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Lena has a headache and a long day, it takes Kara-level girlfriend softness and convincing to persuade her to come home.
- Part 1 of 4 times Jess calls Kara when something’s wrong with Lena, and 1 time Lena calls Kara herself
Bookmarked by Mercury_XX
25 Dec 2023
They’d been at this for several hours, at least, getting absolutely nowhere. At least one of Lena’s fingers was broken, another was definitely dislocated (judging by the angle at which it currently rested), she was pretty sure she would come out of this with at least one black eye, as well, and she had a small cut underneath her jaw from the knife that’d been pressed there early on in the process.
Amateurs, Lena had thought.
Or: Lena is kidnapped and tortured for Supergirl's identity.
- Part 1 of Stand By Me Universe
Bookmarked by Mercury_XX
25 Dec 2023