Gifts for the_alchemist
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Diana Taverner's admiration for Jackson Lamb's intelligence is matched only by her disgust for his appearance and general air of filth. When Lamb agrees to go undercover for her, however, he gets a new suit, has a shower and is given a shave and haircut, which complicates matters somewhat. Since he's going to be her joe, Diana visits his undercover hotel room digs. They review files and speak of country matters.
On one of the crew's visits to go see Stede and Ed in retirement, Izzy and Ed go out for a night out together, just the two of them. Unfortunately, three thugs recognize them and decide to kidnap them. They both get hurt, but the two of them are in a better place than they used to be, and take care of each other until they can get out of there.
It will blow over, he's sure. That's what everyone has been telling him...
Deeper Wonders than the Waves by vibishan for the_alchemist
Fandoms: Moby Dick - Herman Melville
17 Dec 2023
The first moment his one remaining foot comes down on solid land, his guts roll like frenzied eels. Ahab has not suffered such rumblings of rebellion from his stomach in a dozen years. Ahab’s gorge did not rise when his leg was torn away, nor when the ragged end cauterized with iron to save his life’s blood pouring out, and he smelled the scorch of his own ill-butchered meat.
But now the blunt, grimy jumble of the street cobbles seems to reject him, only for his dismasted, unbalanced body to reject it in turn. The eternal roll of waves in his blood crashes against the rock of that simple step and then plunges back into his depths, leaving him haloed round with sick miasma as the sea air encompasses the hanging weight of invisible brine.
whether he holds this same space still by lurking_latinist for the_alchemist
Fandoms: Philoctetes - Sophocles, Ancient Greek Religion & Lore
25 Dec 2022
Philoctetes, before and after the rescue.
- Part 65 of Aurelia's Drabbles
Whatever Has To Be Done by fawatson for the_alchemist
Fandoms: Philoctetes - Sophocles, The Mask of Apollo - Mary Renault
20 Dec 2022
Nikeratos is inspired by Odysseus.
Will a soak in a hot spring be enough to make Ahab calm down about this damnable whale?
(No, but Starbuck is desperate.)
Care and Feeding by Caissa for the_alchemist
Fandoms: All Creatures Great and Small (TV 2020)
25 Dec 2021
It is too late for him to worry about becoming attached to her, for it had already happened.
Stolen Moments by pasiphile for the_alchemist
Fandoms: Realm of the Elderlings - Robin Hobb
15 Dec 2020
With his relationship with 'Lord Golden' gone sour and his life as a servant weighing on him, all Fitz longs for is the comfort of the familiar.
Everyone leads a double life.
Emcee's is just a little more straitlaced on the weekdays than most.
The Birth of Anteros by fresne for the_alchemist
Fandoms: Ancient Greek Religion & Lore, The Marriage of Aphrodite and Hephaestus (Greek Mythology)
25 Dec 2019
Kronos was not patient. He was not kind.
So came love into the world.
So came the gods.
Hephaestus just wanted some effing answers.Series
- Part 1 of Olympos by Gaslight
a thing of beauty, golden by betony for the_alchemist
Fandoms: Ancient Greek Religion & Lore, The Marriage of Aphrodite and Hephaestus (Greek Mythology)
11 Dec 2019
Olympus’ one-century wonder appears in Hephaestus’ workshop between one strike on his anvil and the next.
That Voynich coffee tastes mighty good
Ad Astra Per Viscera by kutsushita for the_alchemist
Fandoms: 19th Century American Medicine RPF
24 Dec 2018
On a voyage to colonize another planet, Alexis St. Martin is infected with an alien parasite. Luckily, Dr. William Beaumont is there to treat him.
RatTrApp by Mithrigil for the_alchemist
Fandoms: Der Rattenfänger von Hameln | The Pied Piper of Hamelin (Fairy Tale)
23 Dec 2018
The plague is digital.
"Ooh Doctor Beaumont" by kutsushita for the_alchemist
Fandoms: 19th Century American Medicine RPF
22 Dec 2018
"alexis u are healed now. and u r looking so handsome and also ur wound opened?"
(a kate beaton pastiche)
Lament for the Children of Hamelin by kutsushita for the_alchemist
Fandoms: Der Rattenfänger von Hameln | The Pied Piper of Hamelin (Fairy Tale), 13th Century CE RPF
17 Dec 2018
Our children left us, so they say,
One hundred years ago today,
But none remember why or how
Among those who are living now. -
It was wrong. Truly, he knew that. No good Christian would commit the act that had taken hold of his mind and festered within him. And yet he found himself wholly unable to fight the impulse.
While staying in a hotel room together, Beaumont makes an advance on Alexis.
Gut slut ruts, nuts.
Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now) by kutsushita for the_alchemist
Fandoms: Der Rattenfänger von Hameln | The Pied Piper of Hamelin (Fairy Tale)
16 Dec 2018
It's gonna make you sweat till you bleed