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Deans Leben könnte nicht besser sein. Nach so langer Zeit hat er endlich den Weg zu Castiel gefunden. Doch ihr Glück ist nur von kurzer Dauer. Denn auf einer Jagd wird Dean entführt, gefoltert und vergewaltigt. Doch als Cas und Sam den Jäger endlich aus den Fängen seiner Peiniger befreien, beginnt der Albtraum erst richtig. Aus irgendeinem Grund lässt Dean Cas nicht in seine Nähe. Geschweige denn auch seine Berührungen. Cas ist verzweifelt. Er sehnt sich nach seinem Jäger. Aber er ist bereit zu kämpfen. Entschlossen, Dean von seiner inneren Qual zu befreien und ihm zu zeigen, dass Berührung und Liebe nicht weh tun
Eine Geschichte über Liebe, Lust und pure Verzweiflung.
- Part 2 of Without you-german
***Part II of the 'Without-you-series'
Dean's life couldn't be better. After such a long time he has finally found his way to Castiel. But their happiness is short-lived. Because on a hunt, Dean is kidnapped, tortured and raped. But when Cas and Sam finally free the hunter from the clutches of his tormentors, the nightmare really begins. For some reason, Dean doesn't let Cas near him. Let alone his touches too. Cas is desperate. He longs for his hunter. But he is ready to fight. Determined to free Dean from his inner torture and show him that touch and love doesn't hurt
A story about love, lust and pure despair.
- Part 2 of Without you-english
Castiel's Tod lässt den Jäger in tiefe Depressionen abstürzen. Besorgt um seinen Bruder, sucht Sam verzweifelt nach einem Weg, um den Engel aus der Leere zu befreien. Aber das hat einen hohen Preis.
Doch Dean ist bereit, alles dafür zu opfern.
Mit Erfolg: Er kann den Engel befreien. Aber dieser erinnert sich nicht mehr an sein Leben mit den Winchesters. Geschweige denn an Dean. Das bricht dem Jäger erneut das Herz.
Doch er ist bereit zu kämpfen. Fest entschlossen, Castiel von seiner Liebe zu ihm zu überzeugen.Eine Geschichte über Liebe, Lust und pure Verzweiflung.
Englische Übersetzung vorhanden.
- Part 1 of Without you-german
Castiel's death plunges the hunter into deep depression. Concerned for his brother, Sam is desperately looking for a way to free the angel from the void. With a high price. But Dean is ready to sacrifice anything for it.
With success: He can set the angel free. But he no longer remembers his life with the Winchesters. Let alone Dean. That breaks the hunter's heart again.
But he is ready to fight. Determined to convince Castiel of his love for him.A story about love, lust and pure despair.
English translation
- Part 1 of Without you-english
The confession scene from Cas' point of view:
-I love you-
Many love stories begin with these three words. But this one is different. Because it does not begin with these three words, but ends with them.
A story about the last moments of Destiel. A story about the scene that Destiel first made cannon.
CAUTION! No happy ending
Second part of the 15x18 series
Art not mine
- Part 2 of 15x18-english
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 1,535
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Kudos:
- 4
- Hits:
- 82
Recent series
- Words:
- 40,373
- Works:
- 2
- Words:
- 38,565
- Works:
- 2
- Bookmarks:
- 6
- Words:
- 2,696
- Works:
- 2
- Words:
- 2,638
- Works:
- 2
Recent bookmarks
Castiel Novak is a quiet freshman who is heavily bullied and quickly earns the reputation for school man-slut. Dean Winchester is the mysterious new student in the small town of Lawerence, Kansas with a dark past. The two form an instant bond, but after seeing the scars on Castiel's wrists, will Dean be able to pull his new friend from the darkness of an unhappy past and a home of questionable safety.
- Part 1 of An Innocent's Ruin And Renewal
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 79,882
- Chapters:
- 36/36
- Comments:
- 252
- Kudos:
- 573
- Bookmarks:
- 159
- Hits:
- 20,424
Bookmarked by Chelly_khn
09 Jan 2025
These violent delights have violent ends,
And in their triumph die like fire and powder,
Which as they kiss consume.-
Castiel's life was destroyed when he was 10. His family was decimated by a group of vampires and since then, he swore he would do everything he could to wipe the world from this disease. He trained to exhaustion and became the best vampire hunter, but even then, one kept getting away.
Dean abandoned the "Winchester" name a long time ago, right after he got turned into the vampire he is today. After learning his own family saw him as a monster, he decided to embrace his new nature and rely on his instincts. When he wasn't hunting, Dean liked to mess around and try to have some fun. Sometimes, that included teasing around a hunter who was crazy to end him.
They both mess with the wrong person and now, because of a spell gone wrong, can't stay away from each other. Chaos ensues.
- Part 1 of blood in the water
Bookmarked by Chelly_khn
22 Dec 2024
John Winchester has this saying: Alphas are the head of the pack, but Omegas are the brains. And that's what Dean wants.
- Part 1 of By the Dark of the Moon
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 92,414
- Chapters:
- 26/26
- Comments:
- 635
- Kudos:
- 2,263
- Bookmarks:
- 612
- Hits:
- 98,832
Bookmarked by Chelly_khn
17 Dec 2024
There had not been an omega in the Angyal family for generations. Ever since Castiel can remember, he had known that, eventually, he would have to mate an alpha who benefited his uncle Michael in one way or the other. He had accepted his fate. Or so he thought. Because when he was about to be bartered away to the old-fashioned Zachariah, he simply could not do it. With the help of Anna and Balthazar, he escaped Michael’s palace to find sanctuary with his uncle Gabriel.
However, their flight did not turn out as planned, and soon, Castiel found himself alone in a strange pack – and tried to figure out his relationship with their leader, Dean.
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 103,902
- Chapters:
- 18/18
- Collections:
- 1
- Comments:
- 699
- Kudos:
- 1,998
- Bookmarks:
- 444
- Hits:
- 34,633
Bookmarked by Chelly_khn
13 Dec 2024
Right Kind of Trouble by AmberXBoone, corrupt_touch (AmberXBoone)
Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005)
08 Dec 2024
Castiel Novak has been all over the world, managing pop stars and indie rock bands and 1980s hair metal comebacks. But the rockstar life has caused his personal life to fall apart and he finds himself newly divorced without anyone waiting for him at home. So, one Saturday night, he finally takes up the Management Company's invitation to see one of their biggest acts, Angel Sigils, fronted by Dean Winchester, often described as a reckless bad boy by more than one music magazine.
And Dean is mesmerizing and everything that Castiel needs for a night. Until he's woken up in Dean's bed by a call naming him Angel Sigils' new manager.
Bookmarked by Chelly_khn
09 Dec 2024