and ruffled her hair.

“Cheeky, don’t let her hear you saying that,”


Ace hated that it still bothered him that people talked about him. It angered him when he learned the truth and only his family knew the truth but it doesn’t get any better. He’s learned to curse his father’s name and even years after the fact, he could still hear people’s words about the legendary son of the Pirate King.

Kid should be what twelve now? He should be starting to look like him

Can you imagine what he looks like? The kid is probably wrecking havoc as we speak somewhere. He’s the son of a monster

Monster is too kind a word. He’s a demon, pure and simple. He’s plotting at this very moment to kill anyone who’s fool enough to raise him

What of his mother?

Oh you know she’s dead. That child is so evil he probably killed her on his way out or when he got old enough to walk

He glared and shook his head. He never meant to kill his mother. She died giving birth to him. She would still be alive without her trying to protect him. He clenched his fist. He hadn’t felt like this in a long time and he hated it. He got up and went to go to the courtyard when he noticed _________________’s door was opened. He glanced inside and saw her on her mini balcony swinging her legs back and forth. He nudged the door opened to see what was so interesting. He saw that she was just looking up at the sky. He clicked his teeth. She looked up.

“Hey!” he said nothing and plopped next to her. She went to say something, “Don’t ask me how I’m feeling. It’s none of your business,”

“Okay,” he heard it in her voice. She stopped kicking her legs and kept looking up.

“What are you looking at anyway?”

“The sky. It’s super pretty tonight,”

“You’ve never seen the sky before?”

“I have but Sister always made me come inside before the sunset. It always looks so pretty,” he looked up. He had to admit. It did look nice. He watched the sky with her for awhile, feeling himself starting to feel a little better. But he still had thoughts running through his head.

“Do you ever think…the world would be better if you weren’t born?” she looked at him, “Like you shouldn’t exist,”

“I think everyone and everything should have a right to exist,”

“What about demons?”

“If he’s a good demon,”

“Demons aren’t good. I’m a demon’s son. I’m curse until the day I die. I can never be good. Even if I tried,” she looked at him and cocked her head.

“You don’t look like a demon to me and if I met you in Hell, I think I’d be happy to see someone familiar,”

“Have you ever met one?”

“A few times in my dreams when I sleep,” he glanced over at her.

“People say…I have a demon’s blood running through my veins. That…I shouldn’t exist and if they find out, they’ll make me pay for it,”

“That’s not very nice. Why would you want to harm someone who’s never done anything to you? Besides, I want you to exist and I’m sure Luffy and Sabo does too and also every one of our brothers. Sister always told me that a parent’s sins shouldn’t pass on to their children. It’s even in the bible and Sister said that’s a load of garbage too,”

“So what? I’m supposed to believe an ancient book and you?”

“Nah. But I don’t think you should be held accountable for whatever your dad did. It wouldn’t be fair. Plus, you’re a kid, you shouldn’t have adult stuff on your shoulders,” Ace looked at her. She was looking at the sky, “No one asked to be here. We exist for some weird purpose, whether it’s to live or to die. May as well make the most of it,”

“Where did you hear that?”

“Sister. She’s really smart when you listen to her. I remember she told me that once. Grandpa told me this. You can either spend the rest of your life unhappy because you don’t think you should exist or you can look at these stars with me. Well he said watch the rain because it was raining,” he glared at her but sat and looked up. It was a very pretty nice that night. He glanced over at _____________________.

“Don’t you…ever think you should have been born?”

“Sometimes but I think everyone exists for something. Like Pops wanted a daughter so my parents had me so Pops could adopt me. You needed two brothers so Sabo and Luffy were born so they could be your brothers. Everyone needed someone and it was done,” Ace glanced at her before pulling her into an one armed hug.

“Why is it so easy for you to see the world like it’s a great thing?! It’s not you know!”

“I know that. But you have to look on the good side of things. Things can get better. Like I never would have thought I would have a family like this one and I love it! The girls I do ribbon twirling with says they barely see their family. Vivi told me that some of the girls are raised by servants and never even see their parents but I have brothers to pick me up. I think life is really funny that way,”

“Weirdo,” he muttered. She grinned, “If I had to choose, I guess having an annoying sister like you would be great,”

“I’m annoying?!” she whimpered

“Yes! Yes you are! I swear you’re slow when it comes to things and spacey! And you make friends with weird people, like that boy from that restaurant,”

“You’re so mean and Sanji is awesome!”

“Yeah but only I’m allowed to call you annoying! If anyone else does, tell me,”

“Okay! So do I call you big brother like everyone else?”

“You’ll call me Ace, I’ll call you ___________________,”

“Okay!” she hugged him tight. He reddened and squirmed to get away.

“Let go!”

“I love you too Ace!”

“Stop that! Stop being so weird! Lemme go!”

“Your face is completely red! It’s so cute! You freckles are darker!” Ace glared and stopped struggling. He would have to face the fact that ___________________ would never be normal and he as totally okay with that.

“So if you had to choose, which Devil Fruit would you want?”

“I don’t but if I had no choice, I want one to control plants! That way if someone get sick, I can grow something and they can feel better,” Ace snorts.

“You’re so lame. Wouldn’t you want something cool like controlling water or fire?”

“Why? That sounds awful! I don’t want to hurt anyone!”

“Yeah, seriously lame,”

“Keep being mean and I won’t share,” he looked at her. She took out a box of assorted mini cakes.

“What’s with you and cake? I mean seriously, you always have a piece on you,”

“I just really like it! I didn’t know it came in different flavors! I went to Zeff’s and he gave it to me,” he took a mini one and started eating. He looked at the stars. His existence bothered him, still bothered him but not since he came to live with his new family. He glanced over at _____________ munching on her piece. He didn’t have much encounter with girls but he hoped and wished they were all weird and annoying like her.

Chapter 7: A Nun's Tale


A year before she gained her family, the little girl found a picture of her caregiver when she was her age.

Note: Special thanks to Otaku4Life! I read her comment and it got me thinking and when I think, stories happen. This is a lead up to something I didn't plan to happen. I'll answer your comment as soon as I can! Thank you!

Chapter Text

_____________________ was in the convent’s basement one sunny afternoon trying to hide from Sister. She was bored this day and was waiting out until Ace popped around and she could leave the convent for a little bit. Today as luck would have, she found an old photo album. She grinned. She loved looking at pictures and Sister always told her who everyone was. She opened it and it was filled with Sister when she was a lot younger with a nicer looking woman who fondly hugged her with other women about. She knew this was Sister’s family and decided to go through it again when a photo she’s never seen before slipped out from between two pages. She looked puzzled. She knew one of the people was Sister when she was about her age but the other woman, she’s never seen her before. She was an old woman with a large, wrinkled face and a square jaw. She had long, wavy light hair and wears lipstick. She wore dark nun's robes that have light frills on them, as well as a similarly-designed headdress. Sister’s clothes looked nothing like this nun’s clothing. She wore black dresses with a headdress that was really a bandana. ___________________ didn’t like this woman. Although Sister could be mean, she always had her best interests at heart and was always nice to her. Her eyes were warm and sweet. The old woman in the picture’s eyes was ice cold even though she was smiling in the photo. They sent chills down her back. She looked a bit puzzled and took the picture upstairs. She barely managed to make it upstairs when Sister rounded the corner.

“There you are you little runt! Where have you been?! Don’t think you’re going to go out with Ace if you hadn’t stirred that compost!” Flora realized that __________________ looked a bit concerned and serious, “Oy, what’s the matter kiddo?”

“Sister, who’s this?” she held up the picture. Flora’s eyes widened.

“Where did you get this?”

“It was in the basement! W-Who is she?”

“Someone that you’ll never meet because she’s in Hell where she belongs,” Flora took the photo from her.

“Was she your Mom?”

“My mother was murdered by a bandit. This woman took me in and that’s it,” Flora took off her hood and sighed, “Go play, just come back at five for dinner,”

“Sister? Are you okay?”

“I’ll be fine, go play,” she nodded and headed off. Flora went back inside and took a bottle of whiskey and place in on the table. Even with that old bitch being dead, her actions still bothered her. As she downed shot after shot, her mind started to wander and soon it wandered to a place she was not ready to visit.

Flora get us out of here!

Please! We’re trapped!


Flo please! Save yourself! She’s coming!

Flora, where are you dear? Come and have some these delicious croquembouche.

W-What did you do to them?!

Come here Flora, I said come here! Listen to your Holy Mother

I’m not your kid anymore. You sold me, remember?





GET BACK HERE! Ugh, it doesn’t matter, it’s almost time. Linlin, your birthday gifts are on the table!





Flora crushed the whiskey bottle in her hand and found herself panting and in a cold sweat. She violent shoved the glass off the table and place her face her in hands. Even years later, she could never forget those screams.

Sabo decided to make a quick pit stop at the convent. For the last few days, __________________ hadn’t been around to play with them. He and Ace usually try to coax Sister into letting her come out for a brief moment but they were shocked to see ______________ handling all of the convent duties herself, lighting the candles, burning the incense, making candles, and making sure the place was quiet for the people to pray. When the services were over, he approached her. She looked exhausted.

“Jeez! Are you okay?!”

“I-I’ll be fine,” she yawned.

“Where’s Sister,”

“She’s in her room!”

“Is she sick?”

“I don’t know! I’m worried. She hasn’t come out of her room for the last few days. Usually she’s up before me and has half of everything ready. I’ve been doing everything since then. I don’t know what’s going on,”

“Have you tried talking to her?”

“Yeah! But she tells me to handle everything and make her food. She has been eating but I’m just scared that she’s really sick or something,”

“What happened?”

“I found this old picture in the basement and since then she’s been acting weird! I hope it wasn’t cursed or anything!”

“Do you have it?”

“I found it in the trash,” Sabo took a look at the picture. Even he was stumped at who this woman was.

“I’ll see if I can help you,”

“Thanks Sabo. She’s been drinking more. There’s a huge bottle of whiskey on the table,” he nodded and went off. __________________ went back to the kitchen to make Sister some lunch. She was getting scared. She didn’t want Sister to die. If she died, she would miss her and she would have to take care of the whole convent by herself. She was barely tall enough to reach the church bell and she can’t conduct ceremonies either! After she made Sister some soup, she brought it to her door. Sister opened the door slightly, took the soup and promptly closed the door. She could smell alcohol in the room. She winced and scampered into the kitchen and found the address book. She didn’t know any other adult around town to go to for help but she knew one adult who would help them regardless. She dialed the number and waited. Soon a deep, cheerful voice answered.



“Oh ___________________! What a surprise! How are you kiddo?>”

“Not so good,”

“Aww what’s the matter, squirt?” _____________________ explained the best she cold, even describing the woman the best she could. He was silent for awhile, “I see. You know what, Shakky is in the area, I’ll have her take care of you for a bit. Give her half an hour,”

“B-But I don’t want to leave Sister alone! She’s been drinking a lot!”

“Trust me I know but right now, Flora is going to need some space and someone is coming over to help her with that. Just let her know and bring a change of clothes, okay?”

“Yes Grandpa,”

“Hey now don’t worry, everything is going to be okay, alright? You know Shakky isn’t going to hurt you. Flora is going to be okay, she just needs to pull herself together,”


“After this is over, we’ll go out to the park for a week, just you and me, if you promise to be a good girl for me,”

“I promise!”

“I love you and stay safe,”

“Love you too! Bye!” she hung up the phone and goes to Flora’s room. She gently knocked on the door, “S-Sister?”


“I-I called Grandpa. Shakky is picking me up, is that okay?”

“Send him my utter distain and tell Shakky hi,”


“Be good and make sure you’re back for dinner. Whenever that may be,”___________________ went into her little room and packed her pajamas. She knew better to leave the convent unlocked and wrote a sign that the church and convent was closed until further notice and dead bolted both and sat politely in the courtyard. She looked at Sister’s room with worry, hoping she was going to be okay.

Whitebeard came to the convent at around ten that evening. He saw the notice on the door and used his spare key to get inside. He locked the door and headed towards the room. Today was a whirlwind and he knew he had to see Flora. Sabo found a photo, who showed it to Ace who was convinced that the photo had to be something that his brothers knew, Izo saw told Thatch, who told Marco and everyone instantly because worried about their unofficial mother and immediately bombarded him when he got in. Before he could calm everyone down, he got a phone call telling him he needed to go to the convent. When he saw the photo he knew exactly what got her down. He stopped at the door and gently knocked.

“If you’re the Grim Reaper come in,”

“Flora. I want to come in,”

“No, I’m fine,”

“No you’re not,”

“Yes, I am, leave me alone,”

“Florrie…talk to me,”

“Damn it, get inside Newgate,” he knew that would make her open the door if nothing else. He has known Flora since they were both kids on different crews and almost immediately liked her, from her unwavering spirit to her stubbornness. But of course she wasn’t without a soft side and he loved her for that. She was a master at not showing the outside world her vulnerable side, even when she was about to face execution, she walked to the place calmly without an ounce of fear. But tonight, she was in her bed, back turn to him, her whole body heaving up and down and being in the fetal position. He sat on the bed. He caught a glimpse of her face. Her cheeks were stained with tears and red. There were only a few she slowed her vulnerable side to and he was one of them. They sat in silence for awhile except for Flora’s sobs.

“I-I thought… I would have gotten over it by now. I hadn’t-hadn’t… even thought of that woman until I saw her picture again. I-I thought I destroyed-it years ago. What a fool I was,”

“You were a child Flora, you couldn’t have known,”

“The signs were there. Kids leaving, her always having money, some of the kids never came back. I thought it was because they were happy where they were. We were just lambs for the slaughter for her to exploit. She didn’t even care right up to the end about what happened to us! She only cared about what happened to herself!” her chest heaved as she broke down again. Whitebeard gently rubbed her back, “Wh-What if she di-didn’t manage to sell me-me when she did?! Wh-What if I go-got there ear-earlier than I did?! D-Damn it, I-I wish I just kn-knew sooner!”

“Shhh…Florrie, it wasn’t your fault that it happened. It was never your fault and you know that. Even if you got there earlier, you have met with the same fate,”

“It-It still hurts you know!” she turned over and wiped her eyes, “That old bitch, if there is an God and a Devil I know she’s burning in Hell. Thanks to her, I can’t stand to see a croquembouche without feeling sick to my stomach,”

“I know,”

“I just feel I’ll be joining her for my participation of it. I tried to tell the Government what I saw and they tried to lock me up for it! Thank God for Blume. At least she was smart enough to listen,”

“She was a good woman and captain. For as long as I’ve known you, I think that incident with Carmel was the best thing that could have ever happened to you,”

“What the hell—,”

“Hear me out,” he sat her up and smiled, “Because of her, you had to force yourself to be strong, were able to be adopted and bought by one of the most fearsome women in the world. From there you made a name for yourself and took over being just as fearsome. You singlehandedly went after the World Government when it came to that child smuggling ring and managed. You also used your power to scare any man away from your true intentions and kept hundreds of children safe until not one was left without a family. Flora, I know it hurts, and I know it the one regret you have but you have to let go of it. You have nothing to feel guilty about. You never had anything to feel guilty about. You’re not a bad person, you’re the best person. You’re my favorite person. And the fact that you’re still concerned that you weren’t there to help your fellow orphan from the clutches of a true monster tell me that you first instinct is to look out for someone else. But it’s not your burden to bear. You did the only thing you could have done at that moment. She can never harm another orphan again,” she nods.

“You’re right. I replayed that incident in my head over and over and I can’t think of anything I could have done without me ending up dead or no solution in sight. If I came early, I would have been eaten, if I took the croquembouche, there was no way for me to restore the kids back into their bodies. If I tried to fight either her or Charlotte I would have been killed. Me running was the only thing I could have done,”

“See? And if you would have been killed, hundreds of children would have met the same fate as orphans in the new world. You chose you battle wisely and there’s no shame in that,” he kissed her cheek. She smiled.

“If you leave me, I’ll never forgive you,” she scoots over. He lay down next to her. She curled up on his chest and buried her face inside. He reddened. She looked at him, “If you tell anyone about this, I’ll never speak to you again,”

“Guararara, noted! By the way, the boys are asking when is Mommy coming home?” she groaned and then chuckled.

“Not yet, I have too much business here,” they were silent once again, “…Edward, how would you feel about having a daughter?”

“A little girl?”

“Yes, kind of scrappy, full of spirit, and sharp as a tack,”

“Sounds great,”


“You have an orphan here?”

“Did you see one?”


“Then that answers your question,”

“You know you can't just pick kids off the streets Florrie,”

“Says you,” he snorts and rubs her back again. He noticed her eyes were drooping. She yawned and got comfortable, “Thank you, Eddie,”

“Anytime, Florrie,”

“Hey Florrie. Let’s make a promise!”

“I’m not promising anything with you Newgate,” said the young girl. He laughed.

“I promise you’ll love it!”

“What is it?”

“When we’re older, we’re going to have a family together!”

“…what do you mean?”

“I want you to be a part of my family! I mean you’re already a great wife and mother,” her cheeks went red.


“Guarararara! Think about it! You have all of those animals on board and you take care of them as your own. You practically raised Popi and Fiore. And I always wanted a big family!”

“Families are overrated; I’d rather have a crew. That way you can pick the people you grow to love and care about, not being forced to like certain people,”

“A crew is a family! We take care of each other. We love each other. We’ll help each other. That’s what a family is supposed to do! Sometimes you can’t pick your family but everyone deserves a chance,”

“Until you’re betrayed,”

“Would you betray me?”

“Of course not!”

“Then why would I betray you?” the girl glared at him before smiling

“Okay fine, when we’re older and old enough to have crews of our own, I’ll be apart of your family,”

“As a mom?”

“I guess so you weirdo,” the boy smirked and took out a knife.

“Blood Oath?”

“I’m serious about this,” she took out her knife and cut her hand as he did the same. They held their hands tight looking at each other in the eye.

“I, Flora, promise that when I’m an adult and stable, I’m going to be a part of Edward’s family,”

“I, Edward, promise to be the best man and Dad I can be so my family can be the best,”

“I promise to be the best Mother I can be to this family,”

“I promise to always be there when my kids need me,”

“I promise to always be there when their father isn’t around,”

“We promise to keep their best interests at heart and not for our own selfish gain!” the pair let go. She wiped her hand on her dress. She noticed the sun and sighed

“I better go, Blume will kill me if I’m not on the ship! See you in the town!”

“Bye Florrie!” he grinned. She glared, her cheeks burning.

“See you later, Eddie,”

Chapter 8: Mistletoe and Mugs


It's the little girl's first Christmas and she discovers a new tradition.

Chapter Text

This was _________________ first Christmas season with her new family. She personally loved the season. Sister and her used to decorate the convent together and Sister would order a bunch of cookies from a bakery and then Sister would take her around to see Christmas lights and things. For dinner, she would order chicken and would feast until they got full. Also, Grandpa would steal her away for a few days and show her shops and things and often did Christmas activities with her.

“Flora means well but that whole childhood wonder thing kind of just slipped passed her,” he said one day, “So as your grandpa, I’m making sure you at least know how to built a snowman,” She liked how people were extra nice to each other during this time. When December 1st hit, everyone in the Whitebeard home decorated. There was tinsel and garland everywhere and white Christmas lights decorated the house. Because the house was so big and old, Whitebeard had a kotatsu in every room. ________________ got one with a cute kitty futon. Downstairs was warmer because of a hot spring underground kept the downstairs toasty but everyone had a small heater in their rooms to keep everyone warm and toasty. She found herself under her kotatsu often reading manga. Ace has been staying closer and closer to home. He wasn’t too keen on cold weather. He would still play and train and hunt for dinner but would come home early because he would rather stay under the kotatsu. He came home early and saw _________________ happily drinking genmaicha, with senbei crackers and reading.

“I swear you’re an old man!”

“Hey that’s mean!”

“Come on, I got a new video game, let’s play,”

“Can I bring the tea?” he nodded and they played. Ace didn’t mind the one on one company with another kid is age. Unlike Luffy, he needed a break from people every now and then and video games were his outlet. He loved fighting games but he liked things that gave him a challenge, like RPG games. _______________ played with him but also liked just sitting and watching him. He often passed her the controller but also he listened to her strategizing but sometimes he swore she did certain things to piss him off.

“UGH! Why do you always choose Rainbow Road?!”

“Because it’s so much fun!”


“Why are you so mean?!” But when the weather started getting colder, Thatch would ask her to go on pretty big store runs. She was armed with her basket, money, and bundled up. Sometimes she would have to make a lot of trips but she didn’t mind. After the final one, Thatch gave her some money as a token of appreciation and brought the groceries inside. She brushed the snow off her as she hung her scarf near the heater for later along with her new boots. She walked in further into house when Marco picked her up and pecked her cheek. ______________ giggled and hid her face.

“What was that for?!”

“Mistletoe,” he gestured to the plant hanging over the door frame. She looked at it curiously. She never seen a weird looking plant before.

“What’s mistletoe?”

“It’s a tradition when someone is under it; they give that person a kiss,”


“I don’t know, it’s just tradition,” for the last few hours, while watching TV, she watched everyone pass under the mistletoe. Izo would be the first to greet everyone and gave them a kiss. She thought the tradition was cute but silly. She couldn’t sneak attack anyone with a kiss. She was too short. She tried to sneak attack the next person who came into the house. Unfortunately it was Rakuyo who laughed and ruffled her hair.

“Kiss someone your own size little lady!” she groaned. There wasn’t anyone her size she could…she waited by the door, ready to pounce. Ace came into the house. His cheeks were burning from the cold and he was too happy to be home. He could smell the soup that Thatch was making tonight. He entered the house. Without warning, _________________ gave him a kiss on his cheek. Ace froze. His entire face went red as he turned and tried to glare at _______________ but realized he was too flustered to form a frown. He couldn’t even form words and when he finally opened his mouth, he just blurted.

“W-What was that for?!”

“It’s tradition! You were under it so I kissed you!”


“Yep! I’m about to do it again!” before he could say anything, he was given another smooch on his cheek.


“You love them!”

“H-How would you like it if I kissed YOU?!”

“I wouldn’t mind! It’ll show how much you like me!”


“Love you too Ace!”

“GUUUUH!!!” Ace ran upstairs completely embarrassed. He was fuming in his room. How DARE she kiss him?! What the HELL did she do to him?! He was feeling a LOT of things! He was shocked, his heart was pounding, he couldn’t stop his face from being hot, AND felt something weird in his stomach. He did NOT like this feeling! He heart was beating fast and he couldn’t do much else than to hunker down in his kotatsu and tried not think about it. He failed.

“Ace calm down it was just a kiss,” said Jozu as Ace paced the kitchen back and forth in the living room after he knew for a fact that ______________________ was already gone, getting dry supplies for Thatch.

“I know what it was but WHY?!”

“You were under the mistletoe, dork,” said Thatch clearing the table.

“That doesn’t give her the right to KISS ME!”

“You didn’t like it?” said Atmos

“W-What difference does that make?!”

“Well, did you?” said Fosse grinning

“IT DOESN’T MATTER! UGH!” he ran upstairs and closed his door.

“Poor kid,” said Thatch

“He has it bad,” said Rakuyo

“Bad is an understatement,”

“You think we should tell him?”

“Hell no,” said Izo, “I’m still in for the high school pool,” Ace grabbed his coat and ran out the house. It wasn’t snowing today but the air was frigid. He hated the cold. He decided to tell his troubles to his favorite adult whom, other than Pops and Marco, often gave good advice.

“And that’s what happened,” he said guzzling down his juice. Makino chuckled

“So you didn’t like that she kissed you?”

“IT’S NOT THAT! I ACTUALLY ENJOYED IT!” Ace reddened badly.

“I see, why don’t you tell her?”

“Because she’s my sister! Well, adopted sister! But she didn’t have to sneak attack me! I don’t get why she’s so weird! Like she’s ALWAYS weird! She’s like an old man! She actually likes drinking tea and eating senbei! She stays under that kotatsu and she doesn’t even try to play video games without me or anything! Why can’t she be a normal girl?!”

“Well, she is normal, her definition anyway. Also, I guess she figures you wouldn’t want her to waltz into your room and take your game away. This is her first Christmas with a real family and she’s most likely adjusting and found a tradition she really wanted to take part in. Flora is great and all but a convent is no place to raise a little girl. She’s probably just happy to be in a warm room with something hot to drink,”

“And that’s another thing! She likes taking other people’s mugs! Like an animal!”


“Yeah! Like she likes drinking tea but uses everyone else’s mugs! Why can’t she use her own?!”

“Well, does she have her own?” Ace was about to retort but realized he couldn’t. She didn’t have one to call her own. And it wasn’t like she just took it, she did ask first, then make tea and then just drink it. He groaned, “Maybe you can get her that for Christmas,”

“Where can I get one? It has be a nice one!”

“There’s a nice little pottery shop that’s in the Goa Kingdom if you’re interested,”

“Ugh, anywhere around here?”

“I’m afraid not,”

“Thanks Miss Makino!”

“Anytime sweetie!”

“You want to use our earnings?” said Sabo. He, Luffy, and Sabo met in their secret clubhouse to discuss their dealings and such but because of the cold, they decided to think of a way to get a space heater inside so they didn’t freeze their balls off. After that, Ace brought up their earnings.

“Like twenty beli of it!”

“What for?”

“None of your business!”

“Actually it is! We said we can’t spend it unless it was for something really important and for all three of us can agree on,”

“J-Just trust me on this!”

“We wants to buy ________________ a cup for Christmas—OWWWW!” Sabo laughed.

“So that’s it!”


“But it’s true!” Sabo laughed.

“Okay, you can use it for _____________________,”

“Don’t read too much into this! I’m just sick of her asking to use everyone’s mug! The only one she doesn’t use is Izo’s mug. Marco has that one on the very top of the shelf where she can’t get to it,”


“It has a penis handle,”


“Search me! I don’t question shit when it comes to Izo!”

“So where are we going to get the mug?”

“Miss Makino told me there was a place in Goa?”

“Oh yeah! I know where it is. It’s a fancy place but their stuff is important from experts of pottery making,”

“Let’s go then!” said Luffy. Ace personally hated traveling to Goa. It was a fancy kingdom filled with nobles, traders, and the like. It was near the ports so many people docked there. Sabo was always hesitant to go but also figured the place was so big he didn’t have to worry. They often travelled using the train to get there and it was drastically different from their hometown. Everyone there were standoffish, mean, ugly, and overall just rude to everyone unless they had a lot of money. Once they got to the town, Sabo lead them to the shop. Because it was the holiday season, many people were carrying tall packages and things and often shoving and pushing them away. They finally made it to the shop. It was a decent sized place with stands of pottery things outside to advertise. There were bowls, mugs, tea sets, tea pots, serving trays, and things like that. Inside, things were fancier with gold inlay in the items. A woman was sitting at the table. She was an average looking woman with dark skin, brown eyes, and reddish hair. She looked at them with a sneer.

“We don’t have anything for you to steal so get the hell out of here,” Ace glared.

“Actually we’re paying customers. I want to buy something,”

“I don’t sell to street urchins. Get out of my shop or I’m going to call the police,”

“FU—,”Sabo grabbed Ace’s mouth

“We’re sorry but we’ll take out business elsewhere!” he dragged him outside, “Calm down!”

“Fuck her! We actually have money to pay for something!”

“I know, here’s the plan, Luffy and I will distract her and you go in and get a mug!”

“Distract how?!” before Sabo could say anything, they heard loud crashes and things and the woman screaming.

“YOU LITTLE BASTARD!” Luffy was outside of the shop breaking and shattering things. Sabo grinned and joined in.

“Meet at the rendezvous point!” the destruction caused the woman to run outside with a broom and chase them. Ace crept back into the shop in the confusion. He looked around the shop. He had less than a few minutes to grab a mug and run for it. But there were hundreds of mugs to choose from and he had no idea how he was going to find one for ________________.He looked around hopelessly. He didn’t want to get her just any old mug; he wanted it to be semi special.

“Hey son, need some help?” he jumped. He didn’t know anyone was in the store with him. He turned around. A rather stocky and muscular old man with bald on the top of his head but with white hair on both sides were behind him. He wore a weird headdress with yellow flower petal-like things, which had purple near the bottom of them, and a white beard that splits in two parts. His lower lip is noticeably larger than his upper. He adjusted his glasses.

“Depends, you work here or something? I need to know if I have to fight an old man,”

“No, no, I saw what that bitch did. You have all rights to stiff her out of something. Whatcha looking for?”

“I want a mug for my sister. This is her first Christmas with our family and she’s the only one who doesn’t have!”

“Oh! Okay, well what is she like?”

“She’s about a year younger than me but I swear she’s an old man. No offense,”

“None taken,”

“She drinks a lot of tea. Like actually brew the stuff and drink it! She also likes using smaller cups because she says it keeps the tea hotter or something,”

“I see. I think I know what you need,” the old man gestured to a shelf with a bunch of tea mugs with lids, “These are special tea mugs with lids to keep tea nice and warm but also inside, there’s a strainer so she can brew her tea in the cup. It’s just enough for one person. It’s also made of a material that’ll keep the tea or whatever hot for about an hour or so before it begins to cool,”

“FUCK YEAH!” Ace gently took the pink cherry blossom one, “I’ll take it!”

“Meet me out back and I’ll wrap it up for you,”

“Thanks old man! Should I pay you?”

“I don’t work here. The bitch deserved it. No one would expect an old man. Get going,” Ace nodded and ran out. He lingered in the back of the shop as the man came and handed over the box. Ace peeked inside to make sure everything was in order.

“Why did you help me?”

“Because when someone is honestly trying to do something good, they should get a break every now and then,” he winked. Ace grinned and ran for it. The man shook his head. He was the splitting image of his father. If it wasn’t for his freckles, he would have been a dead ringer for him. Thankfully everyone in this town was too dense to notice who he is. Ace met up with Sabo and Luffy at the rendezvous point.

“Did you get one?” said Sabo

“Yeah! Some old man helped me!” Ace gently took it out of the mug and showed it to him, “It even has a lid and strainer so she can drink tea!”

“Awesome!” said Luffy

“Awww you gave a lot of thought to this,” said Sabo grinning, “So I guess you like, like her,”

“I-I DON’T!”

“Ace you’re blushing!” Luffy giggled

“I’m not! It’s just hot out here! Let’s go home!”

“But it’s like forty degrees!”

After dinner, ________________ usually went two places, her room or up on the roof. He first checked to see if her coat was still hanging up. It wasn’t there. So that meant she was indeed on the roof. He grabbed his and trekked upstairs. He didn’t understand what was so good about sitting alone in the cold in a garden anyway? He climbed the ladder and saw that Pops had white lights that hung all over, giving the place a warm glow. He found her looking at everything.

“Are you cold out here?” she looked at his puzzled and pointed up revealing a patio heater, “Oh,”

“Coming to join me?”

“Yeah I guess,” she scoots over, “What are you doing out here anyway?” she pointed to the sky. Because it was night, the clouds were moving around revealing patches of starry sky. The stars were bright and pretty. Down below he saw the countless of lights from the city.

“You can’t beat this view! Especially when it’s going to start snowing tomorrow. I want to enjoy it before the blizzard hits us,”

“How do you know?”

“Thatch and I have been stocking up on things for the last few days. The pantry is filled with food, I’ve been bringing Thatch dried foods in case we need them, and extra batteries and things,” they were silent for a few moments. Ace took out the box and nudged it on her, “What’s this?”

“Your Christmas gift,”

“But it’s not Christmas yet!”

“Open it, you kind of need it now,” she took the box and opened it. Her eyes widened, “I got it in Goa. It even has a strainer so you can make tea just for yourself and the lid keeps it hot and stuff. I mean at least it means you don’t have to keep borrow mugs! Especially when we all drink something as a group and—,” he felt something tight around his shoulders.

“T-Thank you Ace! This means a lot!” He blushed, pulled her back and gave her a kiss on the cheek. ____________________ blushed.

“B-But we’re not under the mistletoe!”

“I know that!” Ace said blushing, “T-That shouldn’t be the only reason to kiss someone you like,”

“Aww you wanna kiss me all the time?”

“N-NO! I mean when I feel like it!”

“Well I feel like kissing all of your freckles. Maybe I should,”

“D-DON’T YOU DARE!” she laughed hard. He glared but then smiled. She looked so happy.

“So…winters in the convent?”

“What about them?”

“How were they?”

“Oh! Well, Sister said the convent wasn’t that cold and other than an extra blanket, I didn’t have a kotatsu or a space heater. But the convent was made out of stone and it was cold every winter. I would have to drink tea to keep warm. Grandpa always brought me sweaters and things and scarves. Sister said that the cold built character and I needed to get used to it. Baths were the worst, the pipes sometimes froze so no hot water for baths, I had to shovel and salt the paths every day, I mean I still do it here but at least I have help now. But this was my favorite part looking at the garden covered in snow. It’s so pretty and I just sit here and think about everything,”


“Promise me you won’t laugh,”

“My honor as a man,”

“Well, I often wonder how life outside of the convent was. Like before I met you, Sabo, and Luffy, I thought I was the only kid in town. I wonder if I would see those places I saw in books, I wonder about the lives of people who would visit the convent. Like where did they go after they left? How was Sister’s life before I came and what if I really don’t exist but a ghost that only Sister could see?” Ace looked at her. He ruffled her hair.

“Come on, we can make tea and watch TV or something,” They trekked back inside. He was about to go into his room when he noticed ________________ walking passed him and went into her room. She came into his room a few moments later holding up a gift wrapped something in front of her, “What’s this?”

“Well, you gave me your present early, so I wanted to give you yours,”

“What is it?”

“Open it!” he took it and saw that it was a new video game.

“Wait…is this Dragon Quest 8?!”


“How did you get this?!”

“I saved up and on my way to the store; there was this lady who threw it out because her son was crying or something so I grabbed it for you!”

“You’re the best!” he opened the box and it was brand new, “Play it with me?”

“I’ll watch, I like watching you play and I think it’s only a single player,”

Whitebeard was heading off to bed. He triple checked to make sure they all had enough supplies for the blizzard and that the generator was in working order. He yawned and noticed he hadn’t heard the kids today. He could hear voices coming from Ace’s room and gently opened the door. Ace was playing his game with _________________ under the kotatsu.

“I’m out of Mana for Jessica!”

“Use the Elfin Elixir!”

“He’s going to kill her in the next round!”

“Angelo has it! You can use Yangus to bring her back!”

“Okay, okay!” he watched from the doorway.


“Okay fine! She’s alive what do I do next?”

“Keep her in defense and keep healing her!” the boss was soon defeated. Ace sighed.

“I wish the monster had an HP bar,”

“I know right? Now you have to get another Yggdrasil leaf and make more things!”

“Alright, alright!” he ruffled her hair, “Here, take over while I’ll get us some more snacks,” Whitebeard quickly headed down the hall in order to not get caught, “Pops, you can watch us if you want! It’s creepy when an old man stands by a door looking at his kids!”


“Please Pops!” said ____________________ from inside.

“Alright. Ace, get the snacks and sake,”

“No sake for you! Marco hid it and I’m not telling!”

“Sorry Pops, you can’t have it,”

“Fine, Fine,”

Chapter 9: A Gentlemen's Agreement


The Little Girl learns a very sensitive lesson

Chapter Text

Sanji limped back to the Baratie Restaurant. Every day he’s been making special deliveries and pickups for the restaurant. It wouldn’t have been so bad if it wasn’t for the fact that every single time he went to that area, he was met with some trouble. It was a place where nobility resided and they often had rare ingredients that he needed to get fresh. Today were golden apples. They smelt and tasted amazing. Zeff had a bunch of holiday desserts planned for these and he said only the best apples would do. However, he’s been met with a troublesome girl with a upturned nose, flat face, brown eyes, and auburn hair who has decided to make him into her personal punching bag. He’s been suffering through silence, however, that only made the girl step up her game. He didn’t want to tell Zeff, because he didn’t want him to thing he couldn’t handle it.

“Hey Sanji!” said ________________ grinning at him. Ever since she figured out she could walk to the place where there was a friend and tasty food. Especially with Zeff’s strict no wasting food policy, he often had leftovers for anyone who wanted them. She was introduced to squid ink pasta, homemade ramen, lobster, crab, even roe but endless of desserts. Zeff realized her sweet tooth and often put things aside for her. Sanji used her as his personal taste tester, especially since she’s never had most of those foods before to her knowledge. However today, Sanji looked like he had it today. But he still gave her a smile.

“Hey,” but she wasn’t fooled

“You okay Sanji?” he sighed and shook his head. She hopped off of the wall, “What’s the matter?”

“Nothing…” she looks at him. He looked up.

“Sanji….you have bruises on your arms and face. Does Zeff know?”

“NO! Please don’t tell him! I don’t want him to worry more about me!”

“Then what happened?!” he took a deep sigh and started shaking.

“Her name is Katherina. She’s a noble girl who lives in West Goa. She started hitting me after she spotted me a few times. She’s started calling me names but I was okay with that, then she started hitting me and calling me a pussy,”


“Umm…I can’t tell you what that means. But yeah. That’s why I’ve been coming home like this. I didn’t tell Zeff because I know he’ll worry about me,”

“…why don’t you hit her back?” said _________________

“Because men don’t hit women, it’s barbaric and cruel! I can’t intimidate her or threaten her because it’s not right!”

“But she’s taking advantage and hurting you!”

“I know…that’s why I’ve been taking the long route home every day. She doesn’t appear around a certain area. So I try to avoid her as much as I can,”

“That hardly seems fair,”

“I know but I have to keep the code of manhood,” he handed her one of the golden apples before pushing onward back home. ___________________ was puzzled. It was a very weird thing for her to hear. She went back home and decided to ask a few of the manliest people she knew. She trotted back home and went inside and upstairs. She followed the smells of lavender upstairs to Izo’s room. Izo was under his kotatsu watching something on his laptop.

“Hey Izo, have a moment?” he looked up and patted the other cushion next to him.

“What’s on your mind Darling?”

“Umm what if a girl fights like a boy?”

“Hmmm what do you mean?” she quickly explained the situation to him, “I see. Well, once a girl starts a fight the boy way, then all bets are off. If she decides that she want to use violence, then she must be prepared to get hit back,”

“But Sanji said that men aren’t suppose to hit women,”

“Sweetie it’s true, however if this little girl is targeting him because she knows he’s not going to do anything, then she needs a wakeup call,”

“But why are the rules different for boys than they are for girls?”

“Well it’s a tough topic but times have changed. For instance, it’s okay for girls to do things boys do. And many boys are still taught to treat girls with respect and delicately because that’s what a man do. However, you get a lot of women nowadays who take advantage of this and try to be rude saying “she’s not delicate or lesser or things like that”. It’s just mutual respect and kindness. It’s confusing I know but just remember this, be yourself, if you’re tough enough to hit someone, be prepared to get hit back, man or woman, and if someone is being nice to you, just let them be nice. It doesn’t make you weaker and it doesn’t make you inferior,”

“Thanks Izo,”


“Also what’s a pussy?” Izo froze

“It’s a umm…very mean name that people use to describe weak boys. It’s also a dirty way of calling a lady’s private area,”


“Don’t call anyone that. It’s not a cute insult,” to get a better understanding of this, she decided to ask the second and wisest person about this.

“Pops, have a minute?” Whitebeard looked and then looked down. He picked her up and put her on her bed next to him.

“Hey kiddo. What’s on your mind?”

“Are boys never supposed to hit girls?”

“…did someone hit you?”


“What brought this on?” she explained the situation, “I see,”

“And because Sanji is a boy, she says she knows he won’t fight back! I don’t think it’s fair! I mean he’s not bothering her but she’s hitting him for no reason! And Izo said that if you’re tough enough to hit someone, then be prepared to get hit back, man or woman,” Whitebeard sighs.

“It’s a very…touchy area. A man is to never harm a woman because women are considered mothers and delicate young beings but Izo is right that in this day and age, many women take advantage of that as an excuse to make men’s life miserable. Zeff and I come from a time where that’s still a law of manhood and being a gentleman, such as not stealing from mother or a woman. Men are more physical and in our world, that’s how things usually get done, in a woman’s world, they’re more emotional and in tuned with their feelings than we are. Some men like Zeff use hitting and screaming to teach. That’s why he doesn’t want a woman in the kitchen with him. However, some women aren’t delicate and want to be treated like any other person and that’s fine as well. Flora is an exception to the rule. She’s strong and will not express her emotions, unless she trusts that person completely,”

“Like you!” he blushed

“Heh yeah but she can and will stand up for herself. Whereas a woman like Makino who’s a bit more passive and delicate, therefore, someone may approach her differently than Flora,”

“Ugh now I’m confused!” Whitebeard chuckled.

“Treat a person the way you’d want to man or woman. My advice is the same as Izo’s, mutual respect for everyone. However, if a man wants to treat you like a lady, let him, however, don’t let him or anyone hurt you in anyway. And don’t buy into this “Treat everyone the same” because people aren’t the same. For instance, I can easily tell Marco to do something for me and he’ll do it, with Shanks, I have to get him drunk first. Just use your best judgment kiddo,”

“Yes Pops,”

Sanji had just finished picking up an entire crate of turkey eggs for Zeff. He had managed to avoid Katherina since he entered town. He got the eggs and spices and was on his way home. He was almost out of her area when a rock flew out of nowhere and beamed him in the face, causing him to fall. He landed but made sure he cushioned the eggs. He turned and glared seeing the girl tossing a rock up and down, smirking at him.

“Trying to avoid me, pussy boy?”

“W-What was that for?!”

“Punishment for thinking you can avoid being a pussy,” she snatched the eggs out of his hands, “What? Peasants are so poor they can’t even afford turkey eggs? I eat these every day for breakfast. They’re worthless to us. I can break a crate and they it wouldn’t be a big deal,”

“No please! I need those!” Sanji said as Katherina smirked and dropped the crate. Thankfully, the eggs didn’t break. She smirked and got ready to stomp on them. He looked away only to see Katherina’s face going to the side and landing with a hard thud. He looked up to see a familiar hand reaching out to him.

“You okay, Sanji? Come on,”

“_____________________?” he took her hand as she pulled him up, “Ho-How did you get here?!”

“I followed you to make sure you got back to Baratie okay,”

“W-Who the fuck are you?!” Katherina barked. _________________ looked confused.

“…Is that her? Wow, it reminds me of that saying Izo said,”

“Which one?”

“Something about makeup and pigs,”

“You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig?” said Sanji


“I said, WHO ARE YOU? Answer me peasant!”

“I’m his friend and I’m here to make sure Sanji gets home safely. Then I saw you throw a rock at him,”

“Big deal! I can hit him all he wants and he can’t hit me back because I’m a girl and you need to mind your business!”

“He’s my friend so he is my business. You threw a rock at him,”

“I can do whatever I please! My father is a noble and I’m going to marry a prince someday so one day I’ll be a queen and you’ll be a pauper who can’t even afford nice shoes!”

“It’s true, he can’t hit you but I can because we’re both girls!”

“There’s nothing worse than a girl defending a boy!” Katherina retorted

“He seems okay with it,” she glared and went after Sanji again only to be flipped and slammed into the ground. _________________ picked up Sanji’s egg crate. Katherina jumped on her back. She ran backwards and slammed Katherina between the wall and her body. Katherina let go and slumped to the ground. She glared at ________________, “Now, leave Sanji alone and say you’re sorry,”

“Make me peasant,”

Sanji was on _________________’s back as she carried him back to the Baratie Restaurant. They missed their train and it was a ways back to their area. They took the train that took them to the closest they could and walked the rest of the way. He didn’t mind it so much, especially since she was humming cheerfully. He never had seen two girls fighting before. After _________________ asked Katherina to apologize and her refusal, she decided to get his eggs and leave. Katherina decided now that _______________ was occupied, she was going to kick her with her boot in her side. However, she had stood up, smashed one of the eggs in her face and proceeded to shoved her into a garbage can and kicked it down the hill. __________________ placed the eggs inside a satchel and then placed Sanji on her back and walked back. Sanji remember this scene all too well. Only this time it wasn’t raining and only he was injured.

“Where did you learn that?”

“Learn what?”

“That wall press?”

“Ace and Sabo. I watch them spar with each other a lot and we roughhouse from time to time. I know violence isn’t the answer but I don’t like people hurting my friends,”

“Then why do you protect me?”

“Because we’re friends, silly,”

“But I’m supposed to be protecting you! You’re always protecting me!”

“Huh? When?” he froze and went quiet, “Sanji?”

“…_________________ do you remember about anything from your past? Like your parents or anything?”

“Nah and I’m okay with that. I mean it bothered me when I was super younger but not anymore,”

“Do you remember other people from your past?”

“Yeah! But not their faces. Like I remember a blond boy that I used to hide with for some reason but I used to save him from three nasty little boys. I also remember a girl with violet hair,”

“…what about her?”

“I remember she used to put Band-Aids on me and kiss me and calling me cute. I remember a woman always being nice to me. She used to brush my hair and always called me her little doll. I wish I could remember her face. I remember her voice being really sweet and nice and for some reason not like my mom’s. I remember hair, voices, and actions but not faces. But for some reason, I can remember Sabo not having his hat,”

“What else do you remember?”

“I remember always seeing a beautiful seaside. Like crystal clear water, ships coming in, trains leaving, and just spending hours there. I used to have nightmares all the time but since Jozu gave me a dreamcatcher, they disappeared,”

“So what do you dream of now?”

“Tea and video games and things I see every day or stories everyone tells me before bed. But the outcome is almost always the same! I get my family and for some reason Ace is always there! One time he was a frog, one time he was a dirty smelly bear man, and the last time he was a nutcracker,”

“You’re a weird girl I swear!”

“Ace says the same thing!” they both laughed.

They made it back to Baratie at around six. The old chef scolded him for being late until Sanji told him the whole story.

“I see…Sanji, you could have told me. I would have told you to go a different route or gone with you,”

“But I wanted to show you I could handle it!”

“I know you could handle it but that doesn’t mean you have to put your personal safety on the line. I’ll see if I can find a better way for you,”

“Can _______________ come with me? She knows all of the shortcuts in Goa!”

“Okay, but I’ll have one of the chefs pick you two up after you get all of the ingredients until I find a better route,” He decided to thank _________________ with a large meal and the golden apple and pear bars helping Sanji bring the ingredients he needed and took her home when she was finished. At home, she told Ace everything while sharing the leftover bars.

“Pffft! You should have slammed her into a mud puddle or something. Noble girls hate being dirty,”

“I didn’t want to really hurt her! She didn’t leave me much of a choice!”

“Why did you help him anyway? It wasn’t your fight,”

“Pops told me that boys have enough trouble going on without a girl bullying him because he won’t fight back. I don’t think its right, so I’m going to hit them for him,”

“Why don’t you fight the girl way?”

“In this case, I can’t. Izo told me that once a girl starts a fight the boy way, then all bets are off. To be honest, I’m still confused. Sister always treated me well like anyone else. Even here, everyone does their own chores. We both do kitchen duty, I help run errands, and you do floor duty. I mean, Zeff is telling Sanji not to hit girls but Pops said he shouldn’t be taught that so what does it all mean?”

“It means you think too much. Listen, everyone is raised differently. But it means to not go after a boy or a girl for no reason. You’d have to be a real dickhole to go after an innocent girl and you’d have to be a real dickhole to go after an innocent boy. If you hit someone, get ready for a fight. If someone attacks you, defend yourself and also be prepared for someone else to do it. If someone hurt anyone I cared out about, I’m going after them and I’m sure they’d do the same. I wanted to go after Holly but Marco said it wasn’t my fight and if I just went after a girl, it would look bad because she didn’t physically try and hurt you,”

“…that makes sense! Ace you’re so wise,”

“No I’m not. Also, I wouldn’t hit you for no reason, not because you’re a girl, you’re my sister. I mean roughhousing is one thing but attacking you is another. Some girls are delicate but I’m sure they wouldn’t want someone to treat them like they’re helpless,”


“I mean, I won’t like hit you like I hit Luffy but I’ll push and wrestle you if we’re getting the last senbei, like I know you’d do the same to me. But just be warned, just because some men are taught not to hit women, doesn’t mean they won’t do it when they’re older. And no one is immune to Grandpa’s Fist of Love,”

“Or Sister’s Bop of Learning,”

“She has one of those two!”

“It hurts when it gets cold!”

“So you get it now?”


“Good. Jeez and you’re supposed to be the smart one,” he ruffled her hair, “By the way, it’s easier for you and Sanji to cross through the Colubo area in order to get to the merchant areas of Goa Kingdom. It’s Dadan’s territory and she won’t bother you. Hell, just ask Magra to help you two; he’ll probably be okay with a few pastries. His sweet tooth is worst than yours,”

“Who’s Magra wait who’s Dadan?”

“He’s like well…an really cool uncle and Dadan…I’ll never admit this ever but she’s like a mom. She took care of me before Pops adopted me,”

“Cool! I thought you were like always here!”

“Nah, I used to live in Colubo about a year ago with Luffy,”


“Yeah so I’ll ask. I visit those idiots every now and then,”

“They must be nice then!”

“Magra maybe. Dadan is like Garp. Pops sometimes have them watch me when he and everyone do something illegal in another town,”


“Yeah he’ll probably have you come with,”

“Cool!” he snorts. Nothing was cool about seeing Dadan.

Chapter 10: The Dark Crow


The Little Girl meets a monster

Chapter Text

Christmas was a couple of weeks away but it was starting to feel like Halloween in the neighborhood. For the last few nights, the kids of the area have been talking about a strange dark crow that’s been seen roaming the streets. No one has caught a glimpse of its face but it was said to be as terrifying as the rest of him. It was covered in thick black feathers and walked and often crouched and dove looking for small victims to eat. Ace and Sabo caught a glimpse of it and they were going to approach it but they were both smacked and beaten and when they came to, it was gone. Most adults told them to leave it alone. Some said it was their imagination. But the children knew what they saw and in Ace and Sabo’s case, felt. One day, the three brothers and one sister were discussing it. However, this turned into a sparring match between the four of them.

“Ace, take it easy on _______________________,” said Sabo

“Heh, fat chance, I won’t take it easy on her a girl,”

“That’s not what I mean!”

“Yeah! You’re really rough!” said Luffy

“Life is rough! Okay _________________ you know the rules! If you tap out, you lose, got it?”

“Got it!”

“Ready and go!” Sabo and Luffy watched at the pair tussled and wrestled around the room. Ace managed to corner his prey and went in for a blow, only to have his arm grabbed and then something made his is entire body lock up, “AHHHHHHHH! LET GO!!!”

“___________________ THE HELL?!” said Luffy

“It’s a pressure point. Does this mean I win?”


“But I’m not! I was taught this! I didn’t even know it worked!”


“I’m not cheating! I”ll let you go!”

“DON’T! I can break free!” However, this proved pointless as no matter how Ace moved his arm, the pain shot through his legs.

“ACE TAP OUT!” said Luffy



“Ace, please tap out! I can’t fix a broken arm! And I don’t know the long term damage of this one!” the boy glared and tried to pull again and after a few more minutes of this, he tapped out. ________________ released his arm. Ace winced and rubbed his arm.

“Jeez, who taught you that one?!” said Sabo.

“Grandma did,”

“You have a Grandma?!” said Luffy, “Is she like a Grandpa?!”

“No way! She’s super cool! But she doesn’t like me calling her Grandma. She says it makes her sound old and to call her Sh—,”

“Who cares?!” Ace shook out his arm and winced.

“Wow she got you!” said Luffy

“She has dumb luck like you idiot!”

“You have to admit it Ace, she did get you!”

“Oh? If she’s so tough then she’s going to go after the Dark Crow tonight!” they trio went silent.

“W-Wait why can’t it be Luffy or me?” said Sabo

“That’s because ______________________ is going to do it,” said Ace

“Huh, why me?” she said

“To prove you’re worthy of being our sister and a member of the Whitebeard family! Everyone else has to prove their bravery! You can’t get away from it because you’re a girl!”

“B-But it’s freezing out there!”

“So? A little cold never hurt anyone. And if you don’t go, then you’re no longer our sister,”

“W-What?!” said Luffy, “B-But—,”

“You heard me! If she doesn’t find the Dark Crow, take a few feathers and prove her bravery, she’s no longer our sister and will be ignored! You’ll go tonight after Curiel and Jozu come home,”

“O-Okay,” she went off.

“And you can’t tell anyone! You have to keep this one a secret!” she frowned and went off.

“Why are you making her do this?” said Sabo leering at him

“To prove she’s one of us,” said Ace

“Yeah but this is dangerous!”

“Life is dangerous!

“Or because she almost broke you arm?”

“Shut up Luffy!”

__________________ snuck out of the house at about eleven that night. She knew everyone’s schedules by now and she waited until her bedtime story before grabbing her coat and leaving out the backdoor to start her journey. She was scared but she wanted to show Ace that she wasn’t some useless girl. She had to show him that she could take care of herself if she had to. She had to do it all the time in the convent. She’s a little street smart like him but she had to show him that she was just as good. All she had to do was find the Dark Crow, take a feather and go home. She’s never been out of Pop’s Territory unsupervised before and she was scared. She kept her raincoat closer to her as she trudged on. It was pouring by this point. According to Sabo, the Dark Crow would roam the area before disappearing and reappearing somewhere. She never been in this type of weather before. Sister always made her come inside when it start to sleet outside. She only witnessed it once and she remembered it was freezing outside. It was also one of the time Grandpa picked her up for Christmas.

“Don’t think it’s dangerous to come all the way here in weather like this?!” said Sister. Grandpa laughed.

“Well everyone’s waiting to see the little lady!”

“They’re going to have to wait. Inside, both of you!” Sister made soup and they stayed in until the next morning when conditions were better. Sister scolded him the whole night about it, “I took care of her for too long for her to become an icicle!” she grinned at the memory before stopping for a few moments. It was so cold she could see her breath in the air. She shivered and thought about the icicle thing. Then she thought of the Little Match Girl story and got really scared. She didn’t want to die tonight! Maybe she should turn back. If Ace, Sabo, and Luffy won’t play with her anymore, then maybe Sanji would? She then heard something…off. It wasn’t like it wasn’t something she didn’t hear before it just sounded like something you wouldn’t hear in this weather or this time of night. She followed the sound to a cage in a dark alley. There was a person singing in the cage. She slowly crept to it and saw a young woman singing. She had blue hair, pink eyes, and was looking rather sad in the corner of the cage.

“Are you okay?” the girl stopped singing.


“Oh! OH! Please help me!” _________________ looked around and nodded. She looked around to see how she could help the woman, “Do you see that triton over there?” _____________ turned, “It’s the large looking fork,”


“Bring it here and stand back,” she did as she was told as the woman takes it and points it at the lock making it fall. She the woman takes the triton and nudged the door opened and walked out. She smiled at down at _____________________, “Thank you so much little one,”

“No problem!”

“I owe you my life. Thank you!” she quickly went off. __________________grinned and started back on her journey but was blocked by two men. The two men she guessed who trapped the woman.

“Awww what’s this little mouse doing in the rain?” said the first man. Her eyes widened as she backed away. The men wore a symbol with three skulls and eight crossbones. She backed away, remember what Curiel told her about whose Jolly Roger that was, “Hey kid, since you were responsible for letting go our bounty, looks like someone is gonna take her place. Not a mermaid but better than nothing,” she backed away, “Looks like the little mouse is scared of us. Then again, I would be scared to if I pissed off someone from Blackbeard’s crew,” even though it was freezing outside, reaffirmation of who these guys were made her blood run cold.

“Now,” said the second man, “Get in the cage like a good little mouse and then we don’t have to hurt you,” she back away towards the case slowly, “Heh good girl. Don’t worry, you won’t be in there—,” ____________________ saw her opening and took it. She ran at the men, slipped through the opening gap between them and made a run for it. She slipped and skated across the ice but she did everything she could to steady herself until she got to someplace safe. The men swore and cursed at her tripping along the way. She saw an opening to the main road and flailed towards it. Someone grabbed her from the shadows. She went to scream but they grabbed her mouth.

“Shhhhh….” They pulled her deeper into the shadows as the men who chased her looked around.

“Could have sworn she went this way!”

“Hurry up and find her! If she gets back home, we’re dead!” they ran the other way and soon she couldn’t hear their footsteps anymore. The figure lets her go. She jumped back from them, still shaken. They soon stepped into the light. She was face to face with a huge man. He had golden-blonde hair, fair skin, and sharp, reddish-brown eyes. He was seen wearing a dark red hood from which two heart-like shapes hang from, a pair of beige jeans, a dark purple feather mantle and a white shirt with pink hearts printed all over it. She froze. The man stopped when he saw her. She was shaking like a leaf in the rain. He looked around before he got on one knee and smiled at her. Her first instinct was to run but the man didn’t make any notion that he was dangerous, not like Blackbeard. She heard the men running. She froze. He pressed his fingers to his lip and then snapped his fingers.

“Calm,” she looked around. She couldn’t hear anything anymore. She couldn’t hear the rain, she saw the lightning but didn’t hear the thunder and she couldn’t hear the rain make contact with anything. The man knelt down on one knee in order to show her his face. She clammed up but he smiled warmly at her. She couldn’t help but slowly let her guard down, “Don’t worry, no one can hear you and I’m not going to hurt you,” he took off his mantle and draped it over her, “Let’s get you home, okay?” however, the raindrops feel harder on them. She winced, “Maybe not, well come on, I’ll take you to my home so we can get you home, little one,” even though the rain was getting them both soaked, he offered his hand. She gently but cautiously took it. He smiled and gently picked her up and placed her on his shoulders. She clung as he walked. Both of them were getting soaked to the bone.

“What’s your name little one?”

“M-Marco said to ne-never give me name to s-strangers!” he smiled.

“My name is Corazon. See, I’m not a stranger anymore,”

“M-My name is ____________________,”

“Nice to meet you little lady!” she grinned.

“Thatch always calls me that too, Mr. Corazon!”

“You’re from the Whitebeard home, aren’t you?” she nodded, “Alright, it’s a bit slippery out here. I’ll take you to my place so you can call home and get at least,”


He gently placed her on the couch and placed a towel over her. She wrapped up as he disappeared into the kitchen. She looked around the room. It was a very cozy room with two couches, a TV, a coffee table, and a fireplace that had a fire roaring. She felt so much better the Corazon Flamingo poked his head out of the kitchen.

“Do you like hot chocolate?” she looked at him puzzled.

“I never had it,” he went into the kitchen and she heard pots and pans banging. Then a loud crash before the Corazon Flamingo came out a large mug of hot chocolate. He placed the cup in front of her. He grinned and held up a can of whipped cream and poured it on top of the mug.

“Give it a try! I think you’re a whipped cream girl!” she looked at him and cautiously brought the mug to her lips and took a sip.

“…This. Is. GOOD!”

“I knew you’d like it!” he beamed, “Wait, I think I have something else,” he went back into the kitchen and brought back a piece of cake. Her eyes lit up.

“Thank you!”

“My pleasure! Are you feeling okay?”

“I feel better! Wait…are you fattening me up so you can eat me?!”

“Heavens no! I’m not a monster! I’m just pretending,”

“Is that why you’ve been walking in the middle of the night? To scare children?” the looked up. A boy trots downstairs. He had yellow eyes and dark shaggy hair. He had a faint shadow under his eyes and looked surprised at not only Corazon but the newcomer, “Cora-san, you can’t just pick kids off the streets and claim them as yours,”

“Law!” _________________ watched as the boy was scooped up and hugged by Corazon. The boy looked jaded as he was snuggled and cuddled and then put down, “And this is _________________! She was outside in the rain looking for me!” he eyed the girl


“I made a bet with my brother that I could find the Dark Crow, which I found out was Mr. Corazon!”

“…you thought Cora-san was a monster?” she nodded, “Tch,”

“LAW!!! I’m supposed to be a monster!”

“How does walking the streets in the middle of the night make you a monster?!”

“Intimidation!” Law sighed and passed _________________ a cup of tea, “I couldn’t hurt an innocent little girl and I was just taking a stroll,”

“Well she’s not trying to join any gang so she’s okay. Probably just got lost or something,”

“It’s possible…”

“…Did you not ask her where she live or anything?”

“…I kind of forgot,”

“…ask her now!”

“So __________________—g,”

“I live on the North side of town with the Newgate Family,”

“Wait, you’re a daughter of the Whitebeard Family?”

“Yep! They adopted me!” Corazon froze

“So you’re the little girl that Garp told Sengoku-san about! The way he talked you were a fire breathing little elf,”

“He started it when he grabbed me!” Corazon chuckled.

“No worries, when the rain lets up, I’ll take you home,”

“Thank you!”

“Why were you roaming the streets in the middle of the night anyway?” said Law, “And why in the rain?!”

“I like taking walks at night. It’s so soothing!”

“In the sleet?!”

“I wasn’t thinking!” Law groans

“Be more careful Cora-san,”

“I’ll do my best!” ___________________ watched on. Even though Law didn’t show it, he really did care about Corazon. He then turned to her, “____________________ do you know your phone number?” she nodded and gave it to him, “Okay, I’ll call your family. Law why don’t you two go play upstairs?” he nodded and gestured __________________ upstairs. Other than Ace, she’s never really need in another boy’s room before. Law’s room was pretty big with a bed, a desk, a window, and a book shelf, but what really set it apart was countless jars of animals in formaldehyde, a frog being dissected on his desk and a training sword against his wall. She looked at the weird animals curiously.

“This is so cool,” she said

“Thanks,” he said, “Cora-san usually find me road kill to dissect,”

“You want to be a doctor?”


“That’s cool!”

“Why were you out in the streets like that? Walking alone in sleet isn’t exactly a smart decision,” she explained what happened, “That’s a stupid reason to risk your life like that. If he doesn’t want to being around you because you hadn’t proven your bravery in doing something stupid then screw them,”

“I know it’s was pretty stupid,”

“You don’t look stupid; don’t do something that contradicts that,”

“Okay,” he sighed.

“Want to help me dissect this frog?”

“YEAH!” he handed her a facial mask as cuts opened the frog and removed its organs, “By the way, I hadn’t seen you in town before! Have you always lived here?”

“Nah, we just moved here about a few months ago from Dressrosa,”

“That’s super far away!”

“Well, Cora-san and I had to leave some time ago and this was the only place far and safe enough for us to live. No one knows who we are and we want to keep it that way,”

“Your secret is safe with me!” he gave her a small smile.

“Thanks,” he didn’t want to admit but he could use the company. There was a knock on the door.

“Okay, the sleet finally let up. I called your folks, they’re waiting for you. Ready?”


“…you’re not going to walk there are you?” said Law

“No, no, by car! We’re near the Saint Agnes Quarter,”

“We’re near Sister’s convent?!”

“Oh you know her?!”

“She’s my mom! Well Mom figure!”

“I would say let’s visit her but I’m sure she’ll kill us both,”

“You have no idea,” she smiled at Law, “We have to play again!” she piped happily. Law nodded.

“Yeah we do,” she gave him a hug. He stiffened as Corazon hoisted her onto his shoulders and headed out. She’s like a girl version of Cora-san he thought then shuddered but then smiled. At least she didn’t trip every five—.

“ACK! LAW IT HAPPENED AGAIN!” Corazon was flailing in a rather large slushy mud puddle and was chest deep trying to get out but failing with ___________________ trying to help him out, getting muddy herself.

“Hang on, Mr. Corazon!” Law sighed and went to get the rope.

As she and Corazon drove, ________________ made a mental note on how to back track and get back to their place just in case. They were about five blocked passed Sister’s convent near the countryside. Soon they stopped in front of her home. She climbed out as Corazon opened the door for her. Before he knocked on the door, he knelt down in front of her.

“Okay, you have to do something very important for me,”

“Yes Cora-san?”

“You can’t let any of the neighborhood kids know I’m not a monster,”

“Aww why? You’re so cool!” he reddened and ruffled her hair.

“I know but you’ll understand when you’re older. Please?”

“Yes sir! Can I still come over and play with Law and eat cake with you?”

“OF COURSE YOU CAN!” he hugged her tight as she beamed. He knocked on the door and handed her a few feathers from his boa, “Here to prove to your brothers that you met me,”

“Thank you!” the door opened and Marco and Whitebeard were clamoring outside. They looked at Corazon and ____________________ before they could take a step forward, Corazon snapped his fingers.

“Calm,” Whitebeard was the first to grab and hug her tightly. She smiled and hugged him back. Corazon explained the entire situation.

“I see,” said Whitebeard, “That boy I swear,”

“He doesn’t know she’s here. May I?” Corazon took ________________ and ripped her sleeve off her blouse, took some dirt and smeared it all over his face and arms and skirt, and took some red lipstick and smeared it all over knees and face. He then gave her head a strong ruffle.


“There we go,” he looked at his handiwork, “To teach Ace a lesson,”

“Oh he’s going to be punished for this one,” said Whitebeard, “And so are you for sneaking out,” she winced.

“Yes Dad,”

“Marco, take her inside and make sure she’s okay,” he nodded. Corazon looked at Whitebeard expectantly, “Anything to report?”

“Yeah some of Teach’s affiliates have been in your area as of late. That’s why I’ve been roaming so much. I got enough information and I was going to report soon until I saw _______________ freeing one of the merfolk who lived here,”

“So those assholes are still here. Did they recognize who she was?” Corazon shook his head.

“They just figured she was some random child,” Whitebeard looked relieved.

“Good. Is the mermaid okay?”

“She made it back to her area safe while they were chasing ________________,”

“I see. Thank you for bringing her back home safely and keeping an eye on things,”

“It’s the least I can do for not alerting anyone’s attention to me or Law,”

“But in this weather, you’re staying inside,”

“I can handle it,”

“It’s not your immune system I’m worried about,”

“Then what are you talking ab—,” Corazon turned and before he could fall, Whitebeard grabbed him and held him up, “Thank you,”

“Please just be careful in this weather. Kids nowadays I swear,”

___________________ and Ace’s punishments were given swiftly and justly. Ace and ________________ has to shovel everyone’s drive ways and yards alone starting at five that morning. They worked until around noon when Namur came with two thermoses of hot soup and grilled cheese sandwiches.

“Eat up you two,” he said from the back of his car, “It should still be hot,”

“Thanks Namur,”

“Any time. You only get an hour but I think I can accidentally not look at the time,” he winked. Ace looked at __________________. She was happily drinking her soup along with him. She hadn’t said a word to him since they started shoveling.

“___________________?” she ignored him, “_________________ come on I know you hear me! Listen I’m sorry okay! I didn’t mean for you to get lost and scared out there!”

“Then why did you tell me to do it or you or Sabo would never speak to me again?” she pouted, “Do you have any idea how much I really like you guys?! I don’t want my three closest brothers to not like me!”

“Well aren’t you used to being by yourself?!”

“That’s a pretty mean thing to say! You guys are the first kids my age I ever played with! I can’t play with Vivi all the time because she lives far away and Sanji is training! Other than you guys, I’m I don’t have anyone to hang out with! I thought we were at least friends Ace!”

“We are! Okay it was pretty stupid of me to make you go outside like that. Hell I thought you were going to chicken out!”

“Then why tell me to do it! What did I do?!”

“I don’t know alright! I don’t know what it was going to do! I thought you would have at least ran home crying or something not get lost and hurt! I just wanted to see you piss you pants!”

“Well I didn’t! I just got scared and lost and I don’t think I can trust you again!” he stopped. Okay he wasn’t expecting that.

“No…you can trust me. Look I can’t explain why I wanted so badly to see you scared but I didn’t mean for you to not trust me anymore. I’m sorry,” she looked at him.

“I forgive you but you’re going to have to make it up to me somehow,” he nodded and hugged her. She smiled and hugged him back. It was around eight that evening that everything was done. They came home, ate their soup and promptly fell asleep. While __________________ was asleep knew he had to figure out he was going to regain his sister’s trust in him, even if it killed him.

Chapter 11: The Nice Lady's Grave


The Little Girl meets a man named Lore D. Grog

Chapter Text

Twice a month, ____________________ made her journey to the countryside. It started her first year when she came to the convent. Since there weren’t many places for people do services, the convent was their one stop place. There was a place for giving alms, buying candles and lighting them, and even a service called grave maintaining. She knew there was a graveyard way in the countryside and it took a day for Sister to visit there and she always did that a few times a year. She usually left _________________________ in charge during this time and it was during this time, that a man came in the last hour. Sister said never turn anyone away and he came a few moments before she had to close the doors. The man approached her. He was very tall with a wild grin. She would never forget that grin or his moustache. He wore a red cloak and knelt down when he stood in front of her. She backed away. He pats her on the head and chuckled.

“Are you the little nun on duty?”

“Y-Yes sir!”

“I see, then you can do a great service for me,”


“I need you to go to a grave and clean it for me,”


“I need this service done once a month for me and also put pink flowers on her grave,”

“Okay!” he ruffled her hair and gave her a stack of beli. She froze. She’s never seen that much money before.

“That’s for you to keep. I also have another request from you. Don’t tell a living soul where you go twice a month, always go alone, and don’t let anyone know you saw me,”

“Yes sir!” he grinned.

“Good girl! Don’t put that money in that donation box. I don’t want you to lie to Flora. She’ll skin you alive. I’ll be back to pay you at the grave next year. Until then, be a good nun,” she nodded. The next day, she followed the map the man gave her. The tombstone was nowhere near town and was actually in a place far off from where she’s ever been. She had to make her way through brambles and thorn bushes and soon she had a little pathway just for her. She couldn’t believe what she saw when she entered the clearing. There was a statue of a woman next to a stream. She was sitting on the bench looking serene. She couldn’t see her face or anything because of the slime and grime all over her. The area was covered with weeds and ivy. She immediately got to work. She did everything Sister showed her and it took a few hours but the grave was nice and clean. The woman sitting looked a lot better than she did. She scrubbed her face and realized that she had specks on her face. They made her look nicer. It was almost sundown when she was done. She went to the stream and filled the vases with water and placed a bunch of pink carnations in them. She noticed that the flower on the woman’s hair was red and made of a different material. She looked at her handiwork and then perched next to the woman.

“Hi! I’m _____________________! I’m going to make sure your grave is okay from now on! It must be really lonely out here, all alone. Was that weird guy your husband? I bet he was. He was really specific about making sure you have pink flowers. We have roses in the garden but they’re not in bloom yet! I went to the flower shop and got you some carnations. I really like them. They had these pretty blue ones too! But he said pink so by golly you’re going to have pink flowers,” She shined that one often. She looked at the sky and quickly headed back to the convent but was soon back two weeks later to visit the mysterious hidden grave. She dubbed the woman the Nice Lady because of the sweet smile the lady had on her face that always made her smile. As she promised, she visited the lady without fail, replacing the flowers, lighting incense and often just there to keep her company. She found herself talking to the Nice Lady all the time, who often gave her a polite ear. She continued for a few months and she was getting attached to the Nice Lady. When it was storm season, she made a small shelter over the Nice Lady’s head to keep the rain and snow off her. She changed up the type of pink flowers she could place on her grave. When it was cold, she went to flower shops and bought carnations, gladiolas, daisies, orchids, and peonies. But when the weather was nicer, she often found fragrant pink roses, lilies, and that strange one that the Nice Lady had in her hair. A year passed when she went to go her duty. She found the strange flower in her hair and plucked on and showed it to Sister.

“What kind of plant is this?”

“Hibiscus. They’re actually pretty good for tea. What’s up?”

“Nothing! I found them in the woods and I was just wondering!”

“Yeah but it’ll be a miracle to find them when it gets cold, they’re a tropical plant,” a few days later, ________________ was back at the grave with mini bouquet of fake hibiscus flowers.

“Hi Nice Lady!” she said brightly, “Sister said that you can’t find hibiscus flowers when it gets cold so I got you some fake ones! I know it’s not the same but they’re still pretty!” she placed them in the vase and sat next to her as usual and told her about the world from a child’s point of view. A year or so later, she was adopted. For the first few weeks, she forgot about the Nice Lady, trying to adjust to her new life and trying to figure out to visit her from where she was living.

“Whatcha got there little lady?” said Namur looking over her shoulder as she scanned a map.

“I’m trying to figure out how to get to the countryside,” he took the map and looked at it, “It was easy because it was so close to the convent but now its further away,”

“Well, if you go like you’re walking towards the convent but cut along this area here using this street, then you’ll get there faster and you can get back home in time for dinner,”

“Thanks Namur!”

“So what’s in the countryside for you little lady?”

“My secret place! I go there almost all the time!”

“Oh? Can we see it?”

“Nah uh, then it wouldn’t be a secret place anymore,” she stuck her tongue out. He ruffled her hair.

“Alright but if I don’t see you before the sun is down, I’m going to get you,”

“Okay!” __________________ happily followed the path to the letter and found herself in the countryside. She then noticed how close she was to her secret path and skipped towards it. Even after she was adopted, the first person she wanted to tell was the Nice Lady, “I’m sorry I hadn’t come to see like I usually do but I got adopted! Sister told me I was the longest kid she’s ever had and said that she wanted to make sure I was someplace special. She also said she didn’t mind keeping me around either but that’s why I didn’t come for a little while. I was adjusting. All of my brothers are giants!”

“So that’s why I hadn’t seen you at the convent,” said a voice. She turned. She smiled.

“Hi sir!” the mysterious man came from the shadows. He strode over and gave her a hug. She winced. His were tight like Pops. Because they were alone, he didn’t have infamous hood over his head revealing short black hair, wild dark eyes, and of course his infamous moustache.

“The grave looks great!” he said, “Every time I come to see her, I’m impressed to see her body without the weeds and vines. I also love seeing fresh flowers on her grave. Thank you little nun,”

“No problem sir!”

“So, who adopted you?”

“Oh! The Newgate Family!” the man chuckled then barked out a laugh.

“If there’s any kid more deserving of a family like that it’s you! So Whitebeard is your Daddy?”

“Yep! You know him?”

“We crossed paths waaaay before you were born. And if I were you, I wouldn’t openly tell strangers who’s your father,”

“But you’re not a stranger!”

“Oh? Then what’s my name?”

“The Nice Lady’s friend!” he laughed hard

“Clever little scamp! She’s not just my friend. She’s my wife,”

“Wow! She was really pretty,”

“You would have loved her in person,” the man looked at the statue with a large grin and tears in his eyes, “This doesn’t do her any justice,” she decided to make herself scarce while the man talked to her wife, the same way she did. She lit more incense for her and weeded the back. When he was done he ruffled her hair lovingly, “Thank you little nun,”

“No prob! I like visiting the Nice Lady! She’s great to talk to,”

“She was a great listener. The heaven broke the mold with her,”

“Did you have any kids?”

“Aye, we did but…the lad will never love me or accept me,”

“Why?! You seem really nice!”

“You honestly don’t know who I am do you?”

“Sorry, am I?”

“Nah, but if anyone asks, tell them my name is Lore Grog,”

“Alright Mr. Lore!” he ruffles her hair and gave her her yearly stack.

“I have to ask. What do you do with all of the money I give you?”

“Oh! Well, some of it goes into Sister’s donation box and to buy the Nice Lady her flowers but I asked Grandpa what should I do with the rest. He told me to save it until I find a use for it! Now that I’m adopted, I keep it in my piggy bank!”

“You weren't lying about being adopted? And you’re still doing this for me?”

“Yep! I like visiting the Nice Lady and making sure she’s okay! I mean you seem really busy and all if no one visits her, she’ll get lonely! Besides, no one else but you and I seem to know about this place. So it’s quiet. I can come here and just think and just talk to her. It’s my duty that I love doing,” he smiled at her.

“Tell me about your brothers,”

“Oh! Well, I have like sixteen of them! They’re all big and tall, well except Ace and that’s because he’s my age! Pops towers over everyone!” Lore looked up.


“Yep! Ace is my big brother too! He’s really since when you get to know him. We were friends first and he thought I had weird nun powers because someone told him we did. He has two other brothers his age too! They’re Luffy and Sabo. Luffy is younger, he’s about my age but he acts way younger. Ace likes to play with them all the time! He wants to do whatever Pops does when he’s older. He and Sabo and Luffy are always in town but he likes playing video games with me at night,”

“Sounds like you two are attached at the hip,”

“Yeah! Ace is the best! I love hanging out with him all the time. But sometimes he gets really sad and mopey. I do my best to cheer him up and it always seem to work,”

“Yeah, the boy has a lot on his plate and will have more when he gets older,”

“Why? I wanna help him!”

“Well, it’s complicated but let’s just say from the moment he was born, he was hated and will probably continue to be hated until the day he dies,”

“That’s awful! Ace is awesome! Who wouldn’t like him?! Luffy loves him. Sabo loves him. Everyone at home loves him and even love to pick on him, especially Izo and Thatch and Fossa…Curiel…well almost everyone. And I love him! So what if the world hates him, he has us!”

“He’s a lucky boy then. He couldn’t ask for anything else,” Lore sat and listened to the little girl happily talk and chatting about her new family, her visits with the Nice Lady, and some of the adventures she’s been having, “Sounds like it’s more fun than the convent,”

“It is! I get amazing leftovers from Baratie, I learn a lot of things from my new brothers, and I get a story every night from Marco! Everything is awesome and speaking of, I have to go! If I’m late, Namur said that he’ll hunt me down and bring me home! The last time I was late, everyone got really worried! See you next time Mr. Lore!”

“Be careful kiddo,” he watched her scamper away and disappearing into the brush. He went back to the path to make sure she made it out okay before returning to his wife’s grave. Tears rolled from his eyes, “Hey there lovely,” he said looking at her, “I know it’s been awhile since we’ve seen each other. I’m sorry but apparently you have company even if it’s just a little while. I’m sorry I can’t make it as much as I would like, I can’t risk getting caught, even though joining you would be more than enough of a punishment for me. But I know demons like me go to hell and angels like you remain in heaven. I know you’ve heard me say it before but…I’m sorry. I’m sorry I put you through all of this. I’m sorry I couldn’t be there when you were hiding with our unborn son, I’m sorry I couldn’t even bury you in a proper cemetery but an unmarked grave in the woods where no one treads. I’m sorry I can’t even raise our son like you would have. I miss you every day and the moments I do see Ace, I swear it’s like seeing you again. Of course he’s too much like me,” he chuckled and wiped his eyes, “But it’s good to see him so…happy. He’s growing up to be a fine man. Be prepared to listen to all of the stories about him, I will never know my darling flower,” he got up and kissed the statue’s cheek, “I love you Rouge,” Lore, stood up and silently walked away from the grave.

Chapter 12: My Sister's Keeper


The Little Girl is in critical condition

Chapter Text

A virus was going around town with almost more than half the denizens becoming sick. House calls were made and almost everyone in town was sick. The Baratie was temporarily closed because most of the staff came down with the flu, especially Sanji. Zeff played nursemaid and had pots of his famous chicken soup and was making deliveries all over the area, even as far as the Cocoyashi area. Whatever it was, ______________ was hit hard with it. It also didn’t help that a week prior she was wandering in the rain. The doctor came and said she caught the same thing everyone else got and she would be on antibiotics for a while.

“She’ll be good in a week or so. She just needs lots of rest, lots of fluids, and soup and of course her medicine for her throat and her fever. But it’s important we keep her from other kids. She’s contagious and be sure to keep her warm and give her fresh air,” Whitebeard ordered Luffy, Ace, and Sabo to stay away from __________________ until she was better. Because everyone was getting sick, Whitebeard ordered for soup and warm things to be given to everyone in his territory to make sure everyone was safe and able to feel better, leaving Ace and _________________ alone. Atmos and Curiel make a little nest for her in the living room so she wouldn’t feel so isolated from everyone and could have company every now and then. She was curled up on the couch, watching some anime and but dozing off every now and then. Ace’s job was to keep an eye on her and make sure she was okay.

“Her medicine should be ready by noon,” said Marco, “We’ll pick it up as soon as we get home. It shouldn’t take too long,” however, it was about two and still no one has come. He touched her head. She wasn’t looking too good. But he knew he had to get her medicine or she wouldn’t get better. When it was almost four with the pharmacy closing in an hour, he decided to take matters into his own hands

“Come on, we have to pick up your medicine or you won’t get better,” he said grinning, “It’s just a few blocks away and we can get you some soup too!”


“Come on, the doctor says you need air too! And it’s starting to snow outside. You’re going to love it!” He gave her his warmest coat. He knew the air would make her feel better. Now he needed to make sure she was able to get to the store with him. She still wasn’t feeling well, “Can you walk okay?” she nodded, “Alright but if you’re tired, I’ll carry you, okay?” she nodded. He grinned, “You’ll be okay, I promise,” Outside the snow was starting to barely fall as they walked. No one was out because they were sick or tending someone who was sick. He walked slower to make sure she was okay and didn’t overexert herself. She looked a little better, “Kind of sucks you can’t ride your bike yet,”

“I know! I really wanted to try it out,” she whispered. He grimaced. Her throat was still shot. She couldn’t only whisper.

“You’ll get better soon, then I can show you the best bike places,”

“You have a bike?”

“Yeah but only when we’re going like super far somewhere,” at the market, Ace went to the pharmacy and gave the woman their receipt and he got the medicine. He then bought her some water and then went back outside, “Here,” said Ace handing a pill to her, “Wait,” he read the directions and bought her some applesauce, “You’re supposed to eat it with food. Take this and you’re going to have to take another in a few hours,”

“Thanks Ace,” she took her medicine and they were on their way home. He knew she was not at 100% but at least the medicine was going to help. They lingered as she finished and they were soon on their way again. However, life had other plans. It started with _____________ yelping. Ace turned to see three men grabbing and pulling her into a red van in an alley. He took off his pipe and went after them, managing to get one man off and then the other. The third came up from behind and grabbed him.

“FUCKERS LET GO MY SISTER!” Ace caught the man in the temple with his pipe, causing him to fall. He went after the other two again but immediately stopped when he saw the first man holding a knife to _______________’s throat.

“Drop the pipe and get in. If not, she dies,” he glared and complied. The third man grabbed and shoved him into the back and ________________ right behind him. His eyed widened when he saw the three skulls symbol on their van. Once inside, he immediate attended to _____________. She was shaken but otherwise okay.

“Did those bastards hurt you?!” she shook her head, “good, I knew it had to—,” she covered his mouth. He looked at her. She pointed to the small window on the truck. The men were talking. He got in closer to listen.

“Yes, we got him. He was walking with that kid who set the mermaid free. He called her his sister,”

“Sister?” said a voice on the other end. Ace held ___________ close and glared, “What does she look like?”

“(h/c), (e/c), a small little girl or a boy,”

“Bring her in too,”

“Alright, we’ll meet you at the dock with them in twenty minutes. We’re about to park,” he closed his phone.

“Blackbeard?” said the second man. _______________ froze

“Yep. He said to bring them back both alive. Near death is okay but as long as they’re both alive. Especially Ace,”

“What about the girl? She looks a little sick,”

“Use her to keep Ace under control. He’s a tough little shit but he’s not going to put someone like that in danger. He’ll comply,” Ace thought for a few moments. His main priority was making sure she was safe and he was going to make sure of that.

“What does Blackbeard want with you?” she whispered.

“My father. I have a bounty on my fuckin’ head because of him. Okay. Here’s the plan. You stay inside. I’ll attack them and from there, we get a bus and get home,”


“No worries, I’m not going to let anything happen to you. I promise,” she nodded. He looked around and spied another pipe. He grabbed it and got ready as ______________ got as away from the door as she could. The van soon stopped. The door jingled opened. The first man cautiously opened the door. He didn’t see either of them. He poked his head inside and it was met with the pipe. His face went back as Ace charged at the other two men. _______________________ watched as Ace took out the two men with everything he had. She crawled out of the van to get a better look and to be ready to run. But that was when she noticed the first man not in front of the door. She looked around and saw him crawling about and creeping up behind Ace holding a long machete. Her eyes widened. She tried to warn him but her voice was too low and he was too occupied. She crept behind him making sure he didn’t see her. Soon Ace landed back on the ground in triumph after knocking the two men out singlehandedly. He smirked.

“Well that was easy. Okay ___________let’s—,”

“YOU THINK YOU WON YOU LITTLE SHIT BRAT?!” Ace turned and saw blood splattering everywhere. The man looked surprised as _________________ fell to the ground in a heap. Ace’s eyes widened in horror before he took advantage of the first man’s shock and knocked the machete out of his hand and proceeded to beating him over and over. The only thing that made him stop was a gargled moan coming from _________________. She was still alive. He looked around for something, anything to get him and her out of there fast. He couldn’t drive the truck but spied a motorbike with a sidecar. He picked her up, placed her in the sidecar and drove away. She was bleeding out. Her face was turning gray. He didn’t know how much time she had left. Tears stung his face. They were out of danger and she was paying the price for it. Her breathing was shallow. Her vision was getting blurry. She was fading fast. Ace was running lights and everything and trying to keep steady in the rain. He had to get her to the doctor.

“______________________?” he didn’t hear a response. He looked down to see a gray face and limp heap, “__________________________!!! NO WAKE UP! STAY WITH ME!” she looked up at him and winced trying to stay up. He didn’t know how far they were from home but he saw a familiar building and went right to it, the Baratie Restaurant. He immediately jumped out off the bike and started banging and screaming at the door.

“HELP! OPEN UP! PLEASE! MY SISTER NEEDS HELP! PLEASE OPEN THE FUCKIN’ DOOR!” the door flew opened and Zeff came out. He took one look at his face and went to the motorbike.

“Move boy!” Zeff looked at her. A few of the sick chefs were looking at the door after hearing the commotion. He immediately started shouting orders, “GET THE CAR! CALL CROCUS! MEET AT NEWGATE’S PLACE! HURRY!” Within minutes, she was in a car being driven home. By the time they got home, the door flew opened and Marco and Fosse got ____________ out of the car and carried her inside. Ace followed close behind as a doctor rushed her inside into a makeshift room and closed the door. Ace stood at the door. Zeff was downstairs telling everyone what has happened. Ace ran downstairs.

“Ace what happened!” said Curiel

“I-I went to get her medicine and I-I didn’t want her to be by herself! We were ambushed by some guys from Blackbeard and—and they took us to the railroads. I fought them off but one ca-came out of nowhere and _________________ shielded me!”

“Describe them!” said Jozu. Ace did the best he could. Soon the rest of them headed off knowing they couldn’t have gotten far. Ace on the other hand was beside himself with worry. He wasn’t allowed in the room as was being worked on. He sat outside the door sobbing heavily. This was some kind of sick déjà vu. First he almost lost his little brother, now he was going to lose his little sister. The door opened. Marco stepped out. He looked down at Ace. He said nothing and took the boy into the bathroom and cleaned his face with a damp cloth.

“Ace, calm down. No one is blaming you. I’m not going to sugarcoat it but she’s in a very critical state. Crocus is doing everything he can to get her stable. Time will tell but don’t blame yourself, alright?” Ace said nothing but hugged Marco and sobbed into his chest. Marco pulled him in and let him cry it out.

_______________ opened her eyes and found herself in the Room again. She didn’t really mind the Room but at first she hated being in this room. Every time she was in this room, she would be by herself with no one to talk to. It was white then it became dark and every time she started talking, she saw images and she didn’t like the images. But she started liking this room because she would see her new friend. After he entered for the first time, the room was really nice. There was a table, chairs, a tea pot, and something tasty to eat, usually apples and pears and sometimes ice cream. The man wasn’t mean or scary but he always told her to wake up and when she did, she would be in some kind of a strange pain. The last time it was suffocation. She choked and tried to get away but her hands and feet were bound. She couldn’t move. She remember hearing voices and seeing shadowy figures. One voice was high pitched and very mocking, the other deep and cold.

“She’s still a stubborn one,” said the high voice, “Still alive and still fighting. Nothing seems to work on this one,”

“Is she compliant?” said the other, “I don’t care about anything else but will she follow any order anyone gives her?”

“Nope, strong will and stubborn like I said, but it doesn’t matter, if she’s alive after tonight, then it’ll because of will and it’ll be best to make her disappear,” then she remembered closing her eyes and always returning in the Room. When this happened again, she always sat down on the fluffy armchair and waited. She noticed there were two doors. One said Life and the other one said Death. She never really went to the doors because they were always locked. So she often just sat and waited for one of them to open.

“You have to wake up now,” he said gently. A tall man with short, neatly-combed dark brown hair and yellow-green eyes was looking down at her. He wore rectangle-shaped glasses, which have four decorative lines on each arm of the frames. He was dressed in a dark suit, tie, black gloves, and dress shoes. The thing she remember the most from him was his pruner he always carried. She called him Mr. Pruner.

“I don’t want to,” she said softly, “Every time I do, it hurts,”

“I know but you can’t come with me just yet,”

“Why not? You seem nice enough,” he snorts.

“Not many people say that about me. I know it hurts, but you have to wake up for me. It’s not your time to come with me,”

“Oh. When is it? The time?”

“Not for a very long time. But right now, you have to wake up for me, alright?”

“Yes sir,” she opened her eyes again. Her chest was tight and she was coughing violently but she felt better than before. She turned over to look at Sabo who was sobbing next to her, “Hey, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” he looked up and looked as though she grew two heads.


“Yeah?” he looked her over and was shaking, “What’s the matter?”

“Y-You were dead!”

“W-Where are I?”

“You’re home in your bed. Please tell me are you okay?!”

“Everything hurts…the only thing I remember is the Judge grabbing me and smoke and a needle. I’m not in the Kingdom of Science anymore?”

“No…listen we have to get you out of here! Everyone thinks you’re dead!”

“Isn’t that a good thing?”

“NO! Everyone wants you dead!”

The Whitebeard home went from a living place to a somber one. Everyone was sad and scared and tried to carry on by often found themselves peeking into the room to check on __________________ every so often. Flora was a frequent visitor, staying over at night and keeping an eye on her little charge. Whitebeard was worried not only for his precious daughter but Ace blamed himself and it showed. He was constantly in the room. He watched Crocus everyday checking her and making sure she was stable and changing her dressing. At night, he would watch her sleep, making sure she was okay. There was only one time where her pressure dropped and she was dead for a few more moments and Crocus had to get him out before stabling her again. After that episode, Ace stepped up his watch. Whitebeard quietly entered the room. Ace was sitting on a chair next to ______________. He looked at her intently and shaking. Tears were rolling down his cheeks as he sobbed. She has been in serious condition, even after Crocus stitched her up. From there he’s been constantly treating her with medicine. Ace never left his side for a moment only to pee and sleep and sleep was an understatement. Every time someone went in there to check on her, he was there. Thatch managed to coax him out to eat something but he always returned to the Sick Room. Whitebeard puts a hand on his shoulder. He looked up.


“Ace, you were trying to help. No one is blaming you. You were trying to do the right thing and not even we could predict Blackbeard’s intentions. Think of it this way, if you didn’t you both would have been who knows where. Blackbeard knows you’re Roger’s son; there are plenty of people out there who wouldn’t mind having you pay for his actions. You were strong enough to get away and you made sure she was taken away as well. You should be proud of yourself,”

“But I’m her brother; it’s my job to make sure she was okay! I shouldn’t have kept a better eye on her!”

“You did. Because of you quick thinking and cool head, you were able to get her someplace you knew would help her and it was enough time to get her medical attention and diagnose the sepsis before it was too late. Yes, it’s fatal but it caught in time, a person can recover fast from it. Time will tell and the best we can do is wait. She’s a fighter but you can’t let yourself waste away and die as a punishment. Come eat and then you’re going to bed. She’ll be here in the morning,” Ace picked at his food. Usually he would devour everything in sight but not tonight. He kept glancing upstairs to where __________________ was recovering. Crocus was in the next room but he wanted to be there in case something happened and no one could hear.

“Eat up, it’s going to get cold,” he looked up. Izo was next to him with another plate of hot food. He frowns a bit. He and Izo did have a good relationship but it was pretty much the mean older brother and helpless little brother, “You can’t help _________________ when you’re weak from hunger,”

“What do you care? You always said I ate everyone out of house and home,”

“I still stand by that but I also know how you feel. It’s not easy to see someone who you love suffering in bed because of you. Even if they did it to save you and it won’t get any better until you make it right. But wasting away and letting your guilt eat you up is only going to make you sick and you don’t need that right now,”

“How would you know?”

“The same thing happened when I was about your age,” he looked up. Izo slid over a small cup of sake towards him, “Here, you need to get some sleep tonight,”

“What happened?”

“It was when me, Marco and Thatch were traveling to get here when were kids. We only had each other and Marco was of course how older and wiser big brother. In the previous town we were in, I hustled some men out of some money so we could find someplace at an inn to sleep. However, we didn’t know we were followed. We were ambushed. We did our best to fight them off. Some asshole tried to carry me off, saying I was going to get all of my holes resized. Marco stepped in and told me and Thatch to run for it. I didn’t…I couldn’t…want to go but all I remember was seeing Marco being carried off. I blamed myself for that. It was months before we found out that he escaped and made it to Flora’s Orphanage before us and was soon adopted by Pops. That guilt stuck with me for a long time. It eats away at you and it hurts like shit but the thing that got me through it was the idea that he loved me so much he wanted me to live. My life was worth so much that he wanted to protect it. I’m not going to tell you that the pain will stop, it will always be there but taking it one day at a time will help you more than you think. But I’m sure she’s not going to want you to not eat or sleep making yourself sick in the process. Eat something and get some sleep, alright?”

“…thanks Izo,”

“Any time kiddo,” Ace forced himself to eat and drank the sake. The hot meal made him sleepy and soon he was out like a light in ________________’s room. Whitebeard gently picked him up and took him back to his room and tucked him in. In the morning, he went to her room to check in on her. Crocus turned.

“Just the boy I wanted to see! She’s stable! Don’t worry, the worst part is okay,”

“What’s wrong with her?!”

“Well, the blade that sliced her had a toxin on it. So even if it was a flesh would, she would have been poisoned somewhat. It got into her blood stream. That’s why it took so long for me to make sure she was stable and given so much medicine. She was in danger of developing sepsis. If you didn’t get her help in time, she wouldn’t be here right now,” Ace froze and left the room so he could finish his work. Outside, Sabo was waiting.

“Where’s Luffy?”

“Still sick. Garp won’t let him outside for anything. How is she doing?”

“Crocus said that if he didn’t get to her in time, she wouldn’t have made it. This is all my fault! I should have been watching her! I should have just stayed at home and waited for Marco!”

“Ace calm down! She’s going to be okay now! You got her and you to safety! There wasn’t much more you could do!”

“It’s not just that!” Ace barked, “She sees the world in a way we don’t! She still sees the world as kind and wholesome place! She sees it as a regular kid! She sees it as you’re suppose to! And now she’s going to be so fucked it’s not even funny!” he buried his face in his hands. Sabo looked at him. Ace was sobbing and shaking. It was underlying reason for him being so upset.

“…Ace _______________ is not a regular kid. No matter what happens, she’s never going to be a regular kid. I understand why you want to protect her, god knows I do but never think she thinks the world is a constantly happy place. You don’t know what she’s been through. That’s why she’s so quick on her feet. Here she can be herself; out there she’s more alert when she’s alone. Trust me, she knows, even if you don’t. Just trust me on this, alright?”

“…what do you know?”

“Can’t say, please Ace, its back when I was a noble,” he raised an eyebrow

“Is she…was she?”

“I can’t say. There’s more to it than you think, just trust me,”

“Alright, alright, I don’t care anyway,”

“Just know she’s going to be okay. If she can live through what she did, she can survive anything. She doesn’t look it but she’s tough,”

“She better be. She’s my little sister. It’ll make us both look bad if she isn’t,”

“Hey Mr. Pruner!” she said brightly. He looked down at her and sighed at his new apparent nickname. The thing she remember the most from him was his pruner he always carried, “How are you?! It’s been awhile hasn’t it?!”

“Long time no see little one. I wish we really would stop meeting like this,” he said patting her head.

“Why? I like seeing you! But this time, I don’t want you to take me. I was just adopted and I don’t want to leave them yet,”

“Don’t worry it’s not yet your time. You still have a lot of living to do,”

“Do you want to meet my family? I’m sure they would like you,”

“I doubt they’ll receive me as well as you do,” he adjusted his glasses, his strange eyes looking at her, “But I will keep you company until it’s time for you to wake up,”

“Alright!” she happily plopped on the big fluffy chair at the table and he sat in front of her. He poured him and her a cup of tea and slid over a small jar with cookies. He looked up to see her beaming at him. He looked at the bright eyed girl before sighing. He knew what she wanted.

“Twenty questions?”


“It’s my name,”

“Okay! Umm…is it after your pruner?”


“Ummm is it a weapon?”


“Is it a hammer?”


“Is it sharp?”


“Is it a knife?”


“Is it a sword?”


“Is it an arrow?”


“Is it long?”


“Does it have wood?”


“Is an old weapon?”


“Is it older than the samurai?”


“Is it older than the bible?”


“Is it a spear?”

“Yes, it took you twelve tries,”

“Aww man! You always beat me Mr. Spear!”


“That’s a cool name! So if I do go with you, where do I go?”

“You’re not coming with me,”

“I know that but where did you want to take me?”

“Don’t worry yourself with those details,”

“Aww okay! But I like our visits!”

“I can’t say I don’t enjoy them,”

“So when do I leave?”

“When your door to life opens again,” he points behind her. She turned. There was a door that had Life above it written in crayon, “You’re not dead yet as long as that door is still visible. If it’s not, then you have to come with me to the door behind me,” she glanced behind him and there was a foreboding door behind him with no sign on it.

“Oh. Is my door opened?”

“No not yet. Give it some time,”

“How long?”

“Time is very different in this room. Minutes here are like hours out there and hours are like days. It won’t take you long, you’re fighting your infection as we speak,”

“Oh! Okay! Is that why you’re always here to keep me company? Just in case the door doesn’t open?”

“Pretty much,” he took out a chess set and arranged the pieces, “Black or white?”

“Black! You were black last time!” he moved a piece as she moved one. This continued until Spears won again.

“You’re getting better. You actually gave me a challenge,” he was about to set up the game again when he heard a click. ___________________ turned and he looked passed her to see her door unlock again, “And your door unlocked. You’re ready to go,”

“So soon?”

“As much as I love our little chats, it’s time for you to go back home,”

“Okay! Say Mr. Spears?”


“Thank you for taking care of me!”

“Any time,”

“Also, I have another question!”


“Is the Nice Lady where you are?”

“No, I deliver souls to the afterlife. She’s in Heaven,”

“Can I see her?”

“No, but she did have me to relay a message. She wants to let you know that she appreciates you taking care of her grave for so long, that she loves your little chats with her, the highlight of her week. She also wants you to do something very special for her. Give Mr. Lore a hibiscus every April, always tell her about your day, and she doesn’t mind you sitting in her lap,”

“Okay!” he nodded and took her hand and took her to the door. He opened it. She gave him a tight hug around his middle, “Thank you for keeping me company Mr. Spears! I’ll miss you!” she happily scampered out of the room as the door locked. Spears reddened before trying to regain his composure. He tidied up the room and went through the other door, hoping to never see her as a child again.

Days have passed and Ace never left her side and took to sleeping in the room next to her. Dr. Crocus told them that she’s sleeping it off and time will tell if she makes it. He always had tea waiting for her by the bed. He replayed that day over and over in his head. He hated being unable to protect his loved ones. He almost lost Luffy and now he’s about to lose his sister. Tears rolled down his face.

“I-I’m sorry!” Ace was sobbing by her side, “I-I was just trying to get you better again! You were really sick! T-This is all my fault! Y-You even shielded me from that knife! I-I’m your brother! I’M supposed to be protecting YOU not the other way around! Damn it! W-Why are you so damned noble. You should have let me got stabbed! What were you thinking?! You should have got out of the way!” he took her hand, “Listen, I don’t know what Sabo meant what he said. All I know is that you’re here and you’re my sister. I mean, I get it, you want to protect us like we protect you but you could have gotten killed! Once you get better, I’m taking you out for ice cream and we’ll spend a whole week together, just you and me. I’ll even get you one of those sea salt popsicles you like so much! And unlimited ice cream sandwiches! I just need for you to wake up!”

“A-Ace?” he looked up to see ___________________ looking at him puzzled, “You okay? All I remember was being a car with you. Did something happen?” Tears rolled from his eyes as he grabbed and hugged her tightly.


“Ack! I didn’t mean to die!” she looked around. She saw weird machines and things and she saw something in her arm, “…How sick was I?!”


“I was?!”

“YES!” tears ran down his face, “I’m sorry! This is all my fault!”

“How is this your fault?”

“I should have kept a better eye on you! It’s my job to keep you safe!”

“But who’s gonna look out for you? That’s why I went to help! He was going to take your head off with that sword!”

“So you logically thought it was okay to get in between us?!”

“You’re alive aren’t you?!”



“Luffy almost got killed because of me. Since then I always swore I wouldn’t let anything happen to someone I loved again,”

“…you love me?”

“Of course I do! You’re my sister! I was so scared that you weren’t going to make it! I was going to miss you! I mean who else will cover for me when I need to? You always tell me to look on the bright side of things! I hate that you know that world is shit now I CAUSED that!”

“Ace…I know…the world isn’t a good place,” she said softly, “Sister taught me that over and over again. That’s why she never wanted me to leave the convent. She said the world was a dark and scary place and that I was better protected inside than out. To be honest, I knew she must really trust Pops if let him adopt me. She taught me how to defend myself just in case but prayed I never needed to use it. I mean at least now I know I’m alive and I can live another day to play video games with you,”

“How can you still be cheerful after all of this?! You were dead!”

“Well, I’m not anymore! Besides, Mr. Spears said I had a long time before I reached Heaven,”

“Mr. Spears?” she nodded. Ace sighed and hugged her tightly, “Don’t become stupid like Luffy,” she giggled

“I won’t,”

After another two week in bed, the doctor gave her the okay to leave the house. Thatch took this opportunity to make her a big dinner to celebrate her good health again, especially since she was confined to soups and soft foods for those weeks. He gave her a list of veggies to get from the convent. Ace, Marco, Namur, Speed Jill, Fossa, and Jozu all insisted insisted that one of them accompanied her to make sure she was okay.

“No, let her go off like she used to,” said Whitebeard, “If we coddle her too much, she’s never going to be independent and be sheltered for the rest of her life,”

“She was sheltered with Flora!” Marco pointed out

“And she’s still fragile like a little guppy!” said Namur

“And there’s a lot of people out there that’s ready to carry her off!” said Ace

“She learned independence from Flora, that’s why I’m not worried about her,” _________________ trotted about town as usual. Many of her other brothers would stop her to see if she’s okay and things. She didn’t mind the fussing. Today’s special ingredient for Thatch was fresh veggies from Sister’s garden. He was going to make vegetable soup the next day. She knocked on the door. An elderly man of average height opened the door.________________ eyes widened as her mouth turned into a wide grin. The old man smiled down at her from behind his round glasses. His eyes and infamous scar twinkled at the sight of her.

“GRANDPA!” he laughed, picked her up and swung her about in his strong arms.

“My, my look at you looking big and strong again! I was just coming to see you when Flora told me you got hurt,”

“It’s okay! I know you live really far away! But I don’t live with Sister anymore!”

“I know! She told me! I actually want to see your new home,”


“Yep! Tell me about your new family,”

“I have like sixteen brothers now! Well, even more but they don’t live in the house, they live around town! Ace is the only one who’s my age and we play once in awhile! Pops is awesome! He loves and takes care of me and tells me stories about things that happened a long time ago! Marco is like my second Dad and Mom! He teaches me a lot of stuff like how to sew things and reading maps! He almost always tucks me in at night and tells me stories! Izo is like a big sister who teaches me how to do things the woman way. Walking in high heels is hard though. Thatch is the cook!” she whispers low, “Better than Sister,”

“Oh no, I know, I’ve had that woman’s cooking every now and then,”

“I HEARD THAT!” said a voice from behind.

“Ack we got caught!”

“Get in here and get these vegetables for Thatch you little runt!” Grandpa snorts and took her inside. She talked as she picked.

“Then there’s Atmos and Jozu! They’re SUPER huge! And they love carrying me! Namur is a fishman! His room is like a giant pool! Curiel likes to teach me how to use firearms like he does! Saying that you’re never too early to experiment with gunpowder and things like that! He tells me to keep some on me just in case. It’s in this plastic container in my backpack. I don’t know what he means by that.”

“Sounds like you really love them. I feel like I’m being replaced,”

“NO! You’ll ALWAYS be my Grandpa!” he chuckled and pecks her cheek.

“I know that little lady. So, can I meet your family tomorrow?”


“Yeah, it’s only right for your Grandpa to meet your new father,”

“Okay! I’ll ask him! I’m so happy! I miss you!”

“I miss you more! We couldn’t spend Christmas together!”

“I’m sure you had a great Christmas with your family. Did you get anything cool before you got sick?”

“YA HUH! Ace bought me a mug! It has a strainer for tea! And then everyone surprised me with a bicycle! Now I can visit the Baratie Restaurant faster and help with deliveries!”

“Deliveries now? Like a certain witch with a cat?”

“YEP!” he chuckled and ruffled her hair.

“You better get going, you don’t want to get home in the dark,”

“Okay! I’ll ask Pops if it’s okay for you to come over and call Sister!”


“Yeah! It’s impolite to come to a house unannounced! See you later!”

“Be safe!” the man watched as the little girl disappeared in the distance. He smiled and went back into the convent. She was growing up so well and just as cute as a button. Flora looked at the man.

“The hell are you planning?”

“What? I want to see my little one’s family. Is that a crime?” he sat at the table and took out a bottle of whiskey. He poured them both a shot. Flora downed her first.

“If you and Edward were normal men with no history, yes but that’s not the case,” he chuckled.

“Come on Flor, you know I wouldn’t make trouble for the kid. And I think Newgate has the right to know her origins,”

“Why? She’s perfectly happy right now Why open a can of worms?”

“How long has she been with them?”

“About six months. He made it official and adopted her. She’s where she needs to be and happy. Don’t you dare ruin it!”

“Wouldn’t dream of it but what if there was a slight chance someone recognize her?”

“Since when anyone from those areas are ever seen here?” he looked at her and gave her a knowing smirk, “I hate you sometimes,”

“Love you too,” he downed his shot and pours another, “So tell me, how are you holding up, with her gone?”

“She’s just like every other kid who’s passed through here. They go to a loving home and my work is done,”

“Yeah but you never had a child for more than six months. She grew on you,”

“And she won’t leave! She visits me every other day to check in on me! I had her for three years, the least she could do is carry on and leave me be!”

“Oh stop Flor, you grew attached to her and love her like a mother would. She was the longest child whom you had. I’m surprised you didn’t find a family for her sooner,”

“Well, people aren’t looking for children to adopt like they used to. And those who do are looking for heirs. She doesn’t need to be thrust into the spotlight as someone’s heir. She needs to be a child and have a family who wants her because they want a child. So that’s why it took me so long,” the old man drapes an arm around her shoulders.

“It took you three years to give her to Edward, why?”

“She wasn’t ready. After you left her, she adjusted slowly. She remembers her family and her life but the more she stayed here, everything felt like it was a bad dream. She remembers things in fragments but can’t understand why. And she added memories in order to fill in the blanks. For instance, she remembers you bringing her to the orphanage but she also remembers two nonexistent parents bringing her to me. She remembers a certain long haired woman bringing her and things it was her mother. But she doesn’t remember anything about her old home, her origins, or Sanji and her relationship. Hell, I wouldn’t if it wasn’t for you,” he looked up at her.

“A Vinsmoke child is here?”

“Mhm, don’t know what happened but Zeff has him now. It’s not my business,” she took another shot, “All I know is that he knows who she is but she doesn’t know who he is. Therefore they’re safe in this place,” he poured her another shot.

“So, when are you passing down your technique?” Flora twitched a bit before downing another.

“Who said I was going to teach her it?”

“So the technique Blume taught you will die with you?”

“If need be. Who said I wanted her to become a fighter?”

“I think you knew where this was headed when she kicked Garp in the face,”

“When Edward and Bellemere told me I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so hard,” she snorts, “Rossi thought she was some kind of a weird gremlin. I think her being able to think on her feet like that gives her potential but when would she need it?”

“After this attack with Blackbeard, I think she will want to be stronger. Besides, I want to teach her some of my old moves,”

“I knew you had an ulterior motive!”

“You know me too well! That’s why I want her to be ready for training with me,”

“So I’m like the easy Boss?”

“Nah, if she can survive you and her family, she can last a few rounds against her Grandpa,” Flora took another shot, “Speaking of, from what I hear, no one has seen hide or hair of the three men that attacked Ace and _________________. According to my sources the men were last seen a few days ago in the Blackbeard Territory. But there is something the Marines in that area is trying to cover up. Apparently, they found the men still alive, strung up in the middle of town, but missing their arms, legs, and dicks. No one seems to know where their limbs are and when asked what happened, they refuse to talk. A classic method used by the Flower Pirates back when they were still active. Do you know anything about that?”

“Never ask me about my business,” she took a shot, “And if Blackbeard is fool enough to come back here or send anyone else, they will meet the same fate,”

“You’re supposed to be dead, Florrie,”

“C’est La Vie. Anyway, the guestroom is ready for you,”

“You’re a peach,”

“Shut it, I don’t want your drunken ass stumbling around town,” the old man snorts and after a few more shots, called it in. He sat up in bed and took out a photo from his bag. It was last Christmas at the bar. Shakky was holding _______________ and fondly nuzzling her. He was next to her nearly towering over them both. Because they never had kids, they loved doting on the little girl. ______________ was beaming at the camera holding a large ice cream cone. The bar was literately her second home. Well, probably third now. He smiled fondly and hoped he could steal her away for the summer so they can spend the summer together. He pockets the photo and falls asleep.

“So you just press here and they’ll tell you everything you want to know,” said a woman with short black hair had the man in an one armed hold down as his companion were on the ground twitching in pain. Her granddaughter, a (h/c) hair girl, looked curiously at the sight.

“Are you sure we’re not hurting him Shakky?”

“Of course not sweetie. Hey sweetheart, are you okay? My granddaughter wants to know,”

“I-I’m fine!”

“See? Nothing to worry about. He’s just a good actor. Now press riiiiiiight here,”

“Like this?” the woman placed a pillow over the man’s face to muffle his screams.

“Yep! Good girl! You got it! As a reward, how about you make us a few sundaes while I see these men to the door?”

“Okay! Are you going to do the Sarsaparilla Toss?”

“Yep! Wanna watch?”

“YEAH!” the woman proceeded to take the men, spin them around and threw them out. When she was done, she looked over at her.

“And look at that! They decided to give us a tip! I guess you’re going to get a new dress,”

“Awww you don’t have to Shakky!”

“You’re growing like a weed, kind of have to,” she pats her head fondly, “You’re probably going to be as tall as Grandpa someday,”

“REALLY?! Then that means I can ruffle you both!”

“Oh?” Grandpa came up behind her and picked her up. She squealed and laughed as he cuddled and tickled her.

“ACK! Grandpa noooooo!”

“Grandpa Yeeeeeeeeeeeees!”

“So mean!”

“You love it!” he smiled at her as she stuck her tongue out and hid behind Shakky who started on making the sundaes.

Chapter 13: The Proposal


The Little Girl decided she's finally ready to have a husband

Chapter Text

Everyone in the Whitebeard home knew of the unwritten occurrences and rituals of the house. Izo always look fabulous, from the moment he gets up to the moment he goes to bed. Never be around when Atmos wants to cook dinner. Ace will eat everything in sight, therefore don’t be near him or Luffy during meal times. Pops is not to go over his daily sake intake, no matter how much he begs, Curiel practices his shooting at around one in the afternoon so either stay clear or wear earplugs. Fossa only smokes cigars. But one that was starting to pop up was _________________ was Marco’s duckling. After her morning duties, she often tag along with a random brother to learn something new or go on a little adventure but always was seen with Marco at least once a day. Marco never seemed to mind as she happily stayed close to him. He often did his rounds around town with her in tow. She tried to help in carrying things, she met her other brothers, learned about the small fishman and mermaid area in their city, and even shortcuts around town. When they came home, she was usually done and after her bath, Marco always greeted her to tuck her in.

“’M not sleepy,” she yawned. He chuckled

“Sure you’re not,” he said tucking her into bed, “But just in case, I want to make sure you’re in bed and warm. Now let’s see…a glass of water for your nightstand, your nightlight, and let’s see…am I forgetting something?”

“A Marco story!”

“You like my stories?”

“Yeah! But they’re not as cool as Pops!”

“I’ll agree with you on that,”

“But they’re still great!”

Because of their bond, __________________ had came to the conclusion that she was going to marry Marco so she could be with him always. The next morning, she made her announcement at the breakfast table with excitement.

“When I grow up, I wanna marry Marco!” she said happily and proudly.

“Awww! You wanna marry your favorite big brother?” said Curiel ruffling her hair.

“Ya Huh!”

“I thought WE had something!” said Fossa holding his chest, “Were you just toying with my emotions?!”

“N-No! I-I didn’t know!”

“He’s just messing with you,” said Rakuyo, “We know you love us,”

“Besides, you don’t want someone my age,” Marco said smooching her cheek affectionately causing her to blush, “And I can’t be your big brother Marco and be your husband,”


“You have to find someone your age who’s like me,” _________________ tilted her head to the side. Rakuyo snorts.

“Not appearance wise little lady. Look at all of the features you like about Marco and find someone who has them,”

“Hmmm that’s hard!”

“Okay, okay, name all of the cool things about Marco you like,” said Curiel taking out a pen.

“Someone really nice to me!”

“Okay! What else?”

“Someone really cool!”

“Okay? What else?” by this time, Ace went into the kitchen. He was munching on some ginger cookies.

“What’s everyone doing?”

“Oh, ________________________ wants to marry me,” Marco grinned. Ace froze and then frowned, “Of course I respectful declined her proposal so now we’re thinking of someone her own age,”

“EW! W-Why?! She doesn’t need to marry an old fart! Hell she doesn’t NEED anybody!”

“Be nice you little shit,” said Izo ruffling him as Curiel wrote things down.

“What else?”

“He has to be able to reach high things like Jozu does!”

“Then get Jozu to do it!” said Ace

“He can’t! He’s always busy! I don’t like bothering him when he’s sleeping! He sounds like a bear!” the entire table laughed

“She has a point. And she’s so small, his snores probably scares the crap out of her,” said Vista.

“I’m not that little!”

“Yeah you are little lady,” said Thatch, “What else are you looking for?”

“Someone who gives out great hugs!”

“Oh that’s tough. Hugs are important. Don’t tell me Marco wins in that category too,”

“His are my favorite but I LOVE it when you hug me! But Fossa’s are the tightest!”

“Ooh! I’m in third for best hugger. Damn right!”

“Please that’s because I hadn’t even TRIED giving her all I could in hugging!” said Vista

“Nope, she made her choice. Okay little lady, what else?”

“Someone who’s always there when I need them! You all do that but it’ important when to me to have that in a husband!” she said as a matter-of-factly.

“So you want someone nice, can reach high things, really cool, gives great hugs, and around when you need them. Does anyone fit that description?” said Curiel, “Your age I mean?” she thought for a few moments and her face lit up.

“Well I know one boy like that!”

“Who?” said Fossa

“Well, it’s pretty obvious it’s—,” Ace started


“WHO THE FUCK IS SANJI?!” the table chuckled and snickered at Ace’s outburst

“My friend? He lives and works at the Baratie Restaurant!”


“Because you and Luffy and Sabo always go to Goa Kingdom, I usually go pass that to the next town going the other way! Sanji can’t hang out much because Mr. Zeff is teaching him to cook but I’m the best taste tester and when he gets a break, we roam,”

“AND YOU GUYS ARE OKAY WITH THIS?!” Ace said looking at the table of men who were laughing hard.

“Well, he’s a boy who’s a friend,” said Izo smirking,

“You might even say he’s her boyfriend,” said Vista grinning. That did it.  

“HE’S NOT HER BOYFRIEND! She doesn’t NEED some asshole she doesn’t know SHIT about!”

“I do know Sanji! We met months ago! Pops knows who he is! And I introduced him to Marco and Vista and Izo and Curiel!”


“You’re NEVER home! Besides, you can have your friends, so I can have mine!”

“Why can’t your friends come here?!”

“Vivi can’t come because of diplomatic duties with her Daddy! Sanji is always training to be a chef and Law is still new to town,”


“Oh her other boyfriend,” said Izo laughing, “_______________ does have that adorable charm that make people love her,”

“How do you think she wormed her way into our hearts?” said Curiel, “Too bad she only has eyes for Marco,”


“But so cool! But alas, I will graciously continue being her awesome big brother,” said Marco ruffling her hair, “But Sanji may be a better husband for her,”


“He’s helpful, nice to her, and blonde,”


“Most blondes are awesome,” said Izo, “Maybe she’s into blondes. Hmmmm a blond Ace, I can total see that,”

“SHUT UP! I’m not making my hair blonde! It’s a weird color!”

“No it isn’t!” ______________________ piped, “It’s so cool! It’s so shiny! Like gold! I mean Sabo has blonde hair and he’s cool!”

“…I guess! Okay, Marco, Sabo, and Rakuyo! There! The ONLY cool blondes!”

“Don’t forget Mr. Zeff,”

“Oh right, yeah him too,”

“And Sanji is cool,”


“You don’t even KNOW him!”


“NO! You might scare him off and we won’t be friends anymore!”

“What about that Law kid?!”

“What about—oh Mr. Corazon is blonde and he’s awesome!”


“ACE LANGUAGE!” said Fossa laughing but trying to be stern

“For a moment I did forget Cora is blonde,” said Thatch, “Awww you like Corazon too?”

“YEAH! He’s almost as cool as Marco! But he falls a lot…or set himself on fire…or trip…oh and flail!”  

“Yeah, he is a clumsy one,”

“Sounds like an idiot. What kid can’t stand up without falling?” huffs Ace

“Actually I think Mr. Corazon is about Marco’s age,”


“He’s Law’s Dad! Why are you being so mean?!”

“He’s jealous that you’re not hanging out with him,” said Vista

“I’M NOT JEALOUS! I’m just saying that MAYBE we should look into WHO’S she’s hanging out with!”

“Well you hang out with Luffy and Sabo all the time,” said ________________

“That’s different! I KNOW them and I’ve known them for a long time! You just met those other two!”

“That’s how friendship works Ace,” said Curiel, “You latch onto a person, form a bond and bam friends,”

“And I have to hurry! Law and I are dissecting a possum today! He’s training to be a surgeon and I love seeing him work!”

“THE HELL YOU ARE! What kind of a freak cut open animals for fun?!”

“They’re already dead! Mr. Corazon brings him back roadkill,”

“What kind of a weirdo SUPPLIES dead things to a kid?!” he looked at his brothers, “AND YOU GUYS ALLOW THIS SHIT?!”

“As long as she takes a long bath, don’t care,” said Izo, “Go play dear,”


“NO! Get back here!” Ace ran close behind her with both threats and worry in his voice. Vista and Fossa were cracking up.

“The boy has it so bad it’s terrible!” said Vista

“You think he’s going to try and stalk her?” said Curiel holding his stomach and laughing

“Here’s how it’s going to play out,” said Marco, “He’s going to “forbid” her. She’s going to go anyway, he’s going to recruit Luffy and Sabo to help him follow her. They’re going to meet Law and knowing Law, scare the shit out of them and Corazon may bring them back home shaken or the boys will run back here and we’ll have to “investigate”, or they’ll try and fight Corazon,”

“How long do we have?” said Rakuyo

“I give it two hours,” said Izo

“I’m staying here to watch the fireworks,” said Thatch laughing, “Ace is so flustered, it’s really cute,”

“I say we stage a mock wedding with Marco just to really get at him,” said Izo, “Oh she’ll look adorable in little white dress,”

“No,” said Marco

“OOOH! I’ll call Ivankov and we can—,”

“NO!” the room rang out.

Chapter 14: The Strange Boy at The Edge of Town


The little girls has three overprotective brothers

Chapter Text

“So….you’re upset that ____________ has a friend?” said Sabo watching Ace pace their clubhouse. Luffy was munching on a rice ball watching his brother with intrigue. ________________ had left him to meet some of her friends. He followed her to the Baratie but Sanji was on an errand run so she back tracked and came back home to rest a bit. Ace took this opportunity to get some help from his brothers.  

“No! I’m UPSET because we never met this asshole and he could be anyone! He could be some serial killer!”

“You’re not sure, right?”

“I’m POSITIVE! It’s almost like that story with the couple killing people and putting them into meat pies!”

“You mean Sweeney Todd?! Really?!”

“He could be fattening her up with cake and sweets, luring her into a false sense of security and then shoving her into an oven by the pound!”

“…You’re reading way too much into this! Ace, Sanji is about our age! And besides, why would you befriend someone you’re going to cook? Marco knows him and Pops knows Zeff! If anything happens to her, they’ll be right there!” Luffy perks up

“I know Sanji!” said Luffy grinning happily.

“YOU DO?!” said both boys

“Yeah! He makes delicious food! I asked him to join my crew when we’re older. He said no but I’m not going to take that for an answer!”

“You can’t keep asking someone to be in your crew like that,” said Sabo

“Says who?!”

“I swear you two! Ace, ____________________ can be friends with whoever she wants to, just because you like her doesn’t mean you can keep her all to yourself!”

“W-What do you mean like?!” Ace’ face went red.

“You wanna kiss her!” said Luffy and quickly dodged before Ace could clobber him.


“Then let her be friends with other people!” said Sabo

“NO! In face you’re both coming with me! She made friends with some weird kid named Law,”


“Apparently his dad is blonde and she things blondes are cool,”

“…does this mean you’re going to bleach your hair blonde now?”

“NO! It means we have to find out where this Law kid lives and see if he’s a friend or not!”

“HER friend not ours,”

“She doesn’t NEED other guy friends!”

“How come?” said Luffy

“Because that’s why!” said Ace fuming and flushing. Sabo snorts.

“Just admit you like her and you’re jea—,”


“Are we stalking again?” said Sabo

“It’s not stalking!” said Luffy, “We’re just following _____________________ wherever she goes to monitor her movements,”

“That’s stalking Luffy, no matter what Ace says,”

“Are you two in or not?!”

“I’m in!”

“I guess,” the boys watched ______________________ in the kitchen. Marco made her pack a thermos with freshly brewed ice tea. Words were exchanged as she hugged him goodbye and she headed off. They lingered before following her at a short distance. Jozu watched the scene from the kitchen window.

“Are they spying on _________________?” said Marco

“Mhm, they want to see what Law looks like,”

“Do they know about his Devil Fruit?”

“Nope. How long to you give them?” Marco looked at his watch

“I still say two hours,”

Corazon heard a knock on his door. He got up and opened it to see a familiar beaming face looking up at him. He grinned and picked her up and took her inside. She giggled as he trotted upstairs and gently opened the door.

“Law, look what I found!” said Corazon holding up ________________. Law grinned

“Corazon stop taking in strays,”

“But this one is so cute!”


“But she doesn’t eat much! And she really likes sweet things!”

“Can you bring us the cookies you made?”

“Of course! They’re almost ready! I’ll do it as soon as they’re ready!” Corazon made himself scarce. Since arriving in their new safe haven, He and Law tried to settle in. Sengoku said it would be in his best interest to keep a very low profile and since Law had nowhere else to do, he was more than welcomed to stay with him. Neither of them minded. But Corazon was worried. Law wasn’t exactly the most social child and he would rather stay cooped up in his room reading or dissecting. All of this changed when _________________ arrived at the house that night. They both thought they wouldn’t see the little girl again until she popped up one morning asking if Law wanted to play. Since then, he started to slowly come out of his shell. He needed that normalcy in his life where he wasn’t training to be a part of Doflamingo’s army; he was a normal young boy. They started rubbing off on each other. __________________ loved dissecting things with Law and Law followed her to various places in the woods. He often came back with bugs to study and things like that

“So whatcha wanna do today?” said _______________________

“I want to run some more experiments with my Devil Fruit,”

“Okay!” it took Law a good while before he trusted his newfound friend to know about his Devil Fruit and know his real name, which his preferred her to call him. He said he needed an actual human test subject and at first she was terrified but soon realized, as long as she was in his Room, she was safe. For the past few weeks, they’ve been experimenting with his abilities in his room. So far he’s learned that he could do almost anything in his Room. He could slice someone open, patch them up, and do a lot of things in his room. He did small experiments on mice and squirrels but ___________________ was his first human subject. They did everything from taking out her heart, rearranging her body, though he couldn’t do that a lot because she got motion sickness from it and barfed all over him. So he stuck to honing his skills of reattaching limbs, taking them apart, and practicing his telepathy skill his room provided. Once in the center of the backyard, he snapped his fingers.

“Room,” a weird blue dome surrounded them. _________________ looked around in awe.

“Wow! It’s as big as the backyard now!”

“Yep! I’ve been practicing! Okay, ready?”

“Yeah!” Law took out his blade and ran at her and sliced, taking her head clean off. He then catches it. She looked around as Law placed her head on a table, “Do you feel okay?”

“Mhm!” he went over to her body and pokes her sides. She squirmed, “That tickles!” he grinned

“And your body can still feel everything still. Okay, I’d thought we try something new, ready?”

“Mhm!” Law took his thermos and poured some tea. He had her drink it.


“Tastes great!”

“So it went to your stomach?”

“Felt like it,”

“Well your head isn’t leaking. Okay, let’s see if we can do—,”


The boys followed __________________ to the fringes of town. At first they thought she was going to Flora’s place but she took another path, one of her many shortcuts.

“How many shortcuts does she have?!” said Ace trying to keep up with _________________.

“This town is big, she has to have them,” said Sabo, “Especially if she’s seeing friends,”

“They’re NOT HER FRIENDS! They’re trying to fatten her up and eat her!”

“…what would _________________ taste like?” said Luffy

“Well she’s kind of stringy looking,” said Sabo, “I mean with the right spices and maybe thirty minutes a pound,”

“Please with all of the cakes and cookies and sweets she eats, I’m sure you’ll get sugar shock from just one bite,”

“Or like candy!” said Luffy

“Nah, she’s not a candy person. She likes baked things…I guess with enough tenderizing, she’ll be stomachable. But she’s also agile and goes ribbon twirling. She could be pretty lean,”

“Like fish!”

“…okay this dark weird really fast!” said Sabo

“What?! It’s a valid point!” they then noticed her going into a clearing from the fringes. She skipped to the door and knocked. They crotched down as the door opened. They froze as a tall figure covered head to toe in black feathers opened the door. He looked down as he beamed and picked her up and took her inside.

“THAT’S THE—,” Ace and Sabo grabbed Luffy and held his mouth as he struggled. The door closed and they let him go, “THAT WAS THE DARK CROW!”


“T-There has to be a logical explanation!”

“That ___________________ was lured into a house where the Dark Crow is and he’s carried her inside?!” said Ace, “See?! They’re going to eat her!”

“I DON’T WANT ______________________ TO BE EATEN! SHE’S TOO YOUNG TO DIE!”

“Calm down! We can go see where she is! Come on!” Sabo led them through the yard and they peeked through the window. They saw the Dark Crow in the kitchen in front of a strange looking oven. He added more wood to it as he started mixing something in a bowl. He then went over and opened a large oven. Ace and Luffy stared. It was large enough to fit a kid inside!

“L-Look on the table!” The Dark Crow had a large piece of raw meat on the table that was marinating, “I-Is that ______________________?!”

“No…it can’t! We would have heard her scream or something by now!” said Ace

“And that’s roast, not human,” said Sabo

“Then where’s ___________________?!” the heard the backdoor opening. They crouched under the window and snuck to the backyard. ____________________ there with a weird looking kid. The boys observed the pair. She was grinning and smiling and the boy had a small smile and and was talking as well. This must be the mysterious Law. The boys thought that he was a bit strange looking. He had golden eyes; he wore a strange looking hat with blacks spots, and looked very bored and concentrated for a kid.

“I guess she really isn’t super into blondes,”

“Not funny Sabo!”

“He looks funny!”

“Says the rubber boy!”

“Wait…what is he doing now?” they watched on as __________________ stood in the middle of the strange dome looking as chipper as she was. Law took out a blade. Ace’s blood ran cold. Was she just going stand there?! What the fuck was he about to do?! Without warning, the boy ran at her and took her head clean off. All three stood there dumbstruck.

“H-He c-chopped off her head!” Luffy cried

“What the HELL just happened?!” said Sabo. Ace on the other hand was not about to take this standing down. He grabbed his pipe and went after Law.


“Umm I’m okay!” Sabo and Luffy turned. _______________ looked at them. She blinked at them.



“Does it hurt?!” said Luffy

“Not really! I’m just trying to avoid Ace and Law fighting!” Luffy and Sabo turned to see _______________’s body running and dodging and trying to keep the two boys from really going at each other. Law saw what was going on and immediately shoved Ace away before grabbing _______________________’s body. He was about to go after her again when Sabo and Luffy got in-between him as _____________________’s body felt around her for head.

“See? She’s alive,” said Law holding up ___________________’s head who didn’t seem to mind and grinned brightly.

“Hey guys! I’m sorry but lost my head for a moment!” they looked at her bewildered, “Come on guys, chin up! It’s not something to lose your head over!”

“Ugggh stop we get it!” said Sabo, “Enough with the puns!”

“Okay, but you guys need to calm down! Losing you head in an emergency is a no brainer!”



“And put her head down idiot,” said Law taking ___________________’s head and putting her back on the pillow. He then went over and started ticking her torso’s side. She started laughing and squirming. Law took out his notebook and documented a few things before taking ice and dropping it down her back. Her body leapt up and started shaking and trying to get the ice from out of her dress. Law snorts before documenting something again. He then gently took _________________’s head and gently placed it back on her body, “See?”

“I’m okay!”

“No excuse!” said Ace glaring at the pair, Law in particular, “You’re going to pay for doing that!”

“Doing what exactly?” said Law looking bored.

“Decapitating my sister you asshole!” Ace went after him again, “COME ON YOU TWO!”

“YEAH!” Luffy ran with him. Sabo sighed.

“She’s okay! Ugh never mind,” sighed and before ____________________ could stop them, Law raised his hands.

“SHAMBLES!” Suddenly, the boys were scattered in Law’s room and their body parts everywhere. He switched heads, connected chests together, legs together, and kept this going before putting them back together. He then grinned, “Shambles!” he let the boys drop where they were, took _____________________’s hand and went inside for cookies. Ace looked around and got up. His body felt really off. He looked around and noticed his body was standing up and looked confused. He froze and looked down at his “body”. His frame was smaller, his hands were filthy, and he touched his head and noticed a straw hat. He ran and looked into the bucket of water nearby and saw Luffy’s face staring back him. He jumped back and screamed. His body turned and looked at him.

“L-Luffy what’s wrong?!”

“I’M NOT LUFFY!” “Ace” looked at him puzzled when he noticed Sabo’s body standing up. He held his head.

“Uhhh what happened?!” “Ace” looked shocked and ran to the bucket as well.

“I-I’m in Ace’s body!”

“Ace why do you sound like—i-is that my body?!” said “Sabo” going over to “Luffy”, “B-But that’s my body!”





“SABO IDIOT!” ______________________ watched as the boys freaked out and argued about their bodies. Law took this opportunity to reattach her, close his room, and took her inside for cookies and milk. Corazon happily served them.

“Are they going to be okay out there?”

“Don’t care, he shouldn’t have yelled at you,” said Law biting into his cookie, “Never thought the heart transplants would work that well. I was going to switch yours with a cat but this one’s a lot more entertaining,”

“So how does it work?”

“I did it with two dogs, a very old dog and a puppy. Switching hearts switches bodies. I didn’t think it would work so well with humans,”

“Are you going to change them back?”

“Let them suffer for awhile. I want to finish these cookies,” __________________ took a bite

“These are really good! They taste kind of smoky,”

“It’s because we have a wood oven,”

“Wood oven?”

“Instead of a gas or electric oven, we have a wood one. It’s awesome and we use it almost every day. It keeps the kitchen warm. I like it and it’s safer for Cora-san,”


“Yeah,” Corazon poured them some tea, “Well when I was about your age…Sengoku-san though having a wood oven would be easier and better for me to handle,”  

“…And because you’re so clumsy an electric or gas oven would have killed you by now,” said Law

“HEY!” said Corazon, “I’m not that clumsy!”

“How do you guys brew tea and things?” said ______________________

“Special hot plates that don’t burn people only metal. Sengoku bought them for us personally. We have a full functioning Cora-san proof kitchen,”

“That’s so cool!”

“The only thing we go have is an electric kettle and rice maker, only because it’s easier….and Cora-san can’t burn himself using them,”

“Is he really that clumsy?”

“There’s a reason why we have slip guards on the stairs and on path stones and things like that,”



“I’m right here you know!” Meanwhile the boys outside were freaking out. Ace mastered Luffy’s rubber powers a lot faster than he did, much to Luffy’s awe. The only thing that Luffy wanted was his hat.

“I can’t believe Ace can still kick Luffy’s ass even as Luffy,” said Sabo

“No fair!” whined Luffy

“It’s not my fault you suck at everything,” said Ace, “Where’s ______________________?!”

“…I think that surgeon kid took her!” said Sabo

“Damn it! Let’s get her before the Dark Crow gets her!” they ran to the kitchen window. __________________ and Law were munching on a large plate of cookies with tea, “SEE they really are trying to fatten her up!”

“T-Then why would the surgeon want to play with her?!” said Luffy

“It’s it obvious! He was going to cut her up into pieces so they could put her in that oven over there!”

“Ace, ___________________ is way too big to go into an oven!” said Sabo

“Oh yeah! LOOK at it!” he pointed. Sabo froze.

“T-Thanks a wood oven! It’s designed for thorough cooking!”

“See! They’re going to have that kid use his weird Devil Fruit ability to make ______________ not scared while they cut her!”

“W-Why?!” said Luffy

“Because when animals are scared before cooking, their meat gets tough and nasty!”

“How the HELL do you know so much about this?!” said Sabo

“I’ve been reading this book that Speed Jill let me borrow; Tales from the Darkside or something like that!”

“Shh! He’s doing something!” said Luffy. They saw the Dark Crow put on heavy duty gloves before sharpening a knife. He then looked at it before he went over towards the kids. _______________ had back to him and Law was looking at the Dark Crow intently. He then raised his knife above his head, about to bring it down on her head.

“GET HIM!” the boys swarmed the Dark Crow, who dropped his knife, being taken off guard but soon regained himself, grabbed all three of the boys and restrained them. The boys bit, kicked, and struggled.

“Law do you know these boys?”

“____________________’s weird brothers,” said Law not looking up from his tea, “The one with freckles is Ace, the blonde one is Sabo, and the one with the straw hat is Luffy,”

“…but the blonde on is wearing the straw hat,”

“That’s because I’m in Sabo’s body!” said Luffy

“Wait…Law did you switch those boys’ hearts?!”

“Maybe, I don’t see any difference,”


“Okay, okay I did but they were yelling at _____________________! They thought we were going to eat her or something,” Corazon looked taken aback and let the boys go.

“Eat her?! Of course not! She’s too adorable to eat! Besides, she looks kind of stringy,”

“THAT’S NOT HELPING YOUR CASE ASSHOLE!” said Ace trying to get at Corazon. Corazon stepped to the side as Ace used his new ability to stretch, only to have it spring back onto him and right in the face, “OW! LUFFY YOUR BODY SUCKS!”


“HEY! Don’t attack Corazon!” said _______________ glaring at them, “He’s the nicest person ever! He didn’t do anything to you guys!”



“Long story. Seriously, VERY long story,”

“Seriously! If you wanted to meet Trafalgar you just had to ask!”


“Me idiot,” said Law, “Trafalgar is my name and Law is my last name. Only __________________ can use it and Corazon just does it sometimes,”

“But that doesn’t mean you’re in the clear! You guys were trying to fatten up ________________ to eat her!”

“What is with you and cannibalism, kid?” said Corazon.

“You were about to stab ______________________ with a knife!” said Luffy. Corazon looked confused before he remembered and picked up on of his plastic knives, “It’s plastic?!”

“Mhm, it can’t cut anything that’s meat! I was going to cut some vegetables for Law and I’s dinner tonight!”

“Oh…well explain the wood oven!” said Sabo, “No offense but only food enthusiasts has one in their homes and yours is big enough to fit a kid in!”

“Corazon is clumsy and isn’t allowed to have one or we’ll die,” said Law


“It’s true,”

“Oh…well why did you cut ____________________’s head off?!” said Ace, “And why isn’t she dead?!”

“We were practicing for his Devil Fruit,” said ________________ happily

“What IS his Devil Fruit ability?!”

“It’s the Operation Fruit. As long as we’re in Law’s special room, he can control body parts and things while inside! I’ve been his human hamster!”

“Guinea pig,”

“That too! He wants to be a doctor so if he can harness his ability, he can help people with it!” the boys looked completely dumbfounded and ashamed.

“So…you weren’t trying to kill and dissect ______________. She was just helping you to train your ability?” said Ace


“So, whatever you do in your room, it doesn’t hurt or isn’t permanent?”


“And we were being as stupid as Luffy,”

“Don’t know how stupid Luffy is but yes,”

“HEY!” Corazon chuckled.

“Okay, now that that’s settled, come on kids, it’s getting late, I’ll take you home. Law you can change them back when we get to ______________________’s place,”

“Do I have to? I think they need to learn a longer lesson,”



“Three…two…one…” and on cue, Ace, Luffy, and Sabo came through the door with Law, ___________________, and Corazon. Sanji was in the kitchen with Zeff. Because he wasn’t home when _________________ came by, Zeff decided to bring him to the Whitebeard home. Because she wasn’t home, he decided to wait. The Whitebeard family was greeted to a very odd sight, Sabo was grinning brightly at them with stupid grin on his face wearing Luffy’s hat, Ace was wearing Sabo’s hat looking completely done with this day, and Luffy looked as though he was ready to kill without his hat. Corazon was with Law and __________________. She was covered in crumbs, Law looked nonchalant, and Corazon bowed in apologies.

“Wait, wait, we all had bets for these,” said Thatch grinning, “What happened?”

“Well these three boys crashed ___________________ and Law practicing in his room and Law switched their hearts so they’re all in different bodies,” Kingdew snorts as he and Izo took the money from that pool, “Then they tried to fight me…and lost,” Jozu, Fossa, and Curiel split the money from that pool, “And for some reason, they thought, especially Ace, that we were going to kill her!” Speed Jill and Blenheim look the money from that pool laughing. Marco shook his head and took the two hours pool.

“We’re so sorry about all of this,”

“No, no it’s okay! It wasn’t anything we couldn’t handle!” Corazon ruffled Law’s head.  

“Anyway! Get me out of Luffy’s body!” said Ace shuddering, “It’s so…ugh!”

“No offense but I can’t stay in Ace’s body like this!” said Sabo, “It’s itchy and gross!”

“HEY! I didn’t put you in there!”

“I like Sabo’s body!” said Luffy grinning, “It’s so tall!”

“Not until you apologize to __________________!” said Law glaring, “I mean you freckles,”

“Fine! I’m sorry!”

“Like you mean it!”

“Fine! _________________ I’m sorry for wanting to make sure you weren’t going to be eaten by a crow and his sidekick!”

“…yeah that’s probably the best you’re going to get,” said Sabo.

“Thank you Ace!” beamed _____________________. Law made a few gestures, “Did it work?”


“How do you—wait I’m me again! WHOOOOOOOOO!” Luffy happily bounced around in his body. Ace clobbered him and gave him back his hat

“Here idiot. Sabo what the hell did you do to my fingernails?!”

“I CLEANED them! Do you KNOW how filthy they were?!”

“They weren’t that bad!”

“Wait…you guys thought Law and Corazon was going to eat _______________?” said Vista

“Ace not me or Luffy,”

“How the hell did you come to that conclusion?!” said Fosse
“That’s most of your fault Speed Jill!” said Sabo, “Seriously what book did you let him read?!”

“…you mean Tales from the Darkside?! Ace really?! I told you to not read that at night! It’ll give you ideas!”

“I couldn’t put it down! And she’s so damned trusting! Anyone could have given her a cupcake a day watching her gullible ass get bigger and bigger and then BAM! Into the oven she goes and we would never see her again!”

“….the fuck boy?!” said Curiel

“….she’s too stringy to eat,” said Sanji coming in at the sound of food talk, “But also free range so she could be tasty with enough simmering in a slow cooker,”

“That’s what I said!” said Sabo, “I think like fifteen minute per pound could do it in an oven,”

“And certain cuts on her would be more tender,” said Law, “Mainly her thighs, arms, and probably legs,”

“The rest of her could be better if it was made into a stew and the right vegetables,” said Sanji, “Like tomatoes, carrots, and bell peppers,”  

“Or ramen!” said Luffy

“Or maybe bao,” said Ace, “Just simmer her and it’ll be enough to go around,”

“And with her eating sweets, you wouldn’t need that much honey to simmer her in,” said Sabo.

“That may be but her marrow is still young and meaty for soups,” said Sanji, “Especially since she roams a lot. ________________ eyed widened!

“HAVE YOU GUYS BEEN PLANNING THIS?!” ______________________ hid behind Izo, who scooped her up.

“You ghouls stay away,”  

“We weren’t going to actually cook her!” said Law, “Just stating the facts!”

“Are you idiots trying to scare her?” said Thatch

“No! It’s a logical point!” said Ace.

“Well, now that it’s late,” Whitebeard said coming downstairs, “How about you all stay for dinner?”

“We don’t want to impose!” said Corazon

“Don’t worry about it,” said Marco

“And we cook for an army anyway especially with Ace and Luffy’s appetites,” said Thatch, “Are you staying too Zeff,”

“Nah, I have the dinner rush in a bit, but Sanji can stay, he needs the night off. Come home when you’re ready,”


“You’re okay to stay Law?” said Corazon. Law nodded.

“I would like that. You relax and I’ll have fun with these guys and ________________,” Corazon started getting teary eyed watching his son making friends. Law eyed him, “What’s with that look?!”

“YOU MAKING FRIENDS!!!!” Corazon snuggled and hugged Law close to him. Law struggled a bit but soon just accepted it before ___________________ took his hand and pulls him upstairs.

“Come on! I’m going to show you my room!”

“WHY YOUR ROOM?!” said Ace chasing after them

“Because I’ve seen his and Sanji’s plenty of times!”


“I swear that girl is going to give that boy a heart attack,” said Zeff laughing and taking his leave.

“Thank god Law is the cool one,” said Izo chuckling.

“Boy needs all of the charisma in the world if he’s going to have Corazon smother him and love on him for the rest of his life,” said Vista

“Like he minds,”


Corazon spluttered out more blood. He struggled to breath and didn’t know how long he was going to last. He had to stay alive just a bit more, just until Law was safe. He hated to admit that Doffy did give him pity after all this. He could have killed him dead but left him to either survive or die. Giving him the choice was merciful. He knew he had to stay alive just a bit more. He looked at the sky. It was starting to snow. He loved the snow. He often tripped on it but that was all weather but this always reminded him of home…before everything happened. But, even after that, he still enjoyed drinking tea with Sengoku-san and watching it with him. It was winter when he finally stopped hiding in his home and wanted to be a part of his home. Tears rolled down his cheeks as images flashed before his eyes. He could have died a lot sooner if it wasn’t for him. Although he’s faced the worst that humankind had to offer, he didn’t want to die just yet. He didn’t want to leave just yet…but he knew that with his death, everything would be okay. He smiled through his tears. He promised he would smile. He was going to smile until his dying—

“YOU SON OF A BITCH!” Corazon felt someone dragging him as he spluttered up blood, “YOUR CLUMSY ASS AIN’T DYING ON ME!” he tried to talk but he couldn’t. Every breath was agony now. He winced and was propped up against a tree. He could make out a silhouette of a Marine. They fumbled through their bag and took out a bottle. It was shoved into his mouth. He could feel the liquid pouring down his throat. His mouth was held until he swallowed it all. He fell to his side. He could feel himself starting to feel better. He could at least breathe again. Was this his second chance? Was this his this third chance? If he wasn’t going to die he knew he had to make this count!

“L-Law! I-I need to…get to—Law…”

“He’s safe. Don’t worry you’re gonna join him soon,” he was hoisted up. Before he could protest, he was carried to a boat and gently placed inside and covered with a heavy blanket, a large jug of water, and some more medicine, “If that kid had any survival skills, he’ll be on Swallow Island. We’ll collect you there when all of this shit has cleared up, just rest yourself. Your injuries are still going to hurt like a bitch but as long as you don’t disturb them, they’re gonna be fine,” he nodded.

“T-Thank you,”

“Don’t mention it, besides, remember, you’re not dying until I give you and Smoker permission, got that?” he smiled and closed his eyes, “Yeah, that medicine is gonna make you drowsy. Just sleep it off,” the boat was pushed into the ocean. The woman watched it gently and safely goes on its way to Swallow Island. She took out a cigarette and took a long drag before blowing out. That damned old bat’s herbal remedy really does work. She had to send her some sake for that one. She knew there were a few confiscated barrels and as long as she says it’s a religious donation, no one was going to bat an eye as to why she was sending it to a convent. Her gray eyes looked at the sky. Tsuru and Sengoku were going to have her ass if anyone catches her, especially since she’s supposed to have “quit”. But she knew she would be forgiven for making sure Rossi got back safe. She smiled to herself and continued to keep a look out. He was all that mattered to her at this moment. She suppressed the urge to think that she almost lost him. She couldn’t and wouldn’t think about that. The only think that mattered was that he was going to be okay.  

Law was on the island for days. He roamed the island trying to plan his next move and not think about Corazon. He just needed a boat and he was out of there. He didn’t care where. As long as he was away from all of this mess the better. So far he only met three others on the island and he promised he would help them get off it. He turned the corner and by luck there was a boat. It could fit all three of them with enough ingenuity. He walked towards the boat and noticed someone inside. Someone must have crash landed here like he did. Hell if anything, they could make a bigger boat with pieces of his boat. As he got closer, he noticed that the figure inside was moving. He stopped and backed off. Okay, the person was alive. Maybe they needed some help. He slowly approached again as the figure shifted. He caught glimpses of a hearts shirt. No…it couldn’t be. He ran towards the figure and stopped only a few feet away.  He froze. In front of him was Corazon, he was still injured but he was actually breathing. He slowly sat up and looked around. His eyes fell on Law. Tears rolled down his eyes as he crawled out of his boat towards him.

“Law! Oh my God you’re safe! I’m so glad you’re safe! I’m so sorry! Please forgive me! I couldn’t tell you I was working for the Marines! I was trying to bring down Doffy and I didn’t want to deceive you! But the moment I knew your name…I knew he would try and keep you! I know it’s too soon but please let me take care of you! You don’t have to call me Dad or anything but I’ll do my best to love you and take care of you like you were my own son! I’m sorry for force feeding you the fruit! It was the only way to make sure you live and survive! Oh Law I’m so sorry for all—,” Corazon caught the boy in his arms. Law was sobbing in his chest. He was just so happy to see Corazon alive and well that he just couldn’t stop crying.

“S-Shut up! You’re going to be a great parent alright?! Just stop apologizing! I just want to be with you!” Corazon hugged him tightly and picked him up wincing.

“I don’t know where home is going to be but…I’ll do my best,”  

“I don’t care, I just…I just miss you!”

“Shhh, don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere,”

Chapter 15: Festival Week


A glimpse into the Little Girl's future as a teenager.

Chapter Text

Smoker glared and watched the students scramble into the school. The school opened some years ago and was literately some bullshit excuse to have more unity amongst the different sides in the town. It was a good theory on paper but in action it was a bit…iffy. You had Marine cadets with kids with records and kids whose pasts were mystery to anyone along with kids from powerful families and finally casual civilians. It was a recipe for disaster if you asked him. Most of these kids were trouble the moment they stepped onto the grounds. But one, in his opinion, was dangerous. Mainly because she was so unassuming and chipper that she’s not a cause for anything other than cannon fodder but she and her brother were the worst. First offender was Garp’s grandson, Luffy. The damage that kid caused alone was enough to warrant every single Marine at school on his ass with his mini crew of misfits and delinquents. Next was his older brother and protector, Portgas D. Ace was making a name for himself with a small crew of followers and active member of the Whitebeard family. Those two idiots were enough to cause collateral damage and destruction everywhere they went. However, for the most part, those two were quiet if unprovoked. However, today he had his eyes on one person. He could never catch them in the act but today was the day. Why today? He heard something was going to go down and the moment he heard the name he was not going to let them get away.

“Morning Captain!” Her! He knew better than to trust that sweet innocent face. She was one of the biggest troublemakers in school but the only thing that set her apart from the rest was that she knew how to cover her ass and that’s what really pissed him off. She was ________________ the only daughter of the Whitebeard family and was by far the most protected but that didn’t matter. She singlehandedly was responsible for so many vacation days at the academy and her mini barrage on the Marines. He got to the point where he had Crocodile keep an eye on her but she was still able to get pass them. Then again he couldn’t care less, “How are you today?”

“I’m watching you kid,”

“Whatever do you mean sir? Have a great day!” Smoker knew this meant that she was not only up to something but she had all of the tools at her disposal. He watched her closely. Before class, many students met in the courtyard. They were all conversing and talking and things like that. He watched as she met up with Nami, Bellemere’s kid. That wasn’t out of the ordinary but still something that he wanted to observe. He listened closely.

“Yeah I forgot my homework last night,” said ____________________, “I have a study hall before then, do you have the notes?”

“Sure do!” Nami passed them over to her, “But I would talk to Robin, I’m sure she’ll understand!”

“I hope so! I don’t want my GPA to drop! I guess no shopping for me this weekend!”

“Well no shopping for anyone well until after our study group!” Smoker stopped listening when he heard shopping and left,”

“Did he leave?” said _________________

“Yep, what’s up?” The two girls sat next to each other. To the outside world, it looked as though __________________ was tutoring the infamous pickpocket, Nami but in reality, they were discussing something a bit more nefarious.

“I need a few favors done by lunch,”  


“Yeah, I need to be able to get into the teacher’s lounge and out by 12:45, so if you can stage a few fights for me, I’ll be in the clear,”

“That’s it?”

“And…I need a bottle of ipecac,”

“Ooh that’s gonna cost ya,”

“Yeah I know. I’m offering two hundred beli,”

“Hmmm this isn’t like you to charge this much. What gives? What’s the stakes?”

“Two words: Festival Week,” Nami looked at her. Festival Week was just as the name suggested. It was time where businesses had sales for that week only to promote new or existing products, BBQ parties everywhere, concerts everywhere, more showing times for movies, carnivals in towns all over, family time, and it was just an overall fun time for everyone. However, examination week was taken semi seriously and because there are two types of students, as the World Government stated, they were graded differently. So if there was any chance of passing, the examination week was critical for all students. So it was mandatory for the students to come to class everyday for a week from seven in the morning to four. And because of the intensity, they got the following week off. During this time, most parents would encourage sleep and such because it was important. So anyone who wanted to enjoy the festival, would be go and fail or go to school and miss out of everything, especially the nightly activities that would be until the wee hours in the morning.

“…what’s happening Festival Week?”

“You’re aware we have exams week, right?”


“Well, word from the vine says that Akainu had made it so students from this region, South Blue and East Blue will have to take their exams that week, however, students from Goa and the noble side get to take theirs the week after,”

“WHAT?! HELL NO! I’ve been saving for MONTHS for Festival Week,”

“Exactly! So, if everything goes over well, we’ll get the week and the week after off,”

“How are you going to pull that off?!”

“The only way we can get the school closed down is Act of God or if more than half the Staff cannot attend and since I can’t control weather, the faculty will have to take a casualty,”

“…You got it. Lunch time, is yours,”


“Come by my town, I have roasted tangerines with your name on them!”

“You’re the best!” the warning bell rang and the pair hurried off to class. ________________’s first class was Chemistry with Ace, who usually slept through it. This was everyone’s least favorite class with everyone’s least favorite hard ass Kizaru. Ace wasn’t a morning person, therefore him staying in a class that he wasn’t interested made him drowsy, making his narcolepsy kick in and soon he was snoring. This wouldn’t be a problem if he didn’t sit in front of the class next to ________________. Without warning, Kizaru dropped a heavy book, causing Ace to jump out of his sleep.

“I’m up!”  

“Really? Then I guess you can tell me what’s number five on the periodic table,” Ace glared but then heard gentle taps on the floor before responding.

“Boron,” Kizaru looked bored. ________________ stopped tapping her foot.

“Number six,” she tapped her foot again.


“Seven?” he looked smugly at him. This time she tapped on her desk with her finger.

“Nitrogen. Just because you can’t retain useless information in class, doesn’t mean we can’t,”

“Alright tough shit, what are ones that are the noble gasses? ___________________ leave the classroom,”

“You sure, sir?” she said looking at him

“Yes, maybe then you can control your movements,”

“…okay, where do you want me to go?”

“Wherever you have next,”

“Awesome! Early recess!” she scampered out. She lingered by the door and listened to Ace’s answer. The look on Kizaru’s face was priceless. Then Ace came out behind her, “Detention?”

“Nah, standing outside. But fuck it, I’m going with you,”

“I’ll meet you at our table. I have to get into the surveillance room,”

“Oh? What are you planning, sis?”

“The less you know the better Nii-chan but I have to make sure a certain try hard cadet stays down here,” Ace glanced at Isuka making her rounds.

“Leave it to me,”  She snorts before heading off. This gave her a chance to get on things early. She went upstairs. The school had a surveillance room to keep an eye on things in certain areas. Because the school was a place of learning and training, they often had cadets in training to be hall monitors to keep students from fighting in hallways. There were mainly two cadets who did it and Isuka was downstairs. She didn’t care too much for her but she knew the one she could get to do what she needed to be done.  Coby stood vigilant at his post. He wasn’t as seasoned as many of the Marines he worked under but he still took his job seriously. He wasn’t afraid to dole out punishment if it needed to be done. He knew was respected and not feared because he made a vow he was going to be the best Marine he could.

“Coby…” the young cadet froze. He reddened when he saw two familiar (e/c) eyes and a sweet smile. This had happened before. As a cadet of the Marines, his job was keeping the law and order of the school as a part of his training and he was only able to do so thanks to Luffy. Even though he did have respect, there was ONE weakness he couldn’t handle and that was _____________________’s pout.

“_-_________________! H-Hi!”

“Hiiiiii, I need you to do one eensy weensy little favorite for me,”


“I need to get into the surveillance room. It’s really important I get in there,”

“I-I ca-can’t! Yo-You don’t have proper clearance to go inside! I-I can get in trouble!”

“I’ll take all of the blame. It’s for a good cause, Coby bear,” She gently traced his chest with her index finger and looked deep into his eyes. His entire face went red. He could feel his heart pounding out of his chest. She bit her lip and softly whispered in his ear, “Please?” that did it.


“Thank you Coby! You’re the best! Now keep look out for me okay?” he nodded as she popped into the room and came out about three minutes later, “You’re the best!” she gave him a hug. He blushed badly as her hair brushed against his cheek. Her hair smelt so good as he hugged her back. She went away with him still reeling over her before he realized what happened.

“Damn it not again!” he knew he had to do the walk of shame back to Smoker.

“YOU’RE THINKING WITH THE WRONG HEAD BOY!” Smoker barked as he slammed his fist on the table after Coby reported what happened, “You gave her the code again!”


“I’m a grown man I’m not interesting in looking at a damned high school girl in that way! THINK BOY! WHAT DID SHE DO?!”

“Well, first she traced my chest with a finger, then she give me a pout! She looks so cute when she pouts…then afterwards she gives me a hug and her hair smells amaz—,”


“OH! I don’t know! I can’t help it sir! Everything became a blur after she hugged me!”  

“….You need to work on that but we need her in the office now!” Smoker ran inside and looked around. Nothing in the room was missing. In fact, everything looked…normal. He checked the cameras, everything was running okay, all of the tapes were in their rightful place but he KNEW this girl and he knew if there was a reason for her to go into the surveillance room it wasn’t a good one.  

By the time lunch rolled around, a few of the students knew _________________ was planning something big. No one knew what it was for sure but usually it meant they were going to get a few days off if she succeeded. She got her lunch out of her locker and headed to the cafeteria. But instead of going to the front, she slipped into the kitchens. Because the school housed both gangs and nobles, the government hired thuggish chefs to make sure the students had both gourmet cooking and protection and the only cooks that checkered was the Baratie Restaurant. The cooks always alternated for the week and this week was Patty and Carne She placed a very special order in and was ready to pick it up.  

“Patty! I’m here!”

“Kiddo!” grabs her and hugged her tightly, “We just finished your order!”

“Thank you SO much!” she opened the box and grinned. It smelt amazing.

“You have to introduce the asshole who loves my cooking so much!”

“And ask if his taste buds work,” said Carne

“Hey fuck you!” _________________ reached into her bag and took out about three pounds of truffles, “I don’t know HOW you get these kid but you’re a godsend!”

“Those are for Zeff, I know I have to make deliveries for this!” she quickly went to her locker and put the food inside. By this time, her stomach was growling and she took out her lunch of spring rolls made by Thatch. She found Ace and made a beeline to sit with him.

“What are you planning, ________________________?” said Zoro

“What? Why is it whenever I am eating my lunch, you all ask me what I’m planning?! I’m genuinely shocked and appalled about these wild accusations!”

“Shishishishishi! Because we want in!” said Luffy grinning, “Come on, tell us, tell us, tell us!”

“I can’t the less you all know the better but I am going to need a distraction. Nami has the east side of the school covered but I need something for the rest of the faculty to be distracted,”

“How many days are you planning on having the school out?” said Zoro

“A week,”

“I’m in!” said Luffy

“Why so long?!”

“Do you want to be stuck here during festival week?!”

“That’s next week?!”

“YES! I’m not missing it! Sengoku-san tries his best because he wants to go to but Akainu always makes the kids from the fringe families do something extra so it’s super late for us to go! I’ve been planning this for weeks!”

“Heh, then you’re going to have to sweeten the pot,” said Zoro

“Not you too!” she sighed, “What do you want?”

“I want to get more sleep after festival week and I need Perona out of my hair during that time,” she cringed.

“What do you need?”

“Her locked in her room for a week,” _________________ thought for a few moments.





“Well, Pops is having a BBQ every night for Festival Week,”

“YEAH!” they talked for a few moments before the pair went off. She looked at her watch and woofed down her spring rolls before running off.

“Your sister is a clever one,” said Deuce watching the young girl scampering out of the cafeteria. Ace was half way through his meal.

“And loves to live dangerously,”

“Yeah, where everyone avoids Smoker like a plague, she openly has fun challenging his authority,”

“She told me she sees it as a part of her training, whatever that means,”

“I think she’s knows she’s taking down a government institution and gets a rush,”

“That and she knows Festival Week means a lot to a lot of students, especially those who come from “gang” areas,”

“Whatcha mean?”

“Well a bunch of students have younger siblings and they can’t go to the festivals by themselves so they rely on their brothers and sisters to take them. Or in our case, it brings back memories of our family having BBQs every night before we were required to go to a normal school. A lot of us are fuckin’ burned out and everyone has been griping about it and she listens. So she’s giving everyone the vacation we all deserve,” Deuce chuckled.

“There’s something wholesome about not being self serving enough to do it for the greater good. Your chaotic good is rubbing off on her,”

“You make that sound like a bad thing,”

“You literately set fire to the gym just to show how many peepholes and how unstable the place way,”

“Hey we have gym as an elective now can use that something else, like going home earlier,” __________________ went to her locker for her second phase. She looked inside and saw that Nami placed what she needed inside. She pocketed it before she took out her den den mushi and made a call. Soon a familiar voice rang out.


“Vivi! Buddy, pal, friend, comrade!”

“What scheme are you doing now?”

“HEY!” the girl chuckled on the other end of the line, “I’m hurt dude! I was just wondering if you’re still coming for Festival Week?”

“Wouldn’t miss it for the world! I’ll be staying at the Embassy but Father said I can sleepover your place too! It’s a lot safer anyway. Need me to bring anything?”

“Do you have any more fabric from that tailor your father hired?”

“YES! She has like twenty yards of different fabric she’s trying to get rid of,”


“There’s one that’s red with black Victorian looking crosses oh and a nice purple with a black candy print,”

“Can I have those?”

“Yeah! I’ll bring it with me,”

“Thanks! I owe you one!” she hung up and lingered by the teacher’s lounge. On cue, students ran to the lounge talking about five spontaneous fights that broke in five separate areas of the school. ___________________ watched as all the teacher ran out to break things up. She looked around and slipped into the teacher’s lounge. She’s been observing their patterns for awhile now and every teacher, except a few, had one thing in common, coffee. Many of the teachers were Marines so before they went back to class, they had coffee. There were about five pots brewing at once. She slipped in and took out a small bottle and poured the contents into each one along with a laxative. She then noticed a few opened water bottles and beverages at their desks. She took out the last bottle, ipecac, and slipped it inside a few of their drinks. She pockets the bottle and turned to see the door handle turning. She quickly hid behind the door and stayed still and quiet. Kizaru entered the room. Before the door closed, she grabbed it, inched towards the door and walked off before bumping into the delivery man.

“Hi! You must the delivery taker girl! Here! They’re for the—,”

“Oooh, actually, she’s just a student,” Kizaru took the burgers and looked at her, “You’re Rayleigh’s granddaughter,”

“That’s right sir!”

“I don’t like your grandfather,”

“I’m sure the feeling is mutual, sir,” he raised an eyebrow.  

“With all due respect, kid, I don’t like you,”

“With all due respect sir, I’m not fond of you either,” they looked at each other before headed off. He shook his head and bit into his burger. She grinned and went off. For the last few days, the Marines as anonymous charcoal burgers delivered to their office for lunch. They were all grateful and ate their fill. Everyone assumed Sengoku had it arranged for them and no one questions it. Phase two was complete. Now all she had to do was dispose of the evidence in the incinerator. But that means she would need a hall pass. She looked at her schedule and remembered her class was with Shanks and sighed in relief. This got easier. She waited until about an hour into the lesson before she asked Shanks for a hall pass. She went to her locker, grabbed the food and evidence and quickly ran out of the school. On the far side of the school was the incinerator. It was the main and only place to dispose the school’s garbage. All she had to do was put her evidence in, fire it up, and get back into class.

“Well, well, well, look who’s here,” ______________ cringed and looked up to see two familiar beings. One she actually liked, the other well…she was not quite fond of. One was a muscular man with pale skin and bright red hair, resembling flames. The other was tall and just as muscular with long wild blonde hair that falls down to his thighs. However was set him apart from his partner was a plain, white and light-blue full-head helmet with many holes in it and what look like modern headphones on both the sides covering his head, “What’s the little honor student bitch doing here?”

“Hey Killer how are you?” said __________________ pleasantly

“Good, can’t complain. You?”

“Things to do,”

“DON’T YOU FUCKIN’ IGNORE ME!” he barked. She looked unimpressed.

“Can’t help it Eustass, you’re so easy to forget. Speaking of, I need you two to move aside so I can use the incinerator,”  

“Oh, I’ll let you pass, for a price,”

“For the last time, I don’t swing that way,”

“…Shit this just got interesting, I didn’t know you were a carpet muncher,”

“No, I’m just not into arrogant redhaired bastards,”

“You little—,” they both stared the other down. Killer got in between per usual, “I swear to fuckin’ god you’re fuckin’ mouthy,”

“Have to be. Let me use the incinerator,”

“You have to pay the toll bitch. You have two options, suck my dick or let me pierce your nipple,”

“But I’m allergic to shrimp,”

“YOU BITCH!” Killer once again got in-between the pair, “I swear to fuck how the fuck did we get stuck being associated with you?!”

“Because you and Ace are in an eternal pissing contest and Killer and I are caught in the middle. Now move aside, I have to use that incinerator,”

“Tough shit then. I’m not playing. You should be honored to choke on my dick,”

“Nah, it’ll probably terrify me more than anything. I just got out of my nightmare phase. All pleasantries aside, you’re blocking my way, I’ve been planning this for weeks and I can’t have you screwing up all of my efforts! I’m not going to have us miss festival week because of your stupidity!”


“Festivals?” said Killer

“Yeah! Akainu decided to have it where only the nobles and cadets can attend the festival this year because we’ll be in school! It’s not fair,” the masked man said nothing, took the items in her hands, and tossed them into the incinerator and turned it on.


“Thank you Killer!”

“Don’t mention it, get back to class, besides you know what I want,” she handed him the container from Baratie before running off. Kid glared at him.


“You didn’t, you know she usually outsmarts you eventually. Besides, we’re playing Festival Week remember?”


“So, if it’s a bunch of snooty noble kids, we can’t play what or how we want and swarming with Marines is never good in our favor. And if we don’t play we don’t get paid. Besides, she knows what I like,” he opened the bag to reveal Patty’s famous anchovy and crab aglio e olio and happily started eating. ________________ and hung out enough to know that only Patty made spaghetti the way Killer liked it.

“You sold me out for fuckin’ pasta?!”

“Yep. Mmmm still hot,”

______________________ made it back in the school. She looked at the clock. She had ten minutes to get back to class with none the wiser. She grinned at her handiwork and thought about rewarding herself with a slice of fluffy cheesecake. She drooled at the thought as she turned the corner. The halls were covered in smoke. She froze as she tried to maneuver her was through the thick smoke. She then saw a familiar figure on the other end and if looks could kill. She ran for it, weaving around the imposing man and up and down the stairs. She was almost to Shanks’ classroom when she was grabbed by the nape of her blouse.

“EEEK! S-S-Smoker sir! Ho-How are you—,”

“Cut the crap kid! I know you’re planning something!”

“Sir! I was trying to get back to class like all good noodles!”

“The hell you were! You went outside and if I know you, you were doing something out there you had no business doing! Office now!” she nodded and did the walk of shame towards the office. She noticed the clock. They had a few minutes before it was almost time for their last period. But it was also Friday. That means Marco was waiting for her and Ace and Luffy to take them home. He was done with his Friday business early. She also spied the fire alarm. The fire alarm bell and the next period bell were different. In one swift motion, she pulled the alarm, just as the period bell rang. Within moments, students came flooding out in confusion and panic. I the chaos, she ran into the sea of students, opened her locker, grabbed her bag and ran. She ran fast out the school as student poured out along with fire truck. She heard a second, then third pair of footsteps behind her. Ace and Luffy were close behind.

“Got caught?” said Ace grinning at her.

“Smoker’s like a bloodhound! Once I’m off school grounds, I’m home free!” Home free was an understatement. Smoker alerted some of his underlings to create a human barrier in front of the school and instructed to seize any student trying to run out. He was standing in front and lit two cigars glaring. That damned kid was running away, just has he predicted. Ace smirked.

“Heh, okay Luffy you know what to do,” Luffy grinned stopped and used his arm as a slingshot to launch him, Ace, and ___________________ over the barrier and landing on the other side. The trio then made a break for it. Marco was waiting by his car. Ace and Luffy booked it, ______________ straggled behind and was snatched hard by Kizaru. She yelped and went to move but she felt him squeezing her shoulder harder. She winced and glared at Kizaru. Before he could say anything, she was pulled away and whisked behind Marco. They stared each other down.

“Keep your hands off my sister, yoi,”  

“Keep a leash on her and maybe I would,”

“Just like the noose the Marines keep around your neck?” before he could retort, Smoker reached and grabbed ______________by the nape of her blouse and marched her into his office. Marco followed with Ace. Isuka looked at the sight.

“Bring me the surveillance tape now!”

“Yes sir!” he marched her into his office and plopped her on the chair.

“Do you know much many rules you broke today?!” he glared.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, sir,”

“Cut the crap kid! You think five fights just spontaneously just happened?! I know you had a hand in this!”

“Sir, I was eating my lunch in the cafeteria today,”

“You and Nami were acting chummy,”

“We’re friends sir,” she said grinning.

“You’re friends with a girl who’s infamous of bringing and getting contraband in school?”

“I don’t judge,”

“Here’s the tapes sir!” said Isuka running in. She glared at Ace who winked at her. She huffed and handed him the tape. The tapes showed ________________ in every single place she was she was and everything checked out. Even the flirting scene with Coby and stricken from the records.


“Sorry Smoker, looks like you can’t pin anything on my little sis,” said Ace smugly lounging back in his chair. Marco looked at the cameras.

“He’s right, she’s nowhere near the teacher’s lounge,” Smoker was about to retort when the normally calm and collected Tashigi couldn’t take it anymore and projectile vomited in a trashcan.


“S-Sorry sir…I’m not feeling…” she turned her head and vomited again. Then they heard the sounds of retching from outside the office. Isuka was doubled over and vomiting all over herself. Smoker ran to see half the Staff projectile vomiting all over their classrooms. Marco took the opportunity to get _______________ and Ace out of there, dodging vomit in their wake. Sengoku winced and had the hospital was called.

The notice came late Sunday evening that due to unforeseen circumstances, school was to be cancelled for the next week or until the staff felt better. Many were rushed to the hospital because of diarrhea, bloating, projectile vomiting, and abnormal colors of fecal matter. Not all of the staff was affected, in fact a few were scot free. Miss Robin brought her lunch from home and didn’t go into the teacher’s lounge. Shanks, Brook, and Buggy usually ate in the cafeteria. Issho was helping another student with some personal troubles and Crocodile was almost always off campus for meals. The teachers and staff that were hit hard were Akainu, Kizaru, Tashigi, and a bunch of others who were Marines. Smoker was determined to get to the bottom of this. The symptoms were all the same. He seized documents and it said that they were all diagnosed with some rare type of five day virus. Smoke slammed his fist on the table. How in the HELL did she pull off changing the hospital records?! Everyone knew that charcoal burger produced green poop and even the blue urine, the nausea, and even itching could be explained and the vomiting but HOW was she able to make the doctors think it was something else?!

“It’s a good thing that Dr. Wright found that book or they would have never know how those people had to be treated,” said one of the nurses

“And bookmarked!” said the other, “Poor teachers have to be quarantined for five days!”

“Book?” he said. The nurses looked at him.

“Yes! One of our books of unusual diseases went missing and was found just in the nick of time!”

“May I see it?” Smoker took a look at the book. It was an official book, however…one of the pages looked fairly new. Like created just for the book without anyone knowing the wiser, “…has any students come into the hospital lately?”

“Ummm no, actually we had a temp doctor a few weeks ago. He was treating a few of the children in the pediatrics ward. He went down into the archives and got the book. Isn’t that lucky?”

“…do you remember what is name was?”

“He said his name was T.W.L. He had the same name of that doctor who was killed along with his whole town some years ago. Shame really. But it’s so awesome he was able to find that book and able to get those teachers diagnosed!” Smoker nodded and left the hospital. That girl was as much trouble as Strawhat at times. She was too clever for her own good and it pissed him off to no end.

“Big Brother!” he looked up to see a little girl with pigtails running one of the boys who lived in the gang areas. The older boy picked her up and hugged her.

“Good news, I’ll be able to take you to get some roasted tangerines and take you to see Uncle! We got the week off during Festival Week!”

“Really?! You mean it?!”

“Yep!” has he walked he heard and saw teenagers making plans to meet families, see old friends, going to concerts, and saying how burned out they were getting. He couldn’t help but smirk to himself. It wasn’t for self gain, it was for every student who wanted to see their families and friends and not get in trouble for it. Even if it meant half the faculty getting sick.

The school officially got two weeks of vacation thanks to ___________________’s hard work and effort. Sengoku ordered the best care for his staff until the doctor’s discharged them. The following week, the noble children were to have their exams and things but until then, everyone got to enjoy Festival Week. The first thing in the morning after breakfast, ___________________ hit up every single cake and sweet shop and their deals and by early noon, she had them in her secret fridge. Around early evening, Ace, Luffy, Zoro, and her loaded into the car and got to Cocoyashi town for one of the many festivals that evening.  

“I don’t know HOW you managed to pull it off but you did!” said Ace ruffling her and passing her over (favorite drink).

“Weeks of planning,” she said downing it.

“Tell me you got some sleep over it,” said Zoro

“Yes but I had to call in A LOT of favors but it was worth it for this,”

“How much beli did you give Nami for her role?”

“Two hundred,” said Nami plopping down next to them and huggling ___________________, “But I owe her a few freebies for this one! I have a brand new wardrobe now! When’s Vivi coming?”

“Tomorrow morning! She’s bringing forty yards of fabric for Perona,”

“Thanks, she’ll hole herself up in her room sewing for days,”

“Awesome! By the way, have any of you seen Coby? I owe him a ride on the ferris wheel with me,”

“Into Marine cadets?” said Zoro laughing.

“Pffft no but if he didn’t get me access to the surveillance room, I couldn’t have gotten away with it,”

“He’s going to pop a chub isn’t he?” said Nami

“Probably poor guy,”  

“Anyway, I have to borrow my sister for a few moments, I have something to give her something,” ________________ was hoisted and whisked off by Ace. He pulled her into an one armed hug. She blushed slightly and grinned.

“Where are we going?”

“I’m taking you to get funnel cake,”

“…what’s funnel cake?”

“…you never had funnel cake?”

“No!”Ace took her to a stall. He ordered one and handed it to her, “Whatever it is, it smells amazing!”

“Yeah, they change locations every year. Like with the takiyaki cart,”

“Oh! I probably missed it,”

“Because you go on your taiyaki hunt. Here,” he went to pay but the vendor stopped him.

“Umm actually, the funnel cake is on the house for the little lady,” said the vendor

“Wait what?!”

“Yeah, some guy came by, gave me a description and told me if a girl matching your description comes to give you one every day during festival week.”

“…how did he know that she was going to get the funnel cake?”

“He said something about you’re a cake fiend, even though this isn’t technically cake,”

“Hell, free is free,” said Ace

“Oh wow! Thanks!” Smoker watched as she and Ace left, laughing and eating. He hated to admit but she deserved it. Maybe without enough sugar, she’ll become too listless to come with her schemes. But until that day comes, he’ll have to admit, the little shit keeps him on his toes but in a good way.

Chapter 16: The Servant's Promise


The Little Girl reunites with an old friend

Chapter Text

“Get rid of her,” said her master, “Make sure that ungrateful little wretch never steps one foot back in this city. As proof, bring us her blood stained necklace. You have five sunsets, five sunrises, five days to complete your task. If you don’t come back by 11:59:59 on the final night, your sisters will die,” The woman held the little girl’s hand as she took her through the woods. They knew she would come back. She couldn’t leave without her family and they knew it. She looked down at her. She looked up at her with a smile.

“Miss Hancock, what happened to Mr. Klein?”

“He drank some foul water and it turned him into stone,” she said

“Oh! That’s awful! Say, where are we going?”

“Someplace…where you’ll be safe,”

“Are we gonna live together?!” she chuckled

“No, no, you’re going to live someplace where you’ll be okay,” She never seen so many bruises and marks on a little girl before, not even on a slave girl and with all of those marks, she still managed to smile happily. Hancock held the knife in her hands. She knew her orders were to kill this little girl but she couldn’t bring herself to it. This young thing wasn’t like the monsters that raised her and she wasn’t going to let them harm the only good thing that came from them. Thanks to their head servant, they were able to get out of the area but she still had her marking as a reminder. She griped her hand.

“Didn’t know they were going to free a few slaves in this area. Unless they know you’re coming back or you escape, either way you look like she need some help,” she pulled the girl behind her. A man appeared out from the trees. an elderly man of average height with silver hair and silver eyes. Two of his most distinguishing traits were his round glasses and facial hair, which is arranged embattled across his lower jaw. He also has a scar over his right eye. She glares and held out her knife. He raised his hands, “Wait young lady, I come in peace,”

“Who are you?! Did they send you to kill me after she’s gone?!” he shook his head.

“No, no but I am willing to help,” Hancock glared at him. He grinned at her, “All you can do is trust me and by your ability, you know I’m not after either of you,” Hancock looked apprehensive before she loosened her grip.

“I’m not letting her out of my sight until I know she’s safe,”

“I understand,” he looked at the little girl. She smiled at him, “Hello little one,”

“Hi Mister!”

“Call me Silvy!” it took a few days, mostly on a ship, the rest by train but they had some distance between them and her parents. Hancock knew she had a week to get rid of her. They were specific about her having just a week to take her far away and dispose of her and her time was running out. Rayleigh didn’t seem too worried when they arrived in an area that seemed so sleepy and calm. They got off the bus as he ushered the pair a few blocks until they stopped at a convent. The convent was huge but homey looking. He approached the door and knocked three times. A tall woman soon appeared. She was an elderly woman, about his age with grey eyes, silver streaks in her reddish hair, and looked annoyed if anything. He leaned against the doorframe.

“Hello Flora,”

“…What do you want Rayleigh? I swear if you’re bringing shit into my convent—,”

“I come in peace,” he held up his hands, “You know I wouldn’t come here unarmed especially around a dangerous woman with an equally dangerous man close by. I was wondering, do you have any spare room?”

“What for?” she looked at Hancock and the little girl, “…what the hell did you get yourself mixed up in?” he immediately explained the situation. The old nun nodded slowly, “I see, what about her?” she gestured to Hancock, “Is she staying too?”

“I can’t leave my sisters there behind,”

“I swear this is icing on a shit cake. You’re far away enough where the girl won’t be recognized or anything like that,”

“So she’s okay to stay?”

“Please Flora,”

“She can stay,” Hancock looked at the little girl. She couldn’t help but sob. She was just an all around easy going little thing and after what happened, she knew she could never be safe if anyone knew she was alive. The little girl goes to her and hugged her knees. She looked down. She looked up with her bright (e/c) eyes.

“Miss Hancock, please don’t cry! I hate when you cry! Your face gets red and puffy!” she chuckled and got on her knee and hugged her tightly.

“You’re going to be okay now! Just promise you won’t forget about me!”

“I promise!” Hancock gently took off the necklace the girl was wearing. She then told her to hold on her hand. She gently cuts it and lets the blood pour all over it. She gently cleaned and bandaged the wound. After a hot meal and making sure she had a warm place to sleep, Rayleigh and Hancock left. When she got back to the kingdom, she presented a box with the heart, lungs, and eyes of the young girl along with her necklace. Her parents were pleased and dismissed her. Her sisters were unharmed as promised. Hancock couldn’t help but think about her young charge. Yes, she was safe but at what cost? Would be happy? Would she ever see her again? Tears rolled down her eyes. She would find her one day even if it was the last thing she did. She had to know what her fate would become.

_________________________ happily ran home. She was in high spirits the whole week. She asked Pops on Monday if her Grandpa could visit this Friday and he said it was. Thatch was going to make tempura and she had to get the ingredients. She didn’t mind. In fact she was so happy she couldn’t contain it. Se happily told her brothers while the other brothers prepared his coming.

“Grandpa, I thought you were an orphan,” said Ace

“I am! But Grandpa was the one who brought me to the convent and since then, he’s always tried to visit me! I hadn’t seen in a while but I’m glad he’s coming to see me!”

“What’s he like?” said Luffy

“He’s huge! Not as tall as Pops but close! He has this big smile on his face and he always tells me stories about his time in his gang! He always tries to bring me something cool along with these shiny rocks called geos! He always asks me if I learned something and show him what I learned! He’s so cool! He travels all over but he lives with Shakky at a bar!”

“Can we meet him too?!” said Sabo

“Yeah can we?!” said Luffy

“Sounds a lot better than Garp,” said Ace.

“Of course you can! I want him to meet my new family! I asked Pops and he said it was okay!” the rest of the house was curious about the mysterious man who _________________ calls her grandfather. Thatch made dinner and everyone just sat and waited.

“Who do you think it is?” said Curiel

“Beats me but the little lady is over the moon,” said Rakuyo, “He told her at least twenty of her favorite stories,”

“Damn good ones,” said Vista, “Whoever they are, they’re either a seasoned pirate or Yassop,”

“She knows to never listen to his bullshit,” that was when the doorbell rang. _______________ went to the door. Soon a very familiar man of average height wearing his round glasses and strange facial hair, which is arranged embattled across his lower jaw . He also has a scar over his right eye. __________________ happily and casually referred to him as grandpa, to everyone else in the room him as one thing, the Dark King.

“GRANDPA!” The entire house was quiet. Rayleigh lifted his little granddaughter up and hugged her tightly, “You came!”

“You invited me you little imp,” he said pecks her cheek. The three boys looked at him in awe.

“Wow he IS huge,” said Luffy

“Not as big as Pops,” said Ace

“Bet he could beat up Garp,” said Sabo

“No one could survive a fist of love!” Rayleigh chuckled.

“And you must be her new younger brothers, Ace, Sabo, and Luffy. She told me all your secrets,” Ace glared at her.

“W-What did you tell him?!”

“Me to know you to find out,” he said grinning at him.

“Nothing major, she told me I could figure each of you by looks alone. So I guessed the quieter, mature one was Sabo,”


“The one who’s most likely smiling and asking me tons of questions is Luffy,”

“Shishishi yeah!”

“And yes I do poop,”



“And the boy who’d most likely yelling and scold would be Ace,”

“What’s it to you?!”

“Grandpa is the one who tells me all of the cool stories I was telling you guys about! Like the one about the island where there’s fruit during anyone who eats it, pink!”

“Did you bring some of that back?!” said Sabo

“Working on it. I have no idea how to explain to people that the effects aren’t permanent,”

“After the poop it out right?!”


“And the one about him fighting the Pirate King himself!” Ace perked up at this.

“I thought only Pops fought the Pirate King,”

“There were many contenders but very few who could toe to toe with a man like that and walk away without a scratch. I was one of them, Garp was one, of course Whitebeard and Flora,”

“Did you fight Garp too?!” said Sabo

“And won,”

“WOW!” in the kitchen, the brothers were all conflicted. Silvers Rayleigh, Roger’s first mate was in their home. Whitebeard didn’t seem bothered, especially since Rayleigh long since retired but the pair did have history and neither of them knew how the other would act. During dinner, Rayleigh regaled stories and the brother remained silent. The kids were enamored with his tales.

“Tell us about the battle with you and the princess in Fishman Island,”

“I can’t believe you remember that one. Okay, okay, if was a long time ago when humans and fishmen still had a lot of animosity. My crew and I encountered were taken in by the fishman for a simple restocking and leaving. However, two lovely mermaids had fallen in love with one of our crewmembers and we had to leave as soon as we were able—,”

“Actually,” the brothers turned to Whitebeard who glared at Rayleigh from the head of the table, “It was actually not just any crewmember. It was because of Shanks. I remember it because the mermaids and fishmen almost killed us all because of him. We were docked on the island getting alliances with the Sun Pirates,” Rayleigh stopped for a few moments before laughing.

“I clobbered that little shit when it was all over! He wanted to elope with her on the spot and all that trouble and he was later flirting with another woman. We had to get out of there because no one wanted him hide or hair near the Fishman Kingdom! You saved our asses that day!”

“Even when he was a kid that damned Shanks almost causes a war,” said Marco taking a gulp of his drink. Jozu started laughing.

“I remember that! It was how Namur came to the family! The Fishmen STILL thinks Namur and Shanks are married!”

“Wait what?!” said __________________, “I never heard this part!”

“Wait! Shanks is married?!” said Luffy

“Mocked married,” said Curiel

“Yeah! We were with Pops during that time as his cabin boys!” said Vista laughing.

“They needed to find a princess worthy enough for Shanks and it had to be “arranged” so he wouldn’t be gutted and Namur was the only fishman who knew enough and was willing to pose as Shanks’ betroth!”

“I protested but the next thing I knew Izo was wrapping me in a kimono and putting makeup on me…I was the ugliest woman on the seas,” said Namur laughing.

“It was enough to get the fishmen to call off the war because technically he was already promised to another mermaid,”

“I had to forge the wedding documents and make up a new island and country,” said Marco, “Still can’t believe we pulled it off,”

“We were just lucky that no one wanted to follow up it,” said Rayleigh, “Shanks for kitchen duty for three months over that stunt,”

“And the party was amazing!” said Thatch, “And Shanks lived to flirt another day,”

“Don’t remind me!” soon old stories were emerging from around the table. Rayleigh and Whitebeard carried on like old friends telling their sides of stories that the kids have never heard before. After a long night of laughing and telling the stories, it was getting late. Luffy and Sabo stayed the night as they all got ready to bed. ______________ hugged Rayleigh and Whitebeard before scampering off to bed herself.

Rayleigh and Whitebeard sat on the roof. Both were silent waiting for the other one to speak. Whitebeard hadn’t spoken to any of Roger’s former crew since his death, with the exception of Shanks and Crocus. He knew Rayleigh was still alive. The man was too stubborn and lighthearted to kick it. But like many of his generation, he retired, still doing shady shit but retired from the life.

“I can’t say I’m not surprised that you said it was alright for me to visit,” Rayleigh broke the silence first as Whitebeard pours him a drink, “Hell I was actually surprised Flora gave the little ankle biter up. I was prepared for a fight. You could cut the tension with a knife downstairs. Then again, when old pirates relay old stories, things usually lighten up on both sides,”

“I don’t care about what we did in the past, I’m just worried about __________________’s wellbeing,” Whitebeard downed his drink, “since you’re her grandfather, then I’m not going to forbid you two from seeing each other. The look on her face alone said it all. She was so happy when she saw you and you were happy to see her. I’m not going to break that up,”

“You’re a good man Edward. Kid’s growing like a weed. She’ll never reach the height of the brother though,”

“Sadly no, she’ll always be an ankle biter,” the men chuckled before laughing hard, “Knowing Jozu, he’ll carry her around on his shoulders for the rest of his life. Or Atmos hell I wouldn’t mind doing it. She’ll be fearsome little parrot,”

“Wasn’t Marco that for awhile?”

“He’ll never admit it that he still perches there from time to time. I’ll have a duckling and a parrot. I remembered showing her my Devil Fruit ability. I thought she was going to cry because of the height. She adored it. I told her to never tell Flora. She’d skin me alive if she found out I hoisted her a hundred feet into the air,”

“Knowing Flora she knows and biding her time to strike,”

“I still have the lump. To be honest, I’m surprised Florrie didn’t let you and Shakky adopt her,”

“A bar filled with shady characters is no place for a kid. Besides, Flora knows where a kid would be a good fit. I’ll give credit where it’s due, you raised dozens of fine boys, I know you can handle a little girl,” Rayleigh gulps down his drink, “She’s a good kid, just given a bad hand. Not her fault,” Whitebeard looked at him. Rayleigh looked up at the sky, “Flora didn’t tell you where she came from, did she?”

“No, where did she come from?”

“A kingdom very far away,”

“How far?”

“The Red Line Area,”

“…you’re not joking are you?”

“I wish I was. Let’s just say, she’s safer and happier here. I only know what I was told. Truth be told, I’m glad she started slowly forget her past. Trust me, it was touch and go for awhile,” Rayleigh took another shot, “I don’t know what happened to her but the kid wasn’t suppose to leave her kingdom alive. I just happened to be in the area and I saw a woman and a little girl walking through the woods in the middle of the night. It was suspicious to say the least,”

“Why were you in the woods in the middle of the night?”

“I needed a favor from Flora and the region had naturally grown black garlic. I thought it would be perfect for her garden. It’s easier to sniff out when there’s not another person to interrupt. I saw them walking. ___________________ was covered in bruises and scratches and the woman with her looked on high alert. But the way they were both dressed and placed two and two together and knew the convent would be the best place for her,”


“Mhm, like I said, I don’t know what happened but for the longest time, she had very vivid nightmares and she couldn’t explain them. She used to sleep with Flora for awhile until she realized that she lived sleeping in the little half room because she felt safer. It took a long time but she forgot her past and since became happy and lively. She was happy when she came to the convent but I think it was a defense mechanism. Her mind actually started filling holes on its own. She doesn’t remember who brought her, so she assumed her parents did. She doesn’t remember how I became her grandpa but accepts it as fact. Not going to lie, as far as I’m concerned, she’s my granddaughter and it’s my job to spoil the hell out of her every time she visits,” Whitebeard snorts.

“I had no idea what to think. She was so excited knowing you were coming over. It’ll pain me but when I need more information about ____________________ I’ll ask you,”

“I won’t hold it against you,” As soon as Rayleigh left, Whitebeard went to check on his younger sons and daughter. He peeked in to see the three boys dead to the world. Luffy happily sandwiched between his two brothers, Ace squeezing him protectively and Sabo wrapped in his blanket. He smiled and closed the door and headed towards ___________________’s room. He peeked inside to see a light under a blanket. He chuckled and slowly and quietly made his way to the blanket and raised it up. ____________________ was nose deep in a book. She jumped when she saw him.

“Wasn’t your bedtime an hour ago?”


“Marco is going to get you,”

“Please don’t tell!”

“Secret is safe. He used to do the same thing when he was your age. What are you reading?”

“Coraline! It’s so scary but it’s really good! But I can stop if I’m about to get an awesome story for my Dad!”

“Persuasion now? You drive a hard bargain, kid. Alright I think know of a good one under the condition you get some sleep,”

“Okay!” she propped up on her pillows, “Say Pops, did you and Grandpa know each other? Like a long time ago?”

“Yeah, way before you were born,” he said grinning.

“Were you friends?”

“…well we respected each other,” he said, “But if you’re worried about him coming over, I’m not going to take you away from your Grandpa,” she looked relieved, “I wouldn’t take away someone you love and care about. Rayleigh and I can put aside our differences,”

“But you two are so much alike!”

“Oh? How?”

“You’re both always happy! You’re both really tall! You both tell amazing stories! And you two drink a lot!” Whitebeard snorts and ruffled her hair.

“I swear you never cease to surprise me. Tell you what, how about you and me go visit them next weekend,”

“Really?! You and me?!”

“Mhm, unless you had someone else in mind,”

“Can Ace, Sabo, and Luffy come too?! I mean I met their other families! I want them to meet my grandparents! I don’t think they have a grandma! So they can share mine! Shakky is amazing!”

“I can’t say no to such a noble endeavor,”

“Well, Ace is letting me share his bandit family and Luffy said I’m not fully initiated until I get a fist of love from his grandpa!”

“I’ll root for you kiddo but try to dodge it if you can. Now get comfortable. I have a tale about the infamous Captain Blume,”

“Captain Blume?”

“Yep! Captain and Respected Mother of the Flower Pirates back in the day. This woman was feared and respected by anyone who came across her and she ruled her territory with an iron fist and a fabled sword called the Petal blade. She could either kill or save anyone with her plant ability thanks to the Mosa Mosa no mi fruit,”

“She had a Devil Fruit?!”

“Mhm, this one had the ability to grow plants and use them as weapons,”

“Ooh! Tell me more!”

She was the most powerful and most beautiful woman in the city. She earned her own territory and the admiration of everyone around her. It took her a few years but she purged the area of anything involving men. It was literately a woman’s paradise. There were boutiques everywhere, salons, women friendly gyms; the whole city was sustainable with just women, including construction. But this didn’t mean that didn’t begrudgingly have alliances with men once in awhile. She had most wrapped around her finger. She was beautiful, she was powerful, and she free. Because she was beautiful she could get away and take anything she wanted. Being a woman in power meant she had anything she wanted. However, something was on her mind lately. It’s been nagging her more and more lately. It was the only loose end that she had tie up but she was afraid. Fear was no longer in her vocabulary but it now it as back again and she wasn’t ready. That would mean she had to admit something and face something she didn’t want to do, especially since it felt so long ago but in reality, it was just a few years ago. She arranged a trip and was in her private train and was soon on her way to a convent. She arrived in the late afternoon. She dressed she wore a revealing red blouse that showed much of her chest and a loose sarong that exposed her long, slender legs with the green symbol of the Kuja adorned on it. She walked to the convent and knocked on the door. The older woman answered. She looked at her and invited her in. She looked around for a lively looking young girl in the convent. She looked everywhere and couldn’t see her and then she decided to inquire her whereabouts.

“She’s WHERE?!”

“She was adopted by someone who can better care for her,”


“Don’t take that tone with me you little shit,” said Flora looking at her, “I have no obligation to tell you anything,”

“I’ll find her!”

“Go ahead, the town has multiple territories for you to explore,” Hancock rose to her full height. Flora raised an eyebrow. The pair stared at each other. Hancock stood down, “That’s better. Listen; just trust me that she’s doing okay. I can set up a meeting or something for the pair of you,”

“It’s alright, I’ll find her myself!”

“Be my guest,” Hancock stormed out of the convent. It couldn’t be this that hard to find one little girl. It was implied that she was somewhere around here. She decided to just walk about. It was a beautiful day out and the sun was blinding. She sighed. She walked around the town for hours and evening was approaching and still no sign. She glared. If that old woman tricked her, she was going to back to that convent and throw her out the wind—

“OOF!” Hancock was startled from her thoughts as she saw a small being lands in front of her onto her back. A little girl recoiled back and got up. She looked at the woman and immediately apologized.

“I-I’m sorry Miss! I didn’t mean to slam into you!” Hancock froze. There she was. She was almost exactly how she left her, sans the bruises and scars. She was older, same beautiful eyes, same sweet expression, her cheeks were fuller, and she was wearing a jumper, not one of the countless expensive dresses she had to wear growing up. Hancock shook her head.

“Oh no! Don’t apologize. It’s alright it was an accident. I’m sorry, I should have been more watchful,” she ruffled her hair. The girl giggled and ran off. Hancock snapped out of it and ran to see where she was going. She had to see who adopted her and why! She followed at a distance and watched as she happily scampered about the streets, stopping every so often to gather things or greet people before finally bounding up towards an old Hongokan. Someone was waiting for her and caught her in his arms. He swung her around.

“Come on, go wash, dinner is almost ready,”

“Okay!” she goes inside. Marco looked up. Hancock stopped dead in her tracks. He raised an eyebrow before heading inside. Hancock quickly went to the nearest window and peeked inside. She saw her young charge inside the house. There were a bunch of men inside the house, the size of giants, many of them making sure she wasn’t stepped on. He was picked up and taken to the safety of the bottom of the stairs. She scampered upstairs. Hancock followed from window and to window. She weaved around men and other obstacles. She didn’t stop until she was on the top flight where she washed her hands. She was almost to her room when a boy dragged her into his room pointing to a clock. They then went back downstairs and started watching something on television while dinner was finishing. She didn’t like this. A bunch of men raising a little girl is not natural at all!

Around noon, there was a knock on the door. Ace opened it and was greeted to two massive mounts. He had to take a step back to see the full person. It was a woman in a smart looking business suit that showed her authority but also her beauty. He called Thatch over. He looked at the woman with the same curiosity.

“May we help you?”

“Yes, actually, you guys have something of mine and I’m willing to pay any price for her return,” at that moment, ____________________ came downstairs looking for Ace. Hancock smiles at her. Thatch looked behind and saw his little sister looking at the woman who was smiling at her.

“Come in, we’ll discuss this inside. Kids upstairs,” the pair nodded and made themselves scarce. They went to their secret area where they could see and hear everything in the living room. Since Pops was away again, Ace and __________________ listened closely. The woman was beautiful. They’ve seen different types women around town and the area before but nothing like her.

“Her chests looks really fluffy,” said __________________, “Like really soft,”

“I could barely see her head when I was looking at her! Her chest was in the way! I wonder what she wants,” said Ace, “Pops doesn’t have anything that’s hers,”

“I ran into her yesterday. She was really nice and apologized. Maybe I accidentally took something of hers or something,”

“Shhh,” Marco, Jozu, Vista, and Izo were looking at the woman. She looked back before crossing her legs.

“Listen, I want to cut to the chase. For a very long time, I’ve been searching for that little girl you have adopted. I’ve come to take her. Vista and Jozu tensed up. Marco looked bored.

“She’s not property, therefore she’s not for sale,” he said curtly.

“Name your price,” said Hancock, “I’ll pay any price to have that little girl live with me,”

“There’s nothing you can give or have that we’ll give her up,”

“How about a hundred thousand beli?” She wrote out a check and slid it over to them. Marco takes it and tears it in half.

“The answer is still no. Listen she’s not for sale, no human is,”

“Everything and everyone has a price,” she glared. Marco frowned.

“Everyone but her,” he growled.

“A HUNDRED THOUSAND BELI?!” Ace whispered as ____________________ covered her mouth, “Is your shit made of gold or something?! That’s enough to retire on an small island!”

“No! W-why would anyone pay that much for another person!”

“Shh! She’s leaving. Ooh Marco’s pissed! Oh wait everyone is pissed. Wow…shit she wants to buy you!”


“Hell if I know! You don’t usually see crazy people like that around here. They usually just take kids away or something!” then there was shouting. Ace covered _________________;s ears as Hancock stormed out of the house. The pair quickly scrambled back to Ace’s room and pretended they were invested in a video game. Jozu came in to check up on them.

“You two Devils look suspicious,”

“Pffft, that’s always!” even at dinner, no one brought it up. Everyone carried on as normal. Marco seemed less than thrilled. After dinner, Ace and __________________ hung out in her room to overlook the city and munching on nori crackers.

“Well its official, no one is going to tell us anything,”

“I wonder why?”

“To keep us from worrying, I guess. But we also can’t let them know that we know,”

“Why not?”

“Because if they know we know, they’re going to try to lecture us or something and board up our hiding spot,”

“But what if I see Miss Hancock again,”

“Stay away from her! She’s obviously wants you for some bad reason if she wants pay for you!”

“Maybe she wants to adopt me,”

“Well she can’t you can’t have two families!”

“You have two families,”

“Dadan doesn’t count! Anyway, you have us, you don’t need anyone else,”

“True! I mean it’s nice of her but I’m okay where I am,”

“You better be,” he said and scooted closer, “Besides, who wants to adopt an annoying and useless girl anyway?”

Hancock was not going to give up. She was not going to abandon her young charge so many years ago and she was determined to take her back to Kuja where she would grow up to be strong and beautiful. She watched her every single day at a distance. She did this for a week until she realized she always went to the woods for a brief time where no one in town seemed to notice her absence. The area seemed to be crawling with bandits but that was the least of her concern. She noticed _____________________ picking some red flowers and disappearing for a while. She waited her to emerge and head back to town.

“Hello sweetheart,” she said calmly. She didn’t want to scare her.

“Oh! Hello Miss!” she said politely.

“How are you?”

“I’m good! You?”

“I’m well. So umm do you remember me?” _________________ looked at Hancock for a few moments.

“Kinda…I remember your hair,” Hancock smiles. It’s a start.

“That good! Listen, you know I’m not here to harm you, right?”

“Well yeah! You’ve been like following for the last week! If you were really going to kidnap me, you would have done it by now,” she looked at the girl as though she grew to heads. The cleverness never really left, “But if you do, I’ll scream and try to fight,”

“I’m not here to fight, that’s the last thing I want. But I just wanted to talk. Is that okay?” _________________ nodded, “Oh good!” she sits down next to her, “So umm…how are things?”


“T-That’s good! How’s school?”

“We don’t go to school, I’m home schooled and its fun! But Pops said that he wants me to have more friends so I go to ribbon twirling,”

“Ribbon twirling is a fun hobby. Are you good at it?”

“Not as good as Vivi and Kaya! I often get tangled up in the ribbon and fall! Holly loves laughing at me when I do but Vivi is always around to help me up. She’s an actual princess! I think that’s so cool! Kaya’s father is a diplomat but she says she can’t say much or people might try to take her away too! Vivi has a bodyguard to pick her up. I’m going to be sad when they leave,”


“Yeah! Vivi has to get back to her home and Kaya has to go home too! I never really had any girl friends but they’re so different from brothers,”


“Yeah, like Ace and Sabo and Luffy love to fight and train! They want to travel together when they’re older! Sanji likes to cook and I love cooking with him but Law is the strangest boy but he’s also the coolest! He wants to be a doctor so he dissects things all the time! He has pieces of animals in liquid and jars all over his room. It’s awesome!”

“Sounds like you have a lot of friends, but what about your home?”

“Well there are eighteen of us all together! Our house used to be a Japanese spa centuries ago! So it’s really big with a lot of rooms!” Hancock listened as she talked about her home and her brothers and how happy she was living there. There was a look in her eyes she hadn’t seen before. While listening she made a note that she didn’t remember much of her life before the convent. She was glad for that. But that also meant she didn’t remember her. That’s the part that hurt her the most, “I just wish Pops was home more. Marco says he works a lot to make sure everyone and everything in town is okay but I like hanging around him! But, whenever he comes back, he comes into my room and drinks tea with him and I show him the cool things I learn from ribbon twirling! I still get tangled though but he says I’m getting better!” Hancock chuckles.

“Maybe the ribbon you’re using is too long for you,”

“Well, I’m using the adult one. Izo said I have to grow into it,”

“See? You can’t use it if it’s too long. Do you have it on you?” she nodded and takes it out of her backpack. Hancock took out a knife and sliced it four inches shorter, “There you go,”

“Thanks Miss!”

“Now, let’s see what you got,”

“R-Right now?”

“Mhm, come on,” ___________________ takes her ribbon and started doing the basic around the body spiral. She was able to do three spirals before stopping.

“How was that?”

“Not bad but here, try this,” Hancock takes her ribbon and started to twirl and dance around in front of her as ____________________ watched in awe. She was surprised she could still bend like this. It has been awhile. She hands ___________________ back her ribbon.

“You do gymnastics too?!

“Something I picked up when I was around your age,”

“You should do it now! You’re a great teacher!”

“I’m far too busy to do gymnastics now,”


“But that doesn’t mean I can show you a few tricks to impress your friends in your class,”


“Mhm. In fact I can teach you the two ribbon technique. It’s a bit advanced but I think you can handle it,”

“Wow! Thanks Miss Hancock!”

“Meet me back here tomorrow!”

“Okay! See you!” Hancock watched her scamper away until she disappeared completely from view. Tears filled her eyes. She wiped them away and headed to her hotel for the night. Back at home, __________________ ate and got ready for bed. She was tired and was dozing off. The ribbon twirling lesson really got her. She yawned as Marco came in to tuck her in before heading off. She closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep but her dreams were interrupted when the blanket was pulled back and someone plopped next to her.

“Move over!” Ace snuck into her room and planted himself next to his little sister. _______________ was half asleep.

“Aaaaaace it’s late,” she said yawning, “I can’t play right now,”

“I’m not here to play. I’m sleeping here,”

“Why? You have your own room,”

“So? Maybe I miss sleeping next to someone and since Luffy isn’t here, you’re the next best thing since you don’t snore,” ___________________ moved over a little more to give Ace more room. She sighed happily and snuggled closer.

“I can see why you like sleeping with another person! It so nice and warm!”

“You had to make things weird!” he said, “You never slept next to someone before?”

“Just sister when I was younger but that’s why she gave me the separate small room near the bell tower. I felt so cloistered and safe in there but this feels just as good,” Ace glanced over at his sister, who has her eyes closed. He sighed and messed up her hair.

“Me and Luffy had to share when we were living with Dadan. It wasn’t too bad. Luffy seemed to like it. I hated it at first. It was my bed before his,”

“But you started liking it right?”

“That never leaves this room. I heard you never had to share a bed with anyone so I’m going to make sure you know how much it sucks,”

“I like it!” he growled.

“Wh-Whatever! Just go to sleep,” she snuggled his arm. He reddens a bit. He was going to make sure that weird lady wasn’t going to try and take his sister in her sleep. But if he had to be miserable with someone in his bed so was she. This was her rite of passage.

Hancock brushed the girl’s hair. Today, she seemed quieter than usual. Usually she would tell her about everything she’s seen or have done but today she was very somber as though she was carrying the entire world on her shoulder.

“Sweetheart, what’s the matter?”


“Are you sure?” she shook her head, “Did something happened?” she nodded, “Come on,” She took her to her bed and sat her down and knelt down in front of her, “Tell Miss Hancock what’s wrong,”

“Miss Hancock…can you keep a secret?”

“You know I can,”

“Pinkie swear?” she held out her little pinkie. Hancock latched it onto hers. She noticed she was trembling.

“T-The kids th-that es—escaped…I-I was the one who did it,” Hancock froze. A week ago…some new “cargo” was brought to the kingdom was for sale and show. However a few days ago, someone went into the holding area and the children cargo was gone. The entire kingdom was searched. They came to the conclusion that whoever let the kids out, must have led them to a merchant train or ship and the kids escaped there. But many can’t understand who or how they could have done it. Today it was announced that if anyone had any information on whom did it they were to be killed take the place of the cargo. Every citizen and called and now everyone wanted to know who would have the balls or the stupidity to do such a thing, “Ho-How?”

“I didn’t know they were cargo! They were kids! I thought they were going to be friends! I wanted to go see them and one of the older kids told me that they were taken away from their moms and dads! I got scared because I wouldn’t want anyone to take me away from you! Now everyone is going to find out and dad is going to send me to that man again and I’ll end up in that room again and—and—and—” she started talking really fast. Hancock could barely keep up. She pulled her into a hug.

“Shhh…calm down, no one will take you away from me. You’re talking a mile a minute,” she took a handkerchief and wiped her tears, “Now; tell me, how did you get them out?”

“The guard hangs up the key to let people in and out. I used a chair from inside to get it,”

“Okay, then what happened?”

“The older boy told me that they can’t walk out they needed to be unseen,”


“I told them that we had a lot of empty barrels and told them to hide in them. Then I asked Sabo what to do. He told me that one of the merchant trains was leaving that morning and we asked a few servants to take them to the train because we wanted to play there. In the morning, the train left and they were gone,” Hancock looked at her for a few moments in disbelief. She sighed.

“You’re too clever for your own good,”

“B-But I’m scared! W-What if someone else gets in trouble?!”

“The kids are safe now. Don’t you worry and did a good thing. And don’t worry…if anyone suspects you, tell them I did it,”

“NO! Then the man in white in going to hurt you too!”

“Darling, I’ll be okay. But don’t worry; many adults don’t think children are smart enough for this type of behavior. You and Sabo just have to keep quiet,”

“B-But what about the servants?!”

“If any of them say anything, they’ll forfeit their lives as well,” she hugged her tightly, “You’re a good girl. Don’t worry, you’ll be okay. I promise,” Hancock wait until she was asleep before checking the papers. She had to make sure. The last stop of a town found a train car filled with missing children from different areas. Some were taken back home, others had no other places and were surrendered to orphanages for safekeeping. She sighed in relief. And of course the Marines turned a blind eye when they children told them who done it.

Flora was tending her garden. It was days like this that she will admit that she missed her young charge. Her little hands were perfect for digging up roots and pulling weeds and mixing the compost and picking up the rabbit shit for compost. She sighed and continued. She then felt someone looming over her.

“Grab a trowel or go to hell,” Whitebeard chuckled.

“Actually I bought whiskey,”

“…what year?”

“A good one,” she stood up and they headed towards a table with two chairs in the shade. Whitebeard placed the glasses down and Flora poured them a drink. They toasted and downed it.

“I think you know why I’m here Florrie,”

“Yeah, that damned Rayleigh,”

“Him too but Boa Hancock from Kuja came to place and had the nerve to offer me a hundred thousand beli for __________________,”

“Pfft she’s not worth that much. But all joking aside, it would make sense,”

“Flora, tell me what’s going on,” Flora shifted a bit, “Rayleigh filled me in a bit but I want to know why someone is willing to offer that much money for one little girl,”

“I can’t tell you which kingdom exactly because it’s one of those weird hidden ones but she came from there,”

“As an orphan?”

“Edward Listen….you know her well being is the only thing that I care about at this point but you have to promise me you won’t treat her any different after this,”

“Flora you know I don’t care about shit like that. But if someone is willing to pay that amount and stalk my daughter, I want know why! Especially if it could mean she’s in danger,”

“She’s not in danger. But I suppose you need to know how she came to be in this convent. I’m not going to give away Hancock’s past in this but that night when she came to the convent, Hancock was about fourteen and brought her here with, Rayleigh,” Whitebeard looked up.

“He’s a part of this too?” Flora poured another drink and downs it.

“Since when isn’t he? When __________________ came to my convent that day, you could tell she was a noble child. I think it’s the first time I’ve ever seen that kid non muddy and in a dress. Hell the dress you can tell costs a fortune. It was made from spun gold and diamonds. So you can tell just high on the food chain this girl was. I don’t know what happened but her parents hired Hancock and she was supposed to kill __________________ and dispose her body. Somehow she met Rayleigh and he suggested she take her here where she’ll be safe and alive. He was at the right place and time because he needed a favor from me anyway and he was getting a few things to butter me up around that region. Hancock was very attached to her when she left her. It was like taking a child away from their aunt,”

“I see. That’s why Hancock is back,”

“Pretty much. I know for certain they all travelled days away to make sure that there was no possible way for anyone to recognize her, even so, her entire country believes her to be dead. Rayleigh made sure of that making sure they hopped from train to train and used a steam boat to make sure she the furthest distance away that would take average means weeks to get here. After _________________ arrived and stayed with me for awhile, her memories became very muddled on how she came here. It was around after her nightmares stopped. Poor thing used to be terrified in sleeping in a big opened room. I eventually placed her in a smaller one or let her sleep with me at night. I started using the techniques Blume used on me when I was her age and she slowly started to cope and finally felt better,”

“That’s why it took you so long to find someone,” said Whitebeard downing his drink.

“I had you in mind but she needed some time to just unlearn whatever those fuckers did to her. She needed some normalcy and thanks to Rayleigh, Shakky, and I, she started forgetting about the past and just wanted to be a kid. For awhile she thought her parents brought her here but she couldn’t remember what they looked like, Rayleigh came back every single week and she knew him as her grandfather and Shakky his grandmother. I thought for sure Sabo would have told her who she was by now but I think he’s trying to protect her memories as well,”

“Sabo?” she nodded.

“Shakky did some digging. Sabo is her cousin and for awhile one of the boys who were in consideration to be her husband along with that Vinsmoke boy,”

“Zeff’s son?”

“Mhm, I’m surprised he hadn’t said anything but as far as many know, she’s dead and I intend to keep it that way. I don’t even know her last name, and she forgot it. I didn’t mean to keep all of this from you. But seeing Hancock here, it brought back some things I didn’t wish to remember,”

“What is Hancock’s relationship to the girl?”

“…reluctant handmaid,” Whitebeard understood.

“I see,”

“Hancock is very attached to her, so when she was sent to kill her, she wanted to take her someplace and give her to someone where she would be face. Rayleigh and his damn observational skills knew what was going on so he intervened and brought here to the convent,”

“Her identity will always be safe,” said Whitebeard, “I didn’t adopt her because of her nobility. I adopted her because I wanted her and no child deserves to have their wild spirit contained and punished by death for it. She’s a good kid and no child should have that pressure on them,”

“No, they shouldn’t. I just hope she doesn’t ever remember any of her past. Children shouldn’t carry that burden on their shoulders. It’s hard when adult do but not kids. As long as no one recognizes her or Ace for that for matter, they’ll be safe,”

“Florrie, how do you deal with being cagey?”

“Pfft I don’t. I don’t go out as much as I used to but when I do all everyone sees is the habit not my face. As far as the world is concerned, I’m dead and I tend to keep it that way. Besides, retirement is sweet, everyone comes to me,” he snorts.

“Can’t argue with that logic. But thank you for being so patient with her,”

“Her safety and well being is all I care about. I’d rather have a well adjusted little shit than a mopey one,”

“…was she as bad as Marco, Izo, or Jozu when they came here?”

“She and Izo are about the same nightmares wise and Marco…I think you know there’s no one quite like Marco,”


“But if you’re going to approach Hancock, bring Rayleigh with you. She’s not very fond of men. It took everything in her to even offer a price but things will be far easier with him around,”

Marco on the other hand, did not like the idea of Hancock coming around and trying to coerce ___________________ to go back with her. Ace wasn’t too fond of it either and both always found a way to keep the woman away from her. Ace decided to invite her to play more and more in order to keep an eye on her.

“I don’t get why she wants you anyway,” said Ace, “You’re pretty useless,”


“I’m serious! I bet she just wants something to dress up like a doll or something,”


“Sometimes people get lonely. Like maybe she didn’t have a doll growing up and thought you’d be the perfect replacement or something. Hell if I know,”

“To be honest, I like Miss Hancock,” said ______________________, “She’s so nice! She’s been helping me with my ribbon twirling in the woods,”


“I told Pops and when I told him she never tried to make me go with her or anything, he seemed pretty okay with it,”

“She’s GROOMING to take you away! Have you told her how to get in or anything?!”

“No! In fact, she doesn’t want to know about you guys…just me. Like she wants to know what I did at ribbon twirling, shows me her moves, even this cool dance where you balance bowls on your head!”

“That sounds useless. When you can juggle bowls, then we’ll talk but still! Don’t get so chummy with her!”

“It’s kind of weird but I don’t think she wants to hurt me or anything. In fact, she kind of reminds me of this woman I used to see in my dreams! Only difference is that she’s older than the other woman and doesn’t have those pretty earrings! But she’s so nice and gentle!”

“Whatever, not until she proves it, I don’t trust her! Come on, we’re playing in the courtyard today!”

“Alright!” Hancock was conflicted. At first, her plan was to get her alone and persuading her against her new family and having her come with her but the more she talked to __________________ the more she knew she was genuinely happy. She was safe, she was loved, and she had everything she needed. The only thing she didn’t need was some ex slave woman taking her away from it. That’s the only thing she really cared about was her young charge being happy. She watched from a place she managed to sneak in of ___________________ playing/ training with her three brothers. It was stealth training using hide and seek. She was good at hiding. She was always good at hiding…whether she wanted to or not. She then felt a presence behind her. Izo calmly perched next to her.

“I’m not here to fight or throw you out or hassle you,” he said lighting his cigarette in his holder, “relax hon,” she nodded and continued to watch. Millions of thoughts were going through her head. She wanted to leave her alone but she found her again and she didn’t want to let her go. It wasn’t fair, “Want one?” she jumped, “It’s safe, its hand rolled tobacco, looks like you need something to relax,”

“No thanks…I’m just thinking and trying to wrap my mind around all of this,”

“I don’t know how you know ________________ or why you’re willing to pay and give up everything you just to have her with you but you’re fighting a losing battle,” Izo took a puff and slowly lets it out, “She’s happy here. And since she’s came here,

“You’ll never understand and I can’t tell you why. Her happiness is the only thing I care about! Why is she so happy with you?! You’re just a bunch of men!”

“True but we’re giving her everything she needs. Forcing her to leave her family at this point would be cruel. Besides Flora and Rayleigh apparently, we’re the only family she has left,”

“You’re not her family! I’m her—I was—,” she caught herself. Izo looked at her and offered her a cigarette. Hancock took it and took a long drag, “I waited too long…she forgot all about me,”

“I wouldn’t say that and if that’s the case, try to make her remember you, not your past or anything, just you. She’s very friendly towards you so she must remember you in some way. Hell when came home, she excited told us about how you helped her with her ribbon twirling. I’m not going to lecture you about what you should do but just know Pops will fight you with everything he can to keep her with us. Do you really want to fight and in the end lose and have her resent you?” Hancock looked in the courtyard and saw ___________________ running and laughing and playing with her three adopted brothers. She’s known her for years and never seen her have a smile that big without something interrupting it. That’s all she wanted, she wanted her to be happy and she was already happy. Tears ran down her face watching her be a kid, a regular normal happy little girl.

“No fair!” said Ace, “You can’t hide behind Jozu!”

“He’s the perfect hiding spot!” Jozu opened an eye before standing up, reaching behind him and took _____________________ out from behind him and held her in front of the three boys, “Jozu how could you!”

“Criss cross double cross!” Ace smirked

“So what are we gonna do to her?”

“I don’t know, she did make us run just to get her!” said Sabo

“You know what we have to do right?”

“YEAH!” said Luffy, “TICKLE ATTACK!”

“NOOOOOOOO!!” Jozu snorts and let the kids have their fun before yawning and going back to sleep, “Jozu I trusted yoooooooou!” Izo chuckled

“He’s getting her back for taking the last bit of meatloaf last week. Poor baby,” Hancock held her hands to her chest.

“…She looks so happy. I’ve never seen her smile like that before,”

“That’s because she is. I don’t think that smile has ever left that face since she finally settled in. The happiest moment was when Pops showed her the adoption papers with his name attached. She finally had a last name and a family,”

“She deserves it. Well, I guess I’m not needed here,” Hancock looked at Izo, “I have a few things you need to know about her,”


“She loves when you brush her hair at night. Her favorite color is (f/c). She loves animals. She has a metal allergy to nickel and lead. She likes reading fantasy books. She loves to get muddy. She will feed the den den mushi. She loves feeding those things. She loves tea parties. She loves tea, not much Earl Grey. She likes to wear those jumpers. And…buy her a pair of red boots,” Izo looked at her and smiled.

“You know…if you’re going to leave, why don’t you say goodbye?”

“I’ve caused you all enough trouble. I’d rather her not remember me than hating me,” she turned to leave right into Whitebeard and froze, “No worries, I-I was just leaving,”

“You and I need to discuss some things, Hancock,” she looked a little apprehensive until she saw Rayleigh behind him.

“I didn’t mean to cause you any trouble. I made a promise that I would come back for her as soon as I was able and I was meaning to keep it. When I saw her, I was excited and happy to see her again but I also and I still think a group of men could never raise her like I could,”

“I understand,” said Whitebeard

“But…after hearing her talk about everything, I see how attached she is to you all and I know if I took her away from you, she’ll never love me as I want her to,”

“Hancock, we understand,” Rayleigh said soothingly. Her eyes flashed and she grabbed his nose.

“What did you tell him?!”

“Nothing! I told him that you were ___________________’s personal maid a long time ago,”

“That’s still too much information!”

“Umm Miss Hancock?” Hancock turned and let him go when she saw __________________ at the door frame looking at them. Memories came flooding in the moment she said her name like she used to. She bowed very low, “I just wanted to say that I’m grateful and happy that you want to adopt me into your family and be a part of your city,”

“You don’t have to say that,” Hancock got on one knee, “I’m sorry for asking such a request without even considering your feelings,” Her only wish when she was younger was that she would be happy and safe and she hated to admit but she would be safer with the Whitebeards that with her. She smiled, “I won’t pursue this any longer. I didn’t mean to try and take your family away from you,”

“It’s okay! I mean I’m happy you want wanted to adopt me! But I have a family already! But I would like to visit you! Is that okay?”

“OF COURSE!” Hancock looked at Whitebeard, who was looking at Rayleigh tend to his nose, “Only if it’s okay with her father,”

“Please?” said ______________________. Whitebeard nodded.

“A weekend every two months,”

“Okay!” the pair said in unison.

“Chaperoned visits first,” said Marco coming into the room with Izo, “And she’s to be back by eight Sunday evening. If she’s late, call. If you can do that, then we’ll stop keeping an eye on you,” Hancock glared.

“By the way you talk; you’re like her mother,”

“You have no idea,” said Izo

“I would rather prefer you, okama,”

“Izo and I don’t mind, especially since the Kuja area is primarily women. It would be a break from the testosterone,”

“Okay, then it’s settled,” said Whitebeard. Later that night, Izo grabbed ____________________ before bed and set her in his lap and started brushing her hair.

“So why are you brushing my hair?” said __________________ looking behind her.

“You’re a little princess who needs to have her hair brushed,” he said happily.

“I’m not a princess!”

“You’re our princess so you get your hair brushed and you’re going to get pampered extra hard,” she giggled.

“You’re so weird Izo,”

“So are you. How do you feel?”

“Warm and sleepy. I don’t think I ever had anyone brush my hair before,”

“You probably don’t remember but you should be pampered more. Tell you what, stop by everyday and I’ll do your hair for you,”


“Mhm, just think of it as our bonding time. We’ll have tea and we can just talk about something. How does that sound?”

“Sound’s great! Thanks Izo!”

“No problem sweetheart,”

Chapter 17: The Game


The teenage girl learns that her actions have consequences

Chapter Text

It was finally the new term at school. Everyone came back from a long three month break. Some didn’t return because well, they were off doing their training or other endeavors or transferred to better schools. Ace and ___________________ didn’t have much choice in the matter. Whitebeard’s policy was everyone was to at least get some schooling. Ace wanted to drop out ages ago but making sure Luffy was safe was his main priority and wrecking havoc just sweetened the deal.  This was also the year that many kids joined or founded crews.  Some joined because of safety, some started their and to be taken seriously, they have to make themselves known by a fight or rite, and some like __________________ remained neutral. Being neutral in this case meant that they were either undecided or had no fight with anyone. In her case, she had alliances with the Spade and Heart Pirates and some affiliation with the Kid Pirates, mainly Killer and with Luffy gathering his, she decided to literately stay out it. But that doesn’t mean that she was completely innocent when it came to doing what she wanted. Her favorite thing was getting the students out of school just as much as them attending.

“Yeah this year I can’t help you as much,” said Nami sighing, “Bellemere really wants us to take the cadets seriously,”

“Oh gross! She wants you two to be Marines?!”

“Not her idea,” said Nojiko, “Smoker kind of got to her. I think it’s because Law already established himself and he doesn’t want another “promising Marine” to slip by,”

“That sucks!”

“I know right?! I hate it! But combat training is great!” said Nami

“And it doesn’t mean we won’t turn a blind eye when you commit a crime,” said Nojiko, “for a price later,”

“I swear you two are going to make me go broke! Wait! You two are on school patrol?!”

“Yep! The main perk is that we can roam the halls after lunch and able to get in and out of secret places,”


“Though, Coby still has the surveillance room code,”

“Yeah and he’s been training with Garp over the summer,”

“Pfft, I’ll still get the code, I always do,” ____________________ fluffed her hair a bit, smoothed out her top, perks up her chest, “Give me five minutes,” she happily trotted upstairs.

“I swear she loves seeing that cadet pop one,” said Nojiko

“Yeah, wanna see?”

“Yep!” ________________________ went upstairs. Lo and behold it wasn’t just a few students who changed over the break. Coby has grown thinner and taller, standing close to Luffy in height. He has also gained a cross-shaped scar above his right eye, presumably earned under his training. His hair has grown longer and shaggier. ________________ froze.  This took her by surprise. She snorts and snapped out of it. This was Coby after all, all needed to do was pout, get close enough. She sauntered up to him and grinned.

“Coby! How are—,” before she could say anything, his arm was around her waist as he pulled her close into his chest. She stopped and felt her cheeks burn as he took his hand and cupped her chin. He smiled at her whispered in her ear.

“Hello kitten,” _______________ leapt out of his embrace and ran for it blushing furiously. What the FUCK just happened?! Nami and Nojiko were laughing their asses off at the now flushing and sweating and embarrassed girl.

“YOUR FACE!” said Nami laughing



“We just found out ourselves! But we didn’t know he would do that! Awwww did you get flustered?”

“N-No! I-I was just caught by surprise! T-That’s it!”

“Oh yeah? Here he comes again,” Coby was coming down the hall. ___________________ glared. This was personal now. He one upped her before but time she KNEW what was coming. She smirked and took a deep breath.

“Coby-kun!” he grinned, propped his hand against the lockers and leaned into her once again. He gave her a sweet smile.

“Yes _________________________-chan?” Her mind went to complete mush, “Aare you okay? Your face is completely red,”

“I-I-ack…uhh…m-mmmm,” was the only thing she could say. He smiled and touched her forehead.

“Be safe! We don’t want you getting sick!” with that he walked away again. _________________ slumped down to her knees. Nojiko whistled low.

“Shit, he works fast,”

“W-What th-the HELL did Garp teach him?!” for the entire day, _____________________ was a flustered, scared mess. She couldn’t wrap her head around what just happened. To make matters worse, Nami and Nojiko were riding her hard over it adding to the shame of her defeat. By lunch she was completely on edge to the point where she couldn’t even think straight. At lunch she decided to see if she could get some intel from Killer on the matter. From her experience, she KNEW Luffy already knows and probably told his nakama. And she needed a neutral party in this.

“Oh no you get no sympathy from us,” said Killer as a matter-of-factly as he slurped up his linguini.

“What?! Why not?!”

“You literately had him coming in his pants every single time you used your pout against him,”

“Yeah you little cocktease,” said Kid tearing into his food, “You should know better than to tease a man’s dick like that!”

“For the greater good! And why are you in school?!” he grumbled

“Killer made me go,”

“Yeah you need to stick around for a bit,”


“Besides, __________________, you reap what you sow,”

“Pffft! Just give me a few days and I’ll have the surveillance room code again!”

“Please from what I heard, you can’t get near him without your mind and legs going to mush,”

“No proof!”

“I saw you bump into him in the hall and the next thing I knew you were spacing out more than usual,”

“I don’t know what you’re—,”

“________________!” she froze as Coby pulled her into an one armed hug, “Staying out of trouble, right?” she nodded, her could feel her face getting redder, “Awesome! See you in class,” the moment he left she put her head on the table.

“Looks like he made you come in those granny panties of yours,” said Kid laughing.

“Sh-SHUT UP!” Killer laughed. During the rest of the day, Coby was making little passes and flirtations at _______________________, who was so flustered she was hiding and peeking around corners. She ran to her locker and quickly gathered her books. She had to get out of here and be home free before Coby came. She sighed in relief and turned right into him. She squeaked and jumped back.

“Where’s the fire? You shouldn’t run in the halls, kitten,”

“I-I wasn’t running!”

“True but you looked like you were in a hurry. If you wanted to find me, I’m right here,”

“Pffft, you said I wanted you?” she turned to walk away and felt his arms wrap around her from behind,”

“True, but,” he whispered softly in her ear, “I wouldn’t want anything happening to my kitten…Please be more careful for me, alright?” she squeaked, jumped and ran for it. She could have swore she heard him chuckling. She escaped to the outside of the school panting and sweating. She had to regain her composure and fast! She was almost calmed down when someone poked her.

“EEK!” Ace puts his hand on her shoulder.

“I was looking everywhere for you, let’s go home,” she nodded and went to the car, where Marco was waiting.

“How was school kiddos?”

“Awful!” said ___________________

“Oh? What happened?”

“Coby has turned the tables on her,” said Ace smirking at her

“WHO TO—,”

“Luffy and Nojiko,”

“Turned the tables? You mean from her flirt teasing?”

“Yep after these past few semesters, he finally got her back and she’s so flustered she can’t even think straight,”


“Sorry kiddo you get no sympathy from here,” said Marco

“Whaaaaat?! No fair!”

“After the teasing you do to that poor guy?” said Ace, “Seriously,”

“I did it out of love!”

“Smoker tears into him after every time you flirt with him until he gives you something,”

“I don’t do it that often!” he snorts and then laughed.

“The great gym flooding? You got Coby to keep the back door opened for us to pull off that stunt. Also the Marine lounge explosion, countless times you getting into the surveillance room to disarm the cameras, which you still have my gratitude over, and using him to help you get away from Smoker. I’m surprised he didn’t retaliate sooner, then again puberty got him,”

“Yeah, no sympathy little lady. You’re reaping this big time,” said Marco. At home, _______________ trudged miserably up the stairs.  She hated to admit, but she would have to admit defeat and she did not want to do that mainly because she was good at getting Coby to do things for her. She groaned and accidentally ran into Izo.

“Huh? Hey sweetheart!” he noticed her expression, “Awww what’s the matter? C’mere,” he took her hand and pulling her into his room. She almost liked Izo’s room. It always reminded her of something straight from a Emperor , “tell big brother Izo what’s the matter,”

“Boy trouble,”

“…what happened?” __________________ told Izo exactly what happened, “He bulked up! Then he whispered in my ear! Then my mind was GONE! I don’t know what to dooooo!”

“Oh no, this mean war!” said Izo, “He wants a war, he’s got one. Here’s what you do. Tomorrow, you’re going make that little bastard cream his pants!”


“No, no you don’t understand! He started this little game and you’re going to finish it! Listen my darling sister and listen well, flirting and seduction is an art. A very dangerous art and a deadly game! But there’s one thing that no man can resist, a very pretty face. And you have that but we’re going to enhance it. With flirting there’s three aspects, the face draws you in, the charm keeps him coming, and the smell is the lingering after taste that makes him want more. You’re already confident but flirting is subtle. The hunt is better than the chase. From Coby’s profile, he’s now more confident, still a gentleman and polite. We are going to totally use that to our advantage,”

“B-But I don’t wanna hurt him,”

“Flirting is a victimless crime and if he can’t take it, he shouldn’t dish it out. Now, let Big Sister Izo show you the secret and ancient art of enhancing beauty,” he trotted to his drawer and takes out a lacquer ornate box, “I was saving this for your first date but this is a as good as any time. Your first geisha style makeup kit! Okay now follow me and I’m going to show you how to make a man crazy,”

Coby actually felt really good about himself. He finally had ______________________ on the ropes. So much that she was running. He grinned to himself at the thought of her losing it because of him. He made his way to his locker but that was when something caught his eye. __________________ was walking towards him, her hair bouncing up and down as she walked towards him. But there were a few things that caught his eye. She was wearing makeup, black eye shadow and red lipstick, her skirt was a little higher than normal and her chest looked bigger. She brushed passed him. He could smell her perfume, a heavenly smell. He was so occupied that he slammed into an opened locker door. He didn’t see her for the next few periods or even lunch. Good, he was home free…or so he thought. He decided to finish his around during his fifth period class. It was during the time when a lot of students were either doing their extra curriculum activities for the last two periods or a study hall. His was a study hall. He peeked into the classrooms to make sure everything was in order and patrolled the halls and no far everything was in order. Nothing out of place, this was good.

“EEK!” Coby heard a girl shriek and ran to the source, which was in the music room. He opened the door and saw her trying to balance five boxes on her own. However, she overshot the doorframe and the heavy boxes were in danger of falling. He quickly grabbed the falling boxes and placed them down.

“Got them! You okay—_____________________?!” _________________ looked breathless but happy that she finally got the boxes under control. Her face was flushed and her chest heaved lightly.

“Phew I am now! Those boxes were heavy! Thanks Coby,” he froze. ___________________ was smiling at him sweetly. He could feel himself sweating. She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear and bit her bottom lip. He got a full glimpse of her. Her lips were pouty, the black eye shadow made her eyes stand out more and her perfume was making his head spin in a good way, “I knew I could count on you,”

“A-All,” he cleared his throat, “All in a day’s work!”

“I know, you’re such a boy scout strong like a big bear,” she said leaning into him and wrapping her arms around him. He was starting to sweat. Her scent was making him completely immobile. He knew he wouldn’t last much longer until he heard her in his ear, “Coby Bear…” that did it. He felt him backing away. His breathing was labored and his cheeks were red, “I need to get these boxes into the storage room, but I don’t have the key. Do you happen to—,” he quickly handed it to her. She grinned and hugged him gain, “Thanks Coby bear!” she ran off. He slumped to the ground panting in embarrassment and flustered. That was intense and he gave in…again!

“REALLY COBY?!”  Smoker berated him in his office again, “SHE GOT YOU AGAIN?!”

“I’m sorry! I-I don’t—don’t what ca-came over me!” because ___________________ had the storage key, many confiscated items were stolen back from the room and given back to their rightful owners, including weapons and things. Smoker was NOT happy and make him run twenty laps, restricted his meal that day and handed him over to Garp, who e was waiting for him back at the barracks, “G-Garp! P-Please don’t demote me! It-It won’t happen again!”

“You damn right it won’t! Smoker told me everything. I didn’t think she would have gone that far but I know that damned okama brother of hers had something to do with it and you’re gonna fight back!”


“Tell me, what are her weaknesses?!”


“You heard me! She’s your enemy, what are her weaknesses?!”

“I don’t know! T-To be honest, I’ve always saw us as friends!”

“There are NO friends in The Game!”

“T-The Game sir?”

“The Game is the Game of Seduction. Love is an endless battlefield and whoever surrenders or caves in first wins! You’re not going to lose that fight to a pretty face and more importantly, a Whitebeard pirate! That’s your task, go out and find any type of cannon fodder to use against her! You have two hours! Dismissed!” Coby was resigned to his fate and prepared to face half portions of food tonight. But he wasn’t ready to give up. _____________________ HAD to have a weakness! He’s known her for years, since they started school together when he and Luffy were in other school and he was with Alvida. He knew Luffy, Nami, and Nojiko like the back of his hands. Luffy because they hung out and Nami and Nojiko because of Bellemere and he only knew Law somewhat because of Rossi.  What did he know about ____________________?! He didn’t even think she HAD a type. She primarily hung out with three boys, Ace, Law, and Sanji. She and Ace are family, nothing there. Law and her relationship was an enigma, more like the odd couple. Where Law was serious and somewhat distant, ________________ was more approachable and sociable and Law usually smiled more when she was about, even with his pirate affiliation. Finally Sanji was a notorious womanizer and __________________ was way off his radar. He was shocked about that. The pair was usually seen at the Baratie or a new place eating. He groaned that didn’t help him at all.

“Hey asshole,” he looked up to see Eustass Kid looking at him from the top of a car, “Heard Smoker and Garp digging in your ass,” he glared.

“What of it?”

“What’s with the hostility shithead? I came to give you the upper hand in your Game,”


“I know the little cocktease’s weaknesses,”



“Seriously y-you do?”

“Mhm, we can tell you exactly how to get that little cocktease on the ropes. For a price,”

“No way! How do I know you’ll keep your end of the bargain?!”

“You don’t asshole, but unless you want to be demoted, you’ll listen,” Coby considered this for a few moments before sighing.

“It’s a deal as long as it’s NOT illegal!”

“Can’t promise that but I want your word as a Marine,”

“You have it! Now tell me!” Kid smirked

“Let’s just say even though ______________________ talks a big game and shit, she gets flustered and shit easily, especially around shirtless men. If you notice she looks away when there’s activities with men or what happened in sex ed,”

“Wait what? How?! She lives in a house FILLED with guys!”

“That’s family; she couldn’t care less about them. Remember when she ran into the boy’s locker hiding from Smoker and almost leapt out of her skin?” that’s right! He remembered that day! He also remembered when Kureha was teaching them anatomy that she was covering her face behind a book. Oh he could definitely use that to his advantage.


“Fuck you, just remember you owe me one,”

“How did it goooooo?!” said Izo waiting for her at his bedroom door. She beamed at him

“I got the key to the storage room AND he was putty in my hands!”

“That’s my girl!” he hugged her tightly, “NOTHING is more seductive than red lipstick and the smokey eye!”

“What if he retaliates?!”  

“Pfffft after that stunt?! Trust me, after all of that, he’s not going to even THINK about coming near you,”

“I hope you’re right! I don’t think I can do something like that again!”

“Oh please, teasing a boy never hurt anyone. You’ve just sending some cute little jabs across his way,”

“I have to admit, it was fun getting back at him,”

“Of course it did! What did you get in the storage room?”

“Just a few things that Smoker confiscated some time ago from certain students, like Ace’s pipe, Nami’s loot, a few DS’s, and things like that. I’m a mini hero right now and it feels awesome,”

“I swear you’re like a mini Robin Hood, I’m just so proud!” __________________ was indeed proud of herself. She managed to get missing things that’s been locked away for six months without even trying. She had one more thing to deliver, Ace’s pipe. She happily trotted to his bedroom door.  

“Knock, knock!” she knocked on Ace’s door.

“Yeah?” said Ace

“Got something for you!” He opened the door. Three things immediately attacked her senses. First, Ace’s smell attacked her senses. She started noticing the strange smell some months ago and couldn’t pinpoint it until she realized it was his weird natural musk. And once she smelt it, she couldn’t unsmell it and it always made her mind feel like it was in a fog. The next thing that attacked her was his eyes and around his nose, particularly his freckles. She always liked his freckles but lately, especially after they saw each other the first time since the summer, she really started to notice how this really accented his face, especially his eyes, his dark eyes…but the thing that got her the most was his chest. Since coming back, Ace decided to keep his shirts opened. This had NEVER bothered her before. In fact, it’s been outright distracting her since and she found herself just staring. It was hypnotic.

“Oh shit you did manage to get into the storage room! ____________ you’re awesome! Finaly got my pipe back! __________________? __________________?” Ace poked her cheek, “Space cadet,” she snapped out of it.

“H-Hey!” he snorts.

“Spacing out on me already?”

“N-No! W-Why are you wet?!”

“I just got out of the shower!” he ruffled her hair, “So done with your pissing contest with Coby?”

“NO WAY!” she said blushing, “I have to win this one!”

“Please, you can’t be flirty even if you tried,”

“I-I can!”

“Picking on a Marine, I commend it but still you’re too weird to flirt right,”

“Humph! Don’t be mean!”

“It’s true, awkward weird girls can’t flirt, they’re so awkward and too space to,”

“W-Wanna bet?!”

“Hit me with your best shot,” he smirked. She reddened before smirking. She gently traced his chest with his finger.

“Gee Ace….I wonder how hard it’s going to be flirt with someone so…you like. Especially with those deep eyes…those adorable freckles…and this broad chest—yeow!” Ace had her nose and squeezed it. She flailed as he let go.

“Told you awkward girls can’t flirt,” he said laughed

“MEAN!” he ruffled her hair

“I’m sorry,” he pecked her cheek as she reddened and scurried to her room. After homework, she decided to see Pops. He was upstairs in his study/bedroom. She loved Pops room. Everything in there was huge in order to suit him and his door was always opened for his sons and daughter to talk to him. He literately had an opening just for them to go in. She came in as Whitebeard finished up some paperwork. When he noticed her, he picked her up and perched her on his bed.

“How was your first day of school? I heard you ran into a little snag with a Marine,” she covered her face and nodded. He chuckled, “It happens to the best of us,”

“But I needed that surveillance room key. Smoker would have move the contraband at the end of the week to the Barracks and I don’t have access to that yet. I don’t know WHAT Garp did but I’m powerless!”

“Garp’s been training him?!” said Whitebeard

“YES!” the look on his face said everything, “SHOULD I BE WORRIED?!”

“Garp is the reason why Ace and Luffy are tough so I believe that’s where he got the confidence. As for the seduction…well… Luffy came from somewhere,”

“…that poor woman,” Whitebeard snorts.

“If she’s found they’re going to put her under the jail for being the person responsible for the birth of Luffy,”

“Indirect birth,”

“Trust me, Garp’s and his wife’s chemistry has created more trouble for Marine and pirate alike,”

“Ugh! But you have Sister! That means your skills trumps his!”

“GUARARARARARARARA!!!! Clever little runt!” he pats her head fondly, “Don’t let Flora hear you though, or we’ll both be in the doghouse,”

“I don’t want another Bop of Learning!”

“How are you liking the new advance classes?"

“They’re alright I guess,”

“…that didn’t sound reassuring,”

“Well…navigation is hard! I mean I can sight navigate but I can’t read a nautical map! Land is so much easier!”

“It’s a good skill to have, trust me. Ask Ace if you get too lost,”

“I don’t even know how I got tested in nautical navigation. I think it’s a fluke,”

“You worked hard. Don’t think you don’t think you don’t deserve it. I’m proud of you,” she smiled as they talked for a bit longer before she went to bed. In her room, there was a cup of hot tea waiting for her. She smiled, settled into bed and drank her tea with a book before drifting off to bed. Marco came in a short while later, took the book away, tucked her in, and gave her a kiss on his forehead before closing the door behind him.

“Ugh pool clean up duty?!” this was another rule at school that many of the students didn’t mind and some outright complained. Because the school didn’t have a janitor, Sengoku thought it would raise morale and citizenship if the students cleaned up the school. Many were already used to cleaning so they all took it in stride. Some children from noble families bitched and moaned and tried to hire someone to do it for them until they were threatened with expulsion, while others actually liked cleaning since they were forbidden to do it at home. Duties alternated every few days so students didn’t get stuck solely on one chore. ______________________ got her duty that afternoon. She was supposed to have trash duty but there was a last minute change of pool duty. This meant she had to check the PH balance, change the filter and mop the deck. She had a study hall her last period and decided to head over and start. No one used the pool the last period so she was in luck. She grabbed a mop, disinfectant, and a bucket and filled it with hot water. She’ll get the hard stuff out of the way before changing the filter. She mopped the deck, took the trash out of the locker rooms, and putting the soiled towels in the laundry. She was just about finished taking all of the towels into the laundry when she heard a splash. She sighed. Of course. She poked her head around the corner to see someone in the pool. She didn’t mind it but did that NOT see someone cleaning this area? She got closer and saw a familiar head. He was in the shallow end and then stood up to see her looking at him. Coby’s training was good to him. He chest was well toned with a few battle scars and no remnants of his childhood pudge.  

“Hey!” she snapped out of it.

“C-Coby?! W-What are you doing here?!”

“Well, I thought I’d take a dip in the pool before whoever cleans up!” he said grinning, “You don’t mind do you?”

“P-Pfft no! Just stay out of my way rookie!” he nods and jumped into the water. She checked the chlorine levels in the pool before changing the filter and doing the last minute cleanup.

“Leaving so soon?” Coby emerged from the water and grinned at her.

“I-I,” she cleared her throat, “O-Of course I am! I’m finished, no thanks to you,”

“Awww I’m sorry! I honestly didn’t know anyone would clean it this soon,” she looked away blushing.

“I-It’s fine! I’m finished, I’ll see you later, I guess!”

“Wait, _________ can we like talk?” Coby grabbed her. He didn’t mean to pull her so hard, she lost her balance and fell backwards into the water. She emerged with his help but spluttered in surprise, “Areyouokay?!”

“I-I’m okay! Really!” she spats out water and shook her hair out.

“Sorry about that, I didn’t mean to,” he said. She was face to face with his broad chest. She did her hardest to keep eye level at and was failing miserably.

“I-It’s fine! I-I’m just gonna go and dry off,” she went to swim off. He took her wrist and pulled her back. She instantly froze. He then turn around and looked her over with concern. He gently touched her cheek.

“Are you sure you’re okay? You’re so red right now…I don’t mean to sound so forward but you look so cute this way,”


“Very…cute. Your hair is messy, your cheek as flushed and red, your eyes are like saucers right now. You’re so adorable,” he pulled her in closer, “It makes me want you to have all ten of my children,” he leaned in closer to her, foreheads touching, lips close, “Kitten,” he said in a husky voice. That did it.

“I-I’mfine! Gottago!!!” she ducked down into the water and doggy paddled to the closest stairs and ran out of the pool. Coby was laughing his ass off in the water. He got out and toweled off. He couldn’t believe that stunt worked or that Kid actually ad some sound advice. Though he hated the idea of him having to owe him a favor the idea of ______________ getting flustered and running scared of more than worth it. When ________________ arrived in the car, she was beat red, panting, and soaking wet. Once home, she took a shower and ran into Izo’s room and told him everything, “I was trapped!”

“Alright, he wants to play hard ball, he got it!” said Izo making a phone call, “Grab your coat, we’re meeting Iva,”


“Mhm, Iva will know exactly how to get him to come in those Marine pants of his! Making my little sister get flustered, he has another thing coming,” Izo lifted her under his arms and headed downstairs. The other brothers were all looking at the pair, “If not back, avenge death!”

“Make sure she has a coat!” said Fossa.

“And don’t come back without ________________,” said Jozu. Soon the pair was in a car and arriving at a nightclub. Izo whisked her inside as _______________ tried not to blush and stare at the many sexual and kinky things in this club. Many of the workers stopped and greeted her and Izo and pinched her cheeks. He brushed passed them all and went into the back and into a very feminine room where a beautiful woman was sitting in front of a vanity mirror but she better.

“Izo Darling!” said Ivankov. Ever since _______________ was little, Ivankov was the ONE person that she was absolutely wary of, even since he taught her and Ace an lesson when they were kids and she never forgot or will forget it. Iva ran a “fantasy” club in town…actually MANY towns but his favorite place to frequent was their town when he wasn’t back home in Kamabakka Kingdom or doing other work, “How is my favorite little cutie doing?”

“Not so good I’m afraid,” said Izo, “Little bastard got her head in a jumbled mess,”

“Oh? I see, I guess we’re just going to have to fix that shall we?” Ivankov guided them to the bar, “Barkeep, three Sexes on the Beach and make one a virgin,”

“You mean she hadn’t lost it yet?” said the barkeep winking at her

“Sadly no but give her another few months, if not we’ll push her into the right direction,” __________________ reddened as Izo pets her head giggling

“Don’t let Marco hear that. He’ll skin us both alive,”

“Oh don’t I know it! Anyway! We’re going to make that little cadet come in his pants for this,”

“W-What?! Ho-How?!” the barkeep came back with their drinks and a laptop. Iva cracked his knuckles and started typing.

“Sweetie, we specialize in what makes men lose their minds and it’s profitable. And as long as it’s not hurting anyone, it’s fine! Now let’s see,” Ivankov scrolled through their files, “Ooh, puberty hit him hard. It’s kind of cute. Straight laced and looks so repressed, he’s Straw Boy’s friend, right?”


“And she’s too much of a lady to drag Luffy in for a weakness,” said Izo

“That’s because she’s a good girl. So you said the lipstick worked?”

“Yeah!” said ___________________, “especially when I pout, that makes him so crazy!”

“A lip man?! Wow, this got a lot simpler! Okay, we have fire, now we get to add fuel to his little kink and trust me, for a shy, confident, Marine cadet that’s NOT going to be hard! Okay darling! Here’s what you’re going to do tomorrow!” Ivankov told her the in depth plan. _________________ face went red, “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of everything and you’ll be fine! Oh I’m so proud!”


“Flirting and seduction is an art that not many can accomplish or use without their bodies. You’re using pure charm and that’s something that never fades away! All we have to do is hone it and you’re going to make men absolutely crazy,” After hours of planning, ___________________ slumped upstairs and plopped down head first onto her bed the moment they came back home. She didn’t know if she felt comfortable in doing this. She groaned. It’s barely been the first week of the new semester and it’s been a weird rollercoaster of emotions and things she was NOT ready for. She couldn’t understand it. Why was Coby suddenly making her blush like a schoolgirl?! Then again she wasn’t even used to people flirting with her and she knew she was most likely too dense to figure it out. She had to get a hold of herself! She tried all summer and yet it didn’t ready her for THIS type of challenge! What was this kind of challenge?!

“Oy!” she jumped up and turned and was greeted to a broad chest. She gasped, and jumped back out of her bed. Ace peered down, “You okay?”

“What was that for?!”

“I’ve been calling you for ten minutes now! I was wondering if you wanted to play Mortal Kombat XL. Looks like you need it,”


“Come on, made you tea,” he left the room. Her face was flushed as she went to her water basin and splashed her face a few times. This semester was going to be the death of her.

The next day, Coby saw that ___________________ avoided him like a plague. He grinned. He was going to make that girl run later that day. He had to admit, she was so cute when she was embarrassed. But he knew this time he really did have the upper hand. It cost him one favor he owed to the Kidd Pirates but it was worth it in a weird way. He was pretty much done with all of his classes but today was also some cadet training for the last two hours. This meant he had to run laps for two hours with Garp and Smoker yelling at the younger cadets. He didn’t mind being the guinea pig of how this worked. He had a good view of __________________ in the Cooking Club. This wasn’t something out of the ordinary. She always had cooking class when the cadets had training. It was taught by Patty and Carne and their teaching methods were unorthodox, such as gathering ingredients from the school’s garden, budgeting for high class ingredients, and having your meals scrutinized. Only the bravest took the elective. ___________________ was one of those few, only because Zeff refused to have any woman near his kitchen and that included her but that didn’t mean he didn’t know how to create a lesson plan for his cooks to follow. Today’s new treat was homemade ice cream from what he saw from people munching and licking the treat. He was doing his laps when he saw ______________________ at the window happily enjoying her treat. It was very warm day and it was melting fast. She was absentmindedly taking her tongue and running it across the ice cream cone to keep it from dripping. He froze. She licked her lips before continuing and then using them to bite down and suck on the top of the mound of ice cream. His face was red as she licked her lips from time to time and soon finishing her ice cream. She then took a napkin and wiped her mouth clean. Then she used the mirror glass to apply her lip. He watched as she elegantly glided it across her lips before giving her lips that final pucker. He felt her heart pounding and breath hitching. She then realized she was being watched. She looked at him and coyly bit her bottom lip, winked, and blew him a kiss.

“COBY LOOK OUT!” The poor boy didn’t see it coming until it was too late and he smacked head first into a pole. __________________ heard the smack and winced. Even she felt that one. Poor thing! Coby was in the doctor’s office as Kureha tended his face.

“Seriously kid, how in the hell did you manage to run into a pole?!”

“I-I was distracted! I-I didn’t see it!”

“You’re lucky it didn’t scramble what little brains you have! I swear kids nowadays. Chopper, take care of this for me. I’m going out for a smoke,”

“On it!” Chopper looked at the poor boy on the bed with an ice pack on his head, “So what really happened?”

“Ran into a pole…a pole I did not see,”

“You were distracted?!”

“You could say that. I seriously didn’t see it,”

“Lucky for you no concussion but to be safe,

“Coby you okay?!” he jumped when he saw ________________ who genuinely looked scared and fearful for his safety.


“Hey __________________! I’m glad you’re here to check up on him but he needs rest,”

“Okay, does he need anyone to walk him to the barracks?”

“I-I’m fine! B-But I could use my homework,”

“Definitely!” she scampered away. Chopper placed two and two together.

“I think this little war is hazardous to your health,”

“I know! But I didn’t want to lose! I was doing so well!”

“True but I don’t think anyone wanted you to scramble you brains! Especially __________________!” Coby agreed. She actually wanted to see if he was okay after all of this, “Listen, to be safe, you’re going back to Barracks for the rest of day. You need rest and observation,” It was back at the Barracks that Coby had enough. He was going to end this in the ONLY way he knew how, complete surrender. He knew Garp would MURDER him but he didn’t care! He couldn’t take this anymore! He took the white flag and headed towards the school. He had someone send ____________________ a message and she would be waiting for him after school after her shakuhachi lessons. He was scared. He didn’t know what she was going to do. He then saw her at the door. He raised his flag. He then heard her speak.

“I come in peace I swear!” __________________ was waving a white flag just like him. They slowly approached each other. Then the pair looked at each other before rapidly talking at the other.








“Are two idiots done yet?” said Law looking at them from a window watching the whole thing unfold with amusement, “I swear watching you two was like watching a nature documentary,”

“You saw?!” said ______________________

“Mhm, I wanted to see which of you would have caved first. You two barely lasted the week,”

“I couldn’t keep going! I mean flirting is one thing! But making him hurt himself was another!”

“I can see why you like flirting but I can’t keep doing it! It’s exhausting!” said Coby, “I don’t see HOW you do it!”

“I don’t even KNOW I’m doing it!” Law snorts

“Endearingly awkward as ever,”

“Have you and Ace been talking?!”

“It’s true, boys like cute awkward girls,”

“Mean! But Coby! I’m sorry for leading you on!”

“You didn’t! It’s okay! I mean you’re awesome and all but you’re a liability! No offense but being on Smoker’s radar is one thing staying on it is another! There’s even a school rule named after you! That’s Luffy level destruction!”

“Fair enough!”

“But…is there anyway you can get me off of Kid’s favor list?”

“Ooh no can do. Asking Killer for favors is one thing, it’s another with Kid. We’re not exactly bosom buddies,”

“…I thought you were?”

“Nah, I’m around him because of Killer. Other than that, I don’t bother myself with the Crybaby Pirates,” Coby was impressed. No one who wasn’t affiliated with a pirate group wouldn’t dare say something like that about the Kid Pirates, or Kid for that matter,” then Marco pulled up, “Well that’s my ride,” she said grinning. She then gave Coby a hug, “See you tomorrow!” she then pecked his cheek, “Be safe and get rest for your head!” she scampered to the car and Marco drove off. Coby stood there blushing and touched his cheek. Law touched his shoulder.

“D-Don’t! P-Please don’t! I’m going to come!”

“Keep it in your pa—oh…never mind. Take care of that before you start walking back to the barracks,”

“Just when I thought I was out…she pulls me back in,”

“I’ll walk you back and don’t come in your pants. If you do, tell them you peed on yourself,”

“Wh-What?! NO!”

“Then you tell them that __________________ kissed you and popped a chub,”

“Okay, okay!”

“Feeling better?” Marco picked up ________________ as usual, “Did you and Coby finally patched things up?”

“Yep! We both called a truce! I can’t believe I made him smack into a pole! I didn’t want it to go THAT far! I don’t get it! I mean I know I’m not remotely attracted to Coby but when he was flirting, I just felt my mind going to mush,”

“That’s because you’re so innocently adorable,” said Marco ruffling her hair, “You’re not used to seeing boys shirtless or saying something like that to you that you on default just became embarrassed,”

“Ugh! Having emotions suuuuuck,”

“I know, kiddo. But it makes you human and more adorable,”

“No it doesn’t!”

“Yeah it does! You’re a good girl and if you’re not comfortable with something, it’s alright to feel embarrassed,”

“I have to get over seeing a shirtless boy though…and girls. I was so embarrassed in health class,”

“Trust me, no one likes health class but you don’t have to force yourself to be okay with something you’re not unless you’re ready,”

“When did you get over it?”

“When I was a little older than you. So don’t worry,”

“You’re right!” she grinning, “It’s okay to be shy if one day I’ll get over it!”

“That’s the spirit!” he parked and the pair made their way inside. __________________ scampered up towards her room. She noticed Ace’s door was opened and decided to peek in and say hi.

“ACE-nii! Want me to beat your freckled butt in—,” Ace turned. __________________ froze. Ace had just stepped out of his shower and forgot to close his door. All she remembered was her face getting hot, her cheek burning, and then nothing.

“________________________?! _____________________ wake up!” Kingdew and Curiel looked inside the room to see Ace trying to wake up a passed out ___________________.

“What happened?!”

“I don’t know! One moment she was at the door calling me and the next thing I knew she was on the floor passed out! I’m worried because her face is completely red!”

“Pick her up and put her to bed,” said Whitebeard, “And make her some tea and get a cloth for her head,” Ace nodded and ran downstairs. The men couldn’t help but chuckle before laughing.

“Poor thing!” said Curiel holding his sides

“She can go toe to toe in her training with us and Flora, actively challenge the authority of the Marines and pretty much all budding pirates but can’t see a naked boy without turning to mush,” said Whitebeard, “Such innocence,”

“Didn’t help that Fire Boy shot her with two barrels,” said Kingdew, “If it was a gun, she would have been dead,”

“Friendly fire,” said Curiel

“Don’t give the boy that much credit. The boy has enough of ego,”

Chapter 18: Growing Pains


The Little Girl learns more about the World and everything in it


Another Whitebeard fic! This one is a little different because it's three stories in one! They were too small to be alone and I didn't want to stretch them out anymore than I had to! As always enjoy and forgive the mistakes!

Note: the cow tipping story is 100% true. It happened to a friend of mine and I laughed my ass off!

Chapter Text

“See? This cow has been like this for like days,” said ________________ pointing to a cow that was grazing in the meadow. She told this to Ace, Sabo, and Luffy and later Law. The quintet traveled to where the cow was and there it was, unmoving and unresponsive. Law looked puzzled and poked it.

“…it’s warm,”

“Is it dead?” said Luffy

“It wouldn’t be standing now would it?” said Ace

“Well, there have been recordings that cows died standing up. How long has it been here like this?”

“Like a week,” said __________________, “I hadn’t moved from this spot,”

“Maybe it’s just sleeping,” said Law. Ace smirked.

“There’s only one way to find out. Let’s tip it over!”

“Why it’s sleeping!” said ________________

“It’s hilarious when they wake up from it! Besides, they’re not hurt or anything,”

“Come on! I wanna tip it!” said Luffy

“Never did that. I actually want to try,”

“I’m in,” said Law, “I want to see what happens,”

“Four against one, sis,” said Ace

“Okay, okay,” they all got into position.

“One…two…three!” the cow fell over. However, unbeknownst to the youngsters, cows do indeed die on their feet but that’s not what got them. It was the idea that once a cow dies, methane gas collect in its stomach. The moment the cow fell, it was like popping a methane filled balloon with rotten guts and flesh and feces. The explosion was loud but they all met with a very nasty surprise.

“IT GOT IN MY MOUTH!” said Ace

“MY EYES!” said Luffy. _____________ vomited from the smell and Law sat there bewildered and shuddered. Sabo was blown back into the cow’s last bowel movement. Corazon drove the kids back home, trying his best to be sympathetic but actually laughing his ass off. Law was back at his home scrubbing himself while Corazon took the others home with all of the windows in the car down. They sat there in collective, gross silence until they got to the Whitebeard home.

“OH DEAR GOD!” Izo recoiled back at the sight of all four kids, “WHAT THE HELL DID YOU GUYS GET YOURSELVES INTO?!”

“They tipped over an already dead cow and it exploded it’s unholy fury upon them!” said Corazon.

“UGH! Baths now!” Izo picked ________________ up as the boys were all ushered into the other bathroom. Whitebeard chuckled. They were discovering this world on their own.

Marco got a phone call at about noon and he and Izo went to Corazon’s place to check things out. They knocked on the door and he opened it. The first thing that was unusual was well, Corazon. Usually the man was seen wearing his signature make up but today he wasn’t wearing any and he was in his Marine uniform but nevertheless he looked very sad and on the verge of tears.

“Marco it’s terrible! Law and ____________________ won’t come NEAR me!”

“What’s the matter, dear?” said Izo. Corazon was about to explain when Marco noticed the two kids leering at him from upstairs. Corazon turned and both ran away again. He burst into tears, “Come on Cora, let’s get you some tea,” Izo made tea and while they waited for it to steep, Corazon explained the situation,”

“Sengoku-san came for a visit yesterday. He was wondering why I was still wearing my Joker makeup. To be honest, I grew rather fond of it. I think it suits me,”

“It does,” said Marco

“It brings out the friendliness of your face,” said Izo. He reddened.

“It does! But…Sengoku-san thought it would be a good idea for me to try and return back to my regular self and that Law should get used to it and show him the real me. So…I took off my makeup and put on my Marine uniform,”

“I’m guessing it didn’t go well,”

“NO!” the man started crying again, “And ___________________ decided to visit us today too and when they were in their room and when they saw me, they freaked out ran and hid! They keep leering at me! Even when I told them who I was they said I was lying!” Izo covered his mouth and chuckled.

“Did you tell them who you were?”

“YES! They don’t believe me! Can you talk to them?!”

“I’ll do my best. __________________, Law, can you two come down here for a moment?” soon both kids emerged. Once downstairs, they kept their distance from the new Marine, “What’s the matter guys?”

“He did something to Cora-san!” said Law

“And acting like HE’S Corazon! He’s not my Corazon!” both glared. Corazon held his chest looking as though he was about to cry again. Marco sighed.

“It is Corazon,”

“No it’s not!” said Law, “He doesn’t look anything like him! And those fake tears aren’t working!”

“And Corazon is nice and kind and has a sweet face!” said _______________

“It is him, he’s just not wearing his makeup,” said Izo, “It’ll almost be like me not wearing my makeup,”

“You only wear lipstick!” said Law

“And you always look pretty Izo!”

“Awww babies!” Corazon sobbed and tried his best to reason with the kids.

“It is me! I’m just no wearing my makeup and I’m in my military uniform! I’m still the same lovable Corazon!”

“Don’t say his name!” growled Law

“Don’t turn this house into a den of your filthy lies!” said __________________. Marco pinched the bridge of his nose.

“Such a dramatic child,” said Izo. Corazon was resigned to his fate.

“I-I’ll change back. Marco do you mind watching Law for me until I do?”

“Yeah, he’ll be okay. Law go back a overnight bag. I’ll bring you back when Corazon comes home. Law nods and went upstairs. ______________ stuck around glaring daggers at the “Imposter”. Law came back down moments later and Corazon watched with a heavy heart at they headed to the car. He knew this was a bad idea. He lit a cigarette when he suddenly tripped and fell backwards and ignited himself on fire. He flailed as all four of them rushed to get some water to put him out. Corazon laid on the ground and sat up before being tackled by two smaller beings. Law and __________________ hugged him tightly.

“Only Cora-san is that clumsy,” said Law

“I’m sorry Mr. Corazon!” said _____________________, “Forgive us?”

“I ACCEPT!” he hugged them both as they all cried. Marco snorts. Izo chuckled.

“Poor guy,”

“Yeah but he’s back in their good graces,”

______________________ happily skipped through a new place. This was a river that went through Goa Kingdom that was pretty close to home. She followed the river as far as she could until it reached Gray Terminal. She often saw a few things in the water that sometimes escaped the filters, beli, toys, metal, anything really, however this time, something caught her eye. There was a bag that floating down the river but with noises coming out of it. She hopped on a few stepping stones and pulled it out of the water ad untied it. She froze. There was a tan cat inside with three small kittens that looked just like him but with face makings. The kittens were crying and the larger cat wasn’t moving. She quickly took the cats to Law, the closest house.

“Where did you find them?”

“In the river! C-Can you help them?”

“I think so,” Law opened his Room and cleared the water out of the cat and kittens’ lungs before putting them back together, “Okay, that’s as much as I can do. I don’t know much about animal anatomy yet,”

“You’re the best!” by the time she took them home, the kittens were mewling and the cat was licking them and trying his best to comfort them. When she got in, she ran to the kitchen.

“Thatch I need your help!”

“What’s up little lady?” he looked at the little girl holding a sack of cats and looked confused.

“I found them, in a river, in a bag!” Thatch froze. The kittens look very weak and straggly and old enough to have weaned off their mother. He didn’t know what kind of a sick fuck would do this .

“Fossa, grab your truck, we have to get to the vet. Grab your coat little lady,” the veterinarian took one look at the family of cats and put them on IVs, impressed that they didn’t have fluids in their lungs but saw that they were very exhausted. After a few weeks, the kittens were ready for adoption but the father was very leery about who adopted his kittens. ___________________ often visited with Thatch or Fossa. The father cat would immediately perked up when he saw her and meow and purr when she came to him and pet him. She smiled at the vet, who pats her head.

“Well, sweetheart,” said the vet, “How about you find homes for these kittens for me?”


“Mhm, the daddy is a little protective but he seems to be okay when you and your brother come, something that unusual itself. How about you find homes for them? ” she looked at Thatch. He nodded and ruffled her hair. Early the next morning, __________________ had the kittens in a box as father cat followed her around town to look for homes. Every time someone the father didn’t approve even looked at his kittens, he’d hiss and drive them away. By early afternoon, _______________ popped into Makino’s bar for some juice.

“Awww aren’t they adorable?” the woman gently picked one up. Kitten 1 mewed and purred at her as she pets him fondly. Father cat hopped onto the counter. Makino pets him too as she goes to get him and the other some milk. Father cat purred and when Makino placed the kitten down, he nudged his kitten forward.

“I’m giving them away Miss Makino! Do you want one?”

“Really?! Well there has been a few mice about the bar,” Makino smiles and took the kitty. The father cat looked on in approval before going off with _________________. She traveled some more until a man comes out of his home. Father cat cocked his head as the man silently went to his mailbox to check his mail. He did the same thing he did with Makino. The man looked down at the kitten. Kitten 2 meowed and purred and rubbed against him. The man smiled, picked him up and took him inside. The last kitten meowed as she continued her walk. Finding the last kitten a good home was going to be a challenge. So far they traveled all over the area and so far nothing. On their way back, Father Cat took off. She ran after him. He then stopped in front of a very old and decrepit looking house. The cat looked at her expectantly. She nodded and placed Kitten 3 and the box in front of the door and ran the bell. He pulled her skirt and they hid behind the gate. A very old noble woman opened the door.

“What do you want?! Whatever you’re selling I don—,” Kitten 3 meowed. She looked down. She read the box and gently picked him up, “Damn moocher, that’s what you are. But you’re the only kind of moocher I’ll accept. I guess you stay here. You better be good at listening because I have some stories to tell!” she closed the door. ___________________ grinned.

“Well, you’re the only left,” she said smiling at the father cat. He however, jumped into her arms and purred. The father, who was only six months old himself, took a very strong liking to ____________________ and the Whitebeard home. He followed _______________ everywhere and often moseyed inside and made his way to her room and curl up on her bed or the balcony. He gradually became a normal fixture in the Whitebeard home.

“Can we keep him? Pleeeeeeeeeeeease?” she pleaded her case to Whitebeard, who sighed and pats them both.

“Does he even have a name?”

“River! Because that’s where I found him,”

“And he literately just eat and sleeps,” said Izo

“Just keep it out of my room,” said Namur, “Not fond of cats,”

“Tough little,” said Kingdew, “He sounds like one of us,” Pops sighed.

“Okay, okay, just be sure to give him a bath and a collar,” while ______________ tagged along with Marco, River latched on to different residence of the house from eating Vista’s roses to keep Thatch company in the kitchen to getting into Curiel’s gunpowder. Ace at first wasn’t too fond of it.

“Actually he kind of reminds me of you, Ace,” said _________________ grinning, “He didn’t have a family and now he does! And he randomly sleeps! Just like you!”

“Don’t compare me to a cat!” Ace grumbled and got ready for bed.

“We already have a pet! We have Stefan! We don’t need a cat,”

“Older cats are harder to adopt,” said Whitebeard


“Sad truth, once a cat is no longer a kitten, they’re harder to adopt…then they’re euthanize or sent to a no kill place if they’re lucky,” Ace frowned

“He didn’t ask to be born!”

“No one is. Poor guy almost didn’t mind it. ______________ found him in the river, someone didn’t want him to be alive anymore. He’s only lucky little thing,” that night, Ace curled up in bed. Why would anyone try to hurt a cat anyway? Cats were small and yet useless but to kill it?! He was starting to doze off when he felt something fall on his bed. River was looking at him curiously before walked towards him and rubbed against him. Ace pets him absentmindedly.

“At least no one tried to kill me, yet,” said Ace petting River, “You want to exist and you fought to exist. Now you’re somewhere where someone loves you and wants to take care of you,” he scratched behind his ears, “You didn’t even attack anyone like I did. Heh then again you’re close to _________________ and you’re just happy to be alive. I guess it’s my job to make you a smart cat not a weird one,” in the morning, Ace decided to go with _______________, Vista, Izo, Marco, and Curiel to get some shopping down and a few things for River.

“He’s NOT wearing a red collar!” said Ace

“But the red one looks nice on him!” said __________________

“He’s a boy! Let him have a boy’s color!” said Ace

“But the red one brings out his fur!”

“Blue is the best!”

“I thought you said you didn’t like River!”

“He’s alright but that doesn’t mean he shouldn’t be manly!”

“How about purple then?”


“The way they talk, you’d think they were an old married couple,” said Vista

“I don’t think Ace would mind either way,” said Curiel laughing

“They’re like parents fighting over what to give their child,”

“How about a dark red? See? It’s manly,” said _______________________

“No blue!”

“Fine, LIGHT blue,”

“NO! Okay, okay, dark red then!”

“Kids, grab both!” said Marco, “In case he loses one,”


Chapter 19: Battle of the Sexes


The Little Girl faces a new Challenge

Chapter Text

“The coast is clear!” Ace and __________________ decided to do their favorite heist of all time, biscuit raiding. Every few months, Thatch makes a delicious batch of chewy honey cookies. They were strictly for dinner but that didn’t stop everyone from casually taking one every now and then. The main culprits were anyone who was tall enough to get them…until there were cookie patrollers to make sure the cookies would remain safe until after dinner. However, the brother and sister duo had a plan. They waited until the coast was clear when they got to the kitchen. Ace climbed to the top of the counter and ________________ got on his shoulders and was now face to face with the cookie jar. She grinned and stuck her hand inside. She was almost to the chewy goodness when she felt something on her shoulder. She froze as she felt a familiar presence on her shoulder.

“What’s going on up there?!” said Ace


“Shit! Where?!”

“On my shoulder!” Marco craned his neck and towards Ace.

“Hello Ace,” the boy froze. The pair were soon on the ground with Marco holding their ears taking them upstairs, “Those were for after dinner, yoi,”

“Owww! Come on Marco!”

“I’m sorry!” Marco took them to Ace’s room and closed the door, “How did he know?!”

“He ALWAYS knows,” said Ace holding his ear, “Because he’s Marco! Can’t believe we didn’t get a cookie,” she grinned and took out two cookies, “How?!”

“When he looked at you!” she giggled. She passed his over. After dinner, ______________ trotted upstairs because Izo wanted to brush her hair. She loved her new nightly routine with Izo. It always made her feel calm and happy. She knocked on his door.

“Come on in dear,” she slides opened the door and was face to face with what she could only describe as a monster. ___________________ screamed and RAN behind Marco. Marco looked over to see a familiar man at the door to Izo’s room. He was a large man with an afro of blue/purple hair, and has long eyelashes; he also has a noticeably-odd shaped chin resembling an arrowhead.

“Hello Ivankov,”

“Marco darling! Oh dear I hope I didn’t scare that poor thing!”

“I think you did,”

“Oh sweetheart! Come here!” Marco felt her cling to his clothes. Izo peeked out.

“_______________ sweetie! It’s just Ivankov! He’s not going to hurt you!”

“Unless you—,”

“She’s nine!” said Marco.

“Oh right! Can’t do innuendos until ten,” he cackled. She shrank further.

“It’s okay, Ivankov won’t hurt you,” she still look apprehensive, “Trust me,” she nodded. Ivankov chuckled.

“So this is the little cutie who wants to marry Marco,” she blushed and nodded, “Aww and no denying it either,”

“Yes and Ace is about to have a natural born fit,” said Izo

“Why?” said __________________

“Because when a boy likes a girl, sometimes it’s hard for him to admit it. Especially a cutie like you,” said Ivankov, “When she’s older, I have to let her work for me! I know there’s certain…clientele who would love having her serve them drinks,”

“No,” said Marco

“Aww come on Marco, she’s perfect! Especially when her assets come in,”


“You’re no fun,” Ace poked her head into the room.

“I’m taking my sister back,”

“Not now, she’s getting her hair brushed,” said Izo

“Why? It’s only going to get matted again!”

“Girls like getting their hair brushed, Ace,”

“Only weird ones do but right I wanna play video games with her!”

“Why are you calling her weird?” said Ivankov.

“That’s because girls ARE weird! Seriously! Especially __________________!”

“I’M weird?! Mr. Don’t worry Luffy, I don’t think that snake will miss one egg!”

“Hey! Those were delicious!”

“She chased you two for five miles!”

“But we had a huge Omelette for breakfast! At least I know where to get food! You just run errands and find plants in the woods!”

“It’s foraging and it’s fun!”

“Is not!”

“Is too!”

“Is not!”

“Is too!” Suddenly they both felt a prick on their sides. They immediately started feeling funny. Ace’s hair few longer, his frame became smaller and his features became softer. ___________________’s hair became shorter, her body twisted and morphed into something a little heavier and sturdier and her features harder. Ace ran to a mirror and screamed. ________________ stood in silent shock.

“I-I’m a girl?!”

“Yes and ____________________’s a boy. Since you two have so much trouble disagreeing on what you two should do in your respected genders, maybe this will help. I’ll return in a week or two to change you back,”

“A WEEK?! I’m stuck being a girl for a week?!”


“NO WAY! Change me back!”

“In a week I will and if you get on my bad side, I can make it into a permanent change! YEEHAW!”

Ace was having a natural born fit over his new transformation as a girl. It didn’t help that everyone started calling him Anne, he had to wear ____________________’s clothes or had Izo adjust them. He hated he couldn’t go shirtless and he felt super embarrassed all the time. ___________________ couldn’t stop looking at her weird body. They both realized that even though it was their bodies, it was tailed to the way the other’s body was. Ivankov added an extra day just so they could adjust a little more. The weekend was tough as the pair briefed the other on their week. Whitebeard decided to have _____________________ and Ace switch each other’s lives just so they can learn a lesson out of this. Ace was to go to ribbon twirling and _______________ was to train. Ace had to wear a leotard and after a lot of help, threats, running, screaming, and tackling, he finally put it on. __________________ decided to show him some basic moves.

“How can you bend like this?!” he said

“…I’m more bendable,”

“More like high maintenance! I don’t see why you actually have a schedule or HOW you can wear clothes all the time!”

“How can you just SMELL like you hadn’t washed in years!” she retorted

“I don’t really get the lesson in this…I don’t feel any different,”  

“Me neither. Why do you keep saying girls are weird?!”

“Because you guys just are!” said Ace, “Ribbon twirling? Who does that?!”

“Anyway! Tomorrow, you have to go to the market and get the groceries for the week. After that, you have breakfast then ribbon twirling. At ribbon class, Vivi and Kaya are awesome! Hang out with them, you know about Holly, and Penny and Plum are very skittish so please don’t yell at them! When you get home, you can do whatever!”

“Okay. Tomorrow, Sabo and Luffy and I are going after a boar tomorrow, then we’re going to spar. By the time you’re finished, I’ll be done with ribbon twirling,”

“Okay! We’ll regroup tomorrow!”


Ace woke up at the crack of dawn. He slumped out of bed and got dressed. He yawned and grabbed his coat and ______________’s shoulder basket and headed to the market. According to her, the list was going to be huge this time. Mainly because that day was the “Month Restock” meaning everything they usually eat for the month had to be replaced before it ran out. He looked at the list. It was rice, eggs, different types of noodles, tofu, miso, and vegetables. Thatch had the money waiting and he went off.  He went to the market and got everything. He was actually surprised that she could carry this much. Once home, it was time for breakfast, where ________________ was already eating her fill. He ate and got ready for class. Izo drove him o school, disguised as another woman. He rolled his eyes and ran to the building. The teacher introduced him as a temp student and announced that ________________ would be out sick for a week. The girls looked at the new girl. She was a very pretty girl with long hair, freckles, a thin frame, and dark eyes. Their teacher introduced her as Anne and that she would be joining their class for a week and that their friend, __________________ would be out for a week because she took ill. Ace was standoffish towards them but Vivi and Kaya and two other girls welcomed him happily and actually tried to help him with the moves. He was having a hard time because he was getting tangled in the ribbon and he movements weren’t as graceful.

“We weren’t that good when we first started,” said Vivi, “Everyone is like this when they first start,”

“Yeah, _________________still gets tangled in hers,” said Kaya giggling, “Poor thing,”


“Yeah, she’s not feeling well so she’s not here. But you’re only here a week!”

“So she’s your friend?”

“Well yeah! She’s so cool and nice!” said Vivi, “We’ve been trying to have a sleepover for ages but my dad is super protective. I want to meet all of her brothers! She talks about them all the time! I don’t have any siblings,”

“Me neither,” said Kaya, “So lucky! And she has an older sister too!”


“I was talking about Miss Hancock,” Ace cringed at the name, “She’s been taking her for extra lessons,”

“Yeah! She’s been taking fighting gymnastics with ribbons,” he perked up


“It’d fighting you can do with a ribbon! It looks so much fun! Miss Hancock and some of her friends gave us a demo and asked who would be interested. __________________’s Dad was the only one who signed the permission slip but she still showed us a few things. In fact, she’s going to have her first match this Friday…well was,”

“Humph! She’s going to get ass handed to her,” sneered a girl. Ace looked at her. He knew who this girl was well and he wondered if he could give her a good punch to the face now that he was a girl.

“That’s Holly, you really don’t need to talk to her,”

“What’s that suppose to mean, Vivi?”

“That you’re a mean girl who loves nothing more than to try and bully _______________ because she’s an orphan,” Ace frowned

“Nothing wrong with being an orphan,”

“She just got lucky. Her mother was probably a prostitute who sold her and her father didn’t want her,” Ace clenched his fist but stopped and thought of what would Izo do. He then smirked.

“So pretty much like your mother?” Holly’s face went white

“Excuse me?”

“My mom goes to the same wine bar that your mother goes to. She said she got super drunk and told her that your father doesn’t love your mother and only stayed because she got knocked up and had you. Also that she loves—,” Kaya and Vivi covered their mouths as Ace continued what _________________ told him causing Holly to run off crying.


“That’s was mean but effective,” said Vivi, “At least we don’t have to worry about her for awhile,”

“Is she like this all the time?”

“You have no idea and it’s usually geared towards _____________,” said Kaya sighing.

“Last week, her mother bought her a dress and we all complimented on it. ______________ told her it was a nice yellow color and Holly went off saying she insulted her honor or something. She’s always like that,”

“But enough on her! Where are you from?!”

“Oh umm I’m visiting from South Blue near Whiskey Peak,”

“Wow, you’re far from home! What brings you here?!”

“My mother is on business and she didn’t want me to be cooped up all week and enrolled. I’m staying with Mr. Newgate and his family,” the girls’ faces lit up.

“That’s __________________ Dad! How is he like?!” said Vivi

“Is he handsome?!”

“Is he nice?!”

“Have you met __________________?!”

“Umm yeah but she’s super sick so everyone told me to stay away from here,”


“But Mr. Newgate is huge, he’s nice I guess but he loves all of his kids more than anything,”

“Awww!” he was about to ask them about the questions when he heard a scream outside. He ran outside with Vivi to see Penny and Plum running and cowering as a girl. Penny was a small girl with large red eyes, fair skin, and her hair in pigtails and Plum was a girl with purple hair and brown skin but taller than Plum and often wore it in a bob. But the first thing Ace gathered when he met them was that they were very quiet and passive. Though Plum was more out going, she kept close to Penny who was very fearful of everything. The girl in question who was chasing them was a girl with wearing a green leotard, with ice blue eyes, and a short black ponytail. Ace grabbed a gymnastics club and ran towards them. The girl cackled and laughed whipping the pair in a corner but was smacked away by the club. Ace knelt in front of them.

“Are you two okay?” they needed and quickly got up and hid behind him. The girl glared at him. Ace glared back.

“Who are you?” said the girl

“Who the fuck are you?” growled Ace, “And why are you messing with them?!”

“Such language for a girl!” she gasped, “Kiss your mother with that mouth, honey?”

“I’ll show you a kiss,” Ace said stepping forward. Vivi ran towards them

“Kodachi go home! _________________ isn’t here!”

“Oh? Absent?”

“She’s sick! So leave us alone until she gets back!”

“If she’s going to take the coward’s way but her being sick isn’t going to change out fight this Friday,” Fight? Ace thought

“She’s sick!”

“All’s fair I love and war,”

“If you want someone to fight on Friday, then fight me,” said Ace, “Trust me, I’m more than a challenge than you,”


“Anne, no it’s—,”

“I went to see ___________________ about being her replacement because she can’t forfeit, she asked if I was willing to fight in her place,” Kodachi thought for a few moments.

“I’ll think about it,” with that, she disappeared, leaving black petals behind. Ace didn’t know what the hell is going on, but he didn’t like this…not one bit.

____________________’s day was a little more different that she was used to. Usually after she woke up, ran a few errands and things, she would eat then go to ribbon class but Pops said she had to train like Ace would, that meant she would have to hang out with Luffy and Sabo. She woke up later than she did, freshened up and ate and soon in the woods with them. The boys gawked at her as she explained the situation. Luffy circled her. It was weird to see her as a boy.

“I know it looks weird,”

“So we have to take you with us for training, right?” said Sabo


“Usually Ace is the one that finds something!” said Luffy

“We do too. Like I found some wild boars near Dadan’s place. We were thinking of catching one and splitting the meat,”

“Okay!” they went off to the woods together. They didn’t stop until they were in a part she didn’t know of. Sabo gestured her over to see about group of boars all together running and fighting with each other, “So what’s the plan?”

“Luffy is going to lure them out and when they’re stampeding towards us, I’ll grab one and you finish it off,”

“W-What?! How?!”

“With the pipe and aim between its eyes,” she swallowed a lump in her throat. Luffy went on the other side and started waving his arms and making a scene. The boars scattered in fear. Sabo jumped from a tree onto one. It started to wildly buck and squeal to get him off. Sabo lead it towards _______________ who was shaking with the pipe in her hands, “NOW!” she raised the pipe, closed her eyes and struck. She heard the boar squeal loudly, “_______________! OPEN YOUR EYES AND HIT IT AGAIN!” she started hitting it until it finally laid motionless, “See? Was that so bad?”


“Don’t worry! I mean you eat meat all the time, right?”

“Yeah. I-I didn’t realize that Ace’s body was this strong,”

“YEP!” said Luffy, “________________ is super strong because his bones are strong! Just like the one in his head,” Sabo smirked.

“Don’t let him hear you say that,”

“It’s true!”

“Imma tell him,”

“DON’T! He’ll kill me!”

“So now what?” said __________________

“We split it,” said Sabo, “We’ll all take some home. And it’s your turn to slice it up!” _________________ came back home with a large bag of bloody meat and covered head to toe in bloody. Sabo said they were done for the day and would train some more tomorrow. She found herself taking a shower after giving Thatch the meat. By the time Ace got home, ___________________ was on the couch clean and exhausted but relaxing. He went to her and did the same. He was so sore.

“I hate your body,” he groaned, “Why are you so flimsy?!”

“Me?! You’re heavy! I can’t run as fast in this body! It’s like weighing me down,”

“At least you don’t feel like the wind will take you down any moment and why did you shower?!”

“I was covered in blood!”

“You should have rinsed off in the ocean and continued!”

“It was Sabo’s idea! I had to clean a boar!” he grimaced

“Okay, okay I thought blood splattered on you or something,” her stomach growled. So did his, “Dinner is like in four hours…Baratie?”

“Yeah!” Ace grinned and went to a large jar that looked like a pumpkin and took out a few beli. It was the family money jar and it was mainly for anyone who needed food money or quick cash. No one knew exactly how much was in there but everyone puts in and takes out all the time. They took one of _________________’s many shortcuts and they were at the restaurant in no time. It was empty, almost a two hours before closing for dinner swap. Sanji came out with two menus and welcomed them both.

“Welcome to the Baratie! Here’s our menu and I’ll be back in a few moments for your orders!” he went away as Ace looked at the menu. ________________ never really sat in the front as a customer; she usually waited out back until someone let her in and hung out in the kitchens. She looked at the menu with some confusion.  

“What the matter?”

“Well I never knew the names. I just usually just describe something and Sanji or Carne knew and gave me whatever it was,”

“What was the last thing you had here that you really liked?”

“It was this cake that was really soft but had sticky apples on top! Sanji gave it to me with cinnamon tea and it was amazing!” Ace looked down the list and nodded.

“Leave it to me,” Sanji came back to take their orders.

“Je voudrais du tarte tatin, s’il vous plait,” Sanji looked at him for a few moments but snapped out of it and wrote it down.

“Que est-ce que voulez vous bois?”

“Thé à la cannelle. Merci,”

“M-Merci!” Sanji hurried to the kitchen, slamming into a table on the way.

“…I didn’t know you spoke French!” Ace grinned

“Well, my mom was French, so I want to learn it so I can carry on her legacy,” Patty placed a tea set in front of them, looked at the pair for a moment before going back to the back.

“So cool! Wait…you knew your mom?” he nodded and poured her some tea.

“Well, not personally, she died giving birth to me. She carried me for a very long time to keep me safe but…she died in the process,”

“I’m so sorry!”

“Me too but I’ve heard a lot of stories about her from Garp. He kept her safe. In order to repay her, I took her last name and I wanted to learn her language,”

“Who taught you?”

“At first Garp taught me a few phrases, then I tried learning on my own, and then when Pops took me in, Vista started teaching me then Thatch and Pops and Curiel. I can read books in French now and I’ve been studying like crazy,”

“You’ll teach me too right?”

“Yeah consider it payback for this ribbon thing,” she grinned as Sanji comes up with their desserts. ________________ never seen him making the face he did before. He had this weird goofy look on his face and was staring at Ace longingly. Ace looked at him and cocked his head.

“What are you looking at?”

“A radiant beauty!” he took Ace’s hands into his. Ace looked genuinely confused and before he could respond, Sanji kisses his cheek, “My radiant beautiful sunflower! Kiss me and be my—,” Sanji was knocked into a table, still with his love struck grin as Ace pounced on him.

“Ac—ANNE NO!” ________________ grabbed Ace as he stomped and kicked at Sanji

“Kiss me again, bitch! I DARE YOU!”

“Such fire! Kiss me my love!!!!!”


“Hit me again my rose!”

“I’ll do more than hit you!” Soon Zeff came out to break up the fight and started to yell Sanji stupid who was still smitten with Anne. _________________ apologized over and over as Ace paid the check and ran out ranting the entire time.

“Flirting with me like I’m a girl!”

“You ARE a girl,”

“Does anyone flirt like that with you?” she shook her head, “The day it happens TELL ME!” at home, the pair headed to the kitchen. Thatch wasn’t quite done with dinner so they raided the pantry for some senbei crackers and headed upstairs.

“Oh there you are,” said Kingdew, “Here, I got a bento for a Miss Anne,”

“Not funny!”

“Seriously Ace, it has your name on it. We found it on the doorstep and brought it in,” Ace opened it to reveal the most intricate bento lunch he’s ever seen. It was filled with tempura, tamagoyaki, chicken, sandwiches, rice balls, and even a few mini cakes.

“Wow it look delicious!” said _________________

“Yes it does! I’m about to dig in! Let’s go!” they hurried to his room. A note fell out of the sleeve. _________________ opened it and glanced through it. Her eyes widened as looked at the bento box before smacking it out of Ace’s hands. It spilt all over the floor.

“What was that fo—,” she points to it as they both watched it sizzle and pop and produced a very strong odor. Stefan walked into the room and took a sniff before passing out, “The HELL was in that bento?!”

“A Kodachi Special. She left her calling card,” she showed Ace the letter with a black rose stamped at the bottom.

“Wait…you know that girl?!”

“Kodachi was at school?!”

“Yes! Look for you! Wait you mean the fight you’re suppose to fighting this Friday, right?!”  

“What?! That’s this week?!” Ace saw that she looked panicked.

“So you’re really in a fight?!”

“Yes! Ugh! I can’t believe it’s this week! And I can’t forfeit!”

“What the hell is going on?!”

“Well, we got a new teacher at the school. Her name is Miss Aphelandra and she’s really nice and SUPER tall! She’s one of the ladies that Miss Hancock has in her town and she wanted to teach us rhythmic combat with our ribbons and other abilities. I was the only girl whose parents gave them permission. She’s really nice but she’s really tough. I’ve been getting pretty good at it but then this girl confronted me named Kodachi and she said that I was to challenge her. I said no and she left. I thought that was the end of it until my classmates were running and screaming and she was chasing them with a ribbon! I stepped in and because I attacked her, I “Accepted” her challenge! But I can’t go looking like this!”

“Then reschedule,”

“No can do, it’s fight or forfeit. If I forfeit she wins and I’ll have to let Holly shave my head and be her slave for a week,”

“What?! FUCK THAT!”

“So I can’t back out of it! I can’t allow her to harass MY classmates! So it’s either fight or get the ever loving snot beaten out of me but I CAN’T! I’m in NO shape to fight!”

“Then I’ll take your place!”

“Ace you can’t!”

“The fuck I can’t!”

“You don’t know the FIRST thing about girl hierarchy OR ribbon combat!”

“I have four days! And I already KNOW how to fight!” she sighs.

“Okay, training starts tomorrow bright and early, you CAN’T mess this up!” Ace knew that _____________ was hardwired to wake up at the crack of dawn. However, this morning, she had him up by five in the morning to work on his new combat skills. Thanks to watching her practice and Vivi and Kaya’s help, Ace got the basics down.  Ace has seen her practice plenty of times. They had four hours and he knew this wouldn’t take long. She was handed him a ribbon and stood away from him. She looked at him expectantly.

“Heh, this is gonna be easy!” he ran at her waving his ribbon. She moved aside as he ran by. He turned as the ribbon wrapped around him. He was them hoisted into the air and slammed on the other side of her in the grass. __________ tugged the ribbon and unloosened it back to her, “W-What the HELL was that?!”

“Lasso Toss. Get up, let’s go again,” Ace glared at went at her again. He saw her ribbon at him. He dodged and saw it coming at him again and he dodged again. Then he felt a smack to his face, he stopped as another one hit him, then another, then he felt the lasso around his waist before being slammed down again, “The Whipping Maiden! Now are you ready to be taught or are you ready to be slammed again?” Ace glared and went at her again. For the next few hours, Ace went after her with everything, waving the ribbon before eventually mimicking her movements. He noticed that he was faster than he’s been and used that as to get closer and close to her. _________________ also realized that her boy body was slower when she was a girl and nowhere near as flexible. She had to keep a distance from Ace so he couldn’t land a hit on her from close range. He had to learn to keep his enemy at a distance because it was a very advantageous strategy. Ace was slammed over and over again.

“AGAIN!” Ace went after her again. She stood still and timed it just right to use his body as a ground and leap over him. He stopped and turned right into her ribbon again as she proceeded to whip him with it.

“OW! Shit! Lay off!”

“Do you think Kodachi is going to take it easy on you?!” WHIP! “Do you think she’s going to just roll over?!” WHIP! “NO! AGAIN!”

“Stop whipping me!”

“Pain is the best teacher!” by the time it was time for Ace to go to ribbon twirling, he had ribbon marks all over his body. Vivi looked concerned.

“Are you okay?”

“Mhm, I was roughhousing with my brother this morning,”

“Tell him to be a little for delicate with you,” said Kaya, “You look like you bruise easily,” she gently takes his arm, “Your skin is so soft,”

“A delicate maiden!” they giggled

“I’m not delicate!” he blushed.

“Nothing wrong with that,” said Vivi, “It just means you bruise easily,”

“Doesn’t mean you can’t do things though. By the way, did you want to come with us to the bakery down the street for lunch?”

“Yeah! And we also wanted to grab something for _________________ since she’s not feeling well,”

“Yeah! But since you two’s dads are protective, I can deliver it for you,”

“Are you sure?”

“We don’t want you to go out of your way!”

“Nah, it’s okay! Besides, I’ve wanted to meet her for awhile!”

“It’s a da—,” their conversation was interrupted by screams. Ace and Vivi ran outside as Kaya went to find a teacher. Penny and Plum were running away from another little girl. They cowered in a corner as Kodachi took her ribbon and proceeded to smack the poor girls over and over with her ribbon. Ace glared, grabbed his ribbon and ran towards them. He did the Lasso Toss that ________________ showed her and wrapped Kodachi and tossing her away from the two frightened girls. She landed a few feet away as the two girls sobbed and cried. Ace knelt in front of them.

“Are you okay?” they nodded. The two girls were sniffling and sobbing. Ace glares at the girl.

“What the hell is your problem?” Kodachi laughed

“I see you have trained in ribbon combat. I guess you are worthy to fight on Friday,” she held out her hand. Ace glared and went to shake it. Vivi smacked her hand away from his. He saw tacks flying out of her hands. She giggled

“Oh my how did those get in there?”

“That’s dirty!” said Ace glaring at her, “What’s your deal?!”

“It’s not fighting dirty unless you get caught and I make the rules here, honey. Not some nobody,” she then heard the teaching running towards them, “I guess it’s my cue to leave! Ta ladies! We can settle this on Friday!” later that day at the bakery, Penny and Plum offered Ace some cake as a thank you for rescuing them.

“Guys its okay, really,”

“No! You saved us again!” said Penny

“We want to thank you for being so nice to us,” said Plum

“Please let us buy you some cake!” Ace grinned

“Buy it for ______________________. I bet she’ll appreciate it more,”

“You’re going to see her?!” she smiled and started rummaging in her backpack and takes out a Get Well card, “Can you bring this to her for us?”

“We want to do see her!” said Penny, “But our fathers want to meet her family first,”

“We told her she has brothers but they want to make sure her family isn’t any dangerous people who may try to ransom us,”

“Why would they? She sounds pretty cool,” said Ace not liking this conversation.

“Well, it’s a common practice,” said Kaya, “Girls from noble, royal, or rich families have to be careful because many pirates and other unsavory people like to kidnap us for money,”

“Penny was kidnapped,” Vivi whispered, “Kaya was almost kidnapped,”

“This is the only safe place we can go without having bodyguards. You and ________________ are so lucky! But if this continues, we may have to leave ribbon twirling,”

“What why?!”

“Because it’s becoming unsafe. ____________________ was always around to keep Holly from threatening Plum and Penny and she was the one who challenged Kodachi. The terms of that were that she was to leave us alone so we can continue coming here,” Ace looked at the girls. He didn’t realize that girl hierarchy was so much different but also that well off girls had it this bad. He knew many were spoiled little brats but these girls here were honest and genuinely liked _________________ and she wanted to protect them, just like he and Sabo protected Luffy.

_________________ ran through the woods with Sabo and Luffy as they just finished going after wild boars again. Using sheer strength and strategy, they managed to defeat and catch one. After that, Sabo told her this was usually the time they started training. She cocked her head.


“Yep!” said Luffy, “So we can become stronger and be great pirates someday!”

“So that’s what you guys do all day,”

“Yeah, we’re planning on getting out of here the moment we turn seventeen. Luffy has to wait longer,”

“Shishishi I don’t mind!”

“So what do I do?”

“Make sure to beat the living tar out of us,” Luffy however looked above and behind excited

“What’s wrong?” said _________________

“This is going to be the first time ever I’m going to kick someone like Ace’s butt!”

“Please, if Ace won’t let you win, neither will I!”

“That’s the spirit!” said Sabo getting ready. She grinned as all three went after each other. Using Ace’s strength, she was able to not only keep up but take and land some damage on her other brothers.  Even flipping Luffy backwards as always. They went at it for hours before they stopped. She was panting and fell backwards. Sabo and Luffy stared down at her. Sabo got her some water. She guzzled it down, “You held out a lot longer than we thought,”

“Why were you picking on me?!”

“Would Ace have let you get off easy?” She said


“There you go,” they made their way back towards the Whitebeard home when they noticed a small ball of cute anger coming at them.  Ace was coming home fired up, found ___________________ with Luffy and Sabo and dragged her out. Before she could protest, he had her out in the training dojo. He gave her her ribbon. She looked puzzled. He looked determined.  

“We’re training so I can beat her at her own game!” she smiled.

“Are you ready? She doesn’t play fair but I do, we’re going to do this in the Kuja way, with honor. Are you prepared for that?” he nodded, “Let’s begin,” The brothers watched from their rooms as the two kids trained over and over for hours, only stopping to refuel and going right back at it. Both had made their new bodies their own. Ace was appreciating his new flexibility and balance __________________ liked her new strength stability. She had to adjust to keep up and make sure she trained Ace right.

“Look at them go,” said Speed Jill, “Never thought in a million years I would see Ace ribbon twirling,”

“It’s a matter of honor,” said Thatch, “I guess Ace realized that _________________ does have things in her life going on just like him,”

“I think he’s more impressed that she’s using ribbons as a weapon,” said Fossa, “Never thought he would take it this seriously,”

“There’s more to it,” said Kingdew, “Whatever it is, it’s going down on Friday,” around nine, they were both dead tired on the ground looking at the sky.

“…why didn’t you tell me this was going on? I’m your brother. It’s my job to protect you,” she turned to look at him. He continued to look up at the sky, “Just because I don’t show it, it doesn’t mean I don’t care you know! Stop hiding things from me!”

“…I thought you didn’t like it because you act like you never listen to me!” she said.

“I do like listening to you! How do you think I knew your forest spots? Why didn’t you tell me about all of the cool things you do and see every day?!”

“Me?! You, Sabo, and Luffy are always on adventures! You guys fight snakes and boars and always doing cool things together!”

“Yeah but…you know the entire town and explore everything! I can see why you go out into the woods! I didn’t know there was a mushroom farm or anywhere where you can pick things and do people just not know you’re watching them?!” she looked at the sky.

“Well many people tend to not pay much attention to things that don’t actively affect their lives. It’s easy for me to watch people every day because I’m not their main focus. When I’m made to be aware, then I become the focus. I learned that in the convent when people who came in to pray and get cleansed not remember me or Sister when we used to go to town to get things. That’s why I love exploring so many different things! It was a rare treat back in the convent,”

“…You’re not in the convent anymore. Exploring shouldn’t be your only hobby,”

“I like hanging out with you guys at night after practice! It’s my way of winding down. Sabo and I hang out a lot,”


“Mhm! He explores with me before he hangs out with you and Luffy. I just thought you two didn’t want a girl around,”

“No we don’t, but you’re not some girl! You’re our sister! Another brother!”


“Yeah! We like when you tag along! But…we kind of don’t know how you’ll feel about it,”

“I would love to but…after practice,” he nods. The pair went to get up. Realizing they were too stiff to move and called for help. Marco hoisted them both up and took them inside.

“A hot bath and bed will loosen up those muscles,”

On Friday, Ace was fired up and couldn’t wait to beat the smugness out of that girl. ________________ and him sat across from each other in the yard. She presented him her ribbon.

“For luck and it’s made of a very light but strong and flexible metal. It’s still regulation, believe it or not. Also be very careful. Kodachi will do anything to trip you up. She’s sneaky. I’ve been observing her movements…just use your best judgment,”

“Got it,” Ace ate a hearty breakfast and headed off to class. __________________ tagged along to give him some moral support. The fight was to start after lessons. Ace was calm and collected and when the clock chimed for noon, the girls knew it was finally time. They ventured to the back of the school where the practice ring was. ________________ was waiting. Ace trotted to her.

“Any sign of her?”

“Not yet. Still have three more minutes,” the girls all stared at the boy with curiosity, caution, and awe.

“W-Who’s this?”  said Vivi blushing

“This is my…brother River,”

“Nice to meet you, River!” said Kaya shaking his hand. _______________ grinned.

“Likewise! Have you guys been taking care of my sister?”

“Mhm, we were planning a farewell party for her but we didn’t want Kodachi sabotaging it,” said Vivi, “So consider your victory your going away party, Anne,”

“You guys don’t have to!”

“We want to!” said Plum

“Yes! It’s the least we can do since _________________ is away!” said Penny, “Please don’t think ill of our school or us!” he smiled and ruffled her hair.

“I don’t and don’t worry, after I’m done, Kodachi isn’t going to bother you guys again,” an ear splitting cackle rang through the air. Ace winced as the girls covered their ears. Kodachi appeared in the center of the ring grinning at them.

“So Anne, do you think you’re ready to—oh my,” she stopped mid sentence looking at _______________, “And who might you be?”

“_-River, I’m Anne’s brother,”

“I don’t see the family resemblance but I’m sure you got the looks,” Ace glared

“Leave my brother alone and let’s do this!” Kodachi smirked  

“Do you think such an ugly girl like you can beat me?” said Kodachi, “And your handsome brother isn’t going to be able to save you either,”

“Don’t listen Anne!” said Vivi

“Yeah! She’s just trying to get under your skin!” said Kaya

“You’re very pretty!” said Plum

“Your freckles are so cute!” said Penny. Ace reddened. Girls are so weird.

“The rules are simple, the first person out of the ring loses. We can only use our ribbons and other things to push the person out but not any body contact. Meaning you can’t be a Neanderthal and hit me,”


“Let’s go!” almost immediately, Kodachi went after Ace with everything she had. Ace smirked and ducked and dodged effortlessly. Thanks to his sister’s training, he was able to adapt to his new body’s flexibility as he maneuvered his way through her ribbon. All he had to do was get close to her and he was going lasso her out of the ring. However, Kodachi’s ribbon shot out and smacked him in the face. She winced as another came, then another, then another. He grabbed the ribbon. She smirked and started spinning, taking Ace him for a ride before letting go. Ace immediately caught his balance to keep from stepping out of the ring. He was now dizzy and disorientated. Once he got his bearings, he saw a shadow of something coming down at him. He dove and saw a two pound dumbbell falling in front of him, then another, then a log. He looked up to see Kodachi lassoing items in order to drop on him. Ace dove and dodged all over the ring trying to dodge falling objects. Between Kodachi’s laugh and the girl cheering him, he couldn’t think straight. The he saw a few huge balls coming at him. He moved and dodged out of the way of them, keeping his distance from the incoming bricks, poles pretty much whatever she could grab with her ribbon. He kicked a few out of the ring in case he tripped but his eyes left for a moment and that was when something smacked him, causing himself to bounce backwards. He looked up to see another ball coming at him, getting him again. This time he steeled himself and prepared for the final ball. He was almost out of the ring. He used the last ball as a ground and bounced on top of it, then to the second and third one.

“You really are resourceful!” said Kodachi, “Be lucky I didn’t bring four,” she then proceeded to throw batons at him.

“You’re cheating!”

“All’s fair in love and war!” she cackled. Ace used balls as his way of staying in the ring and bouncing away from the incoming batons. But he knew he wouldn’t be able to keep this up for long. As he bounced, he noticed ______________ who was gesturing to a very large tea kettle behind Kodachi but in front of him. He smirked and lassoed it, making the contents fall all over the girl. She was distracted enough for Ace to hop off the ball. He smirked and took the first ball and smacked Kodachi backwards with it. Before she could recover, she was smacked with the second and Ace used all of his strength to use the last one to completely knock her out and into the building. The girls cheered as they ran and hugged Anne.

“You were amazing!” said Vivi

“That was so cool!” said Plum

“You’re a natural!” said Penny.

“Nah, I just had a great teacher,” Kodachi glared at Anne but knew she was defeated. She extended her hand to him. He frowned and shook his wrist instead. She smirked.


“Not falling for that again,” she laughed

“I guess I just have to try harder next time,” she lets the tacks fall to the ground before turning to Holly, “This is where you give me my fee,”

“You didn’t fight ____________________, you fought some street girl who got lucky,” she sneered.  

“You hired her?!” said the girls. Kodachi looked genuinely surprised.

“Of course she did. She told me that this little upstart in her class has been causing trouble and insulted my clan,”

“__________________ did no such thing!” said Vivi, “In fact, she doesn’t even know about clan stuff!”

“Miss Aphelandra is from the Kuja just like Miss Hancock,” said Kaya, “And that’s all we know!” Kodachi looks over at Holly then to everyone else.

“Do any of you know who my family is?” they looked a little puzzled. Kodachi frowned.

“I see, then none of you sent a open challenge note like this,” she took out a piece of paper. ____________________ took it and looked it over.

“Do any of you have ______________’s handwriting?” Plum ran inside and retrieved a birthday card everyone signed for her. She held the note to the writing, “Yeah it’s nothing like m—that girl’s writing. However, it looks a lot like Holly’s writing,”

“What the hell is wrong with you?!” Ace snapped at Holly. All of the girls were glared at the girl who backed away.

“She started it by insulting my honor!”

“What are you on about?!”

“She said my new dressed was yellow! Not goldenrod,”

“Not this again!” said Vivi, “That was two weeks ago!”

“And it was a yellow dress!” said Kaya

“Are you really that stupid?” said Ace

“You were willing to have your classmates terrorized for two weeks, sent out a fake challenge, just to have another girl lose a fight just because she called your obviously yellow dress, goldenrod?” said ____________________, “Grow up!”

“Cute and takes charge,” said Kodachi hugging ___________________, “too bad I lost, I would have claimed you as my prize,”

“The hell you are!” said Ace pulling ________________ away from the girl.

“So you were hired Kodachi?”

“Mhm, I only took the job when I saw that the opponent would have given me a challenge. If she wasn’t worthy enough I wouldn’t have accepted. But when I got the challenge letter, it piqued my interest and Holly offered me a substantial amount for getting her riled up enough to fight me. It gave me an excuse. The Kuno Clan is wealthy enough to not have to do anything demanding. Anyway, Adieu and River if you’re still around, you’re going to be being me more and more,” Kodachi ran off. _______________ shuddered as the other girls were yelling at Holly who looked nonchalant.

“I don’t see why you’re all defending that orphan girl! She doesn’t belong here. It’s obvious her parents didn’t want her if they abandoned her,”

“Lay off,” said Kaya, “There are a lot of reasons why parents abandon their children! But what is important is that _____________________ has a family that loves her now,”

“So leave her alone!” said Vivi

“I’ll lay off when she gets out of this class and wear something that doesn’t look like her family got from a secondhand store,” Holly was backwards hard into the wall. _______________ froze and the other girl gaped at Anne holding Holly by the neck against the wall. The girl looked terrified as Ace squeezed.

“Listen and listen good! If I find out that you’ve been bullying and terrorizing everyone here again I’m going to make you regret it! I will personally come back here and beat the living shit out of you. I tracked ________________ and if she tells me about some of your petty ass shenanigans I will find you and you’re going to regret it. Do I make myself clear?” Holly didn’t say anything. Ace squeezes harder, “Well?”

“Y-YES! P-Please let me go!” Ace dropped her as she ran away.


“Anne, you okay?” said ____________________. He nods.

“Yeah,” he bowed to the girls, “Sorry you had to see—,”

“No, she deserved it,” said Vivi

“But please don’t be mad like that again!” said Plum, “That was scary!”

“And we like nice Anne not scary Anne!” said Penny

“And I want to see Party Anne!” said Kaya, “Come on! It’s your last day! We made a mini going away party just for you at the Bakery!”


“Yeah! We wanted to wait until after your fight!” said Plum, “What way if you won, it would your Going Away/ Victory party, if you lost, your At Least You Tried/ Going Away party! Please say you’ll come!” he blushed

“Please?” said Penny

“Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” the girls cheered. Kaya sheepishly went to _________________

“We’re sorry but…we kind of reserved it for five girls but we-we really won’t mind if—,”

“Anne, I’ll come back to pick you up in two hour,” she ruffled Kaya and headed off as Ace was whisked away.

Ace and _________________ walked home. They both were grinning as they bantered about the fight.

“You were amazing out there!”

“Well I had a pretty good trainer! I didn’t know ribbon twirling can be combative! I didn’t even know you were using it to fight!”

“It was Miss Hancock’s idea and I love it! It’s a lot easier than actual ribbon twirling,”

“Easy my ass! I’m still sore!”

“Your body isn’t used to it! I was sore for a month before my body got used to the maneuvers!”

“Yet you still tangled in the ribbon, clumsy girl,” he said shoving her. She shoved back.

“So how does it feel being a girl to you?”

“…to be honest, I don’t feel any different, only that I’m faster and flexible and can’t walk around without a shirt. You?”

“Same! My body is heavier but I’m stronger but I like that I can take my shirt off,” she said grinning, “I still play video games and things like that,” they both reached the door and walked in. Izo greeted them.


“Ace won!” said ________________ happily, “My pupil made me proud!”

“Pupil? Isn’t that cute?” said Namur laughing.

“Really! Ace beat her! It was so cool!”

“Not without your help. You found a use for ribbon twirling!”  

“What about you little lady?” said Kingdew

“I had SO much fun with Sabo and Luffy! They actually hunt things and train together to get stronger! Though I don’t feel any different, other than my body being a little slower and heavier,”

“So there’s no real differences?” said Fossa

“Well I’m delicate in this body,” said Ace, “But flexible and graceful but I don’t feel different, like I still love video games and training,”

“Same here, I still love cake and ribbon twirling as a boy and can still do it and Ace still has my back even though he’s a girl,”

“And she’s still spacey, boy or girl,”

“Hey!” all of a sudden, the pair were punctured from behind. They yelped and turned as Ivankov beamed at them.

“Now THAT’S what I wanted to hear from you two! You two can still everything you wanted in your bodies but can appreciate the advantages and disadvantages that you both get from being the opposite genders. I hope this was a good lesson for you! YEEHAW!” They were both happy to be back in their original bodies again but ran away from Ivankov as fast as they could outside, __________________ twirled.

“I’m so happy to be me again!”

“At least I can be shirtless again,”

“What did you want to do now?” Ace looked thoughtful before grabbing her hand and taking her back inside. They snuck into the kitchen and looked up at the covenant cookie jar. Ace took out the ribbon and in one swift motion, lassoed it and yanked it down. _________________ caught it. Ace then grabbed the water kettle and _________________’s mug and they scampered upstairs with their prize. Whitebeard watched on before shaking his head.

Chapter 20: Home Life


The Little girl learned to know about someone through her own opinions.

Chapter Text

“This is hard!” said Corazon looking at all of the clothes in the shop, “Is her favorite color still orange?”

“Mhm, but I think she would like this sunflower dress,” said Law holding it up, “And No likes cool colors,”

“Right, right, thank you for tagging along with me Law! And no dresses for her, right?”

“Right, she doesn’t really like dresses but okay with jumpers! Don’t forget to buy soy milk and ground chicken,”

“Alright! Do they need new shoes?”

“Mhm, they can’t survive on sandals…and we need a gift certificate for the bookstore with lots of pens and paper,”

“Okay. Oh that reminds me, I need to buy a little more than usual this time,” Law eyed him.


“Well, the girls are staying for three weeks this time,”


“Yeah, she just called this morning! So when we get home, we have to clean out the storage room. That couch isn’t okay for her,”

“Used to be,” Law grumbled. Corazon pats his head, “And its pull out,”

“It’s okay, you know she’s going through a lot at the moment,” Law nodded before he looked over the list. He then groaned at the idea of how the next few weeks were going to play out. He can handle most things but he did NOT want to be HER for any longer than two weeks. He looked at Corazon worrying about their monthly food budget while looking at his list. They had more than enough but she ALWAYS did this.

“Oh! You can introduce ___________________ to—,”

“She’s leaving next weekend to the Kuja Territory. She’s not going to be home,”

“How about during the week? I’m sure the girls would be happy to see town and—,”

“They’re pretty busy during the week. And Ace isn’t much use around other girls and Luffy…is just Luffy and Sabo lives too far. Also, I can go fishing,”


“Yeah, it’s no biggie,”

“Law you’re the best! By the way, don’t let me forget I need to beef to make rice burgers for you! I know they’re you’re favorite,” he nodded as they continued their shopping.

Law arrived at the Whitebeard home at about seven that evening. He packed is things about two days ago and finally made it before it got dark. He didn’t know how _______________ walked everywhere. He politely knocked on the door with a backpack. Kingdew answered the door and looked down at him. He noticed a few things about the boy, he had a backpack that looked bigger than him, he looked exhausted and he didn’t see Corazon in sight.

“May I stay here for awhile? Please?” he nodded and ushered him inside. The family had just finished dinner and Thatch managed to scrape up some leftovers for him. Marco came in shortly, saw Law, placed two and two together and had a room ready for him, “Thanks,”

“No prob, did you leave Corazon a note?”

“Mhm, he’s going to call soon,”

“What’s the matter?” Law took a deep sigh

“She’s back in town,”


“Bellemere,” Marco winced a little and pats his back

“Take all the time you need,” _____________________ on the other hand was excited that Law was staying with them for awhile but worried because he wasn’t saying much as to why he decided to runaway. She and Ace helped preparing one of the spare room as Law unpacked a few of his things.

“Technically it’s not running away when you leave a note,” said Ace rolling out the futon, “And why did you leave anyway?”

“Bellemere and her daughters came,”

“Who’s Bellemere?” said _____________________

“The worst person in the entire world,” Law said glaring as he arranged his books.

“What did she do?”

“She always comes over when she needs money or something from Cora-san. She, Nami, and Nojiko, they’re her daughters, always stay for a month sometimes and then they’re gone again. I don’t mind it but every time she’s there she just makes excuses! I just want her gone,”

“Sounds like a mooch,” said Ace

“What’s a mooch?” said ____________________

“Someone who goes into a person’s home, eat all of their food, sleep on their bed, and then just leave without helping them with anything,”

“Oh…that’s mean,”

“Yeah it is,” said Law, “But with her, it’s a little different, she and Cora-san have been friends for a very long time. I don’t know how long though,”

“Have you told Corazon how you felt?” said Ace

“I can’t. He doesn’t have any friends as it is, so why should I take away his only friend? It’ll be like saying I can hang out with you guys anymore because they don’t like you,”

“Pfft, that would never happen. I’m fuckin’ awesome and ________________ is adorable and pet like,”


“It’s true! All someone has to do is pet our head and give you cake or cookies and you’ll be fine,”


“But you should at least tell Corazon about your feelings, Law,”

“I can’t. I don’t him to start crying or look hurt. It’s like a bullet to the chest and trust me, that hurts,”

“It can’t be that bad,” Law looks at Ace

“Remember that time ___________________ came home when that Holly girl took her blanket?”

“…you told him about that?”

“She did but that’s beside the point. Remember the devastation and sadness on her face? Remember how she just looked so hurt and scare and sad? Multiply that by ten,” Ace winced and touched his chest.

“Okay, okay, yeah you can’t tell him,” he looked at the clock, “Alright, _________________ you have to get your hair brushed. Law and I have to talk,”

“Wait, what? Why can’t I help?!”

“It’s a boy thing!” Ace ushered her out of the room. She looked a little confused but thought nothing of it before she headed off. It was Izo’s turn to put _________________ to bed that night. His first routine with her was brushing her hair before wrapping it up for the night.

“I swear if we keep brushing that gorgeous hair of yours, you’re going to be beating men and women alike off you,”

“Girl too?”

“Mhm, girls can like other girls or like things about other girls,”

“Like Vivi’s long blue hair!”

“You want blue hair?”

“Nah but it’s pretty!” Izo carried her to her room and tucked her in.

“I know I’m not the best tucker inner but I did my best!”

“You’re the best pillow fluffer!”

“Better than Marco?”


“Damn right I am!” he said proudly

“Hey Izo, do you know anything about Miss Bellemere?” Izo slightly cringed a bit but shook it off.

“We’ve…crossed paths, why what up?”

“Is she a bad person?”

“Why would you think that, sweetie?”

“Well, Law doesn’t like her. He said to just avoid her but I never met her before. But Law’s never steered me wrong before,”

“You shouldn’t judge a person just because one person doesn’t care for them,” said Izo petting her head, “That’s how people get misinformation and have unwarranted hated against people or groups of people and species,”


“For instance, a lot of people don’t like fishmen or mermaids or merman,”

“Why not?! They’re so cool! Namur can even unhinge his jaw! And mermaids are so pretty!”

“I know but there are many people who don’t like or trust fishmen because of rumors about them from others and because they’re “not human”,”

“That shouldn’t make a difference! Some humans don’t look like humans and some human don’t even look like their genders!”

“See? And how would that be any different from you and Bellemere?”

“Ohh…I get it!”

“Good girl. However, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t heed warnings about people. For instance, what if Ace told you that Law ate little girls?”

“That’s a lie because Law would have eaten me by now!”

“Okay, what if Ace, Luffy, Sabo, and Vivi told you that Law ate little girls?”

“Still not true!”

“Okay, what if they told they saw Law eat Vivi and Vivi disappeared,” her eyes widened.


“No, no sweetie but now you understand! There’s a difference between jumping to conclusions, unwarranted hated, and knowing when to trust and not to trust. You know Ace, Luffy, and Sabo would never lie about something like that. Therefore along with the evidence, it must be true,”

“Ohhh! Like Blackbeard!”

“Exactly. If it wasn’t for some quick thinking, Thatch wouldn’t be alive today,” he kisses her forehead, “Just try and give Bellemere a chance. I’m sure you’ll be okay with her,”

“I hope so but I wonder why Ace wouldn’t let me help? Law’s my friend!”

“Well, sometimes boys need to talk. Since you know Corazon, it may be easy for you to be bias about something. But at Ace is a neutral party so having him and Law talk things out may be a little better. Not to mention, Ace may have a better solution in this and he may want to get to know Law better so it’s a win win because Ace is a stubborn little shit but he does want to try his best to be of help to a friend,”

“Oh, okay,” ________________ yawned, “Thanks Izo,”

“Of course! I swear kid, you’re going to wear me out with these questions. By the way, can you do your big brother Izo a favor?”


“Since you’re going to the Kuja area in a bit, mind picking me up a few things? Please?”


“There’s a shop called Angel’s Beauty that sells very rare make up skincare and I need you to get me a bar of Tea Rose perfume soap, charcoal honey facial scrub, and Madame Terra’s makeup,”

“Got it!”

“You’re such a good girl! I’ll give the money but you’re so sweet!” he gave a tight hug and left. _______________ yawned and hunkered down into bed and finally fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Law got up and got freshened up and dressed. It was Thursday so that meant tomorrow ________________ would be going to Kuja Town for the weekend with Miss Hancock, much to Ace and Marco’s chagrin.

“I don’t see why you have to!” said Ace, “Tell her you’re sick or something!”

“But I like hanging out with Miss Hancock and her friends!” _______________ piped, “We go shopping, she does my hair, we watch movies, and sometimes we just talk,”

“Sounds boring and you always come home smelling weird like soap and flowers! It’s disgusting!”

“Miss Hancock said it’s hygienic!”

“Ugh,” Law snorts as he went through his back. Then his amusement turned to panic, “What’s the matter?”

“I forgot my experiment back at home!”

“What experiment?”

“My dead frog,”

“…what’s wrong with it?”

“It’s going to explode if it’s not exposed to air in the next few hours,” he said, “I mean I don’t mind it exploding but you know what happened last time,” _________________ winced. Ace shuddered.

“If it’s anything like that cow, you better get it out of the house,”

“Yeah, Cora-san cleaned up the last one and that was an adventure but I can’t go back into that house, not with her there,”

“I can get it!” said __________________

“…okay, just be careful and slip in through the back. It’s on the top shelf in the hollowed out book,”


“Wait, wait have you ever broke into a house before?!” said Ace


“Okay, so here’s what you do. Bring River as a distraction. He’s perfect for things like that. People can’t resist going after a kitten cat,”

“….have you been using River in your crimes?!”

“He followers orders better than Luffy,”



“Okay, okay, come on River. I’ll be back soon Law,”

“Just be careful and open the book to let the methane out,” She scampered away with River following close behind. Ace looked at him.

“You really don’t like her do you? Bellemere right?”

“It’s…complicated. Like I just can’t put it into words,” he said

“Pops is coming back home tonight, you can talk to him about it,”

“That’s the same thing ____________________ said,”

“That’s because the old man is smart. He has centuries of wisdom and knows how to deal with things. Even problems you didn’t even know how to approach,”

“You sure”

“Yeah and his door is always opened when he’s home. Just give it a try,” _________________ snuck into the house. There was something about sneaking into a friend’s house that felt a little dirty but she had to get Law’s book. Exploding frog guts did not smell pleasant and it’ll take ages for Corazon to clean it up. According to him, it was on the top shelf of his bookcase. She saw Corazon in the kitchen talking to someone. She placed two and two together to assume that the other person was Bellemere.

“Okay River, I need you to run around in the backyard and make sure no one comes in, alright?” River meowed and ran for it. She then heard two girls giggling and footsteps. There she crept upstairs and headed into Law’s room. She knew his room like the back of her hand so she knew where the book was. She climbed the bookcase and made it to the top and found the large book and opened the book slowly as the gas came out. She winced at the smell. She tucked the book under her arm and started climbing down, being careful about keeping the bookcase from toppling on her.

“HEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!” _________________ jumped causing her loose her balance and falling backwards only glimpsing an orange haired girl. She landed with a thud as Law’s books landed on top of her. She heard running and shouting and within minutes, footsteps came towards her and she was pulled out of the rumble.

“__________________?!” Corazon scooped her up, “Are you okay?! What are you doing here?!”

“Owww….” Corazon took her downstairs and gave her an ice pack for her head and making sure she was okay.

“What happened?!”

“We saw a girl in Law’s room!”

“Nami yelled at her and the books went flying!”

“Shit! Ross is she okay?”

“Yeah, nothing’s broken and she doesn’t have a concussion. I think she just needs to rest a bit,” there was a sigh.

“Girls go play. We’ll take it over from here,” Corazon gave her some medicine to help with her headache that he knew would be coming. _______________ laid on the bed and finally got a good look at the mysterious Bellemere. She had long fuchsia hair tied in a ponytail, grey eyes, and a really weird haircut. She wore a green shirt with the word “MOM" on it, brown pants and brown sandals. After an hour, she sat up. Corazon grinned.

“How are you feeling?”

“Better! I’m sorry for breaking into your home,”

“About that, why in the world did you sneak in? That’s not like you at all!”

“Law asked me to! He didn’t want his experiment to explode all over his room again!” Corazon cringed.

“I appreciate the sentiment but why didn’t he come himself?” __________________ looked down.

“I promised not to tell,” she said. Corazon sighed. Bellemere smiled and pats her head.

“Rossi, it’s okay, you know how friends can’t break promises to their friends. So if _________________ can’t tell you why Law is acting strange, then we can’t force it out of her,”

“B-But!” she pressed her finger to her lips and went into a bag and took out a large tan teddy bear with brown button eyes and wide stitching. She took Corazon’s hat and placed it on his head and gives it to her.

“But I’m sure Cora-bear wouldn’t mind hearing what’s going on,” she looked at the woman. She never talked to a stuffed animal. Even she knew that they couldn’t talk back and it would be like talking to something that couldn’t respond…then it clicked. She winked, “So Rossi and I will be in the kitchen making tea and something to eat and you can just tell Cora-Bear everything, alright?” Corazon watched as ___________________ spilt her guts out to Cora-Bear. He listened patiently as she tells him that Law wasn’t mad at him, why he was avoiding the house, why she snuck into the house, and what has been going on with her friend.

“I can’t believe that worked,” he said

“It usually does if the kid is smart enough. I use it with Nami all the time,” Bellemere took the oranges out of the oven, “So it is me, isn’t it?”

“No, no!”

“Dude, I get it, I ain’t mad. I know it’s probably something that he’s not used to, especially since I appear and disappear every time I need something,”

“I owe you my life, Bell,”

“That doesn’t mean I’m suppose to take advantage of that,” she said sighing and placed the oranges on a tray, “Maybe I can reason with him when he comes back,” she walked into the living room and sets the candied oranges in front of __________________. She looked terrified. Bellemere grinned.

“I know they don’t look good but I promise you they taste pretty decent,” ______________ cautiously took one and ate it.

“They’re tasty! Thank you!”

“No prob kiddo. So Rossi, did you adopt another kid or something?”

“Me? Oh no, this is Law’s right hand man!”

“Law has a bestie now?! That’s cute! Wait, is this girl you were talking about? Marco’s little duckling and vanquisher of Garp?”


“Mhm! This is __________________! I’m sorry, kiddo but this is Bellemere an old friend of mine,”

“I-It’s nice to meet you Miss Bellemere!”

“Pfft don’t call me Miss, it makes me sound old and not hot,” she ruffled her hair fondly, “Just call me Bellemere,”

“Yes Mi—Bellemere,”

“_________________ I know I shouldn’t be asking you this but, did Law say why he doesn’t like Bell?” she shook her head.

“Well, Law never said anything bad about her…he just said you were the worst person in the world,”

“Shit if that’s not bad I don’t want to know your definition,”

“He said it was complicated, I don’t know what that means. Whatever it is, I think he needs some time alone,” Corazon sighs

“You’re right; he tends to sort things out on his own eventually. I know he’ll come home. Especially since he came when you’re going to the Kuja territory,”

“Mhm! But he and Ace have been talking a lot! Ace can be really wise when he wants to be!” Corazon grinned

“Well, I’ll take you home,”

“Okay!” outside _________________ saw the two girls again. The orange girl was holding River and the taller girl was next to her, both looking at her curiously and with suspicion. She smiled at them and whistled. River promptly leapt out of the girl’s arms and ran to her and onto her shoulder. She climbed in and buckled up smiling at them, “I’m sorry we have to go! Law will tell you everything! Next time I’ll bring River so you guys can play with him again! See you!” Corazon drove off. The girls exchanged glances.

“Weird girl,” said the orange girl

“I know right? But she’s Law’s best friend so she can’t be all bad,” said the taller girl

“Does this mean that he won’t have time for us anymore?”

“Doubt it! I think he just wants a break from us, everyone gets like that,”

“I hope he introduces her to us!”

“Of course he will! We’re his sisters he has to!”

Law looked at the room that was slightly opened at the top of the stairs. ________________ came back with his book and she looked a little banged up and she explained what happened. He forgot for a moment that Nami and Nojiko were probably there. But he was actually surprised that they were making sure no one was in his room. He was about to retreat to the rooftop garden when he saw the room. ________________ said that was where Whitebeard slept. He imagined the room to be closed and locked and intimidating but it was normal, sans how big it was so Whitebeard could go in and out. Whitebeard came home late last night but still checked on everyone before going to bed. Early that morning he had breakfast and everyone greeted him happily. He sat and watched how he interacted with everyone, right down to ________________, who was excited to show him the new trick she taught River. He even saw her off when Hancock came to pick her up. He noticed Marco eyeing Hancock from his window as _______________ got into the car.

“Don’t mind him,” said Ace snorting, “This is Hancock’s first unsupervised visit with _________________ and Marco’s worried. Pops made him promise not to follow her or anything. He was still going to when _________________ made him pinkie promise and now he’s honored bond unless he wants her to be angry with him,” Law was about to ignore the room when he remembered Ace’s words. He took a deep breath and knocked on the door.


“Come in son,”

“Thanks but I’m not one of your kids,”

“As long as you’re under my roof you’re one of my sons, except for ______________ who is a girl therefore my daughter,” he snorts. He was not expecting one of the most dangerous men in existence to be so dorky. Whitebeard took a drink from his sake jug, “What’s your poison?”

“Milk,” he poured Law a glass of milk, “Looks like you have a lot on your mind, son,” Law nodded. Whitebeard pats picked him up and placed him on his bed, “Want to talk about it?” Law downed the milk and took a deep breath.

“It’s Bellemere, I just want her gone,”


“I don’t like her!”

“Where is that coming from? I’ll admit, she is a bit…much, but generally likable,”

“She annoys me! Every time she comes to stay with is, I’m usually stuck making sure Nami and Nojiko are okay. That means going shopping with them, taking Nami around the lake or something, fishing, or even making cookies or something. They go out, Cora-san gives her money, she tries to win me over with food and then tease me, and then they leave. It’s a vicious cycle! I’m not jealous or anything because Cora-san and I still do things but I think I would be a better adult but…it’s complicated!”

“Have you ever told Corazon your feelings?”

“No, he always looks so happy when she comes to visit. That’s why I don’t mind it when she comes over. They catch up and things. I don’t know how Cora-san ended with friends with someone like her,” he sulked.

“You think you would be a better adult?”

“Yeah, I mean I know being a kid and an adult are different things but she act more like a kid! She sleeps super later, she doesn’t eat properly, she can’t mend anything, Nami’s clothes are almost falling off of her because she’s wearing Nojiko’s hand-me-downs, and she falls on Cora-san so much. It’s weird. I wonder if he’s just being friends with her out of pity,”

“Rosiante and Bellemere were in the academy together when they kids. Neither of them had much of a family, well Rosiante had one until a lot of bad choices happened but the fact f the matter he ended up with Sengoku but they were in the academy when they became old enough to be cadet. Rosiante because he wanted to make a difference like his father and I think Bellemere wanted structure and didn’t want to be the eldest child in an orphanage,”

“How do you know all of this?”

“When you’ve been around as long as I have, you learn about new things, that and she lived in Flora’s orphanage when her mother dropped her off after her father had one too many and slammed her into a dresser. Her mother thought it was the safest place for her because she didn’t even know how to take care of a kid. Bellemere actually does try, so far as she hadn’t given up on those two girls,”

“That’s what pisses me off! She HAS done a lot for Nami and Nojiko but if she keeps doing things like not eating, she can get sick and die and they will be all alone!” Whitebeard poured him another glass, “I don’t have anything against Nami and Nojiko…to be honest, I just stay clear because they laugh too much and when I have to watch them, they want to dress me up and Nami is a liability because she’s always stealing but that’s not entirely her fault. Not to mention…I think they don’t mind me tagging along because they don’t really get out much at their place,”


“Well I know you won’t say anything that’ll harm them. Nami was kidnapped for a long time and I don’t know the details but since then, people see her as a bad curse and Nojiko by association who gets into fights to protect her sister. Nojiko told me that she always gets into fights in order to protect Nami and Bellemere and them are always isolated in town with their oranges. Whatever happened, Nami got a tattoo from the incident and Nojiko and Bellemere are trying to get it removed. That’s why I’ve been practicing with __________________ so I can find a way to get it off,”

“Sounds like you really care about Nami and Nojiko,”

“Well, yeah I guess, Corazon always makes sure they have new clothes and things. I tag along to make sure he gets the right colors and styles because he’s terrible at it and Bellemere tries to make them stretch by mending them herself and she can’t even do that right,” he sighs, “Why can’t she just go away?” Whitebeard pours him another drink.

“Law, when it comes to being a parent, making mistakes and learning from them is a common thing. There’s no guide on parenting but our goal as parents are to do everything to keep our children happy, healthy, safe, and into well functioning human beings. And being a parent opens you up to other people questioning your parenting style, from raising a little girl with a bunch of men, not being married and raising a child on your own, raising a boy with a bunch of girls, raising a child without television, or even letting a child learn things on their own by going off on their own. But if the child is happy, loved, and safe, then leave let them be. You’re a smart boy and way more mature than many your age. It can be difficult to be on a level where you feel isolated, especially when you’ve been through a lot as well. You may be more mature but you don’t know what she’s going through either. I think you two should sit down and talk. Not for your sake but for Rosiante and the girls,”

“…you really are wise,”

“It comes with the territory of being a Dad to hundreds of kids,” Law left the room and headed back to bed. Ace was right. Whitebeard can make any problem seem like something small and manageable. He crawled into bed and hunkered down. He guessed he could talk to her tomorrow.

Law had breakfast and thanked everyone for his hospitality before heading back home. Thatch offered a ride and dropped him off where Nami and Nojiko peered out the window. The moment he touched the doorknob, he was tackled and hugged tightly.

“Where have you been?!” said Nami

“Corazon was worried sick about you!” said Nojiko, “WE were worried sick!”

“There was a weird girl in your room!”

“Your books almost squashed her!” he hugged them both. Then the door flew opened again and Corazon appeared at the door.

“LAW YOU’RE HOME!” he scooped up his boy and hugged him tightly crying and nuzzling him, “I’m sorry for being such an awful parent! Thank you for leaving me a note! Are you okay?!”

“I’m fine Cora-san, Nami, No. Tell Bellemere I’ll be fishing at the lake if she wants to talk,” the girls ran inside. Corazon looked at him and nodded and ruffled his hair.

“Just catch some big ones, alright! We can have them for dinner!” Bellemere cautiously went to the lake with her fishing pole. She didn’t know what to expect. Law was looking out across the water with his pole in the water. She sat next to him. He refused to look at her as he continued looking at the water.

“Hey kidd—Law, listen, I know you will never in this or any lifetime will like me. Hell liking me would probably be a stretch and for that I’m sorry. But listen…come back home, alright? If Nami, Nojiko and my presence really upsets you that much, we can just leave or something. I don’t mean to infringe on you two like I do but…I forget sometimes that Rossi has his own life now. I mean we go way back but that doesn’t mean I can just insert myself everywhere…We’ll be out of there by tomorrow,”

“Why? You’re not going to leave with a reason,” he reeled in his line and took off a fish and tossed it into a bucket, “…I don’t hate you, alright? I came back home but before I do, I need to get a few things off my chest about you. But only if you want to hear them,”

“Okay kiddo, I’m here, let me have it,”

“You’re just the worst adult ever! Seriously I can’t believe you’ve made it this far with your dumb luck!”

“Hey that hurts you little shit!”

“You are! You’re irresponsible, you’re careless, you starve yourself, making yourself underweight, and act like a teenager! Being underweight isn’t healthy for you because you can get sick easier and that’s not good because Nami and Nojiko need you! Cora-san may not have noticed that a woman your height and size is teetering on underweight but I do! You get thinner and thinner every time I see you and that’s not good! Tangerines are not a healthy food source! You have to be a better adult for everyone’s sakes! Seriously! You’re an ex Marine! You can work behind the scenes like Cora-san! He and Flora said you were really good back in your day! Why don’t you make your roasted oranges and candy to make some money or something?! You can’t have two people live on oranges! Your orange sauce is the best! You can SELL that! It’s that tasty!”

“…you like my orange sauce?” he nodded

“Every time you make some or bring it over, Corazon makes orange fried rice with it, makes duck with it, and it’s really good with chicken. Also your orange curry! You’re the worst adult ever because you won’t do anything to help yourself and I’m okay with that but you’re a parent!”

“Dude…I actually thought you were going to say something like “You hate me because I’m trying to take Rossi away”, but it’s because you actually in your weird ass way care about us,”

“Before…I was scared that Corazon would marry you or something then I would have to be stuck with you three forever but…I’ll admit, you’re doing your best, in the only way you know how. You really love and care about Nami and Nojiko. If you didn’t you wouldn’t ask Cora-san for money for food and have them live with us when you guys don’t have heat or anything. I know you have to deal with adult stuff but…you’re an okay person, you can do a lot better if you tried!” they were both quiet for a few moments as Law reeled in another fish. She took a drag from her cigarette.

“Damn it, I guess it does take a child to be brutally fuckin’ honest with you. To tell you the truth I’ve been really thinking about it lately and when I saw your little friend under all of those books and finding out she was only there just so you wouldn’t have to be there made me really think. For awhile I thought about Nami and Nojiko getting a better life with you and Rossi but even I know neither of them would have it. Rossi even offered his home but still it’s a big change, especially since it’s my responsibility, not his. Tell you what, help me with the things you said I can and the faster I can get on and only visit you and Rossi for social calls. Okay?”

“Okay, just make me three batches and we can go from there,”

“Why three?”

“One for me, one for Corazon, and one for ____________________. I’ll explain later,”

When Monday came, Law gave ____________________ a jar of the sauce, who gave it to Thatch who made a few recipes with it. It was a big hit at the Whitebeard home. However, when he tried to make it with fish, it wasn’t nearly as good, so she took what was left to the Baratie with one of Thatch’s recipes for the sauce. It was a strange code with chef’s and ingredients. All she knew was that Thatch had to give Zeff one successful recipe with the orange sauce before he could get a recipe from him. Zeff looked the orange sauce before sending her away. She knew this meant that Zeff was going to do a lot of swearing and everyone knew that an adorable little girl was just the thing to make him lose concentration and keeping himself from swearing. She came back sometime later with a dish waiting for her. She grinned. Zeff knew a recipe was good if it passed the two most critical critics he had, Sanji and _________________. Sanji was ready and she sat next to him as Zeff revealed his creation. He knew if it passed their tests, it was good. He grilled a tuna filet with special spices with the sauce as its main point and he made a tuna salad with the sauce as its base with bits of sliced oranges. The pair tried it and cleaned their plate, asking for more. Zeff gave her the recipe. He then got on one knee and looked her dead in her eyes.

“Okay little munchkin, where did Thatch get the orange sauce?”

“Who said Thatch made it?” he grinned.

“Oh you’re going to be difficult aren’t you, munchkin? Patty, show her what we do to little ladies who won’t talk!” Patty placed a piece of chocolate cake in front of her. She grinned.

“Wow my brain is working again,” she said grinning, “Law gave it to me to give to Thatch! Miss Bellemere made it!”


“Mhm! She’s a lady who makes it with the oranges she grows! She makes candied oranges too!” Zeff wrote another letter and hands it to her.

“Does Miss Bellemere have a husband?”

“Nope but she has Corazon!”

“…better than nothing, give this to him,”

“Yes Mr. Zeff!” she hurried to Corazon’s place and promptly handed him the letter. Law was in the living room and Bellemere and the girls were making orange raindrop cakes. Corazon opened the letter.

“Bell! The Baratie restaurant wants to buy your orange sauce recipe!”

“What the shit are you serious?!” she said poking her head into the living room. She looked at Law who didn’t break his gaze form his book.

“Told you I can handle it. All I had to do was give it to __________________,”

“But he said he wants to negotiate the pricing,” said Corazon, “And would rather I do it not you directly,”

“Why the fuck not?!”

“Zeff is hardnosed. He’s ruthless and will do this just as harshly, but if he knows you’re a woman, he’s going to go easy so he doesn’t deal with women when it comes to his restaurant,”

“Got it, you better get me a good deal with him. I don’t mind selling it but I have some stipulations,”

“Write them down and have Corazon take them to him,” said Law turning a page, “And type it out, your handwriting sucks,”

“Stop being mean to me ya little shit!”


“It’s great on tuna!” piped _______________. Law grimaced.

“Don’t be weird,”

“It’s true!” she reached into her bag and took out a container, “Mr. Zeff said to be sure you have some,”

“Still sounds weird,”

“Hey don’t knock it until you try it,” Bellemere opened the container and takes a bite, “Holy shit this is good!” Soon what little of the container was gone and Corazon was sending ________________ back with another note. Zeff read it over and grinned. A meeting time and day was set. _________________ got back home and handed Thatch the new recipe. He looked it over.

“Okay little lady, you think you’re up for a tuna run?”

“Awww look at her, I think she’s tuckered out,” said Jozu, “I’ll get the fish near the ports. Come on kiddo, you’re going for the ride,”


Corazon and Law looked at Bellemere’s new home. From all of the money from selling her orange sauce recipe, decided to find a new place. After about two hours of negotiations, the Bell Orange Sauce was a huge hit at the restaurant. So much that people wanted the recipe for themselves. Soon Bellemere was making jars to sell at the restaurant, making the Baratie and Cocoyashi Village the only place to get it. Bellemere added more to her place and finally got Nami and Nojiko their own rooms and more clothes and things. She was so excited to show them her place. The moment Law stepped in, Nami and Nojiko grabbed him to show him their rooms.

“My room is COVERED in navigation books charts!” said Nami happily, “Bellemere even got me a sextant and some things to make maps! Isn’t my room cool?!”

“I like it,”

“Mine just have nature things,” said Nojiko, “I think it fits since I like being outside,”

“It does, I think the hanging of lanterns is a nice touch,”

“And the best part is Bellamere got a motorboat!” said Nami, “That means if we ever want to visit you and Cora-san, we’re two hours away!”

“We used to take the ferry but it got expensive since you’re at the edge and you’re here!”

“That’s cool,” he said looking around, “Your rooms are really nice,”

“We have you to thank!” said Nojiko, “You helped Bellemere with her orange sauce,”

“I didn’t do anything, it was her recipe, not mine,” he said simply. Nami hugged him.

“She told us everything! You really do care about us!”

“He just doesn’t show it,” he reddened a bit before taking Nami’s hand.

“Come on, you’re getting that tattoo removed,” she froze, “I don’t care about the details, I just know as long as you have it on your body, you’re not happy. If you’re not happy Nojiko will get involved, and if you two get hurt, Bellemere is going to go after someone too. And if she does, Corazon and I will get involved and I am far too busy to kill someone because they’re hurting my sib—,” he stopped himself. Nojiko smirked.

“What was that Law?”

“Nothing! Let’s go!”

“Awwww! Law loves us!” said Nami, “He just won’t admit it!”

“Like a true Big Brother!”

“Don’t call me that!” he blushed and glared as the girls follow him outside, “You’re family but you’re not my sisters! You’re my weird bratty little cousins who are like siblings!”

“I swear you can’t just make things simple,” said Nojiko, “Big Bro,”

“I’d never thought I would ever seen you back here again,” said Sengoku looking over Bellemere’s paperwork, “Or that you want to come back,”

“Well…you know, things changed. And I have a family to support,”

“I’m aware. You knew you could always come back if need be,”

“Yeah, yeah but I need to proper protocol and shit,” he rolled his eyes as he looked over the packet.

“You have three recommendations, you completed your test, and looks like you passed your physical tests. Welcome back,”

“Save it, Sengoku, I know this isn’t the regular branch of the Marines, are you turning rogue?”

“Not rogue, I still stand by my beliefs of justice, however, with more and more corruption happening in the ranks, I need a few good Marines to work in the shadows to make sure everyone gets the justice they deserve,”

“Look at you; you’re going against the system,”

“I’m not going against any system, Bellemere. Everyone deserves a second chance and fair justice, pirate or Marine,”

“I’m in. I’ll take care of shit on my end,”

“How is Nami by the way?” Bellemere wasn’t prepared for that question. Sengoku noticed her body language change and the air around her became dense and serious.

“She’s better than when she was rescued. I don’t know how Rossi did it but I still owe him my life for that one. I thought I would never see Nami or Nojiko again and when Arlong grabbed Nami…I felt my entire world shatter ad I vowed to never let another Arlong Incident happen to the village or my girls. It took Nami a long time to recover from it. But thanks to fucker, Nami became a black spot on the town. It became so bad that no one wanted to even see her in the village. It took a toll on her as well but thanks to Rossi and that kid of his, I hadn’t seen her look so happy,”

“Rosinante has a knack for children. It’s quite endearing,” said Sengoku

“It was his idea for me to come back to the Marines and under you this time. I’ll do him a solid and come back,”

“Please, I knew you’d be back. You were one of the best cadets I trained. So are you in for the long run?”

“Mhm,” he reached under his desk and took out her rifled. She grinned and took it.

“Welcome back, Commander,”

Chapter 21: A Debt Repaid


The Little Girl finds learns the full story about family and honor.

Chapter Text

Nami and Nojiko did NOT like Law’s room. They were actually amazed that someone was crazy enough to go in there willingly. They watched __________________ and Law practice inside, taking off her head, reattaching it, taking off her limbs, and such. When he was done, he lets her down.

“Okay Nami come here,”

“W-What for?!”

“I’m getting your tattoo off. I just showed you I have control and it’ll be easier to take it off than surgery,”

“A-Are you sure it won’t hurt?”

“I’ve been practicing with ____________________ for months. It’s safe and you’ll be okay,”

“Alright but at least reattach her head to her body! It’s freaking me out!” Law snorts and puts ________________’s head on her neck before Nami entered. She was sweating bullets as Law took her arm. She closed her eyes and looked away before Law lets go of it.



“Mhm, see?” she looked down at her arm. Her tattoo was completely gone. No scar no anything just her arm again, “You were worried about nothing,”

“It didn’t hurt!”

“Wasn’t supposed to. My room is painless,”

“You’re the best!” Nami said hugging his tightly. He stiffened and tried to get her off but she clung tighter

“Freaky but painless, that should your slogan when you’re a doctor,” said Nojiko. He dispelled his Room and sat down on the grass. He invited ___________________ over for moral support for Nami but also to introduce his sisters cousins to his best friend. The three girls were apprehensive for about a few seconds until he summoned his Room and saw that she made terribly bad puns and broke the ice.

“Or ‘Two heads may be better than one but I’m always a cut above the rest!’”

“Stooooop!” said Nami laughing

“Did that one not make the cut? I think I just butchered another joke! I thought I was ahead but I didn’t even have a leg to stand one!”

“I’ll take away your mouth! Don’t think I won’t!” said Law

“I’ll be good!” the girls laughed

“So how did you and Law meet?” said Nojiko

“Well Mr. Corazon brought me to his place because I was out looking for him because I thought he was a monster,”

“….nothing about that sentence made sense,”

“_________________ has three big brothers who live with her that’s her age,” said Law, “Two were dumb enough to try and fight Cora-san in the middle of the night,”

“Why was Rossi walking around at night anyway?” said Nami, “He probably scared dozens of people because he looks like a giant bird with his cloak,”

“Exactly!” said ___________________, “Ace thought he was a big crow! So he dared me to get some feathers from him and I did, almost getting killed in the process, but I found Mr. Corazon and he took me back to his place and there’s where I met Law!”

“She was soaking wet and never had hot chocolate,”

“What! Blasphemy!” said Nami

“Well, I like tea better! Before I was adopted, that’s all Sister would make,”

“Sister?” said Nojiko

“Mhm, Sister Flora! She lived in the convent a few miles away,”

“You mean the scary nun?!” said Nami, “the one responsible for messing up Bellemere,”

“Please, Bellemere was messed up way before that but that doesn’t mean that nun isn’t scary,”

“She is! She has the Bop of Learning!”

“We thought that was a myth!”

“It isn’t! I’m glad it was Mr. Corazon who found me and not Sister or would have gotten a bop! He may look scary at night but Mr. Corazon is the best and coolest adult ever!”

“He is! He’s so cool and nice!”

“How did you two meet Mr. Corazon?” said __________________. The trio looked at each other and exchanged looks. Nami and Nojiko looked a little apprehensive.

“Guys she’s okay, I promise,” said Law, “I wouldn’t have introduced her if she wasn’t okay, you know that,”

“Mhm! And you guys hadn’t teased me about being adopted so you’re okay in my book!”

“…who the hell would that?” said Nojiko

“Idiots she know but I’ll explain that later,”

“But before I start the story, Nami can you go get us some snacks or something?”

“But Law locked them up,”

“The key is in my book on the third shelf towards the window. The book is green,”

“Why did you hide the key there?!”

“Because Cora-san has been sleep eating again!” she sighed and went inside. The pair waited until they saw her disappear. Nojiko sighed.

“Sorry about that, we just don’t want t upset her, especially after she got her tattoo removed. But you see, we met Corazon after the Arlong Incident,”

“Who’s Arlong?”

“Captain of the Arlong pirates. They’re a group of fishmen who are pirates and Arlong is the cruelest one of all. He came to our village when we were kids about two years ago. He was going to kill everyone who didn’t pay his tax; children had to pay one price, adults another. Nami and I were in town when it happened and we quickly went to warn Bellemere. By the time we got there, she was running towards us, telling us to both hide. We could have gotten away but-but…we didn’t know we were followed. Be-Bellemere sa-saw and she grabbed us and pulled us to her and turned a-around and he…and he…and he-he shot Bellemere. He riddled her body with bullets. She shielded us, just to protect us. We cried…and the next thing I knew, Nami was grabbed and taken away. I was grabbed and held to keep from going after her. I just remembered crying and crying until I heard Bellemere groan. She was rushed to the hospital and I stayed with her. The village and someone took care of her bills. When she came to, she tried to look for Nami for months. She was going to lose all hope until Rossi came to the village, holding Nami in his arms. Nami was okay and alive and we were so happy. She didn’t tell us what happened but Arlong made her wear his mark. She ran to Bellemere and apologized over and over again and since then, we were a family and started visiting Rossi,”

“Wow…” said ________________, “I’m glad everything is okay now!”

“Not everything. I don’t know the details but…everyone saw Nami as a traitor and especially with that tattoo on her arm. Every time Nami or I stepped into town, everyone just closed their businesses and left. Even some of the neighboring areas wanted nothing to do with us. Bellemere felt terrible and tried to reason with everyone but nothing. That’s when we started coming to the town,”

“Got the snacks!” said Nami running towards them

“Thanks but _________________ has to get, her brother is waiting for her,” said Law taking her hand.

“Aww so soon!”

“I didn’t realize the time! Yeah I better get going! Marco gets really worried if I’m late! See you tomorrow!”

Marco placed _________________ on his shoulders as they went home. She clung to him and buried her face in his hair. Law took her to the main road and waited with her until he saw a familiar pineapple shape coming towards them before going back to Nami and Nojiko.

“Did you have fun today?”

“Mhm! Law finally introduced me to Nami and Nojiko!”

“How are they?”

“They’re pretty cool! They’re from an actual island! It takes hours to get here on land, but not too long by boat,”

“That’s because there’s islands everywhere. Hell there used to be a time where the only way to get from point A to Point B was through boat,”

“People still use boats and ships, right?”

“Oh all the time but if you’re living in a city or village primarily, car is best, but if you want to see the world, you use a ship,”

“Like Uncle Shanks,”

“Exactly, or if you want to go from place to place without exploration, you use train,”

“I like the train, it’s so relaxing! That’s how I get to see Grandpa and Shakky,”

“Oh? What about ship?”

“I only had been on once with Pops! He said there’s a bigger ship and I really wanna see it!”

“Yeah, that’s the main ship. One day we’ll take you and Ace out on it,”

“Sounds like fun!” he smiled.

“What else did you talk about today?”

“That Sister raised Bellemere! Did you know?!”

“Yeah, I was kind of there,”

“You too?!”



“It’s a long story, I’ll tell you someday as an epic bedtime story,”

“Awesome! You always tell the best stories, other than Pops!” he chuckles

“I can’t compete with that. So what did you want for dinner today?”

“Whatever Thatch makes!”

“Well, Thatch isn’t making dinner, it’s Atmos’ turn,” she cringed then felt her tummy getting very sore, “Yeah we’re all picking up something on the way and whatever he makes just takes it the compost heap and no cake isn’t dinner,”

“Awww okay! How about (favorite meal)?”

“Sounds good!”

Law was determined to get to the bottom of this story. ____________________ offered to help in any way she could. Today, Corazon was out at the market sales with Thatch and Izo. Law was waiting for her at the door.

“Where’s Nami and Nojiko?”

“I sent them on an errand to get a nice rock for your collection,” he said.

“Aww Law!”

“Well, they like you and I think becauae I’m their big brother, they want to make a better impression or something,”

“I already like them! I was thinking of inviting them to a sleepover with my class…if their parents will finally allow it,”

“I don’t see why not. You’re awesome,”

“Well their parents want to make sure we’re okay, I guess,”

“Ah say no more, I get it. It’s not you. Noble girls just have to be careful,”

“Can’t they take care of themselves?” she said as they walked inside.

“Not all of them have sixteen brother bodyguards to protect them like you do,”

“Hey! I can take of myself if I have to!”

“Damn right! Just ask Garp!” said Bellemere laughing, “Rossi told me that you got him right in the face!”

“He scared me!”

“With a face like that, he could scare anyone,”

“You two talk a big game but what if he was right here right now?” said Law

“We’ll shit our pants and get the fuck out! Or just throw _______________ at him!”

“No way!”

“Yeah I wouldn’t do that to ya,” she noticed the serious looks on their faces, “Oh shit, what’s up?”

“We need to talk,” said Law


“It’s about you and Mr. Corazon!” __________________ piped

“Alright, alright, we’re not getting married, trust me, I know it’s for the best. I mean he’s a great guy but I love him platonically like a goofy brother or something. I mean seriously, you two,” they looked at her as though she grew two heads.

“There is no way in hell would I support that,” said Law shuddering

“Why the hell not?!”

“Cora-san is clumsy enough by himself, he doesn’t need to have his head in the clouds while being clumsy!”

“And he’s married to raising Law and being a Marine!” said ________________, “And you just started your business!”

“You’re too abrasive for him,”

“And all of that cigarette smoke is enough to take out three kids!”

“Okay, okay! Shit! At least you didn’t say I wasn’t god enough or vice versa. So what’s up?”

“What happened with the incident with Arlong?” she stopped mid drag and started coughing.

“W-What brought this on?”

“Nojiko got us curious and we’re going to piece it all together so Nami won’t have to relive it,” s

“If it wasn’t for Rossi, my ass wouldn’t be here,” Bellemere downed her drink and sighed, “And I don’t know what would have happened to Nami or Nojiko. The day Arlong was on his way, I got a call for Corazon, telling me that they were on their way to our village. I knew I had to get the girls and by the time I noticed they were gone, it was too late. The girls came running and I saw Arlong getting ready to fire, so I ran and got in between them. Those shots would have took me out but I put on my vest in time. It missed all major organs thank god but I still got shot in the shoulders and legs and was bleeding out and went into shock and was bleeding out. I just remembered holding them before I passed out. When I came to, I was in the hospital and Nami was gone. Nojiko wouldn’t leave my side and told me everything that happened. I tried everything to get back. I wanted to hunt her down and kill the asshole that took my child. I did everything I could, I searched islands for Nami. I turned up nothing. My signal was always thrown out of whack out just disappeared. I never gave up but tried to carry on for Nojiko’s sake. But then one day, it happened. Corazon came back to the island, holding Nami in his arms, he was covered from head to toe bruises, and scratches and Nami was clinging to him crying and sobbing. Neither of them will talk about what happened but the village was safe. I found out later than Nami made a deal with Arlong, I don’t know what but apparently she kept her end of the deal. But most of the village…still saw Nami as a traitor and wouldn’t let her near the town or Nojiko for defending her. It’s been tough for them since. Arlong never came back,” she lit a cigarette and blew the smoke away from them, “Still don’t know but he saved my family and I can’t think him enough,”

“Mr. Corazon is so cool!” said ___________________ with shiny eyes

“Damn right he is! Rossi looks like a goofball on the outside but he’s like a phoenix, he’ll come out from the ashes…and most likely crash into a tree,” Law and ___________________ laughed at the thought.

“I’m going to get something to drink, you two want anything?” said Law

“Tea please!” said __________________.

“Beer me!” Law disappeared into the kitchen.

“So why did you stop being a Marine Miss Bellemere?”

“Meh, a lot of shit that went on when the Marines changed and started getting political. Though now I’m with Sengoku’s Branch, he’s a pain in the ass but he’s always been a good man and I’ll gladly take orders from him than others. No thanks to them, Rossi could have been dead,”


“Nothing to fret over, when he was on a mission, no one was there to cover his ass and he was confronted. I stationed myself on the island just in case shit went down and I’m glad I did. He was bleeding out in the snow when I got to him,”

“…You were the one who saved Cora-san?” they turned. Law was at the stairs looking at her. He was shaking, remembering that day, the day he almost lost the only father he knew.

“Well more like I was at the right place at the right time. He radioed in that he had the evidence and I was one of the first at the scene. I immediately went to find him and…that was when I saw him in the snow gasping for air. Thank god I had some of that Yggdrasil tonic on me. It was just enough to get him back on his feet to civilization to get a proper patch up. By the way, __________________ mind picking some up for me from Flora?”


“Good girl,”

“Why didn’t you say anything?!” said Law looking at her.

“Why? I saved him because he’s my bestie and fellow Marine,” she shrugged, “He would have done the same for—,” Bellemere looked thoughtful for a few moments, “Me. I need to find his goofy—,” Law hugged her tightly. She looked down. He was holding her middle tightly as tears ran down his face. She gently help him close and rubbed his back.

“Th-Thank you! T-Thank you so much,”

“Hey, hey…it’s okay! Shhh don’t cry kiddo,” _______________ quietly left the house, right into Nojiko. She heard the crying and saw the pair. She saw Law with his head in Bellemere’s stomach and she was rubbing his back but looking both comforting yet far away at the same. She wanted to investigate but _______________ shook her head.

“They need a moment,”

“Ah, got it. Though I know that look, she’s going to confront Rossi tonight about something,” said Nojiko.

“It’s about what happened with Nami,”

“You and Law are trying to get answers, aren’t you?” she nodded, “I want to know what happened too,”

“Nami never told you?!”

“Nope and nothing I tried got her to say anything. Only she and Rossi knows about it. I guess Bellemere realized this and is going to confront him later. You can stick around if you wanna,”


“I wonder where he went,”

“He’s at the market sales with Thatch and Izo,”

“Market sales?”

“Mhm! Every once in awhile, the market has extra meats and things and they need to get rid of it for inventory in Terminal Gray. Which is great but chaos, he’s going to be there awhile. Every time Thatch goes, we don’t have to buy things for a long time and we still have things we hadn’t eaten yet,”

“So it’s going to be awhile. Alright, I’ll tell Bellemere, she’ll probably order a pizza or something,”

“Okay! But I have to call home. Everyone gets worried if I don’t call,” she went to the back and took the den den mushi and called home. Marco said it was okay and said he’ll meet her at the main road at around nine. Nojiko looked at her, “What?”

“I’ve been meaning to ask. How many brothers do you have?”

“Living with me? Seventeen, not including Luffy and Sabo,”

“I bet your house is always crowded,”

“Sometimes but it’s really nice! I like it. It’s nice and peaceful sometimes,”

“You’re lucky you know that? You have a big family and they all love each other and a mom and a dad and brothers. I mean Nami and I have Law but we don’t have a father to be honest,”

“You have a dad, it’s Mr. Corazon. I mean he’s Dad-like,”

“…we don’t see him every day,”

“I don’t see Pops everyday either but when I need him, he’s right there! And he tries to spend as much time with us as he can. Sister is my mom but she doesn’t live with us but she raised me. Marco said that parents don’t have to live with their kids, just like Grandpa and Shakky doesn’t have live with me in order for me to know that they love me,”

“HEY ____________________!” said Nami running up and grabbing her wrist, “Come on! I found a rock for your collection!”

“WOW thanks!” Nojiko watched the pair scurrying away. She thought about her words. She and Nami wondered about Bellemere and Rossi never lived together. But she and Nami were okay with just Bellemere and she was sure Law was okay with just Rossi. It was a weird system but it works for them. If they needed guidance, he was there, so did that mean he was their Dad? She pushed the thoughts out of her head and waited until Law went upstairs to tell Bellemere about his estimated arrival.

Corazon finally got home around eight that evening. The big super market sales were over and Thatch was right, he did get enough and all he needed. He personally wasn’t aggressive about getting groceries, neither was Thatch but Izo was, making him the perfect partner to get sales for them. He was ruthless with the middle age housewives, restaurant owners, and even servants and cooks for noble families that would cut you for a deal that it was almost an art form.

“Bitch if you think you’re going to take those carrots away from me, you’re as stupid as that tacky ass hairstyle! Try and grab my meat again and you’re going to be wearing that chicken broth! That pocky is for my babies! How DARE you try and steal from a mother?! Skank unless you want to lose that fuckin’ arm you better give him back that rice! I’ve killed for less!” he snorts to himself as he fumbled with his keys. He and Law would have more than enough to eat for awhile, even a few fifty pound bags of rice since he wasn’t too partial to bread. He’ll put all of the meat into the chest freezer, and store the veggies in the morning. Right now, he just wanted to sit back and get some rest. He opened the door and saw that the living room was dark. He flipped on the light to see Bellemere looked at him smoking a cigarette. He jumped.

“Hello Rocinante,” she said

“B-Bell! Hey! What’s going on-on?” she stood up and waltzed towards him. He stiffened and backed away and hustled to the kitchen to put the groceries on the counter. He quickly placed everything away and tuned away to see Bellemere in front of him. He froze and shuffled to get away. He was in the living room before he was tackled onto the couch.

“Okay buster, you’re going to tell me everything!” said Bellemere pulling Corazon’s cheeks. The man flailed.

“Ow! What did I do?!”

“What really happened with you, Nami, and Arlong?! What did you do?! Tell meeeeeee!”

“Ow! Okay, okay stop pulling my cheeks!” she lets go. He rubbed his face sitting up and taking a deep breath before promptly running for it, “GET BACK HERE!” Corazon ran outside, but didn’t get far as he slid across a mud puddle and landed in a pile of leaves. He tried to run only to trip again and landed in a puddle. She picked him up and dragged him back inside, “And you know your ass is too clumsy to try and run away from someone!”

“Oww! Stop manhandling me!” unknown to the adults, Nami, Nojiko, Law, and _______________ were listening and watching from the stairs. Nami and Nojiko were giggling and Law placed his hand on his face.

“Really Cora-san,”

“Poor Mr. Corazon,” _____________ covered her mouth laughing

“He only made it a few feet,” said Nami

“We all know he wouldn’t make it that far,” said Nojiko

“He thought he could,” said Law sighing

“Oh I’m gonna manhandle you! Rossi what the hell happened? I just want closure just in case one day Nami wakes up with some weird ass memory and I have to explain to a shrink that my daughter was out of my sight for a year in a half and I have no idea what happened! I’m a shitty mom but I don’t need this shit!”

“You’re not a bad mother! Come on Bell just drop it!”

“No I won’t! And trust me, I can make you talk!” he eyes her. She smirks at him before pouncing on him and getting his ribs. He flailed and helplessly tried to get away laughing and crying.

“NO! Stop please!”

“Tell me what happened!”

“Okay, okay! Just stop tickling me!” she smirked and stopped, “And hand me that whiskey,”

“Whiskey? Shit this must be serious,” she handed it over. He poured her a cup and he drank deeply from the bottle. He then lit a cigarette. She dumped water on him and he began his tale:

“Well…after I got the report, I rushed to make sure you and the girls were okay. By the time I got there, Nojiko told me everything that happened so I decided to find her. I went to check on your condition and you were still recovering, especially since you were shot so many times. It took me a year but I managed to find a way to safely get Nami off the ship. I purposely threw off your signal to find her, mainly because I didn’t need you rushing in and ruining everything getting you, me, and Nami killed in the process,” she was about to retort then nodded.

“Fair enough,”

“It didn’t take me a lot to find her but it was getting her alone from Arlong, who had by that time branded her and she was…just so numb. She thought you were dead and she thought something happened to Nojiko and she went into a survival numbness just to get by. I waited until she was on an island and approached her, telling her that you were very much alive and looking for you, she explained the debt and said she didn’t care and wouldn’t leave until it was repaid for the village’s sake,” he lit another cigarette and took a drag, “So that’s what we did. I helped her rob pirates and bandits alike to get enough money to get her out of debt. It took us a full year to do so with my help. During that time I kept in close contact with her meeting at different villages and areas to get money and running. I even stowaway on the ship from time to time but thanks to my Calm, I was able to keep quiet in Nami’s room and keeping a close eye on the little scamp. I was gone for weeks at a time but thankfully Sengoku-san kept an eye on Law for me,” he sighed, “The day we finished with the debt, Nami presented her village’s debt but I was found out and Nami was about to be killed for treason, so I grabbed her and we fought our way out and managed to escape not before burning all of Nami’s hard made maps, leaving them stranded where they were. Nami insisted we got to a doctor to get healed but I just wanted her to get back home to you before anything. We hitched a ride on a train and then took a ferry to the village,” he downed an entire bottle of wine. She looked at him with tears coming down her face, “Arlong got his blood money and Nami kept her word,”

“You-You did all of that for us?!”



“You saved my and Law’s life. Nami didn’t need to have that debt on her head and she and Nojiko needed you. I’m just returning the favor. We’re friends Bell you know we’ll always have each other’s backs,”

“You idiot, come here!” she hugged him tightly.

Nami and Nojiko were crying and Law sat in silence after hearing the entire story. Nojiko hugged her sister tightly. Law grinned at the thought and wiped his eyes quickly.

“Stop crying and go downstairs and hug him already,” he said and that’s what the girls did. Corazon was taken by surprise when two girls hugged him tightly

“Girls? Law? How long have you been here?!”

“Long enough!” said Nojiko sobbing, “Thank you so much for saving my sister!”

“I’m sorry I never thanked you properly for your help!” said Nami hugging him. He smiled and gently dried both of their eyes.

“Shhhh, it’s okay girls. I never seen you two as anything else but family so no need to thank me or feel like you’re indebted to me. Just live and be happy, that’s all I want. Bell is like my mean horrible loving sister,” he said grinning, “And since you’re her daughters, you’re automatically a part of the package of my little nieces,”

“You’re like a weird Dad Uncle!” said Nami smiling

“Dancle!” said Nojiko laughing, “You’re too goofy to be a dad but not cool enough to be a uncle but you’re still the best!”

“So what are you?!”

“Whatever you two want me to be,”


“Dancle!” he smiled and hugged them tight.

“And I claim Law as my own,” said Bellemere hugging him. He reddened but immediately struggled to get away.

“Offfff!” ________________ grinned and slowly crept out of the house and closed the door. She made it to the main road and looked around. When she saw the girls and Law go downstairs, she called home and walked to the main road. She sat in the usual spot patiently trying her best to not cry herself. It was so heartwarming happy that she had a warm fuzzy feeling in her chest.

“Whatcha looking for?” she turned. Sabo was behind her.

“What are you doing out this late?”

“When I found out where you were. I’d thought I’d walk you home,”

“Someone is picking me up. You can come too!” he nodded and stood next to her. She told him about the emotional day she had, “I think it’s so amazing that Law has a bigger family now. He, Nami, and Nojiko look really happy and I think it’s so cool,” Sabo grinned, “And to make things better, Nami and Nojiko didn’t even care I was adopted,”

“What does that have to do with anything?”

“Well, because of Holly, I learn that anyone who judges me for being adopted isn’t a nice person. Families don’t always come with a full set of members, sometimes you have to build one from scratch like a cake,”

“…leave it to you to make family seem like something as easy and simple as cake,”

“It is! It has layers, the sweet parts, the bitter parts, the sticky parts, and dry parts. And separately, it’s just a bunch of things but put together and baked with warmth, it becomes a delicious cake!” Sabo laughed, “It’s true! I want to think I’m flavoring. Like no one needed me, but they put me in anyway and now I made the cake tastier!”

“…can’t argue with that. But…have you ever…thought about your real family? Like your real parents?”

“Why? I have a big family with multiple brothers and sisters and aunts and an uncle and grandparents and a mom and dad already! Asking for more than that would be greedy! I mean I do sometimes wonder what they look like but that’s it. I’m happy with my family,” Sabo grinned, “Aren’t you?”

“Well, I’m happy that you’re happy,”


“Well…it’s well…”

“You’re a noble on the run,”

“How did you know?!”

“Luffy,” Sabo groaned, “It’s okay, I kind of knew,”


“If you were a kid like Ace would probably act like Ace or Luffy but you’re Sabo,”

“I swear…you make things way to simple,” he snorts, “And you don’t mind?”

“Well, Vivi and Kaya are nobles and they’re great! As long as people are nice to me and my family and friends, I don’t care where they come from! But I’ve been meaning to tell you something. It’s like I’ve known you my whole life! I know I can trust you just like I trust Ace and Luffy and Law. You and Sanji are different. Like I’ve know you two for years! That’s why I love hanging out with you two! It feels like I’m making up for some lost time,” he smiled, “But neither of you will tell me,”

“Nope, not now at least,”

“But we were friends at least, right?”

“Mhm! And just know, I’ll always be on my little sister’s side!” Fossa’s car arrived in front of the pair. Sabo opened the door and helped her in before getting in himself and driving away back home.

Chapter 22: Monster Siblings


The Little Girl Encounters two monsters

Chapter Text

Strange things have been happening in the Whitebeard home. Food has been gone missing. Usually Thatch keeps a meticulous record of what was in the pantry and was needed to be restocked. He had everyone mark on a list of alphabetized things if something was low or all out. Because everyone had to be fed, the pantry itself was the entire basement with things stocked for emergencies, things that were always needed and even a huge freezer filled with meat and things. However, many things were going missing, crackers, nori, leftovers, cookies, fruit and even some of the preserves. No one knew where they’ve gone. Even with Ace’s appetite, it was more food than usual. Thatch started making rounds to get to the bottom of the person ruining his system but to no avail. At night, footsteps could be clearly heard. Small, rapid footsteps that everyone thought at first was _______________ only realizing that the steps were heavy compared to a tiny little girl’s feet. Not to mention once or twice someone spots a figure at the corner of their eyes only to turn and it disappearing. ______________ was getting a little scared to sleep at night because of growling noises that she could in the halls at night when she had to tinkle. It scared her so much that she opted to use another bathroom at night and running back to bed as fast as she could. When she couldn’t take it, she usually slept in someone’s room until she was sure the growling was done and ran back to her room. Autumn had finally hit the area and today in particular was a cool autumn day and the air was crisp and biting. _________________ personally loved the season and was happy to explore more things in town because everything was changing and when things changed it looked amazing. She was on her way out but today, Thatch had a special request.

“Hey little lady. I need you to get some apples for me,”


“Mhm, it’s the perfect time of year to get them and I’ve been planning on making apple pies,”

“Like last year?!”

“Yep! So I need you and Ace to get some for me,”

“It’s about time you woke up,” said Ace with a huge basket on his back and walking out the door, “Let’s go,”

“Coming!” she grabbed the other basket, “Is Sabo and Luffy coming?”

“Sabo maybe but not Luffy. He’ll eat them all before we have a chance to get them home,” she snorts, “And you don’t know where the secret apple place is,”

“Secret apple place?” he took her hand and dragged her out the door, “Yeah, it’s the only place where you can get apples. Only locals know about it. The ones you buy at Goa are imported from other places and nowhere near as good,”

“Ahhh Like the mushroom farm,”

“Now you’re getting it,” Ace led her into the woods. She recognized the area where the Nice Lady was buried but it was farther and deep and passed the area. He guided her for about half an hour. There was a clearing with trees and one in particular had apples, some were ripe and some were on the ground but she noticed there were golden and red apples all over this tree.

“I never seen apples like these before!”

“Yeah it’s a hybrid tree. Magra told me there was a person who wanted to make a tree that could have the sweetest apples you can find. So he combined golden apples with red and this was the end result. The only thing is that once snow touch the apple, it’ll hibernate until next year but it produces like every week,”


“Yep! Come on, let’s pick them!”

“So you’re here already,” Sabo was already next to the tree with several burlap bags around, “And you brought the human ant,”

“Hey!” she pouted

“It’s your fault for being able to carry stuff around like a little ant,” said Ace climbing the tree followed by Sabo. They started tossing apples down and _______________________ ran about catching them in her sack. They filled about five sacks in one go. Every time one was filled, she would tie it up and toss it into the basket.

“How many more you think you can fit?” said Sabo

“About two more!” she said

“Okay! Want to switch? You look tired!”

“I’m good!”

“Hey get away from my tree!” the trio looked up. A little girl with unusually big, round eyes, thick light pink hair that were fashioned into two pigtails with black and white flower hairpins appeared. She wore a red crown with a black cross on her head and was holding a parasol. She causally floated upwards. Ace and Sabo hopped down as she perched on a branch.

“This isn’t your tree! Now move your ass off of it!”

“You rude little boy! How could you say that to a princess?!”

“Princess my ass! Leave us alone while we pick apples!”

“Humph! Don’t tell me what to do!”

“You should listen to him,” said Sabo, “That branch you’re on it about to break,”

“HA you think I’m going to fall for—EEK!” the girl landed with a thud, causing Ace to snort.

“Some princess, you’re not graceful like one,” _______________ went over to help the girl up. She glared and jumps away looking at them with both embarrassment and contempt.

“I’ll teach you to mock me! Negative Hallows!” they didn’t know what was going on until three ghosts came from the girl. Before they could react, they came at them. Sabo was hit first, then Ace, and finally __________________. Sabo went down. He was shaking and fell to his side holding his stomach. __________________ went down the same way. She felt a chill through her body and then terrible. She felt as though the weight of the world was on her. Tears poured from her face. Old feelings took over her body. She hadn’t felt this feeling in a very long time. She felt scared, she felt sick, and this time she couldn’t recall why. She was sobbing and shaking. Ace, however was fine but immediately was concerned over his brother and sister.

“Sabo?! _________________________?!” He glared at the other girl, “WHAT DID YOU DO TO THEM?!” The girl looked shocked,

“H-How?! Yo-You don’t you feel depressed and empty inside?!” Apparently not she realized as Ace was within hitting range. She quickly floated up into the air and few away. He was about to go after her when he turned to see Sabo getting up and ________________ staggering up.

“I’m the worst person in existence…I don’t deserve anything in life…I don’t even deserve a family like this one…”

“DON’T SAY THAT! Come on!” he managed to get them up and took them back home. Sabo recovered in a spare room and __________________ in her room. Ace ran to Marco and told him what happened. He checked to see if they were physically okay before he told Ace to leave them alone for awhile. Ace paced, wondering what the hell just happened. Soon Marco told him to just find way to cheer both of them up. Sabo recovered within a few hours, ________________ however had her door closed with all lights off.

“Sabo what happened?!”

“I don’t know what did…but I just felt really sad all of a sudden. Like every single feeling of happiness and joy was shoved out of me!”


“Is ________________ okay?”

“She’s recovering in her room. She keeps saying she’s worthless and I’ve been yelling at her that she’s not,”

“Don’t yell at her, just cheer her up. She doesn’t need you yelling at her after experiencing something like that,”

“He’s right Ace,” said Marco coming in, “Sabo, you can stay here as long as you need to but Luffy will be coming over. If he doesn’t cheer you up nothing will,”

“Thanks Marco!”

“Ace, whatever happened, ___________________ was hit harder. But I want you to keep an eye on Sabo and I’ll keep an eye on her, okay?”


Ace peeked into the room. _________________ was wrapped in her security blanket. She’s been like that for two days. When he told everyone what happened, everyone tried to make to make her feel better and give her space. Ace, however, knew what to do to make her feel better and got to work. When _______________ woke up, she was in a pillow fort but still in bed and with her favorite things all around her and Ace looking at her.

“What’s all this?”

“Things to make you feel better,” he said, “I bought cake, a copy of that manga you like, flowers from the convent and I made a pillow fort. I know you don’t want to get up so I built it around you and I’m going to prop you up,” she smiled

“I can handle it,” she sat up as he gave her cake. She took a bite.

“I didn’t know which one to get so I asked Law what you liked and went to the Baratie and got you something. I made you cinnamon tea too. It’s really dark with a lot of sugar,”

“I like it that way,” he grinned as she sips the tea.

“Yeah I know, I’ve seen you make it like a hundred times. Feeling better?”

“A little, thank you,”

“Yeah you better hurry up and feel even more better! I have to take you out to get more of that weird manga series you like! Since you’ve been behind, there’s more volumes and I got you the latest of when you stopped!”

“Hey!” he grinned at her.

“And you have to help Thatch make the cider and apple pies! You’re the only one who can be trusted!”


“Because I may have eaten a whole bushel of apples once. No regrets,” Fossa that night decided to make his famous stew for her that night to help her feel better.

“She’ll be fine! She’s a little trooper! In order to get her right again, she needs a manly soup!” Ace grinned. She was smiling again. He then decided to tell Pops about it, who came in to give her one of his infamous stories that night. He smirked. He had this big brother thing in the bag.

“Ace did you eat all of the apples?!” said Blenheim

“The hell are you all talking about?” Ace peeked in the pantry. Every single apple they picked day before yesterday were gone. The only thing left were the cores, “Do I look like Luffy to you?!”

“Was he in here last night?!” said Thatch fearing for the rest of his pantry

“Nah, there’s cores left, if it was him, there would be nothing left,” Thatch looked at him, “I didn’t do it! We caught a bunch of deer so Dadan cooked them up last night! I filled up on deer meat!”

“Every last one?” they turned. _____________________ was out of bed. She was going to ask for an apple. She peeked in the pantry and lo and behold every single apple they picked was gone. Her face fell. It was really looking forward to the apple pie feast. Ace adamantly denied that he ate the apples.

“NOW you made her upset!” said Izo holding his little sister close, “Shame on you, you little glutton!”

“Why the fuck would I eat them after I picked them?! Damn it!”

“Because you’re a little glutton!” said Curiel

“Hey! I’m not the only one who likes apples here!” this was true; Atmos and Jozu were prime suspects in this but both knew that this was pie season and resisted the urge. Ace, however, had no loyalties when it came to his appetite, making him the prime suspect. He was banished from the kitchens for the rest of the night. By late evening, __________________ didn’t feel as though everything was suffocating her and managed to sleep peacefully. Tonight Kingdew tucked her in, staying extra longer to play secret video games with her to make her feel better and tire her out. The house was night and quiet. _________________ curled up in her bed. She had her little balcony opened so she could have some of the warm air coming in. Personally she loved seeing the browning leaves and sounds of the wind blowing. She felt so relaxed and safe. She dozed off only to be woken up by something in her closet. She sat up hearing some rustling but then an ungodly sound. Like a monster growling. She swallowed something in her throat. She eased out of bed and towards the sound. She could wake up Marco or Ace or Fossa or Jozu but this thing might eat them too. Then the sound stopped. She steeled herself and slowly opened the door. She sighed in relief until she heard another sound and something rising from her pile of blanket and clothes. Speed Jill ran towards the room followed by the rest of the brothers at __________________’s screams. They burst through the door to see her hitting something, rather someone with her pillow while calling for help. Speed Jill turned on the lights.

“OW! Stop hitting me!” the figure in question was holding his head and running away from the little girl who showed no mercy as she chased and fought the monster.

“NO! You were trying to eat me!”

“I wasn’t trying to eat you! I filled up on the cake I found in your closet!” Her eyes widened and leapt on the boy and started beating his back.

“THAT WAS MY CAKE YOU FIEND! ACE BOUGHT ME THAT!” she beat the “monster” as Whitebeard calmly walked in and took her off the monster with one hand, “Let me at him!”

“Wow…she just got braver,” said Atmos

“You don’t steal her cake,” said Izo chuckling

“Who touched ____________________’s cake?! Seriously she’ll fight you!” said Ace said coming in and seeing the boy, “Who the fuck is this idiot?”

“That’s the monster in my closet!” The “monster” in reality was a young boy. He was a scrappy little thing with green hair, a lanky build, and had two bokken strapped to him, “He was snarling and growling! I thought he was going to eat everyone but he was trying to eat my cake!”

“He’s not a monster, he’s a scared kid. How long have you been in here son?” said Whitebeard

“About a week! Your house it like a maze!”

“A week?” said Marco, “Have you eaten? How have you been eating?”

“I usually find the kitchen once a day and started loading up on something to eat. You guys have food just lying around in the basement,”

“Like apples?” said Marco

“Those were good! Were they for something special?”

“Yes they were!” said Ace, “I got blamed for eating them you asshole!”

“HEY! I was hungry, Freckles!”

“Where are your parents?” said Whitebeard.

“I don’t have parents…but someone does take care of me, but he’s not going to come and get me. I just know it. And I failed in my task, so I’m not going back,”

“You got a name?”


“Well, you can stay here until you get everything sorted, son,”

“Thanks!” Speed Jill and Blenheim prepared a room for Zoro who managed to find and slept there for the rest of the night. For the next few days the weird boy just randomly popped up in the house. The first day, he appeared in Marco’s study, from there almost getting blown sky-high from Curie’s gunpowder tests, and somehow managed to end up in Namur’s room and nearly drowned. They started leaving meals in their rooms so he could eat during his wanderings.

“It’s like we have two cats now,” said Blamenco, “I’m surprised he hadn’t appeared in one of my pockets,”

“At least River makes his presence known,” said Kingdew, “And doesn’t sleep in random corners,”

“Where is he now?” said Fossa

“Who knows. Last time I saw him he was in Izo’s room, who chased him out. He went into ___________________’s room again but she considers him public enemy because he stole her cake and chased him out not before tossing a bento box at him. Poor guy,”

“She fed him at least,” Ace decided to get some more apples. He didn’t tell, _____________ mainly because he didn’t want her to go, just in case he saw that other girl again and she did something else again. He went to get a twice as much and called Sabo to come along and then decided if Law wanted to go. He obliged and tagged along.

“So there’s a secret orchard?”

“Mhm, only locals know about it so it’s my duty to make sure you and Corazon know about it,”

“Thanks, he’s been wanting to make apple cider since September but wanted the apples to be in season,”

“He makes cider?” said Sabo

“Mhm, it’s really good and with Bellemere’s oranges, it’s the best thing ever,”

“Damn now I want some,”

“Help me bring a sack over and I’ll make sure we make you some,”

“Dude, we can just give you pies,”


“Mhm, does Corazon make pies?” Law sighed.

“He tried…he hadn’t tried since we had the woodstove but the prep work almost killed him. He wants to try again but I have to make sure I’m around to make sure everything goes smoothly. By the way, where’s ________________ and Luffy?”

“Luffy is forbidden to ever go apple picking with us again,” Sabo snorts. Ace glared.

“He knows what he did!”

“What happened?”

“Well, we spent an entire day picking apples and we all carted at least seven bags of them. By the time they made it back to Dadan’s place, they were gone. Ace never forgave him for that,”

“Damn right I didn’t! It took us ages to get them back to Dadan!”

“Who’s Dadan?” said Law

“She used to take care of us before Pops took Ace in,” said Sabo, “She’s a bandit that lives around the outskirts of town,”

“So Whitebeard adopted you?”


“Yeah after Ace tried to kill him for a full year,” said Sabo laughing

“It’s not funny!”

“You’re an idiot if you tried to kill someone like him. He looks like he can and will kill you,” said Law

“You don’t know half of it. Ace would sneak into the house with knives, axes, his pipe, everything to slay Whitebeard and failed miserably each time,”

“I got ONE hit,”

“A pity hit,”

“SHUT UP!” Law snorts.

“And he was so impressed with your tenacity that he adopted you?”

“Kind of,” said Ace, “He adopted me because he realized that if a kid is literately obtaining weapons from somewhere to kill an adult, something was wrong so he made me take him back to Dadan, they talked, and the next thing I knew I was living in the Whitebeard home,”

“She does sound irresponsible,”

“She’s the worst but…she can be nice sometimes,”

“Does Luffy still live with her?”

“Yeah but he goes back and forth between Garp and Dadan and Pops takes care of him too,”

“What about you Sabo?”

“Oh, I live on my own and with someone named Dragon and a few other kids. He appeared one day and he’ll disappear again, I know it,”

“Are you going with him, if he does?” said Law

“Nah, I’ll probably ask Whitebeard if he doesn’t mind one more kid,”

“Pops likes you, he’ll let you stay!” said Ace, “It’s either him, Dadan, or Garp! And we all know they’re not the best,”

“Garp? You mean the Vice Admiral?”

“Yep, he’s my grandpa. You know him?”

“Not personally, half of Sengoku’s gray hairs came from Garp and I respect anyone who can do that,”

“You know Sengoku?!” said Sabo

“Yeah, technically he’s my grandpa from Cora-san,”

“Is he trying to force you to be a cadet?” said Ace. Law cringed.

“You have no idea,”

“Yeah Garp already decided he was going to beat it into us every time he sees us,” said Sabo, “But we should have ___________________ be with us again so she can kick him again,” Ace and Sabo laughed. Law chuckled.

“I heard about that. The way Sengoku tells it, Garp was overpowered by a tiny monster with a hundred legs,” the boys laughed again, “Speaking of, where is she?”

“At home, I didn’t want her to come because I found a strange ghost witch girl at the tree last time,”

“What did she do?”

“I don’t know. Like she used some weird magic and ___________________ and Sabo both went down. ________________ was sobbing and shaking,”


“It’s the strangest feeling,” said Sabo, “Like she summoned these ghosts and they went through you and you just felt…empty. Like the entire world on your shoulders and chest and thoughts of worthlessness filling you. It was horrible,”

“I don’t know why it didn’t affect me,” said Ace

“…I have a theory but I need to meet her myself,” the boys were almost there but they heard screaming and crying. They ran to see what was up. The strange girl was in the tree sobbing and screaming as some boys were surrounding the tree and taunting her with something in their hands. As much as Ace wanted to make her fend for herself, the look of terror and fright was all over her face.

“Hey, leave her alone!” said Ace approaching the boys. The boys were no threat, just some petty thugs from Terminal Gray. He couldn’t blame them for coming out this way out away from Goa, they were probably desperate for food and foraging but still don’t terrorize someone. The boys turned.

“Hey fuck off peasants,” said one boy

“Who the fuck you calling a peasant?” Ace growls

“You! Mind your business!”

“You’re in MY woods so I am minding MY business!”

“Oh? You want to fight?”

“Heh, you know it!” Ace ran after the head boy. Law watched on with Sabo.

“You’re not fazed by this are you?”

“Nope, you want in?”

“Three on three is fair,” The boys made short of the boys who ran for safety. Law looked up at the girl. She was sobbing and shaking and waved something away from her.

“Hey, you can come down now,” The girl shakily came down the tree. She sobbed.

“I-I can’t! N-Not with those things running around! Please get them away from me!”

“What the hell are you talking about?!” said Ace. Sabo then noticed the cockroaches swarming the tree trying to get the some of the rot and things off the tree.

“Those boys had them in their hands! That was nasty!”

“Jump down!” said Law

“No please!”

“One of us will catch you!”

“You promise?!”

“Mhm,” she looked freaked out but obliged and jumps. Law caught her and sets her down. She looked a lot better and hugged him tightly.

“Thank you so much!”

“You’re not off the hook yet. What’s your Devil Fruit?”

“…Horo horo no mi,”

“That explains it,” said Law

“What does it do?” said Ace glaring at her, “What are you?!”

“I’m a ghost person! I can create and produce ghosts,”

“And you use them to hurt people!”

“NO! I defended myself!”

“Yeah right! No thanks to you my sister at home, feeling like shit! If it was up to me, I would have let the cockroaches eat you!”

“Please don’t! I’m sorry! Is she okay?! It should wear off soon!”

“What did you do?!”

“I used my negative hallows! That’s all I swear!”

“What are they supposed to do?!”

“Well, it’s suppose to make someone feel terrible about themselves! Usually it works but so far you’re the only one who’s ever been immune to it!”

“Then what didn’t you use them on the boys who were bothering you?!”

“I was too freaked out to! Listen, I didn’t mean to make you angry or make your sister that depressed!”

“The hell you didn’t!”

“Ace, that’s enough. Listen is there a reason why you’re terrorizing the woods?” said Sabo

“Yeah, what do you want?” said Ace glaring at her.

“I’m not here by choice! I’m only here looking for my brother! He wandered off from home a few weeks ago and never came back! We don’t know where he is! I told Daddy I’d find him and I hadn’t yet! He could be anywhere!”

“How do you know he’s here?” said Law.

“We have a tracking device on him so we always know where he is!” Law, Ace, and Sabo looked at her suspiciously, “Don’t look at me like that! He gets lost in our house ALL the time! He seriously got lost once on the way from the market then got lost IN the market! The signal is strong here! I know he’s here! As soon as I find him, I can call Daddy and we can go home! I just want to get out of these woods! I hate living in a tree!”

“What does he look like?”

“You can’t miss him! He has green hair, tanned, and nowhere near as cute as I am!” Ace looked shocked

“Does he eat a lot and in sleep in weird places?!”

“Yeah!” he sighed.

“If you help us carry some apples and buy some cake, I’ll take you to him,”

“REALLY?! THANK YOU SO MUCH!” true to her word, the girl helped them all gather apples and Ace took her to get some cake and they were soon on their way to the Whitebeard home. Ace made her stay in the living room while he and Law and Sabo take the apples to the pantry. The girl looked around. Their place was nowhere near as lively as her place.

“Yeah, that’s for my sister,” Ace said taking it, “It’s the least you could do. It’s one of the main things that can cheer her up no thanks to you,” the girl pouted.

“God you’re mean!”

“Yeah I am. Let me get your weird ass brother,” the girl sat there patiently before she heard swear, a struggle and then Ace dragging a struggling Zoro downstairs.


“NO! Go home with your weird ass sister!”


“…Sister?!” The moment the pair looked at each other, the house went from quiet to chaotic. Zoro ran upstairs with the girl flying after him.




“THEN YOU’RE NOT GOING HOME ANYTIME SOON!” Zoro went from room to room with Perona close behind, both shouting at each other.




“STOP ACTING LIKE YOU ACTUALLY CAN READ HIM!” the pair went from room to room causing destruction in their wake. The brothers thought quickly and locked their rooms to keep the pair from destroying them. Everyone stayed out of their way and camped in the living room, listening to the pair running about upstairs.

“Whoever adopted those two as to have the patience of a saint,” said Vista, “Look at them go,”

“None of us are going to be getting sleep tonight,” said Izo sighing. By nighttime, the pair finally wore themselves out. Perona was more than happy to sleep in a regular room that night. Ace fished out some pajamas for her to sleep in.

“Ewww those are ugly!”

“You get what you get!” he barked

“What’s your deal?! I’m a girl! I want something cute!”

“Too bad!”

“You have a little sister! You should have something cute for me to wear!”

“If you didn’t make her sad, I would have found something cute for you to wear!”

“You’re so mean!” he tossed it all at her and closed the door. Perona huffed and looked at the shirt with a grimace. She couldn’t make herself shuffle into it. She just wanted to do back home so she could be with her cute things again and away from this mean boy who just yells at her all the time. Zoro yelled at her too but this was more malicious. She was resigned to her fate until she heard the door open. ____________________ walked into the room carrying a pair of pajamas with bunnies all over them. Perona’s face lit up.

“Eeeee! These are adorable! Are you sure I can wear them?!” ______________________ nods. Perona hugged her.

“Thank you! I owe you one!” she nodded again and was about to leave, “Hey, what’s the deal with your brother?!”

“You attacked Sabo and me, his brother and sister, how do you expect for him to react to you?”

“I didn’t mean it! I got scared and defended my tree!”

“We told you what we were there for. You shouldn’t attack someone especially with someone like that unprovoked,”

“Well how do you think I feel?! I was wandered the woods for weeks looking for my idiot brother who wants to make Daddy take him seriously! I mean yeah I taunted him but I didn’t know he would actually go after Redhaired Shanks! Then when I thought you guys were going to chase me from my tree I panicked! I didn’t think it was going to put you out for days and not affect your brother!”

“…are you trying to say sorry?”

“I guess! I didn’t mean for you to get hit that hard! Maybe you’re super positive or something,”

“There you are,” Marco opened the door, “Ready for bed kiddo?”

“Mhm! Oh! Perona said that Zoro wanted to go after Shanks,”

“…Shanks?” said Marco, “You two know Shanks?”

“Mhm! Well heard about him. Daddy came home some time ago angry about someone named Redhaired Shanks and hw he had to fix one of his messes again. Then he went into the kitchen, poured some wine and was quiet for the rest of the day,”

“…what does your father look like?”

“Oh so uncute but nice I guess. He’s had gold eyes with black hair and his hair and beard grow together in a circle! He always wears this red coat and this red hair and wears a cross! He doesn’t say much but you can read him when you’ve been around him enough!”

“I think I can get him to come get come you two,”

“Really?! Thank you!”

“Come on little lady. It’s getting late,” she nodded as Marco picked her up and took her to bed. When everything settled down, Marco took went to the Den Den Mushi and waited until someone picked it up.

“Mihawk…if you’re looking for someone…or two someones. I think I know where you need to look,”

The monster siblings became a fixture of the Whitebeard home for the last three days. Between the bickering, Zoro getting lost, hollows darting from room to room looking for Zoro and and Perona making scathingly mean remarks about him getting the lost, everyone was on edge and mentally weary. Everyone opted to sleep with earplugs and wore them all day, Ace joined __________________ and her errands to escape the pair. Then one day, they were saved. The knock came in the early afternoon. Someone pounded on the door. Fossa answered.

“I believe you guys have something of mine,” said Mihawk

“Yes! Please come in,” the moment he stepped inside, it became apparent just how contained and loud the bickering was. He looked up at the stairs and made his way towards the source of the yelling. Whitbeard greeted him on the third floor.

“How long have they been bickering?”

“Two days. They only stop when they’re eating and sleeping,”

“I see, they’ll be out of their hair soon. Which room?”

“Second door on the right,” he opened the door and was met with the sight of the pair at each other’s throats, Zoro waving his bokken around trying to hit Perona’s hallows who were taking pleasure in taunting him.






“Ahem,” the pair immediately stopped. When they saw Mihawk looking at them, Perona called off her hallows and Zoro sheathed his bokken. He looked at the pair expectantly. Before he could anything, Perona started talking.





“Perona, I want the truth,” she sighed

“Okay, maybe I teased him a little…”

“A little my ass you jerk! You hyped me up to find and go after Red Haired Shanks!”

“Did you find him?!”

“Yes and he handed my ass to me! I couldn’t go back home after that defeat! I couldn’t come home to you looking at me and blaming for everything I did wrong! I knew Perona was going to reminds me how much I suck and you’re going to remind me that I’m nowhere near your level! I’m not going back to that after my defeat!” Zoro was breathing hard, clearly upset. Perona looked troubled.

“Zoro…I was only teasing! I always tease you!”

“Doesn’t mean I like it all the time!” he barked. Mihawk gestured them both to sit down.

“I’m only going to say this once and only once so both of you shut up and listen. If I didn’t want either of you around, you wouldn’t be around. As far as I’m concerned, I have two cats that appeared on my doorstep and refused to leave. Does that mean I drown them? No, I’m going to raise them to survive on their own someday when I’m dead and gone and at this rate it’ll be sooner than later with the way you two constantly bicker over nothing! I know I’m not the best parent but you two seem to do better when I’m hands off and I tend to keep it that way unless you two are in danger of killing yourselves or someone after you! Just because I don’t constantly hover over you two doesn’t mean I don’t care. I know everything about both of you. I know about Perona liking anything nice and cute so I cut everything into hearts and bunnies and kittens so she could be happy. I know about Zoro’s bad sense of direction so I have a tracker on him at all times so I can find him and bring him home. I know you don’t like cockroaches Perona and I know Zoro will sleep anywhere. Just because I don’t say anything doesn’t mean I don’t know anything. Perona, you shouldn’t have teased Zoro to this point. He couldn’t gotten himself killed over your foolishness and you should knew better. Stop asking like a brat and remember he’s the only brother you have and if this continues, he’s going to resent you for the rest of your life and I know you don’t want that. Zoro, you are supposed to be a man, criticisms like that shouldn’t have bothered you. You made progress but you have a long way to go if you want to be on my level. And fighting someone like Shanks will not make you stronger. If Shanks was a different type of man, you would have been killed without mercy. Your commitment to learning the blade isn’t enough, you need to know when to use a dagger and when to use sword and when to run away and when to fight not go looking for trouble. And if you two are done bickering, we’re going home,” he got up, “And no I don’t mind you calling me Daddy, Perona and yes it’s okay to just call me Mihawk, Zoro,” he walked out the door. The sat there for a few moments. They exchanged glances. They then got up, gave a nod of understanding and joined their father downstairs. The Whitebeard family were in the living watching the stairs. The house was quiet, too quiet and they wondered what was going on. A few minutes passed before Mihawk calmly walked down the stairs with Perona and Zoro behind him. He looked at Whitebeard, “Thank you for taking care of them for me,”

“My pleasure,” The pair bowed lowly.

“Thank you for your hospitality,”

“You’re welcome kids,” And without another word, the trio went outside. The family followed them out and watched as they scrambled into a car and drove off. Perona and Zoro waved as the car disappeared. Everyone stood there in silent for a few moments, savoring the peaceful sounds of autumn. It’s been so long. Then someone finally spoke.

“What a weird family,” said ____________________, “I’m glad they’re gone,”

“No kidding,” said Ace, “Seriously!”

“Now, now you two,” said Marco


“I think we all deserve a vacation after dealing with that for three days,” said Vista

“I’ll make an order list, everyone tell me what you want to eat and we’ll have that for dinner,” said Thatch, “We’ll restock the pantry tomorrow little lady,”

“Okay! Think we’ll ever see them again?”

“Don’t jinx it sweetheart,” said Rakugo,

“Yeah, it’ll be our luck they move in,” said Speed Jill shuddering

“Okay, a three hour quiet time is now in place,” said Whitebeard, “Whispers only, headphone mandatory, and peace until dinner,”


Chapter 23: Pissing Contest


The Little Girl meets two boys and a flamingo.

Chapter Text

The two boys appeared out of nowhere. It was like they just came into town and inserted themselves into everyone’s lives and terrorized. Many said they came from Gray Terminal but were kicked out but all Ace knew was that they needed to get out of HIS territory. The pair was vicious, often robbing and attacking nobles right and left, making off with the good stuff, often leaving him, Sabo, and Luffy with leftovers. Every day, Ace would slump home despondent because there was nothing to bring back or bruised up from his scrap with the boys. He took it like a man when Marco was there to patch him up.

“I think you need to stop this, yoi,”

“It’s a matter of principle!” said Ace, “Who the fuck does he think he is coming into MY territory!”

“You’re getting way too sloppy and destructive,” said Fossa, “Makino was talking about you and Sabo going into her bar causing trouble,”

“THAT WASN’T US! Miss Makino is off limits! It was that redheaded fucker and that blonde fucker!”

“Language!” said Vista

“I think the other person is a girl! ____________________ you should come along to fight her for us!”

“I’m remaining neutral on this,” she said

“What?! Why?!” said Ace, “this is a matter of pride!”

“I’m not going to pick a fight with someone I don’t know!”

“And stop dragging her into you weird ass pissing contest!” said Izo


“Did you really piss yourself?!” said Curiel

“I pissed on him, does that count?”

“The fuck boy! Seriously!” because of those two and all of the destruction they’ve been causing, people have been hyper vigilant for pickpockets and things like that. Ace had to stop for a few moments and this really upset him, along with Sabo and Luffy who couldn’t get enough saved for their ship. _________________ however have used some of her free time in a constructive way: learning to ride a bike. She recently got one from Pops and Hancock, who thought that it would faster and easier for her to get from point A to point B faster. She only used it to travel places she couldn’t easily walk to. It was a new hobby of hers to map out everything around her just for further references. So far she mapped out Goa and the surrounding islands and other areas. She realized that everything was on islands but thanks to trains and ferries, everything felt closer. Pops’ town and area seemed to be the largest with the woods and everything connected with Luffy’s area. It took her awhile to figure out that the Baratie was a massive boat ship. She had spent most of the day finishing her map before she headed home. She was almost home when she was knocked from her bike. She fell and landed with a thud. She looked up to see who the culprit was. The boy was a redhead with a mechanical arm his hair was spiky and fanned out similar to a lion's mane. He wore goggles and blue sleeveless shirt that had a sewn patch, like his striped yellow pants.

“Hey that’s my bike!” __________________ tried to get it back only to be pushed into the mud by the redhead. She glared and tried to go after the boy again, he smirked and handed her bike over.

“Sorry about that,” he smirked, “Here, take it,” she huffed and took it. She mounted and went to ride off no matter how hard she peddled, she wasn’t any close to leaving. She turned to see the redhead holding his hand out. He smirked as her bike flew backwards. She clung as she kept balance before she was flung off her bike. She skid across the ground as the boy laughed and mounted it. She whimpered slightly but chased him. He was fast on the bike but she knew all of the shortcuts in town. She gave chase across town, down the dirt path and across a very thin dirt path. From what she heard, she knew where he was headed. She didn’t like going there, but she was going to head him off right before so she could get him before he got any further to Gray Terminal. She used another one of her shortcuts and waited. She didn’t see any bike marks on this side of the road. So she waited and planned. She knew she probably couldn’t fight him. Especially if he had a Devil Fruit ability. She would have to outsmart him somehow. He reminded her of Ace, only meaner but Ace’s biggest weakness was taunts. Luffy always trash talked and always got his butt handed to him by Ace. If she could get this boy to come to her, then she could subdue him and get her bike back. She hid until she heard her bike coming down the road. She timed it just right when she tackled the redheaded boy off her bike. He went down as she gathered up her bike. He glared at her.

“You’re going to pay for that bitch!” he said and went after her. She got on her bike and tried to peddle when her bike was hoisted into the air. She clung to her bike and once again thrown off. She landed in the river. She glared and got up. The boy smirked.

“Not bad for a girl. You want it; you gotta fight me for it,”

“I would but Pops says not hit girls,” he stopped.


“You heard me! Don’t forget to pull up your frilly stockings before challenging me!”


“Before or after you get your diaper changed?”

“RAWR!” he went after her. She grinned and moved aside and took out her ribbon. The boy went at her one more time before used her ribbon to tie him. He fell backwards as she went to her bike. She heard the boy yelling and shouting behind her. She was about to untie him when another boy appeared. She jumped back. Before she could do anything, he grabbed her and held her in a Full Nelson.

“HEY! Lemme go!”

“Get the bike,” he told the redhead who was already untied and running to her bike. He let her go the moment they had control of her bike. The boy with him was a blonde with his hair covering his eyes. He was the taller of the two and wore a white t-shirt and a blue pants.

“Killer, slam her face in the ground!”

“No. Let’s go,”

“WHY?! She insulted me!”

“Leave her alone, Kid. She’s just a girl,” with that the pair ran for it and disappeared into the confines of Gray Terminal. ____________________ limped home. Izo was surprised that she was covered in cuts and bruises.

“Jeez, you look as though you lost a battle!” he said as Marco healed her cuts and scrapes, “Are you okay kiddo?”


“Just be more careful! We don’t want our delicate little princess to get ass bruised,” he then whispers low, “Because Marco may go into a rampage,”

“I wouldn’t!” __________________ was determined to get her bike back. She did NOT want to ask Ace for help or get in the middle of this feud between him, Kid, and Killer. She rather liked Killer, Kid not too much. She sighed trying to think how she could even the playing field. She had to do this the boy’s way. But that meant she had to be a little stealthier about it. She decided to ask for some help.

“HE STOLE YOU BIKE?!” Luffy as she grabbed his mouth

“SHHH! Keep it down! I don’t want Ace or any of my brothers to know!”

“Why not?!”

“Do you really want Ace to start a war in Gray Terminal over a bike?! …don’t answer that! But I need you show me how I can get in and out fast!”

“There’s one opening that Ace and I used to get out of Goa when we have to do it fast. It’s right next to the far wall near the ramen shop alley,”

“Okay got it! Remember; don’t tell Ace or ANYBODY about my bike!”

“But what if you get hurt?!”

“Avenge my death!”


“Just tell Marco if I’m not back for dinner,”

Kid woke up and stretched. He finally had a good night’s sleep since it was Killer’s turn to stand guard for the night. They arrived in this area a few weeks ago and they both actively hate it. It was always smoggy, it was dirty, and it wasn’t even suitable for rats. But until they found a place that they could call home permanently they were stuck there. He went to check on Killer, who was at the door. He gently touched his companion.

“You can sleep, I can take care of things from here,”

“It’s okay,” he yawned, “I’ve been out already getting food. Yours is on the table,” Kid grinned seeing the plate of cabbage rolls on the table.

“You’re fuckin’ awesome!” Killer smirked

“Yeah I know and once we sell that bike, we can get more things before we leave this dump,”

“How much longer? I’m sick of moving around,”

“Just until we find that convent to stay in until we find a place or something,”

“Are there anymore islands?”

“Just this one. I don’t see anything else on the map. We have to find somewhere soon,” Killer didn’t want to think about not finding a place. The ideal place would be as far away from the World Government as possible and someplace for them both to live in peace. After traveling around this place, he realized that they were literately in a junkyard where rick people trashed everything. they found appliances that were just old, nothing wrong with them, just old. They even found clothes and shoes and things. It wasn’t bad since they had new things to wear now but it also meant there were nobles around and neither of them liked nobles. So they decided to search for something better. They decided to take the bike into town that day and see what they could get for it. Even a little beli would get them to the next area or at least some better food for their journey. After Kid ate, they headed to town with the bike, avoiding certain areas. This place had a lot of poor people but what made things worse were the petty thugs and bandits who also called this place home. They were almost mugged their first night until they found a place to sleep. As extra precautions, they took turns keeping watch until Kid found a lock. He figured out how to use his devil fruit to manipulate the inner barrels inside to get it to work. They would try it out officially that night after they got money, “After we sell it, let’s steal it back and give it back to the girl,”

“Fuck that!” said Kid, “She insulted me! That’s death!”

“We steal what we need and I told you to not steal something we don’t need,”

“But we need beli and that bike was in good condition! We should get something for it! Besides, why do you care if some girl gets her bike back?”

“Saved my life once, kind of owe her,”


“Long stor—,” he stopped, causing Kid to stop. A boy in a dark hood was standing in front of them. They couldn’t see his eyes.

“Oy kid what’s the get up?” said Kid. The boy pointed to the bike, “Fuck you! You ain’t gettin’ it!”

“Yeah get lost!” said Killer. The mysterious boy looked at them and cocked his head to the side. Killer didn’t even see him move as he ran at him, moved to the side and clocked Kid square in the face. The boy then mounted the bike and peddled away not before leaving something behind.

“SON OF A BITCH! THAT HURT!” Kid said holding his face. Killer attended to his friend’s face making sure he was okay.

“Come on, let’s go home and I’ll get some ice for your face,”

“That bastard! Now we lost our beli money!”

“It’s okay, I’ll think of something,” the mysterious boy peddled hard and fast and didn’t stop until he was on the other island in the woods. ___________________ took off her hood and started panting. That was the coolest, most exciting, and most fun thing she’s ever done! Not only did she get her bike back but she actually punched someone and she LIKED it.

“No! No, no! Hurting people is not a good thing! I didn’t even want to punch Kid…no matter HOW much he deserved it,”

“Yeah you did,” she jumped. Law was watching her from a tree.


“Long enough. See you got your bike back and you punched a guy. Good for you,”

“That doesn’t make me less horrible! I mean I punched Kid in the face! With my fist,”

“Of course it should feel good; you were defending your property from someone who took it. So it’s perfectly okay,”

“It is! I mean…I wanna do more cool things like Ace, Luffy, and Sabo,”

“Then do it,”

“Wait what?!”

“I’ll go with you. Just to get it out of your system,”


“Just stay disguised and I’ll stay with you,”


Law and _______________________ made a great team. She had to admit, piracy ruled! The only treasure she actually wanted was cake and sweets and Law went along for the ride. Together they went from area to area town to town raiding cake shops of their cake. She would come home and they would divide it up. Thanks to ________________ cute face and innocent looks no one really noticed her casing out the bakery until she came back later in her cloak with Law to steal as much as they could and ran for it. River often joined in as a temporary distraction so she could make off with the cake better. Of course she wasn’t going to tell anyone about this. It was actually talk of it at dinner that night.

“Are you finally done with your little pissing contest with Kid?” said Vista looking at Ace.


“Guess not,” said Blenheim

“What’s a pissing contest?” said __________________

“When two people usually boys argue with each other with no resolution,” said Izo

“Why is it with pee?”

“Because boys pee differently than girls,”


“Girls can do it too if they tried harder!” said Ace and mashed his potatoes in anger

“Hate that guy. Did he ever give you back your bike?” she froze, “You know Luffy can’t keep secrets,” she grinned.

“YEP! He just gave it back willing!”

“…willingly?” said Curiel, “Did you threaten him little lady?”

“PFFFT! She’s too puny to be intimidating!” said Fossa laughing

“Hey! I can be tough!” she said poking out her chest.

“Sure you can,” said Rakugo poking her tummy. She giggled and deflated


“But there’s another asshole coming into my territory too,” said Ace glaring, “I’ve never met him but everyone has been talking about a hooded boy going into cake shops and taking cakes and sweets! He has a partner too but he wears a surgeon’s mask and there are even rumors of a cat working with them!”

“Why are you getting worked up about cake? You don’t have a sweet tooth,” said Thatch

“That’s not the point! __________________ eats cake! If this idiot keeps stealing it, then she can get any!”

“Aww Ace you care about your little sister that much?” he froze

“N-No! I’m just saying! If someone takes all of the cake, then she’s going to all mopey and sad and I don’t want to hear that all the time,”

“Hey!” after dinner she decided to call Law about one last heist before they called it quits.

“Finally got it out of your system?”

“Mhm and I’ve been hearing about this new cake shop that opened up on the next island. Let’s do it,”

“Alright, want to make a calling card for the other idiots?”

“Mhm. Let’s do this early in the morning,”

“Okay, I’ll be at your place at five,”

“Okay!” she yawned and hunkered under the covers. Thatch came in to tuck her in that night, “Hey Thatch, I have a question!”

“Oh! My first __________________ Question! What’s up little lady?”

“Like is it okay for kids to get into trouble? Like even the good ones? I mean if Ace gets in trouble no one seems to mind, but what if Law or even I get into trouble?”

“Pfft you? You’re too puny to get into trouble and even so, you’re a kid. Getting into trouble is just a thing kids do. As long as you’re not hurting anyone, kids will be kids, being a robot as a kid isn’t great. You have to learn how to make mistakes, cause trouble mainly because when you grow up; you can’t do it as much anymore,”

“Oh! Okay, so it’s okay to get into trouble?”

“Once in awhile, kiddo,” he ruffled her hair, “I mean you didn’t murder anyone, did you?”


“Then you’re fine! Night little lady,”

“Night Thatch!”

Ace, Luffy, and Sabo were on the new island as soon as they were able. Ace received the graffiti message telling him to come to this place so they could finally know who the better thief was. Sabo pointed out the obvious trap.

“It was from that redheaded dick!”

“Seriously what’s with you and Kid?”

“He’s a fuckin’ asshole!” said Kid getting walking towards the designated place. They both got a message graffitied all over the floor in front of where they were living. Kid immediately ran out with Killer close behind.

“He is but seriously you’re more high strung than usual,”

“Something that bastard really pisses me off, he acts like he fuckin’ OWNS this area,”

“No you don’t,” said Sabo

“I practically do!” said Ace, “We all do!”

“And he took _________________’s bike!” said Luffy


“By the way, of all of the things to steal for money, why did you take that girl’s bike?” said Killer

“Because I wanted it!” said Kid, “And what could she do? Whine and cry to his big brother?!” then Ace turned seeing Kid and Kid realizing Ace was looking at him.

“I’m going to fuck you up!”

“I’d like to see you fuckin’ try!” the pair ran at each other. Before anyone could stop them, they were both attacking and actively trying to beat the shit out of each other. Sabo and Killer tried to break them up but stopped when they saw the hooded boy they’ve been hearing about coming towards them. In one swift motion, he had wrapped them both in a black rope. He looked at them and with his hands up to their comrades.




“No,” the boy said simply, “I called you two here as a call for ceasefire. I know I’m not one to talk but this disharmony in town and it needs to stop. Mainly because many innocent people are getting the brunt of your stupidity and both sides are being blamed and victimized. So here’s my solution, Kid, you stay in the Gray Terminal area and one half of Goa, Ace you can continue with the other half. Does that sound fair?”

“As long as he stays the fuck away from home I don’t care,” said Ace

“Then I want more of Goa!” said Kid


“Wait, wait, how about equal parts but on certain days? As long as you two don’t meet each other, will everything be okay?”

“Well…Kid and I are just passing through until we settle someplace,” said Killer, “So we’ll leave if we find a more permanent place,”

“Ace, your rebuttal?”

“…fine, the only thing I want is _________________’s bike back,”

“That’s in my possession and I’ll be more than happy to give it back,” said the boy, “Anything else?”

“I’m okay,”


“Okay,” the boy tucks the ribbon as he falls to their feet, “Thank you for your corporation boys. Now I can take off this hood,” he took off his hoodie revealing familiar (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes. Law then joined her at her side.

“__________________?!” said Sabo

“You were the mysterious asshole?!” said Ace

“That’s the coolest thing ever!” said Luffy grinning, “Where did you get your hood?!”

“Oh this is the one that Makino made me!”

“I thought it was a purple and pink?!”

“It is!” she took it off and turned it inside out revealing the colors and cute bunny print, “See?”


“You mean all of this time it was you?!” said Ace

“A useless girl?!” said Kid

“A girl that kicked your ass and made off with more,” said Law making his appearance

“YOU WERE IN ON THIS TOO?!” said Ace, “Does Corazon know?”

“Nope and if you say anything, Jozu is going to know what really happened to his wooden doll collection,”

“Okay, okay!”

“Pansy,” said Kid


“BRING IT FRECKLES!” Sabo and Luffy grabbed Ace while Killer grabbed Kid.

“Enough you two!” said Law, “You idiots are acting like a bunch of kids,”

“We are kids!” said Luffy

“Fine, asshole kids! That’s why ___________________ and I did this so you two would stop this petty shit,”

“Of all of the places though!” said Ace, “Why here?!”

“I’ve been stealing cake here,” she said proudly, “And today was my last job,”

“…seriously of all of the fuckin’ things!”

“What?! My secret fridge has been fully stocked now! I’m so happy!”

“You know, I’ve never seen this area before,” said Sabo

“Me neither,” said Ace.

“Has anyone seen anything that would remotely tell us anything?”

“I saw a weird smiley face skull!” said Luffy

“Smiley skull? You mean a jolly roger?” said Sabo

“Yeah but I never see it before. Here’s a picture!” He took out a piece of paper.

“It’s kind of cool!” said _________________

“What kind of Jolly Roger is that?” said Ace

“Dunno but it’s weird,” said Kid. Law moved them aside and instantly his face went pale. It wasn’t just any smiley jolly roger and it was one that would haunt his dreams until he died.

“We have to get out of here, NOW!” he said looking around apprehensive, “MOVE IT!”

“Law what’s the matter?”

“COME ON!” Suddenly a cage fell on top of the kids. They jumped and tried to get out but to no avail. However the way the cage fell, ________________ was on the edge away from the boys. She regained herself and quickly ran to get some help just as another cage fell on her. She screamed and tried to get out. Then they heard footsteps. She saw a shadow cast over her as the bars from above were ripped opened. Before she could escape, she was hoisted out of the cage. Law froze as she was set down.

“Fufufufufuf, so…you were the little pirate who stole from my sweetshop,” ________________ couldn’t move. Her limbs were bonded as she was dragged towards the huge figure. The boys froze from their cage. The man was standing over the frightened young girl. He was a light blond-haired, very lean and muscular man with tan skin. He was dressed in black with only the only color being his red shirt. What really made her notice him was his light pink feather coat. It reminded her of Corazon’s but this man was nothing like him. She couldn’t see his eyes because of a pair of curved, thin white sunglasses with red lenses.

“Y-Y-Yes! I-I’m sorry! Pl-Please! I-I’ll give it all back!”

“Hmmm…or I can make you pay for it by being my little marionette for a few months,” he raises his finger as once again her little body couldn’t move on its own. The boys watched in horror as the man made her dance around him and her begging him to let her go. She tried her best to resist but she wasn’t strong enough.

“LEAVE HER ALONE!” Ace said rattling at the cage.


“Oooh, seems like your little friends want me to let you go. I wonder how much I can make you dance until you collapse,” _____________________ started dancing around but she couldn’t stop herself. She tried to force her body but couldn’t. Tears rolled from her face as she pleaded for him to let her go.

“Luffy, how far can you stretch?!” said Law

“Pretty far!”

“I have a plan! Stretch your arm back as far as you can and make sure you grab something sturdy!” Luffy stretched for as far as he could until he was able to grab something.

“Okay!” Law watched intently. He’s been around Doffy long enough to know he was toying with his victim before doing whatever punishment he had planned, “When I tell you to, grab _______________ and don’t let go!”

“GOT IT!” Law watched and waited until Doflamingo had her just close enough and facing them so Luffy could get a good grip.

“Steady…one…two…NOW!” Luffy stretched and grabbed __________________ and pulled. The man frowned and chuckled latching onto her. ____________________ screamed feeling her body being pulled, “LUFFY DON’T LET GO!”

“We’re going to rip her apart!” said Sabo. Ace thought fast and grabbed a rock and flung it. It was just enough for Doflamingo to be distracted allowing his hold on _________________ to waver. The cage, along with the kids, was flung several yards through the air and soon out of sight. It soared through the air. _________________ clung to the bars for dear life as the force not only made them fly far but fast across the sky. The cage down hard and fast as the kids braced themselves. Then they hovered in midair. Luffy and Ace opened their eyes. Law looked around. Kid had his arm outstretched, repelling their metal cage from colliding with some metal beams. Law used his room to break the cage and the kids all sat down thinking about what the hell just happened.

“W-Who was that?” said _______________________

“Never mind that,” said Law, “Are you okay?”


“What happened back there?!” said Ace

“I don’t know! It was so weird! I couldn’t move my body, no matter how much I wanted to! Like I tried to keep myself from walking but I couldn’t,”

“That’s his ability,” said Law


“Listen I can’t give you guys the details at the moment but trust me on this. We stay away from that area, got it?”

“Don’t have to tell me twice,” said Ace

“Whatever,” said Kid.

“Let’s get home,” said Sabo, “Where are we now? __________________ any ideas?”

“Nah uh, I’ve never seen this area before,” Luffy looked around before grinning

“Ace we’re home!”

“….you mean YOUR home,”

“Luffy’s home?” said Law

“Yeah, he lives with Dadan,” Ace cringed, “I got out of that area when I had the chance,”

“That’s because you kept challenging Pops until he took you in,” said Luffy, earning a clobber from Ace, “OW!”

“I thought I heard someone,” a man appeared from the trees. He resembled a chicken with a waddle like beard and hair, “Oh! What are you kids doing here? Don’t know it’s dangerous in the—oh Luffy, Ace, Sabo! It’s not to see you all!”

“Hey Magra!” said Luffy

“It’s been only a week!” said Sabo

“It doesn’t mean I don’t miss you! Oh! There’s more of you! It’s so nice to see you boys making friends!”

“Only Law and ________________ are friends, the other two can fuck off,” said Ace

“You wanna say that again Freckle Bitch?” Kid barked

“Yeah I do shithead!”

“Now, now no fighting you two!” Magra pulled them apart, “I’ll take you all home. I’ll just let Boss know! You’re lucky, we were going to head in before the storm hits,”

“Storm?” said Killer

“Mhm, a storm is about to pass over here and it’s going to be a few days. We just found out and have been gathering food to wait it out. I had to go into town anyway. Luffy, you’re more than welcome to stay with Whitebeard, I think you’ll be better fed there,”


“It’s nice that you brought your friends over! I can identify everyone except of the extra two boys,”

“You know about me?” said Law

“Mhm, Luffy says you don’t say much but really cool and always wears a white and black hat and _________________ is the only girl in the group and his big sister,”

“I’m a big sis?!”

“Yeah! You’re older than me!” said Luffy, “And someday you’re going to be my official big sister when you and A—,”

“STOP SAYING STUPID THINGS!” Luffy flailed as Ace had him in a headlock. Sabo tried pulling him off.

Magra dropped Law off first at his place before taking the remainder of the kids to the Whitebeard home. Whitebeard was waiting as they all scrambled out of the car. Maga bowed.

“I know it’s short noticed but can Luffy stay until the storm let up? Boss almost murdered him after almost eating the entire storm rations in one day,”

“You don’t need to ask,”

“Thank you sir!”

“What about you Sabo?”

“I wanna stay!”

“Get inside,” Whitebeard looked at the sky. It was getting dark and it wasn’t even sunset. He looked at the other two boys. He could smell the moisture in the air and knew they were in for a few big ones for the next few days, “Listen, it’s going to pour tonight and I’m not sure where you two are headed but you won’t get to the next area in this weather. You’re welcome to come inside out of the rain and stay here until it lets up,” Kid looked apprehensive. Killer looked up at the sky and then down at his little brother. He just got over being sick and this was a new town.

“Come on Kid, we can stay until the rain lets up. It won’t be long anyway,” the boy looked apprehensive but followed inside. Knowing people like this, they were going to make them sleep in a basement or something. However, he was actually shocked that they were given a guestroom with two beds, warm blankets, and even a place to have a bath. For the first time in ages, the pair felt safe enough to actually let their guards down, even if it was with a rival’s family. They could hear the rain pounding against the window. Kid knew it would have been impossible to try and find a warm place to stay with the weather like this. The old man even let them eat at the table. He and Ace glared at each other and Killer sat next to ___________________. After dinner, they both went upstairs. The room had a kotatsu and both went under it.

“We have to get one of these when we get our own place!” said Kid hunkering down contented.

“I know it’s so warm under here!”

“Okay boys,” said Izo coming in, “Ground rules, if you want something, ask for it, they bathroom is down the hall and you two get baths, no exceptions to that rule,”

“Fine, fine!” said Kid. It’s been ages since they even had a bath. Killer watched as Kid and Sce fought and argued the whole time while Luffy laughed and Sabo tried to break them apart. After the bath, there was hot tea waiting for them. While they drank and relaxed, ___________________ came in.

“Hi! Pops said to make sure you two have warm blankets! Also, I have books if you want to read and Ace, Luffy, and Sabo are playing video games and could use a fourth!”


“Girls are the weirdest creatures on the face of the earth!”

“Love you too,”




“Aww thanks! I think you’re adorable too,”


“Just shut up and go place video games!” she said, “If you need anything, I’m across and a few doors down, Ace is about three from you,” Kid looked at Killer.

“Go on, just remember we’re guests here,” Kid beamed and went off. Killer decided to relax a bit. He didn’t like video games much but decided to take a few moments to breathe. Kid needed to have a stable place. He didn’t care either way but this was for him. He needed someplace where he was safe. He decided to scope out the house. He got up and peeked into each room. There were around eighteen people in the house living together and a dog and a cat. Everyone had their own rooms and rooms to spare. He silently observed everyone. Everyone was civil towards each other. The house didn’t have a creepy vibe it had a welcoming vibe. He hadn’t experienced that in awhile. Downstairs, the kitchen was huge and had leftovers on the table for anyone to eat. He sat at the table and started eating a bowl of pasta. Even the pasta was decent. He was in heaven and even though he was happy ad Kid seemed happy, he knew they couldn’t stay here.

“Looks like you have a lot on your mind, son,” Killer jumped. Whitebeard was in the kitchen, helping himself to the food, “Are you okay?” he nodded. The old man was nice good vibes about him but his cheeks were stuffed with pasta. He swallowed, “Where are you two boys headed?”

“No idea. We’ve been traveling for so long and we just don’t fit anywhere. My primary goal is to be someplace that accepts us both and someplace where we’ll be safe from the World Government,”


“You have no idea,”

“I’m not going to tell you what to do. Especially since you two seem to have a plan,” Killer shifted a little bit. He looked at the old man before just sighing, “But you’re more than welcomed to stay here if you want,”

“We need to find our own place. We don’t need anyone, I promised Kid’s mother and him that I’ll watch over him,”

“I see…well I do know of a place that’s some ways but you can get there in on the train or ferry. It’s a dead island. The residents there can’t pay to have their protection so they stay there and fend for themselves and each other,”

“Dead island?”

“Mhm, it’s place where a lot of people who need to disappear go. It’s not on any map and no one really goes there except the residence. It’s the end of the line for the ferryman as well,”

“…Is it safe?”

“There’s people protecting the island as much as they can. There’s even retired pirates and bandits who call the place home. It’s something to think about,”

“It is,”

“But neither of you are going out in this weather. It’ll be a few days. Stay here until then,”

“Thanks old man,” after dinner, Killer went back upstairs. He could hear Kid and Ace arguing and cringed a little before taking on the book offer. _________________’s door was opened ad he stepped in. He’s never really been in a girl’s room before and he had to admit, he was a lot different from a boy’s room. Everything had soft colors, was cleaner, and she had rows of books on a shelf. He saw ________________ on her balcony looking at the rain pouring down from the sky and the roof. He went over and looked at all of the books. There were a lot of them, even school books. He cocked his head. Were they homeschooled? That would explain a lot.

“You want to borrow one?” he jumped. She was beaming at him from her perch.

“Yeah, this one,” she looked at the cover.

“Oh, you can have that one if you want,”

“…you’re going to let me have it?”

“Well, yeah! I have a copy already!” she said grinning, “the first one I found at a bookstore and Sister bought it for me. This one Atmos gave me, not knowing I had it already!”

“Wow…thanks, umm bring you back a book one day as a thank you,”

“Thanks!” he then joined her looking at the rain. He felt so relaxed for the first time in a long while. The last time it rained like this, he and Kid were hiding and the rain was pounding against their hiding spot and it was just enough to drown out the sounds of Marines and nobles alike. The wind was warm and the wind blew violently as but thanks to the weird way the house was built, it went over them. He found himself leaning against the bars. He glanced at the girl next to him. She had her eyes closed, just savoring the sounds of rain.

“Are you used to the rain?”

“Kind of. It always makes me feel peaceful. It was the only thing that helped me to sleep when I was younger, Sister said,”


“Yeah, I used to live in a convent before Pops adopted me,”

“Kid and I used to live in a place far from here. After his mom died, he wanted to find somewhere else to stay. We were in Gray Terminal for awhile but realized it’s not really for us. I would say this place but Kid and Ace will tear it apart in a week. We just want to find our own home, preferably not with the World Government,”

“Where are you two from?”

“South Blue. It took us a long time to get here. We heard about an orphanage here where an old nun takes in kids but we don’t want to be separated so we decided to find ourselves a family that wants us both but it’s either one or the other so we decided not to risk it with the nun,”

“Sister would have gave you the perfect family! I mean she was the one who gave me to Pops!”

“We want someplace to live together without worrying about anything,”

“Maybe you two should stay here! I mean two more brothers would be awesome!” he shook his head

“Kid and I need somewhere for us. Don’t get me wrong, this place is awesome but…just not for us,”

“Awww. Just be safe, okay?”

“But here,” he dug into his bag and took out a book, “I’ll let you borrow this. When we find a place, I’ll come back and we can trade again,”


When the storms finally let up, Corazon made his way to a large manor that was just one on the edge of well everything. He drove about half an hour before stopped in front of the house. He took a few deep breaths before he knocked on the door. A woman dressed as a maid with a large bosom, blonde hair and green eyes opened the door. She grinned when she saw him.

“Corazon! How are you?!” she flung her arms around him and nuzzled his cheek.

“I’m fine, Perv. Is he…busy?”

“Actually no! He’s been expecting you! Come in, come in!”

“Thanks,” he blushed badly when he came into the large manor. As he walked, the maids all greeted him with both shy and sly looks. He kept walking. The maids were all the new and exclusive employees of the Donquixote Family. Although they all had looks ranging from innocent to sweet to confident he knew better. They were all trained killers, every single one of them. Their old caregiver was the one who screened and hired them and when he had to go into hiding, they acted as his enforcers when needed. Each of them preferred their nicknames in their old roles, Perv Maid was the shameless one, Cook Maid was the cook, Cleaner Maid was the main cleaner, Lesser was the less compassionate one of the group, and so on. He walked up the stairs and to the third room on the right. Inside, a familiar face was grinning at him.

“We need to talk,” Corazon said steeling himself.

“Oh? About what, brother?”

“Doffy! You know you're supposed to be incognito since Kaido is after you so please do not terrorize the kids who live here! Only this area knows that you’re here and we kind of need to keep it that way,” Doflamingo looked at his brother before getting up and walking up to him.

“Oooh? So you’re telling me to stop?”

“A-All I'm saying is to please keep a low profile. The little girl you scared is Whitebeard's new daughter. You're already on one Yonko’s bad side. Do you want to be on another one's?”

“Yer right I suppose~ fine I'll keep in check not ta harm her but you know when someone is so close in damaging my business, there is no mercy,”

“I know, I know. That’s why I came; I want to reimburse you for whatever she took,”

“Appreciate it, brother. By the way, how is Law?”

“Fine, you know the stipulations of you staying in this area, right?”

“No contacting the boy, I know. Am I doing harm in asking?” Corazon looked at him and raised an eyebrow, “Fair enough,”

“Remember, you can do whatever just as long as you don’t bring attention to the town,”

“Okay, okay. By the way, still on for Sunday?”

“Mhm,” Corazon headed out. Lesser Maid froze when he passed and reddened slightly as he walked to the door.

“…I didn’t know Corazon was coming,” said Lesser Maid she said as Doflamingo walked to see him out.

“Fufufufufu! He just dropped in,”

“Oh. Next time….let me know,”

“Will do,”

“He looks so good both coming and going,” said Perv

“I know right?” said Cook, “That ass can stop a war,”

“I wish I can put him on a hook and just play with him,” said Dom biting her finger

“You guys know better,” said Doflamingo laughing, “He’s off limits until he initiates it,”


“You can’t stop us from fantasizing though,”

“Fair enough,”

Sometime later, ______________________ was roaming around town and going to her old haunts and things. It was a whole month since the storm and the cake heists and she was just glad to explore and pay for her cake again. After ribbon twirling, she decided to head to Makino’s bar when she saw a familiar blonde leaning against the wall. She beamed.

“Killer!” he looked up.

“I was scared you wouldn’t have come around here. But I came with some news! We found a place!” said Killer grinning at her

“Really?! Where?!”

“Come on, I’ll show you. That’s why I’m here,” they traveled a few areas away from her town. She knew the area was big but they actually had to really travel out to get to the place, just like they had to for Goa. They caught a ferry and stowaway on a train before arriving in a completely different area all together. She never travelled this out before but had to admit, it was kind of nice. The town looked a little rough and frankly scary, “Don’t worry, it’s all show. Everyone is pretty okay, that’s the main reason we decided to stay here,” he passed a small house where a woman was lugging in some groceries. Killer quickly ran to help her bring everything in. __________________ inched towards the house as Killer emerged a few moments later with the woman smiling and he carried out some groceries for himself. She was a tall, slender woman with shoulder-length black hair. Her eyes were dark with wide pupils and a long, thin, and defined nose. She looked at ____________________ and gave a friendly wave. She smiled and waved back. Killer beckoned her to keep going until they were at a large brick building.

“Wow! It’s huge!”

“It’s an old mechanic’s shop. Like when we found it nothing was in here and it was boarded up and things. So we went inside and this place is huge! We waited and no one around the area comes near it and it’s perfect for Kid than a junkyard,”

“So you two weren’t kicked out of Gray Terminal,”

“Nah, Gray Terminal wasn’t so bad but we had to constantly keep on guard, so this place is will suit us better for awhile. It’s an actual house and things. And it’s not a dump so Kid can breathe easier. He doesn’t like to admit but he gets sick from time to time. He didn’t need that smog in his lungs,”

“I can help you guys clean up if you like!”

“Thanks, Kid got most of the heavy things out of the way but we need to actually clean it before the next storm hits. The lady said it’s going to be in a few days,”

“Let’s get to it then!” The pair spent the next few days getting cleaning supplies and things to sweep and mop and disinfect the house. ___________________ made a list for Kid to find things in the junkyard for their home, including a portable shower, kotatsu and how to make a den den mushi. Since the place was a brick building, not much painting had to be done but made the place look livable. Killer even made room dividers for their kitchen, living room, and their bathroom. They did the same thing with his upstairs for his and Kid’s room.

“So how do you guys have power?”

“That’s the awesome part!” Killer took her outside and they walked a ways and pointed to a large brick device that was almost as big as a large van, “That’s a generator! The person who owned this place used it to power his shop. So we have lights and hot water all the time. Kid can fix anything, he’ll never admit it though so he figured it out and we filled the generator with like a ton of diesel. It should last us a very long time,”

“This place is huge though, what are you going to do with it?”

“For now nothing, we have a pretty big kitchen, we have a functioning bathroom, a place to watch TV and play games and things and rooms to ourselves. Though I’ll probably make a room a guestroom for when you come over and want to stay or something,”


“Yeah you’re cool enough to visit for a little while,” When they were done, the place looked homey. Because many rich families threw almost anything away, they had a refrigerator, microwave, five hot plates, couches, beds, and an electric oven. Kid was too happy to curl under the kotatsu he found as Killer walked _________________ back to her area where he showed her a place where the nice woman would give him pasta and other scrap foods.

“Her name is Miss Ribbon. I think she knows that Kid and I are alone so she wants to make sure we get something to eat every day. We leave her beli and anything we have extra sometimes but she’s really nice and brings us more. She was the one who installed the shower and oven for us. She’s really smart and really nice. Kid is out looking for a fridge or something for us in a junkyard. I found a microwave that works great and a few hot plates so I can cook for Kid and thanks to you, it’s nice and clean. I think we can manage now,”

“Awesome! Let’s go get some food! My treat!” by the time they reached the Baratie, it was almost the dinner rush, meaning the staff was prepping in the kitchens. The front entrance was closed so she went to the back and knocked. Zeff answered and looked down at the pair. Both were disheveled and dirty and sweaty. Killer looked hesitant. She beamed at the old cook. He snorts.

“I’m not going to ask but did work hard today?”

“I helped clean an entire mechanic’s shop!”

“Oh? Hands!” they presented two pairs of dirty hands to him, “Get in here. We have a bunch of leftovers for you and your friend. Or did Whitebeard adopt another kid?”

“Nah this is Killer! He’s a friend of mine!” Zeff looked at the boy. He looked thin for someone his age. He pats her head.

“Alright. We have a bunch leftover from the lunch rush. And son, if I give you these leftovers to take home, will you eat them?” he nodded, “then they’re yours,” after they ate, Killer walked her back to the house carrying a huge basket of food from the Baratie.

“Okay, here’s your stop,” said Killer grinning, “I have a journey ahead of me so I better get going!”

“Okay! If you need me to help, let me know!”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” Killer pecks her cheek. She froze, “Thanks for dinner, I owe you one,”

“N-No,” she cleared her throat, “No prob! Let’s keep our book exchange! Promise?”

“Promise!” he turned and left. She lingered for a few moments before running away flushed and didn’t stop until she was home. That night, Whitebeard tucked her in tightly and got ready to tell her one of his epic stories. However, this time, she had other plans.

“Hey Pops, can I ask you something?”


“It’s about boys,” Whitebeard looked at his innocent little girl. He swallowed a lump in his throat. He knew this day would come…and he had to be ready.


“Why are they so weird?!” he snorts

“Why do you say that little one?”

“Well, Ace always acts like he doesn’t want me around but he always does! Kid insults me and get mad when I say something nice to him! Sanji always acts weird when he’s around other girls and never like that to me, Sabo and Law treats me regular…if that makes sense, Luffy…I’m his big sister so it’s my job to make sure he’s okay if Sabo and Ace isn’t around, and Killer…he reminds me a lot of Ace but usually just wants me to go places with him. He’s really nice to me. But they’re all boys but they’re so weird sometimes,”

“Guararara! Boys and girls are different and there’s no shame in being interested in boys at your age,”

“I’m not interested!” she said covering her face blushing, “I’m just trying to understand them! Like is there a cheat code? I demand to know if there is one!”

“Nope, there’s no code. It’s a part of growing up. Being interested in boys, or girls, dresses, wanting your space and everything like that is perfectly normal,”


“Mhm, we all went through it. Even I did when I was a little boy. When I first met Flora I thought I was coming down with a disease that punched my gut,”

“You were a little boy?!” ___________________ tried to picture Pops as a little boy that was like her and Ace are they are now.

“GUARARARARA! Of course I was a kid! Nowhere near as small as you but I was child,”

“so you and Sister knew each other as kids?!”

“Mhm, times changes but being a kid and going through stages are universal and sometimes hopes and dreams remain the same. Like as long as I could remember, I knew I wanted a big family and I got one,”

“That’s because you’re the coolest Dad ever!” he chuckled

“True and it’s my job to remember what it’s like to be your age and help you get through whatever comes your way,”

“I thought adults always remember their childhoods?”

“Some not all. Times are different but that doesn’t mean awkwardness, body changes, and things like that does,”

“Oh okay….so what if a boy gives you a weird warm fuzzy feeling? Is that natural?”

“Mhm, you’re going to have to figure that one out on your own,”


“Where is the feeling?”

“Mah gut!”

“That’s good! Your gut never fails you! How does it feel?”

“Like there are butterflies in it but they’re punching me every time they land! Like I can feel them flying but when they land, gut punch!”

“Ohh…when did this happen?”

“Well, when Killer gave me a kiss,”

“…a kiss? Where?”

“My cheek! He kiss attacked me! I never felt like that before well not since Ace did it!” Whitebeard snorts, “So it’s normal to feel this way?”

“Mhm, don’t worry your pretty little head,”

“Oh okay! I am ready for my story!”

“Story? I don’t think you want one!”

“Awww pleeeeeeeeeeeease?” he smiled.

“Okay, okay, here’s one I know you’re going to love. It’s about Captain Blume and Captain Atlas, my old Captain when I was a cabin boy,”

“What’s a cabin boy?”

“Young boy or girl who goes all of the earning and errands on the ship. They’re pirates in training,”

“Oooh! Tell me more!” after the story, ___________________ fell fast asleep. Whitebeard yawned and got up and headed to the door. He was about to leave when he spotted something on hanging on her closet door. He gently took it and realized it was a hooded cape. It was the one that Makino made for it. He had a hunch and turned the thing inside out and saw that it was dark with traces and smells of whipped cream and sweets. He chuckled before taking it to get washed. Kids nowadays needed to learn how to hide their evidence.

The little girl glared daggers at a very large crying little girl. She glared at her with both contempt and anger. The large girl let go of the kids she was holding as they ran to safety. The smaller girl landed on the ground in front of her. She had reddish hair that was hidden by a bandana, green eyes, and freckles across her nose. She was a very annoyed expression on her face and even though she was smaller than the large girl, the larger girl seemed very frightened of her angry face.

“Oneesan is always so mean to me!” the girl cried and rubbed her eyes.

“That’s because you’re a brat and needs to be disciplined! You constantly terrorize everyone! Can’t you just stop and think for once?! It’s your own damned fault that all of the kids are afraid of you!”

“S-Stop y-yelling at me, big sister!” the girl whimpered and sniffled. The other girl didn’t let up. She then took out a large bed sheet and gave it to her.

“Stop crying!” the large girl nodded and rubbed her eyes with the sheet and blew her nose, “Kids aren’t toys for you to play with!”

“I-I was just trying to help!”

“You’re not the same size as everyone else! And you’re only going to get bigger! So learn that you can’t use that as your excuse! Why were you crying and rampaging anyway?” the girl gestured her skinned knee. The girl looked at it before going into the house with sheets and things and rubbing alcohol. She cleaned the wound before bandaging it up, “There, better,”

“BIG SISTER!” The girl was hoisted up and cradled. The girl struggled and tried to get out of the giant’s grip but couldn’t. She was resigned to her fate, “Do you forgive me?”



“Not until you apologize to everyone!” the younger girl wiped her tears. The older girl looked at her sternly, “Until then, I won’t forgive you,”

“Okay, Onee-sama!”

“Now, now Flora, we have to forgive Linlin,” the girl turned and leered. An old woman with a large, wrinkled face and a square jaw appeared. She wore dark nun's robes that have light frills on them. The large girl smiled while Flora glared, “Linlin didn’t mean what she did,”

“I won’t. She needs to learn that forgiveness has to be earned! I’ll never forgive her for hurting any of my friends!” Linlin sobbed and cried. The nun scolded her.

“FLORA! Stop being so mean!”

“You can’t tell me what to do! You’re NOT my mother!”

“I WANT to be!”

“THEN PROTECT US NOT EXCUSE LINLIN’S ACTIONS!” Flora stalked off into the woods. Linlin ran after her.

“BIG SISTER COME BACK! Don’t be mad at me or Mother Carmel!” Carmel watched the pair. She’s been thinking of selling those two for awhile now, Flora especially. Since the girl arrived at her orphanage, she’s been a willful young thing who lashed out at anyone who came towards her, well mainly her. It took her a long time to get used to the kids and vice versa, to the point that they saw her as their unofficial leader, being the oldest. She bonded with all of them, especially young Jin, a prince from a destroyed kingdom. Placing her would be hard. Marines would turn her back in and she would have to give the money back and she hated to admit it but she was sharp and observant. She was also the one who found Linlin near the river that fateful day. Because of this, Linlin took a liking to the girl and often followed her about like a little duckling when she wasn’t with the other children. Another thing that worried her was the way Flora had some level of skills and strength to protect the rest of her merchandise from Linlin. If it wasn’t for the idea that she knew Flora would turn on her, she would make her her second in command. She needed a few more months before everything would be finalized and she could get profit from them all. All she had to do was wait. That night, after supper, Flora yawned and curled up in bed. Well a makeshift bed away from everyone else. She preferred her solitude away from everyone. She often set up camp in a separate building near the window or near the fire. Tonight it was near the window. The summer nights were always warm and the nights were clear. She always found comfort looking at the stars in the sky. She hunkered in bed and said her prayers to her mother, her nightly ritual, before closing her eyes. She was a few minutes into her sleep when she felt the floor vibrating in front of her.

“Big sister!” Flora opened an eye to see Linlin looking at her with worry and tears in her eyes.


“Ca-Can you sleep with me?! I-I’m scared,” she looked at the girl who was sobbing and looked terrified. She resigned.

“If it’ll shut you up and let me sleep,” Flora was hoisted in the air and taken back to the huge bed in the main house where Linlin cradled Flora happily. The smaller girl got comfortable and yawned as Linlin nuzzled her happily.

“Flora-chan is my favorite!”

“I know that. You always say that,”

“Flora-chan brought me to Mother and Flora-can always lets me sleep with her!”

“I don’t have much of a choice. If I don’t you’re going to cry, whine, and you’re going to go on a rampage and I’ll knock you out to shut you up and I’ll be too tired to do anything at all for the rest of the day,”

“I love you so much Big Sister! You always protect and take care of me!”

“Someone has to, I suppose,”

“You’re going to be my Big Sister forever!” Flora looked over at her. Linlin looked at her with large shiny eyes, “Right?!”

“Forever is a long time,”

“Can we be sisters forever?” Linlin looked at her with hopeful eyes and a big smile. Flora sighs, “Please?”

“If you let me sleep. I promise to be your big sister forever,”


“Mhm, someone has to take care of you,” this seemed to make Linlin satisfied as she nuzzled Flora even closer.

“Okay! Goodnight Big Sister!”

“Goodnight Linlin,”

Chapter 24: Protecting Her Crew


The Little Girl Protects Her Crew

Chapter Text

______________________ was excited! Because Pops was always busy, he never really got to do things like pick her up from Ribbon Dancing classes or things like that lately. But after some business deals, he promised he would pick her up from practice this week and then they would go on an outing. She was so happy! Especially since Vivi and Kaya’s dads always came to pick them up and never got to see her father. And because Vivi’s Dad was super protective, he didn’t want Vivi to come over to ________________’s place until he met her father. In fact, all of the girls’ parents wanted to meet hers before they had their sleepover. They explained the circumstance that she was an orphan and didn’t have traditional parents but they insisted on meeting her guardians. They met Marco, Izo, Thatch, Jozu, Fossa, and Vista when they picked her up but they wanted to meet her father, Mr. Newgate. And since Pops had some time off, he wanted to pick ___________________ up from school. She was so happy and excited because they had a mini field trip and then they could meet her father.

“What’s your dad like?” said Plum

“Yeah! We never get to see him!” said Penny

“He’s the greatest person ever!” said _________________, “He’s so awesome! He’s really big and tall! Like taller than a tree! And has a big white moustache and his hair is wavy and blonde but he always has a bandana on it! He looks scary but he’s the nicest person EVER!”

“I can’t wait to see him!” said Vivi grinning, “This means we can finally sleepover your place if my Dad likes him!”

“Same here!” said Kaya.

“He’s not her REAL father,” sneered Holly, “She’s a foundling, therefore her real father could have been a pirate, drug dealer, or prostitute, oops, I mean that could have been her mother,”

“Holly don’t be sad because your father doesn’t care enough!” said ___________________, “You always have sitters picking you up,”

“And they can’t deal with you so they quit after a week,” said Vivi. Holly glared.

“That means we have money to burn to hire someone! You have to be poor to let family pick you up,” before they could retort, their teacher appeared.

“Ready to go girls?”

“YEAH!” Because winter was approaching, the school thought it would be a good idea to have the girls go out on a little field trip together. They asked their parents to give the girls twenty beli have a signed permission slip. Their teacher excitedly told them that they were going to going to a fall festival near town. . Each girl had a special dietary lunch to fit their needs and restrictions, along with snacks and drinks. Everyone scrambled into the bus. Vivi sat next to __________________, Kaya sat in front of them and Penny and Plum sat together. Holly opted to sit alone. The girls were so excited that they failed to notice that their teacher wasn’t on the bus when the driver started driving away. _______________________ looked out the window. She noticed a lot of things. They were passing Sister’s convent, then a mile away their passed Corazon’s area, and then they went around the Mountain Terrain where Magra was. Soon, they were going further and further away. It was then she felt something a little wrong. According Marco, they would be going to a smaller village on the other side of the mountains and a few miles away but they didn’t. They actually went straight; they were actually closer to Hancock’s area, though no one really went there uninvited. They kept going before stopping as another man entered the bus. The girls then realized that this man wasn’t supposed to be there and went quiet. He smirked.

“Alright ladies, your parents are going to pay a lot of money to make sure you’re all back to them safe and sound. So if you all know what’s good for you, you’re going to keep quiet and do everything we say, got it?” they immediately realized the situation they were in and they just silently nodded, “Good, now you’re all going to put your cell phones into this bag,”

“Y-Yes sir,” they uttered. __________________ watched the guard go to Holly first. She dropped hers inside as he went to Penny and Plum. They were fishing theirs out slowly. This gave her enough time to think of a plan. She didn’t have a cell phone but she did have her den den mushi. She gently took him out.

“Vivi, hold still,” she whispered. She waited until the man’s back was completely turned and took down her hair and gently placed her snail inside and tied her hair back again. The den den mushi sank inside as the guard turned to her and Vivi. Vivi surrendered hers.

“Hand it over kid!” he growled at ____________________

“I-I-I don’t have one,” she stammered

“She doesn’t have one,” said Holly, “Her parents can’t afford one!” he looked at her. Most of the girls were all from powerful or influential families. They had stats and everything on each one. But this little girl, they didn’t know anything about.

“Hey, who’s this kid?” said the Second Guard

“Don’t know,”

“She’s a charity case!” said Holly, “Her family is poor and she’s an orphan!”

“I-It’s true,” said Kaya, “___________________ doesn’t have parents. She just attends classes because of her brothers,”

“Tch, we can probably sell her or something,” the girls remained quiet until they arrived at a place in the middle of nowhere. The bus parked and the man took out his gun and ushered the girls out of the bus. They lined them all up and placed blindfolds over their heads and made them walk. __________________ observed the temperature and smells. They went from a cool place to indoors. Therefore they must in the house they saw when they pulled up. She remembered hearing a door opened and one by one, footsteps. Cool air touched her, cooler than outside, and the smell of mold and dust. She heard the creaking of stairs and heavy footsteps upstairs before the door slammed shut. She waited a few moments before taking off her blindfold. She saw that the other girls have done the same. She started looking and walking around. Penny was sobbing, Kaya and Vivi huddled together and Plum was shaking, and Holly was doing what she did best, complain. _________________ stomped her feet on certain areas before she touches places on the moldy looking walls. She then looked around and moved things around.

“Stop kicking up dust will you?!” said Holly, “Unlike you, some of us aren’t used to having our lungs filled with dirt!”

“______________ what are you doing?”

“Looking for a way out,” she said looking around. Fossa said that there’s always a way out of someplace. You just have to look,” she looked around until she found something abnormal on the wall and gave it a pull, revealing a window. It was high but she knew with some teamwork, they could get out. She looked at all of their heights. Penny and Plum were the smallest, then it was Kaya, then herself, Holly, then Vivi. If they did get out, they could pull the last two people out but Penny and Plum wouldn’t have the strength but she and Vivi could easily do it. She grinned, “Okay, I have a plan but you have to be quiet and listen to me,”

“Why should we?” snapped Holly, “No one is going to be looking for YOU anyway,”

“Knock it off!” said Vivi, “It’s either leave or die,”

“Well I’d rather die than to deal with her!”

“As much as I want to, it’s either come with us or you’ll never get your nails painted again,” Holly considered her options.


“Good. Vivi, you and I are going to have to go the majority of this. I have to carry you on my back and you have to carry everyone to the window and from there, we’re going to have to squeeze through that window,”

“What about you?!”

“You’re going to have to pull me up. I think I can jump so far up,”

“Why don’t I carry you?! I’m taller!”

“Exactly but I don’t think you can carry everyone’s weight like I can,”

“Fair enough. Okay, you heard that everyone?”

“Yeah!” the girls said

“Okay Penny, you’re first,” Penny stepped on a chair and got on Vivi’s shoulders. ___________________ crawled under Vivi’s legs and lifted her up. She quickly but carefully walked to the window. Penny held onto the window. She had to really push for it to slide up. She then squeezed out. Then Plum got on Vivi’s back and did the same. Kaya was next but was slightly too big for the window until she realized that the window could be easily removed and pulled it out. She then came out.

“Okay Holly you’re—,” Holly didn’t bother waiting for them to lower and climbed up the human tower, causing Vivi to falter, ___________________ the balance via the wall as she scrambled through the window. When she saw how dirty her dress was, she let out a scream. Kaya immediately grabbed her mouth. The girls went silent. No one could hear anything the signified the guards and they resumed their escape. Vivi reached the window and went through. She then turned and leaned through the window as __________________ took a running start, ran and jumped, grabbing her wrists. She pulled and soon, she was out.

“Now what?” said Kaya.

“Everyone press again the wall and walk along it. That way no one sees us,” they nodded and followed ____________________ to the right. She then stopped, “Kaya do you have your mirror?”

“Mhm!” she took it and used it to look around the corner. Nothing. No one was guarding the perimeter on that side. But there was also a lot of open spaces. Meaning they could be spotted. She crept to the other side. Same thing but they were closer to the woods there. She then noticed a shed.

“Okay, here’s what we have to do. We have to go and stop at the shed then run up that path into the woods. No one would find us there,”

“Why stop there?” said Penny

“Because it’ll decrease our chances of being spotted in case someone comes and I think we should do this by twos to help each other. Everyone pair up,” Penny went to _________________, Kaya and Vivi paired, Holly grabbed Plum.

“______________ you go first,” said Vivi, “We’ll follow you,”

“Okay, ready, Penny?”

“MHM!” _______________________ took one more look around the corner before running, being careful not to pull and drag Penny. They stopped at the shed. She looked around corner and her suspicions were true. Someone was guarding the front but not the side or back. She then inched towards the other end of the shed and then they quickly and swift went up the path. She walked Vivi and Kaya to the same. Holly grabbed Plum and yanked her. Plum winced and tried to jerk away, causing her to fall and Holly to abandon her. Plum was in No Man’s Land as Holly ran to the others without stopping at the shed. She was too scared to move. ____________________ quickly went to the shed. She peered around the corner and saw the guard had heard Plum’s foot scraping and went to investigate. Plum was terrified. _________________ quickly grabbed a rock and threw it far. It landed in the brush next to the guard. He turned to look as _____________ went and gathered Plum and they ran into the woods. She motioned everyone to keep quiet as the guard went to investigate the shed area. Finding nothing, he went back to the front. She motioned the girls up into the trees where they could be hidden.

“Whew, that was close,” _______________ said learning against a tree. Vivi shoved Holly

“What the hell is wrong with you?! Plum could have gotten caught!”

“She should have kept up!” said Holly, “And Little Orphan Annie saved her so she lived,”

“That’s not the point!” said Kaya, “We could have all been caught!” as the girls bickered; __________________ got her den den mushi from Vivi’s hair. She contacted Marco. The snail appearance changed to a familiar face. She beamed.


“_________________? What’s the matter? Did you guys make it to the festival?”

“We’ve been kidnapped! We were going on our field trip and the bus driver took us off course! We traveled a few miles, I don’t know where we are now but we passed Corazon’s area, then Magra’s area and we drove through the pass and now here’s near some other area I’ve never seen before. There’s nothing but woods and a desert! They were planning on ferrying us to another island when the sunsets,”

“I got your location. Where are you now?”

“About a mile from the house! We’re out of the cellar and hiding in the woods!”

“Stay there and stay hidden and keep moving, we’ll be there in a bit,”

“Okay!” she hung up. She beamed at her friends, “Don’t worry, Marco is coming to get us!”

“How do you know?” Holly sneers

“Because Marco will always come to rescue me when I need him! I’m too far to yell for him, so he’s coming because of my den den mushi!”

“And yours is small, that means we’re still in the range,” said Kaya.

“Exactly, but if we are escorted to a ship, we won’t be able to communicate. So we have to keep moving,”

“Lead the way,” said Vivi. They all kept their voices low and walked on. They walked for about twenty minutes before they stopped at another clearing to rest. Because of the trees and the weather, they had to tread softly because of the crispy leaves. They rested for ten minutes before getting ready to walk again. Then she heard something fall in the leaves. Penny stumbled. __________________ stopped as the girls all tried to help her up.

“Pen what’s the matter?”

“I-I don’t feel good,” she said weakly, “Please I need to sit down and I need some water,”

“Get up crybaby!” Holly snarled, “If we can’t rest, neither should you!”

“Lay off!” said Plum, “Penny, what’s the matter?”

“I-I don’t feel good,”

“Do you have your meter?” __________________ cocked her head.

“Meter for what?”

“Penny has diabetes. If she doesn’t get insulin, she can get sick,” Penny took a device out of her pocket and Plum did the rest, “It’s over two hundred! She needs her insulin!”


“Don’t you know anything, stupid?” said Holly

“You don’t know either!” said Kaya, “Its special medicine to make her blood sugar go down! If she doesn’t get it down she can faint and get worst from there,”

“Where is it?”

“Probably on the bus,” said Plum

“You guys wait here, I don’t think they’ll know where we are but I’ll get her insulin from the bus,”

“Don’t be crazy!”

“What else does she need?”

“Something to eat and some water,”

“You guys wait here. I’ll go get them,” __________________ slipped away into the trees. She crept around and saw the bus. She quickly and quietly scurries down the hill, stopping and hiding every so often. She stopped just as she got to the bottom. She held her breath and listened. She couldn’t hear anyone or anything and silently went to the bus. The door was opened. She went inside and searched the seats and found Penny’s pouch. She then went to the back of the bus and found their duffle bag of lunches and things that the teacher packed. She placed Penny’s insulin in her pocket and picked up the bag. Suddenly the bus shook. She hid under one of the seats. She heard footsteps. She held her breath again and then calmly breathed through her nose. She could smell a very strong smell coming front this man. She winced. It was foul. He took something out of the seat and went back out. She used the backdoor and eased it open and slipped out, clicking it closed. She then inched around the bus perimeter, avoiding the smelly guard before climbing her way back the way she came to the girls. She quickly gave Penny her insulin. Plum took it and did the dosage before injecting her. Penny curled up as ___________________ gave everyone sandwiches and things. They had to rest. The girls were all whispering and silently eating. ________________ nibbled on (favorite sandwich). In reality, she was tired too. They traveled about an hour and a half from where they took them. But that could also mean they used hidden paths and shortcuts. They only been there forty five minutes at the most and she knew it would take Marco awhile to find them.

“We have to keep moving,” said ____________________ getting up

“Why?” said Holly, “No one is going to find us here!”

“Doesn’t matter. If we keep moving no one is going to know exactly where we go. We’re leaving tracks and the more track movements, the least likely someone will find us,”

“But what about Penny?” said Plum, “She needs to rest!” ____________________ gently leaned down as Penny climbed onto her back.

“I got her, let’s go,”

“Are you sure you can carry Penny?” said Vivi

“Mhm, I carry things heavier during errands,” she piped

“You carry things on your back?” said Plum

“Yeah, almost every day! Since I have a big family we eat a lot so certain things we’ll have to get every day because we run out!”

“Like what?”

“Eggs, snacks, vegetables, and things like that. So I get five dozen eggs, and tons of vegetables. I have to also bring in the milk when it gets delivered and that’s about twenty bottles. Then Speed Jill always have me race him through town and around the house free running. We usually do that in the afternoons,”

“You do that every day?!” said Vivi

“Pretty much! Usually before coming here,”


“Builds character and I like doing it! And when winter rolls in, I can sleep in and keep warm and I can rest a bit under the kotatsu,”

“Humph, I knew you family was so poor they can’t even afford heating,” mocks Holly

“I’m not poor! We all have a kotatsu in our rooms! And space heaters because everyone’s preference is different,”

“You don’t have to explain yourself,” said Vivi, “Lay off!”

“How do you know so much about this stuff?” said Kaya

“My brothers! Ace told me to never stay in one place if I’m being followed. Blenheim told me if I’m ever hiding to breath out my nose, that way to one can hear, versus through my nose, and Kingdew always said to look before you run into something. Curiel always observe your surroundings. Speed Jill always told me to never run straight. Always make sure you cover yourself when running and Thatch showed me how to divert attention from what you’re doing,”

“Wow! Your brothers are so cool!”

