Gifts for xXFandomQueenX
List of Gifts
Family Is Forever by SouthsideSerpentPrincess22 for DogDaysAreOver365, StarkLove_Phyllis, Forever_more_fanfiction, TheWiseRacoon, Sleeeeeeeeep, Fanfiction_Fanatic_05, xXFandomQueenX, missreader04, 16craftytigers, bruciemilf, Nox_Yaeger, MatiaKap, CoolChrissy3838, Aut189
Fandoms: Riverdale (TV 2017)
07 Mar 2023
When Jughead just happens to be the spinning Imagine of someone’s sibling who died, the alive brother will stop at nothing to keep his “brother” safe this time and never let anything happen to him ever again! This man will not let his “brother” out of his sight ever again; resulting In Jughead being kidnapped by this man. How can Jughead get out of this?
- Part 8 of Riverdale Father/Son One Shots
Special Care Doctor by SouthsideSerpentPrincess22 for Fanfiction_Fanatic_05, xXFandomQueenX, MiLadie25, CoolChrissy3838, Aut189
Fandoms: Riverdale (TV 2017)
24 Jul 2021
A doctor Is supposed to make you feel better and make you feel safe. But after a trip to the hospital after a small Injury the doctor taking care of Jughead becomes obessesed with him, resulting In Jughead being kidnapped by him.