Recent works
Set 1,000 years into the reign of Leto Atreides II, a rogue Face Dancer attempts to hide from both the Tleilaxu and the God-Emperor's prescience on a fringe planet, adopting the identity of a minor noble named Coda. Leto, recognizing Coda's growing power, has a simple plan to end the threat she poses to his Golden Path: integrate her into the Fish Speakers ... and his breeding program.
Wolfgang's cluster has set him up on a mission/date. He can't help but abandon his typical heuristic approach to romance for this one. Rajan must surmount a past that burns and a self-image that no longer fits before he is ready to subject himself once again to the throes of a new relationship.
"What do you want from me? They're stupid, but they're kind of cute. Read it, dumbasses!" -Inukashi
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 1,462
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Kudos:
- 22
- Hits:
- 176
I'm Alex. This is the story of why lately I've been waking up with pruny fingers.
This Spacious Nest is Warmer for your Presence by Euphoranium
Fandoms: ビースターズ | BEASTARS
04 Sep 2021
Legoshi and Haru have learned to say 'yes' to their unconventional love together. As they grow closer, they recognize in each other what they've failed to see in themselves. It might be crazy, but they're giving it a shot. This is the beginning of an exciting new chapter in their lives.