“Yep! I just hope it’s enough,”

Thanks to ____________________ skills, the girls managed to stay hidden and out of site for a long time. However, when the guards went to check on the unusually quiet girls, they soon realized that the girls were all gone and immediately went searching for them. _________________ heard the footsteps and quickly had the girls run for it. The men followed their girl’s footsteps and sounds. She made the all keep quiet until she found something.


“What?!” said Vivi

“It’s a fox hollow! We got in and got out! They’re too big to fit!”

“My dress will—,”

“Forget about your dress!” Kaya snapped at Holly, “_________________ lead the way!” she crawled inside the hollow followed by Penny and Plum, Kaya and Holly, and Vivi bringing up the rear. They could hear footsteps above. She remembered what Blamenco said about hollows. Because foxes were clever and stealthy animals, they made hollows that had multiple openings. She just needed to find the other one. The girls crawled holding the skirt or blouse of the girl in front of them. ________________________ followed the light to the other end. She eased out and looked around. The coast was clear. She guided the girls out. The woods weren’t safe anymore.

“We have to get to the bus! We can hide in there!”

“Won’t they find us?!” said Plum

“They did a clean sweep of it! They’ll assume it’s empty and it’ll give my family a little more time! We have to stay low and hidden,” they made their way silently to the bus. Thankfully, the hollow and the bus were just few yards away. They quickly ran, not seeing the First Guard still lurking around. He turned and got caught of Plum’s fleeting form. He turned and quickly grabbed her. She yelped, causing the other girls to turn.

“THERE YOU ARE! OVER HER! FOUND THEM! Heh, gotcha you litt—ACK!” the man doubled over, dropping Plum, before going down onto his knees. ________________ stepped back, retracting her elbow. She winced. That really hurt. Plum looked at her with admiration and awe.

“GET TO THE BUS!” the man looked up and was elbowed again but this time in the face. First Guard’s grunts caused another to come quickly. ___________________ took out her ribbon and wrapped it around the man and pulled with everything she had. He lurched forward and slammed right into First Guard. She looked at them and walked backwards, ready to go again. But then she heard something click behind her. She turned. Third Guard had the girls in front of him. He had his gun pointed to Holly’s temple. Tears were streaming down their faces.

“Drop your weapon kid!”

“What weapon? I’m just practicing my ribbon twirling,”

“Don’t fuck with me kid!”

“I don’t even know what that means,” he pressed the gun harder to Holly head.

“Don’t think you’re all not expendable!”

“Go ahead, she doesn’t even like me,” Guard Four however, didn’t realize that __________________ was looking at Vivi. Vivi returned her gaze. She darted her eyes to the man’s foot and back to her. Vivi looked confused before realizing what she meant. Without warning, she stomped as hard as she could on the man’s ankle. He howled in pain as ____________________’s ribbon shot out slapping the gun out of his hands. Then slapping his face, and then wrapping around his throat as the girls scrambled away to safety. She unloosed her lasso and went to join the girls in the bus but was grabbed from behind. She yelped as First Guard held her by her scruff. She looked at her face. A bruise was forming where she hit him.

“I’m going to skin your little ass alive and sell THAT to the highest bidder you little bitch!” she struggled and tried to get away his shook her violently. She was dizzy but tried in vain to pry his arms off. Vivi, Kaya, and Plum went to aid their friend. First Guard pulled out a knife and held it to her head, “Don’t be fuckin’ heroes, girls. Now get back to the cellar or I may or may not paint this ground with your friend’s blood,” the girls back away. ________________ however was thinking. She had to think of a way out. Then she saw something in the distance. The glare was blinding but the glimpse was unmistakable. She decided to use her flawless and best attack that never failed. She took a deep breath and shouted as loud as she could.

“POOOOOOPS! MAAAAARCOOOOO!!!! HELP!!!!!!” Suddenly the ground started to violently shake. The girls held onto each other. The man toppled and grabbed onto something for balance. The girls all huddled and hung onto each other. The cars seemed unaffected as they pulled up and surrounded the compound. Someone emerged from one of the cars. The man walked calmly to the men, who were now shitting themselves when they saw him. The moustache alone commanded respect and reverence and now they were terrified, trying to figure out which kid belonged to him. He stopped in front of First Guard.

“Get your hands off my daughter!” the man calmly and ever so gently, placed _________________ on the ground. She ran to Whitebeard who hugged her tightly. The young girls gaped at the larger man who was beaming and spinning his little girl around. He sets her down and pats her head before bowing to the little girls.

“Are you okay, kiddo?”

“Yep! Nothing I couldn’t handle!” she smiled.

“Are you hurt?”

“Nah uh,” He pats her head and looked at the five girls.

“You girls must be the friends ______________ has been telling me about! I am very sorry that we all had to meet like this but please allow me to take you back to your homes. I know your parents must be worried sick,” the girls nodded as he escorted them to two cars waiting for them. He took _________________, Vivi, and Kaya in one and Penny, Plum, in another with “Anne” waiting for them, and Holly in the last one. Marco waited until the cars were completely out of site before nodding to Thatch, Jozu, and Blamenco to take out the men.

The parents were frantic when the girls arrived and told what happened. The teacher explained what happened and there was a manhunt waiting for the girls. The school got one phone call about the girls being held hostage. The parents were ready to give anything for their children to come home intact. To their surprise, four black cars came to the school. The cars stopped and their daughters immediately ran out of the cars into their parents. The reunion was tear jerking and heartfelt as the girls frantically told them everything.

“__________________________ RUINED MY DRESS MOMMY!” said Holly

“THESE MEN KIDNAPPED US!” said Penny, “They made us give our phones and things to them!”

“They blindfolded us and locked us in a cellar!” said Plum, “But ________________’s Dad brought us back!”

“_______________________ saved us!” said Vivi, “She hid her den den mushi in my hair and then used it to call Marco!”

“Marco is her big brother!” said Penny

“Then she found an opening in the basement and guided us out!” said Kaya

“Then she hid us in the woods and while she went and got the lunches from the bus!”

“And Penny’s insulin!” said Plum, “Penny’s blood sugar was super high! Then when the men found us, she guided us to where Mr. Newgate told her to meet him and she shielded us from them!” the parents looked __________________, then Whitebeard and then to their daughters. They have heard stories about their daughters’ classmate. Each of them wanted a play date with the young girl but they were waiting to meet her family, especially since they were told that she lived with a lot of brothers, all of whom took turns picking her up from school. They looked at her father knowing obviously she was being raised morally.

“I would be honored if Kaya slept over her brave young friend’s home,” said her father

“Same here!” said Penny’s father.

“I don’t want that little tramp near my daughter and her things! She’s so ratty! That’s why she ruins people’s clothes because it’s obvious she doesn’t have any home training!” said Holly’s mother. Whitebeard frowned and took out his checkbook and wrote the woman a check.

“This is more than enough to pay for whatever that dress costs,” the woman takes a look at it. Her eyes widened as she slinks off with Holly without a word.

“Let’s discuss a play date,” said Plum’s mother smiling at Whitebeard, “Kids, go play,” the girls scampered into the building. They weren’t playing but in reality listening in to their parents’ plans. Soon they saw Mr. Newgate coming towards the school. He scooped up ______________ and hoisted her on his shoulders.

“See you guys later!” she waved back at her friends who happily waved back and cheered and thanked her. She didn’t stop waving until she was out of sight in the car. Whitebeard ruffled her hair while driving.

“Me and the other parents talked and we all agreed to finally have you girls have a sleepover at our home when the new term begins,”


“Guararara! You’re the one who won the parents over. I can’t say I’m not proud of you for thinking on your feet. You saved all of those girls’ lives,”

“Well…of course! I have to protect my crew,” she said smiling at him, “That’s the same thing you would have done or Grandpa or Marco or Sister or Blume! I want to be great just like you guys someday so I have to train to be just as good as you all! Even though Holly is always mean to me, I didn’t want her mother to never see her again, no matter HOW much I don’t like her,”

“Heh, spoken like a true Captain. That’s surprisingly very wise of you kiddo,” he looked a little thoughtful, “You know, since it’s still pretty early and everyone is probably tying up some loose ends, how about we get some tea and cakes?”

“Really?! You like cake?!”

“Everyone likes cake! I know a place that serves the best, we’ll go there,” that night, everyone came back super late but Thatch came home first and immediately started on __________________’s favorite dinner. When everyone came home, they congratulated her on her victory and quick action.

“I taught her everything she knows!” said Curiel ruffling her hair

“Yeah but who taught her how to stealth run?!” said Speed Jill, “TOLD you the morning races were a good idea!”

“She just likes running with you,” said Vista

“We do more than run! It’s free running and it’s bonding experience!”

“But Blenheim breathing technique really helped!” said ____________________, “I was so quiet they couldn’t hear me!”

“I’m so proud! She can be a little spy someday!” he said laughing

“Not until she’s seventeen,” said Marco

“But she did the best and final defensive weapon she had, calling Pops and Marco from wherever she is until they come to help her,” said Jozu, “We heard her over a mile away. We had to literately stop Marco from flying over and taking care of things right then and there,”

“Pops wasn’t better. He got out of the car and went over causing earthquakes. Let’s just be glad those idiots didn’t think about hurting her,” upstairs, she and Ace were munching on her victory cake as she told him everything that happened. He listened as she excitedly told him about the girls and how now their parents met Pops and how she can finally invite them over.

“But I couldn’t have done it without Ol’ Silvy,” she waved her ribbon.

“You named your ribbon?!”

“Had to! It’s literately an extension of my arm at this point,” she said proudly, “But in reality, I was terrified,” Ace turned. The tone of his sister’s voice changed, her shoulders stiffened, and even her demeanor changed, “I didn’t know if we were going to make it out, okay. Especially when Plum fell because of Holly and I was lucky that I found that hollow and that bided us some time. I held off the guards just long enough. I wish I had a pipe like you and Sabo. I think it would have been better,”

“Tch, don’t be stupid. You’re loads smarter and stronger than you look. You could have easily made it out and you proved it. And why the hell do you need a pipe? You have your ribbon and that’s the best weapon for someone like you. And plus, you’re my kid sister. You have to be cleverer than anyone otherwise it’ll make us both look bad! Imagine if I had a sister that’s on the same level as Luffy? I won’t accept that!” she giggled.

“I’m just glad everyone’s parents said it was okay for them to finally have a slumber party here!”

“What’s a slumber party?”

“Vivi told me it’s when a bunch of girls sleep together at another girl’s house. Since my place is the closest before they leave, it’s going to be my house!”

“Ugh, great, being trapped with a bunch of girls all night,”

“If Anne wants to come, she can,” she grinned

“NO! Not in a million years! ….unless Penny and Plum want me to come, then I’ll make the exception,”

“Aww you love them!”

“They’re so defenseless and weak! Someone HAS to protect them!”

“That’s why they got me!” she grinned.

“True, someone has to. I don’t think they would survive long without someone to lead them. They follow you like a duck. And you follow Marco like a duck, ergo, Marco is the leader of you ducklings,”

“Hey!” she playfully shoved him over. He smirked and shoved back.

“Come on, heroes get to pick the movie,”



“Any movie I want?”

“…what did you have in mind?”

“The second Care Bears movie,”


“And you have to do the Care Bear stare with me!”

“UGH! I’m never forgiving you for this!”

“Love you too!”

“She was guiding those girls like they were her crew. It was the cutest thing,”

“Crew? The hell she knows about a crew?”

“Guarararara enough apparently!” Flora and Whitebeard were laughing and drinking sake that night on the rooftop.

“I don’t know where she’s getting that weird sense of morality from,” said Flora pouring him another round and topping off her drink, “I would have love to have seen her leading her little band of nobles,”

“The two younger ones one follow her around like little ducks,” Whitebeard chuckled, “The two older girls seem to be able to take care of themselves. That other child still has some kind of vendetta against her. According to ___________________ the entire time she found ways to put a wrench into her plans,”

“Jealousy is terrible thing. Maybe she’ll grow out of it. Or maybe she just need a swift kick in the face,”

“Now, now,”

“What? Sometimes that’s all someone needs to leave someone alone. And all of this because she wanted you to pick her up,”

“First time in ages since I was able to settle down for awhile but I got to talk to the girls’ parents who finally agreed to let their daughters have a sleepover,”

“They know, don’t they?”

“I don’t know. I introduced myself as Edward Newgate, not Whitebeard,”

“I would have liked to see that reaction,” both laughed as Whitebeard poured them more sake, “Can’t believe you found the good stuff,”

“I had to buy the good stuff! Marco hid it better this time. By the way, do you have plans for New Years?”

“Nope, why?” he looked at her knowingly, “We’re going to Wano this year?”

“Mhm, I hadn’t been back in awhile. It’s good to see the old place again. Thanks to that blizzard, we couldn’t get the ship through the ice, even with Curiel navigating,”

“We better get the kimonos for the kids. Ace probably outgrew his and I know _____________________ doesn’t have one,”

“They’re going to look adorable,” he grinned

“Make sure we have a camera snail,”

“Marco already has one exclusively for growing up pictures,”

“You spoil those two way too much,”

“I spoil everyone. Dads are suppose to be fun and moms are suppose to be strict,”

“This is going to be her first time seeing the ship and where you grew up,”

“Ace too. I can’t wait to bring them along. I’m thinking of kidnapping Garp’s brat and Sabo and convince Corazon to bring Law,”

“Bad idea,” said Flora, “Sengoku, remember?” he groaned

“Better not risk it,”

“Exactly. Though I need to kidnap her for a little while for Rayleigh. Every year she goes to their place for two weeks or so. I’m sure Shakky and him would love to pick out one of her kimonos,”

“He’s really attached to the little tyke. I’m surprised actually,”

“You have no idea; he actually kidnapped her for a month because I was too busy to return his calls about her coming over. He and Shakky really took to the little girl,”

“Alright, Rayleigh gets to buy one and I’ll see if Hancock wants to help her get the other,”


“Mhm, she has unsupervised visits now. That surprised me the most. I half expected _________________ to come home, spoilt rotten and acting haughty and being unbearable but Hancock is raising her right. I asked her and she says she has the same rules that she has at home with Hancock,”

“Even so, she has a strong bond with you all. She wouldn’t leave or change,”

“You’re coming with us, you know,”

“I know, if not you would have told the boys, then Jozu would come in with Marco and most like Kingdew, pack everything, and manhandle me to the ship,”

“Nah my new tactic would be to have Garp’s brat stay with you at the convent for a few days to “help”,”

“…Psychological and internal destruction of my convent and my food storage. You are a cruel man, Newgate,”

“I will always use force when necessary,”

Flora froze. The news hit her like a ton of brick. The reason why she was vomiting, felt nauseous and even why she wanted fondant potatoes, tuna with orange sauce, and marlin sashimi. She didn’t even like marlin. Her acute sickness was the reason why she was with Gold Pirates in the first place. She was on a recon mission when suddenly she started to violently wretch and literately needed someplace to vomit in peace. She was weak and carried out her mission and was almost spotted when she went to a ship to hide. She thought it was a merchant ship and didn’t realize until she as staring at Roger. She had no only fallen asleep but the moment she got up, she had to vomit again. He asked Crocus to check her out. It was then he realized exactly what was wrong with Flora. Crocus looked at her with a smile.

“So, do you know who the father is?” she covered her face

“I do,”

“It’s Newgate isn’t it?!” said Roger grinning from the door.

“How long have you been here?! And have you NOT heard of patient confidentiality?!”

“Shishishishi, Flora is going to be a mommy!”

“Shut it!”

“What is the little tyke Crocus?”

“A little girl,”

“Newgate is going to have a little girl?! Cute! You have to let me see her when she’s born!”

“Will do,” she said

“When are you going to tell him?

“As soon as we meet again and that could be weeks!” she said miserably. Roger gave a very knowingly look. She eyed him. She knew that look. That’s his signature “I’m-going-to-do-something-I-have-no-business-doing” look, “Don’t you dare!”

“We’re coming up on Atlas’s island. We were in the area anyway,”


“We have to get supplies,”

“You know DAMN well there’s nothing there!”

“I’m a senile old man,”


“I can be convinced if you join my crew,”


“Then suffer!” when they arrived, they saw Atlas’ crew who greeted them. During this time, many new up and coming pirates were starting their crews. Rumors had it that one of Atlas’s crewmates was thinking of going off on his own. Flora herself was going to take over the Flower Pirates when Blume retired. Many of these old dogs had enough to gracefully live out their lives and many chose successors or just passed the reins. In Roger’s case, he was self made and had a small crew but they were proving themselves more and more. He escorted Flora to Atlas, a large imposing pirate who was in alliance with the Flower Pirates for years. He was on his deck enjoying his sake and relaxing with his crew when he saw a familiar ship with a familiar idiot’s face but also a deadpanned face.

“Though I don’t want this grinning bastard near my ship, I’m surprised to see you here, Flora,”

“Oh umm…Roger brought me back. I got into a bit of trouble on the way,” she said looking away.

“Aye no worries then! We’ll get you back to Blume as soon as possible!”

“Thanks! I really appreciate it!”

“Since you brought Flora here, you can stay too, idiot,”

“Thanks Captain! We’ll be out as soon as we can! See you later, Florrie!”

“Go die!” the moment she was on the ship, many of Atlas’s crew took notice.

“Uh oh…oy Newgate, Flora’s here!” said one

“What did you do?!” said another

“The last time she was here with you, she almost gutted you for keeping her rosary for too long,”

“I mean she did leave it in his cabin, what did she expect?” Edward came out of the ship. He looked around and saw the smaller woman waiting.

“Florrie? Hadn’t seen you in awhile!” he studied her expression. Flora was surprisingly easy to read if you knew her. She looked a little flushed, embarrassed by the way she averted her gaze from him. She was fiddling with her hands behind her back, another sign she was nervous and this did not make sense to Edward, mainly because Flora wasn’t shy about anything she had to say to him and often gave him a tongue lashing when he deserved it, “Florrie? What’s the matter?”

“I have something to ask,” she shot a look at his crewmates, “In private,” the men ran for it leaving the pair alone.


“Alright, remember that night about a month or two ago?” Edward looked a little confused. She sighed, “the night Atlas and Blume raided that Marine base and we freed everyone and we had that big party and we decided to have some…“quality time”?” he smirked

“Yeah I remember that night…” he wrapped his large arms around her and kissed her cheek. She blushed badly before sighing.

“Well, you left a souvenir,” he froze, then stiffened. He looked at her. She looked embarrassed looking away, “I went to the doctor and I’m about two months along. I won’t be showing for another month or so I beliv—,”

“WE’RE HAVING A BABY?!” he swung her around and cuddled her close, “D-Do you know what it is?!”

“A little girl!” the look pure happiness was on his face. He then took her hand.

“Florrie, you know I’ll do the right thing by you! We can get married and sail the seas together!”

“Please, you’re too you to want to get married. Besides, you know I’m not—,” he took her hands into his and looked into her eyes. She was about to protest and he gently stroked his cheek with his finger. She pulled her hands away and looked away embarrassed, “Alright, alright you twisted my arm! Stop looking at me like that you weirdo!”

“I-I’m just so happy! I’m going to be a father! More importantly I’m going to have it with you!”

“Don’t say such things!” she said flustered and covering her face. He laughed and hugged her tightly

“You’re going to be a great mother!”

“I hope! As long as she make it to adulthood and take care of herself, I don’t care!”

“We have to have a tutor on the ship! And a small room just for her when she’s older,”

“And a playroom,”

“The entire ship will be her playroom! Every island will be a place for her to explore! She’s a kid after all! That’s how they become strong!”

“True…but we have something very important to discuss. She needs godparents,”


“Listen, I know we both are too stubborn to ever die or let anything happen to our child but things have happened. I want to make sure that if anything happened to us, she’ll be okay. We need someone whom we’ll know she’ll be watched over and protected in our absence,” both thought about this for a few moments and looked at the other. They knew their Captains were getting up there in age, either of them had living relatives. They knew countless of people who would fit the bill but they needed someone that would do the right thing by everyone, even if that person and them were an enemy or rival. They looked at each other. Flora spoke first.



“Let’s never tell him he was the first choice,”

“That’ll go to my grave,” the both chuckled at this, “It’ll go to his head enough, we don’t need it to be any bigger,”

“No, it doesn’t. Also…did you have any names you wanted?” he shook his head.


“I never gave it much thought but I have been thinking a lot the moment I found out,”

“Florrie…you don’t have to worry,”

“I know that! I mean…if you weren’t an honest man, I wouldn’t have told you anything…but this just changes a lot doesn’t it? Starting a family and crew this soon…with a baby already. I’m just scared. What if something happens on the ship and she gets hurt? What if WE get hurt! I don’t want her to see us die!” he gently brought her into his chest.

“Shhhh…she’s going to be okay. She’s going to grow up strong and we’ll be right there every step of the way to make sure she’ll be okay. We also have Blume and Atlas if we need help. She’ll be fine because she’ll have two of the most powerful people with her. Three including Roger. She’ll be okay, I promise,” she took his thumb and brushed the a tear from her cheeks.

“Damn it…I hate how you know how to make everything okay,”

“It’s my job as Daddy,” he grinned, “Come on, let’s something to eat. Any mood for anything?”


“You don’t like marlin…”

“I know I don’t. Proving this kid HAS to be yours,”

“Guararararara! That’s my girl!”

Chapter 25: Bonding


The Snake Princess and the Phoenix finds common ground

Chapter Text

Kuja City was a city ran by women, ruled by women, and no man in the entire world was foolish enough to enter without special permission from the Supreme Leader herself. There were a few exceptions such as Rayleigh, anyone from the Kamabakka Kingdom, and male children who wonder in looking for help of any kind. Everything in the city was scented and was utilized to make women feel comfortable with themselves and however they wanted to live. There were shops for everything with women clerks and workers and even a hospital where all women from anywhere can go to get treatments of all kinds in a safe, welcoming facility. Boa Hancock ruled her city with a gentle but iron fist. She made sure all of her residences were safe and happy. Because of her strong personality, only her sisters could read what she really meant most of the time and she liked it that way. She didn’t want to get too close to anyone. Many of the citizens loved their leader but many were intimidated by her until one day a new resident came to their city, well more like Hancock brought her into the city. Everyone was told to treat the little girl kindly but it wasn’t hard considering she was a very sweet disposition child.

“Miss Hancock!” Hancock smiled and scooped up the little girl into her arms. From the moment she was given permission to see her young charge again, Hancock had made it her duty to make sure that the girl was treated like a little princess from the moment she woke up and went to bed. It took a lot of grinding and convincing but soon Whitebeard let _________________ take for weeks if time allotted. This gave Hancock the freedom she wanted and needed to pamper the little girl all the time. She had her room specially made with a canopy bed, a bookshelf with books, a lot of beautiful and tailor made clothes, pens and paper, and she had a tutor to teach her when she stayed a week or more. But other than that, ______________________ had full range of exploring the town and the outskirts. The Kuja women were very nice to her and she always made sure she was home before sunset to help Miss Hancock with dinner.

“How were your lessons?”

“Great! Marigold taught me how to use the chui again! Then after that Sandersonia showed me where everyone trains! Miss Aphelandra was there and she wanted to teach me a few more things! But Sandersonia said that we can do that in a few days so I can practice better!”

“You really like your ribbon martial arts don’t you?”

“It’s so fun!”

“Are you hungry? It’s almost time for dinner,”

“YES!” she chuckled, “What are we having today?”

“I was thinking chicken fried rice. I need my favorite little girl to pick some herbs for me,”

“Okay!” after dinner was Hancock’s favorite ritual with her young charge. After dinner and some resting time, she and _________________ would take a bath together. _________________ loved it because she never got to take a bath with anyone at home. She loves when Miss Hancock washed her hair and when they got to just soak in the water. After their bath, she usually took her to her room and tucked her in. She was always so relaxed that she almost always went to sleep immediately after her story. Hancock loved watching her sleeping. The picture of innocence. She always just wished she would stay like that forever.

____________________ was up bright and early. Hancock was still sleeping but knew that as long as she stayed in the city, she would be okay. Everyone knew she was her young charge and knew that if anything happened to her, there would be hell to pay. Because _________________’s favorite pastime was exploration, she always found something to get into, whether it was the training areas or the shopping areas. But she was usually home by noon for lunch for lessons with Marigold and Sandersonia who were also fond of the little girl. Hancock wasn’t too worried and did her usual routine of freshening up and having breakfast ready for her. She decided to make lobster ravioli for dinner today, since __________________ found some fresh wild basil. She then started on her morning business and was just about finished when there was a knock on the door. She sighed and went to answer when she was greeted to the last person she thought she would see.

“Marco, what a pleasant surprise,” she said coldly

“We need to talk, yoi,” Hancock and Marco learned how to begrudgingly respect each other. Both were headstrong and neither of them wanted to back down from the other but they had one thing in common, ________________ growing up to be a well adjusted human being. Marco will admit that Hancock did give _________________ stability, having rules and boundaries just like they did but that still didn’t mean he wasn’t always nervous about the woman. Hancock’s feelings were mutual. If anyone knew the proper way to raise __________________ it was her! She raised the little one since she was five and considered her one of her own. She wanted nothing more than to protect her. But she knew that this family was the best for her. She rose to her full height.


“For New Year’s, we’re all going to Pops’ hometown for a few days,”


“We’re going to be in the Wano area and __________________ is going to need something to wear. We thought it would be a good idea for you to help her buy a kimono,”


“Yeah, especially since it’ll be snowing and cold this time of year. She’s going to need something cute and warm. We’re taking care of the family kimono for New Years, but she does need something for just walking about,”

“What are you asking, Marco?”

“I want you to take her to find something nice, Hancock,” she looked at him. He looked at her. The tension in the room was thick.

“Are you sure you’re not going to accompany us to make sure I can do a simple task like this?”

“I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t,” she was about to retort when the door opened.

“Miss Hancock! I’m back from—MARCO!” he grinned and opened his arms catching __________________, Hancock pursed her lips at the sight. It sickened her. Marco sat her back down, “What are you doing here?!”

“I had to ask Hancock something but I’ll be going,”

“Aww so soon?”

“Yeah, I was just in the area. I’ll come get you when you’re week is over,” he said.

“Aww but can you stay a little longer? It’s super far and you just got here!” Hancock didn’t like where this was going.

“It’s not up to me. It’s up to he—Hancock,” ____________________ looked at her with her large (e/c) eyes

“Please Miss Hancock?”

Hancock wasn’t exactly thrilled. Those big (e/c) eyes always got her. Now she was in the car with the last person she wanted to see with the one person she was always delighted to see. ___________________ sat in the front looking out of the window. She liked looking around Kuja because the whole place was just interesting but she hadn’t been this far out before. Marco was in the back, absentmindedly looking at his phone. Hancock. drove through the city, passing shops until finally stopping at a dress shop.

“Wow!!!” _______________ looked at the shop with both awe and curiosity. She’s never seen so many beautiful dresses and clothes before. The store smelt like fabric and it was nice and warm inside. Hancock grins at her.

“__________________ go and pick out two of the best shades of your two favorite colors and a print you really like, okay?”

“Yes Miss Hancock!” __________________ has never been in a dress shop before. All of the dresses were gorgeous and she wanted them all. They looked like some of the dresses in the books she read and she and Killer did have a standing theory that it was possible to fight in a gown without injury if it mid leg. Then something caught her eye. It was her two favorite colors but the print wasn’t very nice but she still grabbed it. She then searched for a print and that was pretty. She found cherry blossoms on a dress and immediately grabbed it. It reminded her of Sister’s necklace and that always looked pretty. She happily trotted back to the adults, “Oh? Did you pick out something?”

“Mhm!” she held out a pretty sakura blossom print with (f/c) trimming.

“Good eye!” she looked at it, “Come along,” she guided them to the counter, “Rain, I want you to make a kimono with this fabric for _______________________,”

“Yes Snake Princess!”

“She’s going to need the following, the under kimono, the kimono itself, and a hakama. Make it a dark color with cherry blossoms,”

“Yes Snake Princess!”

“Get her measurements,”

“Of course! Come along dear!”

“Coming!” Rain took her hand and guided her to the room. Marco could hold his silence any longer.

“Why did you order a hakama with her kimono? Wouldn’t that be cold for her?”

“I chose the hakama because she’s active and she loves to run around and the hakama would be the best for someone like her. And I know you don’t care if it’s for a male or a woman. Her brother is going to be wearing a hakama, why shouldn’t she? You did say casual. This is casual enough for someone who runs and plays but can be formal in case she’s meeting someone important and wants to look presentable. She’ll be extra warm because the kimono is long and the hakama is long so she’ll be okay from head to know. This will be easier to wash than an entire kimono. Therefore this one is perfect for her. Anymore questions or am I not competent enough to help her choose a kimono?” she glared at him

“Oh…okay. I was just wondering,” __________________ soon emerged and went to the pair.



“I have everything I need and it’ll be ready for her in about a two weeks, Snake Princess,” said Rain

“Make this your priority,”

“I-I would but I have a couple of order that I have to be finished within the week,” Hancock sighed.

“I can bring her when it’s officially ready,” said Marco, “That way you can finish your orders,”

“As long as it’s finished a week before New Years,” said Hancock. Rain sighed in relief.

“That’s doable. I’ll need her for a fitting so that’ll be perfect,”

“Excited for you kimono sweetie?” said Hancock

“MHM! I know it’s going to look amazing!” she grinned holding her and Marco’s hands, “Where are we going now?”

“Well, since you’re going to Wano and you’re going to be wearing a beautiful kimono, I’m going to make a kanzashi for your hair,”

“What’s a kanzashi?”

“It’s a fabric flower. I used to make them with my sisters when I was your age,”

“Can you show me how?! Please?!” Hancock chuckled

“I showed you already,” __________________ cocked her head.

“Really? When?”

“I’m surprised you don’t remember. It was when you were about—,” she stopped. The little girl looked up at her with a confused look. Hancock looked a little nervous. Memories came back into her mind of her did teaching her how to make them…out of pieces of her dress that she wore when she was…captured. She swallowed a lump in her throat.

“I think she’s mistaking you for someone else,” said Marco, “Right, Hancock?”

“R-Right, it was Sandersonia I taught, not you,”

“Oh! Okay!” she beamed.

“Heh, why are you smiling for little one?” said Hancock

“I’m just so happy!” she said grinning

“Oh? Why?” said Marco

“I’m with my two favorite people! And I get to learn how to make hair flowers! Maybe I can show my crew how to make them at our slumber party!”

“Crew?! What do you know about a crew!” Marco shook his head as ______________________ regaled her tale about how she protected her crew a couple of weeks ago. Soon it was getting late and time for dinner. Hancock decided to be civil once again to Marco.

“Well were about to have dinner and you do have a long trip back. Want to come in for dinner or something?”

“I’d like that. What’s on the menu?”

“Miss Hancock’s specialty, lobster ravioli! She always cooks in this herb to make it taste really good!”

“Basil, sweetie,” she said ruffling her hair, “And since you’ve brought back so much wild basil, I decided to put it to good use,”

“…so you cook,” said Marco

“Just because I have servants doesn’t mean I don’t,” she snapped

“I didn’t mean for that to come out that way,” he said, “Let me help,”

“I don’t nee—,”

“Miss Hancock, we’re out of ravioli sheets,” said ____________________. Hancock sighed. She was going to pick some up but forgot and it was HER turn to make dinner. She was about to as ________________ to go on a mission but she saw Marco and ___________________ whispering and soon he was putting eggs and flour on the counter and mixing it before he started kneading. He smiled at her.

“You know how to make pasta dough, kiddo,”

“Yeah but my hands are tiny!”

“All the reason you should practice,”

“…you can cook?” said Hancock watching him knead.

“MHM! Marco can do ANYTHING! Even though Thatch cooks everything but Marco knows everything about everything!”

“Not everything,” he chuckled, “But certain things,” after the dough was incorporated and smooth, he rolled it out as _____________________ cuts it into the ravioli pieces. Hancock stuffed them and boiled them before sautéing them. Dinner was ready just in time for Sandersonia and Marigold to come home. As usual, they were greeted to their little unofficial little sister. However they were both very surprised to see Marco back.

“What’s he—,” Sandersonia started.

“It’s alright, he’s a guest,” said Hancock, “He’s staying for dinner and then leaving,” After the table was set everyone sat to enjoy their meal. Marco’s presence used to be a tense presence for the three sisters but now he was seem as more or less a slight hindrance than a threat, “What did you learn today little one?” said Hancock

“Well, Marigold wanted to show me how to fight with a chui!”

“Again?!” said Sandersonia, “You know that thing is too heavy for her!”

“If we train her little arms now, she can be very powerful when she’s older!” Marigold retorted, “She has little girl arms!”

“She IS a little girl!”

“A strong little girl! She can handle it!”

“Yes, she’s strong for her age but she doesn’t need something to damage her joints! She’s just fine with a hundred pounds, not one hundred and fifty!”

“Shampoo from the other tribe can already do near one hundred and seventy!”

“That’s a completely different tribe!”

“Really you two,” said Hancock rubbing her forehead, “Marigold, go back to the one hundred pounds. All of that strain can’t be good for her. What else sweetie?”

“Sandersonia showed me how to extract snake venom!” Marco raised an eyebrow

“Oh how much did you two collect?”

“A lot! Then she showed me the medicine you can make with it!”

“She’s a natural at it. I’ve been showing her how it can be in medicine and in cosmetics. She’s very bright,”

“And that’s why Miss Hancock is so pretty! She uses snake venom because she’s the Snake Princess!” Hancock chuckles

“Please, my beauty is natural just like your cuteness,”

“’M not cute!” she said hiding her face, “I’m manly!”

“Manly? Please you’re as cute as a little garden snake!” Hancock pinched her cheeks.


“What do you do with the snake venom, kiddo?” said Marco

“Give it to Law! He likes making things with it! The rest is in my room,”

“…is it labeled?”


“Sweetie, always label things like that,” said Hancock, “You could accidentally poison someone who doesn’t know what it is! It’s not fatal if they drink it, but if it gets into their or even YOUR blood stream, it can be fatal,”

“I’m sorry! It’s in a special jar though!”

“It’s okay, just be more careful. It doesn’t matter. Accidents happen,” Marco made a mental note to get it out of her room the moment he gets home. After dinner, he decided to take his leave.

“Okay kiddo, I’m going on home,”

“Awww so soon?!”

“Mhm, don’t worry, I’ll pick you up in a few days,”

“Do you at least wanna tell me a Marco story? Please?” he considered it for a few moments but shook his head.

“No, it’s Miss Hancock’s time to visit you. I can tuck you in when you get home,” she nodded


“And I’ pretty sure Miss Hancock has a lot of stories that are just as good as mine,”

“Yeah! Miss Hancock has great stories!”

“See? Thank you for the meal, Hancock,” he said bowing.

“Anytime…” she thought for a few moments, “Sandersonia, Marigold get _________________ ready for bed and I’ll take Marco to the border,”

“Of course Sister-sama,” she said and scooping ___________________ up, “Come on cutie patootie,”


“You mean bratty brat,” said Marigold ruffling her hair

“Nooooo! Don’t call her a brat!” said Sandersonia

“Stinky brat, mini brat!”

“Noooooo! She’s a cutie patootie!”

She didn’t know HOW Marco made it from the border of the city to her place without detection but she wasn’t going to question it. All she did was get Marco into her car and they drove the ten miles. They were silent for a moment. She could feel his gaze on her as she drove. She glared and tried to ignore it. So far, he was one of the few men who didn’t succumb to her Devil Fruit. Either he was very strong or he had no interest in her whatsoever and because of whom he was and his reputation, she couldn’t tell which. But she knew she was tired of him glancing over at her.

“If you have something to say, then say—,”

“I just wanted to apologize for intruding on you like this, yoi. I didn’t mean to make it seem as though you’re not competent enough to take care of ___________________,” she was not expecting that, especially not from Marco, “I just want to make sure she’s always safe. I know I tend to smother her but…there’s so much shit in this world that I just want to make sure she sees the world with childlike innocence than her seeing the constant cold reality it is, yoi,”

“…I understand. Of all people, she deserves something like this for her,” she didn’t know why she said that. She glanced over at him. He was looking out the window. Did something happen to him as well?

“She does,”

“You have no idea,” they were quiet for awhile.

“I know you don’t owe me an answer but….did you know her before she came to the convent?” Hancock gripped her steering wheel.

“Yes but we were both completely different during that time. I’m not discussing this any further,”

“I don’t care how you were in your pasts, yoi. Everyone deserves a clean slate and a new beginning. If you and your sisters are happy, then that’s all that matters. Yes, I was worried about you and ________________ but it was only because you were blatantly trying to buy her from us. We didn’t buy her from anyone, why would we sell someone we love and care about,”

“I’ll admit, I was wrong in doing that. I just…wanted to be a part of her life again. Every day with her almost felt like I was escaping my Hell just for a few hours a day. I can’t thank her enough for that short time. I promised myself that the day I saw her again, I would treat her like a little princess until she died,” she looked away and wiped her eye, “I just want to make her happy and give her everything she deserves to be a strong lady,”

“I know and you’re doing very well. And I’m sorry that I made you feel so threatened about it,”

“So the great overprotective brother apologized again?” she smirked, “I’d thought I’d never see the day,”

“What right is right and wrong is wrong. The only reason why I came into your territory was because I was in the area and wanted to relay the message. Pops thought it would be a good idea for her three families to each buy her a kimono for New Years,”

“Her kimono will probably be ready by next visit but this means we can get her some cute things to wear. She’s fond of skirts and dresses,”

“And she’s adorable in them. But she does tend to get them—,”

“Muddy,” they both laughed, “I swear she attracts mud more than a boy. Then again, she’s always been like that. When she was younger, I had to quickly get her back inside, clean her up, and make sure she looked presentable again,”

“She loves exploring the woods. She has a knack for foraging. I think she loves the idea of collecting things and getting dirty at the same time. She’s a miniature pack rat,”

“Still collects rocks?”

“Mhm. We have them up stairs in the garden and courtyard. But we also have to make sure she’s not hoarding anything in her pockets. Between her and everyone else, we’re going to break that washing machine,” Hancock arrived at the border where Marco had parked, “That was a nice chat,” he said, “I’m sorry again for infringing,”

“It’s alright. Just fair warning, she’s going to be a little princess when she gets back to you,”

“And fair warning, Izo is going to pick her up and treat her like one from the moment she enter the threshold,”

“Poor thing. Just take a photo for whatever he does to her,”

“It’s a promise,” Hancock came home. She never felt so reassured in her life. She now knew that __________________ was in good hands. When she arrived, she was already asleep in her room.

“Welcome back sister!” said Sandersonia.

“Is everything okay?” said Marigold

“Everything is fine. Marco and I just had a long chat,” they looked a little worried, “No, no, we just found some common ground with each other. Did she finally go to sleep?”

“Yes!” said Sandersonia chuckling, “I didn’t know which story to tell her. I think I told her every one I knew so I told her about the second Amazon tribe. She seemed to like it,”

“I think she’s happy with just any one we tell her,” said Marigold, “She was disappointed that she couldn’t take her bath with you. We tried to make her feel better but she insisted that you bath with her,” Hancock smiled.

“We can take a longer one tomorrow. She has a million stories to tell and I tend to hear them all while she’s still young enough to bathe with me,”

Hancock washed the little girl’s hair. This was one of her favorite times of the day, taking a bath with _________________. It was a commodity and it happened every day since she did tend to get dirty from playing a lot. However for her, it meant a lot more. Because of some of daily duties when she wasn’t around, a nightly bath was something that helped her feel clean again. It was beginning to feel that even this wasn’t enough to make her feel clean. After scrubbing her down, they soaked together. The water now made her feel sick and weak. But she didn’t let __________________ see this side of her, her nasty side…her dirty side. They usually soak for about an hour before it was time for bed. She has only seen her young charge throw a temper tantrum once and only once and that was to have her Hancock sleep in her room and her sisters would sleep in the adjacent room so her Hancock wouldn’t be lonely. To appease her, the servants did it without questioning. Hancock knew it was a ploy because __________________ was more than capable being on her own. However…there were days, she feared for that little girl more than she imagine. Being taken for days, coming back covered in bruises and scars, vomiting, so frail and weak that the only thing she could was carrying her everywhere. The few moments they had at time, were outside. She loved being outside. She loved looking at the beauty of nature.

“She has frightened away almost every suitor. The brat is more useless to me more now. Every single as failed and now it’s more of an inconvenience having her around. I can’t just get rid of her,”

“I did to mine. She wasn’t even good for him. So as punishment for that amongst other things, he’s been in under my castle since,” Hancock was serving the men wine and food and was making herself scarce but couldn’t help but overhear the conversation.

“So she didn’t take to any of the experiments?”

“Not a one, she’s more of a disappointment than your son,”

“Heh at least she can produce an heir of needed and he has the stamina to hold her own against my other three sons. I was thinking of just giving her to one of them but after that defeat, she has way too many morals to want to help out a weak link. I don’t need emotions in my home,”

“That’s why we’re terminating and starting over. Can’t believe we wasted six years on a failed experiment,” Hancock froze. The only man laughed

“Just your luck every single one failed and you’re left with worst than nothing,”

“Whatever, I’ll deal with the problem later,” he grabbed and pulled Hancock’s chain. She whimpered, “More wine and see to it that our cups aren’t empty again you worthless cunt,” after the meeting she quickly went to check on _____________________. She was relieved to see her alive. She was sitting at the window of her room. She turned and smiled at her.

“Hi Miss—,” Hancock scooped her up and hugged her tightly before pulling her away.

“You’re okay, right? Please tell me, did anyone give you anything strange to drink? Do you feel sick? Are you okay?!”

“Mhm! I’m fine! I wanted to go outside but…Mother said no. But that’s okay! I get endless window privileges! Isn’t it amazing!” Hancock looked outside. She smiled and perched her in her lap.

“Yeah…it does,” they silently looked out of the window, enjoying the view. She was so quiet that she thought she fell asleep until she spoke again

“Miss Hancock?”


“…I know you’re not happy here…I know you don’t want to live here. I just hope I can be so happy so it can go to you so won’t feel as sad. I’m only pretending but the more I smile, the happier you smile. I hope it’s working. Is it? If not…I’ll smile more, just for you,” the woman looked at the little girl. She started to shake. Tears poured from her eyes as she hugged ___________________ tightly. She was shaking, she was sobbing hard. The little girl wiped her tears away. Hancock took her hands into hers.

“We need to get you out of here. I don’t care how long it takes, we have to get you out of this place,”

“But I don’t want to leave you! You need to be happy too!”

“Don’t worry about me! Just…don’t ever worry about me!”

“I have to! You’re like my mom! I’ve been reading a lot of stories and you act just like the kind ladies in the stories! Or maybe my aunt or big sister!”

“…I’m too young to be your mother, but no matter what, I’ll always be your big sister,” she hugged her tightly.

“I love you Miss Hancock,”

“I love you too little one,”

Chapter 26: Sugar Daddy


The Little Girls Learns a new lesson and gets confused.

Chapter Text

A man in an expensive business suit came to the Whitebeard home. He’s made the trip many times before and he always said it would be the last time but he knew he wasn’t. He sighed and knocked on the door. He straightened himself up. He was young man, around thirty and CEO of his company. He had everything going for him but he was also a very lonely man. He came at the usual time and the door opened. He looked down to see a little girl looking at him with large (e/c) eyes. He stiffened. She smiled.

“Hello! May I help you?”

“Er umm…yes, umm is your big brother in?”

“Which one?”


“Mhm—Oh are you Mr. Lin?!”

“Why yes! Is he in?”

“YES! He told me to bring you to his room! Please come in!” He’s been to the house before but most of the time it was empty. He didn’t know that Izo had a little sister. She guided him to the room, “Here we are!” she knocked on the door, “Izo! Mr. Lin is here!”

“Thank you, darling!” Izo came out in a back and red yukata with his hair down. Lin looked him up and down and grins.

“Make yourself comfortable Linny-chan. I’ll be there in a minute!” he looked at ________________ and ruffles her hair before taking but some money in his yukata, “Okay sweetheart, I need you to stay away from this room for a few hours, okay?”

“Yes Izo!” ____________________ kept herself busy and a few hours later, Mr. Lin came downstairs. She hopped up from her position to see him out because it was good manners Speed Jill always said. Mr. Lin smiled at the little girl and pats her head fondly.

“You’re such a sweet little thing! Here you go,” he went into his wallet and handed her twenty beli

“Oh wow! Thank you!” she beamed

“If you continue being a little sweetie, I’ll make sure you get money every time I come!”

“O-Okay! But are you sure?”

“Mhm, see you later kiddo,” he left and she went upstairs just in time to see Izo go into the bathroom. She trotted to her room and placed the money into her bank. She then peeked into Izo’s room.

“Darling come here!” she smiled and trots over as Izo snuggled her close, “Thank you for being a little joy today! You’re my little sweetie,”

“Mr. Lin is so nice! I didn’t know you had a boyfriend!”

“Boyfriend? Lin?! Pfft, no, no sweetie, he’s my sugar daddy,”

“What’s a Sugar Daddy?” Izo giggled.

“Well, a sugar daddy is a man who gives a woman or younger man money for dates and other things,”

“Oh! So you’re dating Mr. Lin?”

“Yes and many others but you have to keep this between us because I can only have my special dates when no one’s home,”

“Why not?”

“Oh just an incident that happened when you weren’t here. Don’t worry, everything is okay now,” and true to what he said, more and more mean started coming to the house asking for Izo and she would escort them in and escort them out. They all adored their little host and often gave her little presents. Mr. Tanaka worked in a town in East Blue and always brought back something cute and adorable for ____________________. Asa, a wolf man came to pick Izo up on Wednesdays and always brought sweets for always making sure Izo was ready at the time he came. Strain, a shark fishman arrived on Thursdays. For extra instructions, she was to leave the house and not come home until noon and Izo had to fast. For her cooperation, he always brought back cake for her and beli. Izo after his session always took a shower and took _______________ out someplace for them to hang out. Today, they went to a day spa. _________________ liked the day spa. Her favorite part was the hot mud bath where she and Izo would be in separate tubs and be neck deep in mud.

“Izo, do you like the people you’re dating?”

“Of course I do but like everything else I have to keep it professional,”

“Does everyone have a sugar daddy?”

“Nah, not everyone is cut out for that kind of life. You see, usually men who are lonely or too busy to find a wife or girlfriend or get bored in their marriage become sugar daddies,”


“Well some men, when they marry their wife out of convenience, especially noble families, they tend to not like their wives, so many of them try to find someone else just for some kind of attention. It’s usually an ugly or average looking man with an extremely beautiful woman. They care about their sugar babies and knows that if they keep them happy, they’ll given them sugar,”

“Sugar baby?”

“Mhm, a sugar baby is a sugar daddy’s companion, it’s a usually a young beautiful woman,”

“…are they made of sugar?” Izo chuckled

“No, sugar is what a sugar baby gives to her daddy,” ______________________ cocked her head.

“Sugar are services and things the man want and in return, the sugar daddy gives her everything she wants like clothes, jewelry, beli, anything they want,”

“Wow but why can’t the sugar baby just work for the things they want?”

“Oh sweetie it is work! A lot of work! As long as you keep your sugar daddy or sugar mama happy, they give you everything for you and your family. Hence why every now and then I get you those adorable dresses and Ace his video games,”


“See? Now I don’t want you to ever be a sugar baby. You have a good head on your shoulders and smart and sweet. You can use that head to get ahead in life because you’re clever. And you’re way too honest and adorable for this type of thing,”

“Oh okay!”

“With that being said, you need to do big brother a big favor tomorrow,”


“Tomorrow, I need you to be out of the house until three. I’ll give you some beli but you can’t return until then. Tomorrow is going to be a special day and I can’t have you being at the house,”


“Don’t worry, I’ll make it up to you sweetheart,”

_______________________ decided to venture out around Goa today. She didn’t mind going to Goa Kingdom, it was easy to slip in if you knew where to go. Izo asked her to stay away from home until three o’clock and she just wanted to see Goa for some reason. When she was about to leave, all of the men that usually come over arrived. They handed her beli and little gifts before going upstairs. She hid everything in the fox statue’s mouth and headed for Goa. She liked the outside of the city more. The people were nicer but Sanji and Zeff went in to get supplies and that was where she found small shops that people often overlooked, like a family ran tea shop that served tasty tea, a tiny used bookshop that had tons of books, especially comics for Ace and Luffy, and a place that had these beautiful dresses. She never goes in there. She decided to get some cake and ate happily and just people watched. Pops always said anyone could see more if they just watched. She always saw women dressed in beautiful clothes or pretty women dressed in plain clothes. The nicely dressed women often shoved anyone who didn’t look like them away. Same with kids. Some kids reminded her of Killer and Ace and kids who dressed like Sabo but nowhere near as nice would treat them badly. She didn’t like that. Even shop owners were like that. She always observed before making her way into a shop. Some shop owners were very nice, the bookshop in particular always had books on hand for her. Another bookshop was very mean to anyone who was dressed plainly. She didn’t understand it. She was just about finished with her cake when something caught her eye. Two people she’s never seen before was in town. She looked at the woman. She was super pretty, almost as pretty as Hancock. She was a tall and slim woman with straight, waist-length pink hair. She had dark brown eyes and wears red lipstick and smoking a cigarette. Next to her was a man that looked very gruff and scary. He was muscular with white-haired, with two cigars in his mouth. He was wearing a large thick white and blue jacket with greenish fur lining the neck, wrists, and hem. Many cigars are strapped to the jacket. Her eyes widened! She’s NEVER seen a sugar daddy with his sugar baby in public before! She cautiously followed the pair. She really was very pretty. But she was dresses really nice too! That meant he must REALLY take care of her. ___________________ decided to follow the pair at a distance. Maybe she can know what kind of sugar Izo was talking about.

“We have to cross through the market and get to the gate and then we either watch walk or call a car or something,” said the man, “Why can’t they love closer to the barracks?”

“They invited us. Since Belle live closer to Rossi, they wanted us to visit, especially since you didn’t come to her house warming,” said the woman

“How is her new place?”

“It’s actually very nice! The girls have their own rooms now. She even has a guest room for Rossi and his son,”

“That’s nice I guess. Can’t believe those two idiots are parents. Rosinante gets too attached to children,” the man grumbled, “To anyone to be honest,”

“That’s because he’s a big, clumsy kid,” said the woman, “Hina thinks it’s cute,”

“Thank god that boy is self sufficient. Rossi is a good man but he’s spacey,”

“Well it’s a good thing the boy isn’t directly Rosinante’s, we don’t need another one running around,”

“We could weaponize it,” the woman smiled a little, “Just put him with some pirates as a cabin boy and wait a few days. Rossi would have decimated that whole ship as a child,”

“You got that from Garp,”

“Still funny. By the way, you keep looking back. What’s wrong Smoker?”

“Some kid has been following is for the last fifteen minutes,” the woman glanced and although she didn’t notice at first with people everywhere, there was indeed a little girl following them as a very silent but close distance. They silently agreed to get this little bit in a semi secluded area so they could speak to her without looking as though they were about to interrogate her. They found a park, knowing they wouldn’t suspicious talking to a kid. They turned.

“We know you’ve been following us kid,” Smoker said leering at the little girl, who looked surprised but very excited, “What gives, runt?”

“I’m sorry! I just…it’s because I’ve NEVER seen a Sugar Daddy out with his Sugar Baby! It’s so cool! How did you two meet?!” Hina’s face went red and Smoker was at a loss for words.

“W-What did you say, sweetheart?”

“It’s because she’s your sugar baby! Izo told me that when a really pretty lady is with an older looking man, most likely she’s his sugar baby and he’s a sugar daddy! And since you’re very pretty, that means he takes REALLY good care of you!” the little girl said proudly. Hina and Smoker looked at the little girl as though she grew two heads.

“What the hell kid?!”

“Hina does not know what to say!”

“Is it true?!”

“NO! Damn it, where are your parents?!”

“My—,” she them realized something that she didn’t notice before. Their marine coats. She froze and backed away slowly. She didn’t know if they were nice Marines like Corazon and Bellemere or like Garp. They looked more like Garp…well one did. She gulped and ran for it, “SORRY!”

“Get back here kid!”

“Smoker let her—,” Hina watched Smoker ran after the little girl, “—go. Hina doesn’t know why she even bothers?” ____________________ ran for it, running and jumping and landing on buildings and things with Smoker in hot pursuit as she ran through Goa. She knew she had to get back to her town, where she could get someone to help her. She found the secret opening and squeezed through before high tailing it through the woods, following the river and getting back to familiar territory. She looked behind her and realized she was alone. She sighed and pants. That was closed. She gathered herself and managed to get back to her area and went to get home as fast as possible. She reflected on her encounter today. It looked like she lost the sugar daddy Marine in the process but he was fast. She let her guard down a little and headed for home. She had just passed Makino’s bar when she was grabbed from behind. She yelped in surprised.


“L-Let me go! I didn’t do anything!”

“Why did you run, kid?! If you don’t have anything to hide why did you run?!”


“Smoker let her go!”

“No! She’s guilty of something!”

“I didn’t do anything! Let me go! I wanna go home!”

“WE'LL take you home!”


“Stop squirming kid!”

“MAAAAAAARCO!!!!!” suddenly ___________________ saw familiar blue flames landed nearby. She immediately wiggled out of Smoker’s grip and ran to Marco, who emerged from an alley. She ran behind him and peeked from his legs. The trio stared at each other. Marco kept _______________ behind him.

“What’s the trouble?” Smoker was about to speak but Hina stepped forward, shooting him a glare.

“Forgive our intrusion. We didn’t mean to frighten her. Are you her guardian?”

“This situation feels more like an interrogation than a friendly enquiry,” said Marco

“Rest assured we’re not here to arrest or do anything to the one. We just want to know if you’re her guardian and nothing more,”

“Yes I’m one of her guardians, I’m her older brother. What happened?”

“Listen we were just in the area on some completely different business when your little sister followed us, pretty well I might add because it took a long time before we realized she was following us. We were more inclined that she was spying on us. It’s the reason she fell under the suspicions of my partner. Then when we…inquired as to why…well I think it’s best that she told you,” Marco raised an eyebrow and looked at _________________.

“What happened kiddo? Were you following them?” she nodded, “Why?”

“Oh! Well I thought Mr. Smoker was Miss Hina’s sugar daddy!” Marco looked at her. Smoker grumbled and Hina kept a stoic face. Marco looked dumbfounded.


“Izo told me whenever you see a very beautiful woman with a not so handsome man it’s because she's his sugar baby!”

“…did Izo tell you what a sugar baby was?”

“MHM! A sugar baby is a pretty young woman or young man who gets paid to be with a sugar daddy!”

“…pay how?”

“With sugar! Lots and lots of sugar!”

“Sugar like what?”

“Kissing and dates and under the table and behind the door things! I don’t know what that means but every time someone visits Izo they come back REALLY happy!” Marco’s face went red.

“My apologies Hina. She didn’t mean what she said. She doesn’t know,”

“What about me?” said Smoker

“What about you?”

“None taken,” said Hina, “Hina and Smoker will let this go. We know who you are but we don’t know the business you have here and we don’t want to know. We know this is a complete misunderstanding and wanted to make sure she got home safely,”

“Thank you for bringing her back. I have an idiot to sort out. ____________________ you need to apologize to Miss Hina for calling her a Sugar Baby. She’s a Captain and does not deserve that type of stigma,” she nods and bows.

“I’m sorry Miss Hina,”

“Hina accepts,” she sharply nudges Smoker. He grumbled.

“Sorry for grabbing you kid,”

“I-It’s okay Mr. Smoker!”

“And to show no hard feelings,” he flagged down a man selling ice cream and bought one. She looked at Marco. He nodded. She gratefully took it.

“Thank you Mr. Smoker, Miss Hina,” Marco watched the pair leave before he guided her back towards the alley and transformed. She grinned and climbed on. Marco flew around and landed at home. He knew that if anyone knew where they lived it could mean trouble. He circled throwing anyone off track before landing in front of the house. She looked at him.

“Am I in trouble?”

“No, but Izo is. Is he at home…with someone?”

“Mhm! Izo told me today was orgy day and to stay out of the house until three!” Marco frowned, took some wax from his pockets, and placed it in her ears before they went inside. She couldn’t hear a thing as Marco made the gesture of her staying on the couch downstairs as he went upstairs taking out an air horn. __________________ couldn’t hear anything as she perched at the front door and Marco going to Izo’s room, breaking open the door and blowing the air horn. She watched as ten men ran from the room, many of them covering their privates as they gathered their clothing and ran towards the door. She happily waved them goodbye.

“Bye Mr. Lin! Bye Mr. Tailor! Bye Mr. Asa!” She was about to take the wax out of her ears as Izo ran downstairs. She covered her eyes because she saw that his kimono was falling off. Marco was chasing after him. Then she saw Thatch and Vista coming home. Both grabbed Marco as Izo ran to the door and hid behind Jozu who was right behind him. Marco was shouting something. Thatch and vista then noticed her on the couch watching all of this unfold. They let him go and Jozu moved to the side as Marco ran after him again. Later that night, Marco tried to explain the best he could about everything.

“So you’re saying that it’s NOT okay to be a sugar baby?”

“No, it’s not for everyone. Some people it works for some people it doesn’t but that does NOT mean that if you see an attractive woman with a not so attractive man they’re in a sugar relationship!”

“I’m sorry!”

“I’m not mad at you kiddo, I’m more mad at Izo for telling you all of this. You’re too young to know this and of course you would assume that. Listen, relationships are a strange thing but you’re too young to know about a sugar daddy and sugar baby relationship. What Izo said is true but don’t automatically think that about people you see,”

“Yes Marco,” he sighed

“Good, listen, we all need to talk to Izo AGAIN tonight, so I’m going to need you to eat in your room tonight,”

“Okay!” he kisses her forehead. That night she and Ace had pizza in her room.

“I don’t know WHAT you did but if it means getting pizza in our rooms like this, do it again,”

“I still don’t fully know what’s going on!”

Corazon and Bellemere were laughing so hard that they were holding onto each other. Hina and Smoker did not look amused and just downed their drinks. The four friends had a very unlikely friendship that no one could really understand other than all four smoked like chimneys and they were all cadets at the same time. Bellemere and Corazon invited their two good friends to dinner and drinks to catch up and when they were told the story about their strange encounter with a certain little girl, they pair lost it.

“To be a fly on the wall for that!” said Bellemere

“See this is why we don’t tell you idiots things!” said Smoker

“I-I’m sorry but I’m just trying to picture you as a Sugar Daddy!” said Corazon

“Fuck if anything, Hina would be the Sugar Mama and Smoker the Sugar Baby!” this caused the pair to laugh even more, which earned them both a clobber from the pair.

“Hina swears this is why she never tells you anything,” said Hina pouring herself some more wine.

“Poor ___________________ was probably fascinated by you two since you two just came into town,” said Corazon rubbing his head

“Damn brat,” said Smoker and downed his beer.

“Was that the infamous _________________?”

“One in the same,” said Bellemere, “The kicker of Garp and the best friend of Law,”

“She’s a bad influence if you ask me,” said Smoker

“She’s just a child. She didn’t know any better,” said Hina, “I think it’s sweet, she’s filled with innocence,”

“She has the potential of being a great Marine if she applies herself,” said Bellemere, “But that kid does her own thing which may not include Law showing her how to do things. Most kids are supposed to be freaked out by guts, Rossi,”

“Hey! She still does I think!”

“She and Law were dissecting frogs the other day. The smell was horrendous,”

“Speaking of Law, have you given him the cadet talk?” said Smoker, “He’s almost the age to start training,”

“Well…Law still doesn’t particularly care for Marines,” said Corazon lighting another cigarette. Bellemere dumped water on him and lit one herself, “I don’t want to force him either,”

“He knows you’re a Marine captain, right?” said Hina. He nodded, “So he’s dissociated himself from you being the very thing he hates. Interesting,”

“That and he wants to be a doctor. I think he’s more suited for that and I encourage him every stop of the way,”

“Marines needs ship doctors,” said Smoker ordering another round, “What about your girls Belle?”

“Heh, Nami is way too much like me. She’s on the other side of the law but she has a good head on her shoulders. She wants to be a navigator. Nojiko, well, I think she wants to just do her own thing. They look up to Law and they’ll probably do whatever Law wants to do,”

“That’s what I’m afraid of. We don’t need another generation of fuckin’ pirates,”

“Nami hates pirates, especially after that episode with Arlong. I just hope it didn’t extend to fishmen,”

“Well it’s going to take a lot of well…guidance. What happened was a traumatizing experience,” said Hina

“Law got her tattoo off and her entire personality changed. She still has nightmares though but we’re working through that,”

“Good. Hina’s glad, just remember if you need any more help, just let us know. But speaking us, Rossi, your brother,”

“He’s good! I promise! He’s not doing anything…unsavory like he was. I’ve been keeping a close eye on him with unexpected inspections and drop ins,”

“What about those damned maids?” said Smoker

“What about them?” said Bellemere, “Just some maids right?”

“Those maids are all killers in their own rights, some of them were involved in some shit that even the CP9 wouldn’t touch. They’re a branch of their own and when their services were no longer needed, they were let go and Doflamingo snatched them up,”

“Still doesn’t make sense,” said Hina, “If they’re as bad as you say they are, why would they even follow Doflamingo or even be maids to him. Is it blackmail?”

“No, the maids…they’re just…well the maids. There’s no way to describe them. All I know is that they keep everyone in the Doflamingo family in line. Doffy doesn’t have to do much. I think it’s because he doesn’t really care what they do as long as they get the job done. He doesn’t even call them by their given names; they’re called by their codenames,”

“Interesting, what do they look like?”

“Well, they look like normal everyday women. That’s the terrifying part. I heard Vergo tried to step up to them, demanding them that they refer to him and respect him as Mr. Vergo and Vergo-san. Didn’t end well,” Corazon downed his drink.

“…what did they do?” said Bellemere

“Beat the living tar out of him. They only stopped when Doffy stepped in. But that’s what I just heard but I don’t think they mean harm, they have their own moral code and Doffy in his weird way, respects it,”

“Tch, still kep an eye on him,” said Smoker

“At least he takes his Shichibukai duties seriously,” said Hina sighing, “Someone tell Hina some not work related news,”

“Law is making friends! I’m just so happy about that!” said Corazon happily, “I mean it was touch and go because for the longest time, he has such a hard time connecting with other kids! Now he has tons!”

“With that damn girl,” said Smoker

“Oh leave her be. If she’s getting Law out of his shell, it’s okay,” said Hina chuckling

“At least you didn’t get a kick to the face,” said Corazon

“Hina would have liked to have seen that. It would have made up for all of the Fists of Love,”

Vergo was about to get up when a boot slammed down on his face. He was surrounded by five women all wearing the same maid uniform. The unofficial leader had his boot slammed into his face and the force alone was enough to keep him down. The other four looked casually at him.

“What should we do with him?” said the maid from above. She was a dark haired woman and ice blue eyes. She was Lesser, “He did fuck with Corazon,”

“Hmmmm I say we slice off his arm and make him eat it,” said Cook. She was the tallest with green eyes and auburn hair and tanned skin. Her arms were thick from using her cleaver to hack through things.

“Didn't we do that last time?” said Perv

“My favorite method,”

“I say we hold him under water with a belt around his neck and make bets to see which he'll die from first,” she chuckled.

“Nah, if I wanted to see him strangled I would have done it myself,” said Lesser

“How about we take turns on him them flay him to death? We hadn't done a good flaying,” Dom was big and busty no matter what she wore, it accented anything she was wore and the maid outfit was no exception. She had dark hair,

“It-It’s m-messy! I'll have to clean!” Cleaner was the mousey one who wore big thick glasses, had large dark eyes, dark skin, and dirty blonde hair. She was the quietest of the group and often clung to Lesser, who didn’t seem to mind, “Can’t we just have Lesser crush his skull?”

“Hey yeah! We hadn’t seen that in awhile!” said Cook

“This is going to be awesome!” said Perv, “It took her three minutes the last time to crush a man’s skull!”

“Let’s go for two,” said Lesser, “Cleaner, time me,”

“On it!” Lesser started pressing harder on his skull. Vergo struggled feeling his skull being crushed. He could feel something pop as Lesser kept going as the other maids cheered her on.

“Fufufufu, that’s enough girls,” said Doflamingo from upstairs, “Leave him alone, he’s learned his lesson,”

“Got off lucky,”

“Okay Boss!” said Cook

“Coming upstairs Boss,”

“Call a doctor,” said Doflamingo

“Okay,” said Perv

“Cleaner, be a dear and clean up this mess,”

“Yes Boss,” she cut Vergo loose and flung him over her shoulders as they all headed upstairs from the cellar. Doflamingo couldn’t help but smirk. Those damned maids really did have a hard on for his brother.

Chapter 27: Lessons


The Little Girl learns more lessons about life

Chapter Text

“Hey Shakky! I found a stray kid near the convent, wanna spoil her rotten?” _________________ heard a chuckle from inside.

“I don’t know, I mean I have a nice warm bed, hot (favorite food), and lots of cake in the bar,” she heard other voices, mainly groaning, “I just have to clean up this mess in here,”

“Are you gonna do the Sarsaparilla toss?!” she said excitedly

“Mhm, just stand back you two,” Rayleigh picks her up and moved to the side as one by one five men were tossed out and landed at the bottom of the hill. When the last man landed a woman emerged from the bar. She was a slim and tall woman with short black hair, with two tufts pointing upwards. She immediately ran to her.


“HEY! C’mere you!” _______________ ran into the woman’s arms as she lifts her up, taking her inside, “Look at this little weed that’s come into my bar,”

“I’m not a weed!” she pouted

“Hmmmm wait, wait I should say Captain,”

“You heard?!”

“Mhm, I’ve been hearing rumors about young girl who saved her classmates from some very bad people. Then again I’m not surprised, I heard you’ve gotten a lot stronger since we’ve last met. Then again, I hadn’t seen you since you’ve been adopted,” _________________’s eyes widened. Has it been that long?!

“I’m sorry!”

“Oh honey it’s okay! I know you’ve been super busy and you were settling in!”

“Kind of! But I REALLY missed you and Grandpa,”

“I know and we miss you terribly,” she started taking out bowls and things for ice cream. Shakky always made the best sundaes, “How are things? I hadn’t seen you since you were a little ankle biter,”

“Since? She’s still an ankle biter,” said Rayleigh picking her up

“Mean!” she giggled and wiggled out of his grip, “But you know everything Shakky!”

“Do I?”

“Mhm! I bet you can tell me everything you know about me!” she gave her a knowing look.

“Hmmmm let see… you go ribbon twirling every day but you’re currently on break. You’re friends with four girls from noble backgrounds. One in particular is a princess from Alabastor. One is a noble whose father is a very well off businessman who lives on an island not too far away. The other is a girl whose past I can’t seem to find any information and the last one is just as mysterious but her family is the attendant to the previous girl’s family. They’re close in that since,”


“Well, it’s complicated by years ago, there was a practice where noble families had servants but the servants were families of servants and usually if they’ve been in service for years or more, they consider them family. The practice died out but some are still close to this day. It’s not an obligation or a job at that point,”

“Ohh like close friends!”

“Yes, something like that! Speaking of, I know but I also know you’ve been making a lot of friends outside of your classes,”

“Yeah! You already know about the girls! Around home there’s Sanji, Law, Killer and Kid…kind of,”


“Yeah he’s a jerk! But he and Killer are brothers! They came from a far place and talk kind of funny but Killer is really nice to me! They live on a small island where not many people go to. They live alone but Miss Ribbon takes care of them by bringing them food and making sure they’re okay! Killer is so cool! He knows a lot of things and loves playing the drums! Kid and I found a set at the dump and we fixed it and cleaned it up for him. He was so happy! Sanji is training to be a chef at the Baratie! His dad is the head chief! His name is Zeff. He’s really nice but he doesn’t like me in the kitchen when everyone is cooking. I came in once and he was screaming and saw me, covered my ears and guided me in the house area and got me cake! He knows a lot about cooking! He can speak fluent French! He said that he came from a place where everyone spoke it a lot! Ace is teaching me but Sanji says I can pronounce things right! Law is super cool! He has a devil fruit! He can make this weird space called a Room and operate on anything without hurting anyone!”

“The Ope Ope No Mi?”

“YEAH! How do you know?!”

“There’s a book with all known Devil Fruits that’s been recorded. It was a good read. You can have it if you like,”


“Mhm, tell me more about your friends,”

“Oh! And he’s super smart! Like he has these big thick boring books in his room and he’s always reading them. But he stops when I come over and we go play! Mr. Corazon says it’s good for him to do out and play more. He has two sister, Nami and Nojiko! He doesn’t like to admit but he really likes them or Miss Bellemere!”

“Wow, looks like you have a lot of friends. What about Ace, Luffy, and Sabo? Aren’t they friends?”

“Well that’s different! Ace is my brother! My cool awesome big brother but Law is my best friend! We hang out all the time and he usually gives me advice. Ace usually runs off with Luffy and Sabo and not come back home until around dinner. Then we play video games together and Luffy goes back home with Magra and Sabo goes too but sometimes he goes off on his own,”

“Do you hang out with your brothers?”

“MHM! When I don’t have ribbon practice, Ace takes me along hunting with them! He tells me to forage because I made friends with the animals and he says that’s a liability but we go fishing. He tries to keep Luffy away from water because he’s a Devil Fruit user too!”

“You really have a ragtag team of friends. I’m proud of you,”

“You are?”

“Mhm, friends are very important for development, especially for a young girl. And it looks like you’re introducing your friends to your new friends, that’s good,”

“Yeah! Luffy likes Law and Sanji! Ace and Kid…they hate each other. Sabo, Zeff, Thatch, and Vista called it a pissing contest. Sanji and Sabo are friends and that makes me happy because they’re really alike! Killer and I usually hang out alone or with Law. It’s so much fun!”

“That’s good! So let’s celebrate with this delicious sundae,”

“YAY!” Shakky went into the cupboard and looks around and looked a little disappointed.

“Oh, I forgot to get to the chocolate for some sauce. _______________ be a dear and get some for us,”

“Okay! Anything else?”

“Hmmmm how about some cheesecake and some potatoes,”


“Mhm, I was going to go fishing later and I need my fishing buddy,” said Rayleigh. She beamed and ran to the door

“Okay! I’ll be right back!” she grabs her coat and ran out. Rayleigh chuckled

“She has her entire life all figured out. And of course she wants to tell us everything,”

“That’s because we’re her cool grandparents. She’s a bundle of energy, I love it,” Shakky went under the table and pulls out a large trunk. Inside was a beautiful blue and purple kimono with a bunny print on it, “It’s almost finished, I just need a few finishing touches on it,”

“You really outdone yourself, hon. It’s gorgeous. Can’t believe you went through the trouble,”

“I know but some patrons had some fabric that they didn’t want to part with. I thought a few little girl clothes could made with it,” Rayleigh laughed

“I think she’s happy with anything that isn’t a nun’s habit,”

“I think Hancock is on to something with the hakama. With the way she runs, it’ll be better than a skirt and freer than pants,”

“Can’t believe that’s the same little girl at times. I remember when she first came here. She hid behind my leg and refused to come out,”

“She didn’t even say much. I didn’t think she would ever be okay. But there’s nothing food and love can’t fix. She warmed up to me but it took awhile and I’m glad,”

“Well you as a likable woman,”

“Now, now you’re making me blush,”

“I can make you do other things,”

“Tonight, tonight, I don’t think we want her to walk in one us doing it,”

“True!” Rayleigh laughed.

________________________ smelt something delicious as she got to the secret stairs to Shakky’s bar. She’s smelled things before on the island but usually it came from Shakky or Grandpa but this was something different. Something savory and mouthwatering. She followed the scent to the ocean. She saw a fishman making something on the shore with what looked like a young boy. She got closer cautiously but curiously and saw that he was an octopus fish-man with six arms and two legs. He had pink skin and grey hair styled with five spikes. He had a muscular build and has suction cups on his six arms and had a tattoo in the shape of a sun on his forehead. He was flipping over something with a toothpick. The boy next to him looked eager about the food. He was a skinny boy with long, unkempt brown hair with large and round eyes. He was beaming at the food. He had on a dirty, short-sleeved collared shirt, which he wore under dark overalls and a smudge on his cheek. It was about noon and she noticed a boat on the shore and very small camp. The octopus man gave the boy where the smell was coming from and he happily gobbled them up. The man looked nervous and kept glancing up the hill.

“Hatchi, you really outdone yourself!”


“Finally work up the nerve?”

“Hey!” he looked down, “No…” the boy was about to say something when he heard rustling and then saw a girl looking at them. The boy stood up and stared at __________________ who took a step forward.

“I come in peace but I have a simple request!”

“State your business!” said the boy standing in front of the octopus man, “W-What do you want?”

“Whatever you’re cooking! It smells delicious! Please!”


“Come over then!” she scampered over as the fishman placed a few of the balls on a carton and passed it to her, “Careful, they’re still hot,” she nodded and blew on one before popping it into her mouth. She munched.

“IT’S GOOD!” she popped another into her mouth.

“It’s takoyaki,” said the boy

“It’s so good! I’ve never had this before! What’s in it?”

“Thanks!” said the fishman grinning at her, “It’s my own recipe made of octopus!” She froze.


“NO! NO! Of course not!” the boy started laughing, “I’m an octopus man not a regular octopus!” she sighed in relief, “I didn’t mean to scare you! Forgive me for being so nervous! I hadn’t been in this area since I was no taller than the two of you,”

“Why are you here?”

“Some old friends of mine live on that hill and I need their help but…I’m not even sure if they’re still up there or if they want to see me,”

“Who is it?”

“My friends Shakky and her husband Rayleigh,” __________________ beamed!

“Yeah they do! I was just heading back up there!”

“You know them?!”

“Mhm! They’re my grandparents!”

“I didn’t even know they HAD kids! Wow! Let’s go!” she helped the two pack up and guided them to the less step staircase. She ran ahead of them and knocked.

“Shakky! Grandpa! I found someone!”

“Oh? Who?” said Shakky, “Do I need to go out there?”

“Nah uh! He’s really nice! He says he knows you!” she opened the door, getting ready to pull _________________ and beat the living shit out of anyone who would deceive or use her granddaughter to cause trouble but she immediately soften when she saw a familiar face and suction cups.

“Hatchan! What a surprise!”

“HEY!” they embraced, “Long time no see!”

“It has hasn’t it? I’m sorry for not visiting as much as I should,”

“No, no come on in! What brings you here?”

“I’m sorry for coming out of the blue and short notice but…well, Fisher asked if I could get some school books for our young charge? Fisher and humans don’t really and told me to handle it and I don’t want to let him down. We’ve been to five islands within the last few days and well—,”

“Say no more, we have the best person for the job,” said Shakky glancing over at ________________, “You have you mission captain!”

“Okay!” Hatchin gave her the money, “What do you need Mr. Hatchan?”

“No, no please Hatchi! And well, we’ve never homeschooled a human before and we literately don’t know where to begin and we’re just well lost,”

“Leave everything to me!” she grinned and smiled at the boy, “Ready?”

“Want me to tag along?”

“Mhm! And I think they have some adult catching up to do. No worries, this shouldn’t take long!” they boy nodded and they were soon off to town. They were silent for a few moments. He glanced over at the girl who was absentmindedly walking.

“Hey…ummm were you adopted by fishmen too?”

“Umm no why?”

“Well, many of the places we go, people don’t seem to like fishmen or run away to alert everyone they know. You didn’t,”

“Why? They’re regular people right?”

“Yeah! But…people are usually afraid or hate fishmen!”

“I don’t see why. They’re pretty cool! One of my brothers is a fishman! He’s really smart and usually teach me how to go into stealth mode. He says being able to walk around without being noticed in plain sight is a good skill to have. He’s also teaching me to swim because no one in my family can really do that anymore,”

“Ohhhhh okay! So why did your mom send you to get the books?”

“Shakky is my grandma!”

“She’s WAY too young to be a grandma!”

“That’s what she says! That’s why I call her Shakky! It’s because I’m homeschooled at home too! So I know what you need! So we have to buy a lot of books so you can learn all the time! Knowledge is the best and great thing you can have that no one can take away from you. At least that’s what Kingdew always says,”

“Is you another brother?!”


“How many brothers do you have?!”

“About sixteen!”

“That’s a lot!”

“So do you! You’re on a ship with a lot of brothers!”

“But they’re not my brothers,”

“Do they take care of you?”


“Watch over you?”


“Teach you things?”


“Pick on you and tease you but really nice later?”


“Then they’re your brothers!” the boy grinned and followed ___________________ all the way to the bookstore. The shopkeeper gave them a smile as she went to the educational books. The boy watches her grabbed multiple books on math, history, languages, writing, grammar, navigation, and reading. She then froze.

“Y-You can read, right? I don’t want to make any mean comments!” the boy snorts

“Yes I can. I know it doesn’t look like it. I wasn’t allowed to but Hatchi and Fisher Tiger wants me to,”

“Is he your Dad? Fisher Tiger?”

“Yeah! He adopted me and the greatest person ever! He saved me from a bad place and I can’t thank him enough for that. Some of my family left but…as long as I’m with him, I’m okay with that,”

“That’s great! I’m glad you’re happy with your family! I got adopted last year and I love my family too,”

“Are you a noble?”

“No, why?”

“You kind of look like one but you’re way too nice to be one. Do we have to just get school books?” _________________ looked at the books she got for his lessons. She grinned and guided him towards the fiction books.

“Weeeeeeeeeell technically all books can teach you something! So if you find a bunch of books you just want to read for no reason, I don’t think I can stop you or object to it,” he giggled and started rummaging through before tossing a few inside. They checked a few things out. The boy eyed that she had some comic books. Once outside, she gave them to her

“For me?!”

“Mhm, Hatchin said you needed school books so we kept that promise buuuuuuuuuuuuut I bought some comics that I really didn’t want so I’m giving them to you,”

“WOW! Thank you! They’re huge!”

“Yeah! They’re Omnibus comics. There’s like three comics in one so it’ll take you awhile until you can get to the next place you’re going. I hope you like them! My brothers like this one, it’s about a monkey boy who’s traveling with a girl or something. The other one is my favorite, it’s about a girl who used to be a duck, who’s now a ballerina, trying to find the pieces to a prince’s heart. The last one is a friend’s favorite, it’s about a mermaid who’s travels from island to island with her android as a traveler, stays for three days to learn something from the island and leaves! It really makes you think, but then again, Law likes to think a lot,”

“…I can’t wait to read these! Thank you!” the boy watched as she packed all twenty books into a cloth and strapped it to her back, “Are you sure you can carry all of—,” he watched her walk normally as _______________ cocked her head, “Never mind,” back at home, the pair ran through the door, books in tow.

“We’re back—wow! That’s a beautiful kimono!” said ___________________

“I’m glad you like it,” said Shakky, “Now come put it on so I can put the finishing touches on it,”

“YOU MADE THIS FOR ME?! WOW!!! THANK YOU SHAKKY!” she ran and hugged her knees. The boy looked at her with shock and awe.

“You ARE a princess!”

“No I’m not!”

“No regular person gets to wear something that gorgeous!”

“Well, she’s going to her father’s hometown and this is her formal kimono. I know it looks darling on her. But ________________ is in no shape or form a princess,”

“Not in the royal sense at least,” said Rayleigh laughing.

“And don’t worry!” said Hatchan, “You have new clothes too! Fisher has been getting them made for the last few weeks! Jinbei is going to pick them up since he’s in the area!”

“Y-You guys got me some clothes?”

“Fisher told me to not say anything. PLEASE act surprised when you see them! Yeah! Just like that!” the boy was sobbing and wiping his face as he hugged him tightly.

“I-I don’t deserve them!” he said sobbing

“Oh sweetie don’t cry!” said Shakky hugging him, “And of course you do! You’re a part of the family therefore you’re family,”

“Yeah! Don’t worry!” said Hatchan but please promise you’ll look surprised! Fisher has been making sure everything goes off without a hitch!” he nods and wiped his eyes. Rayleigh was looking at the books carefully.

“Nice selection, even comic books,”

“Oh! Before I forget! Here’s your change Mr. Hatchan!” said ________________, “The comic books were gifts so please don’t get mad!”

“You kiddin’? We’re at sea for weeks at a time! This will be enough to keep boredom away! Thanks! Seriously Shakky I can’t thank you all enough!”

“You’re most welcomed! You want to stay for the night?”

“Nah! We should hurry back! Fisher gets worried because…you know,”

“Understandable. Don’t be a stranger now,”

“Don’t worry! We’ll come visit again!”

“Awww! Well at least we got to hang out!” said _________________ grinning at the boy, “I hope we get to meet again!”

“Definitely! I hope I can stay longer next time!”

“Next time I hope you can meet my brothers!”

“I want to! They sound cool! And maybe I can show off my dresses!” she cocked her head

“Wow! You wear dresses?! If I try to get Ace to wear one, he would kill me! You’re the first boy I know who wears dresses!” Hatchan and the boy froze. The boy reddened.

“I’m not a boy!” _________________ looked at the boy closely. He took rag and wiped his face. She covered her mouth and bowed over and over again.

“I’m so sorry!”

“How did you not know?!”

“You don’t look like a girl!” the adult laughed. The girls hugged and parted ways. Hatchan claimed that as soon as she got back on the ship, she needed to be her new clothes immediately.

“Don’t feel bad, ________________,” said Shakky, “It was an honest mistake,”

“I mean, if I knew! I would have asked if she wanted to try on my kimono. It made me feel special, I know it would make her feel the same way,”

“That’s very kind of you sweetie,” the clock chimed four, “And I think it’s a bit late for you and Rayleigh to go fishing. I’ll cook up something after I get this kimono fixed. Do you like it?”

“It’s beautiful! I meant that with my whole heart! But it’s different from the one that Miss Hancock is making for me,”

“That’s because this is a formal kimono. You have to wear it during special occasions only,”

“Aww but it’s so pretty!” she said

“I know. But if you’re a good girl at Sphinx, I may have enough fabric to make you more pretty things,”


“Maybe a few more hakamas,”

“Thanks Shakky!” she said grinning, “How many kimonos do I need?”

“Three. One for everyday wear, a family kimono where you’ll wear when you’re with everyone in the family, and a formal one for meeting special people and attending special ceremonies,”

“I hope I made a good impression!”

“Oh you will! You’re a smart and adorable young lady,”

“Thanks! I’m just glad I can be pretty AND strong!” she said grinning, “Izo said there’s nothing wrong with being pretty and wanting to be strong like everyone else!”

“That’s a very good lesson. And you’re clever and that’s a very good skill to have in life,”

“But I’m nowhere near as clever as you are! If anything I want to be clever like you, strong like sister, and pretty like Miss Hancock!”

“Don’t be like us, be the best you you can be that’s right for you. Bt my advice is always have information. Knowledge is a great weapon that many people would kill to know or die to keep. When you have that sort of power, you can rule the world or make a profit,”

“I’d rather make a profit,” said __________________ grinning

“I’ve raised you too well,” she said laughing, “You don’t want to rule the world?”

“Nah. It seems to be doing fine without messing with it. I don’t want to rule the world, but I want to make it fair for everyone,”

“Spoken like a true leader,” Shakky took off the kimono and gently placed it into the trunk, “Come along, I need my helper to make macaroni and cheese,”


Shakky poured over the notes. The booklets came into her possession a few months ago. She didn’t think anything of it until she met her little granddaughter, now sleeping in her room, dead to the world. The contents made her sick to her stomach. It got to the point where she couldn’t finish them and had to take a break. She pours herself a drink and sighed.

“Shakky? You’re still up?”

“Yeah, I’ve been looking over those notes that was found in the rubble of that place that Fisher Tiger raided. The contents…are very heavy and I can’t continue to read them,” Rayleigh looking at the chard booklets on the table and picks them up. He flipped through them, “There’s another thing that’s troubling. According to the newspapers, in the raid, there were a few causalities but one death. That death was one of the nobles who resided in the area and a young child. They found a mangled corpse of a young child in their room with nothing to identify them, just a necklace confirming it was the child of the house. It added more to his bounty,”

“So convenient,” Rayleigh glared glancing at the papers, “They were ill and sickly for years and couldn’t escape the fire chaos. And everyone is too stupid to question why didn’t this child’s parents try to save them or was taken prisoner. Of course a fishman would be the perfect cop out. What did you find?”

“The project was named Arma Virum. It was six years in the making and it was subjected to drowning, burning, beatings, months of isolation, starvation, exposed to the elements and had chemicals injected into it for days and weeks on end to see what kind of effects would happen. Most of the effects on some of these chemicals were either burned or undocumented. But after six years, the project was deemed a failure and ordered to be terminated. All of those bruises on her match to many of the notes. Even her fear of darkness and enclosed spaces,”

“That and they probably couldn’t break the positive spirit she has,” said Rayleigh, “Children usually have high moral compasses when they’re younger, if they realize what is right and what is wrong. She probably observed a lot and had empathy for everyone she’s seen hurt. If they continued, she could easily have turned against them. Therefore, termination was the best route. That’s why Hancock was taking her someplace safe,”

“I can only imagine what Hancock and her sister endured. And what’s frightening is that she didn’t care about her safety, she just wanted __________________ to be someplace safe,”

“Hancock is very close to her. But it’s obvious she’s been taking care of her as a guardian. The reason she’s alive is because of Hancock,”

“I know. It’s just stomach turning that ____________________ was subjected to all of that only to be thrown away. Who knows what’s going to happen to her when she’s older,”

“Time will tell. She must have someone Up There keeping an eye on her for her to be alive and well,”

“True and she has us and Flora and whatever life throws at her. She’s going to need a lot of help when she’s older and I’m sure she’s going to have many on her side,”

“She deserves it,” said Rayleigh, “She’s a good kid. She’s made a lot of progress,”

“Flora is very good with kids. Whether she openly admits it or not,”

“Believe it or not, this is good for her and Flora. Flora doesn’t keep little girls around for so long. She tries to find them a good home as soon as possible. Even with Bellemere, who really wanted to be a cadet when she was a younger. I don’t know HOW she managed to get here into the Marines,”

“She called in a favor from Tsuru using an alias. Tsuru knew it would be a service to Flora’s memory. She is suppose to be dead after all,”

“And still making sure children get into good homes and safe. For awhile her convent was empty until I brought ___________________ in and that was months ago. I noticed a change in them both. Flora was more flustered than usual and had life back in her and _________________ looked more lively and outgoing. I don’t think she wants to give her up, just yet,”

“Mhm, and it’s harder to adopt girls this day and age, especially since many are talking about passing their fortunes and things to sons,” said Shakky putting the notes away, “Who are we kidding, Flora doesn’t want her to leave. She would have asked if we wanted to adopt her. We have everything a child needs. A place to run around, a roof over her head, and the like, she doesn’t want to part with her just yet. We can always ask,” Rayleigh looked away, “You asked?!”

“Mhm, Flora gave me about ten excuses as to why I couldn’t. None was because she didn’t trust me. I think it’s because she reminds her of Marina,” Shakky froze and turned. Rayleigh poured another drink

“You think so?”

“It’s a possibility. I think she finally came to terms hence why she’s stayed for so long. When a girl comes into the convent, she tries to get rid of them as fast as possible. Bellemere was a different case until she expressed she wanted to be a cadet. Flora wasn’t going to just dump girls anywhere. She wanted to make sure they had a safe and forever home. She’s never made excuses before. And she knows we would take care of her, since having a little one of our own is out of the question,”

“But it’s not like we didn’t have fun trying,” they laughed, “But I do like having a granddaughter to pamper and love on,”

“Me too. Hopefully she’ll remember when we’re old and gray,”

“Of course she will. Knowing her, she’ll make sure we don’t ever want for anything. But we have to make sure she lives her life and be happy as well and pass on all of our life skills,”

“But under no circumstances will her past be discussed, not until she’s ready and it doesn’t interfere with her happiness,”

“Agreed. In the mean time I’ll gather more information to see just what they were planning to do with her but until then, she’s just our adorable little granddaughter who we spoil rotten,”

“Rotten is an understatement,”

Chapter 28: New Years in Wano


The Little Girl is traveling for the Holidays

A/N: Sorry for the delay, this was suppose to finished ages ago and well, I just wasn't emotionally there and my computer ate my first draft.

Chapter Text

For the last week, everyone in the Whitebeard home had been preparing on going on a trip. ______________________ was caught in a whirlwind was Izo making sure she was packed and had everything she made need including new pajamas, her kimonos, her blanket, her tea cup, and books and comics to last her for a long journey. He did the same for Ace who was just happy that he and his brothers were going to go someplace as a family. With that being said, Whitebeard told her and Ace to get ready. Ace went to see Dadan and he and Sabo got Luffy ready. ___________________ was packed up and decided to deliver a few things. Christmas was a few days away but Fossa said they’ll have to spend Christmas someplace else.

“Don’t worry kiddo, New Years is better but go and give your friends their gifts,”

“How did you know?”

“Because a weird little fairy left ours in some of the strangest places. Seriously, in my cigar box kiddo?”

“Hey you found it!” River walked along the side of her as they went off. He usually tagged along with her when she ran errands and today was no exception. The first person on her list was Law. He and Corazon was getting ready to leave town themselves. She noticed Corazon had packed their suitcases in the backseat. Law greeted her at the door.

“So you’re leaving the whole holiday?”

“Well just until after New Years,” she said

“Need me to watch River?”

“Nope he’s coming with us!” she grinned. River mew as Law pets him, “Pops wanted to invite you too but Corazon said you had plans!”

“I wouldn’t mind going,” said Law, “But Cora-san and I are going to Sengoku’s place,” he frowned, “Hate going there,”


“He wants me to be a Marine and I told him I’d rather staple my balls to my stomach. I got in trouble for that. But he fully supports me being a doctor and always get me medical things. Then after that we’re going to Bellemere’s place. Before when they didn’t have much, we used to come over and stay for a day or two. This year Bellemere is insisting on a week,”


“But it’ll give me a chance to finish Corazon’s sweater,”


“Yeah, I made him a sweater,”

“You knit?”

“Mhm, my mom taught me a long time ago. I hope he likes it,”

“I’m sure he will!” he then handed her a wrapped package, “I made you something too. Merry Christmas,”

“Thanks! Here!” Law looked at the huge wrapped gift. It was bigger than her and she handed it to him.

“Medical book?”

“Actually it’s an anatomy book with lots of diagrams and things! Like it shows you how to identify tumors and things!” he smiled.

“Thanks,” next on the list had her travel to the Dead island and to a mechanic’s shop. She could hear drums going from inside. Miss Ribbon was standing outside. She smiled at her. She took a step back. Miss Ribbon was a nice woman but there was a very trusting but cautious air around her that made her feel both comforted but nervous. She pats her head and reached under the door and opened it for her. She quickly scampered in where Killer was on his drums and Kid was blaring on his guitar. She waved her hands causing Killer to stop.

“Hey! Didn’t hear you!” he said standing up. He walked towards her and gave River a pet, “What’s up?”

“I know it’s short notice but did you want to come with us to have Christmas? We’ll be gone for about two weeks to Wano. Want to come?”

“Sorry but we actually have someplace to stay this year,” said Killer, “Miss Ribbon doesn’t have any family so we decided to keep her company for the holidays and New Years. She seems to know about our New Years traditions so it’s pretty cool. We even saved up and sold a few things and got her something nice,”

“Whatcha get her?”

“I got her a book. She has a ton of them in her house. Kid got her perfume. She even made us mince meat pies,”

“What are those?”

“Something we used to have back at home-home so it’s good to have it again. Want one?”

“Sure!” he ushered her into the kitchen where some miniature pies were on the counter. He gave one to her and River helped himself.

“By the way,” Killer hands her a package, “Since you’re not going to be here and all,”

“Awww thanks!” she reached into her bag and handed him an envelope. He peeked inside.

“Score! Gift certificate!”

“And I got this for Kid,”

“I don’t want anything with your girl germs on it!” Kid said glaring at her from the other room.

“Love you too! You sure you don’t want it?”

“NO! …what is it?”

“I don’t know. I went into a music store and I said my lame friend wanted to be a rock star. Sooooo he told me to make sure you have enough of these,” she handed him a bunch of replacement strings and a case for his guitar. He glared at her before taking them.

“Thanks you useless fart!”

“Love you too, Kid,”

“ACK! Killer! Take your friend home or something!”

“She’s your friend too,”

“Pffft like I would make friends with a weird girl,”

“You’re too scared to come back to my place because Ace would kick your butt again,”

“THAT’S IT!” Kid ran at her. She moves to the side and pecks his cheek, “GAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!” she laughed bade Killer goodbye and ran to the ferry.

The last one on her list was Sanji. She had NO idea what to get him. Zeff gave him any and everything he needed to become a chef. He had knives and utensils that stores didn’t even have. Because of this, she knew it was going to be hard to get him anything. But by some weird dream, she figured it out quickly.

“For me?!” he said grinning at her holding a tiny turtle in a carrier, “You got me a turtle?!”

“Mhm! I had a weird dream that you had one and I realize you didn’t so yeah! Merry Christmas! Do you like him?”

“I love him!” he said grinning, “Where did you find him?!”

“A girl was selling her turtle. Her parents wouldn’t let her keep him. I assured her he would have a good home,”

“You’re the best! Thanks! Come here we have something for you!” he took her wrist and guided her inside. The restaurant was closed for the dinner rush. He went into a cupboard and pulls out a book.

“What’s this?”

“You wanted to learn shorthand right? We all chipped in and got it for you,”


“You’re leaving after Christmas, right?”


“Want us to watch River?”

“Nah he’s coming with us! But now I can practice while we’re going to Wano!”

“Still don’t know why. It looks pretty useless to me,”


“OW! What was that for old man?!” Zeff walked in smiling at ______________.

“Because as a chef you have to learn how to write order quickly and shorthand is the quickest way to do that!”

“Still boring!”

“And that’s why I’m passing my knowledge to __________________! To make sure that when you get your own restaurant, she can teach your crew shorthand!”

“I thought you said no ladies in the kitchen!”

“I know what I said but you wouldn’t yell at _____________________ in a hundred years,”

“Touche,” Zeff ruffled her hair.

“Tell Newgate to have a safe trip and we’ll keep an eye on things,”

“Alright!” she scampers away. Sanji looked at Zeff

“We’re watching the house?”

“Mhm, Corazon too. He said to make sure no one is foolish enough to break in,”

“…he has the house booby-trap doesn’t he?”

“Anyone who even thinks about it may not make it out alive,”

The day after Christmas everyone woke up super early. The kids were all ushered into a car and they drove. They dozed off in the car but after about an hour were woken up. ____________________ got out of the car.

“We’re at Wano already? She yawned. Marco chuckled

“No little lady but we going there by ship,”


“…are you saying we’re going on your SHIP?!” said Ace perking up, “THE ship?!”

“It’s the only way to get to Wano,” said Rakugo, “it’s just around that—,” the boys ran off. __________________ looked confused and still trying to wake up as she followed. When she turned the corner to see the shore she was greeted to a massive pirate ship. It looked like a huge white whale with three masts and a crow nests. She was complete awe.

“Woah…” Marco ushered her aboard. It was still pretty early so Flora took her to bed in a room. She was surprised that she instantly fell asleep when they started moving. When she woke up, they were already out in sea. She bundled up because of the cool winter weather as she walked to find something to eat. Thatch came out and waved to her where breakfast was. After eating, she went back to the deck and just wandered around. The Moby Dick was massive. It took __________________ awhile to get from one end to the other. She liked it though. It seemed that Ace, Sabo, and Luffy had the same idea of exploring. They were enjoying every second of it. All three of them wanted to be pirates someday. She on the other hand didn’t care about that. She just loved being on the sea. She loved the smell, the gentle rocking of the ship, and the beautiful scenery. She had to keep bundled up. Even though it was amazing, it was still very cold because of the snow. She couldn’t really find anyone on deck, just the boys, Marco, Flora and Pops. Pops picked her up and put her in his lap.

“Do you like my ship little lady?”

“YES! It’s so big!”

“Everything is big to a little kitten,” said Flora smiling, “Do explore. I know you want to,”

“Find Marco, he’ll tell you all of the details,” Marco was heading towards the lower deck. She quickly ran to talk to him. He looked down at her. She beamed at him.

“Tell me about this ship!”

“Demanding today aren’t you?” he grinned, “Everything?”

“Ya huh!”

“Well, for awhile we were all raised on this ship,” said Marco, “Except for you and Ace,”


“Mhm, if things were different, you’d probably be sailing with us and living on the ship,”

“Why isn’t anyone on ships anymore?”

“Well, after the Pirate King was executed, many out of respect, decided to do things on land. Some stayed out on sea but technology had some hands in things. We’re still pirates but do our main things on land. But if anything happens, the ship is always here and ready for action,”

“Yeah but it’s a ship! It’s not an island! I bet I can get it explored in at least a day!” he grinned

“Oh really? There’s about sixteen spots on this ship that are hidden to all but me and Pops. You think you can find them all?”

“Challenge accepted!” he handed her a map.

“When you find everyone, mark it off and report back to me,”

“Got it!” She started on her exploration. It looked easy enough but she soon realized that unlike home and outside, the ship was one giant maze with several layers. She started down and realized that everything was also hidden down stairs. She started her exploration and stumbled across the library. From there, according to the map, she had to go up a spiral staircase for another area and downstairs for a different one. She decided to go downstairs and landed in a workshop. Fossa was pounding away at something on his work bench. He looked up to see a tiny little figure looking at him.

“So you’ve found my little hideaway,” he grinned. She looked around. The area looked liked a smaller version of his workshop at home with a bunch of tools she wasn’t familiar with. He had a burner with his black coffee with plenty of cigars on hand and a hammock for him to sleep.

“What is this place?”

“My workshop and bedroom,”


“Why are you apologizing. You ain’t done nothing wrong,”

“Why do you have a workshop here?”

“I’m the shipwright, kind of have to have my tools with me,”


“A shipwright is a person who fixes the ship and when you live in a behemoth like this. Always remember, if you become a Captain of your own ship, know your ship. That way you’ll know how to fix her when she needs help or what pieces she needs to keep going,”

“Got it!”

“And never—,”

“Trust a mechanic who quotes you a price without you being there because they’re all a bunch of effing crooks,”

“That’s my girl! Good thing you’re here. I’m going to need an assistant to help me and it’s a two man job, I know a little girl would be ever better, especially since you know the tools. Wanna help?”

“YES! But I need your help! I need to find these places!” Fossa looked at the little map and beams.

“Come along. We’re going to the first one first,” Fossa weaved her around many areas of the ship until they came up to a placed filled with light. Inside, there were rows and of boxes and vegetables that were ready to be picked. The room was large and everything in it was wall to wall vegetables, “Welcome to the garden,”

“We have a garden on the ship?!”

“Mhm, it’s not easy feeding a house full of people, you can imagine how it would be a ship. It was made for the ship. It’s self containing with an irrigation system, different sources of light for each plant, and system for when you pick them. Once picked just toss them down the chute for Thatch. But today, were working on the irrigation system to make sure everything is watered and maintained without human help, other than occasionally weeding it and making sure the veggies are picked. And it looks like everything is in order except for this damned chute. Okay kiddo, hand me the monkey wrench, some WD-40, and a screwdriver,”

“Okay!” it took them the rest of the morning but their task was finished. After they were done, Fossa asked Thatch to send up two meaty sandwiches and a beer (juice for her) and ate their lunch together.

“Good job kiddo,”


“It’s always good to know how to fix many different things. That way, when you know you’re beat, give it a Viking funeral and get a new one,”

“How do I know if I’m beat?”

“If you’ve done everything humanly possible to fix something and you can’t fix it, even with duct tape, you’re done,”

“Got it! Say, Fossa, where does the water come from to water the plants?”

“Our bath water, dishwater, and thing like that. You see, in order to keep the ocean clean, many ships have the water recycled. It goes through filtration and used to give the garden it’s water and only for that. So with that being said NEVER drink the water in the irrigation system,”

“Got it!”

“Now that that’s done, I’m taking my ass to bed but I’m going to take you to the next hidden place,” he guided her through the ship and didn’t stop until they were below down a hallway covered in soot.

“Can’t take you in there kiddo,” said Fossa, “As much as Curiel and I love to wreck shit with each other, one spark from my cigar and I’ll take out the whole ship,”

“Then don’t smoke,”

“Been telling him that for year little lady,” said Curiel from other side, “He’s stubborn,”

“You know I can’t live without that stab to my heart,” he said laughing and ushering her into the gunnery where Curiel was making various explosives. He handed her a pair of goggles.

“What can I do you for, little lady?”

“Looking for sixteen points on the ship. You’re one of them!”

“Without a doubt! Welcome to the gunnery!”

“What’s a gunnery?”

“You know what I do at home, right? Well, for the ship,” he said grinning, “I make weapons so if we’re ever under attack, we can keep the enemy at bay. Here I can make bigger attacks and better ones, especially with some help from nitro,”

“Isn’t that dangerous to use on the ship?”

“Not unless you know what you’re doing,” he said grinning, “Why do you think I make sure you and Ace know your chemistry?”


“Got your goggles on?”


“Good! We’re going to do some experiments in here today and there’s going to be a lot of trial and error! Are ya ready?!”

“YES!” it took her the rest of the day but the

“The world is a big place especially for a little kid. Knowing how to have and use something that will save your life is crucial. That’s why I always tell you to keep gunpowder on you at all times. That way you can at least cause an distraction to get yourself out of any situation,”

“I know!”

“But learning to make anything out of a firearm is useful. Izo and I have to show you how to do that,”

“Oooh! When!”

“Probably when you get back! I need to pass my legacy on so when I’m old and gray I can know my genius went with it!”

“You’ll find someone to settle down with someday!” she piped. He chuckled and pats her head. After a couple of explosions and ducking and covering, the pair soon emerged covered in soot. Curiel proudly holding up a tiny ball, the size of a marble, that easy fit into ______________________’s pocket.

“What the hell did you two make?!” said Vista glaring at the pair

“My latest invention! A mini!”


“Yep! It’s tiny explosive that packs a big punch! If the little lady ever needs to let’s say get out of a room. She can tape it or place it inside and give it three taps. It’ll explode giving her ample time to escape through a screen of smoke!”

“…what if she accidentally falls with that thing in her pocket or worst?”

“It’s under a mechanism that it’ll only detonate in three taps, nothing more, nothing less. She can bang it around it’ll be fine!”

“It’s like a grenade! Only with taps!” she said grinning

“See?! She gets it!” said Curiel ruffling her hair. Vista sighs.

“Just clean her up. Dinner is almost ready,”

“Okay! We’ll pick this up later, little lady!” After dinner, Ace grabbed her as he, Sabo, and Luffy took over a crow’s nest to see the night snowy sky. ________________ was in awe that the stars looked even more beautiful and brighter out at sea.

“That’s because there’s no light pollution like you have in a city or town,” said Sabo, “You can see them like this in the mountains,”

“Or at the convent. Now as bright as this but where Sister lives, there’s no one really there,”

“Those losers at Goa can’t even imagine how awesome this looks,” said Ace grinning, “Where were today anyway?”

“Yeah we were looking for you!” said Luffy

“Oh I was helping Fossa and Curiel! Fossa was showing me how the ship works and Curiel was showing me how to make explosive that you can use on the ship,”

“See how can’t you be a normal kid and train with us?!” said Ace, “There’s an actual dojo in here!”


“Mhm! Namur was training inside! He was showing us a few things!”

“So you were inside all day too!”

“Yeah but if you were NORMAL you would have been playing with us, then you would have found the dojo!”

“She is normal! Learning how to fix a ship and explore it fast is a great skill,” said Sabo

“Oh right, it would be useful when she’s on my ship,”

“YOUR ship?! No way, ___________________ is coming with me!” said Luffy

“The hell she is! She’s going to be traveling the world with me!”


“Because I’m her big brother and someone has to make sure that Marco doesn’t smother her to death!”

“Yeah right! You just want to keep ___________________ to yourself! She’s my big sister!”

“If you join MY crew then you can have your big brother AND sister!”

“NEVER! And you just want ___________________ on the ship so you can smoo—ACK!”

“Knock it of you two!” Sabo and ___________________ got the boys apart, well more like stopping Ace from clobbering Luffy more, “And it’s her decision! Maybe she wants to sail with me or maybe Law,”


“Because Law is her best friend,”


“You can’t be her brother and best friend,”

“The hell I can’t!” he raged. _________________ covered her mouth.

“To be honest, I don’t understand the allure of a ship. I mean it’s a confined space. Once you explore it, it’s done,”

“Are you kidding?!” said Luffy, “You can travel ANYWHERE you want on a ship! You don’t have to stay on the ship if you don’t want to!”

“A ship is ultimate freedom,” said Sabo grinning, “Imagine all of the places you can see for the rest of your life! You can visit towns you’ve never seen before, eat things you’ve only heard about and stay for as long as you like and leave whenever you want!”

“In your case, eat all of the cake you could want everywhere,” said Ace

“True! But when you guys go, I’ll miss you all!”

“We’ll use den den mushi!” said Luffy

“And write!” said Sabo, “Or do joint custody like you do with Miss Hancock,”

“She won’t be a kid forever to do that to her,” said Ace, “We’ll think of something!” they looked at the sky again savoring the stillness before they became completely quiet. Marco went to check up on them and saw all four of them sound asleep. He gently one by one took them to bed and tucked them in.

In the morning, Ace decided to join ______________________ in her exploration. Sabo decided to stay in and make sure of the library. Luffy joined him after finding the carefully placed comic books that Thatch placed on board. Ace decided that exploring with his little sister would be more fun than being cooped up in a library. And he was determined to help her find the hidden places Marco challenged her to find.

“We have to beat that bird!”

“It’s not a contest!” she said

“The hell it isn’t! We all know that Marco has some insidious plan brewing in his head!”

“So far I gather everything is always connected to each other in some way,”

“That’s how most ships are,” said Ace, “Mainly for the crew to get out of one area as fast as possible in case of an attack or emergency. And that why a lot of these places are hidden so that no one can stowaway without being noticed or picking off the crew without detection,”

“Wow you know a lot about ships!”

“Well you have to know that stuff if you want to be a pirate someday. I want to be good at it, you know,”


“What about you? Why do you want to know a lot?”

“Well I like learning new things! That way I’m prepared for anything! And it’s fun learning how to do things. Shakky always says that information is the best tool you can have,”

“For extortion, right?”

“That too,” he snorts as they ended up in a quiet hallway. According to the map, there was a room there but they couldn’t see one. Ace groans.

“It’s hidden somewhere. It must be a valuable room,”

“Like a treasure room?”

“Nah, that place has to be locked to be split up later,” _________________ looked around before noticing something out of the ordinary in the hall. The ship was very maintained. In fact, it reminded her of home with smooth walls and things. However, there was a hole in this wall, enough for a large finger.

“Boost me up,” Ace raised an eyebrow and did it. She easily stuck two of her tiny fingers inside as pulled. Ace managed to keep balance as a door opened. Inside they saw maps upon maps, globes, charts, different sizes of spyglasses, telescopes, sextants, astrolabes, and quadrants on a large table. Jozu looked up to see the pair looking at the room in awe.

“Two little spies found my room,”

“Jozu?! You’re the navigator?!” said Ace

“You seen surprised. I’m more than just a pretty face,” _______________ giggled.


“How long have you been doing this?!” said Ace

“Hmmmm….I would say probably a little younger than ____________________. I’ve been making pretty accurate maps since then. Hell I was the one who made Marco his first map,”

“Marco needed a map?!” the two looked at him

“I’m surprised that he’s never told you the story. When he was about your ages, he came to my island searching for a town where it was rumored that a nun took in children and found them perfect homes. Marco was smart for his age but the people in my village scoffed at him and laughed because the island was said to be a rumor. All he had was coordinates. So, he came to me and asked if I could make him a map. I agreed under the condition that he come back and take me to the island too. He agreed and I made the map. About three months later, he came back with Flora and we went back to the convent before we got adopted by Pops,”


“Was Marco just born to be badass or did it just happen?” said Ace

“A little from column A and a little from column B,” said Jozu, “Point is, I can make a map from everything with right coordinates and if I was there before,”

“That’s so cool!” said ____________________

“Lemme guess, he gave you a task to find all of the hidden places?”

“Yep!” said Ace, “________________________ found a few yesterday and I helped her find your place!”

“So far I found the garden, library, Fossa’s workshop, Curiel’s gunnery, the kitchen chute pantry, and now this!”

“Maybe a spyglass will help us,” said Ace looking at two on the table, “Can we borrow these?”

“You two can have those. I have plenty I’ve been collecting for years,”


“Go have fun you two!” Ace grabbed her and they went out onto the deck, temporality abandoning their exploration to see if they find anything outside. Ace went up to the crow’s nest and she was looking at things closer to islands. So far she couldn’t see a thing…until shr reallt focused and noticed a ship coming towards them. She quickly ran and told Whitebeard.

“What flag did it have?”

“It looked like a sun!”

“That’s an ally ship. Don’t worry yourself, kiddo,”

“You sure?”

“Mhm, those are the Sun Pirates. They won’t bother us,”

“Oh, okay!” she went back to her post. As the ship got closer she could see a crew and as it got closer, she noticed a familiar face. She beamed. She knew that face!

“HIIIIIIIIIIII!!!” the girl looked around for someone. __________________ grinned laughing, “LOOK UP HERE!” looked up and saw _________________who waved wildly. She beamed






“YEAH!!!! I LOVE THE MONKEY BOY!” the men listened as __________________ talked over the boat. Marco peered over to see her talking to girl about her age on a ship below theirs. He froze when he recognized it as the Sun Pirates. He was about to grab her when Whitebeard showed up and stopped him, “HOW ARE YOU?!”



“AWESOME!” she noticed a fishman appearing next to her, “IS HE YOUR DAD?”











“HEY!” __________________ snorts when another fishman came out. Pops looked at him. ______________ looked at him curiously. He had round eyes, salmon-pink colored skin, a flat nose, wide lips with slight peach fuzz, a thick dark beard and sideburns, and a spiky dorsal fin on the back of his head, sprouting from under his long, curly hair. The girl smiled


“NICE TO MEET YOU SIR!” the girl said something to him. He looked at her, then to Whitebeard and then back to his daughter. He glared at _________________ a bit before nodding and walking back inside.


“ANYTIME!” the pair talked for a few more moments before the ships when in different directions. It was then __________________ covered her mouth, “Awww man! I STILL hadn’t gotten her name!”

“Scatterbrain,” said Kingdew ruffling her hair. Marco looked thoughtful.

“I wonder if we can get a playdate arranged,” said Marco

“Nah, you know Fisher Tiger isn’t going to let another human on his ship. Even as a guest. It’s a miracle that he has that adorable kid on the ship,”

“Yeah, maybe if they dock or with Hatchi or Jinbei,” said Speed Jill

“We have a better chance of getting a playdate if we ask either of them,”

“Still, ask Fisher first,” said Whitebeard, “It’s his young charge and he has final say in the matter. How on Earth did you meet that child, kiddo?”

“A few weeks ago” she said grinning, “When I was with Grandpa and Shakky, I met her! I still don’t know her name and that really sucks! I thought she was a boy at first but her big brother, Hachi, was making some takoyaki and I followed the smell! But don’t worry! He’s not making them from his arms!” the men chuckled.

“Don’t worry little lady, no one would purposely make food out of themselves,” said Thatch laughing, “I’m just jealous because Jinbei has raved about Hatchi's takoyaki but no one has had it. He’s been thinking of opening a cart,”

“He should! They were so tasty!”

“And then?” said Whitebeard

“Oh! Then Grandpa asked if I could get her some books because she’s being homeschooled too! And I bought her some comic books because she didn’t have any of her own and she was going to be at sea for a LONG time so comic books and fun books are a crucial thing,”

“Very important! Well, hopefully we can get you two to hang out again,”

“I hope so!” she said scampering away, “Gotta run!”

“Where are you going ”

“I’m almost finished with my exploration! I’ll be back by dinner!” she disappeared below the deck. Flora shook her head.

“Damn that child,”

“She is learning and experiencing the world on her own,” said Whitebeard laughing, "Who knows what else she’s seen and know,”

“True but at least she can’t get herself killed on a ship…but knowing her,”

“Don’t jinx it, Florrie. She’s on a mission. The only thing that’ll stop her is gravity,”

“Her little ass will find a way around that! Give it another few years!”

Because she couldn’t take her bath the first time because of awesome stargazing, she decided to roam and find the baths. She followed the map. So far she’s found seven of the places Marco was taking about and the baths would be her final one until tomorrow. She went downstairs and the place was slightly warmer than the rest of the ship. She opened the door and gaped. The baths were enormous but as big as the hot spring at home. There were about twenty small tubs and a great big one that was for Pops. She inched down and saw a place where everyone could shower before going to the tubs.

“Finally found the baths,” she jumped. Namur emerged from the showers in a towel. She covered her eyes.


“No worries, let me just get into this tub,” she nodded. She heard water moving and then a deep sigh, “Alright you can look,” she opened them, “Come on in closer. You can’t see anything,” she scampered through and looked inside an empty one. They were deep cedar wood tubs that were very deep, even for her.

“Wow…does this mean I can finally soak with you all?!”

“Probably,” he chuckled, “This is the only place in the ship where it’ll be hot all the time because of the water,”

“Yeah, it’s nothing like the hot spring at home but this is the next best thing,”

“What are they?”

“Soaking tubs,” she said Namur, “For soaking after you take a small shower. Like the hot spring,”


“Yeah the ship for awhile only had one big one for Pops and a few small ones. But when our crew grew, Fossa installed more,”


“Mhm for a long time we used to all live on this ship,”


“Mhm but after the Pirate King was executed, many people took their piracy to land and stayed there since. It’s been like a sort of truce and sign of respect. And since technology got better and the like, it’s easier to be pirates on land but that doesn’t mean we don’t miss the sea,”

“Especially you since you’re a fishman! The sea is your home!” he chuckled

“My family is my home so home is here,”

“…Namur can I ask you something?”

“What’s up?”

“Did I do anything to make Mr. Fisher Tiger glare at me like that?”

“It’s not you personally kiddo,” said Namur, “Many fishmen don’t trust humans and vice versa,”


“It’s…a long complicated story,”

“But you like us, right?!”


“That’s good! I hope I get to see my friend again!”

“You will but just don’t count on being on their ship any time soon,”


“But him having a human on the ship and letting her call him her father is a big step for him. But who knows. He may warm up to other humans eventually. But don’t take it personally little lady. You’re most likely going to find a few fishmen like that and you’re going to find a lot of humans not liking you or hostile towards you for liking a fishman,”

“You’re my brother and a fishman so that makes me double awesome! I’ll make sure I’m strong enough so they won’t mess with me! Besides, who else is going to teach me how to swim and hold my breath for a long time?!”

“True. But you’re still a little guppy,” he said ruffling her hair.

“Hey! You’re the guppy!” she stuck out her tongue and ran away. She then poked her head around the corner, “Not really, you’re really big shark man it makes you even cooler!” she scampered off. He chuckled and finishes gets into his bath. He sighed thinking of his new little sister and brothers. He thought for the first moment she saw him, she was going to run away in terror. In reality, she was terrified of everyone. He thought they both wouldn’t have accepted him but he remembered Ace just watching him, asking if he would show him how to do martial arts like him. __________________ asked if he could teach her how to swim so she could swim with her brothers, sans Luffy and of course he agreed. Both often had questions for him with Ace it’s how can he become stronger, _________________’s questions were…odd and adorable from if he lost a tooth would his grow back faster, could he eat fish, and how could he breath without water. Sabo asked him more about fishman history and how did he join Pops. Luffy asked him the universal question that would always be on his mind: did he poop? He chuckled to himself. They were good little guppies. He knew Fisher Tiger would never really accept humans, he didn’t blame them but raising a little girl was a step in the right direction and learning to trust them. After dinner, he decided to show the boys new abilities in the dojo.

“Wanna come little lady?”

“Thank you but I have to take my bath!”

“Okay. But I’ll tuck you in later,”


Bright and early the next morning, the kids were ushered into the kitchen to eat breakfast. Thatch made everyone a huge breakfast of bacon and eggs and oatmeal and omelettes. After breakfast, Izo whisked her away upstairs and took out the kimono Shakky made her. Even River was being given the treatment. Mainly a bath and afterwards a little collar with a Japanese mon on it. Izo took out the formal kimono and started putting on the first few layers.

“How so early?” _______________________ asked.

“Because you and I have so many layers, it’s going to take you, me, and Flora about an hour to put everything on. The boys only half the time which sucks but you’re going to be all toasty and cute when you’re finished then tomorrow you can wear your hakama one that Hancock got you,”


“After this, we have to do your hair and you get to wear that kanzashi as well,”

“We’re meeting someone really important right?”

“Mhm! So you have to make a good impression!”

“I’ll do my best!”

“I know you will,” Flora was ready, gotten up very early to get her kimono on. She wore a dark blue kimono with roses. Her hair was tied up. _________________ didn’t see Flora without her bandana much and she liked it. Her red hair had a long gray streaks and it made her look really distinguished. In her hair she wore a rose kanzashi flower.

“Sister did you make yours?”

“Nah, I can’t make things like this. Edward made this when we were kids,”

“Pops can make them?!”

“Mhm, he also knits in his downtime,”

“So cool! And you look so pretty!”

“You think everyone looks cool,”

“That’s because they are!” Flora snorts as Izo finishes her up.

“There you go. Now sit down so I can do your hair,” the boys were waiting outside. The three brothers had never in their lives wore a kimono and the whole thing felt weird to them. Ace never wore one, especially being raised by bandits. But he remembered Dadan forced him to give back a wedding kimono he stole from a woman because it was an heirloom thing. He didn’t understand until Magra told him that a kimono that old may be valuable but it’s something that cannot be replaced and probably the only valuable thing she had. Sabo came from a noble family and no one ever wore a kimono. He liked it. It was comfortable and better some of the things he’s worn at formal dinners and things. Luffy thought it looked cool and was bouncing about in his kimono. Theirs were like the rest of the men, black with a yellow hakama. ________________ soon emerged. The boys looked at her.

“How do I look?” she twirled. Ace stared. He hated to admit but she looked so adorable in her kimono.

“Useless as ever!”


“You look adorable,” said Sabo



“IT’S IMPORTANT! Why does she gets a really nice fancy one?!”

“Because this is what girls wear,” said Jozu

“No fair! It’s so cool looking!”

“But heavy! There’s like ten layers of this!” said __________________


“You wanna wear it when I’m done? You just can’t dirty it!”

“Alright! _____________________ you’re the best!”

“You wanna wear a girl’s kimono?!” said Ace

“Izo wears girl’s kimonos and he looks awesome all the time!”

“Damn right I do,” said Izo coming up in a beautiful blue kimono with a cherry blossom print.

“Why do we have to dress up all fancy, anyway?” said Ace

“Well, we’re about to meet Pop’s pop,” said Jozu

“…Pops have a dad that’s still alive?”

“He must be hundreds of years old!” said Luffy

“Pops isn’t that old you little shits!” said Fossa

“And you most likely already know him. We know him as Grandpa, but the rest of the world knew him as Atlas,”

“THE Atlas?!” said Ace and Luffy. _____________________ and Sabo looked confused.

“Who’s Atlas?” said Sabo

“Yeah never heard of him!”

“Don’t you two know anything?! Atlas was Captain of about ten fleets and the unopposed leader of the Eclipse Pirates! They’re one of the most famous crew in the world! They’re a part of the Golden Era that ended well when the Pirate King was still alive. It was five crews that reached that status, the Rumbar Pirates, the Flower Pirates, the Eclipse Pirates, the Golden Lion Pirates, and finally the Roger Pirates, however, each of them slowly faded out…until Roger was executed,”

“What happened to the others?” said _________________________

“The Rumbar Pirates…no one has ever seen or heard from them again, the Flower Pirates retired after a major final battle with a few deaths, the Eclipse Pirates…the retired as well not before taking heavy losses and disappearing, the Golden Lion Pirates suffered a lost and then just backed off, and we all know what happened to Roger,”

“Wow…you really know a lot about pirate history!”

“Yeah Ace is a practically a walking, talking pirate historian,” said Sabo

“Ugh now you made it sound boring,” said Ace

“It makes him sound smart!” said Luffy


“Alright kiddos, we’re just about here,” said Flora, “Remember, mind your manners and be polite as you can. Got it?”

“Yes Sister!”

Atlas has been waiting for this day for months. It’s been almost two years since Edward and Flora have visited him with his grandchildren. But thanks to constant phone calls from them both, it revealed that their family has grown within the last few years. First came a child who was obsessed in taking Edward’s head to the point of getting his little ass handed to him on a daily basis before he accepted his offer to become his son. Flora’s convent for the last three years only had one child, whom she talked about constantly and rather happily from learning new things, getting into something, to just being mouse to cat to rabbit until she revealed she gave her to Edward, but the little girl came back almost every day to make sure she was okay “Like a no good cat that won’t leave”. He knew it was a ploy. He knew for sure it was four of them. Three close brothers and their little sister. He’s always wanted a granddaughter and now he had one. He watched the ship dock with his last members of his crew and their families. The village had thrived for decades since he and Edward claimed it in their youth, especially after the World Government stopped protection. It was the only home Edward knew at the time and eventually it became Flora’s, especially after she became the captain of the Flower Pirates. The pair soon emerged from the ship. Everyone lined up behind them. Both bowed at him.

“Good to see you again,” they said.

“Tch, stop it you brat and raise up,” he said hugging his son and then his daughter. He looked at his grandchildren. They were beaming at him. Happy to see him again. He walked along commenting them, calling them brats and greeting them like old friends. He then stopped, his eyes fell onto Ace, Sabo, Luffy, and ____________________. He noticed the freckles on Ace, something very familiar that for the moment he couldn’t recall, a familiar grin on Luffy, the mannerisms of Sabo, and the observational look on __________________ along with River sitting next to _______________. All four bowed.

“It’s nice to meet you, sir!”

“Don’t be so formal,” he said smiling, “Don’t call me sir! Call me Grandpa!” the boys beamed. River meows. He scratched his furry head, “Whatever you said you can call me that, cat,”

“Ummm actually… I-I already call someone close to me Grandpa, is there anything I can call you?” Atlas looked down at the little girl. She looked at him wide eyed as he got down on one knee to look less frightening. He grinned at her.

“Oh? I guess that is a bit of a problem. How about this, you call me Oji-chan?”

“Okay!” he pats her head. He had an adorable little granddaughter. Everyone headed inside. Flora ruffled her hair on the way in.

“Come on you little brat. There’s enough food that’ll fatten you up,”


“Unless Luffy and Ace eats it first,” Marco calls out. ____________________’s eyes widened and ran towards the house. Flora shook her head and prayed she wasn’t right about this.

Fisher spluttered blood. He wasn’t going to make it out of this alive. He just couldn’t accept that blood…not in a million years could he do it. He requested his crew to let me die with dignity and in complete silence. His chest was heaving, his moth was dry. He wasn’t long for this world…he made his mark. He was just happy to have an impact…

“I-Is he going to be okay?” Jinbe looked very uncomfortable.

“…time will tell Koala…don’t worry, he’s suffered worst and pulled through. Just, get some sleep okay,”

“Let me stay here…I just want to make sure he’s okay. Please?” Jinbe looked uncomfortable at this. He sighed

“Alright but stay out here, alright? He needs rest and you might do something in there to damage the equipment. Okay?”

“O-Okay,” Fisher leaned up slightly to see Koala’s back against the door. He groaned. He knew getting Koala to go to bed now would be pointless, especially after her seeing him the way he was. He couldn’t do that to her…she’s suffered enough. But she was also a human…he couldn’t and refused to like humans…but she was…his guppy, his little Koala. His little one…so what if she was human? He cringed to himself. Where would she end up if something happened to him now? Her village and home was gone, her mother left…probably a slave too…who would she sleep next to when she had a nightmare? He was in a lot of pain and he had to make a decision, fast. Aladine walked in to be with him during his final moments.

“Aladine…listen, tell no one about this, please…give me the blood,”


“I don’t care…what happens to me but…she needs me. I don’t want Koala to see me die like this. Tell everyone you fo-found some fishman blood and never tell a soul,”

“To my grave Captain,” he would never forgive himself for this. But he just needed to stay alive just a bit longer, just until he knew he could find a place where she could live and KNOW she’ll be okay. The younger generation…they had different ideals, they have different ways of thinking, especially since Roger died…the world changed, everything is changing. He would be a relic but he knew that she’s been through enough as it is. Having him die just feet away from her…he’ll make sure she gets to a place where she’ll be accepted and cared for but for now…he’ll take on that duty. A few weeks later, he was out and about walking about. He saw Koala on Jinbe’s lap learning something. When she saw him, she hopped up and ran to him. He caught her, wincing but not letting her see. She hugged him tightly.

“How are you feeling?! Are you okay?! Want me to get you something?!”

“You shouldn’t be worried about me. I should be worrying about you,”

“But you’re still in pain,”

“I’ll be fine! I don’t need you to worry about me!” he pats her head, “Learn as much as you can and become stronger. It would be embarrassing if you didn’t become as strong as me someday,”

“I promise!”

“Good!” she scampered back to Jinbe. He noticed her clothes.

“…Hatchi…I want you to find her some new clothes and things. She’s going to be here awhile, she needs to looks more…like a girl,”

“Yes Captain!”

Chapter 29: Bonding with Oji-chan


The Little Girl Bonds with Oji-chan for New Years

A/N this one was supposed to be done way back in December but a lot of things got in the way! I'll sync up the chapters in order after I publish the second one once again supposed to be finished before New Years >A<

Chapter Text

______________________ was awaken early by Izo, who helped her put on her casual kimono from Hancock before going back to bed. The process took less longer and according to Izo, it’ll be easier for when she officially got up. She slept for another two hours before she headed downstairs. This house was completely different from home. It was bigger with a lot of rooms. It reminded her of the castle in some of the old samurai manga that Sabo let her borrow. River was close behind as he walked with her trying to find someone. She hoped she didn’t miss breakfast. Everyone had a big dinner and was so tired that they all dropped off after their baths. She peeked outside and there was a pond outside that took up half of the big yard. Because of the weather, it was frozen solid. There were still fish inside and River decided to have some fun and chase them across the pond as she continued her search for breakfast. Meanwhile, Atlas woke up and realized everyone just up and left him. No one was there. The house was quiet. He knew they didn’t do it maliciously. Marietta, his housekeeper, probably told them he was still hung-over from the night before. She wasn’t wrong and she probably made breakfast before going off to see her family for New Years. This meant he had to fend for himself. That was when he noticed that __________________ was left behind as well. She looked like a deer in headlights when she saw him. Soon she realized it was just her and Oji-chan. She was intimidated by the man. He was as tall as Pops, built like a mountain and had piercing eyes. He got down on one knee and looked at her.

“Everyone took off this morning and I’m about to have breakfast. If you like, I don’t mind having company but if you really want to go off on your own, I won’t stop you,” Atlas smiled at her. She looked at him cautious before her stomach growled giving her away. He ruffled her hair and motioned her to follow him. She perched next to him as he made tamagoyaki. He made two pretty large ones and put them aside before grilling three pieces of fish and making more miso soup. She set the table as he came out with breakfast. He set her breakfast in front of her and placed the fish in front of River. They ate in silence for a little while. Atlas glanced at the little child who was eating silently trying not to make a sound.

“So…umm how’s the food?”

“Very good! Thank you for making me something to eat!” he smiled.

“No prob! You have to grow up to be big and strong at me!”

“I don’t think I can grow that much!”

“Believe it or not I used to be a small just like you,”


“Mhm,” he fished out a photo of himself and gave it to her. It was a picture of him when he was about her age and indeed he was just as small and scrawny but he was surrounded by a crew of men and women.

“Who are they?”

“That’s my crew, well, the Globe pirates. I was their cabin boy when I was younger,”

“You lived on the sea too?”

“Lived on a ship for most of my life. The sea is my home, hell it’s everyone’s home. I remember being your age and exploring the ship like it was a world all of its own, until I got taller and had to squeeze into places. From then I vowed to have the biggest ship in the seas so when my cabin kids came, they would get lost in the sense of wonder as well just to pass on the wonder. Savor your tininess. It’s the best advantage you can have,” she nodded.

“That’s how I find all of the great places I find!”

“Really now? Like where?” she grinned and told him about the hidden places on the ship, “But Marco said I’m not even close!”

“You’re not and some you can’t find without help but luckily, Oji-chan is here to help!” she beams, “Let’s clear the table and get your map,”

“Okay!” they cleared the table and after drying the dishes, ____________________ went to retrieve her map. She proudly showed the places that she found. He looked at them and grinned.

“Good start, little lady but these here are going to take some finesse, especially Marco’s hideaway,” he showed her the easiest way to get there from the deck including how to enter.

“You’re the best!”

“Of course I am. And if Marco asks?”

“I did it all on my own because I’m super clever!”

“Very good! See? There’s perks to being tiny,”

“Well, sometimes. Like I think it would be cool if I knew how tall I’ll be when I’m older!”

“You’ll be tall enough. As long as you’re happy with yourself, you’ll be fine!” then the clock chimed. It was noon. He didn’t realize how late it was, “Hmmm we have a little while before everyone comes back and my errands, do you know how to play Shogi?” she shakes her head, “Come on, it’s usually a man’s game but I know my granddaughter can handle it,” she grinned and nodded. After half an hour of explanation and strategy, __________________ soon got the hang of the strange game, “With practice you can become a great strategist and gambler. You have an innocent face, you can easily hustle a few men out of their money. We’re teaching her mahjong next,”

“Okay! It kind of reminds me of chess!”

“You know about chess?”

“Mhm! Grandpa taught me chess!”

“Shogi is a lot like chess but an older form,”

“Do you play a lot?”

“Just after I retired from the pirates’ life. You see when old farts like me retire, there’s nothing much to but relax and play shogi, dominoes, and chess with other old men and catch up and of course take care of the village,”

“You’re retired?!”


“Do you like it? Retirement?”

“It’s fulfilling. All I have are my stories and memories and that’s good enough for me. Old dogs either retire or don’t make it to see another sunrise. Not exactly the perfect life but retirement is amazing,”

“Why did you retire?”

“Edward was the one who forced me into it along with my crew. Said it would devastate the seas if I continued and he was right, the world didn’t need three powerhouses and of course, after Blume died…I just didn’t want to fight anymore,”

“You knew Blume?! Pops and Sister tell me stories about her all the time!”

“Heh, Blume was…something else. She was about your age when she as a cabin girl and sailed the seas then she formed the Flower Pirates and the rest was history. She ate the Mosa Mosa no Mi fruit. She could control any plant from making healing medicine to making a weapon that could torture you before you died. She didn’t allow men on her main ship. Not because she didn’t like or trust them, she knew a lot of her crew members had very…touchy when it came to men. She commanded and gained respect. She had the love and respect of her crew, who she treated like daughters and anyone whom she called friend,”

“Wow! She’s amazing!”

“Was…amazing,” he looked down. __________________ covered her mouth. He smiled and pats her head, “No, no, you didn’t say anything wrong. Blume died a long time ago…still hurts like I know to some she was probably just an old pirate but she’ll always be one of my closest friends. She died doing what she loved and protecting someone close to her. After that, I knew I should step down and retire, seeing just how hard her crew took it when she fell. Her Second in Command took over and reign the seas before well…becoming a legend in her own right,”

“Who’s she?”

“That’s a story for another time,” the clock chimed, “We’re going to have to cut this short kiddo. We’re going to town to do a few things,”


“Heh, it’s the perks of hanging out with Oji-chan. Come on,”

____________________ perched on Atlas’s shoulders as he walked through town. She looked at the village in awe. Sphinx was covered in a soft blanket of snow, lanterns glowed in the foggy sky, and everything felt so still and quiet. A village was very different from a town and she actually liked this better. It was quiet, with trees and places for her to explore and get into. They went into the shopping area where everyone was preparing for New Years, buying and selling last minute things, getting flowers and decorations, and of course getting their food and snacks. Everyone greeted Atlas when he came through. He bought a lot of tea and ordered barrels of sake for the festivities later. He did the same and got plenty of fish and things delivered to the house. When he was done, he took a turn away from the village and towards a small house. _____________________ could smell bread and other baked goods there. A young woman was finishing putting some cakes and breads on display. When she saw Atlas, she beamed.

“Grandma! Atlas is here!” she comes out and smiled at him. She then spied ___________________, “Oh! And who’s this?”

“My granddaughter, ___________________!” he gently takes her off his shoulder and sets her on the ground, “She’s a little tiny,”

“Compared to you, everyone is tiny,” the woman chuckled. An old woman came out of the house. She was in a light yellow kimono, her hair tied in a bun on her head. She stopped in front of __________________, “Wait, is this the little girl Whitebeard adopted?”

“One in the same,”

“Flora and Edward’s daughter? My, my…that is a surprise,” she said smiling at her. _______________ smiled back and bowed.

“It’s nice to meet you, Miss,”

“And polite! I’m Tetsu Sakura but you can call me Oba-chan if you like,”


“Here to pick up your order Atlas?”

“Mhm and a very last minute request,” he said sheepishly. Sakura looked at him

“…how last minute?”


“Atlas really! Tomorrow is the eve!”

“I know, I know but it’s very important and I have an explanation!”

“This better be a good one!”

“Hanna, I hate to ask but do you mind showing _________________________ the inside of your Bakery? I’m sure she’ll love it and I don’t want her to see me like this,”

“You’re going to grovel are you?”


“Okay, come along sweetie,” Hanna took her hand and took her inside. The house was bigger than it looked on the outside. They had a brick oven, much like Corazon’s but larger. All of the baked goods were all lined up neatly and the cakes were under glass. ___________________’s mouth watered but then something caught her eye. There were boxes of fruits that smelled sweet but advertised as cakes. She tilted her head in confusion.

“What are these?”

“My specialty, fruit shaped desserts! They’re mini cakes that are made to look like fruits with the fruit filling inside.

“Wow! They look so real!”

“Thank you, take me forever to make a few batches but worth it. Would like one?”

“Yes please!” she takes out the apple and gives it to her on a napkin. She grinned and bit into it. Her eyes widened and realized that even though it had a soft shell on the outside, it was soft and spongy on the inside. Hanna chuckled at her expression.

“Like it?”

“It’s SO good!”

“I thought so. I found the recipe around the North Blue area about a year ago. The baker there took me on as his apprentice and passed on the recipe to me,”

“That’s cool! Do you have a crew too?” Hanna smiled

“No, no, but I do sail out on my tiny boat until I get out of Wano then I use trains,”


“It’s easier than trying to sail everywhere with my equipment especially since I travel all over once a year and find recipes and new methods to help me with my baking. So the village always get the best the best the world has to offer without traveling outside to get it,”

“That’s really cool! Pops said that he grew up here a long time ago!”

“He did! But Sphinx was very different back then. I only heard stories from Oba-chan but this place used to be very harsh to live in. Because we’re a village, the World Government doesn’t support it because well, there’s nothing to get out of it. Oba-chan said she remembered people running away to the Capital to try and get food or steady work and selling their organs and limbs in order to keep their families alive. All of that changed when Atlas appeared. Mr. Newgate saw this man and he was ready to defend his home and it’s citizen from this pirate, knowing that everyone suffered enough and a pirate pillage would just destroy the village. Atlas saw his determination and said he would support the village under the condition that Mr. Newgate would come with him and he agreed. Since then, the village thrived and when Atlas and his crew retired, they settled permanently in the village and Mr. Newgate still supports us because we’re his home and roots,”


“Amazing isn’t it? It’s my favorite story,”

“What about Blume?” Hanna smiled

“Thanks to her, our countryside and woods are forever in bloom, pun intended but she’s the one who got the vegetation back all over, just stopping at the Capital and created a permanent and strong barrier to keep outsiders out, then again, everyone thinks anyone from Sphinx are poor farmers and just avoid the area and other villages all together. Works fine since we all help and support each other,”

“That’s great!”

“HANNA!” Oba-chan walked in looking slightly annoyed but had a smile on her face, “Box up two cakes for the little lady and we have a big order to fill by tomorrow,”

“Okay! What kind of a cake?”

“Enough to feed two armies!”

“Both crews?”

“And three boys who can eat more than an army!” Hanna looked a little defeated, “Don’t worry, we can do it! He paid and owes us a huge favor for this,”

“He wore you down?”

“Yes unfortunately,” she said, “________________ dear, pick out any two cakes you want sweetie,”

“Yes Oba-chan!” ___________________ settled on a large chocolate mousse cheesecake and a half dozen of Hanna’s fruit desserts with the assortment of two pears, two peaches, and two apples. Hanna gave her the order and she happily trotted outside. Atlas hoisted her up when he saw her and placed the two boxes in his back basket. He looked up her.



“Let’s go! Thanks Sakura!”

“Leave you terrible man!”

“Bye Miss Hanna! Bye Oba-chan!”

“Bye sweetie! Keep him out of trouble!”

“I’ll try!” they were soon back on the main road. Because it was getting late, he decided to order something from a yatai shop. While waiting, he noticed she was eying the cake. He chuckled.

“Not until we get home, kiddo,”


“Edward told me you were a sweet fanatic. All that candy will rot your brain,”

“I don’t like candy much. I really like cake though,”

“Oh that’s okay then. Cake is your favorite food?”


“For how long?”

“About a year in a half now! Even since I was adopted!”


“It was the first thing I ate my first night with Pops! So ever since, it was my favorite food! It makes me happy!” he chuckled. It was probably the first really good thing she had after living with Flora for so long.

“Well, since you like sweet things, let’s get you some taiyaki,”

“What’s taiyaki?”

“You’ll see,” after he got their order, he headed to a taiyaki cart. Soon they had two piping hot fish shaped waffles. She got chocolate, he got red bean paste.

“Chocolate now? I swear, back in my day it only came in red bean paste and fruit. Chocolate wasn’t never an option,”

“I never had red bean paste. Is it good?” he broke his in half and hands it to her. She takes a bite, “Like it?”

“Mhm! But I like chocolate better!” She split hers in half and gave it to him. He grinned and ruffled her hair before popping it in his mouth.

“…okay it is good with chocolate,”


Once home, Atlas got ready for his bath. He showed _________________ where she could bathe and showed her the ofuro where she could soak. She took her bath and went to soak in the hot water. Atlas was already in the water soaking in his tub.

“Oji-chan! I’m coming!” he closed his eyes as she scampered to the tub and eased into the water. Her body was submerged up to her neck, “Okay!” he uncovered his eyes and they soaked. The pair had a long day together and just savored the water taking every little kink out of their bodies.

“Oji-chan?” she said softly


“I really enjoyed out outing today. It was fun!”

“I did too,” he smiled. Marietta came back with groceries. She checked the baths to see the pair having a bath, “Marietta, a favor, get her dressed and ready for bed,”

“Of course Boss!”

“Stop with this Boss crap. Also, prepare the kotatsu and hot sake and genmaicha,”


“Close your eyes kiddo,” After her bath, she went to join Atlas back inside. There was tea ready for her and hot sake for him along with peach dessert for her, the apple dessert for him and a slice of the cake for the both of them. She snuggled under the kotatsu and gently sipped her tea. He chuckled to himself. She drank her tea like an old woman.

“Sister used to bring in tea all the time,” she said pouring another cup, “I like it so much I started making and brewing it before bed. But it kept me awake sometimes so Sister told me to drink it a few hours before bed,”

“You don’t call Flora, mother?”

“Nah uh, Sister sounds more right. I don’t think she likes the word Mom,”

“True. She’s not fond of it. Have you ever thought your own mother? Do you even remember what she looks like?” she looked thoughtful for a few moments and shook her head.

“Well…the thought never really crossed me. I mean it did a long time ago but now…it doesn’t. Like I don’t even remember their faces, what they looked like or anything. Before I did but now I don’t. Every time I think of a Mom, Sister comes up, when I think of Dad, I think of Pops and I’m okay with that!” as it was getting later, he told her story after story and soon she was starting to doze off. Around ten, everyone came back home from their various adventures around town. Marco, Izo, and Thatch were the first ones home, followed by Jozu, Curiel, Vista, Kingdew, and Speed Jill. They came in talking and still hyped up, making their way to the living room.

“Shhhhh….she’s sleeping,” said Atlas pointing to the little girl in his lap. _________________ was sleeping soundly looking outright exhausted.

“She’s been here the whole time?!” said Izo

“Mhm, when she saw everyone gone, she was a little upset until I offered her to keep me company,”

“What did you two do all day?” said Flora

“Well, we had breakfast, I taught her how to play shogi, then we went into town and helped with the festival preparations, went to the bakery and got some cake, then we had taiyaki before we realize how late it was so we went and got curry and a crab hot pot before going home, taking a bath and I told her stories while we had tea and sake and some of that cake we bought,”

“That sounds like fun!” said Speed Jill

“Seriously! You never took us out like that!” said Kingdew

“That’s because you all ran off before I suggested it,” said Atlas, “She was the only one left and I asked if she wanted to hang out with Oji-san and she said yes. I had a whole day planned and when I heard you all talking about what you wanted to do in the village and Wano, I decided to just stay. Tomorrow we’re going to the Capital so I can show her around,”

“Can we come?!”

“Nope, it’s for me and my granddaughter who didn’t abandon me!” he said gently picking her up and taking her to bed. It’s been a very long time since he’s tucked a child into bed. He gently placed her on the bed before tucking her in tightly. He pats her head as her cat curled up next to her. He smiled, turned off the light and decided to turn in as well.

Chapter 30: Happy Birthday Ace!


Ace laments about his birthday

A/N this was scheduled for New Years and finally finished and posted! Once again, I'll have it in chronological order the next day!

Chapter Text

It wasn’t the idea that Ace hated his birthday. It’s just that, no one ever made a big deal about it. In fact, no one really knew when he birthday was. Garp knew because he was there, after he killed his mother, according to many, and so no one really celebrated it. He took the New Year as fate wanting him to be alive for the next year and usually people were so hung up on the New Year that no one really noticed it was his birthday. However, this year, New Years was different. They were up bright and early, got dressed in the family kimonos, and went to the Shrine in the village before watching the sunrise. Everyone cooked for days in order to not cook on New Years and after a huge breakfast, the only think he wanted to do was hang out with his brothers and sister. However, everyone was busy today. Pops wanted to catch up with Atlas, Marco and Thatch was playing some old man game, Izo was preening ________________ and everyone was either drinking, laughing, or relaxing. He wasn’t bored but he knew this day was for everyone to be together. Sabo and Luffy went off without him and now he was just alone….as usual. After breakfast, he just wanted to go someplace and sleep this entire off.

“Aaaaaaace!” he turned. ____________________ was grinning at him with River following at her feet sporting a black collar with the same family crest. He reddened slightly. She, Izo, and Flora were up earlier than everyone getting their kimonos on. The Whitebeard kimono was back with golden flowers along with the family crest on the back. Izo tied her hair up in golden flowers making her look so cute.


“Wanna go on an adventure with me? Please?” he knew he couldn’t say no to that face, especially that bright smile.

“Okay, where are we going?”

“Around Sphinx! There’s something I want to show you!”

“Let’s go then,”

Ace followed __________________. He couldn’t believe that she managed to find a bakery or someplace where she could satisfy her sweet tooth already. He wasn’t surprised. She always knew how to explore an area in a little amount of time and her hanging out with Oji-chan was a big help. He looked around the village, he didn’t even remember this area with Luffy and Sabo. Then again, they went into the woods and ended up in Wano with the others. This was nothing like anything at home. He liked it. The shops were all closed for New Years but there was a festival that he couldn’t wait to attend the next day. He had to admit, he’d never thought he would see a place like this at this age. He liked it. It was quieter than a town or a city. He could see why everyone around here were so happy and layback. Since arriving, everyone seemed to be happier and less worried about everything. The snow added to the calmness of this place. He was kind of glad they were going to stay there for awhile. Even Luffy and Sabo liked it, then again, Luffy loved everything. Sabo never been to a village and the idea of so many people living in a small area with everything they need and just happy to be with each other, especially since there’s no Marines and the absence of nobility. He watched ____________________ turn off the path and turned to make sure he and River was behind her.

“Meow?” River looked up at Ace.

“I know, I know but just go with it,” soon they came up to a house in the woods. A woman with light brown hair, tanned skin and specks on her face was in front of the house. She was in a beautiful blue and red kimono with goldfish. She seemed to just relaxing against the house when she heard _______________’s trots.

“Oh! ________________ what a surprise!” said Hanna smiling at her, “Happy New Year!”

“Happy New Year! This is my big brother, Ace!” Ace looked at the woman. She had a kind face and very sweet aura. He bowed politely

“Nice to meet you,”

“It’s so refreshing to see such polite children!” she said smiling

“And this is River!” she looked down and knelt down petting him fondly.

“Nice to meet you too, River,”

“I wanted to show him your bakery! I’m sorry it’s so short notice!”

“Nonsense! Come in!” Ace looked around and realized why she liked this place. It was a bakery, off the path, in the woods that had pleasant smells coming from it. He looked around at all of the desserts and bread. River pawed at the case where there were a cute fish shaped pastries.

“You can’t eat those. No matter how good they look,”


“I’ll sneak you some fish later,” then he felt a tap.

“Come on! We have to find the hidden treasure!” he looked at __________________ as though she grew two heads.


“This is the first stop! Miss Hanna gave me the map and it’s not too far from here! Let’s go!” he shrugged and followed her. He often wondered every single day were all girls like _________________? He WAS a girl for a short time. Penny was a passive girl, Plum was passive but a lot more outgoing when it came to Plum, Vivi was headstrong and Kaya was quiet but still sociable. They were normal girls to him, ________________ was just…_________________ he supposed. Then again he didn’t mind her being the way she was. Sometimes she was like one of his brothers, could be naïve like Luffy but usually she thought in the most sage like way that he wondered if she really was an old man. She hummed sweetly and trotted through the woods, with River hopping from rock to rock to avoid the snow before just hopping on him to just be carried. Finally she stopped and lifted up a boulder. She grinned and took out a box of pears from it.

“Here!” Ace looked at the pear.

“What are these?” he said curiously

“Try one!” he looked apprehensive as he looked at the pears in the box and took the one from her hands. It felt too light to be a pear but visually it was a pear, or so he thought. He shrugged and took a large bite, only to find it to be spongy and really…tasty. He looked at it and it was indeed a dessert with pear filling, “Like it?”

“Yeah! How the hell did you do that?!”

“I didn’t! Miss Hanna did! She travels all over the world for new recipes for her bakery and came across this!” he finished it up and grabbed another one.

“This is my new favorite thing ever!” They happily ate their treasure. He’s never had anything that tasted this good before and when he got his crew, he was going to make SURE they would stock up on these every time they were going out to sea. Miss Hanna soon appeared.

“You found your treasure?”

“MHM! Thank you so much Miss! How much do I owe you?” said ________________, “For everything?”

“You’re Atlas’s daughter and the sweetest little ravioli I’ve ever seen! They’re on the house, it’s the new year and it looks like Ace genuinely like them,”

“Yeah! We don’t get many pears at home so he likes to stock up on them when they’re in season,” Ace blushed

“H-How do you know that?!”

“I help pick them remember?” they left two pears in the box and wrapped them up, ready to go, “Thank you again Miss Hanna! Ready to go Ace?”


“Did you have fun today?” she asked. It was starting to snow again. Ace carried the box and _______________ carried River. It was about noon, it felt longer since they’ve been up off and on since midnight.

“Mhm, thanks for taking me out,”


“No, seriously, it’s rare you take me around and well I’m glad I came this time…well I when you do it anytime,”

“You like hanging out with a useless girl?” she stuck her tongue out. He ruffled her hair.

“Only when it’s my weird little sister,” when they made it back, the house was quiet with seemingly no life inside, “Looks like everyone is gone. But that’s okay, we can do something together,”

“Sounds good!” ____________________ trotted ahead and ran inside. River wiggled out of his arms and ran after her. Ace followed behind and saw the kitchen door opened. He snorts and headed towards the living room. He slid opened the door. The room was dark so he flipped on the light.

“SURPRISE!” Ace jumped and promptly fell asleep. When he came to, he could see party decorations above him. He slowly sat up on the couch to see __________________ panicking and crying along with Luffy. Thatch, Fossa, Kingdew, and Vista were laughing hard. He looked around and saw gifts, a large cake, lanterns, and a bewildered Atlas and Flora.

“He’s awake!” said Sabo, “Ace are you okay?!”

“Ace is alive?!” said __________________ looking over. Her face wet from crying. Luffy ran to him and hugged him tightly.

“Get off me! I’m fine!”


“You just dropped dead!” said ____________________ sobbing.

“What the hell just happened?!” said Atlas, “Did he faint?!”

“No, no, Ace has narcolepsy,” said Whitebeard, “When we surprised him, I guess it triggered it,”

“That was hilarious!” said Thatch

“S-So he didn’t drop dead?!” said ____________________ sobbing

“No! Your hands are clean little lady,” said Marco sniggering, “Sorry Ace, didn’t mean to scare you,”

“So you all planned this?!” said Ace

“Mhm, getting your birthdate out of Garp was like pulling teeth,” said Whitebeard, “We knew it was around an important holiday, just not which one. So we decided to throw you a party along with out regular New Year’s festivities but we had to get you out of the house,”

“Why didn’t you ask me or Luffy?” said Sabo. Whitebeard raised an eyebrow, “Okay, just me then,”

“Needed you to keep Luffy distracted,”


“Sorry kiddo, you would have gave away the party the moment you saw Ace. So we asked _________________ to show him around town while we get everything ready,”

“And we know you don’t mind hanging out with your little sister,” said Kingdew

“W-What’s that supposed to mean?!”

“Nothing, why are you getting defensive?”

“I-I’m not!”

“I’m just saying it’s because you like going on a _____________________ Adventure,”

“Oh! Yeah! Her adventures are pretty cool! You see shit you’ve never seen! Seriously! How did you find a cake that looks like fruit?!” Ace never actually had a real birthday party before. Back with Dadan, it was usually a casual offhanded happy birthday and everyone just ignored him as usual. He never even gotten a gift…well Magra did try to get him something, usually new clothes and that’s about it. He didn’t even know people celebrated birthdays until he witnessed a kid in Goa having one. Then he realized that his birth would and should never be celebrated and just forgot about it until today. There was a party celebrating the day he was born. He couldn’t help but smile. He even got a present from Pops and Flora, navigation tools including a compass.

“F-For me?”

“Seems like you have a knack for navigation,” said Whitebeard, “So we got you this,” Ace gingerly took it. Te rest of his brother gave him things too including a new game console, games, and clothes. He held back years. This was very new to him and it made him feel warm and happy inside, even though he knew he didn’t deserve it. He did nothing to deserve any of this.

“Because you’re so damned secretive, Luffy and I couldn’t get you anything for your birthday,” said Sabo

“Yeah! You’re always so mean Ace! We wanted to get you something too!”

“You two can share in my gift,” said _____________________ handing Ace the box of pears, “Happy Birthday!”

“You got me the pears?!”

“Mhm! I know you like pears over apples so I asked Miss Hanna if she could give me a batch for your birthday!”

“These are…cakes!” said Luffy who went to grab them. He then saw Ace’s murderous expression and backed down.

“Touch one and I’ll murder you! We can have one later,” he leered at _______________, “but how did you know it was my birthday?!”

“Well…when Oji-chan ordered the cake and when it was delivered, it had your name on it. So I just thought your birthday was close. Then Pops asked me to show you where the bakery was and I put two and two together. So while you were looking at everything, I asked Miss Hanna could have two boxes. She hid one while she got the other one,”

“Stop going through a lot of trouble for me!” he said putting her in a headlock and ruffling her hair. She flailed and tried to escape.

“Yeah! Get her good Ace!” said Luffy

“Overachiever!” said Sabo

“But it’s your birthday! You should always feel happy on your birthday!” after the cake and dinner, Atlas finally stood up.

“Okay rug rats, here’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for,” said Atlas. The kids looked at the old man with confusion as he took out twenty small envelopes. They were decorated and looked adorable and cute. He gave them each five. They looked puzzled but thanked him and opened them. The look on their faces were as though they have seen the face of God.

“T-This is five thousand beli!” said Ace, “In each one!”

“W-WAIT! WE GET MONEY?!” said Luffy

“Seriously?!” said Sabo. Atlas sighed

“It’s traditional. Seriously Edward what have you been teaching these kids?!”

“It’s been awhile since we’ve had children and I just forgot,”


“Same, it’s been a rough two years,”

“But yeah, you each get money from me, Flora, and Atlas and which ever adult who’s close to you. It’s your New Year’s Money,” they all looked confused. Atlas snorts, “It’s to bring you all luck for the New Year,” They had five envelopes each. Sabo, Ace, and Luffy got an additional one from Dadan with the words “I have done this against my will”. But Luffy got one from Shanks, Sabo got his last one from an anonymous donor, along with Ace. _________________ got hers from her grandparents and Miss Hancock. It was five thousand beli each. The boys contemplated this in their rooms.

“So…what do we do with it?” said Sabo, “I mean we’re saving for a ship,”

“Yeah but…we’re working for that,” said Ace

“So…do we keep this?” said Luffy

“Well…it’s impolite to give away a gift,”

“How about this, we each pitch in 5000 beli each for our ship,” said Ace

“Sounds fair!” said Luffy.

“We can all go into the Capital tomorrow to see if there’s anything we can get,”

“________________ you coming with us, right?” she poked her out from her room.


“We’re going to the Capital tomorrow, wanna come?”


“They had these really cute cloaks and things that you can wear when it’s cold!” said Sabo

“She doesn’t want that girly crap!” said Ace

“What do they look like?” said _________________

“There was this yellow and white one!” said Luffy, “Red and white, red and black, blue and black, and pink and green!”

“I want those!”

“Lemme borrow one!”


“Stop wearing ______________________’s clothes!”

“Izo wear things like that all the time! And he’s super manly!”

“There’s nothing manly about Izo!”

“If someone can fire a gun into the air, hit a dime straight through and catch it, that’s a man,” said Sabo


“Well, it’s almost the end of your birthday,” said Luffy, “What do you wanna do?” Ace smirked

“I know the perfect way to end today,” Atlas stumbled towards his room. New Years was just beginning and of course he was going to drink every little upstart under the table. He was going to get an earful from Marietta when she gets back. He passed by the kids’ rooms. He noticed they were all empty until he got to Ace’s room. Using the futons, blankets, and pillows, they made a little pillow fort. He walked inside and peeked inside. All four of them were sound asleep. He saw the pear box empty, limbs everywhere and blankets covering them all. Ace had the most peaceful smile on his face surrounded by his brothers and sister with River on his head. He silently closed the fort and silently left the room and slid it closed.

The Eclipse and Flower Pirates were celebrating their latest victory against the World Government that evening. It happened suddenly and was soon over right after it started. The battle all but an day before the Marines surrendered and retreated, leaving them to escape. They escaped to Sphinx, deciding to lay low until they could treat their wounds and restock and food and supplies. He insisted that Blume and her crew docked and stay and she happily obliged. Winter had came and everyone would ceasefire anyway. What better way than to spend it with old friends and allies? He then noticed something. Edward was acting strange and strange was an understatement. He was peeking around the corner on deck. Atlas stood up and looked over to see. Blume’s cabin girl was on his deck looking at the sky. She just joined Blume some time ago. According to Blume she bought the girl from a trader, mainly to keep her from being sold off to the World Government and Marines. He then told me that not only was the child trader dead but she witnessed what happened with her own eyes and it added on to other trauma that the young girl witnessed. Thanks to Blume, she was finally adjusting quite nicely with the Flower Pirates. He hoped that Edward wasn’t planning on trying to challenge the girl, who did have an aura of trouble around her. But the look on his face told it all. Atlas sneaked away and ordered two very hot sweet potatoes. He pulled his cabin boy to the side and gave them to him. He was about to protest.

“Ask if she wants one. No one can say no to a hot sweet potato,” Edward nodded and cautiously went to the young girl. Atlas made himself scarce but watched on in secret. Edward slowly approached the girl who didn’t seem to notice him. He gently stood next to her. She turned. He swallowed a lump in his throat.

“Want one?”

“What is it?”

“Hot sweet potato. It’s really good and tastes great when it hot,” she takes it and slowly unwraps it. The steam was coming out of the potato. She cautiously bit into it. She winced at the heat but then relaxed, “How is it?”

“Good, thank you,” she said softly

“You’re welcomed. Want company?” she nodded. He stood next to her. They started making small talk, ending with them laughing. Atlas grinned at the sight. Edward was the only cabin boy he had and always felt the need to protect everyone his age and make friends, especially now since he was far from his family.

“I’ll show you around!”

“You live in this village?”

“Mhm! Come on! It’s not good to be cooped up on a ship all the time! Kids needs to stretch their legs and have a little fun!” she looked apprehensive but soon agreed taking his outstretched hand. He pulled and soon they were off the ship to explore a bit. He grinned. Was there nothing a hot sweet potato couldn’t fix?

“Thought I would never see the day that Flora decided to cut loose and be a little girl again,” he turned. Blume was watching as well from the crow’s nest.

“How long have you been up there?”

“Awhile, waiting for you to bring up that sake,” he snorts as she came down. The pair sat together in his Captain Quarters with hot piping sake and yakitori. They were old friends, first rivals but they knew that the other would have the other’s support in anything or be the one who knocks some well deserved sense into the other. They were quite the pair, he was large, muscular, dark skinned man with tribal markings from his village. He was imposing and intimating to all but he was in reality a big softie when it came to anyone who couldn’t defend themselves. Blume was a tall, ample woman with dark hair and soft, noble features but would still gut you with a smile, “Seems like Edward has taken a liking to Florrie,”

“So that’s her name,” he said downing his sake


“What’s her story?”

“Let’s just say she had two paths she could have gone down, one where she would have been an uncontrollable monster lashing out at the world or a tamed monster who followed what she knew was right,”

“Basically the same thing,”

“Mhm. She’s a sweet girl but she can size someone up pretty quickly. She knew what Caramel had in store for her and the other children. She protected them like they were her own,”

“Why did you buy her then?”

“I adopted her. Humans aren’t items to be sold. Behind all of that anger, cold eyes, and aggressive aura was a frightened little girl who lost everything and just wanted some stability in her life back. It was the only way she knew how to protect herself as a child. No one deserves to be treated as a monster without anyone knowing just how hurt they are and how much they were suffering in silence,”

“I see. So this is progress?”

“Yep! That and she does like your little cabin boy but she’s not going to admit it. She’s already thinking she’s gone soft because she’s not so angry anymore and expressing her emotions like a normal little girl,”

“I won’t tell him. He has to work for it,” they laughed as she pours them another round.

“We’re lousy parents,”

“Please! We’re the best damned parents on the seas!

Chapter 31: Heartbreaker


The Little Girl is cute and her brother can't handle that

Chapter Text

______________________ woke up, got dressed, and went to get her breakfast. She noticed a few things, like Izo was especially in a good mood, but mostly Pops. Downstairs, everyone was getting breakfast but she also noticed everyone was looking at the mail. Soon Blamenco came in with a larger than usual stack of mail and packages. Izo had the most and happily took his upstairs and everyone got at least one letter or package. Marco promptly tossed his large package in the trashcan.

“Shanks?” said Jozu

“Mhm,” she gently tugged on Kingdew’s shirt. He looked down.

“Hey kiddo,” he grinned at her and hands over her breakfast. Thatch went all out, making heart shaped pancake, omelettes, eggs, toast, and things like that.

“Why do we have heart things everywhere? What’s going on?”

“Cynical already?” said Curiel laughing, “It’s Valentine’s Day,”

“Valentine’s Day?”

“Yeah. You’ve heard of it, right?”

“Yeah but…I always thought it was just a regular boring day,”

“Oh? How come?”

“Well, Sister always treated it like a normal day! I didn’t even know it was called Valentine’s Day until last year. I just knew on February 14th, Sister would always leave late afternoon, made me something for dinner and lock down the convent telling me to not leave it until she came back and it was usually the next day and she would be a great mood for two weeks,” the men all fell silent and gave a collective shudder.

“Well Valentine’s Day is a day where people give people small gifts of love to show someone you care,”


“So don’t feel bad if you don’t get anything, sweetheart,” said Atmos

“…but you guys give me things all the time to you care! We don’t need a special day for that!”

“Jeez kid, my heart!” said Vista clutching it dramatically

“Can’t say she isn’t logical about it,” said Thatch chuckling

“Oho, looks like you got something, little lady,” said Blamenco shifting through the boxes and envelopes.

“Me?” he hands her a small box with a red envelope.

“Oooh~ does our little sister get her first Valentine?” said Atmos, “Who’s the lucky guy?”

“Probably the freckled weirdo who lives here,”

“It came from Killer!” she said reading the card. Then she opened the little box, “AWWW! It’s so cute!!!” she squealed looking at mini figurine inside.

“Pretty Solider? I thought that show got cancelled ages ago,” said Izo

“Nah, still going strong around the Wano area,” said Blenheim, “And she got Tsuki in a kimono,”

“They’re making toys now?”

“Kinda, just those little blind capsules. They have a few machines in Goa and other islands. Five hundred beli a pop to play it,”

“…you’ve been looking for Kinsei in a kimono haven’t you?”

“I got her…and plenty of Mokusei and Kasei. I’ve been giving them to the little lady and her friends but I’m rather jealous she got Tsuki since it’s a seventy to one chance in her pink kimono,”

“I knew it…and I wouldn’t mind taking a Mokusei and Kasei from you…”

“And it’s a keychain!” said ____________________. Marco takes it and fastens it securely onto her knapsack, “Thanks Marco!”

“No prob kiddo,”

“Now I gotta thank him for this!” she finished eating and ran to the door, “Bye everyone!”

“Bundle up!”

“Okay!” She started her rounds. Because it was still winter, she had free range of town before ribbon twirling resumed but that didn’t mean she didn’t have her affairs to attend to. The first thing she did was clean off the Nice Lady’s grave. Her little shelter for her was still intact and it kept her safe from the snow. She replaced the flowers and kept her company with a new book before heading off. She was so giddy at her present. She started collecting the figurines after Blenheim gave her Suisei. From there she often tried her luck once a week and managed to get them all through luck or trading with Penny and Plum and Kaya. She passed the convent and saw Sister closing and locking down the convent before heading towards the Whitebeard home.

“Why can’t you ever sleep in like a normal person?” she turned to see Law walking up behind her carrying a full load of groceries. She grabbed one to release his burden.

“It’s not that early!”

“It’s nine and you’re already up and about,”

“What about you?!”

“I had to get some shopping done for Corazon. He had a rough night and sleeping it off. I wish I would have known you were coming, I would have asked you about how to get things from the markets,”

“I can help you tomorrow? Or a little later!”

“Where are you going anyway?”

“To see Killer! He gave me the limited edition Tsuki in her pink kimono for Valentine’s Day!”

“Ohh, well he’s not home. I saw him and Kid on their way to the Baratie early this morning. Probably getting breakfast,”

“Ah! Awesome! Thanks Law!”

“Later,” she made a U-turn and headed off to the Baratie. Once there, she went through the front. They were in the middle of the breakfast rush. She noticed there were a lot of couples in the room. One woman was giggling as the man across from looked at her with a strange spacey look; one woman looked smitten at a man who gave her a small red box as she started squealing. She passed a table with two men. One was happily eating and talking wildly as the man in front of him looked as though he wanted to be anywhere else. _____________________ saw him eating his heart shaped breakfast in cringe but looked up and smiled a little seeing his lover being happy. She reached the kitchens. Sanji was finishing up an order when he saw her. She gave a small wave. He immediately jumped off his stool and ran to her.

“____________________-chan! My favorite, sweet, adorable sister!” Sanji said hugging her tightly. She reddened as he snuggled her cheeks.  

“I’m happy to see you too!”

“I need you to do something for me!”


“Do you happen to know Nami-chan?!”

“Nami? Yeah! She’s not in town though. She should be at home with Miss Bellemere,”

“Will you see her soon?!”

“I don’t know, I might,”

“Can you make sure she gets this letter?!”

“I’ll try! I’ll ask Law for her address or something,”

“YOU’RE THE BEST!” he hugged her tightly, “By the way,” he took her hand and led her into the kitchen and presented her a small container of chocolate cupcakes with chocolate icing and red and white chocolate hearts on top, “Happy Valentine’s Day,”

“Wow! For me?!”

“Yep! You’re my friend Valentine and the only girl who comes around all the time soooo these are for you!”

“You’re the best! By the way, have you seen Killer?”

“We was here earlier getting the leftover breakfast foods for him and Kid then they headed to Goa,”

“Awesome! Thanks!”

“I don’t understand why everyone is all lovey dovey about this stupid holiday,” said Ace in the Courtyard. When he got up that morning, he was greeted to hearts and shit everywhere. He knew what this day meant and he wanted no parts of it. He knew the routine, Izo would be out until the next morning with a few others and that nun would come in the early afternoon and Marco would close off half the house, mainly the second stairs and tell no one to go near his study. But Thatch made up for this by making a special dinner and making chocolate. That was what he was doing with his brothers and now Law.

“Yeah! I mean so far it just means everyone get candy and want us away from the house,” said Luffy

“Well, it’s a holiday for boys or men to get a girl that they like them,” said Sabo.

“Ugh, who wants a useless girl anyway?” said Ace, “Besides, the only person who goes out on dates is Izo; everyone is just going out to drink,”

“Yet you have one for a sister,” said Law

“That’s different! __________________ is like a scented boy!”

“Still a girl. I wonder how many Valentines she’s gotten already,”


“I said I wonder how many Valentines she’s gotten,”

“W-Why would SHE get Valentines?! She’s weird…spacey, snores, and farts that can clear a room after she eats raisins! She’s like a walking time bomb when that happens,”

“She already got one from Killer,”


“Yeah, she passed me this morning heading over there to say thank you,”

“Damn it! I wish I knew! I would have pumped her ass with raisins,”

“Stop trying to turn her into a bio weapon!” said Sabo

“I don’t get the reason why ANYONE should get her a Valentine!”

“She’s also cute and innocent and nice,” Law shrugged, “Many boys and girls like that. So they may want to give her gifts because it. Hell, she probably has half of Goa after her to give her gifts,”

“I’LL BE DAMNED IF THAT’S SO!” Ace stood up and started running to city.

“Ace, wait!” Luffy ran after him. Sabo sighed and following after with Law close behind.

“You had to provoke him, didn’t you?” Law grins

“I really want to see how this plays out,”  

A young boy waited nervously by the bookstore. His dark curly hair covered his eyes and thankfully any signs of his nervousness. He’s been waiting there since he woke up that morning. He’s been admiring this girl every day for the last month and today he was going to give her chocolate for Valentine’s Day. She was very cute and always cheerful and her pattern was always going to the bookstore every few days so he was certain she was going to be there. He straightened himself up knowing it was close to the time. His palms were sweaty and he was shaking. On cue, she came towards him. She gave him a sweet smile and was about to leave.

“Umm EXCUSE ME!” she stopped and turned. She looked at him a bit surprised.

“Yes?” he found himself shaking a little.

“I-I w-wanted to give you this! Happy Valentine’s Day!” she looked at him as he held out a small box of chocolates. She smiled

“Thank you! You didn’t have to!”

“I-I wanted to! Please enjoy and have a good day!” he went to run off.

“Wait! At least tell me your name!”

“GORDON!” he ran for it. _______________________ looked at it and grinned. She placed it carefully in her knapsack and headed off on her task. She went to the tea shop to get the tea order for the house. She was on her way out when another boy was looking at her from the entrance. She froze. He was taller than her and looked rough and tumble. He looked at her.

“Umm yes?” the boy looked a little embarrassed and said nothing holding up a small potted lily. He was a tall boy with dark features, messy red hair and looked very uncomfortable.

“F-For you,” she gently took it

“Thank you! I don’t ha—,”


“Thank you very much! Umm what’s your—,”

“JIN!” he also ran like the other boy. She looked utterly confused about this. No one gave her gifts out of the blue like this. She gently placed the plant in her bag and went off again. She decided to check all of Killer and Kid’s haunts in Goa. She was ready to give up when she saw two boys peeing behind the wall. She turned her head and waited. Soon they left, one went one way, and the other headed towards her. She beamed.

“KILLER!” he looked up before grinning. He braced himself as she ran and jump hugged him, “THANK YOU!”

“I take it you found your gift,”

“YEAH! How did you know?!”

“You let me borrow it remember? Kid and I knocked one over a capsule dispenser the other day and realized too late it was filled with the Pretty Soldier figures. Kid was going to throw them away but I knew that rare ones unboxed would fetch a good price. Lucky for us, there were like a ton of rare ones in there. So we just sold most of them for like two thousand beli each to girls who really wanted the rare ones. But I saved the Tsuki one for you and who was your favorite?”


“Figured, I got the inverted kimono one. I’ll bring it by later,”

“You’re the best!”

“Have to keep my book dealer happy,” he grinned, “So how many Valentines you got?”

“About four including yours! Sanji gave me six special cupcakes, a boy gave me chocolate and another boy gave me this potted lily,”

“Well aren’t you popular. What did Ace get you?”


“This is like your first V-day isn’t it?”

“I guess, I didn’t think it was an important day to be honest,”

“It’s not, it’s just a day for people to be nice to someone they like,”

“Shouldn’t that be every day?”

“Yeah it should. You appreciate it more when you’re an adult I guess. I mean everyone’s been distracted, which is good because better to pickpocket. I’m still surprised Ace didn’t get you something,”


“Because Valentine’s Day, at least where we come from is when guys buy a gift for a person they’re—,”

“YOU!” they looked up as Ace jumped on front of them

“Speak of the devil,”

“Hey Ace!”

“Where the HELL have you been?!” he shouted

“Looking for Killer! I wanted to thank him for the Tsuki chibi he got me!” she showed it off on her bag, “Isn’t it cute?!” Ace however was more interested in what was IN her bag. He grabbed and saw things.


“Gifts! A few boys from Goa gave me something! They were really nice! One gave me chocolate and the other a flower!” his eye twitched. He snatched her back and ran for it, “HEY!”




“ACE NO! HE’LL TAKE AWAY MY CAKE PRIVILEGES!!!” she ran after him. Sabo and Luffy emerged a few moments later.

“Say Killer, do you know where—,”

“They went that way. Ace took her bag and now he’s gonna snitch to Marco because she got a few gifts from two boys in Goa,” Sabo sighed.

“Let’s go Luffy,”

“MARCO! ___________________________ IS TAKING CANDY AND GIFTS FROM STRANGERS!”

“AM NOT!” Marco jumped as the door slammed opened.  The kids coming in screaming. Thatch looked up from cooking. Ace had _________________’s knapsack and keeping it away from her as Sabo and Luffy trailed behind.




“_______________________ we’ve been over this. You know better than accepting gifts from strangers,”



“Marco they were boys OUR age!” _____________ protested, “I got the cupcakes from Sanji and other two from two other boys!”


“LET HER HAVE THE CHOCOLATE!” said Sabo running in.

“Really Ace!” said Thatch, “The way you talk some grown men were trying to lure her into their car or something,”

“They could have! We don’t know how old those bastards were!”

“They were about our ages, Marco,” said Sabo, “She was looking for Killer to thank him and two boys gave her something for Valentine’s Day,”

“OY! Back me up!”

“Stop terrorizing ___________________________!”

“If you wanted my chocolate, all you had to do was just ask,” said ___________________, “I have five more cupcakes!”

“I’ll take one!” said Luffy as she opened the container, “WOW! These are good!”

“Sanji made them!”



“Vista, can you take care of it for me? I think it’s wilting,”

“Hmmmm yeah give me a week or two and he’ll be okay,” he takes her lily, “Got a name for it?”

“The person who gave it to me, name was Jin! So I’ll name him Jin!”

“Sound good!”


“Ace calm down! Go play and cool off!” said Marco, “I’ll inspect the chocolate before she eats it, okay?”


“___________________ leave you bag here and go play, okay?”

“Yes Marco,” she left her bag and headed upstairs. Ace was about to leave but then noticed an envelope on the floor. He assumed it fell out of _____________________’s bag. He quickly pocketed it and went off to the Courtyard with Sabo and Luffy. Ace was fuming as pacing.

“Ace, calm down,” said Sabo watching him pace

“Seriously why is so trusting! She’s worst than Luffy!”


“Don’t bring Luffy into this because YOU’RE jealous,”


“Then why did you snitch to Marco?”



“Because _______________ isn’t dumb enough to get kidnapped,” said Luffy, “Even so she can do what she did last time!”

“She got lucky!”

“Luck didn’t have anything to do with it,” said Sabo, “Whatcha got there?”

“It fell out of ______________________’s bag,”

“…you’re not going to read it, are you?!”

“You damn right I am!”

“That’s private!” said Luffy

“Yeah that can be from a Valentine!”

“Or her secret boyfriend!”


“Ace calm down he’s just joking!” Ace glared and ripped opened the letter.

My Future Wife

The sugared scent of the marigold in full bloom;
Can’t even overpower your presence in the room.
Though marigolds themselves cannot compare
To the beautiful color of your hair
Even in the middle of the crowd, you are the only girl I see;
In the front of the altar, it is the place for you and me.

The majestic rainbow etched in the bright blue sky;
Can’t catch my attention when you are passing by.
You are the one who fill color into my life;
And it will be of extreme joy, if you will be my wife.

Your eternal Slave,

The three boys sat in silence for a few moments. Ace was processing what he just read, who it was for, and whose name was at the end. Sabo was processing all of the reason why _________________ had the letter and how he could explain to Ace that it was in no way intended for her and Luffy was wondering what Ace was going to do because it looked as though his brain melted.

“I’M GOING TO FUCKIN’ MURDER HIM!” Sabo and Luffy held Ace down as he crawled though their hideout with the pair hanging off of him.

“ACE STOP! You can’t kill Sanji!”



“YET! HE’S TRYING TO TURN __________________________ INTO A CHILD BRIDE!”

“Ace! That can’t happen if Pops won’t allow it!” said Sabo


“Ace that’s insane!”

“HOW?!” Sabo sighed. It was official; Ace was too far gone at this point.

“Ace, do you really want __________________ to know if you DO in fact kill him?!”

“Yeah! She’ll be super sad!”

“And you don’t want her to be sad, do you?!” Ace froze. Sabo looked a little relieved.

“You two distract her and I’ll go down there myself!”

“…fine,” Luffy looked Sabo who shook his head, “We’ll distract her…while you go and confront him,” Ace raised an eyebrow before running for it. Sabo sighed.

“Luffy do get Pops and I’ll cut Ace off,”


“Luffy, this is important, you know how Ace gets when he’s upset,” Luffy shuddered and nodded before heading off, “Tell him everything!” Sabo ran after Ace and immediately called Law.

“Law this is half your fault! Come help us! Ace is heading to the Baratie!”


“Sanji wrote ___________________ a love letter and Ace found it,”


“I know there’s probably a logical explanation for all of this but I need back up! I can do this alone!”

“…I’m on my way,”

“YOU HOMEWRECKING BITCH!” the restaurant went silent as Ace glared daggers at Sanji, who had just finished serving a couple their dinner.



“What are you talking about?! I didn’t do anything!”


“…Trust me; it’s not that hard to do,”

“DIE!” Sabo and Law grabbed Ace before he could go after the young chef.

“Sanji, sorry about all this!” said Sabo

“Yeah, this is all my fault for teasing him earlier about ___________________,”

“What the hell is going on!”

“He found that love letter you gave her!” Sanji blushed, “It’s a long story but I’m pretty sure it fell out of her bag,”

“YEAH IT DID AND IT’S A GOOD THING I FOUND IT!” Ace was now pulling the two boys trying to get to Sanji, “STAY AWAY FROM MY SISTER!”

“It wasn't for __________________! I don't like her in that way!” Sanji shouted


“FUCK YOU! She's more like a sister!”


“For the love of god Ace! By your reasoning, Sanji can’t win!”

“Damn right he can’t! You womanizing gigolo!”

“I’M NOT A GIGOLO!” as the boys bickered back and forth; the letter in question fell out of Ace’s pocket. Law took the letter and gave it the once over. He read it over a few times before it finally clicked.

“…is this for Nami?!” he gripped the letter. Sanji’s face went red and his looked lovelorn.  

“YES! That’s the name of my beloved! Her radiant beauty knows no bounds!”

“That’s my cousin! Leave her alone you pervert!”

“Nami?! The orange girl?!”



“I DON’T WANT _______________________!”

“THE FUCK YOU DON’T!” outside, Killer and _______________________ were enjoying ice cream across the street. After he gave her the figures, she repaid him with ice cream. They couldn’t see what was going on in the Baratie but heard the shouting, things breaking, screaming, and lots of other noises. According to passerbys there was a lovers’ quarrel involving three men and two girls one being someone’s sister and now they were all duking it out.

“So…this is how Valentine’s Days always end?” said ___________________

“Only if they’re done right,” said Killer

After screaming, shouting, giving the customers a good show, and finally involvement from Whitebeard, Ace got banned from the Baratie for a month, he and Sanji both had scuffs and bruises on them from the other, and Ace was grounded for two weeks for the stunt. At home, Ace ran upstairs feeling defeated and angry. He didn’t know WHY he was feeling like this and it pissed him off. He thrashed in her room for awhile until he was too tired to keep going. He then heard it door slide open.

“Ace, you okay in there?” Whitebeard gently looked under the blanket. Ace scowled but nodded, “Come on out son,”

“You gonna make fun of me too?!”

“Nope, just wanting to see if you wanna talk,” Ace took a big sigh.


“I know you’re going through an age when you’re wrestling with a lot of new feelings and it’s hard to determine them or express them. The only way you can is to talk or else you’re going to make a fool of yourself like you did earlier. So what’s this about a love letter?”

“I thought that asshole sent it to ___________________!”

“Why is that a problem?”

“I don’t know! I didn’t want the fucker to marry her! She just got here! I’m used to her being HERE! I don’t want her to leave just yet! She’s MY sister! I never had a sister!”

“Ace, _____________________ isn’t leaving any time soon, well not ever, unless she wants to when she’s older,”

“Why should she leave then?!”

“Well, don’t you want to be a pirate someday? Maybe she wants to leave town one day,”

“Why?! She has everything she needs here!”

“She may want to live in Wano with Atlas,”

“…true but I can take her with me! She doesn’t have to be here forever and we can go anywhere she wants to go,”

“Sounds like a plan,”

“It’s a great plan!”

“But you do know the more you overreact to everything she does, she’s not going to want to be around you for too long,”

“…What?! I’m only doing that to protect her! I mean…she's not that street smart! She’s been cooped up for a long time! She doesn’t know any better!”

“People and things are always changing and growing. You’re not the same person you were when you first came here and she wasn’t the same person when she first came here. Do you remember?”

“Remember what?”

“The first you two met?”

“Pffft yeah, I was running from Garp and scaled the gate into the convent…she didn’t know who I was and beat me with a broom. She apologized and we just sorta talked from there. I always snuck in…she would tell me stories, show me around the convent and things until she was adopted,”

“Do you think she’s changed?”

“Yeah! She explores everything now, she spares with me and Sabo—is that what you mean by changing?”

“Mhm, it’s admirable that you want to protect her but don’t insult her intelligence by thinking she can’t take care of herself,”

“I know…but I just…don’t want another stabbing incident to happen again…first Luffy, then her…I just want to make sure they’re close to me, just in case something happens again,”

“I know you want to protect them but you can’t keep them from growing and developing into strong people. I know you don’t want her to leave either but the more you cling, the more she’s going to want to leave. She’s a sweet kid, she’s going to have people love her and get to know her and vice versa. It doesn’t mean she’s going to marry the first person she meets but also doesn’t mean you get to scare everyone off either. Let her make relationships or break them, however, if someone tries to harm her because of a rejection, kick their asses,”

“Got it! Thanks Pops,”

“No prob, you’re still grounded and during that time, you’re going to be working at the Baratie as repentance,”

“UGH fine!”

“Night son,”

“Night Pops,” Ace swore he didn’t know how Pops did it but he always found a way to make everything come together. He sighed and decided to go to bed. He then noticed something on his balcony. He slid opened the door and saw a cupcake with a white heart and a letter. He brings it inside and reads the letter.

I think you needed some cheering up today!
Since you didn’t get any chocolate, have a cupcake!
See you tomorrow! Love you!


He blushed and placed the letter in her drawer and started munching. He didn’t know what was wrong with him and what she does to him but…he’ll never admit that he likes it.

Chapter 32: Three Brothers and a Brothel


The Little Girl hears the story of how three of her brothers met.

Chapter Text

Marco yawned. It was ten and he was ready for bed. He cracked his back and made sure everything around the perimeter was secure. The downstairs was pretty much empty as everyone was either upstairs getting ready for bed or out with Pops for special missions. He was in charge until he came back. He climbed the stairs listening to everyone doing their nightly rituals. He then went to check on the kids before he went to bed. __________________’s light was still on. He shook his head and open the door. He saw her at her desk making a bunch of lists on posting them on her wall, or what Ace called The Wall of Madness. Since the kidnapping incident, Pops got the parents to finally agree to a slumber party with her friends and the day she went back to ribbon twirling, she made every girl an invitation for the time and date. Although she didn’t want to, Pops encouraged her to invite Holly to extend a sign of civility and good will, only for it to be thrown back to her.

“I wouldn’t dare step foot into your hovel! You probably have rats and mites everywhere!” she didn’t mind or care but since then has been trying to plan out this slumber party.

“It’s almost pass your bedtime,” she jumped, “Come on, into bed, yoi,”

“But Maaaarco! I have to finish planning! I have like two more weeks!”

“All you have to do is have fun,” he looked at the wall and noticed that she had things writing, crossed out, rewritten and the like. He rubbed the back of his head. Wall of Madness was an understatement.

“I just want this to be perfect! I never had a slumber party before!”

“I know but the main thing to do when you do have one is to have fun,” he said picking her up and putting her in bed, “Don’t sulk, yoi. You’ll be fine,”

“I know…but it’s kind of different with girls and boys. Like I love hanging around Ace, Sabo, and Luffy and Killer and Law and Sanji but the only time I see the girls is at ribbon twirling! What if we don’t have anything in common!”

“Boys and girls are not universally different. One of your girl friends may like the same things the boys do. this slumber party will be a good way for you all know for sure. You all like Pretty Soldier,”

“Yeah! And Killer does too!”


“Marco you know everything!”

“Not everything,”

“Did you have slumber parties when you were young?”

“Nah, we just traveled everywhere after we left Flora’s…well I had campouts with Izo and Thatch when we were all traveling,”


“Mhm, I’ve been traveling with them since I was about Ace’s age and Izo was probably around your age. We met each other and through some events, they became my first brothers,” he looked at her. A large smile was on her face. He shook his head, “Bed, yoi,”

“Pleeeeeeeeease Marco?” Marco sighed and ruffles her hair. He couldn’t say no to that face.

“Alright, but after this, you have to get some sleep,”

“Okay!” she sat up in bed and got comfortable.

“So, here’s how me, Thatch, and Izo met. It was a surprisingly warm winter day on an island near Wano…”

The two boys arrived in the town. Both managed to travel by boat for a short distance before finally arriving in town. They’ve been travelling for the last month or so and becoming more tired by the minute. Out of the two, Marco was the unofficial leader. He was travelling alone for awhile until he met Thatch a month ago and both have been together since. They were heading to a specific town. Both had to get away from their lives and Marco knew of a place where kids can go and get adopted but that was a very faraway place for two boys but from the stories, it was a convent in a town where children are taken in, cared for and taken to a family that’s best suited for them. Every child from different areas learned and had their own versions of the story. It was said that the woman who ran it was a fairy. Others said she was a kindly old witch. Some say she was just a woman who really wanted to make sure all children everywhere had a family. Whatever she was, Marco and Thatch both agreed that they would find this orphanage and get families. Marco was alone on his journey before he ran into Thatch who was living in a town where he would use scraps of food to make meals for the orphaned animals. He said he couldn’t leave until he knew they were safe. Since then, he and Thatch were inseparable. The moment they entered the town, they noticed a few things. One was a sour smell. It was a very pungent odor that wasn’t easy to place. As they went into town, they noticed more things, there were red curtains everywhere and not really a place for temporary shelter though there were massage parlors everywhere, young women and teenagers in door frames looking bored, some looked roughed up and they ignored the pair outright. They kept moving until they were in a large clearing away from the town where there was a school house and a bunch of kids. They headed towards the group. That was when they saw a ground of kids surrounding a tree and throwing things at a figure. Marco and Thatch went to investigate and saw about four boys yelling and screaming at a girl who looked about eight in a tree. She was glaring and shouting back at them

“Your mother was a slut!” said one boy


“Shit! She’s using her pistol!” said the second boy

“Watch where you’re aiming that!” said the third

“Talk shit again and I’ll do it again but next time I’m shooting your dick off!”

“You literately live in a brothel!” said the fourth boy.

“SO?! That doesn’t mean anything! You guys live at a brothel and I’ve SEEN what your mothers have done! One was blowing a monkey!”

“It wasn’t a monkey! It was a baboon!” said the second boy

“Your mother’s a slut and so are your aunts!” said the first boy again


“OW! He got my nut!”

“You heard what I said! My aunts may be sluts and I do live in a brothel but at least we’re popular! My mother don’t have to suck off dogs for beli!”

“TAKE THAT BACK!” she cocked her pistol

“Try me bitch! I’ve seen your mom swallow weird shit so taking a rubber bullet wouldn’t be that hard for you!” The boys grabbed rocks and started hurling them at the girl. Marco and Thatch quickly ran to her aid.

“Hey leave her alone!” the boys looked at the pair coming towards them. The boys were out of towners but also a little big larger and taller than they were. They glared at the girls before running away. The girl was still clinging to the tree, still apprehensive. Marco smiled, “Are you okay up there?”


“It’s okay, we won’t hurt you. Come on down,” he held out his arms. She smiled and jumped down. The girl in question was in a pink yutaka with a floral pattern. Her hair was tied up in a side ponytail, and she had the sweetest smile on her face.

“Thanks for catching me!”

“Anytime. Are you okay?”

“Mhm, nothing I couldn’t handle. As long as I had my pistol I could have shot a few more rounds if it got bad enough,”

“They were throwing rocks at you, yoi,”

“I know but one more nut shot would have finished it,” she twirled the gun and placed it back in her yutaka.


“Don’t worry, I have the safety on and they’re rubber bullets,”

“You’re good with that thing!” said Thatch. She grinned.

“Yeah, Dad taught me everything he knew about shooting before he passed away,”

“You’re an orphan too?”

“Well kind of, my mom’s friends take care of me after she passed away,”

“Nice! Not about your mom dying! Your dad thing!” she chuckled.

“I know what you meant. Hey, since you saved me and all, want to have lunch with me?” they nodded. They forgot they were hungry for a few moments, “Wait here!” she ran inside the school building and came back with a pretty large lunchbox. She had about three sandwiches, some cookies, and an omelette, “Eat up!”

“We can’t take your whole lunch,” said Marco

“Yeah you can, I had a big breakfast,”

“This is good,” said Thatch

“Yeah, Mai makes great sandwiches! She’s one of my aunts! Evie made the omelette, it was a leftover from breakfast,” as the boys ate, the girl tried to make small talk, “So what are you two doing here? No offense but you don’t look like you would like this town,”

“Why?” said Thatch

“Well…it’s a brothel town. It’s an entire island where everyone is a worker or owner or john,”

“…that explains the smell,” said Marco

“You have no idea, it’s worse when everyone airs out in the morning,”

“We’re just passing through. We’re leaving out on the ferry as soon as we can,”

“Well, that’s gonna be a problem,”


“The ferry comes in twice a day, once to pick up and once to take back. Only on the weekends does it circle around every half an hour. But it’ll come to drop off people before sunset and then bring people back around six in the morning so people can go to work. You have to make a special request to leave at a certain time,”


“Yeah so you have awhile! Stay for awhile. It’s not everyday I get to make new friends. There’s not many kids on this island,”

“What about the kids from earlier?”

“Well, they’re mothers are all workers. They send them to school so they don’t bother them during the day and their moms hide them at night…or have them…participate,” Thatch quickly changed the subject.

“You were saying that your mother wasn’t a worker?” she beamed at him

“Yeah! My mom was a beautiful world famous geisha! She was so beautiful that she was asked to entertain men from all over the place and that’s how she got dad and a few years later, they had yours truly,” the girl’s bright smile slowly started to fade away, “Then some ass noble wanted my mom to be his wife. Dad said no and was willing to fight…they shot him point blank in the back of the head. Mom grabbed me and ran for it. Next thing I know, we’re living here…but she got really sick and died about two months ago,”

“I’m sorry,” said Marco

“It’s okay. Since I came here, those little bastards have been calling Mom a whore, so I’m used to getting into fights everyday. She was a classy lady. I knew who my dad was, therefore, I’m not the son of a whore,”

“Have you ever thought about leaving?”

“Nah, I kind of like it here,” said Izo, “Well not really but as long as I’m with Mai and Evie, anywhere is home to me,”

“Who are they?”

“They’re my second moms. After mine died…they kind of took me in. They take care of me, make sure I go to school, and even have me practice some of Mom’s dances and the tea ceremony and things and they said that when they save enough money, we’ll be out of this dump and someplace nice! I’ll have a huge yard to play in, a big house, a garden…just like home,”

“So you weren’t born here,”

“Hell no! I used to live someplace a lot nicer,” said Izo grinning, “A huge Wano style house with Mom and Dad. We were like a few islands away from the Capital. Mom missed home so when they married, Dad made sure she had a Wano style home,”

“Sound cool!” said Thatch. She smiled.

“You’re the only one who believes me. Everyone else thinks I’m lying,”

“We believe you,” said Marco

“And that’s why you’re the greatest people ever!” she said grinning, “Where are you guys staying?”

“Nowhere yet. We’re looking for an inn,” the girl laughed hard

“Nah, nah there’s no inns here. Everywhere is literately a brothel or a fuck room. Follow me! I live in a brothel but my room is big enough to share!”

“How much do we owe you?”

“Hey you believed me! That’s all I wanted! Oh!” she bowed, “I’m Izo, nice to meet you!”


“I’m Thatch!”

“Awesome! Let’s go!”

“Wait, wait woah,” said Ace coming into the room from the balcony with Luffy and Sabo, “You guys thought Izo was a girl?” ________________ and Marco jumped.

“How long were you three out there?” said Marco

“Since the beginning,” said Sabo, “We were hoping for a Marco story tonight,”

“I didn’t know you two were staying over,”

“Well, it was dark before we left so we just stayed!” said Luffy grinning, “Then Ace said that _______________ gets a story every night so we wanted in on it!”

“I didn’t care,” said Ace crossing his arms. Sabo smirked.

“Of course you didn’t. That’s why you were hiding out to listen and told us exactly when to come,”

“Shut up! Back to my question!”

“Well, yeah. Izo always dressed in kimonos and things when he was a kid,”

“And I looked damned adorable in them,” said Izo coming in with Thatch.

“You two were spying too?”

“Spying is an ugly word,” said Thatch, “We just heard you talking about out origin story so we just decided to listen in to make sure you didn’t make yourself look too good,”

“Well since you’re all here, get comfortable,” the boys crawled into bed, stealing one of _______________’s many pillows and sat impatiently.

“Come on, come on!” said Luffy

“Okay, okay…so where were we…”

“You guys taking me back home to see Evie and Mai,” said Izo smiling.

“Ah, yes, those two…”

Izo led the boys to the back entrance of the brothel. The first thing Marco noticed was the sickening smells of cheap perfumes. The entire building was ornate, made with marble and gold plated. There was faux leopard skin, zebra skin, and alligator skin furniture.

“I know it’s tacky but what can you do? But you have to be quiet. The other girls are probably sleeping but I know Mai and Evie are around,” on cue, two women came around the corner. One was a busty blonde in a red tube top and short shorts with teased hair and grey eyes. She was cute and looked at though she just got out of bed. The second one had brown skin, green eyes, and purple hair and was wearing a miniskirt and chest window sweater. They beamed when they saw him.

“Izo baby come here!” the blonde picked him up and snuggles him in her chest and the other one hugged him from behind.

“Back already?”

“You didn’t skip lessons did you?”

“Yes and no! I made two friends! They don’t have a place to stay, can they stay for a little while?” they looked at the two boys. Marco reddened and Thatch looked away shyly.

“It’s nice to meet you, Misses,” said Marco bowing

“Ditto!” said Thatch

“Well aren’t you two adorable?!” said the blonde smiling, “I’m Mai and this is Evvie, we’re Izo’s aunts!”

“Make yourselves at home boys!” said Evie, “Izo, show them your room, we’re going to get some groceries and we’ll be back to make you dinner,”

“Okay! Come on!” Izo ushered them through a row of rooms before going to the area that said “suites”, “This is the home area. Because Mai and Evie take care of me, they stay in this place. Mom used to stay here too but Daddy didn’t want to move them because no room so they’re here. Marco noticed that the room was as big as a living room with two beds that had curtains and a dressing screen. The room itself was painted red with dimmed lights. It smelt of perfume and wine. Izo ushered them to a smaller area where there was a simple kitchen and a mini fridge. Izo then went to the back of this smaller area and jumped up pulling down a ladder. The boys followed and there was a very nice cozy room with a large window looking out over the town. He smiled.

“Make yourselves comfortable!” The boys placed their things down. The attic was like a whole new different place. It was like bigger than the cramped space below with a bed, dressing screen, a few books, and clothes. Izo fished out some blankets and made two more back shift beds with pillows.

“Is this your room?”

“Mhm, Evie made it for me and Mom. That bed was actually mom’s old bed. After Mai burned the mattress, they got me a new one and well, it makes me feel safe. It kind of smells like Mom. But the view is the best. It doesn’t overlook town, it overlooks the other towns and the stars at night. We’re in for a good view tonight,”

“What are you going to have for dinner?” said Thatch.

“…Don’t know, I guess whatever when Mai comes home, she usually cooks. Why?”

“Come with me!” Marco watched Thatch take Izo downstairs. He looked around and began tidying the place. By the time the two aunts came home, their home was spotless, dinner was ready and waiting for them on the table. Izo greeted them with a tight hug as they sat down to eat.

“Wow…it’s not everyday we have someone make us dinner,” said Mai

“Refreshing, thank you Thatch,” said Evie having another bowl of stew.

“No prob! It’s the least I can do since you’re letting us stay here without money,”

“You’re a sweetie but just remember, at sundown you guys stay upstairs, alright?”

“Got it!” after dinner, when the sun started to set, the two women ushered the boys back upstairs. They fished through and found some old warm shirts Marco and Thatch could sleep in as Izo changed into their pajamas. Marco looked a little hesitant as he took off his shirt in a corner. Mai gently brought it back down.

“If you like you can use the dressing screen. Izo will be done in a moment,” Izo emerged in a pair of pajamas and Marco went to change. When they were comfortable, Evie showed them a little portable toilet in case they needed to go.

“There’s also snacks and water in the mini fridge, we bought you a new movie if you want to watch it but be sure to finish your homework,”

“And we’ll check, Izo,” said Mai from the ladder

“Okay, okay!”

“Okay guys, have a good night and remember, don’t come down until morning, okay?”

“Yes Ma’am!” said Thatch. They disappeared downstairs and closed the door. Izo sighed

“Sorry for them pushing you guys upstairs like this. They have to start working at sunset or Daddy will get them,”

“We understand,” said Marco, “Let’s do your homework,”

“Ugggggh okay!”

“The sooner you finish, the sooner we can watch your movie,”

“Okay!” It didn’t take long before Izo was finished. As promised they sat and watched their movie and after that Izo had to show them the night view he was talking about, “I usually take a break from homework to watch but since Marco helped, we can see this view longer!”

“That’s because Marco knows everything!” said Thatch grinning

“No I don’t,”

“He’s literately an old man trapped in a kid’s body,” this earned him a clobber, “Oww! Kidding! So Izo you get to see this every night?”

“Mhm! Not when it’s cloud though. I bet you guys do when you travel,”

“Yeah but yours is way better,” said Marco. He then spied a man sneaking around. Izo glared at him. He was a large muscular man wearing a wife beater, jeans, and a very oily mean look on his face, “Who’s that?”

“Daddy,” Izo glared.

“…I thought you said your father died,”

“That dick isn’t my Dad. That’s Daddy, he owns the brothel. He took me and Mom in after she came here. He hates me and I could care less. He pisses me off the way he treats everyone here. He said I’m worthless but come Friday, everything is going to change,”

“How come?”

“Daddy said I’ll earn my keep. That means I can make money, that way I can take the burden off of Mai and Evie. And the sooner we make money, the sooner we can leave,”

“What is he going to make you do?”

“Beats me. All I know is that he’s been treating me nicer, making me take baths with a special soap, getting kimonos for me to wear, he even gave me all of mom’s jewelry back. He’s rarely this nice,”

“I’d hide it if I were you,” said Marco

“Oh don’t worry, I did,” then the attic opened again. Evie came in. She was more dolled up than before and was sweating a little. She had three glasses of warm milk ready along with a smile.

“Okay, lights out guys,” she tucked all three of them into bed and gave them each some warm milk. They said their goodnights and she disappeared back downstairs. Marco hunkered into the blankets. It’s wasn’t the best town in the world…nor with the best people but he now understood why Izo loved it here. If he was treated like this every night, he would live here too. He smiled to himself, thinking of maybe staying here…

“Those two…were the greatest women you’ll ever know,” said Izo smiling, “Seriously, they taught me everything I know. Double dosing of mothering,”

“They sound cool!” said ________________, “Umm by the way, what’s a brothel?” Izo looked at Marco who gave him a nod.

“Well, sweetie, remember our conversation about sugar daddies?”


“It’s something like that but…it’s not as nice. It can be a prison where women have to give men hugs and kisses even if they don’t want to. Almost all are forced to be there and at the end of the day, they give their money to the owner. Some women do it to feed themselves and have a place to live, some do it in order to support their families, but only in a very nice brothel, women actually do it for fun and that’s okay too but usually, especially in poor areas, they’re not very nice places to be,”

“And you were in there?!”

“Mhm but I had Mai and Evie who made it fun for me! Thanks to them I was able to practice my shooting and got some kind of education. Though I practiced with a replica so I didn’t accidentally kill anyone but it got me better when it came to the real thing,”

“So your Dad taught you how to shoot,” said Ace

“Mhm, I also honed it by shooting rubber bullets above the heads of johns at night. It was the funniest thing to see them scrambling and the girls laughing. Good times,”

“So you’ve known each other since you were kids!” said Luffy

“Mhm, I’ve been stuck with these two since I was about Ace’s height,” said Marco.

“…I can’t picture you being that small,” said _________________. He ruffled her hair and takes out a photo from his wallet. It was an old photo with Izo, him and Thatch in front of an inn in a town.

“…Marco was a kid,” said Luffy

“Shocking,” said Sabo

“…what did you guys think?” said Marco

“Kind of assumed you just popped out as an six foot tall old man,” said Ace, “We all had theories,”

“Yep!” said ______________, “But that’s for later! Continue please!”

The boy settled into the new temporary life rather quickly. While Izo was off at school, they tried to keep things tidy and cooking for Evie and Mai as payment. Though Izo did brief them on a few things that only those who lived at a brothel would know. Like holding your breath when opening the door to leave. Thatch found out the hard way when a wave of sex fume and body odor hit him hard. Marco helped Mai with laundry and Thatch helped Evie with breakfast, lunch, and later dinner. The pair were grateful for the extra work but often hid the boys when they saw another brothel girl around or Daddy.

“Sorry for being secret sweetie,” said Evie, “But we don’t want anyone thinking there’s underage kids working here. Bad for business,”

“Gotcha,” However, unknown to the trio, the two women were secretly plotting. The special work that Daddy had in for Izo wasn’t in his best interest and they knew this. Getting Izo away from Daddy was going to be a dangerous feat in itself but they’ve stalled long enough. Since he was still young, he attracted many different debauched men and because of this, Daddy saw his virginity as the best moneymaker in his possession. He’s been having him take baths everyday and using a special soap to make his skin soft and supple. They knew what he was planning but it wasn’t like they could grab Izo and take him to another city. The moment Daddy would notice he would kill them both and then take Izo by force. But Marco and Thatch were a godsend. For the past few days, they carefully observed the pair and their interactions with Izo. Both, especially Marco, seemed to be honest and they were going someplace to better their lives. They were getting close to Izo, listening to him and his past, interested in family, interested in hanging out with him, even made sure he had plenty to eat, helping him with homework, hell helping THEM because they wanted to repay their hospitality. They knew it would be a risk but going with them would be a lot better than what Daddy had in store for him. On the third day, Mai started packing the small possession Izo had, his father’s rifles, his mother’s kimono and hair combs, some jewelry they had, and five hundred thousand beli. It was all they had and they knew it’ll keep them well fed and sheltered.

“Are you sure we’re doing the right thing?” said Mai putting everything neatly in a basket.

“Kind of but what choice do we have?” said Evie, “Kas lost everything and she didn’t want this life for Izo and neither do we,”

“True…I mean I trust those boys, I really do but…”

“You’re going to miss him, I know, me too. We promised we’d take care of him and well…this is the only way,”

“It has to be done tomorrow, any other time, Daddy will get suspicious and it’ll be all for not,”

“Did you tell the ferryman?”

“Mhm, I told him to wait for two boys and a girl for his last ferry out. Paid in advanced,”

“Good,” on cue, Marco came into the room. They looked at him. He froze.

“I’m sorry, I was going to grab something to drink,”

“No, no sweetie here!” Mai poured him some milk. Marco gratefully down it. Evie nudged her. Mai nodded, “Umm Marco you and Thatch are leaving in a few days, correct?”

“Yes Ma’am! We’re sorry for being in your hair, yoi,”

“It’s alright…but we have a request for when you leave. Consider it as payment. We…want you to take Izo with you,”


“Listen, you could probably tell what we do for a living,” said Evie, “After Izo’s mother died, we made sure he were taken care of. We love him so much but…Daddy is planning on selling Izo tomorrow. Even though Kasumi was a part of this life, she didn’t want her child to be a part of this. Izo is a child and that’s illegal in itself. He’s had a hard life…ever since well…I know Izo probably told you about what happened but they had to leave their home. They were going to sell her and Izo to an auction house because one noble had that power. So Kasumi fled and tried to start over but…it didn’t work. Her status and her reputation was ruined so she started…entertaining men in a different way,” Marco nodded

“I know what that means,” Mai sighed

“She hated it. She missed her husband but she had to stay hidden and she wanted to protect Izo. But one night, a john came in and he roughed her up pretty badly and she contracted a disease from him. She couldn’t bounce back from it and Daddy…he didn’t care if she lived or died. She was just another body that made him money. It wasn’t long before she died. That was about two months ago and she entrusted Izo into our care and Daddy…wants to auction a virgin and wants Izo to be his new big score. We all can’t escape, Daddy would find us in an instant but we overheard you and Thatch talking and we think we just found a way to help Izo. If you don’t, we completely understand! We know you just met us a few days ago and it’s a lot to ask but…it’s a big risk we have to take. We’ll pay you to keep Izo safe for us,”

“No need,” said Marco smiling, “I’ll make sure Izo will be okay. Whenever we end up, we’ll end up together,”

“We would take him ourselves but it’s too risky,” said Evie, “It’s not a matter of if, it’s when Daddy founds out, he’s going to kill us and sell Izo anyway. He’s been preparing them for a client for the last year and he’s found a buyer to take away the only thing he has left, what little innocence he has. Izo is a sweet soul. He knows what we do and he still tries to defend us and his mother constantly. He’s a toughie but…he can’t do this journey on his own,”

“I understand. Don’t worry, I’ll keep Izo safe for you. Where we’re going, we’ll have a family and we’ll all be together. Even if the orphanage isn’t real, we can all live together somewhere,”

“You noble little shit!” Mai hugged him tightly, “Thank you so much!”

“Seriously,” said Evie hugging him from behind, “But you and Thatch have to leave on the day Daddy sells Izo. It’ll be the only day the ferryman leaves early. It’s the only way on the island. Once he sails away, it’s over. Please make sure you get there,”

“You have my word!” tears were rolling down their faces. He knew this was going to be the hardest thing they’ll ever have to do in their lives.

“Also, don’t tell Izo. He can’t know that he’s leaving. He’ll try to stay or act different. We don’t want Daddy to get suspicious,”

“Got it,”

“We’ll finish packing,” Outside, Marco searched for Thatch. He came out of the bathroom. He took one look at Marco’s face to know something was up. Marco briefed him on the entire situation.

“So Izo’s coming with us?”

“Mhm, that means we have to…discuss a few things,” Thatch looked at him. Marco smiled

“We have to make sure we made enough for three people instead of two and find her a canteen,”

“Oh…and we can’t pee anywhere in front of her,”

“Behind a tree from now on,”


“Y-You really do love me!!!!” Izo hugged Marco tightly and sobbing.

“Of course I do, you’re my idiot little brother,” he said patting his back.

“But I’m YOUR idiot! You really did want me to tag along!”

“Mhm, Thatch and I did want to ask because you had a family but then when they asked, we talked it over and agreed,”

“Talked it over?” said ________________

“Well, before it was only me so I didn’t have to ration out my own food. Like I ate when I was hungry and of I was away from a town, rationed. When Thatch joined, I had to ration for two people but Thatch was actually a good cook, so we sometimes caught fish. Now that we had Izo, we had to ration out for three. It wasn’t hard, we were planning if he wanted to go but we just wanted to make sure he was always okay, since we honestly thought he was a girl,”

“And a delicate one at that,” said Thatch, “That soap make his skin supple and soft. And he didn’t act like a typical boy so we just assumed he was a girl,”

“But when we did find out, we were surprised but still treated him like we did before,” said Marco

“But did you guys escape?!” said Luffy

“Of course they did idiot! They wouldn’t BE here if they didn’t!” Ace clobbered him, “Come on! It’s just getting good!”

“Yeah! Finish!” said ____________________

“Hungry little brats,” said Thatch laughing.

Finally Friday arrived and to Izo was just a normal Friday. He went to his lessons and then ran outside to meet Marco and Thatch. They played and had fun before taking an early afternoon nap. Around two, they decided to go back home. It was Izo’s last day with his new friends and he wanted to have a great dinner with them. However, what was waiting for him were Evie and Mai. Both looked morose and upset. He looked at them with concern.

“Hey what’s the matter?” he said, “Are you okay?! Did something happened?!” the last time he them like this was when his mother died.

“…come here sweetie,” he slowly came over. Evie gently took Izo’s hands. He noticed she was shaking and was fighting back tears. Mai gently placed a hand on her shoulder.

“Izo, sweetie, we want you to go with these two boys,”


“Sweetheart…we made a promise to your mother than after she died; we make sure you’d be safe and happy. If you stay here…Daddy is…he’s going to…”

“I’m going to earn money right? I know! I want to make money so you, Mai, and me can live together in a big house just like me, Dad, and Mom!” Mai looked at her grimly before she takes a deep breath.

“Izo…the kind of work Daddy want you to do…is what we’re doing. He’s planning on selling your virginity to any man or men who are willing to pay for it,” Izo froze. He looked as though he was going to be sick, “Our reaction exactly. We were going to choose one of us to take you someplace but…it would be risky. That’s why we had your little friends stay out of sight. So Daddy wouldn’t know what they looked like so he can’t follow you. We know this is sudden but you have to leave them. If not…you won’t survive. We…we…can’t go with you,”


“Because… it’ll give you three more than enough time to escape,” Izo hugged to the two women tightly, crying hard and loudly. He knew he was never going to see them alive again. They not only stole from Daddy, they made him lose an asset. Evie went to the sink and wet a cloth, got down on her knee and gently cleaned his face.

“Remember darling, we’ll always be looking out for you. We would go with you but…it’s just easier if you went with these two boys. Know that your mother always loved you and always wanted the best for you and no matter what, always embrace and be yourself. There’s only one Izo and there will only ever be one,” she hugged him tightly. Mai gave him a backpack basket.

“Your things are in there and some clothes for you and your friends. We need you three to leave before Daddy comes back. We’ll hold him off but you two should be long gone by then,”

“And never forget, we love you so much. And no matter what, we’ll always be proud of you,” Izo nodded and took the possessions with a shaky hand. It was almost sundown. They didn’t have much time. He gave them one more hug and kisses as Thatch placed a hand on his shoulder. Izo took one last look before going off with the two boys. Marco gently took his hand.

“Come on, the further we get away, the harder it’ll be for him to find us,” The kids managed to get to the next town and got the last ferry out and traveled to another island at around ten. An innkeeper was surprised to see three kids at her door. Izo paid for a room for the night and morning and all three of them promptly went to sleep, exhausted. When Izo woke up the next morning, he found breakfast in front of him. Marco had new clothes for him, a blouse and a skirt, sturdier shoes, and a warm coat for travel.

“I’m sorry but I used your money to get you something easier to walk in than a kimono,” he said with a smile

“Eat up! I made breakfast!” said Thatch grinning, “they said I could use the kitchen so I grilled some fish, made tamagoyaki, and rice balls!” Izo nodded and ate his fill. After they were done, they packed up everything and headed off again. They traveled, joked around and when night came, they managed to hitch a ride on a ship with some friendly travelers. Marco kept watch just in case while Izo and Thatch slept in a room to themselves. Izo however couldn’t sleep. He’s never been on a ship before. When he and his parents travelled, they usually did through trains and flying ships. He had to admit, it was nice to sleep without hearing moans and banging on the walls.

“You okay?” said Thatch. He jumped and nodded, “I know it’s hard to sleep in a place you’re not familiar with but you’ll get used to it,”

“It’s just so quiet. I like it,”

“It’s calming. Especially when you can hear the ocean,” Thatch opened the window. Izo could hear the gentle waves outside. The sea air filled his nostrils and it felt so relaxing, “See?”


“Like I said, you’ll get used to it. I couldn’t sleep before either until Marco told me to do the same. I’ll probably switch positions with him later or when he finds out how he could lock the door. He’s a stickler for that,”

“…So…what’s Marco story? He doesn’t act like a regular kid,”

“I know right? I don’t know the full story either to be honest,” said Thatch, “He just appeared in my village and stayed for a few days. He had to wait for the ferry to carry him out. He said he was going to an orphanage where an old witch took care of children and made sure they had proper homes. I wanted to go with him but I was taking care of the orphaned animals. He agreed to help me and we made sure every single pet was with someone who truly cared about them and I was off with him,”

“You don’t have parents?”

“I had a Dad and sister. He was a great cook and was the best cook in town. But he got sick and died. My sister inherited and ran it to the ground. She took out a lot of loans on it and that couldn’t pay back. She didn’t even use the money to help the restaurant instead she just bought things for herself. She then got a boyfriend who agreed to pay off her debt if she came to live with him. She did and went to sell me. I hid in the restaurant and lived there since. Since it was a hot spot in town, no one wanted to do anything to it to honor his memory. I started taking in strays to keep me company. When I met Marco, he did have much money so I cooked for him and in exchanged he asked if I wanted to join him. I knew it wouldn’t be long before someone tries to sell me, my town had a lot of bandits, so I left,”

“Wow, your sister sucks,”

“I know, she was more like my half sister. Mom had her first and when she and Dad married, she as apart of the package. Sis always said I was the reason why we didn’t have any beli because Mom wanted to make sure the baby was A-Okay. Mom left Dad when I was like five when some bandits took her, she didn’t want to come back so Dad raised us both,”

“Awesome! Your Dad sounds great!”

“Yeah, he was. He left me everything he had. Had to hide it from Sis,”

“Good! I’m sorry she treated you so badly,”

“Meh, it’s okay. I just hope the old witch gives me a family where I can a bunch of siblings, brothers and sisters so I can take care of them better than Sis did with me!”

“So the witch puts you with your ideal family?”


“I hope I get a Dad! Mine was great but I just spent so much time with Mom that I really felt like I never got to know Dad, other than learning how to shoot!” he said smiling, “What does Marco want?”

“All he said was he wanted a place he could call home. He doesn’t talk about his old home or past or anything but he doesn’t like going out to sea that much if it’s just the two of us. He’ll only go if he’s on a ferry. I think he has a Devil Fruit ability. But I don’t know what,”

“Oh…he’ll tell us some day, right?”

“I hope!”

“Your sister’s a bitch,” said Ace looking at Thatch

“Language boy!” said Izo, “But seriously she was a cunt,”

“Well, he’s not lying,” said Thatch laughing, “It’s okay, I got over it,”

“That doesn’t make it right!” said __________________

“Yeah! That was your restaurant!” said Luffy, “You could have been a great chef!”

“I AM a great chef! I cook for an army of people everyday and they’re happy when I do it!”

“True, you can lose a hand in there,” said Sabo, “It’s that good,”

“That was your first time on a ship Izo?” said ____________________

“Mhm but it would be another few months before I was living on one with Pops and like half of my brothers,”

“So this was when there were more ships,” said Ace

“Yeah and it was more dangerous,” said Marco, “This was during a time where there were pirates almost everywhere sailing along with bandits and other unsavory people. That’s why I was keeping watch. Three kids traveling alone was too much of a temptation for people who wanted to make some quick money,”

“Makes sense,”

“And I didn’t want to alarm Izo. He was scared enough without thinking that Daddy was looking for him,”

“Was he?” said Luffy

“Sadly yes but that’s another story. But moving right along…”

“Izo…Izo….” He opened his eyes. Marco grinning face was right there looking at him. He sleepily rubbed his eyes and yawned.

“Morning already?”

“Yeah, the sun is just coming up. Wanna see it?”

“Yeah!” he ushered him to the deck. Izo had to cover his eyes because of the brightness but when his eyes adjusted, he was in complete awe. The sun had just risen making the clouds and sky look like gold. He grinned. Memories of his parent came to mind. His mother holding him close showing him all of the colors of sunset when she came home that evening. No matter how busy she was, she always watched the sunset with him. His first sunrise was after that terrible night when they lost Dad. But this…this was different. He was beginning a new life and this was his mom’s way of revealing it to him. After breakfast, the captain announced that they would be docking soon and anyone who wanted to leave was welcomed to do so. Marco and Thatch packed up everything and soon they were on their way again. The countryside was beautiful and there weren’t many travelers around. It made their journey all the better. Soon they stopped to rest. Thatch unpacked some sandwiches and Marco made a fire and boiled the river water so they wouldn’t run out. Izo decided now was would be a good time. He went into his basket and gave Marco the money Mai and Evie gave him.

“I want you to hold onto it!”

“You sure?”

“Yeah you look like you’re responsible enough! And you do have my best interest at heart. I mean I’d rather you do it,” Marco looked at her before taking out a small bit and giving it back.

“You have to be responsible too. You can’t rely on someone to always take care of you. If we all get separated for some reason, you’re not going to be back to buy shelter or food and you’re going to have to sell your things and that’s all you have,” Izo didn’t think of that and nodded. Marco pats her head, “But this also means we have to use it wisely,”

“I know but I wanna help too! I want to be responsible! Give me a task! Please!”

“Okay, you’re responsible for shelter if we’re in a town. We just need someplace safe, cheap, and warm and since you know what a good inn looks like, I think you can handle it,”


“Thatch, you’ll be in charge of food and to cook if need be,”

“Way ahead of you!” Izo gave Thatch a chunk as well, “So now there are three of us, we have to set up some more rules,” Izo winced. He didn’t like the word rules especially from Daddy. Marco nodded.

“Okay, whenever we enter a town, we have to make sure there’s a place we can all meet so if we’re ever separated we can find the other. Agreed?”


“Also, Izo, since it’s your money, you can decide on what we can use it for. The main thing we need when we get into a town is shelter and food. Once we get that, then I guess you can use it for other things but remember, we can only carry so much,”

“Got it!”

“Thatch, you’re in charge of making sure the food is okay and helping me with lookout if there’s no place for us to lock the doors,”

“On it! But what about you?”

“Well…what do you want me to do? I don’t sleep much so I can keep an eye on things,”

“That and you can well, tell us what we need to do!” said Izo, “I trust you!”

“Yeah! You know what you’re doing! And have a map!” said Thatch. Marco smiled at them.


“You’re our unofficial leader!”

“And the coolest big brother ever!” Marco grinned

“Alright then, come on. We’re half way there!”


“This is so cool! I never had brothers before! But what if one of us get hurt or something?” said Izo.

“Don’t worry about that. I can treat anyone,” said Marco, “If not, we’re going to have to find a doctor as soon as he can,”

“Is there anything you CAN’T do Marco?” said Thatch laughing

“Swim, so if I’m ever thrown off a ship or fall into water, get me out if not, I’m going to drown,”


“And ever since then we were brothers, and sister,” said Marco

“When did you find out that Izo was a boy?!” said Luffy

“A week later when we took a bath together,” said Thatch, “We were surprised,”

“I thought they knew,” Izo chuckled, “But they never stopped me wearing women’s clothing,”

“Why DO you wear women’s clothing?” said Ace

“Comfortable and I look like a fuckin’ snack when I do,”

“What happened to Evie and Mai?” said Sabo

“Sadly, they’re probably dead,” said Marco, “Women just don’t leave a brothel like that. Especially making their pimp lose a lot of money,”

“That fuckin’ sucks!” said Ace

“Yeah and not fair!” said Luffy

“I’m so sorry Izo!” said ____________________

“Guys it’s okay! They’re in heaven watching over everyone! I hurt me for a very long time but thanks to Flora, shoe taught me to cope and get pass it without me thinking that if I do move on, I won’t be honoring their memory,”

“That’s good!” said Sabo

“So you guys made it to Sister’s in one piece, right!” said __________________

“Well, Marco made it first,” said Izo looking uncomfortable, “And that was…my fault,”

“Stop it, idiot. It turned out okay,” said Marco rubbing his back.

“….what happened?” said Sabo

“I’ll tell this bit,” said Thatch, “This was about a month since we started traveling together. We didn’t know it but we were almost to our new home. By this time, we became close, very close, especially since we had to wait out a two week long storm that had passed through. We literately had to stay in an inn in a town until it was okay to move again. It would let up just enough for me to grab food from in town and cook it up for us but when it finally stopped, we were on our way but we had to cross some woods to get to the last ferry,”

“So basically your rations were running out,” said Sabo

“Mhm so we had to choose, shelter or food,”

“Exactly and Izo decided to help in the best way he knew,”

“…I’m afraid to ask,” said Ace

“He would seduce two different men and it worked since they thought he was a young girl. He would seduce one, who would give him money and he would meet him in a room, he would then do the same to a completely different man and he would be waiting in the room. He would have the money in hand and as soon as they realized what he’s done, he would have been long gone,” Luffy started laughing. Ace face palmed.

“Seriously Izo!”

“Hey it worked! I got about a hundred thousand Beli out of it!”

“We weren’t that desperate!” said Marco sighing

“Yeah but, Marco needed some new shoes…”

“He seriously did but he was holding out because he didn’t want to spend money so “selfishly” said Thatch.

Marco shielded Izo and Thatch and made them stay behind him. The men surrounded the three young travelers. The leader looked pissed and was glaring at Izo who shrank behind Marco.

“Is there a problem, yoi?

“Yeah you little sister promised me and a few of my crew a good time. Ended up setting us up and stealing our money,” Marco went into his bag and gave him the money.

“Here it is. Now, please let us pass,” the men started to laugh.

“Oh no, it’s not going to be that easy kid. Your sister needs to be taught a lesson by getting every single one of her holes resized. If you and your brother cooperate, we’ll let you have a go. You won’t know at night,” Thatch glared and held Izo close to him.

“She’s not going with you. No way are a bunch of perverts going to fuck my sister,”

“Oh I don’t think you know the position that you’re—,” the bandit doubled over and fell to his side as Marco rears his fist back. He grabbed Thatch and Izo’s arms as they ran past the leader. The trio ran through the woods. They used the full moon as their guide. However, the deeper they went into the woods, the darker it became until eventually, they were losing their bearings. Marco ducked and dodged away from the bandits before finding and shoving Thatch and Izo into what they could only assume to be a cave. Marco felt around and realized it was large enough for Thatch and Izo and their things. He could hear the bandits getting closer. If they found the cave, they would be cornered or picked off one by one. Izo was panting and sobbing. Thatch looked at Marco for his next order. He could barely make out his face. Marco hugged them both.

“Thatch…take care of Izo for me, alright?” he nodded and pulled Izo close, “Izo, you have to stay quiet,”

“Y-Yes,” Marco left his bag, including his map. He ran out into the woods and made noise luring the bandits to his position. The men eventually found him and he ran for it. He ran in front of the cave, in the only place where the moonlight still made him and only him visible. He was soon cornered as the leader grabbed him.

“You little shit you’re going to pay for that! Where is she?!”

“Long gone,” he glared and raised his up and slammed him into a tree as the rest of his crew swarmed him.

“MAR—,” Thatch covered Izo’s mouth and held it tight. Tears ran down his face as he watched the men beat his big brother. When they thought Marco was subdued, they tied him up and carried off into the night.

“We were terrified,” said Thatch, “We went back to go get him but there wasn’t hide or hair of him anywhere. Izo took it especially hard,”

“I blamed myself for what happened! I was crying for weeks thinking we were never going to see Marco again,”

“But we soldiered on making sure we got to the witch and hoping she was going to find a way to bring Marco back, not knowing he was alive and well,”

“How did you escape Marco?!” said __________________

“Yeah!” said Luffy

“We actually don’t know either,” said Izo, “Out with it!” everyone leered at him. He chuckled

“Well, thankfully for me, they weren’t very smart bandits. They carried me off to their base and roughed me up a bit more, planning on selling me when they got to the next town. So I waited until we were in the next town and decided to make a run for it and hid on a ship. I turned into a phoenix and hid. No one saw me or noticed me. I was going to slink off until I found out that the ship was going to an auction house and grab more victims so…I fluttered to the armory and got out of there. The ship exploded and thankfully I landed on some driftwood. I was scared because if I fell in the water, it would be all over. I paddled for days, trying to get someplace safe. I didn’t want to risk flying in case someone saw me and wanted to make me into their dinner and I was…well a little chick at the time,” the kids looked at him with confused looks. They’ve all seen Marco’s phoenix form but they couldn’t picture him as small. Izo grinned and took a picture from his wallet revealing Izo snuggling and cradling a tiny blue phoenix chick.

“Awwwwwwww!” __________________ squealed

“You were so tiny!” said Luffy

“Wasn’t he?!” said Izo, “He used to hide under Pops’ bandana back in the day!”

“And you were so fluffy!” said Sabo

“I can’t believe you saved that picture,” said Marco hiding his face

“But you were so cute!”

“As you can see, it would have been difficult for Marco to fly like that,” said Thatch laughing, “In fact, we have to tell you the story on how he learned how to fly,”

“Poor baby!” said ______________

“Did you crash a lot?” said Ace

“More of plopping,” said Thatch laughing, “His wings were so tiny, he could only levitate,”

“Moving on!” said Marco trying not to show his embarrassment, “By the time I made it to shore, I just collapsed. When I came to, I was in a warm bed, covered in blankets, and wrapped in bandages. I didn’t know it but I finally reached the convent. Flora found me because apparently people started dumping kids in Terminal Gray for a while. She took me back to the convent and nursed me back to health. It took some time but eventually I was adopted by Pops and a few months later, Izo and Thatch joined us,”

“Where were you guys for those months?” said _________________

“Looking for Marco,” said Thatch, “Izo didn’t want to leave until he could find Marco. We stayed for about a month before we decided to keep going. We had it to Flora’s and Marco was already at sea. And when Pops docked, Flora said there were two more that came into her convent and we were reunited. Izo never hugged and would let go of Marco for hours. We literately had to pry him off. Pops stayed docked for another month or so and we were soon on the ship starting our new lives together as brothers,”

“That story was awesome!” said Luffy, “It’s not fair that you only tell __________________!”

“Yeah!” said Sabo

“Well, Ace was the one who said he wasn’t a baby and didn’t want to listen to a story for bed,” Marco shrugged

“But he’s not us!” said Luffy

“TRAITORS!” said Ace

“You enjoyed it you little shit,” said Izo laughing.

“And now it’s officially time for bed,” said Marco looking at the clock. The boys hunkered down as Marco tucked them all in.

“….so this is __________________’s bed. It’s so warm!” said Luffy

“Soft too,” said Sabo

“It’s not that soft!” said Ace yawning and dozing off.

“Soft enough for him to KO,” ___________ giggled as Marco did his final check.

“So what did happen to Daddy and his brothel?” said Thatch looking at Izo as they headed back to their rooms.

“Daddy met with a very unfortunate demise. He was beaten, sodomized for three days, and ended up with a bullet in his skull,”

“…remind me to never get on your bad side,”

“I know what he did to Evie and Mai was a lot worse and every time I think about it, it just fuels me,”

“Any word about if they’re alive?” Izo shook his head.

“That was the first thing I asked. Apparently he beat the shit out of them, disfigured them and then sold them someplace. I’ve looked around and according to all of my leads, the two women were sold to some other brothel and a few days later two corpses were found on the riverbank. The two women were never seen again,”

“I’m sorry,”

“No…it’s alright. They sacrificed themselves to make sure I’m alive. There’s nothing nobler about that, especially since I wasn’t even their kid,”

“You were. Just because they’re not blood related doesn’t mean they’re not family,” said Marco trailing behind them, “And that was heavy, let’s go to Makino’s, my treat,”

“Oh fuck yeah I need a drink,” said Thatch

The two women drank whiskey and watched as the sun went down. Izo and the boys left late that afternoon and they knew the ferryman was already gone.

“Won’t be long now,” said Evie downing hers as Mai pours her another shot.

“Mhm,” Mai downed hers, “You think we did the right thing?”

“By now going? Mhm. While he’s killing us, Izo and the boys can get farther away. If they’ve survived this long, you know they’re tough,”

“But…what if those boys were traders or helpers for traders?”

“Nah, you saw those marks on Marco. That kid’s been through a lot himself. The last thing he would do is betray his friends,”

“True. I mean I know I just…need some reassurance,” Evie pulled her into a hug

“We did everything we could. I know they’re going to make it,”

“I hope they make it to the village soon,”

“I saw you altering that map, what are you planning?”

“When I saw where they were going, I knew the area so I tweaked it so they could get there faster without going through bandit territory. It’ll be a straight shot of towns with different rules and customs and I’m sure they’ll be better in a traveler’s route,”

“Had a traveler lover?”

“Yeah, we were going to travel together for a long time but things happen,” they looked at the sky. Evie takes the bottle and pours some on the ground.

“This is for you Kass-chan,” she took a gulp herself and passes it to Mai who down the rest. They knew deep down that they did the right thing. Even though they know they would never see Izo again, they were just happy to help out an old friend carry out her last wish

Chapter 33: The Clown and the Ghostly Child


The Little Girl encounters a circus troupe and gets grounded

Chapter Text

________________ happily skipped home. After a few hours of exploration, she decided it time for her to turn in and relax for the rest of the day. She decided to take another route home and ended up in some of the back areas of Goa. She was just nearly out of the area when she noticed something that caught her eye, a group of street performers. This was a rare occurrence. Even though Goa had a mix of people from rich families, middle class, to even the poor in Terminal Gray things like this rarely appeared for everyone to watch. She watched happily. There was a lion jumping through a hoop, a man swallowing a sword and a clown who was making his arms detach from himself and doing tricks with knives and putting on a mock fight with the fire breather. The crowd cheered as the clown places his hand over his eyes as though he was searching for something.

“Now I need a volunteer for our next trick!” the kids all waved their hands excitedly, including _________________. The lion man walked through and noticed her and took her hand. The kids all awww’ed at this but were now curious to see what was going to happen. The clown knelt down in front of her and smiled.

“What’s your name little girl?”


“So here, __________________, my lovely little assistant is going to help my perform my best trick yet! The sword box! Mohji! Put her in the box!” he nodded and she went inside the box. He gave her a reassuring smile and closed it. Inside wasn’t too cramped, it was actually very comfortable. She sat cross legged and saw blades going through the box away from her. She watched as the last sword was inside when a latch opened behind her. She yelped and rolled out. The box shut and she was safe behind it as someone scoops her up and takes her behind the huge lion. From the audience point of view, the clown had shoved then blades into the box and the little girl was skewered. They were all worried for a moment when he opened the box and in a flash, she disappeared only to reappear on the lion and waving at everyone. The crowd went wild and everyone cheered throwing money at the trio. ________________ hopped off the lion, “And let’s give a round of applause to my lovely assistant!” the crowd cheered and soon dispersed. _______________ was about to go on her merry way when the clown took her by the shoulder.

“You did great out there, little one!”

“Thank you! It was fun! How did you make yourself come apart like that?!” he chuckled

“A magician never reveals his secrets,” he winked. She giggled, “You have a real talent for being an assistant,”


“Yeah, maybe you can travel with us,” said Mohji, “You can ride on Richie!” the lion snorts and laid down. She pets him fondly.

“Actually, I need to get going! It’s getting late and I need to get to my home!”

“Well, we’ll take you home! Think of it as a thank you for being our assistant,” said the fire breather.

“Really?! Thank you so much, mister….?”

“Cabaji and this here is our Captain, Buggy,”

“Nice to meet you! Thank you for the ride!”

“Well, sit tight while we finish up,”

“I can help!” the men watch as she helped them to load everything into the car. She carried the box like it wasn’t nothing and placed it on top helped them to tie everything down before she hopped into the car and they headed off. She’s ridden in a car a few times but never really took the long way out of Goa before. The town was a fortress but had a place for cars and carriages. Soon they were out. In order to get to her island, they had to use the secret road. No one used it because everyone usually stayed in Goa or walked to the other island. The secret was more of a tunnel that was abandoned because was easily floodable during certain times of the year. Thanks to her, she guided them out. After they went through, they got to the island and made their way. She saw where her home was and asked them to turn. They didn’t.

“Oh but my place is that way,” she points, “I don’t wanna get in trouble!”

“It’s fine! We’ll let you rest at our place until we take you home! You don’t want to go home looking tired and hungry, do you?” said Buggy

“Nah!” she didn’t get any bad vibes from the clown and her gut never steered her wrong before. She passed by a few buildings and houses, then the Baratie before they stopped. She looked at the house. She explored the house before. It was an abandoned house. They must have bought it. They ushered her inside. It was a lot cleaner than before, even with a paint job. She grinned at this as they took her to a very simple bedroom.

“Okay here’s your room! Take a nap and then we’ll get to go home!”

“Okay!” they closed the door.

“…I can’t believe it was that easy,” said Cabaji, “Are noble children that naïve?”

“She’s too well mannered to be a noble kid,” said Mohji, “She could be poor,”

“In clothes like that?! The kid looked as through she’s apart of a traveling troupe herself as a mini adventurer,”

“Doesn’t matter, as long as her family has money, who cares,” said Buggy, “We find out were she lives, gives them a ransom note, and viola, we have enough money to get back my treasure!”

“You’re so smart boss!”

“Of course I am! That’s why I’M the Captain!” ___________________ looked around. The room was really nice. It was actually more of a bedroom than a place you would put a prisoner. She didn’t even KNOW she was being kidnapped. She didn’t know what the clown was going to do but he was pretty nice. He even tossed in a bag of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with the crust cut off and milk into the room. She happily ate and then realized there was a den den mushi in the room. She grinned and called home. Marco picked up.


“Marco? It’s me!”

“Where are you?”

“I was kidnapped by a weird clown,” Marco was quiet for a second, “Well, I don’t know if it is kidnapping. He’s really nice and I’m in a nice room and gave me a few sandwiches and milk! Good milk! Not the nonfat stuff!”

“…weird clown? What does he look like?”

“He had blue hair, a big red nose, says flashily a lot, and he locked me in a room with a window and a phone,”

“I see…do you know where your exact location is?”

“MHM! I’m a few houses down from the Baratie restaurant!”

“…is there a window in the room?”


“Can you squeeze out the window?”


“Then squeeze out and meet me at the Baratie,”

“Okay!” ________________________ pushed the dresser all the way to the window. She then climbed to the bed, then to the dresser, opened the window and hopped out. Within fifteen minutes, she was back at the Baratie restaurant with Marco and Zeff waiting in front. Marco saw her and immediately grabbed and hugged her.

“You okay?”


“You know better than to get into a car with a stranger! Who knows what could have happened to you! He could have been trying to lure you someplace and we would have never saw you again!” It was then _______________ realized just how much danger she would have been in if the circus troupe weren’t bad people. The fearful look in Marco’s eyes and the relieved look in Zeff’s face said everything.

“Thanks for the backup Zeff,”

“Anytime. Okay little lady, listen and listen well, if you’re EVER in danger and you need to come someplace and home isn’t around, come directly here and we’ll take care of the rest,”

“O-Okay,” he pats her head and leaves. Marco looked at her before guided her to start walking.

“I-I’m sorry Marco! D-Don’t be angry with me!” tears were forming in her eyes. Marco sighed.

“I’m not angry, I’m just very upset with you but I’m very glad you’re okay and not dead someplace or worse,” He took her home and didn’t say anything during the walk. It was the longest walk she’s ever had with him and it was painful with every step. Once they reached the reach home, everyone looked up to see the pair. Usually, the dynamic was _________________ running with Marco and both looking chipper but they knew almost immediately she got scolded.

“What happened?!” said Vista looking at the guilt ridden child.

“Buggy kidnapped her,” said Marco, “But the idiot wasn’t smart enough to put her into a room with no windows and a den den mushi inside,”

“You got into a car with a stranger?! What on earth gotten into you kiddo?!” said Fossa

“Don’t be hard on her this is her first offense!” said Bleheim

“It could have been her last!” said Rakugo, “Seriously! What if we never saw her again!”

“Thank god it was Buggy,” said Atmos. Everyone heard her explanation of what happened, “…Alright this was a weird situation but still! We need to know what we’re going to do with him. He can’t go around kidnapping kids and bringing that shit into our town in case someone finds out this is Pops area,”

“I say we fuck with him a little bit,” said Curiel, “And since the little lady is grounded, finding her isn’t going to be easy,”

“…what’s grounded?” said _________________

“You can’t go outside for a few days,” said Blamenco, “Probably about a week or two,” The look of horror washed upon her face.


“You got into a car with a stranger! Thank god it was Buggy, someone who doesn’t even matter,” said Kingdew, “But it could have been worse!”

“So that means no dessert or video games while you’re on lockdown either,” said Izo. __________________ looked devastated her little hands over her chest. Marco ruffled her hair.

“It’s for your own good kiddo. But to make things sink in, you’re also going to do have to scale and debone the fish as well all by yourself this week, kitchen prep, and laundry duty for a week,”


“I know, I know,” said Whitebeard coming downstairs, “but you have to know just how much danger you could have been in! Seriously! I know the world is an amazing place but it’s also dangerous, especially for a little girl. You can’t let your guard down just because. You’re grounded starting today. Go to your room,” she nodded and scuttled upstairs. Ace met her upstairs and the pair trotted upstairs.

“Wow, everyone is pissed at you!”

“I know! It’s horrible!” she said covering her face

“No cake and you can’t go outside?!”

“No! That’s the worst! I like outside,”

“Well, there’s a few things you can do, there’s your balcony,”

“Oh yeah! But that’s not the same!”

“True but you can see the view. Annnnnnd if you do my homework for me, I’ll sneak you a piece of cake,”

“Done and done!” he grinned

“Can’t help you with the prep work though, you’re going to have to suffer with the onions. I had enough of that at the Baratie,”

Buggy lounged in his chair. He really had a knack for this kidnapping thing. The little girl was very complacent and cooperative and as long as he gave her some sandwiches and made sure she was okay, her parents were going to pay up the nose for her safe return.

“Umm Captain, we have a problem,” said Cabaji shaking and holding up a paper. He was pale and trying his best to remain calm but failing, “T-That little girl we kidnapped…”

“What about her?”

“H-Her family put up a wanted poster,” he handed it over shakily. Buggy took the poster and looked it over. His blood ran cold. There was a photo of the little girl smiling back at him with her name as ____________________ Newgate. Everyone in the area knew that Newgate was the last name of Edward Newgate also known as Whitebeard. Behind her, he could clearly see Whitebeard and Marco close by.

“GET HER OUT OF HERE! NOW!” the men ran to the room and flew opened the door to see that __________________ escaped. They ran outside and saw the streets were covered with missing posters with the same little girl smiling with her father and big brother in the background. The men actively did everything in their power to look for the little girl, combing the town, even thinking that she may have gone home but nothing. Soon an entire week passed and still nothing. They looked everywhere they thought she could have ran off to but nothing. Soon, they exhausted themselves and went to a bar to calm their nerves with a drink.

“We need to find that kid,” said Cabaji, “I can’t believe it’s been a week and we hadn’t seen hide or hair of her!”

“We weren’t going to hurt her! We were just going to ransom her and get some money but she probably got scared that Whitebeard was going to be upset and tried to get out and probably got kidnapped by someone else,”

“Don’t say that! Captain is already upset about it!” it was true. Buggy was actually beside himself. He was genuinely worried about the little girl. Yeah he did kidnap her but he wasn’t going to actually hurt her! And now she was god knows where and probably scared or…well dead and he didn’t want to think about the latter. The barmaid came up and gave them their drinks and looked very morose. He looked around. The entire bar looked as through they were sober and in deep thought.

“…did we walk into a funeral?” said Cabaji

“Oh no…it’s just that…___________________ has been missing for a week and we’re so worried about her, especially Mr. Whitebeard,” said the barmaid, “She’s like the little jewel of this island. Even since she disappeared, we’ve been so worried and we’re now just assuming the worst,” she gave them their drinks and went back to work. Then the door flew opened and there stood Shanks. Buggy glared. He didn’t know that red-haired bastard was back in town! How dare he show his face! He calmly went to the bar.

“Makino…something strong,”

“Of course. Did you find her yet?”

“Nothing,” Buggy was about to make some trouble when Shanks continued, “Oh…yeah, Whitebeard isn’t too hot. He’s been worried to death about his little girl. He had his entire fleet looking for her and so far nothing. All sixteen divisions have been looking for this little girl. Burning places down, breaking bones…hell, I didn’t even know Jozu could rip a man in half but I’ve seen it. Whitebeard even ordered a five million beli reward for her safe return. And if he finds out that she was mistreated or worst in any way…well, I feel sorry for that man,”

“That poor girl. Any leads?”

“The last time people remember was seeing a little girl following a clown and his troupe. There are a few descriptions but nothing solid. But I did hear about someone finding a little girl wandering around the alley a few buildings down from the Baratie,” the three men exchanged glances before paying their tab and running for it.

“Let’s go find that alley!” said Buggy

“She could still be there! Maybe stuck in a wall!” said Mohji, “We can use Richie! I know he’ll be able to sniff her out!”

“Richie can barely sniff out his ass!”

“TAKE THAT BACK!” the pair argued and Buggy led the search and ran to every alley looking for some signs of the little girl, “You see anything down there?”

“I just see what looks like to be a marionette,” said Cabaji

“Go check,”

“I don’t do filthy alleys,” he glared.

“Come on both of you!” Buggy barked. The men went to take a closer look at the doll and soon realized that it was not in fact a doll. The men were horrified to see ____________________’s limp body on the ground, lifeless. She was wearing the same clothes she was wearing when they took her only now dirty, bloody, and smelt like death. Buggy’s blood ran cold as he ran to see if they little girl was okay. Her face was ashen and pale, her eyes stared back at him lifeless, she was a cute corpse.

“W-W killed her!” said Mohji

“W-We let her die!” said Cabaji, “Looks like she’s been ran over and dumped here!”

“W-What are we going to do?!” Buggy quickly wrapped her up in some newspapers and took her back to his hideout. They took her to the basement wear they placed her in a corner and covered in sheets and linen.

“Okay, tomorrow….we’re going to take her to Whitebeard and tell him we found her. If we asks for any other information, we don’t know, got it?!”

“A-Are you insane captain?!” they other two men cried

“N-NO I’M NOT! No-No man should ever go through life not knowing what happened to their own child! No, we return the body, collect the reward and get the hell out of this town!”

That night, all three men didn’t say a word to each other. All of them knew what the other was thinking. They had a dead child in their basement and not just any child, a child adopted by the Whitebeard Family. If she was found at any moment, they would have to explain and there’s no conceivable explanation any of them could give that would spare them from being tortured, maimed, and killed. That night, Buggy tried to get comfortable. He couldn’t get _________________’s smiling innocent face out of his mind or her corpse. This was HIS fault, if he didn’t kidnap her, she would have escaped or anything like that and would have gotten run over like roadkill. But Whitebeard deserves to know what happened to one of his children. It was an accident…an accident that he had a part of. Yes he was shit and shitty for doing it but there’s nothing he could do to bring the little girl back. He finally found a comfortable position in bed and he slowly started to doze off.

Mr. Buuuuuuuuggy…” Buggy jumped up and looked around. He could have swore he heard someone call him. He was already tense enough he couldn’t go back to sleep. He couldn’t get comfortable. He indirectly killed a child and the guilt was eating him alive, “Mr. Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuugy…” was shaking at this point. He was almost at his wit’s end when he saw a tiny little figure coming towards him. It was a little girl with pitch black eyes, hair in a messy heap on her heard, in a white gown, and bloody tear rolling down her cheeks. She looked at him with a very sad expression, “You’ve KILLED me!” Buggy screamed and ran out of his room, meeting with the rest of his crew who all met in the living room. They all instinctively ran to the door only for it to shut on their faces and lock. They saw the windows slam shut and then they saw ________________ standing on top of the stairs. As she walked towards them, the lights started shattering along with mirrors and glass. The men were paralyzed with fear as she made it to the last step. She stopped in front of Buggy who looked as though he was about to wet himself. In absolute fear, Buggy swung his sword and in one fatal blow decapitated the little girl’s head. Suddenly everything stopped again. Then a light fell onto _______________’s head and body. Her black eyes opened as she lets out a blood curdling scream, “YOU KILLED ME!!!!!!” Her body calmly went forwards and picked up her head and reattached itself and resumed walked towards them.


“Oh pitiful shadow lost in the darkness, Bringing torment and pain to others. Oh damned soul, wallowing in your sin...” she points at him, “Perhaps... it is time to die?” Suddenly the last light was extinguished. Every window in the house shattered as a light came from nowhere and shadows of demons appeared and danced all over the walls. Then they heard explosions all around as the fires of Hell came to reclaim them. Buggy screamed and fell to his knees in front of the little girl.


“Captain NO!” said Cabaji

“Please! We’re all at fault!” said Mohji

“You all have to make amends,” said ________________, “A debt be paid,”

“A debt!” another __________________ ghost appeared next to Cabaji

“A DEBT!” another ______________ ghost appeared at the locked door. The ghostly trio chanted over and over again.

“W-WHAT MUST WE DO?!” said Buggy. ________________ tilted her head

“You know what must be done,” the door swung opened and her body was hanging from the frame. They immediately grabbed it and ran as fast as they could to the Whitebeard home.

The men ran to the Whitebeard home and literately broke the door down carrying the body of a little girl to Whitebeard, who was in his study. He looked at them with contempt, before he noticed _______________’s body.




“WE THINK SHE GOT HIT BY A CAR! PLEASE SPARE OUR LIVES!” Whitebeard got up and leered at the men before he looked passed them. The look of horror and sadness was on his face.

“It’s not my call to forgive you. It’s hers,”

“Mr. Buggy….” The men turned to see __________________’s ghost behind them. They froze as she approached them slowly, “A debt…repaid…repaid…a debt repaid…” as she approached, her entire body grew larger and swollen. The trio ran out of the room screaming right into the little girl again at the entrance. This time, all three of them fell to her feet.

“WE’RE SORRY! WE DIDN’T MEAN IT!” said Mohji, “We just wanted to make some money!”


“IF WE COULD WE WOULD TAKE IT ALL BACK!” said Buggy. ______________ tilted her head.

“You guys…are performers…you made me happy…you used me to make money…how could you?”


“Cake…I want…cake…”


“I want…meat…delicious meat!” said the other her


“Ramen…ramen too…”


“Okay!” the light came on. The men looked around and then they heard clapping. A familiar red haired man came from the shadows.

“I think you idiots learned your lesson,” the men watched as Shanks and the Whitebeard Pirates all appeared from their hiding spots smiling and laughing at the group of men. Buggy looked dumfounded.


“You kidnapping children,” said Shanks

“You red haired bastard! You were in on this?!”

“Mhm. Luffy told me what happened and I couldn’t pass of the chance to teach you a lesson,” he said and draped an arm around Marco, “And of course helping out my sweet Marco-chan~ow!” Marco twisted Shanks’ wrist before letting him go, “And I love his love taps,”

“Sick ass,”

“Wait! So is the little lady dead or alive?!” said Cabaji. _______________ grinned and rubbed off her makeup grinning at the men, who couldn’t believe she was in on this. Then two other similar looking girls appeared wiping off their make revealing Ace and Luffy. Luffy then proceeded to stretch revealing the effect.


“Mhm, we figured it was easier than beating the ever living shit out of you,” said Thatch, “And the little lady was grounded for a week so it was two birds with one stone,”

“And it was terrible! No outside playing, no video games, no cake, I had to do laundry and fish cleaning by myself! It was awful!”

“You learned your lesson though,” he snorts petting her head, “And I’m sure Flora has made you done worst,”

“…yeah usually a Bop of Learning!”

“Ouch, she still does that?!” said Jozu

“It still hurts when it gets cold!” she said. Although the Whitebeard Pirates wanted to beat the shit out of Buggy, they all figured it wasn’t worth the effort mainly because he literately was bad at his job to kidnap a child. Shanks helped Buggy out and gave him the beli he needed to get the rest of his treasure. He begrudgingly took it. As soon as he got it, Fossa and Vista paid him a visit to make sure he lived up to his promise to the three ghosts. A quarter of his money went to a years’ worth of ramen, cake, and meat. He thought this was the last he was going to see of the Whitebeard Pirates. However, because he was now deemed harmless, Buggy and his troupe had a new visitor, who wanted to learn how to ride a unicycle and fight like Mr. Cabaji.

“You want to learn how to do that?!” he said

“Mhm! Please! Marco said it was okay! I’m learning ribbon dancing and I want to be able to beat Kodachi if she ever challenges me again!”



“Come in,”

“Wait, wait, wait!” said Buggy, “Before you step ONE foot in this house, there’s a few questions I need answering!”

“Yes sir?”

“How in the hell did you get a doll that looks like you?!”

“Miss Bellemere made it!”

“…Okay, how did you and your brothers break into my house?!”

“There’s a cellar! You left it unlocked! So we went inside! Thatch took the doll out and hung it at the door!”

“…Okay, what about the things breaking?!”

“Izo! He shot everything with BBs while I came downstairs!” she grinned

“The shadows on the walls!”

“Jozu turned into a diamond! Then Sabo used shadow puppets on the walls and Fossa rigged up some lights!”

“The explosions?!”

“Curiel! Now may I come in?”

“Just one more…how DID you make your head come off?” she smiled at him and winked.

“Sorry, a magician never reveals her secrets!”

Chapter 34: Odds and ends


Many shorts about the universe of a little girl that doesn't really fit anywhere else ^^

Chapter Text

“Someone help me!!!” the maids all bustled into the main area of the house and was greeted to a very…interesting sight. They didn’t know HOW it happened, why it happed, or what happened but they were greeted to Corazon, stuck in a wall, trying to get out. Because of his bulky body, the hole was just big enough for him to slip in feet first but not able to get out. He was caught and couldn’t move despite himself. Perv, Cook, Dom, and Cleaner were the first to arrive on scene. He was in between the main area and the dining area. The walls were thick and he wasn’t near the door. It was a miracle that they could hear him.

“…I have so many thoughts right now and none of them are pure,” said Perv biting her lips as Corazon tried to use his legs to get out of the wall, “Wish those pants were tighter so I can get a better look at him,”

“I thought Boss was packing but apparently so is Cora-love,” said Cook, “I’ve seen many sausages before but this one is a chef’s dream, thick and meaty…”

“This is a bounty from Heaven,” said Dom, “he’s not on a hook but stuck in a wall and that’s somehow better…”

“You can’t! He can’t move!” said Cleaner

“I stand by what I said,”

“Maids! Are you guys there?! Help me out please!” he said flailing in the wall. The maids stared but regained themselves.

“Of course Corazon!” Perv yelled out, “If we do, we wouldn’t know it was us per say…”

“This isn’t a hentai manga!” said Cook, “I can see the headlines: “Maids Gangbang Marine Captain stuck in wall in a Warlord’s Home. They would put us UNDER Impel Down,”

“Sooooooo totally worth it,” said Perv

“But WOULD it be a gangbang?” said Dom, “I mean we don’t have the equipment…I mean I DO but it’s upstairs and for those into it,”

“If anything he’ll be the one feeling it…” said Perv, “Unless fingers are involved but that’s still him…not that I would mind getting him off~”

“I will personally gut you all if you even attempt it,” said Lesser coming into the area. She heard Corazon’s cries and immediately went to investigate.

“Oh come on Lesser-nee, you know you would if you had the opportunity~” she coughed.

“I think the butter method would be best in this situation,”

“Lesser?! Is that you?!” she went to the corner and peeked around. Corazon was blushing and flailing. She swallowed something in her throat.

“It’s me. Don’t worry Corazon, we got you. Cook, get some butter,” Cook bustled into the kitchen and grabbed a few stick of butter she was softening for a few pastries that day. Lesser looked at this. The butter method was a surefire method if it was skin to skin like head being stuck in-between banister bars on stairs. She sighs.

“We’re going to have to take off his pants and shirt,” Perv and Dom grinned. Cook blushed and tittered under her hand. Cleaner blushed and covered her face. Lesser popped around the corner, “We’re going to have to take off your pants and shirt so you can slip out better,” said Lesser, “Is that okay?”

“Yes! Anything!” Lesser went back to the maid and nodded.

“DIBS ON HIS PANTS!” said Perv


“I’ll take care of his front with Cook. Cleaner, keep an eye on those two,” the maids went over to Corazon. He was trying to lift himself out some more but failed.

“Hold still, love,” said Cook smiling as Lesser slipped off Corazon’s shirt. He shuddered at the new coolness on his body. Lesser and Cook made a note of his torso. He was blushing furiously as Dom and Perv helped with his pants.

“….Girls we need some assistance back here,” called out Perv. Lesser and Cook excused themselves and went to the back. The five women couldn’t help but stare. Corazon was wearing boxers with hearts all over them. He was shaking slightly because of the cool air on his skin but the maids were just frozen at this point. He legs were muscled with more scars along with the most glorious of all sights to see.

“…Damn, that’s what you call a Marine farmed ass,” said Cook shamelessly staring, “You can only get that by Marine training and the results pay off well,”

“I thought Boss was big but…damn look at what he’s packing in his boxers,” said Perv, “I’m surprised it doesn’t cut into him…”

“And it’s soft…he can imagine how big he’s going to be if he’s excited. This is literately low bearing fruit,” said Dom taking out the butter, “Let’s grease him up,”

“He’s going to make some girl very happy,” said Cook heading back in the front with Lesser.

“Yes…yes he is,” said Lesser. Back in the front, Corazon looked a little distressed.

“I-Is everything okay?!”

“Yeah! We were just seeing the best way to pull you out sweetie,” said Cook smiling as she and Lesser greased him up in front from, concentrating on his middle. Lesser made a note of his scars and told Cook to not make a big deal of them. She nodded. She them realized something before hitting the wall, a sign to tell Dom and Perv to not to anything as of yet.

“Okay, Corazon, you have two options,” said Lesser, “Cook and I are going to pull you from you shoulders and arms and Dom and Perv are going to either A push you with your legs or B your butt. Which would you be more comfortable with?”

“Whichever is easier!” Lesser went to the back and told the other two maids, “I think ass would be the best course of action. You two will have a stable point and it won’t be awkward as the legs would,” Perv and Dom looked as though Christmas came early that year, “HOWEVER, you two are ONLY to touch what’s necessary. Cleaner keep an eye on them, any inappropriate groping of Corazon’s cock, balls, or hole and you’re both dead,”

“Okay, okay!” said Perv

“You’re waaaay too protective of Corazon,” said Dom huffing, “Give us SOME credit,”

“Be lucky I’m letting you two even touch it!” she went back to the front, “On three!” the maids got into position, “ONE. TWO. THREE!” they pushed and pulled Corazon until he popped out of the hole and fell on Lesser. She helped him up but he grabbed onto her for balance because he was still slippery. It was soon discovered that his underwear didn’t make it in the hole. Perv and Dom were hold them up both with the most debauched grins on their faces and trying their bests to not drool. Cook got an eyeful and couldn’t help but stare and Cleaner was averting her gaze. Lesser immediately grabbed a curtain and ordered for a towel. Cleaner ran to get a towel. Corazon was blushing furiously behind the curtain.

“Perv, Dom, go wash his clothes for him! Cook, draw a shower,”

“Got it Less,” they all ran for it.

“Ohhh I’m going to sleep well tonight,” said Perv grinning

“Hell, I’m not leaving my room tonight after what I saw~” said Dom. Lesser pinched the bridge of her nose and comforted Corazon who was trying not to die from embarrassment.

“How in the hell did you get in there?” said Lesser

“Baby 5 told me she couldn’t reach her doll. I went to grab it for it and then I slipped on something and stumbled into the wall and I couldn’t get out! I told her to get some help but she went off and didn’t come back,”

“…did she now? Lemme guess, Buffalo was nearby?”

“Yes!” Cleaner came back shortly with Cook.

“The bath is ready,”

“And here’s yo-your towel, Corazon,” Corazon takes it and wraps himself up

“Come on, take a shower…while we clean up. We’ll have some clothes ready for you when you’re done,”

“You guys are the best!”

“Come on,” Lesser helped him upstairs. He stumbled a few times but she was there to catch him and make sure he was okay. The other four maids watched from downstairs.

“…Hell if I got a view like that, I’d probably join the Marines,” said Perv biting her lip

“We’d all get kicked out because of sexual misconduct,” said Dom, “Not necessarily a bad thing and I’m sure they wouldn’t mind,”

“Fair enough,” said Cook

“Would it be worth it?!” said Cleaner

“Oh so totally worth it,” said Perv

“I wonder what Smoker looks like under that uniform~” said Dom, “I bet he’s packing a lot, a man like that isn’t compensating,”

“Oh I bet it’s yummy but nowhere near as good as what we just saw,” Lesser came back downstairs and stopped in the middle of the area. Her face was red from being flustered but she took a deep breath.

“BABY 5, BUFFALO FRONT AND CENTER, NOW!” the maid watched as almost immediately, the two kids came out of nowhere and stopped right in front of Lesser who was red in the face and glaring down at them, “WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU TWO ABOUT MESSING WITH CORAZON?!”

“It-It was just a prank, Miss Lesser!” said Baby 5 looking on the verge of tears and shaking.

“Y-Yeah! W-We hadn’t see him in awhile and we just thought—,” said Buffalo shaking as well. There were many rules in the Donquixote Family, especially when they moved into the estate about a year ago as well as some unwritten ones. Baby 5 and Buffalo were to both get training and a better education but they also had five very no nonsense maids who’s jobs were not only to be in service to the family but also make sure they were well, raised right and disciplined when needed. Both figured out quite early that Lesser would never let them get away with anything and they did mean anything especially their mean pranks on Corazon.

“THAT’S NOT AN EXCUSE! GROUNDED FOR A MONTH! BABY 5 YOU’RE GOING TO DO LANDSCAPING EVERYDAY AND BUFFALO YOU’RE ON LAUNDRY AND DISH DUTY UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE! And if either of you use your Devil Fruit abilities, I’ll make sure you both regret it! Do I make myself clear?!”

“Y-Yes Miss Lesser!”

“No TV, no sweets, and extra studies! Dismissed!” the pair hightailed it out of there. Lesser headed back to the wall and ordered a few of the butlers to fix the wall and to make sure Baby 5 and Buffalo did the grunt work for it, “Alright girls, get back to your duties,” she was just about to leave when she felt a tug on her skirt. She looked down to see a familiar tiny figure beaming at her. He was in a simple pink shirt and white hat and was proudly wearing a pair of heels. He stuck his foot out to show her better.

“Lesser Mama, look!” said Delliger looking at her and posing for the maid.

“….I can see,”

“Like them?!” she pats his head

“They…fit you. Who gave them to you sweetheart?”

“Dom Mama!”

“Go play little one,”

“But wanna hang out with you!” he wibbled. She sighed, “Pweeeeeeeease?”

“Get your harness then,” he beamed and happily skipped away.

“One problem at a time,” she thought, “He’s going to ruin his feet at this rate,” she bustled away. Cleaner ran into Doflamingo who was laughing his ass off.

“B-Boss you’re the one who put them up to it!” said Cleaner

“I sure did. They can consider this a punishment for anything they’ve gotten away with recently,”

“You really are a sadist Boss,”
“Come oooooooooooooon Dad!” said Perona

“Yeah! We want to go!” said Zoro


“Yeah!” Mihawk after about a week of Perona and Zoro’s eternal bitching decided to let them come with him for grocery shopping. It wasn’t his idea nor his plan and he didn’t understand why the pair wanted to go in the first place. Before he acquired two children who just walked in and took over like two strays, his grocery shopping was literately every four months without fail, now it was every other month but this time, he decided to go in for the mother load and bring back as much as he could on a larger ship. Before he would leave for about a few days and come back but this time, Perona and Zoro wanted to come. He didn’t mind, he didn’t care actually but with them coming came their constant bickering as well. He could feel the migraine coming. He finally relented and set the boat and things ready for the trip. He made sure that there was a place for Zoro to sleep, some cute craft Perona could do to keep her occupied for the next few days and of course enough food to last a week, just in case. The pair woke up bright and early with him and soon all three set sail. Zoro found his nest and went back to sleep and Perona found the endless paper, scissors and a book on how to make things out of paper and went to work talking happily about how she was excited to finally get out of the castle and off the island for a little while.

“I was seriously getting bored!” she said

“You have things to do around the castle,”

“Yeah but no one to play with! Just you and looking for Zoro is a pain! Are you sure there’s no kids anywhere?!”


“Ugh!” The first day didn’t take long. They docked on an island and sketched their legs and ate. He made sure he had a close eye on Zoro at all times, who was using a tree as a target for training while Perona ran through the water bare foot. When night fell, he stretched and got ready for bed. He thought this would end up being a disaster but surprisingly everything was going smooth. He timed every few hours for them to get a break on shore, let them just run around someplace new for awhile. Yes it took another day more than usual but at long as they got to move around and tire themselves out, he didn’t care. He yawned and soon dozed off. In the morning, he got up, freshened up and soon realized that something was not right. He thought about a few things that he could have done, didn’t do, or greatly overestimated. He made sure Perona and Zoro were sleeping, they had food that was ready when they woke up, and even DOCKED just to be safe and they were moving. He immediately ran to the deck. He knew these waters like the back of his hand and nothing looked familiar to him. In fact, the only thing that did was the wave patterns. He saw Perona’s hollows at the wheel steering it. He saw the anchor up and he noticed they were severely off course.







“Ahem,” the pair turned. Mihawk looked at them expectantly. They froze and as expect, he was met with rapid fire.



“ZORO WAS THE NAVIGATOR!” Mihawk’s face went white.

“You gave ZORO the map?!” he quickly grabbed it and looked it over. For the last few hours while he was sleeping, they were going the wrong way, farther inland, and the closest island was about three days away. He pinched the bridge of his nose, “Perona…listen to what you said, you gave Zoro, the map,”

“Dad I’m sorry! He said he could read maps!”

“I DO! It shouldn’t be too hard!” Mihawk eyed him and pointed

“What’s the name of this area?”

“South Blue,”

“It’s North. You were reading it upside down,”


“SHUT UP! AT LEAST I TRIED!” Mihawk sighed and beckoned them over show them how the waves works, how to know which waters were which by the waves, and of course how to navigate at night and using the sun as their guide. After two more days of nonstop sailing, the trio finally docked. The kids ran towards the area but was quickly gathered up by Mihawk.

“Follow me,” The area looked familiar to them until they spotted a familiar woods and trees and town. They looked up at him. He said nothing. He wasn’t going to deal with them while out shopping. He knew they needed to get out and socialize and stretch their legs and he knew this was the best alternative that them being cooped up with him, especially being in a boat for last few days and since he was here, he may as well get into contact with Shanks instead of him coming to his island. The further he was away from him, the better. Mihawk came up to a familiar area, pass the gate, pass the bridge, and up to a familiar house. He knocked on the door. Marco appeared.

“Mihawk, what do we owe the plea—?” said Marco. He looked down and noticed the two very familiar kids looking at him. He cringed inwardly, “—sure,”

“I hate to ask but is there anyway for me to leave these two here while I tend to some business with red hair and do some shopping?” Marco felt a very uncomfortable feeling in his stomach. He really didn’t want to deal with this again, “And may I remind you, that if I can’t find ample babysitting, I can ask Shanks to come over and ask that we use your—,”

“They can stay,” he said reluctantly. Marco ushered the two kids inside. Mihawk turned and headed towards town to pick up his groceries. It would be a few hours at the most. He then saw two blurs running as fast as humanly possible and a large blue blur flying after them. Marco caught _________________ and Ace and dragged them back towards the house.

“Marco please! ANYTHING but this!” said Ace, “I can’t do this again!”


“I know, I know but they’re guests this time, they’ll be on their best behavior, yoi,” he said carrying them both under each arm.

“I’ll take my chances in whatever horrible chore you have!” said Ace, “I’ll even go back to the Baratie!”

“No. Just be friendly and show them around town or something,”

“But that ghost girl is going to do something mean I just KNOW it!” said __________________

“Yeah! She might make __________________ depressed or something! It that happens it’s on your head Marco!” said Ace

“I’ll take that chance if it means you two learn how to be good hosts,” Mihawk snorts and smiled to himself. He knew they would be in good hands until he got back.
“So you’re saying that Sabo is better?!” Ace barked at Luffy

“Well yeah!” said Luffy

“Ace you brought this one on yourself,” said Sabo

“Yeah but he doesn’t have to be so blunt about it!” _____________________ poked her head around a tree, noticing her brothers were very heated about something. The back and forth went on for awhile when Sabo spotted her.

“____________________ want to be our tie breaker?”

“For what?”

“Okay, if you had to eat ANY of us, who would you eat?”


“If you had to eat any of us, like at all, who would it be?!” said Ace

“Sabo,” she said simply


“TOLD YA!” said Luffy earning a clobber from Ace, “OW!”

“Why not me?!”

“Well, think about it! Sabo is the cleanest of all three of you! Like you know he would be tender if you cooked him for a very long time!”

“Yeah!” said Luffy, “And he isn’t as oily as Ace. Though you have to put a lot of seasoning on him! Because he looks bland,”



“…are you guys bored or something?” said Law coming from behind them carrying a bunch of groceries looking at them.

“Hey Law!” _______________ beamed


“We’re just talking about how everything would taste and would we eat them!” said Luffy grinning

“…yeah you guys are bored,”

“Not us, it was Luffy,” said Sabo sighing, “Now back to Ace. He looks really greasy,” said Sabo

“Yeah! And he’ll taste wherever he’s been and he’s been all over the woods!” said Luffy

“And Goa,” said __________________

“And Dadan’s,” said Sabo, “It’ll be a really odd taste,”

“And no amount of boiling is going to get the taste out,” said Law chuckling.

“But he’d probably be lean because he’s always training,”

“Yeah but is it worth it?”

“Tasting like everywhere you’ve been…nah,” said Luffy laughing as they other joined in. Ace glared.

“You’re no delicacy either, Luffy!” said Ace. Sabo and __________________ made a face

“Yeah no,” said _____________________

“Hey why not?! I bet I taste awesome!”

“You’re made of rubber!” said Sabo, “So you’re going to be very chewy and bony at the same time!”

“But wouldn’t Ace and Garp’s training tenderize him a little?” said ____________________

“Yeah but he never loses his elasticity,” said Law, “No matter how many hits he takes,”

“True and add in training with monkeys, hanging around Makino’s bar with Shanks, and everything like that, he’s just a big, rubbery, chewy mess,” said Ace

“Mean!” said Luffy

“You can’t even be lean because you’re rubber!” said Sabo

“And for some reason I feel you’d probably have a slight banana taste,” said __________________, “Sorry Luffy,”

“You guys are so mean!”

“You’re the one who started this weird ass game!” said Ace

“Well what about _____________________?! Would you eat her?!”

“Ugh no way!” said Ace

“Yeah no offense I wouldn’t eat her either,” said Law


“Seriously! One bite and instant sugar shock!” said Ace, “Because of all of that cake you eat!”

“But it’s so tasty!” she whined

“Buuut she would be really be spongy and slightly sweet!” said Sabo, “And because does ribbon twirl, she’s probably lean,”

“And she’d probably be great for BBQ,” said Law, “Natural sweetness and slow cooked,”

“Yeah a little at a time!” said Ace, “One bite BAM instant sugar shock,”

“What about Law?!” said Ace

“What about me?”

“I think he would taste great!” said ____________________, “Like something exotic!”

“Yeah!” said Luffy

“Pretty much!” said Sabo, “Like spicy like curry,”

“Served with rice!” said Ace, “But your hands would taste like dead frogs,”

“Ewwww!” said _________________.

“That’s fair,” said Law chuckling, “You guys are weird I swear. Who came with this?”

“The idiot,” said Ace

“Don’t call Sabo an idiot!” said Luffy

“I meant you dumb ass!”

In the day, the scent of flowers
At night, the twinkling of the stars
It's a world that no one knows of.
She puts on the white slippers,
and crosses the white moon bridge,
dreaming of a sweet kiss.
This is where the princess lives.

“Sabo…sing to me again? Please?”

“You don’t have to ask you know,” he said grinning, “How are you feeling?”
“Everything hurts,” she said. Sabo grimaced. She wasn’t looking too good. He stayed with her for hours. He knew he had to get her something but he didn’t know what. He waited and waited until a woman came in with something to eat. They propped her up and placed the food to her lips. She sniffed it and almost immediately started eating. The woman looked relieved.

“She hadn’t eaten in days,” she said softly, “She’s been in that room for two weeks and she was told to not be fed,”

“Did anyone see you?!”

“I don’t care at this point. I just need to make sure she get something to eat,” said the woman. The girl smiles.

“Tha-Thank you Miss Hancock,”

“Shhh it’s okay dear, just eat as much as you like,” Sabo watched as she started to devour everything on the plate. The woman pets her lovingly. It was true, by degree of punishment from the lady of the house; she was to not be fed. He knew if any of them were caught, they would be punished. He knew he could probably get out of it…considering they were family but he knew that the lady of the house was a dangerous woman and her favorite method, especially to servants, was humiliation to the degree that many have came back completely empty from it. While eating, she started humming. Hancock looked at her.


“Mhm! Sabo taught me a new song while I was in here! It’s my favorite song now! It’s about a princess who lives on the moon!”

“Yeah, I heard a woman singing it, I think it’s a nice song to sleep to,”

“How does it go?” said Hancock, “Maybe I can sing it to you before bed,”

“It goes like this! In the day, the scent of flowers
At night, the twinkling of the stars
It's a world that no one knows of.
She puts on the white slippers,
and crosses the white moon bridge,
dreaming of a sweet kiss.
This is where the princess lives.

Right Sabo? Sabo? Sabo?

“Sabo!” he jumped from his thoughts. _____________________ was staring at him with a worried look on her face. That’s right, he was with _________________ not at home…helping her with her ribbon twirling, they were outside, in the courtyard at the Whitebeard home, “You okay?!”

“Y-Yeah I’m fine! Sorry, I was just thinking about something,”

“Was it something bad?”

“Nah, just someone. Sorry, finish your routine! I spaced out,”

“Okay!” Sabo loved watching ___________________ do her routines. Because he was an unbiased audience, he often told her what to improve, what to keep in and even gave her tips on what would look super cool.

“Can’t believe Cabaji actually showed you how to ride a unicycle,” he watched on

“Isn’t it cool?! He said it’s good for balance,”

“It is! But I can’t do it for long!” she said wobbling. Sabo rushed over and caught her.



“Yeah I wouldn’t try ribbon twirling while riding a unicycle, that just spells broken limbs,” she nods, “Come on, let’s get something to eat,”

“Okay!” _____________________ loved hanging out with Sabo, mainly because they always have interesting conversations and most of it wasn’t about training like he and Ace and Luffy does and he always seem to know exactly what she likes. Then they would go inside to make something to eat, he always cut the crust off her sandwiches and cut diagonal, made her tea, and even tells her when something cute that she would like was spotted in Goa, “Hey Sabo, did you ever have a sister before?” he stopped in mid chew.

“Huh? Why?”

“You always know exactly how to be nice to me! It must mean you had a sister before, right?” he grinned

“Yeah, I did,”


“Hmmmmm lemme think, she’s really weird, loves cake, likes to know everything, and can be really space sometimes,”

“Hey! So mean!”

“What you asked!”

“I’m not spacey!”

“Yeah you are, it’s pretty obvious that’s YOU’RE my sister!” he said ruffling her hair. She playfully bats him away.

“Now eat up, eat as much as you want!”

“Okay, okay! But my limit is five!”

“I know but that’s a great thing! As long as you eat, it’s a great thing…”

“Come on Marco you can do it!” said Izo cheering on a little blue chick

“Yeah you’re almost doing it!” said Thatch. Marco flapped his little wings and hard and as fast as he could and made it just over seven inches before plopping back down exhausted, “Hey! That was better than last week!”

“Yeah! You got another full inch!”

“Now, now, don’t push him too hard,” said Whitebeard coming into the courtyard. His three sons were under the tree keeping cool in the warm day, “He’s tired. Let him rest,” it was true. Marco was determined to learn how to fly and was doing his best by doing little flight training everyday. He was hovering from small three inch blocks to block that Whitebeard laid out for him, he was learning how to hover for about two minutes at a time resting every five minutes, and even learning how to land on his feet, trying not to plop. His hard work was paying off but it made him tire and he was often to tired to change back. During those moments, he would be carried around on Izo’s shoulders or Whitebeard’s until he rested a bit. Whitebeard made sandwiches the boy ate while Marco rested. He told them to stay put while he discussed some business in his study. The boys were slowly adjusting to their new lives. Whitebeard was as pirate and as far as they knew, Flora, aka Mom aka the witch who ran the convent. When Marco arrived, he was her only charge after staying with her for about six months and meeting Pops, he was finally adopted. When Izo and Thatch came, there were a few other children there and they were taken to homes before them. They noticed right away how the process went. Although Flora pretended she didn’t care, she cared a lot and knew who was the right fit. Izo remembered that once a man came looking to take in a little girl. The girl was blonde and pretty with green eyes. Another woman came and asked the same and she was equally as beautiful. The girl was adopted by the man. Izo couldn’t understand why. The woman was furious and demanded the little girl, even threw money but Flora was still stubborn about it, even threatening the woman to not come back to her convent or she would regret it.

“It’s obvious,” said Thatch, “The man is looking for someone to love and raise. He works with his hands, that’s why they were so rough. He went to the girl and gently approached her. He wasn’t trying to bribe her with anything, and has been coming everyday just to talk to her. That woman just wanted another beautiful accessory. She was looking at that girl way too closely, bribing her, sizing her up and junk. That’s no way for a kid to be raised,” Izo was skeptical until a few months later, he saw the same girl again in Goa helping the man put supplies on a supply ship. She was grinning from ear to ear trying her best to help her new Dad. Izo ran back to ask Flora about it.

“Sometimes the best family is one person,” she said simply, “In her case, a nurturing man who wanted a daughter to share his life with was the best option,” Even with them, she waited until Pops docked and they were reunited with Marco and now they had a family. Pops said they’ll be setting off soon, after the ship for repairs but for now, this was their land home. Izo personally couldn’t have been happier to be with his big brother again and did everything he could to protect him, although Marco really didn’t need it. But when he became Chick!Marco he took the opportunity or guarding him with his life. He put Marco on a pillow, broke his sandwich up so he could eat it better, and always had water around for him to drink. Marco guzzled down the water and nestled in the pillow.

“So cute!”

“I swear Marco can cause cavities like this. Did you take a picture?”

“Nah! I have a bunch of cuter ones already!”


“I want everyone to know that Marco can be cute if anyone denies it!” Suddenly, without warning, Marco was snatched from the pillow and taken high into the tree. Marco struggled and tried to get away but to no avail.

“YOU ASSHOLE BIRD!” Izo said glaring. The mama bird, thinking Marco was an abandoned chick decided to rescue him and take care of him as her own. Izo however wasn’t having it. Marco was confused and too scared to change back and started to peep. Izo ran inside, grabbed his gun and ran back to the tree, “I’M COMING MARCO!” He held the gun in his teeth and started to climb the tree. Mama bird noticed the intruder coming up to her nest and started screeching and pecking at Izo’s head, face, back, and torso. He waved his arms and hand around trying to get the bird away from him. Thatch meantime took the opportunity to climb the tree on the other side and rescue Marco, who was shaken up but fine. He took Marco inside before going up, taking Izo’s gun away from him and dropping it in the grass and then managed to get the bird away from him and taking him inside. He carried Izo over his shoulders with Izo all the while yelling at the bird, “FUCK YOU BIRD! THIS ISN’T OVER! TRY ME AGAIN BITCH! NEXT TIME I’LL BOIL YOU IF YOU PULL THAT SHIT AGAIN!” Meantime, Whitebeard and Flora were laughing hard in his study while watching the trio.

“Poor Marco!” said Flora holding her sides

“Guarararararara!!! Damn brats I swear! I swear that boy is the best shit talker I’ve ever seen! You would think he was raised by pirates,”

“Well, he grew up in a brothel. He had to learn how to talk shit before getting actually getting physical,”

“And Izo refuses to let anything happen to Marco while he’s in his vulnerable form. Have to say it’s very noble of him to make sure his big brother is always okay,”

“And of course Thatch will always be nearby to make sure someone keeps an eye on Izo. The gun wasn’t loaded was it?”

“Nope. Izo is very strict with that practice of keeping it unloaded a few days since he’s got there,” Izo looked relieved, “Why?”

“I notice that when Izo feels like he’s not in danger or the like, he lets his guard completely down, including not having his weapon loaded,”

“Makes sense. I have to teach him the time and place he should keep it loaded. When we start sailing again, he’ll need to be ready for anything,”

“True but for now let him get pampered by Thatch,” they looked back at the window to see Thatch taking a piece of cotton, dipped in alcohol in between a pair of tweezers and applying it to Izo’s bird pecks.

“Hold still!”

“YEOW! That burns!”

“That’s what you get for starting fights with birds,”

“Stupid bird had it coming!” Izo pouted, “Marco’s STILL freaked out!”

“And if you would have fell and broke something, he would have been more worried,”

“Still won!”

Chapter 35: A/N

Chapter Text

Hi! I just wanted to inform the few readers I have on this site that I sincerely apologize for the lack of content. My dog and cat passed away within 5 days each other and I decided to take a Hiatus to grieve. I'll be resuming fanfics as normal very soon within a week or two. I took my cat's death very hard because he was my first cat and I blessed the closest to him. I've had them both for 14 years. My cat started getting sick to the point I had to start force-feeding him. My dog passed away five days before, he had to be put down as a matter of fact because he was in constant in his spine and back legs. The vet informed us that even with treatment he wasn't going to make it. And my cat was already in bad health from asthma and Feline gingivitis stopped eating entirely grieved his friend to death. So once again I sincerely apologize for not producing any Fanfictions as of late but I really needed to take some time out for myself

Chapter 36: Sleepover


The Little Girl finally has her sleepover

Chapter Text

It was finally the weekend ___________________ has been waiting for. After a good year in a half, she and her friends were going to have a slumber party at her home. She was so excited and couldn’t wait to introduce all of her friends to her other friends and take them on an adventure. After talking and keeping with den-mail, Whitebeard knew every girl’s diet restrictions, allergies, and the like. They were going to come Friday evening and leave Sunday morning after breakfast. The girls couldn’t wait, especially ________________. Ace wasn’t too thrilled to hear a bunch of girls giggling and chatting all night.

“It’ll be just like when we all do it,” said Sabo

“Tch, I doubt it,”

“You hung out with them before! You should know!”

“Yeah I do and they’re not that annoying I guess,” Thatch was looking over the list on what he could cook for the girls. Whitebeard looked more perplex by the end of it.

“Back in my day, a den den mushi call was the best way of communication, now they’re hooked to monitors and people want to use that now,”

“At least the girls have relatively normal diet restrictions,” said Thatch, “Poor Penny though, she’s almost allergic to everything,”

“She’s sickly,” said ______________________, “Like she can’t eat certain things because it’ll make her sick, she can’t over exert herself or anything like that and has to have a special lunch because everything can make her sick,”

“Yeah but we can make it work. Not her fault she’s so delicate. At least she can have some of my famous pork,” Ace and her looked up

“You mean the Chinese pork that wrapped up like little packages?!” said _________________________

“And you can eat with a spoon?!” said Ace, “And slow cook for hours?!”

“Mhm, it’s for Saturday night. It’s been marinating all day,” the pair’s mouth watered, “And since they’re most likely more pork that we’ll usually have, Kid and Killer can stay over too,”

“Ugh!” said Ace, “Why?”

“Because Killer is awesome!” said ___________________, “And you like Kid deep down,”

“Pfft, Luffy does, I can’t stand the fucker,”

“Language!” said Izo ruffling him

“Remember kiddo, these are noble girls,” said Vista, “They’re sweet girls but many of them aren’t used to having to do things on their own. So it may be a little different from them. It’s nice to be a good hostess but not a servant,”

“Got it!”

“I informed the parents that we had sons about the girls’ ages and they’re okay with it,” said Whitebeard, “But remember, no roughhousing too much,”

“Okay!” Meanwhile, Penny’s father Mr. Capulet had the girls meet him at their place and had their driver drive the group of girls to the small island their young classmate was living. Mr. Capulet was a white haired man with purple eyes, and dressed in a smart business suit. He personally didn’t know how to get there but soon realized it was deep in the mountains in a small village. Penny and the girls were excitedly looking out the window as they drove on. The parents thought it would be a good idea for them to drop their daughters off at one location and had one drive them up and bring them home. Capulet volunteered, especially since they were very close to one of his summer homes. The parents were getting to know the Capulet family fairly easy, especially since it seemed like they just appeared out of nowhere just became one of the most well known noble families the world over. This attention brought on unwanted attention and fear to the point, he was very wary about Penny going anywhere without his approval. He knew the kidnapping attempt was one of those attempts. Though it turned out to be a blessing in disguise since he was finally able to trust a family enough to have Penny interact with them. He’s heard stories of friends at the school, Vivi the princess from Alabastor, Kaya the daughter of a rich doctor, but for the last year, the mysterious __________________ who came from a small village that no one’s really heard of. But the girl had made an impact having the parents talk for awhile about her. For awhile everyone thought the stories weren’t real. According to their daughters, __________________ was so strong, she was able to lift them all up and carry them to reach tall things for the instructor, she was so fast that she ran back to her home and back in order to get something she forgot for a project, that she had multiple brothers who were all taller than her and often alternated in picking her up and even was involved with the Kuja, even having the leader Boa Hancock picking her up. Penny said that the normally cold, poised woman got on one knee and caught the girl and hugged her tightly. He was surprised that she was capable of being that nurturing. But it made the little girl even more intriguing and after her and her family saving the girls, they knew it we was high time for them to meet this young lady.

“Remember girls,” said Mr. Capulet, “____________________’s family may not be as rich or as well off as any of you but that doesn’t mean she’s a bad person or her family is lazy. Remember, she’s your friend and some things may be a little different to you because of her upbringing and vice versa,”

“Yes sir!” It was a rare treat for the girls to venture out further than usual. Many of the places before the execution of the Pirate King, were only accessible via boat, but since everyone started looking for the famed treasure, many started taking the “backroads” or car travelling trails to get from place to place to avoid any upcoming pirate but it then made bandits a more common thing. The backroads leading to ___________________ was a scenic mountain route. They gazed out of the windows and excitedly talked about what they were going to do once they were there.

“I’m curious to see her room!” said Vivi, “I just can’t picture it,”

“Compared to ours, she probably shares it with Ace,” said Kaya

“I can’t wait to meet the infamous Ace!” said Penny, “And Luffy, Sabo, and Law!”

“And Sanji!” said Plum, “We can finally put a face to the names!”

“And Mr. Newgate said if you feel homesick you can call home at any time,” said Mr. Capulet

“He looked so scary!” said Penny

“But he’s really nice!” said Kaya

“If he raised ______________ then he must be a good man,” said Mr. Capulet, “Just remember to be on your best behaviors, mind your manners, and be good guests to your friend,”

“Yes sir!”
A slick black car drove through Windmill Village. Some of the villagers came out to see it in awe. They stopped in front of a bar where a woman was sweeping. She looked at them as Mr. Capulet rolled down the window.

“Hello! I hate to bother you Miss but we’re looking for the Newgate home?”

“Oh! You’re almost there! Just follow this road and make a left! You can’t miss it!”

“Thank you!” the car soon pulled up along the path and soon a large building came into view. They were in awe. Their homes were big and grand but ______________________’s was actually an old Wano style inn from back in the day. He was actually surprised when he saw _______________ and Whitebeard standing outside to greet them then again, it would make since especially since they had no idea on how to get in. It was actually a sight to see, ____________________ barely came up to her father’s knee. The driver stopped and opened the door. The girls scrambled out to hug their friend. Mr. Capulet comes out and greeted Whitebeard with a smile and a bow who returned it. He looked at the little girl that was in the middle of her friends. ________________ stopped and immediately greeted him.

“It’s nice to meet you Mr. Capulet! Thank you for letting Penny come! I really appreciate it!” he gave a soft chuckle.

“It’s finally nice to meet the infamous ____________________. I’m glad I can put a face to the name,” he pats her head fondly before bowing, “I hadn’t had a chance to thank you properly for saving Penny for me,”

“I had to protect my crew! They would have done the same for me, right?” he smiled.


“_____________________show you friends around while me and Mr. Capulet have some adult talk,”

“Yes Pops! Let’s go everyone!” the girls got their things and followed their schoolmate inside. The girls were in awe the moment they stepped in. The long path from the entrance led to the main house. The house was hidden virtually because of the natural life surrounding it.

“Your home looks amazing!” said Kaya

“Thanks! It’s even better inside!”

“Is this place custom built?” said Plum

“Nah, it used to be a large inn back in the day! Miss Makino showed me pictures! She said an old family used to own it before a noble bought it from them and destroyed it and sold it back to them. Then Pops came and bought it back and fixed it up and well, here it is!” Inside the girls were greeted to _________________’s many brothers, some they’ve never met. They were all larger and taller than she was and some were strange looking for she happily greeted them like literal family. She guided them to her room, “Please make yourselves at home!” Her room was so large, cute and cozy. In the corner was her bed, in the middle was a kotatsu, a large shelf of books, a desk, a large closet, and a dresser.

“Is that the dresser from the Tsuki collection?!” said Kaya, “And that desk and lamp! Nice!”

“Mhm! It was Izo’s idea since I was getting more clothes and things. I didn’t even KNOW that Pretty Soldier Tsuki HAD a bedroom collection. But that’s not the best part!” she took them over to her balcony revealing the beautiful view. The girls scrambled out and looked at the amazing view from her room, “It’s even better at night when the moon and stars are out! It’s still way too early to see it but it helps me sleep when it’s warmer out!” the girls started getting settled in. That night, Thatch made mini pizza, keeping to their diet restrictions and to be on the safe side and because she had company, they thought it would be a treat for the girls to eat in ___________________’s room.

“What is this dish?” said Penny, “I don’t think I’ve ever had it before! And it’s delicious!”

“Pizza!” said _________________, “Usually we’ll order but that’s if we have no other options because everyone has their favorite topping and it has to be made from another village,” the girls ate their fill as _________________ thought about the first activity they could do. She had a whole day plan for them tomorrow but right now she was stumped. What if no one wanted to make flowers? What if no one wanted to do anything but sleep after their long journey? The last thing she wanted was them to be bored. She was about to ask them when Killer sauntered inside. He stopped and looked at the girls, who stopped and looked at him.

“…we didn’t know you had another friend joining us!” said Plum

“Is she from another school?” said Kaya, “Nice to meet you!”

“Oh no! This is Killer! He’s not a girl!” _______________ chuckled, “He usually comes to get more books and we can talk about them! He can stay if he wants!”

“What are you guys doing?” he said looking at them.

“Having a sleepover!” The girls looked at him shyly. Killer looked at them before grinning.

“Who wants to get their hair done first?” Penny meekly raised her hand. He got to work as he started on Penny first. He asked questions and they settled on a braided updo. ________________ borrowed Jozu’s tele-snail and put on the first season of Tsuki as the girls continued to eat and talk. Killer was soon finished.

“It’s beautiful!” Penny squealed.

“Who’s next!”

“ME!” Kaya plopped next to him. For Kaya, who’s hair was shorter, he gave her two French braids that ended in a bun.

“Killer you’re so good at this!” said Kaya as he started on Vivi’s hair.

“Have to be, my hair is super long. I braid it all the time so I experiment with it,” he said brushing her hair out, “It’s hard to do it with your own but I got the hang of it. Updo?”

“Oh no! It would be way too heavy on my head!”

“I know what you need then!” he said parting it.

“Do you do __________________’s hair all the time?”

“Nah, Izo does it most of the time but I like messing with it. It’s so soft,” when he was through, the girls tried to pay him. He refused but grabbed a few books from ___________________’s shelf and was about to leave when Vivi and Kaya dragged him back.

“Your turn!” the girls gathered around him and started taking the boy’s long hair and started to braid it in a long thick braided ponytail and then added adding flowers in it. When done, he went in the mirror and grinned.

“…you put flowers in my hair,”

“Yeah!” said Plum, “We thought it would look cute!”

“If you don’t like them, we can take them out if you—,” Kaya started

“No, they’re staying,”

“Speaking of flowers,” ________________ stood up, “I’ll be right back! I have to grab the kanzashi things! Please make yourselves at home! Killer, Pops said you can stay with Kid here this weekend!”

“I know we took over Ace’s room. If you need anything, that’s where we’ll be,”  she scampered away and Killer followed and went to opposite direction. The girls watched as she left.

“Kanzashi?” said Kaya, “What’s that?”

“It’s those pretty flowers that she wears in her hair sometimes,” said Plum

“Oh! OH! We’re going to make those?!” said Penny

“I can’t believe she can make those!” said Vivi, “We have to make a good impression that we actually know how to make them! I don’t want her to think we’re stupid!”

“Nah, she wouldn’t think that! I just can’t believe she lives in a place like this! It’s so pretty!” said Plum

“It’s refreshing from the island I’m from,” said Kaya, “I can’t wait to tell Ussop when I get home! He’s never going to believe me!”

“Make him one! I’m sure he’ll appreciate it!” said Penny

“But I have to make a good story! The day I found out that one of my best friends was secretly a princess!” the girls chuckled.

“No way, she could never be a princess,” said Vivi, “At least not a traditional one,”

“She’s too…well…her to be a proper princess,” said Penny, “Like she doesn’t have to worry about always being clean, how to walk or anything like that. She can just be herself! And she’s way to clever to have a bodyguards around her! She could get out of anything!”

“She has sixteen bodyguards!” said Plum, “All of her brothers! She even dresses like a princess sometimes!”

“Yeah! Like that cloak she’s been wearing all winter! She said Miss Makino made it for her!” said Kaya, “I hope we get to meet her this weekend! And she lives in a BIG house overlooking her kingdom!” said Kaya, “You’re a princess Vivi, what else?!”

“She has a nice king father! He kind of reminds me of Daddy!”

“I just wish she could come to our place,” said Penny, “I think Daddy wants her to come but we live really far away. And he doesn’t like visitors in our winter home,”

“Why not?”

“Security reasons,” said Plum, “Though I think he may make an exception for ___________________, “Go—He really likes her,”

“Same! Dad only comes around here when he has business on another island! I would LOVE for her to see Alabastor!”

“It may be too hot for her,”

“Yeah only you can really take that heat,”


“Okay, here’s the story! When I went off for the year to learn how to ribbon twirl, a new girl enrolled! She’s the middle tallest of us all,”

“With large (e/c) jewels for eyes!” said Plum laughing.

“YES! And stronger than twenty men!” said Penny

“And faster than a herd of rabbits!”

“YES! And she came to learn how to ribbon twirl and was terrible at it but now can balance on a unicycle and ribbon twirl!”

“She enrolled to complete her training!” said Vivi

“Training to do what?” said Kaya giggling

“To be the Captain of the Princess Pirates!” they girl laughed, “Her job is to recruit us all to take us on adventures and make friends!”

“And she brought us together as friends!” said Vivi, “No offense but we thought you two were just…well snobby,”

“Oh dear! I’m sorry we came off like that,” said Plum, “It’s just that…Penny and I are from a different region and we had no idea how to communicate because it’s always just been us. So we just kept to ourselves because we really didn’t know how to communicate well,”

“That’s not entirely true,” said Penny sighing, “I’m not good at speaking to people but Plum is but Plum didn’t want to be all alone so she just stuck with me. We thought it would be useless to try until _______________ came and asked if we wanted to get cake with you all during lunch. And even then, we thought she was just being polite until she started talking to us and then saving us from Kodachi,”

“Ooh! Ooh! Tell Ussop about that! How she vanquished the Amazon Kodachi!”

“Well, technically that was Anne!” said Kaya

“Yeah…but she was ___________________’s avatar! She's so great she passes on her awesomeness to others!” the girls howled in laughter. The boys listened in on the girls’ conversation. Kid cringed at the laughter and Ace snorts.

“Girls are so weird. _________________ couldn’t be a princess if she tried,”

“You’d be surprised,” said Killer, “She could be one and none of us would know,”

“Princess of Cake!” said Luffy laughing, “Her entire kingdom is made up cake and sweets,”

“We would have to roll her out of the kingdom at that rate,” sniggered Sabo

“I swear girls are annoying and useless,” said Kid, “When are you going to take those flowers out of your hair, Killer?”

“Never, I look awesome,”

“I don’t see why you did their hair!”

“Because practice and girls always do that during sleepovers from books and TV. And since ______________ doesn’t know how to do hair, I decided to do it for her,”

“And they’re not too useless for you to have a crush on one, Kid!” said Luffy laughing. Kid’s face went red.


“Yeah, Killer told us about the curry udon story,”


“What it was funny seeing you spaz like that,”

“You liked her too!”

“Awww what’s the matter? Got your ass beat by two girls?” said Ace

“At least I wasn’t one, ANNE



“I was the one who told them,” said Sabo laughing as the two boys started bickering and shouting at each other.

“They do like her!” said Izo listening in. Fossa and Jozu were over him and Vista had his ear pressed against the door, “I thought for sure I was going to hear some mean gossip,”

“They do! Izo not all girls are mean spirited you know,” said Vista

“I know but still I wasn’t sure,”

“Good little lasses,” said Fossa grinning, “I’m shocked they’re actually scared that they’ll look stupid in front of __________________,”

“This is probably the first time they’ve been to a “commoner’s” home,” said Vista

“Commoner my ass, we’re pirate royalty,” said Izo

“Yeah but those girls do NOT need to know that we’re pirates,” said Jozu, “The little lady got them in and we can’t let her lose her friends over this,” ______________________ came back shortly balancing a cake box on her head, a large tea kettle in her hand and bag on the other one. Vivi and Plum ran to help and took everything to the table. She sat down and showed them how to make them. Soon after so many attempts and rejects, the girls started to get the hang of making the flowers. They happily exchanged their flowers with each other and planned on making a few to take back home as gifts.

“I hope my mom likes these!” said Kaya smiling

“I’m sure she will!” said Vivi

“Curiel always say that a handmade gift is often better than anything you can get from a shop,” said _________________, “It means the person really placed effort to make you something from their heart,”

“That’s actually really sweet!” said Plum, “My Grandma used to say that too!”

“Lucky!” said Kaya, “My grandma isn’t around anymore,”

“Same here and with my mom,” said Vivi, “But I still have Daddy so it’s okay!”

“Guys…” said Plum looking at them and gesturing to _________________ who looked a little confused. Vivi covered her mouth.

“I’m so sorry!”

“…for what?”

“Well…you don’t have a mom right?” said Plum, “Or a Dad technically,”

“Well I had to have one because here I am,” she said, “You mean where I cam from,” they nodded, “Well…it’s not like I know them personally,” she shrugged, “I mean I can’t thank them for having me but my real parents are Pops and Sister. Even though Sister doesn’t live here with us, she raised me in the convent so she’s my mom! Like Ace, Luffy, Sabo, Law, and Sanji are my brothers along with Marco and everyone else….though Izo and Hancock are more like a big sisters. So yeah I have a huge family now! And Pops said that a family aren’t people related to you, they’re people who makes you feel happy and at home because they love you,”

“So like me and Penny?” said Plum


“You know…let’s make a pact!” said Vivi, “If we ever need each other or if we’re in a situation that we need help, we’ll come and help, if we can no matter what!”

“And makes us all friends forever!” said Kaya.

“R-Really?!” said Penny

“Yeah!” said ________________ grinning, “I mean we’re all friends, right?”

“RIGHT!” said Plum and placed her hand in the middle of the table. They all followed suit and each girl silently agreed on this and decided to seal it with a very special kanzashi. Each girl made a layer on the kanzashi. The first layers were Penny and Plum’s with their favorite colors white and purple. Kaya and Vivi took the second layer of blue and pink, and _____________________ added the leaves with her two favorite colors. It was a very unique color scheme but they all loved it. ___________________ made Penny’s into a hair comb, Plum’s into a headband, Kaya’s into a bracelet, and Vivi’s into a keychain. She made hers into a necklace. They then joined their hands into the center of the table.

“So here’s our pact! Every year around this time, we all hang out with each other and wear our kanzashi to signify our friendship,” said Vivi

“Okay! Wait here or our other places?” said Plum

“I don’t mind here,” said ___________________

“Or anywhere,” said Kaya grinning, “And we can wear kanzashi everyday if we want or on really special occasions!”

“Both!” said Penny, “Especially when we’re all together!”

“We’re officially nakama now!”

“Well, girl nakama,” said Kaya

“Nakama?” said Penny.

“Yeah, it means like ultra family friends!” said Kaya, “At least in this region,”

“Oh, okay! So like sisters!”

“Yeah!” said Vivi grinning.

“Eeeee! I have sisters now!” said __________________, “I KNEW this weekend was going to be awesome!” Jozu passed by the room and didn’t hear anything. It was about eleven o’ clock and nothing. He silently peeked in to see all five girl passed out, dead to the world under the kotatsu. He grinned and gently picked each girl up and placed them in their makeshift beds and tucked them in. He turned on the little space heater and slipped back out again. ____________________ stirred awake early in the morning. She only remembered closing her eyes and was surprised she was back in . She opened her eyes to see that she was in bed. She remembered dozing off but that was ages ago. She looked around. The girls were all sleeping soundly in their sleeping bags. She yawned and noticed a silhouette on her balcony. She got out of bed and looked over at the balcony. Penny was sitting looking at the view with some of the leftover tea.  

“Penny? What are you doing up so late?” said ________________ yawning. The little girl turned and smiled at her and points. The moon was bright in the sky, overlooking the entire town. It was a clear winter day and they could clearing see the distance between them and Goa but most importantly the beautiful stars above.

“I can’t believe you get to see something beautiful like this every single day. I’m jealous,”

“Please, I bet you see the sky like this all the time,”

“Not really, a long time ago we did…until my town built something and gave a lot of light everywhere and since then no stars. I do miss them,”

“That doesn’t sound good,”

“Well it was to help a lot of people but we had to sacrifice seeing the sky looking so beautiful every night. Your town doesn’t have a lot of lights and I know the sea doesn’t. That’s why everyone can still see the stars. Savor this while you can, unless you plan on never leaving your town,”

“I might someday but I’ll always return home to see everyone!” she said smiling as she perched next to Penny.

“…Did you mean it?”

“Hmmmm mean what?”

“That you consider me and Penny your friend?”

“Of course!”

“Plum isn’t but I know I can’t do anything to protect myself,”

“You don’t have to. Being nice and civil can do a lot more than you think!”

“To be honest, you’re the first friend I ever had,” she said smiling at her, “Besides Plum but…our friendship is a little different,”

“Really? How?”

“It’s a long story but we’ve been destined to be friends for as long as I could remember, but…I’m also starting to think so were you. I’ve never really met anyone like you before. You’re so welcoming, you were willing to defend me and Plum and you don’t even know us, even as far to save our lives. You could have saved yourself but you didn’t,”

“Of course I know you. You’re my friends and classmates and my crew. As far as I’m concerned, you two are okay with me so I’m okay with you,”

“Crew?” Penny grinned before giggling, “I’m nowhere near good enough to be that close to you,”

“Yeah you are! I mean I especially have to make sure you’re okay. You’re super delicate!”

“Yes but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to do things that other kids do! I know I’m allergic to a lot of things and I can’t eat certain things but I really want to be strong like you!”


“Because you’re so…free,”

“You can be free too you know. Just do what makes you happy, even if it’s something that may look scary, just try it. I used to be cautious and things until I started just trying things out, kind of knowing that Sister would be there to catch me. Then I got better when Ace and I met. So there is hope for you yet!”

“I hope so,” said Penny smiling, “Thank you for the ear,”

“No prob! But we’re going to be out here, let me bring over the kotatsu so we can keep warm,”

“Actually…I know this will sound a bit…forward but I can sleep next to you? Please?”

“Sure!” they went back inside where Penny curled up next to her. She felt a lot better now as __________________ got comfortable, “You know if you feel homesick, just let us know! You can call home and no one will think bad of you!” Penny froze. _________________ yawned and promptly KOed once the warmth took over her body. The younger girl smiled and slowly drifted off to sleep.

In the morning, the girls happily ate breakfast, knowing to expect a battlefield with a group of boys and men but managed to get a bunch for themselves, especially with a call in to Thatch. River was waiting at the door for them. The girls cooed and squealed at the cat who propped on _________________’s shoulder as they headed out. The girls enjoyed their outing as ____________ showed to her haunts in the woods and from there, the convent she grew up in. The girls had heard stories of the infamous convent with the very real and scary nun. They were all excited to see the humble beginnings of their friend.

“This is the convent!” said Penny

“Mhm! This the place I grew up when I was a kid,”

“You’re still a kid,” said Vivi laughing

“Younger kid,” she stuck her tongue out. She showed them the bell tower, the courtyard where there was a huge garden, and just all of the places she used to hide in. Plum looked around, noticing the high walls.

“You never saw the outside before you left, have you?”

“Nah! It was okay though! Ace used to sneak me out during those times,”

“Really?!” said Penny

“Mhm! It’s actually how we first met! Sister always had me do a bunch of chores and one of many was collecting rabbit poop and sweeping while she did things in the back for some reason. Once day when I was sweeping, Ace snuck in through the hedges in order to hide. I saw him and though he was an intruder and smacked with a broom,” the girls giggled and laughed. __________________ chuckled, “He scared me! But since then we became friends! He started sneaking me out of the convent to play with him and Luffy and Sabo! I think Sister knew and was totally okay with it but I didn’t mind especially when I had this!” she guided them back inside and helped them to climb the large tower where the bell was. She then pointed out to the view that stretched all the way out to the gates of Goa. But the woods were a beautiful sight, along with the River and lakes, “This was my favorite place! I used to come up here after dinner with Sister just to see the sunset. And I always stick around after washing the stain glass,”

“It’s so peaceful up here,” said Kaya

“And what do you mean used to?” the girls turned to see Flora coming up the last step with a bucket and rags, “You still come back here to lounge about,”

“Hi Sister!”

“And you’ve brought friends. Good, make yourselves useful and clean those windows for me,” River tried to sneak away at this point, only to be caught by the old nun, “You too you little scamp,”

“Yes ma’am!” the girls said in unison. Flora hobbled back downstairs.

“You were right, she’s so cool!” said Vivi, “I bet she was super cool in her younger years,”

“Redheads usually are,” said Kaya

“Told you!” after their importuned chores, the girls were famished and _________________ knew they best place to go. She knew better than to use the secret back entrance but opened the door to the Baratie. She happily knocked on the door. It was currently closed because of the dinner transition but she used the secret knock. Zeff opened the door and saw a familiar beaming face.

“Hi Mr. Zeff! I brought friends! Is that okay?!”

“Meow?” the old chef froze and inwardly shuddered. There were five adorable little girls looking at him with bright eyes and bushy tails and looked at him with a mixture of innocence and shyness. He swore _________________ was going to be the death of him if Sanji doesn’t do it first.

“Of course! Young ladies! Please welcome to our restaurant! Sit back and relax and enjoy your time here!”

“Thank you sir!” Zeff immediately went back into the kitchens and ordered his entire Staff to keep the language and violence down until they opened for the dinner rush. Sanji raised an eyebrow and peeked outside. He immediately grabbed five menus and ran towards the table.

“Fair maidens! Enchanté! Allow me to be you personal servant and waiter for this beautiful afternoon!” said Sanji smiling at him with his goofy grin and heart eyes.  

“Is this the infamous Sanji-chan?” said Plum, “You didn’t say he was cute,”

“And nice!” said Kaya, “Nice to meet you!” Sanji grinned and offered them each a rose before being dragged off by Zeff in order to fill their orders. The girls ate their fill as Sanji tried to go after them only to be dragged back by Zeff. It was still early out so she took them through one of her many shortcuts to Goa and took them to the small shops she goes to and were friendly and were the best before finally they ended the day at Law’s place where Corazon happily greeted the girls. The girls looked apprehensive of the pair, from Corazon’s clown appearance and casual clothing to Law’s deadpan face. They soon warmed up when they saw __________________ trot to them. Corazon got lower so the girls wouldn’t be too intimidated by him and gave a bright smile. Law didn’t mind the girls and showed them how to fish, even though it was late in the day. They managed to catch a large fish and ____________________ and Law split it in half and gutted it and ________________ carried the catch home. Thatch decided to cook it for them all for breakfast that morning. At home, the girls the girls ate and after a bath and a soak in the hot spring, the girls winded down in _________________’s room with hot tea and cake.

“Best day ever!” said Kaya plopping into her sleeping bag

“Do all of your adventures end like this?” said Plum

“Mhm! Though usually Izo gives me a bath and then I get to soak!” said ______________ pouring them tea.

“This was been the most fun I’ve ever had!” said Penny smiling, “And Mr. Thatch is an amazing cook! I didn’t know he could make anything taste good!”

“He’s the best! He could even make leftovers into something tasty. Does your days usually end like this?”

“Yeah but it’s too hot where I live for a hot spring to feel nice,” said Vivi, “And Daddy is almost always doing important and I don’t have siblings so it’s just me at times,”

“Same here,” said Kaya, “I mean I have Ussop who keeps me company but other than that, it gets really lonely,”

“Usually Penny and I do something together,” said Plum. _______________ quickly changed the mood.  

“Well, my day usually ends with a story but since Marco is on business tonight, we can exchange stories. Does anyone have one?”

“I do!” said Kaya, “Ussop told me this one! So apparently there’s a village on an island where there’s a tribe of fox people,”

“Fox people?” said _________________

“Mhm! He said that no outsider has ever seen their faces because they all wear masks. They wear them starting when their five and never take them off, only when they’re at home behind doors! As they grow, they make their own masks. He said that the only reason for them to take it off is if they’re around close friends and people they can trust and it’s difficult to earn the trust and respect of a fox person. He said that the ones that people wear for festivals actually came from a fox traveler who got lost at sea and their mask got washed up to shore in the early years and people have made the mask in that image to honor them and their tribe,”

“That’s sounds so cool!” said Plum

“He also said that have weird powers like shapeshifting and possession but otherwise harmless. Thought no one has ever seen them outside their village and no one has ever revealed it’s location,”

“That was an awesome story!” said Vivi, “Imagine being the only person who has seen the island and can’t bring someone back,”

“It’s probably for protection,” said Penny, “Like maybe they were hunted,”

“I think so,” said Kaya, “And they’re not apart of the World Government, so they make their own rules. Does anyone have another?”

“I have a story,” said Vivi, “Dad told me about it. It’s about one of the countries that he’s been to,”

“Countries?” said ____________________

“Yeah, a lot of people travel from country to country and they’re not really countries, they’re like towns because the population is small. But he said these are special because some are closed off or keep to themselves. They can do whatever they want as long as they don’t angry the World Government. Usually ran by a someone who’s noble,”


“Mhm, this particular town he’s told me about that you are allowed to kill,” the girls looked at her, “Like everyone walks around the town, weapons in plain sight, ready to use it. But he said it was the most layback and happy place he’s ever been. Everyone was civil and nice to him. The king, Regel, even gave him a personal tour around the town. He said that there was a specialty crepe cake there and it was the most amazing thing he’s ever eaten. But it was just so weird to have so many people in that town who were willing to kill at will but had smile on their faces and were happy all the same,”

“Creepy…” said Plum

“I wanna go,” said __________________

“…to kill?”

“Nah, that must be some crepe,”

“But people there carry weapons, all the time!” said Penny

“So does the Marines, right? It would be like walking into a town like Goa and see Marines patrolling but regular people,”

“You have a point,” said Kaya, “Did anyone kill anyone in the town?”

“No actually! Daddy asked King Regel about that and he said that no one has killed anyone in over ten years. The reputation once made the town a hotspot for bandits and pirates but they soon just died off, according to him,”

“Wow…anyone else have a good one?”

“I have the most terrifying tale of all and it’s a hundred percent true,” the girls gathered around close as __________________ began her tale, “During the Fall, Ace and I encountered a ghost girl living in the woods,”

“Ghost girl?”

“Like she was dead?!” said Penny

“No, no! Way better, she was a human who could do ghost things and even create ghosts!”


“That sounds cool but scary!” said Kaya

“It is! And she uses the ghosts as weapons! I don’t know what she did but she hit me and Sabo with one of her ghosts and it made me really sad and scared for like a week. It was terrible! I could be happy for a long time! Ace was hit too but he was strong enough to resist!”

“THAT’S AWFUL!” said Plum

“Yeah! Are you okay?!”

“Yeah I’m fine now! But it’s gets even weirder! Ace decided to make me feel better with snacks and my favorite things. It did the trick but all of the apples that we picked disappeared and that night, we found out why. There was a green haired monster boy living in my closet! He ate all of my cake and the apples! Pops found him and took him out. Come to find out, he and the ghost girl were siblings! The monster ran away from home and she was looking for him!”

“T-Then what happened?!” said Vivi

“They terrorized our house for three days until their father came to pick them up. Their father was a priestly looking man and I don’t know what he said but soon they were out of the house and that was our first encounter with the monster siblings!”

“First?!” said Plum

“Mhm! Since then, they appear at random! They were just here with me and Ace for a day!”

“It’s a curse!” said Kaya

“Feels like it,”

“CURSE?! HOW DARE YOU!” The girls screamed as _________________ cringed. Perona floated into her room with her umbrella. She lighted down on her balcony and looked rather insulted, “I’ll have you know I’m not a curse! Zoro is cursed with no directional skills but I’m perfectly fine!”

“You’re a terrible house guest,” _________________ said dryly

“Excuse me!”

“You always talk about how uncute Ace is every time he tries to keep you and me apart,”

“Humph! He is uncute! Most boys are! Of course! I want to be around a girl not a bunch of boys! I apologized for using my hollow!”

“No you didn’t! You didn’t say I’m sorry! You just defended yourself,”

“Well fine! I’m sorry! Happy now?! Why are you being so mean?!”

“Well you’re being mean!” said Plum

“And you literately just barged in without introducing yourself!” said Vivi

“Well I WAS going to ask if I could come in, especially since I NEVER seen her with girls! Then I heard the stories then the one about me and Zoro! I can’t believe you would call use monsters! We’re not you know!”

“Then prove it,” said _________________, “You have two options, you can well leave and be angry or join us for tea and I can finally get to know you better,” Perona looked at them. She really never had girls her own age to play with before and they were inviting her to well, hang out with them. She sat down next to them as ___________________ pours her some tea and slid over the cake box. Perona take a few bites of the cake.

“Well…you do have a cute room and to repay your hospitality, I’ll bring you one of my old stuffies for your room, it’s seriously lacking in here!” ____________________ grinned

“I appreciate it. By the way, I’m Perona Mihawk!” the girls exchanged names and pleasantries and geared up for another story.

“Oy you useless girls want to play with us?” said Ace popping into the room.

“Useless?! How dare you!” said Perona. Ace cringed.

“What are you doing here?!”

“I’ll have you know I was invited you brute!”

“Whatever, where’s your weird brother?”

“Not here! He’s with Dad and he told us if we ever get lost to come here so here I am!”

“What are you guy doing?” said ___________________

“Playing games. It got boring and we were wondering if you wanted to come and hang out?”

“Sure!” the girls said in unison. Whitebeard peeked into the room and noticed that the girls weren’t in __________________’s room. He then heard laughter and shouting coming from Ace’s and peeked inside. The kids were all honestly having a great time. Currently it was Ace, Kid, Kaya, and Penny playing one of those fighting games, Perona was showing ______________ , Plum, Vivi, and Luffy how to make stuffed animals out of socks, with River as a sleeping model on the table, and Sabo and Killer were happily talking about a manga that only they seemed to be a fan of.

“I swear to shit you cheated!” Kid growled at Penny

“Don’t get mad because you lost,” said Ace laughing

“But to fuckin’ Kirby?!”

“Hey Kirby is strong!” said Kaya, “And don’t get mad at Penny because you suck,”


“Stop yelling at her!” said Perona looking up, “Don’t make me go over there!”

“Oh yeah? What are you going to do?!” Perona got up from her chair and leered at him.

“Try it and see!” they glared at each other for awhile before Kid grabbed the controller again.

“Rematch!” he barked, “Just me and her!” Penny nodded as Kid angry picked his character.

“So…how much of this game do you play?” Ace whispered to Penny.

“Plum and I play all the time. It’s the only two player game we’ve had for awhile. Should I tell him?”

“No way! This is hilarious to watch!”

“I can’t believe we had cats out of socks!” said Plum, “How did you know how to do this?!”

“I was bored and had a bunch of Zoro’s socks at my fingertips! Now you can decorate your room to look more girl like,”

“Thanks!” said __________________

“Mine’s awesome but it smells!” said Luffy

“That’s because you one of Ace’s socks and by the smell of it, one of the ones deep in his closet,”

“UGH!” Whitebeard chuckled and decided to come back later to tuck them all in when they tire out.

When morning arrived, the kids woke up to everyone in their own sleeping bag or in Ace’s bed. _______________, Luffy, and Sabo were in his bed and each girl was securely tucked in bed and Kid and Killer were securely tucked in the kotatsu. The girls went back to their room and got dressed and ready to leave before going downstairs for breakfast. And as promised, Thatch made them the fish that they caught the night before.

“This is so good!” said Luffy

“Where did you guys go fishing?” said Sabo

“The lake behind Corazon’s place!” said __________________

“You girls aren’t so useless after all,” said Kid.

“May I have some more please?” said Kaya

“Of course!” said Thatch giving her more.

“And we may be useless but at least we don’t stink at video games,”

“Need ice for that burn?” said Ace laughing

“Fuck you freckles! And if Killer and I had a console, I would have beat the shit out of you!” Penny looked a little put off.

“Not literately,” said Sabo laughing, “And he’s just mad because you won,”


“If you keep talking to her like that, I’m going to make you stop,” said Perona eyeing him. He growled and went back to his meal.  

“Wow, so he does have an off button,” said ____________________

“Yeah it’s usually after he eats though,” said Killer grinning, “More cucumbers please!” at exactly noon, Mr. Capulet came to pick up the girls. The girls were sad to leave but were also too tired and full to protest. The girls hugged their friend tightly as the entire Whitebeard home stood outside to bid them a farewell. _________________ watched sadly as her friends went off without her. Ace grinned and whispered in her ear. She beamed as he ran off with her close behind and the others trailing behind them. They ran out near the ports where Sanji was bringing in the daily groceries. Luffy shouted something to him and he ran home, dumped the groceries and ran with them. Law was coming up the road and saw them running. He made a U-turn and followed them as well. Meanwhile, the girls were exhausted in the car but couldn’t help but laugh and talk about the best weekend they’ve ever had.

“So did you girls have fun?” said Mr. Capulet smiling

“SO MUCH!” said Penny

“Yeah! _____________________’s brothers are SO cool!” said Kaya

“And she took us out on one of her adventures!” said Plum

“And we went fishing!” said Vivi, “There’s so much desert in Alabastor that I forget that’s even a thing!”

“Killer did our hair! That’s why it looks so nice!” said Plum


“One of her best friends! He’s so nice! Sanji was so cute!”

“So was Law and SO smart!” said Kaya, “We even met a ghost girl! She was kind of snobbish but she’s actually really nice!”

“I’m glad you all had fun! We could make this a regular thing if you guys want,”

“Yeah! But definitely at her place!” said Kaya

“No way! I bet she could make anything not boring if she came to our homes!”

"Or find an adventure while walking outside!" they were almost through the mountains. It was a very slow thing to get through but it would be smooth sailing from there. Penny, who was leaning on the window and looking out, was the first to see them. She excitedly pointed out the window. The girls turned. Pulling up on the side where the mountains were coming to an end, were their new friends.  They looked out of breath and sweaty but were waving and smiling all the same. Mr. Capulet rolled down the window and from both ends was bombarded with goodbyes. The girls hung out the windows and he saw the group of kids grinning and waving, especially the strange (h/c) girl waving both hands. He chuckled and gave a wave before their car turned and they disappeared into the canyon. All at once, everyone slumped over exhausted.

“That was fun,” said Law, “Glad I came,”

“Goodbye my goddesses! I hope to see you all soon~!” said Sanji

“I thought you had a thing for Nami you pervert?”

“Is she here?!”

“No dumbass,”

“Can’t feel my legs through,” said Sabo

“Can’t believe we did that,” said Perona panting

“You floated for most of it!” said Luffy

“But I get tired too!”

“Worth it!” said __________________. Ace snorts.

“Come on, let’s get home. I’m going to sleep,”


“We’re going to feel this in the morning,” said Killer

“You sound like an old man,” said Kid

“You can all take a soak in the spring,” said Ace, “trust me, it’ll feel better afterwards,”

“Spring? Like a hot spring?” said Perona

“Mhm, you can come too!”


“Do we have to bathe with the girls?! I don’t wanna see that!” said Kid

“You should be HONORED to see two cute girls naked! It’ll be the ONLY action you’ll get without paying for it!”


“And there’s more where that came from if you say something like to a lady!” said Sanji

“YOU—,” Kid felt something lift him up as Perona and the other kept walking.

“…are you just going to leave him there?” said Killer

“No, the Hollows will bring him home but he needs to think about what he’s done,”

Chapter 37: The Nut Bread Incident


The Little Girl made something special for her Dad!

Chapter Text

It was a big deal all over the place, well at least Windmill Village. _________________ was actually surprised just how much people liked Father’s Day in town. She noticed a lot of people, especially kids in Terminal Gray, preparing for the arrival of their fathers, making plans, and things of that nature. Shops in Goa had sales and markups for things a dad may want, mainly clothing, alcohol, or shiny things. Makino was making the trip to see her father who lived passed the mountains. Even at home her brothers were all discussing who would have the best gift for Pops this year and trying to keep it a secret from the other. So far she knew who was giving what, thanks to reading between the lines and listening in as they ordered. Izo got Pops an expensive bottle of cologne. Thatch planned on making him his favorite dinner, even going as far as East Blue to get the ingredients. Curiel was planning a big fireworks display. Blenheim, knowing Marco would chew him out, was going to get him his favorite sake that was only found in Wano. Even Ace was planning something. He saved up for ages to get Pops a Go, Mahjong, and Dominoes board that he could actually use for his big fingers. It was less than a week away and she didn’t have anything. She decided to ask Flora for some advice and answers.

“Well, it’s a very big deal to mainly pirates and bandits…really anyone who serves an older man,” said Flora over milk, cookies, and whiskey (for Flora).


“Many pirates came from difficult or tough backgrounds and were either adopted or formed crews which soon became their families. So Father’s Day became an umbrella term for all of those men who impacted their lives. It’s also something where nobles also expect their children to shower them with gifts. For those who have a father and mother, it shows just how much you appreciate what your father does for you,”

“OH! That makes sense,” then she looked a little defeated, “I don’t know what to give Pops,”

“Just ask him then,”

“But he’s got gonna tell me! He’ll say something really cool like “You’re my gift” or “Don’t worry about me little lady!”,”

“Just try it or ask Atlas,” her face lit up

“Oh right! Oji-chan knows everything! Thanks Sister!”

“No prob now finish your milk and get the hell out of my convent,”

“But you love me visiting!” she stuck her tongue out downed her milk and ran for it. Flora rolled her eyes before chuckling and cleaned up everything. She headed home but decided to make a pit stop over to Law’s place. She saw smoke coming from the house and immediately ran and opened the door. The house was covered in thick black smoke followed by Law helping Corazon, both coughing up a storm.

“Are you two okay?!” Corazon coughed and spluttered as Law pulled her around the outside of the house to open up all the windows, “W-What happened?!”

“Corazon tried to bake,” he said miserably, “Sengoku is coming over and he wanted to make him his favorite, fried rice crackers and well…here we are,”


“Over here,” he said. Corazon was covered in soot and coughing. Law sighs.

“I can always pick some up from Goa,” said Law

“But I have to make him something!”

“Well, Nami and Nojiko and Bellemere are coming too, they can help but you have to stay out of the kitchen,”

“Okay! I’m so sorry!”

“I’ll pick up the order from the Baratie. You just get ready,” he nodded and Law takes _________________ and they headed into town, “Sorry about that. Corazon has been antsy since Sengoku is coming over and wants everything to go perfect,”

“Okay! So I get to finally meet him?” Law grimaced

“It’s not that I don’t want you to, but I don’t want him to try and convert you into a Marine. It’s been drilled into my head and I’m sure Nami and Nojiko gets it. And I don’t think he knows that Pops isn’t exactly on the right side of the law or that he lives in town. I would say keep your head down and steer clear,”

“Got it! By the way, what are you getting Corazon for Father’s Day?”

“I found a cookbook in Goa. He loves to cook but he needs safe meals and the one I found is perfect for those who use a hearth oven like ours. Did you figure out anything for Pops?”

“How did you know?”

“I can read you like a book,”

“Hey!” he grins

“Why don’t you make him his favorite food?”

“Well, that’s just it; Thatch is making him a big dinner! I can’t beat that!”

“But there has to be something not even they know. I would say do a little digging. You have an advantage, aka Oji-chan from Wano. If he doesn’t know then there’s nothing to give him,”

“That’s right! Law you’re the best!”

“Come with the territory,” her only chance to extract any kind of information out of Pops would be tonight. He had some very important business to attend to and would be gone until Sunday and from there be home for awhile. Since he was home, he decided to spend time with everyone before he left, meaning, tonight he was going to tell her story and tuck her in. She’s been waiting for this for ages. Tonight’s story was about the King of the Sea and the Pirate King joining forces against a common enemy, leading to them both being imprisoned.


“That’s for when I get back,”

“Awww no fair!”

“Guararara! Don’t worry I’ll be back and it’s already pass your bedtime,”

“Okaaaaaaay,” she hunkered into bed as Pops tucked her in tight, “By the way, what do you want for Father’s Day?” she said. Whitebeard smiled and patted her head.

“I got everything I need, I don’t want anything else,”

“But I have to do something really nice for you!” she said smiling

“Then be ready for the end of our epic tale when I get back. Don’t give me anything, just be here when I get back,” he kissed her forehead, “Night little lady. Love you,”

“Love you too, Pops,” he turned off the light and gently closed the door. She smiled and nestled into bed. Now she definitely had to show Pops just how much she appreciated him, even if it killed her.

To keep her surprise a secret, she got up early and borrowed the video den den mushi to call Oji-chan. She knew he would be still home before making his rounds but hopefully after breakfast. She dialed the number and waited. Within a few rings, Atlas’s face appeared on screen. He looked blurry eyed but perked up when he saw her.

“Morning kiddo!”


“My favorite little granddaughter! How are you!”

“Fine! Happy Almost Father’s Day!”

“Awww you called just for that? You are little peach!”

“Have to! You’re my Oji-chan! And I need your help!”

“Shoot!” she explained her situation. The old man grinned, “I’m glad you asked me wee one. I know something that not even the boys know and I’m going to pass the information onto you. Edward’s favorite thing in the world is nut bread,”

“Nut bread?”

“Mhm, it’s a bread made entirely out of nuts. He used to eat it all the time but stopped when the recipe was never the same. An old woman and her family used to make it for years until she passed and the daughter never made it again but I do have the recipe,”

“Really?! You’re the best!”

“But we have to make an Edward size one, so listen well little one and follow the directions to a tee,” she nodded and listened as he gave her the directions and what seeds and nuts to get, big emphasis on pumpkin seeds and walnuts and honey. She wrote everything down.

“I’ll send you a loaf when I’m done!” she said grinning at him.

“You’re such a good girl,” Early the next morning, she grabbed her little basket and went to get almonds and walnuts in the woods. There were many trees about and she gathered as many as her basket could hold. She then took them to the Nice Lady to have them dry out and left her huge bunches of hibiscus around her. She nodded in approval and went off to get some honey. She donned some thick gloves and found a beehive, grabbed a comb and, using Rayleigh’s trick quickly shoved it into a wood box and ran for it. Next were the sunflower seeds. There was only one place she knew where to get sunflowers and that on the Dead Island where Kid and Killer lived. She took the ferry over and made the journey and stopped. The sunflowers were in Miss Ribbon’s yard. She’s only seen the woman every now and then and although she was very nice, she made her nervous. Kid and Killer loved her and always tried to help her out but she was still nervous. But she knew that she had a lot of sunflowers. She swallowed a lump in her throat and knocked. The woman opened the door. Miss Ribbon was a tall and slender young woman with shoulder-length black hair and blue eyes that had wide pupils and long arms and legs. She smiled at her. She swallowed something in her throat.

“Hello little one. Looking for Killer?” she shook her head.

“I’m sorry for bothering you but I was wondering, do you have any sunflower seeds?” she smiled

“Come in,” _________________ cautiously went inside. The room was filled with books and charts and things, “Sit down at the table and help yourself to the tea while I get you your seeds, little one,”

“Yes ma’am!” She never had seen this many books before that weren’t in a bookstore. Curiosity got to her and she found herself looking at the rows of books until one caught her eye. It was about forging for things like mushrooms. She and Flora used to do it all the time but Flora always told her that her nose wasn’t a hundred percent perfect (though she never picked a poisonous mushroom yet) and that she should learn how to pick what’s good and what’s bad.

“Want to borrow that?” she jumped. Miss Ribbon was at the door with a large bag of sunflower seeds.

“R-Really?” she nodded, “T-Thank you!”

“Let’s see…honey, the smells of almonds and walnuts, what are you up to?”

“I’m making nut bread for Pops!”

“Oh? Anything else you need?” she nodded and took out her list. The woman looks at it carefully.

“I have these if you like,”


“Mhm, so that means you don’t have to go to Goa to pick them up,”

“Thank you Miss! How much do I owe you?” Miss Ribbon gave as very sweet smile.

“Company for a few hours a week,” _________________ froze


“Killer and Kid have told me so many stories and as their pseudo mother, I want to be able to get to know their little friends. So for these seeds, I want to see you more often,”

“Y-Yes Miss!”

“And if you don’t mind,” she hands her a package, “Would you mind giving this to Pops for me?”


“Good girl. See you later,” ____________________ hurried off and got the ferry as fast as she could. Did she really make a deal with a devil?! For some seeds?!

“Lay off the horror manga for awhile,” said Speed Jill tucking her in that night, “Miss Ribbon isn’t a witch who lures children into her home to eat,”

“How can you be so certain?!” she said

“Because she’s just a bit of a recluse doesn’t mean she’s a bad person,”

“Oh no I’m not saying she’s bad! She’s kind of creepy,” he snorts

“Okay, I’ll give you that but it’s an honor for someone that private to let someone in. Be thankful and give her a chance,”

“Okay! I mean she let me borrow a book,”

“See? You two should have something in common,”

“By the way, what did you give Pops for Father’s Day?”

“Are you spying for anyone else?”


“Alright. Well, he’s been trying to find the complete volume of manga he used to read when he was a kid and well, couldn’t remember the name. I got it out of Flora and I tracked down the title and the copies. Thankfully, the store in Goa sells out of print thing,”

“Awesome!” he grinned

“Yeah I hope he likes it,”

“You know he will!” he pats her head and gently shut the door behind him.

On the day of for Father’s day, she got up bright and early to start on her bread. She grabbed her basket and went to the Nice Lady. Her almonds should have been dried by now. However, when she got there, she was greeted to Mr. Lore, happily munching on some of her walnuts.

“Mr. Lore!” the man jumped, “Those are for Pop’s bread!”

“Sorry little lady,” he rubbed the back of his head, “Didn’t know. I thought they were an offering,” she looked at him with a pout.

“Then you definitely shouldn’t have eaten them! They’re for the Nice Lady!”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry! Lemme me make it up to you and help you shell all of these!”

“Okay! Deal! I’ll pay you in nuts!”

“Fair enough!”

“Besides! I was hoping to see you to wish you a Happy Father’s Day and now I can!” he chuckles

“I appreciate it,” after they shelled the nuts, and her giving him the walnuts she didn’t need, she went to the Baratie for their kitchen. Because it was Father’s Day, Zeff made sure she was in the kitchens the entire time with no reason to go out. This gave her more than enough time to assemble and make the bread and ignoring the sounds of fighting, swearing, and something cracking in the front. The amount allowed her a bunch of loaves, three large ones for Pops and a few smaller ones for later. She wrapped them up and left one for the Baratie with a Happy Father’s Day message for Zeff and ran for it, just hearing a cup shattering and Patty shouting about paying for it with someone’s blood. She quickly ran to the Nice Lady and saw Mr. Lore getting ready to leave. She handed him a loaf and scampered off. She got to Law’s place and saw a few car parked and Bellemere’s boat in a distance. She crept to the window and saw Corazon happily talking to a man she’s never seen before. She couldn’t see his face but saw a very noticeable afro. Law looked like he would rather be anywhere else and caught a glimpse of her. He made a gesture for her to go to the backdoor. She crept along. He was waiting at the kitchen door.

“I can’t stay and I know you have company but this is for you guys!”

“Thanks! I’ll visit you tomorrow first thing! Seriously get out of here, no one else needs to suffer through this!” When she got home, everyone was getting ready for Pops’ arrival. She slipped inside and hid the loaves in the pantry and went to the living room tired. She then noticed some water being dangled in front of her face. She happily took it.

“Long day?” said Marco smiling at her

“You have NO idea,”

“Sorry for not being around as much. We’ve been very busy for this day,”

“I know and Sister told me why! It’s okay, really!”

“Did you manage to get him something? If not you can totally take credit for half of mine,” she smiled

“Nah! I got him something extra special! I called Oji-chan and he helped me out a lot!”

“Did he now? Did you also call Rayleigh?”

“Eep!” she hopped off the couch and ran to the nearest den den mushi. Whitebeard came home at exactly four o’clock. Everyone immediately greeted him. He laughed and greeted them back and made his way to his room to chance and rest. Everyone ran to their rooms and hiding spots to get their gifts. Dinner went off without a hitch. Thatch made a traditional Wano style dinner. Everyone was by the time it was time for the gift giving. Pops treated every gift equally, he knew better, especially when it came to the competitive nature of his boys. _________________ nervously waited. Everyone’s gift was so cool and useful and hers was just…bread. She was half tempted to run upstairs and just feign sickness.

“Guararara you brats spoil me too much!” Pops bellowed

“That’s because you deserve it,” said Izo

“And you’re our Dad,” said Vista, “So it’s an honor,”

“Where’s my sweet daughter? I hope none of you trampled her while competing with this gift pissing contest,” Marco gently nudged her forward. She hid behind him, “Hey now, don’t be shy!” Whitebeard said smiling at her. She shyly went over and presented her gift. Whitebeard gently unwraps it and his eyes widened.

“I-It’s nut bread! I-I didn’t know what to get you so I called Oji-chan and he told me about your favorite bread so I made it!” Whitebeard took out his knife and sliced a piece off and took a healthy bite. He froze. She froze. She didn’t make it right! And he didn’t like it! She ruined Father’s Day! He then takes another bite them another and sliced off another piece.

“It’s been so long…I thought I would never eat this again! You got the recipe perfectly!”

“I did?!”

“Mhm! It tastes just like when I used to eat it years ago! Thank you little lady! At this rate, you’re going to be a good cook someday like Thatch.

“Thanks Pops!” he gave her a hug and took the rest of his loaf, along with his other gifts and headed upstairs. She smiled to herself, she was proud of her and made a mental note to stop second guessing herself. She turned only to see her brothers looking absolutely terrified. They waited until Pops was out of sight and earshot.

“What have you done kiddo?!” said Blenheim

“You’ve doomed us all!” said Speed Jill


“…pleeeeeeease tell me you didn’t tell me you put walnuts and pumpkin seeds in it,” said Jozu

“Yep! And lots of it!” the men looked even more terrified and utterly sick, “W-What did I do?!”

“You made nut bread, wee one,” said Kingdew, “The right way…”

“We know how to make nut bread,” said Blamenco, “We know it’s Pops’ favorite and that a woman from Wano used to make it but…that’s not the reason the recipe doesn’t taste right. We’ve omitted the pumpkin seeds and walnuts,” _____________ cocked her head.


“Messes with his stomach,” said Izo, “Walnuts alone aren’t bad but pumpkin seeds…are the real problem and together they are a deadly combination,”

“…what does it do exactly?” said Ace

“Give him the nastiest, smelliest, most disgusting ass gas on the Grand Line,” said Jozu wincing

“Ewwww,” said __________________

“Can’t be that bad,” said Ace, “Have you SMELT her farts after raisins?!”


“Worst than that!” said Curiel, “The little lady can’t hold a candle to Pops,”


“Just have an overnight bag ready,” said Marco sighing. Ace snorts and went upstairs. _______________ slinked upstairs and got ready for bed. Around three that morning, she was awoken to the foulest smell she’s ever had smelt. She went to her balcony for some fresh air but nothing seemed to work. She opened the door to the hallway and gagged.

“Oh dear god!” Curiel slipped a gas mask over her, grabbed her overnight bag and got her outside. Because Pops’ room was at the very top of the house, his ass gas travelled from floor to floor filling the house with noxious fumes. Ace was glaring daggers at her.

“You HAD to make him nut bread!”

“I didn’t know!”

“Luckily we have a backup evacuation plan,” said Jozu, “Marco is pulling the cars around,”

“Where are we going?” said Ace

“Flora’s,” said Vista, “She’ll put us up for the night and then we’ll have to air the place out in the morning,”

“And we don’t discuss this with him, EVER,” said Rakugo, “We love him so we don’t tell him. We think he knows but he doesn’t know how bad it smells,”

“It can gag a maggot,” said Fossa, “And we have to make sure no one lights a match or this whole place is going up,”

“Secret’s safe,” said Ace, “What are we going to do with the extra nut bread?”

“He’ll finish it in a few days, until then, we stay clear of this place,” They arrived at the convent at about three that morning. Flora looked at the men at her convent. They looked as though they’ve been through hell and back.

“…nut bread?”

“Mhm,” said Marco. She shuddered. The faint stench told her exactly what she needed.

“Inside, you know where to do. Ace, ________________ to the bell tower. Trust me,”

“Yes Sister!” The men took over the old convent’s room that once upon a time used to be some of their rooms, ________________’s old tiny room wasn’t enough for her and Ace so the tower was the next best place. She made her little nest as Ace moved the blankets aside and joined her. He hunkered down into the blankets.

“You managed to unleash a weapon of mass destruction in the house using only nuts. Commendable but seriously!”

“I didn’t know!” she said hiding her face under a pillow, “Oji-chan gave me the idea!” he huffed but chuckled.

“I’m just giving you a hard time. I actually really like it,” he said grinning


“Mhm, it’s crunchy. But now you and me have a mission to make it so it’ll taste the same without the pumpkin seeds and walnuts. It’s not fair to not have your favorite thing taste the same because it’ll give you the worst farts ever. And Pops deserves things that’ll make him happy,”

“Okay! We can ask Miss Ribbon for help bright and early!”

“…you sure?”

“Or Sanj—,”

“The weird witch then! I’m not asking that giggolo for help!”

She carefully picked out the gift. She spent months looking for the best gift she could have given him. She knew her father had all the wealth and cunning that came with the power he had. She thought long and hard to think about what she could get him. She then came up with the perfect gift: specially made coupons. Because Daddy was almost always away and this would give her the opportunity to hang out with him more! It took her weeks to finish the coupons. She had ones like “Good for One Free Hug” or “Good for one Favor” and her personal favorite “Good for One Outing”. In total there were about twenty coupons. She took a few deep breaths and knocked on his door.

“What is it?” she slowly turned the knob and peeked inside. He looked at her from his desk over his glasses. He was a handsome man with slick black hair, dark eyes, and a calm, dangerous demeanor. She confidently and cautiously went towards him.

“Happy Father’s Day!” She excitedly handed him the coupons. He looked at the gift and flipped through it before tossing it into the trash. She looked at it before going into trash to get it, “Da—Father you dropped you gift into—,”

“It’s trash, therefore it goes into the trashcan. How dare you waste my time with something idiotic and frivolous? Unless you made it worth my time to be around you, then don’t look for my attention,”

“I-I didn’t mean to waste you time,” she trembled, “You’re always gone an-and I wanted to give you something from the heart,”

“Anything from the heart is a lazy and pathetic excuse to not buy anything of actual value. Feelings and illogical and if you were as intelligent as I am, you would this,”

“B-But,” she knew she was treading on very thin ice and dangerous water for questioning him like this but she really wanted him to at least use one of the coupons. Even if it was a favor, “C-Can you please just use one? I-I worked so hard on them-them and I thought you would,” he took the coupons from the trash. He counted the coupons, twenty in total. In a flash, he grabbed her by her arm as a smirk etched onto his face. She noticed the blades and tried to get away.

“Alright, twenty coupons from my very foolish daughter, that’ll equal about twenty of them,” She sobbed heavily. She could feel herself trembling as she cried. She worked so hard on it and it still wasn’t enough. She was too shaken to move from her spot as she cried some more. She didn’t want anyone to see her cry. The wounds were only flesh wounds but the entire time, she had to hear him berate her about how pathetic, weak, and stupid she was. He always said he would never touch her face because she looked too much liked him and that was perfection and she got punished even more for making him look stupid and weak. She wanted to crumble somewhere when she felt someone gently touch her shoulder. She didn’t bother turning around as she tried to get her tears to stop. She heard something rip and something wave in front of her face. It was her “Good For One Hug” coupon. She turned. Her uncle was on one knee with his arms stretched out. He was the complete opposite of her father. Where her father was intelligent and calculating, he was kind of an idiot and to top it off, he was the worst dresser she’s ever seen. He wore clashing colors, chartreuse colors with polka dots and zebra prints and no matter what he wore, he always wore red-lensed heart-shaped glasses. He was smiling at her.

“Kaaaaaaaat! I found these really cute coupons! I didn’t know what to do with them so I decided to use them on you!” she frowned.

“I’m not an idiot you know,” she looked away, “Just throw them away alright! It’s not YOUR GIFT ANYWAY!” she fought back tears trying to keep herself together. He gently took her hand.

“Oh come on…I know it’s not my gift but…getting a hug from my favorite little lady would really make my day! Please?” she turned. He was smiling at her, “And your Papa just left for business, so it’s just you and me at home. And if you like, I can use the “Good For One Outing” coupon too?” he caught the girl in his arms. He could feel tears seeping through his shirt. He smiled sweetly and gently rubbed her back. It felt like eternity before she moved away from him. She immediately wiped her eyes.

“Let’s go out,”

“Your little tea shop?”

“Mhm, or whatever I don’t care! Just make sure you’re coming with me,”

“Of course, of course! And I was thinking a hot pot!” she went to her room and got her favorite coat, the only coat she could never show her father, a long, pink with white trim trench coat. She knew that no matter how she dressed, Uncle would look worse. She smiled to herself, a hot pot with him would be great after a day like this.

Chapter 38: Heat Sickness


The Little girl has an illness

Chapter Text

“I’m fine!”

“The hell you are!” the door to the Whitebeard home flew opened and Killer had _________________ on his back. He gently placed her on the couch as Ace ran to get some ice from the fridge. Sabo got some ice water, while Sanji started fanning her, and Law examined her. Her face was red, she was sweating, and panting. They were all playing a rousing game of Capture the Flag using the Woods and Dead Island are equal distant territories. It was the first week of summer and the kids decided a game where they can pummel and protect their flag in their territories would be fun. They split up into two teams, Ace, Sabo, Luffy, and ________________ on one and Sanji, Law, Kid, and Killer on the other. The two teams were extra determined today. They’ve each been in jail once or twice that day. All being capture from either giving up their positions of trying to get away from the sun and was almost immediately spotted. It also didn’t help that they had to establish the new rule of no other language in the game. Why? Ace was using French to communicate with _________________ however, Sanji picked up on it along with Law and immediately captured them both.

“Seriously Freckles?!” said Kid, “Can’t believe you stooped that low!”

“All fair in love and war,”

“And you’re not good in either,” said Sanji

“Better than you, you fuckin’ gigolo!”

“I’m not a gigolo!”

“Yeah you are, you pervert,” said Law

“Law you speak French?!” said ____________________

“Spanish, it’s pretty much the same thing some words are just different. Cora-san’s been teaching me,”

“Oh,” they decided to take their battle into the trees, at least, that was the plan. _____________________ was lingering in a tree for a long time, waiting for Kid and Law to pass under her so she could tackle them from above while Ace and Sabo ran to get the flag from Killer and Sanji. She was up in her tree for ages, not realizing that the sun was beating down on her. Time went by and she felt weird…then lightheaded before she remembered everything going dark. She fortunately landed on Sabo who realized that _____________________ wasn’t responding and yelled for the boys to stop the game. They immediately aw something was wrong and carried her back to the house. She came to just as they got out of the woods, insisting that she’s fine.

“How do you feel?” said Sabo touching her head

“My stomach hurts, I feel like I’m going to throw up,”

“She needs a ginger ale,” said Law

“I’ll get it!” Luffy grabbed some money and ran out the house. Killer got her some water and made sure she was cool and not overheating. Law was checking her vitals to make sure nothing was irregular but soon spotted some troubling things: she had a red rash, her breathing was rapid, her temperature was high, and her heart was beating faster than normal.

“Ice packs!” Ace and Kid raided the freezer for ice packs and made homemade ones with ice and packed it around her as Luffy comes back with a soda. By the time Marco came home with Jozu, he was greeted to the sight of ____________________ in a fort of ice, ginger ale, food, and group of worried boys. Killer and Law were on the couch watching TV on either side of her, Luffy and Kid were sitting on the floor under her and Sabo and Ace were arguing while Ace waved a bottle in his hands. He yelled at __________________ who looked horrified.

“I’m not peeing in that!” she retorted

“Stop being a girl and whip it out and take a piss!” said Ace

“Whip what out?!”

“Stop being girly! You know what!”

“Ace, I don’t think that girls—,”

“Hush! I got this bottle and she’s gonna use it!”

“Ace let her go to the toilet,” said Law

“No she needs to relax! Or she’ll faint again! Now pee in the bottle!”


“Okay, boys what happened?” he was almost immediately bombarded with the incident from she just collapsed, she was super hot, and fainted. He took a good look at her and gently takes her out of her ice fort. Law gave him a briefing on what was going on medically from what he saw. Marco noticed the rash and nodded.

“Yep, just as I thought, Heat Illness,”

“W-What’s that?” said _________________________

“You’re sensitive to the heat. You’ll be right as rain with a few days of rest. But for now, no more outside play until the weather cools down a bit,”

“…when will that be?”

“Probably not until the end of the summer,” said Jozu, “Especially with that heat wave coming in,” _________________ looked devastated so did the boys.

“You have to be making it up!” said Sabo

“How can someone be allergic to the sun!” said Luffy.

“What kind of sick doctor BS are you running?!” said Kid, “We need an eighth!”

“Can you just give her a shot or something?!” said Ace

“I don’t want a shot!” said ____________________

“MAN UP!” said Kid and Ace

“Leave her alone she’s a delicate little flower!” said Sanji, “Not her fault she’s sick! But can’t you do anything?!”

“Sorry boys but it doesn’t work like that,” said Marco, “we need the sun as human beings and right now, ___________________ needs to stay inside so she can get better again. I’m sorry but no going out until I give the okay,”

“UGH! A Marco Factor!” said Ace

“The worst kind!” said Luffy. That night, Marco made sure _____________________ had some cold barely tea, went out and got her and Ace ice pillows and blankets, a few box fans, and made sure her balcony door was opened so she could get some fresh air. He tucked her into bed.

“How are you feeling?”

“Better. It wasn’t nearly as hot as it was last year,”

“I know, but we’re going to have heat waves this entire summer starting in the next few weeks. It took some time but we all managed to pitch in for a new air conditioner, especially with Pops and his health so you’ll have to suffer for a week or so,”

“I can go outside and keep cool—,”

“Nice try little lady. You’re sitting this one out for a little while. If you overheat your body you can get really sick and we don’t want that to happen,”

“Okay…” he smiled and ruffled her hair.

“It’s for your own good. I’d rather you miss the summer heat and be healthy than being dehydrated and sick until the end of summer,”

The next day, Ace wolfed down his food and headed out to meet the boys. ________________ watched him leave. She tried to keep herself occupied in some way. Marco gave her a list of designated places that she was not allowed in. She couldn’t go near the hot spring downstairs, Curiel’s workshop, pretty much anywhere where there was no ventilation. She parked herself on the couch trying to keep herself entertained.

“Hey, I need someone to help me make some nice cold lemonade,” said Vista grinning at her. She nodded and peeled the lemons as Vista melted the sugar. When the pair was done, they enjoyed the fruits of their labor with frozen lemonade via the blender before Vista got the idea of making lemon sorbet for the family. She started doing things like that throughout the day, helping Jozu with the watering of the plants, cataloging everything in the pantry for Thatch, helping Speed Jill organize his socks and find pairs, storing all of Izo’s winter makeup for his summer waterproof makeup, and making sure Namur’s cooling tank’s filter was working properly. A couple of weeks later, Whitebeard was finally finished with whatever work he’s been dealing with and has been staying home more often. He took this opportunity to grill every night he came home. He’s been making dinner every night and things have been faster since ______________________ was home more often to help with prep work with him. However he felt terrible for her not being able to go outside and always brought home her favorite ice cream and perched on the couch with her.

“Poor kiddo. I know it sucks now but it’s for your own good,”

“I know but still!” he ruffled her hair

“You can always make the best of things. You can play with your friends at night,”

“Everyone has a curfew and Marco doesn’t like for me to wander off past the woods super later if he could help it,”

“Ah the Marco Factor. That does put a wrench in things,”

“Something about I’m too younger and small to be exploring about. Luffy and Ace does it all the time!”

“But not into Goa and Gray Terminal. It can be dangerous for any kid at night,”

“True,” she sighed, “Curse the Marco Factor,”

“Guarararara! I know, I know but it’s usually to keep everyone out of harm’s way. Our first priority is to make sure you kids are safe and well adjusted,”

“I know. I mean he’s letting me play when the sun goes down, that’s something,”


“But everyone is going home by then! Law and Sanji have curfews and usually get really tired after playing. Kid and Killer said Miss Ribbon wanted them back before the last ferry to the dead island. So I get exactly a few minutes to go out but it’s already too dark to do anything,” she said glumly. Whitebeard pats her head.

“Oh don’t look so glum. You’ll think of something. You always do,”

“It’s too hot to think!”

“My poor daughter! Beaten by the sun!” he got up and hoisted her onto his shoulders, “Not today! We’re goin to beat the sun together!”

“YEAH!” Marco tapped his foot watching ___________________ wrapped up in her ice blanket after taking the only type of bath she could, a hot one. Why? Whitebeard, feeling bad that she couldn’t go out decided to slather her in sunscreen, making her extra sun protected, a straw hat, sunglasses, and ready for everything and decided to go fishing for tonight’s dinner…except that they went further out than they planned, found some good fish in a nice sunny area, Whitebeard forgot to pack some water, forgot that __________________ would say fine, even if she wasn’t, he saw her collapse and ended up carrying her back home where she was downing lemonade to restore her body, exhausted from the heat, and now had a few more hives because some sunscreen melted off. Whitebeard felt awful and made it his mission to make sure she was hunkered under the ice blanket.

“Did you two earn your lesson?”

“Marco I take full responsibility. She really wanted to stretch her legs a bit, didn’t think we would have been gone for that long and that sunscreen wore off!”

“__________________ how do you feel?”

“I’m okay,”

“Well, ginger green tea tonight and I’ll have someone bring you dinner. Just lay down, okay?” she nodded as her carried her upstairs. Ace came in shortly with food. He recoiled a bit.

“Jeez, I thought you were getting better. Anyway, Pops grilled fish, here’s a bunch for you. He snuck you some extras,”

“Thanks. Pops and I went out to get the fish today and well…”

“Ah. Well, at least you got to get out today, right?” she nodded.

“Yeah I guess,” she started munching on her dinner. He didn’t like seeing her like this. He had to think of something to make her feel better.

“How’s ____________________?”

“Better now. Pops tried to take her finishing but it was still too hot for her,” said Ace, “Pretty much she overheated, couldn’t breathe, and she collapsed. She was looked so out of it when he carried her home and weak, and she barely ate anything. Marco says she has to stay inside until it cools down, which sucks because there’s a heatwave coming,”

“That fuckin’ sucks,” said Killer, “At least he tried,”

“Right? She looks so down,”

“And playing isn’t nearly as fun without her!” said Luffy

“She’s small enough to fit through anything,” said Kid, “The only one who can get the good shit in bushes,”

“Best lookout,” said Sanji

“Especially for the Goa Bakery. They still think she’s on their side,” said Law, “By the way, what did you all want to do today?”

“Beats me. Every time we get together without her, it feels like ash in my mouth. Like we’re play cheating on her,”

“Don’t make it sound dirty,”

“We can go swimming! At least to cool off,”

“Nope,” Ace gestured to half their crew that can go into water, “Can’t really do anything to beat the heat unless we’re inside,”

“Yeah in two weeks we’re all going to have to be inside,” said Law, “Or we’ll all get sick in one way or another and collapsing in a heat wave in the sun is a death sentence,”

“I’m still trying to figure out on how to help __________________,” said Ace

“Let’s ask Miss Ribbon, she’s actually really smart,” said Kid

“You mean that scary lady that lives next to you?” said Ace

“She ain’t scary asshole! She’s really smart!”

“She knows almost everything,” said Killer, “She was the one who taught Kid how to play his guitar. At least how to play basic notes,”

“And he’s pretty good on it now,” said Sabo

“She also was the one who told us to pack lemonade and not water when we go out in the heat,”

“To restore your electrolytes,” said Law, “Okay, she is smart,”

“Especially if she could keep you two idiots from killing yourselves,”

“Fuck you Freckles!” the boys made the trip to the Dead Island. Because there were literately a handful of people who called the island home, getting there was a task if they didn’t know what they were doing. First, there was only one way on and off the island and that was the ferryman. No one knew who he was, only that he only let you on his boat if you had the mark of Whitebeard or looked like you were from the village. Crossing the river required a path and very murky and weird looking waters. There were other ways, but only a seasoned traveler or pirate could get through without a map. Once they arrived, the island itself was pretty big and surrounded by the basin like rock formations. Many of the inhabitants were rough looking people and very to themselves. They didn’t seem to care that a group of kids arrived on the island.

“Don’t mind them,” said Killer, “they’re actually really nice assholes. Miss Ribbon said that this is a place where people just want to be left alone and no one cares about pasts and shit,”

“How does anyone get anything, like food?” said Luffy

“Everyone forges or trades or make a list for the ferryman and he gets everything we need every week or so. No one really leaves. Not even Miss Ribbon,”

“Is she your Mom?” said Sanji. Kid and Killer exchanged glances.

“Well…she takes care of us and shit,” said Kid, “And we make sure she’s okay so I guess so. I mean I had a mum so…it’s well…complicated,”

“You can have two!” said Luffy, “We have Miss Makino and Dadan,”

“Dadan my ass, I swear she’s a man,” said Ace

“She looks like one at least,” said Sabo laughing

“Who’s Dadan?”

“A woman that Grandpa made raise me!” said Luffy happily

“…the fuck did she do to earn that punishment?” said Law as the rest of the boys laughed.

“Be a bandit, the worst kind of person,”

“Bandits are just petty thieves who pounce when someone is vulnerable, hardly any effort,” said Ace

“Okay, we’re here,” Kid went to the door and knocked. Miss Ribbon appeared at the door with a sweet smile.

“I was expecting you two for another hour. And I had no idea you were bringing company. Good thing I just finished lunch. Come on in boys,” the boys peeked into the house. Miss Ribbon was a young woman who looked no older than Miss Makino. She was smiling at them with plate of sandwiches in her hands, “eat up everyone. There’s plenty to go around,”

“What a wonderful day! Having food made for us by a living, breathing goddess!” said Sanji. Miss ribbon smiled.

“Aren’t you the charmer,”

“I can be anything you want me to be, my goddess love!”

“Fuckin’ pervert,” said Ace

“I thought you were into Nami you sick ass,” said Law, “I better not see that corny line on her or Bellemere or I’m going to pull your tongue right our your ass,”

“You better listen to him, gigolo. I’ve seen him do it,”

“WHEN?!” said Luffy looking at Ace, then to Law, “CAN YOU REALLY DO THAT?!”

“Mhm, it’s easy, your bodies are still flexible. With enough force I can shove my while arm up your ass and then pull your tongue with it. You can do the same with an eyeball. You can pop it out of a socket and make it look at the person. I used to practice on dead bodies all the time,” the boys looked at Law who finished his lemonade.

“The fuck?!” said Kid

“Remind me to never piss you off,” said Killer. Miss Ribbon chuckled

“What brings all you boys here today?”

“Oh! It’s about __________________ our sister!” said Sabo

“Or, the sweet little thing who was here a few weeks ago! How did the nut bread turn out?”

“Never mention that again!” said Ace, “Pops gassed up the house!”

“Not anyone’s fault, pumpkin seeds just don’t like him,” said Sabo.

“Duly noted!” said Miss Ribbon, “What’s the matter? Is she okay?”

“No, she has heat sickness,” said Killer, “We were wondering if you knew anything about it or how to cure it?”

“Well, it’s not curable but manageable. Mainly her being indoors is the best thing for her but she should be okay at night when the sun isn’t out but she can still get overheated,”

“Any advice?”

“Well, you can make sure she has coconut water and lemonade with a little salt. It’ll be a lot better for her than water,”

“But what about playing?!” said Luffy, “We can’t play with her in the day time!”

“What about night?”

“Sanji and Law have a curfew. Ace does to but he’s always breaking it,” said Sabo

“And you always ask us to come back to island at around nine,” Kid grumbled. Miss Ribbon smiled.

“Then make it count and I’m pretty sure your guardians wouldn’t mind extending curfew for an hour and it’s more than enough time to play a nightly game of Capture the Flag,”

“It actually sounds like fun at night,” said Ace

“Better places for us to hide,” said Sabo

“And it’ll be way cooler for ____________________ to hang out again,” said Law, “At least for the next week or so,”

“See? Looks like you boys have some planning to do,”

“Yeah, especially since Marco won’t let her out until the sun is completely down,”

“Yeah the Marco Factor is the biggest obstacle we have,” said Ace, “Seriously, he’s the doctor and he always have these weird restrictions,”

“That’s because he wants every patient he has to be happy and healthy. Okay, sundown is usually at seven thirty or 8. Because you’re closer to the mountains, the sun disappears faster. The moment it does, get ready and establish the boundaries of the game and play as much as you can before it’s time to go in. That is if your guardians won’t allow you to stay out later,”


“There are coconuts on this island. Just make sure you get the water out of one, have lemonade and water on hand and I’m sure she’ll be okay,”

“…Well, do you give Killer and me permission to stay out a little later?” said Kid, “The last ferry is like at nine,”

“I know, I guess I’ll ask the ferryman to hold the boat for us until we get back one together, that way you’re not going back home alone,”

“You’re the best Miss R,”

“So look like you boys have a lot of planning to do. I’ll make more sandwiches and lemonade,”

“I’ll help~” Sanji hopped up and headed to the kitchen. Kid growled and was about to get up. Ace stopped him

“If anything, Sanji will make us all gourmet sandwiches. He’s a gigolo but a gigolo who can cook,”

“Yeah and he’s going to be on my ship so you can’t kill him!” said Luffy

Because of the approaching heat wave, everyone in the area started doing business more often, tying up a few lose ends and things so they wouldn’t have to brave the heat. In order to give her a little bit of freedom, Marco would let _________________ explore for exactly one hour at night. She used this time to for foraging for things they needed and visit the Nice Lady. She left a note to Mr. Lore explaining what happened a few nights ago. He gave her some advice such as soaking her feet in ice water in order to bring her body temp down and relax her and drinking more hot tea to regulate her body temperature. During the day, she took the advice and often found herself in the living room watching television and trying to just get better. Ace and the boys were always out and so we were her brothers. She yawned and took a mini cat nap. As with many, one girl in particular was looking for someone before this heat hit. It was a favor to her small band in Gray Terminal. She was a tall lanky teenage girl with wild violet hair, dark skin, and green eyes. She’s been searching for the Duchess for the last week in a half. She just disappeared suddenly. It wasn’t uncommon for her to not come one or two days but for a week? It wasn’t like her.

She and her family searched Goa first, then the woods, and since she was the only one brave enough, the village beyond the woods. The fact of the matter no one knew where the Duchess was from. They just know that she would come, bring food, teach them, brought them books, and help them out and just leave. She never really asked for anything. Didn’t stop them from giving her things from as payment and a thank you, anything they could find. They knew where all the good junk was in Gray Terminal. It was amazing what people threw out, clothes, day old food, people, pets, and electronics that they didn’t want anymore. In fact, because everyone got new air conditioner units, they threw out their old ones. She immediately scooped them up and found out that the filters just needed changing and went from there. They were almost fixed but that didn’t stop their Duchess missing problem. Jin was the one who was the most adamant about finding her. She’s never really been to Windmill Village before and that was the last place she would have thought the Duchess lived. It was such a small, rural village. She couldn’t see someone traveling so far everyday just to visit them. The village was so spaced out and small. She could definitely see the Duchess living here but not willingly going to Goa. She then found herself at a bar and flagged the owner who happily gave her directions on where to go to find the Duchess. She half expected to see a small house on the hill someplace but when she found the place she was floored. The house was grander than anything anyone would find in Goa and it looked as though it was ripped out of a Wano warrior novel. She swallowed a lump in her throat and made her way to the front door and knocked. She moved back when she saw a tall man with a bored looking expression looking down at her. He looked a little surprised. She cocked her head. He looked familiar but she didn’t know from where.


“Umm I don’t mean to intrude but I’m looking for a little girl. I don’t want to give you her name but she has (h/c) color hair and (e/c) eyes. Does she live here? I’ve been looking for her for the last few weeks,”

“Umm if you don’t mind me asking, who are you?”

“Oh! I’m Yukiko! I’m a well friend of hers if you can really say that from Gray Terminal. She disappeared for about two weeks and well, we’re been worried about her!”

“…would you like to come in?” she nodded as he ushered her inside. She felt a little apprehensive as she walked in until she saw tell tale signs of kids living there. She noticed the Duchess’s basket backpack, her shoes at the door, and everything came together in the kitchen when she saw a tea canister they rescued from the dump. Didn’t think she would use it but it looked cleaned up and ready for use. She made herself comfortable at the table. The kitchen was even huge.

“Shit, I didn’t know she was loaded. At least it explains a lot,”

“Would you like something to drink?”

“Please!” Marco poured her some lemonade and Yukiko guzzled it down grateful. He smiled and left the pitcher on the table signaling for her to help herself, “Thanks mate!”

“Eat and drink as much you like, little one,”

“I ain’t lit—tle,” another man appeared in the room. He was literately towering over the blonde who came up to his waist, “Shit never mind sir,”

“Guararara! Everyone is little when it comes to me. Marco, who is this girl?”

“She’s a friend of ______________________,”

“Really? Forgive me manners, I’m her father and this is one of her brothers. It’s nice to meet you,”

“Likewise! Sorry for coming unannounced but we were like so worried about her,”

“How do you know my daughter? We hadn’t you here before, young lady,”

“Oh! Well, the Duchess is like well…our well…Duchess, there’s nothing else to really call her. Ya see, the Duchess has been coming to Gray Terminal for well over a good year or so bringing us food and teaching those who can’t to read and shit, even though it looks as though she just figured it out herself,” she chuckled, “When she stopped coming, we got worried. She usually comes twice a week when she has her schooling but now that’s summer, she’s been around more often. It’s weird to not see her around for more than a week. So when she was gone for a day we were okay, but when we didn’t see her for three days we got worried and started looking for her. Then when it turned into a week, we thought something bad happened to her! She’s okay, right?”

“Yes, she’s just suffering from heat sickness. She’ll be okay as long as she’s not in this heat,” said Whitebeard.

“Why do you call her the Duchess?” said Marco

“Heh it was actually Club’s idea! She’s like one of those dowager aunts from noble families so come around to give and teach her family because she doesn’t have that many left. She appears and then disappears from seemingly nowhere. She always try to bring us something good or something. If it’s not food, it’s knowledge, if it’s not knowledge is medical attention. She brings that Law kid around and he’s been good about practicing on us since he wants to be a doctor and all. We sometimes get things from these weird shadowy maids too,”


“Mhm, she’s a real pal. Kinda used to think she thought we were her charity cases. Most nobles do, especially since we’re their out of sight, out of mind cases, only when they want everyone to know that they’re good people when they give their extra shit to us. Hell, many of us used to live in Goa,”

“How did you end up there young lady?” said Whitebeard, “You’re far too young,”

“Yeah I know but believe it or not, I used to live in a mansion with my mom! The noble of the manor was having an affair with her. She was a servant and in order to survive after her husband, my dad died. Well, the master of the house liked her, a lot, started an affair with her, giving me and her gifts, money and things like that but Mom wasn’t a fool, she saved everything until one day his own wife had a son and threw us all out because he didn’t want his wife to find out. Mom was pregnant with Jin, my bro, at the time. She didn’t have anywhere to do and no one would hire a pregnant maid so we went to live in Gray Terminal. She died after contracting a disease while giving birth to Jin. She fought for three years until she couldn’t anymore. So I raised him because well, he’s my brother. The money she left us did only so much but we have a little home, a few things to eat and things like that. Nobles always throw their shit down there so we make due. That’s why I was so suspicious when Duchess appeared. Looked too clean to be down there. You have no idea how many noble kids want to live there because they think it’s SO cool!” she took another drink, “Idiots, I would suck dick in a minute to be able to not live in trash all the time, then again when I hear what some of those nobles do to their kids, fuck that,” she then covered her mouth, “Sorry,” Whitebeard snorts.

“Would you like to see her?”

“YEAH!” they guided her into the living room. __________________ was near a fan watching her favorite program. Yukiko grinned, “Hey squirt. Abandoning us for the good life?” she looked up and beamed and before she got up, the girl already had her in her arms hugging her, “Next time call us or something!” Yukiko noogied her good.

“Ack! I’m sorry!”

“Having us worried sick about you! Seriously! But are you okay?”

“Mhm! I’ll be fine! I would have told you but Marco said I could only go traveling to the edge of the woods and back!”

“Speaking of, you come all that way JUST to see us?!”

“Mhm! It’s fun! I like visiting you guys! How’s everyone?” the two girls chatted about thing goings and comings of Gray Terminal, everyone’s lessons, how they were keeping cool, and did they finally find a refrigerator.

“We’ve been siphoning power from the generator in Goa. Worth it and everyone in the area benefits! We were able to fix up and install the AC units we found! We were going to give you one but I don’t think you’re gonna need it,”

“No no! Please! Put it someplace you really need it! How’s the foraging?”

“Great! We got enough to last us for a few days! Someone threw away some portable electric oven and we fixed it up!”

“Awesome! Oh! Before you go back! Go here!” she wrote down an address, “Knock on the back after seven and ask if there’s anything left! Just don’t waste it!”

“…I’ll take your word for it. You better get better soon,” just then, about fourteen men came into the house. Yukiko looked apprehensive and took out her knife.

“It’s okay! Those are my other brothers! I have sixteen! Ace isn’t here!”

“…this is your whole family?”

“Mhm! So I do have an understanding how you feel with Jin and the others. Marco takes care of me, Ace, and everyone else. It’s not an easy job but everyone appreciates you,” Yukiko smirked at her.

“You fuckin’ munchkin. How dare you give me sage advice in your own home. Anyway, it’s been real. I’m going home before it gets too late,” they gave each other one more hug before she went off. Whitebeard took over tuck in duties that night, as a part of his repentance of getting her sick again. He tucked her in.

“So…making friends in Gray Terminal?”

“I’m sorry! I should have said—,”

“I’m not angry, just curious. Why haven’t you ever mentioned them before?”

“Sister and you always said that if you do something good or nice for someone because it’s not really a good deed if you have to let someone know immediately,”

“How did you meet them?”

“Well, the first time I was there, I got lost. I didn’t have my den den mushi at the time so I asked for help. Jin helped me out and we were almost there when his stomach growled. So I gave him lunch. I had dinner waiting for me, I didn’t know if he did or not. So I just gave it to him. The next time I saw him, he took me to Yukiko who gave me a silver bell. I put it on River’s collar. Since then whenever I had my lunch I just give it to them and we just became friends! I kind of forgot I never told you guys! They’re really nice! But…I think they don’t have families,”

“Well… they have each other. Sometimes that’s all a person needs, a group of people who love and care about them,”

“Like us, right?”

“Right!” he kissed her goodnight and left the room with the satisfaction that he was raising a child that had empathy for her fellow man and knew the difference between that and just giving charity.

Yukiko managed to make it back to Gray Terminal in one piece, at least before nightfall. She moved through the junk and rumble to finally get to largish structure. It was an old pirate ship that was flipped upside down. Metal reinforced some of the holes on the exterior; there were large sheets over the thing to make it look almost like a house. She made it through the fog and into the house. Almost immediately she was bombarded with a million questions by three boys and two girls.

“Oy stop crowding me! Duchess is okay! Hell she’s more than okay but health wise; she’s in bad shape,”

“What’s the matter?!” said Club, a boy covered in dirt wit green eyes and hair.

“Is she okay?!” said Jin

“Nah, sensitive to the heat. Got her sick so her fam is making her keep her happy ass inside until the end of summer,”

“Aww that sucks!” said Pear, a girl with purple eyes and golden freckles, “Speaking of, I’m dying to know! What is the Duchess? Is she from a colony like ours?!”

“A noble?” said Club, “She dresses too nice!”

“Could be a Marine kid,” said Clock a girl with tanned skin, dark hair and wearing a broken pocket watch around her neck like a necklace.

“Nope, she’s not a noble, not a Marine, but you can tell her family is into some shit. Good people though, but I wouldn’t fuck with them. She’s being raised by sixteen men. I think they’re pirates but unlike the fuckers down here, they radiate a “you don’t bother us and we don’t bother you” aura. But still it kind of sucks that we won’t see her for awhile,”

“What about at night?” said Jin

“That can work…but risky for a cute girl to be wandering around here at night. I would say we go to her,”

“Is that okay?” said Calico, a boy with scars all over his face and arms, “I mean we’re not exactly the type that people want in their villages and towns,”

“Not where the Duchess lives,” said Yukiko, “everyone I met there was super friendly and shit! Like even the barmaid offered me some milk before I went off again! Everyone there is super nice and shit. It’s not a surprise how the Duchess is the way she is! Her old man and brother even invited me in for lemonade and sandwiches. Duchess even told me where I could score some free food!” she took off her pack and took out lot of things. The kids gratefully took the food and started eating, “I think they know we don’t mean any of them any harm. So we can probably visit her every night so she can have a fighting chance of fun but stick to the woods or something,”

“Alright! We can go tomorrow!” said Clock

“Yeah! She’ll be out, right?” said Jin

“Should,” said Yukiko grinning, “We have to make sure the house is secure and have more than enough food and things for the heat,”

“Got it!” that night, Yukiko yawned and checked around the perimeter. They were a small colony of many who lived in this hellhole and they all tried to watch out for each other but she always did an extra look around just in case. She was worried about leaving Jin and the others behind for a long period of time but she knew they were street smart enough to take care of things until she got back. She had been thinking for a long time about their life in this place. It wasn’t bad and it’s the only home Jin ever knew but at the same time, was this really a place their mother would want them to live? She wasn’t old enough to find full time work yet but that would actually mean she could sail away with the others and just start someplace new. Someplace where it wasn’t smoky all the time, plenty to eat and not had to worry about petty thieves and the Bluejam Pirates trying to muscle what little everyone had out of everyone. But she knew that Jin wouldn’t be too keen is leaving Duchess so soon. Having a friend like that was worth more than gold. She sighed and locked everyone into their home. She’s heard stories about a nun taking in kids and putting them with the right families but…none of them wanted to be away from each other. She was saving money and resources for years. She had a few more before she could afford a boat and they’ll be sailing out and settle someplace. She’ll tell the Duchess of course, that way she can visit as much as she can they could be better hosts than before. And thanks to her Jin and the others wouldn’t be too lost or far behind if they went to school. Hell they could probably hire a tutor or something. She smiled to herself. Ever since seeing the Duchess today, she’s been thinking about her future and she felt a little more hopeful. If someone like her who had everything wanted to help them just because she saw them as people and her friends, there had to be others like that. She dozed off, dreaming of the life that she’ll someday have.

The plan was underway. It took a few days of planning and convincing the boys had everything ready. They were going to have their first annual night game of Capture the Flag. Corazon and Zeff extended their boys’ curfew, and Miss Ribbon secretly under the cover of a cloak and in the same haven of the Whitebeard home, was to take Kid and Killer home. Ace, Luffy, and Sabo ran into the house the moment the sun disappeared behind the mountains and grabbed _____________________ and ran outside. She looked at them and cocked her head a bit.

“Come on! We have a few hours to kill and we’re doing it with our sister!” said Sabo

“Capture the Flag?”

“Mhm!” said Luffy, “But this time, from woods to woods! Law’s area vs. just at the edge of the village,”

“Okay!” they split up into teams and went off. The game went off without a hitch. The dark and the cover of the trees made everything more challenging. If a player was spotted and someone shined a light on them, they had to go to jail. ____________________ was having the time of her life. She was easily making it to Law’s area without anyone. When she got to the flag, it was unguarded. She grinned and ran to it. She then stopped. It HAD to be a trap. She slowly approached it and just reached out and grabbed it. She grinned and waved it in triumph.

“HEY! I GOT THE FLAG! ACE LOOK!” no one made a sound, “Luffy? Sabo?” it was silent…she took out her flashlight and went into the woods. She then heard muffled voices. She followed them and tried to stay silent when she shined her light into the dark. Yukiko had Ace and Kid, Jin had Killer, Clock and Club kept Luffy and Sabo at bay, Pear had Sanji, who didn’t seem to mind a cute girl holding him, and Calico was look out.

“_______________________ GET OUT OF HERE! RUN!” said Sabo

“GET HELP!” said Luffy

“Take your time!” said Sanji

“GUYS!” the boys watched their sister run up to the strange forest kids and gave them hugs, “What are you doing here?!”

“Yeah, we didn’t want the Duchess to have her last few nights of freedom without us out here to have some fun with her,”

“Awww you guys! Thank you! If you guys don’t mind, please let my brothers go,”

“Sure thing,” they let go. Kid and Ace looked ready for a ight.

“Who are they?!” said Kid, “And how the fuck did they get the drop on us?!”

“Dude, you don’t recognize us ass munch?”

“Fuck you Club—CLUB?!”

“You assholes left us for some hoity toity place and now you got soft and not remember us. Same thing with you Sabo,”

“Hey! Sabo’s not soft!” said Luffy

“Not being raised in a slum makes you soft,” said Calico

“Just because you live someplace harsh doesn’t mean you’re tough,” said Ace, “So you’re the assholes from Gray Terminal. Didn’t know you guys wanted a fight,”

“Not tonight, besides we know we’ll whip your asses,”

“If you didn’t come up from behind, you wouldn’t b having all of your teeth now,”

“Wanna bet, Freckles?” said Clock

“Well, I think there’s only one way to settle this,” said _____________________, “Gray Terminal versus Windmill Village,”

“No fair!” said Kid, “It ain’t even!”

“Alright, there’s an odd one out,”

“Heh, we don’t need an extra, you assholes need all the help you can get,” said Jin

“Is that a challenge?!” said Ace

“Mhm, mountains make you soft. Look at what it did to Sabo and Kid,”

“Fuck you! Let’s go!” said Kid as they started a new game.

“This was a great idea,” said Whitebeard watching the kids running about the area flashlights on and laughing and swearing. Miss Ribbon smiled and slowly sipped her tea.

“I thought so, too. I just felt so bad for the little one not being able to play outside like she used to. Heat Sickness is a horrible fate for someone who loves the outdoors,”

“It’ll be a nice idea to have them stretch their legs before they beg for a freezer like room. Are you and your brats going to be okay?”

“Mhm, they found a unit in that junkyard and fixed it up. Kid won’t admit it but he’s a magician with a wrench and tools. I had someone inspect it and it’s better than new. He and Killer connected it so I can have a better cooling system. It’s so sweet they look out for me. I know they’re not going to want to go out so I started gathering a few things for them. Mainly to keep them entertained, manga, a few horror movies for Kid, some anime for Killer, video games, and of course some schoolbooks. Since Kid can’t run away to escape his lessons in the heat, there’s no time like the present, some ice cold snacks and drinks, and made sure that they stocked up on things to eat. I think they’re set. It’s actually refreshing to have them around,”

“I’m glad it worked out. I knew it would be good for the three of you,”

“As long as they’re happy, I’m happy. I’m just glad it’s been awhile that I didn’t have to run. I’m tired of running,”

“As long as you’re on that island, you’re okay. Not a soul knows about it,”

“I appreciate it. I truly do…but if that day does come…and they’re not old enough to…take care of themselves…I’ve been wanting to ask—,”

“They’ll always have a home here,”

“…Thank you,”

“You can’t make it in the world by yourself, it’s damn near impossible to survive without someone or something to care about. The boys have each other and you and well…you have them,”

“And I wouldn’t change it for the world. I know they want to sail off someday and I’m prepared for that,”

“They’ll be more than happy to bring you aboard as their mother,”

“Me on the seas?”

“Stranger things have happened,” she nodded.

“Is it about time to call them in?”

“Nah, I called Zeff and he’s okay letting his little eggplant stay the night, for the greater good of giving ____________________ a month’s worth of play until the heat wave. Corazon will be picking up Law late tonight. But knowing him, it’ll be so late that Law will be forced to stay here. All a part of his insidious plan,” Miss Ribbon chuckled.

“You can’t use another language!”


“All’s fair in love and war!”

“Stop saying that Ace!”

“GOT IT!” Luffy said triumphantly holding the flag from the edge of the woods.

“Not bad for a mountain boy,” said Jin

“Heh you assholes weren’t too bad yourselves,” said Ace

“Not to mention we gave you lot a huge handicap,” said Pear laughing

“This is fun!” said Calico, “One more game?”

“Last one though. It’s getting late,” said Yukiko


“We’re playing again tomorrow?” said _________________

“Of course we are! Can’t let a bunch of randos challenge us like that,” said Sanji yawning

“And since we’ll be out of commission for awhile, we have to show them who’s boss!” said Ace

“Not to mention ____________________ needs to get all of the play she can!” said Luffy

“Me? What about you guys?!”

“We’re boys, we’re idiots,” said Sabo, “eventually we’re going to go out into that heat wave, do something stupid and be sick right next to you in bed,”

“…that doesn’t make sense,”

“No it doesn’t,” said Law yawning

“Hey Law why don’t YOU get bothered by the sun?”

“Vivi and I are from around the same area. We’re used to it. But that’s why you’re not going to see me outside when a heat wave is coming. The temps get so high it can make kids, animals, and old people get very sick and die. I suggest you idiots do the same,”

“I’ll be in a cool restaurant,” said Sanji

“Lucky! Dadan doesn’t have air conditioning!” said Luffy, “And I can’t swim!”

“Then hang out with us,” said Ace, “It’s being installed in the house this week,”

“I wonder why it was taking so long,” said Sabo

“To preserve this old house,” said Sanji, “A lot of places like this have delicate structures from being around for so long so you have to make sure the place can support an AC system. Same with pirate ships,”

“That makes sense,”

“It’s worth it to keep the whole place cool than individual rooms. At least ____________________ won’t have to worry about getting sick again,”

“Unless she decides to do the boy thing and go outside and get sick again. Right? Right?! _________________? ______________________?” Ace looked down. She was curled up next to him on his shoulder. He reddened.

“Stupid useless girl…hey, Law, can you get her ice blanket or she’s going to overheat tonight,”

“Or you can just move her to her room so she can sleep better,” said Sabo. Ace looked absolutely offended.

“And wake her up so she can bitch and moan? No!” Law snorts and goes to get the blanket.

“I think really overworked her tonight,” said Sabo

“…that sounded more dirty than it attended to be,” Sanji

“Only your nasty pervvie ass would go to that!” said Ace

“I don’t get it!” said Luffy

“…it’s nothing, go to bed Luffy,” said Sabo


“Big kids are talking,” said Ace, “And you’re still a kid,”


Chapter 39: Atmos' Cooking


The Little Girl becomes an unwilling taste tester

Chapter Text

Zeff heard a knock on the back door to the Baratie restaurant. He raised an eyebrow and opened the door revealing a little girl with (e/c) eyes and (h/c) hair with a tannish cat next to her, both looked as though they were in a Dickenesque setting with her little hands held out.

“Please, sir, can you spare some food? We are ever so hungry” said __________________ looking at Zeff, “Before I waste away into nothingness!”

“Meeeeeew…” said River just as dramatically. The chef barked a laugh.

“Get in here you little drama queen!”

“Thank you kind innkeeper!”

“Atmos is cooking again?”

“YEEEEES! Please don’t make me go home!”

“You know the drill, only eat what you can. Don’t waste it,”

“Yes sir!” ____________________ scampered into the back where Sanji was. He was cleaning up a few things looking bored when he realized that she was in the kitchen devouring stuffed salmon, rice, and salad. River was eating the shredded chicken and was licking his plate when _______________ cut her salmon in half and gave him some. Sanji went into the refrigerator and took out a small container and approached the pair.

“I see my two favorite moochers are doing what they do best, stuff their faces,”

“Hey!” ________________ swallowed and hugged him, “How are you?”

“Just finished but here I got something for you,”

“What is it?”

“Almond pear bars!” she took one and took a bite.

“They’re good!”

“Good, Zeff said if it passed the _____________________ Test, they were going on the menu,”


“Mhm, he says you have a refined palate for baked sweets and if you liked it, then it’s going on the menu. Also, we have a bunch of rotisserie chickens left over. Want to bring them home?”

“Please! Everyone is starving at home!”


“Atmos has been cooking for the past week and well, everyone is sick of it,” he gave her a look, “No, no, it’s not that we don’t want him to cook! Atmos really is cool! It’s just that…whatever he makes is terrible! I know he’s trying his best but it’s terrible! We don’t want to hurt his feelings so we try to make it work. Good news is that it’s excellent for compost,”

“It can’t be that bad,”

“I knew you’d say that,” she went into her backpack and took out a container. She placed it on the table and opened it. The smell itself almost knocked him back. He peered inside the container.

“W-What is it?”

“No idea!” Sanji placed the contents on a plate. He examined everything closely.

“Egg, shark fin…fish heads, garlic, and…I think that’s tofu,”

“Try it,” she handed him a fork. Sanji shakily took it and took some onto the fork and popped it into his mouth. He grimaced and immediately grabbed some water to get the taste out of his mouth, “See!”

“He has potential but…yeah. I’m going to teach him to cook!”

“Good luck!”

“I’m going to need my taste tester!”

“What?! I thought we were friends!” Sanji laughs

“No worries! Everything will be fine! I’ll come over bright and early tomorrow,”

“Oh okaaaay,” she said sighed, “by the way, how did you guys get so many chickens?”

“Well, there was suppose to be a fancy dinner party tonight but the check bounced and then they tried to eat and well, yeah. There are the rest. Your friends from Gray Terminal took a bunch and Killer took a few home for Miss Ribbon and Kid,” after eating and taking home some leftovers, ____________ slowly opened the door to the Whitebeard house. River scampered upstairs and gently closed the door. She was almost upstairs when she heard footsteps. She froze.

“___________________?” Atmos was happily cleaning up the kitchen and poked his head around the corner. She froze like a deer in headlights, “Little Sister! Come here! I bet your little tummy is growling after your little adventure so I made you a little snack!” ______________ froze and placed down her large basket of food. She cautiously went over. Atmos was grinning at her and fondly pats her head, “You need to eat more! You’re so tiny and small!” she gulped when he turned around and presented her with her snack, “So I made you a fish, peanut butter, kale, and chocolate tamagoyaki just for you! Fish is brain food and I know you love sweet things so I put in peanut butter and chocolate in it for you!” She winced as Atmos set it down in front of her. She stared at it and shakily picked up her chopsticks and took a piece. She winced and swallowed, “Well?”

“I-It’s good!” he beamed

“I’m glad! The whole thing is just for you! You sit tight and finish while I clean up!” every time his back was turned, she quickly held her nose, chewed, then swallowed and immediately grabbed the water and downed it until she finished trying her best to keep it down. She was down to the last bits and just couldn’t take it.

“I-I’m so full, I can’t eat another bite!” she said straining a smile.

“Awww you poor thing!” he ruffled her hair fondly, “It’s okay! I’ll save it for you for breakfast tomorrow!” she grimaced

“T-Thank you! See you later!” she hugged him and ran upstairs and gathered her things. Vista, Speed Jill, and Blamenco all peeked out their rooms when they heard the sounds of pitter patter footsteps.

“Pssst is he still down there?”

“Mhm!” she said, “He made me tamagoyaki…with fish, peanut butter, chocolate, and kale,”

“YOU ATE IT?!” cried the men

“I didn’t want to hurt his feelings!”

“Poor kid! C’mere!” said Vista taking her into his room and giving her an antacid and some tea for her stomach, “I don’t know what’s is deal is with this cooking binge but he has to stop,”

“Please we all know we don’t want to hurt his feelings,” said Speed Jill sighing

“What did he make tonight?” she asked

“Fish head stew,” said Blamenco, “With oyster sauce, fermented shark fins, and horse radish. I don’t know where you’ve been going to eat kiddo but continue,”

“We literately used Blamenco’s pockets to hide most of it until we found a way to dispose of it,”

“Took me ages to clean those pockets!”

“Thank you for taking one for the team,” said Vista.

“I bought everyone something back!” she revealed the rotisserie chickens from the Baratie, “Zeff had a dinner party…who’s check bounced. So he gave one for each of you,”

“You sweet wonderful child!” she secretly passed them out to everyone in their rooms, even upstairs to Pop’s study. Whitebeard didn’t want to come down either. She knocked.

“…who is it?”


“Are you alone?”

“I brought chicken!” he opened the door and whisked her in. She perched on his bed as he started to devour the chicken.

“I’m going to have to thank that old bastard for giving you these,” said Whitebeard, “Couldn’t get out of the house fast enough to avoid dinner tonight but this hits the spot,”

“You don’t like Atmos’ food either, do you?”

“I’d rather eat dirt, it’s that bad,” he said pouring some sake and downing it, “but it’s not his fault. Atmos grew up in a place where food was scarce so everyone made do with what they had. So he grew thinking that fish heads, preserved meats and fish, even if they were rotten and to be thrown away was good for you. He wants to show his appreciation by cooking with everything but….not knowing we don’t have the stomachs for it. And he has an iron stomach. I had to eat some foul stuff in my life but that takes the cake. Did you get something to eat tonight?”

“Mhm! But then he caught me coming home…and had something ready for me,”


“Tamagoyaki…with peanut butter, chocolate, kale, and fish,” Whitebeard fished out a teapot and started brew some tea before pouring her a cup, “Ginger green tea. Whatever’s going to happen in your stomach, this should help it,”

“Thanks Pops!” afterwards she popped back into her room where Ace was waiting. He took the same route as she did and went off to find something to eat. He caught a deer and cooked it up and ate it at Dadan’s place. He saved her some when she got into her room along with some cookies that were in a large silver, ornate box.

“Wow! These are for me?”

“Sabo sent these. He said he got them from an import shop in Goa,” she opened the box and looked at the large assortment of cookies in awe.

“Wow they look and smell amazing! Want one?” he nodded and grabbed one. She took one and closed the box, “I’m so full but one cookie isn’t going to kill me. I brought you back a chicken,”

“I’ll save it for tomorrow, especially if Atmos is going to cook for breakfast,” both shuddered at the thought.

“He’s saving me the tamagoyaki he made me for tomorrow,”

“…did you eat it?” she nodded.

“Pops and Vista gave me tea! I think it’ll help,”

“It should,” she bit into the cookie and froze.

“What’s wrong?”

“This tastes so good! But it tastes like something I’ve eaten before,”

“They do! I usually don’t go for sweets but this really good! I doubt it. Sabo said that they came from a Kingdom in East Blue and apparently only from there unless someone brings them over,”

“I can believe it! These are amazing!”

“He said that the king of that area had a wife that made them. She died but not before writing her recipes down. He searched far and wide for any bakers who could make the cookies perfectly and hired them. He only gives the cookies out as gifts and only have them in the kingdom for special occasions or something like that. They’re so rare that many pirates and travelers go there just to get some. Dangerous considering the king is a monster,”


“Mhm, there was a king that lived in the area where his entire kingdom was protected from outsiders and threats. Like no pirate ever made it out alive. Those who did were given the power to leave,”

“Wow! You think Pops went?”

“Maybe. We can bug him about it later,”

Sanji was at the Whitebeard home bright and early. Zeff gave him the green light to go, especially with Ace being there to help for prepping. Most of the Whitebeard family was gone, in order to not have to deal with the wrath and consequences of Atmos’ food. Ace was about to run off when he was grabbed by Patty and whisked away to the Baratie for his punishment.

“Lemme go!”

“You have prep work you little shit,”

“FUCK YOU!” Sanji appeared at the door and saw Atmos at the kitchen cleaning up. ________________ was taking the scraps to the compost heap when he slipped in. Sanji looked at the leftovers. He noticed most of the food wasn’t eaten, picked over but not eaten.

“Hey kiddo!” said Atmos brightly, “Oh! Even better! The young chef! Would you like some of my cooking! There’s plenty to go around! Please give me your honest opinion!” Sanji grinned and looked at the strange bowl of food, “It’s my specialty! It’s a breakfast bowl with pickled eggs, salted fish, pickled cucumbers, over rice porridge,” Sanji looked at it and takes a bite. The bitterness hit him at once as she swallowed and didn’t stop until the bowl was empty, “Well?”

“It’s an interesting concept! I’ve never had rice porridge like that before! But that’s why I came! _______________ told me about your unique cooking skills and I decided to give you some pointers if you like!”

“Please! I’ve been waiting to take my talent to the next level! I accept your help and guidance!”

“That’s why I’m here! _________________ and I are going to make your food take on more flavors so you can be a well rounded chef!” _______________ made it to the bottom step and froze at her name. She looked from Atmos and back to Sanji. She could feel the bile rising to her throat, preparing her stomach for the hardships it was about to endure. Are you ready?!


“Show me what you got!” Atmos grinned and started cooking. ___________________ sat there nervously as Atmos finished his dish. He poured out a heaping bowl and proudly gives it to her. She looked absolutely terrified. She could smell the fish, rice, and other things. Sanji placed the plate in front of _________________. She cautiously takes a fork and takes a bite and almost immediately gagged.

“Salty!” Sanji takes a bite as well and winced.

“Okay, so let’s had a potato to this so it’ll take the bitterness out,” they simmered the broth for awhile and decided to let _________________ try it again. She shakily took another sip and winced.


“Sour?” Sanji looked in the pot and takes a sip and did the same thing, “Hmmmm….let’s add some baking soda to neutralize the sourness,” after some simmering, _______________ tasted it again. It wasn’t bad but it had a very fishy taste. Sanji had another bite and noticed something about Atmos’ ingredients. Most of it was pickled. It gave off a very off taste and with some of the things he added, it didn’t agree with the palate. He on the other hand, must have been used to it. __________________ looked as though she was going heave any moment so Sanji decided it was a good time for a break.

“Atmos, where did you get so much pickled fish?”

“Made it myself!” he said proudly, “most of it has been pickling for well over a year! I thought it was great to share it with everyone this time around!”

“Interesting,” Atmos grinned and looked a little down

“Though to be honest, I know it’s not a taste everyone likes. I made so much of it this time around because I wanted everyone to share in my cooking. I know everyone avoids me because it doesn’t taste good, but I want to get better! I want to share my food with them!” ________________ smiled

“It’s not bad! It’s just…a little different,”

“And you just need to know what foods go with what!” said Sanji grinning, “Let’s start from the beginning, why do you pickle and preserve your foods?”

“Back at home, when I was a child, we didn’t have much in the village so every single bit of food never went to waste, even through preservation and we did a lot of that. So everything we had was pickled or salted. It enhances the flavor,”

“And I’m guessing a lot of seafood?”

“Mhm! We fished a lot! There was a port and a river and sometimes, we got good fish and sometimes bad. We had to make due,"

“I see, how about we made some dishes that’ll incorporate the best of both worlds?”

“Sounds like a plan!”

“Let’s start with all the ingredients you used to use back home and we’ll find ways to mellow it out!” for the entire week for hours, Sanji was teaching Atmos how to cook using every single thing in order to not waste it, using _________________ as the taste tester. She told them if things were salty, bitter, slimy, or just didn’t have a good mouth texture. This went on for well over two weeks, during that time the Whitebeard Family went out to eat or made sure the kitchen was clear before making something. Sanji was outright exhausted as Atmos went to get more fish.

“I know it’s a lot for you to taste test but I really appreciate it, ___________________,”

“Thanks!” she said smiling

“Your taste bubs I swear are the most accurate things in the world. Zeff says it’s a great talent to have,”


“Mhm, you can’t be a good chef unless you have tastes but everyone’s taste is different. Since you’re not into bitter foods, you can make sure Atmos’ food isn’t too pungent,”

“I swear he doesn’t have taste buds,” she said miserably, “By the way, do you want a cookie?”

“You made cookies?”

“No but these are really tasty!” she took his hand and took him upstairs to her room. From there, she took out the ornate cookie jar and opened it up to him. He stared at the cookies before taking one.

“….thanks. Where did you get these?”

“Sabo found them for me! They came all the way from East Blue! Aren’t they good?”

“Mhm. Did you tell you anything about them?”

“Ace said that a king’s wife made them! That’s it,”

“Oh…okay, well, do you like them?”

“Yeah! They remind me of something. I don’t know what but it’s a good feeling,”

“Good? Like how?”


“Sanji-chef! I found some pickled herring!” ________________ cringed. Sanji grinned.

“Come on taste tester,”

“Ugggggggh,” _________________ was on her bed groaning from her constant taste testing from Atmos. Ace got her a ginger ale and some toast. He passed her her cookie tin. She grinned and took a cookie.

“I brought you some boar,”

“You’re the best!”

“Yeah I know. You really like those cookies don’t you?”

“MHM! I’m sad that I’ll never be able to get them unless I find that kingdom in East Blue,”

“Yeah that’s the bad part but we often get travelers in Goa. You could probably get one to get you them one their way back,”

“I hope! These make me really happy!”

“How have you been holding up?” she hid her face in her pillow. He gently rubbed her back, “You’ll be okay! Hell I want it to be over too. I hate doing kitchen prep! It sucks!”

“But you’re learning!”

“I don’t want to learn how to cut and prepare in a kitchen!”

The Whitebeard Family were terrified on Sunday. Atmos asked everyone to come to dinner because he wanted to make a special dinner for everyone. He specifically chose Sunday because everyone didn’t have plans, Sunday Dinner was a tradition, and many places were closed for dinner around the area. Atmos was ready. He and Sanji with ______________’s taste testing, managed to make one of the most traditional dish, fish stew with three kinds of rice. Everyone sat at the table, terrified to eat, not wanting to be the first one to feel the wrath of Atmos’ cooking. Although the stew smelt good, they’ve been fooled before. They peered into the pot. Whatever it was, it looked absolutely disgusting. It was a thick brown with pieces of fish, prawns, and vegetables. Atmos swear by it was suppose to be fish soup and tested and safe. But everyone was terrified to even try it. He looked hurt. ___________________ helped herself to the three types of rice, poured the stew over it, with a lot of chunks, and took a bite. The men froze before she looked shocked and then started munching on it. Ace follow suit and took a bite and did the same. Everyone slowly ate the strange looking concoction. They soon came to the realization that now Atmos’ food only looked gross not tasted gross. Sanji grinned and ate his bowl as well. Soon, there was a clean pot and many clean plates.

“That was SO good!” said Ace

“It was!” said __________________ rubbing her tummy, “I can barely move,”

“You did good little sis,” said Vista patting her head

“You took a major one more the team,” said Jozu

“Damn right, she’s one of us,” said Curiel, “Tough as nails,”

“And did something sixteen men couldn’t,” said Whitebeard

“You couldn’t either!” said Fossa, “Little lady is manlier than every single one of us in this room,” her face lit up.

“Does that mean I’m going to grow hair on my chest?! Will it be as thick as yours?!” the men chuckled

“No little lady! You don’t need to grow hair on your chest in order to be manly,”

“Awww! But it’s so cool!” that night, Ace and her ate a couple more of the cookies with tea.

“Perfect end to a perfect meal,” said Ace

“Mhm! I hope we can get some again,”

“We will. I’ll get you a tin for your birthday,”

“You’re the best,”

“It’ll make up for not being able to get chest hair,”

“I really want it though!”

“I swear you’re weird. And we’re going to have to get Pops to tell us if he knows anything else about that king,”

“Yeah! He sounds really strong!”

“If pirates are terrified of him, you know he’s a badass. That or they’re a bunch of pansies,”

Sanji grabbed his coat and started walking through the night. He knew where those cookies came from. He knew that Sabo knew where they came from. No one needed to know the origins of the cookies or the kingdom. Like Germa 66, it was a myth and it should stay that way. He supposed he was lucky that Sabo didn’t mention the area or the name of the Kingdom but those cookies were a dead giveaway. He sent him a message via den den mushi and knew he was waiting in the woods for him. Sabo was calmly looking at the sky when Sanji appeared. He rushed to get there and was exhausted.

“…you wanted to see me?”

“Y-Yeah!” Sabo tossed him some water. Sanji gulped it down, “Thanks,” he regained his anger, “What the hell were you thinking?”


“Giving ___________________ those cookies! You could have jogged something you know!”

“It made her happy. Why cut out all of the good parts?”

“Because there were few good parts. It could have triggered some bad memories. Some things that she should never remember,”

“She somewhat remembers Hancock,” Sanji reddened and grinned before looking at him.

“What does she have to do with any of this?”

“It’s…nothing. Can’t we just…let her have this? I mean, they were her absolute favorite. Besides, neither of us knows what’s best for her,”

“We’re the only ones who know,” Sabo nodded

“Yeah but still Sister did a good job in making sure nothing resurfaced and I thought they were such a rarity that even the odds of her getting cookies from there would be a million to one. I just wanted to give her something that’ll make her happy,”

“She’s already happy, she doesn’t need anything from her past to make her happy,” Sabo looked at him. Sanji looked back before sighing, “I’m sorry, I’m just a little…protective,”

“I get it. She was protective of you too,”

“Yeah and it almost got her killed. That’s why I’d rather her never remember. I don’t want her to resent me for being the reason why she almost got killed,”

“You weren’t at fault and if you think she would blame you, you’re an idiot,”

“…I just don’t want anyone to find her again…I don’t want things to go back to the way it was,”

“It’s never going to happen. No one even knows this village is here unless they get past the mountains and Pops would never let anything happen to her, not in a million years. Stop worrying so much. The odds of someone from East Blue seeing her is slim to none,”

“You’re right, I guess,”

“How about this, from now on, if neither of us are unsure about giving her something from that time…we consult the other?”

“Sounds good. I didn’t mean to attack you,”

“It’s okay, I was worried to but I think she would have love to have something familiar to her. She used to eat them all the time when we were kids,”

“I can’t believe she had easy access to them. Did her parents horde them or something for her?”

“Mainly gifts from princes and nobility alike to win her over. My family went broke once to get her a few tins. We used to eat them together with Hancock after her bath,”

“Wow. No wonder she associates them with good memories,”

“You better get home. Zeff will murder you if he finds you missing,”

“Yeah, see you later!” Sanji disappeared into the brush. Sabo lingered outside for a few moments before heading back to bed.

Chapter 40: The Bloody Tea Party: The Letter


The Little Gets Invited to a Tea Party

Chapter Text

“Hey Sister can you tell me a story?!”

“Why? I tell you things all the time,”

“Because it’s nighttime and good moms read their good children a story! Shakky always tell me a story when I stay over! Her or grandpa and it really does help me sleep! Pleeeeeeeeease Sister?” Flora looked at her before ruffled her hair. She giggled

“Smartass. Those two spoil way too much I swear,” Flora pour herself a drink, “I have one but it’s real and scary,”

“H-How scary?”

“Anything imbedded with truth is scary,” _______________ held her pillow. Flora gulped down her drink, “Once upon a time, in a faraway place, there was a witch; she was a very dangerous and very powerful witch. Unlike some witches who were kind and good, this one was wicked and collected children in order to sell them. What made her terrifying was that she looked and came off as a saint. She sold children to bad people who either wanted the children to fight for them or bad people who wanted the children to be slaves for them. Sometimes she sold the children to homes where they wanted children to learn to be adults and carry on their family’s name. The children didn’t know any of this until it was too late,”

“That’s terrible!”

“Indeed. The children came from places were their parents were dead or didn’t want them anymore. That was how the witch attained a monster; two people abandoned her on the witch’s island.  This monster caused destruction and chaos wherever she went. The other children were frightened of her, because she would rampage the woods and hurt the children who lived with the witch. The monster was unstable and the witch used this to her advantage. However, the children had a savior, a little girl who decided to protect the children and would often subdue and suppress the monster, often getting trampled in the process for the greater good.  The witch decided to sell the little girl, to another witch but this witch was a good witch and treated the little girl very well and soon the child had a real mother and very happy family. One day, the little girl decided to go back to the witch,”


“Because she had to get a very important treasure she left from the witch that belonged to her and she was going to get it back. When she arrived at the house, the little girl saw found what she was looking for, her mother’s rosary but she also noticed a tea party set up with croquembouche,”

“What’s croquembouche?”

“A tower of creampuffs,”

“Sounds yummy,”

“The little girl was going to leave when the pastries pleaded with her to help her. The little girl thought she was imaging things until the pastries spoke again. The witch, with her final act of cruelty, changed her and the rest of the children into the croquembouche to be devoured by the monster. The monster didn’t eat for days and was prepared to eat everything in her path. The girl was frightened; she could hear the footsteps of the monster. She did the only thing she could do, she fled. She told the world government and no one believed her, thinking she was just a lying orphan and threatened her. Her new mother and family did and from that moment on, the little girl decided she would always protect the ones she loved and who couldn’t protect themselves,”

“W-What about the monster? I-Is she still alive?”

“Yes, the monster is one of the most fearsome beings in the entire world. She lives on an island where trees, flowers, tables, chairs, everything nonliving could talk and where people have tea parties and sweets all the time,”

“…sounds awesome!”

“It’s the most horrifying place you could ever go. The monster inherited the ability from the witch where she can take a soul from a person. She made everyone to the younger child to the oldest man, give up a piece of their soul and lifetime twice a year or make them leave. Every singing tree, every talking flower, every tea cup or cookie, is a piece of someone’s soul,”

“T-That’s terrible!”

“Indeed. The monster even has the ability to take a person’s lifespan. Let’s say you were to live for a hundred years, she can take the whole thing and leave you with a few months. She takes pleasure in being cruel and she will destroy everything in her path to get what she wants,”

“C-Can we do something?!”

“It’s too late. The monster was allowed to live and in allowing her to exist, she can now spread pain and horror everywhere she does,”

“What happened to the little girl? I-Is she okay?! Can she fight the monster?”

“The little girl grew up and still living to this day. She’s not frightened of the monster. The monster and her have fought for decades, leaving them both mortally wounded in the process. The monster even sent her own children to claim her head, each one went back dead, except the children, she let them live. The little girl realized that the monster would not stop until she was dead, so she faked her death so she could finally live in peace,”

Whitebeard, Rayleigh, and Flora were all looking at this bright pink envelope. The expressions were a mixture of fear, shock, and anger. There was no denying where this invitation came from. Long ago buried emotions came flooding back into the trio. Flora, especially looked at the letter with a mixture of rage and horror.

“I’m rather her die before she takes one step onto that island!” said Flora

“You know that’s not an option,” said Rayleigh

“It’s always an option,” Whitebeard and Rayleigh knew the woman wasn’t kidding. The letter arrived early that morning. It was actually hard to not notice. He assumed it was for ________________ from one of the girls from her class. He looked it over and saw it was addressed to Pops. Everyone was eating breakfast when he gave the mail to Kingdew.

“By the way, there’s an invitation inside for Pops. I think it’s for ________________ because it’s pink and covered in cupcakes but who knows,” when he handed it over, the color drained from the man’s face. Ace knew his family for years but he would never forget the look of sheer terror. He immediately took the letter straight the Pops who called everyone into the living room. Ace and _________________ were sent to their rooms. Ace beckoned his sister to their vantage point in the house so they could at hear what was going on. The men all knew that if Pops has to call an emergency meeting there has to be something very wrong. Everyone stopped what they were doing to see what was going on.

“Pops, what’s the matter?” said Curiel

“What happened?” said Speed Jill

“We…received a letter from Whole Cake Island,” the room went silent.

“Who’s it for?” said Atmos

“Don’t know, yet. There’s only one way to find out,” he cautiously opened it. When it opened, it was a pop up card with a message inside. Whitebeard took it and gently opened it.

“Big Mom is hosting a tea party in honor of me…and my new addition to my family. Since she is the first daughter of the Whitebeard Family, she wanted to have a tea party in her honor,”

“Are you shitting me?!” said Fossa, “She’s not going!”

“She doesn’t have a choice!” said Vista, “How does she know?! I don’t remember seeing anyone from Totto Land here!”

“Could have been a spy we couldn’t see,” said Izo

“Impossible,” said Marco, “No one even knows that this town exists. And it’s been hand delivered. Most likely a traveler,” Whitebeard looked visibly unnerved.

“The fact of the matter is that we have to find a solution. Marco, call Hancock and Corazon. I’ll get Flora and Rayleigh. We need to figure things out as soon as we can,”

“When is the party?” said Rakugo

“Two weeks from today. Everyone stay and we can all discuss things, act as normal as you can around ___________________. It’s best she doesn’t know what’s going on, yet,”  

“Should we let her go out?” said Thatch, “What if…someone wants to snatch her up or something?”

“Let her go out. Remember, today is a very normal day. Apart from that letter, everything is normal,”

“Got it,” Ace and _________________ quickly went to their rooms and pretended they were getting ready to leave. In actuality, Ace was and used his den den mushi to call Sabo and told him to gather the boys. Before ___________________ could ask him, he was already out the door leaving her alone. Flora came the moment Whitebeard called her. Thankfully Rayleigh was in the area and each other at the door.

“Edward, please tell me it isn’t true!” said Flora

“I’m sorry Florrie, we just got the letter today,”

“Did she specifically say little girl?” Whitebeard nodded, “Shit, this isn’t good,”

“You think?! There has to be a way! She’s too young to have that monster hounding her for the rest of her days!” Whitebeard watched Flora subconsciously rub her stomach as she paced, “Who could have seen her?! HOW could anyone have known you had a little girl?!”

“Flora, calm down. It’s okay,”

“I AM CALM!” the men looked at her. She then realized she was rubbing her stomach and was pacing to the point she was on the other side of the room. She collapsed into a chair. Thatch walked in and saw the trio inside and placed two and two together.

“I’ll make some tea,”

While the adults talked, the kids had all called an emergency summit meeting about the letter. Ace had told Luffy and Sabo who took it to Law, Kid, Killer, and Sanji. Luffy took it a step further to tell the residents of Gray Terminal. Jin got the message first and went to the summit meeting to see what was going on with the Duchess. They all met up at the Secret Clearing.

“Why is he here?” said Ace

“The Duchess is one of us and we’re worried too,” said Jin

“Especially if it has to do with a yonko we need all of the help we can get,” said Law, “Especially someone like Big Mom,”

“I’ve never heard of a pirate named Big Mom!” said Luffy, “She must be a big really scary if everyone is scared to come to her tea party!”

“Big Mom is one of the four yonkos on the seas. She’s the only woman and by far one of the most frightening. Her army consists of her own kids. An invitation to one of her Tea Parties is considered an high honor and the reason why everyone is terrified is because if someo doesn’t show up someone she loves the most is gonna die. Cook told me about her. Apparently there’s five yonko of the seas, Whitebeard, Shanks, Big Mom, Kaido, and Blackbeard. They’re the strongest pirates in the world, only second to the Pirate King and Whitebeard being the closest one ever to reach king status. But it doesn’t help that they have legions and influences everywhere. Big Mom is one of the most dangerous of the yonko and she takes her Tea Parties very seriously. If someone doesn’t attend, no matter the circumstance, she’ll send them a package of someone they love’s head and another invitation to her tea party,”

“What the hell?!” said Jin instinctively holding his neck

“She sounds crazy!” said Luffy, “And there’s so many people she can kill! There’s so many ____________________ loves and likes!” said Luffy

“Could be any of us,” said Killer.

“It’ll probably be Sister or Marco but that’s not the point!” said Ace, “WHY _____________________?! She’s never doing nothing to anyone!”

“Most likely some people found out about her and wants to meet her. Thanks to Corazon’s undercover work, he has the list of guests. She invited every single yonko to celebrate Whitebeard’s new addition to the family,”

“It’s a power move,” said Sabo

“Whatcha mean?!” said Ace

“Because ___________________ is the only girl, she wants to identify her as soon as possible. Pretty much slapping a huge target on her back letting everyone know who she is and what she looks like so if someone conveniently control Pops, they can knowing that a little girl is different from a little boy,”

“That’s fucked up!” said Kid, “Just because she’s a girl?!”

“People have to protect girls because they’re so delicate,” said Sanji

“_____________________’s not delicate!” said Luffy, “She actually used her ribbon to smack Ace! Anyone who could do that is NOT delicate!”


“OW! SEE?!”

“That’s not the point, you can’t treat a girl like you would a boy!” said Sanji, “That’s why Zeff won’t have a woman in the kitchen with him or teach one to cook! He teaches through shouting and kicking and hitting. That’s how men learn. Doing that to a little girl is just plain mean,”

“If she’s tough enough to hit, she’s tough enough to receive one back!” said Kid

“That’s fighting, completely different from everyday shit,” said Ace

“And she’s a village girl, so she’s automatically tougher than a regular girl,” said Sabo, “But if someone did kidnap her or use her for ransom, everyone would fold and Big Mom is using that as a way of saying “I know who she is so be prepared”,”

“Fuck that lady!” said Jin, “She’s not taking the Duchess! What if she pretends to be a boy and not a girl?”

“…how would that work?!” said Sanji

“Think about it! Duchess wears boys and girls clothes! Maybe no one knows if she really is a girl or a boy! Especially if someone saw her once!”

“…he has a point. And boys and girls look really similar at this age, especially is quick passing,” said Law, “She usually wears her hakama from time to time unless she’s going to ribbon twirling,”

“Can you change her into a girl?!” said Luffy

“I can’t, I can make her change bodies with a boy but I can’t her into a physical boy,” Ace grimaced

“I know who can…I’ll let Pops know. I think that solution is out best hope,”  

Back at home, _____________________ kept herself scarce. She has never seen everyone so tense before. Not long after the meeting, everyone tried to carry on as normal. She peeked out and her brothers looked lost in thought. Jozu even almost stepped on her, twice! She decided that maybe it was a good idea to keep out of their ways. Soon she saw Sister and Grandpa coming into the building. She smiled and was about to greet them but they immediately turned left into the sitting room. Both of them too focus to even notice her. Then Mr. Corazon came in, he fell, then tripped, and almost fell again when Miss Hancock grabbed him before he hit the floor. Miss Hancock always noticed her, no matter where she was and even she went right past her from the top of the stairs. Soon she heard talking, angry talking, panicked talking. It made her nervous. She didn’t understand why this Big Mom wanted her to come to her Tea Party but all she knew was that everyone, especially Sister, was both scared and angry. She decided that she really didn’t want to be around the tension like this. She slipped out and made her way to the Baratie. She didn’t know where Ace and the boys were but she was pretty sure Zeff wouldn’t mind her hanging around. It should be closed for the dinner rush. She gently knocked on the door.

“Hi Mr. Zeff,”

“_________________________? You’re not with Sanji and the boys?” she shook her head. He looked at the little girl who was not indeed her cheerful self. He guided her in, took out a chocolate tart and milk. He knew something was wrong because although he got a thank you, she picked at it. This was serious, “What’s on your mind little lady?”

“Something really happened I think,”

“Oh? What happened?”

“I got an invitation to go to a Tea Party,” she said

“Sounds like fun! One of your schoolmates?” she shook her head.

“No some scary lady invited me! Her name is Big Mom,” Zeff stopped mid drink, “Everyone gave that exact expression too! She said she wanted a tea party in my honor! But the moment everyone read the invitation, everyone got scared. I never seen Pops or Sister so scared before! Then they called Grandpa and Miss Hancock and now everyone is discussing what to do. I can’t miss it or there would be consequences I’m told! She seems like a scary woman!”

“Big Mom is a monster. Anyone invited to her tea party has a right to fear because there is a motive for it and it’s never good. And Flora of all people would be very wary about Linlin asking for you,”


“That’s Big Mom’s real name. Always remember, kiddo, a name holds power, even if it’s a small change. Although I respect the woman’s affinity for cakes and sweets, the way she obtains them is something to behold. I’m not going to lie, from the tales I’ve heard, it’s going to be a fun tea party and show but whatever Edward and Flora’s plan is, you sick with it, no matter what,”

“Yes Zeff. Do you know how we’re going to get there? Is she going to come for me?”

“Yonkos don’t come into the other’s territory without permission or clearance,”

“What’s a yonko?”

“Five of the most powerful pirates in the world, your Pops being one of them. Shanks is also one of them, despite his appearance. Then there’s Kaido…let’s not talk the devil up, then there’s Big Mom and finally Blackbeard,”

“I heard of Blackbeard! He almost killed Thatch!”

“That’s the bas—bad man. The yonko as a whole don’t really bother each other but despite alliances, there’s deep grudges between them all. Edward has a lot of reasons to be vary of the invitation and if all of the yonko were invited. Aside from Shanks, none of them aren’t worth a damn thing to him. But I’m pretty sure if they do think of a plan, you have to do one very important thing and that’s not tell anyone there that you came from an orphanage ran by a nun named Flora,”

“Why? It’s where I came from!”

“True but…it’s a long story. Big Mom did something very terrible to Flora a very long time ago and if she finds out that Flora is still alive and you and her and still very close, she’ll never let you leave her island for the rest of your life,” the color drained from her face. Zeff took another drink. She decided to not press things forwards after that. He pats her head fondly, “I didn’t mean to scare you but if you value your life and everything you hold dear you can’t trust anyone on that island, no matter how nice they are to you,”

“Y-Yes sir!”

“Also, no matter the plan, just remember to follow it and talk to your pops if anything happens,” she nodded determined. He ruffles her hair, “Don’t be too serious but always remember, no matter how scared you are of someone or something, don’t show it. The moment anyone knows you’re afraid, they can use that against you. Just put on a brave face, even though you feel like sh—pooping on yourself. Got it?”

“MHM!” she said looking determined.

“You say everyone is your house talking?”

“Yeah, Ace left without saying anything and all of the adults gathered and started talking. I just went to my room,”

“You can stay here then and be my little taste tester and help around the kitchen,” she grinned

“Really?! I thought you said I wasn’t allowed to help?”

“Today I’m going to make an exception,” he said smiling, “go upstairs and grab an apron,”

“Yes Chef!” she scampered upstairs. He knew he had a few minutes. He called his entire staff, “Alright you bastards listen up! Sanji isn’t here so ___________________ going to do a few things around the kitchen for me! So you know the rule: no swearing, lewdness, or anything until she’s gone! Understood!”

“Yes Chef!”

“Where is the little tyke?”

“Getting dressed to be out little server for the evening,” a few moments later, _________________ trots downstairs wearing a spare chef’s jacket and a red scarf around her neck. She grinned.

“Ready for work, Mr. Zeff! I’m gonna make you proud,” Zeff smiled fondly

“Go to the kitchen and I’ll give you your first order!” she scampered away. Carne held his chest.

“Why is she so fuckin’ adorable!”

“This is going to be hard, Chef!” said Patty, “The cuteness itself is too powerful! We can’t legally swear in front of her!”

“What if some assholes cause trouble?!”

“Use your best judgment and as I said, NO swearing or fighting in front of that sweet little girl! I know it’s going to be hard but consider this a lesson on control! Dismissed!” Zeff turned around and faced the kitchen. She swallowed a lump in his throat. He had to make it through a few hours until the little eggplant comes back…no matter what. Besides, whatever was bothering her, this would take her mind off of it.

The entire house was solemn with tension heavy in the air. The moment the letter arrived, many thoughts and feelings washed over everyone. They tried their bests to forget about it but it lingered and decided that a solution had to be found. Whitebeard called Flora and Rayleigh, Marco called Hancock and Corazon, who had intel about the tea party. Flora had calmed down by this point and was enjoying her tea.

“I was hoping this would be a sick joke,” said Hancock when she sat down and saw the letter, “Where is she?”

“Upstairs,” said Marco pouring her some tea, “We’re all here to figure out a solution to this problem,”

“Problem is an understatement. How does she know about _________________ in the first place?! I never seen anything or anyone odd around here!”

“We think it was that last encounter Blackbeard had with the kids in the first place,” said Rayleigh, “There could be no other way for someone from Whole Cake to just appear here unnoticed,”

“The fact of the matter is what are we going to do!” said Hancock, “It’s not an option to not let her go,”

“She’s too young to have Linlin hunt her down for the rest of her life or attack this village,” said Flora

“She’s not dumb enough to come after anyone in the village, she would have to wait until someone left. It’s still a hidden place. No one, not even most of the residence of Goa knows this village exist,”

“And her finding this place will bring about more problems,” said Corazon, “Especially since there’s too many people who don’t want to be found here,”

“And that would pose ever more problems,” said Shanks, “Well, if she doesn’t come, Big Mom wouldn’t know what she looks like, right?”

“Linlin would hunt down every single little girl in this village and Goa just to flush her out and receive her punishment,” said Flora, “Don’t underestimate just how far she’s willing to go,”

“But did anyone ever get a look at ___________________?” said Rayleigh, “It could be possible that they couldn’t tell if it was a boy or a girl,”

“It’s a possibility,” said Whitebeard, “Especially since the three men who almost nabbed Ace and her just saw that it was a kid who could have been a boy or a girl from what Ace told me. I’m pretty sure they had more things to worry about after that and said girl by default,”

“What are you saying?”

“I’m saying that it needs to be a boy to go with me to Whole Cake Island. Thankfully kids look very similar at this age to the point no one can tell from different angles,”

“It could work, we’ll have to get Iva,” said Flora

“Leave that to Izo,”

“But being a boy and acting like a boy are completely different things,” said Hancock

“Shouldn’t be too hard,” said Shanks, “She’s surrounded by boys and different types. She just has to pick which personality,”

“But would a group of kids be able to spot if she’s a boy?” said Corazon, “It’s different here…but what if there were a kid of very…dangerous types of boys? Big Mom has a lot of kids and many should be around her age and a few guests have children,”

“Rossi…what are you talking about?” said Flora

“There’s a guest list…and there’s many nobles who got invited some from East Blue and other kingdoms. It’s in honor of a little girl, therefore kids have to there in order to keep up appearances,” Rayleigh sighs.

“Then it’s settled, between now and when you two come back from Whole Cake Island, ___________________ has to live and act like a boy. She has to get used to it to the point where being a boy has to be as natural as breathing. If she doesn’t she can be easy outed,”

“What would be the plan if that happens?” said Hancock

“If anything happens, rest assured, she’ll make it off the island alive, even if I don’t,”


“Listen, I don’t trust Linlin either but her end game isn’t to kill __________________ especially if she doesn’t know who she is and that she has any ties for Flora. We’ll treat this like a normal tea party and I’ll make sure she get back home without fail. I’ll talk to her tonight after dinner. Remember, we can’t make her frightened about this,”

“But she needs to know the seriousness of this,” said Flora, “I’ll talk to,”

“I’ll make sure you two don’t turn this weird,” said Rayleigh, “She’s a smart kid. I’m pretty sure she knows something is up and if you tell her what she needs to do, she’ll do it the best she can. I know everyone in this room wants to protect her and make sure she’s safe but you have to let her learn to manage on her own, even with something like this, got it?” there were silent nods and agreements, “Great, what’s on the menu, Newgate?”

“I’m grilling,”

“Sure you can handle it?”

“Tch, an old man shouldn’t insult someone’s cooking,”

Dinner that night was even tense. Everyone carried on like normal but there was still some dread in the air. Whitebeard grilled since it was a calm summer night and he knew it was one of the few things that would get everyone in a better mood. Hancock stayed for a little while, fawning and snuggling her young charge happily. ______________ noticed it was a lot tighter than usual, as though not wanting her to slip away. Ace didn’t say anything to her and went directly to Pops and told me something. He nodded and agreed and gave Ace a pat on his back. After dinner, she went to her room. She settled on the balcony and just looked out. River trotted up and perched in her lap.


“Hey, you,” she said and patted him. He nudged her hand and licked it, “You’re worried about me too, huh?” he pawed at her cheek, “You probably know what everyone said, huh?” he mewed, “Yeah and our communication skills aren’t there yet,” he purred happily, “Hey we’re getting there!” Flora and Whitebeard watched on from the door. She rubbed the bridge of her nose.

“Well cats do communicate with other cats…” Whitebeard was holding back a laugh

“They’re attached at the hip,” they watched her for a few more minutes before they remembered why they were there. Whitebeard knocked on the door. Flora eyed him.


“Kids need privacy Florrie,” ______________ looked up.


“We need to talk to you…about happened today,” she got up from the balcony and looked at them expectantly. Whitebeard sat her on the bed, “I know you’re wondering what’s been going on today and why we’ve been acting so weird,” she nods.

“It’s about the letter from Big Mom, isn’t it?

“You were listening in?”

“It was hard not to. Is everything okay?”

“I’m not going to lie to you. There is no possible way for you to miss this tea party but we know it’s most likely an obvious trap to show you off to the rest of the guests at the party and not for any good reason,”

“What happens if I don’t go?”

“Someone you love will lose their heads and it’ll be sent to you with another invitation,” said Flora. __________________’s eyes widened.

“That could be anybody!”

“Exactly and no one should be subjected to that. Therefore, we found a solution. We’re going to have Ivankov turn you into a boy,”

“Again?!” Flora looked at Whitebeard who nodded

“Yes again. Izo contacted him and tomorrow you’re going to be a boy and remain until we get back from Whole Cake Island. You have to be as natural as you can as a boy in order to make Big Mom think you’re a boy,”


“It’ll be just you and me going. The invitation was for us only. Just say close to me and if for any reason you believe you’re in danger, you run as fast as you can back to me,”


“Trust no one there. Only me and Shanks. Anyone else, no matter how nice they are, don’t tell them you’re a girl, don’t tell them where you live, and don’t tell them your real name,”

“Yes Pops!”

“Good, now that that’s settled, let get you to bed,” Whitebeard started the process as Flora made herself scarce. She went to her room and tried to get comfortable but couldn’t. She opened the window, tried to drink water, tried to sleep and nothing worked. Then she paced. She hadn’t paced in years and this was really getting to her. She held her stomach while she paced. She clutched her stomach trying not to think about the emptiness of it. Whitebeard thought it would be a great idea for her to stay in the house and not her convent for awhile. It wasn’t a good idea for her to be alone like this. Tears rolled down her face. She didn’t want her young charge anywhere near Totto Land. Anything could happen and she did mean anything. She could be discovered and forced to stay. Edward would do his best to protect her but he would be outnumbered, but knowing him he would take as many out as he could but that didn’t assure her safety. Then there was Kaido who would do anything just to get back at Edward. She winced. Her stomach lurched and she was gasped. She couldn’t let her go…but she couldn’t risk everyone’s lives, not like this and not for something so selfish. She then felt two hands hug her from behind. She gently touched his hands. They said nothing to each other for some time. He then one armed carried her upstairs to the roof garden. Rayleigh was waiting for some sake. She perched at the table as he poured. She could see the steam coming from it.

“Heavy meeting,” he said

“You could cut the tension with a knife,” said Flora sighing

“You still don’t think it’s enough,”

“No, I don’t but it’s the best we can do,”

“Don’t blame you. How are you holding up?”

“This is the anniversary unfortunately. If it wasn’t for the fact I’m supposed to be dead and having no affiliation with the little runt, I would have swore she planned it,” she gulped the sake and cringed at the heat doing down her throat.

“I think this solution is the best one,” said Whitebeard, “I know she’ll take any precaution to see if ___________________ is a girl or not but Ivankov will make her a full boy. I’m sure Ace will make sure she knows how to act and carry herself like a normal boy,”

“I still don’t trust her and I never will until the day I hear her being harpooned and six feet under with her fruit in my hands,”  Rayleigh poured her some more and she downed it. She then started to sob a little, “I just don’t want anything to happen to the little pipsqueak. I don’t want Linlin to hound her for the rest of her life or just be on her radar,”

“She’ll be fine. You raised her, you know she’s more than capable of pulling this off,” she wiped her face.

“True. She’s can handle her self pretty well but there’s just something nagging me that something is going to go wrong,”

“After what happened, I’m not surprised,” said Rayleigh, “And there’s anyone who deserves to have her head on a platter it’s you and Newgate but the fact of the matter is that we found a solution and it’s the most foolproof one,”

“You’re right…damn that kid,”

“Oh you love her,”

“She’s like a cat! Feed her once and she’ll never leave! Not to mention bringing over other kids to my convent! I’m not a babysitter! Then she’ll introduce me to her little friends and they all look at me like I’m some kind of goddamn hero!” she took another drink, “Edward if you don’t bring my cat back I’ll never forgive you,”

“I know Florrie,” he chuckled

“I’m—serious! I-I better get that-that weird child cat back—damn child still causing me problems even she’s been adopted for well over a year…” after a few more rants and raves, Flora passed out. Whitebeard placed his haori over her as she slept.

“She’s taking it a lot better than I thought she would,” said Whitebeard

“Time heals all wounds but in this case, she just learned to cope. She knows there’s nothing she can do physically to stop Big Mom and since she’s supposed to be dead, there’s nothing she has to worry about when it comes to her. However, as much as she doesn’t like to admit, when _______________ got the invitation, it just brought out that pain from all those years ago,”

“I know. To be honest, I didn’t think she would ever have a little girl in her convent for so long. I thought she was only there for a few months, not years,”

“She got attached. Either of us saw it coming but she did and she’s just being a protective mother for her child,”

“Makes sense. That’s why I locked the convent, so she can stay here until we come back,”

“It’ll be better for her and her sons aren’t going to let her be alone for a moment which is good,”

“I’m just hoping everything just goes to plan. Do you have an exit strategy?”

“Bend the sky, grab her, and get back to ship,” Rayleigh looked at him as though he grew two heads, “I’m the king of the seas. Escaping isn’t going to be the hard part, it’s making sure she’s safely with me when it happens,”

“I knew you had a plan B,”

“As long as she comes back to Flora, everything will be okay. I know she’ll go through with her threat of cutting my balls off,” Rayleigh spats out his sake before laughing. In the morning, just right after breakfast, Ivankov made his grand entrance. Ace and ________________ both instinctive shuddered at seeing him again.

“Hey! I saw those looks! Did you two little pipsqueaks learn your lessons? Or did I have to come back and teach you some more? Maybe you should be a cute little girl until she comes back~”

“No way!” said Ace glaring at him, “And don’t have her looking like a weird looking boy!”

“Relax Freckles, she’ll be just like before,” _________________ was about to scuttle away when she felt a hand on her head.

“Escape and I’ll give you a Bop of Learning,” said Flora taking a sip of her tea.

“I’ll be good!”

“Call me when it’s over,” said Ace and went upstairs.

“Florrie you’re here too?! It’s been a long time! Waaaaait it was YOUR convent she came from?”

“Mhm, thank you for coming, Iva,”

“It’s a pleasure if it means keeping this little heartbreaker safe,” Iva looked down at _______________ who froze and looked at him, eyes not leaving while he circled her for a few moments, “Ugh, it’s going to be a shame turning this sweet little body into a boy’s. But it’s for your own good honey. By the way, did you want that…other appendage as well?” __________________ looked at Whitebeard. He dragged his hand over his face.

“Yeah, I don’t trust Big Mom for a moment in trying to out her in some way,”

“Very well. Okay sugar, we’re going to change you into a boy. Now this is going to sting and it’s going to feel weird. Ready?” she nodded. He grinned and turned his fingers into syringes and punctured her sides. _________________ yelped but suddenly started feeling strange. Her hair became shorter, she became a little taller and broader, but her eyes remained the same. If no one never met her, they wouldn’t know if she was once a little girl, “My, I have to say I’m good at what I do. How do you feel?”

“Everything feels…slightly different,”

“Did you give her a strength boost?” said Jozu

“Didn’t need it. She’s plenty strong but it’s her strength and agility in her new body she needs to get used to. It's good that you gave her two weeks to adjust. She should be okay,” _____________ started walking. Everything felt okay but she couldn’t walk like she used to. Something just felt…off.

“Poor kid,” said Vista, “But I’m going to address the elephant in the room. Who’s going to be the one to teach her how to pee?” Almost immediately everyone placed their fingers on their noses. Izo rolled his eyes.

“I guess I’m the only one man enough to do it,”

“It’s not that…” said Curiel, “She’s still our little girl…and Marco’s on business. She’s already going to feel awkward. Why make it worst?”

“Looks like you’re the best man, sugar,” said Iva

“Damn right I am,” Being a boy was a very odd thing to ___________________. She was one for a week but this was different. She was in Ace’s room trying on some clothes. He told her to get dressed and meet him at the clearing who he could brief the others on what was happening. As she got dressed, she noticed that Iva even gave her a new bit. She’s never seen this bit and had no idea what this bit was for. She was too scared to even touch it. She tried to get used to it and was successful until she had to pee. Her eyes widened as she immediate pulled her pants up and ran to her brothers red faced.

“…what’s the matter, kiddo?” said Fossa

“Ho-How do I tinkle?!” the men looked at her as though she grew two heads. They instinctively looked at Izo, who gently took her hand and led her upstairs. After a few moments of terror, horror, and acceptance, Izo sat her down and took her hands into his.

“Sweetie, I know this a little different from what you’re used to but remember, it’s just until you get back from Whole Cake Island. It’s not going to be forever but you’re going to have to get used to being a full boy. Before, Iva was teaching you and Ace a lesson but kept certain things intact but this time, it’s different. You have two weeks before you go, that’s more than enough time for you to get used to your body and make it your own. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, touch things, and say if anything is making you feel uncomfortable, okay?”

“Thanks Izo!” she hugged him tightly.

“Marco’s not here right now, he’s on special business but if you have any questions, ask any of us and we’ll help you, okay? Now go play with your friends, I’m sure they’ll want to see you. And if they want you to pull down your pants for any reason, punch them good. Except Luffy, he get a pass for his being an idiot,”



“So…she’s like a full boy?”


“Like does she even look like a girl?”

“Nope, just like one of us, just with her own face but more boyish,” said Ace. He decided that by telling the others, it wouldn’t be so awkward for _______________ to come up to them. He told her to get dressed and meet him there. It would give him more than enough time to brief Law, Sanji, Killer, and Kid, who have never seen her as a boy before.

“How did it happen?” said Law

“There’s an okama that has the devil fruit that changes people’s chemistry using needles on his fingers!”

“Sounds freaky!” said Sanji

“It is! She’s on her way, we have to teach her how to be a boy,”

“But she’s one of us!” said Luffy, “Therefore a boy! Better yet, a boy-girl!”

“Tomboy,” said Sabo

“That too!”

“Yeah but, she'll be a dead giveaway if she acts like an awkward boy. Adults are slow but not stupid,” said Sanji

“And that’s why we have to teach her. We don’t want a group of boys fucking with her thinking she’s a pansy,”

“Then she’ll have to just kick their asses!” said Luffy

“Yeah but she’s not going to!” said Ace

“You seriously underestimate her if you don’t think she would,” said Sanji, “I’ve seen her fight and you know she’s strong,”

“Yeah but she’s passive. And can be an easy target,”

“Just admit you’re worried about your kid sister,” said Sabo

“Of course I am! But not because of her being a boy, it’s because she’s representing the family! She can’t be a pushover if someone gets in her face,”

“True, wait, I think that’s her coming,” said Law.

“How do you know?”

“Her footsteps,” the boys looked at him, “Everyone can be identified by the way they walk. It’s not rocket science,”

“I swear you’re making some of this shit up!” said Kid. ________________ meekly stepped into view and into the clearing. She was wearing Ace’s shorts and one of his old shirts. They looked at her with a mixture of shock and awe. To Ace, Luffy, and Sabo, it was like seeing an old friend, sans Anne. Sanji and Law circled her. Kid looked suspicious and Killer couldn’t help but chuckle.

“This is weird…” said Sanji, “I mean it looks like ________________ but we all know it isn’t,”

“Do you feel any different?” said Law

“Not really, I’m just not as flexible,”

“I wonder if you’re still fast,” said Killer

“You look too clean to be a boy,” said Kid, “No scrapes or anything like that!”

“She has a few,” said Law

“__________________’s still awesome though!” said Luffy grinning, “Even as a boy!”

“Yeah it’s still her but in a different body!” said Sabo, “Her personality is still the same,”

“…_____________________ what’s your most favorite food in the world?” said Law


“Yep it’s her,” said Sanji laughing, “So how do you feel?”

“I don’t feel any different. I just had to figure out the whole bathroom thing,”

“Pfft you just have to piss standing up, no big deal,” said Kid

“It’s more complicated than that, dumbass,” said Sabo

“Oh how so?!”

“Well, first of all, girls don’t have—,”

“It doesn't matter, she has to act like a boy,” said Ace, “No ifs ands or buts you HAVE to act like a normal boy! You’re still too girly if peeing is so hard for you!”

“Shy boys go into stalls,” said Law

“Yeah and get shit for it,” said Killer, “Especially from asshole boys,”

“Just for not tinkling standing up?!” said ________________. Kid and Ace face palmed.

“Tinkling?” said Luffy

“Peeing! That’s what Sister always said and that’s how we say it at lessons!”

“You’re a boy now! You have to say piss or pee!” said Kid, “Or you’re getting your ass kicked!”

“You say pee around formal events, pissing around other boys,” said Law

“Awww! I wanted to use tinkle! It sounds nicer!” said Luffy, only to get smacked by Ace.

“The boys’ world is a tough one!” said Ace, “You have to be an asshole whenever the need is available!”

“…are you sure?”

“Well if you’re a boy like Kid,” said Sabo.


“Fuck you assholes!”

“See? Listen being a boy is no different from being a girl, only thing is that we tend to do things differently. For instance, don’t back down from a fight,”

“Kuja women don’t do that either!” said ____________________

“But you hadn’t been openly challenged by a boy. You have to accept the challenge and win,” said Ace, “Even if it’s three to one!”

“And you better kick at least one boy’s ass,” said Killer

“Got it!”

“Also don’t get freaked out over things!”

“…like what?”

“Bugs and snakes and gross things!”

“….She literately hangs out with Law who does nothing but dissect roadkill and documents it,” said Sanji

“Yeah! We actually dissected a pig’s heart! It was so cool!” the boys looked at Law who shrugged.

“It was just lying around,”

“Then she has to act normal!” said Luffy

“To be honest I guess that’s it,” said Sabo, “But you have be a little assertive though, you’re suppose to represent the village and tough upbringing,” she cocked her head, “Act like Ace on default, Killer when you’re with other people, and Kid if another boy challenges you,”



“And while there grab me a recipe or two!” said Sanji


“Just hang around us and we’ll show you everything we know and if you have questions, just ask!”


The big day finally arrived. ____________________ and Whitebeard got up bright and early for their long journey to Whole Cake Island. The rest of the family woke up to see them off. Flora and Thatch made a big breakfast for everyone. Because Whole Cake was so far away and because it was a yonko meeting above all else, he decided the ship would be the best method of transportation. Marco prepared the ship, _____________________ gave everyone a goodbye hug. Flora takes a out a rosary bracelet and put it around her wrist.

“Make sure this comes back to me, alright?”

“Yes Sister!”

“And just…listen to your gut, okay?”

“Always!” Ace handed her knapsack. He took off her Pretty Solider keychain to make it less girly.

“I packed a few things for you in there you might need, okay?”


“And…just come back home okay? Someone has to take care of Pops while you two are alone. It has to be you so don’t mess it up and leave him, okay?” she nodded and gave him a hug.

“I’m going to miss you,”

“Pffft you’re not going to be gone long! Just come back we’ll play video games when you get back, okay?”


“___________________!!!” Luffy came running and wrapped himself around his sister and hugged her tightly, “BE CAREFUL OKAY! AND MAKE SURE YOU COME BACK!”

“Damn it Luffy she’s not going to a war!” said Ace, “Get off her!”

“But she’s going to be with that scary lady!”

“We were just talking about her being okay last week!” said Sabo

“I don’t want her to gooooo!” said Luffy, “Who else is going to catch frogs and read manga with me?!”

“That’s why you have us idiot!” said Ace

“You don’t like Pretty Soldier! You said it was a girly manga!”

“Oh?” said Izo, “So is that why you sneak read _________________’s editions?


“I KNEW YOU LIKE IT!” as the boys bickered, Whitebeard out of the house. Marco had pulled the car around. Ace and Sabo pried Luffy off _________________. Whitebeard smiled.

“Okay, we’re off,” he said

“Yes Pops,” said his sons. Flora stood in silence. He gave her a tight hug.

“Be careful,”

“I will,”

“Try not to die,”

“I’ll come home to make sure you see me one last time on my death bed,”

“You better,” she pecked her cheek. He got into the car. ________________ got into the back and Marco said nothing before driving off. The car was silent. Everyone was deep in thought. No one knew what was going to happen. No one could predict what was going to happen, all they knew was that the tea party had to be successful and they had to come home with the notion that Big Mom and her Family and the other yonko know that Whitebeard didn’t adopt a daughter. The Moby Dick was ready. _______________ could never get tired of seeing Pop’s ship. It was still just as breathtaking since she first saw it going to Sphinx.

“Curiel and I made sure everything was in working order,” said Marco, “Everything is installed so you two can get there faster, in and out, and of course the charts for the faster route,”

“Thanks Marco,” Whitebeard used his ability to get the door down. Marco got on one knee and smiled at her.

“Be a good girl for me, yoi,”

“I will,” he gave her hug and kissed her cheek. She was shaking. This was going to be the first time she would be away from family other than Pops. No Sister. No Grandpa. No Miss Hancock. No Corazon. No Mr. Zeff. No anyone whom she knew. She knew Pops wouldn’t let anything happen to her but no Marco either just her and Pops in a strange place.

“Be my big girl, alright? Just trust your gut and make sure you have some fun. It is a tea party in your honor after all,”

“Yes Marco,” he gave her one more hug before guiding her towards the ship. Once on board, Whitebeard told her hunker down while he guided the ship out the dock. Marco lingered for awhile until he saw the ship sail out of sight. He got back into the car and drove him, hoping and praying that this plan when off without a hitch.

Chapter 41: The Bloody Tea Party: The Arrival


The Little Girl arrives on the island of her dreams

Chapter Text

The two boys looked at their Aunt. She looked absolutely bored and deadly under the moonlit sky, her green eyes piercing into theirs. The taller boy was panting and glaring daggers at her. The younger boy looked fearful but determined to try again but was far too beat. She bent down and looked at them intently. She rested her hand under her chin as though thinking. The younger boy immediately recognized her infamous rosary tattoo on her wrist. When she figured out who they were, she looked a little shocked before standing up sighing.

“Listen, I sent back every single one of your mother’s assassins. I never thought she would have stooped this low; then again I’m not surprised she did. One of you must have done something extremely stupid or disappointing and she wanted to make an example of you. You weren’t meant to find me and when you did, you weren’t supposed to come back and I’m putting everyone on the younger one who’s not even experienced enough, yet. You’re lucky you have a big brother who loves you enough to volunteer to go. I’ll grant you both mercy. Leave or I’ll retract my offer. Tell your mother to go fuck herself for me,” she turned to leave she was almost in the building when she heard a very soft sob, then another, then another. She turned. The shorter one was sobbing into his brother’s chest sobbing and shaking. The older boy gently pats his head.

“…we can’t go home, if you’re still alive,” the older teen said. The woman looked at him and pulls down his scarf revealing his mouth.

“I know that and it’s unbecoming for a young man to keep his mouth covered. I can careless about how you look to be honest,”

“Hey Aunt! Y-You don’t get it! Mama is going to kill us!” said the younger teen sobbing hard, “It-It’s all my fault! I don’t care if I die! I don’t want Nii to die because of me!” she took out her handkerchief and made him sit down. He towered over her a good four feet but him sitting made things easier.

“Shhhh…” she gently dried his eyes. She’s never seen anyone looking so frightened in her life. He was outright shaking like a leaf. He soon calmed down feeling something hold him the best they could. The eldest brother looked on, shifting uncomfortably, “Your mother and I have been fighting since we were your age. I’m well aware what she’s capable of. If you two want to live, come follow me,” the boys exchange glances with each other, “Listen you are sloppy, you left yourselves opened more than enough times for me to kill you. I’m not going to do it now, like I know you two aren’t going to try and kill me now,”

“You’re good woman,”

“I try. Come along,” she led them through the convent and deep down into catacombs. She ushered them into a room. She took out a chest and placed it on the table and unlocks it. She went inside and took out a human head that looked exactly like hers, right down to her red hair. The young teen grinned.

“Oh shit!”

“Yeah, took me a long time to finish this. Give this to your mother. I want this to end already. As far you two are concerned, I’m dead and never come back here unless you’re in need of some help or sanctuary. I don’t want her to come anywhere near this place, got it?” the older teen nodded and took her head.

“How can we ever repay you?”

“Just promise me that if the situation ever comes up, you keep anyone close to me out of harm. That and my death was the best fight of my life,”

“No worries Aunt, we’ll tell her died in a blaze of glory!” said the younger teen

“That’s all I ask. Anyway, it’s too late for you to be going back to Whole Cake Island. I have a few rooms upstairs. Make yourselves comfortable and get some rest,” The younger boy settled into the bed. For the first time in ages, he actually felt better. He felt relaxed. He felt like the entire world was off his shoulders. He glanced at his brother, who was lying on his back looking at the ceiling. The old nun made them dinner, treated their wounds, and now gave them a nice warm place to sleep. It was…odd for someone to do this for them…most of them time, they had a servant doing it for them, not someone else and it was…nice.

“Nii…are you awake?”


“Do you think that’ll trick Mama?”

“It feels life like. If she asks, we’ll tell her we preserved it on the way. Just get some rest until it’s time to go,”

“When are we leaving, hopefully tomorrow but she insists on one more day for some reason and I’m inclined to take it. Our Aunt is a crafty one,”

“I like her. I don’t understand the stories,”

“I’ll ask Pero-nii when we get back,” the boys did stay for one more day and embraced the nun’s hospitality. They only stayed in the convent. They got more than enough rest, they ate, and when it was officially time for them to leave, she packed them enough for their journey back and gave the eldest boy a bag.

“My blood, if she wants further proof of imminent demise, there’s no further proof than this,”

“…you really thought this out?”

“Mhm, I’m retired and have enough things to worry about than Marines coming around whenever there’s a new dead body. Make sure you eat that soup, it’ll make you two feel better,”

“Yes Aunt!” said the younger boy lifting her up and said hugging her tightly, “I owe you one,” she winced and pets his head.

“Just get home you little scamp and keep your head low from now on, capice?” the journey home was a long one but it wasn’t as heavy as it was before. In fact, after they got past the territories and mountains, it was smooth sailing. The moment the ship docked, the older brother gave his brother the sack containing the head. They were whisked away to their mother’s throne room. Mama was sitting on her throne. She looked at them both with intrigue and malice with a large smile on her face. Before she could say anything, the younger boy took out the head and held it up to his mother. Her eyes widened in disbelief.

“Y-You did it?!” He presented Mama the head, the final trophy she wanted, of her sister Flora, Captain of the Flower Pirates. She looked shocked but also had a very sadist then very happy look on her face as she cradled the head.

“Big sister! You’re finally home with me! You’re finally home where you belong!” she squealed in delight, “Katakuri, did you help you brother?”

“No, he did everything on his own. He and Aunt fought long and hard until he got her off guard and chopped on her head. We sealed it in wax so it’ll always be preserved,”

“Ma ma ma ma ma ma!!!! Cracker you are back in my good graces again,”

“T-Thank you Mama!” Mama ordered a feast and had a tea party in his honor. It was a tea party to honor the homecoming of her dear sister and her son for bringing her back. Cracker was thrilled but many had a hard time believing that Cracker of all people was able to not only get the drop on their dear Aunt but singlehandedly.

“I don’t believe Cracker could do it,” said Oven, “We were all expecting you to be killed or come back home to be killed,”

“Shut up! Mama gave me a task and I did!”

“Probably without Katakuri’s help,” said Daifuku, “How did you do it?”

“I told you the story! We fought and fought and she got exhausted and I saw my opening and took it!”

“Funny, you told everyone else you fought valiantly to the point of you both being exhausted and that was the final blow,”

“I also heard that she did it to herself because of your awesome might. So which on is it?!”

“Leave him be,” said Perospero coming up, “You know how battles go, it could be in the heat of the moment and you have to add some padding to make it sound like fun. Mama knows the story and you can confirm with Katakuri since he was there and I know you all will believe his versions,”

“Right,” Oven

“Yeah,” said Daifuku

“It’s a party, just enjoy it and stop bullying your brother,” the pair slinked away. Pero looked at the other two and looked around to make sure they were truly alone, “So are you two going to tell me what really happened?” Cracker looked at Katakuri who looked a little uncomfortable. Pero gently placed his hands on theirs, “You can tell me,”

“…the nun…Flora…our Aunt…she’s still alive,” said Katakuri


“She over powered us, we didn’t stand a chance, even with our abilities and was going to kill us, thinking we were just some of Mama’s assassins when she figured out who we were. She spared our lives and told us to go home,”

“Bu-But I told her we-we couldn’t! Mama would have killed us for failing!” said Cracker

“So she told us to bring back her fake head. She gave us some of her blood so it’ll be more convincing, treated our wounds and told us to leave. We wouldn’t be here if she didn’t do that,”

“I see…alright,” said Perospero

“You’re not mad?” said Cracker

“No. I knew something like this would have happened. Either you two would have died by Mama or you would never come back. Our Aunt is a woman of honor. I wouldn’t expect anything less from her. But she faked her death just to keep you two safe. She’s murdered every single assassin that’s came after her from Mama but willing to spare two innocent boys from the person she hates the most on this planet. I can’t repay her enough for this again,”


“Let’s just say I owe her a favor, now anything she needs, I’ll do my best to grant it. No matter what, if anyone she cares about ever comes to Whole Cake Island, aid them as much as you can and ensure their safety,” they nodded, “And Cracker, don’t talk about the story ever, your head depends on it,”

“You got it!”


The ship felt so empty while ________________ was on it. Whitebeard told her to get to her room while he unset the coordinates and wait until everything was smooth sailing. Even her room felt foreign to her. No noises from anyone else, no stomping, no talking, not even small signs of life. She held her backpack close when she felt something squirming inside. She jumped and looked inside as River hopped out, stretched, and yawned.



“How did you get there?!” He went back into her knapsack and took out a note and trotted it to her.

You might need our son, so I packed him.
Don’t come back without him.


She smiled and cuddled River close. He purred and nuzzled her cheek. Soon the ship was at a steady tempo and she emerged from it. River followed and then ran ahead. She noticed they were sailing a lot faster than normal. She kept steady and made her way looking around for Pops. Whitebeard had finally got the ship on course and decided to take a break with sake. River happily meowed and ran up his leg and settled in his lap.

“Guararara! You stowawayed didn’t you, you little scamp?” River purring and got comfortable, “Using me for my lap? Ungrateful!”

“Hey Pops!” he smiled as she sat on his other leg, “Is everything okay?”

“Mhm, we should be on Whole Cake Island by dawn tomorrow,”

“So fast!”

“Well, with a few modifications to the ship and a few good routes, it won’t be hard but it gives up a few days to spare. We don’t want to be late or not show up. If it happens, we have worst problems on our hands,”

“I-Is it true that she’ll come after me or someone close to me,”

“Unfortunately, yes, that’s why we’re getting there early but not too early in case she figures something is off about you,”

“What’s Whole Cake Island like? Sister said it was a place that was filled with sweets and candy and things like that,”

“It’s true. Big Mom and her children have a affinity for sweets, just like you. So everything is going to be made of cake or look like cake. You’re going to see a lot of very strange things on Whole Cake Island. Big Mom has had a lot of…husbands and had a lot of children from those husbands and it wasn’t just human men, she’s had…children from different types of men, except giants. You won’t see a giant on the island, even though Big Mom and Kaido are big like giants, they are not giants,”

“…so she’s a sugar mama?” Whitebeard had to turn his head to keep from laughing but was failing.

“N-No she’s not and please for the love of GOD don’t say that on the island!”

“Yes sir!”

“I’m just preparing you for what you’re going to see! We will be free to roam the island and don’t be afraid to get things or talk to the locals, but very wary of your surroundings. It’s not a place to be taken likely. Even though it looks like a paradise, it isn’t,”

“Yes, Pops! And don’t trust any object with a face, right?”

“Mhm, those are homies and they are very loyal to Linlin. When in doubt, just stick to the Chateau,” he ruffled her hair and told her to make herself scarce while he finished up a few things. But she didn’t see him for the rest of the day. She and River took the opportunity to explore the ship before eventually it was time for dinner. Pops left them out some food but he wasn’t there. She took it back to her room and finished before it was time for bed. While she tried to sleep, every single story Sister had ever told her about Totto Land and the monster ran through her head. Every time she got comfortable, she would wake up, imaging what would happen if they found out she was a girl and that Sister was alive. She couldn’t sleep a wink for the longest time. She was scared. Everyone was terrified of Big Mom, especially Sister and that worried her the most because Sister wasn’t scared of anything. She remembered the story about the croquembouche and she knew Sister wouldn’t lie to her. She absentmindedly fiddled with the bracelet she gave her. It looked like the rosary tattoo she had but bracelet form, right down to the rose centerpiece that tied everything together. Eventually shew knew she wasn’t going to sleep tonight, even with River purrings. She picked him up and went to find Pops. Whitebeard had just retired himself. He couldn’t sleep either, especially with the idea of being in Totto Land looming over him. He knew he would have to be prepared if this was a betray or anything of that nature. But he also couldn’t let __________________ see that he was worried. He grabbed a bottle and took a long drink. He then noticed a familiar tiny form with a cat on their head.

“Hey…what’s the matter?” Whitebeard saw the terror in her eyes.

“Can I sleep with you? Please?” he nodded as she hurried over and climbed into bed with him. She curled up next to his head on his massive pillow. River hopped to his chest. He noticed that she had the most worried look in her eyes.

“__________________? Are you okay?” she shakes her head.

“Sister told me stories about the monster who lived on an island of cake and sweets! She told me if I never went there, I would never be seen again! I’m just really scared about going! I don’t think I can go! Are all the stories true?” Whitebeard looked at her grimly. He propped up on his pillows and gently sets her on his lap.

“It’s…true. Big Mom isn’t a woman to be trifled with, not one bit. And Flora is right, if Big Mom knew your true identity as not just you being a girl but affiliated with Flora as your adoptive mother, she’ll never let you leave the island,”


“Linlin and Flora…were…sisters a long time ago. I’m sure you heard the story about it when you were younger,” she nodded, “Well, after Flora was adopted by Blume, Linlin started on her own path to becoming a pirate. But in her twisted mind, Flora was her big sister and only her big sister, to the point that she would do anything for Flora to notice her or come back to her and even destroying anyone who gets close to her. Flora was hounded off and on for decades until Flora faked her death and had lived in peace since. And that was about sixteen years ago. That’s why she was so scared and worried about you. That’s why you have to be a boy. If Big Mom figures out that you’re a girl and that you are close to Flora, she’ll never let you leave the island and we’ll fight and die to get you back and she’ll do anything in her power to keep Flora with her, using you,”

“I-I’ll do my best to make sure it won’t happen! I don’t want to stay there! I don’t want anything to happen to you guys!” she said

“And we don’t want anything to happen to you. Just keep calm, don’t panic, and be yourself. We’ll be arriving close to dawn. Get some sleep,”

“Yes Pops,”

“And don’t be so serious. This is a party in your honor. Take advantage of all of the sweets they’ll offer you,” he pats her head and puts a little blanket over her. She felt a lot better. In the morning, she was nudged awake by Whitebeard. He had some clothes for her and told her to get dressed and he’ll have breakfast ready. She groggily got up and went to freshen up. She soon perked up when she realized that the sky was bring and purple and white. She went to the mast and stared out. They were approaching an island, fast. She immediate got dressed and ate. The sun was rising, so it was about six. As the ship approached the island, eyes got big a she stared at the island in awe. It was just like the story that Sister told her years ago! It was a placed that was a literal paradise for sweets and things. Her mouth watered just thinking about it. She could smell something baking in the midst of the seawater.

“We’re almost there. Get everything because we’re not returning to the ship until we leave,”

She got all of her things gathered, most of the things were just her knapsack and a small duffle with her extra clothing. She didn’t really need much as she would have had. She made sure she had everything, including her Marco blanket. She placed River in her knapsack and headed out the door. They were to have their ship parked at a neutral area and they were escorted from one of the islands. _____________ sat in silence as they approached the island main island known as Whole Cake. Once there, they walked towards the large cakelike building and were greeted by a very tall and slim man with brown eyes, a pointed nose, pink lips and a very long thick tongue. He looked at them with a bright, but somehow scary smile.

“Welcome Whitebeard Family! So good of you to join us!”

“Wouldn’t miss it for the world, Perospero,” Whitebeard said dryly.

“Oh you don’t mean that. So where is the little sweetie?” Perospero looked down and got in for a closer look. He looked at her and raised an eyebrow, “Oh…this is a little boy,”

“That’s right,”

“We were expecting a little girl,”

“Sorry sir,” the man looked at her intently. It was built like boy, had a boyish face, and had the scrapes and cuts of an active boy. He was about to dismiss them and tell Big Mom his observations but then something caught his eye, the bracelet on her wrist. His eyes widened before he grinned.

“Well it doesn’t matter because,” he reached into her ear and pulled out a large (favorite flavor) lollipop. Her eyes widened. It was almost as big as her head, “I have the absolute pleasure in welcoming our guest of honor with a lollipop!”

“WOW THANK YOU, SIR!” she looked up at Whitebeard who nodded approvingly. Perospero ruffled her hair affectionately.

“You’re very welcomed! Come, Big Mom is expecting your arrival,” he guided them up several flights of stairs. _______________ was still groggy from her extra early wake up time. Because of everyone’s long strides, Whitebeard opted to put her on his shoulders as they walked. Just before they got to the final floor, he set her back down. Perospero knocked on the door.

“Mama, the guest of honor has arrived,”

“Oh! Sent the little cupcake in!” he opened the door and then walked in. ________________ was nearly frozen with absolute fear. She remembered all of the stories that Sister told her about the monster who lived on an island of cake and now she was face to face with her. The realization that this was the woman that made Sister not only angry but nervous when she talked about her. She was is a round, obese old woman with her chin hidden by her torso. ________________ was shocked that she was even taller than Pops. She had moderately round, orange eyes, prominent eyelashes, and wears thick purple eyeshadow. She has a very wide mouth with full lips sporting red lipstick, large, round teeth, and long, curly, and wild pink hair that falls halfway down her back, as well as a long beak-like nose, and plump, round cheeks. Big Mom stared down at her and Whitebeard. Big Mom stared down at her and Whitebeard, “Mamamamamama! What was a beautiful little girl!” she stood up and scooped ________________ who instantly wanted to wet herself but also steeled herself. Then Big Mom looked at her intently, “No…a boy. My sources said that you adopted a little girl not a filthy little boy,”

"Your sources were wrong then," said Whitebeard

"Yeah! I'm a little boy, lady! Now-Now put me down!"

“Oh what a shame,” said Big Mom, “I had a bunch of dresses and clothes specially made for my guest of honor!” she clapped her hands as servants came out with a large wooden box that showcased multiple beautiful, colorful dresses, cloaks, skirts, and things of that nature. _______________ had a bored expression on her face. But in reality, she was squealing at how nice and cute they were, “And they’re made with special fabric that will have them grow with her!”

“Ugh, what girl would wear that frilly crap?” said __________________

“Mamamama! So cheeky! There’s a lot of girls who love these types of clothing! I hope Whitebeard brought you something nice for the Tea Party,”

“…isn’t what I’m wearing okay?”

“I brought him something from home. He’ll be the perfect gentlemen, Linlin,”

“Good! Such a handsome young with a very rude tongue. It’s a shame, I invited a few other kingdoms with children, just to play with another little girl,”

“My son is sociable. I’m sure he’ll appreciate it,”

“Yes Pops,”

“Mamamamama! What a serious boy! Just remember, no roughhousing with the young ladies, okay?”

“Yes, ma’am,”

“You have full permission to explore the chateau if you like! The Tea Party isn’t for two days. Rest and enjoy my Kingdom!” servants came and escorted the pair to their room. Even the room they were staying in was big and beautiful. There were two rooms, one for her and one for Whitebeard, a sitting room with a table and sofa with treats already inside, and a bathroom on the other side of the wall. Once the door was closed and everything was secure, Whitebeard was finally able to relax.

“You’re doing well!” he scooped her up and hugged her and plopped on the couch, “Just keep it up,”

“Yes Pops!” they ate the treats and Whitebeard yawned, “Is it okay for me to roam?”

“Yes, but come back as soon as you can. I’ll take my nap in the meantime. If you’re gone for too long, I’m going to come looking for you. If you’re in danger, leave you coat,”

“Yes Pops! How long as we staying?”

“Two days. Today and tomorrow, and then the Tea Party is the final day. After that we’re going straight home, alright?”

“Yes sir!”

“River, you’re going to be my alarm cat, got it?”


“You want to take a nap?”

“….what time is it?”

“It’s six, get some sleep and then go off to explore,”

“Alright,” she yawned and went to her room and took catnap. She woke up a couple of hours well rested. She left Pops a note and headed off on her exploration. She felt better and the idea of Big Mom was pushed back for now. Now she just wanted to stretch her legs and get some fresh air. She went all the way down the stairs and something caught her eye from the window. It was a huge castle ship that looked as though it was being carried by large den den mushi. She went downstairs to get a closer look. There was a carriage at the door. She watched as four kids and a man come out of the carriage. It was three boys and one girl. Something dropped to the pit of her stomach when she saw them. There was something familiar about them and she couldn’t figure out what it was. She couldn’t help but stare. She found herself gripping the pillar she was holding. She's seen nobles before but none like this. the boys were dressed in capes and things and the girl was dressed in a pretty butterfly like dress. ________________ couldn't help but stare. It was like she knew them but she was pretty sure she's never seen them in her life. She leaned in for a closer look when she was hoisted up from behind. She struggled a bit.

“Mamamamamama! Don’t be shy,” Big Mom had her in his grasp. She was too engulf with them to noticed her. Her mistake. Big Mom greeted the man. He was a large man with long golden hair which reaches his waist. He wore a gold warrior’s helmet on his head which ________________ thought looked dumb since there wasn’t a battle going on. He has a long and thin black mustache which spikes upwards, a thin and small beard, and a what looked like to be a butt on his chin.

“Big Mom! We were just going to your throne room to meet—,”

“You’re not worth my time to sit there and wait,” she said with a laugh, “But since I’m here, I can introduce you to our guest of honor,” she sets __________________ down in front of them, “This is Whitebeard’s son whom we’re honoring,”

“…With all due respect, I thought it was suppose to be a little girl,”

“My sources were incorrect, so we have to make due with this. These four are to be your playmates for the next few days. So play nice,” The four kids looked at her. She looked back, not really sure what to say or how to approach them. The green haired boy finally spoke.

“What are you waiting for, peasant?”

“Excuse me?”

“You’re in front of royalty, bow to us!”

“…I’m not bowing to a gorilla,”


“A gorilla, you’re built like one. Want a banana?”


“I would but that’ll be bestiality,” the other two boys were laughing hard. The girl was sniggering under her hand. The man didn’t look amused, not one bit.

