I Don't Run With Wolves (They Run With Me)
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Erica and Boyd were supposed to meet him. After the hell that had been the Argent's basement, they were supposed to meet him at home. Instead, they'd vanished into thin air, leaving Stiles frustrated and ready to tear his hair out. Derek won't talk to him and won't let him talk to Peter, Scott doesn't seem to care, and the Sheriff has other things to deal with. That's not going to stop Stiles from looking for his friends...
And in doing so, he's going to change everything.
Maybe Scott had been right - maybe before that night, before the basement, they hadn't really been friends. That didn't matter though. Not after everything they'd watched each other go through. Now though? Now Erica and Boyd were his, and he'd finally gotten them back. There was no way he was letting them out of his sight so soon. Especially not with the goals of the Alpha Pack still a complete unknown. It was better to keep them close.
They were scar buddies, after all.