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The Aftermath by Rastegar
Fandoms: Dragon Age: Inquisition, Dragon Age - All Media Types
15 Sep 2023
This is a story about what takes place after the events unfold from the campaign 'Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts' in Dragon Age: Inquisition.
At the Winter Palace, the Empress of Orlais steals glances at the Elven Ambassador. What must go through their minds as decades-long loves-turned-enemies spy one other from the chasm of a ballroom amidst the Game.
Queen Anora and Empress Celene have been settling their negotiations and arguments through routine score-keeping trysts. Anora has no goodwill for the Orlesian Empress due to the mistrust she harbors as both a Fereldan, and daughter of Loghain. The Empress has spent a lifetime of playing the Grand Game, people-pleasing, and manipulating situations to gain the upperhand. The toxicity of both of these inherited traumas come to a head and neither monarch will be allowed to diffuse or deflect.
Celene is 16, having just sent Briala off to flee her estate. The bodies of servants litter the floors of her ancestral home, and left alone, Celene copes with the gravity of what she has done.
Queen Anora receives news that Cailan has died in battle.
By the third day, she cannot escape the impending grief.
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Revolutionary Bitch Shiori by saltedlilac
Fandoms: Shoujo Kakumei Utena | Revolutionary Girl Utena
04 Jan 2025
Shiori Takatsuki has become a far-right homophobic psychopath! Watch as she battles the Ohtori gays, pumps out fascist propaganda, and embarks on a poetically wrought journey of self-annihilation! She'll then get some much-needed therapy and understand why her old friend Juri gets her so hot and bothered. (Genius premise by just_an_otaku7).
Many, many content warnings for this. See tags.
Bookmarked by Rastegar
12 Dec 2023