“It’s customary to bow to royalty,”

“I only take orders from my Dad, not someone with an ass for a chin,”

“What did you say?!” said the redhead

“You heard me,”

“He’s a feisty one but he is the guest of honor, Vinsmoke,” said Big Mom, “Treat him as such. Allow me to give you and your children a tour,”

“It would be an honor,” said the Judge

“Are you coming peasant?” said the blue haired boy

“I don’t hang out with idiots. Call me when you’re done being stupid, except you pink haired. You’re pretty cool and I love your dress,” she strutted away leaving the three boys and man glaring at her. She steadied herself. Being a boy was tough. It was soon noon and she was starving. She then smelt something heavenly. Like the Baratie good but more sweets. She followed her nose to a large double door room. She opened the look and she stood there agape. ________________ looked at though she had seen the face of God, Heaven, and the entire Heavenly choir itself. The kitchens were large and huge with many things being cooked and baked. She could see a chocolate fountain churning chocolate, cakes, pies, cupcakes, tarts, every single type of baked good she’s ever seen and more on tables. She could see things being taken out of ovens, placed into ovens, and decorated with different types of icing. She couldn’t help but stare. She had to lean against the wall to regain herself.

“…am I in heaven?” the chefs laughed

“No! You’re in the biggest kitchen in the world! Welcome to the Château Kitchen! Anything you want or can imagine we can make it for you! We have ingredients from all over the world on different islands! Would like to sample some of our treats?”

“YES! Yes I do!” soon a large spread of cakes, cookies, pies, and other tasty things appeared in front of her. Her eyes widened. She hadn’t seen so many treats for her in one sitting. She happily ate her fill while watching the chefs work. She took note of techniques, styles, and other things. They answered her questions, gave her things to taste and soon she was helping them make something that they were putting into a large covered basket, “What are those?!”

“Special ordered donuts, kiddo,” said the head chef, “You can’t eat these! These are for a very special resident and he doesn’t like sharing,”


“But we can have the miniature version of them just for you and delivered later!”

“Awesome! You guys are the best!” the chefs couldn’t help but smile. If they didn’t know it, they could have swore this boy was a Charlotte but less…scary. She then decided to continue her exploration but first to drop off her sweets and check on Pops. Whitebeard was still sleeping with his mouth opened and snoring. River was on his chest looking at him. She giggled, left a note and headed off again. She was done exploring the level above hers, now she was going to explore the level above that. She peaked into doors and didn’t see anything eventful before she moved on. However when she got the middle of the hall, she felt something absolutely delicious. She was far from the kitchens, unless there was a hidden kitchen nearby. She followed her nose until the smell was strong. It was coming from a door that was slightly ajar. She got it opened and poked her head into the room and saw the biggest donuts she’s ever seen! In the middle of the room was a giant man. He wasn’t as big as Pops but he was still huge. She watched as he took one of the large donuts out of the basket and opened his mouth wide. He had a huge mouth as well with long sharp teeth. He took a bite out of the donut and happily munched on it, “SO COOL!” he froze and looked down. He didn’t hear the young child come in. He did not SEE the young child, and he didn’t think the young child would say something like that, “Is that how big your mouth can get?! I bet you can eat a whole cake in one sitting! I wish I could do that! I would love to have a mouth like yours!” the man did not know how to react to this. He just stared. The young child paid him no mind and perched in front of him, “May I have a piece?” ___________________ grinned at him; “Please?” he broke off a piece of his donut and gave it to her. She happily munched. She almost immediately squealed in delight, “These are the best donuts ever! Almost as good as Sister’s. She makes them fresh. They’re especially nice when hot and gooey! Then again, these are fresh too! You can smell them!” he didn’t know how to react to this child. NO ONE has ever seen his mouth since he was a child and was long forbidden for it be shown by Mama but this kid…not only did he see it, he thought it was cool. He broke off another piece and handed it to her, “Chocolate?!” he nodded, “Thank you! Wait…these are the giant donuts the chefs were making! I was wondering where they were taking them! Well I guess a regular donut would be way too small for you!” he chuckled and found a tiny teacup and poured her some tea, “Thank you sir!” she reached out to take it. He noticed something on his wrist, “Say, do you know any other awesome places? I’m still exploring this place!” he nodded and cleaned up, putting his scarf back on. She frowned, “It’s way too hot to wear that! Why you have to hide your mouth?!”

“…It’s easier this way,” he said as he puts her on his shoulder, “No one wants to see it,”

“I do! I think it’s so cool!” he said nothing but left the room, “Oh! I’m sorry! I didn’t tell you my name! I’m River! It’s nice to meet you, sir!”

“Katakuri. It’s a pleasure,”

“So where are we going?”

“Surprise,” they ventured down several stairs and soon to another room in the house. He opens it reveal a large library filled with books. She looked around. Her, Law’s, Miss Ribbon’s libraries, along with the bookshop were NOTHING compared to this! He sat her down and opened a book revealing a griffin.

“It’s alive?!”

“Mhm, this library is a collection of almost every single creature of the world,”

“Wow! How?”

“Mort’Or has the ability to put living things into books. They will never age and never die,”

“Is it okay? Like is it happy in the book?”

“It’s happy and safe with other like him,”

“That’s nice! As long as he’s okay!” he turned the page showing her a unicorn. She was in awe of the creatures, “How can they get out?”

“Mort’Or has to let them out, or someone has to burn the book which can hurt the animal inside,”

“Is the library guarded so nothing like that happens?!” he nodded, “Whew,” he showed her around the library for a little longer before taking her outside to Sweet City. He pointed out the different islands that surrounded Whole Cake, “You have an island too?!”


“You could have eaten your yummy donuts there!”

“I usually do, I had to meet with Mama,”

“…You’re one of Big Mom’s kids?!” he nodded

“Everyone on one of the islands is a son or daughter or Mama. Perospero is the oldest, I’m the third but the second son,”

“How many kids does she have?”

“Forty, the last time I counted,”

“Wow…I thought I was cool with sixteen brothers! You’re even cooler!” he smiled under his scarf and continued on his task. He liked listening to her talk about her home and family and commenting just how much she thought the island and he was cool. He was half tempted to take her back to his to show her more but he thought better.

“Oh, Katakuri, you found our little guest,” they turned to see Perospero behind them. Katakuri nodded and puts her on his shoulders, “I thought she on the tour with the others,”

“No way! I wanted to see this place on foot!” she said, “I found the kitchens! Then Mr. Katakuri took me the library! Do you have an island too, Mr. Perospero?”

“Oh! You told him about those? Well, of course I do! I am the Minister of Candy after all!”

“….your island is made of candy?!”

“Mhm! You may be able to see it before you leave! If not I can bring you back something tasty from there!”

“Really?! That would be awesome!”

“Do you know why they call me the Minister of Candy?”

“…because you always have candy?” he chuckled

“What is your most favorite flavor in the world?”

“(FAVORITE FLAVOR)!” Perospero grinned and held out his hand. Suddenly a gel like substance appeared in his hands and swirled and morphed into a fancy gold and clear goldfish. He placed it on a stick and gives it to her. She grinned and gives it a great big lick.



“I know, well now that I’m here, I guess I can join you two on your little quest. What haven’t you seen?”

“We hadn’t see the biscuit buildings,” said Katakuri

“I guess we’ll go there now. Is Cracker making something?”



“Are you sure it’s okay for me to stay on your shoulder, Mr. Perospero?”

“Mister is so formal, sweetheart! Call me Pero-nii,”


“And I know I look like I’m nothing but twigs and bones but I can hold a small child for a long period of time!”

“Oh! Okay!”

“Such a good child! And besides, we’re very tall and so are our siblings. You can easily get trampled without warning if you’re not careful!”

“Eep! Okay! the trio set off. It didn’t take long, thanks to long strides, for them to find a man clapping his hands as large buildings started forming and large men like biscuits were building it. He was a muscular man and like his other brothers very tall. He had light and mostly short purple hair, with a long, baguette-like bun tied at the back of his head and a pair of thin, pointed strands on either side that appear to spark like firecrackers. He had a very large scar covers his right eye and for some reason, he was shirtless. ________________ watched as the more he clapped more things appeared for him to build and put together. He noticed he had an audience and turned. He beamed and ran to Katakuri.

“Niiii! How are you?! I didn’t know you had duties on the main island too!”

“Just finished them and decided to show the guest of honor around, since he got here,”

“‘He’? I thought it was a little girl,”

“No, a little boy. Whitebeard’s little boy,” said Perospero, “Say hello to River,” the man looked at her intently and huffed, dismissing her when he saw something very familiar on her person. The man took her wrist and eyed the bracelet and his eyes when wide.

“Hey kid where did you get this?! Did you steal it?! So help me if you did!”

“I didn’t! Someone special gave it to me. They want it back when I get home so you can’t have it!”

“Cracker, calm down. It was given to him,” said Katakuri eyeing him. It finally clicked and he rubbed the back of his head.

“Oh,” ______________ looked at the three men. The tension was now thick before Perospero ruffles her hair.

“Sorry about that sweetheart. It’s just that, well, we’ll make sure you get back home and give it back to them in one piece and tell them we said hi for us!”

“I will!”

“Thank you,”

“Say, if all of these building are made of biscuits, why can’t they be eaten?”

“Because I created them!” said Cracker, “And I don’t want my creations to be eaten!”

“Nah uh! You can’t make biscuits!”

“Wanna bet?!”

“Don’t have to! If you can’t eat them then what’s the point?!”

“HEY! They’re not to be eaten!”

“Are too!”

“Are not!” Cracker started clapping as a biscuit creation started to be formed. Soon, a biscuit butterfly was flying around her, “See? I can create things you can only DREAM of! I can create structures, buildings, even weapons from my power! What do you have to say about that?!” he looked down to see _____________ chewing with crumbs all over her face, “YOU ATE IT?!”

“Yeah! It was a flying biscuit!”

“How COULD you?!”

“It was a flying biscuit!”

“You little—” Cracker started clapping again as a cage appeared around her, “HA! Get out of that one!”

“Bold of you to assume I can’t!” she gave a bar a good kick and started munching on the cage, “This is so good! Can I take the rest back to my room?!”



“YOU BRAT!” Perospero and Katakuri watched on as the pair went back and forth with each other. Cracker pulled her cheeks as she flailed. He laughed and called her a pipsqueak. In retaliation, she climbed up his back and ruffled his hair. Perospero was sniggering under his hand.

“Cracker versus a nine year old, who’s going to win?” Katakuri looked thoughtful

“…Cracker, because he’s going to run to us and tattle in a few minutes,”

“Niiiiiii!!! Get him off me! I can’t reach him and he’s pinching me!”

“Suffer!” Katakuri gently took her off and placed her back on Perospero.

“Cracker, he’s our guest of honor, be nice,”

“Humph! He’s a no good biscuit fiend!”

“Pretty much you then,”

“Yeah!” she stuck her tongue out and pulled down her bottom eyelid.

“Oh you wanna fight?!”

“Be nice, besides, we need someone to show us the rest of the town. Are you in?”


“Thanks Mr. Cracker! Really appreciate it!”

“Mister? Don’t you mean Master?”

“Nah, masters don’t whine,”

“AUGH you jerk!”

“Love you too!” Cracker grumbled and showed her around. She was outright fascinated by the structure of the buildings. They agreed that having her go to other islands may not be the best idea so they made sure she was close to the Château at all times. ________________ happily greeted the citizens and asked questions and things of that nature, even making a few friends with the few children around, who were in awe that the Tea Party was for another kid like them. Personally _______________ liked these kids better than the three buttholes and the nice girl from before. Though she wanted to make sure she could get to know her before she left. Katakuri watched on in deep thought with Perospero while Cracker ranted and fixed some of his creations.

“….Katakuri, what’s the matter?”

“…Can we keep her?” Perospero chuckled.

“No, it’s not possible. I think we would have to get passed Whitebeard and Aunt in order for that to happen and I don’t think we would have the man power to do so if it was just the three of us,”

“I think she was made for Whole Cake Island,”

“She’s taking to it well, I’ll admit but it would never be possible for her to truly be here. Mama will only see her a commodity. If she tries to leave, she won’t and well…might end up like Chiffon and Lola,” Katakuri looked at him, “We know I’m right,”

“I hate when you are,” they noticed that it was actually getting pretty late and called her over. She scuttled towards them.


“Well it’s time that you get something to eat. We have something to do in preparation,”

“Aww okay! Can we do this again tomorrow?!” Perospero pats her head.

“We’ll do our bests to see you tomorrow, alright?”

“Awesome!” they took her back to the guest floor. She assured them she could manage from there and gave them a wave and ran back to her room.

____________________ hated to admit it but she liked Whole Cake Island! Despite Big Mom and those weird royal boys, the place wasn’t so bad! She liked Pero-nii and Katakuri and Cracker! There was sweets and cakes everywhere and she wanted to try out every single one! The place smelt like a bakery all the time and she was having fun! Perospero took her back to her room, saying that the adults were having dinner together and that she was to have dinner alone in her room. She didn’t mind since there was tons of food waiting for her. She ate her fill and took a little nap. It was then Whitebeard came back into the room. He looked annoyed but he perked up when he saw her and the food she couldn’t eat. She excitedly told him about her day and what she saw and everything.

“Guararararara! I’m glad you’re having fun,”

“I am…but I’m trying to stay serious,”

“Don’t, boys aren’t suppose to be serious all the time. And there’s a few who do love cake and sweets. We’ll bring some back for your little stash,”

“You’re the best Pops!”

“I know,” he ruffled her hair affectionately.

“Can I explore some more? I was a finishing up the chateau before Pero-nii and Katakuri showed me around before they met with Cracker,”


“Is it okay to call him that?”

“…as long as he says it’s okay. Okay, it’s not too late yet. Be back before eight. If not I’ll come looking for you. And don’t go into any guestrooms. I don’t care how inviting it looks. Only go into Shanks’ if you see him,”

“Yes Pops!” she headed out. Now that it was dark, the place looked a little more…imposing. She was about to head to the kitchens for another tasty treat but knew she would lose herself in there and decided to head up stairs to get a good look of anything she missed. She crept upstairs, since she avoided it before. She finally got to the top and realized she was in Big Mom’s Throne Room. She froze. It looked a lot creepier at night. It was a very dangerous feeling, like she wasn’t supposed to be there and she as in imminent danger if she stayed too long. She as about to head back when she heard a scream and stomping. She quickly hid. She saw a woman being flung out from another room. She crashed into one of the pillars and fell with a thud next to her. The woman struggled to get up but was immediate kicked hard by a large high heel shoe. _________________ saw Big Mom with sadistic glee stomped the woman over and over again.

“Ma-Mama please stop!”

“SHUT UP!” She lifted the woman by the hair. She dangled, tears pouring down her face as she tried her get out of Big Mom’s grasp, “I never wanted a failure for a daughter. Why don’t you just die?! What’s the point of having twins if they’re both going to be failures and disappoint me?!”

“Ma-Mama I-I’m sorry!”

“Stop showing me your stupid face!” she lifted the woman above her head and slammed her on the ground. _________________ covered her mouth to keep from saying something as she heard the woman being hit over and over again, crying and begging for her mother to stop. She started to cry herself. She couldn’t help this woman. She knew she wouldn’t be able to fight against someone like Big Mom, even if Pops was in the Chateau. Even though her heart was telling her to try and do something, her brain was shouting at her to not move, no matter what. Then everything went silent, “Stay down or get die,” the footsteps stomped and then the door slammed. ______________ slowly came out of her hiding stop. She froze when she saw the woman on the floor covered in blood and bruises. Even though she was close enough to the stairs, she knew she had to get her out of there. Chiffon struggled to get up. She winced and whimpered and tried to drag herself but could. Then she felt someone lift her up. She felt herself moving. Whoever it was, they were strong but also stepping lightly in in order to keep from being detected. She then felt the figure shifting their weight. She soon realized it was a (h/c) child dragging her to safety. She opened her eyes. A tiny figure although struggling was successfully dragging her steady down the stairs. It felt like forever but soon they were in front of the infirmary. She remembered someone then getting her to bed. She remembered seeing the little figure looking at her with worry on their face. She knew the face as Whitebeard’s new child…but it was suppose to be a girl…Mama wanted them to be a girl….but this was a boy…she winced.

“Is there a doctor? Please tell me there’s a doctor,” she could hear the poor thing fretting and trying to look for someone to help her or take her to.

“T-Third Floor, a-all the way at the end of the hall,” the child nodded and carried/ dragged her all the way there. She stumbled and the doctor looked up to see the child and Chiffon on his shoulders. Before he could say anything, she was lifted off and taken to a bed. The boy looked positively spooked and terrified. As the doctors rushed to make sure she was okay, he stayed by her, taking her hands.

“Are you okay, Miss?” he asked with the most empathic look she’s ever seen. He was on the verge of tears, tears for her. She gently puts her hand to his cheek.

“Y-Yes, thank you so much dear,” she then heard footsteps. The doctor almost immediately shat himself. Chiffon winced and tried to sit up looking fearful as well. The child froze as well. The footsteps them went back upstairs. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Chiffon then noticed the boy’s clothing, “Change him quickly! Mama can’t know he helped me!” the nurses and servants whisked him away and changed him out of his clothes into some random ones they had on hand and made sure that all of the blood was cleaned off them, “Please little one, hurry back toy your room, I’ll be fine from here. I don’t want Mama to know that you helped me,”

“Y-Yes Ma’am! See you tomorrow!” ___________________ ran as fast as she could back to her room, to the safety of Pops away from everyone in this place. She actually terrified that Big Mom followed the blood trail and knew she was the one who helped that lady. She didn’t want to be next! She didn’t want to see anything like that again. She was a level away from her room and was almost side swiped but caught it quickly from her peripheral vision and jumped away in time. She looked to the side. She saw two of the three boys from before and to where she almost got hit, the redhead had made a dent in the wall. The three boys surrounded her. She frowned. She didn’t know why but this felt very familiar. Ace’s words came back to her. She had to act like a boy. She centered her mind and thought of what Ace or Law would do. But then realize that she couldn’t use Law in this but had to use the personality of the biggest jerk she knew, Kid. So she had to be a combination of Kid and Ace.

“Next time we tell you to bow to us, you had better do it,” said the redhead

“Why? I don’t bow to roosters, monkeys, or whatever the hell you are, Bluey,”

“Heh, you think we’re going to let you leave this hallway in one piece?” said the redhead. She cracked her neck and hands.

“You three wanna fight? That’s fine with me. Just don’t bleed on me. I don’t know where you bastards have been,”

“Don’t know what backwoods you came from but we’re going to put you back into your place where you belong, peasant,” said the blue haired boy

“The name’s River, remember it as the person who’s about to fuck you up. Dumbass Number One, Two, and Gorilla,”

“Fuck you! I’m not a gorilla! Ichiji pound his ass!”

“If you think you can,” she said. Something flared up in her chest. She’s never felt this angry before. It was like someone had set an iron on her chest and she all she could see was red, She didn’t know WHY these three boys pissed her off so much. In fact, the moment she laid eyes on them, all she wanted to do was beat the living shit out of them. She was seeing red. She had to read all of their movements. They weren’t going to come at her all at once. It looked like the redhead Ichiji was the unofficial leader of three dumbasses. So whatever move he made, the other two were going to follow. He went came at her first hard and fast. He leapt up and tackled her, she fell backwards, holding his shirt, and flipping him off. He turned meeting a punch to his face. The brothers froze seeing their brother’s face go back. __________________ winced. His face was hard and it did hurt to punch him. Ichiji held his nose. Blood was coming out of it. He glared and went at her again, this time wilder than before. She moved to the side and simply raised her arm out as he connected with it. She then jumped on him and proceeded to scratch and slamming him repeatedly into the ground. Anger was fueling with flashing images of this boy…many boys hurting a blonde boy and him crying. She screamed and started putting more effort into her hits. She was on top of the boy hitting him over and over in his face before slamming his body repeatedly into the ground. Niji and Yonji quickly regained themselves from their shock and knocked ________________ off their brother. She stood up and leered at them. By this time she was seething and panting. Ichiji looked murderous as Niji glared and went after her in the same fashion. She waited until he was almost at her before moving aside and punching him square in the stomach. He went down on one knee. She kicked him as hard as she could in his face, smashing his nose and started to slam his foot down repeatedly on his face. She only stopped when she felt something in the back of her head. Yonji sucker punched her from behind. She winced and this gave Niji the window he needed to scramble away. She then turned his sights on Yonji who went in for another punch. She dodged the punch, and rammed him into the wall hard, and proceeded to knee him in his stomach over and over. She heard footsteps behind her and quickly turned him around. Ichiji’s punch connected, knocking Yonji out. By this time, __________________ was running on pure adrenaline as she went after Ichiji again. Before he knew what was happening, she was back on him, held him place with one hand and proceeded to punch him over and over. She could feel Niji kicking at her, trying to get her to stop but all she wanted was to hurt this person as much as she could. Suddenly, she was yanked off the boy. She tried to get at him again. Whitebeard held her firm. On the other side of him, the man from earlier came as well.

“Keep your brats on their leash, Vinsmoke,” Whitebeard growled.

“My boys are future princes of East Blue, they don’t have to do anything if they don’t want to,”

“And that’s how they each got their asses kicked,”

“What kind of a farm kid is that?”

“He’s a regular boy, your sons are just weak. Go back to your rooms,” the men glared at each other. ________________ and the boys stared each other down. Vinsmoke picked up Yonji and walked passed the pair, with the three boys in tow. Niji glared at her.

“Tch whatever, you better watch your ba—,” he got the wind knocked out of him. __________________ glared at him retracting her fist.

“Talk shit get hit, bitch! Say something else! I fuckin’ DARE you!” Niji opened his mouth and she raised her fist for another hit. He flinched. She hit him twice, “Two for flinching!” Whitebeard picked her up and took her back to their room. She was still seething and tense and angry. He poured her some tea. She downed it despite the heat but she felt better. She then started to sob. He took a wet cloth and wiped her face.

“Shhhh calm down kiddo. What happened? I was getting worried when you didn’t come back,”

“I-I was on my way back! I really was but then they attacked me first! I don’t know what happened! I-I just wanted to hurt them as much as I could! I never felt that way before!”

“It’s alright. You just had an adrenaline rush. It can fuel you along with anger,” Whitebeard rubbed her back soothingly, “You stuck up for yourself and for that you should be proud of that. When I heard the commotion and you scream I assumed the worse but in reality you had a hold on things,”

“Ace told me to act like a boy…so I just pictured what he and Kid would do,”

“Guarararara! Good call! Though that was a lot of swearing. I think you need to stay away from Kid for a little while,”

“No arguments there,” a few moments later, a doctor came in to treat ______________’s scraps and things. He examined her to make sure she was okay and had a cold compress for her head, which started to hurt after her adrenaline rush wore down. She was also very exhausted, physically and emotionally.

“I told you he was fine,” said Whitebeard.

“You might think so but the way those other three boys looked I wanted to make sure the young lad was okay. Boys do tend to get into scrapes with each other,” said the Doctor as he patched ________________ up, “I remember when the Charlotte boys used to get into it back in the day…well when they were younger. Your knuckles are covered in blood,”

“That’s theirs,” Whitebeard turned his head and held his chest with pride. His daughter was a scrapper. The doctor gave her a clean bill of health along with some tea from the kitchens.

“Alright, just give him this and a nice hot bath and get him to bed. He’s had a very long night,” he gave her a knowing look and gave her her clothing washed and pressed and went on his way. Whitebeard had her take her bath before tucking her in for the night. Sleeping in a strange place was never easy but with a hot bath and some leftover biscuits and the tea, she found herself slowly drifting off to River’s rhythmic purrs.

A boy limped back to his room. His entire face was swollen and covered in bruises. He winced slightly. He was in pain. He’s never in his life felt pain and he didn’t like it. No one had the balls, the nerve, or the strength to actually afflict any real damage on him and to make it worst, it was that failure’s betroth. She had proven countless of times that she wasn’t as useless as his brother. But the very thought of his brother having someone to defend him pissed him off but what pissed him off even more was the fact that she was just as strong as him but chose to use it to protect that failure, not punish him. A servant placed something on his face to fix it. He remembered Father taking her away. He knew she would be out soon. He looked out the window. He saw a familiar figure running out of the castle and hiding in the brush. She always gave them the slip. He mentally counted as she emerged. She then went back inside, while everyone looked. He left his room and found her in the inner courtyard. She perched on a rock and waited. She did this almost every time she escaped her father or his. Same rock, same area. He didn’t know why he was contend in watching her like this. She always looked spacey or looking as though she was thinking about something that she couldn’t recall. He liked that face. But there was a look that he liked above all of the others. A look that she never showed when she was near him, Niji, or Yonji. He had to wait in order to see that look and he knew it would come very soon. She suddenly looked up.

“Sanji!” she beamed with a large smile etched on her face. It was a look of pure happiness. That was the look. That’s what he was waiting for. It was that look she always gave when she saw that failure. He didn’t deserve to have that look. She should give him that look. He was the eldest, he was the strongest, Sanji did not deserve to have someone strong to his wife. He did and it was going to be like that. He took everything from Sanji and this wouldn’t be any different. He wanted her to be his, the failure didn’t deserve a happiness, he was the eldest, successor to the Germa Empire, it would only make sense for him to have a strong right hand. Her father and his both chose the failure as motivation, especially since she started taking a shine to him. However, he’s been overhearing his father thinking about giving her up because of her encouraging Sanji’s weakness. He decided to make his bid. He realized that
“You what?” said Reiju looking at her brother

“I want to claim her as mine. I want her to be mine. I don’t know why but I want her to always be at my side,”

“You actually feel something?”

“I don’t know what it is. It makes me feel funny but in a good way,” Reiju rolled her eyes. He glared, “What is it?!”

“It means you like her but you should forget about it. She doesn’t like you back and she’s already marrying Sanji,”

“It doesn’t matter if she likes me back. Mother and Father are together and they don’t like each other. I just want her at my side,”

“That’s not how it works,” she said, “And she’s not modified, you two will never be on the same level,”

“I don’t care! I want her and she’s mine that’s all there is to it,”

“That’s not how love works. You have to at least try to get her to like you,”

“I’ll do that then, after I ask father so give her to me and take her away from the failure. That way she has no choice but to be near me, right?” Reiju just shook her head and left. Ichiji just continued watching his future wife from afar, blood boiling at the prospect that she was too kind to that insignificant piece of trash that was supposed to be his brother. It didn't matter though. One day she will be his.

Ichiji looked at his face in the mirror. He’s never been hit or beaten like that in years. There was only one person in existence that could beat him like that and he knew for a fact that they were dead and there was no other person in existence like her. That boy wasn’t royalty, he was some peasant kid who was adopted by a yonko. Even if he resembled _____________ he knew it wasn’t her. Not to mention he was strong for a peasant boy. Then again those who had nothing to lose tended to be stronger.

“That dumb bastard!” said Niji groaning on the bed.

“That’s what you idiots get for challenging someone you don’t know,” said Reiju

“You could have helped!” said Yonji

“Why? Not my circus, not my monkeys,”

“Stop calling me a gorilla!”

“You brought it on yourself when you started using your feet as hands,” said Ichiji

“Like you guys don’t do it!”

“We don’t. Didn’t mean to punch you,”

“I know…shit that hurts. How’s your face?”

“How do you think?! I can’t go out until the swelling goes down,”

“I’d rather have that than my stomach!” said Niji miserably, “I hope I can eat some of those sweets at the Tea Party. I thought we would have beat him with three against one,”

“Peasant boys are strong,” said Yonji

“Not that fuckin’ strong! We trained for this!”

“I say we go after him one more time…but make it four against one,”

“Reiju already said she wasn’t in it,” said Ichiji

“…I didn’t mean Reiju,”

“Shit almost forgot!” said Niji perking up, “Where is he?!”

“Father said he’s resting. That’s the only reason why he’s still in the chamber,” said Reiju

“Resting?! What happened?”

“Nothing, he wanted to test his abilities to make sure she’s strong enough to train with us all together and not have to worry about him lingering behind,”

“Leave it to that failure to mess up even when he’s gone!” said Yonji

“Don’t compare him to trash,” said Niji, “Hell if he was with us, then we wouldn’t have to worry. He would have put that peasant in his place,”

“Doubt it,” said Reiju, “River took all three of you on like a rabid animal, he would have done the same to Goji,”

“Yeah right, it would have been four against one,”

“And that’s fair?”

“All’s fair in battle,” said Ichiji. Reiju hops off the bed and decided to retire to her room. In reality, she’s been observing this “River” all day. There was something very familiar about him, especially looks, boy or not. She saw him gushing over cake. Niji does that with chocolate but the way he did it was endearing for a boy. She watched him explore the area, looking like a curious kitty the whole time. Same thing, familiar but what sealed his identity was seeing him lift up that woman. He was strong but she knew it wasn’t because of modifications. She knew only one person like that but they were suppose to dead, according to the sources by a Fishman escaping the estate. She remembered that he was humming when he was trying to get that large woman to the infirmary. She laid down on the bed and closed her eyes. She hummed the song herself. She hummed it over and over…trying to remember what was that song.

“Hmm…hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm…to the world of midnight…where the darkness fills the air…where it’s icy cold. Where nobody has a name. Where living is not a game—OH!” Reiju sat up! She KNEW that song and she knew only a hand of people knew about it! She covered her mouth. She trembled. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she held her stomach. Was it true? Was her puppy love still alive?

Chapter 42: A/N

Chapter Text

Hi everyone! I'm just letting you all know that the next chapter of the Whole Cake Arc is about 75% done ^^ However, it's going to be extremely dark. Like there's a few things that going to be very emotionally daunting, especially towards the end. I just want to give you all a warning. I don't want to post any spoilers but it has something to do with a character other than Reader but it has a lot to do with her. You'll just have to wait and read it to see what I mean ^^ Thank you so much for reading!

Chapter 43: The Bloody Tea Party: The Finale


The Little Girl attends a Tea Party

Chapter Text

The young boy sobbed and covered her ears. He was trying to down out the screams but he couldn’t. He’s met his father a few times in his life and this one of many attempts he attempted to see him. Mama didn’t want him to have any contact with him and it wasn’t just him, every single man that came to Whole Cake and sired a child from Mama was promptly banished. Some were kidnapped just for the purpose of children and alliances and then discarded. He often hid out in the woods, knowing it would be the only way to his father’s ship and a glimpse of him. He had to drown out the noise. They always shouted at each other, well Mama did, Father was more passive. He knew it would be a matter of time before Mama threaten his life and then make claim on it. Then everything went quiet. This was terrifying. He didn’t like when it was just silence on the island, then he saw an aura and he immediately knew what was happening. He started shaking. He felt someone touch his shoulder. It was an odd feeling, it was something very unusual. He didn’t experience it much on Totto Land. He looked up to see a kind face looking at him. She was a redheaded woman with black veil covering her hair, a black skirt, and She gently took a handkerchief and wiped his eyes. He sobbed, trembling all the while.

“Shhhh…your father is about to leave the island. I doubt you’ll ever see him again. You can’t go with him but I can make sure you two have a few hours for your goodbyes,” he looked at her with a shocked look. She gave him a warm smile and offered her hand. He takes it and she led him away into the woods. His father was waiting. She coughed to make herself known. He turned. His eyes fell on his son. The two stared at each other. The boy ran to his father who caught him and hugged him tightly. Both were sobbing and crying. The woman smiled. The man looked over his son’s shoulder.

“How mu-much time do we-we?”

“I can give you three hours tops. Just stay in the woods and make sure you’re off the island after four,”

“Thank you,”

“Thank you!” the woman nodded before drawing a weapon and running out of the woods. Perospero spent the longest time he had with his father. They talked, his father told him about his life, childhood, and everything in between, even where to contact him if he ever needed him or just wanted to talk. All the while, he heard commotion towards home but paid it no mind. Eventually, they made their way to the docks. His father gave him one last goodbye hug, extra tight and got on the ship to sail away. He then saw the commotion coming from the Chateau and the woman leaving. Mama was right behind, shouting and screaming but the woman kept running.

“ONEESAMA! COME BACK! PLEASE COME BACK!” it was that day that Perospero realized there was two different types of women, women like his mother and women like his Aunt. He’s heard stories about his Aunt, how much his mother loved her and how much she needed to stay at Tottoland and be a family again. He and his siblings have heard the stories of the woman and he was one of the few who got to meet her. He felt honored. He managed to keep in contact with his father for several years until his health caught up to him and he died, presumably from a broken heart. He sobbed heavily for days, holed up in his room. He left only to grab something to eat or keep an eye on his siblings, especially after Brulee was attacked. When he came back into his room, Flora was sitting on the bed waiting for him. He smiled and ran to her. She caught him and hugged him tightly. He could never do this with Mama and it wasn’t because of her height. Every time Aunt hugged him, he felt a lot better, safer. She gently moved away and took out something from her bag. He looked at it puzzled.

“A candy dish?”

“No sweetheart, it’s an urn. Your father’s ashes are in here. It was his final wish, to be buried in these woods, close to his son,” said Flora

“I-I want to keep his ashes! Please!”

“Just keep them in a safe place,” he nodded and placed them on a shelf next to his bed.

“…I never thanked you for what you did for me, Aunt,”

“I know how thankful you are. No need to worry about that,” he looked at her before hugging her tightly. She returned it, “No parent should have to separated from their child like that. I know it’s not much but just know, he always loved you,”

“I know…I’m going to miss him,”

“He’ll always with you and alive as long as you keep your memories of him and revere him. As a tradition, light some incense in his memory. The dead likes that,” he nodded, “I better get going before I’m caught,” she stood up. He grabbed at her arm and gently squeezed it.

“Aunt, please stay!”

“I would but hiding out in a woods filled with homies isn’t exactly how I want to spend my night,”

“No I mean…live in Totto Land. You used to live here with Mama, right?” she nodded.

“I would but there’s too many memories here that I want to forget. Mainly that portrait she loves so much. But I can’t stay here or live anywhere as long as your mother is alive and knows I’m alive,”

“…why do you hate Mama so much? Mama wants you to stay but…I know you don’t want to,” Flora stopped

“Your mother took everything from me, she took my whole entire world. My entire life and existence was changed because of her and because of that, I want to kill her, make her feel the same exact pain I felt. Even though as much as I want to exact revenge and take out as many of her children as possible, you are going to need all the nurturing you can get, either from each other or someone else. I’ll do my best to help but I can’t do much as long as you’re on the island,” she handed him her den den mushi before heading off again. True to his promise, whenever he or his siblings needed some help, she was always there, especially when it was something personal. He slowly came to view her as a second mother. Someone if he needed some advice, she was only a phone call away. When he missed his father, he often found comfort in the old nun, when he needed some advice to appease Mama, she was there, even when he need some help with his siblings, she was there. She was the one who made sure Lola got off the island and someplace safe, made sure Cracker and Katakuri wouldn’t die from their mother, and a few things that made him indebted to her. So it was a surprised when Perospero woke up to his Den Den Mushi ringing. He yawned and went to see who it was. He knew right away who it was and grinned. He knew exactly why she was calling.

"Aunt! It's good to hear from you!"

"Nice to hear from you. How are things?"

"We're preparing for the arrival of our little guest. And if I know you, I'm guessing that's why you're calling, other than checking up on your favorite nephew," she chuckled.

"True. I just need you make sure she's safe and sound for me. That's all I'm asking. Even though she's going to look like a boy, she is a little girl. Please just keep the illusion that she's a little boy, for her sake,"

"Okay, I'll keep an eye on her for you. I'll let Katakuri and Cracker know as well,"

"She'll fit right in. If I didn't know any better I would have thought she was from your family. She loves cake and sweets more than anything. Just pump her full of sugar and she'll be fine,"

"Got it. As long as she's on the island, we'll keep her safe,"

"Thank you, sweetheart. I really appreciate it,"

"After everything, you know I'm more than happy to return the favor, Aunt. Anything else I should know?"

"She's wearing one of my bracelets, just make sure she brings back,"

"Okay, you know that's a target, right?"

"It's something for you three to know who she is and a mission for her to be responsible. I like keeping her on her toes,"

"Honestly you're a sadist,"

"I know but she knows I love her. How are things?"

"Other than preparation, everything is okay. Don't worry so much about us! How's Lola?"

"She's doing fine, happier than before. I have to worry, who else will?" he snorts

"True. I better get ready, now that I'm up,"

"You should have been up you lazy boy!"

"Hey! It's still early!"

"Early my ass. Children think five in the morning is early. Hop to it, lad,"

"Love you too, Aunt," he hung up the phone and was on his way. So the guest really was a little girl. But this changed everything, since Mama was determined to show her off to the yonko as a power move but this was a little girl that belonged to Aunt and Aunt was supposed to be dead. He hoped everything will turn out okay. He’ll tell everything to Katakuri and Cracker to make sure she leaves the island with the notion to everyone that this was a normal, little boy living with a yonko who’s home is still hidden. He was determined to make sure this weekend went off without a hitch. It was the least he could do for his beloved Aunt.

The next morning __________________ woke up a little sore. She winced when she got out of bed and got dressed but soon perked up when noticed there was a large breakfast on the table. She grinned and found her appetite almost immediately. Pops and drinking his morning coffee and reading the paper. She hobbled to the table. It was almond croissants, sausage, and tea. She poured herself a cup and started on the croissants.

"These are so good! I wonder if the chefs will give me the recipe for these,"

"Doesn’t hurt to ask. Seems like they love you in the kitchens. The chefs asked about you and you have some donuts coming to you when we leave,"

"Really?! Those are probably from Mr. Katakuri!"

" met him?"

"Mhm! He was eating and asked him for a piece of his huge donuts! Then he showed me around! He's so cool! I wish I had a mouth like that though! It kind of reminds me of Namur's but his teeth are longer!"

"Guararara! You want pointed teeth?"

"YES! They’re so cool looking! And I can have a cooler smile and tear through cake!" she bore his imaginary pointed teeth at him. He snorts and pats her head. She then remembered something else from last night, "Hey Pops...can we bring someone back with us?" he looked at her.


"There was this lady that was in Big Mom's Throne room yesterday. She was really tall with pink hair and thick lips! She was really nice! But then...Big Mom grabbed her and just...started beating her! The woman was crying and sobbing and telling her to stop but she wouldn't! Blood was coming out and she wouldn't stop! I dragged her to the doctors and I'm worried about her! Can't we do something?!" she was shaking and looked absolutely terrified yet determined to help this woman. He sat next to her and rubbed her back.

"I know you're upset and I know you're worried about her....but we can't take her with us off the island. She's most likely one of Big Mom's daughters,"

"Daughter?! Why would she do that to her own daughter! That's terrible!"

"Sadly, there are a lot of parents who see their children as nothing but property, something that they created and owned, therefore have the right to do anything they wanted with them and should make them do everything that they want and say, hurt them, and even kill them,”

“B-But that’s terrible! I mean you let us do anything as long as we don’t get hurt or step in when we need help! No one should do something like that to anyone! Especially if she was begging her to stop!”

“I know you’re upset, anyone else would be but this is one of the few harsh truths of the world that not everyone has good parents, no everyone come from loving family, and even the nicest people can be mistreated and hurt for no reason,”

“I know that last bit…I just thought that parents actually to some degree liked their kids,” she said wiping a few forming tears. He gently picks her up and hugs her.

“Shhhh it’s okay to be upset about this. But there’s not much we can really do. Though you can’t act as if you saw anything from Big Mom. If she knows you saw something, things can get ugly. Just carry on as normal, understood?”

“Yes Pops, but I can finish exploring, right?”

“Yes but don’t go near those boys again. We’re guests here and I don’t want you to beat them into a coma,”

“…why? They deserve it,”


“Okay, okay,”

“That’s my scamp. Take River with you this time. I’m sure he’ll want some air,”

“Okay!” _________________ wasted no time looking for Mr. Katakuri. She really liked being around the donut man and she wanted to thank him for the donuts. She went back to the room that she found him in but he wasn’t there. She cocked her head and went back to the kitchens to thank the chefs. The chefs were hard at work but stopped when they saw a familiar kid looking into the kitchen with a large grin on his face.

“RIVER!” they said. One of the chefs came over and handed her a chef’s uniform, “We’re a little backed up today, kiddo, but if you want to help a little, we can give you some treats in return,”


“But the kitty has to stay outside,”

“Okay!” she picked up River and placed him outside.

“I shouldn’t be in there for too long, I’ll be out soon, just wait for me when I come out, alright?”


“Okay!” prep work wasn’t difficult for _______________, helping out Thatch, Sanji and Zeff in the kitchen from time to time was something she loved doing. She carried sacks of flour and sugar from the cellar to the kitchen for them, helped them carry giant eggs into the kitchen for cooking, and even managed to track down and find one of the misplaced mixers and pushed it into position. She sighed, that that mixer was heavy, “Anything else?”

“No, no! You’ve done more than enough!” said the chef, “We can’t thank you enough! We’re ahead of schedule!”

“Awesome! Oh! I was wondering, may I have a recipe? My friend back home asked me to bring him one back if I can!” the head chef smiled.

“You got it kiddo,”

“Thank you so much!”

“Now we have to work. Tomorrow is your big day so we’re making all kinds of treats, just for you,”

“Yes sir!” they gave her a few samples and sent her on her way. She scampered out to see River with a tin of cookies next to him, “…they gave you treats too?”

“Mew,” she looked inside to see a few biscuits in the tin.

“I guess, come on! We have to visit someone before everyone else comes in! I bet these will cheer her up!” she made her way to the third floor. The chateau was a lot more livelier than last night and the night before. There were people carrying things, making sure things were set and so involved that no one really noticed a young boy with a basket and a cat carrying a biscuit tin making their way to the infirmary. She poked her head inside. She wanted to check on the lady to see if she was okay. There wasn’t anyone inside. She turned and decided to make herself scarce.

“You can come in if you like,” she jumped. The large woman sat up in bed. _____________ meekly came inside. The woman was still battered looking but far better than yesterday. She gave her a toothy smile and pats her head, “It’s good to see you again,”

“Same! Are you okay?! I brought you a few pastries, if you like,”

“That’s very nice of you, young man,” _______________ managed to get on the bed and offered her basket. The woman takes one.

“I’m River by the way and this is my cat…also River!” the woman chuckled

“It’s nice to meet you, River and Cat River. I’m Chiffon,”

“You’re named after a cake?! That’s so cool!”

“Almost everyone here is named after something sweet or tasty. You’re on Whole Cake Island,”

“…true. I-I don’t know if you

“Please…don’t worry about me. It happens so much now that…I’m getting used to avoiding Mama, especially when she’s already angry. As long as she doesn’t see my face, I should be okay,”

“…you shouldn’t have to! Especially since you didn’t do anything to her!”

“Partly I did, my sister and I have the same face. Since she’s angry with her, she decided to take it all out on me, since she’s not here,”

“You’re a twin?! That’s awesome! But your mom shouldn’t blame you for looking like your twin! You can’t help that! Are you mad at her? Your twin?”

“Not at all! I just hope wherever she is, she’s happier than I am,”

“That’s good! But still! You should be happy too!” Chiffon was about to say something else when the Doctor came in. He froze when he saw the pair talking. She smiled pleasantly.

“Do you mind giving me and this boy some time alone?” the doctor made himself scarce. She gently takes his hands into hers.

“You were so kind to me. I’m not going to forget it,” she smiled at her, “I don’t know when and how but I’ll always do my best to help you,”

“Awww you don’t have to! I just want to make sure you’re okay! A mom shouldn’t do that to their kid! No matter what!”

“A child’s place isn’t to protect but kindness will always be it’s own reward,”

“Are you sure?”

“Mhm, it’s the least I can do to thank you,” she pulled her into a tight hug, “I’ll be fine from here but I don’t want Mama or anyone else to see you with me. Go on,”

“Yes Miss Chiffon! Feel better soon, okay!”

“Meow!” ________________ both ran out of the room and into the now bustling hallway. Everyone was getting ready for the tea party tomorrow. She and River weaved, dodged and got out of the way to avoid getting hit. She was almost out of harm’s way when she was scooped up.

“Looking for me and Katakuri?”

“Pero-nii!” she beamed at him and hugged his face, “And yeah!”

“I’m sorry but we’re all a little busy today because of your tea party tomorrow. So we’re going to be preoccupied today. So how about today you make yourself scarce so you won’t be trampled with your little playmate,”

“Playmate? You mean River?”

“…you’re River sweetie,”

“So is my cat,” she said grinning. River was looking up at them and meows in greeting. Perospero snorts and bends down and holds out his hand.

“Nice to meet you Cat River,” River happily took it with his paw, “Smart thing. But I meant your other playmate,” he gestured behind her. She turned to see the pink haired girl from before. She was watching them from behind a table. _______________ happily waves, “Come on out dear. It’s impolite to stalk, no matter how much you find the person intriguing,” the girl came out looking a little surprised that someone spotted her or noticed her, “Now that that’s over, introduce yourselves, make friends, and get someplace safe before one of you get trampled,” River scampered off as the girl takes _________________’s hand and guided her out and down the stairs to the library. The girl settled on an armchair and __________________ plopped on the sofa. The girl looked at her intently, as though looking at her to scan some kind of a feature or something.

“Ummm, I’m River, it’s nice to meet you,” she said politely

“Reiju, it’s good to meet you too,” The pink haired girl then sat next to her. _______________ couldn’t help but think that maybe she knew the girl from somewhere. She looked familiar but she knew for a fact that she wouldn’t have been near her area without her or anyone knowing.

“I’m sorry for beating up your brothers,”

“They deserved it,” she said swinging her legs back and forth, “You’ve gotten stronger,”

“Have I? How can you tell?”

“It’s nothing, I only said it to freak you out. Tell me something, where are you from?”

“A small town near Goa Kingdom!”

“Do you like it there?”

“Yeah! It’s my home and it’s where everyone I love lives!” Reiju smiled

“What’s your house like? I’m used to living in a moving castle, so having a house that stands still is intriguing,”

“Well my house is huge! It used to be an old Wano inn and hot spring but it was abandoned for awhile but Pops fixed it up and it’s home! My room is pretty big with a balcony and everything! And it’s the best place to have a bath because of the hot spring to soak in!”

“So it’s just you and your Dad?”

“Nah! I have loads of brothers! Well, about sixteen not counting Ace, Luffy, and Sabo. And we all live together which is awesome! Everyone has their own duties and take care of each other. Mine is going to the market to make sure Thatch as a lot of things to cook. He’s the cook and everything he makes is just great! Ace is the brother closest to me in age who lived with me but Sabo and Luffy live in the mountains! But I also have other brothers but they have their own families too. Ace has officially accepted Law as our brother since he’s an only child,” Reiju grinned

“I’m guess you have other kids your age in your area,”

“Yeah! Plenty and they’re so cool!”

“…do you have any friends with blond hair? I don’t really see that color where I live,”

“YEAH! Sabo, he’s my brother, has blond hair! But he always wears a hat and it’s really short. Sanji has almost golden hair! It’s so yellow! He’s training to be a cook! He’s great at it and I’m his unofficial taste tester! And Killer has blond hair! Thought it’s kind of a dull gold but still! And it’s so soft and fluffy! He and his brother lives with us from time to time,” Reiju smiles

“What is he like? Your cook friend? I can’t imagine someone living in a kitchen all day.”

“He’s so cool! He’s training to be a chef but doesn’t really live in the kitchen but above it! He loves cooking! He can make almost anything! He’s been trying to teach me “proper” French, saying Ace speak informal French or something. Ace almost punched him for it. Ace and everyone else calls him a pervert because he gets really weird around girls,” Reiju chuckles.

“Sounds like you have a lot of fun at home,”

“Yeah…I really miss home, to be honest. Whole Cake is nice and I’m sure the place you’re from is nice but this is the longest time I’ve spent with them since I was found,”

“So you’re adopted?”


“…do you remember anything from before then?” she shook her head

“Not a thing. I don’t even know what my real parents look like but I bet there was a good reason for them sending me away. Pops said something parents just can’t take care of a kid and inside of mistreating them, they just give them to a family that’ll take care of them better. Which is okay, right?”

“Right, then again you don’t have to necessarily like them when you meet them again,”

“I know. I don’t really want to meet them. We’ll be strangers at this point. But that’s okay. I hope they’re living well and happy, even though I’m not in their lives,”

“…come here,” Reiju grabbed her hand and dragged her out the library. _______________ had to pick up her pace to keep up with her as guided her to one of the lower level guestrooms where she and her father and brothers were staying. It wasn’t too far off from the one her and Pops were staying in but it had multiple rooms, like a mini house. Reiju took her inside of hers, “Wait here,” Reiju went into her closet and dragged out a trunk and opened it. Inside where a bunch of clothes, trinkets, and things that was made for a girl, “These were brought for you but since you’re not a girl and some of the stuff was mine, do you still want it? I really don’t,”

“REALLY?! But’s it’s all brand new! And it looks super expensive!”

“I know but take it. Give it to your sister or something,”

“Thanks! She’s going to love these!”

“I’m sure she will. There’s even a butterfly dress like mine in here,”

“Awesome! Thank you!” Reiju picked up one end of the truck and she picked up the other and they both made their way up the stairs, against the wall to avoid servants running up and down the stairs. They finally reached her room where Whitebeard was gone again, leaving her a note stating he had to tend to some adult business. Reiju placed it in her temporary room. The trunk weighed a ton but they managed. She then noticed _________________ rummaging through her thnking before taking out a kanzashi flower and putting it in her hair. Reiju gently touched it.

“What’s this for?”

“A kanzashi! I make them and I bring a bunch so I can give them away to new friends,” Reiju blushed despite herself, “I noticed you had a lot of butterflies in your room and this one is a butterfly! Do you like it?”

“I love it, thanks!”

“Come on! I know everyone busy but exploring the island with you sound like more fun! Wanna go?”

“Lead the way!”

“Okay!” Reiju lingered and saw the flower in hair. It was a red and gold color with flecks of black. She blushed. Girl or boy, _____________ really had the ability to make her stomach feel weird. The unlikely pair spent the rest of the day together. _______________ showed her all of the things she saw yesterday, introduced her to the kids she met and played with yesterday and even showed Reiju how to play hide and seek. Reiju liked the game. It was an odd game, hiding with no other reason than to not get caught but she will admit it was fun. By sunset, it was time for them to part ways. ______________ gave her a hug, “See you tomorrow?”

“Mhm, but don’t tell anyone that we played today?”

“Awww why?”

“Because I don’t want anyone to ask me information about you. That’s way you can continue being the weird secretive boy,”

“Oh, okay!” Reiju ruffled her hair before leaving. ______________ reddened before trotting back to her room. She yawned Reiju was really good at hide and seek and won a few times and kept her on her toes, which was a good thing. It made her really tired and she was ready to get some rest after dinner. Pops was in the room and mini banquet was in front of him.

“Back so soon?”

“Mhm! I was playing with my new friend! She’s the pink haired girl that with that group of Royal boys! The only thing is that she's super nice and very pretty!"

“Glad you and her had fun! The chefs brought this along with some recipes you may like,”


“And they brought some samples of tomorrow’s treats, but not until after you eat some real food,”

“Yes Pops!” she started eating and happily continued her story about Reiju and her playing hide and seek, “She’s so fast! I barely made it to the base! That’s why I’m so tired!”

“Guarararara! She wore you out?”

“Mhm! But it was fun! I hope she had fun too! Imagine! Not knowing how to play hide and seek!”

“Well, she probably don’t have kids her age to play with, not counting her brothers,”

“They’re more like punching bags if you ask me,”

“They really rubbed you the wrong way did you?”

“I don’t know why,” ___________________ had just finished dinner and was about to tear into some of the sweets when there was a bang on the door. Whitebeard raised an eyebrow and went to the door. She watched on to see two very large figures at the door. One was peeved and the other as stoic as ever.

“Does this belong to you?” Whitebeard looked down and called her over. She trotted to the door and her eyes lit up!

“Hi Kata-nii! Cracker-chan!”

“You little brat I swear! I knew this furball had to belong to you!” she looked puzzled as Cracker produced River, who was in a biscuit cage, “this little thief found my biscuit reservoir and ate as many as his grubby little paws could get to!”


“You named this little furball after you?!”

“Yeah! Isn’t it cool?!”

“…were your biscuits in silver metal tins?” said Whitebeard

“YES!” Whitebeard went behind the couch and produced around twenty tins of biscuits, “I was wondering where these came from. I thought someone just sent them to us,”

“YOU ASSHOLE CAT!” Cracker shook the cage River meowed in protest as _______________ took the cage. Whitebeard gave back River’s ill gotten gains as River tried to take them with his paw, “HA! Try and get them now you little shit!”

“I’m very sorry for my cat!” she said bowing

“Apology accepted,” said Katakuri

“No it’s not! He’s a no good biscuit thief! Unforgivable!” said Cracker

“I’m sure he’s sorry!” said ________________

“Twenty times?!” after a back and forth, Cracker and ______________ agreed to disagree that River didn’t mean anything by his thievery and it won’t happen again. Cracker went off in a huff. ________________ on the other hand got to finally see Katakuri and hugged his leg. He picked her up by her shirt so she could hug his face before he left. Whitebeard let River out of his prison, who immediately ran to _________________’s room to sleep.

“You better take your bath and get some rest. Tomorrow is you big day and you shouldn’t be falling asleep at the table,”

“Yes Pops!”

Peropero met his mother in her throne room. All of the preparations have been met. And everything was ready for tomorrow’s big day. He was just making sure everything is going to be okay. As long as mama was happy, which she was because tea parties made her happy, everything would be okay tomorrow. They made an extra large and very special cake for the occasion. It was specialty made with almond meal, cream cheese, cherries, and chocolate that he knew would be a decadent treat in itself. The party was a ruse to show the other yonko the one vulnerability that Whitebeard had but it backfired seemingly since it was a little girl. It took a last minute effort to make everything look as neutral as possible decoration wise. But he knew his mother’s main concern other than the child was the cake. As long as one went okay, they would be fine.

“Mama! I’m here,”

“Perospero, come in,” he walked in, “I wanted to inform you that the chefs have finished the special cake you ordered! It’s nothing less than a masterpiece ready for your consumption!”

“Excellent! I can’t wait!”

“It’s so decadent that I took the liberty to have a second made just in case! It’s smaller but I’m sure it’ll do!”

“Ahhh! Mamamama! I can’t wait! Make sure nothing goes wrong with my cake! Also, I’ve noticed you’ve been very chummy with out little guest. Is there a reason for that?”

“Yes Mama, I’ve been trying to gather some information on him. From my findings, he’s a normal little boy,”

“Oh? What makes you think that?”

“Mannerisms. He’s rude, brutish, has no qualms is saying exactly what’s on his mind. Little girls tend to be a little more catty and reserved, especially around other children. Also, that little…interaction with the Vinsmoke boys is what sealed it for me. I guess Whitebeard does have a boy instead of a girl. That fight was very brutal for a boy, no less a girl. Three boys at once is one thing, but three boys with modifications is another,” Big Mom chuckled cruelly

“How foolish are you, Perospero? A girl can be just as brutal as a boy, a little girl can be brutish and say anything that comes out of her mouth because they’re still children and I know that’s a little girl. She smells like a girl. After the Tea Party everything will be revealed one way or another. I gave Pudding a special task. And when she completes it, we’ll have our answer before the end. If Whitebeard wants to play this game, then we’ll play this game,” Perospero nodded and left. He knew the identity of the child but he owed it to Aunt to keep it a secret. He didn’t know what to do and he couldn’t approach Whitebeard either. He just hoped everything would turn out for the best. The best he could do as keep an eye on Pudding.

It was officially the big tea party. ______________ was awaken bright and early to get ready. Whitebeard loaded the majority of things they brought back onto the ship and then helped her get into Ace’s formal kimono for the party. She was the guest of honor, therefore had to play the part. They were ushered to a ginormous open air party. There were people everywhere, laughing and eating cakes and looking happy. The whole atmosphere of the party looked very happy. She’s never seen so much and smelt so much things gathered in one place before.

“WOW!” ______________ was in full awe at everything around her. Cakes, pies, pastries and other taste looking things. She felt like she was going to die from the sheer pleasure of it all.

“Get going you little scamp,” said Whitebeard laughing, “Just make sure you get to the table at noon exactly so we can have tea, alright?”

“Yes Pops!” she hurried off and took no time in sampling and munching on all of the things she was permitted to eat.

The woman was tall, even taller than Sister and Miss Hancock. She was almost as tall as Pops. a statuesque woman with tan skin, blue eyes, and prominent lips with silver lipstick. She had long and wavy white hair that covered her right eye and reached down her back. She wore a pink striped leotard, a large yellow scarf that flows nearly to the ground, sleeves around her elbows, a huge floppy cap resembling an oversized beret, and a pair of long dark boots, which reach up to her knees, with decorative adornments at the top. She also has a tattoo of a rose on her upper right leg. __________________ looked at the woman in awe. She looked down at her.

“You’re so pretty!” she chuckled

“Thank you sweetie. Would like a drink?”

“Yes please!”

“What would you like?”

“Whatcha got?”

“Well, my most popular is a molten lava drink. Want to try it?”

“…you can drink lava?!” the woman smirked, took the hot lava rock into her hand and started to squeeze. _____________ watched as the liquid from the rock poured into a mug. The woman grinned and presented it to her. She gingerly took it, “Are you okay?! Does your hands hurt?! I’m sorry if it made your hands hurt!”

“No, no! I’m fine! It’s my ability!”

“Ohhhh okay!” _______________ slowly drank the drink.


“It’s so good!”

“Want to try something else?”

“Yes please, Miss!”

“Call me Smoothie,” she went into the back behind a curtain and _______________ heard a strange sound and she came out with a sparkling drink.

“What’s this?”

“Giraffe juice,” she grimaced, “Try it,” she took a sip



“So you make anything out of juice?”

“Something like that,”

“Does it hurt the animal when you do it?”

“Nah, they’ll be fine. I don’t do it all the time, only at tea parties,”

“Oh! Okay!”

“Here’s another, this is one,”

“What’s this one?”

“This one is an extremely poisonous plant that’s only found in Skypiea,” ______________ cautiously took it and drink it, “The verdict?”

“…spicy…and really…odd but good!”

“It’s one of my favorites. It’s an acquired taste,”

“It good! Almost like ginger!”

“That’s the taste!”

“Wait, wait, can you squeeze another lava rock?” Smoothie did so as ______________ poured the poison plant into it and stirred it before taking a sip, “Well?”

“…this is pretty amazing! Wanna try it?” Smoothie takes the cup and downs it.

“…let’s make another,”


“Let’s combine the Skypiea ivy with the giraffe,”

“Okay!” Smoothie worked her magic and stirred it together. _____________ took a sip and downed the rest. She chuckled.

“I take it you like it?”

“MHM!” Smoothie took other things and laid them out before her and started juicing as _____________ started mixing. The pair bonded over weird tasting drinks from different things. They spent the next half and hour squeezing and mixing different things in order to try and drink the, _______________ enjoyed herself before she decided to get going, “At this rate, I’m going to have to pee and I don’t wanna miss the tea party,”

“If you have to go, just duck behind here and let yourself loose. I won’t tell,”

“Thanks but that would be impolite! Thanks for the drink Miss Smoothie!”

“Anytime,” _______________ continued on her little journey. She didn’t think it was possible to get a lot of cool drinks just by squeezing non food items. She did however find a bathroom and ducked inside to pee before coming out. She found a clock and saw she had a little while until the tea party. She decided to head over. She didn’t want to be late. She looked around to see where her table was. She climbed a tree and saw Pops sitting down already and started to make her way there. She kept her head up to make sure she didn’t lose her way before she slammed into someone. She got up.

“Sorry about that. I didn’t see you,” she said bowing.

“Zehahahahaha! Are you the new addition to my old family?” the man said smirking at her and went to ruffle her hair. She slapped his hand away from her person and glared. She knew well enough who this person was from all of the descriptions from her brothers. Blackbeard is an extremely tall man, with a massive build as his body is round with relatively thin limbs. He has a big mouth with several broken or missing teeth, a crooked nose and a very large and hairy chest and torso. Long, thick, woolly black hair falls down the back of his neck, underneath a black bandana, and a small scruffy black beard. She didn’t know why but something about this man gave her the same feeling of dread that Big Mom does but it more of a disgusting feeling that made all of the hairs on her body stand up. She didn’t want to be anywhere near him and she wanted to make that known as soon as possible.

“Keep your nasty hands off me,”

“Ohh, feisty was a little…wait, you’re a boy,”

“No shit, Sherlock,” the man glared at her

“Talks a lot of shit for a boy,”

“At least my mouth doesn’t smell like shit,” he growled

“What did you say brat?!”

“You heard me! I know you’re ugly but are you deaf too?” Blackbeard growled and went after the little child when Shanks got in-between them.

“Hey, long time no see, Teach. Guess you’ve met the little guy already,”

“Yeah, he needs a good swift kick in the ass,”

“Kids don’t have filters, you know that. I’m pretty sure Big Mom and Whitebeard wouldn’t appreciate seeing you hurting the guest of honor,”

“He needs to be on a leash but you’re right,” he slinked away. _________________ glared from behind Shanks who turned and ruffled her hair.

“Hey kiddo, don’t go around picking fights around here,”

“He started it,”

“You come up to his stomach. You can’t really do much,” he lifted her up and puts her on his shoulders, “And Marco will skin me alive if he knew that I was shirking my duties in protecting his little duckling,”

“Hey!” he chuckled, “During the Tea Party, you stay close to me and Pops. Trust me, you don’t want to be near anyone else. You’re going to see why. And no matter what, don’t show your fear. Seriously, there’s going to be a lot to take in, feelings of tension and auras that’ll put your guard way up but no matter what, don’t let it show, got it?”

“Got it!”

“And technically, you and I never met, okay?”

“Aww okay!” Shanks guided her to the table. When she arrived, she ran over to Whitebeard and perched next to him. Shanks greeted Big Mom amicably before sitting at his place. Blackbeard brought the rear, shooting daggers at ______________ who glared back. Then Judge Vinsmoke followed by his sons can to sit down. Each of the boy leering at _____________ who once again glared, daring them to start something with her again. Reiju grinned and gave her a wink. She gave one back. She looked around at the table. There were three places left. Two on either side of Big Mom and one on the other end of the table. She whispered to Pops.

“How many more guests are there?”

“Just one more. He should be arriving soon,” ________________ looked at the chair. It was massive, just like the one Big Mom was sitting in. Was this person just as big? She couldn’t picture it. Then again, she didn’t think she would meet someone giant like Katakuri-nii and Miss Smoothie. Then she felt it. It was an overpowering presence that made her feel really terrified. She saw him approach and couldn’t help but stare. She kept her face deadpan but in reality, she was scared. The last guest was no less than a monster, compared to the others at the table, it said a lot. He was a tan, imposing figure due in equal measures to his extreme height, pretty much the same height as Big Mom herself. He was overly top-heavy in build, he has an extremely broad, well-muscled torso with wide-set shoulders attaching to strong, thick arms, and legs that are somewhat out of proportion; far less heavily built than his arms yet about the same length. On his head he had a massive pair of gray, sharp-pointed horns come out of its sides, curving slightly to the front, then upward. He has a longish face with a heavy brow, bloodshot eyes, a hook nose and a large, full-lipped mouth. His black hair consists of an unruly, mostly swept-back mane, forming distinctly flat, rectangular locks of which some fall down near the front, over the ears, or jutting upward. His facial hair is neat, done in a wavy, waist-length Fu Manchu mustache that pairs with a spiked goatee across his broad chin. _______________ never felt so on guard in her entire life. She was on high alert and she felt completely on edge. She stayed close to Pops and Shanks. She was in a lion’s den, surrounded by monsters and she had to pretend that none of this bother her even though she could feel the thick tension surrounding her. He sat down in the final place at the table.

“Glad you can finally make it, Kaido,” said Big Mom, “And I really wanted to take your head this time,”

“You know I would never give you that satisfaction, hag,” he growled.

“Not today at least. Now that you’re here, bring the final guests!” ________________ cocked her head. She was sure that this man was the final guest but apparently she was wrong. Smoothie appeared and brought a picture that was covered by a white sheet. Perospero was behind her carrying a box also with a sheet. They set both on either side of Big Mom and uncovered them both. _________________’s blood ran cold and she felt something drop to the pit of her stomach. Sister’s head was in the glass case next to Big Mom and the picture of the nun she found a long time ago was on the other side. Sister’s head looked really well preserved and when Sister was a lot younger than she is now. Her eyes were looking out over the table at the guests. It looked exactly like her that ______________ wanted to cry but she knew for a fact that this was not. Sister was at home, older, and happy in the convent where she belonged. This was not Sister. Sister was at home. She had to keep saying this in her head because it was the only way for her to know and affirm that this was true. Whitebeard looked taken aback as well but said nothing.

“For those who don’t know, this is my Mother Carmel and my dear sweet Onee-sama! They never miss a tea party with me and they will always have a special seat here at my side. So without further ado, let the tea party commence!” tea was poured and cake was served as everyone tried to make small talk. It was mainly the adults, the kids are no interesting in discussing anything with each other, only amongst each other. _________________ was okay with this, mainly because she was doing her best to ignore the very large elephant in the room, Sister’s head.

“I could have swore you said the brat was suppose to be a girl, not a boy,” said Kaido looking at __________________.

“Ma ma ma ma mama! I know, my sources told me the same thing. But no, it’s another little boy!” she said looking down at ____________________ then she leered Blackbeard. Whitebeard said nothing but downed his tea.

“I don’t adopt girls. Bad for business. Your source was incorrect, Linlin,”

“Who was that kid with Ace then?” said Blackbeard

“You’re looking at him. This is River,”

“River? Odd name for a boy. How did you come with that name, boy?”

“My mother abandoned me by a river bank,” said ___________________, “Henceforth River,”

“Poor dear! I wish I would have found your first, you look like you can use some fattening up and loving care!” Big Mom cooed. ______________ took a huge helping of cake to keep herself from looking repulsed by the thought, “I love seeing kids enjoy their sweets! I should have known Edward would never have another girl. Especially not after Onee-sama’s little…accident,” Whitebeard stiffened. The tension around the table almost immediately became denser. Whitebeard clutched his teacup, using everything he had to not shatter it.

“Yes and now never speak of it again. Everyone around this table knows the story, no use opening it up old wounds,”

“I’m pretty sure the kids don’t know,” said Blackbeard laughing, “Especially your new son. Perfect time for him to know that you would have given him away if he was a little girl,”

“Tell me Whitebeard,” said Kaido smirking, “Did you feel relieved when Flora lost all of that baby weight?”

“If wanted to die this quickly Kaido, I will oblige!”

“Kaido, pets shouldn’t talk and make trouble at my tea parties, especially about Onee-sama, rest her soul,” said Big Mom icily, “And I won’t have you speaking so ill about my beloved big sister,”

“You brought it up, Linlin! And it’s no secret how the miscarriage happened!”


“Edward! I’m surprised at you! You never told him about Onee-sama?”

“Why? You don’t talk about the dead, if they’re not around,”

“Unless they were a true monster, you know that Newgate,” said Kaido, “Though I never thought Flora was weak enough to get killed so easily. So hag how did you do it?”

“Cracker was the one who brought her down! I couldn’t believe it! I can’t thank him enough for bring my dear Onee-sama back home,” _______________ knew what she had to do, even though she didn’t want to. She had to pretend that Sister was dead and she had to pretend to feign interest.

“Who’s Flora?” said Yonji, “I wanna know!”

“Me too!” said Niji, “Is that her head?!”

“Mamamamamamamamama! See? I knew the young would never disappoint in wondering about the past!” said Big Mom, “I’ll tell the story, it’s a good one. Onee-sama was a killing machine. After she was taken away by that evil woman, Blume she became the second mate to the Flower Pirates. One of the Captains of Old that were on the same caliber as Rock, Roger, and the Eclipse Pirates. Captain even tried to recruit her but she declined. She especially became murderous after…the accident,” Kaido chuckled. Whitebeard looked visibly angry. __________________ froze. She’s never seen him look like that before.

“Knock it off, Linlin,” he growled

“Oh come on, Edward,” said Kaido laughing, “It’s not like Flora isn’t a mother anymore? She joined her kid. It just took a few more years,”

“Animals shouldn’t talk Kaido,” said Big Mom laughing, “But it was for the best. Being anchored down with a parasite in your stomach can’t be good for anymore, especially in battle,”

“You ambushed her, Linlin!” Whitebeard slammed his hand on the table, “It wasn’t a fair fight and you know it,”

“The seas are a battlefield, you and I both know that. Anyone who’s on the seas have better prepare for war or defend themselves. That’s why I had my children on the island away from any danger. If she was going to be a mother, she should have known that. But back to the story. I managed to get Blume out of the way all that was left was to make sure Onee-sama came back home with me. I gave her an offer to come back home, to live and have her child on the island and we could be a family again. She refused. Something about her child and her crew were most important people in the world to her. Onee-sama fought and fought well, however, she left herself opened, just enough for me to finally exterminate that little parasite that was keeping us apart~”

“How did you do it?” said Ichiji

“Simple really, one swift and hard blow to her stomach ended everything right then and there. She screamed and I managed to subdue her and just left her. She needed the medical attention,” Kaido snorts and started to laugh.

“Good one! Can’t believe she evaded the Marines!”

“Onee-sama is tough. She got even tougher after that. I did her a favor. She was and still is one of the most feared pirates after Roger and of course us. Some have said that they still see her ghost from time to time but we all know that’s a myth. She’s enjoying her retirement here, where she belongs,”

“Wow, who knew it was that easy to kill a baby,” said Yonji sniggering

“If it was that easy, Father could have killed the failure before he was even born,” said Niji

“But we were all in there together,” said Ichiji, “I heard you could use a coat hanger in order to get rid of a baby,”

“Can’t believe Big Mom could get any more of a bad ass,”

“Yeah, killing a baby is hardcore but the Captain of the Flower Pirates herself? She must be really strong,” said Yonji

“Either really strong or the nun wasn’t as bad ass as the rumors say she was,” said Ichiji

“Bet she let the baby get killed so she didn’t have to take care of it,” said Niji, “I would have,”

“Then you won’t have any heirs, idiot,”

“You just need a woman and modifications, right? If we don’t like it, then we could make her not have it anymore like that weak nun,” the three boys laughed. ________________ glared at the boys. How dare that talk that way about Sister and what happened to her! They didn’t even KNOW her and her and they were laughing at her something bad that happened to her! She was about to jump over that table and beat the living shit out of them but realized that she couldn’t move from her seat, at all. She squirmed and wiggled but she was on there tight. She lifted her bottom just enough to see that the seat of her chair was thick mochi. She tried and tried again but just couldn’t move. She grunted in defeat making a mental note to kick their asses later for it. Cracker noticed Katakuri looking at her with a nonchalant gaze.

“…why did you stop her?”

“She was going to cave the redhead’s nose in, give the blue haired a black eye, and choke the green haired shouting how dare you talk about Sister that way. Meaning, she was going to giveaway that Aunt was still alive and that she was close to her. She wouldn’t have left this island and you would have been dealt with,”


“She’ll do it later though without the mention of Aunt,” _______________ kept her cool for the next couple hours of the tea party.

“Children, since you’ve all been so well behaved, how about you all go explore the rest of the tea party?” said Big Mom, “It’s almost over. Have some fun,”

“Yes Ma’am,” said ________________

“Well, such a change! I guess the sass was all an act,” ________________ quickly hopped off her chair and scampered away. She just didn’t want to be around that tension anymore. She made her way through the tables and things and taking pastries and sweets and munching on them. She had to get the image of Sister’s head out of her mind. She didn’t want to think about Sister not being alive anymore and she definitely didn’t want to think about if that story was true or not. She then heard laughing behind her. She turned to see the three familiar assholes she didn’t want to meet.

“Did you really say, ‘Yes Ma’am’?” said Niji smirking

“What are you scared of Big Mom now?” said Yonji, “Just because she killed some nun’s baby?”

“Parasite you mean,” said Ichiji, “That’s all babies are really,”

“But wonder boy got all scared after he heard the story. What’s the matter? Decided to do soft, right then and there?” That did it. ________________ looked at the trio and pointed at each of them.

“Eeny, Meeny, Minney…YOU!” Niji doubled over holding his stomach as she kicked him again, “I told you to stop talking shit if you can’t back it!” Yonji went at her as she moved away. They backed up and so did she. This time they were ready for her. And this time, she had to keep her cool but her mind was not in it at the moment. Niji step forward just as something landed in between them all. River growled and stood in front of them in of his owner. Niji’s face went visibly pale as he approached him.

“G-Get that thing away from me!” River growled even lower, tail swishing back and forth menacingly. _________________ never seen River looking so agitated before. Niji backed away. Yonji approached him.

“You’re afraid of cats?”

“N-No! I-It’s just a big du-dumb cat!” Yonji clicked his teeth.

“Tch, here’s what you do when you want a cat out of your sight,” Yonji reared his legs back, getting ready to kick River, who leapt up and jumped on his face and proceeded to scratch and bite, “AHHHHHHHHHH!GET IT OFF!!! GET IT OFF!” Niji went to help his brother out and as soon as he got close, River latched on him and gave him the same treatment. Whenever the boys thought they were safe or tried to get away, River was right there, clawing and scratching and biting. __________________ watched on with both interest and empathic pain. She then saw Ichiji inching from behind with something to hit River with. She frowned and went behind him and tapped his shoulder. He turned and she clobbered him in the nose and tied his shirt around his head and kneed him hard in the stomach.

“Come on River, let’s go,” River unleashes Yonji’s arm and merrily walked back to his owner, “Get back to the room, okay? I don’t want you getting hurt out here,” he meowed and went about his merry way. She stretched. She had to get back to her room or Pops or Shanks. The tension was killing her and she had a very bad feeling of dread that something was about to happen or someone was following her. She reached up to get another pastry when a knife came out of nowhere. ________________ jumped back over and over again to avoid the girl’s knife in her hand. She was very sloppy with it. The girl glared at her and tried to hit her over and over again. She was a really odd looking girl, dressed in a pretty pink dress, low bangs, and pigtails. She kept moving backwards until she was cornered. The girl grinned at rammed at her. _______________ grabbed her arm and turned her into the wall and slammed her and pulled the knife away from her. The girl glared as she tossed the knife over the wall.

“You shouldn’t play with this! You could have really hurt me!” she then turned to walk away. She had to get back to Pops. The Tea Party was almost over and she was hoping to get another drink from Miss Smoothie. She had made it back. She was at the table. She saw Reiju sitting. She was about to say something to Reiju when without warning, ________________ felt a breeze on her secret parts. The girl from earlier had grabbed ___________________’s pants and pulled them down. The first thing she felt was a breeze. Everyone seemed to be shocked, extremely shocked. Reiju covered her eyes. There was no doubt in anyone’s mind that there was a little boy standing before them. She immediately covered her shame and looked absolutely mortified. The girl froze and so did everyone around her. The girl then started to laugh and went to the front of __________________ who tried to cover herself the best she could. Pudding reached out to grab it her boy part.

“Pudding! What are you doing to our guest~” Big Mom said trying to not sound amused.

“It actually looks fake! I can’t believe anyone would think you were a…girl,” Pudding froze. So did the rest of the guests in the area and at the table. She retracted her hand and immediately wiped it on her skirt, “…it’s…real,”

“OF COURSE IT IS! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!” the pair rolled on the ground exchanging blow for blow. Soon the Tea Party stopped to watch the pair fighting, Big Mom especially, expecting to see a boy’s junk falling off or something until it became increasingly obvious that it was attached to his body. She became increasingly visibly angry at the situation as the two continued their fight. __________________ then noticed something on the girl’s forehead, a weak spot. They broke away from each other. Pudding ran at her again, without warning, she ducked, the girl swung and missed her in surprise but suddenly she screamed in agony, holding her forehead, revealing her third eye. She held it as she screamed in agony. _________ ________ took this opportunity to try and gather herself and keep from being exposed. She then heard a scream from behind. Pudding charged at her again. _________________ moved to the side, grabbed the girl and spun her away from her using the force she came at her with. Pudding went flying. She landed on the table. This wouldn’t have been a problem if it wasn’t the same table as the very heavy, very tasty cake was on. The force of Pudding’s body landed on the table, sending the cake flying into the air. Big Mom shrieked.

“MY CAKE!” the cake flew up and landed on the ground, splattering everywhere. Pudding winced and rolled off the table. She went after ______________ again who stood her ground when they both felt the ground shake a shadow looming over them. The feeling of dread knocked her in the stomach. They both saw Big Mom looming over them Pudding looked triumphant. Big Mom raised her hand and _______________ instinctively raised her arms up but instead she saw Pudding flying into one of the tables.

“HOW DARE YOU HUMILIATE ME AND DESTORY MY CAKE?!” the young girl tried to get up only to be grabbed by her mother.


“SILENCE! HIDE YOUR UGLY EYE FROM MY SIGHT!” Before __________________ knew, she was grabbed and pulled away. Before she could retort, she had her boxers back on and was taken back to the Chateau. She could hear Pudding’s screams and cries from inside the walls. She was let go the moment she was in front of the door to her room. She breathed deeply. For awhile she felt like she was suffocating. But she wasn’t. Katakuri looked at her. She gave a thumbs up. He returned it, him giving her her hakama before going back upstairs. She sat there for about half an hour when Whitebeard came in. He was relieved to see her inside the room, safe and sound.



“Come on kiddo, the faster we pack, the faster we can get out of here. Linlin was out for blood, she was so enrage she didn’t even see you thankfully. But that doesn’t mean she’s not going to want to make you pay for the cake. They started feeding her the larger one and I don’t know if it’ll be enough. Just get a move on,” she nodded and took everything out of her room that belonged to her. She triple checked everything before leaving the room. Whitebeard however, was sitting on the large couch. His mind seemed to be a million miles away. Tears were in his eyes as he tried to recollect himself. She gently places her hands on his arm.

“Pops?” he turned to look at her, “A-Are you okay?”

“I’ll be fine…little lady, it’s alright,”

“…is it true? What happened to Sister? Please tell me she’s lying!” Whitebeard looked at her. It was a story that he tried to forget and everyone else knew and he knew this was only brought up to hurt him or weed her out and Linlin succeeded in delivering that blow to him, “P-Pops?”

“…everything is…true. Linlin attacked Flora and Blume and hit Flora’s stomach so hard that it caused a miscarriage,”

“What’s a miscarriage?”

“A…miscarriage is when a woman who is about to have a baby, loses the baby,”

“L-Lose it? L-Like Kill it?!” he nods. She still looked confused. There was deep sorrow in his eyes. Everyone knew the story and he knew she would eventually with the other yonko around. “_________________, sit down. I have a story to tell,” she sat down without a word. Whitebeard took a very long drink from a jug of sake.

“A very long time ago…when Flora and I were younger, we were going to have a baby together. We were so happy, we were going to name her Marina and sail the seas together forming our family together. Things were…very different back then. It was right before Roger was executed and many pirates of old sailed the seas. I had just left my old crew, opting to start my own, just like my last two crewmates, Linlin and Kaido,”

“You all sailed together?!” he nodded.

“Under the Rock Pirates. He tried to get Flora to join, knowing she would carry Blume’s alliance but declined. His reasoning was she was the only person in history whom Linlin both listened to and feared, therefore an asset. Right when I left and went back to Oji-san, I found out she was pregnant and we plotted out our entire lives together. She was about six months in, glowing, happy with her crew. But…one decision changed everyone’s lives in one day. Flora decided to return to her old village to retrieve something for our daughter. It was a very old family heirloom that she managed to track down. Blume accompanied her and they were both alone. It was just a quick retrieval mission, but neither of them knew that Big Mom had caught wind about her sister’s pregnancy and she laid in wait and ambushed them. Flora couldn’t fight…not in her condition but tried. Blume managed to get Flora to safety and did everything in her power to keep her young daughter safe, however, Big Mom. Flora went to save her fallen captain and fought against her…ending with a devastating blow to Flora’s stomach and taking the remaining lives of Blume’s soul. When Flora came to, she was in a Marine hospital and her baby was taken out, dead at this point,” ___________________ sat there stunned and covered her mouth, “Flora…never forgave herself for what happened that day. She lost Blume and she lost Marina and never fully recovered from that ordeal. Even if she wanted another baby, the injury left her unable to have another child, another blow to her. After that, she became the ruthless Captain of the Flower Pirates, making it her mission to conquer, free, and destroy anything in her path in Big Mom’s Territories. She killed many, she’s freed many, especially children until they faded off into obscurity, mainly because Big Mom made it her life’s mission to make Flora live with her on Whole Cake Island and in her twisted mind, thought that her losing her psuedo-mother figure and her unborn child would be enough for her to come back home and of course it didn’t. It wasn’t until Flora faked her death where she finally had a chance to retire and open the convent to give children the same chance she was given. It thrived for a long time, until she decided to just take care of the convent and then you came along, the first girl that she’s kept for years until she could find the right family, getting attached to you the entire time. That’s why it would have been dangerous if you came as girl. Big Mom knew Flora carried a girl, if she knew that you existed along with Flora…then you could have been the perfect leverage to draw her out of hiding,”


“I know it’s a lot to take in and you’ll never be able to fully understand this until you’re older,”

“No…I understand it…I just didn’t know that there’s cruel people in the world like that. It’s scary, and I can see why Sister always called her a monster,”

“…it’s true, the world is a very dangerous and very cruel place…but that doesn’t mean there’s not any good in it. Sometimes all of the cruelty and darkness overshadow the good things in the world. Always remember, darkness is everywhere and when you think it’ll overcome you, find your candle to guide your way out. Everyone has a candle inside them, some have been extinguished years ago, some have been purposely snuffed out, but remember you can use it to light your way or light someone else’s way out of the dark,”

“Yes Pops,”

“Come, let’s go home,” it took them a little of no time to gather their things, making sure the room itself was cleared from anything of theirs and got back to the ship. _________________ was just so happy to finally get back home. Whitebeard started loading the ship and preparing it for cast off. She kept looking back in worry. Something told her it was best that they left now but she really wanted to say her goodbyes. She was about to board the ship when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

“Sweetheart, it’s really impolite to leave a place without saying goodbye,” she turned to see Perospero, Katakuri, and Cracker. She beamed and hugged their knees.

“Bye Pero-nii! Bye Kata-nii! Bye Cracker-chan!”

“DAMN YOU CHILD!” said Cracker glaring at her. Perospero snorts.

“We have a few things to give you before you leave,” he revealed three very large crates.

“Huh, what’s this?”

“You know your friend who gave you the bracelet? This is for her. Be a dear and give it to her for us, alright?”

“Yes Pero-nii!”

“And the chefs want you to have this crate. It’s pretty much the damaged cake. Mama is still in her sugar coma and Kaido is still very drunk so you two have plenty of time to leave,”

“I’m going to miss you three!” she said

“Awww we’re going to miss you too! As much as we want you to stay, it’s best that you’re out of here,”

“I understand,”

“Hey, don’t look so sad! We may meet again through better circumstances!”

“I hope so!”

“If you want to say your last goodbye little one, this would be the time,” ______________ cocked her head as Reiju came out of her hiding spot. She went up to her and puts her hands on her shoulders, grinned and kissed her cheek. __________________ face went red. She smiled at her again.

“Safe travels!”

“U-Umm t-thanks!” Reiju chuckled as ________________ boarded the ship. She made sure everything was down in storage and by Pops’ orders, nothing had a bug on it or tracker. Everything was good as Whitebeard went take off. She then realized that River wasn’t on the ship. She ran up to the deck just in time to hear a tirade of swearing.

“YOU SHIT CAT!” ___________________ ran to the deck to see River being chased from the Chateau and pursued by Cracker who was furiously clapping his hands at the cat. River, who had a wagon around him, ducked and dodged and weaved his way through the biscuit traps and finally up the extracting ramp. He and his wagon made it to the deck. On his wagon was about thirty tins of biscuits. Cracker shout obscenities at River who had gotten out of his stole wagon and gave Cracker his tail before. Perospero was holding his side and Katakuri held Cracker back from trying to jump into the water after them.


“I’M VERY, VERY SORRY!” She stood on the edge of the ship and watch everyone leave the shore. Soon Whole Cake Island became smaller and smaller. When she knew they were completely out of sight, she lets out a big sigh of relief and sat on the deck. This had to have been the most stressful weekend of her life and she was so glad that Big Mom was so angry that she was banned from going there for awhile. She just hoped Pudding was still alive after the fact. She waited on deck until they were back in neutral waters before hunkering down below and finally getting some well deserved sleep.

__________________ and Whitebeard had made it to their final destination. It took longer because he didn’t trust anyone who wanted to know where the town was and decide to mess with the citizens there and took many different routes until he was certain that no one knew where the little village was. ________________ had slept for most of it, exhausted from her ordeal and finally relieved that she could let her guard down. Soon she saw familiar mountains, a familiar sunrise, and familiar surroundings. As they got close, she saw everyone was waiting for them on shore. She was so happy to finally see home again. She wanted to jump off the ship and swim for it but Pops told her not to. They docked and she hopped off, only to be caught by Marco who hugged her tightly, as though he was never going to see her again. Soon everyone else ran to make sure their little sister was okay. She almost immediately started to cry. She just missed everyone so much. It was a possible fact that something could have happened and she would never see any of them again. She got into the car with Marco and they drove home. At home, Ivankov was waiting. He grinned at her.

“Welcome back, sugar,”

“Hi, Iva!”

“Do you like this new body?”

“No way! Please change me back!”

“You got it sugar,” he got her hormones ready and injected her. She never felt so happy to be in her normal body again. Everything felt so much more natural again. She grinned at herself in the mirror.

“Oy…where is everybody? I’m starving and I’m about to meet everyone in a few…” Ace was taken aback when he felt two familiar arms hugging him tightly. Ace pulled her back to see her face. He saw the two familiar (e/c) of his little sister smiling back at him. He grabbed her hand and ran out the house. She ran to catch up with him. He didn’t stop until they were at their secret meeting place. The rest of their little gang was there, waiting. Before she could say anything, Kid got up and got into her face screaming at her.

“It’s about damn time you came home!” said Kid, “We didn’t think you were going to fuckin’ come back! WHY ARE YOU STILL A PATHETIC GIRL?! COULDN’T STAY A BOY COULD YOU?!”

“Miss you too, Kid,”

“How was it?!” said Sabo

“What did you see?!” said Luffy

“What was Big Mom like?!” said Sanji

“Hey don’t crowd her!” said Law, “Give her room!”

“Well, Whole Cake was amazing!” she said excitedly, “It’s so true! It’s a place where everything is made of cakes and sweets! But there was tension everywhere! Big Mom is a monster! A big pink monster that’s really mean and scary! There was another monster there too! His name was Kaido and he had horns coming out of his skull like a demon! Shanks was there and he protected me from this disgusting beast of a man! The one that tried to kill Thatch!”

“Blackbeard?!” said Ace

“Yeah him!”

“What else happened?!” said Sanji

“Oh! I beat up three boys!”

“FUCK YEAH!” said Luffy

“What they do?!” said Killer

“They attacked me first! They were royal boys too! And they had the coolest sister ever! She was super pretty!”

“…what did they look like?” said Sanji

“Well, one was a redhead that looked like a rooster. I wailed on him the most because he was the leader. Kingdew always said to take out the one who looks like the strongest and I did. And his face pissed me off. The second one was had half his hair shaved and wore goggles the entire time. He was talking a lot so I punched him in the stomach to shut him up. He came at me for a rematch but River got him! The last one was a human gorilla with green hair. I used him as a shield. I didn’t fight the girl! We actually became friends! She had pink hair! And she gave me a bunch of her clothes to give to my sister or a friend or myself! I’m keeping them! And I gave her a kanzashi!”

“…you don’t have a scratch on you,” said Law

“Nope but they did. River helped,”

“Pffft, she may not look it but she’s tough,” said Ace

“I’ve seen her in action and she is!” said Sanji

“Wish she would just beat the shit out of Holly,”

“Nope, Marco said you don’t start a fight, you end it. I also met a bunch of devil fruit users! Pero-nii can make anything out of candy! Cracker-chan can make biscuits, River stole of a bunch of them, Katakuri-nii can turn himself into mochi! He actually saved me using it, and Miss Smoothie can juice anything and make a lot of tasty things with the juice! I had lava rock and it was SO good! I’m just so glad to be home! That place was a nightmare! They were trying to see if I was a real boy and this girl pulled down my pants! I was exposed!”

“What the hell?!” said Kid, “They tried to see your junk?!”

“And this girl PULLED it!”

“You better had pulled hers back!”

“For the last time,” said Sabo, “Girl don’t have—,”

“She had no right to touch it!” said Luffy, “That’s her special area!”

“I beat her up, she destroyed Big Mom’s cake and Big Mom…well, I heard her screaming a lot,”

“Good,” said Kid, “you don’t touch someone’s junk! What kind of a sick ass does that?!”

“When did you get back?” said Law

“About an hour ago, I miss you guys so much!”

“An hour?!” said Sanji

“Mhm, I’m actually exhausted to be honest,”

“Well, you can’t go back home for awhile,” said Ace, “Everyone is planning a big dinner for you,”


“Mhm. So whatever you want to do, you better do it now,” _______________ grinned pulled them all around her next a tree, closed her eyes and promptly went to sleep. Law snorts.

“Let her sleep,”

“Do we have to sit here while she does?” said Kid

“It’s a good day to watch clouds,” said Sabo

“And I bet she has more stories once her mind her rested,” said Killer

“Tch fine, that one looks like a machine gun,”

“Looks like a cheese grater to me,” said Sanji

“You’re both wrong, it’s Swiss cheese!” said Luffy

“It’s always food with you!” said Kid

“Because Luffy is always hungry,” said Sabo, “You get used to it after awhile,”

Flora yawned and got ready for bed. She called Perospero to thank him and the other two for keeping their promise. Edward delivered the crate they sent and decided to open it in the morning. She was too tired to do anything major that night. _______________ and Edward were home safe and sound with no reason to be invited back. They had a huge dinner as a celebration and it didn’t end until midnight. By this time, she just wanted to sleep in her own bed. She’ll visit everyone in the morning. She cracked her back, shuffled into her nightgown and let her hair just fall from the veil. She shook it out and shuffled under the huge blanket. She got relaxed the moment her head hit the pillow. She hadn’t been able to sleep for the last few days and this was going to be welcoming treat. The sounds of silence and the wind seeping through from cracks was a soothing sound that made her sink into the mattress and into a peaceful sleep. She then felt a shift in the bed and a hug. She opened an eye to see (h/c) hair curled up under her chin.

“What are you doing, runt?”

“Sleeping with you,”

“…how the hell did you get in here?”

“I followed you in. I think you need someone to keep you company tonight, Sister,”

“And what makes you think that?”

“Because I miss sleeping next to you at night, so that must means you miss me sleeping next to you at night, as well, right?”

“…I swear you’ve been hanging around that straw hat boy too much. His weird ass logic is rubbing off on you,”

“But is it true?”

“…no but since you’re here you may as well stay,” _____________ snuggled closer to her. Flora huffed, knowing that she would have a tiny extra body tonight. She sighed before draping her arm around her and pulling her close. At least she didn’t demand a story or anything. She brushed a few tears from her eyes. She was just glad the little runt was back home safe and sound again.

“Love you, Sister,”

“…I know,”
Tsuru like many others got word that the Captain of the Flower Pirates, Blume was dead. They found her and her first mate and protégé Flora was found floating in the water. She holding onto her corpse barely clinging onto life herself unconscious. She was taken in and by Government orders treated for her injuries. Upon inspection it was found that Flora was with child but after a few tests, the baby was pronounced stillborn. The doctor ordered everyone out while he performed the surgery. After that, Flora was taken to a private, well guarded room awaiting her fate. Tsuru was ordered to keep an eye on the prison until her transfer to Impel Down. She’s had many run ins with this woman and considered her to be a worthy and honorable adversary, the first mate of Blume and the Demon Blade herself. However, this was not the person she’s fought numerous of times. Flora was a shadow of herself. She looked hallow and haggard looking out the window. She’s been catatonic since the surgery, unresponsive, didn’t respond to any stimuli, so they decided to let her be. Tsuru slowly approached her. She spoke the only words that came to her mouth.

“I’m sorry,”

“Why? You didn’t do anything,” she said. Flora still didn’t turn to face her. She was holding her stomach and looking out the window, “Tsu, where’s my baby?” Tsuru looked very uncomfortable. Flora’s eyes looked at her, “I see, so it wasn’t a dream,”

“Did you know the father?”

“Edward Newgate,” Tsuru sat down. She knew it was okay to let her guard down. In the public’s eyes, Flora the new captain of the Flower Pirates. She was ruthless, fair and morally unpredictable, but she saw something else. Right now, she just saw a mother who lost her only child and her mother in the same day and now waiting to be executed. Both were silent again. Flora smiled, “We were going to get a ship, form our own crews and raise her together. My little Marina…after my mother,”

“You knew your mother?”

“Mhm, for ten years until she was murdered by bandits, then I was with a human trafficker before Blume took me in. Heh, who knew the very monster that I found and brought into my life out of empathy was the very thing that would kill everyone and everything I’ve ever held dear,”

“…you and Linlin?”

“Mhm, her parents abandoned her when she was a child, I found her crying on the island. I comforted her, I made sure she was okay, told her I would be her big sister. She used to follow me around like a pathetic little duck, calling me Onee-sama and picked me up just to hug me. I did my best to make her into a decent kid. It was hard but I was there when she needed me. She threw a fit when she found out that I was going to be “adopted”. Blume knew what that old bitch had in store for us and got me out when she had the chance. I promised Linlin I would come back for her birthday, if she was good and left my locket to give myself a reason. I came back, just to see her eating my friends and the bitch who raised her to be a monster. Everyday I wished I could have drowned her when we first met. Maybe I could have spared the world of her and still have my daughter with me. You guys can fuckin’ execute me for rescuing a monster and unleashing it to the world. Who knew it would bite me in the ass,” Flora chuckled and then laughed. Tsuru saw the tears falling down her face, “Fate is funny, isn’t it? I was the one who brought Linlin to Totto Land. Then that witch took her in, then tried to turn us into good government dogs, no offense. Then I decided to give the little brat some discipline. Why? Apparently, hurting our friends and torturing animals weren’t enough for the little psycho because she was never disciplined by the Carmel. Then she eat her and everyone in the village! The VERY FIRST TIME I had a chance to protect someone but I couldn’t! Then again what—what k-kind of a mother am I?! My mom had the de-decency to-to pr-protect my worthless ass by using her body to cover mine when the bandits slaughtered her! Mine was in my fuckin’ stomach and couldn’t even do that!” Flora continued to laugh and cry before she broke down in tears, “I-I cou-cou-ldn’t even… protect the-the only per-son I thought I would ever call mother again,” Tsuru pulled her into a hug and held her close. Flora went limp. She checked her pulse. She was still alive but she was still very weak. She gently laid her down and draped a blanket over her, exited the room and closed the door. She knew she had a few options in this case. If it was just any pirate that was the lover of Flora, they wouldn’t have to worry so much but she was carrying the child of Whitebeard himself. If they did anything to Flora now, the causalities alone would be devastating, especially since it’s unknown that he’s still with Rock or not. Also she knew for a fact that if Edward wanted blood, Atlas and Roger would tear the seas apart to rescue an old friend and avenging anyone who would dare desecrate Blume’s body, and at this moment, Flora was unpredictable. She lost everything and nothing would matter to her anyway. Never trust a wounded wolf. She took out a cigarette and lit it. She rarely smoked but she had to clam her nerves. Flora was a threat, no matter how much she tried to rationalize it but she, like main like her, had an ethical code. She remembered that moment when she had the opportunity to let her die but didn’t. Toyed with her but didn’t let her die. She saved her life…and that was something. She did owe her that much. Tsuru took a deep drag, blew out the smoke and radioed in some orders. That night, she went against all protocol and did something that she knew was wrong. She used a very powerful sedative to knock Flora out before loading her in a basket, telling everyone it was some contraband that she had to dispose of and went off alone on boat. Also on this boat was Blume’s body, for a proper burial. She sailed for hours until she ran into a fleet of three ships, the Flower Pirates, the Gold Pirates, and Eclipse Pirates’ ship. She called out to the Eclipse Pirates, requesting to come abroad. She and her small boat was hoisted up and she was escorted to the deck. Atlas was an imposing man and with what she was sure the rumors were, was on edge like everyone else. Also on the ship were the main four of the Flower Pirates. They understandably looked very apprehensive. There was Poppy the Archer, Fire Dancer Nobara, Frost Bringer Liliya, and Red Blade Katsika. All four had a hefty bounty on their heads and were all apart of the main crew where Blume and Flora presided.

“Why have you come here?” said Poppy

“You have a lot of balls to come here, Marine,” said Liliya, “Especially unarmed and outgunned,”

“Just because we’re mourning, doesn’t mean we won’t back down,” said Nobara. Tsuru said nothing but opened the basket. They immediately dropped their weapons and ran to their fallen Captain. Tsuru brushed passed them as the fearsome four checked on their leader, realizing she’s still very much alive. They called for who Crocus who came out when he heard the commotion. Tsuru went to Atlas and bowed in respect.

“I’m looking for Newgate. Please, take me to him,” Atlas called the young man out. Soon he appeared. Looks of worry on his face as he noticed everyone seemingly in a panic, “I need to speak to him in private,” Atlas ushered them both into his chamber and locked the door. Tsuru sat down. This was not going to be an easy task. None of this situation was going to be easy. He looked at her expectantly, “Sit down. It’ll be easier,” he frowned but did so, not expecting what this news was going to be. She lit another cigarette. She had to steady her hand, “New…Edward, the basket I’ve brought with me contains Flora. There was an attack as you probably know and she and Blume were found in the ocean off a village. Blume…was pronounced dead upon arrival. Flora was almost there, clinging to life. She had to be taken in for her injuries and emergency surgery after we discovered that…she was pregnant and that she was bleeding from below. Labor was included….and the baby was stillborn. I-I’m very sorry, we couldn’t save the baby. She was died about an hour after we found her,”

“She lost the baby,” The look on the man’s face felt like a punch to her gut as well as his. Tear rolled down his eyes as though his entire would had collapsed.

“W-Where’s Flora?”

“Crocus is tending to her. I gave her a sedative to get her out of the Marine holding area. She’ll be out for a few days but still very weak,” Edward stood up.

“I’m in your debt,”

“No you’re not. I paid my debt to her. Go to her,” he briskly left the room. Tsuru came back out. The Fearful Four were preparing Blume’s body for burial. As with tradition, they were wrapping it in linen and oiling it with sweet oils. From there, she would be laid to rest on the island of her birth or the final resting place for all pirates. She only heard rumors of the place. She’s never seen it in person. They stopped when they saw her and bowed lowly.

“Thank you for bringing our Captain back,” said Poppy softly, “And thank you for bringing us…Mother’s body back,”

“We’re…sorry about before,” said Katsika

“What can we do to repay you?” said Liliya

“An eye for an eye. I owe her my life so I repaid the favor,” she lit a cigarette and sighed, “Besides, what threat was she after losing her entire world in one day? I knew all hell would break loose if she wasn’t returned and I’m not about to let that happen. Edward would tear this entire sea apart to get her back. So this means you guys can get back to your ship and bury your former Captain and Mother and treat your new Captain,”

“We’ll take you back to wherever you need to go. Crocus can handle it from here,” said Nobara, “And it’s best we bury her before Flora comes to. When she wakes up, we’ll hold the memorial. I don’t think her heart will take seeing Blume buried,”

“Tell when you’re ready to go. Edward’s in the room with her. They need each other right now,” said Poppy, “We’ll do what we can until she’s okay, again,”

“Thank you very much. Finish what you can with your Captain and then take me back. I don’t want anyone to know I went missing for too long,” They nodded and went back to the preparation. Tsuru gazed across the water. She knew Flora would be awake in a few days and by that time, they’ll be far away from any Marine and government official. She also knew that if anyone thought the Flower Pirates were vulnerable, they would be attacked over and over. As long as they were with Atlas and Roger until they recovered, they would be fine and God have Mercy on anyone foolish to try. But this also increased Big Mom’s rank along with her bounty. She slowly blew out the cigarette smoke. She just wanted this fucked up day to end.




Flora came to a few days later. He could hear the wind blowing, she could feel warm sea air. She glanced over to see a window. If this is Hell, it’s a pretty comforting place. She slowly sat up. She felt her stomach. She gripped the sheet. Tears fell from her eyes. She started to shake. She couldn’t feel Marina in her stomach anymore…she could feel the life she’s carried for six months inside her anymore. She didn’t like this feeling…this empty feeling. She felt a large hand on hers. They were warm. She knew he was in the room with her, but she was too shamed to even look at him. How could she? She failed him, she failed the three most important people to her.

“Florrie…” she looked at Edward. Tears rolled down his eyes as well. He’s never seen her like this before and the sight both angered him and broke his heart. There was multiple layers to Flora that he has seen throughout their lives together. He’s seen her happy, he’s seen her embarrassed, he’s seen her at her most vulnerable, he’s seen her at her strongest…but this…was not something he’s ever seen from her and it made his blood boil seeing her completely and utterly broken. She was shaking, tears pouring from her eyes, her eyes were filled shame, emptiness, defeat, and hopelessness.

“I-I couldn’t protect them…I couldn’t protect my mother twice and not even my own daughter…how pathetic. I-I h-have no business being a mother, let alone a captain…” He immediately hugged her close as she sobbed and hard into his chest, “Edward…I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry…please…forgive me,”

“There’s nothing to forgive! Flora, none of this is your fault. It’s okay, please…just…damn it, I don’t know what to say! I can’t tell you it’s going to be okay because it’s not! Who knows if we’ll ever be okay. My heart is breaking and I can only imagine how you feel! I just wish there was some way to take all of the pain away but I can’t and for that I’m sorry…I’m sorry I can’t be there to make it all better or I wasn’t there to prevent it. Florrie, I’m just so—” she hugged him tightly sobbing and shaking into his chest. He said nothing more and hugged her back. The only thing he could do was just stay with her, just like this and make it hurt a little less for the rest of her life.

Chapter 44: The Bloody Tea Party: Omake


Extras from the Bloody Tea Party I couldn't fit anywhere ^^

Chapter Text

Shanks arrived at the house as promised. The moment he left the Tea Party, he followed Whitebeard and used the same route to get to Windmill village faster. He arrived about the same time and made his way straight to the house. He went to the door and immediately smelt food coming from inside. His stomach growled as he invited himself in. The Whitebeard Family were preparing a big dinner for Whitebeard and the little lady, with sake and cake and other things.

“You got the video?” he jumped and saw Marco looking at him. Shanks grinned

“I might if I can get something warm and wet from my Marco-chan~”

“Do you want to die?”

“Kinky, I love it,”

“Just give me the tape before anyone sees you!” Shanks places his hands over his heart

“Are you ashamed of me?! I’m not just some hot piece of ass Marco! I’m a man with feelings and a heart! Not just something you can turn off and on!”

“…Shanks are you here?” Jozu poked his head out from the kitchen

“Yes! I’m just here for my Marco booty call~”

“It’s not like that you red haired pervert!”

“You see what I go through?! He’s never like this behind closed doors!”

“Another lover’s quarrel?” said Izo laughing

“Shut it Izo! I just told Shanks to do me a favor!”

“For a date or two! Don’t forget it! That I was worried about the little lady too,”

“…did you have Shanks spy on ___________________?!” said Jozu

“HA! I KNEW you couldn’t stop being a mother hen!” said Izo

“Of course not, Mother Marco will always be there to keep an eye on his baby chick,” said Vista as everyone crowded in hearing the commotion.

“Did you really spy on the little lady since she got there?!” said Blenheim

“Spying is an ugly word! I prefer watching over! But yeah, Marco-chan asked me to keep an eye on the little lady the moment I got there. I got there early and I had a den den mushi track her the moment she left her room. It’s been following her at a distance and in silence and since everyone and everything is bigger on Whole Cake, it wasn’t hard to miss it. So from the moment she arrived to now, it caught everything, including her…scuffles,”

“Scuffles?!” said Vista


“AND YOU DIDN’T STOP IT?!” said Atmos

“THE FUCK RED HAIR!” said Thatch

“Wait, wait hear me out! There’s a reason! Wait, let me show you guys instead,” Shanks hooked the snail to the television. The screen flickered as the den den mushi showed images of _______________ munching on cake, happily talking to Katakuri, messing with Cracker, and hanging out on Perospero’s shoulders. Then the scene changed to her coming up the stairs looking visibly shaken before dodging a blur that came at her from the side. The brothers saw that words were being exchanged then the first blow.

“FUCK YEAH! She got that shit from me!” said Rakugo

“You wish! She got that chest hair badassery from ME!” said Fossa

“Ohhh! Shit, she fights dirty!” said Curiel, “She’s fucking their shit up!”

“Damn look at her go!” said Vista, “Scrappy isn’t strong enough for this,”

“Beat his ass!” said Izo, “Little bitches shouldn’t be trying to sucker punch people!”

“Her speed is getter more polished,” said Speed Jill, “And she’s been hanging around Fossa, Curiel, Rakugo, Ace and Kid way too much. She’s swearing worst than an old Marine on leave,”

“Hey! We try to keep the language down!” said Fossa

“You say fuck at least eighty times a day,” said Jozu, “Curiel about thirty, Rakugo…on a good day, sixty,”

“Yeah, watch your fuckin’ mouths,” said Kingdew

“And she’s talking shit, that came from Izo,”

“You goddamn right it did!”

“And that was round one,” said Shanks, “Here comes round two,” Shanks fast forwarded the images. They saw her at the Tea Party drinking some of Smoothie’s weird concoctions and enjoying herself before she slammed into a familiar hulking idiot.

“Wait, is that her with Teach?!” said Thatch

“Yeeeeeeeah, I had to step in before he hurt her. And she had her fangs bearing the entire time. She was polite to almost everyone but those royal kids and Teach. She even mouthed off to Big Mom but even tried to be polite later. It was like she could smell someone from him and her fangs just came out like “try me bitch”. Like right now,” the image changed to her confronting the boys again, who tried egging her on. This time she initiated it and got the blue haired boy in the stomach, earning “ohs” from the men.

“Shit, look at her go!” said Blamenco, “Is that River?! Who taught him?!”

“Who do you think?” said Jozu, “Ace doesn’t admit it but he’s been trying to teach River a few things and I think it rubbed off. That and River is protective of the one who saved his life,”

“We raised a scrapper, I’m so proud!” said Kingdew

“Our sweet little girl can take care of herself!” said Izo laughing

“My ass she can,” said Thatch, “She’s still a passive thing on the inside. She was literately in a den of wolves. So it was either act like a wolf or die like a bunny,”

“She lives with us! She was a born badass,” said Fossa

“She is but she’s still a bunny. She’s not going to attack or fight unless she has to. Bunnies can be vicious little shits too,”

“Just because a bunny runs away from a wolf, doesn’t mean they’re not a threat,” said Shanks.

“What are you all yammering about,” they jumped. Flora was in her corner watching the whole thing take place, “Cats attract cats. She’s a kitten raised by wolves. Of course she looks harmless but when cornered reveal her claws. If she is raised by wolves, not even a few rabid dogs will frighten her. Calling her a bunny is an insult,”

“…she’s right,” said Speed Jill

“Bunnies can be vicious too,” said Shanks, “Especially when threatened but the way she had her claws out around Teach was enough to show that you all rubbed off on her a bit and that she could handle herself in her own way, without her mother hen,”

“He called you out,” said Thatch. Marco sighed

“I was just worried that there would be something she said or do that would out her identity so we can cover it up from there,”

“Marco, you have to stop worrying,” said Blamenco putting his hand on his shoulder

“Seriously, you were holed up in your room for a long time and that’s not a good thing,” said Jozu, “Come on, get some air,”

“Help with the table set up,” said Thatch. The men ushered Marco into the courtyard. Shanks and Flora sighed.

“Thank you for editing out the parts with Pero, Katakuri, and Cracker. I think Marco would have a heart attack if found out that she called them nii,”

“Conniption more like it! And then try to prove himself as the best big brother,”

“That idiot, he’ll always be her number one big brother in her heart,”

“That’s why he’ll never know about her other cool Whole Cake niis,”

“Thank god,”


The three boys limped back to their common room. Reiju brought up the rear behind them with a big smirk on her face. When Big Mom went on her rampage, Father had her collect her brothers and get back to the ship. Their servants were putting everything onto the ship and when they were all accounted for, they set sail. All three boys were bruised, scratched, and bloodied.

“I thought you three would have learned your lesson by now,”

“Sh-Shut up!” said Yonji

“TWICE! TWICE! You three got your asses kicked TWICE! And this time by his cat!”

“That wasn’t no cat! That was a fuckin’ demon spawned from the lowest depths of Hell!” said Niji

“I thought it was cute,”

“He wasn’t scratching your ass!” he barked, “And you could have helped us?”

“And get scratched? No thank you,” they all went inside. There was a familiar face at the table in their common room. A black haired boy was sitting at the table munching on the many treats on the table. He wore a black shirt, brown pants with a white “3” on his shirt. His hair is also slicked into two parts at the front, one pointing up and the other pointing down.

“They finally let you out, little brother?” said Yonji

“Little? I was born before you, you little shit,” he then looked at them, “Heh you got your asses kicked? You three look like shit,”

“Shut up, Goji!” Niji snapped

“Yeah! If you were there like you were supposed to, you could have helped or got fucked up like we did,” said Yonji

“Not my style, besides, I’m Father’s secret weapon, remember?”

“Still wished we had four against one,” said Niji

“I don’t think it would have made the difference,” said Reiju

“Oh trust me, it would,” said Goji smirking, “Especially if Ichiji and I did most of the work,”

“Heh, yeah,”

“We should have been enough to take him!” said Niji

“We could have gotten him at the tea party if it wasn’t for that stupid cat!” said Yonji. The other boy started laughing

“You got your asses kicked by a cat?!”

“A demonic cat!” said Niji

“Aren’t you afraid of cats?”

“NO! I just don’t like smaller ones!”

“You mean normal sized ones,” said Reiju, “Anyway, cat scratches are infectious, you better get to the doctor,” she guided her two youngest brothers away, “Don’t think you’re off the hook Ichiji, I’m pretty sure you you’re to feel something soon,” Ichiji watched the door and doubled over on the bed the moment they were out of sight. The boy sniggered.

“Let me see,” Ichiji lifted his shirt revealing a large bruise, “Ouch, does it hurt?”

“Like hell. There was something…really familiar about that asshole. Something I couldn’t put my finger on and it bothers me. Like I knew it from somewhere but I KNOW I never met him. There only ONE person in the entire world that could never get the drop on me like that and I know for a fact she’s dead,”

“Probably a brother or a doppelgänger,”

“Only child and only one like her in the world but like I said, she’s dead. Unlike the failure, who’s somewhere out there,”
“Maybe she is too. You think her parents would let a weapon just go like that?” said Goji, “She would have been hard to kill, especially modified like us,”

“She wasn’t modified like us. That was something different. The notes were burned down when her family’s home was destroyed and all of that property fled. She was supposed to test a weapon or something. But she was strong and resilient that’s about it. Then she was scrapped when because there was nothing else,”

“It comes right back to my point. You think it would be that easy to kill someone like that?”

“They have her heart. I’m going to clone it someday to get her back,”

“You think Father is going to let you clone a failure?”

“He cloned you didn’t he?”

“Yeah but I’m the better version of the failure, pretty much an equal,”

“Tch, whatever. If Reiju asks, I went to the infirmary,” Ichiji went to his room and closed his door. He knew there was something off about that boy but he didn’t know what. It was almost the same feeling of the failure’s fiancée. It made him feel warm and feel things. He didn’t know why the face made him feel like that. He also wanted to make him feel pain as well. He sighed and took out a photo from his desk. It was a picture of the failure’s fiancée. She was grinning that big smile of hers and hugging the failure. He had long since scratched off his face and existence leaving only her. Only she had the strength to be able to do that to his brothers and how dare this little bastard do that to them?! Only SHE was allowed and she was dead!

Touch Sanji again and so help me, I will rip you apart! he grinned. He missed that killer instinct.

“I hope we meet again, bastard. I’m going to make you pay dearly for making me remember that smile,”


“Hey Sister?” __________________ said looking at Flora while they ate the leftover cake from the tea party. After dinner, Thatch made tea and passed out the cake to everyone. She made her little place next to the old nun.


“Pops said that Blume was a Devil Fruit user, right?”

“Mhm, she had the Mosa Mosa No Mi. She could control and use any plant and make any plant grow to an accelerated rate. Even growing old ones that have been extinct as long as she had the place of origin,”

“So that’s how she had that poison sword?!”

“Mhm, it was her signature weapon. Glad it died with her. Nothing that powerful should ever exist,”

“…I don’t want to sound morbid but…what happens to a fruit when a person dies?”

“When a fruit user dies, their ability goes into the closest piece of fruit for the next person to find. And before you ask, no I don’t have it. I was suppose to have it on Blume’s deathbed but fate has a funny way of fucking me over,”

“Where is it?”

“In the place you just were,”

“Whole Cake Island?!”

“Mhm, Big Mom keeps it in her room. I scoured the world for it…only to find out she had it. She offered to give it back, if I came back and be her Oneesan again. Fat chance of that happening,”

“Why didn’t you tell me that part?!”

“Because if I told you before, your little ass would try and get it, then get caught, then I would have to go in and save you, getting caught ending in us both never leaving that hellhole alive. Am I wrong?”


“And that’s why you didn’t hear that part of the story. And if you ever go back to the Island just to try a foolish thing like getting Blume’s fruit, I’ll bop you so hard you’ll go through time!”

“ACK! Okay, okay!”

“Thought so,”


Pudding sat in her room. Her face and body completely covered in bruises. She went to the mirror and saw that her face was completely messed up with a combination of that boy and her mother. Her first and third eye was swollen shut and everything felt and blurry, relying on her other eye to see. Tears were coming down her face as she sobbed bitterly. She’s never been hurt like this by Mama before. It was her first mission and she failed. She was locked in her room, for her safety mainly, until Mama’s wrath was gone. Her entire body was covered in bruises and hits from both that boy and her mother. She glared, thinking about that boy. If it took the rest of life, she was going to make him pay for this. She was going to make him pay for what he did to her face, causing Mama to hate her more, and she was going to relish in it for the rest of her life. Big Mom was angry, above and beyond angry. The Tea Party ended with the cake’s destruction and she was exhausted after punishing Pudding for her failure and destroying HER cake! The guests were all immediately ushered out and when she came to, all of the yonko, sans Kaido was gone. He was relishing in the idea that her little pain had failed.

“I was sure that child was a little boy! I know a girl when I see one and I know a boy when I see one!”

“Apparently it wasn’t, Linlin,” he laughed. She growled, “A dick is a surefire way of determining a gender and he has one!”

“Shut up!”

“Admit it, Linlin, you lost! Newgate would never get a daughter if he could help it and how can you rely on someone who’s so stupid, he can’t even remember where the island was and his subordinates are still too scared to reveal what they saw, even as mangled as they came back as,”

“There’s no doubt there’s a Flower Pirate in the region. Any time they hear of a child getting harmed, they make an example of them. If I new for a fact that Oneesama is here where she belongs, I would have said it was her by the brutality of it. I miss seeing her work,” Kaido guzzled down more sake and laughing as Big Mom continued her ranting and screaming.

“Mama is really angry,” said Cracker

“Of course she is,” said Perospero, “She lost her cake and was proven wrong, a deadly combination. Tell everyone to just stay clear until I give the okay, especially Pudding,”

“Mhm,” said Katakuri.

“This was a close call and I don’t want to encounter anymore if I can help it,”

“Me neither. Even if I lost a quarter of my biscuit reserves. Damn cat,”

“You can make more,”

“But he got the freshest ones!”

“Are you three going to tell me the truth or are you going to keep me in the dark?” said Smoothie looking at her three big brothers, “You three have been really secretive all weekend! You don’t usually keep me in the dark like this! What’s going on?!” the three exchanged glances with each other as Smoothie looked at them expectantly. Perospero sighed.

“Well, this entire weekend, we’ve been doing a favor on behalf of Aunt,”


“The nun. Remember the stories?”

“Wait…as in Aunt Fl—?!” Katakuri covered her mouth. Perospero nodded

“Yes as in Aunt. That was her little…girl you met earlier,”

“I knew that was little girl energy! She’s so adorable! So wait, so everything Mama expected was right?!”

“It was but she’s never to be told the truth, at all and under NO circumstances can she ever come back to this island,”

“…not even for a short visit?” said Katakuri

“No, we got lucky. Extremely lucky that she wasn’t found out. And that she was strong enough to hold her own against three boys and a girl with a knife and I don’t know how but getting a penis. As far as everyone at the tea party is concerned that was a little boy, Mama was wrong about it being a little girl and she’ll never trust that source again. Maybe when she’s older she’ll come to Whole Cake for a visit or maybe if we find the hidden town, we’ll come pay her a visit but not now,”

“She’s more than welcomed to come back when the heat is off, that cat can stay,” Cracker sulked

“I hope we get to meet again. I really want to try out more combinations with her. I’m kind of curious to know what kind of juice a pure child would produce,”

“…why did you have to make it sound creepy?!”

“Children are off limits, Smoothie,” said Perospero

“I know…that’s why I was curious about her arm,”

“What is wrong with you?!” said Cracker

“With a hint of poison ivy…maybe lava rock,”

“Stooooop! I don’t want know whatever is going on in your sick mind!”

“With maybe a some cat juice. Oh this is going to be an amazing experience!” Cracker covered his head and sang as Smoothie started to go on and on about her unique combinations. Katakuri and Perospero watched on.

“…Smoothie really loves messing with him, doesn’t she?” said Perospero

“Mhm, and she has a morbid sense of humor. You get used to it after awhile. She really did like hanging out with the kid,”

“We all did. Though I think Cracker is just happy to find someone his own size to pick on,”

Chapter 45: The Monsters of Wano


The Little Girl finds two monster in a castle

A/N: I meant to have this out yesterday but I had to connect a lot of things together. I'm so sorry for the unexpected hiatus but I've been going through a lot but everything finally settled into place. I was going to have it ready by December but literately no time. Thank you SO much for your patience and enjoy this SUPER long first fanfic of the year! Happy New Year

Chapter Text

No matter how many times _________________ have been on the Moby Dick, it still had the same wondrous effect that it has had on her. However, this time, she was exhausted. She was being a little busy bee all over the town. She and Law went Christmas shopping for Bellamere, Nami, and Nojiko, Killer needed her help with negotiations with Ace, Kid, and the kids of Gray Terminal over some territory, and it ended with helping Sanji deliver holiday treats for the residents of Goa, mainly to make sure Katherina didn’t bother him since she’s been popping up lately. By the time it was ready for them to board the ship, she was exhausted.

“Awww it’s okay little lady,” said Curiel, “You can sleep it off below the deck,” and that she did. She didn’t know how long she slept but she woke up to Luffy staring at her with something to eat.

“You’re wake!”

“Ho-How long was I sleeping?”

“All day! You missed dinner! So I saved you some of Thatch’s pork belly!”

“Awww! He made it and I was sleeping?!”



“But I saved you some!”


“Oy! We told you to leave her alone, Luffy!” said Ace walking into the room

“Yeah! She needs her sleep!” said Sabo

“But she woke up!”

“About time,” said Ace, “We thought you were sick or something,”

“Nah, just really tired,”

“Cut her some slack, she had a long week,”

“Pffft! It wasn’t that long!”

“If you and Kid didn’t get into another turf war, I wouldn’t have had to write up a charter…again,”

“And you both insisted we signed it with our blood,” said Sabo

“And then you both agreed that charters were stupid!” said Luffy

“It’s the only thing that stops the civil unrest we have. So she’s dealing with two versions of you!”

“Alright, alright!” Luffy handed her the meat and she immediately tore into it.

“Are we almost there?”

“Yep!” said Sabo, “You practically slept the whole way! We hadn’t made it up the waterfall yet,”

“Oh. I can wait to see Oji-chan again!”

“Old men have to stick together,” said Ace

“I’m not an old man!”

“You like soaking, tea, and listening to stories. You just need a beard,”

“Mean! What’s the first thing you’re going to do when you get there?”

“If it’s early, we’re going to Kuri,”

“…what’s Kuri?”

“One of the cities near the Capital,” said Sabo, “You were with Oji-chan the whole time. I don’t think you left Sphinx,”

“Wasn’t she supposed to?!” said Ace

“Yeah but she stayed behind to help with packing up the ship or something,”

“…you’re having fun this time! You’re not going to be a kid forever!”

“Yeah! Oooh! This time she should come with us to Kuri so she can meet Oden!”



“Who’s Oden?! Another kid?” said __________________

“Oden is this HUGE man that lives in the castle in Kuri!” said Luffy, “Super cool!”

“And he tells some of the best stories of Pops, Marco and other things from before we were around!” said Ace

“And he can complete some of Marco’s stories!” said Sabo

“Awww I wish I could meet him!”

“Well this year you can! If you go to Kuri with everyone and not stay cloistered in Sphinx,”

“But I like Sphinx! It’s so quiet!”

“You have to have to explore if you wanna see something to cool,” said Ace

“True!” it was early in the evening when they finally made it to Sphinx. Memories of last year came into _________________’s mind. She was so jittery and happy to finally see one of her favorite people and be in one of her favorite places. As soon as they docked, she and the boys hopped off the ship. She managed to take the lead and hopped into the waiting arms of her other grandfather.

“Ojii-chan!” Atlas grinned and caught his little granddaughter in his arms and swung her around.

“Look at you! Growing like a little weed!”

“Hey! But that means I get to be as tall as you, right?!”

“Pfffft you wish!” at dinner, she happily told him about what’s been happening lately. Mainly since everything was too busy laughing and talking to even listen, “Sounds like you had a good adventure,”

“It was scary though! Marco doesn’t like me to talk about it,”

“You can talk about it if you like. You didn’t do anything wrong, especially since you laid out those kids and protecting yourself. How’s the diplomacy going?”

“Ugggggggh!” he snorts

“Ace and Kid again?”

“They’re the worst! They’re both stubborn! It’s easier when I have to do things for Penny, Plum, Vivi, and Kaya but with those two it’s so UGH!”

“What happened?”

“A new territory opened up in Goa! Well newly discovered territory! Ace said it belongs to the Mountains because it’s a small patchy area that’s on the shore. Kid said it was his because it was technically a dead island area since no one trekked around it and Clock said it was for the Gray Terminal kids because it was well, near it. They were fighting pretty bad over it! So Law suggested that it would be a neutral area because no one knew about it until Ace and Kid happened upon it at the same time and Clock was fishing from it. They then realized it was a great fishing spot! No adults really knew about it! So after rewriting a charter, we decided that Clock was free to fish there and anyone from Gray Terminal could go there because was a quiet spot but they wanted it at night mainly. Kid said he wanted the area to build things or store things and also fish. Ace and Clock didn’t want the fishing spot to be tainted and Kid said he found it so if he he wanted to store his projects there when he was working on them, he should. After a big back and forth, me, Law, Killer, and Miss Ribbon cleaned up one of the rooms in the mechanic shop and expanded Kid’s workshop, agreed he could only store his anything he found in Gray Terminal temporarily, two days max to be taken back to his new workshop and that if anyone wanted to fish, they would see if someone wanted to fish there and if not, it was up for grabs,”

“…you’re going to be a great diplomat someday. I didn’t know Child Hierarchy was a thing, yet here we are,”

“It’s exhausting. Killer said I was perfect because I’m a neutral party and think things out better,” he chuckled

“That’s not necessarily a bad thing. So am I going to have my little shadow with me this year?”

“Yeah! But I was hoping to see Kuri for a little bit tomorrow! Is that okay?”

“Of course! I know you don’t want to be around when I do old man stuff like picking vegetables, making dinner, and having a hot dip in the hot springs,”

“But I dooooooo!” he laughed

“How about this, when you get back, we can talk a bath together and then have some tea and cake?”


“That’s my girl!”

In the morning, after Izo helped her with her kimono, most of the family was already gone off to do their thing, especially Ace, Luffy, and Sabo. She frowned a bit was determined to go to Kuri this year. She was ready to go and she was going to enjoy herself. Even if it was just her but she knew she could explore more. Marco was waiting at the door.

“Are you ready?”


“Okay, let’s go,”

“My little granddaughter is leaving me…to explore the big scary world…without me! All alone…it’s okay my little girl! I-I’ll be here, rotting away! I’m dying…I’m dead…” he clutched his chest and sank to the ground. ______________ giggled. It was almost like seeing a large oak tree just hanging into a heap. Marietta rolled her eyes.

“Have fun you guys, I’ll keep the mighty, weeping, oak happy until your return. Come on sir, up you get!”

“Shhh I’m dead,”

“No one is buying that!” Marco laughed and hoisted _______________ up onto his shoulders and soon they were off. Because Sphinx was a hidden place, even by Wano standards, there was two ways to get in. One way was through a hidden tunnel that led right to the Kuri’s market. The second was the hidden bridge in te mountains. It was constructed by Oden and Atlas as a grand gesture of alliance and a way for his citizens to get supplies if needed. It was also a secret and only a few knew about Sphinx and usually kept it quiet. Today they used the bridge.

“Why don’t be use the underground?” said _________________

“Well, it’s only for emergencies, really,” said Marco, “Of something was to happen, the bridge can be easily taken down to keep Sphinx safe from anyone willing to do anyone there harm,”


“And Atlas would fight and keep himself covered enough to deter anyone from coming. Especially since Sphinx isn’t off everyone’s radar. If anyone finds out that it holds very special significance to him, it’ll be in danger,” Marco didn’t say anything urged her to run ahead. She nodded and ran ahead into the mountains and into some woods before emerging. Kuri was a beautiful place. It was covered in snow, the city was bustling with people and performers alike getting ready for a festival that looked like it was already underway. Right in the middle was a huge palace that looked opposing yet comforting. Everything looked so spacious and even the flowers, though covered in ice seemed the glisten like glass.


“That’s the first reaction we had when we saw everything too,” said Marco ruffling her hair, “And this is where I have to leave you sadly,”

“Awww why? Not you too!”

“I’m sorry kiddo but I have some important adult stuff to do,” he gave her some money, “But have some fun for me, alright?”

“Okay,” and with that, Marco walked ahead. She looked a little sad until Fossa picked up from behind and placed her on his shoulder

“Hey, cheer up, little lady! We can have some fun together!”

“It’s okay! I just…usually like it when Marco explains things for me a little. I know you guys have things you like to do here!”

“Alright, fine, we’ll be the temporary but off hand Marcos!” they took her into town. This entire area is Kuri but this town in particular is called Aura and it’s where Kuri castle resides. There’s other villages around but this is where the festival is being held this year. Last time it was in Bakura, another town and Sphinx has their own town every year. And since Oden likes to party, this celebration is going to be a week in a half,”

“You guys know Oden too?!” the men looked at each other and then back to her.

“That’s right…she didn’t tag along,” said Jozu ruffling her hair, “Don’t worry, you’ll meet him soon. He’s kind of the…forgotten brother,”

“Forgotten?! How could you forget!”

“Well, he’s technically the ruler of Kuri. So his duties are here,” said Fossa, “Not too long ago, he had to face a yonko to protect this place some time ago. He even lose his son in the process in order to protect him and his family. His ass was saved and he decided to take it more seriously to be the ruler and keep his home and family safe,

“That’s noble!”

“Yeah but him being cooped up in Wano is driving him crazy. Once you catch the adventure itch, it never goes away,” he then spots the izukaiya, “Welp, little lady…”

“I know, it’s okay, I’ll fine on my own,”

“Just have some fun, we’ll be here if you need us,” said Jozu

“Where are you going?”

“Well…you have a sweet tooth…I have one for hot pots,” She nodded as all three of them parted ways. ________________did as she usually did in these situations followed her nose and since the festival was in the early stages there were food everywhere and all of it smelt amazing! With the money Marco gave she found herself munching on tasty foods and things. She even found a few things she wanted to buy, including a fox mask. After that, she observed street performers doing little acts like juggling, dancing, and even one person acting out a story with sound effects and hand motions. She was having a great time exploring by herself. However, she couldn’t shake the feeling that someone was watching her or close by. Every time she turned, she saw nothing. After not finding her three brothers and realizing that the festival was winding down, she decided to head back. She then heard a pattering sound from behind. She thought it was just someone walking near her to past but she then realized that some of the goers went to other places and she was practically alone. She walked a little faster and heard a faster patter. She swallowed something in her throat decided to face whatever was behind. She turned and was face to face with a horrifying sight. There was large, tall monster towering over her. It had large horns and fangs looking at her. She could feel her blood running cold as she felt something drop to the pit of her stomach. It was wearing a kimono like Izo’s, had long black hair, and what looked like claws.

“My, my you’re so cute! I could eat you up!” that did it. __________________ screamed and ran for it. The monster gave chase calling out to her. She ran away as fast as she could until she was all the way back at where Jozu and Fossa was. She immediately jumped and crawled up Jozu and hid behind his head.

“What’s wrong kiddo?!” said Fossa

“THERE WAS A MONSTER CHASING ME!” the two men went to the area where she was and looked around the area and couldn’t find anything that she described. Fossa pats her head.

“It’s okay little lady. Whatever it was, it’s gone,” she didn’t seem sure and was still shaken. They both knew that she needed some time, “Wanna stay or go back to Ojii-chan?”

“Ojii-chan, please,” since she was clinging onto Jozu for dear life, he took her back to Sphinx. She knew what she saw but she didn’t think Jozu or Fossa did.

“You don’t believe me, do you?”

“No, no we do! There are a few street performers out! One of them must have saw you and jumped at you. It’s okay. It happens. So instead of you being scared, we’re just taking you back so you can calm down a little. Must have been scary for a little one,” she groaned, He smiled, “Don’t worry, it’s okay! We’ll bring you something back and we can try again for tomorrow, okay?” He took her to the hidden bridge. She scampered across and waved goodbye at the other end before disappearing in the brush and the opening of the mountain and back to Sphinx. She didn’t stop until she was back in familiar territory. She was still a little shaken and swore the monster had followed her if it wasn’t for Jozu she would have thought she was still being followed. Once at Ojii-chan’s place, she scampered inside. Atlas noticed something turning the corner.

“Oy, who’s there?” she stopped and turned around. He was about to make a joke when he saw that she looked visibly shaken, “Hey are you okay, little lady? Did you have fun?”

“At first!” she rapidly told him her little encounter over tea, “I don’t think Fossa and Jozu believes me but I know what I saw! You believe me, right?”

“Of course I do. I don’t think it as a street performer, either,”

“Then what should I do?”

“Next time this monster comes for you, don’t be afraid but be cautious and see what the monster is going to do next. That way you can confront it and see just exactly what its intentions are,”

“It said it wanted to eat me!” he snorts.

“Well monster usually don’t like to eat little girls. Especially ones who eat a lot of sweet things and get dirty like boys, the combination doesn’t taste good to them,” her eyes widened, “Awww don’t worry little lady, nothing in Kuri will hurt you,” said Atlas ruffling her hair affectionately, “Come on, let’s go get some things for tonight’s dinner. I know of the boys are going to stay in Kuri overnight but in case a few come back, we can have something ready. Or we can eat it ourselves. Marietta caught and grilled some eels and if you haven’t had it, you’re in for a treat,”

Hanging out with Atlas did manage to calm her nerves. As predicted, only Marco, Pops, Rakugo, Fossa, Vista, and Izo came back home. Dinner was calm and merry and filling. By the next day, however, ________________ was still too nervous to even step one foot back into the Flower Capital. Between the monsters and Ace, Luffy, and Sabo’s absence, she didn’t want to go back. She’d rather stay in Sphinx for the duration of her visit. She liked it better there anyway. She made herself scarce that morning, just to avoid anyone who wanted to take her back. She waited until she was sure everyone was gone before she peeked out of her room. She was going to find Ojii-chan and help him around the area. She and River peeked around corners and things before heading to the kitchen, hopefully for some tamagoyaki from Marietta.

“Come on River, I think we can wait this out into the kitchen,”

“Mew!” they were almost there when she was grabbed and hoisted from behind.

“There you are!” Izo grinned , “I’ve been looking everywhere for you! Come on! Let me put you in your hakama! We’re going to Kuri,”


“Why? What do you mean why? You’re not being cooped up here while a festival is going on! Besides, there’s someone very special I want you to meet! I’ve been telling them about you for ages and I know my cute and sweet little sister would love to tag along with her favorite big sister,” Izo smiled. _____________ smiled weakly.


“Good! Come on! Let’s made you look so adorable that everyone is just gonna wanna eat you up!” despite wanting to be literately anywhere else, ________________ quietly followed Izo who was happily talking about some of the festival preparations that were happening in Kuri. She liked Kuri, she really did but after what happened yesterday, she was hyper-vigilant now. River sensed her discomfort and perched on her shoulder and purred comfortingly. When they were nearing the crowd, Izo took her hand as they walked through the area.

“Did you know this is the place I grew up in? Before I was in the brothel?”


“Mhm, my family is from Wano in from the Kuri area. My mother was a dancer and my father…well he was a political leader. When Mom was on tour, Dad…well, he got arrested. Me and my sister were forced out on the streets,”

“Wait, you have a sister?!”

“Mhm! Her name is Kikunojo. I’ve been telling her all about you and she can’t wait to meet you! But when we were out on the streets, we were taken in by Oden, I’m pretty sure you’ve heard us talk about him. He took care of us, clothed us, and kept us safe. When Mom came back, she thanked him over and over for taking care of us! Since Dad was well…incapacitated, Mom decided to work to get us a better life. I wanted to leave with her to help but Kiku wanted to stay in Wano. So we parted ways. Mom thought it was easier to let our savior take care of her than her. But then mother ended up in a brothel. It was a few years later that I came back here and reunited with her,”

“Wow…why doesn’t she live with Pops?”

“Well, she feels that her duty is here and I feel like my duty is with my big awesome brothers so she stays in Wano and I stay at home. Doesn’t mean we don’t visit every now and then. But last year, she wanted to see you but we were all so busy and we forgot. So, we’re going to make sure you two finally meet. She’s at the tea house. She works there from time to time but also keep the dancing studio alive,”

“That’s so cool!”

“Yeah, she turned it into a self defense dance studio for women. So that way, women can protect themselves and feel feminine at the same time. And speaking of the devil,” a woman was calmly sitting at the tea house and having herself a cup of tea. She took a sip and saw the two people approaching. She smiled at her brother but then saw the little figure net to him.

“Is that my little sister?!” the woman was absolutely beautiful and very tall. She had long dark violet hair that flowed and sat gracefully on her back and had indigo eyes. She was wearing sandals and a yellow kimono with chrysanthemum floral patterns and a pink and cream and lavender obi, “Awwww let me get a good look at her! She’s simply precious!”

“You mean MY little sister,” said Izo sticking his tongue out. She huffs and sweetly petted _________________’s hair.

“Don’t be selfish! I’ve been waiting to meet you for ages! I’m Kikunojo but you can call me Kiku,”

“It’s nice to meet you!”

“And polite and cute as a little button! Oh! I thought you were wearing a cat scarf! He’s so well behaved!”

“This is River, my cat!”


“Nice to meet you too!” she affectionately scratched behind his ears. He purred loudly and happily hopped down, knowing his owner was in safe hands once again, “Izo has told me so much about you! I was hoping you would come! I’ve been making a dance routine with your ribbon dancing and I was wondering did you want to perform with your big sisters,” ________________’s entire face lit up.


“Mhm, heck I can teach you how to dance if you like. I’m surprise Izo hadn’t already,”

“You mean it?!”

“I don’t see why not! We both started young when we were about your age!”

“And since the festival is still going on, we can all perform together tomorrow evening! I used to do it with Hiyori when she was younger but she became too cool to do feminine things with me anymore,”

“Who’s Hiyori?”

“Oden’s daughter. Alright, let’s do this!” She spend the entire day learning to dance and try to Kiku’s word, it was exactly what she learned from her ribbon dancing. It didn’t take long for her to pick up the routine. They practiced for the entire day until the sun was beginning to set, “Alright! I think we got it! Thank you for toughing this out, sweetie,”

“Thank you for teaching me new moves!”

“Awww anytime!” she hugged her tightly, “So what favor does Izo owe you for this? I know you probably wanted to see your brother today!”

“Well…Izo just said he wanted me to meet you, that’s it. I didn’t know about this surprise!”

“You didn’t ask her?!”

“I just thought she would have said yes!” said Izo, “She’s usually down for something like this!”

“You’re terrible! _______________ doesn’t have to do anything she doesn’t want to, even if her mean big brother told her to,”

“It’s okay! I like learning!”

“It’s getting a little late, why don’t you two stay at the castle?”

“Sounds like a plan to me. Is my room still available?”

“You know it!”

“Are you sure it’s okay?”

“Yes! Oden has been holed up lately doing some plans. It’s been driving him crazy that he’s been cooped up the castle and only out for diplomacy meetings and such. Hiyori is the same way. She’s her daughter’s daughter and wants to go out, explore and travel and he’s encouraging it…but ever since what happened to Momonosuke…Toki has been super protective,”

“She has three more years before she can explore right?”

“Yeah but…it’s complicated but enough of that, here we are,” _______________ stared up. The castle was even better up close. She couldn’t help but look around at everything and trying to not run into things.

“This is Oden Castle! Since this is your first time here, I’m going to let you take everything in,”

“You used to live here too, Izo?!”

“Mhm, ah the sweet memories of my forgotten youth,” he said placing his hand over his forehead. Kiku rolled her eyes.

“But you’re still young and cool looking,”

“And this is my you’re my favorite sister!”

“Well, old women love to fish for compliments, dear brother,” said Kiku smiling

“Please, we know I’m a hot one in the family,” inside, there was so much beauty and pictures. The whole place was made of wood with fixtures that were carved, images on the walls and screens and moons everywhere. River happily started running and hopping through the fixtures in his own mode of exploration. ________________ noticed a few things. The first thing was the garden that was around and behind the castle that she wanted to take a closer look of and the second thing was some of the wood was chard and burned. It was covered up and reformed and reinforced.

“When did the fire start?”

“Observant isn’t she?” said Kiku

“Told you she was smart,” said Izo, “The fire happened about eight years ago. There was an attack and they decided to burn the castle to the ground. Thankfully, helped arrived in time and was able to put out the fire and get everyone out in time, but the Castle was in ruins in certain areas. We decided to build around it as a reminder and keep some of the old fixture since most of it was very sturdy and ancient,”

“Oh! Okay! Everything turned out okay in the end!”

“Thankfully. Well, here’s your room! I know it’s a little under furnished but it’s cozy nonetheless!”

“It’s beautiful! I like the screen!”

“And it has a little outside balcony just like home,”


“You have full range of the place until dinner. Have fun. Izo and I have to prepare for tomorrow! You get some rest, alright?”

“Yes Kiku!” she decided to get herself warm under the kotatsu first before she started on her exploration. The first thing she wanted to do was take a look at the garden from outside. She slipped out and saw that the garden was in fact, massive. It was a huge step from the courtyard back home and bigger than Atlas’s. Like everything else, everything was covered in snow and ice but this was a winter wonderland. The pond was frozen but she could still see the koi swimming under it. There were fruit trees that were covered in nice cold fruit. Everything was nice and silent and peaceful. She ventured further and saw a figure having tea in the middle of the garden. She wasn’t or so she thought. She didn’t want to disturb the lady’s tea time and started to back away.

“Please, come closer,” _______________ approached her cautiously until they were face to face. The woman looked at her with a mixture of shock, surprise and absolute awe. She woman with long dark hair that was kept back with the exception of two strands in front. She wore a flower with a chain of pearls on the right side of her hair. She also wore a short kimono with crescent moons on the bottom. She smiled sweetly and beckoned her over. The woman looked intently at her. A large gentle smile was on her face as she gently takes her finger and pokes ________________’s cheek. She giggled.


"Even the same chubby cheeks. I bet you have a major sweet tooth,”

“Huge! Marco said I was going to turn into cake someday,”

“You must be ____________. It’s finally nice to meet you! Izo has been writing to Kiku and she couldn’t wait to pamper and doll up her new little sister. I must say, you’re even more adorable in person,” ________________ hid her face

“Am not! I’m manly!” the woman chuckled

“Join me for tea before dinner?”

“Mhm!” she perched on the other side of the woman, “Your castle is amazing, miss!”

“Call me Toki sweetie and thank you,”

“Are you friends with Pops and my brothers, too?”

“Mhm, we go way back, way before you was even thought of. I used to sail with them and Oden. I never would have thought that Pops would take in a little girl. Were you left at the convent?”

“Mhm! Sister raised me until Pops adopted me!”

“Havin your own little adventures on the seas?”

“Actually on land! Pops goes off a lot so we’re in a really big house with a hot spring,”

“Sounds like heaven,”

“It is! Marco doesn’t like me soaking in there yet. He said I’ll be boiled alive like a lobster but I get endless baths!”

“That’s also important,”

“Have my brothers been here? Ace Sabo, and Luffy?”

“Mhm! But they went off with Oden today and I know they’re probably hanging on to every story he’s telling about his adventures on sea,”

“Awww they’re always leaving me when they meet Oden!” Toki chuckled.

“I’m pretty sure he knows everything about you by now. The boys love talking about their little sister. I don’t think they meant to leave you behind,”

“Oh I know! I just wish I can catch up every now and then!”

“Don’t worry, you may catch them later, they’ve been staying at the castle listening to Oden’s stories. I think it’s the only thing that keeping him sane at the moment. He needs the fresh air,”

“Actually Daddy went to Sphinx with them,” a girl appeared from the inside of the castle. She looked like the younger version of Toki, only difference was her hair was teal. Toki sighed before laughing.


“Yeah, Ace and Luffy insisted that Oden comes to see their little sister, who’s probably at the mercy of the great Atlas who’s making her pick veggies, drink tea, and help prepare for New Years,”

“But I like doing all those things!” ______________ groaned, “I can’t catch up with them!”

“You’ll get it someday, sweetheart,”

“Why would want to keep up?” said the girl, “That looks like the blind leading the blind in that situation…unless it’s Sabo but who would follow Ace or Luffy about,”

“I bring the diplomacy!” ____________ said proudly. The girl grinned.

“You’re that sister they’re going on about! I thought you didn’t exist!”

“Why?!” she shrugged

“Boys like to make up things to sound more important. I’m Hiyori,”

“Nice to meet you!”

“You sure you’re one of them? You look far smarter,”

“I am! And as long as Sabo is with Ace and Luffy, they’ll be fine!”

“Not if Daddy is with them…I swear he throws reason out the window and drags us all into it,”

“Including you,” said Toki, “And you’re usually the instigator,”

“Because it’s fun! Daddy’s adventures usually end with something fun happening or the biggest disaster ever. There’s something beautiful about that level of chaos,”

“I just hope he doesn’t do anything reckless with Atlas while he’s there…knowing him he is. He’ll be home tonight. I’m glad you finally popped, you’re in time for dinner. We can talk more there. Come along,” it was at that moment _______________ knew they were trying to kill her with food and baths. She was so stuffed and full that she couldn’t even move from bed. Tomorrow was her big day with the dance performance and couldn’t sleep, even after the big meal. It was a nice place and she wasn’t even tired. She felt tired but she knew it was because she just restless. She was in a HUGE castle with many hidden passages and things she wanted to explore it all! She bet it was even better at night and Izo couldn’t whisk her away. She got up. Maybe she could explore the castle for awhile and get some water.

“Come on, River,”

“Mew!” she slid opened the doors and headed off. The castle was huge and big and kind of reminded her of home. It was kind of creepy but in a good way. Everything was traditional with soft lighting everywhere. The moon was bright outside and illuminated everything. She went from room to room and saw paintings and art and armor and weird moon symbols about that looked awesome. She and River had finished the downstairs and middle before they went to finish the top. Then headed to the first door but ________________ hesitated. She saw someone’s kimono disappear into the room. She was going to turn and leave when she heard voices.

“Oh, back so soon?” _______________ stopped. She peeked into the room. There was a monster of a man sitting in a large room filled with books and scrolls. His face was demonic and had hairy demon legs! In front of him was the monster from yesterday. She covered her mouth to keep from letting out any sounds.

“Yeah,” the monster’s voice was muffled and gravelly, “All of the preparation are ready for tomorrow, my lord,”

“Good, good. Is everything ready for the feast tomorrow?”

“Mhm. We have more than enough for everyone to get fed five times over, including the boys. I also had more desserts ready for our new little guest. She’s so adorable,”

“Did you manage to lure Atlas?”

“Yes, every single one of them will be here, ready, like sitting ducks,” the monster man lets out a very deep laugh. It sent shivers down her spine.

“Excellent! Everything is coming together as planned. Once they’re too stuffed to move, none of them are never going to leave,” The pair laughed.

“Where are the boys?”

“Back in Sphinx. They have escaped my insidious plan tonight but after witnessing how much they eat, I need you to inform the kitchen to increase the menu for tomorrow and have the beds ready. I know they’re going to be dropping like flies,”

“You’re going to kill them with food,”

“I call it payback,” ________________ quickly ran back to her room with River trailing behind. They didn’t stop until they were safely inside. She thought she was dealing with one monster but now there’s TWO. And it doesn’t seem like Miss Toki or Hiyori or Kiku knows about these monsters living in plain sight! She’s too far from Sphinx to tell Atlas and she didn’t want to wake up Izo and Marco still hadn’t popped up! She was going to have to matters into her own hands tomorrow and stop them before they did something terrible to her family!

The next day, Izo got her ready bright and early and after breakfast, they went to the dance house tea house. They got some more practice in before it was time for the performance. Kiku then pulled her aside.

“I postponed the performance. That way you can still enjoy the festival and your own family can see you dance tomorrow. Everyone will be in one place,”


“That and I think Izo should learn to ask first. I know you want to do what adults tell you but you’re still growing into adulthood and if you don’t want to do something, you have the right to say no. That and one more day of practice would better,”

“You’re the best Kiku!”

“I know but so are you! And this means we can spend more time together!”

“Yeah but I do have a question?”


“Are there monsters in the castle? Like hidden unknown monsters that come out at night?”

“You like reading the Ronin Chronicles books don’t you?” ______________ rubbed the back of her neck.

“Maybe,” Kiku laughed.

“Don’t worry! There are no monsters in the Castle, just me sweetie!”

“Are you sure?”

“Positive! If there was a monster in the castle, I would have known already. Don’t worry your pretty little head,”


“Come on, let enjoy this festival while we still can,” Izo didn’t look happy at the idea that the dance was pushed by but he soon got over it when he realized the alternative meant he got to spend time with his two sisters instead. They spent the day eating, playing festival games, watching performers, and buying beautiful crafts and trinkets. Kiku found three golden kanzashi and bought them for them for later. ___________________ found a takoyaki cart and looked at Izo pleadingly. He bought her some and she was almost ready to eat when heard something…odd. She was about to pop one of her treats into her mouth but froze again. The sound was melodious and loud enough to catch her attention in the crowded festival. She followed the sound. She’s never heard a sound like that before. He was so soothing and quiet. She found a person playing a flute. They had a basket on their head and wore a single kimono. She approached for a closer look. She liked the sound a lot and sat patiently and listened. She felt herself becoming more relaxed at this and didn’t even notice that Izo and Kiku had found her and was letting her finish. She felt a hand on her shoulder.

“That’s a monk. He’s mediating through the flute,” said Izo


“Give him an offering. He’s not allowed to ask for food but he’s starving,” she nodded and gave him her takoyaki. The monk bowed to her and stopped playing, took something out of his pocket and wiped the flute and hands it to __________________. She looked back at Izo who nodded. She grinned, took it and blew. The sound was ear splitting and she jumped back. The pair chuckled. She swore she heard the monk did as well. _________________ gave it back.

“Don’t worry, we’ll get you one if you want to learn,” said Izo


“Mhm! Come on, let’s get going. The festival is going to close soon and tomorrow is the best day. But tonight we’re having a feast with the whole family! And you’re wearing you formal kimono so let’s get you ready,”

“Yes Izo!” when they got to the castle, ______________ could smell things coming from the kitchens. She was going to make a beeline toward it but was caught by Izo and whisked away to her room. Her formal was her favorite but also not her favorite. It was her favorite because it’s the one everyone in the family wore on special occasions but it was also too pretty to get messy so she had to be extra careful. The finishing touch was the gold and black kanzashii from Kiku. After Izo left, she knew what had to be done. According to Izo, dinner would be ready in about two hours that meant she had to find the monster man and figure out what he’s been planning. She crept out of her room again. She wasn’t going to let that monster man hurt her family! She didn’t want to live here forever! Miss Hancock, Mr. Lore, Grandpa, and Shakky were going to be worried sick! And the girls at the school would be at the mercy of Holly! And who was going to make sure that Kid respected the charter?! Not on her watch! She was going to have to confront this man head on…somehow. She went to the study and tried to still her nerves. She looked absolutely terrified. She gently opened the door. He wasn’t in there. She sighed in relief. Now she would have to look elsewhere. She closed the door and turned. She saw a pair of hairy legs. She craned her head up to see the monster man. He had a twisted grin, almost like a demon. She swallowed something in her chest as she backed away. Before she could, he grabbed her and held her in place.

“Oh…I see a tiny little rat in my palace,” she squirmed in his grip as he hoisted her up. She couldn’t make out his monstrous features but she knew a nose when she saw one, “I’m going to take you to the kitchen and fatten you up nice and—OW!” he dropped her after she delivered a kick to his nose. She saw blood and took her second opening and kicked him as hard as she could in his knee. He went down. She ran but he grabbed her leg. She screamed bloody murder as he dragged her back. From above her a large tanned blur screamed and landed on his face.

“AHHHHHHHH!!!!!” GET IT OFF ME! GET IT OFF!” the giant man flailed and tried to get River off, who had latched onto his face and bit and scratched and clawed, giving _________________ the perfect opportunity to run for it. She ran towards the stairs, just to see the monster running up. She screamed and ran back as the man stumbled downstairs. River jumped off, she caught him as she pushed passed the monster man and ran for it. She could hear footstep behind her as she ran faster. River clung to her back as she hopped off the landing and swung to the second floor and ran again. The monster kept up until she ducked into one of the rooms and hid. She heard footsteps coming into the room. She held her breath and tried not to make a sound. Suddenly, River’s ears perked up and he hopped out of the closet and walked towards the monster. The monster looked down and gently held out his claw. River cautiously sniffed before nudging it with his head. The monster chuckled and then noticed the door. _________________ saw the monster looking at the crack in the door. She braced herself as the monster knelt down and took off its face, revealing a familiar kind face.

“Come on out, little sister. No one here is going to hurt you,”

“K-Kiku?!” ______________ nudged the door opened, “YOU’RE the monster?!”

“Monster? Oh! So that’s what you meant earlier! I'm so sorry for scaring you," she smiled, "this is my mask. When I'm patrolling, I like to keep a level of anonymity. When I saw you, I go so excited that I ran to you to take a good look at you. I'm so sorry,"


“Mhm, I’m a samurai to Lord Oden. This is his castle. In order to keep myself unknown in case there are spies around, I wear this mask when I walk around to make sure the town is safe! I didn’t realize you terrified! Then again, I did meet you when you were alone…and followed you…oh my god that was creepy. I’m sorry dear!”

“I-It’s okay!” Kiku scooped her up and went out the room. The commotion woke up the entire castle, including Pops, who was sleeping off his sake. Hiyori was treating the large man’s face trying to hold back her laughter.

“I didn’t think it was possible for Daddy to get like this,” she chuckled

“What in the hell happened?!” said Izo

“Well, Dad decided to not approach a sweet young girl gently like he was warned about and well, got kicked in the face, his knee, and then his claimed a monster got his face and allowed the poor thing to get away,”

“I told you to approach her gently!” said Izo

“And O-Kiku wasn’t any help apparently,” said Fossa laughing, “I think we finally realized what she meant by a monster coming after her,”

“Poor thing!”

“Hey! I apologized!” Kiku appeared with ________________ next to her holding River, “I was so happy to see her that our first meeting was me running at her in my mask and calling her name! I think that would be scary for any child!”

“Pffft not me,” said Hiyori

“You wet yourself the first time,” said Izo, “And that was after kabuki,”

“Hey!” Oden turned and jumped back. River growled and wiggled out of _______________’s arms and went at him, giving him a warning look.

“IT WAS HIM! THAT’S THE LITTLE ASSHOLE WHO DID THIS TO ME!” River licked his paws nonchalantly. Vista sniggered.

“Serves you right for scaring the little lady,”

“I didn’t mean too!”

“Guarararara! So that’s what all of this commotion is about. I’ve been looking for you all,” said Whitebeard walking upstairs, “Oden calm down, he’s just a cat,”

“THAT’S NOT A CAT! THAT’S A TINY HELLBEAST!” River hissed and swatted at Oden, “SCREW YOU TOO!” Whitebeard laughed.

“He’s very protective of ________________ and trained by Ace. When you cornered her went on full protector mode,”


“He aims to kill,”

“Pfft, I didn’t teach him that,” said Ace. Marco didn’t look amused and picked up River, who almost immediately went dead weight.

“Regardless, I think you two have something to say to each other,” _________________ bowed.

“I’m so sorry for attacking you sir!” Oden ruffled her hair.

“I’m sorry too kiddo. When I thought when the boys told me to approach you gently it meant because you were sensitive or shy not because you go into fight mode!”

“She got Grandpa in the face when he did it!” said Luffy laughing

“Yeah that’s why we warned you!” said Sabo, “________________ is smaller than everyone so she goes into ask questions later,”

“Yeah, Garp really traumatized her the first time,” said Ace

“See, this is why you should listen, my lord,” said Kiku

“I’ve been punished enough!” he said miserably. After his face was patched up he stood up, “Toki, what time is dinner?”

“About an hour or two,”

“Alright, okay kiddos, gather around to my study. I have an epic tale about my fight with one of the yonkos,”

“Was it Pops?” said Sabo

“No…that’s a different story…I tried…and it didn’t end well,”

“Like with Ace!” said Luffy who was immediately clobbered by Ace, “Ow!”

“No, no this was a man…well more like monster, monster of a man that was bigger than five Whitebeards combined. A man that gave off dark, danger vibes just from a single glance. He—,”

“Kaido!” the three boys looked at her in shock

“What?!” said Ace looking at her


“Wait, wait how do you know about Kaido?!” said Oden

“He was at Big Mom’s Tea Party!”

“That’s right, he was. Marco mentioned you were there,”

“WHAAAAAAAAAT?! __________________ you met Kaido?!” said Luffy

“I didn’t know his name but yeah! He’s really is a monster!”

“WHEN WAS THIS?!” said Ace

“At the Tea Party a month ago!”

“Why didn’t you say anything?!” said Sabo shaking her

“You never asked! You guys were asking me about Big Mom and Whole Cake!”

“But you saw the other Yonko!” said Luffy

“Yeah! And you guys wanted to know about Big Mom and her kids! I didn’t want to say Kaido’s name because he’s big and scary! Just as scary and Big Mom!”

“I think the Little Lady can give a better description than I could. Go for it,”

“He’s huge! He’s bigger than Pops! He and Big Mom were about the same height but he was massive! His eyes were dark and when he arrived, everything became darker! Pops wasn’t scared, Shanks wasn’t scared and Big Mom wasn’t but I think she’s scarier than he is! And he had these tattoos and scars all over his body, especially this large one across his chest! He was so horrifying!”

“Heh, how do you think he got that scar on his chest?” Luffy’s eyes lit up


“You got him in the chest?!” said Ace

“It was a flesh wound at best! I was lucky to get out of there alive! I was rescued by a miracle and a group of flowers and we managed to get out of there,”

“Flowers?!” said Luffy

“Well more like the Flower Pirates. If they didn’t come out and save my ass last minute, I wouldn’t be here today. We fought our way out. We must have taken out at least fifty of his men and one of his generals! I know it sound like cowardice to run away from a battle but if you’re outnumbered and outgunned hundreds to one, it’s time to pull out. Remember, it’s best to live than fight a losing battle just for some sense of foolish pride, got it?”

“Got it!” said the kids in unison

“But that’s still cool!” said Luffy, “You almost defeated a yonko!”

“I didn’t almost defeat him. FAR from it, but I left a sign, a sign that said that he can be taken down someday and that he’s invincible,”

“Yeah, only Pops is unbeatable,” said Ace

“And Roger!” said Luffy.

“Heh you kids wanna know about Roger? I have some stories from my time—,”

“Oy, I hate to cut this short but it’s dinner time!” said Hiyori, “Come eat before the rest of the army eats it all,”

“Thanks, love. Alright kiddos, we’ll pick this up later. But for now, FOOD!”

After dinner and a hot bath, the kids were starting to wind down.

“That was AMAZING!” said Luffy, “I’m stuffed,”

“I can’t believe we ate it all!” said Sabo

“I can’t believe they had enough!” said Ace

“Too much food…” _______________ said rubbing her tummy. Sabo chuckled

“You wanted dessert and you had five different types of desserts. You’re going to have a stomach ache,”

“Nah, I had tea with it, I think it’ll cancel out. I didn’t even KNOW you could make red bean ice cream! It was SO good!”

“I’m too tired to move,” said Ace, “Guess we all have to crash here,”

“Nooooooot complaining,” said _________________ hunkering under the blanket.

“I think they’re trying to kill us with kindness,” said Sabo

“Or make us into house pets,” said Ace, “Either way, it’s a pleasant way to die,”

“Yeah! I wanna die like this!” said Luffy, “With your guys!”

“Who said you were going to die first?!”

“Yeah! That’s pretty selfish of you to have us witness that!” said _______________

“Yeah!” said Sabo. Luffy grinned at them.

“Because I’d rather it be me first so I don’t have to see each of you leave me! I want to go first, then _______________,”

“Why me?!”

“Yeah that’s terrible to say!” said Sabo

“Because if you or Ace go after me, she’ll never be happy again! That way she doesn’t have to cry all day and night, then Ace, then Sabo!”

“…this is the weirdest food induced conversation we’ve ever had,”

“Not as bad as us all debating on how to cook, __________________,” said Ace

“You guys weren’t even that full!” said ________________. Eventually the kids all KOed from their food coma. Everyone in the castle was in a food induced coma or drunk. ___________________ however, couldn’t sleep. She tried to sleep but had woke up in the middle of the night and couldn’t get relaxed enough. She liked Oden’s story a lot and she knew that wasn’t the ending. If it was that easy to put a wound on Kaido that would be it but she knew it wasn’t. There was one thing that she knew after that Tea Party and that every single person at that table was dangerous…even Shanks and Pops but she knew Shanks and Pops would never hurt her and would be more than enough to keep them away, especially that weird ugly man. She crept out of bed in search of Oden. She poked her head into every room but couldn’t find him until she managed to find him in a room with a lot o books and writing something at a desk. She knocked on the sliding door. He looked up and saw her.

“Ah! My little sister! Come in! Come in!” she shyly went into the room. In the candlelight he looked a little more scary than usual but she knew she was an okay person. He had to be if her brothers thought so. He poured her a cup of tea and handed it to her, “What’s on your mind kiddo?”

“…can you finish the story? Please?” he smiled down at her and placed a chair in front of her.

“I thought I did,” he said smiling

“I know…but there’s more to it, right?”

“Observant kiddo,” Oden started to weave the tale. He told her of the things he saw, the people he encountered and finally the battle that he was telling the boys about his encounter with Kaido. This really piqued her interest, “Buuuuuut it didn’t really happen like that,” he said laughing.

“It didn’t?!”

“Nah! I cut it off at the good part because I don’t want the boys to think it would be easy to take on Kaido without help and since you know firsthand what that monster looked like, I’ll tell you what really happened. Only a handful of people know what happened and I’m pretty sure Kaido won’t tell of his defeat so easily,”

“That’s good. Luffy and Ace wants to fight everything! I don’t think they can fight Kaido!” he snorts

“You’re in for a treat. I always omit this part when I tell the story on how I escaped Kaido’s wrath that day and trust me, it was pure dumb luck,” she got comfortable and looked at him expectantly, “Alright, since I'm trying to win you over and I told the boys plenty of stories, I have one just for you, especially since you came out of a den of yonko and lived to tell the tale. After I dealt the blow to him, I knew my ass would be grass. Like I was going to die right then and there but there was someone out there who loved me! The sky parted, the angels came down—” she gave him a look, “Alright, alright, Kaido was about to deal the final blow when I heard a loud, thunderous clank. I uncovered my eyes to see a large figure standing before me. Only a few people have ever encountered this being and I was looking at him in the flesh. The man who saved me… very few people have ever seen him but there he was, in front of me. Built like a tank, around the same size and height as Whitebeard and Roger, no one knows his true name unless they were like family or brothers; but those who have encountered him only knows him as the Void King. This was a man from a closed off kingdom, like Wano and Amazon Lily. There's only three closed off Kingdoms but this one was a little different. You see it was said that the rulers of this kingdom were all monsters born and bred and powerful. However, every behind their walls were protected by them, all travelers welcomed, all those seeking asylum were welcomed, anyone who need someplace to live and wouldn't cause trouble was screened and let in. I guess it's one of those if you can find it or survive the trip that was the option and reward. The ruling family's patriarch was a man that I can only describe as a monster born and bred. He was right up there with Pops, Roger, Kaido, and Flora back in the day. However, anyone who came starting shit or posed a threat to their country was dealt with, he didn’t care if you were a pirate or a Marine or noble and usually had any strange ship within their borders attacked on sight. Legend has it that he doesn’t come off or down from his kingdom, unless some major shit happens. He was the third in the Rock Pirates take down but that’s another story. When Kaido had me cornered and about to issue the finishing blow, he stepped forward. The raw power coming from him alone was enough to shake the seas and sky that day. Both went after each other and all it was a loud bang and everything shook. Kaido and him exchanged blow for blow He saved my life as well a favor to Captain and Roger. I only caught glimpse of that battle and it was something that I would never forget in my life. I saw things that I swore were like two titans fighting from ancient times. Kaido as you know is an invincible monster. Even with torture, he’s a monster, able to bounce back. I managed to give him a flesh wound but the Void…jammed his blade right into him and flung him across and away from me like he was nothing but a ragdoll. The sword itself was impressive. It was said it’s forged from seastone by his ancient ancestors using a technique that has been since lost. I was too much in awe to look away… In the mean time, Flora got me out with her Fearsome Four,”


“Mhm! That’s one tough bird. While shit was going down, she and her crew got me out laying out Beast Pirates in their wake and didn’t stop until we were on the ship going home. It was a treacherous journey but somehow we made it back in one piece. I know you’ve probably never seen her in action but never underestimate that old bird,”

“I have the bops to prove it!”

“Eesh! I was the receiving end of those a few times! You poor child!”

“She said pain was the best teacher! So what happened to the Void King and who are the Fearsome Four?!”

“I thought he didn’t make it out alive, until a few days later, he was in Wano having tea with Toki. The right side of his face was completely bandaged up. He wanted to see if I was still alive, just so he could pick me up and throw me through a wall into the pond and yelling at me for being so foolish,”

"Wow! He must be really strong!" he grinned, “And I can’t believe you survived!”

"Yeah! I'm on borrowed time and I'm planning on making the most of it!" he laughed, “Can’t believe Flora didn’t talk to you about them. They’re the four captains that worked under Flora on Blume’s ship. They each had a fearsome reputation of getting whatever job that they were assigned to done. Usually it took one of them, two of them if it wasn’t fast enough, three if it wasn’t going smooth, but when all four them had to be called out, say your prayers and this was before Flora had to be called in. After Blume…died, they were off their leashes so to say and whoever was stupid enough to get in their way were dealt with, pirate, Marine, or noble alike,”


“But those tales are better left told with the boys,” he winked. She nodded and hopped off the chair and headed for bed

“Thank you for the stories, Mr. Oden!”

“You’re welcomed little one,” he watched as she scampered off to bed. He chuckled and got up. His legs were beginning to cramp and he was going to be late for the meeting. He exited his study and saw a small figure in front of him.

“Mew,” he looked down. River was looking up at him.

“Hey kitty, kitty, me and your savior are okay now. I guess this means we can have bygones beg—OW!” River bit his big toe before scampering away after _______________, “YOU ASSHOLE!”

Seven figures sat around the table at that evening. Toki served them all sake as the snow gently fell and blanketed the ground. The entire house was still and silent, making the atmosphere more serious that it was before. Toki and Oden sat on side, Flora and Whitebeard on the other, Marco and Kikunojo at one head and Atlas at the main head.

“That’s a lot to take in, Toki. Are you sure about that?” she nods

“I thought when the Beast Pirates was pushed back the first time, everything was going to be okay. I thought he wasn’t going to try anything else but, unfortunately our efforts weren’t enough. It’s said he wanted to have an ally with one of your former crew members and this time, he’s not going to stop until Kuri is his. It was supposed to be an ambush but…thankfully; someone sent me a letter telling me of our impending fate. I know it sounds foolish for basing everything on a note that was just sent to me…but I rather we not take the risk. They won’t hurt the citizens if possible but we’ll need a plan of action to free Kuri in years time,”

“What kind of a plan did you have in mind?” said Atlas

“We have two options, seek asylum where no one will know who we are or perish but we decided it would be best if we’re separated in case we’re followed,”

“What are you asking, Toki?” said Whitebeard

“I was wondering can one of us seek asylum with you?”

“You didn’t need to ask, I’m guess you’re referring to your idiot husband,”

“One in the same. He needs someplace where he won’t be bored too often. Plenty of room to run and hunt and things! Oh! Somewhere where’s there’s plenty of sunshine and fresh water and food! He won’t be a bother, I promise!”

“I’m right here you know!” Oden grumbled, “You make me sound like a diseased puppy at a pound, woman!”

“I’m sorry, dear, I just want to make sure you’re someplace safe and won’t cause that much trouble,” Toki smiled and rubs his hand.

“And pray tell, where are you going to stay?” said Atlas

“I can get to Sphaeram with the kids. As long as we get there, we’ll be let in,”

“…are you sure?”

“They won’t turn down a woman fleeing a country that’s about to get into a war,” said Marco, “It’s getting there that’s the problem,”

“I know the way,”

“It’s too dangerous for you to go alone,” said Whitebeard

“I’ll escort her,” said Atlas, “It’ll be dangerous if we travel by sea. No one is going to suspect two travelers. It’ll take longer but it’s the safest route,”

“Sounds like a plan,”

“What about you, O-Kiku?” said Flora

“I’m staying behind to protect as many civilians as I can and to make sure that nothing spreads beyond Kuri,”

“I’ll stay and give you a hand,” said Marco

“No, if Kaido thinks that Pops have any affiliation with Wano, it can put Sphinx into danger, especially since it’s hidden,”

“If we cut down the bridge, would that help?” said Flora

“Don’t worry about Sphinx,” said Atlas, “As long as I’m alive, no one is going to harm its citizens. The bridge can be taken temporarily but bring the young and sick there before anything happens. Since we’re off everything radar, we’ll be fine. Everyone will have to be extra cautious from now on,”

“I’ll supply as much medicine as I can to make sure you don’t have to leave for a doctor. We know that it’ll be a corrupt time the moment Kaido establishes himself,”

“We’re so sorry for asking for all of this. According to Toki, since technically my ass was saved last minute, Kaido is going to try again but this time, it’s going to worst with something else going on well that everyone is going to need as much fire power as we can,”

“We decided it was best to leave the area. There will be too many casualties on both sides and we won’t survive if we fight,” said Toki, “No one will,”

“You know you always have a home with me,” said Whitebeard, “And take back your old position as Second Division Commander,”


“It’s that or death and I’m pretty sure having one extra adult to guide the kids and help around would be beneficial,”

“I’m guessing you mean Ace?”

“One in the same. Reminds me a lot of you, some little spunky punk trying to challenge his future old man,” Oden snorts

“Fair enough. Is everyone okay with this?”

“As long as you don’t bring shit into my convent, I’m fine,” said Flora, “And clean the bells and roof,”

“You got it,”

“O-Toki…if you have something to say, don’t hesitant in saying,” Toki looked at Flora. She was ringing her hands in worry and didn’t think anyone was noticing.

“I feel terrible for leaving everyone in this state. We’re their rulers and it’s our duty to protect them and keep them safe. Yet we’re just leaving…like rats from a sinking ship,”

“It’s better to leave and save millions than to try and cheat death one more time,” said Whitebeard, “An encounter with Kaido is never an easy task. This time, we have a course of action and you two have allies that’ll shield and protect you until we get a better course of action on dealing with him,”

“So in other words, you’re doing all you can for everyone,” said Atlas, “Everything will turn out for the best,”

“And I’ll keep an eye and ear opened at all times,” said Kiku, “When we can strike, I’ll let you know,” Toki wiped a few tears.

“Thank you, thank you so much, all of you,” After the meeting, Toki and Oden retired to their chamber. The meeting left them both emotionally and mentally drained. It was a lot to take in but they felt better now that everything as settled and there was now a large weight off their shoulders that’s been impending for the last several months.

“Feeling better?” Oden said as Toki changed out of her formal kimono

“Yes, I’m just glad everything worked out the way it did. It sent better than I expected. I thought the meeting would put a damper on the festivities,”

“Nothing can ever do that. It’s just good to have everyone back in the same place again. I just can’t believe Whitebeard has brought in more children. It’s been years it seems like. They have to be pretty special especially since he ‘s not at sea anymore. But I know one thing, I’m going to miss Hiyori,”

“And she’s going to miss you,” said Toki, “I want you to tell her, that way she can take it a little better,”

“Oh I know, without a doubt but…I just feel like I’m going to miss out on those last few years with her before she’s an adult. I just hope I get to be there when she decides what she wants to do. I’ll support her either way,”

“They’ll let you visit and this’ll give you a chance to hone your father skills with three feisty young boys and a sweet little girl,”

“Boys are easy! I mean so is Hiyori, this girl…she’s a little different from what I’m used to,”

“Hiyori is pretty much a younger, feistier version of you, and you would get along with someone like you. But now you have to adjust to another type of personality and she probably has other girl friends like her,” he groaned, “You can do it my love. I mean you finally won her over, right?"

"I did my best!" Oden laughed, "I just hope she get used to me when I have to live with them in a few,"

"I'm sure she will. Your first impression scared the living day lights out of her,"

"I didn't mean to!"

"You're a scary brute, my love,"

"Hey! You won her over quickly! And Kiku too!"

"Well, we're gentle and Kiku wasn't wearing her armor the second time. And you grabbed her from behind and thought it was a good idea to hoist her up,"

“I’ve been punished enough! I know my nose is going to be bruised for awhile! That girl is strong. It felt like I got hit with a cinder block!”

“The fight or flight instinct is strong. After she was cornered and frightened by Kiku, she was on hyper vigilance since,”

"Damn, poor kid! If I was confronted with that in a dark alley, I'd be scared t--pfft nah I would have kicked and then ran like hell,"

"Yes you would!" Toki laughed and then sighed, "I'm going to miss you,"

"You know I'll visit you!"

"Aren’t you banned?"

"Well...yeah but he'll have to let me in to see my wife and kids, right?"

"...have you made him angry recently?"

"...not to my knowledge. I'll ask permission of course! It'll just be good to see everyone again, but of course it's going to be weird without you," he said pulling her close to him.

"I'll be fine. We'll both be fine and I'm pretty sure the kids are going to love your old stories! Just keep a low profile,"

"Don't I always? Wait, don't answer that!"

"You know yourself too well,"

"Just like I know you. So, are you going to tell me who those kids are?" Toki froze and turned, “I know you know,”

"What makes you think I know anything?”

“You’re far smarter than me and have seen more than me and observe things better,”

“I’m not going to relay too much…but Ace is someone you know. If you observe him long enough you’ll know exactly who he is… it’s not hard but…I’m not going to say anything. Luffy is Garp’s grandkid, there’s no doubt about that!” he snorts

“I thought he was familiar, though I would have thought that anything that came from Garp would be…warped. Sabo?”

“Sabo? Well he’s a noble child. I don’t know which family because they all careen into each other so much…and well…that’s all I suppose,"

"I saw that look. I know it's the look. What about the little lady? Is she dangerous?"

“Well…it’s a little…tricky to say. Let’s just say she has a very interesting lineage and I’m surprised you haven’t caught who she is,” he cocked his head, “The sweet tooth? The eyes?” he raised an eyebrow, “I bet you she’d like cookies,”

“Cookies? Nah I remember the boys talking about how much she was a cake fiend…” Oden racked his brain for a little while. He closed his eyes briefly before they snapped opened.

“…the old man wasn’t lying?!”

“Nope and its best we don't hint where she came from. If anyone related to her knows that she's remotely alive, she'll be hunted down and killed on sight or worst before she reaches her adulthood,”

“Hell like anyone would believe me! I barely believe it! Wait…she’s wanted?”

“It’s…complicated. It’s not because she’s a danger to people, she isn’t what they wanted her to be. Right now, she’s in the safest place she needs to be,”

“Damn right she is! Being Whitebeard’s kid is nothing but protection and nurturing. Kind of wonder if Big Mom knows who she is with the Tea Party,”

“Marco told me everything; apparently she was trying to flush out Flora with that one everyone is assuming and guessing. If she knew what she had, she wouldn’t have had left the island alive…or she and Kaido and Teach would have fought for dibs,”


“The Project,”

“…I thought that was a myth. The rumors were true then,” Toki looked down, “No one will know her secret,”

“Let’s just thank the stars to whoever took compassion and brought her to Pops. Maybe she can just live a normal life,”

“Life with us is far from normal. Hell with that spirit she might end being a traveler. But…do you think she should know about her…past,”

“We still don’t know for sure. I would say just leave it alone; don’t mention anything until the time is right. Right now, we have to keep the country protected and make sure Hiyori is okay and hopefully find Momonosuke…soon,”

“Good call. It’s going to be a rough few months but we can survive and stop blaming yourself, To-chan. You did what you thought was right at that moment. It was just a miracle that everything played out the way it did,” he gently rubbed her shoulders, “We’ll bring him back home as soon as we can. I promise,”

“I know…I’m just…going to miss you and I know you’re going to miss Hiyori…but I don’t want to smother her either. But I don’t want her coming back here if Kaido takes it over either and worst off, everyone labeling you a coward,”

“Pffft I’m not a coward. If I’m going to be shogun, I going to have to do what’s best for my country and if it means me disappearing for awhile and build up a resistance for later and saving most of the citizens, I’m okay with that,” Toki smiled.

“It’s times like this…I’m so glad that everything happened the way it did. Being you, watching our children grow… growing old together and living our lives…I love you so much,” he kisses her cheek.

“I love you more…and if you like, we can…have some fun tonight. I’m planning on expressing it until we’re gone for who knows who long,”

“Please don’t, we have company,” the pair jumped. Kiku was at the door.

“How long were you there?!” said Oden

“Long enough! There’s kids in the castle and I don’t want them thinking the castle is haunted because they’ve been hearing moaning and groaning. We scared them once and I don’t want them to walk in and seeing Oden’s bare backside,”

“…she’s right,” said Toki

“Damn it!” Oden looked defeated.

“I can give you a massage and then we can have fun when everyone goes out for the festival,”

“You’re the best!”

“Ugggggh! Did you have to put me through a wall old man?!” Oden glared staggering up.

“Pain is the best teacher for unruly brats!” the man said glaring at him from the table. Toki chuckled.

“More tea?”


“Toki, a little help please?!”

“A real man should be able to get up without the aid of his wife,” the man said gingerly sipping his tea, “Besides; I didn’t hit you that hard,”

“My ass you didn’t! I’m more afraid if you actually put some effort into your love taps,” he snorts dismissively.

“Toki, can you be a dear and bring out some hot sake? I need to talk to your idiot husband,”

“Okay!” the man waited until she left before gesturing Oden to sit with him. Before he could say anything, the man took out a bottle of whiskey and poured them a glass.

“What the hell were you thinking, brat?” he said downing the drink

“With Kaido?”

“No, Whitebeard, yes Kaido!”

“I was protecting my country and my home! I thought you think there was honor in that,”

“There’s honor but there I something called sizing up your opponent and trying to gain allies. You know damn well, Whitebeard could get to you in time and Roger was incapacitated yet you went in, unarmed and out manned. You and your family are extremely lucky to be alive,” Oden sighed and poured his drink.

“We are…when I saw the castle being burned and I was too weak and helpless to stop it…I just…froze. I thought Toki and the kids were dead or worst. I thought I was going to die…I just…it’s not something I ever wanted to experience again,” the man poured them another.

“Listen…no man should be taken away prematurely, even an idiot like you. I was in the area, saw you needed some help and got you out,”

“I still owe you one!”

“You don’t owe me a damn thing. I did it as a favor to your father and Toki. She loves you to death you know. You have a new duty now; you have to make sure your family is your top priority,”

“…do you have kids?”

“One and he’s a little bastard. He took after his uncle. But he’s having his first kid. According to the doctors it’s going to be a boy,”

“…Can’t picture you with grandchildren,”

“Either can I but here we are,”

“…you don’t sound too thrilled,”

“The circumstances aren’t the best but having someone pass on my lineage is a bonus. The reason why I’m so pissed at you is well…my kingdom may be in danger of not having someone to take it over. I’m not entrusting matters to my son or the woman he married. They’ve long since been banned from making any decisions on my behalf, since it’s about the riches and nobility, not those who need protecting. A country or kingdom are nothing without the people and mine has long since when a safe haven for all who want to start over,”

“Maybe fate will have it that your grandson will take after you,”

“I doubt it. Weeds can choke and kill anything in its path and leave nothing to grow. I can’t live forever nor can I surrender the safety of my kingdom to someone who will do more harm than good,”

“As you and Toki have said, fate as a funny way! Things will turn out for the better. Or better yet, we can join an alliance and I can be your new heir!”

“Don’t push your luck, brat! I’ll have bigger problems if that ever happens!” Oden laughed hard. The man cracked a smile and downs his drink.

Chapter 46: Winter Festival


The Little Girl finally enjoys the Festival

Chapter Text

____________________ sat patiently in the sitting room wearing her formal kimono. It was by Oden’s request that she was to sit there for a few moments while the boys ran off that morning to enjoy the Winter Festival. He also requested River to do the same things. Whitebeard, Atlas, and Flora were also there. Flora had a bored, why am I here expression, Atlas had a shit eating grin and Whitebeard looked more amused than anything. Two men entered the room or what looked like men. _______________ has never seen minks before but she remembered some stories from Flora and Atlas. One was a large, yellow feline mink with sharp teeth, claws, and a very thick striped tail. He had wild, bushy blonde hair resembling a lion's mane running around his neck and down his back, and there is a scar running from the left side of his forehead down to his cheek. His outfit consists of a large robe decorated with circles, a haramaki around his waist, sandals, a light-colored shirt, and pants. The second is an incredibly large and grizzled canine mink. He wears a small pair of blue sunglasses and has shoulder-length black ears, a white beard, and a large and bushy tail. She looked at them with fascination and awe. The dog mink looked at her.

“…you mean to tell me THIS is the child that “beat up” our lord?!”

“HEY!” Atlas and Whitebeard were holding onto each other laughing. Flora placed her face in her hands.

“Oden, really?!”

“I have learned my lesson! I don’t want her attacking anyone from my court! No one sneaks up on the little lady! I found out the hard way!”

“…she’s so tiny,” said the dog, “Are you sure?”

“Yep and don’t trust that cat either!” said Oden, “He’s the vilest little asshole I’ve ever met!”

“Hiss!” said River glaring at him swishes his tail back and forth.


“According to him, you started it,” said the large cat. ________________ beamed.

“You can understand River, sir?”

“Sir? Goronyan! Please I’m Nekomamushi. And yes, I can understand your little cat,” River meowed and licked his paws, “He says he was protecting his mistress and regrets nothing,”

“You scratched me you little shit!” Oden barked looking him. River stopped mid-lick and growled.

“He also say that if try to pull that again, he’ll get you in your sleep,”

“River! You be nice!” _________________ picked him up, “We’re guests here!” River meowed.

“He apologizes. Apparently he doesn’t like it when you’re angry with him,”

“I still can’t see such a small child do something malicious,” said the dog mink.

“I-It’s true, sir…but I acted through self defense,”

“Inuarashi. I see, Oden what did you do?”

“You’re supposed to be on my side!”

“We told him that if he saw her, to approach her carefully because she’s so small and easily startled,” said Atlas, “He didn’t listen, scared her, grabbed her, she kicked, ran, he grabbed her leg, and the cat got him in the face,”

“…I want to say I’m surprised but I’m not,”

“Poor thing! Did he scare you?” said Nekomamushi.


“OH! You should be ashamed my lord!”

“Whatever that cat says it’s a lie!”


“He says you’re the one who started it and he finished it!”

“Finished it my ass! You scratched me!”


“He said you rightly deserved it!”

“Someone give me a bucket of water! Imma dunk you cat!”


“…I don’t think I can repeat that,” _______________ watched on as Oden argued with River, with Nekomamushi translating and Inuarashi and Flora just watching on. Whitebeard and Atlas were laughing hard at the sight.

“…can I go?”

“Go ahead kiddo,” said Flora

“It’s was nice meeting Mr. Inuarashi,”

“The pleasure was mine little lady,”

__________________ was finally able to enjoy the festival with her brothers. She couldn’t wait to find them and just hang out with them. However, she got distracted by the aromas of tea. She followed her nose back to the tea shop that was next to Kiku’s dancing school. She walked in and was greeted to a warm tea shop. She expected it to be cold like the outside but it was so warm and inviting. She stepped in and saw a woman comes from the back of the shop.

“Good morning! Come in, come in!” she light brown eyes and black hair in a shimada style with a gold crane-shaped hairpin. She had a prominent nose and wore a white kimono with light blue clouds and red crane patterns and large pale blue obi with teal polka dots.

“Morning!” said _________________ and found a table. The woman looked her up and down before smiling brightly.

“Ohhh! Are you Atlas’s granddaughter?!”

“Yes ma’am!”

“I knew it! He told me so much about you! He told me you would be in here eventually and told me to pamper you since you were the only one who didn’t abandon him last year, in the most dramatic way he could muster,” __________________ giggled.

“He pretended to die when I decided to come here a few days ago,”

“Did Marietta step in?”

“Mhm! He looked like a large melting tree!”

“That’s the perfect way to describe him!” they both laughed, the woman imagining the old pirates dramatically falling, “I’m Tsuru and this is my tea shop. Is there anything particular you want?”

“It’s nice to meet you! Ummm I’m okay with anything!”

“How about some of my herbal tea? I don’t have much of it left and it won’t be around until next year, hopefully,”

“You mean tomorrow?”

“Awww bless your little heart. No I mean the same time next winter,”

“Oh! How come?”

“Yggdrasil is very hard to find,”

“It’s a real plant?! I thought it was just a video game item!” Tsuru chuckled

“Oh no, Yggdrasil is very much a real plant and it’s a very rare plant. It was near extinction until a woman named Blume found it and used her fruit to save it,”

“You knew Blume?!” she said looking excited.

“I see Atlas has been giving you stories about her,”

“They’re the best! Did you know her?!” she chuckled

“Oh no sweetie, Blume’s reign was WAY before my time. Though, I did hear a lot of stories about her from Sphinx when I was a little younger. Atlas and her were really close and he always knew the best way to keep her memory alive was to tell tales of her adventures,”

“Really?!” Tsuru put the tea leaves into a tea pot and then boiled the water.

“Mhm, Yggdrasil despite its rarity, cultivating it is very difficult. Through natural means, it’ll take decades to grow a few leaves. It’s also very fickle. It likes to grow in the dark with plenty of moonlight. In the day, the plant will disappear but when the sunsets, it reappears and usually the leaves grow and mature at sunrise. That’s when you can pick them. Then the tree will disappear and start its cycle all over again,”


“It used to grow on a tree called the Tree of Life. But Blume found the Tree, got as many leaves she could from it before she destroyed it. She took the remnants and used her Devil Fruit to create a new plant and accelerated the process until three were now miniature versions of the tree in three secret locations…before she died. She only told those who were close to her where the plants were,”


“Well, the Tree of Life…was being used by the Rock Pirates when they were active. The Yggdrasil leaves are very powerful. They can cure almost anything and rumor has it, it can bring a person back to life if you make it just right. It was on an island, far off in the middle of the Grand Line. Many who needed it would venture out to get a leaf, mainly for their last stitch effort of hope. Because it was in such a dangerous area, getting to it in the first place was dangerous. But…Rock…he was…merciless to that tree. He had every single one in existence destroyed just so he and he had control of the only one in existence. Every time his crew was down, more leaves were plucked to the point, the tree was looking terrible. And to make things worse, had anyone who went near it without his clearance killed on sight. People were sick and desperate during that time and tried their hardest to get just one leaf, only to be murdered and sent back to their dying loved one in pieces. So Blume, although it pained her, destroyed the tree from the roots. Rock was furious but it left him vulnerable and vowed he would get her back for it,” Tsuru poured the hot water into the pot and lets it steep, “Blume hid the plants in three remote places. One is around here, one is in another hidden kingdom, and another is near the Grand Line and she started this weird legend about it including maps so that only the most desperate would be able to find it. Atlas said it was her sense of humor to make a rumor just to see who would find it,” she poured _______________ a cup. She gingerly sipped it and winced a little.

“It’s good but bitter,”

“Yeah, Yggdrasil is bitter but the taste makes up for it,”

“Thank you for the story Miss Tsuru!”

“Anytime sweetie! Let me see if I have anymore tea cakes left. Atlas said you loved cake,” she disappeared behind in the back again. _____________________ slowly enjoyed her tea. The silence of the area made it easier for her to enjoy the tea. She heard people walking outside, she could smell cakes and other tasty things but right now, all she wanted to do was enjoy her tea.

“…you really are an old man,” said Hiyori looking at her. _______________ jumped. She didn’t even see her come in, let alone notice that she was now in front of her looking at her. In front of her was a cup of green tea with milk. _______________ cringed. Milk in green tea sounded and looked disgusting. Hiyori then downed it in one gulp, “And you drink tea too slow,”

“But it’s good and hot!”

“You should be outside with your brothers,”

“I know but I smelt tea,” Hiyori snorts as Tsuru came with a plate of cakes and sat them down in between the girls. _________________ grinned and started eating and gently moving the plate so Hiyori could try some. She pocketed her two as _____________ finishes her and back to her tea. Tsuru look the plate away. Hiyori was looking at her with a mix of being really antsy and sheer annoyance.


“I’m waiting for you to finish so I can take you to your brothers! God you drink tea slow!”

“Oh okay!” Tsuru watched the interaction from behind the counter with interest. Hiyori had a stronger personality but so did ________________ in her own way. She swore she’s seen this interaction before but couldn’t pinpoint where. She knew Hiyori was Oden’s personality but _________________ was someone else’s and for the life of her she couldn’t remember who. Hiyori waited, albeit to complaining and trying to get her to stop drinking before she finished and soon the two headed off, well more like Hiyori dragging ___________ out by the arm faster, “Hey let me go!”

“I seriously don’t know why you were in there! There’s a lot to do out here that doesn’t include drinking tea,”

“I wanted to see this place. So I went,”

“I can see why Ace likes you. You’re weird,”

“Don’t be mean. I’m not that weird,”

“All people are weird some are just stranger than others. And you’re one of them,” _______________ looked a little put on with the girl but decided to ignore it. Other than the random banter, Hiyori was a good guide. She showed her the various shops in the city, places where fruit grew, and even a place where there were literately wild chickens who had their own coop and the villagers from all over were welcomed to gather and take eggs. She didn’t know how long she could take the girl’s pushy attitude when they rounded a corner and ran right into Ace and Sabo. Ace without another word, grabbed Hiyori’s wrist and pulled her away.

“Sabo stay here, I’m going to get the idiot before he gets murdered!” the pair disappeared into the crowd. ____________________ giggled.

“What did Luffy do?”

“Weeeeeeeell…we found a bunch of good places to eat and Luffy we lost sight of Luffy…”

“Say no more,”

“Yeah, Hiyori has royalty on her side and can probably get him out of whatever gluttony he got himself into,”

“We can only hope!” they laughed

“Glad you’re not alone! We were looking for you but didn’t know you were going with Hiyori,”

“I don’t think it’s more going, it’s more “you’re coming with me” than anything,”

“…you okay?”

“Yeah I guess,”

“Hey, I won’t tell. What’s up?”

“I don’t think she even likes me! She’s been teasing me since she found me! I don’t know what I did to her!”

“Oh! No, Hiyori is cool, just give her a chance, I know she’s a little different from other people but she really is nice when you get to know her,” she still looked a little apprehensive, “She’s better than Holly,”

“Touche, I’ll do my best but that doesn’t make it better,”

“Don’t make it should like you’re being forced to,”

“I’m not! It’s just…well, she called me weird then said I was an old man, then made it seem like it was okay!”

“Some people show affection in different ways. To Hiyori, most likely that’s the only way she knew how to break the ice. With you, you have to get to know someone before you kid like that. I’m pretty sure she’s not trying to be malicious, even though it’s coming off like that,”


“Think about when we all first met. You were so quiet that we thought you didn’t like us. Ace said it’ll take you awhile and when you got used to us, you opened up and we knew you were okay with us,”


“Just go with it and observe. She’s not trying to be mean, she just as a different way of expressing it,”

She kind of reminds me of Vivi but more...older,”

“Run with that! That way you two can become friends faster!”

“Thanks Sabo, that really helped,”

“No prob, you need advice too from time to time. And I have something for you,”

“Oh?” he reached into his kimono, pulled out a box and handed it to her.

“I was going to give it to you last year but Luffy left it in Wano,”

“Awwww Sabo! You didn’t have to get me anything!”

“I wanted to, especially after the diplomatic goings back home…you should get something nice and when I saw it, I thought of you. Open it,” she did and inside was a set of hair combs. Two were blue and in the shape of cherry blossoms, two were pink and made with plumeria flowers, and the last one went around her head and had tiny sakura blossoms were white lilies in her favorite color.

“These are beautiful!” she hugged him tightly.

“I’m guessing you like them,”

“I know you’ve always wanted a pair,”

“I did?”

“Yeah, you mentioned it a long time ago so I finally got you a pair,” she didn’t remember ever mentioning it, “And I think they’ll look adorable on you,” he took out the blue ones put them in her hair, “See?”

“Wow! They do!”

“Apparently you can’t get them outside of Wano. I tried to get you another pair and went to the trader and he said it would be near impossible to get you them back home,”

“I’m glad you waited! Now I can wear these to ribbon twirling. We’re going to have a performance someday and teacher said we had to look our bests!”

“See, so it’s a win, win,”

“There you two are,” Ace said coming from behind holding Luffy by the ear, who was struggling to get away but failed, and Hiyori laughing from behind.

“Where were you?” said Sabo

“Getting Luffy from away from a ramen cart! He started eating and ate too much that he didn’t realize he had to pay. Hiyori took care of everything so this idiot wouldn’t get in trouble,”

“Owww! I said I was sorry!”

“Not sorry enough!” Luffy broke free and hid behind _________________. Ace glared at him. He then gave Sabo a look, who nodded, “We’re off, see you useless girls later,”

“Big talk for some who had to ask an useless girl for help,” Hiyori stuck out her tongue.

“They’re not useless! They protect us from you!” said Luffy, earning another bop from Ace as he dragged the boys away.

“We have something to right quick! See you two for fireworks!” said Sabo

“Fireworks?” said _________________

“Yeah there’s a display every year before the new year. Dad says he liked ending the year with a bang. Welp, guess we’re stuck together,”

“I guess so,”

“You don’t sound so thrilled to see me,”


“Hey! I thought we were having fun! What’s up half pint?”

“The name calling! What did I do to you?!” Hiyori looked at her before she snorts and then started laughing, “What’s so funny?”

“The way Ace talks you take insults with stride! I thought you could take it!”

“I can! I just don’t know when it comes to you! I have a hard time not knowing insults because someone called me a mutt once and I didn’t know that she was insulting me,”

“Oh fuck her! I would have punched that…ohhhhhh…” Hiyori sighed, “Okay, that’s fair. I I didn’t mean to make you feel that way. I make jabs because it’s fun but that doesn’t mean I don’t like you, it means I like you. I mean you should be able to take it, you hang out with the boys all the time and they said you could,”

“But I barely know you. It would be different if Ace did it because I’m used to it. I don’t know you well,”

“That’s fair. Some people are more proper than others,”

“Well, I wanted to be polite since this was our first time hanging out,”

“But you’ve known me for some time. Do you need some more time before I resume?”

“Now that I know, I’m okay!”

“Awesome, just know I was going to keep doing it and you have to learn how to dish it out. If you take it, it’s not fun anymore,”

“And you call me weird,”

“Well you are. You drink tea like an old man and you hang out with old people like it’s cool,”

“It is cool! At least I’m not weirdo who loves milk in her green tea,”

“Hey! It’s not weird!”

“Yeah it is, especially since you made it look like milky puke,”

“…okay that’s actually pretty good,”

“Yeah Izo told me how to throw shade,” Hiyori snorts

“O-Kiku taught me. Did some little upstart mess with you?”

“Mhm, still bothers me from time to time since day one,”

“Same girl?”


“Tch, girls are weird when it comes to jealousy. Just know I’m not going to call you something extreme. I mean I’ll call you a brat but a mutt? Ever just punch her in the nose?”

“I’ve thought about it, dreamt about it even, but I’m already singled out as some kind of violent orphan by her. If I even do anything remotely violent to her, she would prove it. And I’m pretty sure if I punched her in the nose, I would break it,”

“That’s pretty grown up of you,”

“I know. In her mind, I’m a little orphan who doesn’t deserve to be anything more than a charity case. I’m not going to give her the satisfaction that anything she says me makes me want to punch her in the face,”

“You really do think, don’t you?”

“Mhm, I guess we’re not so different, though I’m cuter,”

“Pfft you wish,” Hiyori ruffled her hair, “Come on, I know a stand that sell hot sweet potatoes,”


“Mhm! Have you ever had one?”

“Nah uh!”

“I’m surprised, especially with all of sweet shit you constantly eat,”

“Don’t be jealous,”

Hiyori and __________________ spent the rest of the day at the festival together. Eventually they caught up with the three brothers, whom were all eating a stockpile of festival food. Luffy ran up and tackled _______________.

“Finally you came back! You have to protect me from Ace!”

“You guys kept leaving me!”

“Not by choice!”

“Yeah, Ace wanted repay you for last year,” said Sabo

“…last year?”

“Yeah the pear desserts. He wanted to top it!”

“SHUT UP!” Ace’s face was bright red, “It-It’s not a big deal or anything!”

“But we were up for hours looking for cake!” said Luffy

“And none of it was up to your standards apparently,” said Sabo. ________________ chuckled.

“Awww Ace!”

“I didn’t do it for you or anything! You got me hooked on looking for tasty pastries! So this is all your fault!”

“I love you too! So what did you guys find?”

“Tons of stuff!” Luffy took out boxes of pastries and cakes. The boys had gone through the festival and neighboring villages to get a variety of cakes for their sister. She happily tore into them.

“These are SO good!”

“They better be!” said Ace, “We had to actively LOOK for something that you’ve probably never had!”

“I appreciate your efforts!”

“You better!”

“Don’t mind Ace, he liked them too,”

“Now YOU Luffy and Sabo can get some food for the fireworks viewing!” said Ace

“Why aren’t you going?!” retorts Luffy

“Hiyori and I are holding the spot,”

“Mhm sure,” said Sabo, “I’ll get takoyaki, Luffy you can get some chicken,”

“And I’ll get dessert!” said ________________

“But we already—,” she was already gone. Sabo snorts but realized that he asked Luffy to bring back food and knew what would happen and dragged him to tag along with him. Ace waited until he was sure they were out of earshot.



“You know what,” Hiyori huffed.

“Alright, alright, she is weird but…she’s cool,”

“Annnnnnnnnnnnd,” Ace smirks

“She’s not a prissy little doormat either! Shit once I told it wasn’t fun if she didn’t insult me back, she went out! And she calls ME mean!”

“Told you, so I’m waiting,”


“Apology of you calling her boring,”

“Pffft fine, I apologize!”

“Good. I can’t believe you hung out with her today. Thanks for keeping her occupied,”

“Humph, didn’t do it for you, I just wanted to see what the big deal was! I thought it was a flunk that she was feisty enough to hit Dad but I guess she wasn’t,”

“So the great Hiyori felt threatened by another girl?”

“Pffft no way! You guys talk about her and I just wanted to see what made her so…cool I guess but I know my position isn’t threatened and either is hers, so I think we’re okay,” Ace snorts

“I never said she was cool,”

“No you didn’t. But I think she evens out your wildness. You three literately took a day out to bring her some pastries because you know they’re her favorite. It was so…wholesome. And she spent the last few days trying to catch up with you three so she can just be with you. You’re all joined at the hip. It’s kind of cute,”

“She would have done the same for us. I’m pretty sure she has some presents stashed away for us someplace,” Hiyori smiled but then she smirked.

“So what are you guys going to do when you’re all big shot pirates? She can’t be with all of you, especially since you’ll all have your own ships and things,”

“Pfft! She’s coming with me, of course. She can explore whatever she wants,”

“She can do that as a traveler,”

“Who wants to be a boring traveler?”

“They’re pretty much pirates, just on land and semi law abiding citizens. We get very few and Dad loves greeting them,”

“I’ve been wondering about that. Wano is a closed country, right? How do you get visitors?”

“Well, some stumble here by accident. One actually became a citizen because he liked it here so much. Ships are hard to get here. Grandpa Whitebeard is the only one who uses the Sphinx Shortcut…and it’s not even that short when you think about it,”

“But you’ve stayed here your whole life, right?”

“Mhm, can’t wait to see what this world has to offer! Dad says I can leave and explore when I’m seventeen but I want to do it as a traveler then I can be a rival to you and your siblings,”

“You wish!”

“Oh I know I can be the best rival to you all. I’ll probably get _______________ join my crew,”

“You won’t! She won’t join your crew!”

“You’re right, I’ll have to kidnap her to lure you right into my trap,” she leaned in closer to him. Ace froze and leaned back, “And from there I can do whatever I want to the great…future captain…of whatever you call yourself,” she pecked his cheek.

“UGH! What was that for?!” he said wiping his cheek. She laughed.

“Aww what’s the matter Ace-chan? Don’t like my kisses?”

“NO! They’re gross!”

“Don’t worry; someday you’re going to LOVE when I kiss you,”

“Hardly,” he glared at her, “Whatever, let’s find a place for the fireworks!”

“We ARE in the perfect spot. They’re starting soon,” on cue, Sabo and Luffy had a bunch of foods ready to eat during the festival. They had finished setting up when _______________ appeared nearly out of breath holding up three boxes.

“You okay?” said Sabo. She nodded and guzzled down some water.

“Yeah, I went to Sphinx,”


“Mhm! I said I would get dessert!”

“Geez that was quick!” said Hiyori

“_________________ is super fast!” said Luffy

“That’s because all of that cake fuels her,”

“Don’t be mad because you have your father’s bulk legs,” Hiyori looked surprised before she started laughing.

“Good one!” ________________ opened the box revealing fruit. Hiyori picked up the peach and bit into it. She recoiled when she discovered it was cake, “…what are these?!”

“Miss Hanna’s shaped fruit cakes!” said ________________ proudly, “I went over there to see if she had any left and she gave me her last few boxes! We can eat and watch the fireworks!”

“Told you she can get anything,” said Ace grinning

“Oooh! There’s peach ones too?!” said Luffy

“And if you eat them all, we’ll kill you,” said Sabo

“Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?! Why?!”

“Because you’re a glutton!”

“Pffft, _______________ is the one who brought them,” said Hiyori, “She’s like a cat! Feed her once and they’ll keep coming back,”

“That’s how I know where to get all of the tasty things Miss pampered princess,” ___________ stuck her tongue out, “And I thought the great Hiyori would have had a cake like this,”

“Humph! I could if I wanted to! If you keep eating all of that cake you’re going to turn into a big cake!”

“And if you only work on your legs they’re going to be weird and hairy like your Dad’s!” the boys started laughing.

“You take that back you little brat!” Hiyori grabbed _________________ and started to ruffle her hair as she flailed and tried getting away.

Ace gently shook _________________ awake. She groans and he placed his hand over her mouth. She looked at him puzzled. He placed his finger over his lips and gestured her to follow him.

“Put your cloak on!” she nodded, grabbed it, and a package, and went after him. Ace was waiting for her at the stairs. They crept down and he gestured her towards the garden. It was about midnight of the New Year and it was snowing at that very moment. The sight was a wonder to behold as the snow fell and landed gently on new untouched terrain. The moon was out illuminating the night sky and the wind gently blew. It was just a very serene moment. They sat on the engawa and just admired the sight.

“It’s so pretty!”

“Yeah I know,”

“Why didn’t you wake up Luffy or Sabo?”

“Because Luffy can’t keep quiet about anything and he’s sleeping on Sabo,”


“And it’s quiet and you’re perfect for quiet times,” she grinned, “And for some reason, I just have this feeling that we’re going to need quiet times like this year,”

“Way ahead of you. What’s your wish for this year?”

“To be stronger I guess, just so that when I do sail off, I can face whatever comes my way and just be free,”

“You are free,”

“…no, I’m not, I want to just be free of everything. It’s…complicated,”

“Why? You can’t say adult stuff, since you’re still a kid,”

“…it’s…well…different, I can’t tell you because I don’t understand it myself. And I can just expect you to know something or understand something that I can’t even begin to know about,”

“That’s fair,”

“But it’s good to have you close so for a few moments, everything isn’t really confusing,”

“Why me?”

“You’re calm and I think you probably feel the same way sometimes,”

“Probably, but I’m content where I am. Are you?”


“Then stop making yourself miserable for no reason,” he looked at her before nudging her over. She toppled as he snorts.

“You’re still a brat you know that,”

“The abuse I suffer at your hands!” she said with her hand over her head dramatically. He laughed and pulled her back up.

“What’s your wish?”

“Well, I want to get faster I can tag along with you and the boys more and maybe teach the guys at Terminal Gray more things! I’m always learning new things and I think they like doing it too! They can read now and do math now. I kind of want to teach them something else,”

“Teach them French,”

“I’m not good at it yet! You and Sanji are way better!”

“It’s better than whatever Law speaks,”

“Spanish! Corazon is teaching him!”

“No I meant the other one, the one he writes his journals in,”

“Oh German! He says it’s easier to write notes in. It’s hard to speak but he says that’s what keeps him close to his old home,”

“If you teach someone, you can retain it better. And if you’re unsure then I’ll help,”

“Or Sanji!”

“Fuck him!” she rolled her eyes and took the box under her cloak and hands it to him.


“What’s this?”

“Your birthday present,”

“…you didn’t have to,”

“I know, I wanted to because it’s your birthday….and you’re my brother,” Ace gingerly took it and opened it. He beamed and hugged her tightly and slipped the slippers on his feet.

“How did you know?!”

“You were hinting really hard! You could have just asked for a pair of slippers,”

“Pffft so everyone can tease me for wanting a pair? No thanks,”

“But you feet must get cold all the time!”

“It’s a part of being tough,” she shook her head. He then took his out and hands it to her. She opened it revealing a tin of loose leaf tea. She opens it and sniffs. She couldn’t recognize it.

“What kind this?”

“A special tea that only O-Tsuru makes here. She says it has healing properties or something,”

“You mean the Yggdrasil tea?”

“Yeah that! And since you get sick from time to time, I thought it might help,”

“Awww thanks,” she hugged him tightly.

“It was her last batch so you have to use it when you really need it,”

“It’s a lot! I think it’ll last me until next year!” he smiled as they continued to watch the snow fall. The entire scene was so quiet and peaceful. It would be another few hours before they were going to the temple for New Years anyway. But what he really wanted was to share this moment of peace and quiet with his sister.

“Ace do you think next year will be like last year?”

“As long as Luffy is still an idiot, as long as Sabo is the voice of reason, and as long as me and you can hang out together like this, I think we’ll all be okay,” she grins

“You like hanging out with me?”

“I won’t admit it but I do, so does Sabo and Luffy but I know I’m better at it because we live together,”

“And you like sleeping on me,”

“It’s your fault for having a comfortable body,”


“That’s a compliment. Maybe we can have another sleepover with everyone next year,”


“And you can tell the girls how you beat up three asshole princes,”

“…you know?!”

“Rakugo showed it to us. We all know you got that us! If we didn’t roughhouse with you, you wouldn’t have been able to lay them out like that. It would have ended faster with your ribbon,”

“I know right?” they laughed. She gently laid her head on his shoulder. He blushed slightly and placed his arm around her.

Two men were sitting on an engawa watching the rain fall. It was a cold fall day and they were sitting in front of each other with two large ochoko and a large jug of hot sake. The man in red was laughing and finished up his story. The man in black listened intently before shaking his head.

“I swear I don’t know how you managed to not die. Every time I see you, it’s a shock,” the man in red laughed as his companion pours him another round.

“Many find it endearing and others find it annoying that I manage to. You should try cheating death! You’ll live longer!”

“I do but not as often as you do and my duty is here making sure everything stays in order,”

“You can take a lesson from Oden,”

“Don’t rope me in with that idiot! I sowed in my wild oats in my youth with dignity…not hanging onto a ship for three days,” the man in red laughed.

“You should have seen his face!”

“I really do, I would have framed it on my mantle so I can look at it every single day,” he and his companion laughed

“Actually, I’m not ready to go…not yet,” said Roger laughing

“I don’t think anyone is,”

“Actually this is a little more…difficult,”


“I have a kid on the way,”

“…with Rouge?”

“One in the same! I know it’s going to be a boy! She contacted me and I’m on my way to pay her a visit,”

“Does she know about your imminent death?”

“Yeah…that’s why I’m trying to find a loophole to this death thing. I want to be around just long enough to see the boy being born at least,”

“Can’t picture you as a father,”

“I barely can!” he said laughing, “But if he gets everything from his mother and his adventurous side from me, he’s set for life!” Roger took a long drink, “I think you know why I’m here,”

“Why do you think I have it?”

“There’s not many who knows the locations of the only two in existence,”

“You caught me. I was hanging onto it for something special,”

“Then keep it,”

“I said it was for something special. It’s yours,”

“Shishishishi! Deadpan as always! I owe you one,”

“Do you know how to use the Yggdrasil?”

“…I’d thought I figure out eventually,”

“…how you survived this long is nothing short of a miracle. The whole leaf will bring you back from death. Half will cure illnesses. How bad is it?”

“I have a few months at the most then I’m forever gone from this world,”

“I’ll have Matilda make it into a medicine for you and when the…time comes, just drink it,”

“You’re a good man, Void,”

“I know,”

“How’s the wifey?”

“Dead…that’s why the Yggdrasil is now yours,” Roger watched him taking a very long drink of the sake. It was still steaming. He winced. He was sure he burned his throat.

“…I’m sorry,”

“You didn’t do anything. She died from a broken heart no thanks to my son and his…wife. Because of them, our kingdom may not be a safe haven for anyone anymore. The entire kingdom only has me and my leadership in case something happens,”

“So no living heir?”

“Not at the moment. The woman he married is pregnant. I don’t even want to meet the monster that child is going to grow into. If he’s anything like his parents, I don’t want them to set one foot into my kingdom,”

“Strong words,”

“You’ve met my son and know what he’s capable of. I don’t want that to poison my kingdom…or the world to be honest,”

“Where are they now?”

“Someplace in North Blue. I don’t care as long as they’re far away from here as possible,” Roger didn’t press the topic further. He’s seen Void at his best and at his worst but he was comfortably in the middle.

“You miss her don’t you?”

“Of course I do. But there’s nothing in this world that’ll bring her back to me, not even Yggdrasil. When I finally got to her with it, it was already too late. Just know it has a…timer on it. If you’re dying, it’ll bring you back, if you’re about to die it won’t bring you back. I would say try and drink it before you know you’re going to die. Then you can bring yourself back,”

“Thanks for the advice, Voidy,”


“Though I do have something to say. Give the kid a chance. Who knows, they may be the perfect heir. The sins of the parents shouldn’t be passed down to their children,”

“…I’ll consider it,”

“Shishishishi then I can be the tyke’s godfather,”

“…why curse the kid?”

“Oh no, cursing him would be him becoming close to the Kozuki Family and you having Oden for an in law,”

“Don’t you dare!”

“Shishishishishi! Kidding, kidding!”

“You can be his godfather if you like,”

“You’re only doing it because the chances of me and him ever meeting are slim!”

“Damn right,”

“Love you too, Void,”

Chapter 47: The Errand


The Little Girl is introduced to the Surgeon's Family

Chapter Text

Law arrived at the Whitebeard home at around noon. Everyone in the house was still sleeping off their time in Wano and some were already preparing for their next endeavor. Ace had ran off with Luffy and Sabo and ____________ had her own exploration plans that all changed when Fossa let him in and he made a beeline upstairs where __________________ had grabbed her cloak and got ready to get into an adventure herself..


“Ready? I need you to come with me on an errand,”

“Okay!” she cleared her plate, grabbed her cloak and rucksack and followed him out. He had handed her a package wrapped in brown paper and twine.

“Can you hold onto this for me?”

“Sure! Where are we going?”

“We have to deliver that to someone pretty special,”


“You’ll see. You’ve never met her but she’s pretty okay. We have to go back to the area where you had that fluffy cheesecake,” _________________ grinned thinking about the cheesecake. It was one of the best things she’s ever eaten and wondered why she hadn’t had it…She stopped in her track. Flashbacks of her unable to move or anything as that weird man took control of her body resurfaced.


“Wait, wait don’t worry! Doflamingo isn’t there right now. Don’t worry you’ll be fine. The maids are just there and they’re not going to hurt you,”


“Mhm, that’s why we have to go today, he’s on business so we can go without incident. So don’t worry, you’ll be okay,”


It didn’t take the pair long to get to the area. Since they’ took the trip months prior, they mapped out shortcuts and easier ways of getting to the other side of the island without the ferry. However, instead of going to the town, they went passed the town and towards a brick road area. ________________ didn’t notice the villa before because of the other buildings surrounding it. ________________ looked around the mansion area in awe. It was a large Spanish villa house; it reminded her of one of the houses in her books about a French girl and her neighbor. The walls were high and everything was opened with a fountain in the middle. The building was huge and grand and even though the snow had melted, the while place felt warm and inviting. Law led the way to the front door and gave the knocker a loud hit. A tall blonde woman with huge breast opened the door. She was wearing a short maid uniform with her cleavage showing. She had long wavy blonde hair that was spilling all over her shoulders. She had ruby lip and silver eyes. She looked down and took one look at the children before squealing, grabbing, and hugging Law into her massive chest.

“Law! It’s so good to see you!” she said happily. He struggled to get away as she sets him down, “Look at you! You got so big since I’ve last seen you! And handsome too!”

“Hi Perv. It’s good to see you too,” her eyes then fell on _______________ who tensed up, bracing herself for the same treatment.

“Who’s this? Wait…is this your little friend that Cora-chan told us about?!”

“Mhm, this is _________________,”

“N-Nice to meet you, Ma’am,” she was hugged just as tightly and then put down.

“And so cute! Come in, come in! What brings you here?” she then looked a little worried, “Is everything okay with Cora-chan?!”

“He’s fine! Don’t worry! I came here to see Lesser, is she here?” Perv looked a little thoughtful.

“Hmmm…it’s a little afternoon, she maybe downstairs in the kitchens for lunch. Unless she’s having it in her room…and no living soul should go in there. Check there first,”

“Okay, thanks Perv,”

“No prob! If you don’t find her, I can deliver if you like,”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” he then reached into his coat and took out a package, “Happy belated New Year!”

“EEEEE! YOU GOT ME SOMETHING?!” Perv opened it, “Awwww c’mere!” she smothered him into her chest again and kissed her cheek, “Milk soap is great for your skin! Thank you!”

“No prob,” Law immediately grabbed _______________’s wrist and guided her away.

“That was Perv. As you can see she’s more excitable than the other Maids. If we’re going to the kitchens, you’re going to see Cook next,”

“Is her name really Perv?”

“Mhm because she’s a huge pervert. Trust me on this but she’s nice. Come on, we’re almost there,” As they got closer, she could smell something delicious coming from somewhere. Law guided her towards a door that leads downstairs, where all of the delicious smells were coming from. She couldn’t help by admire that the house has passages like hers did at home.

“This place is so nice!”

“Mine and yours is better, trust me,” they went down and were in the kitchen. The kitchen was huge with a large walk in freezer, stoves, pots and pans hung over head. There were also large knives and cutting tools on the counter. There was a woman at the counter hacking something with a large butcher knife. She was the tallest with vibrant green eyes, tanned skin with freckles and auburn hair that came to her neck and tied with a bandana. She was busty and brawny. Her maid uniform was like Perv’s but the arms were bigger she could roll up the sleeves better. She reminded ________________ of a blacksmith. The woman stopped and turned, sensing new smells in her kitchen.

“Look who it is!” she happily went over to the pair and hugged them in both her arms. ______________ gasped a bit. Law struggled. She let the go, “Sorry sweethearts! Have you two had lunch yet?” they shook their heads. Cook grinned and went to the counter and came back with two bowls of piping hot stew. Law dug into his. __________________ took a bite and shuddered in happiness.

“This is so good!”

“Thank you sweetheart,” Cook said ruffling her hair, “It’s one of my specialties. Would you like a meatloaf sandwich?”


“Law? I have rice buns,”

“Yes Cook,”

“So what brings you here?” Law suddenly remembered his errand.

“I’m actually looking for Lesser. I have something to give her,” Cook looked thoughtful for a few moments.

“You know, I haven’t seen her all day. Wait, wait no, she placed in an order for a few meatloaf sandwiches so she got her lunch and she then she took off somewhere. She’s probably having it upstairs in the library,”


“Take some cookies before you go!”

“We get cookies too?!” said __________________

“Mhm! Take as much as you like! Oh Law what’s this?” she said taking the package from him.

“It’s for you,” she gently opens it.

“Awwww! Is this milk soap?! You shouldn’t have! You’re such a sweet boy!” she gave them one more death hug and sent them on their way.

“The maids are so nice!” said __________________ happily, “And not because of the cookies and food! They give pretty good hugs! I can’t believe they work for the strings guy!”

“It surprised me too,”

“So they really work here?”

“Mhm…the Maids are the caretakers here, especially when Doflamingo is away on business. They make sure everything is in order. And each of them take care of an certain area. Perv is in the front, Cook takes care of everything down below. Dom is in charge up the upstairs, and Cleaner takes care of the perimeter. Lesser’s the head maid and overseas everything. When Doflamingo is gone, she takes care of things around here and keeping the other maids on the straight and narrow, especially Perv and Dom,”


“Mhm, we’ll probably run into her soon,” they made their way upstairs and peeked inside the library. Nothing. They went to Doflamingo’s Study. Nothing. They even checked the attic. Nothing. Law sighed.

“There’s only one more place to check that’s her—,”

“Ara ara…well hello Law~” the pair turned. Another maid was behind her. She was the textbook definition of voluptuous. She had dark glossy hair, ruby red lip, and violet eyes. She had a lot of cleavage and her uniform was short like Perv’s but hers had elements of leather that brought out her curves and butt. Her eyes fell on ________________, “Oh, is this the little girl that Cora-chan told us about? She’s so cute!” the woman pinched _______________’s cheek, “Oh my so cute! I can just eat her up~”

“Hey Dom, I’m sorry for coming in, just looking for Lesser,”

“Oh! Isn’t she not downstairs?”

“I checked the kitchens but Cook said she took her lunch upstairs,”

“I’m pretty sure she went outside today. She had a jar with her and some food I thought. She was getting a little cagey. Check the gardens,”

“I’ll check. Thanks,” he took out her package and gives it to her

“Aww! Milk soap?! You shouldn’t have!” she gives him a tight hug and peck on the cheek. He grimaced, “Oh stop that. When you get older and get your big boy hair you’re going to love getting kisses! Maybe giving them to your little friend,”

“No way!”

“Mhm, keep telling yourself that~”

The pair made it to the gardens. Law looked a little tired but saw some lemonade on the patio and poured him and ______________ a glass. They perked up a bit and continued looking for the elusive Lesser. They followed the water hose to make their trip easier. Another maid was humming an anime opening song as she watered the plants. She was a mousey looking woman with dark skin, large eyes, made larger because of her thick round glasses. She had short messy blonde hair with a head kerchief. Her uniform was slightly baggy on her.

“Hi Cleaner,” she jumped and whips around. The kids moved back at the water. The maid choked off the water.

“Law! It’s good to see you!” she beamed and hugged him tightly, “What’s up?”

“Is Lesser here?” she shook her head.

“You just missed her. She was here earlier but she left and gave me one of her sandwiches. She’s in her…room,”

“Where is it?”

“I’ll take you there. We have our own wings here! Not like at the other house!”

“That good to know. By the way,” he handed her her package. She opened it and hugged him.

“You’re the best! Did you get the presents we got you?”

“Mhm, Corazon gave them to me,”

“That’s good! Oh! You have someone with you…OH! You’re _________________! Law’s been talking about you nonstop! It’s good to finally meet you! Oops! Was I suppose to say that?!”

“It’s fine,” said Law

“We’re sorry we didn’t get you anything! Hopefully next time!”

“It’s okay! Really!” Cleaner smiled and led them back inside. By this time, the other maids were waiting, realizing they were sending the kids on a wild goose chase.

“She wasn’t there either?!” said Cook

“No, sorry Ma’am,” said _________________

“Oh sweetie, just Cook is fine! So where is she?”

“Cleaner said she’s probably in her room,”

“That’s where we’re going now,” said Law.

“…do you really want to go in there sweetie?” Dom looked very worried.

“We-we can deliver whatever you like!” said Perv

“It’s okay, it has been given to her by hand and I have to ask her something,” Cleaner continued her task with the two kids trailing behind her and the maid trailing behind. They went up the stairs and to the other side of the villa in the west wing. As they walked ______________ noticed the doors. One door was pink with cute things all over it, one was red with a black trim with a strong scent of perfume, another had blood stains on it with a few knife marks, and the final one was normal with an oddly shaped door knob. They then stopped. The hall was now dark and dim and oddly colder than the rest of the villa. It was the only room with a black door.

“Well…this is Lesser’s room,” said Cleaner. _______________ felt a very strong urge to run. Law looked uneasy as well. He went towards the door and they heard a loud clacking sound. He jumped back. The other maids looked horrified.

“Law sweetie, I’ll go in!” said Perv

“Wow taking one for the team?” said Cook

“I don’t want to! But they’re kids! They don’t deserve that!”

“I-I’ll go!” said Dom

“Whatever is in there almost got your legs, remember?!” said Perv

“T-True wait, Cleaner dear~”

“Don’t put Cleaner under the bus!” said Cook

“Please Lesser wouldn’t kill her second in command…right?”

“…This is Lesser,” said Perv

“I-I’ll take you guys to her room,” said Cleaner, “Maybe _________________ should stay here!”

“Yeah!” said Perv pulling _______________ into her arms and petting her protectively, “We have to protect this sweet, sweet child!”

“What about poor Law?! Who KNOWS what Lesser has in store in her room!” said Cook. Law sighed and gently pulled ______________ away from Perv.

“It’s okay, we’ll be fine. Trust me,” Law steeled himself and knocked on the door.

“Enter,” said a voice from inside. Law gently opened the door. He peered inside. He then deemed it safe before gesturing _______ to come with him.

“He’s such a gentleman,” said Cook, “Going first to make sure that his little friend is safe,”

“You mean girlfriend~” said Dom

“She’s not my girlfriend!” said Law

“Big boy hair!” Law glared and closed the door. The room was dark and creepy. Every single piece of furniture was black and the whole atmosphere of the room was a dark, creepy, void. The only light was from a large window that illuminated the room. It still looked scary. At the table next to the window was a woman having her lunch. ______________ shrank a bit. The woman had light blue eyes, black hair that was in a loose braided updo bun. Her uniform like the other maids were different. It was black and white like the others but hers like more dress like. But what really set her uniform apart from the other was the large fox tail that was attached to her. It was large a fluffy that was a soft yellow orange color with a light yellow tip. Lesser was at a table with tea and a few cakes and remnants of her meatloaf sandwich. Law approached her.

“Hi Lesser,” the maid turned to them and smiled. ______________ shrank even further. She had a shark’s smile. Law hugged her. She hugged him back.

“Hey kiddo, how are you?”

“Good, you?”

“Well. What brings you here?” he said nothing and gestured for the package. _______________ nodded and handed it to him and he handed it to the Maid. Lesser took it and opened it. Inside was a large box chocolate from West Blue. They were little chocolate puffs that were wrapped in foil. She smiled.

“Awww he remembered,”

“Yeah, he had a mission over there with Sengoku and got them for you. Has more but he wanted to make sure you knew he had them. This one is a thank you for the wall incident and the rest of because he knows they’re your favorite and wanted to surprised you later,”

“He shouldn’t have…Send him my love,” Law then reached into his coat and pulled out another package. She cocked her head, “What’s this?”

“Ummm…I know you like jasmine…so here. It’s a perfume soap from Kuja,” she stood up gave him a tight hug. ______________ doesn’t see Law smile all too often. But when Lesser hugged him, she clearly saw a true smile on his face. He was gripping her as well and then they released.

“Thank you, Law. I’ll use it tonight,”

“You’re welcome. Are you coming over this weekend?”

“Is Sengoku going to be there?”

“He might…I don’t know,”

“I see, then I’ll pop in and make dinner. Anything special?”

“Your paella?”

“Okay, Cook and I will get the ingredients for it,”

“Thanks Lesser,”

“Anytime Law,” she hugged him again. She sweetly pats _______________’s head.

“Okay, now we have to pretend that we escaped the room with our lives,” said Law

“Huh how come?” said __________________

“Lesser enjoys her privacy and her room is terrifying,”

“It doesn’t seem that—,” they then heard something from one of the dark corners of the room. Then they heard a loud clanking sound. __________________ saw two beady eyes looking at them but they popped back into the hiding spot.

“Yeeeeeeah, let’s go!” Law grabbed her head and they both booked it out of there. Lesser snorts and went back to her tea. She then took a jar from under the table, filled with slugs she got from the garden. She whistled as a large duck came out of the shadows. She emptied everything out into the bowl as he happily ate.

“Good boy,”

“Awww leaving so soon?!” said Perv walking them to the door along with the other three maids.

“Yeah it’s getting late and I have to make sure that Corazon doesn’t burn the kitchen down,”

“No worries!” Cook handed him a basket of food, “I even put in a few meatloaf sandwiches in there for you, _________________,”

“Thank you, Ma’am!”

“Be safe you two!” said Cleaner

“Give Corazon our love~” said Dom grinning.

“I will,” he and ________________ were soon on their way. She turned to see the maids waving and seeing them off at the door. She liked the maids and she was sure they just wanted to mother on her and Law. Once away from town, Law took a loud breather.

“Those were the maids…if you ever need to run or get someplace safe, they’ll help you out,”

“They seem really nice! They’re like sisters and moms!”

“Perv, Dom, and Cleaner are like sisters, Cook is the cool aunt, and Lesser is the stern mom,” said Law grinning, “Usually if Corazon is off on a mission for the Marines, they take turns watching me at his place and Cook always makes meals. I always have tons of extras and I’ll tell Killer to come get them for him and Kid or make the trip to Gray Terminal,”

“That’s awesome! Cook is amazing but I think she can kill you with food,”

“You have NO idea! She can put you into a cook coma. She makes meat baos too but those are so heavy and good that they will put you into a coma from flavor alone. So worth it,”

“I can’t believe he would leave the maids unarmed and defenseless at his villa like that. I mean they’re so nice, they should have a guard or two to protect them!”

“They’ll fine. Each of them are trained killers,” ________________ stopped.


“Yeah, they’re really nice but if the mansion is ever under attack or anything like that, they’re the first and last line of defense,”

“Wow…I didn’t get that vibe from them! Well, maybe Lesser. By the way, is she half fox?”

“You mean the tail? It’s detachable. She always carries it around on her person at all times. Lesser told me she got it from fighting a nine tailed fox and if she ever wanted it back, she can come and get it. She got that scar on her neck from it too. Dom said it was her trophy,”

“Lesser is tough!”

“But fair. She’s actually really motherly. She won’t admit it though. And she usually comes by to help me and Corazon with things we need…especially since sometimes it ends up with him on fire or hurt. She makes pretty good paella,”

“What’s paella?”

“The best thing ever. Corazon can make it but she can make it better. It’s a dish made of rice and seafood. Corazon said he used to eat it when he was a kid before his parents died. He was too scared to ask Sengoku to make it for him because he didn’t want him to think he was begging or something. But eventually Sengoku made it for him and it’s his comfort food,”

“That’s nice of him!”

“Yeah but I wanted you to meet Lesser because we may have a dinner on Friday and I want you to come,”


“Mhm, it’ll be us, Corazon, Lesser, Bellemere, Nami, and Nojiko…and I kind of need a buffer, just in case,”

“I thought you were okay with Nami and Nojiko,”

“I am…we need it to be honest. Sengoku might be popping around to recruit us,”

“Garp does the same to Ace, Luffy, and Sabo. Every time he comes near me, Ace pulls me away. He says something about with the right training, I can be a good Marine,”

“…you would but you don’t follow orders. Nami would be good as a Navigator and Nojiko would be good as a spy or double agent like Corazon. But Bellemere doesn’t want them to be Marines either but she does admit that the training is good,”

“Hey! By the way, how do they know you so well? Did you live there?”

“Well not there…that’s another story for another time. Let’s just say they really…helped me when I needed it. Lesser especially,”

“Gotcha. So where to next?”

“Let’s take this to my place and then whatever we can’t fit in the fridge; we’ll give it to Gray Terminal,”


Law woke up in a cold sweat. He was panting and sweating. He had the same nightmare again…he never stopped having the same nightmare and every night he expected to see his Mom, right there after his sister would wake up and alert her and Dad and everything would be back to normal. This time however, he wasn’t alone. A very familiar scent was in his room along with a familiar maid uniform. He saw Lesser sitting next to him silent but concerned. He felt her hand on his back.

“You’re not there anymore, you’re here. You’re in your bed, with your new family, you’re alive, and you’re okay,” he mind started to process everything in that phrase. He took a long sigh and looked down. Tears poured down his face and onto the sheets. He gripped the sheets trying to stop himself but he couldn’t help it. It was too real this time. He felt the soothing touch again, “Shhhh…you’re awake now. Just calm down,” he jerked away and glared at her.

“Why are you here?” he growled

“Your screaming woke me up,”

“I didn’t ask for your help,”

“I know and I don’t care. You’re getting it,”

“You can’t do anything to me,”

“I can kill you and they’ll never find your body. I have the opportunity, the tools, and you’re a child. It’ll be the same as gutting a pig,”

“So what, if I die at this moment, it’ll be just another cycle going on. I’m going to die anyway so why should I care if it’s sooner than later? It’s not like anyone wo—,” he shoved onto his back, a hand covering his mouth and a switchblade to his neck looking into Lesser’s cold dead eyes. He felt his blood running cold, he felt his body shaking, and he saw flashes of his life coming into view. He could feel the cold steel on his neck as his heart pounded in his chest. He pulled away. She let him go and placed her knife away.

“Nihilism is a committed thing. You can’t pick and choose how to be a nihilist, especially at that moment you didn’t want to die. If you were a nihilist, then that wouldn’t have fazed you. You would have accepted your death but you resisted. Everyone says they’re ready to die but no one is truly ready,”

“Y-You don’t know if I was ready or not!”

“You would have let it happened if you did. Like I said like a pig,” she poured herself some tea, “Now what’s on your mind?”

“So you can blab to Doflamingo?”

“Our conversations are our own. I don’t tell anyone everything I hear,”

“Why…why are you and your maids here…you’re helping Doflamingo, why are you here?”

“We’re hired…and we stick around because reasons and we actually like it here and someone has to make sure you kids grow up semi adjusted,”

“You guys don’t care. This is just duty,”

“If it was, I would have closed the door or duct taped your mouth so I could sleep. Dom would have restrained you to the bed, and Cook just hogtie you like a pig,” his eyes widened, “Hate to break it to you, kiddo but I like you. Not because you’re a part of this family or out of respect for Boss, I just know how you feel. I was your age once and I had nightmares,” Law took the tea. He hadn’t been confronted with what happened for a very long time. There were times where he couldn’t concentrate on anything but that, there were days where he would wake up and would forget completely that his entire life as he knew it was gone, “Even though you may die soon, that doesn’t change the fact that you’re a child and this place isn’t exactly the most nurturing place for one. Does it change the fact that I’m going to take care of you? No. Why die in agony when you can die being comforted. I’m not going to lie to you but the world is a horrible place with horrible people and it’s not fair that you were subjected to what you experienced,”

“How do you know?”

“You have night terrors. You scared the shit out of Baby 5 and Buffalo the first night you did it. That’s why you sleep alone. It’s better to let it out. You’ll sleep better at least,” his head was spinning. He wanted to tell everyone what was going on, he wanted to cry, he wanted to just spill everything out…he wanted to just let the while just die, that way, he wouldn’t have to feel like this anymore.

“I-I…I-I…“I-I just wish everything was…back to the way it was. I-I want my mom back…I was want my dad back…I want my sister and my friends…back! I want to go home! I want-want…I just want it to all stop! I-I wish it was me! I wish I was the one to die, not them! I-I just want…I just…I really miss them! It’s not fair that I get to live and they don’t! I just want them…to come back. I just want the pain to go away!” Law was shaking like a leaf and sobbing heavily. He wiped his tears away with his sleeve. Lesser gently brought his face up and wiped it, cleaning his eyes and nose. He was hiccuping and trying to put a cork back onto his emotions but couldn’t.

“Let it all out. Its okay to feel angry but you shouldn’t feel guilty about surviving. If your parents had a choice, your life is worth more to them than theirs. If it mean their death for their survival, that’s what they want. No parent wants their children to die before them. Your sister it was also unfortunate but that’s how life is. Life sucks and no one is entitled to a happy ending, no one’s entitled to having nothing but happiness their whole lives, and hell, no one is entitled to be allowed to live, whether you’re a few days old to a hundred years old. There are people out there who deserve to die that are alive and there’s people out there who are innocent and their lives taken away. Does that mean you should stop living? Of course not. It means that you have to make the most of your life at least for your sister’s sake, who can’t be here now to enjoy hers. Even if you don’t have much time left,”

“You know about the Amber Lead Disease?”

“Mhm so I know it’s not something that’ll affect me or anyone else, just you. Well it’ll affect us when you pass on,” he looked at her, “What? You dying is going to leave a very big hole in our hearts. You’re a part of the family, Law. Because no matter what the circumstance is, you’re still a little boy who needs to be nurtured, loved, and cared for. You think you can sleep now?” he nodded, “Good, get some rest and I’ll be right here in the morning,” She got up to leave. She felt a tug on her dress. She turned. Law looked at her with tears in his eyes. He was trembling still.

“Please…” she nodded and sat on the bed. He laid his head in her lap and she started to stroke his hair and hummed softly. Memories slowly came back into his mind. The way his mother used to let him sleep with her Dad when he didn’t want to be alone…or when he was just too scared to sleep. He remembered the warm happy feeling it always gave him. He missed that feeling…he missed his mother…tears poured down his face. He felt a hand gently rub his back. It was so soothing. He was letting his guard down. He buried his face in her lap and slowly drifted off to sleep. Lesser gently took him off her lap and tucked him securely into bed. She lingered for a few moments before quietly exiting the room. She had to find a clock. She didn’t know what time it was. She noticed she was always in Law’s room for hours, not that she minded, keeping the boy safe and happy was her personal goal but no one summoned her or anything like that when she did. It was late, she was sure that the perimeter was secure as she went to bed. Corazon peeked from around the corner. He snapped his fingers ending his Calm from around the room and the pair before he quickly headed back to his room, not before slipping across the hall and landed against the wall.

“EEP! Corazon! Are you okay?!” Cleaner said looking at him, “I’m so sorry! I just waxed the floor!”

Chapter 48: Heart Day


A few little shorts about a little girl and Valentine's Day along with the people around her.

Chapter Text

The two women looked at each other. They exchanged blow for blow, hit for hit for hours until both were on the brink of death. Neither of them were going to give up until the other one laid dead. Next to the shorter woman was a bloody fox’s tail with the woman in front of her looking murderous, blood dripping from her lower back.

“You’re going to pay for that!”

“Eat my ass, bitch,”

“Tch, you don’t have much time and neither do I,”

“I think I can kill you before you can even get to her. Wanna try it?”

“Same stakes? Skill against skill, winner takes all,”

“You claim my life and I’ll claim yours along with your Devil Fruit,” before she could react a whip came out from seemingly nowhere at the shorter woman. She barely had enough time to used her hand as a barrier for her neck. She was lifted off the ground. The taller woman cackled and swung the woman around, who was tossed around like a rag doll and slammed into anything in her path, buildings, rocks, and even the ground. Blood from her previous injury painted everything as she gagged. The tall woman continued her laughed and then yelped. A blade was in her throat. She dropped her whip and pulled out the blade. She started to choke on her own blood. Her victim ripped the whip off her neck and pounced on her. Both rolled on the ground exchanging blow for blow. The shorter woman took as many shots as she could to her throat. When the woman finally spluttered blood, she took her chance. Using her own weapon, the shorter woman wrapped the whip around her neck like a she was trying to rope a calf and retrained her before securing her a pair of seastone cuffs. She slammed her boot on the woman’s face and pressed, “Wanna try me again?”

“Murunfuffuffu, you think you won?” the woman spats up blood laughing, “I may be restrained but you’re on Death’s door you uppity bitch. You’re not going to walk out of this alive, especially with you neck probably severed,”

“D-Don’t care. We both know that Death was the only option,”

“Murunfuffuffu! I’ll have your head someday. I can’t pass up seeing those blue eyes every single day. Whether it be on my shelf or looking at me from between my legs. You would have been my favorite concubine,”

“…I would say I would rather suck the Devil’s taint but it would be basically the same thing with you,” then the pair heard rapid running footsteps. The shorter woman immediately knew what that way and what that meant. She smirked at the taller woman, took cover away and hid. She had to get some help. She was losing too much blood. She slowed her breathing down and used her clothes to stop the bleeding. She was lucky that bitch didn’t sever her jugular but she knew she needed some help or she wasn’t going to survive much longer. She felt sick, the early stages of blood loss. She had to wait until those Marines left and then try to find a doctor or a medic or something. The best she could do was stop the bleed and keep herself conscious. She then felt everything around her go silent. She looked around. She knew she wasn’t dead yet. And if Death was silent, she didn’t like it. It was too comforting. She looked up to see a man looking at her. She glared when she saw the Marine uniform. She struggled to get up but she couldn’t. He was a tall blond and he looked strong. She could probably gouge his eyes and try to make a run for it. She tried again and made a pained grunt.

“Hey, hey please don’t move, you’re going to disturb your injury more,”

“I-I don’t ne-need you—” she winced and yelped. He said nothing else and gently removed her hands and moved her shirt to the side. He winced at the sight before shaking his head. He took some soapy water from his pack and poured it over the exposed area. She hissed in agony as she tried to keep her composure. She was failing miserably.

“Shhh the worst part is over,” he took some clean water and finished it off. He then took some bandages and wrapped her up, “This is can hold you for a little while but we need to get you to a doctor. You’re opened for infection. And you can well lose your life. I’m pretty sure you don’t want to lose your trophy either,” he gestured to the fox tail, “Can’t say I’m not impressed, Miss,” she glanced at it before glancing at him, “You saved a whole village. We can’t thank you enough for that,”

“I didn’t do it for you guys. Trust me,” she snapped. He smiled.

“I know,” she was about to say something against but she coughed, blood splattering onto his uniform. She covered her mouth in shock. She did puncture something vital. She tried to get up again but she faltered. The Marine caught her and held her up. She was panting, “Hold onto me! Please! Don’t worry, I’m strong enough for the both of us,” he snapped his fingers. All at once the normal sounds came back. She really must have been losing it. She could hear that familiar laughter cackling, gun drawing, and then more shouting.

“Oy! Are you over there?” the Marine looked up.

“Yes! I have a victim here!” another Marine appeared and saw the admiral holding up what looked like was a bloody mess. Upon closer inspection, he realized it was a woman.

“Oh my god what happened to her?!”

“Umm she’s mute. She can’t speak but it looks like she’s the victim of Devon,” the Marine looked her over and noticed the maul markings.

“Get her to a doctor now!” The mystery woman spent days in the care of a Marine doctor. She refused to even write anything that would give away her identity. No one came looking for her and she was recovering nicely. But she did have a visitor that came every day to check on her, the Marine captain who brought her in. He happily asked her how she was doing and aside from silence, the doctor often just left them to communicate however they did. He always brought her something, just to lift her spirits, including something orange and furry in a bag. Every time the doctor came near it, she shot him look that said I will kill you if you try and he left it. When he informed her she was going to have those scars for the rest of her life, she shrugged and went back to her book. With careful observation and medication, she was soon well enough to be on her way. However, they didn’t want to discharge her without a proper clearance. However since she didn’t have a voice, she didn’t give them any information about herself. The only person that seemed to be able to get close to her was the admiral that brought her in. On cue, he arrived in the late afternoon to bring her some chocolate and more flowers for her bedside.

“How’s my little patient doing today?” he beamed.

“I’m fine. They’re talking about releasing me from here,”

“I hear! You’re a fast recover,” she snorts

“I guess,”

“I snuck us in something. I hope you like brandy,”

“…fuck me up,” he took out the bottle. She take it and take a drink and passed it back. He followed suit, “Good year,”

“I know. I think we both deserve something strong,” she hated that she was letting her guard around this man. She couldn’t help but feel super at ease with him. It felt nice and calming. He passed her back the bottle. She downed some more.

“Listen…I know you probably know who I am. My face isn’t exactly uncommon or my notoriety. Why the hell haven’t you booked me already?”

“Because I’m pretty sure your sisters would come after me and with those injuries, you wouldn’t be able to do much. That and…someone as strong as you shouldn’t die in such a way. You saved a village of people and for that you should be proud,”

“…you saw me?”

“We were called when the village talked about a woman in a bar fighting Devon. They said that she led her out of the village and fought with everything she had. I was the first on scene and went ahead, thinking you were dead but…you had a better grip on things than I thought but I radioed for backup. That final blow did it. Once I knew who you were, I knew you were more than capable in taking down Devon,”

“You don’t even know me. I don’t trust Marines, even if it’s a weird one that helped me out,”

“That’s fair,” he smiled, “But I know you’re perfectly fine with an ally helping you,”

“You’re not an ally,” she snapped

“You were my first ally and if it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t be standing here talking to you,”

“You think I wouldn’t remember helping out a Marine? You’re mistaken. Now tell me the truth. Why the hell did you help me?”

“Well, it’s not every day I get to see my angel again,” she froze. She looked at him, like really looked at him. She shakily took his hair and flipped it a few times until it was covering his eyes. She retracted her hand, “It has been awhile. I know you’re an assassin and we took…different paths but you still have those blue eyes that’ll always remind me of the sky back home. They were the one thing that kept me going for so long. It was great seeing them again. And they’re still the same. I miss you my friend,” she turn away. He could see a slight blush on her cheeks.

“….you didn’t die. I’m proud of you,” he laughed

“I’m so glad you’re the same. Tomorrow is the last day I’m allowed to see you. I would escape in the morning before the doctor wakes up. You’re strong enough to leave. It was great seeing you again. I hope we can meet again in better circumstances,” he kissed her cheek and left leaving the woman red faced. She gently touched her cheek. There was no way…that this man was…no, maybe she was mistaken and this idiot knew some information or was around when it happened but they were kids. She watched the man outside her window. If that was the case, he bulked up a bit…he really grew into his looks. But she was still skeptic until she saw he perch under her window and lit up a cigarette. Then she saw that he somehow caught fire and flailed around. She took out the vase of flowers next to her and dumped it over him. She couldn’t help but smile. Some things really hadn’t changed. He looked up. He saw her looking at him with the same look she gave him years ago. He sheepishly grinned. He was an idiot…but he was her idiot.

Stop crying. Boys don’t cry. If you keep crying, then that’s all you’ll ever do and be fucking annoying.

Touch him and I’ll murder you.

Listen, don’t worry about ever being strong. I’m strong enough for the both of us!

“Awww is this all for me?!” ___________________ said happily as Killer sat in front of her with spread of desserts ranging from cupcakes, mini cakes, tarts, and pies.

“Mhm, eat up,”

“Thanks!” the pair always has a strange relationship. Since the next day of Valentine’s Day, he decided to treat his favorite girl to something sweet, especially after she managed to get him all of the pasta he could eat from Zeff over the months. She liked hanging around Killer and vice versa. He always had something cool to say, a story to tell or someplace new for them to explore together without Kid, who, against his will, always had extra lessons with Miss Ribbon.

“It’s for his own good. Especially if he wants to be King of the Pirates, he better be a least smart enough to write his name,”

“Luffy wants to be king too,”

“…he’s determined enough,”

“I know right?”

“Nah, where Kid and I came from, we celebrate Valentine’s Day a bit differently,”

“I’ve always wondered, where did you two come from?”

“North Blue,”


“Yeah but we had to leave. There was a trade for child trafficking there,”

“That’s terrible!”

“Yeah but we got out before something happened,”


“I don’t know who my parents are but Kid’s Mom took care of me with Kid…up until she died,”

“…I’m sorry,”

“Why? You didn’t do anything. People are assholes, some people aren’t and she wasn’t. If it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t be here right now. She asked me to take care of Kid if anything happened to her and I did…but I also got didn’t but my ass was saved again and since I learned to keep Kid AND myself out of danger if need be,”

“What happened?!”

“Well, where we lived, it was a slum in the area. Sometimes people came to kidnap children to sell them to traders. That day…I led a few away from Kid and a few other children and got caught instead. I was knocked out and I was in a kingdom I’ve never been to before. I saw a lot of servants and people being hurt. We were examined and shoved into a holding area to be branded the next day,”

“How did you escape?!”

“We was lucky, a weird ass girl and her equally as weird cousin and servant saved me and the rest of the kids. She was some kind of a noble kid but weird even by normal standards. She thought we were on vacation or something,”

“She sounds silly,” he snorts

“You have no idea but it’s cute,”

“I hope she didn’t get into trouble!”

“She probably didn’t unless she had told someone. I reckon that’s a lot of money that she literately freed,”

“I hope so too! I hope you meet her again!”

“Yeah me too. Hopefully she’ll remember me someday. Then I can thank her properly,”

“It could be a long time from now,”

“I know but it’s okay if she doesn’t. I’ll just keep finding ways to show her my gratitude,”

“How do you do that?”

“Boys have special ways of doing that. I’ll just travel to the girl he likes and she’ll have the luck. All I have to do is make the gesture,”


“Nope, you’re so silly,”

“Mean!” she pouted a bit. He ruffled her hair.

“Here, have some more cake before it gets hard,”

“Okay,” Killer watched as she bit into another cupcake and grinned. He guess he did have a type or preference for cute, weird, things.

The young man ran as fast as he could. In his hands were a large bouquet of roses and a gift box. He was almost to the ship as arrows shot from an unknown source at him. He evaded them and continued to duck and dodge, still trying to get to his destination. Suddenly fireballs came at him with a force and intensity of missiles. He jumped, ducked, and rolled away from them just as a fire shower came onto him. He used his arms as a shield to cover himself and the box as he quickened his pace. Along with the fire shower came large balls of ice. He glared. This was getting ridiculous! He growled and started to catch the ice and flung them at the directions they were coming from. He then stomped his foot. The ground under him and around made a very strong tremor, rendering everything silent.

“I’m right here if you want to challenge me! SHOW YOURSELVES!” as though on cue, four figures appeared and surrounded him. One was a woman with a quiver on her hip with a reddish orange bob hairstyle and glaring honey eyes, the second was a willowy woman dressed in red long black hair, a cinnamon complexion, and red eyes, the third was a sturdy woman with pale skin and blue eyes, wearing a fur lined cloak, and the final woman was shorter than them all with two gladiola blades at her sides wearing a corset. He knew them well, Poppy the Archer, Fire Dancer Nobara, Ice Bring Liliya, and Red Blade Katsika. The Four Flower Generals, or just the Four Generals amongst their ranks. If looks could kill, they would be dead.

“If you’re foolish enough to come into our territory. Then you better prepare to go to war,” said Poppy with her hands resting at her quiver. He better than to underestimate any gesture from any of them.

“I’m not looking for a fight,”

“Too bad, the moment you came here, that’s what you got,” said Liliya

“Don’t worry, we’ll send you back to Rock in pieces,” said Katsika running at him. He jumped away dodging and evading the gladiola blades from the young woman, who was dead set in killing him, at the very least maiming. He then sensed something from behind and struck his foot down, causing a quake. Katsika leapt back as Poppy stumbled but she still had her arrow prepared. She lets it fly up into the air. It popped and created needle arrows to rain down over him. The man outstretched his arms and clapped. The sound made a sonic boom, shattering the needles. Because of this distraction, he failed to notice a woman in red dancing and clapping all around him. Before he knew it, he was surrounded in a ring of fire. She raised her hands making the fire higher. He looked around. On all side of him, four women were ready to finish him off. These were the four generals of the Flower Pirates and they were not going to let him do that easily. They were like a swam of hornets protecting their nest and everyone in it and he knew he could never take any of them lightly. He also didn’t want to hurt any of them but he would use force if necessary because he knew none of them wouldn’t hesitate in killing him. They all stood still for a moment. He didn’t know where the attack would come first. But he knew that he had to do something before the second one attacked him first. He felt a change in the temperature. He saw Liliya moving her arms back and forth. He knew what was coming and he was sitting duck in the ring of fire. He put down his gifts, just temporarily. He was going to need his entire skillset to get out of this in the most peaceful way he could. He took a step forward. As predicted, something shot at him from all sides but the thing he wanted the most of the ice from Liliya’s frost abilities. He let the attacks hit and waited for his opening. Just as he saw where the ice was coming from, he saw the opening Nobara made allowing the ice shards to pass through. He ran, grabbed the icicle, and slipped through the opening. He grinned at his cleverness before being knocked on his ass. He looked up and barley managed to dodge Katsika’s blades. He knew what he had to do. He didn’t want to, he felt sleazy just thinking about it. He sighed and ran for it. He knew a few things when it came to the Four Generals. They beat as one, they were a unit of one and they would aid the other if needed. He also knew that Poppy and Katsika were the fastest ones and worked in tandem, just like Nobara and Liliya. He took his foot and swept Katsika off her feet. She fell and he immediately got up and pressed his boot on her chest. She tried to pry it off. He held firm, just enough for her to feel it. He heard footsteps running at him from behind. He waited until Poppy got close before moving aside and tripping her. She crashed into her partner. The young man then pulled the air around them half way and let it go. Katsika and Poppy went flying. In instinct, Nobara and Liliya went to their aid. The moment they were all together, he pulled the air as low as he could around them before letting go flinging all four several miles away. He heard a thud on a neighboring island. He sighed, gathered his gifts, and continued on his journey. He finally made it to the ship. He leapt up and landed on the deck. Stand before him, as though she was waiting was a woman with large voluminous hair, wearing a blue pirate coat and a very familiar pirate hat. He froze. She smiled at him.

“She’s downstairs. She just came back,” he nodded. He knew this ship like the back of his head and knew where she would exactly be. He ventured to the lower level of the deck. Flora was in her room and ready to get go some well deserved sleep. He preened himself up a bit. Smoothing out his long golden lock and dusting himself off a bit before knocking on door to acknowledge his presence. She turned.

“Hi Florrie,” he grinned at her. She smiled.

“Get in here,” he walked in and pulled her into a kiss. She pulled back, “You beast,”

“I’m your beast,”

“Don’t be cheesy,”

“You know you love it when I’m cheesy,”

“You got me flowers?”

“Mhm and a gift,”

“What’s the occasion?”

“It’s Valentine’s Day. And I was in the area, so I decided to get you something nice,”

“My ass you silly man,” she chuckled, “Why would you do through the trouble?”

“After that cute love letter you sent me, I kind of had to come see you to thank you properly,”

“Aww and tell anyone about it, I’ll murder you,”

“I know,” he chuckled, “And like anyone will believe that you could be that sweet,” she snorts. She hated to admit it but it was the little weird things that Edward did for her or remember that made her heart skip a beat with him. In the box it was revealed to be a variety of desserts. She made them tea with a little bit of whiskey and then both curled up next to each other eating. She noticed a few things about him. He had fresh wounds on his person, including scratches from an arrow tip and a sword. She also noticed a few scourge marks on his clothes.

“The girls gave you a run for you your life, didn’t they?”

“You have NO idea,” he grumbled, “I swear I thought they were okay with me,”

“Strict orders from Blume and I. If we see anyone from Rock’s territory and alliance, we take them out no questions asked. Not to mention, they’re worried that since you joined, you were now a spy,”

“You know me Florrie!”

“Of course I do, that’s why I’m disappointed you made a deal with the Devil himself and his cronies but…I know you have a reason…I’m just trying to figure out why but until then, we have our orders,”

“I know and I understand. Also, Rock has been pestering and coercing me to convince you to join his crew,” she stopped mid sip of her tea

“…don’t tell me you came to recruit me,”

“Of course not, he doesn’t even know I’m here. I came here to see you only. I made sure no one followed me,”

“…so it’s not a retaliation for what I did,”

“Nope but he can’t help but be impressed. It made him want to recruit you more. Kaido wants your head and Linlin threatened him with death if he even lays a hand on you and she’s excited because “Onee-sama will be coming to fight along the side of her!”,”

“Tell them all to get fucked. I’m not making a deal with the devil,”

“…What if…I made my own crew? Would you join me?”

“…where did that come from?”

“Just wondering. My goal remains the same as always. I’m just…taking a different path at the moment,”

“…If it was you and me, and a new crew, I would join you but right now, we’re too different on different paths with different goals and serving two very different captains. So right now, no,”

“Alright. It doesn’t change anything between us, right?”

“As long as Sphinx is off the grid and as long as I take in strays, nothing is going to change,” he grinned and pulled her into an one armed hug. They stayed with each for a few more hours. She finally fell asleep cuddling him. He gently tucked her into bed and headed out. He got to the deck and got ready to leave,”

“So soon?” he jumped. Blume was on the upper deck with her hat over eyes and laying down cross legged, “You usually spend the night,”

“…I would but I have to get back before anyone notices I’m gone,”

“A secret romance is cliché and unfair,”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It’s not my place to tell you who to join or not. There’s reasons for everything and I know you would never in a lifetime betray an ally to Atlas or Flora whom I think who would probably hang you by your sack until it ripped off,” he laughed

“Right but Flora knows I love her,”

“Even risking being seen here by Rock. I know,”

“…I’m not a coward Blume,”

“No one said you were. But if that was the first thing that came to your mind. Who are you trying to convince, me or you?” he was about to retort but then stopped. He didn’t know HOW Blume and Atlas did it but they always caused him and even Flora to second guess themselves, even for the better, “Hurry on back before daylight,”

“I don’t care if it’s daylight,”

“I’m not talking about you getting back before Rock or anyone catches you. The girls are heading back to the ship after you flung them to another island. They are see better when it’s daylight,” Edwards knew he wasn’t going to take on that headache again and headed off into the daybreak.

____________________ loved visiting her Grandpa and Shakky! It’s been awhile and when Rayleigh called and asked if he and Shakky could take her to the island for a few days before she went back to her ribbon class, Whitebeard gave him the okay. She almost immediately gave Shakky her hug upon arrival and talked endlessly to her about her new adventures and the places she’s seen and learned.

“Sounds like you’ve been having fun,”

“MHM! But I really miss you guys too!”

“Awww you do?”

“Yeah! I love helping out in the bar!”

“Want to be a barmaid someday?”

“I can do that?!”

“Well you know how to get someone out of the bar who’s causing trouble and collecting money they don’t owe. I think you’re on the right track,”

“Or she can be a mechanic like yours truly,” said Rayleigh ruffling her hair, “Wanna help me out today, kiddo?”

“Yeah!” Rayleigh’s workshop was nothing short but amazing. He sometimes had a ship that he was repairing or tinkering with one. One in particular was her favorite. It was a large ship that could carry a large crew but nothing like Pops’ but it was just as grand.

“Looking at that old ship again?”

“I really like it!”

“She’s a thing of beauty but was designed for a small crew. This one has a captain’s quarters,”

“Why does a captain need quarters?”

“Well, sometimes a captain needs some time to themselves. Especially if the captain is an introvert or just need someplace to lick their wounds in private,”


“Yeah. If you ever want a ship, design it around yourself and crew. Some captains want to be with their crew, some want some quiet time, some just can’t sleep well with others. Remember, a strong captain makes a strong crew, a good captain makes a good crew but a good and strong captain makes a family,”

“Got it!” but there was ONE thing in her Grandpa’s workshop that always bothered her. There was a headboard next to his tool bench. It was a very old headboard that was cracked and splintered with many dents and things but on one of the posts and it traveled to the whole board was knife marks all over it, “Hey Grandpa, I was wondering, why are there so many scratches on this headboard?” Rayleigh turned and his face went completely red, “I’ve been counting them for a long time and it looks like you have about two thousand of them!”

“T-Those are my…notches,”



“What are they for?”

“Oh…it’s from…all of the…dates I had with many, many people when I was traveling as a pirate,”

“Oh! Okay! Did you like any of them?”

“Of course I did! I wouldn’t have had dated them if I didn’t!”

“That’s good! But why did you mark your headboard?”

“As a memory for each of them! Something I can always remember them by,”


“But all of my dating stopped when I married your grandma,”

“OH! So all of the scratches on the bed upstairs are your memories with Shakky!”

“Exactly! That’s why those are upstairs in bed with me! Those are the most special notches I’ve ever had!”

“There’s more on there!”

“That’s because I love f-DATING your grandma!”

“Do everyone have notches?”

“…some do and some don’t. Some put their dates in a book, some put them on a belt. Some return to their…memories,”

“AH! Will I have them?”

“If you keep being sweet and clever maybe! But always remember, it’s better to receive a notch that to be one so always make sure the person you’re dating treats you well,”

“I will!”

“Good girl!” he took some beli from his wallet, “Go get us some cake! As much as you can get from this!”

“Okay!” he watched the little girl scamper away and brushed passed Shakky who was standing at the door.

“…did you really just tell a nine year old about your conquests?” he jumped

“…in the most kid friendly way as I could!” he laughed

“You better be lucky she’s so innocent, you dirty man!” she chuckled.

“She’s going to be a little heart breaker when she’s older. Then again, she has endless brothers who will all be around to cock block her every way they can,”

“Poor thing is never going to get her notches,”

“Please she will. That’s why she has grandparents who can size up the person and help her be safe and cover her fun times from Marco and Newgate,” the pair chuckled. He then pulls her to his work bench, “Annnnnnnnnd it’ll be awhile for her to get that cake. We can have a little “date” until she gets back,”

“Oh really~”

“Yes, I need another notch~”

“If you play your cards right, we can get five tonight,”

“God I love you!”

Chapter 49: Steak Day


River goes on an outing

Chapter Text

Every Wednesday River was always nowhere to be found in the Whitebeard Household. Meaning, he was never around for an adventure during that time. It became so routine that everyone took it as face value, ________________ especially. He would wake up as usual, nuzzle and meow at her face, stretch and go downstairs to do his business. He would then spend the morning making his rounds around the house to make sure everything was on the level before waiting for Thatch who had his food ready for him. He would get the good stuff in the morning and then in the evening with endless of kibble and water in the midday but not today, he was on an adventure. He stretched again, cleaned his face, ears, and rest of himself before going out. ________________ was at the door and she watched him scamper off.

“Just be careful, okay!”

“Mew!” he looked back to see her going in the other direction. River lingered for a few moments. He loved his little charge. He knew she wouldn’t need him just for one day a week. He waited until she was out of sight before continuing on his way. He happily headed towards the Mountain Pass. He started his walk and kept going into he was near the edge of the woods. Now it was time for first stop. He went to a house and hopped on the cycle and stretched out. He had to take a little cat nap before he was ready to go again. About an half hour had passed when he heard the door opened. He then saw a familiar man coming to sit only to be greeted to his greatness. Someone affectionately scratched his ears. River perked up.


“Morning, River!” Corazon pet the cat fondly, “I have to go to work buddy!”


“But I have to! We’ve discussed this. I even got you a little cat bed for your cat naps! You can’t sleep on my only mode of transportation,”


“It’s a comfortable bed! Now come on!” River got up and stretched before changing position and laying back down, “Hey! That’s not fair!” the man chuckled and gently lifted him off his bike and placed him in his box, “I don’t have a fish today. Come back Friday for some paella! Lesser is making it and I know I can sneak you a little. It’s some of the best I’ve ever eaten!” River looked at him accusingly, “I’m sorry! See you later you little naughty thing!” River watched he got on his cycle and drove. So much for his cat nap, be he did need to get a move on. He was now well rested enough. He continued on his merry way until he finally reached it, the train platform. There was only one train that led out of town to another main city. He waited patiently. The train only came over half an hour and he knew he was either late or early but didn’t mind waiting. He heard the familiar sound and perked up. Right on time. The train approached and stopped in front of him. No one really knew there was a town around so the conductor usually stopped briefly if he didn’t see people on the platform. He took his cue and stepped into the train and sauntered to the front. The conductor looked at him. He was an old man that always smelled like smoke and sweat.

“Just you today, chief?”


“Alright. Just sit back, relax and enjoy the ride!” the ride itself always relaxing and gave him the opportunity to see the greenery around the area. He liked it. He knew his young charge would love it too. The conductor scratched his head affectionately, “I don’t know who you belong to kitty but you’re great company. Just make sure you get back to them, alright?”


The train finally arrived in the next town. River stretched as the conductor stopped at the station.

“Alright, this is your stop. Be care out there,”

“Mew!” he held out his paw. River gladly took it and headed off. He had a goal today, like he did every week and that was the only reason why he was going out that day. Today was steak day. He always had steak here every single week and he was not going to miss it. It was the most perfectly prepared cuts of meat in the entire world and he was going to enjoy every single savory, tender bite of it. But this feat also acquired finesse and a lot of stealth. He was ready. He walked on the sidewalk avoiding people and things and kept against the buildings. Soon he was in front of a very tall building with a white flag and blue symbol on it. This was the place. He climbed a tree and trotted into the high walls of the place and hopped down. He saw the men in the white uniforms practicing and shouting at each other but he paid them no mind. He didn’t care about them. As he approached he could smell it! His steak was finishing up. He lingered. He had to wait for the exact moment where it would be safe and quiet for him to enjoy his meal. He heard heavy footsteps and the door closing. He then slipped inside and went to the table of the kitchen. He hopped onto the counter. There it was. His steak, cooked to absolute perfection. His kitty mouth watered. Today it was a Salisbury smothered in gravy with potatoes and carrots.

“Mew!” he took a bite. It was better than he anticipated as he started to tear into his delicious prize. It was nice and hot and savory and he LOVED it. He nibbled on the vegetables and helped himself to the glass of water. It was heaven. Absolute heav—


River jumped! That was NOT supposed to happen. He looked around and saw himself surrounded by metal bars and things. He knew he was trapped! He started to mew in fear trying to get out. He didn’t like being in a cage! The heavy footsteps came bounding in with other ones. The door flew opened.

“CAUGHT YOU YOU LITTLE SHIT!” a large muscular white haired man came running into the room followed by a slender pink haired woman who looked shocked.

“…so you were telling the truth. Someone was eating your weekly steak,”

“Yeah! This little bastard! I set up cameras to catch the culprit in the act and here he is!”

“REOW!” River rattled the cage.

“You’re in enough trouble!” he barked

“Smother he’s just a cat…a very well fed looking cat. So he can’t be a stray,”

“He has a collar,” the man reached in and grabbed him. River yowled and cried and tried to get away only to be held securely and tighter. The man looked at his collar.


“It says his name is River,”

“…what kind of a name is that for a cat?” said the woman

“Don’t know but I’m taking him to get his chip read,” the man plopped him back into the cage and picked it up. The woman sighed and followed. The entire time River cried out to get someone to help him but his cries fell on deaf ears. In fact, it looked as though the other men in white were afraid of the two people. Soon he was at the animal prison where a doctor took his scanner and scanned his neck for his ID. A complete violation of his privacy! The doctor wrote down the address. The man snatched the paper, grabbed the cage and leave.

“Smoker! You’re not REALLY going to confront his owners are you?!”

“They owe me twelve steaks that that cat stole! TWELVE! FOUR STEAKS FOR THREE MONTHS!”

“Hina knows, Hina knows! But just don’t make a scene!”

“…I can’t promise that,”



River’s howling and whining could be heard from the train platform as Smoker and Hina got off the train. It could be heard at Corazon’s place, it could be heard at the convent, and it could be heard at Makino’s bar as Smoker and Hina went to the address that was on River’s virtual ID. Smoker marched to the door and banged on the door. By this time, everyone was always going to the door when they heard River’s cries for help. Smoker was about to bang again when a very familiar little girl opened the door. River almost immediately tried to get to her.




“Hello again,” Marco and Thatch appeared at the door and saw River in the cage, Smoker looking pissed and Hina looking a little annoyed.

“…come in and explain, please,” said Marco moving aside. After a few round of alcohol, juice for _________________ and River finally out of his prison, Smoker told his tale. Marco looked at River in ____________________’s arms, “…so River has been traveling to the Marine Barracks every week just to steal your steak?”


“You are aware that that’s several miles away,” said Thatch, “That seems a little…hard to believe,”

“Hina knows…so Hina brought the surveillance snail,”

“…You had a surveillance snail to watch your steak?” said Marco

“Hina thought it was dumb as well,”

“That’s because it wasn’t YOUR steak!” Smoker grumbled. Thatch attached snail to the television and everyone sat and watched. The date was from about a month ago. And lo and behold there was River sneaking into the Barracks’ kitchen after Smoker left to feast upon his steak. The same thing happened the following week, then every week thereafter. _________________ looked shocked, River looked shamelessly proud, and Marco just rubbed the bridge of his nose, “There are few pleasures I have in this life. All I wanted was my damn steak once a week,”

“I’m sorry Mr. Smoker!” said ________________, “And I’m pretty sure River is too!”

“I seriously doubt it. Just keep that damned cat away from my steak!”

“We’ll try,” said Marco, “_________________, this is your responsibility, therefore you have to figure out what we’re going to do about this,”

“Yes Marco!”

“I appreciate it,”

The following Wednesday Smoker had got everything he needed bright and early for his steak dinner. He grumbled as he thought about the hallow victory from last week and knew nothing would be done about it. Though he did have some satisfaction of knowing who the damn cat belonged to. He was getting his last thing when Hina called him and told home to come back to the Barracks. He grumbled again and headed back. He bet that damned cat found a way to get into the refrigerator to eat it raw. However what was waiting for him was __________________ and River in the kitchen.

“Smoker, __________________ is here to see you and she has something to say,” said Hina. She looked down at the little girl who hopped off her perch and presented an envelope to Smoker.

“Umm I just wanted to say, I’m sorry for River taking your steak. You should have something that makes you happy. So…here’s my cake beli. Every time I want a certain cake, I save up for it. And since River took a lot of your version of cake, you should take this so you can buy more so you can be happy too!” Smoker looked at the envelope and opened it. He looked at the little girl then to River and then to Hina. She traveled all of this way by herself just to make it up to him.

“Sit down kid,” she nodded and sat down. He went into the fridge and took out a beer for him and some juice for her, “We’re going to discuss this as men and we’re going to make a deal,”

“What kind of a deal? Like a demon pact?”

“You read too many manga, kid. We’re going to do an adult deal. You want to make this up to me correct?”

“Yes sir!”

“Well I’m not taking your money but you’re going to work it off every week for three months until your debt is repaid,”

“Yes sir!”

“We’re going to go back and discuss this with your family and every week, I want you here at noon and you’re going to help me around the place doing a few errands and chores. When everything is over, I’ll take you home. You’ll get one break, because union and you get one slice of cake and the cat, if he comes, gets one piece of cake. How does that sound?”

“Sound good, Mr. Smoker!”

“Good! So we’ve reached a settlement starting today. Call home and send someone so I can tell them of our deal. That’s your first errand. Second errand right after that, I want you to sweep the stairs. Understood?”

“Yes sir!”

“Dismissed,” she finished her juice and headed to get a snail with River right behind her. Hina shook her head.

“You old softie,”

“I’m not about to take money away from a kid. She can work it off,”

“Hina knows. After this can be a good opportunity for her to get a taste of the Marines. She may want to join when she’s older,”

“That kid spells trouble. If she does become a Marine, I’ll eat my shoe,”

“I’ll hold you to it,”

Chapter 50: Baseball


The Little Girl plays baseball

A/N: Hi everyone! Because of the Coronavirus, I'm going to try my harder post a fanfic on here once a week, twice if it's something shorter, especially since I tend to push out a lot of pages at a time ^^ It's to have to be one a week because I write for another fandom on my Deviantart so I'm just triyng to find a healthy balance. Stay safe out there and please stay inside!

Chapter Text

Baseball was once a favorite pastime of the kids of Gray Terminal. There was nothing they enjoyed more than playing mock games with each other and having a great time. That was until they met Ace and Kid, who wanted in on the game. They gathered nine players asking for a proper game. Although the Terminal kids were six, they had help from a few kids from the middle who wanted to join in the fun. There was Gordon, a shy noble boy, who often snuck away to get some kind of freedom, away from his family and home, Jack, a boy who’s parents were Middles or middle class who wanted to do anything to get into social circles with nobles, even if it meant the sacrifice of their son’s happiness, and Scott, the stereotypical Middle boy who just wanted to sample peasant life. They tolerated him only because he really wanted to play. Then there was Chance, a noble boy who loved refereeing the games because he got a front row seat to everything. The kids absolutely love the game and playing it and since teaming up with the kids from Windmill Village, having a full team was a dream. However, they children from Windwill Village had turned baseball into a life and death game of chance. It was a great workout but they were constantly on edge and pushing themselves to the limit. Ace and Kid had started collab and cooperate to the point they started working in tandem with the goal to win by any means. This meant taunting, using their full strength and natural abilities. In Law and Kid’s case, it wasn’t easy to use their Devil Fruit on the field. For Luffy was fair and fun game. He stretched and often threw the ball, catching anyone who didn’t duck and stretched his arm to catch the balls. Sanji often chose to kick the ball which was effective and given his training, fast on his feet. Sabo often taunted with Ace, especially when the boys were up to bat, causing them to be distracted. It was found out that Clock had a little crush on Killer, therefore this weakness was exploited to the point, little flirts, taunts, and things of that nature sent the poor girl into mush and she couldn’t concentrate. It was about a month into the season and there was no sign of Gray Terminal kids winning a game and they usually had two a week. They KNEW if they stood a chance, they needed a trump card and they knew exactly who was the perfect person for the job.

“Who?” said Gordon

“The Duchess,” said Jin

“…who’s that?” said Jack

“You’ve probably seen her around. She’s this girl with (e/c) eyes and (h/c) hair, always with a satchel and sometimes with this cat,”

“OH! ______________!” said Gordon, “…yeah I know her…wait, she doesn’t live in Goa?”

“Nope, she lives in Windmill Village, it’s a secret village,”

“…are we going there?” said Jack

“Mhm, we trust you enough to go,” said Calico grinning, “And since Scott is a dick he doesn’t need to know,”

“Gatcha. Wait is she…umm like you guys?”

“Nah, you’ll see,” On Monday, they made the journey and waited for _______________ to come back from her ribbon twirling lessons. They had to appeal to her in some way in order to get her to join without Ace and the others knowing. Miss Makino kept them hidden in her bar until they were sure it was safe, all the while keep them watered and fed. They waited until they saw Ace, Luffy, and Sabo running off into the woods to come out. They made a beeline to the familiar house. Jack and Gordon stared in awe.

“She’s a noble?!”

“Nah, we don’t know what she is but her family’s loaded. Come on!” said Yukiko. She strode to the door and knocked. Marco opened the door. They looked at him with a pleading look. He nodded and called ______________ to the door before making himself scarce. The moment she came to view, they all fell to their knees and clasped their hands together.

“W-What’s all this?!”

“Duchess, PLEASE!” said Yukiko, “We never ask for much! But PLEASE join out team!”

“Wait me?!”

“Yes you!” said Jin, “You’re the ONLY one who’s fast enough to defeat those monsters,”

“And smart enough to get into their heads!” said Club, “It’s HARD to get to Kid! I’m running out of insults!”

“You mean baseball? I don’t know how to play! It looks kind of boring, to be honest,”

“Baseball isn’t boring!” said Calico, “It’s actually a lot of fun!”

“Not when Thatch and Speed Jill watch it on TV. It’s really boring! And listing to it is WORSE!”

“Oh…yeah that is boring but playing it is like totally different!” said Yukiko

“It’s more of a death match now,” said Clock, “Ace and Kid alone made it that way! We don’t stand a chance against them!”

“Why? How bad is it?”

“Ace and Kid are working together. That’s not a good sign,” said Club

“Luffy keeps using his fruit to catch balls and pitch!” said Gordon

“And Killer’s flirting is TERRIBLE!” said Clock blushing, “I can’t keep my head in the game! We need you! Please!”

“I don’t know…I mean I’m always one to help but this doesn’t seem like something fun, especially if Ace and Kid in a pissing contest,”
“That’s just it, they’re working together!”

“Come and play one game with us!” said Jack, “And if you don’t like it, then we won’t bother you anymore!”

“And for every game we win, we’ll buy you some cake,” said Yukiko. This piqued her interest. She then shook her head.

“No, I don’t feel comfortable in taking money from you guys. It’s not right. And you’re not stealing it!”

“Gordon and I will buy it! I’m a Middle and he’s a noble! We can afford it! No offense guys,”

“None taken, we know what we are,” said Jin

“…okay I’m in,”

“Awesome!” said Yukiko hugging her, “I KNEW we could count on you!”

“So what position am I playing?”

“You’ll be right left field. But don’t tell them. We need you as our secret weapon,”


Armed with their secret weapon, the Gray Terminal kids felt like they had a chance at least. Their next game was two later and they briefed ________________ with knowledge of their plays and the basic rules of baseball. When she arrived at the field she felt like she was ready.

“WHAAAAAAT ________________ IS ON GRAY’S TEAM?!” said Luffy

“Mhm! I just joined! I can’t wait to try this!”

“Tch, you guys brought __________________?! Pfft like she can do anything!” said Kid, “Just get in the way,”

“Awww Kid if you missed me that much all you had to do was say something,” she smiled

“I don’t miss you!”

“I mean you are going to see my cute little bum when I’m running past you so I guess you’ve been looking forward to that,”


“What do you mean ________________ is playing for you?!” said Ace

“We asked and she said okay,” said Jack, “What’s the big deal?”

“Tch nothing! I don’t care!”

“Okay, princesses now that you’ve all finished painting your nails,” Chance blew his whistle, “Plaaaaaaaaay ball!” this time, the tide did change and Windmill Village actually had to keep on their toes. Usually Gray Terminal had an advantage when they were batting but this time they were killing it in the outfield. Ace, Luffy, Kid, and Killer usually threw hard pitches, striking each of them out or in Kid’s case, hitting them so they walked. ________________’s little bunts make it more difficult for them to catch the ball and she usually was able to zoom to second. The boys were caught off guard. Especially since they were so used to _______________ being on their side. But she did prove that she was more than capable and they underestimation was their downfall. The first realized this when Ace was at bat and made his first hit. He made it to second when he heard Chance blow his whistle.


“WHAT?! HOW?!” said Ace glaring at Chance

“Because Duchess caught the ball you hit, you’re out!”


“Honey you couldn’t afford it! Batter up!” it was now Kid’s turn. Kid squeezed the handle as Yukiko got ready to pitch. She winded up and threw. He hit it and before he could reach first base Chance called him out.

“NO WAY ANYONE COULD HAVE CAUGHT THAT!” he turned to see ________________ over the wall holding the ball in her mitt. He swore up a storm and went to the dug out.


“Because ______________ is actually good,” said Sanji, “Told you to get her to join!”

“HOW is she good?!” said Kid

“She’s fast and she can catch things, I’m pretty sure that makes her good for baseball!”

“Not to mention she speed runs with Speed Jill so scaling things is just second nature. You guys KNOW this! You’ve SEEN her!” said Sabo.

“It’s weird that ___________________ isn’t on our team!” said Luffy, “it’s confusing!”

“It’s annoying!” said Kid

“Suck it up,” said Law, “We know her just like she knows us and she already got into everyone’s heads. We’re not going to win this one,”

“Says you!” said Ace

“Whatever,” Ace and Kid decided to try and slow her down by hitting higher and higher and farther and farther balls, just for them to be caught almost immediately by ____________ who happily chimed “GOT IT!” when she did. The last play, Ace decided to hit the ball with everything he could. By this time, everyone knew what was going on and Yukiko instructed her to sit near the wall. Ace glared and stepped up to plate. Yukiko winded up the pitch and threw it. Ace smacked the ball but lower than he did, assuming it was too much power to catch and it would get him, Luffy, and Law to home winning the game. He was about to run to first base when he heard it.




“Mhm!” Ace looked up. _________________ saw the ball being hit and slide towards it and caught before it hit the ground. He glared, “Game! Gray Terminal wins!”

“W-We won?!” said _______________

“FUCK YEAH WE WON!” said Yukiko hugging her. The whole team tackled and hugged their secret weapon. ______________ grinned. She didn’t even KNOW she had a knack for this game and she couldn’t WAIT until the next game!

Ace refused to talk to ______________ when they got home. He didn’t care about her victory, he didn’t care, and he was not going to make deal about it. As soon as he got home, he went to his room and closed the door. _________________ looked hurt and frowned at the door. “Ace what did I do?!”




“You thought I was going to be bad?! Why?”

“Because…just because okay!”

“Why are you being mean?! You didn’t ask me to join! I would have if you just asked!”








“YEAH WE WILL!” and with that, she went to her room and closed the door. The older brothers all peered out of their rooms when they heard the commotion from outside and the doors closing.

“…I swear that boy,” said Vista

“He’ll get over it,” said Blenheim, “He needs to remember she can make friends with whoever she wants,”

“She’s taking it well,”

“I think she’s used to his bullshit,”

“That’s not a good thing,”

“Yeah it is. I think she knows that it’s not her, it’s him and that’s why she’s acting accordingly,” said Izo coming out of the bathroom, “He just has to get over himself and stop being so possessive. It’ll blow over soon,”

“Hopefully,” in the morning, _______________ was still upset but she knew Ace couldn’t be mad forever but she needed some reassurance. She made it downstairs to see Ace in the Physical Room, aka, the Doctor Room. This was the room that Marco usually treated the family in. It was usually closed when everyone was healthy but if someone was sick they were treated there first. Ace was inside with his arm out. He looked like he was in pain. She froze.

“A-Ace are you okay?! A-Are you sick?!”

“You’re not suppose to be in here when Marco isn’t here!” he growled.

“…what’s wrong, Ace?!” Ace looked up to see _____________ looking deeply concerned at him, “W-What happened?! Are you okay?!”

“Relax little lady he’s fine,” said Blenheim, “It’s just his yearly check up,”

“I thought we already had that,” Ace sighed feeling like shit at his snapping.

“Well this is a pretty special visit. It’s my brace. I have to wear it or else I’ll be in a lot of pain,” she looked puzzled. Ace ruffled her hair, “It’s a thing I have with my elbow. It gets inflamed a lot…so much I couldn’t sleep because it hurts, so when I was with Dadan, she made me go to a doctor and long story short, I have to wear this thing forever,”

“What’s inflamed?”

“It’s when something gets really red and swollen and usually really hot,” said Marco coming in with a newer version of Ace’s brace, “It’s usually when someone his injured, sick, or has an infection. In Ace’s case, it was just something he was born with. So the brace just keeps the inflammation at bay,”

“Oh! So that’s why I don’t ever see you take it off,”

“Only when I bathe but it’s okay, it doesn’t hurt when I’m in the shower,”


“That’s why he had to sit out today,” said Marco, “I had to make sure his new one fits him better. So he’ll do his regular activities and if he’s okay, then he’ll be good until his next fitting,”

“That’s good!”

“Yeah, so you’re going to have to postpone the game until tomorrow,”

“On it! I’ll let everyone know!”

“On it! You get better okay?” Ace nodded and headed out. Pops shook his head. Even when they were rivals, they both knew when to stop to make sure the other was okay. _______________ was almost to the path when Luffy and Sabo appeared. She explained what happened and both went to run to give their brother moral support. She decided to use one of her many shortcuts to get to the field faster. Instead of going around, she decided to cut through Goa and go through Edge Town. The secret field was just off that area. Yukiko noticed her heading over and decided to catch up with her to ask what was up. _______________ obliviously headed over and was almost to her destination when a girl blocked her path. She tried to move pass her but the girl stayed there, “Excuse me,”

“It’s you again, peasant,” _________________ cocked her head and looked at the girl. She had long dark hair, dark eyes, and wearing a very lovely blue dress, “What are you doing over here? Isn’t there some garbage you need to rummage through or something?” ______________ looked a little puzzled. Yukiko glared. She was going to teach some manners to that bitch insulting the Duchess like that. She was about to step in with she suddenly looked as though she remembered something important.

“OH! I REMEMBER YOU NOW! YOU’RE THE NOBLE GIRL WHO WAS BULLYING SANJI! Katherina right? How’ve you been?! Thanks for leaving him alone for me! I didn’t want to keep following him all the time to make sure he’s okay! Seriously thanks!” the girl looked taken aback at the response before glaring at her.

“Wh-Who do you think you are?! How dare you speak to me so—”

“Wanna watch us play baseball? It’s loads of fun,” the girl sneered

“Why would I want to watch a bunch of dirty street kids play a dumb game?!”

“Your lost, well then see you later,” she brushed passed her and happily went on her way. Katherina glared. “If you change your mind, just follow one of us, okay?”

“Don’t you know I’m insulting you?! That fight from before isn’t over!”

“Of course it is, I won,” Yukiko covered her mouth to keep from laughing from her hiding spot, “And I know I can probably do it again. But let’s just play baseball instead, alright?” she continued to walk. Yukiko decided to join her finally.

“What’s up Duchess?”

“Hey! I’m glad you’re here! I have a message! Ace can’t play today so we have to postpone until tomorrow!”

“What’s up? He is okay?”

“Yeah! He needed to get his brace refitted so he doesn’t have to be in pain anymore,”

“Ohhh okay, that’s a valid excuse. Let’s head over and explain things,” everyone was either at the field or arriving for the game. _________ made her announcement.

“Uggggh okay, fine. Freckles gets his pass,” said Kid.

“Yeah doctors are important,” said Calico

“You’re lucky your brother is one,” said Clock

“He’ll treat you guys too,” said Law, “Marco is a saint like that,”

“Can’t you do something, Law?” said Kid

“I’m not a doctor yet. Even with my Devil Fruit, I’m still testing out the limits. I can either make things better or worse and it’ll probably be worse. Let Marco handle it,”

“Alright, we swing back here tomorrow,” said Killer

“See you all tomorrow!” said ________________ cheerfully

“I don’t know WHY you’re happy! We’re going to beat your asses tomorrow!” said Kid

“How can you when you throw like River,”


“Don’t get mad at me because you can’t throw,” Killer grabbed Kid and pulled him back as he swore and yelled at _______________. She waved him goodbye and decided since she had the day to kill to do something productive. She then decided to get some cake. She waited her turn at the counter when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned. Scott was grinning at her.

“Hey, have a minute?” she nodded

“Yeah what’s up?”

“Duchess right?”


“You and Ace live together, right?”

“Mhm, why?”

“Well, you can…help us out a little,”

“What do you mean? I do plenty! We won more games since!” Scott clicked his teeth in frustration.

“I mean you can do something to make things a little…difficult for Ace. You seem my stepfather is has a knee brace and I know if he doesn’t wear it, he’ll be in loads of pain. So when I want him to give me something, I hide his brace and I don’t give it back until he gives me what I want. All you have to do is do the same thing to Ace. Just take his elbow brace and he can’t play. That’s why he went to the doctor, right?”

“Actually no. Ace ate some sushi he found in Gray Terminal as a dare and now he’s on the toilet. Also, that’s not a brace. It was his dad’s band. It makes him feel closer to his Dad,”


“Yeah and no offense that’s a pretty mean thing to do to someone! Why cause him pain like that!”

“Mind your business. I get what I want and he lives pain free. Later,” she frowned and bought her cake and left. That was a weird conversation and she didn’t like it. She took her cake and headed off to where the Nice Lady was. Usually Mr. Lore was always good for some advice and she knew he would probably show up. He doesn’t appear often but usually stays the whole time she’s there. She poked her head through and there he was sitting next to her. There were fresh flowers in her vase and a flower crown on her head.

“Wow, did you make that Mr. Lore?”

“Mhm! She loved wearing flowers in her hair so I used to make one from time to time for her to wear,”

“…can you teach me?”

“Come pop a squat next to me kiddo!” she giggled and sat next to him. He gave her a few flowers and showed her how to work it into a crown, “See? Easy peasy,”

“Easy peasy!” he chuckled

“So how’s your day kiddo?”

“Good! Ace is mad at me though!”


“Well, he and the other kids around here have been playing baseball against the Gray Terminal kids,”


“Yeah I’ve been playing it with the Gray Terminal kids and the boys! It’s so much fun! I play the outfield and I love catching the high balls! Ace and Kid hit the balls really high and I get to catch them!”

“Sounds like you’ve been having fun,”

“Yeah! I just hate that I have to play against Ace and the rest of the boys! But they weren’t playing fair so Yukiko brought me in to even out the playing field. But now Ace is made at me because I’m playing against them! But they never asked if I wanted to play in the first place!”

“Sounds like he’s a little upset that you did take them up on their offer, especially against him,”

“Should I feel bad? I mean I do but then I don’t,”

“Why do you feel bad?”

“Because Ace is being mean to mean! He’s been ignoring me and just well, mean! But I think it’s because he’s mad that I joined them. But he NEVER asked me in the first place,”

“Then you have nothing to feel bad over,” he said, “Ace does have a temper but he needs to learn that you are your own person and doesn’t have to be with him at all times and learn to communicate with you better,”

“What should I do in the meantime?”

“Give him space and give it you all in your new hobby,”

“Awesome! But also when I went to get some cake, Scott, one of the Middle boys told me that his dad is a bone doctor and that if Ace doesn’t have his brace, we can win easier. I think he wanted me to steal it,”

“…are you going to steal his brace?”

“NO! Ace needs it or else he’s going to be in a lot of pain! And that would be very dirty to do! No matter how angry I am at him or how angry he is with him, I’ll never do something like that to him or anyone!” Mr. Lore grinned and ruffled her hair.

“Good girl,”

“Besides, I’m faster than Ace I KNOW I can win again!”

“You should tell Yukiko what that boy wanted you to do,”

“I will! Do you have any pointers, Mr. Lore? Or life advice?”

“Hmmmm well, I would say, use the boys’ weaknesses against them. Obviously not doing something sneaky like that but something like taunting,”


“Like what you do with Kid but to everyone else,”

“OH! But isn’t that cheating?”

“Some good natured taunting is what baseball is all about and all is fair in love and war and since Ace and then made it into a battlefield, it’s now a war,”

“Okay! Awesome! Thank you Mr. Lore!”

“Wahahahahaha! Anytime little lady! Tell me how it goes!”

The next game, _______________ was ready and briefed on what to do. However, this next game went horribly, especially since now the initial shock of her joining was on everyone’s radar. Everyone was relentless. There was cake for temptation, strong defense so it’s not as easy as it was last time, and because of all of this and the lack of strategy, they lost, again.

“Better luck next time,” said Kid

“You almost had us,” said Killer

“Almost! But we’ll beat you next time!” said Clock. Killer smirked. Clock’s face went red as she backed down.

“You have to work on that Clock!”

“I can’t help it!”

“Come on, victory lunch at the Baratie,” said Sanji leading everyone away, “Mainly leftovers, since we have some ramen leftover from yesterday,”

“AWESOME!” said Luffy

“_______________ you coming?”


“Traitors don’t get food!” Ace barked as they disappeared out of sight. _____________ glared but then also remembered what she had to tell her team. She gently pulled Yukiko aside and told her what happened yesterday. Yukiko and the other kids were NOT happy when they found out what the new kid wanted _________________ to do and promptly kicked him off the team.

“We ain’t winnin’ like that!” she said, “And Freckles NEEDS that thing! But now we’re going to need one more player,”

“We have the perfect strategy going, that means we have to remake everything!” said Jack, “Damn it!”

“And there’s not anyone who can just fill in!” said Calico, “I mean I just trained Pear on my position but with Scott gone, we’re going to have to find someone else to play left field,”

“I-I’ll play,” they looked up to see a boy on the field but away from them in the background trying to make himself invisible. He wore a newsboy cap with her black hair tucked inside only showing a turf in front, baggy sweatpants, a long sleeve shirt, sneakers, and face mask around his mouth, “I didn’t mean to butt in but if you need an extra player, I’m in,”

“Sure kid!” said Jin, “What’s your name?”


“I never seen you around here, where are you from?” said Gordon

“I live around Edge Town,”

“Alright! You know how to play?”

“I’ve been watching your guys for the last few weeks, I think I have a good idea of everything,”

“Awesome! You can play right field with Duchess!”


“And practice is about two hours on Mondays and Wednesdays! Can you make it? We usually do it in the morning but since Duchess has practice and lessons you can come in the afternoon since you’ll be working with her!”

“That’s good!”

“Awesome! Welcome to the team!” With the new kid and ______________ baseball went from a free for all life or death match to a pretty decent skills death match. By the next game, armed with some extra knowledge and taking Mr. Lore’s advice, the Gray Terminal kids are a better strategy in dealing with Windmill Village and they were going to use it. They placed Clock at home plate and switched out Calico for Pear, who didn’t look suited for baseball and Yukiko at second. This was to make sure that none of the boys would think about crashing into them or if a ball was in danger of hurting them because of Sanji. This gave the advantage or forcing the boys to hit outer or farther which was easier for _______________ and Shiro to grab the balls. No one knew where Shiro came from but his agility matched ________________ pretty well, even scaling up the wall or hoisting her up to instantly catch balls. This made things difficult and made Windmill Village actually think about plays. But what was their downfall was the taunts. Luffy was easy, with the promise of all of the meat they had that day, it distracted him enough to strike him out. For Kid, everyone just had ___________________ taunt him from dug out, causing him to run after her and instantly outing him from the game. But this didn’t mean that the tides didn’t change. Sanji started making intricate and tasty looking cakes and pastries and that was more than enough of a distraction for ________________ who was often so distracted by the tasty looking morsel that she didn’t the balls coming from nowhere. Pear although a kid wasn’t a good catch and often fumbled the ball making her easy prey for balls directed towards her. Clock had a terrible crush on Killer, who used this to make her not strike him out. The worst however was Ace and ______________. Ace was getting more and more frustrated at the idea of her dancing across the home plate, moonwalking across at times, and taunting that he couldn’t get her. Law was always at home because he could almost always catch the ball but the time, they caught the ball it was already too late. And it was always the usual sequence, Shiro or Jin hits, it was usually a homerun or lowball, everyone runs, someone tries to make it the home plate in the meantime, ________________ would do a little dance to wait until the ball was close and slide into home. The games were now neck to neck with everyone using every single underhanded tactic they could to win the game. With _____________’s speed and taunts and Shiro’s fast thinking, the Gray Terminal kids had won a few games. It became routine for kids in both areas finishing up their daily chores and lessons and hurry to the clearing to watch the games. The games went from once a week to twice a week with practices and plays following. ______________ usually went right after her ribbon twirling class to practice plays in Gray Terminal, which was the best place to test agility and things of the like. Windmill Village usually practiced on the Dead Island. Everyone usually came home tired and smelly. Since Ace and _____________ were rivals, they made a silent pact to not fraternize with the other until the end of the season, however, this didn’t stop them from making jabs at each other from time to time at home. When dinner wasn’t safe since after dinner, they had dish clean up with Curiel. Ace smirked and decided to have some fun with this. After he washed all the dishes, he decided to fling them for Curiel to put them away.

“Oy Curiel! Think fast!” the man turned, just in time for ______________ to catch i

“Got it!” she said placed it into the cupboard.

“Good one, little lady!” said Curiel

“…CATCH THIS THEN!” Ace then started to pelt dishes and glasses at ____________ who catch them one by one placed them down.

“Just because you’re a lousy pitcher doesn’t mean I can’t catch!”


“Don’t mistake luck for skill~” Curiel slowly backed out of the kitchen. The brothers watched on with interest from the living room.

“…what the hell is going on?” said Thatch

“Baseball,” said Fossa taking puff of his cigar, “Before ______________ some other kid joined, Windmill Village was creaming them, now well, the tables have turned. And Ace has been treating this as a pissing contest. He and _________________ have been like this for the last few weeks now. And it got worst some new kid joined,”

“…what’s the underlining reason?” said Rakugo

“Ace is upset that the little lady is on his rival team, especially since she said she hates baseball,”

“What changed her mind?”

“Playing it instead of listening to it with Thatch and Speed Jill and once she got a taste, she loved it and well…learned back habits by taunting,”

“Please, taunting is all apart of it!” said Thatch, “Well, at least with street ball,”

“And she’s been going into overdrive like she does with Kid and I think she’s been dancing to home and yeeeeeah,”

“…kind of curious how this one is going to play out,” said Curiel

“Tomorrow is the final game and they’ve been training like crazy. Just make sure Marco’s home tomorrow just in case,”

“Got it,”

“At least with how hard Ace is throwing those dishes, they’re drying themselves and she is putting them away,”

“They need to get riled up like this more often,”

As a general rule, the game usually went on for twenty games and the final one was now underway. The kids in Goa and Gray Terminal all planned to see the final game of the month before a new rotation happened. Since it was the final one, _____________ invited the girls from her ribbon class to watch the last game and with permission from their parents who gladly said yes. They were all escorted to the vacant area. Vivi and Kaya went to ______________ to congratulate her and cheer her on. In turn she introduced them to her teammates. Plum was being chatted up by Sanji who was dragged away by Law who scolded him about not keeping his head in the game. Penny was fascinated at seeing the different types of kids around. They were all pretty friendly and it gave her a change to blend in and talk to other kids. She then stopped at a stand where Calico ran taking bets. He grinned when he saw her.

“Wanna place a bet, cutie?” she reddened

“Ummm, what’s a bet?” said Penny

“Oh, it’s when you put money or something to determined an outcome of a match! Like for instance, a lot of people are betting Windmill Village will win and some are betting that Gray Terminal is going to win. Some people are just betting things like Luffy overstretching and hitting a teammate and some are betting Ace is going to hit a bird again. So you got something sweetheart?” Penny looked thoughtful for moments before her face lit up.

“Ace and ________________ are going to crash into each other at home plate but is going the game is going to end up as a draw,”

“Ooh! Good one! We have that one and the odds are in your favor if you win! What do you want to bet?”

“What do I give you?”

“Well, anything you don’t mind parting with if you lose,” Penny went into purse and took out a bunch of beli. Calico froze.

“…Are you sure?! This is a lot!”

“It’s okay! If I don’t win, it goes to a good cause, right?”

“…yeah it kind of does. Okay, I’ll take it. But I can make an exception if you don’t win,”

“It’s okay! Really!” Chance step up to the field and blew his whistle.

“Alright everyone! Plaaaaaaaaaay ball!” the game was finally underway. This was the most intense of the season and everyone knew that whoever won this one, winner took all, the fame, the glory, and the bragging rights of the year. The game was neck and neck with taunts on both sides, one always ending in Kid trying to kill both Club and _______________. Shiro got beamed but played it off. Luffy struck out after the promises of meat, until finally they were rounding to the end. It was the bottom of the ninth, bases weren’t loaded and Yukiko was at the plate. _______________ was second but her signature was to run home regardless of her position if the ball was live. Killer was pitching. He winded up and Yukiko had a strike. The same thing happened on the second. The third one she got which he was throwing and swung. The ball flew past Sanji and Sabo and bounced. Ace ran up and scooped it. Yukiko ran and went all the way home tying the game. Decided to do a victory dance to home, since she was the wining point. Ace however was NOT having this, not one bit! He grabbed the ball and ran as fast as he could at ______________ who was now running backwards and taunting. She then saw Ace and stopped, giving him a running start with a wide grin on her face, when he got close she ran towards third.


“IN YOUR DREAMS!” _______________ pivoted and changed direction, avoiding Ace who tried to tag her out. She dodged, she ducked, she jumped out of the way before sprinting to home. Law had his arms opened for Ace to throw the ball but he wasn’t having it. He was going to TAG her out even if it killed him. She smirked and turned and started running backwards.

“I’m almost HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOME! See in the winner’s circle!” she stuck out her tongue.

“RAWR!” _________________ was about to slide into home. Ace however leapt up and skybombed into his victim. Either of them were expecting this. Ace thought he was going to miss and ___________ thought she was too far away for Ace to even LAND on her. They rolled around like a fast bowling ball with two arms flailing, Ace STILL trying to tag her and she keeping his arm and ball away from her body. They were coming in hot and before Law could react, there was a large crash. Dust went everywhere and everyone thought everything was okay, until they saw what looked to be arms and legs scattered everywhere…
The Whitebeard home was alerted to the sounds of children screaming and banging on the door. Everyone ran to the door and was greeted to a sight to end all sights. Everyone was immediately brought in and everyone started to talk.

"Please, please, one at a time!" said Izo. He points at Yukiko, "You first,"

"Well the Duchess was about to run to home and Freckles wasn't haven't it!"

"The ball bounced, Ace caught it and __________________ was almost on home plate! She was taunting him the whole time!" said Sabo, "And well....Ace was determined to tag her out!"

"And fuckin' TACKLED the poor thing!" said Jin, "they rolled on the ground, Freckles trying to tag her but she wasn't haven't it!"

"THEN THEY ROLLED TO LAW!" said Luffy, "He was at home plate!"

"Law panicked and did that fuckin' Room shit!" said Kid, "For self defense ! And those idiots ended up crashing into him!"

"Things went FLYING!" said Vivi, "And ended up with this..." the sight was a literal Frankenstein monster...well monsters! There were three kids whom were scratched up and scarred up but from the combination of Law's ability, all three were scrambled. __________________ had Law's arm and torso and Ace's legs, Ace had _________________'s arms and Law’s legs, and Law had Ace’s arms and _______________’s legs. In the chaos, Law just attached everything before collapsing.

“Honestly! Leave it to you guys to turn BASEBALL into a death match!” said Izo

“So who won?” said Blamenco

“…looks like they’ve all lost,” said Thatch

“Penny,” said Calico, “She won the bet! She said that would happen and well, it did! It was a draw. Ace didn’t tag her out,”

“Oh! So what happens now?”

“Hell you get all of the winnings!” said Calico, “Best beginners luck I’ve seen!”

“Just give me half and you can you it for anything you need in Gray Terminal,”

“Duchess did you bring angels here?!”

“So wait, it was a draw?!” said Vivi

“Duchess didn’t make it to home plate,” said Yukiko, “Are they going to be okay?!”

“As soon as Law is okay enough and can concentrate on putting everyone back together,” said Marco, “Nice way to end the season,”


“If you wanted me to beat you again, just asked!” said ________________, “AND I’M NOT A TRAITOR!”







“LAW CHANGE US BACK!” Law on the other hand looked more or less freaked out and confused.

“Let him rest! I think he’s freaked out,” Ace glared at her before pinching his aka _____________’s arms, “OW!” she retaliated by pinching his legs.

“Stop that!”

“You started it!” before everyone knew it, the pair was pinching their new limbs, Law decided to go into the next room and take a nap, Yukiko and Vivi were laughing their ass off, and and Marco sighed.

“…this is going to be a long one. Kids, thank you but head on home before it gets dark,”

“Nah, I wanna stay to see how this goes!” said Club laughing

“I don’t,” said Calico, “I’m going,”

“Jin, follow him,” said Yukiko, “It’s getting late. I’ll be home later with dinner,”

“Got it sis!”

“I’m sorry about this girls, we’ll call you parents to take you home,”

“Take your time! This is really fun to watch!” said Kaya giggling.

“My loves! Allow me to make you something to eat!” said Sanji as he whisked Penny and Plum into the kitchen.
After the crash and body parts flying everywhere, most of the Goa and Gray Terminal kids went home, after hearing that everyone was okay, rather as okay as they were going to be. It was the only thing they could have talked about since getting back into town.

“I mean we all did great!” said Gordon

“So this is it?” said the Shiro.

“Yeah until the next game,” said Jin grinning

“But isn’t baseball over?”

“Mhm but the next game can be anything. Since it was a draw, we all get to put to a vote which game we want to do next. You’re more than welcome to join us again! You and Duchess make a pretty good partnership!”

“Why do you call that girl, Duchess?”

“Because that’s what she is! She’s pretty smart and really cool. Her family is loaded but you wouldn’t think it though!”

“Still can’t believe that,” said Calico laughing, “Can’t believe some noble kids are actually pretty okay,”

“We try,” said Gordon, “We were often told not to even touch you guys because you’re dirty,”

“We bathe!” said Clock, “We take baths everyday!”

“We just have to wear the same thing,” said Jin, “But you guys throw away some pretty good stuff to wear sometimes,”

“…if you guys want, I have like a bunch of things I hate wearing but you might like it,” said Jack.

“Awesome! And you guys need a place to hide out, our casa su casa,”

“You guys aren’t bad either!” soon the kids started to disperse into different directions. The Gray Terminal kids went to their areas and the Goa kids stayed on their paths before going to various directions. “Shiro” was the last one and he went down a narrow path and took off his cap and uncovered his mouth. Long flowy black hair fell onto her shoulders as she went along through the alley until she got to her home. Katherina saw a familiar car in her family’s driveway. She froze at the sight and immediately tried to preen herself up a bit. She ran to the stairs and was whisked inside. Her uncle rushed her down the hall to keep anyone from noticing her.

“Ho-How long have they been here?!”

“Not long! I told them you went shopping!” Jango quickly got her to her bedroom and helped her into something more presentable, “Your Aunt went shopping and was hoping to see you but will be home tonight but you have to well…keep him occupied until then,” Her face went pale.

“W-Where is he?!”

“I lost track in the house. Your father has instructed that you and him to play and not bother him,”

“…where’s Aunt’s Room?”

“Down the hall. Don’t go in there, she brought her…ladies with her,”

“I’m not trust me…let me wear that dress. It’s not my favorite and if it gets messed up, it gets messed up,” she immediate got dressed and looked presentable. She takes a deep breath. She KNEW any sane person would run and hide in this situation but she knew it would make things worse. She stepped out of her room and outside into the large backyard. A few of her father’s crew was outside and looked at her as though she was a sacrificial lamb and given the case she was. Mainly because they didn’t have to deal with him. She stepped out. She could feel eyes watching her. Something dropped to the pit of her stomach. She KNEW he was near but didn’t know where. She was so scared she wanted to wet herself but last time that happened and when Father found out…she pushed the thought out of her mind as she took another step forward. All at once, she was stung up by her legs. She yelped as she tried to get out but couldn’t. Soon she saw someone emerge from the brush. The boy was taller than her and stronger. If he hit her, it was going to hurt, a lot. And she knew he wasn’t going to hold back. That was in his nature. His mother was a sadist and so was he. He was a tall pale boy who was brawny and covered in scrapes and cuts from training or his weird way of playing. His notable features were his square jawline, his messy black hair, and these jagged fang like teeth that scared the crap out of her and he knew it, giving her a wide shark like smile.

“Well, well, looks like I caught my favorite plaything in my trap,”

“P-Put,” she steadied her voice, “Let me go, Vitale!”

“Was that an order?”

“Yes it was!”

“…I don’t follow orders from you. Just Mom and she’s not here,” he had a bucket next to him, “But what I have are a bunch of slugs I’ve found. I wonder what’ll happen if I dump them all over your panties? Would they crawl in? I guess there’s one way to find out, huh?”

“G-GET THAT AWAY FROM ME!” Katherina flailed and tried to get away as the boy watched with cold interest. Without warning she was pelted by a tomato, then another, then another. This was what he wanted. He loved seeing his prey fighting for their lives or dignity. He laughed as he continued. Katherina did everything in her to not cry. In this home, if you cry, you die. Later after she was cut down by order of her Aunt, she was finally released from her torment hours later. Before she joined everyone for dinner, she had to pull and take all of the slugs out of her panties and other places. She had to walk of shame back to the house. During dinner Vitale regaled what happened. Aunt laughed and gave him pointers for next time, praising him for what he did. Father refused to look at her because “he didn’t look like disgraces”. Aunt was a little more sympathetic and told her how she would teach her how to get out of a trap like that. When dinner was over, Katherina limped to her room and quietly closed her door. “Playtime” with her cousin was sadistic at the least and outright callous at the most. She had to pretend that none of it bothered her or she would have gotten it worse from him AND father and her Aunt would have been laughing in the background. It was over. The moment she was in her room, it was over. She slumped to the floor in a heap, tired and exhausted. Tears stung her face as she tried not to think about slugs and the slimy mucus all over her body. She then felt the door gently hitting her. She immediately got up, raising to her full height, ready for anything but it was just her Uncle. She sighed in relief.

“Relax, relax, you’re okay…well, you don’t have to be on guard,” he winked. She smiled as he drew a bath for her. She got out of her dressed and gratefully went inside and took a long bath before getting into her pajamas. He was waiting with huge grin on his face and cookies. She took one and happily munched on it.

“I would have gotten you those little cakes you like but Vitale put glass in them hoping you’d eat them but I know the cookies are safe,”

“…thanks Jango,”

“Did you have fun today?” she nodded, “Where were you?”

“I played a peasant game, baseball. There’s like a bunch of kids, peasants and nobles and middle alike who played together and watched together,”

“Oh! So that’s where you’ve been sneaking off to! Do you like it?! What position are you?”

“It was…okay I guess,”

“Kat…you can tell me,” he had her tiny hands into his with his same old goofy smile. She smiled back.

“Okay, okay it was the coolest thing I ever seen and done! Everyone was cheering, everyone treated the game like a death match and it was over when that peasant girl and I’m assuming her brothers crashed into each other. There were noble kids and Gray Terminal kids, and middle kids and they were all playing and having fun! I don’t know where that peasant girl and her other friends live but wanted everyone to watch and play! Even when they all got injured, everyone rushed to help…when everyone was carted away, everyone walked back home until we were at out places and it was then I left,”

“Sound like you had some fun,”

“It was! But…it seemed like they liked Shiro,”


“…That’s my…boyself. I disguised myself as a boy so…everyone would play with me and not recognized me,”

“You shouldn’t have to hide yourself, Kat,”

“Listen…it’s not like I don’t WANT to make friends. It’s just hard! And what do I do when I do?! Bring them home and let them meet Father? No thanks!” she looked down, “Especially after last time,”

“I know. And not to mention your father does try to keep a low profile and air about himself. That’s why you two live so far from everyone. You’ll make friends someday, Kat. But if you need an alibi you know where to find me,”

“Thanks,” he hugged her tightly, “And don’t take my last cookie!” he retracted his hand.

“Okay, okay, fair enough,” he laughed. She took it and broke it in half and handed it to him, “I swear you have eyes like a hawk. I think you got that from your Daddy. But finish telling me about your day!” Katherina happily told him about the kids, the peasant girl now had a name, the Duchess, the slum kids now had names, and it was the first time in ages he’s seen her looking so enthusiastic about something she was passionate about, “I’m thinking about joining whatever game they have next,”

“Go for it! To cover your tracks, I’ll tell your Father I’ve been sending you on errands or something. He’s a smart man but as long as you’re just under his radar, he won’t notice anything afoot. Just pretend everything is normal not to arouse suspicion, got it?”

“Got it!”

“Alright, get in. I know you had a long one today. I’ll tell a servant to bring you breakfast tomorrow so you don’t have to worry about Vitale in the morning. Just sneak out your window and hide in town. He’s usually in the back doing something but I know your Aunt wants some quality time with you so you may get it easy if you just meet her in town,”

“Thanks Uncle,”

“No prob,” he went to tuck her in. She looked at him for a few moments and finally spoke.

“Hey, Uncle Jango?”


“Why are you so nice to me anyway? I’m not your kid and everyone else just does what I say because I think they’re afraid of Father or me. You’re not afraid but you also call me out. Why is that?” Jango grins

“You said you weren’t? I’ve known you since you were just this tiny little thing and I really like hanging around you and I know you like the same and usually a father does like hanging out with his daughter and when you practically help raise a little girl, you tend to get attached, love, and care about her to the point that you never want to see her any pain if you help it,” he rubbed the back of his head, “And you really like dancing with me so that’s a plus as well,”

“Pfft you’re so weird,” he grinned and tucked her in.

“I know but that’s why you love me,” he kissed her forehead and gently closed the behind her. She wiped her eyes on her sleeve before nestling into her pillow and going to sleep.

A young child emerged from the water and gasped for air. He couched and spluttered trying to get the water that was about to get into his lungs out. He was pulled out of the tank and a towel was draped over him. A man in a lab coat looked at the readings.

“Well?” barked another man

“Still his progress is slow,”


“Well, he is the backup, sir,” said the Scientist

“I don’t care! He’s a backup for a reason but he’s nowhere near the level he’s supposed to be! Put him back in there again,”

“Sir, with all due respect, we’ve been at it all day, I don’t think it’s going to make a difference. He needs rest, they both do,”

“Where’s the other one?”

“The containment area,”

“Fine,” the adults left. He took this as his cue to leave as well. He went to the containment area where he heard a familiar sound coming from inside. It was a ball. He looked inside. A ball was bouncing against the wall before being caught one handedly and tossed again.

“Dear Sister, you got in trouble again, didn’t you?” the ball stopped for a moment before being tossed again.

“Leave me alone,”

“Awww don’t be like that. I’m just looking out for my dear big sis,”

“…you just love the idea of seeing me in trouble,”

“On the contrary, you know how I feel when it comes to you. What makes you think I want trouble for you?”

“Because you’re behind me as always. You were off by ten minutes,” he glared

“How do you—,”

“You’re always ten minutes behind me,”

“Tch, I’ll beat you someday,”

“No you won’t. No matter how much you train or how much Father pushes you, you’ll always be one step behind me. It’s the way things are,”

“Tch, we’ll see. I’ll be number one and they’ll love me more than you!”

“I don’t think they like either of us. They didn’t even give you a real name. they gave me that at least. Your name literately means nothing,” there was silence for awhile, sans the ball bouncing against the wall.

“Heard you have to marry a prince,”

“Sanji? Yeah he’s really nice,”

“I heard he was a failure,”

“From who?”

“Niji, Father thinks if you two have kids or something a more successful experiment may happen,”

“We’re too young for kids,”

“That’s when you’re older. Or he could use you us together,”

“…we’re siblings and I’ll never let that happen. Why you want to marry me, brother?”

“Tch no! I know I can do way better and besides, you’re about to get in trouble again,” before she asked. The door flew opened and she was carted out by their father. She leered at him and he grinned, “See you later, Dear Sister,” he watched his sister leave before going into the containment area. He picked up her ball and pocketed it before leaving. Marrying his sister…pffft, yeah right…

A young boy was sitting in his room. It was a dark room with barely any light, just how he liked it. He was tinkering with a den den mushi and it’s frequencies using old parts and things. His room looked like a cross between an ornate bedroom and a laboratory. There were several snails in different jars, some salted, some encased in ice, and some cross hybrids. There were rows and rows of books on his shelves as he whistled absentmindedly and periodically munching on a cupcake. He was only a child but had cold dead eyes and messy slicked back hair. The servants and slaves of the castle were terrified to go near his room, but figured out that a cupcake was the best if not the only way to appease his anger. He heard a sound. He pressed a button and a screen appeared before him. Three familiar faces appeared on screen, Niji in the forefront, Ichiji on the left, and Yonji on the right. He smirked.

“…You three still look like shit,” he said looking at the still scarred up boys.

“Good to see you too, Null,” said Ichiji glaring at him

“I’m starting to think it wasn’t just training. What really happened?”

“That’s why I called you,” said Niji, “We—,”

“—got their asses handed to them by a peasant,” said Reiju passing by to leave the room. Null chuckled and snorted.

“Tch, YOU three couldn’t handle a peasant?! Really?”

“That wasn’t a normal peasant!” said Yonji

“No it wasn’t,” said Ichiji, “We hadn’t gotten waled on like that since your sister was around,” Null perked up

“Oh? My sister used to deal a lot of damage to you three. I think Yonji still has the mark,”

“Yeah so do you like have any other siblings or something?”

“Nope just me and sis but sis has been “terminated”. Can’t be her,”

“That’s just it…it felt like her,”


“I know it doesn’t make since but this kid was strong. The only time something like that happened was when we got your asses handed to us by her but she’s dead, right? He got Ichiji just as bad and we both that landing a hit on him isn’t an easy feat and yet this kid did it without a struggle. He went after him first, then us. No regular person can do that,”

“Dead as dust. As least that’s what everyone says. Your brother was supposed to be dead…until you found him,”

“That’s why I’m asking,”

“She’s nowhere in the castle. And the old one burned to the ground so even if she was in there, she wouldn’t be alive…even with those abilities, the smoke inhalation would have smothered her,”

“…are you really convinced she’s dead,”

“I know she isn’t. It wouldn’t add up if she was. I tried everything to get information out of that slave that was in charge of her when she came back and our dear cousin but they convinced everyone she was gone. The peasant you speak of, I’m pretty sure you and your idiot brothers know the difference between a boy and a girl,”

“Pudding pulled down his pants, that was a Grade A boy unless your sister had a dick,”

“Nope, then she would have been my brother. I’ll do some digging to see if there another rouge experiment that another noble family decided to do, so far it’s just me, my sister, and you guys,”

“Keep me posted,”

“What was his name? Maybe I can do some digging, I can see where he came from,”

“River Newgate! Newgate isn’t his real name. He was adopted,”

“…Lemme guess, he was found near a river,”


“This may narrow some things now then,”

“See you later, we’ll be over your place in a few days for some training,” Null smirks

“Look forward to it,” the video feed cut off. The boy grinned. If there was any signs of his sister being alive, he would be the first to know and he’s been waiting to find her for years. Him and Ichiji was working towards the same goal when his sister was alive. He wanted he all to himself and so did he. Though the pair did make a pact that if they ever had a chance that maybe they’ll share. He chuckled to himself, as if he’ll ever do that. He took a familiar ball from his desk and twirled it.

“Where are you my dear, sweet sister? You can’t hide forever. Why are you sending little avatars to taunt me like this?” he bit into his cupcake, “What do you look like? What kind of a life have been leading? Can’t wait to see you again. You belong here and eventually, you’ll come back and then finally, we can finally become one,”

Chapter 51: A Family Dinner


The Little Girl eats paella with a Marine Family

Chapter Text

Corazon was happily getting everything ready for dinner that night. Lesser was already in the kitchen making the paella. Law, Nami, and Nojiko were waiting in complete dread. Many kids liked visits from their grandparents, adopted or otherwise but not them. In fact, they actively TRY to keep from visiting their grandpa. Law usually holes himself inside his room until everything is over, Nami and Nojiko take turns in shifts to have to be there so Bellemere won’t get suspicious. But this time, there was no way out since it was a family dinner, in the evening, and all three of them didn’t want to disappoint their parents. So Law took precautions and found buffers. He asked Lesser to make paella, both knowing that having Sengoku on her ass was better than him being on the ass of three children. And he also asked _______________ to come, mainly for the paella but hopefully with another kid, he won’t be inclined to talk about them becoming Marines. In Sengoku’s mind, family is everything and he believed that kids from certain families and upbringings can impact the world. So the kid of an influential pirate can impact the world in a negative way whereas a child of a Marine can impact it in a positive way. So the children of two Marine Commanders were to carry themselves in a manner as such.

“And that’s why you can’t let him know that you’re the daughter of Pops,” said Law, “He’ll consider you high risk and you’ll never hear the end of becoming a Marine,”

“Seriously!” said Nami, “No and I are off the hook kind of because we don’t know our actual parents,”

“And since Law’s family were doctors, he’s trying to have him consider a career as a Marine doctor,” said Nojiko

“I’d rather saw my own arm off,” said Law

“But would he already like know?”

“Nope, he doesn’t know Pops live near this place. Corazon didn’t tell him or Bellemere,”


“Don’t know but as far as he’s concerned, you’re a kid who lives in the village. I mean Smoker and Hina knows you’re here but they just think you’re Marco’s kid,”

“And he will talk about the cadets! He wants us to join the ranks and have a perfect Marine family or something,”

“Eep! Ace and Luffy goes through the same thing with Garp! He gave me a Marine teddy bear to try and recruit me!”

“That’s what they do! Marines try to recruit kids from early ages in order to indoctrinate them as soon as possible,” said Law

“Pirates too,” said Nami, “I’d rather have a Marine career than a pirate one,”

“They both sound irritating,” said Nojiko

“At least with pirates you can be free,” said Law.

“Kids! Come on down! It’s almost time,” the trio groaned and headed downstairs with _______________ in tow. Corazon was straightening up the house. The whole house smelled delicious. Lesser was in the kitchen cleaning everything up as the paella simmered to it’s last step. Bellemere was hovering over Lesser and tried to get some of the paella. Each time though she was met with a steely gaze from the corner. She would stop in her tracks and slink away.

“But it smells great in here!” said Bellemere, “Come on Lesser, gimme a taste,”

“No, if Cora can’t, neither can you,”

“Wow…must be something if you even let him have some! Come ooooooooon please?”


“I’ll be your best friend,”

“I don’t need friends, they disappoint me,”


“…she let us have a taste,” said Nojiko

“Yeah! And it was GOOD!” said Nami

“What?! That’s not fair!”

“The best thing ever!” Bellemere looked betrayed. Lesser grinned and finished up. Law went to help Corazon and Nojiko and Nami pulled her to the side.

“There’s one thing we forgot to mention,” said Nojiko, “Well, Law forgot to mention. Don’t be surprised to hear arguing,”

“…why?” Nami sighs

“Law and Sengoku butt heads all the time! Sengoku will mention Marines and one thing will lead to another and he and Law will be at each other throats. Law always gets in trouble. Corazon rarely punishes him because Law really does try when it comes to Corazon to be nice but after he gets into it with Sengoku, he always gives him some kind of a punishment. Sengoku usually starts it and try as he might, Law’s temper gets the better of him,”

“I think that’s why Miss Lesser is here. He knows she works for Uncle’s brother and he’s not fond of him for some reason but if he’s going to have to go after someone, she would rather it be her. She did it some other time before and Law said he didn’t get into nearly as much trouble,”

“Is he really that bad?”

“He’s just….old fashioned and boring like all old people,” there was a knock on the door. Corazon got up and went to it. A tall, fair-skinned, and muscular man with a long, braided goatee and a mustache walked inside. He wore black-rimmed glasses and a white and gold full Marine admiral uniform that is adorned with medals. The most distinctive features of this uniform are a life-size seagull on top of his cap, and his oversized Marine coat which he wears like a cape. His coat has the kanji for justice, in blue, emblazoned on the back, and has unique colored cuffs, with his being white. Once inside he took off his hat revealing a large afro. ____________________ looked at him with complete awe. Corazon greeted his father and took his coat and made small talk. However, the man’s gaze zoomed in on her.

“Rocinante? Did you adopt another child?” Corazon looked puzzled then remembered there was indeed an extra kid.

“Oh, this is Law’s little friend, ____________________!”

“So this is the infamous ________________,” he got down on one knee to be less intimidating. She bowed lowly.

“Hi sir! It’s nice to meet you!”

“Polite too, very good,”

“She comes from a very polite family,” said Corazon

“I can tell, hopefully it can rub off on Law once in awhile,” Law was ready to retort when Nojiko covered his mouth, “It smells great in here…wait did one of you idiots cook?”

“Pfffft I’m the best cook there is!” said Bellemere laughing.

“Yeah only with oranges and the house isn’t on fire so I know Roci didn’t do anything and it smell, delicious,”

“It’s paella,” said Lesser poking her head out and bringing the dish to the center of the table. Sengoku raised an eyebrow

“One of your brother’s maids?”

“Yes! Lesser makes a great paella and Law asked if she could make some tonight!” said Corazon

“Tch never trust someone with a shark like smile. Especially one of his maids,”

“Admiral I assure you, if I wanted to kill you, I would have gutted you the moment you walked in and save the trouble of making enough to eat tonight,” the room went silent. Law smirked. Nami and Nojiko’s eyes widened and Bellemere covered her mouth. Sengoku shot a glare. Lesser gave a toothy smiled, which didn’t help the situation. Corazon almost immediately got in between them.

“Sengoku-san please, Law asked her if she could make her signature dish and she’s a guest, just like you. Please,”


“No worries, I’ll be in the kitchen for most of the time if you need anything,” _______________ watched Lesser walk back into the kitchen. Corazon slipped in as Bellemere pulled the chair out for her father figure. The tension in the house just got heavier.

Dinner wasn’t as tense as _______________ thought. The adults talked and the kids just tried to eat without much drawing too much attention to themselves. Law would occasionally sneak away to hang out with Lesser in the kitchen. It was a far cry from how dinner was when she was at home. Even when she was with Sister, she usually talked about everything under the sun and Sister listened and chimed in from time to time. When Law came back from his last moment with Lesser, he was suddenly on Sengoku’s radar.

“So Law, how are your studies going?”

“Good I guess,” he said curtly

“Have you read the cadet book I gave you?”

“Why would I do that?”

“Maybe it’s so you can finally see what it means to be a cadet and learn the ins and outs of Marines and be Captain someday. You need structure,”

“I have plenty of structure and I’m sure I don’t need it from the Marines,” the tension got thicker. Sengoku glared

“Structure isn’t running around who knows where,”

“Maybe I would rather eat shit than to join the—,”

“A-Actually, Sengoku-san, I’ve been really interested in a Marine career!” the room fell silent. Nami and Nojiko looked at her as though she grew two heads, Lesser raised an eyebrow, Bellemere stopped mid drink, and Corazon was beaming.

“R-Really?!” said Corazon, “______________ I had no idea!”

“Mhm! I mean I’ve been working with Mr. Smoker for the last few weeks and I have to admit, it’s been straightening me out, sir!”

“Oh! So you’re the little girl he took under,” said Sengoku, “So you finally got a taste of structure and now you’ve been thinking about becoming a cadet?”

“Yes sir but I don’t think I have the endurance of someone like let’s say Law or the determination of Nami!”

“Nonsense! The Marines are always looking for able bodied children to become future cadets!”

“Really? Tell me more!”

“More? Alright. It’s refreshing to see a child interested in becoming a cadet without the force of another person or as a way to get a reprieve from a poorer life. Though, we’re going to have to bulk you up a little bit and toughen you up. You look far too timid to be a Marine,” 

“Pfffft, she’s trouble, trust us,” said Bellemere

“She may look like an innocent little bean but this little brat was the one who kicked Garp,” said Corazon. Sengoku stopped in mid drink.


“I thought you knew! The child who kicked Garp in the face in right here!”

“And since she’s so damned polite she’s not going to brag about that!” Sengoku stood up and reached into his coat. __________________ eyes widened!

“You’re going to arrest me?!”

“He can’t! He didn’t see you do it and there’s statures of limitation,” said Law glaring at him. Sengoku shot him a look before taking out some beli and handing it to her.

“I promised myself if I ever find the child who did it, I would give them a thousand beli and more anytime she takes him by surprise like that,”

“Thank you Sengoku-san!”

“Pffft you’re encouraging delinquency?” said Bellemere laughing

“I’m sure he deserved it,” said Sengoku chuckling

“And it doesn’t help that _________________ has a very attuned fight or flight mode,” said Law, “It’s one or the other,”

“That’s a good thing to have especially with someone so small. I’m glad Garp’s little stunt didn’t scare you off the Marines. But you’re also the kid who’s cat’s been stealing Smoker’s steak. Heard he’s been making you pay that off,”

“Yes sir! He makes me march with the cadets and things and River usually has to do it too!”

“So I guess the Marines life finally fell into your lap,”

“Well, Ma—” Law smacked her leg under the table, “M—My big brother always said that fate as a funny way or putting exactly where you need to be whether you realize it or not,”

“Sounds like your brother is a wise man,”

“He is! He’s a doctor!”

“Interesting, Rocinante have you thought of putting Law into an apprenticeship with him? Especially since he is the area’s doctor and I’m sure you two can work something out. Maybe you can teach ________________ a few things,”

“Umm I…it never really came across my mind to ask him,”

“Sounds like Law can learn a lot from him. Especially since he wants to be a doctor someday,”

“So I can be a Marine doctor like you want?” Law glared at him. Sengoku snorts

“Marine or not, you’re a very smart boy, Law. The world needs more doctors, especially in small villages and islands where medical attention is scarce and I think you would be an excellent doctor for an area,”

“Like a traveler,” said Nojiko. Sengoku nodded.

“Being a traveler is just as dangerous as piracy and being a Marine but if you had to choose, I think I would rather you be a traveler than a pirate. At least you can help people in more ways,”

“So now you believe in me being a doctor? Not some pipe dream as a Marine cadet,”

“On the contrary, I always believed in your doctor path. I just don’t want you ending up as a pirate. Roci told me how you felt about Marines. I know I can’t convince you otherwise so I’ve been sending you medical texts and tools so you can practice better,”

“…you send me medical things?”

“…didn’t Rocinante give them to you?” they both glanced up at Corazon. He was sweating bullets. Nami and Nojiko knew that if Law thought anything came from his Grandpa he would have either ignored it or destroyed it out of spite. Even since Sengoku gave him the cadet handbook, which Law almost immediately gave to ____________ who seemed to like reading it. Lesser gently placed her hand on Corazon’s shoulder.

“That’s my fault. Usually during holidays, Rocinante usually asks me to put the presents in Law’s room for him. Since I don’t usually see labels, I just always put a label on for him saying they’re from him to Law. I didn’t know,”

“Tch makes sense. Rocinante, don’t be scatterbrained and don’t have Doflamingo’s maid do your dirty work,”

“Right! I’m sorry Lesser! I should have told—,”

“It’s okay. More paella?”

“Please!” Law looked a little more at ease that he had earlier as Sengoku talked about some of the medical book he bought and what which ones Law didn’t have so he could get them and the dangers of chemicals.

“And __________________’s been helping me by having me experiment on her,”

“I’m the perfect guinea pig!” she piped

“More like Stockholm victim,” said Nojiko. Corazon and Bellemere laughed.

“One has to be fearless when they’re a Marine,” said Sengoku laughing, “Though I don’t thinking having a child getting used to being dissected is a good thing,”

“She’s fine. I always put her back together,” said Law

“And I have TONS of head puns!”

“That’s not normal you know!” said Nojiko

“And a bit freaky!” said Nami

“Speaking of you two, Nami, Nojiko, what are you two planning on doing in the future?” the pair froze.

“They’re still deciding,” said Law

“Don’t speak for them, they’re capable of telling me,” said Sengoku, “Well?”

“Aren’t they a little young to decide?” said Corazon

“No, tell me girls. Nami?”

“Umm well, you know something to do with money,”

“Money isn’t everything, young lady. I thought you would have grew out of that min—,”

“—Didn’t you two say you wanted to run Miss Bellemere’s orange empire after she retired?” the pair shot glares at ______________, stuffed some paella in her mouth. Bellemere’s eyes lit up.

“Is that true?!”

“Well…it was something we’ve been thinking about for awhile but…we don’t know,”

“I don’t see why not. I think it’s perfect for the both of you,” said Sengoku, “Nami is great with numbers and has a good head for business and Nojiko, you’re a walking almanac,” this wasn’t the response they were expecting, “Bellemere told me about the orange juice stand you two been running over the summer and the roasted tangerines at night. Very good!”

“Well…it was just something to do,” Nami said looking down blushing

“And Bellemere said we should do something over the summer for some extra money,” said Nojiko, “She even cut us off and gave us like five thousand beli and told us to double it,”

“Bell you really did that?!” said Corazon

“…since when did you become a responsible parent?” said Law

“Hey! That hurts you little shit! Well, I didn’t have much structure when I was a kid and I KNOW I messed up a lot in my parenting already but I really wanted to teach them how to become well adjusted adults and try to make it on their own. Of course I wanted to make it fun for them,”

“It was. Yes we did bitch about it because we thought you were trying to imply we were spoiled or something,”

“We wanted the business to crash and burn and then say “oops! We tried!”” said Nojiko, “But…we really liked it and it was something to do over the summer,”

“I earned with enough money I can buy more charts and things. And all of the clothes I could want!”

“And I learned that it’s easy to manipulate nature enough to make a cross breed orange,”

“Easy for you because you’re into that science stuff like Law,”

“I can’t make an orange,” said Law, “And the Bell Oranges are the best oranges ever. They’re sweet, orangey and actually perfect for Bellemere’s sauce, if she uses it correctly and not eat them all,”

“What is it with you and the digs at me!” said Bellemere

“We both know I’m right,”

“How is the navigation going Nami?” said Sengoku

“Great! I mapped out all of Orange Island and I’ve been thinking of doing this area! Law was supposed to ask ______________ to show me around because she knows this area like the back of her hand,”


“Sounds like a plan,” said Sengoku taking out his wallet again, “Nojiko, I’m going to need an orange with a soft peel and goat friendly. You have one year,”

“You got it!”

“Nami, you have to map out a waterway for me that’s around the Barracks for cadet training. This should take you more than a week. Can you handle it?”


“Law, I want a full report of how your studies are going with _______________’s brother. I know you can soak everything up like a sponge, you have two months,”

“Okay,” Corazon and Bellemere looked on as the kids made deals with their grandfather.

“It’s settled, you three have your paths. I no longer have to worry,”

“You shouldn’t have worried in the first place,”

“Oh I know you three are more than capable than your parents. Trust me, though I’m glad that Roci’s clumsiness isn’t contagious. By the way, do you have the list,”

“Mhm,” Law passed over a list to Sengoku. Corazon raised an eyebrow

“What’s that?!”

“Things I have to fix and Roci Proof. Law sends me a list each visit so we can fix it for you,”


“…I’ve always wondered, HOW did Uncle make it out of the cadets?” said Nojiko, “I mean, he’s coordinated but…not,”

“He worked hard and learned how to use his clumsiness in battle when he has to think on his feet. However, when he’s off guard…his clumsiness just takes back over. For awhile, I was terrified of him getting killed on the base for running into something. Thankfully he clung to me most of the time…especially after the Admiral Incident,” Bellemere burst into laughter.

“Oh shit I almost forgot about that!”

“Admiral Incident?” said ________________

“Mhm, Roci destroyed an entire Marine vessel when he was about ten,”

“You said you wouldn’t tell!” said Corazon

“I said I wouldn’t tell the Admiral at the time but it’s a funny story. Roci was a very accident prone and clumsy child…more so that he is now and well, he actually singlehandedly took down an entire vessel. After that stunt, Garp thought about having him so covert missions as cabin boys to pirates and just waiting…” the kids sniggered

“That’s clumsy warfare,” said Nojiko laughing

“That’s just CRUEL,” said Law, “There wouldn’t be anymore pirates,”

“Cabin boys would drop, all scared that it’s Mr. Co—s ,” Law smacked _____________’s leg again, “—sinante!”

“Piracy would drop!” said Nami

“So many ships down!”

“But for biological warfare, all we needed was getting Bellemere to be an apprentice cook on the ship,” said Sengoku laughing

“Hey!” the girls laughed

“Bellemere can’t cook?!”

“Once upon a time NO! In fact she poisoned her entire cadet group to the point that the previous admiral had to put a new rule in the book that her cooking would be considered cruel and unusual punishment," a glint flashed in Nojiko’s eyes and she ran upstairs and found Corazon’s old cadet book and handed it to Sengoku. Bellemere’s face was in her hands as Sengoku flipped through and found the page, “Article Nine, Section Two Paragraph three,” he passed it to the girls, who almost immediately burst into laughter. __________________ and Law read it and __________________ tried and failed to not laugh.

“What did you do?!” said Law

“How was I supposed to know that you can’t clean chicken with soap and water?!”


“Oh that’s not all!” said Sengoku laughing, “She seasoned the chicken with curry paste and because it wasn’t red she improvised with a ton of red pepper, plus the chicken was undercooked. I’ve never seen such a mass exodus to a hospital like that,”

“I will NEVER accuse you of poisoning us again!” said Nojiko, “I mean sometime it may taste bad if it’s a new recipe but you never tried to kill us!”

“How long did it last?!”

“That particular unit was out for two weeks,”

“And refused to eat anytime Belle even LOOKED at a kitchen!” said Corazon chuckling

“Pffft! Your destruction record is worst than mine! Remember the Birds Incident?”

“…that was Sadie, remember?”

“Ugh you’re right…OH the coffee incident!” Sengoku placed his hands into his face

“I forgot about that. Roci was allowed to drink coffee after that…”

“…why?” said Law

“It amps up his clumsiness. I honestly though he was going to get killed that day. I found out that he was trying to drink it to fit in and then he and I started enjoying tea together,”

“Those were the best times and I finally got to enjoy a cup when I finally got control of things,”

“That’s because you’re my boy,”
Dinner came and went and the house was actually lively and active with stories about the two captains and their cadet days. Lesser brought out cherry pie with ice cream, milk for the kids and coffee for the adults. The kids ate upstairs so the adults could catch up.

“This is so good!” said _______________, “I don’t think I’ve ever had an cherry pie before!”

“One of Lesser’s specialties,” said Law, “Though she hates making it for some reason. She always said cherry pie reminded her of stupid people,”

“…I swear adults are weird,” said Nami

“Yeah but it’s apart of growing up but Uncle and Bellemere are pretty cool adults. And I hate to admit, so is Sengoku,”

“…you know, I think this is the first time we’ve ever wanted to laugh at his stories,”

“That’s because he wasn’t trying to recruit us,” said Law, “Thanks for that, ________________,”

“You are a lifesaver!” said Nami, “Seriously thank you!”

“Don’t mention it guys!” she said

“Ugh so glad it wasn’t us,” said Nojiko, “Seriously I don’t care about the cadets but he makes it sound SO boring,”

“Seriously! Bellemere doesn’t force us into it but we really thought he didn’t like us and just wanted us to be Marines,”

“I guess he just has a weird way of showing his affection,” said _________________

“Well, most adults think that children of a different generation are different from children of another generation,” said Law, “They’re the same but the times change and children now are adapted to the new ways of thinking but kids are kids no matter the generation. We feel the same things, have to go through the same troubles, and have to go through the same milestones. And when you’re older, you just have to remember how things were when you were a kid or if it was the same with all the other kids besides you,”

“…I swear you’re an old man in there,” said Nojiko, “But that’s the territory when you have a smart brother!”

“Seriously!” said Nami, “But it does explain a lot when it comes to him. He was raised different and tried to push that on us until he realized that all parents have certain ways to parenting to help each kid out. And having _______________ as a buffer and dropping those questions made him realize that and I think he realize that we actually do have our own things going on that’s not the Marines,”

“I still want to be a pirate,” said Law

“I want to just see the world and get a lot of treasure and run the business from the ship,”

“I’ll stay on the island and cultivate my oranges. I’ve been trying to make them sweeter and sweeter so they’ll be perfect for orange juice,”

“I’ll be the guinea pig if you need one!” said _______________

“Law said when it comes to sweetness it has to get your seal of approval so I’m keeping that in mind,”

“Awesome!” it was eventually time for Sengoku to take his leave, promising to come back tomorrow. Since it was late, Corazon had the guestrooms ready for Bellemere and the girls. _______________ was about to head off herself when Sengoku stopped her.

“You’re leaving this time of night, alone?”

“Yes sir! I do it—,” she nudged hard. This time by Lesser, “—when I have an adult to take me back home and right after I call my brother,”

“Good, give him a call,” she nodded and went inside to tell Marco she was going home, “It was good to finally meet you,”

“Same here, sir!” he looked up at Lesser.

“Maid…that paella was better than mine. Thank you for making it,”

“You’re welcome,”

“What’s your secret?”

“Extra saffron,” he nodded, bade them all goodbye, and headed off. The family saw him off. Before he knew it, Law was scooped up and hugged.

“I’m so proud that you’re finally getting along with Sengoku-san! Thank you so much for being so good Law!” Law reddened and nodded


“And Lesser thank you so much!” Corazon said hugging the woman in the tightest hug he could muster. Lesser’s eyes widened in his embraced, cheeks red and couldn’t get away, even if she could, “Seriously! You’re a lifesaver!”

“Seriously, you know how to read a room!” said Bellemere, “And that paella was fuckin’ awesome!”

“Alright, _______________ ready to go home?”


“Just give me a few minutes and I’ll walk you back, alright?”

“I’ll walk her home. It was time I left as well,” said Lesser taking her hand

“Oh! Okay! Are you sure?” Lesser nodded, “Be careful you two and call when you get home,”

“Yes Mr. Corazon,”

“See you tomorrow, Cora,” ________________ didn’t know much about Lesser Maid but from Law told her, she was a nice person and she didn’t feel scared near her. She felt safe and secure as they walked down the dark path towards town.

“That was the first time they had a civil family dinner. I’m glad you came,” she looked up. Lesser didn’t look down but looked at the sky above. The moon was bright overhead. Lesser looked demonic.

“I’m glad you came too Miss Lesser! You make great paella! I never had it and I hope every one I try is as good as yours!”

“That was my special paella. It’s one of the few things I’m good at,”

“That’s cool! Do you cook all the time like Cook?”

“No, Cook is the best cook in the area, besides Zeff of course. I can only good meals that are found commonly on the Red Line because of all of the fish,”

“So your specialty is seafood!”


“What’s your favorite?”

“Pufferfish, though it can kill you if you don’t cut it up right,”

“Why do you eat it?!” Lesser chuckled

“Because it tastes good,” the pair walked until she was back in down. She was only a few feet away from the convent.

“I think I can make it from here, Miss Lesser!”

“Are you sure?”

“Mhm! And it’s late! It’s dangerous out here! I mean town is safe but you have a far walk to go! Please be careful!” Lesser snorts and pats her head.

“Go straight home and give Marco my regards,”

“Yes Miss Lesser!” ________________ scampered away. The maid watched to make sure she was near the convent before turning and heading off back to the villa. _______________ look a look at the convent. As usual it was dark this time of night, still twilight and lightly lit. However, it was just lit enough for her to see someone standing in front of the door and banging on it. The bang made her jump and stop. Someone was trying to get into the convent. She cocked her head and slowly approached the door. There was an elderly woman at the door. She backed away slightly because she noticed she was wearing a very familiar white coat but she steeled herself and came forward. As she approached she realized that the woman was almost as tall as Sister with steel gray hair that was pushed into a bun.

“Excuse me, Ma’am but I think the convent is closed,” the woman turned. She had a stern face but surprised to see her there. She gave her a sweet smile.

“Oh, I’m well aware little one. I’m here to visit Flora, we’re very old friends and I know she’ll be very happy to see me and I really need to speak with her,”

“I can get you in!”

“I would appreciate it,” __________________ knew the convent like the back of her hand and found one of her many secret openings, went through the courtyard and unlocked the Chapel and then opened the door to the stern woman. The woman slowly walked in. She was expecting at least one trap but this girl just walked in like it was just another day. _______________ she guided the woman to the kitchen and invited her to sit down.

“I’ll go find her but you’re a guest! Would like some tea, Ma’am?”

“Tsuru and yes, tea would be nice,” ________________ puts the kettle down and looked into the canister, “She’s out. I’ll get some for you!” she scampered away downstairs. Tsuru couldn’t help but smile. The door opened again and walked in Flora. She jumped when she noticed her in her kitchen. Both actually froze like deer in headlights.

“Tsuru, the fuck are you doin’—”

“HI SISTER!” Flora jumped again. _________________ was beaming at her from behind with the tea canister now filled, “Your friend was looking for you! She was knocking and knocking but I guess you didn’t hear her! Don’t worry! I let her in for you! Her name is Miss Tsuru!”

“Oh? And how did you manage to her into the convent?”

“I scaled the wall! I don’t think Miss Tsuru could do that! Then I went around through the Chapel and opened the door and we just walked in!” Tsuru couldn’t help but chuckle at the little girl happily telling the old nun how she broke into her convent, just to let her old adversary inside. Flora sighed, reared her fist, and gave _________________ a Bop of Learning.

“Owww! What did I do?!”

“You know better than letting a stranger into this convent, when if they say they know me. I’ve taught you better than that!”

“I’m sorry! But she doesn’t feel bad!”

“…don’t say it like that. Say she doesn’t give you bad vibes,”

“Oh okay!”

“Now get on home before Marco calls again!”

“Yes Sister! Bye Miss Tsuru!”

“Goodbye, little one,” _________________ quickly scampered off, closing the door behind her. Once they were alone, the two women looked at each other. Flora went into her cabinet and took out a bottle and two glasses and poured them both a drink.

“What do I owe the pleasure? Are you going to haul my ass in or do you need a favor?” Tsuru looked above her drink.

“This could be a social call,”

“We both know it isn’t,”

“We found Douglas Bullet,” Flora stopped mid drink. Tsuru’s face it all.


“We’re planning on a Buster Call to take him down,”

“I figure that, but why the hell are you telling me all of this?”

“You know it pains me to say it,” Flora grinned

“I know, let’s hear it,”

“…we need someone to lure him to an island so we can properly set everything up. Sengoku doesn’t want any casualties, we only want Bullet. So I’m asking, can you and your crew do this as a favor for us?”

“Never as a favor. You know how I feel about Marines. I respect very few and I’m not about to do any favors without compensation,”

“I knew you would say that so I’m asking as an old friend and offering you a few things in return,”

“I’m listening,”

“Okay, this area will continue be off limits and off our radar,”


“And I owe you three favors,”

“Like a genie,” Flora pours them another round, “I’m call in two right now. First thing, I’m going to need some kind of compensation for this. This is dangerous, even for us,”


“Second, I’m going to need enough pastries from that New Moon bakery to feed an army. I’m using that term literately and three lifetime members card to the ramen shop,”

“…Since when do you have a sweet tooth or like ramen?”

“Those are my demands,”

“I’ll give you a card for each place. What’s your final favor?”

“I’ll call it when I need it,”

“With all of that ramen and cake, that should be two favors,” Tsuru downs her drink, “We just need you to get him to an island and we’ll do the rest,”

“And how, dear sweet Tsuru, are we going to be able to get off the island and not have our asses hauled into Impel Down?”

“You and your crew escaped a Buster Call once, I’m sure you can do it again,”

“I was young and filled with rage,”

“You’re still filled with rage but older and wiser. But I can provide an cover for you all to get out of there and you and your crew can continue being legends and you can continue to have you retirement without anyone bothering you or knowing your whereabouts,”


“So, when did you adopt a kid?”

“Who said I did?”

“She’s a sweet little thing. Looks like you two are joined at the hip,”

“Tch, she has a family but like a cat, she just keeps coming back, well after I stopped feeding her,”

“Stop, if you keep that behavior up, she’s going to think you don’t like her and she loves you,”

“I know that and I’m fond of that little brat too but she needs to learn not to be fuckin’ trusting,”

“Not everyone should be like you, Flora,”

“Everyone should be more like me. Though she has a good judge of character. I hate to admit but if she comes across someone and they give her bad vibes, I would take that to heart. She’s a strong bundle of energy and I’m glad she’s someplace where she can hone it,”


“Edward enrolled her in ribbon twirling,”

“…You and Edward are raising her?”

“Well not just us, she follows Marco around like a little duckling, she loves blowing things up with Curiel, Speed Jill is helping her with her speed, and Edward has been teaching her that abacus and fishing. She has about fifteen parents and her little ass STILL comes back here and tries to help me around the convent,” Tsuru chuckled.

“Children are always grateful for a parent figure. Especially one who doesn’t like to admit it,”

“Tch, whatever,” the kettle whistled and Flora got the tea pot and used the tea. Tsuru knew that Flora’s way of affection was different from a normal persons and that that sweet little girl win her over somehow but probably will only admit it on her deathbed. Until then, she’s going to pretend that that sweet child is the biggest burden in her life, “Damn girl…she filled the canister too damn much!”

Chapter 52: Children Tales


A small collection of shorts that just doesn't fit anywhere ^^

The Famiy is overcome by a strange odor

A monster meets her Handler

When Pranks go Wrong

Chapter Text

Little Toots

There was a weird odor that seemingly came out of nowhere in the Whitebeard home. It started off as a very mild smell before it became an nearly unbearable stench. To make it worse, no one could pinpoint it. It could be downstairs or upstairs, in the courtyard or in the garden. They even smelt it in different rooms but nothing.

“I have to find it soon, I can’t even get nose blind to it!” said Curiel

“Whatever it is, it has the entire house smelling like death!” said Vista, “Even carefully placed roses can’t do anything to quell the odor!”

“I’m surprised none of us have barfed over this!” said Fossa

“Pops isn’t even safe!” said Kingdew, “He caught a whiff and it nearly knocked his socks off!”

“Excuse me,” the men instinctively moved aside to let ___________________ pass. She happily trotted up the stairs and disappeared.

“It’s times like this I wish I was as short as ____________________,” said Vista, “Knee high to a duck she gets that pocket of fresh air,”

“Tell me about it!” said Fossa, “Lucky little thing!” as the days progressed, the smell got worse. They even thought that Blamenco had left something in his folds and it started to rot. After searching and cleaning every pocket, they realized it wasn’t him.

“SEE!” he barked

“Sorry but we had to be sure!” said Curiel

“UGH! Okay it’s not him!” said Rakugo. The men braced themselves as the smell entered their nostrils, “It’s like a egg farted!”

“A rotten one at that!” said Blamenco, “And you know my rule! Anything that isn’t claimed without a few days get outed!”

“Excuse me!” they moved aside. ___________________ walked to Blamenco who reached in and took out her nori crackers, “Thank you!” she scampered off again

“Lucky duck! Can’t smell a thing! I’m surprised because she has a good nose!”

“Right? It’s that fresh air pocket!” said Rakugo. The Whitebeard made the conscious decision to clean and scrub the entire house top to bottom in order to eradicate the smell. It took everyone the entire day to clean and it finally seem that the smell was gone. That night everyone had winded down after that long day of cleaning. However, the very next morning, the whole upstairs smelt like rotting eggs that shitted out by a rotten corpse in the summer. Ace and ___________________ were evacuated and Izo and Vista has set loose flower bombs to freshen the air. While waiting, Thatch made oatmeal for breakfast with plenty of toppings for them pair to choose from. _______________ put raisins and dried peaches and sugar in hers and Ace put an egg and sausage in his. The flower bombs did the trick but this could only mean that the smell was something internal, in the walls. The brothers carefully went from room to room and looked through the walls to see if they could find anything out of the ordinary, using Namur as the forefront with his keen nose. The shark man went from room to room to sniff out the source and couldn’t find anything. It took him hours and he felt as though he was beat. He also noticed that the smell was the strongest at night and did a second sweep that evening. It was then he caught the smell. He grimaced and opened the door. The smell blew into his face as he stepped inside. __________________ was sitting on her bed and looked at him puzzled.

“Hi Namur!”

“Sorry little guppy, I didn’t know I walked into your room. Do smell anything in here?”

“Nah uh,”

“Mind if I look around?”

“Sure!” Namur saw that the balcony window was opened. It was probably the only thing that kept the poor thing from choking in here. He sniffed and looked around. Did she bring back any roadkill from Law? No…that wasn’t roadkill and she knew she couldn’t keep that in her room. Was her dirty laundry? No…it didn’t smell like…soiled clothes…he then looked at the little girl reading a manga on her bed and he slowly and not so obviously went towards her. It was there! It was around __________________. He checked under the bed. Nothing. He even moved the panels for the walls. Nothing. He looked at his little sister. She was too old to be soiling herself. She would never do such a thing. It couldn’t be body odor. She took a bath with Izo everyday and she was clean as a whistle. Then he heard a faint sound, “Excuse me,” his eyes widened.

“It’s you!” Downstairs, the men sat at the table looking at _________________ who looked both confused and scared. Izo was there to make sure they did everything with tact.

“So…little lady, you’ve been the one…Tooting around the house,” said Fossa


“…have you been excusing yourself?” said Izo

“MHM! I always say excuse me because it’s the most polite thing to do!” the men looked a little bewildered and then placed their heads in their palm. She wasn’t asking to move…she was giving them a warning!

“How long has this been happening?”

“Hmmm about two weeks!”

“Have you been eating something out of the ordinary?” said Blamenco

“Yeah! Raisins! Thatch bought a bunch of them! They’re so good! I eat them everyday!”

“Alright, what did you eat a few days ago with your raisins?” said Rakugo

“Oatmeal! Sister used to make oatmeal but she stopped so I was so happy that Thatch made it that I had two big bowls with raisins and milk! But I don’t think my stomach liked it!” Curiel snorts

“Alright kiddo, let’s make a deal. How about you have raisins before you go to bed and you let one of us know,”


“And…oatmeal will be every few months,”

“Okay! I mean I like it but it’s not my favorite but it’s so yummy!”

“Oh no we get it but still we’ll limit the oatmeal if it messes with your tummy,” said Fossa

“Okay!” she hopped off the chair and scampered off again.

“How the hell can something so tiny make a smell that godawful!” said Vista

“I don’t know HOW she did it but I’m fuckin’ impressed,” said Rakugo

“Nowhere near as bad as Pops but still!” said Curiel, “At least we know the cause!”

“I can’t believe she’s nose blind to it!” said Namur, “it’s probably why Flora stopped making oatmeal,”

“Why didn’t she warn us?!”

“Because Flora is a sadist,” said Izo



My Big Sister

A little girl was sobbing softly looking at the snow. She was shivering and sobbing. She was cold and wet and hungry, so very hungry. Where were her parents? Have they forgotten she was there? They told her to stay there until they came back. But that was days ago.

“Mommy…Daddy…where are you? I’m hungry…so hungry,” she was sobbing and held her stomach. She felt like she was going to die. The snow was gathering on her and she finally went to sleep. In the morning the say thing. She was cold and she was wet and she was hungry. She started to sob and then she started to full blown cry. She couldn’t help it. She wanted to go home! She wanted to get something to eat. She wanted her mother and father. She just wanted to know what was going on!

“I thought I heard something. She looked up. Another girl was in front of her looking at her, “And I found you,” she started to sob again, “Hush, wait here, okay?” she nodded and the girl ran away and came back with a large sheet. She went to the shore and made it damp and went back to her, “Hoist me up to your face,” the girl nodded as the other girl took the sheet and wiped her eyes. Her eyes were red and puffy but she could clearly see the other girl. She was girl that even though smaller was older than her with reddish hair, tied back with a bandana, freckled, and green eyes. When she finished cleaning her face, she hopped down, “Better?” the girl nodded, “What happened? Are you okay?” she shook her head and told her everything that happened. The other girl listened earnestly, “…your parents aren’t coming back. They abandoned you here,”


“Yeah, it happens all the time. You were abandoned here probably hoping that the old bitch on the island come to get you or you die, one or the other,” the little girl was about to cry again, “Hey, don’t cry on me! Come on, it’s freezing out here. I’ll take you someplace safe,” she held out her hand. The little girl sniffled and got up. She put her backpack back on her shoulders and took the girl’s hand. The girl took it and they started their journey, “My name is Flora by the way,”


“Cute name,” Linlin smiled and rubbed her eyes, “Listen, this place isn’t the best but it’s a place to live,”

“Do you live here?”

“Kind of, I come and do as I please. I can’t really leave without a ship,”

“Why do you want to leave?”

“Personal reasons,” it seemed like forever that they walked until they finally arrived at a house. Flora told Linlin to wait a few feet from the door before heading up to it and banging on it, “Hey you old hag! You have another mouth to feed!” all at once, kids started coming out of the house. They happily greeted Flora who greeted them as well with a few high fives and general roughhousing.


“I’ll call you Mother when I throw you into the ocean and watch you drown!” the other children gasped. Flora and their caregiver butted heads all the time. It was nothing new but none of them could pinpoint why their unofficial sister was so hostile towards the old nun, who soon came out. She froze when she saw Linlin, “Her parents abandoned her. Make yourself useful and take her to do your brainwashing,”

“Mothering isn’t brainwashing,”

“You’re not mothering anyone,”

“If you would just let me do it to you for once maybe you’d finally be adopted and out of here like you want to!”

“No way! You’re not pawning me off to just anyone! And why should I leave with I’m going to make sure I’m your biggest pain in the ass until you finally die and be done with it!” with that, Flora turned to leave to go back into the woods. The old nun glared but then smiled at the young giant girl. She immediately welcomed the new little girl with opened arms, who almost immediately loved her new mother figure, who so graciously adopted her. However, she often found herself in the woods looking for, finding, and wanting to play with Flora. Whenever she needed something, Flora was always there. When she had a scraped knee or elbow, she was there, when she was scared at night, Flora was there to sleep next to. Mother Carmel often stayed in her locked bedroom so in the morning, the kids often ate breakfast with Flora who usually made it before disappearing again.

“Flora you need to stay with us more!” said Jin a sandy haired boy with freckles and dark circles under his eyes.

“Tch, why? I like living alone,”

“Because Mother is so nice!”

“She’s not nice. Trust me on this. I can’t wait to get off this damn island,”

“Where will you go?”

“Pfft you’re coming with me! We can go back to your kingdom. You’re supposed to be hiding, I’m sure they’re want you back,”

“Heh nah, as long as I’m alive, that ain’t happening. But come oooooon it gets cold at night and you’re gonna freeze to death,”

“I don’t mind, I took a bunch of things from the house, I think I’ll be okay,”


“…Fiiiiine I may consider it!”

“Flora, if you like I can give you your own personal room if you want the privacy,” said Mother Carmel coming up to them.

“Wow you’d do that Mother?!” said Jin.

“Mhm! All little lambs are welcomed! Even wayward ones like Flora," Flora’s expression went from a smile to an absolute sneer.

“I don’t need charity from an old bitch like you!” Flora hopped into a tree and leered down at her. Mother Carmel sighed. It wasn’t like she hadn’t tried to get rid of Flora. Every single time she even attempted, the girl would make whoever reconsider. A group of merchants had all of their stock destroyed within seconds of Flora stepping on the ship, a mercenary group’s ship sank and she was left with the blow back from that, she even tried a kingdom who wanted a child to raise for a sacrifice. The only conditions that they wanted was her to never have bleed before and after looking at her body realized that she hadn’t even got a scrape. The moment Flora realized what was going on and saw them, she sliced opened her arm to make herself bleed in front of them, proving she was blemished, “You’re not getting rid of me that easily! Until the day you die, I’m going to be your worst problem!” Mother Carmel was at her wits end and with all of that money lost, she had to try to appeal to the child and was failing and it was pissing her off more and more everyday she was allowed to breathe. But she did realize was useful in keeping Linlin in line. Linlin would listen to her when she wouldn’t listen to anyone else. If she could sell them both, that would be a great package deal, a monster and her handler. All she had to do was play it right, play nice to that little bitch, and everything will finally fall into place.

“Jin? Why do you call Flora Onee-chan?” the boy jumped and backed away from Linlin who looked a little confused.

“Oh well…Onee-chan means Big Sister and Flora is technically our sister so we just started calling her that,” Linlin’s face lit up as she goes to the tree and pulled down the branch. Flora was lounging on it and opened her eye to see Linlin looking at her with a hopeful look.


“CAN I CALL YOU ONEE-SAMA?! PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE?!” Flora thought for a few moments.

“Alright, you can call me Onee-sama,”

“YAY!” Linlin plucked the girl off the tree and hugged her tightly and nuzzled her cheek. Flora smiled and pats her head, “I love you so much!”

“I love you too, Linlin, now put me down,”


Let’s go wash for dinner. The old bitch is making you guys soup. I’ll forage for something,”

“We’ll bring you some,” said Jin

“Don’t do me any favors. I don’t know what she’ll do to it,”

“Soup! Soup! Soup!” said Linlin happily as she hoisted Flora to her shoulders and headed off to the stream to wash her hands.

When Pranking Goes Wrong

Law walked into the Donquixote Villa. Usually Perv would open the door but nothing. In fact, the whole villa looked as though he hadn’t been maintained for a few days. As he ventured in, he saw Baby 5 and Buffalo limping back into the villa. They looked as though they’ve been through hell and back. Baby 5 was the first to see him and she and Buffalo ran to him.



“THE MAIDS!” said Buffalo, “this is the worst punishment we’ve ever gotten from them!”

“And we don’t know WHY!”

“…what did you two do?” said Law looking suspicious

“It was a prank!” said Baby 5

“Yeah and it was funny at first!” said Buffalo

“Are you two idiots?” said Law, “Every time you try to prank anyone, it backfires, especially when it comes to the maids,”

“It sounded good at the time!” said Baby 5

“What happened?”

“Well, we used some dry ice in the middle of the night and said that the house was on fire!”

“Everyone ran out of their room and into the smoky hallways! It was hilarious!” said Buffalo

“Buuuuuut it stopped being funny,” Law raised an eyebrow, “We don’t know WHAT happened but the maids came down terrified, saw us, saw the dry ice and then they looked like they were about to MURDER us!”

“So we ran for it but Lesser caught us and dragged us back. While Cleaner cleaned up, Dom and Perv yelled us stupid then sent up to our rooms!”

“Then the next morning, Lesser found us and had the creepiest smile on her face and doled out punishments! We have to do the landscaping and housekeeping for a month! We JUST got off from the last punishment!”

“Then we had to repaint everyone’s rooms, clean the bunny pens, and restock and organize Cook’s pantry! The maids hadn’t done anything since! Boss hadn’t had a bite to eat from them for the last three days! Just reheated leftovers!”

“Can’t you talk to them Law?!” said Baby 5, “They’ll listen to you!”

“We’re doing chore from sun up to sun down! It’s exhausting!”

“…do I hear the sounds of bitching?” the two kids froze. Lesser was towering over them and both instinctively cowered. On her back was Delliger, strapped in his harness asleep.


“Good because I remember two little shit balls who decided to do a prank that almost caused me and the other maids to be violently ill,”

“…what happened?!” said Law

“Well, when we heard the words fire, we sprung into action. We all went to get each child who lives here, thankfully it’s just three. I had Delliger, Cleaner went to get Baby 5, and Cook went to get Buffalo. The wings were covered in what we thought was smoke. They reported that you two weren’t in bed and figured that was who alerted us. Our final objective was to get Boss to safety. We were too much in shock to realize it was just dry ice and we knew Boss was probably trapped in the wing. Just as we got there, he came barreling out of his room and that was the day we realized out Boss slept nude. Cock and balls swings to and fo at us. It was not a pleasant sight to see. After we screamed and were scarred for life, it sobered us up just enough to realize what we were breathing and who was responsible for it and until we can get that mental image out of our heads, I’m working you both like the dogs you are! BACK TO WORK!”

“YES LESSER!” the two scampered away. Law snorts went into the kitchen to see the maids lounging around. Perv was doing Dom’s nails, Cook was munching on some cookies while Cleaner was tending to her bunnies. They all ran to him and mothered on him the moment they saw him. Cook gave him some leftovers and after he hung around them for awhile he made himself scarce, barely containing his laughter. Soon Doflamingo came downstairs. He noticed nothing was done, once again. He couldn’t help but chuckle at the events a few nights ago but it’s been three days since then.



“You know you’re the maids, right? Get to work,”

“We’re on Hazard Pay,” said Perv leering at him

“Fufufufufu who said you're getting paid for not doing shit?”

“We saw your cock and balls, we get paid,” said Lesser sipping her tea

“How dare you put that into someone!” said Cook

“Not even for all of the beli in the world! I’m into some shit but I’m not even touching that!” said Dom

“And we all got a full barrel of it!” said Perv, “Except Cleaner, Lesser shielded her from that monstrosity,”

“You should apology to anyone who even attempt to put that into!” said Cook

“A dinner, movie, and whatever medical they need afterwards,” said Lesser

“Okay, okay, fair enough! One more day,”

“Thanks Boss,” they said in unison

Chapter 53: Inner Strength


The Little Girl gets help from a few unlikely brothers.

Chapter Text

“Again!” ______________ tried to gently grip the plate but she couldn’t. The moment she picked it up and gripped it, it broke. She slammed it down in frustration and slumped to the ground. She saw a wooden cup in front of her.

“I-I can use regular things, Sister!”

“No, you can’t. And at this rate you’re going to break everything in this convent,” ________________ groaned. Flora sighed and rubbed her back, “It’s going to take time. You just have to relax,”

“I’m trying,”

“What’s gotten you so upset?”

“I keep breaking your things! I don’t like breaking your things! You have to replace them and you shouldn’t!”

“Things can be replaced. And I’ve always wanted to try wooden dishes. Stop worrying about things breaking in the convent,”

“But you’re gonna bop me!”

“I only bop you when you deserve it. You can’t help this, therefore, no bops. Now relax. You just have to learn to use a little of your strength,”

“Is everyone else like this?” Flora looked at her for a few moments and ruffled her hair.

“No but it does happen. You were given a gift of being very strong and like all abilities, you have to train it so you can manage it better. You just been training and that’s what we’re doing,”

“Oh, okay!”

“There’s nothing to be ashamed of and you just have to remember to be very gentle,”

“I’m just scared that I might hurt you,” Flora snorts

“Trust me kiddo, I’m tougher than I look. I can take your little love taps. But how about this. If we train some more and you go better next month, I’ll call your Grandpa and you can stay with him and Shakky for two weeks,”


“Mhm, now, relax and let’s try again,”

“Yes Sister!”

The winter vacation for the ribbon girls were finally over. The girls excitedly came back to school for their lessons, happy to see each other again and telling each other what they did over the break. They were hanging out in the classroom area, basically an area where they had theory and things like that when it comes to dancing.

“Those are SO pretty!” said Penny looking at the sakura hair combs in her hair, “Pleeeeease tell me you made them so you can show us!”

“I WISH! Sabo got them for me for Christmas! They’re my favorite so I wear them all the time!”

“Did you get to see your Oji-chan again this year?!” said Plum

“MHM! And I had an adventure but it’s super long!” said ______________

“Hey your stories are the best! It’s like an adventure manga,”

“Yours are all LOADS better! Vivi you went back to Alabastor!”

“Yep! It was so good to be home again!” said Vivi grinning, “the warm sun, the sand, and the fresh desert air!”

“I still don’t think it’s Christmas without snow,” said Kaya

“Yeah I know but I get cold easily because of it. But Since Dad was finally done for the year, he decided to go back home for awhile. I was afraid that I wouldn’t be coming back but he rented a place so I can have my school AND still come to ribbon twirling. He said it was good for me!”

“You’re homeschooled too?” said ___________________

“Mhm, I think we all are. I usually have my lessons after ribbon twirling,”

“Penny and I have ours before,” said Plum

“I usually have mine when I get back too!” said ________________, “What do you guys learn?”

“Diplomacy,” said Vivi, “So I can be a great ruler like Dad,”

“With me its general education,” said Kaya, “And a lot of medical stuff since he’s a doctor but basics like math, biology and things like that,”

“For me it’s a little different,” said Penny, “I’ve been submerged in books a lot so my Dad just wants my brain to be occupied. After this I usually have music,”

“You play an instrument?!” said ________________, “That’s so cool!” Vivi chuckled.

“Most noble girls do. I used to play the recorder,”

“I play the flute,” said Kaya

“I play the violin and piano,” said Penny

“That’s so cool! What about you Plum?”

“The piccolo,”

“What do you learn, _____________?” said Penny

“Oh well, it depends on the day really. On a daily basis, we have math, language, and writing. But twice a week learn different things! Ace is learning navigation and I’m learning about ships from Curiel. And I have Math everyday when I do the errand shopping because I have to calculate everything,”

“In your head?!” said Plum, “That’s a lot!”

“Especially since your family eats a lot!” said Kaya

“Please, she probably uses a calculator because she’s too dumb to use anything else,” said Holly drawing something at her desk

“I really wish your family just pull you out of lessons,” said Vivi, “And so what if she does!”

“Because any idiot can use a calculator,”

“Well actually…I don’t use calculators. I don’t even think we have one in the house. We use abacuses,”

“…what’s an abacus?” said Plum

“It’s a tool that many people use, especially older people use to keep track of things and calculate at a very fast rate. Especially pirates,” Kaya said, “Not many people know how to use one,”

“It’s become second nature at this point that I swear I can use it when it’s not there,” ___________ laughed, “Jozu used to give me random numbers to calculate. If I got them wrong, he would make me sit next to him until I was ready to go again. But now I kind of do it unconsciously along with Ace. We both move our fingers as through we’re calculating. It’s funny!”

“PROVE IT! WHAT’S 1234 + 5678 + 1986 + 1492 + 1850 + 10000?!” Holly barked.

“______________ you don’t have to prove anything to her!” said Vivi, “Step off!”

“No since she’s SOOOOOO smart she won’t have any probl—,”

“22240,” Plum took out a piece of paper and worked it out.

“She got it!”

“You’re lying! You’re doing what ever to cover—,”

“Here it is on the calculator,” said Kaya. Holly’s cheeks went red.

“Whatever, any idiot can do math,”

“So what else do you learn?” said Plum grinning at _______________.

“Well, when I get home, it’s still pretty early so sometimes I run off but we’re always learning at home, my favorite is languages and making things with Curiel that involves a lot of gunpowder,”

“What language?!” said Penny

“Well, Ace and Sanji know French but they’re French is completely different from each other but Ace has been teaching the better French and Sanji wants me to teach me the proper French, whatever that means. Law knows Spanish but he writes all of his notes in German and he teaches me things from time to time. I know Latin because most of the books in Sister’s convent were Latin. It’s kind of like Spanish and French but…weirder with more rules! But Killer wants to learn so we invade Sister’s convent and she usually teaches us. And she’s been teaching us about flowers and plants!”

“Sounds like fun!” said Kaya, “Dad says that flowers and plants can be used for medicines,”

“Sister has a really good remedy but it BURNS. Every time I could scrape or cut myself, she would make it, place it on a bandage and put it on me. It would be virtually gone in the morning but the pain for the first few moments was terrible!”

“Alright ladies settle down!” said their teacher coming in. Their teacher, Miss Fern, was a sweet woman with green hair and blue eyes and from what ______________ remembered, used to be a champion ribbon dancer who just wanted to teach her sister, “I have some great news! First of all, we’ve been asking parents what else did they want to see and they have been liking our little non ribbon lessons every now and then and we’ve all decided that once a week, each of you will each your classmates something! Isn’t that cool?”

“Yeah!” the girls said in unison, “So who wants to go first?” the girls all shot their hands up in the air. Miss Fern chuckled and decided to put their names into a hat and draw out the first name, “Looks like Holly is going to be our first teacher! We’ll discuss it more after class! Also next month you’re going to have a little recital!” the girls all gasped and muttered to themselves. _______________ cocked her head

“What’s a recital?”

“It’s like a performance where you get to show all of your friends and family what you’ve been doing,” said Vivi

“Ummm Miss Fern, is there a limit to family members? My family is huge!” Miss Fern chuckled

“No limit sweetheart. In fact, we’re going to be with a few other schools so the theater is going to have a lot of parents people watching. Because of this, we decided to open the school four days a week so you all can prepare better,”

“So it’ll be like regular school?” said Kaya, “Just with ribbon twirling?”

“Precisely. We’ve sent out a notice to your parents and they were okay with the intensive lessons for the next month in a half but we’ll end for the summer a little earlier than expected,”

“Sounds like a plan!” said Plum. The girls chuckled and giggled.

“So just know everyone will have a part but we will have a very special routine with two students and after a lot of consideration, I decided to have a duet with our two top students. Holly and _____________,”


“HER?!” cried out Holly

“Yes! I’ve been talking with Miss Aphelandra about your ribbon lessons with your martial arts and not only have you improved but she said you’ve been at home practicing a lot and it shows! So we’ve been working on a routine that’ll play to both of your strengths,”

“Wait, wait I’m not top anything! I STILL get tangled in my ribbon!” said _________________

“But you’re loads better than in the beginning!” said Plum

“And you managed to turn it into a way to fight,” said Kaya

“She probably has nothing else better to do that to practice!” sneers Holly, “You think ribbon twirling can get you a job? I would LOVE to see to you try to out twirl a gun!”

“That’s a terrible thing to say!” said Penny

“Shut up! You’re probably going to be kidnapped the moment you step outside!”

“You were kidnapped like the rest of us!” said _________________

“They wanted us! No one wants you! You’re just some fondling that a group of people felt sorry for!”

“I’m not! Why are you on my case?!”

“Because you’re nothing! Everyone just give you everything because they PITY you! You’re just some orphan and why should a poor orphan be better than me?! You walk around like you’re a little queen but you’re just a mutt in a dress!”

“What the hell?!” said Vivi

“I’m not a dog!” said _________________

“Holly, knock it off or I’ll kick you off the recital!” said Miss Fern, “In fact, I’m going to give you three chances. If you do anything to bother the other girls, three times, then you’re off. Do I make myself clear?” Holly’s cheeks went red and she nodded. Miss Fern smiled again, “Good. Now because you can’t behave yourself Holly, Miss Aphelandra is going to teach _______________ her set and I’m going to teach you yours with the other girls so if you do screw up, one of them can EASILY take your place,”

“B-But that’s not—FINE!” Holly went stood down, of course not without giving ______________ one last dig, “Stupid mutt,”

“STOP CALLING ME A MUTT!” ________________ slammed her hands on the desk. The desk shattered. She froze. The girls sat there stunned. Miss Fern looked a little shaken.

“W-What the hell was that?!”

“I-I don’t…I didn’t—,”

“So it looks like your barbarian family is teaching you how to be violent huh,”

“Strike one Holly,” said Miss Fern, “_______________ come here, that desk was probably older than dust. It’s okay, girls let’s get ready for reps,” the girls went into the practice room and the moment _________ grabbed the pole for balance, it shattered. She jumped back, “…_______________ are you okay?” she nodded. She kept saying in her head that she just had to control her strength but nothing was helping. Everything she touched either shattered or got broken with just a simple touch. It got so bad that Aphelandra called Hancock who immediately called Marco who said he would pick her up early from class. When he arrived ________________ hurried outside to Marco’s waiting car. She sighed in relief and hoped she got it out of her system. She grabbed the door handle and pulled, tearing it off the hinges. Marco jumped back. She dropped the door looking bewildered.

“_________________? Are you oka—,” Marco saw that she looked as though she was about to cry. He quickly got out of the car, took the door and placed it in the backseat. He made sure ________________ was securely in the car before going home. Once home, she was too terrified to touch anything. When she got out of the car she made a beeline to her room and closed the door. She looked at her mirror. It came back and she couldn’t control it anymore. She was shaking when she saw her reflection.

“C-Come on! You-You have to control it! It’s not a normal thing! Please just control it! You’ve done it before you can do it again!” she was trembling. She noticed that her desk was shaking. She couldn’t touch anything now. She closed her eyes and tried her best to not think about it. At dinner, ______________ by this time had felt better about what happened easier. Pops was home for the first time in forever and he made dinner. When Pops cooked it was nothing sort than amazing. He always made a lot to make sure everyone had sixth and seventh helpings. She could smell it coming from the kitchen. She inched down the stairs and smelt shrimp…and chicken…and fish…she peeked around the corner. There were mountains of raw shrimp and chicken and even crabs. He was making kaarage and tempura. Soon it was ready to eat and everyone gathered around the table grabbing food with chopsticks. She grinned and went for it, realizing that her chopstick broke. She got another pair and the same thing happened. Then again, then again, and yet again. The food was dwindling and she needed it. She went again but this time, when she went to get another pair, her hand was grabbed and two plastic ones were placed in. She looked up. Rakugo winked and nudged her back. She managed to eat dinner without any issues but she had an inkling feeling that everyone at the table noticed. Ace woke up that night. He couldn’t sleep and he swore he heard grunting and breaking. He tried to ignore it but things kept breaking. He followed the sound downstairs. He saw _______________ in the kitchen trying to hold dishes. She tried to hold them and muttering that she could control it, she could control it, and tried to pick up something just for it to break and crumble. She slammed her fist onto the table in frustration and made a dent. She recoiled and just started crying.

“Still?” she sobbed

“I-I don’t know what’s wrong with me! I-I used to be able to control it before! Now I can’t!”

“Well, were you able before?” she nodded, “Well, you can do it again. Just because you lost control doesn’t mean you can’t get it back,” she looked down. Ace brewed her some tea. She looked really nervous. She didn’t want to break the cup he got her for Christmas. However, in his hands was a wooden cup. He gently handed it to her. She slowly sipped. He sat in front of her and looked in her in the eyes.

“It’s just you and me here. There’s no reason for you to be stressed out!”

“You don’t understand. I don’t want to hurt anyone with it! It’s not that I’m afraid of it, I just want to hurt people or things!”

“Tch you can’t hurt me. You’re still my little sister and I’m still your big brother. The best you can do is just made me bruise,”

“…didn’t I almost break your arm?”

“That was a fluke and you know it with your freaky nun powers! Come on, blow off some steam with me in the courtyard,”

“Ace I’m not playing around! I can seriously hurt you!”

“The fuck you can! Come on!” She picked up the tea and followed him outside. Ace stood away from her. She was hesitant. She didn’t want to do anything to hurt Ace, “COME ON!”





“NO!” Ace growled and went after her. She dodged and moved to keep him from hitting her. He growled and went harder, only for her to leap over him and move t and fro from him, “DAMN IT ___________! FIGHT ME!”

“NO!” she kept her distance, not realizing that Ace was trying to back her into a corner. Soon she was against wall. She froze and couldn’t go left or right or leap. Ace smirked and went at her again, “I’m sorry!” she reared her fist back and got him in the shoulder. Ace slid back. She ran to him. He stood up.

“See? Nothing! I’m fine!”

“A-Are you sure?”

“Of course I’m sure!” Ace snaps, “Feel better?”

“Kind of, at least I’m tired enough to go back to bed,”

“Good, get going,”

“What about you?”

“Well before I had to deal with you, I wanted a snack. I’ll be fine, just get to bed,” she nodded, hugged him and went back up. Ace waited until she was gone before he fell to one knee and clutched his arm.

“What the fuck was that?! I think she broke my arm! Okay, she wasn’t kidding, but still!” he sighed and limped back into the house and started cleaning up and hiding the dish fragments, “At least she’s able to get some sleep tonight,”

Flora woke up to banging on her door. She groaned and groggily went to the door. Edward as at the door. She yawned and moved aside. He walked in.

“…did I wake you?”

“Mhm, come on, I’ll put the pot on and once I perk up, I’m going to murder you,” he chuckled

“I brought a peace offering,” he held up a bag of churros

“…you’re forgiven. What brings you here this early,”

“It’s about ________________,”

“What happened?” Edward explained what happened. Flora’s eyes widened, “Oh lord not again! Where is she?”

“At home. She refuses to leave her room. Izo and Marco are trying to coax her out for her class. What’s going on?” Flora sighs

“Sit down, it’s gonna be a long one,” she poured them both some coffee, “Listen, it’s not her fault. I don’t know WHERE her massive strength comes from. When Hancock and Rayleigh brought her here, I noticed it but at that point it wasn’t so bad but then I noticed she had on two iron clasps on her arms and the moment they were off, her true strength showed. It took us a very long time but I was finally able to teach her some control with it. I swear she comes up with some surprises. But I noticed the more stressed out she became the harder it was to control it. She was so scared in hurting me. I tried to coax the reason but she couldn’t tell me for the life of me. Even years later she doesn’t remember why she’s so afraid of her true strength. Eventually her control was so natural I think we both forgot about it. What happened? Is she okay?”

“She’s not saying. She said something about Holly from her ribbon class,”

“That little shit brat? If she was my kid I would have put her down and started over,”

“Guararararara! She’s a spoilt little pain but she’s trying to get _______________’s goat and it looks like she’s been succeeding. But _________________ has the patience of a saint,”

“That little girl needs to be punched in the face or have a swift kick to the ass. But the fact of the matter is that she’s doing what she can to mess with her now,”

“I don’t know what she’s been saying but it got her so riled up,”

“Have a one on one talk with her. I’m pretty sure Marco gave you the intel,”

“He did and he’s trying to figure out a diplomatic way of approaching Holly’s mother but that woman is just as bad as her daughter,”

“Well, we know where she gets it from. Pity. But the best advice I can give is getting her to not think about it and keep her stress down. She recognizes it but she just as that fear and it’s going to stress her out even more,”

“Got it. I’ll take care of it. I’m going to home for awhile and Marco is leaving tonight for some…business,”

“Don’t worry, she’ll get through this, she just needs you right now,” he nods, “If she’s not better in a week, I’ll take care of it,”

“By having her train with you again?”

“…I was thinking of grabbing that girl’s mother and beat some sense into her but your way is better,” Izo took ___________ to school today. She knew she had to just not think about to think about it. She usually felt better after lessons anyway…then she remembered today Holly was doing something special and she felt her eye twitch.

“Okay little lady we’re here! Don’t worry! I’ll be here to pick you up!”

“Thanks Izo,” Izo gave her a hug

“Chin up, you’re going to be fine! Just remember to do everything gently and you’ll be okay,” she nodded and hugged Izo back tightly. He cringed a bit at the tightness but didn’t let her know as she scampered out of the car and ran into the building. Holly’s lesson was nothing but Hell for all of the girls involved. Holly wanted to teach the girls how to draw. There was no doubt that Holly was good at drawing, however, she wanted them to all draw like her, EXACTLY like her. Her favorite thing to do was to belittle every single one of them at their inability to draw. Her favorite target was _______________ who was snapping her pencils and crayons to the point that she had to barely touch the pencil to paper in order to do anything.

“That’s not a fish. Penny. Aren’t you left handed? You draw like you’re using your tongue. Humph, I don’t see why you’re bothering to draw scenery, Vivi, you live in a wasteland,”

“It’s NOT a wasteland,”

“Not from what I heard. Kaya I know your Daddy’s a doctor but did you have to inherit the doctor’s handwriting? Terrible! Plum…I guess it’s okay, not as good as mine,” she then walked to _____________ who had to sit on the floor on a cushion with a drawing pad until another desk was brought in for her. Holly relished in towering over her.

“You call THAT a dog?” Holly said laughing

“Well…that’s what Stefan looks like at home,” she said

“Looks like crap. Can’t believe you can’t even draw your own kind,”

“Miss Fern, Holly is calling _____________ a dog again!” said Kaya

“I didn’t mean to! I just said that it’s a shame that she can’t draw a good one!” Miss Fern frowned

“Holly, move on before I give you another strike,”

“Yes, Ma’am,” she went to move but whispered low, “At least you’re on the ground where you belong,” Because this extra stress, ________________ performance was starting to tank. Aphelandra noticed it right away.

“Okay, let’s take a break,” before ______________ could even sit down. The Amazonian gently pets her head.

“Are you okay? You seem a little off today?” she gently puts her hand on her head, “You’re not hot. What’s up?”

“I’m okay!”

“Oh?” Aphelandra threw a medicine ball at her. _______________ caught it and it popped. She dropped it and jumped away, “Come here,” she nodded as she Aphelandra made her sit down with toes touching and took turns pulling the other as a therapeutic stretch. She pulled ______________ first as far as she could and vice versa. The stretch felt good. Aphelandra realized that her grip was starting to loosen as they stretched. She then place two and two together,”

“It looks like someone is starting to get to you,”

“She’s not getting to me!” Aphelandra pointed to how now ________________ had not only gripped her hand but was crushing her finger. She recoiled, “Sorry…okay maybe a little,”

“It’s alright, but at least we know it’s not because there’s something wrong with you,” she smiled, “We don’t have to try the routine today, let’s do something light,”


“Let’s do some balancing! I know you and Cabaji have been doing something with ball lately,”

“How’d you know?!”

“Well, I needed to make sure if I could put what he taught you into your routine for the recital. It took me awhile to figure you were being trained someplace else! I went to his place and a clown answered! They were acting really funny at first, then Sandersonia came and then they told me everything I needed to know! So he’s been thinking about coming and teaching you more to get you ready!”

“You’re awesome!”

“We know you can do it! Don’t worry! This recital is going to be a breeze for you! The other Amazonian tribes have their own martial artists who are going to be there to show off their skills. Hancock wants you to be the shiny diamond,” _______________ giggled, “Come on, let’s do this together!” after class, she felt LOADS better. She managed to blow off enough steam in class that she pretty much pushed the Holly incident out of her mind. Even the ride home she felt a little better. Thatch had lunch ready and she grabbed a sandwich and went off again. She decided to hide out with the Nice Lady. She wasn’t about to even think about cleaning or touching her. She would never forgive herself if she did anything to harm her. She just sat in front of her on the ground.

“…you okay little lady?” she turned. Mr. Lore was coming out from the brush. She nodded, “I’m pretty sure my dear wife would love for you to be next to her,”

“Sounds to me, you really need to learn how to relax,” said Mr. Lore

“I’ve been trying but it’s so hard! I thought playing with my friends helped but I was too scared I would hurt them again! Then I tried everyone else’s way to relax but it didn’t help things! I thought Sister cured me but it didn’t! I-I don’t know what to do anymore!”

“Wahahahahah! I think I have the perfect solution,”


“Mhm, but you can’t tell anyone I told you. It’s an ancient technique that’ll teach you how to control your strength!”

“What do I do?!” he took something from his pocket shielded himself from her. She was curious and tried to sneak a peek but his red coat was in the way.

“Okay, hand me your wrist,” she stretched it out to him. He placed a braided bracelet around her wrist with a skeleton key.

“What’s this?”

“This is a magic key. When you wear it, you automatically become relax and okay,”

“…does it really work?”

“Only one way to find out,” he grinned and took up and braced himself, “Okay little lady, right in the stomach,”

“Wait what?! No!”

“Come on, you can’t hurt me! Just step on the bench and lay into me as hard as you can,”

“…but your tummy is soft! I can really hurt you!”

“You can’t. This is the only way to know if my ancient technique works. I’m giving you permission to do it,” she looked very apprehensive at this. She nodded and reared her fist back and punched with everything. Mr. Lore stood there still with a smile on his face, “See? You’re okay now,” he said smiling

“It worked!”

“Did you ever doubt me?”

“Nah! Well kind of but usually I don’t!”

“Always listen to me, I usually know a few things,” he said patting her head, “But my wife can’t tell you if you’re gripping or rubbing too hard so you can clean her when you feel like you’re ready,”

“Yes Mr. Lore!”

“It’s getting late, you hurry back home now,” she nodded, hugged his leg and scampered off. Mr. Lore waited until she was gone before doubling over, “Shiiiiit I was expecting that!” he crawled next to his wife and panted, “I know you’re laughing at me from up there. Yes I deserve it! I didn’t know she was going to hit THAT hard! Don’t scold me!”

“Ace why are we going to ______________’s school?” said Sabo

“Because she’s going to need some support,” said Ace, “Especially with her breaking everything in her path,”

“Is that why you threatened Sanji into making a small pastry for her?” said Luffy

“I didn’t threaten anyone!”

“…you literately broke in, tried to force him into making something and when he refused you threatened to destroy the kitchen until he does. It was only when Luffy said it was for _________________ he did it,”

“He should have just done it regardless and what kind of a weirdo has ready made cakes?!”

“…it’s a restaurant Ace! They’re going to have some things on hand! I wonder if she’ll share, this looks good,”

“Yeah! What did he say it was called?!”

“Ubi something but it smells good,” said Ace, “Maybe this’ll finally cheer her up. And Pops is coming to pick her up today so hopefully it’ll be a double whammy of cheering up,”

“Awww you really care about your little sister,”

“Well yeah, SOMEONE has to keep her happy! So it may as well be us,”

“And LAW!” said Luffy, “And Sanji…and Killer!”

“They don’t count! Especially Killer! Only Law because he’s technically one of us,” Sabo rolled his eyes just as the girls were coming out for the day. He noticed a familiar car parked nearby. Pops was already there. ______________ was going to be surprised. They would all probably have a cake day outside for awhile. ________________ had just left the building talking with Vivi and laughing. Neither of them noticed that Holly was right behind her. Suddenly, _____________ fell and landed with a thud. Holly still had her hands extended. Vivi and Plum rushed to help her up.


“Are you okay?!”

“Yeah I’m fine,” _______________ got up only to be shoved again. Vivi pushed back.

“Awww did that hurt?”

“Leave her alone Holly!”

“Aww what’s the matter, mutt?!” Holly pushed her again.

“Stop it,” said _____________ literately trying to get away from the girl trying her hardest to not retaliate.

“Why? You think you’re better than me or something? Everyone knows you only got the part in the recital because they feel SORRY for you! You’re so pathetic! You only get nice things because you’re a charity case! Your parents didn’t want you so what would anyone else will?!” she kept pushing __________________ who just backed away and let her do it again. Ace shoved the cake into Sabo and went towards the girl. Before he could get close, he was grabbed and yanked back.


“Awww did I make the little foundling mad? Did I hwurt your wittle feelings? Is the bwig twough barbarian ownly twough around her fwriends?” Holly pushed her again.

“I. Said. STOP IT!” without warning, _______________ pushed back. Holly went flying and crashed right into her mother’s red sports car. Holly of course started crying. Clarisse came out of the car and started screaming. She immediately walked towards a very stunned _________________ who looked at though she killed Holly.


“I-I’m So-I did-didn’t mean!” a hand flew up. Before she could strike, Aphelandra caught it. Clarisse glared.

“Take your hands off me!”

“I’m sorry but I cannot allow you to hurt _______________. She was only defending herself. Holly was in the wrong. Please just go attend to her. I’m pretty sure she needs your help right now,”

“How DARE you touch me! I’ll have your job! That little bitch should pay for the damages!”

“Well, your daughter was the one who damaged your car technically,”

“SOMEONE HAS TO PAY FOR THIS! YOU LITTLE BARBARIAN CUNT, YOUR “FATHER” BETTER HAS SOME DAMN GOOD INSURAN—,” ______________ didn’t catch much of what Clarisse said but she looked up when she felt someone towering over her. Pops was on one knee and took a cloth to dry her eyes.

“Are you okay?” she nodded. He gently picked her up. Clarisse wasn’t done. She violently tapped Whitebeard.

“YOU HAVE TO PAY THE DAMAGES TO MY CAR! LOOK AT WHAT YOUR BRAT DID TO—,” Whitebeard shut her up with a single glare. Clarisse backed down.

“You should be attending to your child. I’m pretty sure she needs the attention more than your car. You watched your brat push mine over and over and did nothing until your car was damaged. I’m not paying for anything and I’m not taking threats over a woman or a child that loves to start shit but will cry wolf when it backfires. Go home and if I catch you or her harassing my daughter again, I’ll make sure you regret it,” Pops carried ________________ back to the car. She was sobbing heavily, “Shhhh…it’s okay little lady,” She puts her in the front seat. Luffy and Sabo scrambled in the backseat. Ace was already inside, strapped down by seatbelts. Pops took them home, unbuckled the kids and took _____________ inside. He said nothing but took her back to his room and gently wiped her face with a wet wash cloth. She was sobbing and sniffling. He gently rubbed her back until she finally calmed down.

“A-Am I in trouble?”

“No, of course not. You were defending yourself,”

“Bu-But Holly’s Mom called me a little barbarian cu—,”

“Don’t listen to what that woman says. No one has the right to put their hands on you and I’m pretty sure that Holly won’t try something like that again,”

“I-I can’t control my strength anymore,”

“You’ve done it before, you can do it again,”

“B-But I don’t want to hurt anyone! Even if Holly deserved it!”

“She pushed you until you couldn’t be pushed anymore. I’m proud you showed some restraint but you can’t be afraid of something that comes naturally to you. We’ll just have to adjust until then,”

“…wooden things?”

“Nope, big man things,” she looked puzzled. He ruffled her hair.

“Everything in this house is reinforced for everyone. Imagine if Jozu and Curiel slammed his fist on the table? It would break in half!”


“And that’s why the doors are so strong. If I accidentally slammed one, it would shatter. That’s why it’s so strong. With great strength comes strong things. We never had to worry until you, Ace, Luffy, Sabo, and your little school mates came along. We had to learn how to pick you guys up, walk around you, and control ourselves until it became second nature, just like you and your strength. You have the control in you, you just need to regain it until it’s natural again,”

“But it’s so hard!”

“Pffft since when has that stopped you? You’re my tough little lady and I know you can do it,”


“Mhm and we’re here to help you,”

“Thank Pops!” she stayed with Pops for awhile. When she felt a little better, she headed back to her room. Ace, Luffy, and Sabo were waiting for her. Luffy immediately got up and hugged his big sister smiling. She smiled back and hugged him. Sabo joined in. Ace pulled her away and sat her in front of her kotatsu and gave her cake.

“Thanks Ace,”

“That gigolo cook made it. We had it ready for you but Pops stopped us,”

“That’s because you were going to cave Holly’s nose in,” said Sabo

“She had it coming,”

“You guys can’t fight my battles,”

“We’re your big brothers, it’s our duty and she did have it coming but I’m pretty sure after that she’s not going to mess with you for awhile,”

“I thought I killed her!”

“Probably fractured something at the most but that’s if she goes to the doctor or something,” said Sabo

“Not like she didn’t deserve it,” said Ace, “You could have punched her,”

“Then ____________ would have probably killed her!” said Luffy

“One less asshole in the world,”

Thursday, ______________ sat in her room. She didn’t want to leave it. She was too afraid of hurting anyone, especially after what happened yesterday. Aphelandra called the school and said that she’ll be missing out that for more recital prep. But in reality, she just wanted _______________ to get some well deserved rest. And it was the last day of the week for lessons it wouldn’t have hurt, especially after what happened. She didn’t even mean to push Holly that hard but it was just enough. She didn’t feel back for pushing her but she did feel bad for doing it that hard. She groans. She just imagined if it was Vivi or Kaya or worse Penny who was so small. There was a knock on the door.


“Hey, you wanna go for a ride with me?” she looked up. Jozu smiled at her, “Come on, it’s no good to be cooped up from everyone,” she nodded and followed him out. He grabbed her coat and got to the car. Already she saw Vista and Rakugo finishing putting things into the back. Jozu scoped her up and took her to the back window seat next to Curiel who ruffled her hair.

“Come on Little Lady, you’re no good to us if you’re so mopey,” said Kingdew at the other window.

“Oy, she doesn’t have to smile if she doesn’t want to,” said Jozu

“Yeah, she can be mopey, she earned it,” said Rakugo, “But hopefully it’s not something so serious that some leftover chicken kaarage can’t fix,” her face lit up.

“Gimme, gimme, gimmme!” he laughed and passed it over to her. Soon they were on the road. She soon noticed that they were on not going anywhere in particular, even passing the town and all of their inhabitants. Soon they were pass the bandit area and passed the villa.

“Where are we going?”

“Camping,” said Curiel, “We won’t be back until Sunday night,”


“Mhm, we decided that if anyone could help you with our little problem, it’ll be us,” said Jozu

“You probably hadn’t noticed but we’re big muscled guys but we had to learn how to control ourselves and if we can, so can you,” said Rakugo

“And you already know, you just have to get back to it,”

“It took me a good year though!”

“We have nothing but time. And without the distractions of home, we can get through this together,” they traveled for a good two hours. She never seen any of this area before. She happily looked out of the window and she noticed they were in surrounded by woods.

“Why didn’t we take the ship?”

“Well, it’s easier this way,” said Kingdew, “It’s just us and nature…we’re completely out of our element,”

“And this is how travelers go,” said Curiel


“Mhm, travelers are a unique breed. They usually just travel place to place for the adventure or find a town or village that’s perfect for them to settle in. these are the roads they travel. Many old pirates decided to be travelers after Roger died,”


“And besides, one of the best things to help you get in touch with your inner strength is to be surrounded by nature,” Once out, she was immediate whisked away to help with everything from pitching the tent to putting the food in the tree to not attract animals and building a campfire with stones and things.

“Come on little lady, we have a lot of work to do before sundown,” said Rakugo. Work was an understatement. First Kingdew had her chop wood with him. She took the axe and swung with him. Both completely slicing a tree down. She dropped her axe and backed away.

“Great job little lady!” he said, “Come on! Help me chop this into smaller pieces and we can have more than enough firewood this year!”

“O-Okay!” After that, they had hundred of small logs ready for later. Then Rakugo had her help him dig a latrine.

“…what’s a latrine?”

“It’s where if you have to take a shit you do it in there!”

“IN FRONT OF PEOPLE?!” he laughed

“Of course not! That’s why it’s way over here!” then when dinner was finally ready, Vista took out a small box with a heat light in it. _______________ cocked her head.

“We’re having eggs?”

“Oh no, these are very special eggs. You’re going to hatch on Sunday but we have to keep them in the sun until then. So your job is to make sure each egg gets safely put into the warm sun until then. If they get cold, they die,” she froze, “Can we count on you little lady?”


“I knew we could!” said Rakugo.

“You’re going to have to move them every three hours from one hot spot to another. We have them marked just for you. You have to keep an eye on the change of day time and make sure you do it first thing in the morning to sundown. When the sun goes down, you have to put them in the incubator. Got it?”


“Get some sleep, we have a long day ahead,” When the crack of dawn hit, _______________ turned off the heating lamp and gently took each egg out of the nest and walked carefully to the first sunspot. She was so scared that she barely gripped the eggs and almost dropped them. She was shaking violently as she got them safely to their new spot. When done, she was called to breakfast. After breakfast, Kingdew and her bundled the firewood together and loaded them onto the car. Then Jozu took her to go fishing with him and Rakugo, without poles. She had to do it bare fisted and that was harder than it looked. She and Rakugo had to get the fish out and throw them to Jozu on shore. Then she had to move the eggs again. This took her the longest but she had to really concentrate on not trying to break those eggs. Then she and Vista had to cut the fish and clean them. And this was no easy feat because of the sheer size of the fish. From there Curiel took her to a cave to help me gather and mine for more sulfur and things for his gunpowder. Soon, it was time for her to move the eggs again, this time, it was a little bit easier. By the end of the day, she was exhausted and although she didn’t remember moving the eggs, Vista assured her that she did. They were placed back in the incubator and heat lamp. She was grateful for dinner that night.

“How are you kiddo?” said Kingdew

“Tired,” she said

“That’s because you have little girl arms,” the men laughed. She stuck out her tongue.

“That’s because I’m a little girl,”

“If you hang around us more, then you’ll have beef man arms like us,” said Curiel laughing

“Noooo! They look weird! I want hair on my chest,”

“No way kiddo that would look TOO weird and no one is gonna wanna date you,” said Vista

“You have chest hair and you get dates!”

“That’s different, it doesn’t look weird on me! On a cute little girl or young woman, you bet it will,”

“You did a good job with those eggs,” said Curiel, “And you’re the best miner assistant ever,”

“Is the tough part over?” she said

“Heh, no we’re gonna work even harder tomorrow!” said Jozu. ______________ slumped backwards. In the morning, she got up and did her duties.But this time things were different. She was so achy that she limped a bit when she walked but the eggs were safely in her hands. During all of her tasks, the eggs felt like they were the least of her problems, more like a mini break. By the time dinner hit, she slumped on Jozu’s side and promptly went to sleep. In the morning, she woke up to a very soothing sound. Her ears perked up and she went looking for it out of the tent. Rakugo was outside of the tent and he was holding a familiar flute in his hands.

“You know how to play a shakuhachi?!” he stopped and looked up

“Mhm, Izo didn’t the only one who can play music from Wano,” said Rakugo laughing, “I’d thought I give everyone a good morning song. Like it?”

“Yeah!” he poured her a little cup of coffee that he had brewing and added some sugar,” she took a sip and sighed.

“I didn’t know coffee could be sweet,”

“Fossa gave you a sip did he? Only he likes it straight, I do too but that’s black roast and that’s literately suicide right there,”

“Ack!” she shuddered at the thought, “How long have you been playing?”

“I picked it up back when I was about your age. There was a monk who traveled in my village once upon a time. I asked him to show me and he did, thinking I was trying to get into the seminary life. I just really wanted to play. Hell almost all flutes can be played the same. Lemme show you,” today was the easiest day that they had and she still had to move the eggs. The fourth time was around lunch she could smell fried fish and other things.

“Hey sweet pea, how’s it going?” said Kingdew

“Good! I’m tired though,”

“Of course you are. Come sit with us,”

“I can’t I have to finish moving the eggs,” she was on the fifth egg

“Easier huh?”

“Yeah! I don’t know what happened but I think I’m cured!”

“That’s good!” said Vista, “finally able to relax?”

“Well, I’m tired but I don’t think that’s relaxing,”

“What had you so riled up in the first place?” said Curiel

“I don’t know…” she was getting the sixth egg, “I mean I’m angry because Holly got into my head again. Every time I try to ignore her, she comes back with something worse and this time, it showed…that…I can’t hold myself back…that I really am the barbarian mutt that she keep calling me every. Single. MORNING!” Before she finish her train of thought, Rakugo grabbed her wrist. She flinched. He gestured to her hand. The egg was perfectly clench in her hands. He laughed.

“See? You can control yourself! You’re just angry because of a big pain in your ass and that’s okay,”

“B-But I was close!”

“No, you kept that egg perfectly in your hand, even when you wanted to rip that little girl’s head off,” said Curiel. Rakugo helped with the last few eggs and she finally went down to eat with them. Curiel made his famous chili and she happily started eating.

“Why didn’t you tell us that she was still bullying you?” said Vista

“….I didn’t think it was a big deal,” she said

“…it’s been manifesting in your strength, kiddo,” said Jozu

“And I thought men didn’t talk about their feelings,”

“Pffft never believe that anyone is so tough that they can’t talk about their feelings,” said Kingdew

“Anyone who’s been in a crew or on the seas will tell you that’s why they have such a bond with their crewmates,” said Rakugo, “If you can’t be with a group of people for weeks or months at a time and not know their quirks or pet peeves, then what the hell are you doing there?”

“_____________, don’t be afraid in telling us anything. Even if you think we wouldn’t care. We care a lot about what you kids are doing,” said Curiel, “We knew something was up when you kept getting chopsticks and when Ace had that bruise. You figured he was trying to help too. Then we figured we could do something to help,”

“It did!” she said smiling and wiping her eyes.

“But now we just have to figure out a way to help you relax so that you can keep your stress under control,” said Vista, “Though killing Holly would solve everything but her mother would miss her,”

“How do you guys relax?”

“Well…I blow things up,” said Curiel

“I tend to my roses,” said Vista

“I chop wood or do something involving me carrying things,” said Kingdew

“You just have to find your own way of relaxing,” said Rakugo, “We can’t help you there, little lady,”

“Bu-But if I don’t I may got back to not controlling myself again. I’m going to seriously hurt someone!”

“Stop worrying so much,” said Jozu, “You’ve proven you’re better now. We’ll just keep at it until then,”

“O-Okay,” Sunday morning, Rakugo woke up to a sound. He made him cringe a little. He then sat up and noticed his shakuhachi wasn’t near. He followed the sound to _____________ sitting on a rock and playing each note he showed her yesterday. She wasn’t good at it, not by a long shot but the look of calmness was on her face as she played. He grinned.

“…I think we found something to help her relax,” said Jozu from behind

“Music is the best medicine. She just needed something to turn off her brain for a bit. She may be tone deaf but it’s something that’ll make her happy,” said Rakugo, “I think we can squeeze it into her lessons,”

“Have it after she has ribbon dancing. Until that recital, she’s going to need all of the stress relief she can get if she has to deal with Holly more often until then,” she looked up. The men ducked behind two trees. She grinned and continued. The vibration and the sound was strangely calming to her. She hadn’t felt this at ease in awhile. Finally it was the last day and everyone getting ready to go home. _____________ was getting ready to take the eggs into the incubator. Then she felt a shake, then a crack.

“THE EGGS ARE BREAKING!” the men went over. She placed the eggs into the incubator. It took a about twenty minutes but soon, ten yellow fluffy chicks came out of the eggs. _______________ covered her mouth and gently picked them up, “They’re SO cute!” she said

“Aren’t they?” said Jozu

“Can we keep one?” said Curiel

“Nope, they’re going back to the farm,”


“Mhm, these chickens needed to be raised for eggs when they’re older so we asked a farmer and he agreed if we brought them back,”

“When we told them they were a surprise for a little girl, they were all for it,”

“Just act realllly cute,” said Kingdew, “We may get to keep one,”


Monday, the girls were all happy to see their friend looking better again. She had a new desk waiting for her and all was well again. The girls talked liked nothing happened but there was some news.

“So, Miss Fern was angry at Holly and the teaching incident, she banned her from teaching us anything in the rotation!” said Vivi

“She asked us our thoughts on the whole thing and we all voted on it,” said Kaya, “So this week, Plum is going to teach us something that she knows about,”

“Oooh! What is it?!” said ______________

“It’s not drawing, that’s for sure,” the girls giggled, “But it gave me an idea. My Grandmother used to knit…so I got everything for us to learn how to do that this week,”


“I’ve always wanted to try!” said Penny, “Oh and Holly’s second strike was her pushing you, so Miss Fern said that if she does one more thing, she was out of the recital,”

“So expect a lot of ass kissing,” said Vivi, “She’s even talking about kicking Holly out of the school,”

“That would be heaven,” said Plum

“Nah, heaven would be another sleepover,” said _______________

“YEEEEEEEEEES!” said Kaya. After lessons, ________________ immediately started on her duties again and first and foremost was cleaning the Nice Lady. She pulled the weeds, wept around, and replaced the flowers. She was about to run and get her cleaning supplies when Mr. Lore showed up.

“How’s my little powerhouse?” he said

“Great! Curiel, Jozu, Rakugo, Kingdew, and Vista helped me out A LOT! We went camping and hatched chicks! So now I can control my strength again!”

“That’s great to hear! And you got to spend time with your brothers,”

“MHM! I can clean the Nice Lady now! Sorry about before!”

“No worries kiddo. You had to sort yourself out,”

“Do you want your ancient key back? It worked for a little while but I think their way was a little better. Sorry,”

“Nah, you hold onto it. It looks good on you and I know it’s in safe hands with you,”

“Thanks Mr. Lore! You stay put! I have to get some cleaning supplies,”

“Take your time kiddo,” ________________ scampered away. Mr. Lore looked at his wife and grinned.

“Well, at least it’s safer hands now. I’m sure he won’t mind that someone with a good aura has it,”

Chapter 54: Recital Week: Day 1


The Little Girl prepares for her Recital

Chapter Text

_______________ woke up as usual and started on her chores. The last month have been grueling and grueling was an understatement. From practicing for her routine to all of her extra duties, she was often groggy. She started taking pages out of Ace’s book and taking cat naps, which really helped. She and the girls were practicing hard for their recital and they all got their routines perfected. She and Holly started performing theirs together to make sure everything synced well and thankfully it did. Their routine was going to be based off of a famous duel between two dancers. The better dancer in the duel was being played by her, mainly because Holly didn’t know how to ride a unicycle while dancing. So for the last month, right after class twice a week, she went to Mr. Cabaji for two hour lessons. She loved it but was sore later. Since it was the week of the recital, Miss Fern decided to have the girls rest and prepare, which ______________ thought was more than generous if not odd.

“It’s a new rule with performers,” said Izo, “The final week is usually the week that things go wrong and things get sabotaged. So in order to make sure nothing happens, they usually take the last week of a performance off,”

“Ohhhhh!” so she was happy she finally got to the things she wanted to do. She went downstairs for breakfast. The men were at the table and taking about something, “Morning!” she said cheerfully. They jumped.

“…_______________ you’re here?!” said Fossa

“Mhm! I don’t have lessons this week, remember?”

“Shit, we forgot,” said Blenheim. _____________ cocked her head.

“What’s wrong?”

“We, umm have to paint the house today!” said Namur.

“Oh! I can help!”

“Nah, not tall enough,” said Kingdew


“Yeah, sorry kiddo, it can get dangerous around here if you’re in the way. Not to mention the fumes can get you sick,” said Thatch loading some food into her knapsack, “Make yourself scarce until dinner. Everything should be okay then,”


“Good girl,” said Izo giving her some beli, “Go do something fun,” and with that, she was on her way again. She was outside when she saw Ace, Sabo, and Luffy getting ready to head off as well.

“Guys wait for me!” the boys stopped and froze looking at her, “Can I come with you?!”

“Pfft no! Boys only today!” said Ace

“Yeah, we found some giant snake eggs and we’re gonna get ‘em and cook ‘em up!” said Luffy

“I can help!”

“We said no girls!” said Ace

“It’s okay, _______________,” said Sabo, “It’s just that it’s a three man job and we kind of have a good strategy at the moment,”

“…oh, okay,” he hugged her.

“We’ll make it up to you later! See ya!” she watched as the boy left. She sighed and decided to just head off towards Law’s place. Maybe he wanted to hang out. She was almost there when someone grabbed her from behind and hoisted her onto their shoulders. She looked down.


“Come on, you’re coming with me to Goa,”


“Mhm. Haven’t seen you in awhile so we’re going to hang out with each other,”

“Where’s Kid?” Killer snorts

“He’s in extra lessons. He’s been skipping out and Miss Ribbon finally caught him,” she giggled, “He tried to run and he almost made but she grabbed him and hoisted him back home. It’s a weird rule with them. If he’s caught, he had to come back,”

“Sounds like a good agreement,” Killer took her hand and led her to Goa. As they walked around, Killer led her around to shops and things as though he was looking for something specific. They were there for about two hours before he admitted defeat.

“Welp couldn’t find anything here. Come on, let’s go to the Villa,” she cringed at the thought, “I know, I know but it’ll be okay. I’m sure he’s not going to bother us if we don’t steal from him,”

“Still! He seems like the type that won’t forget a face!”

“I’ll be there. He can chase me while you run away,”

“That’s hardly fair for you!”

“Meh, I had a good run,”
The Villa was what the place was called. It was another town/ village that the Strings Man the maids lived. Killer insisted that they went there. ______________ would have been apprehensive if it wasn’t for the fact that Law often came around the area. Even though the place was super small it had a lot of things, mainly shops that you couldn’t find in Goa. There was a boutique, a bakery, an import shop, a small restaurant and grocery store that was tucked away.

“I wonder why all of this is here? I mean this place can be easily missed. I barely know it’s here,”

“I’m pretty sure everyone near Windmill Village knows it’s here,” said Killer, “And it’s probably for travelers and pirates who are coming off shore,”

“Ohhhh makes sense!”

“Mhm but I think with that villa nearby, they get better business now. The boutique usually has nice things. Miss Ribbon sometimes sends Kid and me to get things from the import shop. Usually rare books and ingredients for food,” he ushered her inside the boutique. _______________ liked clothes, especially when someone made her something and especially something that looked like a kimono. But something really caught her eye. It was a pair of red boots with big bow in the middle. They were a little larger but for a growing girl they were perfect.

“They’re pretty!” Killer looked up

“Those boots?”

“Mhm! For some reason I like red boots,”

“Well, they do suit you. Lemme guess, you’re picky about designs for boots?”

“Yeah,” she said rubbing the back of her neck, “I like these because they have a big red bow in the middle! Holly had some back in school and they were super shiny with glitter. They didn’t look nice,”

“To each their own,”

“Holly said she didn’t even like them because they were glittery but they were “all the rage” whatever that means,” they left the shop and decided to get something to eat. There was a crepe stand and ______________ bought (favorite flavor) for herself and a chocolate one for Killer. They found a place to sit and settled down, “How’s yours?”

“Good! Can’t believe there’s a crepe stand around here. Have to tell Miss Ribbon. She likes crepes but she doesn’t want to go through Goa,”


“She doesn’t like crowds. But we might be able to get her one, just making sure it doesn’t get damaged on the way,”

“Wanna try it?”

“Later, I have to figure out which flavor would pair one of her teas. She likes eating sweet things with tea,”

“It’s the best!”

“Give me straight milk,”

“You don’t like tea?”

“Only with milk. That’s how we drank it back home,”

“Gasp! _____________ are cheating on Law?! For shaaaaaaaaame!” the pair looked up. Perv and Dom were coming towards them, “I thought you were a good girl! But going behind her back like this?!” she blushed


“Pffft it’s not cheating, it’s called playing the field~” said Perv winking, “I mean I love Law but a hot blonde? Got a name cutie?”

“Killer,” he said, “You know them?”

“They’re Law’s big sister/ moms,”


“Pffft way too young to be Milfs,” said Dom laughing

“…what’s a Milf?”

“Don’t worry about it, I’ll explain it when you’re older,” said Killer reddening.

“Awww he’s blushing!” said Perv, “You’re gonna take care of our little _____________?”

“Wait what?!”

“Oy you two, leave her alone,” said Cook coming from the rear.

“Whaaaaaat we weren’t doing anything~” said Perv

“Just messing with them,” said Dom giggling, “Though I wasn’t kidding about gobbling them up~" Cook took them both by the ears.



“You’re supposed to be helping me carry things today. Now get going,”

“Aww okay!”

“See you later, sweeties,” said Cook ushering the pair away who flailed, protested and jiggled all the way back. Killer snorts.

“Please tell me that they make Law uncomfortable,”

“According to him, they love it from time to time,”


“Are you sure you got what you needed? You didn’t buy anything,”

“Yeah I got all of the stuff I needed. So I guess I’ll get going,” he grinned.

“Thanks for hanging out with me today!” she hugged him.

“Anytime. You’re one of my favorite people so it’s no trouble. Just get on home or hang out in Goa some more just not Gray Terminal,”

“Huh? Why?”

“Lots of dust. Kid can’t go in there either. Just stay away from a few days until everything settles,”

“Ah okay!”

“Later,” he headed off. ______________ looked at the clock and saw that it wasn’t too late and decided to explore Goa for a little bit before ordering some tea and settling down.

“You drink your tea like an old man,” she looked up. Shiro was looking at her from the table. She chuckled.

“You’re not the first to say that. Wanna join me?”

“I guess,” Shiro sat down in front of her and she continued her tea. They made small talk but he just stared intently at her. _____________ cocked her head.

“What? Do I have something on my face?”

“I don’t get it. You’re like a noble kid but you want to hang out with Gray Terminal kids. Why?”

“Because they’re my friends and I’m not a noble. My family is just well off. Not our faults,”

“Don’t you guys want to be nobles?”

“Why? Is there a perk?”

“You can do anything you want essentially. You can have an entire town leveled and make everyone in it do what you say,”

“…I think with the right horribleness, anyone could do that and either way, it doesn’t sound like something anyone who’s nice would do,”

“It’s absolute power! Do you know how many people want that?”

“I don’t, my family doesn’t, and having power like that seems like something that would be boring after awhile? Why not make things easier and just be nice to people?”

“Tch, why be nice to people who deserve that position?”

“…I don’t think anyone wakes up and say I’m going to be poor and let a noble or something with power be horrible to me for no reason,” ______________ finished her tea and got up. Shiro followed her and pulled her towards the market area and then started window shopping. ____________ was in awe at the new Pretty Soldier collection dolls, “They’re so cute! And they made them soft!”

“…you’re into Pretty Soldier?”

“Who isn’t?! Killer and I have been collecting the mini figures! We have them all! I don’t know which Soldier doll I want to save up for though!”

“Why don’t you get your family to buy you one?”

“Because I have the money for it. It’ll be easier if I just get it myself,”

“But they gave you money, same thing,”

“Well Ace and I do things around the house and we get an allowance. We can either save it or use it. Ace save his and I use mine for cake mainly. But mostly things I really like books and things. I wouldn’t keep asking for something when I can save it and get it myself. Awww! The Kinsei doll is so cute! But so it Mokusei! Ahhhh but Tsuki is so adorable in her princess form! Let’s go! I’ll think about which one but this is just teasing,” they both went away. Shiro couldn’t stay silent anymore.

“I just…don’t get you. It’s kind of infuriating but kind of cool. I don’t know why,”

“It’s usually best to not think about a person so much that you can’t determine if you want top be your friend or not,” said _______________, “I mean I like you because you’re pretty cool and not just to me but my other friends,”

“And what if I was mean to your other friends,”

“Then we wouldn’t be friends. I can’t choose between a few people so that’s how I weed things out,” Shiro chuckled

“Alright, that’s fair. So let me guess, you’re not like other girls are you? So cute and sweet and cut above the rest, right?”

“If you say so. I’m still trying to figure myself out. Why put myself into a group if I don’t even know who I am yet? Kind of weird, dontcha think?”

“You hang out with boys, so it must mean you like being around boys,”

“No, I have girl friends I like being around with! I actually wish my ribbon twirling friends lived closer but being around Yukiko and Clock is also fun and sometimes Perona,”

“…okay but you like dresses and cloaks and things,”

“Who wouldn’t? It’s easier to run in! And I can move around better in my jumper better,” she lifts her skirt, “And I wear shorts under!”

“Put your dress down!” Shiro shouted, “Don’t flash people like that! Anyway! I saw you beating up that noble girl who was in town, Kat something! Why were nice to her later?!”

“…I don’t think she’s all that bad. She left Sanji alone and that’s all I wanted. Besides, I feel kind of bad for her,”


“She’s so pretty and dresses really nice and she chooses to be mean. Like I sometimes see her around town and she’s usually nice to everyone else, except the Gray Terminal kids but I don’t think she means it. It looks kind of forced to me. I think she would be nicer if she wouldn’t try to be mean. That’s why I asked if she wanted to play with us. She seems kind of lonely to me,” Shiro froze. ___________ grinned, “I’ll see you later, okay? It’s almost time for dinner! You can come with if you like!”

“Nah, it’s okay. See you,” Shiro watches her leave. He had to sit down for awhile. That shot her, right in the heart. How can someone be so observant or even willing to give someone like her a chance? She had be walking around as Shiro more and more and…she didn’t feel like her chest had a hole in it. She liked hanging out with everyone…she never had friends before yet she didn’t want to face the world as Katherina. She wasn’t ready…she would never be ready. She collected herself and went to Gray Terminal to see her friends before the sun went down.

Chapter 55: Recital Week: Day 2


The Little Girl passes out invitations

Chapter Text

The next day after breakfast, Sanji was at the Whitebeard home. Before _________________ could register what was happening, she was pulled out of the house and speed walking to with Sanji towards the Baratie. She barely had time to grab her knapsack as he pulled her and was literately sprinting to the restaurant.

“Pleeeeeeeeease tell me you’re not full,” he said

“Not really. Thatch had just finished making it when you can. I just had a tamagoyaki. What’s wrong?”

“We need your help at the Baratie!”

“Ooh! To wait tables?! That was fun!”

“Nah something even better. You see we have a big dinner party this weekend and the client has a major thing for sweets but they want something they’ve NEVER tasted before. And he’s SUPER picky. So we’re going to have you try out a bunch of cakes and you have to pick out the best ones. No one knows his preferences so we’re counting you,”

“Okay!” Once inside, she puts on her chef’s jacket and went into the kitchen. Zeff was waiting with Patty and Carne. On the table were about fifty small pieces of cake lined on the table.


“Mhm! We need someone with a sweet palate to taste test things,” said Zeff, “So the top three are going to the client. Sanji, Patty, and I worked hard to make sixteen of our bests. We’re not telling you which. Just pick out your favorites. Ready?”

“Ready!” the chefs were actually amazed that ___________ could sample a fifty different flavors of cake but didn’t seem to be slowing down either way. Sanji snorts.

“Any other kid would have gotten sugar shock by now,”

“Well, the little lady has a sweet tooth to end all sweet tooths,” said Carne laughing.

“She picked two already,” said Patty

“Which ones?”

“Sanji’s chocolate cherry cheesecake with the ganache and cherry mousse and Chef's vanilla roulade with the sweet almond filling,”

“She has good taste. Now it’s the final stretch,”

“Heh I’ve been preparing for this day! That little rodent isn’t going to know what hit her after the creation I made!” said Patty smirking

“…What did you make idiot?”

“I took the little rodent’s personal tastes into consideration and combined them all into something that she soon won’t forget. Behold! I call it the Rodent! It’s a cherry sponge cake with a chocolate cheesecake top layer, a layer of ganache, a layer of almond cream the how thing frosted with cherry glaze,”

“…that’s going to either kill her or give her the worst stomach ache in the world,”

“Ready for it, rodent?!”

“Bring it on!”

“You killed her! Your decadent cake killed the little lady!” said Carne


“This. Is. So. GOOD!”


“Wow…even after all of that, she’s still standing,”

“That’s because she’s a taste testing with a refined sweet palate,” said Zeff laughing, “Good work little lady!”

“Thank you! I’m glad I could help! Oh! Before I forget!” she took out some invitations to her recital, “Would you guys like to come? It’s out first recital and there’s going to be girls from all other performing!” the three men looked away. Zeff smiled and ruffled her hair.

“Awww little lady, we can’t go,” said Zeff smiling at her, “But Eggplant can if he wan—”

“THANK YOU ________________! YOU’RE THE BEST!” Sanji hugged her tightly, “I’ll repay you somehow!”

“Anytime!” she giggled, “You must really like ribbon twirling,”

“…yes you can say that!”

“See you later then!” _______________ hung up her chef’s jacket and trotted off.

“You pervvie little shit,” said Carne laughing

“S-Shut up! A bunch of a cute girls in leotards is a dream!”

“You little shit!” Zeff said bopping him a few times, “Keep it in your pants and support your friend!”

“I AM! And why aren’t YOU going?!” said Sanji, “Don’t you want to see ___________ dance?!” the men looked away and looked uncomfortable.

“______________ is adorable by default,” said Patty, “Like a kitten and a puppy trying to fit into the same bed cute,”

“And with her little friends it’s amplified by five,” said Carne, “That’s what you call cuteness overload,”

“Cuteness overload is an understatement,” said Zeff shuddering, “it’ll be an explosion of adorable little girls running up to you and be innocent and pure and wholesome to the point of absolute defeat. I don’t think I can stay in a room with all of that cuteness going on all at once,”

“…you guys are weird,”

After her help in the Baratie, _________ went to her weekly obligation. River was waiting for her at the train station and they took the journey to the next town over to the Marine barracks. As per their agreement, she was going to the barracks to help out Smoker around the area. In order to keep River from temptation, they thought it was best to go on Tuesday instead of Wednesdays to at least try to deter the cat from his steak theft. As a compromise, after every work filled day, Smoker gave River a fish treat, who seemed to like it better than his steak so it was a win-win. Her duties weren’t so bad. It was mainly cleaning and running errands. The first thing she did was report to Smoker who gave her a list of things to do. Usually she had the list finished in about two hours before going back home. After she was done, he had a snack ready and then made sure she got to the train okay, even though the train was nearly abandoned.

“I’m here to report for my duties, sir!” Smoker looked at her from his desk before presenting the list. She looked it over and nodded. Smoker hated to admit, but the kid was efficient. He thought it would take her a long time to get the work down but she was not only fast but efficient. It was usually things that the cadets would do, scrub the floors, clean the windows, and meal prep in the kitchen. Chef liked the girl around and usually had a potato dish when she came to work so the potatoes would be peeled faster. After each task, she would come and report she was done. Smoker would come and inspect it before giving her the go to do the next one. But today, before her last task, there was a gentle knock on Smoker’s door.

“Enter,” he looked up to see _________________’s head poking inside, “Whaddya want kid? You finished?”

“Not yet. Umm…I have a question before I forget,”

“Hmmm?” he grunts. ______________ took out the invitation from her coat.

“Well, I’m in ribbon twirling and we’re having our first recital this weekend! We just got our invitations and I was wondering, if you’re not too busy, wanna come? Please? I saved you one!” Smoker looked at the little invitation and down at the little girl and then back to the invitation. He felt something hit his chest hard before sighing.

“I appreciate the invite but I have something else to do that day. But thank you,”

“No thank you! Because of all of the work around here, I practice more! It’s okay! Marco will record it! I can send you a copy! Thank you anyway! You can keep the invitation! You know, just in case!” she grinned before skipping away. Smoker waited until she left before running his hand through his hair looking at the invitation. He took a long drag from his cigar ands blew it out. H

“Damn that child,” he unlocked and carefully placed the invitation into his important things drawer and locked it back.

“You big overgrown softie,” Hina said the door with a catty grin.

“You’re just mad that you didn’t get one,” she smirked and showed him hers.

“Oh Hina got one but we both can’t miss that meeting. It’s sweet that she thought enough to invite us,”

“Mhm, I can’t wait to see it later,”

“Oh, I’ve been wondering, isn’t her little debt to you over? Hina thinks that her working here for two months would be more than enough to pay for the steaks,”

“One more month!” said Smoker, “She’ll finally be out of my hair along with that damn cat!”

“Yes, she will and never return,”

“Exactly, that kid is nothing but trouble!”

“I still say she has the potential of being a Marine someday,”

“I will still eat my shoe if she does!”

“Hina has one marinating for when that day comes,”

_____________ and River were almost home. Smoker made sure she got on the train as usual and wished her luck at her recital. By the time they got back to the woods, it was almost time for dinner. But the last stop of her routine was something she just automatically did if she was close by, visit Sister. She headed to the door and opened it. She paid her respects to the chapel before going into the Courtyard.

“Sister I’m here! I came to visit you! Where aaaaaaaaaaaare you?”

“Do I hear a little church mouse?” she stopped, “I mean, it could be a church mouse or a talking weed,” she beamed and ran into the living room area. Inside she saw a familiar face with an all too familiar grin.

“GRANDPA!” ________________ ran and was caught and hoisted up by Rayleigh, who gave her a bear hug.

“My little weed is growing up to an even bigger weed!”

“Hey! I’m not a weed!”

“More like a little bunny,” she turned and beamed.

“Shakky too?! You’re both here?! Who’s taking care of the bar?”

“We closed it down for the day. We were hoping to see you today. How would you like to go on an adventure with us?”


“Mhm! We’re going to see Hancock tomorrow and we have to be over there very early. Think you can handle it?”


“Ooor we can spend the night and we can all over a little sleepover like old times,” said Shakky, “With marshmallows, tea, and a few stories,” _______________ face lit up.


“Call your Pops before you guys make plans,” said Flora coming in.

“Yes sister!”

“I also made that damned pizza for you all,”

“You homemade pizza?! Will you tell some stories too?!”

“Pffft everyone spoils you with stories you know that?”

“But they’re fun to listen to! Especially yours!” Flora reddened.

“Just call!” _____________ scampered to the den den mushi.

“Careful Flora,” said Rayleigh grinning, “Your heart is showing,”

“Quiet you,” ________________ was so excited that she had to steady her hand while she held the receiver.


“Hi Pops!”

“Hey little lady! How are you?”

“I’m good! I’m finished with Smoker and now I’m with Sister! And Grandpa and Shakky are here! They’re going to Miss Hancock’s tomorrow super early and asked if I could go! But Sister said to make sure it was okay with you! Can I go?! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease?! Pleeeeeeeeeeease Pops?”

“Guarararara! Okay you do deserve the break before you performance. I’ll send over your pajamas and a change of clothes for tomorrow. Sounds good?”

“Thank you Pops! Are you sure it okay?”

“Yes don’t worry! We can manage the house fine without you! Don’t worry about your invitations, we’ll pass them out to everyone for you,”

“Thanks Pops!”

“Anytime,” she hung up and practically bounce with joy at the news.

“HE SAID IT WAS OKAY!” Rayleigh laughed.

“Then it’s settled! I’ll get everything ready then,”

“I can help!”

“You’re sweaty so we’ll take a bath together and then we can just snuggle up in a pillow fort,” said Shakky


“But if you like you can start on our fort while I get the water ready,”

“Okay!” Shakky turned and walked away around the corner towards the bath. Rayleigh grinned and went follow, “You’re gonna help Shakky, Grandpa?”

“Mhm, a gentleman always helps his wife with things like this~ Give us a minute kidd—ack!” Rayleigh walked backwards back into the room with Flora holding his nose looking annoyed.

“________________ be a dear and get the pizza out for me,”

“Okay!” she hurried off. Flora watched her leave before giving Rayleigh a death stare and swung him by the nose.

“If I catch you fucking in this convent I’m going to string you up by the dick and hose you with ice! Do I make myself clear?!”

“Okay, okay! Let go!”

Chapter 56: Recital Week: Day 3


The little girl goes to visit one of her favorite people

Chapter Text

______________, Shakky, and Rayleigh arrived at Amazon Lily bright and early at about nine in the morning. The drive was about two hours with the right shortcuts, twists and turns. They were in bed by eleven and woke up fresh. Flora made breakfast including coffee. Rayleigh poured her a little cup.

“Are you sure that won’t get her wired?” said Flora

“Positive, a little bit of caffeine will perk her up a little bit,”

“Mhm! I’m not allowed to drink a whole cup!” said ______________

“We learned that the hard way,” said Shakky chuckling, “Plus side we got a perfect trench dug that weekend,”

“Honestly you two,” said Flora. As soon as they got there, ______________ hopped out of the car and trotted to the door and knocked. Marigold opened the door.

“Smelly brat is here!”

“Marigold nooooo!” said Sandersonia

“Stinky brat, terrible brat~”

“Don’t be so meeeeeeeean!” there was a laugh.

“________________ is here?”

“Mhm with Rayleigh and Shakky,”

“Oh okay!” they were ushered into the living room where there was tea and some snacks waiting, “Help yourselves, I know it was a long drive,” she went into the hallway closet and pulled out a large box.

“Morning Hancock,”

“Hi Miss Hancock!”

“Morning,” she said and sat down, “I’m actually surprised to see you, sweetheart,”

“I’m a stowaway!” Shakky chuckled

“We just saw her last night and thought it would be fun to take her along with us to see her Miss Hancock especially since we all have some business in town today,”

“I’m glad actually, it’s been awhile since I’ve seen my little lady. This visit saves me a visit to Windmill Village,” she passed the box over to ________________, “I got ________________ this beautiful performance leotard to wear on her big day. I was going to give it to you on the day of but this is better,” ________________ opened it. Inside was a beautiful (favorite color) leotard that looked more like a dress than a leotard. It was made out of a strong material and had little bits of sparkles in it to reflex and make it shine.

“WOW! It’s beautiful!”

“Of course it is! I got it custom made just for you for your big day!”

“Thanks but I don’t think that I can wear it! We already have our uniforms for the performance!”

“Oh well, you can still wear it,” said Hancock smiling, “I’m sure your teacher wouldn’t mind,”

“Well, she well, we have to look like a teach when we’re together and we chose colors! Even to match out kanzashi we made,”

“It’s not a big deal. I’m sure she won’t—,”

“B-But we chose the colors together. I really can’t,”

“Hancock,” said Rayleigh, “Stop pushing this,”

“Humph fine, she SHOULD be allowed to show off like a little sparkling little diamond,”

“Still, it’s not right. Especially since she and her classmates worked hard to pick the colors. And her talent should speak louder than her dress,”

“Fiiiiiiiiine but bring it just in case,”


“And to show up that little brat who’s been picking on you,”

“Someone’s been bullying you?” said Shakky. ________________ looked down.

“Kind of…”

“Are you okay?” she nodded. Hancock gently put her hand on her shoulder.

“It was touch and go for awhile. She was so stressed out that she couldn’t control her strength any longer,”

“Yeah but everyone really helped me. And I got a chick out of it! But still I really scared for awhile but Marco said it was stress,”

“Yeah that type of situation is enough to stress anyone out,” said Rayleigh, “You must always remember people like that aren’t worth your stress. I know it’s hard but having a stronger self worth is the best cure,” she nodded

“I know I’m not over it but I don’t give her the satisfaction that what she does bother me. That’s her weird hang up, not mine and I did pushed her against a car and since then she backed off,”

“I think anyone with some sense would. But if she ever messes with you again, here’s what you do,” he whispers something into her ear. _______________ looked a little confused, then shocked, then looked determined, “Got it?”

“Got it!”

“But in the process she’s been learning the shakuhachi,” said Hancock

“Mhm! I’m not good at it yet! I want to practice more but I don’t want to break Rakugo’s since he had it since he was about my age!”

“Of course but I doubt you can break it that easily kiddo,” said Rayleigh, “Bamboo is stronger than most wood,”


“Mhm! You can make almost anything out of bamboo, even a bed,”


“Now with that being said, why don’t you put your new leotard into the car so you won’t forget it and then we can go into town,”

“Okay! Thank you again Miss Hancock!”

“No problem sweetie,” _______________ folded it and back into the box and went outside. Shakky pointed her husband’s cheek.

“Soooooo…what did you tell her?”

“Heh, never you mind my dear wifey, never you mind. Trust me, after that, she’ll never bother her again,”

“Humph that little brat calling her a mutt. Who does she think she is?” Hancock growled, “If she even knew half of what I know about ____________ she would have bowed to her the moment she walked into that school,”

“I know but that’s her past Hancock not her present. I know how protective you get when it comes to your young charge but remember, she has to learn to navigate life on her own,”

“I know but that doesn’t mean we can’t help her along the way,”

“She’ll be fine,” said Shakky smiling, “_______________ is tough in her own way. And she’s learn to make friends easily and that’s a very good tool to have,”

“I know but I just don’t want her to be discovered. When Marco told me what happened, I got scared. What if someone picked up on her strength?! Even for a child it’s a little abnormal! Then rumors would spread and then…and then…and then—” Hancock looked panicked. Shakky gently squeezed her shoulder.

“Honey stop worrying. ______________ is in the safest place she can be right now. No one from that region knows she’s here, let along alive. If anyone ever questions it, we can use the devil fruit route and later we can say training because both are very plausible in this day and age. She’ll be okay. No one getting to her and no one from that life will ever find her. She’ll be okay,” Hancock took a few deep breaths to calm herself down.


“Mhm, I need a drink, you two finish your business and I’m taking _______________ to get some lunch,”

“Okay, we’ll be back soon,”

“Take your time,”
Since Rayleigh and Shakky has important business, _______________ got to spent time with Hancock who listened happily as she talked about her upcoming recital. Before their food got to the table, Hancock ordered both of them mimosas, virgin for ______________ while they wanted. She sighed. It took the edge off immensely.

“What’s a virgin?” said _______________

“Well in this context, it means there’s no alcohol in it,”

“Ohhhh okay! It’s really good!”

“I’d knew you’d like it. Order what ever you like. You can have cake but only for dessert, okay?”

“Yes Miss Hancock! By the way, you’re coming right?! I have an invitation just for you!”

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world. How do you feel about it? Do you think you’ve practice enough?”

“To be honest…I’m only nervous about Holly trying to mess things up for me. I mean I know it’s probably an irrational fear but I can’t help but think she’s up to something. I know she probably isn’t but still. Other than that, I think I have a great change of nailing it!”

“Still keep your guard up sweetie. That child has it in for you and who knows what she’ll try to do,”

“I just don’t get it. I don’t know why she has it in for me. I really wanted to be friends with her but I know it’s not going to happen. Even when I tried to teach her my lesson with the abacus, she tried not to pay attention until Miss Fern put her on the spot for pretending to be stupid,”

“Well, some people can’t handle envy well and that’s okay but to the extreme like that? It’s very sad,”

“What can I do to make her not envy of me?”

“Envious, sweetheart and nothing,” said Hancock simply, “That’s her little problem not yours and even if you “fix” it, she’ll find something else to be envious of you over and it’s not worth trying to change yourself just to make one person accept you and it’s not guaranteed that she will like you in the end,”

“Ah okay. But it’s okay to be jealous, right?”

“Jealous yes. Because it’s an emotion where you think someone may take someone or something away from you. Envy is more dangerous. It means that you will stop at nothing to get something that someone has, even if it means you destroy it in the process. It’s okay to be a little envious. It can drive you to attain something through hard work and dedication but what that little girl has can be so dangerous that it can hurt her in the process,”

“…Poor Holly,”

“It’s really a terrible existence to be like that but enough about that. There’s going to be a few Amazons there performing. I know you’re ready. Just do you best and not be intimidated by these girls. To Amazons, being strong is beauty and a woman who isn’t, isn’t beautiful but you have it in the bag. If you’re challenged, take it. Don’t be intimidated,”

“I won’t!”

“That’s my girl! Now I have to figure out the adorable post recital gift to get you,”

“Miss Hancock! You don’t have to get me anything!”

“Of course I do! You’re my little charge and you did a good job,”

“But you always give me nice things!”

“There has to be something you want! Tell me and I’ll make sure I can give it for you. Anything in the world!” _______________ looked thoughtful for a few moments before smiling.

“Can we go shopping? Then make dinner and have a bath together?”

“…We always do that when you visit sweetheart,”

“I know! But it means we get to be together and that’s what I want!” Hancock choked back a few tears. She covered her face to conceal them quickly and nodded.

“O-Of course we can sweetie! We’ll go shopping, we’ll hang out all week just the two of us!”

“Awesome! I love hanging out with you! You’re one of my favorite people!”

“And you’re mine!” after lunch, before ______________ could stand up, Hancock pulled her into a tight hug. Tears ran down her face. She didn’t want to let her go, not ever. Even if they were rebuilding their relationship, just the idea that she was still a big part of her life meant more to her than anything.

“M-Miss Hancock?”

“Yes sweetheart?”

“I can’t breathe!”

“Oh-OH! I’m sorry dear!”

After a day of shopping and window shopping and secret business dealings, it was soon time for the trio to return home.

“Awww so soon?”

“Mhm,” said Shakky, “We still have a few things to do before your big recital on Saturday,”

“So we’re going to take you home and head to one last place and then come back to the convent,” said Rayleigh

“So I can still visit?!”

“Mhm, And we can get a private performance, right?”


“Safe travels,” said Hancock smiling. _______________ buckled in tightly and soon they were on the road again. She waited until they were out of sight before going inside to get den den mushi. She dialed a number and waited.

“Hmmm?” said a voice

“She’s on her way back,”

“Okay, I’ll let the others know and we can finally finish the painting. You think the fumes will affect her?”

“As long as you clean up she won’t,”

“Okay, thank you Hancock,”

“No problem,” she hung up the phone and got ready for bed.

Chapter 57: Recital Week: Day 4


The Little Girl learns the story of Captain Calico

Chapter Text

Whitebeard packed them two omelets and sneaked to the car and they were soon on the road. _________________ looked out the window, happily eating her breakfast with River sleeping on the dashboard. Pops usually took the boys on one of his secret adventures, mainly because she was sleeping off something that morning or it was something he thought was too dangerous for a little girl but today it was her and him. She loved going on a special Pops outing. They were spontaneous and he only gave them the night before to prepare. So imagine her surprise when he told her when Grandpa dropped her off to get some sleep because she was going on an adventure with him. She immediately went to bed and was up just as Pops was finishing breakfast. He told her to bring her knapsack and River and they were soon on the road.

“These are the traveler’s roads, right?”

“Good eye. Travelers have existed just as long as pirates and mapped the roads like we charted the seas. Only think is that they eventually have to take the sea to get some island to island,”

“Ah…why not just be travelers but for the sea?”

“For some, the sea is their calling, for others it’s land. It’s had to get your sea legs and vice versa. Personally I would have taken the ship for this but we have to use a special vessel for this but we have to make sure we get to the meeting point,”

“Where are we going?”

“We’re going to see a memorial where the pirates of Old were buried and remembered,”

“WOW! Sounds cool!”

“It is cool. It’s a very secret island that moves. It ends up in this location about the same time every year. So today may be our last chance,”

“Why does it move?”

“Who knows, it was just something that was discovered and turned into something practical. But the fun thing about this one is, if there’s a living person on it, it doesn’t move but if there are dead people it moves,”

“…sounds creepy,”

“Guarararara that’s the first thought I had when Atlas told me the story,”

“Wow it’s been around that long?!” he sorts

“Don’t be cheeky. Hmmmm… I have a story about this island. It’s about me and Florrie when were slightly order than you and Ace. Wanna hear it?”

“YES PLEASE!” she said and got comfortable. Pops laughed.

“Alright, it’s about the very place we’re going to. You see, when a pirate captain dies, their crew and allies make a memorial for them, usually hidden away where they could be laid to rest. So this story actually happened when Florrie and I were first mates on our ships, when Atlas and Blume were active. An old friend, you don’t know him and he died…hell way before any of you were even thought of, Flora and I had the task of making sure we get to the island first. You see, as long as someone living is there, the island doesn’t move. We had to keep it at bay until then,”
The young boy woke up and stretched. It was his turn to keep watch that day while Flora slept. The pair was given a small ship with enough supplies to last them a few days. They were to set sail and find Elysium and stay there until their captains and crew came. They were on the final day of their journey and they were almost there. In order to stay on course, he and Flora took turns sleeping and keeping watch. Flora went to sleep first at around six and he woke her up at about 2 and she kept watch until dawn. He woke up and went to the top of the deck. Flora was keeping the boat steady and was munching on an apple.


“Morning,” she said, “We’re almost there, it’s just up ahead,”

“You sure you don’t want to take a power nap?”

“Nah uh, I can’t wait to spread my legs. I’m too excited to sleep,” he grinned. He was fond of Flora, not only as the cabin girl of his captain’s ally but his friend. There weren’t many kids on the seas, even if they were cabin boys and girls and having someone to hang out with when he wasn’t near Sphinx was a treat. When Atlas told him where he would be going to a island that moved, he was excited but the cherry on top was that Flora was coming with him because apparently it was two man job. Everything has been a whirlwind within the last few days. Calico, Captain of the Calico Pirates was murdered by a Marine. Everyone was reeling from it, including their captains who were good friends with Calico. They met at the rendezvous with the Flower Pirates and he and Flora couldn’t even goof off because it was such a somber occasion. He was even more uncomfortable at the thought that Calico’s body was on the Flower Pirates’ ship. He refused to go anywhere near the downstairs. That was when Blume and Atlas called them and told them that they were going to go and find the island and stay there until they got there.

“So, do you know why Elysium is so important? Why do we have to go to a moving island?”

“Well, according to Fauna, it’s the final resting place of pirates. So basically, it’s a giant cemetery,”


“…didn’t Atlas tell you?”

“He said it was a Memorial! I thought it was just going to be statues of old pirates!”

“…that’s what a cemetery is. There’s going to be statues and tombstones but also with the dead under them. No biggie, we just have to find Calico’s grave and stay put. Blume is bringing his body so his crew can have their final goodbyes,”

“That makes sense. Say, now that there’s no adults around, do you what happened to him?”

“I heard he was betrayed by his own first mate,”

“What?! You mean Jack?!”

“Yeah! I overheard Fauna and Ivy talking. Apparently, the bastard waited until Calico’s guard down and told the Marines exactly where he was. He fled and left Calico holding the bag so to say and well…Calico was gunned down trying to escape,”

“That’s terrible!”

“I know right?! Who would do that to your best friend, let alone your captain?!”

“Does his crew know?!”

“Don’t know but they said that Jack hadn’t been around. Like he dropped off the face of the earth,”

“Scum like that should be dealt with,”

“It’s Pirate Code to kill someone who betrayed their captain and crew. If we see him, we have an obligation to do it,”

“Fine by me,” then they saw something coming into view. Flora grabbed her spyglass and went to the crow’s nest. She jumped up in excitement.

“Land ho!” he steadied the ship as they made their way towards the island. Soon they were close enough to dock and drop anchor. Flora grabbed her coat and he grabbed his pipe just in case. He jumped off first and helped her down. Creepy wasn’t even begin to describe Elysium. Because it was an overcast day, the island was dark and foggy and damp from the area. He shrank back a bit. The bad vibes was sending off alarms in his head. Flora however walked towards the trees. He shook himself out of his feeling followed close behind her. Flora noticed a sign.

“All who rest here, young or old
Have all died here before their time
Valiant spirits, hearts of gold
Some left during their prime
All who living, please pay your respects
You have nothing physical to gain
But remember the Reaper always collects
And your soul may be bound with a chain”

“…what does that mean?”

“That everyone on this has passed and to pay your respects as long as you’re here,”

“…this is getting creepier by the moment,”

“It’s okay, let’s just find Calico’s grave and we can just stay put until everyone comes,”

“Do you know where it is?”

“Blume said that the island is marked. So We have to go where the captains are buried,” Flora looked at the map, “Alright, we have to cut through here,” he nodded and decided to lead the way, just in case. Just as he moved some brush out of the way, he was face to face with a creature that made him nearly jump out of his skin.

“Then what happened?!”


“In a moment you two, we have to get out soon. I think Flora already beat us to the—Speaking of the devil,” Whitebeard grinned. Flora was perched on the dock looking out towards the sea. _______________ has seen Sister without her veil a few times before but she never thought she would have seen her in civilian clothes, not even civilian, she was dressed in a long black coat, a skirt, and a brown top with a bandana on her head. She was nearly unrecognizable as though she was the captain of a ship. Around here were four other women that she didn’t recognize. She cocked her head a bit and went back into tunnel vision at Flora. Whitebeard got out.

“Hi Florrie,”

“About time,” she said huffed, “And you brought the little runt,”

“Hi Sister!” she ran to her and hugged her middle. Flora patted her head, “You look so cool!”

“What are you talking about? I always look cool!”

“More cool than usual!” the woman snorts.

“Stop being weird,”

“Love you too!”

“Awwww who’s this little darling?” said one of the women. She was a chubby woman with freckles, graying red hair and a very friendly smile. She got down to eye level, “Such a little cutie,”

“H-Hi! It’s nice to meet you!”

“Such a polite young lady,” said another lady. She had deep scars all over her arms and one on her face. Her hair was in an updo and her hair was flecked brown in her graying hair. She was wearing a fancy looking dress and a corset, “What’s your name?”

“______________, Miss and this my cat, River,”


“Meow to you too. So this is _______________,” said a woman with silver hair streaked blue with ice blue eyes. Even though it was warm out, she was wearing a thick fur lined cloak.

“…I thought she was adopted already,” said the last woman. Her hair was straight and graying with black streaks. Her eyes were like warm embers. They then looked at Flora and then back to ______________, then to Whitebeard then to Flora.

“Tch, don’t think about it too much,”

“Awwww! So this is the infamous _____________________! I’m so glad we finally got to meet you! I’m Poppy!

“I’m Nobara,” said the ember eyes, “The way you talked I thought she was just a feral child whom just appeared out of nowhere!”

“I’m Liliya, it’s a pleasure little one. She looks like she’s a very energetic child.

“And I am Katsika. Flora, you should have let her come before! No one should be trapped in your convent for a week,”

“She was fine! I left out food and water and she had plenty of room to run around for a few days!”

“She’s not a cat!” said Poppy

“Pffft! I beg to differ!”

“Please you know love her,” said Nobara chuckling

“If anything happened to her, you’d rearrange the seas,” said Katsika, “And we’ve seen you do it,”

“So many times. Good times,” said Liliya. ___________________’s eyes widened. She heard stories of these four people from Oji-san and Pops before. She would know those names anywhere right along Blume but she never would have thought she would actually see them in person.

“Y-You’re the Fearsome Four!” she blurted out. The turned. _____________ covered her mouth, “S-Sorry!”

“Aww our reputation proceeds us,” said Poppy grinning, “I mean we are a big deal,”

“That’s because we’re alive to tell our tales,” said Katsika.

“Awww Captain, you told her all of the adventures we had?” said Nobara

“Nah uh! Pops and Oji-san did!”

“Harsh!” said Poppy

“Mean!” said Nobara

“Cruel,” said Liliya

“Are you ashamed of us?” said Katsika

“Stop it, all of you! I figured they would have told her by now. Why should I ruin the stories of others?” said Flora, “And I didn’t even think she would actually care about the Flower Pirates,”

“They’re my favorite stories!” she said smiling, “Right along the Blume ones!”

“Nothing can top those,” said Liliya, “Not even us,”

“But that doesn’t mean we can’t tell you all of the embarrassing stories about Flora~” said Poppy giggling

“Oh I know those already!”

“Oh?” said Nobara

“There was one time a song got stuck in Sister’s head! She was singing it for like a week! I went to ask her a question and I found her in the bathroom singing in compl—,”



“That’s enough sharing for one day!”

“Poor kid, well at least we’re not on the receiving end of Flora’s Bops,”

“Still hits when it gets cold,” said Poppy


“Guararararara! How about I finish the story to help you feel better?” Flora raised an eyebrow

“What story?”

“The one about our first mission together. I just got to the part where we got to the Elysium,”

“Pffft, I’ll tell the story right!” Whitebeard smirked, “Just in case you butcher my good name,”

“Enlighten us then, Florrie,” Flora’s face went red as she looked away. The ladies chuckled.

“Alright then! Have a seat, it’s going to be a fun one! We did indeed make it to the island and it was…well…”

“AHHHHHHH!” Edward jumped back. Flora looked at him and back to what scared him. It was a statue of a headless angel with a noose around it’s neck. She looked at him and then the statue and back. She held out her hand to help him up.

“It’s okay, it’s a memorial. There’s a bunch of them like this on the island apparently. This person died was hanged and he’ll never be at rest. Kind of morbid,” she guided him out and right into another statue of a black skeleton with an hourglass that looked like it was crying. She guided him away and they made it through, “This is terrible, this island hadn’t been maintained in awhile. It’s already creepy but this doesn’t make things better,”

“How do you know that no one has cleaned them? And what do you mean this is intentional?!”

“Gravestones have meanings and since no one has ever cleaned them, they’re looking their age,” she said, “Sad really. Come on,” Edward looked apprehensive. There was something very eerie and wrong about this place. He didn’t like it. Flora turned and looked at him, “…are you okay?” he didn’t look so good. She smiled and gently took his hand, “Come on, nothing in here is going to get you,”

“How do you know?”

“The dead doesn’t come back and I had to sleep in a graveyard for awhile. It’s actually pretty peaceful,”


“Yeah, after Mom’s funeral, I didn’t really have anywhere to go so I just hung out in the cemetery until they townspeople forced me into a ship and took me to an orphanage,”

“….I’m sorry,”

“Why? You didn’t do anything. But seriously, you’re fine here. All of these statues have really cool meanings,” she pointed to a grave with a grim reaper with a butterfly in his hands, “This person died in their twenties. The butterfly means died too soon. That one there, the pirate used to be a farmer or came from a farming village. This one was a navigator because of the compass,”

“Wow, what about the ones with all of the lambs in different positions,”

“…those were all children, most likely cabin boys and girls. Let’s not think about that,” Flora guided them through the first mates, navigators, doctors, cooks, and eventually up

“Where would Calico’s grave be?”

“Well, it looks like everyone’s position is on the edge of the island…so that mean just here should be the captains,” the pair followed the trail and were in awe. There were large monuments and tombs with names scattered through the center. Names unfamiliar to them but some they remembered as legends in their own rights. They looked round. Some had images of the captains, some just has simple graves, some had markers, and some had just names.

“I wonder why some of these are small?”

“I think it’s because some has small crews or family who just couldn’t afford it,”

“Doesn’t seem right to me. You have honor someone whom is as close to you as family,”

“True, but if money is an issue, I can see why. But then again…is there something as a poor captain?”

“Unless they’re starting out. You have to honor your captain…unless they were a really shitty one,”

“You still have give them a burial or memorial,”

“You can give them a proper one at sea,” Flora smirked. Edward grinned.

“If they were that horrible they can give fish nourishment as a good deed in death,” they laughed. They continued to look. Edward finally got over the statues unnerving him as he searched through. He then came across a clearing. He looked on in awe, “Florrie! I think I found it!” she ran over and he waved his hand. The pair slowly approached the clearing. A statue of Calico was smiling down on them with his infamous axe on his back and his spyglass in the other. Next to him were his faithful dogs Ruby and Sally who were also immortalized in stone. He was positioned mid laugh, an image that was familiar to all who knew him.

“Wow, whoever did this captured him perfectly,” said Flora smiling. Edward smiled

“Yeah. It’s really cool but kind of sad that he died so young,”

“Leaving his crew and his dogs,”

“I wonder who’s going to take care them?”

“They’re going to miss him,”

“Aye,” then Edward heard something. Flora was about to speak but he held her mouth. She looked confused. He pressed his finger to his lips. She then heard it too. They immediately hid in the brush. They sat silently looking and soon a man appeared. Both kept their eyes on him like a hawk.

“…I could have swore someone else was here,” he said softly and then looked at Calico, “Hey you. I guess I can finally finish what I started here,”

“About time you brat got here!” everyone looked up. Atlas waved at them from the ship.

“Us?!” said Liliya, “You just came old man!”

“I was making sure that we had everything,”

“Hi Oji-chan!”

“HEY! Long time to see!” he called out, “And River too!”

“REOW!” ____________ was in awe. She never seen Atlas’ ship before. It was a large vessel that was about half the size of Pop’s. The sails were a large map and compass. When he got close enough, he brought down the bridge for everyone to come abroad. Everyone got on along with small cargo. Soon they were on the waters. _________________ would never get tired of a ship. She immediately started to explore every part in awe.

“Enjoying yourself, little lady?”

“MHM! Your ship is nice! But Pops’ his bigger,”

“It’s not the size of the ship it’s what you can do with it,” he winked at her, “Believe it or not, in my prime, Mine was just as big as Edward’s. This old girl is my old ship from back when I was just starting out. I couldn’t part with the old girl so I had her in Wano and had the new vessel until I gained an Armanda but that’s another story. So what are you up to today?” she them remembered her story.

“OH! The story of Captain Calico!”

“Ahhh that one! Have you gotten to the good part?”

“Just got there,” said Whitebeard taking the story back. She perched on the edge. Flora promptly took her and placed her on a barrel.

The pair laid in waiting. The man was skulking around the grave. They knew this man from the few encounters they’ve seen him. They knew and was well acquainted with Calico, a brown haired robust man with hazel eyes, a smile that lit up the sky with a hearty laugh. His first mate Jack however…lacked all of the charisma. He was a thin, pale man with lanky black hair and didn’t seem to even be a pirate let anyone the first mate to a well known pirate. He was in front of the grave and this didn’t sit too well with either of them. Edward looked at her and she looked at him. They gave the other a silent nod and got into position. Flora was quieter and easily got to the other side of the brush as Edward stayed put. She reached her hand up to give him a thumbs up. He nodded and he had his pipe. In a flash, he jumped out of the brush and smacked the back of Jack’s knees as hard as he could. The man went down. When he got up, he was kicked in the back from a flying Flora and from there he was kicked and punched all over his body. The man cowered and covered his head and neck. Flora took out her pocket knife. She stopped, the man didn’t move. He looked up slowly.



“Aren’t you gonna…do it?”

“I-I am! J-Just give me a second!” She tried to do it but couldn’t. She tossed the knife to Edward, “Yo-You do it!”

“What?! Why me?!”

“You’re stronger!” he tossed the knife back

“You’re faster!” she tossed it back

“You’re older!” he tossed it back. Both looked each other and then back at Jack. Flora sighed.

“Who knew killing someone was this hard?!”

“You’ve never killed anyone?!”

“Of course not! …You?”

“No! I wouldn’t even begin to know how!” Jack sat up on his knees

“Kids, just close you eyes and take the knife and slit my throat from behind,” the pair looked mortified.


“I was only trying to help,”

“That’s not helping!” said Flora, “…I’ll give him his last rites,”

“…what are those?”

“You need them to get into a Afterlife. Kind of like a send off,”

“Oh, do you know one?”

“A blessing for the living, a bunch of flowers for the dead.
With a sword of justice, a punishment of death for the wicked.
Thus shall we arrive at the altar of the saints.”

“…that was good,”

“Thanks, my dad taught me that. Alright…here we go,” Flora went to the man. Once again she was shaking. She swallowed a lump in her throat. She went forward but once again, couldn’t, “…we’re really bad at this!”

“Florrie stop, we don’t have to,” said Edward, “Betraying his captain should be punished enough, especially since he wants to die,”

“True, you have to live with that guilt for the rest of you life, you bastard,” said Flora. Jack looked down and started to sob. He then burst into tears and placed his face into his hands. The kids didn’t look fazed.

“Cali…I’m sorry, I should have been there, I know you’ll never forgive me and I’ll never forget myself! Please just…I-I’m sorry!” Edward cocked his head.

“Should have been there?”

“Please, kids, it’s okay, just…continue to treat me as piece of shit I am,”

“…Atlas always says there’s two sides. Please, before you live with this forever, tell us your side,” Jack wiped his tears. Flora gave him a handkerchief. He wiped his eyes.

“I’ll tell you two everything but promise you will wait to hurt me from what I’m about to tell you. You see, Cali and I are brothers. We came from a family of nobles. He was the popular brother and well…I wasn’t. Father and Mother expect him to be the perfect bachelor so he could marry into a higher status and treated him like a prince, literately. He hated him and was often punished for it. And no matter how much they ignored me or beat on him, he never treated me differently. I was his big brother and he wanted to protect me,” Jack smiled and wiped his tears, “Even though I was two years older. But Jack had a secret…a terrible one especially in a family of nobles. He didn’t like women. He was into men. He loved men and his heart was large and he wanted to run away with the first person he met at time. Of course I had to drag his lovesick ass back,” Flora snorts, “But…somehow father found out and he was livid and had two plans for Cali, marry him off to a king in a far away kingdom or a woman named Natalie. Natalie…we knew her for a long time and I had feelings for her but she loved Cali who wanted nothing to do with her but only agreed to outings with her to be my wingman. But enough was enough. Cali decided right then and there he was going to set sail and I went with him, just to make sure he was okay. We had a name for ourselves for years, traveling seeing the world, enjoying our lives. Cali had his lovers…gained allies, especially with your captains and just…we were both happy. No matter what happened, Cali always made sure I had fun on our journeys. Then that faithful day,”

“What happened?!” said Edward

“No matter what, Cali always had an attachment with Natalie. Sent her letting and things, trying to let her know that there was a way out of that noble life, especially since she was married to a brute, so we thought. She sent him a letter saying that her husband locked her away in a tower and she was frighten. I pleaded with Cali to be careful. He didn’t listen. He thought he was saving his childhood friend from a life in a gilded cage but in reality…she relished in it and since she couldn’t have Cali…no one could. She was the orchestrator of this plan. She ambushed him, forced herself upon him and tried to “fuck the gay away”. I still don't know the extent of what she put him through but he had marks and bruises on wrists and ankles for awhile,"

“That bitch!” said Flora

“The fuck?!”

“Calico barely managed to get out of there alive. What drew him back was she had a baby and she threatened to kill it if he didn’t come. Calico was scared. I went with him. We were going to steal his son and get out of there. That’s exactly what she wanted. Calico knew his hour was up and named me captain and accepted his fate, knowing I would get his son and get out of the harbor in time…C-Cali-Cali-Cali didn’t make it. I-I’ts my fault…I wish I had time to just get back…I could have asked for ba-back up but…I-I,” the man broke down into tears. The two kids could feel tears running down their faces as well,”

“It wasn’t your fault!” said Edward, “Y-You couldn’t have gone back! She would have killed the baby!”

“Anyone like that would have killed him in front of Calico!” said Flora, “That poor baby! Where is he?!”

“He’s on the ship. I wan-wanted to name him Calico but I knew he would never allow it. I decided to name him after Calico’s lover, Felidae,”

“None of this is your fault!”

“Yeah! You saved your nephew! We-We would have killed an innocent man if we went along with it!”

“Damn it! Never time I’ll really listen in when I spy on Fauna when she talks! Thank god we’re cowards,”

“We’re not cowards, we’re just not murders,”

“…what’s this I hear about you two plotting murders?” the pair froze and both were immediately clobbered. They held their heads and looked up.

“Jack are you okay?” said Blume gently. He nodded and sobbed.

“This is why we tell you two to always look at both sides and if you’re going to eavesdrop, listen to the whole conversation,” said Atlas

“We’re sorry,” said Edward

“We were trying to uphold the code,”

“That was commendable but you almost killed an innocent man and be lucky that Jack is a gentle soul or he would have maimed you both,”

“Please, don’t yell at them. I-It was good to finally get all of that off my chest and they did make me feel better,”

“They’re knuckleheads but they always have their hearts in the right place,” said Blume. She went into the bag she was carrying and pulled out a smaller one, “Good job you two. We need you two make yourselves scarce for a little while we sort things out here,”

“Got it!” they quickly got out of the clearing. Before Edward could decide where to go, Flora dragged him by his hand.

“There’s place I found before he called me other. It doesn’t have statues or graves and there’s pond nearby. I think that’ll be best to eat. I’m pretty sure you’re sick of seeing this,”

“You’ve read my mind. Hey…do you believe what Jack said?”

“Hmmm about?”

“You and me being so in tuned that we know exactly how the other is feeling?”

“…personally I don’t see it,”

“Me neither, I mean we only knew each other for about what a year in a half?”

“Yeah it takes longer for people to become that close to each ot—AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” This time it was Flora who screamed. She jumped behind Edward and looked terrified. Edward around to see what got Flora looking so shaken up. Whatever it was it had to be scary. There was a statue, there wasn’t a snake…then he spotted something on a rock looking at them. It was a large toad. He’s known Flora for about a good while now. He has seen her not bat an eye and jump off a cliff just to land on a ship, run into a cave that was infested with bats to retrieve something and even was the one who found the rat in Blume’s storage when everyone else was too scare to with her bare hands and caged it just to release it on another island. He didn’t even know that Flora was afraid from anything. She was shaking and completely frozen. He gently picked it up and silently took it away. He gently placed it to the river and lets it go. He went back to Flora.

“It’s gone, it went back into the water,” she nodded. He took her hand and they headed back towards their captains. He saw that she was still shaking slightly but he squeezed it gently. Soon she back to normal and squeezing his back.


“No prob Florrie,”

“Wow! So Jack was innocent!”

“Surprised us too,” said Flora, “By that time, Blume and Atlas came and clobbered us good for harming and taking on an innocent man but then commended us for administering justice through the code,”

“What happened to him? Is he okay?”

