6 Works in Mark Scout Needs a Hug
Listing Works
Two years before, they cross paths at a bar between Ganz and Kier. Mark forgets; Helena never will.
Helena is jealous, lonely and emotional. And Helly blesses her with the grace of a good excuse, unfortunately Mark is the victim.
“Where are we? I thought I was going to the Break Room.”
“We won’t be going there today. We’re trying something new.”
“Something new?” he parrots.
“I know you’re a good worker. And I know you want the best for your team.” Milcheck smiles at him. “But Ms. Cobel feels that you haven’t taken your role seriously and she wants you to know that you need to. So, you’ll be spending some time in the Sensory Room.”
____Mark and the gang get caught exploring Lumon's halls again. He's expecting the usual punishment, but Cobel has a different method in mind. After all, as the department head, Mark needs to be able to handle the consequences of his and his team's actions.
‘He knows what the principle of a hug is, knows that it’s when two or more people embrace, typically to display affection. But like holding his breath underwater or sitting around a campfire, he’s never actually— well, he’s never been hugged before.’
Mark’s having a ‘fuzzy’ day. Petey tries to hold him together in the supply closet.
The last thing Mark Scout remembers is being hugged by his neighbor.
The last thing Mark S remembers is panic, his ears ringing and his vision dimming and the breath caught in his chest refusing to come out; he remembers running, and falling—
But when Mark opens his eyes and sees— himself, but not, clearly in the grip of a panic attack, there's nothing he can do except what he did whenever Gemma would have a panic attack. A firm, steady hug, holding that shaking body tight as if enough pressure might stabilize whatever has come unmoored. If it was Gemma, he'd tuck her head under his chin, but the man in his arms is exactly as tall as he is, so Mark just presses his cheek to hair he's been meaning to get cut for weeks.
A King of Hearts in a House of Cards by BabyStepsAreStillSteps for Summer_Meadows
Fandoms: Severance (TV)
30 Jun 2023
Mark is one hundred percent, completely, and utterly fine. He doesn't miss Petey, he doesn't feel like he will burst into tears at any moment, and he definitely doesn't feel overwhelmed by the mounting expectations everyone has for the Department Head that result in more trips to the break room than he'd had in his previous two years combined.
Not a single one of those statements is true.