2 Works in Wisely Kamelot/Alma Karma
Listing Works
October half term deadline. Oh, Halloween, he could do that, this was going to be a piece of cake. Turning the first page, the student frowned because no, no he could not do this, this deadline would be missed because;
One: it was a cover story and he has never done one before.
Two: raising his hand, looking up from the booklet on his desk."Yes Kanda?"
"Who is Allen Walker?"
The silence that followed his question had him dying a little on the inside, as everyone looked at him with varying expression from confusion to absolute distraught.
"Uh… Did I… Say something wrong?"
"Where have you been for the past three years Kanda?"
- Part 1 of Piano Prodigy & Trainee Journalist AU
you: (__l__)
allel: did you literally
allel: kanda
you: allen
lavaman: lavi
allel: you just said your own name
lavaman: it was the only one left