“Oh he’s fine,” said Atlas, “More than fine. He became the new captain of the Calico Pirates. His crew respected him and admired him just as much as they did Calico. Felidae grew up to be a fine young man and took over the Calico pirates when his uncle retired. Jack waited until he was older to tell him what happened. Feli understood and never held any ill will against his uncle and revered him as his father along with his deceased father. He never traveled to his mother’s area as a favor to his uncle. And when Jack retired, he decided to stay and maintain the Elysium. But he realized if he stayed, then Marines and the unsavory would find this place. So he has a strange system. He’ll let the island move to anywhere it wants and when it was safely hidden, he went to find it and inhabit it again,”

“That’s dedication!”

“It’s for the best really. He sees it as penance for what happened to Calico in the first place and Jack is an introvert. Being in a place with dead bodies is perfect for him. He get limited interaction with people, always has a pet with him, and Feli visits him every month and hang out for a few weeks with his crew,”

“There it is!” said Nobara, “Wow, it’s really hidden this time,”

“Probably for the next few years,” said Katsika

“Alright, let’s dock,” said Flora. Once on the island, ________________ looked around in wonder. There were statues and graves everywhere. But nowhere near as like Sister and Pops described.

“Jack is a miracle worker,” said Poppy, “this place used to give me the creeps,”

“Ditto,” said Nobara

“So many statues!” said _________________

“Mhm so much they had to retire the island,” said Liliya

“Because there’s no more room?”

“Yeah and the pirates of our time were all buried here or reserved their plots here as an act of respect…except one,” said Liliya

“Was he that bad?!”

“Well…we don’t like to talk about him because he’s done…a lot of things that aren’t very savory,”

“Was it that Rocks guy?” Katsika almost immediately grabbed her mouth and they looked up to see if Flora or Whitebeard even heard her. They were already far ahead. They sighed in relief.

“Sweetie, please don’t mention that name so casually,” said Katsika

“It just brings up a lot of not so good memories for the both of them,” said Liliya

“A name only has power if you let it,” said Atlas looming over them.

“That’s true but you know how Florrie gets when Rock’s name is uttered,” said Nobara

“So does Linlin and she’s getting better with it but it’s true, he’s the only pirate of old who was not allowed to be laid to rest here. To be honest, most of the world was happy to see him dead,”

“That’s terrible!”

“He was a terrible son of a bitch,” said Poppy, “And he had so many grudges under his belt that even if you mention his name, no one has anything to say that’s good, except a few very old members of his crew,”


“But just know…just keep the name under wraps for now,”


“Only River can mention his name because no one can understand him,”


“See?” while Pops, Sister, and the Fearsome Four went ahead, ________________ hung back with Atlas. He took her to Calico’s grave. It was just like story. She asked for permission, just like with the Nice Lady and began to pick flowers. She came out and Atlas was nowhere to be found. She went looking for him. River then caught a whiff of something and ran. She ran after him and they ran further and further into the island. There was an opening to a basin area. She slowly entered. It was kind dark but the further they got the more light shone in. River waited for her at the mouth and they were both greeted to a sight.The garden was breathtaking. There was beautiful greenery everywhere. She slowly entered the garden. It was a comforting place but it was also a very…unnerving place. It made her feel at ease but also like if she even did something remotely disrespectful in the garden, she would be punished. As she walked, she could feel her nerves getting steadier. Soon she found herself in the middle of the garden. She froze when she saw a large statue of a woman looking down on her. The image terrified her a bit. But as she got closer, the statue looked less intimidating and more friendly. Then it became a very comforting sight to see. The woman was beautiful with soft features. She wore a captain’s coat and a large hat. There were many types of flowers all around her. She didn’t even need an introduction when she saw her. She said nothing for the longest time. She didn’t really know what to say. Talking to the Nice Lady was easy but this was the Captain of the Flower Pirates, Blume. She went to the pond and filled a bucket, took the rag and started to clean and wipe Blume, just like she does with the Nice Lady. When she was done, she took out a little scrub brush and got into the nooks and crannies of the statue. Then she took out the incense from her bag and positioned them all over Blume and lit them then smell mixed with the flowers was comforting. She climbed into her lap. She couldn’t help it. All of the stories she heard…she knew Blume was a great person. Even her face made her feel warm.

“…you’re so amazing you know that, right? I mean I know you know how cool you are. You raised Sister and all of the Flower Pirates. I wish I would have known you when you were alive….” She laid down on in her lap, “I’m sorry what happened. I really am. I know there wasn’t anything I could have done but…it just sucks. And Sister she still misses you. You saved her life and I’m glad you did,” she covered her mouth, “I didn’t mean that I’m glad you’re dead! I mean I’m glad you well…saved my own mom. I don’t have one and Sister is the closest thing I have to one and she’s really nice! Everyone has all of these really cool stories about you and hers are the best!”

“I guess someone beat me to my duty,” she turned. An old woman was looking at her from the ground. She had brown skin, white hair in a braided ponytail and dark eyes. _______________ slipped off.

“I’m sorry!”

“No need. Children are automatically drawn to her. Even when she’s dead,”

“Did you know Blume, too?” the woman laughed again.

“Yeah I knew the little brat. I knew her very well. I’m was her first mate,”

“She had a first mate?!”

“All pirates do and I was hers. You can’t be a Flower Pirate fangirl and not know anything about me,” she smiled.

“_______________, kiddo you in here?! I’m asking because Flora said you manage to get into weird places like this out of the blue. Oh there you—Fauna?!” said Atlas


“When did you get here?!”

“Yesterday. About time you showed up. I reapplied the weed killer and things. I came to clean her off and light the incense but this little one did that for me. I’m surprised actually. Where’s the two idiots?”

“They went to see Flora’s parents,”

“…they got lost along the way, didn’t they?”

“Mhm. So they decided to backtrack and go to a point to get their bearings. And it’s a good excuse for Flora to say hello to them. Oh! Before I forget, Faun this is __________________. My little granddaughter,”

“It’s nice to meet you!”

“Pleasure is mine. I didn’t even know you had a kid,”

“Well…she’s Edward’s kid,”

“…Edward adopted a daughter? How long has she been with Flora?”

“Two years in the convent but with her ever since,” Fauna looked surprised and then smiled.

“Time really does heal all wounds. You must be really special, little one,”

“Nah, I’m just lucky Sister is so nice!” she chuckled

“True, Flora does have a sweet disposition from time to time. We may as well stay put until they get here. Or until they realize that this little one is gone and somewhere on the island and ask us to search. Either way. So little one, did they tell you about this island?”

“MHM! Sister and Pops told me about how they got here for Captain Calico!”

“Pfffft alright so you know about that part but do you know why this island is so sacred but also why the statues are here to discourage people from inhabiting it?” she shook her head, “The reason why this place is so sacred and special is because this is where the most impactful in their lives. This island was created by Blume to honor those who wanted to remember their dead. You see, before this island, if a pirate died, no town wanted to have someone associated with piracy or bandits or just against the world government in their cemetery. So those who had dead loved ones couldn’t put them to rest. So on one of our journeys, me and her remembered the island and went searching. When we found it, we kept close charting with it and whenever a pirate died, they were taken to the island to be buried to honor them,”

“That’s really awesome!”

“Aye and when she died, I made sure her body was taken before the Marines had a chance and brought her to the island. It took all of us seven days and nights to get the cave perfect for her. We had to rush because…we knew Flora’s heart could never take it. She lost one mother and she lost another and sadly, she saw them both getting killed trying to protect her,”

“I-I know…Pops told me but not about Sister’s Mom,”

“Mhm, Blume made it where she was finally allowed to grieve,” said Atlas, “She found where both of her parents were buried and brought them here. Giving her closure that they were finally together and put to rest. And when we die, I’m going to meet the same fate here,”

“But you’re never going to die! You’re too tough to!”

“Pffft we have to go eventually and it’s not something that anyone wants to think about but we all have to go someday,”

“I heard Heaven was nice,”

“It is, but always remember, it’s best to go without regrets and when you’re old. Living an adventurous life with friends and family and dying old and peaceful is the best. You don’t have to die young to leave a mark, you can live out your life and still be a legend when you go,”

“True! I have too much exploring to do before that happens and tons of stories to listen to!” Atlas grinned and ruffled her hair.

“Well said,” soon Sister and Pops finally made it inside. Flora commended her grave cleaning. The moment became solemn as they paid their respects silently, retelling old stories, saying prayers and giving offerings. Soon it was getting dark and they made their way back to the ship. Flora was silent the whole time as she sat on the deck looking at the sky above. It did indeed get easier to make it to the island every year but it always left a hole in her heart that she knows would never be filled. She felt a hand on her shoulder.

“How are you feeling?”

“Good,” she said, “Still feels like I’ve been stabbed in the chest but…not as bad,”

“One day, it’s going to get easier, Florrie,” said Whitebeard

“Part of me doesn’t want it to, but then I also know that if she was still alive, she wouldn’t want me to keep that baggage on my conscience. I’ve let it go but I will never forgive Linlin or Rocks for what they’ve done, even on my deathbed,” he gave her shoulder a gently squeeze. She took his hand. Both of them watched _____________ happily talking to the Fearsome Four who were engaging and laughing and talking as well.

“Her big day is in a day,”

“I know, I can’t wait to see what’s she’s been learning,”

“She’ll be fine. We raised her well,”

“Not entirely. She hadn’t given that little brat a kick to the face, yet,”


Chapter 58: Recital Week: Day 5


The Little Girls gets a little more practice in

Chapter Text

“Again!” ___________________ nodded and did her reps and laps down the small street and back again on the unicycle. Tomorrow was the big recital and by Cabaji’s concern they needed to make sure she had everything prepared just in case. Since they moved the town, she was a frequent visitor the pirate circus troupe, much to their dismay in the beginning, especially since they knew that if something was even remotely out of place, several people would be after their asses and they knew death wouldn’t be swift and easy. Although she liked Mr. Buggy Cabaji’s unicycle skills were the thing she was interested in most and he although he was reluctant at first he had to admit, the little girl showed some real talent and he took her on a pupil, working with her other teachers to help develop a style and a routine for the recital. Today, since Atlas couldn’t attend the recital, he decided to watch her practice her routine with Marco and Shanks.

“…the little lady is pretty good on that thing,” said Shanks

“I didn’t know there were acrobatic fighters still around,” said Atlas, “Good to see it witnessed first hand again,”

“Backwards!” Cabaji called out. ______________________ stopped made a tiny pivot and wheeled backwards keeping a close eye forwards and backwards, “Good job! Spin!” she nodded and started to twirl around slow, “Faster!” she picked up the pace and started to move a lot quicker than before, “Jump!” she jumped off the unicycle and landed on next to it. The Unicycle came to a complete stop.

“How’d I do?” she said grinning.

“A lot better,” said Cabaji

“Think she’s ready for tomorrow?”

“Mhm, more than ready but she needs to practice her rolls. Alright, back on,” she nodded as Cabaji got her on a few balls. She balanced effortlessly on one before he threw his sword to pop it without warning. She fell forward and rolled. She got on the second ball and did the same thing with the same random results.

“…what are you doing, yoi?” said Marco not looked impressed. Cabaji looked a little nerous.

“It’s called rolling with style. This way if she does fall, she’ll roll, especially off her unicycle. Trust me it’s a good skill to have,”

“No back teaching Marco,” said Shanks grinning

“I’m not back teaching! I’m just concerned about her falling off that thing like that!”

“Kahahahahaha! Just let her do her thing,” said Atlas, “It’s good that she falls off the unicycle and knows what to do that not knowing what to do,”

“See Marco, even Atlas agrees,”

“Tch fine. As long as it’s not you, Red Hair,”

“Love you too,”

“Always remember, even when you roll, stick the rise that way everything thinks you did it on purpose!”

“Okay!” after a few more reps, Cabaji handed her some water and had her rest a bit.

“We don’t want to overwork you before this thing. Drink up and rest,”

“So, all the girls are doing that?” said Atlas

“Nope! Just me!”

“Oh? Why?”

“She’s doing her part in the performance,” said Marco

“Awww! You’re going to actually be a story! I’m so proud! Which on is it?”

“Oh! The Beautiful Warrior and the Foolish Maiden!”

“Ahh that story! You’re more than ready!”

“…I don’t think I’ve ever heard of that one,” said Shanks

“Really?” said Cabaji, “It’s pretty popular in the South regions. It’s a story about a young woman who boasted about being the best warrior around. She came from a town where she was the best and challenged and intimidated everyone that passed through and the residents themselves. Eventually she grew tired of it and decided to go off and seek her fortune. As she left the town, she came across a bridge where a young woman was sitting and admiring the moon. She decided to pick on the Beautiful Warrior and demanded that she moved out of her way. The warrior complied and moved closer to the edge of the bridge to finish her moon gazing. The Foolish Maiden not happy with this, demanded that she got off the bridge because it was her bridge now. The warrior confused hopped onto the edge of bridge and continued her gazing. The Foolish Maiden decided to use this as a reason to attack the warrior calling her an importunate wrench and attacked her. The Beautiful Warrior dodged her attacks over and over again, not wanting a fight. The Foolish Maiden persisted, trying everything she could to get the woman to fight here. Soon she had Beautiful Warrior cornered, taunting trying to get her to fight. The Foolish Maiden soon got her wish and the Beautiful Warrior easily fought and subdued her. The Foolish Maiden was bewildered to say the least. The Beautiful Warrior bade her farewell and continued on her journey. The Foolish Maiden was pissed and went after the Beautiful Maiden in order to get a rematch. However, she was greeted with a very frightening sight. She saw the Beautiful Maiden in a fight with a group of bandits who were laying in wait for a traveler to rob. All three of them lay at her feet. The Foolish Maiden was frozen in fear. The Beautiful Maiden apologized for what she witnessed and continued on her way. The Foolish Maiden was then stopped by the Leader of the Bandits. He told told the Foolish Maiden that they were all fortunate to escape with their lives, including her. The Beautiful Warrior was not all she seemed. She was a solidary warrior who’s killed a thousand men at once during their country’s civil wars. She was the personal companion to the king of the land and often traveled alone in order to just be alone with her thoughts, as she was a gentle soul, unless provoked. It’s a moral tale about there’s always a bigger fish or don’t be an asshole to people you don’t know,”

“That sounds like life advice,” said Shanks

“And I get to be the Beautiful Warrior!” said _________________ happily, “Holly is the Foolish Maiden and Vivi is one of the bandits. Two other girls are going to be the other bandits from another school and I’m so excited!”

“Sounds like the part was written just for you,” said Shanks

“That’s what Miss Fern said! We practiced the moves for weeks and it wasn’t until we got closer that she told us what the performance was and which parts we would play! It’s so cool! Are you sure you can’t come Ojii-chan?!” Atlas chuckled

“Sadly I can’t, I’m needed back home. You know I can’t leave Sphinx to it’s own devices for too long,”

“…but Marietta is there!”

“True but this may be too much for her to handle! I’m sorry!”

“Awww it’s okay Oji-chan! I know you’re busy!”

“I’ll be there in spirit! Promise me you’ll do your best so Marco can get your good side!”

“…which side is that?”

“It’s a figure of speech kiddo,” said Shanks chuckling.

“Is she done?” said Marco. Cabaji nods.

“She’s good! I don’t want to overwork her before her performance,”

“Awesome! Oh!” she takes out three more invitations, “Would you like to come, Mr. Cabaji? I have three more and I was wondering if you, Mohji, and Mr, Buggy wanted to come?” Cabaji looked touched.


“Oh Buggy~ the little lady has something for you and Mohji,” said Shanks. Buggy came out of the house with Mohji, both terrified at the prospect of three dangerous people at their home in the first place. She smiled and gave them the invitations. They looked a little puzzled.

“W-Wait?! You’re inviting us?!” said Buggy

“MHM! Do you wanna go? Shanks is com—,”


“Guy I’m going to,”

“Yay! I think Richie can come too! I don’t think he needs an invitation, but I have an extra one, just in case!”

“No one care bout the fleabag,” said Cabaji. Marco grabbed _____________’s ears.

“FUCK YOU! Richie is family!”

“Richie is a flea ridden pet!”

“If the little lady wants him there he’s gonna BE there!”

“And give everyone around him fleas!”


“MAKE ME!” the pair got into a scuffle. Buggy and Marco sighed and Shanks and Atlas laughed their asses off.

__________________ was too nervous to do anything else for the rest of the day. She had butterflies in her stomach. She had the routine memorized and she knew everyone would do their bests tomorrow but she was still scared. Before dinner she decided to slip into the woods for some extra advice. Mr. Lore was sitting and reading a book. She peeked into the clearing.

“Hey little lady,”

“Hey! Whatcha reading?”

“An adult book about dragons and pirates and samurai but I’m sure you wouldn’t want to—,”

“Gimme, gimme, gimme!” he laughed and hands it over to her, “Are you done reading it?”

“Mhm, it was my second time around! Maybe you and Killer and talk about it after you let him borrow it,”


“And what are you doing out here? You should be resting for your big show tomorrow!”

“I know! Bu-But I kind of need a Mr. Lore Pep Talk,” he smiled.

“You got this,” he said rubbing her shoulder.

“I know but I’m still nervous. What if I mess up? What if I mess up really bad?! I can get clumsy when I’m nervous!”

“You’re an eight year old child. You can make all the mistakes you want. Trust me, your family will be happy to see you dance either way and happy when it over just to talk about how adorable you look,”


“Wahahahahahaha really! In fact, I promise! And don’t let that girl get to you. If she doesn’t want to look bad, she’ll do her part as well and leave you to yours. You’re going to kill it tomorrow!”

“Thanks Mr. Lore!”


“Are you sure you can’t go?”

“I’d love to but I’m pretty sure if anyone sees me, I’ll never be able to come back to see you again,”


“But I’ll be there in spirit or the shadows to make sure you’re okay,” he winked. She hugged his middle and headed off. Mr. Lore chuckled. He thought for a few moments, debated even about going to see his little one dance. It would be refreshing. He then felt a gentle wind, “…if I do go, then I can see her and then slip back…” he thought for a few moments, “Nah better not risk it. I’ll be putting both of us into danger,” he sighed, “I hope she brings a recording or something. At home, Thatch made a dim sum dinner.

“Really kiddo?!” said Rakugo


“Of course she’s ready!” said Izo, “She’s a natural!”

“You should have seen her at practice today. She’s going to be alright,” said Marco

“Pffft you shouldn’t be worried, that ribbon is like a second limb,” said Ace grumbling

“Especially after you got the short end of it,” said Kingdew.

“She whipped me! With a ribbon! As a boy! I swear it was just a weird day,”

“How do you feel, sweetheart?” said Fossa

“I;m a little nerous! I’ve never played in front of an audience before!”

“We won’t embarrass you too much,” said Speed Jill

“…why would I be embarrassed?! You guys are cool!”

“Damn right we are!” said Atmos

“Pffft it isn’t natural for a kid to not be embarrassed by their parents!” said Thatch, “We have to make this painfully embarrassing!”

“We join her class!” said Blenheim, “Always wanted to wear a leotard,”

“Ooh, ooh! And we can dance with her!” said Speed Jill

“And be really bad at it!” said Curiel, “Like super bad!”

“And do the can-can,” said Jozu

“You guys are assholes!” said Ace laughing, “We do it all wearing a sign that we’re ___________’s family!”

“Nooooooo!” _________________ covered her face as the men laughed. After dinner she took a very long bath with Izo and soon Marco tucked her into bed. He noticed that she still looked a little uneasy.

“Are you okay?”

“I’m just a little scared,”

“Aww why?”

“I guess it’s because all you are going to be there and if I mess up…it’s going to be super awkward,”

“…Awkward for who?”

“…all of us?”

“We won’t feel awkward and you shouldn’t feel awkward. Even if you fall flat on your face, we’ll still cheer you on. You’re going to knock them dead,”


“Mhm, if you mess up, then you just mess up. You’re not bringing shame to the family, we’re not going to think you’re a failure, and we’re going to cry with you and laugh with you. Feel better?”

“Yeah! Thanks Marco!”

“How about this. After your performance tomorrow, I’ll give you ride on my back around the islands?”


“Mhm! But that’s only if you promise to get some sleep and think about how well you’re going to do tomorrow,” he tapped her nose. She giggled.

“Okay,” he tucked her in and kissed her cheek. River hopped onto her chest and started to purr, gently lulling her to sleep, “Night Marco, love you,”

“Love you too,”

Chapter 59: Recital Week: Day 6


The Little Girl has her Dance Recital

Chapter Text

Today was finally the big recital. The town was a few miles away from the Marine main barracks. Everyone was up bright and early. Izo made sure she had everything packed. She had her Beautiful Warrior costume ready, her ribbon, a backup ribbon, the costume that Hancock had made for her, and her shoes. Normally they didn’t wear shoes but it went well with the costume. Everyone was set and ready to go. Thatch made a light breakfast for ________________ to get her ready and packed a picnic lunch for everyone for later. River tagged along to be a support cat along with her new chick, Camilla, who peeped whenever there was no one in the house she couldn’t recognize. Kingdew made a little chick carrier just for her.

“…you really wanted a chick for yourself didn’t you?” said Vista

“It’s for the little lady I swear!” Everyone gathered into separate cars and started the journey over, picking up Flora, Sanji, Kid and Killer on the way. Miss Ribbon gave them the okay while she stayed behind to finish the painting. The drive would be about an hour and ________________ needed to get there early so she could practice. Killer squeezed in second seat next to ________________ and Kid went to the back with Ace, Luffy, Sabo, and Sanji.

“Alright, we have Operation: Halt Holly,” said Ace, “We’ve been planning this for awhile now,”

“Originally it was Bash Holly but Sabo said that it sounded like we wanted to kill her!” said Luffy

“That’s sounds like a solution to everyone’s problems, too bad her mother might miss her,”

“What are you guys planning?” said Sanji

“Holly has it in for _____________ so we’re going to make sure nothing happens before she gets on stage,” said Sabo, “We have extra shoes just in case, an extra ribbon, sewing kits, and bandages if need be,”

“All she needs is a swift kick in the cunt,” said Kid

“That’s what I’ve been saying but Sanji doesn’t want any harm to come to her,”

“You don’t hit women, at all!”

“Keep saying that when one is kicking your ass!” said Kid, “If she’s strong enough to punch the shit out of you, she’s strong enough for it to come back,”

“The hell!”

“Listen, we’re not going to let her hurt ________________,” said Sabo ,”We just have to make sure she doesn’t do anything to sabotage her or the other girls,”

“Alright but anything physical it’s cun smashing,” said Kid

“Shishishishi! You really do like ______________ don’t you?!” said Luffy laughing

“Usually you want to rip her throat out,” said Ace.

“Tch, she steps up to me all the time and it makes ME want to tear her a new one. I’ll be DAMNED if I let someone get next to her! The only person allowed to do that is ME and well…us!”

“That’s the weirdest endearing threat I’ve ever heard,” said Ace. As the boy plotted in the back, _______________ was concentrating on the new book Mr. Lore let her borrow. However, her mind wasn’t on the book at all.

“You’re nervous,” said Killer

“How can you tell?”

“You’ve been on the same page for the last ten minutes. So are you?” she sighed and closed the book.

“Very, I know we’re going to nail it but then there’s the Holly factor. She just know she has something up that petty little sleeve of hers. Like I know she has something planned and I just don’t know what,”

“Don’t worry about it. You’ll be find. You’re like a fox, you have multiple ways of escaping things. And you have us. Think of us as your personal private army,” she smiled.


“Mhm, I’m not going to let anything happen to you or the girls,”

“You’re the best Killer,”

“I know and besides, no one can be this much of an asshole and not get away with it,” Whitebeard hate driving something like a large van or car and avoided as much as he could as possible but when he acquired younger children and after a lot of convincing from everyone, he got a what he liked to call ‘A children’s wagon’. He hated it and if he had his rathers, they would have been on a ship everywhere.

“Kids are plotting,” said Flora next to him.

“I know,” he said with a smile on his face, “About that Holly girl?”


“Our plan still on?”

“She’s not going to look like a fool out there because of someone else. If she can do that herself, then that’s on her,”

“Spoken like a true mother,”

When they finally got there, the kids scrambled out. As soon as she was out, _______________ headed towards the building to check in. She went to the backstage area to check and see if she was the first. She saw her class and waved happily. The girls practically ran to each other and hugged each other happily. They of course made small talk and peeked from behind the curtain at their family and friends. Ace peeked behind the curtain to see if _____________ was in her designated spot, snorted when he saw her and her friend happily bouncing and giggling and disappeared, lingering around with Sabo and Luffy and Sanji was in Heaven. There were cute girls in leotards all over the place, some talking amongst themselves and some just stretching to get their bodies nimble and ready. Parents were finding seats with video den den mushi, mingled with other parents, and some just stuck to themselves, not sure what to say to each other. The backstage was littered with girls getting ready for their performances. _________________ troupe was the smallest troupe and had to be big in order to stand out. Everyone was in their performance leotards. The girls wanted to fashion them around their kanzashi so they could wear it during the recital. It worked out better than they thought.

“You’re all here! Good! Okay girls there’s going to be a little bit of a schedule change!” said Miss Fern smiling, “Because we’re the smallest, we need to make up with other things to show our skills. So each of your will be doing your duets and solos in order to make up for it! I didn’t mean to out you all on the spot like this I didn’t want to call you all up and disturb you during your week off,”

“We can handle it!” said Plum

“Yeah! It sounds like fun and no pressure at all!” said Vivi

“…are you being sarcastic?” said Penny

“What? No! I KNOW we can do it!”

“Alright, so here’s what I came up with. Kaya and Plum you two will be doing that dueling clubs things you two do in class together to the song of Dueling Violins,”

“Oooh I like that one! Okay!” said Plum

“And I get to beat Plum, right?” said Kaya

“Pfft you wish!”

“Penny you and _______________ with your hoop antics that you two do in class,”

“Really?!” said Penny

“If it’s okay? You do seem like you have fun with each other before practice,” she beamed.



“Excellent, you two can do that to the Theme of Sloth. Vivi, I would love to see your Alabastor dance,”

“It’s not perfected but I think I can shorten it! And I still have the song on my den den mushi,”

“Wonderful! And finally _________________, your Speed Run to the Theme of Greed,” the girls giggled. Her cheeks went red, “You have no problem doing it everyday before class,”

“You planned this didn’t you, Miss Fern?” said _______________

“Well I figured since you four love goofing off before your lessons and you managed to make something creative with it, you should show it off!”

“You can count on us!”

“What about me?!” said Holly sauntering up looking absolutely flawless. Instead of white and purple leotards with the pink and blue trim and kanzashi that the girls wore, Holly came out in a vibrate pink and green leotard, her hair done up looking like a china doll, and makeup that would put many models to shame. Miss Fern did not look pleased.

“Holly where is the leotard we got for you?”

“It clashed with everything so my mother had this one ordered instead,”

“Always have to be different,” said Vivi

“Humph, you expect me to wear those ugly, cheap cloth flowers? Besides, it’s MY recital just as much as everyone else,” A sweet smile appeared on Miss Fern’s face.

“Well then, it’s alright Holly, you can be the last solo of our performance,”


“Mhm, it’s only fair now go get ready in the back,” Holly sauntered away. Miss Fern smiled at the other girls, “I have specialty leotards made for your new performances. Stretch and relax before it’s time,”

“Yes Teacher!” Miss Fern went away and talked to the other troop teachers. The girls decided to peek through the curtains backstage. They were searching for their families and friends. ______________ saw her in the front in the second row. She didn’t see Ace, Luffy, Sabo, Kid, or Killer which wasn’t a good sign. The theater was huge she guessed to accommodate so many people.

“You invited Mr. Corazon?” said Penny

“Mhm! I don’t see him!”

“There he is!” said Kaya pointing. Corazon came into the auditorium with Law and Lesser. He sat in the section with the Whitebeard family. Law took off the moment Corazon sat down.

“…he looks so different without his makeup!” said Plum

“I know right? Law and I got used to it,”

“I didn’t know he was married! His wife is so pretty!”

“Actually that’s Miss Lesser! She’s like Law’s mom so I guess he asked her to come see us,”

“That’s nice of him!”

“There’s your Dad Vivi!” ________________ looked to where Plum was gesturing. The man had a wrinkled face, a tied-off beard, and long, curly, black hair. He wears a green robe with yellow edging, an orange and beige sash around his waist, and a purple coat. He also wore boots and a necklace. But what even stranger was that he had a large leopard pelt and looked as though he was shivering. Vivi beamed and waved at him. He looked up and gave a smile, wave, and thumbs up. She disappeared back behind the curtain.

“Wow he looks even cooler than before!” said Kaya

“Why is he dressed like he’s freezing?” said ________________

“Because he’s really cold. We both get cold easily because Alabastor is so hot and we’re used to it. By the way, he wants to meet you afterwards!”

“What why?! I’ll be all sweaty later!” said _______________, “And he’s a king! I don’t know what to say to a king!”

“He’s off duty for now! And you’re the only one he hadn’t met yet. And Holly but Holly doesn’t count,” she looked uneasy, “Don’t worry! Daddy is super nice!”

“Say Vivi…where’s your mom?” said Plum, “She couldn’t make it?”

“Umm…my mom died a few years ago,” Plum covered her mouth, “Hey! Don’t worry! You didn’t know! It’s okay!” she said reassuringly, “Daddy is Mom and Dad now so it’s a win-win! I have two parents in one!”

“Who’s the person next to him?” said Penny

“That’s Pell! He’s my bodyguard!”

“He’s never around when we practice,” said Kaya

“Well, before, it was such a quiet and safe place there was no need. After the kidnapping, he and Dad talked and figured that we had secret guards watching over us so he decided to just pick me up more,”

“Makes sense!”

“There’s my mom!” said Plum pointing to a serious looking woman sitting in front of Mr. Capulet and Mrs. Capulet, Penny’s parents. She had violet hair like Plum that was in a braided ponytail. Next to her was another man who looked just as stern but had kind eyes, “Looks like everyone is sitting next to each other,”

“There’s Mr. Buggy, Cabaji, Mohji, and Richie!” said _______________

“The circus troop?” said Penny

“Mhm! I’m so glad! I didn’t get Richie an invitation and I was afraid he wouldn’t be able to go in!”

“Is Mr. Buggy a clown?” said Kaya

“Kinda? That’s his real nose and he doesn’t like people calling him clown,”

“Could your parents come Kaya?”

“Mhm! Daddy took the day off! And I invited Ussop and speak of the devil there he is!” Kaya’s parents had a little boy in tow with them. He was tanned with black hair and a long nose. He looked over at the stage. Kaya waved happily. He returned it with the same enthusiasm.

“So that’s the infamous Ussop?” said Penny

“You mean Kaya’s boyfriend,” said Vivi giggling. Kaya’s face went beat red.

“I-It’s not like that! He’s my best friend!”

“Then why are you blushing?” said ____________ giggling, “He kind of reminds me of Yassop, one of Shanks’ crewmembers,”

“That’s his Dad!” said Kaya

“Oh so you already know his Dad~” said Vivi

“Well, a wife has to know those things about her husband,” said Penny

“Stoooooooooop! It’s not like any of you don’t have crushes!” _____________ looked thoughtful

“I don’t think so,”

“I know I don’t,” said Plum

“…Sanji’s here,” said Kaya

“Sanji came?!” Plum looked around. The other girls chuckled and Plum’s face went red. More people came into the building. First they saw Holly’s mother on her cellphone being obnoxious and next to a brunette man. He was young and robust with dark hair and amber eyes. He wore a gray suit and seemed to be trying to drown out his wife next to him.

“Wow, is that Holly’s Dad?” said Penny

“Yeah, he looks so nice,” said Kaya

“Especially being near someone like her Mom,” behind her Hancock, Marigold and Sandersonia appeared with Shakky and Rayleigh, “Wow who’s that?”

“Don’t know but she’s gorgeous!” said Vivi, “Is she a queen?”

“Oh! That’s Miss Hancock! She’s beautiful isn’t she?!” said ______________, “I think she’s the queen of Amazon Lily or something but she’s the nicest person ever! Her sisters are behind her! Marigold likes to tease me and Sandersonia always tries to make me feel better about it! And that’s Grandpa and Shakky!”

“Your Grandpa from Wano?”

“Nah my other Grandpa! Oji-chan had to go back to Wano,”

“Aww! Wanted to meet him,” said Kaya

“Me too! Oh!” said Plum, “The queen and your grandmother are coming this way!” the girls moved from the curtain. Hancock appeared first with a sweet smile on her face.

“Awww what pretty little girls,”

“Hi Miss Hancock! Hi Shakky!”

“Aww they really are cuties aren’t they?” said Shakky

“It’s nice to meet you!” said the girls in unison.

“Nice to meet you all too,” said Hancock, “We’re here because I’m pretty sure you want to look your bests for your performances so we decided to do your make up,”

“Really?!” Plum

“Thank you!” said Kaya

“Now girls, just know, this makeup is very special. It’s a waterproof, oil resistant make up that’ll make everything stand out so the audience can see your pretty faces,” said Hancock, “Even if you accidentally touch or wash your face, it won’t come without a special remover. Can you handle that?” the nodded. Plum however raised her hand, “Yes?”

“Ummm Penny has really sensitive skin, like super sensitive, would it work?” Shakky looked at Penny and got down on one knee. Penny stood still. Shakky gently examined her face and nodded.

“I think it’ll be okay, skin this sensitive is very delicate and we have to handle it with care,” Penny blushed and looked away. It didn’t take long for the girls to look their bests, they were little girls after all with smooth skin and no need for heavy applications. Almost immediately they wanted to test out the theory of the accident proof makeup but decided against it since they looked dazzling. Killer came in shortly and did their hair for them and lingered backstage before wondering away.

“Alright ladies!” said Miss Fern hurrying in, “Because we’re the smaller troop, the other schools decided to have us go first. Are you all ready?” they looked at her as though she grew two heads. Miss Fern smiled, “Guys don’t worry, you’re going to do great out there. Remember, it’s not a competition, it’s for all of you to have fun and give it your all. Just relax, do you best, and most importantly have fun. Ready?”


“Okay, get into position!” the girls scrambled to get their ribbons and put on their shoes. __________________ had gotten her ribbon and looked out at the crowds of people. She could feel her throat getting dry, her knees shaking, and her hands and palms and hands sweaty. She felt like her stomach was being punched over and over. She gently stepped back. Her heart was pounding out of her little chest.

“Oy what’s with you?” she jumped. Ace was behind her looking bored.


“You’re shaking. Don’t tell me you’re scared!”

“…yeah,” he clicked his teeth

“Why? You’re like the best or whatever,”

“But everyone is looking at me! W-What id I mess up?!”

“You’re not going to mess up. If anything you’re going to wow everyone because you’re that lucky,” she still didn’t look too sure. He looked around and before hugging her tightly. She froze and blushed slightly. She felt…warm and comforted, “Listen, you’re going to do great, okay? You’re going to do so great that everyone is going to cheer you for the next few days. And after this is all done, we’re all going to have a picnic lunch under that large tree outside. You’re going to be fine, alright?” he let’s her go and puts one of her hair combs into her hair, “You forgot this. You know it’s your good luck charm,”

“…thank you Ace!” she said with tears coming into her eye. He took his shirt and blot her face.

“Don’t cry you’ll mess up Hancock’s hard work. Don’t be scared, just focus on dancing, no one else. You’ll be fine. Just go out there, kick ass, and show them exactly want a mutt can do!” she grinned and ran off to get into position. The girls were all nervous but they knew they could do it, just had just to focus on each other. When the curtain raised, they all felt like deer in headlights knowing that everyone was looking at them. Their hearts were beating out of their chests and they remained still until they heard the music. This was the Fire Dance. They ribbons they used for this were extra wide and like silk. The way they danced, it looked like flames dancing around the stage. The girls dance, leapt, and flipped across the stage in fiery fury. The audience was in silent awe before they all stopped in a pose ending their dance. The crowd cheered loudly. They all took they bow and hurried off stage for the next group to perform.

“That was scary!” said Penny

“I know!” said Vivi, “Who knew this would be so nerve wracking!”

“Good job ladies!” said Miss Fern clapping, “Alright, Kaya, Plum you’re up next! Get ready!”

“Yes Teacher!”

“_______________, you and Penny also discuss how you’re going to do your performance,”

“Yes Ma’am!”

“Any sign of anything?” said Sabo keeping an eye backstage.

“That Holly bitch went off somewhere,” said Kid

“Find her and keep an eye on her,” said Ace. The boys all took positions in various places backstage. Killer was in the backstage area on the left, Ace was on the right on the other side, Sanji was no good as long as the girls were in their leotards but kept observation on who entered and who left the area from the stage. Luffy had overhead lookout with Sabo. Nothing was going to get pass them today. They soon locked eyes on her and observed her. Nothing she did rose any suspicions. She did everything alone from stretching to practicing away from the other girls. They were starting to get second thoughts. Maybe they didn’t have anything to worry about, especially since she didn’t seem to want to have anything to do with ______________ or the other girls, even after the had a performance together. Then Holly ducked into the back changing area where the girls had their costume changes. They all immediately locked eyes on her. She wasn’t going to get away with her pathetic ninja attempt. Meanwhile, ______________ discussed and settled on their routine. Before practice and sometimes after, Penny would practice extra with the cyr wheel, a large light metal loop. She would spin in it and twirl but her favorite thing was ______________ spinning her around, lifting her up, and both of them balancing. Penny felt like a little feather in ______________’s hands. They listened to the Theme of Sloth and knew exactly how they wanted to do it. Miss Fern made two new leotards for them to wear. Penny’s was a blue dress like one with multiple layers of colors underneath and _____________’s was black with monochrome layers.

“Are you scare too?” said Penny

“Very,” said ________________.

“Why are you scared? You’re not afraid of anything!”

“I just don’t want to drop you!”

“…you’ve never dropped me before! Don’t worry! Just do what’s natural!”

“Thanks Pen!” they got into position. The audience applauded and Penny started her routine. She took the cyr wheel and started to spin it before going inside. She danced inside as _______________ took her spun her around, both weaving in and out of the wheel before Penny twirled on her own. _________________ then took the wheel in both hands and lifted Penny overhead. The audience gasped and cheered at the sight. She spun Penny overhead one handedly before putting her back down and repeating it over and over again until Penny was finally back on the ground. Then Penny stayed still in the wheel and used her foot to keep it steady. ___________ climbed to the top and balanced on one foot before she started to pivot her foot over and over making Penny spin under her. The audience was in an uproar before _____________ flipped off. Penny spun and before hopping out of her circle and walking it back to ______________ ending the performance. The crowd cheered as they both blushed and took their bow. They decided to go separate ways so Penny could do a small solo for her parents. Suddenly there was a snap. ________________ was shoved out of the way and then she heard a blood curdling scream. A sandbag from above fell onto Penny’s leg. She was crying and screaming. ______________ regained her senses and shoved the bag off Penny’s leg. The poor thing crying and sobbing. The performance was immediately stopped as ________________ got her backstage. Everyone called for a doctor. Mr. and Mrs. Capulet both ran backstage to tend to their child. _______________ was trying to comfort her. She was whimpering and crying and sobbing trying not to move. Soon Marco appeared at the door followed by her parents. He got down on one knee and gently took Penny’s leg into his hands and tried to move it. She yelped and tried to jerk it away which caused more pain. It was red and starting to swell now.

“It’s broken alright, yoi. Okay, Penny, I need you to just hold still for a few moments okay?” she nodded.

“How does that feel, yoi?” Penny flexed her leg and nodded

“It feels better! Thank you!” he ruffled her hair.

“No problem,”

“Sweetheart are you sure you’re okay?” said Mrs. Capulet looking concerned then she looked at Marco, “Not that I’m questioning your expertise!”

“I’m fine Mot—Mom,” Penny stamped his leg and jumped, “See?”

“Oh thank heavens! How much do we owe you, sir?”

“Nothing, as long as she’s okay, that’s payment enough,”

“Penny do you want to keep going? You have one more performance but you have to if you don’t to,” said Miss Fern

“Would it be okay, Mr. Marco?” Marco looked thoughtful for a few moments.

“Just come right back here and I’ll give you a touch up but you should stay off it for the remainder,”

“Okay!” the audience cheered when Penny came back to the floor. She had her large wheel and a new costume. She waited until the Theme of Sloth came back on did a mini dance for her parents. ______________ was entranced. Penny always looked like a graceful flower whenever she did anything. When she was done, she took her bow and smiled. She limped back to the backstage and stumbled. Marco quickly caught her and got her back to a comfortable chair and gave her leg and touch up. As the girls got ready, they made sure Penny was okay.

“You can see everything okay?” said Kaya

“Need something to drink? You worked really hard!” said Vivi

“I’m SO sorry!” said Plum looking on the verge of tears, “I-I didn’t see it coming! I-I didn’t have time to—,”

“Plum…I got in the way. I pushed _____________ out of the way, you couldn’t have stopped it, since it wasn’t meant for me,”

“Penny you didn’t have to!” said _________________

“It would have crushed you!”

“But it crushed your leg!”

“I know but I’m glad Marco was here to help me! Please don’t worry about me! I did my performance now you can do yours!”

“Pen I owe you one!”

“I’m going to tear her a new one!” Ace, Luffy, and Sabo saw a familiar figure running from the scene after that sandbag almost hit _____________. The figure ducked and hid and ran through the rafters trying not to be seen. Ace and Sabo were hot on his tail and his managed to get down right onto Luffy to grabbed him and slowed him down, but he managed to wiggle away.

“Kid she’s heading your way!” Kid was ready and a steel beam came down and smack the figure in the chest. They doubled over and was soon surrounded by the boys. Ace grabbed them and slammed the figure into the wall and tore off his hood. It wasn’t Holly but a boy with blond hair and scared looking eyes.

“So it was you dumbass!”

“P-Please don’t hurt me!” said the boy, “Please!”

“Or I’m not going to hurt you, I’m going to fuckin’ murder you!” said Ace, “You dropped the sandbag on my little sister but it hurt her friend instead!”

“Wait it got someone else?!” said Kid, “The white haired chick?”

“Yeah!” A fist connected with the boy’s face. Ace slammed him against the wall harder.

“You better tell us why you did it,” said Sabo, “If not, well, none of us will be responsible for what happens next,”

“S-She told me too!”

“Who’s she?” said Sabo

“T-This blond haired girl in a pink and purple leotard! S-She said it I got the sandbag to drop on the (h/c) girl she would give me a kiss!”

“Are you that stupid?!”

“And do you know how germy girl’s mouths are?!” said Kid

“And she wasn’t going to keep her promise!” said Ace, “Sabo, you and Luffy go check on things while Kid and I clean up,”

“On it,” but this was exactly what the little saboteur wanted. Now that everyone was occupied with something or someone, it would be a lot easier to weave in and out of the backstage to do her dirt. Penny’s accident was just a happy casualty. She smirked to herself before finishing her little project and headed off to give herself an alibi.

The Speed Run was something ______________ did everyday in class. The girls loved watching her do it and get tangled in the end but the build up was worth it. Because their practice area was so big, they had a lot of equipment around, including large rubber balls, an unicycle, and a balance pole. Just to mess around, ________________ loved just doing weird tricks on it with her ribbon. Like everyone else, Miss Fern knew this was second nature for her. Everything was set up just like in the gym but more spaced out. She grinned and stretched. This was going to fun. From the way it was set up, there were three balls for her balance and roll on, then the balance pole, then the unicycle, and then a place she can do a few tricks, but Miss Fern said to just do a few flips and stick her handing. This time, they used the Theme of Greed song because of the steady but fast tempo. She took a few breaths and went for it. She ran at the first ball and flipped onto it and bounced slight on it and started rolling it with her feet to the beat of the music. The audience clapped at her antics as she got close to the next ball. She went to bounce off from it but soon realized there wasn’t enough air in it. She could get a good bounce. She panicked a little bit as she flexed her knees. In the meantime she was traveling around the ball. She just decided to go for it and took a leap.


Something bumped her high, very high but she landed on the next ball and felt that it was also losing some air, she quickly rolled it towards the final one and hoped that she could propel herself to the next one. She jumped.


She felt herself being forced upwards again and landed safely again onto the final ball. The crowd went wild but she still looked uneasy. This ball was also near deflation but she didn’t have to worry about that now. She had to worry about the unicycle.


As she got close and ready to jump, the same thing happened before and she twisted her body and landed right on the cycle. The girls cheered as she twirled her ribbon and spin fast on the unicycle. After she was done she rapid pedaled to the pole. Her unicycle suddenly stopped, sending her flying into the pole. Penny and Kaya covered their eyes expecting a crunch, however managed to grab the pole, flipped over the pole and lifted herself with her hands just as the unicycle crashed. The crowd gasped and then applauded. She was panting and tried to regain her composure. That was the third close call. She then let her feet gently fall to the pole and started to front flip across. The crowd applauded and she decided to backflip off. She kicked off from the front flip and landed and promptly slipped. She yelped felt herself falling but used her hand as a ground and did a handstand before flipping herself back. She decided to end it with a combination of twirls and flips. She started to flip she realized almost too late that there were tacks all over the mat. She had to change her footing and land specifically in order not to get pricked. Then something caught her eyes. Law and Killer were backstage and making a twirling gesture. She nodded and started to spin, fast on one foot. The tacks around her started lifting off the ground and up into the air. Soon they were all gone, the audience cheered at the rapid foot spin before she did her final flipped and did a split to end it. She was dizzy and panting as the crowd went wild. She stood up, took her final bow and shakily ran to the backstage where she promptly collapsed and shook. That was tense, that was terrifying, and she couldn’t believe she pulled it off. She moved to the side as the Amazon troop went to do their next set. She felt herself panting with her heart feeling like it was going to burst out of her chest. She felt a soft vibration around her legs. She pet River’s soft fur to try and relax but she just couldn’t stop shaking. A bottle of water appeared in front of her.

“You okay?”

“I feel sick,” she said shakily and gulped down the water. Killer rubbed her back, “T-That was really scary,”

“Shhhh it’s okay, you made it out okay,” tears started to run down her face. She was heaving hard. Ace almost immediately ran to her.

“Keep her company, I’ll get some tea,” Before Ace could say something, Luffy’s wrapped completely around his sister and hugged her tightly.

“That was so cool and scary! Are you okay?!”

“Of course she’s okay!” said Ace, “She knows how to think on her feet!”

“Yeah but that overkill! I thought for sure she was going to hit that pole!” said Sabo

“See! She almost got hurt,” she blushed slightly

“Luffy, I’m okay, I’m just…shook up!”

“Then I’m going to keep you unshook!” Luffy squeezed tighter, “Don’t be scared! You have one more to do and I wanna see it!”

“Yeah you’re almost done!” said Sabo, “You got this!” Killer came back with a cup of hot green tea. She almost immediately downed it. The boys winced as she finished and sighed.

“Well, damn,” said Killer

“…did you burn your throat?!” said Luffy.

“Nah uh…I didn’t even feel it,”

“Feel better now?” she nodded and hugged him tightly, “Thanks guys,”

“Don’t worry! You’re almost done! And afterwards we can have sandwiches!”

“And cake! You know we brought you cake!” said Sabo

“And remember, we’re here if you need us!” said Ace. She hugged them all and thanked them. They exited the stage as the troop finished and went backstage. Then Kaya and Plum went on stage to do their duel with the other troop as an encore to the first duel and after that it was Vivi and her Alabastor dance.

“Okay ________________,” said Miss Fern, “I need you to get ready. You’re going on right after Vivi is done,”

“Okay!” she headed to their little changing area where they all kept their costumes and things. She found her bag where she kept her Beautiful Warrior costume and pulled it out. What she saw was ribbons and torn cloth, “My costume!” ______________ shrieked. Someone had ripped her dress costume for her Beautiful Warrior to pieces. It looked as though it was a combination of scissors, seem pulling, and something like an wild animal tearing it up. The seat of the leotard was cut out, the behind was ripped off, the bow for it was in pieces. She walked out onto backstage with the tattered dress, “Miss Fern! Someone demolished my costume!” the girls turned and saw what she was holding.

“Oh no!” said Kaya, “I would say we can fix it but I don’t think it’s possible!”

“Someone did this on purpose!” said Vivi , “It’s ripped to shreds!”

“Who would?! We’ve all been back here…until a few moments ago,”

“Could have been Penny,” said Holly strolling up.

“Penny’s been watching Kaya, Vivi, and me the whole time on the other side,” Plum snapped.

“…______________ I hate to say this but I don’t think it can be fixed in time,” said Miss Fern.

“Awww too bad,” said Holly smirking, “You should have stored it properly. Then again mutts don’t value anything. And it looks like the only costume that could fit her is a size too small. I guess you should lay off the cake huh, fatty?”

“Fuc—,” Kaya grabbed Vivi’s mouth. Miss Fern looked at the costume before looking at Holly and then back to _____________, who looked disappointed. Miss Fern stood up.

“We have no choice. I guess we’re going to have to cancel the performance,” Holly did NOT like this answer.

“Wait what?! Why?! I CAN DO IT!”

“You said it yourself Holly. The Beautiful Warrior costume is ruined and we can’t get it repaired before then. Although you could be a good understudy, ______________ can’t fit into your Foolish Maiden dress. So there’s no one to perform it. I’ll just tell the other troop we were going to perform with what’s going on and just end the performance early,” Holly looked dumbfounded. Miss Fern went towards the stage to tell everyone the news. _______________ ran towards her and tugged her dress and whispers something into her ear. The girls watched as the pair disappeared outside. Vivi, Plum, and Kaya leered at Holly.

“We know you did it,” said Plum, “You’re the only one who would do something that vicious,”

“No proof so you can’t pin anything on me!”

“You even dropped that sandbag on stage hoping it would hit ________________!” said Vivi. Holly placed her hand on her chest.

“How DARE you accuse me of something like that!”

“Because you would, you snake!” said Kaya

“Tch I may be a snake but at least I not into weird looking Pinocchio boys. His mother should have drowned him if he came out that ugly,”

“Take that back!”

“Make me, then again, what can you three losers do?”

“I’m going to knock you so hard on your ass that you’re going to

“Such violence! That’s not becoming of a princess. I can’t believe you’re even one Vivi,”

“Keep talking and I’ll show you what other un-princesslike things I can do. I’m pretty sure you’re not going to want to perform with a black eye and Kaya won’t stop me this time!”

“You wouldn’t,”

“Try me, bitch,”

“You know Vivi, maybe that’s why your mother died. When she saw that she made a failure of a princess, she decided to just off herself to save herself from the shame,”


“Awww dwid I strwike a nwerve?” Kaya let her go and Vivi ran at the girl and popped off an eye punch before she was broken up by Miss Fern, came back with a smile. Vivi told her everything. Miss Fern looked at Holly with both disgust and anger.

“Apologize now or I will make sure you’re out of this school,”

“I didn’t mean it! But sorry I guess,” Miss Fern pets Vivi’s back.

“Vivi dear, go cool off for a bit with Kaya,” Vivi nodded.

“Is everything okay with the performance?”

“Mhm! Crisis adverted! Kaya, you got the narration?”


“Okay! The stage is set. So Vivi, Kaya follow me and tell me exactly what happened and Holly get into position and I will be letting your father know about this atrocious behavior!"

After the previous troop was done, the stage went black for the preparations for the Foolish Maiden. The curtain rose and Kaya was in the foreground as the stage changed to a bright village little scene. Holly grinned and pranced out from the backstage. She had on a lovely black and purple leotard. She danced elegantly. Kaya rolled her eyes and started the tale.

“Once upon a time, there was a Foolish Maiden who lived in a small town in the mountains. She was the strongest of her town and would challenge everyone just to prove her strength and skill,” girls from the other troops who practiced for this, went up to Holly, just for her to dance circles around them and sticking her foot out to trip them for good measure, “Although she was a skilled warrior, she was arrogant and cruel and vile. One day however, she decided to leave her town to seek her fortune. She wanted to prove not only her skill but her worth. So she decided to set off in search for a worthy opponent,”

Holly walked off stage just as the stagehands changed the scene. _______________ got into position. Her family cheered prompting everyone else to, especially since she’s has become a fan favorite. She grinned and but kept her eyes as though she was looking at the sky. In reality, she was looking up at Ace, Sabo, and Luffy who were giving her a thumbs up.

“On her way, the Foolish Maiden came upon a bridge where the Beautiful Warrior was looking up at the moon and enjoying the serenity,” Clarisse tried to get the crowd to cheer her daughter. It didn’t go as planned and she got many hushes and quiets. Holly however was fuming! _______________ was in the leotard that Hancock had gotten made for her, her makeup was touched up, and her hair was fashioned into a large messy Dutch braid that looked like a crown on her head.

“‘I command you to move out of my way!’ said the Foolish Maiden. The Beautiful Warrior looked a little confused and moved aside so that the Foolish Maiden could pass. However, this wasn’t enough for the Foolish Maiden and she commanded the Beautiful Warrior to move once again. The Beautiful Warrior once again looked puzzled and got on the edge of the bridge,” ________________ flipped onto the balance bar that was supposed to be the edge and looked at the moon again. Holly glared and took out the club from and swung at her. ________________ hopped off the bar to avoid her, but Holly went for her again and again only to be met with the same treatment, “The Foolish Maiden wasn’t satisfied with such treatment and openly challenged the Beautiful Warrior who simply dodged her attacks, not looking for a fight,” the audience laughed watching Holly trying to “hit” _______________ only for her jump away, do a handstand backflip handstand and even jumped over Holly. She was not amused. Feeling humiliated by this. She was not going to stand for this! She had ____________ “cornered”. She took out the pair of scissors that she used to cut her dress leotard in the first place. They were long sharp shears. __________________ froze. This was not apart of the script. The girls gasped backstage. Holly smirked and ran at her. _________________ in the last moment hopped to the balance bar and jumped over Holly. Holly came at her again and tried to stab her again, rapidly thrusting the scissors at her. She back flipped and kicked the scissors out of her hands. The went flying and were pulled away towards the backstage where they feel with a loud clank. Holly looked shocked. ______________ glared at her and took out her ribbon, “However because she was cornered, the Beautiful Warrior decided enough was enough taught this little upstart a lesson,” ________________ showed no mercy and used her ribbon to whip at Holly’s face, who shrieked, and tried to shield her face. Then she was caught by the leg and lifted up and thrown to and fro all over the mat. ______________ got on the balance bar and proceeded to whip and spank Holly with her ribbon. The audience were laughing as Holly screamed and cried. She hopped down and waited for Holly to get up. Holly went after her one last time before, ________________ took a rope ribbon and with one hit bounded Holly and who was screaming and crying, making a good act for the Foolish Maiden’s plight.

“The Beautiful Warrior bade her farewell and continued on her journey,” The lights went dark and the next scene got ready. The girls helped Holly out of her rope and got into position. Miss Fern instructed ______________ to walk towards the stage and just do what was natural. She nodded and got into position. Holly waited and Miss Fern gestured her to walk. The spot light was on her as she walked. Kaya started her narration again.

“The Foolish Maiden decided to follow the Beautiful Warrior into the dark woods. She didn’t want to humiliated by some nobody, someone who dared bested her in battle,” Holly walked and saw ______________ standing with her back turned. She wondered if she could hit her from behind without anyone seeing. She smirked. She could make it look like it was just apart of the show. She reared her ribbon back to hit her in the back of her head, just as a club smacked her in the face. The lights turned on and _________________ jumped out of the way as three girls attacked her with clubs, ribbons, and two iron chui. She recognized one as Kodachi, the other as Vivi, but the last girl she didn’t. She had waist-length dark purple hair with a fringe and two strands hanging in front that are secured with ties and two buns on the top. She wore a light colored long-sleeved blouse and pants with the addition of a dark breastplate and a pair of metal arm-guards. The bandits and her fought while Holly watched on. She first subdued Kodachi, the Vivi, but the last girl was tougher and both knew that she was supposed to win but she was going to let up. The last girl was fast but she was faster as she used her ribbon trick again and managed to tie her down and tied all three together. She gathered herself, looked at Holly and apologized for what she saw and continued towards the backstage.

“The Foolish Maiden was shocked at what she witnessed and was both scared and now determined to fight the Beautiful Warrior again. The Leader of the Bandit stopped her,” The purple haired girl lip synced talking to Holly, “She told her that that was the Beautiful Woman, a solitary warrior who became a legend after killing a thousand me over her lifetime. She now travels and just wants to be left in peace and that she and they were lucky to escape with their lives. The Foolish Maiden dropped to her knees at the sight,” Holly refused to until there was a tremor and she fell over, “That she encountered a great warrior and lived to tell the tale. From that day on, the Foolish Maiden went back to her town and swore to hone her skills instead of boasting about them and vowed if she ever saw the Beautiful Warrior again, she would plead to be her disciple. The End,” the stage went dark again. Everyone cleared the stage. The bandits went out first to receive their bow. The audience applauded and cheered. The cheers were loud and fierce from the Amazon area. Holly was next and received many. She waited for more but none came. Miss Fern nudged _________________ towards the middle of the stage. Vivi and Kodachi ran and pulled her onto the stage. The crowd went wild, feet stomping, and wooing. She covered her face blushing furiously. Kaya joined the stage and received as many as her because of her narration skills. The girls all joined hands and took their bows.

“That was amazing!” said Plum

“Are you okay?!” said Kaya, “I-I froze when I saw the scissors!”

“I did to! I told Miss Fern but by that time you were already fighting her!” said Penny, “Are you okay?!”

“I’m fine…just a little shook up but I knew I just had to get them out of her hands,”

“That took a lot skill,” they turned. The purple haired girl looked at her with Kodachi, “At our home, she would have face cut,”

“Seriously,” said Kodachi, “Forgive my friend, she’s from the Cologne Tribe and her language skills aren’t the best,”

“It’s okay! You did great out there! You really made me work for it!” the girl smirked.

“Rematch someday, not now,”

“Same here you little upstart,” said Kodachi

“Look forward to it!” the pair headed off again. Then Kodachi stopped, “If you see River again, tell him he’s going to be my prize,” _______________ reddened.

“I’ll let him know,” the girls disappeared and she was sat down onto a chair. She then felt something fuzzy hop into her lap, “River!”


“And me,” said Law appearing with a pitcher of lemonade for them to rehydrate a little better.

“Thanks Law!” said Kaya

“Seriously! You rule!” said Plum

“This is good!” said Penny

“Sanji and Lesser made it. Luffy found a tree, Ace stole some sugar and Sabo got some ice. You guys look exhausted,”

“Exhausted is an understatement,” said ________________, “I didn’t think I could ever do that without a break,”

“HOW IN THE HELL DID YOU GET AWAY WITH THAT?!” Holly screamed out and ran at _______________, “AND HOW DARE YOU MAKE A FOOL OF ME!”

“What are you talking about?” River growled and stalked towards Holly but was caught by Law.


“…what traps?!”

“I thought for sure that sandbag would have hit you if that stupid bitch didn’t shove you in time! Well at least I don’t owe the Help a kiss,”

“WHAT THE FUCK?!” said Vivi, “You could’ve killed Penny!”

“A casualty! But then you lucked your way through everything else!”

“I KNEW you had something to do with it!” said _______________, “I could have seriously hurt myself in that dead trap!”

“That’s the point,” sneered Holly, “You think you’re somebody just because you’re in a ribbon dance class with girls of high caliber? At the end of the day you’re just some mutt that no one ever wanted,”

“Who can dance circles around you,” said ______________ and stood up and advanced on Holly and grabbed the metal cyr wheel, “Who can twist you into a knot if I wanted to!” she bent the wheel in half. Holly’s eyes widened and she backed away, “Who could probably bash your face in with a metal rod,” she grabbed Holly’s shears and broke them, and I’m pretty sure I can make it all look like a freak accident,” Holly was backed into a corner. ________________ slammed his hand against the wall next to her. Holly froze and started to shake. _______________ then smiled sweetly, “But I’m not going to do anything like that because I’m a lady and I refuse to sink to the level of someone like you, a vicious, horrible, vindictive little shrew,” ________________ moved aside. Holly sank to her knees. _______________ went back to her friends, bending everything back to their original positions.

“Whoa…that was…amazing!” said Plum

“It looks like Holly is about to wet herself,” said Penny

“She probably did,” said Kaya giggling. Holly shakily got up and went to get position. Miss Fern turned and saw her and nodded in acknowledgement and went on stage to announce the final act.

“Now for our final performance, Miss Holly Horke in her solo act,” Miss Fern said and got off stage. Holly prance onto the stage. By this time, the audience were expecting a lot after seeing each girl perform at near professional levels. The Theme of Lust started to play. Holly grinned and started to dance, however, then started happening. First, her ribbon was pulled out of her hands. Every time she had a grip on it, it was pulled until she dropped it. Then she started falling. First stumbling but then falling. Every time she tried to get her ribbon, she would stumble and fall, as though she couldn’t control her feet on the ground anymore. Then then giggling started. The girls from the other troops were laughing and giggling at her antics. Holly’s cheeks went red as she tried again. Then to make things worse, every time she moved, it sounded like she was farting. She thought no one noticed the sound that she was capable of such an crude and disgusting act.

“Awww bless her little heart,” said one woman, “It’s cute that they saved her towards the end so she can have a change to shine,”

“Compared to the other girls in her class, she must be the beginner,” said a man, “She’s wearing a different leotard than the others. It must be a training leotard,”

“Poor thing, do you think she realized there’s a hole in it?”

“She must have blew into it through the farting,” the laughing got louder. Holly tried to continue her routine but each time, she was couldn’t stick her footing, she was stumbling, her ribbon was constantly being jerked out of her hand. And now she could FEEL that there was indeed a hole in her leotard and it was getting bigger! The light above became hotter and she realized that the spotlight was on her. This was causing her to sweat and her makeup started to melt off her face. She couldn’t see and her stumbling now became trips. She screamed in anger and tried her routine again. Suddenly water started pouring all over her. She tried to dance again but she stumbled again. Then someone shouted.

“SHE’S MELTING! SHE’S MELTING!” there was laughter and giggling and chuckling. It was true, the makeup started pour off her face in clumps. Her mascara and eyeshadow made her look as though she was crying black tears. The lipstick smeared to make her look like a clown and her pancake makeup was dripping onto the stage. Clarisse did not look amused at all at her daughter’s failures. The girls watched on trying their bests to not laugh.

“Should we help her?” said Penny

“How’s your leg?” said Plum

“Still doesn’t feel better,”

“Then she can suffer,” then out of frustration, She started to do flips and things to make up for all of this. She had to show everyone that SHE was the best, SHE was the star, and SHE was the beautiful elegant little—Holly started to stumble and just fall all over the stage like a flopping fish then she skid to and fro about. The audience was now laughing at this point at her little childish pouts and antics before she couldn’t take anymore and stormed off stage. Miss Fern appeared.

“Please everyone give her a round of applause for her Comedy of Errors act!” she gave everyone a wink gesturing that Holly’s act wasn’t an “act”, “Okay everyone, please don’t rush out, take your times and exit out safely and completely. Thank you so much for coming and please have safe travels back home!” Holly had ran past the girls and made a beeline to her mother. The girls all laughed. Miss Fern came back and applauded

“Girls you did such a good job out there! I’m so proud of you!”

“Thanks Miss Fern!”

“Listen, I know Holly did a lot to sabotage you all but the way you all took it in stride and grace and beauty I’m absolutely proud of you,”

“Hey you taught us well,” said Vivi

“Yeah! We wouldn’t be anywhere near as good if it wasn’t for you,” said __________________

“Awww girls!”

“YOU!” the girls turned and immediately ducked back behind stage and peeked out. Miss Fern looked bored as Clarisse popped out of nowhere with Holly in tow, still looking like a mess, “How DARE YOU HUMILIATE MY DAUGHTER!” everyone in the theater turned to watch the exchange.

“I didn’t humiliate anyone. If anything Holly brought it on her—,”


“What seems to be the trouble?” everyone turned to see Corazon towering over Clarisse and Holly.

“Good! Officer arrest her for harassing MY precious daughter! My daughter is the best on this poor excuse of a troop! I will NOT be embarrassed like this!”

“Miss Horke, your daughter is an embarrassment to herself. You and her purposefully wanted her to stand out so I gave her and you the opportunity to do so. It’s not my fault that Holly wasn’t prepared for her solo routine,”

“How DARE you! See?! Arrest her!”

“I’m sorry but she didn’t commit a crime. In fact from what I saw, your daughter has more charges under her belt for her behavior today more than enough for an arrest and you for harassment,” Clarisse sneered.

“I DEMAND to see YOUR Commanding Officer! You have NO right to threaten me like this!”

“Actually I do,” he showed her his badge, “Commodore Donquixote Rosinante and from what I saw, your daughter threatened another student with a pair of scissors, harassing other students, and I’m pretty sure those shears were what managed to cut that rope that injured that other student. Though there’s no proof, I’m pretty sure with enough digging I can find something,” Clarisse backed down. Holly however, didn’t.

“I didn’t DO anything! It’s not my fault any of this had happened! I’m innocent!”

“See? You can’t pin her for ANYTHING! Be lucky we’re even funding this pathetic school!” Clarisse grabbed Holly’s hand and turned abruptly into Lesser who was coming up with Law. Lesser stumbled.

“Hey watch it!” said Law

“Don’t tell me what to do little bastard!” Clarisse sneered. Lesser rounded on her.

“What did you call him?” Lesser said. Her voice was steady, “I want to make sure I heard what you say before I rip you a new one,”

“You heard me! And what the fuck can YOU do? You’re just a maid! Keep that kid of yours on a lea—,”

“EEK! Mommy! Her teeth!” Lesser looked at the girl, “She’s a monster! Look at those ugly teeth! They’re making me feel sick!” this caused Clarisse to gain the upper hand on Lesser who looked a little confused at this trophy wife looking woman in front of her. This actually caught her off guard. However, the girls watch as Law hurried stomp into the back stage. They moved aside. He was on a mission. He said nothing but scooped up River and unfastened his collar and went towards the rafters where the sound equipment was.

“How dare you come out in public looking like this! What are you a fishman? You’re not supposed to be around normal humans anyway! It’s bad enough there’s a mutt in here and now fishmen?! Going around scaring children with those ugly teeth! You know there’s cosmetic surgery for that…and not just for the teeth,” she looked Lesser up and down, “Then again with a maid’s salary looks like this is the best you can do,” if looks could kill, Clarisse would have been dead ten times over. Corazon was sweating bullets. He didn’t know what Lesser was going to do. She took a deep breath.

“Commodore, I’m here if you need assistance, if not, I’ll be outside,” she turned and instinctively covered her mouth. She turned to leave when there was a screech in the loud speaker. It got everyone still in the venue’s attention. Then there was a sound that came from it.


“…what traps?!”

“I thought for sure that sandbag would have hit you if that stupid bitch didn’t shove you in time! Well at least I don’t owe the Help a kiss,”

“WHAT THE FUCK?! You could’ve killed Penny!” said Vivi

“A casualty! But then you lucked your way through everything else!”

“I KNEW you had something to do with it!” said _______________, “I could have seriously hurt myself in that dead trap!”

“That’s the point,”

The backstage went quiet. Corazon looked pissed, so did everyone else. Shanks had Marco, Rayleigh stood near Hancock, and Pops had Sister on his lap. Clarisse’s face went white as a sheet.

“O-O-Commodore! Please! M-My daughter is very…passionate about her dancing a-and—,”

“Save it! It’s obvious that your little angel isn’t what she say she is and I’m pretty sure she gets her shitty behavior from you! As much as I want to haul both of you and for all of this I can’t do anything unless parents are willing to press charges and trust me, they have a case,” Holly’s father stepped forward and asked if he could take over from there. Pops and Sister came over along with the Capulets, Plum’s parents, and Vivi’s father. Holly was going to run but her father snatched her towards him as the parents talked in a hushed huddle. The girls couldn’t hear what the parents were saying. Holly looked as though she was about to cry, then she started to cry. Clarisse looked nervous but Mr. Horke talked calmly to the parents and Corazon. Soon they all reached an agreement and shook hands. Clarisse ran out of the building in tears and Holly tearfully followed her father backstage to the girls who were all watching from the back. The girls pretended that they didn’t see a thing. Holly was dragged by the arm by her father into the backstage area. He still had a calm smile on his face, even though the grip on his daughter showed otherwise. Holly looked at them with defeat and utter humiliation.

“Hello I’m very sorry we have to meet like this but my daughter would like to say something,” Holly’s face was red. ________________ stood in the forefront and the girls were behind her. Vivi was next to her just in case.

“I-I’m sorry for almost seriously hurting you. My actions were inexcusable and vile. I wanted to invite you all to a dessert social, with the money my father has been saving for a new wardro-wardrobe! B-Because of my actions, I-I won’t be att-attending and-and it’s not-not nearly as much of a punishment I de-deserve!” the girls looked shocked. ________________smiled her sweet smile.

“It’s alright Holly, I’m sure you learned something from this and I sincerely hope we can move past this someday,” Holly’s humiliation was sealed. Mr. Horke nodded as Holly’s moved back.

“I am sincerely sorry for my wife and daughter. My daughter is a child and has no filters but my wife should know better. I’ve been wanting to meet you all for quite sometime, the way my daughter described you all were good friends and unfortunately what I saw today told me otherwise. However, as my daughter said, I’m not going to punish you for her actions so as a reward for your hand work let me please give you all a dessert social when you get back to school, my treat of course and please let me know any allergies so I can make sure each of you have fun,”

“Thank you Mr. Horke!” the girls said in unison. He chuckled.

“Ladies, thank you for your gratitude but my last name isn’t Horke. I’m Mr. Matthew Crewe,”

“Thank you Mr. Crewe!”

“And sadly, thanks to my daughter’s deplorable behavior, she will not be joining you but that doesn’t mean you all can’t have a good time. It was nice meeting you all and have a great rest of your day,” he smiled and turned to a red faced and sobbing Holly, “Come along Holly,”

“B-But! That’s not fair!”

“What's not fair is having to pay for that dress you ruined, Penny’s medical bills, and those scissors you broke. You should be grateful that Mr. Newgate isn’t pressing charges for attempted murder but _______________ will be having a lovely time buying herself some new clothes since you’ve been putting her through a literal hell. And you’re grounded for a month,”

“I didn’t do it! That mu—__________________ broke the scissors!”

“I seriously doubt a little girl has the strength to break those scissors in half like that. You’re grounded another week for lying,”

“NO FAIR!” the girls watched dumbfounded.

“Wow…Mr. Crewe is actually a really nice man,” said Kaya

“Hard to believe right?” said Plum

“Very,” said Penny

“Caaaaaaaaaaaake,” said ________________

“He has a fan now,” said Vivi giggling. After the girls got changed back into their regular clothes, Hancock came back stage with the makeup remover. As promised the makeup came right off leaving their faces looking refreshed and cleaned. The moment they left backstage, they were greeted to applauds and cheering from their friends and family. They ran to their perspective families. _______________ was lifted into the air and snuggled and praised.

“You were amazing kiddo!” said Jozu

“Told you you’d nail it!” said Rakugo

“You have graduated from guppy to goldfish!” said Namur, “And not those cute one but those weird ones that have to grow into something fancy,”

“Hey no fair!”

“Sorry goldfish I don’t make the rules,”

“Do you feel better now that it’s over?” said Thatch


“We were all rooting for you, even little Camilla,” said Kingdew

“…if you wanted the chick you just could have asked,” said Curiel

“It’s for the little lady!” Camilla peeped and flapped her little wings. Pops clapped his hands.

“I’m starving and I’m sure these little ladies are, let’s get something to eat,”


“Soooooo good!” said ________________ biting into her sandwich.

“After everything we went through, it tastes extra sweet!” said Ace grinning

“These are so yummy!” said Luffy

“So this is a sandwich, I love it!” said Penny munching happily

“You’ve never had a sandwich?” said Kaya

“Nah uh, we just don’t eat them at home but I love them! Especially the egg ones! May I have another please?”

“Yes, yes eat up! You don’t have to keep asking!” Thatch laughed, “And you’re the only one who seems to really like the egg ones so go nuts,”

“Thank you!” Behind the theater was a large outdoor theater with a park. The famililes were all encouraged to picnic there after the performance or go home. Many stayed and some camped for the best spot. Sanji after the performance found that a large weeping willow area wasn’t occupied and set everything up there for everyone with Ussop. Some Amazonian girls tried to con and flirt their way into the spot, but were soon captivated by Ussop’s tales.

“Hahahaha! He’s truly Yassop’s kid!”

“You know my dad?!”

“Of course I do! He’s apart of my crew! When I found out he had a kid, I made it a direct order to make sure he comes sees you whenever we’re in the area,”

“I appreciate it!”

“Two Yassops, great,” said Ace

“Hey! What do you have against my Dad!” said Ussop

“He almost got us haunted because of one of his stories!”


“IT WAS SCARY!” said Ace

“And it was actually a TRUE story,” said Sabo

“Oh I gotta hear this one!”

“For the last time, I didn’t do it because I actually LIKED you!” Kid said running away from ___________________ who chased him around the area

“You really loooooooooove me, you think I’m awwwwwwwwwesome, you wanna prwoteeeeeeeeeeect me!”

“Cut it out!”

“Awwwwww do I get to call you Niiiiiiiiiii-chan?”


“O-Ooh! Kid-niiiiii!”

“Killer make her stop!”

“Sorry no can do,” He sat still while Kaya and Plum did his hair.


“Oh! Come on! You’re meeting my Dad!” Vivi grabbed _________________’s wrist and dragged to a few yards away. The families were all picnicking together and sharing their spoils with everyone. Penny and Plum’s families brought gourmet sushi platters that everyone felt bad about eating but the Capulets and Bennets, Plum’s parents, insisted on them eating.

“Please, we don’t want to bring this back,” Law helped himself, especially since he didn’t care too much about bread and he already ate the rice bun sandwiches Thatch packed for him.

“You’re seriously a hero right now!” said Vivi grinning at him, “Like you just strode in and completely annihilated Holly and her mother,”

“I’m curious, how did you do it?” said _______________

“When I got here, I put a transmitter snail on River’s collar knowing that he’ll linger around backstage if you’re around. I was going to wait until we got home to see if I could found something but when she started tearing into Lesser I realized that her asshole of a daughter incriminated herself and did the rest,”

“…Law thank you,”

“No prob but she shouldn’t messed with family and friends in the first place,”

“Especially your Mom,” said Vivi smiling. He blushed looked away.

“Yeah, that too,” Vivi and ________________ continued on her way until they were in front of her father, King Nefertari Cobra. He was happily laughing and enjoying a drink with Rayleigh when the girls showed up. Rayleigh excused himself and made himself scarce. Cobra smiled.

“Oh, you’re in the infamous _______________ I’ve heard so much about,” _________________ bowed

“It’s an honor to meet you, your highness!” she said. He laughed

“Don’t be so formal! I’m just a Dad who happens to be a king! I’ve been wanting to thank you for saving Vivi from those kidnappers. I never had a chance to thank you properly and I’ve been wanting to give you the opportunity to ask for anything your little heart desires,”


“Anything within reason,”

“Umm…well, with all due respect, there’s nothing I want,” she said

“Hmmm nothing?”

“Nothing, I have everything I need!” he smiled and pats her head.

“Ooh, ooh Dad! How we knight her!”

“…why do you wanna knife me?!” said _________________

“Noooo! KNIGHT you!” said Vivi laughing, “Like make you apart of the court and Dad can grate you a favor once a year!”

“Ohhhh! Okay!”

“And you can save them for something really big!”

“Within reason!” he said laughing

“Okay! Let’s do that!” said _________________

“Okay, I’ll take to your father and see when we can do the ceremony,”

“How about tomorrow? Since we’re going to see her!” Cobra looked at Vivi and cocked his head.

“We are? Remember, I’m going back to Alabastor tomorrow and you have to go back to the embassy, remember?”

“Oh yeah! Darn, we’ll think of something!”

“Okay!” Vivi grabbed her hand and pulled her down the hill to join the rest of the kids while the adult caught up.

“Byyyyyyyy the way,” said Rayleigh looking at Whitebeard and Flora, "seems like the little lady had some help during her performance,” 

“I was wondering about that,” said Atmos, “Those balls were deflating, I was terrified that she would going to smack her face onto something,” Marco eyed them.

“…don’t tell me you two had something to do with it,” Flora poured Whitebeard some sake and he returned the favor. They both drank not making eye contact, “REALLY?!”

“I saw that she was going to jump and I gave Edward a nudge,”

“And the hit was so hard that I stomped my foot,” the men chuckled

“And that dear sweet brat?” said Rayleigh

“Flora was scratching my sweet spot on my back and my leg started shaking. An accident, nothing more,” there was more laughter.

“What about the water?”

“Someone put it up there and it just fell,” said Speed Jill

“Well, shot down but yeah,” said Izo sipping his tea, “That’s what happens you put pancake makeup on a little girl,”

“The ribbon?”

“Someone wrapped that in ribbon and Kid just happened to have been in a playful mood,” said Speed Jill

“The ripped pants seat?”

“Yeah…we can’t explain that one,”

“We can’t take cred— blame either,” said Whitebeard

“Was it Buggy?” said Marco

“Probably not,” said Shanks, “he’s good but I’m pretty sure we would have noticed an disembodied hand,”

“I think it was the Demon Blade, if she was still active,” said Shakky chuckling. Flora poured herself another cup of sake, “Especially with as swift it was and without detection,”

“Could be,” said Flora downing another cup. The men laughed.

“Awww don’t mess with the mother bear and her cub,” Flora’s cheeks went red.

“Humph! I never said I did it. I want proof!” everyone continued to laugh at this. Lesser remained quiet she noticed someone refilling her cup.

“I have to commend your composure,” said Flora looking at her

“Thanks,” she said and slowly sipped her lemonade.

“If it was me, she would have been picking those perfect white teeth off the ground,” Lesser smirked

“I like you,”

“Not to mention your teeth are beautiful!” Corazon hiccupped and downed a bottle of wine, “S-She’s just jealous that her teeth aren’t sharp and pointy!” Lesser blushed

“Thank you Roci,”

“I-I mean it! H-How DARE she talk about your teeth! Th-They’re COOL! And they’re BEAUTIFUL—hic—Just like—yo—JUST DON’T HIDE YOUR FACE—Zzzzzz,” Lesser smiled and gently propped him against the tree.

The car ride back was smooth sailing. Since Vista, Speed Jill, and Blenheim weren’t much drinkers, they drove everyone back home. Marco and Shanks helped Lesser and Law get a snoring Corazon into the car. She thanked them before also heading off. Flora and Edward enjoyed letting the men drive everyone back. They stayed in the middle seat next to each with the kids in the back. However, the moment the kids were loaded into the car and they were a few minutes into their trip home, everything went quiet. Flora glanced behind.

“Yep they’re gone,”

“What do you expect? They ran all over the place, then ate and ran around some more. They finally stopped and crashed,” she snorts

“Crash is an understatement,”

“We did that once, I think it was after Skypeia,”

“We both slept for two days,”

“We were running on fumes,” they chuckled amongst themselves. Flora leaned and rested her head on his side.

“Finally finished painting?”

“Of course, thank you for your help,”

“Well, we have a cat now, we have to be responsible,”

“So she’s our cat?”

“Mhm. It’s weird to say but we have to face the fact on what she is to us,” he smiled and kissed her forehead.

“I know you don’t like using the…other word so don’t worry about it,” she smiled.

“Thank you,”

“It’s late, how about we let you stay at the house?”

“Tempting but after Rayleigh leaves my convent,”


“I will make good on my promise and I know he’s waiting for the right opportunity to fuck in there and I will hang him up by the balls,”

“Guarararararara! Call me if he does!”

“You know I will,”

Chapter 60: Recital Week: Day 7


The Little Girl wakes up to an empty house.

A/N Sorry this took so long DX I had a pretty rough week in half and I'm still trying to cope with it a bit.

Chapter Text

_______________________ woke up groggily that morning. She yawned and slumped back down onto her pillow. She felt as though she went toe to toe with Sister and couldn’t run fast enough. She closed her eyes for a few moments and arched her back to stretch. The recital was yesterday. All she remembered was her and Killer looking at the book and now waking up. She sat and looked at her clock. It was about ten and the house was quieter than usual. Sundays were everyone’s bleh day. Everyone usually just relaxed until dinner. She couldn’t even smell anything. Usually it would be at least bacon or sausage cooking.

“Oh hey, you finally woke up,” she looked up. Marco was standing by the door with smile. She yawned again.

“Mhm. Where is everybody? It’s so quiet,”

“Oh, we’re eating in the courtyard! We’ve been waiting for you to get up. Here, Hancock got you something cute, put it on so Izo can gush over you,”

“Don’t be angry because you can’t be cute,” she said sticking out her tongue. Marco gasped.

“How cheeky!” he said laughing and ruffled her hair. She went to the bathroom and freshened up and got dressed. Soon she emerged in a lovely blue silk dress with white trimming, “Ready?”

“Mhm!” he took her and they headed downstairs to breakfast.

“How are you feeling?”

“Okay, I guess. I’m still a little sore,”

“Hell after all of that work you did yesterday, I wouldn’t be surprised,” she smiled

“Did you guys like it?”

“We loved it! You’ve learn so much. At least you don’t get tangled in you ribbon like you used to,” she giggled

“Thanks for always untangling me,”

“Anytime,” they made it downstairs. She could usually smell something tasty but once again, nothing

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!” she jumped and hid behind Marco. Marco chuckled. She slowly peeked out. The whole courtyard was decorated with lanterns in her favorite colors, there was a large cake, all her friends, her family, the Fearsome Four, and den den mushi taking pictures. There were large table all over the place with gifts and presents and parents and adults alike.

“Such a cutie~” said Poppy

“And she’s so shy!” said Marigold

“Come on out,” she peeked out, still reeling from the shock.

“W-What’s going on?! I th-thought I didn’t have a birthday!”

“Everyone has one, little lady,” said Thatch laughing, we just couldn’t figure out when was yours!”

“And last year was a whirlwind and well, we didn’t know when your birthday was,” said Rayleigh, “And no one could agree which day to celebrate it!”

“Hancock and Sabo were adamant about your birthday being in the winter, Flora said Spring because that was when you came to the convent, and Pops said Fall because that was around the time you came to live with us so we literately didn’t know when! So we decided to celebrate it in Spring towards summer then we found out about your recital and been planning it for that weekend so we can invite your little friends over but we still had A LOT of planning to do,”

“S-So is this my-my official birthday?”

“Mhm! We’ll celebrate it around this time from now on!” said Pops smiling at her.

“Getting you to stay out of the house was a NIGHTMARE!” said Curiel, “And Miss Fern gave you the week off so we had to try and get you to leave. Since you’re so damn tiny, it was going to be a feat to keep all of this planning secret!”

“And we were decorating the courtyard and roof all week,” said Blamenco, “We were hoping you didn’t come home until it was late and wouldn’t be able to see anything,”

“And Rayleigh and Shakky coming was perfect,” said Izo, “And they got a Pops adventure and that was all the time we needed!”

“Especially since you didn’t need to practice for your recital,” said Vista, “So ending everything with an early bedtime was the last thing we needed,”

“Sooooo glad you kids were dead tired when we got home,” said Fossa, “And heavy sleepers,”

“When gets tire out and have food later, it’s inevitable,” said Corazon laughing.

“Not to mention keeping you occupied so we could get you something!” said Ace thrusting a package into her hands, “Here start opening presents already so we can all go hang out at the better party,” Water started welding up in her eyes. So many emotions entered her heart. Feelings of parallel joy, happiness, and shyness overwhelmed her. She broke down into tears.

“Awwww! Sweetie don’t cry!” said Hancock holding her close. She was sobbing heavily in her chest as Hancock pets her hair, “It’s okay, calm down,”

“She’s so shy,” said Shakky chuckling,

“I-I don’t deserve this…you guys went through so much trouble! For me! Thank you so much!”

“You little brat, you DO deserve it! Even if you’re adopted, everyone deserves a birthday,” said Flora ruffling her hair, “We just needed one set in stone before we can properly celebrate it. Your convent birthday shouldn’t be your regular one,”

“Bu-But my-my convent bi-birthday is the da-day you started t-taking care of me! It-It’s special too!”

“Of course it is but you need something better,”

“Wait you actually made the effort?” said Nobara

“…you sound surprised,”

“Well, I thought “old soldiers don’t celebrate trivial things”,” said Poppy. Flora’s face went red and she looked away.

“Well, except birthdays,”

“Wow, I guess people do change,” said Katsika

“Old dogs do learn new tricks,” said Liliya

“It’s so cute~” said Nobara, “Our Florrie is growing up!”

“Shut it! All of you!”

“I can’t believe you invited everyone!”

“We wouldn’t miss it for the world!” said Kaya, “Though Vivi almost gave it away,”

“Accident!” she said, “I’m so sorry! I would have kicked myself if I did! Thank goodness Dad saved it,”

“It was hard too!” said Plum, “Especially yesterday!”

“And with everything going on,” said Penny, “We were talking about it a lot and we were afraid that you would heard or Holly would have and ruined it just because,”

“Thankfully she’s really dumb or just deaf,” said Kaya

“And now that you’re awake, we have another guest who’s been dying to meet you,” said Rayleigh. The girls moved aside revealing a small girl with light brown hair and wearing a yellow dress. She had a smile on her face but it faltered when she saw _____________ feelings of shock and nervousness appeared on her face. __________________ however didn’t notice.

“KOALA!” Koala regained herself as ________________ hugged her tightly. Pops chuckled.

“We had to track Jinbei down to ask if she wanted to go and if she could,”

“Captain was okay with it, it didn’t take much convincing,”

“It’s good to see you!” Koala beamed.

“It’s good to see you too! Happy birthday!”

“Thanks!” she felt two hands on her shoulder and she was spun around to a mountain of presents on the table, “ …ARE ALL OF THOSE FOR ME?!”

“Mhm and you have to open them all and send out a thank you note,” said Shakky

“Ack I have to open all of those in front of everyone?!” the Fearsome Four laughed

“Well you don’t HAVE to,” said Hancock, “Just a few because we know you want to hang out with your friends,”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, yes!” said Pops, “Two then off you go,” Ace, Luffy, and Sabo groaned but stayed put. She sat the table and took a box that was wrapped nicely in blue paper with a big red bow. She looked at the tag.

"Oh! this is one is from the Maids—," Marco and Law immediately made a grab for it and grabbed it together. Marco shielded it from everyone and opened up the box. He and Law sighed in relief and gave it to her. She took out a cute little doll dressed like a maid holding a gift card. He and Law looked like their hearts were about to explode from their chests, ________________ looked confused, Izo was laughing his ass off.


"It's a gift card...from Majolish?" said _________________

"OOOH!" Marco eyed him

"What's that?"

"A very trendy clothing boutique for girls. Wait until she's older. They’re clothing are for teenagers and older,”

“This one’s from…Hiyori?!” Ace cocked his head. _____________ shakily opened it, KNOWING that she would most likely do something mess with her. Inside were hair combs from Wano, one of the Kozuki family seal, sweets, and tea. She actually looked relieved…until she sees a weird looking toy. It looked like a closed flower. She winds it up with the key inside. The flower unspreads and because the skirt of a dancing girl doing kabuki and she started singing in Hiyori’s voice.

Happy Birthday! You’ve graduated from cake eating brat to cake eating BIGGER brat and cake eating brat! You can’t top this over the top burn/ gift so don’t even TRY it!


“Jeeez I have to step up my __________________ teasing,” said Vivi laughing, “I mean I thought I was good at picking on ________________ but this Hiyori has me beat,”

“Vivi! Be nice!” said Cobra laughing

“It’s okay sir!” said _______________ and dramtically putting her hand on her forehead, “I’m used to Vivi’s special brand of abuse,”

“Oh I’ll SHOW you abuse!”

“See! Such violence on a delicate flower!”

“Ugh can we go now?!” said Ace

“Yes, yes go! Have fun kids!” Ace grabbed ________________'s wrist and runs inside with the other kids in tow. Whitebeard shook his head.

“Such an impatient little asshole,” said Zeff

“He really wants to just hang out with his little sister,” said Liliya

“Mhm, “sister”,” said Sandersonia, “Poor thing has it bad,”

“So bad, we’re in a pool if you’re interested,”

“Huh, I’d thought it was someone else,” said Marigold.

“Same,” said Nobara

“Well she is a very popular young lady,” said Mrs. Capulet, “Poor thing is going to break hearts,”

“Shhh not in front of Marco,” said Blenheim, “He’s dreading the day,” Shanks laughed.

“Alright Roci, think you can drink me under?”

“I KNOW I can!”

“…Alright everyone place your bets!” said Thatch laughing, “Who’s gonna win this one?!”

“It’s barely noon!” said Speed Jill

"Wow your home is beautiful!" said Shiro

"Thank you!” Ace bounded upstairs and the took the garden door open. Even that was nicely decorated The same lanterns downstairs were on the roof and because the day was nice and warm, there was no need for any shelter there was a table with gifts ready to be opened, a cake, and thanks to Curiel, a place for video gaming for the day, “Wow! This is so cool too!”

“Yeah since the adults are going to down there, we’ll be up here where it’ll be extra cool,” said Ace, “Not to mention you were super shy out there with everyone staring at you. I think it’ll be easier for you to open your presents in front of us,” she looked relieved.

“Anytime, sis,”

“Thanks Ace,”

“WOW! Sanji is this the cake you made?!”

“Mhm, that’s your birthday gift,” he grinned, “The Patty one is going to be when everyone sings to you making you blush and shy away like a little red tomato,”

“Hey!” she hugged him, “Thanks! Let’s cut—,”

“I’ll cut you mingle!” she then looked at everyone and took Koala’s hand and brought her to the front.

“Everyone, this is Koala! She’s my friend I met when I went to visit Grandpa!”

“Nice to meet you all!” Koala grinned.

“You’re the girl on the boat!” said Plum grinning, “She was telling us about you!”

“Finally a face to a name!” said Vivi.

“Did she also tell you she thought I was a boy,”

“…how?!” said Penny

“Seriously stop spacing out!” said Vivi nooging _____________

“Ack! I apologized! A lot!” Ace joined in

“Stop becoming Luffy!”

“She’s not that bad,” said Sabo laughing

“I’ll be the judge of that,” Ace looked at Koala

“Did she ask you if you pooped?”


“SEE! She’s not Luffy!”


“To be fair, I didn’t look half as nice as I do now!” Koala laughed

“She actually lives on a ship!” said __________________

“Wow so you’re a pirate?!”

“Well kind of! Fisher doesn’t like when I call myself one!”

“Fisher?” said Plum

“Mhm! He’s my dad and he’s a fishman! He’s not here because well…he’s not very warm to humans but Jinbei and Hatchan is!”

“That’s so cool!” said Luffy, “Any cool places you’ve been?!”

“Yeah! What have seen?!” said Sabo. Koala soon started to loosen up as she told them about the islands she’s seen, the things she’s collected. Everyone listened earnestly stopping every so often to ask questions.

“Then what happened?!” said _________________

“How’d you get out?!” said Ace

“Well, I’ve never seen Fisher angry before, like NEVER angry. Like irate but this was terrifying. He grabbed me and pulled me behind him and grabbed this man and well I don’t know what happened next. Aladdin covered my ears and eyes and took me back to the ship. Fisher let me sleep with him for the rest of the week,”

“Serves him right!” said Vivi, “He tried to kidnap you from your family!”

“No one has that right!” said Nami

“At least your safe!” said ____________

“Yep! But that was the worst, everything else was just okay,”

“You poor sweet delicate flower!” said Sanji holding her hand, “Don’t ever worry! I’ll make sure nothing like that ever happens again,”

“Ummm…thank you?” before he could say anything he was dragged away by Law towards the cake.

“Stop being weird and cut the cake,”

“SO THERE YOU GUYS ARE!” the kids jumped when they saw a familiar girl floating above them with a green haired boy. Ace and ___________________ cringed. Sabo and Luffy sniggered.

“Your best friends are back!” said Sabo

“SHUT UP!” they said in unison

“They’re baaaaaaaaaack,” said Luffy

“Humph! That’s no way to say hello!” Perona lighted down with Zoro

“Why can’t you come into the house like normal?!” said Ace

“This IS normal!”

“…how is she flying?!” said Nami

“She’s a ghost girl,” said __________________, “She ate a devil fruit,”

“Wish she would just disappear like a real ghost,” said Kid. Hollows came from Perona and went through Kid. Who immediately went down.

“I’m a horrible human being, I don’t deserve happiness!”

“W-What was that?!” said Nojiko

“The hell did she do to him?!” said Yukiko

“Negative Hollows! Serves him right!”

“So Law wasn’t making it up!” said Nami

“I don’t make things up,” he said raising an eyebrow, “Told you,”

“Perona you know the rule!” said ________________

“Remember, no using you negative hollows on people!” said Sabo

“Fiiiiiiiiine as long as he apologizes!”

“Never!” said Kid

“I think he’d rather die,” said Club laughing

“He would!” said Gordon

“Pffft who cares, this isn’t about him anyway,” Club pulled _________________ to the gift table, “You were dying downstairs! Spice up your gift giving!”

“W-What?! I don’t wanna show off!”

“It’s your birthday and we’re all friends,” said Vivi shoved his gift into her hands, “It’s your right…no DUTY to boast and bask! So open mine first because you’re gonna love it,”

“What makes you think she is?!” said Clock

“Kaya and I chipped in for this one and we’ve known her longer,” she stuck out her tongue

“Yeah but she thinks we’re cooler!” said Jin

“We trump all of you because she’s OUR sister!” said Luffy

“Nah, she likes Killer and me better,” said Law, “She hangs out with us the most and we’re on first name family bases. She knows my sisters AND grandpa. So yeah I win,”

“Pfffft she’s over at the Baratie the most!” said Sanji

“Because you pump her with cake!” said Ace, “Like a cat!”

“Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeow!” River chimed in

“You don’t count because you’re a cat who can’t understand us!” said Shiro. River looked hurt.

“Don’t underestimate River, he’s seriously smarter than your average cat,” said Killer scratching his head. _________________ snorts and opened the gift.

“You guys got me Magical Girl Brawl?! Awesome! Wait…AND the Dragon Quest 8 artbook?!”

“Mhm!” said Kaya, “The artbook was easier than finding Magical Girl Brawl,”

“I’ve never heard of it!”

“It’s more popular in the South Blue region but the game hadn’t been “approved” yet. Mainly they said some kids of officials thought it wasn’t fun enough or something,” said Vivi

“Definitely have to have a tournament with you guys today!”

“Us next!” Clock slid a large box towards _____________, “we didn't know what to get you so we asked Shiro, a somewhat neutral party to see what you wanted. We’re so glad you like Pretty Soldier,"

"Aww Shiro!"

“Pffft don’t “awwww” me. My sister collects stuff from that show. That’s the only reason why I know so much about it,”

“Wow! That’s cool!”

“It is! We collected as much as we could and well,” Clock revealed a large bundle of Pretty Soldier things. It was an assortment of figures, trinkets, accessories, stationary, even some items she’s never seen before.

“WOW! This is A LOT of Pretty Soldier stuff! Wow! There’s even Kinsei’s music box!”

“I know right?” said Yukiko, “Dude, we didn’t even KNOW you were into Pretty Soldier! If we did, we would have given you everything we found,”

“I wonder why anyone would throw away this stuff?” said Nojiko

“A lot of noble kids throw away a lot of things, including old Pretty Soldier merch!”

“Jeez why? Most of that stuff is going to become collectables someday!” said Gordon. Nami’s interest piqued


“Yeah! Because the franchise as been around for a long time. They revamp it every few seasons, so there’s old fans with old merch and new fans with new merch. Some of this stuff was made during the first era before Tsuki went back to the Moon. Even the music box Shiro got is apart of an exclusive collection,”

“And since it’s been around forever and there’s some merch that’s hard to find,” said Jin, “Some girl threw away a limited edition tea set. Like other than the cup being chipped,”

“…I think I have to think my money motives,” said Nami.

“There’s also a set of the dolls in there! Shiro tried to make off with Mokusei,”

“S-She’s my sister’s favorite. Ju-Just wanted her to be happy. I guess they were tossed because a new set was said to be launched next month,”

“So make room by throwing it away,” said Calico, “Seems kind of waste,”

“That’s still awful!” said ______________

“Their lost your gain,” said Clock laughing, “We cleaned it as much as we could with everyone’s help,”

“Guys you shouldn’t have!”

“Well you’ve been teaching our dumbasses so it’s a win-win,” said Jin laughing. Plum nudged Penny forward with her gift.

“I’m not sure if you’ll like it,” said Penny. ________________ opened it, “I-I noticed your satchel and I’d thought you’d want a new one but I didn’t know if you’d—,”

“Pen it’s perfect!” _______________ hugged her, “Thanks! And it’s so elegant!”

“Waaaaay too cute for everyday,” said Law

“Pffft it’s perfect for everyday!” said Perona, “It’s super sturdy,” she takes out a bat charm with a bell on it, “There NOW it’s ultra cute!”

“Thanks Perona!”

“It’s from me and Zoro. We didn’t know what to get you and told me that the thought counted but gave me the money so it’s from us both,”

“Thanks Zoro!”

“I wanted to get you a sword but she said it wasn’t cute enough!” he called out


“Okay, ummm oh this is is from you favorite big brother, Kid,” said Vivi handing her a gift that was wrapped in newspaper and a black metal bow.

“It’s wrapped so nicely!” said Kaya

“Especially from someone like Kid,”

“Awww the bow is metal! Kid you’re so sweet!” said Plum.

“Awwwww Kid! You love me enough to get me something~?” said _______________

“NO! Killer and Miss Ribbon did! I had NOTHING to do with it!”

“He chipped in, all of us did,” said Killer, “He made the bow because he didn’t think the other ones were good enough,”

“D’awwww! Kid LOVES his rival,” said Vivi sniggering

“Soooooo cute!” said Nojiko

“No wonder he’s always so mean to her, she secretly wants her to be his little sister to pamper and wuv~” said Yukiko. Kid’s face went red.


“Kid you ruined the surprise!” Clock gasped

“You got me the boots?!” said _________________


“AWWWWW YOU REALLY DO CARE!” Kid tried to get away but was soon loved and nuzzled on by the girls. He growled and ran back towards the boys to get the girl smell off him. Law pushed his towards her.

“Me, Nami, and Nojiko,”

“We literately had to talk Law out of getting you a dissection kit,” Nojiko winced

“That would have been awesome!”

“See? Told you she’d like it,” she unwrapped it revealing a jar of loose leaf tangerine tea.

“It’s No’s new creation! They’ve been selling like hotcakes and we got you some. If you want a refill just bring the jar,” said Nami

“You guys are awesome,”

“There’s a dead frog preserved in there too,” said Law


“What is wrong with you?!” said Nami

“She likes dead things too,”

“Are you guys DONE over there?!” shouted Kid, “Penny you asshole come over so I can beat your ass!”

“Ugh that racing game again?!” said Plum, “You suck embrace it!”

“SHUT UP!” ________________ snorts.

“I can open the rest later if you guys don’t mind! Let’s have some fun before Kid wets himself,”


“FUCK YOU!” The garden kids only party was now in commence, the kids all mingled with each other and laughed and talked and played like old friends. Kid demanded a rematch from Penny who obliged and they started playing video games together with Ace, Luffy, Zoro, Law and Calico. _____________, Sabo, Jin, Yukiko, Shiro, Gordon, and Perona were playing Blind Man’s bluff with ______________ being It and failing. Nami, Nojiko, Kaya and Clock were off to the side being stuffed with cake via Sanji as River sat there trying to get a few morsels. Killer was guzzling down some punch after being it in Blind Man’s Bluff.

“Soooooo…how you’ve been?” said Koala looking at Killer with a cautious smile.

“Good, you?”

“I’m alive!”

“I can see that,” he said guzzling his drink, “Let’s not make this awkward, no one here knows you were a slave and vice versa,”

“I-I know that! I-I’m just surprised that…well you’re here and you know _____________ whom…I never really got a look at before now. T-Thank you by the way. I never thanked you for…what you did,”

“I wasn’t going to beat the shit out of you for real and it got you someplace slightly better,”

“Until the shipment was gone,” Killer looked at her, “They took a few of us to where they took you. Did you start a revolution?”

“Nah, but I escaped. Damn so you still had to go,”

“Mhm, bu-but I know this is going to sound strange but…do you know?”

“Know what?”


“What are you talking about?”

“_________________ she’s…one of them!”

“As long as she’s here, she’s not. She doesn’t even remember that she and Sabo are cousins,”


“A noble as well, that’s all you need to know but she’s not like them, neither is Sabo. In fact, they’re pretty awesome,”

“I know! T-That’s why it’s so scary! I met her and she was the coolest person I’ve ever met! She even let me wear her kimono. She even got me some manga. B-But when I saw her in that dress…I saw her. I met her! I remembered I was in that house with her! I-I saw it with my…own eyes. I saw her…I-I saw her,” Killer looked at her and took her hand. She was starting to cry, “She-She there was a noise and—” Killer immediately took a wet napkin and placed it on her face.

“You don’t have to say it,” he said, “Especially if it’s making you get this worked up. Calm down,” she nodded as he gently wiped her eyes.

It’s-It’s just that, I-I know that I saw…but I also know she wouldn’t do that. There’s something that’s not right,”

“Then choose the memory of your first introduction to her as free not as a slave,”

“But you met her as a slave,”

“I did but she saved my life and I’ll always have her back for that. Not to mention, I like having her around me. Things are warmer. If she wasn’t wearing that dress, what would you think?”

“If she wasn’t, I would see my friend again, I know I would,”

“I’ll take care of it. Just go wash your face, okay?” she nodded

“Thanks Killer,” after ________________ caught Perona who tried to float away but was foot caught by _______________ making her It now, Killer grabbed her wrist.

“Ack! Killer?”

“You’re gonna get your dress dirty and I have something to give you,” she excused herself from her guests and followed him to her room, “It’s super pretty but it was to mainly make you look good for pictures and stuff and you look super stuffy in it,”

“True! But it’s so cute!”

“Silk is hard to clean, you brat,” he ruffled her hair as they ran fast Nobara and Poppy.

“Excuse us!” inside, ________________ looked through her closet and things.

“Hmmmm what should I wear?”

“How about this?” Killer held up her skirt overalls, “You can definitely play kibasen in it,”

“Okay!” she ducked behind her dress screen and started changing, “What’s kibasen?”

“It’s chicken but out of water and with more people,”

“OH Okay!” he snorts, “But be careful! I don’t want anyone getting hurt!”

“We’ll be gentle and I’m sure everyone can…wait, yeah we’ll be gentle. Having fun?”

“Mhm! I can’t believe you all went through the trouble!”

“It wasn’t trouble, we just had to make sure you didn’t know about it which was hard because we had to kind ignore you,”

“It’s okay! I kind of went off on my own and that’s okay! And you’re all here now so it worked out okay,” she came out and shook her dress out. Next to Killer was a gift wrapped box, “Where did that come from?”

“I hid it in your closet when we were making the preparations. I was afraid you were going to find it but thankfully you didn’t have to do in that deep,” he grinned.

“Bu-But you already got me a gift! This is just being greedy,”

“Pffft no it’s not. The boots were from Kid, Miss Ribbon, and me. But I got you something else," she cocked her head and opened the package. She gasped. Because she and Killer exchanged books all the time, they often borrow and try new things to read. Killer was in a thrift shop and found an old book series called the Enchanted Door series and gave ___________________ the first book to exchange something she was reading and both became hooked. They soon realized that the books were a series that was discontinued and hard to find and Killer managed to track them down and ____________________ was welcomed to borrow them.

"Killer you didn't!"

"Yeah I did, now you can leave mine alone,"

"But they're the best things to borrow!"

"I know, now you have your own copy and you can borrow other books,"

"Awwww!" she hugged him tightly, "Thanks!" he hugged back, "How did you ever find them again?!"

"I saw them at the Import shop. A traveler had them and wanted to sell them. The shopkeeper said they were worthless and I bought for a little of nothing,"

"You're the best!"

"Have to make sure my book buddy is happy. Come on, everyone’s waiting,"

“Coming!” she put her books away and hurried to the door. He then leaned in and pecked her lips. She froze and jumped back.

“Come on!” he said looking away.

"O-Oh O-Okay!" she blushing furiously

“By the way that was your second present,”

“K-Killer!” he laughed and pulled her back. Nobara and Poppy watched this. Poppy sniggered.

“I think I will put a bet into the pool,”

“Told you,” Back upstairs, Kid was shaking a poor Penny as Luffy and Zoro laughed.


“Give it up, she beat you in ten games already!”


“Just admit that Pen is better than you,” said Vivi


“I-I’m not! You’re just terrible,” said Penny


“Ha! Penny told you!” said Nojiko

“Did not!”

“Did too! I bet she has this damn game and been practicing,”

“Just to beat you?” said Club laughing.

“It’s okay Kid, there’s no shame in losing to the best,” Penny smiled.

“She loses with grace,” said Nami, “And probably just adding salt to the wounds,” Koala saw ________________ upstairs again. The correlation between the two “sides” were absolutely wild to her. It wasn’t like she was seeing the same person. She felt a lot more comfortable around her now and went to her. She beamed.

“Having fun?! I hope you are! I didn’t mean to put you on the spot like that!”

“It’s okay! I’m having tons of fun! Though…I didn’t get you anything. I’m sorry but it was so short notice and I wanted to get you—,”

“Stoooooop! You’re here and that’s even better! I finally get to hang out with you! So you’re my present!”

“You dork!” she laughed.

“What? You’re always at sea! I get it! But that means when we see each other it’s extra special!”

“True, but if we dock around here for longer than normal, I’ll visit,”

“I’ll hold you to that,”

“Oy! You two ready to play?!” Ace called out, “We’re getting teams ready!”

“For the Magical girl game?”

“Nah the other thing! Kibasen!”

“Okay! I’ll be right there!”

"Actually…I better get going," said Shiro standing up and heading to the door.

"Aww so soon?"

“Awww what?” said Clock

“Maybe after the first?” said Nojiko. Shiro shook his head.

" uncle gets worried, but thanks for everything,"

“Here, before you go,” Sanji gave him a slice of cake, “Take some for the road!”

“Thanks!” ___________________ took his hand and dragged him downstairs. He followed trying to keep up. She pulled him into her room. He looked around. Her room was really cute and warm. Kind of like hers but…had more things on the walls to show that a girl was living in there. She went into her closet and pulled out something. Before he could protest, she puts a small figurine into his hands, "What's this?"

"You said your sister collects Pretty Soldier things, right? I have doubles! She can have this one," Shiro stared. It was small figure of Mokusei in her school uniform fasioned into a cute keychain, “She liked Mokusei, right?”



"Tch! You shouldn’t be giving away things on your birthday you know!"

“I wanted too! Killer brings me figures all the time! She can have this one! I hope she likes it!”

“I’m sure she will! Thanks,” they went to the Courtyard where the adults were drinking and laughing and having their own fun. Izo looked up. Shiro thanked them for their hospitality.

"Leaving already?"

"Y-Yeah," he said trying to choke back tears. Izo hands him a charm from a box. _______________ cocked her head.

“Party favors,” said Izo, “Boys get charms and gets get kanzashi. Yes it was my idea and they’re adorable,” she giggled and hugged Shiro.

"I have to get back! See you later! Thanks for coming!"

“Anytime!” he looked at Izo and looked a little uncomfortable in asking.

"Ummm...I was wondering, can I have a kanzashi instead? Please?" he looked down. Izo smiled and handed it to him and lead him to the door.

“Sweet, don’t be shy in asking for things like that. Boys can rock cute things as well alright?” he blushed and nodded, “And if you…need to talk about things, our door is always opened,” Outside, Shiro looked back at the house. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t find anything wrong with her family. There was no façade, there was no underlying motives. The adults had fun, the children had fun, and everyone was pretty damn civil to each other. Tears stung his face. He made a mental note before pocketing the keychain and running back the way he came earlier. Koala finally was able to relax the moment ________________ changed clothes and soon became engaged with the ribbon girls and Gray Terminal kids who all had endless questions.

“So how is it like living on the sea?” said Penny

“It’s not bad! I get to see really awesome things when we land! Fisher always stay behind but Hatchan and Jinbei always take me to get something for our next trip! Homeschooling is a little different. Fisher wants me to know everything, even how to fight! But he always wants me to look my best too!”

“He sounds really nice!” said Plum

“He is! But…he’s not really human friendly. He doesn’t like them but he doesn’t want me to not be able to be around them because of that. But he likes Mr. Newgate! And when Jinbei told him about the party, it didn’t take much convincing. He wants pictures! That’s why I’ve been taking so many of them!”

“So you live with Fishmen, have you seen mermaids?” said Kaya, “I heard they were beautiful!”

“They are! Though they’re usually in hiding,”


“Because they’re hunted, right?” said Club

“That’s the main reason. They’d rather stay close to home because of it,”

”That’s understandable,” said Jin

“I hope we’re not being too personal,” said Nami

“No way! I like answering questions! But I want to know about you guys too!”

“Well, we live in a dump,” said Clock laughing, “I don’t think we’ll ever go out to sea,”

“I’d rather be a traveler,” said Club, “Sounds like being a pirate without the sea,”

“Hey the sea is great!” said Luffy

“How would you know?” said Ace

“I dunno it just LOOKS great!”

“Wait so Gray Terminal isn’t an island?”

“Island of trash,” said Yukiko snorts, “Not much but it’s home,”

“Don’t you guys like wanna leave?” said Kid

“We do!” said Jin, “But…you and Killer are lucky someone wanted to take in both of you together. I doubt anyone wants to take in five kids. We don’t want to be separated. We’ve been through too much together,”

“Understandable,” Yukiko got up to grab some more cake. They waited until she was out of earshot.

“Yeah but this nun has been looking for us! She said she’ll find the perfect place for us,” said Clock, “But Yukiko doesn’t want us living in a convent and she doesn’t want to live with nobles or trained to be like one,”

“Why not?” said Gordon

“Too restricting, no offense,”

“Oy, the birthday Duchess is back! Now we can play kibasen!” everyone immediately got up and started forming teams.

“Ummm what IS kibasen?” said Koala

“…no idea,” said Penny

“It’s a cavalry game where the person who takes off the other’s bandana first wins!” said Calico, “Penny, you can be on my team so you won’t get hurt,”

“Actually, let’s sit this one out so we can get a grasp of it,” said Kaya

“Good idea!” Penny, Plum, Koala, Kaya, and Gordon watched everyone form teams and getting ready to play. The quintet watched as the team leaders were chosen: ____________, Kid, Yukiko, Law, and Vivi. They each had a scarf around their heads and the other team had to grab it. However, this was FAR from a fair one. Every time someone got near Vivi’s team which consisted of Nami, Nojiko, and Perona, Perona would float them up to evade them. Because of this, Luffy who was carrying ____________ with his two brothers, used his rubber ability to grab at them, Law used his room to detach limbs and had Nami and Nojiko make a grab at things, Kid used his power to use a metal sheet as a human shield. The bystanders watched on, happy they sat this one out.

“Ack! No! Retreat! He’s tickling me!” said ______________ laughing as Law used Nami and Nojiko’s hands to distract her.

“No fair you can’t play dirty!” said Ace

“All’s fair in love and war!”

“Yoink!” said Yukiko grabbing _____________ scarf from behind

“Hey no fair! That was mine!” said Law

“You said it yourself! All fair in love and war!”

“…are you guys going into that later?” said Gordon

“Nooooooope,” said Plum

“Yeah I’d rather stay here and watch,” said Penny

“…are they always like this?” said Koala

“Mhm! You should have seen them in baseball!”

The party went on for hours, well into the evening. The kids had three different types of cake, sang ‘Binks’ Brew’ for the birthday girl, enjoyed a circus performance as a gift from Buggy, had ice cream, opened the rest of her gifts including putting more enthusiasm and making a show with it, and played more games before everyone started dropping like flies. Thankfully, the kids moved everything inside. At first the adults were concerned when they no longer heard sounds or anything. Flora and Whitebeard went to check on things and saw a room of kids passed out on the floor snoring and sleeping on top of each other. Flora chuckled as they went back to inform everyone why everything went quiet.

"They really don’t make children like they used to. These modern children really do get tired easily," Whitebeard laughed hard.

"I remember the parties Blume and Atlas threw back in the day,"

"We would have been back from an adventure about this time,"

"Cut them some slack," said Rayleigh laughing, "They had a busy day yesterday,"

"More the reason to party!"

“How long have we’ve been at it?” said Nobara

“Night’s still young!” said Poppy laughing

“You guys realize it’s after midnight?” said Cobra laughing, “I honestly thought I could hang but clearly I can’t!”

“Pfffft don’t take it personal,” said Jinbei laughing, “It’s a tolerance,”

“Good food and sake has that magical effect,” said Liliya with a comforted sigh.

“All true, but I believe it’s time to call it in,” said Mr. Capulet laughing

“Sounds about right,” said Whitebeard. Everyone gently took their kids and hoisted them into their arms, careful not to wake them and took them back to their cars. The parents thanked them all for the wonder time. The Bennets took the Capulets home, Lesser came and got Corazon, who had drank Shanks under the table and it didn’t end well for either of them, and Pell took his king and the young sleeping princess back to the embassy. Kaya and Gordon had left at sunset before everything got too wild. Although Marco and Mihawk thought about hosing Shanks to the steps, they opted to let him sleep in one of the many guestrooms. Mihawk himself took over the darkest room in the house. Ace, Luffy, Sabo, and Law all slept in Ace’s room. The Gray Terminal kids were taken to one of the extra rooms where they could sleep for the night. Kid and Killer had their personal standard room. Everyone was dead to the world by this point, either from drinking or partying. ________________ was carried in by Pops who helped her out of her clothes and into her pajamas. She opened her eyes.

“Where is everyone? ’m not tired,” she groaned

“Of course you’re not. Did you have fun?” said Pops tucking her in

“MHM! Thank you!” she yawned

“I’m sorry for waking you up but the idea of kids randomly sleeping around this house is kind of scary, for all parties involved,”

“It’s okay! We can have another sleepover someday, right?”

“Yeah you can,” he ruffled her hair, “We’ll make another party out of it,”


“Love our parties?”

“They’re the best! I know everyone was busy last year and it’s just so cool we get to have one again!”

“We’ve been planning this one for awhile and it was more than worth it to see you smile. Florrie has it on tape so you can relive it later,”

“Nooooooo!” she covered her face.

“Guararararara! You looked so cute hiding behind Marco. You’re truly his chick,”

“Like Camilla,”

“Speaking of, Kingdew made a little nest for her on his balcony. I think you lost your chick,”

“It’s okay!” she giggled, “Hey Pops…can I ask you something?”


“You and Sister…why don’t you live together? I mean, I know she gets lonely sometimes,” he smiled

“Well, Florrie has a very special job is making sure children like you are safe. She needs to always be at the convent just in case. Also, she’s never lonely, I visit her almost every night,”

“I’ve never seen you!”

“I used to come late at night when you were tucked away and sleeping. She wasn’t ready for us to meet,”


“Don’t overthink it little lady. Florrie and I still love each other very much, we just live separately,”

“Ohhhh,” he chuckles and pats her head.

“Get some sleep. It’s after midnight and I know you’re gonna sleep in tomorrow,”

“Yes Pops, love you,”

“Love you too,”

The little girl was on her hands and knees scrubbing the floors. She never was allowed to scrub this part of the area before and it was a privilege she was told. She didn’t mind, she heard the food was loads better but she also said it came at a price. But all she had to do was keep her head down, keep scrubbing, and be as invisible as she possibly can. Then she heard footsteps. She and the servants pressed against the wall. She saw two tall figures and a smaller one about her height. She recognized one in a lab coat and the other in a tailor made suit. The smaller figure was in a pretty dress, like made from silk and gold. She had a mixture of sadness and spacey-ness. The man in the suit shoved her awake from them. She stumbled and stood still. She looked at him with a mixture of both fear and stillness. She didn’t know he was going to do. No one did. The man looked around and spotted a young servant girl. She hurried over, her body tense and looked at the little girl in front of her. The little girl looked confused. Then, there was a sound, a very strange and piercing sound. The girl covered her ears and dropped to her knees. The scientist stopped the sound. The man growled and to went over to the little girl. Before she could do anything. He grabbed her and hoisted her up and held her arms away from her body and shouted at the scientist. The sound happened again. The girl thrashed about trying to get free but she could. But then the man smirked and let her go. Without warning the little girl lunged at the woman, knocking her completely down and proceeded to hit, claw, and punch her. The woman screamed and cried begging for help. She and the servants watched on in horror. The woman face was being clawed. She tried to get away get the girl was hitting her head against the floor, pulling at her limbs, anything to cause the woman as much pain as she could. She was too afraid to look away. She then heard a chuckled next to her. She looked up to see a boy watching with a look of pure joy. He had a sadistic grin etched on his face as he watched. There was another sound and the little girl stopped. A servant quickly grabbed her and they hurried away.

Fisher Tiger was the first to notice that Koala was very quiet that morning. He was expecting her to be riled up after the party yesterday but in face she was deep in thought.

“They partied late, you know how Whitebeard parties, it was inevitable for her to be exhausted,” said Jinbei, “Hell she was slumped over on the birthday girl when I went to retrieve her,” he snorts

“They wore her out,”

“It was a pile of children all dead to the world. It was so cute,”


“I’ll show you them later,” but by the time noon rolled around, she still seemed out of it, looking out into the sea. The last time she was like this was when went she was thinking about her past. He went over and gently placed a hand on her shoulder. She looked up, “Come to my room, let’s have a talk,” he guided her inside and he perched her into his lap, “What’s on your mind? Did something happened yesterday?”

“No! I actually had fun! It was the best fun I had in awhile!” she covered her mouth, “I mean besides out parties,” he snorts.

“It’s okay to have fun without us. You looked so down in the dumps that I thought something bad happened,”

“Not bad…but…a surprise,”


“Yesterday, I was excited to see _______________! I couldn’t wait to hang out like we wanted to for awhile! Everything was fine but then…then she came out in this dress. It was so pretty! Like super pretty and her hair was nice and she…reminded me of something that happened years ago when I was…”there”. I-I saw this girl went I was cleaning outright maim a servant that was cleaning with me! It was so scary. She attacked her like some sort of wild animal, tearing at her, scratching and even though she was small, the servant couldn’t get away. There was a boy who was smiling and laughing the whole time. There was blood everywhere and…and…” she was shaking. He handed her some water that was nearby. She gulped it down, “I-I hate to say it but…I think it WAS _______________. I wouldn’t have ever thought it was her until I saw her looking like one of them. I mean, she’s my friend! I had fun yesterday! Bu-But when I saw her in that dress…I saw that monster that maimed that servant! I’m just…confused. I KNOW she wouldn’t do something like that but I-I know what I saw! There was a boy there who saved me from a worst fate there. He told me to keep the memory of her as I saw her after I was free. She doesn’t remember who she was and he said it’s for the best!” Fisher Tiger looked at the photo of the girls all together laughing and smiling at the party. When he saw the child in question, his blood ran cold, “Killer asked her to change out of her dress and well it worked. I didn’t feel uneasy around her anymore and it was like she was another person,”

“…Killer? Who’s Killer?”

“Well…when we were all captured, we were broken up into groups. They wanted some to stay in one place and some to stay in another. But they wanted us to fight to see who would go where. I was…paired up to fight with him. I was scared. He was bigger than me, and stronger and older. He went at me and grabbed me like he was choking me. He told that he wasn’t going to hit me hard and to just fall down as thought he was hitting me hard. So I did. I screamed, cried, and shouted and he tapped, made it looked like he was kicking me with force but he wasn’t. He was dragged off of me and shoved into a cage with other boys and I was placed with weaker younger kids,” she held up another picture, “That’s Killer right there,” she pointed, “And…that’s _______________,” The similarities were there. He had to sit down. He knew exactly who this kid was, hell, he was blamed for causing her death after he escaped that hellhole and burning it to the ground. There was no doubt that she was alive now. He tore up the first photo.

“Koala, if you didn’t see her dressed like that, would you have recognized her?” she shook her head, “What do you think of her now?”

“I-I still want us to be friends. I remember what I saw but at the same time, I know she wouldn’t do something like that,”

“Everyone deserves a clean slate. She’s your friend before and she’s your friend now. Everyone in that place was a prisoner in some shape or form. Just remember who she is not, isn’t who she was then, just like you’re no longer a slave and you will never be one again,” she nodded, “Feel better?”

“Tons! I get it now! So just don’t let the past mess up the present?”


“Thanks Fisher!”

“Run along,” Koala scampered out leaving him alone. Fisher placed his face into his hands. The weapon survived and well and if it’s with Whitebeard it’s in the safest place it can be. No not it, she. She’s still a child and can’t be a destructive force yet. He peeked outside. Koala was happily showing off her friends using the second picture. He smiled. As long as Koala was happy and safe that’s all that mattered to him. Though…he knew that he would have to find the perfect place for her to stay. He loved her so much but she had to interact with other humans. Jinbei suggested Dragon but he wasn’t too sure…well he knew she would be safe there and learn how to fight and be independent but, he just wasn’t ready for her to go just yet. Maybe in a few more years. Maybe when she was eighteen…or thirty, she could go. Yes, that would be fine.

“Captain, you can’t keep her until she’s thirty,” he looked up to see Aladdin looking at him.


“A guess. And remember, Dragon did say we can visit whenever we want to,”

“Fine, fine,”


The servants of the castle carried on as usual, many of them trying but failing to ignore their big strong king playing horsey, saddle and all with his young granddaughter who was happily riding his back. It was a sight to behold as he neighed and reared and the little girl laughed and clung to him. Matilda, his most trusted attendant couldn’t help by chuckle.

“Your Highness, please be careful. She’s a tiny little thing and she may fall off your shoulders,”

“I know, I know but look how cute she is!” he took her off his shoulders and presented her, “She’s a clever little thing! How can I not spoil her rotten?!” The old king snuggled her close and nuzzled. She giggled and laughed as he made funny faces at her. The servants chuckled at the sight. Their king was a force to be reckoned with. It was how their kingdom thrives for centuries, an iron fist, a firm hand, and a warm heart. As subjects, they were kept safe in their vast kingdom and they had their strong, powerful, and willful family line to thank for it. However, about three years ago, it was announced that his son’s wife was having a child. That all changed. He started to contemplate retirement but realized that he really couldn’t, even with the years of semi peace. His son was a tyrant and planned on ruling on power alone and he was not going to stand for it. He banished his son and his wife from the kingdom without seeing or carrying about whatever spawn sprang from them. However, one evening when the guards were making their rounds found a little girl in the cold with nothing but a dress on. Her cheeks were ice cold and she was looked no more than two. Around her neck was the royal family’s seal. They took her into the gates and presented her to their king. There was a note attached to the little girl. He read it and almost immediately his expression was one of shock. At first he thought it was just as rouse to weasel their way back into his kingdom nut he soon realized that this was a normal, sweet, and easygoing child. It didn’t take him long to warm up to her and soon she was with him every waking moment. He loved her dearly and wanted only the best for her. Her aura was untouched and pure like any normal child her age and of course she had his striking features. He then he had to keep her whereabouts quiet. The note made it very clear that his son and his wife had no idea where the child was. He knew right then and now what he wanted and had to do.

“Matilda, a word?”

“Yes your Highness?”

“I need you to do a special task for me. We both know that my son is a piece of shit and corrupted beyond repair. I’ll never surrender my kingdom to him or his wife, and unfortunately there’s no one left but…I want to make my little bunny my sole heir,”


“Mhm, since I’m raising her since they abandon her here so she’s going to have everything I can give her but I want you to make it so that if anything ever happens to me, unless she appears in front of you, no one else is to even think about coming in as heir,”

“Of course your Highness,” Matilda nodded and gently placed her hand on her head. The toddler cooed as Matilda smiled and took a small bit of her aura from her and placed it in a crystal. It glowed a vibrant blue, dark red, dark green, and bright yellow. The child giggled.


“Strong aura,” the king nodded approvingly.

“If she ever comes into contact with this crystal, her aura will try anything in its power to return to its owner. If anything happens, the crystal will point out her true identity,”

“I appreciate this, Matilda,”

“Of course your Highness and if she does….meet an unfortunate end, then her aura will disappear,”

“I see. If anything happens to her, then this kingdom will fade away into nothingness. If I die, then there will be no living heir left. I don’t care of the consequences,”

“Yes your Highness,” he looked uneasy. She gently took his hand, “You know the kingdom will always be a safe haven for anyone who needs to hide. And we’ll always keep that way, following your rule and law,”

“But keeping it hidden required strength, only someone from the family line has the ability,”

“Then by that logic someone will always be around,”

“I just don’t want this place corrupted. In the years, there’s been struggles and I just don’t want people killed over them. We need someone tough yet fair and if it wasn’t for the fact that I don’t trust my son, I would have named an heir and retired but there’s a trial and…” he sighed. Matilda rubbed his shoulders.

“You don’t have to worry, your Highness. Everyone will be fine. She has the same aura as our Queen. She’ll be a fine choice with the right training,”

“You’re right. Thank you Matilda,” That night, he took her into her room and gently placed her in her bed. She yawned at him. She was a bundle of energy, hence why he tried everything he could to wear her out before bedtime. He knew that even after he did all of this work, she would crawl out of bed and find him and curl up next to him. He didn’t mind. Not one bit. But this was their personal ritual. He brought over the chest and opened it revealing a mountain of cookies. She grinned.

“Just one,”









“Two! Two!” he chuckled

“Two it is!” they both two out two cookies. She happily ate the first one.

“Gram’s Cookies!”

“Mhm, Gram’s Cookies. Grandpa misses her so much,”

“Grandpa, sad?”

“Mhm but my little bunny and cookies makes me happy,” she pointed to herself.

“Bunny!” he tickled her ribs.

“Yes bunny!” they laughed and finished their little treat. Matilda watched from the door. His Highness hadn’t been happy since his wife died a few years ago. In fact, he was in mourning since, refusing to wear anything but black and holing himself inside his castle. He still ruled and kept a strong face but the people knew and they felt for their king, many bringing gifts to try and cheer him up. The older women bright him homemade cakes and pies and tarts, experienced and amateur bakers make cookies, and elaborate cakes, storytellers weaved magical and exciting tales. He appreciated it all and thanked them and rewarded them but nothing could snap him out of it. Matilda even called her sister from the outside to see if there was something where she lived that could have snapped him out but nothing. The little girl did what many couldn’t. Even he recognized some of the scars and things that his son probably afflicted onto her but she was safe now. She gently closed the door and retired to her room. She took out the video den den mushi and made a call. A redheaded woman with freckles and golden eyes answered. She beamed at her.


“Dear sister!”

“How are things?”

“Good, you?”

“Great, is everything okay?”

“As okay as it can be. I hate to say this but this is not a social call. Is everything okay on your end? Especially after what happened?” the woman sighed.

“Back to normal as normal can be. Kaido fled after what Void did to him. We closed down the borders and everything. Atlas saw to it with the rest of the crew. Everything fell into place,”

“Good, good. I hate to ask this of you but I think there’s a mole in our court. I’m going to need some assistance in flushing them out. Void has a feeling as well but we need to keep a close eye on things, they might try to flee Wano and come here and if that’s the case, we’re going to have problems, especially with the little princess finally back where she belongs,”

“I see. You can count on me. Is the princes okay?”

“She is, he’s planning on making her heir in a private ceremony with only a few of our trusted few. So even if there is a mole, he won’t know the difference and we need to keep that way,”

“Yes sister! I’ll keep my eyes and ears opened,”

“I know, thank you. So…how is the big lug?”


“Mariettaaaaaaaaa,” Atlas groaned from the background, “I need my muscle cream and massage! The old war spasm is acting up again,” she giggled.

“He’s being a drama king as usual,” Matilda laughed.

“Go tend to him and I’ll talk to later,”

“Night sis,”

“Night Mari,”

Chapter 61: The Red Fridge


The Little Girl gets in Trouble

Chapter Text

________________________ was gifted with a small refrigerator that Club found in the dump. After a lot of inspecting, it was dubbed that there was nothing wrong with it. He would have kept it for himself but they already had three in their little Terminal home and thought that the Duchess would want it for her cake. After a lot of clean up, it looked good as new. It was a cherry red fridge that was as tall as her. It was awesome and after some maintenance, it was revealed that it was perfect for her cake stash. Because she set aside some of her allowance of her little confectionery obsession every month, she decided to finally take up the offer of a sale from her favorite bakery and store the cake in there. She loaded up her fridge with all she could and things she couldn’t keep in the normal fridge. It wouldn’t have been a problem but she knew anything that wasn’t claimed within a week would be up for grabs and she couldn’t let that happen. Not this time! She placed the fridge deep underground aka the family onsen. That was one of the best parts of the house. There was a natural hot spring under it. Marco said it was great for Pop’s joints and the secrets to being young.

“We soak in it almost every day,” said Izo, “Keeps the skin healthy and supple,”


“And it’s perfect for little girl baths,” she liked going down there for time to time, often to soak her feet after a long day ribbon twirling. But there was a small rest area where everyone usually goes after soaking. It looked like a teahouse but it was mainly a place where everyone drank tea or sake or took a nap. Curiel did the wiring to have a kitchen comforts without having to go upstairs again. She placed her little fridge there and plugged it for safe keeping. She was proud of herself.

“So the cake eater has a stash,” Ace chuckled. She stuck out her tongue.

“Don’t be jealous,”

“And you have a secret comic stash,” said Sabo, “Don’t know WHY you’re hiding them,”

“Tch, I’m not hiding my comics,”

“You have like a bunch of shojo manga!” said Luffy. This earned him a clobber from Ace, “OW! What was that for?!”

“For not shutting up!”

“You read shojo?” said ________________

“N-NO! Girl manga is horrible!”

“You like Giant Girlfriend,”

“That’s different! It has action, aka not for girls,”

“…you know, Aaron broke up with Layla,”


“Mhm, it’s in the latest manga. He thought his biker gang was more important than his relationship with her. He told her that he didn’t need her anymore and just left,” said __________________

“FUCK THAT LITTLE—,” Sabo and ________________ were laughing hard. He reddened and then glared.

“So you ARE invested in the romantic plot!”

“Aren’t they cute together?!”

“Shut up!” the cake fridge was a known thing, but the location was a well kept secret. The only people outside of a select few actually didn’t think anything of it but…there was ONE thing that no one has factored in, the Luffy Factor. The Luffy Factor’s rules were that Luffy will blurt out anything that he finds cool or makes him happy and his little sister having her own special fridge for her cake was something amazing. Especially since she was one to share her confectionary habit. So Luffy being Luffy told everyone who would listen and this brings us to the Kid Factor. The Kid Factor is that Kid will act and be a massive asshole at any given moment out of spite or otherwise. So when Kid found out that _________________ had a fridge that had her most favorite thing in the world, he decided to ruin it. Kid wasn’t subtle either, in fact he wanted everyone to know that it was HE who decided to make _________________’s life a slight hell. So it began. At nine that morning, during breakfast, Kid ran into the Whitebeard home like a little unruly animal. Early risers saw this and thought almost nothing of it, until they saw a familiar red fridge. ________________ was just coming back from her morning chores and was almost knocked over. When ________________ saw her fridge running down the street, she dropped that day’s groceries and went after Kid who was taunting and laughing at her. Because of the fallen groceries, everyone who had the misfortune of coming downstairs tripped on and fell on vegetable, bottles of milk, and the like. The bottom of the stairs was ruined to say the least.

“What the hell happened in here?!” said Vista, “Where did all of this come from?” Thatch ran and saw that the groceries were all at the bottom and was trampled. Almost immediately he salvaged everything he could see. They then heard shouting outside and saw ___________________ running back and forth. She saw Kid heading towards Law’s place and was almost there before she was yanked back and taken home. She struggled as Vista took her home and placed her in front of the grocery mess. She then realized what happened.

“___________________ why did you leave the groceries out like that?!” said Thatch

“I’m sorry but Kid he had my fridge and I was—,”

“That’s not an excuse! You should have at least put the groceries into the kitchen!”

“I was on my way! But Kid took my—,”

“It’s just a fridge kiddo!” said Vista, “We could have broken our necks because of those groceries!”

“In the little lady’s defense, you shall should just trample down in the morning,” said Jozu

“No excuses! She should know better,” said Thatch

“Bu-But! I had to get my fridge back! I didn’t do anything!”

“You left the groceries! Now we have get more to replace everything that you got ruined!”

“But I didn’t mean to!” soon there was a mini disagreement downstairs waking up Marco who was exhausted from the previous night.

“Oy, oy, what’s going on?” he then noticed the mess, “What the hell happened in here?”

“You little duckling left the groceries out and they got trampled while she went to play with Kid!”

“I wasn’t playing! I was getting my fridge back!”

“Kiddo, it’s just a fridge!” said Vista

“No it’s not!” one again, everyone was getting riled up. Marco sighed.

“Alright stop, yoi,” said Marco rubbing his temples, “I’ll buy the groceries, I’ll be back, in the meantime, __________________, got to your room and cool off a bit,”

“Why! I didn’t do anything! Kid has my—,”

“No butts,” Marco said firmly, “Upstairs and cool off,” she took a deep breath and went upstairs. However, she wasn’t calm, she was angry! She didn’t do anything! She paced her room like a caged animal and finally she started to calm down a little but she was still very upset. She decided that she was going to get her fridge back! She went out to the balcony and hopped from ledge to ledge until she was at the front, shimmed down the corner and slid and landed in a bush. She brushed herself off and headed off. She was going to get to the Dead Island and get her fridge back! She didn’t know where Kid went and she knew that for a fact he would have probably hid it and not tell her. She decided to go ask Law for help. On her way there, she saw a man on a bicycle with something strapped to it riding passed Law’s place. Her eyes widened. On the back was a familiar red fridge! She quickly ran after it. Kid must have sold it to this guy who was going to give it to someone else. She ran behind and close but kept enough distance to keep him from thinking she was following him. The man arrived at a very familiar villa with a very familiar serious maid signing a piece of paper. The man placed her fridge on a dolly and wheeled it into the house. She scampered to the door before it closed and looked inside. There it was! Her refrigerator! She was delight until she saw the man talking to a familiar monster in a pink feather boa pointing and giving directions. The Strings Man had her fridge! And she had to get it back! She didn’t want to. Lord knows she didn’t but all of that delectable and sweet tasty would be taken away! She worked for that cake and she was going to eat her cake! And she definitely couldn’t let him eat the special one inside! She steeled herself and went inside. She’s only been inside the villa a few times but she knew better than to just look from room to room. She saw the man who brought her fridge leave a room. She hid around a corner and waited until he left. She then crept towards the room and opened it. Inside the room was a large bed with black and red satin sheets, a large white furry couch, a coat rack, a large window, a huge closet, and dress with a lot of things on it and the room reeked of cologne. She hopped and maneuvered her away around the things until she found what she was looking for: her fridge! She grinned and unplugged it, used some belts she found lying around and used them to strap the fridge strapped to her back. Now she had to get out of the villa in one piece without being detected of course. She scurried from corner to corner, looked both ways and scurried down the halls. She had to get to the front and then she’ll be home free. She hadn’t encountered any of the maids and that was okay but more importantly, she didn’t see the Strings Man. She was absolutely relieved. She was home free! However, this was not the case. Doflamingo saw something in the corner of his eye and saw his brand new mini fridge walking through his villa. He walked carefully behind it and saw that it was heading down the stairs. He watched as it hopped to the banister and slid to the bottom. He was impressed to say the least. But he waited until it was close to the door. He smirked and lifted it up to see (h/c) hair and two large (e/c) eyes.

“Fufufufu, well well the little thief is back~” ____________________’s widened and before she could do anything, she was wrapped up in invisible strings. She struggled to get away but to no avail. Soon she was dangling in the middle of the hall.

“L-Let me go! You’re squeezing me!”

“Oh? Am I? I wasn’t aware,” she felt the strings get tighter. She winced and tried to get away, “Now are you going to tell me why you’re in villa stealing MY fridge?”

“B-Because it’s not yours!”

“Oh? It isn’t?”

“No! It’s mine!”

“Can you prove little lady?”

“Just open it! My cake is in there!” Doflamingo opened it and not only was it not hers because it was empty; it had another amenity hers didn’t, an ice maker. Her heart sank into her stomach.

“Fufufufufufufu, I guess your theft was in vain~ So what AM I going to do with you? I always wanted a little marionette to make sing and dance forever, or I can just hang you up here and be my cute little decoration for the rest of your life~”

“Boss! Put her down!” said Perv bouncing into the living room, “And young lady what are you doing here?!”

“I-I’m sorry Miss Perv! I thought he had something of mine!”

“She was stealing my new mini fridge, the red one,”

“…Boss put her down, you can’t just do citizen justice like this!”

“Mmmmm~ why should I? I have to make a little thief an example,” he said smirking

“You can’t! It’s a…first maybe second offense but you can’t hurt her!”

“And why not?” he said looking at Perv

“Because she’s Law’s little girlfriend,” said Dom watching downstairs. Doflamingo froze and almost immediately dropped the little girl who landed on the carpet with a thud.

“What was that you say? Law has himself a little girlfriend?”

“Mhm! They’ve been together for about a year or so now~”

“Awwww~ I guess I have to pay my sweet baby boy a visit then,” he then happily strode outside. _________________ looked a little relieved. However she was not out of the woods. Lesser was looming over her. She did not look happy.

“Are you okay?”

“Y-Yes Miss Lesser,”

“Good, now get home,”

“Yes Miss!” ________________ scampered out of the house as fast as she could. However, she didn’t go home. If that wasn’t her fridge, then Kid must have taken it back home with him!

Law was home alone. It wasn't anything unusual. Corazon had to go to work and he was more than capable of being by himself. Though he also knew that wouldn't stop the Maids from checking in on him every now and then. They usually alternated in making sure he had food, company, and things like that. Today was a very peaceful afternoon. He was finishing up his studies and he was going to take a break. He went to the kitchen. Cook made a bunch of rice sandwiches for him and Corazon and he couldn't wait to dig in. they were still warm. He grabbed one and was munching when his thoughts were interrupted by a loud bang. He jumped and looked to the door. He slowly approached it. There was another bang, then another, before the door flew opened. At the door was Doffy with the biggest smile he's ever seen on his face. Law leapt up but Doffy came at him.


"W-What?!" he plopped on the couch and gave him the biggest most dirtiest smile he's ever seen. It made his skin crawl.

"The cake eating brat who loves to try and steal shit from me~ Law if I would have known, I wouldn't have tried to keep her teach her some manners. And she's younger! I didn't know you liked robbing the cradle! So tell me how far have you gone? Did you pop that little cherry yet?"

"THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Doffy puts up his hands.

"Defensive aren't we? I was just innocent asking if you finally got your little dick wet,"



"BOSS YOU LEAVE LAW ALONE!" Perv bustled into the house, "You know you're not allowed within ten feet of Law without Corazon near!"

"You leave him and his little girlfriend alone!" said Dom bringing up the rear, "Don't be so mean!"

"I was just teasing; he should be used to it by now!"

"WHERE'S _________________?!"

"Don't worry, I let her go~" Law looked at Perv and Dom. They nodded to confirm.

"We saw her leave, she's okay," said Perv. Law looked relieved.

"Ara, ara~ so worried about your little "friend"," Dom tittered under her hand.

"Stooooooop you're embarrassing him!" said Perv

"I just want to know if she made him a man~" said Doffy

"They're too young!"

"...well, there's playing doctor at that age and Law is training to be a doctor," said Dom grinning. They looked up to see Law not only gone but after a search of the house, he was nowhere in sight, "Awwww we scared him off,"

"Shame on your both!" said Perv

"Fufufufufufufu you're no better, especially since you're betting against him," she looked confused until he held up the maids' betting book. Perv's face went red.

"BOOOOOOSS were you snooping?!"

"It's not snooping if you ladies kept it in plain sight. Besides, I want in,"

"Fiiiiiiiiine," said Dom

____________________ hopped off the ferry and made her way to Kid and Killer’s place. She was now hell bent on making kid pay for his transgressions against her and her fridge and almost getting her presumably by the Strings Man. She didn’t stop until she was at the door. She opened it to see Killer, Ace, Luffy, and Sabo.

“Where’s Kid?” the boys said nothing and pointed to his room.

“Kid! I want my fridge!”

“So you finally tracked me down. Congratulations, but you’re still not getting your fridge back,”

“And why not?”

“Because I’m going to scrap it and make it into something badass like a roadster or something so there’s nothing you can do about it so you may as well get the fuck out of my room and go home little girl,”

"Oh no Kid, this is beyond basic theft of preventing from my confectionery goodness that is cake. No, this is revenge. I was almost a prisoner to that Strings Man all because of you and you're gonna pay!"

"Tch and how are YOU gonna make ME pay? You're a little girl and I'm a boy who's older than you and probably stronger than you!" she closed the door.

"That may be but I have something that I KNOW you're terrified of and I won't hesitate in using it!" he raised an eyebrow. She pulled something from her pocket. His eyes widened as he started to back away.


"Oh you're gonna scream! But just know, you brought this on yourself!" the boys heard banging and scratching, sounds of a scuffle, and then a blood curdling scream.



"I-I don't know but let's get Marco before she kills him!" said Luffy

"M-Maybe it isn't that bad!" said Sabo






"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! HELP ME! SOMEONE HELP ME!" Ace and Killer started ramming against the door. It wouldn't budge.

"WE HAVE TO GET MARCO!" Sabo and Ace took off out the door with Luffy not far behind. Killer on the other hand ran to get Miss Ribbon.

Rakugo opened the door and saw a familiar hat and an overnight bag trudging past him. It greeted everyone as he went upstairs and hunkered down into his home away from home bed. About an hour later, he smelt something sweet and then something on the nightstand. Marco came in with milk and cookies.


"Doffy, Perv, and Dom!" he said miserably and downing the milk.

"What they do?"

"Doffy found out about me and _____________________! Now he's going to tease me forever! I KNOW he is! He always does weird shit like this! He keeps saying I need to get my big boy hair and then I will understand! UGH!"

"...yeah I can see why Roci tells you to make a beeline here,"

"You have NO idea. It's okay, right?"

"Mhm, by the way, do you know where she is? She's not in her room," Law then remembered and was about to say something when there were footsteps pounding upstairs and Ace, Luffy, and Sabo bursts into the room.


"WHAT?!" said Marco

"She confronted Kid and she closed the door and then Kid started screaming!" said Sabo

"SHE'S TORTURING HIM!" Marco ran downstairs with the boys behind. Fossa already had the truck with Izo, Speed Jill, and Izo already inside. The boys scrambled in and off they went.

Marco, Speed Jill, Fossa, Izo, and Rakugo made it to the house. they could hear Kid screaming from the ferry as they ran faster with the boy trailing behind. Miss Ribbon was at the door fretting. She pointed into the boys' home, The brothers sprinted upstairs. Killer was slamming against the door trying to get it to open. Marco pulled them back as Rakugo kicks it down. ____________________ was straddling Kid, armed with lipstick covered lips and was kissing Kid all over his face. Kid's face was covered in lipstick kisses and saliva and tears. He was struggling to get away but _________________ had him pinned to the ground and was kissing at any open space she could get.

"What the fuck?" said Fossa



"Is that my lipstick?!" said Izo

"I’m sorry but it's for the greater good Izo!" said ____________________

"...well he's a goner," said Ace

"Kid's gonna die!" Luffy wailed

"Idiots, cooties aren't real!" said Law

"Yeah they are!" said Luffy, "And especially if a girl is wearing lipstick! Kid's gonna die!" Fossa and Rakugo had to leave the site because they were on the verge of pissing their pants from laughter. Marco looked confused.

"Apparently, it's okay for boys and girls to kiss but if a girl kisses a boy with lipstick, that's a surefire way of spreading cooties," said Speed Jill. Marco raised an eyebrow, "It's unwritten kid law! Keep up Marco,"

"How did she get lipstick?!"

"Izo's room, therefore this is premeditated cootie spreading!"

"I'll talk to her. Just...calm those two idiots downstairs,"

"Got it," Marco slowly approached the pair. ___________________ jerked around.

"B-Back off!" She pulled Kid to the corner and placed her tongue on his cheek, "Al 'ick 'im! Ow du it!"


" know there's a lot of boys who'd pay for something like that," said Killer

"EW!" said Luffy

"What kind of a sick fuck wants a girl to lick them?!" said Ace

"You'd be surprised,"


"GET THIS STUPID GIRL OFF ME" Kid went to leave. But ______________________ licked from his cheek up to his way in a slow, wet, deliberate way, "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!"
"THAT WAS A WARNING!" she said

"____________________ Calm down, let's discuss this rationally," she looked apprehensive, "For me?" she nodded but then frowned.

"Empty your pockets!"


"Do it or I'm licking!" Marco stood up and started taking things out of his pockets and to his surprise he took out a squirt bottle of water. He looked at it puzzled, "Kick it over!" he rolled it over. She took it one-handedly, "...Cootie repellent?! Marco not you too!"

"I didn't!"

"It was for your own good Marco!" said Luffy


"Yeah! She's acting crazy! She might go on a kissing spree!" Marco sighed

"_____________________ what's all this about?! You're not usually this erratic! Just calm down and tell me what's wrong!"

"B-Because I-I'm being punished because Kid stole my things! It's not fair! I didn't do anything wrong! But I got in trouble!"

" didn't get in trouble. Is this what all this is about? _________________ were screaming and you were trying to get out to kill Kid! We wanted you to calm down and think rationally first. That's why we sent you to your room. It wasn't to punish you,"

"But you didn't even listen to me! You guys always listen!"

"We couldn't get a word in! Sweetheart you knew you were upset but you didn't want you to think yelling was okay. That's why we sent you to your room, to calm down. Didn't that help?"

"...I guess," he smiled

"See? You weren't in trouble; we just wanted you to take some time to think. You're a smart kid and we were asking Miss Ribbon about the fridge. Kid never ruined it,"


"But you are in trouble for attempting to steal Doflamingo's fridge. He had nothing to do with it. You just saw a fridge and assumed it was yours and went after it. You can't do things like that. You're lucky Doflamingo didn't hurt you, probably traumatized you,"

"That's an understatement!"

"Still you owe him an apology,"

"Yes Marco,"

"Now let's go on home,"

"Sorry I can't do that! Not until Kid tells me where my fridge is!"

"Kid, please tell me where you hid it!"

"I'd rather die!" Kid shoved her off and tried to make a break for it. In a swift motion she tackled him and proceeded to lick him all over his face. Kid was screaming trying to get away and flailing. Marco grabbed and hoisted her off of him. Kid was in the fetal position shaking and whimpering.

"I-I smell like GIRL! I'm gonna turn into a girl! I-I got the COOTIES!"

"Cooties aren't real idiot!" said Law

"Seriously!" said Sabo

"I told you that before!" said Killer

"Explain the rash then!" said Kid pointing to his cheek

"...looks like you are allergic to something," said Law, "You're breaking out really bad,"

"IT'S THE COOTIES! I TOLD YOU KISSING GIRLS WITH LIPSTICK WOULD BE NOTHING BUT TROUBLE!" downstairs, Fossa and Rakugo had ___________________'s beloved cake fridge. She ran to it and opened the door. All of her cake was intact. She looked so relieved.

"All of this for cake? Seriously kid, we need to talk about you addiction,"

"It's not an addiction! I can stop whenever I want! But there's a special cake in here!" she reached in and pulled out a box of mini eclairs, "I got these for Jozu! Tomorrow is his birthday and I got them just for him!" the men looked at her.

"Shit it IS tomorrow!" said Fossa

"Yeah! I asked him what he wanted and he said he wanted these! I had to get them when I went to the Barracks because they're the ONLY place that sells them! These were the last ones!"

“So that’s why you were trying to get that fridge back,”

“Yeah! I can replace cake! But I can’t replace Jozu being sad on his birthday!”

Back at home, the Doflamingo and the maids were in the living room. Ace, Luffy, and Sabo stayed put to help Law make his cootie vaccine, much to his, Sabo, and Killer's dismay. Marco decided to take Kid to give him a super special cootie shot aka antihistamine for his allergy and take him back home after an allergy test. Inside, they were greeted to Doflamingo who was spread out on the couch. _____________________ immediately hid behind Marco. Doflamingo smirks at the little girl. Lesser stood up.

“Marco, I think we need to…talk,”

“No, we don’t, I’m aware, but I do believe, ________________ has something to say to your Boss,” Marco nudged her forward. Lesser nudged Doflamingo who stood up and slightly slouched to look down at the little girl.

"I-I'm sorry for stealing your fridge, Mr. Doflamingo," she said and bowed lowly, "It won't happen again,"

"Fufufufufu are you really~" He was immediately poked and hit in five different places on his body and the maid glared at him, "Ow! Okay, okay I accept!"

"That's all we asked," said Perv giggling.

“Thank you Marco for having us,” said Lesser

“Anytime Lesser,”

“Still on for tomorrow?”

“You know it, see you at eight,”

“Alright Boss let’s go home,”

“Terrorizing children, you ought to be ashamed!” said Cook

“Seriously what is WRONG with you!” said Perv

“You traumatized poor Law and his sweetheart! How could you!” said Dom

“Shame!” said Cleaner. The men watched as the quintet shamed their Boss who walked onward knowing that he was going to get an earful from now until they got back to the villa, a punishment he knew he deserved. ______________________ looks at Marco.

"When do I start my punishment?"

" know, it's been a long day, tomorrow,"


"Come on Kid, we have to find the cootie source and take care of it before it spreads to the rest of your body,"

"Thanks!" _______________ headed upstairs. She was exhausted and just wanted to get some rest before dinner.

“Hey little lady, you have a minute?” she looked up to see Thatch in his room. She frown. He smiled nervously, “I deserved that. Listen, I wanted to say I apologize about this morning. I didn’t mean to snap at you like that. It was an honest mistake. I just saw the mess and my thoughts went to you just dropping everything for nothing. I didn’t even let you get a word in to explain yourself,”

“Me too,” said Vista, “What was going on at that moment was important to you, we shouldn’t have dismissed it as nothing. It was something that you thought was important. We’re just saying we didn’t mean to yell at you like that,”

“…I’m sorry to; I shouldn’t have left the groceries out like that. But when I saw my fridge leaving, I just wanted to get it back. I didn’t care about the cake as much as Jozu’s present and the fridge itself since Club gave it to me and Curiel fixed it,”

“Well, we’ll accept yours, if you accept ours,” she smiled and nodded. Thatch ruffled her hair and Vista hugged her. She then scampered to her room and plopped on the bed. Meanwhile the boys were heading back home via ferry.

“I STILL can’t believe she got Kid,” said Sabo

“Never mess with ________________ and her cake,” said Ace, “Though I have to wonder, who told Kid about the fridge,”

“I didn’t even know she had a cake fridge,” said Law, “Clever actually,”

“Yeah Club found it for her and cleaned it up. I swear the shit people throwaway,”

“Well that’s the old model of the newer one that was released a few weeks ago,” said Killer, “The new one has an ice maker,”

“How do you know?” said Sabo

“I listen whenever I walk around Goa. People liked the retro style but they also think the ice maker was more functional,”

“Tch, they’re just going to recall the newer ones because everyone is going to complain about the ice maker making the fridge smaller,” said Law

“And by the way, almost everyone knew about the cake fridge because Rubber Boy’s big mouth,” Ace and Sabo looked at Luffy, “He was bragging and telling everyone about his big sister’s fridge filled with cake. And of course Kid isn’t going to pass an opportunity to mess with _________________ especially since she teases him good,”

“Goddamn it Luffy!” said Ace clobbering

“You really need to be more careful in what you say!” said Sabo

“OW! I’m sorry, I’m sorry!”

“You almost got a man killed by cooties thanks to you!” said Ace as he started to shake him. Sabo sighed.

“For the last ti—,”

“Just…let them go,” said Law

“Seriously, I don’t think they listen to a word we say half the time,” said Killer

“Hopefully they’ll grow out of the cootie phase,”

“…one should hope,”

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Flora and Edward were drinking on the rooftop that evening. He couldn’t wait to tell her about the little saga that happened for the last twenty four hours. She was laughing so hard that she was holding her stomach. Edward wasn’t any better and was laughing throughout the story.

“She-She had the poor thing down on the ground and licking him! Apparently because she was trying to intentionally give him cooties, he was going to have them now! S-So Law had to great a “cure” and gave Ace and Luffy a vaccine!”

“PFFFFFFT HAHAHAHAHAHA! So why did Kid break out after she kissed him?!”

“Marco took him to get brought him in to be checked. Apparently he has an allergy to red water lilies. Thankfully we had some in the yard and an allergy test confirmed it. The lipstick that she used to attack him was made from it. He started breaking out and with the cooties thing; he thought he was going to die. Thankfully it was a mild allergy. So he gave him a mild antihistamine shot, telling him that’ll stop the cooties in their tracks and he’ll be right as rain in the morning,”

“So what’s the verdict?”

“Well, we had to ground the little lady for attempting to steal Doflamingo’s fridge. She’s grounded for a week; the fridge is locked up in the onsen. It would have been two weeks but I think after what Doflamingo did she’s probably traumatized but she needs to know that can’t get away with that. Robin gave Kid two weeks for stealing her fridge in the first place. He’s literately has to fix up his new home to make it more livable for him and Killer for those two weeks. The Little Lady will be an indoor kid for a week with no cake, plenty of reading time but along with mulch duty. All and all I think they learned their lessons,”

“I bet…though I really don’t understand the cootie thing. Is it just something we never knew about as kids?”

“Hmmm well, we were cabin kids. I think with everything going on in our lives, we didn’t have that weird childhood chance,”


“And…being around both crews, with kind of just learned that men and women were pretty much equals and interacted in different ways. And I kind of really wanted to kiss you regardless back then, damn the consequences,”

“You big weird man,”

“Oh come on, don’t tell me you never fantasized about me kissing you when we were kids!” Flora’s turned away blushing.

“I will not confirm nor deny that accusation!”

“GURARARARARARARARA! Awwww you did didn’t you!”

“Humph! You can’t prove a thing! So don’t try it Edward!” he smiled and gently took her hand

“I know…I’m just glad you kissed back,” Flora’s face went red. He chuckled. She covered her face.

“You’re an awful man but I love you for it,”

“I love you more,”

“This isn’t a competition!”

“It will always be,” he pours them another round, “When are you leaving?”

“I’m meeting the girls near Dawn Island and we’ll keep him at bay the moment went get near Cidre,”

“Be careful out there,”

“I got it. I know a little young upstart can’t get the drop on me,”

“That’s not what I’m worried about. You survived one Buster Call, I don’t want that luck to run out,”

“We both survived it if you recall. I think we can get out before any major shit goes down,” she downed her drink, “In the meantime…there’s going to be a storm brewing and there’s a lot of opportunists out there, just keep the kids safe until then,”

“We’re going to have a meeting soon. If push comes to shove the Ace, Law, and ________________ will be safe with Dadan. The island is under out protection and no one knows about it. Do you know where Bellemere plans on taking the girls?”

“We talked. The village will take care of the girls because once again not on their radar. And it’ll be a safer bet than trying to move kids from island to island. I have a few of the Flower Pirates stationed near to keep an eye on things,”

“Good call. We’ll patrol and keep everything at bay for the time being. Do you think we need to get Void involved?”

“Hopefully no. If we do our jobs, we won’t need him. I also don’t you two to get into it again, like last time,”

“Tch, I don’t see why he’s so hostile when it comes to me,”

“You know why, he doesn’t trust anyone from the Rock Pirates, he still can’t forgive what happened. You can’t really blame him,”

“I wasn’t even in when it happened!”

“Still,” he sighed as she pours the round, “You can’t blame him for his feelings but Void is a last resort of anything goes south and that would mean Atlas would as well. But with everything happening in Wano right now…let’s just hope they decide to attack the only areas that we predicted and then we’ll be ready. Unless Linlin has something up her little sleeve,”

“I think she proved her point knowing that Reader isn’t a boy and Teach’s credibility was lost. That’s why I want the kids hidden. He’s stupid that we know but he does show some bouts of intelligence from time to time. But this area is secure,”

“Even if he does make it to the island, the Baratie is there, then there’s Doffy, and then there’s the maids,”

“Guarararararara! The maids along would probably take the crew out or at least hold them long enough for us to take care of things,”

“Hell I don’t think that moron’s ability would work on those five like it would a normal human. If you look at them, they’ve been through hell and back, especially that little one,”


“Mhm, by the way, you said Marco have been ducking out with Lesser lately?” Edward snorts.

“Yeah, every week, he goes out to Makino’s with Lesser and they’ve been getting shitfaced,” Flora snorts.

“Well, Marco has to babysit seventeen brothers, three that are still children and one sister and Lesser has four sisters, three children, and one warlord of the sea. I think they earned it!”

“Not to mention Marco has a very stubborn father who won’t stop drinking sake,” Edward laughed

“And he has an enabling mother!”

“That’s an understatement!” they both laughed and continued drinking and reminiscing the rest of the night.

Chapter 62: Leaving Home


The Little Girl has to Leave Her Home

Chapter Text

Rocinante sat in his study. He took a long drink from his bottle and sighed. His head was pounding and he knew this was going to be a very difficult call. Not in the sense that she wouldn’t be up to it but all of the protocol he and Sengoku would be breaking. One slip up and he would be putting himself into danger, Sengoku’s position into danger, and his own life into danger. He stared at the den den mushi on his desk. He picked it up and made the call. A few moments later, it picked up.


“Hi ********,” the den den mushi reddened before looking away and then steeling itself.

“Hi Roci, what do I owe the pleasure of this call?”

“…I hate to ask but need a very important favor,”

“…What is it?”

“I’m pretty sure you know from Doffy about the impending war and Buster Call?”

“Mhm, we made plans over here to secure everything including making sure everyone and everything outside of Goa is secured. What do you need?”

“…I need you to come with me and Sengoku to help on the front lines?” she was silent for a few moments, so was he, “Law is very adamant about me not going. I’ve never seen him throw this much of a fuss before. He doesn’t want to lose me again, I can understand,”

“You can’t blame him. He lost you once and he’s very fearful of that. He pretty much saw you die and that’s a very traumatizing thing to see, especially since he’s already been through a lot,”

“I know…I-I kind thought he would have healed over time,”

“That’s not something you can heal from quickly, even with a new life and family and love he receives, it’s still something that weighs heavy in his heart. You and Boss go through the same thing…even I and we’re adults. He’s still a child, even though he’s eleven going on forty,”

“True. I hope he’s not upset that I tried to reassure him,”

“You’re his father now, I’m pretty sure he appreciates it. Now, what do you need me to do?”

“We need you to come with us as a transfer soldier. We’ll forge the paperwork and everything and you’ll be a high ranking Marine Commodore. Your underlings were giving strict orders to take care of things on the home front and you’re here for aid. I know you can improvise the rest. Your main objective is to well…make sure there are no hiccups. We know the risks with a Buster Call and because it’s someone like Bullet, it’s going to be a literal free for all for pirates who want to take advantage of the situation. The Whitebeard Pirates are going to sail and aid in our absence and taking care of Law for me but…we need extra backup,”

“I’m in,”


“I’ll keep a low profile as possible. I’ve never broken my cover before. I think I can blend in with a bunch of Marines without detection,”

“Thank you so much!” he was about to hang up but then he stopped, “Umm I was another request?”


“When…this is all over and we make it out on the other side, I was wondering, can I treat you to dinner? My treat of course,”

“Are you sure?”

“Y-Yeah! You do a lot to help me and Law and we both really appreciate it. And it’s the least I can do, Lessy,”

“Don’t call me that!” the den den mushi tried to look scary but was flustered. He chuckled, “Fine I’ll let you treat me,”

“Grilled unagi and crab rolls?”

“You know me too well,”

“I’ll bring over an uniform and give you a briefing of your cover. I still you one,”

“Dinner is payment enough,”


“See you in a few days,”

“See you,” he hung up and placed the den den mushi back. His heart was pounding. It always pounded when she was near or if he could hear her voice. He took a deep sigh. They were going to break a lot of protocol with this but this was something that couldn’t be helped. The Buster Call wasn’t the only thing that was problem. The real threat of an ambush was lingering in the air. ******** was an one woman army in her own right and getting a new men back to safety wouldn’t be a problem. He then smiled a little. Having dinner with her and keeping his promise to Law was more than enough initiative for him to come back safely. His face went red a bit before he realized that he actually asked her out! He blushed and covered his face, “Damn it…the things she does to me!”

Ace and _________________ listened in downstairs. Lately the adults have been acting stranger than usual. First there were the tense mealtimes, then Pops and Marco constantly heading out together. Izo was talking to Kiku a lot more than usual. And she watched Curiel, Fossa, and Rakugo loading the truck with firearms, gunpowder, and things like that. Speed Jill started to accompany her to the market for errands and they got more than usual just to make sure the house was well stocked and then the rest was going to the ship. After things were done, he took her to school. It was then she and the other girls received a letter from the school stating that the girls wouldn’t have lessons until further notice.

“I’m sorry girls but the area will be under strict guidelines to ensure your safety. So until then, until further notice, everything is going to be closed,” said Miss Fern, “Don’t worry, we’ll pick things up when you all return,”

“Awww we can’t see each other for until further notice!” said Kaya, “How long is that?!”

“Probably for a month,” said Vivi, “Indefinitely means like a year,”

“Not indefinitely!” said ______________

“It’s not just here, it’s everywhere,” said Plum, “Apparently there’s going to be a lack of Marine personnel and everyone is just making sure everyone is going to be okay. Some even hired private security,”

“Yeah, Mom and Dad hired a few people to keep our town safe!” said Penny, “They’re really nice! It’s an all female group of for hires!”

“That’s awesome!” said Kaya

“And they’re really sweet! Daddy did very careful screening we actually got in touch with those nice ladies from _________________’s birthday! They introduced us to the seven who were going to patrol out town and they’re so sweet! Daddy even gave them our extra rooms as a place for them to relax! One of them, her name is Dahlia, is going to teach me and Plum some Spanish!”

“New language!” said Vivi, “Jealous!”

“And you can practice on Mr. Corazon!” ______________ piped

“Really?! I was hoping to practice with someone! It reminds me of French!”

“Anyone can speak French, idiot,” said Holly from her seat drawing what looked like a kitten. ______________ grinned.

“Je ne savais pas que tu pouvais parler français, Holly!”

“What did you say to me?!” the girl barked, “How dare you!”

“She said she didn’t know you could speak French, dummy,” said Kaya laughing.

“I-I can’t! She was just butchering it!”

“It’s standard French! Don’t be a sore loser! I mean you should be thrilled. You won’t have to see everyone until this is over,”

“If it means not seeing you losers stuff your fat cheeks with ice cream I’m all for it!” Holly barked.

“Oh that’s right, I guess we have to postpone the ice cream social,” said Vivi smirking at Holly.

“That’s right!” said Penny, “It was the end of THIS month, right?”

“Mhm! I guess it’ll have to be the first Sunday we got back!” said Plum grinning. ________________ had already written up the proposal for a change of date to give to Mr. Crewe.

“Annnnnnnd done! Thank you for reminding us Holly!” the girls immediately started signing the piece of paper in their best handwriting. Vivi folded it neatly.

“Awesome! Miss Fern can you give this to Mr. Crewe please?”

“Of course girls!”

“You’re a real gem, Holly! Especially since you’re not invited!” said Kaya giggling. Holly huffed and waited until Miss Fern was out of earshot.

“I hope you all get killed in your sleep but not you mutt, I hope you become a slave!” It was the same weekend ______________ had with Miss Hancock, who was thrilled to have her for a week but one day she got her dressed and ready for bed and told her to stay upstairs for a few hours with the promise of taking her shopping for more pretty things. She obeyed of course but she did peeked downstairs when she went to the bathroom. She noticed a few people through the mirror of Miss Hancock’s receiving room. She froze when she saw familiar pink feather and something dropped to her stomach. But she also saw Mr. Buggy’s blue hair, familiar priest robes, and a large gold hook. She could hear them talking. She sat there silent and listened. She made out words like Bullet, Buster Call, yonko, civilians and territories. But the voices were low and she ended up back to her room. Today, Thatch made the kids stay upstairs, sending Luffy and Sabo home, Marco personally driving them back. Ace knew it was serious then. He and ________________ munched on their dinner and were told to stay upstairs. The pair of course waited until they were sure that the meeting was starting and went to the unoccupied room that was right under the hallway near the stairs and sat quietly and listened to everything they could. They could hear several voices. ________________ recognized them as Grandpa, Sister, Miss Hancock, Corazon, and Shanks.

“What do you think they’re talking about?” she whispered

“Don’t know but it has to be serious if they’re meeting like this all together,” said Ace, “Especially if Shanks and your Grandpa are in the mix. I don’t think they’re affiliated with anyone or anything like Pops,”


“Yeah like a lot of pirates are under other pirates but Pops is on top and he has alliances. Shanks is the same way but it’s just him and his crew and well…I don’t know about your Grandpa. What does he do?”

“He fixes ships! He’s really good at it! I love watching him!” he shushed her as they listened in.

“Every active Marine will attack and take down Bullet. With that power, it’s going to be hairy at the most,” said Corazon, “Meaning that all active personnel will be occupied with other things. There’s no doubt that the information most likely got to the Blackbeard Pirates and Beast Pirates,”

“The Beast Pirates are in the Wano Territory,” said Whitebeard, “Atlas is taking care of them and holding them off at the front. It should be enough time to make sure things go according to plan,”

“What about Blackbeard?” said Hancock

“Knowing him probably taking this opportunity to try and take over new territories and conquer as much as his grubby little paws can reach,” said Marco

“Are you sure a Buster Call will be enough?” said Rayleigh

“It’s going to have to be. He’s destroyed too much to be ignored. He’s getting closer and closer to territories where…if something was to happen, he can spark a war,” said Corazon

“What’s a Buster Call?” ________________ whispered

“Don’t know but we can’t mention it or ask around the adults. They’ll know we know and that we’ve been spying on them,” said Ace


“So meaning, without a doubt, they’re going to use this as a way to either ambush a bunch of Marines at once or other towns and islands without immediate repercussions. An entire town can be leveled and we won’t know about it for days, especially with the slave trade on the rise,” said Jinbei.

“The Revolutionary Army are doing their part,” said Ivankov, “Some of us are going to stick around on base and the others are going to do some patrolling to make sure no one causes too much trouble,”

“So what you’re saying, Koala is going to be on an island while all of this is going on?” said Whitebeard

“Fisher didn’t have a choice. It took some convincing but this may be a good way to make the transition easier…for him,”

“I’m pretty sure there’s room for Freckles, the Little Lady, Straw Boy, and Top Hat,” said Iva

“Ace…can’t leave the area, not without us around,” said Marco

“Neither can _______________,” said Hancock, “I would take them to Amazon Lily but I think its best they stayed here,”

“Oh?” said Jinbei

“Trust us on this,” said Rayleigh

“We’ll take them to his old caregiver and if Law has no place to go, he’s more than welcomed,” said Izo

“…thank you, I appreciate it,” said Corazon

“How long do we have?”

“A week. Flora is already heading over to island to keep Bullet at bay. If there’s anyone who can give him a fight for a few days it’s her,” Ace let out a long groan. ______________ looked at him.

“What does this all mean?”

“It means they’re going off until this is all over and we’re going to be living with Dadan!” Ace grumbled, “They’re probably going to tell us tomorrow at breakfast so act surprised,”

“L-Leave home?”

“Yeah it’s no big deal! I mean I’ve been away for a few weeks without someone, it’s not bad at—,” Ace turned. ________________ the color drained from her face. She was holding her stomach and looked as though she was going to be sick. Tears were streaming down her face. Panic was starting to set in and she didn’t know why. She didn’t want to imagine being without her family. She couldn’t imagine being away from this for so long. She started to shake.

“I-I don’t wanna leave! T-This is o-our home! We-We can’t leave!”

“Shhh…it’s okay,” he gently wiped her face, “C-Calm down, you’ve left home before! You stay night with Miss Hancock and Grandpa, this shouldn’t be so bad,”

“B-But I-I don’t wanna leave everyone! E-Everyone is leaving! W-What if no-no comes back! I-I’ll b-be alone…we-we’ll be alone!”

“You won’t be alone. You’ll have me, Luffy, Sabo, and Law. We won’t let anything happen to you,” she was sobbing hard now. Ace looked around before going into the bathroom and getting her a cup of water, “Here just calm down,” he took her hand and took her to his room, “Come on, get in,” she nodded and crawled into his bed. Usually Ace invaded her room and she wasn’t in his much only to play video games from time to time. She was under the large blanket. She curled up next to him. He reddened before rubbing her back. She was still shaking against him. He then pulled away, “Listen…never doubt that Pops or any of our brothers won’t come back. They’re tough and you’re tough by association. It’s okay to be scared and to be worried about them but they’ll always come back, no matter what. You’ll never be alone and they’ll never abandon you! And if anything DOES happen to them, you still have me,”

“B-But what if something ha-happens to you?!” Ace looked at her.

“Let’s get one thing straight, nothing is ever gonna happen to me! I’m your big brother and it’s my job to make sure you and Luffy are always okay,” he wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close. She was sobbing into his chest and finally managed to get some sleep. He sighed. Living with Dadan was just second nature to him but he had to make sure that she was okay while living there, even if it meant him playing nice with the old bag. He looked down at her. Her cheeks were puffy from crying so much. He sighed. She was going to make herself sick if she continued like this. He pulled the blanket closer to them. They were about to doze off when they heard footsteps down the halls. The room to her door opened, then his room. There was a sigh of relief.

“There they are,” said Whitebeard, “Strange, usually Ace takes over ________________’s room, not the other way around,”

“I don’t know how we’re going to approach this tomorrow,” said Marco’s voice

“Ace knows the reason why it’s safer for him to be here. If anyone recognizes that face as Roger’s son, he’s done for. There’s already a speculations that the Pirate King has a child and let’s keep it that way, at least until he’s only enough to take care of himself,”

“Mhm, I’m just worried about _________________. She’s a sensitive little thing. This is going to be the first time since we adopted her that she’s going to be living without someone she knows. Dadan is used to boys, how is she going to react with a little girl?”

“She’ll be fine, she’s a little trooper. We just have to explain it to her. She’ll be fine and I’ll help her be a little more independent without us constantly around,” Marco was silent before the door closed. ________________ felt Ace squeezing her tighter. She winced but she now knew what she had to do tomorrow. She didn’t want them to worry about her. Soon they both drifted off to sleep.

Corazon slumped into the house dead tired. All this week he’s been having meetings nonstop in order to make sure that this place goes off without a hitch. He was exhausted, Sengoku was exhausted, hell everyone was on pins and needles. But they all agreed to make sure that the kids were okay and not to allow them to suspect a thing but in reality, they all knew that they would know something was amidst. They weren’t dumb by a long shot but it was still a very stressful situation. He knew he would have to tell Law.

“What?! Why?!”

“All active Maines are expected to go. I’m a Commodore now and I have to lead everyone to ensure everyone make it back home safely,”

“What about YOUR family!” said Law increasingly becoming more and more upset,”

“Law, we have to make sacrifices, we all do. Don’t worry, you’re staying here with Ace, Luffy, Sabo, and ____________________ in the mountains. You’re going to be oka—,”


“Law, calm down. I know this war is troublesome but I’m also a Captain and I have to make sure every civilian is okay and that there’s no real collateral damage,”

“NO!” the pair looked at each other. Law had his head down, “I-I almost lost you before, I’m not going to lose you again! Ask Lesser to go with you! I know you’ll be okay then! If you’re going, I’m going with you to make sure you come back!”

“Law, think about what you’re saying! Lesser isn’t a Marine, that’ll mean forging documents and creating a whole new different person and Sengoku and I could get in heaps of trouble for it!”

“I don’t care! I’M NOT LOSING YOU AGAIN!” Law was breathing hard, “You’re the only family I have left! I won’t let you do something that’ll make it where I’ll never be happy again! Please! Ask Lesser! I-If she goes with you, I KNOW she’ll make sure you’ll come back!” Corazon looked at him. Law was not a difficult kid. IN fact he was usually super mature and levelheaded. He’s seen him worked up before but not like this. There was fear and pain in his eyes, a child that was hurt and will always carry those scars with him. He sighed and lit up a cigarette.

“I’ll see what I can do. Just…calm down and get some sleep and I’ll let you know what happens tomorrow morning,” Law didn’t look too sure. Corazon patted his head, “I promise,” this was just enough to get Law to finally relax just enough to go back into his room. Corazon took a long drag and slowly blew out the smoke. He went to his study and sat there rubbing his temples. He was stressed to say the least and now he got Law worked up. He looked at the den den mushi and dialed.

Miss Con Ribbon had woken up early, as usual. She’s been living alone for so long that she actually missed making breakfast for herself when she needed. But with two boys who want to look out for her and vice versa, things have been a lot easier. She loved the two boys and it made living alone less lonely and more endearing. They always made sure she had groceries or things so she didn’t have to leave her home, well off the Dead Island at least. The island itself was a very quiet community. Everyone there was from somewhere and kept to themselves, except for trades and things. Kid used this to his advantage and hired himself for money to move things with his devil fruit. He and Killer were the only two kids around, somewhere old pirates, travelers, and even a bandit or two. They were trying to start over and didn’t care who was in the area as long as they didn’t stir up trouble. She had a garden and she often sold her extra produce. She even made sure than Kid and Killer’s “house” was safe. They built the bathroom, making sure that the plumbing was okay, they made sure the house was Kid proof, especially with his rages. Kill and her bolted down the furniture. Made sure that the gas powered things were safe and nothing was leaking and it was soon becoming a home for the boys. But that didn’t mean that they weren’t more than welcomed to stay with her. They often slept over to keep her company and came around for meals. Killer was the primary cook for them but Kid was tired of pasta. However, thanks to them making dinner, they’ve been eating more things like beef curry, karrage, stews, and various fish. The boys were delighted to feast like kings and often brought her things to trade for better things and sometimes beli for clothes. Today she decided to surprise them for a tradition breakfast from their homes. But her thoughts were suddenly jarred when there was a knock at the door. She knew it wasn’t the boys, who always either barged in or went through the back door.

“So this is where you’ve been hiding,” She froze and backed into the house. He was an incredibly tall, slim, yet muscular man. He had black, curly hair cut to chin length that fanned out at the tips, tanned skin, and an altogether lean, long build. He wore a blue bandana that covers most of his hair, leaving only the tips. He wore a white V-neck shirt with black pants, as well as an open dark blue-green trench coat that extended past his knees. He was carrying a knapsack, along with his old pair of green round sunglasses on his face. He walked in. Her heart was pounding out of her chest.

““Well-Well it’s not exactly easy to live a normal life when you’re always on the run. H-How did you find me?”

“I have my ways,” he walked in and dropped his bag on the couch, “Mainly when I heard word of your whereabouts of you sailing and your ship washing up in pieces. Anyone else I would have thought perished but not you. So I check all islands on the map and you still hadn’t surfaced but then I found out about this area and this island being considered dead. I asked the residents and they treated me with hostility and told me to fuck off. So I had to change into something more comfortable and everyone was okay with me. I started observing and saw you coming home and here we are,”

“…if you’re here to kill me then please come back later. I’m kind of busy this morning,”

“You know that’s not on my radar. I’m only here to keep an eye on things until everything has settled down,” Ribbon looked a little taken aback.

“You’re worried about me?”

“Consider it a safety net until things are…okay I’m a little worried. I won’t admit this again,”

“It’s alright. How long are you staying?”

“A month and then I’ll forget about this place and if you step off again, it’ll be back to square one,”

“I understan—,” Suddenly a pot shot out of nowhere and smacked him. He looked around as more and more things came from nowhere and smacked him. Then things lunged at him at full force. He ducked and dodged and blocked and was soon knocked off guard. Killer had tackled him and hitting him repeatedly. The man covered her face, still stunned from the sudden attack. Kid had more utensils ready.

“MISS RIBBON! GET OUT OF HERE AND GO GET SOME HELP!” said Kid, “We’ll handle this!”

“Leave it to us!”

“Kid, Killer, NO!” a sharp blast of ice hit Killer and he flew off the man. Kid was stunned but shook it off as Miss Ribbon’s kitchen utensils went flying at the man. He managed to move as knives and things flew at him. He sighed and froze the flying objects and Kid was soon flying into Killer with the same ice attack. The man got up and the boy stood in front of Ribbon, who had her hands on their shoulders and pulling them back.

“DON’T!” Kid and Killer stood in front of her refusing to move. Miss Ribbon shielded them. They leered at that man who was holding his face and looked a little stunned.

“Who are they?”

“…my sons,” she said, “And if you’re going to stay here, you’re going to have to get along with them,”

“…These little swamp rat looking kids?”

“Hey fuck you!” said Kid

“Serious right in the ass you old bastard!” said Killer

“…they’re from a long way. They still have their accents. You’re raising them?”

“Mhm, they’re my boys,”

“And she’s our guardian and we’re not going to have some old fart messing with her!”

“I’m no old fart. Technically I’m your Grandpa,”

“I ain’t callin’ you grandpa!” said Kid

“Me neither!” the man shrugged and plopped on the couch.

“Ribbon, if you don’t mind, bring me something to eat,”

“Don’t boss her around!” growled Killer

“Fine, one of you bring me something and if you poison it I’ll know,”

“Or we can pretend you’re not here!” Kid barked

“That’s fair. I can actually sleep better now,” and with that, he turned over and they soon heard snoring. The trio watched on and Miss Ribbon gently nudged him. He went limp; therefore he was dead to the world. She sighed and started to finish breakfast.

“Miss Ribbon you know this asshole?” said Kid

“Yes and whole he’s here, we’re going to discuss a few…ground rules until he leaves,” the boys look at her. She switched languages.

"First, you two can’t hang around Ace and _________________ until this is over"

"What?! Why?!" said Killer

"Because he’s a Marine and he’s not too keen on the Newgate Family. If he knows that they’re here, Ace and __________________ will be in more danger than before along with the whole family and us. We can’t risk it"

"This is why I fuckin’ HATE Marines!" said Kid

"Also, stay close to home, I know you don’t want to but we’re going to be under a curfew starting next week. Get all of your explorations out until then. I’ll do my best to get the major meat shopping done,"

"We’l do it!"

"Yeah don’t worry about us! Anything else?"

"Just stay close and I know he sounds mean or seems threatening but he really is an okay man. Just respect him and he’ll return the favor," the boys look as though they were going to protest, "Do it for me, please?"

"Fiiiiiiiiiiiine," she smiled

"Thank you," they switched back, “Okay you two, what kind of omelette would you like?”

“You’re making omelettes?!” said Kid, “Fuck yeah!”

“Watch your language, kid,” said the man

“Don’t tell me what to do, you ass—,”

“Kid, it’s okay, just tell me what you want,” he glared at the man but really didn’t want to disappoint Miss Ribbon.

“Cheese, mushrooms, tomatoes, and lamb,”


“Oats, suet, beef, cheese, and tomatoes,”

“Alright, go wash and they’ll be nice and hot,”

“Yes Miss Ribbon,”

The Maids stared from the bottom of the stairs as Lesser came down in a Marine’s uniform. Her hair was done and parted to one side to cover half her face, her uniform was low and clearly showed her scars, and her boots thumped on the stairs as she descended slowly to the bottom of the steps. The maids shuddered.

“I don’t think I’ve ever see anything so terrifying,” said Perv

“Seriously,” said Cook, “I wouldn’t want to meet Lesser in a dark alley,”

“I don’t like it anymore than you,” said Lesser, “But it’s a special favor to Law and Rocinante,”

“Oooooh~ first name bases now?” said Perv


“Awwww!” said Dom, “But seriously, I think this will deter any Marine who questions whether or not you are one of them,”

“I hope so. There’s a bunch of assholes in there who wants to shove their weight and I’ve been itching for a fight so it’s a win-win in my book,”

“Be careful Lesser-nee!” said Cleaner

“I will and until I get back you’re in charge, got it?”

“Whaaaaa?! Why me?!”

“Because I said so and you can handle it,” she ruffled her hair.

“Take care of him~” said Dom

“I will. But now I have an objective for all of you. This entire region is a hidden paradise as long as Whitebeard and his family have control. It doesn’t mean however that Kaido or that fat toothless fucker won’t be around to look for this place and take out the town and everyone in it. As much as I would love to patronize his intelligence, his idiocy comes and goes and I would rather is be prepared in case he finally remembers where this place is. Your jobs are to protect this mansion and everyone in it. Keep everyone confined to this area and make patrols. If anyone looks suspicious, take them out, no questions asked,”


“Cook you patrol with the Baratie to make sure they need backup

“Law and the others will be living in the mountains, Goa has their own protection, if anything did happen it would be in Gray Terminal. Keep a patrol there,”

“Got it!”

“And remember, you’re just maids out for your master. If anyone contests that and threatens you, hide the body,”

“You got it,”

“I’m off,” she headed to the door only to have someone latch onto her legs.

“Lesser Mama, don’t leave!” Delliger latched onto her leg as Baby 5 latched onto her thigh and Buffalo onto her back. She stumbled a bit but remained stiff.

“I’ll be back, it’ll be a little longer than before but I’ll be back,” she pried Baby 5 off and flipped Buffalo to the front and puts him down in front of her. She scooped up Delliger

“Yeah! But we don’t want you to leave us with Jora! Please!” said Baby 5

“Give her orders to make sure she doesn’t be mean!” said Buffalo. Lesser sighed.

“Jora isn’t going to hurt you guys while I’m gone, trust me on this. While I’m gone if I find out that any of you decided to venture out of the confines of this area, I’m going to deal with you when I get back and trust me you don’t want that,” they nodded, “Listen to the other maids and of course Boss, who should have duties himself. Just be good and you each get an extra hour of free time before bed,” they beamed as she headed out the door.

“Think she’s going to be okay?” said Perv

“Lesser is an one woman army. She could probably finish the war,” said Dom, “I’m just worried if she’ll encounter…you know who,” the maids looked at her, “The nine tailed cunt,”

“…so that’s who she meant by the idiot,” said Cook sighing, “I really hope those two don’t encounter each other. Last time they barely got out alive from each other,”

“And she was thrown in jail and Lesser managed to escaped. She still has those battle wounds,” said Perv, “Who knows what they’ll do this time. They’ll probably tear the seas apart not before killing each other first,”

“Lesser got into a fight with a fox?!” said Baby 5

“With nine tails?!” said Buffalo

“Mhm,” said Dom, “And that’s how she got that foxtail she wears. It’s her trophy over that battle and she vowed that the next time they meet, they won’t stop until the other one is dead,”

“Or until Lesser agrees to be her favorite concubine,” said Cleaner shuddering, “So pretty much one wants to the other dead—,”

“—And the one wants the other IN bed,” said Perv

“As long as she doesn’t attack Corazon, I think everything will be okay,” said Cook, “Then again, after what she did, Lesser may take a few shots if she could,”

“B-But if she does, Lesser could blow her cover!” said Cleaner, “And if she does she’ll be arrested!”

“Being arrested isn’t anything if your Boss is a warlord,”


“Like we won’t go in and spring her,” said Dom, “Especially if I can payback that bitch down there,”

“Gotta get pass the warden,”

“A little poison never hurt. Besides, I wouldn’t mind distracting poison pants~” said Perv chuckling

“His dick is literately coated in poison,” said Cook shuddering

“That’s one forbidden treat I wouldn’t mind going for aga—,”

“Ladies, I believe you four have some work to be done,” they jumped. Doflamingo was at the top of the stairs looking at them with an amused smirk on his face.

“Sorry Boss,” they said in unison and went off. Delliger looked at the door trying not to cry along with Baby 5.

“Sure Lesser-mama is mean but I’m going to miss her!” said Baby 5

“What if she doesn’t come back?!”

“There are three things you three should always know and take with you. One, I’m always watching, two we’re a family, and three, the maids will always come back. Especially Lesser, even if it’s just out of spite or to punish you for your wrong doings, she’s coming back,”

_________________ knew it would be awhile before she saw the Nice Lady again. In reality, she knew the days were now numbered before she wouldn’t be in her beloved home, with her beloved family, or in her beloved town. Marco sat her and Ace down telling them that within the week, they would be going to live with Ace’s old caretaker Dadan for awhile. They had to be as mature as possible about it and they nodded in understanding, not knowing that they were both distraught over the news they already knew. So she tried to make it count as much as she could and went to the Baratie first. When she got there was a notice about it being closed indefinitely with parentheses ‘about a month’. She entered through the back and was greeted to everyone carrying on as normal but making a lot of carry out orders.


“Sanji! What’s going on?” said hugged him.

“Well we decided to do deliveries for everyone around here and be closed for the people of Goa until this blows over,”

“You know about it too?”

“Mhm, since the Marines are going to away, we’re staying to protect the area!” he said proudly

“No, WE’RE protecting, you’re little butt is staying right here,” said Zeff

“You Mr. Zeff?”

“Mhm!” she didn’t look convinced. He ruffled her hair, “We may not look it but we’re tougher than you may think,”

“But I don’t want you guys getting hurt neither! Who’s gonna take care of Sanji?”

“I won’t let anything happen to the Eggplant. And if you find yourself out here and in danger, you get YOUR little butt to this restaurant or find one of us on the streets,”

“Yes Mr. Zeff! But what about the Gray Terminal kids?! There’s a big mean pirate there who’s been terrorizing them and they may not be able to get their food!”

“We have it covered. Stop worrying,” said Sanji

“I can’t help it! It’s going t be awhile before I see everyone!” Zeff smiled

“You’re going to be fine kiddo. You’re more than independent enough to survive anything. You’re going to be okay. We’ll be okay as well. You’re too young to have all of this worry on your shoulders, especially since there’s not much you can do,”

“O-Oh okay,”

“Annnnnd a group of hot maids came to the restaurant!” said Sanji, hearts in his eyes remembering the women, “And they were to the old man and apparently one is going to be patrolling with us for backup!”

“And you are NOT to do anything lecherous around her either!” said Zeff glaring, “Although I don’t want the situation, it’s for the best and Cook is very capable. I know she won’t run into trouble but will bring them to me to deal with,”

“And she makes the BEST meatloaf sandwiches!” said ____________________

“Wait you know the maids?!”

“Mhm! They’re Law’s sisters, aunts, and mom!”

“That lucky bastard! You’ll introduce us, right?!”

“Mhm! They’re really nice!” Sanji took her hands and looked at her seriously.

“…__________________ this is really important. Who has the biggest chest?”



“Don’t ask that and don’t answer that, little lady!” he took Sanji by the ear, “Little sh—_________________ dear cover your ears, please!” she nodded and plugged them in as a slew of muffled angry sounds came from Zeff. After he was done, he apologized and made sure she was okay before telling her to stop by one more time before to get whatever cake they had left. She nodded and scampered away. She finally made it to the Nice Lady. Mr. Lore was there and finishing up his prayers. He smiled at her.

“Hello little lady!”

“Hi,” he looked a little puzzled

“Are you okay? You look as though the entire world is on your shoulders,”

“It kinda is. Something bad is going to happen,” she said

“Oh?” she told him about the secret meeting and what she and Ace heard, “I see, yeah I heard about that too,”

“From what Ace and I could hear, some man named Douglas is going to have an attack on him and Sister and the Fearsome Four has too keep him occupied so the Marines can capture him but that means that everyone is going to be occupied and that means other meaner pirates are going to attack innocent people just because they can! And Pops said that it’s a good idea for us to stay hidden, mainly because Ace is the son of the Pirate King! I didn’t know Ace was royalty! He didn’t look thrilled about it,”


“Mhm, he says he didn’t want and would never want to be known as Roger’s son. Personally I’ve never met the man,”

“Have you heard stories? He’s pretty famous,”

“Just a few but Pops always call him the Pirate King and he calls himself the King of the Seas. I don’t think the Pirate King is a bad person. He sounds kind of cool. I don’t know why Ace doesn’t like him, especially since it’s his father,”

“It’s a long story…but the fact of the matter is that many think that Ace is a demon because they called the pirate king one. But it’s a good call for you and the rest of the kids to stay someplace safe. It’s dangerous times and you can easily get stuck in the crosshairs,”

“I just hope Oji-chan is okay,”

“Atlas? He’ll be fine! He’s a tough man. Nothing will ever get him down and Wano will be safe as long as he’s alive,”


“Your Oji-chan is tougher than he looks. Hell he was a great and fearsome pirate back in the day,”

“I know! Marietta and Pops told me! But he’s may be super fragile now that he’s older!”

“Pffft Pirates, warriors, and Marines age like fine wine. Better with age,” she giggled.

“And women!” Lore laughed.

“Who told you that little lady?!”

“Grandpa! Not Oji-chan! He always said,” she cleared her voice and mimicked Rayleigh, “Women age like fine wine and men curdle like old milk! That’s why Shakky looks a hellava like better than I do!”

“Shakky…your grandpa is Rayleigh?”

“MHM! Do you know him?!”

“…we knew each other in passing,” he chuckled, “But don’t tell him you’ve met me,”

“Ohhhhh! Okay!”

“Feeling better, little lady?” he chuckled.

“I’m just so scared. Everyone is on edge, everyone is scared, I don’t ever think I’ve seen Pops and the rest looking so scared. They don’t want us to travel alone or too far without supervision until everything has blown over,” ________________ didn’t look so good herself. He noticed she was trembling as she told him everything, “I-I just don’t want to lose my family,” He gently placed his hand on her shoulder and gently moved his hand to lift her chin.

“Lassie…listen, if anything ever happens and you can’t get to your family, especially during all of this, you have to run here. If you have your friends with you, bring them here as well. I’ll take you all back to the mountains and you’ll be safe. I promise,”

“Are you sure?”


“But you said to never show anyone this place! I don’t want you to not be around your wife! It’s not fair!”

“But your safety takes priority. Until everything blows over, I’m relieving you from your grave cleaning duties. But if you and your little friends are in a situation where you have to get out of there, you hide here. I’m okay with that,”

“B-But what about you Mr. Lore?! W-Where are you going to hide? Where are you going to be safe! The world is dangerous and you could be in a lot of danger! There are bad men out there! I’ve seen them! And one’s a woman named Big Mom! Her sons are pretty nice but I don’t think you can fight her or Kaido!” she gasps, “And the Strings Man!” he chuckled and lets her finish her rambling, “There’s even a guy with like no teeth! It’s really big and really ugly and I don’t like him!”

“Don’t you worry about old Mr. Lore. He can take care of himself. But I’m pretty sure Big Mom isn’t going to be a threat at the moment…at least not around here. But I’ll be someplace where none of them can get to and even if they get to me…they won’t make it far or alive for that manner. I’m going to be staying with a man who’s mean and vicious to anyone who isn’t an ally but has the softest heart if he considers you a friend,”

“You’re a friend right?”

“He hates my guts,” he laughed hard, “But his entire kingdom LOVES me so he tolerates me as long as I bring him back something sweet and delicious,”

“I can help with that!”


“I have rare cakes! I still have some left over from my birthday! Atmos has it in the deepest part of the freezer!”

“Bring me a piece tomorrow and I’m SURE he’ll let me in!”


Katherina watched Jango pack up and getting ready to leave. She didn’t know where he was going but he told her he was going to be gone for a month or so. She didn’t take the news well, not one bit. The orders were clear that there was going to be a curfew and by sundown, anyone caught roaming the streets can be arrested, if they didn’t have the right breeding of course. Meaning Shiro couldn’t go into Gray Terminal. They all met up recently to talk about the events.

“Yeah it’s best if you guys don’t come around during this time,” said Yukiko, “This bastard came back to Gray Terminal and has been making life significantly more hellish here,”

“Who?” said Shiro

“Blue Jam, or Toe Jam as we like to call him,” said Club, “He’s been here causing all sorts of shit with us along with his crew. More so than usual. Like he comes and goes but now he’s staying put. When he’s off being a bastard to everyone, we can actually live kind of peacefully. When he comes back, it’s hell. Every time he or one of his crew sees anything someone has, they’ll take it. If you fight for it, you die. We have to scavenge at night when they get drunk and sleep.

“He sounds awful!” said the Duchess

“He is! And for your own safety, just stay clear,” said Jin

“It’s no place for a noble, kids, well anyone,” said Clock, “Like seriously we’re going to barricade the house until they leave again,”

“And since there’s a curfew going on, things are gonna be worse!” said Calico, “supplies are gonna be scarce!”

“Well, we do have a secret stockpile,” said Yukiko, “And it’s an emergency only thing,”

“We have to get it in the woods,” said Jin, “But we can’t leave or let anyone see us,”

“If that’s the case I can do it,” said Shiro, “Where is it?”

“…Shiro it’s like too dangerous for anyone,”

“I’m not anyone, I’m a noble, I can get in and out without anyone noticing. May as well use it,”

“Wow, okay so it’s like at the entrance of Goa under a boulder. I think it’s too heavy for you,”

“Pffft don’t worry about it, I can get my sis to help me. She’ll probably deliver everything to where you need it. No one would suspect a noble girl of wrong doings,”

“Awww! I can wait to meet her someday!” said the Duchess, “She sounds really nice!”

“Yeah…she is, I guess,”

“Well if she’s anything like you, I KNOW she is!” that was a few days ago and now she was watching Jango packing up and leaving. She didn’t think about him having to leave. Being confined to her home at night was bearable when he was around. Now he wasn’t. She told him what she had to do.

“Well you can but just made sure you get back before dark or slip in and out,”

“I told them the drop off point could be on the North side, since no one goes there and they can just pick it up and leave under the cover of night,”

“Good plan!” he ruffled her hair. She glared.

“You don’t have to go you know! WHY do you have to go?!”

“Katty, don’t worry I’ll be back,”

“P-Please yo-you can’t please don’t leave me alone!” tears were pouring down her face. He turned. She was looking away with tears in her eyes but trying to not show them to him.

“Hey, hey! I almost forgot! I have something to show you! It’s not much but it’ll make you feel better!” she looked puzzled. He took her hand and ushered her through the house. They started to ascend into what looked to be a wine cellar. He beckoned her deeper. There deep in the tucked away area of the house was a little room. It was fashioned as a reading nook. It had an sky light for some nice natural light, a few of the things her father did not want in his presence of her room, including fiction books and her Pretty Soldier collection, a makeshift daybed, and a video den den mushi with the last two seasons of Pretty Soldier she hadn’t seen, “You can…run down here and stay. I’ve been working on it for a month now. You should have everything you need.

“…thanks Jango,”

“No prob! Just scurry in here and just stay alright!”

“Humph you didn’t have to go through the trouble!” he tickled her sides. She squirmed and started chuckling.

“I didn’t but I decided this would be the best punishment for you on behalf of your father! Now suffer!” he then points to the corner of the room, “I got a pink mini fridge just for you. I asked one of the servants to keep it well stocked and didn’t tell her why. She’ll do it in the morning before everyone wakes. So you don’t even have to leave for food. There’s a toilet waaaaaaay down the hall. It’s my…secret bathroom so anything that smells well, that’s where I go to take—,”

“Jeez TMI!”

“Hey! I needed to give you an explanation!”

“No you didn’t!” they went back upstairs and he started his packing again, “So where are you going?”

“Well, I have to visit some old friends for awhile for something very important,”

“Are these friends okay?”

“Well they’re certainly not like your Dad if that’s what you mean,” he chuckled. He flung his sack over his back, knelt down and kissed her cheek, “Okay, I’m off. You can enter the secret place via under the skylight. It’s in the back. I put reflective glass around it so it blends in. Vitale…is going to be staying you too. Your Aunt is going off too, not with me of course but still that’s what you’re going to be working with for awhile. Just stay strong until I get back, alright?” she nodded as he gently wiped her tears, “Don’t worry, I had the brothers kill his bugs. So no more crotch attacks,” she looked sick but beamed. She watched him leaving from her window. It was going to be a very long few weeks without him. He moon walked his way out off the premises. She sighed. The man was fashionless dorky idiot but he was HER fashionless dorky idiot, she guessed. She waited until he was out of sight and retreated back to her room. She was going to miss him. She was almost to her room when she bumped into her Aunt. She froze. She scooped up.

“Murunfuffuffu! And wheeeeeere do you think you’re going?!”

“I-I was going to my room,”

“Nonsense, we’re going shopping together. We never spend time together when you’re here,”

“I-I umm y-yes Aunt,”

“Come along! You can show me all of the good places to shop!” her aunt tightened her grip. She couldn’t breathe then she released her. She knew it was a ploy for her to show her the area and she was not going to show her everything, just the walls of Goa and that’s it. Jango always told her to always keep an eye on her aunt and her Aunt was just as dangerous as her father and she knew her place with them. Not to mention, her family were trying to make her stronger. She just couldn’t let them know how she really felt.

___________________ was just about finished packing up the last bit of things she was going to take to Dadan’s place. It was mainly books, the blanket that Marco got her, and a few clothes. She put on a brave face in front of everyone but in reality, she couldn’t sleep at night and her appetite left her. Ace offered to take her things to the mountains for her but Marco forbade anyone from going too far without an escort. She had finished her packing and was just sitting in her room. She wasn’t going to be in her room for awhile. But thankfully she could take River and Camilla with her. But still, it was going to be really weird to not be in her room for so long.

“Oy!” she jumped. Killer was sitting on her balcony, “I’ve been calling you for like few minutes. You were spacing out,”

“I’m sorry!” she said as he walked in, “I have a lot on my mind,”

“It’s this Bullet thing isn’t it?” she nodded, “Yeah Kid and I are lockdown too. So is Miss Ribbon and it sucks!”

“What happened?!”

“Some old fart came in and told Miss Ribbon what was going on. We though he was threatening and we attacked but he has some weird ice powers! But afterwards, he said he’s staying until everything is over and Miss Ribbon gave us some new rules. We can’t explore or do anything! That means we can’t hang out until he leaves and that’s whenever this is over!”

“No fair!” said _______________

“Tch I’ll probably sneak off to hang out with you guys in the woods. But Miss Ribbon specifically said to not be caught being seen with you or Ace and don’t mention you or your family. I think that old asshole has a grudge against your family,” she gasped!

“Why?! We didn’t do anything!”

“Because anyone from the military are assholes, except Law’s Dad,”

“And Miss Hina and Mr. Smoker! They’re pretty nice once you get to know them!”

“I’ll take your word for it. But yeah we have to get back home in the day time and we can’t go to Goa for anything so we’re stocking up things to make sure we have everything we need,” he gestured to the stuff outside.

“I don’t know what to bring to Dadan’s place. I’m really scared actually! Ace said that Dadan is a big ogre who’s meaner than a troll and could probably kill me from smell alone!”

“She won’t do anything to you unless they want Marco or Pops after them. You’ll be okay. Just pack your books and extra clothes. Playing in the woods is still a fun thing,”

“True! Mr. Lore even relieved me of my washing the Nice Lady duties!”

“…whatever that means. Miss Ribbon said we’re not to leave the Dead Island and go to Goa but to Mount Colubo for a few hours and then straight home. I think she wants us to stretch out legs when that old asshole is sleeping. A few hours is better than nothing. Especially if we can exchange a book,”

“Sounds like a plan,” he hugged her tightly.

“You’re gonna be fine you know. You were like bred for the woods,” he said grinning.

“No I’m not!” she said laughing

“You know how to forage, that’s a good skill to have,” he said smiling

“How? I just know where to find good wild things to eat!”

“Good skill to have. The nun is a good teacher,”

“No she isn’t! I once found some weird berries and she let me eat them! My stomach hurt for days!” Killer snorts

“She’s a good teacher. Pain is the best teacher,” she pouted, “Listen, we’ll have a rendezvous point for us to meet every few days! How about that river in the woods where we landed after that Strings Man incident,”


“Meeeeeow?” Killer snorts

“Not you,” he said petting him, “But you’re coming with ______________ anyway,”


“I’ll see if Kid and I can find some fish eggs for you,”

“…you feed him fish eggs?!”

“Mhm, there’s some fish in the Dead Island that are HUGE! We catch them and Miss Ribbon cleans them and takes out these thick black fish eggs. It’s not a bad taste but we usually give some to River and he goes crazy for it. Miss Ribbon usually takes most of it to the Import Shop and we have enough groceries and clothes to last us for months! It’s great!”

“…I guess a lot of people feed that stuff to their cats,”

“It’s salty enough,” Soon, the day of their exodus was finally upon them. Ace said nothing but hopped into the truck. He didn’t look too thrilled at the fact but he tried not to show any emotions. But his eyes told them everything. _________________ had to put on a brave face too. But the morning felt so…natural. Thatch made them breakfast, their favorite breakfast foods, and the conversation was light and sweet. Then Marco left and got the truck ready. They packed everything the night before. River was waiting inside on the seat and Camilla was in her carrier. River hopped into Ace’s lap the moment he came in. Ace started petting him. The rest of the family came out to see them off.

“Don’t worry, you’re both are going to be okay,” said Pops

“Yeah but you’re shipping us to Dadan!” grumbled Ace

“Hey, the second choice was the Doflamingo,” said Thatch. __________________’s eyes widened.

“Yeah, that’s why we chose Dadan,” said Speed Jill chuckling. Rakugo gently placed a hand on her shoulder and pulled her back. She looked at him and he slipped her a photo.

“Here, I know…it’s gonna be hard with all of us gone and you living someplace else. We gave this to Ace when we had to go off for awhile last year to help him get through things, so here’s yours. Remember, we’ll be back. It’s okay to be a little scared but we’ll be here when this is all over,” she nodded and hugged him tightly. He handed her her shakuhachi, “Practice for me, alright?”

“I will!”

“That’s my girl!” they walked to the car and she climbed in. Everyone was making small talk except for Kingdew, who was bawling his eyes out.

“Hey, hey big guy, everything is going to be okay!” said Izo

“Yeah! The kids will be back before we know it!” said Atoms wiping his eyes, “We raised them well!”

“And they’ll be together so they won’t be lonely!” said Blenheim.

“Daddy’s going to miss you!” Camilla peeped and flapped her little wings. Kingdew sobbed and took her out of the car, “It’s okay! Stay strong for Daddy!”

“Really?!” said Izo

“That’s the little lady’s chick!” said Fossa laughing

“If you wanted the chick all you had to do was ask!” said Vista laughing

“Can she come with?! Stefan gets to come!” Whitebeard laughs.

“Well it’s not up to me, it’s up to the Little Lady, since it’s HER chick after all!” Kingdew looked at _________________. Ace was trying to keep all laughter in but failing. _________________ giggled.

“Camilla can stay! I’m pretty sure she’ll be happier on the ship to get her little sea legs!”

“PEEP!” Camilla happily fluttered to Kingdew’s head.

“I hope she shits on you,” said Curiel, “Stealing from the little lady like that!”

“I’ll survive,” they buckled up and Marco drove away. _______________ and Ace took one final look at their home before it because smaller and small behind them. They kept going until they were in front of Corazon’s place. Law had his bag packed and was standing outside waiting with Corazon in his full Marine attire and a woman wearing the same. Ace and _______________ felt something drop to the pit of their stomachs upon seeing this woman. Law walked to the car and squeezed in next to them. The woman got in first and Corazon squeezed in next to them. She turned to make sure the kids were properly seatbelted.

“Miss Lesser?!” said ________________

“Miss Maid?!” said Ace looking relieved. She smiled.

“I know I look scary. Law wasn’t too thrilled about it either,”

“Can you blame me?! And half your face is covered!” soon they were driving off again. The adults made small talk and were trying to lighten the mood but the kids’ thoughts were millions of miles away. For the next month, they were going to live in the mountains miles away from their families and home not know if they were all comes back in one piece. Although they wanted to throw tantrums and fights, they knew it was for the best. After all, they were strong; they just had to carry that strength into whatever new challenge faced them. Soon after about an hour, they finally made it to a house. __________________ looked at it. It was a lot smaller than home. She hoped she didn’t bring a lot of things. Marco ushered them out of the car and got their things out before going to the door and knocking. _______________ went next to him.

“We’re here, yoi!” the door flew opened. A rather tall and overweight middle aged woman with long, orange, curly hair and a big, masculine face was at the door. _______________ inched closer to Marco and hid. Marco looked at her, “Hello Dadan,” she froze.

“Hello Marco,” she said gruffly, “So today’s the day,”

“Mhm, they’re here and they have their things,” he gave her an envelope, “Here’s more than enough to make sure they’re fed and given medical treatment if needed. Law’s a budding doctor and can probably do minor things. I don’t need to tell you about Ace,”

“No, you don’t,” she shot a look at him and then smirked, “I knew you’d come crawling back!”

“Not by choice you old hag!” Ace barked back. Marco moved away to reveal ________________.

“And this is _________________,”

“Ni-Nice to me-meet you Miss Dadan,”

“…she looks mousey, she’s not a crier is she?”

“She can probably kick your ass,” said Ace brushing past her with everything. He soon came out with Luffy and Sabo hugging him, happy to see their big brother again. Luffy then tackled __________________ and Law happily.

“I have ALL my siblings now!”

“Ugh, more of this shit. Okay, is there anything else I need to know?!”

“Here’s a list allergies and things,” said Marco, “And what to do if something happens,”

“Tch I don’t need this,”

“Yeah you do because if something happens to them under your care, you won’t have to worry about Garp turning you in,” Marco said smiling darkly. She gulped.

“Okay, okay!” He headed back to the car. _________________ and Ace looked at him. He smiled and wiped his eyes. She ran and hugged his legs.

“I love you,”

“I love you too, yoi. Just…be careful, okay?”


“Same goes for you Ace,”

“Tch I will and you better come back or whatever!”

“I love you too Ace,” Law managed to get out of Luffy’s grip and into Corazon’s. He got down on one knee and was smiling at Law with tears in his eyes.

“I-I said I wo-wouldn’t ge-get emotional b-but Law!” Corazon hugged Law tightly and sobbing heavily, “Don’t worry! I’ll be back home soon!”

“I-I know!”

“B-Be strong okay! A-And I-I made sure to add you don’t like bread! A-And…A-And! I’m going to miss you! I love you so much!” Law reddened and hugged him back.

“I love you too,” Lesser gently nudged and guided Corazon back to the car. She strapped him in and locked him in before going to Law. She takes out a letter for his caregiver and gives him a hug.

“Bring him back to me,” he said against her chest.

“You know I will,” she kissed his forehead and ruffled his hair, “You be good, okay?”

“I will,”

“Take care of yourself and use your best judgment,”

“Yes Lesser,”

“And keep an eye on Luffy and _________________,”

“I will. You be careful too!”

“Law I’m not going to die any time soon and if I do, Roci will be alive and well,” she smiles at him and then turned to Dadan and the smile faded, “…fair warning, if these kids aren’t properly fed, hurt, or maimed while under your care, I will burn you and this entire compound to the ground,” Dadan froze. She chuckled nervously but knew she had to keep her badass bandit façade up.

“O-Oh? And how are you going to do that?! From what I heard you were just a Mai—,” Lesser took out a grenade, pulled out the pin and tossed it into the woods. It went off causing an explosion. The bandits jumped back. Lesser gave a toothy smile. Dadan slowly looked at her.

“Consider that a warning. See you all in a month,” she turned on her heels and headed to the car. Law snorts. Marco started and engine and drove off. When they made it to a safe distance, the two men started laughing.

“Wasn’t that a bit much, yoi?”

“You have to put the fear of God into them sometimes,”

“Are the kids really safe with Dadan?” said Roci

“Mhm. It may not look it but her compound is a secure place and she’s a tough woman. Before we took Ace in, she was raising him, Luffy, and Sabo together,” Rocinante and Lesser looked horrified.

“…that poor woman,”

“I’m surprised her hair isn’t white now,” said Lesser

“Seriously, Luffy and Ace by themselves can be handfuls. But combined, it’s a powder keg of chaos,”

“That’s why they’re there. I’m pretty sure can handle all five of them. Especially with that money hanging over her head,” Marco drove them to the train station so they can get to the Barracks. Marco lingered in his car for awhile. It was going to be quiet without them for the next few days before they shipped off. He sighed trying to calm himself and failing. Tears rolled down his face, “It’s for the best…they’re going to be okay. It’ll be just a month before everything gets back to normal…hopefully,”

Chapter 63: The Mountain Life


The Little Girl lives with a Mountain Bandit.

A/N: So things have finally calmed down a little on my end so my upload schedule will be a little more frequent than it was! The Little Girl will be in the Mountains for a little while so let's sit back and enjoy this little ride together. Also a few of the scenarios for this arc were based on Hiddenmangaka's work! Please check her out! She's been making A LOT of awesome fanart for a New Start (I am SERIOUSLY grateful and not worth of this awesomeness and appreciate it a TON) Here's the link to her Tumblr and a few of her works! Enjoy!

There's plenty more...I just can't fit it all here DX So please check her out!!

Chapter Text

_________________ was scared. She’s heard a lot of stories about the mysterious Dadan and needless to say she was very fearful of this woman. After Marco and the others left, she just grumbled and glared at them before gesturing them to come inside. She and Law stood there expectantly. From what Ace told her, she was the leader of the mountain bandit. She was large and kind of scary but if Marco trusted her, she couldn’t be all bad, right?

“Alright since there’s two newcomers I’m gonna only brief you two ONCE. In this house, you don’t eat unless you bring it to the table, got it?!”

“Y-Yes Miss!” said ______________

“Okay,” said Law

“Two, a bath every night! I don’t want to smell any of you while I’m here!”

“We smell your ass every day. Don’t be a hypocrite,” Ace barked


“YAY! I get to take a bath with my big sister!” said Luffy beaming at _________________. This earned a bop from Ace.

“You can’t idiot!”

“Luffy she’s a girl,” said Sabo

“That doesn’t mean anything!” said Luffy

“Yes it does!” barks Dadan, “In fact, she’s staying in the spare storage room near my bed,”

“Hey! She can sleep with us!” said Ace

“You heard what I said! Three, this isn’t a vacation! You’re gonna work in order to earn your keep, you hear me?”

“Yeah,” said Law

“Yes Miss,”

“Good! If you follow these rules, we won’t have a problem! Now get out of here. I don’t want to see your faces until the evening!” when the evening came, __________________ settled down and tried to get some sleep. River was on her chest and nuzzling her. She petting him fondly and tried to get some rest. She had a bed at least but her mind was racing. She knew this was temporary but she was still worried about her family. Would she ever see them again? What if they didn’t come back? Even Sister was gone and that didn’t sit too well with her either. This was new. No bedtime story, no bath with Izo, it just seemed…wrong. She tried to push it out of her mind until morning. She woke up and opened the door to see everyone finishing up breakfast. When she stepped into the area, she was immediately hugged by Luffy.

“Morning Sister!”

“M-Morning!” she said and yawning.

“Tch, I guess Sleeping Beauty finally graced us with her presence,” said Dadan and slid over a bowl of rice towards her. ____________________ looked at it puzzled. Everyone else was finishing up their meat and eggs. Dadan grinned, “Like I said, if you don't contribute you dont eat. Ace caught it so we're eating it. You get rice," _____________________ looked at the bowl and began eating it, “Guess you guys better bring something in for dinner!”

“Yes Miss!”

“Tch don’t be polite to her, she doesn’t deserve it!”

“What was that?!”

“You heard me you old hag!” Ace grabbed her hand and soon they were all outside, of course she followed the boy deep into the woods. Luffy was sniffling and sobbing.

“___________________ is going to starve!” said Luffy sobbing, “Dadan doesn’t have to be so mean! She can’t hunt by herself!”

“No she’s not!” said Ace, “I’ll make sure of that,”

“But Dadan won’t feed her unless she hunts or makes something!”

“Please, she’s not going to let her starve, Marco, Hancock, and Pops would skin her alive,”

“But everyone is suppose to contribute!”

“She will! We’ll just tell her she did! It’s not like she’s gonna check on us!”

“Ummm you do remember she helped us with that boar, right Luffy?” said Sabo

“But that was her as a boy not a girl!”

“You two really don’t have much faith in your sister do you?” said Law, “_________________ is more than self efficient. She foraged for that nut bread,”

“Ugh don’t remind me,” said Ace, “I swear I can still smell Pop’s farts when the house gets hot,”

“Hey! I said I was sorry!” said __________________

“You know what you did!”

“And I didn’t know I had to hunt for breakfast!”

“Well you have to have enough for everybody. Especially with our appetites and Sabo didn’t want to wake you,”

“I feel fine, really I think I can last until dinner!”

“Alright then, how about crocodile tonight?”

“Sounds good to me,” said Sabo

“Yeah! I’m going to be bait!” said Luffy happily running towards the river.

“That’s not a good thing!” said Law. The kids got to the river. Ace took off his clothes and jumped.

“Okay, doesn’t look like we’ll have crocodile today but those fat bloated fish are back,”

“Puffer fish and they’re poisonous if you’re not careful,” said Sabo

“Yeah but if you clean them right, puffer fish is pretty good,” Ace grinned.

“I’ve been itching to get some payback. Come on Sabo,” Sabo got undressed and did the same. _______________ was about to go in too when Law stopped her.

“Trust me, when puffer fish get angry, they bite but I want you and Luffy to dig a hole,” Soon there was a large pile of fat puffer fish on the shore. Using his room, Law started to cut and clean the fish to the amazement of the others.

“What are you gonna do with the guts?” said Ace

“Bury it, this stuff is super toxic. If something or someone ate it, they would die. So the farther away the better, aka I’ll put it someplace where it’ll be unreachable to Luffy,”


“So after you’re done we can just cook them, right?” said Sabo

“Mhm, it’s good raw but fried is just as good,”

“Hell if the doctor thing doesn’t pan out, you can be a cook!” said Luffy.

“Nah, dissection is one thing, cooking is another. Cook showed me how to clean and gut fish, especially puffer fish since we were on an island where there was nothing else to eat. I’m pretty sure Cora-san would die if he tried to cut puffer fish himself,”

“Cook? Is that her name? The maid you’re always with?” said Sabo

“Nah, that’s Lesser. She’s an okay cook but not as god as Cook,”

“I’ve been meaning to ask, how the hell is she a maid?!” said Ace, “Maids just don’t have random grenades!”

“Yeah Lesser is usually blunt in her approach. That was a smoke bomb to show that she can and will do what she said she will. She really is like a mom,”

“And she makes really good paella!” chimed ___________________

“…that aura didn’t scream Mom,” said Sabo

“She’s scary!” said Luffy

“I know but she’s nice once you get pass that. When I was sick, she used to stay next to me at night, all night, and I thought she would leave and come back. No. She was always there until Corazon came in. She would do that with the kids all the time. When Baby 5 got sick with chicken pox, she stayed with her and Cook made soup. Hell there was one time Buffalo got his head stuck in the banister. Lesser kept his calm until Dom and Perv got some…very slimy lube to free him. He smelled weird for the rest of the day but she made sure he had his favorite dinner to make him feel better. Jora tried to blame me for it because of my illness calling me contagious but Lesser and Perv shot her down fast…almost had Cleaner shoot her,”

“Wait so, who’s Cook?” said Ace

“Who’s Baby 5?” said Sabo

“Who’s Jora?” said _______________. Law looked at them with a look as though it was obvious then he realized that he was actually opening up to them…he hadn’t done that since he was with Doflamingo. He rubbed the back of his neck.

“…I guess I trust you guys…a lot more than I thought I did. I hadn’t talked about my past since I left,”

“Awwww you love us!” said Luffy grinning at him

“Don’t ruin it!” said Ace, “Well…you’re technically one of our brothers, even though he live with Corazon and you claim our one annoying little sister,”


“And you can trust us,” said Sabo grinning

“Yeah I know,” Law cleaned himself up and started digging a hole for the fish guts, “Well, I was kind of adopted into the Donquixote Family, ala the Strings Man. To spare you all the details, I came from a place where I wasn’t expected to live out my childhood because of a genetic disease and escaped after a…incident. I didn’t care if I lived or died but the only people who really cared were Corazon and Doflamingo’s five maids. All five of them were like moms. You’ve all met Lesser, she the head maid and Doffy’s assistant and actually tried to take care of us, Jora not so much. Jora was the oldest woman there but had no mother instinct and was annoying for the most part. But when I joined the maids were out on a mission and arrived shortly after and stayed for a little while until well, they left again and I almost died…again. While they were there, they made sure the kids were all okay. I don’t want the only family I have to die…so I asked Cora-san if he could have Lesser tag along. She’s the most dangerous out of them, besides Cleaner but she’s really nice. Lesser can look at a man and he’ll fall to his knees. She’s tough but really fair. She often doles punishes and rewards, and since I’m always good, she usually does something nice for me. She also has a lot of battle scars. I don’t know what happened but Doffy pretty much said that the maids and his officers have to be separated at all times. I think it had something to do with Lesser nearly killing Diamante and later Vergo. Cleaner is wimpy and quiet but if Lesser isn’t home, she takes over as her second in command. She’s also the girliest one and has tons of stuffed animals in her room, its super pink, and she’s so mousey and chill. I’ve never seen her in action but I heard she took out an entire pirate crew because Doflamingo ordered her to. The other maids and Picaare super protective of her. Hell Pica likes to carry her around and take her to run errands. Pica is an officer too but he’s super sensitive about his voice. He doesn’t like to talk much but when Cleaner is around he happily talks about his day and carries her around. She makes him cupcakes and everything is square. Then there’s Cook. She can make anything taste amazing but she always smells like death. Even when we were at sea and had to catch food, she didn’t make it taste the same. It was great. She’s super strong too and always has a meat cleaver in her apron. I remember trying to pick it up and it weighed a ton. Perv brought her a man in a suitcase once and asked something about making him minced or chopped for an example. The next day Cook had a bunch of meat on the table and told us not to go near it. She cooks for everyone except for Diamante, another officer. He talked about her food a few times and made a pass. The next day he was on the bed writhing in pain. He was like that for weeks. No one not even doctors could remotely figure out. Cook however never left his side, making and bringing him food and making sure that he was well fed and hydrated every single day. He finally placed two and two together. Words were exchanged and he never bothered her or the other maids again. But the officers stay in another location. Perv and Dom are the perverts of the group. Perv is shameless and flirts a lot. She’ll flirt before snapping a man’s neck. Her bounty is actually the highest of all of the maids, even though Lesser is the deadliest because she was the only one who escaped Impel Down detected. They had to get someone out of there and Perv…took care of Magellan,”

“THE WARDEN?!” said Sabo

“HOW?!” said Ace

“Yeah how!” said Luffy. Law looked at Luffy and _________________. Eyes filled with innocence and purity. He casts his Room around the pair of them and took their ears. The pair protested. Ace and Sabo watched as he disassembled them and told them to look for their parts. This story HAD to be good.

“Magellan is a Devil Fruit user where his body is literately coated in poison and he can control it and such. Well, Perv came to plead the case of a prisoner. She tempted him with fugu, Cook made sure she cut it wrong, and added some poison to make it extra potent just for him. Then she worked her magic and while he was eating, she—,” he looked at them, “”played” with him under the table. He wasn’t expecting it and from what she said, was enjoying it. But then his stomach started to boil and then he started to feel something tight in the front of his pants and let's just say he had two messes to clean up, and it gave Lesser more than enough time to go in, free their prisoner and run for it. He actually tried poisoning her but she’s immune surprisingly. She went after him some more and he called her a foul beast and hid in the bathroom. She followed him in there and finished the job. He got into huge trouble afterwards and was almost demoted but Sengoku said it was an…accident,” Ace and Sabo couldn’t help but laugh and laugh hard as Law put his innocent siblings back together.

“No fair!” said Luffy

“Yeah! We wanted to hear!” said ___________________

“Not for kids!” said Ace

“You’re a kid!” said Luffy

“Innocent kids!”

“She gave him cooties under the table and he was punished,” said Sabo laughing.

“Mega cooties,” said Ace laughing.

“And finally there’s Dom,” said Law, “She is a dominatrix, pretty much a woman who takes pleasure in pain and loves domination. Her room looked like a torture chamber. Whenever Doflamingo needed someone to extract information, he usually told her and would come back in a while with all of the information he wanted. She loves to mess with Lesser and can be the voice of reason sometimes but also is a hopeless romantic. She can be the worst with teasings but can usually be the one to calm Lesser down when she’s in “I’m going to kill you and everyone you love” mode. The officers leave her alone for the most part. Mainly because Dom is sweet but very unpredictable. Doffy needed to get out of an area fast. Cleaner told me that he needed to get out undetected and swift. Dom was the only Maid with him. Long story short he made it out alive and there were a trail of bodies that were left behind. She was banged up a bit but she was okay. Doffy came her a month off for that one,”

“They sound cool!” said Luffy

“Yeah…they are. That’s why I asked Corazon to bring Lesser with him. She would never let something happen to him and if anything does happen…I know the other Maids will take care things if I need them. Though it won’t be the same,”

“That’s awesome! But what about the other two? Baby and Buff something?”

“Baby 5 and Buffalo were other kids who were there. Baby 5 ate the Buki Buki no mi and can literately turn any part of her body into a weapon. She’s okay not the best but okay but liked pulling pranks on Corazon and almost always was punished later by him or Lesser later. Buffalo…is an idiot. Seriously, I swear that he and Baby 5 don’t have a brain between them sometimes, their pranks get them into trouble way too much than it’s worth. We were training to fight to become officers later in the future but…Doflamingo said he could cure my illness, if I found the Ope Ope no Mi. If I ate it, I could cure myself but in reality, he wanted me to make him immortal with some kind of operation. That’s when Corazon decided to take me and search for the fruit in order to cure me then free me. When everything was over, Vergo was a double agent…and I almost got Corazon killed. I don’t remember much, I just remembered ending up on an island alone and Corazon in a boat injured but alive,”


“Seems like the Strings Man really trusts the maids!” said ________________

“He does…more so than his officers. I remember him saying that he’s known the Maids before then or something but at the same time, as long as no one bothers them, they’re fine,”

“Law you made bad ass status!” said Sabo

“Pffft of course he’s badass, he’s one of us,” said Ace. Law reddened.

“You mean I’m one of your brothers?”

“You’ve ALWAYS been one of us. We just…had to made it official somehow,”

“We’ll think of something,” said Ace grinning, “But Dadan wasn’t kidding about us getting dinner. Come on, let’s get boar or something,”

“Then forage for something to go with it,” said Luffy

“Don’t eat anything in the woods unless _______________ and I say so!” said Law

“But you can like cure me of poison right?!”

“That’s not how it works!”

She couldn’t breathe. She could feel herself trying to stay afloat in the water but the more she tried to reach the surface, she couldn’t do it. It happened before, it happened often and she knew it was just a matter of time before she was pulled out. She just had to keep going. She had to make it out, she had to keep her head above the water. Her lungs were giving out on her. She felt tired. She felt very tired. She wanted to keep going but her legs and arms wouldn’t move anymore. She was then pulled back into the depths below. Her vision was getting dark. Water was entering her lungs as she was slowing losing consciousness. She was then yanked out of the water and onto a cold metal surface. The weights tied to her legs were taken off and a tube was shoved into her mouth. She could suddenly breathe again. She coughed and spluttered out the water. A man in a white coat checked her chest.

“Is that really necessary?” said a voice

“Yes sir, we have to make sure her vitals are okay or the same as before,”

“Strap on another fifty pounds and throw it back in,”

“Sir, please,” the rougher voice growled as the man documented the results.

“She last ten minutes more than she did last week and now she’s up to two hundred pounds,”

“Tack on another hundred and put her back in. I want better results than this!”

“Sir, this is great progress! When we first started, she didn’t last this long! She almost drowned the first time now she can last a full hour,”

“What are you saying?”

“We have to build her strength and try again. This may be the break through we’re looking for,”

She was cold, she was hungry, and she knew she had more water in her chest still. She shivered as she staggered down the hallway. She felt hot, very hot, she felt sick…she felt like everything around her was spinning. She held onto the wall. She looked up. She saw a familiar shape. She smiled. It ran to her. She uttered their name before she fell into a warm feeling…

___________________ lurched up. She woke up in a cold sweat and panting. She couldn’t sleep. She couldn’t get comfortable. She could hear unfamiliar snoring and things like that, she could hear the sounds outside. She was okay. She wasn’t dreaming anymore. She quietly got out of bed and headed outside. This was the first time she’s ever been away from her new home without her family. It’s been a good week and she missed them. She’s been having more and more nightmares and couldn’t understand why. The first night was her at the most uncomfortable dinner she’s ever been to with the three noble boys and Sanji and the really cute pink haired girl. The other night she was sleeping a boy she didn’t know crawled in next to her and was snuggling her from behind. She remembered elbowing him in the face and screaming. He kept trying to grab her shouting and trying to hold her. A woman came in and broke them apart and carried her away. She clung to the woman and the boy gave the woman the meanest look she’s ever seen. The final dream was her being awaken by someone. She couldn’t say anything. Or do anything as she was carried out and away from what she presumed was her home. She remembered crying out, reaching for a photo of a man and then everything just going black. She slipped out of bed, put on her coat and went off into the woods. She needed to clear her head but in reality, she just wanted to go home. She hadn’t had a nightmare in ages and when she did, she usually went to sleep with Pops, Marco, Rakugo, or Jozu but she didn’t have anyone. Luffy was clinging to Ace and Law and she didn’t want to intrude. She went to the river that was near the compound and sat against a tree. She didn’t know what her dream meant but she didn’t like them, not one bit. She hugged her knees. The warn air, mixed with the cool mist, and sounds of water made her feel better.

“___________________?” she looked up. Sabo was on the other side of the river looking at her with concern. He waded over and was soon standing in front of her, “Are you okay?” she shook her head

“You couldn’t sleep either?”

“Nah I got thirsty so I drank from the river,” he grinned, “Kind of sucks but it’s the life of living in the mountains,” she giggled. He handed her his flask. She drank heavily. He refilled it, “I usually refill it before bed but after getting that boar today, I just forgot,”

“It really made us work for it,”

“That’s an understatement! You and I tired it out and Ace and Luffy finished it off and Law was able to gut and clean it. All and all we earned that meal! And you found soybeans! That was something! So you are a part of things! Don’t worry, we’ll always make sure you get food! Tomorrow we can get something like fish again,”

“Yay! But Law and Luffy can’t be near the water!”

“Law should be okay, Luffy however…yeah no. What are you doing out this time of night anyway? Are you okay? Did you have to pee?”

“I had a bad dream. I’ve been having more and more lately. I hadn’t had that one for a long time,”

“…what was it about?”

“Well, this was the drowning one. Like I felt like I couldn’t breathe and kept trying to get to the top of the water but it was hard! Harder than the last time and finally I was pulled out,” Sabo looked at her with shocked silence.

“…what other bad dreams have you had?”

“I hadn’t had them for awhile but the other one is the isolation dream. There I’m always alone, no food, just water, and I usually calculate the days. It usually lasts for about three months. But it’s not always bad. I have about three people who come to see me and sneak me food! Then there’s the boy dream,”


“Yeah! Some weird kid always comes into my room and I usually end up hitting him and being dragged away by someone while he shouts and screams. Then there’s the dream of the three boys. I almost always beat them with something and get in trouble for it. But there’s a song that I sometimes hear…I heard it again. I don’t know where it came from but it always kind of make me sad but feel better,” she sighed, “To be honest…I just wanna go home,” he sat next to her and rubbed her back.

“Hey, hey! I know living with Dadan isn’t the best. Hell, it’s probably a death sentence especially with everyone so nice and she being well…her but you’ll get used to it! I mean it’ll be for a few weeks! They’ll just fly by! You probably miss your bed and things but you can rough it!”

“Actually, I don’t mind living here. Magra and Dogra are super nice and makes up for Miss Dadan…I just…don’t want to lose everyone. What if they get hurt or worst?! What if no one comes back? What if Mr. Corazon doesn’t come back! Law will be alone! Everyone will be super sad and everything will be super sad and I don’t think anyone would ever recover from that!”

“You know Pops would never let Law be an orphan! He’ll take him in,”

“Yeah but Law, Nami, and Nojiko will be really sad! Oh and Miss Bellemere! And the Maids will be really sad too!”

“Calm down, nothing like that is going to happen! You’re getting way too worked up,”

“I-I’m sorry but I’ve seen it before! Sometimes we had funerals in the convent. I hate being in there but Sister always needed the extra pair of hands.

“By the way…where did you hear that song?” said Sabo.

“You know…I can’t recall. I used to sing it when I was younger with sister. But it’s kind of weird, I know Sister didn’t teach me it. But I think an angel did. I sometimes dream about her,”


“Yeah! She’s beautiful! I remember her holding me and had this beautiful smile! Her hair was golden and her eyes were sky! She was always in white and she always just let me talk to her! She taught me a lot of songs. There are a lot of songs that I used to sing, some I can remember all of the words, some I can’t. But that one in particular makes me really happy,”

“…Any others?”

“One…but it’s really scary,” he looked at her expectantly, “Where nobody has a name, where living is not a game. There, I'll hide my broken Heart, Dying to survive,” Sabo froze

“Yeah that is…scary, how about I sing to you to help you sleep?”

“Okay!” Sabo took her hand and took her to her bed. Back inside, the place was a lot quieter than before they made it back to the bed. Dadan wanted her to sleep alone but seeing the boys lifted her spirits a bit. She nestled next to them again. She settled in his chest and beamed. He grinned and booped her nose, “Hey!”

“Feeling better?”

“Yeah, it’s warm,”

“Next time you have a nightmare, just come sleep with us. You know we’ll keep whatever nightmare you have away,” she nodded. She started to feel a lot better. She yawned and started to drifted off to sleep in his arms. Sabo smiled. It felt like old times again, “If I had words to make a day for you. I sing you a morning golden and new,”

“…I’ll make this…day last for all time,” Sabo looked down at her. She was asleep as she continued the song, “Give you a night deep in moonshine. Sabooooooo you always sing me that song…you said something…new…zzzzzzzz,” he chuckled

“I couldn’t help it; it’s your favorite song,”

“Mhm~ I like when you sing…zzzzzzzzzzz,”

“Love you,”

“Love you too,” Sabo smiled and sets up a spot next to her. It was weird but comforting to be sleeping near his sister cousin again. He wondered at times if she really remembered him or just pretended. Then again, if she’s having nightmares, then that’s all she should think they are, a nightmare. He yawned and started to doze off. In the morning, ____________________ got up. Her stomach was growling. There was a lot leftover from last night and she was so happy to see rice and meat. Everyone ate their fill. She was about to run off when Dadan grabbed her.

“Oy you’re staying here!” __________________ jumped and looked at her, “You heard me!”

“Why?! She can come and go as she fuckin’ pleases!” said Ace

“Yeah! Leave her alone!” said Luffy

“Don’t be mean!” said Sabo

“Shut up! She’s staying here with me. The rest of you get dinner!” the boys glared. Dadan had her hands on her shoulders. Ace nodded at her. She was about to make a break for it but was grabbed. She looked defeated, so did the boys and they ran off, “You’re not going anywhere! I have a list for you!”

“A list?”

“You heard me!

“Y-Yes Miss Dadan,”

“And I want you to pick up a barrel of rice! If not no dinner. You have until three,”

“Yes Miss!”

“Don’t order her around!” said Ace

“Yeah! She didn’t do anything to you!”

“Shut up and get going!” the boy glared and went off. __________________ got ready. She’s been in these woods for awhile but they were a lot different from her area and she would be alone…and she was used to that but still, she felt more confident when one of the boys were around. She felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned.

“You think I’m going to let you go without my help?” said Law smiling at her.

“You wanna help?”

“Well you’re my assistant so I can be yours. Besides, it shouldn’t take long. You know the woods better than everyone,”

“True but this is pretty far from where I’m used to!”

“Guess you have to map this one out, too,” she grinned and nodded.

“Thanks Law,”

“Besides, I like hanging out with you. You’re one of my favorite people and you’re the only one I can trust to help me with surgery. I tried with Nami and she fainted when she saw the pig’s intestine,”

“Awww Poor thing!”

“No wasn’t any better. I told her to get me some forceps and we refused if I was going to rip open the chest cavity of a dear I found. And when she refused, I used my bare hands to rip it open so I could get a closer look, she fainted. So that’s why you’re my assistant. Not to mention I think it’ll be easier than trying to hunt with those three,” Dadan came out with two basket backpacks.

“I want these filled and take that fleabag with you!” River scampered out and scrambled up __________________’s shoulder and perched. Soon they were on their way. They looked around and as they travelled deeper, _____________ started to smell different things, a lot of different things. River hopped off her shoulder and looked around and started digging and pulled up a few carrots.

“Wow! Good boy!” said _______________. Law started to poke and prod until he found some daikon, “Daikon too?!”

“Apparently,” he said. Soon they were digging and _________________ was sniffing around and got found some mushrooms, “I didn’t there would be a lot of vegetables out here!”

“Not surprising. A lot of villages used to make their homes near a water or food source. In this case, there were a lot of wild foods around for people to eat until they started having gardens and things,” River started digging up a large daikon. _________________ placed it into her basket. According to the list they had to find about three dozen daikon, carrots, mushrooms, more soybeans, enoki, onions, and cabbage. _______________ made little markers so they could find their way back and able to return to the area. Thanks to Law she was able to tell which mushrooms were good and which weren’t, help lower her down a cliff to get more mushrooms, and even helped her to identify the smell she smelled.

“…you were smelling mushrooms. Good mushrooms at that,” it was about noon when their baskets were filled to the brim. Law sat down and took out a few rice balls, “I made us lunch with the leftover rice,”

“You’re a lifesaver!”

“I know,” she happily munched on it. We found a lot,”

“I wonder what Miss Dadan wants with all of it,”

“Who knows but this was quieter day all around. I hope the others didn’t catch fish. I don’t think Luffy will survive a puffer fish poisoning,”

“I thought you made an antidote,”

“There’s no cure for that. That’s why I emphasized that with Luffy. By the way, didn’t she say she wanted rice?”

“Mhm! But you can’t forage for that!” ______________ started to think for a few moments, “I know where we can get a barrel of it! I think it’ll take me about twenty minutes or so to get from there and back, you can deliver the vegetables,”

“How are you gonna get it without money?”

“Don’t worry, I got it!” Law eyes her before he grabbed her basket and heading off. _____________ started down the mountain fast. There was only one place she knew where to get rice in the woods and that was near the train station. An old woman lived there and she had barrels of it. When Jozu picked her up once, he bought a few barrels stating it would be easier to get it from her instead of going to the market every month. She hoped Mrs. Gohan would remember her. The old woman was outside trying to carry a large barrel on her back. She stumbled and ________________ quickly caught her from behind. The small woman stopped and turned.

“Hi Miss!” she smiled.

“Oh you, tiny child with the good back! How are you? Where’s you big brother?”

“I’m good! Well, he had something to do…and me and my younger brothers are with a caretaker! I’m sorry to ask but I’m here to pick up some rice, Miss. But, sadly I don’t have any money on me. Is it okay for me to work it off?” the old woman looked a little pensive at this for a few moments. Because everyone was under this little lockdown, she knew she would have time to do things without customers and she did need an extra pair of hands.

“How about you move the rice barrels for me tomorrow? It’s a full day’s work and it’s about a hundred barrels,”

“Okay!” the woman and her shook and hands, “Thank you Miss!”

“You’re welcomed! Here let me help you load it to—,” ____________________ strapped the barrel to her back and lifted it up. Mrs. Gohan stared. She grinned and waved.

“See you tomorrow Miss! I have to hurry home! Thank you again!” the elderly woman watched as this little girl scampered back into the woods. Dadan was surprised to say the least when ___________________ came back with a large barrel of rice on her back.

“I’m back!”

“You got rice, good! Take it to the cellar!” she nodded and got it down and was back upstairs. Before she could take a breather she was plucked away again, “Here chop these up!” she pointed to the vegetables. She and Law, chopped, peeled, and washed the vegetables. Dadan was stirring something in a pot.

“Law, strain this and put it in that large mold. _________________. Get that large pot from outside!” she nodded and made her way into large shed like house behind the main house. She found the biggest pot she could find and rolled it inside. The pot took up half the room. Dadan placed it in the middle of the room and started adding things to the pot. The pair watched as she started to actually cook. She cut up the tofu and placed it in before they realized that she made a pot of sukiyaki.

“Listen you two are going to be foraging for the rest of your stay here, got it?!”

“Yes Miss!”


“I had no idea you could make actual food,”

“Tch despite what Ace told you, I can cook if I had the right damn ingredients!”

“What smells so good?!” said Luffy. The boy came in with a large wild boar. Dadan glared.

“GO WASH!” the boys headed to the back as she started hacking away at the boar and putting it into the pot. _________________ and Law’s mouth watered, “What are you two gawking for? Sit down and eat!” they nodded and started enjoying their hard work.

“WOW!” said Sabo coming back in.

“That’s a huge pot of Sukiyaki!” said Ace

“What’s Sukiyaki?!” said Luffy

“Hot soup meat dish with vegetables,” said Law. The boys sat down and started eating. It was an actual civil dinner because the pot took up half the room and everyone had to sit around it.

“From now on, _________________ and Law will be doing the foraging,” said Dadan

“If it means we get to eat like this I’m all for it!” said Ace, “What do you need tomorrow?”

“Yeah!” said Luffy

“I’ll think of something but with all of those soybeans we’ll have some more tofu at least,”

“Tch, that’s not a promise,” said Ace

“Quiet your bitching! Just get the meat and stop complaining!”

“What about curry? We found some potatoes out there,” said Law

“Yeah!” said ___________________

“Did you two stumble into someone’s garden?” said Sabo

“I hope not,” said Law

“If they’re dumb enough to plant a garden in the woods, they SHOULD get their stuff stolen,” said Ace finishing up is food and getting some more.

“___________________ when you’re finished, take your bath first,” said Dadan

“Why can’t she just take a bath with us?!” said Luffy

“She’s a girl that’s why!” said Ace

“But she takes a bath with Izo!”

“That’s…a little different,” said Sabo

“How so?! I wanna take a bath with my sister!”

“NO!” said the room in unison.

Level Six of Impel Down was reserved for some of the most dangerous people in the world. Unlike most prisoners, who were subjected to the horrors of each level, these prisoners were closely monitored with no chance for escape. It was dark, it was desolate at times and it was silent…at least it was supposed to be. Many a prisoners had gone mad from the isolation or awaiting execution but some were down there indefinitely. However since she came, a woman was singing. She sang when she woke up, she sang after her meals and sang until it was time her to sleep. It was constant. The songs were lengthy and some were so old that many thought she made them up on the spot. She was a busty woman, so busty she was nearly popping out of her prison top, a soft mischievous face, and short hair in a ponytail. She was chained to a wall singing over and over again.

”Now some have died
and some are alive
and others sail on sea
with the keys to the cage
and the Devil to pay
we lay to Fiddler's Green.

Yo ho, haul together
Hoist the colors high
Heave ho, thieves and beggars
Never shall we die,”

”The bell has been raised
from its water grave
Hear its sepulchral tone?
A call to all
pay heed the squall
and turn your sails toward home,” The woman in the cell looked up to see a familiar form with a familiar fox tail standing in front of her cell. She looked rather miffed as she glared at her, “A call to arms? Deep in the depths of literal hell where no one can hear you? Really? I doubt any of these novices know that song,”

“Awww Lesser! You came to save me! I’m flattered. And for your information, it’s one of the few songs I could remember down here. It’s either sing or go crazy,”

“Don’t flatter yourself. Give me ONE good reason why we shouldn’t leave your sorry ass in here to rot for the rest of your life?”

“Shishishishishi! Because you loooooooove me. You literately came all this way just to berate me. You’re so cruel it hurts,”

“Ugh, come on, I know I’m going to regret this later,” the door flew opened and her chains were broken. She stood up. Her breasts bounded in her prison uniform that was ripped opened. Lesser rolled her eyes, “Really?”

“What? Don’t blame me, blame the uniform! The girls were getting smushed,” she said pointing to her chest grinning. Lesser tossed her a bag, “Oh shit you brought my clothes?!”

“Mhm, hurry up before someone sees!” there was a rustling of clothes and things and soon she emerged looking like her old self again. Lesser reached into the bag and tossed a lifeless doll into the cell, “By the time they realized you’re gone we’ll be long gone,” the pair walked out together. The other prisoners looked on. They weren’t going to say something when they saw just who was walking out, the One Who’s Name is Never Spoken and other, hell, a demon in the flesh. She looked around.

“Where are the surveillance den den mushi?”

“Salt bomb,” said Lesser, “They’ll be out for awhile,”

“Wow you really went all out to rescue little old me,”

“I was outvoted,”

“So mean!” they made their way up the levels keeping as close to the edge and trying to not make themselves known or even conspicuous. It was mainly because neither of them wanted a fight. The woman was no good at the moment being chained up for well over a year and Lesser was too tired to really deal with anything, “Sooooo where are we going after this?”

“We’re hiding out in a town that’s heavily protected. You’ll be safe there until you can get back to Dragon,” she stopped and blushed slightly.

“How’s the big lug?”

“He’s okay I guess, we don’t really don’t contact him. You’re the only link we have to him. Hell the only reason we found out about you being booked and thrown in here was some information that spread around. If he would have known you would have been out by now,”

“Ah. Meh I’ll tell him what you guys did and he’ll probably recruit you,”

“Yeah, we’re not interested at the moment. We serve another,”

“You guys finally left?!”

“Didn’t have much of a choice. He almost had me killed just so he can keep a firmer grip on the girls, especially poor Cleaner. Boss saved our asses and we got a better gig,”

“Where's the bastard who DARED fuck with you guys?”

“Dead. Boss had us take him and his subordinates out. He’s an asshole too but…he’s our asshole,”

“Awww, you guys found a perfect fit?” Lesser smiled.

“Yeah, I’ll admit we did. We get vacations, medical, Boss actually cares about us so it’s a win-win,” the woman smiled and pulled Lesser into an one armed hug.

“STILL say you guys would have loved to be in our crew!”

“Tch, no thanks, that means I have to be at sea with you for more than twenty four hours at a time. I can’t think of a torture worse than that,”

“Your cruelty knows no bounds!” they finally made it up to the final level. The woman froze, “How are we going to get pass poison dick?”

“Perv is taking care of that. We just have to get out without notice,”

“…you think she can handle it?”

“She’s immune to poison and she has a thing for big tall muscular men. I feel kind of bad for the dumb bastard,”

“…you sure she’s okay?”

“GAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I’m immune baby! Now drop those pants and give Mama a snack!”


“Ooooh~! An orgy?! Baby you know how to party! And you weren’t complaining a few minutes ago!”


“MY HORNIESS KNOWS NO BOUNDS! Now come on out and let Mama give you a snack~” the woman held in all her laughter. Lesser grimaced.

“Poor asshole. Here, get into this crate and I’ll change into my uniform. Just keep quiet. Because if I have to do some exertion, I’m going to fuckin’ kill you!” back on shore, the other maids watched. They had their boat ready for the trio. They were in a Marine boat with Marine flags and in Marine uniforms waiting.

“What’s taking them so long?” said Cook

“It’s a delicate venture hon,” said Dom, “Let’s just be glad we hadn’t heard anything yet,”

“True but still, I don’t like when it’s silent like this,”

“I know right? Surely something would have happened by now,”

“Especially with Perv involved,”

“Hey don’t sell her short; she’s a master of diversions. She’ll make sure everyone is occupied until Lesser is finished. Getting through that hell is a delicate process,”

“True…wait is that them?! Daisy and Lessy?!”

“…yep here they come! Get closer Cook!” she maneuvered the boat closer to shore. The guards gave them clearance as they steadily came in. A Marine captain was walking towards them with a crate. They kept their heard down and went to the ship. The guards didn’t take much notice as she got on the ship.

“SHE’S BACK!” the woman was swarmed and hugged. She was laughing, hugging her old friends again.

“How the hell did you get put into Impel Down?!” said Cook

“Meat coma!”

“Why am I not surprised?” said Lesser

“Hey! It was an awesome way to get caught!”

“How much was it?” said Dom laughing

“…twenty pounds,”

“You’re lucky you didn’t die!” said Cleaner

“Pfffft! I’m too stubborn to die!”

“Still a cocky little shit,” said Cook laughing

“Oh you guys LOVE it!”

“Did I hear the word cock?” said Perv grinning and crawling up the other side of the ship with something in her hands. It was a large black sheet with three holes in it and with what looked like to have a print of purple clouds.

“…the hell is that?” said Lesser

“My conquest’s underwear!” she said and proudly held them up. Dom laughed.


“I know right!” she took a long whiff, “The smell of victory!”

“I-I don’t have to wash them, do I?!” said Cleaner

“Nope! I need that natural poison and mush scent to remind me of my sweet poison cock~”

“You gotta let me take a whiff,” said Dom grinning

“Ugh, wait until we get home! I don’t want anyone getting poisoned while we’re out to sea! Alright Cook, take us home!” said Lesser

“Aye!” Perv happily headed down into her room area.

“Imma sleep in these tonight~” Daisy laughed

“Some things never change!”

“Head to the kitchen I made dinner,” said Cook

“Cook…marry me!”

“You’re married, hun,”

“We can add a third!”

“Go eat!” Daisy laughed and headed into the kitchen with Dom and Cleaner. Lesser lit some gunpowder and they were now on their way. She yawned and headed off to her room. It was just a long day and she needed some kind of rest and peace of mind. But first she needed to call Boss.

“Fufufufufu! Are you ladies done~?”

“Mhm we’re heading home now, shouldn’t take us to more than a day. Sorry about this in advance, Boss,”

“No worries. While you were there, you didn’t see…her did you?”

“She’s not there, Boss. I’m pretty sure she’s still enjoying her vacation,”

“Good, good,”

“I’ll ask around to see where she is but remember you were the one who said “you don’t have to call or anything, just enjoy yourself”,”

“I know what I said! A letter from time to time would be good, you know!”

“I’ll do some recon and see, but if she doesn’t want to be found, she’s not going to be. She did train us after all,”

“…just come home. Bring some wine from East Blue on the way,”

“Of course Boss,” the snail clicked. She stretched and got ready for bed. Cook had a kettle and salt ready and she was going to give her feet a long soak when she heard her den den mushi. Lesser raised her eyebrow and answered.

“Hello?” there was silence on the other end for awhile.

“…I need a favor,” said a familiar voice. She frowned.

“…how did you get this number?”

“Don’t worry about it. I need you to do me a favor. You know I wouldn’t ask you if it wasn’t important,”

“I’m listening,”

“Rocinante and Bellemere are going to be on that Buster Call along with me. I want you there to make sure they get back home,”

“Oh? What’s the catch? Considering it was okay for him to be in a literal lion’s den for a few years. Now you’re worried? I also don’t recall the Marines issuing a manhunt when Nami was taken,”

“Don’t act cute, Maid. No catch…Law’s been through enough already, if something happened to Roci, I don’t think he’ll ever recover from it and Nami and Nojiko deserves to have their mother back home. I’m asking because you’re competent enough to keep up with both of them. And if that’s not enough, I’m asking as a grandfather who just want to make sure his grandchild don’t have to be orphans for a second time,”

“…Alright, just know I’m not doing this for the Marines. Once they’re back, our partnership is over,”

“Wouldn’t expect you to. Listen, I don’t like you and I know you don’t like me but for his and Law’s sake, let’s try to remain civil,”

“Deal and for the record, I don’t complete hate you. I just hate everything you stand for,” he was silent before hanging up. Lesser sighed.

“Daddy in law?” said Dom at the door.

“Mhm, Don’t know how the asshole got my number but I’m glad he did. This is going to be an interesting couple of weeks,”

“Need backup?”

“I think I can handle a few Marines and any pirate that comes my way,”

“Just be careful out there. We can’t replace you,”

“You better not think about it,”

“Boss also called…about Taichou,” Dom looked alarmed.

“Is she okay?”

“Well, we don’t know. She hadn’t contacted him since her vacation, so he asked me to look in Impel Down for her. But she’s not there. Keep your ears opened. If we get any word or description, follow it and just…have her call in,”

“Got it, though she’s going to be a little upset we’re bothering her on her vacation,”

“Well it’s her own damn fault for not checking in on her young charge,” Dom ruffled her hair.

“Don’t let her hear you say that~”

“I know but still. We know she’s okay but Boss doesn’t,”

“Call Cora-love, he’ll probably know. She always protected her little baby~”

“…true, I’ll give him a call later,”

“Perfect excuse, huh?”

“S-Shut up!”

Chapter 64: Blume's Buster Call


The Little Girl learns a Story of Captain Blume

Chapter Text

Law was pouring through the cadet book that Sengoku gave him. He groaned in frustration as he combed through the book. He hated the idea of actually having to look through a cadet manual but figured it was a start.

“Anything?” said ________________

“Not yet. So far it’s just rules, rules and more rules. I seriously think they’re just masochists at this point,”

“What’s that?”

“Someone who enjoys pain and torture,”

“That doesn’t sounds good!”

“What are you two doing?!” Luffy popped up from behind the bushes. They jumped and he was clobbered by Ace.

“Stop scaring them! Is that a cadet book?”

“Mhm, trying to figure out what a Buster Call is,” said Law

“You don’t know either?” said Ace. Law shook his head.

“No but I know it’s something dangerous and I really wanna know just how much danger everyone is in,”

“There’s nothing in the book?” said Sabo

“So far no, but after reading it, I definitely wouldn’t want to be a Marine. According to this, a common punishment is no meals,”


“Seriously! People need to eat!” said ____________________

“Right? But the training is top notch apparently,”

“Pfffft that’s because they’re learning from adults with sticks up their asses,”

“To be fair, we have learned how to dodge Garp’s Fist of Love,” said Sabo

“…you guys know Garp?” said Law

“He’s Luffy and I grandpa,” said Ace cringing.

“I still have the bruises!” said Luffy

“I really hope I don’t get a Fist of Love,” said __________________, “I’m pretty sure it’s like Sister’s Bop of Learning and I realllly don’t want to get that again!”

“I got Cook’s Ear Tug of Reckoning a few times,” said Law shuddering, “She’s strong and tall so she lift you up to a level she’s comfortable with,”

“Ouch!” said Luffy covering his ears.

“Jeez there has to be something about children protection somewhere,” said Ace

“Sister always said that Pain is the Best Teacher,”

“That’s because I’m pretty sure Sister’s a sadist!” said Ace, “She never warns us about anything! Case in point the nut bread!”

“We got to sleep in the bell tower!”

“Still!” Law snorts and finishes reading before putting the book down.

“Alright, I finished it, nothing. So yeah we still don’t know anything about a Buster Call,”

“Buster Call?” they jumped. Magra was looking at them from the bushes. He had a basket of blueberries and wearing a sunhat, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to pry, I just haven’t heard that in awhile,”

“Magra you know?!” said Luffy

“…What’s with the blueberries?” said Ace.

“Yes I do! And well, I thought a few blueberry pies would be nice! You guys are surrounded by blueberry plants and I’d thought I better get to them before you all eat them,”

“…there’s blueberries here?” said _________________

“Why were we not informed?!” said Sabo

“Well we can’t eat them now because there’s a pie at stake,” said Law

“Oh I’m almost finished. If you guys help me, I can tell you what I know about a Buster Call,”

“Throw in a pie for each of us and you have a deal,” said Ace

“Done and done!” the children started picking the berries and soon there were loads full. Magra rewarded them with a basket for them to share.

“Okay here’s what I know. I grew up around that area and this story is still told today. Now with travelers it has become a legend but this is the true story as it has been in town. First, Captain Blume was captured,”


The Papers all over the Grand Line had the words that many people thought they never would have seen in their lives. The Infamous Captain Blume: Captured. Captain Blume was captured and was awaiting immediate execution. Many speculated that the article was fake, in order to flush the real Blume out. But when they saw the photo of the Captain with her tattoos, cheeky smile, and infamous beauty, they knew for certain it was Captain Blume. The entire world was shocked to say the least. Especially since there was no word about a fight or battle, just that Captain Blume was captured in a bar without much of a fight. Everyone was…puzzled to be honest. No one thought it would have been that easy to capture such a woman yet here she was. Her execution was scheduled in a few days. Until then she was to be imprisoned in Impel Down on the lowest level. Fleet Admiral Kong called for extra security against the woman, stating that nothing was too excessive for this threat. Many called for leniency stating that she wore seastone cuffs and was no longer a threat to anyone. Kong also stated that her execution was to be done as soon as possible and without civilians, in fear of Flower Pirates laying in wait for a moment to strike. Blume however sat in her jail cell, arms chained on the first level of Impel Down. In order to pass the time, she took up one of her favorite pastimes.

Fifteen men on a dead man's chest
Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!
Drink and the devil had done for the rest
Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!

The mate was fixed by the bosun's pike
The bosun brained with a marlinspike!
And cookey's throat was marked belike
It had been gripped by fingers ten;
And there they lay, all good dead men
Like break o'day in a boozing ken!
Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!

“GODDAMN IT BLUME SHUT UP!” barked Kong. Blume’s singing was starting to cause a lot of sheer annoyance to the Fleet Admiral. So much that he was starting to get more than annoyed, especially since the woman couldn’t hold a tune when comes to sea shanties.

“Whaaaaaaat? I didn’t know that it was a crime for a woman awaiting death to sing her worries away,” she smiled sweetly.

“Knowing you it’s probably a fuckin’ code of some sort!”

“I’m so hurt that you would think that!”

“Any other pirate I would have said they lost their minds but you’re way too clever for your own good!”

“That’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever said to me! Does his mean you’re starting to like me?”

“Not in a million years!”

“I can wait,” the man huffed and went back to his duties. This was an obvious trap in his opinion. Blume was a fierce pirate and warrior in her own right. So fierce and strategic that her personal ship was once a Marine Admiral’s ship and it was long since repainted and made her own. The way she was captured was also an enigma. Blume was in a bar having a drink, alone laughing and charming the crowd and not just any bar. It was a Marine bar with civilians and it took a few to finally realize that they had the infamous Blume literately in their clutches and arrested her on the spot. She was cuffed and taken away. She didn’t put up a fight and left willingly. Now she was in a cell singing up a storm, so much that many of the prisoners considered it cruel and unusual punishment. Kong stepped it because the noise echoed and she was transferred away from the other prisoners in a specially monitored cell on Level One. This didn’t stop her singing or cheekiness, not one bit.

“Do you ever sleep?!” he barked

“Sleep is for the weak! Come on Kong, sing with me! I know you know this one!” she cleared her throat:

“Come all ye young fellows that follow the sea
To me weigh hey blow the man down!
And pray pay attention and listen to me
Give me some time to blow the man down!
I'm a deep water sailor here with Fleet Admiral Kong
To me weigh hey blow the man down!
If you'll give me some rum I'll sing you a song
Give me some time to blow the man down!”

“I don’t know your game, woman but cut the crap!”

“Really?! I just need to lighten up this mood! It’s positively dreary here!”

“It’s a prison Blume!”

“I can be persuaded with food. I’m famished,”

“If you didn’t sing you wouldn’t burn so much energy!”

“C’est la vie,” Kong glared at the woman. She smiled, “Come on Kong, I do get a few last meals right?”

“You don’t deserve ANY last rites!”

“So cruel! Come on Kong! I’m positively starving!”

“I don’t care! You got you supper and you refused to eat!”

“That wasn’t food! It looked more like slop! Just because people are in here doesn’t mean they deserve to be treated like animals!”

“Everyone here gets enough to work every day, rice, meat, and water! You’re about to die so there’s no need to give you anything!”

“So I was the only one who got slop?! So mean!”

“You get what you get!”

“Oh well, I guess I have to sing for my supper then,” Blume took a nice deep breath.

“Sing a song of sixpence,
A pocket full of rye!
Four and twenty blackbirds
Baked in a pie!
When the pie was opened
The birds began to sing—!
Wasn't that a dainty dish
To set before the king?!”

“ADMIRAL PLEASE!” said Edith, one of the jailers of the prison. She was a tall brunette with an eye patch over her left eye and wearing yellow leggings. She was in charge of the Freeing Hell, “This is cruel and unusual! You can hear her all through the prison!”

“It’s starting to get to everyone!” said Judith her twin also one of the jailers in charge of the Blazing Hell. Identical to her sister only with an eyepatch over her right eye and wearing pink leggings, “We can hear her in the Broiler! A few prisoners opted to jump into the lava!”

“HOLD STRONG!” bellowed Kong




“ACK MAKE HER STOP!” said Judith holding her ears.



“JUST SHOOT HER!” said Kong

“SIR! WE CAN’T!” said Edith

“GAG HER!” Blume smiled


Blume stopped and saw that they were all covering their ears. She could hear sounds of groaning and shouting from the other prisoners below. Polo, the warden of the time, came running into the area.

“Admiral! What’s going on up here?! The prisoners are threatening to riot if this keeps on! A couple has even started biting off their own limbs!” Kong glared at Blume. She grinned.

“Oh? I thought you all liked my singing? Well I do have an old sea shanty that I don’t really remember the lyrics but I would LOVE to make it up as I go!” she took a deep.

“OKAY, OKAY! What would you like?!” Soon Blume was happily munching on her dinner. Kong glared at her from her cell as she happily ate the food in silent victory.

“Kong your chefs are amazing!” she said happily, “I hadn’t had crab stuffed salmon like that in YEARS! And was this cake made in house? If I knew food would be the good I would have kidnapped your chef too! That or joined the Marines but that was never going to happen!”

“I swear to shit I’m going to throttle you myself!”

“Don’t you have a thing about fair justice or something?”

“For you I would make an exception! You know what you did!”

“You have to be really specific,” she said unscrewing the wine bottle, flicking the top across the cell and taking a long drink.

“The previous Admiral!”

“Oh that piece of shit,”


“If you say,”

“I’m waiting for the moment to watch you hang!”

“What a mean thing to say! Even after all of the songs I’ve been singing for you!”

“Don’t get cute with me!”

“Oh no worries, I know I’m banquet,” she winked. He glared and turned away. After her meal, Blume got comfortable in her cell and looked outward. She had a window to look out into the sky. She just had to hold out until her execution. She smiled to herself before closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep.

The kids laughed. Magra chuckled.

“Apparently Blume couldn’t hold a tune to save her life when it came to sea shanties. Kong was in a world of torture that day,”

“What was his deal with her anyway?” said Sabo

“Yeah! Blume seemed really nice! Even to Marines!” said ________________. Magra looked a little grim.

“Well… she killed the previous admiral, Admiral Goro,”

“Huh, why?” said Sabo, “Doesn’t sound like something she would do,”

“Yeah, she sounds funny!” said Luffy

“Well…this was way before you guys were born, even me but Admiral Goro was a very cruel man,” said Magra, “He had a very strict mantra of above all justice. Everyone not a Marine, a noble, or a part of the World Government was considered a threat to any order. Children were being imprisoned because a relative was a pirate or a bandit or suspected to be. There was an overcrowd of prisoners in Impel Down once upon a time, hence why there were so many levels. Children, the elderly, even pregnant women were sent there just because there was a suspicion of them being close to breaking the law. He didn’t even care about other Marines, especially since he was being paid fairly well,”

“So you’re saying it was worst than it is now?” said Law looking a little skeptic.

“Very, he solved anything with Buster Calls and went on literal Suicide missions using his Marines as cannon fodder. In fact…in one of these missions, Kong was supposed to lead it and Goro KNEW he wasn’t coming back. The attack was on Flower Pirates, the Eclipse Pirates, and the Rumbar Pirates. It was literately an unfair fight and Kong was outnumbered three to one. Yorki and Atlas held them all firm and Blume took action and went to the Marine Headquarters, alone. A fight broke out and it ended with Blume spiking Goro’s head on a spike as an example before leaving. Kong became the new Admiral and had hard feelings ever since. Not knowing that she saved him and his crew’s life that day,”


“So cool!”

“How do you know all of this?” said Ace, “And how come none of us ever heard of it!”

“It varies from region to region but since we live near Goa, pirate stories don’t get passed along too often. Everyone knows the story of Blume because…there’s still a lot of people who still tell the story because some of the older generations remember just how bad things were,”

“Did she ever meet Roger?!” said Luffy

“I believe so! But that’s all I know from that story,” said Magra sheepishly, “I think Boss knows the rest,”

“Ugh why should I tell you guys a story?” Dadan said

“Because that’s what good parents do!” said Luffy

“I’m not your parent!”

“Well you’re our caretaker so give us a story you old hag!” said Ace

“Tch not with THAT tone you little shit!”

“Please Miss Dadan?” said _________________, “It was getting really good,”

“And we’re pretty sure you can give us some more Intel,” said Law, “especially with your knowledge of all things shady,”

“Yeah you’re the shadiest bandit we know!”

“That means you have a lot of stories to tell!” said Sabo

“…have you done all your chores?”


“Did you catch something for dinner?”

“We caught a bison,” said Ace, “Now tell us!”


“Fine, fine!” the kids say down around the woman. She raised an eyebrow. She was definitely not used to the kids behaving this well. It kind of scared her. She poured more sake.

“Okay, listen, I only know this story second hand from a traveler who told me way back when. Blume was set to be executed and she escaped but I don’t know that part but I do know about how her closest subordinate the Demon Blade got the Log Pose of Lily Island,”

“Why Lily Island?” said Law

“Beats me but Blume didn’t want the Marines anywhere near the island. Even today its exact location is unknown. So when the Marines stumbled upon it and made a map and log pose, she knew she had to get it back. So she had the Demon Blade do it,”

“Who’s the Demon Blade?” said Sabo

“If there was one pirate you never wanted to be on her bad side was the Demon Blade,” said Dadan taking a drink, “One of the most feared pirates on the Grand Line back in the day. She was active when I was a kid and she was the current captain of the Flower Pirates. This story happened when she was still apart of Blume’s Crew as a special ops or something. I just know she had her Fearsome Four during that time. That’s why Blume allowed herself to get captured. If they had their concentration on her getting executed, then her crew could sneak into certain places without much notice since the captain was caught. They thought they had to keep an eye on the prison and nowhere else. The Marines didn’t know that the whole thing was a set up. Kong probably did but everyone thought he was probably paranoid. Blume was crafty and she trusted her crew to take orders and think on their feet. Her execution was scheduled within a week. She wasn’t worried because of course she had an ulterior motive in mind. This is what a traveler told me. He documented a lot because hell it was all anyone would talk about. Blume’s imprisonment was a feat that many thought was near impossible. At the time it was almost like Roger being captured and ready for execution. No one could believe it, a few wanted to see it, and everyone knew the shit storm it would bring,”

“Shit storm?” said Law

“Mhm,” Dadan poured more sake, “There was a lot of shit that would have gone down if Blume was executed. Her crew was made up of many dangerous individuals, she was allies with Atlas, I don’t know if you brats heard of him but he was vying for the ruler of the seas like her way back when and they decided to remain friends and were close. She also had the Archer, the Fire Dancer, the Frost Bringer, and the Red Blade. All of them dangerous enough but the one that the Marines knew that would give them the most trouble was the Demon Blade and to make things worse, apart from her being dangerous, she was lovers with Whitebeard who wasn’t in power at the time,”

“Pops?!” said Ace, “This was before he was captain?!”

“Mhm. Well, Whitebeard was still with Atlas at the time before we went off on his own. But everyone on the Grand Line and different regions knew about Whitebeard and the Demon Blade. They were pretty much inseparable. The most in sync partnership you would ever see. If you saw one, the other was somewhere around. They knew what the other was thinking and that was the best battle strategy. Both were powerhouses but the Demon Blade’s speed and accuracy and stealth made her a force and Whitebeard…well you already know. They were hell on two feet apparently,”

“Why did they call her the Demon Blade?” said Luffy

“Because that woman was a master in the art of blades. Any blade in her hand became a weapon of death. Her precision was flawless, scariest shit I’ve witnessed. I saw it with my own eye. Demon is was a nice way to describe her. She couldn’t be seen when she struck. I remember being in a bar when I was young and beautiful—,”

“…you were young?” said Sabo

“Don’t use the story to lie!” said Ace

“Yeah!” said Luffy


“Yeah!” the boys said in unison

“SHUT UP YOU DAMN BRATS! ANYWAY! I was about…eighteen when this happened. I was at the bar having a drink. There was a stranger there. Didn’t say a word, kept to herself, didn’t make any waves. She sat there drinking. No one paid her any mind. The thing that stood out about her was her red hair. It looked like fire even in a dingy bar. Then the door burst opened and this man was screaming at her. He was some bounty hunter or some shit. Told her that he was arresting her for piracy and she didn’t look like she cared and ignored him. He kept berating her over and over again, trying to goad her into a fight. He was sure he could take her. Everyone in the bar told him to fuck off but he wouldn’t. Then he used a very low blow. He asked her how it felt to be the new captain of the Flower Pirates after killing her captain. It happened so fast. She stood up and the guy was looking at her with this big stupid smirk. It looked as though she just ran through the guy. She turned. The man turned, laughed, and took a step and his arms and leg fell. He screams waving his nubs. She paid her tab and left. The man bled out,”

“Shit,” said Law

“Scary!” said ________________. Dadan took a drink.

“Everyone knew she was especially close to Blume. Don’t know the hierarchy there but it was there. But Blume was her kind of handler. That was the only thing that kept her blades covered…until Blume was murdered. I wasn’t around when she became captain but her bounty increased within the month, killing and destroying everything in her path. Then all at once, the Demon Blade just…disappeared. No one knew where she went. Then the rumors came up that she was dead. And she just faded into history. This part is about her and a young Whitebeard stealing the Log Pose and map while Blume awaited to be executed,”


Two Marines came into Main Marine Headquarters. They were dressed like captains and made their way to the base. No one batted an eye at the pair as they strode into the building. The taller of the two was a platinum blond with his hair pulled back into a ponytail with bangs covering his face and eyes and a hat to complete everything. His arms, neck and visible parts of his face was covered in freckles. The woman was shorter with green hair, smooth skin, and striking eyes. They made their way through the building before settling on the navigation department. They were greeted to two guards who were at the wing.

“State you purpose,”

“I’m here under direct orders from Commander Albright,” the Marines moved aside and they walked in. She kept walking until she got to the navigation department. Inside were two additional Marines once again, keeping guard.

“Hello,” said the woman, “We’re here to relieve you temporarily from your duties,”

“Oh?” said a girl who looked like she was a cadet, “Why?”

“We’re under orders from Albright to take over for a little while,”

“Well, so are we,” said the cadet boy,”

“Well, she told us to relieve you from your duties for a little while because she wanted a word with you,” said the man. The two cadets said nothing else and hightailed it out of the room. Commander Albright’s hard ass reputation was something no one wanted to get the brunt of. They waited until they left before they got on their true mission, looking for a new map of Lily Island. The room was filled to the brim with charts and log prose and were intricately labeled and organized in such a way that it wouldn’t take long for them to find what they were looking for.

“Do you think you got this?” said the man.

“Mhm, keep watch outside and I’ll meet you in about ten minutes,” he left her to her own devices. She grinned and found what she was looking for and replaced it with a fake map. She then decided to do some tampering and marked new routes, changed maps around, erase names of maps and switched with other things. When she got to the log poses she frowned. The one for Lily Island was missing. Did that mean someone got to it already? She rolled her eyes. Why couldn’t things like this just be easy? She walked out of the navigation room and headed to see if she could get some answers. She was half way down the next area when she heard footsteps coming from behind her. She turned and saw the two cadets running up on her.

“Hey! Commander Albright isn’t here!” the Captain looked nonchalant.

“Of course she isn’t here,” said the woman without turning around, “She said via den den mushi in the main office at exactly 1:30,”

“B-But it’s like 1:40!” said the boy cadet

“I guess you’re both late,” she shrugged

“Wait, who are you anyway?” said the girl cadet

“I’m a superior! And if you have a problem with that, then I would be more than happy to show you what kind of hold I have on you!” the pair froze. But then they saw that she had a map, “W-What do you want with that?”

“Do you have clearance?”

“What’s your na—,” in a swift motion, the pair were grabbed and clobber hard from behind knocking them out. The woman immediately grabbed them and put them in a broom closet and looked relieved.

“Thanks love,”

“I knew you’d need some backup,” she huffed. Her partner chuckled, “Did you get it?”

“Mhm, and of course it too easy since there’s no log pose,” he raised an eyebrow

“Someone else must have it,”

“Yeah but who?”

“Don’t know. There’s something up but I don’t know what it could be,” the woman sighed

“I guess we have to do a little acting,” he chuckled. They roamed the halls trying to get as much information as they could without rousing suspicion. They usually had to get in and out but this actually required some effort. Soon they reached a canteen area. The woman peeked inside. Something smelt divine. The man gently pulled her away.

“Later, we don’t want to blow our cover,”

“What did I hear about covers?!” the two jumped. Behind them was a tall imposing woman with her arms crossed in front of her. Commodore Albright was for lack of a better term, a ball buster who took joy in being a hard ass just for the sake of it. She had a look that made almost any man fall to their knees. Always wore red and black, sans her Marine coat that she wore with pride. She had a long dagger like red nails, a black bob that curled up at the ends that almost make it look like she had horns, and she had piercing look. She looked at the two captains, “State you purpose,” she said in a cold shrill voice, “I don’t know who you two are and I want answers now! Or do I have to find out who you really are? Answer me now!”

“I-It’s because…because…” said the woman had to think of something before she just took the deepest breath, “We wanted to meet the best!” Albright stopped. The man looked at her as though she grew three heads, “I’ve heard so many stories about Commodore Albright that I just wanted to meet you in person! We decided to break protocol to look for you and we didn’t want out commanding officers to know that we were here. I just made Captain and I was hoping to learn under your tutelage,” the woman’s face softened before turning into a smirk.

“Well of course you would break protocol for something like meeting me,” she said

“Of course! I didn’t want to overstep myself but I really wanted to see you before you were busy with the Buster Call and Blume’s execution,”

“Ah, well you’re in luck, I won’t be a part of that personally but I do have the log pose and map for safekeeping,”

“Oh-Oh! I thought it was in the Navigation Room!”

“No I took the liberty of keeping it in my study for extra security,”

“Oh wow! Ummm I know this is a little…forward but is there any way for us to see it? We know we’re going to get into A LOT of trouble with our superiors so we decided to make it worth it,” Albright smirked, “Please?”

“I suppose, you remind me of a younger me. Come alone,” she ushered them to her office, “What did you say your names were?”

“I’m Captain Marina from South Blue,”

“Captain Marlin from South Blue,”

“You two traveled so far to see me?”

“You have to travel out to see the best,” said Marina. They made it to their office. Albright offered them a seat and they sat down. They made small talk about why they were there. Marine told her how much she’s always wanted to meet the great Commodore Albright and how she wanted to just get a glimpse of her before the Buster Call and Execution.

“I’m pretty sure you’ll be admiral after all of this and I wanted to see you before you became too famous,” Albright chuckled, “So tell me, is it really true? That you captured Blume?”

“I didn’t personally but my subordinates did. She’s currently awaiting her execution at Mainford,”

“Interesting,” said Marlin, “Such a dangerous criminal. Why not a public execution?”

“Because Blume is a crafty bitch. We know better. She may have some of her crew make an escape or something. So we decided to make it private and put her head on a pike,”

“The perfect end to a perfect pirate,” said Marina

“Tch, she wishes she was perfect,” Marlin grinned

“Is it true that you and her had a little fling?” Albright’s face went red before she scowled. She stood up and slammed her hands on the desk.


“Then what really happened? The rumor have been going on for awhile,”

“I was caught in a compromising position with that demon woman but it was all her fault! That’s why I’m going to ENJOY seeing her head on a pike,”

“But what is the Buster Call for?” said Marina

“Oh! I almost forgot about that,” Albright pulled something from under her blouse and revealed a necklace with a pendant, a pendant with the Log Pose for Lily Island, “This is the only log pose in existence to Lily Island, aka, the hiding place of Blume. Well it’ll be no more within a few days after Blume dies,”

“I can’t believe you have literately the weight of the Marines around your neck!”

“Once you get to my rank, you’re automatically trusted more so than most. It’s an honor and a privilege,” suddenly the room started to shake. Marina and Marlin held onto the desk but Albright stumbled and fell over. Marina immediately got up to help. The tremors stopped in time.

“Commodore! Be careful! Are you alright?”

“Yes, I’m fine. I don’t know where that came from,” Marina brought her to her feet and brushed her off with a smile.

“Oh by the way Commodore, have you ever heard the gypsy switch?” Albright raised an eyebrow.

“No, I hadn’t the pleasure,”

“Oh, I’ll tell you about it sometime but Marlin is right, we really need to be getting back,”

“So soon?

“Unfortunately our superiors are enquiring our absence,” said Marlin.

“It was a pleasure Commodore,” said Marina

“I will be sure to give you both an outstanding report after the Buster Call commences,”

“You’re too kind!”

“And maybe if you play your cards rights, a transfer to our branch,”

“That would be a dream!” The pair walked out of the building looking stoic but turning to wave at Albright from her window. She waved back before closing the curtains. They walked on, went to a restaurant and ordered some food to go and headed back to a small boat that was anchored on the other side of the island. They climbed it and the boat, using the power of tremors rapidly pushed the boat to larger more hidden ship in the water. The man tossed the woman into the ship. She landed and placed the food on the desk and rose the anchor and he casually hopped on after her. They sailed out to sea stripping off their Marine clothing. Once they were in the water far out away from anything remotely resembling the Marines, the woman took off her green wig reveal red hair and then used alcohol to take off the make to reveal her freckles. The man let his hair flow and removed the hair from his eyes and wiped off the freckles. Edward burst into laughter. Flora covered her face and laughed.

“‘I’ve heard so many stories about Commodore Albright that I just wanted to meet you in person! I just made Captain and I was hoping to learn under your tutelage!’” he said mimicking Flora’s voice.

“Shut it! I didn’t know what to say!”

“That was the best bootlicking I’ve ever seen!” he laughed

“May I never do it again!”

“I wish there was a way for me to record it! No one would ever believe me!”

“Don’t you even think about that!” she said, “At least we got the prose and map,”

“Can’t believe she had I around her neck,”

“That was some next level security. Thank you for the distraction! I didn’t know HOW I was going to get that off her neck,”

“Where did you learn how to switch things like that?”

“Dad. He taught me a lot. How do you think I’m able to slip things on and off you,” he chuckled.

“Fair. Let’s get back for the execution,”

“And eat, I’m starving!”


“A-Annnnnd that’s—hic—it!” Dadan had finished the bottle of sake.

“Wow they were in sync!” said Sabo

“Like they just knew and that’s pretty good!” said __________________

“Yeeeeeeeeep—the Demon Blade really was—hic—Whitebeard’s be-better half be-before she died—hic! That-that’s probably w-why he—he’s such a ha-hard—hic! Ass now!”

“Do you know her real name?!” said Luffy

“I—I—I know—hic it was a flower—flower is s-some—shit—hic!”

“Miss Dadan are you—,” Law moved her over to the side as Dadan collapsed and started snoring. _________________ moved her over to the side so she could breathe better, “If not she could choke and die,”

“How do you?”

“Sister got like this a few times and Grandpa told me to leave her like she was and just turn her over. She needs to sleep now,”

“At least she finished the story,” said Sabo, “But we still don’t know how Blume escaped.

“This sucks,” said Ace groaning.

“I know someone who may know!” said __________________grinning, “But I’m going to need a den den mushi and a video transmitter,”

The kids set up a den den mushi in the woods. It was Law’s in case of an emergency snail and the boys had an old transmitter in their tree house. With some fastening, fashioning, and wiring they finally got the video feed to work. ________________ knew Atlas’ number by heart and immediately dialed. Marietta’s face appeared.

“Kids! What a surprise!” she said smiling

“Hi Marietta! Is Oji-chan home?” said ___________________

“He is! Let me get him for you!” she bounced up and bustled away. She came back a few moments later with Atlas. He went to the screen looking a little puzzled.

“Oji-chan! Hi!”

“Hey little lady—oh you have guests. Hello boys annnnnnd Law,”

“…you know who I am?”

“Mhm, I’ve heard plenty of stories about you from _________________ and Luffy, it’s good to finally get a visual to the face! Though I did picture more guts and organs on you and a dead animal,”

“…what have you two been telling him?!”

“NOTHING!” Atlas chuckled

“What can I do you for?”

“Can you tell us the Blume story?!” said ___________________

“You have to be more specific wee one,” he chuckled, “And with all of the ones I’ve told you, you should be a Blume Historian by now!”

“The one about Blume and her almost execution and the Buster Call!”

“Oh THAT story. What do you know so far?”

“The Demon Blade and Pops getting the log Pose for Lily Island!” said Luffy

“And Blume torturing the guards of Impel Down with her singing!” said Sabo

“Now we wanna know how it ends!” said Ace.

“Alright I definitely know the conclusion to this one,”

“Wait, wait we have questions!” said Luffy


“Is it true that Blume couldn’t sing?!” said Ace, “She couldn’t be that tone deaf, right?” Atlas cringed.

“True as I’m alive! Blume loved singing; she adored it in fact and could sing well when she had to sing something with a soft melody like a lullaby or siren songs as people call them but sea shanties?! No! And she actually LOVE shanties! But she was tone death to how she sounded with them and well…it’s was like a fox screaming. Yorki described it as a voice of an angel but the larynx of a demon. But she had a lot of heart to sing,”

“Proof that you don’t have to be good at something in order to like it,” said Law

“Yep! What else?”

“Did she really kill Goro? That really doesn’t sound like her!” Atlas sighed.

“…yeah she did but, that was…for the greater good. There’s a god reason but I’ll tell you this one first, kiddos. Now this happened when I was young and beautiful and not the weird flesh body of bones you see today,”

“Yes you look awesome!” said Luffy, “And you can like uproot tree right?!”

“Yeah and Pops call you Pops! That’s just top tier!” said Ace.

“You kids make me young! Alright so you wanna hear how Blume and I outsmarted a few Marines?” said Atlas grinning

“Yeah it’s getting so good!” said Luffy

“Very! So what happened?! How did she escape?!” said Ace, “And where were you?!”

“I was there! I was always there! Blume and I had an alliance, if something was to happen, I would have her back buuuuuuuuut the Marine also know that if Blume did die, I would rip the entire Marines and Government a new one for murdering her and vice versa. So the Marines were waiting to see how far away I was, thinking I wouldn’t be able to get there in time to do something, do their little Buster Call, and then take me out. But of course that wasn’t going to happen. We had everything timed…perfectly.


Blume was led to the gallows. She walked with her head high and a bounce in her step. She was led to the platform and the noose fitted around her neck. She still had her smile on her face along with her infamous blue coat. Her hands were chained in front of her as people watched on. Kong had everyone on high alert. He didn’t trust Blume for a moment. She was up to something; he KNEW she was up to something. He learned long ago to never trust that smile. The Vice Admiral, Sengoku started to read her crimes to the crowd.

“Captain Blume, for your willful commission of crime against the World Government, those crimes being numerous in quantity and sinister in nature, impersonating an officer of the Marines; impersonating a woman of the cloth—,”

“—Oh yeah, heh heh,”

“—Kidnapping a prince and a princess, the theft of a Marine vessel, foul language in a sacred place, defiling a man of God—,”

“—oh like he had any complaints! Trust me, he wasn’t as pure as you would have believed!”

“—arson; kidnapping; perjury; piracy; pilfering; vandalizing and destroy many government properties, grand theft of property, inflicting cruel and unusual punishment to prisoners, and the murder of an Admiral. For these crimes you will be hung by the neck until dead. May God have mercy on your soul,”

“That’s fair,” The Executioner looked at her.

“Any last words?” she nodded

“Yes, actually,” she smiled sweetly but a shadow fell over her eyes and her smile was darker than usual. Everyone looked visibly shaken, “Do you think you’re safe?” her voice was cold and steady. Sengoku felt his own blood running cold as Kong gestured to the Executioner to carry out the hanging. He nodded and pulled the lever. Blume fell and gracefully landed on her feet. The rope was sliced in half and hung off her neck, “They really don’t make ropes like they used to, do they?” She smiled and started walking towards Kong, “I mean back when Goro was around, you could at least guarantee a good hanging but now—” she walked and took off the noose and cracked her back, “—kind of shoddy, don’t you think?”

“SHOOT HER! THAT’S AN ORDER!” the Marine lined up their shots. The ground around them started to shake and knocked them off balance. Then shards of ice shot through the sky piercing them. Blume continued her walk towards Kong with the same smile. He ordered another round as a wall of fire surrounded them and her. Blume continued to walk as the fire burned. Then there was a burst of fire and the blow back of the flames sent more Marines flying. She continued her walk still smiling at Kong. Kong got up and decided to take this into his own hands. He went after her and nodded to Sengoku, who grew and turned into a Buddha. Blume didn’t look fazed as she walked onward.


“Well, this is an execution isn’t it?” she said, “So between you and me, someone is going to die, right?” Sengoku fist came crashing down. She casually raised her arms up. The cuffs were shattered on impact. Before the Marines could react, Blume raised her hand and vines immediately wrapped around them, squeezing and holding them in place and surrounded their master. Sengoku went in for another hit when the ground split in half. He stumbled and faltered but then screeched out when a sword sliced him from behind. He turned to see Katsika landing on the ground. They stared at each other for a few moments. She shook her head at him. He raised an eyebrow. Theis distracted him to where couldn’t bring himself to attack again. Before he could react, Blume raised her hand again. Plants and everything soon engulfed the area and gallows. It turned into an almost beautiful sight of plants and vines that reclaimed what once been theirs. Sengoku now looked like a weathered monument that was reclaimed by the earth. He was now an immobile statue that was rooted to the ground, covered in grass and vines with only his face visible. Katsika nodded to her and Blume grinned and cleared a path towards Kong and continued her walk. Kong started shouting orders only to see his Marines being occupied by arrows, ice, fire, vines, large Venus flytraps and someone slicing and cutting them down like blades of grass. Every time he tried to go after her himself, he was smacked in the face by thorn whips.

Judith and Edith ran out. They saw Sengoku completely covered in grass, plants, vines, and other vegetation ad rooting to the ground. Blume was chuckling and distracted at the sight. They took the opportunity to attack. Judith went to one side and Edith on the other and both ran at and completely blindsided Blume and one kicking her stomach and the other on her lower back simultaneously. Blume collapsed, shocked because she wasn’t expecting it. She turned just in time to see the twin jailers getting ready for another attack. However, they were both grabbed mid-attack and slammed into each other and dropped to the ground. The pair writhed in pain. The Executioner took off his hood revealing a familiar grin and a familiar chest with a map and hoisted Blume to her feet.

“Atlas?!” said Kong. Atlas raised his hand up.


“Oh Kong, did you really think you had me?”

“Or that I was nowhere near to help my Blume?” Atlas offered his arm, “Shall we?”

“Certainly!” they walked towards Kong. The Admiral looked visibly shaken. He turned only to caught in Blume’s vine web. He struggled and tried to break free. Blume brought him close to her.

“Atlas, gather the crew for me?”

“On it, don’t be too hard on him, alright?”

“Oh he knows what he did to deserve this,” Atlas whistled and all at once the Fearsome Four, Flora, and Edward backed off and headed back to the ship. Kong sneered at Blume who was smiling darkly still.

“You think you won? I have back coming shortly! I knew you had something up that dirty sleeve of yours! You’re going to hang some day and I’ll see to it that you—,” the vines gagged him. Blume looked more bored than anything.

“You’ve brought this one yourself, Kong-chan. Let me give you a taste of just how cruel I can be~” he was thrown back into his chair and vines wrapped around him once more. Blume perched in his lap and fashioned a dagger from a leaf. Kong felt himself sweating bullets as he struggled to break free. Blume took the dagger and started cleaning her nails.




“GODDAMN YOU BLUME! STOP IT!” the Marines all watched on as this woman tortured their admiral, him having no way to escape or fight or shield himself from such horribleness. Anytime one got near, he the vines would come out of nowhere and whip them away as Blume sang terribly on Kong’s lap for the next half an hour. Then she heard footsteps running.

“Ah I guess this is where I take my leave! And remember this day my dear children as the day where you almost killed Captain Blume!” She kissed Kong’s cheek, ran and jumped off the high building backwards. The Marines ran to where she fell. She landed on her ship. They went to fire and stopped seeing cannons pointed upwards.

“BLUME GET YOUR ASS BACK TO SHORE IMMEDIATELY!” said Albright from the shore.

“If you wanted to play with my ass that much, Albright, I demand dinner and wine first and then you can have a little tap,” she said and shook her butt at her.


“Nah! Why don’t you come back down here? You were the one who was a little curious Cecilia,”


“Oh? Then why did you,” Blume started to say some foul detailed things that may or may not be true. The crew was laughing hard. The Marines covered their mouths and Albright looked as though she was going to die from embarrassment, “I mean this could all be true but then again, how would I know that you are into being spanked~”


“Edward be a dear, please?” he nodded and he gathered the air around them and sent the ship across the sea before the bullet rained. Once Kong was free he, immediately phoned in to see about the Buster Call.

“…Captain, there’s no island here!”


“There’s no island! We-We don’t know where we are!”


“The map! We followed it to a tee! When that didn’t work, we did the Log Pose, nothing! It got us even more turned around! We-We don’t know where we are! The Navigator is also nowhere to be found!”


“The new one you hired! She’s been guiding us via den den mushi for the last hour!”


“Well isn’t this awkward?” their call was intercepted by another voice, “I would be more than happy to give you the coordinates of where I led your Marines, Kong,” he could feel his blood running cold then anger.


“In the voice flesh,” she cackled, “I mean seriously, did you guys really think you found Blume’s home because of one idiot? Soooo if you want your crew back before we decide to let everyone we know that you’re lost at sea and pillage anything and everything the Marines have, you have to give into our demands now don’t you?” there was silence over the snail then a heavy sigh.

“What are your demands?”

“Well first things, first, complete amnesty and to stop searching for Lily Island,”


“Two, you have a few of our locked up in East Blue, we want them back before we give you the coordinates. If any harm had come to them, then we’ll be sure to decimate them all,”


“Finally, ten crates of that ice wine from Her Majesty’s Reserve on Cork Island,”


“It’s that or nothing. We have a few crews on standby if you try anything funny,” he grumbled.


“Splendid! We’ll be in touch at the neutral point at the abbey in a few days and don’t forget to get a good look at the new log pose,” he growled and hung up the snail. Kong looked at the log pose that he had his Marines follow. He could feel his eye twitching. The log pose’s image was of happy face and a wink. He threw the log pose in anger.

“GODDAMN YOU BLUME!” back on the ship, the entire crew were in stitches as Poppy regaled the fight and almost execution.

“A-And K-Kong looked as though he was going to shit!” she said laughing

“I would have loved to have seen that,” said Liliya chuckling

“Did you not see Katsika literately cutting down the Buddha?” said Nobara

“It was more of a flesh wound,” she said, “I couldn’t cut him down…even if I tried,”

“He had you in his sights. It’s cute he still has some feelings,”

“Yeah, but he would never make a pirate, like I know I would never make a Marine,”

“Awww every one goes through a Marine phase or a Pirate phase. It’s still so cute!” said Poppy, “I would totally ask for another stroll with him,”

“Yeah but not now, I think he’s trying to help Kong clean things up,”

“Nice of him to alert you that Blume was getting ready for her execution,” said Nobara. Katsika reddened.

“Every time I try to get out, he pulls me back in,”


“Good job switching the maps and log pose,” said Fauna, “Flora I don’t how you managed to do it. It’s heavily guarded, even for a seasoned pirate,”

“All I had to do was mention Albright and everyone just opened the door and left me to my devices. If she wasn’t such an unreasonable, ignorant, hard ass, then her subordinates wouldn’t be too frightened to question orders from her. If it was Tsuru I would have had problems,”

“And good job taking your slow sweet time, Atlas!”

“Seriously!” said Poppy, “We thought those twins were going to get another hit!”

“Hey! I wanted for the perfect moment!” he said laughing and I’m sure there’s no hard feelings,”

“Of course not!” said Blume laughing, “I was surprised that you were the Executioner! So glad I didn’t try and take you out and switch,”

“Pffft like I’d let you,” he said and ruffled her head, “Sooooo did all of that happened with Albright?”

“Good Atlas I am a lady! I would NEVER talk about a conquest. But yeah, Albright has a lot sexual tension when it comes to me so I exploit it every chance I get~ Our last encounter I got her wrapped around my finger after a fight and gave her butt a spank. She…liked it to say the least. I think I’m her best fetish,”

“And you have the biggest shit eating grin on your face! Shameless!” said Fauna. Blume laughed.

“Welp, there’s only one thing left for me to do!” Fauna eyes her before taking out some wax. Everyone on the ship followed suit, “Rude!” Blume happily got to her crow’s nest with a bottle of wine and enjoy the sweet fresh air humming a sweet melody. Atlas snorts and decided to take a nap under the crow’s nest. Flora chuckled and shook her head before pulling Edward to the kitchen. Poppy was poking Katsika’s cheek, urging her to give Sengoku a call. Katsika, flustered hurried to her room to get away.

“Blume was a legend!” said Ace

“Seriously! She’s so awesome!” said ________________

“She’s reminds me of Roger!” said Luffy

“Tch, she’s tons better than him,” said Ace. Atlas chuckled.

“Blume’s legacy still lives on. She died before Roger became king though. You still can’t utter her name without anyone knowing who she was, just like with my name, Edward’s, hell even Flora’s old moniker.

“So why was Blume so protective of that place?” said Law

“Well, Lily Island was Blume’s Home. After she left home when she was younger, it was the island she escaped to. She’s very protective of it, like Edward is with Sphinx. It was an island that was so far out that many didn’t know the coordinates. It’s a part of a collective of islands that were so under the radar that the World Government didn’t bother with it. A lot of people went there to live when they wanted out of piracy or other things. It was where the Flower Pirates often went to settle down for awhile. Even now, there’s Eclipse Pirates and Flower Pirates who are living there and in Sphinx. Blume’s, Flora’s, the Fearsome Four’s, Edward’s and my Bounties increased after that stunt. Blume was the only pirate in history that had using her voice as torture as a crime. She loved that one. She knew she couldn’t carry a tune when it came to shanties and used it to inflict the cruelest of cruel punishments,”

“Wait, Blume wasn’t born on Lily Island?”

“Nah, actually she was born somewhere else. Somewhere in West Blue I believe. She was a noble kid,” Sabo looked up.


“Mhm, she told me this long ago. She came from a family of nobles. Family ignored her for the most part and one day she saw a ship, stowaway on it and ended up on Lily Island when she was about nine or so. The inhabitants realized that she was a lone child and raised her. It was a safe haven but the town struggled because they didn’t have yelp from the World Government. That’s how we kind of crossed paths when we were a little older. I was a part of an island a distance away and both of our areas traded with each other. And when we set sail we were rivals and then realized that we both had the islands as our common interests and soon we just clicked and became friends. Our main goal was to support our homes and the trading islands. Then we decided that one of us being the ruler of the seas was better than none and also realized we have a lot in common and just be friends then nakama,”

“And all of this happened before Pops became a captain?”

“Yep! I think that was the last mission he sailed with me before he joined another pirate crew,”

“Why would he do that? I mean your crew was his family!” said ___________________

“Because like all children and brats alike Edward wanted to create his own family and hone his skills. So he joined the Rock Pirates,”

“Who’s Rock?” said Law

“Yeah I never heard of him either,” said Ace

“…you guys really shouldn’t know. Let’s just say this crew was horrible back in the day, so bad that many of the pirates who joined him later became infamous, Edward being one, Kaido the other, and Linlin, aka Big Mom,”


“AS ALLIES?!” said Sabo


“Yeah but he got out over an incident that almost got the one person that’s more important to him than anyone killed,”

“Sister?” said _________________.

“Mhm, Rocks wanted Flora to join badly because of her skills and mainly infiltrate the Flower Pirates. Flora wanted no parts. Rocks decided to force her to join and that didn’t end well but it made Edward reconsider his alliance with his captain but he will always have that mark that he was affiliated with the Rocks Pirates,”

“But isn’t that a good thing?” said Law, “I mean he’s Whitebeard. You can’t get any better than that! He’s literately the King of the Seas,”

“But…it came with a very hefty price,” said Atlas grimly, “To this day, there are a lot of pirates and warriors from that time who have a very strong hatred towards Edward. Many of them believe that he had something to do with Blume’s…passing. So much that one man, an old friend of mine, refuses to help him in anyway. Case in point, when the love of his life passed on, Edward send him a beautiful box filled with cookies, brownies, tarts, that everyone spent days making. A few days later, it was sent back unopened with a sword through it. He respects Flora as Captain and even gave her a choice that if she needed to just retire, his kingdom was opened but she declined graciously,”

“Who’s that? Do we know him?” said _________________. He chuckled.

“Nope, that’s a whole other story. How are you kiddos doing?”

“Better now!”

“Yeah, we just really wanted to know what a Buster Call was and then Magra told us about how Blume prevented it from happening,” said Ace. Atlas chuckled.

“Yeah but that was after Goro was taken out. Blume and her pirates physically stopped one. It was…a sight if I’ve ever saw one. It took everyone and everything to stop it,”

“What happened?!” said Law

“It wasn’t uncommon for Goro to send out a Buster Call to wipe out complete nations and civilizations that he thought were pirate havens, pirate affiliates, bandit ridden, hell anything that he didn’t like really. It was a frightening time. Being arrested just because you looked like a bad person wasn’t uncommon. Many of us had taken to getting the citizens off the islands and relocating them so they could be someplace else for safekeeping. But this time…he went too far. There was an island that housed an abbey. Not many pirates are religious but this place in particular where they would take anyone in who was injured or sick and needed a place to stay. It was a sacred place and a place where many pirates, no matter how much of an asshole they were didn’t make trouble for the abbey. Hell, many repaid the abbey and went on their way. Blume got word and convinced the nuns and monks to leave the island. Many not wanting to leave their only home and the abbey, since it was built God knows how long, but figured it was better than dying. To make things worse, there was a crew on the island that was washed up during a .storm. The Flower Pirates got everyone off the island and back to their ship.

“However, just as they were getting the last people off, the Buster Call commenced. Blume, the Fearsome Four, Fauna, Flora and the rest of the crew all stood their ground. It was the only time in history that a crew was able to hold their own against something like this. They fought with everything they had and while on the ship, backup was being called. I and many others came to their aid. It was impressive to say the least watching the Flower Pirates hold their own against this threat. It was a sight to see. Elements working together in such a way. To keep everyone out, Nobara used her flames to create a fire wall around the island, Liliya shooting ice shards from all places. Blume’s used the island’s plants as weapons and since it was covered in life, the island defended itself with some help with her Devil Fruit. Katsika and Flora were cutting down Marines like flowers and Poppy’s arrows were raining down like hellfire. Five crews showed up to help, everyone sick of living in that type of fear. Everyone was careful to leave the Abbey alone and only attacked the threat. Though, it didn’t stop a few snipers on multiple sides to use it as the perfect vantage point. Then all hell broke loose when Edward used his ability to shake the island and splitting everything around it. Marines were swallowed whole into the crevices before. They eventually had to call it off because their causalities outnumber ours. Goro swore revenge and left. The Abbey was safe, forever protected by the five crews. We were stationed there for awhile licking our wounds, burying the dead, and just staying there in case they decided to go in for round two,”

“What happened to the abbey?!” said Sabo

“It’s still there! The monks and nuns passed on the legend from generation to generation. There’s a statue of each of the captains who helped defend their abbey as a symbol of protection, me, Blume, Yorki, Jack, and Tawny. Last time I was there, a few have made the pilgrimage to honor the ones who saved their abbey. I don’t really want to go back too often. I’m the only one left of them. All died in their prime. That’s the only thing about the pirate life. You live to be legendary and do something to take the world by storm but…you lose friends along the way but it’s better to lose your friends than lose your goals and morals. After Blume died…I spent a few more years until I finally retired. Without her, it just wasn’t the same,”

“Awww Oji-chan,” said ________________ sobbing

“That’s really…sad!” said Luffy wiping his eyes.

“Yeah when a nakama dies, you never really heal. But you always have to remember the good times and good memories of them. It keeps their memory alive for the next generation. As long as you keep that alive, they’re never really gone,” after a few more minutes of small talk, they ended the call. Law looked visibly nervous.

“…now we know just how bad a Buster Call is,”

“And just how hard it would be to stop one from happening,” said Sabo, “Every active Marine leaves a lot opened,”

“I hope everyone is okay,” said _________________

“That’s why Pops and everyone left, so they can keep an eye on things to make sure no one gets attacked from other pirates and bandits,”

“But that guy really had to be strong and dangerous for a Buster Call to be called on them,”

“…the story was great but it didn’t make me feel better,” said Law

“I feel better because Blume stories are awesome but…now that we know, it’s really scary!” said _________________

“Everyone will be fine. If Pops can survive one Buster Call, he can survive another,” said Ace

“But he doesn’t have the Demon Blade with him!” said Luffy

“Pfft you think a pirate like that would be so easy to die? Dadan probably forgot, she usually does when she gets drunk. They’re alive and I bet she’s with him being awesome!”

“But that means we have to do our part and keep close to home,” said Sabo, “So no one has to worry about us coming back,”

“Agreed!” they all nodded.

Blume looked at Flora on the deck of the ship. She and Edward had just come back from a mission and they were winding down for the evening. They were almost to Lily Island and she couldn’t wait to show him around just like he did with her on Sphinx.

“There’s beautiful gardens everywhere! There’s a lot nice places to explore and read and things!”

“Any other kids?”

“Kind of but I don’t see them that much since I’m always at sea. But usually they let me join in but it’ll be more fun with you about,”

“Awww is it because I became you unofficially best friend?”

“Pffft, official, you’re the only one who can keep up with me Newgate,”

“Someone has to!” Edward excused himself and went back to the lower deck. It was getting late and they wanted to hang out some more but the look in their eyes told Blume everything she needed to know. They were near exhaustion. Edward was popping away every now and then to take a nap so he could come back. Flora looked like she had it but too stubborn to sleep. She went over and perched next to her.

“Hey Blume,” said Flora

“Hi sweetie, are you okay?”

“Yeah I’m fine, why?”

“Oh just wondering. How are things?”

“Good, still a little beat from the scouting mission,”

“I bet. It was a long one. Poor Edward looks like he’s about to drop,”

“I know…but I don’t think he knows where to sleep,”

“Well you two can crash in your room. Think of it as a sleepover,”


“Well, he’s a young boy and you’re a young girl, it should be okay,”

“Thanks Blume,” Flora looked at her. Blume had a wide smile on her face. Flora reddened.

“W-What’s with that look?! We’re just friends!”

“I know I think it’s adorable that you two are getting on so well,”

“Well it’s not like there’s other kids around my age. And it works because I like him,”

“That’s good and just know, if Atlas and I for any reason decide not to be allies, that doesn’t mean you and Edward can’t still be friends, okay?”

“Pffft you and Atlas will never stop being friends. You talk like an old married couple sometimes,” Blume laughs and tussled her hair.

“So cheeky!” Flora giggled and batted her away.

“Thanks for letting me go on missions and scouting with him. It’s fun,”

“You two should have your own adventures without Atlas and me from time to time. Though PLEASE don’t jump off a cliff, try and wrestle a bananadile, or grab a giant bird! You almost gave Edward a heart attack!”

“He’s no better! He actually went after a group of pirates with a long! I mean of course I helped but still! We managed to get a few kids to safety!”

“You’re a kid too, don’t forget that,”

“I know…but still! We have fun of course but it’s just more fun, if that makes sense,”

“Yeah that’s what happens when you have a best friend,”

“They’re awesome,”

“The best thing on the seas,” Flora yawned, “Off to bed with you,”

“Okay, okay, tell Edward I’ll see him in the morning and he could come to my room r whatever,”

“I think he nodded off on your bed already,” Flora shrugged

“I’ll just move him over. He’s really warm so it’ll be okay. Night Blume!”

“Night sweetie,”

Chapter 65: Noxious Justice


River goes on a Mission

Chapter Text

River woke up at the crack of dawn. He stretched and yawned and headed out. Things were weird now to say the least. Usually the Little Miss would be up about this time but she was sleeping. She wasn’t sleeping well. Hell no one was. Freckles weren’t sleeping well, the Surgeon wasn’t sleeping well, and Top Hat wasn’t sleeping well. Only the Monkey seemed to be okay. They were fine until after that story time they had, which was strange because the Little Miss would be fast asleep and happy after a story. He didn’t like this. He licked his paws. He knew what he had to do. In fact it was on his to do list today. Today he had a very important mission that he had to finish before the night was over so he could get back home. Freckles, Surgeon, and Little Miss could only sleep with him close by and he took that duty seriously. He went down to breakfast. The Ogre was still sleeping but the Chicken Man was up preparing things for breakfast. It was the leftovers from last night with rice and tofu. River wondered if he could get a little sneak of tofu.

“Meow,” Chicken Man turned and looked at him.

“Oh! Morning!” River looked at him expectantly, “Oh you want your morning tofu?”


“Okay, give me a second,” River liked the way the Chicken Man made his tofu in the morning. He would put it in a small dish and added some meat and fish sauce. River happily ate his breakfast. It was tasty, very tasty. He ate his fill and went outside to clean his paws and face. After that, he had to start on his own brand of justice. He had been planning it for awhile and because of the Little Miss and the rest being so distressed at night, he’d thought he would help out with that if he could. But first, he needed to eat something else. He went into the wood where Little Miss and the Surgeon found the mushrooms. While they were there, he noticed a rat and killed it. Before he could start on his prize, he was called back. But this was actually better than he wanted. He sniffed and caught the smell and found the rotting, filthy rat he found in the woods. He happily tore into it and ate it whole. He didn’t like decomposing food if he could help it but he needed it for later tonight. After that he headed down the mountain. He was farther away that he was used to so he started to sprint down the mountain to at least make his trip faster. It was soon in familiar territory and he slowed down a bit. He walked faster and soon he saw a familiar house tucked away in the woods. He arrived at the Heart House. He looked around for an opening and saw a small hole in the cellar. He slipped inside and trotted to the door and pushed it opened. He was inside. It was weird not seeing the Heart Man around the kitchen. It was just weird to see the house empty without anyone asking him where did he come from and picking him up. But he couldn’t thing about that now. He walked upstairs to the Surgeon’s room. This room almost creeped him out a bit. It had jars of specimens inside, things in many different stages of decomposition. Humans can’t smell it but he sure could. And there were skeletons everywhere. He crept inside. He sniffed around. There was a stuffed frog on the shelf that caught his nose. River hopped to it and sniffed. It smelt like jasmine, leather, hickory, perfume, and books. He took it off the shelf and carried it outside. Okay, he got that now he had to get back home for phase two of his plan.

He finally made it to town. It was usually quiet. Everyone was in their homes and everything looked abandoned. He ran on until he was finally at his home. He sat outside for a little while. Memories of everyone coming in and out, the smells of tasty food, the laughter and joy everyone experienced, Little Miss running out the house with him right behind, Freckles picking him up to go fishing, the Pineapple petting him and scolding him for getting into trouble…the Giant laughing and petting him a finger…god he missed it. He knew had to get in. Only he could fit inside. He went trotted to the entrance and scaled the wall. He dropped down and went around the house. Everything was locked and sealed off. He trotted all the way around and found a small rock. He pushed it away and slipped inside. He didn’t like this way to get in but it was necessary. He could feel the heat from the hot springs. He trotted across the rock and landed safely on the steps. He went to the door and slipped through the small opening. He was now near the kitchen. He knew exactly where to go from there. He went into Freckles’ room first. He went under his bed and retrieved a picture. He walked around for a bit. He then dropped the picture and went into the Princess’ room. He looked around and found a small sack bag. He placed it over him and trotted out. He then got the picture and placed it inside. Next he went into the Little Miss’ room. He missed this place. He hopped to the bed for old time’s sake. He missed sleeping here, with her next to him. He looked around. It had to be in here. He went into her closet and looked around. He sniffed around. He felt a little defeated. He knew he couldn’t bring her her blanket. He knew he couldn’t bring something larger. He groaned and sat on the bed for awhile. He then thought of something. He noticed her kanzashi that she and her little friends made. He took it and went to leave but realized he could get something to make things easier. He went into her closet and found his cart that he stole from those weird children on the Cake Island. He got into the harness and pulled it out.Now there was one more thing he needed to get. It was something that he knew that would help him fuel his journey. He wiggled his paw and slid the door opened. He hopped to the roof and headed for the Courtyard. He missed this area especially. He sniffed around and finally found it. The Ox had buried fish heads around there and he just needed one. He started digging and digging until he struck one head. He happily started munching. He ate one fish head and was ready to go. He had his cart ready and then realized his dilemma. He couldn’t take the cart of the hole. He didn’t have human appendages…but he was a clever cat and he knew how to get things down. He took his cart all the way to the last balcony near the entrance. He had to time this just right. He placed his cart on the slope and pushed it. He then took everything and backtracked the way he came. He put the rock back and went to the entrance and his cat was waiting for him. He placed everything inside and went on his merry way.

River usually didn’t travel to Goa if he could help it. He knew all of the best spots for catnaps, hunting, and things of that nature but there was always an air about the place that he didn’t like. But this was the place where he knew he could get the goods, the best goods that were needed for the task at hand. However, there was one place he knew he couldn’t go around in fear of never being seen again. Lately, he’s noticed a lot of his brethren avoiding the place. Many talked about a man getting others and taking them away to never be seen again. He frowned at this. He would get to the bottom of that himself. He wouldn’t want his kittens to be caught up in something nefarious like that. He weaved through the town without anyone really noticing him. This was late in the afternoon and people weren’t in the streets are much because of this lockdown but it was still crowded. He noticed there were a lot of people that looked as though they were looking for trouble. He weaved around and started using the rooftops. He didn’t need to get into a fight today.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!” he jumped and saw as two figures sprinted below him. A large boy was terrorizing a little girl. He went to investigate. Wait…that smell, he knew that smell…it was…catnip and…cloves…and lilies…was it that weird kid that comes around every so often? Baseball Cap? River watched as the girl screamed and tried to get away. The boy grabbed her and shoved her into a tree. She winced as a fist came out of nowhere and knocked the wind out of her. She crumbled into a heap sobbing.

“Mufufufufufu! Get up, cousin!”

“L-Leave me alone, Vitale!”

“Tch do you know how weak you look? You need to stand up to me! Then again, it’s not like you can hurt me anyway, right?” he kicked her sharply, “Get up and stop being weak!” he kicked her again and again. River growled. Fuck that little shit! He ran at the boy and sharply got him in the ankle. The boy went down. River ran in front of Baseball Cap and jumped, latching on the boy’s face. He screamed and went to hit River, who jumped off in time and waited. The boy saw who did this to him and went at River, who ran for it. This gave Baseball Cap enough time to run away. The boy chased the cat who weaved around and though things to avoid him but he had one more plan. He hid and laid low. He waited. This boy was vicious, but not cleverer than him. River knew Goa back ways and he knew there was an always opened sewer line that was only covered by a blanket. He ran around it, jumped and waited. The boy was seeing red and saw the cat looking at him and licking his paw. He ran at the cat before falling and being swept away by the raw sewage of Goa. He decided to head back. He picked up Baseball Cap’s scent again and went to check on her. The girl was walking into the yard of a large house. River followed to make sure she was okay. He followed her to the back before making his presence known.

“Mew,” she turned. Tears were in her eyes and bruises were forming.

“T-Thank you,” Baseball Cap sobbed and hugged him tightly. River purred and rubbed against her. He was needed here. He can stay for awhile, “Y-You’re ________________’s cat, aren’t you?” he looked knowingly at her. She smiled and scratched his head, “I know I look a little different but…I can’t be Shiro for awhile,” he knew there was a difference. As long as she was okay, he was fine. But to be sure he tagged along to make sure she was okay. He liked her smell, she smelt like catnip. That boy however…he could smell that something wasn’t right, something primal, something…bestial with a hint of fox. He didn’t like it. He waited until she calmed down before heading off. She gently pulled him back.

“Hey… don’t leave yet, I know you have to get back but…here,” she attached something to his collar. River looked at it. It was weird and shiny. He hoped it wasn’t a bell, “It’s…something from Pretty Solider. I don’t have a cat or a dog so I think it’ll look nicer on you,” he booped her nose and ran off again. He turned back. She had a smile on her face. That’s all he needed to see. He was soon back in Goa looking for his spoils. He KNEW it had to be close. Then he picked up a smell and sprinted towards it. There was a woman who made it in her home. She wasn’t rich or poor and usually kept to herself but she always made weird but tasty foods. She lived on the edge of the city and he KNEW it had to be there. He saw a large basket with something sitting in the sun. He trotted over and sniffed it. Yes this was it! He started eating not one but two stinky tofu! He knew if he was caught he would get into trouble but this was for the greater good. When he was done, he got back to his little cart and headed for his final destination before finally returning home. It was now time for his noxious justice!

River hid his things outside of the walls of the little town. He walked confidently through the quiet, dead silent town. He found the large villa and slipped inside the building undetected. As he walked, he could feel something stirring. It was almost time. He had everything ready and the moment was finally at hand. He sniffed around the villa until he got hold of the scent, a mixture of cologne, fish, and the sea, and followed it up the stairs. He crept upstairs, close to the edge where he could sit still and hide if need be. He could hear soft breathings and sighing around him and soft footsteps. Everyone was asleep or making their rounds in other places. He winced but kept going. That tofu wasn’t sitting well with him. Soon he found a room where the smell he was looking for was. He glared and walked inside. There was a large man on the bed, the Strings Man. He hopped onto the bed. He was naked for the most part but had his human privates covered. He quietly and ever so gently walked towards the man. Every time there was a stir, he hopped to the bed and just hunkered down and hid. He soon made it to the man’s face. He plotted his escape first and saw the window opened. Perfect. He hopped onto the man’s chest and got as close to his face as possible. He’s been holding in his noxious justice all day and it was finally time to deliver it. He got into position and got comfortable. The moment he squatted and lifted his tail, it was triggered. River squatted lower stopping just inches above the man’s face. This was for Little Miss!

The journey was arduous but River finally made it back to his family before everyone went to bed. The door was locked. He huffed in indignation! How DARE this lock him out! He started to hit the door before he decided to just meow. The door opened and he trotted in. He went back into the house and was almost immediately grabbed and hoisted off his cart.

“The hell have you been?” said Freckles looking at him. Excuse me?! How DARE he take that tone with him!


“The hell! Don’t give me that tone you asshole! We thought you got eaten or something!”


“_________________ was worried sick about you!”

“River!” Little Miss ran to him and hugged and pet him affectionately. Did he really worry her?! He hoped he didn’t! “Poor baby are you okay?!”

“Don’t baby him!” said Freckles

“Yeah River you’re so mean!” said Monkey laughing. River huffed but took off his knapsack and rummaged through it. He pulled out the items and presented them to Freckles and Surgeon. Freckles froze and looked at River who was licking his paws.

“…where did you get this?!” he said scratching his head.

“What is it?” said Monkey

“It’s…umm a picture of my mom,” he said looking embarrassed, “I kind of sleep with it sometimes but I left it home because I didn’t think I needed it,”

“She’s so pretty,” said Top Hat

“She has your freckles!” said Monkey

“Nah I have HER freckles. That’s the only thing I got from her I heard but that’s why I really wanna learn French. Gramps said that she spoke it. So…I kind of want to keep that one thing that she had alive about her,”

“That’s so sweet!” said Little Miss, “Can I s—,”

“Luffy don’t grab at it!” Freckled held it up to keep it away from him. Surgeon was starting at the frog and petting River.

“You little scamp…how did you even get into the house to get it?”

“…did you taxidermied a frog?!” said Top Hat

“…Can you do that?!” said Little Miss

“Yeah but not this one. The Maids got it for me. I think Lesser told them about it. So they made it so I could sleep better when I was with Doffy. I used to hide it in the daytime but when I moved with Corazon, I didn’t need it as much. It started to rip at the neck so I took Lesser’s handkerchief to tired it around it’s neck to stop it. It smells like them,”

“But why a frog?” said Top Hat

“I used to carry one around when I was about __________________’s age. Don’t ask but yeah it was a slice of home. Thanks cat,” he pets River.


“Hey did we get something?!” River moved something way revealing a turkey leg for Monkey. He looked at Top Hat and just rubbed against him. He laughed.

“It’s okay River! Getting a River Rub is just as good you little jerk!”

“River you’re amazing!” said Little Miss cuddling. He knew. That night, he got plenty of table scraps and things from the kids. He was content with this treatment. That night, he resumed his position but this time with the boys. Freckles went fast asleep this time with his mother’s picture under his pillow. He looked calm and at peace. The Surgeon was completely out holding his frog. River stayed with Top Hat the longest tonight and when he was finally in deep sleep, he slipped out of his arms, stretched and went to check on Little Miss. He peeked inside. She was curled up out like a light. He hopped up next to her. He was nuzzling her sweetly before yawning. He had a long day and everything was finally right in the world. He soon drifted off to sleep himself.

Everyone within a ten mile radius heard a deafening scream followed by string of Spanish swearing. The maids immediately ran in and were greeted to a sight. Their boss, covered in shit, pee, and scratches. They all recoiled at the sheer foulness of the smell and the look of absolute rage on their Boss’s face. Doflamingo looked as though he was going to murder someone or something. The maids sprung into action. Dom and Perv got an immediate bath ready, Cook and Cleaner got his clothing off just as Dom ushered him to the bathroom with Cook for him to get cleaned and scrubbed. Cleaner and Perv took off all the sheets and his bedding and rapidly changed everything. Cleaner took a very potent air freshener and sprayed it about the room to get the cat shit smell out of the air. Soon Doflamingo was back in his room, cleaned, dried, and looking at though he was going to murder someone.

“Find the one responsible for this and I want boots made out of its pelt!”

“Yes Boss!” the maids scrambled out of the room to leave him to his sleep.

“…does he know there’s people who would pay good money for that treatment?” said Perv

“Mmmm I bet,” said Dom, “But don’t mention it to him,”

“Yeah I don’t want him to skin any of us alive,” said Cleaner


A little girl sat down in the garden and watched as her companion and lady in waiting trained. Like everyone else, they had to return home during this little lockdown and even though she would rather stay where they were, coming home is always a treat. It was a lovely day and she asked a couple of her butlers and maids if they minded setting up afternoon tea in the garden where she was training. The young girl sat and waited for her friend as she slowly drank her tea. She had a lunch prepared with an assortment of things, large turkey legs, lobster, sushi, even kabobs. When the practice was over, she wiped her brow and took a very deep breath. She grabbed some water and chugged. She then looked up to see someone waving at her.

“Over here!” she said and happily waved. The other girl blushed in shock.

“Ojou-sama!” the girl winced.

“Please don’t call me that!”

“Well it’s true,”

“At least Ojou-chan, or well…my real name,”

“Not yet, not until we’re back home,”

“We are home,”

“You know what I meant,” the other girl went over to the table and plopped down. Ojou-chan loved her lady in waiting like a sister. They’ve been best friends and confidants for several years now. It took a lot but she finally was able to relax around her and her family and vice versa. She was rough around the edges but it was awesome. Her duty was to protect her and make sure she was okay but her father made it very clear that she was to be treated like a normal little girl, which was hard but it took her awhile to keep her from being babied by her now it was like two sisters with one being protective. Her dear friend downed a pitcher of lemonade, “Whew that hit the spot,”

“You were really training hard today,”

“I know and I’m frankly exhausted,”

“Please don’t work yourself too hard! Eat, eat!”

“I need to. If I don’t I can’t protect you. It’s my duty, after all,” she gently took her hand.

“You don’t have to worry about me. I can do that…kind of…myself. What if you’re not around?”

“Well we do have help now. Then again I don’t think I can ever compare to her type of skills,”

“Don’t say that! I’m pretty sure you’re both equally as strong! I just wish we could invite everyone to our home,”

“We can’t,” her lady in waiting tore into her food, “We’ll end up like Homing and his family. We’re lucky your father listened to mine about leaving without anything to our names. Then again Heika has always been a very wise man. Though I think it’s hilarious to see him trying to interact with commoners,”

“They’re not commoners…I mean we’re the weird ones in this situation. Sometimes I feel absolutely foolish because I don’t know certain things! I can’t imagine how he feels!”

“You have nobility as an excuse, don’t worry about it,”

“Still! It really makes me feel so…foolish,”

“It shouldn’t. Besides, we have help and no one really judges you, no one who matters anyway. You want to go back don’t you?”

“…how do you know?”

“I can read you like a book. It’s not going to be long before we can see everyone again,” she cracked opened the lobster, “And I’m sure no one minds you guys bringing sushi for picnics,”

“Mother was mortified that we over did it!”

“It wasn’t bad since everyone brought something just as big like all of those sandwiches. I thought you were going to turn into an egg at that point,”

“They were so good! In fact, I had the servants make me specialty sandwiches!” She happily beckoned the butler over. He pulled in a cart with a wide assortment of sandwiches. The Lady in Waiting looked at them. Some were topped with caviar, some had pieces of sashimi, and some looked as though they were art pieces, “I’ll get some more lemonade! Help yourself!” she scampered away leaving her Lady looking at the sandwiches.

“…Julian I’m terrified to ask,” he rubbed the back of his neck.

“Ojou-sama really went all out with these. These are lobster with a basil infused sauce topped with caviar, these are creamed spinach with a béchamel topped with salmon sashimi, and these here are chicken with a balsamic reduction topped with aged cheddar,”

“I have a feeling I’m going to be sick,”

“Try and get through three. They’re very good but I know they’re very rich as well. But she was so proud of these,”

“I know, I know. Wish me luck,”

“If you like, I can carry you to bed when it’s over and say you overworked your body during training,”

“You’re a good man, Julian!”

“Anything for my Ojou-sama and her guard,”

Chapter 66: Meetings


A Young Flora's Past

A/N: Since today's a special day, bonus story!

Chapter Text

Flora noticed a ship at the cliffs where she found Linlin. She’s been observing it for the last few days. She knew it had to have had washed up onto the shore in the middle of the night during the storm. She kept a close eye on it, just in case. She mainly have been hiding out because Mother Carmel wanted her to keep an eye on Linlin during some kind of giant festival. She thought giants were cool even though they really liked Carmel. She was not Linlin’s babysitter. She knew that’s what she would do the whole time. She heard there was going to be a fast and that meant that Linlin would be hungry and a hungry Linlin is NOT something she wanted to deal with. She sighed at thought. She usually hid out in the village but now they usually took her back to Carmel.

“You can’t hide from your mother sweet Florrie,” Jorul said carrying her back to the Sheep House.

“Ack! Come on! Lemme goooooooo!”

“Flora, I know this is very new to you, young lady but Carmel really cares for your well being! You’ll see, you’ll get adopted and you’ll be happy!” so she decided to hide out near the cliffs. Through all of her observations, she could only see that there was only one person on the ship, a young woman actually. She was expecting the woman to roam about looking for help but the whole situation didn’t seem to faze her one way or another. The woman was tall and lean and very pretty. She seemed very confident and walked that way up and down the shore. There was another thing she noticed on the shore, a bunch of dead fish. Did that woman catch them? If so why wasn’t she making a meal out of them? Where was her line and pole?

“Hmmm…” Flora wanted to see where this woman was getting all of that fish. This could be interesting. She stayed down and watched. The woman was pacing before something caught her eyes. She took a blade with a seaweed braided rope. She walked casually to the shore and waited. There was a slight glint in her eyes and she threw her blade, catching a large fish and reeling it onto shore. Flora was in awe when she saw the woman taking the fish off the sword, tossing it in the pile. She continued this a couple of times before she looked over at her. Flora froze. The woman smiled at her as she walked towards her. Before Flora could react, she held out her fishing blade.

“Want to give it a try? Don’t be shy, I don’t bite,”

“You sure?”

“Mhm, I think you have the hang of it after watching me,”

“You’re a natural,”

“Heh, thanks. So whatcha going to do with all of this fish? I don’t think many of them are good anymore,”

“Actually this is perfect Sea King bait,” Flora looked at the woman.

“Wait what?”

“Sea Kings love fish and blood. So this would something to lure the one that’s been lurking about to come closer,”

“…You’re going to catch a Sea King?”

“That’s the plan. I was actually going to bring some to Jorul as a peace offering. I heard it was his favorite,”

“It is! He loves the stuff! I’ve seen him hunt with Jarul and their crew. I don’t think you can do it by yourself!”

“How about we make a bet?” said the woman, “If I can catch one, you have to eat some of it with me. If I can’t and die, well, you can have my boat,”

“…Deal,” they shook hands.

“Okay, stand back,” Flora nodded and got to a safe distance. The woman netted the fish and for extra measure, started to stab and puncture them in the net before toss the whole mess into the sea. Almost on cue, the Sea King came up to get the fish. The woman took a running start, armed with nothing but her sword and seaweed and leapt into the air. She untied the seaweed from her and lassoed it around the monster’s next. Then she pulled, slicing his head clean off. She then jumped off of it and landed on shore. The body floated to the surface. The woman reeled it in with her fishing blade again. Flora stood there, mouth agape. The woman smiled, “Do you know how to cut and clean a fish?” she shook her head, “Wanna learn?” by the end of the day, Flora was covered in Sea King guts, blood, and sweat, so was the woman but everything was neatly packaged and bundled up, “Whew, we did it!”

“Mhm,” said Flora dead tired. The woman smiled.

“Go on home and get some rest, sweetheart. Come on back tomorrow and we can have some of this together,”

“O-Okay,” Flora scampered away. Mother Carmel recoiled at Flora’s smell and got her to the bath. Flora scrubbed and soaked in the water. That was a lot of fun today. She was beyond tired and it was so rewarding. She never saw anyone take out a Sea King before. That woman either has to be really strong or crazy.

“It’s good to see you again!” Jorul laughed and slapped his knee and poured the woman some rum.

“Good to be back!” she laughed, “Of all the places to land! I’m must be lucky,”

“You were blessed with more than luck! If you would have landed anywhere else you would have sank to the bottom of the sea!” the pair laughed.

“You know me, it’ll take an army to take me out,”

“More like a fleet. How long were you on the shore?”

“Few days. I thought I was the only one on the island for awhile until I noticed a little girl watching me like a hawk. Sweet little thing, she was the one who helped me clean and cut up the Sea King,”





“Floral bandana?”

“You know her?!”

“Oh I see you’ve met little Flora. Who’s SUPPOSED to be with the other kids,”

“So that’s her name. Wait, she’s a human,”

“There’s a small orphanage on that side of the island. Mother Carmel is there raising children until they’re adopted. Flora’s one of the few who’s been there the longest. She’s a good kid but a handful. I think the Holy Mother got at least half her gray hairs from Flora alone,” the woman laughed.

“I see. I hope she hadn’t challenged you,”

“Nah, she can size up anyone pretty quickly. There’s certain lines she won’t cross and she’s Linlin’s handler. That’s a giant human that’s in the orphanage. She makes sure that Linlin doesn’t travel out too far to get into trouble but she also helps out around here if she can. I think she’s just trying to find her place,”

“Yeah, that sounds about right,”

“But back to you. You know you’re more than welcomed to stay at the village! I even had a food prepared!”

“I know, I know but I have some business with my ship first!”

“We can repair it if that’s what you need!”

“That would be amazing! I just need to get in contact with Fauna. How can I pay for you hostility?”

“This Sea King was more than enough!”

The next day, the woman decided to observe the children and see what was going on for herself. From what she gathered, the children were happy and healthy. The only thing that seemed to frighten them was the infamous Linlin. Whenever she played too roughly with the kids, Flora was right there to intervene and stop her and scolding her for being rough. Linlin would cry but Flora would scold her more and then they were back to playing. Flora also kept to herself, watching over the kids like a sheepdog and her flock. However, when it came to her the “Holy Mother”, the hostility was thick enough to be cut with a knife. She watched on for a few days before keeping her end of her promise. Flora snuck off again. She didn’t know why but the woman really intrigued her. She always kept a distance from people, adults mainly but this woman was…something else. She couldn’t describe it but it made her feel funny. Like really funny, like tingly. She didn’t like it…but then again she kind of did. As she looked for the woman, she smelt something good. As she got closer, the woman was grilling the Sea King on the shore. She looked at Flora and beckoned her over.

“I’ve been hoping you showed up! Here you are!”

“…it smells good,”

“I hope it does! Come on, dig in with me!” Flora never really had Sea King before. She looked at the grilled meat and blew on it before taking a healthy bite.

“This is SO good!” Flora happily ate. The woman laughed, “What’s so funny?!”

“The look on your face says it all! Delicious isn’t it?”

“MHM! You’re a pretty good cook!”

“Meh, just a few things here and there. Don’t be shy, there’s plenty for it!” Flora ate her fill with the woman. Soon they started to make some small talk.

“So, why are you on this shitty part of the island for?”

“Well, first I needed someplace to lay low for awhile but then I decided to just take in the air. It’s a beautiful island,”

“It is but the witch here is makes it shitty,”

“No reason to call a beautiful place shitty because of one person. Give the island its credit, not its inhabitants,”

“Yes Miss. The island is beautiful by that old bitch doesn’t!”

“That nun?”

“Mhm, I don’t like her,”

“Me neither. Something off about her,”

“Exactly! You get it!”

“I can size a person up pretty well, just like you little one,” Flora blushed.

“Don’t call me that. I have a name,”

“Oh! That’s right you do! Hmmm lemme guess, Violet?”

“Ew no!”






“No! What’s with all of the flower names?!”

“Well you are wearing a floral bandana and there’s cute embroidery on your coat. You must really like flowers,”

“Mhm! My mom had this beautiful garden way back home! She had almost every color you could think of for flowers! Her favorite were anything that smelt nice. That’s why she named me Flora,”

“That’s sweet name and it has a sweet story,”

“Yeah but there’s not many flowers around here, just near the river and it’s well worth it…if you don’t wanna like stay in your ship,” the woman chuckled

“I feel honored if you're inviting me to your secret place. I would like that. Lead the way,” Flora led the woman away from the cold wet cliffs to her secret spot that only a few knew about and that because they were born on the island. It was a quiet spot save for a brook that was surrounded by flowers and things. There was a nice smooth rock to sit on and even stretch out on.

“On behalf of me, welcome!” the woman smiled.

“Thank you dear,” every day, Flora found herself looking for the woman. At first trying to figure out her angle. No one could be this nice to some for no other reason than to use them for some reason. She couldn’t catch the woman doing anything even remotely suspect. But she noticed that every time she was near the woman, she felt…weirder and weirder. So much that she actually looked forward to her visits with her. The woman taught her a lot of things like coin tricks, told her stories about the places she’s been, even showed her how to do a few concealment magic tricks.

“You’re good at sleight of hand, aren’t you?”

“Mhm! Dad taught me everything he knew! Like the Gypsy Switch,”

“Oh? How does that work?” Flora smirked and help up the woman’s necklace. She felt it missing. Flora gave it back, “Good one!”

“Yeah but he always said never steal from someone who doesn’t deserve it. Like a single mom or a struggling family. Mom said to NEVER steal from anyone. I saw it depends on the situation. She always said I was morally gray like Dad,” the woman smiled.

“What was she like? Your mother? You always look so happy when you talk about her,” a smile graced Flora's face.

“Mom was the best! I mean she’s my mom of course she was the best! She always told the best stories, she always gave the best hugs, and she smelled like flowers, like all the time! She used to wear this perfume that was made from Belladonna lilies. Dad got it for her and she always wore it to remember him,” Flora grinned at the memory looking into the fire, “And when Dad died, it was just me and her. I used to get in trouble a lot and she was always right there to clean me up and comfort me. She said I was truly Dad’s kid,” she snorts, “Dad was strong and stubborn too and we both wanted to make sure Mom was always okay and in turn, Mom always made sure we were okay. She used to get so mad when we came in muddy is out of breath because we either A, got into something that we had no business getting into or B, grifted a bunch of people and had to hide out. Mainly pirates. She scolded Dad, who always looked like a dog with his tail between his legs. But at the same time, she couldn’t stay mad at him for long. She tried to keep me on the path of righteousness as she called it before tucking me in at night. I really miss her hugging me before I went to bed,”

“Your family sounds really nice. Your parents really loved you, didn’t they?”

“They were the only ones. The town hated me. I don’t know why. Mom always said it wasn’t my fault. They just had a strange thing against single moms or something…this was after Dad died. Before he died, we lived in a town where there were a lot of people who were trying to start over or something. Mom didn’t want to leave but she had to in order to make sure we were safe,”

“Oh? What happened to your Mom?” Flora’s face fell. She balled his hands into a fist as though trying to suppress a memory.

“She’s dead, that’s why I’m in this dump. She was murdered by some bandits for some kind of retaliation against my Dad. He was this bandit who was good at his job but he met Mom and I was the awesome thing that came from it. He wanted out and tried to retire and live in peace with me and Mom. Well, one day, a few years ago, Dad was out and some old rivals killed him. They were going to go after Mom but Dad used his last breath to call her and told her to run. Mom was fast! She grabbed me and few things and booked it to a ship and asked a merchant ship to take up as far as he could. Within a few days, we went to a new village where Mom raised me for a good long while…and I guess someone recognized her and went to tell the guy who killed Dad. She couldn’t get out of town fast enough. If someone saw her, they could have killed us both. We couldn’t hide. The townspeople were assholes at the least. So, that night, she made this huge dinner. After dinner, Mom hid me and the asshole came back…” Flora’s voice began very shaky, “I saw the whole thing…I-I wanted to go out a help but…Mom told me that no matter what not to because even though Dad is gone…he wants to make sure the last of his bloodline will never have rest and she wouldn’t rest in peace if she knew I was suffering. I-I-I can’t thank her enough for that,” Flora didn’t notice that tears were forming in her eyes. The woman gently moved over to her and gently placed her hand on her back.

“Flora…I know this is a little personal to ask but…have you properly grieved you parents?” Flora looked at the woman.

“What do you mean?”

“When your parents died, did you have a chance to cry?”

“…no. When Dad died…someone had to be there for mom. She cried all the time, day and night, I wanted to make her happy so I just…made sure she was okay. That’s what Dad would done. When Mom died…the townspeople buried her in a cemetery. I-I didn’t have anywhere else to go, I couldn’t go back home in case someone came to finish me off, so I just lived in the cemetery. Then the next thing I know, the townspeople formed a mob, chained me up like I was a monster and said they were taking me here, because I had no other relatives and having the child of a famous bandit meant that I was a danger to everyone. Next thing I know I’m on this fuckin’ island with that fuckin’ witch and…and…IT JUST SUCKS!” tears were now pouring out of her eyes and down her face. She was sniffing and sobbing and wiping her eyes, “I-I miss my Mom! I-I miss our garden! I-I miss my Dad! I-I miss my home! He made me leave my home! They wouldn’t even let me stay with my mom in the cemetery! I wasn’t doing anything! I just needed someplace to sleep! I was scared! Everyone called me a monster! I’M NOT A MONSTER! I JUST WANTED MY MOM BACK!” Flora broke down into uncontrollable tears and sobs. It felt as though a large weight was finally off her chest as she cried. She couldn’t stop crying.

“Go ahead sweetie…just let it all out,” for the first time since her mother’s death, the realization hit her hard. She was alone in this world. Her parents were gone, she was trapped on an island with someone who definitely didn’t care about her. She was going to be sold one way or another and she can’t protect her friends forever! She just cried and cried. She felt a firm yet gentle hand rubbing her back.

Florrie…it’s okay, cry all you want to sweetheart. Even the toughest bandit can have the softest heart. Just always remember, I’ll always be here when you need to just let it out

The woman gently rubbed her back and held her tightly. It was the first time in two years since she’s felt a warm touch like this. She held onto her. She wasn’t pushed away. She just couldn’t stop crying. It felt eternity before Flora gently pulled back. The woman had an handkerchief waiting. She dried her eyes.

“You’re not a monster. You’re a little girl who’s scared and have been hurt many times by people who were supposed to protect you. A village is supposed to help their citizens, even the smallest ones. They failed you. Your parents did everything they could do to protect you. You being alive is a testament to that. Never feel like you’re not worthy enough to be shown basic human kindness. Strength isn’t physical. Recognizing you having thoughts and feelings and emotions makes you very strong. Keeping it all in isn’t at all healthy or strong. Your parents raised you very well, you have to keep that strength they built inside you. You made it this far and you’ll make it far in the world. What happened to you wasn’t at all fair or right but remember, how every treats you isn’t your fault. You’re very special and you were special to your parents and obviously to all your little friends at the orphanage,”

“…you’ve been watching us?”

“What can I say? I love seeing children being happy. They look up to you. They see you as someone they can trust and help them and love them like a real family. You just have to let your guard down and accept that love back from adults as well. It’s going to take some time. Jorul loves you antics, when I mentioned you to the other in the village, they knew who the little spunky redhead is. You make a good impression everywhere you go. Be proud of that because that’ll mean there will always be people out there who will make sure you’re always okay,” Flora sobbed again and buried her face into the woman’s chest. The woman let her stay there until she heard soft snoring. The woman gently moved her back before scooping her up and taking her back to where she usually slept. The woman gently tucked Flora into the little makeshift bed. She crept back out and went back to the camp. She sat down for a few moments before she started to sob herself. That poor little thing! So much happened to her within a span of two years, it’s no wonder she has trouble trusting anyone. So many people let her down and the two people who loved her the most were killed. She sobbed. She started to think for a few moments. She couldn’t leave her here. Not here, if she was being raised by the Giant Warrior Pirates, it would be one thing. This was not the case. She hated traffickers with a passion. She’s been observing the small group of children for awhile now, a full week exactly. She hated to admit, the orphanage looked good on paper, a safe place where children are taken in and cared for. But there was something she didn’t like. She asked Jorul have any of the children been adopted lately.

“Actually no. The good mother always has a day of adoption and the kids are always adopted in one day,” the giants respected that old nun. And as much as she wanted to liberate the small area and burn it to the ground, she didn’t want to get into a scuffle with Giant Warriors.

“I see,” she walked towards the house bright and early a few days later. The kids looked at the woman and froze. She smiled at them warmly and reached into her sleeve. She had them focus on it and she puts it on a table nearby. She gave them a wink and snapped her fingers and giant chocolate bars appeared. The kids stared in awe, “One for each of you!” they thanked her and took their treat. She headed to the large wooden house and opened the door. The sound alerted the nun who greeted her before she turned around. 

“Oh? Hello may I he—,” she froze. The woman smiled at her, “Y-YOU!” Mother Carmel stammered.

“I want to adopt one of your children,” Mother Carmel shook away her fear and smiled.

“Oh! Please! Is there any trait you had in mind?! There are some children who are strong and can lift heavy things! There’s some that has small hands, great for cleaning, and I also have a young giant gir—,”

“I’m prepared to make an offer for that redheaded girl. The one with the bandana and freckles,” said the woman. Mother Carmel looked at her as though she grew three heads and wings.


“Mhm, and before you say anything, I know exactly what you do here and even though I should burst your ass for what you’ve been doing, the children are relatively safe and well cared for. But that’s beside the point. I want to adopt that little girl,” Carmel looked smug.

“Heh, she’s not going to come cheap. There’s a special with that one. No take backs. Once you have her, she’s your problem from now on. So how much do you have?” the woman gave Carmel an icy look. The old nun felt something drop to the pit of her stomach. She felt something tightening around her and squeezing. It was cutting off her breathing. The woman perched on the table.

“Counterpoint, if you don’t give me that little girl, I’m going to gut you right here and now and make sure your cargo go to the homes they deserve,” Mother Carmel looked at the woman. The woman still had a smile on her face but her eyes were had no emotion in them, “And here’s some advice, never try and negotiate a living life with someone who wouldn’t hesitate to gut a nun,” she was let go. Mother Carmel ran outside.

“FLORA!!! FLORA!!! COME HERE!!!!” Flora was tending to Linlin who scraped her knee and looked up.

“What do you want?”

“You’ve been adopted!” Flora cocked her head before a devious smirk appeared on her face. She cracked her fingers and back.

“Who is it this time? The Marines? A traveling circus? Some weird secret organization? Bring it on. I’ve been waiting to make you lose some money,” the woman came out of the house. Flora froze. The kids stared as she went over to her with a smile. She got on one knee and gently placed a hand on her shoulder. The warm feeling came back, “Y-You?!” the woman nods. Flora’s face went red and she looked away, “…do you really know what you’re getting into?”

“Mhm, that’s why I’m adopting you,”

“Tch, you mean buying me. I know what the old hag is about,” the woman gently takes her hands.

“People aren’t things to be bought, they have rights. I’m not buying you, I’m adopting you, that is, if you’ll let me,” Flora looked at the woman, the woman smiled again. Flora brushed some quick tears away with his shoulder and nodded.

“Humph! You wore me down, alright,” the kids started cheering but it was bittersweet. They were going to miss their big sister and protector, “But I have a few demands!”

“FLORA!” said Mother Carmel, “Don’t be ru—,”


“First of all, we have to come back in February. Linlin is turning six and I promised her I would attend her birthday,”

“Onee-sama!” Linlin picked her up and hugged her tightly. The woman chuckled. Linlin puts her down.


“My second request is…I want a hug every day from you. No matter how busy you are, I want a hug and that’s it!”

“Alright, anything else?”

“Third, I want my privacy. Like my own room and space! No privacy, no deal,”


“And…I’m never going to call you Mom. I already had one so don’t expect me to ever call you mother,”

“I wouldn’t dream of making you call me mother,”

“Okay, we’re done here! I’ll get my things!”

“Actually you’ll have to stay here for a little while longer. My ship is on its way and my other ship is too small for both of us. We’ll be heading out in two days. Until then, you can say your goodbyes,” the realization suddenly hit Linlin.

“O-Onee-sama is leaving?!” said Linlin.

“Don’t you dare cry!” said Flora. Linlin sobbed. Flora took out her handkerchief and wiped her eyes, “I’ll be back to visit, especially for your birthday! And if you get adopted, I’ll visit you there too! You think you can get rid of me THAT easy? I said I was going to be your Big Sister forever so that’s how it’s going to be! So it’s not like I won’t be around!”

“We’re going to miss you Florrie,” said Jin

“Tch you better! I don’t want this to be one sided!”

“WE’LL ALWAYS MISS ONEE-SAMA!” Linlin said hugging her tightly. The kids were congratulating Flora’s adoption and then cried because she was going to be leaving them soon. They started preparing for a going away party. The woman slipped away. She went back to the cliffs and got near the small boat she floated to the island in. She then takes out a den den mushi.

“It’s about damn time! Where are you?!” said a voice

“I was sidetracked. Here are my coordinates. I’m on Elbaf,”

“Sidetracked my ass! You know we’ve been worried sick about your ass!”

“Love you too Fauna. I’ll be ready the day after tomorrow at noon,”

“Got it. And don’t ‘I love you too, Fauna!’ me Blume! What the hell?!”

“Sorry, sorry! Something came up and I just needed to get things sorted out for a week! Come on, you know you’re more than capable of taking care of things while I’m gone!”

“Humph! True, I swear I’m gonna gut you one day myself,”

“Also…prepare the small storage room and get a bed for it and some clothes for a little girl,”


“I adopted a cabin girl,”

“Adopted?! Where in the hell did you find a kid in the middle of nowhere?! Is she feral?! Wait…Blume we can’t have a giant child on the ship! We just stole a Marine vessel! We can’t man a giant ship!”

“Fauna! Please, listen,” Blume explained the situation. Fauna was silent for awhile.

“…that poor little thing! All of that happened within a span of a few years?! Hell I would have balled my eyes out every single day!”

“Exactly. She needs stability. She’s a tough girl with a spunky spirit. I would hate for her to be crush by the Marines or any other one of those fuckin’ organizations. I think she’d fit right in with us,”

“Damn right she would!”

“It’ll take her some time to adjust but she’s going to need to know and feel that she’ safe and we’re not going to abandon her,”

“Pffft not likely. She sounds sweet,”

“She really is. But she’ll be closed off most likely for awhile until she gets used to things,”

“Understandable. So, where to next?”

“Sphinx. We’re convening there until the heat’s off,”

“Noted, Kong wants to rip you a new one,”

“I know and as much as I want him to take a piece of my ass, I’m rather fond of where it is at the moment. We’ll just have to get to Sphinx and stay there a bit,”

“Awesome! See you then!” Blume hung up. A smile graced her lips as she thought about Flora seeing all of the things that fascinated her at that age. She’s going to love Sphinx. She knew this was going to be the best decision for both of them. Flora deserved to be happy.

“Flora..I know I can never replace your mother sweetie but I know I can give you a fighting chance in this world. You deserve it after all of this. I’ll do my best to right by you…just like Belladonna did right by me. I just hope I can be half as good as a mother like she was,”

Chapter 67: The Bunny Princess


The Little Girl fights boredom

Chapter Text

___________________ felt restless. Compared to home where she could explore anywhere and everywhere to her heart’s content, she was stuck in the mountains, which wasn’t bad but Miss Dadan plenty of chores for them all to do. She and Law were trusted with things around the compound and foraging. She even started helping out Mrs. Gohan with her rice to change up routine a bit. However one day she just decided to take in the air and breathe for awhile. She was getting a little homesick. She was starting to fall into routine and with Dadan that was a mix between hard labor and free ranging. She didn’t mind getting ingredients for dinner but she had to get water for the bath. Ace and Dadan agreed she was better suited for it. It left her sore but the next day she was just expected to forage and that’s it. But for the most part, she was getting restless. Exploring the woods was fun and so was hanging out with her brothers and training but when alone, there wasn’t much. The mountains were dense and she would really have to start early to explore much. She usually got half way to her destination before having to get back. She sighed and sat on a cliff overlooking the town. She wanted to go see everything but she couldn’t, not until her family got back home. Someone covered her eyes. She gently touched their hands and arms.

“Ummm Ace?” the hands shook her head no, “Luffy?” the hands shook no, “Sabo?” the hands shook no, “Law?” the hands shook no, “Hmmmm, I know you right?” the hands nodded, “Someone I hadn’t seen in awhile?” the hands nodded, “Hmmmm…Sanji?” the hands shook no, “Killer?!” the hands released. She turned around and was greeted to a familiar face that was covered in hair.


“KILLER!” before he could react, two arms flung around him. He snorts and hugged back, “How are you?! What brings you here?!”

“I had to get away from the town a bit,”

“That bad?”

“Ugh! It sucks! The old man is a lazy pain in the ass! Miss Ribbon seems to be okay with him but he’s so fuckin’ annoying! He likes to do weird shit and mostly just stays there and festers! He’s been teaching Kid some things with his powers but still! Had to sneak away to hang out with you,”

“Aww you miss me?”

“Tch yeah but I’m not going to tell you,”

“…But you just did,”

“No I didn’t,” he ruffled her hair. The two spent the rest of the day exploring the area. She showed Killer the places she found and the places where she had to yet to explore, “…we have to explore this cave soon,”

“Right?! But there’s no light,”

“We’ll go during the day and bring some torches,” he said. He in turn showed her to an abandoned farm that was brimming with vegetables, “Kid and I found it. The people from Dead Island sometimes get their produce from here. There’s a rotation to water it and such and everyone takes from it, even animals so if you need something from the Ogre, you can get it here,”

“Killer you’re the best!” as they headed back, he stopped and took her arm.

“Here before I forget, I have something for you,” Killer handed over a large blue leather bound book with an image of a bunny girl in a blue cloak and a wolf boy who was in a black furry cloak.

“What is it?”

“It’s some book I found in Miss Ribbon’s things. She said I could borrow it. It’s actually pretty good. It’s called the Bunny Princess’ Garden Party. Just tell me when you’re done but it’s like a four book series, at least from what I saw,”

“How? I mean I can’t reall—,” he gave her his number, “Miss Ribbon finally got you guys a den den mushi?” Killer looked a little miffed

“Nah, the old man showed us how to make one ourselves so….yeah we did that. So call me, alright?”

“Okay!” Killer’s book was a literal godsend and it was more than enough to occupy her time. The moment she got up, ate, she was out the door to find a place to read and the book was so engaging that she couldn’t put it down. It was big and thick and it was keeping the monotony away. In fact she was so engaged with the book she shirked off duties for a couple of days. The book was that engrossing. She was on the last chapter when it was snatched away.

“HEY!” Ace was glaring at her from her reading spot. She jumped and scrambled back. He was looking at her less than pleased.


“I’ve been calling for ages! What the hell?!”

“I’m sorry!”

“You’re still reading that fuckin’ book?!”

“Yeah it’s so good!”

“And I’ve been doing your chores and now I’m stopping! Where did you even get that?”

“Killer!” Ace’s eye twitched a little

“Where did he come from?!”

“We met a few days ago! I’m glad he brought me one! I’ve been so bored lately,”

“Tch so we’re not entertaining to you?!”

“What? Of course! But sometimes I just…wanna read like Law does,”

“Law’s been with us! You’ve been disappearing! Stop doing that!”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry! Lemme finish it! I’m almost done,” he glared and tossed the book back. She caught it and opened it up again only to hear Dadan bellow for them to wash and eat. That night she finally finished reading the book. She grinned. The ending was perfect to the story, there was another book, and she was going to read it soon! She waited until everyone was sleeping so she wouldn’t wake anyone. She took out her den den mushi and dialed.

“I finished it!” she said happily. Killer snorts from the other end.


“It was amazing!”

“I knew you’d like it. Let’s talk about it when I give you the other one tomorrow. We’ll meet in the same spot for the exchange,”

“Awesome! But it has to be in the evening! I haven’t been doing my duties lately and Miss Dadan has been getting suspicious! Ace said she’ll eat me if she gets mad enough!”

“Please, if anyone eats you, Marco will probably flay them alive! Okay, let’s meet close to sunset!”

“Okay! I’m so excited! I miss talking with you!”

“Same. It’s been so boring with seeing you bouncing about,” Ace listened until they hung up about twenty minute later. He then waited another twenty minutes to be sure ________________ was asleep. He looked around before creeping inside and snatching the book from on top of her nightstand. He then decided to hide it away in the tree house in the middle of the woods. Ace glared at the book. He didn’t understand why it was such a big deal to read this stupid thing. It was just a dumb book and yet she’s treating it like glass. She didn’t put it down the moment she brought it in. He glared. Killer is always giving her books. What the hell was that all about? He flipped though the book. It was an old book but it wasn’t that old. He then read the prologue talking about a war with all of the animal kingdom, starting from the Wolf King who torn down the old regime to make way for a new and better one and after that time, all of the kingdom were gaining independence and some trying to bring back the old regime for old time’s sake and security. This was the story about the Bunny Princess, who, like my children of the book, were only called by their titles since children didn’t get named until they had a ceremony when they became old enough.

“Pfffft, that sounds like a hassle,”

The Bunny Princess had finished picking berries deep in the woods. She was a tiny little thing wearing a blue cloak and a good mile from her home. She liked picking berries as far from the watchful eye of her kingdom as possible. Her brother, the Bunny Prince, usually came along to keep her company but he had lessons so it was just her today. Suddenly one of her little hair perked. She could hear something. Her nose twitched and she could smell something…someone…she ran for it. There was a smell, a very feral smell and it was closing in on her. She could hear it on either side of her as she changed her footing and tried to get her bearings, not realizing she was running deeper into the woods. Soon she was in a clearing, a sitting duck out in the opened. She looked around for shelter or a place to hide, nothing. She heard the bush crack in front of her. She heard a very deep growl. Then something darted out of the woods. She closed her eyes, held her basket above her face, and lets out a soft meep. She was ready for the impact of whatever was coming after her. She then heard…slurping, then chewing, then more slurping. She opened an eye to see a familiar pair of ears behind her basket lid, and claws going into her basket to take the berries by the handfuls.

“H-Hey!” she slammed the lid down. The Wolf Prince was had a mouth filled with her berries. He was a tall in a black cloak and a long bushy tail hanging from behind. He looked at her puzzled.

“Why did you run away?” he said looking at her

“You were chasing me! I didn’t want you anywhere NEAR these berries!”

“Your own fault for picking good berries,” he said smirking at her


“And it’s was instinct. You heard footstep and ran. You shouldn’t run when you hear someone coming after you,”

“What should I do then?!”

“Stand your ground, get on all fours and bare your fangs,”

“…but I don’t have any fangs,”

“You have teeth, just show them!” he said. She looked at him and bared her teeth. The Wolf Prince chuckled. She got on all fours and growled. He laughed, “Okay, do that to a predator and they’ll either laugh their asses off or run away!”


“Come on, I packed us a lunch this time,”

“Thank you! I’m sorry I couldn’t find suitable meat for you last time!”

“It’s okay, I like your blueberries and cream sandwiches,” the pair found a nice shady spot near the brook. He torn into some chicken and she nibbled her salad that was fashioned to look like a dead animal. She then started pet his tail. He snorts.



“Wanna lay on it?”

“YES!” the Bunny Princess gently laid down and petted his tail. He reddened a bit before biting into another piece of chicken.


“I love your tail! It’s so soft! It’s the best pillow in the whole kingdom!”

“Tch, don’t be weird,” he said

“It’s true! Your tail is so soft and warm! It makes me feel a lot better when I’m on it. Like nothing in the world can hurt me!”

“Well I am a wolf. I’m strong; of course my tail would make you feel safe!”

“It’s attached to you! I don’t think I’ll be able to get the same effect from anyone else! Not even Bunny Prince,”

“As long as you don’t ask another predator to lay on theirs, you’ll be fine,”

Ace turned the page and got comfortable.

“Fuckin’ weird bunny. You’re going to get your ass killed,”

______________________ almost ripped up the whole area looking for the book. She promised Killer she would get it back to him and now it was missing. She searched everywhere hoping that no one threw it away. She opened the door and was greeted to Miss Dadan towering over her.

“So the little princess finally woke up to grace us with her presence!”

“I-I’m sorry Miss Dadan! I know I have to make up for all of the chores! Bu-But I have to find the book I was reading! I lost it somewhere!”

“If you didn’t skip out on your chores, you wouldn’t be in this mess,” said Dadan

“I’m sorry Miss Dadan but it was just so good!”

“Tch, it’ll turn up, in the meantime, here’s your shopping list, I need these tonight or only rice for dinner,” Dadan tossed her her basket.

“Yes Ma’am!” _______________ backtracked while she did her daily chores. She checked with Mrs. Gohan who hadn’t seen it, when she dug for bamboo shoots, it wasn’t there; even where the boys slept it wasn’t there. She was resigned to her fate when she decided to ask her brothers for help. She took the food to Dadan and went on her search.

“Oy, come do the floors!” said Dadan, “I don’t know where Ace snuck off too and since you decided to slack off, you’re doing it!”

“Yes Ma’am,” For the next several hours, _________________ did her extra Dadan chore which included her scrubbing the floors, lighting the pot, chopping the vegetables, and getting the large wok from underground and setting it up. She immediately ran for it before the woman had anything else in stored for her. She had to find that book above everything right now. She roamed around outside looking for signs of her brother when she heard shouting. She ran towards the sounds and saw the boy sitting around a large boar. Luffy was cheering and Sabo and Law were panting.

“Wow! We’re having boar?”

“Mhm!” said Sabo, “This one is pretty fat so it’ll be super tender tonight!”

“_______________!” Luffy hopped off and hugged his sister tightly. She giggled and hugged back, “Where were you?! You could have watched!”

“I’ve been doing extra chores for Miss Dadan!” she sighed, “She’s a slave driver I swear! I even had to scrub the floors! And I lost Killer’s book! I’ve been trying to backtrack looking for it! Have you guys seen it?”

“Waaaaaah you lost it?!”

“I didn’t mean too!”

“And Dadan has been making you do Ace’s chores?! That’s not fair!”

“Those are Ace’s chores?!”

“Mhm! He usually does them in the morning,” said Sabo, “He wakes up early and usually has food by then,”

“…wait, where is Ace?”

“We haven’t seen Ace all day!” said Luffy

“Which is weird because he’s usually the one dragging us out to start the hunt!” said Sabo, “We took down the boar thanks to Law!” Law looked out for the count, “Luffy lured it out and then Law and I took it out together,”

“Don’t know HOW you guys do this every day,” said Law, “I feel sore,”

“But it’s enough to last for a few days,”

“Yeah!” said Luffy, “And you get a bigger share! That’s the rule! The person who takes it down gets the bigger share!”

“Where is Ace?”

“Who knows! We hadn’t seen him all day! It’s weird!”

“Especially coming from Ace,” said Sabo

“Check the tree house,” said Law, “I still can’t believe he’s ducking out on chores,”

“I can,” said Sabo, “But to be fair, ____________________ did it a few days ago,”

“The book was so good! And I have to return it for the other one! I hope I didn’t lose it!”

“Check there, usually things we lost end up there,”

The Bunny Princess nervously looked from behind the lily arc. Tonight was the garden party and she was still absolutely terrified. It wasn’t like she didn’t want to help out by bringing everyone back together and form new alliances, many of the princes were good friends of hers but it was still very weird to think that she had to marry one someday. Her father was one of the key players in the Reformation War and she was honored to help him but it didn’t help the fact that she having to think about this.

“Finally, then again it was your fault for being so spacey about it!” Ace said turning the page. He’s been reading since after breakfast and was almost done with the damn book. The plan was to hide the book so _________________ wouldn’t slack off on her chores but morbid curiosity had set in. He wasn’t even aware he’s been reading for so long.

Most of the royalty in the area were there in area. There was the Cat Prince, a young blonde kitten boy with his hair covering his face. Then there was the Bat Prince. He was mostly seen at night. He was a quiet creature and always looked deadpan. He was raised by the Bird King and his unusual mate the Coyote Queen. Then there was the Skunk Prince, who was nothing more than a skirt chaser, whatever that meant.

“Don’t trust him, fuckin’ gigolo,” Ace growled, “Or that fuckin’ cat for that matter,”

“Are you okay?” said the Bunny Prince.

“You think he’s going to come?” she said

“Wolf Prince? Yeah unless his father forbids it,”

“Better not! She’s been looking forward to it for weeks!”

“I hope that’s not the case. I don’t think I can do this without him. I have you of course but…Wolf Prince makes me feel more…confident,”

“Sweetheart, don’t think about it,” said the Bunny King coming from behind. He was tall, towering over his little girl several feet with and wore a black cloak and the family crest around his neck, “tonight is just meeting our allies and friends for the first time formally. You don’t have to choose anyone. Tonight is just about having fun. Don’t take things so seriously,”

“Yes Dad,” the garden party had officially started. The Bunny Princess was whisked away. The Cat Prince had took her hand and guided her towards the other guests.

Ace gripped the book. Fuckin’ cat!

“Bunny Princess, it’s good to see you again,” said Cat Prince.

“Same! I hadn’t seen you in weeks! How have you been?!”

“Same as ever, but I do miss tea with you and walking about the garden, shall we?”

“Actually, right now we can’t, I promised someone very special I’d hang out with him first. I hope you don’t mind,” the Cat Prince smiled at her and rubbed her ears.

“Of course not,”

“Don’t touch her ears! She doesn’t like that!”

The Court fell silent when the two newcomers arrived. Many glared at the young cub but many almost ran in terror when they saw the large looming figure coming behind him. It was the Wolf King and his son the Wolf Prince. The Wolf King was the one who started the war himself and was a key player in it. After everything was divided and reformed, he casually went off to start a family of his own, the product being the Wolf Prince. The Bunny Princess looked absolutely relieved. Before she could approach, the Bunny Retainer stood in front of them.

“Gentleman, I’m sincerely sorry but this is a private function that’s by invitation only. We don’t have any time or energy to deal with your…kind here,” the Bunny Princess looked absolutely mortified.

“We were invited,” said the Wolf Prince, “Special invitation as well!”

“Oh? And pray tell invited you?”

“I invited them,” they turned to see the young bunny approaching the pair. The court looked shocked and frightened that this young bunny was approaching these two wolves. The Wolf Prince ears perked when he saw his dear friend. The Bunny Retainer got in between them.

“Your Majesty, with all due respect, I don’t think it’s wise to invite animals who are…barbarians to say the least,” the Retainer sneered down at the Wolf Prince, “Especially one such as him. A few generation of war no thanks to his father,”

Ace griped the book as he turned the page.

The Bunny Princess frowned and gently moved passed the retainer.

“I invited the Wolf Prince and his father to my garden party and as my special guests, I will not have them to be treated so poorly by the members of my own court!” she smiled and curtsied to them, “Welcome to my Garden Party. It’s finally lovely to meet you Mr. Wolf King. Please make yourselves at home,” The Wolf King towered over the little bunny. He was dressed in a red cape, he had wild yellow eyes, and he lets out a deep, growl-like laugh. It shook the little bunny to her core. The court and guests watched helplessly as he reached his hand down. She closed her eyes as he gently ruffled her hair.

“It’s nice to finally meet you, Future High Lapin. My son has told me so much about you,”

“G-Good things I hope,”

“I told him you were the strangest creature I’ve ever met,” he took her hand.

“Since this is a garden party, let’s go see that garden you’re always yammering about,”

“Okay! But umm should I be leading the way?”

“Fuckin’ bunny, stop being weird!”

“Ace you found my book!” he jumped up, slammed the book, and looked up. _________________ was already taking the book from him. He snatched it back and ran for it, “HEY! ACE I NEED THAT BACK!”




“Ace please! I need it back!”

“NO!” He ran and jumped out the window. She jumped down and ran after him. Ace was fast but so was she. However, Ace could think on his feet better. He weaved in and out of tree, scaled trees, knocked down trees in order to block her way. He smirked and turned. There was NO way she could get through all of that. He then heard a boom and saw __________________moving the large trunks out of her way and speeding at him fast, “SHIT! No fair! You can’t use your full strength!”

“Yeah I can! Now give it back!”


“Why not!”

“Because I said SO!”

“Ace look out!”

“Pfft, I’m not falling for th—CRUNCH! Ace face planted into a tree. _______________ took the door and ran for it. Ace regained himself and chased after her yelling for taking the book back.

“Killer! I found it!” Killer looked relieved as she carried the book towards him.

“I thought you said you lost it,”

“I misplaced it! Ace had it,”

“Ace? Is he a fan?”

“Don’t know but he had it the whole time! I thought I had it on my nightstand the night before. But I guess not,”

“Mhm,” said Killer looking skeptical.

“But it’s here now! Can’t wait to talk to you about it! I’m so sorry it’s late!”

“We can do that tomorrow. Is Ace done with it?”

“Don’t know. He was looking at the pages pretty intensely,”

“Are you sure he wasn’t looking at the pictures like Kid does?”

“FUCK YOU!” the pair looked up. Ace was storming towards them and Kid was coming from the other side. Kid glared at Killer.

“So this is where you’ve been going! To meet with HER!”

“What’s wrong with meeting with me?!” Kid brushed past Killer and leered at her.


“TAKE THAT BACK DUMBASS!” said Ace shoving _________________ back away from Kid, “You’re the one who stole her fridge! You deserved those cooties!”





“The hell are you all yelling for!” said Law coming out of the brush with Sabo and Luffy, “We can heard you guys by the cliffs!”

“I found my book! Ace had it!”

“Stole it, he stole the book,” said Killer, “Miss Ribbon would have killed me if I lost it! It’s one of her favorites,”

“It’s no thanks to you that I had to clean the house for two days straight! Have you SMELT Dadan in the summer?!”

“She doesn’t smell that bad!” said _________________


“Ace calm down!”

“I won’t! I had to do triple duties because of her and that damned book!”

“You’re the one who stole it and was reading it!” said Law.

“I-I wasn’t reading it!”

“ACE READS BOOKS?!” said Luffy, earning him a smack


“It’s okay if you want to read it,” said Sabo

“Pffft I didn’t know he COULD read,” said Kid. Ace glared and went after him and soon both boys were rolling on the ground hitting and punching each other. Law and Killer pulled them apart.


“I mean I have been thinking about asking Miss Ribbon to make me and ________________ matching cloaks so I could be the Cat Prince and she could be the Bunny Princess. I know she’ll look super cute in a green cloak,”


“…I thought you didn’t read the book,” said _________________. Ace’s face went red, “Oooh! We can talk about it! Who’s your favorite character?!”

“Doesn’t matter, we have to dress up together,” said Killer grinning, “I think we can make you a fake tail so I can lay on it,”

“TAKE THAT BACK!” said Ace fuming

“Nah I don’t think I will,”


“Oh? Why not?”


“You can’t tell ________________ what she can and can’t do,”


“No you can’t. You’re not her guardian,” said Law


“A-Ace just calm down! You’re acting really scary!” said ____________________. Ace was about to retort when he noticed that Sabo and Luffy were also giving him a strange look along with _________________.

“You’re making your sister upset,” said Killer.

“I-I’m not! I—J-Just—fuck!” he groans and ran off. Sabo sighed and runs after him. _______________ looked worried.

“I think you guys really went too far this time,”

“Tch that’s what boys do, we rip on each other all the time,” said Kid, “Girls wouldn’t understand,”

“________________ does,” said Killer, “You better go talk to Freckles,”

“YEAH! I’LL GO—,” Law grabs Luffy

“He meant _________________ should go!” said Law. She gave Killer back his book.

“Pick the other one up tomorrow, alright?” he said petting her head fondly

“Alright! See you then!” she scampered off into the woods. Ace hid in the hide out with legs to his chest after locking the door. He was more pissed than anything. Why the fuck was everyone ganging up on him like that?! Over a fuckin’ book?! A book that she wasn’t supposed to be reading in the first place! They all had fuckin’ chores! All of this over a book!

“…Ace, you okay?” said Sabo knocking on the door.

“Leave me alone, Sabo!” he snarled.

“Stop being a baby and come out! Why did you flip out like that?!”

“Fuck you that’s why!” Sabo rolled his eyes and saw ________________ heading over. He made himself scarce. She climbed up the tree and gently knocked on the door, “I SAID GO AWAY, SABO!”

“Ace it’s me!” there were silence behind the door.

“Why are you here? Came to make fun of me?”

“What? Of course not! Why would I? I'm just wondering why you're so mad at me all of a sudden! And then you ran off! Are you okay? Come on, let me in, please?” there was silence for a few moments before she heard the door click opened. She walked in. Ace was sitting down again and looked at her expectantly. She sat down in front of him. He looked at her puzzled before going back into his frown.

“Well you’re in here,”

“Are you okay?”


“What did I do?”

“You know what you did! I can’t believe you’re so clueless about it!” he barked. She looked taken aback. He then saw her looking really hurt.

“W-Why are you yelling at me! What did I do?! I-I don’t know if you don’t tell me!” Ace felt bad now. He was yelling at her but he didn’t know why himself. He wasn’t mad at her per say…but he was angry and he didn’t know why. He was upset about her disappearing but why was he upset that she was with Killer? He KNEW Killer would be leaving to go back home afterwards but it was still something that just made him pissed.

“It's just a stupid thing...don’t worry about it,” ____________________ sats next to him.

“Ace talk to me, please? I mean I didn't think anything of it until you got mad. Did I do something wrong? I didn’t think telling everyone who were reading the book was a big deal! I’m sorry! I didn’t want the book to be lost because Killer was borrowing it from Miss Ribbon and I didn’t want it to get lost. I’m sorry that I mes—,”

“You didn’t mess up, alright?! It was just a stupid book that I saw you reading and I was going to hide it but I started reading it! I was going to make you stew for a little awhile as punishment for making me do your extra chores! Which was me being stupid because…I didn’t know just wanted some time to yourself—you know what forget it!”

“O-Oh…” she scooted away a bit, “I’m sorry. I know you're always mad at me. I don't know what I do half the time but....I really want to be the best little sister I can for you. So please just tell me what I did wrong so I can learn from it,”

“STOP APOLOGIZING FOR SOMETHING YOU DIDN’T DO! I-I’m not mad at you! I-it's just I just wanted to make sure you’re okay! You seriously ran off and we were worried! We’re your brothers! If you were bored you could have said something!”

“Is that all! I’m sorry! I should have said something! I didn’t know I had to let you know!”

“It's not that! It-It’s just that whenever you’re around Killer you get spacey and happy! I just wanted to know what the hell he’s doing to make you smile and get excited to see him but it seems I can’t do that!”

“Hmmm? But… I'm always happy with you! Even when I mess up, you still want to play and hang out with me! You always let me tag along with you and Sabo and Luffy and Law! I'm so glad you like Law now! I wanted my brothers and best friends to be friends!”

“Pfft you mean brothers, Law is one of us now. Ergo one of your brothers too but I know I really made you feel like shit today,”

“I'm not sad that I know you don't hate me or mad at me,”

“The hell! You thought I hated you! What the—,” she stops him with a rice ball in his mouth. He glared a bit but ate. She took out hers and ate, “I didn’t know you made rice balls,”

“Mrs. Gohan gave them to me when I was looking for my book. I wanted to save you one as a thank you,” he finished it and then ruffled her hair.

“For the record I don’t hate you. I never hated you. You’re my sister and I…care a lot for you because you’re my only little sister,” _______________ grins, shuffled over and lays her head on his shoulder. He blushed a bit. He put his arm around her and pulled her close. He could have sworn he could hear music, a waltz to be exact. He looked down at his sister. She was still smiling with her eyes closed. He pokes her cheek, “Why do you lay on me?”

“Because it’s my favorite place to lay,” she smiled, “Kind of like my safe place. I like when you sleep next to me. I feel safe and warm. It’s so…fuzzy,”

“Fuzzy…damn that book, speaking of, how did it end?”

“You didn’t finish it?!”

“Well SOMEONE stole it before I could!”

“You stole it first!”


“What part did you stop on?”

“The Garden Party, what happened? I know the Wolf King and Wolf Prince came and she defended them and I don’t know what happened after that,”

“OH! The Bunny Princess danced with the Wolf Prince,”


“Mhm! The Cat Prince was offered the first dance but she turned him down stating that the Wolf Prince asked first,” Ace grinned.

“Heh, sneaky bunny,”

“You liked the Wolf Prince don’t you?”

“He’s okay, I guess. I thought for sure she was going to choose someone else! And someone had to make sure that she’s okay! The Skunk Prince wasn’t a good fit and that fuckin’ Cat needed to just go!”

“I think they need each other more than they know! The Bunny Princess is really shy but confident and he’s bringing out her confidence. He’s making her into a wolf!”

“He better! She’s surrounded by predators! She has be a predator in order to survive the world! She can’t be a timid bunny! She has to be a wolf! If her dad can stand up to the Wolf King and tell him to fuck off out of his kingdom with that war stuff, she can do the same when she’s older!”

“True but she’s also making the Wolf Prince know that he is valuable and that just because his father started a war, it’s not his fault. Not to mention they’re really healing the world by being friends. I think their alliance would be the best thing ever for everyone! They’re already friends! And they know what each other’s kingdoms need! And I think their dads like each other! So it’s a win-win!” the waltz music was getting louder. Ace tried to get it out of his head but couldn’t. He took her hands and made her stand up, “What are you doing?”

“Since some weirdo is playing a waltz, we may as well,” he took her hands into his. She had no idea where this was going, “…what are you waiting for?!”

“W-What do you want me to do?!”

“Take my hands!” she took them. Ace stepped right, she followed, he step left, she followed and this repeated. Her face went red as she looked away. Ace snorts, “Stop being weird. We’re just shuffling,”

“Where did you learn to dance?”

“I saw Flora and Pops do it once. They were on the rooftop. I went to get a peach and there they were. It was kind of funny to see, considering Pops is taller than her. She looked happy all the while though,”

“They really do love each other. It’s really sweet,”

“This is the only step I know,” said Ace

“This is how they danced in the book!” ________________ giggled, “I can’t wait to see what happens in the next book,” Ace stopped

“There’s more?!”

“Yeah! It’s a series! I think Killer said there was another three or four in the series! That’s why I was trying to return it so I can borrow the other one! If you want, I can hold onto it a little longer so you can read it without the boys teasing you,”

“L-Like I wanna read it! I—It’s just a dumb book!”

“It’s okay. I’ll just leave it out on my bed and if it’s disappears I know why,” he snorts


“Love you too Ace,” Sabo was stalking out above the tree house. He had the radio play and knew it would stop soon. He hopped down to a branch and then scaled down. He looked rather pleased with himself and snuck back into the woods to the house.

“…what are you doing?” Sabo jumped. Law gave him a sideways look. Sabo rubbed the back of his neck.

“N-Nothing! You almost gave me a heart attack!”

“Good you look suspicious,”

“Hey! You’re a doctor! You can’t go around doing stuff like that!”

“Yes I can when you’re being weird. Don’t be creepy. Seriously, just no!”

“I wasn’t being creepy! I-I was just making sure that they were okay, you know?”

“By playing classical waltz music?”

“Well…” Law took Sabo’s ear and dragged him back down, “Ow! Ow!!! Okay, okay!”

“There’s better ways to play matchmaker and not be creepy,”

“I’m not being creepy! And Ho-How do you know I was trying to play matchmaker?!”

“Lucky guess, seriously can’t you be a little subtle?”

“Well…” Law sighed

“You can’t force people to fall in love,”

“I-I wasn’t! I’m just giving Ace a gentle nudge,”

“Anymore gentle you’re going to tackle him. Don’t meddle,”

“Okay, okay I’m just…”

“Just what?”

“…it’s nothing,”

“…tell me,” Sabo looked at Law, “Listen I’m not clueless like Ace and Luffy, I know you get really weird when it comes to ________________. At first I thought it was just protectiveness because she is your best friend’s sister but then I know you probably consider her your sister but this was way before. What’s up?” Sabo looked a little uncomfortable.

“I can’t…tell you, at least not yet,”

“That serious?”

“Yeah, don’t get me wrong, I trust you guys but—,”

“Dude you don’t have to explain yourself. Everyone has secrets and things they’re either trying to get passed or forget. You don’t have to be an opened book if you don’t want to,”

“Thanks Law,”

“Just answer me this, it’s not anything serious is it? Like __________________ is okay?” Sabo nodded

“Yeah she’ll always be safe as long we’re all here with her. She even won you over,”

“Yeah, she did. Surprised me too. Now stop being weird and come here. I’ve been showing Luffy how to catch lightning bugs,”

“Awesome!” He followed Law back towards the woods. He looked back at the tree house and grinned before making a mental note to bring them both a jar back tonight.

After their dance, the Bunny Princess took the Wolf Prince away from the other guests. The Wolf Prince looked around the garden in awe while holding the young princess’s hand. She led him around her beautiful gardens. He was in awe. There were flowers everywhere, sweet scents, earthly scents, new scents…he loved it. She took him to the center of the garden near the pond.

“I’ve been wanting to show you this for ages!” she said

“I can see why, it’s beautiful. Don’t see why you bother with the woods,”

“Well, I have more to explore in the woods! And I can’t get to see you in our vast gardens!” he snorts

“I’ll visit you then. Looks like a maze. I love it,”

“You mean it?!” she said

“Mean what?”

“You coming over to visit?! I-I would love that!”

“Yeah I’ll come visit but I’m sure your Retainer wouldn’t want me to corrupt you,”

“…I think it’s too late for that,” he chuckled at her and shuffled closer to her. She smiled and laid her head on his shoulder.

“Now that we’re alone, I have something to ask,”


“I was wondering, can I pet your tail?”


“It looks so soft and I’ve always wanted to do it. And you seem to really like laying on mine. I wanna see what’s the big deal. So can I?” The Bunny Princess blushed and nodded. She turned around and waited. She then felt her tail being petted, making her entire body warm. She felt warm and fuzzy and almost went limp. The Wolf Prince was petting and stroking and rubbing her face all over it. He got comfortable and made a pillow out of it, “I’m staying like this forever,”

“Y-You can’t! I won’t be able to move!”

“Then stay here with me,”


“I mean you can sleep on mine and I can sleep on yours…I think it’s a perfect exchange and I can see you blushing so I’m satisfied,”

“Wolf!” he laughed as she hid her face in the dewy grass,”

Sabo woke up to ___________________ screaming. He jumped out of bed and ran to her room, just in time to see her kicking Null out of the bed and moving away to her closet. She looked at him with a mix of disgust and surprised. Null was on the bed looking very pleased with himself.

“Get out of my bed, Null!”

“Dear sister, don’t be so coy. Sharing a bed is no big deal. Stop being silly and come back in~”

“Yes it is! I don’t want you in my room! Get away from me!” he went after her again and once again, the same results. Null was hit back into the wall. She ran behind Sabo and was shaking like a leaf. Sabo glared.

“Back off Null!”

“You can’t order me around, cousin,”

“Yeah I can! Leave her alone! What the hell is wrong with you?!”

“He keeps trying to sleep with me!”

“There’s nothing wrong with a little brother wanting to be with his big sister,”

“You keep kissing me! I told you I didn’t like it!”

“So that’s why you haven’t seen sleeping! Null leave her alone!”

“Kissing my sister isn’t a crime. Siblings kiss all the time,” something dropped to the pit of Sabo’s stomach

“Where did he kiss you?!”

“On my neck!” Sabo glared at the boy, took her hand and took her to his room where he locked the door and ________________ placed the heaviest thing she could move in front of the door. She looked at her. She looked as though she was going to drop. He made a spot for her in bed. She crawled inside and curled up into a tight little ball and held a pillow. She looked absolutely miserable.

“How has this been going on?”

“About two weeks. Right after I came back from visiting Sanji. He moved a room closer when Mother and Father left,” she said through the pillow, “And he’s been terrorizing the servants to make them bend to his will. Miss Hancock is still recovering from her branding so she couldn’t protect me and I can’t let him find our secret sleeping place,”

“It’s okay; you can sleep with me until they get back,”

“Thank you,”

“Where are they? Your parents?”

“I don’t know…Father said I needed a tune up or something. He was really mad after I beat up Sanji’s brothers. He didn’t say much but I hid with him the whole time. Then I come home to Null…I don’t know which is worse,”

“Null, definitely Null,”

“He keeps saying he wants to marry me and wants to share with my husband! It’s so weird and creepy! I don’t know why but it makes me really sick in my tummy,”

“That’s because siblings can’t marry. Hell no blood related family unless they’re like second and beyond cousins, like you and me,”

“I wouldn’t mind marrying you, at least everyone would stop taking me to places to meet kids to marry. Father is really looking at Sanji,”

“Sanji isn’t bad,”

“I like Sanji and you so I wouldn’t mind but I know we’ll have to have kids when we’re older…at least that’s what Null said. I don’t even know HOW to make one!”

“It’s not important now,”

“Null thinks it is and wants to have a baby with me,” Sabo looked visibly disgusted.


“He says it’s doesn’t matter if we’re siblings. You’re going to have a baby together and I can have one with whomever I marry as long as I get to be with him!”

“…you’re not allowed to ever be alone with him. Just stay in my room,”

“Waaaaaay ahead of you,” the moment he got comfortable she curled up next to him. He gently rubbed her back as she started to doze off. He kept watch for a little while longer. He didn’t trust Null one bit and knew he would try to get into the room. He bolted up and locked the window and closed the air vents and puts on a personal fan. Within minutes he heard a strong knock at the window. Sabo glared before turning over and going back to sleep. That boy was creepy as fuck.

Chapter 68: How the Brothers Came to Be


The Little Girl becomes a Brother

A/N Sorry for the lack of fics, some personal business and summer cleaning ><

Chapter Text


“Miss Dadan can you show me how to perform a takedown?!” Dadan jumped up and saw ____________________ beaming at her.

“…you wanna learn my infamous takedown?!”

“Yeah! Ace said you were the best at it!” Dadan snorts.

“Fine, I guess,” this was all a ploy of course. Ace needed to get into Dadan’s secret stash to retrieve something but he also needed a distraction, a competent distraction that will keep Dadan’s attention elsewhere. The ogre woman decided t give into _________________’s whim and show her her take down. The little girl asked questions, silly questions, pretended she wasn’t strong enough to even do the take down herself. She just had to keep Dadan’s attention directly on her. She then saw Ace with something in his hands. He gave her a thumbs up to signal that he got it. She nodded and lifted Dadan over her shoulders and slammed her down. Dadan landed with a thud and a oomph.

“THANKYOUMISDADAN! IGOTTAGOBYE!” she ran outside and joined Ace, “I can’t believe I did that!”

“She’ll be fine!”

“I don’t think so! I don’t like doing that!”

“It was for the greater good! Come on!” he led her into the wood where Sabo, Luffy, and Law were waiting.

“Bout time,” said Law

“Thought you got lost,” said Sabo

“Nah, I had to get something first!” he said holding up a bottle of sake

“Did you steal that from Dadan?!” said Luffy

“Sure did! _________________ helped by distracting me,” he placed five cups on the stump and opened the bottle, “Did you know if people share a cup of sake together, they’ll become brothers?”

“Brothers?! Really?!”

“Mhm and I’ve been thinking, Law and I are older, we’ll probably leave home before any of you, so if we’re brothers wherever we are, whatever we do, we’ll always be bonded together. So we’re going to make it official,” said Ace pouring them each a cup.

“Make what official?” said Law

“That we’re all brothers now and until the day we die,”

“Wait I’m a girl, I can’t be a brother!” said _______________ taking her cup

“You’re still our brother! Man up!”

“What he means to say, you’re our little sister/ brother well in Luffy’s case, big sister,”

“Yeah! I have four brothers and one’s a sister!” Luffy hugged her tightly and nuzzled her cheeks. They all toasted in the middle and took a drink.

“…this is good!” said ________________

“Be careful it’s kind of strong,” said Law

“Yeah don’t want you to get loopy out here,” said Sabo laughing. Ace laughed.

“She has to learn to hold her alcohol but she’s still a kid,”

“So are you!” she said ruffling his hair giggling. He reddened but then nodded to Sabo.

“Now that we’re all officially brothers, there’s something we have to show you,” _________________ and Law looked puzzled. The trio led them to the woods up a large tree. From there Ace opened the secret compartment revealing tons of money in a tree. The pair’s eyes widened.

“That’s a lot of money!” said ________________

“Where did you guys get it?!” said Law

“We’ve been stealing it for years,” said Ace

“Wh-Why?! We have an allowance you know!”

“Yeah but that’s different. Sabo and I have been pilfering and stealing it longs before I became a part of the family, hell before we even met. We’re saving up so we can buy a ship and become pirates!”

“And since we’re all officially siblings now,” said Sabo, “we decided to share our secret with you two! But you can’t tell anyone! Not Pops, not Corazon, not Marco, no one!”

“I won’t tell,” said Law

“Me neither,” said ___________________

“All of this for a ship? Are you three sharing it?”

“Yeah until we get our own!” said Ace, “And all of us are sharing one eventually! We’ll all become pirates together!”

“Sounds like a plan but I’ll have to do a hard pass,” said Law, “I have doctor training to complete before that,”

“You can do it on the ship!” said Luffy, “Like you can learn on the way!”

“I’d rather be a functioning doctor on a ship than a fake doctor. That way if you die I can say I did all I could,” Sabo and Ace laughed at the thought, “I’ll probably join you after I get my first bounty,”

“So you don’t wanna travel with us?!”

“I do but I don’t want a ship. I’m actually getting a submarine. And I’m taking ________________ with me,”

“What?!” said Ace, “WHY?!”

“DON’T BREAK US UP!” said Luffy

“Yeah, I think she’ll enjoy it, right?”

“It sounds really cool!” she piped

“PFFFT you’re coming with us!” said Ace

“Yeah! You get the fresh sea air like when you’re on Pops’ ship!” said Luffy

“And a submarine sounds cramped,” said Sabo

“And what makes you think __________________ don’t want to be something other than a pirate?” said Law

“B-Because she wants to see the world someday! And what better way than a pirate!” said Ace

“She can be a traveler,” said Sabo

“Not helping Sabo!”

“Actually…as long as I get to be with you guys, I don’t mind,” she smiled, “Yeah I wanna see everything and explore everything but I want to be with my brothers too! It wouldn’t be the same without at least one of you with me!”

“HA! So she IS coming with me!” said Ace

“Or me,” said Law, “I can make sure my sub have windows so she could see under the sea,”

“Well my ship is going to have under windows so she can see everything too! And we’ll travel to every single island she has in her books!”

“What about the ones that don’t exist?”


“Ace it’s not a competition!” said Sabo laughing, “We can bring _________________ with us and then let her hang out with Law,”

“Or you guys can be a part of the same Armanda!” said ________________

“…What’s an Armanda?” said Ace

“It’s like a group of ships that are in alliance with each other! Like everyone is their own captain on their ship but they’re also in a group! Oji-chan and Blume had Armanda fleets too but they were the main captains or co captains!”

“LET’S DO THAT!” said Luffy

“But who’s going to be head captain?!” said Ace

“We can take turns every year,” said Law

“Why every year?” said Sabo

“Because why put __________________ through the headache of trying to make everyone equal once a week with a charter. Look what happened when we did that for a small plot of land,”


“Besides, it’ll give us all equal time to be the head captains and have meetings,”

“Ugh why do you have to make pirating sound boring?” said Ace

“Because you have to be organized about it and we definitely have to make sure that __________________ stays around you and Luffy the most,”

“HELL YEAH!” said Luffy, “Endless Big Sis time!”

“With me I can understand because I’m the better brother, but why Luffy?”

“You BOTH barely think, ___________________ always thinks, therefore her being on your ships keeps you both from doing something astronomically stupid that may threaten the existences of your ships!” Ace was about to retort before he thought for a few moments.

“…okay that’s fair,”

An Obstacle

Bellmere and Hina glared at the new Captain who was hanging off of Rocinante. Ever since she arrived on the ship, she’s been sticking to him like white on rice and at first they thought nothing of it, until they noticed that she was making little touches on him, he looked smitten, and she seemed very interested in the inner workings of the ship, just to be close to him. She was a tall woman with black hair covering the left side of her face, she had blue eyes but unless you were close to her, you couldn’t tell, and she had a mask over her mouth. The mask had a picture of a sharp toothy smile. The two women were not impressed in the least.

“I don’t know where she came from but she better take her hand off Roci or she’s going to lose it,” said Bellemere taking a drag from her cigarette

“Or find herself overboard,” said Hina, “Hina couldn’t find any information on her,”


“Not a thing. I ran her name through every database in each region and it as always the generic information, Naomi, Marine Captain South Blue. Suspicious don’t you think?”

“Very. Kind of pissed at Roci though. He has someone waiting for him and if she saw her on him like that, I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t have that arm or that pretty little face,”

“Hina doesn’t understand,”

“Yeah, Roci has a…“lady friend”,” Hina perked up.

“Really? Our Roci? So you’ve met her,”

“Mhm, we don’t have to worry about Roci with her around. Well I wouldn’t want to meet her in a dark alley and I’m trained,”

“Is she cute? I just picture a small, cute, chatty woman,”

“Nah, she’s…unique, pretty, dangerous aura but she has hidden cuteness. She cares a lot for the big lug. Roci is crazy about her too but he’s well…too damn him to admit it and vice versa,”

“…Hina is definitely going to push her overboard,”

“Wait, wait! I’ll talk to her first! Jeez, usually I’m the rash one,”

“Hina knows but Hina doesn’t want someone to hurt the big clumsy idiot,” this was an understatement. As a way to boost Marine morale, the Government decided to release some playful stats about the Marines in other branches to get to know to each other. Many women, civilians or otherwise found out that a few of the Marines were eligible bachelors and this included Smoker and Rocinante. Smoker’s air of don’t give enough of “don’t fuck with me” gave him more than enough of a safe distance from suitors. Roci not so much. He often gave the excuse of he’s married to his work or he just needed some time to focus on his career and many respected him for that. Others, not so much and he had a lot of creepy love notes and gifts sent to him for awhile. It died down eventually but Hina, Smoker, and Bellemere were still very protective of their clumsy sibling. Bellemere waited until she had the opportunity to get the woman alone. Because they were captains, they were keeping an eye on the recruits. However because she was a guest, she usually retired until she was needed, usually watching Rocinante from her post as he commanded his subordinates. Bellemere slipped in and closed the door behind her.

“Oy, you have a minute?” the woman looked up

“What?” she said looking at her

“Don’t you mean, ‘Yes Commander?’,” the woman looked at her

“Yes Commander?” she snipped. Bellemere glared but kept her cool.

“Listen, there’s been a lot of…rumors, about your presence on the ship and as one of the captains on it, I think it’s my duty to get to the bottom of it,”

“You mean being nosey about it. Alright, I’ll give you my time,” Bellemere had to restrain herself as the woman sat down, “What’s my first “infraction”?”

“Well, first and foremost your behavior with Commodore Rocinante. You’re new so I’m going to give you a pas—,”

“Please don’t, if there’s a rule I broke when it comes to him, I’d really like to know,”

“Well, first of all, Rocinante is off limits. Your conduct around him has been very unnerving to say the least. He’s not going to say anything in order to let you down gently but you need to back the fuck away. He’s a taken man and trust me, she’s not a Marine but she wouldn’t blink an eye to put you in your place when it comes to him, so if you know what’s good for you, step off,”

“Oh? And what if I don’t?” said Naomi. Bellemere glared, “You can’t do a thing to me, even if you did, I would rearrange that pretty little face of yours,”

“Bitch did you just threaten me?!”

“Not a threat it’s a promise,”

“Bitch if you think I’m not going to knock your fuckin’ teeth out—,”

“You’re fuckin’ slow, I swear,” The woman pulled down her mask and moved her hair to the side revealing a sharp toothy smile and a familiar face, “Does this help?”


“Hey and keep it down will you?”

“I didn’t know you were here!”

“I’m actually surprised it took you this long. The mask was kind of a giveaway,”

“No offense, Lessy but I’ve only seen a shark or a shark fishman with a mouth like yours. I wouldn’t have thought otherwise,”

“That’s fair. I’m here on special request from Law, Nojiko, and Sengoku but yeah I’m here. Do you feel better now?”

“Tons! I was about to deck you one! Also didn’t know your name was Naomi,”

“It’s not, my name is classified information. Only Roci and the other Maids know,”

“Ah. Dude, Hina and I were planning on throwing our ass overboard over the big lug,”

“Lemme guess, over that bachelor thing?”

“Yeah! How you know?”

“It got so bad he actually considered living in the villa until it died down,”

“Ah, wow I didn’t know Doflamingo was willing to help his brother, after the shit that went down,”

“In a weird way…Boss really does care about his little brother. I think it’s because he knows he’s the only family he has left and he also knows that Taicho would have murdered him if he murdered Roci. So he’s been keeping Roci while the maids and I…took care of them,”

“…did you kill them?!”

“What? No! We just roughed them up and transported them elsewhere. What kind of a person do you take me for? Don’t you dare answer that,” Bellemere laughed, “Thanks for making sure no one tries to move in on him,”

“We weren’t going to let someone break up Roci and his little woman. We have to introduce you to Hina and Smoker eventually,”

“Yeeeeeah you see there’s a problem with that. One undisguised look and I’m going to be on their radar,”

“Fake it,”

“Fiiiiiiiine but you have to meet my sisters,”

“…this isn’t going to end well,”

“Well, they already love Roci, but just know they come with the package, like you all come with him,”

“Fair. Wait…Nojiko asked you too?!”

“…your slowness is impressive. Yeah she sent me a letter and told to not say anything, just like Sengoku called me and told me to not say anything, just like Roci called me and asked me to not say anything. You’re all idiots who love each other,” Bellemere huffed by then smirked.

“And we all know that our favorite shark toothed wife, sister, mom, and aunt would make sure no harm would come to anyone!”

“Don’t be weird, cute you see me as your sister now,”

“You’re so quick to make a jab you didn’t hear the word wife, wifey,”

“Oh please I know I can do a lot better. You couldn’t handle all of this, sister,”

“Oh I didn’t mean MY wife,” Lesser’s face went red, “Seriously the way you two have been chummy since you’ve boarded,”

“I’ve just been keeping an eye out! Meaning I have to guard his body,”

“From what? No one is going to fuck with him ON the ship or you for that matter. Everyone has weird ass rumors that you’re a hard ass already,”

“I didn’t do anything!”

“Yeah but you have that “Don’t fuck with me” aura. Jango already said that you were discharged from your faction for using excessive force, Harrison said that your mask covers up your mouth scars, hell there’s even a rumor that you’re the angel of death and Roci is next,” Lesser chuckled before holding her stomach.

“I’m going to encourage these. They’re fun!”

“Please do! It keeps everyone on their toes but don’t overdo it,”


“I’ll tell Hina it’s a big misunderstanding and that you’re an old friend or something,”

“Appreciate it,”


“I’m heeeeeeeeeere!” The Man in Red happily started pounding on a large heavy door. The guards of the city appeared at the top of the gate. They smiled down on him. They were twins, one had a beauty mark on the left side of his face and the other had one on the right, they were brunettes with green eyes and sturdy builds.

“Welcome back!”

“Good to see you again!”

“Zane, Bane! Good to be back! Open up so I can come in!”

“Ummm no can do,” said Zane smiling sheepishly

“Yeah, his Highness kind of told us to shoot you on sight,” said Bane. The Man in red gasped!

“What did I do?!” both looked at him with a raised eyebrow, “Okay that’s fair but come on! Tell him that it’s me!” the guards nodded and sent a call. Matilda picked up. She chuckled.

“Put him on!” the guards lowered the phone down.

“Tilly, tell him to open up! Please! I’m freezing out here!” Matilda turned. The Man in Black was in the garden enjoying his afternoon tea.

“Hmmmm? Who is it Matilda?” she simply smiled and looked away. He frowned.

“Tell Zane and Bane I’ll give them half my kingdom if they flay him alive!”

“HEY! Come on!” Matilda laughed.

“Well you heard him, Roger,”

“So mean and cruel! Tell him I have a peace offering! Cake!”

“He has cake, sir,” the Man in Black’s interest piqued.

“What kind?”

“He said what kind?”

“It’s a cherry sponge cake with a chocolate cheesecake top layer, a layer of ganache, a layer of almond cream the how thing frosted with cherry glaze,” Matilda looked over at the king. The look on his face said everything.

“Let him in and brew some tea and if he’s lying, I’ll kill him myself,”

“Alright, you can come in! Give them back the snail,” The Man in Red laughed as the doors opened. The town was beautiful. He’s been all over the world and this place was one of his favorites. It was truly a hidden gem. The town was always bustling and yet quiet. There were many types of people living there from humans to fishmen to giants to okama to foxes to dragons to ex nobility to even people who needed somewhere to call home, everyone just going about their lives living in peace. The town had a woods, underground treasures and dwellings, there was the sea entrance and waterfalls about and the door he came through was for travelers, who were always welcomed. At the end of the town was the palace where the king lived. The Man in Red made his way towards it. If there was one thing he KNEW his old friend couldn’t resist was something that appealed to his sweet tooth. The town was renowned for their bakeries and pastries. One year as a big thank you for his kindness everyone gathered to make a special dessert just for him. He was so touched he made a weeklong celebration and made it into a giant potluck instead. Kids ran around together laughing and smiling, old people were on their porches laughing and retelling old battles and stories, the atmosphere just felt so…secure and safe. He soon reached the palace and the gates were opened for him to waltz in.

“Whomever created this has great tastes!” said the Man in Black happily eating the cake while enjoying the tea. Roger laughed watching him eat. He never thought he would see his old friend looking so happy and in perfect bliss at the same time.

“Wahahahahaha I knew you’d like it Voidy!”

“Where did you get such a cake?” he then looked at him, “…not Whole Cake,”

“No, no! It was for a little lady’s birthday. It was custom made to her tastes and specifications. It’s her gift to you,”

“The child has good tastes. Matilda, have the bakers recreate this. I want this as one of my special desserts. I’m not one for cake but this is absolutely delicious,”

“Of course!”

“Where did you get this cake? I want a name for it,”

“Windmill Village. It’s a secret town in the mountains near Goa. Florrie lived there in her convent,” Void looked over his tea cup.


“Mhm, in fact, the little girl was unofficially adopted by her,” Void looked shocked before smiling.

“She has changed hasn’t she?” Must be some special little girl,”

“She is, she’s been washing and taking care of Rouge’s grave for me. She’s the town little princess,”

“She sounds lovely. Does she know who you are?”

“WAHAHAHAHAHAHA nope! At first I thought she was fucking with me but she doesn’t know who I am! I’m rather impressed! She knows every single story about Blume and Atlas but nothing about me! The absolute NERVE,”

“That’s because you’re nothing special,”

“Hey! Oh! You’re going to love this; she kicked Oden in the face! They went to Wano and he didn’t follow the order of approaching the little thing gently and he paid for it with a kick to the nose. Did the same thing to Garp. Shanks built a little plaque with her crime in the town’s bar. There are other children with similar crimes too. Ace got it for challenging a pirate…not winning but through sheer determination. Garp’s grandson got one for stabbing his eye…I don’t know the story behind that one and Sabo…that’s a random boy in the village, Ace and Garp grandson’s adopted brother is on there for organizing a ramen heist,” Void had his head down and his entire body was trembling hard. Matilda was covering her mouth to keep from laughing. Void had a very strange way of laughing and for those who didn’t know, they would have thought he was shivering from the cold.

“I want to give those kids a reward. I don’t know what but they need something! I’ll think of something before you leave. Especially that little girl, she made my year…please tell me that there’s pictures of Oden’s face after the hit,”

“Who said I wanted to leave your kingdom!”

“Trust me, you’re leaving. There’s no way you’re staying here past six months,”

“So cruel!”

“Matilda, prepare a guestroom for him, away from the alcohol and meat,”

“Of course, sir!”

“Also ask Mordecai if I can commission him to immortalize that into a personal piece for me. I can pay him handsomely. Then I can have it sent to him on a tapestry,”

“Sir! Is that really necessary! I’m sure Oden’s pride is wounded,”

“Exactly. I need to make sure when he comes he can see that as a testament to his dumbassery,” Matilda huffed and stood up.

“Come along,” Roger followed. Void’s manor never failed to amaze him. It was a place of twists and turns that always led you back to where you left in the beginning. But the whole place was inviting, even at night. In the day time, it was warm with light shining everywhere, considering Void was darkness embodied. At night, the moonlight laminated the place in a soft light along with flickering candles. He hated to admit it but when he needed to clear his mind, this was the place he needed to go.

“…Roger, that little girl, is she living with Edward?” he jumped, “Relax, Marietta told me. I just want to make sure that the rumors were true,”

“Yeah, she’s Edward’s adopted daughter. But Edward’s name isn’t exactly a name that is welcomed around Void and I don’t think Void should have hard feelings towards a little girl for being raised by Edward,”

“You don’t know Void. He would never. He has a soft spot for children. Just like you and most pirates from our time and his little granddaughter really softened his heart,”

“That I know. How is the little tyke?”

“He watches her aura every day. He could hear her laughing and loves seeing it grow. He sees her laughing and running about. It really brightens his day when he gets to see her getting stronger,”

“I’m glad. I wish I can kidnap the little tyke and bring her over. I think she and Ace would love this place,”

“I bet. We just had a new arrival. A man and his daughter came here seeing asylum. His Highness took them in no questions asked. They came without anything so they’ve been staying in the castle. The father has been trying to make it up to his Highness and trying to work it off. Void is trying in vain to keep the man still but he’s trying his best. I think his Highness is going to make a job just for him so he doesn’t have to keep worrying about repaying him. The little girl is so curious about this place and kind of took his Highness as a grandpa figure. It’s so cute to see her following him around like a little duckling,”

“Oh? A little princess?”

“Mhm, her and her father are royalty. I don’t know anything after that. The father seems really reluctant about where they came from and Void isn’t going to push it,”

“Why are you telling me all of this?”

“So you don’t try and flash Void or do something weird because that little girl will get friendly fire and if her father doesn’t kill you first, Void will and it’s kind of best if you say a little incognito,”

“Got it! Thanks for the heads up! I’ll just mess with him while he’s sleeping or eating his cake,”

“I swear you have a death wish when it comes to his Highness,”

“Life isn’t worth living if you can’t live it dangerously!”

Chapter 69: A/N

Chapter Text


I would like to just inform you all that I will be taking a Hiatus. It'll most likely be for a week or even two. My little brother passed away. I just need some time to process this and just grieve. It wasn't the virus and he was in good health sadly it was Foul Play. Thank you all very much for your understanding.

Chapter 70: To the Grave


The Little Girls makes an oath

A/N: The first part was inspired by a comic by the amazing Hiddenmangaka here:

Chapter Text

“___________________!!!!!” _________________ jumped and turned around. It was early and she was getting dressed for the day. Luffy threw opened the door proudly holding something in his hands, “I found this really cool book! Since you read a lot I wanna give it to you!”

“Oh! Thanks Luf—,”

“LUFFY SHE’S CHANGING!” Ace grabbed Luffy’s eyes, “Don’t look at her a girl while she’s changing!”

“ACE SHE’S CHANGING!” Sabo grabbed Ace’s eyes and closed his.

“THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS DOING ALREADY THIS MORNING?!” said Dadan pulling them out of the room.

“Being weird again,” said Law. Luffy was clobbered once outside.

“OW! What was that for?!”

“You can’t just barge into her room like that!” said Ace

“Why not?!”

“She could have been naked!”

“…I can get naked too,”

“Luffy! She’s a GIRL, you can’t just go around looking at naked people!”

“I see you guys naked all the time!”

“We’re boys Luffy, ________________ is a girl,” said Sabo, “She has an extra private area!”


“Her chest! You can’t see her chest!” said Ace blushing

“Why not? It looks like mine,”

“YOU SAW HER CHEST?!” Ace and Sabo looked bewildered

“Relax you two, she doesn’t have boobs yet,”

“They can pop out at any minute!” said Ace

“…they can do that?! I wanna see!”

“NO! Anyway, I’ll see you guys later. Sabo keep an eye on Luffy so he doesn’t try and peep at ______________!”

“Where are you going?!”

“Yeah I wanna come!” said Luffy

“Don’t worry about it!” he grabbed his pipe and ran out of the house. Before they could run after him, Dadan grabbed them to do some chore and gave ______________ a foraging list. Resigned to their fates, they started on their chore. The list today was special. It was a new ingredient she wanted. She knew where to get it but it was far out of the way near the loot tree. She sighed and headed over. It was hard but she managed to get find potatoes and carrots. She loaded everything into her basket and was about to head off with she saw a large sack coming towards her. At first she was about to turn and hide but she saw a familiar scowl.


“Help me get this into the tree!” ________________ grabbed the other side and she and they carried it to the opening. Ace opened the secret door and shoved everything inside. She barely managed to get everything in as they stepped on the money until the door closed. Ace sighed.

“That’s that,”

“Ace where did you get all of that money?!”

“I got it from the Bluejam Pirates. Robbed them blind while they weren’t looking. They just came to Gray Terminal,”

“…you stole from pirates?!”

“Bad pirates. Dangerous actually but it’s okay, they don’t know where we live and even if they did, no one knows where we hid the money,”

“Still! That’s stealing! I mean it’s all stolen but it’s from dangerous pirates!”

“It’s for the greater good!”

“Ace! You could have gotten into some serious trouble!”

“By who? It’s pretty much by ourselves. Dadan doesn’t give a damn about us as long as we’re alive when Marco come back and unless my favorite little sister tattles on me,”

“You know I won’t be still! What if someone saw you?”

“Even if they did, they can’t track us down,”

“Ace that doesn’t make it better!”

“I don’t see why you’re making it into a big issue,”

“I’m not! Why is taking a big risk like this is well, okay?!”

“Listen, it’s not just that! We’re saving for a ship so we can sail out of here!”


“Tch, you wouldn’t understand,”

“How can I if you don’t tell me!”

“Because how could you ever understand wanting to be free and see the world?! You’re content in living in town with Pops and everyone and you explore close to home fine and dandy but how could you even know the feeling of yearning to feel the breeze, smell the sea, and be able to come and go as you please?! Wanting to see outside of a place where you’re confined in?! Do you have any idea how that feels?!”

“…so it’s like when I was living with Sister?” Ace was about to retort but then stopped. He rubbed the back of his neck. She’s been living with them for so long that he forgot she spent years with Flora in the convent and behind its walls.

“Yeah…like that. Okay you do get it,”

“Not fully, I mean I’m free and I’m happy living in town with you and pops and everyone. I’m happy and I know when I’m older, I can come and go as I please but right now, I just want to learn and be with my friends and family,”

“You’re so fuckin’ weird but it’s not compared to the seas! When we get our boat I’m taking you with us so we can see everything,”

“As long we can go back home. I’ll miss everything too much and well everyone will miss us,” Ace sighed and ruffled her hair


“YOU ROBBED MORE PEOPLE?!” the pair jumped. Luffy was grinning from the tree.


“SHISHISHISHI! Awhile! ______________ is coming with us, right?!”

“Of course she is! But we’ll bring her back!”

“Oh! I have to get this stuff to Dadan for dinner! Help me?”

“I guess, Luffy, stand guard. This door isn’t closing all the way! We’ll have to take some of it to the tree house,”

“On it!”

“Come on!” Ace took some of her load and they both managed to get back to Dadan’s place in a little of no time. It was soon lunch and

“Shhh!” the large man looked around. Luffy flailed and tried to get away calling for Ace. Sabo and ______________ both face palmed. The man turned and they crouched lower. He a very large man with long whitish blue hair, narrow eyebrow-less eyes, and a broad chest with an open red, ruffle-edged vest. He had tattoos on his left bicep and wore an earring on each ear. His face reminded her of an gremlin from one of the books she had.

“W-Who is that?” she whispered

“Porchemy. He’s a part of the Bluejam pirates,” Sabo whispered.

“You know them?!”

“They used to be in Gray Terminal a lot but then they disappeared. I guess they came back again. Luffy is gonna tell,”

“D-Do they know that Ace stole from them?!”

“P-Probably! Shhh! We can’t take them!”

“But we have to save Luffy!”

“They’ll probably leave him alone if he doesn’t say anything,” However, Luffy looked away and tried to feign ignorance and failed miserably. _______________ sized the man up a little. If she used her full strength she could probably knock him off guard just enough for Luffy to run. But she was rooted to the spot. Sabo looked at her.

“Don’t even think about it,”

“B-But he might hurt Luffy!”

“Relax, all Luffy has to do is tell them where the money is and they’ll leave him alone,” they watched as the large man took Luffy away. She didn’t look sure that he’ll be okay. Sabo gave her a reassuring look. As the day progressed, ________________ was getting more and more worried. They alerted Ace and Law to the situation.

“Idiot, he’ll come back home when he’s hungry,”

“B-But he can be seriously hurt!” said ____________

“It’s his own fault for not keeping guard,” but it was getting closer to the late noon. _______________ couldn’t take it anymore and ran to the area where they were. If Luffy did tell, the money would be gone and Luffy would be home. She opened the trapdoor and went completely pale. She quickly ran back to the tree house.

“Ummm guys, Luffy isn’t back yet!” Ace and Sabo looked up.

“W-What do you mean Luffy isn’t back yet?!”

“Luffy didn’t come back from Gray Terminal!” said _______________.

“Tch, he’s probably limping back. He’ll be fine,” said Ace.

“You know Luffy if he doesn’t get any food,” said Law

“THE MONEY IS STILL THERE!” the boys looked at her. Ace immediately ran to where the money was hidden. It was all still there, right where he and ______________ left it. The sudden realization finally hit the boys. Luffy didn’t tell that pirate anything and that pirate already was threatening him and trying to get him to tell them where their money was. They immediately ran out of the tree house and down to Gray Terminal. They just made it down the mountain when they saw two familiar kids running towards them. Club and Calico were running and panting looking for them. They perked up and ran at them.

“Finally! We didn’t know where you guys ran off to!” said Club

“Lu-Luffy…he’s in big trouble!”

“Where is he?!”

“He’s with the Bluejam Pirates!” said Calico, “Clock saw Porchemy carrying into their base! She lingered for a while and they started hearing him scream! We ran to see what was going on and they messed up Yukiko pretty bad!”

“Fuck! Take us to him!” said Ace.

The atmosphere of Gray Terminal had changed. There was a thick level of urgency and panic in the air. A big contrast to how it was before the lockdown. Everyone was in their makeshift homes and the tension was thick to say the least. Club and Calico led them around and through different path to get them to their home. They opened the door to let them in. Yukiko’s face was sliced opened and she looked as though she fought a war and lost. Jin was changing the bandage when everyone came.

“Shiiiiit you okay?” said Ace

“Been better. They got the Monkey,” said Jin

“We know! But what happened to you?!”

“Seriously that looks nasty!” said Law and attended her face, “You have a nasty infection,”

“I had a run in with them while I was trying to get our groceries. They wanted them and I fought for them and well… paid with my face and they took them. I cried all the way home like a bitch but this woman was already there. She looked a little scuffed up but she handed me my groceries with a smile and she had some extras and she left. She told me how to get to the secret grocery rock without anyone noticing. No problem since but listen. Just get in and get out! Bluejam and his crew don’t care if you’re kids or not and will hurt you until they get what they want. Things are going to be a lot more difficult now because they finally came back after being the sea for so long,” Yukiko winced as Law finished up on her face, “If Luffy doesn’t talk, they’ll kill him,”

“Then we’ll just bust him out then!”

“It’s not that easy!” said Law, “Think! You think they won’t just kill one of us if we get close! We have to sneak around and surprise them!”

“And there’s been some bandits around here lately,” said Clock, “Just…the whole sign of Gray Terminal is awful at the moment. Just be careful, guys,”

“We will, come on,” ________________, Ace, Sabo, and Law walked quickly as they followed Club to where Luffy was being held. She’s never been around this area before in Gray Terminal. She stayed close to Sabo as the bigger pirates ignored them. She kept her eyes forward but kept her ears opened. There were people talking everywhere. She was catching sounds and malicious laughing and it was frightening. She kept her head down.

“What do you mean a payday?” said a man laughing with what looked like to be another pirate but by his clothes, she could tell he was a bandit or something else.

“You heard me!” the other man laughed, “My buddies and I found a sure thing, a gem buried deep in one of those shit towns! There’s a big ass villa there in a small ass town! Like the place only has a few shops and things but that villa is fuckin’ HUGE! At first we were gonna just rob the place but the place has three kids, two boys and a girl. One of the kids goes off every day to play with another kid but he ends up back at the villa at least once. We never seen the owner, so we’re guessing they’re some nobles who never comes home,”

“So the kids are living there all alone? Sounds kind of dumb to leave noble children to themselves,”

“PFFFT Nah that’s how we know those kids are loaded! This asshole has FIVE housekeepers and they’re lookers so you know they were hired for eye candy! One is a dumb blonde with a massive rack and when the third kid comes over, she crushes him in her chest. There’s an outside maid who tends to the flowers and she looked so fuckin’ clumsy and mousey, like a flower, then there’s one who’s upstairs. Tits to high heaven and a hot ass with a hotter pair of knockers. She is definitely fuckin’ the boss. There’s one that makes food and as a rack but beef arms. She’s probably the only one who could be a problem but I think those arms are just for show. I think she’s been buying food from the Baratie to pass it off as her own. There’s one who patrols constantly. I think she’s half fishman because of her teeth and she carries her son on her back in a harness from time to time. May kidnap him too, she’d pay any price then! This is probably the only job she can get! We’ve been watching them and we think we can pick the kids off before they notice and unless they want their Boss to fire them, they’ll pay whatever price!”

“You would think with a house that big that they’ll have a bodyguard at least for five defenseless women and some kids,”

“You would right?! We thought about kidnapping one of the boys and his little playmate but that kid has a brother. We watched when she was going home and a man that was taller than another and built like a brick wall. He had a diamond on his shirt and he lifted her up and placed her on his shoulders and they walked away. We ain’t fuckin’ with that,”

“Good call but kudos for finding a hidden gem. If a few of us come, maybe we can get some of that ransom,”

“Nah, Red told us to wait until this lockdown is over then we’ll snatch them. That way we’ll have better access to the funds. You guys want in?”

“No, Bluejam said we are to do whatever we have to here for something bigger,” said another man passing by, “So get your head out your ass and let’s go!”

“Did you hear? Some of the old slaves from that Mary Geoise are being found in some places,” said another voice

“Yeah I heard! Some of them are hiding in plain sight. But I heard a few were found in Calva,”

“What’s Calva?”

“A place to make some easy ass money if you have the heart for it,”

“I heard about that place, you gotta be fuckin’ desperate to attempt it,”

“I heard of those old slaves owns a casino. If you even mention it, your ass disappears. Those some of them carved that symbol off their back. The Celestials have bounties. If anyone who has that symbol is brought to them, they’ll give you a whole fuckin’ kingdom!”

“______________ come on!” she nodded and ran faster. The closer they got, the more they heard pained screams and shouts. Ace was about to run in there but Sabo and Law grabbed him.

“We need a plan! You can’t just run in there! It’s guarded!” said Sabo

“But Luffy is on borrowed time!” Ace growled.

“I have a plan,” said Law, “Ace and Sabo will rush in and take Luffy and get out of there. I’ll cover the area with my Room so if anything does happen I can take care of it medically. _________________ the moment you see anyone running behind them, tackle them. Use your full strength and don’t hold back,” she looked a little apprehensive and shook her head.

“_______________, it’s a matter of life and death! You have to!” We can’t let you go in there because they’re going to hurt you because you’re the second smallest! Luffy needs you! We’re counting on you!” said Ace. She nodded.


“And run and we’ll be waiting for you!” she nodded. She could hear more hits and Luffy sobbing. She heard the boys shouting and screaming, she heard Luffy crying, she heard many hits and things but she stayed put like she was told. She didn’t like hearing Luffy cry. It made something in her chest heat up and she started to shake. Soon Law and Sabo ran out of the building with Luffy in tow. She heard more shouting and blows connecting before Ace ran out and Porchemy as suspected ran after the boys. He looked murderous was staggering to stand up. __________________ waited until the boys were a distance away before she ran at the man full speed and hit him. The impact wasn’t anything expected and he went flying into a building. He went to get up only for his face to be hit. He winced and groaned then shouted as more and more punches were delivered to his face. The other pirates turned and saw the little blur running at them as well and hitting them across as well into a pile, then it sped off after the boys who escaped. They didn’t stop until they were safely at Yukiko’s area where Law accessed the damaged caused to Luffy. Clock had a first aid kit ready and Law went to work. Ace had his hands folded and leaning against the wall and Sabo and ________________ guzzled down water. After making sure that they weren’t followed, they went back to the hiding spot where the money was. Without a word, they found a new place for it. They piled it up, took it to the tree house and managed to make a trap opening and hid it all there. After everything was done, Ace finally spoke.

“We can’t tell anyone what happened,” they looked up at him, “I mean it. Not only we can get into a lot of trouble, if Bluejam knows who we are or even sees us again, he can seriously hurt one of us! It’s not going to happen again!”

“I don’t like it but I agree,” said Law, “And as a rule, don’t go around that area again,”

“Don’t need to tell me twice,” said Sabo

“No one say anything,” __________________ looked a little apprehensive. She looked down. Ace took her face into her hands.

“________________ you have to promise us you won’t tell anybody. You can’t tell Sister, Pops, Marco, or any adult. Listen, we stole a lot of money and me, Luffy, and Sabo can get into a lot of trouble! We’ll never be able to get a ship of our own and all of those years of saving will be for nothing. Please, you have to promise us. You know we wouldn’t ask you to lie if it wasn’t that serious,” Ace looked serious.

“Okay, I won’t say anything. I promise,” he looked relieved

“Alright, don’t speak of it until it blows over,”

“Agreed,” they all placed their hands into the center and held each other’s wrists and made their pact before silently going back to Dadan’s place like nothing happened.

That night, ______________ shifted uncomfortably in bed. Her hands were hurting, she was afraid that they were going to get swell up so bad that she won’t be able to do anything tomorrow. She couldn’t even pet River who didn’t mind but perched in her lap and purred. She stared up at the wall. This whole day has been a whirlwind. She wasn’t sure it was okay to make such a pact. She was sure this was something that an adult should know. She felt very uneasy and couldn’t bring herself to take her mind off of it. And her hands really were killing her. There was a knock on her door before the door opened.

“Hey, still awake?” she looked up. Law had a bowl of cold water and ice.


“Sit up,”

“__________________!” Luffy grabbed and hugged her tightly.

“L-Luffy! You should be resting in bed!”

“He insisted that he helped. I said okay if he was quiet!”

“I can’t help it! She beat up that guy for me! She loves me!”

“Of course I do! You’re my little brother!” Luffy went in for a hug but Law stopped him.

“Let me attend to her hands first,”

“Aww okay!” Law got to work making sure that nothing was broken before making it put her hands into the water and added the ice.

“Feel better?”


“You really hit them hard didn’t you?”

“I-I guess,”

“Don’t be modest; you did it because they hurt Luffy. I kind of wanna see the aftermath,”

“Yeah! But is her hands gonna be okay?!” said Luffy

“Mhm she just has to ice it and not use her hands for a few days. Don’t worry, we’ll pick up the slack,” he started to wrap them up.

“Thanks Law,”

“Listen I know what Ace said about not saying anything but use your best judgment,”

“What do you mean?”

“Yeah, it’s okay to not say something but if someone dangerous happens or something weird happens, tell someone. There’s no shame in it and you’re pretty observant just keep that in mind, alright?” she smiled and nodded

“And you and Law and Sabo are smart so you guys HAVE to make sure Ace and I don’t do anything stupid!” Luffy said laughing. Law looked defeated before just petting Luffy’s head.

“And you have to help us help you. I seriously wonder what makes you tick,”

“Can’t you like look in my head or something?!”

“It doesn’t work that way! If I did I may not be able to put your head back together!”

“Not with that attitude!” Law groaned. _____________ giggled.

“Night _______________,”

“Night guys,” Law slipped out of the room and she could still hear Luffy badgering Law.

“Come on Law! Open my head!”


“Please! You cut __________________’s off! How is that fair?!”

“Because I wasn’t looking in her brain!”

“I trust you!”

“I don’t trust myself!”

“How can you not trust yourself! Open me up!”


“Damn it Luffy leave Law alone!” said Ace

“Not until he opens my head!”


“Because I wanna know what makes me tick!”

“Rocks now shut up!”

“You’re so mean!”

“I have a brain! I just don’t know what it looks like!” Law sighed and there was silence for a few moments, “WAAAAAAAAAAH! IS THAT WHAT A BRAIN LOOKS LIKE?!”

“Oy shut up!” said Dadan

“Yes Luffy this is what a brain looks like!” said Law closing his book.

“Yours is smaller because you’re stupid,” said Ace as Sabo laughed.

“So mean!” ______________ was holding her sides and laughing hard.

The fighting had lasted for weeks, the residents of the nearby island could hear crashing, hearing screaming shoutings and abnormal sources of power. About a few weeks ago. Bullet had came to their island and causing havoc and the Marines of the area were alerted by were all ordered to retreat because of the danger. Before the residents could flee o their homes, Bullet started coming after them. However before any of them could feel the wrath of his rage, five women came out of nowhere. They used their strength to guide him out of town and soon they were on a single deserted island keeping Bullet at bay. The fighting didn’t stop for days, many wondering how the five older women could keep up against a tyrant without sleep. Not even Bullet took time to rest but even now everything was starting to halt to a grind.

“Ladies are you okay?!” said Flora panting.

“Us? You’re looking like you’re about to drop!” said Nobara

“Don’t worry about me! I just need some time,”

“How much time?” said Katsika

“I need you guys to wear him down a little longer, I can’t do this until I have at least fifteen minutes,”

“Leave it to us. Collect yourself,” Flora hang back. She had to put herself into another state of mind. The Fearsome Four took over and distracted the hulk of a man. Flora knew she had to regain just a little of her stamina. She was tired but she had to really give her enough just a little more time. Soon she was ready and headed back into the fray. Liliya and Nobara were using their fire and ice technique to melt and freeze the ground to hold him in a prison. Poppy used her arrows to keep him distracted with explosions and poisons. They did the attack before and he learned to break free faster each time. He burst through once against, sending debris everywhere.

“You ladies really know how to give a man a good workout. But the same old attacks? Looks like you’re all out of options!”

“Flora are you SURE you can do this?!” said Poppy

“If not he’ll kill us and this island! And if I can get him down, just enough, we can finish this,”

“What do you want us to do?” said Nobara

“Take cover!” they nodded and got to safe distance. It was now just her and Bullet. The man cackled.

“So you wanna finish this little nun?” Flora glared and took off her veil. Bullet took a double take before laughing, “And here I thought I was going to hell for fighting a nun. The Demon Blade, back from the dead!” Flora got into position. Bullet did the same, “Let’s finally see what the Demon Blade is made of!” Bullet and Flora ran at each other. It felt as though time itself had slowed down. There were loud booms as the island shook. Flora flew backwards, she grabbed the ground, digging her fingers into it stop herself. She was panting hard. She managed to break through his shield that was all she needed. The dust cleared and her eyes widened. Bullet was still standing. He had a sadistic smile on his face. Flora stood up as he laughed, “Tough break nun! I thought the infamous Demon Blade had more enough to give me a fight! You’re weak just like the rest of them! I knew you were nothing! Oh well, I guess I can send you properly back to your old Cap—bleh!” Flora caught her chakrams and placed them back into her robe. Blood came from the man's mouth and before Bullet could realize what was happening he felt an intense pain in his chest. He looked down to see a Flora’s fist buried deep in his chest. Blood poured from his wound as she retracted, leapt up and gave him a swift kick to the face, ending it. Bullet landed with a boom. Flora’s legs shook and she collapsed.

“Captain!” Flora was on the ground panting and breathing heavily. She felt as though her entire body was on fire.

“I-Is he down?” Katsika went to access the damage and saw the three long deep cuts on his back and sides.

"If he can get up after that it's time to abandon your religion," Nobara sighed in relief

“He's down but are you okay?!”

“I-I can’t move,”


“NO! That took all of my energy! If he’s down it’s worth it,” Liliya tried to prop her up and noticed she felt heavier than usual. She reached into her clothes and took out her chakrams. They weighed a ton. She noticed the seastone blades and chuckled.

“Captain, I thought you retired these?”

“I did… but this—this was an em-emergency. G-Get Tsuru on the den den mushi. F-Fuck this hurts!” Poppy grabbed the snail and dialed and gave the receiver to Flora.

“Can you talk?”

“Yes? What’s the matter? Is everything okay?”

“He’s down. Come get him,”

“We’ll be there in about fifteen minutes. Get out of there,”

“You got it,” Nobara hung up and dialed another number. She waited for a few moments before a concerned voice answered.

“Is everything okay?! What happened out there?!”

“Mhm! We need to get off the island now. Your Ma can’t move but neither can Bullet. The Marines are on the way and we have less than fifteen minutes,”

“On it!” she hung up and they all waited by their captain. Soon a familiar blue and golden bird flew overhead and landed on the island next to the women. He saw Flora and crouched down next to her, “Hey Ma,”

“Don’t call me that,” she grumbled. He chuckled


“…I’ll allow it this time,”

“Hold still, I can heal you just enough to get you to the ship safely,”

“Do what you must,” He healed the key parts on her body. She was able to stand up and perch on his back. He transformed and flew off to the ship where her room was waiting for her. Jozu gently took her off Marco’s back and took her below deck as he went back to get the Fearsome Four. Flora was tucked in tightly into bed with several ice packs on her joints and covered in a warm blanket. The adrenaline finally died down and she could start to feel the pain. She winced and tried to relax. She then smelt something familiar. She groaned.

“I know, Florrie but you know it’s good for pain,”

“Give me alcohol,”

“Not until you drink the tea,” she looked at the tea took a few deep, braced herself and downed it. Edward winced. Flora gagged and shook out the bitterness that made her entire body feel like she ate a hundred lemons at once.

“God I hate that stuff,”

“I know, I know but it works. You’ll feel a lot better in the morning,”

“With all of her know how, I can’t figure out how to make it less bitter,”

“Have you asked her?”

“She gave me the recipe and told me to have at it. Still haven’t cracked it,”

“Gurararara you will someday,” he took out two glasses and poured her a drink and then one for himself. She downs it and winced.

“Everything hurts,” she said miserably

“I bet, we could feel everything from miles away and imagine if Marco didn’t touch you up,”

“True. The old war machine isn’t what it used to be,”

“Please, you took him down and you’re still standing, you still got it. Hell you can still keep up with their kids and their antics,” she chuckled.

“As long as I can keep my bop hand strong, I think I can handle it,” he laughed and pecked her cheek, “I’m so glad it’s over,”

“I miss being on the sea but going home sounds like heaven right now. We’ll get your room ready when we land. After that we’ll get the kids,”

“Any word about the island?”

“Zeff and Cook hadn’t report anything suspicious. Everyone stayed inside and it was quiet for the most part. A few flair ups in Gray Terminal but nothing so far. Just some novice pirates that aren’t even worth our energy at this point,”

“Are the kids okay?”

“Zeff reported that Cook had to step in when they went after the kids who live down there. She said that one roughed up Yukiko pretty bad and would have done more if she hadn’t been there,”

“…where is he now?”

“Buried in a ditch,”

“Serves him right,”

“Yeah those two have a weakness when it comes to kids. Zeff still got it. I’m surprised he let Cook accompany him, you know, ethnics code,”

“You have the same code, dork,”

“I know but I also know my wife can and would string me up, therefore more than capable of sailing with on my ship,” she blushed

“Stop you foul man!” Marco peeked in, watching the couple laugh and drink. He didn’t approve of the drinking but was glad to see Flora stabled and comfortable and headed back to the deck. Everyone looked at him with worry and some panic.

“Don’t worry, they’re fine. Ma’s okay, she’s stable. It doesn’t look like Pops is leaving her side any time soon, so set a course for home,”

“Got it!”

“Aunts, where are we taking you? Or did you want to stay with us for awhile?” said Vista

“Oh don’t make a fuss for us!” said Poppy

“If you take us to the next island, we’ll manage!” said Nobara

“Ma will skin us alive if we do that,” said Jozu

“And for calling her Ma,” said Katsika laughed.

“We have your ship on board and we’re taking you home,” said Marco

“And your rooms are ready,” said Izo smiling

“Get some rest! We’ll bring you dinner!” said Thatch. The Aunts looked grateful and retired below, “I swear they’re tough old birds but they really need to accept help,”

“You know how old pirates are,” said Curiel, “They’re tough and don’t want us young whippersnappers to tell them what to do,”

“Let’s get on home. Shouldn’t take up no more than a week,” said Marco, “Though we have to go back the other way so we don’t run into any Marines especially after the call,”

“I can’t wait to see the little tykes again,” said Vista

“I hate to admit but without them around, everything isn’t nearly as interesting,” said Curiel, “Miss the Little Lady asking me questions about gunpowder and Ace trying to blow shit up with it,”

“I miss dressing them up!” said Izo, “I have so many cute outfits ready for ________________ and Luffy! Don’t know why but that boy loves to wear some of her clothes from time to time,”

“When it comes to monkey boy just don’t question it,” said Thatch laughing.

“And we all now Mother Hen Marco can’t wait to see his little chick again,” said Rakugo

“Please, she likes following you around too,” said Izo laughing

“I’ve been chosen!”

“I miss Ace and his little antics,” said Fossa, “I swear that boy wet from feral to a weird ass tamed wild child,”

“He’s still a mountain boy at heart but we’re making progress,” said Marco, “He lets his guard down and that’s a good thing,”

“He’s always going to be guarded but he’s trusts us,”

“That’s a good thing,” said Vista

“Mhm but he still harbors a lot of emotions and he needs to remember that we’re not going to hurt or abandon him and that everyone around him loves him,” said Izo, “Seriously, the little shit is smart. I’m surprised he picked up French so well,”

“Kids are sponges at this age. The Little Lady has been picking up on French but also thanks to Law, Spanish,”

“To be fair they’re pretty similar. Ace should pick that up soon. He also has a knack for navigation. Jozu has been teaching him and really showing him how to use the tools. With some practice he’ll be a great navigator someday,”

“He’s going to be a great pirate someday but he has to learn to accept himself before that can ever happen,” said Vista

“With the Little Lady, Sabo, and Luffy around he doesn’t have to worry about that,” said Rakugo, “He still has a long way to go,”

“Meh, we’re up for the challenge,” said Thatch

“So with that being said, how many gray hairs you think he gave Dadan this time?” said Curiel

“I swear that woman is a saint,” said Izo, “A bandit saint but still,”

“I don’t think she has any. Ace and Luffy exclusively is one thing but it’s balances with Sabo, Law, and _____________,”

“Until they pulled them into their shit, especially now since Law and Ace are trying to teach their little sister their ways,”

“Please, she’ll just end up running off with Sabo while they bicker,”

“Oy! Stop betting on the kids!” said Marco, “And we’ll see next week, she had a few dozen of hidden grays, I’ll count them when we pick them up. The closest number to the new ones wins,”


Chapter 71: Going Home


The Little Girl goes Home

Chapter Text

News came that the Buster Call was a success and everything would be opened now that the Marines were back at their respective bases. Law managed to get a paper to show the kids. They knew what that meant; they would all be going home soon. They would be going back home and living their lives again.

“Except for Luffy and Sabo who lives with the Ogre,” said Ace

“Yeah but we’re usually with you guys more!” said Sabo

“Whatever, just make sure you have your stuff ready so you can come back home with us!” the news got ________________ excited! She wanted to see her brothers again and she couldn’t wait to see them again. The anticipation was killing her. But she knew she had to do her tasks with Dadan until then but everything moved slower but faster and didn’t know how to feel. Eventually it happened, early in the morning a few days later. There was a knock on the door. Dadan opened it. Marco grinned and asked for the kids. ________________ has a familiar voice and opened her eyes. River was at the door scratching at it. She opened it and saw a familiar shadow and a familiar smile.

“MARCO MARCO MARCO!!!” Marco braced himself as _________________ ran at him. He caught her in his arms and hugged her tightly. She started to get emotional and sobbed into his shirt. He gently pulled back and wiped her eyes.

“Shhh, you’re fine,”

“Did you miss us?!”

“Of course I did, we all did,”

“Pffft more like you had fun without us,” said Ace coming out of the house with the same sleepy expression.

“Nice to see you too again, now come over and get love and attention,” Ace blushed and went over to Marco and received his hug. Marco was then tackled by Luffy with Sabo bringing up the rear. He embraced the kids with hugs and making sure they were okay. Law came out of the house and grinned at the sight. Then he saw someone coming at him, towering over him a good few feet and crying his eyes out.

“LAW!!!!” Law braced himself as Corazon grabbed and hugged him tightly. Lesser came from behind as Corazon snuggled and nuzzled and cried. Law had to cling to him in order to not fall as the tall man hugged and expressed how much he missed him. Lesser gently placed her hand on the crying man who finally let go and sobbed, “Lesser! Look! He looks so grown up!”

“I know, I know but you’re going to give him motion sickness at this rate,” Lesser guided him back to the car. She then turned and inspected him, turned him around and about and nodded in approval before giving him a hug. He reddened and hugged back.

“Thanks for bringing him back,”

“You know I would. Come; let me help you pack your things,”


“Anything special you want you for dinner? I can call Cook and she can make you something,”

“She can’t make your curry, can she? I want your coconut curry,”

“You like my curry?”

“Mhm, it tastes like Cora-san’s but less burnt,” the kids were soon packed up and on their way back to the homes. ______________ hugged the bandits goodbye. She gave Dadan a bow.

“Thank you very much for taking care of us Miss Dadan,” Dadan clicked her teeth and looked away.

“Whatever, just go home!” she then felt ______________ hugging her from behind before going outside to meet Marco. The ogre woman started crying.

“Goddamn those brats!” Law was buckled in and Lesser was at the wheel to drive as Corazon snuggled Law happily. ______________ waved at them.

“See you later, Law!”

“See you. I’ll save you some of the curry, just come by before the week is over,”


The moment the kids stepped out of the car, they were embraced by their brothers. ______________ never been hugged and kissed so much in her life and it felt so good. Ace received hugs and head pats to the point he ran to her room and closed the door. ________________ saw him blushing the entire time. The town felt as though it was waking up for a long sleep as people were walking about happy to be outside again and in the open. Everyone went inside.

“Don’t mind us sweetie,” said Izo, “We’re just so tired. It’s just been a very long month,”

“I know! We’re tired too!” It was so good to be back home again. The warm comforting feelings washed over her. Everything felt like it was just a weird dream. Her room was still the same; the smells of hot warm food filled her nostrils and taste buds. Everyone was in a restful mood because they were tired still from their trip. She flopped on her bed and buried her face in her pillow. She didn’t realize how much she missed everyone and everything. She took a little nap before deciding what everyone else was up to. She peeked into rooms. Most of the men were sleeping. She poked into every room. It was like nothing changed. Everyone was just tired from their trip. She went downstairs. Pops was cooking, rather getting ready to cook. He grabbed all of the ingredients when he noticed her.

“Hey little lady, wanna give your Pops a hand today?”


“Guarararara! Follow me!” she followed into the courtyard where his massive grill was waiting. He was getting everything ready to grill. Her mouth watered.

“You’re grilling?!”

“Yep! We caught a few things on the way home and since everyone is dead tired, I’m making dinner tonight while everyone rests,”

“Awesome! What do you want me to do?!”

“Eager aren’t we? Just bring in the swordfish and sea king for me,”

“Yes Pops!” he got the table ready and looked up to see the fish coming towards hi at once with two tiny feet at the bottom. She placed them on the table. Pops took out his knife and started to gut and clean them and cutting them up into sizable pieces. ________________ watched with interest as he skimmed a slice of raw sea king and placed it under the table for a patiently waiting River. He placed the fish on the grill and seasoned it.

“I’m going to need you for a special mission,” he said flipping it.

“M-Me?! Really?!”

“Mhm! You’re the perfect for the task and you’re the perfect man for the job!”

“Perfect man!”

“Of course it won’t be for another week! You can bring along on friend! And if they ask say it’s a super secret mission!”


“I knew you’d love it! Now I need you to check on everyone to make sure they’re resting. If they’re not, make them!”

“Aye Captain!” he laughed and ruffled her hair. She trotted back into the house and up the stairs and down the hall. But she noticed that the recovery room’s door was opened. She gently opened it and peeked inside.

“Sister!” Flora looked up as _________________ ran and hugged the old nun, who winced but hugged back, “Were you were the whole time while everyone was gone?!”

“No, I had some business to attend to and since I ran into Pops, I decided to come back with him and stayed here to rest,”


“How was the mountain life?” she grinned and happily told Flora what happened to her within the last month in great detail and enthusiasm.

“I even got a Blume story from Oji-san, Magra, and Miss Dadan! Is it true that Blume couldn’t sing?!” Flora’s face lit up for a few moments before she chuckled.

“Blume couldn’t sing if her life depended on it! Lullabies, soft harmonies, and things like that her had the voice of an angel. The moment it was a shanty, she became tone deaf. Fauna weaponized it. Somewhere out there, there are a bunch of tone shells with Blume’s terrible singing for interrogation devices. They worked 90% of the time,” ______________ giggled, “I’m assuming now you know about Lily Island,”

“Yeah! That’s Blume’s home right? Is it still there?!”

“Mhm and still being funded and prosperous. Many inhabitants remember that story and it’s a legend in its own right along with other kingdoms that are “off the grid” so to say,”

“Awesome! I hope to visit someday! What about the Demon Blade? Do you know anything about her?”

“What have you heard?”

“I heard that she was a fierce warrior so was always at Blume’s side! Did you know her?!”

“…we crossed paths,”

“She sounds scary but I’m sure that if Blume trusted her, she was just as cool and not as scary as people say! I mean you’re scary but you’re really nice too!” Flora pats her head.

“And never forget that,”

“But are you okay, Sister?”

“I’m fine. Stop worrying about me, it’s my job to worry about you!”

“But if I don’t worry about you, who is? Like I have to! You’re my mom!” Flora sighed.

“I accept that fate,” __________________ hugged her before scampering off again. Flora smiled before sinking back into bed. She could smell the heavenly scent of sea bass and sea king, “Oy! Come back here and take me to the Courtyard,”

“Coming Sister!”

The men of the Baratie were sobbing, they were absolutely besides themselves. Tears were shed, hearts were broken, and libidos were shrunk. Zeff was glad that his kitchen would soon be back to normal. Today was Cook’s last day with them. Since arriving, much to Zeff’s chagrin, she was a big help around the restaurant and patrolling to make sure the town was okay. Zeff didn’t want her near the kitchen but relented when she promised to only be in there alone. And this was not up for debate neither, if any of them men even glanced at the kitchen while Cook was in there, Cook would place wax in her ears and Zeff would curse and swear and beat the shit out of the offender. However, she wasn’t alone, she had some unexpected company, who soon became her shadow, Sanji. He often perched on a chair and watched her bone, gut, and filet fish, using the bones to make fish stock. He was enthralled by the beautiful maid but also enthralled that she used all of the parts of the whatever she was cooking. Even the vegetables she would take back with her to the villa where she lived.

“We have a hutch of bunnies and I’m sure they’ll appreciate the scraps,”


“It’s okay to give food to another living thing if it means they can sustain on it. They won’t waste it,”

“How did you get into cooking, Lovely Cook?” she giggled

“Well, I used to sneak into the kitchen when I was about your age to watch my uncle. He used to get mad and throw me out but then tried to make an exception. Then he left me with some people whom he thought would watch over me because he couldn’t. They literately took the money and ran but I became an apprentice cook on a ship, with luck an old friend of my uncle’s decided to teach me and raise me. Because resources were scarce, I had to learn to create something tasty with what I had,”

“How did you become a maid?! You can easily own your own restaurant!”

“Well, mainly because I like cooking for a household and I love my four sisters and I don’t think we could be anything else but maids. Perv and Dom would turn it into a brothel and I can’t see Lesser serving people and not scaring off customers. So this is perfect for all of us. Not to mention Boss likes new things to eat so it’s fun. I get more freedom that way,”

“Wow! You’re so…cool!” she ruffles his hair affectionate. He blushed and snuggles her hand.

“I heard Zeff was teaching you his fighting technique. I’m actually impressed the old badger is passing that on to a future chef,”

“Yeah! He said it was important for a chef to not use his hands because we use them to make the lovely art of food! I mean I know it’s weird and difficult to fight with your legs versus hands but it’s something that I know will help me out later,”

“It is! I think it’s important for a chef to never fight with their hands because they can damage them from creating wonderful food. Personally I like using my hands in combat and cooking because they work in tandem but you should always listen to Zeff. He always has your best interest in mind,”

“Then why is he making you leave?! You’re best thing to ever appear in the kitchen! I know I can learn TONS from you!”

“Well I have my own kitchen to be getting back to. And since you’ve been such a big help, I wouldn’t mind a visit every now and then and I can teach you a few things my “Zeff” taught me when I was your age,”


“Mhm~ Law and ________________ are frequent visitors, one more child wouldn’t hurt and you get to meet the other maids,” Sanji’s face lit up.

“Thank my lovely goddess!” she ruffled her hair.

“You’re very welcomed sweetie,” they hear familiar footsteps. Sanji immediately scampered out, not before giving Cook’s middle a hug before running. She smiled sweetly at the old grizzly chef.

“Welcome back,”

“Are you ready?” she nodded. It was a weird ritual for the two of them. Every night Cook and Zeff cleaned the kitchen together. It wouldn’t take them long but they always did it together. At the end of it, they would have a drink on the steps of the Baratie. Zeff sat next to her. She poured him some sake and then herself. They sat in silence for a few moments, neither not knowing what to say. Cook smiled at the old chef.

“Thanks for making an exception,”

“Well, with you it’s a little different,” he grunted.

“I know. I’m glad it’s all over and I can get back to my kitchen. Not to say I don’t like yours,”

“How is your kitchen? Do they appreciate you at least?”

“Mhm! I have total cooking freedom! It’s good to finally settle down and just…do what I love,”

“And doing the other stuff on the side,”

“Yeah…I mean you have your reputation too,”

“I left that behind,”

“I meant your restaurant,” he snorts.

“Yeah but cooking was always my first love. I’m glad I can pass it on again. Ready to go home, brat?” she chuckled

“I’m a big girl now, Uncle. I can wal—,”

“As long as we’re the same age apart, you’re still a little girl. And you’re not walking home alone. Come on,” she smiled and stood up. It was a sweet sight to see the older chef walking with a beautiful young woman. They walked in silence for awhile, “Listen…I’m sorry for not taking you with me. I…really didn’t know how to raise a little girl. It was…unnerving to say the least and it made me miss out on your upbringing for a long time. I just want to say I’m sorry and that even despite my involvement, you grew up to be a beautiful and talented chef and I’m very proud of you,” Cook smiled and wiped her face.

“I-I already knew that. Elias told me when I was a kid. I get it. I knew you had your reasons. I’m just glad I’m someone you both can be proud of,”

“Heh, how’s the old bastard doing?”

“Enjoying his comfortable retirement. I gave him more than enough to finally be able to enjoy a small bakery of his own. He’s living the life,”

“Of course he would,”

“If you two merge you’ll be unstoppable,”

“Pffft more like we’ll kill the other first. But he’ll have my gratitude forever,”

“Are you okay with Sanji learning a few things from me?”

“Pfffft what else can he learn that I don’t already know?”

“The cutting techniques,”

“…touché. Just keep an eye on him. With your sisters about that little brat is going to go into meltdown, especially with Dom and Perv about,”

“Lesser and I will straighten him out,”

“Appreciate it,”

Kid and Killer never thought they would see the day that the old man would leave. They had to admit this was the most grueling month they’ve ever had to with Miss Ribbon. Since living there, Miss Ribbon has given them chores, tasks, and things like that in order for them to become self efficient human beings. However this asshole was the impediment of laziness. He slept most of the day and when he woke up, Miss Ribbon almost immediately had food for him. Kid especially hated him.

“He’s taking advantage of her! I hope she doesn’t want him to stay longer,”

“He intimidates her if anything,” said Killer, “I don’t like him,”

“I say we kill him. In his sleep,” this proved to be fruitless. The boys tried sneak attack after sneak attack and nothing has happened, successfully. They ended up knocked on their asses mostly. Even with Kid’s Devil Fruit, they were no match for this asshole.

“Come on boys, this is getting sad,”

“Fuck you!”

“Right up the ass!”

“If you guys want to learn, I can teach you,” he said

“We don’t need help from you!” said Kid

“We can sneak, that’s not hard!” said Killer. The man got back into his lay down position.

“You right,” the boys found that this old man was more trouble than they knew. After visiting their old friends in the mountains, they went back home, trying to slip back as usual before Miss Ribbon or the old man could spot them. They were clever about it, so they thought. The moment they stepped out into the shore that was the between the woods and the Dead Island, it happened. They were pelted hard from different angles and different positions by an unknown substance. Before they could react, they were grabbed and held down. The boys looked up to see two figures in front of them.

“This is why you two shouldn’t do out like this,” said Miss Ribbon sighing, “Especially during this time. There are a lot of unsavory people around and with the Marines gone; it’s like opening a flood gate for bad people to do even more bad things and it put all of your friends in danger. They may be in the mountains but you guys could have led someone really bad right to them,”

“But we were careful!” said Kid

“Very careful!” said Killer

“Yeah, I could have easily gutted your little girlfriend while she was reading,” said the old man with a grin.

“Fuck you!” he took out a few photos of him literately having ________________ in his sights while she was enjoying the book a few days earlier. Even a close up shot of her within grabbing range and went Killer covered her eyes from behind. Killer glared.

“What kind of a pervert watches kids?!”

“Don’t turn this back on me. You two put your friends and selves in danger and for what? I didn’t think hormones played a part in this,”

“It’s not like that!” said Kid, “And you try being trapped without seeing someone you actually like! This doesn’t mean you, Miss Ribbon!”

“Serious I hadn’t shared a book with ______________ in ages and it was starting to get to me! Waiting on you had and foot isn’t a bloody picnic!” said Killer

“Just because you don’t have friends, doesn’t mean you can shit on us!”

“Boys,” Miss Ribbon finally spoke, “I understand your feelings and they are very valid and warranted but, imagine if it wasn’t me or him following you. Anyone one else would have killed or kidnapped all of you and no one would be the wiser. The reason why Ace and ________________ are here are because of their family. If anyone knew who they are and who they were, they would be sitting ducks everywhere they went,” Killer softened a bit. Killer glared but then nodded.

“So the old man doesn’t know?”

“No, just us three, but even so it’s just a cautious thing, especially during this time. Please be more careful and stay close to home. For me at least,”

“Only for you!” Miss Ribbon smiled.

“Thank you, boys,” and they kept their promise, Killer only breaking it with special permission to bring ________________ the other book in the series with Miss Ribbon keeping an eye out at all times. But during this time, the old man decided to take the boys under his wing and teach them a few stealth techniques so they can know if someone was following them and how to cover their tracks and how to sneak up behind someone if need be.

“Though none of these techniques can or will ever work on Miss Ribbon, who is a master of making herself disappear,”

“That’s because she’s the best,” said Kid, “If she doesn’t want to be found that’s because her stealth game is on point,”

“Yeah, she invaded you, old man!” said Killer

“You’re right. Okay, from the top,” eventually the boys got used to it, learning how to shift their footsteps, learning how to sneak up on anyone without detection and they hated to admit, they liked the training. And it took their minds off the idea that they were trapped on the Dead Island. But soon it came the day that everything was lifted. The old man got a call and he packed up everything, “Alright, see you again Ribbon, I’m off,”

“Thank you,” she said

“Mhm, see you when I see you. Take care of the little swamp rats. You guys can see your friends and girlfriend again without one of us holding your hand,”

“Fuck you!” said the boys. He flung his bag over his shoulder and headed off. The all watched as he walked on and got to the ferry who took him to parts unknown.

“Seriously where did you find someone like that?” said Kid

“It was…a long time ago, you boys doing have to worry about him coming too often,”

“Hope not,” said Killer, “You have us now. We’re going to take care of you. Like you take care us,”

“I appreciate that,” she smiled

“We’ll make you dinner!” said Kid, “What do you want?!”

“Hmmmm croquettes sounds good,”

“Croquettes it is! Killer do you know how to make croquettes?”

“Mhm, let’s get going before the old man comes back and eats them all,”

“The hell he will!”

The man was left alone in his cell. Every single day his masters had stripped him from his dignity, reminding him every day he was nothing. His very life was in their hands. They could do anything they wanted to him and he had to do it or he was forced into a worse punishment later. The only happiness had was stolen, killed by them and he was alone in the world. He was at their complete mercy to the point that they controlled his emotions and feelings. He hated himself. He hated that had become a slave. He couldn’t even protect her. But by some miracle he was given a reprieve from his torment every day. He was left alone in the deepest part of the dungeon. It used to be a way for him to hear her pleads and cries with no one to help her but now…it was just him. The silence always got to him. But it was here where he learned that they couldn’t take the one thing that keeping him sane, his voice. He sang to himself, every day. It got him through the day, the want to sing, to have his goal within reach.

Through the wooded glade I wonder,
Gathering blossoms as I go,
I'll bring them to my lady,
That her heart she may bestow.

It was a song that reminded him of her. Every time he sung it, it reminded him of her. It gave him comfort. He was heading into the second verse when he heard a very tiny voice.

Shall I bring her roses,
Or lilacs for her hair,
But the finest bloom of all is,
The love that we to share.

He looked around. There was a tiny little shadow at the entrance of his cell. He growled.

“Who’s there?!” the shadow jumped.

“I-I’m sorry! I-I just really like hearing you sing!”

“…you listen to me sing?”

“MHM! Every day! I like listening! I didn’t mean to disturb you!”

“You startled me. I never knew I had an audience,” the man chuckled, “Wanna sing with me?”


“You seem to really know the song. But your pitch is off,”

“Hey!” since then the little shadow appeared like clockwork to sing with him. At first he wondered what were their angle but eventually he figured she really wanted to hear him sing. He had a lot of songs in his repertoire and she was delighted to mimic them. Then she started bringing him food as a thank you for the music lessons. He was grateful for it. It was usually scraps of food, mainly leftovers but it was more than what he was allowed to eat and it kept his strength up.

“I’m sorry but this is all I could give you,” she said sadly, “It’s mainly some of the food I have to hid when I eat every day,”

“Oh…so you’re a slave too,”

“Umm…no, I’m not,”

“Oh? Who are you then?”

“I can’t tell you! If you saw my face, you won’t like me anymore and won’t like me hanging out with you anymore,”

“Pffft you’re a brat. I would have to be a total piece of shit to hate a kid. I wanna see my singing buddy,” she poked her head through the bars. The man looked at her. His eyes widened. She shrank back.

“S-See! N-Now you’re gonna tell me to go away! I-I’m sorry! Whatever happened to you, I’m sorry! I-I just didn’t want you to start hating me! Th-that’s why I hid! I didn’t mean—,”

“Jesus kid shut up,” he said, “Don’t apology for something someone else did. Never do that and never take the rap for someone else. I just can’t believe you’re not a slave. I can’t even believe you’re nobility. None of this makes sense. But since we both have secrets now, let’s make a little deal,”


“We can keep singing together of you don’t tell anyone from your family about our little meetings,”

“I won’t! I promise!”

“Also, if you can, you can give me a heads up what’s gonna happen tomorrow,”

“I think I can! Can I still keep bringing you food?” he chuckled

“I’d be a fool to say no,” the unlikely friendship continued throughout the year. The man felt like he was escaping his hell for a few moments a day when the little girl came around to sing with him. He taught her new songs and they sang together. She told him stories she heard and places she visit, often giving him a heads up if she was going away for a long time. However, he noticed that this kid’s life was just as bad as his. He noticed bruises, he noticed her wrists becoming thin, he noticed that she looked absolutely tired all the time. But she still kept her promise and got him food, “You know what…on second thought, this is way too much for me,” he passed over some of the meal back to her.

“You sure?!”

“Mhm, eat up,” she gratefully ate it, “So Germa Kingdom?”

“MHM! Father wants me to marry one of the princes there. Sanji is the best and nicest but his brothers are super mean to him. I usually fight them off. Now Father and Sanji’s father wants me to marry the oldest. I don’t like him. He’s creepy. Every time we’re alone he gets a really creepy smile on his face and he won’t let me leave his side, even for a minute. I had to run away and hide in a tree to get him away from me. He says I’m his and we will be together, even when we die,” the man glowered.

“If he tries that shit again and if he touches here,” he points to her chest, “Or here,” he points between her legs, “Or behind, knock him right in his little grapes,” she looked puzzled. He points to his crotch, “Right here!” her eyes widened!

“Wo-Wouldn’t that hurt him?! I knocked him with a frying pan!”

“Next time, take the frying pan and get him right between the legs and I guarantee you he won’t come near you,”

“Okay!” This made him uncomfortable. He didn’t want to see his little singing buddy harmed or hear about it. He couldn’t bear to see it and he be damned if he won’t give her advice to stop it. Such a sweet kid being hurt for no reason made his blood boil. He’s seen slave children broken but an actual noble kid who had a sweet disposition really got to him. It showed that she was just as worse off than he was. But it didn’t stop there. He started noticing another kid around and he was always talking to another slave woman.

“I-Is she okay?!” the woman shook her head.

“They had her underwater for nearly an hour. She was flailing after twenty minutes. She almost drowned again,” He looked horrified, “Then they did the heat again, she’s in her room resting,” the boy rushed inside. He walked passed and glanced inside to see a familiar little girl curled up in a fetal position looking as though she was on her last legs. He looked at the slave woman. She looked disgusted at the sight.

“Hey…is that kid going to be okay?” she looked at him with apprehension, “I…um…music man,” her expression softened and she gestured him to follow her. She explained. He felt sick to his stomach. A few days later, he heard familiar pattering of feet coming to his cell. She had food as usual and greeted him a smile, like nothing happened. “Hey, kid, I have a question,”


“When you’re older and your family gives you everything, including the slaves, what will you do?”

“Take them back to their homes! Miss Hancock hadn’t seen her home in years! I’m sure she misses it! There are fishmen who miss their home. I bet you even miss yours! It’s not right for you to stay here if you don’t want to! You should go home!”

“Oh? Then how are you going to take care of this big castle on your own?”

“Well, if someone wants to stay, I can give them money so they can be happy when they work!” he chuckled

“…yeah that explains it,”

“Explains what?”

“Nothing. Keep that mindset for the rest of your life, alright?”

“Yes sir!”

“Don’t call…you know what, go ahead,”

“You really don’t mind me coming down here to keep you company, do you? Sabo said that everyone needs their space! I don’t wanna mess up yours!” the man laughed.

“Please you being here makes me think I’ve escaped my punished, even for a little while,” she grinned. I would have this fatherhood thing in the bag,” he chuckled.

“You’re more like an awesome big brother!” she giggled. Then one day it happened. Thanks to someone he would always consider to be his savior, he made it out of that hellhole. The first thing he wondered once he was out was happened to that little girl. He went to go back, he had to get her out. He had to make sure she was okay. He was pulled back. He flailed, begging to get that child out.

“She’s dead…she’s died before the fire,” a snake woman said looking at him gravely. He turned to see the little girl’s attendant. She looked at him but there was something in her face that said something else. He just nodded and ran away into the night to get out of that hellhole. He knew that kid was okay and he hoped he crossed paths with her again. He tried not to linger but he knew he had something to look forward to, making sure he would never be in a situation like that again and to repay that kid for keeping his sanity intact

Chapter 72: The Maze


The Little Girl visits a Haunted Maze

Happy Halloween!

Chapter Text

It was the annual Donquixote Haunted Maze. Everyone in the area was excited for it and other has what could be only called PTSD from it. The Maze was infamous for one reason and one reason only, no child ever made it to the end. And that was an understatement. The maze was passed the mountains in a field where a corn maze was nicely kept, just for this occasion. It wasn’t a small maze either, a good acre and maintained throughout the year. It was rather impressive all things considering. But what made this maze so special was the fact that no one has ever finished it because it was that terrifying. Children came from all over at a chance and many have failed. Doflamingo since had taken great pride in his work of malicious devious, art to the point that he made parents and guardians and children sign wavers that if their child couldn’t finish it or was traumatized in the process, he would have no fault in it. Some parents couldn’t even take it and many had to leave with their children. There were many chicken exits in the maze that many parents took solace in. But there were two ways to complete the maze; both were more troublesome than the other. The first one was Head On. Each level of the maze was scarier than the next, the last level being the worst of the worst. However, there was a Riddle Maze, where, if you solved puzzles and riddles throughout the maze, things progressed easier. However, if you got the answer wrong and went the wrong way in the Riddle Maze, the scares would be just as scary as the Head On maze and getting worse the closer you get. The boys decided that they would brave the maze and came back completely wrecked. __________________ didn’t know what happened but Ace refused to talk about it. She got most of her information from Sabo that they were separated at one point that they were all systematically scared the shit out of but didn’t want to abandon the other and soon found each other and got out.

“He were going to try again for the riddles and bring Law but Law said he was NOT going to help us,” said Sabo, “He’s under a strict oath apparently,”


“He promised Lesser he wouldn’t say anything and he takes that to heart,”

“Ah, the Lesser Factor,”

“Like the Marco Factor but Law version!”

“Yeah, fair warning, don’t go in there! Seriously! Killer and Ace were both out of there by the fifth level, I don’t think you can!”

“I can try! I heard the treats were legendary!”

“…well if you do, do the Riddle Path, you’re smart and logical but I heard the riddles were tough so be careful!” Halloween has also made it to the Whitebeard Family. Since the new season of Pretty Soldier was released and _________________ decided that she loved and adored Kinsei’s new outfit which was a light yellow dress with blue trimming, long light yellow socks with blue winged shoes, a blue cloak fastened with a big red bow, and a light yellow beret. She happily showed it to Jozu who went to work to help her make her little outfit. He didn’t know how to sew but knew he could get the shoes and after some trial and error decided to ask Makino and Hancock for help. When she came down she had pictures taken. Jozu looked proud of himself.

“It took us forever but she looks adorable!”

“I love cloaks and capes!”

“They suit you kiddo!” said Fossa ruffling her hair

“Even River dressed for it,” Kinsei had a trusty cat companion named Tsukuyomi who always had a red ribbon collar. River proudly posed with his big red bow ad drawn on markings. The original plans were the Fall carnival in Goa and around town and then coming back home for Spooky stories but Vivi called her that morning and asked if she wanted to come with the others to the Doflamingo carnival.


“Mhm! Everyone is on board and it wouldn’t be nearly as fun if you weren’t there!”

“I should be able to go! I’ll ask Marco!”

“Awesome! I hope you can make it!” she hung up and happily trotted downstairs. Marco was on the couch relaxing and reading the paper. He looked up to see his little chick looking at him, bright eyed and bushytailed with her and hands on the arm rest looking at him with large pleading eyes.

“…what sort of mischief are you going to get yourself into?”

“Can I pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease go to the Doflamingo Carnival with Vivi, Plum, Penny, and Kaya,”


“Please Marco!!!”

“No, I don’t want you having nightmares over that maze. I don’t know what’s going on but Ace hasn’t been sleeping well and I don’t want you suffering the same fate,”

“Just because Ace couldn’t handle it doesn’t mean his little sister can’t!” said Izo snuggling her, “And these are her little friends from Ribbon Twirling! They’re all bonded at the hip!”

“Come on Marco, let her go on an adventure!” said Blenheim

“Yeah! It’s not Halloween until you get the ever living shit scared out of you!” said Kingdew

“And she’ll be with the girls!” said Fossa.

“You know the Maids won’t let anything happen to her,” said Izo. Marco raised an eyebrow, “Okay, but she’ll come back alive!”

“Isn’t it short notice?” said Marco, “I’m pretty sure we all have plans tonight,”

“You can go, little lady,” said Pops coming downstairs. He was dressed in a nun’s costume as he ascended the last step. The room went silent, “I’ll take you there,”

“Really?! Thanks Pops!”

“Ummm…Pops, what are you wearing?” said Jozu

“Flora and I decided to try to switch clothes this year in the spirit of the season! I can see why she likes wearing this habit! It warm but breezy!”

“So Sister is dressed like you?! I wanna see!”

“Come on Florrie! The jig is up!” Flora came down. She was still recovering from her adventure with Bullet and was walking about still with a limp but getting better. She was wearing a long white and red captain’s coat, a black bandana, long pale yellow pants, and a white shirt with a back vest. Her hair fanned out under the bandana.

“Sister you look so cool! Just like Pops!”

“See! Told you you looked nice!” said Pops. Flora reddened.

“Well it is the season. You look nice in a habit,”

“It’s breezy!”

“You better be wearing something underneath!”

“…I won’t confirm nor deny that accusation! Wanna come with, Florrie?”

“Nah, someone has to be on treat duty. Have fun,”

“Thanks sister! I’ll bring you back something nice!”

“Don’t waste money on me!”

“Ready little lady?”

“Yes Pops!”

“Go call Vivi and tell her you’re on your way and bring a sweater, it’s chilly out!” she nodded and scampered upstairs. Flora ducked into the kitchen to get the treats for the kids. The men took a very deep sigh of relief.

“For a moment that she was going to be shirtless,” said Jozu

“Please don’t put that image in my head,” said Blamenco

“I think we were all thinking it,” said Vista

“Guararararara, Ma’s only shirtless when we’re alone together,” Pops winked at them, “Don’t come upstairs later on tonight,”

“Jeez! TMI!” said Izo

“Seriously!” said Thatch

The Donquixote Maze wasn’t the only thing that was in the area. Because it became such success, many other things were included, hayrides, games, and things like that. Pops arrived at the carnival and ________________ hopped out of the car.

“I’ll be back here in five hours,”


“If you need to be picked up sooner, call me and I’ll be here in ten minutes,”

“Yes Pops!”

“Here’s some money. Don’t load up on too much sugar,”

“I won’t!”

“Don’t leave the area with strangers,”

“Yes Pops!”

“Have fun and give the girls my love,” she nodded. He pecks her forehead and drove off. The carnival didn’t as imposing as she thought. There were kids around and there were adults around and teenagers. She happily walked inside and looked around to see if she saw anyone she knew. She looked around the stalls and things and before she could do anything, a candy apple was waved in front of her. She looked up.


“So you did make it. This is for you,”

“Thanks!” he guided her to a bench to sit. She took a bite and sighed, “This is so good!”

“One of Cook’s specialties,”

“I have to admit, this place isn’t as scary as I thought it would be, especially with the Strings Man running it,”

“Yeah it’s mainly to get more kids in. Like lowering them into a false sense of security before scaring the living shit out of them. Because he strategically placed advertisements and samples of Cook’s treats everywhere so it’ll get the kids and teenagers pumped up to go in there and get the shit scared out of them,”

“Jeez, he really likes scary people?”

“You have no idea,”

“Are you here alone?”

“Not really, Cora-san is let me go. I’m kind of working. You see Doflamingo hires people to scare people. He pays pretty well. He hired me for the riddles portion and my room ability. He even hired Perona for her Hallows. Even Baby 5 for her weapons. So yeah we’re working and on break. Are you doing the maze?”

“Mhm, I think it’ll be fun!”

“Do the riddles then, it’ll be easier. And don’t ask, I can’t help you with them,”

“I won’t! I heard the boys tried to ask,”

“I’m actually impressed they got to the fifth level. But I had to shepherd them out so they could meet and get out,”

“Thank you for that!” he then looked at his watch, sighed and ruffled her hair.

“Be careful I have to get back! Good luck!”

“Thanks Law!”

“__________________?” she turned to see Penny and Plum coming towards her. Penny ran towards her with a bright smile on her face. _________________ almost didn’t recognize her. She also saw the special and was dressed as Tsuki in coronation dress. It was a light pink long-sleeve star embroidery a-line midi dress layered on top of a loose-fit slip, gold metallic constellations are intricately embroidered on the sheer dress. Elastic bishop sleeve cuffs and high-neck construction add vintage vibes to the dress. The dress fit Penny perfectly but instead of her normal twin curl pigtails, she had her hair down with her curls cascading like Tsuki’s.

“Penny! I didn’t recognize you! You look amazing! You should wear your hair like that more often!”

“Told you!” said Plum coming up. She was dressed as Mokusei in her knight armor which was gauntlets, greaves, vambrace, a breastplate, pauldron, and plackart in the color scheme was green trimmed purple.

“Ahhh you look so cool!” said _______________, “Isn’t that heavy to walk around in?!”

“Nah! It’s made of foam! Touch it!” she gently touched it and grinned.

“It looks so real!”

“It took me and my mom forever to make it! But it was worth it! I like your Kinsei!”

“Jozu and I made it…then we got stuck and Makino and Miss Hancock finished it!”

“I think we all had the same idea!” said Kaya running at them and hugged them. She was dressed like Suisei in her doctor uniform, which was a long white coat, her hair in a bun fastened with a star barrette and complete with her transformation pin on the collar.

“I didn’t know you wore glasses!” said Penny. Kaya giggled and took them off and placed her finger through the frame.

“I asked Dad if I could have his old glasses for the costume,”

“I swear we coordinated this subconsciously,” Vivi was the last to come. She was dressed like Kasei in her dancer’s dress that had blues, pinks, reds, and greens and trimmed gold. Her hair was down and everything about her was flowing. She was flowy and airy, even to the golden slippers on her feet.

“Vivi you look beautiful!” said Penny

“You even got the color right!” said Kaya

“Thanks! Kasei’s outfit is similar to a dancer’s dress on Alabastor! Pell and I went everywhere to get the right colors and everything and we had the tailor do her job! Well ladies, the night is young and we have like five hours before we get picked up, let’s have some fun!” the girls grinned and ran to the hayride first. After that, they went on the carousel and finally tried their luck at some of the games. Plum won everyone a stuffed pumpkin playing darts and _________________ won them all stuffed bears at test your strength. Penny managed to win a goldfish at the scoop and they all won something at the ring toss, the opposite of whom they were all dressed as. They chuckled and switched so they can all have their favorite. They decided to finally wind down and eat something before they tackled their biggest challenge, the maze. While eating, they saw people running out, crying and terrified and not caring who saw. One woman brought in her five year old daughter and it took them less than ten minutes before they were both out, white as sheets. The girls looked at the maze terrified. The treats inside were legendary and they wanted at least a sample but they were also very cautious at the house. If the boys couldn’t finish it, neither could they.

“Sooooo this is it,” said Plum

“…do you think we can do it?” said Penny

“We can but for how long?” said Kaya

“…is it worth it though?” said Vivi

“Sadly yes,” said __________________ showing them pictures that Law sent her. Cook outdid herself this year. She made apple and cinnamon flavored things because it was still fall after all. She made apple turnovers, mini apple pies, apple chips, cinnamon dusted maple leaf cookies, candied pecans, and the coup de grace hot mulled cider to warm anyone up.

“That is just plain EVIL,” said Plum

“They look so good!” said Penny, “We can do the riddles maze. Between all of us, I think we can do it,”

“But I heard they were tough!” said Vivi

“Especially if Law made them!” said Kaya

“Yeah but we’re actually pretty smart!” said Penny

“I think we can but still, that maze left Ace, Kid, Sabo AND Killer shaken up! They said that couldn’t make passed the seventh level. Luffy ducked out at the fifth I think. Whatever they saw, they refused to go back in there!” ________________ looked at the maze with some uneasy, “I’m afraid to say I’m kind of scared to go in there,”

“Awww don’t tell me the mutt is a scaredy cat,” said a familiar voice. The girls cringed and turned to see Holly looking at them. She watched the new season, it was obvious because she decided that her costume was going to be Queen Seiun, the antagonist of the special. She wore a light magenta with purple tiered mesh skirt with a long furisode kimono top with a galaxy design. She looked at up and down, “Ugh don’t tell me you guys can’t even look the part for Halloween,”

“We’re dressed up, idiot, and so are you,” Vivi snapped

“Well, you’re suppose to dress up,” said ______________, “Like I’m—,”

“Oh no, lemme guess,” she looked ________________, “A poor dirty mutt,” she looks at Penny, “Sickly and should have been put down ages ago,” she looked at Kaya, “Probably going have weird ass freak babies with a long nosed weirdo. Hope you like living in the woods and eating out of trash bins, then again, you’ll be with the mutt and you can all be poor and pathetic together,”

“Knock it off, bitch,” Plum growled, “You’re not going to ruin anyone’s day and you need to just hang with your friends!”

“Tch, I don’t NEED friends, I came alone so I don’t have to share those treats when I finish that maze! Besides, it’s not like I’ll be caught dead in a group costume troop. It’s sad and pathetic,”

“You’re dressed up as Queen Seiun so you watch Pretty Solider too!” said Vivi

“Tch, I don’t watch that baby show. I saw her picture and told Mommy that I wanted to be that and she took Daddy’s credit card and ordered this beautiful costume. It’s load better than all of yours,”

“Actually it’s made from cheap costume fabric. Silk is soft and smooth but this is satin and it’s not even good satin,”

“It’s going to make you super itchy later,” said Vivi

“You don’t even know what you’re talking about!” Holly sneered, “I think I know more about fabric than any of you! And I’m going to go home after this maze so I can eat my candy and treats in peace and not around the poor,”

“You’re going to do the maze? In those shoes?” said ________________

“Humph! MY family can afford nice things unlike you!”

“No I meant you’re wearing heels and I don’t think you can run in those. It’s a haunted maze after all, you might get hurt,”

“Please you think I’m going to get scared and run? Mommy’s gonna pay everyone off so I can get through easily,”

“Way to suck all of the fun out of it, Holly,” said Penny

“It’s not sucking fun, it’s getting the most candy! I’m nobility and going to be a future princess to a handsome prince someday and princesses don’t run. Then again, girls with no influence wouldn’t know how money works,” Plum was about to retort when Clarisse went over to the girls and took Holly’s hand. She sneered at them.

“You know better than to talk to the trash outside of school hours,”

“But Mommy, I was reminding them that they’re shit,”

“I swear I wish that girl would just turn into a troll and be done with it,” said Plum

“Don’t insult trolls,” said Kaya, “We should have brought an adult, I think this might be too scary,”

“Welcome ladies,” said a voice. They turned. A very tall man was behind them dressed as a Grim Reaper. They huddled together. Realizing his stature, he knelt down to be less intimidating. He was wearing a long hooded black robe trimmed with gold, a lot of gold jewelry, and had a large smile on his face, “I am your guide, the Friendly Reaper! Since you sweet young ladies look like you can use someone to guide you through this maze, I can be of some service,”

“Y-You can?” said Penny

“Si, I don’t mind. I’m actually one of the helpers of this little maze,”

“I-I thought Mr. Doffy said that no one who’s working can help us,” said ______________. The man snorts.

“Mr. Doffy isn’t here and I’m sure he wouldn’t mind me aiding five unattended young ladies,”

“What do you want as payment?” said Vivi

“You’re more than welcomed to share the treats!” said Kaya

“That’s payment enough,”

“I’m not sure,” said Plum looking a little wary.

“I think we can trust him,” said _________________

“Are you sure?” said Penny

“Mhm! I mean he doesn’t look like a reaper I know but he’s nice enough!” the Reaper chuckled

“Oh? What does a Reaper look like, mija?”

“Tall, usually has some kind of a garden tool, glasses, and weird green eyes!”

“…What kind of reaper is that?” said Kaya

“I don’t know but that’s how I’ve always pictured them!” the Reaper chuckled and offered his hand.

“Shall we?” she nodded and took it. Penny then grabbed hers, Plum grabbed Penny’s, Kaya took Plum’s and Vivi brought up the rear. They were at the entrance of the maze with Holly and her mother. Perv was dressed as a succubus tail and all while guiding everyone in. Her job were to get people inside and giving them the spiel and making sure they knew what they were getting into and of course making sure that Boss followed child labor laws and made Perona and Baby 5 took a break and making sure that Law was his mandatory ten feet from Boss. Speak of the Devil, Law was passing by. She beamed and hopped off her post.

“Law!” before he could react, he was pulled and snuggled into her chest and squeezed tightly. She pulled and saw that he wasn’t his usual self. He looked upset about something, “What’s the matter sweetie?” said Perv looking at Law who was leering at Clarisse and Holly. He placed two and two together, “Is that the woman who said she was going to bribe everyone to make everything easy for her little hell spawn? Don’t worry, Boss said to take the money and make it extra scary just for them~ so our hard work won’t be in vain,”

“They’re the ones who were making fun of Lesser’s teeth,” all of the happiness and joy from Perv’s usual jovial face melted away as a shadow casted over her eyes.

“What did you say?”

“She was the woman who I told you about, the one who humiliated her about it a few months back. I didn’t know she was going to be here. Is Lesser around?”

“I see. Nah, Lesser is keeping an eye on other things elsewhere. Thank you for letting me know. You run along,” Law went away to get into position. Perv took out her snail, “Code Black everyone on the pair that’s coming in. I repeat a fucking Code Black, make sure that little girl and her bitch mother have an experience they’ll NEVER forget!”

“Shit, what they do?” said Dom

“Seriously, what happened?!” said Cleaner

“Remember, that bitch Law told us about?”

“…Say no more, I’ll let Perona know to not let up,” said Dom, “I’m going to make sure that at least one of them shits their pants,” Perv clicked off, straightened herself and came out to give her spooky introduction. She grinned when she saw the little girls approaching along with the Bitch Mother-Daughter pair.

“Welcome My Ghosts and Ghouls…well Ghoulies, and welcome to the Maze of No Return! A frightful experience that one will never forget! Can you handle the fear? The desolation? The depravity? Of course you can, because I know when the Pretty Soldiers are together, there’s nothing in this world they can’t do!” the girls chuckled.

“You’re a fan Miss Perv?” said _________________

“Mhm! Not as big as Cleaner though, she has merch from way back from the beginning, lucky duck. Sooooo you lovely ladies have two choices, the Riddles or the Monsters! Both are the same, only one requires ingenuity and cunning and fast thinking! The only one requires a strong hearty heart and a stouthearted soul! So are you all going to—,”

“No and MY daughter wants to go with the Monsters!” said Clarisse.

“Alright so I guess you dear ladies have to go on the Riddles. We can’t have two different parties doing the same! I was going to compliment you all going alone but I see you have one hot ass Reaper on your corner so I know you’re in good hands~” Perv winked, “Hey sailor, when this is all done, let’s go back to my place for some post Halloween…”activities~” Don’t forget to bring your golden…feet with you~,”

“That’s HIGHLY inappropriate to say around MY child,”

“Oops, welp, I guess she heard it! Alright, I have each of your waivers. Here’s a map of each of your sides and the chicken exits! You’re also the last group of the night so it’s going to be extra fun and long and creeeeeeepy! Have fun and remember, no judgment if you want to leave~! For my riddle girls, there were many paths the further you go but choosing the right will make things easier. The group for the riddles, go to my right, the head on, my left and good luck my babies~!”

“Good luck, Holly!” said Penny

“Tch don’t need it. And I’m not sharing my treats with you either. I just wish I can see the mutt wetting herself and crying for her nonexistent Mommy,” Holly turned on her heels and walked into the maze. The quartet rolled their eyes and went to face their destiny.

The Reaper guided the girls though the maze, the girls not taking their hands apart for a moment. The maze was a very intricate but according to the disclaimers, you could easily get through the maze if you knew the right paths. It was tall with very little light and deathly silent. They were scared to make a sound, fearing that they would awake whatever threat that was waiting for them as they moved forward. Soon they came across the first room was a large stone area with two pathways that were sealed off by a wrought iron gate and keys. The moment they completely went inside, the entranced closed and locked. They jumped. They were trapped inside. ________________ tried to get the door to open but not even her strength could do anything. Then suddenly a puppet fell down in middle of the room. The girls screamed and jumped back. The puppet was creepy and stood up and looked at them with a sinister look. He then opened his mouth and a squeaky high pitched voice came from it.

“Welcome to the first room! I am Pierre and I will be your guide! Answer this riddle and I’ll give you the key to the next stage! If you answer correctly, it’ll be the next puzzle, incorrectly, well you don’t want to know. Slide the answer under my door and the gate will appear to where you need to go!”

‘Only one color, but not one size,
Stuck at the bottom, yet easily flies.
Present in sun, but not in rain,
Doing no harm, and feeling no pain.
What is it?’

“Good luck!” four sides and a ceiling came up from the ground and incased Pierre and he laughed sinisterly. The riddle was on the box and then he went silent. The girls looked thoroughly freaked out but soon regained themselves.

“…okay this is tough,” said Kaya

“And it’s okay the first riddle!” said Plum

“It doesn’t make sense!” said Vivi, “Stuck to the bottom of what?!”

“Maybe it’s on our shoes!” said _________________

“Yeah I get stuff stuck there all the time!” said Plum

“But one color?! There’s color everywhere!” said Vivi

“Maybe grass?” said Kaya

“You see grass in the night and day!”

“A shadow!” chimed Penny, “It’s a shadow!”


“Look!” she pointed to their shadows casting off on the walls, “See? It only comes in one color, it can be really big or really small, you can only see it in the sun or light but not when it’s raining or dark and it doesn’t hurt or hurt you! And it’s stuck to everyone! At the bottom of themselves!”

“That makes sense!” said Vivi

“Is that your final answer?” said the Reaper

“Mhm!” Penny handed him the paper and he slipped it under the door. A golden key came out and a large light appeared and illuminated a large golden gate. She took it and went over to the golden and opened lock. The gate creaked opened and the girls went through.

“Good work Pen!” said Vivi ruffling her hair

“Seriously good thinking!” said Kaya

“If _______________ hadn’t said stuck to her shoe I don’t think I would have gotten it!” said Penny blushing

“Stop this is all you!” said __________________ hugging her, “We were stumped!”

“Let’s just hope the next one will be easier!”

The next room went they entered, the same thing happened. The moment they walked in, they were locked in but this time, there was no light in the area. It was dark. They could hear growling and twigs snapping and it kept them from the walls. Kaya noticed a weird object in the middle of the room.

“I think it’s a lamp. It should light the room for us to see everything,” she tinted up the mirror light object and it shone and lit up the room. It was at that moment that they wished she didn’t do that. Penny, Kaya, and Vivi screamed and looked away. __________________ couldn’t looked away but felt rooted on the spot. Plum kept Penny shielded. It was a mixture between demons and hellfire and grotesque looking people trying to escape only to be killed, dragged back or powerless. There were animals trying to escape the fray, men crying, women tearing babies limb from limb, even innocent doves devouring lions and cats, a large fish spewing out smaller fisher who was spewing out smaller fish, severed heads and skills and fireballs were everywhere and the sight was frightening to the point the girls couldn’t look at it for too long. In the corner was a grand piano.

“Ladies, ladies, calm down, it’s okay! It’s just a picture! I can’t hurt you!” said Mr. Reaper. ________________ looked a little apprehensive and looked up. The picture was terrifying in the light and she quickly glanced to see if there was a riddle. She then saw an inscription.

“The answer is hidden in the mural, look pass the horror to see the beauty,”

“W-What does that even mean?!” said Kaya, “It’s sickening to look at!”

“I-I know but I can’t see anything remotely nice in this!” by this time Vivi steeled herself and looked at the mural. It stretched around the room so it was hard not look at this monstrosity. She looked intently at the strange, very creepy picture on the wall. It freaked her but the picture struck her as odd. She then noticed something very weird about the picture, she then noticed something at the beginning on the first demon and then she noticed something even more and her eyes lit up.


“So there IS a hidden message in this creepy picture?!” said _________________

“Mhm! The image is made the scare the shit out of you and it does a great job but if you look pass the ugly grotesque horrors and only look at the skulls, fireballs, eyes and things like that, you see something very interesting, music notes!”

“…really?!” said Penny looking up but then looked down again.

“Yeah! Look at the fireballs and that demon’s tail is a treble clef!”

“WOW! That’s actually pretty clever!” said Kaya

“Right? So that’s why there’s a piano here! And I can’t play that good! Penny can you?”

“MHM! But I can’t look at that mural!”

“Pffft don’t worry! Mr. Reaper, do you have paper?!”

“Here you go,” Vivi wrote down the music and handed it to Plum who took it and guided Penny to the piano. She started to play on the piano, keeping her gaze fixed on the music.

“I KNOW THIS SONG!” Penny started to play keeping her eyes on the keys. Suddenly the growls and other creepy noises stopped and the mural started to change. It became brighter and cheerier with images of autumn and fall that were pleasant. Soon they place was completely different. A key fell from the image of a pumpkin and the door was lit up.

“That’s a sweet song!” said ___________________

“It’s called ‘Into the Unknown’. It’s a popular autumn song in some regions,” said Penny

“It’s so pleasant!”

“There’s even words to it! I can’t remember what they are right now,”

“Nice work Vivi!” said Plum

“Seriously you took a bullet for us!” said Kaya hugging her tightly

“Someone had to!” she said, “But Penny you’re really good with that piano!”

“Thank you for writing the notes!”

“Let’s hope the next puzzle isn’t this scary!” said ___________________

The next room was actually pretty bare. They walked in as the door shut. However guarding the gate were two large gargoyles. They crept towards the gate to leave. The gargoyles shook and then a low growl came from them. They backed off. Behind them appeared a podium and a book. On the podium was another inscription.

“The Answers of this Puzzle will determined if you’re going to be lunch. The gargoyles only want correct answers, not a hunch. Do your best and best of luck, the gargoyles are hungry and you’re the perfect potluck,”

“It’s a puzzle book?!” said Kaya, “Law really is a sadist when it comes to these types of things,”

“That’s why the Strings Man chose him,” said _______________ opening the book, “It’s beautiful!”

“Really well made!” said Vivi, “Okay here’s the first riddle!”

You are trapped in a room where your only means of escape are being guarded by the Four Kings. There are no windows, the room has a ceiling, and there is nothing else in the room. You must go past one of the kings. Which King would you try to get past and why?

“…each of the kings?”

“Mhm!” said Kaya, “I’m guessing it’s the four playing card kings,”

“…I have no idea what this means!” said Penny

“I have a clue but I don’t play cards that much!” said Plum

“Oh!” _________________ lined up the image of the King of Hearts. There was a click and the page turned, “That wasn’t too bad!” the girls looked at her. She grinned, “We play cards a lot at home. Marco said that’s what they did to pass time while on the ship,”

“Still doesn’t tell us why you chose that card,”

“Because that’s the Suicide King. Because if I had to leave a room, I would choose the king that already had a weapon through him,”

“What?!” said Vivi. __________________ flipped the page back and pointed to the picture

“He’s the only card where there’s a sword sticking out of his head, hence the name,”

“Creepy!” said Plum

“Poor king!” said Kaya

“How on earth did that happen?!” said Penny.

“Beats me,” _______________ turned the page and read the next riddle.

‘The Queen of Red is dead
The Queen of White is to blame
The Kings are alone together
A stalemate is the game
The Queen of Spades’ rival rests and watches on
None of the Queens are that great
In order to move on from this
You have to try and create’

_____________________ looked at the riddle over and over. She grinned and moved the pictures, the first one being the black queen chess piece, then the white queen chess piece, then the black and white chess kings, and then finally the crown with the rose in the middle. The book clicked and went to the other page.

“Okay, I under stood the chess pieces but the Red Queen and Queen of Thorns?” said Vivi

“Well, the Red Queen is the active chess board queen, so when it said the White Queen, it had to be the black queen piece. The Queen of Spades’ rival had to be the Queen of Hearts. And a stalemate is usually when the kings are the only ones still on the board and there’s nothing to do,”

“You play a lot of games!” said Kaya

“You have to show us how to play cards one day!” said Penny

“Sure! But we have one more page!”

"I had a dream.
In my dream, I opened a door.
But was that really me?
I had a different name.




5 are true and 4 are lies —
and there are some fibs mixed
in with the truth.

That's 'cause it's scary to write only the truth.
But dreams... dreams are like lies, after all."

“…I’m starting to think Law REALLY has issues,” said Plum

“The Strings Man doesn’t want to make it easy,” said _________________ sighing

“You think you got it?” said Vivi

“Give me a minute, this one’s tough,”

“There’s an inscription!” said Kaya, “’If this is hard, I know it’s true, I will give you one clue. Some letters are abundant, look at those, that’s the only think that should give you repose’,” _____________________ took another look.

“I need paper,” Mr. Reaper handed it to her, “thank you!” she wrote down the X’s and I’s and then her eyes widened and she started writing down the V’s, “Roman numerals!”

“Is there a game with that?!” said Penny

“Kinda! Cabaji plays it with Sister sometimes! He said it’s a fortune telling tool but it’s also a game! But the cards have numbers! I’m glad he put the numbers on the cards because I don’t remember the names!” she lined up the High Priestess, the Star, The Fool, the Moon, and the Hanged Man. The book clicked. The gargoyles moved aside from the gate as it opened.


“Good job!” said Vivi ruffling her

“See! I told you we could do it together!” said Penny

“Duh because we’re actually pretty smart!” said Plum, “Onward to the next level!”

“I hope it’s easier, that one was tough!” said Kaya

The next area was quiet…too quiet. It was also very dark. The girls crept along. Mr. Reaper brought up the rear this time. They girls clasped each other’s hands. ___________________ was still at the forefront. She then stopped when saw something written on the wall.

“‘The man who built it doesn’t want it. The man who bought doesn’t need it. The man who needs it doesn’t know it. Follow the correct path and you won’t end up in it’,”

“W-What does that mean?” said Penny

“No clue…wait there’s more! ‘If you read this aloud, it’s already too late; you have summoned the monsters and opened the gate. You have to follow the path correct, if not then you be at the monster’s subject. The riddle is the key to path you must take, be care now, there is no room for a single mistake!” _________________ covered her mouth! Then they heard growling and laughing behind them. They slowly turned. Creatures emerged from the shadow and started to crawl at them. Penny jumped back, Plum pulled her back, and then they saw ghost coming out of the walls laughing and coming at them, “RUN!” The girls ran as fast as they could all the while trying to ponder the riddle while ducking and dodging Hollows and keeping away from the walls and the shadow monsters. They were too scared to think as they ran through the maze, following Mr. Reaper who guided them through towards the paths. Then Kaya noticed things on the walls, skulls, flowers, and a coffin. Out of curiosity, she touched the coffin and maze laminated for them to see. She ran up before everyone as they made it to the clearing that had three openings, one in the shape of a skull, one of a large flower, and one of a coffin.

“This way!” the girls followed Kaya through the coffin shaped opening and ran through that path. Soon they made it to the gate and it closed behind them and Mr. Reaper. The Hollows and Shadows went away and they looked relieved. The girls all hugged Kaya tightly.

“Good thinking Kaya!” said Vivi

“How did you know the way?!” said Plum

“I noticed the symbols above the doors and the paths. While we ran, I kept thinking of the riddle and it finally hit that they were talking about coffins and that the symbols were the paths we had to take!”

“The answer was coffin?!” said ______________

“Mhm! When a person makes it, it’s usually not for them and they don’t want it because they’re selling it. The person who buys it doesn’t need it as in they’re not going to use it for themselves, and the person who needs it is dead so they don’t know it,”

“Creepy!” said Penny shuddering, “How do you know about coffins?”

“We have a coffin maker in town. He usually lives by himself but I always like to visit him to see how he’s doing. People hate coming to him because usually it’s because they need a coffin for their loved one so Dad usually goes and talks to him and help with preparations,”

“That’s sad! Does everyone avoid him?!” said Plum

“He says he doesn’t mind but likes company! He really likes jokes! People find him a little creepy but he’s used to it. But whenever he does feel lonely he comes over for dinner or tea. He has some of the best stories!”

“I’m going to give him the biggest hug when I see him!” _________________

“He seriously saved us!” said Vivi, “Looks like we have one more door,”

“And it’s the last one, mija,” said the Reaper


“Mhm! This is the final level! You girls really have done it!”

“And those delicious treats are going to be ours!”

“Unless Holly made it,” said Penny

“I hope not, that means she cheated,” said Kaya

“Yeah but this is Holly, we all know she would,” they sighed but tried not to think about it. They went to the door, pried it opened and walked inside.

“Ahhhh~ Little fishies!” the girls stopped to see two men looking at them with interests. One had teal hair, with a longer, darker grey strand framing his left side. His eyes were two different colors; his left eye was a bright yellow, while his right eye is olive. He wears a blue, diamond-like earring on his left ear. The other man looked just like the first only everything opposite, a longer, darker grey strand framing his right side, his right eye was yellow, while his left eye is olive and he wore a blue, diamond-like earring on his right ear. Both wore a black fedora but the one on the left wore a grey bow around it and a purple seashell on the bow while his brother didn’t. His outfit consists of a purple dress shirt with a white bow, a black double-breasted suit, and a cool-toned grey scarf and white gloves. The girls slowly approached them. The pair grinned at them, their yellow eye glowing in the dim light. The Right brother placed his hand over his cheeks and looked at them starting with Penny, A tiger fish, a beta fish, a parrot fish, an angelfish, and a little guppy,”

“Hey!” said ______________. The Left brother chuckled.

“Now, now, these sweet young ladies made it to the final round. I’m sure they have a request for us,” he smiled

“W-We’re here for the final riddle!” said Vivi, “Please?”

“Very well. There are two gates, one to hell and the other to heaven,”

“One of us always speaks the truth and the other always lies but you don’t know which one,” said the Right brother grinning.

“You are allowed only one question and you need to find out the gate to heaven in order if your journey to end,” The girls all huddles together. This one is going to be tough.

“Okay, so one lies and we don’t know who and one of them leads to Heaven where “m guessing where the treats are,” said __________________

“Ask them what’s two plus two!” said Penny, “The one who gets it wrong is the liar!”

“Great idea but that would be our only question and we don’t know where the door to heaven would be,” said Vivi

“I say the one on the left is the liar, he looks so suspicious!” said Kaya, “And he called _______________ a guppy! Rude!”

“It’s okay! Namur calls me that all the time!”

“Still kind of mean!”

“The Left brother could be the liar!” said Penny, “He looks suspicious too!”

“We can’t trust either of them to be honest!” said Vivi, “But we really need to know which door is going to lead us to Heaven,”

“I got it!” said Plum

“Really?!” they exclaimed

“Trust me! I got this!” Plum grinned and looked at the two guards. They looked at her expectantly.

“What would the other guard say if I ask which way is to the hell?” The Eel Demons grinned and pointed to the door on the right, “Alright, then we’re going to the one on the right!”

“A-Are you sure?!” said Kaya

“Yep! Because the honest one will say what his liar brother would and point to the Heaven’s door because he’s lying. Same with the liar, technically it’s not a lie to say what his brother is saying so he’ll answer honestly because he would honestly lie about which door is Hell’s Door!”

“A-Are we right?” said Penny. The two smirked at the girls.

“There’s only one way to find out, Tiger Fish~,” the guards moves aside. The girls peered into the dark void. __________________ took their hands again and with Mr. Reaper close behind, they walked inside. The bothers waited until the door closed.

“Waaaaaaah little girls are so cuuuuuuuuute! Do you think we can take one back with us, Nii-chan~”

“No, sister would in fact kill us but her Boss did give us permission to scare the crap out of a particularly unpleasant one,”

“How is that going by the way?” the older brother grinned sweetly

“The chicken exits have disappeared. If she wants to get the treats that badly, she has to finish the game like everyone else. Shame she’s going to get to the top and not have anything to show for it,”

“Serves her right~”

Cook hated this time of year. Well not hated but she was usually bored out of her skull. Every year she made a TON of treats for the Trick o’ Treaters as a prize for making it through the Haunted Maze and no child has ever made it through, no thanks to Boss. And every year she and the other Maids go from door to door leaving the treats on the doorsteps of the children Boss traumatized. She sighed. Her treats were best eaten nice and hot and with the help of Sanji, they came out so hell this year.

“Hello?” Cook looked up to see five little girls looking at the entrance of her area. She quickly hopped from her perch and bustled to the gate.

“Y-You made it?!”

“Yeah!” said Plum happily

“Hi Miss Cook!” said _____________________

“Your costume is so pretty!” said Kaya

“I am the Kitchen Witch and you little biscuits found my lair! So come on in!” Cook opened the gate and the girls were in absolute awe. There was a long table in the middle of the maze with strings of maple leaf shaped lights that illuminated the maze with soft light. On the table were mountains of treats, apple pies, maple cookies, candied pecans, pecan pies, churros, baked apple crisps, cinnamon cookies, baked apple chips and the main event, a hot apple cider fountain that radiated a smell of tasty hot cider. “Dig in ladies!” The girls scampered inside. Mr. Reaper smiled and went to leave only to have his robes grabbed. He turned. The girls looked at him with large pleading eyes.

“You can’t leave yet!” said Kaya

“You have to share in this!” said Penny

“We wouldn’t have made it this far without you!” said _____________________. He barked a laugh.

“Alright, alright, you pulled my robe, I’ll stay!”


“And I’m pretty sure we can’t make it out without you!” said Plum

“Oh no! You can! Because you made it through, you can take the secret path back to the entrance,” said Cook smiling. The girls happily started to eat their well deserved reward.

“WAAAAAAAH THIS IS AMAZING!” said Plum happily munching on one of the pies.

“I’ve never had hot cider like this and I never want to stop drinking it!” said _________________

“That’s because it’s my special secret recipe!” said Cook smiling

“Try the candied pecans!” said Kaya

“Eat as much as you all like! And I’ll divide it up so you can take them home with you!”

“Thank you Miss Cook!” said Penny

“You’re the best!” said Vivi

“Thank you! I’m just so happy to finally see someone enjoy my treats! They take me a good week to make them and I have to end up giving them to the traumatized children as a peace offering but this year it’s going to be full sized candy!”

“So Holly didn’t make it?”

“She’s still in there,” said Cook, “I’ve been hearing a little screaming like a banshee for the past two hours now,”

“I-Is she okay?”

“Mhm, Boss as a strict no contact when it comes to his haunted maze but scarring a child for life is fair game and sadly she won’t get any of the complimentary treats,”

“…she doesn’t deserve it but why?” said Vivi

“Well, Boss doesn’t like bribery unless he does it,”

“Kind wish we could see her face,” said Plum grinning, “Perfect dessert and show,”

“Schadenfreunde, I love it,” said Cook

“What’s that?” said ________________

“Laughing at another person’s pain or misfortune. It’s not nice but some little girls deserve it,”

“Case in point, Holly,”


“YOU MADE IT!” Perv happily huggled the girls tightly in her arms. The girls had all of their treated divided up in five large bags and their cider in a large container, “You five were the first! You really worked together and overcame the struggles!”

“Thanks to Mr. Reaper!” said ________________

“Yeah! He guided us through like on the River Styx!” said Penny

“Are you sure you don’t want any of the treats?!” said Kaya

“No, no they’re all yours! I was just happy to help,” he said and patted ______________ head fondly. Then the girls noticed they were the only ones left in the carnival. Their parents were waiting. Mr. Reaper guided them to the lot where they said their goodbyes and ran to their cars. ______________ happily bounced to Pops and climbed in with her treats.

“Are you okay?!” said Pops

“MHM! We made it to the finish!”

“Good!” he stuck his head out, “Girls are your rides here?”

“Yes sir!” but Pops still lingered until he was sure that all of the girls were safely in their cars with their parents and guardians before driving back him with his little girl. Back at home, Marco was there waiting with a blanket, cake, and things to make _______________ feel better with Ace. To their surprise, she was smiling and laughing on Pops’ shoulder.

“You survived?!” said Ace

“Yeah! I took the Riddles Path with Vivi, Plum, Penny, and Kaya!”

“And Law I bet!”

“Nope!” Pops put her down, “We did it all together with our brains!” she said proudly

“Well you do have a good head on your shoulders,” said Vista

“I bet the Riddle Path wasn’t as scary!” Ace sulked

“Oh no it was scary! But we soldiered on! Thanks to me playing cards with everyone all the time it easier for me to do my part of the puzzle!”


“See Marco! The Little Lady can handle herself!” said Thatch laughing


“I know you worry so…I can sleep next to you tonight, you know for…extra coverage,”

“…I’d like that,” he said patting her head.

“But I can’t eat all of these treats by myself! Soooooo everyone dig in!”

“Awww kiddo! You didn’t have to!” said Rakugo

“I know but they’re SO yummy! And you guys do nice things for me all the time!” the men dug in and decided to eat the treats. _______________ found Ace wo was still kind of sulking and presented him a candy apple. He glared for a moment before smiling and taking it.

“You have to tell me how it went tomorrow,”

“I will!”

“Thanks, I gave mine to Luffy because he was crying so damn much,”

“Sabo told me so I thought this might make up for it and some of Cook’s cider,”


“It’s the best thing ever!”

“Tch, can’t be better than Thatch’s,” Ace took one sip. Thatch took this as a personal challenge and was determined to know what her secret was but not now, now it was the time for them to enjoy the treats, tell scary stories and fall tales and legends for the rest of the night.

Chapter 73: The Maze Omake: Holly's Nightmare


A Spoilt Little Girl tries to Escape her Nightmare

Chapter Text

Holly and Clarisse stepped into the maze. The maze felt cut off from the rest of the world. It was tall, dim, and silent. As they walked, Clarisse took out her cell phone and tried to get a signal. It was hard to believe that corn maze had a sound barrier but neither of them has noticed.

“Did you bring enough beli?”

“What? Yeah I did. I just want us in and out so we can get that Halloween boutique,”

“You think we can make it in time,”

“Oh we better. We had our spots reserved and if not they’re going to refund it back to your father’s account and I’ll be damned if those little brats get to go to an Ice Cream Social you can’t,”

“I love you Mom,”

“So yeah we have to finish and get back so we can have our makeovers and get those exclusive clothes,”

“Welcome to the first stage!” said the first voice

“We’re happy to introduce you to the Doflamingo Maze of Terror!” said a second voice, “Ooooh~ we have a little catfish and an anglerfish. Don’t worry, we’re going to have a lot of—,”

“Just let her go through,” sighed Clarisse handing over the money to the pair of them, “Just make sure she completes it and get her candy,” she didn’t even bother looking up from her phone. Holly looked at the pair. She couldn’t help but blush, they were very handsome after all but she really wanted to know how they both managed to have a glowing eye. They grinned eerily at the same time.

“Ooh~ Okay, we’ll make sure she’ll get in and out alive and to the finish line,”

“We’re going to need a little more, though,” Clarisse clicked her teeth and took out more when she finally saw what the two men before her looked like. She put away her phone and smiled sweetly.

“Oh…I know my daughter is in good hands now. And since that’s the case, how about we all go somewhere? My treat,”

“Ma’am, aren’t you married?” said the Left Twin

“What’s the harm in a drink or two?” she winked and bit her lip. He smirked.

“If that’s the case, we’ll take you to the parent area so you can wait for your little girl. Just know, me and my brother shares everything,”

“I love the sound of that,”

“Okay catfish, go inside and make it to the next door,” Right Twin winked. Holly nodded, opened the door and slipped inside. As she walked she couldn’t help but scoff at how easy it was to get through this. So far the only jump scares she got were little paper ghost dropping, cutout pumpkins, and things popping up and things like that. She rolled her eyes and followed the paths as followed. Then gradually everything got darker. She kept walking. Soon those treats were going to be hers. She smirked to herself. It was fun being rich and pretty. She could skate through everything. She wished she could see the others girls’ faces being scared and crying. Penny would probably wet herself. She didn’t understand why her and Vivi didn’t even try this method. It was obvious that Penny came from money and Vivi was a princess, she could order her servants to get the treats for her. The little mutt would probably use her pity card to get the treats. She definitely wanted to see her piss her little panties someday. She rounded the corner was greeted to three people. There was a girl pink haired girl floating. She rolled her eyes. She was sure it was just strings. Another girl with an axe for a hand, obvious a fake prosthetic, and then there was a boy in a lab coat similar to Kaya’s. He had large round glasses that reflected and covered his eyes, and the most hideous blue spotted pants she’s ever seen.

“Allow us to introduce ourselves. We’re—,”

“Don’t care, Mom paid you, I’m passing through,” she started towards them to get to the gate. Then she stopped and felt herself feeling terrible, like ever single bit of happiness she’s ever had was gone. She looked up to see dozens of ghosts laughing and smiling at her, “I-I feel…worthless…I-I feel awful…especially at this sad excuse for a maze,”

“Hey you’re barely in the first room!” said Axe Girl.

“I know, let me pass, you already have the money, I just want the treats,”

“This is the Halloween Spirit and you’re tainting it,” said the Surgeon

“Whatever, it’s just about treats and dressing up. If you like…I can pretend I give a shit about this. Like I said you got the money, I’m going to the next room,”

“Final warning, let us introduce ourselves,” said Axe Girl coming up on her, “Or else,”

“Or else what? You’re going to hit me with one of your cheap ass blad—,” Holly screamed as she saw the blade coming down against her neck. She felt the blade connect, she felt her head rolling and she SAW her body and it was MOVING. She was picked up by the hair. She was faced to face with the boy who was smiling at her.


“HORUHORUHORUHORU! You’re really stupid aren’t you?” said the ghost girl floating down in front of her, “No one can hear you!”

“No one is coming to save you~” said the Axe Girl

“No one cares, it’s just you and us in here. Why do you think everyone stayed in groups?” said the Surgeon Boy, “It’s dangerous to be in this place alone,”

“B-But the money! M-My mom…she was suppose to pay you!”

“You think we can be bought with bribes? We’re demons after all, we do this for fun! You want those treats right? You have to earn it,” the boy tossed her head up and batted it into the Axe Girl who caught it and spun it around a bit.

“You can’t just get something for nothing. That isn’t how it works!” she was thrown again and caught by the Ghost Girl who looked at her face with disgust.

“So uncute! Let me see if I can fix this,” she then proceeded to try and make up her face Holly turned her head to and fro to get away from the girl. Then she felt a very hard smack, then another, then another.


“You’re messing up my work that’s what’s going on!”


“You whine a lot for an ugly head,” Ghost Girl sighed and turned her around, “See, happy now?” Axe Girl was holding her down as the Surgeon proceeded to paddle her butt over and over and harder and harder. Holly screamed and cried and tried to manipulate her body. She couldn’t stop herself.


“Surgeon! Cut it out! The head keeps squirming! It’s distracting!”

“Well if it’s not cooperating, then let me have it,” she tossed the head to him. He caught it. Holly felt sick. The movement was making nauseous. He then guided her towards, “If she doesn’t want to keep still, she can always join the others,”

“O-Others?” The Surgeon craned her head. Holly screamed in horror, there was dozens of slugs with people’s heads attached to them moving and slithering above head; their eyes moving and darting pleadingly as if asking for help or the sweet release of death. She could hear some of them gurgling and looking at her. Before she could say something; the Surgeon dropped her head into a vat of slimy, slithering slugs. She screamed as she spats out mucus and feeling the slugs covering her head. She cried and screamed as one particularly large slug came close to her mouth. She tried to roll her head away but the mucus coated her whole head making it hard to even maneuver. The slug darted and crawled into her mouth. She could feel it slithering down her throat and she powerless to do anything. But then she was rescued in time. She was then reattached as if nothing happened. She was panting and sobbing and immediately ran to the Chicken Exit, crying for her mother. The exits were locked.


“No can do catfish,” said the Right Twin. She whipped around to see the two brother from before. But this time they looked more vicious than before. Both of their strange gold eyes glowed in the darkness and their sharp teeth were now clearly visible, “You decided to play the game, so you have to play to the end~”

“For as long as it takes~” said the Left Twin, “You have three more rooms to go lovely,”

“And each is more horrifying than the last,”

“N-NO! Please! D-Don’t make me!”

“You should have thought about that before your life decisions,” said the Surgeon with the slug in his hands, “You have twenty seconds before I make a home for this slug. Ten…Nine…”


“FIVE…FOUR…” Holly ran as fast as she could to the next door, pulled opened the gate and ran inside. Baby 5 and Perona giggled. Law however went out the back exits towards the next room with the twins following behind.

“Soooooo what did she do to make Law mad?” said Perona looking at the other girl, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen him this upset before~”

“Oh, messed with Lesser. Don’t blame him that’s why I’m here,”

“Is Lesser your Mom?”

“No, but she and the maids are close enough; but Law is super close to her like a mom. He’s been pissed since. It’s super scary!”

Holly could feel her heart pounding in her chest. The next room was quiet. She took a very deep sigh of relief and started to walk through it. She then felt very uneasy, extremely uneasy. She felt as though she was being watched. She shook off the feeling and soldiered on. It was just a stupid maze. Nothing in here could harm her, right? This was the next room and it was suppose to be worse than the last by HOW could it be worse?!

“Tch, maybe Mom bribed these people too. It’ll be easier at least,” she then heard footsteps in front of her. She followed them and saw a familiar figure and shape of a little girl. She was happily walked through the maze like it was nothing albeit a little cautious. Holly sneered, “YOU! You dirty mutt! Let me guess you got lost and decided to make friends with everyone using your pity party, Orphan Annie?!” the figure smiled at her and ran off. She glared and ran after her, “I KNEW you had something to do with this nasty mutt!” the girl ran faster, bringing her deeper and deeper into the maze and then ran through the gate. It slammed shut. Holly jumped and looked back. She went to try the door but it was locked, of course. She then looked around at the walls and her heart dropped to her stomach. There was a strange mural all around the walls. There was something unsettling about it. There were people with deformities all around, not just regular ones, like hybrids of people, grotesque animals, demons and other horrible things. She backed away. She wasn’t afraid…it was just a picture and pictures couldn’t hurt you. She then saw someone tried to open the door to the next room. She sneered, “So you got separated from the other losers? Ha! Serves you right! I bet you had all of this planned in some way!” she was ignored as the figure tried to get the door opened, “Awww wittle mwutt too weak to owpen the dwoor?” the little girl pulled back and then looked up and pointed to a balance beam. Holly looked at it and then placed two and two together with a few of the images on the mural. The little girl started climbing to get to the beam, “OH NO YOU DON’T!” she grabbed her leg and yanked her off the ladder, “If anyone is getting out of here it’s going to be ME!” Holly climbed to the top and was now in front of the balance beam. She kicked off her shoes and hopped on. She started to walk across and followed the pattern of one of the people on the mural. She looked down. The little girl watched with interest but then pointed to the last image. Holly was on her hands and glanced over. The image was the dismount onto the floor. She smirked and did so, but instead dismounting on the left, she did the right, right into a floor of tacks. Holly screamed in agony. The little girl immediately tried to help her get the tacks out of her shoes, which resulted in being kicked in the face, “GET AWAY FROM ME! YOU SHOULD HAVE TOLD ME WHICH SIDE YOU STUPID BITCH!”

“Ara, ara~ It’s so easy to blame some for your own shortcomings isn’t it?” someone tittered. Holly’s shoes flew in front of her. She leapt up, wincing but her eyes darted around.

“W-Who said that?! S-Show yourself!”

“Doesn’t matter. But it seems like you love to blame everything going wrong with you on this little poppet,”

“Tch, that’s because she’s useless for the most part! She can speak! She’s just being stupid for some reason! I can make it out of here WITHOUT her help,”

“Oh, want to put it to the test? I’ll give you a task and the winner gets to leave and the other stays?” the figure nodded. Holly smirked.

“Alright, what do we have to do?” the voice made herself known. She was a beautiful woman with large breast, long wavy black hair, and beautiful violet eyes. She had a devil horns, a tail, and a skin tight outfit.

“Since you both seem to be light a nimble, how about a race?”

“A race?”

“Mhm, just around room and then to the door. First one to the door gets to leave,” Holly grinned but then she faltered and puts on her best pathetic face.

“M-May I get a head start please? My feet are still sore from the tacks. Please?” the Demoness smiled sweetly.

“Of course! You get a thirty second head start. Alright ladies, have fun and know that the crowd will be cheering!”

“Crowd?” suddenly there was a cheering crowd of people. Through the dark she saw mysterious dark silhouettes of people cheering and crowing and clapping.

“Ready, Set, GO!” Holly ran and winced a bit but ran. The tacks didn’t hurt as much as they should have but she knew she could soldier through it. The crowd was cheering for her. She beamed and kept running. Then she stopped when she saw something flying at her. A knife wedged into the wall. She screamed and it distracted her enough to stop and the little girl ran past her. Holly glared and ran faster when another knife came at her. She jumped again, putting the little girl far into the lead. The crowd started jeering her.


“Seriously! You had a head start! Hurry up!”

“B-But I can’t the knives!”

“No excuses!” Holly regained herself and ran after the little girl who was running a lot slower than usual. She saw a piece of glass on the ground and a cruel smirk etched on her face. She ran has fast as she could until she was close to the little girl. She then tripped her and as she tumbled, she took the glass and jammed it into her knee. The little girl cried out a blood curdling scream and Holly ran past her. She was going to make it out of here and get her reward! She was a few feet away when something flew past her. She looked up to see the little girl with her hand on the door; a sinister smile was on her face.

“Ara, ara, such a pity. I guess we have to do the punishment game~”

“W-What?! Why! I was perfect! I was so close!”

“You cheated by then it came back to you. Sad but looks like she’s the winner and gets to leave,” the Demoness gave the little girl the key.

“I’LL BE DAMNED IF THAT’S SO!” Holly ran over and snatched the key from her hands and kicked her in the chest. She jammed the key into the gate and it didn’t open. She twisted it and turned it and nothing. She turned ________________ around only for her body to fall limp. She wasn’t a real person by a puppet. The puppet laughed manically. Holly jumped back, “W-What’s going on?!”

“The Punishment Game. You cheated therefore you get punished~”

“I-I…I didn’t cheat! I would never cheat! She fell on her clumsy feet and she’s not even REAL! SHE’S A PUPPET!”

“You did, because they saw you,” all at once the images of the mural eyes focused on her. Holly’s heart pounded out of her chest. She looked around, eyes darting everywhere and that when they started to crawl off the mural. She screamed and all at once they made a grab at her, pinching and hitting her as she crawled to escape, every time she got to the exit, the puppet was right there ready to attack her. The woman laughed at the sight.

“Now will you finally confess to trying to get rid of the competition and just overall being a little shit? I mean it can all stop with one little word,”

“P-Please stop this! They’re going to tear me to pieces!”

“Then apologize or perish,”

“I-I’m the victim—wait! I’M NOT APOLOGIZING TO A STUPID PUPPET! SHE—IT’S NOT EVEN REAL!” the puppet growled before coming at her with a knife. Something held her down as he took it’s little knife and held it over her eyes. She screamed, “OKAY, OKAY I TRIED TO CHEAT! I’M SORRY! LET ME GO!”

“Why?” she looked up to see the Surgeon again. The creatures backed away from her. Her clothes were in tatters and she has bruises and scratches all over her. She backed away from him.

“W-Why what?!”

“Why did you try to hurt an innocent girl? Trying to win is one thing but hurting someone is just overkill,”

“I don’t have to explain myself! No one knows how she really is! It’s just an act to get pity from everyone,” Holly sneers.

“Looks to me the marionette was a great dancer despite it all,” said the demon woman


“So that’s the reason. Jealousy,”


“SHE’S NOT A MUTT!” said the Surgeon, “And if you want to act like a bitch, BE ONE!” Holly was hacked into pieces. The Surgeon went inside the fray. The Demoness watched on interest as the creatures moved aside. Holly looked around. She felt things being sliced, hacked and everything in between. She was poked and prodded and she felt dizzy and disoriented. Then everything went black. She couldn’t see anyone but she could hear voices. The two women gasped.

“Shiiiiiiiit that’s disgusting,” Demoness recoiled, “I love it!” Axe Girl screamed.

“I’ve always wanted a bitch girl in my show~” said the Succubus who appeared out of nowhere. Holly’s blood ran cold.

“S-Show?! Wh-What show?!” she snapped her fingers and things started to change in a weird swirl of color and ghosts. Holly felt herself being dragged and pulled before she was finally she was left alone in the dark. Then a spotlight hit her. She shielded her eyes.

“Ladies and Gentlemen! Boys and Girls! We have a special treat for all of you tonight!” she looked up to see Succubus and Demoness dressed like sexy ringmasters, the Succubus in black and green stripes and the Demoness was in red and black stripes.

“Witness the most grotesque creature that has ever graced our stage!” said Succubus, “And we have given you all some sick shit before! But have you ever witnessed something like this? I think not!”

“We hae given you the human rat, the horrors of the slug girl, the horrifying manticore, but nothing to make you sick to your stomachs…until NOW! She came from the deepest depth of the darkest minds of your imagination, she came from the bowels of your own ass, she came from the bowels of a dog’s ass if we can be honest!” said Succubus

“Pregnant women and children should stand back in order to not be scared for life by this monstrosity! Gather around to meet the one and only Dog Girl!” the lights turned completely on and it was the first time Holly saw herself in the reflexive in what she now figured out was a pen. She screamed at the horror she saw. It was her, she KNEW it was her but it was the body she didn’t recognize! Her bones and body was contorted and twisted to look like a dog’s and it merged with her body giving her paws, a doglike face, a tail, and ears. She screamed and cried and tried to run away but she couldn’t get used to her dog/ human body. People laughed at her. They pointed and they were laughing.

“Poor thing! She’s too deformed to move!”

“You would think a half human girl would be cute like in an anime but seriously this is disgusting,”

“Awww she’s so ugly! I mean I think she’ll be a cute guard dog,”

“How so?”

“Scaring her victims away!” more laughter

“Oh my god she smells!”

“You think she farted? Dog farts are vile!”

“I think that’s her natural smell!”

“She’s hideous!”

“I wonder if she could dance~”

“I-I can dance! And I’m not a do—bleh!” Holly watched in horror as a slug fell from her mouth and landed on the ground. She screamed as she belched another creature, this time a slimy rat, she went to speak again and another slugs came out. The spectators were in awe and soon started snapping pictures and photos. Every time Holly tried to talk something vile and slimy came with it. The Surgeon appeared.

“Dogs don’t talk they bark! Every time you speak like a human this happens! Learn your place you mutt!” he placed a leash on her and guided her out. The spectators laughed.

“Come and feed the little puppy!” said Succubus, “And let’s see if she can learn a trick or two!” she was around by the leash as she was kicked and shoved and biscuits were thrown at her being demanded to do a trick. The Surgeon looked at her. He yanked her leash and held up a biscuit.

“Beg!” Holly looked at him. He yanked on the leash and presented the bone, “Beg!” she complied and got on her hinge legs and barked. He gave her the bone. It was absolutely delicious. He continued this humiliation with fetch, roll over, and speak. The crowd roared and cheered and she broke down into tears, “Bored now,” he yanked the leash fell off her neck, “I’ll give you a head start. If you can make it to the next room, I won’t have Axe Girl give you a poodle cut and I’ll teach you to pee on a tree with a shock collar,”

“And I’ve never groomed a dog before!”

“And since you’re a dog, all fours only. Hurry up,” Holly didn’t need to be told twice as she run as fast as her four legs could carry her. She then heard footsteps behind and saw the Surgeon running after her. She screamed and ran faster and the moment she got to the door, it flipped, flipping inside into the dark void. The Surgeon stopped. Axe Girl laughed hard.

“Good one!”

“Yeah but she has one more room left and Left and Right Twin are taking care of it. There’s nothing I could do that would be as horrible as what they’re going to do,”

“What in the hell did she did to deserve this?” said Ghost Girl landing.

“She knows what she did,” said the Surgeon cracking his back, “I’m going to take a break,”

“Saaaaaaame that was fun but I’m tired,”

“Waaaaaah I have sweaty breasts and not the good kind!” said Succubus

“I told you wear a more breathable bra,” said Demoness

“But I wanted to look seeeeeeexy!”

“For who?!” said the Surgeon, “there’s literately no one here!”

“You’d never know when the Reaper comes~”

“Fufufufu I’m impressed “Surgeon”,” the young boy cringed at the new voice who was behind the girl marionette, “I don’t even I’ve ever seen you this, brutal before. I like it. Reminds me of a younger me~”

“Don’t rope me in with you,” he growled.

“Ara, ara, leave him alone Boss~” said the Demoness, “He’s taking his job seriously,”

“My ass he is. He’s doing it for his family,”

“You’re not my family, the Maids are an exception,”

“And his future wifey~”

“I knew it!” said the Puppet Master, “As god as my witness I’m going to make sure you get your little dick wet!”


Holly opened and slammed the door tight. She was panting and sobbing. She didn’t know what was going to happen now and she was terrified. She’s never felt this level of fear and terror. She was shaking and trembling but then she saw a beckon of hope. She saw familiar blond hair, red nails, and a voice trying to get some kind of a signal. She ran as fast as she could.

“MOM!” the woman turned. Her face was hidden in the darkness but she KNEW this was her mother. She went to run into her arms.

“GET THIS NASTY CREATURE AWAY FROM ME!” Clarissa kicked and hit at Holly


“MY DAUGHTER IS A BEAUTIFUL LITTLE THING! GET AWAY FROM ME!” Holly started to cry and tried her best to see her.

“MOM! Pl—bleh—it’s me! I’ve been cur—bleh—sed! I want to go home!” When her mother turned, Holly screamed. Clarisse’s face had multiple eyes all over her face and looked more like a spider than anything. Clarissa then realized that this was in fact her child.


“WHAT—bleh—about you?!”

“Awww Catfish and Anglerfish doesn’t like my surprise!” Clarisse and Holly jumped back. Clarisse stood up but Holly couldn’t.

“Holy stand up straight! Don’t bow to him!”

“I can’t! If—bleh—I do I might be punished—bleh—again!”


“She barks too much. Surgeon, show her how hard it is,” Holly suddenly felt a little better but noticed she was taller and could see in several different places at once. She then looked down to see a lowly creature at her feet. She screamed causing her own body to look up and then she screamed as well.

“Wow, just in time,” said Right Twin

“W-What now?! Change us back!”

“That’s not up to us, unfortunately,” said Left Twin, “But your mother did agreed to having a little fun with us and she already made a proposal to one of us but to did it the wrong person and well…he wants his bride,” on another voice appeared. Then a man slithered into the room. He was unkempt, filthy, and slimy. He hadn’t showered in years and his was literately a slug man with the feelers and sticky mucusy trail.

“Heh heh heh heh! I’ve always wanted a beautiful girl as my wife to cook and clean for me! And I also have a little girl to be my new daughter! A perfect playmate for my sons and daughters!”

“I-IN YOUR—bleh—DREAMS! I WOULDN’T EVEN TOUCH SOMEONE LIKE—,” she was then shoved into the nasty smelly man. He gave her cheek a very long very slippery lick. Holly screamed wiping her face and ran to her mother.

“Hehehehehe, I bet you would really want this to stop, do you?” said the Right Twin, “I mean it’s been only about three hours and you’re still not finished. It’s kind of a drag, don’t you think?”

“Make it stop! Now!” shouted Clarisse, “Why are WE being punished?!”

“Well, you see, we can’t really stop any of this,” said the Left Twin

“And you were the ones who said as long as she finishes the maze~” said the Right Twin, “We can be persuaded if you like,”

“…How? I offered you…my pussy what more do you want?!”

“Unless you want to make a little deal with a an old friend of ours~” said Right Twin, “Or we can make the wedding preparation and child making tonight~”

“I-I don-don’t—bleh—even know HOW that works!” said Holly

“Your mother knows all about it. I’m pretty sure she can show you how it’s done,” Left Twin chuckled in his gloved hand.

“Now, now brother, a little girl wouldn’t know the acts of lovemaking to her future husband. I guess he’ll just have to teach her or just start slow,” the snail man came closer to her. Before anything could be done, Holly felt strange again and she was back in her own body as the large slug man engulfed her mother’s mouth, who screamed and cried out. Holly backed away into Right Twin who had a large slug in his hand that went after her face.

“Be nice to your brother! He needs your head a host!” the slug latched onto her face. Holly ripped it off and ran as fast she could to escape but none of the exits were opened. She could hear her mother screaming as the giant slug engulfed her in its slime.


“BU-BUT MOMM—bleh!”



“Anything~? Titillating,”

“Very tempting~ What do you think, Nii-chan?!”

“Sounds like a lovely offer. We can anything we like from her it seems. Her heart, her lungs, her voice, her eyes, everything is fair game at this point,”

“Mhm~ so we can plunge this knife inside and take it all?” Right Twin balanced a knife on the tip of his finger. Holly felt her blood running cold.

“Surgeon isn’t here. Put that away. If she decides to make the deal it’s not up to us, we’re not Dealmakers, but our friend is, if you want to this to stop you both have to make it to the final room,” Right Twin’s face lit up!

“He’s here?!”

“Mhm!” the door swung opened.


“Nope, just get to the door before the hourglass empties,” Left Twin flipped the glass and in an instant, Clarisse broke away and ran for the door. Holly ran after her, both slipping from the mucus and Holly incapable of walking normally. Then like clockwork, they slid into the gate in time as the door slams.

“Well this is out of our hands now,” said Left Twin

“Awww but I wanted to play some more,” whined Right Twin

“I know, I know but patience and let him deal with it,”

“Little Goby and the Fancy Fishes are really out to get them aren’t they? I love it,”

“At first it was for Onee-chan and that’s still true but Demoness said it was for the sake of his little girlfriend. Apparently she was being bullied by that girl and he’s had it too,”

“Was she one of the riddle girls?! Who was it?! Tsuki? I bet it was Tsuki!”

“She seemed a little soft, I guess it’s probably Mokusei,”

“Mokusei is so rough around the edges though!”

“Maybe he likes tough girls. Or a balance of the two. Suisei was cute and dressed like a doctor! I think it was her,”

“Oh no, it was the cute Kinsei,” said Demoness giggling, “They’re attached at the hip,”

“Waaaaaaah!!! That’s so cute!” said Right Twin


“Eeeek! Look at this mess!” said another voice, “I-I don’t have to clean all of this up…do I?”

“Of course not sweetie! You’ve been an excellent help in all of this! Boss is hiring a cleaning crew for this and we’re all going to take a break,”

“Until daylight, right?”

“Mhm~ just keep all of the things jammed and make sure everyone is home and hide the car and keep Lesser busy. It’s been a long night and she has to do the traumatized children duty,”


The man looked up from his book. Holly approached him. She felt low, especially with the way she looked. Under normal circumstances, she wouldn’t be so nervous but this was a desperate time. He had lavender, wavy hair that is styled longer on the left with the back shaved. His eyes were also the same silvery-blue as his hair and he wore a pair of silver glasses. He had a beauty mark below his lip on the left side of his face. He was wearing a black fedora with a grey bow around it. His outfit consists of a white dress shirt, a grey coat over an unbuttoned black double-breasted suit, a cool-toned grey scarf, and white gloves.

“I don’t usually accept deals from children but you seem desperate enough to give me what I need,”

“W-What—bleh—do you want—bleh—from me?”

“Dear girl, I think you have it backwards, it’s what do you want from me,” the man said with a devious smile.

“I want to get out of here with my—bleh—mother! Change—bleh—us back! I don’t want to be a dog! I—bleh—don’t want to have slug—bleh—for siblings! My mother will—bleh—be a laughingstock! I want—bleh—want to stop coughing up—bleh—slugs and rats! I promise—bleh—I’ll never step—bleh—on foot in this place again! Please! Let us out! ”

“That can be arranged. But I’m going to need something in return. You’re a dancer I hear,”

“A-Anything but that!” he chuckled.

“Perish the thought! I’m a fair man I just want a talent of yours that you probably aren’t even aware you have,”


“A small little talent that’s all I want and in exchange, you and your mother can go to the final room and permitted to go before daylight tomorrow,”

“BLEH! R-Really?”

“Mhm you’ll be back home, back to your normal life and this will be a nightmare. Nothing more, nothing less,”

“That’s it?”

“Mhm, your talent will belong to me, you leave this place, and if you ever want this talent back, you’re going to have to come back here without anyone and make it back to me once more but I’m pretty sure you don’t want to live this again when they’re older,”

“I don’t—bleh—care! I just want to leave this—bleh—nightmare!”

“Very well,” a golden glowing contract appeared in front of her along with a golden quill. She went to grab it. But the quill floated up away from her. She went to touch it and it pricked her. Blood dripped onto the glowing paper; words appeared on it and on the dotted line, her signature. The contract rolled up and went to the man who smiled. Holly went back to normal. She was beautiful, sweet, and lovely again. She went to talk again.

“D-Did it work?”

“You ask me,”

“I hate that stupid mutt, I hate that ugly little orphan Annie, with his really cute brother…I’m cured!”

“Not quite, this is the last room before the end. You just have to make it to the end with your mother and you don’t have to face the last horrors. But remember, we’ll be watching, so don’t do anything particularly unpleasant,” she nodded and ran to find her mother who had her curse lifted as well and together they hurried to the other side of the long but lighted path to lead them to their exit.

“Do you think they’re going to make it?” said the Right Twin

“Oh, they will but they’ll be right back through the door for the final nightmare,” said the Left Twin, “People like that are too set in their ways,”

“You two really do seem to be enjoying yourselves,” said the Dealmaker

“We are! It’s the season after all~” said the Right Twin, “And it’s a personal favor to goby~”

Holly and Clarisse opened the door. There was a woman beyond the gate. Holly looked relieved as she ran towards it and rattled it. The woman opened it and smiled pleasantly.

“I am the kitchen witch! Welcome to the end of your journey! I hope you had fun! Please have a seat and—,”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah where are the treats!”

“Oh, well I’m sorry but all of the treats are gone, unfortunately,”

“WHAT?!” the pair screeched

“Five little girls came before you! They won their maze and collected their prize. What they didn’t eat they took home with them. Little sweet lambs. You’re the second group to complete it so count yourselves lucky! But all is not lost! I do have a consolation prize for you!” It was right then and there that Holly and Clarisse lost it.



“Well, I did have a consolation prize for those who did come afterwards, a six month supply of full size bars but you can just forget it now,” said the Kitchen Witch smiling deviously, “So please, turn around and leave. There’s a path that’ll take you right—,” Clarisse’s hand went up. It was stopped. The Kitchen Witch smile turned very dark. She squeezed and crushed the woman’s wrist. Clarisse screamed and tried to get through. Holly glared and went behind to kick the woman but her foot was stopped in mid air. She hopped on one foot as she was pulled and dragged through the gate along with her mother.

“Fufufufufufu, you really didn’t leave your lessons, have you?” they turned. The Demons, the Surgeon, the Demoness, and now a new figure was right behind them. The man had a very demonic face with a feathered pink boa, and a large sinister smile. Before they could react, they were grabbed by invisible strings, “I guess some more punishment is in order~”

“Kitchen Witch, you want in on this?” said Demoness

“With pleasure. I’m guessing you’re going to do the final room,”

“NO! PLEASE!” Holly screamed, “I made a deal! He said we can go home!”

“Yes he did,” said Left Twin, “Before daylight when the sunrises on the next day. It is currently midnight. And sunrise isn’t for another six hours, lucky for us, not for you,” the pair was dragged back into the maze and gates snapped closed in a clank. The Kitchen Witch sighed.

“You’d think they learned their lesson by now,”

“People like that are rotten to the core,” said the Demoness, “But did you really run out of treats,”

“Mhm, all except for the one for our little Maze workers!”

“You’re the best!” said the Succubus

“But our little Surgeon gets all of the cider he can drink for being a good boyfriend and son~” his cheeks went red.

“Not you too!”

“Awww! But it’s so cute to see you defending your mommy and wifey~” said Demoness while she, Kitchen Maid, and Succubus snuggled him.

“Seriously you’re too cute for this world!” said Kitchen Witch

“I knew there was a spark there!”

“There’s not! It’s not like that!”

“I know, I know but have some cider so you can get some rest,”

In the morning, Mr. Crewe was greeted to an unusually quiet house. Neither his wife or daughter were around and usually this wouldn’t worry him, mainly because usually they were out early getting some kind of beauty treatment done or shopping but Clarisse’s purse was in her bedroom and Holly’s was in hers. He still wasn’t too worried but when he saw the door opening and two very tired, dirty creatures were at his doorstep, he knew something wasn’t right. He opened the door and the pair scrambled inside. He went to speak.

“Don’t speak,” Clarisse growled. She had her cell phone in hand. She snapped at the housekeeper, “Prepare us a bath immediately!”

“Yes Ma’am,” Holly was bathed and clothed and neither of them spoke for the rest of the day. Mr. Crewe and the other staff were happy for the reprieve. It gave him more of an opportunity to get work done and finish the preparations for the ice cream social. Clarisse locked herself in her room and promptly went to sleep. Holly couldn’t. She was too scared to sleep, in fact, she ordered for a light on the entire night. She couldn’t get any of that out of her head. Was it a dream? It could have been a dream. But none of that made sense. It was a stupid carnival and she and her mother were found in the middle of the corn field covered in ants and slugs and that could have explained the nightmares about the slugs and snails. She decided to occupy her mind with something else and grabbed her sketchbook. She smirked and flipped through it, relishing the pictures of her idiot classmates drawn terribly. She was going to enjoy drawing them in their “real” forms. When she placed the pencil to the paper, she realized that she didn’t even know where to start. She tried to think about how to draw but she couldn’t. She saw the image in her head but she couldn’t put it on paper. Her eyes widened. No…NO! She tried to draw but she couldn’t! She couldn’t even draw a straight line! She then noticed something on her nightstand that wasn’t there before, a small gold shell with a note attached that said “Paid in Full”. She started shaking. It wasn’t a nightmare. It wasn’t a nightmare at ALL. She looked at her window and she could swore she saw three sets of eyes looking at her, two were glowing gold and the other one looked cold and dead that hide behind a pair of reflective glasses and holding up a large slug. She screamed and ran out of her bedroom.

Chapter 74: The Great Harvesting


The Little Girl helps with the Harvest and finds a Mystery

Chapter Text

__________________ woke up and stretched. She could smell what could only be described as the smells of autumn. She could smell apples, cinnamon, and the warm crisp air. She smiled, got dressed, freshened up and trotted downstairs. She was greeted to a large breakfast of apple flavored everything.

“This looks so good!” she said happily digging in

“Too good, what are you guys planning?!” said Ace looking apprehensive.

“Jeez boy! Can we just make a nice apple themed meal, you ungrateful little shit!” said Izo

“I still think it’s a trap!”

“Who cares, apples!” said _________________ happily

“See? Why can’t you take a carefree attitude like __________________?” said Vista

“Because the smallest things make her happy! She doesn’t know or care that there’s an ulterior motive!”

“We actually have a job for you kids,” said Pops coming down for breakfast. She and Ace looked up, “For the rest of this month weekdays and weekends we’re going to go help with harvesting everyone’s vegetables, grains, everything,”

“I knew it!”

“For the weekdays, it’ll be after your lessons,” said Marco, “It’s going to be a lot of hard work but I know you all can handle it,”

“Payment is all of the apples, honey and the fruits of the harvest you two can eat. And kids should always have some good ol’ fashion hard work,”

“Sounds like fun!” said ___________________

“And apples just sweeten the deal,” said Ace

“Of course we’re recruiting Luffy and Sabo so they’ll be staying here more,”

“We should just make two beds and be done with it,” said Blenheim

“They’re here almost every day,” said Speed Jill

“Yeah but Garp really wants Luffy with Dadan,”

“Like Luffy deserves that punishment!” said Ace

“I wonder why,” said _________________

“Apparently Ace is a bad influence,” said Fossa

“Pffft! I don’t know why I’m the bad guy here!”

“You just bitched about an apple breakfast being an ulterior motive,” said Namur

“And was I wrong?! No!” so bright and early, approximately five the next morning, the kids were up and ready to pick apple in the orchard. Mrs. Ringo, the owner of said orchard, genetically crossed her apples to be picked right before the snow fall so they could be at their best for canning and storing so they can be at their freshest, sweetest, and best.

“Okay kids, we’ll leave you to it,” said Marco

“Where are you guys going?!” said Ace

“Get some breakfast and get the canning supplies ready. Don’t worry, we’ll help you two later but do your bests,” Ace frowned when he saw them driving off. He was about to retort when the older woman hobbled out. He tensed up. Mrs. Ringo was an small elderly woman who lived alone but had an orchard that’s been in her family for ages.

“Hi dears! It’s nice to finally see your young faces! Marco was telling me all abou you! Thank you for picking my apples for me,”

“Anytime ma’am,” Ace said sheepishly.

“ACE! __________________!” Both were tackled and hugged by Luffy who was grinning from ear to ear.

“Morning Luffy! Morning Sabo!” said __________________

“Ugh! How can you be so cheerful this early?!” said Ace

“Well he didn’t really sleep much because he’s excited about apple picking!” said Sabo laughing, “Good Morning, ma’am!”

“Moring old lady!” said Luffy. Mrs. Ringo chuckled.

“Well now that you’re all here, here’s your task! Just pick the apples and set them in front of the barn and please be very careful, the apples are very delicate and can bruise easily if they’re handled roughly. So don’t shake the tree to make them fall because they will bruise and I know I won’t have these canned in one day,”

“Yes ma’am!”

“You can count on us!” the kids looked at the tall trees.

“This is gonna suck,” said Ace, “She pretty said we can’t just shake the tree, that was my first option,”

“And Luffy needs to be watched in case he gets ideas,” said Sabo


“That’s what you get for always eating!” said Ace

“You eat more than me! And you’ll probably sneak more apples!”

“Of course but I can’t pinch apples from a sweet old woman!”

“Hmmmm I think I have an idea and it’ll get us into some training,” The boys looked at her, “Ace and Sabo can pick and throw them as Luffy who can inflate his stomach and they can land safely in the basket. I can catch any stray ones and change out the baskets. That way we can get this done faster and then we can change positions from tree to tree!”

“…That’s a good idea!” said Ace

“It shouldn’t take long. Let’s time it!” said Sabo

“Let’s say two hours!” said ___________________

“Pfft we can probably do it in an hour in a half!” said Ace

“Probably three!” said Sabo

“Okay, whoever is the closest everyone will owe them one favor!”

“What about me?!” said Luffy

“Because you’re going to say something stupid,”


“Fine how long do you think it’ll take?!”

“Four hours!”

“See stupid!”

“Alright, ready?” said Sabo, “Set go!” they wasted no time getting their plan into action. Ace and Sabo picked and threw, Luffy inflated and _______________ grabbed all incoming apples. They were soon done with one tree and moved on to the next. __________________ climbed up and Ace climbed down and they resumed their game. Soon half the orchard was picked.

“Okay, how long was that?” said Ace

“Two hours,” said _________________

“HA! Told you it’ll be four!” said Luffy

“I’ll be Damned if that’s so! Let’s speed it up!”

“No, remember, we can’t bruise them!” Ace begrudgingly continued at their same pace until the entire orchard was done. Luffy looked at the all with a smug smile of triumph.

“Don’t be so cocky!” said Ace

“You all owe me a favor! I can’t wait to use this!” Mrs. Ringo came out and was surprised to see barrels upon barrels of apples in front of her barn.

“You’re finished! Goodness! Thank you kids! Here, take barrel for yourselves!” at that moment, Marco came back and saw their handiwork. He grinned and congratulated them.

“Okay, I’ll take you all back, except you, ____________________ you have class today,”

“Awww let her skip!” said Luffy, “We’re all tired!”

“It’s okay! I can sleep when I get home!”

“Unless there’s another insidious task you have in store for us!” said Ace

“Well you did the apples so you’re all free to go, but tomorrow, we’re going to have more tasks for you, yoi,” the kids were loaded into the truck. Thatch made them each tamagoyaki with salmon. They ate and __________________ grabbed a few of the apples for her friends. Marco dropped the boys off and then took her to school, “Pops will pick you up today. We’re going to be busy for the next few weeks so it’ll be random or just him,”


“Have fun! Study hard!” she hopped out of the car and ran inside. The girls were already at their desks getting ready for their first lessons before their routines.

“Morning guys!”

“Morning!” she happily trotted to her friends and plopped next to Vivi and then happily presented them their prize.

“Here I got these for everyone!”

“Apples?!” said Kaya

“They look good!” said Vivi

“Mhm! I just picked them this morning! Everyone in my town and a few islands has started harvesting before winter and we’re all been helping! Mrs. Ringo gave me, Ace, Luffy, and Sabo a barrel since we finished fast so I took a few to give to you guys!”

“You’re awesome!” said Plum grabbing one

“Apple picking during the week? Lucky! We usually go on a weekend!” said Kaya

“Apple picking?” said Penny

“It’s where you pick apples in the fall! Its fun and you get to take some home with you to eat and make things with,”

“Yeah we can’t really do that in Alabastor,” said Vivi, “No woods,”

“Wait, people pick apples for entertainment?”

“MHM! I think you have to pay for the apples you pick,”

“Wow…that’s interesting,” said ___________________, “We picked them because it’s the harvest so they can be canned and stored for later,”

“That’s more practical,” said Plum

“And better than just entertainment!” said Kaya. The door flew opened. Holly came in and looked absolutely wrecked. She had dark circles under her eyes and looked as though she hadn’t slept in days or at least properly. She dragged her bag through the classroom and went to the back of the room and saw and puts her head down. She’s been like this for the last two weeks after the Maze. They automatically assumed that things didn’t turn out well in the maze. They left her alone and when they saw that she was looking even worse. It affected her dancing a lot. __________________ still tried to remain civil with the girl and went over with an apple.

“Would you like an apple Holly? Just picked!”

“They’re so sweet!” chimed Penny putting one on her desk.

“There’s a few tart ones if you don’t like sweet,” said Kaya

“I don’t eat apples, especially not some that were handled by some poor orphan!”

“Can’t you seriously stop being a bitch!” said Plum

“It’s just an apple!” said Vivi

“I don’t care! I don’t eat apples!” Holly shoved the apple off her desk and placed her coat over her head. Plum grabbed and washed it off.

“More for us then,”

“OH! Now that __________________ we can tell her about the mystery!” said Kaya

“Mystery?” said ___________________

“Mhm! Plum and I found letters scattered around the school and we have no idea where they came from!” they beckoned her to their desk and the girls huddled around. Penny went into her bag and pulled out a stack of letters.

“Here’s the rest!” Plum produced the ones she gathered and placed them on the desk. The letters were all in different states, some looked brand new, as though they were just written, some were in bundles of fourteen, some looked as though they’ve been there for awhile, and some were a little damaged from being in the morning dew. The letters all were all still sealed with wax with ‘R’ in gold.


“My beloved Theo,

I hope this letter finds you well,
There’s not a day that goes by
where I don’t think about you. I
know we can’t really talk freely
but I just wanted to make sure
you’re okay. Please don’t give up
hope and please don’t forget me.
I’ll always be in your corner and
I’ll always be here when you need


“They sound like love letters,” said Kaya

“Awwwww!” said ______________

“Kind of mushy,” said Plum

“But in a good way,” said Penny

My Sweet Theo

I love you with all my heart.
I cherish every moment we spend together,
and I love you even more in the moments
when we are apart. Tonight as I write this letter,
it's like you are right here with me. I feel your
hand on my shoulder, your fingers in my hair,
and the soft breath of your kiss on my cheek.
I miss you.


The girls blushed. They really were in love. Then they picked up another letter.


Please tell me that you are well, I
Have not heard from you in awhile
I’ve been calling your home but nothing
And I’ve called the office and I think you
Have a new number. Please, just let
Me know if you’re okay.


“They sounded so in love before! What happened?!” said Kaya

“So these letters are all over the place!” said Vivi, “Some are from when they were together and I guess they’re not together anymore?”

“We have to organize these,” said __________________. They were about to start when Miss Fern walked in. they immediately put everything away. During their mini break, they decided what to do with the letter. Penny pointed out there were still more in the area. Soon, it became a scavenger hunt. Between the five of them, they managed to find more and more letter, some in bundles, some just randomly everywhere and some in a trashcan. They agreed to take a few and organize them in order and go from there.

“_______________ you take the least, you have to get up like super early for harvesting!”

“Are you sure?”

“Mhm! We can handle organization,” said Plum ruffling her hair.

“Ack! Not you too!”

“Can’t help it, you have a rufflable head!” the next morning, the girls came in with all of their dates in order and were now combining by date. ________________ happily came into the classroom with a bag.

“I brought walnuts!”

“Walnuts?!” said Vivi

“MHM! Today was walnuts! They’re actually in a fruit shell and have to be dried out. Jozu had dried these a week ago so he gave them to us as a reward! Did you find anymore letters?”

“Not yet! We were waiting for you to come so we can look!” said Kaya. They scampered outside and searched for more letters they weren’t disappointed. They didn’t know where the mysterious letters came from but they were sure they were important. So far there were sixty in total all spanning the last few years. They could tell that Rita was very much in love with Theo and him to her and talked as though they were still very close. As they read the relationship went from super sweet and then the letter became very formal like she was trying to hide her feelings then they became worried, like she hadn’t spoken to him in ages.

“This one is the most recent!” said Vivi


Please…answer this letter. I beg of you.
I want to know if you’re still alive.
Your son is falling a little ill and he just
Wants to see his father in case something
Happens. I have gone to your home but you’re
Never hole and that woman…she’s always there.
She forbids Constance from speaking to me.
I hope you’re not in any danger! Please!


“They have kids?!” said Penny

“Why isn’t Theo helping them?! Or seeing them?!” said Kaya, “I don’t think he would do such a thing!”

“…I think I know what’s happening. Someone is hiding these letters so Theo can’t find them!” said _________________, “It’s like that story where the evil father stole the princess’s baby and gave him to an orphanage because she fell in love with another prince!”

“That’s terrible! We have to find Theo and give him these letters!” said Kaya

“Yeah! He could be anywhere and his son is sick! He needs to see him!” said Penny. Plum looked thoughtful for a few moments before getting the letters and putting them all together in chronological order and tying them together with a ribbon.

“No, we’re not going to do that,”

“Huh?” said _________________

“We need to give these to Miss Fern,” said Vivi

“What? Why?!” said Penny

“Because we can’t solve this mystery on our own and if something happens, then someone trusted as the letters!”

“Ohhh! Meaning that if someone named Theo comes around looking for Rita or wondering why Rita didn’t write to him, there’s proof!”

“Mhm and Miss Fern is someone we can trust,” said Kaya. They waited until after lessons and told Miss Fern what was going on. She looked at the letters then back at the girls.

“Thank you girls for bringing this up to my attention. It does seem like someone has been dumping the letters here for something none too savory. I’ll keep them safe for you,”

“Thank you!” after class, _______________ was ready to go. She didn’t know what she and Ace were going to do today but she was sure it was going to be long, grueling but fun in the mean time. The girls were waiting for her at the door. However, they wouldn’t let her leave.

“What’s up?”

“We have a question to ask!” said Kaya

“Do you think we can help with the harvest?!” said Penny, “I’ve never done anything like that before!”

“Yeah can we?!” said Plum

“Please?” said Kaya.

“Umm we don’t mind but it will be a lot of hard work and you guys may not be able to handle it,”

“Pffft! We may not look it but we’re strong!” said Vivi

“Not as strong as you but we’re not super fragile!” said Plum

“Yeah!” said Penny. _______________ thought for a few moments.

“Well Pops is picking me up, we can ask him,” Whitebeard was reading the paper while waiting for _________________ to come out. He was engrossed in an article about new bounties and the weather predictions when he heard a soft tap on his driver’s window he turned to see four little girls looking at him with sweet little smile. He slowly rolled down his window.

“Yes ladies?”


“We’ll work hard!” said Plum

“And we can cover more ground in a group!” said Vivi

“And _________________ doesn’t have to do it alone!” said Kaya

“Pleeeeeeeeeeease Mr. Newgate?!” said Penny. Whitebeard looked at the four little girls. They were beaming at him, bright eyed, bushytailed, filled with cuteness. He caved.

“Okay I’ll go talk to your parents,” while Ace and _______________ did some canning, he thought about the pros and cons of having the girls harvest on Saturday. He was going to have Ace and _______________ help with the vegetable harvest for the Baratie at Flora’s and then the Dead Island harvest with Miss Ribbon but Ace needed to get some lessons done so him sticking around wouldn’t be a bad thing, especially when calculating the supplies they needed. Also, the more hands the better. The girls wouldn’t be in any danger, especially if ______________ was with them. Even if the girls got tired, she could pick up the slack and finish. He sighed and grabbed his den den mushi. There are a lot of things Whitebeard never though he would have to do in his life when it came to having a daughter or kids in general. With boys it was sewing and fixing clothes, identifying every single kind of break and strain, and even what type of oil would be good to help a boy slip in or out of something. With a daughter, he had to learn something called a den den mushi tree, where parents have to discuss play dates with each other and handling with noble children, especially little girls in general. He called Mr. Capulet, who would in turn call and discuss things with Mr. Bennett, and so on and so forth until it would round back to via Cobra who said that the other parents agreed, seeing that they would be safe. Whitebeard hung up and looks down at _______________ who was shaking with anticipation. He gave her a thumbs up, “Mission Accomplished,”


Flora woke up early Saturday. She yawned and go dressed and decided to start on the harvesting for Zeff’s soup. She cracked her back and was ready to start her work. When she opened the door to the garden she was greeted to a quintet of little girls in her garden harvesting vegetables. She poked her head behind her. It was about six that morning and they were happily working. She peeked outside and watched on as the girls picked and carefully placed all of the vegetables into a large basket. Plum looked up when and noticed Flora.

“Morning Sister! We’re sorry for intruding but we didn’t want to wake you!”

“We made tea for you with bread and honey,” said piped Kaya

“If want to give __________________ bop we don’t mind!” said Vivi


“…you know where these vegetables go, right?”

“To the Baratie for the soup!” said ______________

“Carry on,” Flora went back inside to make her tea and keep an eye on things from the window. The girls were at the Whitebeard home at five in the morning on the dot. __________________ had just finished getting something to eat when they came in. the girls hugged and jumped up and down happy seeing their friend again. Marco walked them to the convent where ___________________ sneaked up to open the door and when they were finally inside, Marco left. In order to lighten the blow, they brewed tea and had it ready for the old nun along with something to eat before setting off to work.

“This is so fun!” said Penny, “You do this all the time?!”

“Just during the harvest or if I need to forage for things,” said ___________________


“Yeah it’s when you go into the woods and get ingredients you need there than from the store,”

“Can we try that?!” said Kaya

“Yeah! Stop hiding all of the cool chores, you brat!”

“Hey! Well we have to get some mushrooms so we can get some for later,”

“Awesome!” soon the girls were done. ________________ loaded the basket onto her back and they headed out not before saying their goodbyes to Flora. She couldn’t help but snort at the girls as they happily went to the next place to harvest. It’s not the act of harvesting, they just really liked spending a lot of time with each other. After the girls gave the Baratie their vegetables, Zeff insisted they grabbed something to eat before they headed off to pick some mushrooms. She showed them which were good and which were poisonous.

“But if you have doubts, ask someone. Miss Ribbon is really good with that and all of these came from the nearby mushroom farm. Also cooks and chefs know the differences as well!”

“Interesting!” said Plum, “So what are we going to do with these?”

“Well there’s a lot so you can take some with you guys, some are going home and since we’re on our way to Miss Ribbon, we can give her some too! Also, never over pick anything when you’re foraging, only what you need. That was the next person can have something and they can regrow again!”


Kid and Killer were already picking, cleaning, and putting away vegetables. ________________ apologized for being late and presented the mushrooms. Miss Ribbon chuckled and told the girls their tasks and pointed to the large garden next to her house. They walked up to see Kid and Killer already starting.

“Morning!” ________________ said brightly

“Morning,” said Killer grinning

“About damn time you showed up!”

“Love you too Kid! Why are they here?!”

“Got a problem with it?!” said Plum

“Tch, what if I do?”

“I can EASILY solve it!” Kid glared at her and she step forward. Penny got between them.

“We’re going to help you guys pick! We just finished Miss Sister’s now we’re doing this! Isn’t this exciting?!”

“Is this how you pick potatoes?! You have to dig them up?”

“Mhm! You can use a shovel, _________________ and I can usually do it bare handed. Ready?


“Watch and learn,” the pair got into a position that rabbits or dog got into when they were digging and started to rapidly claw at the ground. Dirt went flying everywhere but they produced very large potatoes. _________________ got up and wiped her hands on her clothes.

“See nothing t—EEK!” Killer shoved his cold freezing hands under the back of her shirt. She jumps and hugged her body, “KILLER!”

“You left yourself opened,” she tossed a clump of mud at him. He ducked but was beamed with his back turned with _____________ sticking out her tongue.

“…you both looked like rabbits just now,” said Vivi

“Yeah! Killer saw a rabbit do it and thought it would be easier and it is!”

“The ground is soft enough,” said Killer, “We’ll handle this area, you guys can pull those carrots,”

“Actually do you need an extra hand for those potatoes? That actually looked like fun!” said Plum

“Yeah!” said Penny, “Please?”

“Sure just know your hands will get cold and you will get muddy,”

“We got work clothes on! It’s not a big deal!” said Vivi squatting. The technique worked and the potatoes were all dug up and put into the wheelbarrow. Miss Ribbon came with lemonade and sandwiches, grabbed a few potatoes and carrots and went back in. After lunch, they started on the rest, taking section by section.

“So this is a carrot in the ground,” said Penny, “I didn’t know they got this big!”

“Or this many colors!” said Kaya

“Mhm, you can’t really eat the top part, we’ll take those off and give them to Law. He says there’s a good use for them at the villa,” said Killer, “And these are wild carrots so they’re going to be some weird colors, but they all taste the same,”

“Hey! How do you harvest these cabbages?!” said Vivi

“Twist and pull!” said _______________

“Can one of you bring one of those cabbages please?” called out Miss Ribbon

“Yes Ma’am!” Vivi pulled the biggest one and ran to her. Peny decided to try her luck and pull the cabbage herself. Killer got behind, took her hands, twisted and pulled. He then pats her head.

“I think you’ll be better suited for the celery, Pen,”


“Seriously, you’ll get winded really fast if you try with the cabbages,”

“I’ll help you,” said Kaya

“Splendid! After we’re done, __________________ can you show me how to clean everything?!”

“Sure! It’s not much and you’ll get wet,”

“I don’t care! This is the best fun I’ve ever had!”

“Tch! Girls are weird,” said Kid.

“So are you! Now come and help me and stop being a jerk,” Kid looked put on as Plum leered at him. He clicked his teeth and started helping her finish digging up potatoes. It took the kids all day but everything was finished. Miss Ribbon called them inside and had hot curry and cabbage rolls ready for them and they ate their fill.

“What kind of stew is this?! It’s really good!” said Penny on her second bowl.

“It’s curry sweetie,” said Miss Ribbon

“It’s delicious!”

“You’ve never had curry? What’s wrong with you?!” said Kid. He looked up to see Plum leering at him. He winced and went back to his food.

“Where Penny comes from they don’t have things like this,”

“Really?!” said ___________________, “That’s okay! I’m sure I hadn’t had anything from your area!”

“What’s your favorite food from your home, Pen?” said Kaya

“Well…umm I really like lobster and caviar,”

“Lobster? Really?” said Killer

“Mhm! We ummm live near the coast where the fishermen gather. We get lobster and shellfish all the time,”

“Caviar?” said _______________

“It’s so yummy!” said Penny, “Especially on crackers,”

“But what is it?”

“Sturgeon eggs,”


“Fish eggs,” said Killer. ________________ made a face. Penny giggled.

“It’s an acquired taste! It’s okay! I think River might like it! I’ll bring you a tin Monday!”

“Is it like roe? Atmos, Namur, and Sister eat that sometimes!”

“Yeah! But it’s a different taste,” said Miss Ribbon

“Would you like a tin, Miss Ribbon?”

“How could I say no to such a gift? Are you sure?”

“Mhm! We have boxes in the pantry!”

“…your family just have random tins of caviar?” said Kid

“Yeah! I’m sure you guys have your favorite foods around!”

“Not rich food!”

“What is your favorite food anyway?” said Plum, “Something weird I bet,”

“Tch, if you must know, cabbage rolls. Miss Ribbon is the only one who can make them the way I like it,”

“That doesn’t count because these taste amazing and that would mean you actually have taste,”

“I DO have taste!”

“Weirdos usually don’t!”

“I’m not weird!”

“Says the weirdo who looks like a rooster!”


“Cock-a-doodle what?” the pair went back and forth. Kaya smiled pleasantly at Killer.

“What about you Killer?”

“I like spaghetti. There’s one dish at the Bartie that’s amazing and super spicy. I can’t really remember what it’s called but it’s slowly becoming my absolute fave,”

“Should we stop them?” said Vivi

“Kid will tire himself out soon,”

“Same with Plum,” said Penny.

When the girls got back to the house, they were dusty, muddy, and grinning from ear to ear. Mr. Capulet was on pick up duty and was in the house waiting with Pops and having tea. He was surprised to say the least at the girls.

“Did you have fun?”


“We did the whole field with Kid and Killer!” said Kaya, “Miss Ribbon said we can help her plant in Spring!”

“Can we help again?!”

“Please Mr. Newgate!” said Penny

“Guararararara! I don’t think there are anymore vegetables to be picked. Everything else I don’t think you guys can handle it,”

“We can!” said Vivi

“What is it?”

“Well, Mrs. Gohan needs her rice harvested but ___________________, Ace, Sabo, and Luffy are the only ones who’s strong enough to lift those stalks and beat them to get the rice out and bag it and it’s more than six acres,” the girls thought for a few moments and looked down, “Guarararara! It’s alright! I’ll ask around to see if anyone needs some help and let you know!”

“Thank you Mr. Newgate!”

“Thank you again, Edward,”

“See you next week Julian,” the girls got into the car and __________________ happily waved them off before going back into the warm house. Before she did anything, she was scooped up my Izo to take a bath. Ace decided to cut _______________ some apple pie and boiled water for tea so she could have it after her bath.

“Awww Ace that’s sweet of you,”

“It’s late, we’re both exhausted, and I know she’s going to want eat and then sleep. I can’t believe they were happy to pick vegetables,”

“Noble kids are so cute and weird about every day chores,” said Thatch laughing, “They’re not used to it so they want to experience it as much as possible,”

“…really?!” said Ace

“Mhm Mr. Capulet was saying that’s all Penny and Plum talked about for the last several days. Penny always tries to experience things that she doesn’t have the opportunity at home to do. Apparently we’re all very patient with her and answers all of her questions about things she didn’t want to outright ask their servants because she didn’t want to seem insensitive,”

“She’s so weird, almost as bad at _________________ but she’s cool,” __________________ plopped when she saw her bed. She was beyond exhausted and she knew she had to do more tomorrow. She ate the pie and drank the tea and then her body slumped. She groaned and curled up into bed. It was time for her to sleep. She then felt someone scoop her up, moved the blankets, put her down and tucked her in.

“Night Blenheim!” she said smiling

“Night little lady. Sadly I don’t have any good stories and I’m pretty sure you’re too tired for that,”

“I am,” she admitted, “But I can us a little advice,”

“What’s the matter, little lady?”

“Well, something has been bothering me about something that happened a few days ago,” she explained the letters incident and giving them to Miss Fern, “But Rita is looking for Theo and we don’t even know where to start finding them,”

“No, don’t go looking for two people you don’t know. It’s not cruel but sounds like you all made the best choice in this matter,” said Blenheim

“I hope so! We want to make sure that Theo knows that his son is looking for him! But we really don’t know where to start looking!”

“Exactly. You’re all bright little girls but it could take months or years for you girls to find this Theo person. Theo could mean anything,”


“Theo is a nickname. It would mean Theodore, Teddy, Mateo anyone. But now it’s in the universe’s hands. Always remember, things always come out in the wash, little lady,”

“What does that mean?”

“That eventually the truth comes out, even if someone is trying to keep it hidden but you did all you could. It means that if something does happen, someone trusted as all of the information and you five are very honest so it’ll be easier for people to believe you and whomever is hiding those letters is going to be discovered eventually thanks to you,”

“Ah okay!”

“Just make sure every time you find a letter just give it to Miss Fern,”

“Okay! So we did make the right decision!”

“Mhm! Sometimes the right decision is just not doing anything,”

“Thanks for the advice!” he kisses her forehead.

“Anytime. Now get some rest. We have more harvesting to do in the morning but nothing too major,”

“Okay! Love you,”

“Love you too,”

“So where are we harvesting today?” said Ace yawning. It was early Sunday morning, so early that the sun wasn’t up. He and __________________ were bundled up and eating their breakfast as Fossa and Marco drove them through the woods near Dadan’s.

“You two have six acres of rice that need to shucked and bagged and since we’re all pretty strong men, we’re doing just that,”

“Except ____________________ who’s a girl,”

“True,” said Marco, “It should take you all most of the day. It’s a very heavy handed work and you four are energetic,”

“Not at balls o’clock,” said Ace

“Buck up, boy, Mrs. Gohan will feed you,” said Fossa. They were dropped off and together with Sabo and Luffy they spent the day and then some harvesting, beating, and milling a ton of rice to the point that they were all slumped in front of the barn.

“I can’t feel my arms!” said ________________

“I can’t feel my legs,” said Ace

“I think they’re trying to kill us!” said Luffy

“At least Mrs. Gohan fed us,” said Sabo, “But it’s done, I think that was the worse bit,” When they were done, there were hundreds of bags of rice ready. Mrs. Gohan had them separate the bags and when Marco and Fossa came back they paid her for half the bags. Marco looked at the kids with a lazy grin.

“I know this sounds like a lot but can you guys get these off the mountain for us and load the truck?”

“On it!” they looked at the large cart. Thankfully they were going down the mountain instead of up. Sabo grinned.

“I got it! _________________ and Ace can pull because they’re the strongest, Luffy and I will guide you down the path, that way—,”

“Pffft stop,” said Ace, “I have a better idea! Both of you, get on, Luffy you’re our breaks and steering. _______________ follow me, and everyone hang on!” Ace took her to the back and motioned for her to hit the cart as hard as she could. She placed two ad two together and nodded, “One, two, THREE!” They both gave the cart a hard smack, sending it flying down the path, “Luffy, stop it!” Luffy immediately grabbed two trees and held firm. Ace and ________________ caught up and climbed on top of the rice, “Okay, slingshot us down!”

“GOT IT!” Marco and Fossa could hear twigs and trees snapping, boys screaming and a high pitched ‘FASTER! FASTER!’ they then heard rubber snapping and then saw the rice cart flying through the air and for bodies hanging on for dear life.

“OH MY! ARE THEY OKAY?!” said Mrs. Gohan. Marco puts his finger up and heard the bouncing of rubber.

“They’re fine,” Fossa took Luffy and Sabo home. Marco climbed into the truck and they were headed on their way home. ________________ was looking at the window and Ace used her as a pillow.

“I’m very proud of both of you, yoi,” said Marco

“For what?” said Ace

“For helping us with the Harvest, we really needed all of the help we could have gotten,”

“Yeah we would have done it anyway, I mean it’s for winter storage, right?”

“Yeah but not just for us but the whole area Fall was originally for people in small villages and islands to finish harvesting the grains and food in time behind the winter,”

“Because it would be too cold otherwise, right?” said __________________

“Mhm but every year, the people of Goa jack up the prices of rice and certain foods so that people will be forced to pay to survive winters. Since Mrs. Gohan doesn’t sell to stores, some try to hunt her down, buy all they can and sell it at a higher price,”

“That’s super shitty of you ask me. Is that why she’s hidden in the woods?” said Ace

“Sadly yes. She even started the rumor that she died to keep people in Goa from looking for her,”

“That’s sad!” said ___________________

“It is but that’s why we buy half her rice every year so we can make sure the people of our town and those who can’t afford it in Goa gets rice to at least last them through winter,”

“Along with the veggies and meat,” said Ace


“That’s what’s in the back. Most of it is canned or preserved so that when the time comes, they’ll have something to eat. That’s why it was so important for everything to be done on time so other preparations could happen. A bag of rice is more than enough to keep a person fed through winter. After that incident when everyone got sick, Zeff decided to do the same with soup and canned it. Winters get harsh when you’re close to the sea. We’ve been seeing the signs since summer and we knew we had to make sure everyone would be safe,”


“A lot of the animals migrated early, the corn had thicker husks, even animals who don’t sharing their trees were sharing their trees. It’s going to be a very cold winter this year so we’re taking extra precautions. Always remember, to try giving someone something if they are in desperate need. This is why Pops always makes sure that everyone in town and those who are less fortunate has enough rice to last though winter. So that they don’t go hungry during the winter but we have to do it in the dead of night so no one can see us and since it’s late, we’re doing a few deliveries tonight,”

“But why wait until everyone is sleeping or not home?” said Ace

“Because a lot of people are proud and don’t want to admit they need the food or they ask for unnecessary things. If we do it in secret, then they don’t have any other choice but to take it. Also, good deeds don’t need recognition,”

“Okay!” It took what felt like days but it was finally done. There was a care package of food for everyone in town. Families with children and elderly got more and younger people got more canned soup and jerky and some got more dried vegetables and no meat but all in all, everyone had enough to last them though the harsh winter. There was one last bundle set aside.

“That’s for the Gray Terminal kids,” said Marco, “You two have to deliver that in the morning for them,” they nodded, took a bath and headed to bed. Ace pulled her into his room.

“How are you feeling?”

“Arms still kind of hurt,” he went to his drawer and pulls out an ointment. He motioned her to sit on the bed.

“Ma got this for me some time ago and it helps. You can’t be stiff when you’re doing your ribbon stuff,”

“Thanks Ace!” he pulled up her pajama sleeves and rubbed her arms and elbows. She shuddered at first but then it started to feel nice and warm.

“It’s warm!”

“Right? It surprised me too. It really helps, trust me. By the way, don’t worry about delivering the food to Yukiko and the others. You have to get to class and you may not know where they are,”

“Whatcha mean?”

“Well, me, Luffy, and Sabo moved their home to the other side of Gray Terminal. We knew Blue Jam probably knows where they are so we moved them to a different area so they could be more hidden and off their radar. Kid and Killer have been reinforcing their place and making it look like a trash heap so no one will bother it. Miss Ribbon has been setting up a place for the on the Dead Island so they could live,”

“That’s awesome!”

“Mhm but right now, they have to stay there. No one can know about the Dead Island. Yukiko is still apprehensive about leaving. It seems like Clock and Calico were both offered homes for helping a few people but they refused unless their sibs comes with them,”

“Oh okay!”

“And usually pirates like them don’t stick around when it get cold, especially a trash heap like Gray Terminal but when everything get warm, they’re gonna have a home,”

“That’s awesome! I’m so glad everything is working out so well for everyone! And that the Harvest is almost over,”

“Yeah then we can live it up in Wano,” said Ace grinning

“Yeah! Can’t wait to see Oji-chan again!”

“Just don’t spend all of your time there like you did last time! We have a festival to enjoy!”

Chapter 75: No Good Deed Goes Unpunished


The Little Girl Gets an Unexpected Reward

A/N: there's a few language things that may sound a little weird, translate. And for my Spanish Speaking readers, I am SO sorry for butchering your language DX

Also Churros is the best thing in the entire world and I would probably kill for a nice hot piping one, just saying

Things have little...difficult on my end, hence why I hadn't posted since Halloween. I'm going to try and post more since things have literately died down but it can come back up again. For those who are interested in knowing:

I've been doing a lot better but just know I may go back into a funk and I apologize in advance.

Chapter Text

By the last final day of the Harvest, the kids were stiff, tired, and had to literately crawl out of bed. The final day however, the Whitebeard Pirates gave the kids a well deserve last task break. For Ace, he had to deliver help put goods and rice into storage areas for residents with Kid and Killer’s help and _______________ was sent to help Bellemere with her orange sauce production and delivery. When she got there, there were hundreds of bottles ready. Nami and Nojiko were slumped on the porch, exhausted.

“I swear there are child labor laws against this!” said Nami

“Seriously!” said Nojiko

“Awwww my POOR babies!” said Bellemere coming outside.

“…what inhumane torture did she put you guys through?!” said ________________

“We’ve been up for weeks picking, peeling, slicing, and pureeing an entire grove of oranges and tangerines!”

“Mhm, then we had to prune them so when the winter ends they’ll be nice and ready for Spring and then we actually had to all some kind of super special, super smell fertilizer because REGULAR fertilizer wouldn’t cut it!” said Nami, “Seriously! Where did you get that stuff?!”

“Flora and I had to go to some weird places to get the rest so no belly aching!”

“It wasn’t you mixing it!”

“Or spreading it!” said Nojiko, “the things we’ve smelt,”

“This is why we all had kids, you know, free labor and it’s so so sweet! Now the hard part’s over. Nami go roast us some oranges!”

“On it!”

“Ready ____________________?”


“Thanks kiddo, when you’re done, you can take the last two to Thatch and then Zeff,”

“Okay!” Bellemere has a bike with a cart attached to it and _______________ spent the next several hours delivering orange sauce all over the area, using the address book and marking down how many jars each person had. It was early noon when she was finally finished. Bellamere gave her some roasted oranges for her troubles and Nojiko ferried her back.

“Is this you last day too?”

“Yep! Nami and I have been working for weeks now and we’re all tired. Bellemere always wants to make sure everything is stocked and we have more than enough to eat since well, we didn’t have much when we used to be poor,”

“I know. With us we’re an army,”

“See? I mean we don’t mind it but you can tell she gets really scared about not having enough for us and herself. Cora-san has been reassuring her that everything is okay and made sure our storage area was impregnable. The winter is going to be super harsh so going out is not going to be an option sometimes,”

“I heard, Marco’s worried too. But I think we’ll all be okay!”

“Of course they are! But you know how adult get. They won’t be happy until they are SURE. She finally eased up on our end. Now we can sleep in,”

“I miss sleep,”

“I’m going to sleep for at least a day,” once she made it to sure, she headed to the Baratie with two large jugs of orange sauce. She headed home first to give Thatch his and then to Zeff. She politely knocked on the back door.

“Hi Mr. Zeff! Here’s your orange sauce!”

“Thanks little lady!” he said patting her head, “Grab a pastry and I’ll drop off the leftover cake at your place,”

“Thank you!” she felt so relieved as she got ready to go. She stepped out and was greeted to Cook with Sanji. Cook had several bag of rice, orange sauce, and other waiting next to the cart. Sanji had just finished strapping the sauce in when she saw them.

“Hi Miss Cook! Hi Sanji!” she said brightly

“Morning sweetheart!”


“What are guys doing?”

“Getting these supplies back to the villa. Zeff called Cook down for a pick up so I get to load it all in for her!”

“I can help if you like!”

“Would you? Thank you sweetie!” the trio hoisted the rice into the cart. Then ________________ and Sanji tied everything down and soon they headed to the villa. Sanji took one end of the cart and ___________________ had the other and they pulled.

“Cook I don’t get it, you could have drove!” said Sanji

“I could but by the time I got the car, went around the pass, cut through Goa and had it here, I would have been half way home. And I love the walk here,”

“You’re getting ready for winter too?”

“Mhm, when the snow hits, we’re usually holed up inside and today is a perfect day for me to restock everything. I’m so glad Zeff got the rice and orange sauce for me,”

“You’re going to make things with it too?!”

“If that damn brother of yours gives me that orange sea bass recipe he owes me!” they made it to the villa in almost no time. From there, Cook guided them to the storage that led to the kitchen where ________________ took everything down. She trudged back up the stairs.

“Whew, thank you so much little lady. Okay, Sanji you can help me with kitchen prep for tonight’s soup, ___________________ come back a little later and I’ll have lunch ready,”

“Thanks Miss Cook!” she yawned the moment she got back to the main house. She didn’t like to linger around too much when she wasn’t near Law. She decided to find him as fast as she could. She really didn’t want another encounter with the Strings Man, even though she KNEW she was innocent. She looked around the first level, then went upstairs to the second. Law didn’t have a room there so this was going to difficult. She knew where the Maids’ rooms were and checked around there. No signs of Law. She went to the other wing and saw an opened door. She poked her head inside. It was a large spacious room with a lavender carpet, purple curtain, a large grand table with a tea set and treats on the table, and lavender couches and a sofa along with a fire roaring in the fireplace.

“Waaaaaaaaah it’s the guppy~” _____________________ froze. The Demon Twins were in the room with an unfamiliar face. So they weren’t just an illusion…or maybe she was in another realm and she didn’t know it.

“Don’t be shy, come on in,” said the Left Demon. She meekly went inside. The unfamiliar man smiled at her from behind his glasses.

“I-I’m sorry, I was-was looking for Law! Ha-Have any of you seen him?”

“He’s been around but it’s good to finally see you outside of a creepy maze,”

“Oh so you’ve met this little girl?” said the new face

“Mhm! This is nephew’s little friend,”

“Oh…I see,” _________________ shrank in his chair, “Allow me to introduce myself, I’m…what you would call a Dealmaker. I can make all of your little dreams come true,” she perked up


“Mhm, anything you little heart desire, I can make come true. So…how about we make a little deal?”

“A deal? Like a Devil’s Pact?”

“…you watch a lot of anime,” Left Demon chuckled.

“Well it’s something like that. I can give you whatever you like for a price,”

“Price? I don’t have any money on me!”

“Oh I don’t care about money. I take…very special forms of payment. It would be the color of your eyes, the color of your hair, a skill you have, your luck, anything I see fit and you’re willing to part with consensually of course,” she thought for few moments.

“Surely there’s something you want,” said Left Demon

“Yeah!” the trio grinned widely.


“Can you guys make everyone in town warm and happy?! It’s getting cold and not everyone is fortunate enough to be nice and warm during this time of year! They have food but I want them to be nice and warm in the homes when it cold! Being cold all the time isn’t fun! Can you make that happen? Please?” the Dealmaker froze. The Right Demon looked puzzled and looked at his brother. They then huddled together.

“…okay this never happened before,” said Left Demon, “Can you make a deal like this?”

“I can but it won’t cost much!” said the Dealmaker, “There’s no greed or desperation involved! Even if I take payment, it’ll be her eye color or even a fraction of an ability! It’s not even worth it!”

“It’s easier for someone to be self serving but this isn’t it!” said Right Demon.

“…let’s try a different approach,” they turned. _______________ was smiling at them, “H-How,” the Dealmaker coughed, “How about something more for yourself? A new doll? A new dress? A family?”

“Well, I have a family! It’s the greatest family ever! Miss Makino makes me nice things and Miss Hancock can buy me a dress…oh! Cake! Can I have a lifetime of cake!”

“Of course you can! All of the cake you want?”

“MHM! That way I can share it with everyone who wants some!” the trio looked dumbfounded and huddled again.

“What’s with this guppy?!” said Right Demon

“The innocence of a child,” said Left Demon

“I can’t…morally I just can’t,” said the Dealmaker, “I have standards! Taking something from a devil child is one thing but pure goodness?!”

“What are three doing?!” they jumped. Law was at the door. Before ________________ could say anything, he took her hand and guided back to the door.

“Awwwww so mean~” said Right Demon

“We weren’t doing anything to your little “friend”,” said Left Demon, “Just having a little fun,”

“Doesn’t matter,” Law said taking her out the door, “Lesser they’re in here! And they’re trying to make a deal with __________________!” the three froze and before they could do anything, Lesser was right there. Law and _________________ stood outside as she walked in and came out with both of the twin’s ears and walking down the hall.

“Owww!!! Sissy!”


“You two know better! No making deals with children! I can’t believe you tried to bring Azul into it!”

“We were just having a little bit of fun!”

“And we couldn’t even try!”

“Annnnd there they go,” said Azul watching from the door.

“Azul help us!” said Right Demon

“Yeah! You had your hands in this as well!”

“Hmm sorry out of my hands,” he said smiling and waving, “Bye, bye,” he turned to _______________, “It’s was nice to finally meet you dear heart,” he then went back into the room.

“Betrayed!” said Right Demon

“Stabbed in the heart!” said Left Demon

“Shot in the heart!”

“Stop being so dramatic! You two are going to be running a lot of errands for this!” the pair immediately tried to get away faster while Lesser held firm.

“Not Sis Errands! We barely made it out the last time!” said Left Demon


“You two should have thought about that when you tried to make a deal with a little girl!”

“This sucks!”

“Ratted out by our own nephew!” they said in unison

“Law I’ll be a moment,” she called out.

“It’s okay, ____________________ is here and I can stay with her for awhile,”


“So they weren’t just actors!” Law snorts.

“Yeah they’re Lesser’s brothers Jade and Floyd. They’re not staying long just for the Autumn,”

“Are they helping too?”

“Yes and also visiting Lesser. They missed her and decided to take some time from school to come see her. She doesn’t look it but she’s happy. But she also has to babysit them like she does with Perv and Dom. I don’t know how she manages but I know she holes herself in her room even more on Saturdays than usual,”

“Marco does that too! He’s usually up and ready by noon after some of very special coffee,”

“Black Death?”


“Lesser drinks that too. Cook brews it for her and its thick like tar and I’ve watched her down it with sugar,”

“Same! Thatch won’t let me or Ace try and drink it. Ace actually hates coffee,”

“I like it. Cora-san makes me a cup. It’s not too bad but he drinks it black but even he won’t try Black Death,”

“But seriously with a name like that. Does it make the cup black? Marco’s coffee cup is black on the inside,”

“Mhm! So is Lesser’s! That’s why it’s so easy to find her cup,” they pair talked and walked around the villa. Law was happy for the company since ________________ it would mean for him to hang around Baby 5 and Buffalo and he didn’t have the patience that day. He showed her around the place and eventually they made it to the kitchens. Cook was finishing up lunch and Sanji was happily

“Cora-san has been doing a lot of paperwork lately so he asked Lesser to keep an eye on me for a little while, especially since Doflamingo has some meetings himself, keeping me well off his radar,”

“Awww! I’ve been helping out with the harvest. I was on my way home when I saw Miss Cook and Sanji carting things into the kitchen and asked if they wanted some help,”

“So that’s what she’s been doing. Makes sense,”

“Whatcha mean?”

“Everyone is prepping for the winter so she’s triple stocking things for the kitchen. The perfect time since Boss is occupied with other things, like meetings with the Warlords. Hancock is in there. I’m pretty sure she can take you home,”

“The Warlords?”

“Mhm, they’re a group of really powerful pirates who kind of oversees things. The Marines were the ones who created it. Hancock is one of them, Jinbei, Mihawk, that’s Perona’s Dad, Crocodile, and a few others,”

“Jinbei is here?!”

“Mhm but not Koala,”


“But he’s super booked. He has two meetings he booked at the same time. It was one of his “Perv isn’t here so I’m going to book a meeting” phases and it backfired. She managed to get his second meeting rescheduled during the warlord break so he could be squeezed in,”

“Ah!” on cue, Doflamingo hurried out of the room and went into another where another man was waiting patiently. Law motioned her to keep quiet as they did a little snooping.

"Perdón por hacerte esperar, carbón,"

“También te amo, mamahuevo. Eso espero viniendo de un hombre sin calibre. Ahora finalmente nos ocupamos de los negocios,"

"De hecho, dónde está mi parte de las ganancias?" the man took out a briefcase, opened it and turned it to show Doflamingo.

“Parece un poco de luz. ¿Intentas follarme de nuevo?”

"No soy el hombre de arena,"

"Vete a la mierda!"

"No te lo podías permitir," Law covered her ears and guided her out.

“Isn’t that Spanish?”

“Mhm. If you don’t understand a word, it’s probably a swear,”

“Okay,” he guided her back outside and they hung out on the porch where their lunch Cook made was waiting for them. She made hot grilled cheese sandwiches with soup. She made some with bread and cauliflower crusted ones for Law, “This is SO good!”

“Right? It’s cooler today and this is just perfect,” he passed her a piece of his.

“I didn’t know you could make grilled cheese with cauliflower!”

“Cook is amazing at everything she does in the kitchen,” he grinned.

“Do you just hate all bread?”

“Well, I get kind of sick if I do eat certain breads. Cook found out when she accidentally made me pancakes and I got sick. Since then she always made things to make sure I didn’t get sick,”

“Oh okay!”

“Cora-san’s the same way but we manage just fine without bread,”

“Is it like with Pops and the nuts?”

“Yeah sans the death experience ass gas, but Cora-san and I loved it and we made it from time to time for breakfast with some of Bellamere’s jam. Best thing ever!”

“I’ll have to try that!” Sanji then ran out of the house. He looked around spotted a basket, grabbed it and went to run.

“Where’s the fire?” said Law

“Cook needs mushrooms! I’m going to run and get some from Goa before it burns!”

“…stop being extra and go forage for them. The mushroom farm is like a block from here,”


“I’m pretty sure that’s what she meant, weird ass,”

“Hey!” __________________ was already on her feet to go help.

“Let me—,” before she could help with the basket, Law hoisted her up over his shoulders and brought her back to their perch. Sanji snorts.

“See! Even Law thinks you need a break! See you two later!”

“See you!” Law passed her another sandwich, “You need a break, stop helping everyone you see,”


“You’re staying here and having lunch with me,”


“You can say no, you know. You need a break too. I’ve been seeing you all up and going about during the Harvest and it’s time for you to get ready to enjoy winter,”

“Okay, wait, were you up at five in the morning too?”

“Yeah, I’ve been helping Nami and Nojiko with the oranges and tangerines and helping everyone else around that area. Sengoku has been giving us speeches about it’s good for us because it builds character and good for Marine training. He even took us to clean the officer’s barracks. So yeah, I think we all deserve a break, including you,” she nodded and slowly started to just relax. Then she saw adults leaving the villa. She recognized Mihawk and Jinbei but there were two others she had no clue who they were. One was an abnormally large humanoid creature with very distinct, devil-like features. He was almost as tall as Pops. He had two horns protruding from the sides of his forehead and stitches running vertically from the top of his face and down his neck, which is rather long and thick in comparison to his body. His ears and teeth are both pointed while his lower body was fat and stubby. She shrank a bit. The second was a tall man with a wide chest, broad shoulders, muscular arms and legs, and a thick neck. He has pale skin and nape-length black hair which is kept neatly slicked back, but most notably he had a long stitched scar at the bridge of his nose that stretches across his face and a large golden hook in place of his left hand and a cigar in his right.

“That’s Moria and Crocodile, they’re warlords too,”

“They’re scary,” she whispered.

“Moria is pretty harmless, Crocodile is close with Doflamingo,”

“Is he just as mean?”

“So-so,” he stood up, “Come on, let’s take these to the kitchen. Hancock will be out soon and they you can enjoy the rest of your winter off,”

“Okay!” they took their dishes to the kitchen and by the time they went back out, the taller men were gone but waited for Hancock to come out. Then they heard laughter and Doflamingo and the man before were coming out. _________________ looked at the man. She couldn’t put her finger on it but she was sure she’s met or seen him someplace before. The man glanced down and caught her staring.

“Hello mija,” he smirked and knelt down in front of her. She was a little nervous. He chuckled and pats her head fondly. He was a very tall and muscular man with slicked-back green hair who wears a pink suit and pants. He was adorned with lots of jewelry, the most prominent being a clip-on chain with a star on the end of his right shoulder, as well as star-shaped earrings and a ring on every finger except his left ring finger. Dolflamingo chuckled.

"Y este es el diablito que se está convirtiendo en parte de mi villa,”

“Hey! I’m only here because of Law! I’m not doing anything! I’m not even inside!”

“Fufufufufu I see Law’s been teaching you some things~”

“I only know enough to get by!”

“And it’s not like that you pervert!” said Law

“I didn’t say anything!” said Doflamingo putting his hands up

“I’m pretty sure she’s nowhere near as bad as you say she is,” said the man standing up.

“Of course she’s not,” _______________ looked passed the man. Her eyes lit up and she ran to Hancock who scooped her up.

“It’s nice to see you Miss Hancock!”

“It’s always good to see you, sweetie! What brings you here?”

“I was helping Miss Cook then me and Law have been hanging out! I wasn’t doing anything, honest!”

“Boss are you terrorizing again?” said Cook

“Fufufufufu no! But you can’t blame me for trying to keep an eye on her after so many run ins,”

“Leave her be! Come on, I’ll take you home,”


“Actually, how about you two come with me to get some ice cream?” said the man smiling. _______________ shook her head.

“Nah uh! Sorry but Marco says to NEVER go with a stranger!”

“Marco is a smart man for teaching you that but you’ll have Miss Hancock with you and I’m not a stranger to her,” _________________ looked at Hancock. Hancock looked a little apprehensive. The man looked had a smug look on his face. She looked at _____________ and then nodded.

“We’ll take my car,”


They drove out of town near and around the Barracks where Hancock stopped at a nice looking ice cream parlor. She parked and almost immediately lets _______________ out ad held her hand giving the man a look the entire time. The interior of the parlor was almost like an old tavern bar and empty for except for a few patrons. It was softly lit and could only be described as cozy. When they stepped inside, something caught her nose.

“Huh?” _______________ sniffed the air and looked around. There were something on the counter that smelled like Heaven. She tried to get a closer look.

“Hmmm what’s the matter, mija?”

“Something smells good!” he picked her up for a closer look. They were long dough pastries that were coated in sugar and cinnamon, “What are these?”

“A new promotional product called churros,” said the woman

“And they’re nice and hot,” said Tesoro, “Want these instead with hot chocolate?”

“YES PLEASE!” He ordered they found a table way in the back.

“So, who to we owe the pleasure of their company?” said Hancock

“My name is Gild Tesoro. Mr. Donquixote and I had some…negotiations to attend to,”


“And after the meeting, I saw my little buddy so I decided to treat her to some I guess churros con chocolate since I was in town,”

“Umm but I don’t know you sir. This is the first time I’ve ever seen you?”

“Oh? I did not know that Kinsei wouldn’t recognize an old friend?” _______________ cocked her head. He chuckled.

“If I held you tiny little hand, in a dark maze, would you remember me?” her face lit up!

“You’re Mr. Reaper! How have you been?!” he laughed.

“I’m well! See I’m not a stranger,”

“Yeah but you were kind of creepy about it!”

“Okay that’s fair!” they both laughed.

“Mr. Reaper?” said Hancock

“Yeah! He helped me and my friend get through the maze on Halloween! Thank you again for helping us!”

“My pleasure! In fact that’s why I’m here! I wanted to repay you for the treats you gave me,”

“You don’t have to thank me for that! You really helped us!”

“I insist! I have two special gifts for you. One is 10000 beli!”


“But you have to do something very important,”

“Yes sir?”

“Because I’m a business man I have to make sure I know where all of my money is going. So I’m going to keep you with the permission of your guardian to sign a few things for me,”

“Okay but Speed Jill says NEVER to sign anything without knowing what I’m signing,” he chuckled.

“Mija inteligente,”

“I’ll do it,” Hancock went through and read the contract, looking key words that could mean _________________ being a slave or indebted to this scummy man for the rest of her natural life. When she was through, she nodded, “It’s okay sweetheart,” _________________ never had to sign her name on so many papers before in her life. Mr. Tesoro watched on with a friendly smile and soon it was all finished. Then Hancock signed her name and the documents were notarized. The Solicitor grinned at the little girl. Mr. Tesoro laughed and gave a copy to Miss Hancock, the Solicitor, and kept one for himself.

“You did well little one!”

“Is that it?”

“Mhm and as promised, here’s the beli I owe you now,” he handed her ten thousand beli. She grinned.

“Thank you! You didn’t have to!”

“I did and you deserve it. In fact, for being such a good sport about it,” he hands her a box. She cocked her head. He gestured her to open it, revealing a pair of star shaped gold earrings. She immediately closed the box and slid them back.

“I-I can’t!”

“Oh? Por qué?”

“B-Because they’re gold and pretty and expensive!”

“If you don’t I’ll feel personally insult. It’s a sign of ill breeding if someone doesn’t accept a gift,” she looked a Miss Hancock who tried not to look angry but nodded at her. She took the gift with a small smile.

“Thank you,”

“Of course. Now can you do me a big favor? Ask the nice lady at the counter for a pot of chocolate to go?”

“Okay!” he handed her the money, “But how much?”

“As much as the money can get you,”

“Okay!” she scampered to the front of the parlor. He and Hancock were left alone.

“What a sw—,”

“Alright, what in the hell kind of a game are you trying to play her because so help me if you’re even thinking about hurting her, it’s the last thing you’ll do,” Hancock growled. He put his hands up defensively.

“Further from the truth. I would never hurt that child. You and I are more in common than you think and I’ll show you mine if you show me yours,” he gestured to her back. He sketched out a familiar symbol on a paper. Hancock finally made the realization and tensed up.

“If you think I’m going to let you turn me or her in I will—,”

“Relax, I’m not turning either of us in. I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t recognize us or would dare try to attack us at this stage in our lives. That little runt saved me and I’m returning the favor,”

“Tch, you literately made her sign a contact just to give her ten thousand beli and some gold earrings,”

“For now, those documents she signed and you consented to gives her half of my fortune,”

“That still doesn’t seem worth the trouble,”

“You do know I’m the proprietor and owner of the Gran Tesoro Casino Island, no?” Hancock spats out her tea when the realization hit her.

“WHAT?!” he laughed

“Mhm Princesa isn’t going to have to worry about anything when she’s older. That’s where the solicitor comes in. She’ll have money every month to keep everything legal and when she becomes seventeen; half of everything is all hers, if I die, even with a living heir, the rest as well. I tried tracking her down. I knew she wasn’t dead, she couldn’t have been. Especially after her main servant told me to not run back into the fire to try and find her. I wanted to adopt her, spoil her rotten and make her my heir and by luck I was able to track her servant but not her. I assumed the worst until I found a group of little girls and one with a very familiar face. Then she showed up again and I knew who she was. I wanted to see where she was adopted or at the very least keep an eye on her but I see she’s in good hands when I saw who her father was so I decided to become her benefactor,”

“It’s pathetic, why in the world would you try and adopt a child you barely know?” Hancock said leering at him, “You don’t know anything about her and how dare you pretend to?!”

“Same reason why YOU tried,” he growled, “And I think I know someone who used to come to me every single dark for hours at a time just to make sure I was alive well enough. As I’ve said, her identity is safe but that is the reason I wanted to track her down. I can’t thank her enough and I vowed that if our paths crossed again, I would make sure she would be rewarded,” Hancock softened a little.

“…I hate to admit that I know the feeling. That’s why I try and spoil her rotten. She’s slowly letting me. I can’t thank her enough for what she tried to do. She deserves the world,”

“Tell me, how did you know she wasn’t in that burning hellhole, woman,”

“Because I was the one who was supposed to kill her. It was an order that I knew I could never carry out. I couldn’t take her and go into hiding; they had my sisters, so I gave her up in the hidden town,”

“Answer me this, why? You know just as well as I do what those monsters were capable of and I know it wasn’t because she was nice to a few servants the reason she was to be killed and they decided to make sure it was with someone that she trusted the most,”

“I can’t tell you. But let’s just say if she is ever found, she will be killed. She’s growing stronger and stronger and soon she wouldn’t have to hide anymore but for now, no one can know who she is or where she came from,”

“…was she modified like those princes?”

“Somewhat, but she’s a failed experiment in their eyes for obvious reasons. So with that being said never make her feel that uncomfortable again! Don’t try and bully her into liking you. It’s not going to work and if you ever do I’ll gut you myself!”

“I would never. I just…really needed to thank her for saving my life. I didn’t mean to bully her but I needed to get this done. Who knows if and when I’d get this opportunity again. And that goes without saying that her family can never know about this. I don’t want to complicate things,”

“…I won’t mention it, unless it’s mentioned,”

“That’s all I ask. Though I may ask if there’s a way for you to wing her coming to visit me at my casino once in awhile,”

“You’re asking for too much but I’ll see what I can do,” when she came back, holding a to go pot of hot chocolate, the adults went back their normal faces as though nothing happened.

“Got it!”

“Thank you, mija! I know this day as been weird but I really wanted to thank you for spending time with me,” he pats her head, “That chocolate is yours to keep,”

“REALLY?! It’s okay! Thank you for the churros and earrings!”

“Anytime!” then a large white car pulled up in front of the parlor. Tesoro got up.

“My car is here, I think it’s time me to take my leave,” he walked out followed by the two ladies. There was a woman in the driver’s seat of a large white and gold convertible car with the hood down. She hopped out and went to the passenger seat. Tesoro got in the driver’s seat. _______________ looked at the car in awe.

“WOW! That’s a really nice car!” she said looking at it and gently touching it.

“The next time I see you I’ll take you for a spin!”


“Promise! Hell if you’re good I’ll get you one but it’s getting late and I think I better take my leave. Listen to your Miss Hancock and familia and be a good and clever girl!”

“I will!

“Oh and one more thing. If something ever happens, if you get lose or scared and out to sea, follow the stars and let them guide you. As long as you have those stars, they’ll take you someplace safe,”

“Okay! Have a safe trip home!” he waved goodbye and was soon a speck in the distance. Hancock took her home and told her that if anyone asked that she was the one who gave her the beli.

“It’ll just be a little easier,”

“But isn’t that lying?”

“Technically and you know I feel about that…how about you just say someone gave it to you,”


“Also…what did you think of Mr. Tesoro? Do you like him? And I don’t mean because he gave you a gift,”

“Mhm! He’s nice! He kind of reminds me of you, Marco, and Shanks with some of the Strings Man,”

“Would you like to visit him someday?”

“Sure! Where does he live?”

“He lives on a big ship that’s all I really know. But he wants you to visit someday,”

“Okay! I would be rude to not go,”

“It would be trust your gut,”

“My gut is okay!” Hancock looked relived. _________________ kissed her cheek, hugged her and scampered inside. No one was home. She found a note saying that everyone was would be coming home late because of last minute preparations and that they put her cake away for her. She looked down. Everyone was going to come home tired and hungry. She thought for a few moments. She can use the money that Mr. Tesoro gave her to get everyone something to eat! She grabbed her coat and headed outside.

The Whitebeard Family came into the house dead tired. The last day of the harvest was always the worst, especially since they had to put everything in the silos and storage and making sure everything was rodent proof and free and they split up to loaded it all. It was dark and late when they got back and were surprised when they smelt something delicious through the house. Cook add just place the last things on the large table. Sanji, Law, and ___________________ were helping with everything. She beamed at them.

“Hi!” said __________________ smiling

“…how?” said Rakugo

“When…” said Marco

“What’s going on?” said Namur

“Just go wash and get to the table,” said Cook smiling, “I’ll explain later,” the men were soon eating and drinking their fill.

“So she came into the restaurant and asked Zeff if she could order a lot of dim sum. It was sadly before the dinner rush so he had to turn her down. She was leaving and I was picking up the dinner orders for the house and told her I’ll right there and gave her a list of ingredients I needed from the market. So I grabbed my assistant cooks and we decided to make it here and thankfully you all had all of the staples I needed but the little lady got the rest of things I needed,”

“Where did you get the beli for this?!” said Ace as he munched on some fried wontons.

“Someone gave it to me for being good! And since we’ve been working so hard I thought a big dim sum dinner would be amazing!”

“Good call little lady!” said Thatch.

“Seriously!” said Blenheim ruffling her hair

“It all taste great, Cook,” said Whitebeard.

“Thank you!”

“Cook, I will gladly marry you if you give me the recipe to your wonton soup,” said Thatch

“Na uh,”

“Oh come on!”

“Not until I get the chicken fried rice recipe you still owe me,”

“Fine, fine!”

“Along with the orange sauce sea bass,”

“What?! Since when that was a part of the deal?!”

“Since I literately have to make more because everyone loves it so much,”

“You drive a hard bargain woman… fiiiiiiiiiiiiine,”

“Thank you,”

“Cook if you marry me, I promise you’ll never want for anything in your entire life!” said Fossa

“Sorry, I’m married to my career at the moment,”

“The offer is always on the table,”

“Stop flirting with Cook!” said Ace, “She obviously has standards! And you guys are bad at it!”

“What’s that suppose to mean?!” Rakugo laughed.

“She’s super awesome and she deserves someone super awesome,” said Sabo, “Not a bunch of weird old men who just wants her because she can cook!”

“Yeah! She’s a delicate flower that needs to be nurtured and gently taken care of! Not tilled with the rough hands of rough men!” said Sanji

“Please, I’ve seen Cook gut a boar with her bare hands, she’s not that delicate,” said Law helping himself to a few dumplings.

“REALLY?!” said Luffy, “THAT’S SO COOL!”

“Mhm,” said Cook smiling, “snapped his neck and served him up that evening for dinner. He was after the mushrooms I was picking and wouldn’t take my no’s for an answer. He wasn’t really a threat until he started to get aggressive and kept charging at me,”


“Sure you can!”

“…Cook let me take you away from all of this!” said Fossa

“Really?!” said Ace

“If you can find a person who can catch and serve dinner, grab and hang on!”

“Leave Cook alone!” said Sanji

“Seriously!” said Law

“I mean they’re more than welcome but each of my sisters has to approve. I simply can’t just leave without their blessing and my uncle’s,”

“Hmmmm…taking out the Maids would be a problem…like you just can’t trust those smiles and looks,” said Kingdew

“And they work for Doflamingo, that says a lot,” said Speed Jill, “Considering they’re his inner circle,”

“And I’m pretty sure Lesser and Cleaner are final bosses,” said Vista


“The mousey ones are usually the most terrifying,”

“Then we would have to worry about her uncle,” said Kingdew

“Who is your uncle?” said Pops, “I didn’t think you Maids had any other family,”

“Only Lesser and me and it’s…an interesting situation but my uncle is Zeff,” the men looked shocked then absolutely dejected.


“I’m out,” said Fossa

“I thought about it but nope,” said Rakugo

“Me too,” said Thatch, “I’m pretty sure Zeff can and will kill us if we even look at Cook,”

“That’s the Baratie rule!” said Sanji, “No one but me is allowed in the kitchen while Cook is cooking!”

“Sound about right,” After all of that hard work, food, and hot baths, everyone was pretty much out like a light or almost there. __________________ was munching on some of the cake with a small cup of the hot chocolate in bed hunkered in her warm blanket. She had a big smile on her face as she smelt the crisp air from her balcony. Everyone in town was going to be warm and happy because everyone worked so hard to help each other. She yawned placed her plate on the nightstand and started to slowly drift off to sleep with the biggest smile on her face.

The woman woke up and stretched. She lingered in bed for a little while before getting up and opened all the windows. The sunlight was warm and the air of sweet and crisp. She looked outside. The sun was just rising over the kingdom and the view was breathtaking. She went back inside and got dressed. She got into a blue dress that matched her eyes and went with her long orange tresses. She twirled, slipped on some sandals and started on her morning. All of her duties were done. The harvest was finished and she didn’t need to go any shopping. But she decided to do something special, make churros for her savior and her king. She got all of the ingredients ready and measured before she made the dough and placed it into a large piping bag. She them place the rest of the dough in a large bowl so she could fry them at the castle for the king. He would love them better hot. She had just finished when there was a knock on the door.

“Come on in!”

“MORNING!” she looked up and was almost immediately tackled by a little girl, “How are you Onee?!”

“Does your father know you’re out here?”

“I told him this time!”

“Good, you know he worries about you!” she loved having the little princess around. She took to the kingdom like it was her own, played with the other children and when she found her barn, she became a frequent visitor, often asking if she needed help with anything. She liked the company. At night she and the rest of the adult in town often went to the tavern to unwind and shoot the breeze and catch up on things but having a little girl to help her with simple things was some of the best company she could ever ask for.

“Whatcha doin’ Onee?”

“Well, since the Harvest is done, I decided to make some churros for our king as a big thank you for everything he’s done,”

“What’s a churro?”

“It’s a popular breakfast from an area I used to live in that’s made of sugar and cinnamon and eaten with hot chocolate,”

“…can I have some?!”

“Mhm! I was going to take everything and fry it at the castle so he can have it nice and piping hot,”

“Let’s go!” she loaded everything into two baskets and soon they were on their way. The princess skipped ahead but them slowed down when she saw that Onee was far behind her.

“I’ve lived here for going on five years now,”

“Do you miss your home?”

“Well, I never really had a home. So this is my home,”

“What do you mean you never had a home? Everyone came from somewhere, right?”

“I did but…things happened and I was moved from home to home with my family, mainly to hide from my father’s debts…then I had to stay in order for him to be free from them,”

“That’s terrible! But you’re okay, now! You’re here now!”

“It wasn’t like that at first. When I first came…I was scared, alone, terrified, and on the brink of death. I washed up here and the guards brought me in. The next thing I knew I was being nursed back to health. The King checked on me every single day to make sure I was given the upmost care. I wasn’t used to such kindness. When I was back to health he asked if I wanted to stay in his kingdom if I didn’t have anywhere else to go. I didn’t so the guards gave me an abandoned barn and helped me fix it up and it’s been my own since. I never want to leave this place,”

“No one does! It’s so cool! But maybe you can help me with this,”


“Why is Grandpa like this? I mean, I remember the stories about the Void King being a demon. A fearsome king who can make any man fall to their knees with a single glance. A man who fought three Yonko and lived and feared by two, even allied with the King of the Pirates to finish off the Bad Times,”

“And that’s all true and because of all of those hardships in life, he believes that everyone deserves to have a place to call home and feel safe. If a kingdom can’t be safe for its citizens, it’s not a home but a prison. He knows how it feels to be in a prison so he made the kingdom a home where everyone can feel safe, come and go as they please but still have a place to come to when they need to be secure,”

“How do you know so much Onee?!” she chuckled.

“It’s my job. I was spending so much time reading and cataloguing the kingdom’s history and such he asked if I wanted to do it always and now I get paid to do what I love and I’m happy and he’s happy because he doesn’t have to do it anymore,” the princess laughed.

“Oji-chan has enough to worry about,”

“He does. That’s why we all try to make things easier for him,”

“And that’s why Uncle Red is here,”

“Mhm, the King likes to pretend he hates him but I think he loves having him around more than he wants to admit,” they soon arrived at the gates. They were informed that the King was just waking up. They went to the kitchen and started the frying and hot chocolate and soon it was nice and hot for the King. The King in question was outside waiting. It was known that the man was not much of a morning person, especially lately with making sure everything was okay with the Harvest and other things from the outside. He was in a blue and black embroidered yukata, eyes still half closed, and hair all over the place. He almost immediately perked up when he smelled fried cinnamon dough and chocolate and little pattering of feet.

“Grandpa Void!” the king looked up and immediately caught the young princess.

“Good morning! Did you sleep well?”

“MHM! How are you?!”

“I’m well,”

“We’ve brought you breakfast your Highness,”

“Please, stop with the Highness formality,” he grumbled a bit embarrassed. He then caught a whiff, “…is that what I think it is?”

“Churros con chocolate. Your favorite!”

“You shouldn’t have!” he perked up a but

“I know they’re your favorite breakfast and I made a batch just for you!”

“You really shouldn’t have!”

“Dig in Oji-chan!” Void started to pour the chocolate for the woman and princess when a familiar hand come from above and went in for the kill. In an instant, it was grabbed and crushed with Void looking murderous. The person attached to the hand looked terrified.

“Touch them and die,”

“Okay, okay!”

“You know better than to get in the middle of his Highness and sweets, Red,” said the woman giggling

“Void’s cruelty knows no bounds!”

“Come, come eat with me you two,” said Void making the two ladies sit down.

“Don’t you mean three?” said Red

“I don’t think so,” he said pouring them each a cup of chocolate

“What about me?!”

“What about you?”

“Please Oji-chan! We made a lot!” said the princess

“There’s plenty, my King!” said the woman giggling. Red held out his hands looking pathetic. Void sighed.

“Sit down,”

“Wahahahaha thank you ladies!” the woman happily dipped and ate her churro, chuckling at the antics of the men who were doing their hardest to not swear or be too violent around the sweet princess. She never thought in a million lifetimes that her life would went from tragedy to heaven by a single twist of fate. She tried not to cry thinking about it. Void smiled at her.

“My dear, can you please do me a favor and bring us another batch?”

“Of course!”

“I can help!” said the princess

“Oh no I need you to help me finish these while your Onee brings more!”

“Okay!” she excused herself and went to the kitchens. There she sobbed heavily into her dress. It’s been five years and she knew she was better but her happily ever after could never be complete not without him. She had a few suitors but they all understood when she explained her reasoning. She would never move on, she could never move on without him. She sobbed and opened the picture revealing her heart. She gently traced her face and smiling at his sweet smile and kind face. She knew in her heart he was probably dead, died in that explosion and she vowed to never love another. She sobbed and wiped her face again. She’ll meet him again someday in Heaven but she knew he wouldn’t want her to be unhappy. She smiled and wiped her eyes and composed herself before making another batch of churros and bringing them to her king.

Chapter 76: Winter Tales


Three Tales about Winter


Merry Christmas to all! I hope your finals and everything went well for those of you who had them!

Chapter Text

The two brothers had a weekly meeting and a weekly get together just to touch basis and make sure the other one in well. Doflamingo would never admit it but he actually looked forward to these little meetings with Roci. The last time they really talked or encountered each other was when they were kids and he ran off in fear. It was decades before they saw each other again. Doflamingo accepted him with opened arms and even after everything, they were civil. Today, they were discussing things. It was a monthly check in. Ever since Doffy left Dressrosa and went into hiding because of Kaido, he was place under immediate protection, a difficult perk being a Warlord. But because of Roci’s position, he decided to help keep his brother safe under the conditions that other than the shit that everyone knew of, he wouldn’t do new shit, take his Warlord position seriously, and stay a good ten feet from Law when they were alone. Another meeting was over and they stood up. However, one question has been on Roci’s mind for the last several years. Something that burned on his mind, made him lose sleep and even got him over thinking.

“Doffy, can I ask you something?”


“It’s about…that night, when you shot me,”

“What about it?”

“Why didn’t you?” Doflamingo stopped. His body tensed up, “I know you, you could have easily killed me if you wanted to, you purposely missed several times, and the shot you made was with a rubber bullet. There wasn’t a bullet wound. What’s the deal? I betrayed you…for the greater good but you were the one who instated the Blood Oath and I broke it. You had all grounds in your twisted logic to end me right there,” Doflamingo poured him and Rocinante a drink. He slid his over and both proceeded to drink.

“Listen because I’m probably never going to say this again. You’re my brother, Roci. Despite everything, you’re my baby brother and I…well…life wouldn’t mean anything if you weren’t around. We’re the only two left and yes, you’re a lot like dad and that’s why I knew I could have killed you because you care about me too. It didn’t stop your clumsy ass from trying to imprison me but still, I get it. But I know you never wanted me to die,” he pours them another round. Rocinante looked shocked and almost like he was about to cry, “Besides, Law needed a father figure, you two idiots obviously bonded and I’m pretty sure if he would have gotten older, he would have hunted me down to kill me. And if he hadn’t, Lesser would have and if that wouldn’t have happened, Meme would have taken me out the moment she found out,” Rocinante laughed

“So you did it because of Meme!”

“I know whatever I would have done to you wouldn’t be nearly as bad as what she would have done me and I’d rather take my chances with death than that,” he shuddered

“Is she still enjoying her vacation?”

“Mhm, so much that I hadn’t gotten a lousy fuckin’ letter or snail call,”

“…she sent me a letter! And a care package!” Doflamingo stopped mid drink.

“…she what?”

“Yeah! She was in South Blue! She sent me a bunch of things! She sent me some macarons, some of those honey snacks we used to eat, a lot of fish, some books for Law and some dresses for Nojiko and Nami! Oh! And some turron and pralines! She said she found some honey and nuts and decided to make us some! I still have some! She made a lot!” he looked up. Doffy had the most hurt look on his face, as though he was stabbed repeatedly in the heart.

“Where’s mine?! The fuck did I do?!”

“I-I’m pretty sure yours got lost in transport! Or did you tell her where you are now or does she still think you’re in Dressrosa?” Doflamingo was silent for a few moments but before he stood up, grab his coat, and headed out the door ordering the maids to get his ship ready for Dressrosa. Rocinante couldn’t help but laugh. However, he was grabbed and dragged out the room, “Hey!”

“Give me one of your Meme turron! I’ll give you one of mine when I get back!”

“You’re really going to travel all the way to Dressrosa to get Meme’s package?”

“Don’t question my motives!”


“What’s going on?” said Perv getting Doflamingo’s Dressrosa wardrobe ready.

“Nothing! Just get the ship ready!”

“He’s upset because he thought Meme didn’t get him a care package. That’s why he’s going to Dressrosa,” Perv chuckled.

“Awww! That’s so cute!”


“What is?” said Dom, “By the way Boss, how long are you staying?”

“A few days, pack the slippers and don’t worry about what anything Perv says!”

“He’s upset because he thought Taicho didn’t get him anything. That’s why he’s going to Dressrosa,”

“Awww! Boss that’s so cute! But why don’t you have Pica or Vergo mail it over?”

“Because he doesn’t trust anyone with his Meme packages,” said Roci

“Shut up Roci!”

Marco was casually having himself a drink on the roof garden in front of the fire pit. Next to him was his little shadow drinking some hot cider. The nights were getting colder, the snow clouds were starting to move in, and the nights and days were cold and still. There were festivities going on downstairs but they really just needed a few moments of quiet. He could tell something was something bothering her. He could read her like a book. He knew she, like the boys, were upset about going to Wano this year. After everything with the harvest, everyone was just enjoying the fruits of their labor without a care. However, they both needed a few moments of silence. But Marco knew there was something upsetting his little chick. For a little while, she seemed quieter than usual and it came after they announced their Wano trip was cancelled. She and the boys talked to Atlas and ever since then, she looked troubled.

“What’s on your mind, kiddo?”

“How do you know?”

“Hmmmm well, there’s cookies and not one has been eaten and there’s still some cider in your mug. Usually you’ll be on your second cup by now,”


“Wanna talk about it?” she nodded.

“Ace is super upset that he can’t go to Wano this year, so am I. Oji-chan told us it’s about Kaido and Ace said he could talk him on, if that was the case. Oji-chan got really mad and told Ace and Luffy that this wasn’t a game and told us that Kaido can’t just disappear. I told Ace I met him and I would NOT recommend ANYONE going him OR Big Mom because they’re scary! Ace got mad at me and said I’m too cautious! I’ve also been having weird dreams again and…I’ve been thinking more and more about life before I was with Sister and I don’t want to because I’m happy here and feel guilty for even thinking about it!”

“So much emotion in a little body,” he smiled, “Let’s start off with the last one. It’s only curious to think about where you come from. You’re a living breathing being and most beings do wonder where they come from. It’s only natural. Don’t feel guilty about it, especially if you’re having bad dreams,”

“But they’re really weird! Sometimes there are really nice people, but sometimes really bad people. So you remember where you come from?”

“Nah, I’m an orphan, just like you were,”

“So you didn’t know your parents either?”

“Nope, but I passed around for years until I was old enough to find my own place and met Thatch and Izo on the way. I’ve thought about what would have happened if I stayed in the place where I was and living with Pops was the best decision. But it could have easily not have been the best decision for someone else and that’s okay,”

“Oh, true! But Sister and Pops LOVES kids so this is the best place for any kid!”

“It is but then there’s Blackbeard who used to live with us as a brother and well, look how that turned out,”

“I don’t like him. How can you try and kill a family that loves you for something like a Devil Fruit?! Ace said even he was a target,”

“He was, that’s why we don’t like to talk about it. But it’s okay, because this was before you came and he doesn’t know about you, just your male form and it you were here, you would have been the perfect target,” she shuddered

“By why hadn’t he tried again? I mean…he’s been here before, right?”

“Well, fortunately for us, the man’s a selective idiot. He can remember things like battle, strategies and just how to be a massive dumbass but he can’t return to an island without help. He never knew how to get back here, even though he’s lived here for so long. But thankfully when he formed his crew it was miles from here,”

“That’s good! He can’t bother us!”

“Exactly! And don’t mind Ace. He’s at that age where he wants to fight and surpass Pops someday. I’m sure Atlas set him straight,”

“Mhm! He told us about the Demon Blade going against him AND Big Mom at the same time! But Ace says it doesn’t matter because when we grow up we can do whatever.

“Don’t be in such a hurry to grow up,” he chuckled, “There’s advantages of being a kid so enjoy it. Not to say you won’t have fun as an adult,”

“I know! You guys still have fun!”

“Life isn’t worth living if you can’t have fun from time to time but like now, you do have priorities to tend to like your studies and we’ll gradually give you bigger responsibilities but it’s all about balance and life is a mixture of balance, fun, and responsibility and of course quiet moments like this,”

“I like quiet moments like this,” she grinned. They were quiet again for a few more moments, savoring the fire. ___________________ still looked a little uneasy.

“All the minutes gradually fly away-
And you shouldn't wait for them again!
And, of course, we're sorry about the past,
but yet All the best is certainly ahead!

Spreading like tablecloth, distant way goes on,
And it can reach right heaven's horizon.
Everyone, everyone should believe in the best.
The Blue Coach is rolling, rolling on...”

“What song is that?”

“One of those very old pirate songs,”

“It’s really sad!”

“Oh? I think there’s a silver lining in it,” she cocks her head, “Your only job is to be a kid, nothing more. You’re learning the world and everything that you can’t get as an adult. And you’re still optimistic about it and curious but you see the world different as you get older, that’s what the song means. Life is like a moving train or a sailing ship. You see the world, many different times with many different people. Sometimes they stay in your life, sometimes they go but life is always moving. You can’t go back but you can always move forward, even when you want moments to stay the same,”

“That’s really sad though! I don’t want everything to change! Everything is perfect right now!”

“It is isn’t it?” he smiled, “For you but someone else may want it to keep moving so they can heal or get to a point where they have their happy ending,”

“But then mine might change,”

“But you’ll always have one, life doesn’t suck all the time but it’s not always good. You have to work for happiness or surround yourself with people that’ll make you happy,”

“Then I never want to leave home!” he smiled and ruffled her hair.

“You’ll always have a home here but as much as we would never want you to leave, you should see the world. I know you want to travel and see all of the places Blume and Rayleigh have been,”

“True! I wanna be a traveler. I don’t have Ace, Luffy, Sabo, and Law to fight over who’s ship I’m gonna be on first!” Marco snorts.

“Well, Luffy will be last because he’s the youngest, I’m pretty sure it’ll be down to Ace and Law but whatever your decision and remember, it’s YOUR decision, despite what Ace tells you,”

“I know! But then again…Big Mom is may be still looking for me, right?! What if she finds out I’m a girl?!”

“After that pants stunt I don’t think she’s going to find out and if she does, we’ll always be here if you ever need us. Even if Big Mom found you or someone else who poses a threat, they’ll never get you,”



“Anymore weird dreams?”



“There’s one in particular about a boy! I can’t really get a good look at him but there’s always something off with him. But lately I’ve been seeing the angelic lady!”

“Angelic lady? I don’t think I’ve heard you talk about her,”

“She comes randomly but she’s so pretty! She has long golden hair, her eyes are like the sky, and she’s always in a white room surrounded by flowers! I don’t know who she is but she’s so nice to me and she only comes randomly. This time she came after a bad dream about Big Mom. She saved me and took me back to her room and was singing to me! Then I felt better! I have a theory that she’s your mom for some reason,” Marco laughed, “It’s because she tell me stories!”

“She sounds like a good woman. I hope you get to meet her again in your sleep,”

“I do too! But…I’m worried about Oji-chan! What if Kaido tries to hurt him! What if he tries to hurt Hiyori or Oden or Toki or Okiku or everyone?!” Marco puts his hand on her head.

“Hey, hey, calm down. You shouldn’t worry about things like that. Atlas has everything under control. Everything is going to be fine,” she didn’t look so sure, “I know he doesn’t look it but Atlas is a tough man, he managed to raise Pops and Flora when they were kids, captained five fleets of his own back in the day, and still considered to be a powerhouse. If Kaido could find Sphinx or manage to overpower Oden, Atlas will be able to deal with it,”


“Mhm!” she looked a little relieved, “Awww worried about your Oji-chan?”

“Well, yeah! I worry about him and Grandpa and Sister! They’re older! What if sometime happened? I KNOW Pops can take care of himself but I don’t know if they could!” Marco chuckled.

“Trust me, Flora, Rayleigh and Atlas are MORE than capable of taking care of themselves. Atlas’ crew lives in Sphinx and if anything happened, they’ll spring into action, Rayleigh…let’s just say he’s stronger than he looks…despite being carefree and Ma… she’s a one woman army. You’ve had her Bops of Learning,”

“…yeah…it hurts when it gets cold,” he laughed and pats her head.

“Feel better now?”

“Yep! I’m glad we had this talk,” he smiled


“Mhm, now I don’t feel bad for not going to Wano this year,”

“I know you’re still disappointed but I’m glad I was able to make you feel better,” he said

“Is this a part of growing up?”

“Mhm, you have to take the good with the bad, even though you don’t want to. But that doesn’t mean we can’t have fun here,”

“True! Like my first Christmas here! Remember?!”

“How can I not? You wanted to kiss everyone under the mistletoe,” she reddened and covered her face. He laughed and pulled her into an one armed hug.

“Don’t worry, we’ll do something extra special, I promise,” he glanced down at her. She was looking at the fire with a calmer face now, “tomorrow, since everything is opened, let’s do some shopping,”

“Christmas shopping?”

“Mhm, we’ll go to another island and see if there’s anything cool we can find,”


“And we can get the supplies for your gifts to your little friends,”

“You know about that?”

“I listen, even though it doesn’t seem like I am,”

“I hope they like them this year! Embroidery is hard!”

“It is but you have the best teacher in the house,”

“How did you get so good?”

“Blame Izo and Kiku. When we were travelling, Izo liked nice things on clothing and I picked up a book and tried. He was happy with it. When he and Kiku were reunited, Kiku asked me to embroider a handkerchief for her. I did, Izo got jealous and wanted one too and soon it became a sibling pissing contest. The designs became more and more complicated and intricate, and it went from handkerchiefs to shoes to skirts, and it got to the point that Oden had to keep them from destroying the other’s items and Atlas and Pops had to draw up a ordinance that I was to not embroider another thing for either of them unless it was ran by them first,” she laughed, “So I decided to pass on my secrets and crafts in secret. Seriously, don’t let those two know you can make things like that,”

“Got it!” he poured her some more cider and she helped herself to another cookie.

“Maybe we offended someone just in vain?
The calendar will turn over that page.
We are rushing forward to adventures, Friends!
Hey, come on, speed up, Engineer!”

“Spreading like tablecloth, distant way goes on,
And it can reach right heaven's horizon,”
Everyone, everyone should believe in the best.
The Blue Coach is rolling, rolling on...”

He looked down, surprised she remembered the refrain. She grinned.

“What? It’s catchy!”

A Man and a Beast stood apart from each other in the cold still dusk. Snow and ice surrounded them, encasing everything in its path but the two beings. The atmosphere was silent, deathly silent, around them was signs that there was a violent struggle between the two. Footprints on the snow, cracks in ice and the hills, and no sounds from the birds or any creature, the only sound was the panting breathes of the Man and Beast. The Man was panting, his breath coming out as soft puffs from his mouth. The frigid air was making his lungs ache but at this moment, he didn’t care. His chest and arms were sliced all to hell but he didn’t look bothered. Blood seeped and poured from him making little droplet on the snow. He stood still with an intense gaze at the Beast. If looks could kill, both would have been dead. The Beast was snarling, his face twisted in both anger and panic. He’s never been bested, not by anyone and not like this in his entire life. Blood poured from the wound onto the pure white snow. No matter what form he took, the Man overpowered him and managed to take him down. However, they were both tired, they were both panting and they knew that if either of them were going to give up easily and that this fight would determine who lives and who dies.

The sound of snow of snow falling from a nearby branch and landing on the ground with a crunch knocked them both back into reality. The Beast ran at the Man. The Man managed to move in time however, learning the Beast’s moves and followed his predictions. He managed to deflect and put some distance between him and the Beast. But this time, the Beast decided to be clever. He was fast; he purposely slowed himself to place the Man into a false sense. The clever Beast let himself get hit. The Man was powerful, but so was he. He slid and skidded back as the man went after him. He waited until the Man got close but before moving and pivoted fast. This was the trump card he needed and he needed this to hit because that was the very last of his energy. This caught the Man off guard. He turned to look his eye on the Beast but it was too late. The Beast drove a very long ice sharp through the Man. The Man let out a deafening scream and fell to his knees. Blood sprayed the snow. He coughed, gagging on his own blood. The Man gasped for air, his mind accessing the situation. The Beast laughed watching the Man finally being at his proper place, at his feet. He watched this for a few more moments and decided to end his enemy’s torment once and for all. He came at him with his kanabo.

There was the sound of a swing cutting through the air followed by a sickening thud that echoed across the seas. The thud however wasn’t against a skull but a hand. The Man had stopped the blow with his hand while he was still kneeling on the ground. The Beast tried to pull it away, getting over the initial shock and but the Man held it firm, lift up his head, eyes leering at him then lifted it and the Beast and over his head and swung the weapon, hard and fast and released both. The Beast flew into a glacier. The ice shards sliced and cut him up as he flew through. He managed to get through the other end and there he was greeted to a large sword through his side. He screamed out as the Man armed with a large sword swung, slicing and cutting every single inch of his body. The Beast cried out in agony, the weapon was weakening him, stopping him from using his second form until eventually he was a bloody mess on the ground. He looked up. The Man had his sword pointed at him.

“I’ll give you the same offer again, Leave Now and Live or Stay and Die,” the Beast leered at the Man. He tried to get up again but realized he could barely move. He had to struggle to get to his feet. He groaned in pain, almost like a whimper. He limped towards the man and was next to him when he was stopped.

“This isn’t over,” he spats, “I swear I’ll get to you some way or another. Even if it takes the rest of my life, I’ll find and take the thing you love the most, mock my words,” the Beast staggered walked to and collapsed in his boat. The man placed a large sheet over him and shoved the boat out to sea towards somewhere he could get some help. The man then staggered back to his own vessel. He was banged up pretty badly, not as bad as his opponent but he knew he would be medical attention as soon as he could. Every step he took was a painful stab and he soon was holding onto the glaciers for support. He was about to collapse when he was propped up on both sides.


“Got ya!” he was taken back to a ship and was immediately made to sit down. One of his crewmates took off his cloak and the tattered remains of his shirt. He recoiled in horror, “How the HELL could you be still standing with this through your lung?! It looks like he gutted you like a fuckin’ fish! How many slices?! W-What’s with the black veins?!”

“Can’t recall, I stopped caring at five. Those happened ages ago, nothing to really do about those. Am I going to die?”

“You’re a lucky man. You’re not going to die and do have a chance,” he took out a needle and got to work on the Man’s body. It took hours and the Man sat patiently, even talking to the doctor as though nothing happened. The doctor knew this was probably his own way of keeping his mind off the pain and engaged him as much as he could. The door opened and a set of footstep walked in.

“Are you okay?” said the other man

“Where’s Amare?”

“Oh! She’s fine! She made it back without any problems!” the man looked relieved, “Don’t worry, lover boy, dear wifey is okay,”

“Good, I knew Shanks and Buggy were capable but I would never forgive myself if they got hurt in the crosshairs of getting her home,”

“You were needed here and the boys are tougher than they look,”

“And knowing her, she probably spoiled them from the time she got on the ship,”

“That too, mean I’m going to work them like the dogs they are the moment I see them,”

“You’re a sadist Rayleigh,”

“So are you, my friend,” he laughed, “I’ll tell Roger you’re back but not before I give you a few moments to yourself. Want something from the kitchens?”

“Triple chocolate hot fudge sundae with vanilla and whipped cream,”

“Got it. Wait is it okay, Crocus?”

“Mhm, I think all that sugar is the reason you’re so resilient. Besides, I’m done here. Looks like you’re going to be in bed for the next month or so,” the Man looked a little defeated. Rayleigh smiled.

“Well, if it makes you feel better, we’ll head over to Baterilla and hide out there for a little,” the Man looked relieved. If there was one thing he knew about Roger it was that when he was on that island, his mind was elsewhere and off of him making his recovery go smoothly. He was escorted to his room where his ice cream was waiting. He dug in, finishing every sweet bit before just sitting up in bed. He knew he would be feeling the pain the moment his adrenaline was down. He yawned. The last few hours were a whirlwind and all he wanted was to finally put his mind at ease. Amare was safe, the boys got back to the ship was safe, and that Beast would be out of commission for awhile, weakening Rocks’ defense for awhile. All and all worth it. He grabbed a book, getting ready to settle in when he heard commotion outside.

“Is he okay?!”

“Yeah is he?!”

“See for yourselves!” the door opened. The man looked up to see two boys looking at him with worry. One was a redhead with a straw hat and the other was a blue haired boy with a beanie and a big red nose. They looked at with both shock and awe, half expecting him to be more banged up than he was.

“He’s going to be okay boys. Void you want them in here?” said Rayleigh

“It’s fine, I can use the company,” the moment the door closed, almost immediately the boys bombarded him with endless questions.

“ARE YOU OKAY?!” said Shanks

“HOW ARE YOU ALIVE?!” said Buggy





“Calm down, I’m fine. Yes, I took on all of his forms, I just have a punctured lung with some blood and I should be up and moving in a few weeks if I just stay in bed,”


“Wind attack, no biggie,”

“NO BIGGIE?! You took on one of Rocks’ best! And like lived!” said Buggy excitedly

“And you didn’t even break a sweat! We saw Kaido leaving! He was fucked up!” said Shanks

“Mhm and all I want is to rest,”

“Bu-But you gotta tell us all the details!”


“Why? A warrior doesn’t brag about his great feats, that’s what his admirers do. You have to be humbled or you’re going to get a swell head,”

“You and Captain have ALL the rights to have a swell head!” said Shanks

“Swell heads will get you killed. Always remember, there’s always a bigger fish,”

“PLEASE, you ARE the bigger fish! NO ONE is stronger than Captain and you!” said Buggy

“I can name a few. There’s Blume, there’s Atlas, there’s Yorki, there’s well, Rocks himself. And Marine wise, until Blume beheaded him, Goro and Kong are up there. Not to mention up and coming pirates,”

“But can they beat the two kings?! No!” said Buggy, “I mean the up and coming pirates!”

“Roger and I are technically up and coming and my notoriety comes from being a hidden king of a hidden town. Roger because he’s ambitiously stupid but I respect that about his weird annoying ass. I can’t thank him enough for allowing me to travel with him. I could go anywhere without sticking out like a sore thumb,” that was an understatement. Void could never blend in because not only he was a massive man but his features were exotic and Void wasn’t a name that exactly unique. And if for any reason he took out his cloak, his black veins would be a point of contention. But slowly, with the help of the crew, he was able to move through areas without giving him a second glance. He was able to go to every single bakery and have his fill of the local pastries and cookies. For awhile, he tasked the boys with it, until he decided to try for himself.

“…is that way we’re not allowed to call you Void in public?!”

“Mhm, I want to walk through town without anyone staring at me. It’s refreshing,” the boys looked a little defeated. Void looked at the before sighing, “Alright, alright, since you two got Amare back, I’ll tell you of my fight with Kaido,” their faces lit up, “IF you tell me of your adventure bringing her home. I’m pretty sure it wasn’t easy,”

“It…was but…we kind of made a pit stop along the way and had an…adventure. Amare encouraged it,” he chuckled.

“I know she did,” Void got comfortable and grinned, “Tell me all about it, boys,”

Law walked through the snow along with Corazon, Lesser, Sengoku, Jade, and Floyd. After the harvest was finally done, Corazon decided that it was time to do some Christmas traditions and this was one was getting a tree. He invited Lesser and her brothers with them this year and Corazon as usual invited his father. Tonight they were looking for a tree. They did this last year but they wanted to travel a little ways out. Sengoku took them to a place past the mountains. Once there, they set out to look for the perfect tree. The valley had a lot of them, some were cut down and other was too small to be a tree.

“That’s not a tree, it’s a cluster of pipe cleaners,” said Lesser

“What about this one?!” said Corazon

“Nope, too small,”

“This one?”

“Too skinny, take this seriously!”

“I am! Not everyone can be a tree aficionado you know!” the quartet watched as Lesser shot down almost every single tree that Corazon picked out. He was getting frustrated and finally pointed to a tree that was a good few feet taller than him.

“Way too tall!”

“Not for this,” he then lifted and placed her on the highest branch he could.

“Hey! Get me down!”

“No! You have to learn your lesson in not being so selective with trees! They all had their good point!”

“No they didn’t! Not get me down or else!”

“Or else wha—ACK!” Snowballs came raining from the sky pelting the tall man. He retaliated following suit, but his clumsiness had him on the ground with Lesser showing no mercy.

“Heehee, Sis and clownfish argue like an old married couple~” said Floyd

“I would say she can easily get down but it is a distance,” said Jade chuckling.

“Come on, while those two are acting out kids, we can find the perfect tree,” said Sengoku. He then called out to them, “Hey, once you two are finished frolicking, join us in looking for a tree!”

“And if you want to smooch, just go back to the car, okay~” said Floyd, “Little Surgeonfish doesn’t need to see that~”

“IT’S NOT LIKE THAT!” they shouted back. Corazon got her down and they trudged towards them, Lesser stopping every now and then to help the man up.

“I told him to wear snowshoes,” said Sengoku sighing

“He is,” said Law

“Poor man, it’ll take awhile for them to catch up. Sis isn’t going to leave him behind,”

“I worry, he’s going to skid and plant into a tree, I just know it,” said Sengoku

“Sissy has it handled!” said Floyd chuckling

“So you two are Lesser’s actual brothers?” said Law, “I’ve been meaning to ask that for awhile now,”

“Mhm, flesh and blood! Don’t see the family resemblance?” said Floyd grinning with his hands on his face. Apart from the teeth, it was hard to picture the trio as sibling, both has teal hair whereas Lesser’s was black, they had Heterochromia, she didn’t and both seemed more carefree, Lesser had a constant vigilance aura.

“…not really,”

“Well, Sis did take after our father’s side apparently,” said Jade chuckling, “At least we assume. We don’t really remember what he looks like,”

“So you guys were orphaned?” said Sengoku

“More like abandoned, actually. In Calva, our mother was planning on leaving without her three problems, aka us and Sis. Dear sister hid us in our mother’s things and when she decided to abandon her children, she took us along with her. She stayed behind,”

“Jokes on her, someone took us in~!” said Floyd laughing, “Don’t know where egg donor went but we all turned out pretty okay,”

“As okay as one can be at least,”

“So, you guys came back to visit?” said Law

“Mhm, Dear Sis couldn’t leave and she didn’t want anyone to find out about us so we visited and stayed with her every holiday. Azul’s parents were awesome about it. Azul didn’t have his land legs and well…decided to sit out but one year he did and became an often visitor but we promised that we would visit her the longest on Christmas. She could decorate the whole place on the inside just for us! She had a lot of food and we brought things, stayed until January 12th stuffed and happy,”

“Our favorite tradition was the advent calendar! She would make one and put treats in it for us!” said Floyd, “And hiding the presents! She found creative ways of hiding them from us and then told us that it was because of the Christkind and I would get SO mad and curse her name because I couldn’t find the presents that were on the ceiling!”

“Christkind?” said Law

“She always told us the Christkind, like a Christmas Angel, did it and every time we tried to see her, she would disappear,”

“…she still does that,” said Law rubbing the back of his head, “It’s kind of fun to go looking for them every year,”

“Ahhh~ she’s carrying on the tradition!” said Floyd, “What about Christkind? Please tell me she tried with that!” Law thought for a few moments before he started laughing.

“S-She did actually but it kind of…backfired,”

“Do tell!”

“Well, Buffalo ruined the belief of Santa for Baby 5 and Doflamingo was pissed but then the Maids decided to try and bring some Christmas magic back to all of the kids. So I guess they went with Lesser’s Christmas Angel idea because well…an Nightmare fueled angel visited the house. I’m saying it was nightmare fuel because imagine this if you will, a being with black wings, hair down, long sharp teeth, and red eyes sneaking into your room with presents. I found out later that Lesser was sick and her eye hemorrhaged and it was raining outside so when she came through the window, she was less than graceful and she woke up Baby 5, who was greeted to an winged being with red eyes, long black hair, and long sharp teeth carrying a red sack. It didn’t help that I told her about the Krampus earlier that week. She screamed and ran into my room. S-She chased Baby 5 shouting to get back into the room and get “what’s coming to her”. A-And Buffalo woke up to see what was the commotion was and ran out, saw demonic Christmas Angel Lesser and followed suit. She berated him for running Christmas for Baby 5 and threatened to kill him next time. She caught herself in the mirror, saw that she looked more scary that angelic and left the room. Then I think the Maids wanted to end this on a sweet note and had Cleaner disguise herself as the Christkind and comforted us…and then “vanquishing” the Krampus Angel. They lectured us and the bad angel was supposed to leave. The next thing we knew, she was flung out the window, and there was a string of swearing. Cleaner never broke character and Perv and Cook ran out of the house. In the morning, Lesser was walking about with a limp. She looked as though she wanted to kill Buffalo and Baby 5. Cora-san helped her up and down the stairs and the moment it was the day after Christmas, she ordered for Buffalo to go a Lesser Errand every single day until New Years. It did the trick because now they believe in the Christkind AND Krampus Angel! Cora-san told me later that Dom and him were using wires to make it look as though she was flying. Cook explained she needed a “quick escape” and they pulled too hard, sending Lesser flying out the window, the cable broke and it catapulted her fifty feet into the air and across the yard into a mud pile. She was bruised for a month,” Jade and Floyd were in stitches.

“POOR SIS!” said Floyd

“A-At least she la-landed some-someplace soft,” said Jade

“She had to be taken back to the house. Doctor and Nurse scolded them all good and he and Dom apologized for days making sure she was have to her old self again. I tried to help when I learned she “wasn’t feeling well”. I used the medical kit the Maids got me that year. I think she was touched even though I just changed her bandages and made sure to bring her food,”

“I’m sure she didn’t mind that. Okay that’s a few traditions down. Any other questions?”

“What about the Shit Log?” the two men stopped and looked at the boy

“…the what?”

“Well, Cora-san called it Caga Tió and well…we fed it food and stuff and on Christmas it shits out candy and small presents. Cora-san started it the first year we lived together and it continued with Nami and Nojiko. Nami loved it,”

“…yeah we never heard of that one,” said Floyd

“Me neither,”

“That one’s my fault,” said Sengoku, “My first year with Roci, I started noticing him doing some…odd things the first of December. He brought in a nice sized log into the barracks. At first I thought it was for the fireplace until he drew a face on it. Once again, I just thought it was…something noble children did…and then I noticed he was sneaking and putting scraps of food into it. I had no idea what he was doing and I didn’t want to startle him. He didn’t speak much at the time so I delicately asked him what the hell he was doing. He said it was feeding Caga Tió for candy and presents. I had to do A LOT of research to figure out what he was taking about and it was a thing, a very obscure tradition. I figure his family did it when he was a kid so I asked him about it more and well…that’s how the Shit Log came to be at home,” the twins laughed. Law snorts. Sengoku chuckled, “I honestly though he was just going to reach in for the presents. He said that was disgusting but proceeded to beat the log with a stick. Like that was normal. So image a small boy about nine beating a log and singing in a strange language, that came out like a whisper because he was at his silent phase. I have the video somewhere,”

“I don’t think we can top that with Sis!” said Jade laughing holding his sides, “Though I would LOVE to see her flying through the air as an demonic Christmas Angel!”

“Actually I think we can! Remember when she tried to come down the chimney but got stuck! I think she was trying to pretend to be the Christkind but it didn’t work out. It was around the time we were learning magic and well…she shot out of the chimney and handed somewhere. Don’t know where but she came home about fifteen minutes covered in soot,”

“I think there’s a theme here,” said Jade, “How she managed to survive is a miracle,”

“So Miss Maid got stuck in the chimney too?” said Sengoku, “Roci had a similar incident where he was hiding from Garp. I looked all over the place for him and was about to call for reinforcements and missing children when this little sooty ball came tumbling out and landed. I rushed over to make sure he was okay before I called a doctor. He was he was shaken but fine but he said that he needed a bath. The tub was gray for a month and that when he told me that was where he was hiding and dozed off and fell from the little ledge inside,”

“I swear those two are too similar,” said Law, “Though Cora-san never left his awkward stage,”

“He did…he used to be clumsier as a child,”

“But I grew out of it!” said Corazon from behind, “I’ve gotten better!”

“Yes but it can be better,” said Sengoku, “It was touch and go some days with you,”

“But I have im—GAH!” Corazon went tumbling down the hill. Lesser quick slid next to him and managed to grab him by his the back of his collar and slowed him down to keep him from smacking head first into the tree. She looked a little relieved before hoisting him up.

“Are you okay? Honestly I feel the snow is trying to kill you,”

“I’m fine! Thank you!” Law slid down after them and was in complete awe.

“It’s perfect!” and it was. The tree before them was what only could be described as perfection. It was a nice strong tree that was big enough for the living room. It was tall, but not too tall, full on all sides, a nice round bottom and a symmetrical top. He smiled, “It would be a shame to cut it though,”

“…it really would,” said Lesser, “Oh well, for the greater good!”

“WAIT, WAIT!” Corazon and Law stopped her. It was true. They really didn’t want to cut it down and looked at her pleadingly. Sengoku stepped forward.

“Law, use your room around us. You can do it for ten minutes now right?”


“Ma—Lesser, you and your brothers pull while I break the ground,”

“What should I do?” said Corazon

“Do your calm so we don’t alert anyone while we do this. On three everyone!”

Back at home, the tree was not repotted in a large pot and given fresh water. The tree was able to get into the house via backdoor and other than the signs of that looked like to be a tremor hitting the ground, the tree area was fine. The twins started a fire, while Lesser made tea and Sengoku trimming the tree. Floyd covered his face with ash from the fireplace.

“Sissy, remember this?” he said beaming at her. Lesser’s face went red.

“I thought you forgot about that!”

“How could we?! It the Christmas we learned how to swear!” said Floyd laughing.

“And you were so cute covered in soot!” said Jade

“You got stuck in a chimney too?!” said Corazon

“Mhm, only difference, she didn’t fall asleep,” said Sengoku


“It wasn’t your proudest moment so of course I did. I haven’t even told them about any more of you clever hiding spots. Case in point, the latrine—,”

“—Law, be a dear and get the stollen,” said Lesser. He nodded and went into the kitchen. There were two types, one that was for him and one for the rest of the family. He grabbed a piece for himself and started to munch before he went for the other. Jade walked in.

“Excuse me nephew,” he said smiling. Law moved aside still watching the adult laughing as Corazon died from embarrassment as his father told about some of his tactics as a child, “Don’t linger too long, you have stollen to bring,”

“I know, I know,”

“You know why she told you to come in here, right?”

“To keep me from listening. I think she doesn’t want me to lose respect for Cora-san but he’s…I can’t ever lose respect for him. But I like when she tries to do things like that for us,” he smiled.

“We know, I’m pretty it can be seen from space how much those two like each other,” said Jade smiling, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen Dear Sis with her guard completely down, especially around a Marine,”

“I think she and Sengoku agreed to disagree with each other when it comes to their lifestyle,” said Law, “…how did you guys know about us? Is that why you came? You wanted to see what we were like?”

“Mhm. That’s why Floyd and I came. She would talk about you all so much that we had to come and see you. For awhile, we thought she got hitched without telling us anything,” Law snorts. Jade ruffled his head and grabbed the wine from the cabinet, “We met her sisters and now we’ve met her…well I think you get the idea,” he winked and went back into the living room. This season has always been hard for him. Memories of his parents and sister always reminded him that they weren’t with him anymore. Memories of that night and memories of everything that happened in between made him just refuse that this season was meant for him. It took years for him to make it to this point. He was now eating stollen, in a house with the perfect tree, and surrounded by his new family, who not only gave him his space but genuinely wanted him to be safe and happy. He rubbed his eyes before feeling a warm presence behind him.

“I thought you were grabbing the stollen. You were taking so long, I thought you were making it,” Lesser patted his back as she glided in and went into the cabinet for a large wrapped stollen, “Soooo, unless you want to hang out with a bunch of stuffy, probably going to be drunk soon adult you can stay. Oooooooor if you want to deliver this to your little cake eating friend and her family and take as long as you like, you can do that too,” he smiled at her and peeked behind her and looked at the stollen and looked up at Lesser.

“Nah, I can deliver it in the morning, we have a house to decorate and more embarrassing stories to tell,” he grinned. She chuckled and placed it back, “Thank you for the option,”

“Of course. Come help me get the ornaments from the attic,”


Chapter 77: Maids in Action


The Maids have to Retrieve their Charges

A/N Happy New Year to ALL! Since I've gotten SO many requests for these five weirdos, I made a fic about them and well, why they're Doflamingo's Maids/ Bodyguards

Chapter Text

The area was a hotspot for bandit and other nefarious activities. It was a good few miles from the Marine Barracks but deep in the mountain range that it was considered a separate city all on its own. The residents thought they were clever, being so close to the Marines but no one knowing the wiser of what kind of shit that went on without detection. They were smart, smart indeed and they weren’t going to be taken likely. Most of the residents looked tough with a “don’t fuck with me” vibe. So it was a surprise to see a maid walking through the city, a young maid at that. She walked with grace and an angelic face. She wasn’t even dressed like a hooker or anything, a respectable dress that went to her ankles, a headpiece, and a face mask around her mouth. She stuck out like a sore thumb. She was looking at a piece of paper every so often. She ducked into a bar. The men all stared at her as she walked in. She had a sweet yet stern face with a closed mouth smile. The men looked her up and down as she sat on a stool. The bartender looked at her. He was slimy man with a gruff face, rough hands, and a dirty matted hair.

“Hey baby, what can I get you?”

“A glass of water and some information, please,”

“Tch, this is a bar hon,” he slammed some whiskey in front of her, “This is the weakest thing we got,” she looked at the bottle and poured her own glass and took a sip before downing it, “Shit, you sure that didn’t hurt goin’ down?”

“Usually it doesn’t but when it’s watered down this much, it goes down easy,” he glared.

“What are you implying?”

“Nothing, but if you don’t mind, I would really like some information. Four of my young charges were taken here and I would to bring them back before breakfast tomorrow possibly before it gets too late tonight, would you know where someone named Red resides?” she was civil and sweet, “Please, Lucky is it? I really need to get back and it’s getting pretty late,”

“Well you know what they say baby, cash, grass, or ass. And I’m not broke and I don’t wanna get baked so how about you lift that skirt and show me what you got? Or I we can see how your oral skills are,” the patrons of bar laughed and sniggered. This was going to be good.

“I heard good things come in small packages but I’m not in the mood to find out,” some of the patrons laughed at this. Lucky however, did not look please at all.

“You think you’re funny, bitch?!” he went to hit her. She moved her head back slightly, he accidently caught her face mask instead. He looked over and it and then at her face. The maid gave a toothy grin and poured herself another drink. Lucky felt something fall to the pit of her stomach. The look alone made the other men stop. What Lucky was seeing got him visibly shaken, as though he was going to piss his pants. The maid took a sip of her drink.

“So, can you give me the information I seek,”

“Y-Yeah! Sure thing! I-I heard R-Red orchestrated the whole thing! H-He’s in that mountain at the end of town! Y-Yah can’t miss him!” she finished her drink and stood up.

“Thank you. Be a dear and don’t tell him I’m coming. I want it to be a surprise,” she got up and headed for the door. The men glared daggers at her.

“Where do you think you’re going, bitch?!” said one man

“What did you do to Lucky?!” said the other. She glanced back.

“He doesn’t look lucky to me. Excuse me, I have an appointment and I don’t want to be la—,” the patron grabbed her blouse and pulled her close to him.

“I said that did you do to Lucky you cunt?!”

“NO DON’T—!” Lucky ducked as the man was flown across the room behind his bar. Before the other men could react, they found themselves riddled with pain as knees were all shot out. Those who went for weapons had them shout of their hands and those who tried to run had their Achilles shot. No one could get a good look at where the maid went; they just saw a blur of black and white. The maid was back at the door and they were on the floor backing away. She looked at them with the same deadpan look on her face.

“Thank you again. If I do find out that Red as been tipped off about me, I’m going to finish gutting every last one of you. Do I make myself clear?”

“Y-YES MA’AM!” the maid walked out of the bar and towards the edge of town. Lucky looked as though he’s seen a ghost.

“H-How did you fucking know?!” said the patron. Lucky shakily poured himself a drink and downed it.

“The whole time we were talking, I-I didn’t n-notice it! I-I wouldn’t have noticed! I-I took a fuckin’ SWING at her and I’m alive to talk! S-She-she…that’s not a maid! Th-That’s…that’s…that’s not a fucking maid! That was a ghost! No one discuss anything we’ve seen! If you see another maid coming into this town, stay the fuck away!” outside the maid took out a snail.

“Alright, I found the place, come on in,”

“You sound out of breath; did you run into some trouble?”

“I’m fine, just ran into some men at a bar who wanted to be difficult,”

“Are you okay?”

“I’m fine. Just meet me at the edge of town. You all shouldn’t have any problems going there,”

“Got it,”

Lesser made her way to large compound that was surrounded by trees and armed guards. The men let her through and she went towards the building. The men looked at her with smirks and looks. She didn’t make any eye contact and made it to the door.

“I’m here about the children inside,” the guard moved aside. Inside were about thirty men with their leader at the table. He was dressed in a tailored suit, hair slick back and looked as though he was trying to show off his swagger at the maid, who looked unimpressed. He gestured her to sit down.

“Hey baby, you finally made it!” he smirked at her, “I’m Blue and I think you have a little something for me,”

“My name is—,”

“Doesn’t matter, babycakes, I know you got something I want but I don’t see a briefcase. Or are you planning on begging me for it?”

“I would like to take my young charges home,” said Lesser, “If you don’t mind, it’s getting a little late and soon they’ll have to get ready for bed,” the man smirked and leaned back into his chair.

“Sure, Miss Maid, if you got the money,”

“I’m not paying you for kidnapping. This is my final say in the manner. I want my charges in front of me, right now,” Blue’s smirk disappeared from his face. He reached over and grabbed her blouse.

“Who do you think you’re talking to you bitch?!”

“A piece of shit who better take his hand off my blouse,” he raised his hand up. He brought it down but was soon holding his other arm in pain. He was thrown to the ground and he felt another crack. He screamed in pain and cried for his men. They all drew their weapons and went after the woman. She snapped her fingers and an explosion was heard, blowing the men away. Blue froze at the sight. Behind him he saw a smaller maid coming through the blown hole of his door, strapped to her back was a large Marine ship rifle that was bigger than but she carried it with ease. She ran to Lesser, “Thank you Cleaner, dear,”

“So, Blue was it? I’m going to ask you again, where are my charges?”

“FUCK YOU CUNT!” Lesser twisted his arm some more

“Ready to talk?”


“Are you okay, hon?” said Dom coming in

“Mhm, just waiting for this piece of shit to give me the information I need,” Dom’s face lit up.

“Not talking~?”

“Oh I think his lips will be looser if I do this,” she inched his arm up as another wave of pain shot through his body.

“AHHH! Fuck you!”

“See, if I interrogate him, I’d kill him. Do you mind?”

“Oh course hon!” Lesser lets him go. Blue made a break for it as a thick thorny whip wrapped around his neck and dragged him back, “Ah, ah~ c’mere piggy, we’re going to have some fun~!” Lesser and Cleaner sat on the rumble while Dom whipped, stepped on, and performed some of the most inhumane torture on the man who was soon begging to deal with Lesser at this point. Dom strung him up and had him dangling from the ceiling beams and proceeds to repeatedly kick his cock over and over with her boots. He threw up several times as she wouldn’t let up. She then cut him down and started back on her stomping.

“Awwwww! We’re missing the good part!” said Perv coming in with Cook

“You could have seriously waited!” said Cook

“I know but we’re all pressed for time and the piece of shit won’t talk,” said Lesser

“Damn, well, want some jerky?”


“Thank you!” said Cleaner

“Hey save me some! I’m starving!” said Dom as she continued kicking and stomping on the man’s junk, “Perv, do you have a blowtorch,”

“Mhm,” Cook looked up and headed over. She hoisted him up as Dom pulled down his pants and caught the mini torch. Blue felt something drop to the pit of his stomach.

“Now my little piglet, let’s make some roast pork,” he started to urinate as he could feel the heat coming closer and closer to his manhood.


“Good answer,” he started to spill his guts out to the maids. Telling them about the layout of the building, what level the kids were, how they kidnapped them, and that the moment the door were blown, it alerted the outside guards. Lesser sighed.

“I hate fortress type deals,”

“I love them!” said Cleaner, “It’s like playing a video game!”


“You like games and you know it,” said Cook laughing.

“Not when it’s like this. Alright let’s go,”

“What about him?” said Dom pointing to the man, “Can I play with him some more~”

“Carry on, I don’t want him to warn his friends that we’re here. I know the explosion probably alerted them but I don’t want any of them to escape with their lives,”

“So…no survivors?” said Perv

“Depends, if there’s even a scratch on the kids, Cook can make chili and send to the rest of their subordinates. If not, then we’ll just leave,”

“Sounds good to me,” said Dom

“Alright, come along ladies,”

The kids sat in a cell together. It was just a few hours ago that they were abducted one by one in the early hours of the morning. Baby 5 and Delliger were sleeping when they were taken, Law was on his way over to grab breakfast before he was supposed to meet ___________________ and the boys while Corazon was out doing some paperwork and tasks and Baby 5 and Buffalo was trying to raid the kitchen when they were both caught, drugged and taken to this place. The man who orchestrated the plan was a man named Red, a tall, dirty blond man with a rat like face, wearing a cheap white suit, red dress shirt, and loafers. He reeked of cologne and booze. He was trying to be intimidating and it worked on Baby 5 and Buffalo, Delliger and Law couldn’t be arsed to care.

“You think anyone knows we’re gone?!” said Baby 5

“Of course! Boss is probably on his way!” said Buffalo

“I-I hope so! I don’t want to miss the Pretty Solider today! It’s the season finale!”

“I don’t see why I’m here, I’m not even family,” said Law

“I’m hungry!” said Delliger. Red swaggered over to them and looked at them in the cage with a smirk. He casually tossed in sandwiches and rice balls.

“Hey kiddies, looks like your housekeepers came to give me my money for your safe return,” he said

“The Maids are here?!” said Baby 5, “They came!”

“Mhm, I gave a map and a letter and I think they got the hint! The human fishman was seen in town on her way to talk to my men about getting you little shits home,”

“…you gave Lesser the ransom note?” said Law

“What was that?”

“You gave Lesser, the maid with the teeth the ransom note?”

“Yeah what of it kid?” Baby 5 and Buffalo looked a little relieved.

“So I won’t miss the Pretty Solider Season Finale,” said Baby 5

“Yeah and Cook-mama will probably have some time to make us something to better to eat if they’re already here!” said Delliger

“I just want to go home. I have things to do before Cora-san comes home,” the kids didn’t even look fearful anymore.

“Don’t be so fuckin’ nonchalant about this you little shits! Your Lesser Maid or whatever didn’t have a briefcase or money or anything!”

“That’s because she’s not going to pay you, dummy!” said Baby 5

“Yeaaaaaaah that’s a really dumb move,” said Buffalo, “Lesser doesn’t like threats,”

“One time we tried to hold the bunnies for ransom and she made us sleep in the hutch for a week,”

“Lesser-Mama is coming!” said Delliger

“And the other maids are on their way too. Baby 5 put the wax in your ears so you don’t have to hear the gunshots,” said Law


“What are you brats on abo—,” Red heard an explosion. He immediately radioed in to see what was going on. A man on his dying breath told about an explosion and four out of the five maids had not only took out the first level but heading up the other levels. He heard screams in the background. One maid stayed behind on the last level taking out and making sure no one comes after them. Red immediately made the announcement to each of his generals on each floor that as long as ONE maid was still alive, kill the others and be prepared.

The maids traveled a winding staircase in a dark, dank area. It was a modern old building with metal doors and the smells of illegal substances and other things. They knew what the deal was and they knew this was going to take their time and if they were lucky, had the kids back home for dinner. Lesser lead the way followed by Perv and Cleaner and Cook bringing up the rear.

“It kind of reminds me of that show. You know the one, it involved ghosts and demons and hot fox demon boys?”

“Which one? That’s not really narrowing it down,” said Lesser

“Oh you guys know the one! The grim reaper was really adorable, childhood friends, super hot fox!”

“OH! I remember!” said Cleaner, “I have the plushies in my room! It took me forever to find them! It’s a pretty old show!”

“I remember it when I was a kid! I think there was a man who gave me my first sexual enlightenment~” said Perv, “Demon with one horn. Cute ass could have spanked my little ass when I was a kid,”

“The hell!” Cook laughed, “But this reminds me of that, it happened in the first season I believe,”

“So that means there’s going to be four more levels?” said Cleaner

“Mhm! And each of us are going to do that one level battle while the other ones go ahead!” said Perv

“Ugggggh and as usual I’m going to take the top level,” said Lesser

“Because you’re soooooooo good at ending a fight!”

“And you can probably end it quicker,” said Cook


“Did you ever watch that show, Lesser?”

“I hate to admit but I did. I could really sympathize with the fire demon on more than one occasion,”

“Did you have a crush on any of them~” said Perv

“Tch no, why would I?!”

“Because every girl has that ONE sexual awakening in a show when they’re younger!”

“I didn’t!”

“You probably did but won’t tell~!”

“Mine was the lancer,” said Cleaner sheepishly

“Really?! Awww I can TOTALLY see that! What about you Cook?”

“Actually it wasn’t from that show but do you remember the show with the wandering ronin? Remember his teacher? I had a HUGE crush on him,”

“I don’t think I remember that one,” said Perv

“Ninja X,” said Lesser


“Oooh so you did watch TV growing up!”

“The manga was better and I really liked the Wandering Ninja,” said Lesser reddening slightly.

“HA! I KNEW it!”

“H-He was so sweet and kind!” said Cleaner

“Clueless too but a powerhouse,” said Cook

“Guess you really do have a type,”

“Tch, I just like the series!”

“Mhm suu—,” Perv and Lesser were hoisted up and were pulled back as a blade came from nowhere, narrowly missing them. Cook sighed.

“Really, be more careful, ladies,”

“Shit that missed the girls!” said Perv, “Who has the fuckin’ grapes to mess with my money makers?!” they then moved again knowing this wasn’t a fluke. Knifes and other sharp things tried to get through the walls and they didn’t stop until they were in the next room. They were greeted to a large figure in the middle of the room surrounded by a few dozen of his subordinates.

“Heh, so you’re the merry band of maids who were stupid enough to invade our compound,” the door closed behind the maids and large muscular man with black facial hair, his shirt completely off, and wearing white dress pants, “My name is White and I’m going to be your executioner today. I don’t know where you ladies came from or who you think you are, but this ends now! Here’s the deal, one of you step up to me, if you guys win, you can pass, if not, it’ll be a free for all and I know you four can’t win against all of us,” The women exchanged glances.

“…I can’t deal with him, he talks too damn much,” said Lesser

“And you know how I get around big hot men~” said Perv.

“…looks like a tank fight. Who wants to do this?”

“Well we all know it’s gonna be me,” said Cook smiling, “You girls go ahead,”

“You sure?” said Perv

“Mhm, the faster we get this done, the better,”

“Heh I think you’re gonna need more backup if you’re gonna fight me, Maid!”

“Nah, I’m more than enough for you,” Cook unstrapped her axe.

“HA! An axe against a hammer?! Are you sure you can handle a weapon like that sweeth—,” White felt the wind around him moved near his crotch. He moved in time, showing two slices from on his pants from where Cook’s axe has sliced. She stood there, waiting for him with a sweet smile on her face. White came after her. Cook blocked the blows swing her axe against the man who was delivering blow so hard that Cook had to keep her knees soft to brace the impact. He decided to side hit her to switch them up but was soon greeted to a fist to his face. He recoiled as a leg came up and kicked his chin, then his weapon out of his hand. It slid across the floor. He then started to felt slices on his arms and as Cook came out him with no mercy, with the same smile on her face. She was about to corner him but he had an trump card. He reached into his pants and threw sand into her eyes. Cook was temporarily blinded. He smirked and nailed her in the stomach. She doubled over and but used her axe as a shield but with one hit, her axe flew across the room and landed with a clank away from her. White took the advantage and started to hit her mercilessly. She used her forearms as she shielded herself. While she was occupied, he ducked and swept her feet under. She fell and he pounced on her and clamped onto her neck and raised his smaller axe to strike. She stopped it with her hand and used her other hand to pull him off her neck, kicking him completely off her. White staggered back and went to go after her again, knowing her axe was too far from her to recover that quickly. However he was met with a hard ball to the stomach. He wasn’t expecting that and it took him some time to recover. He looked up to see the maid with a chain with a heavy steel ball attached. She was swinging it and he couldn’t help but laugh.

“Lucky shot. Bet you can’t do that aga—,”

Cook proceeded to slam the man over and over with her meteor ball. White was hit in his chest, ribs, stomach and finally his face. He staggered back as Cook threw her chain at an angle wrapping his body. She then pulled him towards her, and then flung him over her shoulder. He landed with a thud only to be picked up and slammed again on the other side and this continued over and over until he wasn’t moving. She gave her chain another pull and brought it back to her. She smiled at the men and gave her chain another swing taking out the group in one swing slice to their chests. She casually walked over and picked up her axe.

“Whew, looks like everything is all cleared here. Go on now girls, I’ll make sure everything stays the same,”

“Thanks Cook!” said Perv

“B-Be careful!” said Cleaner

“I will don’t worry about—,” they heard a man screaming and running towards Cook from behind. She took out her axe and slammed his face with the blunt end of it, “Looks like some are playing possum. This is going to be fun. See you guys in a bit,”

“I’m guessing now everyone knows we’re here,” said Cleaner as they maneuvered their way through the corridors to their next room, “I wonder if there’s going to be a video game level or something,”

“Pain in the ass really,” said Lesser sighing, “If we could be so lucky,”

“Oh come on! What’s a rescue without a performance?” said Perv, “It’s not like they can get backup from elsewhere,”


“How many men do they need to take on a group of defenseless maids?”

“B-But we’re not defenseless!” said Cleaner

“She’s kidding, Cleaner dear,”

“I can’t believe Cook brought out her meteor ball!”

“I seriously wonder where she hides that thing!” said Perv, “That’s easily fifty pounds and she waves it around like it’s a twirling ribbon,”

“You’d be surprised what we have hiding in our clothes,” said Lesser

“Yeah, I’m pretty sure we can hide everything in our chests!”

“Only you would! Alright, looks like we’re in the next room,”

“Ladies,” said the next opponent. A man wearing a cheap green suit, messing blond hair, narrow eyes, and wearing glasses, “I’m guessing you all have figured out how this worked. I’m going to be your next challenge. Seems like you have already lost two of your party and I’m going to make sure you lose another or all three,”

“Awww he’s so cute!” said Perv, “Nerdy boys have a special place in my heart!”

“You can fight him then,” said Lesser, “Make it quick,”

“Be careful!”

“It’s finally my turn,” said Perv stepping forward and perking up her chest.

“…why are you fluffing your chest up?” said Lesser

“To make sure the girls are ready for anything,” Green rolled her eyes.

“Ugh, I guess beggars can’t be choosers when it comes to a fight? The rules still stand, one on one and if either person from each side steps out of line, it’s a free for all,”

“Fine, just get this over with already,” said Lesser

“So you want me to go hard and fast? Gotcha!” Green cringed

“Can you stop being a spectacle? It’s a fight, not a chance for you to look cute,”

“Oooh~ is that a challenge?”

“You think I’m going to let some dumb blonde bimbo get a few hits on me? I mean I know you’re pretty and you probably think I’m going to fall for those perky breasts of your yours but you have another thi—,” the man stepped to the side as she went at him. She stumbled and fell and rolled over in a cutesy way, “See? No match for me,” he turned around and kicked her. Perv winced and squeaked, “You hide your insecurities behind a dirty mouth,” he slammed hard into her back, “You use your body and looks as a weapon and you’re probably so worn out and dry that you’re going to look twice your age when you’re finally eighteen,” he said kicking her over and over again, “Worthless bimbo!”

“Awww sounds like someone got dumped,” said Perv getting up, “So was she a cute blonde or were so much of a stable ass loser that she rejected you and you still can’t get over it?” he growled and went to hit her again. She had both fist between her hands. He tried to pulls back but realized that he couldn’t. He tried to pull from Perv’s grip but soon the realization that he couldn’t was slowly starting to settle in, “Oh baby, trust me, I don’t mind taking a hard one to the face but fists are where I draw the line unless I’m the one who’s doing it~” in one swift motion, she grabbed his arm, picked him up and slammed him into the ground. He landed with a hard thud, before he could react, the back of a heel slammed into his face. He screamed and held his face, “Baby stop, you’re ruining your facial~!” she went for another hit again. Green rolled away, “I thought you liked it rough, baby~

“FUCK YOU BITCH!” he took out a set of throwing knives, “I’m going to cut that bitch face of yours!”

“Oh no! Please! Not my face! Where else will Magellan sit on~”

“The Hell Perv!” said Lesser, “This is why he has a restraining order!”

“Kind of redundant because I’ll be back in jail either way~”

“This is why you’re banned!”

“A girl can dream!” she dodged and ducked as Green threw knives at her, concentrating primarily at her head. He then managed to her get her point blank in the face.

“Stay down! I really hope I got your forehead because bimbos don’t usually have brains to begin with!” Perv lifted her head revealing that she caught the knife in her mouth.

“You better be lucky I spit instead of swallowing me, unless it’s poison. My turn,” Perv threw two pins at Green. He screamed and fell holding his legs only to be hit with two more in his arms. He writhed on the ground. She casually walked towards and lifted him up by the neck, squeezing his windpipe. He growled and went for her face with his good hand. She caught it and twists. The crack was sickening, “Oh baby, I hope you didn’t think this was going to be easy?” Perv tightened her grip on the man’s neck, “Girls you wanna have gangbang?”

“Ugh don’t say it like that and know, we have business, remember?”

“Sorry Perv,”

“That’s right, I almost forgot. Awww you too, Cleaner? No menage a trios?”


“No you… pervert! Come on Cleaner,” Lesser held Cleaner’s ears and guided her to the next area.

“Come on, you wanted to top a bimbo right, baby? You gonna get me real wet tonight~ I mean not in my favorite way but at least I get to hear a man screaming and begging me to stop~ So big boy, your choice, oral or anal or do you want me to choose~?”

“O-Oral?” Perv giggled and bitch punched him in the mouth, knocking all of his teeth out. Green spats out blood as Perv started to repeated punched him over and over in his face before tossing him aside and going after the other men in the room who fumbled for their weapons only to be given the same pin treatment. Their screams were drowned out by Perv’s laughter.

“Dumbass he should have said anal,” said Lesser stepping into the elevator


“She would have just put his entire heel up it instead of knocking his teeth out,”

“How is that better?!”

“He looks like he would be into the type of thing. This is giving me a headache, you can do this room and I’ll just walk ahead,”

“Su-Sure thing!”

The elevator opened and the men immediately open fire on the inhabitants inside. Red told them to unload every single bullet on their person until that elevator was nothing more than Swiss cheese. It took them a good five minutes and when the smoke cleared, they expected to a pile of human entrails and body parts. However, what they saw was nothing, nothing at all. They were actually surprised. One brave soul decided to walk in to see what happened. They were sure the guys upstairs told them that the maids were heading their way. The man looks around and saw nothing. He looked at his comrades with a shrug. Suddenly there was a bang against metal. He looked up and was met with a kick to his face followed by two figures dressed in black and white. The men fumbled to reload their weapons. Cleaner unstrapped her gatling rifle and unloaded on the men. The men were gunned down in a little of no time. Another radioed for backup. The radio was shot from his hands as straps her gatling back to her back and two rifles slid out from her sleeves and anyone man who came as backup was shot upon reveal. The force threw men into walls, each other, and completely obliterated their bodies.

“CAREFUL SHE’S USING BUCKSHOT!” the man came from behind while Cleaner’s back was turned. He had a full shot and he was going to take it. However he felt something ram up into his chin from under his neck. The other hand tapped Cleaner’s shoulder. She turned.

“Can you handle things from here, Cleaner sweetie?” said Lesser

“Mhm! I’ll meet you outside!”

“Thank you. Just cover me and cover your ass,”

“Okay!” Lesser pulled out her knife from the man’s chin and started walking towards the next room stepping over bodies and ducking bodies. When she approached the door, it swung opened. She stepped inside as the steel door echo clanked shut.

The entire room was quiet. Lesser couldn’t even believe it could be this quiet. She knew it was an easy deception. The room was relatively small but her main focus were the kids that were straight ahead. She made her way towards cage but then stopped and slowly raised her hands up.

“Not another step closer woman!” Lesser looked at him. Red had his gun pointed at her. She looked at him nonchalantly.

“Shoot me if you think you can,” the lights came on in the room. About fifty men were in the room all surrounding her in a circle with weapons drawn on her. Red smirked and approached her.

“So you were the little cunt that was giving me men a hard time. Seems like there’s only one of you left, I guess that means you’re the last one standing, no?”

“If you say so,” he then got closer to her face. Red looked at her intently. Lesser face was screwed into physical disgust. The man then reached over and touched her mouth to lift her lips to see her teeth. He was stood picking himself up off the floor, “Keep your fuckin’ finger out of my mouth!” there were gun clicks but Red waved them off with a laugh.

“I KNEW IT WAS YOU! I never forget a face! I-I knew it was you! Heh so you didn’t die! I thought your ass would have been dead by now! Not even God himself would have predicted you being here in the flesh! Kuchisake the youngest woman to escape Calva,” Lesser flinched at her old moniker.

“Kuchi—what?” said Baby 5

“He said Kuchisake,” said Law

“What does that mean?” said Buffalo

“Slit Mouth,” he said with a not to happy look on his face, “That’s what that means, he’s calling her slit mouth,”



“Heh, heh, heh, who’d of thought that you would be a glorified babysitter?! Pretty sure would have eaten those kids by now!” she

“I can’t believe you hadn’t recognized me! I mean you were the one who got away for so long. I missed my chance,”

“People tend to not remember shit after it’s been dumped,”

“Fuck you!”

“I would but I’m not an eleven year old boy so I know I can’t get you off,” the men moved in closer. Lesser looked at them with both contempt and irritation. She saw a few of them inching towards the cage. They were planning on using the kids as leverage. Of course they were.

“After you left Calva you started to give the Lowers hope it again, it was pathetic. More and more people got to leave after the trials because of that hope! Shit started changing, so much that a group formed to make sure respectable businessmen like me can’t get away with the shit we used to do. I had to flee to get out and of course my ass can’t get back in. All of that stock and promised ruined! So many women dogs off leashes, so many people untrained, it’s sickening! But I brought you back, that fuckin’ hope would disappear! I mean the Calva bounty on your ass is high. They would make me into one of the Elites in no time,” he said circling Lesser, “Heh, and you still have that uppity look. You think you’re better than us?”

“Gold are usually more valuable than shit,” he glared clenching his fist but he softened.

“You know what they’re going to do to you when you’re brought back? I get to decide. I’m going to have your cocky ass in the middle of town and be a human toilet for awhile. Let everyone use that cute little asshole of your to pump you over and over again. Then when everything is nice and loose, I’m going to sell your ass to an old client of mine. He’s into some real heavy shit and can’t get off to regular porn, only hardcore BDSM and bestiality shit. So he’ll dug you up, rape your ass, make you eat shit, and have you fuck everything that moves, dogs, cats, hell I’d seen this fucker fuck rabbits. And don’t think we won’t record you. Then we’ll see how cocky you can get when I sell those tapes,” he tapped her face before looking at one of his greasier subordinates, “Frisk her for weapons, leave no stone unturned,” the men chuckled and sniggered. The man swaggered towards her. She still had her hands up. He looked her up and down, “Don’t let her blow you, trust me, you’re going to have a bad time,”

“I wonder if we can sell her teeth for ivory,”

“Who’s want imitation fishmen teeth?” they all jeered. The man wasted no time and slipped his hand into her cleavage. He looked at her with a smug look and went deeper. However, he didn’t feel what he was expecting to feel. The man screamed and clutched his bloody hand. The men watched in horror giving Lesser an opening. She kicked the man in the face, grabbed him before he hit the ground and used her him a shield. She unhooked her gun from her uniform and shot out some of the lights.

“SHOOT HER! DON’T LET YOU GUARD DOWN! KILL THE BITCH!” The men blindly fired at around the room, hitting their own men. Gurgled cries and sound filled the room as many men tried to follow the moving white parts in the darkness, “AIM FOR THE KIDS!”

“LAW ROOM!” Law immediately brought up his Room. Lesser took no time in cutting down the men, shooting, and everything in between. She used men as shields, she took weapons and beat many with them and even used one as a bomb with a grenade she had. Red watched on in horror as the men tried to use the kids as weakness but realized that their bullets and things had no affect on the kids in the cage now and each one who tried had something hacked off, arms, limbs, head, went flying everywhere, brains and blood splattered all over the walls, and then soon the floor was covered in blood and bodies. Soon everything was quiet except the sounds of men choking on their own blood and a slow applause.

“Heh, not bad, guess it’s just you and me now, huh Kuchisake?” said Red

“I guess,”

“I’ve always wondered how such a low class bitch with a fucked up mouth could get through the trials and I guess it’s finally time to find out. Let’s finish this, Calva style,”


“Start counting,”

“Ten…Nine…Eight…” Red smirked, drew a shotgun and fired. Lesser moved to the side in time as he cocked and fired again, causing her to duck and weave around the room, being careful to not trip over the bodies.

“Come on bitch! Stop running! I thought you were more than this?!” he fired again and again and Lesser ran and ducked until she was literately cornered. He chuckled and pointed his barrel at her, “Last chance, blow me and beg mercy or die,”

“Where in the hell am I going to get a goldfish to blow off something that small?”

“Goodnight, bitch,” something hit him from behind as he fired. Blood splattered against the wall and Lesser went down in a crumbled heap, limp.

“LESSER!” said Law

“LESSER MAMA!” said Delliger

“HE KILLED HER!” said Buffalo

“LESSER!” Red chuckled and kicked her body.

“Tch, pity, oh well, I guess I can still get the ransom,” Red turned to see Baby 5 making her leg canon disappear, “I’m guessing a few of you little kiddies have a devil fruit? Which one? Come on, devil fruits fetch some good prices on the black market and this is better than ANY ransom I can get from you It’ll actually put me back into some good graces with my boss. Whaddaya say?”

“EAT SHIT!” said Law

“YEAH!” said Baby 5, “Just wait until we get out of here!”

“Aww, brave now that your little guard dog is dead, huh? Or did I make you mad, babies?” Delliger rattles the cage trying to get out along with Baby 5. However, Buffalo looked as though he was about to shit a brick and Law looked horrified and shocked to see Lesser walking behind Red swiftly, matching his steps and pace. Her expression was very cold and emotionless.

“Hey,” he turned and was greeted to a metal bat to the face. Lesser kept hitting and beating him until he laid unconscious on the ground. She dropped the bat. She looked around. She tucked a stray hair back behind her ear and looked around at the carnage. She made a really big mess this time around. She took out the blood pack in her uniform and tossed her to the floor. Seeing no sign of movement, she went towards the cell to get the kids out. Baby 5 was crying and reaching out for her. Buffalo was rattling the cage and trying to keep Delliger calm.



“Mhm, only to get out of tight spots,”

“Where did you get something like that?!”

“Cleaner and Corazon made them for me ages ago,”

“Lesser Mama okay?!” said Delliger

“I’m fine,” Law however was keeping an eye on Red. When Lesser was doing her surveillance he saw him move. When her back was turned and when she got a distance away, Law saw the man getting up and something glimmering in his hands.

“MOM LOOK OUT!” In a split second, Lesser ducked the gunshot. Red pointed his gun at the children in the cell but it was over in a single hit. Red’s screaming was heard throughout the room. A large tomahawk was sticking out of his chest and pinning him to the wall. He struggled as she tried to get away. Lesser went over to the man and grabbed by the cock and twisted. He screamed but it was silenced with a hit to his windpipe. She pulled out her axe and caught his shirt before he fell.

“Now, what were you saying about taking me back? You would have me blow you? You think my pussy has teeth? You were saying all of that good shit but now nothing? I thought you wanted my teeth,” she said giving him a wide smile, “You know what else my mouth is good for?”

“P-Please, l-let me—ACK!” he managed to croak but a twist of his junk stopped that. A smirk appeared on her face as she pulled him close to her face.

“Look into my eyes. You’re going to listen to me speak. You’re not used to being prey or having a woman having the upper hand. You dirty ass fuck. Do you know how many women I watched commit suicide after having to deal with you? Do you know how many I saw willing to fight with no chance of survival just for a chance to get away? Even death was a sweet release. I personally would have never been one of those girls. I would have shredded your cock with my teeth. That’s why you never wanted me to begin with, not the teeth but you know I would have killed you, damned the consequences, that and I’m not an eleven year old girl. But we’re not in Calva are we? You know what happened to your old client? Let’s just say he made a pass at Boss’s young general and he had us torture and grind his body into slurry. Meaning you don’t have your power for protection not Calva, not here. So allow me to give you a taste of what kind of suffering those girls went through,” He screamed as Lesser jammed the knife into his stomach, ripped out his intestine and wrapped it several times around his neck before hoisting him up and strangling him. He struggled and tried to breathe, hitting her arms and hands but her expression never changed. Then a sound echoed in the room. She dropped him. He took a deep breath. He’s never wanted to feel air in his lungs more than he did at that moment, “Yes?”

“Fufufufufufu~ I heard you five are out and having some fun. How is it?”

“Not enough to give me a headache but still it’s annoying,”

“Who is it?”

“Red Rangle,”

“Oh? So that’s where he’s been hiding,”

“Mhm, does he owe you money?”

“Tons of it. What is his condition?”

“You called just in time; I was just about to end it,”

“I want him alive,” there was a silence before Lesser sighed.


“Fufufufufu, just make sure he can’t run away,”

“I think I can do that. He’s been disemboweled,”

“I’ll bring someone over. Come home,” he hung up. She walked away and headed to where the kids were. She opened the cell and almost immediately she was tackled. Baby 5 was crying and hanging onto her right leg, Buffalo latched onto her leg and crying, Delliger jumped into her arms and Law hugged her middle. She comforted them, placed Delliger in his harness, and took Law’s hand. She was about head out when Law pulled her towards Red. He used his Room.

“He’s not going to live if you leave him, even if Doffy sends someone,”

“True,” they crammed his intestine back in and stitched him up. Lesser however wasn’t done. To keep him where he was, she severed his Achilles tendons on both legs and Law stitched him up. Red screamed in agony when the Room dropped and tried to run. Baby 5 and Buffalo latched back onto Lesser and she dragged them out the door. The maids were waiting downstairs at the front entrance. Baby 5 ran to Dom who scooped her up.

“You really can’t keep a uniform clean,” said Cook

“They started it!” said Lesser.

“That’s why I wear latex! Blood just rinses right off~” said Dom

“And doesn’t trap smells!” said Perv, “But only my skin got messed up~”

“Sorry about this Cleaner,” said Cook

“I don’t have to clean until tomorrow, right?”

“Of course hon!” said Dom, “We’ll sleep good tonight after a bath!”

“And with that, let’s go. It’s late and I’m starving,” said Lesser

The residents of the town were scared shitless. The five maids were walking out of Red’s compound with no serious damage to themselves. The kids were also okay, shaken but otherwise fine. The women went to their boat and loaded the kids inside. They then turned. The residents held their breaths.

“Y-You’re not going to kill us?” said Lucky

“Nah, not really worth our time,” said Perv, “But we can’t speak for Boss,”

“S-She said we’ll be okay!” said another man

“Yeeeeeeeeeah, we’re talking about Lesser’s Boss,” said Cook, “Oh, he’s coming now. See you later, babies~” the men looked up to see the infamous Donquixote ship coming to view and docking. Baby 5 and Buffalo immediate ran to the ship and told him everything.

“Come on, it’s getting late and I’m starving,” said Dom taking out her den den mushi, “I’m calling in an order to the Baratie, what do you want, ladies?”

“The usual!” said Cleaner

“Okay, green chicken potato curry. Lesser?”

“The filet mignon, fondant potatoes and whatever the dessert of the day is,”

“Oooh! I want the extra spicy tonkotsu ramen!” said Perv, “Level twenty spice, extra meat and egg!”

“Five meatloaf sandwiches for me!” said Cook, “And whatever the soup of the day is!”

“Fufufufufufu! Since you ladies are ordering, I want the paella,” Doflamingo with the others had arrived, “Extra mussels,”

“You got it Boss! What about you big guy?!”

“Soft shelled crab!” said Pica.

“Anything else? Sides?”

“Shrimp curry! Cleaner and I can share it!”

“Awwww!” Dom took out a grenade, pulled out the pin, and tossed it hitting the man closest to the bar for sniggering at Pica’s voice.

“Got it! See you boys later!”

“What about us?!” said Diamante looking at the Maids. Cook smiled

“Awww, if you wanted me to cook for you so badly—,”


“Thought so,”

“Fufufufufu make sure the kids are fed and take the rest of the week off,”

“We love you Boss~” said Perv

“Yeah I know, get on home,”

The kids were returned safely home. The kids were taken to their rooms while the maids freshened up and went on with their duties. Cook headed off to the Baratie to pick up dinner, including whatever the kids wanted for dinner. Baby 5 clung to Dom, Buffalo retreated to Cleaner’s room and buried himself in her stuffies and Delliger slept off the excitement via a nap. Law however was quiet, shaken up if anything. Perv nudged Dom and gestured to him, she nodded.

“Umm Lesser we can handle things from here. You take Law home, okay?” she nodded and ushered him outside. She borrowed the car and drove this time. They were silent the entire time. When they got home. Law ran inside first. Lesser limped towards the house only for Law to hoist her up and helped her in. He sat her on the couch. He went back into the kitchen and she heard plates clanking and he soon emerged with two cups of tea. She gingerly sipped it and sighed. Law sat across from her. The expression on his face said everything. The confusion, the anger, the fear, and he was trembling and wouldn’t look at her. This was the first time that night that she felt absolutely disgusted with herself.

“Law, sweetie?” he looked up to see her patting the spot next to her. He went over and sat, “I suppose you have a few questions,”

“…yeah I do. What’s with the name? Who were those guys? Sometimes I think I have you all figured out, things happen. What’s Calva?! I know when it comes to fighting you have to improvise but that was a dirty fight and you knew all of the stops! What’s going on?!”

“I earned that blasted nickname when I was a child and no matter how much I try and get away from it, it comes back. Dom said it was more of a blessing than a curse but it was my moniker before I joined the Donquixote Family. Before then me and the maids were mercenaries all over…but before that I was raised in an area called Calva. It was…a place where if you cried, you died. It was a lawless hellhole where the rules were different from a normal world. That’s where the Calva style term came from, it means to fight dirty. Some of the things I’ve seen in that place is enough to give me nightmares and there was only one way out. Red was one of the worst residents there. His specialty was trafficking and I guess he pissed off the official who booted him or he left to try that shit with bigger fish. Either way, he tried his best to recruit me since I was fourteen. Nasty bastard,”

“That doesn’t explain why they were after you!

“I was…a different person back then,” Lesser took another sip of her tea and didn’t look up, remembering everything from that period of time, “Dom and I grew up where corrupted officials and crimes, and murder were just an everyday occurrence. You had to fight to stay alive. Orphans were scooped up to be sold as sex slaves or hard labor, women and were punished in the middle of town through…debauched and humiliating ways, just for entertainment, and many were trapped in marriages and relationships just for protection. The family that ruled weren’t World Nobles but has some kind of power and they had a yearly tournament. Everyone seventeen and older could participate and the rewards were enough to have people try for years, even decades for a chance. The neighboring islands participated as well. The tournament was a massive free for all and the last man standing got two choices of rewards, safe passage out with money to start a new life with four others and one wish granted or become an official with all of the power that went with it. It was tempting to say the least. I saw many…desperate people, men, women, children who all wanted to enter just at the chance of leaving, all getting cut down and murdered because these people were no murderers, they were husbands who wanted to get their families out, women who were subjected to being lower than dogs who wanted out, and children…who didn’t care if they lived or died. All those who came for a chance for the money didn’t know that once you entered the country, you couldn’t leave. They would force you to stay. It lasted two weeks with everything at your disposal. I was the last one standing. The trials were brutal. The official age you can join is seventeen. You could lie about your age and try your luck but it wasn’t advisable. I trained my entire life to get out of that town and I managed it by keeping sort of empathy out while I was fighting. It was…hard to say the least,”

“Why did you stay for so long?”

“Believe it or not, Dom. We grew up together in that place. She was raised in a brothel ran by a group of women and they took care of us both. I lived alone but if I needed something, mainly food, medicine and blankets they were there and I found things that they needed through scavenging. One by one, the women either died or became too sick to leave that place and I made a promise to get her out if I got the chance. I knew Dom could get out if she fought but I also knew that I could easily make it easier if one of us got to the end,”

“Is that how you met Perv and Cook?”

“Mhm, they came for the same reasons as most, the money prize. Cook wanted to open her own restaurant and Perv wanted until money to live off of and become a traveler,” Lesser chuckled, “We clicked. They followed me thinking I was to there to give them lodging. I didn’t turn them away. Cook made dinner and Perv happily told me about her travels. Dom joined to check on me and we all just agreed that if one of us made it, we’d take the others with us. Cook and Perv didn’t know that if they lost, they would have to stay and become citizens of the Calva, both unnerved at the thought. Perv went down first, then Cook, then Dom, and I was the last one standing and true to my word I got them out. The money was a default prize. There was one more with us, you don’t know her and trust me, it’s for the best but she got us off the island and we traveled. From there…old habits, we became for hires, doing jobs, killing, mercenaries, and we became infamous and…Kuchisake followed me from Calva and well…stuck. I did lots of things I’m not proud of in order to get out of that town. That’s why I rend to keep my mouth covered; they’re literately a target on my back. I still have a bounty, made bigger because of Calva,” she sighed, “It feel like no matter what I do, where I go or do I’m with, I will forever be Kuchisake, the Killer. Even though I’m not proud, it made me who I am today and it took me a long time to get over some of the things from that period in my life but it comes back when I least expect it, like some kind of a curse. I didn’t mean to ramble Law, it’s just that…name always brings back some old memories, not many of them good and it just keep reminding me just how much of a monster I’ve—,”

“Being dark and broody doesn’t suit you so cut it out and you’re not a monster!” said Law looking at her, “You’re far from it and always been just…Lesser!”

“And what makes you think that?”

“Because you’re…Lesser, you’re like an aunt, big sister and a mom all in one. You can’t pretend to be anything else. You did what you had to do and you still left with four people you trusted. You could have easily betrayed them and ran off with the money but you’re Lesser, you’re basically a prickly pear. Your mouth doesn’t make you a monster! None of your actions had either! Your first and foremost duty has always been making sure everyone was okay before yourself! With you around…it’s like having a full family around here,” she looked up at him. He had his head turned and was shaking, “I mean…I know you and Cora-san aren’t my real parents and you never pretended to be but…with you both around, I don’t mind having that again,”

“Are you saying you see me as your mother?”

“I-you-Well, you take care of me, Buffalo, and Baby 5, you give us advice, you care about our well being, and you’re always around to make sure we have someone there to watch us achieve things. You have a soft singing voice, you smell nice…and you have that signature mom dish that only they can make taste special. You scold me when I need it, you always have Delliger on your back when you’re making rounds, you make sure Baby 5 wears a sweater, and you not to mention you managed to get Buffalo to stop wetting the bed! You carry Cora-san when he’s on fire so it doesn’t hurt himself. So…yeah I guess you are,” he was shaking, “I was scared when I thought he killed you. I was scared that he was going to kill you or worse! I was afraid that the other Maids were dead, I was afraid that even if we got to go home, you wouldn’t be there! I KNEW you’d come but I didn’t know you were that strong!” He was sobbing, “I-I lost one mom, it would fuckin’ suck if I lost another,” He then felt warm again as Lesser wrapped her arms around him. He turned and started to cry. She rubbed his back, took her handkerchief from her pocket and gently dabbed his tears away.

“Shhhh…you’re going to be okay. You know I’ll always be here when you need me and by the looks of it, until you get stronger, you’re going to need me a little while longer. And remember this well, we’re the maids, we never fail,” he remained in her arms for a little while longer before he craned his head up to look at her.

“…you smell,”

“It’s blood and probably some man’s guts. Are you saying I stink?”

“Mhm, really bad,” she pulled her sleeve towards herself and recoiled.

“That’s fair. I’ll take a shower, you finish your tea and I’ll be down in a minute,”

Rocinante ran home as fast as he could. He had just learned about the kidnapping and that Law, Baby 5, Buffalo, and Delliger were the targets. He ran to the Donquixote Villa and saw that they were fine but no Law. He knew he had to either be home or with the Whitebeard family and decided to check home first. He threw the open and was greeted to an unexpected sight. Lesser was sleeping on the couch. She looked scuffed up but otherwise okay. She smelt amazing and was wearing his old clothes with her hair down and damp. He presumed that she took a shower and found that to sleep in. On her chest sleeping soundly was Law who looked okay aside from a scratch on his face that looked like it was cleaned and patched up. He was in the clothes he was in the night before. She had her arm draped around him protectively and both were breathing softly, they both looked so sweet and peaceful, almost angelic. He crept to the hallway closet and took out a blanket. He gently puts it over them and headed by upstairs.

“Don’t be so cliché,” he turned. Both of them still had their eyes closed, “Waking us up and then walking away like nothing,”

“Seriously, come over here and sleep next to us, Cora-san,” he smiled and got out of his uniform and boots and propped Law up and slept on the other side of him. Law shifted a little. Rocinante closed his eyes. He draped his arm around Lesser and Law and held them close. Law opened his eyes. Lesser’s face was flushed red and Corazon looked as though he was complete bliss. He smiled and wiped a tear from his cheek before falling back to sleep in complete security.

A young woman was the last person standing in amidst the carnage around her. For the last two weeks, everyone had watched as this young woman made her way though each round, maiming and killing everyone in her path. She showed no mercy, nothing shocked her, nothing frightened her, even men who used brutal and unsavory force met their matches and ended up killed and castrated. She showed no emotion, she showed no remorse, and she looked absolutely demonic, covered in blood, dark hair hanging over her face, all tied together with blue eyes that made her look almost angelic, big difference was that she had ripped apart every person that came against her.

“Ladies and Gentlemen! This is the first in our great country’s history! A Seventeen year old had made it through the trials and out of the turmoil of our grand games and she’s our very own citizen, Kuchisake!” the crowd cheered. She sneered through her heavy breathing, holding her bloody weapons at her sides, “So, Kuchisake, do you have anything to say?”

“I want my prize,”

“Oho! She doesn’t mess around! So what woul—,”

“I want to get the fuck out of this country, my money, and I’m taking my four with me,”

“Alright, a deal’s a deal! You get that and you get to add one new rule, effective immediately!”

“I want her,” she pointed to another girl with large breasts and violet eyes, “Her,” she pointed to blonde girl with perky breasts, “Her,” she pointed to a muscled auburn haired girl wearing a head kerchief, “And Her,” she pointed to a girl who had a very large smile on her face, “My new law is, if anyone comes in here as a couple or a family, they are permitted to leave. The stipulations are they have to be a family, found family, or romantically involved. If one competes, if they lose and still alive, they and their families must be permitted to leave. If the whole family competes, it’s null and void. Same with couples, if one competes and they lose, they and their significant other can leave. If they both compete, it’s null and void. If the person who brought them there is killed, the widow and her family may leave, same with a couple, the survivor may leave,” the officials went and discussed everything before coming back. They nodded to the woman giving it the official seal of the country. She signed in her own blood. Now she and her chosen had three hours to get their things and leave. It took them half an hour and they were soon out of the gates along with the other families that had registered to fight and wanted to now get out of the corrupt country. When the door opened, the young woman shielded her eyes. The outside was very new…and very scary to the young woman. She’s never seen anything outside of the country’s walls before and just stared at the sight around her. She took a very deep breath. This was the first time she’s felt and smelled the fresh air outside of that hellish city. It was heavenly. The sky was beautiful and clear, she could see the sea, it was blue and crisp, there was a vast meadow and it was beautiful and green with flowers and trees. Tears ran down her face.

“It’s beautiful, ********!” said the busty girl.

“I-It is,” she said, “I-Is this really real? I-Is this really what the world looks like outside of that place?”

“Seems so…and now thanks to you, it’s easier to get out of here,”

“Is this really you two’s first time out of that hellhole?” said the blonde

“Mhm, we were born and raised, it’s going to take a moment for us to…adjust,”

“You poor things,” said head kerchief, “It’s awhile until the next town, we can get there and figure out where to go from there,”

“Tell you what!” said the smiling girl, “Since you guys like have nowhere to go right now, join me! I have a ship and I can use the company!”

“You’re a pirate?” said the young woman

“YEP! And I’m pretty sure you don’t want to go someplace covered in blood!” the women glanced over at the young woman who was indeed covered in blood, dirt, and grime, “Come on! You guys can take a shower and like think until we get to the next island!” the young woman looked a little apprehensive. The busty woman glanced over at her long time friend smiling. She took her hand.

“Come on, we’re not in Calva anymore, our lives are just beginning!”

“Yeah! Come on! It’s not going to be the same without you!” said the blonde

“What’s your favorite meal?! I can pop into town before we ship off!” said head kerchief

“Yeah!” said the Smiling girl. The young woman looked at them all smiling at her. She smiled weakly and handed over some of her prize money.

“Give me the biggest steak you can!”

“You got it! Anything else? Anyone?”

“Ramen!” said the blonde, “The spiciest you can make!”

“Hmmmm if you can, salmon!” said the busty girl

“I want a steak too!” said the Smiling girl

“Okay! You got it!”

“…how much food do you have one your ship?” said the young woman. Smiling girl grinned at her sheepishly

“I kind of don’t have anything,” she laughed. The young woman sighed and gave Head Kerchief more money

“You’re a chef, right? Stock the ship; we’re going to be on there we can’t go hungry,”

“You got it chief!”

“But I DO have a nice bathroom! Come on! You need a bath!”

“And we’ll help you get the supplies!” said the blonde beaming at head kerchief

“Okay, let’s go girls!” The Smiling girl took her hand and happily guided her towards the ship. The young woman couldn’t help but smile. This was not only the end of her life in hell but the beginning of her new life in the light, where she knew she would be truly free.

Chapter 78: The Great Debate


The Little Girl and Her Little Brother have an epic battle!

A/N: Hey! I'm sorry for not posting for quite awhile. I got the virus shortly after I posted my last fic. Before anyone gets worried, I'm fine. Thankfully, I got the less serious version. It was worst than the flu and pneumonia combined and it took a toll on my body where even after being quarantined I was still very weak. But in the mean time I did a very awesome project with hiddenmangaka found here: We dub it the Wedding AU XD

Chapter Text

“Shanks’ Pirates!”

“Nah uh! Whitebeard Pirates!”



“SHANKS!” there has been a long standing feud in Windmill Village between Luffy and ________________ and that was who was better, the Whitebeard Pirates or the Red Haired Pirates. The fight have gotten so heated that the pair often ended in a draw, lick their wounds and went back to big sister and little brother until the next time. Today it was at Makino’s bar. Ace and Sabo lived watching the arguments with Makino’s bar cat, Dusty. But today was different, there was a special audience. Shanks and his crew were in town and they were at Makino’s for a drink where they heard the two kids going at it. They chuckled at Luffy trying to convert a very deadpan looking _______________ about how Shanks was the best pirate in the entire world. The argument went on and Luffy was in fact losing. Izo, Thatch, and Jozu entered the bar to see everyone around the two kids who were in a very heated argument about the two pirate crews. Makino was sure to keep their drinks filled, milk for Luffy and genmaicha for ____________________.

“Only old men drink tea!” said Luffy downing his milk

“And only kids drink milk! Oji-san drinks tea every day and he’s big and strong!”

“Damn she really is good,” said Ace

“What’s going on?” said Jozu watching the pair.

“Oh Luffy and ___________________ are arguing who’s better. They’re really getting into it,” said Ace stroking Dusty who purred and nibbled at his fingers.

“And Luffy is getting really worked up,” said Sabo

“But _________________ has some good comebacks and its making things worse,”

“Makino a round please!” said Jozu, “This looks interesting,”

“It is! ________________always wins but it’s always fun to see Luffy get upset,”

“Fanboy versus fangirl,” said Yassop laughing, “Poor Luffy, the little lady makes some pretty good arguments, I kind of feel like I should join Pops,”

“How long have they been going at it?” said Izo

“About an hour,” said Sabo, “__________________ is winning,”

“…how do you know?”

“The poor points she makes, the more worked up he gets. It’s hilarious,” said Roux laughing



“Now it’s whose better, Marco or Shanks portion,” said Ace, “Luffy NEVER wins this one,”


“SHANKS IS WERID AND HE ALWAYS SMELLS FUNNY!” The Red Haired Pirates were holding their sides at this point. Shanks placed his hand on his chest.

“I thought we had something, Little Lady!”

“We all know that if it’s a choice between you and Marco, she’s going to choose Marco,” said Beckman

“I don’t smell funny, do I?”

“Just cheap booze,” said Roux

“But other than that? I’m fine right?”

“And sex,”

“…that has a smell?!”

“…why do we follow you again?” said Beckman

“You all love me!”



“Wow score two for the Little Lady!” said Yassop

“Why am I staying here and getting insulted?!” said Shanks

“Because you know it’s true,” said Roux

“Definitely,” said Marco coming up, “I can’t believe any of you aren’t stopping this,”

“It’s getting good actually,” said Thatch, “Poor Luffy, he’s getting so worked up,”



“OHHHHHHH!” said Ace and Sabo. Izo and Thatch were struggling to breathe along with Beckman.

“Even ___________________ can see it!” said Yassop laughing

“BURN!” said Ace


“At least she knows the truth,” said Marco


“WE HAVE IZO!” said ________________


“You little shit,”


“Three for the Little Lady,” said Roux laughing

“…you know what? I’m not even mad,” said Yassop laughing, “It’s easy to screw with Luffy but ______________ caught on faster after a few weeks,”

“Yeah Curiel still wants to kick your ass for telling her about the goblins in her teeth because you told her a good remedy would be gunpowder. So just lay low for the next several…years,” said Thatch


“Or take your beating,”

“Curiel would LITERATELY beat my ass like a drum!”

“That’s what you get,” said Beckman

“I still owe you for telling her I can’t eat rice,” said Marco

“That was funny and I STILL stand by that!”

“WE-WELL WE…WE…WE HAVE ROUX! BEAT THAT!” ___________________ was about to retort but then cocked her head to the side.

“You have a point. Roux, do you want to join us?”

“Of course!” he stood up and joined ___________________ on the other side of the table.

“WHAT?!” said Shanks, “Roux!”

“Heh, sorry Captain but the Little Lady asked and how can I say no to that adorable face!”

“Can I join, ________________?” said Beckman

“YAH HUH!” he stood up and went to the other side.

“Et tu, Beck?!”

“Yeah Shanks, we’re sorry but the Little Lady made a lot of good points, we’re going to be joining Pops now,”

“Stab me in the heart!”

“And even though Roux is on our side now, we have Jozu!”

“Pffft! Jozu is just really big! And you only like him because he likes Pretty Soldier!”

“Nah uh! He’s awesome! He reaches high things! And he’s a diamond! He’s awesome for shadow puppets! And I like watching Pretty Soldier with Jozu! That’s OUR time!”

“And it’s not just Pretty Soldier, she likes watching me train and I’ve been giving her some pointers,”


“Yeah no fair!” said Ace

“You never come around, little feral boys! Seriously! You two,” he points to Ace and Luffy, “Never keep still long enough and you drag poor Sabo with you!”

“He likes coming!” said Luffy. Yassop stood up.

“Welp since half the crew is heading over to the Little Lady, I guess I have—,”

“You need permission,” said Beckman

“Yeah, didn’t hear her invite you,” said Roux

“What?! Oh com—,”

“I’ll allow it! Come on Yassop!”

“HA! The squirt LOVES me!” he went over and sat at the table with everyone else. It was now just Luffy and Shanks. Luffy looked as though he was about to cry.

“Luffy come over!”


“You’ve always going to be apart of my crew! You’re my kid brother! Come on over!”

“YAY!” Luffy happily trotted over, “But I still think Shanks is the best,”

“I know! We can draw for now!” Luffy happily went over to his big sister’s side leaving Shanks high and dry.

“What about me?!” said Shanks

“What about you?” said Marco and ____________________ in unison.

“How is this fair?! One Marco is enough! We don’t NEED two!”

“She’s a smart kid and knows when someone is being an idiot,”

“I think it’s cute that we have a Chibi Marco and Regular Marco,” said Beckman

“Makino, a double,” said Shanks

“Awww, is Marco picking on you again?”

“Tch don’t pity him Makino,” said Beckman, “He’s upset that _________________ made some compelling arguments about why we should join Pops,” the woman giggled.

“So _________________ won? I’m sorry Luffy,”

“It’s okay! I’ll win next time!” he said excitedly, “I just have to make better points!”

“Of course you will,” she said gave them fresh drinks and some cream for Dusty who lapped it up. Shanks took the cat and started petting.

“Dusty you’re my only friend. I guess it’s just you and m—,” Dusty wiggled out of his arms, pushed his cream back towards Ace and happily started drinking again, “You too?!”

“Wow…cats are notorious snubbers but you can’t help but take that one personally,” said Jozu

“What did I do?!”

“What didn’t you do? The cat knows,” said Marco leering at him.

“That and Dusty likes Ace,” said Izo, “Because he probably smells like his Dad,”

“Everyone’s against me!” said Shanks, “And how can I compete with a little girl and her strong family bond!”

“Play bitch games, win bitch prizes,” said Marco, “Besides, ________________ isn’t a hundred percent on our side. She has her own preferences,”

“I do?” said ___________________

“Nah, she’s a Whitebeard kid tried and true!” said Yassop ruffling her hair

“Oh? _________________, who’s better, the Whitebeard Pirates or the Flower Pirates?” said Thatch

“THE FLOWER PIRATES!” she said excitedly. The men looked at her.

“She knows about the Flower Pirates?” said Shanks

“Well, Flora did raise her for a bit, I think it would be second nature,” said Beckman

“Blame Pops and Atlas,” said Thatch, “They’ve been telling her stories and then Marco and now she’s pretty much a Blume expert,”

“Oho! So I guess we have competition now!” said Shanks

“…what competition? You’re like at the bottom, you have to step up your game, Shanks,” said __________________, “I mean there’s Oji-chan, then Sister, then Blume, then Pops, then Ace’s future crew, Sabo’s future crew, Law’s future crew, Luffy’s crew, and then you!”

“What’s with this sassy young child?!” said Shanks

“Oh stop, she’s growing into herself,” said Beckman laughing, “And she does have a point,”

“Yeah can’t really compare to Atlas or Blume’s crews. They were both legends. Even though Atlas retired, he’s still a force to be reckoned with,”

“And he tells the best stories!” said Luffy

“Yeah!” said _______________, “And he’s so soft like a teddy bear!” the men tried to picture Atlas, Commander of fleets, scourge of the seas in his heyday, the man who had Whitebeard as his cabin boy, taking on Rocks himself and even seeing him sinking ships with his bare hands and power being a teddy bear.

“Yeah Atlas is a teddy bear, I suppose,” said Yassop, “With claws,”


“See even Dusty knows!”

“So the great battle is over, so that means Luffy has to buy _________________ cake,” said Ace


“As Marco said, play bitch games, win bitch prizes,”

“But I bought her cake last time!”

“Well you lost last time,” said Sabo laughing

“Hey no fair!”

“Hay is for horses, Luffy,” said ________________ giggling

“Not you too!”

“And there’s too many authority figures! Come on!” Ace dragged ________________ and Luffy out of the bar.

“Dinner’s at five, it’s tempura,”

“OKAY!” they said in unison. The adults watched the kids running outside. Jozu chuckled.

“To have that energy again,”

“Seriously,” said Izo, “then again my body is still hot,”

“Please you’re going to be old and worn out like the rest of us,” said Thatch

“Pfft you wish. My ass can still stop time,”

“I know Marco’s can,” said Shanks grinning. This earned him face slam into the table. Marco smiled at his three other brothers.

“See you at the house. Thanks for the drink Makino,”

“Any time! See you Friday!” he paid and left.

“Jeez, I know Marco isn’t exactly nice when it comes to Captain but I sometimes worry it’s overkill,” said Beckman

“Oh, he deserves it all,” said Jozu

“He knows what he did,” said Izo

“It’s really best not to get involved,” said Thatch

“Yeah don’t…” said Shanks, “I love his love taps~”

“…Our Captain has issues,” said Roux.

Chapter 79: Why Marco Hate Shanks


The Little Girl finds out why Shanks deserves it.

Chapter Text

“Izzzzzzo! Thaaaaaaaaatch! Have a minute?” the pair turned to see _______________, Ace, Luffy, and Sabo coming to them and perching at the kitchen table.

“What’s up kiddos?” said Thatch

“You smelt my cookies didn’t you?” said Jozu grinning. They looked a little sheepish.

“That too,” he chuckled and hands them over to them. It was his specialty, chocolate chip, Macedonian nut, and coconut cookies. Thatch poured them some milk. As they ate, _________________ remembered their burning question.

“Sooo why does Marco hate Shanks?” the three adult looked at them. They knew they would pick up the animosity sooner or later. Izo sighed.

“Not hate just.....loathe...”

“What does Loathe mean?”

“To strong dislike or to be disgusted by,”

“Why?!” said Luffy, “Shanks is really cool and strong!”

“And goofy!” said Sabo, “Hard to not like a guy like that!”

“Well…Shanks used to well do really weird and creepy things to poor Marco when they were younger,”

“…Like?” said Ace

“It’s a long story…well multiple stories,”

“Oooh! Story time!” said ___________________

“Strap in kids, this is going to be a long one,”

Marco had just finished his rounds. He yawned and was happy to finally get some sleep. Pops ordered him to take a few days off and he was happy for the invitation. He first decided to take a very long bath. The hot water soothed his aching body. He wrapped himself up in a towel and went to his room. Curiel added coal heaters to the rooms and with changing weather, it made sleep easier. He shuffled into something to sleep, placed his lantern on the nightstand and got into bed. He was slowly drifting off. But as he hunkered down, his bed was…unusually warm, like very warm, almost hot. He also felt something shifting behind him. He immediately jumped out and looked at his bed. Shanks was ON his bed, stark naked and grinning at him.

“Hey baby about time you got here. C’mere and give Daddy some sugar~” Marco’s screams alerted and woke up the entire ship. Everyone ran in to see what was wrong with their young first mate, only to be greeted to Marco running, occasionally hitting and smacking Shanks away from him, who was trying to pounce and kiss his prey, “Come on Marco just one kiss! I’ve had all of my shots~”

“GET AWAY FROM ME YOU SICK ASS!” Marco kicked him off him and ran for it. Shanks brushed passed the crew and gave chase, “AND PUT SOME CLOTHES ON!”


“NO! LEAVE ME ALONE YOUR PERVERT!” Marco transformed and flew high into the crow’s nest. By this time, Whitebeard was awoken and saw a naked Shanks shimmying up the pole, leaving a streak of he didn’t want to know up the pole as he tried to get to Marco. He got on a den den mushi.

“Rayleigh he's on the ship again! Come get him before I do!”

“…why was he naked?!” said ___________________

“Because boys are very…weird at that age,” said Thatch


“Seriously! He has all the rights in the world to kick his ass!” said Ace.

“Do boy really go through a phase like that?!” said _________________

“I hope not! I’m not going to be that weird!” said Sabo

“Me neither!” said Ace

“NO WAY!” said Luffy

“Talking about Shanks’ weird creep phase that he’s never really left?” Curiel was covered in soot and sat at the table.

“Mhm, the little kids had questions,” said Jozu

“Ugh we have answers, I swear that man has issues and how Marco hadn’t murdered him is nothing short of a miracle,”

“He could have easily had one of do it,”

“Which one did you tell them already Izo?”

“The Naked Chase incident,”

“Oh THAT one. He got what was coming to him! He just needed to aim higher,”

“Trust me…it wasn’t as bad as the seagull incident,” said Curiel

“Seagulls?” said __________________

“Mhm, Shanks trained about a hundred seagulls to fly to the ship,”

“That sounds really cool!” said Luffy

“Oh it was and impressive,” said Thatch, “Then there were,”

“Pictures?” said Sabo

“Mhm,” Curiel

A large swarm of seagulls came over the Moby Dick one day. It was strange but many just thought it was the migration patterns of the birds in that particular area, until the birds started to light down and land on the ship.

“Why is there's a bunch of seagulls coming to the ship?” said Curiel as they landed on the deck and sails. As they got closer, they realized there were something attached to their legs via string. Jozu gently picked on up and took off the string.

“There's pictures on their legs. I can’t quite make out what it is,”

“Let me see,” Thatch took one to the shadows and froze, “its picture of a… DICK?!”

“Lemme see!” Izo came bustling out and took off more and more pictures, “I can indeed confirm that these are dicks but not just any dick....look who's attached to it!” this got the Moby Dick crew morbidly curious as they took off the pictures and looked at a dick with reddish pubes.

“This one says "Like what you see Marco?"” said Namur, “…Marco I think these are all for you,”

“This is one is cumming for you tonight~” said Jozu

“This one says “I want you in my bed tonight”,” said Curiel, “And you don’t WANT to know what he’s going in this one,”

“BURN THEM ALL!” Marco ordered, his face completely red and reporting it to Pops. Whitebeard got on the den den mushi.

“That boy has some SERIOUS issues! DO SOMETHING ABOUT THAT DAMNED BRAT!” Roger was laughing his ass off on the other end. Whitebeard was yelling into the receiver. 

“I-I’m sorry Edward, I’ll have a talk with him!” said Roger.

“See to it you do!”

“I'm more impressed that he trained seagulls!” said Oden in the background laughing

“I swear you had something to do with this!” 

“Of course not! I’ll talk to him too!”

“That’s what I’m afraid of!”

“Oh trust me, if was bad, especially for those on the Shanks side of things,” they turned. Rayleigh invited himself in. _______________ got up and hugged him tight.

“Oof! Hey little lady! You’re getting taller! You’re soon going to be taller than me,”

“…I don’t think that’s much of an accomplishment,” said Ace

“Really, everyone here towers over us and I think Luffy is the smallest in the room right now,”

“Hey! Grandpa’s not that short!” said ______________. Rayleigh laughed.

“Oh no I’m very aware of my height. So I hear you’re all talking about the idiot redhead,”

“Mhm and how much he was close to death with Marco,” said Jozu offering a chair and drink which he gladly accepted.

“Yep, I came to see the little lady but a bull session story time is just as good. So yeah, keeping Shanks on the ship wasn’t a hard feat UNLESS Marco was nearby. It was Like Shanks had a homing device on the poor boy. But because of the Spyglass incident, we decided to not teach him navigation, thank god for Beckman,”

“Spyglass?” said Sabo

“Mhm, because of misuse of the spyglasses aka being a creep,”

Rayleigh noticed Shanks taking an interest in navigation. A huge interest in fact. He didn’t think anything of it since he was a budding pirate and having this skill would be more than enough for him. But he found it odd, maybe a little suspicious but brushed it off. Then he started asking Spencer if he had a spyglass with more range. Once again, Rayleigh thought NOTHING of it. But then something was starting to make him worry, Shanks was transfixed on one spot in particular. This wouldn’t have been an issue if he didn’t look as though he was a drooling puppy. Shanks was drooling with a big grin on his face looking as though he was looking at something tasty.

“Hey Buggy, come here for a minute?”

“Yeah?” said the young boy looking at him.

“How long has Shanks been like that?”

“HOURS! I was wondering what he was looking at but he says he’s doing important recon and not to bother him or something. He hasn’t even moved to eat anything,” now this was a problem. He needed to eat if nothing else. Rayleigh borrowed a spyglass and took a look himself. He saw another ship a good distance away. He decided to zoom in and realized it was the Moby Dick. He then grabbed another spyglass to see what in the world Shanks was looking at it…then he saw it. Marco was on the deck shirtless and making sure the shirt was in order. It was a very hot day that day and the poor boy was sweating and fanning himself. Marco bent down to pick up something and that was when he heard it.

“Unf! Lower baby~ let Daddy get a good look at you~” What. The. Fuck?! Rayleigh grabbed a den den mushi and called Whitebeard to tell him what was going on. Rayleigh watched as Whitebeard called Marco back into the ship. Shanks looked a little upset and tried looking for him when suddenly a large harpoon came out of nowhere and almost gutted him. Shanks dodged as he literately almost got him between the legs.


“THERE'S MORE WHERE THAT CAME FROM YOU PERVERT!!!!!” Marco called out. Before he could retort, Rayleigh snatched him up and dragged him to the kitchens.

“I KNEW your horny ass was up to no good! KITCHEN DUTY NOW! BUGGY! YOU GET THE NIGHT OFF!”


“…this is just icky,” said Sabo, “Seriously! I mean WHY?!”

“Shanks had this weird notion that Marco was meant to be together for some reason but was going about it the wrong way and we had NO idea where he was getting it from and harassing Marco wasn’t the way either. So we decided to sit him down and have a little…talk,”

Roger and Rayleigh just retrieved Shanks from the Moby Dick. He was clobbered a few times but other than that, he was fine.

“Can I at least put some clothes on?!” said Shanks naked as the day he was born.

“You made your bed now lie in it!” said Rayleigh, “Seriously, streaking and chasing Marco on the ship! Have you no shame?! Wait…don’t answer that, I KNOW you don’t have any!”

“It wasn’t like I pounced on him!”

“You were TRYING to mount him and making your dick whirl is NOT sexy, no matter what age!” Roger laughed

“WAHAHAHAHA!!! But in all seriousness boy, Edward can and will probably kill you if he sees you on his ship again,” Shanks looked dejected!

“He's trying to keep us apart!”

“NO! He's protecting his son from a weird-ass stalker! A horny one at that!” said Rayleigh


“There's nothing wrong with having a crush on Marco but you have to court him and be nice to him not drop trou and expect him to just like you!” said Roger

“But it's fate!”

“It…might but hiding under his bed, chasing him around while naked, and sending him pictures of your junk is not helping the matter!”

“I’m giving him something to look forward to~”

“…no one and I mean NO ONE wants to see teenage dick,” said Rayleigh cringing at the thought.

“Listen, we’ll talk about this in the morning, just be lucky Whitebeard didn’t gut you and Marco was too freaked out to remember he could turn into a phoenix and burn your ass,” Shanks nodded and went off to bed. Rayleigh opened a bottle and poured them both a shot.

“I swear to god that boy. I don’t know WHERE he’s been getting his love advice!”

“Maybe he’s been watching his Captain’s first mate and his…escapades?” Roger grinned

“Tch, then Marco would have been fawning over him by now,”

“Wahahahahahaha! Well I haven’t been giving him pointers either,”

“Then he would have been screwed for sure,”

“Mean! Your words are like daggers!”

“But someone has been giving him really shitty advice when it comes to relationships and we have to get to the bottom of it,”

“Poor Marco!” said _____________________

“Seriously now I know why he smacks Shanks every time he sees him!” said Ace, "Where the hell did he learn all of that?”

“Well, we had to think long and hard about it,” said Rayleigh, “Especially since NO ONE on the ship exhibited that type of behavior until we remembered there was ONE person on the ship that could have given him bad advice until Marco started receiving gifts and it was actually things he liked but still returned,”

“Like what?” said __________________

“His favorite books, favorite foods, even his favorite type of coffee, it seemed like Shanks knew Marco to the letter and none of us did or remotely did until we realized something, someone on the ship had to have know and it didn’t take long for us to realize who,”

“A certain idiot samurai,” said Pops coming downstairs, “I swear between Roger and Oden I have most of the gray hairs I have now,”

“Oden?!” said the kids

“Mhm, he sailed with Roger after he sailed with us,”

“So the idiot had access to Marco’s preferences and gave them to the horny boy,” said Rayleigh, “I swear to god all of my gray hairs came from that idiot,”

“But they make you look awesome!” said _________________

“…I love you my little peach! So Void and I decided to talk to the dumbass about his harassment campaign,”

“Wait, who’s Void?” said Ace

“The Void King, right?!” said ________________, “Oden told me about him!”

“He did?! No fair!” said Luffy, “Is he strong?!”

“Very but I…umm,” Whitebeard left the room for a few moments, “He’s a king in a very secret and hidden kingdom. And he did pretty much what Oden did only that Roger thought it would help him more if he sailed the open seas for awhile and he became one of us, even had a wanted posted, even though he was a king,”

“But when Pops is around, just don’t mention it,” said Curiel

“Why?” said Ace

“Well, Pops and Void aren’t exactly…on good terms with each other,” said Izo, “And it’s just something where…how can I put it?”

“Things were different and Whitebeard was different and Void to this day blames him for him for something very intimate. Whitebeard holds no ill will but the mentions of Void really gets to him sometimes so we just avoid it,”

“Got it” said Ace, Sabo, and _________________.

“Luffy do you understand?” said Sabo


“Then say something!” Ace clobbered him


“Well back to Oden. He had…has a wild streak and well he regaled us with many of his escapades,” Izo snorts

“I almost forgot about those! Yeah, he was a handful, hell even now, I don’t think the world could take another him to be honest. It was so bad, in fact…oh dear god, PLEASE tell me Shanks wasn’t dumb enough to listen to Oden for DATING advice,”

“You know he did and he decided to “help” because he knew about Marco’s likes, dislikes, preferences, and the like thinking he was helping them find true love or some shit,”

“…that explains the creepy gifts,” said Jozu

“…what did he send the boy?”

“Well at first it was benign, little treats and things…then it became full on “I’m going to kill you and wear your skin”. Commissioned art of them together, for some reason a box of mermaid scales that had been shed, fuzzy handcuffs…”

“…why fuzzy handcuffs?” said ________________. The men froze, forgetting innocent children were in the room. Rayleigh smiled.

“Remember my bedpost?”

“Ya huh!”

“Well, some people like to take fuzzy handcuffs on dates so that one can cuff the other and feed them cake!”

“That doesn’t sound like fun,” said Ace

“Or comfortable,” said Sabo

“Well it’s a trust thing and only adults can do this because only they can keep their arms like that for a long period of time,”

“Ohhhhh okay!”

“That’s my girl,” the Whitebeard Pirates gave Rayleigh a look, who shot a look back as if saying “do you WANT me to tell her the truth?”. They looked down. Thought so, “But seriously that boy…so back to the story,”

“Was I that bad?!” said Oden looking at the two men, “I couldn’t have been that bad as a teenager!”

“Most teenagers were that bad because of the lack of impulse control,” said Void happily eating a large chocolate roulade, “You were probably worse because of the lack of impulse control, your hulking body, and your wild nature,”

“HEY! You were no saint!”

“No I wasn’t, but I knew where to channel it. I had to fight for a throne against a corrupt brother, temporarily flee my home and become an heir to a throne,”

“Who’s now shirking his duties,” Oden grinned. Rayleigh moved backwards as Void clobbered the younger man, “OW! What was that for?!”

“Don’t sass your elders,”

“You told Shanks to kidnap Marco and make him yours!” said Rayleigh

“How was I supposed to know that he would try and kidnap the boy in the shower?!”

“…how are you still married?” said Void, “And why hasn’t anyone killed you yet?”

“What?! Toki and I just…met under different circumstances and when everything was all said and done, we were practically married!”

“So you never COURTED a woman?!”

“…Not exactly,” the two older men face palmed, “I kidnapped a few women from their husbands! I thought that’s how it worked!”

“I'm putting it on Shanks' tombstone that he died the way he lived: listening to idiots,” said Rayleigh

“I'll gladly fund it. It'll be a Shrine to the dangers of stupidity,”

“Between Oden and Roger, the boy doesn’t stand a chance,”

“Ouch! Your words are like daggers, Void!” said Roger holding his chest, along with Oden, “And you Rayleigh?!”

“Mhm,” they said simultaneously

“And that’s why I want to throttle Shanks every time I see him,” everyone jumped as Marco came into the room. He ruffled _______________’s Ace’s heads

“How long have you been listening?!” said Curiel

“Long enough,” Marco grabbed his coat and headed out the door. Rayleigh almost immediately got up and followed after him.

“…where is he going?” said Sabo

“Probably for a walk,” said Izo, “But never you guys mind, let’s get something to eat for dinner. Thatch, do you job!”

“Hey! Tonight is going to be takeout!”

“Fiiiiiiine,” Marco however, was on a mission. He actually forgot some of the incidents and they made his blood boil. He remembered all of the pain and outright irritation that Shanks have put him through, and his headache was returning and he knew there was only ONE way to cure it: Going to Makino’s. He opened the door and surveyed the room before he eyes fell on a very familiar, very stupid redhead. He strode up to him and tapped his shoulder. Shanks turned and was greeted to a punch to the face. Once he was down, Marco proceeded to kick and punch him a few times before leaving the bar, giving Makino some money for Friday and leaving.

“WHY?! WHAT DID I DO?!” Marco said nothing and just left. He looked at the other three men who continued to drink as though they didn’t see anything, “YOU DID NOTHING TO STOP HIM?!”

“You probably deserved it,” said Beckman

“You're lucky that you're alive to be honest. After all the stuff you did to Marco,”

“And we only know the stuff from when we knew you we can imagine what you did to the poor guy before then,” said Roux

“It still hurts! SERIOUSLY his love taps are glorious!”

“…I don’t think that was a love tap,” said Beckman.

“And he punched you because he remembered all of that shit at once,” said Rayleigh coming in, “I can’t just to make sure he wasn’t going to murder you and made sure to record it for Curiel,”

“The fuck?!” said Shanks

“Also, Yassop, Curiel says he’s coming for you,”

“I WAS KIDDING! …you know what, WHAT did you do Marco?”

“You never told them?” said Rayleigh

“…I never found a reason to,” the older man sighed and started to regale the many stories of Shanks and Marco’s “relationship”. The men looked at their Captain.

“I want to say I’m disappointed but not surprised,” said Roux.

“… I have a wife. I love my wife, I adore my wife and I know if I would have done any of that to her I wouldn't have a wife in fact she would probably have killed me. Marco has a patience of a saint,” said Yassop, “Hell, even Ussop has enough sense to know none of that is okay! Heh, chip off the ol’ block!”

“And you still asked him to join your crew!” said Beckman, “What is WRONG with you? You know he's not going to be your first mate. That's my job what kind of jobs do you have in mind for him?” Shanks muttered something, “Hmmm?”

“Captain's boy toy…” the table went silent before they erupted into laughter.

“I think you get off on Marco inflicting harm upon you!” said Roux. Shanks went red and looked away, “OH SHIT YOU DO!”

“WHY do we follow you again?!” said Beckman, “Also have you ever, I don’t know try talking to him like a normal human being?!”

“I have! He said that if I came near him, he would beat the SHIT out of me or kill me!”

“Well what do you expect?! He probably thinks you’re going to do the same thing to him you did to him as kids!”

“And you brought it all on yourself,” said Rayleigh, “No hope there,”

“Actually I’ve been thinking a lot about how I can get him to talk to me!”

“…Makino another round please! This is going to be good!” said Yassop, “tell us what is your amazing plan?”

“I was thinking of…coercing the little lady to stay with us for a little while and keeping her until Marco give me a chance to…explain myself,”

“…so what you’re saying is that you want to kidnap _________________, aka Chibi Marco, aka Marco’s chick, aka the only daughter of the Whitebeard family just so Marco can fuck you?”

“Captain, are you feeling okay?” said Roux, “Do you want to die? Because this is how you die!”

“This is worse than death! This is summoning the damn grim reaper!” said Beckman, “And I will not have ANY parts in it,”

“Me neither,” said Yassop, “I have a family,”

“And I want to live pass my twenties,” said Roux, “And I’m pretty sure he’ll disembowel you for this one,”

“STOP INVOLVING YOU CREW IN YOUR HAIRBRAINED SCEHEMES!” Rayleigh clobbered Shanks and who clutched his head. As the men went on, Makino came them another round.






“Well, why don’t you just ask Marco out for some coffee?” said Makino smiling, “Then apologize for what you put him through and become close to him that way? Sometimes a woman doesn’t want a man to do anything other than approaching her and just asking. If she says no, then he has to respect that. But most women are more inclined to let their guard down if they already know you. I mean him and Lesser struck a friendship when Marco just casually ask if she wanted company when she came here to drink. They’ve been keeping their Friday night outings ever since. All you have to do is just talk to him without alcohol,”

“…see this is why Makino is here, she’s the only one who makes sense,” said Beckman

“And she didn’t say “Kidnap _______________ either”,” said Roux

“Fine, I’ll try it your way! Thanks Makino,”

“Any time Shanks,”

Chapter 80: Filly and the Hunter


Another little girls hears the story of her Aunt's first love

Chapter Text

Katherina really didn’t like hanging around her aunt too often. The woman was sadistic, and taught Vitale to be the same and she was his favorite target. But there were some days were she really couldn’t escape and had to be near the woman who was for some parts, civil. Today was one of those days where she had to hear a story about her time on the seas. She was in her room, perched at a table as her aunt told her about one of her many conquests.

“This one my dear is the filly that got away,”

“Awww don’t tell her that one, Captain!” said one of the girls

“Yeah you make us jealous with that one!” another whined

“It’s my favorite story and I have to tell it so that Katherina can help me find her someday,” Kat nodded, making a mental note to tell any woman who didn’t want to end up in her aunt’s clutches to run away as fast as she could.

“You were in love, Aunt?”

“Head over heels with this one, a beautiful voice, a cute, perk, little ass, and feisty, love my ladies feisty but this one gave me a challenge, a challenge that only made me want her more. Never met anyone as brutal but could sing like an angel, even better than me,” Kat never wanted to meet someone more brutal than Aunt, ever. Aunt has a lovelorn look and then smirk on her face. Aunt was a part of a pirate crew and had her own fleet but when it wasn’t anything too serious, they were all usually on the same ship together. First it was Captain, Aunt’s well Captain. She didn’t like this man at ALL. She didn’t know if he was a complete idiot or genius. He was loud, smelt like cherries and huge! There were was Uncle Laffi. He creeped her out as well but even being near him made all of the hairs on her body stand up. He always smiled, no matter what. She saw him cut someone down still with the same unnerving smile on his face. He was very pale and very thin. Uncle Van looked like a teacher or a tutor. He always had a rifle and Father insisted that he showed her or taught her something. She always felt uneasy around him but then one day she remembered someone leaving the house. There were several shots and the man screamed and was forced to crawl to safety. She turned to see Uncle Van putting his rifle away with a sick grin. Uncle Ryu used to work for Impel Down. Like everyone else, she had her guard up and on edge constantly. He still kept on his uniform. Champion was loud, brash, and hated losing. Valo was a king once upon a time but he said that they wanted him because they were a bunch of pussies. Shot was always drunk, she never once seen him sober. Father made him stay outside on the ship. The last one was Uncle Doc. She really couldn’t trust him either. He offered her an apple. After she ate one, he commented that she didn’t have anything to worry about because she had a lot of luck. She didn’t even think so and when asked he just shrugged and said she didn’t eat the bad apple. She found out later there were something off about them and when she saw Jango getting ready to eat one and smacked it out of his hands. He grabbed her and jumped back when it exploded. She really hated when they came over but thankfully it was few and far between visits and they always took Vitale with them as a cabin boy. She never showed how much that would have been hell on earth because she was pretty sure Father would use that as a form of punishment.

“So she was a crewmate?”

“Mhm, just for awhile but those months were magical. I got to an angelic demonic presence everyday that balanced out all of that testosterone, including mine~” the girls giggled. Katherina cringed. It all started on a beautiful spring day,”

Captain announced a new member to his crew. The woman was fine-looking for lack of a better term with long black hair that was tied at the bottom near her waist, striking blue eyes and had a black mask covering her mouth with a red X.

“She doesn’t have a name, but she’s perfect for our little crew!”

“Where did you get her from Captain?” said Uncle Van

“Remember that town that was level a few weeks ago? You’re looking at the cause. Asked her if she wanted to join and she said yes,”

“My, my not bad!” said Doc grinning at her, “What’s with the mask?”

“None of your business,” Feisty.

“I’m pretty sure it’s to hide a very dark secret,” said Uncle Laffi smiling at her, “Is that it? Is your mouth cursed?”

“It might. When it tells me, I’ll let you know,” The woman had a quick wit. Aunt liked that. She smirked at her and rounded on her. Filly looked at her with sheer annoyance on her face.

“Let’s call her Filly,”

“Excuse me?”

“You don’t have a name, right? I think it fits you better, unless you want to be That Bitch or Rookie,” Aunt smirked at her. She had to size the woman up. She had to find one way to catch her off guard. She thought she had succeeded.

“Filly’s fine,”

“Alright! Filly it is!” said Valo

“Just don’t think you can waltz in here and be considered an equal, little girl,” said Uncle Ryu

“Wouldn’t dream of it,”

“Leave her alone, she’s a part of our ranks, that’s more than enough,” said Uncle Van

“So she’s one of the best,” said Doc

“We’ll be the judge of that,” said Aunt.

“That Filly was a natural, brutal, callous, and I loved it! I was won over from that moment on! I had the biggest crush on her since,” Aunt had a lovelorn look on her face.

“Why did you call her “Filly”?”

“She said she didn’t have a name, as of yet. And that’s what you call a cute young thing like that,”

“So you two were the only women on the ship?”

“Mhm! Made things a little easier. I thought she liked someone on the ship but no interest. So I decided right then and there she was going to be mine but I had to see just what I was dealing with. Some women talk a game but can’t handle anything so one night I got all of the alcohol we could get in town and decided we can have an importune drinking contest,”

“Huh why?” said Katherina

“To see just how good she can hold her own against me, of course. If she could drink me under, that’s a wife right there. If she couldn’t, then I could extract anything I want from her. A drunk mind speaks a sober mind,”

“Clever Captain~!” said Netta

“How did it go?!” said Chisom


The crew was around the table. Bottles upon bottles of alcohol and some foods were on the table ready to be drank and consumed. At first everyone just sat around drinking and making small talk. Filly was taking shots of tequila and limes. It was the first time they actually saw her without her mask but the darkness concealed most of her features but they did see a young, youthful face.

“Tch, you’re going to really drink something that weak, Filly?” said Aunt

“Tequila is pretty strong,” said Doc

“Not enough to get plastered,”

“Moderation is the key,” said Filly

“If that was the case then you’re going to need a sippy cup to even think about keeping up with us,” said Uncle Ryu.


“Unless you want to prove you can,” said Valo

“If this is you weird way of challenging me to a drinking contest, come out and say it,” there were cheers as those who wanted to participate stayed at the table and those who didn’t want to moved back. Captain, Champion, Uncle Laffi, and Uncle Van all stayed back, “Okay is he in? Seriously, you’re always drunk,” she glanced at Shot

“D-Don’t wo-worry about me—me, Fill! This is drunk sober me,”

“Got it. So what’s the prize?”

“Bragging rights and making on crewmate do whatever you like!” said Captain laughing.


“You can do it Filly!” said Champion

“Flirt all you like you’re not fucking my ass,”

“Eh, worth a shot!”

“Maybe she’s into something a little more…bestial?” said Valo growling at her with a wink. She looked unimpressed.

“I can’t take someone who can be easily distracted by a laser pointer seriously,” soon she, Aunt, Uncle Ryu, Valo, and Shot were knocking back drinks one by one. As predicted, Shot went down first, then Valo, followed by Uncle Ryu who vastly underestimated the alcohol drinks he was downing. Soon it was just Aunt and Filly. Then thing got…weird. Aunt started mixing drinks with whatever was on the table and serving it to Filly, who didn’t seem fazed one way or another. The remaining crew watched the pair drinking mixed drinks, some with questionable looks and smells and Filly surprisingly could hang with the other woman much the Captain’s delight.

“Alright bets! Who’s going to win?!”

“No one’s a winner here,” said Van, “Especially with the massive hangovers we’re going to have in the morning,”

“My money’s on Filly~” said Champion

“I’m going to have to go with Catarina on this one,” said Uncle Laffi, “What about you Captain?”

“I have my money on Filly for this one!”

“Oh I know there’s something you can’t handle,” Aunt took out two goblet glasses. She grabbed the rest of the alcohol on the table, mainly half bottles of everything, except some whiskey, and empties all the contents between the two glasses, pineapple juice, Uncle Ryu’s coffee, lemon juice, oyster paste, some leftover noodle soup broth, and top it off with marmite. Filly looked at the foul drink. Aunt picked up hers, Filly picked up hers. They clanked glasses and the men at the table watched with a mixture of horror, intrigue, and disgust as they downed it. Aunt looked at Filly waiting for her to react. Filly however, grabbed the last fully bottle on the table, “What’s that Filly?”

“Victory drink,”

“Wha—BLEH!” the woman projectile vomited and collapsed just like the others. Filly shrugged and down her last drink.

“…I didn’t think ANYONE could drink those four under the table! W-What did you do?! What life choices brought you to this?” said Doc

“Because Daddy didn’t raise a pussy,” she slammed the glass down, “Later,” the men looked at the woman who sauntered away like nothing was wrong and went to her quarters to sleep it off.

“My, my, I didn’t think I would ever meet someone who could drink those two under the table,” said Uncle Laffie, “I’m actually intrigued,”

“Especially with some of the weird concoctions that have been made on this table,” said Uncle Van, “Woman is tough as nails,”

“It was right at that moment I knew I was in love~ that little Filly held her own. She wasn’t a fragile woman and I loved that about her. Even the next day we were all hammered, except for her, who just carried on like nothing was inherently wrong, even making hangover food to get us to sober up just in case. She gave up on Shot. Captain loved her kebobs and cherry pie that he asked/ commanded her to make it for him a few days later when we were sober and after a good fight,” Aunt had a lovelorn look on her face, “That was when I decided to make my move,”

“FILLY YOU MAKE THE BEST KEBABS I’VE EVER HAD!” Captain happily ate his fill as the mountain of kebabs and the large cherry pie dwindled, “Is there any more?”

“Mhm, if not I can make more,” because of their latest victory and because she had kitchen duty, Filly made a feast on the ship. Captain was honestly ready to have her be the exclusive ship cook as he ate. She made all of their favorites, mainly because it was a victory. To this day, Aunt couldn’t figure HOW she knew. She even got her favorite, broiler sasami.

“Filly, marriage is on the table!” said Champion draping his arm over her shoulder and pulling her close.

“Not that desperate,” she said picking his hand off.

“Oh come on! I can promise you a night of decent pleasure!”

“Sure as long as you provide the paper bag,” the crew started laughing. Filly really was a ball buster and it was an actual turn on for some of them. Uncle Ryu smirked.

“Good Fillies need a firm hand to tame them. Just give me a few hours. I’m pretty sure she’s into older and mature men,”

“With a fuck stick that small? Try a year,”

“BWAHAHAHAHAHA!” said Shot, “Fill’s a savage!”

“What was that?” Uncle Ryu growled

“From my experience, anyone who talks a big game about taming usually has a tiny dick or likes to take it up the ass, so which is it? In fact, everyone, vote!”

“Up the ass!” said Doc laughing

“Hmmm I would have to say up the ass!” said Uncle Laffi

“I would say tiny,” said Uncle Van

“Definitely tiny!” said Shot laughing drunkenly.

“Do you want to die so easily?!”

“Not before Fill pegs you!” said Captain. The ship roared as the woman ducked inside. Aunt smirked and followed after. She looked around, it was only them inside. She smirked and closed the door behind her. Filly was at the oven finishing up more kebabs and sasami. She had to stare. Filly’s normal form of dress was usually a skirt but today it was pants, brown knee boots, and a white V neck top along with her mask. So far they couldn’t understand why she kept it if she wasn’t eating or drinking. She personally didn’t care. It wasn’t what she was looking at. That ass was glorious in those pants.

“Hey there, Filly~” the smaller woman glanced at her before going back to work.

“What?” she said curtly

“Just wanted to say dinner was delicious~ how did you know our exact preferences?”

“Lucky guess,”

“Seems like you’ve been really watching us closely to get that info. Did you like what you saw?”

“Don’t read too much into it. We had a victory, may as well make something to celebrate it. Why do you care?” Aunt smirked and got closer. Filly was loading the pies into the oven. She slid her hands over the smaller woman’s hands, who ignored her and continued chopping vegetables for the kebabs, “May I help you?”

“I mean we’re both women, right? We’re both strong, take no shit, and I have to admit, that cute little ass has been calling since I saw it. How about we have some post victory fun~,” Aunt leaned closer. Filly could feel her hot breath on her face. Aunt smirks and gave her ass a rub and squeeze. It felt just as she imagined, only better. Before she knew, she was flat on her ass looking at the shorter woman who had a mixture of shock, embarrassment, and anger.

“Don’t touch me!”

“Murunfuffuffu! Flustered are we?”

“Just keep your filthy hands off me,” she growled. Aunt however, how not going to let someone knock her on her ass like that. She snatched her and slammed into the table. Before Filly could protest, she had a long butcher knife at her throat. Filly looked unfazed.

“You know, I’ve always had a thing for cute, beautiful women. Though I love your body, especially that cute perky ass, I can’t help but fawn over this face. It’s defiant, aggravated, yet youthful and sweet, but those eyes have been calling me along with that mouth. So how about we make a little deal? You keep your head and I claim your lips or I get a few head for my collection?” a smile graced Filly’s lips.

“Gee…with an offer like that, how could I say no?” she winked. Aunt smirked and placed the butcher knife away and allowed Filly to sit up, however still holding her firm. Filly leaned in and she followed suit before she felt something hard against her head as Filly retracted her head. She screamed and staggered back and then felt a shot to her solar plexus, then another, then another, she doubled over as Filly turned to leave. Aunt grabbed then smaller woman and the next thing they knew they were on the deck of the ship. The other crewmates turned to see the two women were fighting on the deck. Upon watching the weapons, slashes and brutal force, none of the men were brave enough to get in between them. Filly was agile and fast and managed to duck and dip around Aunt who was using her whip and spear to get the woman. She succeeded and soon Filly was being slammed over and over on the deck. The next time she was up the air, she grabbed onto the mast and swept her leg bringing the whip and Aunt to her used her other leg and got her in the face. She pulled the whip off her and managed to dodge another hit, using her agility to keep herself at a good range. Aunt then saw Filly pulling something from inside her clothes. She smirked and waited. As predicted, the smaller woman threw a knife at her face. Aunt threw her head back to dodge and soon realized this was what the woman wanted because the moment she returned her head, she was uppercut hard. Aunt entire face went back. Filly landed and stood over her. The last time she saw was the baby blues looking down at her with contempt and annoyance before blacking out.

“First time I was knocked on my ass with another woman looking down at me. It stunned me, especially since it happened twice but looking back, I’m looking forward to our wedding night when I find her again,”

“Awwww Captain was in love with such a tease~!” said Chisom

“Did she break your heart?! We’ll break her!” said Netta

“Calm down, calm down, she broke my heart but I’m pretty sure she would kill you all without hesitation. That’s what I loved about her, the first and only woman to ever best me in a battle! She can’t help but make my heart flutter at the idea of her being my right hand and lover. I would give her the seas if she allowed me,”

“Sounds like you didn’t try and give her a choice, Aunt,” the women looked at the little girl who almost immediately froze at what she said. Her aunt looked down at her.

“What was that?”

“I-I meant to say that, are you sure she even liked women enough to want to be in a relationship with one?” her aunt started to laugh, loud and cruel as she pats Katherina’s head.

“I don’t care if she likes men or women; the fact is that I want her. I want her screaming my name until her voice is hoarse, I want her to be the first thing I wake up to and the last thing she sees, I want her be with until the moment we both die. And if that means killing every single person she loves and cares about if it means I can savor that sweet beautiful body, so be it,” Katherina nodded but on the inside she felt disgusted, “This is how love works, my dear Kat. One party gives and the other party takes it. I wanted a son and I got that one way or another. Just like your father wanted to take you in to be his successor. When you get older, you’re going to take things as well. See a boy you like? Take him. A girl? Take her. If they protest, make them but always remember, protect your things, so they won’t be taken. That’s why I have so many women and jewels at my beck and call,”

“Awww we love you too!”

“S-So what happened to Filly?”

“Oh, I got off topic didn’t I? Well long story short, we broke up~”

Filly skidded across the deck; Uncle Ryu was screaming and holding his face. It was raining and pouring on the deck, making it slippery. Filly was revealed by a source that she was an active spy on their ship. Of course this meant that she was to be made an example of and killed. However there was a reason why she was asked to join the rank, Filly was tough and headstrong and did not go down. She took on the entire crew, many of them ending up with scars from that battle, most notably Uncle Ryu who had sported a scar on his face from then on. Filly was tough to say the least, smashing weapons and shattering bones, evading them all and even managed to get some distance. However she realized she was in the middle of the sea with nowhere to go…or so they thought. Aunt observed her moments very carefully and realized that although Filly was getting beaten and knocked around, pretty much to struggling to keep herself from being overcome by them, she was stalling. Suddenly she kicked Champion off her into the rest and ran. But tey were go after her. Instead they waited. It was when she close to the edge of the deck when she realized she was sinking. Filly looked panicked and tried to get away from the black mass but was soon swallowed up. She disappeared into the darkness. They all watched with sadistic glee. Captain then threw her out of his vortex. They were expecting to see Filly’s mangled body, even a corpse but after she landed on her back, she got up, albeit struggling but she got up. Her entire body covered in bruises, large gaping wound, blood oozing out. Her hair covered her face. She had a very unsettling smile revealing a razor sharp smile.

“Like I said Dad didn’t raise a pussy,” the fight commenced. Aunt couldn’t help but fall even deeper. The rest was a blur. She remembered everyone going at Filly, she was shot multiple times, beaten and tossed around like a ragdoll. Despite it all the woman was still standing, still fighting like a wounded wolf. Then one last hit sent her the edge of the ship. She said something, gave them a toothy smile and flipped off the side of the ship. They heard a thud and a splash but saw no signs of her. They really couldn’t see into the murky depth below but they knew she had landed on something. They were about to take a closer look when Captain stopped them.

“Let her go,” said Captain


“ZEHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, someone like her, I want her back in our ranks the moment she’s spotted again. She took us on and still managed to leave alive,”

“What if she’s not alive?” said Doc looking over the ship, “Could have been a fruit user,”

“Doubt it, no one could keep that hidden for very long,” said Uncle Laffi

“Here’s my decree, if she ever resurfaces, find her and bring her back alive. Do whatever it takes for her to rejoin our ranks by any means possible,”

“Aye Captain!”

“Captain was upset but we had to admit, we were all impressed. She managed to take us all on and get out without much damage. He still wants her to be a part of his crew. Shiryu was amused and wanted payback for the scar she left on his face but we all agreed that she was mine if she ever reared her head again,”

“Has she?”

“She did but I spotted her when I was in a town running an errand or two. I don’t know where she went off to. I found her by chance and lured her out into a fight. Next thing I know she disappeared and I was hauled away. I know she didn’t die, even with the wounds I left on her. That sexy little Filly is too stubborn to die in such a way,”

“So you marked her so you can find her! How romantic!” squealed Netta. This was another thing Katherina didn’t like. All of her aunt’s “ladies” all had a crescent moon mark on their person on a sign that they belong to her. Some wore it with pride, some learned to live with it.

“I wanted to, but the scars on her neck aren’t much of a mark, just a love bite but she did take a little trophy from me as well. I have to get that back at some point. So Katherina, if you see a cute woman with sky blue eyes, shark teeth, and an ass that should stop a war, send her my way~”

“Will do, Aunt,”

“Too bad you’re not going to be here next week. The crew is coming over for a visit,” Katherina’s blood ran cold. She actually felt like something slammed into the pit of her stomach.


“Mhm, everyone is coming for a week but you have some kind of intelligence thing that dear brother wants you to go to so you’ll probably miss everyone. Then Vitale and I will be going back with them. Our little vacation is over,”

“Awww Aunt I’m going to miss you!” this was a convincing lie. She was so happy to finally be left alone in the cold empty house with Jango again. Aunt chuckled.

“Of course you are. Get stronger because you know how I feel about weak children and women,”

“I know, I know. Safe travels!” she almost immediately scampered out of the room. She ran to her room and right into Jango. He looked relieved.

“Where have you been?!”

“With Aunt. I’m fine, but THEY’RE COMING HERE?!”

“Shhhh! And yes they are!” a feeling of terror and dread dropped to the pit of her stomach. She had to sit down, “Don’t worry, I got you! I have four tickets to an event and you have to bring another friend with you,”


“I’m sure you made one friend or at the very least want to pay one back,” She smiled and nodded, “Hurry up and make plans before someone walks in!” she picked up her den den mushi and took a few breaths before hanging up.

“I can’t do this!”

“Just relax and be yourself!” Katherina looked at him, “You know what I mean!” she took a few more deep breaths before dialing the number. It rang for a few moments before someone picked up.

“Hello?” said a voice

“Hi-Hi! May I speak to ________________, please?”

“Just a moment!” Katherina waited nervously before a familiar voice appeared


“Hi, it’s Shiro,”


“I was wondering are you free this weekend? I have ummm…” Jango gave her the tickets, “Two tickets to the Pretty Soldier Film Marathon?! D-Do you want to go?!”

“YEAH! Wait, I have to ask Marco first! Hold on for a bit, please!” she heard the receiver hitting the table, two voices, one excitable and the other was quiet before there was a small sound. She heard footsteps running back to the receiver, “He said yes! But he wants to meet your guardian first!” Katherina looked at Jango, who nodded.

“Okay! I’ll give him the phone now and they can make plans!” Katherina lingered around the area as she eavesdropped on Jango. There was some sweating, nervous laughter before a few more minutes of talking before he hung up the den den mushi. He gave her a thumbs up. She beamed.

“Yeah, he’s protective but he wants us to meet before the movie day, especially since it’s on another island but he’s all for it. He won’t be going because he’s not much of a Pretty Soldier fan but her other brother would be going instead. It’ll probably be a weekend trip more than enough to get you out of the house for awhile or until the house is cold and empty again,”

“Yeah but Father isn’t going to let me just go to a Pretty Soldier event like that!” Jango winked

“Don’t worry I got this. Whatever your father says, just go with it, alright?” she nodded and hugged him.

“Thanks Jango,”

“Anything for my Kitty Kat!” he hugged her back. She reddened and tried to get away.

“Don’t ruin it!”

“Whaaaaaaaaaaat?! Lucky!!!!” said Vivi. _________________ excitedly told them the news bright and early when she got to class the following day. The girls rallied around her and they shared in her joy.

“How did you get tickets?! They were sold out for months!” said Plum, “You have to tell us every single detail!”

“Shiro invited me! I guess he really is a Pretty Soldier fan!” said _________________, “Marco said his Uncle camped out for the tickets! Marco’s not really a fan so Jozu is taking me!”

“I heard they’re going to show all of the movies from the original to the most recent!” said Kaya

“So cool though! You have to tell us all about it!” said Plum

“I will and there’s a festival so I’ll bring you all something back!”

“You don’t have to!” said Penny

“I totally will though! I know everyone’s favorite character so I can easily bring back favorites!”

“Aren’t the movies canon?”

“Technically!” said Vivi, “Like when Kinsei’s cat turned human!”

“And entire Silver Palace Arc is in the recent movie so that flashbacks will be the whole movie!” said Kaya, “So we FINALLY get to see how Queen Amanogawa became corrupted in the first place along with her final redemption!”

“Ahhhh! I can’t wait!” said ____________________, “Jozu said that the manga showed everything and he hopes the anime does it justice!”

“Tch, a grown man liking a girl’s anime? Pathetic,” the girls turned to see Holly smirking at them, “So is that why you’ve been adopted? Adult fanservice?” _______________ cocked her head. Kaya covered her mouth. Vivi however smirked.

“Huh? Did you guys hear something? Could have sworn I did. Oh well I guess it wasn’t nothing,”

“…please don’t tell me you’re gonna resort to something childish?” Holly sneered

“___________________ it would be great if you ask Holly if she wanted something, if she was here!” said Penny

“Too bad, I think she’s absent today, pity,” said Plum grinning

“Wasn’t her favorite character Kinsei?” said Kaya


“Nah that was me!” said __________________, “I would have named River Tsukuyomi if I was thinking about it!” Holly frowned and decided to go back to her work.

“Anyway, that’s awesome that Shiro is a fan!”

“And that he invited you!” said Vivi

“Right? I wonder why though,”

“Probably as a thank you for the birthday party invite,”

“That’s nice of him! I kind really want to get to know him. I mean, we don’t have many kids around and he’s a noble kid like Gordon so it’s really hard to just visit them,”

“See? Now you’ll get to understand Shiro more!”

“You’re right! I just hope it won’t be awkward!”

“Nah he’s pretty easy to talk to,” said Kaya

“You guys talk?!”

“Mhm! We exchanged numbers with a lot of the kids after the baseball game! He was the one who called me and we talked about the season finale of Pretty Soldier!”


“So I guess it’s not just his sister who likes the show!” Penny giggled.

“I guess not!”

Lesser was barely alive when they retrieved her from the Blackbeard ship. She was barely breathing, things were sprung and broken and Dom counted five bullet wounds and they were surprised she was still alive. They had immediately wrapped her up to stop the bleeding and setting bones. Her breathing was shallow, very shallow but her adrenaline was still up.

“H-He set up…the bastard, set us up,”

“Lesser please, just calm down,”

“N-NO! T-There wasn’t a treasure! There wasn’t anything for us to retrieve! W-We weren’t supposed to come back!”

“Are you shitting me?!” said Perv

“What was all of this for?!” said Dom

“It-It’s my fault,” said X

“What are you talking about, dear?” said Dom

“Yo-You were supposed to be target practice, I was supposed to attack you all and kill you, just like the others but…but…” she started to sob, “You all treated me like I was your sister! You all treated me like family! You asked me for my name! No one has EVER asked me that! I-I’m sorry! I-I’m sorry that this happened! Lesser-kun, please forgive,”

“Shut up, will you. This is…isn’t your fault, alright? No one is blaming you but I’m going to rip pretty boy a fuckin—” Lesser coughed and blood sprayed them all. Almost immediately the four hurried through the dark water and didn’t stop until they were on shore. They found a doctor who was brought in to treat Lesser.

“Your friend is very lucky that she’s alive, she was shot five times, has three broken ribs, chest trauma, two broken bones in her back, fractured knee cap, a shattered ankle, and a neck graze,”

“How long will it take for her to get better?!” said Dom

“Two months but she has to rest. We’ll put her on oxygen but she needs to rest as much as she can,” they nodded. Once outside, X looked at them. They had the most worried looks on their faces. Lesser was tough but even they know it would be impossible for her to be a sitting duck like this, especially since they were obviously being set up by that little bitch. X spoke.

“I-I know something that can help her. Whenever, th-they need me to recover fast they give me a special drink and it’ll take about a day or so for me to be half way back to normal,”

“Do you know where it is?!” said Dom

“I can find it and Miss Cook can make it into a tea!”

“Please!” the young woman scampered off. Perv and Dom lingered but decided to keep watch over Lesser for the time being and Cook waited until she was alone and took out their den den mushi and made a phone call. This was way over their heads and they needed to get out.


“…what’s the matter? Where are you four? What happened?! What’s going on?”

“…We’re trapped. We got into a situation and we can’t get out of it. We can leave but there’s one more man here that we can’t leave behind. Are you familiar with Project X?”

“You four found an unstable project?”

“Not unstable. Lesser is the only one who can tame her and bring her back,”

“I see. You’re not telling me everything are you? Where is she?”

“She was set up in order to rile up the project and barely managed to get out alive. We got her out in time and we’re now at the base,”

“Who did it to her?”

“Blackbeard and his crew. He engulfed her into some kind of a vortex and then shot her out. She was still moving when it was done but the adrenaline went off and she’s in bad shape. She can barely move at the moment. Dom and Perv are keeping an eye on her and X hasn’t left her side. We don’t trust the asshole who set us up, obviously,”

“What’s his name?”

“Tyler Kennedy,”

“Noted. I’ll take care of everything, I’ll see if we can place X. If not, leave her there,”

“Umm, Taichou, with all due respect, we…really can’t leave her behind. This is the only life she knows but if she’s being experimented on, she’s a very docile young thing who isn’t a threat to anyone. With more social interaction, I think she has a clear chance to be one of us,” there was a deep sigh over the snail

“You four are going to be the death of me. Fine. But know she will be Lesser’s responsibility. Just stay put and I’ll take care of everything,”

“Thank you Taichou,”

“I want some of those pralines as punishment for you insubordination, Cook,”

“Of course, Taichou,”

“Dismissed,” she hung up and headed back to the compound. She then stopped when she heard a den den mushi ringing. She stopped and lingered. She could see Tyler looking at the snail. He was visibly pale and sweating. She wa about to investigate when X came out with a large green leaf. She shrugged but decided to let the other know about this the moment she got inside and hurried to make the tea for Lesser. Tyler’s blood ran cold when he heard the den den mushi. He steeled himself and picked up the phone.

“Y-Yes Sir?”

“Project X, where is she?” the voice was gruff and sounded irritated.

“We-Well s-sir, we-we hit a small snag,”

“Then fix it,”

“I-I well, it’s more complicated than that,”


“Y-Yes, I-I hired four mercenaries as target practice for it but…now she went rouge and well, only one can bring her back. I-I don’t know what to do!”

“You failed that’s what you did. That was the last project and now it’s a failed experiment. I’ll deal with you when I get back but you better clean up your mess and dispose of that project. I’m cutting your funding and for your sake I better not see anything that’ll link it back to me, got it?”

“Y-Yes sir!” the phone clicked. Tyler decided to weigh in his options. All four of them were sitting ducks, especially since their de facto leader was recovering. He could pick them off one by one and be done with it. Especially right now but he also knew that they would be on high alert. He’ll take care of it tomorrow and burn the place down. No trace of anyone or anything.

“Ugh! That’s awful!” said Lesser pushing the cup away.

“I know but you’ll feel better in the morning! It’s the last one, it’s a Yggdrasil leaf,” said X

“How the HELL did you get one of those?!” said Dom, “They’re ultra rare and expensive!”

“Tyler bought a bunch when I was given to him! It’s the last one and Lesser-kun needs it more than I do!”

“Keep drinking Lessy~” said Perv, “That’s literately a good million beli you’re drinking!”

“Cook you couldn’t have made it less bitter?!

“Oh stop, you can handle it! I mixed it with some sencha to balance it a bit but I’m afraid it wasn’t enough,”

“You got shot five times, I’m pretty you can handle some extremely bitter tea,”

Chapter 81: River Goes Missing


The Little girl Searches for her Missing Cat

A/N Sorry for being so unresponsive lately! I had a lot of Spring Cleaning and things to do!

Chapter Text

He didn’t remember much when he was born, just that he had a mother and they were living in a building. He had siblings and grew up learning how to survive the area. He was young and curious and often got himself into trouble. Then one day, he met her. Ruby. Ruby was a beautiful older cat, a black fluffy person with blue eyes and a jeweled collar. She was sweet and kind to him, often showing him and where to sneak in so he would have a place to sleep at night. She snuck him into the kitchen where he had foot and he often hid in her owner’s closet. Life wasn’t so bad but the people she was with only cared about her to show off to other people. The servants fed her, groomed her, and the like. She said she was a show cat, nothing more and she was to have show kittens. But fate had other plans and their three kittens were born. He fell in love with them instantly and kept them hidden…until Ruby was taken to the vet. It happened so fast. The human woman screamed. Ruby screamed in surprise as well. He was chased as he grabbed his last kitten to be hidden away. Someone stepped on his tail. He screeched in pain and tried to fight but was kicked. He grabbed and shoved into a bag. He heard Ruby yeowling for him but she was silenced as well. Soon his kittens were thrust into the bag with him. They were scared, mewling. He tried to comfort them. He could hear his mate whining and trying to get at the bag but she couldn’t. He heard loud angry shouting and Ruby yelping again. His kittens were mewling for their mother. They were being carried; he didn’t know where they were going. He was trying to keep his kittens calm. They were scared too. Then he felt them being dropped and then heard and felt the water. They were gliding down the water. The bag was soon filling up with water. He told them to keep their head above the water as much as they could but they were sinking fast. He had them get on top of him. He’d rather drown than his kitten. His kitten cried, he cried, they were going to die. The water was half above his head as he struggled. Then he heard a loud splash, multiple splashing and then they were dragged out. They made enough noise. He remembered seeing a light and seeing a curious face. It was a young face and it went from curiosity to pure horror. He remembered shouting. He remembered being carried. He remembered comforting words before he just felt like he could just rest…

River lurched up and looked around. He was okay, he was safe, he was home with his family, his kittens were safe. He was on top of Little Miss. He looked at her. She was soundly sleeping, exhausted from a day of playing. He nudged her hand and gently licked her face. She opened her eyes.

“River…what’s the matter?” she said and petting him sweetly. He purred. She knew all of the good spots. He curled up in front of her and hunkered down into the blankets. She smiled, “Silly kitty,” in the morning, he started on his rounds as usual. It’s been two years and his kittens were now cats and living good lives. Dusty was the Barmaid’s cat. His job was to keep the mice population down, which he did. The Barmaid always gave him fish and cream and he got to eat customer scraps as well. At night, they would go to her place where he had endless lap privileges, a hot meal, and got to sleep in a warm bed, after patrolling for rats and mice. Next was Rusty, he lived with a farmer and his son and wife on the outskirts of town. He was a farm cat and loved his job of hunting. He took care of the rodents threatening the few cows, kept the farmer company while he went about his daily chores, chased away cats threatening the chickens, and of course kept his cow friends company. In the evening, he kept the son company went while he watched television or read a book and had a nice in front of the fire or in the barn with his cows.

“Oh there you are!” said the little boy, “Hadn’t seen you in a few days, Dad Cat! Here!” he put out some cream for River. Rusty happily greeted him purring. River rubbed against his son and they drank their cream and he was on his way again. Lastly there was Princess Catherine Cecilia Williamson the First, or Kitty for short. She was the companion of an old noble woman, Gertrude who lived alone in a big house. She was a bit of a recluse but a very sweet old woman, who loved to talk and Kitty was her biggest ear. She listened to everything Gertie had to say, all hours of the day. They took naps together, they took walks together, eat together, and even slept together. Kitty had all of her needs met. River perched at the window.

“There’s your weird Daddy!” said Gertie looking at Kitty who was looking at River from the window, “Whatcha want?”


“You no good deadbeat!” Gertie went into the fridge, “Just because you’re her daddy doesn’t mean you can come in here and demand something to eat!”


“Don’t get cute with me!” she handed him a fish and pats his head. River hopped off and ate his prize. He licked his paws and headed off to do his daily rounds. He had something to do almost every day of the week, usually finding good places to nap and since today was his Goa day, he knew his favorite place to nap would be available. He perched onto a brick wall on the far side of Goa and hunkered down to nap. Hardly anyone came about there but lately something didn’t smell right in the area. In fact, something didn’t seem right to him at all. He tried to push the thought out of his head but he couldn’t. The net morning, River broke his routine and went to check on things. Dusty wasn’t at the bar waiting for Barmaid. He looked around in the usual places. Barmaid called out to him and he didn’t appear. River didn’t like this, not one bit. He went to the dairy farm, same thing happened. Rusty wasn’t around and the cows were agitated because of it. The son looked visibly upset that his friend wasn’t with him. River then ran as fast as he could to Kitty’s place. Gertie was outside calling for Kitty looking distraught and upset. Kitty never left the house except to use the bathroom sometimes. Gertie wanted her to get used to using the bathroom outside in came something happened to her. But other than that, Kitty never left the house. River made his way back to Goa and smelt something “off”. He then heard his kittens mewling. He darted and ran towards the sound and saw a man carrying a box of his and other cats through Goa. He stalked and kept a close eye on him. The man went to a cellar area, unlocked the door and walked in, leaving it opened. River slipped inside and still kept the man in his sights. The smell was unbearable. It was worst inside. He was surprised that the humans weren’t affected by it. The man dropped them in a room and headed out again. River pulled the blanket off the cage revealing Dusty, Rusty, and Kitty. They meowed telling him that they were happy to see him but scared. He tried to figure out way to get the door opened. Damn humans and their damn thumb made contraptions! He did his best but nothing.

“Oh it’s you!” River jumped and turned. A man came into the room looking at him. River could smell death on him, “We’ve been seeing you around Goa and we thought you’d like to join your little friends,” he stood still and crouched down a bit glaring at the man and gave a low growl, “Awww don’t be like that,” the man approached him and came closer, crouching down to meet his level, “C’mere kitty, kitty, just wanna talk,” River approached the man and got as close as he could, “See? No need to be—ACK SHIT!” River clawed the man’s eye and ran for it. The man gave chase. River jumped, darted, and swatted the man and made his way back to his kittens and the other cats. He tried to nudge the cages opened but he couldn’t. The smell of this place and it really affecting his senses but he knew for a fact that he had to save himself and his kittens. However, something was making him feel very ill. He felt very fuzzy. He knew it was the chemicals. He waited until he was sure his attention was elsewhere and went back to his kittens. He tried once again to get them out, he tried his best to get them out but he couldn’t. Rusty then cowered and hissed and River was suddenly hoisted up by his scruff. He struggled but was thrown into a cage. He screeched and tried to get out but no avail. Then they turned off the lights, leaving them all in darkness. They were in cages and boxes with just enough water to keep them alive until they were needed. He heard from the other cat around what was going on. They were to remain alive for a week before the “Cleansing” when they wouldn’t have much fight in them. River apologized to his kittens who told him he did his best. He tried to keep himself calm but he knew that no one knew he was there and they would be looking for him but they had a week. He had to hold out until then but in the meantime, he was going to comfort and make sure his kittens and the others would be okay.

River was missing for going on a week. This was starting to worry everyone in town, especially _______________ and Ace, who started looking around the moment he didn’t come home for dinner that night. Ace took the day search and _________________ took the afternoon search after her lessons. The brothers even started taking night shifts looking for River when the kids were sleeping but so far, nothing. Everyone was getting worried, thinking he was somewhere hurt or even catnapped. Ace, Luffy, Sabo, and Law checked Mount Colubo, nothing. Kid and Killer looked around Gray Terminal and the back alleys of the Dead Island, nothing. Law checked around the villa and the woods around his home. Even asking Nami and Nojiko if River was over there (it has happened), but nothing. _______________ was getting worried and checked the vet often. Miss Joy, the vet, was getting concerned herself. Within the last few months, there has been a spike of missing cats and she’s been on the lookout but even she was stumped.

“It’s actually very troubling! A lot of people have been calling about their cats going missing! Oh no don’t tell me River is missing too!”

“Yes!” said _________________ holding back tears. Luffy hugged her tight as Sabo comforted her. They took her outside to calm down.

“Yeah, we’ve been searched for him for about a week now and _________________ isn’t taking it well,” said Ace

“Poor thing! My Staff have been telling me she’s been coming in more and more but didn’t give me a reason,”

“Do you know anything Nur—Doctor Joy?” she waited until _____________ and Luffy were outside and the door closed.

“Well, just a few things about people finding cat carcasses around town in garbage cans and bags but nothing other than that. That’s why I’ve been very worried. This isn’t natural and I’m beginning to think there’s someone or something out there hurting the cats. Which is a shame because they’re harmless! Many people around here have been feeding them, especially merchants as a way to keep the rodent population down at night! That’s why it’s so heart breaking because even if the citizens of Goa act high and mighty sometimes, there are still a lot of nice people around,” that night, Ace and _________________ picked at their food. The whole house was tense. They were all worried about the furball. Thatch kept leaving food out for him, Atmos would leave out a few fish heads just in case, and everyone kept their balconies slight opened just in case he wandered in. Whitebeard sighed heavily.

“I wanted my favorite chair back but not like this,” he said thinking about the countless times he had to negotiate and bargain with the cat for a chance for him to sit in his favorite armchair.

“We looked everywhere, I don’t know where the little furball is,” said Namur

“He can’t be too far gone,” said Speed Jill, “He’ll usually pop up but even this is worrying,” then there as a knock at the door, “Ace, get that,”

“On it,” he went to the door, “Hello?” Gertie was at the poor. The old woman could only be described as sassy and old and Whitebeard came over or had someone go over to check on the woman from time to time. She didn’t like going pass her yard so having her right there looking at him was a shock.

“H-Have you seen my Kitty?”

“Kitty is missing too?!” said Ace


“Gertie is that you?!” said Whitebeard, “Come on in—,”

“No, no…I’m just…asking if anyone seen my kitty? I-I don’t know where she is and I’m terrified that she’s hurt or worst!”

“You too, Miss?” _________________ appeared at the door with a concerned look on her face, “Oh! It’s you!”

“OH! I remember you! You were that little girl who ran away after leaving me with my Kitty! She’s missing and—and…I don’t want to think what may have happened to her! She’s my everything you see! I can’t-can’t—,” the woman broke down and hugged Ace. He gently pats her back.

“We’ll find Kitty for you,” he said

“W-Will you?!”

“We’ll do our best, ma’am,” said __________________

“Yeah! Wherever River is, Kitty is probably with him!” said Ace. The old woman wiped her eyes.

“Thank you so much! I don’t know what I can do but I’ll find some way to reward you kids!” Marco helped the woman home. Now the kids were definitely on a new mission. The stakes just got higher. No one should be without their best friend and family for this long!

Ace, Sabo, Luffy, and _________________ were up bright and early the next morning looking for River and the other cats. The kids looked around for any kind clue that could lead them to where River could have gone. They combed every inch of Goa to see if they could hear something or see something. Their search took them to the far outskirts of Goa, where it was supposed to a housing development for the citizens of Gray Terminal at once time but was soon abandoned. It was off limits and many people just stayed cleared because it was literately nothing. Maybe River got in there and got hurt.

“You think they’re in there?” said __________________

“One way to find out,” said Ace heading towards the area

“You sure about this?” said Sabo, “There’s a weird smell here and I’m pretty sure if we can smell it from here, a cat isn’t going to want to get near it,”


“But cat pee smells worst!” said Luffy

“Hell anything is better than cat piss,” they turned to leave but then __________________ stopped. Ace turned.

“What’s wrong?”

“I heard something,”

“What?! I don’t hear anything!” said Luffy

“That’s because you’re always fuckin’ noisy!” said Ace

“Shhh! I can’t hear!” said Sabo ________________ got quiet. Ace grabbed Luffy’s mouth. They could faintly but could hear a cat meowing in distress. The kids listened and followed the mewlings and meowings to an abandoned looking place. _____________ covered her nose. There was a strange smell around the area and she didn’t like it. It was a mixture of something dead and strong cleaning products. They followed the meows into the building and it led them down into a cellar. The smell was heavy in the room. In this room however were mittens, gloves, and a strange guitar instrument.

“These gloves smell funny!” said Luffy covering his nose

“Right? And what’s with all of the shamisen around here?!” said Ace

“What’s a shamisen?” said __________________

“It’s a Wano instrument,” said Sabo.

“You’ve seen it! Izo has one in his room,”

“Oh yeah! I thought they could only be found in Wano!”

“They are but recently a few noble kids have been into unique instruments to play,” said Ace, “Apparently it’s the “in thing” now. But Wano has stopped importing so other islands have been making their own,”

“These smell too!” said Luffy holding his nose. The meowing was also louder. They ignored the weird stuff and kept following the meows. Soon they were in another room that was filled to the brim with boxes with towels over them and cages. The cat that was meowing her heart out was in a cage with the towel hanging slightly off. Luffy pulled the towel off.

“There’s cats in here!” the cat that was meowing was in a cage with six other cats who looked scared and were shaking in fear. Ace looked around and grabbed a towel off another “box” revealing more cats. The boxes were all filled with cats who were frightened and scared and waiting to be executed. _________________ opened the boxes with just holes and there were just single cats inside once again looking at her with fear and happy to see the light of day.

“River?” River’s ears perked and looked up. He could smell sweet bread and flowers, meat and dirt, meat and flowers…and dirt and flowers! He knew those smells! He meowed as loud as he could and stuck out his paw. Ace turned and saw a familiar paw. He grabbed __________________’s wrist, took her towards a box and opened it. River jumped out, “River!” _______________ hugged him tightly as he licked and nuzzled his owner, purring. She pulled him back, “They haven’t been feeding him! He lost weight!”

“How can you tell?” said Sabo

“Because he’s always fat!” said Luffy. River looked indignant! How dare you Monkey!

“You can see a rib!” said Ace, “Since we’ve had him his fat little ass has been eating us out of house and home and stealing food! Not to mention his steak thefts!” Oh YOU’RE one to talk! You weren’t saying anything when I was a distraction for your ramen theft!


“Stop stealing food all the time you little fat ass!” they then started opening boxes and cages, some of the cats were from town and semi well kempt and some were obviously strays or feral. They were still very apprehensive and some were drooling and shaking in fear. The kids started opening the cages to let the frightened cats out. Many of them still stayed in their cages, those who left didn’t have any idea what to do and just sat there.

“What’s wrong with all of them?!” said Luffy

“They’re terrified!” said Ace, “Who knows how long they’ve been in there!”

“Weeks probably,” said Sabo, “They’re not going to get out of here because they’re too scared,”

“This sucks! What did they do?!” Sabo looked thoughtfully for a few moments before Ace spoke

“Those weird mittens!” said Ace

“And those shamisen!” said Sabo.

“SHAMISEN IS CATS?!” said __________________

“Well yeah! Oden said they used to be made from cat and dog fur decade ago!”

“But it was kind of outlawed, like unless the cat or dog died naturally then it would be used for a shamisen, hence why they’re so expensive!” said Ace, “He even said for awhile, they were hunting mink to make them!”

“We have to get out of here but they won’t leave!” said Luffy

“Tch, they don’t have to! We’re get take the cages with us!” Ace grinned at the cats, “We’re busting you out of here!” they quickly got boxes and made their way back to where they came in and brought the cats outside. They took them a good distance away from the area under a tree. They repeated this with River on __________________’s shoulder and often keeping the other cats calm. They were nearly done when a door opened.

“HEY!” the kids jumped. There was a large man standing at the door. He was a large man with a large bat in his hands. He seriously took up most of the doorframe. River growled and tensed up, “You little shits! You’re fuckin’ with our merchandise!”

“RUN!” they ran back to the door they came in, only to be blocked by another man who looked murderous at them. They back away and heard the first man coming up behind them. Ace and Sabo moved up in front of Luffy and _________________ ready to make their exit available. Suddenly River jumped on the man coming from behind and attacked his face. The man screamed and it prompted the kids to get away and look for another way to escape. River jumped off and joined them. It was dark and the kids were losing their bearings trying to find another way to escape. The smell was really getting to _______________ as she stayed close behind. Ace kicked at doors, discovering they were bolted shut. Finally they reached one more door and with all four of them, they managed to get it opened. __________________ screamed and the boys recoiled in absolute horror. There was a large vat that was the source of the chemical smell that permeated throughout the warehouse and outside but that wasn’t what was horrifying. There were piles of dead cat carcasses, completely skinned with their pelts hanging off to dry or until the smell was gone. Ace grabbed Luffy’s eyes and Sabo grabbed _______________’s but the damage was already done. Ace circled around trying his best to ignore the smell and sight but there was no other door. He motioned them to leave but they were forced back into the room. The first man towered over them. Ace without warning ran at the man and got him in the stomach. Luffy and Sabo followed suit as the man tried to keep the kids at bay but kept them from leaving the room, and slowing closing in to keep them further away from freedom. ______________ took this opportunity to ran past he man to see if she could find another way out but was shoved back. She stumbled into the man, giving the Ace the opening he needed to pummel the man over and over. Then they heard an ear splitting screech. The first man pulled out a knife and swiped upwards, narrowly missing Sabo. It was now a standoff and he was surrounded.

“Stand down kids!” the second man came in behind his partner, in his grip was a screaming and hissing River. He held the knife up to him. __________________ froze. Ace glared but backed off.

“Alright you little bastards, get to that wall, if any of you think of doing anything funny, I’m gutting this fuckin’ cat!”

The quartet was chained to a wall with heavy chains. River was yowling in cage. The men closed the door and now smell in the room was even worse and now with the fumes getting stronger with heat. It was a mixture of different chemicals, boiling water, and discomposing flesh. The smell was making them nauseous.

“So you bastards are killing cats for fuckin’ fur!” said Sabo

“What kind of sick fucks capture cats for this?!” said Ace trying to get free.

“Yeah! They didn’t do anything to deserve this!” said Luffy

“What? It’s a legitimate business,” said the first man, “Nobles will buy fuckin’ anything if they think it’s the real thing. With the shamisen being only found in the Wano area, I’m pretty sure no one would care that they’re being made traditionally, though it’s banned in Wano because of animal killings but nothing I softer than cat fur. So what if a few cats die for some fur mittens, gloves, and socks! May as well give them what they want! It’s like anything is getting hurt, just a few fuckin’ cats,”

“We’ve been keeping an eye on this one for ages,” he said gesturing to River, “His markings are pretty and we were wondering what it would be best suited for. We settled on a hat and glove set,”

“We were going to breed the little shit but he’s too much trouble but if we market him as something like a fox pelt or even a mink imagine the price!” the man reached in and pulled River out. River hissed and bit at the man who grabbed his scruff and yanked him out.

“Y-You said you would let him go!” said __________________, a feeling a of dread hitting the pit of her stomach

“And if you don’t stop screaming, you’ll join him when we’re done. We don’t have some fuckin’ ankle biters to know about our operations,” he climbed up the vat and hung River over it.

“NO RIVER!!! LEAVE HIM ALONE! LET HIM GO!!” River screeched and tried to get away. She tried to get her cat but the other man kicked at her.

“LET HIM GO!” said Ace


“Pffft we didn’t promise shit. You should be thankful we’re not putting you four little turds in here,” the first man then smirked and decided to have some fun. He slowly lowered River into the scalding water, legs first. Once the water hit his paws, River screeched in pain.

“STOP IT! YOU’RE HURTING HIM! RIVER!!!!” tears were pouring down _______________’s eyes as he pulled the cat up. She was rattling to heavy chains trying to get free.

“Awwww what’s the matter? Don’t you like your kitty’s screams? Don’t worry, the lower I go, the more silent they’ll become~” he once again lowered River into boiling water. The more River screeched, the more __________________ cried, trying to get to her cat, then the man started laughing at the sight and the more the boys yelled. Suddenly everything around her went silent and stopped. Her heart was pounding out of her chest and she stopped crying. She didn’t want to cry anymore. She wanted to do something else. She stood up despite the weight of the chains and with one simple pull; she yanked the chain off the wall ripped them off herself. Ace, Luffy, and Sabo watched in awe and horror as ___________________ ran as faster than they’ve ever seen her and towards the man. River was still screeching at his burned paws. Before the man could react, it felt as though a large human sized boulder barrowed into him, knocking him into the stone wall, dropping River in the process. The tiny figure slowly approached him. He had never seen anything so terrifying in his life. The little girl was seething but walked towards him almost like a predator going after its prey. She was moving slow yet swiftly towards him. He had the wind knocked out of him and he was now her prey. A wide smirk appeared on her face and soon the man’s head was being slammed against the wall. Then clawing, deep, intense clawing as he tried to get the little girl off of him. The man’s screams filled the room and were soon silenced by an arm crushing his windpipe. He gasped for air trying to breath but couldn’t. The little girl’s smile not leaving her face. The second man soon shook off his shock and went after the little girl with the closest weapon he could, a bat. Then all at once, the kid jumped off his partner and onto him. He screamed as she scratched and ripped and pulled anything she could grab on his face, sticking her thumbs into his sockets and ripping it out an eye and casual flinging it. He screamed and ran around in confusion and saw the little girl coming back him like she did with his partner. He was soon backed against the wall. Soon he there was a steel grip around his throat. Her expression didn’t change and her little hands kept a very strong and steady grip around his neck. The man gasped for air, trying to hit her little arm away but her arm was stiff like steel. He was losing consciousness. He was then flung like a ragdoll into the water. He screamed and scrambled to get out and barely managed to do so and soon went limp, his body giving out. The first man went to make a break for it. He then heard footstep behind him and ran. He ran all over the room, he glanced behind him to see the little girl on all four running at him. He kept running, stumbling and tripping and then crawling to get away. He was out of breath, he was in pain and she just stalked him like before this time with amusement on her face. She really was treating him like prey. She then pounced as before and continued her thrashing. Ace managed to get out of the chains and got Sabo out.

“GET LUFFY AND RIVER! I’LL GET ___________________!” Sabo grabbed him.



“GO! SHE CAN’T TELL WHO’S AN ENEMY OR BROTHER RIGHT NOW! SHE’S NOT GOING TO STOP! GET OUT OF HERE AND GET SOME HELP NOW!” Ace grabbed Luffy and pulled him away. Sabo summoned the courage and ran towards ______________ who was stomping the man’s face into the ground, smiling while the man begged for his life. Sabo wrapped his arms around her and held her back. She was making every attempt to get the man. Sabo was dragged but he knew he had to hold her firm. She struggled and tried to get to the man, who crawled to get away and he could feel her ready to break from him. He knew he had to calm her down but this time it’ll be harder since it’s been years since he had to do it and he wasn’t sure if his original efforts would help.

I don't know what words I can say
The wind has a way to talk to me
Flowers sleep, a silent lullaby
I pray for reply
I'm ready

She stopped struggling, that was a good sign. Her breathing was still rapid but it was starting to slow.

Quiet days calm me
Oh, serenity
Someone please tell me
Oh, what is it they say?
Maybe I will know one day

_________________ went still. Sabo was nervous. He didn’t know if she was calm enough to finally be let go.

I don't know what words I can say
The wind has a way to talk to me
Flowers sleep, a silent lullaby
I pray for reply
I'm ready
” She repeated the song. It was one of her favorite songs. Her felt her whole body getting heavy. Her body went limp as calm again and she clutched her head. Sabo looked relieved. She looked around. She looked down at herself. She was covered in blood and the men were lying on the room not moving. They heard footsteps and Shanks and the other burst into the room. The sight was frightening to say the least. Two men bleeding out on the floor, one was mutilated beyond recognition with his head smashed against the pavement, the other burned and blistering missing an eye, Sabo holding up _______________ who was covered in blood and looked completely out it.

“I’m sorry,” she said before everything went black.

The cats were all released and taken to the vet. Smoker arrived on scene and saw the carnage. His Barrack was tipped off about the missing cats and when he got there, most of the cats were freed and the men were apprehended. It took countless hours but the cats were found to be stable albeit starved and stressed. Dr. Joy contacted the cats who were chipped, who had collars, or who had flyers about to their owners. Many people of the areas came to reclaim their pets and a few came to adopt a few of the cats after being treated. Gertie was over the moon when Ace and Sabo brought Kitty home. Kitty herself was dirty and unkempt much to Gertie’s dismay. She promised to reward them for all of their help once everything was settled. After she found out what happened, she anonymously paid for all of the cats to be treated and those who were strays were to be taken to a sanctuary for adoption or to live out their lives without fear. Dusty and Rusty had a few scratches but were fine. Both taken home and pampered. River had third degree burns on his back paws, dehydrated, and starved. Like many, he was on IVs and had to stay in the hospital until he was cleared. Ace and Luffy kept him company and then went back home to keep an eye on ______________ who slept the day away and was going on for another day. Shanks took her home and almost immediately the rest of the family were scared. Ace, Luffy, and Sabo told them everything. Upon Sabo’s advice, they kept an eye on her and let her sleep. Marco was often seen when Ace and Luffy weren’t around to make sure she had someone with her when she woke up. She often stirred and changed position but by all accounts she was okay, sleeping peacefully. Marco was monitoring her status every few hours. When Shanks brought her in, she was complete limp, unresponsive and looked outright exhausted. Marco immediately examined her and found everything was okay only a rapid heartbeat that slowed down when she got to bed. Her vitals and everything seemed normal but after what the boys told her, he made sure to note any chances about her. That night Sabo went to the Baratie alone just as it was closing. On cue, Sanji was taking out the trash. He looked up to see Sabo.

“What’s up? Did you hear about that cat thing?”

“Sh-She went feral,” something dropped to the pit of Sanji’s stomach.

“Where is she?!”

“She’s in her room, she been sleeping all day. Ace and Luffy told everyone everything,”

“How long before she recovered last time?!”

“I remember it was a few days but she hadn’t done it in a very long time. It’s supposed to get easier as she gets older, remember,”

“Yeah WHEN she was at home and doing it on command! This is different! Who knows what’s wrong with her now!”

“Well how did your brothers deal with it?!”

“They didn’t! They don’t go feral, remember?!”

“What do we do?! I mean will it happen again?!”

“I doubt it! ________________ is super patient and always collected. When she saw River getting hurt, she just snapped. Anyone could do that!”

“Maybe if you two idiots wouldn’t treat this as a deep dark secret, maybe someone can help,” they jumped. Killer had a sack of leftovers over his shoulder, “Seriously you two are as thick as pig shit,”


“Seriously what do you know?!” said Sabo

“You really are thick. You don’t recognize me?”

“Should I?” Killer rolled his eyes.

“I’m pretty sure _________________ was too young to remember but you’re older so I won’t let it slide. Short version I was the kid that you two freed with the other kids, the de facto leader,” Sabo tilted his head and then it finally dawned on him and he placed his hand over his eyes.

“Damn now I remember,”

“Dumbass, seriously. I think Luffy is wearing off on both of you. I wasn’t going to confront either of you because I’m pretty sure you don’t anyone know to know that you’re a noble and Sanji is a prince,” both froze. Killer perched on a box, took out a lobster tail and started eating.

“How much DO you know?!” said Sanji, “W-Who are you exactly?!”

“Let’s just say you learn a lot from not saying anything and just listening. It saved me a few times since why I didn’t get branded the moment I got off the fuckin’ train,”

“Remember when _________________’s father few off the handle over the missing “merchandise”?” Sanji nodded

“Yeah it was a bunch of slave children and we were the ones who set them free. And so Killer was on the train!” said Sanji

“…I take it back, you’re both are thicker than pig shit. Anyway, can’t help but remember the person that saved me from being a slave. She was a little slow until she realized just why we were there and it wasn’t to be her personal playmates. She talked to me a lot of things when I was in that cell waiting for my fate. You kind of don’t forget someone who would spend hours just talking to you. I knew who she was the moment I saw her. I thought she was fucking with me for awhile until I realized that she didn’t remember anything, you, me, or Hancock and I figured it was the best to not bring it back up again,”

“Why did you not tell us?” said Sabo

“I had no reason to and ignorance is bliss but you two bawbags make things hard; treating her like she’s some kind of ticking time bomb or something. No one knows who she is and even if they do they’re most likely a former slave like Koala and they aren’t going to out themselves,”


“Mhm. She was one of the kids that were caught around the same time I was. Let’s just say there was a method to put what kids where. Koala and I had to fight each other. If she won, she would have been taken for hard labor or fighting for one’s amusement but the weaker kids got to be housekeepers. Messed her up pretty bad, not my proudest moment but I told her beforehand and well we ended up going to the same place at different times. Apparently she got sold to the house ____________________ was living in and remembers when she went feral and attacked and mutilated another slave. That’s why we had to get her out of that cute dress at her party; she looked too much like a noble,”

“Why didn’t you tell us anything before?!” said Sanji, “We could have at least talked to Koala about it!”

“And what pray tell about what? ‘Hey Koala, tell us about your time as a slave so you can relive your past!’ No one wants their past told to other people. Koala is forgetting it and has a family, just like ________________. Why make this more awkward than it needs to be? Just like I’m pretty sure you don’t want anyone to know you’re royalty and you’re a noble. Question is why didn’t YOU two try and tell anyone?”

“She’s happier this way and she has the right to have a clean slate,” said Sabo sighing, “So pretty much the same thing you did,”

“Exactly. Listen, I’m not sure what type of bullshit you two went to in order to escape your lives but whispering about it behind your backs is making it seem like it’s bigger than what she is and it’s not helping with the clean slate sort of thing. But the fact of the matter is when Fisher Tiger blew up that place, a lot of servants and slaves ran out. They’re bound to remember what _________________ looked like if she interacted with them enough,”

“She only interacted with Hancock and her sisters,”

“Are you sure? Just always keep that in mind. But also remember that ______________ is still _______________ and probably made a friend or treated them with enough kindness that’ll not make them want to turn her in or know that if they tried, they would have the whole Whitebeard Family to contend with. She’s in the safest place she can be,”

“…this is really…profound of you,” said Sanji

“I’m more than just a pretty face and a hot ass,” he said, “Just keep what I said in mind and be a buffer. That’s it. You’ve been doing a good job so far, just keep doing it, for her sake at least,” Killer swung his sack over his shoulder, “And remember, she two ways to turn feral, that tone thing and apparently when she’s extremely angry. Lucky for us, one thing doesn’t exist and she has the patience of a saint,” he turned and headed off into the night.

After forty eight hours, River was finally discharged from the vet. His legs were pretty bad off but thanks to antibiotics and bandages, he was going to be okay. Marco took him to ____________________’s room and placed him on the bed. River immediately dragged himself to his human kitten. He nudged her arm and hunkered down next to him. Instinctively, she pulled him close to her. Marco smiled and closed the door behind him. River drifted off to sleep, still exhausted from the last few days. That evening, while the pair asleep, Ace opened the sliding the door to the balcony to make sure _________________ got some air and if she woke up, she wouldn’t be afraid and he could hear her. The moon shone into the room illuminating it. River looked up and saw something appear through the window. From across the room, a door appeared, created by the moon’s light. The door opened. Curiously, River hopped off the bed and limped through the door and looked around. He was in a strange place. Stranger than anywhere he’s ever been. It was place that was dark, with several waterfalls around it. Above in the sky was the moon cycles that gave a soft light in the small area. At the end was a small house that looked as though it was made from glass with several platforms that acted like stepping stones. River winced and became to limp again, following the platforms to the house. He was still tender and sore. The door was opened and he let himself in. Inside there was a figure playing a harp. He was a feminine looking man with long blue hair, blue eyes, and pointed elven ears. He donned a beige dress with an orange collar, and a blue half robe over it with night sky themed designs on the edges. He wore an orange sash around his waist, and tan sandals on his feet. Around his neck is a long silver necklace, and around his forehead is a circlet of the same silver with a single blue stone dangling off the front.

“Ah, the one I’ve wanted to see,” River went to speak, expecting his usual meows but then he heard something coming his mouth. He meows and verbal language became a language, one like the humans, “Forgive me, I know it’s hard for an intelligent creature to speak not knowing if he’s being listened to,”

“So you understood me?” the man nodded. River lets out a sigh, “thank goodness, a smart human,” the man chuckled.

“I’m not human nor do I belong to this world. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Ishmahri, Keeper of the Moonshadow Realm and I invited you here to grant you a reward,”

“Reward? What for?”

“You were willing to give your very life to your young Mistress and your own kittens. Without your aid, there would be no telling what would have happened to them. So on behalf of the Moonshadow Land, I want to grant you one wish. I can give you any wish within my power to aid you for the rest of your life. It’s the very least we can do for you,” River thought for a few moments. The possibilities! He could get all of the tuna he could eat, he could have an island of biscuits, hell he can even have a place where he and Little Miss could live together happily…Little Miss. Thanks to her he had everything he wanted, his freedom, food, endless lap privileges, head scratches, ear scratches, nice wood to scratch on, and a nice warm bed to sleep in. None of it would be made possible if she hadn’t rescued him. He loved her and she loved him and he didn’t want to change any of that. Not one bit.

“…Actually, if you don’t mind, can you give my wish to my Little Miss?” Ishmahri looked a little surprised.

“Oh? Are you sure?”

“Listen, I’m a cat. I was given a second chance through my Little Miss. I want for nothing. I have a home and a family that loves me. My kittens are happy and safe and she’s happy and that’s all I want in life. Hell she and her brothers came looking for me when I went missing. I owe her my very life. So…I’d rather her have it. She’d probably get herself more cake or save it for something special. So it won’t be wasted,” Ishmahri smiled gently touched River.

“Done, I will grant your Mistress a wish instead but I’ll grant you a way to show your Mistress just how much you appreciate her. I’ll make sure your family knows in order to stop a misunderstanding,”

“Appreciate it. It was nice meeting you,” River headed back out, noticing his injuries were a lot better and back to his rightful place on __________________’s bed. He yawned, curled up into a loaf, and dozed off again. Unknown to him he was changing, his sandy orange fur became hair, his body contorted until it became long and slender and human like however his ears, tail, and blue cat eyes remained the same. His collar grew with his body and remained on his neck.

The blond boy sat by the door. Since coming here, he’s been keeping watch by the door to make sure no one tried anything funny in the middle of the night. They took shifts but he opted for the night shift, mainly because he liked nights better. There were twenty of them, all under the age of ten. He was eight but he was also very strong. He could probably get out if he wanted to but he wasn’t going to risk the others. But nights were also where he was getting his correspondence information. In fact she should have been there by now. He was a little worried but not too much. She was late sometimes, usually trying to bring as much food her little arms could carry to everyone. He heard soft whimpering. He looked up to see a familiar little girl sobbing and she looked down. She eyes were red and her cheeks were tear-stained. She got close to the holding cell and stopped.

“I-I’m sorry I-I came em-empty handed, I-I-I,”

“Hey, hey, don’t worry about that! We still have leftover from yesterday! What happened?! Are you okay?” she shook her head, “Well, tell me,”

“I-I attacked a se-servant! I-I didn’t mean to-to! I-I didn’t wa-want to! Sh-She wasn’t doing anything and I hurt her!” she sobbed heavily, “I-I’m a murder!”

“Pffft you’re too nice to kill someone,” said the blond, “And even so I’m pretty sure you’d stop before it got too intense,” she looked a little uneasy, “They’re not dead, are they?”

“I-I don’t know!”

“Is she in the infirmary?”


“Then she’s alive or they wouldn’t have bothered. Besides, you weren’t in control when it happened? Right?”


“Then you’re okay then. C’mere,” she walked over. He took out a handkerchief and dried her eyes and placed it on her nose, “Blow,” she blew and he wiped her nose, “Better?” she nods. He motioned her to sit as she sat on the ground next to him. She then felt someone squeezes her tightly against the cold bars. She smiled at the boy’s attempts, “Feel better?”

“Mhm! Thanks!”

“No prob. At'swhay ethay ordway? ” she looked at him with a smile.

“Eatgray ! Thingeveryyay isyay oinggay otay anplay! ”

“Eatgray ,”

“…I'myay oinggay otay issmay ouyay ,” he smiled.

“Hey, hey don’t say that. Why don’t you come with us?”

“I can’t, there’s too many people who would miss here,”

“Your parents are assholes. I don’t think they’d care either way,”

“It’s not them. It’s Sabo, Miss Hancock, Sanji, and Mr. Musician. I can’t leave them behind!”

“True…but then again, we’ll probably never see each other again,”

“And that makes me really sad! I like talking to you!”


“But I’m still gonna help! I mean I would love for you to live here but no one is happy here! And I want you to be happy,” he snorts and pats her head. She blushed and giggled.

“We’ll see each other again, I bet,”


“I attract weird things,” he chuckled. She blushed and giggled. The pair then finished their discussion in their secret language before he looked over at the moon, “You better get going. You’re going to tired if stay up too late,”

“Eep! You’re right! Tomorrow?”

“Mhm, goodnight!”

“Goodnight! Love you! Bye!” he watched her scamper away. He smiled and tried to get some rest himself but he knew it would be awhile before he’ll be able to sleep again.

“Cute isn’t she?” the blond turned to see a boy looking at him. He had a wicked smile on his face and soulless eyes. The blond got into defense mode again. There was something not right about this boy. Where his friend’s aura was innocent and genuine, this wasn’t. This was a whole new level was dark. He didn’t it and he was now on high alert.

“Yeah I guess,”

“Stop talking to her,”

“You can’t tell me what to do,” said the boy glaring at him.

“Yes, I can, my family bought you,”

“Does mean anything,”

“Yes it does, because my sister should only be talking and laughing with me! The one who’s going to marry her and make her have my kids someday!”

“So you want to fuck your sister? You nasty little shit,”

“Language, slave!”

“Fuck you. You don’t own me,”

“Oh trust me, all I have to do is say the word and you’ll be in my room, at my feet like the mutt you are,”

“I’d like to see you try,”

“Keep talking and I’ll brand you myself. Once you’re branded, you’re a slave for life, you know that, right? Besides, the idea of you being my personal slave watching me do whatever to my sister while you watch is kind of exciting, don’t you think?” the blond looked visibly disgusted.

“Not gonna happen. From what I heard, she can’t stand you and se could probably kick your ass from here to the Grand Line and back Mr. Ten Minutes,” the boy frowned.

“What was that?!”

“Seems like she’s better than you by ten minutes. Just make sure that you don’t keep that reputation when you’re older because a real man isn’t supposed to be that short,” the boy glared at him, red faced and stalked away. The boy looked at the moon through the bars and continued to keep watch. He had a new goal to think about now. First things first, get out of this hellhole before he or any of the others get branded, second, find Kid and find a permanent home, then finally get her new friend out of there. He couldn’t imagine someone like her living with a kid like that, and to make it worst he’s her brother. He knew he would probably arrange something nasty for him in the morning but he didn’t care, he and the others will be out soon. He knew she wouldn’t go back on her promise, “But I owe her one for this, I owe her a hell of a lot for this. Just hang in there, lassie, we’ll be free in no time,”

Chapter 82: River Goes Missing: Feral


More is learned about the little girl.

A/N: Sorry that this took so long DX I had some writer's block with it and I was sick off and on for the last several weeks. Like one problem started a chain reaction DX

Chapter Text

_________________ woke up feeling groggy. Her whole body felt horrible. It ached and she felt rested but exhausted. All she remembered was River, cats, her standing up, and Shanks and then everything going black. She then remembered, River! That’s what happened! The cats were kidnapped and then those men were…and she was…she doesn’t really remember how she got out of those chains or anything. But she was worried more about what happened to everyone else! She sat up in bed. She then noticed something at the foot of her bed. A young man was sleeping at the foot of her bed. She froze. He was a lean man with a pair of cat ears and a tanned tail. His hair was sandy tanned and he wore a red collar. He opened his eyes. He was scruffy and looked tired. He yawned and stretched his hands out, then arched his back and then looked at her. He then crawled towards her. She leapt out of bed.


“What are you on about?” he said looking at her, “Come back to bed. I’m still tired,”


“Jeez you’re louder than usual,” he started licking himself.

“Ew! Stop licking! MARCO!”

“Pipe down will you?” he said and continued to lick himself, “It’s not like you’ve never seen my groom myself before. I try grooming you myself but you are beyond help at times,”

“Groom me?!”

“Every time I lick you, I’m trying to tame that hair of yours. Sometimes it’s kisses but it’s mainly to make sure you look presentable,” she looked intently at the young man and covered her mouth in surprise.


“Mhm,” he said, licking his hands nonchalantly. ___________ looked at him. He had on his collar, some tail and ears and “I know it’s a lot to take in,”

“ is! My cat is a human! And you’re talking! And you can understand me!”

“Of course I can, we cats can understand you humans just fine. YOU’RE the ones who don’t seem to want to understand us,”

“Sorry about that,”

“Don’t be. You actually make an effort and talk to me. I appreciate the sentiment and efforts because I don’t have to work as hard,” he yawned and arched his back, “But I do have some things I’ve been wanting to say,” he bounced over to her and rubs against her before hugging her, “Thank you so much for being a good kitten to me. If not for you, I wouldn’t be a live and owe you my very life and existence and I will always be grateful to you for that,”

“Awww River!” she hugged him back. He looked her hand.

“But I swear you really need to start licking yourself. Honestly you humans have no good sense to groom properly,”

“Hey that tickles!” Suddenly the door opened. Marco ran in hearing his name with a few more behind him. He was greeted to a strange looking man, hold his little chick and licking her.

“WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?! GET AWAY FROM HER!” River hunched up and hissed, clinging to ______________. He growled just as Jozu and Izo ran in. both seeing Marco lunging at the stranger who jumped away and ran about the room on all fours. The stranger then extended his claws and went after Marco. A gunshot went off and River froze. Izo had his gun pointed at him as Marco grabbed ___________________ and pulled her away. River hunched up against the window and hissed angrily. The commotion brought in everyone in the house to see what in the hell was going on.

“Who the hell are you and how the hell did you get into this house?!”



“Does the ears and the fuckin’ tail not give it away?!”

“Could be a mink!” said Kingdew

“...please! Do I LOOK like a mink?! I’m in a human body, the worst body of all I may add! A Mink would be a step from this hell!”

“Keep talking and I’m going to put a bullet into your fuckin’ skull!”

“Izo don’t! Please it’s River!”

“Sweetheart just because they say they’re River doesn’t mean they are!”

“You’re one to talk! I’ve SEEN you without makeup! You have more fur than me!”

“...he talks a lot of shit for an intruder!” said Fossa. Izo clicked his gun.

“Say good night!”

“Stop, stop!” Whitebeard came into the room. River looked a little more relaxed, “Izo, stand down. If he tries anything, I have him,” he looked at River, “Explain yourself,”

“I’m River! Are you all stupid?! Not you Great Man,” he gestured to Whitebeard, “you give me large scraps. We’re good,” the men looked skeptical at the cat, “Alright, fine! You really wanna know if I’m a cat, I’ll tell you everything you thought no one could see!” he looks at Ace, “You have a picture of your mother under your pillow,” he looks at Namur, “You’re the one who’s been digging up and eating the Ox’s fish heads,”

“HEY! Those were supposed to ferment!” said Atmos

“And waste a perfectly good fish head?!”

“You come home super late and drunk every Friday with the Bun Maid!” he looked at Marco. Everyone looked at Marco.

“Bun Maid?” said ________________

“The one who wears her hair in a bun!”

“…you have a thing for Lesser?” said Speed Jill

“I seriously thought she was into big, weird, and clumsy,” said Kingdew

“She is…we just meet for drinks every Friday just to blow off some steam at Makino’s. It’s been very therapeutic,”

“…so SHE’S the one that’s been drinking you under the table,” said Namur

“What the hell do you two have to drink about?!” said Thatch

“I have fifteen brothers, three rambunctious younger brothers, a Pops, and a _________________ to worry about. She has four sisters, two brothers, an idiot warlord, a Law, and a Roci to worry about,” the men were about to retort but then fell silent.

“Touche,” said Jozu

“You,” he pointed to Izo, “decided to start entertainment men in a very specific room and if you want everyone to kn—,” Izo lunges and grabbed River’s mouth.

“Okay, okay! Shit! You really are a nosey cat!”

“I’m not, you can’t see me, that’s my advantage. Seriously, the weird shit you guys do when you think no one is watching! Humans are weird,”

“All cats are weird you know!” said Curiel

“Please, we just do what we want because we’re cats. You don’t see us singing, dancing, and talking to ourselves alone. Then again, we hang out with humans because you have thumbs and we kind of like having you around for that,”

“...River, where did you go last night?” said Whitebeard

“I’ve been here all night! Except when the door appeared!”


“Mhm, the moonlight shone into the room and a weird door appeared then it opened and then I limped through. Talked to a human who healed my leg and then I came back through. Cut and dry,”

“What did he look like?”

“Long hair, playing a harp, can actually talk to me in my language and we parted ways. I think we’re best friends now,”

“...he came from Ishmahri’s?” said Jozu

“Yeah him! You guys know him?”

“He shows up every few decades or so if you’re lucky,” said Whitebeard walked towards ____________________’s closet, “And I’m pretty sure the door is still around,” he opened the door and inside there was a very small silhouette of a door. He peered down and gently knocked. The door glowed and Ishmahri reappeared in the room, “So we weren't too late. Good to see you,”

“It’s nice to see you again, Edward. How’s Flora?”

“She’s fine! She’s running a convent now,”

“Really? Interesting,”

“A lot has changed since you’ve been here. I never would have thought you would have some reason again,”

“It was strange to say the least when I saw my portal opening and River walking in. I wanted to grant him a wish for his bravery against a threat to protect his kittens and family,”

“So River was worthy enough to enter?”

“Correct, he was willing to fight off two dangerous men if it meant that his family and loved ones could escape. He’s a brave one,”

“Damn right I am,” River licked his hand and wiped his face, “I wasn’t going to let someone hurt them! I’m pretty sure Freckles could have gotten them out but he wasn’t going to let me get skinned and I appreciate that. Before you idiots ask, yes that’s all we see you humans as, kittens who really can’t do anything for themselves other than bring us food and water and talk to us,” River licked his leg, “Hell, you’re all so dense you can’t even pick up on our language, especially since we take the time to understand yours,”

“Stop licking yourself!” said Vista, “It’s disgusting! You’re a human, act like it!”

“I’m sorry, do I bother YOU guys while YOU’RE taking a bath? NOOOOO!”

“How long is he going to be human?” said Kingdew

“A few days,” said Ishmahri, “Though he can stay like that for as long as he likes,”

“Trust me, I don’t want to make this a permanent thing! You guys have no sense of smell, no fur, and have to talk on two legs! Barbarians! Though I do want to see that big dumbass who decided to terrorize my Little Miss! I owe him a few more scratches and bites!”

“Oden?!” said Ace

“Yeah, that bitch. Where is he?”

“In Wano you little shit!” said Fossa laughing, “Trying to challenge Oden again!”

“I can still take him, now that it’s a level playing field,”

“River!” said ________________


“Okay it looks like we’re going to have some...River issues to tend to,” said Whitebeard, “Ishmahri, would you like to say for a while? It does look like your portal is getting smaller,”

“Really? I don’t want to intrude,”

“We have more than enough rooms! Think of it as a small vacation,” said Marco

“And since it’s been a minute we can show you around,” said Vista, “Just like old times!”

“Doesn’t the Moonshadow Realm close after a full moon?” said Curiel


“Well, why don’t you stay awhile?” said Whitebeard, “I’m sure it gets lonely in there for centuries at a time. You can see how the world changed,” the being thought for a few moments and nodded.

“I accept your hospitality. Thank you very much,”

“So...let me get this straight, River is a human now?”


“As a reward from some kind of weird shaman spirit from a different world that only shows itself during a full moon,”


“And he grants wishes and seems to know Pops and everyone else,”


“And even though River is a human, he’s acting like a cat,”

“Mhm!” Law lets out a very long exhausted sigh.

“Okay, I think I’m up to speed on everything,”

“I know it sounds funny with all of the explanation,” said __________________

“No, no, this feels like another Wednesday to me,” Law came over to the Whitebeard home to check on ___________________ after finding out what happened from Ace and Sabo. He came over to check up on his sister and take her mind off of things but he was now positive that this was a better distraction, “But you’re feeling better, right?”

“MHM! Thanks for asking! I’m sorry if I worried you,”

“You didn’t and what did I tell you about downplaying your health?”

“I wasn’t! I was asleep for most of it!”

“Still! Blacking out isn’t a good thing. When you’re better we can do some games again so I can make some documentation,”


“GODDAMN IT RIVER!” The pair jumped and went to find the source of the shouting. River ran around the house as Thatch tried to whack him with the broom. River had stolen a fish that was for dinner and was running about the house trying to gain his spoils. Usually he was able to squeeze into his many hiding spots but because he was now human, this proved to be impossible.





“NEVER!” River ran all over the house with his prize in his mouth and hopped all over the room and house, up the roof, and even in the onsen area with Thatch hot on his trail, “It’s cruel to not feed a cat you know!”

“I FEED YOU PLENTY!” Thatch swiped at him again, “you’re just greedy at this point!”

“YOU CALL THAT DRY KIBBLE FOOD?! WHERE’S THE MEAT?! I’LL STARVE AT THIS RATE!” River ran upstairs and saw ____________________ and Law. He immediately cowered behind _______________ just as Thatch was winding up for another hit at River. She froze like a deer in headlights.

“ACK!!!” Thatch stopped mid swing, “Sorry Little Lady!”

“You almost hit my Kitten! YOU BRUTE! YOU KNAVE! YOU TERRIBLE MAN!”


“HOW DARE YOU! OF COURSE I’M GOING TO GO TO MY SAFE SPOT!” _______________ grabbed the fish and gave it to Thatch and then took River back to her room and scolded him.

“Don’t steal fish! That was dinner! You could have asked!”

“But it was right theeeeeeeeere and it looked soooooooooooo good!”

“Don’t you get endless human food now?” said Law

“Mhm! Huge upgrade I might add but I can’t and will not be going back to it as a cat!”

“But you can’t take food whenever you want now!” said ____________________, “Especially raw fish! It can kill you!”

“...I eat raw fish all the time and so do you all! I know what sushi is!”

“She means that as a human you can’t just eat random fish because it can have parasites and such,” said Law

“...I ate a ton today and I feel fine,”

“So this was what the noise was about. And maybe it’s because your stomach is still the same,” said Ace coming in with Luffy and Sabo, “Like, body of a human, stomach of a cat,”

“Yeah!” said Luffy, “HI LAW! Came to see River?!”

“Partly. I heard ___________________ woke up and I wanted to see if she was okay,”

“Right as rain!”

“Not quite but she’s better than she was,” said Sabo

“My Kitten can bounce back from anything!” said River nuzzling her cheek. She scratched his ears and head. Luffy looked at River with a big smile.

“Where do you poop?!”


“You knew that question was coming,” said Law, shaking his head.

“We all knew!” said ____________________

“As a cat, I go to my litter box. If I’m exploring the area, I’ve been been going into the woods, except after I eat something really foul, then I go to the Flamingo House and shit everywhere I can,”

“…YOU’RE the one who took a dump on Doflamingo?!” said Law. Ace and Luffy were laughing their asses off.

“RIVER!” said __________________________

“WHEN WAS THIS?!” said Ace

“When we were in the mountains! He deserved it! I’m also the one who’s been shitting in his shoes, Sunday breakfast, and those weird candies he likes! And I’ll do it again!”

“He’s been laying in wait for you! Don’t go back!”

“Laying in wait my ass! I’m usually in and out before his bitch ass knows it! I’ve been having a nasty surprise waiting for him above his bed that’s about to burst and then my revenge shall be completed!”

“…I’m afraid to ask, what did you do?!” said Law

“I’ve been peeing and pooping in a bucket for the last several months. It’s just about full. I’m going to knock it over the moment he’s asleep. There’s a hole above his head in the ceiling where the tiles move. It’s been fermenting and festering for ages now,”

“….I call bullshit on that one! Why haven’t the maids smell it?!”

“Because of that weird spray he’s always wearing! It masks everything! So no one can smell anything but that in the room!”

“…I hate to admit but that’s actually pretty genius,”

“...remind me to never piss off River,” said Sabo

“Tch, I like you guys and my Kitten likes you, therefore you’re okay in my book. But the Hairy Leg from Wano and the Flamingo better watch their backs!”

Since River became human, the Whitebeard family quickly learned that you can indeed turn the cat into a human but you can’t take the cat out of the cat. River refused to adjust into natural human habits much to their jargon. He was found sunbathing in the courtyard, taking scraps of food, stealing things to take to his hiding spot, only to realize it was too small for him to squeeze in so opted to hide everything in _________________’s closet. She found rags, tools, makeup, and articles of clothing in her closet and often brought them back to their rightful owners. Even River’s old haunts weren’t off limits, especially Vista’s prized rose bush where River slept. Now it was being crushed by his human body.

“Get out of there!”

“NO! This is MY bush!”

“The hell it is!” River wrapped his body around the plant and glared, “And I ain’t moving!” Vista grabbed a watering can

“How dareth squirt me with yond! I has't, nay, nev'r been assault'd liketh this and in mine own owneth home! Thee fiend! Thee bastard! the pox upon thee!” River ran for it. Vista looked absolutely puzzled.

“The HELL cat?!” Thatch was in the kitchen making himself a sandwich. He turned to see River on the counter looking at him. As he continued, he could feel the eyes staring at him before he heard the cries:

“Good sir! May I trouble you for some tasty morsel? I am ever so hungry and this nourishment shall be greatly rewarded! Please, I am starving! It has been a fortnight since my last meal and I pray that this will be my last upon this earth if I have had not a single scrap of food!”

“Damn it River!” Thatch gave River the sandwich he just finished. He happily ate and went on about his business, “I swear I liked it better when he meowed at me for food!” River habits were tolerable until it was time for him to use the bathroom and it wasn’t a problem until he casually walked into the courtyard, dug a hole, and lifted his tail.

“NO!” Jozu grabbed the cat boy and took him inside to the toilet and after many protests and dramatics, he used the toilet.

“As long as you’re human, you’re using the toilet!” said Marco

“Never! I have my favorite places to take my dumps and I intend to use them! If I don’t then anyone could just waltz in and take them!”

“...I doubt anyone wants your poop places!” said Speed Jill

“You’d be surprised! And I have to do my weekly deposit into the Bucket,” the room went silent.

“...what?” said Curiel

“...I take a long weekly shit in a bucket? Why is that surprising?”

“Because that’s not normal! Even for a cat!” said Fossa

“...Oh I’M sorry but I didn’t know you knew everything about my species! Please, continue!”

“PLEASE tell me that bucket isn’t in ____________________’s room!” said Izo

“What?! EW! NO! I have my scent all over her room! I don’t shit where I sleep! That’s disgusting!” There was, however, one activity that River enjoyed a lot better than before, hanging out with _________________. He loved it as a cat but now he can actually talk to her and she could understand him! He happily trotted next to her. He loved his little mistress and she his humanity didn’t stop her from happily talking to him. It was fun but strange to have River as a human to say the least. He had a lot to say about everything and she loves listening to him. He showed her all of the good places to sleep, the friendly shop owners in Goa and even what the other cats and animals though of things. But she also took the opportunity to ask him many questions.

“So how do I know what you want when you’re a cat? Why did you stop meowing?”

“Well, I only meow when I can’t get my point across. You, Freckles, Top Hat, the Pineapple, the Princess, the Big Blond, and the Great Man all seem to understand my cues just fine, so I don’t have to vocalize. The others are thick and stupid so I have to meow! Seriously, how hard is it to give me a piece of food?!”


“What? It’s not my fault that it smells so good!”

“So cats don’t meow?”

“Not to each other, we do it as a warning but we have to vocalize for humans because once again, you guys never try to learn our cues!” she chuckled.

“Okay, so where do you go when you disappear?”

“Everywhere! I have a schedule! I go to different places on different days. Mondays I usually hang around the Heart Man and the Surgeon. Tuesdays, I usually roam Goa for places to sleep, Wednesdays I visit my kittens, and for the rest of the week, I just roam or revisit,”

“Are your kittens happy?”

“MHM! Dusty loves working and living with Bar Maid! He loves the patrons and he loves getting pets and scraps. At night he gets to sleep with her or next to a heater. He likes sleeping on her better. Rusty loves sleeping with his cow friends. He gets all of the mice he can kill and cream he can drink. The Farmer says he’s the best mouser he’s ever had! Get gets scraps and warm place to sleep! Kitty loves Gertie and loves listening to all of her stories and living the stories,”

“What do you mean? I thought Miss Gertie never leaves the house,”

“Even though Gertie lives alone she has a very rich life so much that Kitty travels the world with her. She used to be a traveler back in her day, even though she’s rich. She’s a recluse because she really doesn’t like people to pester her about her travels and things and she hates Goa with a passion, but she loves seeing kids so you lot should visit her from time to time,”


“She been wanting to share stories with you all but you all usually run away before she got a chance,”

“Awww! I’ll do my best!”

“That’s my—,” River stopped and looked at the café. Baseball Cap was there. She was sitting at a café with a cup of tea and a piece of cake. She was nose deep in a manga.

“Hey, Kitten,”

“Yeah River?”

“That girl?”

“What gi—Oh Katherina? What about her?”

“Invite her to some of your functions as friends. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind,”

“I did once but she said she didn’t want to. Why should I bug her?”

“You’d be surprised. Talk to her about Pretty Solider, I’m pretty sure she’ll have something awesome to say about it,” he nudged her with his head, “Go on. Don’t worry about me. I’ll be taking my catnap in that tree,” she nodded and went into the bakery. Today they had roulade slices. She grinned and ordered a few along with some tea to wash it down. There wasn’t anywhere to really sit except with the girl. She slowly approached her.

“Excuse me? Umm, is this seat taken?” Katherina looked at her and turned her nose.

“I guess you can sit here,” ______________ sat down and got ready to enjoy her spoils of war. She opened the box reveal roulades and chocolate cakes. She took out an ube roulade and then turned the box towards Katherina.

“Want some? They had like a ton of mini cakes and I don’t think I’ll be able to finish them all in one sitting!” Katherina looked at the pastries and back to ____________ who still gave a pleasant smile. She takes one.

“Thank you,”

“No prob!” they sat in silence for a little while. _____________ noticed that she was reading a manga that hadn’t seen, “Soooooo…umm… whatcha reading?”

“It’s the origin story of Kinsei from Pretty Solider, before she became one of them she actually the first one when she was in North Blue,”

“When she was Pretty K right?!”

“Yeah! I like that story a little better,”

“Me too! Especially when she met Tsukuyomi! They’re making it into a movie!”

“Mhm and it’ll premiere at the Pretty Solider film marathon,”


“You were?”

“MHM! A friend of mine called and asked if I wanted to go because he had an extra ticket! He’s a fan too! I’m asking all of my friends so they want something from there as a gift to bring back home! Do you want anything Kinsei related?!” Katherina chuckled.

“Whatever you bring me is fine. You look really cute when you’re excited about something,”

“Is that a bad thing?”

“Nah,” Katherina reached into her back and pulled out a transformation pen, “Here, I have doubles, you can have this one,” ________________’s face lit up.

“How did you get one?! I thought they were sold out!”

“Yeah they are but my Uncle has connections. Want it?”


“I wouldn’t have given it to you if I didn’t want you to,”

“Thanks! Now I can give any one I find at Gray Terminal to Yukiko or Clock!”

“Whatever. Kinsei fans have to stick together. Wait…you rummage in the garbage for your Pretty Solider stuff?”

“Yeah…well not all of it! After about a month or two, the nobles in Goa gets bored with it and just throw it away! Can you believe that?!” Katherina looked at her as though she grew two heads. She then cracked a smile and snorts.

“That has to be the smartest/ funniest thing I’ve ever heard! Not you but the idea of getting the best from people who are too stupid to keep it for something that’s the same model but more expensive!” the pair happily talked about Pretty Solider for the next hour. River watched from afar from his tree post.

“Finally,” he said licking his hand, “I swear humans are weird when it comes to social interactions with each other,” it was soon getting late and the two girls decided to say their goodbyes.

“If you want to hang out again, we’ll be at Gray Terminal! We may have another baseball tournament!”

“How about we meet back here in a few days? I’ll buy the cake next time,”

“It’s a date!” __________________ gave Katherina the last roulade and a hug before she scampered away. Katherina reddened lightly, wiggled away and headed the other direction. She looked back and smiled and headed off the other direction.

Hancock received the call from Marco asking to meet with her to discuss a few things involving _________________. He mentioned that Whitebeard and Flora wanted to ask a few things as well. This fact alone made her very worried. It wasn’t the idea that they wanted to meet her but it was the idea that something serious must have happened to __________________. Usually she had to deal with Marco, then the others later. She sighed and accepted. She had to prepare herself. She was nervous but she was happy to be involved and help however she could. She gave them a special invitation and they showed up bright and early the next day. Sandersonia and Marigold were there as well. She needed them, even if it was just for comfort. Both of them knew their sister like the back of their hands and they knew that this was stressing her out. Whitebeard was the first one to speak.

“Thank you for receiving us, Hancock,”

“The pleasure is mine. You understand that I don’t feel comfortable with discussing information about ___________________ out of a secure area,”

“We understand,” said Flora, “Let’s just get right into it. I’m pretty sure you heard about the man who had hunted cats and were skinning them and boiling them, correct?” Hancock looked visibly sick.

“Is River okay?! Where’s _________________?!”

“They’re fine, don’t worry,” said Marco, “That’s why we’re here. _________________ has been asleep for the twenty four hours. Ace and Luffy ran and got help and their stories were the same. One of the bastards was going to boil River alive while they watched. _________________ broke the chains and the men were badly mutilated and she was running on all fours and they said Sabo stayed behind and when Shanks and his crew found them, she was covered in blood, both men were unconscious and she apologized and passed out herself,” Sandersonia ad Marigold looked uneasy.

“Hancock, we need to know. We want to know in case something like this happens again,” said Marco. Hancock looked very uncomfortable and guarded. Sandersonia gently squeezes her hand.

“They need to know,” said Marigold

“It’s for the best,” said Sandersonia. Hancock poured anther drink and downed it. Memories came flooding into her head. She didn’t want remember any of it but for ________________’s sake and safety, she had to endure it.

“What I’m about to say never leaves this room and please don’t treat her any different after this,”

“You have our word. We just need to know what happened, why it happened is there a way to make sure nothing like that happens again,” she nodded and took a very deep breath and blew it out.

“I was hoping this would be dead and buried. I can’t give too many details, mainly because I don’t know exactly how it happened but she was supposed to be a weapon, a very dangerous weapon. She was pushed to her limits at a very young and…I’m glad she can’t remember any of it. She can hold her breath for twenty minutes underwater, her speed and strength were trained into her to the point even a love tap can hurt, swimming, running, crawling with hundreds of pounds strapped to her, surviving in intense cold and heat, even doing this with resisted breathing was all she knew. That’s why she’s so strong and she gets stronger and faster with her own abilities. But something else happened, what I don’t know but I know it was from the experiments but whenever she experiences intense anger or from a sound trigger she’ll turn into a primal, unstoppable, animalistic being. It was dubbed Feral because she becomes a wild animal, a creature that only wants to do one thing and that’s killing or maiming the cause of her anger. Sh-She can’t determine who’s an enemy or who’s a friend when she’s like this and will attack anyone who dares to stop her,”

“Is there any way to stop her when she gets like that?” said Flora

“To date there’s only two people who were able to bring her back, myself being one and I supposed whomever brought her back this time. She becomes methodical, all of that energy is concentrated into taking out whatever caused her anger in the first place. She once mutilated a slave when she was Feral. The woman survived but not…well,”

“You said something about a sound trigger?”

“Don’t worry, it’s nothing that can be found in this world natural. But it’s a sound that was created just for her. If she hears it, it’ll drive her to the brink and she’ll become feral again. But she won’t stop as long as that sound is in play. Thankfully and I hope, it was burned in her family home,”

“So there’s no possible way that sound to be reproduced at all?”

“No. It was made in a lab and there was even a way to bring her back quicker with another tone. But I’m pretty sure the Tone Dials made for her were destroyed. And don’t worry about the anger factor. It takes a lot out of her. It’s literately unleashed rage. Her little friends or any of you making her angry is nothing but seeing River, her little kitty and other cats getting hurt made her snap,”

“So it has to be something that’ll put her on the breaking point,” said Marco. She nodded.

“It usually takes her a few days to recover but she was supposed to recover easier as she got older and stronger. But she hadn’t gone Feral since she was a lot younger,”

“I see. And I’m guessing that once she’s in Feral mode, nothing is safe?”

“Yes and no. You see, when she goes into this mode, it’s only geared to the one who caused her rage in the first place. Anyone other than that is relatively safe unless they interfere. But there was an incident where the trigger had just sent her into pure rage and everyone and everything was fair game,”

“So if it’s induced, no one’s safe but if it’s all her, then it’s just one or a few people,”

“Exactly. And the toll for both is her blacking out but the downtime has decreased. It used to be a week, but now it’s a few days. long as the trigger is sounding, she will not stop, though I hadn’t seen her stop until it was turned off,” everyone looked worried but then relieved.

“Hancock, thank you so much for all of your help,” said Marco bowing, “I’m sorry if it brought up anything...painful,”

“No, no, anything to help her. time give me some time to know so I can get myself mentally prepared,”

“Will do,” said Whitebeard getting up, “Thank you very much,” they soon left. Hancock was shaking violently and retreated to her room to calm down. Marigold and Sandersonia left her alone, telling everyone the Snake Princess was ill and did not want to be disturbed. Hancock felt sick to her stomach as she tried to keep her composure but she couldn’t. Every time she thought about _________________ becoming Feral, the whole thing made her very uneasy, not because of Feral itself but the process. She knew for a fact that the ton dials were destroyed in that fire and her parents believed her to be dead, therefore there would be NO reason for them to still have them, right? She poured herself some wine and tried to calm down. She had a bath drawn to relax her but before that she had to make a phone call. She promised that even though neither of them saw _________________ they would always let the other know how she was doing no matter their own differences. She took her den den mushi and called.


“…she went feral,”

“What?! Where is she?!”

“She’s fine now, but she had very angry when some men were threatening to kill her cat,” there were silence over the phone.

“Where are the men now?”

“She beaten them both and maimed one. The Marines took care of them and the cats are okay. She’s sleeping it off but I’m still very worried about her,”

“Well from what you told me, her family are understanding enough,”

“They are. I just told them about her Feral side and what triggers it. I know I could bring her back and her cousin but my concern is that she’s getting stronger every day. There’s going to be a day where her Feral side will come out again and she’ll be an adult and what if we can’t calm her down? What if she never snaps out?! What if they decide that they don’t want to deal with her?! This is all my fault!”

“Oy, oy, calm down. You know damn well from the way you talked about them they wouldn’t just give up on her. And if they did she still has you and me and that nun. She’ll always have a familia. Children grow and children get stronger but they can also regulate their emotions as they get older. From what you told me, she has a high level of patience, especially if that little cabrona is still going at it. If she hadn’t snapped her neck and go on a rampage, she’s not going to,”

“…you’re right,” Hancock sighed in relief

“…are you okay?”

“I’m fine, it’s just…it’s hard to explain,”

“Listen, you said it yourself, her family is good people and you know they’ll do whatever they can to make sure her well being is priority. It’s okay to feel uneasy about tidbits from her past coming to light, especially when Feral came out again. But it wasn’t directed at any of them and they’re more concerned about helping her than trying to control her or it. What you did was right and since they are good people you can rest assured that everything is going to be okay,”

“…thank you,”

“No problem,”

“I’ll arrange an outing so you two can spend some time together for a weekend,”

“Tch, don’t treat me like a child with a weird reward system,”

“…so you don’t me too,”

“I didn’t say that! Just…make it happen,”

“Good boy,” she hangs up. Tesoro glared at the phone. That woman was good but she was a link to his little sobrina. He couldn’t help but smile though. She knew what she was doing and if she was anything like him, he knew it wasn’t a power thing, it was a pride thing. But in the end, his sobrina wins. But first things first.

“Baccarat, I need you for an important task?”

“Hmmm? Yes?”

“I want you to pay whatever bail those two men involved in the cat killing ring and bring them back here as our special guests,”

“The star treatment?”

“Mhm, make sure they get here, fully intact and give them the best hospitality known to man,” she nodded and left.

Ishmahri softly played his harp as he enjoyed the sweet sound. It’s been too long since he’s been outside of the Moonshadow Realm and it was interesting to see how things have changed but he was happy that he got to see old friends again and how welcoming they’ve been. Not only does he has his own place to lay, but they checked on him to make sure if she needed anything, from food to just making sure his needs were met. He didn’t want much but he was happy to sample new foods and see new people. He especially loved seeing the children interact with each other from his window. Watching the adventures with the brothers and the little sister was so much fun. He wanted to aid their adventures but he thought against it, knowing they’ll come to him in due time. Like clockwork, he felt eight pairs of eyes on him.

“That’s the guy who made River human!” said ___________________

“So he’s to blame for this?” said Ace

“Hey, River is awesome as a human!” said Luffy

“He’s even more of a jerk! He sleeps everywhere, begs for food, outright ignores everyone and I caught him shitting in Vista’s roses at least three times within a day!”

“At least he buries it!” said ________________________

“Stop enabling him!”

“He’s a cat Ace! That’s what cats do!” said Sabo

“And he doesn’t ignore everyone! He likes sleeping in your closet,”

“I tried to get him out and he swatted at me and closed the door!”

“Children, please come closer. I really do enjoy the company,” they jumped. Ishmahri was still playing his harp, this time with a small smile. The sound was very soothing and sweet. They slowly approached him, closing the door back slightly.

“That harp is awesome!” said Luffy

“Thank you, Luffy,”

“You know me?!”

“Mhm, just like you’re Sabo, you’re Ace, and of course ___________________,”

“How’d you know?!” said Ace

“The Strawhat told me,” he gestured to Luffy’s hat.


“Clothes don’t talk idiot!” said Ace


“How Mr. Ishmahri?! Is it a hat language?!” said ______________________.

“It’s a little more...complicated than that. The hat holds the memories and faces of everyone and everything it has ever come across. The person who is bound to it, takes the memories and personality of the new owner. Everything holds a memory, Your clothes, houses, tables and chairs... The sky, the land... They too remember each passing day like that straw hat, it has seen many things, been through many adventures. It’s memories are loud and can’t wait for new adventures with its new owner,”

“YEAH! I KNEW it was special!” said Luffy

“So you’re clairvoyant?!” said Sabo

“What’s that?”

“It’s that person that can see things we can’t, like in the spirit world, right?” said ________________

“Correct. I can see many things, all at once, sometimes separately but it’s usually to show a bigger picture,”

“Sounds exhausting,” said Ace, “Like a constant headache,”

“He’s probably used to it,” said Sabo.

“Correct, I’ve had my gift since I was born, it took a very long time to hone and it’s okay, I’m content with my ability,”

“At least you’re happy!” said ___________________

“So what do you see from us?” said Ace. Ishmahri smiled and closed his eyes and strummed his harp.

“All four of you came from very powerful origins. I have encountered your sires in my lifetime and you’re all splitting images of them. I can see each piece of them within you all. It’s refreshing to say the least and makes me happy that their memories are being passed,”

“Wow! You know our families?!” said Luffy

“Mhm, well...more like the memories of your families that makes up a piece of you,”

“What else can you see?!”

“Oy! Stop asking him so many questions!” said Ace clobbering him

“OW! Why not?! I wanna see what he sees!”

“Maybe only Mr. Ishmahri can see it!” said ___________________

“That’s actually not true, little lady. There are many like me out there. But we all prefer to keep to ourselves. Mainly because we live so long that we know forming bonds with humans would break our hearts. The oldest is 150 years, we can live centuries longer than that. It’s heartbreaking,”

“That sucks!” said Luffy

“It does!” said ___________________, “Don’t you get lonely?!”

“Yeah this can’t be healthy!” said Sabo. The guide chuckled.

“I’m used to it but usually when I appear to worthy humans, I try to stick around. I’ve travelled with Edward for a little while. It was one of the best times of my life. It was good to see everyone again,”

“So what are you anyway?” said Ace, “A wishmaker or a dealmaker?”

“Like Azul?!” said __________________.

“You know Azul, I see?”

“Kinda! Miss Lesser and Law says to NEVER make a deal with him because I can weasel my way out of it!”

“This is what happens when you don’t hang out with us!” said Ace, “So what can you do, Mr. Ishmahri?”

“I can’t tell you four of your pasts are origins and snippets of your future,”

“Really?!” said Luffy

“Mhm but I won’t tell you anything that would alter your futures. Things must play out accordingly in order for you all to achieve happiness. Would you like to know?” the kids looked absolutely in awe. The idea of learning more about themselves sounded exciting but also very scary. Luffy grinned!

“I WANNA GO FIRST!” Ishmahri closed his eyes and strummed his harp and played.

“Your sire is changing the world. So much that people want to stop him by any means. You have many traits that run deep from your sire and your grandfather, rebellion, loyalty, and very unique ways in intellect,”

“...are you saying that Luffy is smart?” said Ace


“...are you SURE you’re a seer?! Luffy is dumber than shit...and I use that term loosely!”

“I’m not dumb!”

“ literally ask people if they poop!”


“It is an important question,” said Ishmahri chuckled

“SEE?! What else?! Am I going to be King of the Pirates?!”

“It’s too early to tell. But you have come from a driven background. You’ll become whatever your heart wants and leads you,”


“He didn’t say that!” said Ace

“He said if you’re driven enough Luffy,” said Sabo


“Tch whatever, I’m next,” said Ace. Ishmahri looked at him.

“Your sire changed the world and you have the potential to do so as well. You came from greatness and a prince in your own right. You inherited your father’s tenacity and wildness, however you inherited your mother’s heart and face,” Ace reddened, “Your sires had a great deal of friends and allies, two people in particular have a descendant, one forged in blood and one in spirit and that person and yourself will have an unbreakable bond, just like them. You have a very strong bond with your brothers and sister but you will form another relationship. He will be your fourth and you two will be very close, the yin to your yang and be at your side when you build your legacy,”

“One in blood and the other in spirit?”


“Layman’s terms! We’re kids you know!” said Sabo.

“They have two sires, one forged in blood and the other sire is one in spirit,”

“...Oh…” Ishmahri turned to Sabo.

“You inherited nothing from your sires but you will live and have a princely life. Your memories will always be with you and you ever need to recall them, find the ones who are close to you and they’ll bring every memory back to you, especially your first and closest friend. You succeeded in finding the most important person in your life whom you want to protect but you have to let them grow and I’m afraid you will not be able to protect them but you don’t have to. You have an ally in a prince and a feral prince. Speak to them more, not just about the serious stuff, they’ll always be on your side,”

“ know two princes?!” said __________________, “That’s so cool!”

“Who are they?!” said Luffy

“I don’t know! Ask Ishmahri!” said Sabo

“It’s obvious they don’t want anyone to know!” said Ace, “Don’t blame them! No one wants that headache,”

“Why is that a headache?” said Luffy

“Because if you're a prince or from nobility, your entire life is decided for you! You can’t do anything unless someone tell you to,”


“Yeah!” said __________________, “I guess I’m last! Hit me!” Sabo looked uncomfortable. Ishmahri gave Sabo a knowing look and nodded. He looked at ______________ and smiled.

“ are very interesting,” _________________ cocked her head, “your blood origins are rooted deep, very deep, your potential is dangerous but you got your inner strength not from your sires but from your blood roots, he gifted you his strength, his wisdom, his empathy, and sadly, his scars but that’s not for later. She gifted you an ability to make deep allies just like your brothers and you all will have lasting friendships with many who will become spiritual blood. The person who’s the closest to him is watching over you but he doesn’t know your origins however there’s another who knows more but will never tell you. Neither will ever steer you wrong. They love you as if you were theirs and will always guide you. If you ever have serious doubt in your heart, always find him,”

“Wait...____________________ has a secret guardian?!” said Ace, “Who?!”

“I don’t know!”

“No fair, I want a secret guardian!” said Luffy

“I don’t think she met them yet!” said Sabo

“It actually sounds like Marco!” said _________________ grinning, “And scar is his tattoo, right?!”

“You want Marco’s tattoo?”

“YA HUH! On my chest!”

“Then you can’t show it off!”

“Yea she can!” said Ace

“No she can’t!”

“Why not?!” said Luffy

“Because she’s going to get a chest someday! She can’t walk around topless!”

“Says you!” said Ace

“Girls can’t walk around shirtless!”

“Okiku can!” said Luffy, “She’s a woman!”

“...that’s true but that’s different!”


“First of all did you guys peep at her?!”

“No! But she and Izo were changing and she was okay with it!” said Luffy

“Let’s settle this and ask Izo and Marco!” said Ace

“Fine!” the kids looked at Ishmahri and bowed and said in unison.

“Thank you for telling us our fortunes!” They then ran out of the room. Ishmahri couldn’t help but smile before chuckling. He couldn’t wait to hear how this would play out.

“Sabo…please, stay for a moment, I have one more thing I have to say. Sabo stopped and turned around. _________________ and Luffy were already down the stairs. Ace stopped and lingered to wait for him.


“Beware of the dark prince that’s ten minutes behind,” Sabo was about to retort when his blood ran cold. Ishmahri went back to his playing. He immediately ran out of the room, ignoring Ace’s questions.

Things were slowly turning back to normal around the house, sans River still being human but they were starting to finally get used to his weird and strange quirks. But River however felt cheated out of the perks of being a cat, such as not being able to take whatever his little heart desired, not being able to go anywhere and just sleep, he learned this after he was chased off a wall in Goa, and not being able squeeze himself into certain places. But most of his senses were still intact, such as his hearing, his night vision, his sense of smell, and being able to see the other weird things cats could clearly see but humans couldn’t, the lazy fools. He was sleeping on engawa when his ears twitched. He then got up and scampered to the door and before they could knock, River opened the door and happily snuggled and welcomed the visitors. After hearing from Flora and Hancock, Rayleigh and Shakky decided to pay __________________ to make sure she was okay. Upon entering, they were welcomed and greeted and the young man in question hopped into Shakky’s arms. She carried him inside.

“Did Edward adopt another kid?” said Rayleigh, “I want to say he’s a mink but only the ears and tail,”

“Hmmmm I’m going to go out on a limb and say this is River,” said Shakky, petting him fondly. She scratched behind his ears and almost immediately his body went limp and he started to purr and close his eyes.

“ subdued the savage beast,” said Blenheim

“This little angel?”

“Angel my ass!” said Rakugo, “I’m convinced he’s a little sadist,”

“More than a sadist, I now full heartedly believe that cats really are assholes!” said Curiel. River continued to purred with his eyes closed and gave them the finger.

“You little shit!” Blenheim. The connotation got the kids attention and they went downstairs. ________________ happily ran to her grandparents.

“Grandpa!” Rayleigh caught her and hugged her tightly

“My little weed!”


“Oh she’s not little weed anymore,” said Shakky from behind.

“See! Thanks Shakky!”

“She’s more like a little beanstalk,”


“…but beanstalks are tall!” said Luffy, “And _________________ is short!”

“I’m taller than you!”

“By like an inch,” said Sabo laughing.

“I stand by that one inch!”

“So what do we owe the pleasure?” said Whitebeard, “I swear seeing you around this much is starting to become a headache, Rayleigh. Though it’s always a pleasure to see you Shakky,”

“Awww I’m flattered!” said Shakky smiling

“Love you too, Edward. We were in the area and we came to see if the little lady could come spend some time with us for a few days,”

“No can do. She’s going on a little outing with me in a few days and we’ll be gone for a little while,”


“Mhm, we talked about this, I was hoping you didn’t forget,” Whitebeard said patting her head, “Unless you don’t want—,”

“I do! I do!”

“That’s not fair Edward!” said Shakky chuckling, “A Whitebeard Adventure sounds like a lot of fun and will trump whatever we had planned,”

“And we can get her when you two get back then,” said Rayleigh

“Good, this place was smell too much like girl anyway,” said Ace

“Oh please, the last time ________________ left to see Rayleigh and Shakky, you pouted until she got back two weeks later,”

“You know Ace you can tag along if you like,” said Rayleigh

“Really?! I—I mean tch, fine I guess whatever,”

“I can show you all of the awesome places! There’s Shakky’s bar, grandpa’s workshop, and the town!”

“Fine, fine! I’ll go so I can see all of that!”

“If Ace is going I wanna go!” said Luffy

“You weren’t invited!”



“May I come too?” said Sabo

“Of course!” said Shakky, “And the last brother as well,”

“You know about Law?!” said Luffy

“Mhm and it wouldn’t be right to not invite him along as well,”

“Great, just what I need, you four cramping me and Kitten’s style!” River yawned and rolled over, “Just don’t embarrass us while we’re there, alright?”

“You really are a jerk!” said Luffy

“I can stomach you all separately but together the noise! Ruining my sleep! Honestly is there a shut off button on you?!”

“So this really is River,” said Rayleigh

“Ya huh! River is a human now!”

“Mhm, a simple reward I wanted to bestow upon him,” Ishmahri came down stairs.

“Oh Ishmahri, it’s been awhile,”

“Lovely to see you too, Rayleigh,”

“Wait you know him too?!”

“It was a very strange time. I’ll tell you all about it later,”

“Story time?!”

“Yes, story time! And it’s a huge honor getting a wish from Ishmahri. I don’t know how you were able to pull it off,”

“I didn’t! River did!”

“Ah that makes sense. Good boy River,”


“So, ________________ what is your wish?”

“Ummm I was wondering, since I don’t get to see you or your realm too often, can I make two wishes?” Ishamari smiled.

“I don’t see why not. What’s your first wish?”

“I wish that…River will always be strong enough to protect me, himself, and anyone or anything he cares about! That way he won’t always have to worry about his safety!”

“Awwww! See told you she’ll be better at this!” River hugged her into him and licked her hair, “Good human,”

“Ack! River!”

“My human is smart and adorable and clever,”

“Seriously will you stop being weird!” said Rakugo

“Bite my tail!” said River nuzzling __________________, “My kitten my rules!”

“Okay, now what’s your final wish?” ________________ grinned and gestured Ishmahri to come closer. She then whispered something into his ear. He listened intently and nodded, “That is a very big wish but not impossible. I know I can do it but it’ll be a little while,” she beamed. He pats her head, “However, you have to follow very important rules or your life as you know it can and will change. I’ll be there to guide you the entire time since I’ll be in this realm a little longer than expected,”

“Okay!” the brothers looked at their little sister. She grinned.

“I can’t tell anyone because it may never come true!”

“And now River, do you want to remain a human or would you like to be a cat?”

“Ugh like you have to ask! Give me my—you know what let me able to be a human whenever I need fit,”

“You can’t change the rules like that you little shit!” said Namur

“Bite me! This way I can still annoy you all several times a year or once a year. But you’ll never know until you see it happen,” Rayleigh and Whitebeard laughed.

“...cats really are vindictive little shits,” said Kingdew

“Can you make it so, Ishmahri?”

“Yes I can, I just have to sort the terms with you,”

“In private, I don’t want people to know my private kitty business,”

“What business you little freeloader?!” said Atmos

“Freeloader?! Fine! Good luck finding you fish heads after I change back!” with that River followed Ishmahri upstairs to discuss his humanity terms.

“…I have a feeling we’re going to have a very spiteful pussy when this is all said and down,” said Izo

“Mhm,” said Jozu, “Though he likes me,”

“And me, good luck Thatch,”

“I have a spray bottle with his name on it!”

“…River threw those away,” said Ace


“Few days ago, we saw him taking them out and they hadn’t been around since,”

“And there were a LOT of them!” said Luffy, “Like tons! Like a hundred of them!”

“…So he’s the one responsible for the bottle shortage,” said Fossa, “Smart ass cat,”

“He really is too clever for his own good!” Shakky laughed

Whitebeard woke up at the crack of dawn and made his way up to the garden. It was barely down and with everything that had gone on within the last few days made him just want to have a few moments of peace before starting the day. Though he was worried about his little daughter. He knew their little trip will be more than enough to get everything off her mind but he was still very worried. Did this Feral side hurt her? It did take a lot out of her for the last few days. And he knew that she most likely used her full strength and if that was the case, those men were lucky to be alive but he didn’t care, he only cared if ___________________ didn’t have horrible lasting effects, even though Shakky said it was unlikely it did worried him. He climbed the last step and saw a tiny little figure, wrapped in her security blanket looking at the sky herself, absentmindedly eating a peach. River was back to normal and sleeping in her lap soundly.

“Hey kiddo,” ___________________ turned.

“Hey Pops,”

“Room for one more?” she looked at the tiny space next to her and scooted. He scooped her up and sat her on his lap. River hopped off and went to the tree to finish his early morning nap, “Looks like you have a lot on your mind,”

“I do and it’s terrible,” she said

“Want to talk about it?”

“Yes’s complicated,”

“Take your time,” she nodded

“When...I blacked out, I didn’t know what happened. I just remembered feeling really sad, then scared, and very angry. Everything else is a total blur. Even when I was sleeping. I remember being carried and being in bed but not much. The dreams got weirder. I saw people I’ve never seen before. I saw a woman with half her face gone, I heard people laughing, I remember seeing a lot of red stuff everywhere and I remember a lot of screaming. Then everything just stopped, I saw faces of people I’ve never seen before and a boy laughing and then…I just came out here to get some air,”

“That was a very intense nightmare,”

“I-It was! Bu-But after everything was done I was shoved into a room again and forgotten! Y-You’re not going to do that to me are you?! I don’t know what happened when I fainted but I promise I won’t do it again or at least try not to!”

“Hey, hey! Shhh calm down,” he rubbed her back, “We would never do anything like that to you! You’re my daughter and nothing is going to change that. We’re a family and our jobs are to make sure you’re safe and happy and loved even if something like this happened. It’s our job to make sure we know what’s going on and ways to make sure that if it does happen again, we can help you better. You don’t have anything to worry about because you’re a child, adult problems aren’t yours to fix and this is something beyond your control. But just know we’re aware of what happened and we’re going to make sure you’re okay,” she smiled and hugged him tightly

“Thanks Pops.”

“Feel better?”

“Mhm! I’m so glad I got to talk to you about it,”

“You know my door is always opened,”

“I know but sometimes you’re not around,”

“I know and I intend to make it up to you,”

“The trip right?!”

“Mhm! It’ll be a father-daughter outing, just you and me!”

“Can River come too?”

“Mew?” said River. Whitebeard chuckled and pets River’s head.

“He can come. I think I got his language understood,”

“When are we going?!”

“I’d say in a few more days! We’ll be gone for awhile,”

“Are we gonna take the ship?!”

“MHM! It’ll just be you and me!”

“YAY! I never get to spend a lot of time with you! This is going to be the greatest adventure EVER!”

“Damn right!” he ruffled her hair. She giggled and batted him away playfully. Then she looked at him seriously

“Hey Pops?”


“Did you know your parents?”

“Vaguely. I remember childhood being rough until Atlas took me in, then remembering my parents became a distant memory because he is my parent. Taught me everything I know and the reason why I crave poi from time to time,”

“What’s poi?”

“’s...a very complicated food that I have formed a weird love hate relationship with,”

“....what do you mean?”

“Well imagine something that’s sweet...but then as the days go on, it gets bitter,”

“...that doesn’t sound good,”

“And Atlas loves it when it’s bitter and with pork. I had the unfortunate task of eating it with him when it was bitter,”

“Ewwwww why?”

“Because he liked sharing it with someone and I didn’t want to hurt his feelings. Blume found a recipe for it to be made into buns and since then, it became our thing,”

“Like Shoji is my and Oji-san’s thing?”

“Yes! Exactly! I still can’t believe you taught you how to play,”

“Why? It’s fun!”

“It’s usually an old man’s game,”

“Awesome! I’m one step closer to finally getting hair on my chest!”

“ want chest hair?”

“MHM! Just like Fossa so I can be manly!” she puffed out her chest to emphasize her preceived manliness. Whitebeard laughed and poked her tummy, deflating her, “Hey!”

“You have a very long way to go if you want to have maly chest hair like Fossa but in this case I think you’d do better drawing them on,”


Edward was in hiding, in fact all of the Eclipse Pirates were in hiding or at least buried in their work. Atlas was their fearsome Captain of the Eclipse Pirates, a monster on land and sea and could easily take down an Armanda of Marine ships, just for fun. But the man was also very nostalgic especially for him home. One thing that he craved the most and now had easy access to was poi, fermented taro root that was pounded into a paste. It was a purple paste that looked unappetizing and had an ULTRA required taste and Atlas loved sharing foods from his home with his family. Of everything, poi was the worst. The crew couldn’t stomach it and had long made the excuse that they were allergic to it, but Edward was not that clever and couldn’t lie and soon became Atlas’ food buddy. When Atlas was seen happily carrying his bounty, the crew dispersed as he pounded it and let it ferment. Edward hid in his room, then the crow’s nest and finally the kitchen…where he was caught.

“AH! There you are!” Edward froze. Atlas was grinning at him, “I’ve been looking all over for you! I made your favorite! Let’s eat!” Edward nodded and followed him out onto the deck. The rest of the crew looked at the boy as though he was a prisoner awaiting the gallows. Atlas perched on the deck and Edward joined him, in front of them were two large bowls. Edward has known his captain for a few years and he knew for a fact that Atlas came from an island that many never visited by thanks to his tattoo, they made the trip every so often. It was a beautiful place with tasty food. Atlas’s favorite things in the world were kalua pork belly and poi. Pork wasn’t hard to come by in the world but poi was and Atlas would made the trip back around his area when he needed his fix but since Blume found a way to cultivate it on his ship, Atlas didn’t have to brave the waters for his favorite meal, meaning Edward had to suffer through poi every other month or so. It looked as unappetizing as it sounded. It was a thick gooey purple paste that smelt earthy. It was sweet when fresh but bitter as it fermented and of course, Atlas liked it fermented and bitter and that was how he served it. The crew had long developed an allergic reaction to it, leaving Edward as the sacrifice to eating poi with his Captain. Edward sent receptors to his stomach to prepare for bitterness. Atlas reached his hand into one of the bowls and pulled out a large fluffy bun. The young boy looked confused.

“What’s this? I thought we were having poi?”

“Actually today it’s a little different! I decided to try something a little new! I made poi buns!”

“Buns?” said Edward

“Mhm! I didn’t know you could make poi into sweet buns! Blume found a recipe and sent it over and told me to give it a try! Florrie loved it!” Edward KNEW if Flora liked it, it had to be at least palatable and took a bite.

“This IS good!”

“See?! I decided to make us kalua pork sandwiches with it! And since my son seems to be the only one who isn’t allergic to poi I decided to share this joy with you!” Edward grins.

“Thanks Atlas,”

“Anytime, son,”

Chapter 83: Ace and Me



Hey guys, so I hate to say this but this is my last fanfic with the Little Girl. After a recent poll, everyone seems to like Holly and a few other characters more so from now on, the WB stories will be written from Holly's point of view. Please forgive me and welcome this new change!

Chapter Text

The beautiful, average girl fell from the portal and landed in a strange world. She looked around. The world was a dreary shit show, liked something an orphan would have created. She looked around. Everything seemed like it was from a very stupid old anime’s star kingdom. The girl who fell from the sky was a girl named Holly and she was beautiful, flawless even. She was an visage of beauty and grace with rockin’ breasts, an award winning personality, yet go virginal innocence. When she was taken to this weird world, she fell and landed gracefully but with a thud. She was fine of course but she did land on something that was moving.

“Hey get off me!” she jumped off and realized she was sitting on a freckled Adonis. She froze. This man was freaking gorgeous, like god had carved him out of pure marble. Usually she thought freckles were ugly, usually on girls but this man wore them well. He was wearing tight black leather pants that accentuated every part of him, especially the thick bulge in his pants! You know what I mean girls. And he was wearing a black sleeveless vest revealing a muscled, glistening chest and wearing a collar. Of course the beautiful average maiden was smitten. The strange boy looked a little disoriented and then looked as though he had woken up. He then looked around, “I’m free…I’m free from that dirty cunt’s hold!” he looked at her with a smile, “Y-You freed me!”

“I-I what?” she said coyly

“You freed me from the Evil Princess’s curse! I’m forever—,” then there was a loud BOOM. The beautiful average maiden jumped. The handsome stranger grabbed and held her against his chest, “It’s not safe! Come on!” he picked her up bridal style and ran with her. She could feel his strong hands on her perky butt, “My name is Ace, by the way, what’s yours, beautiful?”


“Beautiful name. Holly green is my favorite color,” she blushed. He then held her in his strong arms and ran with her through the gunfire and magic. But Ace was fast and agile and easily dodged the attacks, using his body as a shield to protect her own. However, suddenly Holly started to glow, Ace looked down at her bewildered as Holly’s untapped magic brought her and Ace to safety. When the glow disappeared, they were in a different location. Ace looked around and then looked relieved.

“We’re safe now! Way to go Holly!”

“Thanks but I don’t know what I did!”

“ACE?! IS THAT YOU?! Several men came running into the area where they were. In total there were eight handsome men. They were dressed like male dancers, some with cocks out, see through tops and jewels everywhere. Ace smirked.

“Welcome to the Resistance, Holly!”

The men of the resistance were handsome, beautiful men who were captivated by her immense beauty and grace. She had to admit, they were all easy on the eyes, none of those could compare to what she saw and loved about Ace.

“We would all love to first welcome you to the Resistance but we’re also sad to tell you that you came at the worst time!” said Coby

“What’s going on? I’m a humble girl who came out of nowhere!” said Holly coyly

“Well you’re in the Realm of Doom,” said the man named Kid, “And in the Realm of the Bitch Queen,”

“Bitch Queen?! She sounds bad!” said Holly

“You have NO idea!” said Sanji, “She’s a terrible person, ugly, insidious, and outright just, a creepy person!”

“We were getting the last people out of her kingdom when you came!” said Killer, “Ace was the last man and you landed on him but he was still under her influence,”

“But your beauty broke the spell!” said Ace smiling at her, “I can’t believe I’m so lucky,”

“And we have reason to believe that you’re the answer to our prayers!” said Deuce, “You’re magical and it might be enough to finally rid this land of the Bitch Queen once and for all!”

“I’m in if it means freeing you all from the clutches of that girl!” said Holly

“Good, good!” said Sanji, “You must be tired, please sleep and enjoy our encampment. It’s tiny community of people who all managed to flee the Bitch Queen’s Realm!”

“Enjoy your stay and look around,” said Law, “And come by later so I can attend to your injuries,” she nodded and soon drifted off to sleep. In the morning, as she woke up, she noticed someone in her room. He said nothing but crawled about on his knees and pathetically served her her breakfast. Holly looked at the weird boy in almost disgustingly intrigue. He had a long nose, dark skin, and thick black hair. She felt sorry for the weird looking boy, he wasn’t all attractive. She seriously thought he was a monster or even an orc, sans the teeth but he had a very nice body, too bad about the face, especially the dick looking nose. After she ate, she ran to ask someone what was up with him.

“Where was a weird man serving me food!”

“Who?” said Law protectively, “Did they do it while you were changing?!” Holly explained what happened, “Oh don’t mind him, he’s a subhuman that the Bitch Queen used to keep around,”

“So why do you guys keep him around anyway?” she asked

“Ussop? Well, he’s good for getting things for us and he was apart of the Bitch Queen court. Apparently she accepted everyone into her debauchery. Even fishmen!” said Coby, “He was the Butcher Princess’s beau. It was because he escaped. Since he helped us we took him with us. Apparently he was to be a breeder for stronger men for the kingdom or something. Him and Ace,”

“What the hell?!”

“Apparently she had a menagerie of people with different looks and wanted to make a freak army. Apparently there was a woman who wasn’t a fishman but had fishman teeth. She raised Law but Law was always disgusted by her. There was also a clown and she was tryig to force them to be his “parents” but Law always knew that he had real normal parents,”

“She’s insane!”

“Yeah and that’s why Ussop was there! He was to make more kids like that! The Bitch Queen was a monster!” Holly contemplated what kind of a world she was in now. The stakes were high and the Bitch Queen held all of the cards. She then heard music. She followed it to see Kid and Killer playing and goofing around and drinking. She smirked.

“Room for one more?” they moved aside and Holly proved that she could hang just as well as they could!

“Holly you’re the coolest bitch I know!” said Kid as he and Killer watched her drink down an entire bottle of vodka without flinching. She slammed the bottle with authority.

“That was nothing! You should see me with rum!”

“And so witty!” said Killer, “Are you sure you’re not the smartest girl in your school?”

“I KNOW I am but everyone is sooooooooo against me!”

“Want us to beat them up for you? A princess like you shouldn’t be bothered with such shit,”

“No, it’s okay! I’m a big girl, I can handle it!”

“Oh we know you can, you’re SO badass!” said Kid., “It’s so refresing to be around a beautiful woman. I was a part of the Bitch Queen’s court, I had a side piece with the Purple Princess, Plum,” said Kid shuddering, “She was this wannabe sassy chick with a bad dye job,”

“She sounds awful!”

“Not as bad at the pink haired nightmare! She was such a brat and often wanted me to double team her and her green haired brother! I think they get off on the humiliation,”

“They need to be stopped! I’ll go over there and give that girl a piece of mind!”

“Yeah, don’t go near her!” said Kid taking Holly’s hands into his, “I don’t want her or anyone hurting my badass chick,”

“Kid…you’re so protective of me…I…I don’t know what to think,”

“It’s okay, I know your heart belongs to Ace and I don’t blame you. Look at him compared to me! Knowing your friendship is on my side will always keep me going,” Holly was getting used to this world. It was like a dystopian society where everyone was affected horribly but the Bitch Queen. But then she saw her. There was another woman at the camp with her. A pink haired beauty who was dressed in a see through dress. She looked fearful as well but also relaxed if that made sense. Suddenly the girl looked at her. Their eyes met. Holly felt her heart pounding. The girl blushed and looked away but Holly knew there was something there. She made her lady parts tingle.

“Who was that,” she said to no one in particular.

“That’s Reiju,” said Ussop from behind. She jumped. She was in the shadows looking pathetic as usual, “She was the Bitch Queen’s appointed royal consort. The only reason Reiju stayed was because her three brothers were captive there,”

“That poor girl!”

“Mhm,” that night before bed, everyone gathered in the square for entertainment. They had nothing but music and themselves but they had to keep a low profile in fear of the Bitch Queen. Holly was about to go to bed when she was grabbed and dragged through the crowd.

“Hey Holly! We need one more for our duo band!” said Killer, “With you we can be the badass trio!”

“You play anything?” said Kid

“Me? Oh yeah! I’m SO multi-talented! I can just about play any instrument you’d give me!” Killer looked at her with awe and fascination as he handed her a guitar.

“Shit you’re in luck! That’s Killer’s guitar! He named her Nameless because he promised that he’d only name her after a beautiful woman,”

“Her name’s Holly now!” Holly blushed in flattery. Killer winked at her from under his hair. She didn’t see it but she knew he did it. Holly then picked up the guitar and went to town on the guitar that shared her namesake! Of course she was a rocker at heart! She was the best rocker, having given the Soul King pointers back in her world, she’s THAT good! Soon people gathered around and started cheering chanting her name over and over.

“HOL-LY! HOL-LY! HOL-LY! HOL-LY! WHOOO!!!” after EFFORTLESSLY finishing ten sets, she was exhausted. Everyone was happy and she was now dubbed Queen of the Rebellion aka the Rebel Queen! When she got off stage, everyone greeted her, admired her, and sung their praises about her. Reiju looked on from afar. Reiju never had a best friend before. She was constantly under the thumb of the evil Bitch Queen, it was super awesome that she wasn’t under that bitch’s control anymore. No more did she have to pay for her castle, her lifestyle, and being forced to pay tribute to such a horrible, disgusting, pathetic non royal girl. Reiju never felt this way before. She never knew what it was like to have a bff and she was glad it was Holly. Though she did feel that she could get away with having fwb with her. She wanted that type of relationship. Especially since the Bitch Queen made her soft, like her womanhood would shrink up into herself! Girls you know what I mean! As she walked up to her, the crowd parted. Reiju then took her into her arms.

“Holly, let me experiment with you! I want you to be my bff and fwb!”

“R-Really Reiju?!”

“Mhm but of course not until you have Ace just once,” she winked and pushed her into Ace’s awaiting arms. Ace then dragged her away from prying eyes. Before she knew it, they were making up obscenely in a wooded area. He totally felt her up because he couldn’t contain himself any longer. Holly could feel Ace’s bulge against her. She bit her lip and hitched her breath. Ace was a beautiful man, he looked as though he stepped out of a Chippendale magazine.

“It feels so good to have an erection again,” he purred and pulled her closer, “Being around the Bitch Queen for so long, it was hard to get one, even with the thoughts of a beautiful woman came to mind,”

“You poor thing! I didn’t think anyone could be that boner shattering!”

“You have NO idea but you made me have my manhood back…thank you,”

“It’s nothing!” he then gave her a devious smile.

“Want to…see it?” she knew he was seducing her and it was working. She had to look coy and pure, she was an innocent virgin after all, unlike the Bitch Queen and her court who had to pay and brainwash the masses into fucking them! The gall and sheer nastiness! She nodded. He smirked and ripped off his pants, just like the strippers too. It was then she knew that Ace was commando and it was hot. Ace was hairy, proving he was a man, not a fuck boy. His cock was long and thick, perfect for anyone woman, except the Bitch Queen, who probably had the worst vagina ever! But most notable was that it was covered in cute little freckles. She was in awe. She wanted it and he KNEW.

“Is that a piercing?!” she gasped.

“I just got it for you because it’ll enhance our night! Holly the moment I laid eyes upon you, I wanted you, I desired you, I want us to be together forever!”

“Ace…please let’s make this more…special,” she gently pushed him away.

“But the longer I wait…the more pent up I become. I’ll become a ravenous beast! And I won’t be able to stop! But you’re worth the wait, so I’ll go my best!” Although it was a rebel encampment, there was beautiful hot spring surrounded by nature. Holly disrobed and stepped into the water. Her body was smooth and silky like silk. She was blessed and endowed with a beautiful fluffy chest and a perfect womanhood that was also becoming sensitive because of the hot water. She was happy in the water as it soothed her and made her body sensitive to the point a tiny prick could send her into the throws of passion. Then she heard something in the trees. She immediate STOOD up and cover her womanhood with her hand while her arms over her chest.

“S-SHOW YOURSELF! How dare you come in and look at me!” there was some rustling before a young man came out of the tree. He was touching himself through her pants. Holly gasped.

“Deuce you pervert!”

“I-I couldn’t help myself! You’re so beautiful!”

“Noooooo! How could you!” hearing his beloved screech, Ace ran to see what was going on!

“Deuce you bastard!” said Ace, “How DARE you peep at my innocent, pure, virginal Holly!” Ace ran into the hot spring to cover Holly’s perk, erect boobs, “Just because we stopped fucking doesn’t mean you can peep at her!”

“We never stopped you idiot,” said Deuce with a sly grin, “In fact why doesn’t we welcome Holly more properly by giving her a show she won’t forget~” Holly could feel Ace smirking.

“Holly do you mind?”

“N-No not at all! E-especially if it’s a part of your customs!” Deuce sauntered into the hot spring, taking off his clothes one by one. Around this time, Ace had moved from Holly and up to Deuce and before she knew it, the pair were making out in front of her. She’s never seen two men make out before and the whole scene was hot. Deuce ran his hands up and down Ace’s bare chest and both men were touching and stroking and fingering each other in the hot steamy water. After the show, they winked and went on their way, knowing that they just got her hot and bothered. Holly went to sleep that night. Even though it was a rebel camp with limited sources, there was a massive feather down bed just for her, with a view overlooking the scarily beautiful realm. She hunkered down into the bed and about to drift off to sleep when she heard something…off.

“Mmmmm…Holly…fuuuuuuuck,” she opened her eyes. She tried to sleep again but then she heard it again, “Hooooooolly fuuuuuck mmmmmmmmmm~” that was Ace’s voice. She blushed. Was he dreaming about her? She dreamt about him but then she heard it…the sound and it was a little faster and louder.


…was Ace touching himself?! W-While thinking of her? The ultimate form a flattery?!


He was. Holly’s face went red as she listened. Was he in the room next to her?

“Holly…fuck me…ride me…I need you…nugh!” Ace orgasmed and soon was snoring. In the morning, Sanji made breakfast. She was the first one down and he had a special place set just for her, her breakfast was on crystals and consisted of smoked salmon, caviar, a duck egg omelette with prosciutto, and grapefruit juice. Ussop served her and everyone without question. She happily dug into her food.

“Sanji this is delicious!” she exclaimed.

“Thank you. I used to be the Bitch Queen’s cook and her fat ass always wanted something with loads of sugar and was generally unhealthy and the way she ate was disgusting. It made us all gag. She used to make Ace eat shit off her feet. She has a foot fetish,”

“The more I hear about her, the worst it is!”

“Right? But this is meals time so we don’t discuss her. When we do we lose our appetites,” Ussop served everyone without word, looking as pathetic as ever. Ace however, was enjoying his breakfast of meat and a bowl of peach yogurt.
She watched as Ace licked his spoon up and down and in a suggestive way. He sucked on it and pulled it own clean before dipping it back into his yogurt. This went on for a very long time until Ace “Accidently” dropped some of his bare naked chest.

“Oops~ Holly, would you be a doll and clean me up~”

“No time for that!” said Coby, “The Bitch Queen sent out a spell and it’s heading towards us!”

“What?!” the men looked fearful and afraid

“I’m afraid so! And it’s a powerful one!”

“Holly, you must fulfill the prophecy,” said Deuce, “By the end of the night, of not…the curse will return and we’ll all be back under the spell of the Bitch Queen,”

“Please Holly, you’re our only hope,” said Reiju taking her hands into hers and stroking them tenderly, “Please, we don’t want to go back to that horrible place,” Holly nodded, her heart filled with determination.

“I’ll do it!”

“Ace and I will go with you to make sure you’re okay and to guide you but you have to use your magic to do the rest! Here’s your magical ribbon and it’s your best and only weapon against the tyrants you’ll meet! Good luck my fwb!”

The Bitch Queen’s Fortress was a massive eyesore in the middle of the kingdom. It was black, evil looking and filled with darkness, just like the Bitch Queen’s heart. As promised, she came with two trusted companions, as the others were too frightened to come, in fear of the Bitch Queen’s wrath. There were three rooms that Holly had to get through. The first room was with the five succubi. All of them were beautiful but she was warned to not be taken in by their looks for they were nasty, dirty sluts who tried to turn Law into a sexual deviant and freak himself. The Shark Mouth especially wanted to saw his teeth to make him look like her and she tried to force him to take care of her demonic boar headed son! Rumors had it she fucked with pigs like the woman who created the Minotaur!

“There’s only ONE way to defeat the succubi! If you’re a man, having constant sex with them but if you’re a beautiful, pure hearted maiden, you have to show them their true reflections! Once they see their beauty, they’ll see their true forms and die from fright!” Holly steeled herself and went in. Almost immediately Shark Mouth’s boar headed son ran at her, naked and ugly squealing like a pig in order to alert the succubi who were have an orgy all around them. The clown and a man that looked like a pineapple was fucking Shark Mouth at both ends. She up, shoves them off her, they exited her with a pop. She opened her mouth. It unhinged like the video game fighter.

“SEIZE HER!” all at once the other three ran at the Rebel Queen. The Cook Succubus used her large milk breasts to squirt out poisonous breast milk. Holly dodged it and ran as the Whip Succubus tried to restrain her but once again Holly was too fast for her. Finally the Nasty Succubus spreads her legs to let loose noxious poisonous venom from her nasty cunt but although disgusted, The Rebel Queen ran away and managed to evade them all. Holly took her magical ribbon and twirled it into a large circle, revealing a large mirror. The succubi saw their true reflections and screamed in horror. They started to melt and combust into nothing but ash. Shark Mouth, the Clown, and her Boar Son turned to stone in a sexually deviant type of pose. The men and woman in the room’s chains fell off. They praised and thanked the Rebel Queen. Reiju stayed behind to help them as Holly goes into the next room.

The second room was the demon brother twins. Ace warned her about them too! Apparently they were demons who were twins who were sadistic, evil demons who liked young girl flesh! The Bitch Queen reserved that punishment for any girl who was prettier than her, so like the entire Realm of Doom female popular were sex chow for the brothers! Holly had the love of Ace on her side and she knew she would NOT be overtaken by two demons! She opened the door and her lady parts quivered! In front of her were the Left Demon and Right Demon. Both wore tight leather pants that showed everything through their pants. Left Twin had a black kimono top draped over him and Right Twin chest was bounded with the shibari rope technique.

“Fresh meat,” said Right Twin smirking.

“Quite brother dear,” said Left Twin, “Welcome to our Dungeon of Pleasure,”

Holly was terrified, her body belonged to Ace and ONLY Ace but she KNEW she had to use her beauty, charm and massive rack to seduce these demons in order to get into the next room. It took everything in here but she had to endure hours of intense, sexual endurance with the demon twins, eventually the twins were sweaty, spent and orgasmed thanks to her pure, knocking body.

“We…never had someone…to wear us both out like this!” said Left Twin

“The Power of you Hot Warm Womanhood has exorcised the evil within us!” said Right Twin, “No more do we want to harm but to love and fuck freely!”

“The Bitch Queen no longer has a hold on us!”

“Our cocks are yours now!”

“I thank you!”

“No thank you for having a pure and magical cunt!”

The final room contained the Superboss of the fortress. Holly had to stay on her toes for this was the final room before the Bitch Queen. This was the Claw Knight, Katherina Devon, the right hand man of the Bitch Queen. Her brutality was famous throughout the land. Whenever the Bitch Queen couldn’t get off her lazy, cake feeding, stupid ass to do something, she sent the Knight to do her dirty work which usually was complete and utter eradication. She was a pretty girl but deep ugly scars that she procured in battle. The moment Holly felt the door close behind her, she felt the air around her move and in complete badass instinct, she blocked the hits with her fists and her wrists because of her gears of ribbon twirling gave her lightning fast instincts. As the Knight continued, Holly with the grace of a ribbon dancing in the wind, effortlessly and gracefully blocked the attacks and weaved her way around the Knight, who couldn’t get a hit on her with her sword. This was important because it was a magical sword and because Holly had magic inside her, it didn’t have any affect. Holly decided to make a break for it and run towards the next room. The Knight ran after her, but Holly knew she had to fight back. She took out her magical ribbon that Reiju gave her that made out of gold. Using the light of her pure heart, she managed to fight her away again the Knight and with one finishing blow, the Knight was defeated. The Knight dropped her sword. The scars on her body magically disappeared. She conceded to Beautiful Rebel Queen.

“You have defeated me…and lift the curse upon me,” She was on one knee with her head down, holding up her sword.

“What happened to you, young knight?”

“I was cursed by the Bitch Queen. She made me into her puppet. I had to be defeated by someone stronger than me. And you came along!”

“Glad to help! You poor thing!” said Holly.

“Take my sword and trust it. It’s the only thing can defeat the Bitch Queen and her power,”


Holly was face to face with the Bitch Queen. She couldn’t understand WHY everyone fell under her spell. In front of her was a pathetic little waif that had no family, no roots, no title yet everyone seem to fall under her pathetic excuse for charm. But she knew it was the dark, nasty, and potent magic that was keeping anyone from seeing the real her. Around her were her “subjects”. There were men who were comatose and chained whom she called “brothers”. But what disgusted her the most was Reiju’s kidnapped brothers all surrounding her. Ichiji was fanning her, Niji was massaging her feet, and Yonji was rubbing her shoulders, all three men looked miserable but was obvious under a spell and looked completely out of it. They were all naked, ribbons tied around their cocks with bells attached. They looked like pathetic horses, they were hung but were at the mercy of a crazy owner. She was now Queen of the Rebellion, her full nocturnal powers were flowing through her. She knew she was more power than this bitch and she was going to prove it! She rose to her full height and decided to use her full sass and scathing remarks, which was hard because Queen Holly is very merciful and demure. However, the Bitch Queen approached her with a very sweet smile.

“Welcome to my Kingdom! It’s very nice to meet a newcomer. I hope we can be good friends and get along,” the three men followed her and kept their heads down. The Bitch Queen had a very sweet yet dark unnerving smile. Holly knew she was dripping with fakeness the moment she saw her eyes. They were closed but she knew there was darkness behind them.

“You think I’m afraid of you? LOOK at you, you’re this pathetic sad excuse for a girl, I’m a woman and you’re just a little girl who’s too afraid to face reality! That’s why you have so many people under your control because you don’t want face the inevitable that no one loves you! No one cares about you! You can’t even get Ussop the sex slave to fuck you! You’re a fat weird bitch with family issues, wait, no you don’t HAVE a family, you’re a parasite that leeches off others so they can feel sorry for you and give you emotional love but it’s not real and you know it! That’s why you want me destroyed because I can see right through you, even Ace can see right through you and he’ll NEVER love you and you can NEVER control me!” the more Queen Holly spoke, the Bitch Queen’s real personality came out! It was an ugly sight but it was so deserving to such a person, “Bitch Queen! Your reign of terror is over! I, Holly, the Rebel Queen is here to stop you!”

“Oh?” the Bitch Queen held her hand up. The three men moved aside and bowed to her in a kowtow position. However, when they raised their heads to see Holly, they were smitten by her beauty. The cocks rose and the bell gave out soft jingling, “The Rebel Queen you say? Just like in the prophecy?! Impossible, you can’t be!”

“But I am! And by the power of that is good and pure, I will punish you and free these people from your evil grasp!” Holly raised her magical sword that she conveniently got from the now Reformed Katherina and raised it into the air, then Holly started to transform! She floated into the air and her hair and clothes glowed, almost like a transformation sequence from Pretty Solider. Her beautiful battle dressed transformed into a pink blazer with yellow hearts with red shorts and yellow mini skirt with high thigh high black socks. She felt all of her friends and people she met through the short three days she’s was transported into this dimension at her side to fight and kill the tyrannical Bitch Queen! The Bitch Queen used her dark magic to send spikes and things after Holly but she effortlessly waved them away but then the ground shook, threatening to swallow Holly whole but she was fast and evaded the attacks. The Bitch Queen sent everything she had after the Rebel Queen but all of her attacks were for naught because they were evil and the power of good always triumphed over evil! Holly’s magical sword transformed into a crystal, pink, assault rifle. Inside were large crystal bullets with enough magic to obliterate the Bitch Queen. Holly was an excellent shot and before the Bitch Queen could use her magic, she unloaded infinite bullets into the ugly queen. Because she wasn’t human, black gooey blood oozed from her body but Holly knew such evil could NEVER be gone, so her magical sword turned into a flamethrower to burn away the nasty evil. The Bitch Queen begged for her life and was soon nothing but a pile of ashes. But Holly was yet not done. She twirled and used her magical girl powers and the ashes transformed into liquid and using heat, the water evaporated until the Bitch Queen and her wickedness was no more! Suddenly, the entire dark palace turned white and golden and beautiful, like a Victorian manor but more elegant. Light shone upon the prisoners of the Palace. The chains of the subjects magically fell off from them. The darkness in the Realm of Doom lifted and everyone looked around as though they woke up from a terrible nightmare. Holly heard footsteps behind her and saw the Resistance coming up from behind. She smiled at them. Ace and Reiju immediately ran to her and started to examine her.

“Are you okay?! Did she hurt you?!” said Ace giving her a kiss on the lips, then checks, then nose, then lips again, “My precious girl!”

“No, no, she’s fine! Flawless as ever!” said Reiju adjusting her breasts, “Everything is intact on her!”

“Is everyone safe?!” said Holly

“Mhm! Thanks to you cleaning the rooms, everyone is a-okay,” said Katherina, “We watched your battle and you were magnificent!”

“Ugggh what happened?” said Ichiji holding his head

“Where are we?” said Niji

“A-Are we in the Realm of Doom?!” said Yonji

“No…we’re, someplace—Rei!” Reiju ran to her brothers, having been reunited with them, giving hugs and kisses. The cocks twitched in happiness at seeing their sister, the bells ringing loud and proud.

“I’ll transform form clothes upon them, Reiju! I can’t believe the Bitch Queen was so perverse!”

“Actually, these are traditional wear~” said Yonji

“This is what royalty wear where we comes from!” said Niji

“In fact, Reiju is usually topless with a thinner top,” said Ichiji. On cue, Reiju took off her top, revealing her large but not as large as Holly’s breasts that were bound shibari style with bells on her nipples. She happily bounced letting them jingle.

“That’s better!”

“Y-You freed us from the control of the Bitch Queen,” said a tall writhed man, “You free me and my sons from that evil girl,”

“Pops are you okay?!” said Ace

“More than okay! My daughter has some back to her rightful home,” Holly looked shocked.

“W-What are you saying?”

“Holly you belong to our world,” said Pops, “You were taken from our world by the Bitch Queen. She posed as the heir and banished you to another world so she can take your rightful place as our beloved daughter. She used her powers of manipulation and cunning to con us into giving into all of her whims, leaving you to suffer in hell while she lives in paradise. Now that her spell is broken, I want to welcome you, our dear beautiful daughter Holly into our family!” tears ran down her face. She KNEW she was destined for greatness and having a sweet family and it was now blatantly clear that the Bitch Queen used her parasitic magic to swap her and banish her to a different world and so she could latch onto and feed off of this one to suit her every whim. Using her beautiful warrior magic, she was able to transform the Realm of Doom into a place of beauty and happiness. Her brothers welcomed her with opened arms and love and proclaimed her as queen.

“Holly, let’s consummate our union!” said Ace pulling Holly into his arms. Before she knew it, he started to obscenely make out with her on the throne of the former Bitch Queen. Suddenly, she felt someone rubbing her shoulders. Reiju was now behind her whispering dirty things into her ear. Soon Reiju was on top of her while Ace pleasured himself to two hot girls doing it, then Kid and Killer joined, then Coby, then Law, but not Ussop because he was an eunuch and knew he couldn’t please her. From that moment on Holly became the Rebel Queen and new ruler of this world with Ace by her side. The evil Bitch Queen was never heard from again and probably died in the dungeon and everyone lived happily ever after.

The room was silent. Everyone was just dumbfounded at what was just read. Ace and __________________ looked absolutely creeped out, Deuce had a shit eating grin on his face, Luffy was laughing his ass off, Law had a mixture of disgust and annoyance, and Katherina looked as though her brain imploded. Ace found the story in his shoe locker when he was getting ready to go home. When he got home and read the first few paragraphs, he knew he was going to need some moral support and decided to share it with his closest friends.

“I’ve never understood what being violated felt like and I’m pretty this is it,” said Ace, “I think I’m going to be sick!”

“It’s really sad that she literately wants to be a part of the family,” said Katherina, “Even to the point of killing ________________ to get to it,”

“Well and I would like to think that I can do better than Ace!” said Deuce

“Please we both know I would be the top!”

“You wish! Your face screams uke, Your selective naivety, those freckles, that youthful baby face. Uke,”

“Ace is a power uke,” said Katherina

“Or submissive Seme,” said Law

“You kissed Holly!” said Luffy laughing, “EVERYONE DID!”

“Everyone kissed, slept with, or seduced Holly!” said __________________ shuddered, “Except for me, the obvious Bitch Queen,”

“Seriously what did she think? Ace would read it, fall desperately in love with her and agree with in bashing his family, friends, and sister?” said Luffy, “I don’t like that she called Ussop a slave,”

“Or called Corazon and Lesser freaks,” said Law, “I think she’s crazy,”

“More like batshit crazy,” said Katherina

“Welp, there’s only ONE thing to do at a time like this,” said Deuce standing up

“Sharing it with all of our friends?” said Ace


“…doesn’t it say for Ace’s eyes only?” said ___________________. Law looked it over and over.


“Oh no! Please! Something like this would definitely ruin her reputation and paint her as an insane, delusional, and absolute hate mongonering goblin,” said Katherina

“…what’s the difference?”


Holly’s story spread through the school like a wildfire. There wasn’t even a divide; everyone thought it was hilariously bad. The entire school had not only read the story but within a weekend, there was fanart made, a drinking game (thanks to Kid), and students quoting the story. Ace had to trudge through the halls trying his damnnest to be invisible. Many gave him sympathetic looks, some were laughing and some were looking at him with pity.

“It’s okay, Nii-chan~” said _______________ rubbing his arm

“I still feel gross and dirty,” he shuddered, “I’m not sure that even want to EAT around her anymore! Who writes shit like that?!”

“I know, but let’s get through this day and we’ll get some ramen after school. My treat,”

“Extra meat?”

“Extra meat,” she walked ahead of him, spraying her perfume and perking up her breasts along the way.

“Wait! Where are you going?!”

“Oh, Smoker changes the code on Mondays, I have to get the revised one from Coby or Helmepoo. So it’s whoever I run into first~” Ace snorts

“I swear you’re a sadist. You’d think Smoker would wise up and give the code to Isuka,”

“That’ll make things harder for me!” she pouted

“That doesn’t work on me, weirdo,” he ruffled her hair, “go on and do your thing!”

“See you!” Ace watched her leave with a smile. He headed for his locker and took out his shoes to swap with the others.

“Morning, Ace,” Gordon said politely

“Hey, how’s it going?”

“Pretty good! How your weekend? I mean…despite every—,”

“Ace~” the boys jumped. Holly was by Ace’s shoe locker. She had her face in front of his, trying to give him what he can only describe as a constipated lovelorn face. Then she puckered her lips into a little pout. She was wearing a pushup to perk her chest up a bit, rolled up her skirt, fluffed her hair and had her blouse unbuttoned to show off her cleavage. He shuddered; she was trying to look cute, sexy at the most. He felt the bile rising to his stomach, “Did you read our story~”

“…yes…yes I did,” she gently traced his chest her finger. The bile was at his throat now and he was ready to heave.

“What did you think~?” she purred

“I-It—bleh!” Ace stuck his head into his locker

“Hell we ALL did!” said Plum grinning at her, “Seriously Holly what the fuck?”

“I didn’t write it for YOU! How in the hell did you get it anyway?!”

“Not just Plum, the whole school,” said Vivi, “Seriously, I thought a thirteen year old wrote it,”

“Not far off if you ask me,” said Plum

“Fuck you Plum!”

“No way, that’s Ace’s job! At least in your dreams!”

“PLUM!” said Ace looking green

“Sorry, sorry! Couldn’t resist!”

“WHERE IS SHE?!” the quartet jumped. Kaya was coming after Holly with a flustered, murderous look on her face dragging poor Ussop behind her who was holding her back, “HOW DARE YOU?! I know you don’t like Ussop, why WHO knows but he’s not a slave or inferior at ALL YOU BIT—,”he covered her mouth

“Oh shit! I’ve never seen Kaya mad before!” said Plum

“She’s the one usually the one holding me back,” said Vivi.

“Please don’t egg her on!” said Ussop, “I’ve been holding her back after my scene. Miss Kaya, it’s okay! I don’t mind! Really!”

“Listen to what your doggy says, Kaya,” Holly sneered. Kaya went ballistic.


“Awwww is baby PMSing?” Kaya managed to get Ussop off her and went to take a swing when she hit someone else. Coby winced.

“ACK! Coby I’m sorry!”

“No, no, I was just in the way,” he said smiling. But everyone did see him quickly get between the two. It snapped Kaya out of her anger when she saw she hit a friend. Penny gently took her hand so she could clean her face in the bathroom, “So what’s going on?”

“The Worst Self Insert Fanfic ever!” said Plum

“Are we talking about this shitty writing?This is like SO bad!” said Carrie laughing hard. She had shoulder length green hair with an amused look on her face. With her was a taller girl with long black hair in a hime cut, “Seriously hun, what kind of fever dream bullshit is this? I thought Cash was a simp but this is obsessive stalker level!”

“I like the part with the acronyms,” said Yumeko giggling, “You can tell the writer is too lazy to write out real words, assuming they know what the audience is saying. And of course the mediocre fan service of having two hot boys kiss is a perfect cherry on top~”

“Quite,” said Reiju looking less than amused, “Me and Holly best friends and fucking? The idea makes my stomach churn. And I especially don’t appreciate my family and royal status being made a mockery,”

“You can like totally sue for character assassination,” said Carrie, “You probably won’t be able to get much but there’s the principle,” Holly’s face went white. Reiju sneered.

“She’s not worth the ink,”

“Ouch! Reiju! Don’t be so mean! I’m pretty sure she’s worth more than that!” said Yuemko giggling.

“See Holly? Even they think its shit and they’re nobility, but nobility with tastes,” said Plum

“Personally I think Ussop has a case,” said Yumeko, “Personally I think he was the cutest one there,” she winked at him.

“Girl step off, Kaya will kill you!” said Carrie laughing

“We’re just REALLY good friends!” Ussop blushed.


“Humph, he’s a nobody who got lucky. People like him shouldn’t even be allowed to not be at the bottom yet he’s here. Why shouldn’t he be fair game?” Holly sneered.

“Trust me, you don’t have the right to pull rank on anyone here,” said Reiju coldly, “If you know what’s good for you, don’t say another word or you’re going to dig yourself fur—,”

“Morning guys!” Holly cringed when she heard a familiar, annoying voice. Reiju’s expression softened.


“Hey you!” said Carrie ruffling her hair, “What’s up? Any good reading lately?!”

“Yeah, this friend fic!”

“MY friend fic!” Holly snapped.

“Oh! So you wrote it for the contest!” said _________________, “The humor genre, right? It’s good and really funny! I was in stitches! I mean there are some grammar issues and your pacing is a little off be many writers have the same problem, especially budding ones so don’t fret! I would still submit to the Writing Club. You got Ace’s locker and Gordon’s locker mixed up, right?” the crowd looked at Holly. She glares at __________________ who gave her a pleasant smile. This was her undying confession to the love of HER life, not some kind of cheap play for comedy. This was her declaration of love!

“You, miserable little mutt! How DARE YO—“

“Excuse me,” Katherina got in front of Holly to her to her locker to change out her shoes. Holly was about to lay into ________________ for her insolence.

“She’s giving you an out and I suggest you take it,” Holly turned to see Katherina taking out her leotard and shoes. Her locker door blocked the view from the rest of the students. Katherina made it as quick as possible, “Ace didn't find it flattering, everyone now knows you now have some kind of weird hard-on when it comes to him, that you have a weird obsession with ______________, Reiju, and pretty much all of her friends and inner circle, and this is pretty much social suicide. Royals are very different from nobles, they can destroy you in ways that you’ll never see coming and Reiju has the money and means to make it happen. Either take it or have the whole school know exactly what level of crazy you are. I know that no matter what you do after this, no one is going to take you seriously,” she closed her locker, “Also, call her a mutt one more time. She may not do anything but I wouldn’t mind sharpening something on that pretty little face of yours. Got it?” the color drained from Holly’s face. She then swallowed something in her throat and laughed hard.

“Of COURSE it was!” she said, “I placed it in the wrong locker! It was for Gordon’s little Daydreamers Writing Club!”

“I-It is?!” said Gordon

“MHM! I got your and Ace’s lockers mixed up! Blonde moment!” she laughed, “I am SO embarrassed!”

“It happens to the best of us!” said __________________ smiling.

“That makes more sense!” said Yumeko giggling, “We thought you were a deranged, yandere, batshit crazy, obsessive stalker so got off on sadism and Ace! I had one at my old school, I was really hoping we didn’t have one here! Oh! Hello Sengoku sir!” Holly whips around. A feeling dropped to the pit of her stomach when she saw that he was holding her fanfic.

“Miss Horke, let’s go to my office,” said Sengoku, “It’s about this…writing. From what I just gathered it’s your submission to the Writing Club, correct? That’s fine but you can’t use the students’ names. So let’s discuss the changes further,” she nodded and followed him. _______________ looked little relieved before taking Coby’s hand.

“Come on Coby, I owe you a snack~”


“…a chocolate bun? What were YOU thinking about?”

“N-NOTHING!” Coby’s face went red. She gasps!

“Coby! What kind of a girl do you take me for?! I’m hurt! Shocked! Appalled even! But you still get a snack. My treat~”

“What for?!”

“Making sure Kaya doesn’t kill Holly! You too Miss Reiju, I’m pretty sure you’re going to want some tea after this,”

“You’ve read my mind,” Reiju pets her fondly.

“Ussop wanna come?”

“Definitely! I can grab Kaya a choco bun!”

“Awesome! See you in at lunch Ace!”

“See you!” Ace headed down the hall and got tackled by Luffy with Deuce laughing.

“I swear ___________________ likes seeing Coby pop a chub,” Carrie laughed

“Like he doesn’t enjoy it,” said Yumeko, “By the way, do any of you believe that this was just a little ploy?”

“Hell no,”

“No way, this was gold and it was glorious!” said Plum laughing, “I wonder if the drama department will make it into a play!”

“That would be absolutely amazing!” said Yumeko

“I swear, I really don’t know what goes on in her head,” Katherina said, “Holly literately handed her entire social status on a platter for absolute annihilation and ________________ just handed it back to her! This would have been easy, especially with all of the shit she’s pulled on her!”

“Yeah, that’s not how __________________ is. Anyone else would have made this even worst somehow especially with the mutt comments but ________________ decided to let Holly destroy herself,”

“Not to mention Holly now knows that _________________ saved her ass,” said Killer coming in and changing out his shoes, “The whole town is laughing at her, the Writing Club has a new reluctant member, Sengoku going to make her rewrite everything with new names, and the object of her affection now knows that she is for a fact batshit crazy,” Katherina looked over at _________________ who was laughing and acting out the Bitch Queen’s death scene with Vivi and Ussop and Reiju who were all laughing and having fun. She shook her head and smiled. ___________________ was on another level all together. She shouldn’t have learned by now to just go with it, “It’s best not to over think it,”

“Pretty much,” said Carrie, “Shall we Yu?”

“Mhm~ someday we have to have her join our little organization,”

“I’ve been trying for years, not going to happen,”

“One can dream. Mock my words, I’m going to wear her down, someday~” Holly stormed into the girl’s locker room that day, slamming everything she could get her hands on in the locker. Two girls peeked around the corner. One was a dark skinned girl with long hair that were in two fluffy pigtails, dark eyes, ruby red lipstick, with a haughty expression. The second girl was a platinum blonde with sky blue eyes and a very large fluffy chest. She was taller than the other girls and wore a very blank expression.

“You finally got here,” said the first girl

“Angelique and I have been waiting for ages!” said the second girl happily

“Yeah the conversation was mind numbing to say the least,”

“What do you expect from Sophie?” Holly sneered

“Well we were talking about your story!” said Sophie, “It’s so funny!”


“________________ right?” said Angelique sneering, “She gets away with a lot of shit at this school and if I decide leave notes in a girl’s locker to tell her kill herself, I get probation and stationary banned. Daddy is still mad about that and my allowance is still cut,”

“This isn’t about you!” said Holly

“Well, how is it __________________’s fault?” said Sophie

“It’s OBVIOUSLY that she went into Ace’s locker and got it and of course read it and made him THINK it was funny because she was the Bitch Queen!”

“Well, it wasn’t a nice thing to put her like that. I mean, you did everyone, even poor Ussop. What did he do? With all due respect, Holly, why do you hate _________________? She seems nice enough,”

“That’s because you’re too dumb to look past that sweet fake demeanor of hers! To be honest, as long as that little mutt falls from grace, I don’t care about myself in the process! I want everyone to see her as she truly is, an arrogant little mutt parading herself about like she’s a noble! Her own parents didn’t even want her! She’s a nothing more than a little bitch that got lucky! She’s a monster with freakish strength! She’s constantly coddled and in reality, she’s just a little mutt who likes to cozy up and butter up as many people as she can in order to as many people on her side in order for her to use them later! And because of this, people like me have to work harder! I know she talks about me behind my back! No matter WHERE I go, people already have animosity towards me because of her rumors and arrogance and ugliness! We all know she was adopted for Ace to fuck when he needs to! She’s just a glorified blowup doll! And I’m going to PROVE IT!” Sophie watched Holly storm out of the lockers with Angelique and they both crashed into Katherina who shoved them back.

“Respect my space, get out of my face!” she went to a locker to get changed, “Hi Sophie,”

“Hi Katherina-senpai! How are you!”

“Good, ready for today?”


“Tch I don’t see why you try out for things,” said Holly, “Those cow udders of your weight you down and makes you top heavy,”

“Because your breast size shouldn’t stop you from doing something you like, idiot,” Katherina snapped, “And I think I was talking to Sophie, not you,”

“I don’t get you,” said Angelique, “You’re a noble, just like us, why don’t you act like one?”

“Oh but I do. I can ask as catty as I like but because I was born into nobility. You two are only nobility because your mothers sucked their way to the top in the right circles with the right men. My family on the other hand didn’t and you both know I outrank you both. And Angelique, I wouldn’t be so catty, you bought your way into Academy and that was completely by a lottery, Holly your subpar ribbon twirling got you in and it was only because you believe there was a vain attempt to make ______________ look bad, but she got in for music another thing, just like writing, you’re terrible at because you’re an one dimensional, fake mean girl who wants SO badly to be noticed. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have rehearsal. Are you coming Sophie?,”

“Yes! Let me grab my leotard!” Sophie grabbed it and bustled out of the door with Katherina behind her, shoving passed the two girls. Holly was seething but she couldn’t do a thing. Angelique sneered but looked just as nervous.

“I-I swear I need to get some kind of dirt on her!”

“There’s a lot of dirt we need to get,” said Angelique, “So far I have enough a few of the girls at school but Reiju, Yumeko, Carrie, and Katherina are literately god tier when it comes to evasiveness,”

“I still say it’s not a good idea to get any dirt on Reiju,”

“Oh but it is. Can you imagine have a royal so blackmailed that they’ll do whatever you want,”

“As long as that mutt gets kicked out I don’t care but I want to slap the smugness off of Katherina. There’s got to be something! I don’t know HOW she and _________________ are even friends! She should have been with our clique instead of Slow Sophie,”

“Speaking of, what to throw all of her shit into the pool,”

“Okay. She deserves it for going against me,”

Chapter 84: Te Amo Y Mas


The Clown and Kuchisake have an Outing

A/N: Hi everyone! I'm sorry I hadn't ben on as of late, I've just been feeling really bad and sick. The antibiotic I've been taking had very bad side effects and other things I've been happening where I'm honestly thinking my body is out to get me LOL and I've had major writer's block for a certain story that I FINALLY got over so you're all getting triple doses this week but for now, here's something I've been working on for ages ^^

Chapter Text



“Yes? Roci?”

“Hey! I was umm wondering are you free this Friday?”

“Yes, I should be, what’s wrong? Need me to watch Law?”

“No, no! I owe you dinner remember? I was wondering did you want to do get something to eat with me,”

“Sure! What time?”


“It’s a date!”

“G-Good! S-See you later!” Roci puts down the receiver and took a deep breath. Law gave him some tea. He downed it and then pours himself another cup. But he was still breathing heavily.

“It’s okay, just breathe,”

“W-We have a date,”

“Mhm, you two are finally going out. I can stay with _________________ and her family and you can have some fun time being an adult,” Roci grabbed a paper bag and started to breathe in it. Law left his office. He had a weird, clumsy, dumb father but he knew he got this. He just had to steel himself for this date with his awesome mother.

It was finally Friday. Rocinante finally got all of his paperwork finished. He stretched and yawned and cracked his neck and shoulders. It was about two and he earned this early day off.

“Finally the weekend!” said Bellemere stretching, “Fuck paperwork!”

“I seriously never want to see another paper for a week,” Smoker grumbled, “Don’t we have cadets for this shit?”

“We do, but they’re at basic remember?” said Hina, “Any plans? This weekend?”

“Nah, just a night in with Nami and Nojiko. We’re having a movie night! You?”

“Hina is taking her horse out for a ride. It’s been a long time since Hina has seen her,”

“I’ll be in kiln all weekend,” said Smoker, “I saw a tea set I wanted to take a crack at to make,”

“I have a date tonight!” Roci said casually, “I’m going to take a nap so I can be fresh later on,” the three Marines stared at him as though he grew two heads. Hina got up and closed the door, Smoker took out four cold ones, and Bellamere sat him down.

“Since when?!” said Hina, “And why is Hina just finding out?!”

“Who’s the woman or man, no judgment,” said Smoker

“It’s Lesser isn’t it?!” Bellamere squealed, “She finally asked you out!”

“Actually…I asked her,”

“Oh shit! You do have balls! You vomited didn’t you?”

“No! Just hyperventilated like a real man!”

“Who’s Lesser?” said Hina

“What kind of a name is Lesser?” said Smoker, “…is she prostitute?”

“Wait, wait, wait!” said Roci blushing, “I’m sorry Hina but I thought you knew! And she’s a woman, and yes it’s Lesser! And NO she’s not a prostitute!”

“The same woman that you’d had your eye on?!” said Hina

“YEP! I owe her dinner and I decided to cash in on it tonight!”

“So, what’s she’s like? Does Law like her?” said Smoker

“Yes! He adores her and she loves him like he was her own!”

“…when’s the wedding?”


“Listen, you’ve known her for well over two years, Law likes her, she sounds strong, and if you’re going out, then Sengoku must like her, so I would say make it official,”

“B-But this is our first date!” Roci’s face flushed red.

“…you really are dense,”

“Hina wants to meet her,”

“You really don’t know someone until you have a few drinks with them,” said Smoker

“But don’t worry about that now!” said Bellemere, “Just have fun, alright?”

“Where is Law staying the night?”

“Oh! I’m having __________________’s family watch him until about ten,”

“…are you going to be home that time?”

“We should! It’s just dinner and we’ll probably do something a little later,”

“…you know Roci, Hina has a bottle of wine she was saving for a special occasion, maybe you two can have wine and cheese at your place,”

“Oh Hina I couldn’t! It’s okay! I appreciate the thought but maybe our next date!”

“You could have asked me if I could Law Sit!” Roci looked at her with a raised eyebrow, “Okay that’s fair but still! You should have kept the next day opened,”

“I do! Sengoku-san gave me the next day off! Her Boss did the same with her!”

“Take the wine, Roci, invite her over to stay the night,” Hina puts the bottle into his hands.

“I couldn’t! Really! Thank you though! I better get going! I have to get ready. Maybe we can go deal shopping tomorrow! But we’ll see! Don’t wait up guys!” Roci hurried out f the door, not without hitting himself against the door first. Smoker sighed and rubbed his temples.

“…that poor woman. I love him like a brother but damn it he’s so fuckin’ dense!”

“Right?!” said Hina sighing, “Please tell me she isn’t as dense, Bell-chan,”

“Thankfully no but when it comes to Roci, her mind goes to mush, poor thing. It’s hilarious though,”

“Can’t wait to meet her,” said Smoker

“She has four best friends who are like sisters and two brothers that already love Roci,”

“So it’s just us, huh?”

“Hina can’t wait,”

“M-Maybe I should call in sick, I think I’m going to BE sick!” Roci was pacing his room. Law was watching from the door as his father got ready. He was getting dressed in a suit, makeup off, and pacing while he put on a clothing item.

“You’re not cancelling! You and Lesser has been looking forward to this for a week!”

“I-I know! But I just feel so sick all of a sudden!”

“You’re nervous, everything is going to be fine. I’ll be okay with the Newgate Family. Just worry about your date!”

“Okay, okay, you’re right. Should I wear cologne?”

“Mhm, put on this one,” Law pointed


“Trust me,”

“Okay, so how do I look?”

“Good, just…uncomfortable. RELAX!”

“I’m trying! Oh shit! It’s almost time! Get to the car! Wait, why are you packing your overnight bag?”

“You know…just in case you and Lesser don’t come back until morning,”

“Don’t worry! We’ll be back home at around ten or eleven!”

“…I’m bringing it just in case,” when they arrived at the Whitebeard home, Law got out and knocked on the door. Roci brought up the rear as the door opened. Law went inside and he gave Marco a bow.

“Thank you so much for keeping an eye on Law for tonight,”

“It’s no trouble,” said Marco, “What’s the occasion?”

“Oh, I’m having dinner with Lesser tonight!” the brothers all stopped what they were doing in the usually bustling house.

“You know Roci, we can keep Law until the next morning!” said Izo

“Yeah, it’s no trouble!” said Jozu

“I don’t think we’ll be that long,” said Roci smiling, “We’re just having dinner and probably going home afterwards,”

“Well you know that it’s usually customary for a man to invite a young woman back to his place for coffee,” said Fossa

“Or wine,” said Curiel

“Or just to chat!” said Atmos, “You don’t just have to have dinner with her and bring her back home! She’ll appreciate a night out of it!”

“We’re going someplace afterwards but I don’t know where yet! I just hope she wants to go!”

“Oooooooor you can take her back to your place for tea!” Blenheim

“The Little Lady is partial to a place and you two can get cake and bring it home,” said Jozu, “I heard the cakes were nice and creamy,”

“And spreadable!” said Izo, “The frosting I mean!”

“And you can brew some tea and you two can just fall asleep afterwards!” said Curiel.

“I’ll think about it! Cake sounds good tonight! I think we have some tea. But thank you so much for watching Law for me! I appreciate it!” they watched the clumsy man trip out of the house and to his car and driving off.

“…the man is dense,” said Marco sighing and rubbing the bridge of his nose.

“So dense!” Kingdew laughing

“Looks like Lesser is going to have to do all of the work,” said Blenheim

“Don’t sell him short, he IS a Donquixote after all,” said Speed Jill, “But then again he was raised by Sengoku,”

“…can we trust Sengoku to be a ladies’ man? I mean isn’t he into goats?” said Vista

“Well he did manage to win over Aunt Katsika,” said Rakugo, “That’s a task and they’re still a thing,”

“But this is Lesser and she’s smitten already.

“True…but do you think he gave him some pointers?”

“He’s dressing nice, that’s a start,”

“He asked for gardenias from me a couple of weeks ago,” said Vista

“That’s her favorite flower,” said Law

“Okay, he does have a romantic bone in his body,” said Thatch

“Who knows, maybe he’ll put the offer on the table~” said Izo

“Wait…is he a virgin?” said Blamenco

“…I wouldn’t be surprised,”

“What about Lesser,”

“Doesn’t matter,” said Marco

“Someone has to take charge in there!” said Vista, “Can Roci be trusted?” the men thought for a few moments

“…that poor woman,” said Curiel

“Let’s hope he’s not clumsy in bed,”

“Even so she’s going to have to take charge,” said Thatch

“She shouldn’t have to do ALL the work!” said Fossa

“Don’t sell the man too short!” said Whitebeard coming downstairs, “He’s a man on a mission. If it leads to a night of unbridle passionate fucking then let it happen. Law’s in good hands,”

“I hope so, I want them to start living together and maybe a cute little sister or a little brother,”

“Tch trust me, you don’t want a little brother,” said Ace, “I’ve been trying to get rid of Luffy for years,”


“Alright, let’s take some beats to see how this evening is going to end,”

“HOW would we know how it ends?!” said Speed Jill

“Doffy will most likely tell everyone who listens for the next month. I”ll keep you all posted for a cut,” said Law


“Soooooo where are you two going?” said Perv grinning at her from Lesser’s bed with Dom, Cook, and Cleaner.

“Don’t know, it’s just dinner and some kind of an activity,” said Lesser getting ready. The maids watched Lesser getting dressed from her room. Corazon called her Monday for their date for Friday. On Tuesday they saw her taking a dress to get it properly ironed and pressed. Wednesday and Thursday she disappeared for awhile but came back disheveled on Thursday evening and Friday she had an extra spring in her step before starting to get ready.

“Isn’t that one of the dresses from Vil?!” said Cleaner

“Mhm, I think this one would be good for tonight,”

“Wow, she even let down the hair bun!” said Cook

“And have it braided to the back~” said Dom, “By the way, you know you can come back late and sleep in~ it IS the weekend after all,”

“And we can handle things~” said Perv

“So if you want to come home at noon, we completely understand,” said Cook

“It’s not like that you perverts!” Lesser said blushing, “It’s just dinner then home!”

“Fair Buuuuuuut what if he puts the offer on the table?” said Dom, “I mean don’t you wanna…have some dessert about dinner?”

“SHUSH!” she said applying her lipstick

“Oooh and she’s going in for the smudge proof!” said Perv, “So not to leave any proof on him. Clever girl!”

“Tch don’t read too much into it. I don’t like lipstick smearing and since we’re eating I’m not going to reapply after every single bite,”

“Or Roci nibble,”


“CORAZON IS HERE!” Baby 5 ran into the bedroom. Lesser stood up, “You look SO pretty Lesser-mama!”

“Thank you. Alright everyone clear out, I have to finish getting ready,” Perv ran downstairs and answered the door. It was rare to Roci without his makeup or even dressed up. She couldn’t help but stare but regained herself, took a few steps back and squeaked a greeting. The maids stared as he walked in with a flower pot with a gardenia plant inside.

“Hi girls, is Lesser ready?”

“Y-Yeah!” said Cook, “Lessy! Cora-love is here! And he brought you a gardenia!”

“Coming! Cleaner, take it to my balcony please,”

“Yes Lesser-kun!” Lesser soon appeared at the stares and walked down. Roci stared. She was wearing a flare nautical dress that was a dark blue trimmed white. Her hair was down; her eyes were bright and stunning. She gracefully went to him with a small smile.


“R-Ready!” he offered his arm. She took it.

“See you later,” they both went out the door. The maids waited until the door closed before squealing and swooning.

“Lesser is going to get dicked tonight~” Perv giggled

“He’s going to pound that pussy into oblivion~” said Dom, “though Boss is longer, Roci is thicker~”

“He’s gonna fill Lesser up until she’s erupting like a geyser. Lucky bitch!”

“Fufufufufufufu yeah right,” said Doflamingo from behind, “I KNOW my brother, he’s not going to do a damn thing. Hell he probably doesn’t know WHAT to do,”

“Don’t be so mean!” said Perv

“I agree,” said Cook, “He’s not like Boss, waving it all over town and every island he goes on. Remember the Dressrosa paternity suits?”

“You’re a pig Boss,” said Dom

“They knew the score,”

“He’s going for it! Did you see HOW he was looking at Lesser? He wanted to see that dress around those ankles at that moment!” said Perv

“He had that, “I’m going to fuck your brains out and pump you full of my babies” look~” said Dom

“Pfffft Delusional. If you two are certain, let’s make it interesting~” said Doflamingo

“Fifty thousand beli each?” said Perv



“You think they’re gonna get married after this?!” said Baby 5 looking out the window with Buffalo

“Maybe! But this also means we can’t ever tease Corazon again,”

“Lesser-mama will kill us,”

“They may have kids!”

“…so we’re going to have another brother or sister soon?!”


“How was your day?” said Roci grinning while driving.

“Same old, same old,” she said stretching, “Was looking forward to today for awhile,”


“So where to?”

“Oh! There’s a place a few towns over! They opened up and I’ve been waiting to check it out!”

“Sounds good! What kind of food do they serve?”

“No idea, actually,” he said sheepishly, “I just know that every time I pass by it smells like heaven,”

“…okay, now I really can’t wait to try it,” they restaurant in question was indeed a few towns over in another tucked away area and village. As they got closer, the smell seemed to seep into the main street of the village inviting locals and everyone to come in. The two practically bounced in when they got out of the car. They were seated in a corner and given a menu.

“All of this looks so good!” he said

“I know, I’m having a hard time deciding myself,”

“Don’t rush! We can always come back to try dishes!”


“Hello! What can I get you two to start with tonight?” said a bubbly server happily.

“Beer and a flaming peach,”

“Coming right up!”

“How did you know I wanted that tonight?” she said smiled, “I could have wanted something else,”

“Because it’s your favorite cocktail and knowing the week you had, it’s a more than welcoming treat,”


“I know almost everything about you,”

“Prove it,”

“Your favorite color is green, you like gardenias, you have a pet duck, you like jasmine tea, your forte is shoot first, ask questions later and I’m pretty sure you have some kind of weapon on yourself as we speak,”

“…lucky guess,” he grinned with satisfaction, “So how was your week? I know you were swamped with paperwork,” Roci looked so done at the mention of paperwork, flashbacks to the pain and horror and stress. He took a large drink from the glass, “Damn, that bad?!”

“Ugh it was between some shit that’s been happening in South Blue that involved the Revolutionary Army and Unagi Death Clan,”

“…Unagi Death Clan?”

“Mhm! I’m surprised you’ve never heard of them. They’ve been around for ages, I know the Grandpa of the Clan was good friends with Roger and when he retired his son took over. They do their regular crime things, kidnapping, raiding, murdering, larceny, trafficking, though they usually traffic slaves out of places to get home, so yeah that’s one of the main reasons why they’re hated. But apparently they’re in alliance with Dragon and vice versa. I heard the son, like his father doesn’t make alliances with just anyone for good reasons but from what I heard some pirates came into a town that was protected and the headquarters of the Clan leader Magnus and well…the civilians were fine, a few injuries but they were all evacuated out. The pirate group called for backup and there’s still bodies being found and this was before Dragon stepped in. Magnus has a bounty just like Dragon but to be honest, no one is dumb enough to bother him unprovoked. We had to step in because of the carnage. When we got to the town, Magnus was laughing and with two of his subordinates with dozens of pirates around him choking on their own blood and some were struggling to breathe. Sengoku said he looked at him dead in the eyes, gave his a frightening smile, and greeted him like they were old friends and asked him if he wanted a drink with them and offered some rice crackers. He described it looking into the eyes of a demon. They arrested the pirates and then left the island. He said while they were arresting the pirates, his clan brought the residents back to their homes and made sure they were all okay, even having food prepared for the inconvenience. We then had to keep it under wraps that Unagi Death Clan and the Revolutionary Army was involved. The paperwork was brutal,” he took a long drink from his beer. He then shook his head, “But enough about that! How was your week?! I’m sorry for rambling!”

“No, no you needed to get it out. It’s alright. My week was…the same as always, recon, errands, helping out with something as backup, making sure the kids are okay, making sure Boss is a functioning member of society, but I did have a shoot and Azul was extra fussy because I needed to do the Spring and Summer line. By the time I got him and finished my rounds I was exhausted,”

“You model?!” she nodded

“Mhm, it’s no big deal. When I went to visit Jade and Floyd, Vil one of the dorm leaders asked if I would try on a dress and take a few pictures. I didn’t think anything of it until Azul delivered a check and a magazine and explained everything. Apparently I became a minor hit and they wanted more and since I don’t have anything to do sometimes I worked it around my schedule. Azul is the perfect manager and glad to have twenty percent,”

“It IS a big deal! Are you wearing one of your modeling dresses?!”

“Yeah, it’s one of my favorites actually,”

“It looks nice on you!”

“Tch, it’s alright,” Lesser covered her face.

“I’m serious! It brings out your eyes and your smile,”


“And your face because it’s so red!”

“Damn you!” he laughed.

“Now I can tell Smoker and Hina I’m dating a model! So I’m going to need a signed copy of your magazine!”

“You dork!” they laughed as their entrees made it to the table. Roci cocked his head.

“What is that?”

“Hmmmm? Oh! Coq a Vin, Cook ordered it from Zeff and I was curious. It’s actually very good,”

“Why does the chicken legs looks like that?”

“I want to say aesthetic reasons. I’ll ask Cook when we get back. Want some?”

“Sure!” she held her fork out to him. He takes a bite.

“…I should have gotten it. This is really good!”

“What did you get?”

“Crab stuffed salmon! Try it!” he puts the food to her mouth. She ate it.

“…I’m going to get that next time,”


“I’m actually surprised you didn’t get the paella. I think you and Boss consider that your life blood. Cook makes it for him at least five times a month, especially after a bender,” Roci chuckled.

“I would have but actually, you ruined paella for me,”

“…was mine really that bad?!”

“No, it’s one of the best I’ve ever had, nothing can compare to it,” Lesser felt her cheeks burn

“Don’t turn into Law on me,”

“Please if it was up to him, you’ll be at my place making dinner every night. So far his favorites are your curry, paella, Schnitzel, and apparently you can make an amazing cherry pie but refuse to make it open face,” he chuckled

“Because only stupid people can enjoy an open face cherry pie and I stick to that,”

“Cherry pie pockets?”

“…that I can do. I’ll make a batch next week,”

“Apple pies too?”

“I can,”

“You spoil us too much,”

“Bring me something back on your travels and we’ll call it even,”

“As always!”

After dinner, they went to the bakery that Izo recommended and got a few pastries and tea to go. It was still pretty early and Roci still had a few idea on how to end or continue this night.

“Anywhere else or are you ready to pack it in?”

“I’m okay with anywhere!”

“Okay, I know the perfect place! Let’s go!”

“We’re here,” he said looking at her smiling. The place was in the woods in the mountains. He parked to the side and then got out to open the door. He then gently took her eyes, “Trust me!” she nodded and he guided her slowly so neither of them would trip and took a few feet away. He removed his hands. It was a beautiful sight, a brook that babbling, with very clear water that reflected the sky above, the moon was out and lit their way, though it was cloudy.


“That’s the same reaction I had!” he grinned “The night its clear when it is you can see the stars and they look beautiful. Like you can reach up and grab them. There’s also a brook and the stream and its well I think you know what I mean,”

“This is so peaceful,”

“I like to come here from time to time, just to clear my head,” he led her to a cushioned log and sat down. They took out their pastries and ate.

“They really are creamy!”

“Hmmmm?” Lesser looked at him.

“Izo said these pastries were really creamy! He was right!”

“And not to sweet!” she bit into her cream puff.

“But they’re loaded!”

“…which is this one you ordered?” she pointed at a grayish looking tart.

“…you know what, I don’t know! She said it was a special of the house but I didn’t ask what it was!”

“ could be anything,”

“I know…there’s a place in North Blue that makes pastries from caviar…not something I would recommend,”

“It could be cookie pudding,” said Lesser

“…wanna try it together?”

“…yes I do,” they placed it in the middle, forks ready, counted and quickly took a bite eyes closed. Roci still couldn’t identify it.

“But it’s tasty!”

“It’s black sesame seeds!” said Lesser


“Mhm, it’s actually pretty good,”

“Want it?”

“We can share it,” he grinned and tucked into it.

“Now I can taste it! My hunch was correct at least! Even though I needed Lesser the Brave to hold my hand while I try it,”

“Please, you’re the bravest man I know,”

“You think I’m brave?”

“Of course I do. I’ve seen you in action, long way from when we first met. I didn’t think my Roci would go into the literal lion’s den like the Donquixote Family or that he was related to the creator himself,”

“Well, even though I had someone who was willing to protect me, I had to learn to protect them and myself if anything ever happened and it’s a promise I’m willing to keep. Though Law told me what happened after I was shot and got back to him. Did you really hitch their sacks together and had horses them to death?” Lesser took a very long sip from her tea.

“…I will not confirm nor deny that accusation,”


“What?! I was following orders. And you were still in everyone’s good graces at the time so c’est la vie,”

“Just like how Law’s hiding place was mysteriously moved?”

“…how long did you know?”

“When I was smacking my ass trying to get them away from him,” he smiled, “Thanks,”

“Tch, I did it for him, not you…and I’m pretty sure I would have betrayed the blood oath and killed every single one of them if I was around when they did what they did to you,”

“I know but I’m glad you didn’t, we probably wouldn’t have the situation we have now. But I had to wonder…and please don’t think less of me for asking,”

“Go ahead,”

“I know…you and the maids aren’t under Doflamingo’s orders but you tried to do everything you can to do right by Law. Cook made him his favorite meals, Dom and you helped him study and train, and Perv and Clean made sure he was always tended to. Why?”

“Same reason you did why you dragged me and him all over the world for a cure for him. Hate to break it to you all but we do like kids. We were once kids and we know how it feels to be neglected by a parental figure. Law…reminded me a lot of myself when I was his age. At the end of the day, he was a scared child who lost everyone and everything. No one deserves that, even hiding in a pile of bodies all from the very government that’s supposed to protect him. It still sickens me but he’s a lot better now and I’m glad,”

“He told me how you went kill mode, you’re okay, right?”

“Mhm, it was more of a headache than anything. I just felt bad that Cleaner had to wash everything. But Boss did tell us to keep him alive and I’m pretty sure that’s a worst fate than anything I could have done. I’m sorry that we got you worried about him,”

“Hey, hey! I knew he and the kids were in safe hands, but…he was from your old home, right?”

“That place was never home. You need to be nostalgic about a place to call it home. I forgot about my old name and it snuck up on me again,”



“But you have gotten a lot better with your mouth. I still think your teeth are awesome,”

“Tch, you would because you like weird things,”

“No, that’s not quite it. I love cute things. I’m happy that you’re not wearing your masks anymore. You deprived the world of your cute face,”

“Like I would have made it this far with one! Between you, the girls, my brothers, and Law I don’t have any spares so why bother,”

“Well how can we see that cute face when it’s covered up?” Lesser blushed, pursed her lips and looked away, “Awwww so shy, come on lemme see!”

“No! Stop!” he poked her face


“Don’t you dare!”

“**********~” he tickled her neck with his finger. She batted him away playfully. He grabbed her wrists and she lowered her head. He gently took her chin into her hands. She had the biggest toothy smile he’s seen yet from her, “There it is! I got my Lessy to smile!”

“What are you rambling about?!”

“That I don’t get to see a cute, big, sharp smile from you even though it’s cute!” he ruffled her hair. She then pounced on him and started rubbing his hair, “ACK!”

“This is for manhandling me!!!!”

“Ack! I wasn’t trying to!”

“Suffer!” Roci smirked and grabbed both her wrists and started tickling her ribs. Lesser struggled in vain as he got her mercilessly and only stopped when she started laughing and giggling.

“OH! Before I forget!” she looked at him. He rummaged into his pocket and took out a box. She froze. He opened it revealing a pair of tarnished hair combs, “I found these for you!”

“Roci they’re beautiful!”

“You still collect old silver things, right?”

“…I can’t believe you remembered that,”

“Well, it was an oddly specific thing! I hope you don’t have this one, yet,”

“I don’t actually. Thank you,”

“I’ve been wondering, why old antique silver?”

“Well, usually the pieces are one of a kind and people just discard them because they become tarnished. All they need is some cleaning and they’re beautiful again. I used to find a lot of silver in Calva on dump day. I used to sell the pieces back, only to find the back in the dump a few months later. So I started to just keep them. I can add these pieces to my collection now,”

“I’m guessing it’s not hard to untarnish?”

“Nope, it just salt and baking soda. But nobles are still as lazy as they’ve ever been,”

“Their lost, your gain,”

“Right?” Lesser got comfortable. Roci was nice and warm. She had her guard completely down and it felt so good. She closed her eyes and just savored the silence and sounds of nature. She then heard humming. Roci was looking at the sky with his eyes closed, absentmindedly humming.

“What are you humming?”

“Hmmm? Just a song,”

“You can sing it if you,” he blushed

“No, no! No one should subjected to my terrible singing!”

“I’ll be the judge of that. Let’s hear it,” he looked down at her. She looked at him with interest, a smile on her face. He felt his heard skipping a beat. He then cleared his throat.

Te amo y más, de lo que puedes imaginar
Te amo además, como nunca nadie jamás lo hará
En esta canción, va mi corazón
Amor más que amor es el nuestro y te lo vengo a dar

Te miró y más, y más y más te quiero mirar
Te amo y sabrás, puro sentimiento y no hay nada más
Y sueño llegar, a tu alma tocar
Amor más que amor es el nuestro y te lo vengo a dar
” Roci stopped and looked down at the woman mouth agape.


“…you speak Spanish?!”

“I picked it up from my Boss and his clumsy brother,”

“But…where did you hear this song?”

“Boss sings it once in awhile and Taicho used to hum it from time to time. I thought it was nice so I picked it up. It sounds better coming from you,”

“Yeah, I’m the singer in the family. But…I could hear you sing that song all day,”

“What’s it called?”

“I Love You Too Much. Papa used to sing it to Mama,”

“That’s so sweet!”

“Do you know the rest?”

“Mhm but I want you finish what you started,”

Ruego a Dios tenerte a mi lado
Y entonces poderte abrazar
Si no estas aquí algo falta
Yo por ti pelearé hasta el final

“Y sueño llegar a tu alma tocar
Amor más que amor es el nuestro y te lo vengo a dar,” she finished. Roci was still taken aback at this. The idea that she spoke his language, in her voice…and singing…it was so…intoxicating. He then realized he had his hand on her cheek. She looked at him. The sky was nothing compared to the blues of her eyes. He noticed something else, her guard was completely down. He could always tell when she was relaxed and this was one of those rare moments. He leaned in. He could now really smell her perfume, feel his soft breath, and was met with no resistance. Suddenly there was a drop, then another, then another and then a downpour. They moved back from each other. Roci immediately took off his coat and drapes it over her and both booked it back to his car. He slipped but was caught, then he slipped again and was caught. He skidded on a mud puddle but was pulled and now against Lesser’s back as a balance. He slipped to get in front of her to get the door opened for her and managed to trip back to his side.

“Are you okay?” he asked once inside

“I’m good, what about you? You took a nasty slip at the door,”

“It’s okay, I’m used to it!” he finally got a look at her and he had to look away. Lesser’s hair was dripping wet and so was her dress. It clung to her body in all of the right places, she was shivering slightly as he fished out a blanket to place over her. He could feel his heart pounding. It wasn’t enough that she had her hair down and now it was wet, clinging to her face as she shook it out. She curled up in the blanket as he drove home, making plans for their next date. They got back to the villa in about an hour and the rain was still pouring. He got out and waited for her to get out and then used her coat as an umbrella for her just until she got to the door. He stumbled a few times but he felt her holding her and keeping him steady. His clumsiness was no match for Lesser.

“Thanks for…being my umbrella for a little while,” she said shaking out her hair, “And for our little date,”

“Same time in a couple of weeks?”

“It’s a date. I mean of COURSE it’s a d-date! You know what I meant!”

“I know, I know!” he laughed, “I’ll make sure the weather is a bit more predi—,” He felt a tug on his shirt. He bent down and was greeted to a peck on his cheek. She lets him go.

“I really did have a good time tonight. Goodnight, Roci,” she turned to walk inside. She was almost inside when she was pulled back. She found herself in his arms looking up at him. She was transfixed by those amber eyes. She could feel his breath. Their bodies were touching and she was felt safe and secure in his strong arms.

“I think you missed,” he pulled her into a deep, intense kiss. Suddenly her mind became mush. She had always been in control in almost every single situation she’s ever been but this was the first time in her adult life that she was in a situation that was unexpected with no exit but in this case, she didn’t want to. Everything in the world just stopped. There were no other feelings in the world, just her and him, warmness of their bodies, their beating hearts, and his strong embrace. She could feel her heart beating, almost like it was about to leap from her chest and it didn’t help that he was rubbing her back while holding her firm. If he would have let go, she would be sure she would be a pile of mush at that moment. He gently pulled back. Her whole body was frozen. She had to lean against the door in order to keep herself from falling. She couldn’t think, she couldn’t even will her body to actually move let alone do anything.

“Night, **********! See you later!” he said smiling and headed back to his car. He tripped and fell before crawling back into his car. She couldn’t say anything but wave and watched his car pull off. She lingered for a few moments before she regained her thoughts, opened the door and closed it, locking it from behind. She swiftly and briskly went upstairs to her room. She closed that door and almost immediately sank to her knees in a flustered, giggly mess.

“Goddamn him!”

Corazon picked up Law at the Whitebeard home, thanking them profusely and headed back home. Law noticed that Corazon had the biggest smile on his face, his cheeks were red and he looked as though he could have strutted the rest of the way home.

“How did it go?”

“We had a great time! Dinner was amazing and we took a walk afterwards and just talked!”

“Why are you picking me up then?”

“I brought Lesser home, so our date is over. I told you I would pick you up at around ten or eleven,”

“…are you like suppose to bring her back to your place?”


“Coffee? Tea? Wine? Then you two can you know…do adult stuff,”

“…I don’t follow?” Law sighed, shaped his fingers into a circle on one hand, and put his finger on the other hand through. Roci’s face went completely RED.


“Not really and you know it!”


“…you said yet,”

“Don’t tease me! You don’t do it on the first date! Wait…I should NOT be discussing this with my son! WAIT…WHERE ON EARTH DID YOU LEARN THAT GESTURE?!”

“Yes you should and between Doffy, Diamante, Dom and Perv I’ve seen it plenty of times, then with Killer from time to time. So yeah, you two know each other enough to do it,”

“NO! AND BESIDES, IT’S POURING RIGHT NOW!” they sat in silence for a few moments. Roci was blushing as red as a tomato.

“…can’t adults do it in the rain?”


Lesser had taken off her wet clothing and hung everything in her bathroom to dry. She dried her hair off and slipped into something more comfortable, a fleece cow print pajamas set. She thought about her date and couldn’t help but smile. It was just what she needed to be unwind and just forget about everything that happened this week. She gently touched her lips, her heart started pounding again.

“Sooooooooo how did it go?!” she jumped. Floyd was sitting on the bed with a large grin on his face. Jade was in the armchair looking as though the cat caught the canary.

“What the—how did you get in here?! How did you get passed Duck?!”

“Oh he works for us now!” Jade gestured to Duck in the corner of room with a bowl of peas that were all gone, “Tell is everything! How did it go?!”

“I-It was…alright!”

“JUST alright?!”


“Well her lips are swollen. Must have been heavy,” Lesser’s face went completely red!


“Still blushing Sissy Sis!”

“Oh dear, she is!” Jade chuckled, “Come now, Sissy! We’ve been waiting for hours!”

“We staked out since you left~”



“NO!” Lesser brushed past them and ran downstairs to get herself something to calm her nerves. She had just made it into the living room, only to see the maids grinning at her.

“Welcome home Lesser-kun!” Cleaner said happily with a cup of tea ready. She takes it and downs it.

“She’s home!!!” said Perv, “Where’s Corazon~”

“…I’m pretty sure he got home?” said Lesser, “He hasn’t called me yet,”

“…why? Don’t you want to like…stay at his place the night?”

“…why? I have things to do in the morning,”

“Well, it’s usually customary for a man to invite a lady back to his place for an ample serving of his thick meaty cock and a cup of steamy cum~” said Dom

“DOM!” said Cook. Floyd laughed as he and Dom high fived

“We told you Sissy! You should have played the Naughty Maid and the Grabby Marine~”

“WHAT THE HELL DID YOU GUYS THINK WE WERE GOING TO DO?!” Lesser’s face went completely red, “Cleaner if you please!”

“Right away!” Cleaner scampered into the kitchens for another cup of tea.

“You know what we meant!” said Perv, “You had the perfect opportunity to ride a Marine,”



“And you two know each other well enough to spend the night~” said Dom, “You could have totally rode a Marine tonight~!”


“Fufufufufufu you’re home already~?” Doflamingo was grinning as he joined everyone in the living room, “I KNEW Roci wouldn’t do it. Pay up,” he held out his hand to Dom and Perv who handed over their beli.

“WERE YOU BETTING ON US?!” Lesser’s face went redder. Jade was trying his hardest to not laugh and Floyd was muffling himself in a pillow.

“Betting is a strong word! We were looking out for your best interest to see if we would have to take over your morning duties~” said Dom, “Especially if you’re getting dicked by Cora-chan,”

“If he’s anything like Boss you’re going to be happy~” said Perv, “I mean sans the weirdness that is Boss’s cock,” Lesser took Doffy’s winnings and slipped it into her chest.

“Awww Lesser! I earned that~” said Doffy

“Think of this as payment! You’re all terrible, horrible people and I’m going to bed!” she said getting up and briskly going upstairs.

“Fufufufufufu she’s going to ride her magic toy tonight. I saw what Roci did to her. She’s going to be soooooo relaxed in the morning!”

“I KNEW IT! He kissed her!” said Dom, “…damn, that lucky bitch…”

“Thought for sure that Roci would have gone for it,” said Perv sighing

“He’s such a gentleman, unlike Boss,” said Cook smiling

“Yeah! At least Roci is going to romance her, wine her, dine her, treat her like a queen, and leave her wanting more with a phone call,”

“Not pumping and dumping and being weird about it,” said Dom

“I’m still here, ladies,” said Doflamingo

“You know we can speed up things,” said Floyd, “I’m pretty sure Vil can make a potion for the heart fish,”

“…Will it hurt?” said Dom

“Nah but it’s more of the greater the affection, the better the…copulation,” said Jade. Doflamingo threw some beli at the twins.

“I want a bottle,”

“Bo-Boss I’m pretty sure Lesser-kun WILL kill us!” said Cleaner

“I want one!” said Perv, “I have a horny man to plow! And by horny I mean a hottie with horns and a tight poisonous ass that I love to bury my face in~,”

“Doesn’t he still have that restraining order?” said Cook

“Either way, I’ll see him~ God I miss him, it’s been what a month?”

The man looked around the house. It was just how he left it the last time he was there. It’s been a few months and he hated being away for too long, even though he had to admit, it was safest place he could have his daughter, even though it wasn’t exactly the best place for a child to be. He was able to get in and out of the town’s walls, mainly because of the man’s appearance and aura no one would dare fuck with him. He was a unit of a man wearing a handsome, black, Italian suit with black shiny loafers, a red dress shirt that was unbuttoned at the top, and a lavender scar draped casually over is shoulders. His back hair was slicked back with a longer greenish strand that cupped around his right chin. His eyes were gold with confidence and chaotic energy with stubble on his chin. He walked with stagger as he appeared at a house. He let himself into the secret entrance and locked the door tight. He looked around for her. She rarely left the place unless to get some kind of supplies or something. His eyes fell on the little girl absentmindedly eating a nori cracker at the table. She looked as though she lost her best friend and on the verge of tears, though her tear stained face told him that she’s going for her second round. He was not having this at all! He immediately dropped everything and took her into his arms.

“Awww Vikka, what’s the matter?” she froze, surprised at the warm embrace. The little girl found herself burying her face into his arms.

“Papa? When did you get here?”

“I was in the area. I would have been here sooner but I had some business to attend. What’s the matter?” she rubbed her eyes and cheeks.

“I lost the love of my life,”

“Oh, this IS serious,” he put the kettle on and made some tea. The little girl sat at the table looking a little less miserable now that her father was there. It’s been a good month and he always stayed to make sure she was safe and happy. No thanks to that woman, she couldn’t leave the city without facing a punishments and such, even if he intervened. But all that mattered was him seeing his daughter. He made sure he visited and stayed for as long as possible before heading off again. The arrangement was four months on, two months off. He wished he could stay longer but turf wars and pirates just finding their ways around were no place for a kid. When the water was piping hot, he poured it over the tea leaves and brought it to the table with the chocolate buns, her favorite, “Sooooo what’s he like?”

“He was literately a noble kid that broke in here by accident,” she said and bit into the bun, “He looked scared and pathetic and he wet himself. So I told him he could stay until things got dangerous and when the Marines made their inspection, I shoved him into one with a huge hair and ran off. He hired me to do some work for him and well…now I miss him. It’s been a few days and I STILL miss him!”

“Awww Vikka, you’re going to feel like that because you lost a friend, someone you loved and cared about very much. He left quite an impact in your heart,” he rubbed her back.

“That’s just it, I didn’t know IF I like him or not!” she said covering her face, “He was weird face, he was clumsy, I don’t think he can last more than five minutes on his own and he cried…a lot. I don’t know if it’s love or pity and I’m conflicted,”

“Sounds like you had a little adventure with him,”

“I did, it was a headache if anything,” she smiled. The man poured her more tea.

“Well, why do you like him? Was he cute?”


“What?! I’m just asking!”

“Kinda and nice and kind, stupid brave which I can respect, honest…and I think he likes me back,” she said, “He even risked his ass to try and get me another futon because he was sleeping on mine. He went into town to get better food for us pretending to be deaf and taking food and even buying some with the money he found…and he even got me this little weird charm because he said it looked cute on me and to thank me for letting him stay. He said he really liked my eyes,”

“They’re beautiful eyes, then again I’m bias because you got them from me sans the color,” he chuckled. She however didn’t look to be in a smiling mood, “You miss him, don’t you?”

“Mhm but I did the right thing, right? I mean no one wants to live here and it’s hard living here! I think it’s safer for him to be with that Marine than here. He wanted me to come with him but…it wasn’t possible,”

“Yeah and knowing me, I’d probably jump to the conclusion that they were holding you against your will and burn the place to the ground, brick by brick,”

“That too,”

“I’m sure he’ll be fine. There are a lot of corrupt assholes out there and if you think he was okay to leave your friend there, I’m sure he was a good one,”

“I guess…you think I’ll ever see him again?”

“Fate has a funny way. I’m pretty sure you will encounter him again someday,” she smiled

“I hope,”

“Awww that’s the same goofy grin I had when I was in love with the love of my life,”

“…Mom sucks though,”

“I said the love of my life but she did give me three amazing children,”

“True. How long are you staying?”

“Probably three months until I get back,” her face lit up. He smiled warmly and pulled her into a hug, “I’m so sorry about this Vikka. I even hate to say that this place is probably the best place for you. I mean it isn’t but with work and shit—,”

“Papa stop, I’m not stupid, I know. I hate it here but…it’s not so bad when you’re around or ******** and the brothel women. It’s not as lonely and I guess that’s why I’m going to miss him,”

“Awww I’ll do my best to stay as long as I can. You’re still a child and this can’t be healthy,”

“I’m fine, I mean I hadn’t had a milestone yet so you’re good,” he chuckled and kissed her cheek.

“I brought a ton of groceries, what do you want to eat?”

“Steak!” he laughed

“You really are my daughter,”

“Well we both have the teeth for it,” she smiled. He smiled back reveal long sharp teeth.


“And you’re the best at it!”

“Come here so I can show you how it’s done, pipsqueak,”

Chapter 85: Mother's Day Shorts (Part 1)


A few "shorts" about how mothers are celebrated

A/N: I have more but I had to split this into two parts because it was capping at 30 pages XD

Chapter Text


The woman sat in there covered in chains. She was a level 10 threat, scourge of the lands, freeing slaves, making things difficult for the world government and pirates alike. It took many but she was finally taken down. Now she was in a human shop being auctioned off to the highest bidder. She sedated constantly, heavily chained and treated like an animal. She was a proud woman, an exotic woman, with long thick curly brown hair, golden eyes, and skin like warm sand. She was perfect whatever man or woman who wanted her. There were many contenders, people into sadism, people who wanted a workhorse, a personal trained dog, with a fitted bitchsuit, some wanted to make an example of her, and those who just wanted the sheer honor of granting this woman constant humiliation. She heard numbers being thrown, people were bidding higher and higher for her. She was so drugged up she didn’t even care. All she knew was if she died right now, it would be fitting. She wasn’t going to be a slave, she’s kill herself before that happened but she wanted to make sure she was lucid enough. Then she heard the words winner. She was grabbed against and shoved into a carriage.

“Please, please don’t be so rough!” said a calm voice, “Please, put her in gently,” inside the carriage, she felt like she was going to be sick. She was slipping in and out of consciousness and when the carriage stopped she was hauled out again. She was carried inside and dumped on something soft and cushiony. She felt safe enough to sit up. She looked around the place. She was in a manor of some sort. She stared at the tall ceiling around her, the crystal chandelier, the lathe bay windows, and the marble tile floors. She was impressed but the opulence sickened her. The man before her was tall with dark blonde curly hair which reached to his shoulders, styled in the traditional way of the Celestial Dragons. He sported an impressive mustache, and, he possessed a remarkably kind facial features and a rather thin face. He wore a thick white suit with medal-like knobs on it, and a blue collar. He smiled kindly at her.

“So…what’s your name?”

“None of your fuckin’ business!” she barked. The man looked taken aback.

“Well, I’m only asking because calling your number is very dehumanizing. But the only name that seems to be here is Taicho. Is that okay?” she said nothing.

“Call me whatever, you bought me didn’t you? Let’s get this shit over with. What do you want with me?”

“Well, my wife is about to give birth you see,” said the man smiling, “And with everything going on, she needs a companion and we’ll need a nanny. Your reputation precedes you and I’ll be honored for you to be our housekeeper. Of course you’ll get a place to stay, we’ll pay you, and you can have vacation times and days off!” the woman looked confused. Did he NOT know how this all worked? He bought her, she was supposed to serve him and whatever else but this is what he wanted?!

“What’s your angle?! I ain’t gonna let some couyon fuck with or fuck me!”

“I’m offering a job. I don’t want a slave,” he said simply, “its not easy for someone in my position to go out and hire someone. I want someone to be able to protect my children and help us raise them to be good and honest members of society. I want them to be with someone who is strong with a strong moral compass and able to handle keeping the estate and not be a slave but a member of our family. I…know the story on how came to be in the human house and I knew immediately you would be the right fit. Please, say you’ll stay. If not, I’ll let you leave this place and start over,” Taicho was silent. It felt so long ago about how she ended up in this position to begin with. She was a mercenary for hire. She killed, that was her job and she liked it. But there was one job she couldn’t do and it involved children and innocent people. She gave it a hard pass and of course made enemies. In the end, she was set up, ambushed, drugged and taken to Mary Geoise for her crimes. Leaving would be easy, but at the same time…she was tired. She was tired of running, she was tired of how dirty the world was and she was tired of being used for everyone’s dirty work. She could pick up mercenary work again, but this time she won’t be so lucky and she knew it, “Before you say anything please let me show you where you’ll be staying!” he helped her to her feet and showed walked her down the corridor. She was still very weak from the drugs and the fact that she had to rely on him to help her was a blow but she knew it couldn’t be helped. He opened a door turned on a light. She stared. She was expecting a small hovel of a place but this was nothing she was prepared for.

“This is my room?!”

“Yes, it’s a little small but I can find something a little bigger if you like!” Taicho couldn’t help but stare. The room was beautiful! It was something that she wasn’t used to and it was beautiful. There was a queen sized bed, a large closet, a window with a balcony, a table with a tea set, a fireplace, a desk, and even a bathroom off to the side.

“…I think I can manage,” he smiled. He showed her the kitchen, a large grand kitchen with everything she could and would need to help prepare for daily meals, a large garden with a gazebo, the whole place was amazing and beautiful, “You don’t have any other servants?”

“To be honest, I just need one housekeeper. I know you’re more than capable of doing all of the duties of the house. If not, I can hire more staff!”

“…hire you say,” she chuckled, “No, no I can manage this place just fine,” Homing smiled.

“Thank you very much for your service!”

“So what do I call you? I ain’t callin’ ya Master,”

“Wouldn’t dream of it! Homing is fine! Is Taicho okay with you?”

“It’s perfect,” she said

“Splendid! Here let me help you back to your room! It’s going to take some time for the drug to wear off. You can start the moment you’re one hundred percent!” he helped her to room and to bed. Almost immediately she drifted off into a deep sleep. From that moment on, things were different. The Donquixote Family had hired a housekeeper for the arrival of their first child. It took months of getting used to but soon the woman fell into line with the Homing and Serene Donquixote and became a companion almost a sister figure in the home. But to the outside, the picture was very different. From that moment on, the Donquixote Family had only one slave, the infamous Taicho who was subjected to doing the work of ten slaves: cooking, cleaning, and raising the future children of the family. The Celestial Dragons found that to be a fitting punishment to such a criminal. Homing was an odd one but they didn’t think he would have that type of cruelty in him. However to Serene and Homing, Taicho was the best thing that ever happened to them.

“BOY! GET YOUR LITTLE ASS BACK HERE!” Doffy ran for it but he KNEW it was in vain when Meme had him in her sights. He almost made it out the door before he was snatched by a tall maid and tucked under his arm.

“ACK! Meme! I didn’t do anything!”

“The HELL ya didn’t! Where’s Roci?!”

“I dunno!”

“Boy ya got ten seconds before I tanned your little ass with a wooden spoon and don’t think I won’t!”

“You can’t do nothing to me!”


“Yeah! I’m royalty! You’re NOT! You can’t do SH—OWW!” Doffy was lifted by his ear and carried by Meme who looked less than impressed with his behavior. He struggled in vain before she started looking around and then she heard something in the closet. She dropped Doffy and opened the door. Roci was stumbling around in the closet with something over his head. She gently guided him out and took the vase off his head.

“Are you okay, cher?” Roci looked bewildered and then started sobbing. He buried his face into her chest. She gently picked him up and dried his eyes, “Shhhh there, there,”

“HEY! Why aren’t you ever that nice to me?!” said Doffy

“Because, you like to spout out shit like what you said earlier, couyon!”

“But it’s true isn’t it?!”

“Alright, listen and listen good, just because you’re in the position you’re in and I’m in the position I’m in, doesn’t mean I’m not going to beat that ass if you step out of line, Celestial Dragon or not. You’re going to be a respectable member of society like your papa even if it kills you!”

“…don’t you mean “even if it kill you?” as in yourself?”

“You heard what I said. Roci what happened?”

“A vase fell on me!” he sobbed, “Doffy tried to help but put me in the closet so wouldn’t get hurt!”

“Awwww, next time just come to me when something like this happen, Doffy,”

“I did! You then started chasing me like a mad woman!”

“Why the hell did you run boy?!”




“IF YOU DIDN’T ALWAYS GET INTO TROUBLE ALL THE DAMN TIME THEN YOU WOULDN’T HAVE TO ALWAYS THINK I’M COMING AFTER YOU!” she then pats his head, “Thank you for always watching your brother for me,”

“Well I have to! He’s my brother! I’m pretty sure he’s going to clumsy his way off a cliff someday!”


“No, no, at least as long as me and Doffy are around to make sure it won’t happen,” she said hugging him

“Soooo whatcha making for dinner?” said Doffy

“Shrimp etouffee,”


“Annnnnnnnnd?” said Roci smiling

“Annnnnd what?”

“I saw you with a bag of pecans, Meme!” he stuck out his tongue.

“Alas, I can’t keep anything from you, cher! I’m making pralines and turron for after dinner,”

“…I love you, Meme!” said Doffy hugging her leg.

“That’s because I feed you couyon!” After dinner and playtime, the boys got ready for bed. Doffy hunkered into bed. Mama tucked him in and kissed his forehead. He smiled. Behind her was Taicho at the door watching with a smile on her face. She then left and went to Roci’s room. Roci’s room was special, especially since she and his parents had to make it Roci Proof so he wouldn’t hurt himself. He had sharp corner padded, cushions around the bed, and even a net under the balcony just in case. Tonight he was on said balcony looking up at the sky.

“Roci, what are you doing out here? You’re gonna catch your death!”

“Look at the sky! It’s so pretty tonight!” he said smiling. She went to the window, a blanket in hand, and the stars were twinkling and shining brightly in the dark sky.

“Ah, so it is!” she draped the blanket over him, “Remember the names I told you?”

“YEAH! That’s Ursa Major, right?!”

“Mhm! And what’s that one over there?”

“The North Star! That’s the one to follow, right?!”

“That’s right!”

“It’s so blue tonight!”

“Isn’t it? Like diamonds in blue velvet,” Roci looked so happy and hunkered down into Meme’s lap as they watched the sky together. It soon got colder and she gently picked him up and got him changed for bed. She tucked him into bed.

“Meme, do you like living here with us?”

“Of course! What makes you think I don’t?!”

“Because you’re a slave and…slaves are forced to be here, right? T-That’s what everyone says. I-I…don’t…don’t want you to be unhappy! Y-You should be happy! B-But I don’t want you to leave!” he started sobbing. Taicho smiled and gently pulled him into her arms.

“Shhh…calm down, cher,” she gently wiped his eyes with her apron and gave him a comforting smile, “Roci…I can come and go as I please. Your father is the kindest man I know and he did me a great service. He has offered me a lot. So much that I don’t want to live anywhere else. I’m not a slave sweetie, I’m a part of the family, that is if you see me as a part of it,”

“Of course I do! But you have to go back to your family, right? Or your home! You used to live someplace else, right?”

“I did but home is your heart and the people you love and love and care about you back,”

“So…you’re not going to leave?”

“Nope, someone has to make sure you and Doffy are safe and always cared for,”


“Mhm, I can’t just abandon my boys,”

“Good because…you’re like Mama but you’re…Meme! You can cook almost everything!”


“You’ll never leave us, right?”

“Nope, not willingly!” she chuckled

“What if something happens and you’re super far away where I can’t find you?!”

“Then I’ll find you! I’ll always find you!”

“What if—,”

“Roci, no matter what, if you need, I’ll always make my way back to you and Doffy,”


“My duty is to protect my family and as far as I’m concerned, you’re all my family. Don’t listen to what those bast—jerks say about me, your papa, and our family, you know the truth. Even when everything goes, I’ll always be your Meme,” she kissed his forehead and left just as his mother came in. She looked in on Doffy. She went inside, checked under the bed, looked in the closet, and looked on the balcony, “Alright Doffy, there’s no monsters anywhere,”

“Thanks Meme,”

“I don’t see why you don’t ask your Mama to look for you,”

“Because Mama isn’t scary to monsters! You, on the other hand, can scare anything with a look! I can’t trust Mama with such a responsibility!”

“You little shit,” she laughed and tucked him in tightly

“And you’ll make sure I can get tucked in so they won’t get me either!”

“Yep, that’s why I’m here, to make sure the monsters don’t get stomach aches from eating a couyon,”

“Damn right! They may try to eat Roci next! Can’t have that!” Taicho kissed his forehead and took off his glasses. She sets them on the nightstand, turned off the light and headed off. Serene left Roci’s room and gently closed the door. She smiled at her.

“Thank you for all of your hard work, Taicho,”

“Of course, ma’am,”

“Tomorrow, I want to go shopping. Please tell me you can make it!”

“Of course! Will the boys be joining us?”

“Homing was thinking of taking them riding tomorrow so it’ll be just you and me! You know I value your opinions on clothing!”

“Alright! Bright and early it is!” Serene went off to bed. Taicho went to the kitchen for one more sweep before making tea. Homing was going to want it at nine per usual. She added some of pralines from dessert and headed to his study. He was sitting in his armchair with the fire roaring smoking his pipe.

“Evening,” she said setting the tea set at the table.

“Taicho! Join me?” she nodded and sat next to him. She poured him his tea and poured herself a cup, “How was your day?”

“Same as always,” she said smiling

“Do you need anything?

“Homing, I’m fine, I’m just…fine,”

“I’m glad! Is Doffy still afraid of the monsters in his room?”

“Mhm, he’s gotten better with it. Roci has a very keen interest in the stars as of late. I think it would be nice if you three have a picnic under the stars tomorrow. I’ll make some hot chocolate for you all to enjoy,”

“Taicho you are amazing,”

“I know, sir,”

“What are you plans this weekend?”

“Sleeping in and catching up on my reading. Why? You need something?”

“No, no! I was just…wondering if it was possible…we were thinking of going out on the ship for a few days! I think the boys would love it! You’re more than welcome to join us!”

“I’m in,”

“Splendid! We hired some ship hands and you just have to relax!”

“Please, I’ll take care of the cooking too. I’ll prepare a menu for some supplies,”

“Will some of your stew be on the menu?” she chuckled

“Of course,” they drank their tea in silence. Both having content looks on their faces, “Oy Boss,”


“I know I don’t say it enough but…thanks, you know for everything,”

“Of course! I should be thanking you! The boys can be a handful, especially Doffy and you take it in stride. I don’t know what we’d do without you,”


“And I don’t think life would be worth living if I didn’t have your turron,”

“I got the recipe from you!”

“But I can’t work a kitchen! It’s harder than it looks!”

“You’re a weird man, Boss and I love you for it,”


Years Later

He was in the biggest and deep shit he’s ever been. He was a man that always was and had always been in control of everything he’s ever done and vowed that he wouldn’t have power or control but this time, his very life and the lives of his crew was in danger. He knew there was ONE person in the world that would get him out it and even she wanted him dead and she had a very good reason. She asked around and followed a trail and managed to find her. Inside of a bar, there was a single woman with long hair fleck with gray but still the cool aura that he was so used to. He approached the woman with caution. It brought him back to a time when he was a child, having to tell her that he did something wrong. He saw her having tea, in the middle of a bar, no one daring to fuck with her or him. He was nervous, very nervous. He’s experienced this woman’s power first hand, plenty of times when he was a child and when he had his fruit when she learned the truth and fate of her old companion, his father. He did not want to experience that again.

“What did you do, couyon?” she said before he had a chance to say something.

“Fufufufufufu, you know no thanks to you, I thought that was my name until I was four,”

“That’s because you were a fuckin’ idiot the moment you said your first words. Whatcha do?”

“I’m in some deep shit,”

“Aren’t you always?” she said turning her barstool around, “Whatcha want?” he explained the entire situation to her. The more he talked the more annoyed she got before she rubbed her temples, “I swear to shit you’re gonna be the death of me,”

“Pffft! Unlikely! I still have some of the whelps you put on me!”

“I should have tanned your little hide more if I knew this was the path your ass what gonna take!”

“I’m just like you!”

“I have morals, especially before I was caught. Anyway, I’ll help ya out but there’s some conditions,”

“Thank you!”

“First condition, find Roci an—”

“He’s with me!”


“Yeah! He’s fine! He’s a part of my…family,”

“That ain’t no family but I digress. Your family ain’t enough to take on a yonko, especially THAT yonko. So here’s whatcha gonna do. You know a man named Tyler Kennedy?” anger appeared on his face, “I thought so. I’ll give you his location. Four my protégés are with him with one more. Free them and bring them back to your place. Handle your affairs and then you’re going to a town in a villa where no one knows of and you can continue operations there but you better do things with some kind of morality. Bring Roci with you or fire him along with any kids. I don’t trust those les enfants in a shady environment. You and my five will be live in that area and no one will know the wiser,”

“Thank you, Meme,”

“And make a note that those girls will be treated like family and vice versa. They take order first and foremost from me and they’ll do what’s right. Treat them poorly I’ll skin ya alive myself and I won’t be responsible for whatever happens next to ya,”

“Yes Ma’am,”

“Good and one more thing,”


“I want a vacation. This is my retirement and you’re going to bankroll the entire thing,”

“FUFUFUFUFUFU! Okay, okay! I owe it to you,”

“Damn right you do! These gray hairs and wrinkles came primarily from you,”

“I don’t see anything~”

“Flattery ain’t getting you nowhere. Oh and one more thing, if I find out you did anything to Roci, Imma kick your ass from here to the Grand Line and back,”

“Okay, okay! Not fair that you always protect Roci!”

“Roci ain’t nowhere near as bad as you, especially after what you did,”

“You got me for that!” Doflamingo got up immediately with his arms out.

“That I did and if something happens to him Imma make sure you get reunited with them, piece by piece, Compris?”

“Compris,” she stood up and handed him an address. He hugged her tightly. She smiled and hugged him back. He towered over her a good two feet but it felt so good to feel his Meme hugging him again. He knew she would make things all better again. She pulled back kissed his forehead.

“Go on, get,”

The Angel Woman

A little girl was on a mission. She managed to escape the house but she was determined to find the angel woman. She only caught a few glimpses of her but never had a chance to see her. But she was also on another mission but she also knew that maybe the angel woman would guide her because that’s what angels do, right? She brought a chest of cookies as an offering to her and she was going to ask her for some help! She made it to the area and made her way inside. She walked through the hallway. She peeked into the room and saw the angel woman. She was hooked up to a machine and she looked like she was sleeping. She slowly approached the woman. She didn’t want to disturb her, especially if she was sleeping. She got closer and the angel woman opened her eyes. She froze, scampered back, and hid behind the wall.

“Please don’t hide. Come on out, I rarely get visitors,” the little girl poked her head out. The woman was smiled. She slowly approached the woman.


“Hello little girl,”

“I’m sorry for intruding. I didn’t mean to wake you!”

“Its fine, I couldn’t sleep anyway. Please come sit down,” she pulled up a chair and sat next to the woman. The angel woman was beautiful! She was young with pale skin, dark blue eyes, and wavy shoulder-length blonde hair with a tuft that covered her right eye, “What’s your name?”

“___________________! It’s nice to meet you!” the angel woman beamed.

“Oh you’re Sanji’s fiancée, I’ve heard so much about you. You are pretty cute,”

“T-Thank you ma’am!”

“Please, call me Sora,”

“Okay Miss Sora!”

“Please, no Miss! I’ve been waiting to meet you for a very long time,”

“You have?!”

“Mhm! I’ve heard so many stories about you and I’ve wanting to give you my utmost thanks for protecting Sanji for me,” ________________ blushed.

“It was nothing! I’m doing my fiancée duty of keeping him safe!”

“Such a small little thing, taking on three boys all on your own. Were you scared?”

“Nah uh! Yonji and Niji are pretty easier to fight! Yonji usually folds first, it takes a little more for Niji because he’s really tough but Ichiji is the hardest. I have to really do something to get him to leave Sanji alone and then we run. Then Sanji makes me something tasty as a thank you so it’s a win-win for all!” Sora chuckles

“You like sweet things?”

“MHM! Not like candy or anything! I like when someone makes something! The cooks back home always give me cookies! They’re my favorite! They always put them in a beautiful chest! Oh! Before I forget!” she took out the chest of cookie offering, “I brought these for you!”

“How thoughtful of you! Thank you!”

“It’s a tradition! Cookie used to give them as gifts! Sabo, my cousin, brings some from him his home too! They’re so good but not as good as the ones at home! Sanji makes me little cakes! He’s so good at cooking! His brothers don’t like it so I’m going to make sure he does it!”

“You like protecting Sanji?”

“Well yeah! Someone has to! Sanji is the best! But he doesn’t want to marry me and I’m okay with that. I’d rather us be friends anyway but that doesn’t mean I can’t make sure he’s safe!”

“But who’s going to protect you?”

“I have Miss Hancock! And Mr. Musician! I also had…Cookie… but not anymore. I miss him a lot thought. I don’t know where he is but I know he’s probably worried sick about me,”

“I think he knows you’re safe. The moment when he knows you’re not, he’s going to make sure you are,”

“You’re right! But I still have Mr. Magician and Miss Hancock! But I have to protect her too! She’s so unhappy! I just want her to be happy!”

“Protect her from what?”

“…I can’t…explain it,” the little girl looked thoughtful, “Miss Hancock always looks really scared and often makes me hide when Father comes. He’ll hit her and then he’ll drag her away. When that happens, I come out of hiding spot and run back to my room. Then…I’ll see her later, and she and a bunch of other girls in the house as furniture. I knew they were the people. It didn’t seem right. Mother always treats Miss Hancock meaner. She made me walk Miss Hancock around on her knees and hands with a dog collar. And for some reason Miss Hancock was naked and grew a tail! Mother told me to call her a bad name and that she was my pet. I don’t know why,” Sora looked disturbed.

“What did you do?”

“I took her back to my room and took the leash off and apologized for doing that to her! I didn’t want her to be mad with me! I found some of her clothes and gave them to her. Miss Hancock just hugged me tightly, crying, and told me if I hear my Mother and Father come, to pretend to hurt her and they’ll leave us both alone. But Mother and Father aren’t usually home. When that happens, Miss Hancock and I get to just be happy together. She always gives me a bath!”

“Well baths are important but I’m so happy you’re protecting the one who’s protecting you! You’re a brave little girl,”

“I have to! I have to be strong and brave! I know I’m strong but I can’t hurt anyone with it because I can seriously hurt someone and that’s not good! I don’t want to hurt anyone!”

“That’s very admirable for a little girl, especially to carry on such a big responsibility,”

“I hope so but there are some things I can’t do! In fact, I was on a mission!”

“A Mission?”

“Mhm! I’m looking for Sanji’s Mom!”

“Oh? Why is it a mission?”

“Because if she’s really important to Sanji, I want to get to know her so I can love her too!” Sora covered her mouth and smiled, “Actually, when I meet Sanji’s Mom, I wanna ask her if she would be my mom too! Mother isn’t very nice. I asked Miss Hancock because she takes care of me and loves me so much but she says she wants to be my big sister instead! Sanji said she was beautiful, and nice, and kind, and warm, and if he thinks she’s the best then I want her to be my mom too! But I gotta make a good impression! Most people don’t like me for some reason when they first meet me. Mother always say I’m biggest failure she’s ever produced but…she kind of stopped after Null came around,” Sora gently pulled her into her arms and held her close.

“You’re the most wonderful, precious little girl. Of course I’ll be your mother!”

“Awww thank you! Wait a moment! Are YOU Sanji’s Mom?! I mean I can’t be sure because Reiju’s hair is pink, Ichiji’s is red, Niji’s is blue, and Yonji’s is green! I can’t tell which hair color to look for!”

“I am her, yes,” ________________ wiggled from her, stood up and gave her a very low bow, “Thank you so much for being a great mother to Sanji!” Sora smiled and the pair talked happily for the next few hours. It was soon getting dark. ______________ got up.

“I better get going! This is usually the time Sanji get hurt!” she puts the chair back and gave Sora a big hug, “I’ll see you tomorrow! Thank you for adopting me!

“It’s an honor to meet you, little one,” she said petting her hair and giving her a kiss on the cheek. __________________ blushed and scampered out of the room. Sora sat and saw the little girl running out of the medical ward and back to the main castle. Tears rolled down her face. Sanji was in good hands. He was going to be okay. She didn’t have to worry about him. She opened the chest of cookies and ate. If she was anything like “Cookie” she knew she was going to grow up and be a great person someday. She knows she won’t be around to see it but she do know that as long as she’s alive, Sanji would never have anything to worry about.

Weird Mother, Weird Daughter

Having another mother figure in her life was very weird to Flora. After her mother died, she was virtually on her own and she thought that was her fate for the rest of her life. Life with Blume proved to be exactly what she needed, although there was a time she didn’t think she would ever see Blume as a mother, maybe an aunt, maybe a captain, maybe a guardian but not a mom. Blume had two sides to her. One was one of the most fearsome pirates on the Grand Line, a pirate that could gut you with a smile, charm the pants off of you, can hold her own against anyone or anything with a fearsome devil fruit that can turn her weapons and any plant around her into a weapon of mass destruction. But to those who knew her, she was a goofy, kindhearted, sweet, woman with a very easygoing disposition. On this occasion she knew first hand that Blume was…unique to say the least. The last few weeks, the crew was afflicted with a bad case of the flu after maneuvering their way through a storm. Blume used her Yggdrasil stores to get everyone healthy again but at the cost to her own health. Then all at once, Blume disappeared, holed up in her room. Everyone was worried but wanted o respect her wishes to be alone. However, Flora was not going to be deterred, especially not when it comes to Blume. She poked her head into the room. Blume was in bed, candles surrounding her, she was sweating, flowers all around her, in a white cotton gown and a veil over her. The corpse like Blume turned to her.

“M-My dear Florrie, come here,” Flora slowly approached Blume. Her face was pale and her body looked limp and lifeless. She raised her hand and took her tiny hands into hers, “My dear, precious Florrie, you’re like…a little daughter to me…and this is why I must say...forgive you mother…for not being strong enough to stay with you,” Flora’s eyes widened!

“B-Blume! What are you saying?!”

“I-I’m saying that…you have to be a good and strong girl for me…my time is nigh. The end is near…”

“W-What?! No! Blume! You’re scaring me! Y-You can’t die!”

“Upon my dying breath, I have seen the angels coming for me! I shall now welcome the sweet release of death!”

“Oh stop!” Fauna came in with a bowl of soup and some medicine in a jar. She set the tray on the table and blew out the candles and opened the curtains to let in some sunlight and some warm sea air before bringing the tray over, “Goddamn Drama Queen!”

“W-Wait! Blume isn’t dying?!” said Flora sniffling and wiping her eyes.

“Hell no! She’s just sick! She always thinks she’s dying when she’s sick!” Fauna looked up to see the young girl looking relieved but still with worry in her eyes, “See! You got poor Florrie upset you degenerate!” she opened the bottle, “Come on, you have to take a spoonful!”

“Noooo! I don’t know WHAT’S in that remedy but it’s ALWAYS bitter!”

“YOU made it remember! It’s because Yggdrasil is bitter! Come on, down the hatch!” Blume opened her mouth and swallowed before cringing.

“ACK!” Flora said nothing else and just left the room, absolutely DONE with the situation. Blume eventually got better and immediately made it up to her young cabin girl with an outing with just the two of them. She swore her guardian mothe figure was a strange one at times…

“SISTER?!” Flora snapped out of her daydream. ___________________ was beaming at her. That’s right, she was in the garden. She must have spaced out.

“…how in the hell did you get in here?”

“The wall!” she said with a big grin on her face, “But—Buuuuuuuuuuut I have something for you!”

“Oh?” ________________ reached into her knapsack and took out small chest that had some tea inside, “I found it in the import shop! The shopkeeper said it’s some really rare tea!”

“…well they’re not wrong,” said Flora, “You have to travel up a mountain in order to get it in Skypeia,” she pulled _________________ into a tight hug, “Thank you, what’s the occasion?”

“It’s Mother’s Day and you’re my mom! You take care of me, love me, and all of that nice mom stuff!”

“Tch you little weird child. Well since you’re here and I’m pretty sure Edward and the boys are planning something, we’ll have this tea together, “

“YAY! Did you make some of ginger cookies?!”

“…you like my ginger cookies?”

“Yeah! You put a lot of ginger in them and they’re always extra spicy!” Flora chuckled and puts the kettle on. She watched ________________ get out the tea pot and two cups and the tea strainer. She couldn’t help but smile. Her damn cat child just weaseled her way into her life and refused to leave. She must attract strange, weird things and that was fine by her.

”S-Sister?” Flora looked up from chopping veggies to see her newest charge looking terrified. The color had drained for her little face and she was shaking.


“I think I’m dying!”

“Oh? Why?”

“I’m falling apart!”

“How do you know?” _________________ points to her mouth. Flora looked at her over, “What’s the matter?”

“My tooth is loose! So is another! Soon my teeth are going to fall apart!” she then gasped, “ARE THESE THE WORMS IN MY TEETH YOU WARNED ME ABOUT?! I BRUSH EVERYDAY!” Flora chuckled and puts her into her lap and gently reached into her mouth. She then took the first tooth and gently twisted and pulled. She then repeated with the other one. She showed two little teeth to her.

“See, it’s just your baby tooth,”

“Baby tooth? …where are the parents?” Flora snorts

“Baby teeth are the teeth you have before you get your adult teeth. You feel those teeth behind those teeth I pulled? Those are you adult teeth,”

“Ohhhh, so what do I do with my tooth?”

“Put it under your pillow tonight and a little mouse will leave you a gift,”



“Can I keep the mouse?”


“He sounds cute and I kind of want a pet!” Flora sighs and pets her head. She retrieved the tooth that night and placed a bundle of cookies. In the morning, she came rushing out of the room happily telling her what happened. Since then, every time she lost a tooth, she ran to tell her and she always got her ginger cookies as a reward. Flora kept them in a jar in her cabinet, next to her other keepsakes, never admitting that they existed. As far as _________________ knows, the tooth mouse took her teeth and that’s all she needed to know.

Mom Maids

“Time to wake up!” Baby 5 groaned as Dom walked into her room and opened the curtains. She groggily got up and yawned, “Told you and Buffalo to not stay up all night playing video games!”

“Cleaner-mama was with us!” she groans

“Mhm and she doesn’t have to sleep much. Come on, up, Cook’s almost done with breakfast,” she nodded and went to the bathroom to freshen up, stepping over things along the way. She finally made her way into her closet and tried to find something to wear in the pile of clothes and things. This was a habit she kept while staying in Dressrosa and it worked well, at least to her. She got dressed and headed down the hall. She gently knocked on Perv’s door. She didn’t hear an answer and just walked in. Perv’s room always looked…weird to her but as a golden rule, she and Buffalo never went into the maids’ room without permission or touch anything. She wasn’t sure if Perv was in her room or not. She looked around and then hear something in the closet. She was about to open it.

“BABY 5!” Perv ran and grabbed the little girl before she walked into her closet, “Not there sweetie, that’s where I keep my unmentionables~ What can I do you for?”

“Can you do my hair? I like when you do it!”

“Awww okay, it’ll be quick alright? Cook is making omelets and muffins this morning and I really like them hot!”

“Okay!” Perv did her hair almost every day. Today she gave her two cute braided ponytails and tied them with yellow ribbons.

“Your hair is getting so long! But we have to take better care of it so it can be as long as mine,”

“Thanks Perv-mama!” downstairs Buffalo was already running towards the kitchen for breakfast.

“It smells so good!” Cook was the best cook in the world. Baby 5 remembered the days where Jora was the cook at the food was…more or less try and eat it. Cook was a literal godsend who cooked the kids their favorites. Today was omelet day meaning Cook make different types of omelets. She could smell the eggy goodness approaching reaching the table. Cook set them on the table for everyone to get theirs. Perv had a large soufflé omelet with sausage and cheese, Dom got the omelette rice with spinach and cheese, and Cleaner got the frittata with tomatoes and bacon. Cook placed a tornado omelet over potatoes in front of Baby 5 and regular omelet with bacon and veggies for Buffalo. Also on the table was juice, two French presses that contained coffee or tea being kept warm by candles, extra bacon and sausage, and fresh hot biscuits with fig or strawberry jam.

“Thank you Cook!”

“No prob, eat up kiddos, I have biscuits that are ready to come out,” as they ate, the maids talked, not just about serious stuff usually about shopping, anything that happened the previous night, and her personal favorite, Perv and Dom’s nightly escapades.

“So does a restraining order means he likes you?” said Perv

“No, it means to stay away, hun. You know that!” said Dom laughing

“Okay buuuuuuuuuuuuuut he like came…a lot before he booted me out,”

“…was this voluntarily oooooooor?”

“…does it matter?”

“Leave Magellan alone!”

“Why does NO ONE support our love?!”

“Because that’s harassment, hun! SEXUAL harassment at that!”


“For starts you keep stealing his underwear!” said Cook, “We had to move them to the closet because if the noxious fumes!”

“Ye-Yeah!” said Cleaner, “It almost poisoned everyone!”

“ONE Poisoning!”



“Lesser literately had to drag your ass home!” said Cook


“Sengoku LITERATELY had to call her to get you off of him! Then she hauled you home! Magellan has her number for “Perv Attacks”!”

“Hey! Isn’t that an honor?! Security is beefed up because of me!”

“That makes it harder just in case we need to spring someone! Not to mention you’re not going to win him over like this!” Dom poured herself some coffee, “You got to take it slow,”

“How slow? I've tried everything to get him to notice me! He usually tosses me out! I thought he was into real rough stuff when he tried to poison me and then he looked scared because I was immune to poison!”

“Hmm well how about making him something instead of stealing from him,”


“Make him some dinner,” said Cook, “He likes poison food and your food is classified as toxic waste,” Baby 5 and Buffalo instinctively held their stomachs at thought of Perv cooking.

“So true!” said Dom laughing, “And Lesser won’t have to ask Sengoku to take her through Impel Down again. And speak of the devil~ Lesser finally graces us with her presence,”

“Shush! Morning everyone,”

“MORNING!” Lesser was usually the last one to breakfast. Delliger was right behind her and plopped in the chair next to her. Cook made her a soft French omelet with cheese and a frittata for him. He tore into his. Lesser always has tea with breakfast. Today it was cinnamon. Baby 5 tried drinking tea and couldn’t understand the appeal.

“You know you can add sugar to your tea, honey,” said Cook patting her back

“But Lesser doesn’t,”

“I do, just not to green teas,” she said adding sugar to her tea.

“Go on but don’t go overboard,” she nodded and poured herself some tea with added sugar as Lesser went over today’s schedule. This was another thing that was new. When with the others, they didn’t have a schedule and usually when someone told them to do something; they just did it with or without preparation.

“Alright, today, you two,” she gestured to Baby 5 and Buffalo, “have lessons, Math and Botany with Cleaner, then language with Cook, Anatomy with Perv, and then training with Dom,”


“And Baby 5, I want your room cleaned after lessons, it’s cluttered,”

“Yes Lesser-mama!”

“Buffalo, it’s your turn to help Cook clean the table,”

“Yes Lesser-mama!”

“I have some paperwork to finish tod—,” the doorbell rang. Perv looked a little puzzled and went to the door. She opened it and was greeted to a large woman, with exaggerated facial features, a pear shaped body and very skinny legs. She wore a purple dress, with yellow flowers on it, and has a pink bead necklace with large cheekbones, heavy make-up, and pink pointed glasses accentuate her face. Before Perv could say anything, she brushed passed her and went into the dining room.

“MY BABIES!” she grabbed Delliger and pulled him into her arms. He struggled to get away.

“Jora, what do we owe the pleasure?” said Cook looking at the woman. The older woman clicked her teeth.

“Make me something to eat! I’m starving!”

“Well, you’re going to have to wait. We just finished breakfast and Buffalo is helping me clear and clean the ta—,”

“Buffalo you don’t HAVE to do that! Baby 5, go help Cook!”


“Did you not hear me?” Baby 5 immediately got up went to help Cook, “Buffalo, go watch—,”

“Get to your lessons Buffalo,” said Lesser from behind her newspaper, “Cleaner is waiting upstairs,” he hightailed it up stairs as fast as he could.

“Lessons?! He knows how to read and write, there’s nothing else left!” said Jora

“What do we owe the pleasure?” said Dom with a smile.

“None of your businesses!” the Maids rolled their eyes and continued with their duties. When Baby 5 was done with Cook, she went to her lessons with Buffalo. She couldn’t concentrate, thinking about Jora being downstairs. She could even hear her ordering the Maids around, most of the time they ignored her or did whatever she asked as an afterthought but there was something just not right about the situation. When lessons were over, she had to clean her room. It was about 2-ish. Cook brought out sandwiches and ice tea after their training and now it was free time but in her case, cleaning her room. She was heading up the stairs, when Jora pulled her.

“Baby 5, make me something to eat!”

“You didn’t eat?”

“I wasn’t going to eat a sandwich! I asked for one of those decorative cakes that Cook makes and she said I can eat a roast beef sandwich! Like I’m some kind of a peasant! It doesn’t matter, we’ll be gone in the morning!”


“I’m going to take you, Buffalo, and Delliger back to Dressrosa!”

“What, why?”

“What do you mean “why”?! Don’t you want to come back to the family?! Those slutty women aren’t fit to take care of children! I don’t understand WHY Doffy keeps them around but I KNOW you’ll be better with me!”

“…I don’t…want to go with you,” Jora looked down at the little girl, who was on the verge of tears, “I like it here! I don’t want to go back!”

“What did you say?! How DARE you! I came all of this way to take you, Buffalo, and Delliger home and you’re coming home!”

“I-I’m not! I-I don’t want to!”

“Why are you trying to disappoint me, Baby 5?! After all of the sacrifices and things we’ve done for you and you’re going to stay away from us?! You ungrateful little brat!” Baby5 sobbed looked down, “Now make me something to eat!”

“Baby 5, I thought I told you to clean up your room,” she turned. Lesser was behind and looking at her and Jora.

“I-I was but-but Jora told me to make her lunch!”

“What kind of maids and housekeepers are you?! I came into the villa and you all snubbed me! I demand something to eat, immediately!”

“Cook told you to wait. We have other duties to attend to than to cater to an uninvited guest. Boss isn’t here so after you eat you can leave,”


“If the kids want to go back with you, by all means they can but right now Baby 5 has to finish her room. Go on,” Baby 5 nodded and tried to get passed Jora, who snatched her and raised her hand.

“BABY 5 I SAID TO MAKE ME SOMETHING TO E—,” Baby 5 winced but looked up to see Lesser’s back and holding Jora’s arm away from her and she pulled her to the back of her.

I gave Baby 5 a direct order and I expect it to be done,” Lesser squeezed her arm, “There’s no need for violence or threats,”

“How DARE you put your hands on me!” Jora snarled at her. Lesser turned to her with a small smile.

“Baby 5, go finish my task, then come back, alright?”

“Y-Yes Less—LOOK OUT!” Lesser was sucker punched. She stumbled and before she knew she was hit by a cloud. She features changed into a distorted version of herself. She looked like an abstract painting. Before she could react again, the area around became flat and soon Lesser was attached to a wall and sinking into a mural of the living room. Baby 5 watched on in horror. Jora had a mad smile on her face.

“Awww you’re not tough shit anymore are you? You’re going to suffocate in this wall of art! You’ll be a better masterpiece as a painting than a human! You’re pathetic bit—URK!” Jora gasped for air but couldn’t. She couldn’t move. Every time she moved forward, her throat tightened. She could feel herself losing consciousness. She was then yanked up, still the whip around her neck got tighter, lifting her up off the ground.

“If I were you, I’d let her off that wall, either way, you’re going to lose consciousness,” Jora immediately let Lesser off her mural. She was dropped and gasped for that sweet taste of air. Lesser calmly step out of the painting looking absolutely pissed. Dom puts away her whip, “Yeeeeeeah you should have left well enough alone you dumb bitch,” said Dom looking down at Jora before kicking her square in the face. She then took Baby 5’s hand, “Come on sweetie, it’s best you don’t see what happens next. See you in a little bit, Lesser-tan~”

“Don’t wait up,” Lesser puts on a pair of seastone knuckles as Dom scooped the little girl up and shielded her away from the sounds some blood splattering, bones crunching, and screaming. Then they heard banging but kept going.

“How in the HELL did you get your room this bad?!” said Perv going through her closet and taking out clothes and things, “Half of these are tattered and way too small for you! We’re taking you shopping after this!”

“Have Buffalo been hiding his snacks in here?!” said Cook, “No wonder I can’t find his stash! He’s been keeping it in here! Cleaner, hand me that trash bag!” the Maids were helping Baby 5 clean her room. The clutter was caused by Buffalo mainly and she still had a lot of her clothes from Dressrosa, even though she wore the same thing almost every day, “I knew that little sneak was hoarding snacks! Baby 5 did he make you?”


“Sweetie you have to tell people no sometimes!” said Dom, “Your room is cluttered because of all of these snacks! And in the summer, you’re going to get ants in your room!”

“B-But—But I have—have to because he asked me to,”

“No you don’t. this is YOUR room, not his,” said Perv, “Seriously! Some of these snacks got all over your clothes! Don’t worry, we’ll get this fixed,” Baby 5 started shaking. She was causing an inconvenience to the Maids and they were getting upset. She started to breathe heavily and shake.

“Hey, hey what’s the matter?” said Dom rubbing her back.

“I-I don’t want to leave! Please don’t make me leave!”

“…you don’t have to leave if you don’t want to!” said Cook

“B-But Jo-Jora said she wants me and Buffalo and D-Delliger to go with her!”

“Do you want to?” said Perv

“I-I have to! She wants me—,”

“Do you want to?” Baby 5 started sobbing and then crying and shook her head.

“No! I don’t want to leave! I wanna stay here with you guys! I don’t want to leave but I don’t want Jora to be mad at me! I don’t want to disappoint her! I don’t want anyone to not be able to not need me! I have to be useful or no one will want me!” she broke down into tear. Perv immediately pulled her into a hug and wiped her tears with her apron.

“Shhhhh! Calm down sweetheart! You’re plenty useful. You don’t have to become a doormat just because you want to help every single person,”


“Listen, we’re not going to abandon you. You’re a part of the family just like everyone else,” said Cook, “We’re not going to leave you, no matter what anyone says,”

“And you don’t have to leave!” said Cleaner, “Just because Jora says you have to, you don’t!”

“You always have the right to say no,” said Dom, “No matter who it is. It’s your body, it’s your mind, and if you burn yourself at both ends, then no one is going to respect you. And if they don’t like you, then that’s on them, not you because you’re fine, just the way you are sweetie,” Baby 5 sobbed and hugged her tightly. Dom wiped her eyes and helped Baby 5 with cleaning up her room with the other maids. Cleaner made notes on what things were essential ie. Socks and underwear and coats. Lesser walked in about twenty minutes later. She tossed her Cleaner her bloody uniform and brass knuckles.

“Cleaner, be a sweetie and get this cleaned for me when you’re finished,”

“Lesser-kun are you okay?!”

“Mhm. I just hate having to break in another uniform,”

“…is Jora still alive Lesser?” Cook inquired

“Hell if I know,”

“Was she moving?”

“She was gurgling,”

“I’ll call the doctor,” Perv stood up, “Did you at least move the body?”

“It’s out of the way,” Jora decided after being treated it was in her best interest to go back to Dressrosa and that getting the kids were not longer something she wanted to do. She also decided to not talk to Doflamingo about this and left as fast as she possibly could in the morning. She was almost out of the door when a hand landed on her shoulder. She screamed and whipped around. Cook had a bento box for her with a sweet smile.

“Please be safe on your journey home,” she said pleasantly, “I packed a lunch and we look forward to seeing you over here again!”

“Have a safe ride!” said Perv smiling from the stairs, “Our regards to the others!”

“Don’t forget to let us know when you get home safely~” said Dom

“O-Oh! T-Thank you Maids! H-Have a good rest of yo-your da—,”

“Get going or you’re going to miss your train,” Lesser walked by with Delliger in his harness, “It would be shame if you missed it,” Jora quickly closed the door and made a break for it. Baby 5 and Buffalo laughed from the top of the stairs at the sight.

“Hey would you have gone back with Jora?” said Buffalo

“Nah, probably not,” said Baby 5, “I like living here better than Dressrosa, besides, the Maids are our kind of like moms and they’re going to take me shopping for more clothes!”

“Aww why do you get new clothes?!”

“Because I’m a growing girl!”

“Breakfast is ready you two!” said Cook, “Wash up and eat!”

“Yes Cook!”

Bonus: Doffy and the Roof

“MEME! MEME! DOFFY IS ON THE ROOF THREATENING TO JUMP!” Roci ran into the kitchen. Taicho looked up from her tea as he ran and slipped, almost into the table. She caught him in time and gently set in down in front of her. She sighed, got up from her comfortable kitchen chair, and grabbed the container of fresh pralines.

“Roci, be a dear and grab the tea caddy? Good boy,” she went to the backyard and looked up. Lo and behold Doffy was on the roof. He looked down when he saw Taicho looking up at him expectantly.

“I’M GOING TO JUMP! I CAN’T TAKE THIS TREATMENT ANYMORE FROM YOU! YOU’RE MEAN, YOU’RE CRUEL, AND I’M PRETTY SURE YOU’D KILL ME IF GIVEN THE CHANCE! AND YOU LIKE ROCI BETTER!” Taicho reached into her pocket, took out her cigarette box, took out a cigarette and then her lighter, she then tapped the cigarette a few times on the case, lit it, and took a drag before blowing it out.







“THEN DO IT COUYON!” Doffy glared and looked down. It was a far drop down. He then saw Roci coming with a tea caddy. Taicho got two chairs, set the tea and opened the container with the pralines. Roci happily sat down and started eating. Taicho sat on the chair; legs crossed still smoking, “I’M WAAAAAAITING!” Doffy now had two options, jump and prove a point or not jump and be a pussy. He glared. He then ran and jumped. Before he even reached the ground, he felt two arms holding him. He was caught midair by Taicho and then landed safely. She gently sat him down, “Is my little Doffy okay?”


“Are ya hurt, cher?”

“No! I’m fine Meme!”

“Good!” in one swift motion, he was over her knee, pants down to his ankles, and getting paddled with her wooden spoon. Doffy cried out, “DON’T YOU EVER DO SOMETHING THAT FOOLHARDY AGAIN BOY! WHAT THE DEVIL IS WRONG WITH YOU!”


“I SAID BACKFLIP! SEE CAN’T EVEN FOLLOW DIRECTIONS, COUYON! AND IF I CATCH YOUR ASS ON THAT ROOF AGAIN IMMA TAN YOUR HIDE INTO LEATHER BOOTS!” she gave him one more paddle and let him go. He cried and sobbed but joined her and Roci for tea. She had his cushion ready. Roci slid over the pralines. Doffy took a bite.

“Thank you Meme,”

“You’re welcome, cher, eat up,”

Chapter 86: A/N Mini Break


The Little Girl is coming back

Chapter Text

Hi everyone!

I know you're all probably wondering when is the next chapter and what's going on because I usually post at least twice a month, three times if it's short enough but things have been a little weird on my end. You're supposed to explain what's been going on for literally the last two weeks. for those of you who don't want to read this epic Saga here's the Reader's Digest version:

1. I've been taking care of kittens

2. Loving on the kittens

3. Inadvertently curse the kitten by naming him River

4. Cousin tries to steal kittens because she's a Karen

5. Became super toxic and kind of fired me because of it? Not really sure at this time

6. Kitten is happy and healthy

And now there's more to add. I found another one on the 4th of July and I thought he was with the original litter but he's slightly younger and has to be bottle fed every 4 to 5 hours. This isn't a major major problem just more of another task along with all of my others. Also because everything is opening again so are anime conventions and since I'm an artist (making because I can't draw for shit!) for them I'll be going to my first one in Washington DC called Otakon. So I'm preparing for that and as well and even though I do have a lot of product this is all the time, and it's one of the biggest ones of the summer of the year. So here's what's going to happen. I had another long chapter planned but I'm going to postpone it and release another very necessary shorts compilation. I was saving it but it's a summertime these are summer Horror Stories and something really cute then another major chapter and finally getting back into the swing of things. Thank you guys so much for understanding! If anybody just want to see preview guess comment your Tumblr and I'll message you a few preview to keep you going. Until then thank you guys so much and have a great well day month week!

Chapter 87: Sea Monster


The Little Girl hunts for a Sea Monster

A/N Hi everyone! I'm sorry for going radio silent all of a sudden but a lot of things have happened for the last month in a half or so. Here's the short and end of it: but everything finally settled down a bit but yeah that was the BS I had to deal with DX

Also, after a lot of consideration, (mainly from hiddenmangaka), I'm going to make a Tumblr page for A New Start. I've notice A LOT of you have theories, headcannons, questions and the like and since I LOVE responding and reading them, I'm going to make a page so you guys can post things like fanart, your own one offs, ask questions, and the like! I'll also be posting teasers, previews and things like that as well ^^ I'll be launching everything September first so stay tuned! I'll answer your comments as soon as possible n,n

Chapter Text

The two kids had managed to slip away from their caretakers and reached the secret cove they found near the woods. They were pretty sure that Boss had it made artificially when he wanted to host but thought against it because they had a massive pool in their backyard. But after some searching and observing they knew it was a natural occurrence and it was secret and quiet. They told the maids of their discovery and pleaded with them to let them swim in there. The maids have told them over and over to stay away from there, mainly because they could EASILY drown if not careful!

“And I really don’t have the time or energy to deal with two dead kids,” said Lesser, fanning herself on the couch, “Besides there’s a perfectly good pool in the back. So be normal and use it,”

“Especially since it’ll take away from precious AC repair time,” said Cook with her toolbox heading back down into the basement for the unit,”

“I”ll order out,” said Dom, “The usual?”


“So stay put. If you want someone to keep an eye on you while swimming, I’m here,” said Perv

“Yeah but you’re no fun!” said Baby 5, “I don’t NEED all of that stuff when I’m swimming!”

“ mean you don’t want a life jacket, have an inner tube, and have to be tethered? You want to drown? Because that’s how you drown by denying you have an ability that can and will kill you if you’re in water!”

“We can be careful!” said Buffalo

“Yeah! I don’t need all of that stuff!” said Baby 5

“If we catch you near that Cove you’re going to be grounded for the rest of the summer,” said Dom, “Including that trip to Dressrosa,”

“What?! That’s not fair!”

“You heard Dom,” said Lesser unbuttoning her top, “Fuck this heat!”

“I’m almost finished with the AC!” said Cook, “Bare with me Lessy-love,”

“Ugh, Cleaner sweetie, did you put the ice in the tub for me?”

“MHM!” Cleaner happily hopped down, “All ready for you!”

“Thank you, if you will excuse me,” Lesser disappeared upstairs. This did not deter the kids from disobeying and going to the Cove. What the Maids didn’t know wouldn't hurt them. They decided to see exactly how secluded the Cove was. They found their way back there and thought about taking a nice long swim. It was a cool night, the moon was out and it was just peaceful. That was when they saw it. A monster was casually in the water, waist deep and seemingly asleep in the water. Whatever it was, it looked like a mermaid but not quite, at least not the way they’ve heard they looked like. They had their eyes closed and leaning against a rock. They were in awe. The creature was beautiful, the moon glistening off their scales. They backed away and snapped a twig. The creature looked up. They dove back into the bushes. The creature stared at the bush before going back to their peaceful rest. The pair ran out and headed home discussing what they saw.

“W-Was that a mermaid?!” said Baby 5

“I don’t know! It’s not any kind I’ve ever heard of!” said Buffalo

“Maybe it was a sea king mermaid hybrid!”

“We have to capture it!”

“...and do what with it?”

“Duh we can make money for finding a new species of mermaid!”

“I don’t think we can do it alone, stupid!”

“Then we can ask Law for help”

“You think he’s going to help us to capture a monster?”

“Then we don’t tell him! We’ll just tell him it’ll be a Monster Hunt and then we’ll just catch it. I seemed harmless. Like it’s not a merman, it’s a mermaid, how dangerous can it be?”

“A monster?!” said Ace, Luffy, and Sabo. After hearing the story from the other Baby 5 and Buffalo, Law told it to his three brothers as soon as he could.

“Mhm, whatever Baby 5 and Buffalo saw at the Cove really shook them up. Usually it’s not worth it to pay attention to them but I think they’re really onto something,” said Law, “So wanna go on a monster hunt?”

“YEAH!” said Luffy

“I’m surprised Law, you usually don’t want to go out and do some hijinks of your own,” said Ace grinning

“Tch, I do just my own personal things! So you guys in or not?”

“Totally in!” said Sabo

“But there’s a slight catch kind of. You see, there’s a reason why the maids forbade Baby 5 and Buffalo from going there. It’s a secret cove, meaning not a lot of people go in there and it’s a risk for Baby 5. She ate the Buki Buki No Mi. She can change her body parts into weapons. But the point I’m making is that, if she gets near the water or slips in, she’s a goner. Buffalo is more of a floater than a swimmer and by the time she’ll get help, she’s gone,”

“So safety in numbers!”

“Exactly! So I was setting up a team. Us, ______________________, Kid, Killer, Sanji, Baby 5, and Buffalo. It’s an even number and we’ll all be able to at least operate the boat,”

“Boat?” said Ace

“Yeah, Doflamingo has a bunch lying around and Baby 5 asked to borrow one. I know she’s lying through her teeth but if it gets messed up, it’s her and Buffalo’s asses, not ours. So are you all in?”

“Fuck yeah!” the boys said in unison.

“I’ll ask __________________ when she comes home. Where is she?”

“Actually going to visit Kid and Killer,” said Ace, “Since it’s been a gloomy summer, she’s been able to manage her heat sickness better so Marco loosened the leash a bit. She’s been able to go out a little more but with stipulations, a jug of water, a parasol, and only to one place only so she doesn’t get overheated. She has her den den mushi on her with someone check up on her,”

“That’s good!”

“Mhm. But it’s still hot so she’s still getting sick but this is the perfect way of figuring out how to manage it. But when it’s night again, she can explore to her heart’s content,”

“And the monster only comes out in the evening,” said Law, “Or at least that’s when they see it. The air conditioner went out in the villa and Cook and Cleaner has been trying to fix it but the villa has been uncomfortable lately. Lesser got a bunch of fans and placed them in windows. Perv and Dom have been walking about in tanks and shorts. Cook couldn’t take it either and did the same. Cleaner has been in the pool, and I think Lesser has been finding shady places to sleep outside in her hammock and finding excuses to bring me and Cora-san lemonade or ice tea,”

“That’s a total mom thing to do,” snorts Ace

“Yeah I know, you should come over. She makes the best lemonade ever. Cook makes her with lavender and honey. Lesser makes her with hibiscus tea,”

“Sounds like a plan!” said Sabo

“I’ll bring a bottle so we can bring some back to ___________________!” said Luffy


__________________ was granted more freedom with her heat sickness than what happened last year. The thing that changed was that she had to keep her den den mushi on her at all times, just in case she overheated and had to get home. Second thing was that she had to wear a sunhat to keep the sun off of her. The last thing was two bottles of ice cold water. This was a lot of precautions but it was for her safety. Also, she had to take the wooded paths of everywhere she went and couldn’t do anything that was an over exertion. Today she was headed to the Dead Island to see Kid and Killer for the kids’ meeting. The Whitebeard Family knew if there was one kid that would make sure she was okay, that would be Killer apart from Law and Ace. They told Miss Ribbon she was on her way. ___________________ hopped off the ferry and went through the familiar streets until she arrived at Miss Ribbon’s place. She knocked on the door and waited. However, neither Miss Ribbon, Kid or Killer opened the door but a dark looming figure. She froze when she saw the man. He was dressed shabbily with a very tired and bored expression on his face. He was also very tall and lanky. She took a step back and tried to stay out of the sun.

“Hi-Hi sir! Is Killer in?”

“Wow. My, my what a cute little girl. Haven’t seen you around these parts before. Looks like your chest hasn't come in yet. Too bad, Killer’s the type that likes a massive rack. You can be my girlfriend for awhile,”


“THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!” said Kid grabbing her and pulling her away from the man.

“Leave _________________ alone you pervert!” said Killer growling at him

“I ain’t no perv. I’m a man who knows what he likes. Totally not my type, she doesn’t have boobies yet. But when they come in, I’ll take her out. Be sure to drink plenty of milk, sweetie,”


“I’m doing this for you. I mean, unless you’re an ass man,” he then yawned, “Anyway, I’m going back to bed. See you around,”

“It's noon! Get your lazy ass up and do something!” said Kid

“I am doing something. I’m trying to make a move on the little lady. So are you free tonight?”


“I still haven’t finished putting the moves on her yet,” Aokiji took something from behind his back and placed it around her neck. Whatever it was it make her feel nice and cool and felt significantly better, “If you don’t keep your girlfriend happy and in luxury, she won’t make you happy,” Killer was about to retort before just grabbing _________________ and taking her back to the ferry boat, “Bye little lady! Come back to me when your tits are in!”

“FUCK YOU!” the boys called out.

“Who was that?!” said ________________

“A nasty ass, weird ass feckin’ pervert!” said Killer, dragging her to the ferry, “Don’t be alone with him!” He was about to take the necklace off but stopped when he felt how cold it was and decided to leave it.

“Seriously!” Aokiji shrugged and went back to his nap.

“What did you put around _________________’s neck?” said Miss Ribbon

“I froze a rock. It should keep her cool for some time. You said the kid was strong and she’s walking about with a yoke on her neck so I guess that’s true. Whatever, as long as she’s cool, that’s fine with me. What’s for dinner?”

“Spaghetti Aglio Olio e Peperoncino. Killer loves it and he’s been a big help lately,”

“You should invite his little lady friend to dinner,”

“No, because you’re going to end up teasing him about her. Let him sort that out on his own and I swear you’re going to end up on some kind of a list if you keep this up,”

“I hate that guy!” said Killer as they sat in the ferry stewing.

“Seriously, fuck that asshole!” said Kid

“Who is he?!”

“Not entirely sure but he’s been around for the last few months and he needs to go back home!”

“Maybe that’s his new home,”

“DON’T JINX IT!” once on land, they met at the Clearing where everyone else was waiting.

“A Monster Hunt you say?” said Killer

“Mhm!” said Ace, “You two in?”

“Wouldn’t miss this for anything!” said Kid

“So what’s the story?”

“Baby 5 and Buffalo found it at the Cove near the villa,” said Law

“Baby 5?”


“They’re like Law’s old siblings!” said Luffy

“Tch, the word sibling is pushing it. More like two kids I had the displeasure of being around for a while. But they’re really riled up about it. So I told them I would take a look and I think it would be cool to check out for a summertime adventure,”

“Sounds like fun!” said _________________

“How are we going to get into the cove?” said Sanji

“The idiots “borrowed” one of Doffy’s boats. I know damn well the maids didn’t sign off on it and Doffyt didn’t so it’s one of those “wing and a prayer” situations,”

“Is it just us or is it going to be a flower fest with those damned girls!” said Kid, “Seriously I don’t want to hear all of that girly bullshit, especially with pigtails!”

“No, it’ll be just us. So you don’t have to worry, your crush isn’t going to be there,” Law smirked. Kid’s face went white, then beet red.


“ have a crush on Penny?” said Sabo

“Awww!” said __________________, “I can’t wait to tell her!”


“Wow, I didn’t think you would be into Penny,” said Ace, “It’s almost like pissing in front of a nun,”

“That’s a terrible thing to say!” said __________________, “Penny isn’t that mean!”

“, no, ___________________ it means that Penny is so sweet, doing something like that would be really like nasty and just ugh,” said Killer


“...what were you thinking of?”

“Well, there was a guy who peed on the convent once. Sister tried to chase him off, he said something mean to her and peed close to her and she grabbed her rosary, beat him with it, tied his neck, and kicked him all the way back to Goa. Never saw him again afterwards,”

“...that’s because Sister isn’t like normal nuns,” said Law

“And let’s ALL agree to never piss off Sister,” said Sabo cringing, “But back to the hunt. There’s literally four problems. Luffy, Kid, Law, and Baby 5 can’t risk falling in the water!”

“...that’s true,” said Ace, “it’ll be one thing if one of us can get one out but what if they all fell into the water at once?!”

“Then let’s test to see who can hold their breath the longest!” said Luffy

“Good idea! This is rare for you,”


“Why does this matter?” said Sanji

“The person who can stay under the longest has the best chance of getting everyone out if two or more fall in!”

“And it’s hot, so a dip in the water would be refreshing,” said Killer, “Alright, everyone strip,” the group went to the water. First Sabo jumped in and held his breath. Two minutes later, he came out panting.

“Okay this is harder than it looks!”

“Tch, betcha I can go longer,” Ace drove into the water. He only managed two in a half minutes before emerging, “See? How long was that?”

“Three minutes,”


“Harder than it looks, huh Freckles?” said Killer.

“Like you can do better!”

“Probably not,” Killer took one step and dropped into the water. He only lasted two minutes before emerging,”

“We all suck,” said Ace, “You’re up gigolo,” Sanji gave Ace a good punch before diving in. Sanji came back up a good two in a half minutes later.

“Not bad! So far Sanji is the longest,” said Law, “Okay, ___________________ your turn,” she nodded and plopped into the water. Holding her breath was easy and she was able to swim around. Ace told her to come up when she needed air and she didn’t have to. She never held her breath before or for this long. She thought she would have needed air by now but it was actually not bad. In fact, she was able to actually swim a little in the water. The water was nice and cool and she just wanted to stay in there forever. So she did. However, after what seemed like eternity, she needed air and came up and took a breath.

“How was that?!” she beamed

“...forty five minutes!” said Ace



“I don’t know!”

“...isn’t that normal?”

“Logically speaking, the average person can hold their breaths for about 90 seconds, longer if you’re a pirate or a Marine where some can hold for over ten minutes, enough to get to safety and such,” said Law, “So yeah that’s not normal but this also means you can be search and rescue if anyone falls in,”


“It’s also a good skill to have,” said Killer grinning, “In sooooo many ways,”


“...I was thinking about her getting seashells from the bottom of the cove. What did you think I was talking about, San-chan?” Sanji’s face went completely red. Killer smirked, “Hello Pot,”

“Why would anyone need to hold their breaths and it being a good skill?!” said Luffy. Killer smirked.

“Well, when women and men are alone toget--”


“--and when they’re in the mood…”

“KILLER!” Sanji tackled the boy, who flipped him off and grinning at Luffy and whispered something in his ear. Luffy looked horrified!



“WHAT DID HE SAY?!” said Ace


“Mhm~” said Killer. Luffy then ran as fast as he could!

“I HAVE TO PROTECT SHANKS’ MEAT FROM MAKINO!” Ace, Sabo, and ___________________ ran after their brother with Sanji in tow. Killer was laughing his ass off.

“You really are a sadist,” Law shook his head.

The kids all found excuses to sneak out for their secret monster hunt. It was late when they all met at Law’s place before heading to the villa where they waited. It was a clear night, with the moon shining brightly overhead. __________________ sat to enjoy the silence and stillness. She couldn’t wait to see what this monster looked like. Soon two other kids came out.

“This is Buffalo and Baby 5,” said Law

“Nice to meet you,” said Sabo

“Wow you two knew Law before us! How was he like?” said _______________ happily

“Tch, we’re his family not you guys,” said Baby 5

“Yeah! You’re the leftovers!” said Buffalo

“You think you can waltz into Law’s life and be his siblings! I’m a more awesome little sister than YOU are!”

“Says the girl who still looks like her Mommy dresses her,” said Kid, “Seriously, hair bows?”

“That dress is ugly,” said Killer, “Seriously are you a doll or something,”

“At least dolls are cute,”

“I really hope this isn’t going to be another mean girl situation. I’m sick of them,” said ________________, “And Law is an awesome big brother and I KNOW I’m a cool sister to him!”

“Hey! Leave her alone!” said Sanji, glaring at the boys.

“Law are you gonna let them talk to me like that?!” said Baby 5

“You’re the one who started it. Don’t dish it out if you can’t take it!” she glared, raised her hand and smacked his head good. Law gave her a death glare. Baby 5 started sobbing and went away, “Behave, both of you or we’re leaving,” he growled

“Okay, okay!”

“How are we getting to the Cove?”

“We’re borrowing Doffy’s cabin cruiser!” said Baby 5 proudly

“...the brand new one he just bought?”


“Are you two idiots sure that it’s okay for you to use Doffy’s cabin cruiser?” said Law

“What he doesn’t know what hurt us!” said Buffalo

“I knew you two were stupid enough to steal it,”

“Relax. We found a route to the cove on it so we don’t have to worry about any damage to it by dragging it to land so we don’t have to worry about carrying it,”

“...that would be hard and kind of dumb,” said Luffy

“Yeeeeeeeah if Luffy thinks it’s dumb, you fucked up,” said Ace, “Seriously Law, where did you find these two?”

“Trust me, I didn’t have many options,”

Law made Buffalo and Baby 5 steer and use the boat with his and Kid’s instructions. Ace navigated and they were soon on the water, ready to see the Cove.

“This boat is so cool!” said Luffy

“Yeah!” said ___________________.

“Don’t touch anything,” said Law, “These two are in enough trouble with this boat being stolen, you don’t want to be roped into any repairs they have to fix,”
“Didn’t know you were so paranoid,” said Buffalo grinning

“I’m not, I just know you two will find anyway to throw anyone under the bus because you’re that kind of idiot,”

“Give us SOME credit,” said Baby 5

“You’re roped in with the Strings Man, I don’t think you deserve it,” said __________________

“Hey! You’re not a real sister so you can’t talk to me like that!”

“I am and I can. Bows are out of style by the way,”


“Shhhh! We’re almost there!”

“So what does this monster look like?” said Sabo

“It looks like a mermaid but...scarier,” said Buffalo, “Like it looks like it can kill you with just one swipe,”

“But it’s also very pretty!” said Baby 5, “It had scales that were shiny in the moonlight!”

“The moon is out! I hope we get to see it!” said __________________

“Probably unless these idiots do something to scare it off,” said Law. As they reached the Cove, the kids got quiet. The water gently took them around the bend and into a cave. Soon they were inside the Cove. It was a very quiet area, almost sacred, it was a calming and beautiful experience. But what brought it all together was what they came to see. The kids stared. The monstrous figure was on a rock looking nonchalant and enjoying the cool air of the night. They had long beautiful greenish hair that just flowed and billowed slightly in the wind. They had a long tail that disappeared in water. The water was so clear that they could clearly see that it was long and thick. Its body was covered in scales that were bluish green with fins on their neck. Their back were turned to them but seemed to just be content with the silence and coolness of the water. They were enthralled, the creature was in pure bliss, leaving them at ease...until Buffalo and Baby 5 revealed their ulterior motive of capturing the strange creature to show off to the rest of the maids and Doffy. Before anyone could stop them, they pointed the netting gun at the mermaid creature and fired.

Big Mistake.

They didn’t even see it coming. The mermaid dodged the attack and glanced over her shoulder. Her tail slammed into the boat, splitting it in half. The kids all dispersed into the water. __________________ popped up, took a breath and went after Law and Kid who were sinking fast. She’s never seen a Devil Fruit user in the water unable to swim. They both had panic on their faces, unable to scream, unable to move, and looked at her with pleading eyes. She managed to grab them both but then froze when she saw the monster coming towards them. In a split second, Law and Kid were gone. She immediately looked around but headed for shore. She was greeted to the sheer frightening sight of the monster mermaid. She towered over them and had Baby 5, Law, Luffy, and Kid in her arms and one by one, she skipped them across the cove like skipping stones, landing them safely to shore, giving them all hard swats on the butt for good measure. She then snatched up the rest of them, her included and threw them across the water onto the shore. The kids all turned and looked bewildered. The mermaid looked at them with a “Really?” expression. She looked annoyed before going back into the water, disappearing from view. They immediately ran back to the villa and were greeted by very miffed Maids.


“What were you thinking?! Especially you four! You could have drowned!” Dom gestured to Luffy, Law, Kid, and Baby 5

“We’re highly disappointed in you all! You could have caught your death!”

“Or worse,” said Lesser, coming in with towels. The heat even had gotten to her. She was wearing a sarong that was long on one side and up to her hip on the other wearing a crop top tank.The kids were getting the tongue lashing of their lives. ___________________, Luffy, and Baby 5 looked as though they were about to cry. Ace, Sabo, and Law winced at the yelling and finger waving, Kid tried to keep his tough glare but ultimately knew they were right. Sanji on the other hand looked as though he was in heaven. Perv and Dom were wearing tight shorts and tank tops with no bras for support. He could only concentrate on the bouncing of sweaty massive breasts in his face. Cook came in a few moments later, covered in oil, sweat, and victory.

“I FIXED THE AC!” Sanji looked as though he was going to lose his mind. Cook stepped out in short shorts, sandals, and a bikini top. He could see the freckles on the top of her breasts. She then noticed the kids, “.....what did they do?”

“Went into that cove! Without a responsible adult!”

“Honestly! Even AFTER we told you not to!”

“R-Really?!” Cleaner bustled in. Sanji’s eyes widened. Although Cleaner was the smallest, her chest was massive. Lesser looked more annoyed than usual.

“We’ll handle Baby 5 and Buffalo,” said Perv

“N-No fair!” whined Baby 5, “Lesser-mama isn’t going to punish Law!”

“Yeah! He’s going to get off scot free!” said Buffalo, “Because he’s her favorite!”

“You two do know that Law lives with Cora-love, right? They got this co-parenting thing under control,” said Cook smiling, “She does the lecturing, he does the punishing. And since you two have so much time being in another family’s business, you two can be the ones to tell Boss about his boat and you can help me in the kitchen as my kitchen rats for the rest of the summer. Which works great because I won’t have to do prep work for my complicated recipes,” the pair groaned.

“Come along,” said Lesser, ushering the other kids along. Ace and Kid were about to retort but one look from her said everything and they decided to keep their mouths shut. Sanji decided to catch up from behind. He couldn’t pass up the chance of getting a nice good hard look at Lesser’s assets in a sarong. It would be criminal if he didn’t! He trailed behind and was about to see his reward. This earned him two hard clobbers to the head.

“OW!” He stood up as Law stepped over him and Killer dragged him.

“Don’t stare at Lesser’s ass,” said Law

“Seriously you damned pervert,” said Killer

Lesser took all of the kids home by the ears. None of them had the nerve to escape and try to run home. Punishments were issued all over. Everyone was collectively grounded for a few days, Baby 5 and Buffalo had to work off the repairs and new boat for Doflamingo who was less than pleased that one of his smaller boats was ruined by a monster as the children claimed. Ace and ____________________ were grounded for three days since Luffy could have seriously drowned. Ace told them about ___________________’s talent of holding her breath for a very long time. Marco decided to take this time to run a few tests on her, since she wasn’t going anywhere anyway. Kid and Killer were also grounded for two days and couldn’t leave the dead island for anything and had to do extra chores around the house, including Aokiji’s laundry.

“Oh come on!” said Kid, “He NEVER washes!”

“It smells like pig shit,” said Killer

“Consider this a good punishment to keep you two from putting yourselves into danger like that,” said Miss Ribbon, “Especially since Kid could have drown,”

“He wouldn’t have! I always fish him out!” said Killer

“Besides, __________________ could have fished us out!” said Kid, “She can hold her breath for damn near an hour!”

“You shouldn’t rely on someone to save you when prevention is the best thing,” said Miss Ribbon, “What if __________________ she hit her head and knocked herself out? Then we would have had eight dead children and two traumatized ones. Ace would have to try and save Luffy and _________________ along with Sabo and drowning in the process, Killer would try to save Kid and Law and run out of air and sink to the bottom, Kid surviving and guilty, Sanji would do the chivalrous thing and try to save Baby 5 and yes, drowning because she would sink like a stone. So all who would be left would be Kid and Buffalo,”

“Jesus woman!” said Kid

“Seriously! What made you think of all of that?!”

“Just a wild guess. Just promise not to do anything like that again,” the pair begrudgingly agreed, “Good! Now hop to it boys,”

“Yes Miss Ribbon,”

“A woman who can hold her breath for an hour…” said Aokiji thoughtfully and sitting up, “That’s an amazing talent to have when she’s an adult,”

“SHUT UP PERVERT!” the boys yelled out

“I was thinking about her being a Marine but whatever you two were thinking could work too,” the boy glared and ran to the laundry room. Law was grounded for a few days of not going out. He really thought he could take it until he realized that not hanging out with his brothers or sister and having the ability to come and go as he pleases. He groaned. This really was torture. He even had to do extra chores around the house and Corazon in the most insidious way actually made him learn and recite pages from the Marine handbook including the passage about Devil Fruit water safety. Lesser came by with dinner one day to give him an easement from Corazon’s cooking.

“Thanks Lesser, but Law and I are having my specialty!” Law inwardly cringed. It wasn’t that Corazon wasn’t a good cook but it’s always burnt or charred in some way and today was no exception. He could SMELL the tasty curry from the basket. His mouth watered. Lesser understood and left the curry for a later time. Law groaned. This really WAS a punishment. And neither of them were letting up on it. He sighed. He then felt a ruffle on his head.

“You have a few more days,” said Lesser, “And you can see your little friends again,”

“And eat this delicious curry!” Corazon was happily munching on a small bowl, “Lesser you really outdid yourself!”

“Thank you,”


“I’m not the one in trouble,”

The man and the woman were almost equally matched. She was stronger than him, even with his rock hard body, there was something off about her strength and willingness to survive. He has despised her since day one, there was wondering off about her and he couldn’t put his finger on it. He only tolerated her because Doffy insisted that he played nice and he was going to, only for Doffy. He didn’t expect her to catch him off guard the way she did and he didn’t expect to have her fight him like she was going. He’s been itching to get into a fight with her and now it was happening and it proved to be tougher than he imagined. He thought he would have put her in her place and be done with it but this woman was a killer, an ice cold killer who didn’t care if he was murdered in the process. But she was also sloppy, anger clouding her judgment, then again, he did attack her precious husband and child and she was not going to let that slide. It was then he managed to knock her hard against the tree. She stumbled up and managed to move out of the way when she saw him coming. She then ran into the woods.

Cowardly Bitch.

He chased her, keeping her close within his sights. His grin became large when he saw that she froze and stumbled away. They were at the ocean now. There was one thing he learned since meeting her and her family: that she didn’t like water and he loved the idea that something as abundant as water would be enough to frighten her. The short time he’s known her, he observed her. She wasn’t a Devil Fruit user but she actively feared and stayed away from any body of water. She hesitated when she saw the ocean and backed away. She looked frightened beyond anything he’s seen from her. He smirked and went at her with everything he had. She blocked, ducked, and dodged, trying to avoid the shoreline but to no avail. He waited until she was a few inches from the shore before he tackled her into the water. She yelped and flailed trying to get out but he wouldn’t let her. He would drown her, then tell his superiors that he found her like this. He smirked at the idea, the very thought of her her usual uppityness replaced with fear as bubbles came out of her nose and mouth before her life being snuffed out forever. He wanted to see the life drain from her eyes, he wanted her to know that she was going to die, and that he was the one who was going to do it. Because at the end of the day, he was a man and she was only a woman. However, when he looked down, he didn’t see the woman anymore. He saw something else. He saw something that wasn’t human. It was a mermaid-like creature. He has to call it a creature because he’s never seen anything like it before. She had a malicious smirk on her face. A feeling of dread fell to the pit of her stomach. He played right into her hand, he fell right into her trap, and now it was too late. He was soon flipped over into the deeper end of the water. Before he could react, he felt something around his torso, squeezing him and dragging him into the depths below. It was cutting off his breathing. He saw a large thick tail around him. He saw the creature up close now. She had dark sea green hair, her face was a monstrous beauty with fins and gills on her neck, and now she had large sharp claws to match her now long sharp teeth. She saw the fear he now had and she had a very wide smile. His body proceeded to be ripped to shreds. She managed to break through his hardened body like it was paper. Every inch of him was mauled by claws and teeth tearing him from head to toe. He no longer could get a good look at her, the sea was filled with his blood. But this monster was done with him. He was flung back to shore. She walked out of the water, changing back into her human form. She wiped her mouth on her sleeve. He was gasping for air and life.

“I can’t believe I wasted that extra energy on you,” she walked towards him and delivered a hard kick to his face, “Consider that a warning,” she slammed her foot onto his throat and pressed, “if either of them are dead, I’ll finish the job. Damn the consequences,” she spats on him and walked away, disappearing into the woods. He was found luckily a little while later. He was banaged and fixed up. He didn’t dare tell anyone what had happened. No one would believe him anyway. He was terrified. He feared no man or woman or being but he was terrified of her. He thought he would have to see her but she was shipped out and no longer there. Her family survived to his knowledge because she never made due with her threat but he was still grateful for his life. But there was something else that he knew he could never tell anyone. Ever since that day, whenever he was out, he felt many people looking at him. At first he thought it was because of food stuck to his face, he got that alot but these people looked at him with a look of coldness that dared him to step out of line for a moment. It came to a head when he asked for a room at the end. The man at the desk looked at him and shook his head.

"Leave, we don't want you in here,"

"What did you say to me?"

"You heard me. Leave eejit," he was NOT going to be talked down to like that. He looked around. They weren't the only ones in the inn area. He wasn't going to have his authority questioned or challenged. He took out his weapon and pulled it out to strike. The man blocked it and before he knew it, he was knocked to the ground, with the innkeeper on him and with his own bamboo sword choking him out, “Listen eejit, as much as I want to collect the feckin’ bounty on your head, you ain’t worth the trouble of blowing my cover,” his eyes were the same as hers, dangerous and cold.

"So the Marines are looking for me? Are you her lapdog?"

“Not talkin’ about the fuckin’ Marines. No one here gives two flying fucks about the World Government. You got bigger troubles than them. You attacked our Boss’s daughter and our Underboss. I don’t know what the fuck you did but the family pretty much said that if any of us see you, bring you to Boss alive. And if you tangled with Underboss and survived that because she wanted you to live. Her Da on the other hand, he’s not going to let you die peacefully, he’ll make sure you suffer until your final agonizing death. Hell, he still has his red haired plaything for an one nighter. So watch your back and get the fuck out of my inn,” he lets him go and he scrambled out. He looked around. There were about twenty men and women looking at him with amused contempt. He knew he wasn’t in his element anymore. For the first time in his life, he felt true fear. He didn’t know what these beings were and if they were anything like her, he was in trouble.

“So what did he do?” said a woman

“He attacked and almost killed Boss’s grandson and son in law but also tried to drown Underboss as a human,” the woman started laughing.

“Dumb ass! Trying to DROWN mermaid?!,”

“Isn’t Enforcer in town?” said man

“Mhm. He’s been alerted. He’s not very happy about happened to his sorella was treated the way she was,”

“Ohhh someone’s gonna die~,”

“W-What are you talking about?!” Vergo got up ready for a fight. However, the creatures around him looked as though they were ready to not only fight but to win.

“You really should consider running,”

“We don’t mind a good fight but there a lot humans around and we kinda don’t want to blow our cover,”

“Eeeeeee! You’re the one who almost killed our Underbossy? My Sweet Sorella~?!” Vergo backed away. He could only see the figured glowing eyes and long sharp teeth in the blackness, “Papa said he wanted to deal with you himself but that doesn’t mean I can’t have any fun~” Vergo felt someone rush passed him and then felt something wrapping around his neck and choking the life out if him. He immediately hardened his body in order to create a defense but Vergo’s thick neck was no match for the smaller man’s strength and Garrote wire. He’s never experienced strength like this before! He flailed and tried to get away before he noticed the smaller man in front of him with a large amused look on his face, “Eeeeeeeeeeee! You’re so blue and your body is still hard! Let’s see how long it'll be before I shatter you~!” he was tackled to the ground and he started barrel into him laughing the whole time while Vergo choked, “DIE YAY DIE YAY! DIE YAY! YOU’RE CRACKING!”

“Now, now brother, he’ll be dead long before you finish,” something snapped from Vergo’s neck and he gasped for air and clamour away. Another young man was with the other one, he had a smile on his face but his eyes weren’t smiling at all, “And remember what Father said, he wants him alive so he could deal with it,”

“Niiiiii-chan! It’s not fair for Papa and Underbossy~”

“You hadn’t called Pretty Sis that in years. You’re really upset, aren’t you?”

“He hurt her hubby and child. That can’t be forgiven,”

“Quite but you know that’s an order. You’ve done enough,” the other man smiled at Vergo, “You have an hour to get back on your feet and get out of here. Father has been informed of your presence and he loves a good hunt. Underboss and my dear brother aren’t anywhere near as brutal as Father,”

“Uncle Magnus is coming?!” said a little girl happily.

“Mhm! He can’t wait to see everyone again but he may have to attend to first. It all depends if it’s still here or not. Come along brother,”

“Okay~” the pair walked into the inn. The people around looked at him with a lack of sympathy that he wasn’t used to. He immediately gathered him and ran to the next town. If what he experienced was just the children, he could only imagine the father.

Chapter 88: The Sixth Musketeer


Two Little Girls finally become friends

Chapter Text

There was a two week intensive summer program for the ribbon girl troupe. It was a way for the girls to get some extra practice in and be able to see each other one last time before their summer vacations with their families. It was usually a kick back class where they would try out new things and just have some fun. But usually the intensive program was an introduction in case other students wanted to join. Today there were only the four musketeers and Holly since Kaya went off on her vacation back home early.

“I’m sorry guys!” she said to them via snail, “I know we usually do something one more time before the official summer but Ussop’s dad came back and he wants to take us camping! I’ve never been camping before and Ussop is SUPER excited! We’re going to an island so we’re going on a ship!”

“Have fun!” said Penny

“Take a lot of pictures!” said Vivi

“And wear something warm! It gets cold on a ship!” said ___________________

“And no kissing Ussop!” said Plum, smirking. Kaya’s snail went red, “Though he might like it,”

“IT’S NOT LIKE THAT!” The girls warmed up in the room. __________________ and Penny were sitting with their legs stretched and feet pressed and pulling each other and stretching their backs. Vivi was doing drills with Plum who was spotting and counting. Holly however was in the corner watching them, arms folded.

“So where are you guys going for vacation?” said __________________

“I’m going back to Alabasta!” said Vivi happily, “I can’t wait to see home again! Dad is already preparing a feast! I haven’t had my favorite foods in AGES!”

“What’s that?”

“Dry Squid curry! My mouth is watering just thinking about it!” the girls make a face, “Hey! Don’t pass judgement until you’ve had it!”

“Squid though, isn’t it chewy?” said Plum

“Like you would really have to chew it, right?” said __________________

“That’s why it’s dried! It’s not as chewy and it’s really good! I’ll bring some back for you guys to try! What about you, where are you going?!”

“Oh! Well, Pops and I are going to Fishman Island for a meeting, then I’m going to spend some time with Grandpa and Miss Hancock! This time Ace, Luffy, and Sabo are going!”

“Aw! I wanna go!” said Penny

“That sounds like fun!” said Plum

“What are you two doing this summer?”

“Well, we’re going back home. It’s not much but it’s more of a family staycation!” said Penny, “I get to see my horse and go riding again!”

“You have a horse?!” said ___________________

“Mhm! Her name is Buttercup! She’s so sweet!”

“It’s not true if you don’t have a picture!” said Vivi. Penny grinned and took out a picture of a brown and spotted white filly with a long white mane and tail.

“Awww! She’s so cute!”

“And spoiled as hell!” said Plum, “Penny always gives her a sugar cube when she sees her,”

"Because she deserves it!"

“Okay ladies! Come into the classroom area!” said Miss Fern excitedly, “There’s someone I want you to meet!” the girls looked puzzled but filed into the room. They sat down as Miss Fern disappeared out the door again. Then another little girl came in. She was wearing a black and white leotard with her hair pushed into a bun. __________________ and the girl locked eyes with each other and instantly froze, “Girls, I want you all to welcome a temporary student to our troupe. Her name is Katherina Devon and she’ll be joining us for the next two weeks. Please give her a warm welcome and make her feel at home! Katherina, please feel free to sit anywhere you’d like!” Holly grinned and moved her bag so Katherina could sit next to her and away from other girls. Miss Fern went on with a form lesson. The girls noticed the two girls looking at each other, when break happened, before anyone could say anything, Katherina made herself scarce.

“What was that all about?” said Plum, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen two people looking so tense at each other,”

“Umm I kind of know her, she was really mean before but she’s nice now! I think,”

“You think?” said Penny

“As long as she’s not as bad as Holly, I’m a-okay!” said Plum


“Just give her a chance. It’s hard to be the new kid anywhere!” said Vivi. After their break, the girls were to start their physical drills. Because it was summer, they could literally do whatever. ___________________ grinned and did her favorite drill involving Penny, her strength, and the cyr wheel. Penny got into position as _________ tossed her up and caught her before spinning her over and over before leaping onto the wheel and walking it around the room with Penny giggling and hanging on. She then stepped out as ________________ dismounted backwards.

“I guess we have more in common than I thought,” said Katherina as ______________ landed, “No wonder you were able to get the drop on me that day,”

“Sorry about that!” _______________ rubbed the back of her neck.

“It’s okay, I’m sorry too. But I do want a rematch someday,”


“By the way, never got your name,”

“....YOU NEVER GAVE KATHERINA YOUR NAME?!” Vivi pulled ________________’s cheeks

“ACK! No! It slipped my mind!”

“HOW could it slip your mind, weirdo!”

“Ack!” Katherina snorts

“To be fair, the way we met, pleasantries were the last thing on either of our minds,”

“You two really got into a fight?!” said Penny

“Mhm, we’re okay now, so no worries there. So, what’s your name?”

“Call her Mutt, we all do,” said Holly, striding in. The girls inwardly cringe.

“And this is Holly, the class bitch,” said Plum, “We were wondering when you were going to meet her,”

“Shut up, Plum,”

“And no we don’t call _________________, mutt!!” said Penny, “Holly only calls her that and she can get in trouble for it!”

“Quiet before I give you a name, Penny,” Penny backed down a bit.

“Leave her alone Holly,” said ______________, “No one wants a mean nickname from you!”

“I like when dogs try to be like humans. What are you trying to be an attack dog like Plum? It’s going to work. Plum has the face for it, you just have the inbreeding,”

“You bit—!” Plum started as Penny held her back.

“You’re one to talk. I didn’t think it was possible to hear and see a bipedal pig before,” said Katherina. Holly looked a little shocked.

“What did you say to me?!”

“I was wondering why I couldn’t understand you and why and then I realized, it was a pig trying to talk. Squeeeeeeee!” Plum started laughing under her hand. _______________ gasped as Vivi held her stomach.

“I KNOW you’re not talking about the way I loo—,”

“I am because it looks like your Mommy still dresses you. Your entire look hurts my eyes. Just because lace is pretty doesn’t mean you have to wear it with everything. We’re an acrobatics class and you’re dressed like you’re going to cheap costume
party,” the room went quiet. Holly looked embarrassed but then sneered.

“What about you?! We’re not doing ballet, but your hair is in a bun! What are you trying to prove?! Then again, girls who have ugly or short hair keep their hair in buns!” Katherina raised an eyebrow, went behind her bun and unfastened it. Her dark locks fell gracefully and covered and shaped her face. Her hair was light and bouncy. She flipped her hair and shook it out with a superior smirk at Holly.

“That’s better, thank you, Piggy was it? This feels MUCH better. What? You think my hair wouldn’t be beautiful? Just because you have thinning, old lady’s hair doesn’t mean the rest of us do. I mean it’s covered in glitter and hair gel, it’s going to be damaged from all of that treatment. Is that why you’re attacking the girl with curls? They’re cute, unlike you,” she took Holly’s hair into her hand, “Split ends, mother mousses, and it’s so limp you can’t do anything with it. Pathetic,” she turned to the other girls, “Let’s warm up, shall we?”

“Ummm yeah!” said ________________ heading towards her

“Coming!” said Penny, “Want to play cyr with us?”

“I’d like that,”

“ really like my curls?” Katherina smiled.

“Mhm! Not many girls can pull off the twin tail curl style. You should have it where you have them all over your head,”

“See! Told you!” said Plum

“You would look so cute!” said Vivi

After lessons, the girls switched out their clothes. Because it was the summer, the parents all agreed that the girls can stay after school an extra hour and a half so the girls can hang out for a bit. In order to celebrate the new girl they decided to treat her to the bakery a block away.

“Katherina are you coming?” said __________________, “It’s a tradition that we invite someone new for cake!”

“Yeah! More of a “Welcome to Our Class!” kinda thing!” said Plum

“And you’re lucky, you’re going to get a Welcome Party and a Farewell Party in like two weeks!”

“Awww that’s horrible!” said Penny, “I don’t want to think about you leaving us so soon!”

“I live in Goa, so it’s more of a see you later, right?” said Katherina, “I’m in, I just have to tell my uncle,” Outside, the girls saw a strange looking man dressed weirdly outside of the school. He was dressed in a blue, wide-brimmed hat, olive-green trousers, with similarly colored gloves, and black shoes with tall white socks. He combined these with a simple blue jacket.

“...._____________________is that a brother we’ve never met before?” said Penny

“No way! I’ve never seen that guy before!”

“I like his glasses,”

“He looks sketchy,” said Plum, “We should stay inside just in case,” Katherina however brushed past them and went up to the man glaring a bit.

“I swear you ALWAYS look sketchy!” the man’s face lit up!

“Katty!” The man picked up Katherina and swung her around, hugging her tightly. She looked used to it as she went limp and just let it happen, “Howwasyourfirstday?! Didyoumakeanyfriends?! Ihavetotakesomecominghome picturesofyou!” He then noticed the four girls looking at him. Katherina wriggled away. He grinned and held up a hand, “Hello! I’m her Uncle! Nothing creepy here!”

“THAT MAKES YOU SOUND EVEN MORE CREEPY! But yeah, this is my uncle, Jango, this is Penny, Plum, Vivi, and __________________,” he looked as though he was going to cry, “And is it okay for me to go to the bakery with them? It’s a welcome party thing,”

“SURE! GO HAVE FUN! HERE TAKE SOME BELI! IT’S ON ME!” He took out some money and shoved it into her hands before hanging back to his car. He watched happily trying to not make a fuss over the idea that his Katty finally had friends! He secretly took a few pictures for scrapbooking moments later. Thanks to the Jango money, the girls had a mini feast waiting for them. As they ate, they got to know their new friend better.

“You’re all Pretty Soldier fans?” said Katherina

“Yeah!” said Penny pulling out a picture, “We all cosplayed for Halloween!”

“Wow! Okay, I can see why you keep your hair in twin tails! You’re an adorable Tsuki! And you all went all out!” Penny blushed!

“Awww stop!”

“It was Halloween and we really wanted to try it out!” said Vivi, “___________________’s cat even dressed up as Tsukuyomi to complete her outfit!”

“He wouldn’t let me or anyone take off his head charm for a week!” the girls laughed.

“Good ol’ River!”

“Kinsei is best girl. I like how you used her new outfit. It suits you,” said Katherina


“So why do you two like her? Aside from being almost like Tsuki,” said Vivi

“She’s the first soldier and she was supposed to protect the Star Princess as Leader!” said _____________

“Not to mention the badass way she came in and saved them from Chalcedony! Who was the second to final boss!” said Katherina

“She has a cat and he’s so cute!”

“The way she went solo and then came back to help her friends was epic and heartbreaking!”

“She became Topaz’s guardian angel! Even though he doesn’t deserve her!”

“And she STILL tried to save him even though he accidentally betrayed her!

“Kinsei fans are too cute~!” said Plum laughing

“The other soldiers are cool too!” said Penny

“Yeah but everyone has their own favorite in the community and on different islands apparently!” said Vivi

“Really?!” said the girls

“Yeah! In Alabaster it’s Kaisei because she’s from a desert area and it’s hot and she wears a lot of traditional clothes from our area,”

“That makes sense!”

“And for those around the Florian Triangle, they favor Dosei because of her dark and mysterious nature,”

“I wonder how it is for Goa,” said ___________________

“It depends, for the wealthier side, it’s Tsuki because she’s a princess, for the middle side it’s Suisei because she’s a doctor, and for the not so rich side, it’s Mokusei because she’s strong and tough,” said Katherina.


“That’s really cool!” said Penny

“It is but that’s why you can only find certain character merch in certain areas of Goa. But if you walk enough you can get collectables everywhere,”

“That’s great to know!”

The girls became close after the first week. After every class, they were exploring Goa, the woods, anywhere really. After learning about _________________’s Heat Sickness, Katherina would suddenly have little things on hand like an ice scarf and cold barley tea in her gym bag when they went out, secretly slipping it into her backpack.

“Annnnnnnd here we are!” today, __________________ showed them the secret bookstore that was hidden near the villa. It was a pretty large bookstore with colors and books everywhere. The outside looked ancient and almost decrypted but the inside was whimsical and almost magical.

“So this is the infamous bookstore!” said Plum, “The one you and Killer go to,”

“Mhm! Since we had time, I knew this would be the best place! If you see something grab it because they don’t restock for months!”

“Why’s that?” said Katherina

“Because we get travelers and pirates in here all the time,” said the Keeper from behind the counter, “Many come in here for maps, charts, and something to keep them busy on long journeys so they’ll stock up on books for months, especially a series,”

“Makes sense!”

“Not to mention, many sleep here if there’s no other options and many trade books for others so many of these books are just from all over,”

“Is that why you give us freebies?”

“Mhm, sometimes a book lingers and I just want it gone,” They loaded up and decided for some ice cream before heading back for their parents to pick them up. They happily dug in. The ice cream parlor was nice and cool and because it was off peak, it was practically empty. It was just the thing to eat before they had to get back home for the day.

“I don’t think I’ve ever heard of red bean ice cream,” said Katherina, “And it’s surprisingly good,”

“Yeah this shop is known for flavors you can’t get anywhere else or a rarity!” said ___________________, “This had sakura and rose ice cream here during spring,”

“Rose ice cream?” said Vivi, “You should have brought us some!”

“It would have been soup by then!”

“Then we could have given it to Holly,” said Plum, “Or pour it on her,”

“Then she would have been sticky,” said Penny, “And even more gross,”

“Oh wow look at you! Even you’re sick of her,”

“I am! Especially since she always comes up with ways to just be mean! But she’s been quiet all week though,”

“That’s because she found someone who’s willing to step up to her,” said Plum, “You’d think she’s learn her lesson after __________________ almost knocked her block off,”

“Wait, what?” said Katherina. The girls told her stories about their recital, ___________________ saving them from kidnappers, and the Maze incident, “ really do have the patience of a saint or just a massive pushover,” Katherina poked her cheek, “What’s the deal? You should have beat the shit out of her,”

“Yeah why don’t you?” said Plum

“Well, that’s just it, I can seriously and permanently injure Holly. It was different when I fought Kat-chan because I can still keep a handle on my feelings, even though she was messing with Sanji. But with Holly, she pushes me to the brink to the point I know that if I do fight her, I will really hurt her and I don’t want to do that. I mean I literally slammed her into a car and thankfully she wasn’t hurt. Though Grandpa told me intimidation is a great tool where it’ll scare the piss out of her without having to lay a hand on her,”

“ what’ you’re saying is that she’s stupid. You actually knocked her into a car and she’s still coming at you? I think she’s stupid or like being hit. Either way, she’s a stupid one,”

“We’ve all established that,” said Vivi, “Not to mention she’s jealous of _________________,”

“I don’t know why though,” said _________________, “She hated me since day one,”

“Because sometimes idiots don’t need a reason to hate someone,” said Katherina.

“Especially since __________________ first came. She was just mean since day one. She has an adopted kid complex,”

“That explains it and I’m sure her family are the nicest people ever,”

“YEAH!” the girls said in unison, “You should meet them!”

“They’re so nice!” said Penny, “Thatch makes egg sandwiches and they’re SO good!”

“Mr. Newgate is like SUPER tall,” said Plum, “Sitting on his shoulder is like a whole new experience!”

“Vista has a lot of flowers in his room!” said Vivi, “And they all smell amazing!”

“Marco can fly because he's a phoenix!” said __________________. Katherina laughed

“Oh I would be jealous if I didn’t have all of that in my family too,” the girls laughed some more. Something caught the corner of Katherina’s eyes and she turned and immediately froze. Three maids were walking by the parlor. One was tall with purple eyes and a large rack, the middle one was small with large glasses and looked a little spacey, and the last one had her hair in a bun and a large fox tail on her person. She knew that tail. She would always know where THAT tail came from. This woman was casually walking with it as she carried her shopping. She was everything Aunt told her about the woman, the scars on her neck, the cold blue eyes, the graceful walk, everything. She could feel herself shaking. The women’s auras were intimidating to say the least.

“Hi Miss Cleaner, hi Miss Dom, hi Miss Lesser!” said ________________ happily

“HI LAW’S MOMS!” said Plum

“NICE TO SEE YOU!” said Vivi

“What are you little cuties doing way over here?!” said Dom walking over with Lesser and Cleaner trailing behind, “How are you babies?”

“We’re good!” said Penny, “You look so pretty out of costume!”

“Awww well aren’t you sweet?!”

“Don’t flatter her, it’ll only go to her head,” said Lesser

“So mean Lessy-kun~you words are like daggers to my fragile heart~”

“Fragile my a--butt,” said Lesser taking out some beli, “Get yourselves another round on us,”

“Thank you!” said __________________, “How are you guys doing?”

“Hot sadly,” said Dom laughing, “Cook fixed the AC but it’s sweltering over here. But Cleaner had to get this new squishmallow plush,” Cleaner happily took it out of the bag. It was a huge shark plush and she snuggled it.


“I know right?!” said Cleaner happily, “We stood in line for hours and got the last one!”

“And since I wasn’t going to sit in line for a damn plush, we went shopping at the import shop for some things,”

“Mainly Lesser-kun pamper items,”

“Damn right and since I’m not going to die in this heat and my soap might melt, we’re heading off. See you girls later,”

“Bye!” Katherina watched them leave. She then felt a slight nudge. She jumped.


“What flavor did you want?” said __________________ holding the beli from Lesser.

“Oh umm...cheesecake!”

“It’s okay!” Vivi said, smiling, “It’s a natural reaction when you meet the maids,” Katherina nodded slowly.

“R-Right,” after ice cream, they finally made it back to school, with plenty of time before their parents picked them up. Katherina’s ride was there first. Jango grinned and pulled her into a hug. She felt her cheeks getting red, “Off!”

“Awww you’re not too big to not give me a hug!” Jango snuggled her cheek. The girls looked away giggling, “Thank you ladies! See you tomorrow!” Katherina waved goodbye and they left and one by one each girl’s ride came until it was _________________ and Penny.

“Looks like you have a knight!” said Penny giggling

“A what?”

“You know, a knight! Someone who’s like your right hand woman!”

“You mean first mate, right?” Penny chuckled

“Yeah in a pirate sense,”

“Who would that be?”

“Katherina! You two seem to really hit it off!”

“She’s so cool!”

“I know right?! I hope she really gets to hang out with us more! At least after lessons when we get back!”

“Me too! She does live in Goa and River told me to join her at a cafe. She’s really nice!”


“Yeah when he was human for awhile,”

“Oh! Okay! I think it’s so nice that you finally may be getting a first mate! I mean sometimes we feel bad because me and Plum tend to pair up and so does Vivi and Kaya and you’ll be alone or stuck with Miss Fern. We don’t mean it! Honest!”

“It’s okay! I understand! You guys were friends WAY before I joined and it doesn’t bother me much! But...I really do like Kat-chan hanging out with us. She's really nice when she’s not being mean,”

“Maybe that’s her defense. A lot of kids are mean because they don’t want other kids to be mean first,”

“AH! That makes sense! I hope she knows we really like her!”

“I want to invite her to the ice cream social but Daddy already made the reservations,”

“It’s okay! We can all do something together after that!”

“That would be great!”

The last day the girls all did their goodbyes, promising to call and check on the other and telling them the moment they got back into town. Because of a scheduling error, Vivi, Plum, and Penny couldn’t make it to the last day activity because they were all heading back to their respective homes. Because of this, they were super bummed about having to miss Katherina’s last day going away party.

“Don’t worry! I live in Goa! We can do something when everyone gets back, right?”

“Yeah!” said Plum

“Sounds like a plan!” said Vivi, “We hope you join the troupe!”

“Yeah! And you’ll get to meet Kaya!” said Penny

“I look forward to it!” the girls waved goodbye. Katherina and ______________ were now by themselves. Before she could say anything, ________________ took her hand and guided her towards a path.

“Since it’s just us two, let’s get some ice cream. It shouldn’t be too crowded right now!”

“Okay!” They headed back to the ice cream parlor. Katherina had no idea it would be this easy to talk to __________________ as herself, not as Shiro and she enjoyed it immensely.

“So do you play video games?”

“Sometimes. Jango and I play when he has some time off and lets me sneak into his room when he’s not around,”

“Awww why?”

“Well, my dad isn’t home much but when he’s home, he wants me to keep up with my studies,”

“Ah! Well, if you ever want to play you can sneak to my place! I have the Pretty Soldier fighting game!”

“The original?!”

“MHM! It’s technically Jozu’s but he lets me play it! It’s surprisingly difficult! I can barely get past the first level!”

“I’ll take a look! I’m pretty good at games,”

“Really?! Awesome! Jozu beat it but he said it’s better when I get better but Ace won’t help me either,”

“Don’t worry, I’ll see what I can do,”

“You’re so sweet!”Then they heard something rustling in the brush. Katherina took a step forward. ___________ cocked her head then a pair of boobs came out of the brush and towards the girls. Dom looked exasperated, hair covered with twigs and leaves.

“Miss Dom?”

“Hello sweetie!” said Dom, picking her up and snuggling her in her massive tits. She then grinned before tucking her under her arm, “Just the little powerhouse I needed!”


“We need your help sweetie!” Dom took her to a wagon where Lesser and Cleaner were in the shade sweating. Lesser was fanning Cleaner who looked absolutely miserable.

“What happened?” she noticed the wagon with the snapped wheel. Were you guys getting supplies?”

“Mhm! Cook had put in an order for a feast this summer and we’re on pick up duty. But the cart snapped. Normally we would just fix it but we’re halfway to the villa and these two are useless in the heat. Lesser and Cleaner don’t take the heat well. This is torture for both of them,”

“They have Heat Sickness too?”

“Something like that but in a special form. Lesser just can’t handle humidity and Cleaner very bad allergies to almost every single plant known to man. But they’re doing it for Cook, who’s supervising Baby 5 and Buffalo for intense kitchen rat duties. So if you can help, we’d totally give you something sweet,”

“Okay!” she then looked at Katherina, “Well, actually it’s up to Kat-chan too! Today is her going away party since it’s just the two of us and today was the last day of ribbon lessons!”

“Oh! Well how about this to sweeten the pot~” said Dom, “You two help us and we’ll give you guys food and sweets in a nice big air conditioned villa kitchen?”

“I’m in!” said Katherina

“You’re a dear! And we’ll take you home when everything is done,”


“Absolutely not!” said Lesser, “It’s hot and you’re just as bad with heat,”

“Pretty sure Marco said to keep her cool!” said Cleaner.

“He told you guys too?!” said __________________

“He send out a letter with precautions in case we found you on the side of the road limp,” said Lesser

“True buuuuuut she’s wearing an ice scarf and it’ll give you and Cleaner a break,” Lesser still looked apprehensive, “And the faster you she helps, the quicker we can get home and you can sit in front of the AC~”

“Fine….okay, I think I have a plan. _______________ I’m going to need your full strength,”

“Yes Ma’am!”

“Cleaner dear, you’re going to have to play mule again. I’m sorry,”

“It’s fine!” said Cleaner getting to the front. Dom then picks up Katherina and puts her on the wagon. She stiffened when she realized she was next to Lesser. She then watched __________________ casually picking up the large bags of rice and stacking them neatly on the back of the wagon.

“Okay, ____________ grab the wheel and please keep up with Cleaner’s speed,”

“Yes Ma’am!”

“Good girl! Just keep your wheel elevated with the others. Is it comfortable for your back? Good girl. Alright, let’s go you two,” she then placed her arm around Katherina as the wagon took off. Katherina lurched forward but kept in place by Lesser as Cleaner ran with ________________ keeping up from behind. Dom chuckled and clung.

“So fast you two~! We’re going to make it in record time at this rate!”

“Just be careful! How’s your backs?” said Lesser

“We’re good!” The pair cried out and in a matter of minutes, they were at the villa, tuckered out. ___________________ grabbed the bags and headed inside with Cleaner.

“Whew!” said Dom, “That saved us some time! Well come on sweetie! Let’s get you out of this sun! Wait what was your name? You’re a new face,”


“Nice to meet you! I”m Dom, Miss Sweatypants is Lesser and Cleaner just went inside. Come on in! We have tea ready!” the villa reminded her of her own home a bit, but a lot more….lively and livable. There was life in the house, not coldness and it was actually very strange, almost normal. It was like __________________’s home but less noisy. She liked the noise though.

“GIRLS! I’m taking the Pussy Wagon~!” said a blonde maid with car keys in hand

“Stop calling it that!” Lesser called out

“....well it does get me dick….I’m taking the Cock Wagon!” she was met with a slipper to the face, “Ack! Lesser so mean!”

“Just don’t crash it! And drive safely!”

“Yes Mooooooooom!” she teased, “You girls want anything?”

“Ice cream,”

“Oooh! Bon bons!” said Dom


“Nothing for me! Thanks hon!”

“See you guys later!” she scampered out and she heard a door close. She and Lesser were alone in the living room. It was far cooler than outside but she found herself sweating and keeping perfectly still. She really did not know how to even approach this woman, let alone being in the same room with her.

“Tea?” Katherina jumped. Lesser looked at her with a smile, “Would you like some tea?”

“P-Please!” Katherina shakily took her cup and brought it to her lips. It was iced hibiscus rose tea.

“It’s a little on the sweet side but it’s very refreshing. Drink up,” She remembered the story, about the fearsome woman who went against her aunt, her crew, and LIVED, TWICE. She was shaking. She was afraid of this woman but in a weird sense of respect. Did she know who she was? She knew she resembled her father but was there a trait that she neglected to realize?

“It’s impolite to stare, sweetie,” Katherina snapped out of it. She didn’t know she was blatantly looking at the woman as though she grew two heads and horns.

“I’m sorry! I wasn’t aware!” Lesser looked exhausted but serene with the AC blowing on her. She had long since unbuttoned her uniform a bit. The awkwardness was about to return when Dom opened the door.

“Dooooooom I know this heat is your fault somehow!”

“Awww Lessy summer isn’t forever you know~” Dom brought her slush lemonade who almost immediately downed it, “ANd you know how much I LOVE seeing you sweaty~ I did it for Roci mainly~”

“Shush! And long enough, I swear this heat is a personal attack. Thanks Dom,”

“No prob,” she smiled at Katherina, “Pay her no mind, the heat makes her crankier than usual,”

“M’not cranky!”

“Yeah you are,”

“I’ll show you cranky!” Lesser went to get up but then just laid back down on her fluffy tail, “Meh,”

“Thought so,” she pats her head, “Okay, you have your tail, slush lemonade, and you’re right under the AC. We shouldn’t have to bother you until dinner. Until then, Baby 5 and Buffalo are under your beck and call~"


“Katherina dear, do you mind coming with me while ___________________ is getting the cakes?”

“Yes Ma’am,”

“Awww don’t be so formal, Dom is fine~!” They exited the room and headed down the corridor, “It’s so hot today, I don’t see how you poor girls can take it! I know __________________ gets sick, that’s why we sent her to the kitchen, it’s usually the coolest place in the house. And you two are in lunch, Cook made a lot of food so as a thank you for your help, you two get to have some of Boss’s dinner party dinner, I hope you like seafood,”

“I do!”


“Ummm how long have you known...your friend?”

“Mmm? Lesser? Damn...I would say since we were kids!”

“That long?!”


“Mhm! We practically grew up together in the same town. We became almost like sisters during that time. I’ve seen her at her best, worst, and goofiest. I know she doesn’t look like but she can be goofy and it’s cute when she lets her guard down,”

“She looks….dangerous,”

“Oh definitely! Lesser is an one man army, like she can wreck and fuck shit up with grace and brutality that you couldn’t even imagine,” Dom laughed, “but she’s also the biggest softie I know,”

“Softie? Her? I can’t see it,”

“It’s hard to see, especially since she gives off her “don’t fuck with me” aura but inside, there’s soft squishy bits in there,” Dom opened the kitchen door. ________________ was happily munching on the “samples” of Cook’s special dinner tonight: crab alfredo, baked salmon, chicken fried rice, club sandwiches, and lemonade. Dom chuckled, “I was wondering what was taking her so long,”

“You brat!” said Katherina, “You’re not a cat! Don’t just come back to a place and eat!”

“But it’s so good!” said _________________, “Cook saved you some too! You have to be hungry after all of that work!”

“You did most of it,” Katherina sat down and Cook brought out a large dessert platter of cakes, pies, roulades, and brownies along with the sampler that ________________ was munching on for Katherina. The maid smiled and waited for her to take a bite.

“Don’t be shy sweetie! Dig in!” Katherina complied and almost dropped her fork.

“....I’ve never eaten anything this delicious before!”

“It’s nice to have a home cooked meal once in a while, isn’t it?”

“Mhm! I know this would be tons better than what Jango would make!”


“My weird uncle! He means well but he makes almost everything with mushrooms! I have to make sure to remind him to not put any in mine!”

“You poor thing! It could be a texture thing to him. So it’s just you and him at the house?”

“Mhm, because my father isn’t around all of the time. So it’s usually me and him at the house. But also some old crew members but everyone just keeps their distance from each other, especially Jango, so he’s usually the one making us dinner and tucking me in at night,”

“Soooooo he is your dad,” said __________________

“....No he isn’t,”

“He makes you dinner, he picks you up from lessons, does he help you with homework?”

“Yeah but I swear it’s like the blind leading the blind, he’ll usually help me the day after when he can understand it better,”

“Do you go to him for advice?”

“All the time...he’s pretty good with that type of thing,”

“What about stories?”

“He has some WEIRD stories but he’ll tell me one before bed, unprompted,”

“Then he’s your Dad! Only a dad would do those things because they’re good at it!”

“Oh?” Cook said, refreshing their plates, “And mothers?”

“Mothers do that too but since Kat-chan didn’t mention a mom, then she has a Dad to do everything,” she beamed at Katherina, “Right?”

“....Okay, he’s my weird Dad/Uncle. I guess I can live with that,” after lunch, ________________ went to help clear the table.

“Oh no sweetie. The kitchen rats will handle this,” said Cook with a sweet smile, “BUFFALO!” Buffalo ran inside and immediately got the plates to the sink and started loading them up into the dishwasher.

“They’re still on punishment?”

“Mhm, they’ve been a great help actually. I think the lesson finally sunk in. But they have the rest of the summer for this to finally sink in. But since they’ve been such a good help, we’re going to take them on a day trip. They lost the Dressrosa trip indefinitely. Boss wasn’t please sadly,”

“W-What did he do?”

“Oh they have to pay him back indefinitely until it’s paid off. Fate worse than death but they’re a quarter of a way there,”

“Cook I need someone for a thankless task,” said Lesser walking in. She looked around and her gaze fell on Katherina, “Walk with me,”

“Umm okay!”

“Alrighty!” said Cook, “Okay _________________ and I will be out pulling the car around and I’ll wrap these up for you two can have them later,”

“Thanks Miss Cook! See you later Kat-chan!” Katherina followed. She didn’t know what to expect from this woman and it terrified her. Did she know? What is she going to do to her? Is she going to kill her if she knows that she’s a Devon? She was a part of two dangerous crews? What is she going to d--

“Hey,” she snaps out of her thought. Lesser looked at her with an raised eyebrow


“Did you hear me?”

“No, I’m umm...spaced out,”

“Okay here’s what I need you to do. I’m guessing you’re good at gymnastics like ________________ but nimble. Baby 5 tossed up one of Cleaner’s plushies onto that chandelier and it needed to come down. I don’t want to have to take the whole thing down to do it. Can you get it down for me?” she nodded, “And don’t worry that thing is strong, just be careful and toss it down,” Katherina did as she was told. She balanced on the ramp and hopped to the other banister. She then took a breath and hopped onto the chandelier. She hand walked her way around it before grabbing the small stuffed bunny and tossing it down. She then swung back and landed on the banister and hopped back over the stairs and slid down.

“Thank you, dear,”

“No prob, Filly!” Katherina covered her mouth. Lesser looked a little taken aback. She hadn’t heard that name in years. She looked down at the little girl who looked as though she was going to be murdered right then and there. Lesser sighed deeply.

“Listen sweetheart, let’s get this out of the way now. I knew who you were the moment I saw you. You don’t have many of Catarina’s features, thank god, but you did get the eyes from her and you do resemble your father if you know what to look for. I have no qualms with you but if you do have any intentions of trapping or hurting _________________ I will take it personally and make it my problem and I know you really don’t want that. But you look smart enough to not even think about that,”

“O-Oh, thanks I-I guess,”

“I’ve never seen ___________________ with one girl friend just with her. Looks like you two are getting close,”

“Well, she did knock me on my ass pretty hard but it’s like ever since then she acts as if it never happened. Never met anyone who doesn’t hold a grudge,”

“Yeah, she’s an easygoing little girl but then again she lets Law chop off her limps on a daily basis so although she’s easygoing I really wonder about her mental state at times,” Katherina snorts.

“Weirdo. So… that one of Aunt’s….tails?”

“Yep. She’s an eight tailed fox now. If I see her again, it’ll be seven or dead, either way is fine with me,”

“Why do you keep it with you?”

“If she ever wants it back, it’ll be right there for her to take and we can finish what we started . Not to mention it’s very soft,”

“So you’re okay with me?”

“Mhm, why wouldn’t I?”

“Because I’m...Aunt’s niece,”

“The daughter shall not bear the sins of the father, neither shall the father bear the sins of the daughter. Unless you have proven otherwise, you’re not a threat to me, even if your family tree is rotten from the roots down and I’m pretty sure you get more than enough “discipline” from home that whatever I do to you wouldn’t be much worse. Sit down,” Katherina sat as Lesser lifted her top. Before she could say anything, she was applying a salve to her bruises that were on her chest, neck, and the side of her ribs. Katherina. She winced. How did she notice the bruises? How did she notice anything? Tears welled in her eyes. She felt ashamed, “You didn’t do anything to warrant something like this to happen to you. Yes it’s shameful to have to ask perfect strangers to give you the compassion and safety you need but it’s your parents and family who failed you, not yourself. Don’t ever think you did anything wrong to get these. Yes children need a knock on the head sometimes, but this is overkill,” she finished up and placed her blouse back down. Lesser gently wiped her eyes, “Listen, I’m not saying that you can come here whenever things get tough or you need somewhere to hide, but Perv answers the door and she always lets in a few strays. If __________________ can waltz in here for some of Cook’s scraps for a post adventure pick me up, so can you,”

“T-Thank you Miss Lesser!”

“ me Filly, I’m pretty sure that’s the name you’ll always know me as,”

“B-But don’t you hate that name?”

“Nah, it’s kind of cute and there’s no weird attachment to it. That crew has to live with the idea that they were beaten by a woman named Filly,” she chuckled, “Come on, it’s time for you to go home. Thank you for taking care of _________________. You two complement each other well. It’s adorable,” Katherina smiled

“Someone has to. I swear….” she bowed to Lesser before running off, “Thank you!” she didn’t have to go far. Outside, Cook was waiting with ________________ large gaudy looking car. It was pink with a big jolly roger on the side.

“Hideous we know,” said Dom from behind, “It’s one of Boss’s cars. Perv borrowed the other one for a little while so we’re stuck with this one~”

“Alright ladies! I’m taking you two home! Or wherever you’d like to be picked up Katherina,” said Cook

“Oh the school! I told Jango I’d be there for pick up. Thank you Miss Cook,”


“Home please! I called home! Thatch said he’s willing to trade his Salmon Mousse Wellington for your paella recipe,”

“Oh that’s going to cost him because that’s Lesser’s recipe I’ve tweaked and it took me forever to get it out of her. I guess we’re going to talk some business,” Dom waved them goodbye from the door. She left and went back inside when they were out of sight. She went back to Lesser’s room and went inside before striding over to another off the mark room and opened it. There was a secret room covered in at least seven boa capes, mostly black, big fluffy pillows, fleece blankets, a large fur coat, and large plushies. It was also cold and everything was on top of a soft lambskin rug that was on top of a fluffy feather down mattress. She walked in and gently raised the blanket to see two blue eyes staring back at her.

“Awww in your fluff cave?”

“Don’t call it that!” said Lesser, retreating further. Dom reached in and pulled her out.

“Oh stop, you call it that too~ and you can’t keep stealing Roci and Boss’s boas,” she then looked around, “And is that Crocodile’s coat?!”

“Mine now,” Dom chuckled and sat on the pile and clutched a pillow. The pair were silent for a few moments.

“So she’s the foxy cunt’s niece,”

“Mhm. Not an ideal walk in the park for her either, sadly. Did you see the bruises?”

“Yeah, I thought it was from gymnastics until I noticed that many of them weren’t on legs and they seemed to be healing up nicely. I don’t think they came from her only through, especially with that whip of hers,”

“Didn’t see her back but I”m pretty sure if she didn’t get them from her aunt, she got them from dear ol’ Dad,” Dom looked over. Lesser didn’t look happy at all. She had her face buried in Roci’s boa. She gently reached in and rubbed her back.

“Vikka….you know we can’t save everyone, especially when it comes to something like that. The best we can do is just make sure she’s okay from time to time. You know how things are, we both know how things are,”

“I know...especially with the consequences. I don’t really feel like knocking that cunt on her ass a third time and especially since she’s with that brother of hers and fighting two crews would be more of a pain than anything and you know Boss is itching to start a fight and Roci can’t ignore it and if Whitebeard steps in, it can blow a lot of covers and we’ll have to leave and they’ll probably take her with them and do who knows what to her. But that’s where __________________ comes in. Did you notice when she was around, Katherina became a lot calmer?”

“Mhm! That’s why I’m not too worried. It’s so cute seeing _________________ hanging out with another girl and that girl taking on a best friend role. Everyone should have one right hand first mate bestie comrade and I think Katherina found hers and ________________ is too oblivious,”

“It’s going to hit her when she wants to watch Pretty Soldier,” they chuckled

“Looks like there’s going to another musketeer soon~”

“I look forward to it. I think she’ll do nicely in that little gang of friends,”

“And more for the shipping pool!”

“This is why I have to hide the retirement fund!”

“Perv is still looking for it,”

“I gave it to Azul, good luck with that,”

“Oh mean!” Dom got up, “I’ll leave you to your destress zone. I’ll call you for dinner,”

“Thanks *******,” Dom smiled and then pulled out a large stuffed shark plushie from the fluff pile.

“And stop stealing Cleaner’s plushies! Poor thing has been looking all over for this one,”


“I’ll be back for Crocodile’s coat too,”


Katherina crawled into bed that night. It was the first time in a very long time she felt so much at ease that it was easy for her to relax after her bath. Filly was so much different from Aunt and the absolute power and confidence that came off her proved that she was stronger than Aunt. Never met anyone like her or Dom in her life...hell she never met anyone like __________________ either. These last two weeks have been the best she’s ever had. It was just her and Jango in that big house by themselves

“Hey, Jango,”


“Umm….can’t I go to the Pretty Soldier event instead of Shiro?” Jango looked at her then he smiled!

“YES! I think I can come up with something! You two really hit it off! I told you you would!”


“I’m just so happy you’re making a good friend! Maybe with some convincing, we can get your Daddy to take lessons with your new friends! But it’s going to take a lot!”

“I know! But you know how he is!”

“Just leave it to me! You know I got you!”

“And umm...tell me a story,” Jango looked surprised. Usually he would be the one to just start on one. She looked at him expectantly. He beamed.

“Okay! I got one that’s really gonna knock your socks off! It’s about a town where machines do the work for everyone living there but there’s a catch,”

“....everyone is lazy?”

“No! People work just so they can feel stress!”

“.....okay interest is piqued. Tell me more!”

Chapter 89: Summertime Horror Stories


Three Horror Stories that were made to give you chills!

A/N: Hi everyone! I know these summer fics are a wee bit late, especially since the unofficial end of summer is here but worry not! They should be more consistent for awhile! But I do have an announcement! A New Start has a tumblr page! I know a few of you wanted to share theories, thoughts, spin offs, ask me questions and after some poking from hiddenmangaka I decided to make a page where you all can do that! I love reading things like that so just feel free to spam it! XD

Chapter Text

The man cracked his back and got ready for bed. He was tired and after a long day or work, he was just ready to get some well deserved sleep. He went to his room. His bed looked amazing and cozy. He smiled. He would have to abandon his love for a few more moments, first he needed a shower and slipped into something more comfortable. He went into his private bathroom and sighed, letting all of the day’s stress and grime fall off his body. He loved long hot showers, especially right before bed. He kicked himself a bit. He wished he had a hot meal but everyone was already gone therefore he would have to eat something large in the morning, not that he didn’t mind. After his shower, he slipped into his pajamas, large red black and purple ones that were cotton and breathable and tucked into bed. He closed his eyes, waiting for sleep to overcome him. However, he could not get comfortable. He tried to change positions, he tossed and turned, he flipped his pillow, everything but nothing. He tried to sleep but could figure out why it was so difficult until realized that he felt like he was being watched. He felt uneasy like a cloud of impending doom was lingering over his head. He could…. hear breathing. Someone was in his room! He shot up and looked around. Someone was in his room. He turned on the lights and looked around. He checked under the bed, he checked the closet, he checked the bathroom, nothing! He felt like he was going crazy. He then started to smell something. He could smell something...tasty...and intoxicating. He pushed it out of his mind and tried to get some sleep. His hunger was playing tricks on him. He decided to lay on his back. He could feel himself starting to doze off but then he felt something over him. Something was inching closer and closer to him. He could feel it and he was getting freaked out! He opened his eyes and saw a shadow figure hovering over him. He lets out a scream before sending his power over it. Nothing the creature looked unfazed. He immediately reached over and turned on the lamp next to him. Hovering over him was a busty blonde woman, covered in poison, good because she was in some sexy sheer lingerie looking at him.

“Hey baby~I’m here to service you!”

“AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!” Perv was escorted out of Impel Down by Magellan in handcuffs. He was in nothing but a robe and covered in lipstick kiss marks that were all over his face, neck, legs, and other parts that were covered. He was completely red and bewildered.

“Awww baby, when you decided to cuff me I thought this evening was going to end in a WHOLE new direction!” Rocinante and Bellemere came to the call. He looked shocked at Perv and Bellemere was trying and failing to keep a straight face.

“Please, just take her away!” l

“Awww baby, don't treat me so bad!”

“Damn it woman, let me sleep!”

“Sleep is for the weak!” she was escorted away and Magellan went back into his quarters and tried to get some sleep. He had to wonder how in the holy hell did Perv manage to break INTO Impel Down when the average person couldn’t even break out. He sighed and decided it wasn’t worth thinking about right before bed. He was about to hunker down into bed when he smelt, very off. He sniffed around the room until he saw a large bento box in the corner of the room. Magellan looked at the box. He opened it. It was a purplish vibe and aura and mess of different types of foods that seemed to just radiate a vibe of “try and eat me if you dare!”. It was gooey, some of it was sludgy, things were overcooked, but all and all it looked edible and the smell was...delicious! He took a whiff and it smelt amazing! He forgot his sleep disruption and took a bite. His face lit up. It was as tasty as it looked! He started to happily eat his late night dinner all the while wondering where it came from and why was it perfect! He then discovered a little note.

‘I made you a bento baby~ I know you don’t get to eat at night so think of it as a thank you! See you next time!’ -Perv

SHE made this?! His face went red as he continued to eat. She had to be the best cook on the Grand Line because this was the most delicious thing he’s ever eaten! He finished the entire meal and stored the box away. He would have to return it sooner or later. He reddened and got into bed. She made him dinner and it was a very tasty dinner. He got into bed and slowly started to fall asleep again. Maybe….just MAYBE, she wasn’t so bad….

“Damn that woman,”


It was a very easy morning at the Donquioxte Villa. Doflamingo was back temporarily for a meeting with the Underboss of the Unagi Death Clan. He needed some territories drawn up and he was not about to touch or even even think about going near the territory if it wasn’t okay with the clan. He arranged a meeting and of course had Lesser for backup, just in case. He was a cautious man, he was a confident man, but he was NOT a stupid man. He knew that family would and could easily wreck his shit and any shit affiliated with him and he was not going to take that chance.

“Okay, you know the drill,” said Lesser, “She is the underboss of the Unagi Death Clan, you are to speak to her with respect and dignity or you may find your balls ripped off and not in the good way,”

“I know, I know,”

“If things get hairy, I can hold her off until you get out of the room. Do not try and negotiate this or mention her father because they are separate in these matters and you know it,”


“Also her brothers will be there as well. Remember, if you have to speak to one, keep an eye on the Brain, the Enforcer not so much. But if you see him move, get behind me,” the meeting went as smoothly as one would expect. He escorted the Anguilla Family out as Lesser went on her daily tasks. When he came back inside, Dom greeted him at the door.

“Ummmm Boss you need to take a look at this,” Doflamingo took the letter from Dom. He opened it and all it said was “You’re Next” and he saw pictures of his officers. His blood boiled until he saw a letter.

‘Dearest Couyon:
I wanted to send you this friendly little letter to
inform you of your imminent demise. You know what
You have done and you know the consequences for
Your actions. You were on borrow time and that time
Has since ran out. Expect me when you least expect

Doflamingo’s blood ran cold, something dropping to the pit of his stomach.



Doflamingo checked every single window and door in his villa. He made the maids go into emergency lockdown, where no one could get in or out without triggering the mechanisms. He was terrified and was visibly pale. He was gulping vodka and trying his best to not go into panic mode. The trouble happened earlier that week after he received the letter, then throughout, Meme decided to fuck with him. He woke up and needles were in his food, even after a thorough inspection from Cook, then there was the large wooden spoon hanging about his chair in his study, and finally when he found a note pinned to his headboard right over his head. After reading the letter, he knew his days were numbered and took precautions ever since.

“For the FINAL time, the entire perimeter is secured!” said Lesser obviously exasperated.


“Boss what’s up? We’ve never seen you this riled up before,” said Perv

“Yeah, what’s the matter?” said Cook, “Did Kaido find us?!”

“Oh no, Taicho found out that he shot Corazon and on his orders had Vergo beat the shit out of him,” said Dom, “She sent this letter this morning,” the maids crowded around it. They winced at the sight. Vergo’s face was beaten beyond recognition along with Diamante, Trebol, and Pica in separate pictures. Cook took the one of Diamante, who was bloody, bruised, with that stupid grin smacked off his face.

“I’ll be keeping this one. I’ll get it enlarged in the morning and put it in my room so I wake up and fall asleep to his beaten face every single day,”

“Jeez, yeah, never piss off the one that feeds you,” said Perv

“Do the same for the Vergo one and place it in the study,” said Lesser

“Okay you five listen up!” he said looking at them, “First of all, this is serious! Second of all, I let you five get away with A LOT of shit, so you may as well do this ONE thing for me! I’m asking you to make sure you lay down your lives and protect me from the inevitable beating,” the maids looked at him a bit taken aback. They exchanged glances with each other. Doflamingo looked puzzled for a moment but then Cook took a step forward.

“Ummm yeah about that Boss, we can’t and will not get involved in Taicho’s inevitable beat down,” said Cook


“We love you, dearly, and our jobs are to protect you but she’s our Boss and your Meme and we’re under strict instructions to not do anything that comes between you and her,” said Dom

“What?!” Perv takes out a copy of their contract and skimmed through. She then took out her glasses from her breasts.

“Okay, Article 4 paragraph 3 section 8 under death and severance. If boss is murdered or incapacitated in any way we are to avenge his death to the full extent of our power and abilities even if it means personal bodily harm to ourselves however it said death is the result of active stupidity mainly anything involving harm towards his family or done by Taicho then we are not to avenged no death but instead we get our Severance packages which are a hundred million beli each. But you are granted one last meal and if you survive, we are to call a doctor and get you to a comfortable position so you can reflect upon your actions,” Doflamingo has never been more at a loss for words that he had at that moment. The Maids dispersed.

“So would you like lobster for dinner? I’ll go to town and pick some good ones for you,” True to her word, Cook made a lobster feast with lobster tails, crab legs, salmon, scallops, and caviar. Baby 5, Buffalo, and Delliger were sent away for the week because of the letter but Doflamingo didn’t have an appetite. He knew his Meme and he knew that she wasn’t going to rest until he would pay for his crimes. He managed to eat a half of a tail and a few scallops and downed it with wine before trying to do something to get his mind off of everything. He couldn’t even sleep that night. It was about ten and he was still tossing and turning in his bed. Lesser and Dom were stationed at his door.

“Any signs?”

“Nope,” said Dom, “It’s been all quiet on this wing,”


“Cook has nothing to report,” said Lesser


“Cleaner has seen nothing,” he felt worried. If there were NO signs of Meme that means it was already too late. He felt sick and he needed air.

“Lesser, get me some water,”


“Yes!” Lesser left her station. Dom looked at him expectantly.

“Yes Boss?”

“Did Lesser let her in?”

“Boss, how could you think of such a thing?! Lesser would never let Taicho in, even if it was an order. You have the whole place lock--”

“DON’T FUCK WITH ME!” he barked. She raised an eyebrow


“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, it’s just the fuckin’ pressure! Where is she?! I KNOW she’s here!”

“Well, taking it out on us isn’t going to help matters either!” she folded her arms. Lesser came back with his water. He downed it, tossed the bottle and went to get some air away from his maids. He knew they weren’t going to let any harm come to him and he knew they would protect him but this was also THEIR Boss too, the one who trained them to be just as batshit crazy as SHE is. He then heard a creak. He jumped and looked around. Nothing. He heard another creak. He turned again. Also nothing.

“SHOW YOURSELF, YOU COWARD!” he was about to use his Devil Fruit but then stopped, remembering the LAST time he used it on Meme. He STILL had the mark. He then saw something coming out from the darkness, something tiny and furry. He looked down to see a familiar tan cat looking at him like he owned the villa and he was in HIS way. The cat stopped in front of him and started licking his paws and cleaning his face. Doflamingo smirked, “Oh I remember you. Fufufufufufufu you’re the little shit that took a shit on me! I guess I can pay back in ful--” something rushed at him from the darkness and before he could react, Doflamingo was knocked through the window. He fell out of the third story and landed with the thud. Before he could get up, he felt several of his ribs crack from being elbow dropped with the full force of someone coming down on him from 40 feet. He coughed up blood and then was kicked into the marble pillar. He scrambled to get up to see a familiar, very angry woman looking at him. She had on a pair of metal gauntlets, her graying hair was flowing in the wind, and she was literally dressed to kill. It was known when Taicho was active before she became the maid of the Donquixote Family that she wore red when she was about to fight to keep many from seeing too much blood on her person. The woman’s golden eyes bore down into him.

“M-Meme! H-Hi--,” he yelped, feeling her face his head by his head to her eye level.

“Hello, couyon. How are you tonight?”

“F-Fine...please don’t kill me!”

“Kill you? Why on earth would I do something like that to my Doffy? Are you guilty of something?”

“...I can explain!”

“Oh? What was that ONE condition I asked you to do in exchange for my help?”

“....protect Roci,”

“That’s right. Now, what happened to my Roci, couyon?”

“...I shot him,”

“That’s right you did. I finally had a chance to meet my dear sweet grandson and my granddaughters. I didn’t know they were so sweet and adorable and I just wanted to eat them all up. Then Roci told me he would take me out to eat so my dear Law could go to his session. And goddamn the things I learned, I had to find out from my dear sweet grandson why he was in long term therapy, why there’s a restraining order against his uncle Doffy that’s slowly being lifted, and why he’s still traumatized from that event,”


“Bullshit and you know it, if that was the case, your subordinates wouldn’t be alive,” Before Doflamingo could explain himself, he was thrown across the yard into one of the marble pillars. Doflamingo wasn’t a stupid man, he had this beating before and he knew if he even TRIED to use his Devil Fruit on her, again, she would probably kill him this time. He was smack, slammed, thrown into the pool, had his face bashed while in the pool, flung out, had his junk slammed down and he kept falling asleep and then waking up to an endless nightmare of pain and insults. The Maids watched from a safe distance upstairs in one of the windows on chairs, eating the untouched seafood from Doflamingo’s dinner.

“Shit I think I heard something snap!” said Perv ripping into a crab leg

“Something popped too!” said Cook, “She threw him in the water, or no, she’s beating him in the water! She’s really mad at him this time!”

“I can hear the hit from here!” said Lesser wincing taking a bite out the salmon, “I don’t think Boss can have children anymore,”

“Cook hun what’s in this salmon?! It tastes so good!” said Dom

“Oh! I stuffed it with crab!”

“I love you so much right now-- Oh shit she took out the wooden spoon!”

“She pulled his pants down!” said Cleaner

“Oh shit! She gonna sodomiz--oh no wait!” Perv took out her binoculars, “She’s spanking him!”





“Awwww! She loves us!” said Perv

“I know right?!” She put him over her knee!” said Dom

“Like a kid?!” said Cleaner, “Cook please tell me there’s scallops!”

“Mhm! Help yourself! I don’t think Boss is going to be eating any time soon,” said Cook, “Is that a wooden spoon?!”

“Mhm,” said Lesser, “A very large wooden spoon,”

“Now I know why Boss is dead against wooden spoons in the house. Oh dear-- she took out the brass knuckl--,”


“OHHHHHHH!” said the Maids in unison

“Right in the jaw!” said Perv, “I think she knocked a few teeth out!”

“How long has it been?!” said Cook. Cleaner looked at her watch.

“Fifteen minutes,”

“Poor Boss, he has a long way to go,”

“And he wanted US to try and save him?” said Perv, “No way!”


“Looks like they're going to be at it for a while,” said Lesser, “I made cherry tarts. Let me get them,”

“Hurry up! It’s getting good!”

Doflamingo was sprawled out in bed. After what felt like an eternity, Meme was done beating his ass. She walked away, not before kissing his forehead.

“I’ll be back to visit, I’ll be at Roci’s for a little while. You just sit here and think about what you done,” he lingered before rolling to his side. Then five demonic angels whisked him inside. He was dragged upstairs, taken out of his regular clothes, put into his pajamas, and had his wounds treated. The Maids did everything to make him more comfortable but he was beaten and sore and he couldn’t move, even if he wanted to. They then left him alone and instructed anyone other than those in the house if they wanted to see him, they would have to reschedule. He swore that woman didn’t value life. He’s been beaten before but not this bad. He knew he wasn’t paralyzed but but every movement was agony. He didn’t think anything could be worse than this. He then heard something from above. He saw the tile above his head move. That damned cat was looking down at him with devious eyes filled with mischief. The cat disappeared and he heard metal scraping above. He saw the cat again, then he saw the bucket fall along with its contents. His screams were silenced by the bucket as months of festering cat pee and shit fell on top of him. River then hopped down on top of his stomach, bit his ankle for good measure, and left into the night.

It was ________________ first time home alone. After all of these years, the whole family was finally out and she had the whole place to herself. Ace and Luffy went out with Deuce and Law, Katherina had overnight training with Lesser and the other members of the house all had things to do tonight. Marco briefed her on what to do and what not to do.

“Marco she isn’t eight anymore!” said Atmos laughing, “She can take care of herself just for ONE night,”

“I got this!” he sighed and gave her some beli

“Get some food and snacks if you like, don’t stay up too late and if you feel scared for ANY reason, just call! We’ll have our phones,”

“Marco! Leave her be!” said Jozu laughing. She’ll be fine! I’m pretty sure she can handle whatever happens in the house,” _______________ kissed and hugged them all goodbye before clothing the house down and making sure everything was secure. It was late in the evening, the weekend and homework and studying was done. She grinned. There was only ONE thing to do at this moment in time. She stripped down to her panties and a sports bra, turned on the music and happily skipped downstairs for a nice long soak in the hot spring. Then after that, she decided to eat some of the leftovers in the fridge before heading upstairs, putting on her pajamas, and decided to finally read the new horror manga she got. She promised Killer she would finish the last chapter of the The Magician Series but she didn’t. She wanted to finish this first, although she was leaving an epic battle with what could only be called a BS ending. She was afraid to read it, especially since her favorite character does something absolutely uncharacteristic and she wasn’t having that. But her horror manga kept her on the edge of her seat. It was an anthology of short stories, each more spine tingling that the first. Right now she was reading the Black Walker story where it’s revealed that the first girl was dead all along….


She jumped. She looked around and went downstairs to check on things. She saw nothing but River on the kitchen counter with bowl on the floor.

“Awww River did you push this off your spot?” River looked at her with confusion. She picked up the bowl and went back upstairs. Her horror manga was on the shelf replaced with the Magician Series. She looked puzzled and switched out the books again. River pranced into the room to join her. She finished the Black Walker and went onto a story about a man living in a chair and having a woman sit on him. Suddenly, she felt someone kick her bed. She shot up again and looked under. Nothing. Her heart was pounding. She then turned around to finish the book….only to see the Magician Series….again. She this time placed the book on the highest shelf and went back to her manga. The last story was about Homicidal disembodied head balloons hanging the person they looked like. She was gripping the book tightly when the lights in her room had shut off. She was not thoroughly spooked. She tried to turn them on when she realized that they were dead. It had to be a fuse in the basement. She grabbed her flashlight and casually went downstairs, River following close behind. She carefully went down to the basement fuse box and saw that the main circuit breaker was shut off. She flipped the switch. Now she was getting really creeped out and was on guard. She quickly hurried back to her room. And….there it was….her book. On the final chapter. Now she was getting spooked. It wasn’t like she didn’t want to finish the chapter, she really did but she really wanted to get into the mood. She had to. Suddenly she heard River letting out a low growl and looking at her closet. She froze. She thought nothing at first, until she saw something large moving in her closet. She grabbed River and made a run for it. She heard someone coming after her. The hall was dark. Whoever it was turned off all of the lights when she was downstairs fixing the breaker. She ducked and dodged them, feeling their movements in the darkness and using her room as the only source of light. She did a pit maneuver and ended up back in her room. She locked and barricaded it. She thought she was safe or so she thought, not realizing that her balcony was unlocked. The figure burst inside and grabbed her. She screamed and flipped them over and went to escape again but he grabbed both her legs and flung her to her bed. Her light was turned off, once again shrouding her in darkness. Soon he was on top of her. She kept swinging but the figure didn’t seem phased as he pinned her arms down to the bed. She struggled but they were firm. Her light was turned on revealing familiar blond hair, covering their eyes.


“FINISH THE DAMN BOOK!” _________________ sat in bed with tea as Killer sat on the floor helping himself to some of her cake. Her eyes widened as she closed the book.


“I told you!”

“B-But Rosemary would NEVER do anything to betray the Flower Maiden!”

“And not to mention with one of her mother’s spells,”

“What’s going on?! I can’t believe that’s the ending! Is there another book coming out?!”

“I preordered us a copy. It’s coming in two weeks!”

“You’re the best!” then she looked a little upset and threw a pillow at him, “Why in the hell did you break in like that?! You scared the living shit out of me!” she said flopping to the side of the bed. She felt a hand on her head and then ruffling

“I don’t smell anything so you’re good,” he chuckled but realized that she wasn’t laughing. He plopped next to her, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you that bad. I’ll make it up to you,”

“You better!” He pulled her into a hug and rubbed her back. She felt a lot better.

“Whole place to yourself?”

“Mhm! I took a soak in the hot spring and everything,” Killer turned.

“You know there’s a lot people can do when they have the whole place to themselves,” he said with a grin. She cocked her head to the side.

“Like what?”

“Heh, let me teach you and show you a few things….”

“Mmmmmm Killer this is so good!”

“Told you, you’d like it,”

“It’s so rich and creamy!”

“Want some more?”


“Open wide then,”

“ACK! You got it in my eye!”

“I’ll lick it off,”


“It’s not like I hadn’t licked you before,”

“That was when we were kids!”

“Come on, stop being so shy and take another mouthful,”

“That’s too much!”

“Heh, sorry about that--oh shit did you see that?!”

“YEAH! He took her head clean off!” __________________ and Killer decided to order out and buy a bunch of junk food and watch horror movies all night. He told Miss Ribbon in case she worried, “I didn’t even know there was chocolate whipped cream and I want my blood to replace it,”

“Careful you're going to get a stomach ache,”

“But it’s SO yummy!” she said happily.

“So I’m forgiven?”

“It’s a start,” she stuck out her tongue.

“Cheeky,” he turned back to the movie, “By the way, do you always walk around your house in your underwear or….?


Chapter 90: The Hustle


The Little Girl uses her abilities for money

Chapter Text

Ace watched his little sister leave the house early. He never thought much of it before but here lately, she’s been coming home with a jar in her backpack and went straight to her room. At first it was a few times a week, now it was four. Today he decided to follow her. He noticed she had more spending cash and pocket money lately. Usually she saved for cake and then girly things and books but now she had a fully stocked cake fridge, she bought more books, and even had the audacity to buy tea for her cake and called it pairings.

“Miss Ribbon said that good cake has great tea pairings!” he scoffed at the idea. He followed her to the middle class part of Goa. This was the part where people were not as rich as the nobles and tended to work hard for their wealth. Some were still snobby assholes though but this was a more down to earth crowd. She was at the large fountain, a nice spot since it was the coolest in town. __________________ looked at the clock and finished up her set up, which was a small table and a jar and a sign. Ace raised an eyebrow and saw she sat at the fountain. Then the clock struck two. Then people started coming around and surrounded her little table. He watched as his sister received headpets, cheek poke, cheek pinches, and even cheek squishes. There was an actual line. He got closer to see what was up. She had a jar on the table and it offered 1000 per minute for head pets. Ace looked at the line, there were men, women, kids, everyone who just wanted to pet ________________ who didn’t seem to mind, in fact, she looked extremely happy. Large burly men came and happily petted the little girl, who greeted them and asked about the wife and kids and things of that nature. Old women came and pinched her cheeks and gave her a little extra for brightening their day. But then the trouble happened. A few of the boys from Goa came, Gordon being one of them but still. Gordon happily bounced over and greeted ________________ and told her friends something. The older boys glared and one of them finally placed money in the jar. He then started petting her hair. He blushed and grinned and really went for it and used two hands. More and more boys came just to give her nice long pets. Ace frowned at this. Then he saw some asshole boys coming up on her. She smiled as they exchanged words with her and gestured to her jar. She shook her head and placed her jar next to her. Ace glared and got ready to step in. Before he could, Killer came from nowhere and stood in front. The boys backed off. ________________ smiled, he then pets her head and she reached into her jar and gave him some of the money. Then she packed up and got ready to leave with Killer. Ace’s eyes widened.


“MARCO!!!!! ___________________ IS SELLING HER SERVICES FOR MONEY!” Marco jumped. Ace was red in the face and looking both embarrassed and upset, “AND KILLER IS PIMPING HER OUT!”

“What?!” said Thatch

“Killer is pimping _______________ out! I don’t know what’s going on but she’s that type of woman that comes out at night but she’s doing it in the daytime!”

“A prostitute?!” said Rakugo

“Yeah! She’s doing something like that! But in the daytime!”

“Ace calm down!” said Izo, “And the FUCK are you calling ________________ a prostitute?!”


“....THINGS LIKE WHAT?!” said Jozu getting up


“WHAT?!” the brothers looked very concerned about this. On one hand they know that Ace will get worked up when it comes to his little sister but on the other hand, letting men touch her in places for money is a BIG fucking red flag! And just like clockwork, Shakky came into the house with ________________ on her shoulders. Her hair was messed up and all over the place and she had the biggest smile on her face.

“Look who I found while I was in town,” said Shakky setting her down on. SHe was about to run upstairs. She was plucked up by Blenheim.

“Hey Little Lady, we need to talk,” he said

“Okay!” He sat her on the couch. THe brother knew they had to approach this gently, with class and without freaking her out or accusing her of anything.


“W-WHAT?!” Ace was clobbered hard by Izo


“What’s prostituting?”

“Nothing you need to know right now, sweetheart,” said Curiel, “But we have to talk about your daily activities in town!”

“Oh you mean my business!”

“” said Thatch.

“MHM! I have a head pet business!” she said proudly. Marco sighed DEEPLY and got the sake ready before sitting down in front of his little chick who looked happy and proud of herself. Shakky had the biggest “I wanna see where this goes” smile on her face.

“Okay _________________, from the beginning. How did this come about?”

Two Months Prior

Officer Pan was exhausted. He swore he was getting bags under her eyes from all of this. He was a strapping, robust man and still young but he can understand WHY older Marines were in the office from time to time, they fuckin’ EARNED it. But the fact of the matter was that he was exhausted. Beyond exhausted. Super exhausted to be honest. Living the Barracks wasn’t an easy task especially with the training from time to time. But it was almost over but there was one thing that kept him going and it was almost time. This was far better than drinking with Brioche and Rye, this was something more….comforting. Soon it was over. He immediately dismissed everyone and headed off. She had to be around there somewhere. Since her debt has been paid off, they hadn’t seen the little girl around as much but much to Captain Smoker’s chagrin, she’s been a little visitor from time to time just to keep him semi company.

“There you are!” Cadet Brioche, Cadet Rye, and Officer Pan came from the same small town, all three wanting to become a part of the Marines in order to make the world a better place. Pan was the oldest and rose through the ranks fairly easy thanks to the mentorship of Challah, the stationed Marine of their town so in turn, he took Brioche and Rye under his and they soon became friends and colleagues. Rye was the more outgoing of the pair while Brioche was more serious and blunt. They were an odd couple to say the least but extremely close.

“Where are you going?” said Rye

“To my pick-me-up,” said Pan

“Your what?”

“You know that thing that makes him feel better,” said Brioche

“I thought you just got hammered,” said Rye

“Yeah no, I would be constantly drunk at that rate. No I got a better solution,” the pair looked puzzled, “Hey...____________________c’mere,” she nodded and trotted over.

“Yes?” he placed his hand on her and started petting. _________________ blushed and giggled as she received her headpats. Rye and Brioche stared.


“Mhm, every time I feel like I’m about to drop, I give _________________ a pet and even squish her cheeks a bit and it does the trick,” he said. He then reached into pocket and took out 1000 beli and gave it to her.

“Thank you!”

“Go get yourself a nice slice on me,”


“Cake futures. Feel kind of bad for getting the good stuff whenever I wanted and she got nothing. So I gave her money to get whatever she wanted,” Cadet Rye looked apprehensive before taking out 1000 beli and giving it to ________________. He then started petting her head. She giggled. He reddened. He then squished her cheeks between his hands and then he used both hands to pet her. He had to admit, this made him very happy, extremely happy and improved his mood.

“....I hate that you’re right about this,”

“See? Well worth it,” Brioche took out some beli and did the same process. He couldn’t help but smile. The cadets then started to gather, wondering what was going on. After some explanation, they were soon handing over their beli giving _______________ headpats, all the while smiling and socializing and instantly feeling better. Soon it was late and _________________ had to go.

“Pleeeeeeeease tell me she’s coming back tomorrow!” said Rye

“Nope, ________________ come twice a week so you better get all of your headpats while you can. She’ll be back in a couple of days,” this went on for a few weeks and the cadets kept a close eye on the clock and once training was over, they knew it was time and their twice a week pick me up ritual was born. Smoker was wondering what in the hell did his officers and cadets go off to after training. He finished his paperwork early and went to investigate. He saw the men and women lined up waiting with anticipation. As he got closer to the front of the line, he saw _________________ being petted and poked while she giggled and laughed and made adorable noises.

“The hell is going on here?!” The cadets and officers jumped. Smoker didn’t look amused, “THe hell are you all doing?”

“Okay sir….we KNOW this looks awkward and weird but hear us out!” said Rye, “We’ve been giving ______________ head pets and face squishes to make us feel better!”


“Because we’re so tired after training we just want something to pet and she’s like right here!” said Brioche

“Look at her! You can’t tell me your first instinct isn’t to just smush those little cheeks!” said Officer Pan, “And since I’m the one who started this, I take full responsibility for my unit’s actions, sir!” Smoker looked at ________________. Her hair was happily tousled, her cheeks thoroughly poked, and she looked extremely happy. Smoker dragged his hand down his face.

“Forget I asked. Just….yeah,” he gave _________________ a head pet before turning and walking away. The cadets finished up and escorted _______________ back to the train station. This went on every week and soon after getting a lot of cake to fill her fridge, ______________ found out about a cake sale near the villa. She looked a little disappointed. She just spent all of her cadet pet money and a sale was coming. Then she got an idea. Maybe she could get the same type of money if she set up in the regular area of Goa. But would anyone really pay her like the Marines did? She tested it out and put up her little sign...

The men stared at the little girl. Izo pursed his lips to keep from laughing, Marco looked dumbfounded, Blenheim was the first to speak.

“So ummm….that’s why you’ve been disappearing every day,”


“I have a few questions,” said Shakky.


“Are you charging per minute or per pat?”

“Minute, many are done after two minutes even though they pay for five!”

“And if they don’t pay?”

“I usually jingle my jar and they’ll get the hint, especially since other people get mad if someone doesn’t pay!”

“That's my girl!”


“Well she’s making money with her cuteness,” said Fossa

“Good money!” said Thatch, “Seriously that’s a lot of beli in that jar!”

“I STILL think there’s something wrong!” said Ace

“Don’t be jealous, you little shit!” said Izo

“At least let Pops know!”

“Let Pops know what?” Whitebeard came into the house looking a little puzzled, “What’s going on in here, I could hear Ace from outside. What’s eating you boy?”

“It’s a long st--,” Curiel began

“____________________ IS PROSTITUTING HERSELF!” Ace was once again clobbered.


“I WILL NOT BE SILENCED! Pops it’s more….complicated than you think,” Whitebeard looked at his children, then to his little girl before sitting down on his armchair.

“Alright, bring me up to speed,” when everyone was done, he looked at his daughter, who still had a smile on her face and then to Ace who was seething and getting more and more worked up, “ let me get this straight, little lady. Marines give you head pets, poke your cheeks, and pinch your cheeks,”


“And they pay you?”


“.....And you’re okay with this?” said Marco

“It’s a win win!” she said happily, “I get head pets AND Beli!”

“ two don’t want to hear it but that’s actually fuckin’ genius,” said Curiel, “Using her cute as a way to make a little extra money,”

“And it works! She’s cuter than a button!”

“And a guppy,” said Namur chuckling, “May as well cash in on it,”

“But there is danger to this,” said Atmos, “What if someone carries her off?”

“So far she’s been safe but I think we’re blowing this out more than we should,”

“NO WE’RE NOT!” said Ace and glared at ____________________, “Why did you give money to Killer?!”

“Because he’s my bodyguard!”

“....bodyguard?” said Fossa

“Ya huh! He keeps the creepy people away!”

Killer had just finished running his Miss Ribbon and was getting ready to get home. He decided to take a short cut through Goa to avoid the crowds in the city during this time, when many people were leaving work to go home. It was usually a mess you get though. However, he noticed that the streets didn’t have as many people as it did during this time. He thought nothing of it until he saw the water fountain. He cocked his head and went over to see what was going on. He then saw __________________….okay that’s unusual. Then he saw people giving her money. Okay NOW he was intrigued. He sat off to the side and watched what was going on. He saw people giving her head pets and pokes and things like that. The bliss on her face was priceless. He snorted and decided to wait until his customers diminished before going over and saying hi. She had finished emptying her jar into her bag when he stopped in front of her.


“HEY!” she reached out to hug him and he returned it.

“Sooooo what’s going on?” she happily explained her new discovery to him, “....people pay you to give you head pets?”

“MHM! I did it at the Barracks and decided to try it here! Business is great!” he snorts, “Your pets are free!”

“They better be,” he reached over and pats her head, “Just be careful, okay?”

“I will!” He gathered his bags and got ready to leave. He was guessing this was downtime for _______________. The streets were quieter than before. Using her cuteness for money, he had to admit that was genius. He glanced over to wave goodbye but then froze as a familiar lanky asshole came out of nowhere and towards ______________, who was receiving a head pet from a sweet old woman. She looked up and froze when she saw Aokiji looking down at her and her little sign.

“Hmmmm a thousand beli for one pet? Can't pass up on a deal that nice from a sweet little lady. I'm getting 10 minutes,” he said took out ten thousand beli from his wallet.


“And since I have them free, we can make this a threesome with my two hands,” he placed the money into her jar. He then rubbed his hands together and headed for her hair. Before he could place his hand on her head, Killer walked over and without another word, took her jar and placed it into his bag, hoists _______________ up over his shoulder, and walked away.

“Hey now!”

“Booth’s closed! She’s done for the day!”

“Oh come on, that ain't fair. I paid!”

“No head pets for creepy arse homeless looking perverts!” Killer walked her to safety until they were someplace as far from Aokiji as possible, “You okay?”


“Listen, no matter HOW much money someone gives you, you don’t have to let them pet you! ESPECIALLY someone as sketchy as that! I swear you need a bodyguard or something,”

“Do you want the job?” she grinned, “I can give you 25%!”


“What an excellent operation you have going!” said Shakky

“I’m so proud!” said Izo

“.....why 25%?” said Fossa

“Shakky said you should always pay 25% to your bodyguard!” The men looked dumbfounded. They couldn’t help but admire the hustle. Whitebeard sat for a few moments before standing up.

“Alright little lady, good luck in your business venture but there’s to be new rules,”

“Yes Pops!”

“First of all, you have to tell us where you’ll be just in case,”

“Yes Pops!”

“Do you keep your snail on you?”

“Yes Pops!”

“Alright, also don’t spend all of your money on cake,”

“Yes Pops!”

“And if you ever feel uncomfortable, give Killer a signal,”


“Good girl, carry on,” she nodded and scampered upstairs with Ace following behind. Pops couldn’t help but laugh, “Damn brat you can’t get mad at her for this,”

“At least she’s responsible,” said Curiel laughing, “I’ll make a few smoke bombs in case she has to run away fast,”

“She’s going to end up giving poor Ace an heart attack,” said Blenheim

“He’ll live, once he realizes his feelings or that his little sister can take care of herself,” said Shakky laughing

“He called her a prostitute essentially,”

“I’ll talk to his little ass,” said Izo, “Marco, you’re joining me for this one,”

“Are you okay Marco?” said Shakky

“I still can’t believe she’s doing this for so long, I’m impressed but I swear she’s going to be the death of me,” the brother laughed.

“She’s smart, I think we’re doing a damn good job,” said Atmos

“At least she’s not doing anything illegal yet,”

“That’s just it, what do we do for her first illegal thing?” said Marco, “Are we opening this up to something potentially big?”

“As long as she doesn’t get caught by the Marines we raised a clever pirate,” said Izo, “And besides, we’ve all been young once. Let her have some fun and learn but more importantly freak Ace out,”


Chapter 91: The Van Glot House


The Little Girl has a Autumn Adventure

Chapter Text

Autumn was finally in town. The smells of autumn were everywhere, cinnamon, cloves, apples, pumpkin, leaves, and mixed with the crisp air, it made everything more magical than summer and spring combined. The ribbon girls came back from their summer vacations and were ready to go. _________________ made and brought churros as a celebration.

“These are good!” said Plum

“Right? What are they?” said Penny

“Churros! My Uncle showed me how to make them and I made some this morning with Thatch! They’re ultra good when they’re nice and nice with hot chocolate! But even better with milk in the morning. I got you some goats milk Penny,”

“You remembered!”

“Yeah, it doesn’t taste as good as cow’s milk but it’s easier on your stomach. Holly would you like a chu--,”

“No, I don’t know where you’ve been and I don’t eat non local foods!” Holly said, sneering.

“Oh well, more for us,” said Plum

“Seriously! I mean I can’t imagine not giving into the temptation of these smell alone,” said Kaya

“I wish Kat-chan was here!” said Vivi, “Kaya you have to meet her! She’s so sweet! And I bet she’d like one of these!”

“Right? I might make a batch and send them to her,” said __________________

“We can make them one weekend and surprise her!” said Penny

“She’d love that!”

“She sounds awesome!” said Kaya

“She’s like _________________ but more headstrong,”

“She ripped Holly a new one, so she’s okay in my book,” said Plum laughing, “Speaking of, _________________ can we talk for a minute?” she nodded and Plum ushered her to the bathroom.


“I was wondering, can you do me a mega favor?”


“Okay, can you take Penny out to the McCreey Farm today for some jams and apple treats? We usually go together with our families but everyone is super busy today and Pen’s really upset that we can’t go. She would go by herself but Penny is really skittish around this time of year. She doesn’t like the ultra spooky things from Halloween and Autumn. She wants to join the Halloween festivities with us but I know she gets scared. She insisted on you going with her to get her favorite treats in town and well….I’m counting on you!”

“You know I’ll make sure she’s okay!”

“’s not just that. You see, there’s an old house on the way. I think it’s abandoned or something but Penny is petrified of the place. The farmer didn’t make it better by telling us what happened in that house. Apparently a woman named Missy Van Glot used to live there. She went crazy and died in the house and it’s said that she still haunts it. Every time we pass there she gets visibly shaken. And she feels safe around you. It’s like a good long walk from here,”

“I think I can manage! Okay!”

“Thanks! I owe you one!” After lessons Penny happily waited by the entrance. __________________ walked to Marco’s car and told him what was going on. He nodded and ushered the girls to get in. He gave her some beli.

“Get whatever you want, yoi,”


“I have to get some preparations done back at the house but if you make it back half way I’ll pick you two up. Oh! If you can, bring back some buckwheat honey, as much as you can. There’s a shortage where we are,”

“Okay! But where’s the halfway point?”

“Hmmmm well, right here is fine. I’ll park just at the crossroads,”

“Why not at the crossroads?” said _______________.

“Well, it’s an old travel superstition, ghosts and demons try to get into the car with you at the crossroads so they can haunt someplace else,” he winked, “But then again, it’s just a story, right?”

“Marco!” he laughed and dropped them off and headed on his way. This was the part of the area that ___________________ wasn’t that familiar about. When they got to the crossroads, ______________ noticed the other two paths. She looked to the right and saw more farmland and such but to the left she did recognize something she wasn’t expecting! From where they stood she saw the top of a very familiar mechanic shop where Kid and Killer placed a weathervane to help them and everyone else in town to know when they should shut down everything. They were near Dead Island where Miss Ribbon lived.

“Are you sure?”

“Mhm! I can see the butt from here!” said _______________, “Kid designed it and Miss RIbbon still laughs about it from time to time especially when it sways!”

“....I want to see it!” Penny got on her shoulders and started chuckling. The town was a small farm town where a lot of people were getting things like apples, jams, pumpkins, and the like. Penny happily took _________________’s hand and they went to the barn where a tall man was happily talking to customers and selling his wares.

“Hi Mr. Creey!” said Penny

“AH! My favorite customer!” he said and ruffled Penny’s hair, “Just you today? Where’s your Papa?”

“They’re busy but I have _____________________ with me!” _________________ bowed.

“Nice to meet you sir!”

“Pleasure! Don’t worry I saved you your family’s orders! Would you like something little lady?”

“Mhm! First and foremost, do you have some buckwheat honey?”

“You got it darlin’! How many do you need?”

“A lot! I have a HUGE family!”

“Follow me then ladies! We have the last few jars in the barn!” He ushered the girls towards the barn and went through his stores. Penny kept glancing at the old worn down house that was a block away from the barn.

“Is that the place?”


“What place?” said Mr. Creey, “OH! The Van Glot place! Are you gonna face your fears this year Pen?”

“I-I don’t know!”

“What’s the story? Someone told me Missy went crazy or something, right?” said ___________________

“Yeah she did but there’s more to it than that. Missy used to live there all by her lonesome with her parents. She was a sweet and shy woman and just often stayed to herself. But one day, she met and fell in love with a young pirate who was passing through. It was the first time many have seen her smile or even out of her house. It was lovely to say the least. The two made plans to sail away together and Missy was ready to go but why a weird twist of fate, her fiance was caught in a storm on his way back from buying her a ring to propose and drowned. His body resurfaced onto the shore a few weeks later, still with the ring in his pocket. Missy was so heartbroken and they say she was driven to madness, talking to her fiance as if he was there, made meals for two and even took off her engagement dress. Poor thing passed away within a year from a broken heart,”

“That’s so sad!” said __________________

“I thought she only went mad!” said Penny, “And I didn't know you could die from a broken heart!”

“It’s a depressin’ way to go,” said Mr. Creey but Missy still lives up there, waiting for her husband to come back to her. Alright ladies, looks like that’s everything! Penny regards to your father!”

“Yes sir!'' The girls went on their merry little way. They had a nice box of jams, Mrs. Creey’s infamous oatmeal cookies, hot spice cider spices, honey and other fall things. The woman was concerned about the weight but soon quieted seeing ______________ carrying the box like it was nothing.

“Alright where to next?” said _________________

“Actually….I have a small request,”


“I want to see the Van Glot place! I want to face my fears this year!”

“Are you sure?!”

“Mhm! I have a secret weapon!” _________________ cocked her head. Penny grinned and went to take out something but she couldn’t find it. She froze and looked around. SHe started to look visibly upset, “O-Oh no! Where is it?!”

“What’s what?”

“My grandmother’s locket! She let me borrow it for the season and now it’s gone!”

“Don’t worry, we’ll find it! You had it on when you were at the barn, right? If we retrace our steps we’ll be able to--”


“Oh look what I found~” ___________________ inwardly cringed but turned around anyway. Holly was a few feet from the pair and in her hands was Penny’s grandmother’s locket, “It’s ugly whatever it is,”

“My locket!” Penny went towards Holly to take it. Holly shoved her back.

“Finders keepers! It’s mine now!”

“Not this today! Holly give it back!” said _________________

“You can’t tell me what to do, you mangy little mutt!”

“Stop with the dog insults! You know that Penny's, now give it back to her!”

“How DO I know it’s Penny’s? It can be anyone’s, especially with it being so tacky!”

“It plays music!” said Penny, you have to press the button on the side! “The song is “Into the Unknown!”” Holly looked intrigued and pressed the button. The music started to play.

“Oh I’m DEFINITELY keeping it,” Holly walked off with the locket as _______________ and Penny followed. Penny pleaded with her to give her back her locket. Soon they were in front of the Van Glot house. _________________ was getting increasingly annoyed, snapped hat her.

“Give it back Holly! NOW!” Holly stopped and twirled the locket on her finger, “Stop being a brat and give it up!” she stopped twirling it and approached ________________ with the locket. She was about to accept it but then Holly, with everything she had, threw the locket into the Van Glot house’s third story window. It landed with amazing accuracy through the broken window with a thud.

“Oops~ butterfingers. Guess you better fetch it, mutt,” she smirked and went on her way. Penny looked visibly scared and hesitated. _________________ smiled.

“I’ll go get it!”

“No! It’s dangerous! What if Missy’s in there!”

“I’m sure she’ll understand,”

“I’m going to! It’s my locket and my responsibility!”

“We’ll go together,” Penny nodded and __________________ left their treats at the door and ventured inside. It was still daylight and the house wasn’t too dark. Though it was a very old house that was falling apart. Penny stayed close to _______________ as they walked up the creaky stairs. Then they wandered through until they were on the third floor. Penny noticed the crack in the window where Holly threw the necklace, “Okay, wait here!” ________________ trotted over and grabbed the necklace. She walked over to Penny with triumph, “Annnnnnd got it! See that wasn’t s--ACK!” ___________________ took one step forward before the old floor creaked and fell in, taking her with it. She and the floor landed with a loud crash.

“____________________! ARE YOU OKAY?!” Penny ran to the hole

“Owwwwwww!” Penny heard rustling, “I’m stuck!”

“Don’t move! Are you hurt?”

“No, but I can’t move the beams!”

“I’ll come do--!”

“No! If I can’t I know you can’t! Be careful! Nothing is stable up there! You might get trapped too!”

“I’ll go get some help!” Penny ran outside just in time to see Holly smashing their last jar of honey. She sighed and went to the farm but the Creey’s weren’t there. She looked around for an adult but didn’t see one. She then remembered what __________________ said about the Dead Island. She quickly went down the long path until she saw a ferryman. She explained the situation and soon they were on their way.

Kid and Ace were playing video games that afternoon, both of them pretty much hiding out and away from autumn duties for the time being and they knew sooner or later they would be found but they had precious gaming time before they were too tired to do it until winter. They were soon interrupted by knocking.

“Go away!” Kid barked, “Fuck off and pound fuckin’ sand!”

“Please! I need help!” Kid froze, paused the game and went to the door. He opened the door and froze. Penny was at his door looking very scared and shaken and out of breath.

“What’s the matter with you? What happened?!”

“____________, she’s….trapped in a haunted house! I-I don’t know if she’s hurt but she can’t move! Please I need your help, Kid!” Kid closed the door, unplugged the game and grabbed his coat.

“Your dumb sister is trapped in a haunted house!”

“Fuck yo--WHAT?!”

“Yeah Penny’s here, let’s go!” Kid closed the door and headed to the ferry. Penny clued them on everything.

“I swear someone need to just rip her a new one,” said Ace

“Personally I want to smash her face in that jam she broke,” said Kid, “She only get away with it because she knows she can strong armed everyone and _________________ is too nice to beat the shit outta her,”

“No kidding,”

“I understand why she won’t and it shows restraint,” said Penny

“I would do it just once but then again, if she’s too stupid to realize that someone can’t knock into a car normally then there’s no hope for her,” once off the ferry, the kids headed to the house. At the crossroads was a woman. She had dark brown hair, green eyes, and was wearing a soft pink dress. Ace, who ran, bowed to the woman very lowly.

“Good day, ma’am,”

“Hello, sweetheart,”

“I was wondering can you please point me to the Van Glot house? My friends and I have to get my sister out! She’s trapped inside,”

“Oh dear! Well, the house is just up that hill, sort of a shortcut instead of going around via the farm. Be careful! That house is a death trap!” They thanked her and went on their way. As they approached the house, Penny stopped and took the boys’ sleeve.

“What’s up Pen?” said Ace. She went completely pale.

“Someone went in there! He went in through the back!” they stopped to see. The figure went in and then came out a few moments later and then went across and disappeared into the field. They quickly went to the front of the house to get a better look around.

“Where did you say it was Pen?” said Kid

“THe second or first floor! It was the only broken window where Holly threw it!” as if on cue, Holly was taking rocks and smashing all of the windows in the house with a mischievous glee. Penny looked disheartened. THe windows all looked the same. She slowly approached the girl.

“Holly where did you throw my locket! _________________ is in there and she could be seriously hurt! Please!”

“Awww did she finally decide to euthanize herself? Good riddance it’s just a dog,”

“Look, tell us where you threw it, or else,” said Ace. Holly smirked.

“Or else what? Are you gonna spank me? You’re not my mom, you can’t put your hands o--,” Kid grabbed Holly by the hair and slammed her into the iron fence. She yelped in surprise then in pain. Penny could see the fear in her eyes.

“Listen, I’m not _________________ and I’m not Sanji. If you don’t tell me where you threw that fuckin’ locket I’m going to MAKE sure you won’t be able to walk without limping for a year!” He pulled her back, tightening his grip around her hair. Holly was shaking violently and pointed to the window on the third floor, “Good answer,” Kid threw Holly into a mud puddle, grabbed Penny’s hand, and walked inside, stepping the shattered glass and jams. Penny led the way upstairs. Ace went ahead to make sure everything was stable. Two girls were one thing but not three kids. They finally reached the third flood and the hole.

“_____________________?!” said Ace

“ACE! Help! I’m stuck!”

“How stuck?! Can you move?!”

“No! My arms are pinned! It’s too heavy!”

“Must be some of those metal beams,” said Kid gesturing, “Whole place is fuckin’ old,”

“Is Penny there?!”

“Yeah! She’s the one who got us!” said Ace

“I still have your locket!”

“Don’t worry about that! We have to get you out!” said Penny, “Can you breathe?!”


“Keep talking and we’ll find you!” said Ace

“Alright! But be very careful! I’ve been hearing footsteps in this place while Penny was gone! I think there’s someone else in here!”


“Yeah! They’ve been stomping up and down the first and second floors and it’s like every three minutes! Shhh!” The trio stopped talking and waited. THen they heard the footsteps, walking about then getting louder as they went up the stairs, then back down and then hopefully out the door, “He’s not coming back in for awhile but you guys have to be careful!” Ace looked down the hole, it was too dark to see where ___________________ was, especially with the rubble.

“_________________ whisper every three minutes and we’ll follow you!”

“Okay!” The trio left the room and then they heard footsteps again. They stopped and waited until they heard them fade before walking slowly again. Soon they were downstairs but had made a very big problem on their hands. They evaded the footsteps but the footsteps were now upstairs and they were at the foot of the steps meaning in a few minutes the figure would be making their way down and they’ll be caught and because they were walking, _________________ couldn’t say anything either. Penny looked around and even tried to listen to see if she could hear anything remotely ______________ when a hand landed on her shoulder.

“EE!” Ace and Kid grabbed her mouth. The woman from before pressed her finger to her lips and ushered the kids down to the cellar and then closed the door.

“Sorry for the fright, but I got worried and went to check on you! Then I heard the footsteps too and I thought I’d get you downstairs. Are you okay?”

“No-no!” said Penny

“Well, we are but we're still looking for my sister,” said Ace, “We’d thought for sure she’d be here!” as if on cue, __________________ started her whispering. She was indeed in the cellar but it was dark. Ace felt around for a switch and turned on the lights. The cellar was covered in rubble and things and in the middle of it all was ___________________. She was struggling to get out but couldn’t, mainly because there were large metal rusted support beams on top of her pinning her arms and down, “Shit!” Ace ran down and tried to get them beams off of her but they were too heavy for him too, “Are you SURE you’re okay?!”

“Yeah! I just can’t move,” Kid looked up.

“Hey asshole, stand back. I can get the metal off her and that should be enough,”

“But do it quietly!” said _________________

“Whatever I know,” Ace moved away and Kid lifted his arm and started to move everything metal from _________________. Gently placing it away from her, being careful to not make too much noise. Ace kept watch at the door. Penny however looked on in awe!

“Wow! I didn’t know you were a Devil Fruit user!”

“Tch! Yeah, no big deal,”

“Yes it is! Can you control metal? Is it heavy to you? Is it just metal? Like all metals? Or does precious metals count?!” Penny asked multiple questions as Kid flexed a little bit.

“Yes, no, yes, any metal except silver, gold, aluminum, and copper but I can do this to steel and iron,”

“That’s amazing!” In a little of no time, the beams were off ___________________. This was just enough for Ace to brush off the wood and for ____________________ to finally slip though. Ace caught her when she faltered a bit.

“Can you walk?”

“Y-Yeah, I just need to wait for a few moments,”

“Penny you wait outside, it might be awhile and call Marco,” Ace handed her his den den mushi. She took it and waited until the footsteps stopped before leaving the cellar. ____________________ was sore and Ace checked to make sure she was okay.

“She’s fuckin’ okay! Let’s go!” Kid barked

“The fuck is your problem?” said Ace

“Seriously!” said _________________, “It hurt coming down!”

“If you’re okay then you got Penny worked up over nothing!” said Kid, “She looks paler than usual! I think her nerves are shot!” Ace cocked his head before smirking.

“Gee well, why don’t you just ask her?”

“Why should I?! I don’t care!”

“Yeah you do,”

“I PROVE IT!” Penny screamed. Kid ran out of the room first with __________________ and Ace close behind. Penny was at the entrance with a large figure in a cloak pulling her into another room. Penny to her credit was crying and trying to get away. The figure closed the door behind them. Kid sent a large mental lamp into the decrepit door before running into the room. In one motion, he grabbed Penny and shoved her back and delivered a hard hit to the figure’s stomach. The figure fell with a thud. Penny was shaking like a leaf as __________________ came in and comforted her and Ace went to join Kid but then __________________ noticed jams and other treats on the floor.

“Kid, Ace, stop!” the girls immediately pulled the boys off as Farmer Creey, staggered to get up


“Farmer Creey?!” said Penny

“What in the heck are you kids doin’ in here?!”

“We’ll ask the fuckin’ questions! What are YOU doing here?!” said Kid

“Storing my jams!”

“Bullshit! You have a barn!”

“That may be but I store whatever I have left in here! This old house is old as dust and fallin’ apart but no one wants to go NEAR this place, versa my barn during this season! There’s been so many break ins, especially with that honey storage that I’ve been hiding everything in here when the sales are over!”

“....that’s pretty smart,” said Ace

“Is that why you're dressed like a grim?” said _________________

“You got it sweetheart! It’s literally to scare people from coming in! Hell I had to scare off this bratty kid who was trying to come in here! I had chased and her mother out of my orchard because she didn’t believe I didn’t have any more peach jam! Crazy! My wife is working hard to make more but until then, I’ve been hiding everything in here!”

“We’ll keep your secret!” said Penny

“Appreciate it, now you kids run on home! I’ll finish up and get going too,” Farmer Creey limped out of the room and headed out the door. The kids followed suit. _________________ was still sore. She turned to check on Penny to see if she was okay. Penny looked worried and was asking Kid if he was okay and if he was hurt. Kid kept reassuring her. Ace looked at the pair before ushering __________________ towards the exit where they both lingered at the door pretending to just look at the setting sun. Penny gave Kid a tight hug.

“Thank you for saving me back there! I really appreciate it!” Kid’s face went completely red before he shrugged her off.

“Tch! I didn’t do it for YOU! I didn’t want to drag you sorry dead carcass out of here! And don’t you think I came ALLLL the way out here to help you and __________________! When you said haunted house, I knew I had to see if you were lying and I guess you weren’t! You and __________________ were just in the way and being useless girls as usual!”

“Still thank you! You didn't have to! You’re very kind!” He saw tears forming in her eyes. He glared, took his sleeve and rubbed her face.

“Why was that stupid locket so important anyway?!”

“Oh! Well…it’s my grandma’s locket! This time of year is really scary to me so Gram let’s me borrow it because it makes me feel brave! It plays a song and when I get scared, I open it and it makes me feel better!”

“ don’t need something like that to make you brave, idiot! You went into a haunted house, you came to the island by yourself to get help and you went back in when _________________ got her ass stuck inside. Sounds brave to me,”

“H-Hey you’re right!”

“See? Stop being dumb but since it’s scary, I’ll hold your hand until we’re out!”

“...but we’re like a few feet from the exit!”

“Who knows what can happen next!” Ace and __________________ pretended to not hear the pair and bit their lips the whole time to keep from laughing as Kid takes Penny’s hand and pulled/ walked her to the exit, his face red the entire time. Once they were out, the sun was setting. They took out their den den mushi to explain everything to their parents and guardians. They made it to the crossroads.

“There you are, dears!” the woman was beaming at them, “I see you finally got out!”

“Yeah! Thank you for all of your help Ma’am,” said Ace bowing

“Yeah seriously! Sorry for all of the trouble we caused!” said _________________

“It’s no problem sweeties. Just be careful! I’m glad you’re not seriously injured,” said the woman pleasantly.

“You really know that old place, don’t you?” said Kid

“Yeah, we go way back and I like to keep an eye on it from time to time, especially since Mr. Creey keeps an eye on things. But do be careful, it’s a very unstable house,”

“Way ahead of you. I’ve had my fill of haunted houses for awhile,” said ____________________

“Seriously!” said Penny. The woman giggled.

“And after tonight, I’m pretty sure you all needed a well deserved break. Is someone taking you home? Because if not, you can take this road and continue, you’ll end up right at the ferry and it’ll take you home before it’s too late,”

“Thank you but we have a ride,” said Ace.

“And we have to walk away from here until he comes. Something about ghosts entering your car or something,” said ___________________.

“Oh the traveler’s myth! I hadn’t heard that in decades! Oh! I think I see a car from the hills! Alright kids, you better get going,” The woman then pulled something out from behind her back. A box of jams and treats from the farm and hands it to the two girls.

“Our treats! Thank you!” ________________ happily took the box. Penny froze. These weren’t just ANY treats, these treats and jams were the ones that Holly had shattered and destroyed at the doorstep when she left. The realization hit _________________ as well, since she WAS strong enough to carry them and she’s pretty sure the lady wasn’t. Ace and Kid’s eyes widened because the box came out of NOWHERE She looked at Penny who thought the same thing.

“I-I thought Holly shattered them...and that’s the exact jar I put my initials on!” said Penny. The kids looked back at the woman who gave them a small smile

“Ummm with all due respect….who are you?” said Ace

“Well, my true name is Melissa Von Glot, but everyone calls me Missy~” the woman then shot up into the air and floated above them, “Happy Autumn kiddies! Have a safe journey back! Oh and we don’t try to get into your car, it’s just that we can’t cross a crossroad!” and with that she disappeared into thin air. The quartet stared at the dark sky for a few moments before calmly without a word walking towards the incoming car. Ace then hoists __________________ onto his back and Kid puts Penny on his and they both sprint the rest of the way.

“Annnnnnd fixed,” said Kid, showing Penny his handiwork. Marco had found the kids half way down the road, getting worried that ______________ didn't call him. He called Mr. Capulet who said it was okay for Penny to stay the night. Kid just decided that he would spend the night as well, “I hope your granny won’t be upset I fixed the clasp as a magnetic,”

“I think she’ll be happy! It’s hard for her since she’s bad arthritis in her hands!”

“Thankfully it’s not broken!” said _________________

“Just banged up,” said Ace.

“Kid you’re the best! You should become a jeweler!” said Penny

“Tch, then I wouldn’t be able to be a pirate!”

“You can fix things on the sea and resell them! There’s a lot of broken jewelry out there!”

“....that’s a great idea! Then I can hock it for ten times the price!”


“I’m a genius!”

“Actually, Penny’s the genius, she just gave you the idea,” said _________________

“No one asked YOU!”

“Ummm….although I enjoy the company...I really do but are you kids ready to leave my room?” Marco said, smiling. The kids decided to occupy his room and refused to leave.

“Please don’t make us leave!” said Penny and _____________________

“Yeah they’re scared!” said Kid


“....then why don’t you stay with them then?” said Marco

“Tch! Your room is bigger!” said Kid

“Stop being selfish Marco!” said Ace

Chapter 92: Three Shorts of Sad Terror


The King of the Seas visits Elysium

The Little Girl has a Nightmare

The Cat Prince Origins

Chapter Text

The Lantern Bearer

Edward stared at the statue. Many years have passed since he and Flora had visited Elysium for the first time and even then, he would never have in his wildest dreams would have thought to see Blume’s statue staring back at him. He shalily approached the grotto. It was unnerving to say the least. It was only a month ago that he and Florrie asked her to be the godmother of their child and her wholeheartedly accepting, bawling like a baby and having a celebration to commemorate it. Now...she was gone. Tears were rolling down his face. Someone that he could only describe as a mother figure was gone. It was a weird feeling to say the least. One moment she was there and now she isn’t and it left a hole in everyone’s hearts and souls. Flora still refused to come to the island. He was getting worried. Ever since she was well, she became distant, almost unhinged with the thoughts of revenge on her mind. It was a frightening time, especially with Rocks still in power. But regardless, he had to pay his respects. The island was creepier at night. He couldn’t fathom how Florrie could casually sleep in a graveyard as a child. There were statues of former pirates everywhere and some of the statues before Jack’s care were still in bad shape. Some were headless, some were armless, some were so dirty that they looked like shadows in the night. Not to mention it was a dark and windy night and you could hear the wind howling through Blume’s grotto. Even Blume looked imposing in her grotto. He didn’t know who made the statue but they wanted it to be as big as possible and although it looked comforting, it was still a massive lifelike statue. Her smile looked rather demonic in the candlelight. It also didn’t help that there were only names where the other pirates were to be buried there as well, including Atlas. Yorki’s statue was in a grotto on the other side and with the candles, the shadow casted onto the walls. A haunting melody was coming from his direction and he amplified in the cave, mixed with the sea water, it made his skin crawl, like he wasn’t supposed to be there. It didn’t help that on the other side of Blume’s grave was Atlas’ future pedestal, complete with his name, sacred markings and prayers from his home, sacred images and flowers along with his epithet. That was something he would NOT be prepared to see when the time came. He didn’t know how many more people he loved were going to die before him but all in all it was forcing him to face his own mortality and the only thing he wanted to do right now was find Florrie and hold her close. He lost his child. He lost his mother. He did not want to lose the love of his life either. There were a few things he noticed when he got there, the flowers were watered, incense was already burning, and candles lit all over. None of this felt natural. Jack was nowhere to be seen and he knew for a fact that even he’s not reckless enough to come out in the middle of the night in weather like this.

“You’re in my way,” he jumped. The voice was familiar and very cold. He knew this voice and the coldness sent something down his spine and into the pit of his stomach. He looked down. Someone brushed past him and went to the grave and left another set of candles. He saw a large figure in a black cloak. He set up the candles around Blume’s statue, lighting each one. The more light he added, the more luminous the cave became. It became warm and inviting to see Blume’s face well lit and smiling. The figure took a step back to admit his work, when he was finished he turned to leave. Edward regained himself.

“It’s good to see you in good health, Void,”

“Leave this place unless you want to become a permanent resident,” Edward glared at him. The man glanced over his shoulder, revealing his piercing eyes and a scar down on one of his eyes. They were the same age but lead separate lives. He had no idea what had befallen upon him but it made him into a man who’s very stare could send someone to their knees, more of a monster if anything.

“I’m just here to repay my respects. I was close to Blume,”

“If so, why did you betray her? You think you have everyone fooled but you will never have me fooled so easily,”

“I didn’t betray her!”


“I was with Atlas! I was out from Rocks, I was forming my own crew!”

“If you didn’t join in the first place, she’d still be here,”

“Are you blaming me!”

“Yes, yes I am. Because of you, Flora is running about untethered and vulnerable like a wounded wolf. Because of you, the Flower Pirates lost their captain and mother, and because of you a child was never given the chance to be born!” Without warning Edward ran at Void. Both wrestled on the ground before Edward was kicked off. He flew into the side of the cave and felt a hard knee to his stomach and a vice grip on his windpipe. He gasped for air and tried to move to no avail, “Listen to me and listen to me good. I will not defile this place by fighting on sacred ground. If you want so desperately to be here, I have NO qualms to add your statue here tonight! Your conscience will never be clear enough to ever be fully forgiven. I can and I won’t forgive the things Rocks and his crew of monsters have done and that includes you. All you do is leave destruction in your path and Blume’s death proves just how far it can reach. I will never hold a grudge against your crew or family, but if we ever cross paths again, one of us will die,” he drops Edward and walked away. He gasped for air and tried to compose himself. His heart was pounding out of his chest. He got up and ran to the entrance of the cave. Void was on his own ship getting ready to leave. A storm had raged and

“Edward?! Oh thank god!” Poppy ran to him and ushered him out of the storm and towards the docks. It was wet and slippery outside. Once he was back on his ship, Poppy explained everything, “We were passing through when the storm kicked up! It’s supposed to go on for a few days but we were headed to Sphinx to wait it out but we saw a weird light. It scared the shit out of us to be honest! Like what kind of madman would be on the seas in weather like this with nothing but a lantern?!”

“It was in a dense fog and the waters were choppy and the sky was lighting up with lightning, it was something out of a horror story,” said Liliya, “Against our better judgement we followed it because it could have been a distress signal. It’s a good thing too. We found your ship and we decided to get you out or would have been stuck on the island until it subsided,”

“We don’t know where the boat went, we just saw it and it’s just poof, disappeared,” said Nobara, “But it’s a good thing we got you before the storm did. Come on, we’re coming with us. Your boat is on the ship,”

“Is Florrie with you?”

“Unfortunately no,” said Katsika sighing, “We don’t know where she went and we’ve been searching the seas for her. Wherever she is, she does NOT want to be found. But right now we have to GO!” he nodded and got into the ship’s hull as they sailed away. The waters were choppy but he knew they could manage to get out of it. He looked through his window and noticed the eerie boat with the lantern that the Four told him about. There was indeed someone on the boat, in a red cloak. It was a woman, he was sure of it. He froze. She gazed up at him. Her eyes were clear, even through the dense fog. She gave him a nod and a smile before being swallowed up into the darkness.

Becoming One with My Sister


__________________ was in the woods going about her usual day. It was a beautiful autumn day and she was enjoying feeling the leaves crunch against her boots, the fresh smell of autumn’s smells and the cool of the weather was making her heart dance. She loved it, she loved it SO much. Today was apple day and she was going to pick a ton of yellow apples for Thatch for his apple treats and then give some to Cook. She then felt a very cold chill down her spine. It was almost like when Perona used her hollow on her but….this time it was different. It didn’t make her feel sad, it made her alert. As though she was in danger. She looked around. There wasn’t anyone around her. She went around the tree and then she heard someone tiptoeing behind her. She scaled the tree and looked around. No one. She shook her head. Maybe she was being parano--

“Found you~” she jumped, causing her to fall backwards out of the tree. She landed in a pile of leaves. She winced but got up quickly. There was a boy in front of her now. He by all accounts looked like a regular boy with slick back messy dark hair, a sturdy frame, and a boyish face but his eyes and smile was ice cold. It reminded her of when River would stare at a bird he’s trying to chase. ____________________’s heart was pounding out of her chest. The boy was grinning at her. There was something absolutely unnerving about his smile. Her entire body shook. Something in her mind was telling her to run away as fast as she could but she couldn’t.

“Awww Dear Sister! Don’t you remember me?” he cupped her cheeks in both hands, “You’re so stunning! Your eyes are so big! Look at them! I can see the color….I love that color~ It’s so mean of you to leave your little brother all alone you know! You know I need my sweet big sister to cuddle and tease because she makes me…” he was bringing her face closer to hers, “so….happy…”

“LET GO OF ME!” she regained her senses and shoves her off of her, “And don’t touch me!” she swatted his hands away and moved away. He winced but then looked absolutely smitten.

“Awww Sissy~ you’re playing rough again….you know I like it,” _________________’s fight or flight instinct kicked in and she finally willed her legs and ran for it. The boy gave chase and even with her legs going faster than they’ve ever been he was sticking to her like glue. She was scared. There was something terrifying about this boy and she didn’t like it. She ran through the dense woods, weaving in and out of things, even climbing a tree and jumping from branch to branch the boy wouldn’t falter. She was scared, very scared. She’s never not been able to shake someone. Even Ace had trouble but this was unnatural. As she went through the woods she saw a very familiar figure, her salvation was right there. Ace! Her big brother! If there was anyone in the entire world that could protect her it was him. She ran to him and hid behind him. Ace looked surprised and the terror on her was all he needed to see. He looked up to see the kid stopping at the entrance of the clearing. His smile became dark and unsettling as though he was trying to bottle up his anger at the sight of someone near his sister. Ace immediately shoved ____________________ behind him and ran at the boy.

“Get the fuck away from my sister!” the boy stepped. _________________ felt relieved. Ace went after the boy with his pipe, then his fists. The boy ducked and dodged and dipped away and then it happened with one hit. Neither Ace or ________________ saw a weapon before it was plunged into him. It was as though time stood still as blood seeped from Ace’s chest. Then the boy's smile got wider and took no time in repeatedly stabbing Ace in certain areas before he started to kick and punch the already down boy. ____________________ watched in horror as the ground and boy’s shoes turned red with Ace’s blood. She regained herself and tried to get to Ace but she was being held down and forced to watch by the redheaded boy from the tea party.

“Ah, ah, ah, naughty girl. You can’t interrupt a punishment like that,”

“Sissy~ look at what you’re making me do~! You belong to us! You belong to ME and I’ll hurt and kill anyone you love so that you’ll always be with me!”


“You’re doing this you know,” said the redhead, “You think you have control here? You have the power to make it stop, you know. All you have to do is come with us,”


“Pffft, I don’t care if you love me or hate me, as long as you’re not thinking about anyone else but me,”

“And me!” said the other boy, “We’re sharing, remember~!” she struggled but he was strong. This wasn’t normal, this never happened to her before! She was always at least able to get herself free from someone but the boy was stronger than her and he knew it. Tears were pouring from her eyes as she shouted and tried to get to Ace. The other boy noticed and looked concerned.

“Dear Sister?” he casually walked over to her. She tried to get away but the redhead kept her firm. She looked away. Everything about this boy scared her to her soul. He gently took her face into her hands, “Sissy, please don’t cry….” he took his thumb to wipe her tears, “You’ll stain your pretty face,” she watched as he tasted her tears, “You know I love you, don’t you? Come on dear sister, let’s be together as we should. You, me, and Ichiji can be one big happy family together. All you have to do is just say you’ll come with us,”

“If not we’ll have to punish you again,” Ichiji gestured to Ace as he was spluttering up blood again. __________________ tried to get away to get to Ace but the boy held her firm. She kicked and pulled thrashing about until she was exhausted and hoarse from screaming. She then stopped. She couldn’t fight anymore.

“Please….I’ll do anything, just please don’t hurt Ace anymore. Please,”

“So you’ll come with us!” said the other boy excitedly.

“Only if you get Ace help!” he laughed

“Of course, of course! Anything for my dear sister!” the redhead lets her go. She went towards Ace but they grabbed her wrist and yanked her back. The boy had her wrists and pulled her into his chest. He looked at her with an amused and devious smile, “Don’t you worry your pretty little head. You’re going to be happy with us. You’re going to become one with me...your body and your soul belongs to me. You’re going to be happy with me and Ichiji,”

“Yeah you are,” said Ichiji from behind, “We’re going to become one with us from now on,”

_____________________ screamed and woke in a cold sweat. She looked around wildly. Marco looked at her with the most worried look on his face and Ace was right next to her. Almost immediately she hugged Ace as though he was going to disappear right there. She didn’t realize until she regained her senses that she was crying her eyes out. Then she snapped back again.


“Who? ___________________ sweetie, calm down, it’s okay, you had a bad dream,” said Marco soothingly. She lifted Ace’s shirt and there wasn’t a stab wound or anything and she felt immediately relieved.

“T-There was this boy and he was….creepy! He-He kept calling me his sister! Then that redhead from the tea party was there! Th-they wouldn’t stop hurting Ace until I said I would leave everyone and go with them! Then they took him too! And-And-And!” she started to choke a bit.

“Shhhhhhhh calm down, little lady,” said Marco who hugged her close, “You’re okay now, you had a nightmare. Everything is okay, you’re okay now. Ace is here,” he held her for a few moments before he went to get a washcloth for her face. ___________________ was still upset. Ace sat on the bed and pulled her into his lap. He then placed a blanket over her and held her close. She was still shaking but she was slowly calming down. He rubbed her back soothingly. She stopped heaving. She felt safe and warm. Ace took the washcloth and gently washed her face and placed it behind her neck.

“Feel better?” she shook her head and started to sob again, “Hey calm down, will you?”

“I-I can’t it felt too real! I-I couldn’t help you! You tried to help me but you couldn’t! They were stronger than me! I-I couldn’t stop them! The-They wanted to take me away! I-I don’t know where! I know it was a nightmare but it was real to me! I-I don’t want anything to happen to you!”

“First of all, no one is going to be dumb enough to try and take MY kid sister away from me without a fight, even if I get stabbed in the chest. Second of all, NO ONE is going to threaten you into going with them. And finally I’m not that weak to have some fucker take me down and then take you,” he pulled her into his chest and hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead, “ ________________, look, I’m your big brother. And...I care about you very much. My job is to protect you and we’re family so no matter what happens, I’ll be there to protect you. If a situation like that ever happens, I’ll fight them off and then we’re running to a safe place. Also, you’re faster than me and that says a lot, so don’t ever worry about anyone catching you. And if someone is as fast as you, then use your full strength and punch in the face or call Marco. Always remember, I’m your big brother and if I can’t protect my little sister then what good am I?” she nodded. She started to finally calm down.

“Can I sleep with you tonight?”

“No, because I’m sleeping with you. Your room is a lot nicer than mine and you need River too!” That night, ______________ clung to Ace as though he was going to slip away into nothingness. River curled up on her lap and did his purring duty to comfort her. Ace stayed up, keeping an eye on his sister. He didn’t know what happened and he didn’t want to know but it got her worked up and that didn’t sit well with him. He glanced down at her. She was now sleeping peacefully curled up on his chest. He smiled and gently stroked her hair. Nothing will ever stop him from protecting and loving his little sister. He didn’t know who those kids were but if they ever threatened his sister he was going to make sure they’ll regret it.

The S man

A woman paced nervously in the evening, looking at the clock nervously. Next to her was her son, a boy about seven, was watching her from the bed. He was reading a book and she was trying not to look nervous and made little bits of small talk but the boy knew different. He’s never seen her looking so nervous and terrified at the same time. His mother was a beauty. She had long beautiful golden tresses. So long that he decided right then and there that he was going to have long hair just like her. She had a sweet soft voice that used to sing him to sleep. One john used to book her only to hear her sing. Along with ruby red lips and amber eyes, she was an exotic beauty that many men sought after. He knew what his mother did for a living but he didn’t care. As Volpe always said “it’s honest work!”. Volpe was Mum’s “procurer” but he was also pretty nice to her and the other girls who worked under him. He had rules and the place was more like a home than anything dirty. There was a kitchen and they cooked dinner everyday, a living room where they watched TV, and he even had his own room that was a bedroom away from his mother’s place of work. If Mum was booked Volpe had the spare room for him to sleep and before she had to work, she would tuck him in, sing to him, and leave. However, tonight was different. They had the whole place to themselves until later in the evening and Mum had a john that requested a few hours. Usually she would sing ‘Love for Sale’ and get ready with her perfume and lipstick but tonight she was just waiting for the clock to run out. When the clock struck a quarter to nine, she gasped. She smiled at him.

“A Bhobain, c’mere~” he got up and she gestured to a large ornate chest.

“...what’s goin’ o--,”

“Shhhh I need you to stay in here and don’t come out,” she said smiling. The boy looked worried.

“W-What about you?!” she smiled reassuringly

“I’ll be okay~ don’t worry about me, a bhobain~ you’re Mummy will be fine,” she kissed him softly on the cheek and ruffled his hair. He blushed slightly. She pulled him into a tight hug, tighter than usual, as though she was trying to convince herself that everything was going to be okay, “I love you,”

“Love you too, Ma,” she closed the lid and sat down, waiting for the S man. He did NOT like this man and he knew this man did not like him. He was a pale man of slim stature with wavy, wild lavender hair in a layered style that is roughly shoulder-length and parted in the middle. He has black markings around his large eyes, and his narrow nose is a dark red. For some reason, he favored a brown studded leather mask which covers the bridge of his nose and scars on his moderately high forehead just above his eyebrows. He knew the only reason Mum tolerated him was because he talked alot when he blew his load and she was able to pass it on.

“He’s more of a pity fuck if anything,” she said one day while making him breakfast, “But he pays well and he pops off more information than anyone I know and prematurely,” she shuddered. He scrunched his nose at that, “Hey! Because of him you got new clothes and books!”

“I don’t need them THAT badly,” she laughed at this. Mum had a beautiful laugh. Volpe slumped in as usual. Volpe was a tall strapping man with brown hair and blue eyes with a chiseled jaw and usually dressed like a shipwright or at least a bartender. He was the only father figure the boy had. Mum poured him a cup of coffee, he almost immediately guzzled it down.

“Mina you absolute DOLL!”

“Tough night?”

“You have NO feckin’ idea! Some arsehole decided that he didn’t want to pay Anna Lee for her services, then after we had a long talk with my fist, some butch was trying to do some kind of dom play with Cecilia knowing DAMN well that’s something she’s not into. I banned her arse too. Not to mention having to pay off some pricks and then come to find out, there was some kind of mole letting the government know that we’re an “information” brothel so I had to find HER and silence her. I need a drink and a handy,”

“Awwww poor baby!” Mina poured some whiskey into his coffee. He took another sip and sighed.

“Thanks, love,”

“We can have some fun later, I have to deal with that pity fuck,”


“Mhm, he’s only good for one thing, if you catch my drift,” Volpe laughed

“Does he talk before or after?”

“During!” she laughed, “After he blows his load he’s feckin’ useless!” she then realized that her son was eating nearby, “....I’m really a terrible mother!”

“No, no I’m used to it,”

“He'll be fine!” said Volpe laughing and ruffled his hair, “By the way, a man came looking for you this morning, a heart shirt with shades,” she perked up.

“OH! Him!” Mum got up and fixed up her hair a bit and adjusted her boobs, “Volpe be a dear!” he nodded and tightened her corset and reapplied her lipstick, “Okay! I’ll meet him in town! Now that’s someone I wouldn’t mind fucking his brains out! I saw that bulge, he’s packing something in there! I put SEVERAL offers on the table but he’s a gentleman like bhobain’s da! Don’t wait up!” It was by all accounts a normal day up until now he was in a trunk, not in his room and figuring out what got his mother spooked. Then the door opened and he could smell the cheap leather and hear the boots of the S man.

“Hey Sailor~” she cooed at him.

“Where’s that son of yours?” the boy raised an eyebrow. The fuck did he want to know?”

“Sold him, needed the extra cash,” she said nonchalantly, “It was too much of a bother to feed him and give him an education,”

“At least you got a profit out of him, one less orphan around,”

“Orphan? I don’t think I follow,”

“You know damn well what I’m talking about you useless cocktease. Someone has to pay for the information that was passed along! I KNOW you have something to do with it you bitch!”

“So you would have taken this out on my son? How pathetic,” she sneered at him.

“It’ll be fitting considering all of the trouble you caused! My father and I are facing infractions up the ass because of you!”

“You’re the one who wanted to talk about bursting your weak load,” she said dismissively, “You thought I would be impressed with some CP World Government lap dog? You have more skeletons in your closet than a world noble and that says a lot. I just placed some pieces together and made things a little even, don’t you think~” the boy snorts at his mother’s cleverness. She always had a quick tongue.

“How dare you fuckin’ slut!”

“Is that supposed to be an insult? I get paid to pleasure men and women who pay through the nose for my twat, mouth, and ass, who’s the real slut here?”

“You know why I’m here! My ass is on the chopping block because of you!”


“All of that pillow talk, you used that to unravel our transport of goods from the inside out you bitch! My father and I are in deep shit!”

“Pillow talk is stretching it. Yelling out your “successes” while me riding you and blowing you load isn’t pillow talk. And FYI, children aren’t goods and what do I care if you’re fired or better yet imprisoned? There’s enough corruption in the world. If I could keep families safe and giving them the chance to get the fuck our of a corrupt town before their children were taken again, so be it,”

He pounced on her and started strangling. His mother gagged and gasped for air trying to get his arms from her neck. She grabbed her glass decanter and smashed it against his face. Fell to the ground as she pounced on her and proceeded to claw his face. The boy watched on with awe and fear. He knew his mother was fierce but he only saw her gentle side and this was both fascinating and terrifying to him. She then got up and caught her breath. But the S man was still alive and grabbed her leg. His mother stomped on his face with her heel but then she screamed and the boy saw blood. Her Achilles was cut. She crawled away. The man got up and the boy saw a brick in his hands. His mother was trying to get up but she couldn’t. Before she could react, he slammed the brick across her face. The crack of his mother’s skull resounded throughout the room with a sickening crunch. He then proceeded to stomp on her head and face, calling her a useless slut and a whore. The boy watched in horror as this man was killing her mother, he was torturing his mother, he wanted his mother’s beauty to die as he killed her. He was about to open the trunk when she let out a loud scream. She looked at the trunk pleadingly. She was pleading with him to not come out. Tears rolled down the boy’s face knowing this was her plan all along. He was shaking, doing everything in his power to not burst out of the trunk and save his mother. When he was done stomping on her, he took out a blade. He watched in horror as the man gutted his mother until she was nothing more than a bloody mess on the floor. The man chuckled, spat on her corpse and tossed a few beli on her before leaving her. He waited until he could no longer hear the man’s boots before he slowly came out. He was shaking violently watching his mother barely clinging to life. He was crying. He was crying hard. He felt a hand gently taking his. He jumped. She gently squeezed it with reassurance. Tears were running down his face. He was shaking and sobbing. He then heard soft moans and a guttural sound coming from his mother. Her hand reached up and gently touched his face.

“I...l-love--you….baby,” before her hand went limp in his. The boy knew the last moments of her life were gone. He went to the bed and placed a sheet over her body before running out and coming out of the room, right into Volpe who looked horrified beyond all reason. He didn’t remember much after that. He just remembered completely shutting down. Volpe paid for a funeral and everything. He remembered he couldn’t talk for days, he didn’t leave the brothel for weeks. Everyone gave him space. He couldn’t take it anymore. He packed up a few things and was ready to make his own way in the world. He didn’t have anyone anymore anyway and it was time for him to be a man. He was half way down the stairs when a familiar head poked behind the door.

“Hey, where you goin’ laddie?”



“Yeah, I have to make it on my own now. May as well start now,”

“The hell you are. Get back here,” he obeyed. Volpe placed two hands on his shoulders and looked at him dead in the eyes, “Listen laddie, everyone here is family. I knew you the moment you came out Mina and I’m going to know you until I die. You will always have a home here and you’re going to be safe and loved here. Don’t worry about a thing, you’re still a member of this house. You’re still a barin, you don’t need to worry about working or getting work. Your only job is existing, do you hear me?!”


“And just because you’re a boy doesn’t mean that exempts you from crying. If you don’t cry, you’re a feckin’ manchild who thinks that not doing it makes you stronger. Mina knew what she was getting into, she knew that bastard Spandam would do something like this, it was just a matter of time, and she knew that if he would come after you before he came after her. Your mother saved countless lives with the information she got and she made sure that with her last act of love was to make sure you were alive and protected. Don’t waste that on revenge and don’t waste it on being reckless. You’re smarter than that,” the boy nodded and it was finally enough to make him break down. Volpe stayed with him and let him cry for days. He remained in his mother and his room, often listening to the Tone Dial she recorded to lure him to sleep.

Killer woke up panting and shaking. He felt sick to his stomach. Even five years after the fact, he will never forget the sickening crunch his mother’s skull made. He ran to the bathroom and vomited. He never wanted to hear that sound again. THe nightmares have gotten better over time. Volpe was right, time heals all wounds and this wound was beginning to heal but sometimes he needed something to comfort him. He snuck out the house and went to the mechanic shop and into his room. He reached into a box and pulled out a Tone Dial. It’s been a very long time since he’s played it and that was a good thing but he needed this right now. He activated it.

Hush a bye, little one
Close your eyes, little one
Dream time is near, you needn't fear
And when you wake, I will be here

Rest your head, little one
Dream sweet dreams, little one
The stars say "Good night", I say "Sleep tight"
And when you wake, I will be here

He felt a gentle hand on his head. He didn’t realize he was crying until he felt someone wiping his eyes. He didn’t look up. He just continued to cry. That’s all he needed, that’s all he wanted. He sobbed for a good long while in her chest. She gently rubbed his back and stroked his hair. It felt like an eternity before he gently moved up.

“Feeling better?” he nodded, “Come on, let’s get you inside, it’s cold out and you don’t need to get sick,”

“Thank you Miss Ribbon,” he sniffled. She nodded and gently guided him back inside. She brewed some tea and gave him some biscuits. He munched on them absentmindedly but it did make him feel better. He couldn’t help but smile a little. She wasn’t his mother but Miss Ribbon did remind him a lot of her. He knew his life could have way different if it wasn’t for dumb luck and good people and he wouldn’t have it any other way. Though one day he was going to find a way to visit Mum’s grave.

Chapter 93: Hanging Out With Uncle Tesoro


The Little Girl gets a Marriage proposal

A/N: FINALLY finished this one DX Sorry it took so long, I had a convention coming up and then some personal family business that I had to deal with but everything is a little bit calmer. I have other fics lined up but this was way late, like end of Summer late sooooo just pretend it's the end of summer and beginning of Fall and I'll play some catch up!

Chapter Text

____________________ has never been in a convertible before and she had to admit, she REALLY liked it! It was a warm sunny day and wind blew through her hair. Today was an exciting day! She was with Tesoro who has been keeping her occupied with stories and the like but today they were going to have an outing at the amusement park. She’s never been to one and was very excited.

“Having fun mija?”

“MHM!” Tesoro chuckled and ruffled her hair from his seat. Today was usually Hancock’s visitation with her but because of an important meeting, she told _______________ that she’ll be spending time with Tesoro during the four day trip.

“But sweetie you have to under NO circumstances let Marco or any of your brothers know,” said Hancock the evening before during their bath.

“Why not?”

“Because Marco would most likely never let you hang out with me or Tesoro again. I know you don’t like to lie so if he asks, just don’t mention Tesoro. Just say that I took you on whatever little adventure you two end up going,”

“Yes Miss Hancock!”

“Good, good, but if anyone say anything, I’ll take full blame and I don’t mind starting this all over again but please just remember, at home, Miss Hancock took you to anywhere Uncle Tesoro took you,” __________________ loved hanging out with Tesoro, who often sang to the radio and really wanted to know about her personal life from friends to her favorite TV show and books.

“Book Club?”

“YAH HUH! Ace, Law, and Killer are in it and Katherina wants to join! It’s mainly the Bunny Princess series! I let Katherina borrow it and now she’s hooked! Jozu is helping me make a Bunny Princess costume for Halloween. Ace insisted on being the Wolf Prince! I can’t believe he got so into the books! I think Katheina wants to be the Tiger Princess! I think she would be great as her!” Tesoro looked a little puzzled and tried to figure out why that series sounded so familiar.

“La Princesa Conejita! I remember that series! I used to sell counterfeit pins of them when I was younger,”

“Counterfeit? What’s that?”

“Making the exact replica to sell to someone even though it’s fake,”

“Isn’t that dishonest?”

“Very,” he laughed, “But the trick is making the fake look so real that only you know it’s a fake,”

“How? And why?”

“You see, the creator brought out a pin collection, it was the hottest thing at the time. I managed to snag all of them and what I did was remade them exactly like the real thing. You couldn’t tell just by looking at them but I used a cheaper resin than the originals so that poorer kids had a chance to have something. Buuuuuut because the designs were so spot on, I realized I could switch the pins and the noble kids would pay for my shoddy work and I could give the real product to the ones who deserved it. I think I single handedly was the reason the La Princesa Conejita line was discontinued,” he chuckled, “Mainly because my counterfeits all over the place but few are the originals,”

“Sooooo counterfeiting isn’t that bad?”

“Not if you don’t get caught,” he winked, “Pins and other items are one thing, money is another. Don’t do anything with money, that can get you killed,”


“Mija, always remember to look at the whole item and of course, don’t accept anything without a thorough look. People by nature never really look at something twice until it’s too late. Counterfeiting is a victimless crime if you don’t harm your audience but always remember, get out when you’re ahead,”


“Esa es mija!” then his phone rang. Tesoro answered.


“Where are you?” said a deadpan voice

“...out, why?”

“We have a meeting, remember?” Tesoro turned off the speaker and started talking. He then hung up with a deep sigh and turned to her.

“Ah mija, I have a meeting to get to, looks like we’re going to have to cut the amusement park short,”

“Awww it’s okay!”

“Don’t worry, I’ll make it up to you later if that’s okay?”

“Ya huh!”

“You little peach, thank you,”

Kai is a pale man of narrow build with short, shaggy auburn hair, parted to the right. His eyes are thin, their irises small and gold, with rather long lower eyelashes and small eyebrows. He also possesses a small scar on the left side of his forehead. He had three piercings in his left ear. He usually has his mouth covered by a plague doctor mask. He was wearing a black dress shirt with matching dress pants, a pale gray tie around his neck and a belt with a long, thin buckle around his waist and white surgical gloves on his hands. The second man had cold distant eyes, slicked back black hair, and was wearing an expensive suit, black loafer, and lighting a cigarette. The other man inched away from him a bit, earning a glance from the other two figures and the man sighed and turned away from them. With them were two women. The first woman was stunning. She had long black hair styled in a hime-cut pulled up into a bun with red and white flowers and dark red eyes. She was dressed formally in a red kimono with a butterfly pattern on it and she wore a silver ring on her thumb and had her fingernails painted red. The second woman was scarily beautiful. She had long black hair that was fastened at the bottom, crystal eyes with a red smokey eyeshadow and pink lipstick. She was wearing a black suit with a red scarf draped over her neck and a pair of shiny red heels. She also wore a pair of silver rose earrings and her entire presence demanded respect and attention. All three people gave it off in a very different way.

“You’re late,” said the first man.

“Sorry, I had a date with mi sobrina,” Tesoro gently nudged her forward, “I have visitation this week and I’m making the most of it,” _________________ froze and went back behind Tesoro. He chuckles, “Sorry, she’s a little shy,”

“My! What an adorable little girl!” said the kimono woman coming towards her and kneeling down. _______________ inched towards Tesoro and went behind his leg, “Don’t be shy~ What’s your name sweetie?”

“_______________, Miss!”

“Oh that’s a beautiful name! I’m Hinako, the man in the mask is Kai, and the scary lady is--,”

“Reina!” said the Tesoro, finally noticing the second woman in the background, who seemed to cringe at the name.

“Since when have I been scary, Hinako dear?” said the other woman with a raised eyebrow.

“All the time!” Hinako laughed, “I wouldn’t want to see you in a dark alley if I can help it,”

“Wait, wait, I’m not the only one late!” said Tesoro, “I thought this was a Boss meeting, not Underboss, Reina. Where’s your Papa?” Reina's face said it all as she rubbed the bridge of her nose.

“Incapacitated at the moment. Don’t ask,”

“Is he with his lover again?!” said Hinako laughing, “I’m right~!”

“Mhm, so I’m taking over the meeting duties today,”

“I KNEW IT! It’s a booty call!” Tesoro laughed hard

“It’s that redhead huh?”

“Shut it! I don’t want to think about my dad’s love life!” Reina’s face was red, “And’s the redhead,”

“That poor thing, being your Papa’s lover sounds like hell on Earth,”

“Yet he keeps coming back. I’m starting to think he’s a glutton for punishment,”

“Speaking of lovers….soooooooo when are we going to meet your fiance?”

“Never, thank you,”

“Oh come on! We should have a day to meet him!” said Hinako, “We’ve met Ayase! How is he by the way, Karou?”

“He’s fine, we finally made some progress. I know he wants a job out soon, even though I insist I can take care of him and be a my little housewife,”

“You’re so old fashioned~” said Hinako, “It’s only natural for someone to want to be independent,”

“Especially with raids and things that can happen at any given moment,” said Kai, “You’ll never know if you have to flee the area with him and it’ll help that your husband or wife knows some skills,”

“Mhm, now with me, I just have to hide out in my compound,”

“Same here. Then again I am above the law,” said Tesoro snickering, “I feel bad for you Kai,”


“If you have no subordinates and you have to escape, would you survive?”

“I would just lay low with one of you I suppose but that’s why I have competent meat shields. There’s very few I trust and I appreciate my special environment in each of your homes,”

“None taken,” said Reina, “Thankfully my fiance is self-sufficient for the most part. Hell if anything, he’s protective of me, something I can appreciate it,”

“He’s a revolutionary, correct?” said Karou

“Something like that,”

“Has he met your family yet?”

“Not yet….I’m still working up to that. Grandpa wouldn’t be much of a problem but still is a BIG problem but I know….Dad can be a little….odd,”

“Odd is an understatement, mija,” said Tesoro, “He challenged me to a striptease after we made an alliance, then Loy joined in,”

“Oooh I remember when he was teasing me by walking about shirtless,” said Hinako blushing and giggling, “Then got stuck in the dryer and said “Oh no, Hina-chan, it seems like I’m stuck in this dryer and soooooo defenseless” while wearing nothing but his underwear! We laughed about it later but your Papa is so funny!”

“Tch I swear that man is insane,” said Kai. He went over to _______________. She looked at him expectantly, “Now where can we put her so we don’t scar her for life,” the adults in the room looked slightly embarrassed, all forgetting there was a tiny body in the room.

“Isn’t Yuu-chan in the Game Room?” said Karou

“OH! She is! _____________-dear can play with her! I know she hates these meetings but I didn’t want to leave her in the house alone. She’s in the Game Room probably bored out of her mind. There’s also some treats in there too!” _________________ knew this was adult talk for asking her politely to leave. She nodded and headed off into the door behind them, right into another little girl who seemed to be spying the whole time.

“Oof! Yuu-chan?” the girl nodded slowly. The pair looked at each other for a few moments. The girl gives her a wink. She blushed and looked away. She giggled. The girl looked like a little china doll and was very pretty. Her black hair was cut in the hime cut hairstyle that went to her mid back, she was wearing a red dress and had a big friendly smile and bright eyes. She took her wrist and guided her away. The Game Room was an impressive room with oversized game pieces and vibrant colors and the like.

“Wanna play a game?”

“Sure!” she gestured _________________ to follow her. They went to a small area of the room where there were playing cards and board games everywhere, chess, checkers, Go, Mahjong, and even some she’s never seen before.

“You pick the game,” the girls smiled and then took out some cards, “But if you don’t want to play a board game, we can always play cards,”

“Sure! Want to play Egyptian rat screw?”

“I would love to! I haven’t played that in awhile!” They sat at the table and the girl shuffled and dealt the cards. _________________ was in awe.

“Wow! I’ve never seen black playing cards before!” the girl chuckled.

“You can have them after we play if you want?”


“Mhm! I have a bunch at home!” she fished another two decks out, “This one is new. This is a gold deck. You can have that one too!”

“Oh no I couldn’t!”

“I have a few others! It’s fine! Consider it a friend payment,”

“You don’t want to pay me to be your friend,”

“You’re sweet! I’m just glad Tesoro-kun brought another girl to their meeting. It’s absolutely booooooring in there,” she gestured for her to sit down as she started to shuffle and deal the cards, “I hate when Onee-san takes me to these places but it’s fun if she’s playing a game with someone. Thankfully Kai-kun has a game room, Though I think he got it just to get me out of the room,”

“That’s terrible!”

“It’s okay! I usually have fun with Nee-chan when everything is over! She makes it up to me with some kind of a Sister Day,”

“That’s nice! Do you have any other siblings?”

“No, it’s just us,” Yuu-chan slapped the two Queens and added them to her deck, “Parents died so it’s just me and my Hina-chan,”

“I’m sorry but at least you have each other!” Yuu-chan nodded.

“She's the best big sister ever! Do you have siblings?”

“I have nineteen brothers!”

“Nineteen?! How exciting! Are they all older?”

“Yes and no! Like Ace, Luffy, Sabo, and Law are older, well not Luffy but they’re closer to my age! But they are older than me!”

“What about your parents?”

“Well, I have a Dad, that’s Pops, Marco is also like a dad! Then there’s Sister, she adopted me first so she’s my mom! She and Pops live within a few blocks from him but they’re always visiting and talking to each other!”

“Interesting! I wish I had a big family like that! And you’re Tesoro’s niece?”

“MHM! He’s so nice! I don’t think I’ve ever had an uncle!”

“He adopted you as his niece right?”

“Yeah! I wish I could see him more often but this is just as nice!” _______________ slapped two pairs and added them to her deck. The girls had a sizable amount of cards but Yuu-chan’s deck was slightly larger. She grinned at ___________________.

“Say __________________ wanna play a risk?”


“Mhm! Do you want to play a risk game with me?”

“Depends...what’s the risk?”

“Hmmmmm I know! Loser has to tell a dark secret about themselves and has to do one task for the winner!”

“Okay!” the game continued with the girl making small talk about friends and school and their home life.

“Mansions aren’t nearly as cool as one thinks! I would much rather see your ryokan home!”

“It’s the best! We have a hot spring under it! It’s nice to just relax with everyone! But I’m not allowed to go inside alone, just in case! There’s a lot of rooms inside but everyone has a balcony and we can walk on the outside sometimes! But your house sounds so cool! Do you have a garden?”

“Mhm! It gets kind of lonely to explore and play alone but it’s still fun to have afternoon tea and things with guests and kids! But if I had my say, my dream is to live out the rest of my days on the Gran Tesoro!”

“What’s the Gran Tesoro?”

“You’ve never been?! I’m surprised Tesoro hadn’t brought you on yet! It's a HUGE casino ship! It’s where anyone who’s anyone goes to gamble high stakes! I heard a house there isn’t cheap but I decided to save my family’s fortune to have a summer home there! You can lose everything in one night and win it back the next! It sounds like absolute heaven! There’s also good food, an amusement park, spas, every form of entertainment imaginable! Tesoro even has a show every night when he’s there and he performs himself!”


“Mhm! Tess-kun is a great singer! He loves to sing and dance and he does it every night when he’s at home! The Gran Tesoro is his home!!”

“That’s amazing!”

“It is! Everything is bright and golden! I love going there with Onee-chan,” Yuu-chan slapped another pair of cards, “And keep an eye, I’m almost about to win!”

“No fair! You're distracting me!”

“No excuse~” the girls kept playing

“Ahhh! Looks like I win!” Yuu-chan smiled, “Okay, now you owe me a favor AND a secret!”

“Huh? Why both?”

“Because it’s the rules! But I’ll take the secret for now!” __________________ giggled.

“Okay, my dark secret is that I’m not supposed to be hanging out with Mr. Tesoro!”


“Yeah, you seem my brother Marco is SUPER protective and it took him a long time to let Miss Hancock have unsupervised visits but now they’re okay but Miss Hancock really trusts Mr. Tesoro so she’s letting us go on outings!”

“Interesting! I’m glad this was your secret! I’ll call in our favor a little later! How about we play another game?”

“Sure! Another risk!”

“Lemme me pick the risk!”


The Five Bosses were finishing up their meeting. It was mainly territory restructuring and the like.

“So everything is set?” said Karou

“Mhm, I think we tied up all loose ends and refigured territories,” said Kai, “Though I do have to ask, how do you all enforce everything in your territories?”

“I’m a lion in a lion’s den so I can move subordinates if I need to and of course I keep Papa posted,” said Reina

“Money keeps people away,” said Hinako laughing, “It’s a lot easier than actually getting my hands dirty, especially when I have to deal,”

“How is that going?” said Tesoro

“Exhausting but I have to keep my guard up at all times and to be honest...I don’t know how long I can take up but it’s for our family’s honor,”

“One of us can tag along,”

“You need an ally in this,” said Karou, “Especially since it’s just you and Yuu-chan,”

“I know, but please don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine,”

“But just in case, make sure you don’t gamble so much that Yuu-chan ends up destitute without you,” said Reina

“Don’t worry but I did want to ask that if something did happen to me, if you and Tesoro would be so kind as to keep an eye on the trust for her? It’s endless but I know you two can make sure nothing can nefariously happen and keeping an eye on my dear sister? You two are very good with kids and I know I can trust you,”

“Mhm,” said Reina, “I know she’ll be safe in Anguilla with Grandpa if push comes to shove,”

“And I’ll set an allowance,” said Tesoro

“Thank you,”

“Ahhhh!!!! Big Sis!” said a man happily running into the room. He had tanned skin, slicked back spiky hair and sporting a big goofy grin. He happily ran to Reina and pulled her into a hug, “Is this the day we’re finally going to make our movie?!”

“Not a chance,” said Reina, shoving him off.

“Whaaaaaaaaaaaat? You know my dream is to make a lewd movie of you! You can’t deny the world an ass that perfect!”

“Stop staring at my ass!”

“I can’t help it! That’s a ripe firm peach! Please just ONE video! I’ll give you ALL of the proceeds! Please! Oh! OH!!!! We can put your husband in it! It’ll be the ultimate porno with two people head over heels in love! Especially when you get into the mood! Loy told me about the family libido~ told me all about it!”

“NO! And we are NOT involving him! He doesn’t even know about this part of my life and I intend to keep it that way,”

“Awww Underboss in the streets but housewife in the sheets!” Hinako giggled under her hand.

“Don’t say it like that,”

“Ooh! OOH! I can take a few shots and maybe a video of you doing some sexy acts for those cold wifeless nights!” said Gion, “Like you in sexy lingerie, in a white room with an opened window and sex toys all over the room and you having personal fun with them all, all looking at the camera with some nice ass shots! Of course it ends with you naked and getting plowed by a machine calling his name over and over! I have a few you can test out!”

“....Kanou I’m going to kill him,”

“Aim for the wall, that way there’s no blood on the floors and Kai won’t have a conniption,” Gion gasped.


“Please don’t,” said Kai sighing, “I’m still cleaning the brain matter from the last guy that you shot here,”

“I thought my cleaner took care of everything,” said Reina

“I didn’t let him in….he looked kind of...unsanitary,”

“Let Levi in. He’ll clean it up to your standards and trust me, it’s the only way to get Nonno’s villa and Scarlett’s room clean,”

“Oh come on Reina!” said Hinako, “Gion is really good at what he does! I’ve done a few shoots for him already~!”

“....I’m afraid to ask but why?”

“I lost a bet and had to do some saucy pictures with a subordinate. It was fun! I have a copy if you want to see it~”

“No offense I don’t want to see you doing anything like that,”

“It’s actually pretty good,” said Kai, “Gion’s good with a camera,”

“And he does have a strict “people in love” only policy. It makes it really intimate and fun!” said Hinako, “You and your hubby would be so cute! And then we can see it!”

“He did a short for me and Ayase,” said Kanou, “He made sure he was comfortable the entire time,”

“Annnnnnnnd it would be a nice gift for him for those nights where he has to go in for training on duty,” Tesoro wink, “Not to mention, depending on how good and saucy the pictures are, he’s going to take you like a wild animal when he get home~”

“....I’ll think abo--,”

The adults then heard a crash, then a loud bang. Immediately Tesoro and Hinako ran to the game room. Yuu-chan and __________________ were buried in pillows and toys both laughing up a storm.

“Mija! Are you okay?!” Tesoro and Hinako pulled their prospective spawn out from the pile.

“Well, I challenged Yuu-chan to a race! And I won!”

“Alas it’s true because I have very little stamina unfortunately and I collapsed and well, things fell so _________________ ran and got on top of me to make sure I didn’t get hurt! They were stuffed animals but still the gesture was kind,” Their guardians laughed.

“I swear kids are miniature tanks when they’re younger,” said Hinako holding her sister in her arms, “Seems like you two really hit it off,”

“We did!” said Yuu, “She promised to be my dear friend and we pinkie swore it!”

“Looks like a playdate is in order,” said Hinako smiling, “We would be honored to have a sweet little girl at our home and of course to play with Yuu,”

“Really?!” said Yuu-chan ginning, “This means we can properly get married!” _______________ looked dumbfounded


“Mhm! That’s my favor from you! I wanna get married to you! We can marry each other and then you’ll have to stay with me~!”

“Ack! This is all so very sudden!”

“We can get married in the garden! I can have a baker make a magnificent wedding cake!”


“Any flavor you like!”

“You had me at cake,”

“You can’t marry someone just for a cake mija!” said Tesoro laughing, “You have to marry for the right reason!”

“We can have cake every night then!” said Yuu-chan giggling and then snuggled ___________________’s arm, “We pinkie swore! That means we can be nakama!”

“That’s not how this works sweetie,” said Reina ruffling the pair’s hair, “You can’t just grab a person and say ‘hey we’re married now!’”

“I think it’s adorable!” said Hinako, “We can make little wedding kimonos for them!”

“Wedding?! Did I hear wedding?! I can shoot the wedding!” said Gion coming in, “Waaaaaaaaah!!!! Two adorable little girls! It would be an HONOR no, a damn PRIVILEGE to photograph their playdate wedding! Ahhhhh!!!!! Mini wedding dresses! Meko-chan being pushed on a swing and giving New Little Girl-chan wedding cake! Ahhhhhh!!!!!! That would be SO adorable!”

“If any of that ends up on some kind of lolita website, I swear I’ll beat your ass to hell and back,” said Kanou, “And shut the fuck up, I can hear your ass squealing from downstairs,”

“Hey! Give me some credit! Kids are off limits but I can’t help but photograph cute things! Especially cute kids! How do you think I pay the bills?!”

After the meeting, Tesoro decided to get to a restaurant so the pair could eat something. After a few talks, they settled on pizza at a nice place he knows about. Yuu-chan and _______________ exchanged addresses and numbers so they could keep in touch. Once inside, Tesoro said a few words and they were soon sat in a private area with dessert and pizza menus ready. He orders her favorites and ham and asparagus and longanisa and peppers for himself, of course sharing with his niece.

“This is SO good!” she said happily while eating, “I didn’t know you could put slices of ham and asparagus on pizza!”

“Mhm,” he said laughing, “It’s my favorite,”

“What else is your favorite?” He looked a little surprised at the question.

“Hmmm I love stars, I love singing and dancing, and I do enjoy soaking in a hot spring and of course churros. It was one of the first things I got when I made money,”

“A churro machine?”

“No, no a churro chef who will make them any time I want,”

“Wow! What did you like to do as a kid?”

“Hmmmm, well a lot of things but when I was your age I wanted to be a singer and a dancer! I used to sneak into performances and watch people sing and dance. It was great. Had to sneak back into my home when I did but that’s a different story!”

“What kind of singers?”

“There was a casino near my home and there were lounge singers. They’re people who are hired to sing in places like that. There were SO many and they all sang in different ways! They would have different days where their sang and they were paid to stay at the hotel. Good times!” he smiled thinking of all of the good memories from that little time when he was a child. He pats her head, “What’s with the questions, mija?”

“Yuu-chan said you can sing and you like singing! And I wanna sing with you!” Tesoro felt his heart melt.

“Oh? You do?”

“Ya huh!”

“Hmmmm I think I know just the song,” he went to the jukebox and skimmed before settling on a song, “Remember this?”

“YEAH! It’s the one you were singing in the car!”

“Yep! Well, it has a swing number to it. Just follow my lead when it comes up,” she nodded. Tesoro counted the beats and steps in his head and tapped his food. He nodded his head over and over.

It is a wonderful my life
Please could you kiss my name?
When the music's over
Turn off light
It was a such a sweet time
Could you pray for me, my friend?
It's starting over time

He gently took her hands and spun her around a couple of times before takes her little hands back into his, pulling her hands arms in and out. She caught on and went with it.

“Good, good!”

Taking over night
Taking over blue time
If you heard that screaming shout in your mind

He grinned and started to move his feet a little. She nodded and watched and followed. He then spun her again and she went back to the way he was moving his feet.

Taking over the shine
Taking over the shooting star
All I was talking about was music
And that's called jazz!

“Annnnnd noooooow, pose!” He struck a finishing pose and she followed suit. He laughed and ruffled her hair, “My Clever little girl!”

“That was fun! Let’s go again!” he chuckled, “Please?!”

“Okay, okay, from the top!”

Tesoro looked in his rearview mirror. __________________ was sleeping soundly in his coat. She was a fast learner for a penchant for performing and can pick things quickly. He would love for her to perform with him on the Gran Tesoro one day. Hell, he wanted her to LIVE on the Gran Tesoro someday. He had a room set up for her and everything. But today she did burn a lot of energy, even having a marriage proposal from Yuu-chan. He chuckled. After pizza they went to a hot spring, soaked together and then they got churros. When she almost fell asleep in her hot chocolate, he knew it was time for them to go. It was late when they got home and Hancock was waiting. She went to greet her but realized he was holding her and she was dead to the world.

“Wow, you managed to tucker her out,”

“We had a long day,” he brushed past her and got her inside. He went upstairs and gently tucked her in tightly. He gently stroked her hair before giving her a kiss on her forehead. He then crept out of the room and gently closed the door.

Ishmari’s presence in the Whitebeard home was a special and honored one. He was able to enjoy the interaction and liveliness of the house and everyone in it. It was a treat to talk to everyone again like old friends and of course share sake with Whitebeard like old times.

“Thank you for your hospitality, my friend,”

“Anytime. I know you don’t like being cooped up for too long,”

“It’s okay, I”m used to it but seeing the worst chance so much between times it’s an enigma to me. I want to see as much as I can. Like it’s so odd to not see you on a ship,”

“Right but I’m still the king of the seas but having a place to roost from now and then isn’t bad either. It’s quiet and I can raise a new generation to be law abiding citizens,”

“I sincerely appreciate it and law abiding is a bit of a stretch don’t you think. You don’t mind me staying for a bit longer, do you?”

“Of course not! Fall is coming up and we have one more day of grilling and you’re more than welcomed to join us,”

“I would like that. Thank you Edward. Eating is still a concept to me but I do enjoy every bit every time I experience it,”

“So you still can’t get drunk?”

“I’m a terrible lightweight, I just spout nonsense when I’m hammered,”

“I wonder if Rayleigh still thinks he’s going to be claimed by emptiness someday,”

“Did I say that? Oh dear, I hope he didn’t take that literally! I think my predictions are too vague when I'm drunk,”

“They barely make sense when you’re sober,”

“That too but they have to be I’m afraid, just to protect everyone involved until the time comes,” he looked a little uneasy at the last bit. Whitebeard glanced at him. He had his harp close to him and was slowly sipping his sake.

“Ishmari, what did you see. Is...everything okay?”

“There’s going to be a very terrible change very soon,” he said picking up his harp, “It’s going to affect everyone, but the children will be the most vulnerable,”

“....the last time you said something like that, people ended up not coming out on the other side,” said Whitebeard, “Is that the case?” Ishmari remained silent, gently plucking the strings. It told Whitebeard everything he needed to know, “At least give me an idea,”

“Alliances and life long friendships will be born, Trident and Emptiness will reunite, a fighter of freedom will meet the kinship of his son, and the most powerful people in the world will come together in secret, forming and sealing a lifelong bond that can never be broken. However, it will take a very dark turn. The Prince of Darkness will extinguish the Prince of Light, the Demon Prince will make an attempt to go to Hell, the Wounded Knight will complete their Rite of Death but this will bring them closer to the Princess of the Abyss they will forever protect. The Princess of the Abyss will carry many burdens and will find refuge with a Living Ghost. Emptiness will unmarked the Martyr’s Daughter. The Boy from the Town of Death will flee his home and will be captured by a Monster, a demon in the flesh. Not even his Mother can defeat or save him. The Daughter of Fools will be lost for a short time, the Queen of Travel will make it to the Abyss and be greeted as a long lost friend. The Fool will find his way back to his second home and his daughter will reunite with her mother thanks to a loyal caliver. The Snake will lose another kin, not through death but a broken mind, the Emptiness is their only window of clarity keeping an lifelong vow. My services will be called again after to reunite two families so they can live together at last,”

“....I really hate it when you talk in riddles,”

“I can’t reveal anything can change the course of fate,”

“I’m guessing you have some advice?”

“You know your family better than anyone. Do what you know is best for them and fate will fall into place,”

Thirty Two Years Ago

A young fishman had heard some commotion coming from the other side of Anguilla Island and he immediately rushed to it. He wasn’t afraid, not by a long shot but he knew that if Max wasn’t around, then he was wrecking shit or in some shit and either way it wasn’t good. He moved around buildings and dodged people in the streets. He stood out a bit from them but he knew these people and although it bothered him, it didn’t bother them. He was a muscular youth with a broad built, salmon colored skin, and round dark eyes. He was almost to where he heard the sound when he saw someone in a cage whistling a jaunty tune and shaking his head to his own beat without seemingly a care in the world.

“....why am I NOT surprised?!” The other boy looked at him with the biggest grin on his face. He was a stocky boy wearing slacks with an opened dress shirt. He had slicked back black hair and a pair of golden eyes.

“Fisher, you came for me~!”

“How in the hell did you get in there?! Wait….you know what...let’s start at the beginning, WHAT did you do?”

“Okay….but you can’t be mad at me,”

“What. Did. You. Do?”

“Okay, first...I was minding my own business--,”



“And just what you were doing when you were “minding your own business?!”,”

“I was walking through the streets like an absolute boss when I saw some human coming out of nowhere with one of the mermaids. I politely inquired what they were doing, they said something about taking a mermaid back to his village or some shit. I got interested and asked if I could tag along. Then he told me what he was planning and one thing led to another and I maaaaaaaaaaay have told this man to go fuck himself after he accused me of ruining mermaid meal ticket or something,”

“....explain how,”

“Weeeeeeeeeeeeell he was going to sell her or something but she had to be a virgin sooooooo I took care of that little problem before they brought her out off the island in front of him and now she can like go home or something and now I have to take her place because of my teeth or some shit. Don’t know, I kind of zoned out,”

“For fuck’s sake, Max,” Fisher couldn’t help but snort, “Where is he now?”

“Oh, I called the Old Man’s subs on him and they told me to stay put sooooooooo yeah,” Fisher rubbed his temples before opening the latch, “Thanks! I really had to take a leak!”

“You know you could have broken out of her at any time!”

“Yeah but whatcha gonna do?”

“Why are we friends again?”

“Because you love me sooooo much!”

“Come on before the traders come back. You would have thought they wouldn’t try to get anyone from the island again,”

“You’d think that,” Fisher and Max were brothers from another mother and were a literal odd couple. Where Fisher was usually the levelheaded, mature, slightly older, more grounded one, Max was chaotic, emotional, younger, and Fisher swore he would permanently be a horny teenager but this evened the other one out. Fisher would be the one who held Max back and Max in turn would make anyone pay for even thinking about hurting or insulting Fisher. As the pair turned to leave, they heard a blood curdling scream. Max laughed.

“Sept got him! Come on! I bet he’s gonna do the seismic toss!”

“ know what fuck it, let’s go,” the pair ran towards the sound and saw that three humans being tossed around like ragdolls, Max watched with sadistic glee as three larger men pounded the three into a pulp before slitting their throats and tossing them into the sea. The last one was held by the neck and dangled. Sept was a large man with tiger fish teeth, an orange complexion and black stripes on his arms. He had the man over the sea cliffs. The man looked as though he was about to shit his pants. He then glanced behind Sept to a grinning Max and stern Fisher.

“Hey sailor~” said Max, grinning at him, “Nice day we’re having, huh?” the man lost it almost immediately.

“I KNEW you had to be Fishmen! That would be the only reason why you would house mermaids here! Wh-Who the fuck do you think you are?! You could live on the island with us than here with this subhuman slave stock! You’re nothing but fuckin’ filth! Fuckin’ subhumans! I knew those eyes and teeth weren’t normal! And of course you have one that looks worse next to you!!” referring to Fisher, “If I would have seen him I would have sold his ass as soon as I could! You’re all nothing but slaves to us in the first place! You should all just fuckin’ die and stop stealing the air we breathe!”

“Oy, Sept, shut this fucker up already. He’s giving us a headache!” said Max laughing. Sept snorts.

“Way ahead of you,” he tossed the man high into the air, ran back and got a good running start and leapt into the air, grabbed the man and tossed him as hard as he could over the cliff into the jagged rocks. Max ran to the edge. The way the man's neck hung to the side, it snapped upon impact, “Good one! Hey Fisher, come see!” Silence, “Fisher?” he turned to see his brother walking away, “Hey, hey what’s the matter?”

“Don’t worry about it,”

“Wait...did that asshole get to you?! Hey! There’s nothing wrong with you! Humans are just fuckin’ weird when it comes to Fishmen, you know that! But then again, people can be assholes to matter wha--,”

“Well it’s EASY for you to blend in! You don’t even LOOK Fishman! What right do you have to say you know how I’M supposed to feel?!” Fisher looked frustrated and defeated. Max was taken aback before glaring at his companion, “If I go ANYWHERE where there’s humans, they’re going to treat me like a subhuman! I can LEAVE the island but other than Fishman Island and here, my options are fuckin’ limited! Everyone is going to see me and everyone else is a fishman or mermaid! We’re not even people to humans and it sucks! You and most of the people here can blend in! You go across water all the time to wreck havoc and come back home because on the surface you look like one of them! I can never do that! You would never understand how I feel!” Fisher was seething a bit before walking faster. Max looked taken aback but then glared.

“You think it’s easy for me too?! At least you CAN go to Fishman Island! We don’t exactly fit in either! I can’t even go NEAR a Fishman because the moment they see me or the old man or anyone of us, they know what we are and who we are, we’ll get attacked. The old man said don’t attack back but it’s fuckin’ hard. If any human finds out who we are, it’s over! We can never let anyone know what we are because it runs the risk of them either accusing us of deceiving them or them realizing we can be sold and it fuckin’ sucks. The mermaid got sold out by her own human lover. We want to fit in but one side hates us for being human and the other side hates us for being mermaids or fishman and trust me, it sucks. We either have to hide or be hated for no reason,” Max sighed, “Listen, when you look at the whole picture, people in general are terrible but it’s mainly stories from other terrible people. I know I can’t change the world but I can change a mind or heart if I can. That’s why everyone who wants to live here can. The Old Man protects this place because we’re a big family here. Even though we’re banned, we’re banned together,”

“Especially since your clan didn’t even DO anything,” he sighed, “And that’s another thing that pisses me off. You guys were framed, everyone with a brainstem knows it but everyone still believes it and if Dad wasn’t so resourceful, I’m pretty sure you’d all be extinct by now,”

“But c’est la vie,” Max said with a grin, “But then again, if weren’t banished to this island, I wouldn’t have found my brother from another mother, so it’s a win in my book,”

“True...don’t know where I’d end up,” he smiled.

“Are you still gonna sail away someday?”

“Probably. You’re welcomed to come,”

“Nah, got a business empire to take care of,” he winked. Fisher chuckled.

“Yeah I know, thought I asked though,” before they went back into the large villa, a young woman ran up to them. She shyly looked up at them. Max cocked his head before beaming at her.

“Hey cutie!” She said nothing but hugged him tightly. She was sobbing hard and was trembling. He smiled and gently petted her back. Fisher watched her linger for a few more moments before gently moving back.

“T-Thank you,”

“Anytime. Don’t worry about it. Though I probably ruined you for all men,” he winked. She giggled, “Regards to your mom, tell her I’m sorry but it was for a good cause!” she nodded and bounced away. Fisher shook his head.

“I swear there’s a crossed wire in your head at times. You took a girl’s virginity to save her life and you know damn well her mother is going to beat the living shit out of you when she finds out,”

“I know that’s why I’m getting my last meal!” inside the boys were away from the heat of the elements. Many people lived in the villa, Max’s father of course aka the Old Man, Sept the Enforce, Oct the Negotiator, Nov the Brain, and Dec the Marksman. Oct was inside watering the plants and Dec was sleeping on the couch. Dec was shirtless, his scales glistening in the sunlight that was beaming onto him, “Wow, long day?”

“More like a long night,” said Oct, “Dec is still sleeping it off. Sept and Nov is finishing up that asshole from earlier,”

“What about the Old Man?”

“On the veranda. He just woke up too,”

“Got it!” Fisher led the way. It was one of those lazy days. Not too hot, not too cold but a feeling of “I really don’t want to do anything” days. The Old Man, aka Antonio Anguilla, aka Max's father, aka the Leader of the Unagi Death Clan, had to straighten up some business mainly with some Marines putting their noses in places that they’re not supposed to. The older man was lounging in a large wicker chair throne wearing black slacks, a white dress shirt, and expensive loafers. He couldn’t be described as distinguished while smoking a cigar, large gold rings on each finger and wearing a suit. His hair was slicked back with flecks of gray, his eyes were a piercing blue and had large anglerfish teeth. He was a broad imposing man that looked as though he could kill you with his stare alone but his features softened when he saw his sons coming into the room. He had a large cup of Black Death coffee in his hands.

“Hey Pops,”

“What did he do now, Fisher?”

“That’s mean!”

“You have an hour?” said Fisher grinning


“Let’s just say there’s going to be an angry mother outside your door either tonight or tomorrow morning,”

“Boy I swear,” said the Old Man rubbing his temples, “One day you're going to be the death of me,”

“But you looooove me,”

“I tried to sell you but I know they’ll return your ass within a few hours,”

“Minutes if you’re lucky,” said Fisher


“You look tired, Pops, are you okay?”

“It was a long fuckin’ night. Human auction, Marines on the take, thank goodness for Atlas and Yorki,”

“....I’m afraid to ask, where was Blume?”

“Who do you think was the one they were auctioning?!” Max did everything in his power to keep from laughing, “That woman is going to be the death of me I swear! But it was a good set up. Didn’t know so many of our clan were captured in the first place and there were a lot from Fishman Island so it worked out. I got them back home, after being insulted the whole time. Then there was a party, I remember drinking...a lot, Blume disappeared, then Atlas and the next thing I knew I was in my bed at home. Don’t ask me how the fuck it happened,” Max snorts.

“What’s on your mind son?” said the Old Man looking at Fisher

“ did you know?”

“I know my boys like the back of my hand. And since you don’t whine like Magnus, I know I have to be more direct,”

“Daddy! So mean!” Fisher sighed and explained what happened earlier.

“It just got to me. I know I shouldn’t take the word of some human to heart but this really...did. You of all people should hate Fishmen and me but you don’t. You treat me like one of your own and I’m grateful but...I just need to know WHY!”

“Fisher, I know what I am and yes I know I can very well pass for a human and I know we’re seen as traitors but that doesn’t mean that if anything happened I would turn a blind eye even though we’re not welcomed. Yes I’m angry, I was a child when it happened and my father died in the process but I hold no ill will because what’s the point? Hate begets hate. My clan is happy and alive, I have another son, I have an island with beautiful mermaids who fuss over me and expensive wine every night. I’m the happiest man in the world. You see this little man slut as your brother do you not?”

“Daddy!” Max whined, “A dagger through my heart!” Fisher chuckles.

“I do, he’s my brother and I love him and I’m pretty sure he loves me in his own weird way,”

“So what difference does it make that he’s a Fishman that can pass for human? We’re all trying to survive in this world, we may as well, do it together,” Fisher nodded. There was only one person he would ever consider Father and he always knew the man was wise beyond his years and he still wondered how in the HELL did he produce a son like Max.

“Tooooooooooooony!!!!!” the trio turned. A woman happily staggered out from the backyard near the port. She was disheveled, twigs in her hair, wearing her infamous hat, and large brown boots, “Be a dear and let me call Fauna to take me home!”

“....BLUME?!” Max started laughing as the Old Man got up, “HOW IN THE HELL DID YOU GET ON MY ISLAND?!”

“That was a GOOOOOOOD celebration last night! Seriously, where were you hiding those barrels?!”

“ got into the wine didn’t you?”


“BLUUUUUUUUME WAIT UP!” Fisher and Max saw a larger man staggering towards him with a large barrel in his hand, “Tony! I’ll pay you whatever you want for five barrels of this stuff!”

“ATLAS TOO?!” the Old Man sighed heavily and called Oct to call Flora and Edward to let them know where their captains were, “....I’m afraid to ask but HOW many barrels did you two drink? EACH?!”

“....Bleventeeen?” said Blume giggling

“I-I think it was more like Blee!”

“....Oct, the Black Death Coffee with espresso,”

“On it Boss!” Max was laughing his ass off. Years have passed and the two boys became closer and closer until Max couldn’t find his brother anymore. He searched everywhere and couldn’t find where he was and couldn’t make heads or tails on where he could be until he heard through the grapevine that there was a slave auction and a very familiar description about some Fishmen that were captive piqued his interest. He then realized what had happened and made a trip. Fisher was chained to a wall, in a cell, stripped of his pride and humanity as a person. He heard commotion outside. There were explosions, there were screaming, and then there was a very still quiet.He heard footsteps and then he smelt a very familiar smell, a mix of blood, sex, and cologne.

“Fisher?” he looked up to see Max looking at him from the window of the cell. He kicked the bars open and jumped down. Fisher snorts.

“About time you showed up,”

“Awww you were waiting for me~ you’re so sweet!” Fisher noticed a few things. Max had a crazed look on his face, his hands and face were bloodied, and he had the biggest deranged smile he’d ever seen. In a swift motion, Max ripped the chains off his brother, “Did they hurt you?”

“Every fuckin’ day,”

“Can you move?” he nodded. He got to see Max a little more clearly. There was one thing he knew the Anguilla was known for and that was their sheer brutality. He’s seen Dad once when he thought his only son was dead and the sheer destruction he left in his wake was terrifying and he was the calmer of the two. Max was more chaotic than him and unhinged and right now he was pissed.

“....just don’t kill any of the slaves, they had not--,”

“Oh no, this is personal, I’m only after the fuckers who were responsible for this. Guide them to the ship and I’ll help them out of this hellhole but right now I’m going to kill everyone of them for every day my brother has suffered,” Fisher didn’t remember much about what happened. He remembered slave running, fire everywhere, him freeing everyone, Max laughing maniacally, the sounds of bones crunching, blood splattering, and screaming. It was horrific to say the least. When he woke up a few days later from exhaustion, he got to the deck of his ship. Max was on the deck looking at the sky as though nothing happened. He was still covered in blood. He was calm again. He looked up to see him, “Oh hey! Finally you’re awake! Those dicks are some good shit! Want some?”

“What is it?”

“Rum! The GOOD rum!” He tossed Fisher a flask. He guzzled it down and sighed.

“That was water you dick,”

“I know! You’re dehydrated, drink that first then rum. SOMEONE has to be the adult around here!” Fisher guzzled down the water before Max poured him a glass, “Here,” the pair sat in silence for a few minutes. Fisher then pulled him into a tight hug. Max froze. Fisher wasn’t an emotional man. At least when he got older. But the sight of him hugging him, tears running down his eyes and just holding him as though he couldn’t believe he was free, scared him. He hugged his brother back. He found himself crying, he did fear the worst but was just glad to have his brother back, safe and sound, “Welcome Back, Brother,”

Chapter 94: A/N Contest Time!

Chapter Text

Okay so I decided to have a little fun n,n Thanks to @mookie0218 on Tumblr I realized that Ishmari’s Prophecy is a riddle and she actively tried to solve it. Sooooo I decided to reward those who can get the closest, three lucky winners actually ^^ the Prize? Hmmmm I was thinking five custom keychains of the Five Weirdos, aka the Maids XD So the three winners who are the closest to the decipher of the Prophecy gets the prize. Here’s the Prophecy reminder:

“Alliances and life long friendships will be born, Trident and Emptiness will reunite, a fighter of freedom will meet the kinship of his son, and the most powerful people in the world will come together in secret, forming and sealing a lifelong bond that can never be broken. However, it will take a very dark turn. The Prince of Darkness will extinguish the Prince of Light, the Demon Prince will make an attempt to go to Hell, the Wounded Knight will complete their Rite of Death but this will bring them closer to the Princess of the Abyss they will forever protect. The Princess of the Abyss will carry many burdens and will find refuge with a Living Ghost. Emptiness will unmarked the Martyr’s Daughter. The Boy from the Town of Death will flee his home and will be captured by a Monster, a demon in the flesh. Not even his Mother can defeat or save him. The Daughter of Fools will be lost for a short time, the Queen of Travel will make it to the Abyss and be greeted as a long lost friend. The Fool will find his way back to his second home and his daughter will reunite with her mother thanks to a loyal caliver. The Snake will lose another kin, not through death but a broken mind, the Emptiness is their only window of clarity keeping an lifelong vow. My services will be called again after to reunite two families so they can live together at last,”

Here are some notes about the prophecy to help you:

1. Everyone has been introduced already EXCEPT three people but I’m pretty sure you can make them out 

2. One Person is referred by two names in the Prophecy 

3. Clues are littered throughout the chapters 

4. Everyone is fair game

5. Look at each name and title very carefully n,n 

6. Two of the clues are in Holly’s Story!

Deadline: January 1st n,n

Rules: Just send it to me via message on Tumblr: or post it here if you feel more comfortable that way I can post and share ^^ (if you don’t want your theories shared, pleeeeeeease let me know!)

Ganbatta ne!

Chapter 95: The Fox Princess Suite


Another Little Girl had an Fairytale Dream

A/N: Hey everyone! Lat fic of the year XP I'm sorry for not posting as much since October but the Holidays are very hard for me and things have just been terrible on my end but I've actually had some help around the house so that's a win but also I have a con coming up so yeah that's another reason why I've been neglectful. Also a few more days until the contest is over! I have like two entries!

Chapter Text

Winter had finally made its way to Goa. Everyone was preparing for the coldest winter in ages. People were getting firewood, heaters, and kotatsu and tossing their old ones, which were a godsend to those living in Gray Terminal. Also doctors were on call to make sure everyone wasn’t getting sick from illness brought on by the cold. Many have gotten sick with a treatable virus that decided to rear its head. The cure? Medicine, good food, and best rest and warmth. Katherina was one of those who got sick and she had to pick up her medicine. She trudged through the icy town and although everyone was cold, she was burning up. Winter was coming and she was freezing, at least her legs and feet. She hated this time of year mainly because she was forbidden to have any warmth in her room until she was of a certain age to strengthen her body. She felt woozy and her vision blurred but she had to keep going. She was the only one who could get her medication, and even thought a nice warm bed sounded amazing, she couldn’t stay. She needed to do the adult thing and get her medicine. She was bundled up and the walk wasn’t long but then again she wasn’t a healthy child at the moment. Besides, no one was home to help her. Jango was away on business but he left before she got sick. Father on the other hand knew she was sick and after the doctor’s visit, he told her if she was alive by the time he came back, she would be rewarded with her fireplace privileges and left to go on a two week excursion with his crew. The whole house was cold and empty with just her. Thankfully Aunt and her crew were gone as well, promising to come back soon. She hoped that wasn’t the case. She had finally made it to the pharmacy, got her medicine and headed back. At the same time, _________________ had just gotten her weekly cake inventory and some tea for home. Due to circumstances, they couldn’t go to Wano this year and this really bummed her, Ace, Luffy, and Sabo out to the point that they all just hunkered in the house playing video games, reading books, and the like, especially since a storm was coming and it was supposed to be hectic. It didn’t stop them from making sure Yukiko and her friends were okay.

“We’ll be fine!” said Jin, “This who place is insulated!”

“And Clock and Club pretty much fixed all of those kotatsu!” said Calico

“We each get one and it’s been heavenly~” said Pear, “Though Yukiko said we can’t sleep under them!”

“Damn right, that’s why there’s heavy blankets!” she said, “And we have enough food for awhile so stop worrying about us!”

“Yeah!” said Clock

“I’m sorry! I’m just worried!”

“We’re okay! You guys do enough!” So she decided to get some cake and tea for the long haul winter. It was all her basket backpack and she was heading home when she saw a familiar figure maneuvering her way through the crowd. She was walking slowly and weaving side to side. She turned looking concerned and went to check on her. At that moment, Katherina wobbled and fell forward, but she staggered to keep herself but then she succumbed to her fever and fell.

“KAT-CHAN!” ___________________ pulled her up. Katherina’s face was flushed and red. She was sweating and panting. She touched her head and she was burning up. She hoisted her up and got to a space where there were less people. She took off her scarf and Katherina took in the cold air like it was the first time she had air.

“Where do you live?! Oh god! Please hang in there!” Katherina could make out _________________’s face. She weakly pointed behind her.

“K-Kotka R-Road…over there,” she nodded and picked her up and ran to her home. Katherina slipped in and out of consciousness before finally just closing her eyes. She was tired, so very tired and she knew…she was in safe hands.

A little girl peeked around a corner. Her tummy was urpy, she was burning up, and everything felt blurry. She needed some water or something cold as she staggered through the large house. She then came upon a room where a woman was talking. She was an elegant lady with medium dark hair, silver eyes, ruby lips, and long perfect nails. Everything about the woman was perfect and gorgeous right down to her clothing.

“M-Mommy I-I don’t feel--,” the woman turned sharply with the look of contempt on her face.

“Isn’t someone taking care of this? Why is it that every time I need some me time, THIS happens?!”


“What is it? Speak up young lady!” the little girl opened her mouth and proceeded to projectile vomit all over the place. She felt relieved but she looked up to see her mother’s beautiful shoes covered in bile and vomit.

“AHHHHHHHHH!!!! UGH! Get back to your room right now!” the woman screeched, shoving her away from her, “How dare you vomit all over my pristine floor!”


“SOMEONE GET IN HERE!” a maid ran into the room and immediately pulled the little girl away from the woman who looked to be on the verge of striking her child, “GET HER OUT OF HERE AND CLEAN UP THIS MESS!” the maid noticed the little girl’s flushed face, weak eyes, and that she was hot to the touch.

“M-Madame with all due respect, Katherina doesn’t look good at all,” said a maid

“I don’t care! Keep her out of my sight at once! Sprinkle lye on the floor! I don’t want to catch anything she has!” Katherina was locked in her bedroom for days, maids came in and out just to give her food and medicine but often just left her to her own devices but she was a child who didn’t really know what to do, only that she was hot and she was very weak. She called for her mother repeatedly only to be ignored or told by the maids that her mother was not available and tried to get her to sleep. It was lonely in her room, cold and lonely. She was scared, she was hot, she was dizzy….she was alone and everyone just wanted her out of sight.

“IS SHE OKAY?!” said Jango over the phone. He got the call right after he was prepared to go on another mission with Hina. But he was called away by Commodore Rocinante about Katherina’s condition.

“She’s fine,” said Rocinante, “She’s at home and got medical attention. My wife is taking care of her. Her little friend found her and got her home. No one was home and she went to get some help and ran into Lesser instead. Her brother is a doctor and examined her and she’s in bed. Her fever is still high but she’s getting better with medicine and good food. She’s been slipping in and out of consciousness but has been getting something in her stomach and her fever broke. She’ll be fine in a few days,”

“I’ll be there as soon as I can! Thank you so much for everything!” Back at home, Lesser rang out the towel and replaced it with another. Katherina was starting to look a lot better but she needed to keep cool, at least until the Yggadrasil medicine was ready. ________________ was her gopher and kept close by to make sure she was doing okay. Marco would take her to her house and pick her up in the evening. Lesser informed the other maids what was going on and they each took night shifts for Lesser to sleep before going back to their duties at the villa.

“______________ keep your distance. I don’t know if Katherina is contagious just yet,”

“Yes, Miss but what about you?!”

“I’m an adult with a strong immune system. I can easily fight off something whereas a stubborn child cannot but I’m sure Katherina wouldn’t mind if you read her a story,”

“...but can she hear it?”

“You’d be surprised. I have to finish that soup and I’m sure you can handle it,” she nodded and looked around Katherina’s room. She couldn’t find any books of interest to be honest. A lot of books were really hard, like textbooks but they were super hard. She then remembered she actually had a copy of the Bunny Princess, the fourth book. Lesser glanced at it, “Good choice,” she found a comfortable chair for __________________. She plopped on it and opened it up to the next chapter.

Katherina opened her eyes and realized that she wasn’t in her childhood home again. This time, she was in a bed, a very nice bed. It was a canopy bed. She always wanted one. The room was white trimmed with pink and gold, her favorite colors. She moved the curtain and there was a fireplace in her room. She loved it. She looked around. There was even a balcony in the room. She gently opened it and revealed a beautiful town with a mountainous area. Everything was covered in snow and ice but the sun was also out. THe entire scene was beautiful and serene. She’s never felt peace like this before in her life and she loved it. She took a deep breath and sighed. THe air was crisp and sweet. She wished she could freeze this moment of clarity.

“YOU’RE AWAKE!” she jumped and whizzed around. A young bunny girl happily bounced towards her and flung her arms around her.

“Huh? __________________?”

“__________________? Oh no! I’m Bunny Princess! Welcome to my Kingdom!” said the Bunny Princess happily at her.


“Mhm! You came last night! I’ve been wanting to finally meet you at my place! Instead of in town!”

“Town, wait…what’s going on?”

“Fox Princess, are you okay?”

“Fox Princess? I’m not a…fox…” Katherina noticed ________________ or the Bunny Princess. She had all the features of a bunny, ears, and tail but…she did look kind of human. She ran to the mirror. She looked a little puzzled. It was her face but then again it wasn’t. She had red fox features, even a large bushy tail, “W-Why am I here?”

“Don’t know!” she said with that silly smile, “Mane Wolf King brought you here!” as if on cue, the door swung open. At the door was a mangy looking long legged wolf like creature that was badly dressed.

“Fox Princess? MY LITTLE KIT!” she turned. Her “father” was a mangy looking mane wolf. THis was Jango no doubt, right down to the weird fashion choices. He lifted her up and snuggled her close, “MY KIT-KIT! Are you okay?!”

“I-I’m fine? Why-Why am I here?”

“Oh! You don’t remember? Well it has been a very stressful time but you’re staying at the Bunny Kingdom for a while. It’s for your own safety and well being! Don’t worry I’ll stay until you’re adjusted then I have to go back to your father! Is that okay?” she nodded.

“Yay! Oh now I remember! I came to see if you wanted some breakfast!” said Bunny Princess, “Or someone can bring it up to you!”

“No, no, I can go on my own,” she got dressed and headed down and sat with Bunny Princess. Katherina never had breakfast like this before. Everyone was laughing and talking about the daily goings and comings. Bunny Princess and her were happily talking about their friendship and things in common. She liked the strange bunny girl and she just liked hearing her talk if anything. After breakfast, Bunny Princess took her hand and guided her to her room.

“Come on! I don’t think you have anything extra warm to wear so you can borrow mine!”

“Are we going somewhere?” said Katherina

“Well, we’re going on a rescue mission~” said Bunny Princess happily

“Rescue mission?”

“Yeah! There’s a prince locked up in a house deep in the mountains! He’s all alone and no one is there with him! So we’re taking him to the Wolf Kingdom!”

“...does your parents know?” she looked sheepish

“Okay, just checking,”

“Well, they know I’m going out with Wolf Prince! He’s meeting us!”

“Wolf Prince?”

“Mhm!” Katherina found a long velvet green coat and borrowed that along with a pair of mittens. Bunny Princess was in a light blue coat and soon the pair were on their way out of the palace and out of town and soon into a clearing where wolf boy was waiting.

“About time,” he said

“Sorry!” said Bunny Princess, “Fox Princess still doesn’t have many clothing!”

“She’s living with you now?” he said

“Mhm and she’s here to help us with the rescue mission!”

“Oh, okay, yeah let’s go,” the trio started a journey through the woods with Wolf Prince leading the way through smell. Bunny Princess would keep her ears out for any strange noises. Katherina noticed her senses were heightened as well and could smell a lot of things and even got used to Bunny Princess and Wolf Prince’s scents. But she also noticed that a certain smell was getting closer and closer and soon they were at the foot of the mountains. There was a large structure on top of the cliffs, “Okay, we’re here,”

Jango bursts into the house and up the stairs and then runs into the room. He was half expected to see Katherina on her deathbed with candles and a shroud. Instead he saw her sleeping soundly with a woman gently fluffing her pillows and then switching out her hot water bottle under her blankets. She looked at him with a smile.

“Nice to finally meet you. Jango right?”

“Y-Yes! How is she doing?” said Jango looking concerned.

“Better,” said Lesser, “Keep your voice down, she’s still very weak and sleeping it off,”

“I really can’t thank you enough for taking care of her for me!”

“It’s not a problem really, my biggest annoyance is that her good for nothing father of hers isn’t here. There’s tough love and being an neglectful piece of shit but this is above and beyond,” Jango sighed

“That’s why he went out. He doesn’t want her to be coddles while sick and her to just “Get over it”,”

“Getting “over it” would have cost her her life. Thank God for _______________ being at the right place and time,” the woman snapped. Jango recoiled a bit. The maid didn’t bother turning around but the sheer anger in her voice was enough to send fear into him as well. If this was her “annoyed”, he didn’t wish to see her angry. The maid had covered her up a little better and was gently rubbing her hands. Katherina was heavily breathing in her sleep and sweating, “Lucky for her, a doctor saw her and she has a virus that’ll go away in a week but she still needs medical attention. A few home remedies, soup, and rest should help her not have any permanent effects,”

“You’ve done this before?”

“My brother used to get sick a lot so I know how to break a fever or two. Also pardon my intrusion,”

“No, no! No trouble at all! I’m just SO glad someone is here watching over her for me! I was—,”

“Military business, I know, and your secret is safe with me,”


“I have my ways, the less you know the better,” Katherina stirred and tried to get up. Lesser gently took her into her arms and coaxed her back down onto the bed.

“M-Miss F-Filly…”

“Shhhh I’m here, you’re okay. It’s alright,” she opened a bottle and took out a spoon, “Open wide, sweetheart,” Katherina opened her mouth and drank her medicine. Lesser gently stroked her hair.


“He’s here. See?” Jango beamed at her. She gave a weak smile and closed her eyes again and soon fell back to sleep.

“The medicine is a mild form of Yggadrasil. It’ll speed up the process,”

“ did you get Yggadrasil,”

“Don’t ask questions, it’s better in the long run,” the tone in her voice shifted.

“You’re really attached to Kat-chan,”

“Well, if a young girl doesn’t have a mother, then someone needs to perform the duties I suppose. I couldn’t just leave her in this drafty house to fight off this sickness alone now could I? You’ve come a long way. Eat something,” he nodded and lingered at the door. She swapped out the cloth again and gently stroked Katherina’s hair. She was sleeping soundly. He hadn’t seen her sleeping like that in a very long time. He smiled. She was in good hands. He made his way downstairs and there was in fact soup. He helped himself to a bowl and started munching. There was in fact some Yggadrasil in there. Where in the hell did a maid get something like that? Then again he wasn’t sure that woman WAS a maid. There was something off, those eyes were very familiar but he couldn't pinpoint where—


He jumped and took out his den den mushi and answered.


“Is she okay?”

“Captain Hina! Yes! I’m sorry I almost forgot to let you know! Kuro is gone as expected. But thank you for asking!”

“Is she home alone?”

“No, no! Rocinante’s wife is taking care of her! Kat is looking a lot better!”

“She’s there?!” said Hina, “Roci’s wife?”

“Mhm! She’s been taking care of Kat-chan for me!”

“Tell me, what is she like?!”

“Scary! I thought your aura was tenacious but this is an aura of pure bamf. I ain’t gonna fuck with that! Though…you may find this interesting. Remember that case years ago? The woman who fought Catarina Devon and chopped off her tail?”

“Yeah, we still don’t know the identity of that woman. It remains a mystery to this day,”

“Oh I don’t think it’s a mystery anymore. Roci’s wife has it attached to her dress like a trophy,”

“....are you serious?”

“Dead! I recognize that thing anywhere. Either she bought off the person or she’s the one who did it and I’m choosing the former,”

“...Is she a pirate?”

“No! That’s the creepy part! She’s a maid! She’s wearing the uniform and everything!”

“So it’s true. Hina heard the Maid rumor but Hina couldn’t believe it. What’s her name? Hina wants to gather some information,”


“That’s a codename,”

“She didn’t give one. Kat-chan called her Filly though,” Hina was silent, “C-Captain?”

“....there was someone who went by that and had infiltrated them for an unknown reason. They were a part of the inner crew before they were discovered and attacked. They made it out alive. It’s speculated that she was the same woman that Devon had cornered in that bar the day her tail was chopped off,”

“....what do we do?”

“Nothing, Katherina is in the best hands she could be in right now. As far as you know she’s just a maid. Everyone has a past and if that’s all there is, then there’s no reason to dig anything up. If Roci trusts her, then so do I,”

“Got it!”

Fox Princess decided to trudge up the mountain area, mainly because she had the most agility from being a fox and a dancer. Katherina actually liked climbing. The cold rarely bothered her and she got a chance to learn to grip things. Bunny Princess and Wolf Prince were waiting at the bottom. She never met Raccoon Prince and she didn’t know what to expect. Soon she made it up the mountain. On top was a large manor like house that was stone gray and made from large stones and wood. She looked at the map that Wolf Prince gave her and she was to climb up to the third floor and rescue Raccoon Prince. She did the climbing and kept climbing until she missed the window completely. She groaned and was about to head back down when it happened. She slipped. She slid off the roof and grabbed a gutter, then she used everything to swing herself into an opened window and landed with a thud.

“Owwww….” she got up and rubbed his butt a bit. That wasn’t her most graceful moment. Not that anyone saw it.

“Who’s there?!” Damn! She looked up. A raccoon boy was on the bed looking at her. He got up to investigate the new stranger and noise, “Who are you?”

“Fox Princess,” she said. Raccoon Prince was standing over her near the bed looking uncomfortable and miserable. He was wearing what looked like a tight suit with uncomfortable shoes. Basically what most noble kids wear. He had light blue hair, dark eyes, long raccoon tail, ears, and a mask marking around his eyes. He was surrounded by textbooks, medical books, and finished each workbook.

“Well, whoever you are, go away, please,”

“Aren’t you like held against your will or something?”

“Kind of…I mean I can leave whenever I want,”

“Then why don’t you?” she said, “Stop being weird and let’s go,”

“Listen, I appreciate the “rescue” but…it’s not like I have anywhere to go. It’s better to be here where I’m kind of warm, not out there where I may freeze to death,” Katherina looked around. The room was immaculate, too immaculate. Not a speck of dust or anything or anywhere. She opened the door leading outside of the room. She couldn’t hear anything. It was also cold, very cold. She noticed other things, there were indeed signs of life but they were gone. She looked back at Raccoon Prince. He looked a little ashamed and looked away from her.

“I’m guessing they don’t know you exist,”

“They do but they don’t care. It’s okay though! I can have fun all by myse—,”

“No you can’t. You’re coming with me. This is a fate worse than death and I should know,”

“How would you know anything? You’re not in a gilded cage. You look free to me,”

“Because I had books all around me like that too. Only difference is, I would be randomly quizzed then insulted if I didn’t answer fast enough,”

“ okay, but with me, I have to solve problems before I could eat,”

“Eating? I couldn’t get food until I said it in another language,”

“Which language? Wait, wait on the count of three, one, two, three!”

“Lupus lingua!”

“Feline lingua!”

“Awww I wanted to get into Felina lingua!”

“Trade you! Okay, we both are absolutely miserable! So did you like run away?”

“Nah, my uncle got me out apparently and I’m with the Bunny Princess. Speaking of which, the Wolf Prince and Bunny Princess are waiting for you to come down,”

“Wolf Prince?! Really?!”

“Yeah you know him?” Raccoon Prince had the biggest smile on his face and immediately started grabbing things to pack, “Change of heart?”

“MHM! I met Wolf Prince a while ago and he said I was welcomed in his kingdom! I didn’t think he was for real but I guess this proves it!” he ran into his closet and started rummaging. Within moments, he came out, no longer in his stuffy clothes. He was wearing a long coat with a black undershirt, black pants, and gray knee boots. Katherina rolled her eyes, went back into the closet and wrapped a red scarf around his neck.

“Honestly, it’s freezing out there!”

“Oh thanks!” he grinned. She couldn’t help but stare a bit. He looked vastly different from what he was before. His hair looked a little scruffy, the red scarf really bright color to the cool colors he was wearing, “Sooooooo my dear heroine, what next?” she snapped out of it.

“Well, since it’s just you and your things, we can leave out the front door but getting down the mountain is going to be tricky,”

“Actually I got this!” he grinned, “I have a sleigh outside!” He grabbed his things and led the way out. Katherina looked around the house. There were traces of a family about the house, portraits of family, a mother, a father, but small ones of the Raccoon Prince. In almost every single portrait, he looked absolutely miserable. The scene looked all too familiar to her. It was almost like looking at her home. Soon they were outside. He looked around and then went around the palace and brought out a beautiful white and blue sleigh. Katherina looked around.

“So….who’s going to pull this thing?”

“...No one? It’s enchanted! It was a gift and well, it’ll just take us where we need to go!”

“....I’ll take your word for it,”

“Well, we do have a pony but my parents took her for the ride. OH! Wait!” he ran back inside and brought out a thick warm blanket, “So we don’t freeze! Though we both look toasty enough!” The Raccoon Prince gently took her by the hands. She blushed despite herself and helped her into the sleigh. He got in next to her and then draped the blanket over their torso and legs. Katherina was about to call him out a bit but then the sleigh started moving. She jumped and instinctively held on, until she realized that it was going at a smooth and steady pace. She then started to slowly relax. She was in awe of the snow covered trees and nature. She couldn’t help but stare in complete and utter awe. It was absolutely beautiful. It was just so surreal to see it all in person, versus her bedroom balcony or in the car, her back to the seat, with sneakily glances to make sure her father didn’t see. She then noticed that Raccoon Prince didn’t say anything. She turned. She was looking at her with a big dumb smile on his face. She didn’t know this expression and it freaked her out.

“W-Why are you looking at my face?!” she asked.

“You’re easy on the eyes!”


“You have a cute face, like really cute,”


“Awww am I embarrassing you?” he poked her cheeks with a grin. She glared at him. He however tapped her nose.

“The heck are you doing?!”

“Booping your snoot!”

“That’s it, I’m going to kick you out of my sleigh!”

“Why? I was just joking! No need to get mean!”

“I’m not being mean!”

“You kind of are,”

“It’s how I joke, okay?” she huffed. She knew her social skills weren’t the best and she had to work on it. He was right though. She sighed, “I didn’t mean to be mean. I’m sorry,”

“It’s okay! I just didn’t want to get thrown out a sleigh!” he laughed to lighten the mood. She continued looking forward. The silence was now slightly awkward.

“Hey, Fox Princess?”


“Did you really have to ask for food in another language?”

“Mhm, amongst other things. To be honest, you’re pretty lucky. I would have loved to be alone for a long period time,”

“It’s not as fun as you think. I mean I don’t even think my parents know I exist, only when they want everyone to know they have a son,”

“Trust me, it’s better than constantly performing like a wind up doll and having your father remind you every day about how much more clever he is and you have a long way to go. I’m just a kid, I know I’m not as clever as my father,”

“I think you’re very clever and pretty so that’s like a dangerous combination right there,” he looked at the sky, “Like you look smart but pretty but people wouldn’t know especially since you have a stoic face. Dangerous but I bet you’re super nice too! But then again I like reading a lot of books about snow queens,” Katherina glanced at him. He was an odd one. He hunkered down into the warmth of the blanket. Raccoon Prince then felt something drape over him. He turned. Fox Princess’ tail was around him. She looked straight forward but he could clearly see her face looking red. He grinned, “Seeeeee? Total Ice Queen with a warm heart!”

“I swear I’m gonna push you out of this sleigh!” soon the two made it down the hill. Bunny Princess was wrapped up in Wolf Prince’s cloak who didn’t seem bothered by the cold. When they got to the bottom, Bunny Princess happily ran to them but got sidetracked by the sleigh.


“Mhm! Easiest way to get around,” said Raccoon Prince, getting out and going around to help Katherina out.

“You finally made it,” said Wolf Prince, “Thought you got lost or died,”

“Wolf Prince! It’s good to see you again!” Raccoon Prince embraced his friend, “Thank you so much!”

“It’s no problem. No one deserves to be cooped up and abandoned like that. Talked to Dad, he’s on board so you’re gonna be stuck with us,”

“Sounds like a plan!”

“What do you mean?” said Katherina

“Well, almost like you, Raccoon Prince is staying at my place. He saved my ass some time ago and he told me he wanted to be someplace else where he can have adventures and be happy for a change. So after some time and asking the king, we decided to spring him instead of waiting,”

“ kidnapping,” said Katherina



“Oh come now you two,” said Bunny Princess.

“Just call it was what it is, kidnapping,”

“Don’t be such a killjoy!”

“Well it's a willing kidnapping,” said Raccoon Prince laughing, “And I’m glad I have a group of kidnappers! Especially two cute ones,”

“Stop with the flattery!” said Katherina

“Wait, wait one more!” Raccoon Prince wrapped his arms around her and snuggled.

“Thank you young hero for rescuing me! A sweet wholesome damsel in distress,”

“You weirdo!” she batted at him playfully, “Get off me!”

“Ah! My heroine is so tsundere! My delicate heart cannot take it!” he “fainted” as Bunny Princess caught him, “Such a brutish woman who has stolen my fragile heart!” Katherina pursed her lips and looked away trembling, “Did our sleigh ride mean NOTHING to you! So mean! So boorish! You meanie pants!” Katherina started laughing hard.

“Stop it you!”

“HA! I KNEW I could get you to laugh!” he smiled proudly, “My work here is done!”

“Such a silly boy!” said Bunny Princess laughing.

“Tch! Drama king more like it!” said Katherina, “Come on, it’s cold,”

“And if you dally I’m burying you in the snow,” said Wolf Prince

“Brutes from both sides! SO mean!” he said. Wolf Prince rolled his eyes before saying his goodbyes to Bunny Princess. Raccoon Prince however took Katherina’s hand and bowed, “To my dear heroine, I thank you for your words of wisdom and well, getting me to finally get out of there,” he kissed her hand and smiled, “I hope to see you again,” Katherina looked stunned. He got up and went back to Wolf Prince. The boys went left and the Bunny Princess guided her right. They walked in silence for a few moments.

“He’s a strange one isn’t he?” said Bunny Princess.

“You’re one to talk,” said Katherina holding her hand, “But yeah….he is,”

“I think he likes you,”

“I wonder….”

“I know I’m dense when it comes to things like that but I think when a boy kisses a lady’s hand, it’s his way of saying he really likes her or at least interested,” Katherina blushed. She kinda hoped.

“I think you like him too!” said Bunny Princess happily.

“Tch! W-What makes you think that?!”

“Your tail hasn’t stopped wagging since you came off the sleigh,” Katherina froze and turned. Indeed her tail betrayed her and was wagging happily. She held it and caught up with Bunny Princess. The girls made it back to the palace before nightfall. Their guardians were waiting and they were given hot food and warm clothing. However, after the large meal, Katherina started to feel very sleepy. She and Bunny Princess and her new friends had played all day and she was now ready to sleep. She watched as the great big Bunny King scoops up the young princess and takes her to get her bath and then tucked in. The Coyote Queen gently picked her up and gave her a bath. Never in her life did she ever have someone give her a bath and she liked it, a lot. Then she was given something warm and toasty to wear. The Coyote Queen tucked her in. Her tucks were tight like Jango’s and her bed was soft and bouncy.

“The boys got back to Wolf Kingdom in one piece,” said Coyote Queen, “The winter storms are on their way but I think there’s one more day of play,”

“Thank you!” Coyote Queen pecked her cheek and headed to the door, “Ummm….Coyote Queen?”


“C-Can you umm…read me a story? Please? I’ve never had one but….I would like to hear one,”

“I don’t read stories,” Katherina pursed her lips, “But I can sing you one. That way you have a pleasant sleep tonight,” she grinned and nodded. Coyote Queen’s song echoed throughout her room. The song was a beautiful melody with howls and songs of old. Soon, Katherina found herself drifting off to sleep. SHe didn’t know if this was a dream or not but she knew for certain, she didn’t want to ever wake up from it….

“It’s time for you to wake up now!” said Bunny Princess’ voice happily, “I know you don’t want to but you can’t stay asleep forever,”


“You’ve been asleep for so long, I think you’re starting to feel better! Please wake up!”

“Don’t make me…please! I don’t want to! I want to stay here!”

“You can’t,” said Wolf Prince’s voice, “You can visit us whenever but like like this, please, wake up,”

“Please?” said the Raccoon Prince’s voice, “For me?”

“Then I’ll never see you again! I don’t want that!” she felt something warm on her cheek

“You will see me again, but please for now wake up! You’ll have plenty of adventures again. Life isn’t for sleeping. It’s being awake and having fun! Please! If you continue like this, you’ll never want to wake! Everyone is waiting for you, please. Wake up Ice Queen,”

“Call me Ice Queen one more time I swear!”

“Betcha can’t wake up~”

“Tch! You can’t make—,” Katherina felt a very warm embrace. She could feel her tail wagging again. Raccoon Prince pulled back.

“Please? I know it’s scary for you out there and you’re safe and comfortable here but everyone is waiting for you to wake up. I’ll be waiting here when you come back, I promise,”


Katherina slowly opened her eyes. She felt weak but a lot better than before. Like she knew she could walk around but not be able to outrun anyone or anything anytime soon. She slowly sat up and looked around. She was in her room, she knew it was her room but it was different. The fireplace was roaring. Her room wasn’t freezing for a change, the curtains were opened. It was a nice day out. She usually kept them close when it was cold because it would trap heat inside. Her room just looked so cheery anc nice. It made everything look so…homey. Even her bed felt warm. She felt so safe and happy.

“Hello sleepy head,” Katherina looked up to see Lesser, who was peeling an apple. The ribbon lazily fell from her knife, “You gave us quite a scare, are you okay?”

“M-Mhm,” she said

“You’re going to be a little weak for awhile but a few more days of bed rest and you’ll be right as rain,”

“H-How did I get home?”

“_____________________ saw you falling, caught you, panicked and took you home, panicked again and tried to get home to get Marco but ran into me instead and the rest is history,”

“How did she get…where is my father?! Is she hurt?!” she was about to leap up. Lesser gently took her shoulder.

“She broke a window, shimmied in, opened the door and let you in. Jango fixed all evidence of breaking and entering,” Katherina looked at her before smiling and then laughing.

“I swear…that weirdo,”

“A true friend. She hadn’t left your side since, only to come home. She’s been worried sick about you. Her and Jango have been the perfect gophers to make sure you’re okay,”


“Mhm, your father isn’t expected back for at least a few days so take this opportunity to rest. Me on the other hand, I have two homes to run including soup delivery. I’m pretty sure Law wouldn’t mind the company if someone was to tag along with _________________. Afterwards cider,” Katherina smiled and nodded. Lesser ruffled her hair fondly.

“Also, Miss Filly?”


“Do you…sing?”

“Sometimes, I’m pretty bad at it to be honest,”

“I wouldn’t say that. It’s soothing. Thanks for singing to me,”

“Anytime sweetheart,” The door then opened. Two figures walked into the door and when they saw Katherina sitting up and talking, they almost immediately ran to the bed.

“You’re okay!” Katherina was then hugged tightly in ________________ and Jango’s embrace.

“Are you okay?! Do you need anything?!” said _________________, “I can get another blanket!”

“We have soup!”



“You’re my weird Uncle!!”

“SHE’S OKAY!” she felt two strong arms hugging her. Katherina winced and tried to move but couldn’t!

“___________________! I CAN’T BREATHE!”




“Miss Lesser!”

“Both of you, off of her! She’s still very weak, she’s lucid and I’m pretty sure she doesn’t have any lasting brain damage! And ___________________ your death grip alone could crack a rib!”

“Sorry!” Lesser shooed the two into a corner until she was able to give Katherina her medicine and fluffed up her bed and pillows. While Lesser took the old bedding to get disinfected and bring up better linen, Jango happily talked to Katherina who was very happy to see Jango again.

“I came as soon as I heard! Katherina what were you thinking! You could have died! Don’t you ever go out when you’re sick like that again!”

“I couldn’t do much,”

“You have me! I could have had someone check in on you! Please don’t ever do anything like that again! Promise me!”

“I promise!”

“Good! Fevers are no joke! But on a lighter note, your father is going to be gone for awhile and weeeeeeeeell since you and I are here by ourselves, we can decorate the house and such for Christmas together!”

“Father can come home at any moment’s time!”

“He’ll call and when he does, we’ll make a mad dash to get everything down! Also I found a way to keep your room toasty! Hidden outlet heaters! I know you love your fireplace but this way is a bit better!”

“....thanks Jango,”

“You got it kiddo! Let me go get you some of Lesser’s delicious soup!”

“I wish I could take credit for it but that’s from Cook. But please go get her a bowl,” Lesser said, coming in. Jango disappeared as Lesser made up her bed, added another hot water bottle to her blankets, and added more wood to the fire and opened up the curtains for some light. Katherina looked at _________________.

“Hey, __________________,”


“Were you reading a book to me? While I was sleeping?”

“Yeah! The Bunny Princess! I didn’t know you could hear me while you were sleeping!”

“I did…so like how does it end?”

“Well….I don’t know,” she rubbed the back of her head, “I’m borrowing it from Killer! I think it’s the fourth book,”

“Is there really a Raccoon Prince?”

“Yeah! I think he really likes Fox Princess! She’s really nice too! But I don’t think she knows it yet,”

“I like him…I hope he’s in the next book,”

“Me too!”

“So are the Bunny Princess and Fox Princess friends now?” _________________ grins and hands her over the book.

“I can’t spoil it for you! Killer will understand! I just finished it!” Katherina smiled.

“Okay, I would offer one of my books but…”

“They’re so hard! Not ONE story book on the shelf! It’s awful! Buuuuuuut I got you a bunch and I put them on the bottom shelf for you!”

“You did what?!”

“Come see!” Katherina looked at Lesser who nodded and she got from the bed and ___________________ crouched down, “See! I didn’t know what you liked to read other than Pretty Soldier so I got some things similar! Killer and Law helped! I had to make room but I don’t think anyone who isn’t kid level can see them! Princess Clara is really good! Then there’s the Night Warriors and the Cats of the Glade! The other books are over here! I didn’t know where to put them,”

“If you know anyone who wants them he can have them. I hate those books and I already studied them. They’re just taking up room at this point,”

“Okay! Oh! I got you something in case you woke up! I’ll be back!” she scampered out of the room. Katherina looked puzzled before heading back to bed.

“It’s cake isn’t it?” she said looking at Lesser.

“It’s always cake,” she poured them both a cup of tea, “Apparently it’s your favorite flavor,”

“I doubt it,”

“Cherry almond with cinnamon,”


“You have an observant friend,” _________________ happily came back in with the cake. Katherina grinned and propped up in her bed as __________________ hopped on the other end and they laughed and giggled while enjoying their treat. Lesser excused herself to another room. She closed the door behind her and sat on the couch cross legged. She took out a den den mushi from her pocket and dialed a number. She waited a few rings before a rough, deep voice answered.

“Long time no talk,”

“I know, how are things?”

“Good, can’t complain. How’s your son?”

“Good, how’s your daughter?”

“Very good. Cut the crap, I know this isn’t a social call,”

“Sadly no but it’s a good cause call. The Black Cat Pirates are in your area. Can you make it so they stay there a few days longer? Kuro is smart but he’s not as clever as he thinks he is,”

“Humans never really are. How much of a distraction do you need?”

“He left his little one here and she’s still sick but I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t mind not spending the holidays with him and that cunt sister of hers if you catch my drift,”


“I’ll ask Sept and Dec to accompany you as well,”

“ really want to make sure he doesn’t come back,”

“If possible destroy the ship from the outside in, but leave him alive,”

“Got it,”

“Also…tell him I said hi by the way and I miss him,”

“Don’t go semimental on me, Vikka,” the voice chuckled, “You know that type of talk will go straight to his head. Look at what it does to your brothers,”

“What can I say, there’s a heart in this hard concrete chest,”

“You really are your father’s daughter,”

“Tch don’t say that!”

“Is everything okay on your end? Need anything else?”

“No, I think I’m good,”

“The Old Man is asking about Sunday dinner again, at least for new years,” she hesitated for a few moments.

“Not yet,”


“I…don’t know,” she sighed, “But not now, not until well—”

“You’re not getting any younger and you know they’re all bound to know sooner or later. Scarlet knows and I know she’s been covering for you,”

“I know, I know but…I don’t…I mean I do but what would they think? I’m dating a Commodore and I really don’t want to mess that up! He and his father already isn’t really too keen on…pirates as it us, I don’t think I can tell them this,”

“You should and if he doesn’t accept this, then he’s not the one,”

“That’s what I’m afraid of,”

“Vikka, I’ve known you since you were to my knee, I know this is eating from the inside and I don’t like it,” he growled, “Since when does someone matters so much that you can’t tell him what he needs to know? I’m giving you a deadline. You have four months from now or I’ll make sure he knows one way or another. Are we clear?”


“What’s with that tone? Do you really want me to out you to Magnus? I’m pretty sure he would love to know where you’re hiding and where your family is—”

“NO! No….okay, I’ll tell them,”

“Good girl, send my nephews my love,”

“Will do. And thank you again,” they hung up. She took a deep breath. Dealing with the Old Man was one thing but she did not want to tangle with Magnus…at least not until she was ready. She sighed, took a few deep breaths and went back to the room. She then saw Katherina smiling and giggling with _________________ as they talked about the latest episode of Pretty Soldier and the Bunny Princess books. She then gently closed the door and decided to relax for a few moments with a cup of tea.

Chapter 96: Autumn Curry


The Surgeon shares his curry with his Siblings


Hi everyone! So, just know the next couple of fics will take place in autumn leading up to Christmas and then the new year XD I'm playing catch up because I have things planned but thing have happened on my end: covid scare, anime con preparations (maker), my dad passing, and just trying to keep myself busy and occupied so I can just get back into some kind of normalcy until then! So after I post, I'll put everything into chronological order so everything can be read in order! Thanks for the understand!

Chapter Text

Ace, Sabo, Luffy, and ____________________ were invited by Law for what he called the “best thing in the world” at his home. When they got there, the undeniable smell of curry was in the air. Law greeted them and gestured to the kitchen where a pot of curry was ready to be eaten. He dished everyone a large bowl and invited them all to eat. They all dug in.

“...this is really good!” said Ace

“Mhm! This is the best meat ever!” said Luffy

“It tastes really good!” said __________________, “I never thought you could put chicken in curry!”

“....I taste beef,” said Sabo, “Whatever it is it’s really tender,”

“It’s snake,” said Law joining them.

“Snake?!” said Luffy


“Snake know what, it's still good!” said Ace, “I didn’t know Corazon could cook this well!”

“Or use something this exotic!” said Sabo

“More please!” said __________________ and Luffy together.

“Help yourselves and yeah, Cora-san didn’t make it. Lesser did,”

“Is this the infamous curry you’ve been raving about?!” said Ace


“Okay, I’ll admit, it’s good!”

“I didn’t know she could cook!” said Sabo, “She seems like the “Kill on sight!” type!”

“She is but there’s a few good things she can cook,” said Law, tucking into his meal, “Paella, snake curry, steaks, octopus carpaccio, mushroom garlic and cheese pizza, takoyaki, and she actually makes good pastries. She made stollen last year for Christmas and it was really good,”

“Wow! Miss Lesser is really talented!” said _________________, “She can cook, fight, and still have time to be your mom! That’s a lot!”

“Not only that. She’s Doffy’s personal assistant when it comes to business negotiations, his bodyguard of some sorts, and just making sure everything runs smoothly in the house. He doesn’t like to admit that he would be lost without the maids but he often gives them days offs and things when he’s not around,”

“That’s so cool!”

“So how in the hell did she get you to eat snake curry?” said Ace, “Like did she just find a random snake and just decided to make curry?”

“Oooh, ooh! Did she go hunting on Snake Island?!” said Luffy

“Don’t be stupid! Then she would have made all of the snakes on that island extinct! I’m pretty sure if anything attacked Lesser, it would be dead within seconds!” Law snorts.

“The maids have a ton of jokes about that! Perv’s was A rattlesnake bit Lesser, after three days of suffering, the snake died!” the table laughed!

“Good one!” said Sabo laughing

“Cook’s was Lesser Doesn’t Sleep, She waits,”


“But all joking aside, she actually started making it a few years ago. It all started when Cora tried to find a cure for my Amber Lead Disease,”

“What’s Amber Lead Disease?” said _________________

“It’s a disease that kills people who are around it for a long period of time,” said Sabo, “You had that?!”

“Mhm I was expected to live past ten but that’s a story for another time. But Cora-san was trying to find a cure but no one wanted to even touch me,”

“So that’s why this house looks so familiar. You’re from Flevance?”

“Mhm, Cora-san had the place built to look like the same architecture. I thought it was kind of cool,”

“So it’s like your old home!” said __________________, “Nice!”

“Yep but it wasn’t always like this,”

Law ran as fast as he could out of the hospital as people made an alert that someone with Amber Lead Disease was contaminating the hospital. He could hear shouting and screams of terror. He was sobbing and trying to just get out of the hospital. He made it outside only to have a guard waiting in a containment suit. He made a grab at Law. He closed his eyes and waited. He heard a yelp and looked up. Lesser scooped him up and carried him a few feet from the hospital and flipped a switch on a detonator blowing up the place. He was sobbing and hard. He couldn’t take this anymore. He was exhausted, physically and mentally. Lesser walked through town with him while people ran and scrambled away from the explosion. Corazon soon caught up and they made their way to the outskirts and deep in the woods. They settled down as he took out maps.

“Okay, that town wasn’t any help but the next town has got to be better!” Law looked at him as though he grew three heads! Not this again!

“NO! I refuse!”

“Stop it! We’re going to find a cure before it’s too late! We’re in the North, we can make it East in a few days if we start tomorrow! The towns there have advanced medicine I heard so someone is bound to have a cure for Amber Lead! These doctors all all quacks and don’t know what they’re talking about! We’ll find a cure and you’ll get all better! You’re just going to have to trust me and bear with it! We’ll head out as soon as we can! Hell, we can make it out in a few minutes! We just have to—”

“That’s enough. He’s had enough,” Corazon was about to retort when he saw Law sobbing and shaking like a leaf. He was sobbing hard in Lesser’s legs. He immediately backed off. Lesser handed him a list, “Make yourself useful and get these ingredients. You obviously can’t go back to that town, so you better get going to the next one. It’s about twenty minutes from here,” her voice was cold and the look in her eyes basically told him he better get going. He knew he messed up and bad. He nodded and headed off without another word. Law cried it out for some time before he was lifted. Lesser took him over to the campsite and gently dried his eyes and calmed him down with cool water. He felt better and guzzled down some cold water to calm his nerves. He didn’t want to lie down but tagged along with her as she looked around the area.

“....she was pissed!” said Ace

“Very,” said Law

“Well he was dragging you everywhere like a sack of fuckin’ potatoes,”

“Right?! Not to mention having you relive your disease to people who already think you’re contagious,” said Sabo, “I’m kind of surprised she didn’t smack him,”

“Well she did blow up the hospitals,” said Law snorting, “She and Cora did, it was kind of funny. But yeah, she was so mad at him. The cold tension made us both not say anything. Cora just took the list and went into another town to get the supplies. We could only camp out in the woods so after he left, Lesser made rice and told me to follow her and got some wild apples. She found some orange trees too and went to get some from there. A snake like came from nowhere to bite her. She grabbed it and killed it before taking it back to camp. She and I then gutted it together. She showed me the teeth, how to remove them safely and things like that. We then cut it up really small. When Cora came back, she put everything together and made curry. I thought I would be weirded out by the snake meat but it was really good,”

“It tastes good!” said ____________________

“Yeah!” said Luffy, “Sooooo when did she like forgive him?”

“It didn’t take long, I think he finally realized that what he was doing was hurting me and he had a chance to think,” Law took a healthy spoonful of his curry, “And Lesser can’t stay mad at him for too long,”

“Did the Strings Man know that they were in love with each other?”

“I think he probably has his suspicions. But he thought Cora-san was mute. I was surprised he could talk and Lesser didn’t seem fazed. I think they knew each other way before they joined Doffy,”

“Did you ever ask?” said ___________________

“No but I should. I think they knew each other way before then and that would have meant that Lesser didn’t tell Doffy. But then again she doesn’t reveal things if he doesn’t ask. But she’s always just been that way. But she has some weird quirks too,”

The trio ate in silence. Law was so used to Cook’s cooking he didn’t know that Lesser even knew how to. Diamante always said it was usually the ugly ones who knew how to cook, hence why Cook was a cook and why Perv didn’t. He rolled his eyes at the memory. But then he remembered this was how Diamante was poisoned in the first place.

“This is really good!” said Corazon happily

“Mhm,” said Lesser finishing up her bowl, getting more, taking Law’s bowl and giving him more. He smiled. He didn’t really have to ask Lesser for anything, she just kind of did it for him.

“What’s this meat in here?” said Law

“Snake, I know it’s a bit gamey but it’s perfect for this type of--” there was a rustle in the bushes. Her ears twitched for a moment, “Curry…” she puts her bowl down and wiped her mouth, “Let me check the perimeter,”

“Okay!” she stood up and disappeared behind the brush. Law raised an eyebrow. It didn’t sound like a human but another animal. It didn't slither. It didn’t even move aggressively. He thought about this for a few more moments until Corazon broke the silence, “Why don’t you check on Lesser? She may need some help,”

“....I doubt it,”

“You’d never know,” he shrugged, “Just make sure you’re not seen,” Law got up to humor him. He went around where he saw Lesser disappear to. It was still daylight and he saw her crotched down near a tree. He walked around and got a good look at her. He saw Lesser with her hands on her mouth looking absolutely smitten. She was blushing badly and made little noises. She gently picked up what she was blushing at and stood up. In her arms was a little brown bunny. Law winced. He saw her bring it up to her face. He thought for sure she was going to snap it’s neck.

“Soft…” she was petting it fondly, scratching it’s little ears, and cooing. The bunny didn’t seem too fazed but he knew it was probably out of fear, since a large human was holding him. He was expecting her to snap it’s neck but she was stroking and petting him fondly with a smile on her face. It was so surreal. Lesser started snuggling the bunny. She lingered a few minutes before she looked around, “Alright, let’s find your nest. Your mommy is worried sick. Now, now don’t struggle, you’re safe now,” he watched as she tracked the footprints and then circled at a distance until she found a hollow opening. A worried mother rabbit hopped out with two more little bunnies with her, “Ah! There we go. Okay, off you go,” she placed the bunny down who hopped back to his family. He looked back at her before disappearing into the hollow with the others. She smiled, squealed a little bit, stood up and made her way back to camp. Law immediately ran back the other way to make sure he wasn’t seen. He made it back with moments to spare. Lesser sat back down as if nothing happened.

“How’s the perimeter?” said Corazon

“Secure,” she said

“Great! I hate to ask but… there any way for you to get some cake from the shops? Like I kind of want some and well after our little…encounter, I don’t think I can go back into that town,”

“....true, I’ll be back,” she stood up and headed out.

“But didn’t they see you too?” said Law looking concerned.

“I’m sure they did but that’s okay,” she smiled and headed off. Law had a feeling either she was going to intimidate the shop or they’ll just throw it at her to get her to leave. Either way, he didn’t mind having something sweet. But he couldn’t get the thought out of his head. Lesser, Doffy’s Head Maid, open challenger of Vergo, smacker of Diamante, even Trebol considered fucking with her, was cooing and snuggling a bunny with a large cute smile on her face.

“So you finally met Soft Lesser,” he jumped. Corazon was smoking with a large grin on his face.


“Soft Lesser. Let me guess, it was a chipmunk or something,”

“Bunny…she found a bunny….but you knew?”

“She’s not really subtle about it. Have you seen her face when she sees something cute and fluffy? It lights up and she starts shaking from the sheer cuteness. I know it’s hard to believe. She’s a hardcore killer who can probably end a war if she wanted to but Regular or Soft Lesser peeks through from time to time and you finally saw it,”

“I seriously thought she was going to snap it’s neck and eat it,”

“Nah, she’s a fluff monger. She loves soft things. Why do you think she keeps that fox tail on her?”

“Isn’t it a trophy?”

“Mhm but even she can’t resist the softness of it. She would have let it deteriorate by now but she can’t. Her instinct to snuggle and brush it because it’s so soft. She does leave in her room when there’s an important mission though. I’m actually surprised she doesn’t have pets but then again in her line of work, having a pet would be problematic,”

“Yeah it would…”

“Yeah you should see her cuddling a feathered pillow. It’s the cutest fuckin’ thing ever,” he said with a lovelorn grin, “Especially when her hair’s down,”

“Stop fantasizing about her, you pervert!”

“I’m not a pervert! I’m just saying it's cute!”

“Lesser likes soft things?” said Ace

“And her hair can get down?!” said __________________

“Mhm, soft cute things. She even has a fluff room. She’s like a magpie only instead of shiny things, she even steals soft things. I think she took at least five of Cora-san’s boas, a few of Doffy’s, after they’ve been washed, one of Crocodile’s coat, Cleaner’s big plushies, though Dom usually brings them back, Cook’s fleece head kerchiefs, and for a short while my hat. She usually keeps her hair up until evening because it gets in the way when she’s working and in battle because it’s easy to grab but then again, I don’t want to meet the person who’s stupid enough to grab her hair in battle,”

“Why doesn’t she cut it?” said Ace

“Because it’s her pride and joy. I think it goes down to her waist. I like it both ways, in her bun and down,”

“Interesting!” said Sabo, “Never would have thought she was so….,”

“Weird!” said Luffy laughing, “But in a good way!”

“Right? Dom told me that it took Lesser awhile to adjust outside of Calva, like a whole new awkward phase but as an adult. Things were different and when she was in a place where she could slightly let her guard down, she did. Very few people see it and it’s really cute to see,”

“I bet!”

“Like before that, I seriously just thought she was one of Doffy’s subordinates but in reality, she really did her own thing like the rest of the maids and Cora. Only difference is that the rest of the family approached her with caution when they pretty much almost murdered one of Doffy’s subordinates. He laughed for ages but it gave everyone the idea. Hell I even see her go after Doffy’s strongest and made it out without a scratch. Cora and I were beaten pretty badly. I think he would have finished us off if it wasn’t for her. I seriously don’t know how she’s still standing to be honest,”

“Because she’s a bad ass,” said Ace, “I don’t think she can be anything else,”

“That and there’s something called Mom Vibes,” said Sabo, “Like it’s just when someone gives off that protective Mom Nature. It feels really good I heard,”

“It’s a warm and fuzzy feeling!” said ___________________, “Sister makes me feel like that all the time! It’s like you can always go to her if you feel scared but also if you’re happy!” Law smiled.

“Yeah, that’s it,”

That night, like all other nights, they had to camp outside. Lesser took her position by the tree and kept an eye on the embers that were dying down. Corazon had long since gone to sleep, completely dead to the world. Law was fighting sleep as he was exhausted. He went to Corazon since he had his Calm up and decided some quietness was something that he needed. He curled up in his lap and waited. Lesser took a bucket of water, poured it on the fire, stirred the embers and added more water. She glanced over at the pair and took a blanket and placed it over the pair. She turned and then felt a tug. She turned. Law was holding onto her skirt. She was pulled back and sat next to Corazon and draped the blanket over her and them. Law cuddles between them, his head resting on Lesser’s side. She draped her arm around him and hugged him close. Then she felt an arm pull her against them. Corazon pulled them close to him. Lesser’s face went red and in his new position, she had her head on his shoulder. She finally let her guard down completely and closed her eyes as well. Law smiled to himself as the trio drifted off to sleep under the stars.

“So yeah that’s why I like Lesser’s curry and that’s why I like autumn. It’s kind of the first time I felt safe and happy and warm for a very long time. Like even with everything that happened after, it wasn’t like anything changed. When Cora and I moved to our new place, Lesser was back to her old position. I don’t know HOW she found us but I remember Cora spinning her around and thanking her, then again he was on fire along with the stove, she had just put him out, and carried him bridal style out of the house,”

“Your parents are weird,” said Ace laughing

“Super weird!” said Luffy

“And strong! Mr. Corazon is super tall!” said _________________

“Right and Lesser just carries him about like a bride every time he’s even remotely in any danger. I think it’s the fireman's carry. It’s kind of funny to see, especially since he’s usually on fire. But this time, he regained himself, grabbed her and spun her around. She was blushing badly and clinging for dear life but whenever Cora’s around Lesser goes into mush mode and it’s hilarious to see. Like she’ll mess up on some things, she’ll crash into things, and there was even an incident where she burned Doffy’s shirt. He thought it was hilarious and made it where she was around him just to see her awkward moments. He’s a sadist,”

“Your parents are awesome!” said Luffy, “So is Lesser officially your mom now?”

“I hope they get married!” said ________________, “Miss Lesser would be a beautiful bride!”

“Please, she would be in a suit and Corazon in a dress,” said Sabo laughing, “I’m kidding of course,”

“No, it’s true!” said Law sniggering, “But Lesser would look way better in it! To be honest, I kind of do see her as a mom. She makes sure I’m okay, she takes care of me, like so do the other maids but Lesser is more….protective. I mean thanks to her, I have a full family now, a mom, a dad, uncles, aunts and older sisters. It’s just so…surreal. Everyone just welcomed me in, even before when it was just me, Cora, Sengoku…now I have Bellemere, Nami, and Nojiko, I was scared when I thought Bellemere was going to be my new mom because….that was always Lesser’s role in a weird way. She taught me a lot, even though I’m not technically her kid and it makes me….happy,”

“Well that’s what a mom is supposed to do, right?” said __________________, “Love you and take care of you and teach you things,”

“Yeah…” said Ace

“Mhm,” said Sabo

“But Dadan doesn’t do any of that stuff!” said Luffy, “But she does make sure we have food!”

“....she doesn’t count!” said Ace, “Anyway, you know you have to share your mom with us, right?”

“I don’t think she’ll mind but you have the nun too,” said Law

“Two moms!” said Luffy, “And Makino!”

“And Shakky and Miss Hancock!” said ___________________

“But she’s a grandma!” said Sabo

“She’s too young to be a grandma!”

“So we have a new family!” said Luffy

“Well, she did take us back how by the ear so that’s a total mom move,” said ___________________, “Almost like Sister’s Bop of Learning,”

“Which is worse I wonder, the Fist of Love or Bop of Learning?!”

“Never had both,” said Ace, “Don’t think I won’t!”

“Me neither!” said Sabo, “Does Lesser have something like that?”

“Nah, usually her voice and her eyes strike fear into your heart. I call it the Gaze of Dread. Seriously, one look usually does it! I thought it was Haki at first but it isn’t! I don’t want to imagine the power of it if she used haki with it!”

“I felt it once! When I tried to take the Strings Man’s fridge! It’s scary!”

“Seriously! It’s enough to make almost anyone back down. I think it’s like a tiger glance or something,” the kids started on idle conversation again. Lesser and Corazon were at the door holding in tears and covering their mouths before slowly inching away from the back door.

“He loves us!” said Corazon

“Of course he does,” said Lesser, smiling and brushing a tear from her eyes, “After everything he’s been through, he deserves this happiness. I’m just glad I can give it to him,”

“We’re raising a good kid. At least now he wants to live and just be happy and stable. That’s all I ever wanted in this first place,”

“Same,” Lesser said with a smile on her face. He pats her head fondly.

“You think it’s time for him to know the story about how his parents met?”

“I seriously thought you told him that already,”

“Nope but I think the kids would love to hear it,” he grinned, “A tale as old as time!”

“That is true…and it would clear up a few things,”

“It’s my favorite story because I got to meet my favorite person!” he said nuzzling his cheek.


“Awww is the great Vikka blushing~”

“I will NOT be patronized by you!” she said batting at him playfully

“You love it!”

“Tch!” and he was right, she did.

Chapter 97: A/N 100th Chapter Special

Chapter Text

Alright, this had come to my attention so here we are! Okay so there’s nine chapters before I reach my 100th chapter (the A/N do not count so I have PLENTY of time to make something awesome!) So I’ve been thinking about having some lore chapters that will be done eventually but the 100th Chapter that one will be done first. So, I’m going to be vague about following scenarios to give each one a chance. Sooooo here we go! 

1. The life and break up and make up of two of the most power characters in the series so far (love, betray, love, action, violence, and lore involving yonko)

2. The childhood puppy love of two characters and how they met (action, fluff, love, sadness, and lore involving a fan favorite otp) 

3. A story of a rag tag group with the intro of new characters (lore, comedy, suggestiveness, wandering character from another series, and foreshadowing new characters)

4. Another Holly cringe fic involving omegaverse. (something straight from Holly’s twisted mind. Like her Ace and Me fic but more cringe)

Choose wisely 😌

Chapter 98: A Family Secret Finally Revealed


A Little Girl's true name and origins are finally revealed!


Hey everyone! I would like to first off say thank you for your patience and I'm not dead yet, just dead inside XD I'll be resuming this fic sometime in April, May at the latest. For the last few months, I've been grieving my father's passing and also dealing with a extremely toxic family especially a mother but it's slowly getting better thanks to therapy and awesome friends. I've been throwing myself into work and preparing to sell at two conventions: Sakura Con and Hawaii and they're a week apart so yeeeeeeeah. It's been keeping my mind off of things but also stressing me out at the same time DX but I'm pushing through. I'm like 75% finished with the next chapter. It's going to be long but there's a LOT of lore for multiple characters in it so it's necessary. But seriously, thank you so much for being so patient! Love you all!

Chapter Text

A Letter appeared at the Whitebeard Home. Just when they thought everything was over with Whole Cake Island, another letter appeared but this time it was sent over via Perospero, Katakuri, and Cracker.

“....what are you three doing here?” said Whitebeard looking at them.

“We’re here on a very important business involving your “son”,” said Perospero, “We know he’s a she,” Whitebeard invited them in and called _____________________ downstairs. SHe was happy and surprised to see the three brothers again. The rest of the Whitebeard Family however did not but remained civil and ready just in case. Perospero invited _____________________ to sit down.

“_______________________….we have something very important to tell you but we wanted to make absolutely sure that our findings were correct before coming to you in person,” she cocked her head, Katakuri took out an old photo and gave it to her. She gingerly took it. Whitebeard glanced at it and there was an audible gasp. If it wasn’t for the idea that she was looking at the picture with both of her hands and her own eyes she wouldn’t have believed it. It was Big Mom herself holding her and another baby in her arms. The baby looked very familiar. Perospero produced a birth certificate and more pictures.

“....yo-you….this can’t…am I really?”

“Mhm, you’re our baby sister, Charlotte Cheesecake,” said Perospero, “Apparently Mama wanted you and your twin, Tart, to be sleeper agents and put you up for adoption to another noble family. You mission was to basically bring back information but you fell and smacked your head and forgot everything,”

“....that kind of sounds like something out of an anime,” said Ace

“Tell me about it,” said Katakuri, “But we’ve been searching for our little sister for the last ten years to bring her back home,” ____________________ looked visibly shaken and it was a lot to take in. Things started to make a lot of sense. Why she loved sweets, why she had abnormal strength, and why she was able to bond so well with the three Charlotte Brothers.

“It’s a lot to take in, we know, but you can let it all sink in once we take you back!” said Cracker reaching for her. Marco grabbed her and pulled her close.

“Wait, wait, wait…we’re not taking her back,” said Perospero, “She’ll be in more danger if Mama knows she failed her baby mission,”

“....would Mama really kill her for that?” said Cracker. Everyone collectively looked at him, “Okay, okay, so what do we do?!”

“Well, that’s why we’re here,” said Katakuri, “Cheesecake wants to stay here and we can’t go back empty handed,”

“We humbly ask if we can…lay low here for a little while just until we can figure out to make sure that Cheesecake doesn’t have to return to Whole Cake,” said Perospero

“And to help her make sense of all of this,”

“And what makes you think we trust you to not double cross us?” said Izo, “Especially you Cracker,”

“Because we have leverage and we could have EASILY showed Mama where Cheesecake was and we could have an entire war on our hands,”

“But we only want what’s best for Cheesecake,” said Perospero. So from that day forward, ___________________ went by her true name of Charlotte Cheesecake, living with her new family and biological big brothers.

Chapter 99: Mother's Day Shorts Part II


Two Shorts about two different mothers!

Warning: Doffy abuse.

A/N: I'm feeling tons better so I'll be posting more! Another fic is scheduled for next week-ish so stay tuned!

Chapter Text

My Mentor’s Day

Katherina looked at the rows and rows of cards. Mother’s Day wasn’t a day she particularly celebrated and she really didn’t know what to do when it came to the holiday. In her family, she was obligated to give her aunt something for Mother’s Day and give her mother an obligatory call and that’s about it. Other than that, it wasn’t anything in particular she really cared about with this. Aunt Catarina liked jewelry and she always found something beautiful just for her. Her mother usually just tore down her appearance before hanging up the den den mushi. But this year was different…very different. She actually had someone she would consider her mother and she actually knew what to get her but she was nervous, very nervous because she had no idea if she would accept or that the feeling wasn’t mutual. She’s been hurt so many times that the idea of someone she respects as mother wouldn’t accept her back. Of course she had no obligation to but…it would be nice. She wanted to keep this secret, even though there wasn’t anyone in particular who would know or tell. But she actually had a gift custom made and ready. She was just debating on a card. She looked at them before settling on a gold foil one with cherry blossoms and a picture of a kitsune with her cub. Maybe it was too obvious what her intent was. She swallowed a lump in her throat. Why was this so difficult? She was about to put the card back when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She jumped and turned around. An old man was behind and looking down at her with a warm smile.

“I’m sorry! Am I in your way?”

“Not but it looks like you need a little help. Buying a card for your mother?”




“Well, I don’t mind listening if you don’t mind talking,” he had kind eyes and very warm smile. Katherina looked a little apprehensive but she knew she could trust this man.

“It’s just that…I have a mentor kind of…and she’s super cool, super nice, and just…so amazing! I come over a few times a week to help her around the house and she teaches me things and I wanted to honor her for Mother’s Day but…I don’t know if she feels the same way about me. It’s been a good few months. I bonded quickly but…I know adults are weird about things like that. They don’t really care as much as kids do,”

“Really? You must have been around some pretty awful adults,” he said thoughtfully

“You have no idea,”

“Well, my advice to you is to give your mentor your gift. Worst case scenario she rejects it, best care scenario she accepts it and you as her as one of her own. Does she have any more kids?”

“Just one and they’re extremely close. I’m super worried that she won’t feel the same and even he’ll be upset with me and I’ll lose my best friend,”

“How is that related?”

“Well my mentor’s son is my best friend's adopted brother,”

“I see. How close are you to your best friend?”

“I would say pretty close,”

“Do you think a friend of hers would be that petty?” Katherina stopped. The old man grinned. She smiled.


“You’re worrying too much. You’re going to be fine,”

“Thank you sir,” said Katherina smiling

“Anytime. So which card are you getting?”

“I think the kitsune and her child would be great! Thanks for your help! You know you’re really wise for an old man,”

“I get that a lot. Enjoy your Mother's Day with your mentor and stop worrying. Remember, most adults are decent people and those who aren’t, especially to kids are assholes in the first place,” she nodded and scampered off with a smile on her face and new found confidence. The older man watched on as the girl disappeared into the crowd of people and slipped into the tea shop and picked up her order. He chuckled and turned just as __________________ and Shakky came out of a shop.

“There you are,”

“Grandpa! We were looking EVERYWHERE!” she pouted, “You disappeared!”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, my favorite ladies,” said Rayleigh sheepishly, “I found the cards!”

“Awesome! Now to pick out the best one for Sister!”

“Don’t you usually handmake your cards for her?” said Shakky

“Yeah! But after the glitter incident, she said to do something simple for her next year,”

“....did you make a glitter bomb for her?”

“Kid and Law helped!” Rayleigh laughed.

“That’s my girl!”

Katherina nervously approached Lesser who was having tea in the backyard in the gazebo with Law. She swallowed a lump in her throat. This was it. Maybe it wasn’t. Part of her just wanted to just run for it and never look back. She took a step back and snapped a stick. Lesser looked up.

“It’s a beautiful day, come join us. Cook made a delicious chocolate mousse,” she nodded and slowly approached. She was soon in front of Lesser and Law. Law looked at her with a bored and curious expression and Lesser had a smile on her face. Katherina trembled. Her mentor had this weird, uncanny way of making her nervous and warm at the same time. She took a deep breath and handed her the gift bag.

“HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!” Lesser looked surprised, so did Law. Lesser gently took the bag from her and pulled her into a tight hug.

“Thank you. That was very thoughtful of you,” she blushed and hesitated before hugging back. Her hugs were even nice.

“I-I know you like tea…so I had a special blend made just for you,” she muttered

“Alright, let’s try it,” Lesser took out another teapot, brewed the tea and poured it out for her two children and herself. Katherina looked at it. It smelt so good! Lesser took a sip. Katherina held her breath in anticipation, “This is…very good!”


“Mhm! It’s floral with ginger but it’s also a green tea. It’s refreshing!”

“It’s roses with some jasmine notes,” said Law, “And cherries. It’s an unique green tea,”

“And it’s spicy,” said Lesser with a very soft sigh, “I love it,”

And it goes really well with the mousse,”

“You have a keen and excellent tastes,”

“Seriously, it’s like you knew,” Katherina smiled sheepishly as all three of them enjoyed their tea time together under the gazebo. The other maids watched on with big smiles on their faces. Cook and Dom got their Mother’s Day gift from Sanji and Baby 5 respectively and Perv and Cleaner both got something from Law.

“Should we tease her that her humanity is showing?” said Perv

“Hmmmm no, she’ll bop us good,” said Dom giggling

“Two little ones of her own, that’s so cute,” said Cook

“Jade and Floyd are going to kidnap her tonight, aren’t they?” said Cleaner

“Mhm. She made them promise to not do anything until later in the afternoon so Law and Little Kat can spend some time with her,” said Dom


A Donquixote Mother’s Day

Doflamingo woke up to commotion going on downstairs, including crashing and dishes breaking and his officers screaming and gunshots. He immediately grabbed his boa and ran downstairs and was greeted to a sight. Pica was slumped over against a wall, Jora was hiding behind a fallen table screaming, Trebol was beaten to a pulp and in his normal form, Senor Pink was panting and clinging to life on the ground and now this figure was fighting and winning against Gladius and Diamante. Corazon was sitting calmly at the table drinking his tea oblivious to what was going on. The figure was on top of Diamante beating the shit out of him with brass knuckles. Gladius pointed his weapon at the figure and in one fatal and swift motion, used Diamante as a human shield. When Diamante was taken care of, the figure went after Gladius, shooting him the legs and then pouncing him and strangling him. Doflamingo’s rage built up and walked over. Corazon ran to him and stopped him and shook his head. Doflamingo looked at him.

“WHY AREN’T YOU STOPPING—,” Corazon lifted up a piece of paper. Doffy glanced at it and his stomach dropped. The words on the paper was “Meme”. Still he couldn’t have his crew treated this way. Without warning, Doflamingo wrapped Taicho up in his ito ito no mi. The entire room went silent. Corazon’s face went pale and he immediately shuffled away from his brother, into another room and peeked out. Now he could clearly see his mother figure and even though her face looked calm, her eyes were flashing with pure, absolute anger.

“...Doflamingo Donquixote, untie me right now,” It was right then that Doffy knew, he fucked up. He cautiously let her go. Almost immediately, his jaw was hit, her stomach was kneed and his face connected with her other kneed while he was doubled over. She then hoisted him up and brought him down on her knee. He rolled off as she started to repeatedly kick him.

“YOU GOT SOME BALLS TO USE YOUR FRUIT ON ME COUYON! PETITE MERDE! SALOPE! YOU BETTER BE LUCKY YOU’RE MY SON!” when she was done she turned to the rest of the family who immediately backed off after not only getting their beating but seeing their Boss get beaten, “I’ll be in my room, you stay there and think about what you did,” she sauntered away and closed the door. Groans of pain echoed in the room. Trebol managed to speak.

“W-What room is she—,”

“Mine, don’t disturb her and get her whatever she fuckin’ wants!” later that evening, Doffy found himself outside his room. He swallowed something in his throat and knocked on the door.

“Enter,” he opened the door to see Meme signing to Roci, who was happily talking to her. She was smiling and signing back. He had no idea what they were saying. He didn’t bother to learn sign language and would rather just talk to Roci with pen and paper. When he walked in, if looks could kill, he would have been dead, “Get over here you sack of shit,”

“I’m sorry Meme!”

“You INVITED me here and your pathetique excuse for goons attacked me! You better be lucky that Roci signed to me who they were, you little shit! Anyway, the hell do you want?”

“Right! Okay Roci!” Roci nodded and took out a small box and Doffy went under her bed and took out an envelope. Taicho looked puzzled at the pair. Roci gave his gift first and signed: Happy Mother’s Day! She smiled and opened it. Inside was a locket with pictures of himself, Doffy, and their parents. She smiled and wiped her eyes on her sleeve.

“Thank you, ma cher!” she huggled him and gave her a kiss on his cheek. He smiled and hugged back.

“Tch! Mine’s better!” said Doffy

“Oh? Put up or shut up couyon!” Doflamingo proudly handed her the envelope. Inside was multiple passes and tickets, beli, and debit cards, “...if you’re giving me your debts, I’m going to beat the ever living shit out of you,”

“What?! No! I got you a five year vacation! You can travel anywhere for as long as you like! If you run out of money, you can just tell me and I’ll reload everything!”

“This was something you were supposed to do, couyon!” she snorts, “And you know damn well I like things that are meaningful! You threw money without thought! Shame on you!” Roci cocked his head and got up. Before Doflamingo could stop him, Roci pulled out something from his desk. He tried to stop him before he handed it to Meme. Doffy tried to get it back but she stopped him. It was a handmade card with crudely drawn pictures of Doflamingo, Taicho, and Roci together with the words: Happy Mother’s Day in poorly written French and with Taicho’s crest. Roci grinned and signed: He made it!


“Awwww my little Doffy made me a card and it’s so cute!”

“It’s awful and you know it!”

“But you still made it!” she said with a smile and hugged him, “This was thoughtful of you,”

“Tch!” she pulled him down for a cheek kiss too. He blushed and looked away embarrassed.

“My boys are little sweethearts and because I got two beautiful gifts, I’m going to make you two dinner,”

<We should be making YOU dinner!> Roci signed

“I’LL make dinner!” said Doflamingo

“I’ll trust Roci before I trust you,” said Meme, “Dinner may be burned but you can’t even boil water, couyon! I’ll make dinner and we can all eat together,” the boys nodded and watched her disappear out of the room. There was then shouting as she started barking and shouting orders for the Donquixote Family to get the ingredients she needed and them scrambling to do what she wanted on the threat of death. The Donquixote Brothers looked at the door with nostalgia in their heads. Roci grinned and handed Doffy a paper.

<She liked mine better!>

“YOU WISH! She LOVED mine!”

Chapter 100: Ace and Me: OST


There was a soundtrack XD

Hey everyone! The next Chatper is almost done but since this is the 100th posting (not 100th Chapter), I decided to make something to tie you all over until then. This was shared with hiddenmangaka and mookie0218 on Tumblr and decided to share it with you here and not on the blog since many don't really look at it. SOOOOO Ace and Me had a soundtrack and I placed all of the music and tracks where appropriate! So I IMPLORE you to re-read it with the music and have a good chuckle XD

Chapter Text


The beautiful, average girl fell from the portal and landed in a strange world. She looked around. The world was a dreary shit show, liked something an orphan would have created. She looked around. Everything seemed like it was from a very stupid old anime’s star kingdom. The girl who fell from the sky was a girl named Holly and she was beautiful, flawless even. She was an visage of beauty and grace with rockin’ breasts, an award winning personality, yet go virginal innocence. When she was taken to this weird world, she fell and landed gracefully but with a thud. She was fine of course but she did land on something that was moving.

“Hey get off me!” she jumped off and realized she was sitting on a freckled Adonis.

Ace's Theme:

She froze. This man was freaking gorgeous, like god had carved him out of pure marble. Usually she thought freckles were ugly, usually on girls but this man wore them well. He was wearing tight black leather pants that accentuated every part of him, especially the thick bulge in his pants! You know what I mean girls. And he was wearing a black sleeveless vest revealing a muscled, glistening chest and wearing a collar. Of course the beautiful average maiden was smitten. The strange boy looked a little disoriented and then looked as though he had woken up. He then looked around, “I’m free…I’m free from that dirty cunt’s hold!” he looked at her with a smile, “Y-You freed me!”

“I-I what?” she said coyly

“You freed me from the Evil Princess’s curse! I’m forever—,” then there was a loud BOOM. The beautiful average maiden jumped. The handsome stranger grabbed and held her against his chest, “It’s not safe! Come on!” he picked her up bridal style and ran with her. She could feel his strong hands on her perky butt, “My name is Ace, by the way, what’s yours, beautiful?”


“Beautiful name. Holly green is my favorite color,” she blushed. He then held her in his strong arms and ran with her through the gunfire and magic. But Ace was fast and agile and easily dodged the attacks, using his body as a shield to protect her own. However, suddenly Holly started to glow, Ace looked down at her bewildered as Holly’s untapped magic brought her and Ace to safety. When the glow disappeared, they were in a different location. Ace looked around and then looked relieved.

“We’re safe now! Way to go Holly!”

“Thanks but I don’t know what I did!”

“ACE?! IS THAT YOU?! Several men came running into the area where they were. In total there were eight handsome men. They were dressed like male dancers, some with cocks out, see through tops and jewels everywhere. Ace smirked.

“Welcome to the Resistance, Holly!”

The Camp:

The men of the resistance were handsome, beautiful men who were captivated by her immense beauty and grace. She had to admit, they were all easy on the eyes, none of those could compare to what she saw and loved about Ace.

“We would all love to first welcome you to the Resistance but we’re also sad to tell you that you came at the worst time!” said Coby

“What’s going on? I’m a humble girl who came out of nowhere!” said Holly coyly

“Well you’re in the Realm of Doom,” said the man named Kid, “And in the Realm of the Bitch Queen,”


Bitch Queen Theme:


“Bitch Queen?! She sounds bad!” said Holly

“You have NO idea!” said Sanji, “She’s a terrible person, ugly, insidious, and outright just, a creepy person!”

“We were getting the last people out of her kingdom when you came!” said Killer, “Ace was the last man and you landed on him but he was still under her influence,”

“But your beauty broke the spell!” said Ace smiling at her, “I can’t believe I’m so lucky,”

“And we have reason to believe that you’re the answer to our prayers!” said Deuce, “You’re magical and it might be enough to finally rid this land of the Bitch Queen once and for all!”

“I’m in if it means freeing you all from the clutches of that girl!” said Holly

“Good, good!” said Sanji, “You must be tired, please sleep and enjoy our encampment. It’s tiny community of people who all managed to flee the Bitch Queen’s Realm!”

“Enjoy your stay and look around,” said Law, “And come by later so I can attend to your injuries,” she nodded and soon drifted off to sleep. In the morning, as she woke up, she noticed someone in her room. He said nothing but crawled about on his knees and pathetically served her her breakfast. Holly looked at the weird boy in almost disgustingly intrigue. He had a long nose, dark skin, and thick black hair. She felt sorry for the weird looking boy, he wasn’t all attractive. She seriously thought he was a monster or even an orc, sans the teeth but he had a very nice body, too bad about the face, especially the dick looking nose. After she ate, she ran to ask someone what was up with him.

Ussop's Theme:


“Where was a weird man serving me food!”

“Who?” said Law protectively, “Did they do it while you were changing?!” Holly explained what happened, “Oh don’t mind him, he’s a subhuman that the Bitch Queen used to keep around,”

“So why do you guys keep him around anyway?” she asked

“Ussop? Well, he’s good for getting things for us and he was apart of the Bitch Queen court. Apparently she accepted everyone into her debauchery. Even fishmen!” said Coby, “He was the Butcher Princess’s beau. It was because he escaped. Since he helped us we took him with us. Apparently he was to be a breeder for stronger men for the kingdom or something. Him and Ace,”

“What the hell?!”

“Apparently she had a menagerie of people with different looks and wanted to make a freak army. Apparently there was a woman who wasn’t a fishman but had fishman teeth. She raised Law but Law was always disgusted by her. There was also a clown and she was tryig to force them to be his “parents” but Law always knew that he had real normal parents,”

“She’s insane!”

“Yeah and that’s why Ussop was there! He was to make more kids like that! The Bitch Queen was a monster!” Holly contemplated what kind of a world she was in now. The stakes were high and the Bitch Queen held all of the cards. She then heard music. She followed it to see Kid and Killer playing and goofing around and drinking. She smirked.

“Room for one more?” they moved aside and Holly proved that she could hang just as well as they could!


Kid and Killer's Song:


“Holly you’re the coolest bitch I know!” said Kid as he and Killer watched her drink down an entire bottle of vodka without flinching. She slammed the bottle with authority.

“That was nothing! You should see me with rum!”

“And so witty!” said Killer, “Are you sure you’re not the smartest girl in your school?”

“I KNOW I am but everyone is sooooooooo against me!”

“Want us to beat them up for you? A princess like you shouldn’t be bothered with such shit,”

“No, it’s okay! I’m a big girl, I can handle it!”

“Oh we know you can, you’re SO badass!” said Kid., “It’s so refreshing to be around a beautiful woman. I was a part of the Bitch Queen’s court, I had a side piece with the Purple Princess, Plum,” said Kid shuddering, “She was this wannabe sassy chick with a bad dye job,”

“She sounds awful!”

“Not as bad at the pink haired nightmare! She was such a brat and often wanted me to double team her and her green haired brother! I think they get off on the humiliation,”

“They need to be stopped! I’ll go over there and give that girl a piece of mind!”

“Yeah, don’t go near her!” said Kid taking Holly’s hands into his, “I don’t want her or anyone hurting my badass chick,”

“Kid…you’re so protective of me…I…I don’t know what to think,”

“It’s okay, I know your heart belongs to Ace and I don’t blame you. Look at him compared to me! Knowing your friendship is on my side will always keep me going,” Holly was getting used to this world. It was like a dystopian society where everyone was affected horribly but the Bitch Queen. But then she saw her. There was another woman at the camp with her. A pink haired beauty who was dressed in a see through dress. She looked fearful as well but also relaxed if that made sense. Suddenly the girl looked at her. Their eyes met. Holly felt her heart pounding. The girl blushed and looked away but Holly knew there was something there. She made her lady parts tingle.

“Who was that,” she said to no one in particular.

“That’s Reiju,” said Ussop from behind. She jumped. She was in the shadows looking pathetic as usual, “She was the Bitch Queen’s appointed royal consort. The only reason Reiju stayed was because her three brothers were captive there,”

“That poor girl!”

“Mhm,” that night before bed, everyone gathered in the square for entertainment. They had nothing but music and themselves but they had to keep a low profile in fear of the Bitch Queen. Holly was about to go to bed when she was grabbed and dragged through the crowd.

“Hey Holly! We need one more for our duo band!” said Killer, “With you we can be the badass trio!”

“You play anything?” said Kid

“Me? Oh yeah! I’m SO multi-talented! I can just about play any instrument you’d give me!” Killer looked at her with awe and fascination as he handed her a guitar.

“Shit you’re in luck! That’s Killer’s guitar! He named her Nameless because he promised that he’d only name her after a beautiful woman,”

“Her name’s Holly now!” Holly blushed in flattery. Killer winked at her from under his hair. She didn’t see it but she knew he did it. Holly then picked up the guitar and went to town on the guitar that shared her namesake! Of course she was a rocker at heart! She was the best rocker, having given the Soul King pointers back in her world, she’s THAT good! Soon people gathered around and started cheering chanting her name over and over.

“HOL-LY! HOL-LY! HOL-LY! HOL-LY! WHOOO!!!” after EFFORTLESSLY finishing ten sets, she was exhausted. Everyone was happy and she was now dubbed Queen of the Rebellion aka the Rebel Queen! When she got off stage, everyone greeted her, admired her, and sung their praises about her. Reiju looked on from afar. Reiju never had a best friend before. She was constantly under the thumb of the evil Bitch Queen, it was super awesome that she wasn’t under that bitch’s control anymore. No more did she have to pay for her castle, her lifestyle, and being forced to pay tribute to such a horrible, disgusting, pathetic non royal girl. Reiju never felt this way before. She never knew what it was like to have a bff and she was glad it was Holly. Though she did feel that she could get away with having fwb with her. She wanted that type of relationship. Especially since the Bitch Queen made her soft, like her womanhood would shrink up into herself! Girls you know what I mean! As she walked up to her, the crowd parted. Reiju then took her into her arms.

“Holly, let me experiment with you! I want you to be my bff and fwb!”

“R-Really Reiju?!”

“Mhm but of course not until you have Ace just once,” she winked and pushed her into Ace’s awaiting arms. Ace then dragged her away from prying eyes. Before she knew it, they were making up obscenely in a wooded area. He totally felt her up because he couldn’t contain himself any longer. Holly could feel Ace’s bulge against her. She bit her lip and hitched her breath. Ace was a beautiful man, he looked as though he stepped out of a Chippendale magazine.

“It feels so good to have an erection again,” he purred and pulled her closer, “Being around the Bitch Queen for so long, it was hard to get one, even with the thoughts of a beautiful woman came to mind,”

“You poor thing! I didn’t think anyone could be that boner shattering!”

“You have NO idea but you made me have my manhood back…thank you,”

“It’s nothing!” he then gave her a devious smile.

“Want to…see it?” she knew he was seducing her and it was working. She had to look coy and pure, she was an innocent virgin after all, unlike the Bitch Queen and her court who had to pay and brainwash the masses into fucking them! The gall and sheer nastiness! She nodded. He smirked and ripped off his pants, just like the strippers too. It was then she knew that Ace was commando and it was hot. Ace was hairy, proving he was a man, not a fuck boy. His cock was long and thick, perfect for anyone woman, except the Bitch Queen, who probably had the worst vagina ever! But most notable was that it was covered in cute little freckles. She was in awe. She wanted it and he KNEW.

Bathhouse Scene:

“Is that a piercing?!” she gasped.

“I just got it for you because it’ll enhance our night! Holly the moment I laid eyes upon you, I wanted you, I desired you, I want us to be together forever!”

“Ace…please let’s make this more…special,” she gently pushed him away.

“But the longer I wait…the more pent up I become. I’ll become a ravenous beast! And I won’t be able to stop! But you’re worth the wait, so I’ll go my best!” Although it was a rebel encampment, there was beautiful hot spring surrounded by nature. Holly disrobed and stepped into the water. Her body was smooth and silky like silk. She was blessed and endowed with a beautiful fluffy chest and a perfect womanhood that was also becoming sensitive because of the hot water. She was happy in the water as it soothed her and made her body sensitive to the point a tiny prick could send her into the throws of passion. Then she heard something in the trees. She immediate STOOD up and cover her womanhood with her hand while her arms over her chest.

“S-SHOW YOURSELF! How dare you come in and look at me!” there was some rustling before a young man came out of the tree. He was touching himself through her pants. Holly gasped.

“Deuce you pervert!”

“I-I couldn’t help myself! You’re so beautiful!”

“Noooooo! How could you!” hearing his beloved screech, Ace ran to see what was going on!

“Deuce you bastard!” said Ace, “How DARE you peep at my innocent, pure, virginal Holly!” Ace ran into the hot spring to cover Holly’s perk, erect boobs, “Just because we stopped fucking doesn’t mean you can peep at her!”

“We never stopped you idiot,” said Deuce with a sly grin, “In fact why doesn’t we welcome Holly more properly by giving her a show she won’t forget~” Holly could feel Ace smirking.

“Holly do you mind?”

“N-No not at all! E-especially if it’s a part of your customs!” Deuce sauntered into the hot spring, taking off his clothes one by one. Around this time, Ace had moved from Holly and up to Deuce and before she knew it, the pair were making out in front of her. She’s never seen two men make out before and the whole scene was hot. Deuce ran his hands up and down Ace’s bare chest and both men were touching and stroking and fingering each other in the hot steamy water. After the show, they winked and went on their way, knowing that they just got her hot and bothered. Holly went to sleep that night. Even though it was a rebel camp with limited sources, there was a massive feather down bed just for her, with a view overlooking the scarily beautiful realm. She hunkered down into the bed and about to drift off to sleep when she heard something…off.

“Mmmmm…Holly…fuuuuuuuck,” she opened her eyes. She tried to sleep again but then she heard it again, “Hooooooolly fuuuuuck mmmmmmmmmm~” that was Ace’s voice. She blushed. Was he dreaming about her? She dreamt about him but then she heard it…the sound and it was a little faster and louder.


…was Ace touching himself?! W-While thinking of her? The ultimate form a flattery?!


He was. Holly’s face went red as she listened. Was he in the room next to her?

“Holly…fuck me…ride me…I need you…nugh!” Ace orgasmed and soon was snoring. In the morning, Sanji made breakfast. She was the first one down and he had a special place set just for her, her breakfast was on crystals and consisted of smoked salmon, caviar, a duck egg omelette with prosciutto, and grapefruit juice. Ussop served her and everyone without question. She happily dug into her food.


The Camp Next Day:


“Sanji this is delicious!” she exclaimed.

“Thank you. I used to be the Bitch Queen’s cook and her fat ass always wanted something with loads of sugar and was generally unhealthy and the way she ate was disgusting. It made us all gag. She used to make Ace eat shit off her feet. She has a foot fetish,”

“The more I hear about her, the worst it is!”

“Right? But this is meals time so we don’t discuss her. When we do we lose our appetites,” Ussop served everyone without word, looking as pathetic as ever. Ace however, was enjoying his breakfast of meat and a bowl of peach yogurt.
She watched as Ace licked his spoon up and down and in a suggestive way. He sucked on it and pulled it own clean before dipping it back into his yogurt. This went on for a very long time until Ace “Accidently” dropped some of his bare naked chest.

“Oops~ Holly, would you be a doll and clean me up~”

“No time for that!” said Coby, “The Bitch Queen sent out a spell and it’s heading towards us!”

“What?!” the men looked fearful and afraid

“I’m afraid so! And it’s a powerful one!”

“Holly, you must fulfill the prophecy,” said Deuce, “By the end of the night, of not…the curse will return and we’ll all be back under the spell of the Bitch Queen,”

“Please Holly, you’re our only hope,” said Reiju taking her hands into hers and stroking them tenderly, “Please, we don’t want to go back to that horrible place,” Holly nodded, her heart filled with determination.

“I’ll do it!”

“Ace and I will go with you to make sure you’re okay and to guide you but you have to use your magic to do the rest! Here’s your magical ribbon and it’s your best and only weapon against the tyrants you’ll meet! Good luck my fwb!”


First Room:

The Bitch Queen’s Fortress was a massive eyesore in the middle of the kingdom. It was black, evil looking and filled with darkness, just like the Bitch Queen’s heart. As promised, she came with two trusted companions, as the others were too frightened to come, in fear of the Bitch Queen’s wrath. There were three rooms that Holly had to get through. The first room was with the five succubi. All of them were beautiful but she was warned to not be taken in by their looks for they were nasty, dirty sluts who tried to turn Law into a sexual deviant and freak himself. The Shark Mouth especially wanted to saw his teeth to make him look like her and she tried to force him to take care of her demonic boar headed son! Rumors had it she fucked with pigs like the woman who created the Minotaur!

“There’s only ONE way to defeat the succubi! If you’re a man, having constant sex with them but if you’re a beautiful, pure hearted maiden, you have to show them their true reflections! Once they see their beauty, they’ll see their true forms and die from fright!” Holly steeled herself and went in. Almost immediately Shark Mouth’s boar headed son ran at her, naked and ugly squealing like a pig in order to alert the succubi who were have an orgy all around them. The clown and a man that looked like a pineapple was fucking Shark Mouth at both ends. She up, shoves them off her, they exited her with a pop. She opened her mouth. It unhinged like the video game fighter.

“SEIZE HER!” all at once the other three ran at the Rebel Queen. The Cook Succubus used her large milk breasts to squirt out poisonous breast milk. Holly dodged it and ran as the Whip Succubus tried to restrain her but once again Holly was too fast for her. Finally the Nasty Succubus spreads her legs to let loose noxious poisonous venom from her nasty cunt but although disgusted, The Rebel Queen ran away and managed to evade them all. Holly took her magical ribbon and twirled it into a large circle, revealing a large mirror. The succubi saw their true reflections and screamed in horror. They started to melt and combust into nothing but ash. Shark Mouth, the Clown, and her Boar Son turned to stone in a sexually deviant type of pose. The men and woman in the room’s chains fell off. They praised and thanked the Rebel Queen. Reiju stayed behind to help them as Holly goes into the next room.

Second Room:

The second room was the demon brother twins. Ace warned her about them too! Apparently they were demons who were twins who were sadistic, evil demons who liked young girl flesh! The Bitch Queen reserved that punishment for any girl who was prettier than her, so like the entire Realm of Doom female popular were sex chow for the brothers! Holly had the love of Ace on her side and she knew she would NOT be overtaken by two demons! She opened the door and her lady parts quivered! In front of her were the Left Demon and Right Demon. Both wore tight leather pants that showed everything through their pants. Left Twin had a black kimono top draped over him and Right Twin chest was bounded with the shibari rope technique.

“Fresh meat,” said Right Twin smirking.

“Quite brother dear,” said Left Twin, “Welcome to our Dungeon of Pleasure,”

Holly was terrified, her body belonged to Ace and ONLY Ace but she KNEW she had to use her beauty, charm and massive rack to seduce these demons in order to get into the next room. It took everything in here but she had to endure hours of intense, sexual endurance with the demon twins, eventually the twins were sweaty, spent and orgasmed thanks to her pure, knocking body.

“We…never had someone…to wear us both out like this!” said Left Twin

“The Power of you Hot Warm Womanhood has exorcised the evil within us!” said Right Twin, “No more do we want to harm but to love and fuck freely!”

“The Bitch Queen no longer has a hold on us!”

“Our cocks are yours now!”

“I thank you!”

“No thank you for having a pure and magical cunt!”

The Knight:

The final room contained the Superboss of the fortress. Holly had to stay on her toes for this was the final room before the Bitch Queen. This was the Claw Knight, Katherina Devon, the right hand man of the Bitch Queen. Her brutality was famous throughout the land. Whenever the Bitch Queen couldn’t get off her lazy, cake feeding, stupid ass to do something, she sent the Knight to do her dirty work which usually was complete and utter eradication. She was a pretty girl but deep ugly scars that she procured in battle. The moment Holly felt the door close behind her, she felt the air around her move and in complete badass instinct, she blocked the hits with her fists and her wrists because of her gears of ribbon twirling gave her lightning fast instincts. As the Knight continued, Holly with the grace of a ribbon dancing in the wind, effortlessly and gracefully blocked the attacks and weaved her way around the Knight, who couldn’t get a hit on her with her sword. This was important because it was a magical sword and because Holly had magic inside her, it didn’t have any affect. Holly decided to make a break for it and run towards the next room. The Knight ran after her, but Holly knew she had to fight back. She took out her magical ribbon that Reiju gave her that made out of gold. Using the light of her pure heart, she managed to fight her away again the Knight and with one finishing blow, the Knight was defeated. The Knight dropped her sword. The scars on her body magically disappeared. She conceded to Beautiful Rebel Queen.

“You have defeated me…and lift the curse upon me,” She was on one knee with her head down, holding up her sword.

“What happened to you, young knight?”

“I was cursed by the Bitch Queen. She made me into her puppet. I had to be defeated by someone stronger than me. And you came along!”

“Glad to help! You poor thing!” said Holly.

“Take my sword and trust it. It’s the only thing can defeat the Bitch Queen and her power,”


Battle with the Bitch Queen:

Holly was face to face with the Bitch Queen. She couldn’t understand WHY everyone fell under her spell. In front of her was a pathetic little waif that had no family, no roots, no title yet everyone seem to fall under her pathetic excuse for charm. But she knew it was the dark, nasty, and potent magic that was keeping anyone from seeing the real her. Around her were her “subjects”. There were men who were comatose and chained whom she called “brothers”. But what disgusted her the most was Reiju’s kidnapped brothers all surrounding her. Ichiji was fanning her, Niji was massaging her feet, and Yonji was rubbing her shoulders, all three men looked miserable but was obvious under a spell and looked completely out of it. They were all naked, ribbons tied around their cocks with bells attached. They looked like pathetic horses, they were hung but were at the mercy of a crazy owner. She was now Queen of the Rebellion, her full nocturnal powers were flowing through her. She knew she was more power than this bitch and she was going to prove it! She rose to her full height and decided to use her full sass and scathing remarks, which was hard because Queen Holly is very merciful and demure. However, the Bitch Queen approached her with a very sweet smile.

“Welcome to my Kingdom! It’s very nice to meet a newcomer. I hope we can be good friends and get along,” the three men followed her and kept their heads down. The Bitch Queen had a very sweet yet dark unnerving smile. Holly knew she was dripping with fakeness the moment she saw her eyes. They were closed but she knew there was darkness behind them.

“You think I’m afraid of you? LOOK at you, you’re this pathetic sad excuse for a girl, I’m a woman and you’re just a little girl who’s too afraid to face reality! That’s why you have so many people under your control because you don’t want face the inevitable that no one loves you! No one cares about you! You can’t even get Ussop the sex slave to fuck you! You’re a fat weird bitch with family issues, wait, no you don’t HAVE a family, you’re a parasite that leeches off others so they can feel sorry for you and give you emotional love but it’s not real and you know it! That’s why you want me destroyed because I can see right through you, even Ace can see right through you and he’ll NEVER love you and you can NEVER control me!” the more Queen Holly spoke, the Bitch Queen’s real personality came out! It was an ugly sight but it was so deserving to such a person, “Bitch Queen! Your reign of terror is over! I, Holly, the Rebel Queen is here to stop you!”

“Oh?” the Bitch Queen held her hand up. The three men moved aside and bowed to her in a kowtow position. However, when they raised their heads to see Holly, they were smitten by her beauty. The cocks rose and the bell gave out soft jingling, “The Rebel Queen you say? Just like in the prophecy?! Impossible, you can’t be!”

“But I am! And by the power of that is good and pure, I will punish you and free these people from your evil grasp!” Holly raised her magical sword that she conveniently got from the now Reformed Katherina and raised it into the air, then Holly started to transform! She floated into the air and her hair and clothes glowed, almost like a transformation sequence from Pretty Solider. Her beautiful battle dressed transformed into a pink blazer with yellow hearts with red shorts and yellow mini skirt with high thigh high black socks. She felt all of her friends and people she met through the short three days she’s was transported into this dimension at her side to fight and kill the tyrannical Bitch Queen! The Bitch Queen used her dark magic to send spikes and things after Holly but she effortlessly waved them away but then the ground shook, threatening to swallow Holly whole but she was fast and evaded the attacks. The Bitch Queen sent everything she had after the Rebel Queen but all of her attacks were for naught because they were evil and the power of good always triumphed over evil! Holly’s magical sword transformed into a crystal, pink, assault rifle. Inside were large crystal bullets with enough magic to obliterate the Bitch Queen. Holly was an excellent shot and before the Bitch Queen could use her magic, she unloaded infinite bullets into the ugly queen. Because she wasn’t human, black gooey blood oozed from her body but Holly knew such evil could NEVER be gone, so her magical sword turned into a flamethrower to burn away the nasty evil. The Bitch Queen begged for her life and was soon nothing but a pile of ashes. But Holly was yet not done. She twirled and used her magical girl powers and the ashes transformed into liquid and using heat, the water evaporated until the Bitch Queen and her wickedness was no more! Suddenly, the entire dark palace turned white and golden and beautiful, like a Victorian manor but more elegant. Light shone upon the prisoners of the Palace. The chains of the subjects magically fell off from them. The darkness in the Realm of Doom lifted and everyone looked around as though they woke up from a terrible nightmare. Holly heard footsteps behind her and saw the Resistance coming up from behind. She smiled at them. Ace and Reiju immediately ran to her and started to examine her.


The Bitch Queen defeated:


“Are you okay?! Did she hurt you?!” said Ace giving her a kiss on the lips, then checks, then nose, then lips again, “My precious girl!”

“No, no, she’s fine! Flawless as ever!” said Reiju adjusting her breasts, “Everything is intact on her!”

“Is everyone safe?!” said Holly

“Mhm! Thanks to you cleaning the rooms, everyone is a-okay,” said Katherina, “We watched your battle and you were magnificent!”

“Ugggh what happened?” said Ichiji holding his head

“Where are we?” said Niji

“A-Are we in the Realm of Doom?!” said Yonji

“No…we’re, someplace—Rei!” Reiju ran to her brothers, having been reunited with them, giving hugs and kisses. The cocks twitched in happiness at seeing their sister, the bells ringing loud and proud.

“I’ll transform form clothes upon them, Reiju! I can’t believe the Bitch Queen was so perverse!”

“Actually, these are traditional wear~” said Yonji

“This is what royalty wear where we comes from!” said Niji

“In fact, Reiju is usually topless with a thinner top,” said Ichiji. On cue, Reiju took off her top, revealing her large but not as large as Holly’s breasts that were bound shibari style with bells on her nipples. She happily bounced letting them jingle.

“That’s better!”

“Y-You freed us from the control of the Bitch Queen,” said a tall writhed man, “You free me and my sons from that evil girl,”

“Pops are you okay?!” said Ace

“More than okay! My daughter has some back to her rightful home,” Holly looked shocked.

“W-What are you saying?”

“Holly you belong to our world,” said Pops, “You were taken from our world by the Bitch Queen. She posed as the heir and banished you to another world so she can take your rightful place as our beloved daughter. She used her powers of manipulation and cunning to con us into giving into all of her whims, leaving you to suffer in hell while she lives in paradise. Now that her spell is broken, I want to welcome you, our dear beautiful daughter Holly into our family!” tears ran down her face. She KNEW she was destined for greatness and having a sweet family and it was now blatantly clear that the Bitch Queen used her parasitic magic to swap her and banish her to a different world and so she could latch onto and feed off of this one to suit her every whim. Using her beautiful warrior magic, she was able to transform the Realm of Doom into a place of beauty and happiness. Her brothers welcomed her with opened arms and love and proclaimed her as queen.

“Holly, let’s consummate our union!” said Ace pulling Holly into his arms. Before she knew it, he started to obscenely make out with her on the throne of the former Bitch Queen. Suddenly, she felt someone rubbing her shoulders. Reiju was now behind her whispering dirty things into her ear. Soon Reiju was on top of her while Ace pleasured himself to two hot girls doing it, then Kid and Killer joined, then Coby, then Law, but not Ussop because he was an eunuch and knew he couldn’t please her. From that moment on Holly became the Rebel Queen and new ruler of this world with Ace by her side. The evil Bitch Queen was never heard from again and probably died in the dungeon and everyone lived happily ever after.

The End Credits:

Chapter 101: The Rescue Mission


Cool Wife goes to save his Dorky Husband

A/N: Okay, you're probably wondering why I've been having a Lesser x Corazon kick lately. There's a perfectly logical explanation for this and it can be found here:

I had to EXPLAIN to this man that I wrote fanfic, Lesser and Corazon relationship and thank god for masks because I was a flustered mess the WHOLE time DX I did this all for you all and you're welcome! Also if anyone you all are going to Fanime let me know! I would to say hi in person!

Chapter Text

It was a live broadcast that was publicized throughout the radio and den den mushi, even interrupting the latest episode of Pretty Soldier. The Inkblot Pirates had captured and was holding hostage five high ranking Marines: Smoker, Hina, Bellamere, Captain Rye, and Rosinante. They were threatening for their demands to be met or they would be killing one Marine for every two days one of their demands weren’t met, starting from the highest ranking to lowest. The five Marines were shown to be beaten and defeated somehow with strange metal collars around their necks. If anyone attempted a rescue mission, no matter if Marine or any vigilante, their collars would detonate around their necks and end them permanently. Nami and Nojiko were beside themselves and sobbing, worried about their mother. Law went into big brother mode and immediately got them to the Whitebeard home where they were welcomed with open arms and comforted. The news had everyone on the edge of their seats, Sengoku had his hands tied but also didn’t want to give into the demands of pirates but he also knew he would have three orphaned grandchildren on his hands, and in Captain Rye’s case, five siblings losing their big brother and hometown hero. Captain Ink was notorious for going back on his words and if he got bored or anything planned he deemed was compromised would result in instant death for the five Commodores. However, there was one person who watched everything unfold and they were not happy. They weren’t annoyed, they weren’t inconvenienced, they were absolutely, unabashedly pissed. When word hit about particularly WHO was amongst the Marines sealed the fates of the Inkblot Pirates. Two days was all they needed. They left the villa without a word and made their way to a small boat with only themselves and left.

“Two days?!” said Cleaner, “T-That’s not enough time!”

“No it isn’t!” said Perv, “Shit! This isn’t good! Where’s Law?!”

“I called the Whitebeard home, he’s there with No and Nami,” said Cook, “Boss can’t help because if they knew the relationship between him and Corazon, that’s going to open more cans of worms,”

“Where is Boss?”

“He’s PISSED but in his room keeping an eye on things. I’m not going in there when he’s like this and I suggest you lot don’t either,”

“....where’s Lesser?”

“....isn’t she in the garden?”

“I thought she was in the living room but she’s not there,” Dom soon came down stairs looking unbothered as she merrily went towards the kitchens, “Dom hon, where’s Lesser?”

“Her man’s in trouble so she went to handle it,”

“W-What?!” said Cleaner

“Yeeeeeeeah, she’s been watching the moment it was broadcasted and she left about an hour ago. Apparently they’re about a few hours from here. She should reach the ship by midnight,”

“....she’s going to kill them isn’t she?” Perv

“Probably disembowel them too or send them to Boss and Taicho because yeah,”

“Poor dumb bastards,”

“....I’ll get the popcorn ready,” said Cook excitedly, “Caramel’s good?”

“Mhm!” said Perv

Lesser emerged from the water, after swimming from her small boat. She jumped onto the bottom of the ship, allowing herself to dry a bit and pulled her tiny boat close with rope. She anchored it and scaled up the ship. It was nearly dawn, the sun was about to come up and she knew she had the element of surprise on her side. She climbed to the deck but listened for a few moments. She could hear soft breathing and sounds and about one pair of boots walking. One lookout and everyone else was sleeping. She could handle that. She got to the deck and looked around. The Marine ship that was overtaken was closeby, with only a makeshift bridge board to connect the two. So that means the Marines were still on their ship and the Inkblots were on both. She cracked her back. This would be like shooting fish in a barrel. She swiftly and silently disabled each sleeping man and bound and gagged them with a few ball gags from Dom’s room. That way she knew they would keep quiet. She tied them all to the railings of the deck and waited. The Lookout was making his final rounds and saw that his crewmates were all in such a state. He was about to sound the alarm when he felt a knife to his throat.


“Breaking news! It appears that one of the commodores had somehow gotten free and now is loose in the ship, but another turn of events is a woman who mysteriously appeared on boat has not only disabl—,” the radio connection cut off and now the Inkblot Pirates who were on the ship were alerted. The men scrambled back to their ship, only to realize too late that not only was the board they used was gone, it was burned. On the other side, they could clearly see their men all bound and gagged. They immediately ran back inside, only for the door to slam and lock. They ran at it, shoving and banging but to know avail. They were trapped like rats on a deck where they had nowhere to go. Under their ruthless captain’s orders, either fix the problem or die. It was still dark outside and despite everything, the entire deck was dead quiet, an unnerving quiet. They didn’t know why but they felt like sitting ducks and they were terrified. They huddled together as they went around the deck to see about another way in. then they heard a yelp. There were ten of them and now there were nine. They were beginning to get freaked out now. They looked around for any signs of someone around. There was another yelp, now there were eight. The remaining men immediately formed a back to back circle and linked their arms together in order to keep themselves safe. There was a crack and a man let out a stifled scream and now there were six. Some men started to panic and decided to make a run for it only for them to scream and one again silence. There were now only three. The three men huddled together. The sun was coming up, making it easier for them to see, then it was discovered there were only two. The last men were now visibly nervous. Terrified about what happened to the rest of their crew.

“H-Hey mate!” said one of the men


“L-Let’s just stay put until sunrise, that way we can get a better look of what’s going on,”

“Sounds like a plan,” the first man’s heart was pounding and soon, light engulfed the ship. Precious, beautiful light and a way to reveal their surroundings. The first man was relieved but just happened to look up. All of his crew members were hung up around the ship, bound and gagged with something dislocated and broken. They were horrified and scared and had no idea how someone could do this to another. He turned to the crew member he was linked with and realized he was holding onto a severed arm. He threw it and went to run away and found a woman sitting calmly on the railing. She glanced up at him and gave a sweet smile, “Morning,” he backed away, she had the piercing eyes of a demon, long black hair of that came from the ember of hell itself and the smile was that of a fuckin’ shark. He ran to blow the whistle, only to be tackled, a strong grip on his throat. She lifted the man by his neck and looked at him with a large toothy smile, “Now, let’s start back at the beginning. Tell me where are the Marines that you captured? I don’t like to be kept waiting and for every single moment I don’t get an answer, I’m going to rip something off,” she brought him down. His teeth were visibly shown and her voice was a very soft whisper, “Starting with this EAR!” she opened her mouth wide.



Lesser opened the door and headed to the captain quarters of the ship. The crew mate gave her more than enough information and no thanks to that broadcasting snail, she knew she was expected. Almost immediately, shots ran out of the darkness. When the pirates thought the intruder was dead, they immediately went to investigate. To their horror, they riddled one of their own with the bullets. The man who checked in on their crew mate was immediately grabbed by the neck by a rope and launched into the air. The men screamed and went to turn away, only for them to have every single joint shot out. They screamed writhing on the ground as a long force shattered their wrists with every step. Lesser made her way through the under belly of the ship and looked for any signs of the captain's quarters. She was on search mode and knew she had to make sure no one got hurt or shot as she looked, the Marine’s lives were still a priority. She barely noticed when they went quiet. She felt someone behind her. Suddenly there was a shot from behind her. She turned to see one of the guards at her feet. She looked up. She saw something in the darkness and kept her weapon drawn and pointed, just in case. Soon, familiar gold hair and a white uniform emerged.








“NO! He doesn’t know I’m here! Can’t let anyone know you’re a Donquixote,”

“Where’s Law, Nami, and Nojiko?”

“Safe with the Whitebeard Family,” a guard came from nowhere, screaming at the pair with a knife. In a swift motion, Lesser grabbed the man, slammed him down, and slit his throat without breaking her eye contact or conversation, “How in the hell did this happen?”

“We had a mole on the ship and not exactly a mole, more like the navigator led us right into a trap. I don’t know HOW he got through clearance but they waited until we were sleeping,”

“ used your calm to sleep through the attack didn’t you?” he rubbed the back of his neck.

“Heh, yeah…” they both stepped back as another guard rushed at them. He slammed the man’s head repeatedly into the wall of the ship and let him go. He slumped down in between them. Lesser sighed.

“I swear either they’re getting smarter or you guys are getting sloppy. Alright, do you have a plan?”

“Yes but it’ll be easier with my partner in crime,” she reddened but then snorts

“W-Whatever! What do I need to do?”

“I just need someone to disarm the collars on Smoker and Hina and Bellemere,”

“Why are they collared?”

“Because their devil fruits are known and Belle gave them an extremely hard time. Rye and I complied the whole time, even while being tortured a bit. So they think I’m not as much as a threat. Dumbasses,”

“You have an example of the collar?” He hands it over to her. Lesser turned it over a few times, “PFFFFT! They got the cheapest one on the market! It’s an older Celestial Dragon model that anyone can get their mitts on. Okay, I can handle it,”

“I know,” he winks

“Also, unrelated. Who was the one who was torturing you?”

“Captain Ink himself. The man is a powerhouse and his devil fruit is Ink,”

“Good to know. I’ll meet you there in ten minutes,”

“Got it….where am I going exactly?”

“The main area of the ship is a few feet from where we are, but there’s a way inside via a ventilation area,”

“Okay, I’ll go through there!”

“I’ll use my Calm to keep you covered,”

Captain Ink was pacing like a lion in front of his prey. He was a clever man and this plan worked out perfectly in his favor. Even if he lost one hostage, it didn’t matter, he would be soon found and killed. As long as he had these three he would still be able to retire without any worries. He wasn’t an old pirate of old or anything like that but he just wanted to retire from the pirate life on an island. It sounded like heaven to just do this and show up his two siblings in the process, all three of them made names for themselves and all three were clever enough. Unlike them, he didn’t have a face for his wanted poster because no one other than those he intended to kill or a part of his crew ever saw his face. He was a tall, built man with slicked back jet black hair, gray eyes, and pale. He wore large brown boots and a large gray pirate coat.

“Your companion is probably dead by now,” he said with a smirk, “You four will join him soon if your Marines don’t give me what I want,” they leered at him. Without warning, he slammed his boot into Rye’s chest. He coughed against his gag and slumped over. The other three struggled to get out. Captain Ink smirked and did it again and again until Rye slumped to the side, “I didn’t take me long to capture five Marines. If this is the fight you’re all putting up, it’s pathetic. I should contact Sengoku and tell him about each time he’s idle, I’ll be sending a body part or two. But I’ll wait until sundown, I am a man of my word after all. Even with four, if any of you are worth your salt, I can finally retire on an island and rub it into my brother and dear sister’s face as the ONLY sibling who hadn’t been captured by Marines!” Roci as if on cue fell and landed on Captain Ink. This prompted him to immediately get up and a fight ensued between the two men, with Roci having the element of surprise on his side. Roci used his Calm to stealthily run circles around and attack the Captain, who morphed into an black, gooey inky form of himself and sent wave after wave of attacks at the shorter man. He turned his ink into blades, needles, and spikes to attack him, but CRoci could only duck and dodge and clumsily shoot, missing him entirely. Bellemere noticed the figure waiting for the distraction and came out of her hiding spot. No one could hear her. She nudged her colleagues to alert them to what was going on. Hina and Smoker watched the woman swiftly get behind them and started fiddling with their collars first. Smoker resisted only for her to smack the back of his head. He growled as his collar fell onto his lap. She did the same to Hina and Bellemere. She then worked on their cuffs from behind and moved aside. When Smoker was free, the entire room filled with smoke.

Captain Ink turned and realized that his prisoners were not only free but ready to fight. He immediately ran towards the detonator to set them off, only for him to be caged by Hina. He laughed and oozed into a puddle of ink and went after her again. Hina managed to move in time, not before kicking the detonator away from him. Dense heavy smoke filled the room making it hard for anyone to see or breathe. Captain Ink smirked and made himself into a puddle of ink and slithered around and through the smoke and waited until he was at the Marine’s feet and attempted to engulf him. He managed to almost completely get him when he felt something slam into him. He screeched and retreated as Bellemere held up the detonator. She smirked and he realized his mistake and changed back into his human form, allowing the collar to fall. He glared and went after her. She tossed the detonator and fought with him, keeping the collar away from her. In one swift motion he slammed against the wall and stuck her there with ink. He searched around for his detonator and saw that a woman was holding it and staring him down. This woman…he was sure he knew who she was. He couldn't figure where but her description was very familiar to him. But it didn’t matter, she could be alone, alive or dead and he couldn’t care less. If she was dangerous, SHE would have to prove it to him. Captain Ink growled and went after Lesser, who remained completely still. He morphed into his ink form. When he was just a few feet from her. She moved to the side and threw a water balloon at him. He screeched as she threw another and another. His ink form was melting and he didn’t know where to go before he backed away from her and ran to one of his ink jars. She calmly went over and placed a piece of seastone over the opening. The ink inside recoiled to the bottom.

“Holy shit was that planned?!” said Rye

“Mhm,” said Roci grinning, “I noticed the bottles and shot them all out except one. I knew that Lesser most likely did recon and was trying to study his fighting style. Once she knew it was all over. What was that you threw at him?”

“Water balloons filled with rubbing alcohol. It’s the only thing that breaks down ink. I also keep seastone on me just in case and when I saw him escaping into a bottle, I made sure he couldn’t get out without nullifying himself in said bottle,”

“Wait, you keep seastone on you?!” said Bellemere

“Usually my brass knuckles but that’s when I have someone difficult,”

“And you’re okay with that?!” she looked at Roci

“Mhm, because I know Lesser would probably bite her tongue completely off before using them on me,”

“He’s right,”

“So you just had a few conveniently placed water balloons filled with alcohol lying about?” said Rye

“I do recon for everything I do. Not to mention the radio broadcasted the pirates so I placed two and two together and got prepared,”

“It’s scary how you’re pretty much a war machine,” said Bellemere

“I’ll take that as a compliment coming from you,” she then noticed Smoker and Hina looking at her. Lesser planted her feet and stared at the pair. The area in the room shifted into something not only tense but could end fairly badly.

“Wait, wait!” Roci got between them, “This is…Lesser my wife!” Roci grabbed her and hugged her close to him with a proud smile on his face. Lesser’s face went completely red. She covered her face.

“Goddamn you!”

“What? Girlfriend doesn’t sound right!”


“That doesn’t either!” Smoker and Hina looked at the woman. She wasn’t exactly what they were expecting. By the way Rocinante talked, Smoker thought she was a housewife-ish woman so he pictured a soft spoken, shorter, chubby woman. Hina thought pretty much the same thing but a meek woman that’s reserved and kind. Lesser glanced at them and gave a short nod.

“It’s nice to finally meet you two,”

“Pleasure,” said Hina, “Wait…wait…Hina has seen you before! You’re that Marine that aided with the Buster Call! Naomi, correct?”

“You caught me,” she smiled. Smoker noted her long sharp teeth, “Law and Sengoku asked me to tag along to make sure Roci and Bellemere come back safe and sound,”

“Yep! Less-chan you came ALLLLL the way here to save us~” said Bellemere, “Mainly because she didn’t want anything to happen to tall, blonde, and hot,”

“Tch, I only came here because I didn’t want to take care of three orphaned children and have to deal with Sengoku and Boss in the meantime,”

“And of course your dear hubby,”

“We’re not married yet!” said the pair in unison.

“You said yet and so tsundere to the end~” then there was a loud noise and they looked out. The Marines were coming to retrieve the ship and take in the pirates.

“Better get back to the house,” said Lesser cracking his neck and back, “I’ve had enough excitement for one day,”

“I understand. See you tonight,” said Roci

“See you then, anything special you want?”

“I’m making YOU dinner. It’s the least I can do,”

“You don’t have to, but thank you!”



“Got it,”

“Since Nami and Nojiko will be there, you’re welcomed to come too Bellemere,”

“FUCK YEAH!” Lesser pecked his cheek, only for him to grab her for a proper kiss, and made her exit blushing furiously. Hina watched her jump onto the other ship, jump over and onto her smaller boat and rowed away.

“....congrats on the wife,” said Smoker, “We’re all having drinks next week,”

“Hina wants to get to know her better,”

“She’s really funny when you get to know her,” said Bellemere, “You should have her cook for you!”

“And she’s witty when there’s a lot of people!” said Roci, “You just seen Battle Mode. She’s a beautiful army,”

“She has a Soft Mode, too!”

Law, Nami, and Nojiko were happy to see their parents back safe and sound. Roci and Bellemere thanked Whitebeard over and over for taking care of them during this time. Once they got back to his place, the undeniable smell of curry was all over the house and Lesser was enjoying her tea on the couch. Law went over and hugged her tightly, followed by Nami and Nojiko. She hugged all three with a smile.

“Told you Lesser could handle it,”

“That was SO COOL!” said Nojiko, “Where did you learn to fight like that?”

“Something I picked up from when I was about your age,”

“How did you know about the alcohol and ink?!” said Nami

“I used to spill a lot of ink when I was younger and Zio showed me how to clean it up. When I saw the crew and heard about their captain, I got some intel and filled a few water balloons with alcohol and had them on me just in case,”

“Where did you get a seastone cork?” said Law

“Once upon a time people used to have seastone items for everything in Calva and the price was ridiculous, until they realized that they couldn’t do much with it and tossed it. I collected a lot,”

“Why are you so cool?!” said Nojiko

“I was born into coolness. You each became cooler by association,”


“Leeeeeeeeeeser! I wanted to make you dinner,” he pouted

“I know and you still can but I know Law is going to want some comfort food,”

“It smells SO good in here!” said Bellemere and when Law realized just what was smelling good, he was already dishing some of the curry and handing it to his sisters before serving himself.

“Told you,”

“Please you know any meal from his dear beloved mother’s hands would have been enough,”

“Especially since you would have poisoned us by now,” retorts Law

“He has a point, Bellemere!” said Nojiko

“Yeah!” said Nami, “Miss Lesser’s is WAY better,”

“HEY! You little shits! I can cook!”

“You made orange curry,”

“You burnt the orange sauce,”

“ONLY once!”

“This is so good!”

“Glad you liked it,” he said laughing, “Cook told me you were picky about risotto,”

“That’s because there’s very few who can make right and this is right,”

“Even though it’s charred?”

“Tastes good when it’s charred,”

“Or it is because of all of the steak I put in there,”

“That too,” Lesser happily ate her meal as Roci watched on with a grin on his face. After the kids and Bellemere ate and relaxed, Roci started on the risotto. After a lot of tears, pain and luck, he finished it along with the steak. He presented it to Lesser on the deck who happily devoured it, “You really didn’t have to go through the trouble,”

“I wanted to, it’s the least I can do for everything you usually do,”

“Tch, I do it because if the old war machine is idle it no longer works,”

“Mhm or is it that you chose death when you saw me in danger,”

“Maybe,” she said, sipping her wine. He grinned.

“My wife is forever the tsundere,” Lesser choked and covered her mouth.

“Stop saying weird things!” she said, turning her head blushing furiously.

“Nah, if I don’t, then I won’t see you get flustered. Do you have any idea how cute you look when you’re blushing,”

“Stoooooooooooooop!” he laughed

“You’ve really fixed up the backyard haven’t you?”

“MHM! Law and __________________ are usually out here practicing his Room! We have a grill now! It’s fun to make a few things at night in the summer. We were thinking of having a little sitting area but the deck is nice. It’s so peaceful at night that I come out here when I just want to unwind,”

“It really is,”

“You must really like it too since your guard is completely down,”

“And praytell how do you know th—,” her nose was booped. She recoiled and flailed a bit.

“Because I wouldn’t be able to do that without your noticing,” he snapped his fingers to stop his Calm. She pouted a bit.

“That was hardly fair,”

“I know,” she continued her dinner until it was done, “That was so good!”

“Want some more?”

“....there’s more?” he nodded and went back into the kitchen, “I swear you’re spoiling me too much,”

“You’re an anti-hero, you have to give them food!”

“....I swear you’re making up rules now,”

“Ahem, you have to keep the anti-hero happy because they’re the unsung heroes for the story. They follow their own code and that’s what makes them a great ally,” Lesser cocked her head a bit before just laughing hard. He laughed back.

“You’ve picked a beautiful place. You know that, right?”

“Right? I never would have thought we’d luck out on a place like this,”


“Well, when I was looking for a place, I had no idea where to go. I wanted someplace where Law can be comfortable but also someplace where I can be reached. Then Belle told me about a place that was close to her that was abandoned in the woods but close to everything. I had Law stay with Sengoku and went to check it out. It was perfect! Apparently no one wanted to live near the woods and I did some digging and it wasn’t anything wrong with the area, just bandits but they had long since left. I had it fixed up and it was ironic that it was a Flevance style house. Law felt right at home. Though Sengoku insisted on a wood oven and an induction cooktop for well….obvious reasons,”

“He’s a smart man,”

“He is and when Law and I got settled, I learned that Doffy was in another area and that was when I made him sign the contract about his stipulations with Law who was severely traumatized from the event. I was really there to see if you and the others were still employed. I was disappointed when I didn’t see any of you. I thought you went back to Dressrosa or Doffy found out about you knowing about everything and got rid of you,”

“Yeah we were still there but we were on route here. Mainly because there was an incident and it was finally realized that if we stayed in Dressrosa, Boss wouldn’t have a crew anymore,” he snorts.

“What did they do?”

“After what happened to you, Vergo disappeared, then something happened and it caused one of his subordinates to be knocked out and here we are, in this area with the kids,”

“.....did you kill someone?”

“NO! …Almost…it’s complicated. The less you know—,”

“The better I know,” she continued eating. He continued to happily talk about their home and things they found out about as they went through, “

“Oh that’s the Less—er nevermind!” he said blushing badly. She raised an eyebrow.

“The what?” he looked away and grabbed the wine bottle and drank, “Rocinante,”

“It’s the…Lesser Room,” she cocked her head, “Law and I have been…renovating it so that…if you wanted to stay over…for awhile or a long time…you have your own room. It overlooks the backyard, it has a fireplace inside, we ummm…replicated the canopy bed, and yeah…it’s not done yet,” she blushed and rubbed the back of his neck.

“Can I see it?” he shook his head.

“Law’s been waiting to surprise you for ages with it,”

“I won’t let on that I know,” he grins.

“Thank you!”

Lesser looked at the direction with her basket in tow. Doflamingo sent her on an errand to deliver some food. He specifically told her to cook it, package it, and head over and gave her a time limit. She was still new to the area, though she was familiar with the village and town around the villa but not much after. She walked for about twenty minutes outside of the town and went deeper into the woods. She liked the woods, it was a new terrain for her but she liked it. It was calming and she personally liked hearing the birds. It took her a good twenty to twenty five minutes before she came across a house. It was a large house with a small wooden fence around it, a long porch, and looked like something from out of a fairytale. She opened the gate and went to the door, knocked and waited. The door opened and she was face to face with Law who looked as though he saw a ghost. Tears ran down his face and before she knew it, he was hugging her middle. She hugged him back and got down on her knees and wiped his face clean with a warm smile. He saw tears in her eyes as well. Just so happy that he was alive and well.

“Y-You’re okay!” Law finally muttered.

“Please, was there any doubt?” He looked a little worried. She took him by the shoulders and looked into his eyes, “No matter what, I will always be around when you and Roci need me. No matter where I am, I’ll be there. Never forget that. I promise,” he nodded and hugged her again.

“Thank you for everything,”

“Law? Who was at the door? Are yo—LESSER?!” Before Lesser or Law could react, Roci had picked up Lesser and spun her about laughing and smiling from ear to ear. Lesser clung to him trying to keep from falling.

“R-Roci! C-Careful! You’re going to drop us both!”


I should be the one saying that!”


“ROCI CAREFUL! Put me down!”

“I can’t help it! I miss having your body in my arms!”

“STOP SAYING WEIRD THINGS!” Law watched on. A small smile appeared on his face. Seeing the pair acting like this was something he loved seeing. Especially when Lesser wasn’t expecting it. And of course as predicted, Corazon fell landing on his back with Lesser on top of him. Instead of getting up, he just hugged her tighter, nuzzling her cheek.



“BECAUSE I MISS YOU!” Law chuckled at the sight. It was almost like they never left each other. Lesser finally broke free and tried to run, only for Corazon to chase her and spin her about again. Law peeked into her basket and saw that it was homemade Lesser curry. He sat down and watched his guardians frolic together while eating.

Chapter 102: A/N: Special Request


The Author has something to say ^^

Chapter Text

Hi everyone!

First of all, I want to say I'm sorry for the lack of fics lately DX FOr those who don't know I'm an actual artist and since April, I've been working on things back to back and FINALLY got things to the point where I'm all caught up so weekly fics will be resuming soon. Pretty much I have to unlock a major one in order to finish the rest to lead into gut punch after gut punch because I'm a sadist who love watching your reactions n,n

Second, I'm planning something VERY big for a milestone and I've been working hard on it but there's a lot of questions I need answered so I can make things run smoothly. I can't get into details on what it is but it's my way of saying thank so for reading and sticking around for this long. I have a blog for this fanfic and copious amounts of fanart all thanks to people loving this fanfic so much and I am deeply honored! But I know many of you don't go to the blog which is perfectly (just know I post future scenes and content there that you won't see until probably next year XD) fine so I'll just post the things I need here! You're not obligated to answer anything so please don't feel pressured but when everything is set and done, I'll link the big surprise when the milestone is hit! (hence why I've been kind of dragging my feet as well ^^) So with that being said, here's what I need! You can answer all, or one, or two, or none. It's all up to you!

First: How do you see Reader

Eye color:
Face (shape, eyes shape):
Hair color:
Hair description: (style, texture, etc)
Skin color:
Distinguished markings:

Second: Favorite Pairing (can be anyone, Hancock x Tesoro, Killer x Reader, Reader x Sanji, Lesser x Corazon, just give me what you like!)

Third: What would Reader's Bad End be? Like what would you think her Bad end would be in the series if something bad was to happen?

Fourth: Favorite moment or scene in the fanfic.

Fifth: Best Maid? (seriously curious about this one!)

Thank you all so much for taking the time to read this and answer in advance!

Chapter 103: Fishman Island


The Little Girl spends a Day at Fishman Island

Chapter Text

“I STILL can’t believe Atlas taught you shogi,” Whitebeard said, moving his piece. He and ___________________ were on their way on their adventure to Fishman Island and he suggested a game while their freshly caught sea king was cooking. The smell was intoxicating and she was salivating but she also knew that after their game they could eat and take a bath before tea and bed.

“Huh? Why?”

“It’s usually an old man’s game,”

“Like Go!”

“...okay who taught you that one?!”

“Grandpa! It was raining really bad on the island one year and I couldn’t go outside so he taught me how to play Go. Shakky said I had a real knack for it! It’s fun and we play when I hang out in his workshop!”

“Guarararara! You’re going to become a great strategist at this rate!”

“What’s that?”

“Someone who can plan ahead in battle or something similar! This is how pirates used to pass the time back in the day. Atlas taught me when we had a lot of downtime with some card games,”

“It’s fun! We get to talk and play!”

“Mhm! If you’re easily distracted by conversation then it’s on you,”

“That’s what Sister says! It got easier after chess!”

“Guarararara! My little daughter likes board games!”

“MHM! They’re fun! Law is teaching me Stern-Halma! Do you know how to play that?”

“I do and now this makes sense! You do have a knack for this!”

“I can’t wait to show Oji-chan my skills when we visit him again!” she said with a grin. Pops looked a little grim. He almost forgot he didn’t tell his little girl. Mainly because he wanted to tell her when the time was right but this was a good time…ish.

“Actually, we’re not going to Wano this year,”

“Huh?! Why?!”

“There’s a lot of things happening over there at the moment and it’ll be in our best interest to keep out of the way, especially with you kids about. Atlas and Oden has been working hard to keep things stable. So until then we can’t see them,”

“But is everyone going to be okay?! There’s a lot of people in Wano and Sphinx! What about Oden?! Hiyori! Everyone!”

“Your Oji-san is a tough and strong man, he’ll be okay and trust me, the Eclipse Pirates and Oden has everything under control, all things considered, they decided to made sure if there’s an attack, it’s dealt with. Oden will follow Atlas’s call and there’s also protocols. And I’m pretty sure Void would kill him if he doesn’t go through with them,”

“You know Void too?!” Whitebeard nodded

“We’ve crossed paths but it’s something that I wish to remember,”

“Is this one of those “I’m not going to tell you because it’s too painful” things?”

“Mhm,” she covered her mouth. He laughed and pats her head, “Who knows I may tell you someday but not now, especially since we’re so close to Fishman Island,”

“We’re having a meeting there, right?”


“But we’re not fishmen. I thought only Fishman can go to Fishman Island,”

“Fishman Island is one of our territories and King Neptune requested for us to come,”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“Well...there’s a lot of bad people who like to hunt and sell fishmen and merfolk into slavery,”


“Because they’re bad people who doesn’t see them as equals,”

“That’s terrible! They just look a little different!”

“My point exactly and why there’s only a few human allowed to come, mainly because we share the same sentiment that fishmen and merfolk aren’t slaves and in fact equal,”

“So there’s fishmen and humans there?”

“Well there’s obviously a lot of fishmen, like Namur and Jinbei,”

“Are they really tall too?!”

“Mhm! Some are even taller than me,”

“That’s impossible!” he chuckled

“King Neptune is in fact taller than me. But then again he’s a Merman,”

“So there’s mermaids too?!”


“So I get to see fishmen and mermaids! This is going to be awesome! Are they like the mermaids we see in storybooks?”

“More or less. There’s actually two types of mermaids. The one we’re going to be seeing live in Fishman Island,”

“What are the other types?”

“The other types...even if they’re living in Fishman Island, you’d never know if they were the second type,”

“What’s the difference?”

“The ones on Fishman Island and most common are born as mermaids, tail and all but their tail split when they’re older allowing them to be able to walk on land. They stick out fairly easily. The second type, they’re born looking like regular humans, until they get into contact with water, then their true forms are revealed. It’s very hard to tell if they are until they start swimming. Because of this, many fishmen and mermaids are very suspicious when it comes to them,”

“Aww but it’s not their fault! What if they were orphaned like me and someone just happened to take a bath?”

“Guararararara fair point but many of them have learned to not go near water if they don’t want to change. But they have made their own way in the world. For the most part, they stay to themselves. Some living as humans on land and some just living as mermaids in the sea. To each their own I suppose,”

“Are we going to see them?!”

“Probably but I have business with a few people and this is where you come in! The men all have daughters and we thought instead of you all being stuck with us, all of you can just have fun on your own,”


“Neptune has a daughter named Shirahoshi. She’s very timid and I’m sure you both will hit it off!”

“What’s her name?”


“Is she big too?!”

“I have no idea. I haven’t seen her since she was a little tot but I know you can handle it,”

“You can count on me, Pops!” he pats her head fondly.

“I know I can!”

Fishman Island was huge and amazing. Whitebeard almost immediately assured his little daughter that they could indeed breathe on the island, even though they would be underwater. After they docked, Whitebeard and her were guided to the throne room. The place was just as massive and _________________ was looking around in awe and soon her attention was focused on the massive merman in front of her along with his smaller, cuter wife. He has a red nose, small eyes, and long thick orange curly hair and beard. Both his chest and arms were super hairy. His wife was tons smaller with golden blonde hair that was partially held up in two loops by an orange headpiece. She also had green eyes, thick eyelashes, and wore pink lipstick. Neptune looked at _______________ as though he saw a ghost, a living ghost in the flesh. He couldn’t help but just stare before he shook his head.

“Neptune, this is my daughter, ___________________. While we conduct business, I’m sure she and Shirahoshi would be good playmates,”

“It’s very nice to meet you, your Highness!” she said bowing. The merman glided towards and gently took her in his hands. She was beaming. She didn’t even show a sign of fear. He chuckled.

“I think I know what someone like you would want and need,” he said and nodded to one of his guards. A large blue ornate chest was brought out. She cocked her head as it was opened revealing tons and tons of cookies. Her little mouth watered but she looked at Whitebeard for confirmation. He nodded and she took one and started munching.

“THESE ARE DELICIOUS!” _____________________ happily munched on the butter cookies.

“I’d thought you’d like these,”

“Yeah! I’ve had them before!”


“MHM! Sabo got them for me ages ago! I don’t know where they came from but they taste—,”

“Like a warm hug?”

“YEAH!” he laughed.

“Well, consider them a present and a welcome! A few were brought here so this chest is yours,”

“REALLY?! Thank you!”

“Please have a look around while me and your Papa talk about old boring stuff,” she looked at Whitebeard. He nodded to confirm. She nodded and happily trotted off with some of her cookies, entrusting Pops to the rest for later and scampering off. She had no idea where to go or even what to do. She remembered someone shouting at her where her room was going to be but she couldn’t hear. She just trotted along getting a feel for the area. She kept her head down. Namur told her that most fishmen and mermaids were scared and leery of humans and the last thing she wanted was to make a poor impression. But since she was small, people tended to overlook her anyway.

“IT’S YOU!” __________________ jumped as a mermaid swam to her and hugged her tightly. The woman had blue hair and large happy pink eyes and freckles. She was wearing a blue top, had pink and gold scales on her arms and down her neck and she had long pink hair that fanned out. “I know you probably don’t remember me, but you saved my life and I had to give you a proper hug!” ________________ cocked her head. The woman grinned and hummed a song. Then it clicked! It was the same night she met Law and Corazon! It was the woman in the cage and she was singing that exact song.

“I remember you! How are you?!”

“Amazing thanks to you!” she smiled. It was hard for ___________________ to make a connection between this woman and herself in her mermaid form.

“Are you one of those water changing mermaids?!”

“Mhm but I can’t let anyone know my little secret other than my crewmates,” she winked. ____________________ covered her mouth, “But I know you’re not going to tell sweetie,” she nodded.

“Lips are sealed!”

“__________________!” she looked up to see a familiar little girl running to her and tackling her hard into a hug. Koala grins.

“HEY! I didn't know you were going to be here!”

“I wanted it to be a surprise! Jinbei told me you might show up and I got a chance to stretch my legs here! It’s good to see you again!”


“You know Nixie?!” said Koala

“Mhm, me and this little one goes WAY back,” said Nixie smiling, “Remember when I told you about the poachers that caught me? She was the one who rescued me!”


“Mhm! Don’t know why she was out that late but she was there at the right time,”

“This happens more than you think,” said Koala laughing, “I think ______________ has a sixth sense!”

“Sister calls it Monster Intuition and I don’t know why!”

“I remember Boss called it Angel Intuition,” said Nixie chuckling, “And I take it this is the little girl you’ve been talking about Koala,”

“MHM! She gave me books and I got to go to her birthday! It was SO fun! Fisher was so jealous and tried to make a bigger one. We opted for a big family dinner instead and it was the best!”

“He tried so hard,” Nixie chuckled, “And he wanted to invite all of your little friends but I think the idea of adorable little human girls running about the ship made him nervous,”

“It makes Zeff nervous!” said _____________, “The Baratie gets really nervous when they see us coming and Sanji is forbidden to be around us for too long,” the three laughed. _____________ offered them pocket cookies. Koala laughed and munched.

“Are you here on business too?”

“Mhm!” said Koala, “Nixie is kinda babysitting me,”


“Well, there’s still some Fishmen who aren’t keen about humans,”

“Don’t fib, Nix! Nixie is a special kind of mermaid”

“That too,” said the mermaid blushing.

“You’re that special kind of mermaid, aren’t you?!”

“Mhm, that’s why Nixie is with me! Just in case! As long as she’s in the water she won’t transform!”

“And no one can get a good look at me. I’m the ambassador of the Anguilla Family and it’ll take just the right person to figure me out,”

“I promise I won’t say anything!” said _______________

“Thank you sweetie,”

“So you’re here on business too!”

“Mhm!” said Koala, “Fisher Tiger and everyone was summoned for something super important! Fisher told me to just stay put and have fun. He got worried but Aladdin laughed and told me and Nixie to just have fun and that Fisher worries too much. Fisher retorted that he did no such thing and Jinbei was like “She’s not Magnus who needs constant supervision!” he looked defeated and agreed,” the pair giggled.

“Who’s Magnus?” said _________________

“My Boss,” said Nixie, “He’s pretty much chaos on two feet and Fisher ALWAYS has to keep an eye on him,”

“Like a kid?”

“Kind of, a kid would be a better choice to be honest,” Koala laughed and then saw that ________________ looked more confused, “Nixie! Tell her the story! Please?”

“It’s kind of depressing, don’t you think?”

“Nah uh! Please!” Nixie looked at the two bright eyed girls and decided to try and sugarcoat this as much as possible.

“Okay, first of all, I owe my life to Fisher! We a very bad position a long time ago. He knew I was a mermaid but the bad people didn’t. He would take countless beatings just to make sure my secret wouldn’t be out. I would have been who knows where. Then one day…Boss came,”


“Mhm, Fisher’s brother, Magnus! You see, a bunch of us were sold and taken in as slaves, Fisher included. Everyday, they did everything in their power to break him and everyone but he was the most defiant, often taking on punishments to keep others safe. Boss Magnus looked everywhere apparently. When he found out his brother was not only alive but trapped and a slave, he went….ballistic. I’ve seen Boss angry but this was above and beyond anger. He decimated every single person or thing involved while Fisher got everyone out. Boss looked so scary. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him like that before. He laughed like a madman watching all of our overseers fleeing as he ran after them and hunted them down. Afterwards, he made sure many of us were on a ship to sail away. Fisher was out for days. Boss took over everything on his behalf. He actually became a responsible member of society, until Fisher was back to his fit self then he went back to his old self,”

“Wow! He must be strong!”

“He is, hence why everyone is gathered today. According to Fisher, everyone is trying to keep him from meddling. Fisher said Boss has been spotted in the area lately and well, since he’s the only one who can kind of talk sense into him, everyone is going to figure out what to do,”

“So glorified babysitting,”

“YES! That’s it!” the girls laughed, “Don’t sell him too short. Boss is cunning and chaotic, if he wants to wreck something he will and I think that’s what everyone’s afraid of but on that note, you two girls go have some fun. I think Shirahoshi is in her room!”

“Wait, wait what about you?!” said Koala

“I have to get you three some lunch or something. I’m pretty sure _______________ is famished,”

“I loaded up on cookies!”

“Cookies are not food!”

Koala knew the palace like the back of her hand happily talked while guiding ________________ through the large palace. _____________ happily talked with her but also looking at some of the weird and interesting things about the palace. She did her best to not stare but she couldn’t help it. Everything was so awesome to her and she wanted to see every single thing it had to offer.

“Alright! We’re here!”

“Here where?” Koala playfully knocked her on her head.

“Shirahoshi’s room!”

“Oh! Wow the door is huge!”

“Yeah, we’re going to have to find someone to op—,” _______________ casually slipped her fingers through the crack and moved the door far enough for them to walk in, “I forget you can do that,”

“Do what?”

“Nevermind,” the went inside and they saw a little girl the size of two whitebeards happily playing with her dolls that were the size of normal humans. She happily made little scenarios and things until she saw that she had to two extra dolls she’s never seen. All three girls looked at each other. Shirahoshi towered over them. However, despite it all, she looked like a regular six year old.

“Koala?! You’re here?!”

“Yes! How are you?”

“I’m good! OOH! Are you a little doll?!” before ________________ knew it, she was being scooped up and cuddled roughly, “Koala you shouldn’t have!”

“Shirahoshi! Please be careful! ________________ is not a toy!”

“But she’s so cute!” she crushed her against her body.

“Ack! You’re squeezing me! Let go!” she wiggled out of the girl’s arms and moved away. Shirahoshi tried grabbing her again and ________________ backed further and further away. The little mermaid sobbed and started crying.

“Why are you crying?”

“Because you’re mad at me! A-And now won’t play with me!”

“...I’m not mad! I was trying to breathe! And I didn't want to be crushed again!”

“You couldn’t breathe?!”

“No! You were holding me too hard!”

“I-I’m sorry!”

“It’s okay! Just be more gentle! You’re a lot bigger than me!” Shirahoshi nodded and gently took __________________ into her hands again.

“See? I’m fine now!” she then took her sleeve and dabs her eyes, “So stop crying,”

“O-Okay! I-I’m sorry! I don’t get many visitors for a play date,”

“Oh…Alright! We can do something together so you can play too!”

“ what?” said Koala

“Hide and Seek of course!”


“Mhm! You have to find us first!” Shirahoshi nodded and covered her eyes. _________________ shuffled under the pillow and Koala went behind her bed. The little princess searched high and low and she was five minutes in before she started crying.

“If you start crying, you’re not going to find us!” said _________________


“Don’t cry because you can’t find us, cry because the game can’t end until you do!”


“Come on! Find me!” Shirahoshi gathered herself and looked around and she noticed something weird sticking out of her pillow. She grinned and flipped it over.

“Found you!”

“Yep! Now find Koala!” Shirahoshi nodded and it took her another few minutes before Koala was found. She clapped her hands in triumph.

“I did it!”

“See? You’re good at games! You just have to be patient about it! Now it’s your turn to hide!” she nodded as _________________ turned around and started counting. She then turned and saw Shirahoshi or Koala nowhere in sight. She grinned and hopped and ran about the room searching. SHe thought it was going to be easy to find Shirahoshi but it proved to be a task. She checked under the bed and only found Koala but Shirahoshi was nowhere to be found, until she noticed something odd by the window. She grinned and looked behind the curtain.

“You found me!” the girls had a fantastic time together, only stopping to have lunch with Nixie, who had large sandwiches for Shirahoshi and smaller ones for them. Soon it was getting late. ______________ bade them all a farewell and decided to venture back to her room…a room she’s never been before…and had no idea how to get back to…big mistake. _________________ got turned around, Neptune’s castle was huge and everything looked the same at night. She groaned and tried to find some kind of a hint to see where she had to go exactly. THen she resorted to looking into every single room to see where she and Pops were sleeping. Soon she found a room with a small bed, it looked just the right size for her and the room was pretty big enough for Pops. She went to the bed and was ready to plop down. But then she saw something cute that caught her eye.

“Awww! What an adorable doll!” ___________________ picked up the strange doll and looked her over. She never really had a thing for dolls but this was so cute she could help but admire how cute it was! It was tiny with very thick and wavy blonde hair, partially tied up in two buns, that covered her body. In her hair, there were two small green flowers. She wore a short white dress with stockings and shoes of the same color. The doll’s eyes were closed but then they opened to reveal that they were a light blue, “Awwww! It’s one of those dolls that open and close their eyes! Ahhhh I wonder who you belong to! I wonder if they’ll let me take you home! My room at home isn’t much but I think you’d like the shelf with all of my books!” The doll in question then yawned and gave _______________________ a polite smile.

“Thank you! You’re adorable too! And I would love to see your room!” this startled _______________ who immediately dropped the doll and ran out of the room in terror right into someone. She leapt back and apologized but stumbled back when she looked up. The man towered over her. She thought she was used to it by now, living with Pops and her brothers but this man’s aura was very intimidating, it was a weird feeling, a feeling that commanded respect but there was also something else that she couldn’t put her finger on. All she knew was that she didn’t know what this man was going to do to her but she knew she didn't want to find out either.

“I-I’m sorry, I just need to get by,” she then saw a hand coming down. She winced and braced herself for it. She felt a gentle pat on her head. She was not expecting this and froze. The man in question got down on one knee. She froze. She was face to face with Koala’s father, the infamous Fisher Tiger.

“Thank you for being Koala’s little friend. I’ve heard so much about you that I wanted to match a name to a face. It’s nice to finally meet you,” she smiled and gave a very polite bow.

“It’s good to finally meet you too sir!” Namur and Hancock has told her stories, tons about the great fishman who saved thousands from slavery, a walking tank and badass. She would never have thought she would have met this man up close or that he wouldn’t actually be nice since she was human. He escorted her to her actual room. She thanked him with a bright smile. He grunted a thanks before heading out. She slipped inside to where River happily greeted her.

“You stowawayed again didn’t you?”

“Mew!” He resumed his place on the bed and hunkered down. She got settled in when Whitebeard came in. She hopped out of bed, “Hi Pops!”

“Hey Little Lady! You’re not sleeping?”

“Nah uh! I was waiting for you!”

“Oh? Or were you really waiting for those delicious cookies?”

“....I kind of forgot about those,” he laughed and pats her head.

“These cookies are often given as a gift from Sphaeram. They’re only given out to people who are allies and very special events. I’m actually surprised Void brought them here knowing I would be here,”

“The Void King brought these?”

“Mhm, the love of his life was a talented and brilliant baker and her pastries were worth their weight in gold to nobility and royalty alike. So much that she would give them only for special occasions or people. Even when she passed, he carried on the tradition,”

“They’re so yummy!”

“That they are! Savor them as much as you can. They’re pretty much an rarity in the wild,”

“Awww why?”

“No one can quite match the recipe. Bakers have tried and many have failed. Whatever Amare did, no one knows but it’s rare baking technique that only a trusted few knows about,”

“Wow! She must have been SUPER talented,”

“You have no idea,” he took a cookie and happily munched. Memories seemed to seep into his mind as he took another, “Did you meet Shirahoshi?”

“MHM! She’s so sweet but a bit of a crybaby,”

“Don’t take it easy on her. She’s a sweet girl but Otohime mentioned that everyone just kind of coddles her. Don’t be rough but don’t give into her crying,”

“Got it!”

“And I see the useless pile of fluff has snuck into one of our bags,” River looked up, “Yes we’re talking about you!”


“Is everything okay, meeting wise?”

“Mhm, so far we just have a lot of things a tiny little girl shouldn’t worry herself over,”

“Got it!” he tucked her into bed and River cuddled on her chest and soon she was fast asleep.

In the morning, ____________________ got dressed and headed to breakfast. She was starving by this point and happily helped herself to waffles with a lot of whipped cream and syrup. As she ate she noticed a small table on their table. She cocked her head a bit wondering what was going on. Koala wasn’t there yet but she did notice little people walking to the table and then onto the table.

“Gancho, it’s nice to see you again,”

“Same here Whitebeard. Is this your daughter?”

“Yes! And is this little Mansherry?” __________________ froze. So that WASN’T an evil little doll that gained sentience it was an actual little dwarf princess and she flung her! She hoped she wasn’t hurt! After breakfast, she decided to make a break for it because she wasn’t going to go anywhere near someone she could unintentionally kill! She was about to sprint off when she was caught by Pops who looked confused.

“...______________________ why are you avoiding Mansherry? Don’t be rude,”

“I’m not...I just...don’t wanna hurt her! I accidentally threw her yesterday!”


“Don’t worry! I’m fine! She went into the wrong room and thought I was a doll! But then I moved,”

“I’m bigger than her! What if I step on her?! Or worse crush her!” Whitebeard looked at ______________ sticking really close to his leg trying to avoid the little dwarf who looked very confused. He could feel her shaking. Gancho chuckled.

“It’s okay, we’re used to being smaller than most,”

“..._________________ hold out your hands,” she nodded and gently let Mansherry climb onto her hands. The dwarf smiled pleasantly and bowed.
“It’s nice to finally meet you without you running away,”

“S-Same here!” she nodded her head politely.

“Guararararara! See? There’s nothing to be afraid of!” after breakfast, the girls made themselves scarce. It was the first time _______________ actually saw someplace more unique than home! She was about to take off when she noticed Mansherry looking a little forlorn at her leaving. She gently picked her up and held her close and took her on her new adventure. Mansherry was delight and they found themselves riding on a manta ray, munching on tasty food, and then circling back towards home.

“That was so fun!” she chimed.

“Right? Do you get to explore a lot?” Mansherry shakes her head.

“Not really! I wish I can but it’s not really safe unless I’m with someone,”

“Oh! Then stick with me! I’ll take you wherever you want to go!”

“Can we get some ice cream later?”


“So that’s where you two been!” Koala greeted in back in the throne room, “You’ve been off exploring!”

“Heh, yeah! This place is so cool!”

“VERY!” said Mansherry, “It’s nice to meet you again!”

“Same! I was worried that you were going to be stuck in your room the whole time!”

“Well that was the plan but _______________ decided to take me on her adventure! It was so much fun! Fishman Island is beautiful!”

“Right? I love it here! We always comes back here when we just want some downtime! I kind of wish I had a few more adventurous places to explore like you!”

“I’m pretty sure you’ve been to some awesome places!” said ___________________

“MHM! We travel everywhere but Fisher likes to stay close to Fishman Island and Anguilla Island!”

“Where’s Anguilla?”

“It’s off the coast near the Grand Line but it’s also super hidden as in you need the exact coordinates. Fisher grew up there with Uncle Max and Grandpa!” Koala then lowers her voice, “But not many Fishmen like the sound of it so you can’t mention it to anyone or they’ll get upset! Like Fisher’s crew are the only ones who acknowledge it, but no one else,” _________________ and Mansherry nodded.

“So, you have a grandpa now?!”

“YEP! And he’s so cool and handsome! Like he tells the best stories about Fisher and Uncle Max and Jinbei and his other grandkids before they went away. He hates the word adopted or taken in. He said that he wanted more sons and Fisher and Jinbei needed a father so the universe made it happen. He told me to call him Nonno and he has long sharp anglerfish teeth and they make him look scary but he’s only mean to Uncle Max!”

“He sounds awesome!”

“What about you Mansherry?” she practically beamed!

“Well, for a long time, we were imprisoned and had to work a lot….I had to heal a lot of people and frankly, it was just so…hard and terrible. Then one day, five heroes came out of nowhere and freed us! They freed everyone from a curse just long enough for everyone to escape! A gladiator came from nowhere and rescued us and ran fast and far. I don’t know what happened after but we were transported to another kingdom where a kind man took us all in! Then he made sure we got back home to our kingdom! To honor our saviors, we erected a statue in their honor along with the king! He still comes by to make sure we’re okay even though he’s massive! Almost as big as ____________________’s father!”


“He had scars, especially one down his eye, and black veins in his right arm and looked scary but in reality, he was nice and kind like a big stuffed bear! He used to carry me about on his shoulder to show me his kingdom! He smelled like flowers and cookies and always wore something black! His favorite is a long black cape! I started calling him Grandpa and he was delighted! Some of our subjects wanted to stay, everyone from Dressrosa stayed there as well because well, there wasn’t anywhere else. Grandpa agreed! I wish I could tell you where his kingdom is because it’s so beautiful. Grandpa said he used to leave his kingdom but no more because he’s needed here more,”

“He sounds so cool!” said Koala

“He is! Apparently he used to fight monsters and giants! He has a MASSIVE sword that’s in his throne room. He says it’s retired but he’ll only use it when it’s time again. Until then, it stays in his throne room,”

“Does he ever take it down?”

“Matilda says every few weeks or months to polish it and test it. She says that a sword should always be ready in case it’s needed. The sword was bigger than Grandpa though!”

“Looks like we all have Grandpas now!” said ___________________, “Does yours have strange habits? Oji-san loves teaching me shogi and other board games but he also goes into dramatic mode!”

“Dramatic mode?” ____________________ giggled and placed her hand over her forehead.

“He’ll flop like this and call for Marietta and say “Maaaaaaaariettaaaaaaaaaa! I neeeeeeeed you! Oh my dear heart can’t take the cruelty of this wooooorld!”” the girls started laughing, “Now imagine a really big tall man doing this! He’s tall like Pops but stockier!” Koala laughed!

“Nonno doesn’t have a dramatic mode but he’s NOT a morning person! Okay, when we first came that afternoon, he was up, ready, in a fine suit, glasses on, hair slicked back, and looked dashing! However that morning he was BARELY recognizable! His hair was messy, he was in a tailored dressing gown, large fluffy slippers and just spoke in grunts and mumbles! To be fair it was like eight that morning. I thought he was a zombie! Jinbei laughed and said Nonno NEVER wakes up before ten but wanted to make sure we had breakfast and to set an example for me! I made him coffee and an omelet and said it was okay. He said I was his favorite grandchild!” they girls giggled, “Fisher said that it kind of runs in the family! His granddaughter is the same way, not really a morning person. He also hates being seen as not his best! That’s why he has tailored dressing gowns!”

“So vain!” said Mansherry laughing, “But in a good way! Grandpa loves sweet things! Like a major sweet tooth! He drinks his coffee with a lot of sugar even though he likes it black, he always has afternoon tea with cakes and cookies, and always has dessert at night! But he’s also very selective with it and he always shares! The people of his kingdom always send him something sweet and he’s delighted! His new guard, he’s a warrior, decided to try his hand at baking as a big thank you for the king and well…he’s not really good at it. He almost burnt the kitchen down twice. Then made something…loukoumades, they’re like honey soaked donuts! But the warrior put them in a LOT of honey and they were burnt. He put them aside to make fresh ones but before we knew it, Grandpa was happily munching on them saying these were the best donuts he’s ever had! The Red Man was laughing and the warrior was shocked but so happy that he made something for Grandpa, who basically told him that he didn’t need to thank him for refuge. He got a tummy ache later in the day but claimed that it was worth it! I spent the next few hours rubbing his tummy,”

“Poor Grandpa!” Koala laughed.

“....that actually sounds really good!” said _________________ practically salivating, “I want some honey donuts now…”

“They’re pretty easy to make! Just make donut balls, fry them, then coat them in honey and torch the honey!”

“Yummy!” the trio turned their heads. Shirahoshi ducked back behind the corner. She tried to conceal herself but her tail gave her away.

“Hey come on over and join us!” said __________________ happily.

“Yeah no hiding Shirahoshi!” said Mansherry. The little mermaid peeked out and joined the girls.

“A-Are you sure you want me to play with you?” she asked nervously. ______________ beams.

“More the merrier!”

Otohime watched the quartet from afar. They took to each other pretty well. She watched them play ball, especially noticing how each girl handled the ball from what their fathers have said. She noticed that __________________ was as gentle as possible tossing and hitting the ball, almost tapping to her friends and she adjusted the strength for each girl, Koala did the same when it came to Mansherry and Shirahoshi but also showed Shirahoshi just how to throw the ball depending on if it was _________________, herself, or Mansherry. She was worried about Mansherry until she saw a tan colored blur running to and fro to the ball so she could hit it. Upon further expectation, she was riding on a cat who didn’t seem to mind. There was strength in his small form and she did manage to hit the ball up herself. Otohime smiled at the sight. Four very different girls were enjoying themselves not because of obligation but because they wanted to make friends and their mission was accomplished. She also liked the idea that they didn’t coddle Shirahoshi by letting her win. She dropped the ball a few times before she got the hang of the game, __________________ got smacked hard in the face, the girls stopped, made sure she was okay, Mansherry attended her face and the game went on, there were a few close calls with Mansherry almost getting crushed by they were stopped with the help of the kitty. She could watch them for hours.

“A-Are you guys sure I’m not too big to play?” said Shirahoshi

“You’re nowhere nearly as big as the adults I know!” said ___________________

“Same!” said Koala, “We just have to make sure Mansherry doesn’t get crushed!”

“Or not having fun!”

“I haven’t had fun like this in years!” said the little dwarf holding onto River, “He’s my mighty little steed!”


“Hey ladies, are you four hungry? I brought you out some lunch! Your fathers are still in a meeting!” Nixie came out with a cart filled with food suited for each girl. Large sandwiches and cakes for Shirahoshi, regular sized for Koala and __________________, tiny ones for Mansherry, and seafood for River. They stopped their game and started eating.

“Nixie, wanna join us?” said Koala

“Please!” said ________________, “You have the best stories!”

“Stories? I want to hear a story, please!” said Shirashoshi

“Me too!” said Mansherry

“Oh! Okay! Hmmmm where should I start with?”

“What about why you were on __________________’s island?”

“Oh! Well, I was there on some very important business!” said Nixie smiling, “But I got turned around and I got lost. Apparently the guys that were chasing me were spying in order to catch a glimpse of Underboss Anguilla!”

“Anguilla?” said Koala, “As in Grandpa’s Island?”

“Mhm! He named the island after his family! He always said “that’s the ultimate of big di— energy. Something awesome and beautiful named after you”. But yes, his granddaughter’s name is Reina but everyone knows her as Underboss. Once every few months, the Underboss has a meeting with everyone but lately, it’s been a little choppy, especially with so many bandits and things! So I was at the meeting and the Underboss offered an escort to make sure we all got back home safely! Sadly I didn’t take her offer and I got caught before you showed up! I’m still getting used to my human form, it’s absolutely weird at times but for her, it’s natural but I’ve NEVER seen her human form! I heard she was a beauty! But I know she’s a beautiful mermaid! But I heard she doesn’t want anyone to know of her human form because apparently someone wants her head!”

“W-What?!” said Mansherry

“Yeah! This horrid woman collects heads! She has been actively looking for Underboss for her head to apparently give to another person, who’s just as deadly as her. I think she’s twisted!”

“Twisted is an understatement,” said Koala

“I know but Underboss is always a few steps ahead. She doesn’t need bodyguards but usually there’s always someone with her when she’s out and about. Sometimes it’s Sept, Oct, and Dec, but sometimes it’s the Enforcer and the Brain. But if she’s like Boss Magnus, she doesn’t like to get her hands dirty if she doesn’t need to! That’s why they’re always perfectly manicured!” then it finally hit ______________ like a ton of bricks.

“I’ve met Miss Reina before! My Uncle Tesoro is friends with her! She’s beautiful in her human form too! But I didn’t know she was a mermaid as well! That’s amazing!”

“What does she look like?”

“She had long black hair, she had blue and red eyes! And her lips were pink! I remembered her nails especially because they were long and sharp like red knives! She looked amazing! She looked familiar but I can’t put my finger on it!”

“She sounds scary too!” said Shirahoshi

“She does but she’s far from it! She is very nice and very kind. She’s ruthless to anyone who opposes her or threatens her family but I’ve seen her actually seen her make some of her subordinates go home if they have families to tend to, there was one moment where she excused herself because her daughter was sick and she had to check in on her, the Brain took over until she returned, I heard she had a beautiful singing voice. Boss says it could probably destroy a ship if she was angry enough,”

“I hope I get to meet her someday!” said Koala, “She sounds amazing! And from what Nonno says she’s really nice! He always says “Mi nipotina! So glad she took after her nonno, not her stupid father!” It was one of the few times Fisher laughed. Uncle Max looked SO hurt!” the group laughed.

“The Anguilla Family really are good people and merfolk. They’re primary goal is to make sure everyone in their island and territories are okay. They work with the Revolutionary Army too! I heard Reina is actually close to one of the higher ups and Boss is actually good friends with Dragon himself. It’s really funny actually, Fisher really doesn’t like humans, at all. But his brother and best friend is a merman who looks like a human like me. In fact, he’s the uncle and godfather to Boss’s kids! You’ve seen them Koala, they’re in the little scamps in the photo on his desk,”

“OH! That one! They were so cute! Nonno said it was right before they went off to school! Reina was there too but had her face covered!” Nixie giggled.

“Underboss is notoriously camera shy! Hence why there’s no pictures of her unless painted! There’s one of the entire family in Boss’s study! It’s him, Enforcer, Brain, Underboss, Boss’s father, Sept, Oct, Nov, and Barbatos, that’s his uncle! They’re all together looking scary with Underboss sitting in a large wicker chair. I think it’s his favorite picture since it’s everywhere,”

“Pops have pictures of us everywhere, too!” said _________________, “Everyone has a wall and now I do! I think the first picture was when I first came!”

“Grandpa has that too!” said Mansherry, “Me and his granddaughter are in his study!”

“What’s a study?” said Shirahoshi

“It’s like a place adults go that’s not a bedroom. It’s like a place where they go to read or do other important business,”

“Ohhhh! Like a library!”


“I think it’s a dad thing!” said Koala, “Fisher took a few of the pictures of me at your birthday party. I thought he lost them but kept them in his room! Jinbei took one too! Aladdin says they need them the most!”

“Aww!” suddenly the quartet heard a loud explosion. Mansherry and Shirahoshi cowered and ______________ looked around to see if she could see anything. She climbed up to a building and saw fire and smoke. Nixie got them inside just in case and they hunkered into Shirahoshi’s room. Then there was another, then another. Shirahoshi started to cry.

“W-What’s going on?”

“Probably an attack,” said Koala

“I don’t think anyone would be dumb enough to attack an island where Mr. Fisher, Jinbei, and Pops is, that’s like really dumb,”

“Stranger things has happened,” said Nixie

“W-Will we be okay?” said Mansherry

“Of course!” said ________________, “If someone does come here, I’ll lead them away and Koala and Nixie will get you all to a safer place!”

“But what about you?!” said Shirahoshi

“Pops will always come to get me no matter what! You three can’t fight or run as fast as I can. Sister said I can annoy them to death and I want tprove that theory,” for the next what seemed like hours, Nixie distracted the girls with stories and games and _______________ kept her eye on the door, just in case. Whatever happened, it was major. Something so major happened and Shirahoshi had to stay hidden in her room and Koala, _____________, and Mansherry had to get home. They adults talked to see what was to happen. In the meantime, the girls had their last conversation and goodbyes.

“We have to totally see each other again!” said Koala

“TOTALLY!” said _____________, “Maybe another playdate?” Koala grinned.

“Actually, I was thinking of something else,” ____________ cocked her head, “Something along the Slumber Party realm,”

“Sure! You’re always welcomed!”

“I know I am but what about Shirahoshi and Mansherry?” _____________ froze and shook her head.

“No way!” Shirahoshi looked as though she was about to cry.

“Come on! Vivi told me your slumber parties were so much fun! It’ll be fun!”

“They are and I WANT Shirahoshi and Mansherry to come but it’s the idea of getting Shirahoshi here! She’s so big! No offense!” said _____________________

“It’s okay! But I’ll be extra quiet!” Shirahoshi covered her mouth.

“That’s not it! You’re a princess! A mermaid princess! Anything can go wrong! What if someone kidnaps you on the way?!”

“Not if we’re super careful!” said Koala, “I can ask Aunt Praline and Nonno to help too! We can get her out and then get her back without anyone knowing that she ever left!”

“What about her Mommy?! I know Miss Otohime would KNOW something is up!”

“We can schedule it when she’ll be at a business meeting! Annnnnnd you KNOW there’s a shore where we can all go, right?”

“...darn you’re right. Okay, okay, I’m in!”

“I wanna come too!” the girls turned. Mansherry beamed from around the corner, “I’ve never been to a slumber party! It sounds like fun! Please?!”

“...two princesses now?!”

“Three counting Vivi!”

“I STILL think it’s risky!”

“Since when has that stopped you?”

“But Mansherry lives super far away!”

“I’ll ask if we can play on that day!” said Shirahoshi, “Papa is usually okay with me having a playmate for a few days!”

“Please! I’ve heard so much!” said Mansherry

“....okay fine! You can come too! But the boys will be a little rough so you have to stay on my head or Koala’s!”

“Okay!” River appeared in front of the little dwarf and nudged her onto his head and slid her gently down onto his back. She giggled and clung to his collar.

“Okay this works better! River wouldn’t let anything happen to you,”

“He’s a good kitty!”

“There you are!” The girls jumped to see their fathers coming into the room. Because of some very important business, they would have to cut their visit short. Koala and __________________ exchanged numbers with Mansherry sealing their little pact, “I’m going to be in Fishman Island a little longer than anticipated so I’m going to get you home,”

“Yes Pops!”


“You’re coming too, Koala,” said Jinbei, “We’ll take you both and drop ___________________ off on the way,”


“We should make it there in half a day’s time,”

“Okay!” then _________________ gasped, “I’M GOING ON YOUR SHIP KOALA?!”


“Consider this a rare privilege that Fisher must NEVER know about,” said Jinbei. Both girls made a gesture of locking their mouths and throwing away the key.

“ANd be on your best behavior, kiddo,”

“Yes Pops!”

“Alright, I’ll make sure to have some of the cookies just for you,”


“Mhm, if you’re good!”

“I will!”

“Actually I think I have a better idea,” said Aladdin, “Since we’ll be very close to Goa, and not needing the extra attention, Praline can take _______________ back home. It’ll probably take a little shorter,”

“Is it okay?”

“It’s fine! She’s been waiting to meet _____________ for a long time,”

“Miss Praline?”

“Yeah she’s my aunt and she’s a very fast swimmer! She’ll get you home!” said Koala, “I’ll call you later,” she winked


“Then it’s settled. I’ll let everyone know she’s on her way in case they run into any trouble,” said Whitebeard. Jinbei placed her on her shoulders and took her to shore. _____________ was slightly disappointed at the idea that she won’t be able to see the Sun Pirate’s ship.

“Sorry little lady, one human on the ship is enough. Fisher really would have a fit if there were two,”

“It’s okay! Maybe some other time!” he nodded.

“Maybe,” Miss Praline was a large mermaid with freckles, light blue eyes and long, blonde hair pulled into a bun in the back and also forms a long appendage similar to that of a hammerhead shark. Her tail is dark with a light, frilly piece of clothing on the front, and she wears a dark open jacket with flowers on the edges. Her mouth contains pointed teeth like a hammerhead shark's. ______________ froze.

“Wow you’re so pretty!”

“Shashashasha! Aren’t you just a sweet little guppy~”


“Praline, do you mind getting her home? She lives off the coast of Goa near Windmill Village,”

“Okay! I’ll meet you back at the end of the day or early tomorrow. Is it about the explosion?”

“Mhm, we don’t want to risk the girl’s lives,” she nodded and scooped the little girl up. Praline placed _______________ gently into her chest. The little girl was encased around two very soft breasts and not only did she felt safe, she felt oddly calm and very happy. She hunkered down deeper and curled up into a tight little ball. This was heaven…absolute heaven.

Praline arrived on the shore behind the lake near the Rocinante home. Sanji and Law were on shore fishing while Fossa, Namur, Rakugo, Blenheim and Thatch waited. Pops gave them a call telling them that ________________ was on her way home after something that came up. But what really was a surprise was that he told them to be on the lookout for the Sun Pirates. Soon they saw something coming at them across the water. Then the top half of a body emerged from the water. Soon Praline got to shore, she emerged completely from the water. Sanji and Law stared as the large shark woman looked down at them with a large toothy smile.

“Okay ________________, here’s your stop sweetie! Come on out,” she moved her blouse to the side where she was happily nestled between her massive breasts.

“Nah uh,” said _________________, “It’s warm and comfy in here!”

“Shashashashasha! You silly little guppy! Get out of there!”

“Ten more minutes? Please?”




“Thank you!” the men watched dumbfounded as _______________ refused to give up her precious boob smothering time. After her seven minutes were up, Praline gently removed her and set her on the shore bank. She gently pats her head.

“You be good you little guppy~”

“Yes Miss Praline! Thank you!” she smiled and winked at the men before disappearing back in the ocean. _____________ looked as though she had been to heaven and back.

“You okay there kiddo?” said Namur

“MHM! BOOBS ARE AWESOME!” the men laughed.

“Well, it’s normal for kids to be interested in breasts,” said Rakugo laughing

“Boobs are warm and they make me happy!” said _________________ happily, “It’s like soft squishy warm pillows!”

“....let’s all pray that this is just a phase,” said Fossa

“Oh I hope not!” said Namur laughing, “It’s okay to be a breast man right?”

“Well, for a man but what about a little girl?”

“Well….sometimes girls have boob envy but I think this was something else,” said Blenheim

“All I know is that Sanji is having a natural born fit,” Namur gestured to Sanji who looked as though __________________ had won the lottery and everything in between.

“____________________ HOW WAS IT?! HOW DID IT FEEL?! HOW DID IT SMELL?!”

“DON’T ANSWER THAT!” said Law, “DON’T ASK ________________ THAT YOU PERVERT!”


“Please, you’d probably would get a nosebleed and die from it,”

“They were sofer than the sofest of pillows and they smelt like the sea!”



Otohime stumbled into her study. It was a very long day today and truthfully, she just wanted to relax and get some sleep. Whitebeard and Fisher were going to stay one more night. Shirahoshi was sad that her new friends had to leave so suddenly but they didn’t need to stick around for something so dangerous. Even if it was a decoy attack, it was still a threat and needed to be treated as such. However, unbeknownst to her, a large eel man had snuck into her study. He was massive with a large thick black tail that was spotted, his eyes were wild and glowing yellow, like flaming embers. His hair was black as the night and spiked. He had a wide, crazed smile on his face and he floated towards her. He easily towered over the queen. She felt someone looming over her and whizzed around. She was met face to chest with him.

“Oh! You came!”

“Yeah I’m sorry I’m late, queenie!” the eel man grinned at her sheepishly holding a wrapped box in one hand, “Buuuuuut I come bearing gifts of cake and some exotic tea,”

“You shouldn’t have! Anything to report?”

“I got you more signatures!” he said proudly holding up the form for her. Otohime beamed and hugged his middle tightly.

“I knew I could count on you! I really appreciate your efforts!”

“You know I would do anything to help establish some peace. You’ve been working your ass off way too hard and you need to get some rest,”

“I wish but we’re so close! After everything is settled, we can finally start bridging the gap and I’m happy,”

“Mhm but you’re also super fragile. Seriously, a small breeze can knock her over!” he picked her up and gently placed her on the cushiony chair. He then puts on the kettle and gives her one of the cakes.

“I didn’t know you could make tea,” she said smiling. He rubbed the back of his neck.

“Blame Barbatos. He kind of drilled it into me when I was a kid. He did the same for kids. I had to take tea duties when he was sick and he basically made me drink bitter tea because it steeped too long. Never again! But he showed me how to get the perfect tea for occasions so that’s a plus! This one is a rose green tea and it’s perfect for cakes!”

“You’re such a gentleman!”

“How dare you!” he chuckled as she gingerly sipped the tea. She felt a lot better. Her nerves were calmer at least. Magnus was adjacent to her happily eating one of the cakes. He was the splitting image of Tony, right down to his scales. She’s known him since he was a tot, Tony had it his business to introduce her to his growing family and his thriving island. She knew he could do it, there wasn’t any doubt but that doesn’t mean she wasn’t worried for her old friend.

“I know I’m putting you into a lot of danger for having you coming around,”

“Pfft don’t worry about that. You know me, I love living dangerously~ I’m pretty sure anyone who knows who I am will avoid me like the plague and you know you’re my main priority. The Old Man would probably skin me alive if he knew I wasn’t around to help his favorite person. How’s the family?”

“GREAT! They’re all so healthy and strong and I’m just happy to see them growing up! I’m just trying to get Shirahoshi out of her little shell since everyone is so protective of her, which is understable but she needs to experience the world before she becomes ruler someday. How are your little ones?”

“Taking after their old man!” he said laughing, “the youngest really takes after me, a splitting image personality wise but more tamed, his brother is obviously going to be the brains of the operation. My dear sweet girl...she’s been really keeping things in order on my behalf! Though I swear she’s the splitting image of her Nonno, like if he sprouted a pair of breasts and got my hot ass. I’m so proud! She’s even juggling a family with some little ones of her own, three little girls and one boy! Even a husband! I just can’t believe she’s doing so much. I’m the only one who hasn’t met her family, well me, the Old Man and Uncle Barb. She’s been sending me photos and things but I hadn’t met them and it’s starting to piss me off. How dare she tease me! But she’s been training to take over someday. I can’t wait for that day,”

“Does she still want to?”

“Mhm! I talked to her and she’s still on board!”

“Isn’t that bounty hunter still trying to chop off her head?” he laughs

“YEP! But she’s way too clever for her! The Hunter STILL doesn’t even know what my beautiful daughter looks like! She just knows that she’s a beauty and she wants her head. Her brothers send out red herrings just to mess with her. The last time she used a mannequin with a fish head and I think she finally caught on that she’s being played!” Otohime chuckled.

“You all really love living dangerously. I worry for you,”

“I know,” he sat down with a large smile on his face, “But don’t, we’re fine. In fact, the kids got you some signatures as well! It didn’t take much convincing but they managed to get as many as they could!” she couldn’t help but cover her mouth. Tears rolled down her face, “That was kind of the reason I had to blow up a wall, my little protege came to hand me her signatures and I didn’t want anyone to see her so I blew something up. I’ll gladly pay for the damages,”

“I want…I want to repay you…please Magnus tell me…what do I need to do?”

“Pffft that’s simple. A thank you and a hug,”


“You heard me, your thanks is good enough,”

“I have to ask….why are you risking so much? You’re...well you none of your clan or people have any obligation or loyalties to us anymore but you’re still willing to help us. Especially after what happened, none of you have reason to help us but you are! I-I can’t thank you enough but I’m just so…so…touched!” she sobbed and covered her face. She then felt a warm embrace, followed by a thumb wiping her tears away. Magnus gave her a warm smile.

“Listen, the Old Man always said that no matter what happens in life, always strive to be someone you’ll be proud of in the morning. Yeah we were banished from Fishman Island, it was a blow to our clan but nevertheless we’re fishmen and we’re still feared by everyone we encounter. I've been all over and met different people everywhere and from what I can see the whole world is a corrupt mess with people trying to survive it in the only way they can. I can forgive a lot of things because I’ve done a lot of things. Though, I can never forgive the World Nobles for what they did to my brother. I can only imagine what he suffered for those years. The thing that pains me the most is that I couldn’t find him because he was locked away in the one place I would never have thought and it took me that long to get him. They changed him. I will never forgive that but I know it’s not all humans. Hell he still loves me and I look like a human 75% of the time so there’s hope. Besides, you’re doing a great thing, I want to be a part of it,” Otohime never would have thought she would have seen this side to someone everyone has always called the demon in the flesh. In fact, the entire Anguilla family were considered traitors to all of Fishman Island, and them being able to look human at will didn’t help matters. She vowed to work on closing that gap as well someday, especially since they did nothing wrong and are still hated by all.

“Magnus, I”ll do everything in my power to have you all be able to come back to Fishman Island,”

“No need, we’re doing fine and we don’t mind supporting this place along with Whitebeard. We’re all alone in this world, may as well make it worth it. Life is way too short to hold grudges, don’t you think?” she nodded, “ANd I believe I’ve been spotted, I’ll get these to you some other way but I don’t want to cause too much trouble,”

“Maxxie, it’s okay,”

“No, no, I know I need to be inconspicuous. Don’t worry, I’ll probably have a rep come in my place and it’ll give you a chance to see the kids! They look just like their old man,”

“I hope! I look forward to it!” He gave her one more hug and slipped out of the window and swam away. Otomhime watched until she saw him disappear into the distance. She shakily looked at all of the signatures. They were one step closer…they were finally close….close to finally be equals, finally be seen as equal beings, they were no longer going to be considered slaves…they can finally be seen and heard just like normal humans. No more suffering, no more enslavement…it’s coming and she could feel it. They just needed to hold out a little bit longer.

Chapter 104: Forgiveness


A Young Knight faces her Past

Chapter Text

The little girl hit the ground hard. She went to get up but was slapped down again. She was then lifted up and shook violently. Her father’s face was twisted and contorted with pure madness and anger.

“Years of planning, years of toiling as a fucking servant, GONE! All because of you!” Kuro slammed Katherina over and over on the ground. Before she could get up, claws sliced through her. She coughed up blood and tried to get away only to be stomped on over and over again. She knew she couldn’t cover herself to protect herself because it would have been worse. She could feel him clawing her and more stomping before he just grabbed her by the arm and dragged her outside. He dragged her through the woods, thorns and twigs scratching it and she dared not yelp or cried. Soon, they made it to the ship, which was brought and hidden away. He then got her onboard and threw her into the brig. She hit the inside of the ship hard. She winced and pretended she was unconscious. She could hear him shouting orders upon orders.

“W-What about her, Captain?”

“I DON’T CARE!” he barked, “If she’s alive good, if not that’s even better! She’s useless! She can’t even do ONE simple task! I hope she dies!” She could hear footsteps and things like that above her but no one dared went near the brig. It felt like hours before she felt someone gently pick her up and got her to the side of the brig and started cleaning her face from the blood. She didn’t say anything. Jango patched her up good. He then took her hand and guided her to a cot in the brig with a blanket.

“If it’s any consolation. I’m proud of you, Kat-chan,” he kissed her forehead and left her with only a candle for light. As she drifted off to sleep, she could have heard someone calling her name. She ignored it. She didn’t want to hear it. She didn’t care to hear it…

“WELCOME BACK KAT-CHAN!” the girls crowded around Katherina, who had her normal look of aloofness and coolness. Because the exchange went over so well, her school sent her back for additional training for a recital in the making. _________________ was the most excited.

“So THIS was the surprise you were talking about! You!”

“Mhm, you have me for a good two weeks,” said Katherina grinning, “I didn’t want to spoil it so I kept it a secret,”

“What’s the occasion?!” said Vivi

“We’re having a major performance and since this is the only gymnastics place, they want me to dance on a tightrope. Don’t ask,”

“Wow! Can we see you performance?!” said Penny

“Yeah! Those types of places have guest tickets, right?!” said Plum

“Yeah, we get ten tickets and extras on permission but I have accumulated a lot since my family is always too busy to go,” said Katherina

“All the reason for us to go!”

“Yeah!” said _________________, “We can even have a picnic afterwards!”

“Make sure to bring Ussop!” said Penny, “He knows where to find the good picnic spots!” Katherina stopped.


“Yeah! He’s Kaya’s best friend from Syrup Village!”


“Oh yeah! Kaya was the exchange!” said Plum, “Yeah, there’s one more in our troupe! Her name is Kaya and her best friend aka her boooooooyfriend is Ussop,” almost on cue, Kaya bounced in.

“Morning everyone! Sorry I’m late! Ussop came to visit and we spent all night playing a board game!”

“You mean kissing~” said Plum giggling. Kaya’s face went completely red.

“NO! It’s not like that!”

“Sure it is!”

“I practically ran from the car! I hope I’m not in trouble!”

“Stop being dramatic!” Vivi laughed, “Miss Fern isn’t even here yet!”

“And you have five minutes to spare,” said ______________

“I know, I know but I like having our morning huddles!”

“Well you’re in luck!” said Penny happily, “Katherina is here! She’s the girl that replaced you for the week during the exchange! She’s like a sixth man!” Katherina and Kaya looked at each other for a few moments. Both looked at each other with very different emotions. Katherina looked terrified and Kaya looked shocked. Before they could say anything, Katherina was pulled into a tight hug.

“Kat-chan! It’s been years!” Ussop said smiling, “Good to see you!”

“Ussop you’re here!” said Plum, “It’s good to see you again!”

“Heh, heh likewise!”

“What are you doing here?” said Vivi

“I’m here to take whatever punishment you have in store for Miss Kaya!” he was still hugging Katherina in a way that they were close and he didn’t want to let her go.

“It’s not that serious!”

“Wait, wait, you three know each other?” said Penny. Ussop grinned!

“MHM! Me, Katherina, and Miss Kaya go WAY back! We actually used to pal around together until Katherina and her father moved away!” he grinned at her, “Right, Kat-chan?”

“R-Right! It was a few years ago. I didn’t know you were living here, Kaya,”

“Wow! Small world!” said _____________________, “That’s so cool! You know I’ve never met your dad! What's he like?”


“SUPER busy!” Ussop cuts her off, “So busy that Katherina doesn’t get to see him a lot so sadly she doesn’t know much about him! Not really father of the year, so he gave her up to Jango so he can resume father duties!”

“Kind of a downgrade if you ask me,” said Holly, “That man who looks like a clown has no business being around children in my opinion. Still say the same thing about Pinnochio over there,”

“And your mother has no business trying to dress like someone in her teens when she’s pushing forty with all of that pancake makeup,” Plum snapped.

“And if I were you, I’d watch your mouth when it comes to Jango and Ussop,” said Katherina, “Unless you want me to make it so you can’t speak for the rest of the year,” Holly was about to retort. Katherina glare said it all. She immediately shrank and said nothing more.

“You still have the Ice Stare!” said Ussop, “And for once it’s not geared at me!”

“Oh shush!” said Katherina blushing. Vivi laughed.

“Watch it Holly, Katherina isn’t like ___________________, I’m pretty sure she could kill someone with her bare hands if she wanted to!”

“Yeah! Kat-chan is a badass!” said Plum laughing, “Betcha she could probably tie Holly in knots!”

“Skin her alive!” piped Penny

“Boil her in oil!” said Vivi.

“Hey, hey! Kat-chan wouldn’t do anything like that! She’s way too nice to hurt someone physically,” said ________________ noticing Katherina’s discomfort on the subject, “I mean she’s like that song, face of a sinner but hands of a priest!”

“ mean priest?” said Ussop

“Priest, have you met Sister?”


“Yeah that’s true,” said Plum, “I mean I would be. Kat-chan is just as nice as ________________ but takes nothing when it comes to her friends, right?” Katherina snorts.

“Yeah,” soon Miss Fern walked and the girls took their seats. She was about to start the lesson when she saw Ussop.

“Oh! New face?”

“Actually, I’m here with Miss Kaya! I can leave if it’s a problem!” the woman laughed.

“Grab a leotard if you want to stay!”


Katherina immediately left after class. She mainly wanted to get as far away from Kaya and Ussop as humanly possible. She couldn’t face them. She refused to face them, especially Kaya. She kept her distance even when she saw them coming towards her. She immediately ducked down in a alley and waited before she took side roads and streets to get away from them. Soon she was back in familiar territory and looked around. She gave Jango a call before heading off. It was a long walk but she knew if she need some answers there would be one person to help her. She took the ferry and ended up at the port near the villa. She hopped off the boat and walked onwards. She practically skipped to the door and pulled on the bell. Perv opened the door.

“Awww Kitty Cat!” she pulled Katherina into a tight hug, “Welcome! Where’s your cake eating partner in crime?”

“Tch, more like Liability,” she chuckled

“You and Law are so similar I swear! What’s up?”

“Umm, is Miss Filly home?”

“Yeah! Hang on! I think she’s doing her rounds,” The villa was almost always a weird quiet lively. She knew it was because the Maids were living and working at the same time. She noticed a sports car in the driveway, meaning that the owner of the house was home. She wasn’t sure if she was allowed to be there. Perv glanced down at her.

“No worries, Boss doesn’t really care if we have guests over, especially really cute ones. I think he’s in his study,” on cue, Doflamingo stomped out of the room and shouted at her from the landing.

“Perv! Where are my socks?!”

“In the drawer Boss,” she said

“I can’t find them!”

“Did you OPEN the drawer?!”

“I shouldn't have to!”


“Damn it woman! Bring me socks! WARM SOCKS!” Perv sighed.

“Excuse me, Kat-chan,” Perv pulled out a pair of socks from her breasts and threw them at the warlord, “HERE!”


“HOW ELSE WOULD I KEEP THEM WARM?!” Katherina made herself scarce while the two went at it. She soon found Lesser handing out orders to everyone as usual. She looked a little exasperated but perked up when she saw Katherina.

“Hello sweetheart,”

“Hi Miss Filly. Umm I was wondering, do you have time?” Lesser radioed Cook to have tea ready at the gazebo and by the time they got there, there was tea steeping with chocolate biscuit cake waiting for them. Lesser poured them both a cup and gave Katherina a slice of cake.

“What’s on your mind, sweetheart?”

“A lot,” she sighed.

“Well let’s start from the the beginning then,” Katherina took a sip of her tea and let out a sigh.

“Okay! I-almost-killed-Kaya-when-I-was-a-kid! I-mean-a-younger-kid! And-I-wasn’t going-to-REALLY-kill-her-because-I-like-Kaya-like-as-friends-like-because-she-and-Ussop-were-super-nice-to-me-when-we-were-kids! Father-told-me-I-had-to-so-he-could-kill-her-parents-and-get-their-fortune! But I-couldn’t-do-it-and-Kaya-saw-me! So-I-fled-and-we-left-the-next-day! Now-Kaya-and-Usopp-are-back-and-they-recognized-me-and-I-don't-know-what-to-do!” Katherina was panting from her long spitfire response. Lesser listened intently.

“I’m guessing you’re asking me if you should continue to hide from Kaya and Ussop or should you just face them head on?” Katherina nodded.

“I mean…I want to, but how can I explain everything?! It’s hard! I mean, I was standing over here with a weapon but I couldn’t do it! I’m not a murderer! I just…I don’t know,” Lesser took another bite of her cake.

“Katherina, you’re still a little girl with little girl feelings and thoughts. You’re also very mature for your age like Law. It’s my job to make sure you both have a childhood where you can make mistakes, have thoughts and feelings of immaturity and just learn how to be silly and weird and gross until they world condemns you harshly for it,” Lesser sips her tea, “But every child has to make a grownup decision. You can’t escape your past and sometimes it comes back to haunt you. Sometimes it can be good, like seeing an old friend. Sometimes it’s seeing the last person you want to see. No matter what anyone says, you can make amends for something in the past, even though you can’t change. Running from it makes things more stressful and trust me, wrinkles and gray hairs on a child aren't becoming,” Katherina looked a little defeated.

“Why does it have to be so hard?”

“Life isn’t easy, if it was, then I’m pretty sure I would be on an island with Roci right now drinking pina coladas and eating chocolate off his torso,”


“You and Law would obviously be there with Bellemere and her little ones and Jango and my weird sisters,” Katherina smiled, “Did my advice help?”

“Mhm, thanks Miss Filly!”

“Of course sweetie, do you need a ride back home?”



“I’m getting the Pussy Wagon now!”

“Stop calling it that!”


The following day, Katherina carried on as normal, so did Kaya for that matter. They did their routines together, they practiced, she and ________________ talked about Pretty Soldier and everything was pretty much as normal as normal could be.

“Earth to Kat-chan!” she jumped. _______________ was grinning at her, “So do you?”

“Do I what?”

“Wow, _______________’s spaciness is rubbing off on you,” said Plum laughing, “She asked if you wanted to get some cake at Patisserie,”

“OH! Ummm no, I have to umm get back home. I’ll see you all tomorrow. I’ll call you later, ___________________,”

“Okay!” Katherina gathered her things and ran for it. She knew Lesser was right but she was NOT ready to accidentally run into Kaya. However fate made the decision for her. After ducking into a shop and lingering, she thought she was safe enough to walk about, right into the last person she wanted to see. She and Kaya looked at each other for a few moments. Kaya was giving her a big friendly smile and she knew she was sweating bullets. She didn’t feel comfortable knowing that she was near her at ALL. She slowly backed away from the girl who was still smiling all the same.

“Can we talk? Please?”


“It’s been two years, I think there’s a lot we can catch up on,” soon they were at one of the places in Goa, a park to be precise with a box of hot rice balls between them. Katherina wasted no time in cramming one into her mouth. She really didn’t want to have this conversation, at all, “Kitty…why are you avoiding me so much?”

“Don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said through muffled cheeks of food, “No idea what’s so ever!”

“Please, you know why,”

“Nope, and since there’s nothing else to talk about, we can just drop it,”


“Just drop it alright! Besides, you know why! Just….drop, Kai-chan,”

“Please…just let me speak,”

“Fine but I may not listen, just so you k—”

“USSOP TOLD ME WHAT HAPPENED!” Katherina froze. Kaya panted and looked at her with tears in her eyes. Years of pain and anger was in her face as she unloaded her feelings onto her old friend, “HE TOLD ME EVERYTHING! When it was all over, Ussop told me everything. He told me and when…well everything happened it made sense. He told Father everything and he wanted to find you to bring you back but you were all long gone,” Kaya started sobbing, “Katherina I’m so sorry!”


“BECAUSE I COULDN’T TELL YOU THAT I NEVER THOUGHT YOU WERE A TRAITOR!” Kaya continued, “You were probably hurting the whole time! A-And you wouldn’t have been hurt if you would have just killed me!”

“I wasn’t going to kill you! I just couldn’t! You and Ussop were the kindest friends I’ve ever had and it would be a scummy thing to do to kill someone after hanging out with them for so long!”

“BUT WE LET YOU LEAVE WITH A DEMON! Klahadore—Kuro…I didn’t know, we didn’t know! He—He—He!”

“Beat the living shit out of me,” said Katherina, “I still have the scars from it, I just kind of keep them hidden. It’ll take time but they’re going away slowly,” Kaya looked very uncomfortable, “But I never blamed you or Ussop for it. Yeah I could have killed you and be done with it but…I’m no killer and I wasn’t going to kill someone I saw as family at the moment. Even though we were your servants, you treated us well and I can’t thank you enough for that. Hell we were classmates for two years,”

“But…we could have done more! Father was seriously considering adopting you or getting Marines involved!”

“Why? Marines are corrupt and with enough money, he could have convinced them that I wasn’t in any immediate danger and then beat me in non visible places like the sadist,”

“Still…I’m sorry that this is your life now. I blamed myself…I blamed myself for what happened to you!”

“Don’t be! Life sucks but I manage,” Katherina laughed, “I have friends now and it’s refreshing. Father is almost always never at home so it’s just me and Jango, because it’s just me and Jango, I get a little more freedom. When he is home, I just avoid him, answer his questions and be a little robot but he really doesn’t care either way as long as I don’t show emotions. I didn’t think I would ever have a best friend yet here we are,”

“Does ________________ know what happened?”

“No and I would love for you to not say anything…I never had a best friend before. I see you and Ussop as good friends and I will always cherish those days as something I can look back on but…with ________________ it’s so much different. I mean I pretty much had to put on an act the entire time we were together. It’s refreshing to not have to put up some kind of barrier around her, then again her weird ass won’t let me and that’s why she means the world to me,” Kaya smiled.

“Yeah, she’s a special kind of friend and I think she sees you as her bestie too. Me and Vivi paired up and Plum and Penny were together and well, now it’s you two and you’re both joined at the hip. I can see it! But if we can…can we start over and can I be friends with the real Kitty?”

“Call me Kat-chan and sure!”

“Awww but Kitty is cuter,”


“So tsundere!”

“Don’t call me that! Also, before I forget, how did you know?”

“Know what?”

“That I wasn’t going to kill you that night? You had to have known! If you didn’t you would have been there wouldn’t you?!” Kaya looked down and looked at her feets, “NOW you’re quiet?! Answer me!”

“Because you just wouldn’t! You’re not that kind of person! I know…your father told you to just pretend to like me and my family and Ussop…but, I know you really did like us, despite everything! Even while pretending you were still a nice person! It didn’t come off as bad! Even now, Ussop and I still have great memories of our time together…and we worried about you too. And I hope you feel the same,” Kaya was heaving and sobbing hard. Katherina got up and went to a nearby water fountain, wet her handkerchief and gently wiped Kaya’s face.

“Stop crying will you? Of course those memories meant something to me! You two were the only friends I had! It was like having a real family and a stable life, and I missed that village so much! It was more than I deserved and more! I was never going to kill you, I’m not a killer. Does it make me weak? Perhaps but to me, betraying someone is the scummy and vile thing you can do,” Kaya hugged her tightly and they both stayed in each other’s arms for what felt like eternity. Kaya then moved away with a smile.

“Thank you, Kitty,”

“No prob, Kai-chan,” Kaya ran away with a smile on her face. Katherina lingered for a few moments before deciding to leave the area. She went towards a few bushes along the side of the path. She then reached into the bush and dragged out Ussop who was listening the entire time.

“ACK! Kat-chan! How did you know?!”

“You’re not subtle, like at ALL. I know you have something to say to so out with it,”

“I come bearing a peace offering!” she cocked her head. He opened a box of fried chicken. She sighs.

“I hate you,” she took a piece.

“Heh, I KNEW that wasn’t a lie! No one can resist something this tasty,”

“And it’s been awhile since I’ve had it,” she said happily tucking in, “So I have some questions for you. How did you know about what was going on and how did you know that I wasn’t going to do it?”

“Well, you’re not a killer. Someone like you isn’t remotely the type to do such a thing unprovoked. I’ll admit I was terrified of you when we first met because you were frightening but Kaya trusted you. You’re funny, you’re kind, and well you’re really smart! You’re the coolest person I know aside from me of course!” Katherina snorts.

“Of course I would never be as cool as God Ussop,”

“We all can’t be so lucky!” he laughed, “And I did overhear you and Kuro talking. I remember he said something after he left. Something about completing your rite?” she stopped mid chew and then swallowed.

“Year. Well, my family, we have something called the Rite of Death,”


“You have to make your first kill by your eleventh birthday. Father managed his at eight and wanted me to do mine at seven, my dear sweet aunt did hers at seven but she’s kind of the eldest, and my uncle did his at nine. But apparently it was so brutal that everyone still talks about it. I know Vitale did his,”


“Cousin. I think he did his at nine. Aunt and her crew were so proud they partied for a week. Aunt said she wasn’t going to raise a weak son and said if he didn’t do it she was going to toss him overboard or something. He tried to make me his victim but I was faster,”

“....your family is seriously fucked up,”

“I know. That’s why I can’t risk them seeing or knowing about __________________. I never had a best friend before and I never felt as close to someone as I do with her. Aunt would love for me to betray someone who trusts me, Father would love for me to kill something I love so I don’t have any attachments, and Uncle…I think he would love the idea of me disemboweling her and her asking why,”

“....HOW are you related to them?”

“I don’t know myself. I don’t know if it’s luck or just being around Jango,”

“I think it’s time you’ve spent with us and Miss Kaya’s family! I remember when you first came and when they said you were Miss Kaya’s new servant. You looked completely emotionless, like a doll, like you didn’t care about anything and it was just a duty to you. Kuro didn’t help by being constantly cold to you and Miss Kaya. But that day when you took responsibility for me getting us lost and getting home late, even if it meant your father was going to punish you, I knew you were good company and you lightened up after that too!”

“That’s because that was the best day we ever had. I’ve never been swimming before, that was my first time having karaage, father always said it was poor people’s food and it was the best thing ever, and we found all of those geos. I still have a few of them in my room. They’ve my treasures and memories from that time,” he grinned

“So you’re saying you’re having your own adventures now? Without us?”

“Kind of. Honestly, I like how things are now. I have a best friend, I have a mom, I have a brother, and I have a mom and a bunch of aunts,”

“You said mom twice,”

“Well, I never really had one before and this one…she’s really nice to me and I really like being around her and her husband. It’s weird, I didn’t think she would like me or even care for me but the woman…she was the one who chopped off Aunt’s tail,”


“My Aunt is Catarina Devon, she has a devil fruit,”


“What’s even more badass is that she wears it like a trophy! I figured her out and she kind of adopted me. It feels nice to hang around her. I avoided her at first because she has a son but he’s okay with sharing. And in the evening, it’s just me and Jango and then there’s ________________. I’m not so lonely anymore,”

“I told you! I knew you’d be happy one day! You just had to give it some time! But you have to promise me and Kaya that you won’t be a stranger!”

“I won’t, I have a den den mushi and a cell phone so you two can contact me whenever,”

“Sounds like a plan! I’ll be in town for a few more days! Want to hang out or something with us?”

“I’d like that,”

“But seriously is Kuro around? Will you get into trouble?”

“Nope. He literally leaves me for months at a time. He was supposed to come back sooner but his ship got capsized by some fishmen and he and his crew are stranded in another town while things are getting repaired. Jango took leave of work so I’ve been actually living happily at home. He’ll be back soon but until then, I have free range of the house,”

“Maybe we can come over!”

“Wouldn’t risk it, but there’s a ramen place I wanted to go with ________________ that has kaarage, so we can definitely go there,”

“Wow, you have changed but totally in a good way,” he hugged her tightly, “I’m glad you are. I hope I get to meet your mom!”

“I think you did, her name is Lesser,”

“WAAAAAAAAAAH?! The Scary Maid from the recital?! With the sharp teeth?!”


“Okay, level with me…is she part fishman or something? I remember those teeth!”

“Nah, I doubt it. I think she has haki though. She has a death stare that can bring anyone to their knees. Law told about the day she came and rescued him and his other siblings. She was even on TV when those Marines were held hostage,”

“Scary mom, scary son, and now scary daughter,” Ussop laughed.

“I’ll remember that!” That night Katherina curled up on the couch to watch the latest Pretty Soldier with __________________ on the den den mushi. It was one of her highlights of the week and it was something to take her mind off of things. Both were engrossed in today’s episode.

“He’s got Princess Tsuki!”

“And he’s doing that adult bed thing!”

“Wait, what?”

“You know! Tie her up and feed her cake! But I don’t think she wants cake!”

“....___________________ do you know where babies come from?”

“Of course! Out a woman!”

“ you know the process?”

“I know it has something to do with bed and cake and he’s going to kiss her!”


“Poor Tsuki! I hope Quartz comes quickly!”

“Ugh, I like Prince Sapphire but forcing someone to be their wife is scummy!”

“MHM! Oh! By the way, are you okay?! You’ve been really distracted lately!”

“Yeah, a lot on my mind. But I’m okay now, you?”

“I’m good! Just worried about you!”

“Stop worrying about me! SOMEONE has to worry about you,”

“I have a whole family! You just have Jango and Lesser! So, I have to make sure you’re okay at all times!” Katherina smiled.

“You dork,”

“Seriously! I want to make sure you’re okay because well, we’re besties, right?”

“....yeah, I guess we are,”

“I seriously can’t wait for you to come to the Pretty Soldier Festival with us this summer!”

“Just be glad Shiro gave me the extra ticket before he moved back,”

“Lucky! That was nice of him! Want to dress up together?!”

“You can be Kinsei and I’ll be Nega Kinsei,”

“But she’s mean!”

“But I look like her the most,”

“Aww okay!” after she got off the phone, she heard the door open. Jango happily came inside. She could smell something good coming from him.

“HEY YOU!” Jango happily setting down the bags on the couch in front of her.

“What’s this?

“Takeout!” Katherina’s eyes lit up. Kuro often had her on a strict gourmet diet like mant noble kids, to make sure her “palate stayed pure”. But secretly she loved having takeout foods from time to time and Jango would sneak it in. Today fried chicken, onion rings, and French fries and beer for him, a large soda for her.

“So good!”

”I’d thought you’d want something a bit more greasy than usual,”

“You’re the best!”

“I told the chef to take the night off and we were going out. Your father is going to be home soon and you should have some greasy foods from time to time. Any requests for tomorrow?”

“I’ve always wanted to try one of those chili cheese fries. ________________ was telling me about them because of Ace and Luffy,”

“Sounds good,”

“And I want to get used to eating this stuff so that when we hang out at the Pretty Soldier Festival, I can look like a pro,”

“You know ________________ doesn’t care about that,”

“Yeah I know but i want to look semi prepared,”

“Just don’t go to bed with all of that on your stomach, you’ll get a wicked tummy ache,”

“Got it,” they stayed up some time longer. She soon dozed off next to him while in the middle of watching a dance competition. He smiled and gently scooped her up, took her upstairs to her bedroom and tucked her in. This is the first time he’s seen her so relaxed in ages. He hated that she had to revert to her old life the moment Kuro comes in but he knows it can’t be helped until she’s older. He kissed her forehead and moonwalked out of the door.

Katherina was covered in bruises and cuts that evening. She and her father would soon be leaving and he told her to stay on the ship and not say a word. She obliged but then when things were taking so long, she decided to grab something to eat. The town was so small, she couldn’t understand why her father even cared about taking out Kaya’s parents just for their money. She was pretty sure they didn’t have that much. She KNEW her family was loaded no thanks to her father and mother marriage and dealings but this was just…weird. She sighed and went to Meshi. She was afraid to go. She was sure everyone knew of the infamous Captain Kuro and daughter who was trying to kill a family for money but she was hungry.

“Hello, hello!” Katherina glanced up. A lean man with long gray hair, with a part of it tied in a single braid on the right side of his head was grinning like a Cheshire cat at her. She couldn’t fully read the man, on the count that his eyes were always covered by his hair. He had black fingernails, and a jagged scar across his face.

“Hello Mr. Undertaker,”

“Beautiful day isn’t it Miss Kitty or should I say Miss Devon,”

“So you heard,”

“Mhm~poor Katty Kat,”

“It’s okay, I guess, I mean…at least you all don’t have to worry about seeing me again,” he chuckled.

“I’m pretty sure I’ll see you again, whether it’s sooner or later, people always come about to see me eventually,”

“So…is she okay?”

“Mhm~didn’t quite have the nerve, did you?” she looked uncomfortable.

“No, I didn’t,” he chuckled.

“Of course not! You’re a little girl! Little girls aren’t killers! You’re smart enough to know that, Katty,”

“Yeah, I know that….but it’s not me,”

“You made your decision and you made your choice but that’s okay, it’s usually a wise one when it comes from a smart person with some kind of conscience. Usually idiots do the brainless thing, don’t you think?” she looked at him. He was laughing and have her a knowing laugh. She felt a little better than before.

“KATHERINA?!” a woman poked her head out of Meshi and almost immediately grabbed and yanked her inside, “Please, please come here, QUICKLY!” Momo the owner, immediately pulled her inside and before she could do something, Momo shoved food into her mouth, “Darling please eat! Whatever is left, please take with you!”


“Don’t worry about money! Just eat and please if you’re ever back in town! Let me know!” Momo looked so sad and worried at the same time. She knew her father was feared and the idea of Captain Kuro looking for his daughter and someone hiding her was enough to make Momo help get Katherina food but not actually take her away. Undertaken watched the woman load food into a burlap sack and continued to fuss over the little girl. He sat down and munched on a bone.

“I thought for sure I was going to be needed last night,” a brown haired man joined him looking at the little girl, “I thought for sure she was going to do it,”

“Oh ye of little faith,” he chuckled, “Children aren’t typically killers~”

“But it occurs and you know it,”

“Not by choice. Every human has a crossroads that they must face. This one…you can smell death on her but not of her own volition. She’s going to smell like death for decades to come. The face of a sinner but the hands of a priest. Her fate is being suffocated by the sins and thorns of her family, though she can break out of it, hopefully. She has a long life ahead and she can become a monster. But she born to be a killer, it all depends on when and how she uses it,”

“What do you mean?”

“Her fate is intertwined with another. She’s a born cavalier to a monster,”

“I see,”

“And it’s not like anyone can intervene in human affairs. Just observation,”


“We both know that rule gets broken every few centuries or so depending on the human or being. Ishmari was the one who informed me about this. One of the Ancient Weapons has been reincarnated. Poseidon to be exact. If my theory is true, Katty Kat’s allegiance is to the Keep. Have they been found?”

“Not yet. Then again, you were the one who took Amare,” there was another laugh.

“Because she fulfilled her purpose. It was a hard decision but it had to be done. Her memory along with Blume’s still lives on but everything was necessary, even though we beg to differ,” the man nodded, “We can only observe, but if someone needs a nudge, who are we to judge,”

“I hope you’re right. It feels like meddling,”

“Helping along the inevitable isn’t meddling, it’s securing,”

“But…will things get better at least?”

“For Katty Kat? Nope but things will be easier after her Rite of Death,”

“So she does have to go through with it,”

“Perhaps, stranger things have happened but her life won’t get better until blood is spilt. Either hers or someone else’s the world is cruel and with a man like her father it’s kill or be killed,” he heads back to his little hovel, “But then again I can be making my own fun over all of this. I gave her more than enough time to say her goodbyes or get some food and sentimental things. I hope she chose wisely,”

Chapter 105: A/N: Last Special Request


One Last Request

Chapter Text

Hi Hi everyone!

So this is the LAST request I have before I make my big reveal for the 100th Chapter thing I've been planning! So here's what I'm going to need: I need you to ask me any burning questions about the fic you may have XD Anything is fair game and of course I won't reveal major plot points or things like that but you have anything you want answered just let me know! Examples can be: Why is Holly insane? Is Holly based on a real person? Where did the Maids come from? Did we already meet *******'s dad? Is Meme going to kill Doffy someday? Give me 5-7 questions or anything you like! I'm like 90% finished with everything and I have one more fic to tie you over before Chapter 100! Thank you again for reading and I promise you this will all be worth the wait!

Chapter 106: Holly's Omegaverse Fanfic: Part I


Holly write another fanfic!

A/N: Hi everyone this is Chapter 99! Soooo here's it was supposed to be at first, I have going to have a fanfic BEFORE the 100th Chapter but this blasted thing went into 60+ pages so I decided to split it in half, the fanfic and the aftermath. Also, sorry for being MIA lately, long story short: work, work, health, ER, and now future surgery which all sucks so hard. Also since this is part one of the 100th Chapter special, there's going to be a first part of the second surprise that can be found on A New Start Tumblr blog: so that's all for now! Enjoy! You can still give me some Q and A questions (I'm finishing up the ones I received) but can always use more!

Chapter Text

She was an omega, and she was in trouble! Because she was an omega, she had to take very special suppressants because her heat was that powerful, especially around Alphas who were ready to breed her even when she wasn’t in heat. She searched everywhere in her room for it but couldn’t find them. She could actually smell her heat, it was the smell of hot spun sugar, cinnamon, and spices with hints of fresh fruits of pineapples, apples, bananas, and sweetness. Many omegas weren’t aware of their scent but she was and it was the most sought after smell.

“Looking for these?” she turned. Her stepbrother was at the door with the bottle of pills.

“Ahhh Nii-chan! You can’t! I need those!”

“Do you?” he smirked, “Slutty little omegas need to be bred and you’re just about ripe for someone to breed with,”

“B-But I’m not ready!”

“Yeah you are and if you’re not, I can have some fun until you are, so what’ll it be? Me or another Alpha?” Holly was resigned to her fate and immediately grabbed her bag and ran out of the house. She had to quickly get to school because if she didn’t, then every Alpha within a mile’s radius was going to pound on her and try and breed with her and they’ll start FIGHTING over here. She didn’t want to cause a war, again. She managed to get a ride with a Beta and was soon off to school. This school was different. This school trained Alphas and Omegas and Betas how to be in society. It was a weirdly structured no man’s land of sex and violence where Alphas were taught and trained to be aggressive and sexually satisfying with a few Alpha-less omegas there to be breeding holes. It was a place of pure sexual chaos. It was also a place where Alphas found and marked their omegas. She was a prime omega female that was just ripe and virginal and pure but her scent was potent to all Alphas around because she was that elite. She had her school bag and walked to school with her head held high. She had to make it through the day until she could get more pills. The uniform was a miniskirt and crop top and today she was wearing her white pure panties. She was a virgin after all and she had to show it. She made it inside and she saw telltale signs of Alphas training omegas and human toilets providing services. Crocodile was ready, chained to his wall, butthole clean for his group of Alphas, Cook, the slutty moo cow was cleaning the subhumans who were gloryholes. She smiled at her. Holly humphed and turned her head. She couldn’t be seen talking to such filth.

“You better watch yourself, omega,” said Katherina glaring at her from her locker. Katherina was a mid ranking Alpha that had marked an ex omega of the Supreme Alpha. Holly jumped a bit when she saw her. She was scary but pretty, “I can smell you from here. I should breed you here and now,”

“Not before I do,” said Reiju smirking from behind, “I mean it’s not everyday a sexy omega comes around. Oh? And unmarked?”

“Probably a slut omega,” said the mysterious new boy from Onaw. The son of a mega alpha dragon, Keido. He was handsome with a large thick bulge that was leaking out of his pants, showing just how much he wanted her. She knew he probably has hundreds of omegas under him like his father and she didn’t want to share. Rumors had it that he and the Alpha Prince along with a few others would fuck each other to let off steam, then take their frustrations out on their poor omegas but once again those were rumors, “Just like Killer’s little onahole,”

“You mean _______________?! Yeah total slut that’ll do anything for a bite,” said Reiju, tittering under her hand.

“But I bet this Holly omega is nice and tight, perfect for breeding~” said the half dragon alpha boy. Reiju and Katherina lifted their skirts and two long girthy cocks sprouted from their privates, hard and leaky ready for action but as swollen and leaky as Yamato’s. The three alphas closed in on the beautiful, vulnerable omega when there was a throat clearing from behind.

“Clear off you three, you know the rule, no breeding until breeding season,” said the Alpha Teacher Mr. Rosinante, next to him was his sweaty omega bitch with fucked up teeth, hence her mask. She was a plain looking woman who was long since branded. She didn’t have any other options but Mr. Rocinante and anyone could tell. She was dressed in a tight mini dress with a see through net top, showing off her lewd breasts.

“But sir, she’s in heat!” Katherina whined, “She’s begging to be bred like a slut!”

“Once she takes her medication she’ll be fine, now get going,” they slinked away. He then sneered at Holly, “Get to the bathroom and take care of yourself,”

“Yes sir!” he then smirked at the Omega Bitch.

“Ready to suck Daddy off, slut?” she nodded looking flustered, juice leaking from her pants. She was a shameless whore. He tugged on her collar via leash and guided her to a corner. Holly watched in interest and horror as the Omega Bitch started giving him an obscene bj in front of everyone. How lewd and crass!

“Law, say hi to your mother?” said Rocinante in a mocking tone

“A filthy bitch like that isn’t suitable to be anyone’s mother. I’d rather die to have someone like her as my mother,” Rocinante laughed cruelly

“You’d really thing an Alpha like Law would consider a breeding bitch to his mother and we’ll be a family? You’re just a glorified cocksleeve, bitch!” Holly kept walking. Omegas had a place but usually by their Alpha’s side but human toilets and unmarked Omegas were different, especially after they were bred. It was just another day and she could smell heats everywhere and hopefully she can go unnoticed. She could see Smoker and Crocodile both being fucked against the wall by some male and female Alphas. Professor Rengoku was lecturing while his slutty moo cow Cook gave him a blowjob. Deuce was currently riding Katherina while she studied next to Law. She wanted to change schools but this was the closest and nicest one in the area.

“Holly, molly how goes it love?” Killer was behind her holding a leash. Attached to the leash was the most pathetic omega bitch at school, ________________ herself. She was a slutty, orphan omega who was adopted by the Newgate Family to be bred to be a breeding tool for all of the members when she became of age but most notably Ace. But soon since she was no longer his favorite toy, they gave her to other omegas until eventually she was too worn out to be anyone’s and had to basically stay with anyone who would want her, hence now she was Killer’s for now. She guessed Killer liked her but she wasn’t sure. Killer was an Alpha slut, “Say hello, ___________________,”

“Hello, Holly-sama, nice to see you again,”

“I don’t have to speak to you,” said Holly flippantly. _________________ looked down. She was lower than Holly even by omega standards and she knew this.

“Bitchy, I love it,” said Killer laughing but pet __________________ fondly, “So what do you say? I can always use another cute onahole,”

“I would NEVER be one of your girls, Killer!”

“I don’t see why not, I take care of mine, love,”

“You mean for entertainment!” he laughed

“True but for an hour of entertainment you get room, board, and a place to sleep and pretty things. Speaking of, you and Juliette have dildo time today at noon,” ___________________ looked horrified. He chuckled, “don’t worry about it, I’ll clean you up later but get ready will you,” he smacked her ass and she ran away, “Oh! And check on Penny!”

“You’re filth! You take in slutty unmarked omegas and just string them along!”

“What I provide is protection from becoming human toilets, that’s it,” he shrugged, “And speaking of slutty, you’re in heat, aren’t you?”

“W-What of it?”

“Be a shame if an Alpha just marked you right now and you two would be bonded forever,” he smirked. She backed away. Without warning Killer blew a whistle that she couldn’t hear but she knew what it was. It was a Signal Whistle! Suddenly an army of Alphas came running from out of nowhere with their literal cocks out coming to breed her. She ran for it, Reiju and Hiyori were in the lead, cocking swing to and fro and hard cock wanting to breed her tight little hole. Katherina wasn’t too far behind with Yamato and Law. Holly ran into the school’s basement and took a DEEP breath. The Alpha ran past the room in a frenzy looking for her. That was close. But she knew no one would really follow her into the basement. Many of the students were stupid, she was one of the few smart Omega. She sighed in relief. She had to get her heat under control. She didn’t want to be marked yet…well she did have someone in mind but she knew taming this wild beast would be problematic for her. He was a feral Alpha in school and was top tier and could have any omega he wanted. Suddenly, she could smell her heat again and she started to drip at the mere thought of this man. Just then, she felt someone behind her. She turned and saw the mysterious freckled Alpha at the door. He could smell her, she just knew it. He smirked and closed the door behind him. She froze, this wasn’t just ANY Alpha, this was THE Alpha, the SUPREME Alpha. Portgas D. Ace! The freckled Adonis himself, the Alpha that reigned before all. He was the son of a demon, raised by am Alpha king and was a sexual feral primal man since his balls dropped. His father of course took precautions of getting him a personal omega onahole aka ____________________ to teach him to fuck but hard and without abandon. Now that she was no use to him, he wanted something better and went though omega after omega recently breaking up with his final most clingy one named Juliette, who was now Killer’s bottom bitch, lest she wanted to end up like Crocodile and Smoker who were the school toilets now. She shuddered at the thought of being a school toilet and was glad she was never close to being that. That was for the most defiant and slutty omegas who were the property of the school or anyone who claimed them that day. He took a deep whiff and growled.

“Naughty little omega~” he purred at the sight of her, licking his lips as though he could taste her from his position, “You purposely didn’t take your pills so you can flaunt your heat and be my breeder~”

“No-No! Excuse me, I need to go!” it was against the rules for an omega such as her to disobey an Alpha but she didn’t care! That was until he grabbed her and pressed her against the wall. She pushed away and made a break for it but tripped over a trashcan and now ass up in the air presenting herself to Ace, and of all days for her to forget to wear underwear. She swore she did, but then she remembered that she was talking to Tachibana when she was getting ready and she must have just forgotten. She could feel the cold air on her privates as Ace chuckled. She tried to run but he grabbed her by one of her cheeks and flipped up her skirt. He was rubbing her most private area. She could feel her juice gushing out.

“Well….finally you know your place…” she bit her lips and a sense of dread washed over her the moment she heard his pants unbuckling… “Now hush darling…and let Daddy breed you~”

“NOPE, NOPE, NOPE! DONE!” said Ace getting up, “SOOOOOOO FUCKIN’ DONE! I THINK I’M GOING TO BE SICK!” Yet again, another fanfic made its way into Ace’s possession. This time it was shoved into his bag. When he got home, he went to retrieve a leftover bento and found it. He flipped through the first page and immediately called in __________________, Luffy, Deuce, Hiyori, and Yamato. Then they called the council to meet and have a good read thinking it was like the first fanfic…it was not.

“What the FUCK?!” said Deuce

“Thirsty isn’t even enough to describe that BS!” said Katherina, “What’s her weird ass fixation with me?!”

“I think she likes it when you’re mean to her,” said Hiyori giggling, “Never pegged her to be a masochist,”

“Ugh, now I don’t know how to treat the weird bitch,”

“I’m rather insulted that I’m an omega!” said Deuce, “I’m in a committed relationship with a beauty! Especially with all of the hot and heavy sessions! Kitty tel—,”

“I. WILL. MURDER. YOU!” she said blushing

“Who forgets to put on underwear in a mini skirt?!” said Luffy, “Wouldn’t she get cold?!”

“In theory but this is fanfic logic,” said Deuce, “It’s a no man’s land where logic doesn’t exist,”

“I kind of liked this one,” said Killer, “Especially with her describing Yamato’s leaky, swollen cock and me being a harem master,”

“And I’m PROUD of my leaky swollen cock!” said Yamato laughing

“I miss the boobas!” said __________________

“You would and that’s because you had a harem of omegas and ________________ was your personal onahole,” said Law

“Once again, I see no problem with that,” Killer winked, “Right __________________?”

“Well I WAS taken care of,” she laughed.

“Damn right. I know how to treat my harem girls,”

“Get a room, you two!” said Yamato laughing. Killer smirked.

“Not a bad id—,”

“NO!” Ace snapped back.

“Why not? It’s not like you have your name on her or anything,”

“YOU DON’T EITHER!” Killer raised an eyebrow, took out a marker and casually wrote his name on ________________’s arm.

“There, mine,”

“HEY!” Ace growled and grabbed a marker and tried the same. ________________ jumped away and hid behind Katherina who had rubbing alcohol ready, “________________ get back here so I can write on you!”

“NO! Don’t write on me!”

“Seriously, on what planet did she think this is okay?” said Zoro.

“Why in the fuck am I marimo’s omega?!” said Sanji

“Because you’re a fuckin’ bottom,”


“Respect your Alpha!”

“So we can grow dicks now? Good to know,” said Hiyori, “And mine is thick and veiny and pulsing! Is that a sign of healthy libido?”

“You were naked for most of it,” said Yamato, “Not that it was a bad thing,”

“Alas, I would if I could. Awww Yama-kun you wanna see me naked~”


“And this was just the first chapter,” said _______________, “Do we dare finish it?”

“Wait, wait I’m here!” Perona flew in on her umbrella and landed on Yamato, “Don’t start without me!”

“We already did!” said Zoro, “Where the hell were you?”

“Unlike SOME selfish people with NO sense of direction and the emotional empathy of a blunt butter knife, I got everyone some snacks because they were cute and on sale! Also what did I miss?!”

“Summary, it’s an omegaverse, everyone is fucking each other, and Holly accidentally ran and tripped and had her ass out for Alpha Ace to breed her,” said Yamato

“Oh gross!”

“Gross indeed, like who’d want to be Ace’s omega anyway?” everyone turned as a familiar face appeared from the shadows. Luffy grinned and immediately ran to a young girl wearing headphones with her hair in fluffy loops, one side was red and one side was right and the white cover her eye.


“Long time no see!” said Hiyori

“Good to see you all again!” she smiled then grinned at Katherina, “Katherina,”

“Uta,” the teens put more wood on the bonfire

“Soooo what did I miss?”

“A fanfic from Ace’s weird stalker,” said Zoro

“Oh her! Seriously, what does anyone see in a boy with weird freckles everywhere?”

“Probably the same reason why people get weird when a girl with white and red hair appears,” said Katherina.

“Oh ouch, Kitty!” Uta placed her hand on her chest, “You wound me so,”

“Too bad it’s not with a blunt object,”

“Those two fighting is fascinating,” Deuce whispered to Killer

“You can feel the tensional respect. I want to say it’s a place of love but I seriously wonder,” Hiyori grabbed more meat and marshmallows downstairs, Perona had more copies made and sent it to others for a quick laugh, and Deuce grabbed more drinks as they all hunkered down and continued. After getting through the next few chapters, they’ve regretted their decision almost instantly, right to the point that they had stopped eating and were intently listening to this dumpster fire.

“....Did we just read Pops ejaculating onto Windmill Village and had it rain his literal cum for everyone to dance and bathe in it,” said Deuce

“The FUCK is wrong with her?!” said Ace

“Never mind that! SMOKER FUCKED RIVER! AS A CAT!” said ___________________

“I can never unread that!” said Yamato


“PWP, Porn without Plot,” said Killer shuddering, “And that was definitely PWP,”

“That was the WHOLE fic,” said Yamato looking visibly disgusted, “Like there’s Ace and her scenes in it but it’s like she wanted to humiliate every single person she doesn’t like! Like what did Yuzuriha and Akane do to her?!”

“Yuzuriha because she’s prettier and super trendy,” said Uta, “Remember she was the first to start bringing designer bags to school, remember?”

“How did you know?” said Katherina

“Luffy and Nami keeps me posted about these things,”

“Are we just going to gloss over the shit bukkake with Lesser?” said Hiyori

“Or Crocodile as a wall sex slave begging people to “give him cummies”,” said Katherina shuddering, “Or the idea that me and Law are secretly fucking. He’s my BROTHER!”

“And I’m getting real tired of her “Ussop is a monkey” implications,” said Zoro, “And why did I give Perona anal?!”


“And I can do better than Zoro!” said Perona, “Seriously! He probably would get lost looking for the BITS!”



“I bet he knows where everything is~ especially with that stamina, it’ll be fun with him trying,” said Hiyori



“I’m taking this to Lesser and Sengoku,” said Law standing up, “I’m done with this,”

“Wow, it finally came to that,” said ___________________

“She has issues, we have entertained her bullshit for too long, and it’s harassment now. Especially how she portrays Ace, Usopp and _________________. Ace is the Pirate Prince and does NOT need this shit. Usopp is not her fuckin’ punchline for every little belittlement and I’m sick of her calling ________________ and making it seem like she’s a slut. Nothing wrong with that but it’s HER business. Not to mention I did NOT want to read her sick ass fantasy about Cora publicly shaming and fucking Lesser. I did NOT want to relive seeing him balls deep in Lesser in the mating position with Berg and HERE IT FUCKIN’ IS! So yeah! I’m reporting this,”

“And I’m pretty sure that Reiju and Kid can and will kill Holly if they read this,”

“Serves her right,” said Katherina, “I mean what makes her think I’m even remotely attracted to her. I have options,”

“And standards,” said Deuce, “I’m really wondering what’s her issue with her boyfriends being bisexual?”

“‘Because bi guys are like SO hawt!’” said Killer in his best ‘pick me’ Holly voice, “It’s a weird teen girl fantasy where her love interest likes boys and will fuck on in front of her as an act or voyerism,”

“Like that one fic where Yamato shoves his meat stick into Ace’s butt!” said Luffy


“WHAT THE FUCK?!” said Ace

“Sorry, thought you knew about that,” Ace cringed, “Apparently you did not,”


“So I’m guessing you read the part about your penis,” said Carrie. Currently, a small group of nobility students were having their weekly get together. Carrie, Yumeko, and Reiju were having their tea and cakes when Carrie was sent the message via Cash from the next room from the boy’s side. After reading the first few pages, Reiju was seething. She was not only mortified that she was about this slanderous, poorly written piece of trash but how DARE she write that she had a penis that just GREW from her crotch and to breed with other people?! What the FUCK?!

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this fired up before, it’s refreshing,” said Yumeko smiling nervously, “I didn’t fare too well either. Me blowing men after losing a bet? It’s an intriguing notion but I don’t think I would be stupid enough to fall for clever cheating tactics,”

“She’s implying you’re losing on purpose, girl,” said Carrie

“Ohhhh…I would only do that if _______________ was involved or Hiyori~”

“And Reiju must be pissed if she hasn’t given you a death glare already,”

“I’m going to buy her and her entire family and sell them to Water 7 or some place where I will NEVER see her again!” Reiju was shaking in fury, “I want her to suffer! I will sell her ass to a Human Shop and we’ll SEE just how uppity she’s going to be!”

“Whoa, whoa calm down!” said Sanji. He was currently doing prep when he stopped to hear the latest cringe fic. The more that was read, the angrier Reiju became and getting his sister angry was a task in itself.


“I would seriously think that would be ground for murder or at least revenge,”

“Not helping, Yuu-chwan!”

“I’m with Rei-chan on this one,” said Carrie, “It’s one thing to harass Ace but it’s another thing to fuck with someone you don’t know, especially a royal. I mean if we did it, Reiju wouldn’t speak to us for a week, if __________________ did it, Reiju would probably laugh it off, but the fact of the matter is that she LIKES us and we’re friends. Holly isn’t close to us and it’s a sign of disrespect,”

“Really, she got away the first time and still hadn’t learned her lesson. Then again, ___________________ gave her an out but everyone knew she had an Ace fixation,” said Yumeko, “Now this is slander, harassment, and character assassination, though the big difference is that it's confirmed that she’s insane,”

“Insane is an understatement, I think she’s clinically unhinged,” said another girl in the room. She was calmly sipping her tea. She had playful soft features, long glossy light brown curls, deep blue-green eyes, with warm skin However the most unique feature about her was the golden freckles on her face and arms.

“Yeah between, you, __________________, Penny, and Miss Lesser, I don’t think she like any of you very well,”

“I don’t know what I’ve done to receive her wrath but I was Killer’s harem girl so that’s a step up?”

“Hell I want to be Killer’s harem girl,” said Carrie

“You wouldn't,” said Cash, “But for some reason she had us fucking,”

“Fucking GROSS!”

“I don’t know what her obsession with incest but there it is,” said Yumeko, “But alas, Juliette’s only crime is being the former girlfriend of her darling Alpha Male Ace~”

“If insulting me makes her happy, then why not?” said Juliette, “But please Reiju, do calm down,”

“I will not and may I remind you that she had you and __________________ fucking each other ass to ass with a big black double ended dildo?” Juliette cringed.

“I remember, yes,”

“So let's make a tally of how many powerful families she’s insulted?” said Yumeko making a tally on a piece of paper, “The Jabami Clan, the Vinsmoke Family, the Donquixote Family, the Golding Family, the Whitebeard Family, the Franky Family, the Kid Pirates, the Strawhats, the Heart Pirates, the Maids, the Capulet Family, the DeNoire Family, The Daemonium Family and Miss Reina herself therefore the Anguilla Clan which is usually a death sentence,”

“It’s like she wants to die!”

“I say we give her her wish,” said Belphie coming in, “I mean it would be fitting,”

“You got off easy,” said Juliette

“Did I? I was fucking Beel. I love my twin but yeeeeah,”

“Again with the incest. Poor thing can’t imagine close siblings without a sexual aspect,”

“I was a harem master with Killer. Why does she think I’m stupid?” said Beel, “Personally I think the incest thing is some kind of deep rooted thing with her and her new brother,”

“Because she thinks you’re a meathead jock that’s good for one thing,”

“With a hot ass,” said Carrie, “Not that I’ve been looking,”

“I have, it’s a beautiful ass,” said Yumeko chuckling, “And yes I think it’s because her new brother has that bad boy appearance and he does look like his Dad,”

“Those Tachibana genes are strong,”


Four adults were sitting in the living room in silent shock, horror, and disgust. Another man was making coffee for everyone. While it was brewing, he joined a mermaid who was reading on the couch. They all finished reading the long fanfic and couldn’t help but laugh, then were horrified, and then were speechless that this came from a teenage girl.

“So…what I’m getting is that in the omegaverse…universe, the alphas are dominate sexually aggressive caretakers and the tops, betas are normal, and omegas are breeder subs?” said Iceberg

“Mhm, it’s actually a very fascinating genre when done right,” said Miss Ribbon, “There’s actually a few good novels and yaoi manga that touch upon it and use it well,”

“Okay, but what about the futanari aspect?”

“Another fetish,” said Franky, “Some men love the aspect of getting pegged by a woman but with a woman’s body,”

“Alright, what about the shit play?”

“Absolutely disgusting. That is one completely the little deranged girl,” said Aokiji

“Hey, hey! There will be no kink shaming in this house!” said Franky

“May I remind you, a girl grew a penis to fuck Smoker, Crocodile and Smoker engaged in ass to mouth, Smoker got horny and had sex with River in his true kitty form, then Penny was forced to lay eggs in front of the school, and please don’t make me go back to the bukkake scene between a group of boys and girls who are all underage,” said Miss Ribbon, “Then the scat bukkake which implied Lesser as the one in the middle. Not to mention the bits with us in it,”

“....Okay, okay but to be fair, those bits were kind of hot. I like the part where you pegged me hard against the wall, baby,” Franky winked at her. She gave a smirk and sipped her tea.

“So last week?”

“You wanna make me moan again?~”


“TMI you two!” said Berg

“She had me as some kind of weird pimp to girls. Really gross if you ask me since most of the girls were on the itty bitty titty committee,” said Aokiji, “At least give me some credit. I’m a man of culture and teenage squirrel tits isn’t one of them,”

“I think I came out on top in this one. I did get to have Lesser with Rocinante while people cheered. The little creep has an obsession with humiliating Lesser, Smoker, and _____________ as much as she could. Couldn’t get into it because you can tell this girl has only watched porn or yaoi, not to mention the grammar and poor spelling. The mind of a teenage girl is an enigma,”

“Don’t lump in all teenage girls in this,” said Kokoro, “Yes, teenage girls can be just as awkward and weird as teenage boys but this is a strange border of normal and psychotic,”

“It’s terrifyingly cringy,” said Miss Ribbon, “You can tell who she likes or doesn’t like. Juliette’s only crime was being Ace’s girlfriend for a while and well we all know how she feels about ________________. But if you pay even closer attention, her views are quite clear, all fishmen are well, just stupid sub beings in her eyes, Ussop and Aokiji as well,”

“Do girls go through a phase like that?!” said Franky, “Besides the elitism,”

“Mhm but none will willingly give it to their love interest as a love proclamation and a second attempt as well,”

“There was first?!” said Berg

“Mhm, apparently she wrote and it became the school’s spring play. The kids all played their roles well! Even Lesser and Rocinante joined in. It was all in good fun but this…this is actually pretty disturbing,”

“Disturbing is an understatement,” said Aokiji coming in with the coffee, “Everyone’s out for blood. Sengoku is figuring out the damage control at the moment. Think she went too far this time because a bunch of noble kids and powerful families are in this. Sengoku ain’t happy,”

“I don’t blame him!” said Kokoro, “This is disgusting! Weird and outright disturbing! Not to mention what she put poor Penny through!”

“I’m not one to kink shame but you can tell this chick reads a lot of hentai, yaoi, and porn. Does she have a hobby?” said Franky, “I mean I KNOW none of us can't talk with the amount of sex talk and porn about but seriously, there’s more to life,”

“Gymnastics but she’s gotten lazy lately,” said Miss Ribbon, “Sophie has been carrying the team. They even thought about recruiting __________________, Vivi, and Plum but they all have other duties as well,”

“Speaking of, does Kid know?” The entire room went silent.

“Well…the town is still intact,” said Berg

“Nothing is on fire,” said Franky, “And nothing has blown up,”

“I hope to god he doesn’t. I’m pretty sure he’ll rearrange the entire school,” said Aokiji

“And probably kill the author,” said Berg sighing, “He has the worst mentor when it comes to handling his emotions,”

“Hey fuck you man!” said Franky

“Thank god he wears pants,”

“Let me guess, you guys read the story?” said Tom coming into the house with Kiwi, and Mozu in tow.

“We tried making it into another drinking game!” said Kiwi laughing

“But it became weirder and weirder so we stopped,” said Mozu shuddering

“Especially the public egg laying scene with the girl with curls,”

“That was Penny,” said Aokiji. The pair looked horrified.

“WHAT THE FUCK?!” they said in unison, “WHAT IS WRONG WITH HER?!”

“Yeah, the sex robot scene was me and Franky,” said Miss Ribbon, “The two omegas with the double end toy was _________________ and Juliette,”

“Okay now I feel sick,” said Kiwi, “We stopped at Chapter Three,”

“Good call, it gets worse from there,” said Aokiji, “Also, rum or vodka in your coffee?”


“Sooooooo does Kid know?” said Mozu.

“Nope....the town is intact,” said Miss Ribbon

“And there’s no screaming and shouting and threats of violence and disembowelment,” said Berg

“Alright then it’s settled, NO ONE tells Kid,” said Tom

“We can’t stop him from going to school, even though he hates it seventy percent of the time,” said Kiwi

“Especially since his incentive to go is to literally see his little Penny,” said Kokoro, “And I’m pretty sure if he knew what was written about his Pen-Pen he’s going to go on a rampage tonight,”

“Should we just drug him?” said Mozu

“I second that,” said Aokiji, “I can get something from the office,”

“....tempting but no,” said Miss Ribbon, “I would say give him a pointless task,”

“You know that’s not gonna work,” Killer said walking in, “Especially if he thinks something is up. Best thing we can do is keep him home and think it was his idea to stay home,”

“Welcome home, honey,” said Miss Ribbon smiling


“Please and can I get rum in it?” Aokiji started pouring.

“Hey!” said Kokoro

“No, no he needs it,” said Franky, “What’s going on the outside, Killer?” Killer downed his coffee and sighed loudly.

“Holly is going to have plenty of people lining up to beat the living shit out of her or out for blood. I know for a fact Reiju and Katherina are going after her. Deuce can hold Kitty back temporarily, Sanji can handle his sister, somewhat, I know Kaya is going to be angry, Plum…shit forgot about Plum, she’s almost as bad as Kid when it comes to Penny,”

“....HOW MANY PEOPLE DID SHE INSULT IN HER STORY?!” said Tom, “I had to stop after Whitebeard ejaculated all over Windmill Village,” the room looked at him, “Page 13,”

“That was him?!”

“I can pretty much tell you everyone she wronged in here. She got Saki big time. I had to lock Heat in the barn until he cooled off with Saki and I had to do damage control,”

“Saki too?!” said Kiwi and Mozu, “What did she do?!”

“Being prettier than Holly,”

“Okay, that’s petty,” said Mozu

“And to make it worse, she found out about what happened and she put it in the fic. Thank god no one believes her,”

“I don’t follow,” said Tom, “What happened with Saki-chan?”

“Oh, well, Saki was a bland naive little thing until she got a makeover, got better clothes and things like that, thanks to her mother. Kid and Killer saved her from some scummy man who tried to drug her drink at karaoke,” said Miss Ribbon, “They brought her here, she stayed a few days until her parents came back in town and in the meantime, she and Heat started getting close and eventually started dating. Kid and Killer and the others have been really boosting her self esteem and she even got better friends, who were trying to get her to do compensated dating. She’s been working and saving and just being a great student. By the way, is that karaoke guy still in the hospital?”

“Hell if I know,” said Killer, “Last time I heard he pissed off the wrong people and got turned into a whore himself,”

“Oh, well. Yeah that’s Saki’s main trouble. She’s sweet but naive. Well with her makeover, her father came in and tried to sleep with her. She got scared, Heat and her were in a co-op on their game and he called the Marines. Her mother accused her of her trying to seduce her husband and refused to let her come back home and she’s been here since,”

“So she’s the omega who was banging her Dad and the monster!” said Franky

“I can guess how Holly found out about it through Saki’s old shitty friends but Heat is super protective of her and she’s been hanging out with Yumeko, Kaya, and Vivi and she’s been having that beautiful thing called self respect,” said Killer sighing, “But yeah, Holly’s a sick bitch. I would say everyone just avoid him and I’ll call him and tell him that Penny isn’t at school and he’ll probably not go,”

“Here’s hoping,” said Kokoro, “You get some sleep,”

“Waaaaaay ahead of you,” he kissed Miss Ribbon and went upstairs.

“I think I’ll follow him and turn in,” said Miss Ribbon, “I have a bad feeling about Monday and getting mentally prepared is the best course of action,”

“So basically we have to keep this from Kid for two days?” said Mozu

“Mhm, no one mention it, no one and mean NO ONE and someone find Saki and let her know as well,” said Aokiji

“Oh it!” said Mozu and Kiwi

The Whitebeard household looked absolutely horrified. Deuce brought it up to their attention as to why Ace was acting strangely and why they were all on the rooftop having a bonfire. Izo started reading it out loud and then slowly became more and more uncomfortable with every single scene until he had to stop reading all together. Then they just started to skim through with Izo giving them a play by play until the fanfic was done. The look of horror was etched onto their faces.

“The fuck did we just read?” said Curiel

“Pops ejaculating and causing a flood all over Windmill Village,” said Rakugo

“And it rained his semen and people were dancing in it,” said Speed Jill, “WHY IS THAT A THING?!”

“And people got pregnant from it and apparently he’s Holly’s Long Lost Father!” said Vista

“I’m sure it has something to do with deep psychological issues!” said Thatch


“Seriously?!” said Haruta, “I swear I’m too young to be reading this!”

“You know what boobs are, you should be okay,” said Curiel

“I’m more concerned at the way she described dicks,” said Fossa, “She either reads a lot of yaoi or spied on a few boys!”

“Hey Ma, do little girls go through this phase?” said Thatch

“Hell no!” said Flora looking visibly disgusted, “Yes all teenagers go through weird awkward phases and can be little walking pots of boiled over hormones but this is next level,”

“That child has some SERIOUS issues,” said Izo

“Serious is an understatement,” said Whitebeard, shuddering and looking utterly horrified, “I know it’s not a generational thing but what’s with children these days?!”

“Not kids, just Holly,” said Fossa, “Apparently, it’s been getting worse,”

“HOW is this NOT worse?!” said Jozu, “Didn’t she stalk Ace?”

“Mhm,” said Curiel, “Kitty, _________________, and the Nurses had to pull her off him while Pops called Mom,”

“But it’s not the worst thing,” said Fossa, “Remember that Blake bastard? The one who dumped Kitty?” the men looked angry at the thought, “Yeah him, well, he dumped her for Holly because Holly puts out and Katherina was too “Frigid”,”

“Tch, Kitty-chan has standards,” said Thatch


“Well, let’s just say that he decided to devote himself to her,”

“That girl must have a magic box,”



“Anyway, she made a franken boyfriend with all of the traits she liked from different boys. So there’s a boy at school that smells and looks like Ace with Killer’s long hair, Sanji’s blond hair color, Law’s eyes and personality, and Kid’s fierceness and…Yamato’s horns,”

“....isn’t there a room in Impel Down for that?” said Atmos, “Or therapy,”

“Her mother refuses,” said Marco, “She’s still underage and her mother refuses because her daughter is a manic pixie dream girl and so misunderstood,”

“Wait until she’s seventeen,” said Speed Jill, “That behavior is going to get her killed. Didn’t she get the Sun Pirates’ jolly roger?”

“Only to impress Ace and then she cried tried to get it off because it was associated with fishmen,” said Namur, “________________ called her out on it saying it was disgusting to say what she said about Fishmen and she tried to get her bullied for it. Apparently there was some girl talking about her and Koala shouldn’t be teaching or doing fishmen martial arts because it was appropriating something. She even tried to get Jinbei to do some ancient dance from like a hundred years ago. He said it was insulting and the girl immediately stopped and said he wasn’t a “true” fishman,”

“And that’s the problem with some of these kids,” said Flora, “It’s one thing to fight for a cause or what you believe in, it’s another to create a problem or issue in order for you to have something to fight against. Being a teenager is hard enough without creating more drama. Yes teenage girls can be just as weird as teenage boys maybe weirder but never act upon your weird fantasies. It’s one of the main reasons why we read romance novels and manga,”

“I agree, hell _________________ and Kitty have a collection of yaoi and hentai manga and the boys found out the hard way. But it’s natural for them to read, fantasize and fawn but this…this is just sick, especially since she truly wants to act upon this,”

“Where are her parents?!” said Oden

“Her mother juggles cock sooooo the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree,” said Izo. Oden cocks his head a bit, “...she has a lot of sex with different men and I’m pretty sure she’s trying to pin Holly on the new man,”

“...I’m seriously thinking about pulling them out and homeschooling again,” said Whitebeard, “That young girl is dangerous and my priority is making sure they’re all safe. This isn’t the first incident and won’t be the last. She talks about wanting __________________ to be humiliated and hurt as much as possible and the way she paints Ace and Kitty is disturbing. Ace is already under a microscope because of his lineage and Kitty because of her Kuro, Ink, and Devon. They’re trying to move away from those stereotypes only for someone to reiterate that they’re dangerous because they’re families are,”

“I know it’s tempting but it’s been good for them,” said Marco, “Not to mention, despite some hardships, they’ve been thriving and making a lot of friends and between Luffy, __________________, and Ace, the students are all happily coexisting with each other. Deuce is finally getting help with his writing and Kitty, well, we’ve seen the results ourselves, especially since she’s been living at the Rocinante house and dating Deuce. They’re all pretty happy for the most part if Holly wasn’t there to basically crazy up everything,”

“He’s right,” said Speed Jill, “I think the kids still being there are doing them a whole lot of good for everyone. The equality thing is hammered in, the students are comfortable living in the school, they picked up better skills, and they’ve been giving the Marines a run for their money,”

“But there’s still the Holly situation,” said Flora, “I still say ___________________ needs to beat the living shit out of her once,”

“I second it,” said Fossa, “Sometimes someone just needs a good ass kicking,”

“True but we all know that ___________________ laying her hands on Holly would result in her getting permanently damaged, especially if she puts some feeling into it,” said Rakugo, “Especially since she’s been working at that construction site, she can pack a punch now,”

“So what are we going to do?” said Kingdew

“Be prepared for the fallout on Monday,” said Whitebeard, “there’s going to be so many students after her, not to mention Crocodile and the Marines, then there’s Reiju and Juliette and her family,”

“She got Juliette too?!” said Curiel

“Chapter two the girl with golden freckles,”

“What did Jules do?!”

“Dating our freckled weirdo,” said Izo

“Jeez, the pettiness is strong is this one,” said Vista

“It’s fascinatingly sad,”

“Alright, here’s what we’re going to do, first, the kids’ favorite meals and snacks on hand, don’t tease Ace about this at all this isn’t a laughing matter,” said Whitebeard.

“Yeah there’s no way we’re teasing him about a literal stalker,” said Atmos.

“Finally all hands on deck on Monday because if I know Kid, Kitty, Plum, and even _______________ to an extent, things are not going to end well. Marco be there to pick them up at noon,”

“Got it,”

“Thatch food ready, Curiel and Fossa bail money if necessary, someone get in contact with Rocinante in case of witness protection,”

“Yes Pops,” in the other room, five women were reading the deranged fanfic that Deuce gave out around the table. Three of the women were drinking sake, the fourth was drinking milk, and the last was having a soda. They were the only two that tuned out the last new chapters as the other three summarized it as best they could.

“Jeez as much as I want to beat the living shit out of Lesser 95% of the time, not even she deserves this humiliation,” said a redheaded woman reading the stack of papers, “Surprised she hadn’t beaten the brat’s face in,”

“She does have a surprisingly a lot of self control,” said a stiff woman with glasses, “Though I have to admit she got Perv on the nail,”

“Honestly what kind of deranged shit is this?!” said a blonde with green eyes.

“Are we just going to gloss over the Pops ejaculation thing because yeah,” said a woman a blue haired woman with pink eyes

“What?!” said the woman with glasses

“Oh right you stopped reading at page three, mhm that’s what happened,”


“Seriously, I LOVE the old man but What the Fuck is this?”

“Were we ever this bad as teenagers?” said a woman wearing a long dress to her ankles

“I used to collect animal skulls but this is different,” said a gothic looking young woman with a morose tone to her voice

“I wrote fanfic but nothing like this,” said a woman wearing a chef’s hat

“There’s a fine line between genius and insanity,”

“I doubt this is genius, this is more insane than anything,” said the redhead.

“Not to mention she pretty much has been stalking Freckles,”

“And she’s been bullying OUR ___________________,” said the goth


“Blatant jealousy and not to mention she hates that ________________ is adopted,”

“That’s a HER problem, not a ________________ Problem,”

“And what makes this even stupider on her part is that _________________ is the main reason why so many power families and people that can and will kick her ass are allies of ______________ and Ace and Luffy and they have an incredible “live and let live” motto but I think this was the last straw,”

“So… we help?” said the woman with the long skirt

“Our duty is to the Whitebeard House and ONLY the Whitebeard House. I don’t care if a teenage girl gets her ass kicked as long as she’s not kicking anyone’s ass in this house,”

“I agree,” said the goth, “She made her bed,”

“And Kureha-sama didn’t give us any orders so we’re in the clear,” said the woman with glasses,”

“Exactly. Alright, we’ll let the drink tonight slide, Pops needed it but make sure he takes his medicine and check his vitals,” said the redhead

“Yes Healer!”




“SHE NEEDS TO LEARN HER LESSON! SLANDER, SEXUAL HARASSMENT, HARASSMENT, STALKING, DEFAMATION OF CHARACTER, CHARACTER ASSASSINATION, NEED I SAY MORE! THE CHILD HAS COMMITTED AT LEAST TEN CRIMES!” The door opened and Roci came into sight of Hina and Bellemere trying to hold down an absolutely livid Smoker who was holding a stapled bunch of papers in his hands while shouting.

“ABOUT TIME! HELP US OUT HERE!” Roci immediately got Smoker as well and it took another half an hour to restrain him to a chair where he still tried to get away. It was Bellemere taking out a pair of seastone cuffs that subdued him slightly. Smoker was limp but still looked as though he would somehow break free from his bounds and murder everyone within his grasp.

“Lemme guess, Holly’s fanfic?” Roci said finally

“Mhm, Tashigi gave him a copy and he finally read it,” said Hina, “Hina had to call back up!”

“I mean I can’t blame him” said Bellemere, “the FUCK is this girl on?!”

“Not to mention the absolute fire she’s playing with. These aren’t just students, these are nobles and royals and even pirates that have NO qualms in beating her face in. Reiju alone can completely fuck her shit up a hundred times over,” said Roci, “Then there’s the students who are from pirate and mafia families and crews. Kitty can seriously slice her open, Cash and Carrie can send anyone they want after her, and don’t get me started on Yumeko’s reach. Then there’s Kid,”

“I say we let whatever fuckin’ happens, happen!” said Smoker, “Her protection is NOT our priority!”

“You’re not even this upset when you have to deal with ____________________ and her antics,” said Hina


“Just admit you love your little rival,” said Bellemere laughing

“That kid is a pain in my ass but did she write about me fucking her cat?! NO!”

“WHAT?!” said Roci and Hina. Bellemere cringed.

“Yeaaaaah you two didn’t read the whole thing. Yeah, Smoker was in “heat” and grabbed River and went to town,”

“...Hina is going to be sick,”

“I want to say put her into mandatory therapy,”

“Seriously, none of this can be healthy for anyone. Hina wants to say she’s trolling but not even a troll can get this sick in the head. Hina is actually surprised you’re taking this well Roci,”

“Oh no I’m absolutely livid right now,” he said with a smile, “He had me fuck my wife in public, cum all over her face, walk around like that, whip her, had her naked and dirty and had me call her some of the most vile names I’ve ever heard, to mention she had our sons take turns on her and each other and then had the absolute audacity to make it so that Vikka is get plowed by fishmen which she sees as lower than dirt. Part of me wants to expel her or make it so she can never write again. But I channeled my anger into having alone time with my wife until we’re both too exhausted to stay mad. She channeled hers into making a large dinner for the kids tonight so they can be too exhausted to retaliate, especially Law and Kitty and Sengoku as ordered all Marine hands are on deck for the clusterfuck that’s going to happen on Monday,”

“So all hands on deck,” said Bellemere

“Mhm, as long as Kid doesn’t read it, we’ll be fine. Aokiji said that they’ve basically struck it from the record in the house,”

“Kid will level the entire city over Penny,” said Hina sighing, “Hina is getting too old for this,”

“As long as one car hits that brat, it’s fine with me!” snarled Smoker

The Marine Cadets were all staring at the stacks of papers horrified. Nami and Nojiko were laughing their asses off.

“Even in her weirdest dreams she knows I’m way out of her league!” said Nami laughing

“Why was I Helmepoo’s omega?!” said Coby blushing, “And why was I breeding with ____________________ and I don’t even want to KNOW why Penny was egg laying?!”

“She’s a sick, sick, SICK bitch!” said Nojiko, “And of course Ussop and I are the pets in her weird fantasy. Baby boy’s a ten especially when his balls dropped!”

“Right? But he’s still a big nerd at heart,” said Nami

“Kaya’s gonna’s fuck her up,”

“I’m already starting a betting pool,”

“Okay, this raises ONE question,” said Helmepoo, “What do WE do? I’m not protecting her this time,”

“Me neither,” said Isuka glaring at the pages, “And Ace WISHES I was his toilet!”

“At least you weren’t Zoro’s,” said Tashigi, “And Perona’s….I think she has an incest kink,”

“Well, he stepbrother is kind of hot,” said Nami

“The whole Tachibana family, to be honest,” said Isuka, “But back to the fanfic, this is her last straw! This is just sick, sexual harassment, defamation, character assignation, and just plain creepy,”

“Now, now…we can’t tell for sure that she really described the boys’ junk accurately,” said Nojiko. Coby and Helmepoo looked uncomfortable.

“It is…and we have gym with the boys…we know what we all look like. Ace’s is on the nail,” said Coby

“So is Killer’s and Kid’s,” said said Helmepoo, “they literally just whip it out after gym,”

“ she’s been spying,” said Tashigi, “Disgusting,”

“Not as bad as the stalking of the Whitebeard home. They had to get a restraining order,”

“And the first fanfic,” said Coby, “I guess with the teasing and ___________________ saving her ass, it wasn’t enough to stop her,”

“So that’s why she attacked the drama club!” said Nami, “I was wondering about it,”

“And she came after Yuzuriha hard,”

“And that’s another thing, it’s one thing to go after normal students but powerful families?!” said Helmepoo, “The Golding Twins, the Jabami Clan, the Vinsmoke family, the Kid Pirates, Whitebeard family and not to mention Commodore Rocinante and his family. WHY WOULD YOU FUCK WITH SOMEONE THAT SCARY WITH AN EQUALLY SCARY WIFE?!”

“That’s what I was thinking!” said Tashigi, “Miss Lesser is a nice woman but would you want to get on her bad side?! NO!”

“She literally bitch slapped a student who came after her into a wall. Would you really want to fuck with that?!” said Nojiko.

“The paperwork is going to be astronomical,” said Coby, rubbing his temples.

“Not really,” said Nami, “Especially since we hadn’t gotten orders for damage control,”

“True…” said Isuka, “So do we all sit idly by and let her…get well…murdered?”

“ were licking shit out of Ace’s asshole,” said Tashigi

“And held there by Deuce,” said Nojiko

“...let her suffer,”

“Alright, now that that’s out of the way,” Nami look out a large piece of paper, “Who has a bid for Kid being the one to attack first,”

“I put 2000 beli on that,” said Helmepoo

“I want 5000 beli on Katherina,” said Coby

“Oooh! 10000 on Inosuke!” said Isuka

“That’s assuming he’s read it and that’s a 50 to 1,” said Nami

“I’ll still take it!”

The four Maids, Law, Shachi, Penguin, Crocodile, and Doflamingo had finished the entire fanfic. Lesser, Crocodile, Law, and Shachi looked as though they were going to murder everyone and everything in the room. Dom, Perv, Cook, and Doflamingo looked amused, and Cleaner and Penguin looked visibly grossed out.

“So I’m a cow now?” said Cook giggling, “I think I would look kind of cute in cow print~ but nose rings aren’t my thing. Have to admit she’s not to far from my sex life,”

“Don’t you dare rub it in!” said Dom and Perv

“You can’t talk Perv, Magellan got reamed by you over and over and over again in public saying he’s a naughty, naughty boy,”

“My Magellan would NEVER do that! Though she actually gave me a few ideas! I never would have thought about asking if he’s into bondage!”

“He most likely is,” said Penguin

“Can’t believe she wrote a gangbang with Cook, Rengoku, and Crocodile,” said Dom, “Like it’s a fucking punishment for her!”

“That’s a normal Wednesday night for me, sans Crocodile, no offense Croco-sama,” said Cook giggling

“Well she did have me chained up to a wall as an omega sex puppet while students and teachers fuck me,” said Crocodile taking a long drag from his cigar and blowing it out, “I should buy her and mother and repay the favor when she’s of age. I know a few degenerates who would love to pay through the nose for that chance,”

“I’m all for degenerate sex acts but with the kids involved I have to draw the line,” said Dom shuddering, “I feel for the girls she don’t like in here. Hell, Penny is forced to lay eggs in front of everyone,”

“She’s having _________________ and Juliette fucking each other with a five inch thick double ended dildo while Killer and a bunch of boys cheer them on,” said Shachi gritting his teeth, “Fuckin’ disgusting,”

“Talk about petty,” said Perv, “Just because Ace dated Juliette for a long time,”

“Then she had them do a human centipede thing with Crocodile and Smoker,” said Cleaner looking sick, “And look at what she did to Lesser-sama!”

“Yeah, I mean you can FEEL the hate coming out of those pages for Lesser,”

“Fufufufufu seems like she doesn’t like Lesser much does she?” said Doflamingo, “Lesser-chan, you really made her angry, have you?”

“The feeling is more than mutual,” said Lesser sipping her tea, “I’ve been called worse and at least my kids aren’t seeing their mother hop from man to man in a feeble attempt to get money and status. I disciplined her just like any other student. She should be grateful because now I’m not going to take it easy on her,”

“Taking it easy?”

“She has detention with Smoker and me in the mornings and it’s glorified bootcamp. But no matter,” she stood up, “I’m going home, see you all tomorrow,” the Maids watched as their leader calmly left the room and out the door. Dom shuddered.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen Lesser this pissed before,”

“No kidding, she attacked her children and Mama Bear is out, full claws out,” said Cook

“I’m surprised you’re okay with this, Boss,” said Perv looking over at Doffy.

“Fufufufufufufu oh no, I’m absolutely fucking livid,” said Doflamingo laughing, “Roci is still my dear sweet baby brother and I can’t have anyone disrespecting my bloodline, my Maids, my Crocie, my crew, or my sister in law and my niece and nephews,”

“....Boss you can’t kill a teenage girl,”

“Oh? I can’t?”

“...morally you can’t,” said Dom

“Fufufufufufu watch me,” As Dom and Perv tried to keep Doflamingo and Crocodile from committing “fuck this one person in particular” retribution, Cook headed to her kitchen to clean up and head upstairs to bed. She had just finished putting away her last dish, when she heard her back door slam open.

“WHAT’S THIS?!” Cook turned. Two men were in her kitchen, one towered a good five feet over her and the second was a foot shorter than her.

“Biscuit! What a surprise! I was just going to see you two,”

“Answer the question!” he growled, “WHO CALLED YOU SLUTTY FUCK COW?!”

“Oh that, a deranged sixteen year old girl from ________________’s school,”

“...that the one who’s been giving her problems?” said the taller man.

“Mhm so she decided to target every person that she didn’t like or wronged her in some way,”


“I don’t think she would know, no one really does,” she winked, “Awww Biscuit, you’re upset over me~” the shorter man blushed and looked away.

“TCH! No one insults you but those who KNOW you! And you let me get away with much less!”

“It would be weird for me, a mature young beauty to go after a little sixteen year old edgelordess,” she said smiling, “My motto is let nature take its course,”

“...I want a name,” said the taller man.

“Holly Horke at the Sakura Academy, you can’t miss her, she’s a blonde that loves to wear colorful things with a mean girl personality, basically the whole look in that fanfic of hers,”



“Awwww you two~”

“Tch, I know it’s your Rengoku night but you’re mine tonight,” said the shorter man picking her up. She reddened.

“Want me to moo while we’re doing it?”


“Yes,” Cook and the shorter man looked at the taller man who reddened under his scarf, “You can’t say you’re not curious,”

The Rosinante House was quieter than usual when Shachi and Penguin got home. Law was already there with Bepo watching television.

“It’s…quiet in here,” said Shachi

“Yeah, damage control,” said Law, “Lesser just left after going toe to toe with Inosuke and went to cook in the kitchen and Cora-san went to the Barrack because he got to the Smoker Chapter,”

“Ma is so classy,” said Shachi

“Mhm, she doesn’t let anything bother her!” said Penguin

“Don’t be too sure,” said Law, “She was in the kitchen since she read it making grilled fish, rice balls, assorted tempura, snake curry, chicken curry, peach cobbler, paella, fried chicken, and shaved ice,”

“Our favorites~!” said Bepo, “Uh oh! Mama-sama is MAD!”

“Mad is an understatement! I’m actually surprised you didn’t noticed that it smelt so good in here,”

“I’m sorry,”

“Stop apologizing!” said Shachi and Penguin in unison!

“It’s one thing to talk about her but don’t involve her family. She made everything as a distraction from the absolute anger, that and she and Grandpa were sparring outback earlier after Inosuke,” said Law

“Shit, she called the Old Man to release steam?!” said Shachi, “She really must have been angry!”

“She wore out Inosuke, so that should be everything you need to know,” said Penguin

“Where is he?!”

“Sleeping it off. But once he smell that tempura, he’ll be right as rain,”

“....did Inosuke read it?!” said Bepo

“Holly is still alive, between Kid and Inosuke Holly is going to be put through the ringer on Monday,” said Law sighing, “That means we have to be on Inosuke duty,”

“Uggggggh that’s an entire workout,”

“It’s going to be worse if Cook’s…“Admirers” see it,” the pair froze along with Bepo.


“I doubt they’ll blow their cover…well we probably know which one will so yeah, we have Kid, Inosuke, two Commanders, the Vinsmoke Family, Belphie and Beel, and who knows who else,”

“Where’s Kitty?”

“With ________________ and probably Deuce,”

“We need to have to a strategy so no one attempts to kill Holly!” said Bepo

“You can but I want no parts,” said Shachi

“Ditto,” said Penguin, “This was premeditated idiocy on her part, especially against the whole school and staff,”

“I’m actually on the side of letting fate flow,” said Law, “This is a lesson that supposed to be learned countless of times and Holly pissed on the line the entire time,”

“Technically that fanfic was for Ace’s eyes only,” said Bepo

“True but this isn’t the first time this had happened to Ace or __________________ for that matter. This is harassment and stalking. How Ace can not lose it, is nothing short of a fucking miracle. This was just the straw the broke the camel’s back,”

“What else has she done?!”

“Well, there was the panty incident where she was sending Ace her panties and tried to get him to sniff them saying they were tissues,” said Shachi

“Oh and let’s not forget her stealing his underwear, thinking he wouldn’t notice but Ace is a gremlin feral boy and goes commando most of the time,”

“Or when she tried to make him jealous by going after Killer by throwing herself at him,”

“Not to mention the “_________________ is a slut” campaign,”

“Tried with Juliette but no one dared,”

“Wow she is nuts!” said Bepo

“Yeah so no sympathy for crazy,” said Law. The door opened and Katherina walked in.

“I’m home,” she announced.

“Hey Kitty, how’s everything?”

“I want to rip Holly a new asshole and everyone is talking about Monday,” she set her bag at the door and almost immediately went to the kitchen, “Something smells heavenly in here! Mom made fried chicken?!”

“Amongst other things,” said Law.

“Curry…paella…even shaved ice! ….I don’t blame her for being this upset,”

“You think she may, you know…do something? Said Bepo

“Mama-san has restraint,” said Shachi, “

“Hey kiddos,” Roci came in looking exhausted and almost immediately plopped on his armchair.

“You okay, Cora-san?” said Law

“Uggggh, me, Hina, and Bellemere had to stop Smoker from hunting down and killing Holly. The whole town wants her either dead or tortured until death. I am NOT looking forward to Monday,”

“I am,” said Law and Katherina in unison.

“Please don’t antagonize her you two,”

“It’s not a threat, it’s a promise,” said Law

“Especially the Mom comments,” said Katherina

“...where is Lesser?”

“She called the Old Man to blow off some steam,” said Law. Roci looked up.


“Mhm and Zio,” said Bepo

“...I don’t blame her in the slightest but please tell me she didn’t tell the Old Man,”

“He knows,” said Law, “Not happy but Nonno gave him STRICT orders to not do anything,” Roci lets out a deep sigh.

“I’ll talk to Vikka when she gets home…I know she’ll either be too tired or still upset and we’ll just sleep it off. By the way, we may have to order take out,”

“No need! Mama-san made food!” said Shachi. Roci perked up and trotted into the kitchen and his mouth watered.

“God I love that woman! Dig in, kids!”

“We already ate,”

“Eat again and tell me about your days!” Lesser came home feeling slightly better but still enraged at the audacity of Holly. It’s not the idea of what she wrote about her but what she wrote about her sons, daughters, and her blatant sexual harassment of Ace and his family. What did they need to do to knock some sense into that crazy little thing’s head. She took another breath and opened the door. The boys were happily eating dinner and the snacks she made. She also noticed they were blowing off steam in their own ways. Shachi and Katherina were in the middle of a co-op game with Saki, Heat, Ussop and Kaya and they were winning. Law was reading, Bepo was listening to Uta’s new album, and Penguin was reading a dirty manga. They noticed her when she walked in and happily greeted her.

“You okay, Mama-san?” said Penguin immediately hiding the book

“Mhm, just tired, I’m taking a shower and turning in unless any of you need anything?”

“We’re good!” said Shachi looking away.

“Focus!” said Katherina, “I’ll be DAMNED if I lose to Saki again!” Lesser cocked her head.

“Mario Party,”

“Got it,”

“You sure you’re okay, Lesser?” said Law

“Mhm. Zio and Papa gave me a lot to get the steam out. Is Roci home yet?”

“Yeah, he turned in about an hour ago,”

“Okay, here’s Inosuke?”

“Whatever you did to him, he’s still out. He’ll probably wake up soon and devour the tempura,” she nodded, bade them a goodnight and headed up to her and Roci’s bedroom. She let her hair down and was ready to just plop someplace. She was still riled up and even a few rounds with Inosuke and Papa didn’t help. She opened the door and closed it behind her, already taking off her clothes.

“Roci, I’m ho—oh!” Rocinante was in bed naked grinning at her while lying down. He gave her a wink and patted the place in front of him. The only thing that covered him was the thin sheet.

“Hey Vikki~how was work?”

“W-Why are you naked?!” she managed to blurt out.

“Well, I was thinking we can blow off a little steam tonight, corgi tush~”

“Don’t you dare call me that!” she covered her face blushing badly

“You love that nickname don’t you?”

“And you know it! And I need to keep my ire!”

“Oh? Why?”

“Now, I-I don’t know!”

“I mean you COULD be angry and try to sleep all night ooooooor you can sit on my face and let me take care of the rest,” Lesser let out a squeak.

“ROCI!” he laughed and got up. Even after all these years, he managed to get her flustered and it was cute seeing her get this way around him. He wrapped his arms around her and snuggled in the crook of her neck, giving her gentle kisses. She immediately felt relaxed and like putty in his arms.

“I know you’re still upset. I think between you and Smoker you’re both ready to rip her throat out,”

“That’s an understatement. I know you’re upset too,”

“You have no idea,” he said, “She literally had my wife and one of my kids fucking each other and implying that I abuse my wife and that Law knows and doesn’t respect you as his mother,”

“Is that why you’re mad?”

“Mhm, not to mention she had Smoker fucking a cat River. I really didn’t need that image,”

“No one did. I’m more upset over how she keeps harassing the kids. I don’t care what she says about me but the implications that Law needs a better family, Saki’s past, Nami and Nojiko’s past, and __________________ lineage is absolutely disgusting and outright crazy,”

“Many still think adopted children are defective children because their parents “obviously didn’t want them”. Even though that’s not the case. I’m worried that she’ll find out about Katherina living with us and blackmail her with exposure to Kuro,”

“I will send Kitty to Anguilla before that happens and I’m pretty sure the kids will kill that girl before that happens. Especially Inosuke,” Roci snorts

“The kid is like a guard dog but he’s getting better. Law would probably switch her heart with a dog or something,”

“...that would be an upgrade but why punish a dog,” they laughed. Roci grinned.

“Feeling better now?”

“...surprisingly, yes,”

“Good, and since I’m dressed for the occasion, how about we do chapter four?” Lesser’s eyes widened and she smacked him with a pillow.


“Ow! What was that for?!”

“You know I’m open to A LOT with you! But I’m not doing that! That’s crossing the line and disgusting!” He looked puzzled and went to his copy of the fanfic and flipped through the pages, found what he was looking for and showed it to her. She looked at the chapter, “That’s chapter three, amore,”

“Ohhhh what’s chapter four then?” he started flipping through until he found it and immediately looked shocked. It was the scene where the Maids and Smoker were demanding and begging for their alpha to pee and poo all over them with mouths opened, “VIKKI I’M SO SORRY! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH HER?!”

“I told you she was crazy!”

“I’m so sorry!”

“It’s okay! We draw the line with shit and piss,”

“Ugh who WOULDN’T?!” Lesser gently pets his back and skimmed through the Chapter three part, “But I definitely don’t mind this,” she looked away blushing. He smirked.

“Oh my, naughty Vikki,” he grinned and pulled her on top of him groping her ass.

“I KNEW you wanted to let out some steam,”

“Mhm and I’ve been thinking about this ass all day. I’m going to wreck it. Most of that fanfic was disgusting but some of those scenes were…hot,” he blushed a bit, “Especially the public oral in Chapter One,”

“We’ve done that before…a lot…we can do it again a little later but before we do ANYTHING, use your Calm. We don’t want the kids to hear,” she blushed, “And we’re both kind of loud…”

“Already on it,” he smirked and pulled her into him and then onto the bed, “I’m going to be you hardcore Alpha tonight~”

Chapter 107: Holly's Omegaverse Fanfic: Part II


The Aftermath of Holly's Fanfic!

A/N: It's finally done!!!! Seriously I finally had the time to start writing again and I finished this one before the next big thing, V-day! Also stay tuned because I have a few more things that belong here like your questions answered and more goodies linked on the blog!

Chapter Text

Come Monday, tension in the area was thick and dense with many, many, MANY problems in the air. ________________, Ace, Luffy, Hiyori, Yamato, and Deuce got up as usual. Ace lingered in bed for a few extra minutes. He didn’t want to but he had a very bad feeling about everything about to go down. He rolled over, scratched himself and went to the bathroom. Everyone basically made a pact that they would not under any circumstances bail out of the inevitable ass beating Holly was going to receive, including him. She so far insulted everyone he held dear and she could personally rot. ________________ was already up and getting herself ready and Luffy ran in and gave her his morning sister hug. She smiled and hugged back. She felt very uneasy. It was one thing for Holly to pick on her, she was actually used to her special brand of mean girl bullying, but now…everyone was going to either kill her or ruin her. She surprisingly didn’t lose any sleep over it because this was probably the final nail in her coffin and she wouldn’t and couldn’t help her.

“Knock, knock~” she jumped. Hiyori waltzed in and sat her in front of a mirror and started on her hair, “For once you’re not going to look like a little peasant girl,”


“Let’s see…odangos…maybe a hime cut but your hair is weird, but I’m going to make this work,” Deuce was in his room journaling and writing a friend fiction of his own and after he was done, he headed down downstairs. Yamato was already downstairs happily munching on his food with Ace and Luffy. Hiyori and _______________ soon joined and were happily munching on their breakfast with the rest of their family.

“So did you kids come up with a game plan?” said Marco looking over his paper.

“Mhm,” said Ace, “This isn’t our fight, Holly is not our ally or friend so we’re staying out of it,”

“And just ignore her,” said _________________

“Shishishishi yeah, it’s just easier unless she like dies or something,”

“Everyone is out to get her and why try to fight off the whole school,” said Deuce.

“And I just did my nails, I really don’t want to break them,” said Hiyori happily munching her salmon, “And ___________________’s hair looks cute today so I’m making sure she doesn’t try and play the hero and mess it up,”


“You do do that a lot,” said Yamato, “And though I love a good fight, I don’t think this is one I’m willing to do for someone who only started liking me when I got a dick and got bara tits,”

“Yeah that too,” said Deuce, “So we’re staying out of this,”

“Wise choice kiddos,” said Marco, “But just be careful, alright?” Thatch had their bentos ready and they all headed off to the train for school. Marco waited for a few moments and got up.

“I thought we were staying out of it,” said Rakugo

“We are,” said Marco, “But I have a feeling,” he lingered at the steps as five women came downstairs. They grinned when they saw him.

“Morning Marco!” they said cheerfully

“Morning ladies, how’s Pops?”

“His blood pressure and vitals are good this morning,” said the redhead

“He had an egg white omelet with tea, salmon, and miso soup!” said the woman with the chef’s hat.

“He’s starting to not have to use his oxygen anymore!” said the woman in black

“And his cholesterol is low!” said the one in the long dress

“Thank you for your hard work but I need you five for a very important task,” he gave them a briefing and they nodded.

“You got it Chief!”

“Good, get ready and I’ll be in the car,” the five immediately went upstairs.

“Damn, Marco isn’t taking any chances,” said Izo

“Would you?” said Kingdew

“Nope, I just hope the kiddos are okay,” said Oden, and got ready to head out with a few of the others to make it to the school before them, just in case. They carried on as normal until they got to the train. Meanwhile at the Rocinante house, Roci was enjoying his morning coffee with Lesser having her morning tea. She made breakfast, basically Japanese omelets. Shachi and Law were downstairs first and happily went to dish their breakfast. Katherina was busy upstairs, preening herself to look her best before she grabbed her school bag, not before slipping in a few items and leaving her copy of the fanfic in her room. Morning was as normal as possible but there was a feeling of intense dread and everyone did their best to ignore it. Penguin soon came down with Katherina trailing.

“Mama-san you make the best omelets!” said Shachi

“Don’t forget your lunch,” said Lesser

“We won’t!” said Law, “What did you make?”

“It’s mainly leftovers from last night, but it should be nice and hot for lunch,”

“You’re the best Mama-san!” said Penguin

“Seriously!” said Shachi

“I know, I know, just…be safe alright?” they nodded, gave her a kiss goodbye and headed off. Inosuke ran after them, headbutted Lesser in her side, gave her an “I love you!” and slammed the door. Lesser waited a few minutes before sighing, “Guess I’m off too,”

“Send Sengoku my love,”

“Always,” she got up and was about to head to the door when Roci gently touched her shoulder.

“Ummm Vikki…let me give you a ride to school,”

“What? Really?”

“Yeah, I mean, we can just catch up, maybe get something tasty along the way,”

“....sure,” she said smiling, “Let’s go,” The train to the school was the only train and usually they were the only ones aside from a few kids who lived further out into the country. When they got on the train there were whispers and things. Everyone was talking about the fanfic. The whispers became lower when the prime targets of the fanfic entered the room. Everyone seemed so tense. Law found his place next to Luffy who gave him his morning tackle. Katherina found her spot next to _____________. She nudged Deuce over to sit next to her bestie. Deuce snorts.

“Kitty! So mean!”

“You’re in my spot,”

“I thought that was my lap,” Deuce winked. She reddened.


“You’re the one who’s flustered at the thought,” said _________________ giggling. Katherina held out his hand, Hiyori gave her her folding fan, and ___________________ was bopped, “Owww! Et tu with the fan?!”

“You deserved that!”

“Soooooo I’m guessing Roci-san and Lesser-sama read the fanfic?” said Hiyori

“Mhm, Mom was so upset she cooked a ten course dinner,”

“And we still have leftovers,” said Law, “I’m not complaining,”

“Did you save some for me?” said Luffy wibbling at Law, who affectionately pats his head.


“You’re the best!”

“Soooooo what’s the game plan you all have?” said Shachi

“Not a thing,” said Yamato, “She made her bed, she can lie in it. I want to believe that there’s no one that dense,”

“Says the boy who thought den den mushi trapped the souls of their hosts,” said Hiyori giggling

“Hey! I’ve never seen one before!”

“I’ll never let you live that one down!”

“Especially when you took __________________ and Ace’s and kept it in a box and vowing to free them,” said Katherina, “And it didn’t help that the idiot samurai fanned the flames,”

“And that’s why there’s a rule in the house that when in doubt, ask the person who has a higher IQ than Luffy,” said Ace, “But yeah, we’re not going to help Holly in this one, it’s been decided,”

“Until someone decides to break rank because she has a soft heart,” everyone zoomed in on a certain (e/c) eyed girl.

“Hey! Why is everyone looking at me!”

“You, Luffy, and Ace are idiots but empathic. Especially you!” said Katherina, “I know your reason why you can’t physically put your hands on Holly but you can’t get in between this ass kicking,”

“I won’t!”

“I know you won’t because I’m on _________________ Dity,” said Killer, “I’m making sure you stay away from Holly and not playing the hero and Ace drew the short straw,”

“YOU CHEATED!” Ace barked

“Prove it. All I know is that I get to stay with ________________ all day. Preferably in my lap,”



“To be fair, Killer’s lap is comfortable,” said Hiyori

“VERY!” said ___________________. Soon the train stopped and everyone got off. Once the Windmill and Dead Island Residents got off, they were met with what could be only described as a Marine escort. The cadets were waiting for them with solemn expressions.

“Sooooo I think I know why we’re here,” said Coby. ________________ and Hiyori grinned.

“Coby if you wanted to feed me cake again, all you had to do was ask,” said ________________

“And since you’re a loyal customer, I’ll let you do it for half off,” said Hiyori winking

“N-NO! It’s not that!” he blushed badly, “Damn it you two!”

“I swear you fall for it that too often,” said Isuka

“Can you blame the poor man!” said Helmepoo

“Yes Isu-chan~” said Ace winking, “I mean you’re looking to see my hidden freckles, right?”


“You’re right you’re blushing you pervert,”

“ANYWAY!” said Nojiko laughing, “Yeah we’re here about the fanfic, are you guys planning something?”

“Nope,” said Yamato

“Not a thing,” said Deuce

“We’re staying out of it,” said Ace

“Mhm,” said ___________________, “It’s not our fight and well…she deserved it this time,”

“So no interfering, either?” said Isuka

“I saved her once, I’m not doing it again, I’m sorry,”

“I was hoping you would say that,” said Coby, “We’re staying out of it too. No one gave us the order to stop anything,”

“Doesn’t that go against your code or something?” said Katherina

“Surprised us too,” said Isuka, “Smoker didn’t give us the word and he’s livid,”

“So this is like school sanctioned mob justice?” said Hiyori

“It’s either that or fallout,” said Helmepoo, “If she was smart, she wouldn’t come to school,”

“This is Holly so we know she’s going to be here,” said Nami, “We were pretty much given the order to turn a blind eye,”

“It’s for the best,” said Katherina

“As long as we get through the day, we should be okay,” said Nojiko, “She pissed off a lot of people but she’ll survive small jabs of bullying,”

“ Kid here?” said Coby

“Nope,” said Killer, “He doesn’t have a first period so he’s sleeping in and it’s just him in the house with Heat, Saki, and Kokoro, as long as NO ONE shows him, everything should be fine,”

“Good, let’s just get through this day and hopefully in one piece,”

Kid stumbled downstairs. He was scratching his ass as he went downstairs. He was barely up and when he rolled over to see what time it was he was surprised that it was about seven. Usually someone would have woken him up by now. He didn’t even get his morning text from Penny today. He didn’t care. He didn’t mind ditching and he didn’t have anything first period anyway so fuck it. It was an unwritten rule that if the first period was study hall or something, students could be a little late. He decided to scavenge for some breakfast. He knew Miss Ribbon and Franky were already gone and probably Killer so he decided to just take it easy. Probably make himself something or grab something on the way and get something for Penny too. He did smell food, good food and he was going to devour it. He went downstairs to see a familiar form making bacon and eggs and sausage and putting it on a bagel.

“Sup Saki. Make me one, yeah,” the girl yelped and spun around. Saki was pretty much another resident on Dead Island and surrogate daughter is the Franky-Nico family. She was a beautiful young woman with fair skin, blue eyes that were hidden by a pair of glasses, and beautiful long black hair. She looked absolutely terrified when she saw Kid.

“H-Hi Kid! Ho-How are you?!”

“Good, so make me one, actually three, one with mushrooms,”

“O-Okay,” Kid plopped at the table as Saki started on his order. He noticed a few things while she was cooking, she was fidgeting more, she looked paler than usual, and she was starting to burn things.

“Tch!” he moved her out of the way and finished everything, plopped her on the table and started eating, “So where’s everybody? Usually the old bat and Tom are here,”

“They went out!”


“Are you sure you want to go to school today?”

“Not really but since there’s a mushroom, bacon, and egg bagel, I’m going to have to,” Saki cocked her head, “Penny’s the only one I know who likes mushrooms,”

“Oh, I thought it was because of—eep!”

“....because of what?”


“Saki, what?” the girl pursed his lip and shook her head. Kid took her by the shoulder and glared, “TELL ME! Or I'll tell Heat what REALLY happened to his favorite shirt, you pervert,”

“NO! YOU PROMISED!” he raised an eyebrow and headed to the barn


“NO! Wait! But you have to PROMISE to not get mad or kill the messenger!”

“I’m waiting!” Saki meekly went upstairs and came back down with a familiar book and said nothing and handed it to him. Kid looked at it, sat down, poured himself some coffee, and started reading. At first he was cracking up at everyone else’s pain in chapter one, then he started reading chapter two…then three, then four…at the end he was shaking with absolute rage. Saki was scared as Kid calmly stood up.

“K-Kid?” Kid’s pupils went small and he looked as though he was going to murder everyone within a ten mile radius.

“Saki, where’s my car?”

“I-I don’t know,”

“Alright,” walked outside and lets out a very loud rage fueled scream and went running towards the barn. He emerged riding what could only be described as an industrial motorcycle with a dragon head and he rode off through the island and through the Hidden Path to get to the town. Heat came running out and Tom came running from the back. They saw Saki looking on the verge of a panic attack. Tom immediately got the car, Heat shouted Code Red, Berg ran out with Kokoro and loaded everyone into car with Saki apologizing over and over again.

“I'm sorry! I'm sorry!!! I'm SO SORRY!!!!!!”

“We have to work on those brain skills of yours later,” said Kokoro, “Seriously girl!”

Tension in the school was heavy, so heavy that some students were just too afraid to speak. Everyone seemed to be waiting for the fallout because some were in groups, students who were usually lively were quietly talking and whispering, students who were usually quiet were even quieter, and everyone seemed to be looking for the main “characters” in the fanfic. Reiju arrived in her personal car and briskly went to her favorite area. Juliette and Yumeko walked together meeting Hiyori and they went to their hangout area. _________________ changed out of her shoes, got her books and headed off to the cafeteria for a lunch order. Today Cook was making fried chicken and she wanted Katherina to get some this time. In reality, she was trying to avoid the fallout herself. She really didn’t want to get involved. She didn’t excuse her behavior but this was just years of her stupidity catching up with her. She didn’t really have a twinge of guilt, especially with everything that Holly put her through from the garbage bathroom incident, the slut shaming, the rival school gang fight, the constant Ace harassment, the Katherina Incident, the Deuce Incident, and not to mention the blackmailing ring. She had it coming. She got a few pastries and headed for homeroom, only to be scooped up by Killer and Yamato.


“You’re hanging out with us for awhile,” said Killer

“Mhm! And I want that chocolate bun,” said Yamato grinning.

“Nooooo miiiiiiiine,”

“You can motorboat my chest,”

“’re evil, you have a deal,” Holly however strutted through the grounds like she owned the school. Some students looked at her with disgust, some with shock that she would be so brazen to even show up after what she wrote, and some as though she was already a dead man walking. She even preened herself up to look her best. Since the uniforms were customizable she took full advantage, especially to impress one person, Ace. She was wearing short skirt, a slightly tighter blouse, a padded bra to make her breasts look nice and fluffy, and of course walking while swaying her hips to give her ass a cute perk. She even teased her hair a little for extra fluff but the coup de grace, her favorite perfume, Cotton Candy Rainbow and her favorite berry lip stain to give her a pouty glossy finish. She could hear muttering from the students but she didn’t care. She was a woman on a mission and that was a tongue session with Ace. But she then noticed something new when she got to school. First of all, Ace wasn’t at his locker. She could set her watch by Ace, he was always at his locker between 7:00 and 7:30 unless he didn’t have a morning class, or during the Rue Incident, or when he just wanted to ditch. She really hoped he didn’t ditch. So she went searching for him because she wanted him sooooo bad. She had to find him. She had to profess her love and ask him about her magnus opus. She went to the Courtyard. Students were lingering and some stopped when they saw her. She knew she was beautiful and today proved it, she got dolled up after all. She then noticed the drama geeks. She abhorred them so much, especially Yuzuriha, the co troupe leader. Her mother was a famous actress and was the only reason she got into the academy, hell that was the ONLY reason the drama geeks got into the academy.

“I don’t think we can turn this into a play,” said Kuroki looking disturbed, “Seriously, did everyone read past chapter three?”

“Mhm and it just got creepier and creepier,” said Tokusa

“You can smell the pettiness from a mile away. It’s deliciously fascinating when you think about it,” said Yuzuriha, tittering under her hand, “I especially love the parts where I’m being whipped. I’m not even remotely attracted to Ace, just prettier than her,”

“If it’s beauty then she probably hates half the school,” said Karin sighing.

“See? Petty,”

“Am I the only who’s been getting incest vibes?!” said Akamatsu

“I picked up on it too!” said Tokusa, “What in the actual FUCK?!”

“Maybe if we could get someone to edit it?” said Yuri

“That’s going to be a LOT of editing,” said Tsutsuji, “I feel so bad for Tachi-kun,”

“Honestly I fear for his safety,” said Akane laughing, “I mean at least he gets a break at school, right? He lives with someone who’s into the Onii-chan Fetish,”

“Right? She does seem like that type to live out her hentai fantasy and greet her brother in her underwear crying out “Waaaaah! Onii-chan!!!! Don’t look at me you pervert!”” said Yuzuriha laughing. She then turned and looked at Holly, “Oh! Hi, I didn't see you there Holly! Love the new fanfic but I don’t think we can turn this one into a stage play. You understand, right? Too bad, I looked forward to being the lead again but being a desperate omega is soooo beneath me and my budding acting career would be over,”

“It’s not like you’re a good actress to begin with,” sneers Holly

“I don’t think you’re in the position to pull rank on anyone,” said Kuroki

“Seriously!” said Yuri, “You make yourself out to be a glamorous beauty that’s multi-talented but you’re barely doing your gymnastics correctly!”

“Like seriously!” said Akane, “Kaya and Sophie are carrying the team. Katherina was recruited because you’ve been slacking. It’s like the only reason you were chosen to be in school in the first place and you can barely do that right!”

“And you really thing this is the type of thing that will attract, Ace?” said Katsura, “This is creepier than the last one!”

“This WASN’T for you! ANd obviously my writing skills were FAR superior that you all made a crappy little play about it,”

“Because it was FUNNY,” said Azumi, “That was the ONLY reason! This is just sick!”

“You know, there’s no point in reasoning with a blatant psychopath,” said Yuzuriha, “Let’s go,” the drama club left still discussing the fanfic. Holly sneered and continued to her locker looking for Ace. She then noticed Plum, Nami, and Nojiko gathered at the lockers.

“Oh the woman of the hour!” said Plum sniggering, “I have to admit, being an onahoe is a step up from your last fanfic,”

“I got a bigger role!” said Nami laughing, “Have to admit, being one of Killer’s harem girls seems like a dream,”

“It really is,” said Nojiko, “Baby treated me so fine, even though Ussop and I were slaves of the school. You really show your true colors don’t you? Is it because I made you wear a longer skirt, hon?”

“Probably no one wants to see that you wear a thong,” said Plum laughing

“I mean, it’s a feat, considering how lax our dress code is,” said Nami, “Ace walks around with his uniform unbuttoned and you STILL get uniform violations!”

“To be fair, he did protest a lot by wearing a skirt for awhile,” said Nojiko, “Freckles got an ass,”

“Don’t talk about Ace’s ass, she’s going to make another cringe fic about her shoving his hog into her!” said Plum. The trio laughed hard. Before Holly could retort, something came out of nowhere and was headbutted hard in her side. She went flying into a wall. She staggered up and winced. Inosuke looked beyond livid and charged again to go after her. Many students moved aside as he slammed into her again. The third time, Holly finally realized that she should move and dove away from the next attack. It was then that Shachi and Penguin grabbed their little brother as he tried to get at her again.

“HOW DARE YOU WRITE THAT SHIT ABOUT MY FAMILY, ESPECIALLY MY MOM?!” He went at her again dragging the other two boys. Holly took this opportunity to run for it. The two boys waited until she was a good distance away and let him go. Holly ran away in fear as a rabid feral boar child was chasing after her, “GET BACK HERE YOU BITCH!” The students watched on as the boy shouted obscenities that could make an old Marine blush.

“...okay WHO told Inosuke about the fanfic?!” said Shachi

“Wasn’t me!” said Penguin, “I still keep forgetting Ino can read!” they looked at Law.

“Don’t look at me,” they looked at their little sister who was finishing up gathering her books.

“Must have left it on my bed. Oh well,” Holly ran through the halls trying to escape the feral child and ducked into one of the classrooms to hide. She looked absolutely disheveled and breathed a sigh of relief.

“Oh shit, the woman of the hour!” she turned. Carrie, Reiju, Yumeko, Hiyori and Juliette were all in the classroom. Yumeko had a cat that ate the canary, Hiyori had a smug look of cattiness

“You guys have to help me! Ino-whatever went crazy and started headbutting me!”

“Without provocation?! You don’t say!” said Yumeko, “Whatever for?”

“I don’t know! Everyone’s been so weird around me today!”

“Really?!” said Hiyori, “What’s the matter?! What happened?!”

“I-I don’t know! The Drama Club has been so catty, especially Yuzuriha!”

“Yuzu is being catty?! Oh dear, that IS something! Do you know why?!”

“No! It’s so weird isn’t it!”

“You’re not stupid Holly, so don’t act like you are,” said Reiju coldly.

“W-What do you mean?”

“I think you know exactly what I mean,” she said, holding up a stack of stapled papers with a very unamused look on her face, “Can you please explain to me what’s this, tripe?” she threw it at her feet. Holly looked horrified.

“You weren’t meant to see that!”

“Oh? Then WHY was I able to see it?! You know the last time you wrote this crap it was all over the school and then you decided to write another?! That was more deranged than the last?!”

“I thought you were crazy but everyone now knows you’re batshit crazy,” said Carrie laughing

“Quite,” said Yumeko laughing, “And this time, ________________ isn’t around to help you save face and you managed to piss off more people than last time! Kudos! I especially love how I lose on purpose to be railed on. Never had the thought cross my mind,”

“Or how me and Cash are incestuous siblings because we don’t know our birth parents,” said Carrie, “You really hate adopted kids, do you?”

“Rich coming from someone who doesn’t know WHO her father is,” said Hiyori laughing, “Especially since your mother seems to go from man to man to man every few years,”

“You’re an absolute deplorable waste of oxygen,” said Juliette looking at her coldly, “You wear your bitterness and pettiness like a heart on your sleeve. It’s absolutely pathetic. All because I fucked the boy you have an obsession over,” Holly’s cheeks went completely red. Carrie and Yumeko cackled.

“WHAT DID YOU SAY?!” she shrieked

“What? You didn’t know?” said Hiyori laughing, “Juliette and Ace made the beast with the two backs,”

“He gave her the green gown,” said Yumeko laughing

“He gave her his little Ace,” said Carrie

“They did the Matrimonial Polka,” said Reiju. The look on Holly’s face said everything, “Oh looks like you didn’t know,”

“If I was Juliette I would have told it to the rooftops!” said Yumeko laughing, “Though I’m kind of waiting for _________________~”

“Not the time!” Reiju growled.

“I would never. I’m a lady and I would never air out my dirty laundry to complete strangers. Especially such an intimate moment with someone I love and care abo—,” without warning Holly lunged at Juliette, who grabbed her blouse and flipped Holly over the desk and held a tanto to her neck. Holly looked at her with both defiance and fear, “You have two choices now, get up and walk away or have Carrie and Hiyori carve our initials in your face. But you need to finally face the hard truth that: Ace will never love, he will never fuck you, and his heart will never belong to you. And he is really good with his tongue. The things he used to do to me, you will never know that ever in your life,” she got up. Holly looked at the girls and let out a scream and ran out of the room. Juliette sighed and plopped onto a desk chair and gave Hiyori back her tanto.

“That was amazing!” said Yumeko laughing

“Did you see her face?!” said Carrie

“I got it all on tape!” said Hiyori gesturing to the den den mushi, “You should be more intimidating, it’s a cute look on you. Total Mommy Vibes,”

“No way, that was exhausting!” said Juliette looking flustered.

“Bet Ace would have loved to have seen that,” said Carrie

“He would because he’s a gremlin, I don’t think I would have been able to walk for a week if he saw that when we were dating. I feel kind of bad for her. The school is going to ride her all day,”

“I don’t,” said Hiyori, “I’m waiting for the rest of the day,” Holly was back out in the halls. She assumed she was safe now. Like honestly, other than a few students, she was sure no one else read her fanfic and so what if they did, it was for Ace’s eyes. She didn’t care if a few students knew.

“COOK! MY BOVINE BEAUTY!” she turned to see Rengoku-sensei running to Cook and effortlessly picked her up and spun her around. It was quite the sight considering Cook was significantly taller than the samurai.

“Rengoku-sama my sweet Alpha~moo! Not in front of the kids~moo!” Many students laughed and giggled at the pair who were now fawning over each other and dancing and being sickeningly cute. What made this even more hilarious was Cook letting out cute little “moos”. Holly was mortified. There were also whispers and things when Holly walked down the halls. She then spotted Smoker, who if looks could kill, she would have been gutted right then and there. Many pointed and some giggled and some looked at her with disgust. But the most embarrassing moments were yet to come. Miss Ribbon had the whole class fix all grammar, punctuation, and spelling and critiqued it in front of everyone.

“Can anyone tell me the proper way to write this? And before any of you ladies ask, Franky was a sex shop owner and still is. He enjoys his work and making new things for his work. No I will not be bringing anything in, no I will not give you special permission, and yes if your parents are customers they can buy things just ask for a discount and there’s nothing wrong with honest work, no matter who thinks it’s disgusting. I’m rather surprised actually, not many people know about the back rooms in the shop. Someone’s mother has to be a frequent flier for that type of thing,” the students gave Holly the side eye. Holly was NOT about to take this and left the classroom in a huff…right into Smoker’s chest.

“Get back into class, NOW!” that bellow shook students within earshot to their cores. Holly felt her entire body falter and immediately ran back inside and took her seat. Throughout the day she looked for Ace but she had no idea where he was.

“Watch it, Mutt!” _________________ continued walking like she didn’t hear her. Holly growled and went after her, “I’m talking to you Mutt!” _________________ kept walking and before she could touch her shoulder, Killer politely put his arm around her and pulled her close. He looked at Holly with a knowing smirk before guiding her into an empty classroom. Holly growled. Of course she’s still being a raging slut. She then set her sights on Kohana who was happily talking with Ussop. She was about to say something when Coby joined in, giving her a look that told her to back off. She huffed and left. Did everyone read her fanfic? It must have left them all speechless…that’s why Ace wasn’t around! He was so moved and hard from the scenes that he was probably having some private time someplace. She blushed at the thought. Ace was masturbating at the thought of her! She got back into class with once again, her head held high. Penny was heading down the hall to her class. The tensions in the school were getting bad and she was worried that something extremely terrible was about to happen. She felt very uneasy as she carted her books to her locker to change them out. She exchanged her books and was about to head off when she was hoisted up. She yelped as she was slung over onto a familiar shoulder. She was taken into one of the school’s meditation rooms and plopped down onto the cushiony bed. She looked up only to have her favorite snacks fall into her lap, along with a bacon, egg, and mushroom bagel sandwich. Kid kissed her forehead and stomped out the room before barricading it and leaving. She quickly ran to the door and peeked out the window and saw a very stiff looking Kid stomping down the halls like a very angry tiger looking for prey.

“Oh dear…Holly is going to die,”

___________________ was doing her hardest to not interact with Holly. Even with endless chocolate buns from Killer, it was still not a good enough distraction. Ace managed to stay on one side of the school. She unfortunately had a few classes with Holly, including languages. It wasn’t hard to avoid her but it was hard to not get other students to go after her. Many and she did mean MANY wanted to tear her a new one but after the train conversation, everyone wanted to try to do some level of damage control to keep it together until school was over and Holly was to go home or have a meeting with Sengoku and Lesser. In fact, she had intercepted a few attacks from male students, she had to personally clean her homeroom desk from the “Yandere!” “Crazy!” “Ace Stalker!” from her desk in order for the pecking to not start. All they had to do was just keep it together and Holly just had to not piss anyone off until the end of the school day. All the tension needed was just the right strike to set everything of—

“YOU BITCH!” Holly was tackled and the students immediately backed away as a young woman wearing a burgundy uniform with a frilly head kerchief and goggles not only tackled Holly but proceeded to hit and slap her over and over again, “HOW DARE YOU WRITE THAT ABOUT MY BOYFRIEND!”


“THE FUCK DID YOU SAY?!” Baby 5 grabbed Holly by the collar and slammed her repeatedly into the wall. She was about to punch her again when Katherina pulled her off, “LET ME GO!”

“NOT YET,” Holly staggered up and she was about to hurl as many insults as she could at Baby 5 when there was a deafening crash that rang throughout the school.

“WHERE IS SHE?!” the school ran to the windows to see a very angry Kid, looking out for blood. Holly immediately ran for it. Katherina counted to ten and let go of Baby 5 and turned the other way to get a good seat for the show. ________________ was whisked away by Yamato into an empty classroom. Desks and random metal objects appeared in the sky hovering over the entire school, most notably the courtyard. Many students ran inside, knowing what was going to come. Ace, Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, and the Marine cadets get students out of the courtyard as Holly runs outside trying to get away from Baby 5. The students watched as Holly was in the middle of the yard with many objects hovered over her. All at once, Kid started launching cannonballs, desks, anything metal at Holly who was desperately running about trying to not get hit, “STOP RUNNING BITCH!” Holly took cover in the boiler room, thinking she would be safe. Big Mistake. The door’s hinge was ripped open and the pipes were ripped out. Steam and how water shot out at Holly. She was scalded in the legs. She screamed and scrambled to get away just as more metal landed. She ducked and dove away trying to escape Kid’s wrath. While she dodged, Baby 5 launched cannonballs and knives at the girl and those that didn’t connect or were dodged, Kid used them himself.

“Let’s all collectively agree to never piss Kid off,” said Carrie watching on with Reiju, Yumeko, Juliette, and Hiyori.

“Or Baby 5 for that matter,” Baby 5 had her cannon pointed and blasted at Holly from every direction she ran to. Holly screamed and ducked from the debris, getting her pristine uniform dirty in the process, a fate worse than death in her opinion!

“Good call but this is the best entertainment I’ve seen in years!” said Yumeko.

“All because she insulted his Penny,” said Juliette

“Where is Penny-sama by the way?” said Yumeko

“I think Kid locked her in one of the meditation rooms,” said Carrie, “I saw him carrying her earlier and she didn’t even try to escape,”


“Hell, not just Kid, look!” Holly ran away again but this time, she slammed into an invisible barrier. She immediately ran left only to make a few feet and slamming into another barrier. She then was about to run when she had to duck because of a flying metal door. She ran again and was almost back inside the building only to be headbutted out. She scrambled to get away as she ran into yet again another barrier. Inosuke was now in the courtyard and was seeing red and chased Holly clamoring over cars and debris to get to her. Holly started to adapt and get used to her new fate…until the entire courtyard became dense with smoke. She coughed and heard another object coming at her, and it connected. She screeched in pain and realized it was a biscuit, then another, then another and she ran again, right into a barrier and then was one again headbutted. She managed to get away but was then bitch slapped over and over again. She shielded her face as Baby 5’s blows connected over and over again. Then the sandstorm started, temporarily blinding her. Holly took the opportunity and took cover behind a few piling metal objects as the storm whipped and blinded her. Inosuke screamed in frustration at the fact that he couldn’t see. Goggles were tossed in front of him. He put them on and went searching. Holly thought could breathe a sigh of relief until the metal pile moved. She screamed as Kid was about to crash the whole thing on top of her. However, there were other plans, such as a large sticky substance keeping the final blow to be delivered. She looked relieved until she realized she couldn’t move and Inosuke was in sight. Cook sat at the window enjoying her tea as she watched with a sweet smile on her face. This was the best entertainment she’s seen in years.

“So you WERE upset!” said Perv

“She called me a cow,” said Cook, “Macaron?”

“Oooh! You made pistachio! Hell yes!” there was another crash and Holly went flying, “Damn, I KNEW you were going to retaliate but did you really need to tell them?!”

“Hmmmm? I didn’t do anything, Biscuit had questions and I just answered,”

“ did Baby 5 know?”

“No idea, then again I’m a slutty, dumb moo cow so my slutty brain probably forgot to put the fanfic away,”

“Just like Kitty forgot to put it away and left it on her bed knowing that Inosuke usually goes in to see if she had any more dance shoes to break in. Holly can barely do a pushup in gym but she’s dodging now,” said Lesser, coming in. Cook poured her some tea and she sat and watched from the window helping herself to some chocolate macarons, “This is the best mob justice I’ve ever seen,”

“It’s beautiful that the students just united against someone who clearly deserved it. Hell, even the teachers are joining in! Even Roci!” Cook and Dom looked at her, “What you didn’t notice? Listen, can’t you hear anything?” Cook and Dom strained and they did hear everything from metal clanking, students cheering, and Holly screaming, “Now if you go towards the edge of the school, it’s dead silent. Roci put his sound barrier around the school I guess to keep the public from being alerted,”

“Can you blame the man?” said Cook, “After what she wrote about his wife and kids?”

“I can’t believe she hadn’t figure out the barriers trick,” said Dom cackling and joining in, “Cook hon, aren’t you worried that they might blow their cover,”

“Everything is under control,”

“Are you sure? I don’t want anything happening to Kata-kun,” said Lesser

“What about Biscuit?!”

“What ABOUT Biscuit,” meanwhile Killer, Yamato, and ______________ were watching everything unfold in another classroom. After she told Killer of her plight and agreement that she was to not interfere with Holly’s imminent demise, Killer distracted her in the best way he knew how, cake and boobs. She was nestled in his lap, laying against his chest and being fed cake. She was happily enjoying herself.

“I can’t believe she lasted this long,”

“Right? Kid is so pissed that he’s not thinking clearly. Wait until he remembers that he can actually throw other things at her,” said Killer

“Inosuke is doing the most damage,” said Yamato, “I mean she’s really getting headbutted out there,”

“Can’t believe Smoker is helping and aiding in delinquency,” said __________________

“There’s porn of him fucking River. I can’t blame the guy. Or the idea that he and Crocodile joined forces,” said Killer

“Can’t say I don’t feel sorry for her,”

“Good girl, here’s another chocolate bun,”



“SHE IS MY MOM!” Holly was almost cut in half. Inosuke looked murderous, “SHE TAKES CARE OF ME! SHE FEEDS ME! SHE TRAINS ME! SHE LOVES ME! SHE’S MY MOM! AND THEY’RE MY FAMILY! AND WON’T LET ANYONE GET AWAY INSULTING THEM!” Holly however was not going to let anyone keep beating on her for so long and had an ace up her sleeve. She ran again but this time grabbed something front off the ground. Inosuke went after her again but this time, she took a piece of glass and got him right in the stomach. Inosuke froze from the initial shock before she started stabbing him some more. Holly’s face went back and Baby 5 got Inosuke out of the way. Holly grinned and went to go after the boy again when suddenly, everything around the room started floating, flying everywhere, including Holly’s body that was broken up into pieces.

“So I guess that bitch has some guts,” said Katherina glaring.

“Mhm,” said Law, watching everything float around his Room and Holly’s body parts going everywhere. He then smirked and had a very wicked idea, “Kitty, can you do me a big favor?”


“I brought something, it’s in my locker, bring it out,” she nodded and came back a few minutes later, “Toss it into my Room,” she tossed a large slimy slug into the Courtyard. Holly almost immediately freaked out when she saw it. Her head went towards the large slug and squirmed right into her mouth. Katherina snapped a photo before calmly walking in and retrieving her little brother. Law used Shambles and got his two siblings out. Chopper immediately took over and patched up Inosuke’s stomach.

“Who knew she actually has some guts,” said Killer.

“I’m glad he’s okay!” said ___________________

“Big mistake on her part to physically stab the sibling of Law and Kitty, of course they’re going to retaliate,”

“Is that Reiju on the roof?” Killer craned his head up.


“STOP!” Reiju’s voice rang out from on top of the school overlooking the courtyard. Reiju’s voice demanded respect and attention. Kid, Inosuke and Barto immediately stopped along with the hidden attacks from unknown sources, “We are NOT animals! We are human beings and this is nothing more than mob justice. We are individuals in a collective and we need to act as such!” Holly looked relieved. SHe KNEW Reiju liked her. She KNEW Reiju would have saved her. She was going to be saved and pampered, “With that being said, I am offering 10000 for every connected blow onto Holly! Consider this a public stoning for your blatant act of hubris! I don’t care WHAT you hit her with! As long as she’s hit! PROCEED!” Reiju hopped off the roof and disappeared inside the school. Holly went completely pale and tried to make another run for it. However, this time, a string caught her ankle. She was dragged through the ground, and then slammed her over and over onto the grass before tying her in place. The smoke got denser and crowds of students came out and started pelting Holly with everything they could get their hands on. Someone made a mud puddle and the students swarmed it. Some took to getting garbage from one of the trash cans Kid threw inside. Suddenly a box of severely decomposing vegetables, that was ready for the school’s compost heap, were dropped in front of the students. Everyone scrambled to it and immediately grabbed what they could and started pelting Holly with everything they could. Holly couldn’t move and was hit by everything imaginable.

“This is absolutely delicious~!” said Yuzuriha cackled from the princess/nobility gathering

“It’s even better since Reiju said any student who pelts Holly with someone will get 10000 beli for each object,” said Hiyori laughing, “Inosuke and Baby 5 are going to make a fortune!”

“He better,” said Reiju, nibbling on a cookie, “Looks like your club is going to have funding for the foreseeable future,”

“Yeah, the smoke is a good cover to keep certain students from future retaliation. It’s sad to see so many students performing mob justice against her,”

“Well she did a lot of things to many people in this school. I guess her “friends” aren’t going to get involved this time,” said Yumeko

“They’re not going to try in case they receive the same treatment,” said Carrie, “Can’t blame them,”

“Where did the slug come from?!” said Juliette

“Oh that’s Law,” said Vivi, “Holly got scarred for life because of the Slug Girl and Law is making her relive her nightmare,”

“It’s hard to piss off Law but here we are,” Suddenly cars were being chucked into the courtyard. Holly screamed and dove out of the way. Kid decided to up the ante and finish Holly off once and for all. Cars were launched and crashed down, only for them to disappear and reappear for Kid to use as ammo. Holly managed to dodge and launch herself to safety and was almost crushed a few times until her luck ran out. She was cornered. Kid smirked and a large car came flying out of the nearby construction site and headed right towards her. Some students looked away, others gasped and everyone was expecting a splat or worse until the debris settled and Holly was gone. Holly opened her eyes and found herself in Ace’s arms, holding her protectively against his chest.

“Damn it Kid! You can’t murder her!”



“REIJU!” said Sanji. Ace ducked and dodged and weaved around flying and falling cars, while holding Holly, who looked as though she was in pure, absolute heaven.



“THAT’S THE FUCKIN’ POINT!” Kid picked up another car and launched it point blank at Ace who tossed Holly and dove away and shielded her from the debris.

“Ace, you agreed to not help!” Hiyori called out

“Yeah!” said Katherina, “We had a deal! We were worried about ________________ and this time it’s you!”

“I know, I know but we can’t just let her die, right?” A few students looked away, some looked at him with a look, and some gave a “we couldn’t care either way” look. However, bullets and explosions rang out. Baby 5 looked murderous.


“Did she really hit the Sai Button?!” said Plum

“Apparently!” said Vivi looking through the fanfic, “Don’t know where though!”

“Wait…wait, wait, wait wait, WAIT!” Nami flipped through and landed on a spot in the fanfic, “I was wondering why this part looked familiar but weird. He’s the one who was going to town on a little…doll…that has pigtails…”

“While his slutty wife licked his balls,” said Vivi, “So…that was Mansherry, Sai, and Baby 5…yeah she wants to die,” Kid started his onslaught and Ace tried to keep Holly from being maimed. He kept light on his feet trying to at least get her to a safer spot so she has a fighting chance until she repented. However, Holly saw her chance, this was the moment she’s always fantasized of. Ace scooped her up again and got ready to run when suddenly he felt two arms wrapped around his neck and then felt something wet and slimy that tasted of mint and bubblegum and imitation berries in his mouth. He yanked and pulled away but Holly kissed him deeper, swirling her tongue inside his mouth and down his throat. The gross act was enough to make Kid stop, Inosuke stopped dead in his tracks. Kaya covered her mouth, Juliette looked horrified, Luffy, Deuce, and Sanji looked visibly grossed out, Katherina, Plum, and Reiju looked absolutely livid and that was when the school heard a loud sound that could only be similar to a train crashing into another. Everyone turned. ___________________ had a very calm look on her face but she put her entire fist through a wall, hitting the metal support beams and causing the ceiling to come down on top of her. She brushed herself off and calmly made her way towards Holly, flipping and throwing the cars and metal out of her path as though it was made from cardboard. Immediately Luffy and Killer ran to her and grabbed her. She just kept walking. Jinbei, Zoro, and Franky immediately grabbed the girl who was still walking but slowed down significantly.

“Let me go, I’m fine, I’m going to help my big brother,”

“NO YOU’RE NOT!” Meanwhile unknown to the students below, there were five snipers on the rooftop ready for their opportunities.

“Holy shit it’s a clusterfuck down there!”

“Clusterfuck is an understatement!” said the redhead

“And those damned Maids are fueling the fire!” said the chef

“Honestly can you blame them?”

“Alright ladies, are you locked and loaded?”


“On it!”

“Got it!”

“Okay, Chef, you take out Baby 5,”


“Goth. you take out Barto,”


“Prude, you got Inosuke,”

“On it!”

“I got Kid. Genki, that leaves you to ______________! If Marco asks, let him know!”

“Got it Chief!” Holly took this opportunity to live out her fantasy of having Ace right then and there in front of the school as everyone cheered for their consummation. She latched onto him as he desperately tried to get her off of him, grinding up and down on him and tried to unbuckle his pants.

“SHE’S FUCKIN’ DEAD!” Something smacked Holly in the back of her head, distracting her long enough for Ace to shove her off him and started gagging, spitting and running his lips. Holly looked absolutely proud of herself and tried again. This time Ace’s death glare made her freeze. If looks could kill, she would have been dead.

“Alright, listen and listen good. I don’t like you!” Holly was taken aback. Ace was absolutely done with Holly and her bullshit. After being harassed and molested by her, enough was enough! He grabbed her and held her wrists and held them to where she couldn’t move. She blushed at the idea that Ace was restraining her.

“Ace…darling, what are y—,”

“I DON’T LIKE YOU! HOW IN THE FUCK CAN I POSSIBLY LIKE YOU?! You treated my little sister like shit since day one and you STILL treat her like shit! You even got other students to try and bully her! I know about the garbage bathroom incident, the slut incident, the rival school incident, the locker incident, AND the party incident! And when you’re not fucking with her, you go after Penny who is literally a SAINT for having to put up with Kid on a daily basis!”


“Then when I started dating Juliette you focused most of your attention on her! But you were also smart enough to realize that in this weird ass nobility hierarchy that she outranks you! Then there’s the shit you pull on Ussop, Nojiko, and Koala! You think no one knows who’s been putting monkey stickers on his shoe locker! But you beg and plead with him to draw smut and shit but you treat him lower than shit! And let’s forget the Nojiko being the Marine Slave rumor who we KNOW who started it! Then you basically try to SHAME Koala because her family are fishmen! THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU! THEY’RE JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE! HOW DO THINK IT MAKES THEM FEEL THAT THEY HAVE TO WORK HARDER TO BE ACCEPTED BY EVERYONE ELSE?! You and your mom did EVERYTHING in your power to get Jinbei kicked out and Namur, MY BROTHER, banned from the school because God forbid they wanted to teach everyone something! You have to be the most disgusting, vile, and sickening human being I’ve ever met! You stalk me CONSTANTLY! YOU HAVE STOLEN MY UNDERWEAR! I KNOW THEY’RE MISSING ESPECIALLY SINCE I GO COMMANDO MORE OFTEN THAN I CARE TO ADMIT! And don’t think me saving you was your benefit! I didn't want someone who can’t defend themselves to get killed by someone a lot stronger than them! And you repay with the worst and forced kiss I’ve ever had to endure! LEAVE ME ALONE! I. DO. NOT. LIKE. YOU! AND I NEVER WILL! SO STAY AWAY FROM ME, STAY AWAY FROM MY FAMILY! AND STAY AWAY FROM MY FRIENDS AND CREW! NO I don’t want to see you naked again. NO you can’t do anything to change my mind. And NO I don’t care if you “turn me in!” I’m a fuckin’ pirate and the son of Roger! Either way there’s a target on my head and I don’t need you to remind me of that through feeble blackmail! Get some help and stop being this pathetic wannabe manic pixie yandere pick me girl!” Ace turned and stormed off back into the building. Holly looked crushed and shocked. There were five shots that ran out and all at once, everything was still, leaving Holly alone, in silence to mull over what Ace had just said to her. Then there was a clap, then another, then another as the school cheered and jeered Holly for being so creepy and Ace for finally telling her off. Holly decided to walk back to school with her head held high as poor students jeered and threw things at her for being so vile. Almost immediately, she was whisked away by her “Friends” to get to the showers and look presentable again. Ace spent the next hour in the bathroom vomiting and another two hours brushing his teeth and tongue. He was given multiple tubes of toothpaste, baking soda, and mouthwash to cleanse his mouth. Every time he thought he was better, he could FEEL that slimy feeling and that weird disgusting taste and kept brushing. Deuce kept guard of the bathroom with Juliette gently rubbing Ace’s back.

“Let it out, sweetie,” Ace slumped over onto the floor. His stomach was tight and sore from the vomiting. After vomiting, he brushed his teeth at least fifty times and he was soon in the infirmary, against his will. Kureha gave him something to settle his stomach. He was currently in one of the sick rooms recovering from his trying ordeal. Juliette went to the cafeteria, some students were eating, talking about what happened and how many hits they got in. She maneuvered about and got Ace something to eat.

“Here honey, the cafeteria had some food, not as good as it usually is but Cook made creamy chicken and veggie stew. It’s hot and I think it’ll settle your tummy with some tea,”

“Jule you’re an angel in disguise,”

“Hey Freckles! Your sexiness meter went through the roof!” said Plum, bouncing in, “Hell even I got chills and let’s make this clear, you are NOT my type!”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, you were already popular but now everyone wants you so bad and you’re back to feral gremlin boy lover. There’s been talk of a few marriage offerings,”

“No, please, no way!” said Ace

“Awwww be a boy toy freckles,”

“No! So is everyone back in class?”

“Well, everyone gets to go home early,” said Deuce walking in with food, more specifically, hot ramen for Ace, “Kid, Inosuke, and ________________ are in the chill tank. Kureha had them all three of them tranqed and they’re sleeping it off while Miss Ribbon, Corazon, and Marco got them home,”

“What did ______________ do?!”

“Well, when Holly kissed you, it took everyone to hold her back. Don’t know what she was going to do but I don’t think Holly would have lived to tell the tale,” said Juliette, “Kitty suggested to let her go when she started unbuckling your pants,”

“And Jules got her with a shoe!” said Deuce laughing. Ace turned.

“Oh shit! Really?!”

“She was unbuckling your pants! I grabbed the closest object and threw it at her and by that point she was grinding on you!”

“...Jule, I just threw up breakfast and last night’s dinner, PLEASE don’t let me relive that!”

“Speak of,” said Deuce, “....a kiss from Holly, I’m disgusted but curious. How was it?”

“...okay, you know that manga Slug Girl?”


“Imagine that coated in natto slime, sea cucumber slimy, and snail mucus wiggling in your mouth with the taste of mint, that cheap berry lip gloss, and bubblegum and for some reason it was all sticky and—urk—wet,”

“Dude, stop! My stomach can’t take it!”

“You poor thing!” said Juliette, “How about I treat you to ramen sometime after school next week? My treat! I’m sure after that you just want some alone time,”

“Please and thank you!”

The entertainment from school lasted for a good hour and the teachers decided to get the students back inside and had free periods while damage control happened. Parents were informed that their students were coming home and many chauffeur and parents were on their ways to get their children. Reiju had Yumeko and Ussop keep tally and spent her period cutting checks and putting them in lockers. In order to stop their rampages, Inosuke, ________________, Barthomeo, and Kid were all tranquilized and with one gesture from Cook, the mysterious other attackers stopped and went away. Smoker and Crocodile were pardoned by Aokiji who claimed that no one knew where the sand and smoke came from. Kid was groaning coming off from the tranquilizer and still heavily under. He found himself in Penny’s lap with a cold compress on his head. She was sound unscathed in the meditation room and let out. She immediately asked about Kid and went to him in the hospital wing.

“Pen-pen! My pen-pen!”

“Shhhh it’s okay, Kid,” she said giving him some water, “Just get something to drink,”

“Pen-pen okay?! Pen-pen fine? Pen-pen crying?!”

“No, no! I’m okay! Really!”

“My Pen-pen!”

“How long is he going to be like this?” said Penny looking worried

“Don’t worry, he’s gonna be loopy for a while. That was enough to take down an elephant. It should wear off in a few more hours,” said Kureha, “Just keep giving him some water and make sure he gets a big meal afterwards,”

“Yes Ma’am!”

“Just keep him talking, Penny,” said Aokiji with his recording snail. Kid was still loopy and trying his best to finish the water. He then saw Kureha and leapt up.

“Pen-pen! Watch out! Witch! Witch!”

“That’s doctor Witch you!” she clobbered him good, “Knucklehead,” Bartolomeo came to and because he was basically a weird gremlin in his right felt little effects. He was about to go after Holly again but she was securely in Sengoku’s office. He was about to give up when there were five tranquilizer guns pointed at him. Kureha told her Nurses that they were to take out anyone who was going to cause more injuries.

“YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND! That’s Mr. Luffy’s big sister and big brother she insulted! I would NEVER forgive someone like that for insulting MY idols! ESPECIALLY ________________-sama!”

“ didn’t read the whole thing did you?” said Healer

“I read enough!” he turned and noticed __________________ knocked out on the bed next to him, “WAAAAAAAH!!!!! IS SHE ALIVE?!”

“Of course she is! We had to tranq her too!” said Genki, “Pretty sure she was going to kill Holly for kissing Ace,”

“THAT SLUTTY WOMAN KISSED ACE?! I’LL KILL HER MY—,” Barto went to get up and immediately fell out cold. Healer sighed and put away her syringe.

“This never learn,”

“I say let him at her,” said Goth

“Nah, she belongs to Lesser now,”

“....oh shit,” Holly emerged from the school showers looking pristine. She had a spare uniform but she was forced to wear a longer skirt. The moment she stepped out, she was escorted to Sengoku’s office. The classrooms were all lively but closed to keep her from going in or even looking in. Many parents were arriving to take their students home. Once at the office, she was escorted in. Cody and Helmepoo waited by the doors, Nami however, with Ussop’s help, rigged a listening device inside to get some information for later use. Sengoku and Lesser did not look impressed or pleased to see her.

“Do you know why you’re here, Miss Horke?”

“I haven’t the foggiest idea why my time is being wasted, considering three people tried to kill me and nothing was done,” she said flippantly

“You can’t say you didn’t deserve it,” said Lesser, “You’ve managed to piss off not only your peers but high ranking officials, teachers, Marines, and royalty alike. Not to mention you blatantly disregarded the rules and went after Ace again with your creepy writing!”

“It’s not like Ace doesn’t like it~” said Holly, “We’re meant to be together! This is MY love language to him!”

“He has told me countless times how much he does NOT want any of your creepy fanfics about him and I’m pretty sure he has made it clear to you. And we’ve made it clear that you are NOT to harass Ace or any of his family or you were to face disciplinary actions or did you forget?”

“No I didn’t. I’m not going to stop and deny my love for Ace and I will not allow any of you to stop me from having true love!” Lesser looked absolutely livid at this girl.

“Your behavior is unacceptable! Our jobs are to take care of the well being of every student regardless of race, class, or gender. You have habitually bullied and harassed students and staff for all three categories. Every person has a right to learn and be in a safe and comfortable environment and your relentless bullying isn’t making things easier. You have had several complaints from many students about your attitude and behavior and it stops today! Some have threatened legal action and some have threatened to just leave school altogether. And I don’t know HOW you managed to find out which students were former slaves but you will NOT treat them as such! Before we punish you, what do you have to say in your defense?”

“You can’t tell me what to do,” Lesser and Sengoku looked at the girl. Holly has his arms folded with a superior look on her face. Sengoku glanced at his daughter in law, who looked as though she was moments away from slapping that smirk off her face. Her knuckles were white but still had a very calm look on her face.

“Excuse me? Care to repeat that, Miss Horke?”

“Neither of you can tell me what to do! I can write whatever I want with whomever I want! You’re not my mom, you’re just civil servants, except for YOU Miss Maid! I KNOW you’re just a maid, even if you wear designer clothing, you’re just a dirty maid, and you’re just getting uppity because you got a better position in the world. The reason you’re a maid is because you’re too stupid to do anything better. You saw Admiral Rocinante and you spread those legs far open just for him to release some stress on you. You’re just a glorified cocksleeve. You’re not Law’s mom and you shouldn’t pretend you are her mom. You’re far too dirty and ugly and stupid to his mother. You take in kids that aren’t even worth enough to be in the same room as him but you must be good with that mouth of yours in order for Rocinante to put up with it. And you’re just an old man and once again, you can’t tell me what to do! You guys can’t do anything to me without you two looking bad—” the slap ran throughout the room and the halls. Holly’s face went back and Lesser’s hand was still in the position. Holly screams and starts shouting more abuse about Lesser and was backhanded. Holly immediately shuts her mouth holding her face.

“Listen and listen good you little shit. As long as you breathe, you better not even say I’m not Law’s mother and he doesn’t deserve the life that he has. I don’t care what you say about me but my husband and sons are a different story. You may not like me and trust me, the feeling is more than mutual but you will respect me. You are a spoiled child whose mother should have taught her some decent manners. You are a seriously unhinged little girl who should have been committed ages ago. If you continue down this path, you’re going to end up like your mother, a worn out slut that goes from man to man not really knowing who's the father of her child and hoping and praying that any man will be duped into it. She thought she had Mr. Crew and now she’s onto the next swearing that “He’s the one!” because she wants that money and you go along with it because you know that’s the ONLY fate you have, being a worn out slut who will sleep with anyone with any sort of prestige and title to give you the lifestyle your mother can’t provide you without being on her knees and surrounded by fifty men,” tears ran down Holly’s face and she looked as though she was going to attack Lesser but Lesser’s face gave her a “try it” look.


“THAT’S ENOUGH!” Holly jumped at Sengoku’s bellow, “You will not come into MY office and disrespect me, my staff, and or my daughter in such a way! You’re only in the academy because you ranked high in your gymnast competition! You’re here only because the two students who can actually surpass you aren’t in the program due to their other talents and since you want to be hurtful, Miss Devon and Miss Newgate not only scored higher, they are actually better equipped to bring our school more prestige but we had to settle with you! We all know about Ace and his lineage but this does not warrant him to be under the constant harassment of a sick minded little girl who is thinking with the wrong head! Your blatant harassment and belittlement in your stories not only show that you’re delusional but you’re also dangerous! The same thing goes for Miss Kohana and her former slave status! Even if her family were slaves, they aren’t anymore and slaves are people as well! You were warned once before when you were blatantly harassing Jinbei just because he was a fishman and this will NOT stand in this academy! Neither Lesser or I will do anything physical to you because we’re pretty sure we can permanently disfigure you, we can make your life at this Academy significantly more difficult, starting with the loss of privileges. Starting today, you will be solely responsible for cleaning the West side of the school, both up and downstairs, alone. This will give your classmates an hour early dismissal from school everyday. From this moment on, you’re suspended from gymnastics until further notice. You will take this time to reflect upon and improve that attitude of yours and have correction training with Smoker and Lesser and not until they say your behavior has changed you will not be leaving it and they are allowed to use any force necessary to keep you in line. You’re hereby suspended from all clubs, student activities, and your Saturdays off. You will report every morning for your correction training bright and early and after school. You’re on academic probation. For someone who prides herself on being noble and haughty, your grades have been lacking. Since you have time to write this dribble your grades should be top notch. You’re failing in most of your classes and you need to keep a persistent B from now on. Anything lower will result in your permanent expulsion from not only this academy but all others in the area. Finally, you are not to come within ten feet of Ace or anyone he associates with including his sisters. From now on, all of your classes with him will be spent in a study hall, you will both have different lunches and break times and if I find out that you placed any more trash in his locker, it’ll be an automatic expulsion. On top of that, you are to personally apologize to EVERY. SINGLE. STAFF MEMBER IN THE SCHOOL! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?!” The look of devastation was all over Holly’s face. She tried to look defiant but knew she knew she couldn’t.

“Y-Yes sir,” she choked out a sob.

“Good, now get out of my sight!” Holly got up and ran out of the room in tears, “HINA ESCORT HER OFF THE PROPERTY!” Sengoku sighed. Lesser looked at him in silent awe. He glanced at her, “We may butt heads all the time but you are my daughter and the mother of my grandkids and the wife of my son. As long as that girl lives and breathes, she will learn some respect one way or another,” she reddened slightly and nodded.

“Thank you, Sengoku,”

“And if she knew what I knew, she would have thought twice. Maid my ass. If that girl knew what the rest of us knew, she would have at least thought twice. Then again she went after the Vinsmoke Family and Kid so I don’t know if she would have been this foolish,”

“Tell me about it. I don’t know if she’s just bold or she doesn’t think her consequences as actions,”

“You know it's you and your sisters who are the reason why maid cafes aren’t appealing to the kids around here,” she snorts.

“I figured as much,”

“Also tell Cook to call off her guard dogs,”

“On it,”

“And let Antonio, I’ll be coming over to play Shogi with him. I know I’m going to need a drink after all of this,”

“I’ll tell him to bring the good stuff for your game,”

“Please and thank you,”

The Aftermath of Holly’s Fanfic was what can only be described as Intensive Damage Control. Sengoku had to meet with Reiju and other representatives of many noble and powerful families and pirate elites, including Whitebeard himself, along with Holly’s parents about what they were going to do about it that wouldn’t end with the family completely destitute. No one knew what happened at the meeting but it ended with Holly’s father having to pay sizable damages to everyone in that room and having his construction company repair and repay the damages. Reiju in turn gave the majority of her payment to Whitebeard for his high school children. Tesoro, upon hearing about the fanfic and the family it was attached to had rescinded his invitation from the Horke Family, who were on a waiting list to visit the Gran Tesoro. Holly’s father was so enraged that he made it so she had to work off their vacation and the damage she caused by helping him on the site and working a part time job. Clarisse tried to fight on her daughter’s behalf but was immediately shut down. In order to escape punishment, Holly begged her family to change schools or something but that would also mean being away from her sweet beautiful Ace. Her stepbrother gave everyone the play by play and Sengoku said he would consider the transfer if he could speak with the principal at the next Academy to make sure Holly was still punished in some way. The school was shut down until further notice, most likely a month while the damages were being repaired and fixed. Teachers gave the option of giving the students homework and many except for Kisaru opted out. The students all finished it within an hour, after Law and Katherina worked through the problems with the help of Franky and Berg and just sent copies to everyone. Those who were a part of the boarding school portion had options of staying in their dorms and coming and going as they pleased or going home. Most students stayed home with written permission from parents to visit other students for nights at a time. Katherina got her letter from Kuro stating she was to stay indoors and study. Lesser threw it out and Katherina hunkered down in her room at home enjoying video games with Shachi and Penguin. Inosuke woke up and found out that he had over 1000000 beli in check form. He didn’t know what to do with it and gave it to his siblings to do whatever.

“Inosuke, you know you can buy anything you want with this, right?” said Bepo

“There’s nothing I want!”

“...nothing?” said Katherina, “You can literally buy all of the pairs of pointe shoes you want and break them in,”

“I have yours, that's enough!”

“Another sword?” said Shachi

“There’s nothing wrong with mine!”

“New clothes?” said Law

“Mama-san and Papa-san gives me enough! I don’t want anything!”

“Inosuke, there has to be something sweetheart,” said Lesser, “You earned it and you can do whatever with it,” the boy thought for a few moments and then he grinned.


“....that’s it?”


“ you want a big family party?” said Katherina


“And the Whitebeard Family, of course,” said Shachi laughing

“Okay,” said Roci chuckling, “Anything else besides tempura?”


“Sounds like a feast,”



“MAMA-SAN’S COOKING IS THE BEST!” Lesser faltered a bit. The kids laughed. Roci ruffled her hair.

“We’ll hire someone to clean everything up when you’re done,” Kid was heavily medicated for a few days and woke up to Penny fussing over him. She was soon dismissed as Kokoro took over his care on the grounds that he almost destroyed a school. Penny got to go home and spent some days in relative quiet. He woke up to 2000000 beli. Of course he was going to spend it all but thanks to Miss Ribbon’s teachings, he saved some, contributed to the house, had a feast for his family, decided to throw the biggest house party known to man and invite the whole school, sans Holly and her group, but most importantly, taking Penny on a super special date and buy her something really nice. He was disappointed that she went back home but immediately called her when he was lucid enough.

“How is she?” said Miss Ribbon

“Fine,” said Kid, “Is that enough for groceries?”

“More than enough, thank you but as you sure?”

“TCH! Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth!” Miss Ribbon chuckled, “Just make sure you get everyone’s favorites!”

“I will and I’ll give you a headstart. Paulie and Kokoro are on their way to see if you’re awake,” Kid immediately ran out of the house and ran for it just as the pair walked into the room and ran after the boy. Franky was laughing his ass off.

“You softie,”

“I don’t blame him for what he did. She pushed the Penny Button, you don’t push the Penny button,” ________________ came to when she got home and didn’t feel as groggy. She got up and made a pillow fort in Ace’s room before heading into Goa and grabbing a lot of his favorite foods and snacks. Ace came into his room, said nothing and slipped into the fort. He had a bag of cake and they just curled up next to each other.

“Sooooo is Mr. Tachibana going to have you help rebuilt the school?” said Ace

“Nah~ that’s Holly’s job,” she giggled, “I got a call from him after I woke up. Apparently Holly said she wasn’t going to do menial work and she sure as hell wasn’t going to do it with me. Sooooo he decided to give me the month off with pay and she has to do my tasks without help,” Ace snorts.

“So whatcha going to do with it?”

“Well, saving some but I am sooo going shopping with the girls this weekend before going to Miss Hancock’s place. You?”

“I’m going on the Styker with Deuce and going sailing with my crew,”

“After what you’ve been through PLEASE take all of the time you need,”

“Tch, you get it from that crazy ass everyday, I think you should the same,”

“I am, I’m going to be hanging out with Miss Hancock for awhile,” in this context, Miss Hancock was code for Uncle Tesoro. She called him and Miss Hancock about what went down and Tesoro immediately told her and Hancock to come by for two weeks and reinstated the invitations but only for Holly’s father and stepbrother on the condition that neither of them mention it to the women of the family. _________________ thought this was the best exchange. Ace pulled _________________ into his arms and nuzzled her cheek. She blushed badly and felt her entire body just relax.

“You know…you can always come and hang out with us for a while, with my crew on the ship! They love having my cool little sister on the ship. How about it?”

“I-I,” she cleared her throat, “I’ll think about it!”

“You know you have your own room on the ship right?”


“Yeah! I spent weeks making it just right for my weird little sister!”

“Why did it take you so long?!”

“Well…I had to get a mini fridge for cake, had to make sure the bed was right…with lots of pillows, and I had to make a River room,”

“Awww you made River a room?!”

“If I didn’t I KNOW the little bastard will shit in something I love!”

“I really wish you two would get along!”

“HE STARTED IT!” she grinned and hugged him tight

“But it’s sweet that you remembered him!”

“I swear I’m getting too old for this shit,” said Sengoku sighing and moving his piece, “And I swear you’re cheating,”

“I don’t cheat,” said the dark haired man sitting across from him, “But I may as well be because you’re playing shittily. Did the kids really get to you that much?!”

“Not kids, just ONE and she single handedly almost started a war over a delusional story and insult every single person that has the collective power to end her. The damage control was enough to age me a few years. I’m surprised it hadn’t reached you,”

“Oh it did. That’s why I had Vikka and the idiot duke it out until they were too tired to do anything. Not to mention trying to keep Jade and Floyd from going after her. I had to ask Riddle and Trey to keep an eye on them,”

“Did it work?”

“Obviously. Trey just gave Jade a look and Riddle bullied Floyd into submission. Can’t say I’m not proud of him,”

“You didn’t want to go after her?”

“Non, I’m used to people being afraid or insulting me,”

“Oh, right,”

“Mhm, I would say she’ll grow out of it but they rarely do. And I know there’s no other punishment I could have done that Katherina, Law, or Inosuke probably did. What did my pronipoti do?”

“Law placed his Room around the Courtyard and placed a slug in there after her, Katherina sic’ed Inosuke on her, and Inosuke went to town. I think Law did it in case someone, aka Kid, went overboard. All and all the grandchildren showed some restraint,”

“Do we spoil that behavior?”

“...well, Horke didn’t get maimed,”

“Good enough for me. I’ll send them all 100000 beli each for existing,” Sengoku snorts.

“Aren’t you spoiling them?”

“It’s my job,”

“And if we don’t who will?” the two men laughed

“Besides, I have to make up for lost time. May as well spoil my great grandchildren rotten,”

“As one should,”

The Whitebeard Family breathed a sigh of relief when the new traveled that the kids would get a break and that Holly would not only have a very limiting punishment but she would also be forbidden around Ace or anyone he’s affiliated with even talks about her changing schools.

“Good riddance,” said Flora, “Seriously, she needs to go,”

“I try to find a redeeming quality about the little psycho but there isn’t any,” said Izo

“That’s what makes her so scary,” said Oden, “She’s an unpredictable mess and we don’t know what she’ll do next,”

“Scary is a little much,” said Blamenco

“Oh no scary is right on the nail,” said Fossa, “We can’t touch her because sexual harassment, _______________ refuses to touch her because she can end it quickly, Katherina, Hiyori, and Uta have no qualms in doing so and even THAT won’t deter her,”

“I heard she was going to try and get into a school in South Blue,” said Whitebeard, “I’ll sigh any form to keep her there away from my kids,”

“Seriously but at least they get a month or so off,” said Curiel, “And we get to listen to the Plus Ultra Lesser Bitch Slap,”

“...someone recorded it?” said Jozu

“Mhm!” said Flora pressing the tone dial.

“That’s what she gets for talking shit,” said Izo

“And writing a cringe fic that attacked 95% of the school,” said Speed Jill

“By the way, Reiju cut Ace and _________________ checks. Ace wants her on a mega ultra party to forget about Holly,”

“After what she did, the boy deserves everything good,” said Whitebeard

“And we’re also invited to the Rocinante Family Feast,” said Atmos, “Apparently, this was Ino-kun’s idea. And poor Lesser has to cook it all,”

“Awww poor mother has to cook,” said Thatch laughing. Whitebeard laughed hard

“Florrie, call Levi and ask if he can do two homes this time. I think this is his off season,”

“Oh it,”

“That psychopath is still in business?!” said Kingdew

“That kid can clean,” said Blenheim, “And is scary good at it,”

“Alright, I’m going shopping, looks like those kids are going to spoiled rotten for the next few weeks with food and parties,”

“A dark cloud has dissipated from them,” said Flora, “Let them have this,”

Chapter 108: Q and A Questions Answered!


A/N: A while Back I asked you guys to give me your burning questions and here they are! It's still opened so yeah! If you have more questions, PLEASE ask them!

Chapter Text

When you started writing this story how much planning did you do? Did I have this Fic planned?

Yes and No. Let me explain! So I did somewhat have this fanfic planned and by planned I mean Reader would live with the Whitebeard Pirates as a daughter with Flora being her mother figure and living in Windmill village with a cast of characters. I was even going to have her in the teen years by now and the darker stuff as well but then…I started having fun with this, like a LOT of fun and there are A LOT of OP characters and I had to fit them in and also give characters the endings they deserve but also flesh out characters that were just one shots because as I said I was having a LOT of fun. So with that, I gave character backstories, I gave characters parents, and made a lot of found family references, then the maids happened XD So you’re all probably wondering, where did these five, rather six dorks come from? Perv came first and she was going to be Head Maid. I wanted Doffy to have right hands that weren’t his family and I figured militant maids would be good and I was RPGing with a friend and Perv came first, then Lesser. Lesser was going to be Perv’s subordinate but things were switched. Then Cook and Dom came and finally Cleaner. Pretty much they had a “hierarchy” in the house. Lesser oversees everything and basically Doffy if he’s not around. Perv takes care of the front of the house and downstairs and is his personal assistant, she files everything away for him. Cook is in the kitchen and keeps an eye on the gardens. Dom takes care of the second floors and wings, and finally Cleaner takes care of the backyard and does all of the cleaning. If the house is ever attacked, they are each a level of defense and no one can get past Perv. Taicho came about as the SOLE reason why Doffy isn’t as bad a sociopath that he is which is why he spared Rocinante and decided to do his best to take care of his brother and his new family. Seriously, Doffy will NOT admit it but Taicho raised him right. I also wanted Reader to have obstacles and things as well growing up and that’s where Holly and Katherina came in. I wanted her to have a rival and maybe a bully. Holly fits the role perfectly and has become more and more unhinged and I love it. Not to mention she represents someone I know personally and someone I kind of know and I will tell you ALL about her in the next one. Katherina was going to be her “official” rival. Someone who can and will challenge her, mean girl her, and everything but something happened. Katherina became a very sympathetic character. She’s in a home that doesn’t love or appreciate it and it became evident that the reason she “bullied” Reader and Sanji was because she was hurting inside. Katherina wasn’t going to make much of an appearance until high school where she would learn to respect Reader and Reader would feel sorry for her. But as I wrote the more Katherina needed a happy ending and she’s getting one. Not to mention Katherina became a fan favorite. A LOT of characters soon became fan favorites so I just started fleshing them out more ie Killer, Lesser, and Tesoro, as well. Seriously, I would have thought I would been in the teen years by now but now I’m going from her childhood, to adolescents then to her teen years where everything will be a lot more juicier, especially with new things popping up with One Piece so I have to incorporate it somehow.


“Btw i need to know why Holly is insane😂😂 and if she’s based off on a real person than oooof rip” “Why is Holly insane for she a nutjob”

LOL okay so it has come to this! Now this is a little personal but it’s necessary. Soooooo before I wrote One Piece I was writing 2P!Hetalia. Some of you probably remember me because same username and such and I’m going to get back into Hetalia someday but the main reason why I stopped was because of this woman named Holly. There’s a lot to say about this but I’ll spare the details and give you all links but long story short: 40 year old edgelord let me emphasize 40, a 40 year old woman was stalking and harassing a 20 something year old on the internet) decided to cyberstalk and bully me because “social experiment, my writing is shitty, I’m a terrible person”. Then she send her drones after me and THREE years later she STILL blamed me for her life being really shitty (her husband is lowkey cheating on her, she’s unemployed, living off the grid in the woods, etc.) the reason why I know ALL of this info is because unlike me, she posts her entire life online, right down to her real name, location, and email address. It got to the point that she was making death threats so I had to get the FBI involved. I think they seized her computer because she whined about it. I’ve NEVER met this girl face to face and when I was making the fanfic I needed someone to be the antithesis to Reader so I took Holly and four of the most batshit crazy people I know and combined them into one perfect little sociopath:

Raven: (ex booth partner) narcissistic, never willing to change, petty, and thought she was a living goddess

Amanda: (ex acquaintance) thought a boy was madly in love with her and they were in a relationship. They were not. ALMOST gave me Hep C because she had a flair up and decided to not tell me. Risked the student body with coughing and mucus secretion because she refused to stay home when ACTIVELY `contagious

Addy: A girl at my uni who’s father was a teacher at the school. Couldn’t understand WHY she had to pay every time she lost her ID ($25 replacement for each one). And would spread rumors and just be an all around mean girl who was into glitter and too much pink. Pretty much an legbeard. Cafeteria staff HATED her because she would make their jobs HARDER

Christa: (ex high school friend). She’s a wide ride in itself. TW Animal abuse: used to cut chili peppers and rub her bunny to watch him twitch and bite his balls, married someone so they can stay in the country and caught feelings, paid $300 per session to an online psychic, became a psychic, learned to “love” her husband, only apologized for her shitty behavior because a psychic told her she was a former prostitute with many lovers. Because “Bi” to piss off Mommy, edgy mc edgelord legbeard. There’s more if you guys want because there’s a paper ><

So with all of those powers combined, Holly was made. Holly locked onto Reader because she thinks Reader is beneath her but to the point that Reader is some kind of nefarious demon that’s too uppity for her own good. Like her mind, if Reader didn’t exist, then she would have been adopted by Whitebeard, Ace would love her, Katherina would be her best friend, Killer would pay attention to her, Reiju would be her gal pal, and yeah. Basically Reader’s existence is why everything in her life is terrible when in reality, it’s Holly herself. Holly is racist, classist, ableist, and would do anything to be in a position of power that’s why she clings to any sort of social standing and prestige. And she sees Reader as her Rival…even though they are NOT on the same page. Penny, Vivi, Plum, Katherina, and Penny (ESPECIALLY Penny) outranks her and she thinks they’re beneath her just because they don’t flaunt their status (and she thinks Alabastor is a poor country). Even when if she finds out that Reader is of a higher status by birth, Holly is STILL going to bully her and sabotage her so she can leave and she can have the perfect life away from her.


Can we end up with law or kid as their hot?

I might end up doing a what if type of thing where Reader ends up with certain characters. It really depends on my laziness XD


Oh can we have more story's with the maids rescuing the reader?

Well, not them rescuing Reader but there will be more stand alone Maid stories about their pasts and motivations because they in fact do have backstories, not just Lesser and Taicho. For example, Perv is the official doctor of the Maids and actually has medical training and a living family. Cook has her own found family along with Zeff being her bio Uncle. And Dom’s backstory, at least part of it, is going to come around on V-day ^^


Is whitebeard proud of us?

EXTREMELY. He didn’t know if he would actually get along with a little girl as a daughter, especially with him and Flora still tender about their daughter but every day when he sees Reader he KNOWS he made the right choice in adopting her.


Can whitebeard adopt us

Damn right he can!

Chapter 109: A/N Daily Posting

Chapter Text

Hey everyone!

Because my schedule is semi back to normal, I want to do something I've been wanting to do for ages! I want to do a daily posting for a week like I did for the recital week! Pretty much a very long fic that's too big for one chapter! I have a few things like that but I want your feedback! There's two choices one would be sooner rather than later. And I will get to them eventually but this one would be priority.

1. The Calva Trials: how the Maids met and how they escaped Calva

2. Reader's secret wish from Ishmari

So there you have it! Just pick one ^^

Chapter 110: The Planning


The Little Girl is planning something big!

A/N Sorry for the sporadic fics! We're going back to out regular weekly posting soon! I just had to get through this monster first along with convention preparations! So please bear with me!

Chapter Text

The sun shone into __________________’s room onto her face. She groaned and placed her hands over face and rolled over. Usually she was up and ready to go but it was summer and she spent most of the night planning and playing video games since the ribbon twirling academy was out for the summer. She rolled out of bed, freshened up and headed downstairs. She could smell breakfast.

“Hey look who’s finally up!” said Curiel, “Hey kiddo!”

“Morning,” she said sleepily

“Morning sleepyhead,” said Thatch chuckling, “Long night?”

“Mhm~” he chuckled.

“We figured so we made sure to put your breakfast to the side. Wash up and go downstairs,” She freshened up in the bathroom and came downstairs. Marco was reading the paper and having his morning coffee, Pops was on his second helping of breakfast with River in his lap who was happily munching on bacon and eggs.


“Hey little lady!”

“What’s for breakfast?”

“Thatch made omelets, yours is still hot, yoi,”

“Thanks Marco!” she happily ate

“ANy plans today?” said Pops

“Mhm! LOTS of plans?”

“Gurararara! I bet you have tons of plans in that little body,”

“Hey I doooo have a life!” she playfully stuck out her tongue. He pats her head.

“I’ll leave you to it then buuuuut I may go on another errand and I’ll need my little lady with me,”


“And this little greedy thing here,” he pets River fondly who was purring loudly as Whitebeard gave him bits of food off his plate.

“Pops, River is going to get fat at this rate,” said Marco

“He deserves it!”


“Yes fat! You little freeloading parasite!” said Curiel


“Guararara let him eat! He’s so thin!” said Whitebeard laughing

“He’s housecat thin,” said Thatch, “Now he acts like he’s too good to eat his kibble,” ________________ grabbed her satchel and headed out. She went to the Nice Lady so she could get some clarity about the situation. She was going to have not one, not two, but three princesses at her slumber party and one was HUGE. She needed three things: travel, location, and food. Travel, according to Shirahoshi, was covered because she had two escorts who visited her outside of family who were willing to do this for her. She said they were guardian angels and she was inclined to believe her. Mansherry would be with them. Koala said that Praline or Hatchin would take her. That was one thing down. But what about location? It wouldn’t be hard to sneak Koala or Mansherry in but Shirahoshi was bigger than her whole house! That was the biggest problem. She needed someplace where they would all go, that wasn’t cold, where Shirahoshi could be hidden, just in case someone unsavory wanted to harm her like Buffalo and Baby 5 with that mermaid. She debated on inviting them only because she didn’t want them to attack Shirahoshi or blab to anyone either. She’ll ask Law. The guest list was getting bigger and bigger too. But she needed to find someplace for everyone to stay first. She felt someone poke her back.

“Little lady?” she jumped and turned. Mr. Lore looked down at her as she held her chest. He snorts, “Your mind was millions of miles away. What’s on your mind, lovely?” she looked a little put on but sighed.

“Okay, but I need to get my heart to slow again!” she took a few deep breaths and immediately unloaded her dilemma onto him, “And it’s not just princesses! Koala’s Dad is a Fishman Captain! I don’t want him to worry if she disappears for a long time! Then there’s Penny and Plum! I know everyone will be nice to each other but what if someone steps on Mansherry?!”

“WAHAHAHAHAHA! Sounds like you bit off a little more than you can chew!” said Mr. Lore laughing. ___________________ covered her face and slumped down.

“I know! I know! This is going to be ultra big!” she said miserably, “And I don’t know what to do! I’ve never planned a slumber party alone!”

“Does it have to be alone? Sounds like you have a large network of friends and family,”

“I can’t tell Pops OR Marco for that matter! Sister is DEFINITELY out of the question! I don’t wanna get a Bop of Learning! There's going to be a lot of sneaking about too!”

“Well, what are you planning for this party?”

“I have no clue! Last time it was only four of us, now it’s going to be the girls with Katherina this time, Ace, Luffy, Sabo, Killer, Kid, Law, and Sanji! If Perona comes, then Zoro is coming too! And I can’t invite everyone without Ussop! Oh and Nami and Nojiko! Not to mention everyone in Gray Terminal, then Koala, Shirahoshi, and Mansherry! Last time we made kanzashi, played video games, and played games! Shirahoshi is WAY too big to get into our house unnoticed!”

“Do you have a location in mind?”

“Yeah-ish!” she took out her map and showed him the cove, “There’s a small cove near Gray Terminal! It’s kind of a neutral area for us kids but no one really knows about it. But it’s big but kind of cold. I was thinking there but it’ll have to when the tide is low,” he looked thoughtful for a few moments.

“Hmmmm I know of a better place,”

“You do?!”

“Mhm,” he took out a bigger map and showed her a few points on it. She looked at it with awe, she hadn’t even seen some of these places in the area before, “Okay, we’re here, your home is here, and waaaaaay over here near the Dead Islands is a small cove where not many know about. Easy for a group of ankle biters and a mermaid princess to have their secret slumber party,”

“You’re the best!”

“Wahahahahaha! See you have this in the bag!”

“But wouldn’t it be cold to sleep near the water? It’s a slumber party after all!”

“That’s the beauty of this area. It’s a warm spring. It reaches about 80 degrees, nice and warm for a little mermaid and it’ll keep you all warm with the right blankets and things. Also, I’m sure if you ask you can have a few of your little friends and allies to make sure she’s okay. You’re a smart kid, you’ll figure it out but remember, you don’t have to do everything alone,”

“MR. LORE YOU’RE THE BEST!” she huggled him tightly. He laughed and pets her head fondly, “OH! We’re going to the Pretty Solider Festival soon!” she said happily

“Pretty Soldier? I haven’t heard about that manga in years! It’s still going on?”

“MHM! Are you a fan?!”

“It’s been a while since I’ve read it. I’m more into Ninja X,”

“What’s it about?”

“A traveling ronin who’s trying to make amends for his past deeds by helping people,”

“Sounds cool!”

“It is! The manga was very good but it never really made it far in the show. It stopped at the fourth arc. If I find the manga I’ll let you have it!”

“You mean to borrow! I don’t want to take your manga!”

“WAHAHAHAHA I’m GIVING it to you! Then we can talk about it!”


“ let me get this straight, you’re going to kidnap two princesses, three but Vivi is a willing participant and have them all come to a slumber party with a group of rambunctious boys, a playboy, and Gray Terminal kids who’ve never interacted with nobility much without their parents knowing?” Katherina sat across from ________________ with an raised eyebrow and arms folded as her bestie shoveled another sweet roll into her mouth. __________________ looked away before swallowing.

“To be fair, Mansherry and Shirahoshi are willing participants!”

“Answer the question!”

“Mhm,” Katherina sighed.

“I swear I wonder about you but I’m impressed you got most of the groundwork done,”

“I’m still worried!”

“As you should! ANYTHING can happen and what if you’re all caught?! Your family is going to beat the SHIT out of you!” _____________________ looked at her puzzled.

“....what? Pops wouldn’t do that! I’m going to never have a piece of cake again and probably be grounded for a year! Ace gets clobbered by his grandpa a lot…he calls it the Fist of Love. It’s like Sister’s Bop of Learning but yeah we’ve never been beaten. The punishment of cleaning, not going outside, and gutting fish is enough!” Katherina’s cheeks went red.

“Oh, nevermind then,”

“Will you be able to go?”

“Mhm, Jango said I could go, especially since Father’s on another trip,”

“He leaves a lot doesn’t he?”

“Yeah it’s not a big deal, it’s just me and Jango so it’s okay,” Katherina sipped her tea, “Pleeeeeeeeease tell me you have a plan for all of this,” her face said it all. Katherina sighed, “I’ll help in any way I can,”

“Thanks Kitty-chan!”

“Just PROMISE me you’ll think next time!” she said. __________________ looked away. The older girl sighed and noogied her hard, “Like talking to a brick wall!”


“And what are you going to do for food?”

“I don’t know yet! This is hard!”

“You have to cover ALL your bases! Mermaids are vegetarians and I’m pretty sure Shirahoshi will eat a lot. Mansherry is a dwarf so you have to remember there has to be tiny foods for her, then there’s your brothers and your diet and yeah,” the look on ___________________ said everything. Katherina sighed and pats her head, “I guess I’ll help you however I can,”


“Don’t mention it. Honestly I don’t know what makes you tick and you’re still walking about,”

“Sister says by the grace of the Angels,”

“...I’m pretty sure it’s something else but still, think better!”

“Okay, okay! By the way! Aren’t you excited for the Pretty Soldier Festival?!” Katherina grinned.

“Mhm, I’ve been saving for a while to attend. I heard there’s going to be exclusive items there,”

“I know! Sabo and Jozu showed me the program! And I can’t wait to wear my Kinsei costume!”

“Jango got me the Kinsei boots and cloak. It’s going to be kind of warm but I’ll still try and wear it!”

“You’ve never shown me that!”

“I’ll show you when I wear it again. Also, it’s going to be a carnival with rides and things,”

“Sounds like fun! I’ve never been to that kind of festival!”

“They’re okay if you have someone you like to be with you,”

“Where did you and Jango go?”

“Some small festival some years ago. He got me used to a small roller coaster,” she grinned, “Ferris Wheels are fun too,”

“We have to ride on together!”

“We better,”

_______________________ laid in bed looking at the ceiling. She was absolutely BEAT. Too many thoughts were running through her head about what was going to happen and going on. Okay, last time it was easiest because there were a dozen kids and now it’ll be more than, outside, with two kids in particular drastically different in size and that would and could pose a bigger problem, especially if someone accidentally steps on Mansherry. Also, there was the biggest factor, the lineage with most of the kids in attendance. She knew for a fact that Penny came from a very rich family, so did Plum, Vivi, Shirahoshi, and Mansherry were princesses. And she was going to ask the Terminal Gray kids if they wanted to come because it was only right along with Gordon, another noble kid. what would they do?! That's a ton of food! What if everyone got bored? What if there was a fight? Could they all sleep without an adult? That would mean someone had to keep watch and she didn’t mind doing that. She would ask Mr. Lore but she was sure he didn’t want people knowing he was around, especially since he stays hidden a lot.

“Hey, hey little sister!” ____________________ looked up. Speed Jill grinned at her from the door but he then saw her eyes, “Hey are you okay?!”

“MHM! Just tired! I had an adventure today! Need me to do anything?”

“No, no! Nothing like that! You have a call! Someone wants to talk to you,” he hands her over the family den den mushi. The Den Den Mushi had teal hair and had a pout. He chuckled and left the room. She looked at it.



“ACK!!!! H-HIYORI?!”

“I heard about your secret princess slumber party and I wasn’t invited?! UNFORGIVABLE! MEAN! CRUEL AND OUTRIGHT TERRIBLE OF YOU!”

“Who told you?!”

“Ace! Seriously! I thought we were friends!”

“You live in Wano!”

“Humph! Like I can’t get a ride over there! Of course I can’t tell mom and daddy sooooo I’ll ask Denjiro to sneak me over!”

“So four princesses?!”

“It’s a secret princess slumber party so we NEED more princesses! You of ALL people should know that!”

“What if something happens?!”

“You can take care of it easily!”

“Why does everyone think that?!”

“Because you’re strong and you have monster child energy! Monster children can do anything you know!”

“Sister says the same thing! What is a monster child?”

“You don’t know?! That’s too funny! Well, Mom said that Monster Child Energy came from a family way back when. Like it’s a trait and any child who exhibits it people call it lucky. She told me a few stories from a generation of monster children. One actually saved an entire village by lifting up a mountain and had them stay under it for a few days. Or the boy who drew cats and led an army of cats. There was also the man who from a monster child became a monster man and ruled the seas. Or the woman who broke into prison to save another friend. Or my personal favorite, the monster girl who tamed the monster by becoming his friend and later his wife. Monster children always grow up to become great because they’re monsters at heart,”

“So they’re like the people with the D in their names, right?”

“The Will of D? You know what, I don’t know. All I know is that Monster People and the Will of D are basically monsters in their own rights. No one is stupid enough to go after someone like that. But anyway! Give me a location and a date you brat!”

“On it!”

“And I’ll see if I can bring something! It seems like it’ll be a lot for you!”

“You have no idea!”

“We know you can do it and you BETTER bring me something from the Pretty Soldier festival!”

“He told you that too?!”

“Mhm! Tsuki is my favorite and I’ll bring you something here!”

“You have Pretty Soldier there too?!”

“Kind of but I’ll bring you that tea and some of the fruit cakes from Miss Sakura,”


“Damn right I am! Don’t leave me out of the loop! We’re friends you know,” she smiled at this.


“I mean I know I tease you but it’s completely out of affection,”

“I know that! I need you to meet my other friend here too! I don’t think you’ve ever met anyone outside of us!”

“EXACTLY! And as your Wano diplomat I have to size up your best friend to make sure she’s the best for you,”

“Leave Kitty alone!”

“Nope, I have to test her,”

“Just be nice,”


The next day, ___________________ convinced Ace to come with her to see about the place for the slumber party. He was excited for two reasons but refused to let her see it. He was going on a mini adventure with his little sister and he was also going to be able to chart a new area for his map. Ace started taking an interest in navigation and this was his calling so to say.

“My maps are nowhere near as good as Nami’s but I think I have good handle of land maps,” he said grinning

“I like how you make little pictures!” said ________________. He reddened and looked away.

“TCH! It’s only because it’ll make it easier for me to landmark things!”

“You put a cat and hedgehog for Kid and Killer’s place,” she giggled.

“Have you SEEN what they looked like?! By the way, how did you know about this place?”

“I found a map and I saw it and decided to see it for myself! And I think it’ll be warm because there was a thermal sign near the area,”

“A secret thermal spring? Huh, that sounds useful. By the way, I told Luffy, he may be showing up,”

“Okay!” They made it to the entrance. It was a thick wooded area and according to her map, they had to get through it to get to the spring but it was no more than a block of thick dense trees.

“Hmmm that’s probably the reason why no one really knows about the place, despite the heat,” said Ace. He immediately walked through. She followed close behind. There had to be a path, she assumed because Mr. Lore apparently went here. But the moment she stepped into the thick woods, something made her feel really, uneasy, not uneasy that someone was in here with her but uneasy that they felt all too familiar. She reached for Ace but he got on without her. ___________________felt her breathing pick up and soon she was hyperventilating. She wasn’t safe. She didn’t feel safe. There was something not right and she needed to get out of these woods. There weren't any sounds, no birds, no nothing. There wasn’t any light, all covered by the tree overheard. The moon was hidden and she had no other source of light. She was shaking. She felt like she was about to die because her chest was tightening and she felt an impending cloud of dread washing over here. She then heard footsteps. She backed away cautiously. Who was that?! W-Who could this be?! Ace stepped into view.

“I knew I heard something. So this is where—” he immediately noticed __________________ color drained face and shaking form, “Hey, hey, what’s the matter?” she said nothing but flung her arms around him. He gently pulled her close and held her tightly, rubbing her back, “Shhhh….it’s okay, calm little sis,” she started to sob. He guided her towards the path where she strayed and took her down to the shoreline. He ripped a piece from his shirt, wet it in the cool water and wiped her eyes. She started to feel better. He took her hand and started guiding her around the shore to get her used to the area, “See, there’s nothing unfamiliar about this place. It’s like every shore and every place you’ve been to, you just got lost and then scared,”

“It was scary!” she said

“Of course it was! You were alone in the dark in an unfamiliar place. But now you can see nothing is going to hurt you. You’re safe and if you’re not, you can run fast. If you freeze that’s worse than not fighting back,” Ace pulled her into his arms and just hugged her for a bit. She started to slowly calm down. He then looked around and grinned, “Hey, _________________ look up!” She looked at him and he pointed to the sky. The moon was shining overhead and it lit up the entire cove. There were fireflies flying about and the water was calm. They looked around in awe at the right. The moon illuminated the water and the sand making everything look beautiful and bright. Ace grinned and looked around, “Okay, Kid and I can make a sleeping platform here, that way no one has to sleep in the sand, we can set up food here, away from the water, and it’s super warm here so everyone won’t freeze to death, not like anymore could because it’s super warm here,”

“It’s going to be a lot of food!” said ________________ looked panicked.

“True but we’ll have the shitty blonde cook’s leftovers, that’ll account for something. Mermaids are vegetarians so we have to make sure that Shirahoshi has food but leave that to me, Sabo, and Luffy, we can catch a huge fish and boars and cook them up for everyone but we’ll just have to find something for Shirahoshi. You’re not doing all of this alone,”

“Thanks Ace!” He pets her head fondly. She reddened.

“Next time SAY something. I’ve been waiting for you to give yourself up but you weird ass decided to keep things hidden! How many more surprises do you have that I don’t know about this slumber party?”

“Nothing! Who told you anyway?!”

“Katherina and yeah I know she chewed you out, as she SHOULD!”


“But don’t worry, we got this,” he said, petting her head.

“WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU WERE TRYING TO DO THIS ALONE?!” They jumped as Luffy came out with the Terminal Gray Kids, Katherina, and Killer who looked a little miffed at the little girl.

“SERIOUSLY DUCHESS!” said Yukiko, “Monkey told us everything and Shiro’s Sister told us the rest! This was WAY too big for ONE kid to do!”

“Even if it IS you!” said Calico

“I didn’t know if I should ask!!! I was trying to be a good host!” said ____________________, “Et tu Kat-chan?!”

“Mhm! You were making the impossible!” she barked, “Seriously! TELL people!”

“You’re hosting a SHIT TON of people including a HUGE mermaid, you NEED us!” said Yukiko, “And you’re practically one of us so that’s why we’re here!”

“And we have the materials,” said Club, “We can make this whole area into a giant tent! People throw them away after going camping for like a day! We can make it where everyone can sleep under it and near the shore for Shirahoshi!”

“We can even decorate it with lights!” said Clock

“And if someone can cook, we have a grill!” said Jin, “It’s super big!”

“Leave the food to us!” said Luffy, “We can catch and make a lot of food!”

“And raid a garden for Shirahoshi!” said Calico laughing

“I can ask Mrs. Gohan for some rice!” said ____________________, “We can make sushi and onigiri!”

“And I can fashion a large onigiri mold for Shirahoshi and a small one for Mansherry!” said Club

“See you have this! Next time just tell us!” said Yukiko, poking her head.

“Okay, now that the cat is FINALLY out of the bag, let’s take this to a proper war room,” said Killer. The kids convened at Miss Ribbon place. After serving them cookies with milk and snacks, she made herself scarce. They spent the next few hours planning out some more. Upon hearing about the grill, Kid decided to inspect it and reinforce it for better food preparation.

“If that’s the case, we can definitely fish!” said Ace, “One sea king can do it,”

“Sea King?! Getting fancy!” said Clock

“It’s so good if you prepare it right!” said Luffy, “We can ask Sanji!”

“But what about Shirahoshi! She can’t eat meat,” said _________________. Katherina looked thoughtful

“It’s vegetarian and shellfish they can eat…including octopus, kind of weird,” said Katherina thoughtfully, “...Giant takoyaki?”

“That’s a great idea!” said Sabo, “Can it be done though?”

“Leave THAT to me!” said Kid, “I think I can make a giant takoyaki mold for a mermaid!”

“We can make sando too!” said ________________

“Sando?” said Katherina

“You know, sandwiches?”


“We can have cutlet ones, along with eggs for Shirahoshi,” said Killer, writing things down.

“And Penny!” said Kid, “Make A LOT for Penny! She leaves a lot for a girl!”

“You mean girlfriend,”


“Give me a list of everyone’s favorite foods and we can relay it to Sanji or get it ourselves!” said Sabo, “There’s usually have a lot of leftovers at the Baratie,”

“MEAT!” said Luffy

“Ramen!” said Ace

“Fried Chicken for Kat-chan!” said __________________

“Sounds good to me!”

“Okay, we got a lot done today!” said Killer, “let’s meet again in a few days and invite Sanji and Law to we can get things done quicker,”

“And see how we’re going to get Shirahoshi, Koala, Mansherry, and Hiyori here without detection or suspicion,” said Ace, “I’m only worried about Shirahoshi,”

“And Koala! Though I can ask Grandpa for help with that!” said ________________

“Grandpa?” said Club

“Yeah, _____________________’s grandparents are really smart and really clever, they can usually figure out something without detection,” said Sabo

“Especially keeping it under Sister!”

“True, I heard that Bop of Learning was worse than the Fist of Love!” said Sabo. Luffy and Ace looked horrified.


That night __________________ hunkered into bed looking absolutely beat but at least she didn’t have to do everything alone and disappoint everyone. Things were now a LOT easier than before. She was so lucky everyone was willing to help, even though she got scolded a LOT for not involving everyone. She was in her pajamas and she was ready to get some rest. Everyone was busy tonight so she didn’t get her usual tuck in and story and she was okay with that. She grabbed a book and got ready. She then heard tapping at her window. She cocked her head and slid it open. She felt a hand landing on her head and a pet.

“Hi Mr. Lore!” she said happily. He immediately puts his finger to his lips. She covered her mouth as he nudged her inside and closed the window.

“Not so loud, Little Lady, no one can know I’m here,” he winked.

“Sorry! What bring you here?”

“I was worried! You had the entire world on your shoulders and you needed help. Are you okay now?”

“MHM! Thank you for your help and advice! Ace and everyone are going to help me with this! We have so many things planned! Sanji even volunteered food and Kid is going to make a HUGE grill so we can even have a BBQ! Club is going to have tents and things and I’m so SO excited!”

“See! I told you you had this!” he pets her head again, “Did you have your story yet?”

“Nah uh, everyone is busy tonight but it’s okay! I’m a big girl! I can go a night without a story!”

“Hmmmmm I think I have a story,” said Mr. Lore

“You do?!”

“Mhm, it’ll have to be short because I can’t risk being seen,” she nodded and hunkered into bed. He looked around before tucking her in tight. This was a VERY rare treat and she was happy she was going to get a Mr. Lore story, “Alright this is a very sad story,”

“Awww how sad?”

“Very sad. It’s something from one of the towns and kingdoms I’ve passed through. So in this particular kingdom, many years ago, the oldest patriarch died. The old king was getting on in age and fought a battle to get well but he couldn’t and died. Well, in this kingdom, even though it was obvious an illness killed the king, the family wanted someone to place the full blame of their emotions upon. Now some kingdoms once upon a time used to have a concept of whipping boys or girls, a peasant kid whose job was to take the punishment of the prince or princess or noble so their royal counterpart can gain empathy. But the tradition in this kingdom was that the blame had to be placed upon someone in the royal family. In order to not make the blame obvious, some fooled themselves into thinking it was a great honor. It wasn’t. Of course the older adults who were close to the king, his grandchildren on up did not want to take on the honor. However he left behind a young great granddaughter, a lively bubbly ball of sunshine. She was but three years old but was showing signs of being a great and confident leader and of course the apple of the new king’s eye. This caused jealousy amongst the family, especially the new queen and it was decided that the young princess would take on the honor of being the Emissarium from that moment on. Every time something happened in the kingdom, she was to take the full blame for it and was to be punished, every time the family needed someone to blame for their follies, she was to blame, every time something happened, she was punished for it. It was said that the Emissarium would have a special place in Heaven when they died but only after they died. The Princess was locked in a tower away from everyone and insulted the moment she left and the day repeated for all time. His father of course rose a stink about it and was banished and the king was often there to protect the princess but since he’s always on duty, it was hard to protect the poor thing,”

“That’s not fair! She’s just a kid!” said _______________, “Is there a happy ending?!”

“Mhm! There’s always a silver lining in these things! The Princess always stays in her tower, she only leaves when absolutely necessary, she comes out at night to play and just be alone with her thoughts and feelings. One day she found a strange fruit and was hungry and decided to munch it. Ever since then, she couldn’t swim,”

“Like Luffy and Law! She ate a devil fruit!”

“That she did! And this fruit was very special! This was the Kuki kuki no mi, allowing her to manipulate and control air. It was a fantastic ability that allowed her to bend and manipulate the air around her. Because she was a child, everything she used it for was to have a little fun but it gave her the ultimate freedom, to fly. With this new ability, she realized she could fly out of her tower at night. She started sneaking away at night and went to another kingdom where no one knows who she is and started to meet kind people. The Princess for the first time felt love and acceptance on a level she’s never felt before. She also met a teacher who found out about her ability and since started training her to use her ability,”

“Why doesn’t she leave and stay with her teacher?! Her family is mean!”

“They are but it’s complicated and luckily her teacher is very wise. He instructed the princess to obey three rules: First, never tell anyone about her powers that’s from her kingdom, second, never lose sight of herself, and third, if she ever met him, pretend it was their first meeting,”

“Did she?”

“Of course! She’s a smart kid, just like you!” he poked her nose. She giggled, “Her teacher became a royal tutor strictly for the young princess, under the guise that he’s a staunch disciplinarian and will beat the princess into submission. In reality, the little princess was honing her skills, honing her mind, and had someone in her corner,”

“That’s good! How do you know all of this?!”

“I heard the story from a traveler when I was traveling. Can’t say if the story is true or not,”

“I hope it is. I want her to be happy!”

“So do I but always remember, you have to make your own happy ending. It takes work, wit, and luck,”

“Yeah!” he chuckled before tucking her in tighter.

“Alright lovely, I’ll see you later. Be good,”

“I will! Night Mr. Lore!” she yawned and closed her eyes. She really hoped Mr. Lore’s story wasn’t true. How can a family be like that? Strange and mean.

______________________ walked through the darkness. As she walked she could feel something, something just not right. She was shaking.

“Sister dear~ where are you? I wanna play with you! We haven’t played in ages and we can finally play together! Big Sister…please come out!” ___________________ ran faster. Her heart was pounding. She had to get away! She had to hide. She had to get out of here but she had no idea where she was. She was dumped there and she was still weak from the last experiment. She could hear another pair of footsteps. She stopped and closed her eyes. She knew the first pair well….the second pair was way too far for her to know. Her eyes snapped open and she took off running again. She could handle one but not two in this state. Sabo wasn’t around her either. She needed to get to Sabo, she needed to get to Hancock, she had to get to the Music Man, ANYONE she needed to know where she was so she could get to safety. She immediately started walking on rocks so her footsteps would be hidden. She only had one thing in her mind, survive and get out of sight as fast and efficiently as possible. She could hear the footsteps getting closer. She immediately got out of her location and went to hide. She then saw a foxhole and crawled inside. She liked it there. It was small and tight and she felt safe. She could hear everything. She could hear something move around from above. That was the only sound she was worried about. She didn’t care what was in the foxhole with her, just whatever was above her. Soon there was silence again. She lingered until she couldn’t hear anything. She slowly crawled out of her hiding spot. It was pitch black and that alone made her feel uneasy but she didn’t feel too threatened. Until she heard something snap from behind. She whipped her head around. She was face to face with two shadowy figures. She could feel them smiling in the darkness.

“Found you~”

Null opened his eyes. He smiled to himself and wrapped himself in his blanket. His Big Sister visited him in his dreams! That means she must be thinking about him too! He smiled to himself, loving the idea that she was still alive and thinking about him. He missed his sweet big sister so much! He wished he could crawl into bed with her just one more time and feel his warm body against his own. He grinned and rode those thoughts all day. He got dressed and went his study/ laboratory and got

“Hey Ichiji,”


“Remember that night in the woods with my sister?” Ichiji cocked his head and then chuckled.

“I still have the scar from that day,”

“How about we pay her the favor when we see her again? Something she can always remember us by,”

“And tell the world who she belongs to. You’re really holding onto the hold that she’s alive?”

“I know she is. There’s a feeling and I know she’s alive. No body was recovered from the rebellion. Father and Mother won’t give me a clue about anything but I’m sure she’s alive somewhere. She is my sister, I just have a sixth sense about this,”

“They probably did the same thing that Father did with Sanji,”

“Only difference is dear sister would be too dangerous to be kept alive. She’s the perfect weapon. If she wasn’t defective, they’d much rather have her than me. Still hate her for that. Though I don’t mind sharing with you, I’ve been meaning to ask, why do you want my sister so much? I thought you and your brothers were past that emotional thing,” Ichiji smirked.

“It’s strange. When I’m around your sister, something weird happens. I feel something, something very different. Something that I never felt before. I don’t want that feeling to go away. I hate the idea of anyone else seeing her look, especially that failure. I convinced Father to arrange my marriage with her but she was gone by then,”

“Niji said that I can’t have kids with my sister but I don’t think other things isn’t out of the question,” said Null

“I need heirs to continue the Vinsmoke empire. After that we can give them to a servant to raise. If she doesn’t comply, you have something right?”

“Mhm. There’s no doubt my sister is stronger than me, so I have to make sure she’s weaker at all times. I’ve been developing a drug for that. So far it’s killed a few slaves so, still testing but soon it’ll be ready for when the time comes,” then there was a sound. The boys turned. Null smiled, “Duty calls, I have to go,”

“The Clan is here?”

“Mhm, they wanted an audience with me. It shouldn’t be long. I’ll call you later to tell you all about it,”

“Send pictures if something happens,” The Momobami children looked visibly nervous as Null bit into his cupcake. They were all a part of some of the powerful families in the world. Their families could buy and sell anyone in the world, EXCEPT royals and this kid…no one has ever made it clear what his family was but all they knew was their parents were terrified of these people and with good reason. They learned very early on not to speak, eat, or do anything once they entered Null’s domain. But that wasn’t the only thing that frightened them. Null had four close friends who were almost as bad as he was, almost still being frightening. But they would much rather deal with one of them or even all of them over the Vinsmokes.

“So I'm here because you have offerings for me,” he said in an amused voice. The children said nothing. It was required that every time they did something, anything, they would have to pay some kind of a tribute to his family, who effectively owned them and the tribute had to be greater than the actual favor. Birthday party? A year of one’s life. Funeral, one more life from any two members he desired. A pet? Someone had to be his pet for six months. Ibara swallowed something in his throat.

“A-Actually Null…we have a request,”


“Ye-Yes a request! Please?” He looked amused and bit into a cupcake.

“Oh what is it?”

“It’s Miri’s birthday in a few weeks!” said Miyo, “And we were wondering if we can have the party,”

“I don’t see a problem. You know the answer. Why are you wasting my time with something like this?”

“W-Well because…we were wondering if you would be attending or not,” said Miraslava.

“E-Every year our families have a chair at the head just for you every single year and you never come,” said Kirai, “And…one person is usually left out bec-cause of it,” Null looked at her with a blank expression on his face.

“Awww the way you guys speak, you really don’t want me in attendance. Is that it?”

“NO, NO that’s the furthest thing from it!” said Ibara

“It’s just that you never show up because we know how busy you are!” said Erimi, “We-We’ll set a chair it’s no big de—,”

“Nozomi-chan, you said you wanted a dog right?” a little girl snapped in attention and looked at Null who had a wide smile on his face, “Well?”


“Alright, I’ll let you have one, my treat,”

“REALLY?! THANK YOU SO MUCH!” he chuckled.

“No problem! I know a few breeders, I’ll have them bring you a puppy and if anything happens, you get a new one every time something happens. Leave me,” she nodded and scampered off. He looked at the remaining members of the family, “Erimi, leave,” she ran out of the room faster than her legs could carry her. Now that was left were older successors of the clan, “Alright, from this day onward, you will no longer have to have a special place for me at your functions and that’s about twenty one a year. So you’re all off the hook but you have to accept whatever I have in store. Do you agree?” the children thought for a few moments, there was nothing that Null really could do to them other than death, right? They nodded, “Splendid, it’s in agreement that everyone in this room agrees. So tell me something, who’s a fan of big dogs?”

“I love them, the bigger the better,” said Miraslova

“Especially German Shepherds,” said Miyo

“Or Retrievers!” said Ibara

“Or Pitties!” said Kirai, “they’re so happy,”

“You guys gave me a lot of ideas!” said Null, “And I’m so glad you’re going to be helping me out with my little experiment!” The children looked a little surprised, “You see, my father loves the concept of human pets, we have a few until our old home burned down but I often wondered if a human and a dog could breed. It’s something that fascinated me for a very long time and I’m so glad I can finally have a few humans to help with that,”

“W-What do you mean?!” said Miraslava

“You’re going to be wearing specially made bitch suits and you’re all going to breed with dogs. I extracted pheromones from dogs in heat and made them potent. Alphas go crazy after a female has been sprayed with it. I gave it to a few breeders and there’s been a lot of puppies lately. Now, I can try it out on you guys,” he chuckled, “And every time a new breeder comes with a new dog I can try it out and extract things from him! This will be perfect! Instead of making puppies that may be killed because they’re unwanted, you guys can be semen extractors! An opening is an opening and don’t worry, I’ll make sure you’re all comfortable during the process,”

“WHAT?! NO! YOU’RE INSANE!” said Kirai. Null bit into another cupcake

“Just for that you will go first and of course you all have to watch and I have to record it in case any of you fall out of line. Now get out of my sight and be here tomorrow, I have human puppies I want to make. Any objections? And just so you are reminded, I can murder you all or make it so you’re slaves with a worse fate than this. Do I make myself clear?” tears were shed but the children nodded, “Splendid! See you tomorrow and I’ll be sure to send Miri a gift,” he got up and left the room with a smirk on his face. He was going to finally use that dog pheromones for something and it’s going to be so much fun to watch this in person.

“Wasn’t that a bit…harsh Null?” Null looked up. Another boy who was slightly older looked at him with a stoic expression but concerned eyes. He was a auburn haired boy with his hair covering his eyes. He had a scruffy, floofy appearance with visible fangs and boyish freckles dotted on his cheeks.

“Garon!” Null happily hugged the boy when he saw him, “Long time no see! Where have you been?! How have you been?!”

“I’m well but answer the question. And to be fair, I was only gone for like a day!”

“But that was a day without Garon!” he said, snuggling the boy’s arm.


“Hmmm why would it be harsh?”

“Dogs knot when they mate, and that be traumatizing, not to mention, I think anyone mating with an animal is wrong and gross,”

“Oh well, I guess it can’t be helped now can it? I guess the experimentation will be a success because that means there’s a higher chance of pregnancy! Now I’m curious about the knotting with the boys! It’ll be so much! Oooh! Oooh! I’ll invite Ichiji, Niji, Yonji, Goji, Arioch, Blaze, and Dia too! We can have a good time watching this! I’ll have some food catered and it can be a nice get together. Probably bring Stelly as a punching bag,” Garon looked a little anxious. Null laughed, “Stop being such a worry wart! You don’t have to watch it, you know! Tell you what, I’ll send you on an errand that month and you can do something else and not have to hear anyone screaming or interact with Arioch and Blaze!! How does that sound?”

“Okay but…I still don’t think it’s right,”

“You have to keep your subordinates in line, especially those who are being uppity,” he looked at Garon and almost immediately backtracked, “Not you of course! You’re an equal like my others. You’re just way too soft,”

“‘M not,” Null sweetly patted his head and grinned happily.

“Emotionally and we have to work on that! But it’s okay! You don’t have to be! But where do you want to go during your vacation? My treat of course!”

“...I don’t know, anywhere I guess,”

“I’ll arrange something! How does that sound?!”

“Okay, I guess,”

“Splendid! Take a break! You don’t have to check in or anything! Just be back when the month is over! If you don’t, I’ll assume the worst and come looking for you!”

“Okay,” Null happily trotted off. Garon sighed and entered Null’s laboratory and looked around. He knew where he kept everything and went through the many beakers and labels until he found the dog pheromones. He took the vial and pocketed, went into his closet, grabbed another vial and filled it with water, a little bird pheromones and vinegar, relabeled it, and quickly left. He then stashed it in his room and planned on putting it back when the Momobami clan went home. Honestly, he didn’t want to be around the others for too long. Null was okay but the rest of his posse rubbed him the wrong way. Garon personally didn’t like this island and didn’t like being near it for too long but didn’t have many options when it came down to where he got to live. He was the closest to Null and he liked Null but he really wondered what was going on in that head of his. He went to his room, more like a guesthouse that was away from everything else. Null made it clear that this was his area. It had everything he needed, a bed, place for clothes, even an in suite luxury bathroom. He really didn’t need to leave but he wanted to get away as much as he could. He didn’t understand Null’s weird fascination with him. He knew he was in a gilded cage situation with Null and it wasn’t like he didn’t benefit from it. His parents pretty much sold him when he was younger and he didn’t know if it was luck or fate but Null and him crossed paths and Null latched onto him ever since. Because of this, everyone for the most part left him alone and became Null’s voice of reason. He also knew that Null wasn’t kidding about going to find him if he didn’t come back at the time he said. One incident in particular he got lost and tried to get his bearings and came across some unsavory people. He was imprisoned for three days, two days passed his arrival time. He remembered screaming in the camp, blood splattering and eventually the door to his prison opening and Null was there with Blaze and Arioch, Null immediately checked to see if he was okay and got him to their ship and they were home within a few hours and he was…persuaded to stay home for awhile. Null made sure to not leave his sight for months. He was given anything his heart desired, books, beli, games, rare cuisine, everything but freedom. He was resigned to his fate until recently when he was allowed to come and go as he pleased again. This time, he had a trip that was to last for a month and a half. He didn’t know where to go but he knew he wouldn’t be able to escape Null either but it was better than nothing. He started packing, it would take a few days and he also knew that he had a month from the moment he docked somewhere. Truthfully, he didn’t like Null knowing where he was at all times I told him so. Null finally relented and planted the device where it would ONLY activate if Garon didn’t check in within a week. It was better than nothing. He started packing for his trip. The boat was small to Null but actually a medium sized vessel. But it was enough for Garon to handle on his own. He usually packed small and brought a lot of things back with him, including a few cupcakes and pastries for Null, a peace offering if anything. He remembered he forgot once and Null pouted and cried for a month.

“Y-You always bring me back something!!!” he wibbled, “Did I do something to make you mad?! Whatever it is, I’ll make it up to you!” The matter was settled with Garon going back and bringing him his fill of treats. Null was happy again and clung to Garon for the rest of the month in praise. He snorts himself. Null acted mature around everyone else but like a complete brat with him. It was kind of cute. But he knew what Null was capable of and still wondered why he had this weird relationship with him where he was the mature older brother and he was the childish little brother. He headed towards the ship.

“Leaving again?” he looked up. Two boys were looking at him from the docks. One was a shorter boy with platinum hair that covered the left side of his face. He wore glasses that enhanced his dark eyes. The second boy was about the same age and height as him. His hair was spiked and hiding under it was a few scars on his face and cold dead eyes. They were sitting at the docks looking at him.

“Yeah, what of it?”

“Awww was hoping you’d come visit Calva with us in a few weeks!” said the blond, “

“Hard pass, I’m on a mission,”

“You’d think you didn't like hanging out with us,” said the dark haired boy

“I really don’t. I don’t hide it well,” said Garon

“Not even seeing a free doggy show? You’re no fun,” said the blonde, “If you go to Calva you can see the new slave training,”

“Like I said, pass. I think it’s pathetic that your father is chasing someone that got away,”

“She didn’t just get away. Apparently she maimed him. She’s still wanted, I don’t think she’s dumb enough to ever return there,”

“She probably killed herself. A lot of people do after they escape and readjust,” said the other boy

“No one knows and who cares. I still think it’s weird he’s obsessed with women with shark teeth,”

“Tomato, Tom-ah-to,” said the blonde, “I want to meet her myself someday. Breaking a strong woman is too much fun. The fact of the matter is that Null’s “right hand” doesn’t participate in things,”

“If you get off on that type of thing, go ahead, I have other things to do,”

“You really are soft,” growled the dark haired boy

“Probably but we both know I can lay you both out,” they frowned, there was a reason why he was Null’s right hand and it wasn’t just because Null liked him. Garon was in survival mode constantly and because of this made him a feral force to begin with when it came to the others, “Now, if you’ll excuse me, stay out of my business and let me finish packing,” he brushed past them and started stowing things in his ship. Garon didn’t know where he would end up and where he’ll stay but he didn’t care. An adventure was an adventure and the more he was away from this place the better. Since traveling, he’s noticed a lot of things that were different from the outside. It was perpetually dark. Like just darkness all the time. The sun was often just covered it would seem. It was frightening really. The sun only came around six months out of the year and even when it came out it never stayed for long. It was depressing but one of the reasons why he treasured the light and being able to leave. He hunkered down in his ship, not before taking the tracking snails out. He would leave in a few days so he could spend time with Null and get out before anything happened. He closed his eyes and slowly drifted to sleep for a quick nap before his next adventure.

Chapter 111: A/N: Updates

Chapter Text

Hi everyone!

So I just wanted to make a quick announcement. I'm going to post two fics most likely consecutively within the next few weeks. I've been SWAMPED with work lately, between cons, work, friend obligations, and spring cleaning, I hadn't had time to really do much. With that being said, I'm going to Momocon this year so I'm going to be working on stuff and as I said other obligations but I've been working on two fics with lore involved. I'll start posting regularly when things finally settle ^^ Thanks for your understand!

Chapter 112: The Drunk Trio


The Phoenix, Kuchisake, and Beckman have a drink together.

Chapter Text

The Drunk Trio were at the bar for their weekly hangout. Makino had their favorite area at the bar ready and they all ordered rounds. Because of them, Friday nights have been significantly less rowdy because all three of them actually loved a good fight…or they just wanted to get it over with so they could get back to drinking. It consisted of the first mate or in one’s case the right hand of three pirates, Marco of the Whitebeard Pirates, Beckman of the Red Haired Pirates, and Lesser aka Vikka of the Donquixote Family. All three of them met up weekly to drink and unwind. It was cute to watch. First they came separately to drink once a week, then Marco saw Lesser and invited her to sit with him, soon the two started coming to talk, then Beckman joined from his usual area and the weird friendship just clicked. All three of them had a mutual respect for the other and understanding and slowly became comfortable with the other, to the point that they were seen laughing and joking around with each other.

“So, what’s up?” said Marco, “I don’t have anything to rant about today,”

“It’s been quiet lately,” said Lesser, “Not complaining,”

“Saaaaaaaaame, it’s a weird shift but I’m glad for the reprievement,” said Beckman, “How’s the kids?”

“Great!” said Marco, “__________________ finally got the hang of night navigation and Izo has been stepping up his game in teaching her how to shoot,”

“Isn’t she a little young?”

“Nah, it’s good to get them used to things like that,” said Lesser, “Hell, I started when I was six,”

“That was survival,”

“Still six,”

“She’s a good shot apparently. The only thing is that she’s been trying to modify his guns,” said Marco, “Curiel’s influence,”

“....I don’t think I would trust _______________ around gunpowder,” said Beckman

“Me neither,” said Lesser

“Don’t worry, she’s fine, we’ve been taking a LOT of precautions but at least she can tweak her sight and fix a pistol,”

“Well she is learning from the best,” said Beckman

“What about Yassop?”

“What ABOUT Yassop?” they laughed and ordered another round, “What about the freckled weirdo?”

“I swear he and Luffy share that one brain cell but Ace decided that learning ribbon twirling and things like that have been making his sister stronger so he decided to try to do the same things for a while. He’s been attempting to do her morning tasks along with her own. I don’t think he can take the crack of dawn wake up time,”

“I’ve been wondering about that, why so early?” said Beckman

“Flora. It’s a habit she’s breaking but she’s so used to waking up at six or seven in the morning to help out, now it’s later when she doesn’t have ribbon class. But she usually goes on tasks early in the morning and free run with Speed Jill or does something with one of the Commanders. I think Ace wants more _______________ Time,”

“Why doesn’t he just admit he has a little crush on his little sister?”

“Because boys are so weird at that age,” said Lesser, “Just be grateful he’s not doing that bully for attention thing,”

“That and I’m pretty sure Killer would have been on him the moment he tried,”

“How are the Ribbon boys?”

“Kid is still running away from Penny. I’m pretty sure that little girl is going to give him a heart attack. He has a massive crush but won’t and can’t admit it. They’ve been talking about co parenting a bunny,”

“Awwww!” Lesser squealed, “Where did they get it?”

“Kid found it and has been keeping it. He proudly showed it to Penny who was enthralled and he offered the co parenting. She keeps it one week and he keeps it the following week. It’s been working so far,”

“Wow, they’re better than most parents,” said Beckman laughing.

“Killer has been dragging ____________________ everywhere lately. She’ll come back with a new path on her little map, dirty, and sometimes just exhausted. The boy wears her out but in a good way,”

“You’re not worried about Killer are you?”

“Nah, I know he’s not going to do anything, he’ll bully her into certain things but his heart is in a good place. How’s things on your end Vik?”

“Law has been dissecting animals for his journal,” said Lesser, “Cook has been bringing in fresh game and he’s been helping her clean everything out. Boss brought in someone for…”disposal”. It was the first time he was able to have a proper hands on anatomy lesson with a body. He looked so happy,”

“Jeez, was he okay when he saw that?”

“Surprisingly, yes. I’ve been trying to shield him a bit but I know I can’t. He’s too clever for his own good but that’s why I’m so glad he’s been hanging out with his friends. He’s been acting like a kid and it’s so cute to watch,”

“Speaking of kids, how’s Kitty?”

“Oh yeah! You’ve adopted another! How’s the little tyke?” Lesser cheeks burned.

“TCH! Who said I had any contact with her?” Marco raised an eyebrow

“Don’t let the tsundere-ness fool you. ___________________ has been giving me the play by play. Katherina makes her way to the villa every few days to visit Vikka. Don’t know the exact details but they are getting closer,”

“Well…the girl needs a mother figure and if I can fill that role, I don’t mind. She’s very smart, hell she’s on par with Law. She asked if she could have lessons with him and Jango brings her over. I have to teach them separately with Baby 5 and Buffalo. It’s not hard to teach them but I know the other two feel bad. Baby 5 especially, so I have to give Law and Katherina separate work so they won’t feel bad. Afterwards, we have lunch, Baby 5 will cling to Dom and Buffalo tags along with Cook as her kitchen rat. Dellinger is usually napping so Law and Kitty gets,” she muttered something.

“Hmmm what was that?”

“...Law calls it Mommy Time,”

“Awwwww! Such a Mom!” said Beckman laughing

“Stoooooop. It’s not that I’m complaining. She has a lot to say. Like she has a little secret admire,”


“Mhm, apparently someone has been leaving her little notes in her locker before lessons. I was concerned until I actually read them. They’re cute and cheesy and whoever it is seems to have a little crush on her. She looks forward to them but won’t admit it,”

“Have you thought about having one of your own some day? Just curious,”

“Kind of but I’m raising five already! I’m a young hot mom,”


“No one could handle all of this,”

“Only one and I’m sure he’s the ONLY one,” said Marco laughing

“Pretty much!” Lesser laughed, “How’s Uta?”

“Ugh to be honest, if you guys can give me advice about raising a little girl, I’m all ears. It’s not hard to raise Uta now but we also know there’s going to come a time where we’re going to need some advice and a more feminine approach. Shanks is not suited for…things,”

“...what did he do?” Beckman downed his shot.

“Alright, he’s trying to get Uta more active and I said that little girls have more flexible bodies than little boys. So he took it as “I’m gonna train Uta in gymnastics!” The thing is: NO ONE KNOWS THE FIRST THING ABOUT GYMNASTICS! So imagine a little girl, hanging and swinging on masts and the flag while the manchild is egging her on! I had to step in but she really thinks she’s doing gymnastics! On shore, it’s fine but not out see, especially with her ability! She’ll sink like a stone!”

“...this can ONLY end in tears,” said Marco sighing, “Seriously! It took _________________ a full year or so to get coordinated!”

“Kitty has been doing it since she was five along with ballet. It’s not something you just pick up on!” siad Lesser, “Please make her wear a vest,”

“I have! But Rockstar and Yassop teased her and now she doesn’t want to wear it! I swear it’s like raising older dumber kids. Thankfully Uta manages to listen to good advice but she ALWAYS listens to Shanks “selective idiot” advice,”

“...we’ll keep an eye on her when we can,” said Marco

“Thanks. I swear, Shanks has a death wish sometimes. I admire him as a captain but I swear he doesn’t fuckin’ think and when he does, it’s neither too late or just in time like seconds before disaster. I don’t know HOW he managed but recently we got tangled up with the Unagi Death Clan,” Lesser spats out her drink.

“What? Really?!” said Marco

“They didn’t do anything, did they?!” said Lesser

“Mhm, unlucky for us, we didn’t get in deep shit with Underboss Reina but Magnus himself,”

“What happened?!”

“We wandered into their territory accidentally and Shanks challenged Magnus,” Lesser gripped her glass, “Long story short, he was going to order us to stay or have our heads but Shanks offered himself. While they were gone, the clan was surprisingly nice to us. Uta especially loved the place and played with the town’s kids. They even let us stay in the villa. The beds were SO cozy. Shanks came back a day later covered in bruises, bite marks, and other things. Magnus said he would spare our lives if Shanks came back whenever he was summoned to “give his pound of flesh”. It’s been five times since then and Shanks always came back looking like he’s been through a war,”

“Damn, what is he doing to him?!”

“Who knows but Shanks always gets something valuable in return,” Lesser’s hand covered her face, “You okay, Vik? Did you tangle with the clan before?”

“...something like that. If Magnus is keeping him alive, count your stars,”

“But is he really in danger?”

“I wouldn’t say so but if you can get in contact with Reina, she may be able to work things out,”

“But Shanks isn’t going to die or something?”

“No, no nothing like that! He’ll live,”

“Oh, if that’s the case, it’s not on top of my list,” To Makino it was like observing animals in the wild. Lesser slowly started coming in regular clothes with her hair down, Marco was seen laughing and singing, and Beckman had at least one woman a night he went home with when he was in town. This was thanks to Lesser being his ultimate wingman and tonight it wasn’t different. A woman was at the bar and she was glancing at the table in the back, blushing a little bit and making eyes at Beckman, who noticed and grinned from his seat. He winked at her. She turned away coyly.

“She's been trying to catch her eye all night,” said Lesser sipping her flaming peach

“What are my odds?”

“Seventy five percent. Her eyes are saying she's not looking for anything serious but she wants a good night tonight. Buy her a drink, compliment her, and go from there,”

“Heh. Thanks, Vik,” he got up and headed over. Marco and Lesser glanced over curiously. Beckman had a method to this and it was fascinating to watch. First he would flirt and compliment the woman, then buy her a drink, and then after a cute cute good humored flirting and laughs, they would go off and depending, they would be gone for the night.

“You think they’ll be good for the night?” said Marco

“Probably, she was looking at him with that “Daddy please” look,”

“Lot of women into that. Is it because of issues?”

“Nah, some women just like older hotter men,” they then heard laughing

“Wow, that was fast. That usually takes at least a good fifteen to twenty minutes,”

“She wants him. She’s a cute one too,” then Beckman came back over with two things, a large flaming peach and a napkin with lipstick on it. He sits back down with a shit eating grin. His two companions were surprised, “What happened?”

“Looks like you two were hitting it off,” said Marco. Beckman chuckled.

“We were and Vik you weren't wrong, she was looking at us but she wasn't looking at me,” Lesser cocked her head. He gave her the drink and the napkin which revealed the woman’s phone number, “Her name is Nessa and she says she's been looking at your ass all night,” Lesser’s face went red and she glanced over at the table. Nessa was grinning and blew her a kiss, “ She says she wants Mommy to smash her with her ass,” Marco lost it. Lesser shrank a little in her chair still blushing, “That's what you get for having a big ass,”

“It's not that big!”

“I'm pretty sure it can stop traffic,” said Marco

“So you gonna make a sweet woman happy? She just wants a Mommy to dominate her,” Lesser smirked.

“Watch and learn boys,” Lesser sauntered over. Nessa was blushing as Lesser towered over her, “Hey, mi bella ragazza, come here often?” The two men watched Lesser flirt with this girl for a good half an hour. Nessa was enthralled and a giggly blushy mess the whole time and flustered. She was about to excuse herself when Lesser’s hand slammed on the side next to her and smirked. Nessa froze as Lesser took chin into her hands, “Be a dear and get Daddy a bourbon,” she winked. Nessa almost passed out and immediately ordered the drink.

“I-I have to go to the bathroom,”

“Alright,” Nessa got up and passed. She then felt a smack on her butt, “Hurry up, ragazza. I don’t like to be kept waiting,”

“Y-Yes Dadd–Momm–MA’AM!” Nessa ran for it.

“Damn. A sitting kabedon. That poor woman,” said Beckman, “I have to try that,”

“That woman has the face of instant regret,” said Marco chuckling, “Shit and I thought you were bad,”

“Mhm, hell I would have been outside by now,” the pair spent time together at the bar, playing pool, with Lesser grabbing her ass, brushing against her, and saying cute things in her ear. Eventually Nessa got her horniness out and was satisfied. She thanked Lesser, who nodded, swatted her ass one more time before going back to her two friends.

“Damn, I think you made her night,” said Beckman

“I know I did,” Lesser chuckled, “Some people just want to be dominated for a few hours,”

“’ve done this before?” said Marco

“Kinda, when we all owned our bar a few years ago, Dom suggested a “after dark” service. She and Perv did the sex stuff, many booked me just so I could degrade them or dominate them for a few hours. It was fun, we made a ton of money,”

“Soooo I have to ask, when it’s you and Roci, who’s on top?” Lesser choked on her drink.

“We-we haven’t done anything like that…yet,”

“Love the yet,”

“So how is he?”

“He’s undercover again, apparently he’s going into Beast Pirate territory soon,” she said, looking away and drinking her beer.

“You pervert, you’re thinking about him as a Beast Pirate, aren’t you?” said Beckman laughing

“A woman can dream can’t she?”

“Well, it’s their own damn faults for dressing like that,” said Marco, “Kind of makes you wonder about the choice of outfit,”

“You think it’s a sex thing?” said Beckman

“Hey, you guys will NOT kink shame the Annual Beast Pirate Bondage Orgy!” said Lesser. Beckman spats out his beer and started laughing, “It’s the only thing they look forward to!”

“Damn it Vikka!”

“I wonder if he’s a top or bottom,” said Marco laughing

“Kaido? Hmmmmm….power bottom. Vik?”

“Total sub, I’m pretty that’s the main reason why he keeps King, Queen, andJack around,”

“I’m pretty sure King is a gimp,” said Marco and that did it. Lesser and Beckman had to excuse themselves because they shot their drinks through their noses.

Sanji was on a mission. It was the ONE mission he’s been fantasizing for months now. He wasn’t bold enough to do this head on, but he was bold enough to plan this out to the letter. He was stalking the villa for a good month now and he basically had the maids and their routines down to a science. This time it wasn’t Cook he was trying to get recipes and guidance from. It was for the Forbidden Fruit that was Lesser’s Ass. Ever since last summer, seeing her in a sarong gave him extra added fantasies of having her sit on him along with being smushed in Maid Boobage. He wanted to die happy in those fun bags but this…this was something that he needed to have because honestly he couldn’t reach and touch. No, no, he had to be clever in his endeavor. He watched. Lesser was almost always standing up but the moment she sat, she usually lingered there for awhile. That would be his window of opportunity. He thought about her bedroom but he was too terrified to enter. He thought about doing his plan in the morning but he couldn’t risk getting caught by Baby 5 and Buffalo. No, he had to wait. Today was Tuesday, Buffalo and Baby 5 were having lessons with Perv then they would be free to do whatever, usually leaving the villa for shopping, Dellinger was taking a nap after being sick for a while, with Lesser checking on him every half hour. But this was fine. She was getting exhausted. Lesser did her rounds making sure the villa was safe and overseeing the Maids. She yawned. She really was getting tired.

“Come on…please come on…please, you must be tired~”

“Lesser, you’ve been working hard all morning,” said Dom approaching her, “Why don’t we get some lunch?”

“Good idea. Cook, what’s on the menu?”

“I made chicken club sandwiches with lavender lemonade,” said Cook, smiling.

“Where’s the kids?”

“Baby 5 and Buffalo just ran off,” said Perv, coming up, “We have the whole place to ourselves!”

“Alright girls, let’s eat!”

“FUCK YEAH!” the women headed to the gardens. The veranda consisted of a patio set, cooling fans and the like. Each of the chairs were tailored to the Maids. Lesser’s had more cushion, Dom’s did not, Perv liked her firm, Cleaner’s was a little smaller and Cook’s supported her back. Dom perched on her chair along with Perv. This would work to Sanji’s advantage. Lesser moved hers aside and flatten her dress so it wouldn’t bunch up. Suddenly she felt something very lumpy. Her chair was very lumpy. She adjusted but it wasn’t the cushion. She stood and was almost squirted by blood. She let out a shriek and soon realized Sanji was on her chair with a massive nosebleed. She grabbed him and held him up by the ear.

“Lesser, what—SANJI?!”

“YOU LITTLE PERVERT!” Cook came running out just in time to see Lesser holding the boy by the ear. He looked dazed but extremely happy. Lesser looked unamused, “CALL ZEFF!” Zeff was at the villa within fifteen minutes. He apologized over and over to Lesser who looked done. Sanji was walloped a few times upon arrival.

“I’m sorry Miss Lesser. I blame myself,”

“I don’t blame you. Give him the hardest labor you can!”

“You know I will! Come on boy!” The maids were giggling.

“You can’t blame the poor thing,” said Cook, “He saw his chance and he took it!”

“But of all of the asses…he went after the granddaddy of them all,” said Dom, “Kind of jealous, I’ve been waiting to have Lesser sit on me for years,”

“NO and my ass isn’t that big!”

“It’s cute and perky!” said Perv giggling, “Especially when you play Daddy,”

“TCH I did that last night. It was fun to be back in the saddle,”

“Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat! You played Daddy last night?!” said Dom


“Because we’re not tending the bar anymore!” said Lesser


“I was just having a little fun,” she explained the situation, “So it wasn’t that she was into men, she was into women. So I had a little bit of fun with her because Beckman couldn’t,”

“That poor woman,” said Cook giggling, “I remember that patron that offered you marriage after you beat the shit out of him with your brass knuckles,”

“Oooh! Remember the woman who basically creamed her panties after Lesser burned her with a cigar and made her make her a sandwich,” said Perv

“I swear I don’t get the allure,”

“That’s because Roci and you haven’t plowed,” said Dom laughing, “But still! My face can be your throne~”


“Prove it! Cleaner! Go get the chest!” Cleaner looked a little apprehensive but complied. She soon came back later with a large treasure chest and placed it on the veranda.

“What’s this supposed to prove?” said Lesser with her eyebrow raised.

“This chest has a wide opening and it can fit your ass inside. If you can fit your ass is big,” said Perv giggling

“...that’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard!”

“Just try it! You should be able to not fit or fit right in. If you can’t fit, big ass, if you can, then average ass,” Lesser rolled her eyes and lifted her dress and sat in the chest. She slid right into the chest and looked a little triumphant at the task.

“See?! I can fit!” Lesser tried to get out…but couldn’t. She tried to pull up but couldn’t. She pulled, wriggled, and shifted but she was stuck…tightly!

“L-Lesser are you okay?!” said Cleaner

“....I’m stuck,”

“...what?!” said Dom

“I’M STUCK! GET ME OUT!” The Maids grabbed on and started to pull. They yanked and pulled but Lesser wouldn’t budge. Dom lifted her dress and tried her best to contain her laughter.

“ looks like your ass is suctioned in tight!” Perv bit her lip and her cheeks went red before she started laughing, causing Dom to laugh. Cook immediately ran into the kitchen to retrieve some butter for her butt. Lesser however got to her feet and ran at the pair.

“OH SHIT!” Perv scurried on the table and Dom tried to pull the chest off her butt again.

“Grab onto that tree! Cleaner, I need your help here!” Cleaner wrapped her arms around Dom’s wait and Dom latched onto the chest and they pulled as Lesser clung to the tree. Nothing. Cook soon appeared with butter. She rubbed it all around Lesser’s butt and joined Dom and Cleaner and pulled. Nothing. Perv quickly scaled down the tree and ran into her room. She ran back out with a full gallon of lube.

“....WHY in the hell do you have so much?!” said Lesser

“A girl gets lonely! And how do you think I’m able to fit Magellan~?”

“...I’m sorry I asked,”

“Anyway, this stuff is slick, it should pop you right out!” She lathered around Lesser’s ass and all three maids pulled. Once again, nothing.

“I think your ass is vacuumed in!” said Dom

“Seriously! That was hard!” said Cook

“What are we going to do?!” said Cleaner

“I saw smash the chest!”

“ON IT!” Perv grabbed a sledgehammer and happily ran to the chest and gave it a hard WHACK. Nothing. Cook sighed, took it from her moved her out of the way. She placed her foot on it, reared the hammer back and WHACK. Nothing.


“Lesser you okay?!”

“The force!”

“What the hell is that thing made of?!” said Dom

“No idea! But it looks like we can’t destroy it,” said Cook

“I didn’t want to do this but…call Law, I know his Room should it,” said Lesser. Law arrived a few minutes later and stared at Lesser in the chest. He had to mentally process what he was seeing.

“....don’t ask sweetie,”

“....I need to,”

“She wanted to prove a point that her ass wasn’t big,” said Perv

“...but it is big!” he said, “Like big and squishy!”

“Not you too!”

“Can you see if you can help ma croquette?” said Cook. He started and formed his Room around Lesser and detached her torso and legs from her body in order to see if it’ll be easier to get her out of the chest. Upon further inspection, Lesser was deep down in the chest and not only did her ass suctioned, it was vacuumed inside. Perv used her lube a little better and still nothing. They even tried cutting the chest, nothing. Law sighed and placed her back together.

“Can’t you use your sword?” said Dom. Law shook his head.

“I’m not using a sword on Lesser. And I think this thing is reinforced with seastone so theoretically I don’t think I can even touch it,” he then headed off, “Call Whitebeard, I think he can help,” he made himself scarce.

“Wow, then again, I would use a sword against my mom,” said Perv

“He really does respect his mom,” said Dom tittering and grabbing his snail, “But he’s right I think Whitebeard can help us with this,”

Whitebeard was greeted to a sight that he would never though he see, Lesser stuck in a chest looking like she just wanted the universe to swallow her into the earth to die, Dom and Perv were holding onto each other laughing their asses off as Cleaner rung her hands in worry, and Cook briefed him on everything.

“She’s stuck in there tight. We tried butter, lube, even oil and she just won’t slip out,”

“That’s because all of that tush is suctioned in tight!” said Perv laughing

“It’s like a vacuum!” said Dom giggling


“IF you get out!” said Perv laughing

“Why didn’t you break the chest?” said Whitebeard

“We don’t want to hurt her,” said Cook, “And I think that chest is reinforced with something. It’s hard to shatter. Law even tried his Room,”

“And Lesser’s butt is vacuumed in tight,” said Law. Whitebeard carefully picked up the chest and her. He examined it and realized that she was indeed suctioned in tightly. He flipped the chest downward. The maids giggled and started laughing because Lesser was dangling by her ass.

“Okay, I have two opinions, I can give you a good shake and hopefully you’ll pop out, or I can see if I can pop you with an oar. Which would you like?”

“Shake me first,” he nodded and threw his arms back and tried to shake her out like she was a ketchup bottle. She didn’t even budge. Whitebeard then knew what he had to do. He went over, found a paddle and wedged it in a small opening between Lesser and the chest. He then with one powerful flick, popped her out of the chest with a very satisfying pop. Lesser landed on Cook. Perv and Dom were holding each other laughing. Lesser’s ass was red and raw from the ordeal.

“Thank you Whitebeard,” she said

“Anytime! Just….stay away from chests. Kids nowadays,”

“I’ll be over tomorrow for dinner,” said Cook, “It’s the least I can do,”

“I can’t wait! Can you make the beignets again?”

“OF COURSE!” he bade them a farewell. Lesser called it quits for the day and retreated to her Fluff Room. Law was filled in in what happened prior. He looked visibly pissed and went home. Lesser decided to lick her wounded pride at Roci’s place. She was going to ask for a steak and then take the longest bath of her life.

“MY PRECIOUS BABY!” The moment Lesser stepped into the house, she was tackled by Roci who was genuinely worried, “ARE YOU OKAY?!”

“OOF! Yes! I’m fine! You’re squishing me!”


“DON’T CALL ME THAT! AND WHAT’S WRO—HEY!” he flipped her over and started nuzzling and rubbing her butt.

“IS YOUR SWEET ASS OKAY?!” Lesser’s face went white then completely red.

“HOW DID YOU KNOW?!” Law whistled and made himself scarce while holding his recording snail, “LAW!”

“MY POOR VIKKA!” Roci nuzzled and cuddled his wife’s butt and rubbed it, “That must have been an ordeal for you!”

“I’m fine! Really!” He happily carried his Lesser to the couch face down and placed a nice warm heating pad on her butt. She was about to protest but…it felt too good. She sighed and relaxed a bit as he placed one of her lower back and then added a blanket. Soon, she had fallen asleep, content. He grinned at his handiwork. He went to make food when he saw Law coming down the stairs and heading to the door.

“...Law where are you going this time of night?” said Roci

“Visiting Sanji,” he said, “I’ll be back,”

“Oh, I don’t think the Baratie is opened right now,”

“I know, it’s fine, I won’t be long,”

“Is _____________________ meeting you there?”

“No, Killer might be but I’ll be home in twenty,” Law closed the door. Roci looked a little concerned. His son was on a mission and who was he to stop him.

Yassop was taking his uncle duties seriously and decided to show his favorite little niece how to shoot. Uta wasn’t much of a marksman like him and Ussop was but she wasn’t too bad for a beginner. He was giving her some good target practice so he could watch her with pride. They were using real guns, he gave her a lighter one but then for shooting around town, they had little pellet guns that just stung. Everything was going pretty well until today. ______________________ came to Makino’s for a midday drink of peach ice tea. She happily greeted Uta.

“I didn’t know you were back in town!”

“Just arrived! Didn’t see Luffy so I decided to wait until he came!”

“You don’t really explore when you come, do you?”

“That’s because I’m a pirate kid! I don’t have land legs like you do,” she stuck out her tongue. ______________ grinned.

“Yeah that’s fair but I can explore anywhere because I have amphibian legs!”

“Frog legs?!”

“Not that, I have sea AND land legs!”

“No fair!” the pair laughed again. Uta then showed her her pellet pistol

“What’s that?”

“Yassop is teaching me to shoot!”

“Oh cool!”

“That’s right! Here let me show you!” Uta hopped off the stool and took ______________’s wrist and led her outside to one of the trees out back. Uta grinned and pointed the pistol at one of the apples. She took aim and fired a hole through the apple. ________________ looked a little unfazed.

“Betcha can’t hit that target!” said Uta grinning. __________________ cocked her head and then trotted to Lucky Roo.

“Lucky Roo, may I borrow your pistol please?”

“Sure, little lady,” he handed it over to her. __________________ trotted back to Uta. She lined up her shot, took aim and fired. She got the stem above the apple and it fell down. She caught it and handed it to Uta, “I didn’t want to waste a perfectly good apple!”

“WOW! I didn’t know you knew how to shoot!”

“Mhm! I practice with Izo a lot! And Izo’s the best!”

“I thought Yassop was the best!”

“Nope! It’s Izo! It’s not even showing you how to line up properly and not keep the safety on! That’s bad advice!”

“It’s a fake pistol!”

“Izo always says to treat every weapon like it’s loaded!”

“Show me some more!” ____________________ showed Uta how to target shoot a little better and Lucky Roo kept an eye on the pair. After they worked up an appetite, they went inside for something to eat, where _________________ gave back Roo’s pistol and she called Izo to give Uta some pointers. Makino had a some skewers ready for the pair, “How long have you been shooting?!”

“Since I was like eight! Izo used to take me to the courtyard and teach me! We still do it but we do it in Curiel’s secret place where he shows me how to make bullets and things!”

“WOW! Bullets too!”

“Yep! How long have you been shooting?!”

“A few months and Yassop said I was good but not as good as he is! But Izo sounds a lot better than Yassop!”

“He is!”

“WHAT?!” the girls turned. Yassop had his hand on his chest and he looked as though he was betrayed, “Et tu Uta?! I expected this betrayal from _____________ but not you!”


“__________________ has been telling me how to get better!” said Uta grinning, “It sounds like Izo is TONS better than you!”

“NO ONE is better than the Great Yassop!” he puffed out his chest

“Izo is!” said _________________, “And you can trust whatever Izo says!”

“That hurts Little Lady! And please, Izo WISHES he was a good shot like me! I can shoot circles around him!”

“....what was that?” the bar turned. Izo was at the door with his pistol cases. His mood went from jovial to neutral when he saw Yassop, “What did you say, bitch?”

“YOU HEARD ME IZO! I don’t know how they do things in Wano but we BOTH know I’m the better marksman! So-so go back home because I know you won’t want to get that little kimono dirty or chip a nail!” Izo’s eye twitched. The bar went silent. Izo was usually as easygoing as anyone in the Whitebeard home but NEVER insult him, his pride, and how he carried himself. Yassop looked around for backup. The rest of the Redhaired Pirates back away from him.

“Don’t, we don’t claim nor condone this bullshit,” said Rockstar

“You wrote a check you ass can’t cash,” said Roo


“That’s a YOU problem,”

“Alright bitch we can settle this ONCE and for all!” Izo said going into his bag, “We’re going to William Tell this right now. Ladies, follow me. Makino, be a dear and hand me two apples,”

“On it!”

“FINE! OKAY!” Yassop looked over at Beckman, “What's William Tell?”

“....Shooting at apple off someone's head, dumbass,”

“WHAT?! Wait, wait, easy peasy! I can do that! I’ve done it loads of times!”

“Not off Uta’s head,” he gestured to Izo giving the girls pistols. Yassop froze. He KNEW he was dicking around when it came to showing Uta how to shoot. She was an okay shot but there was NO way she would be able to shoot an apple off him!” He was about to make a break for it when Izo walked in and dragged him out. He dragged them a good few feet away and puts an apple on both their heads. He stood six feet apart from him, “ Ride or die bitch!”


“SHUT UP! Okay __________________ you go first sweetie!”

“Are you sure, Izo?” said __________________

“Mhm! I taught you, I KNOW you can do it,” she nodded, raised the pistol, took aim and fired. The apple shot clean off his head. Izo didn’t look fazed. He then looked at Uta, “Alright sweetie, go for it!”


“STOP MAKING HER NERVOUS BITCH!” Izo smiled at her, “Don’t worry, you’ll be fine, just point and aim,” Uta nodded. Her hands were a little shaky and she raised her pistol. She closed one eye and fired. Yassop was hit right between the eyes. He felt something pouring from his face and started wailing and crying. He knew he was going to bleed out. He was DEAD! Izo kicked him in the side, “Get up bitch!”


“You need a brain, dumbass! If Uta blasted your head you wouldn’t be conscious for this long!” Yassop opened his eyes and realized that he was in fact alive. He looked at his hands were his “Blood” was and realized it was blue paint, “If anyone was taught by you, I knew they would need a non lethal weapon so I borrowed Curiel’s pistol with paint balls,” he glanced at Uta, “And you, you almost made the shot perfectly, don’t close one eye until you get a good alignment of your shot because it’ll cause you to miscalculate,”

“Oh! Okay!”

“You have potential, just get a better teacher. Roo! I leave her to you!”

“You got it, Chief!”

“WHAT?!” said Yassop

“Roo can teach her the basics, you can teach her to showboat because it got your ass this far,”

“Keep that one for practice if you want,” said Curiel walking up. Uta grins


“Mhm! Izo told me everything and a paint gun is a lot safer for a little beginner,”

“COOL! Thanks Mr. Curiel!”

“No prob, Red! Roo, I’ll give you the pellets,”


“So this is where you are!” Marco scooped up ________________

“MHM! I shot an apple off Izo’s head!”

“And I got Yassop between the eyes!” said Uta happily

“Not bad girls! Looks like you two had some fun today!”

“Izo got me a paint pellet gun!”

“Important for a beginner, just get Shanks in the knee for me,”


“And I’ll make sure to make sure she can aim before she gets a real pistol,” said Roo

“Who wants something boring like that when I got a paint pellet pistol! This is WAY cooler!”

“Seriously!” said __________________ laughing, “And it’s better than Yassop’s weird pistol!”

“SINCE WHEN IS EVERYONE AGAINST ME!” said Yassop, “Little lady you too?!”

“We’re civil usually!” said Rockstar, “And you deserve it for calling Izo a lousy shot,”

“THAT’S BECAUSE HE IS A LOUSY SHOT!” the dark shade appeared on Izo’s eyes again. Curiel finally remembered why he wanted to come to Makino’s bar in the first place. Yassop still had his unfinished ass kicking from two years ago. Yassop knew at the moment he fucked up. Izo held out his hand. Curiel handed him his pistol. Marco calmly puts _______________ down. Rockstar and Roo ushered the two girls into the bar and Yassop ran for it.

“GET BACK HERE YOU BITCH!” said Izo. Marco ran after the pair.




“IT WAS A JOKE!” said Yassop running, ducking and weaving from the bullets and the two pissed off brothers, “MARCO FOR THE LOVE OF SHIT HELP ME!”

“SHE ALMOST BLEW HER TEETH OUT OF HER MOUTH YOU DUMBASS! AND LEAVE MARCO OUT OF THIS!” Yassop ran into the ship. The Redhaired Pirates dispersed when they saw WHO was chasing their marksman. Pissing off one Whitebeard Commander was one thing, two was a whole feat. Sounds of swearing and crashing were heard in the ship until Izo and Curiel split off. Yassop was scared because they were suddenly quiet. He then ran to the deck where he immediately dodged a gunshot then he was kicked hard in the ass, then again, then again. He tried to run but he was being kicked over and over in the ass. He was then grabbed by Izo who held him in place while Curel continued his ass kicking. Then he was thrown off the ship and the pair left the ship without a word. Beckman peered over the edge.

“...welp looks like you finally got you Curiel ass kicking,”


The Redhaired Pirates were finally heading back to sea. Ura was happily playing with her found toy and showing it to everyone. She then showed it to Shanks. He grinned and shot it a few times.

“Not bad!”

“Curiel made it!”

“I can tell! It looks really cool!” he said grinning, “I wonder if you can shoot and do gymnastics at the same time,”

“Oh you KNOW I can!” she said grinning

“Betcha you can’t!”

“Betcha I can!”

“Wait, wait, no! It’s too dangerous,” said Beckman, “the deck is still wet and I told you to get that taken care of Shanks, at least proofing it! Uta can’t shoot and jump from mast to mast, you’re going to hurt yourself!”

“It’ll be fiiiiiiine!” said Shanks laughing, “Kids break things! We have a doctor and I’m sure she’ll be okay!”

“That’s not—,”

“OnetwothreeGO!” Shanks took off.

“NO FAIR!” Uta ran after him. Beckman sighed and stayed put as the rest of the crew cheered. Shanks was in the lead and scaled up the mast. Uta followed suit with the pistol at his waist. She made it to the top and decided to lead Shanks at the past by doing a quick shortcut. It worked and she was now ahead of him. He looked amused by now determined to pass her. She laughed and went to shoot him while running backwards. She got a few shots in before grabbing the rope to swing down. She swung and landed on the edge of the deck railing and ran. As predicted, when she went to shoot again, she slipped. Uta screamed and landed in the water. Beckman jumped in without hesitation and went to retrieve the fast sinking girl. He looked around in the ocean and found her sinking like a stone. He swam towards her but she was snatched up. Beckman was snatched up before he realized and soon he was out of the water. He realized he was back on the ship. He looked up to see a giant sea monster with green hair, golden eyes, and a very miffed look on her face. The Sea Monster held Uta in her hands. She coughed and spluttered but was otherwise fine. The monster gently placed the little girl on the ship along with Beckman. Shanks was about to say something but a large tail came up and swatted him off his ship. She flew several feet across the water landing on shore. The Sea Monster looked pleased and dove back into the water, went back to Shanks again and swatted him back on his ship.

“...the first one a warning, the second was a promise,” said Roo, “Damn, you managed to piss off a mermaid,”

“Was that a mermaid?!”

“Well, it smacked the shit out of you with it’s tail,” said Rockstar, “Serves you right by the way!”

“You okay squirt?” said Beckman. Uta nodded as he carried inside to change out of her wet clothes, “Shanks I’m going to beat your ass later,”

“WASN’T I PUNISHED ENOUGH?!” the crew looked at him, “Okay, fair,”

Makino froze when she saw Lesser, Beckman and Marco earlier in the week than usual. All three of them looked absolutely done with life, bags under their eyes, dead expressions, and just pent up ranting in their throats.

“Makino, I’ll marry you if you can bring us the usual but made with the strongest liquor you have,” said Marco

“Double it,” said Beckman

“Triple it,” said Lesser. Makino nodded, said nothing and did the order and also made sure they had piles of skewers.

“What happened to you three?!” she asked

“Shanks,” said Beckman

“Maids,” said Lesser

“Brothers,” said Marco

“Say no more!” they said nothing as they ate and drank in silence. After a good hour, Beckman finally spoke.

“She fell overboard. A mermaid caught her and I’m kicked Shanks’ ass,”

“Sanji tricked me into sitting on his face, then I got my ass stuck in a treasure chest,”

“Had to chase and keep Curiel and Izo from killing Yassop,” said Marco, “Who won?”

“ deep were you in that chest?” said Beckman

“....Pops had to use an oar to pop her out,” said Marco

“...HE TOLD?!”

“Not intentionally,” Lesser sunk into her seat. Beckman ordered a few more rounds, “Yeah, I got the tab tonight you two. You earned it,”


Chapter 113: Pretty Soldier Festival


The Little Girl and her Bestie go on an Adventure!


Sorry this took so long! I was trying to get another fic out lost the motivation so decided to get this one out instead! Next posting shouldn't be too long but this one is SUPER long so enjoy ^^

Chapter Text

_________________________ and Katherina were looking over the side of a ship. It was neither their first time on a ship but this was definitely their first time on a non pirate ship. Whitebeard thought it was a good idea to have the girls go on something a little less conspicuous and Jango and Marco agreed. So they drove to a ferry that was going to take them to the town in North Blue where the Pretty Soldier Festival was going to be held. It was a beautiful summer day and nice and plenty warm with a very soft breeze. The ship was riddled with Pretty Soldier fans, young and old, boy and everything in between. There were girls from many walks of life with their invited best friends or siblings or caretakers. The festival was going to be a long four day weekend and they were going to stay at an inn nearby. The girls could hardly contain themselves. Jango and Jozu watched on as they excitedly talked about the latest chapter.

“I didn’t see that coming!” said __________________

“I suspected it,” said Katherina, “But I’m SO happy it’s now confirmed that Tsuki is the real princess!”

“Inko-chan messed up!”

“She’s a thousand years old, I think she’s allowed to!” they giggled at the thought.

“Is that why her feathers are all white and gray?”

“I bet it is! Not to mention she has to take care of Tsuki!” They laughed again.

“What do you think it’s going to be like when we get there?”

“Probably a bunch of festival games, of course the film festival, and probably that’s it,”

“That sounds like a lot of fun!” Katherina snorts.

“Well you’re a small town kid, of course it’ll be cool to you,”

“You’re from a small town too!”

“Yeah but I’ve been to a big festival before, usually there’s rides and things,”


“Yeah but don’t get your hopes up, it’s probably not the case,”

“Oh no, the town went COMPLETELY out for this one. It’s St. Holymes Island after all,” the girls turned. A familiar red eyed girl with a hime hairstyle was grinning at them before she flung her arms around ________________, “____________________, my wifey, long time no see!”

“Yuu-chan!” ______________________ hugged the girl tightly. Katherina raised an eyebrow.


“Mhm~ ____________________ is my future wife. I hope you’re not cheating on me,”


“I’m just kidding,” Yuu-chan smiled at Katherina and extended her hand with a smile, “Lovely to meet you. I’m Yumeko,”

“Katherina, charmed,” Katherina looked at it with the same smile. ___________________ wasn’t a part of the noble world. If she was, she would know that the girls were communicating nonverbally. Katherina was telling Yumeko in so many terms to back the fuck off with that wife crap and Yumeko calmly and sweetly said no.

“Oh! Yuu-chan, what was that about rides?”

“Oh! Well, the town is large but the event is going to be HUGE. It’s going to be a large festival with fans from all over, vendors with exclusive one of a kind merchandise, vintage things, and games and toys! I heard there’s going to be things there that aren’t going to be released elsewhere! And there’s going to be Pretty Soldier fans from all over, young and old! But most of the events are going to be for kids! I heard the Bazaar is going to be huge!”

“I hope we can get something nice!” said _______________, “I’ve been saving my allowance for months! Even my cake futures!”

“Awwww! If you wanted cake, I’ll be more than happy to get you some,” said Yumeko, “Consider it a wedding gift~”


“Or ____________________ can get it herself,” said Katherina getting between them and backing away slowing causing _____________________ to get back, “She isn’t poor,”

“OH! I know she isn’t! Oh no! I hope it didn’t come off that way!”

“Hey I know you didn’t!”

“Do I finally get to meet your awesome Dad?” said Yumeko changing the subject

“No sadly, I think the ship is way too small for him! Jozu is here because he LOVES Pretty Soldier! I think he wants to see if he can get more things for his collection. Is your sister here?”

“Mhm! She took off work to take me!”

“Awesome! I think it was a lovely idea for the festival to have a plus one companion!” __________________ cocked her head. Yumeko points to the rest of the kids on the boat. There were noble girls talking together with each other about the manga, regular girls talking about the anime, a regular boy with his noble best friend talking about the anime. He looked confused but engaged with his best friend. A princess was happily dragging a boy who looked as though he would rather be anywhere else, to the front of the boat and excitedly pointing to the knot. He chuckled and told her about the parts of the boat and what the knot was and she looked on in awe, “There’s a lot of fans who can’t afford tickets who didn’t want to go alone, so the tickets had an automatic plus one for anyone of the person’s choosing. It’s cute because there’s fans from all over and just because you’re separated by class doesn’t mean you can’t be friends,”

“OH! Awwww Kat-chan! You STILL chose me!” __________________ flung her arms around the girl. Katherina reddened and pats her head.

“Don’t look into this! I literally had no one else!”

“It’s called the best friend factor!” said Yumeko laughing, “Everyone here is most likely with their favorite person,” ________________ looked back at Katherina, who braced herself, with eyes shining.


“T-TCH! I-I guess so!” Katherina was hugged tightly again. Yumeko was laughing as _________________ brought her in too. She then let them go and accidentally bumped into someone. She turned to apologize before she was shoved hard.

“Watch where you’re going, peasant!” Katherina grabbed her before she fell. The pusher in question was a little girl about Katherina’s age. She was wearing a white and black military style lolita dress. She had short blonde hair that was in an upflip bob, tanned skin, and the coldest green eyes ___________________ had ever seen. The girl looked at them with a mixture of disgust and intrigue, “You look like those dirty little monkeys that people pay to do little tricks,” she laughed. Katherina, however, didn’t like the girl’s comment.

“What did you say? I don’t think I heard you correctly,”

“I’m just starting the truth,” said the girl looking _________________ up and down, “I can smell the poor on her. What’s the matter? How could you even buy the manga? Did you get the books from a secondhand store?”

“Of course she did, that’s where the vintage covers are,” said Katherina stepping up and shoving _________________ behind her, “Got a problem with that? I would love to rectify it,”

“Vintage covers can be bought through trade and I doubt a peasant girl from some shit town would know that, especially since she’s pretending to be a Pretty Soldier fan just to pretend to be rich. I mean you and the cute red eyed girl with you looks like someone I can hang out with,” the girl extended her hand, “I’m Rue,”

“Don’t care. I don’t hang out with shit, I usually flush it down the toilet or have someone wipe it off my ass. I need a new servant for that. I would ask you but you’re not even worth that to me,” Rue glared at Katherina, “Comments about ________________ makes me want to slap someone in the face. But in your case, I don’t want my dress to get dirty because shit splatters,” _________________ covered her mouth. Yumeko giggled under her hand. The girl glared at her.

“What did you say to me?!”

“You heard me,” Rue sneered at Katherina who gave her a smile that dared her to come after her. Rue however decided to focus her hatred on the one who caused it.

“Doesn’t matter, I mean I think it’s so cute you have a pet circus monkey,” she smirked at _______________ again.

“Wow, you really must be fun at parties,” said ____________________, “It’s a Pretty Soldier Festival! It’s supposed to be fun for everyone! Why are you trying to see if we’re fans or not and break up a friendship that’s pretty cool because Katherina LOVES Kinsei as much as I do!”

“Because only people who watch the show and read the manga SHOULD be here, especially not some monkey peasant girl and these other pieces of shit here!”

“I’m not a peasant!”

“You’re trying to chum up with noble girls because they can get you things! Vermin like you make me sick,”

“Maybe it’s just seasickness because you’re not used to a boat and they’re my friends. I’m sorry you don’t have any,” Rue glared at her. Yumeko tittered under her hand.

“She does have a point, you know. Three to one isn’t very fair, isn’t it,”

“If you’re this bitchy all the time, I can see,” said Katherina. Rue glared.

“Who do you think you—,”

“Here,” ________________ pulled out some salted crackers, “Salt’s good for seasickness and you’re probably cranky because you’re hungry,” Rue’s face went red.

“I’m not touching anything from you! I might get poor on me or mange and how DARE you assume I need charity from YOU!” __________________ shrugged and gave them to Katherina.

“I’m sorry but I have to go,” said _______________, “If you’re sick, I don’t want to catch it during the festival! See you! Oh! Ginger ale is awesome for nausea! Ask your Mom to get you one if you need to settle your stomach!” ________________ merrily skipped away. Katherina and Yumeko chuckled before laughing hard.

“_________________’s a Monster Child!” said Yumeko laughing

“You have no idea. I’ll see where she went,”

“See you two off the boat!” ____________________ searched for libations and she followed her nose for something tasty when she saw something, rather someone familiar. It was a very tall man on the ship with a cane and a long coat. She beamed and ran towards him.

“HI PERO–N—!” _______________________almost immediately shut her mouth and hid. She forgot that Perospero didn’t know that she was a boy and she was ONLY supposed to show herself as a boy around the Charlotte Family. The tall man glanced over. She covered her mouth and crouched deeper into her little dark corner. She slowly peeked out and saw that he was gone. She sighed in relief and made a note to keep herself hidden from him for the rest of the festival.

“Are we done hiding now?” she jumped. Pero looked down at her. She looked up with a both sheepish and scared look. He laughed, “Kukukukuku! Don’t worry, I’ve always known about your little secret and it’s safe with me,” she looked relieved, “But to keep things more civil, I’m going to pretend you’re just a normal little girl and we’re perfect strangers,” she looked a little sad at this. He ruffled her hair, “Okay, okay, I’ll still keep civil in passing. How have you been? How’s Flora?” she beamed!

“She’s great! She’s going to have another nun visiting her soon! I think her name is Sister Angela! I can’t wait to meet her! But she told me to never go back to Whole Cake Island as long as I live,”

“Good words to live by,”

“But I miss you guys!”

“Awwww and we miss you too! I take it your a big fan of Pretty Soldier,”

“YES! You?!”

“I used to watch in passing but I have made a few themed candies for the occasion,”

“DO YOU HAVE PICTURES?!” he chuckled and beckoned her to a corner to show her his handiwork. Her eyes lit up! “You are AMAZING Pero-nii!”

“I know but these are for the festival and one person in particular,” he beckoned her back to the area they were in, “And speaking of that, I need you to do something very important,” she looked at him and nodded, “There’s another little girl here….that I want you to avoid like the plague,”

“Another sister of yours?!”

“Mhm but…it’s just very wise to steer very clear from her,” she nodded, “Good girl,”

“But I have a question?”


“Ummm can I still call you Pero-nii, right?” a large smile appeared on his face.

“OF COURSE YOU CAN!” he scooped her up and hugged her tightly, “But when we’re alone,” he winked.


“But about that girl. If you see a little girl with pink eyes, dark curls and golden freckles, just steer clear. Don’t reveal your name and keep away from her. Understood?”

“Yes Pero-nii!”

“That’s my ______________-chan!” she gasps!

“You know my name?!”

“Mhm you silly girl! You have a guardian angel and she told me everything and asked me, Cracker, and Katakuri to protect you when she’s not around,”


“Indeed!” he then pulled out three large lollipops from her ear in the shapes of two Kinseis and a Kaisei, “For you and your little friends! I made yours your favorite flavor! Have fun!”

“Thank you! See you later, Pero-nii!” she then stopped, “Wait! How’s Kata-nii and Cracker-chan?”

“They’re fine! Katakuri and Cracker are here, I’m pretty sure you’re going to see them around here. Same rule and I’ll let them know,”


The moment the girls stepped off the boat, they were tired and they were all taken to their rooms. Jozu checked them in and Jango ordered something to eat. The inn’s rooms were huge and cozy. ___________________ got the smaller bed and face planted into the mattress. The rooms were connected and next to each other. But the whole place smelt ancient but comforting. It was on the outskirts of the town But the festival could be seen from below.

“How do you feel, little lady?” said Jozu, putting their things away

“Tired,” she yawned.

“Yeah it was long ride and we’ve been up for awhile but thankfully everything starts tomorrow so rest until then,”


“Saw you made a few new friends on the boat!”

“Yeah! Yuu-chan is super cool! I actually met her when I was with Miss Hancock!”

“Oh! That’s good then! What about the little blonde girl?” she shook her head.

“She’s mean!”

“I think there’s a weird thing with you and mean blonde girls,”

“RIGHT?! She even called me a monkey and said I was poor because I went to second hand stores for vintage books and things!”

“There’s nothing wrong with that! And the traders are always restocking things! That’s to Yukiko and her friends, I’m pretty sure that’s how you got most of your Pretty Soldier collection,”

“It’s so true!”

“Don’t let her get to you. Kids get jealous for no reason sometimes. Let’s focus on the festival!”

“YES! Yuu-chan said they’re gonna be rides, games, performances, and lots of food!”

“I’ve been reading the program, there’s going to be main stage performances, the original idol group that sang for the anime, and the grand finale is going to be a live action remake of the final battle!”


“Yep! But to make things fair, it’ll be a lottery only so it’s the luck of the draw,”


“The selection will be at random but you have strange luck so you may get in!”

“I hope! What are you going to be doing?!”

“There’s an…more adult area for singles around so I’ll probably be there with Jango,”


“Don’t say it like that!” he laughed, “I know you don’t want me or Jango cramping your style with your friends so we’ll stay put doing our thing but if you need anything just call,”

“But I wanna hang out with you, too!” he clutched his chest.

“How about this? We all hang out in the morning and in the afternoon you girls can do everything and in the late evening, we can eat together and then whatever night activity?”

“SOUNDS GOOD!” Katherina knocked on the door and immediately dragged _________________ out of the room into the hallway and led her outside. She didn’t say anything until they were at the edge of the inn’s area. They could see the Pretty Soldier final preparations from where they were.

“Who are all those people?!”

“Merchants from big companies that make things for the anime and manga!” said Katherina, “That’s Angelic Feast, they’re dressmakers! They probably have a new line of things and things only exclusive to the festival,”

“I hope I have enough Beli!”

“If you don’t, I’ll cover it,”

“I can’t let you do that!”

“Sure you can, I have a massive allowance that I don’t want so just tell me,”

“Are you sure?”

“Mhm because a lot of that stuff looks pricey but also cool!”

“It does! I hope there’s some girls that’ll be okay with training! Killer gave me a BUNCH of exclusive triples of things!”

“I’m pretty sure because that was a limited run and everyone wanted the duo Tsuki and Prince Onyx as the Moonlight Knight exclusive. Thanks for that by the way,”

“No prob! There were like five in there!”

“Ooh! LOOK! It’s something from the Bunny Princess!” ___________________ whipped her head and saw the Bunny Princess cape that had her and the Wolf Prince embroidered in it.

“I wonder how much it is!” Katherina grinned and ran towards the vendor. _________________ chased after her and Katherina brushed herself off and went towards the woman fitting everything on the dress dummy. Technically they weren’t supposed to be in there yet but with the chaos of everything, no one knew who was supposed to be there or not. The woman glanced at them.

“Hi sweeties! If you have a questi—,”

“Well—,” Katherina started.

“HOW MUCH IS YOUR BUNNY PRINCESS CAPE, MA’AM!” _________________ blurted out. The woman recoiled and laughed.

“Good eye, it’s 20000 beli but it’s special because it’ll grow with you!”

“Can she try it on?” said Katherina

“Of course!”

“It’s so warm!” said __________________ happily, “Can I buy it now?”

“SURE!” the woman was about to wrap when Katherina took it and draped it over ___________________. She paid and they were about to leave when there was a tap on ________________’s shoulder.

“You look so pretty!” the tone was innocent but the voice made __________________’s blood completely cold. She and Katherina turned. A little girl behind them. She had beautiful dark curls, warm sepia skin, pink eyes, and golden freckles, and a very sweet smile. The girl looked normal but the smile made ________________ very uneasy. She was dressed in a cloak familiar to ________________’s similar to the Bunny Princess but dark and frilly. It made her look like a black forest cupcake, “It brings out your eyes,”

“Umm thanks!” the girl reached out to touch _________________ but Katherina pulled her back.

“We have to go. Thank you Miss! We’ll be back!” they both thanked her before scampering off. Katherina didn’t stop until they were some distance from the girl and back at their vantage point. She gave her best friend a smile to defuse the situation.

“We have to come back when she’s finished!”

“Definitely!” They raced back home just in time for food. Jango ordered a lot of food, fried chicken, ramen, bbq, and bao buns.

“Wow, there’s a ton of food!”

“Eat up girls!” said Jango. They ate their fill and after two hot baths, the girls were out for the count, ready for the next day.

The morning of the festival The girls wasted no time that day. _____________ was sporting her cosplay from Halloween and Katherina was in a blue sailor dress and they met with Yumeko who immediately took them to the line rides where they got ride passes so they could get all of the rides in. After that, they went shopping for things. The festival was bustling with mainly little girls but also boys who were fans. There were also parents who were dragged around by smaller child and adult fans and teenage fans who were just as in awe as the little girls. __________________ upon Yumeko’s advice, got most of her shopping list finished to take back home and now she was shopping for herself so to say. They then started collectively to rest and get something to eat. While deciding, Katherina pulled the brand new art book of the clothing styles and concept art. The three girls stared at the outfits in absolute AWE. The art book had the Pretty Soldiers in lolita style wear depending on their personalities and styles. Tsuki and Suisei were in sailor themed outfits, Kasei was in a Wa lolita dress, Mokusei was in a country lolita style, and Kinsei was in a sweet lolita dress.

“Ahhhhh I want that dress!” said _________________, “Kinsei’s is so cute but I REALLY like Kasei’s!”

“I know!” said Yumeko, “Ooh Katherina I think you would look good in Suisei’s,” Katherina was going to retort but she looked at it and reluctantly agreed.

“It’s so you!”

“Yeah, I like sailor themed things but I wish the colors were a little different. Green isn’t really my color,”

“You can always make it!”

“....explain?” said Katherina

“Jozu and I made my Kinsei costume! It took us a while but it was worth it!”



“How avante garde!” said Yumeko, “It’s so cute! I was going to ask you what boutique you got it from!”

“But they’re selling them here, right?”

“True but that line was out the door, I doubt they’ll even have it if we get in now,” said Katherina, “Alright, I’ll take you up on your offer to help me make it,”


“If you two made this, you should know what you’re doing,”

“AWESOME! But Jozu did most of the work! I was just his dress dummy,”

“Will you have time?” said Yumeko, “You have lessons and things right?”

“Well, there’s not really a school in our town. I’m homeschooled, except for ribbon twirling,”

“Same but I have a private teacher,” said Katherina

“AH! How many teachers do you have _____________________?”

“Well….counting Pops, sixteen,”


“Yep! My brothers taught me everything I know! Like Rakugo teaches me music, Thatch teaches me cooking, Izo has been teaching me how to be a lady, Marco is great with math and science, but personally I like Blenheim’s night lessons about the stars and navigation! And Fossa is teaching me to be a shipwright!”

“SOUNDS LIKE—,” Yumeko then stopped and took out a snail, “Hang on! I think one of the reservations is ready! Let me check!” she scampered away. Katherina watched her go. __________________ beamed at her.

“Pleeeeeeease tell me you like Yuu-chan!”

“Tch, I guess, she’s weird even by noble kid standards but in a good way. Where did you two meet?”

“When I had my weekend with Miss Hancock,”

“Oh, leave it to you to make friends in weird places. But she’s pretty okay, I guess,”

“I’m glad! I think you two are similar!”

“TCH! How?!”

“You’re both nice! You both have good auras and you’re both just so neat! Oh and you both have cool eyes!”

“You think everything is neat!” Katherina ruffled her hair, “But let’s talk about this sewing thing. I know there’s a fabric place near the villa,”

“You’ve been!”

“Mhm, there’s fabrics from all over there and I want to try making the sailor dress in blue,”

“Okay! Jozu has a sewing machine! I think we just need to make a pattern! Izo can do that!”

“He can do anything, can he?”

“He’s just like Marco!”

“Tch, why are they teaching you useless skills for something so mediocre,” they looked up to see Rue with a boy next to her was trailing behind with a ton of heavy boxes and shopping bags. He was blond like his sister sporting a bizarre mushroom-shaped style, coupled with a flashy short suit and what appeared to be a rubber-band ring on his left hand., “You’re still here, monkey? You stand out like a sore thumb here. You can totally tell who’s the guest and who bought the tickets,”

“I was invited if that’s what you mean,” said ____________________, “What’s it matter to you?”

“Because you look and act like a really dumb hick as though you’ve never seen anything before. It’s pathetic,”

“You harassing her is pathetic and if you give _____________ another hick comment I’m going to show you what a hick is,” said Katherina coldly, “And the tickets were good for two so I invited my best friend after my cousin gave them to me. What’s the matter, looks the only person who’s willing to come with you is your brother and it looks like he’d rather be anywhere else,”

“Brother? No, he’s my little bitch boy and he’s only here to carry my things and not say a word, right bitch?” the boy looked at her huffing a puffing, “RIGHT BITCH?!” she raised her fist up. He flinched.


“Hey you don’t have to take that from her!”

“You can hang out with us if you like!” said _____________________ pleasantly. The girl didn’t even have to say anything. She glanced at her brother and he immediately clammed.

“N-No! I’m fine!”

“He knows his place. And don’t try and meddle in my affairs, you shit flinging bitch!” Katherina hang came up and immediately she was subdued by Yumeko who got in between and casually took her hand and spun her around to have her back to Rue and facing ______________.

“There’s a sweetshop that’s a few yards from here with no line! I got our reservation with treats! We have a few minutes to get there! Quit miming and let’s go!” _____________________ cocked her head.

“Ummm…Yuu-chan there’s that girl and her brother,” Yumeko looked confused and then went over and got between ______________________ and Katherina directly in front of the girl. She looked dead in the girl’s face.

“Huh, she must have left, because I don’t see anyone, just a sad and pathetic looking boy holding some shopping bags. Come on! We can discuss this dressmaking thing! It sounds fascinating. Also, Kat-chan be careful you almost hit me back there!” Katherina covered her mouth, snorted, and took _____________________’s wrist following Yumeko.

“Yeah come on ______________, stop talking to yourself, that’s not healthy,”

“W-What?” _______________ glanced back at Rue. If looks could kill, all three of them would have been dead.

“Seriously, we’re here! There’s no need to talk to yourself!” said Yuu-chan with a smile on her face and her bangs over her eyes, “Especially when there’s nothing important being said back to you,”

“HOW DARE YOU IGNORE ME!” Rue growled at the trio.

“What kind of cake did you get Yumeko?” said Katherina

“A little bit of everything! I got you the sweet pistachio mousse Mokusei cake, I got that lovely fluffy red bean Suisei cheesecake, and of course I got ____________________ that light and airy Kinsei chocolate and cherry mousse cake! Oh! And chocolate parfaits, butter cookies, and to even things out some chicken sandwiches for all of us! I also got something called pineapple soda,”

“You’ve never had soda?” said ________________

“Noble kids are a different breed,” said Katherina, “We don’t usually eat conventional junk food like chips,”


“Yeah…I’ve always wanted to try some chips,” said Yumeko sheepishly

“I’ll get you some!” Rue watched on. She didn’t know those three girls but she knew she hated them and she wasn’t going to take any of that lying down. She grabbed her brother and went the other way.

“Ow! R-Rue you’re hurting me!”


“S-Stop! Please!”

“You don’t have the right to give ME orders, you bitch! Remember, YOU were the one who killed mom when she pushed you out of her. You owe me and Daddy your fuckin’ life!” The boy went silent and looked down sobbing. She smirked, “Remember Helmepoo, we’re the only ones you have and no one is going to love a mother killing bastard. Why do you think I got the nicer name out of the two of us? Because our parents loved me enough,” Katherina glanced behind her.

“I swear there’s something about psychotic blonde girls and you,”

“Oh dear, this isn’t the first time?” said Yumeko

“Sadly no, the other one’s name is Holly,” said ______________________

“Oh, I guess when we ever meet, I’m going to take care of that one as well,” Yumeko winked.

The second day the trio decided to do all of their shopping since it was the big shopping and giveaway day. They made note and tackled their conquests. Katherina and _________________ made a few trips back to drop off their spoils but soon they had more and more. By the afternoon, they were exhausted and tired and ate their lunch.

“Okay, is this where we part ways for a few hours?” said Yumeko

“Mhm!” said ________________, “Are you sure you two don’t want to come?”

“Nah, I have that panel I wanted to see,” said Katherina.

“Same, and I really wanted to see how the trick was done in season ten!” said Yumeko.

“Okay! I’ll be at the Trading Post!” said _________________

“Just be back at the Raffle,” said Katherina, “We should be there waiting,”

“Okay!” the Trading Post was where fans could come together and trade rare items for other rare items or things that they had multiples of. In __________________’s case, she had a lot of the figurines from the Wano collection, Kouseki Arc, and the Imperial Palace thanks to Killer and too many times at the vending machine. She looked around for something that she wanted and nothing really caught her eyes. She was soon about to give up when she saw something that she knew she didn’t want but Jozu would LOVE, a sake set of the Soldiers. The girl who owned the items was behind a folding table. She was a little girl of average height with long blonde hair that was styled into two ponytails that were tied with black ribbons and had dark-yellow eyes.

“I’m not taking money,” she looked at __________________, “Trades only!”

“Actually, I have some things to trade!” said _________________. The pigtailed girl looked at her.

“Alright, put up or shut up! Whatcha got?”

“Whatcha have?” the girl grinned and pulled out the rest of her spoils. ________________ looked at the items in awe, “This item here is an exclusive bento box from the first season of the show, then I have a thermos from the second season, this is a Inko and Tsukuyomi tea set, a sake set that I really don’t have a use for, and a limited edition glassware set!”

“WOW! Where did you get all of this?! This is awesome!” the girls grinned.

“Family mainly but they always give me the same thing so I get duplicates a lot! So wanna trade?”

“Umm sure! I have a bunch of figures!”

“Which item do you want?”

“How about the sake set? I have…the Tsuki and Prince Onyx figure from the Kouseki Collection,”

“WHAT?! How did you manage?!”

“A friend gave me a few! Do you want to trade that?”

“SURE, hell I’ll throw in another thing if you like!”

“Can I get the tea set too?!”

“Deal!” The girls traded. __________________ carefulled placed everything into her little satchel and gave the girl her item and presented it with both hands. The girl looked at her a little puzzled.

“’re not a rich kid are you?”

“I guess not. Why you ask?”

“The vibe is off and you didn’t offer money. Seriously, it’s a TRADING post,” she said, “You’re way too nice and careful with things,”

“I don’t think that’s a rich or common trait. Everyone who cares has to take care of their things,” she grinned, “I’m ___________________ by the way!”

“Mary and I guess. Sorry, I’ve just been a little peeved at the money trades going on here. Were you invited?”

“Mhm! My best friend Katherina invited me after her cousin gave up the tickets! We’re hanging out with another friend, Yuu-chan. She’s a little odd but she’s so nice! You should come after the Trading Post if you’re by yourself! We’re meeting at the raffle!”


“For the performance tonight! Our ticket is good for two tries! I think yours is too!” Mary grinned

“Sounds like a plan!”

“Excuse me! I couldn’t help but eavesdrop but do you have the Moonlight Knight and Tsuki figure?” another girl appeared next to the girls. This girl had ultra royal airs around her that made the other two just freeze. She was a taller girl with striking green eyes and long black hair. She had a haughty expression on her face mixed with amusement. It also didn’t help that she was dressed like Kasei in her school uniform. Her height and posture made her look extra regal, “I want to trade please,”

“Sure! What do you want to trade with?” The girl smirked and took out a music box. The other two girls got in closer and then the girl pressed a button. Two figures came out. It was Kinsei and Topaz dancing at the Moonlight Garden Party. ___________________ gasped!

“Is that the limited edition Kinsei and Topaz music box?!”

“Mhm and I want to trade the figure for that!”

“Are you sure?!” Mary and ________________ shouted together. The girl laughed.

“Mhm, How about it?”

“SOLD! You sure you don’t want anything else?!”

“No, in fact here,” she pulled out the second one, “Give this to another Kinsei fan. And as for you,” she looked at Mary, “I saw you had the dinner set from the Imperial Palace. Let’s talk,”

“Alright!” _________________ made her way back to her friends. They were both waiting with two passes around their necks.

“Finally!” said Katherina, “We have to get tickets for the raffle

“Don’t worry, we got yours, but seriously!


“You two got in?!”

“Mhm, it’s literally just pure luck,” said Yumeko laughing, “A game of chance! Sadly I can’t even beat a garapon machine,”

“And there’s only three tries left,” said Katherina, poking her head, “Get in line!”

“Okay, okay!” __________________ quickly got in line with Yumeko and Katherina on the sidelines. She was number three in the line right behind Mary who just materialized out of nowhere. Mary snorts at the accusation.

“I just got here and hopped in scatterbrain,”


“There’s only three marbles left so we have a good chance, right?”

“Mhm! I hope I get in!”

“Me too!”

“Let me guess you two met at the Trading Post?” said Katherina

“MHM! Kat-chan, Mary, Mary, Kat-chan!”

“Nice to meet you,” the girls said in unison.

“Thanks for saving my spot, monkey,” _________________ shoved out of the way as Rue took her spot. The impact startled her and she toppled over and fell. She then covered her mouth with a handkerchief, “I swear you can’t get the poor smell out of the air. It smells like shit,”

“Are you sure it’s not you?” said Katherina, going after her.

“Seriously Kat-cha—,”

“Don’t fucking call me Kat-chan!” she growled and once again went to solve the problem. Yumeko grabbed her again.

“What’s your problem with me!” said __________________ attempting to get up as Rue shoved her back.

“You exist, plain and simple. Come on Katherina, let’s just be friends!” Rue extended her hand.


“You really talk a lot for someone who looks like a wannabe Marine,” The green eyed girl from before politely shoved Rue to the side, “Especially since we’re all here to have some fun. Back of the line,” she hoisted ______________ back up.

“Who do you think you are?! Butt out, bit—,”

“Did I stutter? Back. Of. The. LINE!” Reine glared at her. Between Katherina and Reine, the sheer auras alone was enough to make Rue slink away.

“Thanks Reine!”


“You know this girl?” said Katherina.

“Yeah! We just traded! I have a surprise for you later!”

“Idiot! Don’t spoil me!” she ruffled _______________ hard blushing.

“CUUUUUTE Kasei cosplay!” said Yumeko, “Her uniform is so timeless! If I didn’t know it, it's like you stepped out of the manga!”

“Thanks! Are you wearing her outfit from the OVA?!”


“It’s so pretty and I love the hime cut! I know I can't pull it off!”

“Anyone can really!”

“Alright! Step right up you three! There’s only three marbles left!” a man wearing a haori and headband called out to the girls in line. They hurried to the front.

“Probability wise, there’s only three chances left,” said Yumeko from behind, “There’s exactly three marbles left in there!”

“So one in three!” said Reine

“Mhm but only two of those are the golden marble. Everyone has been chosen but two and there’s a black one in there for the consolation prize,”

“I like those odds!” said Mary

“May the best man win!” said ___________________. The three girls stepped up. The man grinned and started spinning the garapon wheel. Mary presented her ticket first. A marble came tumbling out, a gold one. Mary cheered and went to get her ticket. _________________ moved into position. She looked on with anticipation and excitement as the marble tumbled out, a black one. She looked defeated, Mary and Reine happily cheered as the last marble revealed to be gold just like Yumeko predicted. The garapon man gave _________________ the consolation prize, a Tsukiyomi pin.

“Awww I’m sorry ________________!” said Yumeko, “You really wanted it too,”

“It’s okay! I'm pretty sure you guys can have fun without me! Besides, I have a Tsukiyomi pin! Mary, you wanna go with them in my place? You’re by yourself, right?”

“Yeah! It’ll be fun!” said Yumeko, bouncing, “How about you, Reine-san?”

“Thanks but I’m going with Mr. Scissors,” the girls looked at her a little bewildered, “He’s not a doll or anything. He’s like my bodyguard but he’s my dad’s second in command. He’s over there! He’s not much of a talker but he’s SUPER into Pretty Soldier!” the girls looked over. A tall tanned man with long, thin limbs and fingers was sitting in the shade with his young charge’s shopping. He was also very muscular and his head was shaved. His most striking feature was the black unibrow, right over his round eyes and his big lips. What he was wearing was really shocking. Everyone had on cosplay or something Pretty Soldier related and Reine wasn’t different. Her bodyguard was dressed as Kasei’s mentor, a full bright red and white Wano kimono along with the thick pale blue fleece boa and he still looked scary.

“That’s who the Moonlight Knight figure went to! He has everyone but that one but he had a bunch of music boxes and asked me to help him trade!” the girls were still staring at the intimidating looking man, “Don’t worry! He’s really nice and super cool! Mr. Scissors just doesn’t talk much when he’s around a lot of people,”

“I’ll keep Yumeko at bay so she’s not a giant golden retriever,” said Katherina.

“Have fun you two! Just give me ALL the details!”

“We will!” said Yumeko, “If there’s an exclusive, we’ll bring it back!”

“Thanks!” That evening, Jozu heard a knock at the door. He looked up and opened it revealing his little pack mule ____________________ with her spoils of war. He laughed and helped her inside, taking things off her and placing them in her little corner that was nothing but a nicely wrapped pile.

“Nice haul!”

“Thanks!” she plopped on the bed, “Say why aren’t you having fun?! Isn’t this heaven for you too?! I never see you out of the room!” he laughed!

“I have! These old bones need a rest every now and then! And this is absolute heaven but adult activities are little later. Daytime is for kids and evening is for adults. There’s a show for all ages tomorrow and then we’ll be heading home,”


“Soooo whatcha get?” ___________________ happily took out her spoils and revealed cute things and trinkets, books, clothes, figures, artbooks, video games, ceramics and the like but the one thing she was happy about was the sake set and she happily gave it to him, “For me?!”


“Yeah! You like sake and you like Pretty Soldier so I got it for you!” he smiled and ruffled her hair.

“I thought I told you to not spend money on me!”

“But you got me here in one piece and you love Pretty Soldier more than I do! And besides, Teeeeechnically I traded for it soooooooooo there was no money that exchanged in these hands!” he laughed.

“Loopholes! I love it! You can be a lawyer someday!”

“Nah, that looks like too much work! And a lot of lying!” he snorts.

“Can’t argue there! But so glad we’re here. I’m an adult fan and you’re a kid so you get to see it with younger eyes than I do. It reminds me of when I was your age,”

“How was things at your age?!”

“Well, when I was your age, I had to steal a lot to survive. It was harsh but one day someone threw away some manga and it kept me sane when I was a kid. That’s why it has a special place in my heart,” she beamed at him, “And with that being said, there’s a night market tonight with trivia and I’m going to win,”


“You too, did you get into the concert?”

“No but I got a Tsukiyomi pin and I was thinking of trying to see it from a high point! I can climb something and get a good look!”

“That’s my girl! But you’re not going anywhere until you get something to eat,” he grabbed a den den mushi, “I think there’s a few places that’ll still deliver,”


That night, __________________ wondered about finding a good vantage point for the performance. Since there were tall buildings and things, she knew it wouldn’t be a problem. She was looking up and walking, avoiding giants and other beings in the process, all going to the concert or another night activity. She was also getting distracted by dessert vendors and other treats closing up and having last minute deals. She was happily munching on a chocolate cream cheese bun when she felt it. It felt as though someone blasted her with a thousand snowballs on her back. She looked up. The little girl from the first day was next to her and smiled at her. __________________ nodded politely and headed in the other direction. She then saw the little girl smiling at her widely in her sights again this time directly in front of her. _________________ kept her distance. She stiffened her body. There was something very wrong about this girl. Her eyes were a very pretty pink and along with her freckles and the moonlight, she looked angelic like an angel from hell. She was wearing the Kuro Kinsei dress. Basically the same thing she was wearing but the colors were contrasted to hers. Many fans steer clear from the kuro versions of the costumes because of the bad luck and press but she wore it like a glove. To anyone watching it was like Kinsei was looking at her darker version.

“You’re so cute,” the girl smiled.

“Umm thanks! So are you! I like your costume,”

“I like yours too. It’s not everyday you see a Kinsei fan wearing her travel outfit. It suits you,” the girl still stared at her with a smile. They were silent again. _____________ felt as though if she moved even an inch, something bad would happen. She couldn’t keep her eyes off the girl, “You also have pretty skin and pretty eyes,”


“I wonder how they would look stained red. One day,” the girl smiled and turned and walked away. ________________ watched as the girl walked away. Every alarm bell went off but soon subsided. She was safe again. She quickly turned on her heels and ran for it. Her heart was pounding and she hadn’t felt that scared in awhile. She just knew she needed to get as far away from that give as possible. She didn’t even want to try and see the performance in case they crossed paths again. Without warning, ____________________ was grabbed and hoisted up. She let out a squeak and was about to cry out when she saw a familiar silhouette and a big fluffy scarf.

“What are you doing here?”

“KATA-NII!” she happily hugged his hand. She then covered her mouth.

“I already knew, so did Perospero and Cracker. Don’t worry about it,”

“I’m sorry!” he puts her on his shoulder. She smiled happily and buried her face in his scarf, “I’m glad to see you here too! I didn’t know you liked Pretty Soldier,”

“I don’t, I’m chaperoning and I’m off my shift. What are you doing out?”

“Oh! Well, Katherina and Yuu-chan won the raffle for the concert tonight. It’s okay though! I was hoping to catch it from a high spot!” He said nothing and headed towards the entrance of the concert area. He casually showed the doorman his hand for re-entry. He walked in and got close enough where he wasn’t blocking anyone but _____________________ could see everything.

“You can climb down for a better look,” he held out his arm and she happily perched. He sat there with her for the whole three hours as she excitedly told him which character was which, why they were important, and what was going on so he wouldn’t be lost. Katakuri listened intently, enjoying the concert and the performances with a very excited little girl.

"So is that the bad guy?"

"MHM! That's Prince Sapphire! He's been chasing after Kinsei for centuries!"


"I think he has a crush on her and doesn't want anyone else to!"

"Oh he's obsessive,"

"What’s obsessive?

"It’s when….some is…fixated on something. Like can’t think of nothing else but that one person or thing,”


“Yeah, it’s not healthy to be honest,”

“Oh no! That’s his brother Princess Diamond! He’s obsessed with Tsuki! But this is also the scene where Princess Topaz betrays his brothers so he can profess his love to Kinsei!” Katakuri found himself sitting down and getting into the story as ______________ briefed him on everything. When it was over, he had a new found respect for the show. He slipped out before the crowd and carried ________________ to the night market and got tea and donuts. She slid down to the table and munched with him.

“How’s life?” he asked.

“FUN! I’m planning a big slumber party with my friends!”

“Slumber Party?”

“It’s a big party where everyone sleeps! I had one with my friends some time ago but this one is going to be on the beach because we’re going to have a mermaid!”

“Don’t advise that to just everyone,”

“I know that’s why I’m telling you! I KNOW I can trust you!” he reddened under his scarf, “I’m just getting a list of things to have there because we’re going to need a TON of food!”

“Mochi donuts are pretty good,”

“What’s mochi donuts?”

“Donuts with little bits of mochi inside,”

“...that sounds delicious!” he wrote down an address, “Find them and give them this code and they’ll give you some, my treat,”

“THANK YOU! What have you and Cracker-kun been doing?”

“Just missions,”


“Mhm we go on missions for Mama. They’re not too bad, gives us something to do,”

“AM I distracting you from your mission?! I’m sorry if I am!” he pats her head.

“No worries, it’s not very pleasant but you made it less pleasant,” she grinned. After donuts, he decided to take her back to the inn. He sets her down nearby.

“Thank you for the ride!” she said happily

“Anytime. Get inside before it gets even later,”

“Okay!” she started on her journey before stopping and turning around, “Hey Kata-nii?”


“Thanks for hanging out with me today! You’re so cool!” she hugged his leg. He smiled at the little girl.

"Any time, little lady," he lingered until she was safely inside before heading back to the inn. He smiled and headed back. Jozu was still away at his night activity, so ________________ took a hot bath and ordered something from room service before getting ready for bed. It was another awesome day!

Early the next morning, _________________ snuck away. She was on a mission, an important mission. Thanks to her little vantage point on Katakuri, she was able to see the whole island and the island had a town and where there was a town, there was a konbini for quick snacks and things. She loaded up on a few things from a variety of sodas, chips, and even instant noodles. While she loaded up on everything, she heard the shop door open. She didn’t really pay attention to it until she suddenly felt like she was in intense danger. She turned and looked around. She was now on high alert. She knew she wasn’t the only person there but she didn’t see anyone else. She quickly finished her shopping and went to pay. She headed off back down the wooded path and stayed, carrying her prize off happily in her little knapsack. She hoped she bought enough junk food but also hoped all of this deliciousness wouldn’t be too much on Yumeko and Katherina’s stomachs. Noble girls were very sensitive and she knew something weird may make them sick. She practically skipped back towards the inn. Suddenly a knife came down in front of her. She froze and then heard the change in the wind from the side of her and she moved. She moved left, then right, then hopped back to the middle. She looked around and started running. She ran as knives flew from everywhere trying to hit her. She jumped, swerved, and got out of the way as fast as humanly possible. She then ducked behind a tree and went quiet. She stayed quiet and listened. She heard footsteps. She reached into her pocket and took out one of Curiel’s smoke bombs and tapped it twice. The footsteps came closer. The footsteps broke into a sprint towards her. She made the final tap and tossed it. Smoke covered the entire area. She took this opportunity to scale the tree and hide in the branches. She tossed a few pebbles away from her location to trick the person into thinking she was gone. She had to see who attacked her. The smoke cleared. The figure in question was another little girl about her age. She was the dark haired girl that Pero told her to stay away from. The girl looked around and then looked a little disappointed.

“Awwww I wanted to carve that pretty little face,” she said, holding a knife in her hands, “Clever girl and she was so pretty, oh well, next time,” the other little girl merrily skipped away. ________________ waited until she was sure she was gone before climbing down. She was visibly shaken but she was also not stupid. She went another way back to the inn just in case. She immediately told Jozu what happened.



“I’m glad you got out of it okay but it’s the last day. I need you to stay near the festival for the rest of time and DON’T sneak away again! When we’re on the ferry, stay within eyeshot,”


“Just don’t be alone with that little girl and also keep your little friends from her too,”

“I will, don’t worry,” Jozu still looked a little uneasy. She smiled at him, “I promise,”

“Okay, but in case, give me an update every thirty minutes on your den den mushi,”

“Yes Jozu!”

“And do you have anymore of your Curiel Bombs?”

“Mhm! I always keep three on me!”

“Good, just keep them close and be careful. Everything will end at five and our ferry leaves at 7. You and Kitty need to be back at by 5:30, okay?”

“Got it!” Jozu made sure she had her knapsack, den den mushi, and her bombs before she left. She made her way back towards the festival. She was still reeling from the encounter that morning but she knew that the girl didn’t follow her but also knew she had to keep on her guard when she got to the festival and back.

“Hey!” ________________ turned. Mary was running after her. She stopped and panted a little, “I was hoping to run into you here!”

“Hey!!!! How was the concert!”

“Best thing ever!” she grinned at her, “That’s why I’m here! I wanted to give you this,” she handed a seashell, “It’s the tone dial they were giving away for the first twenty inside. There was one left over and I asked for it to give to you!!”

“You shouldn’t have! Thank you!”

“Tch I know but I did. You’re pretty cool,”

“Want another figurine?”

“Nah, I wanted to give it to you before I left,”

“Leaving so soon?”

“Yeah, I have a long journey back home and the train leaves soon. But I wanted to just see you before then and just thank you for introducing me to Yuu-chan and Katherina. It’s been awhile since I’ve had so much fun with other people,”

“No prob kemosabi!” she snorts.

“I don’t know what class you are but…either or, I’m glad I was able to meet someone like you,”

“You think about class a lot, don’t you? It shouldn’t matter as long as the person is cool and good,”

“My parents want me to get ahead by mingling with rich kids. When you’re rich, everything is easier, even getting by in life. All parents want their kids to succeed,”

“ can do that without rich friends you know,”

“Don’t your parents want the same thing?”

“Not really, then again, I’m adopted by Pops always says we’re all children of the sea, regardless of class because well, we’re all the same. Some just look cooler than others, some talk cooler, some are taller, some are shorter, but we’re all living in this awesome world. We have to get along with each other!” Mary looked at her before laughing.

“Next time we meet, I’m going to ask you the same question, it better be the same answer!”

“You know it will!” they laughed, “I’m sure we’ll meet again someday!”

“We better and when we do, I’m treating you to lunch!”

“Alright!” they hugged and Mary went off. ________________ grinned and headed into the festival to her waiting friends. Today was their rest day. Katherina joined her first after securing the perfect people watching spot. When Yumeko arrived, __________________ happily presented her junk food spoils. Yumeko and Katherina looked at the strange assortment of snacks and things set before them.

“Alright! Dig in you two!” Yumeko picked up a bag of chips and used scissors to open the bag. She peered inside. Katherina however opened another bag and reached in.

“These are chips?” said Yumeko staring at them before cautiously eating one, “I didn’t know they came in packets,”

“And what are these canned things?” said Katherina

“Well sodas come in bottles and chips in packets! Don’t they come in packets in your home?”

“Well…it’s not that I never had them…it’s complicated actually, like these are different from the gourmet chips I’m given. I like these better!” said Yumeko happily munching on them, “And this is pineapple soda?”

“Mhm but I got other flavors like cola and this one is lemon,” Katherina and Yumeko looked at the bottle hesitantly. _________________ showed them how to pop it open and drink it. Yumeko tried it first.

"THIS IS DELIGHTFUL! And do I detect a hint of cherry?!"

"Yep! It's cherry cola!"

“This is tasty!”

“What are these?” said Katherina munching on the strange chips she opened, “And where can I get more?!”

“Well, there’s a few names for it. Uncle Tesoro calls them chicharones, Fossa calls them skins, and Rakugo calls them pork rinds but they’re chips made out of fried pig skins and they’re SUPER good but I like them fresh like churros!”

“What are churros?” said Katherina

“DELICIOUSNESS!” said Yumeko, “they’re fried dough coated in cinnamon and sugar!”

“So far I've had these skin things and now I want a churro!”

“Oooh!!!! ____________________ what are these?!” said Yumeko holding up a container.

“Oh! Instant ramen! I personally like it fresh at a ramen shop or from Thatch and Cook but it’s good if you want something super fast and filling! Yukiko and the kids in Terminal Gray eat this a lot!” Yumeko and Katherina looked at the box. Inside there was dried noodles and seasoning. They looked at _______________ who opened the thermos and poured the hot water inside the cup before closing it. They waited for a few minutes before __________________ opened the top again. The girls looked shocked.


“Instant ramen?!” said Katherina, “How does it taste?”

“Not as good as the real thing but it’s okay!” Katherina and Yumeko took chopsticks and grabbed a heaping pile of the noodles.

“It’s good!” said Yumeko

“SUPER good!” said Katherina, “And there’s other flavors?!”

“Mhm! That one’s chicken but there’s shrimp, beef, corn, and others but I still think the real stuff is better!”

“Are you going to have these and chicharones at the slumber party?!” said Katherina, “Correction, you better have these at your party!”

“Mhm! And fried chicken! I asked Sanji to make it just for you!”

“Slumber party?” said Yumeko

“Yeah it’s a BIG party with friends and we all get to sleep together and hang out all night!”

“I WANT TO GO! PLEASE?!” Yumeko practically bounced up and down, “I’VE NEVER BEEN TO A SLUMBER PARTY!”

“It looks like we’ll get in trouble either way so sure!”

“REALLY?! Don’t worry, I won’t say ANYTHING! Shall I bring something?!”

“Nah, I think we’ll have everything covered! I’m just getting food sorted and how to get everyone to the area,”

“Are you sure?! Is there going to be enough food for everyone including a mermaid?!”

“...I was wondering about that. What’s your plan ____________________?” said Katherina ruffling her hair, “Or did you think?!”

“Ack! I was going to ask Miss Praline for help!”

“So you’re winging it! I KNEW IT!”

“ACK! Kat-chan!”

“I don’t want everyone to go hungry! I’ll pay for food, my treat!” said Yumeko, taking out her wallet.

“No, no! We couldn’t!” said ___________________ immediately

“Nonsense! Here’s two hundred thousand beli! Would that be enough?!”


“Yes you can! You introduced me to the world of junk food! Consider it a gift! And besides, it’s not that much!” ____________________ was still shaking from the money in her hands. Katherina chuckled, took out a rice paper wallet, placed it inside ________________’s wallet.

“Noble kids are a different breed. She’s not used to it yet,” the girls giggled at___________________ still shocked and scared that she had that money on her person.

“Poor thing! Normal Society kids are so cute!”

Like all good things, the Pretty Soldier Festival came to an end. Everyone was loaded onto the ferry and getting ready to get back to their lives. The Festival gave one more surprise, a fireworks display that could be seen on the ferry. Everyone watched in awe. Katherina and _______________ were curled up and watching from their seats in awe. They had so many memories and things to tell everyone when they got back with pictures and stories and new friends to boot.

“Thanks for inviting me, Kitty,” said _________________ yawning

“No prob, thank you for giving me chicharones,”

“Cook makes them fresh. Apparently the Strings Man loves them and she makes a batch every few weeks,”

“...I love her so much,”

“As much as Lesser?”

“Nah, Lesser’s the best. I got her a brooch. I hope she likes it,”

“She will! I don’t know if she likes anime,”

“But she likes cute things and it’s a cute brooch,”

“I’m surprised we haven’t seen that Rue girl today,”

“Don’t talk up the Devil, seriously, I don’t want to meet that bitch again,”

“Thank you for not fighting her!”

“She needed to get her teeth knocked out,”

“And a boot to the ass,” Reine approached them. Katherina scooted over, “I’m not staying long, I just wanted to give you my number. You two seem super cool and I just wanted to keep in contact, you know,”

“Sure!” the girls exchanged information.

“Since ____________ is going to get into trouble either way, want to come to a slumber party? Like a super secret princess slumber party?”


“Depends, do you have to be a Princess to attend?” said Reine laughing

“I think there’s a risk factor. I’m guessing your father’s a mob boss or something,”

“You can say that but I think I’ll pass. Daddy is super protective and Mr, Scissors won’t leave me out of his sight for too long but we can totally do something together!”

“Sounds like a plan!” When the ferry docked, Jozu and Jango carried the two sleeping girls off the ship. 75% of the kids on the ship were out like a light and were being carted off. Mr. Scissors also had his sleeping charge in his arms. He nodded at the two men before carrying Reine off to a waiting limousine. Since they were the last stop, the ship was quiet and calming. Marco was there waiting at the truck to take them home. The men gently placed the girls in the back seat.

“Tuckered out?” Marco chuckled.

“You have no idea,” said Jozu yawning, “I’m barely here myself,”

“Same,” said Jango, “These old bones ain’t what they used to be,”

“It’s your fault for inciting a dance off,”

“I WON! Kitty was there to cheer me on!”

“I think her exact words were “For the love of GOD Jango! What are you doing?!”” but she did dance in solidarity,”

“I’m not going to make her a cooler dancer someday!” they dropped Jango and Katherina off first. He thanked them and went to the back. He then went into his bag and got a Vision Dial and took a few pictures.

“Hey, you okay bac—,”

“Shhhh!!!!” Jango beckoned them to see the two little girls soundly sleeping in the back. Katherina was snuggling _______________ close to her who was cuddling her best friend. Katherina looked absolutely relaxed. The men covered their mouths at the cuteness of the sight. Jango gently moved Katherina from her best friend and carried her inside. Kuro still wasn’t home and he had a few of the servants get everything inside Katherina’s secret room before tucking her into her bed. Marco carried _________________ to her room when they got home and Jozu placed her spoils of war inside. He tucked her in tightly and gently closed the door.

Pudding sobbed heavily as her eye was bandaged up. The other girl in question was making sure she was okay or at the very least not bleeding.

“Thank you…for making sure I’m okay,” said Pudding weakly. The other girl scoffed.

“Please, I’m not doing it to help you, I’m Mama’s favorite because I’m absolutely flawless,” Pudding couldn’t argue with this at all. Of all of Mama’s children, some with many, many, MANY flaws, Cupcake came out absolutely flawless and beautiful, then again her father was a handsome man from some tribe who was hand picked by Mama. Like all the rest, he knew it was futile to have his child come with him when he was banished and accepted his fate, wishing his daughter would grow up well and well was an understatement. Handpicked by Mama, treated kindly for being beautiful and perfect. She had beautiful dark curls, pink eyes, golden freckles, and according to Mama “reminded her of a chocolate cupcake” and that was her namesake. She was a gem, doted on by their sisters, at least some of them and compared to Pudding, an absolute beauty, “And besides, I need you to stay alive, someone has to make me look even more beautiful in comparison,” Pudding frowned by dare not say anything. Cupcake had a sweet outer demeanor but in reality she was cold and calculating and wouldn’t hesitate in maiming or aiming for her third eye, “Besides, it’s what you get for ruining Mama’s cake when Whitebeard came,”

“It wasn’t my fault!”

“Yeah it was. Any idiot could tell that was a boy not a girl posing as one. She should have used me instead of you,”

“I still say that was a little girl, not a boy,”

“Probably but you still failed. So sad,”

“You probably would had too,”

“Nah, I’m not stupid,” said Cupcake giggling, “You on the other hand…”

“Stop it,”

“What? It’s true, that’s why I’m going to get an equally handsome and talented husband when I’m older. Probably one of the Vinsmoke for Mama’s army,”

“There’s four brothers,”

“Probably Ichiji, he is next in line for the throne and world domination for my family sounds like a dreeeeeam,”

“What makes you think that you’re going to marry a Vinsmoke?”

“Because I’m beautiful and perfect and you’re a three eyed toad that looks and smells like shit,” said Cupcake, “I know I can make him feel something, if not I’ll take out any suitor that comes his way,” she got up and got herself preened up.

“Where are you going?”

“I asked Mama if I could go to the Pretty Soldier festival and she said yes. Don’t worry, I’m not going to take you, I’m going to take one of the cool brothers so I can be pampered like a queen or at the very least find someone to have fun with while there. Tootles!” the girl skipped away. Pudding shuddered. Anyone who had the misfortune of being Cupcake’s playmate was going to go through the worst kind of hell. Her last “playmates'' didn't survive the encounter. Many of the older kids were terrified of her, but many of the more sadistic older siblings honed her sadistic skills, especially Mama. That was the main reason why she got away with so much. Mama took special interest in her because she was beautiful and was just as deadly as she was. She slammed her fist into her mirror. She didn’t care how long it took, she was going to find River and make him pay for that or at the very least find that Experiment that from Null’s notes was still alive, even if it killed her!

Flora yawned and opened her door. It was about nine that evening and she was winding down when she heard a knock on her door. She went to the door and opened it. There was a little boy looking at her with meekness but knew that this was where he needed to be. She took note of his clothing. He was a traveler. He wore jeans, a long sleeved black and white striped shirt, he was a tall gangly little thing with auburn hair over his eyes. She gently moved his hair away revealing two golden eyes and freckles. He politely bowed to her.

“I’m sorry for disturbing you Sister but I am a traveler in need of lodging. Is there any way for me to have lodging for a while?”

“How long?”

“About a month or so. Is that okay?” Flora moved aside and guided him to the traveler’s room.

“Here’s your room, breakfast is in the morning and while you stay here, you work, got it?”

“Yes Sister!”

“Would you like something to eat?”


“Alright, stay put, there’s a bathroom and you can take a bath and relax and I’ll have food for you in a bit,” he gratefully nodded to her, “What’s your name?”


“I’m Sister Flora. There’s only a few rules I have here, first rule, if you’re going to be late, let me know,”

“Yes Ma’am!”

“Two, Windmill Village is a safe village, tell no one of this convent outside of it,”

“Yes Ma’am!”

“Three, cause no trouble, I’m responsible for you until you leave or what to be adopted,”

“Of course!”

“Four I require no money, work and you get free room and board,”


“Five, if you cause serious harm to any of these inhabitants, I’ll kill you myself, do I make myself clear?”

“Y-Yes Ma’am!”

“Good, Welcome to my Convent and enjoy your stay,” she pets his head fondly before leaving him to his devices. Argo was so tired but the thought of food and a hot bath made him feel better. He unpacked and went to the bathroom where he saw that the nun had it ready for him. He took off his clothes, revealing tons of scars and sank into the water. He knew he was going to like this town…he just knew it!

Chapter 114: The Ice Cream Social


The Little Girl Has the Best Ice Cream Ever!

Chapter Text

Today was the day! The girls have been waiting for it, savoring it, and finally it was here! Their Ice Cream/ cake social. Mr. Crewe gave them all formal invitations, told them to wear something nice and that he would take them to their Social personally, with their parents’ permission of course. ___________________ got up early, had breakfast and picked out an outfit. When Izo found out where she was going, he went into her closet and found one of her sailor dresses and fixed her hair and accented everything with Sabo’s hair clip.

“How do I look?”

“Adorable!” said Jozu, “Pig out extra for me kiddo!”

“I will!”

“Gurararararara! You’re going to turn into a piece of cake at this rate,” said Whitebeard.


“No, no, it’s just a figure of speech!” said Vista

“Mr. Crewe must really want you guys to have a good time,” said Fossa, “That place even has edible gold ice cream,”

“Don’t see why, gold has no taste,” said Speed Jill

“Nobles will eat gold just to say that ate gold,” said Curiel

“Alright, let’s make sure you have everything,” said Marco, “Emergency money, just in case?”


“Curiel’s smoke bombs?”

“Double check!”

“Den Den Mushi?”


“Your gifts for your friends!” Jozu chimed in


“Alright, you’re ready to go!” Marco ushered her outside to a waiting Mr. Crewe. The man had a big luxury car, almost like the one that Uncle Tesoro has only in black. She kissed Marco goodbye and trotted inside to a waiting driver, who opened the door for her. She thanked him and crawled in to her waiting friends. They drove for a few more minutes until they were outside a large and beautiful Mansion like house. It looked it was plucked from a fairytale. It was a large green house with roses and vines all over it.

“Wow…what’s this place?”

“This is Fantastique!” said Penny, “It’s a really fancy place but they have the best homemade ice cream ever!”

“It’s a place that’s so exclusive that getting a reservation is nearly impossible at times!” said Plum, “But it’s worth it!”

“Must be something!” said Kaya

“I mean you can get the ice cream anytime but for an event, it’s almost always booked for months in advance!” The girls came out of the car and looked at the place in awe. In front of the shop was a man. He was tall and handsome with black hair, reddish brown eyes, pale skin, and black fingernails. He wore black trousers, a six-buttoned double-breasted tailcoat, and a gray vest. He also wore white gloves, a pocket watch, and a chained silver lapel pin.

“Welcome my dear ladies to Fantanique,” he said bowing at them, “My name is Michaelis and I’m going to be your host for your duration here,” he gestured the girls to follow him. It was like stepping into a beautiful mansion with beautiful silver and lights everywhere. The interior was very dark red trimmed with silver and gold and floors carpeted dark green. The smells around were that of ice cream and homemade pastries.

“Wow! This place looks AMAZING!” said _________________, “Is this real gold thread Mr. Michaelis?!” the man chuckled

“Observant eyes, little lady. Yes, this is gold spun thread for the tapestries along with real crystals and gemstones. The owner of this establishment was a fan of beauty and finery and especially made this place to be an luxurious experience,”

“So it’s like a ballroom?” said Kaya

“Quite. And it was almost to be abandoned and forgotten but it was made into an ice cream parlor for anyone who wants to have a sweet treat in a beautiful place,” he guided them all to their seats and took their orders. Soon, other servants came bustling out with ice cream for the girls. They happily ate as the servants waited on their every beck and call. They said please and thank you and were all around the room. The girls were laughing and talking, making small talk with each other.

“This is so good!” said ________________, “I didn’t even KNOW there was a thing called ice cream cake!”

“That’s why we didn’t say anything! We wanted it to be a surprise!” said Plum laughing.

“Do you guys come here often?”

“Us, naaaaah,”

“Oh don’t be so modest!” said Michaelis serving Penny another cup of tea, “Lady Penny’s family are most charitable investors. So much so her father does take the liberty of getting these two dear girls ice cream here often,” the other three girls looked shocked and then started laughing.

“Busted!” said Vivi laughing

“Michaelis!” Penny giggled, “But he’s right but not even we can get a reservation here at any time,”

“Forgive me, my lady,” Michaelis bowed with a smile on his face, “I’ll make it up to you with a take home request for you and your little friends. Also the Young Master sends his regards,”

“Is he okay?”

“Quite, just a tad under the weather,”

“So we can order when everything is over?! Like on a Tuesday!” said ___________________

“Mhm!” said Kaya, “It’s just that this place is always busy! You can order and seat in the sitting rooms but not in a speciality room! That’s why it’s so hard to get a reservation,”

“But it’s SO good!” said Penny, “Thank you Mr. Crew!”

“Yeah thank you sir!” said __________________

“You earned it ladies,” said Mr. Crewe, enjoying his treat as well. ________________ that he looked to be in peace. He has a smile on his face. He was talking to the wait staff who were charmed by his stories and manners.

“OH! Before I forget!” ___________________ happily took out little gift bags to reveal the spoils of the Pretty Soldier Festival for each of her friends.

“You’re terrible!” said Vivi, “I thought you weren’t going to get us anything!”

“I had to! You’re my friends! It’s my job, nay my DUTY to make sure you guys get something nice!”


“Mhm! It’s wooden though!”



“And Kaisei’s bangles!” said Vivi

“You shouldn’t have!” said Penny

“There was A LOT! SOme of those are from Kitty too! We bought a lot with Yumeko! OH! Also we have a few more for the Slumber Party! Yumeko wants to come and a mermaid,”

“You met a mermaid?!” said the other girls in unison

“Yeah! Pops had to go to a meeting in Fishmen Island! He and King Neptune went off to drink and I played with her! She’s so cute but she’s huge! She’s almost as big as Pops!”

“Wow!” said Plum

“Wait…is it Shirohishi?!” said Kaya

“YEAH! How do you know?!”

“Koala told us about her!” said Penny

“So that’s where she got her info!” the girls laughed.

“She wants to join us for a sleepover,”

“That would awesome!” said Kaya

“Yeah! But there’s one major problem, Shirahoshi is way too big to come into the room and how are we going to sneak her out of her home?” said Vivi.

“Well…I think I figured it out! I found a secret area! It’s big enough for everyone, especially Shirahoshi and the water is naturally warm! So we won’t be cold at night!”

“How did you find such a place?” said Penny

“It’s a LONG story but it’s a big area for any of us to just hang out in! And no one really knows where it is! Shirahoshi would be safe there since she’s royalty, no offense Vivi,”

“None taken. But it’s a good precaution since we’re all walking targets but we should let at least one adult know,”

“I know the perfect adult! Miss Praline!”

“Who’s that?” said Kaya

“Koala’s aunt! She’s SO nice and really pretty! She’s a mermaid! She’s Mr. Aladdin’s wife! She has long sharp teeth like Miss Lesser and her chest is like pillows!”

“…you were in her chest?” said Vivi

“Mhm! She stuffed me down in there when she had to take us to shore! It was so soft in there! Marco said I had to leave. Kind of didn’t,”

“…was it really that soft?” said Plum

“Don’t encourage her, Plum!”

“It was like being surrounded by two marshmallows!”

“…that actually sounds good,”


“Jozu said I was a boob man, whatever that is. All I know is that it was warm and soft in there and I didn’t want to leave!”

“Don’t go in there again!” said Vivi

“Now, now, don’t be so harsh! I bet it was warm in there,” said Penny

“And it smelt like seaweed!” said ________________

“Still! You can’t just STAY in there!”

“Why not?!”


“I SAID Cherry Vanilla!” the girls jumped and then heard a loud crash.

“SHE SAID CHERRY VANILLA! DO YOU JOB AND MAKE SURE SHE GETS IT!" There was another loud crash. The girls jumped again as one of the servers came into the room, covered in ice cream and had a few cuts on her face and arms. She was on the verge of tears. Michaelis looked startled.

“Amy, are you ok—,”

“I’m not going back in there! Please don’t make me go back in there!” Mr. Crewe looked alarmed. The woman in question was a dark skinned woman with long brown hair covered in ice cream and chocolate sauce. Her glasses were askew on her face.

“What happened?!”

“That little…hell beast in there with her awful mother!”

“Not them again!” the man looked very weary

“What’s the trouble?” said Mr. Crewe

“We sincerely apologize for this but there a mother and a little girl booked the second largest and most expensive room here and they’ve been ordering everyone around since they got here, expecting the best service. We would have kicked them out but the mother threatened us with a negative review in the Gilded Table magazine. So far other than harassing our staff, they’ve been paying for more and more ice cream that we’re churning nonstop only for the girl to take a bite, declare it tastes awful and threw it on the floor,” Mr. Crewe looked dumbfounded, embarrassed and defeated.

“I’m very sorry for all of this, I’ll gladly pay for anything that Holly or my wife destroys,”

“YOU’RE MARRIED TO THAT MONSTER?!” said Amy and immediately covered her mouth, “I-I’m sor—,”

“No, no it’s fine and unfortunately. I’ll make sure to pay your staff extra to just keep them happy and quiet by any means,”

“Yes sir!” Mr. Crewe excused himself, leaving the girls alone.

“Poor Mr. Crewe,” said Penny, “He looks so tired,”

“If that was your wife and kid, I would be too,” said Plum

“Why of all days would they book the social here?” said ___________________

“Powerplay,” said Plum, “Because Holly wasn’t invited to ours, his mom decided to make sure Holly goes too, out of spite,”

“How can anyone be so vindictive?” said Kaya

“Because it’s Holly and her mom,”

“How can someone as nice as Mr. Crewe got married to someone as terrible as her?” said Penny, “He’s going to age so fast at this rate,”

“Huh?” said _________________

“When people are under a lot of stress, they age faster than usual. Like someone can age ten years if they become stressed enough,”

“That’s terrible!”

“So that’s why noble pay a lot of skincare,” said Plum

“Mhm! Because a lot of them are under a lot of stress if they’re company owners and such!”

“I know Daddy has a routine,” said Kaya, “Especially when he’s out working a lot!”

“And he looks amazing!” said Vivi. Suddenly ________________ hopped on her chair, “__________________ what’s wrong?”

“I really have to pee!” the girls laughed

“You could have said something!”

“I didn’t want to be rude!”

“Down the hall, take a right, then left, then right!” said Plum laughing, “Next time just ask!” _________________ scampered down the halls, following instructions but only concentrated on the task at hand! She found her oasis and did her business. Even the bathrooms were super fancy with marble and gold and even fancy toilet paper. She washed her hands and headed out and almost immediately realized she had no idea how to get back. She tried to remember what Plum said and just reverse it but she was in Pee Mode and she couldn’t even for the life of her. She tried to follow landmarks she passed and kept walking until she found a similar door. She sighed in relief and opened it but realized she was in a different room altogether. She froze when she saw a mountain of ice cream that was rapidly disappearing from the table but that wasn’t what immediately caught her eye. There was a man at the table. He was looking at her like a waiting wolf in the darkness. He was a tall middle-aged man with spiky black hair with a widow's peak, a scar on the left side of his face and stubble on his chin. He looked at her with a confused look on his face. Suddenly a head popped out from behind the ice cream mountain. The woman’s cheeks were stuffed with ice cream. She swallowed.

“Huh, what’s the matter?!” the woman’s eyes fell on her, “Oh a half pint!” _______________ suddenly regained her voice but lost it again. The man’s aura demanded respect and attention, “Awww you’re scaring her!”

“How? I’m just sitting here,” his voice was low and gravelly. It was enough to make every hair on her body stand on end.

“You have a scary face! You okay kid?”

“Uhh…” she coughed, “Yes Ma’am! I-I’m sorry I think I’m in the wrong room! I-I didn’t mean—,”

“So you got a little lost, sweetie it’s okay!”

“No need to apologize, it was a mistake,” He stood up and walked over to her. She shrank. He was dressed in what looked like a black suit with an orange jabot but had a long green cloak over him. He offered a hand, looming over her, “I’ll take you back,” She reached out but was too short to grab it. He stooped down and she shakily took it. He clasped his fingers around it and guided her out of the room. The restaurant was huge with many winding halls and levels. She didn’t even know what level she was supposed to be on.

“What kind of party?”

“I-Ice Cream Social, sir,” he stopped and read a paper with events listed.

“Mr Crewe?”

“Yes!” he nodded and they were headed on their way. It was silent. The man had a warm hand but he was still scary. She didn’t know what to really say. It was like if she said something, she would get into some kind of trouble.

“This place has the best ice cream,” she jumped. He was looking down at her with a smile.

“It does!” she said happily, “I had the chocolate cherry! But my favorite is (Favorite Flavor)! What’s yours?”

“I’m a fan of sherbet,” she grimaced

“Eww, but that’s like fruit pretending to be ice cream!” the man snorts.

“That’s the same thing my Daisy says. Try sorbet, it's more fruit than ice cream, this restaurant makes it good,”

“Okay!” As they got closer, they could hear Holly’s voice getting louder and louder and things breaking and shattering. ________________ cringed. The man looked unamused.

“I was wondering where that sound was coming from. So you weren’t that shrill voice,” he said.

“No sir, that’s Holly,”

“Friend of yours?”

“Nope, she’s the absolute worst,”

“Understatement, with an attitude like that I’m surprise her parents hadn’t placed a muzzle on her,”

“And she calls me a mutt. It’s the pot calling the kettle black. Plum said she needs a shock collar,” the man gave a low chuckle, “Your friend is witty,” As they got towards the door, a waitress came out in tears and covered in ice cream. She removed her glasses and wiped them. The man went into his pocket and handed her a handkerchief. She gratefully took it. She then noticed ________________’s presence.

“Oh there you are! We were getting a little worried! Did you find the bathroom okay?”

“Yes, Miss! I just wandered into the wrong room,”

“Oh dear! Sir we’re so sorry! I hope she wasn’t any trouble,”

“Not at all. Bring her and her party peach sorbet and bill it to me,”

“Yes sir!”

“Thank you Mister!” he nodded and patted her head before heading back to the room. The waitress waited before examining.

“Are you okay little one?! Did he hurt you?!”

“No! He’s actually really nice! We talked about sorbet!”

“Oh! Let me get on that!” ___________________ joined her friends once more. Plum chuckled

“Thought you fell in!”

“Hey! Mean! I got lost!”

“So spacey!” the girls laughed. Michaelis came in and bowed to the girls.

“Come along ladies, we have a very special treat. A congratulations for all of your hard work courtesy of Mr. Crewe. Please, follow me,” the girls were led into another room where a very large surprise was waiting for them, a five layer cake that had sparklers on it. The staff sang songs, the girls were enthralled and couldn’t look away. The cake was a large five layer baked Alaska with each of the girls’ favorite cake and ice cream flavor.

“WOW how did you know how favorites, Mr. Michaelis?!” said ________________

“It’s my duty is the head proprietor of this establishment to know the ends and outs and preferences of every customer that I encounter,” he said

“Are you like a magician?” said Kaya

“Or a spy?!” said Vivi. Plum snorts.

“Nah, Michaelis is simply one hell of a—,”

“Ugh, how cheap,” the girls cringed. Holly had found her way to the room, hearing the girls applaud the wait staff for putting on a nice performance, “Then again, Daddy should be cheap when it comes to peasants. This is probably the only nice thing you’ll ever get, mutt,”

“I really don’t get how you can manage to make anything around you sour,” __________________ retorted, “Seriously, we can hear you in our room, everyone can hear you down the halls, and you’re basically making the ice cream taste bad. Can you just lay off for ONE day,”

“Really!” said Kaya, “And the cake is beautiful!”

“And anything BUT cheap,” said Vivi, “This is the Congratulations Special that’s only given in special circumstances but you don’t deserve it, don’t you?” Holly’s face went red. Penny smiled pleasantly.

“And we also got goodies from ___________________ since she came back from the Pretty Soldier Festival! If you weren’t so mean and horrible all the time, I’m sure she would have gotten you something too!”

“Like I want ANYTHING from HER!” Holly snapped, “Mommy will buy me anything I want!”

“Holly, go back to your room,” said Mr. Crewe sternly.

“But Papaaaaaaa I want to join the party too! I’m a ribbon girl too!”

“You know why you weren’t invited in the first place and you still haven’t given __________________ an apology,”

“I’m NOT giving HER an apology!”

“Then I’m going to call Mimi to take you back home. You’re still not invited to this party,”

“That’s not fair!”

“It is fair,”

“YOU WILL DO NO SUCH THING!” Clarisse bustled in. Holly ran to her mother who coddled her, “My daughter has the RIGHT to be here if she wants to!”

“Not in a private engagement, I’m afraid,” said Michaelis coming in, “Kindly leave, this is a private affair,” Clarisse blushed despite herself but then sneered down at the girls who decidedly went back to their little performance. Clarisse slinked away but noticed Amy coming down the hall with five Beautiful Bonanza Special, large sundaes served in high glass bowls. She smirked and looked at Holly who was thinking the same thing. Clarisse distracted her husband as Holly motioned back away from view. They just had to time this right. Amy came in for her big reveal. Plum and Penny turned when the door opened just as Holly waited before kicking Amy hard in the ankle causing her to fall. Plum immediately pulled Penny out of the way. Kaya jumped away and crashed into Vivi but ___________________ was in the middle and didn’t know what happened until it was too late. The ice cream came crashing down on top of ___________________. Glass shattered and broke over her along with mountains of ice cream. She stood frozen in place as she held out her arms in disgust and shuddered from the coldness. Holly looked at her with a vicious yet innocent grin.

“Oops! Careful now!”

“You tripped her!” said Penny

“Did I? I think she tripped on her ugly shoes,”

“Oh my goodness! Sweetie, are you okay?!” said Amy going to ___________________. The poor woman then shrieked., “YOU’RE BLEEDING!”

“Am I?” she gently touched her head and some of the glass did indeed cut her and blood was running down her head, “I am!”


“I’m okay! I-I’m just cold!”

“Jeez! ________________ is a tank!” said Vivi.

“Careful, there’s glass everywhere! Amy get her cleaned up,” said Michaelis as the Staff went into action getting everyone away from the mess and cleaning while _________________ was taken away to get cleaned up. Once inside, she started scrubbing the ice cream off her and spot cleaned her hair to get the ice cream out until she got home. Amy applied bandages to her skin and head and continued to apologize over and over. Meanwhile, Holly and her mother were giggling at what had just transpired. The other girls were livid. Mr. Crewe excused himself and disappeared before returning with new clothes for ___________________. It was a cute little tea dress with a (f/c) color scheme. A Staff member found Amy to give it to her.

“Make sure her family pays for her clothing,” Clarisse shouted out towards her husband, “We’re not being a charity for that little mutt!”

“This ISN’T your call! We’ll discuss this later! For now, you and Holly go home, NOW!” Clarisse was about to retort but the look that Mr. Crewe said everything.

“And because of your appalling behavior and several complaints, you and your daughter are hereby banned from our establishment,” said Michaelis

“Tchm big deal, the ice cream and service here is disgusting! Come along Holly, get your coat, we’re leaving this shit dump!”

“Of course Mommy!” she snapped her fingers for the Staff to bring their coats while she went up to pay their bill. Holly demanded her coat and waited in the sitting area. She had a smug smile on her face. The blood all over the floor where _________________ was so funny. That’s what she gets for crossing her and not daring to bring HER anything from Pretty Soldier. Why should SHE get to go to a place like that or even have nice things? She got up to see what was going on.

“Hey!” Holly turned. Plum was leaning against the wall looking a lot more peeved than ever before. Holly clicked her teeth.


“Listen, I don’t give a shit about your “I’m better than you attitude” but why the hell are you even in the school if you hate going and hate us so much? It’s not like we gave you a good reason to hate us, especially _______________ who only greeted you,”

“Tch, everything was fine until that mutt came to school. Before she came I was on top! Everyone bowed before me and treated me like a literal princess. I’m pretty sure none of you have forgotten that she’s an orphan. No one knows where she came from, she’s living with a bunch of men and used to live with an old lady, all of that is disgusting and kind of iffy if you ask me. Yet she walks around like she’s somebody, like she deserves to be in the position she’s in. She’s a charity case and she needs to act like it. And besides, Plum, like that mutt you have no business being in the ribbon twirling either. But I tolerate you because you’re not a threat, at least to my status. If the mutt wasn’t around, you’d be at the bottom because you’re the poorest girl in school. I’ve seen Penny’s family support yours all the time, to the point that your mother kowtows to Penny’s and although funny, it’s hilarious. But once she’s gone, I can be the princess again and I MIGHT forgive this transgression,” Plum’s face went red, not from embarrassment but anger.

“…what kind of weird delusions goes on in your head?! You do know that most of the girls left the school because of your attitude and bullying! The ONLY reason why Vivi and Kaya stayed was because they really liked it since their parents were always busy and Penny and I really like the ribbon twirling! Penny and I stayed to ourselves for most of the time and my mom and Pen’s mom are very old friends! How dare you accuse us of sucking up to them!”

“I call it as I see it and you’re only at ribbon twirling because I permitted it! I needed an inferior group to always be the best. Vivi was a slight threat until I found out she wasn’t even an important princess, same with you, Penny, and Kaya. You’re all plain and pathetic and everyday it’s like I’m being greeted by the commoners. It’s amazing,”

“Heh, until ____________________ came around and you got knocked on your ass hard,”

“What was that?!” Holly growled

“You’re jealous because ___________________ is better than you. You haven’t noticed because you have your head so far up your ass and she’s smart enough to know she’s not better than any of us either but practices in order to get good at something, you just like the idea of being a big fish in a small pond but at least we can all honestly say that we’d rather be friends with an orphan whose family is nice and can be a complete spaz at everything, versus the Princess of the Ribbon Class by hated by all,” Plum brushed passed her and smacked her shoulder, “And ___________________’s family doesn’t have to pay people to like her. Remember that,” Holly glared. She was left alone in the hallway. She didn’t care. She would do off with her mom to go someplace on Daddy’s dime. It doesn’t matter to her. She would STILL end up on top. Not to mention she has mingled with some of the richest kids on the Grandline. She was going to be a princess someday with a rich husband and she was going to make sure __________________ was her servant! She was an orphaned little waif! She has NO business having the life or family she has. If anything SHE deserved HER family. A powerful father, brothers who were private teachers, Katherina, a rich and powerful girl as her best friend?! ALL of that should be HERS! If __________________ wasn’t born it WOULD have been hers! She was never going to stop until __________________ was at the bottom where she belonged. She wasn’t going to stop until __________________ was at the bottom where she BELONGED.

“Come along Holly! Your Papa paid for everything! Let’s go shopping~!” Mother went to collect her and they went to their private car waiting to leave. She could see the girls inside upstairs laughing and having more treats. She smirked. She couldn’t wait until ________________’s true pathetic mask would slip and everyone would see her and the pathetic little orphan she was. She would RELISH that day. The girls spent another hour at the parlor. Mr. Crewe ordered for the girls to take some treats home with them. The girls tried to deny it but he insisted. Michaelis packed everything personally. Once home, __________________ was greeted by Pops. She explained everything that happened. He immediately went down to reimburse the dress.

“No, no please! It was Holly’s fault. I took it out of her allowance for the month. It’s no trouble along with the ice cream cake. Please enjoy yourselves!” Whitebeard thanked the man and got the cake into the freezer where everyone enjoyed it that night.

“We have to get another one of these one day,” said Izo, “This is delicious!”

“Seriously! Who would have thought you can combined the two!” said Blenheim

“I can probably make one,” said Thatch

“Or ask Cook,” said Fossa, “A good reason for her to come over,”

“That woman can live here if she wanted,” said Rakugo

“Stop simping over Cook!” said Ace

“Yeah!” said Luffy

“Come on kids let your brothers be happy!” said Kingdew

“How about it, Little Lady! Aunt Cook?” said Curiel

“Nah huh! She’s Law’s Aunt!”

“And Zeff’s niece!” said Whitebeard, “She’s off limits!”

“Come on, Pops! It makes it a little more tempting!” said Curiel

“And troublesome!” said Speed Jill, “Women like her are nothing but trouble,”

“It’s so worth it!” said Rakugo, “Thatch, just ask her!”

“Fine! KNowing her she’s going to want a recipe from my stash,”

“Then you will GIVE her a recipe!” said Fossa

“No! Recipes are sacred to the world of cooks! I can’t just willy nilly give them up! At least not for one in exchange!”

“Stop trying to get into Cook’s panties!” said Ace

“You’ll understand when you’re older!” said Kingdew laughing, “Especially when _______________ gets older,”

“EW GROSS! No!” Izo clobbered Kingdew

“Stop being dirty around the children!” Katherina was quietly studying in her room. Even since the Pretty Soldier Festival, she’s been in the highest of spirits but she’s also noticed a lot of things. Her home was cold and empty. It was dead inside with no warmth, no happiness or anything like that. She hated the feeling. She and Jango lived on the happiness high for a few more days until her father came back. Now it is back to speaking only when spoken too, gourmet foods, random quizzes and tests about books that she had no interest in. Jango hid all of her fun things in her secret room and closet. After dinner, she retreated to her room. Usually this time, she and __________________ would watch Pretty Soldier and talk about it via snail but…she couldn’t. She was instead reading a few books in mathematics and Latin. It was simple but tediously boring. She used music to pass the time but had to keep it very low. As long as Kuro thought it was classical she was fine and thankfully it was the instrumental soundtrack of Pretty Soldier and something that Law let her borrow called Sora Warrior of the Sea. Father would be asleep soon and then she could read comics and listen to her tone dials in peace. Then she heard something against her window. She turned and slowly cracked it. She didn’t see anything at first but then heard it.

“Psssssst!” Katherina looked down to see __________________ grinning happily seeing her best friend. She almost had a heart attack and immediately snuck downstairs and into the gardens, “Kitty!” _________________ went to hug her but Katherina immediately held out her hand.

“What are you doing here?!”

“I wanted to give you a slice of the ice cream cake from Fantastique! I have saved you a sli—”

“Shhhh! Keep your voice down!” Katherina said in a harsh whisper, “How did you get here?!”

“I explored this place when you were sick! I found an opening and had to come see you!” Katherina’s head was on a swivel and when she didn’t hear anything or smelt anything, she let out a sigh.

“Look…___________________ it’s a GOOD idea for you to NOT come to my place at all! Please! I don’t want my father or aunt or uncles finding out about you! I’ll explain later but don’t come here again! Especially not to see me unless I tell you!!” __________________ was about to retort but the fearful look on Katherina’s face said everything. She was trembling the whole time, “PROMISE me! Please!” She nodded.


“It’s okay! Just…call me next time, okay, please!”

“You got it Kitty! I promise! But…at least let me send you more treats! You look so bored in there!” Katherina smiled.

“Fine but you leave the treats and get out! And only after a certain time!” the girls then devised a plan and found a basket and set it up near Katherina’s window and attached it to a rope and threw it up into the window. ____________________ gently placed her cake inside and covered it up. Katherina hugged her goodbye and ran back in. She trotted inside and was spotted.

“Mufufufufufufufufu! Katherina, why are you out this time of night?” Katherina put on a blank face expression before turning.

“There was an annoying creature outside ruining my studies so I took care if it,”

“That’s my girl!” Catarina laughed, “What did you do to the body?”

“I was going to dissect it later. So I chucked it in the woods for now. I don’t want it to decompose in my room,”

“Good girl. I brought you a few things, they’re in your room,”

“I appreciate it,”

“What’s the chemical composition of blood,” said Kuro rounding the corner.

“Plasma, 55%, water, ions, nutrients, proteins such as albumin and globulin, wastes, and gasses, 1% platelets and white blood cells granulocytes that are neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils, and agranulocytes which are monocytes, and lymphocytes, and 44% red blood cells aka hemoglobin,” Kuro said nothing and walked away to retire in his study. Katherina walked on to her room and closed the door. She immediately pulled the cake up with the rope and waited. She didn’t hear anything and immediately tucked into her cake. She noticed the gifts her aunt gave her, a bunch of jewelry. She sorted everything out and decided to give some to ________________ and the rest to the kid in Gray Terminal so they can sell them for something nicer. She smiled while eating the cake. Her family was not going to take away her best friend or family. She heard footsteps and immediately placed the cake into her desk, wiped her mouth, turned the music into something instrumental, and grabbed her book on French. Kuro came in. She stood expectantly.

“Yes, Father?”

“You’ve been accepted to a Night Academy this summer along with your ballet in the mornings,”

“Night Academy?”

“Jango has been making sure you’ve been sending applications and one stuck. As long as you answer my questions, I don’t care what you do. Jango will brief you on what you’re expected to do,”

“Yes Father,” he left. Jango came into the room shortly and gave her a thumbs up. He closed the door and grinned at her.

“Sooooooo Summer is like for fun and I think you playing some summer games with your friends would be a lot better than being cooped up in here all night. Just bare with it for a month or so until Captain goes off again,” she nodded and smiled.

“Thanks Jango,”

“Ey no problem Kitty! They’ll be shipping out again because you know, as long as you’re in Academies, they won’t take you with,” he winked. She hugged him tightly.

“You’re the best!”

“Also, you almost got caught with _________________. I hypnotized Vitale that he saw you killing a cat and disposing of it in the woods! Be careful Kitty Cat,” Katherina looked panicked. He winked.

“He’s fiiiiiiiiiiiiiine. Wanna see?” she nodded and ran to the hall where Vitale was regaling how Katherina grabbed a cat, bashed its face into the side of the house, snapped its neck, and flung it into the woods.

“Mufufufufufufufu! I guess she does have a killer instinct! She takes after her dear aunt of course!”

“Feh! If that’s the case why hadn’t she beat ME yet?” said Vitale, “Probably because she’s still afraid of me,”

“As she should!” said Catarina laughing, “You’re cabin boy and son to one of the Commanders of Blackbeard,” Katherina glared. Jango nudged her forward.

“Give him your death scare. You’ve been around Lesser enough, I think there’s a little more punch to it now,” he winked. She looked a little uneasy, “Go on, you can get some pastries from the table if you just go in there. I promise, you’ll be okay. If not I’ll buy the limited edition Kinsei coat for you and ________________,”

“Deal,” Katherina briskly walked into the room and nodded at her aunt and uncle before heading towards the table. The pastries were all her favorites and she knows she could get a servant to bring her some later. She went towards the table as Vitale went towards her. She went to grab a piece of cake when he grabbed her arm. Usually he would twist it, hit her, or pull her hair. However, this time, Katherina took her other hand and slammed it on his and looked at him dead in the eyes.

“May I help you?” Vitale froze. Katherina looked at him like she was going to snap him in half, burn him, and then piss on the ashes. Vitale backed off as she gathered a few things before going back to Jango around the corner.

“W-What the hell,” Vitale wouldn’t dare sink to his knees in front of his mother and knew he had to suck it up until he was someplace private. That stare was stone cold and icy.

“Wow, I don’t know what they’ve been teaching her at those schools but she’s growing a backbone,” said Ink

“Mufufufufufufufu! I don’t know but she’s really becoming a Devon at this rate. Reminds me of Daddy’s stare,” They said nothing until she got back into her room where she started giggling before straight laughing. Jango chuckled.

“Yeah I tweaked a few things while there,”

“You’re the best!”

“I know!” there was now banging on the door. Jango quickly hid and Katherina opened the door. Vitale went after her.


“Yes. We. ARE!” Katherina glared at him again. He backed off as she got closer and closer to him, “And if you even THINK about touching or talking to me again, I’m going to cut your little prick off before you even know what it’s for!” she shoved him out of the room. Vitale felt sick to his stomach and this time really fell to his knees panting.

“Magnus?! Really?!” said Daisy shoveling more ice cream into her mouth, “He’s actually keeping his end of the bargain?!”

“Mhm, he’s been keeping things stable on his end and it keeps me from having to do extra, so it’s a win-win. Never thought to ask him especially with Antonio stepping down as Boss. Apparently, Magnus wants to keep things as it is but also Reina have been a big help in all of this,”

“I just can’t believe he’s willing to help,”

“We’re for the same cause and even he’s sick of the corruption. I’m also pretty sure that the Marines wouldn’t want to deal with either of us, him more so because he really gives so fucks to their personal safety if they mess with him or his family,”

“You’d think having an actual family would soften him,”

“It did actually. I remember there was a time he would have leveled an area if he thought they had slaves or harboring someone he was searching for. I heard his daughter, Reina, is just as bad but thankfully she isn’t as reckless as her father but she is the splitting image. He also has sons but they’ve been keeping their head down most likely because of their sister’s instructions,”

“I’m pretty sure they’re doing their own thing just like his daughter. Though I know she was a mercenary for a while until she retired to take the position of Underboss and has relatively lived in secret until she just recently resurfaced and took out the Rainbow Bandits in their compound,”


“Oh no, she has a special ops team that was apparently hand picked by her. The woman is a force to be reckoned with,”

“Shit she sounds familiar,”

“I do believe you two crossed paths,” the woman cocked her head side to side looking pensive. She thought about Magnus and all of the features surrounding him, his eyes, his face, his mouth…his mouth…

“OH SHIT! They have the same ass!”

“…is that REALLY the thing you zoomed on?!”

“Hey! There’s no harm in looking, you know I love yours sooooo much! Not to mention…”other” parts that make me hot~” she winked. The man blushed badly.


“But seriously those two have the same ass! There’s only one other person I know who has an ass like that and she just recently sprung me. I didn’t know Reina was related to him! Let alone that was her Daddy! I wonder if Lesser knows that there’s two people with ass like hers,”

“Pretty sure. He likes talking about his kids. His daughter was homeschooled and taught by him, Barbatos, and Antonio personally and a few others but the boys are at an academy and thriving. I heard they’re a little jealous but Reina does tutor them from time to time,”

“Was it Reina who wanted an alliance with you?”

“Actually it was Antonio, I found out that he was keeping the Marines and aiding places that the World Government abandoned. But when he retired, I thought for sure Magnus would be an unchained problem, especially after he found out about Fisher Tiger being captured and he completely decimated that area to get his brother back and in the process a weapon was declared defunct and dead,”

“You mean the Project? I heard it was still alive,”

“I’m pretty sure it is, especially since it’s a child that can be anywhere. They have a second one but no word on it yet,”

“So are you looking for the weapon?”

“Nah, it’s not my concern. Where it is, I hope it’s okay at the very least especially since the project was deemed a failure because it didn’t comply with their twisted plans,”

“So there’s a little kid out there who’s a weapon that could potentially kill us all?”

“Basically but at the same time, they’re a child. Let’s just hope whatever they went through they’re doing okay, especially since they’re a direct descendant of the Monster King,”

“Ohhhh shit!”

“Let’s not think about that for a while. It’s quiet again and this sorbet is delicious,”

“You got it babe! By the way! Did you hear about your Dad getting kicked in the face?!” the man started chuckling and then shaking and then outright holding his stomach.

“I want to meet her and make her a Revolutionary. If she could take down the old bastard she could take down the government! Who told you?!”

“Perv! Apparently she’s Lesser’s son’s bestie!”

“She will always have a place in my ranks!”

The Done Quintet was at Makino’s tonight. Usually it was the Drunk Trio consisting of Marco, Lesser, and Beckman but tonight, two more had joined them. Makino had their “handlers’” numbers on file when they were too drunk to move and by the looks of it, they had a very rough week. She knew when they ordered doubles immediately it must have been something. She heard some of the stories and they were wild to say the least.

“Why is __________________ breaking into the villa and smushing her face into my Maid’s chests?” said Lesser downing her drink. Marco sighed.

“She really likes boobs now and I’m hoping it’s a phase,”

“Did she give a reason?” said a tall, well-built man with blonde hair styled with a neat part. Even though they were inside, he wore round sunglasses. He was wearing a tan business suit. The blazer was draped around the back of the chair revealing only his white dress shirt and a holster that sheaths a blunt sword, “I mean she’s still a kid,”

“It’s Praline’s fault. She was in between her boobs during travel and well…that was that,”

“Yep she’s been marked,” said a tall, slender and tall, pale-skinned man with messy, shoulder-length black hair that partially hangs in front of his face and half-opened black eyes. He had the most worn-out appearance of the three of them. His facial hair was in a stubbly, unkempt state, “She’s not going to grow out of that,”

“I knew it,” said Marco sighing, “I’m trying to teach her boundaries but the guys have been asking her what does Cook’s breasts feel like,”

“Perv and Cook are to blame too,” said Lesser sighing, “They claimed they were chosen and Cook relishes in teasing your brothers,”

“I swear that woman gets more action that Dom and Perv,” said the business like man

“You have NO idea. Cook is selective but men love her charm. One in particular wouldn’t leave the tavern back in the day. He basically lived there until he had to leave but I know they were fucking like rabbits for months. She misses him. I don’t,”

“Oh?” said the unkempt man

“He was a samurai that ate A LOT. I had to buy rare ingredients everyday to get food for Cook’s recipes to feed him. And every single bite she had to SHOUT! At least he paid well. So what’s going on with you two?”

“GUESS,” said the businessman pouring himself something to drink.

“What did Gojo do this time?” said Marco

“Have you two ever been stalked for a weekend until you go drinking with someone? I don’t know HOW he wedged into my crawl space but there he was! Shouting “KENTO!!!!! LOVE ME!!!” then he was like “YOU’RE CHEATING ON ME!!!!” I literally had to find shelter in a hotel before coming here,”

“That man, I swear,” said the unkempt man

“Not to mention him terrorizing the students,”


“Don’t remind me. What’s going on with you, Shouta?”

“Same old shit, I swear, kids are either becoming lazier or I’m just older. Not to mention I got hurt and forbidden to do anything rigorous. Hizashi has been happier than ever and has been singing “This Bottom’s Going to Be on Top!” all fucking night,” he chugged his beer. Beckman and Lesser choked on their drinks. Marco had a shit eating grin on his face.

“....well, was he?”

“...I will NOT confirm nor deny ANY of that!” the table laughed

“Need a place to crash?” said Lesser

“Nah, despite it all, he’s been a great nurse. We’ve been watching cat videos with take out,”

“Sounds like a good night,” said Marco

“What’s been going on with? Other than _________________’s boob thing?”

“Fucking SHANKS!” Marco downed another drink, “His crew tipped me off that he was planning on “borrowing” __________________ for a few days to be Uta’s playmate and by a few days, another island! Of course I had to keep her under lock and key for a few days without her knowing. Until the idiot that was about to kidnap her in her room! Then I had to step in!”

“...I think he’s a glutton for punishment,” said Nanami

“He’s a masochist,” said Aizawa, “Weird fetish if you ask me,”

“Marco is Captain’s ultimate fetish,” said Beckman laughing, “Kind of cute in a way,”

“Cute my ass!”

“May I get a double whiskey neat, please?” said a familiar voice.

“Of course!” Marco glanced over. Mr. Crewe was at the bar and immediately downed his drink before asking for another. The man in question had a mixture of being done and defeated and outright on the verge of tears.

“Hey, do we have room for one more?” said Marco. Lesser glanced over and she nodded.

“Who’s that?” said Nanami

“The father of the little shit brat that bullies ___________________,” said Lesser, “Don’t know how a man like him got mixed up with a harpy like his mother,”

“You mean the bitch that talked about your mouth?” said Nanami

“Mhm, apparently the maids and Law got her back for that one,”

“Those are dead eyes,” said Aizawa.

“Bring him over. Whatever is going on, he doesn’t need to be alone right now,” said Beckman. Marco went over and gently placed a man on his shoulder and said a few things. Mr. Crewe nodded and got up. Marco gestured to Makino to bring the drinks to his area and she nodded. Beckman grabbed a chair and everyone made room. Mr. Crewe looked like he was going to be sick. He felt like he was on his final breaking point. The moment he got home, he saw countless of shopping bags with clothes from a high end boutique, high end makeup and perfumes and a large gourmet dinner where 75% of it was wasted. He guessed Holly just wanted to “nibble” on something. Clarisse was sitting on the couch and looked at him with a smug look on her face. He went upstairs, where he found Holly berating one of the housekeepers for not properly tying her shoes. He scolded her and in response she ignored him and closed her door. He apologized and dismissed the housekeeper from doing anything for Holly any longer, which prompted the little girl to burst out of her room and scream.

“Mimi is not your slave. Her job is to keep the house clean and orderly. You are not to talk to her in that manner,”

“She IS my slave!” said Holly, “And it’s not fair because WE pay her salary,”

“I pay her salary, you’re my daughter. That’s how things work but your behavior to the staff will not be tolerated,”

“HOW DARE YOU!” she screamed and decided to tear through her room. Clarisse came in screaming about how he was “abusing” her child. He tried to defuse things rationally but mother and daughter were yelling at him. After they tired themselves out. He retreated to his study. He didn’t know how long he was in there but he knew it was long. He could hear the women trashing his home and yelling at the housekeepers who were under strict orders to only clean up the common quarters. He went to work freeing his direct account and had everything rerouted to Clarisse’s allowance account. He remembered falling asleep and waking up again. He remembered going down for breakfast. He remembered Holly yelling at Mimi for fluffy pancakes and then yelling that she didn’t put extra cream on them. His mind to the ribbon girls, ____________________ especially. Every day he wondered what if he found her before her family. He would have loved to adopt such a sweet child like her. He clutched his stomach. The guilt took over him. Holly was his daughter. She’ll always be in his corner but he also hated how she was compared to __________________.

“Holly and I are going on a day trip to the South Blue,” said Clarisse, “Since you ruined our day yesterday!”

“Have fun,” he said

“Oh We WILL!” she snapped, “In fact, it’ll be a week! Get your act together or I’ll see to it you’re never going to see Holly again, got it!” she turned to Holly, “We’ll buy things there, my sweet baby!”

“Yes Mommy!” she said and they both left the house. He gently sipped his coffee.

“Mimi, can you and the housekeepers do me a favor?”

“Of course Boss!”

“Get the common areas cleaned and get the house back to its normal state and then just take the rest of the week off,” He said nothing else, had one of his housekeepers pack an overnight bag and he just left. He didn’t know where he wanted to go but he couldn’t stay in that house any longer. He knew he was on his breaking point. He felt sick to his stomach and decided on a drink before settling somewhere for the night. He didn’t know how his life ended like this. He hated himself. He didn’t want any of this to get this far but it did and he loathed himself for it. He felt as though he was going to keel over. He’s been feeling weaker and sicker for a long time and can’t remember the last time he was ever happy. His recent trip to the doctor said his heart would give out on him at this rate. He was prescribed a special tea to fix things but Clarisse just spent the money that needed to buy it. He then felt something on his shoulder. He turned.

“Oh! You’re _____________________’s brother,”

“We have room for one more,” he turned and the group gave him a smile and beckoned him over. He recognized Marco but also the sweet Maid from the recital. He remembered apologizing to her on behalf of his wife and daughter. He got up and went over. Once down, more food and drinks were ordered.

“Thank you so much for letting me sit with you,”

“No problem,” said Beckman, “Looked like you needed some friends to talk to,”

“Is it that obvious?”

“Mhm, is there something wrong?”

“Yeah…and it’s just, I’m just so tired,”

“We’re here if you just want to talk,” said Lesser

“It’s about what happened a few days ago, right?” said Marco. Mr. Crewe sighed.

“Part of it. I once again apologize for my wife’s behavior,”

“No need, _________________ is fine and she’s writing a thank you note for the dress and ice cream,” he smiled.

“You guys raised good kids. Really good kids,” Mr. Crewe took a sip from his drink, “I was all set to marry the love of my life. Her name was Rita. She was smart, beautiful, sweet, kind, and loving but I had to give it all up a few years ago when Clarisse came into my life,”


“Apparently I was given a paternity test and it was revealed that Holly was my daughter. I don’t even remember it happening. I was at a get together with some friends at a huge party with some potential business clients and I remember waking up with Clarisse straddling me but this was several years ago. I remember getting her off me and running out of the place and then a few years later she showed up with Holly. She said I got drunk at the party and we did it but…I don’t remember anything from that night, just her on top of me and that’s about it. I’m not attracted to her in the least, we haven’t even consummated our marriage yet. She refuses and it just never came up. I’m trying to force myself to love this woman but I can’t. But Holly deserves a father but…truthfully, I don’t like my child. I feel so guilty about that. I don’t have a connection with her at all. I don’t like her, I have tried to bond with her but I can’t. She’s too much like her mother. I tried to take her on trips with me but she’s rude to the waitstaff, I have disciplined her over and over but nothing works. I tried to get her to volunteer and do charity work with me. Same thing. It’s frustrating. That’s why I try to spoil her, to make up for the mistakes and guilt of not being in her life for so long,”

“Do you still keep in contact with Rita?”

“I used to write her letters and we used to do that platonically back and forth but then one day, they stopped,” he said, “She was the light that I needed to get through the weeks. I don’t know what happened to her and I just…I just feel trapped,”

“This isn’t good for you,” said Namani

“I know it isn’t. But there’s not much I can do,” Mr. Crewe downed his drink

"You still love Rita, don't you?" said Beckman 

“I still do, I still love her but I also know with Holly around, I can’t abandon my family. I grew up without a father and I don’t think any child should,”

“You’re a good man, Crewe,” said Beckman, “Anyone else would have been making her take tests to prove it,”

“Please, call me Theo,”

“I thought your name was Matthew,” said Lesser

“Oh, well, it is, Theo’s my nickname. My name is Matthew Theodore Crewe but there were a few students in my class with Matthew so Rita called me Theo and it stuck. I wanted to take a test but Holly has two very distinct things that I know is from my family. The Hazel eyes and a very distinct birthmark,” he rolled up his sleeve to reveal a large tribal sunflower on his forearm.

“You’re from the Sunflower Clan!” said Lesser, “You’re actually from the Flos Islands?!”

“Mhm. Not many know about that clan or ancestry. You must have been a traveler in your youth,”

“You can say that but it’s just so…weird to see someone like you in the wild,” he laughs.

“We’re everywhere actually but a lot of us take to ourselves but my great grandmother was a brilliant woman who used her abilities to make perfumes and things and passed the secrets to her descendants and we turned it into a profitable business! We tend to keep to ourselves. That’s where Rita comes in. She’s from the Rose Clan and our families have been allies for years and she was my best friend since we were children and we were set to marry…until I screwed up things…” he knocked back another drink, “I had my doubts, serious doubts and I made Clarisse sign a prenuptial agreement before we married,” this piqued Nanami’s interest.


“I told her I wanted to have an agreement and I don’t think she bothered reading it. Especially since I was told to call it anything but a prenup. I had a lawyer friend draw everything up and when things get rough, I usually take a look at it and thank my lucky ass to have it made,”

“It’s on your phone? Let me see,” Theo handed it over and the Quintet looked at it. It was like a council looking at his fate. They talked amongst themselves and Beckman chuckled before sniggering before outright laughing. Lesser had a very eerie smile on her face and shook her head in disbelief before she just started giggling like a madman. Shouta started chuckling, Marco smiled and Nanami handed him back everything, “Your lawyer is an old friend, isn’t he?”

“Yes! We were old classmates! We went to school together!”

“Miles Edgeworth?”

“YES! Is he a client of yours?!”

“We’ve hired his services before. Your wife never read it, did she?”

“I doubt it,”

“She’s either cocky or stupid. If she knew what she was signing, she wouldn’t have. According to this, if you ever decide to divorce her she’s going to be destitute,” said Lesser laughing, “She’ll be lucky if you have mercy on her and give her something! And it’s a complete “her fault” contract,”

“Destitute is an understatement,” said Marco, “She’s going to have to pay him compensation money if she’s at fault and that could be anything according to the contract,”

“And all you need is one sound witness or witnesses and Miles even put that anyone who’s sentient enough to speak and tell the same story,”

“You can tell he doesn’t like her,” said Beckman, “The man’s ruthless when it comes to someone he likes personally. I really think you should look into the clause that if Holly is revealed to not be yours, not only does she owe you compensation, it’ll be increased several folds,”

“Along with everything you’ve ever paid for Holly,” said Shouta, “Including education fees, clothes expenses, and hell he even has a food and child expense budget,”

“Did she have anything when you two married?” said Lesser

“Umm I believe it was about five million beli. Apparently her parents were wealthy before they cut her off. I don’t know why. They don’t really speak to her. I know I’m gullible but I think everything about her is a lie,”

“I know it’s hard to believe you’ve manipulated and taken in as a fool but how many years has it’s been?” said Nanami

“Five years, five very long years,” he said

“That’s five years too many,” said Lesser, “Especially for a crime you didn’t commit,”

“So what should I do? I genuinely do not know what to do,” the Quintet cracked their backs and joints eerily at the same time. Beckman took out a pen and started writing.

“Well you did a good job rerouting everything to her accounts instead of yours,” said Marco, “At this rate she’s going to take you for everything, now she’s only using hers,”

“Keep adding money to that account,” said Beckman, “Just so she doesn’t get suspicious and have a paper trail,”

“Spend time at the office and stay here at Makino’s,” said Nanami, “You need some time to yourself and she’s not going to think you went to a “peasant” inn,”

“And I’m guessing the tea is Yggadrisil,” said Marco, “I know someone who makes the tea and I’ll have her bring it over. Just keep your strength up,”

“Transfer any asset that she knows is worth a lot, heirlooms, artifacts, and anything she could take to hurt you and place it in a secure location,” said Nanami, “Contact Miles and have him hang onto it for safekeeping. Replace it all with exact versions of it but cheap. Open and hide everything into accounts she doesn’t know about and only keep enough where if finds it and cleans it out, you’re not ruined,”

“By no means accept any sort of food or drink from her,” said Lesser, “I’m assuming because you have housekeepers, she doesn’t lift a finger to help but if she starts to smell a rat, she’s going to try something to keep her hold on you, including another baby trap. Stay clear, make sure all wines and alcohol is unopened and away from her. Lock it up and tell your housekeeper to alert you if she’s acting strange around food or beverages. If anything, keep a mini fridge in your study and make sure you only have the key to it or leave the second with one of us,”

“I suggest Marco and he can place it on River’s neck,” said Beckman, “That cat won’t let anyone take it,”

“Have Miles draw up the divorce papers,” said Aizawa, “That way they’ll almost be ready and have the evidence because this isn’t healthy and there’s something not right. You’re a good man and you don’t need this stress,” Mr. Crewe looked touched. For the first time in five years, he felt a lot better. He was trembling. He didn’t realize he was. Backman handed him the paper with everything he needed to do and Makino refreshed their drinks.

“W-Why…and it’s not that I’m not thankful…I-I really appreciate all of this….but why are you all being so kind to me?”

“You treated ___________________ well for starters,” said Marco, “But it also looked like you needed to talk and a way out, especially since none of this was your fault. You’re a good man who was taken advantage of by an shrew of a woman and you shouldn’t have to suffer in silence for no reason,”

“And it looks like you want to do right by Holly,” said Lesser, “That’s a parent’s duty, to raise good and moral children. Looks like you’ve been doing your best,”

“It’s easily but need all of the help you can get to raise her right,” said Beckman, “it takes a village but have a harpy raising yours and that’s not good in the long run,”

“T-Thank you! Thank you so much!” they all made lighter small talk before calling it a night. Makino had a room ready for Mr. Crewe. It was small and cozy, just like the one who used to sleep in when he was a child visiting his clan. He got undressed, took a shower, and settled down into bed. He would call Miles first thing in the morning and have Mimi clear the house and replace everything for him. For the first time in five years, Mr. Crewe felt at peace. He was going to be a better father and do right by Holly without the spoiling and he was going to make sure everything was secured so Clarisse doesn’t pull anything. He yawned and closed his eyes and promptly went to sleep.

Chapter 115: Void's Day


The Monster Goes for a Walk

Chapter Text

The Little Princess woke up early that morning. It was a beautiful day. She could smell the crisp clean air coming through her window. But today was also a very special and important day. She was going to see what Grandpa did every time he went on his Special Walk. She needed to know why this was his special walk and what made it special. Grandpa Void was a man of few words but she always loved hanging out with him. It wasn’t uncommon for him to go on walks through his kingdom. Everyone in the kingdom knew him and they loved watching their king as he walked and talked and interacted with him. He was a large imposing man but also had a soft heart. Sometimes, he would sneak away to the local bakeries for fresh treats. He was a delight but today was special and she was going to see. She asked Momo if he wanted to tag along.

“Nah, but thanks! I’m going with the Man in Red today! I’m determined to challenge him and WIN!”

“...good luck with that,” She waited and waited and eventually Void came out with his large black cloak. She couldn’t understand why he would wear it when it wasn’t cold out. On his arm was a large basket. She cocked her head. He had things inside but they were covered with a cloth. He took a deep sigh and started walking. She followed close behind but kept her distance. Void walked until he made it to the Town Square. Children were already out and about. Many happily greeted Void who smiled and talked to them as they talked about their days and what’s been going on in their lives. She watched as the ball smacked him across the face. The kids froze. Void didn’t really react to it. Then another ball came. This time he moved. Then another, then another. Void dodged them all before cocked his head. He saw two kids who were determined to hit the balls into the sewer. Void peered into the manhole and heard an ungodly noise. Then another ball came and smacked him again and landed in the manhole. There was a scream and scaling up the stairs. Void went over to the fountain where the balls were coming from. He towered over the fountain and saw two preteens getting ready to reload their weapon.


“Hey, hey, what’s the problem?” They stopped and looked up. The kids froze and turned. Ivy and Oak were infamous in town for being future mad scientists and always were trying out inventions and carrying on experiments. Today was a high powered slingshot. Void looked at them with confusion, “I know I’m not the most popular person in town but did I really deserve that?!”


“You were caught in the crosshairs!” said Oak sheepishly, “We didn’t mean for YOU to get hit!” Ivy and Oak were the future mad scientists and inventors in the kingdom. They came from pretty average families but they produced and encouraged two very intelligent children. For a while, many thought they were siblings or cousins but they were two best friends. Both wore thick glasses and had braces that bonded them greatly. Ivy was a tanned skin girl that was lanky and her brown eyes were magnified by the glasses. Her long black hair was in two long Dutch braids. Oak was the opposite. He was a chubby dark skinned boy with dark eyes. His eyes were also magnified by his glasses and he had short dreadlocks that he often had shells in. Void crouched down.

“Oh? What were you aiming for?” the two frowned and pointed to a young blond boy who was shouting at who hit in with the ball. He didn’t even notice Void and brushed past him and started shouting, “I KNEW IT WAS YOU TWO FREAKS!”




“WHAT?!” the boy turned and froze. Void gave a friendly wave, “I’M SORRY YOUR—wait I DIDN’T DO ANYTHING!”

“No, no none of you are in trouble,” he said, “Oak, Ivy, why are you two launching balls at Trace,”

“HE TOOK OVER OUR LAB!” yelled Oak, “I BET HE MESSED EVERYTHING UP IN THERE!” The long since renovated sewer looked more like an elegant laboratory than a sewer. Well, in recent years, kids started playing down there and it became an unofficial place other than the woods. But the Town Square area was unofficially Ivy and Oak’s Place and it was a place where they came up with and stored their inventions. Void made sure the piles were wild invention proof, just in case.

“Okay, Trace, why did you take over Ivy and Oak’s spot?”

“The acoustics are perfect!”


“My awesome music!”




“I’M NOT! TELL THEM YOUR HIGHNESS!” Trace started to belt out a few notes. Void sincerely wished he didn’t have ears at that moment but still kept a blank smile.


“HOW DARE YOU!” Void listened to the kids argue some more. The Little Princess watched as he went to the area in question. The space wasn’t tiny by any means but he also knew that Ivy and Oak made the place their own and kept their inventions there instead of terrorizing the town. But sound did amplify at the right angle and he now realized where the strange rumor of a dying coyote came from after listening to Trace’s singing. The last thing he wanted to do was discourage the kids’ interests. He then grinned.

“Oak, Ivy, didn’t you two invent a special padding that absorbed sound?” the two kids stopped. Void gave a very secret smile. Oak lit up

“You know about that?!”

“Mhm, I thought it was a wonderful idea! I believe it can muffle outside sound but also keep sound inside?”

“Yeah!” said Ivy

“So if a rising singer wanted to know what he sounded like to improve his singing, that foam would be an excellent stupid, right?” the two immediately knew what he was hinting and nodded profusely. Trace perked up.

“You two nerds can make me a studio?!” the frowned, “I mean cool inventors!”

“They can buuuuuuuuuuut someone took over their lab and they can’t do much I’m afraid,” said Void, “But I’m sure if you asked them, they’ll use the foam to help you perfect your craft,”

“Deal! I hated it in that place anyway! A star like me should have to be reduced to a sewer!”

“THen it’s settled! I think there’s a nice place in the woods near the creek where you guys can find a nice spot,”

“I KNOW!” said Oak, “There’s a hollowed out tree! He can go there!”

“And it’s safe! We can make a ladder for him to climb in and out and even install a lighting system!” said Ivy

“Trace, how does that sound to you?”

“Perfect! Come along!” Trace started towards the woods.

“That way you two can have your lab back and Trace can perfect his craft away from an audience who can’t appreciate his music yet,” he winked.

“Thanks Your Highness!” said Ivy running away towards, “Stop by my house later! Mama is making sopaipillas and I have one with your name on it!”

“Yeah thanks Mr. King!” said Oak running after, “I’ll make you an automatic back scratcher!” He shook head with a smile before carrying on. The Little Princess giggled. Everyone liked Grandpa! Even the kids! However, there was one thing he could not win over, little Amy and for a DARN good reason at least in her eyes! On a particular day, Void had a celebration that just happened to fall upon Amy’s special day, meaning it was overlooked. He didn’t realize his mistake until he received a strongly worded letter in crayon about her feelings. Since, Void had tried his hardest to make it up to his young citizen, much to her parents’ embarrassment.

“Your Highness you don’t have to!” said her mother

“Please it’s alright, I didn’t know that that day was her birthday! I have to make it up to her somehow!”

“As you should!” Little Amy said from the door. She was a small little girl around the age of eight with a little button nose, fluffy green pigtails, ruby eyes, and beauty mark on her lip. Void glanced up from and smiled at her.

“Hello Little Amy! How are you on this beautiful day!”

“Terrible now that YOU’RE here!”

“AMY!” Void looks absolutely hurt.

“Oh dear, I’m so sorry that you’re still upset with me,” he said. She pouted, “Especially since a little girl only turns eight, once in a lifetime,”

“As you should!”

“I agree but I wanted to make it up to you, if it’s alright,”

“There’s NOTHING you can do to make this right! You hear me?! Nothing!” she folded her little arms and turned her head. Her parents looked embarrassed. Void chuckled before beckoning someone to make his reveal. It was a known fact that little Amy wanted a dog but she had to be very careful because she was also highly allergic to dogs. She pretended that she didn’t like dogs but in reality, her little heart yearned for a dog to call her own. As it so happened, a traveler came through the kingdom recently with three hairless puppies. Void traded for them all, not liking the idea of them being cooped up in a cage together. After getting them care, he managed to adopt two out by saving one for the little girl. He asked Zane to meet him there and he made the reveal with an adorable hairless puppy. The little ankle biter yapped and wagged his tail. Amy cooed and looked ever so excited at the little puppy.

“Well I was hoping this would. He’s a hairless puppy from East Blue and he is the last one left of her litter and I was hoping that a little girl who’s allergic to dog would love to have him as her own. With her parents’ permission,” they smiled and nodded. Amy softens.

“You’re slightly forgiven,” she said cuddling her new best friend.

“Are we friends again?”

“We were NEVER friends,” she said, “But I guess we are now,” she smiled and snuggled her new pet, “What’s his name?”

“Whatever you want it to be,” little Amy looked thoughtful for a few moments.


“Moldy?” said Void

“Yeah after YOU! Moldy Voidy!” she stuck out her tongue and scampered away with her new best friend at her heels. Void looked shocked but couldn’t help but laugh. Her parents apologized over and over, “No need! She’s such an energetic child! I wouldn’t expect anything less!” he laughed, “Zane thank you for keeping him calm until I got here,”

“No problem, your Majesty!” Amy’s mother noticed the basket

“Oh! Your Highness, it’s that time of year again?”

“Mhm, I was just on my way. But I wanted to give Amy my peace offering,”

“You’re a good man, your Highness,” said Amy's father.

“Nah, you’re both raising an energetic and assertive child. You both should be proud,” The Little Princess watched as Grandpa headed off on her journey again. She couldn't help but laugh. He FINALLY won over Amy. Amy came back and looked around. She looked a little puzzled.

“Huh, where did he go?” she asked

“He’s on his special mission,” said her mother

“What’s so special about it?” she whispered something in her ear. Amy looked a little sad and ran to see where Void went but he was already gone, “I-I didn’t mean to be that mean to him!”

“Just…lay off being horrid to his Majesty for a while. He’s very fragile right now,” Amy just nodded but went back inside with Moldy.

“Ah! Your Majesty! Today’s the day, huh?” Void’s final stop was a flower shop that was near the woods. There were all kinds of flowers from everywhere but what made Mrs. Pina’s flowers were so unique because she grew them herself with many different types of species that were not native to the area at all. Many travelers came from far and wide to get them. Doctors as well for medicines and even nobility of course she would have them flown to the locations with special birds in order to keep her area and home hidden. Void was a huge fan and had a special area of certain things for his castle, including herbs and bedside flowers for himself.

“Mhm, it’s that time of year again. Your roses smell heavenly as usual!”

“You flatterer! How many would you like?”

“A dozen please. Also those gardenias and sweet peas please,”

“You got it!” he watched as Mrs. Pina got everything ready for him. He looked around the shop before something caught his eye. He cocked his head a bit and saw an adorable fox figurine.

“How much is this?” he said

“What, your Highness?”

“This?” he held it up.

“Oh! It’s on the house for you!”

“No, no, how much?”

“Ten hundred beli,” he paid and placed it in his basket, “Did you make this?”

“Oh no! Edwin has been very bored lately so he’s been making things like this in his spare time,”

“I’m guessing retirement isn’t the best is it?”

“Sadly now he’s been trying to keep himself busy but I have NO idea what he wants to do. He’s so proud and he doesn’t like to speak so I just gave up and then he started making things again! But he’s also been trying his best to do housework and things but he’s…SO bad at it!” Void thought for a few moments. Mrs. Pina looked like she was ready to scream. Edwin was a master carpenter. He was a shipwright and even in town, he was always doing things but he decided it was time for retirement because there wasn’t much for him to do.

“You know, I can use a few things in the castle and I would be honored for him to make me a few pieces of his art. I’ll provide the wood and workshop and of course pay him for whatever he needs. Also I’ll need someone to repair my old ship in case we ever need it,” Mrs. Pina BEAMED.

“Oh he’ll like that!” she said

“Just casually let him know that I’m looking for someone,” he winked. She giggled and nodded. She handed him the flowers. She gave him a few extras and hugged him tightly and he went on his merry way. The Princess was in awe at this. Grandpa was really that type of man and she could see why everyone in the kingdom loved and admired him. After the flowers, that was when the walk really began. Void walked a good mile out of town, deep into the woods. Soon they were at the creek. He went into the stream and got a bucket of water. He drank some of it and then refilled it. He trekked on and trudged up a hill where at the top were gardenia plants and honeysuckle planted around the area with a large peace tree. In center of it all there was a statue of a beautiful woman sitting on a bench. She had kind eyes, a bright smile, and sat there with an air of elegance and grace. Void smiled and gently touched the woman before he took out things from his basket. The Princess watched as he carefully arranged the flowers in the vase and poured the water inside before taking off his large cloak and placing it on the ground in front of the grave. He sat down on it and gently placed his hand on the cool marble. He then carefully unwrapped the incense in his basket and burned them.

“It’s been awhile my love hasn’t it?” he gave a weak smile, “I know it’s been awhile and I’m glad the idiot cleaned your grave a bit for me. I guess that warrants a thank you,” he chuckled, “A lot has changed hasn’t it? But you’re still as beautiful as ever,” he sat in silence for a while and let the smell of the incense and serenity around him just linger a few moments, “I know you told me not to mourn if anything was to happen but I miss you everyday. I fear every time I visit you, I’ve failed you in some way. I couldn’t stop….things from happening-an-and as a made the ultimate sacrifice and what-what do I do? Let the one good thing that came from it slip away,” the little princess saw tears rolling down Grandpa’s face, “I-I’m sorry Amare…” The Little Princess had never seen Grandpa in some much pain and sorrow. She even found herself crying. When he didn’t move for a while, she knew it was best for her to return home. When she got there, the Man in Red was laughing as Momo snuggled into a dark haired woman’s chest and “sobbed”.

“Let me guess…you didn’t beat him,”

“NO! But I think I’m still the winner,” said Momo grinning as the woman bopped him good

“Don’t be a pervert,” she said

“Hi AUnt Violet!” said the Little Princes!”

“Mija! Where have you been?!”

“I went to follow Grandpa and he was busy…so I went home,”

“Oh….it’s that time isn’t it?”

“I heard that a few times, what’s going on?”

“Well…today is the day that Grandpa Void visits his wife,”

“The Pretty Lady?!”

“Mhm, talk to the Man in Red while we finish up dinner before he comes home,” she took Momo by the ear and guided him to the kitchen. She looked at the Man in Red expectantly.

“What do you need to know?”

“Does he do that a lot? I’m pretty sure he was rooted to the castle,” he laughed.

“He’s actually gotten a lot better,” said the Man in Red, “There was a time where Void couldn’t leave that grave for days. It wasn’t until a particular day when a few people from town found him passed out in front of it and immediately got him back in the castle. He almost starved to death,”

“That’s terrible!” said the Princess, “He can’t do that! He’ll make himself sick!” the Man in Red chuckled.

“That’s the same thing the ladies of the kingdom said! He was scolded for weeks while he got his strength up,”

“As he should! Poor Grandpa!”

“But he’s gotten better, a lot better. He only goes to see Amare twice a year now but people do grieve in very different ways,”

“Like Aunt Stella!” he nodded.

“Grief is a very powerful emotion. Unlike love it hits you harder, right to your very core as a living being. The reason is because someone that you were able to touch, love, hold, feel, and talk to isn’t there anymore. And they will never come back unless you believe in an afterlife. It’ll cut you deep in your heart and it’ll never feel the same way again. It’ll make you think about your own morality, it’ll make you think about memories and feelings you never thought about, and it’ll change who you are forever. And what makes this emotion so powerful is that the only way to cure it is to face it,”


“But fret not! You don’t have to go through it alone! Why do you think I hang around here so much? Void won’t say it but he loves having me about,”

“He does?!”

“Mhm! Void is a different breed of man. He’s like my brother and I respect him more than myself. Of course we don’t always see eye to eye but he’s always made sure to what was good or in the best interest to everyone, not just himself. Hence why he knew he had to return to his kingdom after her father passed. Luckily the citizen loved the young king and knew him from living here,”

“How did you two meet?” said the Little Princess

“Oh, well, in a bar fight,” the Man in Red laughed, “Void had snuck off to explore and I saw him and decided to size him up a bit, especially since someone was mouthing off to him and they ended up in a fight. Soooooo I decided to have some fun. We fist fought for hours until we were too tired to throw another punch. I asked him to join my crew. He said no and I kind of stalked him until I realized where he lived and that he was a Prince. I convinced him to still go but it wasn’t until his father gave him the kick to go and see the world, like he did,”

“I wonder if he misses traveling with you,”

“Oh I know he does but his responsibility is here but does try and sneak out every once in a while when he wants to see the world, especially an old bakery he used to go to. I swear that man’s sweet tooth knows no bounds,”

“One day he’s going to get the mother of all tummy aches,” said Matilda giggling, “But then again, he has an iron stomach that one,”

“Mattie my love!” the Man in Red hugged the woman who batted at him playfully.

“Void isn't back yet?”

“Nah uh,”

“I hope he get back soon,” said Aunt Stella, “I made him a special dinner tonight just to hopefully take his mind off things,”

Like clockwork, Void appeared at the door at around seven. He walked through his castle as usual with a large bag of sopapillas. It doesn’t get any easier every time he does but does have to admit, he feels a lot better after seeing Amare. All of the good memories flooding back into his heart always bright him comfort. He sighed and put on a brave face before going into the dinning hall.


“YOUR MAJESTY!” The Little Princess, Momo, Aunt Violet and Aunt Stella came running and almost tackled the man down. Void looked confused but hugged them all anyway. Then there was stomping and before Void could move, the Man in Red had tackled him, lifted him up, and hugged him tightly.


“Wahahahahahaha! But we missed you!”

“It’s only been a few hours!” the Man in Red puts him down. Void stumbled a little, “And Abuelita insisted I come over and get some sopaipillas after helping Ivy today. So here,” Aunt Stella took the sopaipillas into the kitchens. After a few moments, she had one for each of them, one especially for Void who had a glaze with his name literally on it. He chuckled and happily tore into it. They soon all ate together, her, Momo, Aunt Stella, Aunt Violet, Grandpa Void, and the Man in Red. Surprisingly, this didn’t spoil dinner and everyone was at the table eating Aunt Stella’s shrimp scampi.the adults all made small talk and the Man in Red was laughing and regaling some of his tales to Grandpa Void who listened earnestly. Then it hit the Little Princess.


“Hmmmm? What Mija?” said said Aunt Violet

“Has anyone seen Daddy?!” said The Little Princess.

“Oh! The idiot is probably still training,”

“I swear that man is going to kill himself someday,” said Grandpa

“Seriously,” said Void, “Stella, you seem to be the only one who can talk some sense into him,”

“You mean bully him,” said Aunt Violet laughing, “Give him hell, Stella!”

“Oh I will!” the room went quiet and all craned their ears towards the door. Suddenly there was a bellow that was first muffled then got louder.

“GODDAMN IT WOMAN! LET GO!” Aunt Stella causally came back into the room holding onto Daddy’s ear. He flailed and shouted and the more he pulled the worst it was. It was a sight to see. Aunt Stella was about six feet and Daddy was nine in a half and was reduced to being guided about by a smaller woman. Behind them was Bane and Zane who were laughing all the while, “DON’T ENCOURAGE HER!”

“Serves you right!” said Aunt Viola, “Mi sobrina has been waiting for you to come home!” he looked up just as the Little Princess ran towards him. He scooped up his daughter and leered at the two women who looked as though the cat ate the canary.


“Gliko!” He kissed her cheek and gave her a big hug before setting her down.

“Seriously Stella! What was that for!”

“Serves you right for ditching my sweet little niece!” said Aunt Violet


“Training Day, morning all day,” said Zane, “Sorry Captain but…it’s kind of true,”


“WE DID!” said Bane

“MORE THAN ONCE!” said Zane



“Gliko, Papa’s sorry!”

“It’s okay! You were busy!”

“Yeah he was a mad man today,” said Bane, “The recruits are still sleeping it off,”

“Still it’s not to good idea for you to not be in the zone so much you forget to eat,” said Void, “That’s not good for you,”

“I’m—” they heard a loud growling coming from Daddy. He looked down in defeat.

“Lucky for you, the fisher brought in some fresh shrimps and Stella made shrimp scampi for dinner tonight,”

“Just for you,” she chimed

“I guess you’re forgiven,” he mumbled.

“And as king, I order you to stop training at four for dinner,” said Void walking to the table.

“What?! You can’t do this to me!” Void glanced over and gave a very scary smile.

“I mean if you want to challenge me on it, I’m more than happy to oblige,” Daddy stood down.

“It’s for your own good!” said the Man in Red laughing

“Yeah Daddy!” said the Little Princess. After dinner and after a bath, the Little Princess played hide and seek with her Daddy. He wasn’t very good at it. He was so big she could easily find him behind trees and things. Then they did little mock fights and drills. Grandpa Void was okay with this because this was bonding for them. Soon she was tired and Daddy tucked her into bed. She yawned. He gently stroked her hair.

“So did you have fun today, gliko?”

“MHM! I followed Grandpa Void around! He’s so cool!”

“That he is,” said Daddy, “I did have my reservations at first but your Grandpa respects and admires him so I have no doubts that he’s a good man,”

“I’m glad we’re here,” he smiles.

“So am I. Do you like our new home?”

“MHM! Do you?!”

“I hate to admit it but I do. It’s so weird to be someplace this peaceful and quiet,”

“And that’s why you train because you’re bored!” he chuckled

“I USED to be bored but Grandpa Void made me a Captain of his guards and crew and I get to pass my knowledge onto future soldiers, you, and Momo,”

“Momo too?!”

“Mhm, he loves training with me! He wants to be able to at least go toe to toe with his Daddy and one day Void,”

“His Dad, maybe but not Grandpa Void,”

“Same thing I said but he’s determined,”

“I mean, someday I wanna be able to be Captain of the Guards too!” said the Little Princess.


“MHM! So I can protect the kingdom and everyone who comes into it, just like you, Grandpa Void, Bane, and Zane!”

“You have a long way to go but you’re getting there,” he said smiling, “I’m sorry that I forgot about our training today,”

“It’s okay! Are we going to do it tomorrow?”

“Of course! First thing!”

“Good because Aunt Stella is teaching me to sew! And I need something for the tournament, right?”

“You do but don’t worry about that! Clothing is one thing, it’s your skills that helps you win,”

“True but Aunt Violet said I have to look good while doing it and you’re not a girl so you wouldn’t understand,” he laughed and ruffled her hair. He tucked her in tightly, gave her a kiss goodnight and left the room. In another part of the castle, Void found himself just transfixed on the light. It was bright and shiny and warm. He smiled watching the light make movements and danced was just so energetic. The colors were always changing and he loved it. The colors were always bright and just brought him so much peace.

“How are you holding up?” Void looks up. Roger was grinning from his study door. He slipped in with a bottle of sake in one hand and churros in the other. He sat with his brother and they both sat in silence for a few moments.

“...thank you for keeping her grave clean for me,” Roger smiled.

“No problem but I’ve had some help. When I got there, some of the residents were already cleaning it. Apparently they’ve been cleaning the queen’s grave and keeping it pristine out of respect for her and of course their beloved king,” Void smiles, “Did my best today, I’m not as good at grae cleaning as the Little Lady but I did a great job I would say,” he poured them both a drink, “How are you holding up?”

“Better than usual. I thought for sure I was going to spend this day alone,”

“Pffft why do you think you have me? But apparently, everyone was worried about you since you left this morning. Had no idea they had dinner planned for you. Even little Gliko was keeping an eye on you. You’re not alone, Void,” he smiled.

“I know…I’m so lucky to have a family and a kingdom of good hearted people. More than what I deserve,”

“You do enough to make sure everyone around you is safe and happy, that’s all anyone can ever want. And you deserve it,”

“But they deserve it more,” he smiled, “Thanks Roger,”

“Just get some rest and eat these churros with me,”

“Still warm,”

“Stella just made them. Matilda canceled your meetings so you can get some rest for a while. Annnnnnnnd if you like, we can sneak away to your favorite bakery. Everyone is going to be okay and whatever happens, we can deal with it when we get back,” Void looked a little apprehensive before nodding.


“I knew it. And if you don’t go, I’ll kingnap you,”

“You can try!”

“The best time to get you is when you’re sleeping!”

“You wouldn’t dare!”

“I have and you know I have NO shame!”

Chapter 116: Summer Short Stories


A Bunch of Lore from the Little Girl and the Residents of her Town!

Chapter Text

Origins of Festival Day

Smoker sat at his booth, bored out of his mind. To boost morale, Sengoku was thinking of ways to show the town they were residing in the barracks that they were not just there to train but also human as well. After a long meeting and talk, Bellemere suggested a small festival with stalls and games and things. It was decided on something small and each Marine should help do something. Bellemere set up a roasted oranges stall, Roci wanted to do taiyaki and after making all of the foolproofing, he was accepted, and Hina decided on being a floater to be where she was needed and Smoker offered to sell his ceramics. So far the festival was a big success…except for his things. So far, no takers. In fact, many stayed clear of his table and him. He wasn’t like he didn’t try to be friendly but he knew he had a scary face and that didn’t help. Hina would bring him food and things but still no takers and he was getting restless. Was his pottery that bad? He thought some of the designs were nice.

“HI MR. SMOKER!” he looked up to see __________________ beaming at him while munching on taiyaki. She gave his a nice hot one with red bean paste.

“Hey kiddo. Having fun?”

“MHM! Thank you for telling me about it! There’s so much food everywhere!”

“Where’s that mangy cat of yours?”

“REOW!” River appeared from behind. She then looked at all of the nice things on the table.


“Mhm, I make pottery in my spare time,”

“THAT’S SO COOL! Miss Hancock showed me how to make kanzashi! Can you show me how to do pottery?!”

“One day,”

“Have you sold anything? I bet you’re going to make LOADS of money!”

“Not yet,”

“Awwww that's not good! These are so nice! Everyone should buy something! Can I help?”

“No, you might break something. Go play, kid,” she scampered away. He was left alone again. He kind of wished she came back, at least for a little knock knock joke or something. He started on his taiyaki. It was still hot. He didn’t mind sitting, he just needed something to happen.

“Oooh these ARE gorgeous!” he looked up. A young woman was happily eyeing his tea set. She looked enthralled at it, “It looks just like the one my mother had! Even the wisteria pattern! I thought the old master died! How much?!”

“5000 beli?”

“Sold!” he wrapped it up and she happily went away. One sale. His first sale. He felt a lot better. Then he heard a gasp.

“IS THAT A FROG SHAPED TEA SET?!” a teenage girl looked at the pot.

“Umm yeah and the cups are tadpoles,” the girl squealed

“I need this in my life like right now! How much?!”

“4000 beli?”

“Wrap it up!” a small crowd started to form at his table. Many were excited to see his work. He sold mugs, cups, sets, dinner plates, and even a few bowls. He even had to bring out stuff from behind his table. As he did so, he heard a conversation from two elderly women.

“I think it’s so cute that his little girl is guiding people to his father’s stall,” the first woman tittered.

“She’s so proud of his work and hyped it up. I had to take a look at it myself!” said the second.

“It’s so cute to see a scary man with an adorably cute daughter!” he froze and whipped around.

“Excuse me, what?” the old ladies chuckled.

“Your little one has been sending people to your stall! She’s been saying that your work is so nice and pretty and affordable that we had to take a look! She’s so proud of you and your work! It’s so cute seeing her advertising your work!” the ladies ended up buying a yunomi set and a sake set before leaving. Soon there was a line of people looking at his work and buying things or asking if he could do something in particular. People even started to ask him about his process and skills. He wasn’t complaining. His pottery was important to him. When things started dying down, he got a cadet to get Hina for him.

“Hina…watch the stall for a moment,” Smoker got up and went through the fair. He was hoping, praying that it was just some random kid, but he knew better. He got to the main pathway and lo and behold, ___________________ was happily talking to some fair goers. They listened as she happily guided them towards his stall. River was on her shoulder and head to add to the cuteness factor of the whole thing.

“His pottery is SO nice! He works hard on them every night after work! Being a Marine is hard and this makes him happy! There’s a lot of love in his stuff! He can make anything! I’m sure if you ask him REALLY nicely he can make you a HUGE dinner set! River will show you the way!” the people thanked her and headed for his stall. She trotted back to her post and started talking to the next batch of unsuspecting customers. It was then that he made himself known. He loomed over the little girl, who froze and slowly turned. The woman smiled.

“Sir, is this your little girl?! She’s so cute and sweet! She’s so proud of her daddy’s work! You really are raising her to be such a sweet little girl!” said a woman petting _________________ fondly. Smoker’s face went red.

“She’s…not my kid she’s my…temporary cadet…”

“Mhm, I’m sure! There’s no shame in admitting that your little girl is helping you! I may take up the dinnerware offer!” the woman went towards his table. _______________ was about to sneak off.

“Freeze kid!” ______________ froze. So did River and they slowly turned around.

“Ack! I’m sorry, Mr. Smok—,” he gave her some beli.

“Go take a cake break, get some food, and enjoy the festival. Get some ice cream on me,”

“REALLY?! Thank you! Come on, River!”

“Mew!” Smoker watched the pair disappear into the crowd. He swears that girl and her cat were going to be the death of him. He couldn’t help but smile though. She did send him some business. By the end of the day, Smoker just about sold out of her pottery. He made a pretty good profit and then some. When he got home, he poured himself a beer and stretched out on the couch. He was a bachelor who had his life semi together. He was exhausted but he was also inspired. He went into his craft area and took out a sketchbook before flipping through his designs and stopped at a blank page and got to work. About a week later, ________________ was at the barracks doing her long over community work. River was with her snoozing in the shade and receiving pets from Marines who were neither resting or passing by. SHe was almost finished when she heard a familiar bellow.

“___________________ get in here!” ___________________ poked her head into Smoker’s office. On his desk was a yunomi mug that had a cat that looked like River walking and leaving his paw prints behind in the same color on a black background. River hopped up on the desk and got a closer look and rubbed his head against it in approval, “Here, consider it a thank you for your help at the festival last week. Her little face lit up.

“REALLY?!” he grunted a yes. She beamed as he wrapped it up for her before placing it in her satchel.

“I’ll take you to the train in a few minutes. Meet me at my bike,”

“Yes Mr. Smoker! Thank you!” He was given a hug and sneak attack cheek kiss before left alone again. The gruff Marine stared. He KNEW that child was going to be the death of him.

“Soooooooooo….when are you going to ask Whitebeard if you can adopt your daughter?”


Law’s Shit List

Sanji’s head was in ___________________’s satchel with Ace, Sabo, and Luffy following close behind. Word of what he did to Lesser had spread amongst the kid group along with the punishment that followed. Law, with the help of Killer, had cornered Sanji and Law said nothing but used his Room and Shambles and dispersed Sanji’s body parts all over Windmill Village. The next day, Sanji was just a head and arms. Zeff, still made him do the lunch prep. But he called __________________ for some aid to help his sous chef get his body back. However this proved to be pointless because _________________ was out of town for the Pretty Soldier Festival and Sanji had no one to help, especially since the boys all decided collectively that he was not to be given aid. When she came back however, she was contacted and pleaded with. Ace briefed her on the situation. Although she knew he deserved it, Zeff offered her cake and food as payment and she agreed. Now Sanji was in her satchel as she and her brothers looked for the rest of his body. All the while being scolded and at times given the silent treatment by ________________. It took them most of the day, especially when Katherina came to help after finding and retrieving a piece of Sanji that she found in her backyard and wondered how in the hell did a leg end up there and why was it still moving. It took an entire day but soon Sanji’s body parts were back.

“Well…not all,” he said sheepishly

“What do you mean?!” said Luffy, “You look pretty intact to me!”

“Me too!” said Sabo

“Yeah what’s missing?” said Ace.

“Well, my…little Sanji is missing,” __________________ cocked her head. Ace, Luffy, and Sabo however started laughing their asses off, “IT’S NOT FUNNY!”

“Yes it is!” said Sabo laughing

“You REALLY pissed off Law if you can’t find that!” said Ace

“YOUR PENIS IS GONE!” said Luffy laughing


“Maybe Law has it,” said ________________, “Or Killer,”

“Why would Killer have it?!”

“Probably to make sure you don’t get it!” said Sabo laughing, “Come on, let’s go see,” They made the journey to the Dead Island and found Kid and Killer with the new kid Argo. Upon coming into the Ribbon home, they told them about Sanji’s plight. Kid and Killer started laughing

“You don’t have a dick!” said Kid laughing

“Serves you right, you pervert!” said Killer laughing

“Wait, what?!” said Argo.

“We’ll explain later,” he said laughing, “I need to see how this plays out!”

“IT’S NOT FUNNY!” said Sanji miserably

“That’s what you get for playing tricks on Lesser!!” the kids traveled back. On their way, ________________ asked Law to meet them in the woods. Law was waiting when they all finally got there. _____________ beamed and hugged him.

“Umm…Law,” said _________________, “Sanji said he’s missing his ...little Sanji and I don’t know what that is. Do you know where it is?”

“Oh, that, I have it,” said Law casually

“Give it back!” said Sanji

“Why should I!” Law glared, “You had MY mom sit on your FACE!” Killer froze.

“So THAT’S what you did! You fuckin’ nasty arse pervert!”

“HEY! You’re more perverted than I am!”

“Yeah but I do it out of consent and messing with people but bringing Lesser into your sick shit?! You’re lucky she didn’t kill you!”

“Don’t judge me! Who amongst us hadn’t fantasized about ONE of the maids!” the kids looked horrified and disgusted.


“COOK FEEDS ME!” said Luffy, “And she’s going to take me hunting!”

“Pretty sure Lesser can and WILL kill me!” said Ace, “And Perv has been saving me from Marco’s boring science lessons with her own! She actually makes it fun!”

“I like hanging out with Miss Cook and Miss Lesser!” said _______________, “Lesser has a LOT of amazing stories and Cook always has good things to eat! And she and Dom have squishy boobs!”

“Not to mention Perv knows the BEST ramen hacks!” said Sabo, “You can make an AMAZING sauce in instant ramen with just mayo, an egg, and garlic! She even has some flavors you can’t get in this area and always gives me some of her stash!”

“And Dom has been helping Miss Ribbon and take Kid and me shopping for clothes!” said Killer, “And she’s been trying to convince Miss Ribbon to get us instruments!”

“And Cleaner lets us borrow some of her video games! You shall put respect on their names and that uniform!” said Kid

“And you owe Lesser 50000 beli!”

“WHAT FOR?!” said Sanji

“She sat on your face and you got a stiffy from it! It’s usually about 35000 but Lesser has a big butt so it’s doubled!” Law glared and added that to the contract.

“Nasty arse probably was sniffing it,” said Kid.

“Ewwww! Who wants to smell someone’s butt?! WHAT IF SHE POOPED ON YOU?!” said Luffy.

“Lesser wouldn’t do that!” said Law.

“I mean there’s men would pay 100000 for that type of treatment,” said Killer as-a-matter-of-factly, “Especially after a few bouts of egg consumption,”

“NOT HELPING!” said Law

“Just saying! Some people are into a woman shitting on them and with Lesser’s hot squishy ass it would probably be an orgasmic experience,” Sanji’s nose started bleeding.

“You nasty pervert!” said Ace, “You’re thinking about it!”

“I don’t have that kind of money!” said Sanji. Law glared.



“You got until tomorrow,” said Law. Sanji however, decided to tell Zeff exactly what was going on, therefore breaking the kid code of silence. Zeff went to tell Roci and Sanji met up at the house with the walk of shame after getting teased by Patty and Carne for hours. Law alerted what happened to the kids and soon they arrived for the diplomacy. The Rocinante House became a temporary courtroom with Law on the couch with a bored expression on his face, Sanji on the other side of him looking at him with a mixture of anger and anxiousness. Next to him was Zeff who looked like he would rather be anywhere else. Next to Law was ___________________ who had his notes ready and Killer, Kid, Ace, Sabo, Luffy, and Argo, the nest traveler, watching on. Rocinante and Doffy were in the middle looking at Law.

“Alright, can someone please tell me what’s going on?!” said Zeff. _________________ stood up and organized her notecards.

“Well, Sanji tricked Miss Lesser into sitting on his face. In retaliation, Law with the help from Killer, scattered all of his body parts throughout Windmill Village and Goa. Everything has been found and safely attached thanks to me and for the record, I did not know what Sanji did. But everything was placed back except for Sanji’s…little Sanji. Law currently has Little Sanji and refuses to give it back, until Sanji gives Miss Lesser 50000 for her services that was not done out of consent and he got his jollies off it. Don’t know what that means but Killer told me to emphasize that. Now Law is threatening to keep Little Sanji indefinitely until his new demands are met,” Zeff looked dumbfounded. Sanji looked pissed, Doffy was laughing his ass off, and Roci looked bewildered. He sighs.

“Okay, Law, you have to give Sanji back his penis,” said Roci looking at him.

“No,” said Law


“He tricked Lesser into sitting on his face. He knows what he did and he needs to be punished,”


“You haven’t reached puberty so yeah!” said Law folding his arms




“Fufufufufufufu! Law you’re being more ruthless than usual, especially for your Mommy,” Law huffed and kept his stance. Sanji got up.

“Then I’ll just go into your room and get it! I BET IT'S IN THERE!”

“Go ahead, I’ve boobytrapped it. This is codex rules, if you place in the wrong code or touch the wrong thing, I’ve rigged it to pour hydrofluoric acid onto your cock dissolving it instantly. If you want to fuck around and find out, by all means go. Just know you’ll be more anatomically correct as a Ken doll,” Sanji immediately sat down, “Thought so,”

“....let’s agree to never piss off Law,” said Killer

“____________________ put that in the notes,” said Ace

“Got it!”

“Oh definitely,” Doffy laughed hard. Zeff looked at the older boy who looked dead set on Sanji being punished to the fullest extent of cosmic law and then some. He sat in front of Law.

“Okay, Law, is there anything that Sanji can do to make up for what he’s done?”


“Besides that. Just give us a list of your reasonable commands,” Law thought for a few moments. He got up and went upstairs. The adults and kids waited for about fifteen minutes before Law came down with an index card.

“These are my demands,” he said. Zeff took the card and read it out loud.

“Okay, you want…a formal apology to Lesser from Sanji that should last exactly ten minutes in the dogeza position. Okay, that’s doable. You also want…Sanji’s allowance for three months plus interest. The interest will go to Lesser as compensation for her unintentional services. Okay, that’s fair. You also want Sanji to be Cook’s kitchen rat for three months and while doing these tasks having his penis being stabbed with a needle every time he’s being a slight pervert around her….I can’t promise that,”


“I can do it if you like,” said Killer

“I want in that too,” said Ace


“I’m not on the side of a gigolo,” said Ace

“And you tricked someone into sitting on your face and you lowkey wanted her to shit on you, you nasty arse,” said Killer. Doffy was holding his sides at this point. Zeff dragged his hand down his face.

“Law, do you have an alternative?”

“He forages for Cook’s rare ingredients then,”

“Okay, that’s fine…and finally you want Lesser’s curry every week for a month…and Sanji is to catch the snakes for it without protective gloves,”

“I’ve checked, he’s not allergic to snake bites. Those are my demands,”

“THE HELL LAW!” yelled Sanji


“Okay, Zeff, are all of those okay with you?” said Roci

“Mhm the boy needs to learn,”

“Okay, Law, are you satisfied?”

“I guess,”

“Go get and reattach Sanji’s penis,” Law went upstairs and retrieved it and used his room and reattached Sanji’s Little Sanji. Sanji never thought he would see his source of happiness again in his life. He leered at Law who gave him another look. The tension in the room was enough to be cut with a knife. But Sanji felt a little better. Cook was great at her job but she wasn’t expected to make a new dish all the time. He sighed in relief. His suffering could be long forgotten. Law took out his den den mushi and dialed. Cook’s voice resounded through the room.

“Awww ma coquette! How are you?” she said cheerfully

“I’m good, but I have a favor,”


“I was wondering if you could make grilled sea king this week?”

“Sea King? Really?”

“Mhm, we have a new kid here and he’s been dying to try it and I told him you’re the best chef who can make it and __________________ came home and I’ve been wondering who makes the best, you or Pops,”

“Awww! You’re so sweet! I’ll make it for your little friends and of course Boss. I think one will be enough and whatever’s left over I can freeze it or give it to Uncle,”

“Do you need an extra pair of hands?”


“Sanji wants to help. He wants to get his sea legs,”

“Okay! I’ll ask to borrow him from Zeff! We’ll probably go tonight since they’re more aggressive because it’s that time of the year!”

“Tell everyone I said hi,”

“You got it ma coquette!” She hangs up. The whole room went silent. Law knew every recipe Cook was capable of and he was going to make sure that Sanji wouldn’t have any peace for the next three months. Sanji looked horrified. Law flipped him off before heading upstairs.

“Welcome to Law’s Shit List,” said Killer

“Have fun,” said Doffy sniggering.


Boss Reina was the Underboss of the Unagi Death Clan. The woman was terrifying as she was beautiful and a brilliant strategist as well. She only made alliances with some of the most terrifying bosses in the known world but she ruled with an iron fist. The members respected her to the point that they were willing to lay down their lives to protect her. The woman was beautiful with short black hair, ice cold eyes, pink lips and red eyeshadow that accented her eyes. She was almost always seen wearing a feminine business dress with a long coat draped over her in authority. She commanded respect and was considered one of the most powerful women in the underworld, making her a prime target for those of nefarious intentions. Catarina Devon always had an affinity for beautiful women and collected heads as her personal trophies and her sights were set on Reina’s head but not because of just beauty. No. Reina’s head was going to be the ultimate gift, the ultimate sign of devotion to Filly, the one who had not only stolen her heart but the one who got away. She knew where she would be, she used all of her contacts to find where the Underboss would be. Then she waited…he lied in wait like the predator she was. After the meeting, Reina stood up and headed towards the exit. She decided to make her move and pounce. Reina casually placed her arm up and caught Catarina’s spear. In a swift motion, she pulled the woman into her and delivered a powerful blow into her abdomen and ripped out a chunk of flesh before elbowing her into her face. She then moved out of range of the woman, ready. Catarina grinned and then started laughing. This woman was both beautiful and deadly like her Filly…however, the eyes and features were different, more delicate and her hair was significantly shorter and she just didn’t want Filly’s head, she wanted her entire body. And the head of one of the most powerful and beautiful women would be her gift to her. She went after the woman again, only to be shot point blank several times. Reina briskly went over and took her pistol and pistol whipped the woman over and over again before she snapped her fingers and pointed. Catarina could hear footsteps running towards her. She immediately transformed and ran for it like a wounded fox. She glanced back. Reina went back to her duties, sitting on her throne like a queen. If she wasn’t into Filly, she would have made Reina her rare jewel…

“You missed her again haven’t you?” said Kuro looking up from his newspaper

“Honestly it’s getting sad,” said Ink, “But I am impressed, you’ve been trying for years now to get the head of Reina and she’s been five steps ahead of you,” Catarina poured herself a drink and downed it.

“SEVEN TIMES. ONCE was luck! TWICE was a flunk. But THREE times?! She’s more clever than I thought! And it pisses me off and intrigues me at the same time!”

“Why is her head more important than the collection you already have?” said Kuro

“Because that head is going to be a gift to my dear Filly when I see her again,” Ink snorts.

“Are you sure she’s still alive?”

“I feel it in my heart. Warriors like her don’t die easily and there will be a day when we’ll meet and I’ll have my gift to her,”

“So you finally found a jewel that you won’t get bored of?”

“Jewel is an understatement,” said Catarina, “She’s the rarest diamond and I want her to be mine for the rest of our lives. She’s cold, callous, calculating, a wolf, a predator, and I want to tame it and together we’ll be unstoppable,”

“I’m trying to figure is this love or lust,” said Kuro

“Both,” said Catarina, “Almost how you were with Katherina’s mother,” Kuro scoffed

“Lavinia was just a transactional fuck. We both know it and surprisingly okay with it. The only good thing that came out of it was her part of the wealth deal,”

“What was the deal exactly?” said Ink

“...yeah you’ve never mentioned what it was for brother dear,” said Catarina

“Lavinia wanted a child and I needed wealth so we got one. All they wanted to know if I was the father and if she popped out of her and we both got what we wanted. Only downside is that we’re saddled with a child,”

“Katherina isn’t all the bad,” said Ink

“Muffufufufufuff! Don’t mind him. He’s still angry that she ruined his three year plan,”

“A plan that wouldn’t have failed IF she didn’t grow soft for that long nosed bastard and that annoying little bitch! She went native and that’s what’s wrong with her now! It took me another few years to get her back to normal,”

“Normal? Katherina is far from normal,” said Ink, “She hasn’t even completed her Rite yet,”

“SHE HASN’T?! Kuro what is wrong with you?!” said Catarina, “Father would be rolling in his grave…if he was dead,”

“I know and trust me I’ve been observing her. She doesn’t have anyone outside of the family she’s close to. She’s my daughter. I KNOW she can complete the rite. She just needs a little nudge,”

“Oh?” said the siblings

“I think I found someone with whom she can complete the rite. If she fails, he’ll take her off my hands, if she succeeds, she’ll be back in my good graces again,” Katherina however, wasn’t listening to her father’s talk. She had long retreated to her room. She didn’t want to hear how her aunt was pining her for her mother figure any longer. The thought of it made her absolutely sick. She caught a few glimpses of the conversation. She kept walking. She had plans, aka tea with her mother figure and Law.

“....she what?” said Lesser looking at Katherina like she grew two heads.

“She gets really plastered sometimes and starts singing. I peeked in once and she was dancing with a dummy with your face on it!” Katherina then straightened up and started to act it out:

“Love me, love me, love me, love me
Love me, love me, love me, love me
Love me, love me, love me, love me more
Than you possibly can

It's not that complicated, no matter what they say
You'll never meet another me
It's not that difficult to get your head around
You'll never meet another me”

She then sat down, “Just like that,” Lesser shuddered along with Law,”

“Looks like I’m not going to get much rest with that mental image. Kitty, I’m so sorry you have to deal with that on a daily basis,”

“No kidding!” said Law cringing

“Looks like Lesser is her best fetish,” said Cook

“Seriously and it’s gross,” said Perv

“But she doesn’t have to worry because if that eight tailed bitch comes anywhere near Vikka, I’m going to gut her myself,” said Dom with a very serious smile on her face, “More cake anyone?”

The Cat and the Retriever

Miles Edgeworth II was one of if not the most ruthless lawyer on the Grandline. He not only took after his father but he was determined to rise above in any situation. His clientele were not only notable nobility but also the poorest of the poor. His moral compass was questionable at times but his belief was always that everyone had a right to justice and a fair trial. He was fairly young, in his twenties with dark eyes that hid behind his thick glasses, long platinum hair that covered one side of his face and a wiry body. Although he was ruthless, he did have a soft spot for his clients and close friends. Funnily enough, his best friend was Matthew “Theo” Crewe. The stark differences in personality was evident. Theo was a large strapping man even in school, always with a large smile on his face, golden eyes, and dark hair. He was the textbook meaning of an extrovert who was constantly doing something and always asked if Miles wanted to join. But it wasn’t always just something that Theo wanted to do, sometimes they would just play video games, comic book stores, or just watching one of his many favorite anime. Also Theo and his family always treated him well. Miles and his father were close but he was always away at work, and when Theo found out that he was alone, he asked her mother and his mother basically kidnapped him to take him to their home and informed his father who was surprised but gave permission. At school, their friend had a name, the golden retriever and platinum cat but Theo was more than just an energetic dog. Theo was always there to make sure he had a social life or just needed an ear. He wasn’t always “on” and would cancel any plan if he thought Miles needed him. And for this, he loved his friend dearly.

“Tch! I swear there’s spaghetti in that idiot head of yours!” said Miles, “Seriously, why are you so casual about everything?”

“Why are you not?” said Theo grinning, “Being perfect sounds exhausting,”

“Perfection gets you everything,”

“I have everything and I’m far from perfect,”

“You can’t just skate by with above average grades,”

“...I’m pretty sure you can. You can literally get any job with the grades you have,”

“Yeah but they’re not good enough,”

“Yes, they are. Look, I can’t tell you how to live your life but I’ve never seen anyone freak out over not being able to fold origami correctly and keep practicing until he was an expert. It’s supposed to be fun,” that was Theo, serious but a light hearted man. He had to admit, Theo was goofy and carefree but he took things like his business and family very seriously. He used his family’s ancient techniques to dominate a perfume empire and the main reason it was perfume was because he wanted to make Rita a special perfume that she wasn’t allergic to. Not only was it a success but it was the catalyst for them starting to date. During this time… something happened. Something terrible. It was during a business trip where Theo was getting plans ready for his launch in West Blue. When he came back, he immediately knew something was wrong. Theo refused to talk to anyone about it. Rita was especially worried. Theo became distant but eventually he snapped out of it and joined them again but still refused to say anything. Years later and eventually everyone forgot about Theo’s strange behavior. He was finally ready after dating and being with Rita for six years, he was ready. He remembered his best friend being nervous about popping the question and almost fainted when Rita said yes. His family threw a celebration in which he was invited to but his work associates and nobility also threw one in his honor but that was…when everything changed. Theo broke off the engagement, apologized to Rita and told her he would explain everything and then he disappeared again. Then a few months later, Theo looked absolutely miserable with another woman on his arm. Miles knew his best friend better than anyone and he immediately knew this bitch wasn’t his type. She was gaudy and flashy. There was a difference. Many women they’ve been around were flashy but this woman wanted everyone to know how “rich” she was with large diamond jewelry, long red nails, so long that Miles wondered how she was able to wipe her ass, and was wearing a tight, short, backless red dress. And she tried to show some class by wearing her hair in an updo but she came off as a hooker if anything. But even hookers had some pride. Theo looked as though he hadn’t slept in weeks. Miles immediately went to him. Before she could say anything, Miles cut her off.

“Theo, you okay?”

“Theo? Maaaaattie, you still let people call you that kiddy name?” she tittered under her hand, “You’re not a child,”

“I don’t think I was talking to you,” Miles snapped back, “Theo?”

“Miles…this is…my…my…”

“HIS fiancee!” she said happily

“Yes, that. Excuse me,” Theo removed himself and went towards the bar. Clarisse held out her hand to Miles.

“Clarisse, I’m charmed to meet you,”

“No one talks like that unless they have a bad case of Princess Syndrome,” she looked a little shocked but tittered under her hand masking her annoyance.

“Aren’t you a blunt one? I’m sure once you get to know me, you’ll love me,”

“I’m not blind and deaf. You offend all the senses,”

“How dare you, you PLEBEIAN!”

“This is what happens when idiots get a word of the day calendar. Just say what you mean. For instance, arrogant asshole would be much better for me., gold digger,”


“Do you suck dick with that mouth? You had to drug Theo in order to get that far. We both know you’re not giving it away for free,”

“HOW DID YO—,” she caught herself, ”FUCK OFF!” she stormed away. Ever since that encounter, Miles KNEW something was up. He secretly communicated with Theo and although he wouldn’t say anything, he knew she was holding something over his head. Apparently at that business trip, he got black out drunk and woke up next to Clarisse and immediately he got out of there and years later Clarisse showed up with a child that had his eyes and the familiar sunflower birthmark that all members of the tribe had. Miles also knew that Theo’s reputation was on the line along with the business he worked hard on. It took him weeks to draft up a rock solid prenup and told Theo to make sure that no matter what, he was to make her sign it. He knew Theo was soft hearted but also knew that he would take his advice above all. He also knew women like Clarisse but he also knew that even though Theo didn’t look it, he was a very smart and clever man and he would find a way to get that cunt to sign that paper. Theo was nervous to meet Miles after so many years. It felt like he hadn’t seen any of his friends and old companions since his marriage to Clarisse and it felt like eternity since he’s been away from home and not at work. Makino was more than accommodating to him and he was going to give her as much money and support after this was all over. In fact, tonight she had a special table reserved for him. He didn’t know how he was going to face Miles after all of these years. The last time he saw him it was several years and a few months before the wedding. He was nervous. Very nervous. He took a few deep breaths and went to the bar. It was lively as usual with the locals laughing and chatting. He then spotted his old friend. Miles was drinking a beer with a briefcase on his table. Theo meekly went towards his friend. Miles glanced up at his best friend. He was shocked to say the least. Theo had been with Clarisse for five years. Just five years and he looked to be a shadow of his former self. He was still robust but he could tell he lost some significant weight, his eyes looked tired and dull, his skin even looked paler for not leaving his office much, and he looked as though he was about to just keel over at any moment. He was going to make that bitch for this. Before Theo could say anything, Miles passed him over a beer.

“So you’re going to leave the bitch,”

“That’s the plan,” he said, sitting down and guzzling his beer down.

“Took you fuckin’ long enough. Alright, so here’s what’s going to happen. You’re going to let me do everything and I do mean everything. You don’t have to talk to her, see her, or even look at her. Just carry on like fuckin’ normal until she fucks up. Your three friends are experts in their fields and will be helping me with this. I don’t know HOW you managed to get someone like Beckman in your corner but he’s up for anything and has actually aided in much of the legal work research I had to do. The cute Maid has her own team and did some digging and von Karma is in that cunt’s corner as a lawyer and some little sleazy novice but I can crush them both along with recordings. All you have to do is hide your valuable assets before she catches wind and don’t trust that kid of yours either,” Theo nodded, “I’m not going to berate you, you’ve been through enough hell as it is. I’m doing this so I can have a beer with my best friend again, Rita can have her husband back, and you can finally see your son. Ri is doing well, I’ve made sure of that but there’s a key piece of evidence that I need and that will crush her even more. I just need you to just pretend everything is okay until you drop the bomb. Understood?”

“Yes Miles,”

“PLEASE tell me you made her sign that document,” Theo grinned and handed over a copy. Miles placed it into his briefcase. The look on Miles’ face was eerily happy. Like Christmas came early and he got tickets to Comics AX, “Good…and Theo. I want you to be honest. Like 100% honest with me,” Theo looked at him, “What did that bitch do to you?” Theo looked uncomfortable, extremely uncomfortable. He looked sick and started to shake. He took a deep breath and told Miles everything that happened all those years ago. The more he spoke, the angrier Miles became and when he noticed Theo was sobbing, he made him stop, “Is there proof?”

“Apparently she said she had a video and she was going to post it. I don’t know where it is or if she posted it. I just…don’t want to think about it,”

“You won’t. In fact, let’s forget about it. Please tell me you’ve been seeing someone about it,”

“I have, she thought I was cheating on her for a while because my therapist’s name was Rita. I hadn’t seen Rita in ages,”

“You will as SOON as this is over. Until then, let’s get plastered,” After a long and hard night of catching up and drinking, Miles got his best friend back to his room and paid Makino extra to make sure he’s okay in the morning. He went back to his room and started making phone calls.


“Miss Vikka, I need you for a very important task,”

“Yes?” He explained the entire situation to her, “How many sleazy contacts do you know?”

“I work for a sleazy warlord. There’s plenty and my lover is a Marine spy, I think I can get the information you need,”

“I appreciate this. I know you’re a mercenary and I’ll pay you for your time,”

“Theo is a friend in my book, if you want to, but you don’t have to. I’ll get my best people on it,”

“Thank you,” he then made another call, “Marco how long can something stay in a hair sample?”

“Decades,” he said

“You’re a doctor, can you tell the effects of certain…drugs,”

“...depends,” Miles talked to him in detail, “Leave it to me and Beckman. I think we can work something out,”

“Thank you…and I hate to ask but your little sister…if push comes to shove can we…use her in the case?”

“As a witness?”


“Of course but only through testimony only,”

“Got it,”

Horror Buddies

“Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease Plum?” said Penny with her eyes shining

“No way!” said Plum, “You know I’ll do basically anything for you but I can’t with horror movies!”

“But it looks so good!”

“Mhm, and bloody,” Penny has been dying to see Zombie Party Train for ages now and wanted to take her best friend and knight with her. The only problem is that although Plum can be violent and be okay with blood, horror is completely different. The last time she watched a horror film with Penny she couldn’t sleep for a month and it seriously affected her training. Penny understood but she really didn’t want to go alone. She asked Vivi but she was visiting her sweet weird distant Cousin Buggy.

“I never get the chance! I have to introduce you all to him someday!” Kaya, Katherina, and Ussop were catching up with each other like old times.

“It’s good to finally hang out with Kitty again!” said Kaya, “We planned a whole day! Ussop even bought some of her favorite foods from home! We’re going to have a picnic!” her only other hope was __________________ but even she had something to do!

“Sorry Pen! We’re still doing prep for the Slumber Party and have to figure out some things!” Penny was sadly resigned to her fate until she decided to ask her parents if she could watch the movie alone. Mother was a little apprehensive.

“It should be alright,” said Father, “She can learn a little independence and it’ll help her to practice some social skills,”

“What if she runs into some trouble?!” said Mother, “And none of her friends can help her! We can ask Lizzie to accompany her. Or Margot,”

“Lizzie is with her fiance and Margot is training Plum. We have to teach Penny a little responsibility and how to manage by herself,” Mother still looked a little nervous, “How about this. Penny, I’ll take you and drop you off at the theater. When you want to come home, give me a call and I’ll get you immediately. If you are in any danger, text me and I’ll have Margot deal with anything,”


“That way, if you want to stay a little longer you can,”

“Thank you Papa!”

“You’re welcome sweet pea!” she kissed his cheek and went to get ready. It took a little while to wear something that wasn’t too fancy. She was wearing a little jumper dress. She still looked like dressed down nobility. Father got the car and they drove to Goa.

“I love driving!” said Father grinning, “It’s so…weird but also just so freeing, what do you think, sweet pea?”

“I like when you drive too! You’re getting better!”

“Margot still wears her helmet,” he said sheepishly

“To be fair, you crashed the car with her in it,”

“I don’t think I apologized to one person so much in my life. I’m so glad she puts up with me,” he arrived at the theater and gave her some beli. She kissed him goodbye and got out. He watched from a distance just to make sure that she was okay. Penny went to the ticket stand. The attendant smiled at her.

“Hello little lady, may I help you?”

“Yes! One ticket to Zombie Train Party, please?”

“I’m sorry pipsqueak, that movie is for adults only,” Penny looked dejected. She came so far for this movie and now she was going to really miss it. She sighed and took out her phone. Hopefully Father wasn’t too far away.

“Hey, what are you doing here?” she looked up. Kid was looking at with curiosity and with a red face.

“Oh! Hi Kid!” she said, smiling at him.

“What’s eating you?”

“Oh! Well…I wanted to see Zombie Train Party but…they say I can’t because I’m not old enough. I was thinking of asking Papa to pick me to up so I can just go ho—,” he took her hand.

“Come on!” he grumbled, “Noble girls are so useless,” Kid went back to the ticket booth, “Let me do all the talking, okay?” she nodded. Kid went to the booth.

“Hey, two kid tickets to Bison’s Birthday!”

“Wow, you must really like that movie,” said the ticket attendant, “I always see you watching it!”

“Mhm you could say that!”

“So that’ll be 1000 beli for two kids! Have fun!” Kid took the tickets and got Penny inside. Another attendant took their tickets and ripped them and got them inside. He guided her about before having her sit down.

“Stay put, I’ll be right back!” she watched Kid disappear for a little while before he got her again. She noticed that they passed Bison’s Birthday and went right inside Zombie Party Train. He guided her all the way to the top of the theater. He then disappeared again and came back with two large popcorns and sodas before settling in.

“Wow! Thank you Kid!”

“No prob, it’s a week day so there won’t be anyone in here,” he said, “You’re lucky!” she smiled

“How much do I owe you?”

“Tch you don’t! While no one was looking I just got the popcorn bags and soda cups and just had them refill them. They don’t get paid enough to care,”


“And they weren’t going to let you into an adult movie as a kid. You have to be sneaky about it. Killer and I do it all the time. You just have to stay way in the back and leave in the dark,”

“Oh okay!” Soon the movie started. Both watched on in excitement. Not even fifteen minutes in, the entire movie was bad. Everyone was making terrible decisions, none of the protagonists were likable and the zombies were doing some kind of dance walk. Kid cringed but was trying to be on his best behavior with Penny, who looked at this screen intently. He finally spoke.

“This is—,”

“SO BAD!” said Penny, “This is absolutely STUPID! WHY are the zombies walking like that?!”

“EXACTLY! WATCH! He’s going to say “Let’s split up, gang!””

Let’s split up gang!


“He’s such a…I think Plum calls them, tools!”

“RIGHT ON! LOOK at the guts! The blood is fake! At least spring for the good shit!”

“WHY is she going into the area with NO flashlight! IT WAS IN HER HAND!” the chase scene was worse with the woman jogging, not running, her having the over performed dying scene and last but not least, the bad makeup on the cannibal zombies. The pair were laughing their asses off, “This is so bad it’s funny! THis is nowhere NEAR an adult movie!” said Penny

“See, if you would have paid money for this bullshit, you would have wasted it!” said Kid holding his sides.

“No kidding! This is sad!” then the next character died on the toilet, causing them both to laugh, “He didn’t lock the door! Who doesn’t like the door to the bathroom?!”


“Especially when Mutant cannibal zombies are running about!”

“Oh shit! He got it!”

“No! He didn’t double tap! You always have to double tap! Watch!” the zombie rose up and devoured the guy from behind, “See?!” after a half in a half long laughing fest, Penny and Kid emerged from the theater laughing and giggling talking about how bad the movie was and what they could have done to make it better.

“Well thank you for watching the movie with me,” said Penny bowing. Kid clicked his teeth. She turned to walk away but Kid grabbed her by her shoulder and spun her around.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

“Oh, I thought—-,”

“That we weren’t going to hang out some more? There’s still daylight! Come on!” he grabbed her wrist and guided her around town. Penny never really had an unstructured day. Usually after an activity, someone had something else planned or she just went home but today, today it was different. She was with Kid, who was showing her about, “You hungry? Popcorn isn’t food!”

“Ummm yes!”

“Come on, I know a place,” he took her to a stand, “Two chili dogs old man!”

“Watch it kid! What do you want with it?”

“Two ramune!”

“You got it!” He balanced everything until Penny grabbed the drinks and they went to a park bench to eat.

“What’s this?” Penny said, looking at the strange dish.

“Chili dog! Never had one?” she shook her head, “It’s a hot dog with chili and cheese and you can have onions. I love mine with onions,”

“Oh! How do you eat it?” Kid cocked his head and took a huge bite out of his, “Mphlike that!” he swallowed, “Go on!” Penny looked at the hot dog and followed suit, “Well?”


“See? Super greasy though, you may have to shit later but we’ll get you to a toilet if that happens,” she nodded as they continued their meal, “So other than horror movies, what else do you like?”

“Horror video games! Especially at night in the dark!”

“It’s the best thing ever! Have you done it with headphones?”

“Nah uh!”

“You should! It’ll make you shit your pants! Which ones have you played?!”

“Cannibal Carnival!”


“MHM! I got it when it came out!”


“You can have it if you like! I already beat it,”

“NO WAY! Was it that easy?!”

“Oh no! But it did take me a few weekends to unlock everything!”


“Mhm! It was fun! Tedious but fun! If you want, you can come over and play co-op mode!”

“Tch anything YOU can come over!” he said, “You didn’t get a proper look the last time you were there! Things changed!”

“I noticed! I would love to see your workshop!”

“By the way, HOW do you have so many horror games? I didn’t know you played,”

“Well, I like horror games and since I used to get sick a lot more, there wasn’t much for me to do but play video games. Not to mention I didn't have many friends, except Plum…but now I do so I just make more time,” she smiled

“Tch! YOU shouldn’t have a hard time making friends! Any boy would love to talk games and horror with you!”


“But but most boys are assholes sooooooo Killer and I can weed out the good ones for you. So what other horror movies you like?”

“Well I LOVE the Black Walker series!” said Penny, “Well the first three,”


“Yeah! It’s a classic! Mar—Plum’s mom watched it one night and I got hooked! She thought it would have messed me up but it was SO good! EXCEPT the fourth ones!”


“So badly! They all made sense up until the fourth one! Who’s idea was it to make him a weird serial killer from like 40 years ago?!”

“And gave him a STUPID backstory! He was fuckin’ awesome but now he has a wife and kids and they died and he decided on his revenge for an accident! It’s not the same Black Walker that literally skinned a kid alive!”

“That was so gory! The effects were amazing!”

“Yeah but they don’t even SHOW that anymore! Fucking censors!” the kids finished their chili dogs. Kid made sure Penny had to use the bathroom afterwards, “So what do you want to do now?”

“I’m actually okay with anything!”

“Okay, then you’re coming with me to get some scrap metal,”

“Okay! I can help you carry if you want some help!” he snorts

“You sure? You might get your pretty dress dirty,”

“It’s okay! I can get cleaned!” He guided her through Goa before they ended up on one side of Terminal Gray. The place was a junkyard and Kid wasted no time getting the biggest pieces he could. Penny rolled up her sleeves and went to help. She helped pull large pieces of metal for him and stacked them neatly in piles. Usually Kid would cause as much destruction as possible but he was being as careful as possible in order to not hurt Penny. He used her fruit to move the metal out from under places, move it around so he could grab pieces and then finally stack them. Penny watched Kid use his Devil Fruit in awe. Just the idea that he can twist and change metal was amazing. She actually stopped just to watch him. He glanced over. She immediately stopped and got back to work. He grinned.

“You think that’s cool? Watch this!” Kid took a good size piece of titanium and started to form it until it was in the shape he wanted. Then took out a blow torch and torched it until it started changing colors. He stopped when it turned purple and blue. He then gave it to her. It was a purple and blue rose.

“Kid, it's beautiful!” he grumbled something blushing, “What?”


“REALLY?! Thank you!”

“Here!” He took it and pinned it on her dress. He then hoisted the metal and placed it on his back. Penny tried to help again, only to be pushed away a bit but eventually he grabbed her hand and guided her up the hill. She smiled as he got her up. Suddenly there was a chime. It was almost 4. Penny had to call home before it got too late. Kid understood. She called her father. He waited with her until Mr. Capulet showed up. She hugged him tightly. Kid was about to make himself scarce when Penny took his arm and guided him to the car.

“Would you like a ride home, young man?” said Mr. Capulet with a smile. Penny scooted over to let Kid in. He nodded and hopped in. Mr. Capulet got the metal into the trunk and made sure the kids were strapped in. Kid guided him to the Dead Island from the road. Soon they were in front of the Ribbon home. The entire island was alerted to a luxury car that came onto the island and Miss Ribbon was outside waiting with Killer. Kid hopped out of the car as Mr. Capulet opened the back of the trunk.

“I hope he wasn’t too much trouble,” said Miss Ribbon

“Oh no! I just wanted to repay him for showing Penny around today,”

“TCH I would have done it anyway!” Aokiji and Killer helped Kid get the scrap metal out of Mr. Capulet’s car. Miss Ribbon gave the Capulets a few cabbage rolls for their long journey home and as a thank you for bringing Kid home. Penny gave Kid a big hug. Kid reddened and froze. She beamed at him.

“Thank you for taking me out today! I had a lovely time!” Kid was frozen as Penny scampered back to the car with her cabbage rolls. He watched as her and her father drove off. Kid stood there just staring and blushing. Miss Ribbon and Killer were sniggering from the table. Aokiji snorts.

“Don’t tease him too much tonight,” she said

“I can’t promise that,” said Killer

“Me neither,” said Aokiji, “He has it bad,” Back home, Penny practically skipped to Mother to tell her about her day. She regaled everything to her parents before happily going to her room. Mother looked at her husband.

“I guess you had nothing to worry about,” he smiled and munched on a cabbage roll, “I need to have Chef make these! I’m going to ask Miss Ribbon for the recipe,”

“Sooooooo this Kid boy…does he…have a crush on our Penny?”

“Mhm, and she has a little crush on him too,” said Father, “He’s a good boy, just a little rough around the edges. I watched them and he basically took care of her all day. It was cute to see,” Mother looked at her husband. He poured a drink.

“ I’m guessing you’re not going to arrange a marriage for Penny?”

“Nope, I wasn’t going to anyway and I’m pretty sure that boy will fight tooth and nail for his Penny,” Mother giggled

“Oh he’s in too deep,”

“Mhm, let’s just see how it goes. But I know he’s going to be a good man someday. Honestly can’t blame him…that’s exactly how I fell for her mother,”

“You terrible man!” Mother said, blushing brightly and giggling. Penny was in her room. She gently placed her brooch on her nightstand. She had a great time today with Kid. She didn’t really have anyone to play video games with and she was excited to talk to someone about horror and things. He went to her collection of games and took out the ones so finished and wrapped them up to give to Kid later that week. THe servants got her ready for bed and she curled up into bed and started to slowly doze off.

“I wonder if he’s thinking of me?”

“Penny and Kid, sitting in a tree H-U-M-P-I-N!”

“FUCK YOU KILLER!” said Kid blushing badly

“He’s not wrong,” said Aokiji, “Admit it, you lost your heart to a cutie with white hair and purple eyes,”

“You’re going to be the Prince Onyx to her Tsuki,”

“AM NOT!” Kid was in a shouting match with Aokiji and Killer who were relentlessly teaching him all night, “MISS RIBBON MAKE THEM STOP!”

“Boys, leave him alone,”

“Thank you!”

“But when you two decide to get married, I wold be honored if you named one of your kids after me,”


The Pigeon Army

“Alright men, today’s the day where your training begins. Some, if not most of you will grumble and coo in protest but it’s for the greater good!” Void paced in front of the troops, “You will grow to hate me then love me and that’s alright with me! There’s not many dangers out there but that’s no excuse for you to become soft, doughy, and pudgy!” Matilda and Aunt Stella were laughing hard. Bane and Zane were trying but failing to keep their composure along with Daddy and the Little Princess was covering her mouth but with tears running down her cheeks from the sight. The “troops” in question were pigeons that hung around the palace. The baker always had leftover bread. Most of it was disturbed to the town at the end of the day but sometimes there was some leftover from the leftovers so Void decided to feed it to the birds instead. However, this proved to be a bad idea because this caused the pigeons to become fat, very fat, so fat that they couldn’t fly. Thankfully they didn’t have most to worry about around the castle but the idea of cats roaming and getting easy meals along with the pigeons feeble attempts to fly away and waddle to him for their bread fix made Void feel terrible and decided to make it his personal mission to get the birds back into shape.

“Poor birdies,” said the Princess

“Are you kidding?! They’re fun to chase like this!” said Momo

“True but the cats are doing it too,” said Aunt Stella

“Why doesn’t he just not feed them bread?”

“Because Grandpa loves feeding strays,” said the princess giggling, “Except for the Man in Red,”

“He found a good diet for them,” said Matilda, “He’s been spending a lot of time in his study and happily informed me that pigeons can actually eat other things. So they’re forbidden to eat bread only as a treat. He looked so excited. He’s also been thinking of having an aviary built. But he wants them to just have a safe place to roost. They love it here, so he’ll probably just make a roosting area,”

“Left, right, left, right!” Void was now marching through the courtyard with the pigeons waddling behind him. Bane and Zane couldn’t help it and had the rest of the guards come see. Aunt Stella was holding her sides by this time and Mom and The Princess were laughing. Then Void started chanting: “I don’t know what you’ve been fed, but you cannot fill up on bread!”

“Are you recording, Matilda?” said the Little Princess

“The Man in Red would LOVE to see this!” the final task was Void asking a few of the dwarfs who sit on the pigeons. The complied and Void had the fat pigeons flap and fly a few inches. That did it. The whole castle was laughing at the sight. The dwarfs were having fun and the pigeons were flapping their hardest.

“Flap! Flap like your little wings depend on it! Up! Down! Up! Down! Up! Down!” Soon, the first day of training was over. Void gave them their closing speech.

“Alright men, you did yourselves a great service!” said Void, “Now, go get some chow and we can continue tomorrow,” the chow in question was a healthy diet of seeds and grains with a few insects. The pigeons happily ate and waddled back to their roosts with low perches. Void made them low enough for them to have to work for it to get to their resting places. The Little Princess was still laughing with Momo and Mansherry who was one of the recruited pigeon weights. Soon, the castle went back to normal, aside from everyone talking about their weird, goofy king.

“I swear that man,” said Matilda, “He really does have a soft heart,”

“The pigeon army will be ready in a few months, just you wait!” said Zane laughing

“We just have to teach them to shit on command and then everyone will be in trouble!” said Bane laughing

“You’ll all rue the day you were faced against the Pooping Pigeon Battalion!”

“Don’t you two DARE! And DON’T give Void ANY ideas!”

“WET BOMBS AWAY!” said Momo

“SEE! MOMO GETS IT!” said the twins.

“DON’T!” The Little Princess decided to search for her Grandpa. Void was in his throne room with his large sword in his lap. It was a rare occasion to see him take it down for any reason. But he did keep it sharp and had a ritual for it.

“WOW Grandpa are you sharpening your sword?”


“Why do you sharpen it so much?”

“So when the time comes and I have to use it, it’ll be ready. I don’t have to worry about it not working when I need it,”

“But this kingdom is SO peaceful! How can anything bad happen?” he chuckles

“True but there’s an off chance that our home will be in danger and when I defend it, I need Night to be at his peak,”

“That’s your sword’s name?”

“Mhm. You have a closer meaning to something you name. Always remember that,”

“Got it! Can I hold Night?”

“Night is way to heavy for you,” he chuckled

“Awww come on! Please?!” Void gently extended Night towards the Little Princess. She happily went to take it, only to realize it wasn’t budging from his hands. She looked a little bewildered. Void carried that sword like it was a branch and she couldn’t even LIFT it. He chuckled

“It’s alright, it’s made from seastone, it’ll take a lot of practice to get to my level,”

“That’s why I’m training! So I can be almost as strong as you some day!”

“Don’t hold yourself to such a standard. You’re strong but you have to be strong in your way,” she pouted. He pats her head, “You have the greatest teacher in the kingdom helping you. You’re going to be fine,”

“You really think that about Daddy?”

“Mhm and if you’re half as good as he is, I know I’m going to have am excellent future captain of the guards,”


“I mean may as well have the one training most of her life to be it!”


Awkward Phase

Five young women were on the sea for a few months now. Each of them came from different walks of life, different personalities that were vastly different from what they were used to, and even different ways of sleeping but they were all close. However, three of the girls realized that one of their members in particular was very skittish when she was out and about in public. She never really left the ship if she could help it. In fact, she would have her own little cloister away from everyone. She did interact during meals and things but not out.

“Don’t mind her,” said Dom, “She just likes her space,” in reality, Lesser was very socially awkward.

“Don’t blame her,” said Perv, “She’s lived in Calva for so long, she probably doesn’t know how to socially interact with someone who’s not trying to kill her,”

“Poor dear,” said Cook, “But Dom you’re pretty adjusted,”

“That’s because I grew up in a brothel. We have to learn to talk to people. In her case, once she gets comfortable around you she’s okay. When we dock, I think the idea of people she doesn’t know terrifies her,”

“Sounds like she needs some practice!” said Daisy

“Easier said than done!” said Perv, “Last time we were in town, some guy tried to flirt with her and she just stared at him blankly until he ran off!”

“Not to mention the chocolate bun incident,” said Cook

“...the what?” said Dom

“Well, in one of the towns, we were at the market. Everyone crowded the bakery and she wanted a chocolate bun. I told her to be a little assertive to get what she wants before they all ran out. I thought she would have squeezed through and eventually got to the front and asked. Well…no. She pulled out a gun and fired into the air and said she wanted a chocolate bun, please. Everyone freaked out and ran off. She happily got her bun, paid, and walked back to me. I immediately hoisted her up and ran back to the ship before we got arrested!” Dom face palmed

“Sorry about that!”

“But she was like SO confident in Calva!” said Perv, “We wouldn’t have gotten out if it wasn’t for her!”

“Completely different environment,” said Daisy, “One place is a war zone where everyone is out to kill the other a place of semi peace. Can you imagine going from a place where everyone is trying to kill you to a place where no one wants to? Can’t blame here,”

“Damn…never thought of it that way,” said Dom sighing, “This is very new to her. I mean she can interact with people she knows just fine but she guard is always up. I guess I didn’t notice until when we’re off the ship,”

“And she can’t live on a ship forever,” said Cook

“Speak for yourself!” said Daisy laughing, “But yeah I’m savoring my time with you guys!”

“But we have to help her,”

“Agreed but we need an opportunity to get her into a social setting for awhile,” said Perv, “Like she won’t undock if we’re staying someplace for a few days but if it’s for a long stay, she’ll have to, right?”

“Mhm but we have everything we need,” said Cook, “I stocked the kitchen, we have cannonballs just in case, and if something happens, we can go fishing,” but fate had other plans. The tiny ship was attacked by some pirates about a week later. The five young women made quick work of them but their ship was heavily damaged. Cook and Daisy managed to patch it up in some places but they knew they needed to get it fixed someplace and soon.

“We have to get our baby to Water 7,” said Perv, “Thankfully it’s not too far from here. We can arrive in a few days,”

“How bad is the damage?” said Lesser

“We can’t last a month in this condition,” said Cook, “The ship will dry rot, then fall apart. The repairs are going to take awhile and a lot of beli,”

“No worries, I know a guy!” said Daisy, “Tom will do us right!” so it was agreed. Once they were on Water 7, the women flooded off the ship, except for Lesser who found herself a nice spot in the crow’s nest reading a book. Daisy found who she was looking for and explained the situation. Everything was going to take at least a few months to fix. Lesser didn’t seem too thrilled but knew it was for the greater good. Cook immediately took the opportunity to get Lesser off the ship.

“Come on! This town is pretty good! And there’s a bookstore~” said Dom. Lesser slowly came off the ship. Cook smiled and gave her a list.

“Okay, Lesser, I need you to get this shopping list done,” said Cook gently, “This should be enough beli, if there isn’t PLEASE come back for some more!”


“Wait!” Dom went into Lesser’s waistband and pulled out a pistol and a knife, then she went into her chest and pulled out a pair of brass knuckles, and then went under her skirt and pulled out a couple of grenades,”

“WHY WAS THAT ALL IN THERE?!” said Perv and Cook

“....I always have them on me,”

“Not this time,” said Dom, “You have to trust the process. You’re in a peaceful town with peaceful people. Got it?” she nodded, took the list and went on her way. The Marketplace wasn’t too full but wasn’t exactly empty either. She observed her surroundings. There were shipwrights all laughing and talking gruffly, there were children playing in the streets laughing and squealing, there were people making small talk with the vendors and there were people just carrying on like normal. She never had to get anything before outside of Calva. She didn’t even know where to begin. Yes there were shops in Calva but usually everyone traded for things privately. She looked at the list. The first thing was a bunch of vegetables. She saw an old woman selling the vegetables she needed. The woman was about sixty with light pink hair and pink eyes. She had a very kind face and a very sweet disposition. She slowly approached the woman.

“Hello, welcome to my stand! How may I help you?”

“I-I,” she cleared her throat, “I want your vegetables,”

“Of course! What would you like?”

“Umm, potatoes, leeks, onions, carrots and celery,”

“Oh, please take what you like and I’ll ring them up for you,” now this was new. In Calva, they usually just gave you what you asked. There wasn’t any need for browsing, you got in, then you got out. Lesser cautiously got what she wanted. The old woman smiled.

“Is that all?”

“Of course it is! Why did you ask?” the oldwoman was taken aback. Lesser was getting nervous. She didn’t want to kill someone over vegetables. Did she think she was trying to steal her vegetables? Was this a bribe? What was going on?!

“I was just wondering if that’s all you wanted? There’s other things on your list, maybe I can help—,” Lesser reached into her pocket. She felt something cold on her fingers. She didn’t want to use it but she would if she had to!

“W-Why?!” Lesser was getting very apprehensive. Why, she had NO idea but this wasn’t right, right?!” Suddenly there was a hand on her shoulder. Before she could say anything, a young man took the list and got all the vegetables and placed it in the basket. He had blue shoulder length hair that was covered with a white bandana; he wore a blue tank top trimmed white that showed off his purple tattoos on both shoulders with beige pants and black shoes.

“Thanks Miss Yuri! Your vegetables look as tasty as ever!” He takes her list and shows it to Yuri, “Do you have anything else on the list?”

“Oh! Yes! I do have some tomatoes and squash as well! Oh and lettuce and cabbages!”

“Put them all in!” the older woman happily placed everything into the basket and calculated the total. Lesser calmed down a bit, “You have to forgive my friend. She’s a little nervous around people. She came from a lawless place,”

“Oh you poor thing! What’s your favorite fruit dear?”

“Ummm…I like apples,” Yuri threw in a few apples and gave her the total. Lesser paid as the young man took her basket and slung it over his shoulders.

“See you later Miss Yuri,”

“See you later, Berg! My regards to Tom!” He took Lesser by the shoulder and guided her away. He didn’t say anything for a while until he was sure no one was paying attention to them.

“You’re a Calva resident, aren’t you?” she frowned but then nodded, “Thought so. Listen, everyone here is peaceful and it’s a nice place. Try to approach everyone in a friendly manner. You’re super tense,”

“I’m calm!”

“You were about to gut Miss Yuri over her just for being friendly. You are not calm. Here, let’s get your list done together, alright?” she nodded. He gave a friendly smile. She looked a little apprehensive but nodded. He followed along next to her, “The name’s Iceburg, Berg if you like,”

“Victoria but everyone calls me Vikka,”

“Vikka is still too formal, you look like a Vikki,”


“I think it’s cute on you,” she reddened and clicked her teeth looking away. He grinned, “Vikki it is,”

Chapter 117: New Kid on the Block


The Little Girl Meets a Traveler

Chapter Text

Argo settled into the town nicely within the week. His tradition is to visit a town for about a month and then go home. He never stayed longer than that. So far, he knew he’s only scratched the surface of this town and he wanted to explore more. Sister was very kind to him. In exchange for boarding, she wanted him to run errands and do tasks around the convent and town. This actually helped him better than he expected. The first errand, he had to pick up some veggies from town and bring them back to her. In town, he ran into three boys and got caught up in a chase and in the crosshairs before being yanked and pulled by the rubber boy to safety. After explaining to them where he was going, he was escorted there personally. Top Hat apologized profusely on his behalf and handed over the vegetables. The nun didn’t seem surprised in the least and took the vegetables and told him to go off. The boys immediately grabbed him and treated him to something to eat as a thank you for being a distraction. The next day, he found the boys ready to take him away from the convent to hang out with them. Since then, after his chores, he was kidnapped from the convent to hang out with the boys, meeting new friends and enjoying the town. He learned so much within that week and even met legendary pirates in Windmill Village. He was shocked that no one batted an eye and everyone greeted them all casually. However, while he was there, two names kept popping up: _______________ and Kitty or Katherina or Kat. Ussop filled him in on Kitty.

“A fearsome, devilish beauty with a stone cold glare. Seriously, she can kill you with ONE glance!”

“Kitty would murder you if she heard you say that!” said Kaya laughing, “But Kitty is actually very sweet!”

“And scary. She’s basically Law with long hair!”

“I’m not scary,” said Law grinning at Ussop, “Unless you want me to,”


“What about __________________?”

“That’s our little sister,” said Ace, “She’s cute and spacey,”

“She’s the COOLEST big sister ever! She does Ribbon Twirling!”

“And Kitty does ballet,” said Law

“Where are they?” said Argo

“Not here,” said Killer, “They went to the Pretty Soldier Festival with Jozu and Kat’s weird uncle Jango,”


“Yeah, apparently, Kat’s cousin gave them to her and she invited _______________,” said Sabo, “I think she comes home tomorrow,”

“I guess we can get them some cake or something,” said Ace, “You better be ready Argo,”

“Got it!”

“Kitty likes fried chicken,” said Law and Ussop in unison

“Wait! How do you know?!” said Ussop

“It’s the first thing she asks if Lesser asks what we want to eat. I think it’s her comfort food,”

“It is! I think it's because her Father didn’t like her to eat greasy “junk food”!”

“What’s so bad about fried chicken?!” said Luffy

“Yeah, it’s good and crispy and Kitty is a connoisseur of the stuff,” said Killer, “I’m actually impressed,”

“You guys hang out with Kitty?!” said Kaya

“Kind of,” said Killer, “We bonded. Asked if she could join me after a bookstore raid and we just kind of made it a thing. She’s pretty fun once you get to know her,”


“She knows the best places to eat and thanks to her, I’ve been able to get into “noble” places in town and no one dares to question her. There’s a Haughty Kitty and a Soft Kitty,”

“Soft Kitty is the best!” said Luffy

“Haughty Kitty is scary,” said Sabo chuckling, “I think Lesser has been giving her pointers on the Death Glare,”

“It’s spreading!” said Ussop, “The Kitty Glare can make anyone fall to their knees,”

“I wonder if it’s haki,” said Sabo

“What’s Haki?” said Luffy, “Can you eat it?”

“Why is it always food and poo with you?!” said Ace


“Haki is like the inner abilities in you,” said Argo, “It usually takes YEARS of training to perfect it or use it. I don’t think Kitty has it,”

“I wonder if Lesser does,” said Ace, “That glare can stop anyone in their tracks,”

“I think that’s just natural like all Moms,” said Killer, “Doesn’t make it less scary though,”

“What about ___________________ is she scary too?” said Argo

“Nah, she’s cute and sweet,” said Killer, “Like a piece of cake. She lives with weird brother Ace, her Mountain brother Luffy, and her civilized brother Sabo,”

“DON’T TALK ABOUT US LIKE WE’RE NOT HERE!” the boys said in unison

“Seriously, _________________ is a whole new different league of weird spaciness and cute,” said Kaya smiling, “You’re going to love her when you meet her,”

“I think that’s the rule here,” said Ussop, “Love _________________ or hate her,”

“I think that goes for everyone you meet,” said Argo

“True but so far, _________________ is infectious, only person who truly seems to hate her is Holly,” said Kaya

“Dumb bitches don’t count,” said Killer

“Especially if they smell like cheap bubblegum and perfume all the time,” said Sabo, “You can smell her a mile away,”

“Gross!” said Luffy

“I king of want to meet her,” said Argo, “Just to document that here’s such a girl like that,”

“Dude, don’t and besides, she only appears around the Fall when class starts,” said Killer.


“Ribbon Twirling!” said Ussop, “That’s where Miss Kaya, Kitty, and _______________ have met! Except Kitty is a ballet dancer,”

“....this sounds interestingly complicated,” said Argo

“Sit down, we have to run through this a few times,” said Ace

Argo woke up to footsteps running through the halls and doors opening and closing. He yawned, stretched, and got up to investigate. He saw a blur running all over the convent looking for something or someone. Suddenly, Flora emerged from the kitchen. The blur stopped and immediately ran towards the old nun and tackled her.

“SISTER!!! I brought you something back!” said __________________ happily. Argo poked around the corner and immediately hid again. She was so cute! He saw Sister who looked a little confused before ________________ happily presented a cute little bandana with bunnies and moons on it.

“...what did I tell you about spending money on me?”

“I know but it looks SOOOOOOO cute!” Flora huffed and pocketed it.

“Also, this is Argo,” she grabbed and pulled him out of hiding, “He’s going to be living here for awhile as a traveler, make him feel at home,”

“WILL DO!” Argo looked at the little girl. She beamed at him. He couldn’t help but smile and blush. She had a sunny disposition and was super sweet. She was also super cute. He noticed that he was surrounded by a lot of cute girls in town, way better than the guys he normally hangs out with. She took his hand, “Come on! Let me introduce you to everyone!” she took his hand and they ran out of the convent. He was still getting used to town but __________________ seemed to know every little shortcut and secret passageway to get to various places. Soon, they ended up in a clearing in the woods where he was sure a bandit compound. There waiting was Ace, Luffy, Sabo, Ussop, Kaya, Kid, and Killer.

“Morning!” she said brightly

“SISSY!” Luffy wrapped his entire body around ________________, “WELCOME BACK!”

“Did you have fun?!” said Sabo

“MHM! Kaya! I wish I knew you were here! I would have giving you your gifts!”

“It’s okay! Ussop basically dragged me here!”

“Because I needed a sidekick on an adventure!” he said puffing out his chest

“You almost ate diarrhea berries,” said Kid, “Would have let you too but then Kaya would have had to haul your carcass around,”

“And Law isn’t close enough to help and in lessons right now,” said Killer

“Summer lessons? Barf!” said Ace, “No way in hell I would be caught dead doing that,”

“I like summer lessons!” said __________________

“You would!” she then took out a little package and gave it to Killer, “WHY DOES HE GET SOMETHING?!”

Because he likes Pretty Soldier too!”

“And because I’m special,” said Killer sticking out his tongue at Ace. He was about to retort when a new girl that Argo has never seen before came into view. She was cute too, like strikingly cute. Where ______________ was adorably cute, this girl was demonic cute. ____________________ ran to the girl and hugged her tightly followed by Kaya.

“Kitty!” Kaya hugged her tightly, “You're going to hang out with us this summer?!”

“Mhm, Father is on one of his business trips and won’t be home for awhile so I’m under my uncle’s care and he wants me to have some fun,”

“So the Ussop Trio is back together?!” said Ussop

“I never agreed to that name,” said Katherina

“Me neither,” said Kaya giggling

“Hey! It’s catchy!”

“If that’s the case, we should be called the Liar Trio,” said Katherina

“HEY! You’re so mean!”

“And you love it,”

“It’s good to finally have our third person back!” said Kaya hugging her tightly, “It was so quiet since you left!”

“Please, I know Ussop was still running around yelling about Pirates Coming!”

“Oh no! He stopped after you left! The Village was more concerned about where you ran off to!”

“What kind of a annoy idiot would do that EVERY day?” said Kid looking annoyed, “I’m surprised no one has shot you yet,”


“Oh no, Kitty threatened him with death on several occasions that if he woke her up again, she was going to tie him up and throw him inside the well. He stopped after that,”

“And that’s how Kitty saved the town,” said Sabo laughing

“So do we call you Katherina, Kat, or Kitty?” said Luffy

“Kitty’s fine. I like it a little better. Also, who’s this?”

“Argo! He’s from the convent!” said _________________

“Yeah he came here literally a day after you left,” said Killer, “He’s kind of awkward but he’s a traveler so we just figured it was because of that,”

“Oh. Well I hope he likes it in the convent! It was the best home I’ve had besides well, home,”

“Those are the only two homes you know,” said Killer ruffling her hair

“Oh yeah, I can’t remember any other home,” she said thoughtfully

“Does it bother you that you can’t remember your original home?” said Argo. She thought for a few minutes.

“Nah! It couldn’t have been that nice because I can’t remember anything from that time. Even if I think hard about it,”

“Hey Argo! You have stories from your travels, right?” said Sabo, “Like strange ones that no one really know, or legends from towns?”

“Oh yeah! Plenty!”

“Oooh like what?!” said ________________________. Argo noticed that he had everyone’s attention. He thought of a tale and grinned.

“Well, I’ve been to islands and met a lot of people and places and heard a lot of legends. I was in a town where I heard a story about people who only wear masks,”

“Masks?” said Luffy, “How would they tell people apart?!”

“Apparently depending on the family and tribe, your mask is different. Kids receive their masks on their first birthdays and have to wear it for the rest of their lives basically. Only their family’s know their true appearances. They’re intricately made by a mask maker. And there’s even hybrid masks for those who want to share in two families’ tribes and things like that. They’re also classes of warriors, makers, farmers, and hunters. Outsiders get their own mask but it’s plain until they become a villager or citizen. They’re very welcoming and rarely venture out themselves. If they do, they keep on their masks. It’s the ultimate sign of trust and brotherhood to take off their masks to people they trust. However, it’s a great insult to forcibly remove their mask. Excommunication requires that person to remove their mask, where it’s to be destroyed, symbolizing that person is no longer a part of the town. That only happens if that person betrays their clan or spills the blood of an innocent intentionally,”

“I heard about that!” said Ussop, “It’s one of those secluded non government islands!”


“So he wasn’t lying!” said Kaya

“HEY! I don’t lie all the time!”

“Only when your lips move,” said Katherina

“YEAH!” ______________ cocked her head.


“Give him a minute,” Ussop then realized what Katherina said


“Not my fault you lie a lot,” she said playfully, flicking his head.

“Ow! The abuse I suffer at the hands of Kitty!” Argo chuckled

“You can tell you two are close! It’s so cute!”

“Darn right!” Ussop placed his arm around Kitty and hugged, “She’s the Brain of the Ussop Trio!”

“Yeah, Ussop is my best guy friend. It's like having an annoying little brother that you have to take care of. Have you traveled to that mask island?”

“No, sadly but I want to! Actually to be honest, I’ve traveled all over and…this is the first time I’ve wanted to live and stay in a town like this,” he smiled, “Everyone here is so nice and everyone is so…amazing. At least from where I’m from,”

“Then why don’t you?!” said ___________________, “You have two more weeks, right?!”

“That’s right but, I kinda have to report back home. I have a very…strict guardian,” he said sheepishly

“You’re a traveler, how can you have a strict guardian?” said Ace

“It’s… complicated,”

“Meh, let them know, the worse they can say is no,”

“And you can totally hide with us if they don’t want you to!” said Luffy

“We’ll keep them away!” said _____________________. That night, Argo headed back to his ship. He parked it at the Dead Island by Kid and Killer’s request since the likelihood of it being stolen was slim to none versus Goa. He had everything he needed on his journey there including his den den mushi that he kept hidden. Mainly so it wouldn't report back home or give away any location. He never wanted to stay in a place longer than this…but he also knew it wouldn’t be an issue technically. He shook violently when he went back to his boat and placed the receiver to his ear. He took a few breaths and sighed.

“Hey, I was wondering…can I travel a little longer? I found a place that I liked and I want to stay a little longer. About another month or so. Actually it’ll be for the rest of summer. You know I’ll come back when summon— Really?! Okay! Password? Don’t make me say it…fiiiiiiiiiine, Shuffle, Shuffle, Bubble, Bubble, Nurr dis zo foch! Happy? Thanks! Yes I’ll bring you something back. I promise. There’s a mochi shop—okay, okay, yes I can freeze it! You got it!” he hung up the den den mushi and sighed. He hated that part but he also knew it’ll get most of his requests down.

“Calling your Mommy?” he jumped. Killer was grinning at him from above. Argo clutched his chest.

“Dude you scared me,”

“Sorry about that. I do that a lot,”

“Yeah, she’s super protective. She didn’t want me to travel to be honest but she knows it’s good for me to escape every now and then,”

“All Moms are like that. Miss Ribbon worries about me and Kid everyday, It’s only natural. So you’re staying?”

“Mhm until the end of summer it looks like. I usually stay in a town for a month but I realize that well…there’s no dark, weird cult like goings on so I want to stay and well…enjoy myself a bit,”

“Alright but just know you have to follow the rules here,”

“There’s rules?”

“Mhm, first of all, don’t fall in love with Penny. She’s off limits because of Kid. He has a massive crush on her but he won’t admit it and will fight you,”

“Got it!”

“Two, Goa is a free for all for causing destruction and such. Not Windmill Village, this place is small and everyone here is family,”

“I can tell!”

“Three, the Baratie will give you free food, and it’s GOOD but don’t waste it, EVER,”


“Four, everyone here is basically a giant family. We fight, we argue, we come from strange backgrounds and some of us are dirt poor or rich but we’re all friends and brothers and sisters in arms. We have to look out for each other,”


“And lastly, the nun can and will bop you. Hell every adult will if you’re caught in trouble. It’s a “it takes a village” thing. We will get disciplined for being little shits but some adults are insidious like the old man that lives with us. His specialty is psychological warfare. Oh and this is an unofficial rule: ____________________ has Monster Child Energy so, if it doesn't make sense, it will eventually,” he snorts.

“And she’s spacey,”

“That too. Another unofficial rule, we love stories and books here. If you read something, someone is probably a huge fan. So far there’s the Bunny Princess, Pretty Soldier, the Witch Chronicles and the Chrestomanci Series,”

“...I think I finally found my home. I LOVE the Bunny Princess!”

“Welcome home! Come on, let’s get back to the convent and we can talk,”

Argo really did start to really enjoy his time in this little village he found. Everyday was something new and he actually couldn’t wait to see what was next. Almost everyday, he was dragged away from chores to be taken someplace or to help do something. One day, he was dragged off by Kid and Killer to help test Kid’s newest invention. He called it the Lady Penny Mobile and it was to transport Penny if ever wanted to go to sea. It worked but it filled with water but Killer got him out. They were later scolded by their mother/ guardian. He KNEW who she was but they affectionately called her Miss Ribbon. She gave him a wink and placed her fingers to her lips before immediately writing it in his book. The next day after that, he was exploring town and found ____________________ and Katherina happily talking with Kaya and three other girls. He knew one to be Princess Vivi but he was shocked to see the other two girls. When it came to royalty, the last two girls were top tier, like could probably buy and sell everyone in town. Plum in particular he knew for a fact was a Celestial Soldier in training. They happily asked him to join them. They talked about Pretty Soldier, the Bunny Princess, and of course things they were planning this summer.

“Well, I’ve been hanging out Mr. Cabaji a lot and I’m getting better at the unicycle!” said __________________ proudly, “It’s really fun!”

“Those weird clown people?” said Kaya shuddering

“Hey, Buggy isn’t that bad!” said Vivi, “I like watching him perform!”

“Still weird, if you’re related, why don’t you have a big nose?” said Plum

“Oh, I think he got that from his mom or something but it’s not THAT big,”

“If you say so!”

“How did you guys meet?!” said Argo

“We take Ribbon Twirling together and then we call became best friends!” said Penny happily, “I mean Plum is still my bestest friend!”

“And Pen’s mine!” said Plum ruffling her

“And Kitty and Vivi’s mine!” said Kaya happily

“And I claim ________________ as my own,” said Katherina and was almost immediately hugged tightly. He wrote more things in his book. This was all very fascinating. But he had to admit, of everyone in town, __________________ intrigued him the most. There was something about the strange little girl that was very familiar and very…comforting but in a good way. He knows he’s never met her until this moment but he felt as though he’s known her his entire life and he couldn’t figure out why. He troubled him but he also noticed she would literally do her own thing, just like Killer said. Like being Law’s dissection dummy, Ace’s diversion, and Flora’s errand girl. He found himself really observing and looking at her a lot. She was really cute and sweet.

“AGO!” he jumped. Luffy was beaming at him.

“Damn, Luffy’s stupidity is rubbing off on him,” said Ace

“Hey! I’m sorry, I was just a little distracted. I’m sorry!”

“You’re a traveler right?!” said Luffy looking at Argo, “I bet you have LOADS of stories!”

“And adventures!” said Ace

“Tell us one!” said Sabo. That’s right, today he was with whom he liked to call them the Area Kids, consisting of Ace, Luffy, Sabo, Sanji (but he was still on punishment), ___________, Law, Kid, Killer, and Katherina because they were all from the area. The Ribbon Girls were obviously the girls from the Ribbon Twirling Troupe. Then there’s the Syrup Village Trio, the Goa Residents, the Devil Fruit Trio, ASL, AS_L, and the Mature Group which was Killer, Sabo, Sanji, and Law. Argo looked thoughtful before grinning.

“I got one! I heard the story about a town where there are no laws. Everyone literally fights to survive every single day. The world government allows it for whatever reason. Everyone who lives there has to fight for survival every single day. Everyone either lives in gangs or lives alone in order to make sure they can live in peace. There’s no escape because the High Council of the town implanted citizens with chips to kill them if they did. Those who escape become mercenaries or for hires because of the sheer sadistic brutality they've been subjected to since living there. It’s so bad that it feels like perpetual night there. But I also heard everything change about ten years ago when a woman slaughtered many of the higher ups, including the master of ceremonies himself! She took on the deadliest gang, seven men all by herself and emerged without a scratch on her. She then made a new rule that any new citizen who comes in for the blood sport and loses is allowed to leave and take whoever with her. It gave everyone in that town hope, a new hope they’ve never experienced and there were revolutions and fights against the tyranny. She became a legend, a hero, a beacon of hope. The High Council has a bounty on her head to bring her back to be made an example of. I heard many have tried and she sent them all back and many just disappeared. There's so many tales of things she did there along with statues. They say she’s a terrifying beauty with piercing eyes that turned blue the moment she gazed at the sky the day she left, hair black as the lower depths of Hell, and had long, sharp teeth like a shark,”

“Yeah, that's Law’s mom. We call her Lesser,” said Killer. Argo froze.


“Yeah, the place was called Calva, right? Yeah, that was Law’s Mom,”

“And Kat-chan’s mentor! She's super nice!” said ___________________, “And she gives the best advice!”

“And scary but makes a damn good curry!” said Ace

“AND SHE CAN SING!” said Luffy

“Wanna meet her? She's having tea around this time,” said Law, “I bet she can tell you some stories from her time in Calva,”

“YES! PLEASE! She’s a legend!” he said, shaking with excitement, “It’s kind of a hobby of mine! There’s so many myths and legends all over the world and I want to see them all! It’s mainly people! I didn’t know Calva existed until a few years ago!”

Argo found himself looking up at a large villa before being ushered in by Law who just opened the door. He casually walked through, guiding everyone inside. He then exited out the back and headed towards the gazebo in the middle of the yard where a figure was there. She was having her afternoon tea. Law and Katherina immediately ran towards the woman who swiveled around and caught them both and gave them a hug and a kiss each. The other kids followed suit. She was a maid but didn’t look like a maid. Argo looked at Lesser with silent admiration. It was like he was looking into the utter face of God himself. This was a living breathing legend and she was standing in front of him like she was kind of a mere mortal. He was shaking. The stories of her beauty were true! She had beautiful sapphire eyes, her hair was in a bun but still elegant and beautiful, and she had long sharp teeth that were like pearls. He was vibrating at this point. It was as though being in her presence was an honor and he was basking in the awesomeness. She looked at him with a smile.

“Who’s this new face?”

“He’s a fanboy,” said Law, “He knows of his exploits in Calva and wanted to meet you,” she raised an eyebrow.

“So I’m a legend now?”


“Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that,” Argo shakily took out his traveler’s book.

“C-Can I have your autograph? Please?!” Lesser looked shocked but chuckled and signed his book, “THANK YOU SO MUCH!”

“But if you don’t mind, please keep my whereabouts secret,” she winked


“And Madame Scarlet is here if you want an autograph,”


“Scarlet?!” said Law and _________________

“Mhm, that’s Dom’s name, Scarlet,”

“Who has summoned me~” Dom came up from behind and grabbed Killer and hugged him tightly, “Gotcha!”

“Hey! With that type of treatment, I want dinner and movie first,” Dom ruffled him laughing.

“You little shit,”

“Do you have stories about Dom?!” said _____________________ looking at Argo

“Yeah! She was one of the leaders of the Divine Phoenixes back in Calva with Kuchisake and Ricky! She basically went into a building and used her whip to strangle, beat, and whip everyone in there and then she used her bare hands to fight her way out! She also went through the seven trials and emerged victorious! Even taking out a tentacle creature that well…not many survived! From what I remembered, Madame Scarlet went into that room, there was screaming, crying, and then moaning and she came out covered in blood and mucus and dragged the creature out with her along with four captive girls. Only two survived the ordeal,”

“Yeah that was me,” said Dom smiling, “The other two…they were there for so long their minds were corrupted and they…took themselves out,”

“Fuck…morbid much?” said Killer

“It is what it is sadly,”

“Wow, so Lesser isn’t the only bad ass in the maid group?” said Kid

“Of course not!” said Dom, “Lesser and I lived together in Calva. Of course some of my badassery rubbed off on her,”

“Please we both know it was all me,” said Lesser

“There’s more maids here?!” said Argo

“Mhm, Cook and Perv should be heading over here and Cleaner tending the bunny hatch,” on cue, a busty blonde and a hot auburn woman appeared at the gazebo with what looked like lunch. Cook placed everything on the table. It was a bunch of sandwiches with a large pitcher of lemonade and some desserts.

“Eat up kiddos,” said Cook happily, “I saw you guys coming and had Sanji make a few more things! He’ll join us soon!”

“Can’t wait,” said Law eerily

“What’s your request this week for dinner?” Law thought for a few moments.

“Giant Chicken legs from North Blue? Fried please?”

“You got it! They’re been migrating so Sanji and I can get a nice plump one!” Katherina’s mouth watered. Law winked at her. She beamed and mouthed “thank you”! Argo vibrated again at the sight of the two women.

“Wait, wait, wait, WAIT! I KNOW YOU! Rather heard of you!” Cook and Perv looked at the little boy, “There’s another story in West Blue about two travelers! The Demonic Cook and the Laughing Demon!” Cook and Perv looked at each other before they started laughing.

“Oh…yeah that WAS us wasn’t it?” said Cook

“I forgot we did that,” said Perv sniggering, “I’m the Laughing Demon now? I’m hurt!”

“Wait, wait, wait! You and Cook used to travel together?!” said Law

“Mhm! Before we went to Calva and met Lesser and Dom we met up and pretty much stayed together!” said Perv, “Neither of us knew each other but I think we were just lonely,”

“Basically and Perv is the perfect truffle pig,” said Cook laughing, “She can sniff out poisonous mushrooms and it made things easier when foraging and she liked the poisonous ones so it was a win win for both of us,”

“Truffle pig! Truffle pig!” said Perv happily, “Cook said I was greatest liability,”

“Yes, yes you are. When we traveled, I used to cook for families for room and board sometimes. I used to give Perv the leftovers through the back and had her sleep in the room. But she was always around to hear if something shady was going on. One night, she overheard the owners of the house were planning on killing and robbing me. I didn’t even suspect it, until Perv packed everything and stole everything that wasn’t nailed down, switched my cooking with hers and we got out of there. Come to find out, it was a normal thing for them and we essentially took them out. Thank you again, Perv,”

“No prob Bob!”

“You were the Head Kerchief Cook!” said Argo, “The one that cooked the limbs of the traffickers!” the kids looked OFFENDED



“YEAH SO MEAN!” said Luffy

“Well I never thought about it!” said Cook sheepishly, “Especially since Vikka has the best stories,”

“That’s true,” said Law, “But you NEVER tell us a good one!”

“It’s been so long, I think I forgot the best bits. Argo, tell me your version and I’ll clarify. Or did you forget?”

“No no! I remember that story!” said Argo, “Okay! So there were some bandits that took to trafficking unsuspecting travelers by getting them drunk at inns or just plain kidnapping them in the night in secluded areas. There was even a rumor that they were selling human meat to royals and nobles who wanted to try something adventurous. Well, one day, they had a full boat filled with people they were taking to the auction house filled with women and children and naive men and one in particular was a woman sporting a head kerchief. The men were discussing who was going to sample the goods and who was going to be killed for…delicacy. The Head Kerchief was intrigued. She said that she was a world class chef and she always wanted to try and cook human meat. The men agreed and they chose a little boy to be the delicacy. She, a bandit, and the boy were ushered into the room. Unknown to the others, she slit the bandit guard, slaughtered a pig and had the little boy hide. She served them the food and it was so good they wanted more and this time grabbed a little girl. She did the same thing and this time, she added a special mushroom that mixed with alcohol caused a worst effect and soon the bandits were drunk and passed out one by one with the woman giving them more and more food until eventually they were all knocked out. The woman freed everyone in the cells and they trapped the bandit in the cells. They sailed everyone back home until eventually, it was the woman a handful of people left. THe bandit awoke to the woman who explained everything. The bandits threatened her with all kinds of torture and something happened. One of the bandits managed to pick the lock. The bandits swarmed the woman. The men above didn’t realize until they heard the woman scream. They rushed to the door only for it to be closed. They were terrified. That poor woman locked in with thirty bandits who were out for blood. The men tried to pry the doors open for what seemed like eternity and they finally managed and realized a man’s arm was still holding the door. Half of them retreated to the cells and some laid on the floor holding stumps where their limbs used to be. She hacked off the legs of the last bandit. She then turned with a smile at her five companions and asked them to boil some water in her cooking pot. She gathered the severed limbs and boiled them and cooked them forcing the bandits to eat their limbs, repentance for the lives they took. Then she and the five left. The Marines found the boat a few days later and then bandits told them what happened. One Marine however, was a cadet and one of the few that escaped. The bandits were jailed and the Demonic Cook went back on her journey, appearing every so often. The bandits I heard all live in a compound, refusing to ever speak of what happened. They got off because of the royals they supplied. They retired and that whole town has a group of men that are missing limbs and became strict vegetarians,” the kids looked at Cook. She rubbed the back of her head.

“Yeah, that was me. To be honest, I pretty much forgot that one. I’ve heard of that town and I wanted to visit. I think that's a good enough reason. At the very least I can cause a few heart attacks and mass panic,” she giggled.

“So….did you really cook their limbs?” said Law

“Mhm, sorry you had to find out this way,”

“ did you prepare it?” said Katherina

“Oh! I roasted some and made a good stew for the rest. It smelt amazing but don’t ask me how it tasted,”

“How did you manage to fight them all?!” said Ace

“Oh! My weapons are my cleavers! My mentor taught me everything I know,”

“We never see you with a cleaver!” said Killer, “Why are you hiding things!” Cook laughed and went under her blouse and took out her cleavers. She then unfastened her meteor ball and chain.

“See? I have my larger ax but only when I know I’m going to need it. The bandits were idiots who thought they were just cooking utensils and technically they are!”

“Can I hold them?!” said Argo, “Please!”

“Of course!” she presented one. He could barely hold it up but the idea that he was holding something of legend was making him as giddy as a schoolgirl, “I’ll sign your traveler book too,”

“THANK YOU!” the kids however had MORE questions.

“Was it really thirty bandits?!” said Luffy

“Did you cut off a few balls?!” said Kid

“What happened to your small crew?!” said ___________________

“There were about fifty of them. I castrated a few and they knew what they did to deserve that. The five men, we actually just parted ways. I was on my journey and they were on theirs. We still write from time to time,”

“I don’t carry it around when I’m here! I’m not Lesser who’s armed to the teeth at every moment,”


“It’s true hon!”

“I mean yeah but you don’t have to say it,”

“This feels like Memory Lane!” said Dom laughing, “The things we did when we were young and hot~”

“You’re still young and hot,” said Killer, “With hot asses and perky boobs,”

“Flattery will get you everywhere,” said Dom, tickling him.

“Where was Cleaner in this?” said Ace

“Oh ummm…Cleaner was—,”

“Wasn’t with us then,” said Lesser, “She joined when we were training with Taicho,” Argo whipped his head up

“Taicho?! THE Taicho?! YOU WERE TRAINED BY A GHOST?!” the Maids started laughing

“The old badger still strikes fear into the hearts of many,” said Perv giggling.

“Taicho is still alive and well,” said Cook laughing, “She’s just on permanent vacation, funded by her son, aka our Boss, Doffy,”


“Doflamingo,” said Kid


“Yeah, he’s away on business and we keep the place occupied and tidy until he gets back,” said Lesser, “Basically we’re his first defense and the idiots on Dressrosa are his second defense because they’re a bunch of useless fuck ups,” she said pouring herself some lemonade, “But then again, that’s why they’re here and we’re here,”

“What happened?”

“Oh, in layman’s terms, they fucked around and found out,” said Dom laughing

“Yeeeeeeeah we were attacked unprovoked and something happened and long story short, Doffy stationed us here and they’re punishment was to be Dressrosa to clean up the mess,”

“I do have one more story! This is the last one, I promise!” said Argo

“Oh no don’t be shy!” said Perv, “We’re loving this! Gives us a break!”

“And show off a bit,” said Dom

“Okay! So, Miss Lesser, were you ever in Golgotha?!”

“Mhm. I haven’t heard that name in a decade,”

“What’s Golgotha?” said Law

“Impel Down but in Calva. Only difference is that once in Golgotha you don’t leave. It’s basically a death sentence. You either serve and survive if you keep your head down and it sometimes happens or you escape. I burnt the entire place to the ground with some of the prisoners,”

“You burnt down a WHOLE Prison?!” said Luffy

“Mhm, with gasoline and a few matches. The prisoners escaped, except ten but they were fucked either way for what they did,”

“PLEASE tell me you faced off against Kotka!” Lesser and Katherina froze for two very different reasons. Lesser hadn’t heard that name in ages. It still made her blood boil and the hairs on the back of her neck tense up.

“We don’t need to hear about him,” said Law quickly

“No, no it’s okay. Kotka was a real bastard,” said Lesser sighing, “He was one of the higher ups and had a really personal interest in me, ever since I was a kid. He’s been trying to get me to join his ranks as his second in command and groom me to do so. I think after I destroyed his precious prison, he realized that I will do the same to him. I have no idea what he wanted to do but he never had the chance. I did face him a few times in my teen years and held my own pretty good but I also fought a subordinate of his and ironically right before he was scheduled to come in and deal with me himself. I seriously couldn’t wait to get out of that place. But that’s way behind me and I’m happy here. I’m glad my actions started a revolution because if there’s one thing that place needed was some hope. Anywho, I have work to finish. If a few little ones want to help I can reward them with cake and stories,”

“I’m in!” said Argo and ________________ happily

“I will give meat and ramen to the ones who won’t mind helping me in the kitchen,” said Cook. Luffy, Sabo, and Ace ran towards the kitchen laughing.

“We can’t be bribed that easily,” said Killer sticking out his tongue.

“Yeah!” said Kid.

“We know,” said Dom chuckling, “I mean I have all of those tasty cabbage rolls that are begging to be eaten along with some tasty shortbread cookies,” Killer froze.

“You drive a HARD bargain lady,” Killer said, trotting with her and Kid. Law followed Lesser and noticed the color drained from Katherina’s face. He hung back.

“You okay? Did the stories scare you?”

“No…it’s not that, it’s…something else,”



“Pffft I’m pretty sure that man is like thousands of miles away,” Katherina shook her head.

“That’s not it…Kotka…there’s only one man I know with that name rather his alias and he’s…my paternal grandfather,” Law froze, “I don’t see him often but he does come around. He smells of death and he’s…I’m more afraid of him than I am of my father and aunt. I’m just…destined to be bad,”

“No you’re not. You’re way too soft to be bad. And I’m pretty sure _________________ and Lesser wouldn’t allow it,” Katherina looked uneasy, “If anything happens, I’ll make sure you get out of the situation. I promise,”


“Well, I need a little sister to take care of and you need a big brother so I think we can help each other out,”

“Alright but I’ll be bratty once in awhile to keep you on your toes,”

“Fine, and I’ll chase off any guy that comes near you when you’re older,”


Argo was enthralled looking through his travel book. There were so many memories and now tied up ends that he couldn’t help but geek out and smile. He met four living legends since he’s been there, he couldn’t believe he was meeting people that would otherwise be on the run or should be living in completely other places living in the town or around it. The idea that the Whitebeard Pirates made the place their home and protected and expanded the village was amazing in itself but also it was a place where Doflamingo was hiding, along with the Five Traveling Mercenaries who were each a legend but now Maids, that there was a Celestial Soldier and her charge living and working there and not to mention someone with such a high standing that she needed a Celestial Soldier with her. He also met a princess, the heiress of a shipyard and he’s pretty sure Katherina is royalty in her own right. And everyone just carry on like normal, like they’re all normal people living in a world where status doesn’t mean anything. It was just…surreal. He was waiting for something off to happen but it’s…just normal.

“Oy, stop spacing out!” he jumped. Kid shoved a plate of food in front of him. Everyone has been inviting him to eat at their places. Today it was pasta with Kid and Killer and their family. Immediately he knew none of this was right. A Demon Child was their mother and their grandfather was literally an admiral, who was eating happily, “You only met __________________ a few days ago and you’re already spacing out!”


“It’s not that bad,” said Killer laughing, “And you get like that with Penny,”

“I don’t!”

“How is she by the way?” said Miss Ribbon

“She’s fine! I got Blood Rain V and I was going to ask if she played it and I’m sure she has,”

“Doesn’t hurt to ask,”

“Especially since you’re being weird about it,” said Aokiji

“I’m not!”

“You refused to wash your Penny hand for a week,”

“Ace CHALLENGED me to not wash that hand for a week!”

“Mhm, that’s why you learned to wipe left handed,”

“Why you looking at me in the toilet, pervert!”

“Same reason why you didn’t deny you have a Penny Hand,”


“Just admit you like her,” said Killer

“I don’t!”

“Awesome, I wonder if I can try my hand with her. Like I really want to see if I can get to second bas—ACK!” Kid pounced on Killer, who wrestled him. Miss Ribbon and Aokiji continued eating as multiple hands came out and separated the boys.


“I’m finishing it!”

“You two can fight later. Now it’s time to eat,” they grumbled and went back to eating. After dinner, Miss Ribbon decided to walk him to the ferry to make sure he got there okay. She even packed him some apple cake she made for dessert, “How are you liking this place so far?”

“It’s so…surreal,” he said smiling, “I kinda never want to leave…it’s completely different from where I’m from but that’s a good thing,”

“Then why don’t you stay?”

“I…can’t. Trust me, I can’t. It’s not because I don’t want to, I just…can’t let my caregiver know about this place. I know it’s hidden but I know he’ll do his best to track me down and I can’t risk that,”

“Understandable but if you ever need a place to escape,”

“I’m DEFINITELY coming here!” he grinned, “...but…why are here? You’re still wanted and everything and you’re living with an Admire that should be taking you in,”

“Everyone here found something they were looking for,” said Miss Ribbon smiling, “Many of us want families, some of us just want peace, and several up want both but everyone has freedom here. Trust me, it feels so good to go outside and no one knows your name or notoriety. I can go to sleep every night knowing that I can finally live in a place where there’s kind people, where I can take a walk without someone wanting my bounty, read a book without fear, and know I can go back to bed with that peace. I even have two boys that keep me on my toes so I’m never bored and if I do, I can talk to others in Windmill Village or secretly shop in the Villa or Goa with Lesser or Cook or Perv. It’s paradise for the weary,” the ferryman woke up and Argo hopped in the boat, “Safe travels and I’ll see you tomorrow!” Argo went to bed that night. He’s traveled all over the world and for the first time in his life where he not only felt safe but he got to meet all of the legends and stories of the people who were fighting for the good of the world. He loved his new friends too, the guys were awesome and the girls were awesome and cute. He had a lot of theories about everyone from he’s pretty sure that Ussop is a god, at least two kids were children of someone influential and famous, that Kid didn’t use his hands to pee at all, and that there’s at least five pirate crews living within each other. But…and he hated to admit it, he couldn’t get ___________________ off his mind. He didn’t know why and it didn’t help that he was attracted to her energy, almost as much as Katherina’s whom he also thought was elegantly cute. But __________________ there was something not off but very familiar about her but in a good way. He was sure he’s met her before or have known about her. Everything from her mannerisms to how she just appears and disappears, was she a god or what was going on? He kept thinking before he just decided to drift asleep. He had the rest of the summer to solve the mystery but now…he was just happy that she was his friend.

The great Kuchisake was in the room awaiting her fate. She wasn’t afraid by any means but she was nervous. Very nervous. If there was a known truth it was that Vikka didn’t do well around water and only a few people very close to her knew the truth. But to the outside, she didn’t go near water or let it touch her only in private. Even if it rained she was cautious but she was known to fight better in the pouring rain. So it was fitting to torture her by putting her in the Water Closet in Golgotha. She sat there just waiting. She was fearful but it wasn’t from what people thought. Water gushed into the room. She immediately climbed up to keep the water from touching her. She didn’t know what was watching her or who was but she couldn’t risk the water touching her at all. She was scared. For the first time in her life she was scared. She had the skills to get out of the room but she was risking an even bigger problem later. She weighed her options and it wasn’t worth it. She knew what she had to do. She closed her eyes and emptied her mind.

“Dealmaker, I’m beseech you. I’m ready to make a deal,” suddenly everything in the room went quiet and everything slowed down. She looked around expecting to see whom she summoned. Instead she saw a familiar face.

“Azul?!” He looked just as shocked as she was. She was expecting to see an older, wiser woman with glasses, not her preteen grandson.

“Sister?! What’s wrong?!”

“Azul this is a matter of life and death and I need your grandmother! Please! I have to make a deal!”

“She’s not here! She’s on an errand!”

“FUCK!” she looked panicked. The water was getting closer and closer to her. Azul realized what was going on and he looked worried as well. Vikka knew it would be over if that water touched her, “Azul…sweetheart, I’m going to need to make a deal with you,”

“B-But,” he cleared his throat, “Are you sure?!”

“Azul, I know how this works, please take whatever you need for this wish sweetheart! But I can’t let it end like this! You know what they’ll do to me if they discover it!” he knew she was right. He took out a contract and she told him what she wanted. The contract was made along with payment and she quickly signed it. Not many didn’t know but Dealmakers when they need something from someone see the many attributes of people as almost like a store of items. The vision only really appears when the person agrees to the deal. Once Vikka Sister willingly made a contract with him, he saw the shop. It was like a curio shop of things, her memories, her talents, her abilities, and there were also tangible things like her eye color, hair color, her teeth, and things like that. He looked through. He didn’t want to take anything from her but he knew he had to in order to give her what she needed. He didn’t want to take memories, especially of Jade and Floyd but this was a big deal. She didn’t want to take something she needed but what was important to her. He looked around and around until he saw something. It was a chest of pearls, a bunch of pearls, surely just one couldn’t have hurt. He looked at it and realized it said “eggs”. He cocked his head. Why did Sister have eggs? She had thousands of them and he knew she wouldn’t miss one. He took a pearl and gently placed it in a box and reappeared.

“Okay, I took a pearl,”

“Thank you Azul!”

“Tell me what you want, Big Sis,”

“I need to be able to swim and breathe underwater temporarily as myself,” he understood the assignment and granted her wish and it wasn’t a moment too soon before the water hit her. Nothing happened. The room filled with water as she floated in the water room before diving down. She sat there as though nothing was wrong and just stayed down. She breathed a sigh of relief. She knew it was a test and she had to just endure it until she could figure out a way to get out. The entire time, two men watched as she hopped away from the water and got to higher ground. Although she made a deal, to someone on the outside, she was sitting there thinking before she just jumped into the water and stayed there. Kotka was watching with both amusement and intrigue. Vikka never failed to impress him. She wanted this girl to join his ranks ever since she was a child. He’s always loved that untamed spirit about her, that beauty, that strength. He wanted her to be his ever since their first encounter. Usually the residents In the Lowers were idiots, morons, and those who were smarter than most kept it hidden. She was not. She was intelligent, clever, she was on a level that he admired. Even to the point that when she was in a position of high society, she blended in.

“Sir, it looks like she can hold her breath for a long time,” said Nemesis

“Indeed,” he said smirking, “Very talented I may add and that she’s been looking for pockets of air throughout the room. It’s a very cunning talent,” Kotka would forever be mesmerized by Vikka until the day he died. She was everyone he needed for a right hand but she did have a heart, the one thing that held many back. He couldn’t understand how someone like her could have such a high moral compass living in the cesspool that was Calva. He wanted her to be his soldier, he wanted her at his side and he didn’t care how it would be but he wanted her in his family. There was no doubt that she’ll escape this place but he didn’t care. She needed to be with him but for now, he was going to observe her more. He just needed to appeal to her in a different way. Soon the water closet was flooded and Vikka was taken back to her cell. She sighed in relief and slumped against the wall. She then felt a very soft touch on her hand.

“I saved you some food! They served meat tonight!” Vikka smiled and took the food and immediately gobbled it down.

“Thanks Fiore,”

“No problem, Vikka,”

Chapter 118: Renegade Nun


The Little Girl Meets Another Nun

Chapter Text

A nun was in Impel Down. Not just any nun but a Sister of Mercy, aka a Renegade Nun. Any woman who was a Renegade Nun and who was caught had an automatic sentence of ten years. The nun was in there for a few days. She wandered through each level, completely unfazed by everything before settling in her first level. She could be seen eating something, especially the wild mushrooms that many KNEW were poisonous. And in the evening, she found her cell and just slept. But that was when the trouble started. The first few nights weren’t bad. Many of the inmates left her alone. She was a nun after all, a woman of the cloth, a woman without sin, a woman that was chaste and pure. But she was hot, like super hot. She had an ample body, a hot ass and perky breasts. Many of them stayed clear. She was a pure woman and she was not to be messed with. But there were a few men who figured that she was here for a reason and they needed some kind of relief. Many of them were threatened with death for going near the nun but there were a few who thought the risk was worth it. That night, the nun got ready for bed. She had a little cell to herself. She had gathered some of the branches to make a little bed and was about to settle down. The men came into her cell, about five in total and blocked the exit. She looked at them expectantly.

“Hello boys. I’m sorry but if you want me to give you Last Rites or anything like that, it’ll have to wait until morning. I’m a little tired,” the first man came to her and towered over her. She was a petite woman and he stood a good two feet over her.

“Lift up your skirt, Sister,”

“Pardon?” she said, cocking her head to the side.

“Hmmmmmm nah, I usually charge if someone wants to see up my skirt,” said the nun who continued on her merry way to her bed building. One of the prisoners grabbed her arm and spun her around. The men towered over her with devious smirks.

“I don’t think you understand what’s going on, Sister. You’re a prisoner in Impel Down surrounded by unsavory men who hadn’t seen a woman in years and probably won’t in a few decades. You’re a young, cute, and fertile nun who probably never had the opportunity to be with a man. So let’s make this easy and now resist. We don’t want to hurt you,” the nun's cheerful smile became very dark as she gave them a very sinister smile.

“You see boys, that’s where you’re wrong. I’m not trapped here with you. You’re trapped in here with ME,” the nun whipped her rosary across the man’s eyes before slamming him in the stomach. The other two men went after her. She jumped over the first, used her beads as a Garrote wire and strangled him and kicked the other man into the other and then another across the cell while the first man was still being strangled by her with one hand and repeatedly being punched in the spine before letting him go. She laughed maniacally as she took her rosary and proceeded to whip the men over and over, in between stomping and kicking them. She then grabbed the first man and lifted him over her head and proceeded beating his men with him. She then tossed the man into his companions. They scrambled away from her, looking at her as though she was some kind of demon. She was blocking the only exit, “And now that I have your attention, I’m hungry and it’s almost time for dinner. I want 75% of your portions!”

“Yes Sister!”

“Good boys~! Now things will be a LOT easier if I don’t have to remind you to surrender MY food when it comes. Understood?”

“Yes Sister!”

“And since you made me work up an appetite, I want you to get me those mushrooms and cook them up! I’m starving!” the men ran out of the cell as fast as humanly possible. After she got her food, she ate all she could before heading to bed. She took off her wimple, revealing long blonde hair and made it into a pillow. She laid down and looked at the ceiling above before she finally drifted off to sleep.

A woman in a nun’s habit walked through town, passed Windmill Village and into the woods. In her hands was a map and a suitcase and she was more than happy to finally be in these woods. Her sister has always been detailed when it came to things, in her own weird and messy way. She hadn’t seen her since she left the convent to seek her fortune and become a traveler. The convent was so quiet without her presence, even Mother Superior admitted that but they all knew if she had her mindset to do something she was going to do it. That was how her sister was. She smiled at the thought. She hadn’t seen her in seven years and she wrote to her every week without fail. When she was going to be late, she always told her. It was hard for her to send letters because she was always traveling at the time but she was so happy to hear about her adventures and things like that. She sent the Abbey care packages often, usually spices and herbs and things like that. When she sent letters to her sister Mother Superior usually snuck beli to her. It was so cute.

“Well she does make a damn good ointment,” said the old nun, “And we have to make sure she’s eating okay,”

“I’m pretty sure she ate someone out of house and home by now,” Soon the nun was at a convent where an old nun greeted her. She didn’t know the order but she was grateful to the woman all the same and bowed.

“Thank you so much for your help!”

“It’s not a problem. My little charge will take you to the villa,” she looked up to see five kids in front of a rickshaw. It had pillows and a blanket.

“Nun Transportation at your service!” Sister Angela giggled at sight. From her letters from her sister, she knew the kids. There was Law, his little friend ___________________, Ace, Luffy, and Sabo. They helped her onto the cart and off they went.

“Thank you so for the escort,”

“No prob!” said ___________________ happily pushing the cart. She made a note of how strange she had to be to be pulling a heavy cart, herself, Luffy and Sabo. From the letters, she knew each kid and their temperament. It was so cute to see them up close.

“Soooooo which Maid’s sister are you?” said Sabo

“Yeah! We’re dying to know!” said Luffy

“I’m sorry but I’m under strict orders to not reveal that,” she said

“Cook got to you didn’t she?” said Law, “Or what is Lesser?”

“Both. I’m sorry but you guess!”

“But you’re not going to tell us the answer!” said Ace

“I’ll let you know if you’re close,” she winked.

“Alright, is it Cleaner?!” said ___________________

“I’m sorry,”

“You can’t just go gungho like that!” said Sabo laughing, “You have to build up to it! Like, is your sister blonde?”

“I haven’t see her in seven years, so she could be,”

“So it’s Perv!” said Luffy, “You’re both blonde!”

“That doesn't mean anything,” said Law, “Genetics are weird. Like you can have a family of redheads and one blonde or a blonde in a family of brunettes,”

“What’s your hair color Sister?” said Sabo

“I’m a blonde,”

“So she could be Cook’s sister!” said Luffy, “Can you cook?”

“Oh yes! I love cooking!”

“Then it’s settled! This is Cook’s long lost sister!”

“It could be Lesser’s sister,” said Ace

“Yeah but I’m pretty sure the sharp teeth are a family trait,” said Law, “Jade and FLoyd has them and Lesser has them but like I said genetics are weird,”

“DO you have sharp teeth?” said ________________. Sister Angela smiled. She looked disappointed, “Awwww she doesn’t!”

“Dom?!” said Luffy, “She has long hair like Dom!”

“How can you tell?” the boys turned to see Luffy happily messing with Sister Angela’s long blonde hair, who didn’t mind it in the least.

“Idiot! You can’t take off a nun’s wimple!” said Ace

“Is that what it’s called?!” said _________________

“Yeah, I asked Flora and damn it Luffy behave!”

“But her hair is SO soft!” she laughed as the kids scolded the rubber boy. Soon they reached the area where the villa resided and soon they were at the infamous villa. She was very nervous. Her little sister sent her letters, pictures, and everything and she was very surprised to find out that her baby sister was a maid and working for a shady man but as long as she was happy, she was happy. She got to the door and gently knocked. She stood back and the door opened. A tall woman dressed as a maid opened the door. She had piercing yet kind eyes and sweet face.


“Hi! I think I’m a bit early but I’m looking for my sister,”

“Oh! Come on in,” Lesser moved aside. Sister Angela walked in. Lesser took her bag, “You must be tired. We have lunch ready for you and your little escorts,”

“Smell good!” said ________________

“What’s on the menu?” said Sabo

“Cook made duck fried rice, pad thai, satay, and spring rolls,”

“FOOD!!” said Luffy getting ready to raid the kitchen as Ace grabbed him, clobbered him and then sat on him, “ACK,”

“Idiot!” Sister Angela looked around. Lesser smiled.

“Don’t worry, she’ll be here soon. She stepped awa—,”

“SISSY!!!!!!!” Before the nun could react, she was tackled. A busty blonde was hugging and snuggling her happily, “YOU MADE IT! ARE YOU OKAY?! COOK! SHE’S HERE!”

“OFF YOU DEGENERATE!” Lesser pulled Perv off before helping Sister Angela to her feet and dusting her off, “Just because you can tackle your sister doesn’t mean you SHOULD!”

“I can’t help it! I miss her SO much!” the nun laughed.

“It’s alright! It’s been a long time since I’ve had a tackle from my sister!” she smiles sweetly, “You must be the infamous Lesser! I heard so many stories about you,”

“Good I hope,” said Lesser eyeing Perv who shrank

“Of course! She said you had a right perky butt,”




“IT’S RIGHT THERE!” soon the other maids came to greet Sister Angela.

“It’s nice to finally meet you!” said Cook, smiling and hugging her tightly, “Perv has told us so much about you!”

“And you’re Cook!” said Sister Angela hugging back, “I’m glad, I finally have a face to the name! Thank you so much for taking care of her while you two were traveling. Also, please stop chasing my little sister around with your meat cleaver,”

“...I can’t promise that,”

“That’s fair,”


“Mother Superior used to chase her around with her sandal all the time. I’m pretty sure she’s used to it,” Perv shudders.

“ know the giant chancla chasing dream now makes PERFECT sense,” said Dom

“I’ve been traumatized enough!” Sister Angela chuckled before she immediately bowed.

“I almost forgot my manners. It’s nice to finally meet all of you! I’m Sister Angela Evangeline. Thank you so much for taking care of Chastity for me,”

“PERV’S NAME IS CHASTITY?!” the kids blurted out. Perv laughed hard.

“Yep! What did you think?!”

“Jezebel,” said Law, “That or Scarlet but that’s Dom apparently,”

“Yeah that sounds right,” said Sabo

“HEY! Chastity is the perfect stripper name! Our mother was very religious and she asked Dad if she could give me and Ange pure names!”

“Wait, wait. So you two have parents?” said Ace, “That’s alive?!”

“Indeed!” said Sister Angela, smiling, “We were sent to the convent for our safety. Both worked as spies for the Revolutionary Army. Father was an escort and stipper and Mother was a librarian and Father fell hard in love with her and here we are. But during that time, children were kidnapped for ransom and sold off into slavery so they made the decision to take us to the Sisters of Mercy to keep us safe. They visited us a lot and we actually made the decision to stay because we love our home,”

“Mhm! I decided to leave because I wanted to see the world when I turned seventeen! I still write home and to Mom and Dad once in a while!”

“Mother Superior says hi by the way and she’s been having fewer wrinkles since you left but the Abbey is a little quieter now,”

“I miss that old nun! Would it be okay to visit?”

“She said you’re welcomed back anytime and that she always has a saucer of cream waiting for you,”


For the next few days, Sister Angela was shown around town by Perv and the maids and she was soon settling into the rhythm of things fairly quickly. She really was the polar opposite of Perv. Where Perv was loud, lively, outgoing, and feral, Angela was quiet, reserved, introverted, and civilized. It was hard to see that the pair were sisters. However, she wasn’t a complete stick in the mud. She did have funny stories from her travels, keep up with Perv’s wanderings, and helped around the villa. Sister Angela also tried to help around the villa as much as she could.

“No, no sweetheart, we got this!” said Dom

“Y-You’re on vacation, relax!” said Cleaner

“Thank you but I like helping around! It’s the least I can do!”

“Then join me for tea on the veranda,” said Lesser

“That sounds pleasant!” the kids were fascinated by the new face. It was an uncanny valley moment for them. She looked like Perv, had Perv’s traits but wasn’t Perv, she was totally different. Ironically she even ate like Perv, loving instant noodles with super hot spices, fast like Perv, and even spoke in some Perv’s ways, even the mad Perv cackle when she was having fun. The boy immediately picked up on something else.

“She’s definitely a nun!” said Kid

“Mhm,” said Killer

“How can you tell?” said ___________________

“Nuns have eerie powers that keeps boys and men from doing naughty things,”


“Mhm! Like you just whip it out and pee in front of a nun, that’s like a crime!” said Sabo

“Even though it isn’t,” said Ace, “You just can’t, just like we can’t do bad things in front of Makino. Once again, the Nun Factor,”

“I didn’t know this!” said __________________

“That’s because you’re a girl,” said Law, “For men, nuns are basically pure and sweet people who doesn’t want to permanently cause harm to another human being so we automatically try to be as not bad as possible,”

“And a mad nun is a scary nun,” said Kid, “They will whip you with the rosary!”

“Sister had a sandal!” said _________________

“But she’s a Renegade Nun, isn’t that different?” said Sanji, “I mean I still won’t do anything,”

“You better not do anything you degenerate pervert,” said Law

“Like you even had a chance, pervert,” said Ace, “Golden rule is that you don’t mess with someone from the cloth,”

“Why?” said ____________________

“Because they have the direct line to the Man Upstairs,” said Kid, “And the older they are, the closer they are. Argo, you know what she is, right?”

“Mhm! Renegade Nuns are nuns who don’t follow any particular order but they’ve been known to be warrior or healer nuns. Like, they travel with bandits and pirates alike because they can both fight and heal. They’re basically two things in a package. That’s why they’re Renegade Nuns,” said Argo, “Not to mention, after the Fight for the Abbey, the World Government targeted that one specific Order because the entire fight was basically trying to force the nuns to not heal pirates or bandits or any enemy of the World Government. Ironically it was because one of the greatest pirates at the time, Atlas, was injured and although he won his fight with a few of the Admirals he had to get medical attention and he was taken to the Abbey. The Admiral chased him and his crew there but Mother Superior refused to let them in to arrest him or let him die,”

“ATLAS?!” said Ace,“Damn the old man is tougher than he looks!”

“Well he did raise Pops,” said Sabo

“HE NEVER TOLD ME THAT STORY!” __________________ pouted, “I’m hurt!”

“He did tell us about the Battle of the Abbey but he glossed over it,” said Law, “I think it’s safe to ask him now,”


“He’s our cool awesome Grandpa!” said Luffy, “But he kind of looks like a fat bear now!”

“And SO dramatic!” said _________________ giggling, “Marietta calls him the great wilting tree!”

“Wait…wait. Atlas is still alive?!”

“Yeah! He lives in Sphinx! He used to live in a place called Paradiso but he says he wanted to live somewhere where he can soak in a hot spring everyday! And he tells amazing stories,”

“....___________________ we need to talk. I need to know your stories!” said Argo, “You’re a walking Historian!”

“ that a good thing?”

“For a fanboy, yes,” said Killer

“You’re not so useless after all,” said Kid

“Don’t be mean Kid or I’ll tell Penny on you!”


“Shishishishi! I thought you didn’t like her~” said Luffy

“I don’t! I just like playing games with her!”

“You wanna kiss her! On the mouth and get mouth cooties!”


“I thought you said all girls did,” said Sabo grinning

“ONLY THE WEIRD ONES LIKE __________________!”

“I’m SO telling now!”

“DON’T!” ____________________ happily scampered away with Kid running after her. The boys were laughing at this point.

“She found the Penny Weakness,” said Killer

“And she’ll report something cute like “Kid looks really floofy today” and Penny is going to gush about it,” said Ace

“Oh! So Lady Penny likes him too?” said Argo

“What’s with the Lady and yeah, she likes Kid,” said Killer, “They talk often,”

“Never would have thought Kid would like someone like Penny,” said Law, “It’s cute in a weird way. Then again, I would neer have thought that Katherina has a friend like Ussop but here we are,”

“That’s usually how friendships are,” said Sabo, “It’s a bunch of people who just click with each other, whether they mean for it to happen or not. My theory that sometimes it’s meant to be like destiny,”

“Really?” said Argo

“You’re here right? And you fit right in,”

“Mhm! You’re like one of us now,” said Law.


“You’ve been here a month and you decided to stay longer, of course you are,” __________________ managed to give Kid the slip and then headed back to the convent. She had to ask Sister about this nun thing. It seemed like she was a Renegade Nun but she didn’t act like a nun like Sister Angela. She found her favorite place to get into the convent and slipped inside. She happily skipped through the grounds and found Flora making herself a cup of tea.

“SISTER!” Flora jumped and whizzed around to see ___________________ beaming at her from behind the table.



“NO! I do my own thing but Sister Angela is. Why did you scream like that?! What have I told you about that?!”

“Sorry! I was going to ask to see your tattoo if you were one!” Flora sighed and lifted her sleeve. Flora did have a tattoo but it wasn’t like Sister Angela’s. It was a jeweled rosary with a cross similar to Zoro and Perona’s Dad.

“Why do you have a tattoo of a rosary?”

“Religious reasons and a tribute to my mother who was a pious in her heyday,” she said

“Oh but do you also have one from Blume?” Flora grinned and revealed the other one on her arm. It was beautiful, it went from her shoulder to her elbow and it was a bunch of flowers together. The flowers however would never be together in a garden. There was a lily, a poppy, a rose, and a beautiful cherry blossom. But there was also a small goat’s head peeking out to nibble on the leaves, a little bunny doing the same, and the small border around the tattoo was the different phases of the moon with the cross version of Pop’s symbol at the bottom.

“That’s so cool!”

“Thank you. This tattoo means a lot to me because at the time, it kept the people closest to me. There’s my Fearsome Five, Blume, Fauna, Atlas, and Edward,”

“That’s so clever!”

“And when you get old enough you can wear your ink as well,”

“Really?! I can?!”

“It’s a Rite of Passage so you’re going to have to prove yourself in order to get it though,”

“How?! Can I do it now?!”

“Nope you’re too young to get a tattoo now and remember once you get your official ink, you can add other tattoos if you like. Remember a tattoo has to be a meaningful thing to you,”

“ I can get a cake tattoo?”

“....just because you can’t doesn’t mean you should,” she ruffled ___________________’s head, “Go play kiddo,”

“Yes Sister!” ___________________ however was going to talk to her other favorite adult about tattoos and things and she was due to see the Nice Lady. She looked around before going into the secret clearing and opening and there was Mr. Lore having a bento lunch.

“Hey Mr. Lore!”

“Kiddo! How are you!”

“I’m well! I have questions!”


“Renegade Nuns and ink!”

“Oh tattoos?”

“MHM do you have any?”

“I…do but I will never be comfortable in showing you that location,”

“....are they on your butt?”

“You know me way too well,” he laughed hard, “But usually the older generation of pirates don’t really get tattoos,”

“Huh, why not?”

“Many of us has scars and things and some just don’t like needles,”

“Does Pop have one?”

“Mhm, I think his is on his back but he keeps it covered,”

“Sister has two I think! But she always wears her habit so I can’t see her arms that much except when we took baths together! But she showed me her arm and I finally got to see it fully!”

“Tattoos aren’t just something you get because it’s a trend. It's something that supposed to have meaning but also tattoos can be very dangerous or mean something terrible,”

“Like what?”

“You’re a little young to know about this but sometimes terrible people give people tattoo for ownership,”

“That’s terrible!”

“Indeed it is. But that’s more of a brand than a tattoo. Sometimes people will brand something else over it but it’s a permanent reminder of what ordeal they went through and it can never be erased,” he then noticed how terrified she looked, “BUT BUT you will NEVER encounter people like that around here! And if they do come, I’ll make sure you’re safe and sound along with your family!”

“But who’s going to protect YOU, Mr. Lore!”

“Oh I’m more than enough,” he winked, “After all, I’m friends with a lot of powerful people, just like you,”

“Me? Nah!” he snorted and ruffled her hair.

“You’d be surprised, little one, you’d be surprised,”

Perv was so happy to have Angela around. The pair talked for hours after taking her shopping for things to bring back to the convent. It took a little convincing for Sister Angela to wear normal clothes. She preferred long dresses that cinched at the waist. She did go sleeveless because of the summer but she also bought a few for autumn.

“Wow, you have the perky rack!” said Dom, “Must runs in the family~”

“How do you think Mom bagged Dad?” said Perv proudly, “ANd according to him her…nimble librarian fingers,”


“PERV!” said Lesser as Dom and Cook laughed. Perv helped her unpack everything to put away. She then went over and handed Sister Angela some vials.

“I also made Mother Superior more of my special ointment for her hands and legs!”

“She LOVES that stuff by the way,”

“Does it warrant a “Thank you Chastity!”,”

“It does, you should go visit again. I’m sure she’ll love to see you again,”

“We can go back together!” said Perv excitedly! “There’s a ferry I know that’ll take us to a ship! Or we can ask Boss to get us there via escort! Think of it as an excursion! What do you say?!” Sister Angela smiled but in her eyes, tears were forming and she looked as though she was going to burst into tears at any moment.

“Sissy?! What’s wrong?!”

“Chastity…I came here because I wanted to tell you goodbye,”

“Huh?! What are you talking about?!”

“Well…I was taken in by a Marine and Sisters of Mercy are automatically enemies of the World Government, I’m to start my ten year sentence effective tomorrow,”

“WHAT?! WHO TURNED YOU IN?! What happened?!”

“I was traveling out of town about a month ago and I found someone shipwrecked near the island where I was getting some supplies. I saw that it was a Marine but since we’re honor bound to aid anyone, I got to work. He was handsome, I’ll give him that but he was very crude. I rented a room and nursed him back to health. He was in pretty bad shape. After everything was said and done, made a pass at me. He started…groping me up and I refused and then he cuffed me and told me I was under arrest for being a Sister of Mercy. He told me I had a month to come back or he would come looking for me. I’m going to turn myself in tomorrow evening at the port,” Perv was obviously upset.

“Why did you come here then?! Let's go to Boss! I KNOW he can probably—”

“No, no it’s alright. I wanted to come to make sure you’re okay before I go. I’ve been worried about you and I felt awful for not visiting you. I thought you were hurt or leaving out your hardships for my sake but…I’m so glad you have yourself a good family here and that you’re happy,”

“But I won’t BE happy if I know you’re going to die in Impel Down!” Perv pouted. Sister Angela smiled and kissed her forehead.

“I’ll be alright. It’s the risk you take when you’re a Sister of Mercy. You know that as well as I do. And I also wanted to give you this, just in case,” Sister Angela took off her cross necklace and placed it around Perv’s.

“....Mom’s necklace,”

“Mhm, you should have it since well, you know,” Perv nodded. Sister Angela hugged her tightly. Perv could feel her sister shaking and soft sobbing from behind. She pulled back and smiled, “Let’s make dinner for old time’s sake,”

“YEAH! But fair warning, Cook is a meanie pants with her kitchen!”

“Did you burn down another kitchen?!”

“Noooooooooo! But she said she would murder me if I mess it up again,” the Maids, Baby 5 and Buffalo all got acute food poisoning that night after the poison duo made dinner.

“It looked edible…” said Dom shaking and too afraid to move on the couch

“I swear those two are monsters,” said Lesser, struggling to get up the stairs holding her stomach, “I don’t know where it's coming out but it’s coming out!”

“I’m going to kill Perv,” said Cook, “Right after I throw up. Perv you’re on tea duty and if you add ANYTHING, I’ll mince you into a pie!”

“Ack! Okay, okay!” Perv gave her sisters some anti-venom using her cooking. She didn’t know WHY. She was a DAMN good cook after all. When she was done, she brewed her sister’s tea that night. She took a small vial from her pocket and put some sleepy grass into the mixture before stirring it well. She then went upstairs and gave it to Angela. She waited until she fell asleep and swapped clothes with her. Perv looked at the habit. To the untrained eye she and her sister looked too much alike, only the height difference and eye color and she’s pretty sure the Marine in question was too stupid to know that she wasn’t her sister. They were just looking for Renegade Nun. She tucked her sister into her bed. That was enough sleepy grass to knock out an elephant. She needed her sister to be asleep long enough for her to be charged and booked with no one being the wiser. She then slipped out of the house and headed to a dock where a Marine ship was waiting. She declared herself to be Sister Angela and that she was ready for her fate. Perv didn’t put up a fuss and went along on a direct course to Impel Down.

There was a ruckus in Impel Down. In fact, the ruckus was so bad that it caused the guards to take notice. Apparently, a few of the prisoners talked of a woman wandering about the prison like she either owned it or knew the layout well enough to make her way around. But the real trouble started when a few of the inmates thought that the idea of a virginal nun being in their prison, especially a Sister of Mercy aka a Renegade Nun meant even if it was a temporary relief, it was still relief. The new inmates came at the young woman, intending to do who knows what, not only did she make quick work of them, she used them as cannon fodder as she got through the levels before she settled in one that she actually liked. Magellan looked at the profile of the nun. As protocol, Sisters of Mercy did have automatic bounty but in the same breath, it was only because they didn’t turn away charity even if the person in question was a criminal. They were treated significantly better, if they behaved, but this nun, if she was able to fight off men in level five, there was something more. He looked at the woman’s file. It was Sister Angela, a young nun with green eyes, blonde hair, and a kind face. The woman in the photo checked all of the boxes except she was shorter with longer hair and gray eyes…and he KNEW those eyes anywhere. He immediately had the nun summoned. Sister Angela was brought into his office. She looked meek and worrisome but he knew that was an act. Once the door closed, he immediately went over to the woman yanked off her wimple.


“I know it’s you Perv!”

“I have No idea what you mean! I’m Sister Angela, Sister of Mercy of the Order of the Abbey. May I please have my wimple back please?” her voice was very soft and gentle.


“I have no idea what you’re referring to!” she said meekly. Magellan glared. He knew that face anywhere! It haunted his dreams and stirred WAY too many emotions he wished to relieve or care about. He looked at her because he took off his shirt. The nun looked away with coyness but he was NOT fooled. He knew this woman, in too many intimate ways. He glared but got up and looked at her dead in the eyes before he started to rearrange his office. He then “Accidentally” knocked over something and bent down in front of the nun. Nothing. He glanced back over. The nun looked away and looked a little meeker. He sighed. He knew this would get her if nothing else. He got on his hands and knees and went under his desk.

“Oh no, I’m stuck under my desk and there’s no way for me to get out!” Almost as if on cue, the nun pounced on him.

“Let me help you with that!” his ass was groped, “Mmmm Daddy I want some of that sweet ass cake~” he whizzed around and snatched the woman and held her at arm’s length.


“ACK! Okay, okay!!!! It’s me! And how DARE you use that hot sweet ass as bait!”

“Where’s the nun?!”

“I’m not telling you!”

“Woman I swear if you killed her I WILL book you!”


“SISTER?!” He puts her down.

“Yes! She’s my older sister! Can you see the resemblance?” she placed her hands on her face in a pose with a cheeky smile. He cocked his head. He looked at the photo of Sister Angela and then back at Perv and then back at the picture. They could pass for twins in the right light, the only difference is the height, eyes, and facial structure. Perv had a more round youthful face with wild gray eyes and slightly shorter, whereas Sister Angela’s had green gentle eyes with a more heart shaped face and was taller than her little sister.

“Okay, but that still doesn’t tell me WHY you’re here and NOT her! Where is she?!”

“Not telling~”

“She committed a crime and she should be here!”

“What was the crime?”

“Being a Renegade Nun!”

“Okay, besides that. What did my sister do? Did she kill someone? I mean I’ve killed, maimed, assaulted, and everything basically under the sun and I’m living my best life,” Magellan was about to retort. He then looked at the file. Perv was right. The only crime listed was she was a Renegade Nun, that’s it. She actually had the smallest rap sheet in the prison. Even what the Marine wrote was tame. Apparently, Sister Angela was out and she found Ryokugyu clinging to life and she took him back to her tiny boat and nursed him back to health and when he was at full strength, he immediately arrested her. She also made a statement that he made a pass at her and she refused profusely, “Seems like the only thing Sis did was help an ungrateful Marine. Should have let him die but she didn’t but that’s Sis. She’s literally a saint,”

“Okay I get it but the fact of the matter is that she’s a Renegade Nun, an automatic ten sentence and you know it!”

“That’s horseshit and you know it! I swear! Listen…my sister is the kindest person I know. She risked everything to help a Marine even if it meant that she would be turned in. She doesn’t deserve to die in Impel Down. She wouldn’t survive a week here. I can and if it means that you all leave her alone, then I don’t mind. Besides, you’re looking for a Renegade Nun, so you got one!”

“Wait, wait, WAIT! YOU’RE a Sister of Mercy?!”

“Mhm!” Perv proudly lifted her right sleeve revealing a rosary tattoo with a Jolly Roger in place of a cross, “Sister Chastity at your service!”




“I never said I was a GOOD nun!” Perv laughed, “I’ve been one since I was a kid and I got my tattoo before I went off on my own! That way I can always come home if need be! Sooooo since you all have Renegade Nun then you’ll have to leave her alone, right?”

“That or you can turn in your sister and the rest,”

“Pffft! I ain’t no snitch,” she huffed, “Listen, I won’t say a word, I’ll keep my head down, and you won’t have to worry about me. Just…leave my sissy alone, alright?”

“So you’re saying you’re okay spending the rest of your miserable days down here?”

“Why so long?!”

“ almost killed a few prisoners and I think you killed one but I’m pretty sure there’s a reason,”

“Oh yeah, he tripped into the lava in Burning Hell while I was roasting my mushrooms. But frankly, I would do anything for my Big Sister. She’s been saving my ass since we were kids and I can never repay that. I’ve fucked, fought, and loved, she hadn’t done anything but want to help people. The world losing her would be like losing an angel. I’ll be fine for the next fifty years. I hope she meets someone nice,” Magellan dismissed her. As promised, Perv kept a low profile while in prison, to the point that Magellan thought she did indeed die but when food was passed around, she happily ate her portion and many of the inmates as well. He had to admit, she could pack it away. He slept on it for several days. Perv was really trying to make herself scarce…for the sake of her sister. He decided to pull out file after file after file on her, she and her sisters each had files of their own. He spent hours until he found exactly what he was looking for. Perv was the younger sister and Angela was the oldest and both “disappeared” when they were children but Perv’s record started when she was a preteen and it escalated from there. Angela has lived a very silent life up until a month ago when she helped a Marine and he saw her tattoo. He kept looking through the files until he came across a picture in another file that was of two members of the Revolutionary Army. There was a picture in the file before the girls went “missing”. There was a plucky little girl beaming in the picture with her taller sister smiling weakly but was holding her little sister protectively. He sighed. Goddamn that woman. A few days later, Perv was called back into the office.

“Yes? If it’s about that food, it was just lying there WAITING to be eaten!”


“ they only grow here or…?” he paused

“You know...I’m not sure. I hope not. They taste good,”

“Right! I’ve been roasting them with some salt around here,”

“They’re good sauteed, wait! Stop that! I didn’t call you for that! Listen. This is “your” file. It contains everything about Sister Angela, her crime and her punishment,” Magellan stamped the file as “Deceased” and placed it back into his filing cabinet. Perv cocked her head. Magellan looked at her.

“Your sister by all accounts is dead. She died in Impel Down after being here several days. So yeah, you can go home and do whatever,” Perv looked at him as though he grew two heads.

“....why did you do this for me? I mean I thought you would have loved to have a Renegade Nun in Impel Down as like a trophy or something?” Magellan closed the door and locked it. He then sat in front of her.

“Listen and listen well woman! You’re a pain in my ass, I don’t know HOW you get in here to sexually harass me every few weeks or why I like it so much and I will NEVER get your weird fixation on me but….the idea that you’re willing to stay here and suffer for the rest of your days posing as your sister in order to keep her out of here, is the most admirable thing I’ve seen in years. And yes, a Sister of Mercy is something we don’t get a lot, despite the good work they do, I know she’d rather continue doing her work under the guise of a civilian or in her convent without fear of arrest, especially since she’ll be besides herself knowing her little sister is trapped here. So go home and NEVER mention this again,” he took out a key and unchained her shackles. Tears welled in her eyes and before he knew it, she tackled him and hugged him, kissing him all over his face.



“Alright but when my three months are up I’m going to fuck your brains out!”




“See you three months baby~” Magellan watched as she left. He swore that woman was unhinged. He couldn’t help but smile though. She was full of surprises and she wasn’t just a pretty, perverted, woman either. He watched as she disappeared and headed home. He was informed that the nun ate some poisoned mushrooms and plummeted into boiling hell. He then looked up to see her outside his window. She tapped, blew a kiss and ran away. At least he’ll be able to finally catch up on paperwork. He grumbled slightly. Then he instinctively looked over at the surveillance snail to see if he could see Perv wandering about…until he realized that she was gone…for three months. He sighed. Maybe three months…was a bit much…

“CHASTITY DON’T YOU EVER DO ANYTHING LIKE THAT AGAIN!” said Sister Angela as Perv winced with her head down on the couch. Perv came home that evening and tried to walk in like nothing happened. Sister Angela was inconsolable as the Maids comforted her, then Perv waltzed in happily. Sister Angela hugged her and she thought she was off the hook until Cook grabbed her and noogied her hard and shook her like a ragdoll, Dom threw her shoe at her, and Lesser started screaming at her. She expected maybe something good from Cleaner. Cleaner just turned her head and gave her plain lukewarm water.


“Honestly I thought you were considering staying since you were there for so long!” said Lesser, “And it was just a two week booty call!”

“I admire the commitment, but STILL!” said Dom, “I swear there’s spaghetti in that head of yours!”

“Y-You made your s-s-sister so worried!” said Cleaner, “She cried for two weeks straight! We-we were ALL worried!”

“Don’t do it again,” said Doflamingo sternly coming down the stairs, “Especially after giving me this shitty map and I STILL don’t know where you have my socks and underwear!”

“Boss was about to go down there and get you back!” said Cook

“Do you know how much of a headache that was going to be!” said Lesser, “Especially around date night! We are literally employed by a warlord! He could have gotten Sister Angela out!”

“Just let us know!”

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!!!! I just didn’t want Sissy to be in jail! You should have TOLD me someone wanted to jail you!”

“Boss has connections, he could have gotten you off,” said Cook

“I didn’t know my sister was working for such a powerful and shady man! No offense, Mr. Donquxiote,”

“No, you’re right,” he laughed. Perv immediately explained the file and how Sister Angela could go back to the Abbey without any problems.

“Also have you thought about wearing civilian clothing to travel?” said Cook

“...I have but, I really don’t have anything else,” Perv’s eyes lit up


“W-What? No, no! Chastity you know I can’t—!”

“Yeah you can! We can go tomorrow! And we can get you some more nice clothes! Then you don’t have to worry about any shady Marine or pirate coming after you! Maybe even find yourself a man!”

“Oh no! I can’t do that!”

“Then what do you want? I KNOW you didn’t come just visit me and then go to jail!” Sister Angela blushed then looked away.

“Well, I wanted to take my medical knowledge on the road. I regretted not traveling. I even want to be on a ship for a little while to see if I like it or not,”


“I love it! I can honestly say it was really fun to travel. I wanted to get an escort just in case but I never knew where I could get or trust someone that wouldn’t harm me or bring harm to someone innocent. I even thought of about being a doctor on a ship but I know with the Renegade Nun title, many have hostile feelings towards me,”

“Pffft, stop,” said Doflamingo, “Renegade Nuns are a precious commodity on a ship because you’re doctors and many have other skills. You have immunity from basically anything because you don’t fuck with the healer,”

“But there’s some unsavory assholes who may try to lock her up and use her and make her heal them too,” said Lesser

“But we’ll see which would be the best fit!” said Cook, “I mean, you do have other skills than being a nun, right?”

“Well…I can fight if that’s what you mean,”

“Really?” Lesser’s interest was piqued

“Mhm! Renegade nuns are often taught combat. We know how to defend ourselves if need be!”

“Mhm! Why do you think I was able to get through the trials with you?!” said Perv

“To be fair, we didn’t know you were a Renegade nun then!” said Cook

“Soooooo what did you do to that Marine who groped you?” said Doflamingo, “I read your file,” Sister Angela looked a little sheepish.

“I got startled, grabbed him, and flipped him over and maced him good. I went to run but he got my leg and I stomped on his face. Then I was wrapped in vines and he took out cuffs and placed me under arrest,”

“FUCK YEAH!” said Perv, “That’s my Sissy!”

“I KNEW there was bamf somewhere!” said Dom

“Good job!” said Cleaner

“Cheap shot from a bastard though,” said Lesser, “I think I know the Admiral you got you. Should have let him die,”

“No kidding,” said Dom

“I’ll see about anyone who’s looking for a doctor and bring him some ads. And if anyone makes you uncomfortable, let us know and leave,”


The town was dark and scary, especially at night. It seemed like everything just quieted when it was this late and it was probably the reason why he had an invitation this time of night anyway. Everything was eerily quiet. She didn’t mind it. It reminded her of her Abbey but with more urgency in the air. At nine sharp, a man in a black suit told her his Boss was ready for her. She nodded and followed the man who kept his gaze away from her. He then escorted her inside a large castle-like building and ushered her through a long hallway before stopping. He then opened the door. Sister Angela was terrified when stepped into the office. She was nervous to say the least. She was walking into a den of lions and very dangerous people but she also knew that she did have safe passage because she was invited.

“Have a seat, sorella,” said the man. She nodded and sat down, “Would you like something to drink?”

“Water would be nice,”

“Come now, sorella, you have nothing to worry about. Are you sure that’s all you want?”

“Well, I don’t know what you,”

“Gino, bring Sorella wine and bring us both some of the roast from earlier,” he nodded and ran for it. Angela was a little intimidated. This was going to be her first job outside the Abbey and she was nervous. The man in question was short with a stocky build. He sported an oiled-up and slicked-back hairstyle and facial features that had a very stern look to them further accentuated by his beak-like nose. He also had a five o'clock stubble on his upper lip. He wore a black suit, complete with a green scarf around his neck, with the excess tucked inside the suit, making it look like a cravat. He was smoking a cigar but when she coughed, he immediately stubbed it out, “What can I do for you, sorella?”

“Hi, m-my name is Sister Angela and I heard you were looking for a Doctor and I wanted to offer my services,” the man looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

“This isn’t a place for a nun. Go back to your convent,”

“Well, I’m not just any nun, I’m a Sister of Mercy,” he looked up.

“A Renegade nun?”

“MHM! I’ve been wanting to travel for awhile but also looking for a place to settle down. I was hoping I could be your Doctor,” the man looked at her. She had a very kind face and a calm presence.

“You know this is a dangerous line of work,” she nodded, “And that you’re going to be healing some really unsavory people who kill and will maim to get their point across,” she nodded again. He took out another cigar and took a long drag before blowing it out, “Sorella, you know you’re asking to be the doctor of a dangerous man and his subordinates, correct?” she nodded, “Are you okay with joining my family?”

“Yes but I also have to tell you that my Abbey comes first and family if need be,”



“If I was to let’s say attack your little Abbey for whatever reason, would you betray me to save them,”

“In a heartbeat,” he looked at her. The tone in her voice shifted.

“Even at the cost of your own life?”

“Yes, my reward will be great in Heaven and I’m okay with that,” he chuckled then laughed. She looked a little more uneasy.

“Alright, you’re our Medico from now on. You travel when we travel and anyone you tries to lay a finger on you, you tell me immediately,”

“Yes sir!” After a meal, she was escorted to her room. It was a large finely furnished room with a large bed, dresser, closet, a window, a fireplace, desk and very comfortable chair, and trunk. She looked around in awe. He chuckled.

“Bigger than the one in your Abbey, eh?”

“Yes! Are you sure it’s okay?”

“It’s yours, get comfortable. You have free reign of everything here. You also have an office and I’ll show you that in the morning. For now, don't hesitate to make yourself at home. If you need to be escorted anywhere, ask Gino. We’re going to have a little…visit with some rivals next week. Whatever you need to do your job, I’ll supply it,”

“Thank you!” He closed the door. Sister Angela smiled and immediately got undressed into something more comfortable. While in the bathroom, her new Boss had tea and some treats just for her. She wasted no time to write three letters and would send them off first thing in the morning. She then settled into her bed and slowly closed her eyes. This was going to be the first day of the rest of her life and she was excited. Magellan received a letter and that was a weird thing all things considered, especially since no one really wanted to communicate with him unless to insult him but this letter was different. It was handwritten and addressed him as Warden Magellan. He took it into the toilet and read it.

“Dear Mr. Warden,

“I would like to thank you so much for
Taking good care of my sister for me.
But I also would like to thank you for
Essentially saving my life. I will never
Forget your kindness and neither will
Chastity. I know there’s nothing I could
Ever do that would repay your generosity
But please accept these medicines but
Also these cookies. May the angels guide
And protect you always!


Sister Angela Evageline aka your Sister in Law

He smiled despite himself. He’s never received such a letter of gratitude, especially from someone that was supposed to be in his jail. It was genuine and heartfelt. He placed everything back and placed it into his drawer next to his picture of Perv. He may pay the Abbey a visit but just to see where that damned woman came from. He leaned back in his chair, then he noticed a bento on his desk. He looked inside and grinned. It was a heavenly smell. It also had a letter.

‘I know it’s not three months but I’m still
Making you lunch!’

That weird ass woman…

Doflamingo poked his head into his office to see Perv happily humming and looking through some of his files. He watched her with interest as she sang to herself.

“Someone made my Sissy cry,
Doo daa doo daa
That someone is gonna die
Oh the doo daa day
Don’t Matter to me,
If they are Marine,
You made her cry, you chose to die,
Oh the doo daa day, HEY!”

She found what she was looking for and happily trotted out of the room. Doflamingo has been around his maids long enough to know a few things. First thing, each maid was uniquely different with their own levels and brand of insanity and second, if nothing else this one holds true, don’t mess with them or anyone whom they hold dear. He chuckled. He’s never met anyone who was in Perv’s shit list and this was going to be interesting. Of course she has full range to do whatever as long as he was a warlord. As long as he doesn’t lay a finger on the person entrusted to keep his socks safe, he’ll observe only. Dom got the mail that morning and happily showed everyone the letter from Angela. It’s been a month or so and she finally settled into a new town and had a new Boss.

“She’s so happy! Her Boss is nice to her and she’s always on her toes!” said Perv reading the letter,”

“That’s great!” said Cook

“He’s apparently not above going to Sunday Mass with her when need be so I think she found her calling!”

“How shady is he?” said Lesser

“Some guy in West Blue. She brought us some pastries back! Don’t worry, she got them from a Bakery,”

“Good!” said Lesser, “Cook, tea please,”

“Waaaaay ahead of you!”

The boy ran as fast as he could. He was running for his dear life trying to ignore the carnage around him. It was a cold and snowy night and all he had was a tattered, bloodied shirt with pants and boots tattered, thick winter coat with a hood as well as a pair of dark gloves. He was panting as he ran. He had to push back all of the sounds around him. He only had one goal and that was to survive. Suddenly he was caught off guard and slammed. He landed on the hard snow covered ground with a thud and skid across it. He struggled to get up but a large boot landed on his arm. He screamed out in pain. He looked up to see a woman looking down at him with cold eyes. In her hands was a large sharp blade. His eyes widened. He struggled to move but she had him down firm. He braced himself and covered his face. He waited for the blow to come.

“Lesser!” he looked up to see another maid in front of the other. She was smaller, slender, and obviously strong since she held the other’s maid’s arms in mid swing,

“Don’t, please!”

“Cleaner, if we let him live, he’s going to be a bigger headache when he gets older. I’m not in the mood for a revenge killing. Because either way he’s going to die when he comes back,”

“Please! He had nothing to do with this! Please! He’s a child! We can’t hurt him! It wouldn’t be right! For me?” Cleaner looked at her with pleading eyes. Lesser looked around and before sighing. She turned her back and went onto gutting the other pirates trying to escape, “Thank you!” she turned to him with a sweet smile. He reddened despite himself. She held out her hand to him. He grabbed it as she hoisted him up. He’s never been carried before and he clung to her as she guided the young man to the edge of town. All around him he saw bodies of his father’s crew, hot blood covered the white snow and the steam was coming off it making the night almost foggy. He kept his focus on the young maid in front of him. He buried his face in his neck as they rang and soon she then stopped at the woods, “There! Just keep running! There’s a port there! You can escape from there!”

“T-Thank you!” she smiled and nodded

“And please…don’t look back whatever you do, you’re not going to like what you see,” he nodded and ran for it. He managed to get on the first merchant ship out off the island. It was a day later when he discovered that his father along with the rest of the crew was killed on Minion Island that night by the Donquixote Family. He wished she could stay with him. Meanwhile the Dom and Cook joined the compound where they were greeted to a sight. Several men from the Barrel pirates were being dragged all over the area by horses with ropes tied around their cocks. Every so often they were shot. Cleaner snuggled into her teddy bear and watched with emotionless eyes. Lesser looked livid as she shot them all every so often.

“Shit what did they do?!” said Perv coming up

“Shot and beat the shit out of Cora-love,” said Cook, “I heard it through the snail. By the way, you better get going! I saw a Marine goes after Cora-love!” Lesser stood up and handed Cleaner the pistol.

“Cleaner, be a dear and finish the job for me,”

“Yes Less-nee!”

Chapter 119: Taicho


An Ex Mercenary Meets the Little Girl

A/N: Sorry for the lack of posting guys! I've been SUPER busy but things finally died down and I finally got motivation to finish this one!

Chapter Text

It was the night of a full moon and it was her last job. The night was cold and deathly silent in the woods that evening. It frightened her. Normal wood sounds on a night like this wasn’t right. She didn’t like it. But she agreed to take on the job. It was going to be her last job. She needed to get out of this game, retire someplace and just live her life. That was all she wanted, to finally just retire, do something that didn’t involve her risking her ass and then ending it on a good note. She got the item and she was going to the drop off point. She didn’t mind the woods but tonight there was something just not right. But she had to finish the job.

“Ara, ara,” she froze and turned around. The man that was standing behind her was the person she was looking for. She’ll admit, he made her nervous. She’s never met true darkness her entire life and even his very presence shook her to her core. It was an imposing man with an imposing figure. His eyes were ice cold and even though he was smiling, it was a smile like a predator watching his prey and she was prey. Hollow was a monster, a demonic presence born and bred, ironically from a family of saintly monsters. “Finally we meet face to face Taicho,” his voice was deep and husky and even that unnerved her. He circled her and she kept a very close eye on him, “You’ve single handedly placed a lot of wrenches in my plans and affairs between me and my dear brother. So tell me, are you working for him as well?” She said nothing. She was a mercenary and usually just followed orders but for certain people. She knew what she was doing was right and she would never give up the person who's been hiring her. There was another laugh followed by a strange sound. She immediately tensed up and planted her feet. Hollow she knew was a monster but she also knew he had a very special ability and she knew she had to keep herself from losing sight of him, “Be stubborn then,” something came at her in the darkness. She moved in time, just barely. She turned and something wrapped around her throat. She croaked but managed to grab stun powder from her pocket and threw it at his face. He reared back and she ran at him using everything she had to go at him but he was faster and stronger. It didn't take much, the fight was over before it started and soon she was a bloody crumbled heap on the ground. The strange sound had stopped and he calmly went over to her and grabbed her by her hair. She was too injured to fight back. He looked at her with a smug smile.

“K-Kill me…this is what you wanted, so kill me,” she managed to gurgle.

“Oh no, dear sweet Taicho. The bounty on your head is too high. I don’t want or need the money but the idea of you being humiliated every single day until your miserable death as a slave would be most fitting. No, you’re going to pay for your crimes with a few friends of mine. And every single day when you’re serving and servicing them, you’re going to remember and know who was the one who put you there and I’ll savor that memory every single night,” he bounded her, injected her with some kind of drug and all she remembered was waking up at an auction house…

The Maids were seen around town for the last several days grabbing supplies, making arrangements and basically making sure that the entire villa was properly stocked. __________________ was watching with Law, who found the entire thing amusing. Lesser was barking orders and each maid had a task, Cook was in charge of her kitchen and had the entire place stocked for anything any several dishes being made at once, Perv had all of her kinky things in one room and some rooms locked just in case and had all of the windows cleaned and scrubbed. Dom made sure the floors were spotless along with the cutlery and made sure her dominatrix things were well hidden as well, and Cleaner had the entire landscape trimmed, the bunnies and birdies fed and everything cleaned and pristine. Even Duck was helping by eating all of the slugs he could in the garden. Baby 5 and Buffalo opted to stay out of their mothers’ way but was told to sweep and mop around. Lesser did inspections, making sure that Buffalo, Baby 5, and Delliger were on their best behaviors.

“What’s going on?” said _____________________

“Taicho is coming,” said Law

“Who’s Taicho?”

“The Maid’s Boss and Doffy and Cora’s mom,”


“Yep and because she’s also the Maids’ boss, they’re going to be on their best behavior while she’s here,”

“Looks like they’re nervous or scared,”

“Meme is very intimidating but very nice,”

“I hope I get to meet her!”

“You will, she’ll be staying with Corazon,”

“Why not here?”

“Doffy lost his Meme rights but she’ll stay with him a week to shut him up. That’s why the Maids are working so hard. They really don’t want to get chewed out themselves,”

“Ah!” When the day in question finally came, _______________ helped Law get ready and afterwards he and Roci joined the Maids at the end of the week. Law was impressed with how the villa changed, it was loads cleaner, the maids looked proper and prim and pristine, Baby 5, Buffalo, and Delliger looked like the perfect little children and Doffy was wearing a suit. Roci was wearing his Marine dress uniform. They were getting hungry and Cook made a huge Brunch/ Lunch for her arrival. There was Lesser’s paella, jambalaya, lobster, cabbage rolls, crab fried rice, and for dessert a peach cobbler. There was a ring and Perv opened the door. The Maids immediately bowed.

“Welcome Home, Taicho!”

“Bonjour mes petits lapins!” said Taicho with a smile on her face, “Stop bring so formal, bring it in!” the Perv tackled her leader and hugged her tightly with Cook right behind her. She laughed as the rest of the Maids hugged and kissed their Leader. Before she could do anything, she was picked up and hugged tightly. She chuckled, “My little Roci!” This sparked jealousy from Doffy who pulled her away and hugged her tightly as well, “And mon couyon!”

“Fufufufufufufufu! That hurts Meme! I thought that was my name until I was four!”

“If the shoes fits,”

“I’ve been meaning to ask, what does couyon mean?” said Dom

“Idiot, Fool, or Stupid,” said Cook, tittering until her hand, “More literal terms damn fool or stupid idiot,” the maids sniggered. Doffy frowned.

“You’re so mean!”

“I did it out of love,” her eyes fell to her grandchildren. She smiled at them.

“Come here ma lapines!” Baby 5 and Buffalo ran to her. She wrapped her arms around them before setting down her bags.

“Did you bring us something nice?” said Baby 5 excitedly!

“Of course ma petite!” she took out books and clothes but also reached deep into her bag and gave Baby 5 a package. She happily opened it.

“Castella! HOW DID YOU KNOW?!”

“Meme knows and I also got you a stack of Princess Seven manga that you seem to like from West Blue,”


“What about me, Meme?!” said Buffalo

“Hmmmmm let’s see, I think I for you….there’s an ice cream in the three layer variety,”


“Along with some models. You need a hobby other than stuffing your face. Who’s been training you?”


“Cleaner, stop being soft on him! He’s a growing boy and one day an officer! He needs to do better!”

“Yes Meme!” she then rummaged through her bag and took out a pair of heels.

“FOR ME?!” said Dellinger

“Mhm! And your own melon from North Blue. I’ll have Lesser cut it up for you,”


“Such polite kids,”

“The Maids put the fear of God into us!” said Buffalo

“We’re going to be productive members of society!” said Baby 5

“You better!” saud Lesser, “Meme, you had such a long journey. Lunch is ready,” she was ushered into the kitchen where Cook had everything set up nicely, including a special chair for their leader. Cook poured her tea, Perv puts her chair in, and Dom made sure she had a hand towel.

“Stop messing over me!” she batted them away with a smile.

“We miss you!” said Perv

“Yeah!” said Dom

“Made your favorites!” said Cook

“They’ve been at it all day,” said Law

“I said don’t make a fuss!” she happily started eating as everyone regaled her with stories and things. She listened intently. From Doffy’s not so legal dealings to Roci’s Marine missions to the kids’ adventures in town to the maids dealings at home, “Speaking of, Perv are you the woman who’ve been breaking into Impel Down to meet with Magellan?”

“...perhaps,” she said looking away, “It’s not a fling! We’re kind of dating!”

“I’m just trying to figure out the mechanics,” Perv gave her not so innocent look, “...Never mind. I don’t want to know. Doffy, same question but Alabastor,”


“Stop harassing Mr. 0!”

“I KNEW IT!” said Dom laughing

“It’s not harassing! It’s pestering every now and then for shits and giggles!”

“I swear…Cook, what about you?”

“Hmmmmm? I’m currently single at the moment, Taicho,”

“There’s been talk of a samurai with flaming hair looking for a woman with a head kerchief. Something about dinner and a night of unbridled passion. Does that ring a bell?”

“SO YOU DID SLEEP WITH HIM!” Dom and Perv shrieked

“Never said I didn’t,” said Cook laughing

“You slut!”

“You cow!”

“So mean! Don’t be mad because I have better game,” she winked



“I swear, is anyone at this table in a STABLE relationship? Hmmmm?!” said Taicho. Roci blushed, “........Roci?” he blushed a bit. Taicho eyed him before smiling, “I hope not. I arranged for you to marry someone in West Blue,”

“What?!” Lesser crushed her glass.

“Shi–oot!” she got up and cleaned up the glass.

“Mhm, lovely tavern girl looking for someone sweet, honest, and stable and I told her about my son. She’s cute with a sweet disposition and wide birthing hips. I know you have a type,”

“...I’m umm…already in a relationship,”

“Oh? What’s she like?”

“She’s…sweet, nice, beautiful, super smart, and very…elegant,”

“But can she cook? A woman who can cook is excellent wife material,” said Taicho, “Especially if she has a brain and other skills to follow like killing someone with her bare hands but awkward enough to have a room where she goes into to pet and be surrounded by fluffy things like a weird dragon,” Lesser’s face went red. Roci spats his wine.


“I already knew. Anyone can see it from the deepest depths of the ocean that you two are madly in love with each other and before you ask, yes I approve,” Roci grinned.

“Thanks Meme,”

“Vikka is a good woman and I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t take out any woman who tries to hurt you. And Law has been filling me in on you two’s weird awkward relationship,”

“Law?!” Law looked away and shoveled more paella into his mouth. The maids laughed.

“Well he IS their biggest shipper,” said Dom laughing

“It’s really cute that he wants his OTP to be canon,” said Cook

“Especially since it’s the Hot Wife and Dorky Husband trope,” said Perv, “And it can easily go to the Strong Husband and Sweet Wife,”

“And they’re so awkwardly cute!” said Cleaner

“Fufufufufufufu! See? I told you two had nothing to worry about,” said Doffy

“And you’re probably the only reason why I’ll have more grandchildren,” said Taicho

“What about me?!”

“You think I trust you to make MORE of you?! The world doesn’t need more Doffys running about,”

“Roci don’t you dare make a fuss over me while I’m here!” Taicho immediately kept him from falling down the stairs. They made their way to the dinner table where breakfast was ready. Because of the incident that was later known as the Donquixote Family Hospital Visit, Doflamingo was revoked of all of his Meme staying over privileges. Roci and Law didn’t mind in the slightest and had a guest room ready. Taicho settled in nicely.

“But I have to!” he said smiling and pouring her her tea, “You’re my mom,”

“Tch, but you’re going to kill yourself at this rate,” she happily tucked into breakfast, “This is good! You’re getting better at cooking,”

“Thanks! I’ve been trying to cook breakfast in the mornings for Law but usually I’m out and about before him. Vikka decided to come every morning and make him something and I think he like that a little better,”

“He really has claimed Lesser as his mother, hasn’t he?”

“Mhm, she loves him, takes care of him, trains him. I think it was exactly what he needed,”

“I know the feeling. Usually people, especially if they lost a family member, wants someone to guide them and love them like their family. Has it been helping him?”

“His nightmare slowed down significantly. He’s starting to smile a little more and I’m pretty sure he’s slowly coming out of his shell. He knows that he’s safe and that if he’s in any sort of trouble, he can run to me or Vikka or his aunts and his uncles. Hell, he immediately asked me to have her go with me to the Buster Call to make sure me and Bells get back home intact,”

“He really sees his mother as being invincible,” said Taicho chuckling, “I mean he’s not wrong, Vikka can and will take on an army and come out with a few scratches but she’s not indestructible and she does have a weakness,”

“I doubt it, that woman is tougher than steel,”

“But her heart is growing softer. You can tell,” after breakfast, she did the dishes as Roci kept her company with stories and things while doing his paperwork. She was proud of her boys. She always has been but they really built themselves happy lives with families of their own. She knew Doffy would never settle down and was probably going to kidnap Mr. 0’s daughter at some point to prove a point and she knew she had to get mentally prepared for that but other than that, she was happy her boys and grandchildren found their happiness.

“Oh! Law’s back and __________________ is with him!”

“_________________? THE _________________?”

“Mhm, his bestie/ sister. They’re practically inseparable. Perv thinks he has a little crush on her but I think it’s just puppy love,” Taicho looked up to see Law coming with a little girl following right before. Law noticed his guardian’s mother and went to her with _________________ in tow.

“This is Taicho! The person I was telling you about!” the little girl beamed.

“It’s nice to meet you, Miss!” she said politely with a smile and deep bow. Taicho’s eyes widened. She could feel something drop to the pit of her stomach. She gave a forced smile.

“Charmed,” Roci felt the atmosphere in the room change. Law and ___________________ didn’t seem to notice and they both ran upstairs. Taicho was quiet for the rest of the day. In the evening, she went outside and was smoking, more so than usual but she was also shaking. It was a nervous habit she picked up from when she was younger. She couldn’t get that little girl out of her thoughts and it scared her.

“Meme?” she jumped.

“Roci! When did you get here?”

“I’ve been here. I was calling you for ages. Are you okay?” Taicho lets out a very slow sigh.

“Roci, I’ve never told you and Doffy how I became a slave for a very good reason. Because that day was the worst day of my entire life and the day I lost my freedom as I knew it. The man who defeated me and brought everything into provision was a man named Hollow. No one knows where he and his family came from but this man was dangerous, very dangerous. ________________ and him had the same features and I just don’t trust that little girl,” Roci was silent. He snapped his fingers and looked at her.

“Are you sure?”

“Is she a sleeper cell? There has to be a reason why she’s here! Where did she come from?”

“I don’t know but with all due respect, I think _________________ is harmless for the most part. I am in no way downplaying what happened to you, but _______________ is a child. If she was a sleeper anything, she would have awaken by now,”

“Unless she has and has been deceiving you all and then striking!” she shouted, “I don’t want her around Law,”

“....I can’t do that. She’s his best friend and there’s no valid reason,”

“She’s related to Hollow! That’s reason enough!” Taicho barked and standing up, “I’ll get to the bottom of this, one way or another!” she left his Calm and went to bed. Roci looked a little unnerved. He knew that Meme’s slavery was a very touchy subject but he also knew ________________ for the better part of three or so years. He sighed and lit a cigarette himself. He then got up and went into his study. He snapped his fingers for his Calm and dialed his den den mushi.

“Fufufufufufufu! What do I owe a phone call from my little hermanito~?”

“It’s Meme,”

“ she okay?”

“Not really,” Roci explained what happened, “Do you think…she might do something to ________________?”

“She’s not me so no. But I agree, something is wrong,”

“She mention Hollow,”

“Hollow?! HE was the one who sold her?!”

“Apparently. I never knew the name but now I know why she kept it a secret,” said Roci, “Do you remember him?”

“Honestly, I thought he was dead but the cake eating brat can’t be related to that family. Though there has been much talk about him in decades not since Roger’s execution. You’re the Marine you figure it out and because I’m generous, I’ll see if I can find anything on my end,”


Taicho spent the next few days keeping an eye on __________________. There was something she wanted to know, something she needed to know and she wasn’t going to stop until she got what she wanted from the little girl. She tracked the girl to her home and waited until the next morning. From the moment ___________________ left her home, she kept an eye on her. She watched her head to a convent and looked inside. When no one came she happily went inside before leaving and then went to see Law, she saw her go to the Baratie, she saw her go to a ferry and caught it and met a blond haired boy she guessed was Killer from Law’s letters. They spent most of the day together before she left and headed back to “civilization”. Once on shore, _______________ trotted back to the convent again, this time it was closed. She went inside and looked a little disappointed before going to the woods. Taicho followed at a closer distance and saw the little girl take a different path. Now she was getting somewhere. ________________ looked around and ducked into a hidden area. She was going to investigate further when her mouth was grabbed and before she knew, she was dragged into the brush. A blade dug into Taicho’s throat. She wanted to gag but she dared not to.

“You have ten seconds to explain why you’re following my young charge,” the voice was ice cold and it sent a pit of dread to the bottom of her stomach.

“I-I don’t mean any harm,”

“You’ve been following her for some time, that’s harmful to me,” she was let go. She jumped away and turned around. She gasped in surprise. The person standing before her was not only whom she thought was a ghost but if she really wanted to, would have killed her and no one would have known the wiser. Although she was in a nun habit and was older, that icy glare and look was still there along with her red hair.

“I-I,” she cleared her throat, “I thought the Demon Blade was dead!”

“I got better,” said Flora, “Answer the question,”

“Do you know who that little girl is?!”

“Doesn’t matter, she’s here with me and I can care less where she came from. Though I do care if someone is stalking her. If I catch it again, then I’ll make the problem disappear. For the record, I’m aware where she came from, though I can careless about her origins outside of nobility. As far as I’m concerned, she’s a normal-ish little girl who deserves a second chance and a family,”

“Even if she’s a part of an elite family?!”

“I. Don’t. Care! She’s with me now and that’s all she’ll ever know until the day she dies,” Flora dragged Taicho out of the woods and forced her into the convent, “I’m only telling you this once and only once, __________________ is my child. Therefore if any harm comes to her being, physical, mental, verbal, or spiritual, you’re going to wish I would just kill you,” Flora lets her go and Taicho took her leave. But this didn’t stop her from her research. She continued but this time she was more careful and knew better than to go near the convent with the Demon Blade keeping an eye on things. Taicho just couldn’t understand it. There was something about __________________ other the family resemblance that really got to her. Yes she had a few traits from Hollow but she did have something else and it really was getting to her. Her last observation brought her to Goa. The little girl merrily skipped to a patisserie where another little girl was waiting with a tray of assorted pastries and breads. Before the girl could say anything, she was hugged by her. The girl blushed while being hugged tightly.


“But I miss you Kitty-chan!” Taicho smiled. That had to be the infamous Katherina. Roci has been telling her about his unofficial second child. She had to admit, the resemblance to Lesser was something to behold. Aside from the eyes, teeth, and style of hair, she and Lesser could indeed pass for mother and daughter. She even had the tsundere-ness. She shook her head. Her little Roci was going to be living in a house of tsundere.

“You see me practically everyday!” she then slid over a piece of cake, a coconut cream roll to be exact.

“For me?!”

“They only had one left so I got it for you. I know you like this one over chocolate,” said Katherina

“Thanks Kitty-chan!” Katherina was assaulted with love again. She blushed badly and nudged her off.

“Tch, just eat it,” Taicho observed the pair carefully. It was like seeing a dorky girlfriend with her sophisticated girlfriend. They both happily talked while the pile of pastries got smaller and smaller. She immediately knew the other girl’s origins and felt immediately sorry for her. She was going to have a tough upbringing if they continued on. The little girls talked about Pretty Soldier and other anime and manga and even about their daily lives.

“Want to come over this weekend?! Thatch is making tempura and it’s SOOOOOO good!”

“I’ll ask Jango but I don’t see why not,”

“EEEEE! That means you get to see my room!”

“I look forward to it. It better look nice,”

“It does! It’s my room after all! I even have a balcony! I can see the stars every night!”

“What’s with you and stars?”

“They’re so pretty! And you can navigate through them! Blenheim showed me!”

“Why don’t you use that log prose?”

“The stars are easier, especially with a spyglass!” the girls went window shopping, went to the bookstores, and the day was nearing its end when they both went to the Baratie. _______________ knocked on the door.

“Hi Zeff!” she said brightly. The old chef grunts a reply before letting the little girls inside before the rush. After they finished, they parted ways. She followed ________________ home.

“What is your angle, Hollow?” she muttered. ___________________ glanced behind her looking around. Her ears perked. Taicho remained still. The little girl hurried home and didn’t dare look back again. Taicho went home again and just immediately went to bed. She almost blew her cover and she knew this was becoming unhealthy. She took a long deep sigh. She knew she had to get to the bottom of this once and for all in order to have peace of mind for the remainder of her stay.

Argo groaned and turned over in his little bed. He heard a knock on his door at about seven in the morning. He didn’t get back into the convent until late after hanging out with Kid and Killer and their mother. He groggily went to the door and opened it. He was greeted to a pair of (e/c) eyes and a bright smile.

“Hi!” he reddened. _____________________ was beaming at him from the door. He excused himself and closed the door. He freshened up faster than he’s ever done and he came out again.

“Hey,” he said smiling

“Can we talk over breakfast? Sister just finished it!” he nodded. Once in the kitchen, Flora set down bacon and eggs for the pair and placed the milk bottle on the table before heading off to do her duties. ______________ happily gobbled down her food. Argo chuckled seeing she had chipmunk cheese while eating.

“So what did you want to talk about?” she swallowed

“Right! Do you know someone named Hollow?” he choked on his bacon, prompting him to grab his milk and drink.

“Hollow?” he stiffened at the name. __________________ cocked her head.

“Yeah, I overheard Miss Taicho saying that I resemble someone named Hollow,”

“She said you resemble Hollow?”

“Mhm, I don’t know what a Hollow is,”

“Not a what, who. He’s…a monster. Some call him a demon but demons have standards. He’s an absolute monster, a remorseless killing machine that takes nothing but pure pleasure in seeing the absolute misery and pain in other people. He lives to see someone break from the inside out. He’s…it’s hard to describe, his name is known in some circles but even people who rule the world are terrified of his family. Basically something shifted, changed if you will and he’s an outsider insider but he’s also a ruthless man, not above absolute annihilation of anyone or anything that gets in his way. ___________________…don’t listen to ANYONE who says you’re like that monster. EVERYTHING would have to go wrong for you to end up like that!” she nodded. Argo looked a little relieved. But now he had to wonder, is that why he thought _________________ looked so familiar? But then again…there’s so much to this town that puzzled him. Was everyone here a well kept secret? Now he was starting to ponder. Kid, Killer, Sanji, and Law weren’t from this region because of their accents. Katherina looked very familiar and he did remember an incident about a little maid and her butler father who were pirates. The plots were thickening.

“Thank you for telling me,”

“A-Anytime but if you don’t mind, can we never speak of him again?”

“Of course! I’m sorry I didn’t mean anything by it!”

“No, no it’s okay! Ummm by the way, I was wondering, how long have you and Kitty been friends?”

“Wow! Ummm about a good year now! Isn’t she great?!”

“She is! But I have to ask, do you know her parents?”

“Nah, she doesn’t talk about her mom or dad but Jango is her Dad because he takes care of her and Lesser is her mom because she takes care of her too!”

“Jango? One-Two Jango?!”

“Yeah because he likes to dance!”


“Why do you ask?”

“Just curious!”

Taicho arranged the items in a circle. It was a very ancient technique that she never did before. It was risky and it was scary but she also knew if she wanted answers. She didn’t want to confront this problem but she knew she had to if she wanted to get any peace of mind for the rest of her life and stay here. It was an old technique from back in the day. It was like deep meditation but if you slip up, you’d be trapped in your own mind for all eternity. But she needed to get this down. Of course she’s not stupid enough to do it all on her own and she needed a guide.

“Are you sure?” said the Voice on the other end

“Yes, I need you to get me in and get me out,”

“Of course,” said the Voice, “You know this technique well. That’s why I can only trust you to guide me in and out,”

“You flatter me,” he chuckled, “Okay is everything prepared?”


“Okay, close your eyes and empty your mind. Completely empty every single thought, every single emotion, and every single worry in three…two…one,” Taicho felt herself going into a very deep trance and sleep. THis technique always frightened her. Because once in, you can’t get out. A person’s mind is one of the most complicated things to ever traverse let alone, alone. She felt herself going deeper and deeper until finally couldn’t hear anything, “Okay, open your eyes,” she opened her eyes and she saw a room with many doors. It felt like looking at a black void of nothingness with the doors just being white outlines. A figure was looking at her. He was large, towered over her by several feet. He looked like a black bird with piercing eyes. She stood, “Follow me,” he guided her through the many doors and before stopping, “Okay, here’s where you need to be. I’ll leave you here for now. Your guide will bring you back. Good luck,” she looked at the door. She took a deep breath and went inside. Almost immediately, she was transported to that night, the night that she became a slave. She was face to face with Hollow who looked at her with a smug look on his face. She got up and went after him. He ran and disappeared before appearing behind her and hitting her.

“Oh come now Taicho. Are we really going through this little dance again?” he said with humor in his voice.

“FUCK YOU!” she took out a weapon and went after him again. This time he didn’t move. In one swift blow, she was knocked in the stomach. She buckled. He was strong and that’s why it was hard to defeat him. It was nothing to him. It was a game…it was a fucking GAME.

“You know, I could have sold you someplace else. You would have been drugged, on your back, teeth pulled so you could do your new job better, oh~even better, a human pet. Those are all the rage in my kingdom. You could have been a fine bitch servicing every single person in my kingdom. Animals too, pigs, horses…we can try this again. Or I can wail on you until you wouldn’t know what’s going on either,” Taicho got up and in one motion got Hollow in the temple with her blade, except it wasn’t Hollow. She saw a little girl, with a knife through her skull bleeding profusely. Taicho looked horrified.

“OH MY GOD! _________________!” the little girl looked at her, eyes dull and bloody, “I-I DIDN’T, I DIDN’T MEAN—”

“Yes you did~ara you made a mess and spilled some innocent blood. Isn’t that your own code or something you broke? See I told you that we weren’t that different,” said Hollow laughing


“Alright, this has gone on long enough,” Another figure stepped into view and he stood in front of Hollow, “Go back to the bad memories. You're not wanted here. You’re only a terrible memory that should have been forgotten a long time ago,” with a snap of his fingers, Hollow was burned away into ashes. The woods around them were quiet and imposing, “I don’t like this either,” the area changed to a bright and cheery garden. They were in a white gazebo with a bottle of wine in between them and two glasses. Taicho finally got a good look at her savior/ guide.

“....shit I really don’t need this right now,” said Taicho looking at her former Boss, “Especially when I’m dreaming about you,” Homing chuckled and poured them both a glass of wine.

“You know I’m always here for some advice. You have a lot of your mind,”

“I know I do and why exactly why you’re here?”

“Well, it looks like your past and present are intertwining and I’m here to offer up my insight as your guide. Consider me as that little voice of clarity,” Homing smiled, “Tell me what’s the matter?”

“That little girl IS my problem! I KNOW she belongs to that family! There’s not a doubt that she does! The strength, those eyes… Why is everyone so easy to just be okay with her being around?! Did she charm them into thinking that?! What’s her story?!”

“That is something to really think about,” he said thoughtfully, “And is a cause for concern but if she was playing the long game I don’t think she could have kept it for this long, especially since this is the only life she knows. You zoomed in on one aspect of the little girl that she shares with Hollow but that could just be a coincidence, no?”

“I know those eyes anywhere! Those eyes were the last thing I saw before I woke up in an auction house! There’s something off about that child! She can’t not be related to him!”

“Hmmmm well that may be but I think you’re only looking at the surface. Eyes aren’t necessarily a dead giveaway about a person. Many people have the same eye color and shape. This isn’t like you one bit because you usually see the whole picture,” a little image of ________________ appeared. She was still smiling sweetly at her. Taicho frowned a bit as Hollow appeared next to her as well with a smug smirk, “So other than the eyes, what other crimes has this child committed?”

“Nothing yet! But you know what types of people they grow up into! She was born bad and I know it’ll be a matter of time before her little vileness comes out! She’ll hurt Law and I know she’ll do it to anyone who comes across her!”

“Children are cruel little monsters aren’t they? I don’t have impulse control like adults do and they can’t change, no? I mean we can have her killed right now if you wish,” Hollow took out a blade and went after __________________. She looked horrified as she ran away from him. Taicho looked horrified.

“Okay, okay, you made your point!” __________________ hid behind Homing, “I mean yes, kids are a product of their environment and how they were raised but some kids are just born bad! People are just born in a way! People can’t change so easily!”

“I know that. Remember, you raised two of them,” she froze. Two little boys appeared next to ___________________. She couldn’t help but smile at her little Roci and Doffy. She snorts.

“That’s different and besides, Roci only came out good, Doffy I SERIOUSLY wonder,”

“Well, Doffy did pick up his Meme’s traits. I think he doesn’t do half of the things he does because he knows that you would probably kill him,”

“I would never kill him…even when he killed you, I wanted to know the person responsible for influencing him,”

“See? I'm pretty sure if Doffy didn’t have the means to kill me, I don’t think he would,”

“No…he wouldn’t…I wasn’t there to guide him. And of course he’s an idiot who can’t think for himself and was influenced to do something bad,”

“You’re so mean Meme!” said Doffy, “I seriously thought my name was couyon until I was three! You never give Roci mean names! You call him your little bunny! But I’m an idiot?! So mean!”

“Suck it up,couyon!” he stuck out his tongue. She chuckled. He grabbed Roci and ran back to the garden, “Hell if it wasn’t for you, I think those boys would be absolute monsters,” Homing took a sip of his tea, “I mean it could have gotten bad for Roci too. He made it to Calva, remember?” Taicho froze.

“Yeah…he did mention that,” suddenly another image of what could have been emerged. This time it was her Roci but a product of living in Calva. His eyes were dull, his hair was longer and his body was covered in more scars than usual. He also looked a lot more rugged, wearing a sleeveless black shirt with black pants, “But who are we kidding, if it was him and Vikka together, they would have escaped together or died trying,,” Lesser appeared next to him. He reddened and rubbed the back of his head as she pecked his cheek, “But that town…is hell on Earth. But he would have had support too!” Homing nodded and an image of Roci went back to being young with a younger version of Vikka grinning together with two men with them. One was a tall man with golden eyes, a smug smirk, and dressed as though he was going to a wedding. The second man looked very calm dressed as a butler with kind eyes and a smile. Homing looked at the scene with a look of regret and sorrow.

“It’s usually the environment. I wanted the boys to have a chance at being good people. It backfired horribly though,”

“It didn’t! Well, with Roci anyway…he has a great family and he’s a good man! He loves Law, he and Lesser are an item…I’m on the fence about his Marine work but he’s a decent Marine and I’m so proud of him!” there was a gasp!

“MEME WHAT ABOUT ME?!” said Doffy. Taicho rolled her eyes.

“Alright, alright, I like how you gave Baby 5 and Buffalo homes and a family, you relocated in order to give them a chance and to save your ass. You take care of my maids for me…and you try in your weird couyon way to try and be semi decent from time to time. I just need you to be more decent, you little shit!” Homing laughed and gestured back to ________________ and Hollow. Taicho frowned again. She studied the little girl. Other than those eyes , she couldn’t see much of a similarity between the two. In fact, spying on her for a week made her see so much more than she cared to admit about the little girl, empathy, spaciness, a sweet tooth, that strength was the main thing that really got to her. Hollow was strong but the way he used it wasn’t anywhere near like the way _________________ used her ability. She literally watched the little girl casually pick up a boulder just to move it out of the path of potential travelers without any encouragement from anyone else. Even when she was alone, she was just a generally sweet and thoughtful kid. But there was something about the little girl that reminded her of someone. She soon realized that it wasn’t Hollow but…someone else but she just focused on the first thing but… Those eyes in particular…that face. Those were Hollow’s eyes…yes, but they were kinder. Someone with kind eyes. She kept thinking and thinking and the more she thought, the more she looked past it, the more of __________________’s opinion grew better until Taicho froze at the image. A shadow appeared behind _________________. It was a powerful shadow with a comforting aura but with scarier energy than Hollow. Next to him was a large sword. Then another form appeared next to her, a being of pure light and energy. It took next to the shadow and surrounded ___________________ in her comforting glow and the form changed into figures that should barely make out. Next to her were also two familiar figures she remembered back in the day. One was a woman with a mischievous grin and familiar pirate hat with a large feather and covered in vines along with the Demon Blade who protectively had __________________ closer to her. Next to the over towering figure was Whitebeard himself with a proud smile on his face. She covered her mouth. She started laughing and then she laughed some more. Homing looked proud of himself, “I’m so stupid! I can’t believe this, I really can’t! The family resemblance is strong and it’s cute!”

“See? And you know as well as I do that a biological family isn’t always family. She was raised by the Demon Blade and Whitebeard. She’s taking traits from both of them,”

“Why does she act like fucking Blume?”

“I have no idea. It’s endearing isn’t it? The shadows of her past aren’t something to ignore though,” Taicho sighed.

“I’m guessing she’s one of the Experiments. Strength like that is uncanny and she does perfectly fit the rumors that have been going around. No wonder she resembles Hollow. Poor lapine,” Taicho sighed. In the Underground workings, everyone knew of the experiments that were on two ends of the family, the Vinsmokes and the “Other” family. It was rumored that the Vinsmokes perfected it but the Others did it as well, but one was a failure and it was terminated, with all of the notes burned alive with it. However, what many didn’t know was that the one that failed had strong ties to a powerful family, “So I guess that one didn’t die in a fire but it’s safe to say that everyone who means her harm thinks she’s dead. I feel terrible! I should have known that of course she wouldn’t take after the rest of them!”

“She’s a pretty versatile little girl. And that’s all she knows, how to be a little girl. You can make it up to her in the best way you know how,”

“You got it, Boss,”

“Anytime. Don’t let your emotions cloud you, you know better than that,”

“Don’t scold me from the Beyond,” he chuckled.

“Someone has to and besides, I know your enslavement is a touchy subject for you but you have to admit, everything did work out in the end,” other memories enveloped around the mercenary. Her days with the Donquixote Family, teaching Doffy and Roci, chasing Doffy around the house, teaching Roci how to cook, traveling the world, meeting her adopted daughters, training them in her skills, reuniting with her boys, meeting Law, Buffalo, Baby 5, and Dellinger, her life was an interesting one…and if it wasn’t for Hollow…she couldn’t even would have any of this. Tears rolled down her eyes. She hated to admit it but it gave her comfort. Homing guided her back to the Place of Doors. She hugged him tightly. Voice was there waiting for her. He took her by the hand.

“Did you find everything you were looking for?”

“Mhm, and I have a lot to make up for. Question, what would be the best apology cake?” Voice looked thoughtful before grinning.

“A white layer cake with almond cream and cherries in between each layer and the whole thing frosted with cherry icing,”

“Done and done and I’ll send you a slice when I’m finished,”

“You better,” She opened her eyes again. She was back in her room. It felt like hours but it was only a few minutes in time. The ritual was over. She cleaned up everything and headed to bed exhausted.

“C-Cake for me?!” Taicho specifically called ___________________ over a few days later with a large peace offering. The little girl was greeted to a large delicious cake that Taicho spent the whole night baking just for her. She was given a fork and told to go for it.

“I think you and I got off on the wrong foot,” said Taicho smiling, “Consider this a peace offering,”

“Thank you, Miss Taicho!” ___________________ happily tucked in, “to be honest, I thought you were mad at me,”

“Awww whatever for?” She poured her some milk.

“I don’t know, I just had a feeling,”

“I’m not mad at you, I was just figuring out a way to make a good impression on you. You’re my grandson’s best friend after all,”

“Ohhh! Okay!”

“Heard you have a sweet tooth. Any treats in particular?”

“Cake! I love cake! Ice cream too! I like cheesecake but not so much pie! But I love tarts too and brownies! And churros!”

“Why not pie?”

“No effort and you can only do so much! Just filling and dough!” Taicho chuckled at this. The more she was with the little girl, the memories of her past faded. This little girl couldn’t possibly be related to that monster. She didn’t care what anyone said. There is a resemblance but as she talked to her and looked at her more closely, other things started forming and she couldn’t help but smile. She was an energetic little thing and she loved it.

“So how long have you and Law been friends?”

“SUPER long! He’s one of my cooler brothers! He chops off my head a lot!”

“A normal girl would think that would be creepy,”

“I don’t know why! It’s fun! Like I can see my body and walk around and be able to carry my own head! Who WOULDN’T want to try that?!”

“What else do you and Law do?”

“We explore a lot but he also has been teaching me his language too! When he doesn’t want Ace or anyone to know what we’re saying he switches to German! He also visits Nami and Nojiko a lot! Orange Island isn’t far from here and we usually take a motorboat. I think he brings me along so he can understand girls better but I think I’m bad at it! We also forage for medicine plants and herbs. He says I’m good at it because of my nose! We go to Goa sometimes or the shops near the villa. He loves bringing me along when he has lunch and tea with Lesser! Katherina sometimes joins us! We play a lot of games too! Like how much I can lift and through, how fast I can run and things like that. I think he’s testing me but it’s still fun!”

“Sounds like you really like Law,”

“I do! He’s fun!” On cue, Law pokes his head into the living room, nods to Taicho and pulls ______________________ outside. Taicho watched from the window as Law activated his Room. Before she knew it, her head was cut clean off. She caught it in time and ran with it laughing. He snorted and took her head and then asked her to move the training boulder while he held her head. Taicho walked with intrigue and saw her just carry it above her head. Then she got fancy and tossed it up and down catching it each time. She then heard tea pouring. Roci passed her over some tea and joined her.

“I swear the youth is wasted on the young,” she lamented, “To have that energy again,” Roci chuckled.

“Yeah __________________ is a miniature tank! Law has been studying her and I think he has a book on their findings alone. Apparently she can hold her breath for forty five minutes but the strength was something that was baffling. She can hide it and control it well,”

“They make an adorable couple. Law really cares about her,”

“He does!”

“....he has my blessing. I think those two would be good together,” said Taicho sipping her tea, “But then again, Kitty has a cute little girl crush on her as well. There’s that Vikka tsundere vibe there. Tsundere vs. Tsundere would be cute to watch,”

“I-I don’t think it’s like that!” said Roci laughing hard, “But the Maids did make a pool about the kids, I heard,”

“I see the way Law looks at her. I know that look. It’s the same look Lesser has when it comes to you,” Roci looked puzzled and looked out the window. He saw Law and ________________ has usual doing their thing but he never really noticed Law looking at __________________, who was skipping about with arm puns waving her detached arm. There was a small smile on his face, a calm smile, a comforted smile. His guard was down and he was just enjoying the moment with his best friend. Law, much like Lesser, had his guard constantly up unless he was comfortable in the situation. It was gradual but ________________ was his security blanket and he showed as much appreciation as he could each day,

“And speaking of Lesser, when am I going to get another grandchild?” Roci spats out his tea.


“Law is perfect and so is Little Kitty but I want more little babies to dote on! And Doffy isn’t going to give them to me! And with Lesser’s hips and ass, birthing shouldn’t be a problem. Have you two, done it yet?” Roci's face went completely red.


“There’s no shame in it. That woman is a trooper if she can handle a Donquixote cock,”


Taicho enjoyed her afternoon overlooking the beautiful mountains that surrounded the basin town. It was a beautiful warm summer day and she was enjoying a well deserved retirement, paid in full by her adopted sons, more so Doffy than anyone. She had a smile of contentment on her face. She felt the years of everything just melt off of her at this moment.

“Hello, Taicho,” she looked up and smiled. Void sat down on the other side of her, “It’s good to finally see you again,”

“It’s good to see you as well,” she smiled, “Thanks for keeping the place tidy for me,”

“It’s my pleasure. It's been awhile hasn’t it?”

“It has and if you even think about apologizing, I’ll kill you myself,” he chuckled

“Duly noted,”

“It’s just so surreal to see this place again…”

“Miss it?”

“I never really had a place to call home but if I had to choose it was be it, that and with Homing,”

“I’m very sorry about that,”

“Me too. I love that man like a father, he was a good man, a wise man, and he just wanted the best for his family. If those bastards knew what was in his heart…they could have never tried to kill him and of course those Celestials didn’t try to help him either. I’ll never forgive them for that. The only consolation is that Roci is the splitting image of his father. He has a family of his own and even a wife to take care of him,”

“He’s married?”

“May as well, I don’t think those two ever had a say in the matter. Vikka needed someone to nurture that sweet side of hers and he needed someone to have his back whenever he needed it. And they have a son who’s growing up to be a fine young man. He has the makings of a mercenary like his grandma and he hates Marines. I am willing to wait but I want more grandchildren damn it!” he laughed, “He sends me letters every now and then and apparently they’re adopting a little girl. He’s excited about it but still apprehensive because it’ll cut into his precious time with his adoptive mother. Speaking of, how’s your granddaughter?”

“She’s getting stronger and stronger each day! She laughs every day, she’s has her grandmother’s energy and aura and I love her to death,” he looked a little down, “I’m still searching the earth for her but so far she seems happy and healthy and I hope one day that I’ll meet her again,”

“Hey, hey, you will, just remember, she’s happy wherever she is, therefore not in danger. That’s all you can hope for in these times,”

“I suppose you're right. I just hope she’s being raised right. She’s spoiled but humbled,”

“You can see that from aura?”

“Mhm, I don’t know where she is but she’s happy and lively and I just…I just wish I was a part of it,” Taicho smiled and rubbed his arm.

“GRANDPA!” they looked up to the young prince and princess running to them with their orange haired caretaker close behind with a sheepish smile on her face. The princess happily gave him a hug and the young prince followed suit. Void affectionately patted his top knot much to his chagrin.

“Ack! Oyaji! You can’t touch a samurai’s top knot! That’s treason!”

“Oh? Really? I wasn’t aware,”

“Yeah! I don’t make the rules! But you have ta follow them!”

“Then I guess you get a forehead poke,” the prince flailed as Void chuckled.

“I’m sorry, your Highness but when they saw you they had to come see you,” he laughed.

“Have you two scamps been giving Stella a hard time?”

“Nooooooooo!” said the princess, “But Momo did ask to take a bath with her because he was so dirty,” this earned the prince a bop.

“Owwww Oyaji! I was a very dirty boy!”

“Yes, yes you are and this is why she doesn’t give you as many hugs as you should get. It’s not becoming of a young man to be this perverted,”

“But boobs are awesome!” Momo pouted.

“Indeed they are but touching them without warning or consent isn’t nice,”

“Fiiiiiiiiine but I still get Stella hugs, right?” he looked at her pleadingly.

“Of course, sweetheart!”

“What brings my little scamps here today?”

“We saw you having tea!” said the Princess, “Soooooo we thought that maybe we can join you?” Void smiles

“Well….that’s not up to me, it’s up to Miss Taicho,” the old mercenary smiled

“Of course you can,”

Void cracked his back and headed to his study. He had a long day and having a few extra moments to himself was all he needed. His study wasn’t exactly a study, it was more of an outside enclosed garden with plenty of books and things. He loved coming here to just recollect himself at the end of the day. He took a very long and deep sigh before flopping on the daybed. He needed his “Me Time” and this was the best time for him to relax without making a decision or have a thought. He could be spacier and just think. But there was coming to gave him so much comfort, an orb with a beautiful light inside. He often watching the colors swirl inside it and the colors always changed but was always bright: gold, silver, blue, pink, green, reds…it always gave him comfort. Tears stung his eyes at the looks of it but it also reminded him that he did the same with Amare. He blushed at the memories. He then gently placed the orb back on his desk before reaching under his pillow for his favorite manga. Roger has been sending him the omnibus versions and they’ve been keeping him entertained for weeks now.

“Thanks idiot,”

Chapter 120: Families: Devon


The Young Knight's Family

A/N: This is going to be a small series about the Family dynamics of each group. They were supposed to be

Chapter Text

He noticed a new woman from across the room. It was a long time before he saw anyone new at these functions, especially someone as beautiful as her. All of the other women around tried to grab his attention or even tried speaking to him but this woman intrigued him. She didn’t notice or even care about his presence. It was one of his father’s functions, meaning he had to attend, despite having no interest but this was making it worth it. It was a masquerade ball, he wore a suit with his cat mask. He immediately noticed her from the beautiful dress she wore, a blue ombre dress that sparkled like diamonds. It was like she was wearing the night sky…outside of this boorish town. She was tall, significantly taller than him and wore a black lacy mask but from her features, he knew she was a beauty. He approached her.

“Hello,” she looked at him and turned back around. He grinned and went to talk to her again, “Did you not hear me?”

“I did but it’s rude to approach someone without proper introduction, caro mio,” he reddened under his mask. Her voice was like butter and she was a stickler for formality.

“Forgive my intrusion. I’m—,”

“I know who you are. Don’t bore me with the details,” she said bluntly. He smirked. She was feisty. He liked that.

“May I ask your name?” she smiled at him sweetly and leaned in close to him and gave a very soft whisper.

“Anonima,” she then moved away from him, took a glass of wine and walked into the crowd. He smirked and headed towards her. The chase was on, but he wasn’t dealing with an innocent helpless mouse, no. This wasn’t a cat and mouse game, this was two cats competing with each other…and he loved it!

“Mmmmm fuck yeah!”

“Quit talking. You’re ruining my concentration,” he growled, “Your moans are irritating,”

“But it feels so good!”

“Not to me, let’s just be done with it!” it’s not like the idea of sex made him repulsed, it’s the idea that this person in particular was nothing that he wanted. In fact, she was nowhere near his league. But it was something he reluctantly needed to do, even though this woman was nothing to him. He was settling. He kissed, licked, fingered, nibbled, and it was all making his stomach churn. He had to think of something else, literally anything else, he could feel himself getting soft. He then started to imagine things. He imagined someone else. Someone beautiful, not pretty, not cute, but beautiful. A raven haired beauty that was epitome of elegance, the ideal woman. He reddened when he thought about her. Everything about her made him want her. He started thrusting harder into the other being under him. He wanted it to last now, he had to ride this image of his Queen. He remembered the night where they danced, the night where they fought, the night where she was battle worn in the rain, dripping wet, blood and water dripping from her hands and face making her look like a demon from heaven. He flipped the other being over and thrusted faster. This was just mere fucking, but with his Queen, it would be love making. He just kept going faster thinking of her, especially the time he heard her singing, accidentally exposing her, almost killing him, before shielding her modesty. He grunted and grabbed her hair and thrusted harder and faster before he emptied himself into her. The woman under him screamed before relaxing. He shoved her off him and got up looking disgusted.

“Kuro that…that was,”

“Revolting. I’m taking a shower,” he said curtly, “This better had work this time,”

“Don’t know! I have to check! I should be! We’ve been doing it like rabbits for the last several weeks,”

“Don’t be vulgar. You don’t have many chances left to have a baby,” he said, “I know I’m not the problem. If you disappoint me, you’ll regret it,” he went into the bathroom and turned on the shower. The woman disgusted him. She was crass to be of noble birth but he was her final chance at happiness and vice versa. But he found her to be absolutely irritatingly vulgar. She was also too skinny for him, she wasn’t strong, she didn’t have a There was only one reason for him to entertain the idea of sleeping with another woman, especially one of low caliber and that was thinking about that night several years ago…

He took the woman by the hand. It was a beautiful, delicate hand that was soft to the touch. He never felt something so strong, yet dainty. She followed next to him not behind and it was as if the entire world stopped. She was light on her feet. She let him lead, showing that she knew the proper way to dance. Her movements were graceful, uninhibited, untamed, and of course it was a dominance game where he pulled her, spun her, wanted her but she would only allow him to be as close as she wanted. Soon, he was face to face with her. He wanted so badly to take off that mask but she kept it close. Suddenly there was ringing. He smirked and guided her to the center of the room. A woman was in front of the room, bound in a cage in nothing but her underwear. It was a tradition for every gathering with a party. They would bring in one prisoner as the “Entertainment”. It was always a traveler. Travelers always came to Calva but very few left. Those who did were too scared to tell the truth. This one decided to speak up on what she witnessed and she was to be auctioned off. Many just were claimed but this one was special. They wanted her to be broken, forced to stay. Many travelers didn’t have family so her disappearance wouldn’t be too obvious. However, this Traveler was a little different. She heeded the warnings from the brothel girls, respected the space given to her and she was on her way when she was drugged and ended up in a cell, stripped of her belongings. She was terrified. She was taunted, many passing by just to say that she’ll be a toilet or worse. She tried to plead with many to let her out but some immediately went the other way, not wanting the same fate as her. She was sobbing. Tonight was the auction. Many were dressed in masks, many wanted her, many described what they wanted to do to her. One woman wanted her blood to bathe in, a man wanted to have her hunted like a wild animal to later be murdered in the most brutal way possible, another wanted to make her into their dog and have her limbs chopped off, one wanted her to join the other human toilets. She was scared. She was crying. She begged. She would never speak of this town, she could never speak of anything if they would just let her go.

“I love it when they beg,” said Kuro looking at the woman next to him, “If you like, I can buy her for you. She can be anything you like. She can be our plaything if you wish,” she ignored him but stared intently at the woman. He couldn’t see her expression through the mask but he knew it had to be sadistic glee just he had. Nemesis appeared and started the bidding off. The girl sobbed and was shaking.

“Stop crying! You’re poisoning your meat!”

“And blood! It doesn’t work when you’re blubbering like that!” unknownst to the patrons, the other people at the party weren’t there for bidding. They were all getting into a position from different possible places. Suddenly there was a scream and everyone saw the blood woman being choked. This distracted Nemesis just as he was tackled by the crotch of a woman. There was a struggle before a key few into the air. The woman in black caught it and ran to the cage and opened it. The Traveler looked at her with confused terror. She gave her a smile, revealing long sharp teeth.

“Time for you to get out of here,” The woman spun her and threw her up into the air. She disappeared into the ceiling, being caught by someone. The guests soon realized there were rats at their party. The woman went to run only for Kuro to grab her and pulled off her mask off.

“Vik—urk?!” he was kneed in the stomach as the entire room went black. Soon, the guests were swarmed upon, the guards disabled, and the Traveler now gone. Kuro saw the figure of his angelic demon running. He gave chase. It felt like that fairytale with the prince chasing her future bride. Soon they were on the rooftop. She was trapped with nowhere to go but she was looking at him expectantly, a wolf had led her prey into a trap. He laughed madly.

“Ah, a beautiful night isn’t Vikka? A crescent moon, a twilight sky, and you, beautifully dressed for the occasion. If you wanted an invitation, I would have invited you personally. You didn’t have to seduce me,”

“Seduce is a strong word,” she said a pained expression on her face, “It should be over in a few minutes,”

“Calva Rules, my siren?”

“What are the terms?”

“I win, you stay with me and be my dark bride,”

“I win, I get compensation,”

“Done,” Vikka barely had enough time to move. His movements were faster and quieter than usual. She couldn’t detect the Pussyfoot Technique from the shifts in the wind and because of the night air, she had to really work for it. She immediately blocked his claws and managed to duck and dodge until she was about to get to the edge. She spun around, used her butt as a weapon and knocked him away. This caught him off guard as she got some distance away from him. She heard rumors of the Kotka offspring having something called Lunar Empowerment but this was the first she’s ever experienced. He went at her again, his strikes got faster and stronger. She could barely keep her blocks up. She couldn’t get into the offense at all and she was starting to overthink. Suddenly she lets out a yelp and instinctively grabbed her chest. Her blood splattered onto his face. She was slashed across her chest. He ripped her dress and marked that flawless skin of hers. The warmth of her blood on his cheek sent shivers through his body. He took off his glasses and licked the blood. The mixture tasted of copper and a perfumed wine. He felt himself flushing at this taste, this flavor of the object of his affection, it was like drinking a forbidden nectar. Without warning, something whizzed past his face. He turned and he was uppercutted in the face. He grinned. That was the love tap he was waiting for. He regained his composure and went after her again. She was more frantic with her moments but so was he. Her blood made him crazy along with the adrenaline that he was waiting for tonight. She was out for blood and so was he. He left his mark on her chest and she wasn’t going to let that one fly. They exchanged blow for blow, slice for slice and block for block. He studied her moments and vice versa, they were having a beautiful midnight dance more than an actual fight. The taste of her blood, the smell of her perfume, it was all too much for him to handle. He wanted more. He wanted that pure ecstasy of her essence. She was like a drug and he wanted her all to himself. Soon, she had him cornered and she was ready to finish him. He smirked.

“Do you have the nerve?”

“You know I do, cara mio,” she smirked, “And one less Devon means one less headache later,”

“And here I thought you were enjoying our sadistic dance,”

“Frankly I don’t like dancing with demons,” she drew her weapon back. The alarm was sounded. It startled them both. Kuro turned. He was close to the edge and he could get the drop on whatever was going on. He went to jump but he was grabbed and spun around and met with something he wasn’t expecting. He was pulled down and felt his lips on hers. He felt his lips on her soft ones. The one thing he’s been fantanzing since puberty finally happened and he would be a fool to not savor this moment. He pulled her close and got into the kiss. He parted his lip and started to savor and moaned softly. It felt as though time had stopped and they were the only ones in existence. The extra added empowerment from the moon made him hunger for me as he deepened the kiss, holding her close so she could feel secure in his arms. After about an eternity, he pulled back, only to be kneed in the stomach and punched across the face. He saw her spat, then rub her lips before making her escape. He was dazed to say the least. Now that he had a taste of her…he only wanted more, by any means necessary. The Traveler was gone, the party and its guests were robbed, bound, and gagged, and his father couldn’t help but laugh. That night, he stared up at the ceiling. His heart was pounding out of his chest. He could feel the rush of blood pulsing through him. He felt drunk, he felt dazed, he felt like he could go another round with her, the adrenaline didn’t stop as he stared off into his mind. He had a taste of a drug and all he wanted was more. That kiss from an angelic demon made the world look bright, shiny and new. He wanted more…so much more…he was feeling something he’s never felt and he needed it, he craved it, he wanted to woo her, worship her, and keep her all for himself…

“My little tigress…wherever you are, I will find you. I will have you. I don’t care how long it’ll take me but I’ll find you and make you mine. I don’t care how many people I have to kill for you to only love me but you’ll be my queen. I only had a taste of you…I never want to live without never having it again,”

Lavinia was panting in bed. Kuro got up and sat on the edge of the bed. Both were disheveled and sweaty and sticky. He would take a shower but he had to savor that memory. He knew the moment he was back to reality, he would be soft again.

“Kuro…you were a beast,” and now it started.

“I know,” he lit a cigarette to calm himself trying to keep himself from vomiting but that memory from his past was the only thing that kept him going.

“Who’s Vikka?”

“None of your business,”

“Well you screamed that instead of my name over and over,”

“You came. That’s all should matter, correct?” he said, “Trust me, if I knew she was alive or not, I wouldn’t be with you,”

“True, thanks to you, the fortune is as good as mine. I’ll send you your cut as soon as I’m pregnant,”

“Hopefully it’ll take this time,”

“Sex is sex,”

“True with someone like you, it’s more of a chore,”

Eating meals at the Devon Manor was…a tense situation to say the least. It was always silent, quiet, with only the sounds of cutlery being used. It was livelier when Aunt and Uncle’s crew came about but when it was just Katherina and her father, meal times were deathly silent. Honestly both times were terrible. The constant teasing about her autonomy by the crews was something to behold and the complete silence of her father during meals was just as bad. He didn’t acknowledge her existence unless it was something mean. She picked at her breakfast. He didn’t care what she ate as long as it “approved”. She was eating an egg white omelette with sausage cheese with juice. She wished for pancakes one day. They looked yummy or even tamagoyaki. The servant usually made a request if she asked and always hid it from her father but nothing too crazy. Today was an omelette with potatoes. The cook placed a small container of ketchup near her. She ate her meal and drank her tea in silence. Father was reading the paper. She had one too but she always read the comics first before switching over before her father caught her.

“She’s still alive…” said Kuro softly, “and as beautiful as the day she left,” Katherina never saw her father look genuinely happy before. He was holding the paper with a lovesick look. Katherina took a peek at the paper next to her. She flipped through until she found an article with a woman. She was on Uncle Ink’s ship, hair covered one side of her face. She immediately knew it was Lesser. Katherina finished the article. It covered a lot of the things up, her hearing the true story from Law and _________________ after it happened. The story was that she did free hostages but not that she rescued three high ranking Marines and one lower one but it did say she left and later found Captain Ink imprisoned in an inkwell and his whole crew tied up and beaten, left for dead, “Such a beautiful woman with a killer instinct and she still looks so elegant,”

“You know her father?” Katherina said innocently. She didn’t know it was possible that he could have other emotions other than anger.

“An old flame from my youth,” he said smiling, “A beautiful woman named Vikka. Beautiful, tall, elegant, everything that I wanted and more. She was just perfection, from her eyes to her teeth to her legs…and she had a beautiful round peach…what I wouldn’t give for her to be mine. She also had a killer instinct. She had a higher body count than mine at the time. I’ve seen her drenched in blood and gore, looking like a heavenly demon. I’ve seen her decimate and maim people in her wake but still carried herself as a beautiful elegant princess. She carried herself with the grace of a woman of nobility. I wouldn’t be surprised that she was a princess cast away to Calva. I call it fate that we met and then she left…and a piece of my heart was taken along with her,” his expression then turned harsh, “Then I had to settle with a mediocre woman and then we had you. You will always be half perfection. The only way you would ever be worthy of my absolute love and adoration was if you were her child and you are not. Everyday when I look at you, I see the biggest failure of my life. I’m the infamous Captain Kuro but I have an imperfect unplanned failure of a daughter. You sicken me,” he walked away. Katherina stood there. She was used to this type of talk. It was nothing new to her. I still hurt mind you but it wasn’t nothing she wasn’t used to. She turned and headed to her chamber before she would go off again. She went inside and noticed something at her window. She went to the bucket and looked inside. It was a bag of pear chips. She grinned. She would go to thank _________________ properly.

“Pay your father no mind,” Katherina froze. She felt a hand on her shoulder. She stiffened.

“Hello Grandfather,”

“Don’t be so formal, my dear. Just call me Grandpa,” she nodded and turned. A man was at the door. He was very tall with an amused smile on his face. His hair was flecked gray with red eyes like hers but his were cold, almost dead like an animal stalking prey, “But your father is holding a candle to a woman that got away. Poor bastard,” he chuckled, “I fear the man that could tame that woman. If she would have stayed in Calva, I could have convinced her better to be my right hand and then allowed your father to have her,”

“She sounds…tenacious,”

“Tenacious is the perfect word for her. It would have taken years to break her, mold her, shape her, and have the perfect warrior. Just like I did to your grandmother,”

“...I have a grandmother?”

“Of course you do. She was a beauty, you remind me so much of her,” Katherina was terrified to ask.

“How did you two meet?” his face softened, remembering the love of his life.

“It was a normal day. I was out on business and I saw this beautiful woman in town. I didn’t know who she was or her place in the town. All I knew was the moment our eyes met, I was in love with her. I pursued her for days and weeks, memorizing her every move and routine and getting to know her. Apparently she was the daughter of an adventurer, the hometown hero. Of course she was a traveler who made a name for herself as well. She had a beautiful, lovely voice, beautiful eyes. long black hair…I knew from that moment on, I wanted her by my side. I hunted her down for years. Everywhere she went, I was near. I courted her, gave her gifts, sang to her, killed every single man interested in her, including her fiance on his wedding day. It was the final thing that made her agree that we were meant to be wed. We spent so many blissful years together as husband and wife. I gave her everything her heart desired, a replica of her childhood home, a garden, a piano…and she gave me three beautiful children. I thought we would have grown old together…until I found her in bed, dead. She ate poison laced figs. My poor love! I miss her to this day! I keep some of her ashes with me so we’ll never be apart. It’s her heart and always with me. Such a silly love. She should have known death wasn’t an escape,” he then smiled at Katherina, “I wanted Vikka at my side as a part of my ranks. She and Kuro were the same age and she would have been what me and my beloved wife’s child would have looked like properly as a little girl. Then she would be far too good for him. But they would have made a beautiful and strong child. C’est la Vie. If I was a few decades older, Vikka would have been mine but alas,” he chuckled, “It would also be strange and weird because I’ve known her since she was six and she was a precocious little thing. I would have raised her to be the perfect killing machine. But then again, she did that all on her own,” he seemed to have snapped out of his thought, “Katherina, want to go shopping with Grandpa?”

“O-Oh no! I have lessons in a bit!” she said quickly

“Oh! Study hard!” Katherina got her coat and decided to brave the outdoors. It was still early but she really didn’t want to be at the house…especially with Grandpa around. She didn’t mind him but there was something very unnerving about him that made her terrified of him. When he was home, she showered her with gifts and shopping trips and gave her little treats, a very doting man but in her heart, she knew there was something…off. He often implored her to come back to Calva with him. She would always politely decline, blaming her studies. She didn’t mention friends. She didn’t want him to know she had friends. She was also careful when she left the house. Father, Uncle, and Aunt didn’t care where she left but Grandpa did and would often come to look for her. She took her shortcuts, thanks to ________________, took the longer way when she got to Windmill Village and didn’t stop until she was at a familiar house. She gently knocked. Perv opened the door, hugged her tightly and let her in. She was right on time, early in fact. She went to a familiar veranda to a familiar figure having her midday tea. According to Cook, Lesser was up before everyone and usually took her break in the mid mornings after breakfast where she would have her tea and just relax. She happily ran to her. Lesser caught her and hugged her tightly. She always felt so happy and safe in her arms.

“Are you okay?” she said

“I take it you read the paper?” she nodded, “I’m fine,”

“Were you scared?”

“Nothing really scares me anymore,” she smiled at Katherina, “Are you ready for today’s lesson?” she nodded.

“Alright, let’s go inside, it’s bit chilly,”

“Is Law coming too?”

“Mhm, you’re the first one today. I guess you get first pick on the lesson today,”


“Sounds good,”

“How did you get so fluent?”

“Zio would only talk to me in it a lot and just pick it up. Jade and Floyd it was the same but both of them were stubborn,”

“But can they?”

“Mhm, we usually talk to each other for practice. I guess now I can’t speak in it when I want to keep things a secret from you and Law,”

“Guess not,” said Katherina sticking out her tongue. Lesser ruffled her hair as she giggled, “Baby 5, the lesson started in ten minutes!”


“Buffalo, get to Cook!”

“Yes Lesser!”

“Dellinger, get your harness,”

“Yes Lesser-mama!”


Vikka brushed her teeth for the fifth time that night and gagged. Scarlet winced as Ricky laughed. Once they were out of harm's way, they regrouped at Vikka’s home where she promptly heaved into the toilet and then spent the last house brushing and flossing her teeth and mouth. Sonia was safe and sound and was being escorted out of Calva as they spoke.

“I had no idea how bad it was here!” she said trembling, “I don’t know how I’ll EVER repay you but I promise to make sure no other traveler will come here! Ever! Thank you!” the moment Vikka got into the house, she rushed to the bathroom and vomited before vigorously brushing her teeth.

“Oh come on, it wasn’t that bad!” said Tai laughing

“IT WAS! I NEVER want to kiss THAT again!”

“Please don’t tell me that was your first kiss,” said Reg

“No, that would be Scarlet,”

“Damn right and I know what I’m doing. I mean it was for the greater good,” said Scarlet giggling under her hand, “That was more than enough time to keep him distracted! At least you didn’t sleep with him,”

“I would rather circumcise myself with one of my teeth!”

“I have to ask…how was it?” she cringed

“Tongue and wet…I blocked out the rest! All I knew was that once I felt that disgusting tongue on mine it was time to stop!”

“Oh shit! So that’s why you punched him afterwards,” she laughed.

“Mhm! And Ricky don’t you DARE!” Vikka glared at him.

“What?! I wasn’t going to say anything!” said the young man laughing but looked as though the cat ate the canary


“Oh come on! Just one!” Vikka sighed.

“Go ahead,”

“Kuro is going to be a happy little psycho for a while. He’s currently most definitely jerking off to that kiss and punch if he’s into that!”

“OUT OF MY HOUSE!” Scarlet and Ricky were holding onto each other laughing hysterically.

“Oh come on! I got Risotto for a victory dinner, annnnnnnnnnd peach ice cream,” Vikka glared.

“I swear if you’re lying—,”

“I would NEVER lie about food to someone who can kill me with a glance!”

“And it’s a known fact that food soothes the savage Vikka,” said Tai chuckling

“The way you all talk, it’s like trying to soothe an ill mannered cat,” said Zio chuckling.

“Have you MET Vik?!” said Ricky

“Of course I did. I raised her and I’ll have you know she’s not an ill mannered cat!”

“Thank you, Z—,”

“More of a badly behaved bunny,”


Chapter 121: Families: Horke/Crewe


A Peek into a Man's Life

Chapter Text

The man walked through the town. Winter was his favorite season despite the coldness but it always warmed his heart seeing people just…being together because of the holidays ahead. He loved watching the lights, seeing people in a better mood, smelling delicious foods, it was a lot to take in at times. This year was a lot different from the previous years. He was invited to parties and things that were just a solo invitation. This was the first year he actually had friends, mainly people who didn’t care much about status and things. He could tell and it warmed his heart. He became a regular at Makino’s Bar where he would have a drink and eat with three of the strangest people he’s been around but at the same time, he treasured their company and their adventures. They even helped him with things he wouldn’t in a thousand years expect from them. He even slipped and called Lesser Vikka. She brushed it off.

“It’s my name, it’s alright to use it,”

“Soooooo what’s your real name?” said Beckman teasingly

“If I tell you, I’d have to kill you,” she winked

“Probably Vacuna,” said Miles laughing. She snorts.

“Yeah, let’s go with that,” Miles was a presence now and at first it was mainly about the case but he’s been hanging out with his new found friends more and more as well.

“You know you’re invited to the Gathering,” said Marco

“Are you sure? I don’t want to impose,”

“Be lucky, it’s invitation only,” said Beckman laughing, “And it’s literally to keep Shanks out,” the man laughs, “I’m not joking. Marco put our entire crew’s name on the invite except Shanks and Yassop,”

“What did Yassop do?!” said Lesser

“Pissed off Izo and Curiel. I had NO part in that,” said Marco, “But seriously, come, it’s a giant block part for the Yule and the reward for after the Harvest. Everyone’s been working hard so a celebration is in order,”

“Tell me about it,” said Lesser, “I’m pretty sure the kids are going to be sleeping well tonight,”

“What happened?” said the man

“We worked them hard this year,” said Beckman laughing, “I used the “you’re still being punished for the Summer Sleepover Incident” and it seems to work. Uta and Kitty used their rivalry to actually compete to see who can get things done faster. It worked,”

“They have a rivalry?”

“Mhm,” said Marco sighing, “Don’t ask…I know it’s ____________________ related and Shanks and Roci have taken sides for their daughters. Yumeko’s aunt thought her doing some manual labor would be good but she was delighted but the poor girl has poor stamina. She gets winded very easily,”

“A lot of noble kids get like that,” said Miles, “But at least she’s enthusiastic,”

“Oh definitely! We realized she’s great at pulling vegetables so we put her on that. But she also made a few bets with Uta and Killer about seeing who can do things the most.

“So what happened to the ringleader in all of this?” said Miles laughing

“__________________ is actually pretty good at helping out and she’s been our little pack mule along with Fossa, Curiel, Jozu, Rakugo, and Kingdew. She didn’t mind it at all but she’s faster so she could get things from point A to point B quicker than the others. Pops actually made her take a day off because he was worried she was overdoing it. It wasn’t lost though because she was helping Thatch and Cook with canning in the kitchen. And she’s been doing that on top of her Smoker duties,”

“She’s still working at the Barracks?” said Beckman

“Mhm, Smoker loves having her around but he won’t admit it,” said Lesser laughing, “He’s also super protective of her. It’s cute to watch. Apparently after work, they have a beer together, rather Smoker has a beer and she gets juice and some skewers. And River for his contributions get a saucer of cream,”

“Pops has been seriously considering making Smoker into her non pirate godfather,” said Marco, “like if anything ever happens and we need her someplace safe and Rayleigh can’t, she can go to Smoker. We have Dadan for Ace because being hidden in the mountains is good for him and not to mention he can and will influence her to do something that’ll eventually get them caught and we figure no one would suspect a Marine, especially since we don’t know exactly her past yet,”

“That’s oddly adorable,” said Miles laughing

“Right? Who knew that Smoker had a soft side for a little girl. How you holding up, mother hen?” Marco reddened.

“I’m fine, I’m still number one in her heart I think,” he chuckled, “She still follows me around like a little chick. I’m just dreading the day that…she doesn’t want to anymore,”

“Don’t say that,” said the man, “She’s going to be following you forever. You’re her role model and she loves you. She knows that if something ever happens, Mother Hen Marco will right there,”

“Kids need that support system. Ours all have an entire town to take care of them. By the way, thanks for the recommendation,” said Beckman grinning at the man, “Uta LOVED the felting kit. It kept her busy while we were gone. She even made little miniatures of us. Shanks asked her for a special request…”

“’s Marco,”

“It’s Marco,”

“The hell!”

“His excuse? He wants to say he sleeps with Marco every night,”

“THE FUCK!” the table roared.

“What can you say, you’re his best fetish,” said Miles laughing

“His unwilling one!” said Lesser laughing in her drink

“Just one night, that’s all he asks,” said Beckman sniggering

“Not for all the beli in the world! And that’s why he can’t be trusted with ________________,”

“He’s still trying to figure out the best way to use her as leverage,”

“Is he trying to get killed?” said the man laughing

“I’m pretty sure,” said Beckman, “Mihawk say he’s ready for his bull session tomorrow,”

“I’ll be there with bells on,” said Marco

“By the way, Theo, you have something to tell Marco, right?” said Miles. The man looked a little perplexed before freezing.

“No, no it’s nothing! R-Reall—,”

“Come on, it’s okay. Out with it,” the man looked a little nervous but steeled himself

“I’ve actually being thinking about making _______________ and her little friends a trust

“Are you sure?!” he nodded.

“Mainly because I really do…feel a connection with them sadly over my own daughter. I mean I want Holly to have the best but I don’t know if I should just give up or try harder. With the girls, they’re polite, kind, they try to do what’s right and even at the social, it was just so refreshing to interact and spoil them and get nothing but thank yous and praises for it. I feel terrible because I know I didn’t have a hand in their upbringing and reaped the benefit of such politeness but I can’t achieve with my daughter,”

“Stop beating yourself up over that,” said Beckman, “Holly has the potential of being a good kid, if she didn’t have a warped mother influencing her,”

“What have you done in order to bond with her?” said Marco

“Well, I used to take her shopping but then I cut our trips shorter because she was rude to the staff. I corrected her and she continued so I banned her from shopping until her attitude changed. I gave her chores in order for her to know the importance of hard work. She did them only once before she proclaimed she didn’t have to. I suspended the allowance. Each time, Clarisse would come back and give her back the privilege and give her money and take her out. And since I’m always on business, I couldn’t regulate and I didn't know until Mimi and Maggie told me and I found out that they locked them in a cellar for a weekend and made Mildred, Maggie’s daughter, be their whipping girl that whole time. I then gave them orders to only clean and not interact with them,”

“Your wife’s a bitch,” said Miles

“Seriously,” said Beckman

“Can’t say I don’t blame you,” said Lesser, “The girls just existing are a FAR better match to be your heirs over that girl,”

“Mhm,” said Miles, “I drew up the paperwork. With this money, none of them would ever have to work a day in their adulthoods. Not that the other four would,”

“So, is it okay?” Marco thought for a few moments before nodding.

“But don’t think she owes you for anything,”

“All I ask is that I just have a uncle relationship with her,”


“I’ve been meaning to ask. What type of business do you have?” said Lesser

“Oh! I thought I mentioned it! I’m the owner of the Flores Solis company,” her eyes widened.

“THE PERFUME COMPANY?!” the man laughed

“I take it you're a fan?”


“I’m so sorry about that! It’s very popular over there, not so much in this area! We also have better rose selections there. I’ll see about making it closer for fans over there!”

“Thank you so much!”

“How did first hear about us?”

“It was a rare commodity in Calva! It was something I would seriously risk getting because it was awesome for my skin! The bars alone went for thousands. It wasn’t until later I realized they were very reasonable on the outside!”

“You made thousands of beli for a bar of soap?” said Beckman

“Nope, I did a lot of things as a teenager. I got my beauty products through fear force,”

“You stole it,”

“I stole it,” he laughed.

“It was worth it! Vil also got me on the winter line!”

“Oh that was fun to create! So you’re a model that’s been endorsing my things!”

“You’ve heard of Vil?”

“I’m not completely in the influencer world but I have been noticing him and I guess now you!”

“Who would have thought a humble little maid was a skincare fan girl,” said Miles smirking at her.

“Just because a beauty loves to look and smell good doesn’t mean anything,” she took a sip from her drink, “Especially since I don’t have to look like shit,” she stared at him. He smirked.

“Shit am I?”

“I never said that, but I mean if the shoe fits,”

“Cheeky~ so I have to ask, how does it feel to be a cute little housewifey,”

“Tch! I’m not a housewife,”

“Domesticated wolves are cute housewives. The edges got smoothed out,” Lesser reddened

“What are you implying?!”

“I mean just saying, a mercenary turned housewife is my favorite trope,”

“Oh? Why?” Miles smirked at Lesser

“Because deep down they’re cute little marshmallows and they have to face it,” he winked, “I mean you’re going to probably wear that maid outfit to bed every month or so,”

“THE HELL?!” her face went completely red. Miles laughed.

“YOU’RE THINKING ABOUT IT! YOU PERVERT!” the man laughed. The pair insulted each other over and over before calling a truce. It was Miles’ turn and ordered her a flaming peach with a few skewers, “Sorry, Blushy Vikka is what I live for,”

“You sadist,” she muttered and ripped through her first skewer

“He’s right, you know, you look adorable when you’re flustered. Roci’s a lucky man,” said Beckman, “Speaking of, Marco are you ever—,”

“Finish that sentence and I’ll kill you,”

“Okay, okay!” Marco stood up to get some air. Lesser took Theo’s arm and pulled him over to the pool table while Miles and Beckman chatted. He liked playing games with the Maid and it’s been awhile since he played strategy games with someone who was pretty good.

“By the way, are you good with cribbage?”

“It’s been years but I can play,”

“Good, I’ll contact you with the details,”

“You and your sisters don’t play?”

“We do. I taught Cleaner some card games but she gets nervous and usually lets me win. Though she’s been trying to get us to play a Dungeons and Dragons game together. Perv’s brain works on a whole other level and I just can’t get into that head nor I want to. Cook’s poker face can be scary, and Dom and I usually just end up playing together but we’ve been looking for a group to play,”

“Dungeons and Dragons?”

“Mhm, if you like, I can tell her you’re interested. Apparently we need a lot of people and times and days for campaigns. Roci is onboard,”

“Sounds like something he would like,” she smiled.

“Yeah,” everyone hung out a few more hours until they decided to call it. The man had to return home. His actual home. Miles looked apprehensive.

“Be careful, alright?”

“I will, but I have to check on things,”

“Remember what I told you,” The man headed home with extra pep in his step. He actually couldn’t wait to attend the party. He then decided to reward the kids with gifts. He loved giving gifts and he did anonymously send gifts and resources to the children of Goa every month and he was planning on getting them into proper homes soon so he would just add gifts for the kids. So far he knew what each of them liked through stories and observations. He was excited and it warmed his heart to imagine the looks on their faces when they got their gifts. He hated to admit it but every day he wished he could have adopted a few of the kids, especially ___________________. She’s a genuinely kind and spunky little girl and she was just a big ball of energy and a good aura. He loved the interactions he’s had with her. She was so polite and grateful for anything. She wrote him a thank you letter and gave it to him personally for the dress after the Ice Cream Social. Her penmanship was excellent and she expressed her thanks in a very formal way. He kept the letter on his desk. He casually asked Marco about _______________’s schooling.

“It’s a group effort. We all teach her something on different days and I’m pretty sure she’s getting things from Smoker as well. It’s not just her, it’s with all of the kids. But usually it’s in the mornings or with Blenheim in the evenings because sky navigation is easier for her. Pops has been teaching the abacus and I can’t believe it but it works so well for her and Ace. Apparently my Science lessons aren’t fun so Ace flees to Perv. And not to mention she reads a lot,” he was impressed and then again kids soak up things like miniature sponges but trying to get his daughter to do anything educational was like pulling teeth. He hired governesses to each and after a month, they usually just quit because they were completely unfulfilled and were done with his daughter’s behavior and of course her mother did nothing to help. She read at a lower level and the only reason why she started to read higher level books was literally to show up __________________. She was actually a talented artist and he didn’t know what happened but it just disappeared. She used to be so happy to get art supplies, now she just hides them away. He sighed. He didn’t know why he bothered anymore but she was his daughter, it’s his duty to be a great father to her. He stopped in front of his large home. It was a large foreboding place now. He took a few deep breaths and opened the door. The smell of cheap perfume entered his senses. It almost made him gag but he hid it.

“I’m home,” he said coming in. He didn’t expect a warm welcome, never did and tonight was no different. He saw shopping bags all over the place, Clarisse on the couch eating bon-bons and watching TV. She craned and looked at him with a vicious smile.

“Babe! How are you?” she got up. He moved back and placed his hands in his pocket.

“I’m well, I see you and Holly went shopping,”

“For that little company shindig you canceled. The wives invited me and I accepted! Holly and I are going away for Christmas,”

“Have fun,” he said, “I have a lot of work to finish up,”

“Speaking of, I found that little charity fund that you saved for the kids. We used that,” he frowned.

“That was for the less fortunate,”

“I knoooooooow but we need it more don’t you think? Also I think I need an extension on my allowance,”


“Oh come ooooooooon. How about I convince you in some way?” she looked directly at his crotch. Bile rose to his mouth.

“I’m good, I’ll extend it if you promise to never say something like that again,”

“Ugh fine! Are you gay Mattie? Or one of those asexuals?! You haven’t touched me in years!”

“I haven’t touched you since Holly,” he retorted, “Except…for those other times,” Clarissa laughed.

“It was just a little sedation! You’re always so uptight! It loosened you up and I did all the work! You got hard so that means you liked it!”

“I couldn’t say no!” he barked, “And I couldn’t move!”

“Oh well, still had sex. God I miss that cock of yours. I wouldn’t have to play little tricks if you just fuck me willingly,”

“I’m going to bed,” he said

“If you keep up this behavior, I’ll see to it you’ll never see Holly again! Don’t test me!” the man got away quickly. He had to take a shower after this but he quickly turned off the recording snail. He knocked on the door and gave it to Mimi. She nodded and immediately locked it away with the others. That find in question was a decoy of her allowance. She never checked it so he was in the clear along with the other money she used. He was so happy that Miles told him to do that.

“Holly? I’m home,” he gently opened the door. Holly didn’t even look up from her television program. He took a deep breath. He’s been trying his hardest to connect with her and she just shuts him out. He came into her room. She glared at him before inching away. He then realized that he’s never received a warm welcome from his wife or Holly….unless there was a sale or something they wanted from a shop or restaurant. His heart ached thinking about the girls who ran to their parents happily when they were picked up, even Kitty who seemed embarrassed by her strange uncle, she would give him a hug nonetheless with a blushing but happy smile.

“How was your day?”

“Good. Why? You’re disturbing my television program,”

“I just thought we’d just talk or I can watch your program with you,”

“Don’t bother, your presence is souring it. What do you want?”

“Holly, we don’t spend time together and I think we should make a better effort,”

“That’s because you want me to be a servant! I’m not going to serve ANYONE at a soup kitchen! It’s bad enough you let Mildred stay here!” she glanced over. The man turned to see a little girl cleaning up Holly’s sweet and candy wrappers. She was about Holly’s age with white hair, sullen purple eyes, and exotic features. She looked utterly miserable.

“Mildred, you’re done for the night. Go to your room,” she nodded and ran for it. Holly clicked her teeth.

“That’s her job!”

“YOUR job is to keep your room clean, not Mildred’s,” he retorts, “Once again Holly, I’m trying to get you to understand there’s a lot of people in this world who suffer and really need help. We can even go into your closet and sort through clothes that are too small and give them away to someone less fortunate,”


“It’ll be easier to buy you more clothes,” he said, “We can go shopping together,”

“You’re so boring to go shopping with and you know it! Besides, I have to get things for the Christmas Parties this year!”

“Oh speaking of, I was thinking about giving your classmates at ribbon twirling gifts this year! We can do it together! They got you something nice,”

“WHY SHOULD I HELP YOU BUY GIFTS FOR THEM?! DON’T YOU NOT LOVE ME ENOUGH?!” this wasn’t true. He literally spent over 300000 beli on gifts for Holly alone, including duplicates of things she’s destroyed.

“Of course I love you, Holly. I just thought it would be nice to gift your little classmates something nice,”

“YOU WOULD!” she snarled, “And you better not! They mean nothing to me! And we’re not a charity to give gifts away! Penny, Plum, Vivi, and Kaya’s families can give them things! __________________ on the other hand is a charity case! And we don’t give handouts to beggars!”

“Holly! That’s very disgusting to say!”

“It’s true and I’m not apologizing for it! Just give her and her family our leftover dinner and that should be enough!”

“Holly, this is a very piss-poor attitude to have about someone! What has ______________ done to you?”

“Live and you’re not allowed to give her anything! You’re on thin ice with Mommy and you know it! And those gifts were CHEAP! ANYONE who makes something by hand is cheap!” The man looked appalled. The gifts in question were handmade by each girl who wanted to give Holly something that he knew was out of obligation. Holly received an embroidered handkerchief from Penny, a felted skunk from Plum, a knitted scarf from Kaya, a bracelet with their class colors from Vivi, and a pink and yellow kanzashi flower from ________________ for her hair. He found the gift later in the trash. Mildred asked if she could have them and he gave them to her. Holly even refused to give a thank you letter. She then got up and went to her closet and started throwing out all of the aforementioned clothes she no longer wore along with a few bags and things, went under her bed and took out bottles of paint and glue and poured the contents all over the things. She smirked, “There, now you can give them away. It’s more than what they deserve,” he said nothing but gathered up the things and left the room. He went to Maggie’s room. He gently knocked on her door. The older woman looked a little puzzled but she brightened up when she saw him.

“Mr. Crewe! How are you?!”

“I’m well. I know you’re done for the evening but I need a favor, dear,” he presented the clothes, “Can you get these presentable before the paint and glue dries? I’m very sorry about this. I’ll pay you for your work and please take an additional few days off,” she nodded and immediately took them downstairs to the laundry room. He rubbed his temples. Mildred gently poked her head out of her bedroom.

“Boss, is there something you want me to get you? I got the fireplace going in your room and there’s a kettle on too!” he smiled.

“Be a dear and get me some of the pastries Maggie made? Thank you!” she nodded and ran for it! He retreated to his “study” aka his bedroom and almost immediately plopped headfirst into his mattress. He felt so sick all the time but lately it felt as though a huge weight was off his shoulders. He had someone to talk to and his living nightmare was almost over. It was only five years but it felt like an eternity and he’s finally going to have normalcy again. At this point, he didn’t care if she took everything, he just wanted her gone.

“Sir?” he sat up. Maggie and Mimi were at the door with the cat that ate the canary look. He gestured for them to come in. They sat down and he poured them both some tea and looked at them hopefully, “We got everything replaced!”


“MHM It didn’t take a long time but we have everything replaced with very cheap replicas!” said Maggie, “Even family portraits and priceless heirlooms!”

“I’m most proud of your wine cellar!” said Mimi proudly, “I took everything to the hidden location and bought bottles, reprinted the labels and put those large jugs of regular wine inside and cold tea!”

“Her palate is shit so it’s not like she’ll know the difference!” said Maggie laughing, “Everything in the house has been categorized and replaced and stored in a secret location!”

“How on earth did you two manage with her knowing?!”

“Oh! That’s easy! She usually ignores anything we do so we’ve been using the servants’ doors and things to get everything out. And she sleeps until eleven so it was easy to get up at eight and get everything done! Michaelis has also been a big help! He asked his young master if you could store everything at Fantasique. He said no but instead said everything can be stored at his personal summer home just to make SURE it can’t be found by her!”

“And I cataloged everything with prices and things of her and Holly’s clothing, toys, and things like that. It took awhile but I think you’ll be okay,”

“Thank you so much for this ladies,” he said, “I don’t know what I’ll do without you,”

“Having the house back to normal would be enough!” said Maggie, “I miss the old way of things!”

“And it smelted nicer too,” said Mimi, “And since it was just you, you didn't make too much of a mess!”

“And you APPRECIATE our efforts and cooking! And we’ve been talking to Miles about some things we’ve seen,”

“And no we can’t tell you because the less you know the better,” he chuckled


“Do you have anywhere to go for the Holidays?”

“Indeed I do and I’ll be staying there until further notice. Just please keep everything hush-hush and report to me. Where did Clarisse book her and Holly’s vacation?”

“Somewhere is East Blue,” said Maggie, “She bought a brand new wardrobe and everything with your card. Without your consent,”


“Oh! Did you want us to make your temporary place more comfortable?” said Mimi

“No need! I have a fireplace, a nice warm bed, a beautiful view of the ocean, newspaper, a television, and delicious food everyday! I think I’m okay but a few creature comforts wouldn’t hurt and that’s partly why I’m here. Just observing and retreating to the study,” he scribbled an address on a piece of paper, “Please send my books and things to this address. Tell Makino that Theo sent you,” they helped him pack a few things, including things he couldn’t wear around Clarisse because she would berate and laugh at him, mainly his warm sweaters and slippers and robe. He also had a few suits packed along with his laptops. Maggie placed everything into a large steamer trunk. It was around midnight, therefore Clarisse would be hammered and Holly would be sleeping. They went to check and Clarisse was already in her bedroom snoring off her liquor. Theo got the trunk out to a waiting car and it was taken away. He gave the two ladies the rest of the week off before he went back inside. He felt a little more hopeful. This was the first time in a very long time that his stomach didn’t hurt, his back and neck didn’t ache and he actually got to look forward to things he didn’t think possible in years. He started making a list of things for the ribbon girls, his new found friends and their families, and the like. Even if Clarisse took everything, he wanted them to know just how much they mean to him. He sincerely hope that after everything they don’t mind him hanging out with them. He then heard something ping on his phone. He looked up and opened it.

“Cards tomorrow? Marco and Beckman are having their guys night with Mihawk and me, Dom, and Tsugiko need a fourth for Cribbage. Bring your A game,” -Lesser.

He grinned and wrote back and yes. He smiled and laid in bed. He felt like his old self again. He thought about the gifts he was going to give to the Ribbon Girls. He thought about ponies for each but such an extravagant gift would probably be a bit much. He wanted something that would last and he knew each girl would love it but he didn’t know what yet. He also thought about getting the Terminal Gray Children a better home. He’s been working on this project for ages. But he had to keep it secret from Clarisse and Holly in case they in some way ruin it. He just had to do a walk through before moving the children and families out. No one should have to live like that. Ever.

Chapter 122: The Kelpie


The Little Girls faces her fears

Chapter Text

Summer was still going on in Windmill Village. It finally got too hot for _____________________ and she was once again banished to the house until the evening. She loved the summer but she hated the heat and it was hitting the mid 90s. Marco made it a rule that if the temperature hit 90, she was to stay inside. She was banished to the nice cool house until evening when she could go out and play. But this time, because everyone knew of her condition, they came to her. Killer especially hung out with her reading books and just keeping her company when Ace wasn’t around. It wasn’t as hot as it was last year and everyone knew about her condition and everyone just adjusted. She really appreciated it.

“Still planning the party?” said Killer

“Mhm and so far I think I have almost everything covered. Kitty chewed me out with food,”

“As she should,” he snorts, “But you’re almost done with planning, right?”

“Yep! I just need the perfect day! Not too hot, not too cold, and everyone can come together. I have to make sure Kitty can come and that the others can come too like Nami and Nojiko and make a good excuse!”

“Do it closest to the end of summer,”

“That can work! Why?”

“Because if we get caught and punished and everyone grounds us to the end of summer, it’ll be two weeks instead of two months,”

“You’re brilliant Killer!”

“Yeah I know,” the Whitebeard Family decided to have a mock Hyakumonogatari Kaidankai or 100 ghost story night but in this case it was smaller and it was mainly to help get the kids’ minds off the heat. They were on the engawa and garden and everyone were telling ghost stories. Pops brought snacks, various types of sweet mochi, brewed tea, hot sake, nori crackers, meat skewers, and set the atmosphere of only having lanterns lit. Everyone went around to tell tales and stories from the seas and personal experiences and legends.

“Oh you kids think that the seas aren’t as scary except for pirates but there’s a LOT of dangerous things in those waters. Some things that to this day many seasoned sailors wouldn’t dread to go near,” said Curiel

“Ooh like what?!” said Luffy

“Well, there’s Umibozu or the sea monk,”

“Oh, I forgot about that,” said Blamenco shuddering, “That thing was the stuff of nightmares,”

“W-What is it?” said Sabo

“Imagine a large, black, humanoid shadow that looms over the Moby Dick,”

“T-That’s huge!” said Luffy

“Oh definitely!” said Kingdew, “And this creature is scary because it’s silent. He doesn’t say a word and just looms over staring at you with two realistic goat shaped eyes,” ________________ cocked her head.

“You’ve seen Sengoku’s goat, right?” said Thatch. _________________ immediately winced.

“W-What happens when you speak to it?”

“Thunderstorms, tsunamis, whirlpools, it causes all kinds of bad weather designed to throw you off course,”

“Dick move,” said Ace, “Especially for a monk!”

“Right? But that’s just one of the few things on the seas that’ll kill you or spook you,” said Rakugo, “Even smaller bodies of water. There’s a kelpie for that,”

“W-What’s a kelpie?” said ___________________

“Basically a demonic water horse,” said Speed Jill, “You don’t really see it in oceans but they usually appear around lakes and river and his favorite meal is unsuspecting children,”

“Why kids?!” said Ace, “Adults are usually dumber!”

“Because it usually goes after stupid, reckless, or innocent kids,”

“So basically Luffy, Ace, and _________________,” said Sabo

“HEY!” the other three said in unison causing the brothers to laugh.

“What about you?!” said Ace

“Sabo is the voice of reason,” said ____________________

“He’s just as bad as us!”

“Yeah!” said Luffy

“Anyway, the kelpie disguises itself as a real horse, usually a beautiful white horse and comes over to the kids to get it to touch it or ride it. Once a kid or adult gets on or touches it, they become stuck and sprints to the river or lake jumps in with its victims where he eats them,”

“E-EAT?!” said __________________

“Mhm, devours them and usually people finds the guts of people it has eaten on the bank,”

“Gross!” said Luffy

“Scary, huh? Never seen a kelpie but I know they’re there and they only do small bodies of water. So don’t approach weird horses in the wild. _________________ looked visibly shaken. She felt a hand on her back rubbing it down the middle. Ace passed her another piece of mochi topping off her tea.

“Tch, these stories are lame, even by your standards,” he scoffed, “I’m nowhere near scared and neither is _____________________ so you guys failed! How are you supposed to make her cool with lame ass stories?!”

“You little shit!” said Blenheim laughing, “Looks like the little lady is more resilient than we thought,”

“Of course!” she beamed, “I’m Pops’ daughter! I have to be!”

“That’s the spirit!” Kingdew laughing.

“I think I got one,” said Pops

“What’s dark water?”

“Dark water is an automatic death sentence like many of these things you find in the sea,” said Pops, “It’s an all consuming substance that engulfs everything in its path. It’s not as bad as it was during my time but once it’s eaten, it disappears. It can only thrive on the surface of the water and deep in the hidden cracks of the ocean floor where it drags many to their depths where they are never seen again,” he took a long drink from his bottle, “And only one person in known history has ever survived an attack and that’s the Demon Blade,”

“Really?!” said the kids

“Mhm, it grabbed her leg and dragged her to the depth of the sea below. That’s what makes this blob so insidious. If it’s big enough, it’ll wash over you like a blanket and engulf you, suffocating you and devouring you alive. If it wants to grab you, it will drag you under where there’s more darkness, it will. Because a lot of them have been existent for a while, they choose the latter. Not powerful enough for engulfing, only at night,”

“H-How did the Demon Blade beat it?!” said Luffy

“Sheer force and will and someone cut her out of it. It can be fight with a blade blessed,”

“Blessed?” said Ace

“Like with holy water or prayer! Right?” said ____________________

“Mhm!” said Pops, “Even creatures usually shy away from holy things. That’s why nuns can travel seas safely because they usually have something blessed on them and if dark water tries, it’ll be in actual pain,”

“Is there a way to fight dark water?” said Sabo

“Light, it can’t stand light or fire,” said Fossa, “Like that’s why it comes out around at night or towards dusk or when there’s a lot of ships or shadows. Once light hits it, it fries. That’s why it’s rare to see it because it’s too small to engulf a ship but also need to be careful because once the light hits it, it’ll die. It drags it’s victims down with it to the dark depths so it can feed,”

“Scary!” said Luffy


“Yeah the seas are dangerous but that’s why you don’t travel alone or at night if you’re traveling in a small vessel,” said Marco, “Always carry a source of light. Even a lantern just in case. Light always dispels the darkness and light always reveals the truth,”

“That was corny,” said Ace

“The sheer attitude today!” said Izo, “Hush you little shit!”

“Besides, it’s late, I think it time to turn in,” said Thatch, “We don’t want the little lady to get a nightmare,”

“Pffft! I’m fine! Those stories were good but not THAT scary,” she said. Everyone headed to bed. It was after midnight. Ace, Luffy, and Sabo hunkered down together in Ace’s room and __________________ went to hers. Marco did his rounds before heading to sleep. He crawled into bed and then noticed a presence. He turned and saw ____________________ at the door looking completely terrified. He smiled and gestured her in. He got into bed and opened the covers for her to come in. She snuggled next to him.

“Thank you, Marco,”

“No prob, Little Lady. Those stories were scary. But you lasted a lot longer than I though,”

“You think I can do the one hundred horror story night?!”

“Maybe when you’re a little older but this is a good start. And just know, no one goes to bed alone after those,”

“Even you? You’re not scared of anything!”

“________________, everyone is scared of something and everyone can be brave when faced with a fear. Like Pops with Flora. Flora was scared that day when she had to fight off Kaido and Big Mom but she did so because she had to keep them at bay and tried not to die and Pops jumped in after Flora when she was drowning, knowing he’d most likely drown because he wanted to make sure she would live. Brave means that even if you’re scared, very scared, even so scared you’re afraid your heart is going to explode that you do the right thing despite it but it’s foolish to go looking for trouble just to prove that you can. That’s the difference between being brave and being a fool,”

“Got it!”

“It’s okay to be scared, fear is a logical emotion. It tells you when there’s something dangerous and what you can do to act upon it. It’s a primal gut reaction that keeps us alive. It can also keep us from having a good experience. Use your best judgment and remember, it’s okay to be afraid of something, how you react to it can make you brave, smart, or foolish. Remember that,”

“Got it!” she snuggled against him, “But don’t tell anyone I was too scared to sleep alone,”

“Your secret is safe with me, little lady,” he kissed her cheek and snuggled her close.

Holly stepped out of the car that was heading to the Barracks area. She had an idea of where to go but she wanted to get something cute and expensive that wasn’t in Goa and made her personal driver take her there. After she went to the shop and got a beautiful 30000 beli scarf, she headed back towards the car before she saw something…rather someone out of the corner of her eye. She smirked. Just the person she wanted to see for once. _______________________ was at the Barracks finishing her duties in the shady area. She swore that her parents should have drowned her the moment she was born to save everyone the trouble of her living. She looked rattier than usual and of course she was going to chastise her for being alive. Smoker told her to keep the cadets and trainees hydrated and that’s what she did. She had cool water waiting for them under a tree. In between water breaks she had to grab the cups and things. She had just finished the last pick up when she felt a hit against her shoulder. She winced and turned.


“What where you’re going, mutt,”

“You bumped into me!”

“Whatever, I just wanted to tell you I’m going to get a horse,” ____________________ cocked her head.

“...good for you?”

“I know the jealousy is so apparent but not just any horse, a black horse that was sighted in the woods! Legend has it that it’ll only appear to a sweet young pure hearted young lady,”

“...don’t forget to pack lunch. You’re going to be there for awhile,” Holly glared at her before smirking at her.

“You're SO jealous of me that I'm going to get a horse BEFORE you!”

“I don't want a horse. Where would I put it? Horses are huge,”

“EXACTLY! Your hovel doesn't have a stable! Do you even know what a stable is? It’s that thing you sleep in!”

“Yeah, my family only has a hot spring, a roof garden, and a large garden. No place for a horse to graze,”

“THAT'S RIGHT! And a hot spring sounds disgusting! HUMPH! Taking a bath with a bunch of other people is disgusting and so poor. That’s why you have to bathe with your family, you’re too poor to waste water,”

“That and I can tell them about my day and things. But I’m sure you and your mom do things to bond,”

“We go shopping and make people like you carry our bags. Whatever, you bore me, I’ll ride my horse to class one day when we get back,” Holly then casually went over to ___________________’s water station and knocked the whole thing over before walking away. ___________________ glared before picking everything up again. Smoker went after Holly who trotted away pretending she didn’t hear anything before hurting into a crowd. However, Smoker was not having that level of disrespect and soon Holly was dragged back by the arms. She was flailing and crying and whining to get him off her but he squeezed her arm tighter. She whimpered and tried shouting “molester” and “pedo” but the soldiers knew that if Smoker had you, you did SOMETHING. He went to the water stand and shoved her to it.

“Pick it up, now!” Holly was scared shitless and started to pick the cups up and put them back on the table, “Do you expect my cadets to drink out of dirty cups! Go inside and get clean ones! She ran inside. _______________ lingered back and Smoker gestured her to follow. Holly didn’t see the cups, “____________________ point out the cups,”

“They’re in the cabinet under the table,”

“Tch, whatever,”

“Say “Thank you”,”

“I’m not—”


“T-Thank you!” Holly grabbed the cups and took them to the table outside and set them back up.

“WHERE’S MY WATER FOR MY CADETS?!” Holly looked at him and ran inside. She found a pitcher and went to get the water from the well, “ARE YOU CALLING MY CADETS ANIMALS? THAT WATER ISN’T FIT FOR HUMANS! INSIDE AND GET SOME WATER PROPERLY!” Holly hightailed it back inside with a pitcher of fresh water. Smoker grabbed it and sipped it before pouring it out, “GET MORE!” Holly ran back in and refilled all the cups on the table. Smoker looked at her approvingly, “Dismissed,” __________________ looked at Holly who turned to leave but not before turning to look at her with venom.

“You’re going to pay for that, mutt,” she sneered before running off. _____________________ and Smoker watched on.

“Friend of yours?”


“Get inside and ask a cadet to pour you some juice,”

“Yes sir!” she trotted away. Smoker glared at the other running little girl before turning and heading back inside. Little brat needs a swift kick in the ass.

“Hey, pull up a blanket!” ______________ managed to make it to a picnic on a night day near Sunrise Village, just past the mountains of Windmill Village where Penny and Plum lived during the ribbon classes but due to Penny and Plum loving the place so much, Mr. Capulet decided that a month in the summer wouldn’t be so bad. They settled down in a shady area and were enjoying a picnic with Argo with an invitation to _________________ who made it after her day with Smoker via a train.

“I’m sorry I’m late!” she said and held up a box of cake

“Don’t be!” Plum passed over a sandwich and _______________ happily ate. They didn’t really talk about anything, just talking about each others’ days.

“We’re going to be here until the end of summer!” said Penny happily, “Papa said it would be fine since we did like this place so much!”

“That’s great!”

“I can’t wait really!”

“I’ve been meaning to ask. How did you and Plum end up here? Like Dawn Island?” said Argo

“That’s simple. Gou—Mr. Capulet had business here and it was going to be extended business so he bought a place so we can all stay until business was done and somewhere Penny and I can just explore and learn. He thought ribbon twirling was a great idea and enrolled us both. It was going to be temporary but he saw that it was perfect for a kid to explore and extended it and we’re not even at the main house anymore,”

“Wow!” said __________________, “So you guys live in Sunrise Town?!”

“Mhm, I’m surprised you haven’t been there yet!” said Penny, “Though I think you used that port a few times! But Papa likes it here and the house is just as big as our original!” said Penny, “It’s farther from everyone’s but it’s okay! It was how we met Kaya! Her Dad does business there too and he wanted her to stay for Ribbon classes too! I think that’s why they added actual classes,”

“That and Mr. Capulet really likes ___________________ and Miss Ribbon’’s family,” said Plum


“Yeah! He say that it’s not every day to find a bunch of adults that actually don't care about money or status and that Mr. Newgate never made him feel weird about anything like the sashimi incident,”

“Sushi?” said Argo

“Penny’s Dad brought sashimi to a picnic after our recital,” said ______________ giggling, “It was so good though!”

“Yeah, we’re trying to get used to things but at the same time, I think that’s why Daddy likes being around everyone,”

“Mama wants to make friends too but it’s hard,” said Plum, “Honestly, I think she and the maids would be good but I also don’t know how to approach that,”

“Marco, Lesser, and Beckman go drinking once a week!” pipes ________________ maybe she can join them!”

“I’ll let her know! I think it’ll be good for her!”

“So there’s neighboring villages around here?” said Argo

“Mhm!” said ___________________, “Some you can access through train to keep from being attacked by bandits but Miss Dadan’s bandits don’t attack trains for some reason. Ace said Fist of Love but I think it’s because they will pass into the Barrack area where Mr. Smoker is. Speaking of, he yelled at Holly!”

“And you haven’t told us this yet?!” said Plum, “WHAT HAPPENED?!” ________________ happily regaled the story of Holly knocking over her water and then Smoker dragging her back, “I WISH I WAS THERE TO SEE IT!”

“It was hilarious!”

“Why was she down there anyway? Isn’t she usually in Goa?”

“Yeah but she was talking about going to see a horse in the woods,”

“Horse in the woods?” said Argo

“Yeah, something about a purehearted maiden and a horse that’ll come to her. I don’t think it’s going to appear to Holly,”

“Seriously,” said Plum


“Yeah, she was going to a lake. The only lake I know of is near the woods between the Dead Island ferry and the woods near Law’s place but no one really goes there because the area is very dense but it’s good for foraging and just sitting but she was taking the long way or just wanted to rub it in. But yeah she said she wanted to see a horse that rumored to be there,”

“...that sounds like a kelpie,” said Argo

“A what?” said Plum, “That water horse demon, right? I thought they were in oceans,”

“Nah, they can’t thrive there because of mermaids and fishmen, they’re not dumb and usually they have better prey options because kids are curious and they can simply go from lake to lake if they wanted. And that’s what makes them so deadly. They can blend in anywhere and no one would suspect a horse just grazing or pretending to graze in a meadow or near a small body of water. But what makes it even worse is that it starts a rumor,”


“Yeah, kelpies are otherworldly and some say they can take human form and start the rumor to lure victims to him,” ___________________ was in mid drink when suddenly something fell to the pit of her stomach.

“...would that rumor be something about a young pure maiden?”

“Yeah! Something like that! If he’s feeling like eating a girl,” __________________ immediately got up.




“....if she’s dumb enough to go…” said Plum, only for Penny to give her the wise teary eyes, “Fine! Let’s help her!” Argo shoved everything into the picnic basket and Plum stuffed the blanket inside and they all ran towards the area Holly was talking about.

“Argo, tell someone where we are, this can be hairy if it is a kelpie!” said _______________, “Hopefully we can talk some sense into Holly!”

“You got it!” Plum gave __________________ the side eye as they ran.

“What can I say, I’m an optimist,”

Holly managed to finally get through the thick brush and into the clearing. She made sure she looked presentable and she knew that the trip would be worth it. She couldn’t wait to mount that horse and ride it. Of course she was an excellent rider, thanks to her lessons and the idea of her owning a horse was a dream that she could finally have, especially since “Daddy” said she couldn’t have one and made sure that Mommy couldn’t do it either. She was expecting something better. It was beautiful but not something out of a picture or anything. She looked around. There was the lake, there were trees with fruit, and flowers and it was humid because of the water. The lake was small though. She could deal with that. Her stallion wouldn’t be in this place for long. She sat at the edge of the woods and waited. She decided to sing, to allure her beast. Her voice was beautiful of course because she was a pure maiden. Almost immediately, the horse appeared. He gave a soft neigh and slowly approached her. She was enthralled. He was beautiful and large with a black shiny coat. She went to the horse. He looked at her and shook out his mane and gently gave her a nuzzle. He then turned his side to her and gestured for her to get on. She grinned and went to do so.

“HOLLY STOP!” she whizzed around to see ______________________ panting with Plum and Penny trailing behind. She gave ___________________ a glare then a smirk.

“Hello Mutt~awww came to see me get a horse,”

“That’s not a horse you dumbass! It’s a kelpie!” said Plum

“Kelpie, stallion, colt, don’t care, it’s a horse that’s more beautiful than yours Penny!”

“That’s not the point!” said Penny panting, “THAT HORSE CAN KILL YOU!”

“Not unless I can tame it as a sweet young maiden!”


“YOU’RE ALL JUST JEALOUS BECAUSE HE CHOSE ME! LOOK AT HIM! HE’S BEAUTIFUL!” The three girls however saw a few things wrong with the horse. Its mouth for instance had a snarl, it was large but its eyes glowed like embers, and it looked like something out of hell itself. Holly then took hand and put it on the horse. The girls froze. She petted the horse and gave the girls a triumphant smirk, “SEE! I TOLD YOU! Guess I have to ride my horse around town and guess what? You can’t rid—,” Holly couldn’t move her hand. She froze and tried to move it again, then she tried pulling it. She was stuck tight. She glanced up at the horse who gave her a very sinister grin. It opened its mouth to reveal sharp teeth, a long tongue, and unhinged it’s jaw. Holly screamed and the kelpie took off towards the water. _____________________ chased after it with a large branch and blocked its path by smacking it, causing it to buck and change course. She ran over and over towards it to keep it from going to the water. It even tried leaping, only for ____________________ to right there with her weapon to smack it down. The plan was to keep the kelpie from reaching the lake and not get stuck herself because Holly would be done for.

“______________________!!! CHASE IT HERE!” She turned to see Plum waving her arms. She nodded and managed to get the kelpie back, “MAKE IT REAR BACK!” the kelpie let out a loud demonic neigh causing ___________________ to be taken aback. The sound startled her but she quickly snapped out of it and ran towards it again. She had to be careful not to touch it. The kelpie however wasn’t going to delay his meal further, neighed loudly again and tried to stomp ____________________. Plum gave her a thumbs up and gestured to Holly. She nodded and swallowed a lump in her throat before jumping over the kelpie, onto its back and started to pry Holly’s fingers off. She screamed at the pain. _______________ was now stuck but she had to get Holly unstuck. The kelpie once again headed towards the water not expecting Plum with the same branch maneuver. He reared up as Penny dropped on top of it and grabbed its reins and pulled. The kelpie neighed in protest and reared screaming and trying to buck them off. Penny pulled and held on, calming it down. It took off to the water but she pulled it back. Its neigh was not only demonic but now bellowing but Penny started shouting orders and pulled it reins more and more. Soon Holly’s fingers were completely off and she fell, scrambling away in the process and watched the sight with a mixture of shock and horror. Penny kept up her shouting and pulling, guising the kelpie with her legs and soon he was circling around the clearing and dared not take off towards the water because the moment he did, Penny would shout and pull him back.

“PENNY!” Kid came running towards the lake with Argo and Killer trailing behind. Plum immediately tackled him, “THE FUCK! GET OFF ME!”

“LET HER HANDLE IT! IF YOU STARTLE IT NOW, HE MAY KILL HER!” Penny used her legs to guide and soon the kelpie was getting exhausted with new found loops he had to do. Soon, ______________________ fell off as the kelpie was now more concentrated on getting Penny off him. Penny however was not giving up as she yelled, pulled and guided the kelpie around. It took awhile before Penny was now guiding the horse, taming it, shouting orders, and eventually having it walk around the lake. They’ve been at it for a few hours by this point and the creature was tired. She then got off and tied it to a tree and gave him an affectionate pet on his snout. The kelpie shook its head and laid down.

“Good boy. She fished into her pocket and got the ham sandwich from earlier and gave it to the kelpie who happily ate it, “See? It’s a reward for being a good boy!” Unable to keep his fake form, the kelpie’s haggard look came back, sans his tail, and just sat there exhausted.


“Yep,” said Plum sighing, “And Penny tamed it good. Right, Penny? Penny?” Penny however looked a lot more shaken than she did before. The realization of what she just did along with the kelpie and the water was shaking her up. She actually fell to her knees and looked as though she was going to be sick. Plum went over but then stopped. She grabbed the blanket from her backpack and gave it to Kid. He understood the gesture and draped it over the now shaking girl. She hugged him tightly and wouldn’t let go. Kid returned it and helped her up. The kelpie was sitting there looking at the kids as though they were all a silver platter meal. Holly smirked.

“Thank you for taming my horse for me, Penny! I really appreciate it!” she went towards it. The kelpie looked at her and waited until she was close and snapped at her. He managed to bite her hand but not tear it off, “EEK!” she pulled back and cried, “HE BIT ME!” The kelpie looked visibly sick and gagged.


“But my stallion!”

“You really are thick,” said Killer

“As pig shit,” said Kid, “And you should be thanking Penny for saving you, bitch!”

“Oh I will! Thank you so much Penny for taming that wild horse. _________________ you owe me a manicure! You ruined my nails! Just because you have dirt and calluses on your fingers because you’re a mountain mutt doesn’t mean you have to destroy MY nails!”

“You ungrateful cunt!” said Plum, “___________________ PRIED your fingers off that kelpie and made sure it didn’t reach the lake where you have been killed! You should be on your knees thanking her for stalling it enough to keep you from being killed!”

“But my nails! And I got dizzy from all the bucking and riding he was doing with her startling him! I don’t owe her ANYTHING!”

“You owe those girls your life,” a deep voice rang through the woods, almost like a shallow grave. It sent shivers down their spines. They slowly turned. The kelpie looked at them all, “I wanted a meal and you wandered into my lake. You were easy prey. It was a miracle since no one else came at the rumor of a black horse. I would have devoured you and no one would know the wiser. You stupidly came, started singing badly then touched me. Even after your friends’ warnings. You owe them your very soul because I would have taken yours! Though I should probably thank them. And you taste like shit!”

“, that was personal,” said _________________, “Here Holly, if you like, we can mend your hand,” Holly huffed.

“TCH! DON’T TOUCH ME! Who wants an ugly horse anyway!” she ran off SCREAMING, “________________ I hope you die!”

“ she like that to you all the time?” said Argo

“Oh, she’s nicer today,” said __________________

“Penny…take its bridle off,” She nodded and went to the kelpie and took it off. The kelpie suddenly looked a lot more tamer. He nuzzled Penny a little more before resting in her lap.

“What did I do?!”

“Once you capture a kelpie’s bridle, it’s yours,” said Killer, “We grew up with that story,”

“ it’s mine? I mean I don’t want to be called a pet! That seems like an insult!”

“As long as you have the bridle, I’m yours to do whatever. I have no qualms,”

“Straight from the horse’s mouth,” said Plum chuckling, “No offense,”

“Non taken,”

“Do you have a name, Mr. Kelpie?” said Penny. He shook his head. She gently untied it, “Well, I’ll figure out one for you!” she rubbed his snout.

“Don’t be nice to it!” said Kid, “It tried to eat you! And with that being said!” he grabbed Penny and started shaking her, “YOU COULD HAVE BEEN KILLED!!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! THAT THING WAS DANGEROUS! IF YOU WOULD HAVE DIED KICKER WOULD BE RAISED IN A BROKEN MOTHERLESS HOME! LET THAT WEIGH ON YOUR CONSCIENCE!”

“ACK! I’M SORRY!” The Kelpie took its leg and kicked Kid square in the butt and growled.

“OW! FUCK YOU! YOU’RE ON THIN ICE AS IT IS!” Penny rode back into town with the kelpie. It still looked demonic and scary but once they got there, her father was waiting for a transport for the kelpie.

“I just feel bad! I mean he should be free but then again, he can’t be free! He’ll kill again!”

“Don’t feel bad, just consider it a pet now with a special meat diet,” said Miss Ribbon, “Mainly pork and beef because that’s the equivalent to human flesh,”

“Thanks Miss Ribbon!”

“How do YOU know that?!” said Killer

“Seriously woman?!” said Kid. Miss Ribbon gave a smile.

“Humans are like pigs at the end of the day, just less fatty,” she winked, “Do you have a lake for it?”

“YES! We have a lake! He’ll be happy there! At least I hope he does! If there’s anything you need you, Mr. Kelpie, let me know,” he shook his head but then looked deviously and shook out his mane revealing Holly’s new scarf and licked his chops.

“I can make your little problem, disappear,”

“You can’t eat Holly!”

“I like your style,” said Killer

“Yet, seriously, if you need to defend yourself, by all means,” said Plum.


“She’d probably poison him,” said _________________, “Penny is a pure maiden, Holly is…..not,”

“Guys! Oh! Please don’t eat Kicker! In fact none of the animals at home please! I’ll make sure you get a healthy serving of meat a day!” the Kelpie thought for a few moments before agreeing, “And if you like, I’ll ride you everyday!”

“Just don’t use that bridle, keep it safe. You don’t want it to turn on you and try and kill you,”

“Even if I wanted to, she’s way too thin. I would end up having to hunt some more,”

“Well, don’t worry, we’re going to make sure you get all the meat you want! And if you don’t want to stay in the lake because it’s cold, there’s a stable! It’s well heated and everything!” the kelpie got into the transportation truck and laid down. He hated to admit but he knew he would be in good hands with his new Mistress. He was tamed, he lost but it wasn’t a defeat. He was going to have unlimited food, he didn’t have to travel like he used to and he did rather like pork over children and if he had that little girl he bit to go by, kids in this region tastes terrible. He’s pretty sure that little red head would be on the same level. True to Penny’s promise, after a very long ride, he made it a large grand house and there was a lake, bigger than his own and he was taken there. There were plenty of fish there for him to eat, just in case but he didn’t have to worry. In the morning, there was meat waiting for him and he ate his fill and he took the day to explore. It was a large lake and it was deep. He found places to sleep and when he was hungry, there was meat. As promised, he didn’t lure any of the people nearby. Penny greeted him and talked and talked and talked from the lake’s bank. He didn’t mind. She asked permission for a ride. He obliged. The place wasn’t bad to roam around and he enjoyed the air. Maybe…just maybe this wasn’t so bad…

Penny’s infamy was the talk of Windmill Village and Gray Terminal, thanks to Kid hyping her up. Her new name was Godiva the Kelpie tamer…until Kid almost killed a few kids and yelled at Killer when he understood the reference, then she became Pen Pen the Kelpie Tamer. Penny was so embarrassed and downplayed everything.

“I hardly did anything!”

“She held that bitch by the reins and made him her bitch!” said Kid

“It was amazing!” said _______________, “She hung on, even when the curse was gone!”

“And she managed to calm him down and then gave him a sandwich!” said Plum

“But __________________ was the one who chased him from trying to get to the lake! If it wasn’t for her, I don’t think we would have made it!”

“That was bad ass too! I didn’t know you were that fast!”

“You didn’t even break a sweat!”

“Oh no, I was terrified!” said __________________, “And when it neighed, it scared the living daylights out of me but I knew if he made it to the lake, Holly would be dead and well…I didn’t want to do that to Mr. Crewe. That’s his daughter and no one deserves to be killed that way! Marco said bravery is doing something when you’re scared because it’s the right thing to do and plus, I’m glad you two were there! I didn’t know what to do next! I didn’t know you were so good with horses, Pen-chan!”

“It’s nothing, really!”

“Penny has been riding since she was five,” said Plum, “Trust me, she knows her way around a horse,”

“That’s because your mom showed me!”

“And you listened!”

“Either way you three fuckin’ rule!” said Yukiko, “So where’s the kelpie?”

“At Penny’s home!” said Plum, “Don’t know what she did to him but when she told him she was leaving to come back home towards the end of summer, he sat on her and refused to move. Took five of us to get him off her,”

“Aww!” said Clock, “He loves you now!”

“Honestly, he’s a big baby but he’s a sweet,” Argo took out his journal that evening. Since arriving at this little area, he’s been keeping a journal of everything he’s seen and witnessed here and he’s glad he brought a bigger journal with him. He flipped to a page and started writing.

This island has not ceased to amaze me. Every time I believe I have this place figured out, it throws me a curveball and I can see why citizens and denizens of this place stay here and are never bored. I would never imagine three little girls taking down a kelpie without one ending up being its meal but also all three girls in questions I have to suspect are not regular little girls. I did suspect one of being a Celestial Soldier from her sheer presence and resourcefulness and being able to keep her two companions protected. __________________ is still an enigma that I can’t help but admire. Her speed and strength is something to behold and if my findings are correct, I think it’s safe to say that she’s going to be powerful when she’s older. I thought Penny was a citizen but I soon find out that she has a temporary home in the mountains. I also want to add that I see this trend where people of very high nobility and a good moral compass have chosen to not live in Goa but opted to live in smaller towns nearby. I have not found the name of these towns but it seems like a few people know of its existence like Windmill Village and it’s where the girls do their ribbon twirling and few Goa citizens go every often. Back to Penny, I am sure Penny isn’t average nobility, like there’s something more there but I can’t put my finger on it. My suspicion is that she’s a Princess but I think there’s something above being a Princess here and I’m sure that Plum is her attendant but they could also just be very close friends. But Penny was not on’y able to tame a kelpie but the kelpie respected her enough to be submissive to her. The plot thickens. I have attempted to map out Dawn Island but Law said to ask Nami for help with that. I will take him up on that offer. Though…I do eventually want to get closer to ____________________. There’s something about her energy that…I want to learn more about. There’s something familiar about her that…makes me want to observe her further. I have my theories but I won’t know until then.

Argo took out a few photos, it was him, Penny, Plum, and ______________ having their picnic, Penny petting Mr. Kelpie, Killer carrying _________________ on his back, a bit shaken about the attack, and Kid and Mr. Kelpie arguing. He pasted them into his journal, closed it, and hunkered down into bed.

It was a battle, a fight to end all, a battle that was a sight to behold with only a few that were lucky to witness it. By some kind of strange tides of luck or rather misfortune, the Demon Blade was caught on a small vessel heading back to her Captain only to be ambushed and solicited by the Rock Pirates with the persuasion of being able to live to see another sunrise. The Demon Blade from many witnesses threw up her middle finger and said “Fuck You” to the Captain himself and from there on, he set his crew upon her. They were no match for her skill until Big Mom and Kaido of the Beasts both went after her. This proved difficult because the battle was now going into its third day with neither side stopping or slowing down. This also lured and beckoned the dark water from the depth and made this fight even more interesting, the moment either of them fell into the depth of the sea, they would be done for. Rocks watched on, absolutely impressed by the sight. He knew Flora was tough and wild but nothing like this. She was holding her own not against one but three threats, Linlin, Kaido, and dark water all at the same time. It was an ambush but he needed to be sure that Blume’s strongest would be good for his crew. Flora was only arm with her blades and she was fighting for her life to keep from drowning, using her small boat as her only platform and recovery point as she jumped from ship to ship trying to get them to sink their own and used the remains of a shipwreck to fight.

“Looks like you’re running out of steam, Flora,” said Rock, “If you stop this now, then I’ll let you rest. Or you can just die, either way, you’re going to join me,”

“You think I’m going to join any of you, I gave your intelligence more credit than it was worth!”

“AHHHH! ONEE-SAMA! I don’t want you to die!” said Linlin, “Just join us!”

“The feeling isn’t mutual and I’m not joining, ANYONE!”

“Come on Flora, you’re on your last legs as it is,” Kaido said laughing. Flora was panting and breathing heavily. They were at it for days by this point. She can't remember how long, she doesn’t even know what's up and what’s down. It was almost robotic what she was doing. She was seriously hit several times but she couldn’t stop. The adrenaline was up to the point that she was running on sheer will power and strength.

“So are you. I know how many landed on you,”

“You’re crazy if you thought those little hits could have done some damage,” he cackled

“Onee-sama, come, we can finally fight together, be a family together!” said Linlin

“Fuck off. I’m not joining anyone!” She took a deep breath and she decided to finish this all in one very desperate attack. She needed to end this and she knew just how to but the risk was if she missed and if it did nothing, she wouldn’t have enough strength to defend herself further. It happened so fast and quick that Linlin and Kaido didn’t have time to react or even feel it. She landed back on her vessel. She winced. She was very tender and she just disturbed every injury she had and she fell to one knee. Kaido laughed and raised his club. All he needed was to get her one more time. Kaido’s neck, chest, and stomach started to spew blood. He buckled as he felt the wounds finally open from where he was hit. He coughed and spurted blood and went to change into his second form, only for the same thing to happen, making things worse. Linlin looked at the sight with shock before she cackled. However she succumbed to the same fate as she felt her voice silencing. She was coughing then choking on her own blood. It soon became clear. Flora was taking hits, serious hits, hits that could have easily killed a normal human. But Flora the whole time was methodically piercing and slicing them to ensure they weren’t going to recover easily. An ice cold look appeared on her face and she took no time in laying waste upon the pair. Linlin couldn’t breathe, as she was pelted and belted in her diaphragm, Flora took pleasure in wiggling her blades in Kaido’s cuts, making her scream in agony, the waters and ships were stained and flowing with blood, a literal blood bath. Rocks soon stepped in. She braced herself to fight again but she knew she would either die or be captured. Suddenly something came from the depth of the sea and wrapped around Rocks. Flora hopped back away from the man seeing that he was not completely covered in seaweed. She turned and recognized the sails and the Jolly Roger immediately. She smiled weakly.

“Heh, good to see you again, Blume,” he shouted out

“I really wish I could say the same about you, Rocks,” said another voice, “Leave now or I’m going to take you out myself and trust me, you don’t want that,” Rocks weighed his options. With Linlin and Kaido down, taking on the Flower Pirates would be more of a problem than he wanted. He got the two failures back on his ship and left. Flora dropped to her knees. She was exhausted. She was panting and she could feel every single hit she took. Everything hurts. She was about to make her way towards the ship when something grabbed her leg and pulled. Before she could react, she was pulled under water. No one noticed, no saw, she didn’t have time to scream. She was too weak to find back. The dark water pulled her down and started to entangle her in its grip. She couldn’t hold her breath forever. She whimpered. She felt…oddly weightless. No one really can explain being in the sea. Once completely submerged, everything was silent, there was no sound. The sea was quiet and the further you went the darker it became and the quieter it became. She felt as though she was just about to fall asleep. She felt as though she needed to be asleep. She was tired. She hadn’t slept for days. She needed to fall asleep…

FlorrieThat voice…she knew that voice. It’s been a very long time since she’s heard that voice.

“Mmmm? Mom? Is that you?”

Mhm…Florrie, it’s okay to be okay. Just…relax, don’t fight. You’ve fought your hardest. It’s time for you to sleep now.

“I’m dying aren’t I?”

“’m not…ready…I-I can’t…I’m not…”

Shhhhh…I’m here, you’ll be with me soon. Don’t fight it…just…go to sleep Flora nodded and stopped struggling. She did her part…she did everything she could to survive…she did it all.Florrie! Keep listening to my voice. Keep yourself conscious. Listen to me…stay with me. Florrie, don't slip away! He’s coming! Keep awake! Just a little while longer! STAY AWAKE!


“FLORRIE!” Without a second thought, Edward dove in after her. Immediately he felt his body seize up and go stiff. Damn it. He was sinking himself. When he saw her hair disappearing under the water and placed two and two together. He couldn’t see her. The water was murky and rough. But he knew he had to go down there. He used all of his might to move his limbs. He had to get to her. He didn’t care if he died afterwards; he had to get to her. He then saw something. He saw the dark water creeping up and wrapping its coils around Flora’s leg and pulling her down. He forced his body to move. He had to move. He had to make himself move. He could feel his body strain and he pumped his arms and swam to her, swimming with everything in him. He finally reached and grabbed her wrist. He pulled with everything he had to get Flora’s grip from the thick dark water. Flora’s eyes were closed and she was slipping away. He reached into Flora’s vest, grabbed a knife and sliced the dark water until it retracted. Her body floated to the surface. He knew he was out of breath. He was sinking again. He didn’t care. Someone had to see Flora. If someone saw her, he didn’t care if he lived or died. But soon it became apparent that he was being boosted up as well. He shot to the top, grabbing Flora and pulled her along with him. He then pulled her up to the surface. He managed to get her on a plank and pushed it towards Blume’s ship. He was about to slip back under, when something grabbed him and pulled him along. He was immediately hoisted up along with the plank. Many of the Flower Pirates had their weapons drawn, ready to take him out the moment he was on deck.

“She’s gone, no thanks to you!” said Plumeria

“Get away from here, traitor!” said Aster. He glared and shoved passed them and scrambled to Flora.

“I’m not giving up on her! And she’s not giving up! Not now!” he ripped her blouse open and started to press her chest hard and breathing into her mouth. The sheer force of his compressions and his breaths were working because after awhile he heard a familiar moan and then gasps. Flora sucked in her breath and coughed out the excess water in her lungs. She gasped and panted.

“Flora!” Poppy and Nobara quickly ran to her. Nobara placed her hands on her chest. A warm feeling came over her. She coughed up more water in her lungs. She started to vomit seawater and bile.

“Let the heat dry you up,” Flora was immediately rushed below deck to get treated Edward immediately slipped away and got back to Rocks ship. Blume watched from her quarters.

“Did he make it?” said Atlas from his den den mushi

“Mhm, he just ran back to Rocks. Your cabin boy is an idiot,”

“I know. How the hell did he manage to get her?!”

“No idea, I’m trying to figure that one out. By all accounts they both should have been dead. Thank God we saw them when we did,”

“Especially since he jumped in without hesitation . Idiot forgot he’s cursed. Yet he survived, by sheer force and determination…or maybe his love for Flora was more than enough for him fight against the odds in order to save her,”

“…is that plausible?”

“Well, mothers get superhuman strength when their children are in danger. Or that time you awakened your fruit when you thought I was murdered? I think the same rules apply here. Edward went beyond every limit he had to save his Florrie,” Blume sighed

“That’s why I’m so pissed at him for joining Rocks. He was the one who alerted me to the ambush. He’s still loyal to his old allies but he made a deal with the devil himself. I’m going to hide out in Bouquet for awhile, just until Flora gets better again,”

“See you there,” Atlas hung up. Blume went down to the Infirmary. Flora was still recovering. She looked at the doctor who grinned at her.

“She’s stable, Captain,”

“Can I see her?”

“Yes! Please!” Blume went inside. Flora was in bed snug as a bug attached to IVs and bandaged up. She was conscious and looking out the port window.

“Florrie?” she glanced over. Blume closed the door behind her, “How are you—,” she noticed Flora was shaking. She gently touched and then rubbed her back, “Shhhh….it’s okay, sweetheart,”

“I was terrified, Blume. I shouldn’t be alive, Blume. I don’t know HOW I managed to live but I should be alive! How am I alive?! WHY am I alive?”

“Because you’re supposed to be here and you wanted to live,” she said, hugging her close, “You have a strong will to live and you lived! You have all rights to be scared because that was a frightening situation! I’m so glad you’re okay!”

“Edward saved me didn’t he?”

“Mhm, don’t know how but…he managed to get you back to the surface and to the ship and then he went back,”

“That bastard! WHY IS HE SO FUCKING STUBBORN?! I DON’T CARE THAT HE’S APART OF ANOTHER CREW BUT ROCKS?! WHAT’S WRONG WITH HIM?! HOW COULD HE DO THIS TO US?! HOW COULD HE DO THIS TO ME?!” Tears ran down her face. Ever since Edward left, there was a shift in the air. No one wanted to address it head on but the Flower and Eclipse Pirates talked about it and agreed to NEVER bring it up but Edward became public enemy number one in many circles, especially with the chaos he’s helped cause. There was even an incident where Flora came back looking quite upset and no one knew why, only that she was holed up in her room for hours. Blume said nothing but held her close. Edward still loved Flora that was evident but even she didn’t know what was behind his motives for joining Rocks but she knows time will reveal all, “Thank you Blume,”

“You know I’m always here, my little Florrie,”

“No…I mean everything. I…I heard my mom when I was drowning. I knew I was going to die…and this is the second time she’s saved me by making me stay conscious until I got out of the water…and you’re always here when I need you so…yeah,”

“Florrie, what’s been going on with you when it comes to Edward?”

“He tried to recruit me to join and I said no. I didn’t want to. I’m not going to betray my mom and her crew, my crew for nothing. It’s not even about power to me. There’s a morality there and he still won’t tell me why and it’s pissing me off! I don’t want to have to fight Edward. I don’t think I can ever kill him like I would with Linlin and Kaido and I know that’s my ultimate weakness and…I’m scared that it’ll eventually come to that,” Blume was quiet, “...this is the part where you say ‘It won’t ever come to that, Florrie’,”

“Life on the seas and the age of pirates and Marines is unpredictable. Sometimes good doesn’t always win and life isn’t fair. I can’t tell you that it’ll never come but…the only thing I can do is tell you that Edward is Edward and you know him better than most. Even now, the only people who can tell what he’s thinking are you, me, and Atlas. Just…trust your instincts. That’s all I can tell you. And get some rest,” she nodded as Blume wiped her face with a warm cloth. She stayed with her until she fell asleep.

Chapter 123: Valentine's Day Shorts


Three Valentine's Day Shorts ^^

The Confession Inspiration:

Chapter Text

First Encounters

A boy and his family had many summer and winter homes all over the seas. His father traveled for work, kind of along with his mother. His father was a doctor and his mother was a royalty and he liked going to new and exciting places to be a socialite. They were happy and loved to show off and spend their wealth, to the point they often forgot, or didn’t care they had a son. The boy was often left alone in a big mansion without anyone but servants. Many doted on him, some just treated him like he was just another expensive fixture. He knew they were going to settle in this place, and he decided he was going to try and make friends in this area. Which was hard. He was awkward. He didn’t know how to talk to people his age. He was actually scared at times to even say anything because if he uttered the wrong things, his mother would give him a look of disdain or just ignore him. His father would drop medical books in front of him and just leave. He knew everything about the human body, how to identify broken bones and the like but he couldn’t talk to anyone. He often just took a book to his room and read but he was high into adventure and fantasy books about travel and other islands and he was hooked. It was why on that particular day, he was outside in the town square reading a book. He traveled a bit to read and was lost in his book when a group of boys approached him. He tried to awkwardly explain he was just reading and didn’t want trouble but it ended with him on the ground being beaten up. He was kicked, punched, laughed at while he was flailed.

“HEY! LEAVE HIM ALONE!” the boy looked up. A little girl about his age was standing in front of the boys and him. She was wearing black legwarmers that were scrunched from her knees to her ankles, she was wearing a cotton pink slip on dress, and she was wearing a pair of flat shoes. She however was a visage of beauty. She was beautiful flawless black curls that fell lazily on her shoulders, deep red eyes, and flawless skin. She was looking at the boys murderously.

“Oh, and what are you going to do about it?” the kid raised her eyebrow as the first boy grabbed her dress. In one swift motion, she picked him up and slammed over her shoulders. The other boys stared before regaining themselves and running at her. The boy watched as the girl laid waste to his tormentors. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her sheer might and fury as the boys were taken out in graceful perfection. He’s never seen a girl use ballet to fight one person let alone five. Soon the boys knew they were outmatched and booked it. She then turned to him. He froze as she extended her hand out to him.

“Are you okay?” she said with a smile. He felt something pound in his chest and nodded. He then took her hand as she lifted him up. She noticed the book that he was reading, “Bunny Princess?! You too?! My best friend got me into it! It’s so cute! And you’re pretty far along! You’re getting to the good part too. Be careful, alright?” with that she just ran off. He stared back at her. And just like that…she was gone. He felt his cheeks burn as he watched her go. She was like a dark demonic angel….that was graceful like the wind. He soon snapped out of it and ran after her. He had to at least say thank you! Or…maybe get her name! He followed her as she trotted through the Town Center. She weaved through many shortcuts and places until she came to an old looking building that looked like a border parlor house and walked in. He looked at the sign. It was a Ballet Academy. He looked around to see if there was a place he could sneak around. He did eventually see an area where he could see but from the look of the mirrors, They couldn’t see him. He watched and saw her soon emerging in a black leotard and her hair in a messy cute bun. She joined another boy. The boy was cute with dark indigo-grey, white-tipped hair with long bangs that covered his right eye, and violet eyes with a pink gradient. The boy was exotic looking and he and Mystery Girl were walking like old friends. The boy crouched. Were they friends? Were they more? He could hear their conversation as they went to the bar to stretch.

“Almost thought you weren’t coming,” said the boy grinning at her.

“Oh please, you know I can’t leave you and Beel to your own devices,” she said with a cheeky smile.

“Or you finally let your prima ballerina status finally get to your head as it should,”

“Pfft, it’s just a title,”

“Don’t be so modest. You’re going to make everyone hate you even more than they do,”

“Oh, in that case, worship the very ground I walk on, peasant,” they both laughed. The boy blushed. She had a very pretty laugh and a bright smile. She was so cute.

“Ready today?”

“Mhm, I mean I think I have it in the bag,” she said

“Well, you have been taking a lot of extra practice for Odette and Odile,”

“True but anything can happen,”

“You’re a natural and everyone knows it,” he said, “And besides, I like practicing with you, you actually follow directions,”

“I try,” she said, “Not to mention, you can carry my weight,”

“You’re as light as a feather to me and Beel,”

“Where is he by the way?”

“Guess,” another boy emerged. He was an orange haired boy with the same gradient eyes. He was happily munching on a bun. He was in a leotard and joined the other two. They were all friends and the two boys in question were twins…who knew. After their practice, they all lingered back.

“You’re perkier than usual,” said Beel, “And heavier. You’re eating well,”

“I am. My…mom and family has been making more delicious food everyday. I didn’t know snake curry was a thing but it’s delicious,”

“...I want some,” said Beel

“I’ll bring you some. If you can tell me where you got that cake,”

“That’s a bakery near home,” said the Gradient Boy, “Tell us what you want and we’ll get it,”

“Deal,” Everyday, he would watch her head to practice. He tried every day to work up the nerve to say something to her but every time he came near, he would lose his voice. He always just managed to give her a wave and a weak smile. She always returned it and went on her way. He felt defeated but it didn’t stop him from admiring her from a distance. He wasn’t just super pretty, she was elegant and sweet. He thought the two other boys she talked to were love interests but one was her dance partner and the other was an understudy. Her favorite food had to be fried chicken because the orange haired boy always brought her some along with cake, until he followed her after practice where she met with another girl and happily presented her with cake, who immediately hugged her tightly. From there, he found out that she was into Pretty Soldier and the Bunny Princess and wore a kanzashi with her favorite colors like the girl’s signifying their closeness. She was brilliantly smart because she often met with another boy with golden eyes and they often discussed physics and how a plan wouldn’t work from other names he didn’t know, like Kid and Ace and Luffy. Even her name was beautiful, Katherina. It was just so…perfect. Though he did like Kitty more. It made her sound cuter. He was determined even more than ever to talk to her. Valentine’s Day was coming and he was going to get her something nice. He went to his garden and found a gardenia. He loved how they smelt and he cut one for her.He then spent the day drawing her favorite character and the Bunny Princess together with the flower and a Valentine’s Day message. The next day, he waited and like clockwork, she came. He ran up to her and uttered a “Hey!” she stopped and looked at him. The boy shook nervously and handed Katherina the flower and the paper. She looked a little puzzled before taking it. She gently opened the paper and saw a very cute drawing of the Fox Princess and Bunny Princess.

“Did you draw this?!” he nodded, “It’s so cute! Thank you!” he grinned. His voice was still gone but…he was determined to say something.

“T-THANKYOUFORSAVINGMETHEOTHERDAY! HAPPYVALENTINE’SDAY! IHOPEWECANBEFRIENDS!” he then ran for it blushing the whole time. Katherina watched on before giggling. She smelled the flower before taking out her book, pressed the gardenia inside and put the paper in between the book. He was kind of cute. The boy ran and didn’t stop until he got home. He was panting and felt as though his whole body was on fire. He then opened the door and a few servants whisked him away to get dressed for “inside” for no particular reason. After that, he was given something to eat. He usually had meals alone…sans a few servants, especially his nanny, Terry, who was always there to make sure he was okay, there to talk, and of course raise him. She was the only parental figure he’s ever had.

“How was the friendship hunt, my young master?”

“Not good,” he said, “Buuuuut I met that girl again,”

“Oh! Did you give her your gift?!”


“What did she think?”

“I don’t know! I got really scared and terrified and I just RAN,” Terry laughed!

“You ran?!”

“I was scared!”

“You should have asked her to go out for tea or something!”

“I panicked! She’s so pretty!” the woman laughed.

“Sweetheart, you can’t just run away like it! She’s going to think you’re weird!” he looked defeated, “But if she’s really as sweet as you say she is, she probably knows you're a little socially awkward. Try again tomorrow and practice just talking to her,”

“Thanks Terry,” The boy made it to his room. He felt defeated but once again, he was determined to talk to Katherina properly. His mind started to wander. He did want to be friends with her. He really liked her and wanted to get to know her better because she was so nice and maybe share books with her. He was very scared but maybe tomorrow will be better. The next morning, he headed to his spot and saw Katherina standing where he gave her her present. She looked as though she was waiting. He swallowed something in his throat. Was she waiting for him? He slowly came out of hiding. She turned and smiled at him warmly. She had something wrapped up and gave it to him. He slowly opened it and saw a manga of the Bunny Princess. He didn’t KNOW there was a manga. He grinned at her.

“Thank you for the drawing and sure I don’t mind being friends,”


“And umm…it does get a little lonely walking to practice everyday. I don’t mind an escort every now and then,” he felt as though he could conquer the world at the implication.

“Of course! I would LOVE TO!” she then pecked his cheek.

“That was for the gardenia. See you tomorrow!” she walked away. The boy was frozen in place. His legs buckled and he collapsed onto the grass, his heart was fluttered and his cheeks red. He’s never been kissed by an angel before!


Dad Bod

Roci let himself go within the last few months, not by choice however. He was eating more and taking a well-deserved break from his espionage so he finally relaxed, did train, and spent time with his family and friends. This started to add on a few things.

However, he found a few unexpected changes when it came to Lesser. She’s been flustered and blushy more than usual when it comes to him. He thought for sure she wouldn’t find him attractive. But on the contrary, she was…friskier than usual. He found his tummy being poked, him being randomly kissed, his butt groped, his neck nibbled, and she just couldn’t keep her hands off him. He wasn’t going to lie; he LOVED the attention. But at night was when things got…interesting. Their sex life was healthy and hot and heavy but almost every night, she pounced. At first it was three nights, then four, then six, and soon every night he was panting, sweaty and Lesser was cuddling him cutely before getting her second wind and pouncing again. He was exhausted, happy but exhausted. Soon, he became much for him because he couldn’t sleep at night because of it. He often limped out of bed downstairs, to Lesser happily humming and making breakfast for them. The kids however, glared daggers at him.

“HOW can you two last that long?!” said Penguin

“I thought dad didn't have stamina after the weight gain,” said Shachi, “But apparently he does because of the hardcore fucking!”

“HEY!” said Roci blushing

“Seriously!” said Law, “This can’t continue at this rate! You don’t have the stamina,”

“He really doesn’t,” said Lesser happily setting the food in front of her family, “Especially since I do all of the work but that’s okay. I love hearing my little mousey squeaks,” she pecked his cheek and happily trotted out of the house for the villa.

“You guys have to help me! She won't let me sleep at night!”

“Tough! Maybe there’s a secret FRUIT you can use to quiet yourselves!” said Katherina blushing

“USE YOUR FRUIT!” said the kids in unison at Roci who quickly ate his breakfast and ran/ waddled out the house. Everyday almost, Roci has found himself sleeping at Smoker’s place more often, since Vikka had rammed up their nightly activities to every night. He needed sweet, sweet beautiful sleep. He used to sleep at the villa where the Maids hid him from his horny wife but Doffy always found him and ratted out his location and he and Vikka took turns in chasing him. If Doffy caught him, he got spanked, if Lesser got him, he got a happy ending…he really slowed down and accepted his fate with her.

“You can’t stay in here forever,” said Smoker

“Please don’t make me leave! I need the sleep!”

“But at my place?!”

“Because she doesn’t know I’m here!”

“Man up and talk to your wife!”

“I can’t! I don’t want her to think I don’t want her advances…but it’s too much!”

“…how so?” Roci blushed badly

“Two hours, she's been spanking and nibbling harder, she drew blood the other night! She also likes to use my tummy as a handle when she’s on top! Once we tried from behind and she was pounding and went faster and faster because my ass was bouncing! Then when I think it’s over, she’s ready again! I’m only allowed half an hour of rest! I’m so tired! Usually we switch but she’s been on top more because I can’t but she’s been riding my ass every night! I can’t take it!”



“Oh bitch bitch bitch!” said Bellemere coming in with Hina, “You have a hot wife that’s fucking your brains out everyday and you’re STILL not happy?!”

“Especially since you gained weight,” said Hina, “Wait did she fatten you up?”

“NO! Well…she happily makes me breakfast every morning now that I’m home more,”

“What happened?”

“Well, since I haven’t been undercover for awhile, I decided to take my leave for a few months and between the holidays, sleeping more, and not being at the Barracks, I think I just let myself go. Not to mention, Cook’s been bringing us a lot of good food lately. Not to mention I’ve been taking the kids out more. Kitty especially wanted to try out ice cream places because that’s her favorite,”

“So…do you want to lose weight?” said Bellemere

“Well, I guess I do. I mean yeah, I really do. Don’t get me wrong, I am happy but I did noticed a lot. I can’t keep up with Kitty anymore. I love our Daddy Daughter Days and she loves them too but I do get winded easily now. We used to be able to hike but I get tired. Same with Law and me. I eat normally but I think since I don’t have much to go, I just…lay down. But at the same time, I think Lesser’s bullying me. It’s bad enough Doffy does it now, but Lesser? It hurts,”

“Bully you?” said Hina

“She calls me her wittle chubby birdy and grabs my folds and squishes me! Then she makes me jiggle and pounces on me and jiggles me more!”

“...that’s kind of wholesome,” said Bellemere

“At any rate you should tell her how you feel,” said Smoker, “And sex every night, along with running after you like prey is not good for your heart,”

“Seriously!” said Hina, “Hina’s worried about you!”

“And you need to get back into Marine weight,”

“I know, I know but I don’t know where to start!”

“Your wife is a mercenary and you live with a budding doctor and a seasoned ballerina. I think you can manage!” said Bellemere, “You just need to take the plunge,”

“And…TALK TO YOUR WIFE!” bellowed Smoker

“Okay, okay!”

Lesser meanwhile was visiting Franky’s shop more and more to get more things for her and Roci at night. She’s been a lot more fit and agile, basically walking and fighting with a bounce in her step. Her stress was gone significantly to the point that Beckman and Marco noticed she was in a good mood. She was practically swooning when she sat with them, Theo, Miles, and now Berg.

“So…what’s been eating you lately?” said Miles, “Seriously, never seen such a smile on that cute face,”

“...oh, Roci’s put on a little weight,” she said sheepishly

“And you’re okay with that?”

“Mhm~” she said looking lovelorn, “He’s so cute and fluffy like a little round hamster! And he squeaks when I pounce! It’s so cute! I just can’t resist!”

“So he let himself go?”

“Kind of but…it’s not in a bad way. I mean I love my fit husband but he’s just been so…irresistible lately,” she took out a picture and showed it to them. The men crouched in. Roci was still himself in the face he did get something of a dad bod within the last few months. The picture in particular was of Roci on the couch, in sweatpants and a shirt too small for him exposing his tummy. Lesser was blushing looking at the picture, “Isn’t he just cute?!”

“Wow, he got the man boobs,” said Berg

“He looks like a marshmallow,” said Theo, “But he looks so soft,”

“And floofy,” said Lesser melting. Berg looked at the picture and finally placed two and two together.

“....oh my god…REALLY?!” said Beckman. Marco and Theo looked a little confused as Lesser looked away and sipped her drink, “She loves cute fluffy things and now she has a physically cute and chubby hubby,”

“....that poor man,” said Marco, “So that’s why you’ve been in better shape! What did you do to him?!”

“...well I’ve been chasing him around the yard and woods because he’s so cute when he runs! It’s like chasing a cute chubby helpless bunny! And he whines when he’s caught and it’s so adorable! Not to mention snuggling on him is warm and comfy! How can I NOT resist THAT?!”

“Never pegged you for a chubby chaser, Vikki,” said Berg chuckling, “But then again it’s Roci soooooo,”

“He’s the luckiest man on the Grandline,” said Theo laughing, “A young hot wife that can’t keep her hands off him after he put on the pounds,”

“It’s like a cat toying with a really cute chubby mouse,” said Miles, “Be careful, I don’t think his heart can take all of that over exertion,”

“He’s a Marine, he can handle it,” said Beckman laughing

“But at any rate, maybe you should tone it down,” said Marco, “You can over exert him if you’re chasing him and then fucking him,”

“...can you die from it?” said Lesser looking concerned.

“Depends, how often are you doing this to him?” she blushed and looked away muttering something, “ much?”

“Every day,”

“ many hours?”

“Counting the chasing? Three,”



“Jesus woman!” said Becklman laughing

“At any case. You’re going to have to tone it down,” said Marco sighing, “Or he may have a massive heart attack,”

“And talk to him about it to make sure he’s okay with it,” said Theo

“Yeah, have you been bullying him?”

“....define bully,”

“....teasing him relentlessly,”

“Come here my little mousey!”

“ACK! Vikka! Quit it! Squeak!”

“Awwww looks like I caught my little mousey!”


“My wittle chubby birdy!”

“Vikka! C-Come on! I’m exhausted! We did it last night! Thrice! THRICE!”

“I know but I can help it, you’re such a little meal!”

“Okay maybe just a little,”

“...Woman you really do have it bad for him! And poor Roci!” said Miles

“There’s men who would kill for that type of treatment, just saying,” said Berg

“But be nice to him. I don’t think it’s normal for a man to squeak like that,” said Theo chuckling

“Okay, okay, I’ll talk to him tonight,”

Roci made his journey back home. His head was on a swivel as he walked. He still had his traditional flower for his wife but he also knew he would be pounced on at any moment. He loved his wife but he KNEW Vikka would pounce on him any moment. He can time it but sometimes he can’t. Suddenly, he heard movement. He froze and then started waddling to the door, only for him to be pounced from the right and rolled. Lesser was sitting on his chest.

“ACK! Vikka we need to talk! Please!” she rolled off him and picked him up. He blushed badly, “Not tonight! Please! We can cuddle! Please! I’m so tired and sore!”

“I know,” she said, putting him on the couch and sitting on the other side of him facing him. She had snacks ready for him and a beer for him, tea for her. He opened and chugged the beer and sighs.

“Vikka, I love you. You have no idea how much I do, and I love that you still move me after I’ve let myself go and the sex has been AMAZING but I can’t sleep! I’m so sore and tired! And I sometimes feel that you're picking me because I’m so big now and it doesn’t feel nice at all sometimes,” Lesser looked shocked

“Roci didn’t know you felt that way! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to bully you so much! I didn’t think it was too much! I’m so sorry! I mean…the fact of the matter is…you’re so sexy like this! Like you have no idea!”

“…you like me like this?!”

“I love you in all forms,” she said snuggling him, “But you’re so irresistible and squishy!” he blushed and then it clicked! Vikka LOVED cute and soft things. He was now cute and soft. He blushed badly!

“It’s because I’m squishy?!”

“…that’s part of it but you’re home more…so I’m making up for lost time,” he blushed even worse, “But we can go back to three nights a week,”

“Thank you! And lost time?”

“Well…the undercover missions, I respected your efforts because you’re capable and a seasoned Commodore…but I did miss you a lot. Especially not knowing if you would come back without me seeing to it. So having you around more made me so happy…and you getting squishy was just icing on the cake,”

“VIKKA!” he pounced on her and snuggled her chest, “I DIDN’T KNOW! I’M SO SORRY! I DIDN’T MEAN TO WORRY YOU! I LOVE SPENDING TIME WITH YOU TOO!”

“OFF! YOU’RE GOING TO MAKE ME RIDE YOU FOR A WEEK!” he rolled off. She was blushing badly, “Okay, no more chasing and if you want me to get you back to your normal body. You know I’ll help you regardless. I didn’t know you were so insecure about it,”

“I know…and I think I’m ready to get back into shape again. These last few months have been great but I realized that I can’t outrun someone if anything happens. Not to mention the fat puns from Doffy,”

“Okay, I’ll help you mi amore,” he blushed and hugged her tightly, “But that means you're going to be put through some tough training,”

“I’m prepared for it,”

“So since we can start tomorrow, how about one good long junk food binge?”


“Mhm, I bought mochi, ice cream, gelato, Cook made cookies, there’s chips too,”

“You’re an angel!”

Three months later, Roci was back to his normal weight, abs and all and started eating in moderation again. He went back to the Barracks to help Smoker train the cadets for something to do. But also he’s been going on hikes with his kids. He’s even had his Daddy Daughter dates with Katherina again but this time, they walk up and come back home via train or military car. Although Lesser promised to not bully him, it didn’t stop her from giving him a good workout three times a week and giving him a good chase four times a week. Eventually he was able to outrun her again. And he was more agile and fit than ever before. He was able to keep up with the cadets again and he wasn’t stuck with paperwork anymore.

“ Lesser finally let up?” said Smoker watching the cadets run, “You look better by the way,”

“Actually…no, she’s the reason why I’m back to normal,” he said sheepishly


“Well, we talked and she said okay to out three nights a week regiment but she wanted it longer and faster, Cook took pity and got me back on a high protein diet, Lesser continued to stalk me so she could chase me around the yard because she said it was cute watching me run, and Doffy started chasing me too! Or telling Lesser where I was. It was a workout. Now I can kind of outrun her and she pouted that it wasn’t as fun anymore. But thanks to you forcing me to talk to her about how I felt, I think she finally realized that my weight wasn’t as fun for me as it was for her,”

“Told you. That woman loves you and you love her too, you shouldn’t be afraid to talk to her. Hell this proves she’s not gonna leave you when you’re old and grey either,” Roci grinned.

“Yeah I know. I mean, I’m kind of looking forward to spending the rest of our lives together,” he said, smiling.

“Be careful, I’m sure she’ll break your hip when you’re older,”

“I look forward to it, or die the warrior’s death, smothered under that beautiful ass,”

“You’re a weird man,”


The Confession

Gordon was ready, nervous but ready! He had flowers, her favorite flowers. He had cake. He went to a good bakery for cake, and he had a nice plan for the two of them. An amusement park together, just the two of them. He was scared. He really liked ___________________ a lot. He always had a crush on her. She was warm, bubbly and inviting. Hell since she appeared in town, he always just wanted to go outside. Before, he didn’t want to. He felt as though his life had meaning and even if she wasn’t around, he had friends now but it’s like he really just wanted one on one time with her. He liked _________________ a lot. Since they’ve became friends, his life has been interesting. No more lonely friendless days, no more awkward encounters, no more hanging out with just stuffy nobles. He was so happy to finally have a friend group that liked him. It was refreshing. He thought his feelings would stop but they only got worst the more he was around this girl. But he also knew there was a risk. What if she said no? What if she laughed at him? What if it was so awkward, he would lose all of his friends and it was back to loneliness? He swallowed a lump in his throat but asked her to meet him. He was scared. He asked her to meet him on the cusp of High Town. There was a pretty park there and soon she was there. He was shaking even worse now.

“Gordon, HI!” she happily approached him. He froze as she beamed at him, “What’s up?” It was now or never!”



“Ummmm…would you like some cake?!”

“You brought me cake?”

“MHM! W-Wanna eat it together?”

“SURE!” He loved watching her eat cake. The genuine look of happiness on her face made her look cuter and he loved it. They made small talk, mainly about the Bunny Princess and how they started their friendship, Dark Angel, a manga series that came out but not many have read and they started talking about it after he commented on it. They started talking about anime and manga and then she asked if he wanted to play outside games and the rest was history. Since then, he’s met princesses, a girl who fought a Kelpie, a boy who stretches, a boy who can control metal, kids who lived in Gray Terminal, pirates, it was amazing! He then fumbled with his letter and swallowed a lump.

“___________________…I didn’t just come to invite you for cake. There’s…something I wanted to ask,”

“Hmmmm?” He took out his letter and presented to her.

“ILIKEYOUPLEASEACCEPTMYLETTER!” he felt like he was going to faint. She gently takes the letter and opens it. She read it and smiled at him.

“Gordon, this is really nice of you but…I’m not interested in dating anyone right now,” he looked crushed. He then felt a pair of warm hands on his own, “But I wouldn’t mind just hanging out together, just the two of us if you like,”


“Mhm! We never do!” he blushed badly and nodded

“It’s a date! I mean, I have two tickets to the amusement park in there! We can still go if you like!”

“Sounds like—”

“YOU BASTARD!” Ace jumped out of the shrubbery and went after a poor, shocked Gordon along with Luffy, “YOU’RE NOT MARRYING _____________________!”



“ACE KNOCK IT OFF!” said Sabo. Luffy however, ran to ______________________ and hugged her tightly

“YOU’RE NOT TAKING _____________________ AWAY FROM US!”

“Of course he’s not!” she said, “ACE WERE YOU SPYING AGAIN?!”




“ACE LEAVE HIM ALONE!” ____________________ got between them, “STOP BEING MEAN!”

“YOU CAN’T MARRY _____________________! YOU’RE NOT TAKING MY SISSY AWAY!” Luffy was crying


“YOU made Luffy cry!” said Sabo, “By filling his head with thoughts of Gordon taking ______________________ away and marrying her with kids!”

“WHAT?!” Gordon looked at _____________________, “I don’t want to start a family yet!”

“I know that! It’s okay!”


“GORDON is OUR friend! And he asked me to meet him! There’s nothing STRANGE about it! In fact!” _________________ hoisted Gordon up over her shoulders, “We’re going out for cake! MY TREAT FOR HIM BEING NICE!” she stormed away with Gordon on her shoulders looking confused and as if he’s won a lifetime of manga. Ace tried to go after them but was dragged away by Sabo.

“HONESTLY BOY! EVERY YEAR!” Izo said as Jozu sat on Ace while _________________________ headed to the door ready for her amusement park day with Gordon. In fact, she wasn’t the only girl who had an outing today leaving some of the boys, mainly Ace alone. Penny had a horror movie marathon with Kid, Kaya was taking Ussop to the new art store, Sanji decided to make brunch for Vivi and Plum, and Law treated Katherina to ice cream. Ace was sulking trying to get from under Jozu.

“Alright, you have your backpack?” said Marco


“Den Den Mushi?”




“My hug?” she beamed and hugged him tightly, “Alright! Have fun today! Call when you’re ready to come home!”


“And tomorrow you’re also going on another date, right?”

“It’s not a date, Izo!” she said blushing, “Killer and I are just having ice cream like we do every year!”

“EVERY YEAR?!” said Ace

“Mhm! Because SOMEONE always flies off the handle when I go out with OTHER friends!” she said, “So Killer takes me out for ice cream every year!”


“Nope. Can’t risk you following ______________________ you little stalker,”


“No that’s just creepy,” said Thatch, “you can hang out with _______________________ in two days,”

“TCH! Who said I wanted to hang out with her AFTER that?!”

“Oh, in that case, I’ll ask Luffy if he wants to get ramen. I have Ramen Pass from Mr. Buggy,”


“Then you have to be nicer to me! See you later guys!” _________________________ happily left the house. Jozu waited a good twenty minutes before letting Ace go. The boy then ran up to his room to sulk. Izo sighed.

“I swear I’m going to become a ___________________ x Killer shipper if he keeps this up,”

“He’s still hotblooded, give him some time to even himself out,” said Marco

“Seriously, the boy has it bad but he’s going to get anywhere being this horrible to ______________________,”

“He’s so jealous,” said Rakugo, “But ____________________ is going to be beating them off with a stick if she keeps this up,”

“I think between Ace and Marco, boys are going to be too scared to come near her,” said Jozu, “Thankfully, Gordon still wants to be friends with her,”

Chapter 124: The Beginnings of a Knight


A Young Knight's History


This is a preview of something a LOT bigger. It's one of the longest fics I've made so far and that's why it's taking so long XD That and I've been kind of busier than usual, mainly because convention season and product making n,n Anywho, enjoy!

Chapter Text

A young woman looked at herself in the mirror. She was the most beautiful woman in her kingdom and of course next in line to the throne…or at least she should. She was flawlessly perfect, beautiful bouncy raven curls, beautiful silver eyes, and she had a beautiful figure, dripping with elegance. She could have anyone and anything she wanted. Was she spoiled? Perhaps but that doesn’t mean she couldn’t be vain. She was royalty after all. She lived in a large kingdom with her family and there was only one goal she had left: queen. It was her mother’s dying wish that the next child that produced an heir would be the successor and she would be DAMNED if she wasn’t. She had a sister, who found a beau and they were in “love”. She didn’t believe it was “love”. No one truly loved anyone. She was trying to get to the throne as fast as she was. Of course she wasn’t going to let that happen. She went out and found a handsome man and after she told him who she was and what her plan was, he was immediately onboard. He was easy on the eyes and she didn’t find him completely repulsive and he was most likely from lower breeding but as long as she got what she wanted, she didn’t care. They wedded and they fucked like rabbits and she was yet to be pregnant. After seeking a doctor she found out her problem and she was livid. She was barren, she couldn’t have children. She was not going to let this be the reason she loses everything. She knew of one way to get what she wanted naturally. She wasn’t going to adopt some urchin and she wasn’t going to have some surrogate, she needed this baby to come out of her by any means. So she decided to go off course. She found an old tome and recited the saying in a mirror on a moonless night and waited.

“You summoned me,” the young woman was startled. A woman appeared before her. She was a beautiful woman with wavy silver hair. She was chubby and older but the most respected being in the world. She looked as though she stepped down from heaven itself with a beauty mark on her lip and kind but stern eyes. Next to her was a shorter chubby boy with short, wavy hair that's a cool light-gray color. He had on thick rectangular glasses that took up most of his face. His hair parts on his right side and flips up at the ends. His eyes are the same color as his hair, but a bit darker and he small beauty mark rests below his lip on the left side of his face.

“Yes! I need your help, please!” the woman sat down and looked at her expectantly, “If you don’t mind, I’ve brought my grandson with me. He’s my apprentice and he’s going to help me with this exchange,” the woman sneered a bit.

“I guess, do you allow him to look like that?” the young boy looked a little upset at the comment, “I mean don’t you think he needs a diet? So unsightly,”

“....Azul, come along, I don’t think we need to make this deal,” the Deal Maker got up. The woman panicked.

“NO! PLEASE I’M SORRY I NEED HELP!” the Deal Maker looked unamused.

“What is it you want?”

“I need a baby!” said the woman

“You don’t need a child if you’re like this,”

“NO , NO You don’t understand! I need to have a baby with a man in order to get my portion of the kingdom and my birthright!”


“I need to be the first to have a baby! Please! I NEED to be the first heir to have a child in order to inherit this kingdom! I just found out I’m barren, I can't have kids and I can’t lose everything because of that!”

“So you want me to bring in a child whose only purpose is to increase your social status?” the woman scoffed.

“Of course not! I’ll love it and cherish it and take care of it!”

“They’re a child, you have an obligation to them no matter what. Do you have a husband,”

“I do, it’ll benefit us both,” the Deal Maker nodded.

“Anything else?”

“Can I customize it?”

“Stop calling them, it and it’s complicated, the baby won’t be biologically yours, just the father’s,”

“Don’t care but can I still customize it?”

“What do you want?”

“I want it to have my beautiful hair, I don’t care about the gender, don’t make them useless and just make it presentable and not fat,” the boy looked down but something made him light up and he tugged at his grandmother’s dress and whispered. The Deal Maker looked shocked then gave him a disapproving look but then nodded.

“Okay, here’s what’s going to happen, you will get your child. It will come from you but not yours. What they will look like will be determined but to the outside, you are the mother and your significant other is the father but I have a heavy price as an exchange,”

“What’s the price?”

“The price of a child to come out of you but not yours is your beauty,” the woman froze


“You will give me your beauty,”


“Why not? Those are my terms,”

“...Please tell me if there’s anything else?! I can give you half my kingdom! But why my beauty? Where will it go?!”

“Don’t worry about that but there are rules, the older your child, the uglier you become. Only heart will keep you beautiful,”

“Fine, fine!” the woman got her child and her place in her kingdom. On the surface, everyone thought Princess Lavinia loved her little girl who was such an adorable lively little thing, even the apple of the king’s eye. The little girl also gravitated to Lavinia’s sister and rubbing her tummy as she was pregnant. But only the servants knew the truth that Lavinia was a shitty mother who only saw her daughter as a tool, a toy really and never gave her any affection, only when the king wanted to see her and that was often. The king and queen and other princess showered the little girl with gifts, love, and affection and this made Lavinia livid. She hated the little girl and often locked her away stating she was sick…until eventually she became sick and the final straw was her vomiting all over her mother’s room. Lavinia had enough. She got what she wanted, she didn’t need a child. It was in the dead of night in a beautiful kingdom. The little girl’s belongings were packed up, a very large suitcase. The little girl was brought out of the castle by her mother. The little girl had just recovered from an illness and was looking forward to going outside again. She liked the outside in her kingdom. The servants were very nice for the most part but her mother was not. In fact, her mother had made her walk the whole distance to the ports. There waiting was a ship, a big beautiful ship with black and white sails. She’s never been on a ship before. There waiting was a man looking less than pleased. Next to him was a familiar person and the little girl lit up a bit. She was about to run to him but he gave her a quick head shake. She knew what that meant and stayed put. Her mother stopped in front of the man. They were two very beautiful people. Her mother had beautiful blond curls, cold eyes, and flawless skin. The man had had hair black as night, his eyes were obscured by the moonlight but he was handsome nonetheless. The little girl was shoved into him.

“Take it and here’s the beli as promised,”


“If her grandfather asks about her, I’ll bring her back for visits. Have her write letters or something,” he clicked his teeth.

“Jango, deal with it,” he nodded and ushered the little girl into the ship. He waited until they were alone before he picked her up and hugged her tightly.

“Kitty Cat!”

“Jango!” she loved her uncle Jango very much. He’s been around the kingdom and often played with her and kept her company when her mother wasn’t around, which was always. He took her to her room and set everything up, “Jango, who was that man?”

“Your father, Captain Kuro,”

“He’s a pirate?!”

“Mhm, a very dangerous pirate at that. You have to be very careful around him. Also…this will probably be the last time you see everyone in your kingdom,”


“Because, you’re going to be living with us from now on and your father’s side of the family. You didn’t do anything wrong, your mother…is just…not very nice. Neither is your father but you’ll be okay. If you need anything, come to me, okay?” she nodded. He hugged her tightly. Katherina curled up onto the bed and held her stuffed kitty, a gift from her grandfather and went back to sleep. She didn’t know what her life would be after this but if Jango was around, she knew it wouldn’t be so bad.

Chapter 125: A/N: Updates

Chapter Text

Hi everyone!

Sorry for the lack of updates but I've been SUPER busy and everything should die down in April and I can go back to writing for myself XD Long story short, two cons, work, and general house work and lack of sleep XD So yeah, update soonish! Stay tuned!

Chapter 126: The Knight's Tale


The Knight Tells Her Story

A/N: Far warning, this one is LONG and contains a lot of child abuse themes so...if you're sensitive about that sort of thing, please proceed with caution!

Chapter Text

A young woman looked at herself in the mirror. She was the most beautiful woman in her kingdom and of course next in line to the throne…or at least she should. She was flawlessly perfect, beautiful bouncy raven curls, beautiful silver eyes, and she had a beautiful figure, dripping with elegance. She could have anyone and anything she wanted. Was she spoiled? Perhaps but that doesn’t mean she couldn’t be vain. She was royalty after all. She lived in a large kingdom with her family and there was only one goal she had left: queen. It was her mother’s dying wish that the next child that produced an heir would be the successor and she would be DAMNED if she wasn’t. She had a sister, who found a beau and they were in “love”. She didn’t believe it was “love”. No one truly loved anyone. She was trying to get to the throne as fast as she was. Of course she wasn’t going to let that happen. She went out and found a handsome man and after she told him who she was and what her plan was, he was immediately onboard. He was easy on the eyes and she didn’t find him completely repulsive and he was most likely from lower breeding but as long as she got what she wanted, she didn’t care. They wedded and they fucked like rabbits and she was yet to be pregnant. After seeking a doctor she found out her problem and she was livid. She was barren, she couldn’t have children. She was not going to let this be the reason she loses everything. She knew of one way to get what she wanted naturally. She wasn’t going to adopt some urchin and she wasn’t going to have some surrogate, she needed this baby to come out of her by any means. So she decided to go off course. She found an old tome and recited the saying in a mirror on a moonless night and waited.

“You summoned me,” the young woman was startled. A woman appeared before her. She was a beautiful woman with wavy silver hair. She was chubby and older but the most respected being in the world. She looked as though she stepped down from heaven itself with a beauty mark on her lip and kind but stern eyes. Next to her was a shorter chubby boy with short, wavy hair that's a cool light-gray color. He had on thick rectangular glasses that took up most of his face. His hair parts on his right side and flips up at the ends. His eyes are the same color as his hair, but a bit darker and he small beauty mark rests below his lip on the left side of his face.

“Yes! I need your help, please!” the woman sat down and looked at her expectantly, “If you don’t mind, I’ve brought my grandson with me. He’s my apprentice and he’s going to help me with this exchange,” the woman sneered a bit.

“I guess, do you allow him to look like that?” the young boy looked a little upset at the comment, “I mean don’t you think he needs a diet? So unsightly,”

“....Azul, come along, I don’t think we need to make this deal,” the Deal Maker got up. The woman panicked.

“NO! PLEASE I’M SORRY I NEED HELP!” the Deal Maker looked unamused.

“What is it you want?”

“I need a baby!” said the woman

“You don’t need a child if you’re like this,”

“NO , NO You don’t understand! I need to have a baby with a man in order to get my portion of the kingdom and my birthright!”


“I need to be the first to have a baby! Please! I NEED to be the first heir to have a child in order to inherit this kingdom! I just found out I’m barren, I can't have kids and I can’t lose everything because of that!”

“So you want me to bring in a child whose only purpose is to increase your social status?” the woman scoffed.

“Of course not! I’ll love it and cherish it and take care of it!”

“They’re a child, you have an obligation to them no matter what. Do you have a husband,”

“I do, it’ll benefit us both,” the Deal Maker nodded.

“Anything else?”

“Can I customize it?”

“Stop calling them, it and it’s complicated, the baby won’t be biologically yours, just the father’s,”

“Don’t care but can I still customize it?”

“What do you want?”

“I want it to have my beautiful hair, I don’t care about the gender, don’t make them useless and just make it presentable and not fat,” the boy looked down but something made him light up and he tugged at his grandmother’s dress and whispered. The Deal Maker looked shocked then gave him a disapproving look but then nodded.

“Okay, here’s what’s going to happen, you will get your child. It will come from you but not yours. What they will look like will be determined but to the outside, you are the mother and your significant other is the father but I have a heavy price as an exchange,”

“What’s the price?”

“The price of a child to come out of you but not yours is your beauty,” the woman froze


“You will give me your beauty,”


“Why not? Those are my terms,”

“...Please tell me if there’s anything else?! I can give you half my kingdom! But why my beauty? Where will it go?!”

“Don’t worry about that but there are rules, the older your child, the uglier you become. Only heart will keep you beautiful,”

“Fine, fine!” the woman got her child and her place in her kingdom. On the surface, everyone thought Princess Lavinia loved her little girl who was such an adorable lively little thing, even the apple of the king’s eye. The little girl also gravitated to Lavinia’s sister and rubbing her tummy as she was pregnant. But only the servants knew the truth that Lavinia was a shitty mother who only saw her daughter as a tool, a toy really and never gave her any affection, only when the king wanted to see her and that was often. The king and queen and other princess showered the little girl with gifts, love, and affection and this made Lavinia livid. She hated the little girl and often locked her away stating she was sick…until eventually she became sick and the final straw was her vomiting all over her mother’s room. Lavinia had enough. She got what she wanted, she didn’t need a child. It was in the dead of night in a beautiful kingdom. The little girl’s belongings were packed up, a very large suitcase. The little girl was brought out of the castle by her mother. The little girl had just recovered from an illness and was looking forward to going outside again. She liked the outside in her kingdom. The servants were very nice for the most part but her mother was not. In fact, her mother had made her walk the whole distance to the ports. There waiting was a ship, a big beautiful ship with black and white sails. She’s never been on a ship before. There waiting was a man looking less than pleased. Next to him was a familiar person and the little girl lit up a bit. She was about to run to him but he gave her a quick head shake. She knew what that meant and stayed put. Her mother stopped in front of the man. They were two very beautiful people. Her mother had beautiful blond curls, cold eyes, and flawless skin. The man had had hair black as night, his eyes were obscured by the moonlight but he was handsome nonetheless. The little girl was shoved into him.

“Take it and here’s the beli as promised,”


“If her grandfather asks about her, I’ll bring her back for visits. Have her write letters or something,” he clicked his teeth.

“Jango, deal with it,” he nodded and ushered the little girl into the ship. He waited until they were alone before he picked her up and hugged her tightly.

“Kitty Cat!”

“Jango!” she loved her uncle Jango very much. He’s been around the kingdom and often played with her and kept her company when her mother wasn’t around, which was always. He took her to her room and set everything up, “Jango, who was that man?”

“Your father, Captain Kuro,”

“He’s a pirate?!”

“Mhm, a very dangerous pirate at that. You have to be very careful around him. Also…this will probably be the last time you see everyone in your kingdom,”


“Because, you’re going to be living with us from now on and your father’s side of the family. You didn’t do anything wrong, your mother…is just…not very nice. Neither is your father but you’ll be okay. If you need anything, come to me, okay?” she nodded. He hugged her tightly. Katherina curled up onto the bed and held her stuffed kitty, a gift from her grandfather and went back to sleep. She didn’t know what her life would be after this but if Jango was around, she knew it wouldn’t be so bad.

A rare treat happened that summer. Kaya AND Ussop made their way back to Dawn Island in Sunrise. Kaya’s father had a little vacation home and since Syrup Village was dull and the pair was bored, he thought a few weeks in Sunrise with Merry watching over them would do them some good. Immediately upon landing, the pair ran to the Capulet home to greet Penny and Plum who immediately were loaded into a car with Merry and they were taken to Goa where they filed out. They immediately left Goa and went into town. It was summer so they knew where to find everyone. As expected, everyone was in Windmill Village, more specifically having a picnic because it was such a gorgeous day. Katherina stood up. Everyone looked at her as though she was waiting for something…rather someone. She braced herself as well. Suddenly two kids came running up and made a beeline for the girl.

“KITTY!” the pair ran up and hugged her tightly. It was an evident rule and phenomenon that Ussop and Kaya were very good friends with Katherina, who already had the reputation of being kuudere or standoffish until recently.

“It's kind of cute!” said Clock, “A big mean girl who has friends who are completely opposite!”

“Especially since Katherina mainly hangs out with the Duchess,” said Pear

“Well Kitty is the third musketeer!” said Ussop, “And more importantly, the third member of the Ussop Trio,”

“Still didn’t agree to that name,” said Katherina

“But it works on so many levels!”

“No it doesn’t,” she said nooging him, “Seriously,”

“ACK! Help!”

“Nope, pretty sure you earned it,” said Ace

“Oh! Before I forget!” said Kaya happily taking out a bag and taking out little miniature dolls, pastries, and things like that.

“OOOH what are these?” said ______________________

“SOUVENIRS! Ussop and I just came back from our home’ festival! It happens every year around this time to commemorate the Night of Madness. Here!” Kaya happily presented her gifts. ___________________ unwrapped hers revealing a cute little maid doll with red eyes and painted hair.

“These are so cute!” said Penny, “Mine looks like a ballerina!”

“Mine looks like a cook!” said Plum

“For some reason these reminds me of the maids,” said Sabo, “But in a good way,”

“It was probably the maids,” said Law, “Did they liberate a town or something?”

“Please say yes!” said Argo, “I’m almost finished with my book!”

“ wrote a book on the maids?” said Kid, “Fucking weird,”

“...I wanna read it!” said Plum, “I bet there’s TONS of cool fights in there!”

“...Is it explicit?” said Law, “Especially if you got stories from Dom and Perv,”

“Hey! And no…I think they left some of those out,” said Argo

“What, no, only one person was responsible,” said Ussop, “That’s what makes it so cool! These are all of the outfits they wore. You see, it's about a person who saved our entire island from pirates! We call it the Night of Madness!”

“The Night of Madness?” said Ace, “Never hear of it,”

“OH! Everyone knows the Story of the Night of Madness in our area!” said Kaya, “In fact, in Syrup Village, we have a three day long festival to honor it because it happened right in our town! The neighboring towns found out and everyone wanted to honor and celebrate too!”

“Sounds like fun!” said Luffy

“You should all come one year!” said Ussop, “There’s food, games, and one kid, usually Kaya or me helping, acts out that night!”

“What happened?” said Plum

“Yeah, like why is it called the Night of Madness?” said Penny

“Ussop tells it better!” said Kaya

“Alright, but no lying!” said Kid

“Wouldn’t dream of it!”

“I’ll chime in when he over embellishes it!”

“Many years ago, Kaya had a butler named Khaladore and he had a daughter with him. Her name has been kept secret, so we'll just call her Puppy! Puppy and Khaladore appeared at Kaya’s Family home in the dead of night, looking haggard and sick, begging for lodging and work. Kaya’s parents took pity on the pair and offered them work. Khaladore became the family’s butler and Puppy became Kaya’s personal attendant. She helped Kaya get dressed, went to lessons with Kaya, and as it turned out, Puppy was VERY smart and clever so she ended up tutoring Kaya and me a lot! At first, Puppy was very standoffish, she didn’t say much and often just did what she was told but within a few months, we were off paling around together. Even the villagers loved her and her father. Puppy often helped around the village, clobbering me for lying, and made me stop ringing the town’s bell…that’s a story for another time! Well, this was great until well…about four years later,”

“What happened?! She sounds like fun! Did something happen to her?” said Penny

“Kind of! You see, Puppy and Khaladore weren’t ordinary father and daughter. It was the infamous Captain Kuro and his daughter,”

“HE’S STILL ALIVE?!” said Yukiko

“I thought that guy was dead!” said Kid

“Nah! Very much alive and just as much of a bastard! His plan was to kill Kaya’s entire family and resume their fortune! Puppy knew the plan when she was a kid and was instructed to keep Kaya away from me. But Kuro never told her the extent of the plan. She found out later that the tea she’s been serving to Kaya was poisoned and it was the same tea that he used to kill her mother. Her father wasn’t much of a tea drinker. So Puppy started switching out Kaya’s tea and personally giving Kaya’s father his morning coffee. Puppy’s suspicions were true when Kaya’s health improved greatly,”

“Clever girl,” said Killer, “Was she cute?”

“Super cute! She looked like a Princess!” said Kaya, “And she always had grace and elegance for a maid! That’s what made her so unique! I look like nobility but she had like…an aura,”

“And it could be scary!” said Ussop, “She often gave me the “Look!” and it brought me and most people to their knees! Anywho, what made this even worse was that Kuro abused Puppy,”

“Of course that bastard would,” said Ace

“Yeah, Puppy often had mysterious marks on her face and when she was around her father, she shut down and got silent. Of course no one would believe her, since Khaladore was such a kind yet strict man. He had the whole town fooled. Well, the Night of Madness was the night that he was going to kill Kaya’s father, then Kaya, and then the villagers and take it over. Puppy has grown to love the village as her home and she was going to protect it. So that night, Puppy went crazy! She set off the house alarms alerting Kaya's father to get to safety, then she locked Kaya in her room before running outside and rang the bell to save the town. At first they thought it was me until they heard a familiar non me voice that the pirates were coming and alerted the Marines nearby. They managed to push back at the pirates and Kaya was safe! Kuro was discovered and Merry revealed that he was attacked and Kuro ran with his tail between his legs. Merry and Kaya's father collaborated the story about Puppy's bravery against her father. The Villagers came to thank Puppy but she was long gone…presumably with her father. The Villagers cried and were worried for her because…they knew she would never be seen again,”

“That poor girl!” said ____________________

“I know but…I know Puppy would be lucky and happy wherever she is! That’s what makes her so cool! She risked everything in order to save everyone! Every year the village holds a festival in her honor with her favorite foods, making these little dolls as a homage to her and leaving the lights on hoping that someday she'll return home. She's our hero and we'll always be grateful for her,”

“Well, this picnic is for her, then!” said Club

“Yeah! A toast to Puppy! Wherever she is, may she be safe and happy!” said Club

“Here!” the kids raised their glasses and took a drink. Argo joined in and realized that Katherina was silent the whole time. After the picnic, she immediately got up and hurried away. He waited for a few minutes before following her.

“Kitty?” she looked up at Argo with a smile


“I have questions and I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable but, you’ve lived in Syrup Village, right?”


“For about four years?”


“Do you know about the Night of the Madness? It’s a local legend about how the village manage to fend off the Black Cat Pirates! You HAD to be there, right?! I mean, Ussop didn’t mention you at all but you were Miss Kaya’s personal attendant, right? Were you locked in the room? Did you get a glimpse of what Puppy looked like, do you remember anything that happened?!” Katherina looked at him for a few moments before sighing.

“....yeah, I know what happened and Ussop isn’t tell you the full story,”

“I KNEW it! Can you fill in a few things?! I’m genuinely curious!”

“Alright but you can’t tell anyone because if you do, Puppy will be killed and if she survives, I’ll track you down and kill you myself,”

“Deal! Sooooooo?”

“First of all… it was me,”

“What? Huh, what do you mean?” she sighed deeply

“I’m Puppy,” Argo looked as though she grew two heads. He looked at the doll and then back at Kitty. Unless you weren’t paying very close attention, you couldn’t tell the difference.


“Mhm, I’m the girl in the story and I can give you what really happened that night even events leading up to what happened,”

“Wait, wait, wait, you can’t just gloss over that you’re the daughter of Captain Kuro! Is it true?”

“Mhm. Don’t you see the family resemblance,”

“...kind of but you’re…way too nice t—,”

“To be a Devon. Alright, here’s more proof, my Uncle is Captain Ink of the Inkblot Pirates and my aunt is Catarina Devon, one of the officers for the Blackbeard Pirates. My aunt is the eldest, followed by my father, and Ink is technically the youngest. And my grandfather is Kotka…is that enough proof?”

“Yeah…no one outside of the Devon Family and certain circles know that. So wait, wait, wait, the Black Cat Pirates are in Goa?”

“Mhm but Father stays and goes around High Town if that. Other than that he's off sailing or something. Anything to not be around me,”


“Because I failed my mission that night. Listen, it's a long story and I'll tell you all about it,”

“Really?! B-But why are you trusting me?”

“Don't know I guess it'll be nice for someone else to know about the story that won't tell my family I guess. Meet me tomorrow at the Akabeko and I'll explain everything,”

Argo got up bright and early. He was so excited he could barely contain himself. He’s heard of the Night of Madness but never from a first account source! Just the idea of knowing the real story for his journal and from three people INCLUDING the person who did it was something that made him so giddy he thought his heart was going to burst. He ran into town with his notebook. Katherina agreed to meet with him with a few conditions. One, he was never to tell anyone outside of the people she brought. Two, he was to order the food and drinks for the table with plenty of fried chicken. Three, ________________ was to not know under any circumstances until she was ready to tell her. They met at a restaurant in Town Center in a secluded room. Kaya and Ussop were already there with Katherina. They looked shocked when they saw him.

“He knows,” said Katherina sipping her drink

“REALLY?!” said Kaya

“Oh thank god, we don’t have to pretend!” said Ussop sighing, “Are you sure about this Kitty?”

“Mhm, it’s okay, besides, I think it’ll be best for you two to know what happened too. I’ve been keeping it bottled up for the last few years, I think it’s time that someone outside of the village knows what really happened but he promised to only say Puppy,”

“And of course all food is on me! I can’t thank you enough!”

“I was actually wondering. Kitty, can you tell us everything that led up to that night?” said Kaya


“I know…Ussop and I have been oblivious to everything and it’s not fair to you, especially since…you were going through so much pain during that time,”

“Yeah! We only know what Kuro wanted us to see! We want to know!”

“Alright but fair warning, it's depressing as all hell,”

Katherina woke up everyday at approximately seven in the morning. She would yawn and stretch. She would go to her tiny closet and pick one of her different attendant outfits that day. Today it was a dark blue one with a white apron. She got dressed, combed her curls, and got on her shoes and socks. It was about eight and she was ready to start her day. She went directly to the kitchens. She could smell breakfast and her stomach growled. It smelled delicious.

“Good morning, Merry-senpai,” she said a little curtsy

“Good morning Kitty! Sleep well?”

“Yes sir,”

“Good! Your father is already up doing his rounds and I have your and Miss Kaya’s breakfasts on the cart,”

“Thank you,” he leaned into her

“I gave you a little more salmon this morning with your eggs. You look thin, you need to eat more,” she smiled.

“Thank you!” She waited until Merry left and took an extra loaf of bread. Mr. Nutmeg, Kaya’s father saw this and winked. She smiled and trotted off.
She took the cart and headed to Kaya’s room. She knocked and went inside.

”Morning Kitty!”

“Morning Miss Kaya,” said Katherina rolling in their breakfast, “How are you?”

“Great! What’s on the agenda today?”

“Lessons with Merry at ten, then you and father are going shopping in town, and after that, you’re going to have exploration with Ussop,”

“Splendid! What’s for breakfast?”

“Pancakes and bacon, for you and a soft boiled egg, scrambled egg whites, and smoked salmon for me along with bread and jam and tea,”

“Do you like soft boiled eggs?”

“They’re okay, it’s a good source of protein and they’re okay. Father says they’re good for a healthy mind,”

“How about something else? My treat!”

“It’s okay!” Katherina poured her tea, “And besides, the soft boiled egg isn’t for me,” Kaya title her head before giggling, “I snuck another loaf for his greedy ass,”

“HEY! I’m not greedy!” Ussop said, sneaking through the window, “And you got me breakfast?!”

“So you wouldn’t pilfer ours,” she said, “Merry noticed that I haven’t been eating thanks to you,”

“I’m sorry!” Ussop happily sat down, took the bread slices, added a little jam on both sides, then the soft boiled egg, and a few small bits of bacon and salmon between the other slices and tucked in. He happily ate his breakfast.

“I owe you chicken,” he said happily, “My dad sent mom and me some money recently so we can get something tasty today!”

“Sounds like a plan. Especially since Kaya is having a shopping day with Father and he does NOT want to see you around,”

“Understood. What’s with that stick up his ass anyway?”

“Khaladore is just strict,” said Kaya, “I'm sure he's not—,”

“HIDE!” Katherina whisper-shouted. Ussop immediately ran into the secret door. Katherina switched out the tea to something blue in a glass and Kaya looked a little less cheerful. The door opened and Kuro appeared at the door.

“Good Morning, Miss Kaya,”

“Good morning Klahadore! Am I having lessons with you today?”

“No but Katherina is. Then you and I are going shopping,”

“Splendid! I can’t wait!”

“Have you been drinking your tea?”

“Yes! Katherina makes sure I get a cup with every meal,” he nodded in approval.

“Excellent. Katherina,”

“Yes Father,” Katherina followed her father out of the room. They sat in a room and he stood in front of her. There her father’s gentle tone went cold and harsh. He made her sit at a desk in the cold room.

“Double each number starting with 144,”

“144, 288, 576, 1,152, 2,304, 4,608, 9,216, 18,432—,”

“The constellations in alphabetical order,”

“Apus, Aquarius, Aquila, Ara, Aries, Camelopardalis, Cancer, Canes Venatici, Canis Major, Capricornus—,” she was sharply slapped twice.

“You forgot Andromeda and Antlia. Start again,” Lessons with her father were not…fun. She was required to read very long texts and solve complicated math problems and today was no different. He often drilled her to the point that everything was second nature or until she was burned out. Every time he she missed a question, she got punished. Soon, the two hour session was over and she was free to do whatever. While Klahadore and Kaya went shopping, Katherina was to keep an eye on Ussop. The villagers were used to the mini maid around town with Miss Kaya and the liar. They enjoyed her presence, mainly because she was the one who stopped Ussop from ringing the bell and being a general nuisance. The villagers often gave her little treats and were very nice to her. Ussop took her to Meshi where everyone pretty much gathered to eat.

“Momo! Your finest fried chicken and katsu ramen please?”

“Hello Miss Momo,” said Katherina

“Ussop, you know you can’t buy food with credit!”

“HA! Don’t need to!” he said handing over beli, “Dad sent over money! So food us, please!” the woman snorted and got to work. Soon their meals were ready.

“Here you go!” Momo placing everything in front of them, “Kitty what’s your poison for today?”

“Hmmmm, cherry soda?”

“Coming right up!” Katherina happily bit into her chicken. The crispy juiciness of it made her mood improve greatly.

“I swear you’re the happiest when you’re eating chicken,” said Ussop laughing

“It’s so good! And Momo makes it the best next to Merry but I can only eat it when at Kaya because Father sees it as peasant food,”

“Pfffft! Don’t know why! Kings eat fried chicken,” said Ussop

“Especially if it tastes this good! Your mother is by far the best of the best,”

“You remember hers?”

“Mhm! I need the recipe at some point. It was one of my favorite things from her. How is she?”

“GOOD! She was hoping to see you soon! It’s been awhile!”

“I know! And I’m sorry but my father has been keeping me on a short leash lately. It’s kind of suffocating,”

“For someone to be so prim and proper, your Father’s a dick,”

“I know,” she said, “But you get to it,”

“Yeah but that seems like a good way to make your kid hate you and run away and not come back,” Ussop happily led the way back to his place. Katherina would never forget this path. Memories of warmth flooded into his mind and heart as she got closer to the house. He happily flung the door open.

“Mom! Kitty’s here!” Ussop’s mother was very sick. Katherina didn’t know how sick she was and even with treatment, she wasn’t getting any better. Everyday, she would visit either alone or with Kaya. Banchina was a sweet woman who knew a lot about the seas and navigation and art and stuff. Katherina had learned more things through her than her father when it came to things.

“Hi Miss Banchina,” said Katherina

“Oh sweetie, call me Banchina, it’s okay! Kids shouldn’t be so formal,” she beckoned her over. Katherina meekly came over and received a motherly kiss.

“That’s because Kitty is a noble girl who has to say nice things!” said Ussop

“How are you feeling?” asked Katherina

“A little better than yesterday. Don’t worry about this old bird,”

“You’re not old, you still have some life in you,” Banchina chuckled and started coughing.

“You’re such a sweet little thing, you know that?”

“Are you eating okay?”

“Mhm! Yassop sent some beli over. I think we'll be good for a while,” Katherina frowned a little. She couldn’t understand why a man would abandon his sick wife and young kid like that. Then again, her father wasn’t exactly father of the year either. She glanced at the money jar, aka the Hidden Jar where the pair kept their money. She waited until Ussop was regaling his mother about his newest adventure before taking the jar away and going to the bathroom. There she took out her weekly earnings and slipped it inside, towards the bottom, just to make it look as normal as possible before waiting until the climax of the story, then she slipped back out and placed the jar back in its position.

“Miss Bachina, do you need groceries done today?” said Katherina

“O-Oh! I think we do! Ussop, do you mind?”

“Not at all! With Kitty, we can bring more things in half the time!” He went to the jar and pulled out beli. Because Bachina was bedridden, Ussop did basically everything from cooking to cleaning to making sure his mother was okay. Katherina made sure that she had good food with the beli and warm things. They bought vegetables and meat, another blanket because it was getting cold and with Katherina’s urging a kotatsu, “You sure? Isn’t that pricey?!”

“But it’ll make her more cozy, especially since she needs to stay warm,” their shopping trip was a success. Katherina helped with dinner while Ussop helped her mother under the kotatsu.

“Oh this is very toasty,” she said with a soft sigh, “And you said you found it?”

“MHM! So you can stay warm while you eat!”

“Don’t spoil me so much,” she said. Katherina smiled. It was the first time in ages she saw Bachina sitting up and eating. She made sure that the hot water bottle was in her bed for later before slipping out of the house. It was about time for the dinner prep and Merry had Katherina help him prep in the kitchen by chopping veggies, kneading dough, and basically everything he needed. When everything was simmering and baking, he gave her a smile.

“Now I’m going to need my official taste tester to make sure all of the food is up to standard,” she grinned and nodded. They ate small dishes of things and had the stamp of Kitty and Merry Approval. They placed everything on the table and Kitty set everything with her father. Soon it was time for dinner and Kitty and Merry served dinner with Klahadore’s watchful eye. Kaya’s father sat down.

“Please you three, you worked so hard! You know better not to join us!”

“Kitty over here!” said Kaya happily. After dinner, it was time for their ballet lessons. Kaya had to take it easy because of her health but Katherina excelled and helped Kaya as much as she could. After that, it was time to start winding down. Katherina got Kaya her nightly tea and cookies while Ussop told them a bullshit story that Katherina saw right through but Kaya was engaged with it. It was about eight and Ussop headed home. Kaya’s father came in to tuck Kaya into bed. He gave Katherina a forehead kiss.

“Thank you for taking care of my daughter for me, Kitty,”

“Of course sir!” she bowed and left the room. She walked down the corridor. Everyone else was winding down to sleep. She, however, would not be sleeping for the foreseeable night. She went outside into the courtyard away from the house where her father was waiting.

“You’re late,”

“Forgive me father but I reading Miss Kaya a story,”

“Isn’t she capable of reading herself?”

“No…she was very tired,”

“Tch. Follow me,” she followed him into the deep woods. Soon they were further from the house and everyone in it. He threw her a pair of claws. She slipped them on and it was not time for training. Her father’s technique was hard to detect and she was still not used to it. She managed to follow his movements but her father was also a callous man who took pleasure in cutting anyone beneath him down. She managed to keep up until she lost her footing and fell. Kuro took this opportunity and sliced and stabbed her all over her back over and over again. She learned how to protect her head and neck from the blows. She managed to get away but not run. Cowards run and she was not a coward. Cowards would get killed. This went on for several hours until Kuro got bored, “Training is over. Clean yourself up,”
Katherina’s day ended with a hot bath. She missed the weird days of someone giving her a bath but now they were just quiet times. She liked lingering in the hot water. It made her feel warm and comforted. After her bath, she usually went back to her room with her lantern. She had one hour before sleep. She pulled out a book and continued reading. After that she finally drifted off to sleep.

“So you’re the one who’s been hiding beli in mom’s jar!” said Ussop, “Mom ate SO good when she was alive because of you!” Katherina looked concerned.

“She passed away? I’m sorry,”

“It’s okay but when she found out what happened, she was so worried about you! She told me you came to visit before you left, hugged and kissed her before running away. She was scared that you were going to die! Then I think she realized who was hiding the money in the house! Undertaker started doing the same!”

“She just needed some good food to keep her going. I couldn’t do much,”

“No one could, it was incurable,” said Ussop, “But Kitty you’re the greatest!”

“And that’s why you always looked so tired!” said Kaya, “I thought it was because of all of the hard work!”

“It was a cakewalk compared to Father. Sometimes I didn’t sleep until after midnight after training. And it got worse around the crescent moon. For some reason, we both get…weird around that time and he’s more brutal but at the same time…I feel stronger and I get beaten harder and there were times he said to tell everyone I was sick in order to cover the bruises. He called it Lunar Empowerment,”

“ makes sense why you wore long sleeves,” said Ussop, “WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ANYONE?!”

“And what would that do? He could prove I was lying and no one would believe me like they would the Town Liar. I’m just glad Merry-senpai was around to urge him to make sure I get sleep and rest. I think that was the main reason he started permitting me to get more sleep and by nine I already tuckered out. And Ballet really helped with training too so he decided to let up,”

“That’s why I stuck with it! You were enjoying it a lot! Papa also said that you needed a hobby,”

“Honestly, I think ballet helped me with training with Father. I learned my reflexes better,”

“Do you sleep now?” said Argo

“Mhm, Father leaves me along for weeks at times so I can sleep until nine and ready for ballet at ten,”

“YOU STILL DANCE?!” said Kaya

“Mhm, I’m prima donna at my company. Jango enrolled me when we got settled. It was through that I met __________________,”


“Wow! So…that’s what it was like living with Kuro,”

“Oh it’s worse, you have no idea. Now that he doesn’t have any witnesses, he has more creative ways to punish me. And he blames me for what happened at the village and beat the living shit out of me. Now…just for fun, he…puts me in the Boo Box,”

“Aren’t those illegal?!” said Argo


“W-What’s a Boo Box?” said Kaya

“Remember that chest he kept in his room? That,”

“It used to be a form of death penalty for pirates back in the day and only used by Rocks and Hook. The premise was to put a person in a coffin sized box and put live Alabasta scorpions inside, stinging the person to death,” said Argo, “But, it became a punishment for children using Desert Scarabs. They love the taste of human flesh but they’re also too small to do anything. They swarm however and will keep biting and they can reduce a human to nothing in a few days, but their mandibles are sharp and painful! It was deemed cruel and unusual punishment,”



“He does. According to him I’m not the daughter with the woman he originally wanted. He actually fell in love with someone in his past and she never loved him back,”

“Smart woman,”

“Mhm and ironically it’s Law’s Mom, Lesser,”

“WHAT?!” said Ussop



“Apparently. I just found out myself but it would make sense because Grandpa is from there,” said Katherina, “He said it was love at first sight and what makes it even more bizarre and gross is that my Aunt also has a weird obsession with her. Father said that she’s the only one he’s ever wanted and loved and because I came from my own mother, I’m only half perfect. If I was half Lesser’s I would have been perfect in his eyes,”

“PFFT Miss Maid has STANDARDS!” said Kaya, “And she has a handsome husband!”

“Mr. Rocinante? Oh yeah, he’s a powerhouse spy. I think it’s cute that two badasses are a couple,” said Argo, “But the plot thickens! I knew the Devon patriarch was from Calva but not his offspring. They must have left when they were of age. But the idea that Kuro was in love with Miss Lesser is a plot twist,”

“More like obsessed like my grandfather was,” said Katherina, “I found old diaries of my father basically pining over her, even having weird scenarios where they’re married, dating, and other things I would like to cleanse from my mind,”

“...that’s…gross,” said Argo

“Remember YOU didn’t have to read it,”

“...I’m curious,”

“I’ll let you have them. I’m pretty sure he revisits them from time to time so if you want copies, go for it but it’s stomach churning at best,”

It was one of the times where they all had time together to explore or have fun, especially for the small island. Today, the trio found a nice view near the shoreline on the other side of the island. Kaya had Merry pack a nice picnic lunch, asking him to keep it a secret so Katherina could join them, and they found a place so they could eat in peace and enjoy the view.

“It’s so peaceful out here,” said Katherina with a sigh as she served sandwiches.

“Isn’t it?” said Kaya smiling, “I can’t believe you found a place like this out of nowhere Ussop,”

“A great adventurer can always find peaceful places!” he said proudly

“You were hiding from someone weren’t you?” Ussop rubbed the back of his neck.

“You got me, Kitty. It was those Marines that came into town,”

“Marines?” said Kaya

“Yeah! I kind of told them I heir to the shipyard and told them to pick out any ship they wanted and I would repair their ship free of charge! It sounded like a good idea at first. Then they found out I….fibbed and ran me out of town. Kaya’s Dad is fixing it though,”

“Idiot,” said Katherina

“Please don’t harass the Marines,” Kaya scolded

“It sounded like a good idea at the time!”


“Two idiots?! Come on Kitty! Let me make it up to you both by doing your hair!”

“Really?!” said Kaya

“Mhm! I can braid it this time!”


“Braids?” Katherina cocked her head.

“Yeah! Miss Bachina used to braid my hair!” said Kaya

“And she taught me everything I know! I can totally do yours!” said Ussop grinning, “And your hair is so pretty and I think I can use your curls in it as well! And I don’t braid too tight so you’ll be okay!” She looked a little apprehensive but nodded. Ussop grinned, sat her down and went to work.

“It’s like being in a salon!” said Kaya

“Never been to one,” said Katherina


“Yeah, my hair usually just falls like this. Father usually washes it. Though I used to get a trim every now and then,”

“We should go to the salon one day!” Kaya squealed. After Ussop was done, he guided Katherina to water to show her his handiwork. Katherina froze. Her hair looked so cute and the way her hair fanned out from bottom was cute. Ussop poked her cheeks.

“Like it huh?”

“I do, it’s lovely!” Kaya was next and happily sat in front of Ussop. Katherina watched him braid. It was an art in itself. Her hands got tired just from looking at him work.

“Wanna learn?”

“Nah, my hands are tired just looking at you. Do your hands get tired?”

“Not really! I don’t do it often for them to!”

“You should totally open a salon!” said Kaya

“Costs too much and I can’t be a sniper and a beautician,”

“Not with that attitude!” said Katherina, “Stop being lazy!” she ruffled him.


“And you can do both! May as well get paid twice so you can finally get your own place with your mom and Kaya and I can mooch off you for a while!”

“Okay, okay!” Soon it was getting late and the girls went home. Kaya happily ran inside, right into Klahadore.

“Klahadore, look!” Kaya happily presented Katherina to her father, “Ussop did our hair today! Don’t we look cute?!” Klahadore looked at the pair. Kaya was showing her off french braids that were fastened down into two ponytails. Katherina had five half braids on the top that were loose on the bottom. Klahadore smiled sweetly.

“You two look lovely. Now with that being said, supper is almost ready. Katherina, follow Merry so we can get everything prepared,” Katherina knew it was coming but she didn’t know when it was but dinner came and went without incident. She even did the dishes with Merry, who gushed about her hair. She let him pet it and he gushed happily.

“It does look cute on you, Kitty Cat! It shows that if Ussop just applied himself instead of his constant lies, he can actually make something of himself,”

“He’s just…spirited,” she said

“I’m just glad you’re around. Miss Kaya needs a mature influence in her life and to keep Ussop’s influence down. If you keep this up you can be her trusted maid in waiting! I’m so glad you’re here!”

“Thank you Merry-senpai,”

“You’re going to be a lovely young lady someday! Maybe even married to royalty! You already have the princess aura about you and with all of this honest work and training, you may even be a princess someday!” After dishes, Katherina headed to her room but first she had to report to her father, as routine goes. The moment she entered, she was snatched inside and the door was locked. She was on a chair and Kuro roughly grabbed her hair and ran a comb through her hair. She gripped the chair and kept her head down as he took off every single braid.

“You’re NOT a peasant!” he growled, “And I refuse to have anyone with my genes LOOK like one! You look like a disgrace and you better not even think about having your hair like this again. It’s bad enough you have those hideous curls!” It took no time but it was done. Before he let her go, he pulled her hair and made her look at him. Her heart stopped. The fury in his eyes was terrifying, “Keep him away from Kaya and I MEAN that!” he shoved her away. Katherina walked out as fast as she could and didn’t stop until she was in her room. She sank to her knees in absolute terror and fear, trembling like a leaf. Suddenly she heard the knob on her room turn. She immediately hid her notebooks and things as the door flung open. Kuro stood at the door and closed it behind her. She knew she couldn’t show any fear or she would get it worse. Kuro stood in front of the door glaring down at his daughter. She looked at him with a stoic glance. He grabbed her arm and flung her to the bed and used his hands to rip her pajamas off. He took the cane and started beating her backside.


“Y-Yes, Father!” he kept going for a few more minutes before stopping.

“Get some sleep and take care of those wounds. I don’t want you to shirk your duties tomorrow,” he hid the cane and left her. She waited until she was sure he was gone before she cried. She limped out of her room to the doctor. The woman frantically asked what happened. She told her she tripped and landed in a briar bush. She was treated and sent back to bed with new pajamas and tea and cookies to help her feel better. She curled up into a little ball and sobbed. It was days like this she missed her home with her mother. Sure her mother didn’t like her but her aunt and grandpa did and she missed that warm and happy feeling.

“Oh god….Kitty, we didn’t know,” said Kaya, tears welding up in her eyes.


“It’s alright and sadly yes. Father would NEVER let his mask slip that easily,” she said, sipping her tea. The other three kids noticed she was shaking and tears were welled in her eyes, “I liked the braids though. I thought they were cute,”

“I will totally braid your hair again, AFTER you leave Kuro,” said Ussop

“So everytime we went on an adventure…you got in trouble for it?” said Kaya. Katherina nodded.

“Especially if I came back dirty and I’m so glad you got cleaned up before my father saw. I really appreciated it,”

“I used to wonder why you were so fearful about getting cleaned before we had supper,”

“Yeah, last time we got muddy, father scrubbed me personally in boiling water and then beat me because I was playing in filth and with filth and that I shouldn’t. He really didn’t like you Ussop,”

“Feeling was more the mutual,”

“The rumors of Captain Kuro’s cruelty were legendary. Never would have thought he would do it to his own daughter. So, if it’s true that Kuro is your father, then who is your mother?” said Argo

“A princess from another kingdom somewhere in North Blue. I don’t…see her much,”

“Why not?”

“She doesn’t want me, pure and simple. She doesn’t like that I…vomit, get sick, or anything and she told Father to get me and that’s how I ended up on the ship and living with him. They don’t even like each other,”

“Wait?! Katherina, you’re royalty?!” said Ussop

“Mhm, my mother is going to be next in line to be queen because she gave birth first. So, she’ll probably summon me close to my grandfather’s death. Then when she dies, I’ll be queen I guess or just a princess and Father will have his status as well and they’ll both lock me away again or use me as a tool,”

“I KNEW YOU HAD TO BE A PRINCESS!” said Kaya, “You’re so pretty and graceful! Papa was even thinking of getting you lessons because you were going to have a LOT of suitors someday!” Katherina blushed.

“Nah, I think with my past, boys will be terrified of me, even if I leave home and never come back,”

“Oh come on! Boys like you plenty!” said Katherina, “You’re so pretty!”

“And smart!” said Ussop, “There’s going to be a boy out there simping over you someday!” Katherina snorts.

“I doubt it. No one would want a scarred up girl with future Daddy Issues and has a hard time expressing their feelings. I don’t even know how I became friends with ________________ especially after our first encounter and I know I get a little possessive because I never had a best friend before and the idea of losing her scares the shit out of me and even now, I don’t want this to get out just yet. No one needs to know I’m the daughter of a pirate, one of the most hated pirates on the seas besides Roger,”

“Of course!” said Kaya

“Scout’s Honor!” said Argo, “But then what happened?! I’m on the edge of my seat!”

“Oh! Well this part…is where my father…wanted me to carry on our “mission”,”

Katherina looked at the claws in front of her. Her father trained her for years and now he had them in front of her.

“Y-You want me to do what?”

“Your purpose. I’m tired of waiting and Kaya is significantly weaker than she was before and tonight, you’re going to fulfill your Rite of Death,” he looked at her with a mixture of proudness and smugness on his face, “I completed the rite about your age, your aunt and uncle were a little older, and I’mm be damned if my only daughter doesn’t surpass them. You’re going to kill Kaya tonight and I want a vial of her blood. Then after that we’ll be rich beyond our wildest dreams and we’ll retire someplace to live in nobility,”

“...But,” he gave her a sharp look

“But what?”

“Nothing, Father,”

“You know what your purpose would end up being. You’re not destined to be a servant for the rest of your life and nor will I allow this constant humiliation to continue. I also want you to cut her tongue out. I’m sick of that incessant whining. I’m proud to have a non needy child. ‘Klahadore, read me a story’, ‘Klahadore, bring me some tea’, ‘Klahadore, I love you’. Pathetic. Also if you that long nosed bastard, kill him too or better yet, maim him and bring him with us so he’ll be our personal monkey servant,” Katherina just stared at the claw. Kuro reached over and took her shoulder, “Don’t fail me Katherina. I know you won’t. Just be prepared and I’ll give Kaya her tea and you can go from there,” he left Katherina alone. She shakily took the claws. Kaya…Ussop…these were her closest friends for the last three years. The idea of something happening to either of them made her sick to her stomach…especially since she was the one to do it. She quickly went back to her room. She looked at the calendar. Of course he wanted to do it around the time of the crescent moon. She wouldn’t be able to control herself and neither would he. She had three days to stall her father’s plan and this was going to be dangerous because if he realizes what she’s trying to do, he’ll kill her too. She took a few breaths before working out her plan in a book. She had to stall for three days but she also had to have enough strength in order to finish her duties. If she drinks Kaya’s tea…it could take her out for one day. It’ll get out of her system if he gives her the antidote and that’ll take up to another day but one more day she needs something, anything. She placed her plan into motion. That night, when everyone went to sleep, She snuck out of the house. There was only one person in Syrup that she knew would be of some help but he also scared her. She met him a few times and each time, he freaked her out. But she also knew he would most likely be awake at that time. She swallowed a lump in her throat and knocked on the door. A man soon opened the door. This man gave her creeps but not in a gross way, just his mannerisms. Undertaker was a lean man with long gray hair—a part of it is tied in a single braid on the right side of his head—black fingernails, and a jagged scar across his face, neck, and left pinky finger; She didn’t know the color of his eyes, he usually keeps hidden under his hair.He was dressed in a black robe, a long crooked top hat, and a gray scarf strapped across his chest and knotted by the hips. He wore black earrings; an emerald ring on his left index finger; a band of prayer beads around his neck; and a chain with seven mourning lockets around his hip.

“Oh ho ho ho! Madame Kitty Cat! How are you today?”

He sniffed the tea and then laughed.

“This will anyone to me with enough of it but there is a cure~”


“Mhm! I have a bottle of it here,”

“How long will it take for someone to recover?”

“A few hours,”

“How much?” he grinned and slapped her hand away from her money.

“Don’t insult me with the Government’s money, Kitty Cat~ you know what I want?”

“I-I honestly don’t,”

“A joke! And you have to be good at it because Ussop gives me some top tier jokes from his stores! That’s all I ask for payment~”

“Ummm…” she thought for a few moments but she actually had one, “A pig, a rabbit and a duck, go out to the woods on a picnic. Which hand did they eat their soup with?” he looked puzzled but gave a smile.

“I don’t know!”

“Neither, they used a spoon!” the man stared at her for a few moments before sniggering then full blown laughing.

“G-GOOD ONE! A-Alright! The antidote is yours Kitty Cat!”

“Thank you Mr. Undertaker!” Katherina pocketed it. She was about to leave when he called out.

“Make sure you drink it within the hour, if not, you may not recover as you want,” she nodded and ran off.


“I knew if there was someone who could have an antidote it would be him,” said Katherina, “Especially if I was going to ingest it myself,”

“I thought you were terrified of him!” said Kaya

“I am! He STILL creeps me out but the idea of having to kill you guys scared me more so I bit the bullet and asked the ONE guy I knew who would have an antidote so I could heal myself,”

“Clever girl!” said Argo

“Duh! That’s because Kitty is the Brawny Brains of the Ussop Trio!”

“I still didn’t agree to that name,” said Katherina

“It’s still catchy!”

The next morning, Katherina placed her plan into action. As per usual, she made Kaya’s tea the way her father always instructed her to do. But this time, instead of throwing it out like she usually does, she brewed it to its desired strength. She got breakfast on the tray and headed to Kaya’s bedroom. Ussop was already there looking a little apprehensive. Kaya didn’t notice the tension in the room as they carried on as normal. Katherina had the antidote in her pocket and checked several times just in case. Kaya poured herself some tea. Katherina took it away and placed the tea back into the pot.

“H-Hey! Kitty! What’s wrong?” Katherina looked at her friends and took a deep breath and gulped down the tea. Kaya watched as Katherina drank every drop from the tea spout. She then sat down. Then everything started spinning and then she collapsed.

“Kitty? KITTY!” Katherina collapsed and started convulsing. Kaya immediately pressed the panic button. It didn’t go off. Perfect. Kaya ran out to get help, while Ussop scooped her up.

“Let me go! Or else Father will blame you!”


“G-GO!” he heard footsteps and immediately ran for it. Klahadore picked up his daughter and got her into the infirmary.

“What happened?!” he hissed.

“S-She switched the te-teas,”

“WHAT?!” Katherina looked as though she was going to be even sicker. Kuro briskly ran to the bedroom and grabbed the teapot to destroy it. The doctor worked on her and made her get immediate bedrest. In the meantime, while Kuro “attended” to his daughter, Merry had the panic button fixed up. Katherina waited until she was alone before downing the antidote before it would cause real damage. She laid in bed looking at the ceiling and trying her best to recover. She then felt someone looming over her, “Change of plans, you should be okay the day after tomorrow. Rest now and be ready. He’s making you stay in your room for rest. Merry will bring you your meals,”

“Yes Father,”

“Just a few more days and we’ll be ready to retire,” she nodded as she was taken back to her room. Phase Two completed. Now she had to do Phase Three. She waited and rested but felt loads better that evening after purging her body from the poison. She waited until the house was quiet and slipped out of the house. She had to make it to the Marine vessel. Thanks to being around the shipyard for so long, she knows there’s a few things that’ll keep a ship docked and that was a faulty helm and anchor. She went to the yard and found the Marine vessel. Armed with a screwdriver she took off the wheel and threw it overboard. She then jumped into the water and attached it to the anchor. She emerged from the water and booked it back home. Phase Three Complete. Now she had a letter to write and made sure the panic buttons were on and functioning after her father had them disabled. The next few days were terrifying. She didn’t know how this was going to play out and she was scared. At approximately nine, her father gave her the signal. She left her room and closed the door. She steadily walked to Kaya’s room and closed the door.

She stood over Kaya. Her hands were trembling. Her friend was sleeping soundly, not a care in the world. It would be easy if she did it. It didn’t even have to be bloody. It would also mean that she would have everything that Kaya had, a beautiful house, her shipping empire, everything. But…did she want this? She actually didn’t. She was happy hanging out with her and Ussop everyday. Kaya’s father never treated her like a maid, almost like a second daughter. She was shaking and trembled. Her father was clever and smart and he would kill her but…she wasn’t as clever. She lowered her claws and decided to put her own plan into action. She immediately ran out of the room, ran to her father’s room and placed her first note on his nightstand, then she ran back to Kaya’s room and started knocking over and slashing things with her claws. She then turned on the panic button. Kaya lurched up and looked around. Katherina covered her face and ran around the room like a madman screaming and scaring poor Kaya before fleeing. She used the secret places around the house to manage to get out. She ran to the kitchens and saw Merry gasping for air. She immediately turned him to his side so he wouldn’t choke on his own blood, held him up and patched him up. He looked at her with confusion before she hugged him and set off the second panic button. She abandoned her claws in a well and ran to the ship. She could hear screaming and shouting. She had other fish to fry however. She made it to town and climbed. She got to the town’s bell and started to ring. The citizens ignored it until they heard a familiar voice that wasn’t one from a liar.

“PIRATES! THE PIRATES ARE COMING! THE PIRATES ARE COMING! LOCK YOUR DOORS! THE PIRATES ARE COMING!” people ran out to see some of the Black Cat Pirates coming over the hill. Many took arms and went after them and some went to make sure Kaya and her family were okay. The Marines from earlier got up and ran both ways in order to protect the villagers and the noble family. Katherina jumped down and went into a familiar house. Banchina had woken up from what happened. She saw Katherina.

“Kitty?! Is everything okay?! What’s going—,”

“T-THANK YOU FOR BEING NICE TO ME! I LOVE YOU! BYE!” she hugged the woman tightly and ran off again. Tears were running down her face. She would never be able to come back to this place again. She would never see any of them again and she wasn’t sure if she would be alive the next day or not. She managed to make it back to the ship. Jango immediately saw her out of breath and tired, trying to breathe. Many of the pirates retreated and were awaiting their feared Captain.

“Kitty?! What happened?!” Jango looked concerned. Katherina looked terrified and she looked away. The crew asked her where their captain was. She looked down, in stoic silence. Everyone looked concerned. Suddenly they saw a small rowboat approaching and immediately lowered a rope to pull him up. Kuro appeared a few moments later looking disheveled like he fought for his life and barely made it out alive. The crew immediately tended to his wounds and made sure he would live to see another day. Jango noticed Katherina not really paying much attention to the well-being of her father but was looking back at Syrup with a mixture of sadness and happiness. He looked at her. There wasn’t a scratch on her. He placed two and two together. He immediately went down to the hold and prepared a bed for her. It’ll only a matter of time that Kuro realizes what happened as well…

Kaya and Ussop looked at Katherina with silent awe. The little girl looked away and bit into her karaage. She was immediately hugged tightly. She blushed as Ussop joined as well.


“Mhm. Listen now that you know, please keep it to yourselves. I don’t want anyone to know about my past, alright? I have it…okay here. Only one other person knows who I am and she’s been very good at keeping it a secret but I don’t want anyone to know I’m related to the Devon family. I have a life here but I don't want anyone to think just because I’m a Devon, I’m going to become a pirate or be just as bloodthirsty as my Father, Aunt, Uncle, Grandfather, and Cousin. I also don’t want it getting back that I planned for all of it because if my father finds out, he’ll probably kill me just for the hell of it,”

“At least let us tell the village!” said Kaya

“No need, Mr. Nutmeg knows. I explained everything in a letter for him,”

“But the raw story is so good!” said Ussop

“Actually! Dad stepped up!” said Ussop, “After Mom passed, Kaya’s father basically took me in! I felt really bad about it, especially since I live alone buuuuut something amazing happened! A solicitor came and said that I had a trust in my name! Apparently Mom made it and have been putting into it! Dad also did too and has been giving me financial support! And he’s been spending weekends with me! It’s been great! Though I know his work is dangerous! Like just the other day he came over with a shattered knee and crushed foot! Before that, he had a busted kneecap and shattered arm. He said it was injuries for being the best sniper on the Redhaired Pirates Crew! My Old Man is SO cool!”

“That’s awesome!”

“Yeah and Kaya’s Dad has been named head of the trust along with five others! Whomever they are, I sure want to thank them! They seem to know when I need new things, they’ve been making sure that my home is paid for, even have someone to come by to make sure I was okay! I’m super grateful to them and I want to thank them in some way! Life’s been better but…I didn’t want to enjoy it until I knew the third member of the Ussop Trio was okay!”

“Yeah…I’m fine. Father leaves me for long periods of time so it’s just me and Jango most of the time, and when he can’t be around, Miss Lesser or Miss Dom keeps me company. Or _________________! It’s still not the perfect life but it’s better than it was,” she smiled, “At it’s like I’m being cheated out of a Hell my Father created for me. Is he still horrible to me? Yes. Does Aunt’s crew do the same at times? Yes. Does Vitale make me even more miserable? Definitely. But, do I have junk food days with Jango? Yes. Do I get to watch Pretty Soldier everyday with __________________ over the phone? Yes. Do I do ballet everyday with lessons? Yes. Do I have friends in ballet who make sure I’m okay? Yes. Do I have friends for the first time since I left? Yes. Am I okay with small days of Hell to keep all of that? Yes in a very messed up way. But…I’m glad I can share it with you two again. I miss our days together and they will always have a special place in my heart,” Argo smiled as the pair hugged their lost member tightly. The trio cried together and just stayed with each other until it got late. Katherina bade them farewell before heading home with an extra spring in her step. Argo smiled and headed back to the convent.

“Hey!” he turned. The trio ran after him and gave him something in his hands before running away again. He grinned and ran off. The nun would lock him out if he was late for dinner.

Mr. Nutmeg looked at the note on the panic button. After pressing the deactivation button, he found it. It looked like it was written by a child but he couldn’t tell because the writing was very organized albeit messy but it was very legible. He recognized it as Kitty’s writing. Something she took after her father with.

Mr. Nutmeg, I’m sorry pressing the panic button,
It’s not a drill or prank. Please believe me. My real
Name isn’t Kitty, it’s Katherina and Klahadore isn’t
My father’s real name, it’s Kuro. He’s the infamous
Captain Kuro. He’s trying to kill you and Kaya to get
Your money and shipping empire! He already killed
Mrs. Nutmeg with poisoned tea. I just found out about
This and this is why Kaya was always so sick! He’s
Coming to kill you now! Don’t turn your back on him
Or trust anything he says! I locked Kaya in her room
And I’m going to town to warn everyone! Please, get
Out of here or use your pistol anything! The Marines
Are still in town! I’m sorry for deceiving you for so many
Years, but just know…I will miss you all very much
And I love you very much. If you’re reading this letter,
I should still be alive. If my father finds it, he’ll kill me.
But the village should be safe! Thank you so much for your
Kindness for so long and I hope we’ll meet again some
Day! Love you!


PS: Believe Ussop sometimes, he’s not always a liar

Mr. Nutmeg quickly hid the letter. He’s known Kitty long enough to know that this isn’t a prank or something she would lie about. He was now worried for the little girl who became like a second daughter to him. If everything she said was true, then they were all in very real danger, including her. He quickly armed himself. He swallowed a lump in his throat when he heard a knock on his door. He hid his pistol in his coat and opened the door.

“Master, is everything alright?”

“Yes, that panic button…is on the fritz for some reason,”

“Oh, should I take a look at it?”

“No, thank you. That would be all Klahadore,” he said

“I insisted, Mr. Nutmeg. It wouldn’t do Miss Kaya any good if something was wrong with her father,”

“No, it’s alright, in fact, I think I want to see if you were alright,”

“I’m fine, please, I insist, go back to your—,” Kuro went to stab the man but the man had used his pillow as a shield before raising his fist up and getting the pirate with a left hook. Kuro went back, enraged and went after the man again. He immediately ducked and moved out of the way. Mr. Nutmeg wasn’t a pushover man and because he wasn’t weakened by poison, he knew he could get out of most things but he wasn’t poisoned. He was SURE he gave him poisoned tea along with Kaya every morning. It didn’t make sense! He should have been weak enough by now. Kuro was now dead set on killing this man and taking everything. He toiled way too long for this to not happen! He soon cornered the man. He moved in for the kill. Mr. Nutmeg whipped out his pistol and shot Kuro point blank. The man was taken aback. He’s never been shot before. He yelled in rage and went after him again, Mr. Nutmeg fired a few more times and rolled away and kept firing. Kuro did eat those bullets and didn’t want to go down. He was shot in the back and front. He coughed and saw blood. He had an internal injury. He gave the man a look of pure venom before he fled and got out of there as fast as humanly possible. Mr. Nutmeg panted but immediately ran to his daughter. The door was locked, like Kitty said. The Marines broke it open and Kaya ran to her father sobbing and crying. Mr. Nutmeg and Kaya both ran towards the kitchens where Merry was alive but clinging. He was immediately taken up to the infirmary. He however was not going to settle.

“K-KITTY! WH-WHERE’S KITTY?!” Mr. Nutmeg ran to Katherina’s room. Everything was still and quiet and packed. He looked around the room and saw a little notebook detailing her plan, what her father had planned and how she could counter it. The Marines went back into town to see if there were any traces of the Black Cat Pirates and the ship and everyone on it was gone. Word reached the town via Ussop and then confirmed from Kaya and her father about what happened.

“That little girl…she…saved us all,” the villagers sat in silence. Some cried, some were too stunned to speak and some were scared, not for themselves but for the little maid that was secretly the daughter of a pirate who had gone behind her father in order to save them all. In the morning, everyone gathered to hear the full story. Kaya was crying and Ussop hugged her close. Mr. Nutmeg ended it by proclaiming that Kitty would be honored in the highest regard of the island and all neighboring areas. He had a plaque and a statue in her honor with the tale laid out in detail. Starting the following year Kaya and Ussop reenacted the night and the town followed suit. Someone started making dolls but the rest was history. Mr. Nutmeg however, searched everywhere in his free time to find the whereabouts of Katherina in order to bring her back home. After talking to Ussop’s Five Benefactors, he gave up on the search for her safety but instead made a trust like he did with Ussop as a thank you for protecting his greatest treasure, “Kitty…just come back home safe sweetheart. Thank you so much,”

Argo’s Log 119202025

Today was…eventful. I swear Dawn Island holds so many secrets and things, it’s absolutely fascinating that there’s so many secrets and legends that it’s like I fell into a book of tales. Not only have I met the Great Kuchisake but also the Savior of Syrup Village. It’s one of those tales that I thought was a number of people but in reality it was one very brave and very resourceful girl who was the daughter of the second smartest man alive. It was a plot twist but I am proud that not only have I met her but heard the story from her mouth. It was a tale that kept me on the edge of my seat, made me cry, and gave me a whole new respect and admiration for the story and the person involved. And to find out that she’s royalty as well, makes the whole situation even more fascinating. I can’t wait to see what other tales I’ll recover and hear before I have to set back home but the lore of the seas and lands are finally revealed and placed pieces together like a beautiful puzzle.

Argo puts his book away before hunkering down to bed. He looked at the little dolls on his nightstand. Katherina gave him her doll and Ussop and Kaya gave him theirs. They were apparently the bestsellers, the mini maid, the ballerina, and the princess. He grinned at them and all three were extra special because Katherina signed all three along with Ussop and Kaya. They were going to be his greatest treasure. He yawned and closed his eyes before slowly drifting off to sleep.

Yassop paced the ship. He could feel it in his KNEES. They were coming for his ass and there was nothing he could do about it. He dreaded, he swallowed a lump in his throat. He was actually honest to God, terrified of what was about to happen.

“You know this wouldn’t be a problem if you just PAID them,” said Beckman

“And on time!” said Roo

“I think he likes it,” said Rockstar


“Then just PAY them!” Limejuice

“I don’t think he has anything to worry about,” said Shanks, “We’re miles away from shore and we’re miles away from Goa. I think we’re safe,”

“You said that last time! And they STILL found us,” said Rockstar

“And they were angry because they had to LOOK for us!” said Gab

“I swear they’re relentless!” said Hongo

“But easy on the eyes,” said Limejuice, “Especially Cleaner,”

“Cleaner? I’m more into Cook myself,” said Roo, “She knows her way to my heart with her food,”

“You would sell me out for food?!” said Yassop

“Pffft I would see you out for a cornchip,”


“Ara, ara~” Yassop froze, “Awww were you waiting for little ol’ me?” the men looked up to see Cook casually sitting on the mast. She then jumped down and landed with a thud, “Hello Beckman,” she purred

“Hey Cook,”

“Hey Roo,”

“Hey,” her cute smile then turned over to Yassop. He froze and decided to make a break for it. A gunshot rang out. He flinched and then felt a hard SMACK to his knees. He went down. Cleaner moved away with her bat as Cook picked him up by the leg and started shaking him. Beli and valuables came out of the man as she shook. A key soon fell out. Cleaner grabbed it and went into the ship’s hold. She came out with a chest filled with beli.

“Oh you were holding out on us!”


“I know but your Captain provides food, this is booze money at best,” she dropped him like a sack of potatoes, “This will cover this month’s payment! Please don’t be late again. Next time it happens, Lesser is coming and she’s not too keen on tracking you down,”


“Perv have her Magellan duties and Dom? Really? Okay. Cleaner, you don’t mind, do you?”

“Na-Nah uh,”

“Okay then! See you ne—wait! Ussop has a thing next week. You better attend!” she held up her meteor ball, “Or else~ bon nuit!” the pair disappeared over the edge and went away. Yassop crawled away in shame as he went back to the hold to sleep off his knee pain.

“All you have to do is keep up with your Child Support!” said Beckman

“Seriously you masochist!” said Gab

“I mean, I wouldn’t mind seeing Cook more often,” said Roo

“Right? This is the best consolation to this. That and Yassop getting his knees broken once a month,” said Rockstar, “Though I wonder what happens if Lesser shows up,”

“You seriously don’t want that,” said Beckman, “Cook toys and teases, Lesser is more blunt and brutal. Hell, Dom teases but is more brutal than Cook. Apparently she’s into sadism and will use steel toed heels,”

“...on my knees right?” said Yassop. Beckman gave him a blank stare, “R-RIGHT?!”

“I’d wear a cup if I were you,”

Chapter 127: Obsession


The Knight Finds Out About her Father's Obsession


Alright, so there's some...racy things happening in this one. Some can be very uncomfortable to read so I did a code system. Anything that begins with red, proceed with caution. It's implied sexual acts and some implied non consensual happenings with adult NOT WITH CHILDREN. I'm emphasizing this NOW.

Chapter Text

Katherina came into her room one evening and found a box of things that had no particular interest to her. However, they looked kind of important. She cocked her head and looked at them with great interest. There were tons of old journals and books.

“Morning my Katherina,” she jumped. Her grandfather was at the doorway with a smile on his face. She nodded and stood up and got behind the box.

“Hello Grandpapa,”

“Grandpapa? I love the ring to that! Formal but very cute, just like you,” he said

“What’s all this?”

“Oh! I found some old things from Calva that belonged to your father when he was younger and living there. I thought you may enjoy some of the old books and notes he collected throughout the years,”


“Have fun. Anything you don’t want, you can just throw out,” she nodded and waited until he left. She was actually curious. Her father as a child was actually a little off putting, especially since he’s very stern, abusive, and outright evil at times. She took the first book and realized it was actually a good book on navigation and charts. She placed it to the side to read later then give it to Law to give to Nami. She dug more, most of the books were good reference books on many things, plants, bugs, birds, etc and he made notes. She soon realized he made notes for torture later from putting nightshade in water for servants to making concentrated poison ivy water for people he didn’t like. She took the books and put them away. But then something really caught her eye. It was a book that was thick and weathered and very heavy. She took this one to her desk to really observe it. She opened it and the first page were dozens of pictures of one girl in particular through varying stages of her life. There were pictures of her from around her age. She was cute with ice blue eyes, long wavy hair that was tied at the bottom and wearing a cute little suspender dress. She looked like nobility honestly. Then in her preteen years, her hair was still long but she wore a longer skirt and sometimes hakama with a long coat, or something akin to a sailor uniform, but the final pictures of her were more interesting where she wore a black tokkofuku with symbols and things. There were pictures of her in sarashi bandages on her chest, wearing a face mask with a red x and her hair was still down. All of the pictures were candid, she did not pose for any of them, there were pictures of her just walking around the area, there pictures of her eating, there were pictures of her running, there were pictures of her sleeping in trees, but the older ones were a little more…odd. There were pictures of her fighting, pictures of her covered in blood, there were pictures of her jacket coming off and only her sarashi wrapped chest visible. There were also a lot of pictures of her kicking and her butt in full view. These older pictures had hearts around them with little comments like “Angel” “Beautiful” “Cute” “Elegance” “Grace” And she turned the page and there was a wanted picture of her, face uncovered and full view. She had an ice cold stare that even brought her to her knees a bit. There was a large heart drawn around it. She read the woman’s name.

Wanted Dead or Alive
Vikka ***********

Katherina froze. Lesser looked so badass when she was a teenager! She looked through the photos again. She then recognized another girl in the photos as Dom. She wished she could have seen the other maids. She flipped the page to see tons of writing in her father’s handwriting.

Today my Dark Angel was fighting in some lower level fight against some upstarts in the center of the town. Honestly she and her little band saved us all some trouble today by having the deal with the Lowers. I swear she would be a better asset if she would just be our head of the guards. With her brutality and militant code and nature, would take over and get a better hold on things. However she did manage to free the human toilets and got them to who knows where. I don’t see how she could even LOOK at them let alone TOUCH them. But then again, my beauty was never one to ever shy away from getting her hands dirty. Last night I had a dream of her wrapped in blue ribbons in shibari. It was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. I want to suspend her from the ceiling in a loose kimono and have her presented to me and then fu—

Katherina IMMEDIATELY turned the page. Her face was red and she looked a little sick. Her father…was REALLY in love with Lesser. But she also knew this wasn’t normal love. She turned the page again. More writings. She realized there was a code. If he wrote in blue, it was generalizations Lesser did that day, pink were things he found fascinating, and red were…she dubbed it Fantasy mode where he wrote about things he wanted to do to her…intimately.

Today I found my dark angel playing with a kitten! Can you imagine? She was petting and cooing a black kitten. The little thing followed her and she made sure it got food and water. My tsundere queen is filled with surprises. I never wanted to be a kitten more so than at that moment. When we become man and wife, I’ll buy her an entire farm filled with kittens and cats! She deserves it!

There was a picture of Lesser snuggling and playing with a kitten looking enthralled. There was another picture under it of her and said kitten sleeping on a tree. Later there was a picture of her getting the kitten out of town through a small opening with a letter.

Today…was a dark day. My Dark Queen was captured and sent to Golgatha. I’m worried for her safety. Father has been observing her from the inside. I need to know if she’s okay! Father was harsh to make sure she was sent there, especially with Nemesis as the warden. From what I heard, they’re observing her, I’m assuming to see how strong she is. So far, it seems like she’s feared in prison but also fell from grace. She’s in a cell with a bunch of other women, who relentlessly bully her. I don’t know why she allows them to do so. She’s maimed for less but maybe she has a weakness. I tried to give orders to Nemesis but to no avail. They placed her in a water room and apparently she can hold her breath for a very long time. I’ve always thought she had a fear of water. She avoids large bodies like a plague. My cat like beauty doesn’t like to get wet. But after she got out, she was by all accounts, fine. Nemesis placed her in with a bunch of male guards for their pound of flesh. I was livid…because I didn’t see the carnage. Apparently one tried to rip her blouse and get her on her knees. She decimated them all. Of course she did.

Katherina turned the page again. This was fascinating. She’s heard of Golgatha but she also remembered something else about it and the next page confirmed it.

Golgatha burned tonight. It’s been three months since she’s been there. Usually people die within three months. She set it ablaze in three months. The prisoners were released and fled to their hovels. Nemesis was dragged out, missing an eye. The guards told a very similar story and no one…knew why she flew into such a rage but it was almost complete annihilation. There’s photos of her leaving Golgatha…I have saved many for tonight’s material. She looked like an angelic demon escaping hell. I’ve never been so aroused in my entire life.

Katherina flipped the page. Lesser was walking out with a building behind her burning. Her hair draped over her face like a curtain, there was madness in her eyes, and she was covered in scars and blood. Father placed captions on these pictures as well. “Madness” “I want this” “Pegging?” She turned the page again.

“My angel of darkness! Goddess divine! I beseech you to allow me to be your eternal slave! Do with me as you will! I’ll do anything for you, my love!” the Dark Angel looked at her peon like he was lower than dirt, the dirt that was at the bottom of her foot. She then gave her a very sadistic smirk.

“On your knees, slave,” he obliged and got on his knees. Ropes bounded him and kept him in place, his hands were tied behind his back as his legs. She snapped her finger. His pants disappeared and his legs were spread. She sauntered to him and she presented her foot to him. He licked, sucked, and kissed it, he needed to show his appreciation and dedication to his Goddess. She then moved it, pleased before kicking him in the face. His face flew back and soon his foot on his head, crushing his skull. He felt nothing but heat in between his loins. Soon she lifted him up by the hair. She looked at him with an amused expression, “Are you willing to kill for me?” she cooed

“YES! Anything for you my Goddess!”

“Are you willing to serve me for all eternity?” she said


“Are you willing to die for me?”

“Nothing would be greater than to die by your hands! End me! Kill me! I embrace death by my Goddess!”

“Then die~” he was thrown into the ground. His ass up and his face on the ground. He felt something prodding his backside. He reddened and looked scared. She pulled his hair, “If you survive this, I’ll keep you. If you die, then you die,” his underwear disappeared.

Katherina kept flipping pages to basically scrub her mind from the cringey fantasies of her father and Lesser. She shuddered at the thought and many were red at this point until…the end of the journal.


No no no NO!!!!!! She won! I mean I KNEW she had it in her but she won! She’s leaving! My Goddess is leaving! I don’t want her to leave! I don’t want her to leave me! Our destiny! She’s of age and we could start our lives together as husband and goddess! Father was true to his deal and gave her the money he owed. I had to watch her leave Calva…leave me! I wanted her to fall, just this once so she could realize her true place, by my side! Rangle was NO match for her! She even murdered Sleaze! It was beautiful! But she walked out of that ring like a wild animal and freed more! Half the city left! We didn’t have ANY new citizens because of her! Many are now worshiping and she gave them hope! It’s sickening but also…it makes me want to break her more! But I have to laugh. She’s gone…but many have come back. I’ll give it a year for her to come back because she realizes that she’s only good for mercenary work and that’s all she’ll ever be, a demon in a world of unfairness. She’ll probably look for that golden haired baby. I hope he’s dead. He’s probably dead. If I ever find him, I’ll find some way to torture him until he’s nothing but a glorified toilet and make her watch me do it. I’ll update this soon.

Katherina turned the page. Lesser never came back to Calva, therefore, the next few pages were of Kuro pining for her to come back, to be his again…then it became…she didn’t even know what. However, she took pictures of some of the entries and then picked up the book and placed it in the basket. She lowered it down and took the book and headed to the villa.


A Fallen Goddess, that’s what she was. A beauty that had fallen from grace, losing everything in one single mistake. She was now nothing more than a glorified human toilet. He watched from afar, thinking, contemplating, mainly on how to get her out of this predicament. He could buy her…he was powerful enough to do so. But then what? She would probably overthrow him or kill him…something he would have expected from his goddess. Even in this state, she managed to keep her dignity. No man was able to make her scream, or even utter a sound. She just sat there, same expression, some defiance, even with everyone jeering and screaming at her. Soon they were becoming bored of trying. Everyday she was led to the cell, she would clean up and get ready for the next day. Many even tried to impregnate her. Nothing. It was like she knew they would not get the satisfaction of breaking her. But he would be damned if his goddess would be subjected to this any longer. He decided to buy her. By the next morning, she was in his chamber. He made specifications of what he wanted her to be wearing. He wanted her in a main outfit with his breasts and ass out…that beautiful peach he has grown to love. But he also wanted her to be blindfolded. The element of surprise was something he was going to love. And there she was, sitting on a chair like a queen on her throne. He went over to her and gently took it off. She opened her eyes, blue like the outside sky. They widened in surprise.


“Hello, Victoria,” she looked a little surprised at him. He cupped her face in his hands and made her look at him. She looked at him with a mixture of contempt and nervousness. It wasn’t hard for her to read someone. That’s what attracted him to her, in many many ways. She was smart, intelligently superior to any woman he’s ever met. The very idea that she had fallen this low made him sick. She was a warrior, a bloody thirsty woman and now her punishment was a human toilet. It was the main reason he rescued her. She was going to be the wife he’s always wanted, yearned for, fantasized since he was a child. She was still as beautiful as the day he laid eyes on her.

“What are you planning?” she hissed

“I’m planning on making you my right hand and wife,” he purred.

“Are you mad?”

“No, you and I both know my feelings for you, even since we were children. The idea of men fucking you in public makes me sick and I know you’d rather die than to suffer that humiliation any longer. So I decided to buy you,”

“You’re a sick man,” she said

“I know but I’m a smart man. I know you’re not going to be onboard in this state. Your will is still strong and defiant and what’s the fun of having you trying to kill me every night? So, starting today, I’m going to break you into my perfect wife and lover,”

“What makes you think I’m not going to kill you or maim you in the process?” she growled.

“Because I’m going to keep you tied up until you become a good girl for me,” he said and teased between her legs. That was when he heard it. A soft little whiny moan. He looked at her. Her face went red and she looked away embarrassed, “Awwww did I touch a spot?”

“D-Don’t you dare!” he smirked and shoved his hands back between her legs. Her mewling and gasping rang through the room. Soon she was panting, a puddle around her looking as though she wanted to cry but still looked away.

“Awww did those cads not warm you up first? I didn’t know were so sensitive, Vikka,”

“D-Don’t touch me!” he groped her breasts this time, thumbing and pulling and this sent her over the edge as her cries rang through the room. Her puddle was larger and her shirt was now wet. The look of sheer embarrassment and submissiveness on her face as she looked away humiliated made him absolutely hard with desire. He called his servants back and he turned his back. He heard a struggle and chains and the door closing and locking. He gave them orders to not disturb them until he gave the signal. He turns. She was wrapped like a beautiful little present, just for him. Her legs were up and tied to her wrists with beautiful blue ribbons, to match her eyes. She was now completely and utterly exposed to him. She struggled to no avail as he took off his pants and approached her. She looked at him with wide scared eyes. He knew her secret and he was going to continue until she was completely broken and ruined to everyone but him.

“Don’t worry my little Kitten,” he purred and caressing her cheek, “Daddy is going to make you his tonight~”

“Wow…” said Cook, putting down the very old journal. Katherina found and gave them to Dom that afternoon before heading off to the convent to see if Argo knows about Golgatha being burned down and of course sharing Lesser’s teen moments with Law and the others.

“Seriously,” said Perv, “This man is thirsty and it only gets…weird from there,”

“He gets off on humiliation but also wants to be pegged. …Can’t believe he has a breeding kink and likes to…eat,”

“And he wants our Fearless Leader so much,”

“Tch, like Lesser would allow someone to treat her that way,” said Dom, “Unless it’s Roci,”

“And that’s because she loves and trusts him,” said Perv.

“Even a human toilet. She would have killed everyone in that town if they even LOOKED at her that way. Then again, many were afraid of her mouth,”

“Or she would have ripped them apart,” said Cook, tittering. Lesser, however, was shaking in absolute rage. She calmly stood up, went over to the den den mushi and dialed.

“Hello Jade, Floyd, I want someone to be eviscerated in the worst possible way and I want his heart, lungs, and head on a silver platter!”

“LESSER NO!” Dom tackled her as Lesser shoved her off to get to the phone.




“You can’t hon!” sai Cook, “Kitty will be an orphan!”

“And taken back to Calva with your grandpa,” said Perv

“And you and Dom can’t blow your covers,” Lesser thought for a few moments before calming down.

“Fine,” she took the receiver again, “Jade, Floyd, change of plans, meet me in High Town tonight,” she slammed the phone down and went upstairs.

“ think she’s gonna kill him?” said Perv

“...nah but knowing her,” said Dom

“Cleaner dear, can you bring me my stone knuckles please?” Lesser called down


“Oh, she’s going to kick his ass!” said Perv laughing

“Oh thank goodness!”

Kuro had the living shit beaten out of him that night. He’s never had a beating like that in years. He thought he dreamt it but he woke up to having his face, chest, and body kicked. He lost consciousness only to see three figures leaving his window. Two with one golden eye each and one that reminded him of his dark siren but it could have been a dream. He limped down stairs that morning and settled in for breakfast. Katherina stared. He had bruises on his arms, his face was sporting a black eye and punched in nose, and he struggled to eat because his hand was strained.


“I don’t need your empathy or concern. Eat and don’t speak another word to me,” she went back to eating. Kotka chuckled.

“Don’t be angry at Katherina because you lost a fight. Some servants and home you have when you can beaten and robbed of everything in an instance. You’ve grown soft,”



Fun summer project!

Chapter Text

Hey hey!!!!

It's that weird time again! I want to do another fanart commission dump! So, instead of picking random scenes, I'm asking you guys to choose who you want to see drawn! It can be any character(s) from any scene or scenario! It'll most likely be a dump after the summer [where I will just be writing and working DX] SO, with that being said, you guys have until July 15th. By this time, there will be more things and characters to see! The only thing I ask is that you give me your description of Reader! If not I'll use my version of her. Here's some requests so far!

1. Teenage Lesser from the Obsession fic

2. Teenage Reader and Tesoro as the Casino King and Casino Princess!

Just have fun with this like silly poses or even implied things that happened ie Cook vs. Yassop, Taicho comforting Doffy, Ace sleeping on his little sister, human!River, etc.

Good Luck and thanks for Reading!

Chapter 129: Outing With Mr. Tesoro


The Little Girl hangs out with the Casino King

Chapter Text

A young woman laid waste to everyone in her path. She was strong and the youngest one there, only nineteen. She wasn’t afraid, it was like a cakewalk compared to the worst battle of her life. There were fifty of them now and this was another fight to the near death. No one was to be murdered according to the judges. She was okay with that. She didn’t like needless bloodshed anyway. She was nimble, she was fast, and she was strong. She also had a two steps ahead mentality. She had to be two steps ahead in order to fight anyone and she could read movements. She learned these skills not by choice but for survival, survival for literally growing up in a war zone where one false move can ruin your life as you know it. She took down at least twenty people on her own and she went after another when she was almost side swiped. However, her glasses were nicked and were caught by the idiot in front of her before he dropped them and crushed them.

“HA! Can’t see can you?! HUH?! HUH BIT—uhh!” the man was head butted in the face and then was kneed repeatedly in the face before she let him go. She then took her bat and started to beat him and his partners over and over until she was satisfied. She calmly picked up her glasses. They were broken. She sighed and placed them into her jacket pocket. She looked around. There were now ten, including her. They were the last ten standing from the beginning of one hundred. She turned and looked at the three judges. She wasn’t nervous. She was confident in her abilities. She can take them all on without breaking a sweat but like everyone here, the prize was too great to pass up. She waited with the rest to see what their next orders were. She was called into the other room. It was dark but it was also warm…very warm. Then she heard it, a song, a familiar song. She grinned and hummed along. It was the theme to Pretty Soldier season one. She was actually shocked to hear it. Then she saw a display case of things. She was actually in awe. She had never seen so many limited edition figures in her life! Then again, the only time she’s seen this many was when she was looking at catalogues from Calva. She and Sammy used to make lists on what they were going to buy when they got out but these…these were beautiful, there was a figure of the Bunny Princess, Wolf Prince, and Cat Prince. The Wolf Prince was angrily watching the Cat Prince holding hands with the Bunny Princess, then there were figures from Pretty Soldier, Prince Sapphire being vanished by Kinsei who was revealed to be the General of the Soldiers, not the Princess, and the final one was from something she knew had to be regional. Sora Warrior of the Sea was only popular like the Wandering Samurai was exclusive to Wano. She never saw figures of those in the wild and was shaking. They were so awesome! She reached out but then one of the judges grabbed her wrist. She was a tall and slim woman with light brown skin, long red hair, dark green eyes, a long, and a red tattoo on her lower left hip of a spiral snake with a star in the middle. She wears a black backless dress with a white stripe on the left, black gloves, large crescent-shaped earrings, black stiletto heels, and a belt with a star-shaped buckle. She didn’t tower over the younger woman much but it was significant.

“Put these in order,” the woman looked at her confused, “You heard me,” she looked at the figures and happily placed them all in their respective fandoms. She looked at her handiwork and waited for the next task. The next hour she was asked about book characters, her favorite foods, three differences between mochi, cake, and pie and the differences between something luxury and what wasn’t. Then she was told to leave. She headed out. She instinctively went to wipe her glasses and sighed. She could see without them but not as well. Especially in a city covered in gold and bright lights. It did bother her eyes. Especially if she wanted to read a few manga or books before bed and money was tight, especially when you’re in debt. She also didn’t want Papa-san to get her a pair of new specs either. She sighed. She could manage for a little while.

“Hey girly, I want that trash in your jacket,” she looked up. One of the judges looked at her with a haughty smirk. She didn’t particularly care for her.


“Are you questioning me? Do you really want that?” she sighed and just gave them to her before walking off. Welp, there goes that she supposed. She sighed and walked home. She was going to take a hot bath, eat a hot meal, and go to bed. She was so sore. By the time she got home, the dinner rush was winding down. She then realized everything was being televised. She winced and was greeted by Papa-san who scolded her good.

“We’ll get you a new pair of glasses first thing in the morning,”

“No, no! I can see! It’s alright!”

“Don’t be stubborn. You can ruin your eyesight without your glasses,”

“I can just use my old pair! It’s fine rea—,” he said nothing but went into the debt till and took out some beli. She felt guilty almost instantly. Everything cost money here, like basic necessities. She knew a new pair of glasses would cost her a good 20000 beli, beli they could use for something else. He placed it in her wallet and ushered to sit and eat.

“You did good, kid,” he said, smiling at her.

“Thanks! I made it to the finals at least,”

“Mhm, you know I don’t approve of methods because you’re not a mercenary and I don’t want you to be but I have to admit, you’re damned good at your job,” she smiled

“Thanks! I mean bodyguarding can be a lucrative career,”

“True but you came from a town of violence, you shouldn’t have to continue it nor should you be a waitress either,”

“Hey! I like helping out in the restaurant!” she said

“But you’re way too bright for this either!” he sighed, “ANd I love having you work here but you need something to stimulate that head of yours,”

“That’s why I have manga and books!” she grinned cheekily.

“That’s not what I meant,” he ruffled her head, “I got the bath ready. You get first bath tonight. You earned it and get some sleep,” she nodded and took a long soak in the tub. After her bath, she went to her room, a very small place that held a bed, a beautiful view of the city, a shelf with books and a small snail TV. She couldn’t help but think about how she ended up here exactly. Two years ago, she and Sammy were fighting together, risking their lives for the chance of freedom, knowing that once they were out, they would run away from that shithole and never look back. They were Divine Phoenixes and they weren’t going to die…until one of them died. She wiped out the rest and mourned over her friend, her best friend, her brother, who assured her that he’ll always look after her. She took his body with her and had him cremated. She scattered him over the sea but held onto a piece in a vial so he could travel with her and now she was imprisoned in another prison but…things were different. At first she was alone…aside from him now she had Papa-san, someone who actually cares about her well being as a person. She had a job, a good-ish job, and well…she learnt a lesson, the rules of Calva is different from the rules of others, not to say Calva was a paradise, fuck no, but there was some kind of loyalty to close people. She trusted the wrong man and now she was stuck paying his debt and he left her high and dry with no way home, then again, she didn’t really have a home. She sighed. She hated him and she wished nothing but bad things upon him but maybe with this job, she could at least pay back Papa-san’s kindness by getting him out…and maybe a better living situation on her end. This man saw that she was in distressed, gave her a hot meal, and offered her a room. She was apprehensive at first but eventually she realized that he was stuck there, just like her and the majority, kept her safe, got her some clothes, and asked if she wanted to pay off her debt by being a waitress at his shop. She started being his bodyguard and whenever someone tried to muscle or bully him. Even with the money she had, he refused to let her get food for the restaurant but anything she needed. Eventually she needed a shelf for the books and manga she acquired from traders. She smiled to herself. They were in a shit hole but she was with the closest thing she had to family. In the morning, she was dreading going to get new glasses because of the expense but to her surprise, Papa-san had a case wrapped in a bow on the breakfast table waiting for her.

“You didn’t have—!”

“I didn’t. These came for you this morning,” she looked puzzled and opened the glasses case. The glasses were just like her old ones but nice and shiny and gold. They were slightly bigger and looked fashionable. She put them on. It was exactly her prescription too. Also inside was a clamp chain so she could secure them better behind her hair.

“...I don't know how to feel about this,”

“Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth but also be careful,” said Papa-san, “but it looks like you have someone other than me watching over you,”

“That makes me slightly better,” she grinned. She felt better now and not as guilty about them being broken in the first place. The woman who brought them briskly walked out of the alley and into the streets. She got into her car and drove off. She was thankful the younger woman was bat as a fucking bat or finding her prescription would have better more difficult. It took her a while to find some frames to fit her facial features. She was actually very cute but she didn't need large as glasses and that would be the only thing she could afford and she would be DAMNED if she hid that behind thick glasses.

“Since when do you do charity cases?” said Tanaka

“She’s the best candidate,” Baccarat shrugged, “Not to mention, I do have a soft spot for certain things,”

“What’s the soft spot for her in particular?”

“Don’t know. I guess she’s been dragged around enough. Could have ended up worst for her if she wasn’t a killing machine and could probably rip a man’s dick off if he tried anything so I’ll consider it an investment for the Casino Princess,” Baccarat has seen it before, before she came to the casino, naive girl meets boy, boy betrays her, girl becomes slave or or on her back for her a living but this time….it was different. This girl was a killing machine, she wasn't naive at all, she just trusted the wrong person and she was saddled with paying his debt. But she was working respectably and protected the alley's residence from the riffraff around. They took a tiger out of her environment and she adapted but there was more to her. At the end of the day, she was a nerdy little cutie who was also soft and gentle. She was going to make sure she was Tesoro's choice for the Casino Princess and maybe a spot in their ranks.


Argo was fascinated with this area. Just the idea of everyone who lived in the area has an interesting story or dark past and he was not only able to record it but he was able to hear the stories first hand from the people he’s talked to. But not only that, he was taken on adventures with the kids of Windmill, Sunrise, and Sunset aka the Dead Island. He knows he’s only going to be there for a short while but he honestly considered staying longer but he knew that wasn’t possible. But he was determined to make the most of it. But the person who fascinated him more was _______________________. She not only knew every area like the back of her hand, she was more than willing to oblige in showing him around. But he also decided to follow her around as a safe distance to get some more information. Today


“Uncle Tesoro!” she ran to him. The man caught her and swung her around. Tesoro was a massively tall man just like everyone else but the way he not only grabbed ________________ like she was nothing and snuggled her like she was a doll was surprisingly wholesome.

“Mija! How are you?!”

“Great! When did you get here?! How long are you staying?!” he chuckled

“I’ll be in town for a few days, so I get to hang out with my little sobrina,”


“Mhm! We can make a day trip out of it!”

“Miss Hancock too?!”

“Well, we’ll have two separate days together. Is there any place you want to go?”

“Ummmm, not really! But if we get to hang out together, I don't mind!” he laughed hard before kissing her forehead.

“But it'll have to be tomorrow,” said Hancock coming in, “That way I can prep Marco first and I can make sure our stories are straight,”

“HI MISS HANCOCK!” Hancock caught _______________ and snuggled her too, “Can we hang out too?!”

“Today, tomorrow you can hang out with Tesoro,”

“YAY!” Argo was puzzled. Did _____________________ have connections with Gild Tesoro AND Boa Hancock?! How was that even possible?! Then Tesoro took something from his pocket.

“I got a surprise for you, sobrina!”

“You didn’t have to get me anything!” she said covering her face. She opened the envelope and looked at the pictures. It was a large room, more like a luxury bedroom with a large bed, a balcony, kotatsu, and a bath with a separate hot spring area near it. The living room were soft colors, mainly gold and white but muted for a little girl, with browns, “Is this my room?” she said holding up her bedroom picture.

“Of course I did, mija!” said Tesoro hugging her tightly, “And yes, that’s your room! I had it made just for you!”

“At your place, right?!”

“Mhm! Hopefully you’ll get to see it someday!”

“It’s so big! And shiny! Can River come too?!”

“Of course he can! I know he’s a very fickle thing so I made sure he had a special corner of the room with all of the comforts he’s used to,” River gave an indignant meow before going back to paw licking, “See? Didn't even know he was there and he made himself known!”

“When can I see your place Uncle Tesoro? I mean I don’t want to take up too much room!” he laughed

“Oh, trust me there’s MORE than enough room for you at my place! I just can’t at the moment. I need to make sure your room is perfect!”

“But it’s cool enough already!”

“Thanks maybe but I want it to be better than your room at home,” Hancock nudged him, “HAHAHA just kidding but I want you to be happy and comfortable! Look at your window!”

“You even gave me a large window! You didn’t have to! And everything is so sparkly! You must live in a big city!”

“I do, that’s why I wanted you to have a nice room so you can see everything! Think of it as your home away from home!”

“Like my room at Miss Hancock’s and Grandpa’s!”

“Exactly! What elements am I missing? I have a large bed and other pieces of furniture but what else?”


“Okay, what else?”

“Ummmmm manga!”

“Very important!”

“A TV I guess for Pretty Soldier and video games!”

“That can be arranged!”

“And a nice cozy bed! It can be really small as long as it’s warm with a LOT of blankets and pillows!”

“Oh? Why so many?”

“Because you can make a fort!”

“Also, I’m thinking of getting an attendant for you,”

“What’s an attendant?”

“Someone to dress you, do you hair, and everything you need while you’re there,”

“But I can do all of that stuff on my own!”

“True but why do it when you’re someplace else?” he chuckled. She still looked a little apprehensive, “How about this? If you don’t like her, you don’t have to have an attendant,”

“Okay! But I'm sure she'll be nice!”

“So you and me have the whole weekend to hang out and get things for your new room and don't you dare hold back,”

“I won't!” she said with her chest puffed out. He chuckled and poked. She deflated, “Hey!”

__________________ was up and out and ready to go bright and early. Hancock was outside to collect her and they went to the villa where they met up with Tesoro. He had his car ready and got her buckled up before getting ready to go. After getting settled and everything else in between, Tesoro finally spoke.

“Soooooo I heard about the secret princess slumber party?” ___________________ froze

“Who told you?!” she said covering her face

“Yumeko. She’s so excited she told me and her aunt about it. But sounds like you bit off more than you can chew. How’s the planning?” the look on her face said it all. He laughed! “My poor baby!”

“It’s so hard!” she whined.

“You really bit off more than you could chew,”

“I did! And I don't know what I'm going to do! Like we've all been planning it and we're going to go in in a few weeks but there's still so much room for error!”

“Yeah, most plans aren't fail safe but it's a fact of life. the best thing you can do is make one thing fail safe, like keeping your little friends happy and safe. Is that done so far?”

“MHM! Shirahoshi will be well hidden, River will take care of Mansherry, and there's a few adults who know where we are, just in case!”

“Good, good! See? You got this, sobrina!”

“So where are we going?”

“We’re going to get you some nice clothes for when you get to my place. Duplicates so you can take the others home,”

“Are you sure?!”

“Mhm…oh! You’re wearing my earrings!”

“Yeah! They’re my favorites and I like them!”

“I hope you would because you're my little star!” she giggled. Using some of the backroads and a ferry, Tesoro took them to a neighboring Island where there were shops and boutiques and things. She's never been in this area and made a note of it. There were people dressed beautifully and there were food places everywhere. He picked a random place that had beautiful clothing and they went inside. He got her measurements and told her to pick whatever she wanted, no holding back and then took some pieces to the tailor and to get a duplicate. ________________ was enjoying herself and found cute clothes and things and thanks to Miss Hancock, she found some things that would grow with her. She liked those the most and got a lot. She happily carried a few in her arms when she was smacked in the shoulder.


“Watch where you’re going, mutt!” Holly sneered at her. She was wearing a pink jumper dress with black boots and carrying a purse and a pink, bejeweled coffee thermos with her name engraved on it.

“You bumped into me!”

“And you need to move out of the way. Anyway, what are YOU doing shopping here? This is way beyond your pay grade and caliber,”

“My uncle is taking me shopping,”

“Stop lying, liar. Orphans don’t have family members. Just say a random stranger is taking you shopping,”

“He’s not a stranger! He’s my uncle! I don’t get to see him that much and it’s a treat!”

“That’s because he likes to take pity on little strays,” Holly tittered under her hand. She then spies the dresses in her bag, “At least you have taste but remember __________________, they’re too good for you. So I’ll just—,”

“No way! I just found these! There’s more I’m sure!”

“You’re really stupid and poor! This boutique is one of a kind and the clothes are supposed to grow with you. I mean that’s a good thing if someone does eat as much as you do, fatty,”

“I’d rather be fat that have no friends,” Holly shot a look at her

“What was that?”

“You heard me. You’re just mad because I have more friends than you and it makes you so angry,”

“I DO have friends! My friends are just super rich and super important! Unlike the company you keep! Though having Katherina as my best friend is going to be my ultimate goal,”

“She hates your guts,”

“Because YOU’RE around! But I’m planning to have her come around with a slumber party to rival yours! Yes I know about it and I wouldn’t be caught DEAD going! But of course I will have one BETTER than yours! Who’d want to come to your house a second time anyway?”

“Well, my parties are fun. Not my fault you can’t think pass your nose about someone else,”

“Tch! Whatever! Oh before I forget,” she threw her coffee at __________________, who managed to move. The latte hit the mannequins and splattered. Holly looked shocked and got ready to run when Mr. Crewe and Tesoro came. The shopkeeper came and didn’t look too pleased.


“THAT MUTT WENT CRAZY AND THREW HER COFFEE ALL OVER YOUR THINGS! BAN HER FOR LIFE!” the shopkeeper looked at the little girls. Mr. Crewe however, casually went over and picked up Holly’s large pink reusable coffee cup with her name engraved on it. The contents were all over the dress.

“Oh? I wasn’t aware that __________________ was holding a coffee cup when she came in, especially a large custom made cup with your initials,” he said sternly, “And I saw what you did. Mr. Shopkeeper, whatever you seem fit to punish my daughter, I will fully support,”

“Paying for the clothes she ruined would be nice but—,” Tesoro however took out his checkbook and paid.

“Amigo no, take your blood money and allow me to take over the punishment,” he smiled. Mr. Crewe nodded. Holly looked a little puzzled as Tesoro towered over her.

“Such a pretty little girl with pretty little clothes,” Holly gave him a smug smile, “With such a ugly little attitude. Like a serpent. Shopkeeper, can I buy out your boutique?”


“Can I buy out your boutique? We’ll split the profits sixty-forty,”

“Ummm, ummm, are you sure?!”

“Mhm! You wouldn’t have to work a day afterwards and I can make it more profitable,”

“Y-Yes!” Tesoro wrote out another check.

“Would this cover it?” the poor man had to sit down and nodded still in shock, “Good, first order of business is to ban that little girl from buying anything from here again,”

“W-WHAT?!” Holly screeched

“Of course sir!”

“Her father is okay, but not her. In fact, make sure mi sobrina has free range to buy whatever she likes whenever she likes for whomever she likes, EXCEPT her. Tell me my friend, is your wife the same as her daughter?”

“Worse,” said Mr. Crewe


“Ban her too! Looks like your wife and daughter are going to have to travel for days to shop,”

“Fine by me,” said Mr. Crewe, “I hope this was a learning experience for you, Holly,”

“I DIDN’T DO ANYTHING! You’re my father! You’re SUPPOSED to defend me!”

“Not when you’re throwing coffee and being an absolute brat! Besides, you have enough clothes. We’re not doing this, never wear the same outfit once thing you think you can do,” he said, ushering her out. Holly screamed and threw a fit as Mr. Crewe just walked faster and away, leaving her there. Holly froze. Usually he would come back and try to make sure she was appeased. Everyone in the shop looked at HER, not him. She could hear whispers about that “bratty little girl” and “What a brat that her mother raised” and “that man is a saint for putting up with her”! Holly picked herself and with her head held high briskly walked away…right into the door. She whimpered. The people laughed. Mr. Crewe was already outside waiting for her to come expectantly. She walked out and followed behind her father in silence. True to his word, Tesoro bought out every single shop, boutique, clothing store, second hand store, anywhere that sold luxury clothing just for the sole purpose of banning Holly. He couldn’t touch anything at the villa but Doflamingo understood the assignment and banned her there as well. Tesoro bought two sets of clothes, one for her home in Windmill and the other for his place. He secretly placed everything in _____________________’s name as his beneficiary. They went to a restaurant for lunch. ________________ happily ate, completely famished from their outing together. He smiled. He liked seeing her eat. The feeling always made him happy.

“Want more? I can order you some more,”

“You sure?!”

“Mhm! You’re young and growing so it’s natural if you want something more to eat!”

“Okay!” while they waited for their second helping she looked at him with a serious look.

“Hey Mr. Tesoro?”


“Are you sure it’s okay for me to come to your place?”

“Of course! I’ve been waiting for you for a very long time. Stop asking, mija,” he poked her nose playfully, “Trust me, everything is fine,”

“Sorry,” she said, covering her face, “I just don’t want to eat you out of house and home!” he laughed.

“It’s fine! If Dice can pack it away, so can you!”


“He’s an…subordinate of mine,”

“Like a friend!”

“Yes, more like a family fixture,” he said.

“Who else lives with you?”

“Oh, there’s also Tanaka and you’ve seen Baccarat,”

“That pretty lady that was with you? Is she your wife?” he snorts.

“Nope. The love of my life…is no longer with me,” he noticed she looked sad, “Oh no! It happened a very long time ago!”

“But you still miss her! That’s okay! Sister says loved ones watch over us! So she’s watching over you! So don’t worry! She’s still with you!” he face softened. He sighed and ruffled her hair.

“Stop you little bunny. Enough about that we still have to get you some nice things for your room and just because. We also have to make sure you have more jewelry,”

“Really?!” her face lit up

“Oh ho! You like shiny things?”

“Mhm! Sister said "I'm like a Magpie!””

“More like a dragon that hoards things,” he said laughing. After lunch, he took her to many jewelry stores. _________________ was in awe as she picked out silver and gold and gemstone earrings and bracelets. It was late when they finally headed home. The warlords were staying at the villa so he had to get his little niece back there so she could go back home with Hancock and none would be the wiser. When they got out of the car however, ________________ looked up at the sky and grinned. Tesoro was heading to the villa when he felt a little hand guiding him in the opposite direction. He thought she was heading towards a shop.

“Oh! You want me to buy something?”

“What?! No! I wanted to show you something!” she guided him into the woods. She walked as though she knew exactly where she was going and soon they stopped at a spot in the clearing where you can see the stars in all of their glory. Tesoro stared in amazement. Because of the lights in his casino, the stars aren't as visible so this was a rare treat for him as well. He looked down at her. She looked up in awe. This never got old for her even though he was sure she looked up at this beautiful sight every night, “It’s so pretty here at night! I already showed Miss Hancock and I was hoping you’d come! It comes around this time every year! I always manage to catch it before we go to Wano,” Tesoro looked at the formation. He remembered watching the stars when he was about her age. He’s always lived in the city since he was a child and this was amazing. He always dreamt he would see this with Stella…he shook the memory from his head, “I don’t know what it is but it only happens around here around winter but it’s so pretty!” he looked down at her. She looked at the sky in awe. He smiled and perched her on his shoulders.

“This is called the Twilight Formation. It’s visible around this time because of the Earth’s rotation,”


“I’m pretty sure you can see it in your area in a certain area if you look for it,” he then turned her gaze to something else, “Like this one. That’s Canis Major and Canis Minor,”

“Dog and Puppy,” he snorts

“Pretty much! And there’s the Archer and Lyra right there,”

“Huh?” he traced the stars, “See? You have to use your imagination to see an archer and a lyra,”

“What’s a lyra?”

“It’s a very ancient harp,”

“Oh! I think I see it!” he smiled as he pointed them out for her. She sat there fascinated by him showing her everything.

“You like the stars?”

“MHM! They’re so pretty! That’s why I love home so much! You can see them outside my window at night! Especially on the ship! I don’t know all the times but Blenheim says you can chart the world through the stars,”

“Definitely! It’s a great skill to have as a pirate or Marine. Ask him to teach you,”

“Okay! I mean Nami is better at it than I am but she can make maps just from memory! I have to explore,”

“Talented little girls! You both will be a great asset to any ship. But if something ever happens to a log prose, you can guide everyone out at night. That’s the old fashioned way,”


“And it’s a little easier but log prose, definitely daytime,”

“Got it!” they finally made it to Hancock, who was waiting at the rendezvous point. She looked a little miffed but relieved when she saw __________________ running to her. She caught her and hugged her tightly.

“Hi Miss Hancock!”

“I was getting worried! How was your little outing?”

“SO MUCH FUN! We went shopping and got a lot of things and then he had a lot of good food!”

“All these clothes are for you?”

“Mhm! They’re for home and Uncle Tesoro’s place!” she smiled at her.

“Take the ones for Tesoro’s home and take them to my ship,”

“Okay!” she gathered everything and scampered away. They watched her leave before she sighed.

“I think we spoil her too much,” said Hancock

“She deserves it,” said Tesoro laughing, “And you’re worse than I am,”

“Oh? How so?”

“She walks around like a little princess and she told on you. Most of those things are high quality and designer. You’re no better than me,”

“True but I owe her a lot but you can’t just keep throwing money. She loves being around you,”

“I know. I like being around her too. I do have to bully her from time to time in order for her to tell me what she wants,”

“Don’t. She’s a simple child. I don’t think she even cares about the clothes being fancy, just that they’re nice,”

“Oh! Before I forget!” she looked up. He presented a necklace for her. She looked at him with a raised eyebrow

“Tch, I don’t want it,”


“I don’t accept anything from anyone that I can’t buy myself,”

“Don’t be stubborn, me and __________________ thought it would look nice and Miss Hancock,” she softened a bit. However, ________________ piped up and heard what he said when she approached.

“Nah uh! Mr. Tesoro said it would look nice on you!”

“SHHHHHHH! That was a secret!” she covered her mouth. Hancock was even more flustered.

“W-What was that?!”

“When we were getting things, I saw it and thought you’d like it. And consider it a thank you for giving me alone time with ________________. I appreciate it. Here,” he moved her hair to the side and placed it on her. ____________________ looked at the necklace in awe.

“It’s so pretty on you, Miss Hancock!” she said

“Sobrina, you always call a woman beautiful,” he winked. Hancock reddened and looked away.

“I appreciate it,”

“Soooooo are he semi friends now?”

“Tch, you still have a long way to go,”

“Are you being tsundere Aunt Hancock?” the woman blushed badly

“Where did you get that word?!”

“Killer! He says Law and Kitty are tsundere! That’s a person who has a hard time expressing their feelings, right?” Tesoro laughed hard.

“She told on you again!”

“Stop it you two!” Hancock suddenly stopped

“....Did you just call me Aunt?!” ____________________ covered her mouth and nodded.

“Well, I don’t have an aunt and uncle yet so I figured you and Mr. Tesoro are my uncle and aunt! Right?” Hancock’s face went red and she immediately scooped her up and hugged her tightly.


“Is it okay?!”

“OF COURSE IT IS!” Tesoro smiled, but slightly jealous but he knows it'll take her some time to call him tio. That's going to be his goal. Hancock got ______________ back home. She went inside and greeted her family. Ace, Luffy, and Sabo were playing games. She happily greeted them. Luffy stopped and ran to her and hugged her tightly. He volunteered to help her put things away much to Ace's chagrin. After she was done, Argo came out of the spare room. He looked out of breath and looked really tired. In reality, he was following ________________ all day but he also needed to know. He was curious. The way she spoke to Tesoro and Hancock, two egocentric, callous, and if not snarky powerhouses and the way they affectionately hugged and casually talked to her back showed they were very close.

“Hey _____________________!”


“Got a minute?”

“Sure!” he looked at her. He felt weird. He didn’t want to pry. He KNOWS he shouldn’t pry but he had to know…but then again, he didn’t have to. Killer said when it came to ____________________ just go with it.

“Ummm I didn't know you knew Hancock!”

“Aunt Hancock?! Yeah she's my aunt! Isn't she cool?!”

“She is!”

“We went shopping today, just me and her and we got so much stuff! Then we got something to eat and watched the stars!” Now Argo knew this was a lie. She spent the day with Tesoro, not Hancock. She smiled at him.


“I ummm…I just thought I saw—,” Don't question it. You're a guest here. There's a reason for everything

“Saw what?”

“You two shopping! I bet you got a lot of cute clothes! Can I see?”


“Later!” said Ace dragging ________________ into the room, “It's her turn,”



Argo’s Log 343451

I swear there’s something about ____________________ that I can’t put my finger on. I mean don’t get me wrong, she’s amazing and sweet but I question a lot when it comes to her. She’s friends and close with Boa Hancock, a powerful warlord but also the Casino King himself, to the point he refers to her as his niece. Today I decided to follow ____________________ and her outing with basically the richest man on the seas. I know she’s an orphan and like many who live here is being raised by a loving adoptive family. With her, it seems like she has strong ties with not only the most beautiful woman in the world but also the Casino King with a god complex…but it was strange to see the pair around __________________. They have a strange coparenting relationship with her, him being the father and her being the mother. You can feel the love between the three of them. Even when _________________ left, they have a mutual respect for each other. Tesoro is not in love with Hancock, I know this because of her ability but I think it’s admiration. They share something deeper and I don’t know what it is and how it ties into ___________________. It also seems like her family and friends don’t know about Tesoro. I won’t say anything unless she does. Between her and Luffy I wonder, question even the amount of charisma they both have. She also reminds me of someone else but in a good way. She’s sweet and pretty and so spacey-ly adorable. The adventures she seems to get into is actually an enigma. This summer alone I’ve watched her and Penny take on a kelpie, in a trial for a missing penis, and met some living legends. I know I don’t have a chance, so far it looks like so many just want to be near her. I will continue my observations more to see what else I can see from her. I’m also wondering about the weird hatred that Holly has for _________________. I know it’s probably just jealousy or envy but this is deeper than I can imagine. I also learned that Holly’s father is the Perfume King, owner of Flores Solis! I can see why she’s spoiled but at the same time, Mr. Crewe seems to be tired and weary of her attitude. There’s more going on there, especially since I know from my research that he was set to marry someone else but suddenly married another woman. Holly looks just like that woman. The plot thickens.

“Awwww empty handed again?!” said Dice as Tesoro unboarded his ship. The moment he got off and was in the walls, he strutted inside and barked orders to his workers, put the clothes away and prepare the room for the Casino Princess.

“Mhm, but she’s delighted to see the room. My sweet sobrina thinks I’m living in a hovel that overlooks the city,”

“So innocent,” Baccarat tittered under her hand, “But she’s still just a child. I take it that those are all the clothes she picked out?”

“Si, and I had to convince her to get more to fill that closet. Baccarat, see about getting a canopy bed for her,”

“On it, but let me take a little peek,” she looked inside the bags, “Wow, she has good tastes for a child,”

“Well she was a noble, some things just don’t die out so quickly,” said Tanaka picking his nose, “Does she get the gold treatment?”

“Mhm but she’s the Casino Princess, of course she’s going to be covered in gold,”

“By the way, Boss, I think we found our Attendant,”

“Excellent, I’m feeling good. Make the place look more summery for our guests! Damn I could have kidnapped her for the summer!” The applications came flooding in. Because of the heavy debt of many people on the Gran Tesoro, the thought and idea of reducing your debt was a godsend. The Casino King wanted something very specific, in return that person would have their debt eradicated. The application process took about three months of tests. It was a surprise that it was a fight to the near death and one young woman made it out on top. She was a tall woman with glasses, shoulder length brown curly hair, and freckles. She made it to the top three before other tests were given that centered on intelligence, strength, and weird scenarios with cats and things. After the final test she was chosen and taken to Tesoro himself. She looked a little nervous but had a very determined look on her face. She wore a long skirt with written symbols, Love, Hate, Peace, Death, and Exit. On the back of her top was Divine Phoenix: Ricky, Scarlet, Kuchisake. Her weapon was a large steel spiked bat. She stood in front of the four people who literally trapped her here and she was understandably nervous. Tesoro finally spoke.

“Mija, you have to tell me, where are you from?”

“A city of carnage and greed,”

“I see, how did you get trapped here?”

“Same song and dance as everyone else. Got suckered in and cocky and worked for you since. Honestly, whatever work you want me to do…I’ll do it for another person here. I don’t mind staying here but I really want them out instead,”

“Wait, wait, wait! I remember you!” said Tanaka snickering, “You’re the girl who’s boyfriend traded to be in here!” the young woman’s cheeks burned. Tesoro looked at her before laughing.

“It’s true! I remember you! That was terrible! We even made a game of it! And you’re a Calva escapee mercenary!”

“Yep, that was me,” she said, trying her best to not let the laughter get to her.

“And you JUST got out of Calva, too! That was his selling point in keeping you here!” the crew laughed, except for Baccarat who didn’t look amused at the jeering.

“Okay, okay, lay off. Tell her the job,”

“Right. I need you to be the personal attendant to my niece when she comes here,” Tesoro showed her a picture of _____________________, “Your job is to get her dressed, wake her up, and be there if she needs anything if me or Baccarat aren’t around. She’s ten. You’re going to make sure she doesn’t want for anything. You’re on her beck and call for as much or as long as she wants. You’re also going to make sure she’s okay and if she wants to visit any neighboring island she’s always protected. You will get a room in my home and be treated like one of my subordinates but the moment you fail or she outgrows you, you leave, understood?”

“Yes sir,”

“You’ll have an uniform and you’re going to be her governess so to say,” she nodded


“Any questions?”

“When do I start?”

“Soon so when I give you the call, you will be ready,” she nodded. She was given a key to the rooms she would be living in and as an extra bonus, she was given beli to offset her debt and upgrade things. She took the briefcase and headed out.

“Hey hon,” she looked up. Baccarat blocked her path. The young woman looked a little apprehensive at her, “Need a lift?”

“No-No, it’s fine, I can walk,”

“Come on. This isn’t a request,” the woman looked at her before hopping into the passenger’s seat. Baccarat drove off. The pair was silent. The young woman was still getting used to cars, especially on a ship so massive that it needed a car. She liked walking everywhere but also a bike. But she was also just wanted to go home and take a bath and give this money to Papa-san for dinner tonight, “Listen, I was rooting for you the whole time. You’re a killing machine and you not only held your own but you were awkward enough to not pose a threat. Then again, Calva mercenaries are a thing outside of your place,”

“Yeah but those have trained to be mercenaries, that’s the only job we were trained to do really,”

“Yeah but you have the je ne sais quois quality that knows you’re smarter than you look but also deadly but also gentle enough for a little girl,”


“So what's a nerd like you being a trained killer?”

“Actually…I was a part of a gang when I left Calva, it was Divine Phoenix. The founders fought out and every year we try to get two out and the rest continue to fight to take down the system from the inside. My best friend died in the trials and I got out and met Steel right afterwards…and well you know the rest,”

“Why did you want to settle with someone like that?”

“I didn’t settle! I thought…he liked me,”

“Usually dumb farm girls fall for the first dick they see. You’re a killer, you don’t have that excuse,”

“What do you know?” she snapped

“Enough to know that because of him, your sorry ass is stuck paying his debt. He even gave you that ugly cocktail dress. I hope you trashed it. It wasn’t even worth the fabric,”

“I burned it with everything else that reminded me of him,”

“You better! That was from the clearance bin and he got a designer suit. Shitty asshole. Seriously, we have to change your taste in men. Mainly someone who isn’t a cowardly baby dick. You really need to stop acting like an idiot farm girl,” the young woman was trembling by now. She was trying to hold it together but was failing, “Hey, you know I’m right. It's a hard pill to swallow but I’ve been wanting to tell you that for months now,”

“Well, thanks for rubbing it in!” Baccarat stopped the car and glanced over at the young woman who looked away but she saw that she did strike a nerve and she was starting to cry. She then felt her hair being ruffled.

“Listen, I didn’t say this to make you feel bad but you have to learn how to stand up for yourself. Hell you let me get this far before you did and in this business, you have to be able to snap back when need be. You’re one of us now as long as the Casino Princess likes you, just think of this as you playing life on easy mode now. I’ll take you shopping one day next week,”

“But I don’t have money,”

“Didn’t ask that. Think of me as your cool big sister,”

“Who shits on her little sister?”

“Now you're getting it!” the young woman looked at her like she grew two heads. Baccarat smiled and stopped in front of an alley, “Here’s you,”


“See you around and remember, you’re a killer, be a confident one, alright?”

She hurried home. She was tired and starving. But she practically skipped home. The only place she ever considered home. She opened the door to the restaurant. It was only a few minutes after closing.

“I’m home! Sorry I was late!”

“Maisie?!” she beamed and ran to the older man. is a burly, muscular man with a bald head and a thick black mustache and beard, with the beard being groomed into five points. He has a small scar along his collarbone and a large scar on his left arm. He wears a dark brown shirt with a yellow apron over it that has a picture of meat and the word "WILDCOW" on it. He also wears blue pants, brown shoes, and small glasses with blue lenses, “Where were you? I was getting worried! Especially since the dinner rush ended,”

“Today was the final day of the Application,”


“I got the job!”

“Hey! That’s great!” he ruffled her hair, “What’s the deal you made with him?” she froze. He looked at her. The old man could read her like a book, “I’m waiting,”

“Well, after I do this task…then you can get out of here,”



“Maisie, no, if there’s a reason for you to get out then you take it!”

“Listen, I’m doing it so YOU can get out. I’m okay living in this place. You’re too kind for this place,”

“You’re still young! You can easily start over!”

“Look…it’s the least I can do, okay? You took me in, a stranger, gave me good food and wanted nothing in return. I want to return the favor. Please!” the man looked at her before bopping her head, “Ow!”

“Stop trying to act cool, brat,” she rubbed her head, “Go wash and eat,” she nodded and got her hands cleaned and headed downstairs. She happily ate her fill. She didn’t care what anyone said, Double Down was the best cook in the world to her. Today it was oxtails, greens, rice, and gravy and she was so happy to eat this good every day. She didn’t have much of a family but this gruff but noble man basically took her in as his own and she was grateful, especially since she didn’t have much to begin with. She didn’t mind being a waitress for his restaurant and he even let her stay with him, clearing out a room just so she could sleep. She returned his kindness by cleaning up, making sure the older man was comfortable with a hot bath ready for him at night, going grocery shopping, and just being as helpful as humanly possible.

“How was the application process?” he asked

“Easy as pie,” she said grinning, “Nothing I couldn’t handle,” she beamed. He looked a little uneasy.

“Proud of you but what is the job again? I really didn’t want you to get into mercenary work,”

“I don’t think that’s the case!” she said, “Apparently, I’m supposed to watch over a kid,”


“Well, I’m going to be the personal attendant to the Casino Princess,”

“Casino Princess?”

“Tesoro’s niece apparently. Never met her but apparently she’s about ten-ish, apple of his eye but she’s never been here, yet. But I guess he wants to make an impression of her. But yeah, it was grueling and everything but I guess I was perfect for the job,”

“...if she’s anything like her uncle, that job isn’t going to be a cake walk,” he said gruffly, “

“I want to!” she said, “Listen, I know our living situation isn’t ideal but I’m USED to living in a situation like this! You’re not! And I know it’s nothing to be proud of but I want you to be happy!”

“I understand but you can be way too trusting,” he said, sighing.

“Hey! I’m right 95% of the time…the other part…I was just…in love I guess,”

“That wasn’t love,” he gave her more oxtails, “That was codependency. You needed stability after leaving Calva and he was there to “help you”. When in reality he wanted someone he could ride or die with and when he had to save his skin, he sacrificed his pawn. The man was a bastard,”

“Yeah…but it worked out. I mean I have a family now, right?” she looked at him with a hopeful smile. He smiled and ruffled her head.

“That you do. Just don’t call me Daddy,”

“I still like Big D or Double D!” he laughed.

“No, it still sounds like I’m your pimp,”

“Papa D?”


“Dad D,”

“Close to Daddy,”

“I guess I can always just stick to Papa-san ooooooor Dad?”

“...either or works,” he said laughing, “Finish up and I made a peach cobbler as a congratulations,”

“For me?!”

“You earned it,”

Chapter 130: Short Stories of Windmill Village and Beyond


Adventures of the Residents of Windmill Village

Chapter Text

_______________________ slumped out of bed that morning and yawned. It was a long day, very long and she was tired, very tired. She made her way downstairs. Pops was at the table first, a rare treat. She beamed at him before happily perching next to him.

“Morning Pops!”

“Ah! Just the brat I wanted to see!” he said, ruffling her hair affectionately, “Let’s go on an adventure together!”


“MHM! We haven’t had one of our little outings in a while and I’m starting to forget what you look like!” she laughed

“We always talk during dinner and in the garden!”

“That’s true but I’ve been busy lately and I wanted to see if my fishing buddy wants to go fishing with me!”

“YEAH!” the next thing she knew, she and Pops were on a boat in the middle of the ocean fishing. It’s been awhile since they’ve been fishing but she knows he gets busy, especially with one Ace to deal with. She loved her quality time with Pops. Yes she had her other brothers, especially Marco to make sure she okay, dressed, loved, and cared for but when it came to quality time with Pops, it was on a different level, especially since he answered every single question to the best of his abilities. And he loved answering her multiple questions and concerns. 

“Hey Pops?”


“There’s other islands out there, right?”


“Are all of them on maps?”

“Sadly, no,”

“How come?”

“Well, some islands don’t get aid or help from the World Government. There’s many reasons for that. Some because they’re too poor to pay tributes and they just leave them high and dry, like Sphinx,”

“But Sphinx is awesome!”

“Damn right it is! But when I was about your age it wasn’t until Atlas adopted it and then later me,”

“So those islands get help from other people?”

“Yes. Or in some cases if that island gives a certain service or product that can be a problem if the World Government knows about it, it can be not mapped or governed independently or if they “use it” but doesn’t want anyone to know about it,”

“Like Calva!”

“Now you’re getting it. Since Calva is a dangerous place with dangerous people made inside it and since many of those who leave usually become bodyguards or mercenaries, the World Government turns a blind eye,”

“Does that mean it’s like that with Whole Cake Island?”

“That’s Big Mom’s territory and the rules do apply but also that’s where a yonko lives and many don’t want to deal with it,”

“What about Windmill Village?”

“Our humble little area? Well we’re a special case, Me, Shanks, and Zeff live on one side, Doflamingo and Rocinante live in another area, there’s the Barracks on the far side, and powerful nobility on the edges. It’s an unspoken agreement that we all take care of this place because it’s our home. Goa is different because there’s a royal family there and that pays tribute,”


“Answered everything sweet pea?”

“Yah huh!”

“I’m glad! Honestly I love answering your little questions. You’re like a sponge!”


“But that’s a good thing! You’re learning and as you grow, so does your brain!”

“Is that how everyone learns?”

“Mhm, why do you think I figured out how to pick locks? I had to learn when I was your age,”

“But your fingers are too big now!” she giggled. Whitebeard gasped.

“So cheeky!”

“Have you ever met or fought the Pirate King?”



“Plenty of times! More than I care to admit but we’ve tousled a few times, traded, and tousled again,”


“It’s a pirate thing but all in all I still respect the man,”

“How come I’ve never seen a picture of him?”

“Not surprising. When he was executed, every single one of his wanted posters and images of him were destroyed, like they were trying to erase a legacy,”

“But everyone knows him! Or at least stories!”

“That’s how legends work! They don’t die, they age like fine wine!”

“Like Blume!

“Especially like Blume! When famous pirates die, depending on their notoriety, their wanted posters get destroyed. Though I know for a fact that Kong keeps hers as a keepsake,”

“I thought he would hate her!”

“Theoretically but Blume did kill a tyrant before she died. She was responsible for many good things, Goro’s death was…well, the best thing that happened,”

“The bad Admiral, right?”

“I’m surprised you know what I’m talking about,”

“Magra told us when we were with Miss Dadan!”

“Ah, so you know his mantra of Above All Justice. But it was worse than you think. It was well…scary,”


“Imagine you were arrested for no reason and placed in Impel Down. You didn’t do a thing but your grandfather was friends with a pirate and he lived in South Blue and you live in East Blue. You could have been jailed just for that and not just regular prison, Level One in Impel Down, where sharp needles poked you every day,”


“Not pleasant! And he would order Buster Calls constantly, obsessed with eradicating every single pirate or anyone who showed empathy to them. Kong always tangled with Blume, he always saw her as his worthy adversary…until that day that his abilities and loyalties were tested. I don’t know if you heard the story of the Siege of the Abbey,”


“Well, that fight was…intense and brutal and bloody. Goro was going to kill every nun and monk on that island for daring to treat the sick and injured, not turning anyone away, even if they were pirate or Marine, or civilian. Everyone always saw it as a neutral spot where you can get your bearings, rest, get nursed to health and Goro wanted them dead. That fight took…days, turning into weeks. But here’s where things got…interesting, Kong tried to appease Goro, begging him to reconsider but Goro took it as a sign of weakness and decided to set Kong up to get killed. Kong was well liked amongst the Marines and he knew that if Kong did gather ranks, they would follow and sent on a suicide mission against Rocks,”

“That’s horrible!”

“Worse than that! Rocks was a real bastard and would have decimated the fleet just for fun. Especially with Linlin and Kaido on his ship at the time. When Blume found out, she immediately tried to redirect the ships, which she did to attack her crew, Atlas and the Rumbar Pirates. But Kong actually refused, stating that Blume was innocent for once. In a blind rage, Goro went after Kong, Blume came in time and the fight ended with Goro decapitated. Kong was horrified, Blume spiked his head, and then she ran for it. Kong wanted to arrest her on the spot but a tone dial of Goro’s plans and the real mission made Kong relieved and surprised that Blume not only saved his life but revealed what kind of a monster his mentor really was. He took it hard like most when she died. The wanted posters were all burned but he personally held the memorial service at the Abbey. Even when Flora went off the deep end, he helped with the search. If that isn’t respect I don’t what is,”

“Do you have her wanted poster?”

“Yep! But I don’t have Roger’s. I really don’t want to keep that hanging around,”

“Why not?”

“Old rival, I want to remember him in his prime not on a poster. He was a little different from his wanted poster,”

“Was he nice?” Pops chuckled

“Roger was an idiot but powerful, big and flashy. He knew who he was and didn’t run from a fight. He was also very stubborn and absolutely ruthless if anyone in his crew was hurt or killed. He was a good man…and a pirate,”

“Like you!”


“You are a good man! Because you’re my Dad and I’m good!” she beamed at him. The pair fished in silence for a few more moments, “Hey Pops?”


“Can Blackbeard or Big Mom or Kaido ever find our home? Like ever?”

“Guarararararara! That’s the beauty of our little area and many others. The magnetic fields around them can take several years to record and almost slim to none if the magnetic field changes. So even if Teach comes back around here again, he’ll only remember Goa and probably stay there,”

“Huh?” he laughed.

“I used devil fruit to conceal the field so unless you caught me off guard or before I came here, it’s hard to make your way back. Izo managed to shoot the log pose before he escaped. I’ve done it in Sphinx as well along with Paradiso and Bouquet,”

“What’s Paradiso?”

“That’s Atlas’s home. He…doesn’t like to talk about it too much but some islands have weird magnetic fields that can take years to record,”

“That’s so cool!”

“Isn’t it? That’s why you have to be smart when you’re a pirate,” he ruffled her hair.

“But what about star navigation? Would it still be easy to find places with the stars?”

“You have to be talented like Nami and Ace to use something other than a log pose but that’s why Blenheim is teaching you so you can navigate the old fashion way,”

“It’s easier!”

“Of course it is,”

“So they can’t get here?”



“I promise and if they ever do, I’ll chase them away myself,”

“And protect us, right?”

“Of course! I’m Whitebeard, I can do anything!” she smiled and pulled another fish out of the water, “We’re going to have a good BBQ tonight!”

“YAY! That’s the best part of summer!”

“What, my cooking?”

“YEAH! And the whole Village brings food! And everyone gets to be together! It’s so much fun! It’s the best part about summer!” he smiled at his daughter. She had the brightest smile, still innocent of the horrors of the world and everything in it. She had her…taste of the horrors but the idea that she keeps a bright optimism and childlike wonder make him happy. He wished she could capture and immortalize this moment so she could go back to it but children need to grow and thrive. When they got home, Thatch got the fish prepared for tomorrow. She happily went to tell everyone about the BBQ along with getting ingredients for tomorrow. Whitebeard smiled and casually sat on the engawa.

“How was it?” said Izo looking joining him with sake.

“Good! It felt great to get back on the water again,”

“Did you tell her that you’re going to be sticking around more?”

“Nah, I think her and Ace will figure it out eventually. I feel guilty for leaving everyone like this,”

“You’re busy, we know and did you finally get everything sorted?”

“As sorted as it can be. Everyone’s fields have been changed and everyone in Bouquet is still thriving as ever. I don’t think I have anything else to do for awhile but be with my family,”


“Awww don’t tell me you miss me too, Izo,”

“I do. The vibe is off when you’re not here and not to mention, you miss a lot of weird kid antics when you’re not here. Like Penny capturing a Kelpie,”


“Yeah, right after you left, that happened. Then there’s the picnic with Ussop and Kaya, Ace and Kid pissing contests, and I’m sure you weren’t around when Law punished Sanji for the Lesser Face Sitting,”

“...that’s it, I’m staying until the end of winter!”

“That’s the spirit!”

A little boy wandered through his home. He HATED when his best friend would leave. He HATED it with a passion. He missed him more than anything and it was just so boring without him! He tried everything to make himself feel better. Cupcakes turned into ash in his mouth. He tried to mess with the servants but they usually ran when they saw him. Rude. He even tried sleeping more. That didn’t work! He loved Garon and Garon LOVED spending time with him but now he wasn’t here and he was bored and cranky! He decided to find a few things so he could dissect. Usually Garon would scold him for doing something like that but he wasn’t here! He actually stalked and managed to kill a bunny, sparrow, and a bearded dragon and that cheered him up immensely! But he KNEW he was going to have to hide the bodies or Garon wouldn’t come into his room again, something about the smell. But still no Garon meant no fun…unless he called someone for fun.

“’re bored aren’t you?”

“VERY!” said the boy, “Wanna do something? I can’t take the boredom!”

“Why did you let him leave in the first place?” said Ichiji, “You know how you get when he leaves!”

“I don’t know! I guess it’s because he gets weird when he’s here too long! He likes to travel so I just let him because he always comes back! If not, I’ll find him and bring him back!”

“Yeah but now you don’t have anything to do,” said Niji

“I did a lot! But I can’t even find my dog pheromones! So I had to postpone the dog breeding experiment on the Momobami Clan!”

“Why don’t you make them into your pets while you finish looking?” said Goji, “It’s usually more fun to see them do dog things like peeing and shitting! Ooh make them eat their own shit!”

“...that sounds like a plan! Do you guys want in?”

“I don’t have anything better to do this week,” said Ichiji.

However, even after the torture session, Null still wasn’t happy. Like he said, he wasn’t fun if Garon wasn’t around to scold him. It took him well over an hour ro be able to go back into his room because he found a cockroach near it and he was too scared to go inside. Garon ALWAYS kept the buggies out for him! He groaned. He was depressed! He missed Garon! If he had his rathers, his sister AND Garon would be in a cage forever! He whimpered and slumped into bed. Then there was a knock on the door. He lifted his head up. 

“Enter,” a large dark figure came into the room. Null swung his legs over his bed and got up and ran over to the man. He scooped him up and swung him a bit before setting him down, “What do I owe the Gramp?”

“Oh nothing, just checking to see how my little protege is getting on,”

“Garon is gooooooooone,” 

“Oh? Why?” 

“Because he wanted to explore for a while so I let him. He always comes back because if he doesn’t, I level the island that’s keeping him,” 

“Heh, good job! I’m here on business but I was wondering, did you want to visit your Cousin Stelly?” 

“Ugh, why?” 

“No reason, it’s always good to put him in his place every now and then,” 

“But he lives in a shithole,” Null whined 

“True but there’s going to be an interesting thing too! A Celestial is coming to visit,”

“Which one?” 

“Does it matter?” 


“And you know how much your cousins like to keep up appearances. Think of it as free entertainment," a wide smile appeared on Null’s face. 


“That’s my boy,” Gramp left. Null grinned. He hated those cousins but when they trip over themselves to make him comfortable, it’s the most hilarious thing in the world. Not to mention, his favorite cousin went missing. He missed Sabo dearly, almost as much as he missed his sister. They were all so close back then, another reason why he wanted to see their place, he wouldn’t be able to travel anymore, especially with his training and things coming up with Gramp. He may have to stop Garon from traveling too or force him to take him with. He stretched and plopped back into bed. Now he was feeling a lot better! 

Argo’s Log 71437

The mysteries of this place still confounds me. Like everyone outside of Goa basically have a live and let live policy. It’s strange actually and it’s even apparent to the mid town of Goa where most if not all of them have interactions outside of Goa either shopping and doing business and vice versa. No one in High Town cares enough and lower they seem to just stay to themselves because many of them are criminals. Terminal Gray is different because everyone seems to be thriving, even though they’re dirt poor. __________________is referred to as the Duchess and actually taught the kids there a lot. I asked Yukiko why don’t they take up the adoption that Flora has in her convent.

“Because we don’t want to be separated,” she said, “It’s my job to protect Jin and make sure he’s safe and sound. So I’m going to make him and the others are okay.We’re a family already and we manage pretty well, despite everyone. We’ve been tossed aside and we only have each other. That’s the only thing people truly have in this world, themselves and someone to love and love back,” Family is very important here and it comes in many different ways. You have Ace, Luffy, ________________, and Sabo with the Whitebeard family. Though Sabo and Luffy usually stay in the mountains. Law, Miss Vikka, and Commander Roci are all a family together but also have Captain Bellemere, Nami, and Nojiko too but it’s also extended to the Laughing Demon, the Demonic Cook, Miss Cleaner, and Miss Scarlet with Baby 5, Buffalo, and Delliger ending with Doflamingo. It’s a weird family dynamic but I’m glad it works. But the one that actually actually gets me is the Miss Ribbon Family. Kid and Killer both came from South Blue, especially from their accents and Miss Ribbon obviously came from West Blue once again from her accent. I did the same thing with Killer and discovered that he matches the description of a boy leader that liberated and ran away from slavery, right down to his personality and long hair. Killer also matched the description of someone else but I’m still working on the research for that. But…Miss Ribbon…she matches the description of a little girl that…isn’t supposed to be alive. I’ve seen her wanted posters…and I know the stories. And the resemblance is uncanny. It’s hard to find actual records because everything was destroyed in a Buster Call. I was invited over for dinner and the first person I saw was a man sleeping on the couch. I couldn’t believe I was staring at an Admiral. So far there are two Admirals living on the island, well Commodore and an Admiral but this one was infamous. I couldn’t help but stare. He was snoozing on the couch, eye mask over his face, and didn’t seem bothered about anything. Killer and Kid called him a lazy ass, he casually made two comments about the boys and ____________________ and Penny and they almost immediately backed off. I offered to help her as Kid and Killer set the table. I didn’t know how to approach the topic of her origins. If she was who I think she was, she may run away again never to be seen again but I was just so curious! I casually made little comments about West Blue and she answered my suspicions, then I casually asked about Ohara. She glanced over at me. I immediately apologized.

“Little bunnies shouldn’t stick their necks out of the burrows,” Miss Ribbon said smiling while rolling her cabbage rolls, “Or else this might get beheaded,”

“Jeez woman!” said Kid covering Kicker’s ears

“Seriously!” said Killer, “What’s Ohara?”

“A town that was wiped away by the World Government. Everyone died on that island that day to cover something up,” she said

“That sucks,” said Kid

“Assholes,” said Killer

“Mhm, I think there was some survivor but the last time I heard about them, they were happy and thriving on an island with their kids, other residents, and odd grandparent,”

“Good, hope they stay there and whatever the Government tried to silence, they tell everyone some day,” said Kid, “You know them Miss Ribbon?”

“Mhm, talk to them everyday. Still happy,” she smiled. She set down dinner. Her cabbage rolls taste as if they were made from the heavens! They were some of the best things I’ve ever had! That night, she took me from the ferry back to the convent. She was quiet for a long time before she patted my head.

“When one doesn’t research, one has to remember to keep certain parties from being discovered or placed in danger. Knowledge is a powerful tool that can also get you killed or worse. Always remember that. It’s good to find the truth but remember it can change or devastate someone’s life as they know it. You have to decide whether or not it’s worth mentioning or obtaining,” I think I met the Devil Child...the only survivor of a Buster Call. It's strange that she would be found not only here but taking care of two fugitives as well. For the sake of respect and her privacy, I will not reveal my findings to anyone and will probably hide this journal for the sake of all. But…I will say this, she makes some of the most delicious cabbage rolls I ever had!

Argo’s Log 71567

After many observations, I think I have encountered several types of royalty in this area and they are NOT from Goa.The first sign was a Celestial Soldier in training. I’ve never seen a Celestial Soldier in my life, it was…strange to see them in a small town and still in training. It’s…odd to see someone like that outside of the…Heavenly Kingdom yet there she is and she’s efficient at her job. I have yet to discover why she's here, it had to be because she’s protecting or training to protect a high standing princess. Vivi is a Princess from Alabasta. I can’t believe she’s way out here and I’m pretty sure she’s homesick but she’s also just one of the girls at this point. The next princess, she bears a striking resemblance to the stories I’ve heard in North Blue…about a princess whisked away and currently living with her father and her whereabouts unknown but provides letters to her doting grandfather and aunt. She’s beautiful and graceful and after my outing with Ussop and Kaya, I think I finally cracked the identity of this princess. The last princess, I am unsure if she realizes it or wants to keep it well hidden but I hope she enjoys being incognito.

Chaz sets his sights on the perfect girl. She was perfect, pure, like snow and he wanted to take a kiss from her. She was pale with white twin tails, she looked fragile like glass, and she had a very sweet smile. She HAD to be his and he was going to take his opportunity now. He ran at the little girl. She looked up at him and before she could react, he kabedon her into a wall, held her firm and kissed her hard on the lips. She struggled and eventually got away from him. He smirked. That was his 100th girl and he was proud of himself. She ran away crying and sobbing. He shrugged. She served her purpose and it was over. He was about to go on his merry way when he heard loud screaming. He saw the little angel still crying but was pointing in his direction while she was being comforted by another little girl and two blurs ran at him, one red and one purple. He was then tackled and got the ever living shit beaten out of him. He didn’t know where the fists were coming from but he kept hearing swearing, felt stomping, he was sure his teeth were gone, things snapping, and then he felt someone grab him by his hair. The purple blur held him face down as his ass was repeatedly kicked over while she slammed his face into the ground. He was then held by the red blur as the purple one punched him repeatedly in the dick and stomach. He was then grabbed and taken to the white haired angel. She looked horrified at the sight of him. They blurs were breathless.

“Penny, I think he has something to say to you,” said the purple blur

“I-I’m sorry!” he stammered.

“Dogeza bitch!” said the red blur kicking him in the side. He got down on his knees and pleaded for her forgiveness. The white haired angel was still wiping her mouth but accepted his apology. He was then picked up and tossed into a trash can. He thought his torment was over until the can was tipped over. The last thing he saw was the redhead, purple haired girl, and a (h/c) girl and he was kicked down an alley where he rolled all the way into a landfill. He crawled out of the trash can and limped home. His mother looked horrified and he was taken to the doctor. He was treated for his injuries, things were cracked and fractures. The doctor told him to take it easy and ice himself. He did as he was told and for a week, he was ready to go outside for a while. He thought his torment was over…until the next day. He was casually going about his day. Still sore from his previous week beatdown. He headed to one his spots before he was grabbed and pulled into the alley, held down and was being beaten once again by the redhead. He then was thrown to the ground and kicked over and over and over again before a blonde pulled him off.

“You’re going to kill him at this rate,”


“Yeah but if you kill him, you can’t wail on him and besides, it wasn’t consensual so it doesn’t count. Penny is still a kiss virgin,” the red head stopped and let him go not before kicking him straight in the face. The redhead left. The blonde looked at him, “He’s going to keep doing this every day or week and when you least expect it. Consider this a lesson of practicing consent,” the blonde left. True to his word, every time Chaz could step out of his home, he was attacked, beaten up, and then left alone. The Red Headed Demon was insidious, he would just wait for days and never at the same time. Sometimes it would be in the morning. Sometimes in the evening. Sometimes in the last afternoon. Sometimes when he was in a shop. Sometimes he would skip a week. Sometimes it’ll be every single day or twice a day. Sometimes he would be alone. Sometimes the Blonde Demon or the Purple Demon would be with him. He thought he would be safe at home…until he was sleeping and his closet door opened and before he could shout, the Demon would be on him beating the shit out of him before going back into the shadows. Then it got weird, one night he was teleported out of bed, surrounded by a Golden Eye Demon who walked away and he was pelted by metal before once again having his shit kicked in by the Red Demon. His mother was worried but his father told him to man up and that gigolos had to be tough. His mother lost sympathy when he told her how it came to this. Chaz decided to try and fight back. He had a knife on him and he waited. He was once again ambushed and he decided to do his second biggest mistake, pull a metal knife on the Red Demon. The redhead looked at the knife, raised his hand and the knife shot out of Chaz’s hand into his. The Red Demon looked even more pissed before he jumped on Chaz again, this time summoning a trash can lid and beating him some more.

“STOP! PLEASE! FOR THE LOVE OF SHIT PLEASE STOP!” Then he stopped. Chaz looked petrified. The Demon grabbed him and made him look at him dead in the eyes.

“I didn’t stop because you asked. I’m only going to say this once and ONLY once. I’m never going to stop. I’m not going to give you MOMENT’S peace. I’m going to do this until I get fuckin’ tired and I’m NEVER going to get tired. You stole the ONE thing I could have given Penny and I’m NEVER going to get it back and for that I’m going to beat you and torment you until the DAY. YOU. DIE. I’m going to ruin your day, week, month, life until I feel you’ve been punished enough!” Kid gave him a punch in the stomach before leaving. Chaz ran back home. He was treated again before he went to bed. He vowed he would NEVER kiss or treat a lady with disrespect and without consent again.

Vitale never had any interest in exploring the town. It really didn’t matter to him. He’ll be back on the seas and he will continue to sail and get stronger. Katherina usually disappeared the first chance she got so he decided that maybe this was the right call. Only to see what the big deal about being a non pirate was. He told his mother what he wanted. She laughed, gave him beli and sent him on his way. So far, he saw jewels and things in High Town and bought his fill. There was nothing special about this place, he’s been to better places with more interesting people and things. This place was quiet, no chaos, no destruction, it was boring. He also didn’t know where Katherina ran off to everyday. There was nothing to do in his opinion. Did she sail off island? He didn’t care enough to find out. But today…today would be fateful. He had just finished buying something tasty in Middle Town when he saw four kids running from a shop owner, they all scattered in different directions and the second smallest ran past him. He was tempted to trip them but…he caught a scent of something and it made him stop dead in his tracks. He then found himself running after them, cutting them off at the past. He noticed the frame was that of a girl, a (h/c), (e/c) girl. He watched the girl running through the alleys like she knew exactly where to go, then hopping from rooftop to rooftop. He’s never seen anything like that. It was fascinating watching her gliding and weaving through everything with a few people on her heels. She ducked, weaved, and effortlessly dodged people all the while keeping her prize close to her chest. He followed her, watching her closely and keeping a distance from her. She then stopped by the fountain and sighed. Her little chest was heaving as she took a corner of her shirt, and wiped her face. She took a very deep sigh and sat at the quiet spot and tucked into her dessert. She happily took a bite, savoring the moment. He felt something and it was hurting his chest. It grabbed it and yelped. It hurt and it hurt bad. She looked up. He quickly hid and waited. She shrugged and left and he immediately ran for it. He winced. It was excruciating. He had to get back home, NOW. Back at the house, he immediately went to Doc.

“There’s something wrong with my chest,” he said

“Hmmmm? Really? You don’t usually complain about things like that,”

“I know but this…it burns and it burns BADLY!” Doc took off his shirt and he gave the boy an examination and his heartbeat was irregular but otherwise fine. He gave him something for the pain and he went back to doing his normal thing. Everything was normal…until that night. He was dreaming and that weird girl appeared again. She was running through a field, with colors and flowers and then they were both on a ship together sailing and then it was her, covered in blood, not hers of course or his but she was stained with blood, it was a beautiful, alluring sight.

“ACK!!!” He woke up to the same chest pain. It was excruciating! He took his medicine again. He felt better and tried to sleep again. But this went on for a week. He found himself looking for this girl in town. He soon realized that she didn’t frequent High Town but Middle Town. He often saw her munching on cake, running with other kids, and things like that. Each time he got closer, his chest started aching and it was painful. He then found himself just watching from afar. Eventually he found his chance. He got her a gift, a cute diamond set and he was going to give it to her. He then approached her. She was receiving head pets from strangers. She looked happy and cute in the process. There was a blonde boy standing near her. He knew he was there for her. She slowly approached. She looked at him and gave a sweet smile. He looked at the prices and placed the diamond set inside. She glanced over at the blonde. He nodded and she nodded too. He reached over and started petting her head. Her hair was soft. He looked down to see her blushing and smiling. His chest was now on fire. But then it kind of…subsided. Like…the act of petting her head and her relaxed cute face was making him…full, like he felt full if that made sense. Soon he was done. He wanted…more…the blonde stepped in.

“Sorry, once per week,” he said curtly. The pair stared at each other before Vitale relented and walked away. He glanced back at the pair. The little girl was smoothing out her hair. He smirked. She was a cute little thing with her hair looking like a mess but then it happened again. His chest! He almost had to crawl home because of the pain. He collapsed on the couch and was writhing in pain. His mother was called and he explained his pain. He knew weakness wasn’t an option but this wasn’t…normal he figured.


“LOVE?!” said Vitale, “Are you sure?!”

“Mhm! Love! It’s a natural reaction in our family!” Grandpa looked at him with interest, “My heart was burning until I finally made contact with my beloved. It’s a fire that won’t extinguish until you’re acknowledged,”

“And every time they get close, it’s going to get worse unless you have something of their to savor,” said Kuro

“Ooh like what?” Kuro took out a rust colored handkerchief.

“My beloved Vikka’s handkerchief, stained with her blood. It was a fierce fight between us and she dropped it. That smell is like a drug that will never go away,” Vitale smirks. He wondered if he could get her blood that would be heavenly.

“What about you, Mom?”

“Oh that’s easy,” she took out a pair of lacy black brief panties, “She left them behind when she made her great escape. It smells like her. Sends me into a frenzy whenever I need an extra boost and it keeps my heart satiated,”

“I always thought it was a handkerchief. Didn’t you almost kill one of your jewels because she tried to take it away?”

“You remembered that?! Yes, she knows better now,”

“You mutilated her face didn’t you?”

“A fitting punishment when it comes to messing anything that belongs to me, especially if it’s been next to Filly’s filly for hours or days,”

“So if I want this feeling to go away…I need something from her?”

“Pretty much, just to get that whiff or taste,” Vitale smirked and revealed that he did indeed take something from the little girl. While he was petting her hair, he used the knife in his hands and snipped a lock of her hair. Immediately his grandfather got a handkerchief and her mother took it and started stitching the hair into it. After a few hours, she gave him the remedy for his chest pain. He was happy. He didn’t want to sail for months without something to stave out his hunger for this girl. They would be shipping off in a day or two. Even though he wanted to see her again, he decided against it. He didn’t want to scare her off completely. He stared at the handkerchief. His mother even put the girl’s first initial on it surrounded by ribbons and roses. It was a thing of beauty. He waited until he was alone and gave it a deep whiff. Meanwhile, as __________________ and Killer closed up the shop, Killer took the necklace from her.

“I don’t trust this or that kid,” he said

“Me neither, he gave really bad vibes,”

“We’ll take this to the Import Shop and see if we can trade it for something nice or sell it. You choose,”


“And let’s change back to the old location,”


“Also…let’s not tell anyone about this…yet,”


He’s been watching her from afar for the last few months. It took him ages but he finally tracked her down. He was enthralled with the cute woman that saved his life all of those years ago. Back then he was smaller and weaker, very undernourished and trying to escape a terrible situation and when he did and got stronger, he wanted to finally thank her because he would have been dead without her. He was stronger, very nourished, lean and muscular and had a visible scar on his chin that was basically his personal brand. He hoped she remembered him or wasn't scared of him. He wanted to just talk to her but he couldn’t but not for a lack of trying! She didn’t have a bodyguard but she had a demon being in her constant presence, a blue eyed, evil monster who’s brutality he’s seen first hand. But unbeknownst to the monster, he finally got the object of his affection to speak to her but he almost immediately lost his nerve. She was shorter than her, petite, with…huge assets and it made him weak. But it was also her sweet and kind and shy nature that got him. He was determined to make a move and it finally came when he came to her room…only it wasn’t her room, it was the perky blonde’s room and all he remembered was her turning and him waking up in the bushes below. He sighed and tried to talk to her again. This time, she was alone and he respectfully tried to help her with tasks around the area. She accepted, smiling the whole time. She made his heart flutter but in a good way. He was smitten. Then that’s when it…happened. The Blue Eyed Demon witnessed them together and has made it her life’s mission to beat or maim him in some way. The next day he arrived at the villa when a harpoon came from nowhere and almost got him. He saw from the window her loading another and he fled with more coming after him. The next day he tried again, only for grenades to rain down. He managed to run and duck and flee. The next day, the gate was opened and he went inside. So far so good as he ran to the garden where she would be. There in his path was a duck. He was about to just move around it, when out of his wings were swords, knives, and needles. He was chased around the yard as the duck threw everything he could at him, eventually getting bored and letting him go free. He was determined to talk to his Cleaner, even if it was the last thing he did! He avoided landmines, spears, gunshots, even a rolling ball. He decided that he was NOT going to take this disrespect any longer! He showed up, bright and early as usual. The Blue Eyed Demon was waiting for him.

“Oooh! Lesser! He’s back~” said Cook. Lesser was waiting and calmly walked outside and stood in front of his path to the garden. She had a pair of metal cestus and was waiting. She looked at him with cold anger and he was prepared to fight for his chance to FINALLY ask out his angel. He growled, transformed into his dino form and came at her roaring and snapping his jaws. This was mainly to scare her off. Anyone would have been running for the hills right about now. But not her. In a swift motion, she jumped up, raised her hand and SMACKED him across the yard into the garden.

“Don’t take that tone with me, you little shit!”

“Lesser-kun!” the angel ran out. He immediately changed back and looked a little sheepish at the girl. There was a hand imprint on his face. She attended to him, “Don’t be mean!”

“I’m not, he’s trespassing,” she said nonchalantly.

“Yeah he’s been coming over every day almost,” said Perv, “I’m impressed she hadn’t scared him off. By the way, why are you here?”

“I invited him,” said Cleaner, reddening a bit, “He wanted to see if I wanted to get tea with him,” the maids looked shocked. Lesser looked pissed.

“SO A DATE?!” said Dom, “AWWWWWWW!”

“Awww! Lesser let her date!” said Cook, “He’s a Looker too!”

“Yeah don’t be such a meanie pants!” said Perv


“Don’t you ‘humph’!” said Dom, “Bad Lesser, bad!”

“Yeah you let me date Magellan!”

“That’s different! I’m pretty sure you stalked the man into submission!”

“And what about me and my beaus?” said Cook

“THOSE DON’T COUNT YOU SLUT COW!” Dom and Perv shouted

“I only had a problem with that damn samurai who almost ate us out of restaurant and home!” said Lesser

“YOU didn’t have to HEAR them all night!” said Dom.

“Yeah! UMAI! UMAI!”

“UGH HIM!” said Lesser, “All day he kept shouting that at the bar!”

“....why was he shouting that all night then?” said Dom. Cook grinned.

“Because he only shouts that when he’s eating something tasty~,”

“YOU FUCKIN’ SLUT!” Dom and Perv shouted

“So mean!” said Cook, “I wonder if we’ll meet again~”

“But back to Cleaner! Let her date!” said Dom, “He passed the Murderous Lesser Test!”

“A test that chased SO many men away,” said Perv

“TCH! LOOK at him. He’s bulking, has a gross big chin, and has the weakest battle scar I’ve ever seen. Did he get in a fight with a razor and lose or is it baby’s first mistake tattoo. And what’s with the sideburns, last time I saw those, they were on old ass sailors who tried to look cool. Not to mention the eyepatch on his eyes that doesn’t cover anything! And not to mention is shitty devil fruit! I can’t take anyone whom I can slice pieces off and eat seriously. And may I remind you that he’s a Marine? An Undercover one at that? Shady as hell!”


“....You didn’t have to be THAT mean~” said Dom laughing.

“And aren’t you dating an Undercover Marine, Miss Pot!” said Perv giggling

“And all the more for them to go out!” said Cook, “Marines can go long and hard all night long~” Lesser shot Drake a look. He immediately stumbled back.

“I’ll fuckin’ MURDER him first!”

“You’ll have to forgive Lesser, she’s very protective of Cleaner,” said Dom

“None taken,” Cleaner looked at Lesser with big sad eyes.

“Please Lesser-nee? It’s just tea,” Lesser tried to look away before she relented


“Thank you!” Lesser took out beli and gave it to her. She then moved to the side. He offered his arm. Cleaner shyly took it. He won. He finally was going to go on a date with his angel, his Cleaner, his—

“OW!” he pulled out a dart from his neck. He turned. Lesser placed the blowdart gun back in her dress and walked away.

“You get the antidote when I get my Cleaner back. Have fun,”

Perv happily got ready. It’s been ages since she’s had the entire place to herself. She had everything ready, a home cooked meal, a brand new set of lingerie and her hot boyfriend in the house. She invited him over, especially since she always went to him and today was going to treat him and have some fun for a few hours before getting him back home. She had everything planned. They weren’t coming home for HOURS. When he came in, got her flowers, poison mushrooms, and chocolates, she made him dinner. Cook wasn’t home so she could make him all of the cool food concoctions that her mother used to make, and then they cuddled for a movie. Then she suggested a sexy game. She was happy he was gamed and she explained the rules. He nodded and got ready. She happily got ready herself. She got dressed in a sheer number with her nipples out and ass out, with feathered fringe, and she was going to have fun the moment she found him. She started counting loudly and then she heard the living room door open. She stuck her ass out and presented herself on the table.

“Ah, ah, ah, you have to play the ga—,”

“REALLY PERV?!” Perv jumped and almost landed on the floor. Lesser had come back home early and was staring daggers at her.

“ACK! What are you doing back?!”

“We finished early! What the hell are you wearing?!”

“Something cute and new! Isn’t it cute?!”

“ doesn’t leave much to the imagination,”


“Whatever, everyone is coming in, get yourself sorted. At least a robe. You have a while, Boss is wrangling with the kids. I’m taking a shower and going to meet Marco and Beckman soon,” before Perv could say anything, Lesser was already up stairs and letting her hair down. Perv looked absolutely terrified. Before she was getting ready, she told Magellan about playing a game of hide and go get it. She was counting while actively searching so they could have sexy fun times wherever he was caught. She just hoped and prayed that Magellan didn’t hide someplace too obvious. Lesser was flustered. It wasn’t like she had never seen Perv naked before but something that raunchy was where she stood. She headed to her room before she saw a few towels on the ground from the linen closet. She rolled her eyes and gathered them and went to chuck them in. She grabbed the knob and the door flew open. Magellan was caught like a deer in headlights, naked as the day he was born. Lesser just stared. Her eyes widened in blank and silent horror. The “doorknob” slowly left her hand and went back under the proudness of its “little Magellan”. The realization horrified them both even more. They looked at each other. He froze, she stared, long, and hard trying her BEST to keep her eye level up, considering his little Magellan was at her eye level.


“Miss Maid,” She calmly moved aside, allowing him to move. She kept her hand out in disgust as he awkwardly shuffled out of the closet.

“There’s an…emergency exit in the West Wing…just, open the break away window, the lever is on the left, you’ll be in the back side of the villa and he can make your…escape,”

“Thank you,” he headed off and then turned.

“I’m not going to mention this to anyone, just Perv after I kill her!”

“Got it!” That evening, Lesser was drowning herself in flaming peaches that night. Her right hand was red from the two hour scrubbing it endured. Marco and Beckman watched on.

“ many did she have?”

“About five and I don’t think she’s done,”

“Hey…Vikka…what happe—,”

“I saw Magellan in all of his naked glory covered in lube and ready to present and I don’t know WHY and HOW he had his berries in place of our doorknob and why I had to be the one to find him is a mystery to me!” the two men look horrified, “And if you’re curious the carpet doesn’t match the purple drapes!”

Several Years ago

The girl was finally ready for bed. It was a very long day and she was just happy to see her bed after a bedtime snack. Trebol was tired and went to bed early but that didn’t matter. She was sure she would be okay just for the night. As of now, there weren't any threats. They knew Boss said not to touch his new special ops but if he couldn’t remember them, then no harm no foul, right? She felt very sleepy for some reason but she pushed the feeling out of her head. It was the perfect night for some sleep. She could rest easier now. She closed her eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep. She dreamed her dreams as usual with pleasant thoughts dancing in her head, dreams of candy and rainbows, and puppies and all of that good stuff, then she saw a rainbow fountain. She ran to it and a friendly pixie shoved a marshmallow into her mouth. She gagged but chewed. But then a large teddy bear pushed her into the fountain. She was scared now because she couldn’t swim. Even in her dreams she couldn’t swim. Suddenly the young girl felt something tying her around her neck. She gagged and tried to speak but couldn’t speak. She tried to move her arms and legs and the same thing happened. She lurched awake and realized she wasn’t dreaming! Before she could yell, a large sock was shoved into her mouth. She looked up wide eyed to see five toys looking at her with blank eyes but she could feel the murderous intent. She thought she would be okay. She thought Trebol would be there to make sure this type of thing would NEVER happen! HOW could this happen?! How could they retain their memories?! T-This was impossible!The china doll had finished locking the mechanisms on her feet and was now looking at her with murderous intent. She remembered making them the weakest toys she knew, a china doll, a plastic doll, a large stuffed teddy bear, a fabric doll, and a plush kitten. They all stared down at her. The china doll wrapped a belt around her neck. She couldn’t breathe. She couldn't cry out as the doll pulled. The other dolls disappeared and she could clearly see a few bricks over her head. One by one they fell on her head. The first one hurt, so did the second, then the third and finally with the tightening around her neck and the last brick, she was out cold. Suddenly a glow appeared around the five toys. Lesser transformed back and was now sitting on her chest, followed by Perv, then Cook, then Dom, and then Cleaner.

“My boobs are back!” said Perv hugging her chest, “Babies Mama missed you!”

“So is my hot ass!” said Dom, “Oooh your is back too Lesser,”

“And Cleaner’s boobies,” said Cook chuckling.

“Don’t stare, please!” said Cleaner blushing, “Lesser are you okay?”

“I’m going to skin her alive!” Lesser went after Sugar’s throat and tightening the belt.

“Lesser no!” Cleaner grabbed and took the belt off Sugar’s neck

“I agree with Lesser this time,” said Dom cracking her knuckles, “Play bitch games, win bitch prizes,”

“I know, I know but Taicho said to not kill Boss’s subordinates,” said Cook. Lesser sighed.

“And she’s just a child, right?” said Cleaner

“Bitch is a grown as woman in a child’s body, she’s fuckin’ fair game,” said Perv laughing.

“Fine, I’m still going to punch her,”

“Of course! We all are!” said Perv taking out her rosary, “Little cunt deserves it! The moment she comes to, start hitting,” Lesser took out a pair of seastone cestus, “Good thinking!”

“I’m going to enjoy this,” Meanwhile, a man opened his eyes. He looked around in absolute confusion but then he realized something that happened. He looked at his hands. He ran to a mirror. Tears rolled down his face. It’s been so long. He…he was himself again. He started shaking. He felt…he didn’t know how to describe it but he felt so better.

“Daddy?” tears were in his daughter’s eyes. He smiled at her, grabbed his daughter and hugged her tightly. They both cried. But he knew what had to be done. He knew it was just a matter of time. He had NO idea how long this miracle was going to happen. He quickly grabbed her things and placed it into a knapsack on his back, took her into her arms and ran for it. He knew he had to get them out of here now and as fast as humanly possible. They were given a chance and damn it they had to take it. He ran with her to the outskirts of the town and sliced through the strings that held them and many others who were captive and smart enough to realize they needed to get out. He didn’t know how long he ran, he didn’t remember how far they got, but all he knew was that he and his daughter were safe and well. He woke up again, in an inn. She was sleeping next to him. He thought it was a dream, he knew it wasn’t now. Their long suffering nightmare was over. He smiled and placed the blanket over her and slipped out of the room in search of breakfast. He now had to plan their next move. They had nowhere else to go. Until then, they were sitting ducks. Many thoughts swirled in his head. He left, he got out, he grabbed his daughter and they got out but they left everything behind and he hated himself for it. He had his hands in his face as he thought about it. He failed as a man…he failed his family, he failed everyone out of selfishness.

“About time you woke up,” he looked up to see an older man looking at him from the door with a smile on his face, “Before you say anything, thanks to you, many escaped as well, we followed you until you collapsed in another town. We’re all wanted but right now, we have to stay put until it’s safe to move,”

“Move where?! T-There’s no place to run and it’s bound to happen again! He has leverage still!”

“Not for long but I’ll explain it all later, right now we need to rest before we keep moving. There’s one place and the journey is very…long and dangerous. We’ll be safe there, at least until we can get our citizens out again,”

“That was a Divine Miracle if I’ve ever seen one. Ho-how did it happen?!”

“I’ll explain later but we’re indebted to the Unagi Death Clan for the rest of our lives,” the older man took out a white den den mushi and attached it to another. He
never seen the old man look nervous before as he dialed a number.

“Hello?” said a deep voice from the other end.

“…I wish to be granted asylum. I’m not alone; I have my son and granddaughter, and a few of our subjects,”

“…how many?”

“About a hundred people in total and the dwarf kingdom. Please, we don’t have anywhere else to go. Can we be granted asylum?”

“Stay where you are. I’ll have a ship come by tomorrow,” the man looked relieved.

“Thank you,” Sugar woke up several hours later. There was an uprising at the factory and Doflamingo went to investigate and realized that not only was his hold gone, but people were attempting to flee right and left. When he came and saw not only was Sugar completely out but that three hours made a very big difference. He then realized why he temporarily forgot who the maids were and why he felt something off. The moment he got to Dressrosa, he chewed Sugar out, stating that the Maids were off limits, no matter the scuffle. But he found it amusing that even as toys the five women were still a capable threat. He immediately got them back on a ship back to the Hidden Villa while he cleaned up the mess. Once home, the maids resumed their duties until Doffy came back, giving Taicho the heads up. It was several months before there was a knock at the door. Perv opened it and a woman was at the door. Perv immediately called the others to the door. They smiled. They pieced together what was going on but because they were under orders, they knew they couldn’t go behind Doffy’s back just yet but Sugar gave them the perfect opportunity and after explanations to Taicho, Doffy was forbidden to pursue further. They tried to invite the woman in but she shook her head.

“I...well...we just wanted to thank you so much for this!” Princess hugged them tightly through tears. She was sobbing hard. Lesser gently took her hand.

“Please, it’s no problem. Just...get back to your family, alright?”

“I can’t...rather won’t, not now at least. After with all of the things I’ve done…I don’t think I could ev—”

“Everyone has done something they’re not proud of in order to survive,” said Cook smiling, “From killing, to looking the other, to other less wholesome things but survival is a default for every living thing in this world,”

“And your family would have to be grade A piece of shit if they would disown you for something like this,” said Perv, “And if that’s the case, you can SO crash with us!”

“Yeah I don’t think she wants to be around Boss for awhile,” said Dom, “But Taicho can get you someplace safer!” but he wanted to thank you on the behalf of the kingdom!”

“Now you can finally live!” said Cleaner happily.

“And don’t beat yourself up over this and please forgive us for not doing something sooner,” said Lesser. Princess smiled and wiped her tears away. She handed her an envelope, “He doesn’t have that leverage but he doesn’t know. I can’t thank you all enough for this!” She got up and left. They saw her off but she looked happier than she had in years they’ve seen her. Lesser looked down at the envelope and gave it to Dom. Dom opened it and her eyes went wide. Perv looked over her shoulder.

“...this is A LOT of beli!” said Perv looking at the bills.

“A lot is an understatement!” said Cook, “I can remodel the entire kitchen just for the hell of it!”

“So many plushies and figures!” said Cleaner

“I can finally get a custom made dong of Magellan’s cock~!” said Perv, “For those lonely nights!”

“You mean those nights when you can’t break into Impel Down,” said Dom laughing

“Tomato, tomato,”

“I can get a new pillory for my room and more clients~” said Dom

“A brand new wardrobe would be heavenly,” said Lesser, “Okay, before we do anything, you know most of it goes into the Retirement Fund,” they nodded and they took out their book, “If we take a little of each, we can enjoy ourselves greatly but the rest is definitely going to raise our retirement significantly,”

“Are we on our way to retiring while we’re cute and still hot~?”

“Of course!”

“Dong replica?” said Perv

“If you like! Sorry Cook doesn’t look like you can remodel the kitchen,”

“It’s alright but if it’s enough to stock it with new tools and rare ingredients I’m fine,”

“Figures?” said Cleaner

“Mhm! And a new wardrobe...and something for the kids,”

“Good! Buffalo needs some better clothing and Baby 5 has been hinting for manga,” said Dom

“I know Law wanted a chemistry set. I think I can finally get it to him,”

“He’s going to be dangerous now,” said Perv chuckling

“I’ll make sure it’s Roci Proof. Lord knows he doesn’t need to experience chemical burns,”

“Roci now~” said Cook, “No longer Corazon?”

“Awwww! So does that he calls you--,”

“YES! When we’re alone!” Lesser blushed badly


(A/N) Sooooooo many many MANY years ago, hiddenmangaka made a comic about Flora and Edward’s first meeting with Atlas and Blume’s introduction. There was a panel with a few random Flower Pirates and Eclipse Pirates. They were so animated that well…I grew attached and made a short of them for them! Will they come back? Mhm! But I also just wanted to make something with them! Check at the comic here:

He was shaking nervously. He felt sick. He knew for a FACT he was going to be sick. It was a pretty habitual occurrence for the Eclipse and Flower Pirates to have a party together, especially after a battle against a common enemy. But there was only ONE person on his mind and that was Camellia, one of the Flower Pirates. He’s been smitten ever since their first encounter. She nearly folded him but held out her hand, helped him up and apologized not knowing he was a part of Atlas’ crew, He blushed. She was bright and sunny with a melodious laugh. She had long golden hair, eyes like the sky and always wore two large gold hoop earrings. She was like a watercolor painting in a bleak world. He’s been trying to get the nerve to talk to her but each time, he found himself running away or retreating away. She was classy and pretty like a princess and he looked like a walking goblin.

“Just go talk to her!” Ryn shoved him forward.

“Seriously! It’s a good night! Everyone is celebrating and you may as well try!” said Bam. The trio were pretty much inseparable since they joined. They knew all too well their pal was smitten with Camellia and he was too chicken to do anything. The same man who jumped head first against Sengoku was too afraid to talk to the object of his affection.

“W-What if she says no! Isn’t it creepy that I’m just some rando who decided to talk to her?!” he said.

“...true but you’ve met before!” said Ryn nudging him, “Play your cards right and you might get lucky,”

“Idiot, you know damn well they’re not like that and every woman on this ship has the potential to KILL you or worst, tell Pops and have HIM kill you,”

“Dude I was kidding! Come on, just go talk to her!”

“I-I can’t! I-I just can’t!” it wasn’t the idea that he couldn’t talk to women. He couldn’t talk to THAT woman. Camellia was happily talking to her best friend, Briar, another crew member with short black hair and brown eyes. Both were travelers before they joined Blume’s crew and they never looked back. The interactions with Atlas’s crew was something they looked forward to, mainly because they were a fun bunch to hang out with and like their captains they were attached to them as their allies. Briar did a quick glance behind her smaller friend’s shoulder and saw a familiar looking trio from behind her friend. Bam locked eyes with her. She shifted her gaze to her Camellia and to the frightened looking man. He nodded. She understood the assignment and took Camellia out of the men’s sight. Bam gave her a thumbs up.

“Hey so Lou, if Camellia was around right now, what would you say to her?”

“He’d probably clam up and shit himself,” said Ryn laughing.

“Oh I KNOW I would! I can’t speak to perfection!” he said miserably

“Consider it practice for the day that you finally talk to her,” said Bam, “And it’s just us. She’s gone now,” Lou breathed a sigh a of relief

“Oh thank god! But there’s so much I wanna say!”

“Go for it,”

“Well…I would say she’s the cutest woman I’ve ever met. That I always like seeing her because she’s so colorful and has the brightest smile and beautiful voice. That…the day she knocked me down was the day I fell head over heels because she’s so strong, that means she can handle herself. That her freckles are so cute and I wanna count all of them because that means I get to see her face for a long time. That I would love to take her out if she would have me so we can get to know each other better because I can’t sleep or eat without thinking about her constantly when she’s around,”

“Really?” he froze and whipped around. Camilla was standing behind him. Her face was flushed bright red. Lou forgot words and just nodded sheepishly. She giggled and took his hand.

“Our Cook made skewers, let’s get some!” he nodded as she happily guided him away.

“Thanks Bri,” said Bam pecking her cheek

“No prob,”

“Wait, wait, wait, you two are an item?!” said Ryn

“Mhm for about a year now. I told her the situation with Lou and Camilla has a hard time looking for men because she’s so pretty. Many stay away from her or the creeps try to sway her from her nonexistent boyfriend/ husband. Lou’s a good guy and she likes him. Apparently after she attacked him, she wanted to make it up to him but every time she got near him, he’d run away from her. She thought he was scared of her or just didn’t like her. I guess it was the former,”

“And Lou’s a complete dork,”

“Oh she likes goofy guys. She thinks they’re hot. If he can make her laugh, he’s in,”

“Looks like Lou isn’t the only one who’s making a new friend,” Bam gestured to a familiar blonde haired boy guiding a red haired girl both holding two sweet potatoes. She had a smile on her face and he was beaming ear to ear.

“Ooooh is that Eddie?!” said Ryn

“And it looks like he’s with Florrie!” said Briar, “AWE!”

“You guys have a cabin girl now?” said Bam

“Mhm! Blume adopted her some time back. She’s tough as nails. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her smile before! Cuuuuuuuute!”

“And we don’t get many kids around so this’ll be a treat for them both to hang out with each other,”

“Heh the boy’s smitten, hard,” said Ryn

“We’re a ship of masochists, gluttons for punishment since we know every woman on this ship has the means to murder us and get away with it,” said Bam, “Florrie looks like she can kill just from looks alone,”

“You have no idea,” said Briar, “Don’t tease them, it’s hard for kids to be friends without people wanting to pair them up,”

“True, true…bets to see when they’re going to become an item?” said Ryn

“I vote sixteen,”


“I’ll make it twenty five just to make it interesting!”

Chapter 131: A/N POLL (Sorry But there's an explanation)


Chapter Text


I know you're all sick of my weird updates but this is a GOOD reason. I want to make another everyday posting like I did for the Recital Arc during the pandemic! Buuuuuuut I can't decide WHICH story will get the treatment! The Choices are: Reader's Secret Wish (what she wished with Ishmari after the Feral Arc), the Calva Trials (aka how the Maids all met), or the Mafia Game (all of the kids play a week-long game of Mafia including the Goa Kids, Terminal Gray Kids, Ribbon Twirling Girls and Ussop). So this may be hard for you all to decide SO I decided to give you a snippet of each fic to help you! The Poll is in the Chapter Summary above! Choose wisely! But for those who are lazy:

Reader's wish:

“___________________ I know Ishmari told you to not change the past in anyway but there’s something that needs to be changed for a good cause,” she looked at Mr. Lore with confusion, “I know it sounds like you’re betraying Ishmari but these three things have to be done,”

“B-But I promised,”

“I know but please,” he took her hands into his and gave her a comforting smile, “I need you to do just three little things, please. I promise it’s not going to alter anything drastically and it’ll be a very subtle change. If Ishmari becomes angry, I’ll take the blame,”

“O-Okay,” he took out three letters and gave it to her.

“Make sure the Pirate King receives this letter, make sure Void receive this one, and make sure that you give this one to Whitebeard,” she nodded, “Hey, hey don’t look so scare, you know I wouldn’t do anything that would harm anyone or anything, right?” she nodded.


Calva Trials:

“Welcome to This Year’s Calva Royale!” a man appeared at the podium. Lesser hated this man more than anyone in this town and that was saying a lot. This was their fearless leader’s lackey, Sleaze, who was the embodiment of sleaze. He was a short, portly and greasy man. He wore a long coat and carried a walking stick that doubled as a weapon. He was clean-shaven with long, dirty blond hair, “As many of you know, today is the day that our contestants fight for a lot of great power and prestige in our fair city! Now for those who don’t know! Many will fight but only one winner in no holds bar a free for all!” The crowd went wild. Lesser kept her hand firmly on her weapon. This was the now or never and she knew there were many who would not hesitate. Sleaze continued, “For those of you who don’t know, this is our first day, the Weeding Day. Those who are worthy will make it to the Next until there’s only one left! Now fighters get into position, ready! One…two…COMMENCE!” Lesser immediately dodged a bullet coming at her. She threw one of her throwing knives into the man’s throat. She then maneuvered her way through the crowds and stabbed and gutted anyone who came within a foot radius of her, being careful to not hit any Outsider out of principle. The crowd went while cheering and shouting about killing. She could hear Dom laughing and saw a man being dragged away and swung into ground and people by the neck on her whip. Lesser was attacked from behind. She grabbed the woman by the hair, flipped her over before snapping her neck. She then saw a busty blonde with spiked brass knuckles beating a man with her bare fists. When she was done, jumped on another man and did the same. She then noticed a sniper from a vantage point getting ready to get her from behind. There was one thing Lesser didn’t like and that was anyone shooting from the back in a fight.

“BLONDIE DUCK!” The blonde ducked as the bullet whizzed past her head. The sniper turned only to be shot point blank by Lesser in the head.

“Thanks!” Suddenly Lesser was choked from behind and lifted up. She clawed and pried at the person’s hands and kicked. She saw someone coming up in front of her with a weapon getting ready to strike. The person’s grip suddenly loosened, dropping her. She gasped for air only for a moment, went after the fleeing would be assailant and slit their throat. She turned to see a large tall woman with auburn hair hacking her strangler with a meat cleaver before tossing him away. She looked at Lesser with a smile.

“Karma, cherie!” Soon she started to make work out of the rest of the fighters until she heard a loud horn. She and Dom immediately stopped. So did the blonde and redhead. Those who didn’t were immediately shot on sight. The entire arena was covered in blood and bodies, some dead, some barely clinging to life. Sleaze laughed.

“Beautiful! Just beautiful! It looks like we’re in for a beautiful week of carnage! Audience behold! Your seventy finalists of the Calva Royale!” the crowd went wild, “Contestants, clean up and prepare for tomorrow at dawn! Those who aren’t here at dawn forfeits! Any latecomers will be eliminated at the gates! Go home and have fun!” they were finally permitted to move and leave. Dom went to her and puts an arm around her shoulder.

“We made it!”

“Barely, I got sloppy,”


Mafia Game:

Vivi was heading to Ribbon class per usual. She was usually one of the first ones there and today was no exception. It was the summer session which was shorter but everyone still had a lot of fun. She got dressed and was about to leave when she felt someone in the room with her. She stopped and looked around. She immediately went looking to see if someone was in the room with her. She heard and saw nothing. Suddenly she was dropped down on. Vivi screamed but was immediately gagged. The figure took out a red marker and slashed her face arms and then hopped off her, took a water gun with fake blood and squirted all over her. Vivi fell dramatically and fell limp onto the floor. A little while later, the girls saw Vivi on the ground “Dead”. The girls all immediately panicked as she was one of the first victims.

“VIVI NOOOOOOOOOO!” __________________ said

“Don’t die on us Vivi!” said Kaya

“Girls…is that you?” said Vivi looking around dramatically

“Shhhhhh! Save your strength!” said Penny, attempting to help by rubbing the marker off her.

“Girls…I don’t have much time left…I’m sorry,”

“Vivi what are you saying?!” said _________________. Vivi raised her arm out to give off her final words:

“I shall be avenged!!! I SHALL BE AVENGED!!! I SUSPECT KID—blegh!” Vivi went limp. Plum held Vivi in her arms and looked at the sky.


Chapter 132: The Two Queens


Two Stories about two queens.


Hi everyone! I'm sorry I'm not posting as much! I basically started my summer position and well, I'm just too tired when I get home. My day officially starts at 4:45am and ends at around 7pm including the commute, cooking, and anything else I have to do and adding on the heat wave and other things, I'm just exhausted DX (I also have heat sensitivity like a certain little girl) and it's 6 days a week and some says I'm working longer. I had something for Cook but I got writer's block so I'm going to postpone that one for awhile but here's some stories that has LORE and reveals and I have more of them so I'll post these more and then start on my official summer fics in August/ September when I've cooled off and back to normal. Sooooo without further ado, please enjoy!

Chapter Text


Boss Reina lit her cigar and took a long drag before blowing out the smoke. She sat on a chair looking into nothing in particular with her legs crossed, sporting a pair of red heels. She wore a blue business suit skirt with black gloves and her black coat draped over her shoulders like a cloak. With her were the Enforcer and Brain were watching. Enforcer had a look of sadistic glee on his face, the Brain looked on in utter amusement. There were also three others with them. Those three were known to the three of them as the Zii, or the Uncles. They were three men from the Same Clan that joined forces with the Unagi Clan a few years before Reina was born. Their names were Ankoku, Ryu, and Aoikari and were feared throughout the area. They stood there in silence waiting for her orders. She then gave a thumbs up and the three men pulled a rope revealing Diamante and Gladius who were badly beaten and sputtering water and coughing. She looked at them with a blank look on her face but the rage that was emitting from her was felt to their cores.

“T-THE FUCK WOMAN!” said Diamante choking, “W-We’re alliances now! W-What was that atta—,” he was shot through his knee. He screamed as she did the same to Gladius, “ACK!”

“Answer me this. Do I look like a bitch to you?”




“Answer my question. Do I look like a bitch?”


“Then why are you trying to fuck me like one. You know what you did and I consider this a punishment for it!”




“Because you two pissed me off and I don’t allow anyone to disrespect my authority, whether under my flag or my alliances. I gave one very clear order about safe passages for three people and things didn’t work out the way I want it and for those type of insolence, I’m getting my five pounds of flesh from each of you as a warning to never fuckin’ cross me again!” she threw a knife into the rope plummeting them into the water again. She looked angrier than she did before as she lit another cigar.

“Even got her smoking,” said Ryu, “What on earth did they do?” Enforcer and Brain explained everything, “Oh…I see,”

“Yeah, you know how she gets when it comes to people undermining her authority,” he said

“I swear if she was fifty years older and male, she’d be pretty much her grandpa,” said Aoikari laughing. She snapped her fingers and did a thumbs up and the men were taken out of the water. This wouldn’t have been so bad if the subordinates of the two men watched on in horror. They could do nothing but sit there and watch their bosses get not only tortured but belittled. They had a blood oath to uphold. One of the men decided that they would save their captains and get some kind of glory. He screamed and ran at Reina. She turned and in one smooth motion, unsheathed her sword, cut the man’s arm off at the elbow. He screamed in shock and horror as she cut the second one and shoved him into the water. She then sheathed it back. The man flailed in the water. She looked at him before she held his head under water. She kept it under with her vice grip and didn’t let go until there was no more flailing or any more air bubbles. She then stood up. Brain had a towel ready and her arm was now scaled and clawed. She dried her hand off and turned the other men.

“Does anyone else want to play hero?” The men backed down and looked away. The torture went on for several hours before she ordered for them to be shipped back to Doffy alive. She emphasized alive, “Zii, do you mind cleaning up this mess?”

“Of course not. Just get back home,” inside her ship, she then got on the snail.

“Ginsuke, are you there?”

“Of course, Sobrina, what else do you need?”

“I want the others from the Donquixote Family to be delivered to me by next week,”

“Also…inform the Boss that because of this, I won’t be able to attend business dealings with the Capone Family this week. This is something personal,”

“Alright, but you know how he gets,”

“I know, I’ll make it up to everyone later. And bring back Vergo,”

“...didn’t you already maim him?”

“Yes, but fuck him in particular,”

“You got it,” she hung up and sighed.

“Waaaaaah, Sorella~ why didn’t you want us to kill them?” said Enforcer

“It would have been a lot easier, don’t you think?” said Brain

“We’re still under the alliance for the Donquxiote Family and I don't want things to get ruined over this but I don’t want them to think that disobeying my authority is okay as well,” she said, “Especially when everything is going so well with Doffy. We already managed to get most of the people out of the Dressrosa after that that small chink in the armor but getting the royal family out was nothing short of a miracle,” she said, “I know if push comes to shove I can take Doflamingo but if I can get things corrected without a drop of blood and more people that’s better,”

“Sounds like a plan but, when are you going to tell everyone about your secret little family?” she tensed up, “Come on, you know Boss is excited to see them and Nonno wants to meet his grandchildren!”

“He is already making rooms in the villa for them!” said Enforcer

“Not yet,” she said with a sigh, “It’s not the idea I don’t want them to meet. I just need…the right timing. Remember my husband is a Marine. I don’t want him to think I’m a spy or getting close to him just to backstab him later,”

“Oh stop, you know he loves you to the ends of the earth and back,” said Brain

“And you two have two kids. You’re in it for the long haul,” said Enforcer laughing.

“Living three lives is exhausting,” she said, “And Crocodile and Tsugiko want me to be godmother to their kids as well. But being with mi amore everyday is literally the reason I’m keeping all of this together. I can just let my guard down and I don’t ever want to jeopardize that,” the two smiled.

“Love him that much?” she blushed and then smiled.

“Yeah,” soon she was back in her familiar territory and home. She had snacks and things for the kids. It was late. Super late and she was going to have to shower and get some rest. But she managed to get into the house and arrange things for them to see them when they got up. She smiled at her handiwork before heading off to her room and getting some rest. She was exhausted. Then her den den mushi rang. She answered.


“Koroleva, how are you okay?”

“Good, just came home. What is it?”

“We found the little rat again. He’s cornered,”

“ close?”

“The next island,”

“...I’ll be there in half an hour,” A nervous man in a cheap hotel room was trying to get away as fast as he humanly can. He was terrified, he was shaking and he knew for a fact that if he stayed there any longer he was going to die. He was shaking like a leaf and sweating but he also knew that someone was on his heels, hell there were MANY who wanted him dead but this person…they wanted him to suffer and called upon some of the most powerful people in the world to do it. The trouble started about a month after he left Calva. It wasn’t exactly that he left, it was how he was able to leave. There were…many ways to leave…escaping, which was hard unless you had a chip remover, the once a year Calva Games, being an elite, or getting a job outside as a mercenary but the competition was fierce and he didn’t bring much to the table. He then became a freedom fighter, got sloppy and caught. They tortured him for weeks until they brought in his only surviving relative…his little sister, Fiore. She was a frail girl and his pride and joy. They told him he had a few days to tell them everything they wanted to know or they would keep her. He pondered for days…and that was when he did the biggest dick move in his life. He left his little sister to save his own skin. He didn’t know what happened to her…he heard through the grapevine that Golgotha had burned to the ground presumably while his sister was still in there. And yes he found out that her body was found in the rubble but she was dead before the fire. He also found out that Kuchisake would be coming for his head the moment she got out. He breathed a sigh of relief. She wasn’t seventeen yet and had a full year before the Calva Trials to worry about that and by that time, he would be long gone…until…it happened. It was like he was a marked man the moment he left Calva. People glared at him, people shunned him, no one wanted anything to do with him…but that was when he found out he was being hunted like a wild animal. And these were just normal people, it started small with bandits in the area, then two bit pirates and people in those towns but then the Fire Tank Pirates, then members acting on the behalf of the Gran Tesoro, Shie Hassaikai, Hotel Moose, he thought he would be safe at sea until one day even the notorious Unagi Death Clan was on his heels. He found out that not only people knew of his crime, they wanted him to pay for it. It was only six months after he was out that he knew the true horrors that happened to his sister. His heart ached but it was also the day he knew he would never know peace because he had a bounty on his head and he was now to be hunted like a dog. It’s been ten years and he’s been hunted, evading, escaping, and waiting. He couldn’t stay in one place too long and through his research, he found out that it was the Same Clan that placed the bounty on him. But everything went quiet for the last year, no stalking, no shows up, hell, he even had a chance to sit in a cafe and drink coffee. He slept for days, weeks even, he knew they would get tired eventually, until he heard something from his informant that he needed to leave NOW. And that’s what he was trying to do! He had just packed his meager belongings and fled. He opened the door and standing before him was Boss Reina herself. He froze. He was scared. He backed away. She came closer, making him back up into the room.


“Oh, so here’s the little bitch I’ve been looking for,” he was scared shitless. He never met this woman before, but he’s heard stories and they always ended with someone dead or wishing they were dead. He backed away into the room. Before he could do anything, Garrote wire was wrapped around his neck. Reina sat on the bed with her legs crossed. He gagged and tried to breath and she helped herself to his sake. Soon he was let go. Be scrambled away and saw a murderous looking ghost from his past.

“Ku-Kuchisake?!” She sat on the opposite side of the room. He was literally in a room with two of the most dangerous women in the world. The door opened and two more people entered the room. The man said nothing but stayed still. But the woman…he knew he wasn’t going to leave this room alive. Balalaika was the unopposed leader of the Hotel Moose Organization. She had blonde hair, blue-eyes, with a thin build, pale skin, a mole under her left eye, and scars on her neck, upper legs, and the right side of her face. Her hair was very long and done up in a huge ponytail, going down to the base of her spine. She was wearing a wine-colored skirt suit with black stockings and black heels. Her nails are long and painted pink, and she also wears rose-colored lipstick.They said nothing but stood at the door.

“C-Can w-we pl-please ta-talk abou—,” Kuchisake shot him in the leg. His screams echoed in the room.

“Pigs don’t get to speak, Legan,” she said.

“So, tell me, what did the little fucker do?” said Reina

“Seriously, I’m curious to know why as well,”

“He left his sister to die in Golgotha while he ran away to save his skin,”

“Really? Didn’t know pigs could run so fast,”

“B-But I di-did in-intend to go back! I-It wasn’t my—,”


He howled in pain as Kuchisake slammed her boot into his bullet wound. He was crying and pleading.

“Then. Why. Didn’t. YOU?!”

“P-Please! St-Stop I’m begging you! Please!”

“Why should I?” she kicked him repeatedly in the balls and stomach, before she started slamming him over and over in the head, “Fiore was tortured for months until her death. They kept her alive just to keep torturing her. They turned her into a human toilet. She was out there for seven days. Then they took her to the guard arena and the same thing happened for seven more days. Then they ripped out all of her teeth and chopped off her legs and arms before putting her back outside for more of the same thing. She cried, pleaded, begged, until she no longer had the strength to do anything. Every time she was on the brink of death, they kept her alive so she could keep her punishment for the rest of her life. She killed herself with water hemlock,” Legan looked horrified.

“Oh, he really is a piece of shit,” Balalaika grabbed him by his shirt and lifted him up. She looked him over a few times, “I know a few brothels that aren’t picky, I wonder how much he can take up the ass,”

“Let’s find out,” Reina said. He was dropped. She scrambled only to be kicked in the ribs repeatedly by Kuchisake. Almost as if it was a feeding frenzy, the women swarmed him, taking turns and sadistic glee in torturing this man over and over again. While this went on, Kuchisake took out a tone dial and played it. A tiny sweet voice came from inside. As he was being beaten, stripped, and being subjected to some of the worst torture imaginable, his sister’s last words echoed through the room.

My name is Fiore. I’m sixteen years old. There’s not much to say about me and my life but…I’ll give it a shot. Our parents died in Calva, I never experienced life outside of this place. I heard there was a beautiful place outside with blue skies, trees, and kind people. Legan, my big brother promised that we would get out together and live someplace by the sea like in my favorite book. I love reading and I can be a mercenary, I have a weak constitution and I knew it. But I promise I’ll be his cook and maid as a thank you for always watching out for me…I think…my brother is dead, that’s the only logical explanation I have for him not coming back to get me. I love him very much and he’s my only family. But to whoever finds this, please know I am a person, I was here, I have existed outside of these walls. I hope this can bring you comfort in here. I have…never known friendship or companionship…until I came to this place. Vikka…protected me, made me feel safe, made me feel happy, and for the first time since I’ve been imprisoned here, I’ve felt alive, not a burden. I know Legan loved me but I know I held him back a lot. That’s why I tried to always help him in everything because of my own limitations. But, having someone tell you about their adventures and things, it felt so good. We talked, she protected me, gave me her portions of food, and everything. It was then by accident, I found her secret. I won’t disclose that information here but since, we became closer…until our captives found out and used me to draw her secret. I denied it and well…I can’t…I won’t…I don’t want to relive those thoughts before I die. But I don’t blame her for my fate, I never will. I want to actually thank her for being the closest thing I’ve ever had to a family in ages. It felt so good. I hope that when I die, I can finally reunite with my brother and parents and finally see the beautiful world in heaven. I want to end this with my favorite story me and Vikka made together so it brings you comfort like it brought me. I love you, whoever listens to this and I hope you keep this as a reminder that you can find a little heaven in this hell. However, after this, I will be dead. I’m not strong enough to keep going. Please forgive my cowardice.

The tone dial was turned off and so did the torture. Legan was sobbing at this point, curled up in the fetal position and shaking. He left his sister to die…and even to the end, she thought he was dead, as the reason why he didn’t come back for her. Kuchisake gave the tone dial to Reina who gave it to the man at the door.

“P-Please…I don’t deserve to live!” said Legan, “Please just kill me! Fiore…Fiore!”

“Stop with the dramatics,” said Kuchisake coldly, “This is the first time in ten years since you’ve thought about her. There’s no need now that we’re here,”

“W-What are you going to do to me!”

“Oh, this is the best part, you see, we’re not going to kill you,” said Reina, lighting a cigar.


“We needed to know what type of punishment to give you and death is too much of an out. So I called in a favor from an old friend,” she gestured to the man. He was dressed in a black suit, with black and red slicked back hair, he had a calm demeanor on his face and he looked a cross between stoic but his eyes looked rage filled, “This is Asaka. He’s a man that specializes in torture. A torture connoisseur if you will. I sold your bounty to him, about 1500000000 beli, chump change, but worth it. Asaka, he’s yours to do whatever but remember our deal,”

“He’s never to die,”

“And with my backing, make sure he never sees the light of day again,” said Balalaika.

“Give him the same mercy he gave his sister,” before Legan knew, he was grabbed by the man and dragged out of the room, kicking and screaming. Balalaika bade the two women farewell and left with Asaka. The room was quiet with only two women inside. They said nothing, not even acknowledging each other and walked away in opposite directions.

It Began

She was privileged, there was no doubt about that. She was absolutely privileged and she knew it. Everyday she thought she would wake up from a dream and back in her old situation but that day never came. She was a princess in the sense of the word. She lived in a beautiful house with a man that has become her father. At first, she didn’t know what his true intentions were. He fed her well, bought her beautiful clothing, bought her books, and often carried her around to business meetings and things while she played or read nearby. At first she called him Mr. Magician because he could do anything. When he wasn’t around, Mr. Scissors was there to keep her company and protected. Thanks to him, she was an avid comic book reader. They read for hours and he even played superhero with her on more than one occasion. She was happy but it did get lonely. And by lonely, there weren’t many other kids around for her to play with. It wasn’t like she didn’t like playing with her Mr. Magician aka Daddy’s friends, but sometimes she wanted someone her own age to play with. She was a kid with a big imagination and big dreams but she longed to have someone to play with, like a sidekick or a knight or a—

“Psssst hey!” she looked around. She didn’t see anyone until a figure popped up. Out of instinct she hurt them.


“ACK! I’m sorry!”

“You didn’t have to hurt me!”

“You didn’t have to scare me!”

“...seems like we’re at an impasse,” he said. The boy got up. He was a tanned boy around her age, probably a little older with messy blonde hair, bandage on his knees and wearing a black shirt and blue shorts, “Hey!”

“Hi! Ummm what are you doing here?”

“I got lost and you seem kind of cool so can I crash here?”

“I guess so! Buuuuuuuut you have to play games with me!”

“Seriously? Why?”

“I don’t have anyone else to play with,” she said

“...why not?”

“Well, there’s no other kids around. You’re the first kid I’ve seen in awhile, so…I was hoping to make a friend,” he grinned at her.

“Alright! We can be friends!” he said happily, “Hell, I was wondering what was here and I found a girl who wants to be friends. Win-win!” The boy came to visit everyday. She was happy for the company. He would tell her about his adventures, she could tell him about the cool things she’s seen on a daily basis. She looked forward to his visits, so much so she was starting to go a little further without Mr. Scissors fretting too much. The boy did have ulterior motives for why he was befriending the girl…at first but he had to admit, he was growing really fond of her. She could play rough games, helped him when he needed to figure out other missions, of course he didn’t tell her they were missions, and of course she showed him a few things and he’s actually enjoying board games with her.

“Huh, you were a part of another family?” she said as they played checkers

“Mhm, mom and dad didn’t want me, like at all,” she said, “So much that they called me a waste of oxygen and decided to sell to a woman named Madame Slade,”

“Wait, she’s a trafficker! Right?!”

“Mhm! But I guess someone up there liked me because…they took me to Mr. Magician, who basically decided to keep me. Madame Slade came back to get me but Mr. Magician chased her off! It was so cool and I have lived here ever since! I’ve been expecting him to take me to an orphanage or something but he says he likes having me around! I just wished he was around more. I like being around him,”

“Soooooo, he’s not here?”

“Nah, he’s on a business trip for awhile,” she said smiling “But Mr. Scissors is around but he’s inside. He knows I’m okay out here,”

“When does he come back?”

“Usually for two weeks and he just left again, so most likely not until next week,” the boy looked a little happier at the news. But she ignored the look and they continued their game. He had to admit, the girl was not just pretty. He’s been around pretty noble girls before, they’re almost a dime a dozen but this girl…was well…nice and smarter, smarter than his dumb ass and he found himself looking forward to seeing her everyday. But orders from above said that it was taking too long. Several months long. He didn’t realize he was stalling. Then again, he wanted to make sure everything went off without a hitch. He wasn’t completely dumb. He was gradually making the girl follow him more and more and further and further away from her home and soon, he found a way to trap her. He was about to leave to make the final preparations.

“Hey Bellamy?” he turned and was greeted with a hug. He stiffened and looked down, “Thanks for being my friend!”

“Y-Yeah! No-No prob! In fact! I’m going to have a friendship surprise next week for you!”


“Yeah! Consider it a token of our budding relationship!” she nodded and for a week, she waited with anticipation, asking him for hints and things and getting none until the final day. He managed to lead Reine further and further away to the spot. She had her eyes closed, waiting for the big surprise. Bellamy swallowed something in his throat.

“O-Okay Reine, open your eyes,” she opened them and realized she was in front of a very tall man wearing a pink feathered coat. She froze and backed away. The man was HUGE, taller than her father. She backed up into another man. She was scared. She then decided to make a break for it but realized she couldn’t move her limbs. She tried with all her might to move but she couldn’t. In fact, her legs walked her back to the men, who were laughing at her feeble attempts. Then man pink grabbed and lifted her up.


“FUFUFUFUFU! You’re the perfect bargaining chip for your Daddy~don’t worry, I won’t hurt you if you are a good little girl,” he took her to his car. She freaked out. Bellamy knew why and panicked but didn’t say anything,

“Bellamy Please! Find Mr. Scissors! He’ll know what to do!” the men once again laughed. She looked confused. The Pink man then looked at the boy with approval,”

“Good work, Bellamy,”

“Sure thing Mr. Doffy!”

“YOU WERE IN ON THIS?!” Bellamy was about to gloat but he saw that she was about to cry and she looked really scared.

“...I thought we were friends,”

“Ummm…I…Mr. Doffy ain’t gonna hurt you…right?” Doflamingo said nothing and got the crying little girl in his car and went off. Bellamy was left alone, looking a little more or less worried but he also felt…bad…real bad!

“Damn, that’s cold blooded,” said Diamante laughing, “Took you awhile to earn her trust and then backstab her! Saw that look? You don’t get a betrayal face like that anymore!” he never felt this shitty before. He liked Reine…he really did…and now…she was gone…and it was his fault. But it secured his spot as a future subordinate. He thought he had a bright future in this…he found out later that Reine’s father sent a subordinate to go get her but it didn’t stop Doffy from kidnapping her from time to time and he knew he was the start of it. He felt terrible. After she was rescued, he decided maybe she would talk to him again…maybe he could apologize to her or something. Bellamy decided to see Reina a month or so after what he did. He wanted to apologize or something to her. He went to their spot and went to see if he could at least see her. She was outside! Good! She was reading a book but she also didn’t look like herself. She looked a little nervous and scared and uncomfortable. He knew he could cheer her up and make her laugh again. He decided to make himself known.

“HEY REINE!” she jumped and looked at him. She glared at him. He grinned, “Glad you’re back! Stop looking sad! Stop reading and—,” Bellamy found himself on the ground. Reine’s slap resounded through the yard. Her eyes were shadowed and she glared at him with all of the venom she built up.

“Don’t ‘Hey Reine!’ Me and pretend everything is okay! How could you! Do you know how scared I was?! Do you know how terrified I was?! Even after I told you what happened to me and made it so I was kidnapped! I thought we were friends!” tears were pouring down her face. Bellamy never felt as shitty as he did at this very moment. Memories of the conversations they had, the fun they had, everything for months of them just hanging out together and he gave it up. But then again, Doffy was someone he admired and someday wanted to be but Reine…he actually did like Reine and he was sad because she was crying and she was crying because of him! And she could hit, HARD, he was actually impressed. She was heaving and sobbing. He didn’t have anything to say. She sobbed and turned on her heels and headed back inside. He sat there and was about to run after her when he heard heavy footsteps coming towards him. He scrambled away as a familiar fur coat came out. He froze. He didn’t know that THIS man was Reine’s father! He recognized that large gold hook before anything else and he was about to wet his pants. He immediately ran for it, ducking and dodging and managed to just barely get away. He was hyperventilating and quickly ran for it. The man growled and went back inside. Reine was already in her room, still sobbing from her encounter. Her father already had her favorite tea and cookies ready and went upstairs. She was on her bed sobbing in her pillow. He gently opened the door. Since her kidnapping, he’s been at home to make sure his precious daughter was okay. He walked in and set the tray on the table and sat on her bed. Immediately she hugged him tightly. He rubbed her back soothingly.

“There, there,” she managed to calm down. He wiped her eyes with a handkerchief, “Saw that hand imprint on his face. Good work,”

“I hit him good,” she said

“Next time punch him in the throat,” she looked at him, “You heard me,”

“That could kill him?”

“Così è la vita,” he shrugged. She still looked a little down, “I know…its hard not making friends but you’ll get used to it. Friends complicate things and you know you have me, Bon Clay, Miss Doublefinger, Mr. Waxy, and Mr. Scissors if you need someone to play with,” she looked a little sad. He clicked his teeth, “I’ll be around more. We can play cards or something or go to the beach,”



“Thanks Daddy. Are you going to join me for tea?”

“Of course,” he kissed her forehead, “Come along and I bought you something to keep you occupied,”

“Oooh what is it?”

“You’ll see,”

“Thanks Daddy,”

“Of course, piccola,” After a two hour tea party, the man retreated into his office. Another man was waiting for him, who wore flamboyant ballet clothes with a swan theme and heavy makeup, and hairy legs. The Boss said nothing but sat down in his chair.

“What is it, Bon Clay?”

“Boss, you know she needs social skills in order to survive in this world!” said Bon Clay

“Tch, she has us, she doesn’t need more,”

“Boss! It’s not normal for a little girl to speak like an adult!”

“Good, she’s speaking correctly,”

“Boss! It’s not normal for a little girl to run her dollhouse like a mafia!”

“...your point?”


“...he has a point,” said Mr. Scissors. The pair looked at the man. Bon Clay because he didn’t know he could talk and the Boss because…same thing, “Reine was happier when that boy was around. She talked a little more and she was able to express things better. I think there’s a point to this,”

“...then what do you suggest?”

“There’s going to be a Pretty Soldier Festival soon. She’s been wanting to go for ages but doesn’t want to say anything in fear you’d get mad. It’s not the idea that friends are a weakness, but she’s a little girl who doesn’t want to be alone,” he said getting up, “And I’m pretty sure you don't want her to talk about her favorite anime and books without having to hear them constantly,” the Boss sighed. He loved the little runt but it’s true. There’s only so many times he can read children’s books and watch anime, especially when he has work to do.

“Get tickets for the event and make the plans,” Mr. Scissors nodded and left the room. He immediately found Reine in her room. He gently knocked on the door. She looked up and immediately ran to him. He smiled and caught her. He then reached into his coat and took out a game.

“YOU DIDN'T! Is that Pretty Soldiers: Jōgai Rantō!? Shuyaku Sōdatsusen?!”


“LET’S PLAY!” He was already getting the system ready. She happily sat next to him as he fired up the gaming snail. He glanced over at his young charge. It took him days to find this game. It was sold out everywhere and he managed and he paid more than he wanted, but if it meant getting a smile on her face, it was worth it again.

“YOU ALREADY STARTED!” he froze. He forgot to delete his save file. He couldn’t resist, “I’m still going to kick your butt! Even if you get a little practice in!”

Chapter 133: Short Stories of Windmill Village: Roci Comes Home


Roci came home from a mission

A/N: Today's my birthday, so I'm going to give you all a few treats! Enjoy!

Chapter Text

There was a knock on the door that afternoon at the Whitebeard home. Fossa opened it and was greeted to a familiar boy who looked as though he saw a ghost and was pale as a ghost. He was ushered in. Law said nothing but went upstairs to Pop’s room. The older man looked over as Law came in and just settled on the floor. Whitebead plucked him up and placed him on the bed. He could see the terror in the boy’s eyes. He was holding a snail who looked equally as horrified. He had a thousand mile stare.

“Law?” he looked up at Whitebeard, still with an expression of horror on his face, “Are you okay son?” he shook his head, “Don’t wanna talk about it?” he looked horrified at the thought, “Want me to get Less—” Law REALLY shook his head this time, “Okay, okay, this involves her?” Law nodded, “Is Roci back home?” he nodded, “Want me to get—” he violently shook his head, “Okay, so it’s both?!” Law nodded. Whitebeard took out a pen and some cards and gave them to Law, “Okay, just tell me what happened son,” Law looked at the cards, took a deep breath and started writing. He gave the first card to Whitebeard. He read it and nodded, “Then he took out another. It was read and soon Law was giving him more and more cards and Whitebeard’s expression changed from confusion, this shock, then horror, “...stay as long as you want!” Law nodded and also heard an equally traumatized den den mushi, “...he saw too?!” he nodded, “...he can stay too,” Whitebeard closed the door and went downstairs. The brothers looked at him expectantly, “Law is staying with us until further notice,”

“Is he okay?” said Izo, “I thought he was staying with Lesser?”

“He’s…he’ll be fine,”

“What happened?” said Thatch, “Roci’s coming back today, right?”

“Mhm, he…he made it back okay, in fact about an hour ago,”

“...Pops, what happened?” said Marco

“He…walked into something…between his parents,” said Whitebeard, “Basically Rocinante jackhammering himself into Lesser,” the room was silent. The walk from the Rocinante House to Windmill is about ten to fifteen minutes. And Law was at the house for about twenty minutes already.


“Apparently not!” said Rakugo

“Damn…Roci’s a beast,” said Thatch

“If they’ve been at it for this long and hadn’t noticed,” said Jozu, “That man was probably pent up for four months without privacy,”

“That poor woman!” said Vista, “If he’s anything like Doffy, that cock is thick,”

“Seriously and he wears his clothes tight. NO ONE wants to see that,” said Curiel

“That poor kid!”

Roci was finally home after being away for about two months infiltrating the Beast Pirates. Lesser and the Maids INSISTED on one of them going with just in case.

“He’s a grown man and a seasoned spy. He can handle it!” said Sengoku. And that he did. He got some information and was technically on a mission from the Beast Pirates as well. While he was gone, entrusted Law to the Whitebeard Family in the evening and Lesser in the mornings and afternoons. Law’s schedule was waking up, having lessons, going off with _______________________, then coming home for lunch, leaving again, and then dinner. He loved having Lesser around. It was good to come home to someone, even if it was just one of his parents…sometimes he wished it was both. He smiled. Lesser made him good lunches and gave him lessons and usually showed him and ___________________ how to forage for things, and sometimes Kitty would join. For lunch, Lesser was making curry, Law’s second favorite. She used a cute rice mold to make a little bear in the curry just for him. But she was also making her paella because Roci was coming back home today and she knew he would love to have a home cooked meal after being knees deep in the Beast Pirate territory. She hummed as she got everything into the pot and now it was time to simmer. She then placed the rice in the cooker. After she was done, she was going to see about making a dessert. Lesser’s butt was swatted. She jumped and whizzed around and her arm was caught. She froze. Staring back at her was Roci, STILL in his Beast Pirate’s disguise, which consisted of tight white pants, his boa but as a cape, that was fastened criss crossed on his chest, having his whole chest exposed revealing his scars. He also had fake horns and wore black gloves and his gold hair was uncovered. Lesser felt herself unable to think and couldn’t think of where to keep her eyes.

“My, my is my cute little maid speechless?”

“You can’t blame me,” she stammered, “E-Especially when you’re dressed like that!”

“I was going to change but I figured you wanted to take it all in,” he winked. She smirked.

“I have to say, it suits you, especially with that chest hanging out,” he pulled her closer to him and she felt her butt being rubbed and groped. Her face was completely red. He gently whispered in her ear, “It’s been months since we’ve seen each other…how about we…having some alone time before we get back to work?” she blushed and nodded “Kaido and Queen have been throwing women at me right and left. I really, really, REALLY miss you,” he caressed her face.

“Awwww! My poor baby!” He lifted her up and placed her on the couch before taking off his boa and then her dress, “So how did it go?”

“I got all of the information I could and became a spy for them for the Marines,”

“Basically what happened with Doffy?”

“Mhm,” he said as she ripped off his pants after struggling to get them off him. He sighed in relief, “That feels good!”

“Roci, how tight were these?! I had to rip them!”

“VERY but only in the crotch as you can see,” Lesser just stared at the low hanging thick fruit in his boxers in front of her, “...Vikka? Vikky?”


“My eyes are up here,” he said, smirking.

“I am aware! …did you try and…take care of yourself while you were there?” he reddened.

“No…I forgot your picture. Smoker hid it after what happened at the Barrack training,”

“We’ll take another,”

“I want you in that cute black number you have,” he said holding her legs up and sliding down her panties, “...your panties are soaking wet,”

“CAN YOU BLAME ME!” he chuckled. He got down and started kissing her softly. She then stopped him, “Wait…use your Calm…we both get loud,”

“Way ahead of you. That’s how I was able to sneak up on you,” he said proudly

“You really were thinking ahead,”

“Mhm, I didn’t want anyone interrupting us. It’s been months and I miss my favorite person,” he pulled her legs up over his shoulders, “now, let me apologize for what I’m about to do to you,” the pair was completely spent after a good hour, then another half an hour in the shower. Lesser limped down stairs to check on dinner with Roci coming right behind her. She noticed the door was ajar and cocked her head.

“Roci, did you close the door?”

“Yeah, I made sure before I came in,” he said, coming in, “Why?”

“It’s opened,” she said. Then she noticed something on the ground. She stared for a moment and picked it up. It was Law’s overnight bag. She looked at it for a few more moments before her post nut clarity kicked in. She turned. Roci looked mortified as the realization hit him as well. The two looked at each other before throwing on some clothes to look presentable, running into the car and zooming to the Whitebeard home.

“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!” said Roci, “We’re terrible parents!”


It had been three hours since Law came to the Whitebeard home and almost everyone was waiting for the two parents to realize their son was there. There was a sudden stop of the car screeching to a halt. The pair scrambled out of the car and ran to the door and started knocking. Izo opened the door with the biggest shit eating grin on his face.

“He’s in the living room,” Law watched as his parents sheepishly came in. Roci immediately ran to him.

“Law! Lesser and I can explain!”

“We are SO sorry!” said Lesser

“It was in the heat of the moment!”

“And completely not planned!”

“ were dressed as a Beast Pirate, had Lesser in the mating press, jack hammering her HARD WHILE covered in whipped cream and chocolate~ HOW WAS THAT IN THE HEAT OF THE MOMENT?!?!?!” the boy shouted



“....Law you can take all of the time you need,” said Marco, “Want to go back to your room?” he nodded and went off, glaring at Roci with a flustered look the whole time, “Roci, don't use your devil fruit unless in your bedroom and burn the couch,” Law came back with the snail.

“Here's the snail you two had in the room. He followed me out,”

“...he can stay too,” the snail looked relieved and the pair left. Whitebeard sat their pair down and gave them some advice.

“...Florrie and I…used to have a system of putting a ribbon on the doorknob so the kids would know…also, make sure you two like the doors and try to do it in a place where you KNOW someone won’t walk in,” they nodded both wanting the ground to swallow them whole. They soon were escorted out. Izo was chuckling.

“Chocolate AND whipped cream? You two are so cute,” Lesser blushed badly.

“We didn’t have whipped cream,”

“And those were…feathers,” said Roci. They both immediately got into the car and sped off.

“Damn…” said Izo

“He really is a beast…” said Curiel

Chapter 134: Short Stories of Windmill Village and Beyond: The Boo Box


The Knight faces a Punishment

A/N: Ummm for those who don't know what Scaphism's a video. Nothing Graphic just...a description:

Chapter Text

Katherina backed away. She could feel her heart pounding in her ears as she tried to hide. She was scared, in fact she was terrified. This day slipped her mind and worst it was on the night of a moon. Everyone in her family acts bloodthirsty when the crescent moon is present and tonight she completely forgot. She and Vitale hadn’t gotten the ability yet, usually it appeared around their Rite of Death or puberty. And today was no exception. But today she didn’t have any protection. Grandpa went away for a week or so and Aunt went away with her crew so it was just her Father and he was angry, above and beyond angry. Today was also the anniversary of the failed Syrup Village Plan and she forgot, then again, she would have rather taken her chances with her father than going on an “adventure” with her grandfather. Kuro was tearing the house apart looking for her. She was scared. She tried to hide but everywhere she went, things were closed off. She was scared.

“KATHERINA!” she ran to the front door. It was locked. Before she could run away, she was slashed. She screamed as more and more slashes tore at her clothing and skin. She limped away and ran upstairs where her father stood there waiting for her. Before she could say anything, she was knocked down the stairs. She rolled, cover her head before she landed with a thud. She crawled away in time as he jumped down where she was. She ran towards the back of the house and the door behind her slammed shut. She was shaking. Kuro locked the door. She backed away. She stood there, her clothes now tattered with her father in complete rage, “Katherina, do you know what today is?” she knew better than to say something like Monday or Tuesday. She was scared and shook her head no, “Oh I think you do. Today is the day where you decided to betray me and fail at one simple little task,” he grabbed a large chest and slammed it in front of her. Her heart started pounding at the absolute horror or the box. A smirk appeared on his face, “And I see you remember your second home,”

“F-Father, p-please, no-not the box! Please!”

“I don’t like weakness, Katherina and you’re the weakest most pathetic creature that ever came out of me and everyday I wish for you to die or be useful and you’re neither. You’re not even the child I’d ever want. You’re the leftovers of a woman who’s status is the only thing she’s good for, right down to those hideous curls,” he grabbed Katherina and threw her into the chest. He held her down with one hand and she could hear the bucket, “Do me a favor and just die,” he slammed down the chest and locked it before opening the smaller door and dumping the contents of the bucket inside. There were North Blue Scarabs. Nasty little insects that hard a hard bite and loved blood. Katherina shook violently as she felt hundreds of little bites all over her skin. She clenched everything and covered her ears and mouth and tightened her legs. She tried to place her mind literally anywhere else as the scarabs made their way everywhere. She could no longer take it and she screamed and tried to get out, begging to get out as she tried to get out of the box. She was desperate. She peed on herself, she vomited, she just wanted it all to end. But she knew it wasn’t. He was going to keep her in there until he saw fit and the longest so far had been three days.

_____________________ was worried. Katherina has been gone for the last week and every time she went searching for her, she couldn’t find her. She was scared that something happened to her. She went to her place and snuck around several times and nothing. She was getting scared that something happened to her best friend. She told Marco about it and looked genuinely scared.

“Maybe she’s sick but we’ll look into it. But don’t go back there until then, got it?”

“Yes Marco!” of course ____________________ would keep her promise to Marco but something wasn’t right so she decided to ask the one person who can get in and out without suspicion of detection. She and River stood just near the road entrance to Kotka Road. He looked at her expectantly.

“River, do you think you can do some…looking around?” River nodded and managed to sneak into the Devon House. River knew Kitty’s scent well, very well and he was always around the area so finding his favorite person’s human person wouldn’t be hard. Rover sniffed around and noticed that the house was very quiet. He managed to get in through an opened window and did some sniffing. He soon caught her smell and looked around the house. It was eerily quiet and he was actually very uneasy. He checked all the rooms but there was nary a sign of her. But one room in particular was her smell but he could see anything, just a large wooden chest. He pawed at it. Before he could transform for thumbs, he was scooped up. He yelped.

“Awww where did you come from?” River looked at the man. Although he was smiling at him, something sinister was behind those eyes and he didn’t like it. The man carried him to the door and placed him gently down. He gave him a fish for good measure before closing the door. He went back to reported to __________________.

“There’s a room, her smell is very strong but I don’t hear or see her,” ____________________ and Law looked extremely worried.

“Just a chest?”

“Mhm! It was a pretty small chest, I don’t know what’s in it but there were something inside that was making a sound,”

“...what did the chest look like?” said Argo

“Big! Ornate but it was locked!”

“Did it have a smaller door on the top?”


“That sounds like a Boo Box!”

“What’s a Boo Box?” said __________________

“It used to be a form of death penalty for pirates back in the day and only used by Rocks and Hook. The premise was to put a person in a coffin sized box and put live Alabasta scorpions inside, stinging the person to death. It also became a punishment for children using Desert Scarabs. They love the taste of human flesh but they’re also too small to do anything. They swarm however and will keep biting and they can reduce a human to nothing in a few days, but their mandibles are sharp and painful! It was deemed cruel and unusual punishment,” Law immediately got up and grabbed his snail.

“Law? Look! Lesser and I are sorry—,”

“I’m not coming home but it’s not about that! Kitty is in danger!”

“We’re not going to go there ourselves?!” said Argo

“This is a book!” Law shot back, “We need an adult for this!” there was a knock bright and early at the Devon home the next day. After talking to the people around the area, no one has seen or heard Katherina for the last two days and people thought she was sick but after her ballet instructor and a blue haired boy stating they haven’t seen her, alarm bells went off. Rocinante, Smoker, and Rye all came to the house looking for the little girl. Roci knocked on the door. Kuro opened the door.The two men locked eyes and the auras of both were almost terrifying. Roci towered over Kuro a good three feet and even though he was a soft hearted man he was also a very dangerous man and there wasn’t something right about Kitty not being around lately and he was not going to let her hurt in the process. But this was also personal for the two men who recognized each other from their childhoods fairly quickly.

“What do I owe the pleasure from the Marines?” Kuro said coldly

“Wellness check,” said Roci, “Some neighbors said they haven’t seen the little girl who lives here for awhile and they’re worried. Step aside,”

“And what if I don’t?”

“You don’t want that. Trust me,” Kuro moved aside as Roci, Captain Rye, and Smoker walked into the house. Roci wasted no time searching the house. He knew how sadistic the Devon Family can be and knew that Kitty had to be here or someplace she can’t speak. He just wished she'd made a little sound, anything. He decided to use his calm to move around better as Smoker and Rye kept Kuro distracted. He opened rooms, looked around closets, clothes, anything to see if he could find the little girl. Meanwhile, Katherina was too frightened to move or say anything, even though her skin was being bit over and over again. She knew if she cried out, she’d be in there longer and she was scared. Then she heard footsteps. She shook. They were heavy. He brought in someone else, and knowing them, it’ll be the same torture from before.

“Kitty, if you can hear me, say something!” she froze. She knew that voice, “Please kid, you know I’m not going to hurt you but I need you to say something, anything, I need you to help me save you!” the room was silent. Roci closed his eyes to hear better. Katherina was still scared. She didn’t…she couldn’t…she just…couldn’t, “Listen, I know you’re scared and it’s scary to stand up to a bully or someone who treats you cruelly but I need you to be a brave little girl for me. I can’t do anything unless I know where you are. Please! There’s a lot of people worried about you. That’s why I’m here! You were missing for a week and everyone is scared. If not for yourself but for ________________, Law, Kaya, Ussop, the Maids, Penny, Plum, Lesser, and me. Please!” He felt the vibrations of footsteps and immediately turned his calm off. Kuro came into the room looking smug.

“Did you find anything?”

“Not yet,” said Roci.

“That’s because I have nothing to hide and this is technically breaking and entering so why don’t I just show you the do—,” There was suddenly a loud BANG. Then another, then another! Roci looked at the box and a horrified realization came onto his face. He grabbed the lock and ripped it off the chest and threw it open. Inside, Katherina was in nothing but her underwear in the fetal position, covered in scarabs and her own body fluids and her eyes were red from crying and her body was covered in bites and blood.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” she heard father’s voice

“I was about to ask you the same,” said Roci. She looked up to see familiar golden hair and amber eyes that looked past her and in complete rage at Father. He pulled her behind him, “What was this child in a Boo Box? They’ve been outlawed the last ten years against children!”

“What I do with my child is MY business and not yours,” he said coldly, “Children need structure and discipline or else they grow up to be spoiled and entitled and uppity, expecting love and attention as though it’s supposed to just magically be bestowed upon them,”

“There’s other ways and every child deserves basic human contact if anything,” Kuro chuckled.

“Love is merely a tool to control, that’s why children are easy to control and become useful tools. She used to be useful until she wasn’t. Therefore I have to beat whatever broke her in the first place out of her. She’s pathetic, she’s weak and she needs to be tough to navigate this world. She’s just a tool, a pathetic, whiny, useless waste of space that’s no better than the toilet paper I shit on in the morn—” there was a loud crash and Kuro went flying. Katherina stared wide eyed as Rocinante retracted his leg as it came down onto Kuro’s chest. Kuro was not expecting any of this and Katherina actually heard his ribs crack. Roci grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him up to eye level. His gaze was ice cold.

“Children are the next generation, rather they’re pirate, Marine, or noble and what they’re taught and brought up is how they’re going to be when they’re adults and how much of a problem they’re going to be. At this rate, your daughter is being set up to follow in her father’s sadistic footsteps and the last thing we need is a pardoned pirate that’s still finding ways to show what a piece of shit he is. This is your first and only warning, if I see a bruise or this Boo Box after another visit, I’m going to haul you in now before beating every single scarab bite and bruise worth of your ass that I see on her. Get him out of my sight!” He threw him into Rye, who caught him and hauled him away. Smoker contacted Jango to meet them at his Barrack. Roci got Katherina into his car. He sat in silence as he drove, “....I’m sorry you had to see that,” he said sheepishly, “But when I saw that box and heard your screaming, I…acted on impulse. We can’t keep your father unfortunately and most likely, he’s going to get off in a week and you’ll be back at that house but now, that box will be out of the question since owning one is illegal and will get him hauled into the Level One so fast. And as much as I know you love to talk to Lesser, PLEASE, for the love of all that is good and holy, don’t tell her about the Boo Box. I’m pretty sure she’ll hunt Kuro down and kill him,” she nodded, “And I don’t mean to say don’t keep stuff like that secret! Don’t! No one needs to be treated like that! Especially a child who’s done nothing wrong, just born in the wrong family! I just don’t want my fiancee in Level 6 for murder and evisceration,” suddenly he felt a tight embrace on his side. Katherina was hugging him tightly and sobbing hard into his coat. He pulled over and hugged her back, petting her hair.

“Thank you,” Katherina was taken to the Barracks temporarily with Jango. She was treated for her injuries and given a nice hot bath. Jango got her clothes from the house while the house was being raided for anything else illegal. When Lesser found out, she and the maids ran to see Katherina who was happy to see her and hugged her tightly. While the Maids fussed over her, Smoker took Lesser to the side and explained what happened. Dom immediately tackled Lesser and held her at bay.

“Dom, please, I’m fine. Let me go,”

“I’ve known you since we were kids and I know that look and you’re not going to murder anyone tonight!”

“Murder is such an ugly word and too good for him. I want to introduce that piece of human shit to Scaphism,”

“Oooh! I’ll get the milk!” said Perv

“I think I have some good honey someplace,” said Cook smiling, “Oh, I haven’t seen a scaphing in person!”

“It would be interesting to see it in person,” said Law, “Put a camera in there so we can see it,”

“NO! And Law, especially NO!” Roci rubbed the bridge of his nose, “Vikka, I know you want to murder him but…remember Kitty’s next of kin could be someone far worse than him. I know you’re angry and trust me, I am too but now the Marines will drop in for visits and if he knows what’s good for him, he’ll behave,”

“Can’t trust Goa Marines though,” said Perv

“Seriously, especially since most live in High Town,”

“We’ll place a plant there in order to make sure Katherina is safe,” said Smoker, “And if Kuro doesn’t want to draw attention to himself, he’ll know better than to make this into a bigger issue than he should. But with that being said, no one goes after him unless Katherina’s life is in physical danger like today,”

“Where’s Jango?” said Cook

“Mission but he gave his expressed permission for Kitty to go where she wants,” before anyone could say anything, she ran to Lesser and clutched onto her dress. Lesser gently rubbed her back. Roci smiled.

“It’s settled,”

“SLUMBER PARTY!” said Perv

“Law you and ___________________ should come!” said Cook

“As long as that couch is burned or blessed with heaven fire,” he said

“...we thought you liked the couch,” said Dom

“I did until Cora-san jackhammered Lesser into it!”

“LAW!” the parents exclaimed

“...Jesus Fucking Christ you two!” said Smoker, “GET A ROOM!”

“Damn, poor baby!” said Perv

“Lesser you dirty slut~” said Dom laughing

“Quiet!” Katherina found herself calming down. As long as she could hear the voices of these people, she knew she was safe. She knew nothing would happen to her. She knew she would be okay. These Mercenaries, ________________, Law, and Marines loved her very much and they would always be around when she needed them.


The Suicide Mission

It was a known fact that everyone knew that Lesser did not like water. Not drinking or showering but Lesser never submerged herself in water. Even when hot, she would sit by the pool but never really went into it. Baby 5 and Buffalo have noticed this…a lot and they often wondered, why was the strongest Maid afraid of water? It didn’t make sense, especially since Lesser was capable in everything. Maybe it was because she had a Devil Fruit ability? But which one? Today was pretty nice out, nice enough for a swim in the pool. The maids got everything ready. Perv got into her red bikini, Dom was in a revealing two piece, Cook had a cute green one piece, and Cleaner was in a

“...are you two suicidal? Seriously! Pushing Lesser into a pool is suicidal!” said Law, “And dangerous if she can’t swim!”

“But we HAVE to know!” said Baby 5

“And get killed in the process,” said ___________________, “Kudos,”

“You’re just jealous because YOU two didn't think of it first!” said Buffalo

“No, ___________________ is actually smart like me,” said Law, “And don’t say anything when you two get murdered,” the pair scampered away. ___________________ and Law watched on.

“You think she’s going to kill them?” said _________________________

“Probably. Lesser really doesn’t like water for some reason,” Baby 5 and Buffalo scanned the pool. The Maids were swimming or lounging in the water. Lesser on the other hand was in her sarong with her bikini top. Her hair was in a ponytail with her sunhat. She had brought out drinks and was heading towards her lounge chair to enjoy the breeze. This was their chance, their ONLY chance. First Buffalo ran at her. As expected, Lesser dodged and moved out of the way. He fell in the water, not before dropping oil on the ground at her feet. Then Baby 5 came. Lesser moved to the side, only to slip and fall into the water. Baby 5 helped Buffalo out of the water. They waited with bated breath to see what would happen. A very wet, very soaked, and very pissed Lesser walked out of the water. She glared at them. The pair looked terrified. The maids stopped and stared at them and before they could run, she snatched them both by the ears. They were then yelled stupid by Lesser who boxed their ears good and grounded them from the pool for a week. She then went to her room to dry off.

“Huh, I thought she would have killed them,” said _________________

“Right? Well at least we know Lesser just doesn’t like water,” said Law, “Like a cat,”

Chapter 135: Short Stories of Windmill Village and Beyond: Breaking the Tsundere


The Surgeon and the Knight are broken

A/N: Hey! Here's another short that I've been working on. So...I've been sick with covid after I posted on my birthday. I'm fine and as of today NEGATIVE. How did I get it? Me, a religious mask wearer? My precious international students DX So yeeeeeeeah. So in between sleeping, coughing, and swallowing fourteen pills a day (the covid treatment (3) 2x day, an antibiotic 2x a day, and two painkillers 3x a day) it's been....UGH so I go back to my job for the last day before just relaxing and going back to my normal job for normalcy again. But I managed to crank this out so enjoy!

Chapter Text

Since Kuro’s been in holding and the house raided for anything else contraband, he’s only had one other interaction with Katherina. She was instructed to stay with Jango and listen to him. She nodded and while the Marine was distracted he gave her a threatening look that if she told them anything, what he got out, she would be sorry. She nodded and was surrendered over to Jango. But once with him, he kept driving until he was at a familiar house in the woods. He gave her a tight hug.

“You’re not coming?”

“Nah, have to keep the illusion that I’m making sure Kuro’s assets are safe…which they are and contact your mother because of it. You have fun, okay?” she nodded and got out and approached the door. She gently knocked. The door opened and she was immediately scooped up.

“KITTY’S HERE!” said Perv snuggling her close, “And she looks so cute!!!”

“Perv don’t manhandle her!” said Cook

“Oh she’s fine! Look at her!” Katherina looked at everyone with a smile. Because of the paperwork, Smoker, Hina, Bellemere, and Roci have been burned out, so the Maids did an improtuned BBQ that night for them. The smells of meat and summer were all over the yard. Seeing the maids without their uniforms felt cursed. Perv was wearing a red and white trimmed sundress, Dom was wearing a black bikini top with a red sarong. Lesser was in the kitchen in a blue sundress, wearing an apron and helping Cook was in what could be easily descriptive as a barmaid outfit with her boobs protruding.

“...did Lesser lose a bet?” said Katherina. Dom chuckled.

“Nah, it’s a matter of pride. There’s a few things that Lesser can actually make better than Cook ie, kebabs, paella, snake curry…and Cook is a little miffed but decided to give her the tasks of making them. So Lesser is making skewers and kebabs and Cook is making the rest. Taicho is here

“Ummm nice to finally formally meet you, Miss,”

“Miss? I haven’t been ‘Miss’ in decades and I won’t accept one of ma lapins to call me something so formal. Better make it Meme,” she smiled

“Yes Meme!”

“Smart girl,” she ruffled her hair affectionately.

“Law is upstairs with Nami and Nojiko and Buffalo and Baby 5 are on kitchen duty. We’ll call you guys when it’s ready,”

“Yes Me—,”

“Kitty!” Roci happily scooped her up and hugged her.

“Cora-san!” he spun her around grinning and checking her making sure she was okay.

“You look better, kid,” Smoker said from his comfortable spot on the couch.

“I am! Thank you so much letting me stay in the Barracks,”


“Stop being so stiff!” said Bellemere ruffling her affectionately, “You’re amongst friends here! Bet you’re not like that around ________________,”

“Is she here?”

“Nah, she’s a little under the weather,” said Hina, “Law’s planning on bringing some leftover over to her family later if you guys want to go,” Law suddenly appeared


“Waaaaaah Nii-chan! Look! New Fishy~!” Katherina heard stories of Jade and Floyd, Lesser’s actual biological brothers. Before she knew she was being squeezed, “Awwww she’s squishy~ an angelfish!”

“Now, now, she's still a little tender. Let her go,” Floyd puts her down, “And she’s as cute as a little button,” she blushed and instinctively hid behind Roci. Floyd squealed and hoisted her up.

“SO CUTE!” Law soon appeared and in a swift motion, used his room to rescue Kitty and they both ran upstairs. There Nami and Nojiko were in his room and they were playing cards.

“What are we playing?”

“Now, we can play Spades and you’re on my team,”

“Got it,” Nami grins

“So how many books?” Law and Katherina looked at each other and wagered seven, “Ooh, bold, No and I wage five,”

“Alright,” it didn’t take long for Law and Katherina to beat the Orange girls in several games, gaining book, after book, after book with little to no effort. After the tenth round, they looked flustered.

“No way! You two cheated!”

“You cheated first,” said Law

“Yeah, and you’re like not subtle at all,” said Katherina

“But HOW?!” said Nami. Katherina took out a few cards from her hair.


“Law’s room,”

“Yeah, when we saw you two trying to use the mirror technique, we just started throwing cards between each other via room and hair,” said Law

“HOW are you two in sync so quickly?!” said Nami

“What do you mean?”

“We’ve known you longer but you two can read each other like that?! That’s weird,”

“Don’t know, I guess we just, click,” said Katherina

“Oy! Come and eat Mimmos!” Law, Katherina, Jade, and Floyd came inside. Sengoku and the Maids made a lot of food and things and Meme made a peach cobbler. The warmth of the house was so festive and bright and happy. Lesser was putting everything on the table with Cook and Cleaner. Cook was pouring beers for the adults. Everyone scrambled into the living room after getting food. Law and Katherina were the last ones in and missed the first round of kebabs.

“Sorry babes,” said Cook, “The second batch is almost ready,”

“Thanks Cook,”

“Should have hurried,” said Buffalo sticking out his tongue

“Yeah, what took you two so long?” said Baby 5

“Washing hands,” said Katherina

“Oooh~ or kiiiiiissing?” Katherina and Law looked at each other before laughing.

“Nah, Kitty is not my type,”

“Neither is Law,”

“But you’re both like geniuses!” said Nami, “And Tsundere to the max!”

“And you two can be a doctor duo!” said Baby 5

“You both like dissecting things!”

“I am squeamish with animals,” said Katherina, “Human innards are a different story,”

“Really?” said Law

“Mhm, like I can handle that but nothing beyond,” Suddenly two plates of kebabs appeared in front of the pair. Lesser ruffled their hair before she was finally able to make herself something.

“Thanks Mom!” they said in unison, smiling but almost immediately Katherina and Law froze. The entire room went silent. Lesser turned and looked at them with red cheeks. The pair looked horrified and immediately ran away upstairs almost tripping themselves up in the process. They immediately ran into his room and closed the door.

“D-Did we just call Lesser Mom?!” said Katherina

“YES WE DID!” said Law pacing




“NO WAY IN HELL!” Meanwhile back at dinner, Lesser was teary eyed and holding her mouth.

“The-They called me Mom!”

“About damn time,” said Sengoku laughing.

“Awwwww~” said Dom, “And they’re embarrassed!”

“I’ve never seen Law freak out like that!” said Baby 5 laughing, “Hilarious!”

“It’s hard to break a tsundere but when you do it’s hilarious!” said Nami laughing hard

“Big deal, we call Sissy Mom all the time!” said Floyd laughing

“Mhm but this is their first,” said Jade

“Technically the second for Law,” said Roci chuckling, “He called her Mom during the compound raid some time ago. He freaked out and told me later about it,”

“Oooh! Oooh! And when he’s talking to other kids about her!” said Buffalo, “He sometimes calls her Mom!”

“Oh, was this the first time to her face?” said Perv laughing, “SO cute! And Poor Kitty, this was her first time, huh?”

“Yep!” said Cleaner tittering under her hand, “But then again, called Lesser-nee Mom is natural,”

“And our poor fearless leader is a sobbing mess,” said Cook, rubbing Lesser’s back who was sobbing and wiping her eyes.

“Awww hon! It’s okay!” said Dom, snuggling her.

“Tsundere Mom with her tsundere kids!” said Bellemere laughing

“Give them space, they have to sort this one out,” said Smoker drinking his beer

“Has Law called you Dad yet?” said Hina

“Nope but everyone knows that Papa Roci is Law’s Dad!” said Nojiko

“Papa Roci now?” said Roci grinning. Nojiko and Nami snorted.

“Yeah well…it’s better than Cora-san!”

“What do we do?”

“I’ll bring them a plate,” said Sengoku, “they’ll come down when they’re ready,” Law and Katherina waited until the noise died down and to come downstairs to face the music. Everyone was either in the backyard or sleeping off their food or beer. They could hear drunken snoring. They went down and saw familiar long black hair. Seeing Lesser in non Maid clothing was weird but also a rare treat. They were scared. It wasn’t the idea that they were afraid of Lesser herself but…what if she tells them to never call her that again. In Katherina’s case what if Lesser got so weirded out that she tells her to not come around anymore? The idea was terrifying and a death sentence in her opinion. She turned when she noticed another presence in the room.

“Oh, you’re finally here,” Lesser smiled at them, “Cook baked a cheesecake. I was hoping you two would get some,” they nodded. She gave them each a slice and presented it to them. They cautiously took it and started to eat slowly. She turned back around to finish cleaning up things. The whole kitchen was quiet for a few moments before Lesser finally spoke, “…if you two want to call me Mom, I don’t mind. I mean I raise you, love you, and care about your wellbeing. I think it’s safe to say I can be called your mom,” they looked at her as she continued doing the dishes in the sink, “But I’ll also take Lesser and Filly still. But just know…I do see you two as my kids… and I love you both very much and there’s nothing in this world that would change that but I also will not replace your mother, Law and I know it’s a difficult thing for you Kitty when you hear “mom” and I don’t also want to replace everything Jango is to you. I consider it an honor from the two of you but I will never overstep your boundaries. So please take what I said to heart moving forward,” she turned to leave when she felt two hugs on either side of her.

“I CAN HAVE TWO MOMS YOU KNOW!” said Law sobbing

“AND JANGO IS A DAD!” said Katherina wiping her eyes, “And I love you too!”

“AND YOU’RE STILL LESSER BUT ALSO MOM! I’M CALLING YOU BOTH!” Lesser hugged and held them both. All three of them were crying like babies. Roci watched from the backdoor and wiped his eyes too.

“It’s so cute to see tsundere not being tsundere,” said Taicho, “You have a fine looking family Roci,”

“I know! I’m so lucky to have a cute wife and two adorable kids,”

“When are you going to tie the knot? You better do the right thing!” Roci reddened and looked away, “’re already planning aren’t you?”

“Smoker, Hina, and Bell have been helping me find the perfect ring,”

“And he’s been picky,” said Smoker, “So we’re designing one to suit his wife,”


“I just want it to be perfect!”

“TWENTY stores Roci!”

“The designing phase is almost as bad!” said Hina, “Hina and Bellemere have been looking for the PERFECT blue stone!”

“He wants it to match Lesser’s eyes!”

“Because that’s the best blue!”

“And it’s almost impossible to get without spoiling anything!”

“Roci stop being difficult for your friends!” said Taicho laughing

“I’ve been telling him that for weeks!” said Sengoku laughing.

“ know it’ll be easier to ask her for a close up picture,” said Jade passing by

“Seriously! Strange Marine fishies,” said Floyd laughing, “We can help!”

“And we won’t tell,” said Jade, “We just want pictures,”

“Done and done!”

Chapter 136: Short Stories of Windmill Village and Beyond: The Coin Locker


A Woman Revisits her Mistake Every Day

Chapter Text

The woman would go to the locker every week, then once a month and then every other month. She placed something that was holding her back in here and she placed it there so it would never rear it’s head and ruin everything. Every time she was in the area, she found herself going to that familiar street, in that familiar alley and looking at that locker. It was Locker Number 5 and it was a small locker. A very small locker, a small locker that held a big secret. Lately, she’s been going to that locker more and more, twice a week now. It was…almost like a punishment, a punishment that won’t leave her alone. She did what she had to do and she didn’t care what happened to the secret. It was gone now and that’s all she wanted. She looked at herself in a grimey mirror nearby. She was beautiful, absolutely beautiful, flawless skin, she was the perfect eye candy and could afford all of the luxuries she wanted in life, it was more than she ever wanted. Like many people who lived in this accursed city, money and power equaled status and an easy life and for someone growing up in the Below, basically Guttertrash the chance to leave was everything. Of course she found love in the Below…Jonathan…Jonathan…was a man, a damn good man. A handsome rogue who won her heart but he was also a penniless mercenary who didn’t have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out but no matter how much she strayed, he was right there to take care of her and she loved it and eventually she ended up with his baby in her stomach. He promised to make enough money to get better jobs, become stronger for both of them, and soon they could leave Calva and start a better life, the life she deserved. They both wanted a song, him because he wanted a mini him, her because she didn’t want to be in competition with another woman. Of course, fate had intervened and she gave birth to a little girl. She hated her the moment she came out of her womb. Who did she think she was to come into HER domain and be her competition? From there, she lost interest. Jonathan did everything and she didn’t have to lift a finger. But the idea that this man was favoring another girl over her made her sick, not to mention he didn’t get better jobs. She soon started looking for others and soon found him…the man that would change her life. He was an Elite, a suave handsome Ralpheus. This man was money hungry scum and she LOVED it. Gave her everything her little heart desired and then some. Not the best lover like Jonathan but that wad in his pockets more than made up for it. Finally it came the day where he asked her a critical question, to be his and only his and she jumped at it.

“But, under one condition,” he said, holding her face firmly in his hands.


“I don’t want another man’s baby. Only MY children are to come from you,”

Done and done.

And in that coin locker was that baggage that was holding her back. She left Jonathan with a note and took her baby, got rid of it, and was now in bliss with Ralpheus…at least she had everything she wanted, money and all of the wealth she could imagine. She had other children, child after child after child and each child was a burden on her body, which she was forced to keep perfect for him, the more she looked attractive to him, the more he gave her, the more children she had, the more he wanted, she hated children but she loved them in front of him. If the child stepped out of line, she would get punished for it. She hired maids to keep them quiet, keep them in line, she was Guttertrash after all, she wasn’t suited to do anything else than look good and make children. She remembered she heard Ralpheus talk to his peers about how he convinced her to kill her first child for him and laughing. She had to admit, she laughed too. What did she want with a daughter?

“Whatever you’re looking for, it’s not in there,” she whipped around. A woman was looking at her. She was in a long black dress with a violet cloak fastened with a red broach. She was a gracefully aging beauty with her graying hair in a loose bun. The woman sneered at her.

“I don’t need to hear something like that from an old harlot like you,”

“I know but you’ve been coming here everyday this week and if it wasn’t in my line of sight, I couldn’t care less,”

“Than mind your fuckin’ business,” the woman looked back at the locker. Everyday she contemplated opening the locker to see if her secret was still inside. Everyday she wrestled with herself to at least take a peek and everyday she realized she didn’t want to, mainly because she knew that thing inside was what almost ruined her life. Not to mention, she threw the key into the river.

“Was it worth it?”

“I have everything I wanted and more and I’m saddled with mistakes from my past,” she said coldly, “Why would I give up money, power, and wealth for nothing? Besides, I’m not in competition with any woman and I’m not starting now. I’m his number one and I’ll always be his number one. Even if I had to kill my first competition and break up with the one who cursed me with it,” she smirked, “Besides, I know I would never be able to open it. That key is long gone. I never have to worry about that secret coming out,” she turned on her heel, “Thanks for reminding of that you nosey bitch,” she trotted away with a smile on her face. The older woman would have killed for less but today wasn’t about that. Madame was the proprietor of the brothel and commanded and demanded the respect of everyone she knew but she was also a kind, softhearted woman. She looked at the coin locker and smiled. She remembered that day vividly. It was about ten years ago. She saw the woman screaming at a bundle in her arms. She rented the locker and shoved the bundle inside and locked it shut. She then took the key and threw it into the trench before running away. Madame quickly went in and grabbed the key before it was swept up in the current and went back to the locker and took out the baby. She was the cutest little thing with large purple eyes and sweet disposition. She took her back to the brothel. There the girls cooed and loved on her like she was their own, many of them had given up their own children or lost theirs. Jonathan was also there crying his eyes out and when he saw his little girl, he cried more and promised to always be there to love her and keep her safe.

“Was that her?” two girls came out from the shadows. Scarlet had grown up beautifully with long black hair and violet eyes. She was going to be a beauty going up and she was also flirty and sincere. Next to her was her best friend and frankly sister, Victoria, Vikka for short. This little girl was very serious with blue eyes and long black hair. They could pass for twins almost if it wasn’t for a few features, their eye color for starters but also, Vikka was a few inches taller than Scarlet. Scarlet also had a few beauty marks on her face. Scarlet always had a smile on her face and Vikka had a neutral gaze. And Vikka’s hair was past her waist and fastened with a blue bow at the bottom. Scarlet’s was to her mid back. She loved them both dear and they both referred to her as their mother but still affectionately called her Madame. Both of them had watched the entire exchange. Madame nodded.

“Mhm, Scarlet, that was her,”

“She’s a bitch,”

“Vikka, language,”

“Sorry but it’s the truth. And she’s stupid. Why did she keep coming back to that locker? She knows there’s probably a dead, decayed baby in there. Besides, Scar doesn’t need her,”

“Really don’t,” said Scarlet smiling, “I mean I don’t even know her…sucks that she didn’t want me alive. Do you know why she keeps coming back?”

“Guilt is a very powerful emotion. I can make you repeat motions, it makes you repeat habits, it wears on you even if you’re happy. She’s not happy. She’s living in a gilded cage with a man who only puts value in her appearance and how good she can please him. The moment her looks fade, she’s going to be nothing to him, just another toy he can discard and move onto the next. She still has a few good decades in her but guilt and stress gives you wrinkles. Did seeing her make you feel better, Scarlet dear?”

“Mhm. Thanks Madame,”

“Of course baby,” she said, “Come along, your Daddy wants to see you,”

“Awesome! How is he?”

“He still has some fight in him but he has to get out of this town if he wants to live out the rest of his days,”

“I hope he can last until I can get him out,” said Scarlet

“Your Dad is a tough old bird. He can do it,” said Vikka

“I know! And when he's out, he can retire comfortably without anyone trying to kill him,” she grinned. Madame listened and smiled. She was raising two sweet girls who were going to grow up to be two beautiful women. She knows Scarlet will take to the brothel life but Vikka…she’s not cut out for it, if anything, she’d be more of a mercenary. But who knows, Scarlet does take after Jonathan so a mercenary lady of the night would be a fun thing to see. She pulled them both into an one armed hug.

“After this, let’s get some treats, my treats,”

“Really?!” the girls said in unison

“Sweet day!”


Chapter 137: Short Stories of Windmill Village and Beyond: Reine


The Little Girl Meets the Desert Princess

A/N: Hey guys! I'm sorry for this taking SO long. Okay, long story short: busy DX Just got out of my summer job, back into my summer and day job, with training, someone asswipes stole the copper in my area so no internet since Aug 7, cleaning a 30 year mess of a house (99% is not mine) annnnnnnnnnd getting a lot of order out XD But I'm finally in my decompression arc and I should be able to write more. And I have a treat for your guys later, I just need to get it finalized on the blog. This fic wasn't supposed to be this long but I think Reader and Reine meeting is important now.

Chapter Text

A little girl grabbed all of the sheets in the room she could find and started tying them together. She threw them out of the window and saw that it just barely reached the ground. She grinned before she grabbed her backpack and made sure her makeshift rope was sturdy. She tied it to the bed and climbed out of the window, holding onto the rope and shimmied down. She then waited until she was a quarter of the way to the bottom before dropping down. She stayed still to make sure no one heard her. SHe waited about fifteen minutes before creeping around to the front of the villa and then running for it. It was very early in the morning and none of the shops were open but sunrise was approaching. She sighed. She just wanted to get back home. She managed to get into the woods. Now she just needed to find another town or something to call home. She noticed her phone didn’t work as well so she needed a snail for that. She then heard something behind her. It could have been an animal or Doffy but she wasn’t going to risk it and she ran for it. She was running trying to get through this forest when suddenly she was slammed into something.

“Jeez did I run into a tank or something? God that hurts,” The girl heard a groan and realized it was another person she ran into, “Hey! Are you okay! I’m sorr—!”

“I’M SO SORRY! ARE YOU OK—REINE?!” the girl looked up and saw a familiar face looking at her.

“______________________?!” the girls immediately hugged each other. After the Pretty Soldier festival, she and Reine would talk from time to time. She had to admit, she was nervous talking to another girl on the phone. It was a foreign concept to her.


“I’m good! I didn’t know you were from this area! I would have tried to escape just to see you!”

“Escape? Are you okay?!”

“UGH! No it’s…complicated. You see, about two years ago, I was kidnapped from home no thanks to an asshole I thought was my friend a couple of years back! Well, Dad sent some men to get me back home but now, every chance he gets, the Pink Asshole kidnaps me! It’s getting ridiculous! I’ve been taken about thirty times since! Today I got passed the Maids and finally got away!”

“The Maids imprisoned you?!”

“Not really! But they scold him a lot! Thanks to them, I have my own personal room! Which is sad because I’ve been there a lot more often than I would prefer. But usually when someone comes to get me, the Maids just move aside, let me out of the room, and give me over to Bon Clay, Mr. 3, or Mr. Scissors but today I decided to get out myself!”

“Oh! Want to come to my place and call home?”

“PLEASE and thank you!” Reine followed __________________ who happily talked and showed her the points of interest in her home. She was actually in awe. ___________________ lived in a little town with mountains and woods and smaller towns and things. She only read about places like this. She was fascinated with the beauty and things. Not to say her home wasn’t nice but there was a charm to this. She was expected ____________________ to go into one of those little homes and be greeted by two sweet parents, siblings, and a pet. However, it was different. Soon they stopped in front of a large traditional Wano home. She stared. This place was massive yet homey at the same time.

“WOW this is your house?”

“MHM! It’s big!” Reine was under the impression that _________________ was an average girl with an average family living in a simple home with her simple family. She was actually shocked to see that she lived somewhere like this. She opened the door and there were men everywhere. Before she could say anything, one of them stopped.

“Hey little lady,” said Marco fondly and pats her head.

“Marco! You came home!”

“Mhm, just got in. Who’s your little friend?”

“Oh! This is Reine! She escaped the villa and she needs to call home!”

“Please! I hope it’s not too much trouble!”

“Of course not! Here let’s get you to a snail,” he guided her through the living room. The men were just carrying on like normal, giving her and ________________ friendly smiles and a few head pats. She even smelt something delicious in the kitchen. Marco handed her over the snail. She dialed and waited. The phone picked up on the second ring. Marco silenced everyone.

“Who’s this?” the voice on the other end was deep and gravelly. The men in the house went silent. They knew that voice. Reine smiled.

“Hi, Daddy!” the tone softened.

“Where are you piccola?”

“I escaped! I’m—” she looked at the Whitebeard Family. Marco wrote Goa, “In Goa, with a friend!”


“We met at the Pretty Soldier Festival. I’m with her family. When I was running away I ran into her and she got me to civilization,”

“Alright, meet me at the Goa docks tomorrow, I’ll be there to pick you up,”

“Okay!” she hung up. Marco smiled.

“I guess you’re spending the night,” he said, “Make yourself at home, Reine,”

“Yes, thank you!”

“Are you hungry sweetie?” said Izo


“Anything in particular?” said Thatch, “I can make anything!”

“Ummm…may I please have an egg white omelette please?”

“You got it! We’ll call you when it’s ready!” __________________ took Reine to her room. She climbed three sets of stairs, not realizing the house was massive. She then skipped down the hall and opened her door.

“Wow….this is your room?”

“MHM! Make yourself at home!” Reine has never been in another girl’s room before. She liked her room! The view was amazing, she had a cat who was snoozing on her bed, a desk, a table, a large closet, and her collection of Pretty Soldier things on shelves along with a large bookshelf with books.

“Your room is so cool,”

“Thanks! But you haven’t seen the best part!” she slid the balcony door open revealing the beautiful towns and mountains and sky. Even though her room was far larger than ________________’s, her room made her envious but in a good way. She then glanced over at her desk.

“Oooh what’s this? Looks like you’re planning something big!”

“You can say that…it’s a massive slumber party by the shore,” Reine’s ears perked. She’s only heard about slumber parties in books! Where girls and sometimes boys would come together and bond together. She wanted to have something like in her backyard in a tent with…him but…

“Slumber party? Can I come?”

“Sure…but you have to keep it a secret!”


“It’s because there’s going to be A LOT of princesses there! And if anyone finds out they’re there, they can either be kidnapped or in big trouble because everyone is sneaking out!” Reine looked at the girl before giggling and then chuckling.

“I knew you’d be trouble and I like it. Alright, I’m in! I think I can make it back because Mr. Scissors won’t rat me out…or Bon Clay,”

“Who are they?”

“Well…Mr. Scissors is my bodyguard and best friend. He’s basically my other dad when my Dad isn’t around. Bon Clay is like my mom…even though he’s a guy. I don’t have many friends in my area but they’re my friends…which isn’t a bad thing but you can’t talk to them about kid things. Daddy always has time to play with me but he’s ALWAYS busy and we’re going to be moving to the Casino permanently soon,”

“Your Dad owns a casino?!”

“Mhm! It’s called Rainbase! It’s the coolest place ever! He didn’t want me there until everything was perfect and secure! I designed my new room and everything!”

“That’s awesome!”

“Mhm! My Dad is the coolest person ever! He’s the Desert King and I’m the Desert Princess!”


“Mhm! My home isn’t luscious and green like yourself but it’s in Alabasta, a desert area,”

“OH! My friend Vivi lives there! Maybe you two can meet someday!”

“Maybe! I hope she’s as nice as you!”

“She is!” after breakfast, _________________ showed Reine around Windmill Village and then to Goa.

“THIS IS SO GOOD!” Reine was happily eating dinner with her family. Because it was still summer, Thatch made unagi and rice with pickles. Reine never had anything so delicious in her life and she was munching happily.

“Eat as much as you like! We have plenty!” said Rakugo, “You’re way too thin!”


“Don’t mind him, he thinks all children are scrawny,” said Curiel

“They are! Look at _________________!”

“I’m not scrawny!”

“He’s right, she’s just tiny!”

“Everyone is compared to you giants!”

“Then grow!” said Fossa laughing

“I’m trying! It’s hard!” the table laughed at the little girl who giggled along, “Hey! Where’s Pops and Ace?”

“Ace is in the Mountains with Luffy and Sabo for something weird,” said Izo, “And Pops is on his way back. I don’t he’ll be back before he can meet Reine,”

“Is that Mr. Newgate?”

“In the flesh!” said Atmos laughing

“I thought Marco was ________________’s Dad,”

“He wishes!” said Namur chuckling, “She’s basically his little chick,”

“Marco Jr.,”

“Awww so close!”

“So Reine, how did you meet the little lady?” said Vista

“We met at the Pretty Soldier Festival! We met at the Trading Post along with Mary!”

“Do you still talk to Mary? How’s she been?” said ___________________

“She’s well! We talk every now and then. She lives super far for a hang out but she says she loves the talks,”

“Wow, being a rich kid sounds lonely,”

“Kinda, your options are usually other rich kids, being alone, or normal kids but it’s just weird,”

“Besides Pretty Soldier, what else do you like?” said Jozu

“Oh! Ummm…I read a lot but I also have a weird hobby that my Mom taught me,” the family leaned in. Suddenly there was a banging on the oven.

“Let me out of here! It’s dark and scary! Please!” Thatch froze and opened the tea kettle, “Ahhh that’s better! Thanks sir!”

“Ventriloquism!” said Izo, “Clever!”

“That’s that?” said ________________

“Reine can make her voice wherever she wants through pitch!”

“That’s SO cool!”

“Wow! That’s pretty good!” said Kingdew. Reine blushed and threw her voice to make the kettle talk, then threw her voice into the oven and then under the table. She then mimicked the pockets claiming that they were scared and trapped.

“HA! Was your Mom a circus performer?!” said Curiel

“I don’t know! He’s always been kind of weird but he teaches me weird things like this! He’s pretty good at ballet too!”

“You’re mother’s an okama?” said Izo


“An okama like Iva?”

“Pretty much, they’re probably from the Kingdom,”

“Oh no! He’s been trying for ages to go!”

“Next time Iva is over, I’ll have ___________________ give you a call!”

“THANKS! HE’LL LOVE IT!” after dinner, the girls were just about to turn in. Marco pulled her to the side.

“Reine, for sleeping arrangements, you have two options,”


“If you like, you can bunk with _________________ or we have a guest room prepared! You have your own bath and everything!” Reine opted for her own room but she and __________________ talked through the night.

“So do you go to school here?”

“Kind of! My brothers all teach me everything but also the ribbon twirling class! It doubles as both! What about you?”

“Private tutor. I used to have a very good teacher…but she went away but…..she did tell me why and I’m okay with it. But I still miss her,”

“Was she nice?”

“Mhm and SO smart. I don’t know her real name but I called her Miss Sunday. She taught me a lot before she disappeared. Then I got a new teacher. She’s not like Miss Sunday but she’s okay for what she does,”

“At least she’s nice!”

“So how does it work? You go to ribbon twirling, then lessons?”

“Yeah! Well, Ribbon twirling is until noon, then usually Marco picks me up and then I have lunch and then I have lessons until like three. When I don’t have ribbon twirling, I have lessons whenever. Like Blenheim can only teach me navigation at night because of the stars. Marco is really good with Math and so is Pops so I learned the abacus and I can calculate from there and in my head! And Thatch and Cook lets me watch them cook and I ask a ton of questions. Oh and Lesser teaches me a lot too…and Smoker…I think everyone teaches me things,” Reine snorts.

“You have a lot of people teaching you!”

“That’s good, right?”

“I guess, I mean at least you won’t be dumb when you’re older. Is your Dad always away?”

“Sometimes but he always stays for a long time too! What about your Dad?”

“Same but he always makes it up when he comes back! We’ll go shopping, go to a high tea party, I don’t think he likes them but he always goes because we bond. What do you and your dad do?”

“Go fishing! Also we garden too! Sometimes I just get to just be with him! He tells me all kinds of stories and things!” Reine listened to the girl ramble on with a smile. She kept trying to find something that would make the little girl’s life seem to be unhappy but she was…she was happy, genuinely happy. She didn’t mention money or anything like she noticed with some of the girls she met before she met her and her friends.

“_________________, if your family didn’t have any more money and all of your nice things were gone and it was just you guys. Would you still be happy?”

“Yeah! I’ll still have Marco, Pops, Izo, Atmos, Ace, Luffy, Sabo, Blenheim, Thatch, Rakugo, Curiel, Fossa, Namur, Vista, Kingdew, Speed Jill, Jozu, Blamenco, Sister, Smoker…as long as I have my family and friends, I’ll always be happy. Because I love them and they love me,” Reine stood up.

“I figured. Night _________________,”

“Night Reine,” that night Reine looked at the ceiling from bed. __________________ fascinated her but in a good way. She knew she was a guest at the festival because of Katherina but the more she was around her, she could see why everyone was drawn to her. She didn’t feel jealous but she did feel envious but in a good way. She had a massive family. She kind of did but at the same time, everyone taught her, talked to her…her family did too…but she created friendships. She was too afraid to. She sat up in bed and went to the window. She tried to process until she realized she was still stuck…she wanted to know a motive but there wasn’t any. There was a motive to her family being nice to her, ______________ being nice to her…it’s because…she liked her. She smiled to herself before drifting off to sleep in front of the window. Early the next morning, after breakfast, _________________ and Reine headed to the docks. Katherina joined half way, ironically on her way to pick up ____________________.

“What are you doing here?” said Katherina

“Good to see you too, Kitty,” the girls hugged as __________________ filled her in, “So you’re basically Doffy’s little play thing to get to your Dad,”

“Ugh, don’t say it like that but yeah,”

“OH! Reine before you go, let me get you something! Hang tight!” they watch ___________________ scamper into a shop.

“Hey Kitty,”


“She’s…always like this? Right?”

“Yep. It’s not an act, it’s not a gimmick, and she’s not playing dumb,”

“You’ve thought this?”

“Nah, but I’m aware that others who just met her are aware. This is who you’re getting. She has her off days, faults, and even moods but this is her default mode. If you can’t accept then it’s your problem,”

“You’re protective,”

“You can say that. Did she invite you to the Slumber Party?”




“What’s your stance on junk food?”

“...never really had it. Everything is almost catered at my place, unless Bon-chan gets something,”

“We look forward to seeing you,” Reine grinned at her, “Stop overthinking it. You must have had a shitty friend experience,”

“You have NO idea,”

“Wanna talk about it?”

“Well…” Katherina handed her her number. Reine smiled, “Thanks,” ________________ came out with an armful of cake and things. Reine snorts.

“All of this for me?”

“Yeah! There’s a katsu sando in here for your journey home and some good cake! And I found your coconut rolls Kitty!”

“Idiot, I told you I was cutting down!”

“But they’re fresh!” the girls finished their journey to the port. They made it down and realized that many people around looked terrified and stayed away from the boardwalk. A large ship was waiting and the moment the three girls stepped down, a man came running at them. Before Reine could do anything, she was whisked and spun around in a hug.

“Waaaaaaaah! WANI-CHAN!!!! YOU’RE OKAY!”

“ACK! I’m fine! Really! You’re gonna make me sick!” he puts her down and then looked at the other little girls.

”Who’re your little friends?!”

“________________ and Kitty! They’re the girls I’ve been telling you guys about at the Festival!”

“AH! SO CUTE! I’m Wani-chan’s Mommy!”

“Mother figure!” she said blushing

“Nice to meet you!” they said in unison

“Your friends are SOOOOOOO cute! Especially this one here!” he tapped _________________’s cheek, “And this one has a resting bitch face! So cute!”

“HEY!” he tapped Katherina’s cheek

“You ladies wanna see something cool?”

“Are you going to juggle or something?”

“Something like that! Watch this!” He slapped his face and soon there were two Katherinas instead of one. Katheina froze and looked at herself in a gaudy and weird outfit with a super weird and expressive smile. _______________ looked on in AWE.

“ACK! Two Kitties! Which one is the real one?!” this earned a clobber from the real Katherina


“None taken!” he laughed hard and slapped his face again revealing ______________________’s face. ___________________ looked at her own face in awe.



“__________________ is just nice,” he slapped his face back to normal. Mr. Scissors approached the quartet, “Hi Mr. Scissors!” the man said nothing but took out an envelope. He said a few words she couldn’t hear but Reine understood, “Daddy said…thank you so much for taking care of and watching me that he wanted to give you something as a token of his appreciation,” she gave ___________________ an envelope.

“Wait, wait! I can’t take—,” Mr. Scissors held up his hand. __________________ silently pocketed the money. Reine gave them one more hug and happily ran into the ship. A large man was waiting for her. _________________ recognized the man from a year or so ago as one of the warlords. He caught Reine and hugged her tightly. She happily said something to him. He glanced at the two girls. Katherina looked at him with cold indifference and __________________ was smiling. He said nothing and walked back into the ship. The pair watched as the ship left and when they couldn’t see Reine waving anymore, they decided to leave.

“ know her father is a warlord, right?”

“What’s a warlord?”

“Basically super powerful pirates that keeps the world in order,”

“Wow…why isn’t Pops one?”

“...Pops is different. He and Shanks are just doing their own thing,”

“But does it mean that we can’t still be friends with Reine?”

“Yep but just know her father is a powerful man,”

“He looked kind of cool,”

“I’ve seen fish with more personality,”

“Whatcha wanna do today?”

“You’re going shopping with me today so we can finish planning that slumber party,”

“Ack! Okay, okay!”

“Did you invite Reine?”


“Who’s bringing her?”

“She said Mr. Scissors or Bon Clay,” It’s been forever since Reine’s been on the ship and she was just enjoying the fresh sea air and the breeze on her face. She grinned at the shrinking town. It was good to know that not only did her two friends recognize who she was but was super kind to her too. She at least knew she could get back to _________________’s family if anything ever happened to her. She could see why she was so well adjusted, she had a TON of brothers and she was pretty sure they were richer than her family. She grinned.

“She looks so happy!” said Bon Clay, “Looks like all she needed was a playdate,”

“Usually she looks more annoyed than anything. She was actually in really good spirits with her new friends,”

“You met the girls, right?”

“Mhm. They were all laughing and talking at the festival and Pretty Soldier. The little girl with the (e/c) eyes basically brought them together. She’s been including and talking to Reine constantly. Especially after the weekly episodes. Even gives her good anime recommendations. It’s seriously what she needed after that Bellamy kid,”

“Don’t be too glum, Boss-chan!” said Bon Clay, “Reine might taper off and be more like her Daddy someday!”

“I don’t want Reine to be like me,” the man said, lighting a cigar. The two men looked at their boss. He was watching his little girl on the deck.

“Aren’t you grooming her to be the next in line?”

“Of course I am and I know she can do it but I don’t want her to be like me…personality wise. She’s a decent kid, she has that trauma that will never really go away but she’s smart enough to know her emotions. I’d rather her grow up to be a functioning, well adjusted adult than me,”

“ really do love her, don’t you?”

“Wouldn’t be here if I didn’t. She can’t be like me, she’s still trusting of the world but wary. If I can train her to be the next leader of my empire, I know she’ll do it with charm, grace, and only violence when necessary. I love how even now she doesn’t get her hands dirty unless she has to. But she’s also a little girl who just wants friends. If I deny her that, she’ll rebel and I don’t want that. I also don’t want someone to mindlessly follow me. I have enough subordinates,”

“Where did all of this come from, Boss-chan?”

“Remember that devil fruit I bought some time ago?”


“I decided to give it to her as an early birthday gift. She denied it and merrily went away. No matter how many times I tried to get her to eat it, she pushed it away. I was getting angry but finally asked her why? You know what she said? “I don’t want to stop swimming! I don’t want any weakness holding me down! Besides, someone has to save you guys if something happens!” she then stuck her tongue out and trotted away. Then I found out she found a buyer for the fruit and turned a profit,”

“Wani-chan showed the Boss!”

“Mhm. I’ve killed for less but not with her. Hell, she gave me the money. I took 40% and gave her the rest. Kid’s going places,”

“Are you finally going to give her a bananawani?”

“Over your dead body! She’ll turn hers fat and lazy like those damn stray cats she feeds! She got those bastard wani to roll over and beg for belly rubs! How in the fuck did she do that, I’ll never know so no, she doesn’t get a bananawani! I bought her fish instead,”


“They’re cute and fat, she should love them,”

“What about the cat she’s been asking about?”

“I know she’s been feeding the strays. Look how fat she got them! I’m pretty sure one can’t find his balls!”

“To be fair, she’s worried that they’ll be nothing but skin and bones,”

“I’ve seen smaller pigs. That girl got those cats fat and lazy,”

“Yet you buy the cat food and fish,” said Daz Bones.

“Tch, the conversation is over. Stop at an island. I’m starving. Reine! What do you want to eat?”

“Unagi please!”

“Someplace that has Unagi and crocodile meat! That’s an order!” he went inside. Reine happily followed after, “And somewhere with a high tea,”

“YOU MEAN IT?!” Bon Clay sniggered. She had one of the most feared men in the world wrapped around her little finger and he loved it.

Chapter 138: A/N: Updates: Temp Hiatus

Chapter Text

Hi everyone!

So you're all probably wondering why I haven't posted anything lately. Long story short? I have just been swamped. I work a Halloween job at night. I've also been doing a friend's homework in the daytime. And I've been without internet for about 3 months. Because someone stole copper in my area. And I'm preparing for my last convention of the year. So there's that so it looks like I won't be doing any major updates until November but good news. I do work on it in my spare time so it might be a mass posting. So please just be a little patient 🙏 But if you guys like to make up for this like a commission a, crack fan art pic. Here are some things that's been bouncing around

1. Kuro x Lesser Hideaway Meme

2. Reine guiding Bellamy around on a leash

3. Lesser and Corazon in opposite wedding attire

4. Human River being a brat

5. Adult Reader with child version of someone [you choose]

6. Holly torture [choose how you wanna see it and I'll choose the best one]